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Jeeves___Having a problem with mounted drives,11:39
Jeeves___on a server version11:40
Jeeves___should I be in general support or here?11:40
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FjodorHi. Has anyone had a machine rebooting after grub, thus entering a cycle of reboots?01:28
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infamyis there any plans to make a webbased admin tool?09:47
spikether are already loads, why another?09:55
sharmsspike: how about list them for him rather than an unproductive response?09:56
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harry666i have troubles installing 6.06 server with a compaq smartarray controller, install works but after reboot the kernel cannot boot from the smartarray10:02
DJ_Miragespike. only good one I know which is open source is webmin, which is bloated10:02
spikesharms: how about different POV? to me, anybody saying "why not making a webbased admin tool", like any other tool, must have done researches andd know about others and their weaknesses10:08
tsumea webbased tool also opens up more insecurities10:09
spikea webbased tool doesnt open anything is it's well done10:09
spikeor rather, it opens sec probs as any other service10:09
tsumeyou're increasing vulnerability level by opening a server(http) and having a third party script run10:09
tsumeright, well webmin is full of holes lie swiss cheese10:10
spiketou're incresing vulnerrabilities any time you dd anything to your system. sowhat?10:10
spikeyes, it's known, and so what? there are many others besides webmin10:10
tsumea remote server tool(perhaps based on a RPC service) only opens up a server, less can go wrong.10:10
tsumespike: the only reason to go web based is convienence10:11
spikean admin panel hidden behind an htaccess is harmless10:11
spikeand how convenience is a bad thing?10:11
spikeand why convenience necessarily must be unsecure?10:11
tsumespike: its not a bad thing, it depends on the person10:11
spike21:09:34 < tsume> a webbased tool also opens up more insecurities10:11
tsumeI can out admin anyone stright from the command line however10:11
spikewhere's the person mentioned there?10:11
spikethere you say that webbased tools adds insecurities10:12
spikenow you say it depends on the person... and so what? a bad admin will make mistakes, a good one less.10:12
spikenothing to do with webbased applications10:12
tsumespike: its adding more which could go wrong, and you dono't know a web admin tool does everything correct.10:13
spikeagain, anything you add is something that can go wrong, and so what?10:13
spikeand you dont know cause you dont know the app or the app is poorly written. a good app does everything correct10:13
spikeagain, FUD10:13
spikeand even generic10:13
spikeit's not at all related to webbased tools, just any app10:14
spikethere's ebox as well, new product, very interesting10:14
tsumeheh. my apps are perfect ;) :P10:14
tsumej/k :)10:14
sharmsspike: it is quite apparent infamy did not do research10:17
sharmsspike: and since the spirit of ubuntu is helping others, why not recommend a few you have found interesting10:17
spikesharms: if is indeed a lot of infamy not to do research. spirit of helping others has nothing to do with lazyness10:19
spikesharms: besides, I alredy did, named 3 already10:19
tsumehas anyone started converting their products to use on ubuntu?10:20
tsumelike DirectAdmin, etc..10:20
tsumeI know some of them are very proprietary to certain distros/OSes.10:20
sharms I was testing a hostname bug, and was able to confirm it, and now I cant change my hostname back.  You guys know another way to use sudo? all I get is: sudo: unable to lookup bobvila via gethostbyname()10:35
tsumesudo works for me even if I didn't set my hostname correctly..10:40
tsumehehe, I usually have two sudo bash shells open anyway :)10:40
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infamysorry was away. and why i was asking if there was plans to make one just for ubuntu server, is that most of them out there lack polish and ease of use..11:23
infamyand from what i know of using ubuntu it is all about ease of use11:23
infamyand sharm left.. i have done my research i use webadmin right now, tried and use linuxconf on another machine. also have a clarkconnect box that has a closed source admin panel that is really good..11:30
infamyand i would NEVER put a box with a web admin panel on the net.. i use a vpn to get into my network. i just would rather it not take 10min to add a user to my server and create a share for them11:31
=== CarlFK [n=carl@c-67-163-39-124.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-server

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