
lucasvodash`: yes, rightclick on the ubuntu sign12:01
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lucasvodepi: both? you do dualboot?12:01
newbuntuhow can you chown multiple files?12:01
depilucasvo: yeah12:01
lucasvonewbuntu: multiple files?12:01
newbuntujust add a space then a name?12:01
lucasvowith regex12:01
dash`ah, thanks12:01
erUSULnewbuntu: with the -r swhitch (recursive)12:01
lucasvonewbuntu: no, in that case it's *12:01
=== cablesm102 [n=chatzill@209-6-179-65.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
tpg_indeed barktpolar, but u know something to do here? ;p12:01
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newbuntuYou probably want to chown these to a system user:12:02
newbuntu   was the error12:02
barktpolarPlay some games, make art in GIMP, type with Openoffice.org12:02
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lucasvonewbuntu: chown -r lucas *12:02
archetyposo i have a spare linux box on the lan (dual proc 300, 640MB ram, 18GB free) what should i do with this thing?  dns caching, squid (enough mem?), svn repo?12:02
cablesm102When in KDE, Ubuntu detects when I close my notebook lid. GNOME, however, doesn't. Is there a package that will help me with this?12:02
barktpolartpg_ what ubuntu are you using12:02
lucaslucasvo, :)12:02
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newbuntuthe lucas part is the file name?12:02
lucasvoarchetypo: bittorrentsharing of ubuntu12:03
lucasvolucas: ;)12:03
tpg_I just installed it, im now upgrading to 6.06 LTS12:03
lucasvolucas: my rn is lucas and my linux user12:03
barktpolarI have dapper as well12:03
lucasvoarchetypo: download them and leave the torrent program on12:03
tpg_but barktpolar, i just formatted my windows, u know if the sound works on Linux redhat 10?12:03
Arokhcan anyone help me out with partitioning for ubuntu? I want to make the permanent switch from xp to ubuntu (no dual boot), so I imagine I can't use ntfs partitions right? whats the size limit on fat32?12:03
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lucasvoarchetypo: or turn the pc off and save power12:03
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barktpolarI only use Ubuntu in Linux terms12:03
archetyponot a bad suggestion....my upstream is a little wonky tho sometimes12:03
tpg_IDK? whats that?12:04
nielsmArokh: fat32 is only useful if you want to exchange files between linux and windows12:04
lucasvo!ntsf > Arokh12:04
ubotuI know nothing about ntsf12:04
dreamcatcher5172i have everything successfully configured now and my desktop looks oh so sweet.12:04
nielsmfor linux you want to (need to!) use ext3 or reiserfs12:04
dreamcatcher5172ubuntu rules12:04
lucasvo!ntfs > Arokh12:04
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barktpolarI gotta fix thsi soundcard prob, I want to use Gaim-vv12:04
dreamcatcher5172whats gaim-w12:04
Lukeis anyone else getting 404's on archive.ubuntu.org?12:04
dreamcatcher5172i got gaim12:04
cablesm102When in KDE, Ubuntu detects when I close my notebook lid. GNOME, however, doesn't. Is there a package that will help me with this? I really prefer GNOME.12:04
tpg_me too12:04
bobo_how do I unhidden a folder in ubuntu? my mp3 player doesnt recognise hidden folders....12:04
Arokhok whats the size limit on a ext3 partition?12:04
nielsmArokh: a few terabytes i believe12:05
dreamcatcher5172ext3 partitions can be pretty big i think12:05
barktpolargaim-vv is Gaim with Voice and Video capabilities gaim-vv.sourceforge.net12:05
FoobalArokh: most likely enough for your use? couple terabytes I'd guess12:05
dreamcatcher5172cool im gonna go check it out12:05
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spadesbobo_ rename it, its hidden because it starts with .name just rename to w/o .12:05
sharmsI am looking for a good utility to create avi movies from my screen.  Suggestions?12:05
Arokhoh ok cool. Now my last question, i'm putting all my crap on a 200gb external hdd, which will be formatted with NTFS. can ubuntu mount that to read/write files for after everything is installed?12:06
bobo_well im trying to install rockbox on my iRiver H320... the folder needs to be named .rockbox12:06
cablesm102Arokh, Ubuntu can read but not write NTFS12:06
dreamcatcher5172ok do you use the auto packages or the source install for gaim-w....12:06
=== Phopsy [n=marcus@host86-129-6-76.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
sharmsArokh - Read yes, if you need to write to it use fat3212:06
bobo_because when I start the player. it says .rockbox directory not found12:06
erUSULArokh: not r/w sorry only ro12:06
dreamcatcher5172is the autopackages .deb files or something?12:06
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barktpolarI downloaded just about everything with ALSA12:06
mjrArokh, read yes, write no, recommend fat32 instead for bulk data storage if you need to access from various systems12:06
barktpolarbut still I have no sound12:06
spadesbobo_ rename to roxbox then 'ln -s roxbox .roxbox' to link it12:06
dragonthis sux lol12:06
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barktpolarand I can't access alsa-project.org12:06
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Arokhhmm... i tried to get windows to format the 200gb in fat 32 but it didn't give me the option. I suppose I'd have to partition it in chunks to do that?12:06
erUSULArokh: if you are brave enough you can try ntfs-fuse12:07
barktpolarNo autopackages and .deb packages are diff12:07
FoobalArokh: you could use ext2fs too, both windows and linux can read and write it perfectly12:07
archetypolucasvo that's prob the best suggestion...it's a sun ultra 2 enterprise so it's prolly sucking mroe power than the washing machien12:07
Lukeis anyone else getting 404's on archive.ubuntu.org?12:07
Arokhor i could just xfer everything from the 200gb, repartition and format in fat32 after installation12:07
PhopsyArokh: Use gParted to format in 200GB fat3212:07
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nielsmarokh: use linux or a win98 bootdisk to create fat32 partitions greater than 32 gb12:07
jpaisnetowhy can't I join #ubuntu-pt?12:07
gdbArokh: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q314463 - 32GB partition limit.12:07
barktpolarafter downloading the autopackage, you have to change the permissions to 666 and then double-click and run it and follow the instructions12:07
nielsmwin xp refuses to make large fat32 partitions, for no real reason (ither than making people use ntfs)12:08
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=== barktpolar needs more HDD space and memory
PhopsyI have a problem getting my IrDA dongle to work, anyone dain to try and help me?12:08
Bassettsdoes anyone know why cd writing always fails with vmware installed?12:08
Arokhcrap fat32 won't work anyway. I have a bunch of imported video from the camcorder, and the files are all like 13gb, says max file size on a fat32 partition is 4gb12:08
=== Warbo [n=chris@host81-156-116-114.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Arokhi'll just install ubuntu, copy everything over, nuke the 200gb and reformat with ext312:09
grimboyNon journalized file systems = the sux0r12:09
PhopsyArokh: Sounds like an excellent plan.12:09
Arokhnow, in case my wife screams, and I need to go back to xp, you say I can read ext3 in xp or not?12:09
=== barktpolar needs a new soundcard
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gdbhttp://support.microsoft.com/kb/310525/EN-US/ - Better information on FAT32.12:10
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FoobalI repeat: you can read and write ext2 in windows too. you can get driver from sf.net12:10
lucasvoArokh: no you can't12:10
grimboylucasvo, You can.12:10
Foobalthat includes ext3 too but the journaling doesn't work.12:10
gdbArokh: There is a free driver you can install on XP for it.  There was some guy in #ubuntu-offtopic talking about it the other night.12:10
lucasvogrimboy: really?12:10
WarboWow, that was weird. I just got disconnected and had to go through some nickname crap :(12:10
erUSULFoobal: i heard that it is not very reliable...12:10
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sokubanI always have two extra drives on automount, how would I set it so that those drives won't be on the desktop but other drives (such as a CD or smc) would be on the desktop when I put them in?12:10
barktpolardial-up Warbo?12:11
webben1How do you list all _installed_ packages from the CLI?12:11
gdbThe folks that were using it reported no issues.12:11
Foobalreusul: yeah, perhaps, if the ext2 code from linux kernel is not very reliable.. lol. because all that is around it are some light wrappers12:11
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Arokhwell i'll just install ubuntu for a few days before i mess with the stuff on the 200gb. if my wife is ok with it, then i'll start moving stuff12:11
sokubanwebben1: try aptitude12:11
Warbowebben1: "dpkg -l" isn;t it?12:11
gdbwebben1: dpkg -l or dpkg --get-selections | grep install12:11
gdbI prefer the latter because it gives more information about removed or purged packages.12:11
PhopsyI have a SigmaTel 4200 dongle, but no matter how hard I try I can't get it to receive files from my phone. Can somebody suggest something?12:11
gdbthe former is quick and dirty and works well12:11
barktpolarDoes'nt aMule have a IP Blocker12:11
webben1gdb: i don't get it -- aren't removed or purged packages _not_ installed?12:12
Arokhwhat's more geared for "home use", ubuntu, or kubuntu?12:12
Warbobarktpolar: I think there are some blacklists that the servers use12:12
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lasindiHi all, I want recompile the Ubuntu kernel, but I want to use Ubuntu's kernel modifications and its configuration. I did "apt-get install linux-kernel" but I see that it doesn't have a .config with it. Is there a place I can get the default Ubuntu configuration?12:12
barktpolarfor aMule?12:12
tpg_how do i install KDI or something?12:12
webben1Arokh: doesn't work like that12:12
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lucasvoArokh: both is about the same12:12
lucasvoArokh: it's up to you12:12
gdbwebben1: That's right,  that's why you'd grep for "install" to grab installed packages (it's the second column of information if you run it without the grep and take a look).12:12
WarboArokh: It is a matter of preference. Try one, then install the other via apt and try that out as well12:12
Arokhi THINK when i was running fedora on the web server, I preferred gnome12:12
lucasvoArokh: I prefer Gnome, so It's Kubuntu12:12
webben1gdb: oh i see, thanks12:13
bobo_spades; Operation not permitted... what do I do?12:13
lucasvoArokh: so take ubuntu12:13
gdbwebben1: Also dpkg -l and dpkg --list are equivabent.12:13
lucasvoArokh: but running a GUI on a webserver doesn't really make sense :)12:13
gdber equivalent12:13
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zybrid_tips on a good ftp client like flashfxp?12:13
spadesbobo_ what program gave that error>?12:13
barktpolardownloading amule now...12:13
PhopsyAny IrDA experts present tonight?12:13
bobo_spades; the terminal?12:13
Arokhit was a dual purpose, web server and spare computer for when my wife was on bed rest :D12:13
Fooballucasvo: yeah right, usable management tools just suck. lol12:13
bobo_spades ; am i doing it wrong?12:14
Warbobarktpolar: I use MLDonkey12:14
spadesbobo_ can you paste exactly what you did?12:14
depiI"ve just sold the Azureus&FAT32 problem: http://www.azureuswiki.com/index.php/FAT32PartitionUnderLinux12:14
barktpolardoes GNOME stand for something?12:14
Warbodepi: How much for? :)12:14
bobo_spades ; bobo@unix:/media/H300$ ln -s rockbox .rockbox12:14
WarboGNU Network Object Model Environment12:14
barktpolarIs it in the Add/Remove List12:14
depiWarbo: heh :D12:14
spadesdid you rename .roxbox so its not there anymore?12:14
ruvilAnyone know how to change locales in ubuntu? 'dpkg-reconfigure locales' does not work :/12:14
kbrooksbarktpolar: GNU Object Model Environment, I think12:15
spadesbobo_ did .roxbox need to be on your homedir or on the player?12:15
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lucasvoFoobal: ?12:15
Arokhare there any good programs for importing video from the camcorder, editing, and burning dvds under linux?12:15
barktpolarHere is another question I want to know12:15
PhopsyArokh: Yeah, Kino if you have DV12:15
Warbobarktpolar: It is seperated into "mldonkey-server" and "mldonkey-gui", but I use Sanch for a GUI anyway (not in Ubuntu, but I converted an RPM)12:15
erUSULArokh: no that i know of... you have kino for import editing12:15
barktpolarIs teher any programs in Ubuntu that import stuff from Webcams?12:15
tpg_Is SuSe a good linux version?12:15
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Arokhyeah i have dv, i just hope ubuntu recognizes my firewire card12:16
PhopsyArokh: I'm sure it will...12:16
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lucasvotpg_: not as good as ubuntu ;-)12:16
depiWarbo: but why I cant download sometginh with firefox to FAT32 I really dont know12:16
PhopsyLucasvo: Hehehe... :D12:16
zybrid_tpg_: yes and no.12:16
zybrid_tpg_: use dapper.12:16
tpg_what is dapper?12:16
tpg_a linux? 0_O12:17
ubotudapper is the 4th and latest release of Ubuntu. Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake"12:17
Daveyboycan someone please take a look at this error http://pastebin.ca/8277112:17
Phopsytpg_: Dapper Drake, Ubuntu 6.0612:17
barktpolarDappek Drake = Ubuntu 6.06 LTS12:17
tpg_ah,, im upgrading to that now, thnx12:17
=== tanawana [n=rick@dynamic-acs-24-154-175-156.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
sokubanI always have two extra drives on automount, how would I set it so that those drives won't be on the desktop but other drives (such as a CD or smc) would be on the desktop when I put them in?12:17
tpg_whats the point of it then?12:17
=== unstablesob [n=unstable@ip68-226-113-147.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Phopsytpg_: What's the point of what, exactly?12:18
Arokhi have 120gb for ubuntu, but like i used to do in windows, i'd partition like 40/80 gb, OS on the 40gb so if anything messes up i can format and reinstall without losing my data on the 80. is that how i should do it for ubuntu?12:18
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WarboArokh: Put the non-OS bit as "/home" and it will be automatic :)12:18
barktpolarDoes Ubuntu need a spyware blocker12:18
lucasvoArokh: 40 for the system?12:18
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Warbobarktpolar: No12:18
lucasvoArokh: I would say 2012:19
PhopsyArokh: I'd go for 20GB for the system...Lots of video space then.12:19
Arokhoh, i have another 120 for the video :D12:19
Daveyboycan someone please take a look at this error http://pastebin.ca/82771 tryomg to install perl modules12:19
=== packy [n=packy@hd5e250ee.gavlegardarna.gavle.to] has joined #ubuntu
tpg_the upgrade of ubuntu i heard12:19
Arokhbut if i can get away with 20/100, why not eh?12:19
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barktpolarThis room is nice to be in12:19
lucasvoArokh: my ubuntu never used more than 1012:19
Phopsytpg_: Because it's very good, very stable, well-supported, gorgeous and fun :D12:19
=== bcron [n=brian@c-68-50-141-126.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Arokhyou know how windows apps are, fat, so that's why i was doing 40/8012:19
tpg_I hope my sound cards works on it too :/12:19
tpg_but ok ;p thnx for your help12:19
Phopsytpg_: What soundcard are you using/12:20
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WarboArokh: I agree. I used to use like 3GB for XP, and 37GB for files. Then I found out that my stuff doesn't work when I install it to my files partition, even though it says "which folder do you want to install it in?"12:21
PhopsyAnyone know why emulated programmes would go to the bother of running only in bluescale?12:21
kbrooksonly in what?12:21
barktpolarPhopsy: I Use a ESS Audiodrive12:21
WarboPhopsy: What's that? (and what system are you emulating?)12:21
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tpg_Phopsy, im using a creative 24 bit audigy souncard12:22
PhopsyWell, it's Not Emulation...12:22
WarboPhopsy: Ah, WINE?12:22
PhopsyWarbo: Darn right.12:22
PhopsyWarbo: It runs it, but it's all in blue!12:22
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Arokhif i really really really need to do something with a windows program, is there a vm program in ubuntu?12:23
WarboPhopsy: BSOD? Wow, the latest version of WINE is so near!12:23
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tpg_whats WINE? 0-o12:23
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.12:23
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare12:23
PhopsyWarbo: It's not really a BSoD...it just runs the entire programme infused with blue12:23
PhopsyWarbo: Strange stuff.12:24
WarboPhopsy: Ah. Have you installed a silly theme in ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/Resources/Themes?12:24
PhopsyWarbo: Not installed any themes. It was the first game I'd succeeded in getting to work, so I was quite frightened when it all ran in blue tones.12:25
Arokhas i'm thinking this through, i have a bunch of games that i might still want to play here and there, maybe i should just dual boot. how do I do that? instlal ubuntu then xp?12:25
WarboPhopsy: GAME? Now there's your problem :)12:25
depiDoes anyone know why is it impossible to download something with firefox to fat32? (really strange thing)12:25
tpg_So... if i got WINE i could play windows games and stuff on it and install windows drivers orrr??12:25
Warbotpg_: Applications usually, Games sometimes, Drivers no12:25
tpg_ok, thn12:26
ubotucedega is a project based on wine, aimed at running windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega12:26
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PhopsyWarbo: Well yes....Most likely to be the problem. Figured it might be a common problem, but seems not :P12:26
tpg_dumb question : is this a linux x86?12:26
Warbotpg_: x86 is a 32bit "IBM compatible" "PC"12:27
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Warbotpg_: Basically: If it runs Windows then it is an x86 (but may be an x86_64/amd64)12:27
Phopsytpg_: So a Linux x86 would be a distro that ran on x86 architecture.12:28
Phopsytpg_: Like Ubuntu :)12:28
WarboPhopsy: Linux is the kernel, which runs on x86, PowerPC, MIPS, SPARC, m68k, CELL, etc.12:28
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WarboUbuntu is a DISTRO or an OS12:28
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PhopsyWarbo: Shush, I knew that :-P12:29
WarboPhopsy: I didn't actually notice the tpg_: part of your message :)12:30
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PhopsyWarbo: Bleh, it happens12:30
=== cius [n=cius@c-68-52-104-93.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
barktpolarWhat is the URL for the Ubuntu Package Site12:30
=== MrZaius [n=cragos@client-sp01-130.speedex.net] has joined #ubuntu
MrZaius"Running "/sbin/lilo' failed with error code "1"12:30
MrZaiusthat's a bad thing right?12:30
MrZaiusneither grub nor lilo will install on my box12:31
MrZaiusalthough they did before, when I used it for gentoo12:31
tpg_Are .db files runable here?12:31
Warbotpg_: .db? Sounds like a database maybe?12:31
=== Pbomba [n=king@dsl-165-126-125.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
MrZaiusubuntu, however, fails when I install it to the MBR of either hdd, and hang indefinitely when installed to floppy12:31
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MrZaiuswhat on earth is going on?12:31
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Dr`KeoWhat's the version of the Nvidia drivers in the ubuntu repository?12:32
tpg_dunno, im trying to install WINE in some way... but i think im wrong, i got a link on the WINE website, u know maby where i can download WINE?12:32
=== tiflsc [n=tiflsc@c054.fem.tu-ilmenau.de] has joined #ubuntu
void^!info wine12:32
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 8578 kB, installed size 40460 kB12:32
Warbotpg_: Easy. System>Applications>Synaptic Package Manager. Search for wine :)12:32
erUSULtpg_: sudo pat-get install wine12:32
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WarboGo on Pat, get me some wine!12:33
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eragon24how many people here play runescape??12:33
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:33
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Dr`KeoOne more time... What's the version of the Nvidia drivers in the ubuntu repository?12:33
MrZaiusDr`Keo apt-cache'll tell you12:34
MrZaiusafter running apt-get update12:34
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MrZaiusanyone know what'll keep lilo or grub both from installing on a box where they both worked before?12:34
LukeSeveas: i've added your repo to my repo list but your packges dont show up in synaptic when I search even though I  followed the wiki guide for adding it12:34
Dr`KeoMrZaius, I've got synaptic updating atm, I just need which version the drivers are12:34
MrZaiusDr`Keo: it's possible apt-cache'll still run12:34
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WarboDr`Keo: Search for nvidia-glx then. The package version is the driver version12:34
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knanandwat are the repos i need to add in order to install Opera 912:35
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knanandi dont find opera in my list12:35
Warboknanand: Try easyubuntu maybe12:35
Dr`KeoCrud... These are too old for the 620012:36
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Warboknanand: Or at least it's repos12:36
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Warbothe "penguin liberation front" has it I htink12:36
knanandcan you give me the url12:36
Gareth^hm, what would be the simpest way to migrate from an amd64 kernel to an i686 kernel while retaining user settings?12:36
sara_I'm still having troubles after typing ipkg-build.sh Test12:36
sara_ I get an error saying the following files have a UID than 99, and It tells me I should chown them to a sytem user... I'm trying but cant seem to get the command12:36
Gareth^I've got a seperate /home partition, I'm thinking I'd just copy everything to there that I'd need and then replace it after redoing my / partition12:36
Warbodeb http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/ breezy free non-free12:36
mikereMrZaius: only think I can think of that would stop them from working would be swapping drives so the primary boot drive didn't have a boot loader or something similar.12:37
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WarboGareth^: /home shouldn't need to change, but you may want some stuff from /etc that you have configured yourself12:37
coventryI wanted to install Ubuntu, but was unable to because my machine has a harddrive which the current Ubuntu kernel can't deal with.  (Had to use the Etch nightly build installer, then apt-get upgrade to sid to get a machine which would boot debian.)  But sid doesn't know about my video system (Dell 3007 WFP with an NVidia Quadro FX graphics card,) while Ubuntu doesn't seem to have a problem with it.  Is there some way I could get Ubuntu's X configurati12:37
Sir_FawnpugGreetings everyone; I'm currently running breezy and I'm just getting around to updating to dapper (which I hear has better wireless support). I was wondering what kind of configuration I'd have to change to get the wireless going (It's one of those nasty broadcom chipsets)12:38
ccc_knanand: well, you can download the ubuntu deb at opera.com and install it with: sudo dpkg -i <file>12:38
Gareth^thanks Warbo12:38
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Sir_FawnpugAnd if that didn't make much sense, forgive me, as I have been drinking beer.12:38
dreamcatcher5172whats a compiler and how can i get one to install from source12:39
sara_Wireless worked immeadiatley for me12:39
Sir_Fawnpugsara_, awesome, what chipset are you using?12:39
Warboapt-get install build-essential12:39
sara_salt & vinegar12:39
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_DjScrew_anyone that can help me install a linksys wusb54g without an internet connection on the ubuntu box12:39
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Sir_FawnpugIf I ever designed ICs, I would name a chipset that.12:39
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dreamcatcher5172super thanks im installing it now12:40
knanandWarbo: I get an error like this "opera: Depends: xlib6g (>=3.3.6) but it is not installable or xlibs  but it is not installable"12:40
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sara_dapper drake ...  all dressed12:40
tpg_what is sudo pat-get install wine? well when i typ this in terminal it gives a message that i need to type my password but i cant type anything :/ only enter...12:40
Sir_Fawnpugsara_, did you also upgrade from breezy, or did you do a clean install?12:40
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Warbotpg_: 1) apt-get 2) it is being entered, just doesn't show for security reasons12:41
RegalDraci got a file in my home folder12:41
RegalDracwhen it ry to delete it says its not there12:41
RegalDracany idea how to remove it12:41
Sir_FawnpugAhh, you see I'm hesistant to do a clean install because I got alot of things set up the way I want them to be on this machine. Mainly my fluxbox config and all.12:41
sara_sir  do you know how I can chown a bunch of files to my user at one time?12:41
barktpolarHere is a site I found that has packages packages.ubuntu.com are those .deb files compatible with the GDebi Installer12:41
Sir_Fawnpugsara_, chown user:group *12:41
Sir_FawnpugIn bash12:41
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saperDuperhi. i put the ubuntu 6.06 cd i just downloaded in my pc and i get the following error message while booting the kernel: crc error.Kernel panic -not syncing:VFS:Unable to mount rootfs on unknown block (1,0). any ideas?12:42
Warbobarktpolar: I do hope you are kidding? Have you never used Synaptic?12:42
Sir_FawnpugOr for just your user, just chown user *12:42
sara_im not sure what the group is though12:42
knanandWabro: I get an error.. Please help me..12:42
Sir_Fawnpugsara_, the group is only included if you use the colon, eg, chown :group *12:42
Warboknanand: Try installing the "xlibs-dev" package12:42
tpg_well i didnt marbo, i just searched WINE at it but it didndt found anything12:42
Warbochown owner.group filename12:42
barktpolarNo I''m12:42
Sir_FawnpugWhat bash will actually do is expand the * wildcard to include all matching files.12:42
=== infyquest [n=chatzill@c-71-232-178-107.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sara_when i type chown user *  it goes to the next line... but12:43
infyquestping ben collins12:43
Warbobarktpolar: packages.ubuntu.com is where all of the packages in Synaptic are from :)12:43
Sir_Fawnpugsara_, feel free to pm me12:43
Warbo!tell tpg_ about universe12:43
Sir_FawnpugDid you look at the output of ls -l?12:43
barktpolarOh *does anime sweat drop*12:43
Sir_FawnpugAnd you can only chown files which you own.12:43
Warbotpg_: Follow the instructions to get Universe and Multiverse enabled, then look again12:43
Sir_FawnpugSo you will need to probably do it with "sudo chown user *"12:44
Sir_FawnpugOr if you have your root password (I am not a big fan of sudo), su and chown from there12:44
Sharrowwuff :)12:44
WarboSir_Fawnpug: Don't recommend root, and also "sudo su" works without root12:45
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barktpolarJust liek I'm not a big fan of pppd12:45
barktpolarI use GNOME PPP12:45
Sir_FawnpugWarbo, maybe I'm just apprehensive of sudo but I much rather prefer su over sudo.12:45
mythtvhello can anyone helpme with mythtv12:45
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WarboSir_Fawnpug: I use "sudo -s -H" all of the time (even though I know "sudo -i" is quicker)12:45
barktpolarbecause pppd get sme on my nerves, it always d/cs one me12:46
Sir_FawnpugMaybe that's why I haven't seen the illustrious wheel group in ubuntu12:46
mythtvok i guess thats a no12:46
mythtvany idea12:46
=== josh [n=josh@66-191-145-50.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
joshhows it going people12:46
ubotumythtv is for watching TV in Linux.  Check out http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/16/instructions-to-install-mythtv/12:46
joshgot a question... what is the sourcelist for dapper?12:46
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ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems12:47
joshand when i do the sudo apt-get dist upgrade, will i lose any files?12:47
Warbojosh: "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" will tell you :)12:47
eragon24how many people have created game-playing bots??12:47
barktpolar!ubotu sound12:47
ubotuI know nothing about ubotu sound12:47
Sir_Fawnpugjosh, I'm looking for that too, I'll let you know when I find it.12:47
RegalDracis there a command to get full out pc stats12:47
RegalDracand distro12:47
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joshwarbo... sources list aint going to tell me dude12:47
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems12:47
=== Reimu [n=sokuban@HSE-Quebec-City-ppp129781.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Warbojosh: 1) dist-upgrade 2) No. If it screws your system and you have to format it to make it usable then yes :)12:47
sara_pastebin doesnt seem to work anymore12:47
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mythtvit is12:47
Sir_FawnpugRegalDrac, well as far as distro, you can do uname -a and that should give you all of the basic system and kernel information.12:47
ReimuI have two drives on automount, how would I get them off my desktop? Without unmounting them?12:47
joshyeah... no. im trying to avoid that see12:47
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knanandWarbo: I get the same error after installing xlibs...12:48
joshreimu, mount them somewhere else in your fstab12:48
Sir_FawnpugYou can check processor parameters by catting /proc/cpu12:48
Warboknanand: Maybe get the .deb from opera.com then (it is buried quite deeply I believe)12:48
Sir_FawnpugIf you want to check pci information lspci12:48
mythtvi am having probs getting the play and live tv functions to work12:48
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mythtvi get this12:49
mythtvwhen trying to watch live tv12:49
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:21.227 LiveTV not successfully started12:49
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:21.236 Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV12:49
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:21.239 Changing from None to None12:49
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:21.279 Enable DPMS12:49
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:21.289 Using protocol version 1512:49
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:21.431 Using protocol version 1512:49
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:21.566 Using protocol version 1512:49
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:21.730 Using protocol version 1512:49
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:21.890 Using protocol version 1512:49
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:22.057 Using protocol version 1512:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:49
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:22.244 Using protocol version 1512:49
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:22.407 Using protocol version 1512:49
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:22.571 Using protocol version 1512:49
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:22.740 Using protocol version 1512:50
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:22.895 Using protocol version 1512:50
Sir_Fawnpugack, pastebin12:50
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:23.059 Using protocol version 1512:50
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:23.233 Using protocol version 1512:50
thenukeplease kick :)12:50
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:23.318 Using protocol version 1512:50
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:23.660 Disable DPMS12:50
sara_Sir_Fawnpug  i pm'ed you12:50
Warbomythtv: STOP!12:50
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:23.909 RemoteFile::Read() failed in RingBuffer::safe_read().12:50
ardchoille /ignore mythtv12:50
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:24.129 RemoteFile::Read() failed in RingBuffer::safe_read().12:50
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:24.357 RemoteFile::Read() failed in RingBuffer::safe_read().12:50
Sir_FawnpugSara, good deal12:50
thenukehe cannot stop :P12:50
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:24.585 RemoteFile::Read() failed in RingBuffer::safe_read().12:50
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:24.815 RemoteFile::Read() failed in RingBuffer::safe_read().12:50
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:25.046 RemoteFile::Read() failed in RingBuffer::safe_read().12:50
Sir_Fawnpugerr, you did?12:50
mythtvCouldn't read file: rbuf://
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:25.103 LiveTV not successfully started12:50
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:25.130 Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV12:50
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:25.134 Changing from None to None12:50
joshmythtv!!! dont flood the channel12:50
thenukemythtv: but please, tell us, what the hell were you thinking about :D12:50
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:25.190 Enable DPMS12:50
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:25.202 Using protocol version 1512:50
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:25.334 Using protocol version 1512:50
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:25.471 Using protocol version 1512:50
saperDuperhi. i put the ubuntu 6.06 cd i just downloaded in my pc and i get the following error message while booting the kernel: crc error.Kernel panic -not syncing:VFS:Unable to mount rootfs on unknown block (1,0). any ideas?12:50
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:25.635 Using protocol version 1512:50
knanandWarbo: ok.. hope that works... but i get an error when i try to update also.. is this related to this problem??12:50
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:25.780 Using protocol version 1512:50
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mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:25.948 Using protocol version 1512:50
WarboHelp I'm drowning!12:50
mythtv2006-07-08 15:25:26.114 Using protocol version 1512:50
mythtv2006-07-08 112:50
mythtvsorry guys12:50
mythtvsorry guys geesh12:50
Sir_FawnpugMyth, please post that to a pastebin.12:50
sara_what a faux-pas12:50
=== Phate[G] [n=accounts@c-71-199-99-247.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mythtvit willstop soon12:51
saperDuperhi. i put the ubuntu 6.06 cd i just downloaded in my pc and i get the following error message while booting the kernel: crc error.Kernel panic -not syncing:VFS:Unable to mount rootfs on unknown block (1,0). any ideas?12:51
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joshsara > www.dictionary.com12:51
mythtvyes yes12:51
Warboknanand: I would disable any extra repos during an upgrade12:51
mythtvsorry really12:51
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kern_mallocsaperDuper: what kind of harddrive do you have?  is is SATA?12:51
PhopsysaperDuper: Do you get a menu first?12:51
saperDuperPhopsy: yes12:51
Sir_Fawnpugmythtv, we're not angry at you or anything; just so you know next time.12:51
saperDuperkern_malloc: ATA12:51
WarbosaperDuper: Try checking the disc's md5 hash (see if it is corrupt)12:51
mythtvany mythtv help here12:51
kern_mallocsaperDuper: i haven't installed ubuntu, but i'm sure there's an option you can parse at the beginning to specificy your hdisk if it's scsi or SAA12:52
kern_mallocer SATA12:52
saperDuperWarbo: i already have.it is not corrupt12:52
kern_mallocor it's ata that should be in default12:52
barktpolarDoes anyone in here use a ZIP Drive?12:52
gteppel__I'm running Ubuntu as my home gateway/firewall and was wondering what ports I needed to open/forward so a machine inside my network can use a gnutella based p2p program?12:52
etavihi all, i have a question regarding how are the managed libraries(say from synaptic installations) and libraries from manual installations(from source) mangle together ? (hope it makes some sense :) )12:52
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saperDuperall these guys have the same problem http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=189915&highlight=crc+error12:52
Reimu_Sorry, if anyone answered my question about the desktop icons can you say it again?12:52
Reimu_I can't connect to Reimu12:53
Warbogteppel__: Just use whatever port the program is set to use (I know gtk-gnutella is set to use a random one by default)12:53
Sir_FawnpugDid anybody find the sourcelist for dapper?12:53
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:53
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Reimu_I have two drives on automount, how would I get them off my desktop? Without unmounting them? (I don't have them mounted to the desktop, I have them mounted to /media)12:53
SurfnKidis anyone using XGL/Compiz now12:54
sara_do u have to be root to chown a user?12:54
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Sir_FawnpugWarbo, that's awesome, thank you.12:54
avisis anyone here running ubuntu dapper drake with a geforce 6200 ?12:54
spadeschown is for files not users, if the current owner of the file is not you, root/sudo needs to be used to chown to your username12:54
Daveyboy what are the development packagesnames for mysql and GD?12:54
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:54
ks1Reimu_: gconf-editor and change the gconf settings for nautilus12:55
mythtvok have a good night everybody gonna try to get mythtv to work12:55
ks1show mounted volumes on desktop12:55
coventryWhere could I download a copy of the latest .deb file for the ubuntu package xserver-xorg-driver-nv?12:55
barktpolarIs there any good places to download autopackages then?12:55
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Reimu_ks1: thanks12:55
Warbocoventry: packages.ubuntu.com12:55
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eragon24has anyone created a game-playing bot at all??12:55
RegalDracis there a way to open 7zip files in Linux12:55
sara_spades the error i get is : *** Warning: The following files have a UID greater than 9912:55
sara_and  You probably want to chown these to a system user:12:56
coventryWarbo: thanks12:56
barktpolarDownload 7zip, I believe that has a linux version12:56
WarboRegalDrac: apt-get install p7zip I think12:56
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Daveyboy what are the development package names for mysql and GD??12:56
eragon24has anyone created a game-playing bot at all??12:56
etaviif I install some software from source, and then uninstall a soft. from synaptic that shares a library with the first, could this brake it ? or how is it managed ?12:56
Reimu_ks1: I can't find that option, where is it?12:56
RegalDrack tks12:56
saperDuperRegalDrac: http://www.7-zip.org/download.html12:56
=== didymo [n=ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
LeanCalPerespaol por favor12:56
LeanCalPerespaol por favor12:56
LeanCalPerespaol por favor12:56
LeanCalPerespaol por favor12:56
LeanCalPerespaol por favor12:56
LeanCalPerespaol por favor12:56
LeanCalPerespaol por favor12:56
LoRezWarning: `LeanCalPer' seems to be spamming, please discontinue or kicks/kills/klines will be issued.12:56
spadessara_ what files are you trying to chown?12:56
LeanCalPerespaol por favor12:56
LeanCalPerespaol por favor12:57
=== CarlosLiu is now known as Quaternion
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.12:57
ks1Reimu_: one second, I have to look12:57
ubotuI know nothing about proftp12:57
Sir_FawnpugWarbo, that tool is really awesome12:57
ardchoilleW00T! First time I have installed anything outside of the repos and it worked!!!12:57
sara_theres a whole folder worth of files12:57
=== ardchoille pats himself on the back
WarboSir_Fawnpug: Never used it myself :)12:57
spadessara_ chown the folder and add -R to the end to get recursive so you dont need to do each one by one12:57
Sir_FawnpugWarbo, it seems to be pretty straightforward12:57
void^etavi: you're responsible for keeping dependencies of software you install manually. apt can't know about such things.12:57
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome12:57
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sara_spades sor for the newbieism but what would the command look like?12:58
ubotuirc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto), gaim (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GaimHowto), Konversation (http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/) - Also see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat and !guidelines12:58
spadessara_ ie: chown sara:sara ~/x/ -R12:58
ks1Reimu_: gconf-editor: apps>nautilus>desktop> volumes_visible12:58
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Sir_Fawnpugsara_, I'm sorry, I totally forgot about helping you.12:58
sara_no probs12:58
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RegalDrachey do you guys know the terminal command to use it12:58
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Sir_Fawnpugsara_, you have to at least own the file to chown I think.12:58
squigglyDCC SEND GNAAoverlords 0 0 012:58
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Sir_FawnpugOr be root12:58
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knanandWarbo: I think there is something serious problem.. The deb that i downloaded from Opera.com also dint work...12:58
Reimu_ks1: I tried that before but it wouldn't let me change, I forgot to be root >_<12:58
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avisis anyone here running ubuntu dapper drake with a Geforce 6200 ?12:59
barktpolarAnyone know why alsa-project.org is not working?12:59
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etavivoid^: is there any other way(than building a deb) to make apt aware of manually installed software ??12:59
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WarboRegalDrac: You can use file-roller (the GNOME archive manager) or use "7z x filename" I think12:59
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ks1You shouldnt have to be root.. maybe that gconf is set as read only.. gotta hate that12:59
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ks1gconf settings are user independant i beleive.12:59
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ardchoillesquiggly: that was *not* nice12:59
Warboetavi: You should try to give the Debs you make the right dependencies01:00
squigglythe gnaa made me do it01:00
spadesardchoille he does that once a day i think01:00
knanandWarbo: It gives an error like this "dpkg: error processing opera_9.0-20060616.6-shared-qt_en_i386.deb (--install): cannot access archive: No such file or directory Errors were encountered while processing: opera_9.0-20060616.6-shared-qt_en_i386.deb"01:00
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Sir_Fawnpugsara_, the best way to know about the behavior of chown is to read the manpage01:00
Sir_FawnpugBut I would assume that's the default behaviour.01:00
Warboknanand: Well that says that the file doesn't exist. Try renaming it to something simpler01:00
RegalDracWarbo:  whats the apt get to install make and stuff01:01
RegalDraci forgot the command01:01
RegalDraci got 2 pcs01:01
ardchoillespades: he was k-lined for it a couple days ago and I just reported him to lilo.. again01:01
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WarboRegalDrac: build-essential01:01
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RegalDracya but it was a diffrent than normal aptget command01:01
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RegalDraci think01:01
ks1yeah i think so too01:01
WarboRegalDrac: "sudo apt-get install build-essential" or "sudo aptitude install build-essential"01:01
RegalDracwhat is the aptitiude diffrence01:02
RegalDrac<-- noob01:02
WarboRegalDrac: Try just "sudo apt-get" then try just "sudo aptitude"01:02
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skavengeare there any gui cdrw tools?01:02
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Sir_FawnpugRegalDrac, I think aptitude is a KDE frontend to apt01:02
Sir_FawnpugAs opposed to synaptic.01:03
RegalDracoh ok01:03
Sir_FawnpugSo, I'm guessing aptitutde woudl source KDE01:03
ks1skavenge: graveman, gnomebaker, bonfire, k3b, many others.01:03
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Warboskavenge: k3b, nautilus, gnome-baker, xcdroast01:03
RegalDracim running ubun on 2 pcs01:03
RegalDracand tryen to write down what i put on here01:03
RegalDracto put on the other01:03
skavengehm okay01:03
=== der0b [i=s0d_0ff@c-24-218-106-50.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
spadesaptitude is a cli apt util01:03
xenos767I was wondering if there was anyone here that might be able to help me install WINE?01:03
Sir_Fawnpugspades, ahh, what was the kde?01:03
knanandWarbo: Hey thank you.. I had downloaded it to some other location.. I could install it now. Thank You again :)01:03
WarboAdept is the KDE frontend to apt. aptitude is a commandline frontend01:03
spadesSir_Fawnpug adept iirc01:03
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Sir_FawnpugAhh, OK.01:03
aroonihey folks... i'm trying to get my ubuntu to connect to the internet.... (have dapper hosted on a vmware workstation on winxp).  questions 1) how do i get the mac address in linux?  2) how do i make sure i can connect to the internet?01:03
ccc_Sir_Fawnpug: the kde frontend is adept.01:03
Sir_FawnpugIt's been a while since I've done anything debian.01:03
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spadesaptitude is like a gui in command line, but text based01:04
Sir_FawnpugAlthough I must admit the ubuntu devs have really outdone themselves01:04
Warboxenos767: go in Synaptic, install wine. Simple01:04
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AesopOk, weird bug: I've got some updates, one of htem is the new 'login', so I chick to see changes, it starts downloading, then Xorg restarts01:05
sokubanks1: I did what you said, but it doesn't work, I restarted X and unmounted the drives01:05
MuelliWarbo: You're sure that Wine is in the default repositories?01:05
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource01:05
WarboHappy now?01:05
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sokubanks1: also what was the name of the config program?01:06
sokubanks1: oops I am Reimu, I wonder how I could be using this name since I forgot the password01:06
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Sir_FawnpugThe drake is quite dapper.01:06
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aroonifolks... how do you get the MAC address on linux?01:07
ReimuDoes anyone know the name of the basic control panel in ubuntu? I know it starts with a G >_>01:07
naoHi, I'm having some trouble with VLC, anytime I load the player, and then load a media file it shuts down.  Does anyone know how I can fix that?  I'm very new to ubuntu so any help is very much appreciated.  I'm on Dapper.01:07
Sir_Fawnpugarooni, ifconfig shows them I think.01:07
Sir_FawnpugAs hdwaddr01:07
spadesarchetypo ifconfig should show the mac addr01:07
eragon24has anyone created a game-playing bot??01:07
Reimunao: you have vlc-plugin-esd right? (or something along those lines)01:07
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naoReimu, yeah, I do01:08
arooniahh hwaddrses?01:08
Reimudoes vlc work on windows?01:08
Sir_FawnpugYeah, since the MAC address is hardware dependent I guess.01:08
naoReimu, when I installed it, it made it so that VLC would load my file and linger for about three seconds, but crashed01:08
naoReimu:  Yeah, it works fine in Windows01:08
WarboVLC works on Windows, but you need a different binary01:08
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Sir_FawnpugAnyway just find the MAC address for your preferred interface and you're good to go.01:08
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic01:09
Reimunao: no clue, sorry, I'm new to ubuntu too, why don't you try playing the files with another player?01:09
Sir_FawnpugYou know I'm really considering getting rid of gnome, will most of the administration programs run on just GTK?01:09
WarboSir_Fawnpug: Yes.01:10
pumphi, does anyone have a tv card?01:10
Warbopump: I do01:10
void^i do01:10
Sir_FawnpugWarbo, that is good news because I run in fluxbox all the time.01:10
xenos767when installing a file in synaptic, do I just click on the files, mark them, then apply?01:10
pumpwhich one do you have?01:10
Warboxenos767: Yes01:10
xenos767thanks Warbo01:10
ReimuDoes anyone know the name of the basic control panel app in gnome? I know it starts with a g >_>01:10
Warbopump: "Studio PCTV Rave"01:10
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charle97pump, i have a avermedia 9801:10
Sir_FawnpugI think the only thing I'd like to keep is gdm01:11
WarboReimu: gconf-editor?01:11
arooniim having trouble connecting to my linksys router with ubuntu01:11
pumpoh, i'm trying to make a pinnacle pctv stereo work01:11
ReimuWarbo: thanks01:11
pumpbut i can't make that :S01:11
Sir_Fawnpugarooni, do you have mac address filtering on?01:11
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joshwill i have to reinstall freenx after i do this dist upgrade?01:11
Sir_FawnpugAnd what kind of medium are you connecting with?01:11
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arooniSir_Fawnpug: sure, and i added the 'HWaddr' listed on 'eth0'01:11
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pumpwarbo, what chip does the pctv rave have?01:12
arooniSir_Fawnpug: and im trying to connect from dapper to my linksys router (its running thru vmware's workstation using bridged networkign, so it should be connecting direct to router from linux os)01:12
Warbopump: I don't know but I used the bttv driver or something last time I used it01:12
Sir_Fawnpugarooni, that's somewhat odd, the first thing I'd say is rerun net01:12
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pumpmine has a saa7134 philips chip01:12
Sir_FawnpugBut then again I remeber this isn't gentoo.01:12
pumpi don't have signal at all :S01:13
arooniSir_Fawnpug: what do you mean by 'rerun net' (im a linux noob01:13
xenos767now that I have wine installed, how do i open/use it?01:13
Sir_Fawnpugnet is an initscript01:13
Warboxenos767: Double click on a Windows program :)01:13
Sir_FawnpugBasically it's a script that gets started whenever your computer boots01:13
pumpxenos767: "wine file.exe"01:13
Sir_FawnpugOr more specifically, changes runlevels.01:13
arooniSir_Fawnpug: ok, so if i just typed in 'net' it gave me a usage message01:13
xenos767oh so it will automaticly work?01:13
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gteppel__what is a good iptables program that will simplify writing firewall rules?01:14
gteppel__it has to be command line01:14
Sir_FawnpugWell the script is located in /etc/init.d/ I think01:14
pumpxenos767, first exec "winecfg"01:14
gteppel__i'm running a headless erver01:14
Warboxenos767: If it's going to work at all :)01:14
Sir_FawnpugSo you're running ubuntu off of vmware?01:14
charle97pump, are you using tvtime?01:14
Sir_FawnpugI don't know the nuances of vmware so I can't tell you much about that.01:14
=== Polkadotshorts [n=Polkadot@dsl-165-250-227.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
Sir_FawnpugAll I can say is good luck.01:14
hydroksydeanyone else having CUPS issues in ubuntu 6.06 when printing to an IPP network printer?01:14
Sir_FawnpugAnd I hope it works for you.01:15
pumpcharle97, yes, but i'm not having signal with any program01:15
PolkadotshortsHow on earth can I make a screenshot in ubuntu? If i press print screen, nothing happens.01:15
PolkadotshortsThere used to be a window that opened01:15
Sir_FawnpugPolkadotshorts, there are alot of tools out there.01:15
WarboPolkadotshorts: Look in Application>Accessories (but printscreen should work...)01:15
Sir_FawnpugI have a screenshot utility that I keep in gkrell01:15
mcphailPolkadotshorts: are you using Xgl/compiz?01:15
Sir_FawnpugThat will take pictures01:15
charle97pump, what tuner setting are you using?01:15
hydroksydegimp does screenies too01:16
joshwhat is the dist upgrade command?01:16
Warbojosh: "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"01:16
joshi thought it was sudo apt-get dist upgrade but that aint it01:16
pumpcharle97, in the saa7134 module?01:16
Sir_Fawnpugjosh, I think it upgrades all the files in the distro01:16
joshleft out the damn -01:16
Sir_Fawnpugno, it's dist-upgrade01:16
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charle97pump, that's the card ... there's a tuner setting01:16
PolkadotshortsI dont know, mcphail. I installed the eye candy thing in ubuntuguide...and I had to set a keyboard something there....01:16
PolkadotshortsI am useless.01:16
untui need a packetsender for linux :) are there any packages?01:16
ardchoillejosh: you using my keyboard again? lol01:16
WarboPolkadotshorts: Do your windows wobble?01:16
PolkadotshortsI like my windows wobbling01:17
pumpyes, i load that module with the values "card=26 and tuner=33"01:17
mcphailPolkadotshorts: the window manager with the wobbly windows doesn't work with the printscreen button01:17
WarboPolkadotshorts: Then you have XGL/Compiz01:17
pumpthere is a tuner module, but i'm not giving it any value01:17
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Polkadotshortswel, that is useful01:17
Polkadotshortsa pity01:17
mcphailPolkadotshorts: (well, it _does_ now, but I'm using a non-standard repo)01:17
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WarboPolkadotshorts: Well Compiz has only been around for about a year (and only available for about 6 months)01:18
eragon24who has created a game-playing bot?01:18
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PolkadotshortsAlso, does anyone know if this nice wobbly thing will be default in the next ubuntu?01:18
WarboPolkadotshorts: I hope not01:18
mcphailPolkadotshorts: i doubt it. Too many problems yet01:18
PolkadotshortsI see.01:18
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PolkadotshortsWell, I think it looks nice.01:18
PolkadotshortsThis brown just does not do it for me, though01:19
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PolkadotshortsI am going to install that orange thing now01:19
charle97pump, have you tried different tuner settings?01:19
WarboPolkadotshorts: 1) Stuck with one window manager 2) Compiz has pathetic theming ability 3) root window doesn't work 4) accelerated video doesn't work on ATI cards01:19
ReimuI don't get it, when I uncheck the option in nautilus in  gconf-editor to show shortcuts to mounted drives on the desktop the shortcuts are still there, I tried everything, remounting, restarting x, changing fstab, rebooting the entire system, but the icons are still there. What might be causing this?01:19
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skavengeCan someone tell me why I'm getting this error when trying to erase a cdrw with k3b? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17575 thanks ..01:19
WarboNvidia, not ATI :)01:19
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WarboAlso the system-tray type thing ALWAYS crashes Compiz for me01:20
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RegalDracdo u need to install someone to unzip rars01:21
WarboRegalDrac: unrar-nonfree I think01:21
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression01:21
GUARDiAN|nbdoes anyone of you know if there is a tool that's able to shutdown a windows-pc from linux?01:21
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WarboGUARDiAN|nb: Hammer?01:21
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WarboGUARDiAN|nb: DDoS maybe?01:21
mcphailGUARDiAN|nb: i suppose you should be able to with rdesktop01:22
GUARDiAN|nbi need a non-exploiting scriptable solution01:22
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qwzybugso when is Gnome going to get a column view?01:22
pumpi'm sorry i'm back01:22
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Warboqwzybug: As soon as you install an app which can do it. As for Nautilus, I don't know01:23
arooniSir_Fawnpug: you there?  i got it.. (asked in #efnet|ubuntu... had to get the dns working and change it to and that worked for some reason)01:23
Androidis the installer for ubuntu fairly straightforward? (im new to linux and want to make sure before i start)01:23
WarboAndroid: Extraordinarily01:23
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ReimuAndroid: extreemly straitforward, don't worry about a thing, (I was worried too)01:23
andy-Whats a good media player? rythmbox sux..01:23
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ubotuamarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.1 and packages are available for Kubuntu at: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.1.php01:24
GUARDiAN|nbi like mplayer01:24
ardchoilleAndroid: I have a 7 year old niece who installed Ubuntu all by herself :)01:24
qwzybugWarbo: right, right... I'd love to see it in nautilus, though. column view is a really intuitive way to navigate the FS. much better than the tree view/win explorer in my opinion.01:24
andy-thought amaroK was for kde01:24
ReimuamaroK gives me 100% CPU O_O01:24
Warboqwzybug: I like spatial01:24
pumpardchioille: really? :|01:24
alinushakhow can i reset my repozitories from console?01:24
ubotuI know nothing about listen01:24
Reimuit is, but everyone likes it so much they install KDE just for it01:24
qwzybugWarbo: so you have folders open in new windows?01:24
dlialindeman, sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list01:24
Shizboomanyone use something else other than azerues for torrents?01:24
dliReimu, dapper is buggy :)01:24
Warboandy-: There is a media player called Listen which I like to use as well as Amarok. I will get a URL for it01:25
LaibschShizboom: mldonkey01:25
LaibschI repartitioned my HD and made /var a separate partition.  Now /var/run and /var/lock are not mounted as tmpfs anymore.  I read through /etc/init.d/mountvirtfs but cannot seem to figure this out by myself.01:25
Reimudli: sigh, I guess I'll have to deal with it01:25
aLPHa_LeaKardchoille: wow :)01:25
charle97i use gnome-btdownload for torrents01:25
skavengeamarok runs fine under gnome as well01:25
ubotuAudio/MP3 Players: amaroK, Audacious, Banshee, Beep-media-player, JuK, quodlibet, Rhythmbox, XMMS ; Video players: Totem, Xine, Mplayer, VLC - also see !codecs01:25
aLPHa_LeaKi use btdownload-headless for torrents01:25
andy-Warbo:  thx.01:25
dliReimu, I think it's time to install debian :)01:25
alinushakhow can i reset the repositories from terminal?01:25
Shizboomi gave up on getting proftp to work and am just using ssh :P01:26
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eragon24how do i create a game-playing bot??01:26
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Warboandy-: Add this to Synaptic's Settings>Repository>Add>Custom box "deb http://theli.free.fr/packages/dapper/ ./"01:26
Sir_Fawnpugarooni, I'm glad to hear it. Sorry, I had to answer the phone, that whas why I did not respond immidiately.01:26
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GUARDiAN|nbShizboom: i use transmission01:26
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alinushakthats a problem01:27
Sir_FawnpugI think I'm going to open enother beer01:27
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alinushakwhen i clic repositories the window appears and disappears01:27
ShizboomGUARDiAN|nb - happen to have a link to that?01:27
andy-Warbo: done01:28
arooniok so how do i set a static ip address that wont change (i.e. i want to connect to my linksys router.... but *always* have the ip address of  for example)01:28
Warboandy-: If you reload then listen will be available01:28
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andy-aah found it01:28
andy-thx Warbo01:28
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kdagi will like to test ubuntu,01:28
spadesarooni set a static ip in /etc/network/interfaces or using the network admin tool01:28
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b squiggly!*@*] by rob
kdagi have downloaded the cd01:28
ic56eragon24: have you created other types of bots?01:28
steveklGive it to me straight, doc: does google earth work well with linux nowadays?01:29
barktpolarWait, can ALSA be configured by PnP soundcards?01:29
Androidone other thing, what type of partition do i need to create to intall ubuntu in?01:29
gteppel__i have access to another server with nmap, how can i check if a machine a specific udp port open?01:29
aroonispades: so im int the 'network tools' part but i dont see an option01:29
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alinushakmy repositories window appears and disappears again when i open it01:29
GUARDiAN|nbshizboom: gotta search, wait01:29
alinushakwhat shall i do01:30
spadesarooni network tools is something different, look for network admin01:30
WarboAndroid: Logical volume, logical partition, extended partition, RAID device, etc. Anything. It can use ext2, ext3, reiserfs and xfs partitions for /01:30
kdagi have already gentoo installed on the HD, its 35gig, and im using 4 or 5, could i use the gparted inside the ubuntu liveCD installer to create a new partition out of the 35gig parition that i have?01:30
spadesarooni or just run gksudo network-admin from a terminal or run dialog01:30
Androiddoes the installer create the partitions?01:30
Androidor do i need to create them manually first01:31
GUARDiAN|nbShizboom: http://transmission.m0k.org01:31
Warbokdag: Usually. If it doesn't work try the command line tools, since GParted isn't perfect yet :(01:31
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WarboAndroid: Installer does it (unless you want to use LVM)01:31
Androidim not sure exactly what LVM is01:31
Androidso im guessing i dont need it01:31
ubotuI know nothing about lvm01:31
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WarboAndroid: It is useful for spreading partitions over multiple devices. (Fedora uses it by default I think)01:32
aroonispades: i got it now :P thanks01:32
mcphailAndroid: there's a reasonable intro to LVM on debian-administration.org01:32
Androidi only have 1 230 gig HD01:32
Androidso no need01:32
Androidi think01:32
arooniwhat the heck is and why did that ip address make my ubuntu connect to the internet01:32
kdagWarbo, i havent tried cause i want to have a dual boot to have the chance to compare and all, but im courious if the gparted option will resize thise reiserfs partition withouth deleting its contents?01:32
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Warbokdag: It will not delete anything without telling you that it is going to. I haven't tried resizing a reiserfs partition with gparted before, so I don't know whether it will let you01:33
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SurfnKidwhat the heck are the dropplets for with SHFT + F9 on XGL01:33
eragon24will some1 tell me a place where i can get basic programming codes for a game-playing bot??01:34
joshwhere can i get the xgl package?01:34
SurfnKidsup spades01:34
mrmaniahow did u get XGL running?01:34
h4v0ki need a question answered01:34
spadesarooni is level3 dns server01:34
SurfnKidjosh,  are you on Dapper01:34
kdagok Warbo tx for sharing your experinces01:34
joshim going to be as soon as this dist-upgrade is done01:34
mrmaniahow do you get XGL running on Dapper?01:34
h4v0ki a pkg i get has a debian binary file in it how do i make it work01:34
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems01:34
kdaggood begining in my ubuntu experience01:34
eragon24will some1 tell me a place where i can get basic programming codes for a game-playing bot??01:34
Warboh4v0k: dpkg -i packagename.deb ?01:35
SurfnKidjosh, cool then you're doing exactly the same steps i did, and it works01:35
Androidhow easy is it to share files between windows and linux? i think i read something about a different type of partition?01:35
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:35
mrmaniatry using samba01:35
=== joubert [n=joubert@68-116-199-179.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
dliAndroid, dual boot?01:35
eragon24will some1 tell me a place where i can get basic programming codes for a game-playing bot??01:35
h4v0kWarbo, yeah but it doesnt have an extention (.deb) is it still the same01:35
odladoes anyone know a nice green metacity theme like suse's chlorophyll?  i can't seem to find one anywhere01:35
mcphaileragon24: this is the wrong channel. See /topic01:36
mrmaniadoes anyone know where to get a BASIC compiler for Dapper?01:36
Androidsorry, yea i was meaning dual boot01:36
Androidrather than networking01:36
Warboh4v0k: Well a Debian (or Ubuntu) package usually ends in .deb. If not then it probably isn't a Debian package01:36
eragon24mcphail: it says theres no such channel as /topic01:37
dliAndroid, fat is the stable way, you can install ext2fsd in windows also01:37
mcphailAndroid: create a FAT partition01:37
Androiddo i do that during the installer?01:37
Androidor manually?01:37
joshman i cant wait till i get my enterprise 3000 and can back all my crap up on it and then do a computer reformat/reinstall of ubuntu dapper01:37
eragon24mcphail: it says theres no such channel as /topic01:37
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josheragon24: thats because there is no channel called /topic01:38
Warboh4v0k: Android either. Probably easier in the installer01:38
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joshall channels will be #channelname01:38
Warbo /join #channel I think01:38
joshso even if there is a "topic" channel... u aint gonna find it with a .01:38
dliAndroid, you can make the fat partition in windows also01:38
eragon24mcphail said there was01:38
Androidaright, will windows recognise a FAT partition by default?01:38
mcphaileragon24: type in "/topic" - you will see that this channel is not for discussing gaming bots01:38
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josheragon24: try /join #topic01:38
Androidor do i need to reconfigure something?01:38
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joshand by topic i think he meant whatever you were trying to learn about01:39
WarboAndroid: It will be given some stupid random letter in My Computer like always (which will probably change after every reboot, making path names break)01:39
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josh(ie- i wanna know perl... /join #perl)01:39
Androidthanks for all your help01:40
Androidi think im pretty much ready to go tomorroe01:40
WarboAndroid: Make sure it is one of your first 3 partitions though01:40
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SonicChaoeragon24: No quotes01:40
Androidwhy does it need to be in the first 3?01:40
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WarboAndroid: PC partition tables can only hold 4 partitions, so the last one is usually made to fill the rest of the device and then "extended" partitions are made INSIDE that one. I don't think Windows understands this, so make it one of the first three01:41
SurfnKidany idea as to why 1. amaroK is now crashing like never before, and 2. XGL/Compiz restarts on its own suddenly01:42
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WarboSurfnKid: Maybe because they are both unstable? :)01:42
SurfnKidafter I did a dist-upgrade01:42
SonicChaoSurfnKid: XGL, at #ubuntu-xgl01:42
WarboSurfnKid: Is it amarok 1.4.1?01:42
SurfnKidWarbo, but amaroK was super stable on Breezy01:42
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SonicChaoSurfnKid: and, um, I think there is an #amarok channel01:42
SurfnKidSonicChao, ok thx01:42
SurfnKidoh dang01:42
dou213hey,when is automatix 2 out?01:42
SurfnKidlet me check Warbo01:42
Warbodou213: The later the better01:43
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apokryphosdou213: /msg ubotu automatix01:43
dou213Warbo, why?01:43
SonicChaodou213: Automatix???????01:43
SonicChaodou213: Don't use it...it destroys systems </hint>01:43
Warbodou213: Well, Automatix 1 seems to screw systems up pretty well. What extra crap does 2 have?01:43
SonicChaoSurfnKid: upgrade amaroK i guess...01:43
WarboSurfnKid: OK, just that Amarok 1.4.1 is VERY new01:43
dou213yes, but i've heard they want to make compiz in it01:43
SonicChaodou213: Oh good lord...01:44
SonicChaodou213: This channel will be filled like never before!01:44
mcphailcompiz is quite good at destroying systems as well...01:44
ubotuamarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.1 and packages are available for Kubuntu at: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.1.php01:44
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SurfnKidok thx, I gotta figure out a few things, like why is gstreamer not an option on the output anymore, synaptic shows it as loaded, mmm funny hehe01:44
SonicChaomcphail: yes it is...01:44
Warbodou213: Wow, so the ARE planning to screw up more systems? I wonder how they will implement XGL? Probably delete a few config files, overwrite some libraries.....01:44
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SonicChaoWarbo: No, they'll replace 'sources.list' with 'AUTOMATIX PWNS YOU. THIS IS A BUG. LOL"01:45
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apokryphosdou213: easyubuntu is a decent enough alternative (/msg ubotu easyubuntu)01:45
dou213tried that... i just try to make my compiz to work... that's why i hope automatix will make it01:46
SonicChaodou213: Why you want Compiz is FAR BEYOND me.01:46
GigaClonhow can I disable the alt- move behavior?01:46
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dou213hmm... because of the eye-candies01:46
SonicChaodou213: Useless eyecandy...I knew it01:46
apokryphosit's not really useless01:47
SonicChaoThis Celeron M processor would catch on fire with Compiz...01:47
dou213well, depends on ur system, that's right01:47
apokryphosthere are clear useful accessibility enchancments (zoom, expose-type feature, better visualisation of desktops for new users) etc01:47
WarboI for one LOVE being forced into a single line of desktops01:47
olrrai_Xany know a good pxes image to boot a virtual machine ?01:47
SonicChaoapokryphos: You serious?01:47
SurfnKidSonicChao, catch on fire why? whats the speed01:48
SonicChaoapokryphos: All I've seen was a stupid cube01:48
apokryphosSonicChao: deadly01:48
SonicChaoSurfnKid: You don't even want to know01:48
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SonicChaoSurfnKid: Pretty fast...but it has crappy fans01:48
apokryphosSonicChao: then you didn't try it properly, or didn't take note of the usefulness of the demos. Some of the things are incredibly useful.01:48
SurfnKidis it on a Dell?01:48
SonicChaoSurfnKid: Gotta be replaced01:48
apokryphosand there's nothing wrong with a sweet tooth, too ;-)01:48
SonicChaoSurfnKid: HP Laptop01:48
SonicChaoapokryphos: ;)01:48
SurfnKidI see01:48
SonicChaoapokryphos: I was just saying...we don't recommend Automatix, at least I don't...01:49
archetypois an ethernet crossover cable required to connect to lans (they have auto sensing uplink on each port)01:49
apokryphosSonicChao: sure, I don't too.01:49
GigaClonhow i can disable alt moving the window around so I can use the alt button as the program wants to01:49
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odladoes anyone know how to add photos to an ipod nano?01:49
archetypoit seems to be working for the most part without but there's some whacky stuff going on01:49
SurfnKidSonicChao, I dont think Compiz uses a lot of cpu, i think it uses more of the GPU power, but then again i really dont know eevery bit of how it was programmed01:49
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rathehow do you delete a export when u make one01:49
SurfnKidodla, definitely not01:49
SonicChaoSurfnKid: Is it GPL?01:49
SurfnKidodla, go to #ipod channel01:49
WarboSurfnKid: I know it works on 32MB TNT2 cards01:49
mcphailSonicChao: compiz doesn't use much cpu01:49
SonicChaoSurfnKid: The General Public License....01:50
SurfnKidWarbo, yeah so i keep hearing01:50
SonicChaoHow could a Linux user not know what that stands for?01:50
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apokryphosmcphail: depends on  your card, and what you're doing with it.01:50
ubotugpl is the GNU General Public License. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html01:50
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SurfnKidSonicChao, but what were you referring to with GPL...01:50
SonicChaoSurfnKid: I met, is it licensed under the GPL01:51
SurfnKidmcphail, yep it doesnt, but i still wonder why my X restarts01:51
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SonicChaoSurfnKid: I'd like to look at the source, is what I mean01:51
SurfnKidSonicChao, wouldnt know hehe01:51
mcphail0.0%, according to top01:51
GigaClonI need to use the alt key in a program but when I try to use it, it move the windows instead, can anyone help01:51
SurfnKidmmm good question, its worth having a look01:51
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SurfnKidmcphail, figured out what the F9 thru F12 keys do for XGL? they drive me nuts i have no idea what each do01:52
SonicChaoSurfnKid: I'll go look01:52
mcphailSonicChao: not sure if it is GPL, but it is certainly open source. Novell are becoming the good guys.01:52
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msarmetHi there! I'm trying to make my wireless card work, but I'm having problems...01:53
SurfnKidSonicChao, wicked,01:53
SurfnKidNovell rocks01:53
mcphailSurfnKid: play around with the keybindings in gconf-editor01:53
WarboF12 does stuff in Compiz? Would that interfere with F12-G and F12-F type key combos in EUAE?01:53
SurfnKidmsarmet, whats the kind of card01:53
msarmetIt's an INPROCOMM IPN222001:53
SurfnKidmcphail, duhh i keep forgetting theyre there01:53
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SurfnKidmsarmet, Intel 2200b/g?01:53
SonicChaomcphail: Ok...just was curious...I like vieweing source as a hobby :D01:53
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msarmetSurfnKid: Yes01:54
DaReD3VILhello, im trying to install ubuntu 5.x and i am haveing problems with screen resulution with the boot-cd. i tryed to change it but i will not change. please help :)01:54
SonicChaomcphail: Especially of the most interesting programs...01:54
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SurfnKidSonicChao, you're the type to keep around when sh** happens and can debug stuff arent ya :] 01:54
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ubotuI know nothing about Intel220001:54
mcphailSonicChao: a very worthy hobby ;)01:54
msarmetSurfnKid: I found the driver neti2220.inf (windows XP driver) and tried to install it with ndiswrapper, but it didn't work01:54
grimboyDaReD3VIL, 5.x has a textual installer, so resolution shouldn't matter.01:55
SurfnKidmsarmet, are you on dapper?01:55
OddzballSupport channel people, hows it going, i really really need some help.01:55
DaReD3VILthanks i will try that01:55
SonicChaoOddzball: Please ask the question01:55
SurfnKidOddzball, shoot01:55
OddzballI cant get dual head working on my notebook01:55
SonicChaomcphail: Just starting learning...can't debug stuff yet...01:55
dliSurfnKid, ipw220001:55
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SonicChaomcphail: I like Open Source 'cause it is a good resource for code...01:55
msarmetsurfnkid, I'm starting linux, so I don't know...01:55
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SurfnKiddli thx01:56
Oddzballabd ive tried a lot of things01:56
ubotuI know nothing about ipw220001:56
Dial_toneI need some new oreilly books on cd/html01:56
ubotuI know nothing about anything01:56
ubotuI know nothing about yourmomma01:56
dlican someone disable the stupid " I know nothing " responce01:56
SonicChaoGUARDiAN|nb: Unnecessary01:56
SurfnKiddo you know anythingg about anything01:56
grimboyOddzball, At the risk of sounding like a noob I'm gonna ask. What is dual head?01:56
SonicChaoPlease don't do it again01:56
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OddzballDualhead is running two monitors01:57
NeverSayNeverhello..I have installed Ubuntu with VMWare.It's ok but i have a problem with my keyboard layout.i can not use my ALTGR key...01:57
DaReD3VILis their a driver for Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2200BG  so it will work on ubuntu ?01:57
SurfnKidsomeone smack IPW2200 out of ubotu for msarmet please01:57
msarmetsurfnKid, :) I Know I'm using 5.10 Ubuntu...01:57
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OddzballIm a linux newb too, but they call it dualhead for some reason01:57
dliSonicChao, there's no need for ubotu to write that message to channel01:57
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GUARDiAN|nbDaReD3VIL: yes... it's already included (at least with dapper)01:57
SurfnKidmsarmet, DaReD3VIL you both need the same driver I presume, try ubuntuforums.org or the Wiki01:58
SonicChaodli: True...it would reduce spam...it should say nothing when it knows nothing...you're right01:58
dliDaReD3VIL, sudo modprobe ipw220001:58
OddzballAnyway SonicChao, isnt there a command you can type in the terminal for the linux kernal that has  GUI interface for setting up DualHead?01:58
SonicChaodli: In this chan, when someone asks a question, I don't say "I know nothing about _________"....that's a good point.01:58
msarmetsurfnKid, ok, I'll try that. Thanks!01:58
SonicChaoOddzball: not that i know of01:58
GUARDiAN|nbSonicChao: users may be tempted to issue the !command again, if the bot doesn't say anything because they think its broken or something01:58
=== josh [n=josh@66-191-145-50.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
joshhey... doing this dist-upgrade... is it going to reinstall all my mp3 codecs and all that? i saw it dling the gstreamers but i dont know if it is just going to keep the package on the comp or actually install it01:58
SurfnKidmsarmet, npz01:59
DaReD3VILthx dli01:59
abowhat program do we use to record a cd ?01:59
SonicChaojosh: If it doesn't, use EasyUbuntu01:59
SonicChao!easyubuntu > josh01:59
dliDaReD3VIL, you can put ipw2200 in /etc/modules01:59
mcphailSonicChao: xgl is not gpl, but source is free. See http://webcvs.freedesktop.org/xorg/xserver/xorg/hw/xgl/xgl.h?revision=
josheasyubuntu screwed me last time i tried it... same with that... oh what was it called.... automatix01:59
andy-wow, 'Listen' is amazing.01:59
grimboyOddzball, What graphics card are you using?01:59
_DjScrew_can anyone help me install linksys wusb54g drivers on my fresh install, i don't have another internet connection01:59
dliabo, k3b from kde is the easiest, sudo apt-get install k3b02:00
GigaClonI need to use the alt key in a program but when I try to use it, it move the windows instead, can anyone help02:00
grimboyabo, yeah k3b is awesome, very nero like.02:00
SurfnKidjosh, seems everything upgraded fine, no need to install w32 codecs, just figuring out amaroK keeps crashing, but everything was just working a OK02:00
dli_DjScrew_, I think it's rt2500, try: sudo modprobe rt250002:00
ubotuI know nothing about !R02:00
SonicChaomcphail: Oh, thanks. I wonder what language that is in...:)02:00
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SonicChaomcphail: probably C...02:01
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mcphailSonicChao: looks like plain old C to me02:01
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l_rok. i am compiling the kernel with make deb-pkg02:02
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DaReD3VILthis is my first time useing GUI for linux02:02
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l_ri hope the deb package will take care of grub , links to source dir, and so on..02:03
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kubuntuneulingI have the following problem: when I boot my pc it boots normally but sticks in vt1 even though X is loaded as normal in vt7 and I can switch to it with ctrl+alt+f7. what can I do?02:03
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GigaClonI need to use the alt key in a program but when I try to use it, it move the windows instead doing what the program does, can anyone help02:03
SonicChaoGot to go...bye02:03
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SurfnKidl_r, grub! thanx for remindin me i gotta change some stuff there02:03
SurfnKidSonicChao, cyas02:03
dlil_r, sudo update-grub02:03
_DjScrew_dli: will this work without any other form of internet connection02:03
ryanakcaFor some reason "HTTP_PROXY=http://localhost:4001" keeps on showing up in "env". each time I have to run "export -n HTTP_PROXY". Is there a way to make it permanent (so that it doesn't keep on showing up)?02:04
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dli_DjScrew_, should be so, but I'm not sure about the chipset02:04
l_rdli, thanks i'll use that if deb-pkg wont update by itself eventually02:04
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_DjScrew_they say it has the broadcom chipset02:04
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_DjScrew_but all the methods i seen of installing them would require another form of connection02:04
dli_DjScrew_, then, sudo modprobe bcm43xx02:04
alinushaki have a problem with synaptic02:05
l_r_DjScrew_, do you have problems with your broadcom wifi device?02:05
joshdapper comes with ssh enabled right?02:05
dli_DjScrew_, it should give you an interface, then, you need to configure it up02:05
joshlol i hope so cuz if it dont... im screwed till i get home... :(02:05
_DjScrew_l_r: i'm trying to install a linksys wusb54g02:05
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_DjScrew_i have no other internet connection02:05
TokenBadanyone got ut goty iso to mount in ubuntu?02:05
alinushakhe cannpt mark for instalation02:05
dlijosh, not with the server, sudo apt-get install openssh-server02:05
shinmenI'm aving problems with a Soundblaster Live! 24 bits. The mixer works, but I can't play any audio on it.02:06
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dliTokenBad, sudo mount -oloop foo.iso /mnt/foo02:06
l_r_DjScrew_, make sure to use wpa_assistant, becouse the bcm driver does not support wpa02:06
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shinmenEsd is up, but even if I try using something that doesn't uses esd, it still fails. This is the strace to ogg12302:06
joshso when im done with this dist-upgrade i wont be able to log back into my comp till i get home?!02:06
shinmen)  = 000:00.02 [03:29.27]  of 03:29.29  (126.1 kbps)  Output Buffer 100.0%02:06
shinmenfutex(0xb7746014, FUTEX_WAKE, 1)        = 002:06
shinmenread(3, "w\257U\241\311\362\323%\267\371\341\344Ny\307\205\3378"..., 4096) = 409602:06
shinmenread(3, "\277\305>m\331.\5\253\33_\21\373!=\335\251W\357w<\357."..., 4096) = 409602:06
shinmenfutex(0xb7746060, FUTEX_WAIT, 3, NULL02:06
_DjScrew_l_r: further explanation please?02:06
jin6093hm... hi02:06
_DjScrew_i'm new to ubuntu02:06
shinmenAnd it just halts there.02:06
DaReD3VILWhat is the best/fastest GUI torrent-client to use with linux ?02:06
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dliDaReD3VIL, what about qtorrent02:07
jesse_hey does anyone know of an alternative to ms publisher? openoffice doesn't seem to have one.02:07
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l_r_DjScrew_, if you use wpapsk as accessing method, make sure to configure wpa_assistant02:07
DaReD3VILi thought it was windope-only dli ?02:07
TokenBaddli, I did that...gives error...02:07
joshdoes qtorrent support peerless dl's?02:07
_DjScrew_l_r no security sir02:07
shinmenjesse_, scribus.02:07
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jesse_shinmen, thank you02:07
l_roh..hehe i am paranoic sometimes02:08
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_DjScrew_well i'm going to give it a shot02:08
joshl_r about what?02:08
_DjScrew_thanks l_r02:08
shinmenjesse_, No problem.02:08
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_DjScrew_dli: thank you also02:08
l_rjosh, about security issues02:08
joshu dont want the paparatzi watching u? :P02:08
l_rheh correct02:09
jesse_shinmen: do you know if it can save to the ms format?02:09
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joshyeah... the press can get annoying... cant fart in public without being in the paper... yeah...02:09
joshjesse... publisher is webpages right?02:09
jesse_josh, no publisher is like newspaper articles02:10
=== josh hasn't used winblows in years
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DaReD3VILwhat do you mean josh, the press violates your security?02:10
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shinmenjesse_, exports to EPS, PDF, SVG and image. Maybe ms users can import something from those.02:10
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rathecould someone explain to me how to do step 10 on here http://terror.snm-hgkz.ch/gaming/linux/epsxe_howto/02:10
joshDaReD3VIL: oh yeah... pictures of ball scratching, peeing on the walls... all that :P02:10
rathewhen i try it i get a path issue02:10
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rathebash: cd: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games: No such file or directory02:11
jesse_shinmen: maybe it can import pdf's well ill find out its not that much of a problem just would be nice if i needed to edit something at school02:11
ratheanyone pls help02:11
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=== josh is just playing... im not important enough to be followed by the press
DaReD3VILhow long does it take to partition an 80gb hdd ?02:11
joshjesse... well you can always save as .txt and reconvert at school02:11
shinmenjesse_, Apart from taking an Ubuntu LiveCD, you could take the installer for Windows. http://wiki.scribus.net/index.php/Installing_Scribus_on_Win3202:11
TokenBadanyone got ut goty iso to mount in ubuntu?02:12
joshDaReD3VIL: depends on what program02:12
MagdielDaReD3VIL: depends02:12
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jramseyfast one i hope; i've inserted a cd, a gnome browse window came up, all is well; i killed the browse window and want to remove the cd but the drive won't open (cd is still mounted??) easiest way to open the drive??02:12
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dliDaReD3VIL, partition is just the partition table, it takes the same time no matter the capacity02:12
DaReD3VILon ubuntu install cd02:12
Magdielwhen Ubuntu loads, there appears a screen with Ubuntu written on it!  CAn this logo be changed?02:12
DaReD3VILalright, just curious02:12
mikereDaReD3VIL: partitioning takes very little time - formatting after partitioning can take somewhat longer =)02:13
dliDaReD3VIL, ext[2/3]  will write ione tables, it takes a while (minutes)02:13
jesse_shinmen: yeah i could always do that but the school trys hard to stop people from installing programs lol, but its quite easy to bypass stupid windows02:13
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dliDaReD3VIL, jfs is super fast, and you can use jfs02:13
Magdielmikere: when Ubuntu loads, there appears a screen with Ubuntu written on it!  CAn this logo be changed?02:13
NeverSayNeveri installed gcc with synaptic.now i want to compile a small program but it gives error.02:14
NeverSayNeversimplescan.c:2:19: error: stdio.h: No such file or directory02:14
NeverSayNeversimplescan.c:3:20: error: stdlib.h: No such file or directory02:14
NeverSayNeversimplescan.c:4:20: error: unistd.h: No such file or directory02:14
shinmenjesse_, Well, it's free software. You could advocate a little bit so that they understand what is that you are installing and the whole idea behind free software.02:14
DaReD3VILim already partitioning on the ubuntu install cd02:14
DaReD3VILwith i mean*02:14
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NeverSayNeverhow can it not stdio.h???02:14
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shinmenNeverSayNever, Should be on libc6-dev02:14
NeverSayNevershinmen, u mean i should install that?02:15
shinmenNeverSayNever, Yeap.02:15
mikereMagdiel: I would expect it could be changed as linux is like that - but I don't know off hand how to do so myself.  I bet you could google up an answer fairly quickly however02:15
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NeverSayNeverok thanks a lot shinmen.02:16
shinmenNeverSayNever, build-essential as well.02:16
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shinmenNeverSayNever, No problem.02:16
NeverSayNeverwhat does it mean?02:16
userundefineMagdiel, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto02:16
NeverSayNeverand i think libc6-dev is for C.but what about C++?02:16
angasulehow do I set the locale for the console?02:17
jesse_NeverSayNever: you need build-essential if your going to compile/build from source02:17
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NeverSayNeverjesse_,i'm apt-get'ting it02:18
rathecan someone take 5 min to help me with a problem in private02:18
jesse_NeverSayNever: ok02:18
aoupihi, everyone I just popped in too say 'ps auxf' is much more overvieable than 'ps aux' :)02:18
rathei need to pm it so u get all of it02:18
Shannon1hi everyone,, i need a little help with my new installation of ubuntu 6.0602:18
GigaClonI need to use the alt key in a program but when I try to use it, it move the windows instead doing what the program does, can anyone help?02:18
aoupirathe: use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and everyone can help02:19
NeverSayNeverjesse_, what about C++ ?you know which package should i get to compile c++ code?02:19
Shannon1can anyone give me a little hand.. please02:19
spadesrathe whats the problem? i think the collective room can pitch in more than just 1 person02:19
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rathesigh w/e, here goes agian02:19
ratheim installing somethen i got to step 10 here, http://terror.snm-hgkz.ch/gaming/linux/epsxe_howto/02:20
jmeNeverSayNever: g++02:20
rathewhen i do $PATH i get this /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games02:20
rathei dont understand how to do, what it asks02:20
DaReD3VILis that a game server rathe?02:20
ratheWell STEP 10 of STEP 502:21
MrRioHow do I change the modified time of a file?02:21
ratheits for emulating psx games02:21
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jmerathe: it just means to copy the file to any of the directories named in your $PATH02:21
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aoupirathe: you have /usr/local/bin in your path02:21
jmerathe: /usr/local/bin will work fine02:21
rathei dont got a %PATH02:21
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rathei cant go in /bin02:21
ratheim confused02:21
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apokryphosrathe: mkdir ~/bin and put it there02:22
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aoupiraphael: /bin is only for important stuff, don't touch that unless you know what you are doing02:22
nemikso those of you who use eclipse? how can i copy a line with ctrl+alt+up without gnome switiching my workspace?02:22
smoMrRio: 'touch filename' will give a 'now' timestamp.  the -t option will let you add an arbitary timestamp02:22
jmeuse KDE!02:22
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MrRiosmo, cheers :)02:22
jmeor more realistically, edit your GNOME keymapping02:22
aoupinemik: can't you change keyboard shortcuts in gnome or eclipse?02:22
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nemikaoupi: not sure, that's why i'm asking02:23
ratheim in my /usr/local/bin02:23
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rathetheres nothen in there02:23
rathewhat do i do02:23
jmewell, that's ok02:23
LGKeizMVware + ubuntu = lagtastic02:23
Shannon1no-one out of 768 users can give a hand to a newbee when she ask,, oufffff c pas drole ca,,02:23
kakeii am on a liveCd trying to recover my grub,when i do grub-install /dev/sda (i got sata) i get : /dev/mapper/casper-snapshot does not have any corresponding BIOS drive.02:23
kakei any idea?02:23
apokryphosrathe: it tells you exactly what to do. Put a file with taht code in there02:23
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:23
LGKeizDoes anyone know how to speed up the process with VMware *02:23
linux_user400354what does it mean when there is a ~ in a url?02:23
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apokryphoslinux_user400354: try it; in a terminal, do: echo ~02:23
jmerathe: well, that's ok -- your shell will still look in that directory for executables02:23
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Shannon1thx ubotu,, ill remember,,02:24
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rathei get error permission denied02:24
spadeslinux_user400354 in a url usually means its running the site from the userdir outside of his domain, usually used when proper vhost isnt made or to avoid bandwidth calculations on some control panels02:24
apokryphosrathe: /msg ubotu root02:24
linux_user400354apokryphos, should people be able to see your home directory from the web?02:24
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LGKeizDoes anyone know how to speed up the process with VMware *02:25
apokryphoslinux_user400354: why do you think they can?02:25
Sir_FawnpugIs anybody having trouble with libresidbuilder with dapper?02:25
rathei was told i cant go in root02:25
ratheon this02:25
rathejust sudo02:25
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apokryphosrathe: /msg ubotu root02:25
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MrRiosmo, I'm guessing this doesn't work for date created?02:25
linux_user400354apokryphos i dont know. i am confused02:25
apokryphoslinux_user400354: the character is just a shortcut for $HOME, which is /home/user02:26
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Sir_FawnpugIt's telling me its trying to overwrite a file that's in the package02:26
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spadeslinux_user400354 look into openbasedir or something like that, it disables ~user from getting web access02:26
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apokryphoslinux_user400354: on your computer echo ~ gives something, and on mine it's something different. Just think of it as a variable.02:26
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guesthi channel can someone tell me  im thinking of purchasing a wireless router whats the best  one  or one that will give you least trouble with ubuntu02:26
apokryphosohhh, if you're talking about it in *that* sense, then that's something different, yes.02:27
dr_willismost routers should be ok.. its the wireless cards thats the issue.02:27
apokryphosguest: have you checked the FAQ?02:27
dr_willisI tend to stick with the larget brand names and whats on sale. :)02:27
MrRioguest, I have a linksys, no issues with cheap dell laptops and my D-link wireless cards02:27
dr_willisYea - Dlink and Linksys are about all i use02:27
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dr_willisI got a little Linksys 'mini' router for $30 that does ok.02:28
guestnope not yet ... jsut looking feedback at the min ...02:28
dr_willisdont get one with all the fancy 'new' gizmo-thangs. :P02:28
jramseyguest, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported02:28
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apokryphosguest: yes, that's where you can get a lot of feedback from (the FAQ).02:28
guestdont know that much about  wireless02:28
guestcool ...02:28
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nathancan anyone point me to a samba tutorial?02:29
Shizboomi uninstalled sun-java-jre and am now trying to reinstall and its telling me i doesn't exist, any ideas?02:29
nathannumourus google searches led me nowhere02:29
apokryphosnathan: /msg ubotu samba02:30
docta_vnathan: you can find a howto for anything here: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/HOWTO-INDEX/howtos.html02:30
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nathanwhoa, thanks02:30
apokryphosas ubotu will tell you, there's guides in the official documentation02:31
jramseywhat is the pkg name that includes cvs?02:31
kakeii am on a liveCD trying to recover my grub,when i do grub-install /dev/sda (i got sata) i get : /dev/mapper/casper-snapshot does not have any corresponding BIOS drive. any ideas?02:31
apokryphosjramsey: cvs, maybe?02:31
docta_vjramsey: try apt-cache search apt02:31
docta_vapt-cache search cvs02:31
=== archetypo [n=archetyp@c-66-31-43-14.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dlikakei, try the grub command line02:31
apokryphoskakei: pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l please02:32
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@AdrianDHCP-6.216-16-86.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosdli: that *is* the grub commandline.02:32
dliapokryphos, no02:32
kakeiapokryphos, cannot open /proc/partitions02:32
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docta_vjramsey: looks like it's cvsutils02:32
gnomefreakjramsey: cvs is its own package02:32
apokryphoskakei: huh? That's all you get?02:32
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kakeiapokryphos, yes02:33
apokryphoskakei: are you sure you did that exactly: sudo fdisk -l   (lowercase L)02:33
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jramseygnomefreak, apt-get install wants the breezy cd; anyway i can force it to load it from the web?02:33
kakeii am chrooted apokryphos will try like user02:33
apokryphosjramsey: yes, see the FAQ.02:33
guestso  if  im looking a wireless router  any well known one should work ?02:33
apokryphoskakei: no need to chroot, get out of that :P02:34
gnomefreakjramsey: put a # infront of the cdrom repos in your /etc/apt/sources.list and take the # away fromt he rest02:34
apokryphosguest: more or less, for specific success comments, see the FAQ which will guide you to the hardware section.02:34
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource02:34
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kakeiapokryphos, k02:34
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jramseygnomefreak, ok ty02:34
kakeiapokryphos, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1758402:35
guestiv a wireless internal card that does work but  im thinking  of taking windows of the xp box .... but the modem im using dosent work   welll iv tried  but gave up on it ....02:35
apokryphoskakei: which is your root?02:35
DaReD3VILis it normal for a partition to take over 30mins?02:36
DaReD3VILim useing the ubuntu bootdisk02:36
dliDaReD3VIL, no :( try jfs now02:36
apokryphoskakei: ok, do this: sudo grub, once the prompt loads: root (hd0,1) and then: setup (hd0)02:36
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DaReD3VILwhere is it located ?02:37
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MTecknologyI have mozilla firefox with the mplayer-firefox extension installed. When I open the link http://www.mp3-host.com/uploads/a4266.bdb85.mp3 it plays the file, how can I choose to download it?02:37
kakeiapokryphos, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1758502:37
apokryphoskakei: is your /boot not on there?02:37
M4St3RYuRIi have a problem with amule02:37
kakeiyes its02:37
kakeiis it02:38
M4St3RYuRIhow can i connect to the kad?02:38
dliDaReD3VIL, if you have made the partitions ( fdisk -l ), do something like: mkfs.jfs /dev/hda2 ( man mkfs.jfs first)02:38
apokryphoskakei: if it is, what have you done to it? :P02:38
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kakeinothing i promess apokryphos :p02:38
gnomefreakhey will subversion pull in tars?02:38
cpsMTecknology: right click and choose save to file02:38
apokryphoskakei: mount your root partition then show us a list of the files in /mount/point/wherever/boot/grub there02:39
MTecknologycps, there isn't a save to file option02:39
jramseygnomefreak, ty that worked; quick cvs question; if i access a cvs repos. via anonymous login, should i have to enter a cvs password? it is prompting for one; this is the www.denx.de linux cvs repos.02:39
apokryphosgnomefreak: if they're in the svn repository, it should yes.02:39
kakeiapokryphos, device.map  menu.lst02:39
gnomefreakapokryphos: ty02:39
apokryphosjramsey: try typing "enter"02:39
gnomefreakjramsey: dont know02:39
gnomefreakgonna try this :(02:39
=== freakzoid0223 [n=matt@pool-151-197-237-192.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
nathanI have another question: every time I reboot I must re-modprobe ndiswrapper and re-activate wlan0. How can I fix this02:40
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apokryphoskakei: well, something hosed up. You should have more than that02:40
cpsMTecknology: try File > Save Page As02:41
kakeii no apokryphos =( i no.02:41
apokryphoskakei: that certainly wouldn't have happened from just install windoze02:41
DaReD3VILokay, when i try and partition my drive i get this error, "Error while resizing/movineg /dev/hda1"02:41
gdbis anyone here about to install dapper on a system fresh?02:41
kakeiapokryphos, =( fucking winbloze02:41
gdbor has just done so without installing any additional software other than updates?02:41
nathangdb: I just did02:41
gnomefreakkakei: watch your language please02:41
kakeignomefreak, sorry02:41
cstrippieHey all, installed XGL into Gnome, but it worked poorly so I uninstalled it.  Now I have no window manager in Gnome - all windows appear in upper-left corner and cannot be moved...HELP?!??!02:41
gdbnathan: could you possibly pastebin the outout of dpkg --get-selections for me, please?02:42
apokryphoskakei: it *wouldn't* have been down to windoze, it wouldn't touch partitions like that.02:42
gdbnathan: I'm looking for a list of packages installed by default, right off the CD, before any user customizations have occured.02:42
kakeiapokryphos, i am reinstalling the kernel (chrooted)02:42
gdbnathan: Thank you very much!02:42
apokryphoskakei: reinstall grub then, too.02:42
=== ygorre [n=ygorre@201-27-91-30.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakwish i knew what i was doing :(02:42
apokryphosgnomefreak: what are you doing? ;-)02:43
nathangdb:I added a few programs, sorry02:43
gnomefreaki dont know lol02:43
gdbnathan: Ah, ok, no worries. :-)02:43
=== blameless [n=blah@c-69-143-62-94.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nathanEvery time I reboot I must re-modprobe ndiswrapper and re-activate wlan0. How can I fix this?02:43
dash`whats a good media player for gnome?02:43
odladoes anyone know how to put photos on an ipod nano in ubuntu?02:43
gnomefreaki trying to install Django 0.95 i used svn co <link> and its pulling in po files and mo files02:44
=== Apple15 [n=sd324fsd@host86-128-216-67.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about media02:44
MTecknologycps, much love.. thanks02:44
nathandash`: totem02:44
ubotuAudio/MP3 Players: amaroK, Audacious, Banshee, Beep-media-player, JuK, quodlibet, Rhythmbox, XMMS ; Video players: Totem, Xine, Mplayer, VLC - also see !codecs02:44
apokryphosubotu: media is <alias> players02:44
dash`I have tried XMMS [didn't like it much] , Beep is alright, Banshee wasn't great, etc02:44
gnomefreakmaybe ill try python <file.py> :)02:44
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cpsMTecknology: no problem02:45
dash`Totem told me I have an error with my audio output02:45
DaReD3VILi get an error when trying to partition my drive, do you think defragmenting it in windows will remove this error?02:45
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dash`I was told sometime earlier that it would be best to have both sink and source set to ALSA, but that doesn't seem to work now02:46
=== gnomefreak wins ;)
dash`any suggestions?02:46
GigaClonwould some one please help me with my question02:46
GigaClonI need to use the alt key in a program but when I try to use it, it move the windows instead doing what the program does, can anyone help?02:46
gdbDoes anyone know of a webpage that lists those files installed by the CD?02:46
gdbwell, packages02:46
andy-Silly question: how do you check what version NVidia drivers you're currently running?02:46
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charles_hello, could someone tell me how to use the script that is suggested in this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108791&highlight=iwpriv+ra0+set+WPAPSK%3D%22mypasswd%2202:48
apokryphosandy-: if you installed from ubuntu it's as simple as a dpkg -l|grep nvidia, if not..... check your Xorg log, it's listed there.02:49
charles_it's not clear to me where I put that script and how to run it at boot...02:49
andy-apokryphos: thx02:50
mickerhey there... having a weird problem.  I installed 5.10 on my notebook and everything worked fine at home all weekend last week.  Then on monday I took it into to work with me and once booted, the mouse and the wireless no longer work.. strangest thing.   anyone mind helping me try to fix it?02:50
neonwhat package includes g++ ?02:50
apokryphosneon: g++ ;-)02:51
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apokryphosneon: though you probably want build-essential02:51
gnomefreakneon: build-essential02:51
neonyup :P02:52
=== Tonren [n=mcantor@ool-45724cb6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
mickersorry, not 5.10... I had had 5.10.. its got 6.06 on it02:52
GigaClonhow can disable alt+drag window moving02:52
GigaClonmy program need alt-drag and ubuntu is not letting it have it02:53
cpsGigaClon: go to System>Preferences>Windows02:53
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rathewhats the line command to un 7zip somethen with a password02:54
TonrenGigaClon, what do you mean by "alt + drag", exactly?02:54
mickerif I do a cat /proc/bus/input/devices the touchpad doesnt even show02:55
GigaClonmouse drag02:55
=== DarkMageZ [n=DarkMage@ppp44-202.lns2.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
GigaClonthe windows pref worked02:55
LjLTonren: dragging a window by keeping the left mouse button pressed not necessarily just on the title bar, but anywhere in a window. keeping Alt pressed during the operation allows that02:56
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dash`a while back, I was told by somebody [not sure if it was here or elsewhere]  that the best setup for audio was to use ALSA for both the default sink and the default source [using Ubuntu] , but some apps don't have any sound, like Totem media player.  Any ideas why this is, or how to make it better?02:56
TonrenLjL, that is, like, the coolest thing ever.02:56
cpsrathe: have a look in man 7z02:56
ben_hey is there like a media player that plays wmv's through the web browser?02:56
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems02:57
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cpsben_: mozilla-mplayer02:57
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VR_whats that browser called... optimized for intel/amd and such? it's a firefox spinoff.02:58
dash`fasterfox ?02:58
dash`Opera ;)02:58
VR_that's an extension.02:58
dash`Opera > *02:58
VR_right. ^_^02:58
VR_hm, no02:59
VR_hehe no02:59
VR_slyfox? no02:59
gnomefreakseamonkey is a browser?02:59
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LjLgnomefreak: it's the new name for the Mozilla suite i think02:59
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cpsVR_: swiftfox?02:59
VR_they have various bulids, optimized for intel, amd, etc.02:59
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kuzmasterhello all03:00
=== azad [n=azad@AMarseille-252-1-45-101.w86-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
=== apokryphos thought it was 'Konqueror'
=== dionnow [n=ubuntu@66-90-141-7.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Vexorwow, I would say hi, but there is way too many people in here..  I guess I will yell out a big YO!03:01
=== dreamcatcher5172 [n=dreamcat@cpe-70-125-122-187.sw.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dionnowSo I can't boot up Xserver now that i've tried to install new nvidia drivers; the nvidia installer did back up my xserver setting, but how to I go about reseting them?03:02
=== majd [n=majd@cpe-71-65-19-97.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotu<reply>  FTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd03:02
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:02
LjLdionnow: cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf-whateversuffixwasadded /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:02
ubotuI know nothing about router03:02
VR_is anything being done about flash on linux?03:02
LjLdionnow: or just run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and set it up like you want03:02
ben_VR_ to my knowledge we're still stuck with 7.0, or 6.003:03
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dreamcatcher5172i thought they had flash for linux...hrrm...03:03
gnomefreakben_: 7803:03
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dionnowthe secothanks alot ljl03:03
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:03
gnomefreaki have heard 8 will not be built for linux but 9 might be03:03
=== xice_ [n=ben@220-245-163-83-sa-nt-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ben_that would be good03:04
VR_dreamcatcher5172: i'm aware that there is flash support, but some things won't play because they require flash 8 or 9, or what have you.03:04
ben_flash games cant be played because no text shows up03:04
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dionnowAlso is there a way to access my files from my HD install from the live CD?03:04
MeGaQuArKHas anyone tried to install Opera 9 yet, now that it is in the repository?03:04
sharmsben_: install gsfonts and gsfonts-x1103:04
=== ben_ is now known as Bdubya
dou213hey anoybody can help with web publishing? i have some issues i can't figure out.. like, how can i transform my http:/ip.adress in something like : www.myplace.com... i think with a DNS server running on the machine like SimpleDNS, but what about the domain name? must i get one? is it free?03:05
VieLGuS-KuTaSis there a place that only has linux extentions for firefox?03:05
sharmsdou213: offtopic03:05
dou213shachaf, sry03:05
spadesdou213 domains cost money, some might have some free offer but there is always a catch03:05
dou213sharms, just asking...03:05
dou213spades, can we prv? it's offtopic.03:06
spadesdou213 might wanna check with your isp regarding running a server policy03:06
sharmstake it to #ubuntu-offtopic guys03:06
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LjLVieLGuS-KuTaS: can't you just use the standard extensions page's search options?03:06
Muellihm. is is possible to send mails with thunderbird timeshifted?03:06
dash`what should my Multimedia Systems Selector settings be?03:06
dash`they don't mean much to me atm03:06
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cpsdash`: have you messed them up?03:07
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dash`I don't think so03:07
=== neighborlee [n=neighbor@c-24-16-102-212.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
dash`I was told that ALSA for both audio is best, but Totem doesn't work, and other things too03:08
VieLGuS-KuTaSLjL: i think i can03:08
cpsdash`: what happens if you click the test button03:08
dash`Failed to construct test pipeline for 'ALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture'03:08
dash`on both03:08
LjLVieLGuS-KuTaS: well, since it lets you choose to only search for Linux extensions, that should do it03:08
=== phlexy [n=ben@60-234-226-178.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
cpsdash`: set it to autodetect and try again03:08
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu
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dash`no autodetect option....03:09
=== dash` is not very smart, sorry
dr_willis  dash`  thats ok. :P we are used to it.,03:09
=== MoMaT [n=momat@] has joined #ubuntu
hakanwif I want to make my ubuntu-server a svn-server, is the best step to use libapache2-svn ?03:09
cpsdash`: it should be in the menu where you selected ALSA03:10
VieLGuS-KuTaSLjL: yeah , i figured why it doesnt work , couse im using the trunk03:10
hakanwI just apt-got it, and seems like it should be enough (except for all configuration)03:10
dash`ALSA, ESD, OSS, or custom03:10
LjLVieLGuS-KuTaS: uh?03:10
cpsdash`: oh ok, try ESD then03:10
=== Trae [n=october@ip24-252-207-46.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
VieLGuS-KuTaSLjL: trunk is the latest alpha bulds?03:10
dash`same result03:10
=== jogeek [n=jonah@CPE-24-27-154-117.neb.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
VieLGuS-KuTaSLjL: of firefox3 , i think03:11
cpsdash`: and OSS?03:11
LjLVieLGuS-KuTaS: oh03:11
dash`I did get a notice a bit ago that my kernel has been updated, but I have not rebooted yet, would that do it?03:11
cpsdash`: do you have any programs running that use sound?03:11
dash`beep media atm, works fine03:12
=== jrib [n=jasonr@AC950A13.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
cpsdash`: ah I see, try closing it and then try testing the three options again03:12
dash`X-Chat doesn't seem to want to play any sound beyond the PC speaker though03:12
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Bdubyaanyone got any good games for linux?03:13
=== jasay [n=jasay@c-71-198-189-148.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
dash`OSS works for the default sink when everything else is off, but default source still gives errors on all of them [except 'Silence'] 03:13
ljloleli love ubuntu!03:13
MuelliBdubya: tetrinet :) nexuiz is more.. action ;-)03:13
=== arrai [n=arrai@dslb-084-060-211-160.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Muelliyou could play all games based on any quake engine03:14
eragon24frozenbubble is fun03:14
Bdubyai like playing monopoly but theres not many who plays03:14
cpsdash`: does alsa or esd work for the sink?03:14
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cpsdash`: the problem with OSS is that only one program can access the sound card at a time03:16
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dash`thats not so good03:17
cpsdash`: what version of Ubuntu are you using?03:18
osfameronit sucks03:18
osfameronit means you can't receive a skype call when you're playing music03:18
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LjLosfameron: complain to the smart guys at Skype who access OSS directly ;-)03:19
=== Sasquatch [i=Sasquatc@wikipedia/Sasquatch] has joined #ubuntu
Sasquatchhello, anyone care to help me out?03:19
ratheHOW do u un 7zip somethen with a password03:20
ratheim tierd of trying03:20
gnomefreakSasquatch: state your problem or ask your question03:20
rathei cant find ny where that says03:20
Sasquatchokay, I'm having problems getting ubuntu to boot (i'm a linux newb so bear with me)03:20
SasquatchGrub error 1703:20
cpsdash`: in System>Preferences>Sound is "Enable software mixing" checked (It might be called something like "Sound Server")03:20
=== AdamG [n=AKG@adsl-157-116-122.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
osfameronLjL: yarr, I'm aware that it's skype's fault, but still sucks a bit03:21
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LjL!tell osfameron about skype03:21
dash`think so03:21
Muelliosfameron: Don't use skype anyway. It's evil03:21
LjLosfameron: the article has a few tips to solve or workaround the sound problems03:21
dash`its called "Enable sound server startup<03:21
osfameronLjL: thanks :-)03:22
dash`though I don't recognize the default sound card part03:22
=== Eleaf [n=ethan@geek-145.209-193-100.qwest.dsl.vcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
EleafHow do I start the libnotify daemon??03:22
EleafI can't figure it out..03:22
SacroUbuntu seems really slow compared to Arch Linux, is it because its only i386 or is there something blatently obvious that im missing?#03:22
=== tehgooch [n=tehgooch@d154-5-70-167.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Ropechoborra Buenas sres
eragon24hablas espanol?03:23
LjLrathe: uhm, my 7zip just *asks* for the password. i suppose you're using the standard p7zip from the ubuntu repositories?03:23
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.03:23
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rathecan someone just give me the friggin comman d:/03:24
Eleafrathe, for what!>?!>?03:24
ratheto unzip a 7zip file with a password03:24
rathei know the pass03:24
rathecant figure the command03:24
=== Thlayli [n=bigwig@p5497568F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ratheiv used google etc03:24
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:24
ToHellWithGAare tor servers banned here?03:25
LjLrathe: "7z e filename"03:25
EleafToHellWithGA, ?03:25
=== Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosToHellWithGA: yes03:25
ratheit dont work03:25
ratheit HAS a PASSword03:25
Eleafapokryphos, what do you mean?03:25
LjLrathe: yeah. and? for me, that command merely causes 7z to prompt "Enter password:"03:25
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apokryphosEleaf: huh?03:26
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Eleafapokryphos, tor servers banned?03:26
linux_user400354does ubuntu server have anything that ubuntu does not have?03:26
ToHellWithGAEleaf: tor is the onion router, an anonymizing proxy03:26
EleafI know what tor is.03:26
EleafI use it.03:26
eragon24apokryphos: wat are tor servers?03:26
EleafWhy in the world is it banned?03:26
ToHellWithGAare you using it now for your irc client?03:26
Eleafnot on this computer03:27
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apokryphosEleaf: maybe because it can be so easily abused03:27
ratheim getting annoyed03:27
garryFman gzip03:27
apokryphosrathe: please do so silently, then.03:27
EleafThat's very unfortunate for those of us that can't connect to irc without a proxy03:27
ToHellWithGAi figured if i ident'd with the freenode server i would be able to pop in, but that wasn't the case03:27
robtor isn't banned, sometimes we stop connections in the event of abuse using it03:27
apokryphosEleaf: connect through an external server.03:27
rathepeople give me stupid commands that dont work :/03:28
Eleafapokryphos, that's a proxy03:28
Sasquatchyea.. i see nothing in the banlist that would suggest tor is banned03:28
MuelliI am sitting in many channels using Tor (but I don't get cloaked :-) ) and nowhere are problems... so your argumentation fails apokryphos03:28
=== essay [n=essay@a217-118-40-94.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu
Eleafapokryphos, what if you dont' "have an external server"03:28
apokryphosEleaf: why do you need tor for that? Just tunnel the port.03:28
AndyCooll_linux_user400354: I believe it comes LAMP ready03:28
LjLrathe: perhaps, just perhaps, your file is either broken or you're doing something wrong, since for "people" those commands work perfectly?03:28
Eleafmost web hosts block access for irc03:28
apokryphosMuelli: obvioully I was only talking about cloaked tor members.03:28
garryFLike corrupted zip file03:28
Eleafapokryphos, you think everybody has an external server?03:28
EleafThat's absolutely rubbish03:29
LjLrathe: it would possibly help if you pastebinned the actual output from "7z e filename"03:29
apokryphosEleaf: I never said that, I said it's a way to use IRC if your network admin has not permitted it.03:29
linux_user400354AndyCooll, do you know any other differences between them?03:29
Muelliapokryphos: but i was saying that I can't see any problem with Tor Users anyway. So there's no need for banning them :-|03:29
rathemy file isent broken03:29
ratheit wont unzip somethen with a p/w03:29
ratheand your saying im going to get a gui popup using the commandline 7z03:29
rathewhich isent going to happen03:29
ToHellWithGArathe: you're03:29
hakanwhow do I make svnserve start by default, on my ubuntu-server like other daemons do in init.d?03:29
ratheill spell like i want nazi03:30
ToHellWithGAi'm not a nazi03:30
LjLrathe: uh no, you're not going to get a GUI popup. you'll just get a prompt.03:30
Muellihakanw: try rcconf :)03:30
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ToHellWithGAand you didn't technically misspell anything03:30
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:30
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Eleafmeh apokryphos ;lol;03:30
LjLrathe: anyway, please just paste the output of "7z e filename" on the pastebin, so perhaps  can see what is going on03:30
hakanwMuelli: I edit that file?03:30
garryFIF the commands work for us, and not for you, something's broken, no matter what you think isn't broken.03:30
hakanwI have no rcconf command, if it's an app03:30
Eleafapokryphos, are you familiar with the notification system, libnotify in gnome?03:30
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Muellihakanw: you are supposed to install and use that piece of software03:31
apokryphosEleaf: nope, don't use gnome.03:31
hakanwMuelli: ah, gotcha.  thx03:31
AndyCooll_linux_user400354: Apart from that, as far as I'm aware the Server edition merely installs minus the GNOME or KDE desktop and apps03:31
robToHellWithGA, not really03:31
hakanwhow would it be done if done manually though?03:31
Eleafoh, well.  Any notification system I guess..03:31
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robToHellWithGA, its open 95% of the time03:31
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ToHellWithGAi can deal with those odds03:31
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ThatOtherGuy.... I logged in here because I gave up on Gentoo (after 40 hours of trying to get it to do what I wanted and failing), and expected to need help with Ubuntu... but I haven't. Yay!03:31
=== cONfUSiOn [i=dabongdo@27-176-97-62.cust.smrtcall.net] has joined #ubuntu
Muellilol ThatOtherGuy *g*03:32
Shizboomi have some folders i can't delete even with root access it tells me access denied03:32
hakanwMuelli: svnserve is not available in the list there03:32
ThatOtherGuyeverything just kinda works!03:32
Shizboomany ideas?03:32
Muellioh. sure, that this services exists in /etc/init.d hakanw?03:32
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Sasquatchhey, i need help booting ubuntu...03:33
Sasquatchi'm having some problems03:33
shadow-beShizboom, read only filesystem?03:33
hakanwMuelli: no, that's why I asked how to make it do like other daemons in there03:33
cpsShizboom: what folders are these?03:33
Sacrocan anyone tell me how to speed up Ubuntu, its really really slow compared to Arch Linux03:33
hakanwMuelli: I can start it manually but want it handled automatically on reboot etc03:33
MuelliShizboom: try chmod u+w folder/03:33
Shizboomazerues made some folders03:33
AndyCooll_Shizboom: Try opening Nautilus as root and then deleting from there. "gksudo nautilus"03:33
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IcemanV9anyone, i got this error message, "postconf: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf: No such file or directory", when i issued a command "ifdown" AND "ifup". is it a bug? or can i fix it immediately?03:33
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Shizboomandy i did that03:33
Muellihakanw: svnserve is not a deamon I think. You can bind it onto a xinet.d AFAIR But read the svnbook for further instructions03:33
Shizboomno dice :/03:33
shadow-beSacro, compared to Arch, I call gentoo slow...03:34
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shadow-bebut you can always shut down some services and do those prelink things...03:34
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AndyCooll_Sasquatch: What boot problems? More details please03:34
Sacroshadow-be: prelink/03:34
SasquatchAndroid: Grub Error 1703:34
SasquatchAndyCooll_: Grub Error 1703:35
cpsrathe: it seems all you have to do is run "7z e NAME_OF_ARCHIVE" and it will prompt you for your password03:35
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LjLcps: you're a bit late ;)03:35
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ToHellWithGAcps: you could /msg him probably03:35
SasquatchAndyCooll_: when I try the instructions to go to configfile (hd1,0)/boot/grub/grub.conf, i get a file not found...03:35
=== Carolinamusicman [n=Unruly-1@] has joined #ubuntu
id_sonichi, When I use "top" display the CPU use, at the head is "Cpu(s) 1.1% us", but the follow display %CPU 50% xmms" and same other tasks also CPU very high, why?03:35
sharmsSasquatch: then the file isn't there.03:36
Sasquatch(that's after i did the find /boot/grub/stage1)03:36
Sasquatchsharms: hmmm, yes... thank you, i got that much03:36
sharmsSasquatch: are you familiar with grubs (hd1,0) conventions and what that means?03:36
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sharmsSasquatch: counting starts at 0, so (hd1,0) is the 2nd harddrives first partition03:37
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Sasquatchsharms: yup, i am03:37
jimcooncatto prelink or not to prelink, what's everyone's opinion?03:37
neonwhich it's the plugin to play mp3 ?03:37
Sasquatchi'm running my windows boot on hd0 right now03:37
Sasquatchlinux is definetely on hd103:37
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tristilAnyone running Edgy Eft experience a problem with the keyboard not responding after recent kernel update? I know it's my problem, but I wonder whether there's an easy workaround.03:37
sharmsSasquatch: I missed the first part of your conversation, enlighten me as to what you are doing03:37
jimcooncatneon, easyubuntu includes mp303:38
Shizboomhow do you activate autocomplete in terminal?03:38
Sasquatchsharms: trying to boot linux03:38
albackerguys tell me one tool i can use in ubuntu for designing web-pages, that might be at dreamweaver-level ?!03:38
Sasquatchsharms: i'm running grub off a floppy right now03:38
sharmsSasquatch: are you booted from CD right now?03:38
Sasquatchsharms: nope, i'm booted off a hard disk with windows03:38
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sharmsSasquatch: so you want to edit your grub.conf, then you want to nano /boot/grub/grub.conf03:38
linux_user400354does anyone use irssi?03:38
neonjimcooncat, when i try to play a mp3 i get isnt audio stream.. blah blah download the plugin for it03:39
Sasquatchsharms: that's the problem... grub.conf isn't there...03:39
zenpsychoHello. I have a number of questions, I hope that's okay.03:39
tristilalbacker, There are no true wysiwyg editors that I know of. There's nvu and bluefish and screem.03:39
albackercan someone help ?!03:39
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tristanbobin the cups web-interface - what credentials is it looking for? (Ubuntu 6.06)  I am trying to add a printer.03:39
kuzmasterhello all03:39
tristanboband I get a Username/Password prompt03:39
albackertristil, have you ever heard which of them is the best ?03:39
AndyCooll_neon: use Automatix and install all the codecs03:39
sharmsSasquatch: I am guessing your harddrive is /dev/hdb (for 2nd harddrive).  try mkdir /mount/ubuntu then mount /dev/hdb1 /mount/ubuntu03:39
ThatOtherGuyGah. I spoke too soon about not needing help. Apparrently my sound isn't working? I heard sounds before, but only out of one speaker. When I go to sound prefs, it is trying to select my USB mic as the promary output?03:40
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sharms!tell ThatOtherGuy about sound03:40
jimcooncatneon, http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/get.html03:40
tristilalbacker, Bluefish is nice. But like I said, they're all "tag-based".03:40
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Sasquatchsharms: what does that do? and if it's sata what should i replace it with?03:40
kakeiHi, im trying to recover my grub after windows install, i am on a live cd, i tried grub-install /dev/sda but i get >> /dev/mapper/casper-snapshot does not have any corresponding BIOS drive.03:41
kakei my hard disk is sata any ideas?03:41
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jimcooncatalbacker, I like NVU though it's not dreamweaver caliber. Still can do what I need to with it though03:41
sharmsSasquatch: I can't tell you what it's called, but read through dmesg and you will see it03:41
IcemanV9!tell kakei about dualboot03:41
tristanbobso any ideas what credentials I need to use in the cups web interface?  I tried "root" and the sudo password03:41
Sasquatchi'll try that later sharms, thanks03:42
ye11owrider311try your first user tristanbob03:42
Sasquatchat least i can still get windows to boot :-)03:42
albackerkay tristil, jimcooncat thanks !03:42
IcemanV9tristanbob: System > Admin > Printing would be a good method to add a printer03:42
kakeii dont have a mac IcemanV903:42
sharmsSasquatch: if I had an sata drive I could help more, but I am not aware of the naming conventions03:42
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hakanwin the apache2 site conf file, what does NameVirtualHost ''' mean?03:43
hakanw(or NameVirtualHost *)03:43
tristanbobIcemanV9: ok, so the first user name, and the sudo password?  I tried that and it didn't work03:43
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sharmstristanbob: your password is the sudo password03:43
jribtristanbob: system > administration > printing is probably the best option.  If you really want the web interface, take a look at /usr/share/doc/cupsys/README.Debian.gz03:43
garryFsata is /dev/sda where a can be a through z and maybe more.03:43
tristanbobIcemanV9: I can add the printer ok, but the print job appears but doesn't print03:43
linux_user400354tristil, when could you download edgy eft? i thought it couldnt be downloaded for a while.03:43
kakeigarryF, any ideas?03:44
edmundo_vAnyone here knows what is the proper way to change the locale of the system?03:44
sharmstristanbob: check the paper size from the program you print from03:44
IcemanV9tristanbob: ah. other problem then. is it on? :P03:44
sharmstristanbob: also turn the printer off and back on03:44
tristanbobIcemanV9: good question - yes it is on03:44
AndyCooll_neon: I prefer Automatix to easyubuntu. Automatix (http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=177646). Essentially they do a similar job in quickly setting up the basic codecs and stuff to get you going03:44
tristanbobsharms: I will try that03:44
garryFkakei I missed the question. Sorry03:44
GMullenok I installed Windows Vista (just wanted to see if it was good enough to use yet) but I didn't even think that it would take over the MBR so now I'm in the drapper live CD and hoping there is a way to install GRUB back to the MBR03:44
sharmstristanbob: I filed a huge bug report on it, but for some reason it worked after I turned it off and back on.  Made no sense.03:44
kakeiHi, im trying to recover my grub after windows install, i am on a live cd, i tried grub-install /dev/sda but i get >> /dev/mapper/casper-snapshot does not have any corresponding BIOS drive.03:44
kakeithats my question gary03:45
kuzmastercan somone please tell me why my ubuntu 6.06 hangs on starting networking interfaces in the boot process?03:45
tristanbobsharms: is this required every time?  or once per reboot?03:45
garryFOh, well google for grubfarm, they got a whole write up on installing grub and using it to recover.03:45
sharmstristanbob: I haven't had to do it since, but who knows.  I generally leave my printer on 24/7 so I hope not03:45
kuzmasterif i disable ra0 being the deafult network device, it boots fine03:45
tristanbobsharms: I am just trying to get the test page to work03:45
AndyCooll_kuzmaster: Have you got both wireless and ethernet?03:45
kuzmasterso, can anyone help me?03:45
tristanbobsharms: it is an HP PSC 211003:45
sharmstristanbob: mine was also an HP03:46
kakeigarryF, Grubfarm??03:46
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garryFkakei yep03:46
kuzmasterbut i cant use ethanet, cos im 2 far away from the router03:46
IcemanV9tristanbob: so is mine (HP)03:46
sharmskuzmaster: it is looking for a dhcp server, but you don't have one03:46
kuzmasterhmmmm, ok03:46
AndyCooll_kuzmaster: this is because your ethernet and wireless are looking for the same connection03:46
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kuzmasterok, so i should disable eth0?03:46
sharmstristanbob: also did you update to the newest cups packages?  There was an update either today or yesterday03:46
kakeigarryF, O.O http://www.google.com/linux?hl=en&lr=&q=grubfarm&btnG=Search03:46
AndyCooll_kuzmaster: You need to disable one03:46
AndyCooll_kuzmaster: yes03:47
garryFkakei Your install disk might have a recovery mode too, might be easier.03:47
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ToHellWithGArob: right now if i try to connect via tor i am told i'm banned03:47
tristanbobsharms: yes, I saw those - and yes I updated03:47
linux_user400354how can i connect to freenode using irssi?03:48
ToHellWithGAis that just because the ban list is a little old and somebody who previously used tor *was* banned?03:48
robToHellWithGA, not sure why, its unblocked03:48
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ToHellWithGAlinux_user400354: type "/server irc.freenode.net" in irssi03:48
sharmsToHellWithGA, rob: #ubuntu-offtopic03:48
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=== rob looks at sharms
neonAndyCooll_, nice thanks03:49
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=== IcemanV9 checks his printer (forgot about the update on cups) ... and it works just fine.
AndyCooll_neon: you are welcome03:50
sharmstristanbob: any luck?03:51
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neonAndyCooll_, all be ok, but they dont have for ati drivrs :P03:51
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tristanbobsharms: no - the test page job is just sitting there - not printing03:51
sharmstristanbob: do you know how to file a bug report?03:52
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tristanbobsharms: yes - but you would think basic printing should be working - perhaps I am doing something wrong03:52
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firstc624i have a question about the update manager.  I get an error whenever it trys to update from the security.ubuntu.com site.  what would cause that?03:52
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbb OneKiD!*@* kash!*@* *!*@freematrix/volunteer/radio/kash] by gnomefreak
AndyCooll_neon: ati drivers are notoriously fickle. I usually end up just using the bog standard "vesa" ones. I have nothing that requires anything more (I don't play games)03:53
UKMatthow do you upgrade to a new version of firefox in UB?03:53
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SolarionAndyCooll_: vesa and not ati?03:53
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sharmsATI drivers work great for me except for things like hibernation03:54
Mixx`is there a more appropriate channel to ask nickserv questions in besides here?03:54
hakanwanyone have an idea how to fix this?03:54
AndyCooll_neon: correct03:54
hakanw* Starting apache 2.0 web server...03:54
hakanwapache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName03:54
hakanw   ...fail!03:54
firstc624UKMatt,  u can use the package manager to update ff.  or u can use the apt-get from the terminal03:54
sharmsMixx`: #freenode03:54
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Solarionsharms: on a laptop that's critical, imho.03:54
SolarionThat's why my next notebook will likely have an intel graphics chip in it.03:55
sharmsSolarion: you're telling me.03:55
=== [sYn] [n=syn@host-84-9-221-67.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
GMullenok I installed Windows Vista (just wanted to see if it was good enough to use yet) but I didn't even think that it would take over the MBR so now I'm in the drapper live CD and hoping there is a way to install GRUB back to the MBR03:55
Mixx`sharms thanks03:55
SolarionI actually had hibernate working with suspend203:55
AndyCooll_neon: Though when installing Ubuntu setup my ati driver and this worked fine, I had problems when trying to connect to other boxes in my home network03:55
sharmsSolarion: with fglrx?03:55
SolarionGMullen: grub-install /dev/hda should work03:55
Solarionsharms: yes03:55
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SolarionI've not tested it recently, though.03:55
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GMullenthx Solarion03:56
sharmsAndyCooll_: ati drivers have absolutely nothing to do with connecting to other boxes.03:56
Solarionsupend-to-ram didn't work, tho.  :(03:56
garryFOr /dev/sda if you are using sata drives.03:56
=== Solarion hopes vmware supports sata drives soon
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=== Solarion runs off to do dishes
AndyCooll_neon: Well I was getting ati radeon error messages when using xdcmp03:57
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AndyCooll_sharms: Reconfigured xorg.conf to use vesa and was able to connect03:57
=== mjr wonders why it would be vmware's job to "support" SATA drives
=== Simthumb [i=user@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu
reikiwoot!  brand new install on a brand new machine! :)  Now to reinstall everything.... sheeesh....03:58
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SimthumbI had a problem installing ubuntu and setting up dialup03:58
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sharms!tell Simthumb about modem03:59
Simthumbfirst, is it possible to auto-detect modem?03:59
sharmsread your pms.03:59
GMullenSolarion /dev/hda    not found03:59
SimthumbI did03:59
Simthumband I have looked there before,03:59
sharmsthat lists it all.03:59
=== firstc624 [n=firstc62@h52.117.29.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
sharmsand the question you just asked03:59
Simthumbbut isn't there a way to do it automatically?03:59
sharmsso no you didnt.03:59
frank_bdoes anyone here also have a problem of not beeing able to see images in some sites with the new firefox that comes with ubuntu?04:00
Simthumbsorry, I did...I was here before, and someone told me about that link04:00
sharmsthen why did you ask?04:00
garryFGMullen: Is your first drive an IDE or a Sata or Scsi?04:00
Simthumbbut I wanted to try using the networks wizard04:00
=== hctibtipots [n=tagz@HSE-Montreal-ppp138685.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
SimthumbI try installing Ubuntu,04:00
SimthumbI saw the docs on how to dual boot,04:01
GMulleni have no idea04:01
SimthumbI get up to step 7 on clicking manually edit partition tree,04:01
hctibtipotsi am trying to get a dlink wireless pci card to connect to the internet???04:01
Simthumband it freezes04:01
GMulleni want to say IDE but i have noidea04:01
SimthumbI tried to wait04:01
SimthumbI waited a whole half an hour04:01
SimthumbI ended up rebooting04:01
sharmsSimthumb: did you check the integrity of the cd?04:01
Simthumbyes I did04:01
Simthumbit said it was fine04:01
garryFGMullen: Try the same command cept try /dev/sda04:01
sharmsSimthumb: link to that guide?04:02
hctibtipotsi am trying to get a dlink wireless pci card to connect to the internet???04:02
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Simthumbhold on please04:02
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GMullencount not find device for /boot: not found or not a block device         garryF04:03
sharms!tell hctibtipots about wireless04:03
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SimthumbI'm totally confused - int here it says free up 10 gigs, in the Ubuntu setup it says at least 2 gigs04:04
Simthumbwhat do I follow?? I managed to free up 5gigs04:04
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garryFGMullen Well, if you have a recovery mode install, I'd try that.04:04
frank_bis someone here also not able to see images in some sites with the new firefox version that comes with ubuntu?04:04
sharmsSimthumb: 2 gigs minimum will work04:04
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sharmsSimthumb: as for the freeze, reboot and try again04:04
Simthumbah ok but what about the partitioning?04:05
Simthumbis it possible to run Windows AND Ubuntu without partitioning?04:05
sharmsfrank_b: what site?04:05
Simthumbie dual booting?04:05
GMullenknow of a way to force it to boot to linux04:05
sharmsSimthumb: only if you partitioned it correctly before you installed windows04:05
GMullenbecasue i'm on the live CD now04:05
frank_bsharms, this one for example: http://xl.netcabo.pt/04:05
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Simthumber....I've never partitioned04:05
SimthumbI have a 40 gig hdd04:05
Simthumbwith 5 gigs free04:06
sharmsfrank_b: images load fine here04:06
sharmsSimthumb: is that 5 gigs free what it says in windows?04:06
sharmsSimthumb: then what you need to do is defrag, and reboot with ubuntu cd and resize partition.  Or if you have a tool like partition magic you can also do it04:06
frank_bsharms, je... what the hell kind of problem do I have then...04:06
Simthumbsharms:Resize it to what? lol04:07
Simthumbsorry if I sound dumb, I've never done this before04:07
sharmsSimthumb: when you install windows it automatically makes a partition the size of the entire drive.  You want to decrease it by 5 gigs so that linux can have it's own slice of the harddrive.04:07
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reikiis regular xchat still available? I'm not liking xchat-gnome04:07
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frank_bsharms, ok. thanks sharms04:07
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gnomefreakreiki: yes04:07
sharmsSimthumb: Also you will actually want 2 slices for linux, 1 that is like 4.5 gigs for linux itself, and 1 that is like 500mb for a "swap" partition04:07
gnomefreakreiki: sudo apt-get install xchat04:08
Madpilotreiki, it's in Universe in Dapper04:08
sharmsfrank_b: good luck04:08
Simthumbcan I use gparted for that?04:08
Simthumber to do that04:08
sharmsSimthumb: I believe so04:08
frank_bsharms, thanks... :)04:08
reikiI think I didn't yet have universe in repos when I was looking for it... duh04:08
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Carolinamusicmanfrank_b,  I check out that site with both Firefox and opera 9 and it loaded all the images fine04:09
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sharmsCarolinamusicman: he already quit04:09
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Carolinamusicmanyeah I just seen it sharms  thanks04:10
AdamGHi all. I'd been messing around majorly with compiz/xgl, but as I'm using an ATI card, it never worked well. Now, I'm not sure what I did, and I have no graphics support at all... how do I go about getting it back (i'd be happy with just the openGL drivers, no need for fglrx)04:11
eternalswordI was playing a movie in mplayer and the screen dimmed after about 15 mins.  Is there a remedy for this?04:11
sharmsAdamG: to have accelerated opengl fglrx is required.  #2: just change your files to the backup versions you made following the howto04:11
AdamGso, the original xorg.conf I suppose?04:12
sharmsAdamG: you should have a backed up xorg.conf and gdm.conf-custom04:12
sharmsAdamG: if X still doesn't start, you will take a look in /var/log at the xorg logs, and paste it on ubuntuforums04:12
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AdamGa seperate issue is after a kernel upgrade I lost support for my wireless card, but after booting into an older kernel, it's still not there...04:13
sharmsWas it ndis or a native driver?04:13
eternalsworddoes the AC power management affect desktops as well?04:13
Simthumbum...sharms, how do I download the scanModem tool to my ubuntu desktop if I can't access the internet with Ubuntu?04:13
AdamGwor the wireless card?04:13
sharmsSimthumb - usb drive maybe?  other computer then burn to cd?04:14
AdamGI have no idea, I never messed with that04:14
AdamGwhatever's default, i guess04:14
sharmsAdamG - does dmesg | grep -i wireless    show anything04:14
AdamGtwo entries for my wireless mouse04:15
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AdamGbtw, I'm using a laptop, T4304:15
sharmsAdamG - does dmesg | grep -i eth   show your wirelesss card/04:15
bobbycan some one help me with my printer04:15
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sharmsbobby: what brand / problem04:16
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:16
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yahni'm sorry to bother you but i really need help         i was using kwrite and a message came up            and now i have to hold a key in for a second for it to display on any program does anyone know how to fix it04:16
bobbydell and it is like its just not there i cant print scan or anything04:16
sharms!tell bobby about printing04:16
AdamGsharms:no, just some messages about my ethernet, although the first entry says "Driver 'sd' needs updating...04:16
sharmsAdamG: does lspci show anything?04:17
ThatOtherGuyAnyone know if anyone at all has found a workaround for the problems with the Via ENVY chipset soundcards? (AKA, my M-Audio Revolution 7.1)04:17
AdamGsharms:yes, and one of the entries is my wireless card04:17
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sharmswhich brand04:18
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sharmsAdamG: I have to get going, but this guide looks to be what you need: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide04:19
sharmsAdamG: it goes over atheros specifically so you wont be lost04:19
AdamGalright, cool :)04:20
sharmsspecifically scroll to modprobe and lsmod sections04:20
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GMullenok i'm in the drapper install on my toshiba tecra M4 tablet and i'm trying to turn my 80(74.53 actual)gig (i think sata) drive to have 43GBntfs(1) for my XP tablet edition     14GB(2) ntfs for vista and                  12GB(3) for linux (.5GBswap) and 3GB(5) for my recovery partition but i cant have more than 4 primay partitions is there a way to switch the linux to logical and put the linux HD space and swap into that from the insta04:21
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pvd2006so I need to get automake, aclocal, and these other programs, what package would those be in?04:21
ultraHi everybody. Could someone help me out with NFS and 2 linux boxes? can't mount a nfs share04:22
nix4memount ip:/dir /mnt/dir04:22
reikilooking for an app that will tell me CPU temp and fan speeds like BIOS.... kinda hard to enter BIOS when I'm running Ubuntu :)04:22
nix4methats all thats needed04:22
ultranix4me, yep, trying that but seems not working04:23
nix4meyou sure the share is active?04:23
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ultranix4me, I think so, exportfs -v show me the share04:23
nix4mecheck system->admin->shared folders04:23
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aeon17xHow do I install the ubuntu-usplash screen in dapper? It's not in the repos for some reason.04:24
ultranix4me, yes it is active04:24
DraconicusI need a simple alicebot clone. Can somebody recommend something?04:24
nix4meare the folder permission set accordingly?04:25
nix4meither than that, i have no idea04:25
ultranix4me, on the 2nd box, did a mount -t nfs /myshare /mymountpoint04:25
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ultranix4me, permission set to the second linuxbox ip address04:25
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pianoboy3333How can I convert between audio types? Specifically I need to convert some m4a's to mp3's and flac's to mp3's.04:26
nix4metry just mount ip:/myshare /mymountpoint04:26
Scott_help! my root account is passwordless04:26
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gnomefreakScott_: use sudo04:26
ultranix4me, sorry forgot to write it but did it with ip04:26
Scott_no, as in any one can access it04:26
nix4meand make sure the /mymountpoint is an actual dir04:27
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ultranix4me, trying again without mount -t nfs now04:28
ultranix4me, arghh, works now, thanks a lot. I just removed the "-t nfs" and all working now. Thanks a lot for your help04:29
Shizboomthere is a program in my application menu04:29
phireMy shadow file isn't working, and root has a blank password (that means anyone can login as root, without a password) could someone help me?04:29
Shizboomhow do i find out where it is stored?04:29
phireShizboom: whereis04:30
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yahni'm sorry to bother you but i really need help         i was using kwrite and a message came up            and now i have to hold a key in for a second for it to display on any program does anyone know how to fix it04:30
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hakanwhow do I configure WebDAV so that the svn tree won't be readable by anyone?04:31
GMullenis there a way to move 2 primary partitions in to one so i can have 1NTSF 2NTFS 3ext/linux-swap and 4fat32RECOVERY partitions?04:31
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GMullenin GParted04:32
nix4meultra, also make sure you have portmap installed on the client side - it will speed up mounting04:32
DraconicusI've installed megahal.04:32
pvd2006Is there a command on ubuntu to see which package a certain command belongs to that is not yet installed?04:32
DraconicusWhat do I need to give megahal a personality to start off with?04:32
nix4meultra, no probelm at all04:32
ultranix4me, did that :-)) thx again04:32
nix4meglad i could help04:32
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grillhello ya'll04:33
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phireI fixed my blank root password, put a * in the /etc/passwd file. But my password hashes are stored in the passwd file, how do I set it up to use the shadow file04:34
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dpnwhats a good linux alternative to the default picture viewer in windows?04:36
mjrdpn, I kinda like gqview, though eg. eog is an option04:36
robGwenview is nice too :)04:36
GMullenis there a way(in GParted) to move 2 primary partitions in to one so i can have 1NTSF 2NTFS 3ext/linux-swap and 4fat32RECOVERY partitions?04:36
dr34mc0d3ri just set up a fresh ubuntu 6.06 with shorewall - alls working fine But - this new machine wont resolve dns - i cant do apt-get update - cause it cant resolve. i see in /etc/resolv.conf that it looks fine - got any ideas?04:37
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eddeldr34mc0d3r: Hard-code your ISPs DNS server in /etc/resolv.conf as a short cut. Turn shore wall on and off. If that flips it, try to understand where/why shorewall blocks dns.04:39
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dpnIs there a reason images arent opening in a program when I click them? Seems like there should be something simple installed already to handle that04:39
dr34mc0d3ri was thinking that shorewall is blocking dns - what port numbers are dns queries on?04:40
Tom7eevery time i start sound juicer it says 'the currently selected audio profile is not available on your installation'  and then says quit or change profile.  and when i select to extract, the program closes04:40
dr34mc0d3rmy etc/resolv has hard coded dns from the isp...already04:40
spadesdr34mc0d3r try 5304:41
ThatOtherGuyIs sound in linux always this hit or miss, or is my system just a special case :/04:41
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mikereThatOtherGuy: I find it works on almost every system I install on - it used to be more hit and miss but is getting much better in the last year or two04:42
offipsohas anyone had any experience with setting up soundmodem?04:42
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mikereThatOtherGuy: unfortunately, the problem is mostly hardware manufacturers not supporting their hardware with open source drivers04:42
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ThatOtherGuymikere: I gather that M-Audio is one of the worst for it, too04:43
ThatOtherGuymikere: So I re-enabled the onboard AC97 and it still doesn't work >_<04:43
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dliThatOtherGuy, intel ich modem?04:44
LGKeizumm is there a guide to install gcc?04:44
dliLGKeiz, sudo apt-get install build-essential04:44
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ThatOtherGuydli: What?04:44
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for a pre-built package first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)04:44
AdamGdoes anyone know where in the ubuntu docs I can find the original sources.list?04:45
Shizboomfor flash in firefox would i use lib-flash?04:45
dpnHow does twinview work on linux?  Does it just move one of your other desktops to the second monitor or does it make it one big desktop04:45
LGKeizty dli04:45
AdamGah, nv04:45
AdamGfound it :)04:45
Tom7eevery time i start sound juicer it says 'the currently selected audio profile is not available on your installation'  and then says quit or change profile.  and when i select to extract, the program closes04:46
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mjrdpn, if you're talking about nvidia's twinview(TM), one big desktop (and there's xinerama and/or mergedfb for other drivers)04:46
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dpnDoes the gnome image viewer not work on mounted ntfs drives04:47
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fiftyfour123i installed ubuntu on my firewire hard drive (mac osx ppc) osx is on the internal hd, but the yaboot installation failed, so how do i boot into linux without having the bootloader?04:49
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yahn_i'm sorry to bother you but i really need help         i was using kwrite and a message came up            and now i have to hold a key in for a second for it to display on any program does anyone know how to fix it            I would really appreciate help04:50
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kbrooksyahn_: you arent bowthering us. kwrite... ask in #kubuntu. See:04:50
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment. For more info see http://kubuntu.org ; to install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:50
hctibtipotshow do you connect to a wireless connection???04:51
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dotwaffleAny Ubuntu dev's awake and watching, I have an idea for a feature, and I'd like help in submitting it somewhere.04:51
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linux_user400354does openoffice have clipart?04:51
dpnUbuntu doesn't like opening up directories with 14000 pics in them =/04:51
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yahn_how did you send to me kbrooks, thank you04:52
ThatOtherGuyAnyone able to help me figure out my sound problem? Every time I try to play a sound file the palyer freezes. I've gone through the standard ubuntu help fixes :/04:52
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kbrooksdotwaffle: what is it, maybe i can direct you to the application that has it. try me04:52
dliThatOtherGuy, can you try another player?04:52
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hctibtipotshow do you connect to a wireless connection???04:53
ThatOtherGuydli: Tried totem, rhythymbox, amarok04:53
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spadeshctibtipots iwconfig04:53
fiftyfour123i installed ubuntu on my firewire hard drive (mac osx ppc) osx is on the internal hd, but the yaboot installation failed, so how do i boot into linux without having the bootloader?04:53
phirehey, has anyone else ever problems with apt-get resolving domain names, it works after you look up that address from somewere else on the network.04:53
dliThatOtherGuy, try xmms04:53
hctibtipotsand den???04:54
fiftyfour123can anyone help me?04:54
spadeshctibtipots is the network manager picking up your access point?04:54
hctibtipotsyes wlan004:54
=== fiftyfour123 wits angerly
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spadeshctibtipots so pick your point and set it to dhcp and enable it04:55
phirefiftyfour, don't know sorry04:55
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hctibtipotsi did that but it still wont connect04:55
phireyou might be able to boot off the ubuntu cd04:55
ThatOtherGuydli: xmms doesn't freeze, but doesn't play the file either04:55
dpnWhy does the gnome image viewer stop working randomly04:56
fiftyfour123can anyone besides phire help me?04:56
ThatOtherGuyfiftyfour123: I would if I could, but I know less than you, I am sure :p04:56
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nomasteryodafiftyfour123, you need a bootloader... maybe using the live cd04:57
nomasteryodaas was said04:57
nomasteryodai hat macs04:57
fiftyfour123wait how could iuse te live cd to boot into it?04:57
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theocodeHey, from the prompt what is the command to configure the monitor settings (ex. vsync, resolution, etc)05:00
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mauroirc mauro.efnet.org05:01
synthesisQuick question RE: XGL and Ubuntu 6.0.605:01
phire55: you put the live cd in to boot, but instad of booting it you change the options to boot your install instead05:01
Daveyboy what are the development package names for mysql and GD??05:01
Clujotheocode.. try looking up xorgconf.   complicated so save the xorg.conf file05:01
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theocodeClujo: thanks I'll look it up05:02
phire55: I've done it before on my windows machene, but never with ubuntu and I can't rember the commands05:02
=== synthesis [n=synthesi@c-71-195-60-126.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
synthesislets try this again05:02
Daveyboy what are the development package names for mysql and GD??05:02
synthesisClosed it lol05:02
synthesisI got everything configured identical to my laptop, but XGL won't work on my main PC, whereas it DOES work on my laptop.05:03
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synthesisAnyone able to assist?05:03
AdamGwhoever was helping me earlier, everying is working now... thank you!05:03
dpndoes the twinview work ok with xgl?05:03
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phiresysthesis, what video card do you have in your pc?05:03
synthesisMain PC is a GeForce 680005:04
synthesisLaptop is a GeForce4 440 go05:04
phirehow far do you get?05:05
synthesisEverything is configured...05:05
synthesisI boot, select XGL from the sessions05:05
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synthesisIt pulls me into the desktop...05:05
synthesisAnd I get none of the effects05:05
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hareemwhats a good c++ compiler05:05
pinkmanAnyone know of a link to a site that shows how to install both a linux(ubuntu) and winxppro..05:05
phireyou need to start compiz05:05
synthesisVerified all settings between this system and the laptop.. Both are nearly identical...05:05
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pinkmanso that you may run windows programs05:06
synthesiscompiz should be started05:06
mikerehareem: g++05:06
Dr`KeoWhat's the new repo to get the latest nvidia-glx drivers?05:06
=== PetrolBomb [n=king@dsl-146-159-138.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
synthesisI followed that05:06
hareemthanks mate05:06
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hareemany one have experience with openkiosk05:07
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Dr`Keosynthesis, I'm still on hoary =)05:07
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synthesisGimme a sec..05:08
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synthesisTesting something05:08
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PeeweeBombANyone used pure ftp and pureadmin?05:08
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HLMi am the egg man :) i am the egg man :) i am the walrus 8-)05:10
=== J-_ [n=justin@HSE-Toronto-ppp3476396.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
synthesisHeh, I figured it out05:10
synthesisI typoed in the Startup Applications in Sessions05:10
Dr`Keosynthesis, you're using dapper, right?05:10
synthesisYeah, 6.0.605:10
J-_where do i install icons? stupid question yes. but I need some variety05:11
theocodeso, I have this problem where the screen is not configured correctly, its about an inch to to the left of where it should be.  What might be causing that?05:11
Dr`KeoCan you get me the restricted copywright repo link?05:11
synthesis<--- n00b linux user05:11
theocodeI went into the xorg config and changed some settings and then the screen just was blank, but I reverted back to the original configuration now...05:12
synthesisI ordered my discs a while back.05:12
TanookiCan someone help me set up Direct Rendering?  I'm using Dapper Drake. I have the packages installed but its still using indirect.  dmesg doesn't show any drm stuff being loaded.05:12
theocodeany help would be great, as this is a very annoying problem05:12
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Dr`KeoCrap, I need the url to that too...05:13
kuzmasterhello all05:13
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Dr`Keocrimsun, you've been a help before, can you grab me the url to the restricted copyright repository?05:13
kuzmastercan someone please assist me in making my wireless card work with kubuntu 6.0605:13
crimsunDr`Keo: the what?05:14
J-_where do i install icon packs?05:14
Dr`Keocrimsun, the repository URL for dapper's restricted copywright05:14
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crimsunDr`Keo: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper restricted05:14
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Dr`Keocrimsun, Thank you05:14
pvd2006hmm weird, I get this error when tryign to install libfaac-dev, libfaac-dev:  Depends: libmp4-dev  but it is not installable05:14
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Dial_tonedo you have to start that hdparm service to use hdparm at all?05:15
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fadfocusdotcomis there a gui for hdparm? haha05:15
kbrooksDial_tone: no05:15
hakanwa while back, I changed hostname manually by changing /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname.  now I get this apache error every time I restart it: ``apache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName''.   what's wrong in my etc/hosts and /etc/hostname?05:15
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crimsunpvd2006: libfaac-dev and libmp4v2-dev are both in multiverse.05:15
crimsunDr`Keo: np05:15
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J-_waha i'm dumb, i got it. err. screw you short term memory!05:15
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kuzmastermy wireless card worked fine in kubuntu 6.06, straight out of the box (i had to connect to the right network), but it dosnt work out of the box for ubuntu 6.0605:16
Dial_toneis hdparm only for ide disks?05:16
crimsunpvd2006: what app is looking for libmp4-dev?05:16
kbrooksDial_tone: Doubt it05:16
andy-can someone tell me the command to copy from /home/andy/Desktop/UT2004-Patch/ to /usr/local/games/ut2004/ ???05:16
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andy-cp doesn't want to, and i can't move them because i need su =\05:16
Dial_toneooh, looks like it is05:16
hakanwandy-: cp -r path1 path2 will copy folders05:16
spadesandy-  you need to sudo cp file newpath05:16
pvd2006crimsun, im installing cinelerra through svn05:16
clojsterhow can i mount ext3 disk (what are the parameters in fstab), to be accessible by anybody using this computer for writing?05:17
hakanwsudo before, probably05:17
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crimsunpvd2006: so you need to install libfaac-dev from dapper/multiverse.05:17
kuzmasterive tried setting it to dhcp and static, defining the dns servers manually, but it still dosnt work05:17
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cocoxhi! anyone knows how can i start telnet in ubuntu ? i've been trying with invoke-rc.d and /etc/init.d/telnet ... but it seems that im on the wrong way...05:17
sbalneavcocox: Are you wanting a telnet client?  or a telnet server?05:18
kbrookscocox: start telnet? run it?05:18
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kuzmasterand i have also done sudo iwconfig ra0 essid ANY, but that diddnt seem to do anything05:18
cocoxsbalneav, i just want to connect to my own computer by telnet ... something like telnet
kuzmasterbtw, i have no encryption on my connection05:18
kbrookscocox: do that05:18
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sbalneavWhy not use ssh? It's the same thing but encryped.  Safer that way05:19
cocoxkbrooks, do what ?05:19
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sbalneavYou can use synaptic to instal openssh-server05:19
cocoxsbalneav, yeah i know ... im just wondering what is the way for telnet05:19
sbalneavthen use synaptic to install telnetd05:19
kbrookscocox: the command you just gave05:19
cocoxkbrooks, it doesnt works05:20
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cocoxsbalneav, kbrooks telnet doesnt comes with ubuntu?05:20
andy-neither of those commands are working =\05:20
kuzmasterhere is my /ect/network/interfaces for kubuntu http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1758805:20
kbrookscocox: no... only the ssh servr05:20
sbalneavno, it's a) insecure, b) insecure, c) no one uses it anymore, and d) insecure :)05:21
kuzmasterhere is my /ect/network/interfaces for ubuntu http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1758905:21
andy-is there a way to sudo inside a browser maybe?05:21
kuzmasterif thats any help05:21
pvd2006crimsun, I have dapper multiverse enabled already05:21
kbrookssbalneav: not helpful05:21
cocoxsbalneav, kbrooks lol i got the point thnx guys05:21
kuzmasterso, any ideas or help?05:21
pppoe_dudeubotu tell me about telnetd05:21
ubotuI know nothing about telnetd05:22
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pppoe_dudeubotu tell me about info telnetd05:22
ubotuI know nothing about cp05:22
ubotuI know nothing about telnetd05:22
HackerX** Hey, What the best way to use a webcam on ubuntu??? **05:22
cocoxthank u guys i got the point05:22
pppoe_dudecocox, you can probably install a telnet daemon from the repos05:22
sbalneavkbrooks: What's not helpful?  I told him how to install it, and informed him it was insecure.  What wasn't helpful?05:22
kbrookssbalneav: nm05:23
pppoe_dudecocox, if u want to, just type 'apt-get install telnetd'05:23
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kbrookspppoe_dude: sudo05:23
cocoxyea, but i was just wondering why i couldnt start telnet doing the usuall with other services... i didnt know that it doesnt comes with this distro05:23
pppoe_dudecocox, as root05:23
cocoxpppoe_dude, thnx u :)05:23
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pppoe_dudecocox, but as mentioned before, ssh has many benefits over telnet05:24
HackerX*** Is it possible to get my IP Unbanned from this Channel? ***05:24
kuzmasterany one at all?05:24
kbrookscocox: it isnt bundled, but it is INCLUDED in the repos05:24
kuzmasteri really need help05:24
pvd2006crimsun, I tried to force the version to05:24
cocoxok guys i'll check thanx05:24
cocoxany of you use firestarter for manage iptables ??05:24
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kuzmasterplease, i really need this to work05:25
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pppoe_dudecocox, sure05:25
sbalneavkuzmaster: What are you trying to do?05:25
kuzmasterget my wireless card to work05:25
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pvd2006crimsun, I show that libmp4V2 is already installed.05:25
cocoxso, you know where can i find the script generated by firestarter for iptables ????05:25
=== Blake_ [i=Blake@fe-0-0-0.core1.cvg1.one.net] has joined #Ubuntu
kuzmastermy wireless card worked fine in kubuntu 6.06, straight out of the box (i had to connect to the right network), but it dosnt work out of the box for ubuntu 6.0605:26
HackerX*** How Do I Get Unbanned? Who Do I Talk To??? ***05:26
pppoe_dudecocox, there are files in /etc/firestarter/inbount and .../outbound for the rules05:26
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crimsunpvd2006: pastebin ``apt-cache policy libfaac-dev libmp4v2-dev''05:26
kuzmasterhere is my /ect/network/interfaces for kubuntu http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1758805:26
kuzmasterhere is my /ect/network/interfaces for ubuntu http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1758905:26
kuzmasteras i said, my wireless card is working fine for kubuntu05:26
pppoe_dudecocox, i don't think theres an actual 'script' that you can access as a file in real time05:27
kuzmasterand always has, out of the box05:27
pppoe_dudekuzmaster, are you using wpa?05:27
kuzmasterno, no encryptiong05:27
cocoxpppoe_dude, me neither lol... im cheking out this files that you told me, thanks05:27
pvd2006crimsun, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1759005:27
sbalneavkuzmaster: What happens if you do a sudo ifconfig ra0?05:27
kuzmasterdont no, ill try that05:28
sbalneavand then a sudo iwconfig ra005:28
=== josh [n=josh@66-191-145-50.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
kuzmasterim currently in kubuntu05:28
sbalneavPaste both the results to the pastebot.05:28
joshthe dapper upgrade broke my install.....05:28
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joshi need to know how to fix this fglrx error im getting05:28
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joshmy xorg is all f*&^ed05:28
kuzmasteri have also tried sudo iwconfig ra0 essid ANY05:29
HackerX|*~*| What software should i use for a Webcam??? |*~*|05:29
crimsunpvd2006: remove http://www.kiberpipa.org from your sources.list, update && install libfaac-dev05:29
kuzmasterisnt ifconfig for ethanet?05:29
joshHackerX: camora or whatever it is called05:29
joshyes kuzmaster05:29
sbalneavkuzmaster: If we could see what the output for iwconfig is, we could see what the card thinks is going on05:29
pppoe_dudeHackerX, try ekiga?05:29
kuzmasterthen why do it?05:29
HackerXjosh, where do i get that?05:30
kuzmasterohhh, ok05:30
kuzmasterill write it all down, then try it05:30
pppoe_dudeHackerX, what are you trying to do with the webcam?05:30
joshgo to your packet manager and search for webcam05:30
sbalneavifconfig works on both wireful and wireless05:30
joshpppoe_dude: lol i dont think we want to know05:30
HackerXjosh, ok thanks05:30
joshsomeone know about the xorg install issue?05:30
HackerXpppoe_dude, im just tring to record05:30
HackerXor even just display it on the screen but recording would be nice05:31
pppoe_dudeHackerX, look up xawtv i think it might be what you need05:31
Blake_ok seems like this is a common problem, just upgradded to dapper and now wireless wont work, using an acx111 card, no encryption, and none of the usual tricks work, ive read network-manager might work but cant install it without a connection, the hardware and driver (ndiswrapper) are recognized but cant find the accespoints05:31
pppoe_dude!info xawtv05:31
ubotuxawtv: X11 TV application. In repository universe, is extra. Version 3.94-1.0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 219 kB, installed size 712 kB05:31
joshwhat is the command to remove stuff through apt-get?05:31
pppoe_dudejosh, apt-get remove <package name>05:31
joshsudo apt-cache clean05:31
joshok i ma having a problem getting my xorg updated...05:32
joshit is returning a mimatch on divert from the .deb file05:32
pvd2006crimsun, libfaac-dev: Depends: libfaac0 (=1.24clean-0ubuntu4) but 1.24+cvs20060416-0.1 is to be installed05:33
HackerXpppoe_dude, sweet ill check it thanks, also do you know i can talk to. to get get my ip unbanned on this channel i sliped up and swor and with out even getting a warning they banned me so now i have to use a proxy but that limits my choices of irc clients. kinda annoying05:33
pppoe_dudepvd2006, you might need to clean your cache...05:33
joshi have tried deleing the old file, the new and re-dling, and doing a sudo apt-get remove libGL and nothing05:33
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pvd2006how do you clean your cache?05:34
pppoe_dudeHackerX, you have to just wait05:34
pvd2006apt-cache clean or something?05:34
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joshsudo apt-get update05:34
Vexorremember this is a debian system, dpkg05:34
pppoe_dudepvd2006, yes05:34
pppoe_dudepvd2006, did you try to install a deb manually?05:34
pppoe_dudepvd2006, the cleanest way i think of that you can fix this error is to manually install 1.24clean-0ubuntu405:35
joshok im about to get rid of xorg and try a reinstall05:35
joshgood idea? bad idea?05:35
HackerXpppoe_dude, Ok so the bans are just like a set amount of time its been a few days now05:35
pppoe_dudepvd2006, i don't know what your problem exactly is... but just download that package and dpkg -i it05:35
=== Shadowline [n=shadowli@ppp-69-221-250-96.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
kuzmasteris it possible to have the kubuntu wireless assistant on ubuntu05:35
kuzmasterbut i would have to download the .dep thru kubuntu and installed via dpkg05:36
kuzmastercan i do that?05:36
crimsunpvd2006: remove libfaac005:36
joshwell lets see what a reinstall does....05:36
crimsunpvd2006: then install libfaac-dev05:36
joshyes kuz05:36
Blake_just upgradded to dapper and now wireless wont work, using an acx111 card, no encryption, and none of the usual tricks work, ive read network-manager might work but cant install it without a connection, the hardware and driver (ndiswrapper) are recognized but cant find the accespoints05:36
joshsudo dpkg -i <whatever file>05:37
pvd2006crimsum, thats going to un-install a lot of stuff.05:37
kuzmasterjosh, do you have a copy of dapper drake on cd?05:37
Shizboomanyone use opera 9 yet?05:37
joshand im not at home05:37
kuzmasterohhhhhh, k\05:37
Blake_whats the best way to go about installing network-manager and dependancied without a connection as its not included in the install CD05:37
joshok... ill be right back (crosses fingers)05:37
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HackerXpppoe_dude, Do i need any kinda drivers or anything like that for my webcam and if so where do i get those?05:38
crimsunpvd2006: --force-depends.05:38
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crimsunpvd2006: you should not use external repos without knowing conflict ramifications.05:38
pppoe_dudeHackerX, run 'scanimage -L'  and tell me what you get05:38
KeyseirCan ubuntu be installed and boot off of a flash card?05:39
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pvd2006so I run sudo apt-get  --force-depends remove libfaac005:39
pppoe_dudeKeyseir, yes but theres no straight forward howto or wiki afaik05:39
HackerXpppoe_dude, i dont have the cam hooked up yet05:39
HackerXhold on ill be back when i get it05:39
=== KDEfanboy [n=hkhiuh@64-17-81-248.nm.warpdriveonline.com] has joined #ubuntu
KDEfanboyshould /lib/iptables/libipt_nth.so be missing from iptables?05:40
crimsunpvd2006: no, dpkg -P --force-depends libfaac005:40
crimsunpvd2006: then apt-get -f install05:41
KeyseirWould a 2gb card be sufficient for an ubuntu install, or should I look into something crazy05:41
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pppoe_dudeKeyseir, i wouldn't recommend installing linux on a flash drive05:42
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Blake_just upgradded to dapper and now wireless wont work, using an acx111 card, no encryption, and none of the usual tricks work, ive read network-manager might work but cant install it without a connection, the hardware and driver (ndiswrapper) are recognized but cant find the accespoints05:42
pppoe_dudeKeyseir, if anything, just usa a liveCD image on it or a small distro like DSL05:42
Blake_pleease, anyone?05:42
nomasteryodaBlake_, you need the firmware05:43
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nomasteryodajust sec05:43
pppoe_dudeBlake_, is your card turned on? make sure it is, then run 'sudo ifup <interfacename>' then run 'iwlist scanning' and tell me if u get anything05:43
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pppoe_dudeor listen to someone else who might know the specifics of that card ;)05:44
=== Trae [n=october@ip24-252-207-46.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Shizboomis there anyway i can run a .asp website as my background?05:44
Blake_ya, sudo ifup wlan0 doesnt recieve any offers05:44
nomasteryodaok, so that is a TI chipset05:45
=== mattwestm [n=mattwest@adsl-221-85-184.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
nomasteryodaBlake_, how about ifconfig -a05:45
Blake_hold on05:45
nomasteryodamay show as eth105:45
nomasteryodaor 205:45
mattwestmhow do I remove all dependencies that were installed when I installed a program?05:45
pppoe_dudeBlake_, iwlist scanning returns no accesspoints?05:45
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pppoe_dudemattwestm, use aptitude05:45
nomasteryodaBlake_, run lspci and see what the version of your card is05:46
Blake_everything seems to be working but cant find accespoints anymore05:46
nomasteryodathen lets find the firmware05:46
pvd2006thanks a lot crimsun, now I can run make for cinelerra05:46
mattwestmpppoe_dude: I did to install it, what do I do to remove them?05:46
KeyseirWhat about running ubuntu off of an external hard drive? I've got a friend who's in airforce training and he wants a way to be able to run ubuntu on a friends computer, and save stuff.05:46
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Blake_ACX 11105:46
Shizboomis there anyway to make my background include a webpage?05:46
pppoe_dudeKeyseir, you can do it... its just not recommended on flash drives... external drives *should* be no problem05:47
Blake_ifconfig -a gets some stuff, cant copy and paste though, on a different comp05:47
LGKeizHas Anyone here installed vnc on Ubuntu I need help x.x05:47
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Blake_ifconfig -a   no packets or bytes anywhere05:48
Keyseirpppoe_dude: I appreciate the input.05:48
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nomasteryodaBlake_, it should show your card name05:48
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nomasteryodasudo ifconfig -a05:48
kakaltowith the kubuntu installer, I set my partitions and everything, and now it's sitting at "checking fat32 partition on /dev/sda5"... it's about 130GB partition, and the kubuntu system seems to have frozen. what can I do?05:48
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nomasteryodalook for eth1, eth2 or somesuch05:49
TokenBadis there something with an iso that could make it readable in windows but not in linux?05:49
pppoe_dudeBlake_, run iwconfig... should give you specifics about wireless only05:49
Blake_theres eth0 lo sit0 and wlan005:49
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Blake_what kind of specifics HW address?05:49
=== TubaSoldier [n=llij@24-116-146-205.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
Blake_acx v0.3.2105:50
TubaSoldieris it possible to use a widescreen framebuffer mode with grub on boot?05:50
pppoe_dudeTokenBad, not if its 9660 ISO05:50
=== ainull_ [n=irfan@60-240-185-91.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
[Ex0r] anyone here have problems with frostwire going really slow?05:50
Blake_mode = managed, ESSID is correct05:50
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ainull_any one know where i can find packages for breezy for xine ?05:51
pppoe_dudeainull_, from universe/multiverse repos05:51
pppoe_dudeainull_, you can also go to packages.ubuntu.com05:51
TokenBadpppoe_dude, I have a iso file...got it from friend...sfv checks out fine...it works in windows but can't mount or burn it in linux05:51
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Blake_i read on some forum that it might work if i use network-manager (diff card though i think) but i cant install network manager cuz i have no connection05:52
[Ex0r] anyone ?05:52
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ainull_pppoe_dude: it has the old version, i am looking for the new version of xine05:53
nvezGood evening.05:53
pppoe_dudeBlake_, do yo have removable media?05:53
pppoe_dudeainull_, that would probably break your packages05:53
ainull_pppoe_dude: is it a good idea to install the xine packages from teh dapper dvd ?05:53
pppoe_dudeainull_, not on a breezy system no05:54
spadesainull_ compile it from source05:54
spadesthats what i did05:54
pppoe_dudeainull_, best way is to just compile it and keep it in one directory05:54
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firstc624shoot i think i missed something i actually wanted to see....grrr05:54
ainull_yeah thats what i am planning to do, but checking if there were packlages already05:54
firstc624how do i run a windowz app under ubuntu05:55
LGKeizHow do I install new themes o.o05:55
pppoe_dudeBlake_, just go to packages.ubuntu.com and download network-manager and all dependancies05:55
ubotuFind your themes at: http://art.ubuntu.com - http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEyeCandy05:55
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pppoe_dudeBlake_, then move them to the other comp. and use dpkg to install05:55
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buzzedhow would i use an external monitor with my lap top05:56
HackerXpppoe_dude, ok im back but that scanimage -l thing doesnt work05:56
Blake_i went there and got it and a few of the dependencies, guess i need all, but it wasnt finding where the dependencies were05:56
pppoe_dudeHackerX, scanimage -L05:56
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ubotuInstall gnome-themes (gnome) or go to menu, system settings, appearance (KDE)05:56
jonas-irci got a damn problem... my hda is partioned into two partitions, hda1 and hda5. hda1 is my XP partion (NTFS) and hda5 is formated to ext3, but when i have mounted it, and tries to explore it, the damn hda5 is read only... anyone got any suggestion?05:56
HackerXpppoe_dude, Nope command not found05:57
pppoe_dudeBlake_, they should all be on the repos there05:57
pppoe_dudeHackerX, try lspci and see if any lines show a webcam05:57
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Blake_was using gdebi to try to install but when i tried to install it it just said it needed dependencies, do i have to install them in a certain order or can i make it find where i have the packages located?05:58
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Newbie-UbuntuHi everybody05:59
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HackerXpppoe_dude, No its isnt on any of the lines05:59
pppoe_dudeBlake_, u have to install them in certain order05:59
HackerXpppoe_dude, its a logitech quickcam05:59
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pppoe_dudeHackerX, plug in the webcam then past 'dmesg' output on a pastebin05:59
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Blake_ok, how do i know the order? whatever it tells me i need first?05:59
boxahywhen setting my username and password, my keyboard was acting up and entered extra charachters like eeexammplee06:00
boxahyi got my username right06:00
LGKeizHow would I change themes, Because.. it saids invalid format when I try to install a theme o.o06:00
boxahybut my password is now wrong and i dont know it06:00
LGKeizAnd.. I went to those links :P06:00
pppoe_dudeBlake_, on the list on packages.ubuntu.com06:01
HackerXpppoe_dude, what the link for paste bin again?06:01
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:01
=== DShepherd [n=dwight@port0121-afe-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu
boxahyhah, thats odd. my kyboard started to do it again and it logged on!06:02
Newbie-UbuntuQuestion about the Ubuntu ISO Images: I got windows installed, and I want to install Ubunto on another partition, so I want the GRUB not in the master boot, to allow me chose from windows or linux, which ISO Image should I get, the Desktop CD or the Alternate Install CD? Thank you06:02
[Ex0r] stupid frostwire06:02
HackerXpppoe_dude, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1759206:02
boxahyany idea on how to prevent my keboard from doing it or something. i use a logitech wireless desktop on a kvm06:02
pppoe_dudeNewbie-Ubuntu, alternate06:02
Gareth^Newbie-Ubuntu, putting grub on the MBR wouldn't stop you from choosing windows (grub has full windows support through chainloading)06:03
Newbie-UbuntuOk, thank you very much.06:03
Newbie-UbuntuOh ok06:03
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Gareth^although like he said, alt CD (though neither are specific as to where they put grub - alt is just more reliable)06:03
Newbie-UbuntuAh perfect. Thank you very much.06:04
pppoe_dudehackel, please paste output of lspci too06:04
LGKeizAlright.. I try to install the new theme.. but what file to I click to install it o_o06:04
Newbie-UbuntuAnd they install the same software right?06:04
elkbuntuGareth^, Newbie-Ubuntu, the desktop cd works perfectly fine for dualbooting06:04
dadgumittrying to insall fglrx, per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI getting multiple errors, anyone feel like helping a nub to ubuntu?06:04
pppoe_dudeoops.. HackerX not hackel06:04
Gareth^elkbuntu, I know - I just said that a bit ago06:04
Blake_ok, im gonna go try this again, dependencies r a bitch06:05
pppoe_dudeBlake_, one other way..06:05
Gareth^Newbie-Ubuntu, yes - it's just the liveCD gives you a fancy graphical interface for the install and you can play tetris while it installs.  I've had some issues with it though - crashes, etc so I've stuck with alt CDs06:05
elkbuntuGareth^ not recently enough :P, only just sat down06:05
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Newbie-UbuntuSo, I could get anyone but the Alt would be more reliable? Both install the same packages?06:05
pppoe_dudeBlake_, do dpkg -i <package names> (for all the packages)06:05
HackerXpppoe_dude, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1759306:05
pppoe_dudeBlake_, then when you do this for all, apt-get -f install should fix the configurations06:05
Newbie-UbuntuAh ok, Thank you Gareth^06:05
Gareth^elkbuntu, you probably missed it - looking back it is kind of cryptic06:06
dadgumitfirs error on (sudo apt-get install linux-686) E: couldn't find package linux-68606:06
dadgumitlil help?06:06
dadgumitno idea where to go from thta error either06:06
boxahyis there a way i can change my password without having to sudo? i know this sounds like im trying to get into someones system but im not06:06
pppoe_dudeboxahy, passwd06:06
elkbuntuGareth^, confusion is a chronic habit of large channels ;)06:07
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pppoe_dudeboxahy, but you shouldnt have to sudo anyway06:07
dadgumitlittle help maybe?06:07
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boxahyok cool. now i just have to figure out why my keyboard is doing this06:07
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[Ex0r] grr, what the heck is wrong with frostwire today06:07
pppoe_dudedadgumit, why are you installing linux-686?... try installing linux-image instead06:07
Gareth^elkbuntu, hooray for forums!06:07
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pppoe_dudeoops... dadgumit , linux-image-68606:08
dadgumitI am trying to install fglrx per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI06:08
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jonas-irci got a damn problem... my hda is partioned into two partitions, hda1 and hda5. hda1 is my XP partion (NTFS) and hda5 is formated to ext3,06:08
jonas-ircbut when i have mounted it, and tries to explore it, the damn hda5 is read only... anyone got any suggestion?06:08
pppoe_dudedadgumit, you probably need headers06:08
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pppoe_dudedadgumit, linux-headers would do that for you06:08
HackerXpppoe_dude, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1759306:08
boxahypppoe_dude, i need my current password. thats the problem. my keyboard acted up while typing it in06:08
dadgumitnot for sure wat that is?06:08
farkyCan someone help me with Firestarter?06:08
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Gareth^heh every time I see someone say dadgumit I think they're cursing in a very odd way06:09
pppoe_dudeboxahy, you can login from liveCD06:09
kolajehow do i kill programs in cli?06:09
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boxahypppoe_dude, then what file would i have to change06:09
Gareth^kolaje, kill <process ID>06:09
DShepherdwhat other app other than opera is available via dapper-commercial?06:09
dadgumitI should mention that i am in bash, dont' hav x workign yet06:09
nvezI love the new install from Live CD feature.06:09
boxahydamn this stupid kvm06:09
pppoe_dudeboxahy, google 'change pasword linux shadow'06:09
Gareth^kolaje, to get te process ID run "top"06:09
LGKeizOkay, When I drag the theme to the theme manager, It saids that The file is invalid format, on all of them, any idea why :x?06:09
pppoe_dudeboxahy, or replace change with clear06:09
buzzedi have a laptop... and want to use the svideo out...06:09
dadgumitand that i am a gigantic nub06:09
kolajethanks Gareth^06:09
Newbie-UbuntuNow that I know which image to get, I'll go read the FAQ and stuff. Thank for the help!06:09
nvezLGKeiz, aren't you supposed to put them somewhere in the theme directory?06:10
nvezI thin it's, hold on.06:10
abstractismhey #ubuntu06:10
dadgumitso far i have installed and reinstalled ubuntu about thirty times in thirty different ways06:10
abstractismwhats up06:10
userundefinetired abstractism06:10
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abstractismsame here, but just finished watching a movie06:10
DShepherddadgumit: kool.. i bet that is some record or something.. yay!06:10
nvezI'm not sure, LGKeiz.06:10
dadgumitall in under 3 days06:11
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nvezI'm pretty sure it's a directory in the home dir though.06:11
abstractismbicentennial man06:11
pppoe_dudeHackerX, did u google your model + ubuntu or + linux?06:11
dadgumitIF I could get X working i would beswell06:11
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HackerXnot yet06:11
pppoe_dudeHackerX, your model might need to have further modules installed or might not be supported at all...06:11
pppoe_dudeHackerX, try googling ;)06:11
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pppoe_dudeLGKeiz, are you keeping them in .tar.gz format06:12
farkyCan someone help me with Firestarter?06:12
kuzmasterhello all, im back06:12
pppoe_dudefarky, ask your question06:12
dadgumitcan someone help me get X working06:12
kuzmasterwho was it that was helping me before?06:13
jonas-irci fixed my problem all by my own :D06:13
farkypppoe_dude: hold on let me to get the problem again06:13
kuzmasterbecause it did sudo ifconfig ra0, then sudo iwconfig ra006:13
kolajeis there a kill command to just kill everything that's running in X?06:13
Blake_so i gotta get the dependencies for the dependencies too? and what about the dependencies for the dependencies of the dependencies?   fuck06:14
kuzmasterill pastbin my results soon06:14
pppoe_dudeubotu tell Blake_ about language06:14
DShepherdwhat other app other than opera is available via dapper-commercial?06:14
pppoe_dudeBlake_, the other deps can probably be resoved by apt-get and CD06:14
kungfuhamsterI'm having some XGL/Compiz issues today. I followed the guide here (http://tazforum.thetazzone.com/viewtopic.php?t=2189) and everything works fine until I try loading a non-XGL Gnome. Once the splash screen disappears and the panels show up, the screen goes black and dumps me back to the GDM login. Attempting a second login or using CTRL+Alt+Backspace freezes the system, requiring a reboot. What can I do to fix it?06:14
pppoe_dudeBlake_, apt-get -f install like i said... do it between packages see if it works06:14
DShepherdkungfuhamster: ask in #ubuntu-xgl06:15
andy-does Cedega cost money?!06:15
pppoe_dudeBlake_, best way to do it is after you install everything you have06:15
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dadgumitcan anyone help me with X?06:16
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nvezdadgumit, just ask.06:16
aroonihey folks06:16
pppoe_dudeleave all the packages unconfigured... if it doesnt install at all, you can try a --force-all flag then do the apt-get -f install06:16
boxahypppoe_dude, could i just set a root password then change it?06:16
steveklThe source-o-matic (for dapper atleast) gives me broken apt sources. Does anyone know of a good dapper sources.list with all the media and illegal stuff?06:16
aroonihow can i get about 10 random jpegs on my computer really fast (i dont care what they are pictures of )06:16
[Ex0r] Anyone here having trouble with frostwire freezing up?06:17
pppoe_dude[Ex0r] , why not use gtk-gnutella?06:17
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crimsunarooni: you should have some in /usr/lib/openoffice/share/gallery/www-back/ already06:17
ShizboomMy system monitor says my processor is at 100% but when i go to the processes tab i can't see what is taking up all my cpu, any ideas?06:17
[Ex0r] pppoe_dude, i like the ease of frostwire. This is the first time in a month it's done it06:17
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pppoe_dudeShizboom, use 'top'06:18
Shizboomin terminal?06:18
kuzmasterblake, sounds like your having kinda the same problem as me, but i diddnt upgrade06:18
pppoe_dudeShizboom, yes06:18
dadgumitnvez: I have inbutu installed, at the bash, but i can't get X up, am trying to install the driver per (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI) , however I get the error "Couldn't find package linux-686"06:18
arooniwhats the shortcut for home directory?06:18
nvezlinux-i686 ?06:19
[Ex0r] arooni, $HOME06:19
dadgumiti am a nub, and just following the walk through06:19
Shizboomhmm what is "gdebi-gtk" ?06:19
pppoe_dudedadgumit, theres is not such package as linux-686... you need linux-image-68606:19
crimsunpppoe_dude: sure there is.06:19
dadgumittried both, couldn't find either06:19
crimsun!info linux-68606:19
ubotulinux-686: Complete Linux kernel on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV.. In repository restricted, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 52 kB06:19
pppoe_dudecrimsun, there is?06:19
pppoe_dudei c06:20
pppoe_dude!info linux-image-68606:20
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ubotulinux-image-686: Linux kernel image on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV.. In repository main, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 52 kB06:20
dadgumitis there a command I can do to find out what kernel I am running06:20
crimsundadgumit: ``uname -r''06:20
pppoe_dudei guess linux-686 includes headers maybe crimsun ?06:21
abstractismwhoa, who knows anything about the commercial repository06:21
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crimsunpppoe_dude: no, -restricted-modules-$(uname -r)06:21
abstractismI'm reading about it on digg now06:21
crimsunabstractism: sure.06:21
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sysrplhow do i change a file's mime type/meta data? i create a text file, rename it as a myfile.sh, and konqueror still shows the filetpye as text. same thing with other tpyes i create. waht's the deal?06:21
dadgumitI chose that one on the expert install rather than the plain jane "linux-686" on( I thought I rememebered it as 386 thouh)06:21
pppoe_dudecrimsun, ok gotcha06:22
crimsunsysrpl: libmagic.06:22
[Ex0r] right after the damn update it started messing up06:22
dadgumitany ideas?06:22
[Ex0r] piece of crap06:22
dadgumit<- listens06:22
pppoe_dudedo you have your repos setup ? dadgumit06:22
illusinaHello everyone, I recently tried to get my ati drivers working by following the instructions on this page: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1187996&postcount=5 -- I rebooted, and the drivers were still the same. But now, I can't even start amarok (kde music app) which requires libGL.so.1 (in the instructions we manually symlinked it elsewhere). Does anyone happen to know the original symlinking so I can revert the changes06:22
sysrplthat's a package06:22
sysrpli take it06:22
farkypppoe_dude: I get this when I try and start firestarter: http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/6615/screenshotfailedtostartthefire.png06:22
dadgumitpppoe_dude: I dont' know what a repos is, sorry, googling06:23
sysrplbut, where is the file's emta data stored if not by virtue of it's extension?06:23
crimsunsysrpl: and it's how programs identify the type of file aside from the MIME.06:23
pppoe_dudedadgumit, you might need to enable the repositories in your sources.list file.06:23
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dadgumitok, seems to be the "universe, multiverse stuff"06:23
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dadgumiti told the installer i wanted all that06:23
dadgumithow can i check?06:23
dadgumitthanks for your help btws06:23
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kuzmasterthere, here is my output of "sudo iwconfig ra0" http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1759406:24
pppoe_dudedadgumit, cat /etc/apt/source.list and see if theres any comment signs beside any 'deb'06:24
illusinacan somehow who is running the Mesa drivers and has tried to install the drivers please do a ls -la /usr/lib | grep libGL.so.1 ?06:24
kuzmasterfor who ever was helping me earlire (sorry i forget)06:24
dadgumitpppoe_Dude: copy, doing06:24
ubotuwifi is Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper06:24
boxahyhow can i reset my root password using the install cd?06:24
pppoe_dudefarky, did you set up firestarter properly with your network cards and everything? (i.e. internet interface, lan interface, etc...)06:25
[Ex0r] grr, this is exactly why I switched back to windows06:25
kuzmasterboxahy, by deafult the root password is your account password06:25
[Ex0r] last time*06:25
polpakboxahy: you should be able to boot into recovery mode and just change your password for your admin user06:25
pppoe_dudeboxahy, you need to look up the password shadow file06:25
polpakboxahy: the root password is diasbled06:25
pppoe_dudeboxahy, did u google?06:25
boxahyyeah, i just got a little lost pppoe_dude06:26
pppoe_dudeboxahy, 1 sec06:26
kuzmasterhelp anyone?06:26
boxahyok, thanks06:26
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_Skynet_Wsp alll06:26
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kuzmastercan anyone at all help me?06:26
=== polpak resists the urge to /ignore
abstractismoh snap, its skynet06:27
abstractismprotect your networks06:27
pppoe_dudehttp://techrepublic.com.com/5208-6239-0.html?forumID=54&threadID=189345 boxahy06:27
polpakkuzmaster: what's the problem?06:27
_Skynet_Have no fear, Skynet is using Ubuntu06:27
dadgumitpppoe_dude: I am looking in sources.list and the contents of the file are: cdrom:[Ububntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_ - Release i386 (20051012)] / breezy main restricted06:27
kuzmastermy wireless connection wont work06:27
dadgumitthat is the whole file06:27
kuzmasterit worked out of the box for kubuntu 6.06, but not for ubuntu 6.0606:27
abstractism_Skynet_: BUT thats wrong!06:27
pppoe_dudedadgumit, do you have access to the internet from that computer?06:27
revilotkuzmaster: what card do you have06:27
dadgumiti believe, lemme make sure06:28
kuzmasterim pretty sure it uses the RaLink chipset06:28
abstractismcan't you come here to just ass technical questions?06:28
dadgumitaffirmative, have access to interwebs06:28
pppoe_dudedadgumit, go to firefox, type 'source o matic' in the address bar, then create a new sources.list file from there with the first two options and first two repos enabled06:28
dadgumitI don' t have a gui on the machine, that ismy problem06:28
kuzmasterive tried changing it to dhcp, static, and ive also donw "sudo iwconfig essid ANY", but that diddnt output anything06:29
pppoe_dudedadgumit, not a problem...06:29
polpakboxahy: you shouldn't enable the root password. you just need to use your user password and sudo06:29
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Blake_pppoe_dude, think i can get away with just network-monitor and its deps, and not the recomended gnome-network-monitor and all its deps too?06:29
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archetypois there any performance advantage to running amd64 desktop rather than the other?06:29
pppoe_dudeboxahy, did you mistype the password/forget it or never used it at all?06:29
kuzmasterrevilot, somone also asked me to post my output of "sudo iwconfig ra0", and that can be found here  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1759406:29
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boxahyi mistyped it06:30
pppoe_dudedadgumit, you need to use 'links'06:30
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boxahybut i got in once06:30
farkypppoe_dude: yeah i set up everything fine, but just trying to actually start the firewall gives that message06:30
dadgumitarchetypo, from what i have read it is minimal and not worth the hassle unless you have specific need, my two cents06:30
pppoe_dudeboxahy, ok then you need to follow my link06:30
boxahyok, how do i mount hda5 on the install cd?06:30
dadgumitarchetypo: that is for general use, if you have specific 64 bit needs that would obviously change06:30
pppoe_dudeBlake_, you might... but some of the other deps are actually part of the interface06:30
polpakboxahy: can you boot your installation at all?06:31
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boxahypolpak, just to login06:31
pppoe_dudedadgumit, weird tho... you should have a bunch of other lines in there06:31
polpakboxahy: you just need to select recovery mode from the grub menu06:31
boxahyah ok, thanks06:31
kuzmasterpolpak, revilot, can you help me at all?06:31
polpakboxahy: then you will be logged in as root and you can change your user password06:31
dadgumitpppoe_dude: I figured, but that's alli got, any ideas (maybe install #32 lol)?06:31
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keithhhhhCan people tell me their fav email client,  so far Evolution looks really good to me...06:32
pppoe_dudedadgumit, well apt-get install elinks06:32
Blake_i downloaded to main deps and am about to burn it to a cd, the gnome-network-monitor has a million deps, i probably have a bunch of them but i dunno which ones06:32
pppoe_dudedadgumit, its a text based web browser06:32
FCTEkeithhhhh, I use Thunderbird06:32
polpakkuzmaster: if it worked in kubuntu there's no reason it wouldn't work in ubuntu. it's using the same drivers, etc. Are you sure your wireless settings are correct for your network?06:32
dadgumitpppoe_dude: I actually may have botched that part of the install due to a fat finger, am tired, any way to rerun that part of th einstall?06:32
pppoe_dudedadgumit, you can generate the file from there and save it in your directory06:32
keithhhhhFCTE: ah might be a good choice06:32
kuzmasterim pretty sure06:32
pppoe_dudedadgumit, just search google for 'source o matic ubuntu' and click on first hit06:33
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kuzmasterdo you want me to post my /ect/network/interface for both distros?06:33
FCTEkeithhhhh, if you don't all that extra stuff and just want a simple email cliet, that's the way to go.06:33
revilotkuzmaster: do you use WEP06:33
dadgumitpppoe_dude get this: E: Couldn't find package elinks06:33
kuzmasterrevilot, no06:33
Blake_or network-monitor-gnome, not gnome-network-monitor, whatever06:33
farkypppoe_dude: yeah i set up everything fine, but just trying to actually start the firewall gives that message06:33
polpakkuzmaster: sure, as well as the output from lsmod and lspci06:33
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pppoe_dudefarky, :- you need to make sure your interfaces are set up properly. also make sure they are both up (ifconfig)06:34
kuzmasterhmmm, ok06:34
dadgumitpppoe_dude: onna try apptitude, if it isn't in there I will reinstall just to make sure, quick question though if I do, which kernal should I use? just the 386 or the most verbose one?06:34
ubuntu_fanHey. Just a quick question. Does Ubuntu Server 6.06 come with Gnome installed?06:34
pppoe_dudedadgumit, links06:34
pppoe_dudedadgumit, instead06:34
kuzmasterbtw, im on a duel boot06:34
kuzmasteror actually tripple boot06:34
pppoe_dude!info links06:34
ubotulinks: Character mode WWW browser. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.99+1.00pre12-1 (dapper), package size 375 kB, installed size 936 kB06:34
farkypppoe_dude: everything looks to be working ok06:34
boxahyi got my password changed!06:34
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pppoe_dudedadgumit, i am unsure which one is on CD, but one of the following should be : links, elinks, links2, lynx06:35
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pvd2006Is it safe to sudo apt-get clean?06:35
kuzmasterwhere can i download the .deb for the kubuntu wireless manager06:35
pppoe_dudefarky, can you close firestarter, then from command line type: 'sudo /etc/init.d/firestarter restart' and tell me what you get06:35
DShepherdpvd2006: it depends06:35
kuzmastercos ubuntu dosnt seem to have one of those06:35
ubuntu_fanDoes Ubuntu Server 6.06 come with Gnome installed?06:36
pppoe_dudeboxahy, cool06:36
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archetypoubuntu_fan no06:36
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dadgumitppoe_dude: I have none of those, I am going to reinstall ubuntu and make sure I don't bork the repos section06:36
archetypoubuntu_fan but apt-get install ubuntu-desktop will install it06:36
FCTEI thought the server install was minimal and CLI06:36
techmadkuzmaster: ubuntu does have a wireless manager its just kinda odd06:36
DShepherdpvd2006: on what you call safe :-). if you mean it wont crash your computer then yes it is safe06:36
kuzmasterDShepherd, where can i find it?06:36
pvd2006I mean will it mess up anything06:36
pppoe_dudedadgumit, wait06:37
farkypppoe_dude: it failed on the startup06:37
DShepherdkuzmaster: where can you find what?06:37
kuzmastertechmad, where can i find it06:37
techmadkuzmaster: System>Admin>Networking06:37
pppoe_dudedadgumit, actually never mind... its probably easier your way06:37
kuzmasterDShepherd, sorry, i click on the wrong name06:37
javbHi there, i `m trying to install Xgl under my laptop. i have intel i915.. i installed it, it runs and i installed Compiz, but it runs really slow, like rendering is not working or something.. i need help, any ideas?06:37
kuzmastertechmad, oh, that06:37
DShepherdkuzmaster: ok06:37
pppoe_dudefarky, any specific messages?06:37
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems06:37
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boxahynow to upgrade to dapper06:37
dadgumitppoe_dude: sometimes brut force > elegance :)06:38
techmadkuzmaster: then click on the card and properties :)06:38
redbladesWhere does Ubuntu keep the Apache Error logs?06:38
dadgumiti will idle in here on reinstall06:38
pppoe_duderedblades, try /var/logs?06:38
redbladesI can't see it there06:38
techmadkuzmaster: kde also has a wifi manager i just cant remember the name :(06:38
redbladesAGHHHH!!! I was looking for httpd06:38
gdbredblades: /var/log/apache2/error.log06:38
farkypppoe_dude: nope06:39
pppoe_dudetechmad, there kwlan06:39
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For its release schedule, see !schedule06:39
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ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule06:39
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Daveyboywht is the package name for php06:40
crimsunthere are quite a few, Daveyboy06:40
Daveyboywell for phpmyadmin06:40
kuzmasterhere is my /ect/network/interfaces, lspci output and lsmod output for kubuntu06:41
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andrewskianyone know the current status of edgy?  according to the timetable, it looks like merges are almost done, but it still seems early to start using it.06:41
dadgumitANYONE know if the basic install has all of the repos in it?06:41
dadgumitdon't feel like going through expert again06:41
andrewskidadgumit: it does not.  but they can be added without using expert.06:42
crimsunandrewski: don't run it unless you know what you're doing. :)06:42
HackerX*~*~* What is a good webcam software? *~*~*06:42
crimsunedgy will break faster and harder than dapper.06:42
HackerX! webcam06:42
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras06:42
andrewskicrimsun: there's a lot of X stuff been happening on edgy?06:42
pppoe_dudedadgumit, it should have them at least commented out in the file06:43
crimsunandrewski: we haven't completed the merge with Debian, nor have we even mapped out how 7.1 is going to get in.06:43
andrewskicrimsun: ok.  is there a way to track the status without subscribing to ubuntu-devel?06:43
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dadgumitpppoe_Dude: OK, I will give the basic install a shot06:44
kuzmasterpolpak, and here is my /ect/network/interface from ubuntu http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17596. im just gonna boot into ubuntu now and get the output of lspci and lsmod06:44
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crimsunandrewski: what do you mean by "track the status"?06:44
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meltdownHey, has anybody set up the fglrx ATI driver before?06:44
andrewskicrimsun: well, to see when the activity ceases to be on huge stuff and when it can be useable for someone like me who likes to help out with bug reports and such.06:44
andrewskimeltdown: yes06:44
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farkypppoe_dude: nope, no other messages06:45
meltdownandrewski: I've been trying for the last hour and a half, and I can't for the life of me get DRI to initialize06:45
wrathlohi guys06:45
crimsunandrewski: you generally need to have a finger on the pulse of #ubuntu-devel, the ubuntu-devel{,-announce} and edgy-changes mailing lists06:45
andrewskimeltdown: which instructions did you follow?06:45
andrewskicrimsun: ok, i just generally find ubuntu-devel to be a bit high-traffic for my timeframe.  thanks.06:46
pppoe_dudefarky, sounds like something with the network interfaces... ask around and wait and see...06:46
meltdownandrewski: I did the ones on the Ubuntu Wiki first... then searched forums... then tried the ATI Proprietary driver...06:46
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farkypppoe_dude: thanks06:46
crimsunandrewski: u-d is very low traffic compared with u-u or lkml06:46
andrewskimeltdown: DRI is a bit tricky, but the wiki instructions should be the general thing you follow.06:46
pppoe_dudefarky, no prob :)06:46
andrewskicrimsun: i guess it's all relative. ;)06:47
andrewskicrimsun: by the way, i still didn't get that lirc package working; i'd love to get it settled if you have the time sometime.06:47
crimsunandrewski: I don't have time atm to troubleshoot it.06:47
meltdownandrewski: I've tried it, but nothing seems to work. I think one of the problems is that I get an error when I try to modprobe fglrx (lsmod turns up nothing)06:48
andrewskicrimsun: ok.  i'll seek you out later. ;)  thanks again for the help so far.06:48
andrewskimeltdown: dunno; i never really had too much trouble with it.  my trouble was with GL.06:48
meltdownandrewski: "FATAL: Error inserting fgrx (/lib/modules/2.6.15-25-386/misc/fglrx.ki): Operation not permitted06:48
meltdownThis was done as Sudo06:49
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andrewskimeltdown: that was never necessary for me.  the wiki instructions don't include that, do they?06:49
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meltdownandrewski: No, but the fglrx module doesn't appear in lsmod, even after reboot06:50
richeeIs there any application which I can use to create thumbnails out of images06:50
richeeCan I do it using gimp ?06:50
andrewskimeltdown: hmm, strange.06:50
andrewskimeltdown: a reboot wasn't necessary for meeither.06:51
TestDrivenBugHi, I accidently torched /etc/mysql/* files. dpkg-reconfigure or even reinstalling mysql-server didn't help, what do i install to regenerate these files?06:51
Dial_tonei believe imagemagick will do thumbnails06:52
richeelet me give it a try06:52
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atrophicAnybody know of a graphical diff tool?06:52
atrophiclike winmerge, only without the win part06:53
TestDrivenBugor rather, do how i check which config files are generated by which package?06:53
HackerX*^*^* Automatix Messed up my sources.list what should i do to restore it??? *^*^*06:53
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ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.06:53
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SanayI installed bind 9.2.0 manually in /etc/named06:54
Blake_ok network-monitor didnt work, still no wireless06:54
Sanaybut now I don't see a named.conf file anywhere06:54
HackerXWOW thanks for all the F'in help i really do appreciate it06:55
Blake_is there anyway to downgrade back to breezy?06:55
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jwmbikerin 6.06 desktop, how do I reset the root passwd?06:55
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jwmbikerthere was no place in the install to give the root pw, like other linux distros06:55
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andrewskijwmbiker: sudo su; passwd06:55
atrophicHackerX, a) be patient, b) search the forums for the default sources.list OR just restore the one automatix made a backup of06:56
nomasteryodajwmbiker, your ppassword is the password for sudo06:56
nomasteryodadon't need root06:56
nomasteryodasudo -s06:56
nomasteryoda!tell jwmbiker about sudo06:56
jwmbikerI need to install some s/w; I'm used to su -, then do all the stuff.  So sudo -s is the way to do it now?06:56
nomasteryodathe safer way06:57
jwmbikerok; reading sudo man page now.  thx...06:57
nomasteryodaor sudo pkg.deb06:57
Blake_is there anyway to downgrade back to breezy?06:57
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andrewski!tell Blake_ about patience06:57
nomasteryodaBlake_, you would have to change the /etc/apt/source.list to point to breezy repos06:57
nomasteryodabut i would just workout how to get the wifi working06:57
nomasteryodadapper is way better once you get the drivers right06:58
nomasteryodaso simple is the wifi06:58
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richeehow do I launch imagemagick06:58
Blake_i have my old sources.list but i have not net connection, can i use the cd?06:58
gdbrichee: ImageMagick is a suite of utilities, it's not a single program.06:59
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nomasteryodanow that might be quite a trick06:59
nomasteryodakeep asking06:59
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Blake_ok ill try a little more i guess06:59
atrophicDial_tone, xdiff wasn't in the repos, but it lead me to fldiff which works for me, thanks06:59
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richeegdb: So how do I launch this, I want to create thumbnails out of my pictures06:59
Blake_so whay is this patience stuff you speak of andrew?07:00
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gdbrichee: You'd probably want to use mogrify for that.  You'll want to to run it in a directory other than the ones your images are in (or run it on a copy) because it will resize them in place.07:00
faddatWhy would sound work in Amarok, but not in VLC or Totem?07:00
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:00
revilotanybody know why they dont include beagle with ubuntu bu default07:00
dpnWhy isn't Opera showing up in the official repos07:00
dpnisn't it supposed to07:00
andrewskiBlake_: hrm... that's actually not what it used to say and i don't like this version.07:00
andrewskidpn: no, it's not Free.07:00
crimsundpn: have you updated and used gnome-app-install (Applications> Add ...) ?07:00
dpnopera is free07:01
GullyFoyleopera is not open source07:01
dpnWhat do you mean crimsun07:01
dpnThat doesn't mean its not free07:01
faddatrevilot:  I think it's not stable enough07:01
faddatrevilot:  I know it's on the list for Edgy.07:01
crimsundpn: have you updated? There's an app-install-data update.07:01
revilotfaddat: ah ok, it looked pretty cool07:01
dpnSorry crimsun, no idea what you mean - really new at most of this07:02
faddatrevilot:  It definately is.  You can install it by installing "beagle" in synaptic07:02
dpnive done apt-get update07:02
dpnif thats what you mean07:02
gdbdpn: "free" and "Free" mean different things in the context of open source software.07:02
crimsundpn: sorry, it's app-install-data-commercial.07:02
faddatrevilot:  I use it, it does crash occasionally, but not frequently07:02
revilotfaddat: ya i was just about to do that07:02
andy-Anyone ever run into this crap while trying to run unreal engine game: Can't find 'ini:Engine.Engine.GameEngine' in configuration file07:03
gdbdpn: "free" is "free as in gratis" or "without monetary cost."  "Free" is "free as in libre" or "the freedom to do with as you please, including modify the source code and share it with others."07:03
GullyFoyledpn: you mean free-as-in-beer07:03
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Dial_tonewhat does beep do that xmms doesn't. the gui is identical07:03
andrewskidpn: and by and large, ubuntu only releases Free software.  i'm not sure why opera couldn't be listed in multiverse, however.07:03
dpnI just remember a Digg article saying it was added to the offical repos07:04
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dpnor something07:04
dpnMay have missread it07:04
andrewskidpn: you could search packages.ubuntu.com07:04
crimsundpn: it's available in a Canonical repo, yes, not in a Ubuntu repo.07:04
maxxxis there any way i can configure a vanilla kernel to work like the "generic" kernel ubuntu has?07:05
crimsun[deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu dapper-commercial main] 07:05
gdbI don't know the licensing / OSS status of Opera, I'm just pointing out the different meanings of "free" in this context.07:05
[Ex0r] hmm, wow07:05
maxxxfor example if i included every module and kernel option possible, would it work?07:05
[Ex0r] when there is no bandwidth left on my network, ubuntu becomes very slow07:05
GullyFoylei'm running opera right now07:06
andrewskimaxxx: i don't think ubuntu uses every option, but it'd certainly be close. :-P07:06
GullyFoylei used the opera d/l though07:06
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maxxxandrewski, would you advise using every option?07:06
dpnYeah, I just downloaded it from their site07:06
GullyFoylei think07:06
tamranhi guys, I have a few questions about ubuntu07:06
andrewskimaxxx: no07:06
GullyFoylethey have a .deb07:06
dpnWas just wondering why I couldn't get it through apt-get - now I know ;)07:06
dr34mc0d3rshorewall questian - i have a 2 nic setup - loc,net zones - on a loc machine i can browse and do anything i want. But I cant browse to a domain web site inside my loc zone by name - just by ip. got any ideas..?07:07
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TestDrivenBugcan anyone recommend  me a mysql front-end other than phpmyadmin - i dont want to install apache for that?07:07
andrewskimaxxx: i'm pretty sure there's a way to get the config for the ubuntu kernel, though i don't know it.07:07
tamran1. What cd image do I get if I want something more on the "new" stuff, would that be an unstable distro?07:07
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GullyFoyleihad to use --force-architecture hough cuz i'm on amd64 and they only have i38607:07
maxxxandrewski: ok thanks i'll look into that07:07
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delmarwhat is the correct tidy ubuntu way to stop/block a driver from loading from bootup?07:09
vigilanteIs there a link to search Ubuntu repos from a webpage?07:09
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L1What could cause slow graphic motion on a 1.8 GHz P4 with 256 RAM and no swapping monitored07:09
farkyIs there a video capturing piece of software for linux?07:10
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ubotuYou can browse and search the packages in Ubuntu in synaptic, adept and online on http://packages.ubuntu.com07:10
dibblegocan I have more than 4 workspaces?07:10
nightshadeI need help installing java on ubuntu, but I don't understand the guide07:10
skavengedelmar; is it a a module?07:10
delmarskarface, yep07:10
dibblegonightshade, just download the binary from Sun and execute it - then set the PATH07:11
delmarskavenge, yep07:11
skavengedelmar; add it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist07:11
delmarskarface, mt07:11
jeff2I setup a 32-bit dapper chroot as described on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24575. whenever I run an X program within the chroot (after using "dchroot -d"), it fails with: "xterm Xt error: Can't open display: :0.0". how can this be fixed?07:11
farkydibblego: right click the workspaces toolbar and go to preferences07:11
delmarskavenge, ok. ill try that07:11
farkyIs there a video capturing piece of software for linux?07:11
dibblegofarky, cheers07:11
ShizboomAnyone know anything about making your background or a part of the background a webpage or aplet of some sort?07:12
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Cntryboymy buddy is on irc, is there anyway to lag him off irc? like ping I guess lol07:12
farkydibblego: hope it helps07:12
farkyCntryboy: why would you want to do that?07:12
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Cntryboyhe did it to me, and won't tell me07:12
vigilantethx timfrost , btw are there any additional repos to add for game emulators?  Im looking for mupen64, pcsx2, and others07:13
jeff2I shouldn't have upgraded from breezy to dapper, audio doesn't work, my touchpad device nodes changed, my X resolution is too high, my chroot environment cannot run X programs..07:13
farkyCntryboy: this is the Ubuntu Support channel, not the How to kick your buddy off IRC channel07:13
delmarskavenge, im not sure if this will work but i wanna try it.  I'm having issues getting the system to bootup. it's an Adaptec 2110S controler.  The install runs perfect. when it reboots its broke.  I notice that the only modules loaded once the install is running, is i2o_core and i2o_block.  I think the dpt module is loading and getting in the way07:13
Cntryboyjeff2, when ur resolution is so high does ur monitor go to sleep?07:13
Cntryboyfarky: no duh, I know what the channel is for, but someone might have known07:14
CntryboyI'm using ubuntu btw07:14
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skavengedelmar, it'd be worth a try putting them in blacklist is a simple way that you can change right after if its not the case07:14
jeff2Cntryboy, no, it just compresses the pixels (looks odd on an LCD screen)07:14
L1What could cause slow graphic motion under Dapper on a 1.8 GHz P4 with 256 RAM and no swapping?  Knoppix graphics runs at full speed.07:14
farkyCntryBoy: Oh really? Well I don't know how, someone might.07:14
revilotif a person were to make a seperate partition for / how much space would be appropriate07:15
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techmadrevilot: how big is your hdd?07:15
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dibblegoCntryboy, no a CTCP VERSION will not disconnect me from IRC07:15
dadgumitI totally don't remember the bash being this nice07:16
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JuhazTwoy0 fellas07:16
JuhazTwoi'm trying to install ubuntu on my new SATA drive07:16
revilottechmad: 160 Gb07:16
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Cntryboysome guy told me to do it07:16
Cntryboyit lagge dme07:16
JuhazTwothe installing part went fine but now grub gives me error 21. i read it means "disk not found"07:16
Cntryboylagged me07:16
u221eWhy does is current firefox package so unstable? It's keeps crashing on me.07:16
majdi'm having trouble sharing files and folders between ubuntu and my imac07:16
Cntryboyjeff2 told me 207:16
Cntryboyflooded me out with the rooms version07:16
Cntryboyeveryone in room rather07:16
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techmadrevilot: on my 80gig i used 15 for / and 20 for /home and 40 for fat3207:17
dadgumitanyone know what "tee" command is?07:17
rubsoHi :)07:17
revilottechmad: thx07:17
rubsoguys i need help here please07:17
dibblegodadgumit, tee - read from standard input and write to standard output and files07:17
Cntryboyhow can I make my version reply with my cpu specs ect. not that its fast, but I noticed some had that07:18
Cntryboypython script?07:18
dadgumitthanks, i just man'd it getting back into the swing of linux07:18
rubsowhen i try to run "xmess" the emulator, it gives me some error messages, like "GLERROR: cannot access OpenGL library libGL.so", could you help me running it?07:18
dibblegoCntryboy, why don't you ask in an appropriate forum?07:18
JuhazTwoit appears that grub thinks my SATA drive is hd107:18
JuhazTwoi've also got a regular ata drive.07:19
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imbrandonCntryboy, can i help you ?07:19
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JuhazTwoanyone got an idea how i should refer to a drive that appears as /dev/sda in linux?07:19
Cntryboyhow can I use a script I guess to make my version reply show my cpu specs?07:19
samulihas anyone managed to get ati tv-out work like it's supposed?07:20
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Cntryboyusing konversation kde, was using xchat and bitchx on gnome, just to lazy to install it07:20
imbrandonCntryboy, its VERY inpolite to ctpc someon without permission , please dont do so07:20
vigilanteAnybody know of a Mupen64 ubuntu package?07:20
samuliI get picture, and all is well expect for that the tv-resolution is too high.07:20
noctii can't read my ntfs partition, somebody here gave me a script to autofix my fstab, forgot the link, thanks07:20
Cntryboyimbrandon: stfu please, some guy told me to do it jeff2, I didn't know it would ctcp everyone in the room.07:20
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Cntryboyif id know I wouldn't have done it07:20
Cntryboyit flooded me07:20
Cntryboyimbrandon: comprende?07:21
imbrandonplease adhear to the CoC also, i just ask politely for you not to do so, we like to keep the lang in here PG07:21
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darkyoshi372How do I install a TrueType font?07:21
dadgumitcross your fingers, rebooting post fglrx install07:21
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Cntryboyimbrandon: i know how the channel works, and I know the rules.. I never said a cuss word. stfu isn't a cuss word look it up in a dictionary07:22
revilottechmad: do you have a link that talks about partitioning07:22
Cntryboyimbrandon: and I told u I didn't know what that command did07:22
darkyoshi372anyone? how to install truetype fonts?07:22
Cntryboyimbrandon: and I also stated I wouldn't have done it knowing that it would flood me also07:22
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dibblego/ignore Cntryboy07:23
dadgumitoh brother net dramma07:23
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imbrandondarkyoshi372, the easy way is simply to place them in ~/.fonts and restart your WM07:23
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dadgumitI love you all07:23
delmardarkyoshi372, if you do apt-cache search truetype  there are a butt load of packages07:23
dadgumitI am seeing my first log in screen07:23
CntryboyI just want to know how to show system specs when someone version you, thats it07:23
darkyoshi372okay, thanks imbrandon and delmar!!07:23
dadgumitseriously, WOOO HOOO07:23
Cntryboy<--not here to cause trouble07:23
delmardarkyoshi372, i would assume apt-get install (one of those)  would help you07:23
noctii can't read my ntfs partition, somebody here gave me a script to autofix my fstab, forgot the link, thanks07:24
dadgumitI have been working onthis fro three days now pardon me sharing my elation07:24
dadgumitI haven't had an install this hard since fargin college07:24
imbrandonCntryboy, i am not either, i simple ask you not to do so again, that is all, please dont start trolling again, i dropped it07:24
samulisoo.. nobody knows how to set tv-resolution in xorg.conf?07:24
Cntryboyimbrandon: sure thing07:24
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imbrandonCntryboy, now what was your problem? i MIGHT can help ;)07:25
imbrandonnow that i'm here lol07:25
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techmadrevilot: what kind of link07:26
Cntryboyafter I version everyone, which I did know version each person, but I didn't know it would do whole room. I noticed ppl had system specs in version.. I remember reading a python script to do this, but im not sure with konversation on kubuntu07:26
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dadgumithey is there a way to change resolutions inside of the gui?07:26
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remowilliamswhats the command to search for like all mp3s on the system07:26
dibblegodadgumit, System->Preferences->Screen Resolution07:27
dibblegoremowilliams, find / -name *.mp307:27
imbrandonahh you hrm the forums or the #konversation room might be better to ask, i dont know, also to test versioning someon you can rightlcik their name and it wont version the whole room07:27
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crova`of`thxi just installed ubuntu desktop here, and when it is loading the stuffs to start gnome, it just stuck, a black screen stays there, n1 might know what is that?07:27
imbrandoncrova`of`thx, whast the last message you see ?07:28
Cntryboyimbrandon: i know that, but I'm stoned and he said paste this, I thought he wanted me to do him, i didn't notice it had the room name07:28
Cntryboywe was talking about resolution in pm07:28
remowilliamswhere is the xchat folder07:28
remowilliamsi cant find it07:28
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remowilliamsi downloaded somethen and cant find the downloads foldert07:28
crova`of`thx[imbrandon] : cant remember, let me reboot and see it, can be?07:28
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Cntryboyremowilliams, i cant remember but try .xchat in user dir07:28
revilothow can i unmount a partition to resize it07:28
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delmarCntryboy, so you are stoned.. and someone was asking you to "do" them? :P07:28
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Cntryboyu can type that or show hidden07:29
Cntryboydelmar: yah lol07:29
dionwhat do i type in the command prompt to run a .scprit?07:29
remowilliamstype what07:29
remowilliamsto show hidden07:29
samuliRemowilliams, ~/.xchat/something.. downloads probably.07:29
avisperhaps the shadows of the net are being manifested in him in his altered state07:29
remowilliamswhat do i type to see all folders07:29
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delmarRemoteViewer, ls -la07:29
samuliremowilliams, ctrl+h to show hidden files.07:29
Cntryboyremowilliams: what browser u using07:30
Cntryboyls -la is command, or from gui ctrl+h07:30
delmarremowilliams, ls -la07:30
delmarRemoteViewer, mt07:30
dionwhat is the command to run a .script file?07:30
Cntryboyor just type cd .xchat since ur already in user dir.07:30
remowilliamsit was .xchat 207:30
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samuliit's .xchat207:30
Cntryboyahh ok07:30
samuliyeah :P07:30
Cntryboyim not using gnome07:30
delmardion, from a shell prompt?07:31
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Cntryboybut I knew it might be hidden in user dir07:31
revilothow can i unmount a partition to resize it07:31
dionyes delamr07:31
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delmardion, firstly the file needs to be executable.  chmod +x filename07:31
delmardion, then simply do ./filename.script or whatever its called07:31
remowilliamsthere any file sharing clients for linux07:31
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EleafWhat is a good audio conversion utility?07:31
delmardion, and home like hell it doesn't go on the rampage and delete files or anything lame07:32
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delmardion, hope*07:32
diongreat thanks for your help07:32
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Eleafremowilliams, like peer to peer?  There is limewire and bittorrent..07:32
dionlol well i hope, if so its a new install07:32
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Cntryboybrb fingers stick :P07:32
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delmardion, what is the script?07:32
dionI'm just running an insatll script for acrobat reader07:32
remowilliamsu can use limewire on linux o ok07:32
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samulidion, isn't acrobat in the repositories?07:33
crova`of`thximbrandon something like root logs, cant know for sure, cause it is fast, but all things are OK, only the PCMCIA services isnt07:33
n00dlesi am havin trouble installin ubuntu07:33
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dionI would have no idea, Linux is new to me as of today07:33
delmardion, yeah you shouldnt need to install anything manually like that07:33
dionSo I'm just no picking up things07:33
provoi just installed ubuntu but it never asked to create a username/passwd. how do I login?07:33
remowilliamshow do i use the rpm07:34
imbrandoncrova`of`thx, can you ctl+alt+f1 and get toa terminal when its at the black screen ?>07:34
remowilliamsin ubuntu07:34
delmardion, ubuntu has all those packages07:34
dibblegoprovo, it should have during install07:34
samulidion, try sudo apt-get install acrobat or try search it with apt-cache search acrobat07:34
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imbrandonremowilliams, you use deb in ubuntu if at all possible not rpm07:34
n00dlesbefore i had trouble because the install used to mess up w. the live cd, but now the partition is messin up07:34
crova`of`thximbrandon i will try that, if i can, what should i see, so i can check and reboot only one time07:34
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provodibb: i swear it didn't. I re-installed over a previous copy, but formatted beforehand07:34
remowilliamswell i only see a rpm er nm found this other thing07:34
dionwould using the synaptic package manager do the same function?07:34
n00dlesi know how u do the partition for fedora but nor for ubuntu07:34
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samulidion, yes, It's a graphical fronted to apt-get07:35
imbrandoncrova`of`thx, it will give you a terminal login so you can login and debig\07:35
dibblegoprovo, I've never seen Ubuntu not ask for a username and password during install07:35
delmardion, different but give you the same or a better.. result07:35
Whyvasthis channel is quite funny at times, it's like the blind leading the blind with a few random people with 20/2007:35
crova`of`thximbrandon ok, i will check07:35
blindyeah, i lead everyone.07:35
dibblegoWhyvas, like most freenode channels07:35
imbrandonWhyvas, lol yea07:35
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linopilhi uname -r   > 2.6.15-25-386 , have isapnp and uncommentend in /etc/isapnp.conf one set for vibra1607:35
WhyvasI JUST IN?ST07:35
=== betaguygzt [n=betaguyg@adsl-68-255-78-172.dsl.lgtpmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
dadgumithow do i drop out of the gui?07:36
linopilstill no sound  is it alsa is it kernetl?07:36
delmardion, i recommend you install "automatix"07:36
delmardion, then select acrobat reader and other cool stuff07:36
n00dlesso any1 know hot to fix a partition prob?07:36
imbrandondadgumit, ctl+alt+f107:36
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dionautomatix being a package?07:36
samuliWhyvas, you stopped being funny now.07:36
EleafWhyvas, I don't think so07:36
delmardion, using the "automatix" installer. it installs lots of cool stuff07:36
imbrandonWhyvas, ok ok stop please, take it to -offtopic07:36
Eleafno imbrandon no..07:36
linopilWhyvas better not capitals07:36
Eleafdon't take it to offtopic..07:36
delmardion, yeah automatix is a package, which is really just another installer to take care of the installation of lots of cool stuff07:37
Eleafofftopic is for greatness07:37
delmardion, apt-get install automatix07:37
imbrandonwell here is for support ;)07:37
delmardion, then run automatix from the menu, tag up all the bits you want.07:37
Eleafand offtopic is for wonder.. that wasn't wonder..07:37
remowilliamsanyone know any way i can get limewire on ubuntu07:37
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.07:37
remowilliamsi cant find nothen but a rpm07:37
linopilisapnp sound  anyone?07:37
Eleafremowilliams, lol..07:37
imbrandonremowilliams, for what ?07:37
Eleafremowilliams, check the ubuntu wiki maybe07:38
delmarAnyone here use Wengo Phone? I think Wengo are a bunch of conartist mofo's taking the OpenSource community for a BIG ride.07:38
imbrandonremowilliams, try frostwire ... follow this link from ubotu07:38
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire07:38
=== crova`of`thx [i=ysahwrru@20151251104.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
dionDelmar, when trying to run the apt-get install automatix command I get a message that says   " Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)07:38
n00dlesi am havin trouble installin ubuntu, before i had trouble because the install used to mess up w. the live cd, but now the partition is messin up, i know how u do the partition for fedora but nor for ubuntu07:38
crova`of`thximbrandon no, cannot get a terminal07:38
dionwhatwould that relate too?07:38
delmardion, you have the package manager open?07:39
crova`of`thxand the last thing i see is System Kernel Log OK07:39
delmardion, usually that means.. some other package manager is running07:39
diondamn i feel ignorant07:39
imbrandoncrova`of`thx, what about in safemode ? you have to get somewhere we can debug07:39
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delmardion, u will get there man07:39
dionyou tha man07:39
farkyAnyone know why I am not getting any sound on youtube and other sites?07:40
crova`of`thx[imbrandon] : ill try safemode, brb :)07:40
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delmardion, i have had by head up the ass of Linux since 1995, and i still know sweet FA about lots of stuff07:40
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Paradoxxdelmar: what made you start using it so early?07:40
delmardion, usually the basic " in my face " stuff gets me more than some of the more complicated back end stuff. lol.07:40
farkyAnyone know why I am not getting any sound on youtube and other sites?07:40
Cntryboyokay back07:40
imbrandondelmar, language please07:40
timfrostdion, did you remember to run apt-get with sudo?07:41
dionlol, Well at the point that I'm at its all getting to me07:41
dionCouldn't find package automatix07:41
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dionyes i sudo -i earlier07:41
ubotuI know nothing about automatic07:41
dionso i'm root07:41
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.07:41
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delmarParadoxx, i was doing some stuff for an ISP back then, and started messing around with linux routers ... did some floppy image stuff .. that sorta thing07:41
delmarParadoxx, then I found it was a great idea to have a linux router running our dialup connection.. way better than WinGate :P.07:42
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Paradoxxdelmar: hehe, lol...cool07:42
rubsowhen i try to run "xmess" the emulator, it gives me some error messages, like "GLERROR: cannot access OpenGL library libGL.so", could you help me running it?07:42
imbrandondelmar, lol yea i started about that same time for about the same reason ;)07:42
dionimbrandon, what are you saying?07:42
Cntryboyrubso: u got vid card drivers?07:42
Cntryboyopen gl?07:43
revilotis there a way i can make a new partition and put my home folder in it.  right now i have everything on one partition07:43
Paradoxximbrandon: grr, sucks to b me, I just started useing my first computer around that time07:43
rubsoCntryboy: yeah, i installed nvidia driver from apt-get07:43
delmarimbrandon, yep. it was all fun.. but this was back in the day when Slackware was the distro of choice.. and anything you did was .. download and compile from source... then spend weeks trying to figure out why stuff didnt work and waht dependancies were missing07:43
Cntryboyparadoxx: dont feel bad ive used linux on and off for 2 weeks now lol07:43
Blake_hello again, ok little break ready to try again, just upgraged to dapper and although, my wireless card and driver(ndiswraper) are present it wont find any accespoints, using acx111 card, i think someone mentioned something about the firmware, thanks, im lost07:43
Paradoxximbrandon: well, no.... i had been useing it for a while07:43
delmarthank god for the package manager and dependancy database deal.07:43
ohh_henrihow do you install abiword w/ grammer check07:43
delmardion, what version of ubuntu u have?07:44
hybridohh_henri: use synaptic07:44
ParadoxxCntryboy: lol... i been useing it a year now, as main desktop.... use to play around with it b4 that07:44
imbrandonrubso, try "sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-swrast"07:44
delmardion, cuz automatix is available in Dapper by default07:44
Eleafimbrandon, I'm having trouble finding a good audio converter....07:44
L1What would cause slow motion graphics under Dapper on a 1.8GHz P4 with 256 G Ram?  Under Knoppix, motion graphics runs OK.07:44
Eleafimbrandon, I just need to go from mp3 to wav... lol07:44
delmardion, I wonder if I turned on some extra package stuff tho.. I dont remember07:44
imbrandonEleaf, audacity07:44
dionhmm the current one I'd belive, I downloaded the ubuntu  ISO 3 days ago07:44
hybridEleaf: use audacity07:44
Eleafimbrandon, I already use audacity07:44
Eleafhybrid, I already do..07:44
ohh_henridelmar I tried that dosnt get grammer check07:44
Eleafit's too big for this computer though07:44
rubsoimbrandon, when i try to install that, it says you need to remove ubunt-desktop package, etc etc.. and i think that is dangerous, right?07:45
Cntryboyhead is heavy lol can't keep up07:45
Eleafand is mediocre in that sense...07:45
delmarohh_henri, huh?07:45
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imbrandonrubso, yea thats dangerous07:45
Eleafonly supports about 6 formats07:45
archetypoL1 crap 2d drivers07:45
Cntryboyrubso: u may try to get libgl.so from apt-get07:45
imbrandonEleaf, hrmm07:45
Eleafand is 10 megabytes.. that will take 60 minutes on this dsl.. (not really but... still)07:45
imbrandonCntryboy, libgl1-mesa-swrast is what provides libgl.so07:45
rubsoCntryboy: its in " libgl1-mesa-swrast", but i can not install it because its dangerous.07:45
ohh_henriyaa abiword has grammer check07:46
=== ssstormy [n=sliverst@ppp-71-139-60-89.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ohh_henribut how you get it07:46
delmardion, open the synaptic package manager gui thingie.. that I never use. lol. ill open mine.. see where the settings are u might need to change. just a sec07:46
Eleafimbrandon, might as well use audacity ;p.07:46
Eleafimbrandon, hybrid do you use any audio apps?07:46
hybridEleaf: i use audacity and garageband07:46
ohh_henriI know I tried it doset install grammer check07:46
samuliis it any good if someone sent rubso the libgl.so?07:46
imbrandonEleaf, hybrid is the leet audio editor for our podcast ;)07:46
Paradoxxhybrid: garbadeband?07:46
ubotuI know nothing about garbageband07:47
hybridParadoxx: OSX program07:47
Cntryboyrubso: can u play other open gl games?07:47
dionI'm doing so now07:47
rubsoCntryboy: no.07:47
hybridaudacity is my favorite07:47
delmardion, ok settings, and repositories.07:47
imbrandonrubso, what video casrd do you have ?07:47
L1archetypo,  How to fix?07:47
Cntryboyso can u play any 3d games at all?07:47
Blake_just upgraged to dapper and although, my wireless card and driver(ndiswraper) are present it wont find any accespoints, using acx111 card, i think someone mentioned something about the firmware, thanks, im lost07:47
delmardion, you might need to tag some extra stuff in there perhaps?07:47
EleafI use audacity, ardour, lmms, soundtracker, rosegarden, terminatorX imbrandon | hybrid .07:47
rubsoimbrandon: nvidia geforce fx 5200 128MB07:47
Cntryboyrudso: type glxgears in terminal07:47
EleafI can't decide which to use to remix this song though07:47
Eleafaudacity seems too crude for true loop-based sampling07:48
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hybridEleaf: what are you trying to do?07:48
imbrandonrubso, have you "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx" yet ?07:48
ShizboomAnyone know anything about making your background or a part of the background a webpage or aplet of some sort?07:48
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rubsoCntryboy: it shows 3 gears in graphx.07:48
hybridffmpeg and mencoder can be nice07:48
rubsoimbrandon: yes, and its installed already07:48
Cntryboyrubso: smooth or jerky as shit?07:48
Eleaflmms is more synthy and isn't very good with workiing with actual samples07:48
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hybridShizboom: make it embedded07:48
Cntryboyexcuse my language07:48
rubsoCntryboy: its sooo smooth07:48
Eleafhybrid, hm?07:48
samulithere aren't any good mastering suites, multi-trackers or sequencers for linux :/07:48
imbrandonrubso, do you see the nvidia logo when starting up X ?07:48
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hybridEleaf: ffmpeg and mencoder can be nice07:48
rubsoimbrandon: yes.07:48
L1archetypo,  System has Cyberblade video card?07:48
samuliEleaf, hod do you like ardour?07:48
techmadrubso: do you have xgl installed?07:49
imbrandonsamuli, audacity07:49
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rubsotechmad: xgl, no07:49
Eleafsamuli, it would be great, except it pretty much relies off of jack07:49
samuliimbrandon, it's not good, like in windows good.07:49
hybridimbrandon: swear by audacity :)07:49
Eleafjack really doesn't work well for me for some reason07:49
lonegeekCan anyone tell me why this doesnt work for a windows share  in my fstab   // /media/TV    smbfs  uid=1000  0    007:49
Eleafoh I forgot hydrogen07:49
imbrandonrubso, if you see the nvidia logo on X startup you SHOULD have opengl working properly07:49
ohh_henriis there way way 2 get grammer check in ubuntu07:49
Cntryboyrubso: what imbrandon said07:49
samuliEleaf, is ardour officially released?07:49
delmardion, i'm bad and don't use the GUI.. I edit /etc/apt/sources.list by hand  ...so I'm not sure what u do in there.. i think u need to enable universe and multiverse and such, for the cool toys.07:49
Eleafsamuli, uhh.. what do you mean?07:49
Eleafsamuli, it's been out for a long bit07:50
dibblegoohh_henri, perhaps you spelt in incorrectly to apt-cache - it is spelt "grammar"07:50
samuliEleaf, isn't it beta?07:50
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rubsoCntryboy: then why i can't run this emulator, and says there is no libGL, i tried to "locate" the libGL, but i didn't find it.07:50
Blake_i like orange, whats your favourite color?07:50
Shizboomhybrid - what do you mean embedded?07:50
delmaranyone else know the Synaptic Package Manager setup better than me feel free to jump in and tell dion what to do.07:50
EleafI have no idea, I don't pay attention to that samuli lol07:50
imbrandonsamuli, Windows good for audio editing ? now thats a first, i might have thought osx but never windows ;)07:50
Cntryboyrubso: although I have a geforce fx5500 128 and I couldn't use the nvidia-glx drivers although that is what nvidia suggested for my card.. I installed nvidia-glx-legacy and everything works grade A07:50
HackerX*^*^* Hey, Im trying to install my logitech quickcam but i keep getting alot of errors *^*^*07:50
diondelmar, I wish I was able to do that07:50
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hybridShizboom: if you make the applet embedded to the webpage it may work07:50
Eleafimbrandon, cubaseeeeeeeeee07:50
techmaddion: not sure of what you are doing but check this http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories07:50
Eleafloops of fruity.07:50
dionI imagine I can figure this one out, I think I'll ask for help on one of the toughies07:50
samuliimbrandon, there's lots of good apps for windows and yes, for os x too.07:50
delmardion, ok hang on ill paste my sources.list file to pastebin07:50
Blake_does anyone else like orange?07:51
bsdirlaudacity is kewl for some stuff.07:51
rubsoCntryboy: are you serious?07:51
Cntryboyrubso: dead serious07:51
hybridaudacity and garageband07:51
imbrandonafk back in a few min's07:51
techmadvodka + oj = win07:51
Shizboomhybrid - i have no clue how to do that, where do i get an applet?07:51
rubsoCntryboy: then i should remove the -glx one ?07:51
hybridShizboom: usually you write one07:51
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bsdirlcognac + rootbeer = ownage07:52
rubsoCntryboy: btw, that emulator needs "libGL.so" when i located it, in my ubuntu it says "libGL.so.1" should i rename it ?07:52
Cntryboyrubso: I'm not telling you to do that lol, just stating thats what worked for me07:52
samulihmm.. is it saturday night there?07:52
samulihere it's sunday morning :07:52
delmardion, ok .. mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.original07:52
rubsoCntryboy: i'll try to rename it :P07:52
Shizboomhybrid - you have any links to get me started? i'm not even sure what to look for to get a clue of what to do07:52
diondelmar, lol what exactly is that?07:52
delmardion, then head to http://pastebin.ca/82986  and copy that, and slap that into a new file /etc/apt/sources.list07:53
hybridShizboom: prolly learn java or php07:53
techmaddion did you check that link that i pasted?07:53
delmardion then do apt-get update07:53
dibblegorubso, ln -s it, I've had similar issues with the nvidia driver07:53
delmardion then see if you can do  apt-get install automatix07:53
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rubsodibblego: you mean "ln -s libGL.so.1 libGL.so, like that?07:53
Cntryboyrubso: I didn't rename mine, im just saying using legacy drivers worked for me07:53
delmardion, this is all from command line (root assumed)07:53
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dibblegorubso, something like that07:54
delmardion, put "dudo" in front of any thing u do if u are not root.07:54
delmardion, "sudo" even07:54
delmarsilly fingers07:54
dionk lemme get after it and see what turns out.07:54
samuliduduo :)07:54
rubsodibblego: ok07:54
=== OrgulloKmoore [n=kyle@cpe-24-174-21-182.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
OrgulloKmooreumm...I need help07:55
OrgulloKmoorecould I have possilby deleted root?07:55
linopilhow do I make UBUNTU at least detect CTL0041 VIBRA  like fedora did although fedora did not configure it isapnp.conf needed for this ?07:55
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aunesif I ^z in vim, how do I get back to it?07:55
linopilis kudzu used here ?07:55
samuliOrgulloKmoore, that'd mean you have deleted everything on that partition.07:55
ubotuI know nothing about kudzu07:55
OrgulloKmoorelet me explain...I reset roots password, and during the same session, I had some problems, the computer froze, and I restarted07:55
dadgumitnub question number 34837747, how can i get a terminal window in ubuntu07:56
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OrgulloKmoorenow, I can't sudo anything07:56
OrgulloKmoorekyle@kyle:~$ sudo kontrol07:56
OrgulloKmooresudo: unable to lookup kyle.example.com via gethostbyname()07:56
dibblegodadgumit, Applications->Accessories07:56
techmaddadgumit: ^^07:56
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linopilALT-F2 -gnome-ter and enter dadgumit07:56
OrgulloKmooreand when I logged on, it said it couldn't find themes in /usr/kde/XXX/themes07:56
aunesdadgumit: You should also right click on the icon and add it to your panel (or to a shortcut key)07:56
OrgulloKmooreI don't recall exactly07:56
aunesif I ^z in vim, how do I get back into the vim session?07:56
samuliOrgulloKmoore, if nothing helps, reboot with recovery mode.07:56
OrgulloKmooresamuli> how is that done?07:57
linopiltechmad what is ^^07:57
OrgulloKmooreand what will it do...07:57
samuliOrgulloKmoore, You have grub installed right?07:57
OrgulloKmooresamuli> That's correct07:57
techmadlinopil: nothing the other dude typed it faster than i did so i just pointed up to what he said07:57
kuzmasterhello all, mi back07:58
samuliit should give you an option in the beginning by pressing esc at the count down.07:58
kuzmasterim back**07:58
timfrostaunes, "fg" will bring a suspended task back to the foreground07:58
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aunestimfrost: Wonderful. thanks.07:58
OrgulloKmooreah, samuli, I believe it does07:58
kuzmasterpolpak, u still there?07:58
linopilbtw techmad any idea howto make isapnp vibra 16 sound  in linux, sounds OK in windows07:59
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Awesome-o2000something about watching mplayer over an ssh tunnel w the server using ndiswrapper just freezes the feces out of my box07:59
techmadlinopil: no idea :(07:59
dionhow do i creat a new file from the command line?07:59
Dial_tonetouch file08:00
=== Awal [n=awal@adsl-69-151-186-98.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumdion: touch <filename> will create an empty file08:00
kuzmasteris anyone still here from when i asked for help about my wireless connectino08:00
ic56dion: what do you want to put in the file?08:00
linopilsadly windows has still  done betterwork  about hardware08:00
techmadlinopil: im no good with getting sound working even on my own laptop i can even get sound above a whisper08:00
linopillinux stays too techie08:00
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samulitechmad, with headphones?08:00
Awalok so I have ftp set up, but I want to add "links" to the home folder, how do I do that?08:00
Awallinks to other folders08:01
techmadsamuli: nope just the onboard speakers my headphones work fine :P08:01
linopilsamuli not 2 the point08:01
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dionI'm going to copy and paste a source list?08:01
delmardamn it. this is such a load of crap. GRRRR.   what the hell is wrong with Dapper and Adaptec SCSI I2O Raid cards. !!!!.  They just do not work !08:01
samulilinopil, well, there's quite a lot of different headphones, and not all efficient enough to make a sound :)08:01
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delmarThere has got to be a solution for this "device already claimed" bootup failure.08:02
techmadi <3 my shure inner earphones08:02
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samulitechmad, E2?08:02
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ic56dion: ok, then use cat.  like so:  cat > mynewfile08:02
techmadthey are the 3rd model up dont remember the names08:03
ic56dion: and then paste into that window.  Finally, press control-D at teh beginning of a new line08:03
dadgumithow about this one: i have xorg.conf showing 1680x1050 as one of my resolutions, but not selectable under system->prefs->screen resolution, any ideas?08:03
kuzmasterwell anyway, i cant get my wireless connection to work. It worked out of the box for kubuntu 6.06, but not for ubuntu 6.06. i have tried setting it to dhcp, static, i have tried "sudo iwconfig ra0 essid ANY" but that diddnt work.08:03
ic56dion: the ctl-D is the end-of-file marker in unix, like ctl-Z is in Windows.08:03
Cntryboyrubso: ever get it working08:03
Cntryboyrubso: sorry dozed off08:03
samulitechmad, ok. Shure makes good in-ear phones though.08:03
dionawesome thanks ic5608:04
ic56dion: yw!08:04
kuzmasterif you want my /ect/network/interface, lspci output and psmod for each distro, just ask cos i already have them in paste bim08:04
dadgumitany ideas?08:04
ddonkyso... how do I join two files, for instance: video.avi and video2.avi and make them into one file?08:04
techmadsamuli: they are the e4c08:04
samulitechmad, oh. They're nice.08:04
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rubsoCntryboy: lol, i installed "fceu" Nintendo Entertainment system emulator.08:05
kuzmasterany help would be greatly appreacated becuase i really need my wireless connection to work08:05
archetyposo i just mounted 3 disks....this is weird: one shows up when i launch file browser as 150GB Volume.  the other's don't but they are mounted on the disk where i mounted them.  so, how do i get all of them to show up like "floppy" "cd-rom" "filesystem" when i launch the file browser?08:05
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rubsoCntryboy: its working and its better than "xmess"08:05
techmadsamuli: yea i was going to get the 5c but i couldnt justify the extra 200$08:05
kuzmasterhelp anyone?08:06
techmadkuzmaster you still couldnt get it08:07
techmadkuzmaster: what kind was it?08:07
kuzmasterits a dlink08:07
remowilliamswhats that thing iv saw on some peoples08:07
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remowilliamswith the moon and stuff08:07
harmlesshi everyone08:07
harmlesshas anyone set up LIRC?08:07
OrgulloKmooreI was able to reboot in recovery mode, it gave me a shell...at which point I had no clue what to do08:08
kuzmastertechmad, heres the stuff for ubuntu http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1759908:08
OrgulloKmooreand now I am in the same situation08:08
kuzmasterand for kubuntu http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1759508:08
harmlessi'm trying to build the lirc-modules-source, but the README doesn't make sense08:08
harmlessi guess it wants me to have a linux source package installed, so i got that08:08
kuzmastertechmad, and for kubuntu http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1759508:08
dadgumitanyone got any ideas on this? I have a xorg.conf that has teh resolution I want in it, but doesn't show up in the gui resolution selecter08:08
harmlessbut it then asks me all the configuration questions - how do i tell it to just use the ubuntu kernel's choices?08:08
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ideogramwhat program do I use to play my CD?08:09
slowz3rthink someone can help me out real quick08:09
kuzmasterideogram, amrok?08:09
techmadkuzmaster: i dunno :(08:10
samulitechmad, hehe. Phones can be expensive :) I'm considering ordering Omega 2's from Japan.08:10
kuzmastertechmad, hmmmmmm08:10
tritiumdadgumit: check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log for error messages08:10
techmadsamuli: i read about them from what people said they were good08:10
Cntryboyrubso: cool, sorry dozed off again08:10
orgeis there anyway to make 'xterm' transparent?08:10
kuzmastercan any one else help me?08:10
dadgumittritium: will do08:10
orgeor you have to be on fluxbox?08:10
HackerX(*~( Hey, Im getting this error when i try to move a file in the terminal mv: missing destination file operand after `/home/hackerx/spca5xx-20051212.tar.gz' What am i doing wrong i used mv ~/spca5xx-20051212.tar.gz any ideas???08:10
=== Thirsteh [n=thirsteh@linuxfordummies/Thirsteh] has joined #ubuntu
ideogramDo I have to install amrok?08:11
slowz3rFor some reason i cant get ubuntu to boot from CD..i tried the Bootimage on a floppy too and that still doesnt work..any ideas....08:11
ideogramIs there a default installed CD player?08:11
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samulitechmad, I've heard them, and they are. I'm just buying the headphones though, so it isn't WAY expensive. and they're "cheap" in Japan.08:11
Dial_tonewhats the error08:11
rubsoCntryboy: thank you very much for your help :)08:11
Cntryboydadgumit: try to reconfigure x: type dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, then check the resoloutions you want in the box? you may try to manually edit the xorg.conf08:11
kuzmasterideogram, ohhhh, sorry, it mighten be on there for ubuntu08:11
rubsobye bye08:11
Cntryboyrubso: cya08:11
kuzmasterideogram, i was thinking about kubuntu08:11
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techmadsamuli: how much cheaper?08:12
OrgulloKmooreThis is just insane...08:12
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dadgumitCntryboy, yeah i was goin gto reconfigure and just leave out the other res and see how it goes08:12
EdLinideogram: Ubuntu uses sound juicer as both a CD player and ripper08:12
ideogramwhat do I type to invoke it from the command line08:12
Cntryboydadgumit: does xserver list ur resolution?08:12
OrgulloKmooremy screen is also hyperactive...when it all doesn't fit in the same screen, and I bounce the mouse off one border of the screen, it starts bouncing around...08:12
Cntryboyxorg.conf rather08:12
OrgulloKmooreand I have to restart the computer to get it to stop08:12
OrgulloKmoorestill can't sudo08:13
maattttHi, I've just wiped windoes and installed ubuntu, so far so good, but no sound.  can any one help ?08:13
EdLinideogram: you don't need to, it automatically starts when you put in a CD, and it's in the menu.08:13
OrgulloKmoorescreen resolution still way too large08:13
samulitechmad, about half the price compared to what they cost here.08:13
OrgulloKmoorestill get the theme error at startup...08:13
ideogramI'm not running the GNOME desktop08:13
techmadsamuli: wow08:13
OrgulloKmooreis there anything like Microsoft's System Restore in Ubuntu?08:13
st_ironi have to connect an other machine's tty1 over ssh, is it possible?08:14
kuzmasterideogram, are you just in shell?08:14
slowz3rAnyone here open for questions..lol..any help will be appreciated08:14
ideogramI am running X and a windowmanager08:14
samulitechmad, If you live in US check www.audiocubes.com. I think they deliver to US with good prices.08:14
kuzmaster ohhh ,ok08:14
tritiumslowz3r: just ask your question08:14
EdLinideogram: sound-juicer08:14
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samulitechmad, Audio-Technica, Stax etc.08:14
techmadsamuli: Thanks for the link :) ill check it out08:15
ideogramah very nice, thank you08:15
ddonky cat video.avi video2.avi >wholevideo.avi08:15
dionSo in my device manger, is it normal for it to display UNKNOWN as the processor?08:15
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=== OrgulloKmoore cries
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TonrenNYAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!  I FORGOT TO BACKUP MY .vimrc!!!!!08:15
OrgulloKmooreI have no idea what I did nor what I should do08:15
HackerX~@~ How do i unlock a folder from the terminal08:15
slowz3rOk..for some reason i cant get Ubuntu to boot from the cd.. i tried sbootmgr.dsk too and when i do that and i select the CD drive i get a "Cd error"  any help pleas08:16
LynoureTonren: We feel your pain08:16
Dial_toneddonky: that works?08:16
OrgulloKmooreHackerX> chmod08:16
techmadOrgulloLmoore: well what were you doing when "it" happened08:16
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TonrenLynoure: All I needed was someone to commiserate with.  all of my awesome stuff... g.. gone..08:16
Cntryboyorgullokmoore: sorry man i don't know what to tell ya, sometimes my mouse bounces off walls when i first start up but only for a sec/two08:16
tsumeLynoure: only because he's using Vim and not emacs ;)08:16
ic56HackerX: define "unlock" a file.  Do you know what's preventing you from accessing it?08:16
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boxahywtf. why isnt xchat on my ububtu.08:17
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Tonrentsume: emacs made like NO SENSE.  gvim showed me the meaning of life.08:17
OrgulloKmooretechmad> I had about 20 window open...I was programming. Before, in the same session, I reset my root's password, as well as a lot of other configuration (I don't turn off my computer very often)08:17
Awesome-o2000I seem to be having a better time with ndiswrapper and streaming video using the 386 kernel vs the k7. as long as it doesnt freeze Im satisfied08:17
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tsumeTonren: gvim? you're kidding me :)08:17
tsumeTonren: I use emacs and vim in gnome-terminal08:17
Awesome-o2000I really dont care about optimization on that system vs stability and the ability to stream video over the wireless08:17
tsumeor urxvt08:17
Tonrentsume: It depends on my mood.  Sometimes I like gvim, sometimes I like vim.08:17
slowz3rOk..for some reason i cant get Ubuntu to boot from the cd.. i tried sbootmgr.dsk too and when i do that and i select the CD drive i get a "Cd error"  any help08:18
techmadOrgulloKmoore: did you try the recovery console option when you boot into grub?08:18
HackerXOk how do i use Chmod to unlock a folder08:18
EdLinboxahy: xchat isn't installed by default anymore.08:18
samuliboxahy, dapper doesn't come with it for some reason. It's stupid, I know.08:18
bloody_kennycan i have some halp08:18
Tonrenslowz3r: Did you check the CD's integrity?08:18
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techmadHackerX? do you want owner ship of the folder or just read/write access?08:18
boxahythat is stupid man. lol08:18
Lynouretsume: Actually, I don't take part in the editor wars :) I'm on a neutral zone.08:18
OrgulloKmooretechmad> it gives me a shell. I don't know what to do there...08:18
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Tonrentsume: I like gvim because it doesn't clutter my gnome-terminal.  "code goes in gvim, shell goes in terminal"08:18
EdLinboxahy: well, you can use gaim, which is, with IRC. Though it's not a great IRC program08:18
techmadOrgulloKrmoore: sec ill get you a how-to08:18
samuliboxahy, Considering that you could irc while installing if it were there. REALLY stupid.08:19
gluttonyhi, im here for help getting my printer working, and my sound working08:19
ideogramIf I install Ubuntu LAMP is it easy to switch in PostgreSQL and maybe another language later?08:19
bloody_kennyhow do u do wpa in cription08:19
HackerXwell i tryed to use the mv command to move a tar file into a folder but it didnt work so im just going to drag it in but to do so i need to unlock my home folder08:19
dpnIs there a way to get the mouse wheel click scroll function in opera?08:19
ljlolelideogram: yes08:19
slowz3rTonren:ya i did..im realy frustraited now ive seriously re burend and downloaded it about 5 times08:19
ideogramthis is great, I love Ubuntu!08:19
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ljloleli love ubuntu!08:19
Cntryboyorgullokmoore: it takes u to terminal?08:19
boxahyok, just installed dapper. what repo's should i add?08:20
OrgulloKmooreCntryboy> the recovery mode takes me directly to a shell: #root@kyle:08:20
Tonrenslowz3r: Do you get to the screen where it lets you choose between Installing and Checking, etc.?08:20
maltrondoes anyone know what controls the mixing of sound in ubuntu/kubuntu?  Something seems to have been corrupted either by a buggy app or by my fiddling around with modules, but now I keep getting "/dev/dsp device could not be opened" and such08:20
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polpakboxahy: just turn on universe and multiverse08:20
samuliboxahym the usual universe and multiverse.08:20
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Tonrenslowz3r: or does it crash even before that?08:20
crimsunmaltron: alsa-lib "controls" it.08:20
boxahyif i can figure it out :P08:20
Cntryboyorgullokmoore: have you tried to dkpg-reconfigure xorg.conf08:20
tsumeLynoure: you use magnets to edit files? ;)08:20
ic56HackerX: I seriously doubt that your problem is that your "home folder is locked" (however that may be interpreted -- one doesn't normally speak of "locking" folders in unix)08:20
Cntryboyorgullokmoore: what does startx do?08:20
slowz3rTonren: it wont even boot off the CD08:20
Cntryboyat terminal08:20
ic56HackerX: more likely, you lacked access to the tar file.08:21
techmadOrgulloKmoore: To reset your password in the recovery console try and type sudo password (new password)08:21
Tonrenslowz3r: but do you at least get to the preliminary screen?08:21
gluttonyi ran cups, and it recognized my printer, but when i clicked next, it took me to a screen where i was supposed to pick my model, again, and now its not there08:21
ic56HackerX: what was the error message you got?08:21
slowz3rTonren: nope08:21
Cntryboytechmad: I didn't know he was wanting to change his password?08:21
Tonrenslowz3r: jesus.  what kind of box are you running?08:21
OrgulloKmooretechmad> sudo: unable to lookup kyle.example.com via gethostbyname()08:21
ideogramshould I get the DVD release?  What additional stuff is on there?08:21
HackerXic56,mv: missing destination file08:21
slowz3rTonren: 3.2 Ghz p4 extreme edition, gig of PC40008:22
techmadOrgulloKmoore: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/sudo08:22
maltroncrimsun: ok, so how might  I go about fixing it?  Everything was fine yesterday, but now I can only get sound out of one app at a time.  Could a config file be missing or corrupted?08:22
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samulislowz3r, you know that your home directory isn't /home but /home/username, right? (don't be offended :)08:22
Tonrenslowz3r: maybe you're too hardcore for ubuntu.  :\08:22
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ic56HackerX: sounds like you mistyped or misused the command.  Please paste the command you typed.  Show me the *exact* thing you typed.08:22
bloody_kennyhi herri08:22
Tonrenslowz3r: there could be something wrong with your CD burner.08:23
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Awesome-o2000hmm - so far its looking good - ive never had ndiswrapper work before so Ive got my fingers crossed08:23
HackerXic56, mv: missing destination file08:23
Tonrenslowz3r: no wait, you said the checksum passed, right?  that couldn't be it, then...08:23
slowz3rTonren: my first linux.....Windows is realy to boring..i tried installing Mandriva too and i get an error saying that their is no hd list08:23
crimsunmaltron: sorry, busy. Please paste the output from ``lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*'' onto http://pastebin.ca08:23
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slowz3rTonren: but dont worry about that i know this isnt a Mandriva IRC08:23
ic56HackerX: you've already shown me the error message.  Show me the *command* you used.08:24
Awesome-o2000I think perhaps it was the optimized kernel or something - it killed me on gentoo, killed me after a short time in ubuntu with k7 kernel, but so far is working really well with ubuntu 386 kernel08:24
slowz3rsamuli: huh?08:24
bloody_kennyi love daper08:24
HackerXic56, sorry wrong thing here mv ~/spca5xx-20051212.tar.gz08:24
Awesome-o2000I am going to have to do some rather thorough inspection of configs08:25
polpakAwesome-o2000: I doubt the ndiswrapper would work because the drivers it's "wrapping" are x8608:25
dadgumitwhy does it seem like the resolutions I can select in the gui have nothing to do with what i set up in the xorg configurator?08:25
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bloody_kennyubuntu daper dake08:25
maltroncrimsun: no worries.  Here is it: http://pastebin.ca/8300308:25
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:25
slowz3rTonren: you still there?08:25
Awesome-o2000polpak, well it worked REALLY bad w either gentoo or ubuntu with any kind of optimized kernel08:25
techmadHackerX you have to use mv /folder/to/file.tar /folder/to/move/file.tar08:25
ic56HackerX: ok, I see the problem.  the mv command takes *two* arguments: a source and a desitnation.  You didn't specify the destination.  But I note that the source is already in your destination08:25
Awesome-o2000polpak, but it appears im nice and stable w 38608:25
samulislowz3r, you had problems moving a tar-ball to your home directory right?08:26
Awesome-o2000Im going to leave it streaming overnight08:26
ic56HackerX: so why are you trying to move it?08:26
=== Eleaf [n=ethan@geek-145.209-193-100.qwest.dsl.vcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunmaltron: ok. Do you use KDE or GNOME (or both)?08:26
Tonrenslowz3r: yeah, i got nothin' though08:26
EleafI'm having trouble with notifications ;p..08:26
slowz3rsamuli: lol..wrong person :)08:26
Awesome-o2000that would be nice, it would enable me to use my wrt54g on the front end again08:26
bloody_kennyhow do u make ubuntu work for wpa08:26
Eleaflibnotify notifications sytem won't work08:26
polpakAwesome-o2000: I know because the kernel is k7 (which is the 64 bit build afaik) but the drivers are build for x8608:26
slowz3rTonren: damn...lol08:26
maltroncrimsun: I usually use kde but have both installed08:26
crimsunmaltron: please join me in #kubuntu08:26
Tonrenslowz3r: i'm amazed you don't even get to the start screen.  what's the error you get?08:26
samulislowz3r, It's too damn busy in here :)08:26
maltroncrimsun: okay08:26
ideogramhey, the CD image for installing desktop and server is the same?08:27
Awesome-o2000polpak, IU just figured that out - but that doesnt explain why the ones I'd compile on gentoo would cause problems - which I will freely admit is my own fault08:27
slowz3rTonren: i even used the sbootmgr.dsk boot disk and i got the the sbootmgr screen but when i select my drive i get an error08:27
OrgulloKmooreI think the problem lies in my /etc/hosts file, which reads
techmadsamuli: its always busy in here :)08:27
slowz3rTonren: I dont get an error..it just wont boot from CD08:27
OrgulloKmooreit should say
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Tonrenslowz3r: what do you mean '"just won't"?  it doesn't give you an error, it just hangs?08:27
slowz3rsamuli: lol.ya kinda hard to keep track o stuff08:27
samulitechmad, It's like wall street on steroids.08:27
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Awesome-o2000polpak, not only that but I suspect if I used the k7 kernel and compiled them myself i'd have problems as well08:27
techmadsamuli: lol08:27
slowz3rTonren: ok like ill set it to boot from CD and then it will go through the boot sequence like their is no CD their..then it will bootinto windoes08:28
bloody_kennybye guys08:28
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=== samuli wipes of his forehead with his tie.
compengiif i will delete the archive files /var/cache/apt/archives will it make any difference?08:28
slowz3rTonren: and the error with sbootmgr is just a little red box and "error0x008:28
Tonrenslowz3r: ooh.  you know what you should do?  do you know how to get into your BIOS?08:28
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Tonrenslowz3r: don't bother with sbootmgr. use the plain old Live CD.  go into your BIOS and make sure that it tries to boot from the CD-Rom FIRST.08:29
Tonrenslowz3r: it should have a field for "boot volume order" or something08:29
slowz3rTonren: ya i know how to get into my bios..ya and it is set to bootfist08:29
Tonrenslowz3r: ah, crap08:29
EdLincompengi: run "apt-get clean" to make sure08:29
Tonrenslowz3r: hurl your computer into the sun!08:29
slowz3rTonren: ya thats what i said..ive fortmatted with windows many times..08:30
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compengiEdLin, what is that for?08:30
EdLincompengi: man apt-get08:30
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slowz3rTonren: and what realy gets me mad and wants me to urinate on my PC is that i cant even get Mendriva past formatting08:30
compengiEdLin, what does this command do?08:30
Tonrenslowz3r: your problem blows my mind.08:31
Awesome-o2000slowz3r, the problem is zapping oneself when the stream hits.08:31
EdLincompengi: if you read the manpage like I mentioned it will tell you.08:31
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slowz3rAwesome-o2000: huh08:31
Awesome-o2000slowz3r, if you urinate on your PC, you will most likely at the very least knock yourself down08:32
samulislowz3r, pee is conductive :)08:32
boxahyok, i have breezy community repo's on my system. how do i edit it for daper08:32
slowz3rTonren: ya ive even watched some tutorial ubuntu and it looks so simple but noo its all compicated08:32
tsumeI went to Salvation army, and bought a really great scanner for 5 bucks08:32
tsumeEpson Perfection 1200U08:32
slowz3rsamuli: damn mythbusters lied to me!!!08:32
tsumeworks with sane08:32
Tonrenslowz3r: it was pretty simple for me too.  and i'm on an AMD64 laptop08:32
crazy_penguingood morning to all!08:33
tsumeEpson has a really fast scanner which is comparable to Kodak's scanner which is like 600USD a few years ago :P08:33
samulislowz3r, did they encourage you to 'water-cool' your computer too? :D08:33
Awesome-o2000if I am using a 386 kernel on an athlon XP I wont have stability problems, it just wont be "optimized" , right?08:33
slowz3rTonren: ya i tried everything....when u installed did u just set to boot from CD and let it go or what08:33
Awesome-o2000no 3dnow or mmx or sse or any of that nonsense08:33
slowz3rsamuli: actualy yes my comp is watercooled...DangerDen FTW08:34
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tsumehmm, life can't get any better than this. Living in Alaska, have place, a malamute, and tons of computer stuff :D08:34
Tonrenslowz3r: I didn't even have to set it.. must've been default.  I popped the CD in, restarted, hit "Boot/Install" and was on my way08:34
tsumeand making even more money via programming apart from the full time salary job which I get bored much in.08:34
samulislowz3r, It might be too cool for linux :/08:34
slowz3rsamuli: iv worked with everything else except linux..hell i even installed DOS on a POS computer for fun08:35
Awesome-o2000well answer or no answer - thanks for gettig ndiswrapper working, with whatever kernel compination08:35
slowz3rTonren: isnt their a way to install from desktop or no ?08:35
dadgumitmy xorg.conf IN NO WAY relates to my selection of resolution in the gui08:35
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Tonrenslowz3r: not from windows desktop.08:35
Tonrenslowz3r: which CD did you dowlnoad, exactly?08:36
dadgumitand this is after reboot08:36
slowz3rTonren: ive downloaded all 3 and tried08:36
Tonrenslowz3r: there are more than three.  have you downloaded the Dapper Live Desktop CD matching your processor?08:36
boxahyafter upgrading from breezy to dapper, can i just change the name in the community repo's?08:37
HackerX&*& how do i get gcc-3.4 to work??? &*&\08:37
boxahyto dapper08:37
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slowz3rTonren: ive downloaded Desktop CD(x86) Serverinstall Cd(X86) and Alternat install cd (x86)08:37
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Tonrenslowz3r: hmmm...08:38
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ic56HackerX: what do you mean when you say gcc doesn't work?  Please get into the habbit of reporting an error message rather than just saying "doesn't work".08:38
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slowz3rTonren: ever heard of somthing like this happening08:38
Tonrenslowz3r: no way dude.  this is weird.08:38
miguelsrsome one know a channel for p2p?08:39
slowz3rTonren: i dobut it but is it possible but can i be burning ti "wrong"..lol08:39
Tonrenslowz3r: i dunno, man08:39
HackerXIc56, Check ur PM08:39
polpakslowz3r: if you browse the cd, what files are on int?08:39
polpakslowz3r: it rather08:39
Tonrenslowz3r: try ordering a cd from ShipIt or have a friend burn it08:39
vigilanteAnybody here runing Quake 4 demo?  (mine is running fine, but sound is horrible)08:40
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.08:40
slowz3rTonren: let me pop the disk in now..and i did order a CD ..i just dont wanna wait..08:40
rusherhow do you people download torrent moviies when they always need a password08:40
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tsumewoot, this scanner is on the market at 200USD :P08:40
tritiumrusher: don't ask that here08:40
Tonrentsume: fell off the truck?08:40
firebird619I use TVtime for watching tv, but I don't have any sound. I have found that the problem is because I use digital speakers. Is there a way to make tvtime work with digital, or does anyone know of a program that does work with digital speakers?08:40
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HackerXic56, FATAL: Error inserting spca5xx (/lib/modules/2.6.15-25-386/kernel/drivers/usb/me dia/spca5xx.ko): Invalid module format08:41
compengiEdLin, can you give me the link?08:41
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tsumeTonren: bought for 5 bucks from salvation army08:41
cavediver^workHi guys, Is it possible to add some option to decrypt files using right-click on a pgp file ?08:42
derekhi men   i can't play mp3 on phythmbox music player , can anybody tell me how to ?08:42
Tonrentsume: whoaaaaaaaaaaaa08:42
tsumeTonren: in 2000, this scanner used to cost 299USD08:42
cavediver^workEncrypting is availible but not decrypt for some reason.08:42
Tonrenderek: It's on wiki.ubuntu.org.  search for RestrictedFormats08:42
EdLincompengi: I don't know of a link to the apt-get manpage, use the man command08:42
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:42
tsumeTonren: its lighting fast, and really good. 1200x1400 36-bit color08:42
derekTonren, ok  thanks08:42
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cskhi all. i am trying to make a folder i have mounted to have write privilage. i know i have to use "chmod 755 My Music" to get it to work but everytime i type My Music in terminal it says "no such file or directory"08:42
tsumeTonren: scanning normal stuff, its like.. *zip* *zip* done!08:42
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slowz3rTonren: this is the desktop Cd files..disk,bin,casper,disctree,dist,install,isolinux,pics,pool,preseed,programs  those are the folders here are the individual files... autorun,md5sum,readme.diskdefnes,start and an ubuntu file that is 0k so i dunno what that is08:42
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tsumeTonren: I'm like.. *aww* :P08:42
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HackerXic56, ???08:43
Tonrenslowz3r: wait, dude, what are you talkin gabout right now?  did it boot to Ubuntu Desktop?08:43
tsumeTonren: I used to have a microtek years ago, it was so slow as hell08:43
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polpakslowz3r: that seems fine. you sure the bios is configured to boot from the CD?08:43
Tonrentsume: I've had a CanoSCan LiDE30 for like four years, it's so freaking good08:43
miguelsrsome one know a channel for p2p?08:43
slowz3rpolpak: yes 100% sure08:43
dpnIs there a way to stretch the bars in gnome across both monitors with twinview?08:44
ic56HackerX: I haven't tried to do what I'm guessing you are trying to do (and you didn't tell us) but I'm guessing the problem might be that you are mixing and matching different versions of gcc: the library was built with one version.  You are now building a module with a different version.  That's always likely to cause trouble.  In Linux, in Windows, in any system.08:44
slowz3rTonren: u said to explore the CD and tell u waht was in it08:44
Tonrenslowz3r: i, uh... that wasn't me.08:44
tsumedpn: no, now go away ;)08:44
slowz3rTonren: oopps..lol..08:44
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tsumemy girl Faith is so cool :)08:45
ic56HackerX: either switch back to the version of gcc with which your system was built or else rebuild all your libraries.08:45
slowz3rpolpak: TEAR08:45
HackerXic56, FATAL: Error inserting spca5xx (/lib/modules/2.6.15-25-386/kernel/drivers/usb/me dia/spca5xx.ko): Invalid module format08:45
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HackerXic56 ugh sorry08:45
vigilanteAnybody know why sound in Quake 4 demo would be all garbled and choppy?08:45
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HackerXic56, wrong thing08:46
ideogramLite-On/Cendyne drives are crap08:46
slowz3rsamsung/plextor FTW08:46
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ideogramI bought a plextor a year ago and it rocks08:46
ideogrammy old Lite-On is dying08:46
ideogrambarely used it08:46
slowz3rI WANT TO GO OUTSIDE and shoot my computer with my paintball gun...ahhh08:47
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HackerXic56, ok im reading on the site that i can use export CC=gcc-3.4 workaround to get it to work08:47
crimsunHackerX: that's relevant for Breezy08:48
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HackerXcrimsun, ok so then how do i get my Logitech Quickcam to work???08:48
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OrgulloKmooreI fixed it08:48
crimsunHackerX: does it not work with the default Ubuntu kernel?08:48
HackerXcrimsun, no i cant get it to work08:49
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HackerXi cant remember the error off hand08:49
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HackerXplus im banned on this channel for one swearword so its not easy for me to copy things08:50
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HackerXwith the workaround im using08:50
crimsunHackerX: pastebin will suffice08:50
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cavediver^workAnyone know if there is a "install to encrypted filesystem" going on? I'd love to see that in Eft, perfect on my laptop.08:52
cavediver^workproject should go in there somewhere :)08:52
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slowz3rhey.realy quick question08:53
HackerX! paste08:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:53
slowz3rwhat is the average time it takes for an ubuntu CD to arive if u ordered it from shipit08:53
cavediver^workMine took a month08:54
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cavediver^workbut I order a week before release also08:54
slowz3rsigh..i cant wait taht longs.../life08:54
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cavediver^workA month is not long... compared to a year :=)08:54
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HackerXcrimsun, Http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1760108:55
slowz3rouch ...a year...o well i guess ill keep trying to install ubuntu untill it arives or a run my fingers to the bone on my keyobard08:55
crimsunHackerX: do you have build-essential installed?08:56
top222I had fun using a 40MB FAT32 partition on the HD of a laptop, downloading the installer there, and then using a GRUB bootdisk to start the installer.08:56
HackerXcrimsun, yes08:57
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top222Then it took some hours to download all the packages from the 'net, but the end result was a working Dapper system (not including the Thinkpad-ish problems I had after that).08:58
crimsunHackerX: apt-get --reinstall install build-essential08:58
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top222Has anyone thought about a world file for Ubuntu?08:59
holycowwhat is a world file?08:59
HackerXcrimsun, nope same thing08:59
kaotlike portage has?08:59
top222It means you need, let's say, 10 different programs or packages08:59
top222They pull in some 200 dependencies08:59
top222Then you remove one of those programs, but the dependencies that were there only for that program still remain09:00
crimsunHackerX: apt-get --reinstall install gcc-4.009:00
holycowthats stupid, aptitude already does that09:00
tritiumtop222: using aptitude eliminates that problem09:00
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top222Is Aptitude a GUI for apt-get?09:00
tritiumtop222: not a gui, no09:01
snoopssynaptic is a gui for apt09:01
archetypocan someone explain the pmounter in ubuntu?  is there a way to change the behaviour of volumes being added to the desktop?09:01
HackerXcrimsun, same thing09:01
technicianhi i am doing failover router tutorial but in my ubuntu  i dont have iptables in /etc/iptables so how to restart09:01
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top222How do I get to use aptitude?09:02
kaottechnician: erm... what?09:02
archetypoand another thing...isn't there a gnome gui tool to change the login screen (currently showing xubuntu) i know how to do this manually just curious where the applet is to do it?09:02
technicianin this tutorial in this step it is required to restart network and iptables09:02
crimsunHackerX: same thing? pastebin ``gcc -v''09:02
tritiumtop222: it's already installed for you.09:02
techniciankaot i am using ubuntu to make failover router09:02
techniciani have a tutorial in which we use iptable rules09:02
top222tritium: Where do I go to specify the packages I really want, to separate them from pure dependencies?09:02
ubotuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptitudeSurvivalGuide09:03
technicianbut there is a step which states you have to restart network and iptables09:03
top222Thanks, I'll check that09:03
tritiumtop222: as I said, aptitude can do that (not retroactively, of course)09:03
HackerXcrimsun, command not found09:03
technicianbut in /etc/init.d/ there is no iptables how to restart that09:03
polpaktechnician: you'll have to make one09:03
crimsunHackerX: then you can't have reinstalled gcc-4.009:03
kaottechnician: I guesss you could do iptables-save >~/iptables-rules and then iptables-restore <~/iptables-rules09:03
top222tritium: Then a world-file-ish functionality would still be an improvement09:03
technicianpolpak how do i make one ?09:03
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tritiumtop222: no, just use aptitude to begin with09:04
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crimsunHackerX: pastebin this command and all its output: ``sudo apt-get --reinstall install gcc-4.0''09:04
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techniciankaot if i save and the rule is not proper then i dont know how to delete09:04
tritiumtop222: there are also deborphan and debfoster09:04
top222tritium: How many people know to do that?09:04
holycowoh forgot about those right09:04
tritiumtop222: I've never taken a poll09:04
kaottechnician: well, "restart iptables" makes no sense, really.  It isn't a service, per se.09:05
techniciankaot can i send u the link of the tutorial can you guide me ?09:05
top222I must admit I had quite a mess with Gentoo's world file too, by manually installing the dependencies too, one at a time.09:05
kaotyeh what's the url09:05
crimsuntop222: a "world file"? How do you propose to integrate this into apt?09:05
snoopsif I install a package with many dependancies with apt-get, can I use aptitude to remove the package + any unused dependancies or do I have to use aptitude to install for that ability?09:05
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crimsunsnoops: the latter.09:05
snoopsk, thanks09:05
tritiumsnoops: that's why I said above that it can't be used retroactively09:06
top222crimsun: I don't think it could be integrated.  But it could be an additional functionality for Synaptic, for example.09:06
HackerXcrimsun, Http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1760209:06
vigilanteIm getting same messed up sound with both quake 4 and Doom 3, anybody know how to fix please help?09:06
crimsuntop222: so how do you propose to integrate it with apt?09:06
top222crimsun: A tool in a separate window where you have a) set of all installed packages, b) set of metapackages and c) set of packages not needed by these metapackages and programs.09:07
snoopstritium sorry, didn't see you say that09:07
crimsuntop222: don't you see that if you integrate it into an apt frontend, you're simply reintroducing what aptitude does?09:07
tritiumsnoops: that's okay09:07
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crimsuntop222: the functionality needs to be developed at a lower level in the stack than the frontend.09:07
top222crimsun: Does aptitude allow one to manually construct the world file, or see the changes it would cause, on a per-package basis?09:08
Shizboomhow would i do something like this in ubuntu? http://myweb.wit.edu/keddemn/ad01.jpg09:08
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Shizboomwith the embedded page09:08
crimsuntop222: dpkg already does that, and apt extends it09:08
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crimsuntop222: although your "world file" is fairly ambiguous here.09:08
HackerXcrimsun, Http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1760209:08
Ayabarahi guys! I have started partitioning my hd for installing ubuntu, and I need som help. stefg and snoops helped me find a partition layout yesterday. 7-10GB root+home, 2GB swap, 1,5GB for /var and the rest fat32 storage.09:08
snoopsShizboom that being actice desktop in windows right?09:09
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kaottechnician: those instructions apply to a different distro.  you want to do something like I said, iptables-save >/etc/ruleset, and then add to your /etc/rc.local a line like /sbin/iptables-restore </etc/ruleset09:09
snoopshey Ayabara :)09:09
Ayabarasnoops: hey :-)09:09
top222crimsun: It is a set of "primary" packages that are wanted for their own functionality, not because something depends on them.09:09
dpnHow do I remove a directory09:09
techniciankaot once it is save then how to delete if doesnt worked ?09:09
crimsunHackerX: now, ``apt-get --reinstall install gcc''09:09
holycowdpn, rm -rf09:09
kaottechnician: remove the line from /etc/rc.local09:09
kaottechnician: then iptables -F09:10
kaotsudo of course09:10
top222crimsun: The point is the ability to specify those packages, and see all the unnecessary stale dependencies that are not needed by the specified packages.09:10
kaottechnician: also iptables -t nat -F09:10
kaottechnician: but if you've got an existing ruleset you probably should have saved it before making those changes.  little late now I guess.09:10
technicianF stands for ?09:10
crimsuntop222: please let us migrate to #ubuntu-offtopic, since this is a support channel09:11
Ayabarafirst Q: which partitions should be primary, and which should be contained in an extended one? second Q: how do I put the /var on a partition?09:11
technicianthat flushes all the rules ? set by the user ?09:11
Shizboomsnoops - did you have any ideas? or maybe where i would start looking09:11
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technicianas well as the default ? kaot?09:11
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snoopsShizboom sorry, I'm not sure.. haven't done that myself.. let me have a google though09:11
top222crimsun: No... I think I'll drop my case and see if I can bring this up later somewhere else09:11
holycowayabra, it doesn't matter really, that is just a function of the fact your drives are ide09:11
kaottechnician: wha?09:11
crimsuntop222: fine by me.09:11
timfrostdpn, if the directory is empty, then rmdir <directory>09:12
techniciani mean user defined rules are remove or all09:12
Shizboomi have been googling and forum hopping for a bit now and no idea how to still ;x09:12
Ayabaraholycow: the thing that stopped me was the partitioner saying I could have at most 4 primary partitions09:12
kaottechnician: -F will remove ALL rules.  your iptables will be basically empty and nonfunctional, unless you've got a default policy in place.  in which case, you'd better be local to this box and not messing around over the network.09:12
snoopsAyabara to be honest I wouldn't worry about a /var partition09:13
technicianwell i am local and it is a try but how to bring the default back ?09:13
holycowAyabara, true, thats because they are ide drives.  ide drives can only have 4 primary partitions, and each of those can have 4 extended partitions09:13
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kaottechnician: did you have iptables configured before you started on this failover project?09:13
Ayabarasnoops: ok. never did it before, and never missed it :-)09:13
kaottechnician: or is this the first firewalling/iptables stuff you've done?09:13
Ayabaraholycow: ok09:14
kaottechnician: ok, -F will restore you to default then, which is no ruleset at all.09:14
techniciankaot it is the first time09:14
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technicianok ;) that's fine09:14
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techniciankaot can i get ur yahoo or msn ?09:14
AyabaraI could use 10GB for /home + /root, 2GB swap and the rest fat32 storage shared between xp/ubuntu. should that be ok?09:14
kaottechnician: I don't have any instant messaging09:14
technicianincase i need help or you are around ?09:14
techniciando you stay around here ?09:15
kaottechnician: I keep irc open most of the time, but I'm not always here or paying attention09:15
kaotit's hit-or-miss09:15
bluelite28hey I'm trying to make Rythmbox play mp3s is it possible?09:15
techniciannever mind i can leave a message  kaot so nice of u09:15
techniciani will try now09:15
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kaotgood luck09:15
nol13hi, i just upgraded to dapper, finally got my internet working after changing the firmware, it seems though that its back to using the freeware acx driver instead of ndiswrapper because my connection tops at about 20kB/s now.. how do i get it to use ndiswrapper again? thx09:16
techniciankaot thanks09:16
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bluelite28mp3's in Rythmbox.. anyone?09:16
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:16
crimsun!restricted > bluelite2809:16
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Ayabarashould I use reiser or ext3 for /root?09:16
samulibluelite28, yes. You could just get the needed codecs for the task, but in the long run you'd be better of of downloading and running easyubuntu.09:16
snoopsAyabara well.. rule of thumb for swap is twice your ram (but doesn't matter after a lot of ram eg I wouldn't bother with a 4gb swap with 2gb of ram), /home is for all your personal files and desktop settings etc, so usually you want that to be the largest.. then you have / for all applications, os stuff etc.. if you can maybe 10-20 gb for / (20 if you install a huge amount of apps etc)09:16
crimsunAyabara: / or /root? Generally /root is on /09:17
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ubotuwifi is Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper09:17
samuli!tell bluelite28 about easyubuntu09:17
bluelite28thanks again09:17
Ayabaracrimsun, / I meant :-)09:17
crimsunAyabara: that's your call, really.09:17
snoopsAyabara the idea behind it is that allows you to multiple installs with different partitions for the install+apps but keep your /home across both09:18
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JuhazOnemaybe there's now someone who could help me with my problem?09:19
revilotanyone know a firewall that will monitor programs trying to connect to the internet and ask me to allow them or not09:19
JuhazOnegrub doesn't seem to find my new serial ata drive when i try to boot from it09:19
Ayabarasnoops: ok. don't really know which size to choose for /home then... I guess 7GB for / , 2GB swap (is twice my ram), xGB for /home and the rest for fat32 storage09:19
samulibluelite28, hope it helps.09:19
JuhazOneit's probably because i don't know what the (hdX,Y) code is09:19
narfmasterrevilot, you can use ethereal to monitor the network09:19
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avisrevilot, the one i know that is in the dapper repos is firestarter though i have never used it so i dont know how its controlled.  i assume you open ports on yoru localhost.09:19
revilotnarfmaster: is that gui?09:20
JuhazOneso... is there a way to find out how BIOS (or whatever) maps those drives?09:20
avisrevilot, if your behind a NAT router you already have a layer of firewall09:20
snoopsAyabara how much space do you have?09:20
narfmasterrevilot, yes09:20
revilotavis: ya but i like to see whats connecting and be asked09:20
Ayabarasnoops: I have 100gb on my laptop drive, 12 are taken by xp09:20
narfmasterrevilot, tethereal is for the terminal09:20
samuliJuhazOne, first 0 = hda, second the partition. So hda1 = hd0,0 in grub and so on.09:20
avisi have heard of ethereal and etherape to monitor traffic09:20
snoopsShizboom have you tried kwebdesktop?09:20
JuhazOnesamuli: yes i know that09:21
revilotnarfmaster: ok ill give that a go thx09:21
Shizboomby the sounds of it, it wouldn't update09:21
narfmasterrevilot, no problem09:21
Shizboombut ill look into it a bit more09:21
JuhazOne/dev/hda is (hd0) in grub. but what is /dev/sda in grub?09:21
Shizboomit seems to save it as a picture09:21
revilotavis: i tried firestarter but it doesnt seem to ask my permission for anything09:21
JuhazOneit's not hd1, hd4 or hd8 that's for sure09:21
snoopsAyabara oh, then be generous.. say 15 gb for /, say /home 5, 2gb swap09:21
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samuliJuhazOne, Isn't it still hd0?09:22
JuhazOneerr... even if i have two drives, one regular ata and on serial ata?09:22
avisrevilot, i know of one that is a little more advanced i dont know if its still in active development but its ip-kungfu09:22
archetypoi have a rediculous question, but how do you put home folder, trash, and Computer on the desktop?09:22
archetypoplease, don't hit :D09:22
samuliJuhazOne, Okay. I don't know then.09:23
avisthough that is port specific i think the other programs would be better suited to monitor your network devices09:23
snoopsShizboom ah.. so not really a web page.. bit crappy09:23
techniciankaot one question09:23
revilotavis: i'm coming from windows where i used sygate09:23
kaottechnician: k09:23
narfmasterarchetypo, are you using Gnome?09:23
revilotavis: trying to ditch win if i can09:23
avishow are you connected to the internet revilot?09:23
archetyponarfmaster: yeah09:23
ic56JuhazOne: I'm googling about your grub with SATA issue09:23
technicianfor a test purpose i am using two internet connection from the same network09:23
revilotavis: wireless through a router09:23
JuhazOneic56: thanks09:23
JuhazOnei'm trying to do the same tihng09:23
narfmasterarchetypo, in Gnome those are just Nautilus settings09:23
techniciankaot for a test purpose from the same network i am using two internet connection which are going to one different network09:24
avisrevilot, well you caught on to linux right bout the right moment because essentially most everything can be done under linux that you could under windows and its all open source09:24
Ayabarasnoops:that is settled then. I setup / as a primary partition. can I create an extended of the rest and put swap /home and /storage in that one?09:24
snoopsic56 which issue? I had a problem where grub would not install itself into my sata, and ended up installing itself in the wrong mbr09:24
archetyponarfmaster   where is nautilus config?09:24
techniciankaotit shouldnt be a problem rite ?09:24
narfmasterarchetypo, if you go into the "gconf-editor" it will be at "/apps/nautilus/desktop/computer_icon_name"09:24
techniciankaot it shouldnt be a problem rite ?09:24
snoopsAyabara yep09:24
narfmastererr "/apps/nautilus/desktop/"09:24
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JuhazOnesnoops: i'm trying to get grub to boot off my sata disk09:24
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ic56snoops: /last is your friend.09:24
ubotuI know nothing about grub-install09:25
revilotavis: my main problem is raw photo editing...linux just doesnt have anything worthwhile for it yet09:25
kaottechnician: erm.  shouldn't be, no.  you'll probably end up with two default gw lines with the same ip address via different interfaces09:25
Linux-Hyper!windows mbr09:25
archetyponarfmaster ah ha!! ok.09:25
ubotuI know nothing about windows mbr09:25
kaottechnician: it should work for testing, yeah.09:25
snoopsJuhazOne got a few hdd's?09:25
JuhazOnesnoops: i've got a regular disk that's /dev/hda = (hd0). the sata disk appears as /dev/sda but i don't know what grub thinks it is09:25
JuhazOneor the bios. or something.09:25
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:25
technicianok thanks kaot i will try now09:25
revilotavis: Im going to give crossover office a go to see if it will run what i need09:25
avisrevilot, thats great.  if you've assigned a static ip you can close and open port ranges for that lan ip but being wireless really your are totally protected against anything.  except rain ;)09:25
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avisrevilot, have you looked at openoffice 2.0 ?09:25
rafhow can i get rid of those stupid desktop hard drive icons09:26
xnull-how do I install kde? i have ubuntu :)09:26
ic56JuhazOne: I see someone saying that like SATA drives and IDE drives are merged into a single numbering scheme by grub.09:26
JuhazOneic56: meaning?09:26
avisrevilot, its really nifty.  i'd use it if i had room for another printer.09:26
snoopsJuhazOne well okay09:26
revilotavis: thats great for text, im talking about photo editing09:26
snoopsJuhazOne I had to manually install grub myself too09:26
=== kaot fondly remembers the days of having both cable modem and sdsl
Linux-Hyperhow can i recover from a vista beta 2 install (grub is gone) i booted into winxp cd and did fixboot then fixmbr. and now the vista 2 bootloader is gone, and it just boots into windows. ive tried the following:  boot ubuntu and entered the resuce mode, when i get hda,2 i can execute shells etc., or just pick reinstall grub they all exit with error code 2009:26
ic56JuhazOne: I just don't know which ends up being first -- the SATA or IDE controllers...09:26
archetyponarfmaster there we go. thanks a lot09:26
snoopsJuhazOne do you have another drive besides the sata?09:26
revilotavis: raw photo editing09:26
calamariI'm trying to view an image that is larger than my memory can hold, so Linux ends up terminating the viewers.  Is there an image viewer that only keeps in memory the part of the image being displayed, or scales while it reads, only storing the image in memory?09:26
avisand as a secondary between you and me kinda think revilot before you totally switch to linux backup your windows fonts :)09:26
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narfmasterarchetypo, you're welcome :)09:26
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JuhazOnesnoops: yeah. the one i'm using right now typing this text09:27
DBO!grub > Linux-Hyper09:27
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revilotanyone in here use crossover office09:27
JuhazOneic56: well at least the regular ata (/dev/hda) is mapped to (hd0)09:27
samuliJuhazOne, what's in your /boot/grub/device.map?09:27
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avisrevilot, gimp is the rage for many people.  it comes stock with any ubuntu install.  it just has to be learned.  you can do amazing things with it.09:27
timfrostJuhazOne, grub counts detected disks.  If you only have the two, then grub will treat the sata disk as hd109:27
JuhazOnealso, in the ubuntu installer grub makes /dev/sda (hd1)09:27
ic56JuhazOne: and (hd1) doesn't work as your SATA drive, huh?09:27
JuhazOneBUT it doesn't work when i try to boot :/09:28
revilotavis: ya its ok but wont edit raw photos09:28
JuhazOneic56: apparentyl not09:28
avisrevilot, what extension does a raw photo use ?09:28
snoopstimfrost it depends.. my sata is hd0 on my machine, but I have 4 hdd's.. including an ata09:28
JuhazOnesamuli: originally on this installation there was only (hd0)   /dev/hda09:28
revilotmy canon uses .CR209:28
snoopsJuhazOne this is what I followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#head-bf0ad184b84304b51996a11111a1901667529a8009:28
avislet me google for you09:28
JuhazOnei tried adding some things like (hd1) /dev/sda (hd4) etc.09:28
ic56JuhazOne: wait a minute, if the installer sets it up that way, it's probably right.  The reason it doesn't work must be something different.  Perhaps you're specifying a drive where you should be specifying a specifric partition on that drive?09:29
snoopsbasically gets you to chroot into your install, and install grub on the specified hdd09:29
revilotavis: i know about ufraw but its not so good09:29
samuliJuhazOne, try making hd0 /dev/sda and hd1 */hda09:29
JuhazOneic56: humm. well if that's the case, the installer failed anyway09:29
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JuhazOneyeah, could try that one..09:29
avisrevilot, look at this url it supports your .CR209:29
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xnull-how can I download some themes with synaptic? for gnome?09:29
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revilotavis: thats just for EXIF data09:30
samuliJuhazOne, it's worth a try and the problem might lie in how grub can only 'sense' how bios handles the drives I think.09:30
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ic56JuhazOne: how about you pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst for us  and also describe the error message or erroneous behaviour you're getting when you try to boot from the SATA drive09:30
snoopsJuhazOne the ubuntu install tries to auto detect which hdd to install onto.. and has a known bug with sata and ata drives09:30
Ayabarasnoops, crimsun,holycow: thanks for helping (again and again) :-)09:30
Linux-HyperDBO ive tried that method. i have to choose: dev/discs/disc1/part2  (even tho its the primary hdd) (there are 3 dev/discs/disc0/part* results but arnt the ones to use)  they all say something about /target/usr/something/policy.rd doesnt exist or it exits with error code 20 , altho it works fine if i choose /dev/hdb instead of /dev/hda09:30
JuhazOnesamuli: true09:30
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JuhazOnesnoops: really? interesting09:31
=== Zdra [n=zdra@46-18.241.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
archetypois there an app that puts "launch terminal here" on the right-click menu?09:31
snoopsJuhazOne that's relating to grub sorry09:31
revilotavis: thx for looking though :)09:31
samuliI think the problem is more in the limitations of grub.09:31
avisConverting RAW to Jpeg in Linux - Linux, Photography -  http://blogs.linux.ie/xeer/2005/09/18/converting-raw-to-jpeg-in-linux/09:31
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avisrevilot that link is what you need the first one was just for the meta data09:31
cpsxnull-: there is a package called gnome-theme-extras09:32
revilotavis: dcraw doesnt do any actual editing of the file...raw is like a negative from the film days of photography09:32
avisoh i see09:32
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revilotraw is a digital negative09:32
=== Hawk|- [n=Hawk@p549CB312.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
JuhazOneic56: that's the menu.lst... http://rafb.net/paste/results/MFOQrD34.html09:32
cpsxnull-: also if you search for icon-theme you will find a bunch of icon themes to install09:33
JuhazOnethere are some entries that i tried out to see if they work :)09:33
Linux-HyperDBO:   you are then presented with a command prompt (a hash). <---- this here is incorrect for me. i get presented with another submenu with options such as these: Execute shell on dev/discs/disc1.......  |   some other kinda enviroment shell |   reinstall grub boot loader  | and another option i think might be go back, which would be the command prompt? (ive tried both)09:33
revilotavis: thx for looking though :)09:33
Linux-Hyperor anyone here has any idea's please read up regarding my posts. thanks in advance09:33
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JuhazOneas for the error msgs, i'll have to boot again to see what it says. trying (hd1) gave error 21 though, which means (i've read) that disk can't be found09:33
avisi could not find any hits for edit .CR2 for dapper but i wish you luck09:33
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snoopshow many hdd's do you have in the machine JuhazOne?09:34
revilotavis: thx09:34
JuhazOneone regular ata and one serial ata09:34
snoopsokay, so hd8 is DEFINITELY wrong09:34
=== pharcvde [n=tlbs@cpe-67-9-136-211.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dpnIs cedega worth the $5 a month subscription fee?09:34
JuhazOnesnoops: yeah, it told me that :)09:34
techmaddpn: if you ask me yes09:34
JuhazOnedpn: depends on what you expect09:34
avisserial ata are treated like scsi devices such as /dev/sda109:34
fyrestrtrdpn: not really09:35
JuhazOnei was able to play half-life 2 with cedega09:35
techmaddpn: im playing wow have been since it came out without any problem09:35
ic56JuhazOne: I don't see any hd1 entries in that menu.lst09:35
JuhazOneyea tried it before09:35
boxgamexhow many fps09:35
dpnI'm more concerned about cs:s - I broke my WoW addiction :009:35
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loserboyso cedega is better than wine?09:35
ic56JuhazOne: which is the bootable partition on the SATA?09:35
techmadboxgamex: me?09:35
JuhazOneboxgamex: i've got nvidia 7800 gs... i was able to play hl2 with 1600x1200 resolution with all the knobs turned to full09:35
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pharcvdei havent been able to get css workign with wine09:36
JuhazOneic56: the first one. /dev/sda1 or (hd?,0)09:36
boxgamextechmad, yeah. you on WoW09:36
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dpnso cs:s will be fine in cedega with a 7800gtx i guess09:36
JuhazOneanyways, i think i'll try that mapping /dev/sda to (hd0)09:36
dpnare there any issues with xgl and cedega running at the same time09:36
avisi got a geforce 6200 to replace my fx5200 -- sometime next week.09:36
boxgamexi have a 6200LE. lol09:36
techmadboxgamex: in the mid of org i get 30 same as windows09:36
calamariI'm trying to view an image that is larger than my memory can hold, so Linux ends up terminating the viewers.  Is there an image viewer that only keeps in memory the part of the image being displayed, or scales while it reads, only storing the scaled image in memory?09:36
JuhazOnei don't know if it works but i had a similar issue with a ata/66 drive in the past...09:36
avisboxgamex, any problems with it ?09:36
boxgamextechmad, what system specs?09:36
techmadboxgamex: i run everything in full settings09:36
boxgamexnope avis09:37
revilotdpn i dont think you can play games with xgl running09:37
avismost excellent09:37
ic56JuhazOne: ok, I recommend an entry along these lines: root (hd0,0) ; kernel root=/dev/sda109:37
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JuhazOnei was using lilo at the time. turns out i had to map something like a -> b and b -> a to get it working09:37
boxgamexavis, evga brand?09:37
snoopsrevilot hang on09:37
techmadboxgamex: dual core 1.66 5400 hdd 1.5gb ram gf go 7400 or something09:37
avisthough i dont think its LE09:37
revilotsnoops: hanging09:37
JuhazOneic56: with or without mapping (hd0) to /dev/sda in devices.map?09:37
avisboxgamex, how did you know ?09:37
boxgamextechmad, ah i run a amd 3000+, 768mb ram, and 6200 LE09:37
snoopshttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176636 revilot regarding gaming with xgl09:37
boxgamexavis, cheap on newegg? pci-e?09:37
techmadboxgamex: <3 my laptop09:37
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avisboxgamex, nope, ebay.  3 day shipping.  agp 8x 128megs sealed09:38
boxgamextechmad, that isnt an asus laptop is it?09:38
boxgamexah avis09:38
boxgamexjust a hunch you had the same one as me09:38
ic56JuhazOne: with -- do map (hd0) to /dev/sda09:38
techmadboxgamex: nah hp09:38
ic56JuhazOne: oops No!  map (hd1) to /dev/sda09:38
revilotsnoops: good link09:38
techniciankaot i am on the last step where i am trying to change the value of /proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/gc_timeout and it as do you really want to write the value09:38
JuhazOnei wonder what happens if i do that09:39
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JuhazOneoh well, gotta try09:39
techniciankaot when i try to write it gives error E667: Fsync failed09:39
ic56JuhazOne: hd0 should already be mapped to your /dev/hda .  You still want that to work, right?09:39
boxgamexhmm i dont wanna pay for cegeda and find out its crappy09:39
techmadboxgamex: never had a prob with cedega in bwl aq mc09:39
Linux-Hyper!grub error code 2009:39
ubotuI know nothing about grub error code 2009:39
boxgamexmy WoW subsription is dead anyways09:39
snoopsboxgamex you can compile it from cvs09:39
boxgamexit ran out :(09:39
JuhazOneic56: well... i suppose it'll work anyway when i'm in linux. booting the old system won't hopefully be needed. and i haven't booted into windows in a long time09:39
snoopsboxgamex but the thing is, the cvs does not include the copy protection breaking stuff which the paid for version has09:40
JuhazOnestill, i'll see if it works09:40
techmadboxgamex: compile from cvs if you like it supper them with the 5$ a month09:40
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JuhazOnei've got a bouncer so it'll appear that i'm on this channel even though i'm in the process of rebooting my computer09:40
boxgamexman, i dread installing WoW again. lol09:40
ic56JuhazOne: good luck09:40
avisboxgamex, my windows machine is a X2 4200 with 2 gigs of ram and eSATA 560GB a mere FX5200 and pioneer 111DBK and audigy 2 value with massive speakers09:40
JuhazOnethx. -->09:40
techmadboxgamex: just copy the wow cd's to your hdd09:40
=== legendarysim [n=legendar@adsl-69-231-225-197.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
boxgamexavis, man you card is holding you back09:40
boxgamexi do techmad09:40
techmadboxgamex: makes it 10x easyer09:40
boxgamexits still slow09:40
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legendarysimCan I get some help please?09:41
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techmadboxgamex: then what i do for updates since i got windows on my laptop still i update in windows and copy all the the Warcraft folder over to the linux one09:41
techniciankaot are u there ?09:41
snoopslegendarysim ask the question and if someone knows, they'll help09:41
fyrestrtrtechnician: you can run the updates from wine itself.09:41
techmadboxgamex: thats the only time i boot into windows09:41
boxgamexwhy techmad? wont work in linux?09:41
techmadboxgamex: yea it works09:42
avisactually no it isn't my motherboard is because it doesn't have pci-e and i'm not going to shell out money for a video card that can be easily outdone on a pci-e video card for a fraction of the price plus i'm not too much of a gamer more into television, music, and videos.09:42
techmadboxgamex: but i might aswell you windows for something09:42
boxgamexah avis09:42
legendarysimWell, I tried the Ubuntu live disk and there are problems configuring "X" on my system. I have an ATI X600 PCI-E 256MB video card if that helps.09:42
boxgamexlol techmad09:42
boxgamexif WoW works nice id probably delete windows09:42
fyrestrtrlegendarysim: what kind of problems?09:42
techmadWoW works great09:42
boxgamexwell, i mean on my system09:43
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legendarysimfyrestrt: I't doesn't configure at all.09:43
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techmadboxgamex: i play in forced window mode which wow still thinks its in full screen but its in a window of your size choice09:43
nol13how do i tell what driver my wireless card is using?09:43
legendarysimfyrestrtr: There is like no configured GUI.09:43
boxgamexi like windowed mode techmad09:43
techmadboxgamex: hehe i like wide screen but i gave that up i just play in 1024x76809:44
Shizboomanyone know any web browsers that use x11?09:44
avisboxgamex, it would be a very nice ubuntu box for 32 bit dual core but i can get a socket 775 for my ubuntu box that is dual core 3.2 for only $200 which is less than what my windows athlon x2 cpu cost.09:44
legendarysimthose intel dual cores can be over clocked to pwn the x2 too :P09:45
fyrestrtrShizboom: firefox, opera, epiphany.09:45
techmadi <3 the dual core in my laptop09:45
avisi dont overclock anything.09:45
avisi use value ram :)09:45
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techmadavis: that makes me a sad panda09:45
legendarysimah these dual cores, with proper cooling can do 4.0ish ghz09:45
avishehe i'm not a gamer like i said...09:45
Shizboomfirefox uses x11?09:45
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fyrestrtrShizboom: do you know what x11 is?09:46
avistechmad, i'll have the zoo get on it asap09:46
Shizboomno :P09:46
narfmasterShizboom, Dillo uses GTK 1.209:46
techmadavis: :(09:46
samuliI think you're all nuts with your crazy computers, it's not a drag race, you know.09:46
fyrestrtrShizboom: then why do you ask?09:46
techmadsamuli: omg yes it is09:46
snoopslegendarysim isn't that only the 830 or 850 or whatever it was that was extremely overclockable?09:46
npkhello, I'm looking for a little help getting smp support enabled in dapper09:46
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crimsunnpk: which cpu do you have?09:46
Shizboomwell this program says it will put any x11 application into a panel09:46
legendarysimI think the 810 could 4.1ghz.09:46
npk2 athlons k709:47
legendarysimMy 820 can do 4.0ghz.09:47
crimsunnpk: install linux-k709:47
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narfmasterShizboom, that's like saying any graphical app09:47
fyrestrtr"ooh ooh yes yes I overclocked my cpu to 4.2Ghz by moving to Alaska where it is really cold" -- what do you do with it? "Play solitaire" *head on desk*09:47
crimsunnpk: then reboot into the new kernel.09:47
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samulifyrestrtr, to me it's like that :)09:47
npkcrimsun: apt-get install linux-k7-smp is all I need?09:47
legendarysimI don't think Alaska can cool a 4.1ghz CPU.09:47
crimsunnpk: no. linux-k709:48
techmadhave you seen the video of the guy that oc'ed his cpu to 4ghz then took the hsf off09:48
boxgamexthe amd09:48
avisnpk, search synaptic for kernel, chose your architechture for your kernels and grab your sources it should also fetch restricted modules as a dependency.  it should indicate smp.  after apply you'll need to reboot.  magic !09:48
Shizboomi don't know how to get it to work tho09:48
boxgamextechmad, duron i believe it was09:48
dabaRHi. My original login, the sudoer one, has sound in his gnome d. environment. Other, later added users have no sound. Any ideas as to why?09:48
legendarysimSo, does anyone know how to configure these graphics? It wasn't this difficult last time.09:48
crimsundabaR: add them to the audio group.09:48
samuliand other people go for 500$ water-coolers and stuff to make their computers more silent.. why doesn't anyone go.. now.. How could I make this louder? :)09:48
avisnpk, yes if its athlon09:48
techmadboxgamex: yea funny stuff blows a hole in the table and mobo09:48
fyrestrtrdabaR: add the user to the audio group09:48
avisnpk, or amd rather09:48
boxgamexwell. im gonna hit the sack09:49
boxgamexits 3:47 am here09:49
narfmastersamuli, you could use a jet engine as a cooler :)09:49
ubotuI know nothing about frequency09:49
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legendarysimOr Liquid Nitrogen :P09:49
fyrestrtrnarfmaster: as a *cooler*? Exactly what part of a jet engine assembly screams cool?09:49
techmadsamuli: i had a fan that was so loud hah gotta remember the name of it09:49
ubotuI know nothing about frequency-scaling09:49
ubotuI know nothing about cpu09:49
samulinarfmaster, I'm not sure what kind of enclosure would I need to make it stay put :)09:49
nosotrosi need help, i just rebooted and audio stoped working09:49
ubotuI know nothing about life09:49
narfmasterfyrestrtr, that would keep the air flow solid09:49
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legendarysimI had a thermaltake fan for my old althlon 2700 that was really loud. 5200 PRM.09:50
avisi want maximum fairflow to my cpu at all times no smart bios adjustments for me.09:50
fyrestrtrprobably blow the wall out too09:50
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dabaRcrimsun: why not a default setting?09:50
legendarysimBig fan too >.<09:50
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ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots09:50
npkwhile I'm dealing with the kernel, I have an old wintv card, works with the bttv driver. Any idea if this will be supported, or if I'll need to recompile?09:50
techmadsamuli: it was a delta fan09:50
samuliI think my hard-drive is making up 90% of the noise in my computer.09:50
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techmadsamuli: glad my laptop doesnt make any sound09:51
samulitechmad, got to remember that name I guess :)09:51
nosotrosi need help, i just rebooted and audio stoped working09:51
legendarysimsamuli: Ugh my SATA2 is too loud >.<09:51
techmadsamuli: i can hear my mouse wheel scroll09:51
crimsundabaR: audio is not a necessity. If you feel it's a bug, please file one.09:51
Linux-Hyper20 : Multiboot kernel must be loaded before modules09:51
Linux-Hyper    This error is returned if the module load command is used before loading a Multiboot kernel. It only makes sense in this case anyway, as GRUB has no idea how to communicate the presence of location of such modules to a non-Multiboot-aware kernel.09:51
snoopscrimsun ha.. it is if you want to do audio production09:51
Linux-Hyperthought that would be a 1 liner.09:51
JuhazOnehum. do i need to reinstall grub for changes in devices.map to take effect?09:51
Linux-Hyperahh thats my grub-install error.09:51
Linux-Hyperhow can i resolve this it makes no sense09:51
samulilegendarysim, I know about the harddrives, that sound is making me crazy. I think the bearing is off.09:52
dabaRcrimsun: I guess less people need it than not.09:52
crimsunsnoops: and it is not if I create a restricted user.09:52
technicianhi i am on the last step where i am trying to change the value of /proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/gc_timeout and it as do you really want to write the value09:52
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samulitechmad, me too, but it's only because it's loud :)09:52
JuhazOnewhat i noticed was that what i wrote in devices.map seemed to have no effect at all on how grub behaved09:52
techniciani am trying to create a failover router09:52
legendarysimsamuli: I got this LOUD spinning noise. My first time having a 7,200 RPM drive.09:52
crimsunsnoops: the point is "don't assume you need more privileges by default"09:52
fyrestrtrlegendarysim: try a 10,000 RPM one.09:52
fyrestrtrsounds like a 747 is about to take off09:52
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crimsunsnoops: again, you're free and welcome to file a bug09:53
legendarysimfyrestrtr: I hope this mobo can't handle one ^^09:53
JuhazOnewhen i tried booting from (hd0,0) i got Error 15: File not found09:53
JuhazOneit said the fs type is 0xc, meaning fat32?09:53
fyrestrtrJuhazOne: that's probably not your boot partition then.09:53
legendarysimfyrestrtr: Don't they make faster than 10,000 RPM these days?09:53
snoopscrimsun what? I was just making a comment about audio is not a necessity to you09:53
nosotroscould anybody help me?09:53
techmadim going to put some dual 80gig 7200 drives into my laptop soon09:53
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JuhazOnethat's what /dev/hda1 is09:53
dion_hey everyone I'm trying to install this screen saver, and the link says use apt-get and links to a file dir on the net, what should I be doing?09:53
snoopscrimsun you have me confused with someone else?09:53
fyrestrtrlegendarysim: I've heard of 15,000 RPMs, but they are ... low capacity.09:53
technicianhi i am trying to create a failover router09:53
technicianhi i am on the last step where i am trying to change the value of /proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/gc_timeout and it as do you really want to write the value09:53
Shizboomwhat is the command to see where a program is installed?09:53
avissnoops, that is a relative opinion.  audio is a necessity to many people09:53
docta_vlegendarysim: only scsi and fibre channel are 15k rpm... SATA is only 10k09:53
fyrestrtrdion_: where is this page you are reading?09:54
crimsunsnoops: no, I'm not confusing you. I'm "responding" to your response.09:54
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legendarysimfyrestrtr: Well, the 10,000RPM drivers were like 74GB for the longest time >.< I think now you can get 140GB09:54
snoopsavis yep that's the point I was trying to make :)09:54
xnull-what is the module to write on ntfs ?09:54
oskudeShizboom, which command/programname09:54
dion_I was selecting debian linux09:55
avisi must be ill.  i got nicks mixed up.09:55
nosotrosplease help me, i get no audio, and all i did was rebooting09:55
kaottechnician: according to the howto, yes, you really want to change the value.09:55
legendarysimHas anyone been able to use Linux successfully with an ATI Rafron x600?09:55
narfmasterShizboom, dpkg -L program09:55
techmadfyrestrtr: they have 147gb 15,000k drives but they are 700$09:55
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technician300 kaot is how much actually ? 300 seconds ?09:55
fyrestrtrdion_: download the .deb file, and install it using dpgk -i filename.deb09:55
legendarysimfyrestrtrL I wonder what 15k RPM sounds like.09:56
fyrestrtrdion_: download the correct one for your arch09:56
crimsunnosotros: paste the output from ``cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer'' onto http://pastebin.ca09:56
crimsunnosotros: then tell us the URL09:56
fyrestrtrlegendarysim: a constant buzzing that gets louder if you do rendering or database access.09:56
avisdion_,  its dpkg, actually09:56
JuhazOneoh dear...09:56
techniciankaot when i try to write it gives error E667: Fsync failed09:56
dion_hmmmm, allright thanksfyrestrtr, and avis09:56
JuhazOneic56, snoops, others: any idea what to try next?09:56
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snoopsJuhaz I suggest waht to follow ages ago.. following a grub recovery guide and manually installing on the right hdd, and choosing the right partition09:57
bluelite28random question, what's the DOS equivelant of 'chmod' ?09:57
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dion_now what if there isnt one that matches exactly?09:57
legendarysimGeneral Question: If I have a 64-bit processor should I stick with the 32-bit version of Ubuntu or actually use the 64-bt version?09:57
crimsunthere isn't one, bluelite28.09:57
bluelite28is there one to change file permissions?09:57
JuhazOnesnoops: i checked the link you gave but i didn't see how it could help me get the (hd?) part right :/09:57
ideogramhow do I play streaming audio in Windows Media format?09:58
crimsunbluelite28: no. attrib is a mutt of both of those.09:58
samuliJuhazOne, your tried the re-mapping?09:58
Sencer@legendarysim: Unles you have more than 4 GB RAM, stick with 32 bit09:58
pharcvdei use the 64bit09:58
fyrestrtrlegendarysim: stick with 3209:58
bluelite28lol windows sucks09:58
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JuhazOnesamuli: yeah. i was wondering whether it requires reinstalling grub09:58
ideogramI didn't pick the format, I just want to play it09:58
legendarysimSencer: I don't there ths MOBO handles 4GB lol.09:58
fyrestrtr!restrictedformats > ideogram09:58
JuhazOnesamuli: because it didn't appear to have any effect whatsoever on how grub behaved09:58
oskudeanyone else having 404 when trying to do update (im using de.archive.ubuntu.com) ?09:58
samuliJuhazOne, I doubt that.09:58
snoopslegendarysim I'd go with 32bit version.. eg no flash for 64bit, no wine for 64bit, no wine for 64bit etc.. you can get the 32bit ones working, but in my opinion it's not worth the hastle09:59
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Sencerthere#s not really much of an advantage unles for very specific software, on 64 bit.09:59
JuhazOnei told (hd1) is /dev/hda and (hd0) is /dev/sda but it still booted happily off (hd0,5) that SHOULD have been /dev/sda5 (that is not bootable) but still was /dev/hda509:59
Sencerit can even be slower than 32bit09:59
samuliJuhazOne, Anyways, I think so many people are trying to help you out because nobody really knows what the heck's the solution, so good luck :)10:00
Vyominganyone has a driver for a SisM650 video card ? the free driver at http://www.winischhofer.eu/linuxsispart4.shtml#download is very slow10:00
JuhazOnesamuli: :)10:00
narfmasteroskude, they rotate the servers around - you might have to wait for a DNS update10:00
Vyomingthere is also a commercial version available there10:00
=== jamesconf [n=JPlessin@cpe-024-088-244-100.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
legendarysimThis new machine I have had the Intel EM64T (or whatever) technology. Thouht I may ask if it's valuable to put to use,10:00
techniciankaot are u there ?10:00
techniciankaot got any solution ?10:00
oskudenarfmaster, yup, i waited for 30mins, well gotta wait more :)10:01
snoopslegendarysim and if you're going to use it as a server, then I'd definitely agree with you.. imo 64bit is not ready for an easy to use desktop yet10:01
jamesconfHi, I am looking for boot loader options to select the Xorg drive10:01
avisdion_, try enabling universe and multiverse in your sources.list file and try to apt-get install electricsheep.   if that doesn't work, this is highly experimental, add the repository that that webpage lists for the .deb and do a single apt-get update and then a single apt-get install electricsheep.  thats only if its not already in ubuntu.  or just compile from source you'd need build-essentials package from the repos.  regardless -- if you use10:01
avis the debian repo be CERTAIN if it doesn't work to apt-get remove electricsheep and then immediately remove that repository from /etc/apt/sources.list10:01
JuhazOneif it's of any help to you, i've got Promise 20378 and VIA VT8237 RAID controllers on this mobo. i don't actually even know which one i'm using :S10:01
JuhazOneand i don't know why there are two of them on the mobo.10:01
narfmasterjamesconf, you mean the framebuffer options?10:02
legendarysimsnoops: They probably just want to make a 64-bit processor standard until the day comes :x.10:02
avisdion_, then do a apt-get update once again after ubuntu is all back in order repo-like10:02
JuhazOnei'm not sure but it's possible that the sata support comes from either of those two controllers10:02
dion_hmm, this is all a bit much for my first day of linux use10:02
legendarysimdion_: I remember my first day.10:02
frogzoonarfmaster: what exactly extra does frame buffer support provide?10:03
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jamesconfnarfmaster,options to pick the Xorg drive, I assume it does some magic and attempts to pick one, which in this case is the wrong one.10:03
legendarysimdion_: My friend was nearly killing himself because I didn't understand 100% of the concepts :)10:03
samulidion_, it's frustrating for the next few months so don't worry :)10:03
Vyominglooking for help with SisM650 video driver - I'm could not get hardware acceleration10:03
avisdion okies np just open terminal then go sudo -i then type your personal password, then try apt-get install electricsheep.  also familiarize yourself with synaptic.10:03
narfmasterfrogzoo, there is a kernel option anyway (don't know that much about it)10:03
ic56JuhazOne: you need to read up on grub.  As a quick test, try renaming the map file and test booting again.  Maybe the map file and the BIOS aren't cooperating the way we think10:03
legendarysimI'm so used to Windows that if Linux didn't have a GUI I'd be pretty damn lost.10:04
dion_avis i've got synaptic down to an extent10:04
avisdion, next step, learn about universe and multiverse in the official ubuntu documentation.  there is some fun stuff there :)10:04
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samuliic56, exactly my thoughts.10:04
JuhazOneic56: should i get an error if i do that?10:04
frogzoonarfmaster: cool, thx anyway10:04
narfmasterfrogzoo, it provides the resolution for the console mode10:04
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avisok well you can add sources through it but i've found it cumbersome rather than commandline but if you learn it, i hope you get the idea.10:04
techniciananyone can help i am facing a last minute issue i cannot change the value of a process /proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/gc_timeout ????????10:04
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dion_me as well legendarysim, its funny how you can know EVERYTHING in windows, and cant even proform basic functions in linux10:04
techniciani cannot overwrite the value ?10:04
technicianplease help10:04
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dion_avis, so universe and multiverse are more directories of software and what not?10:05
truluxany sparc64 user around?10:05
avisdion_, yes a larger repository.10:05
JuhazOneoh well. will try that now10:05
legendarysimThose cores are expensive :o10:05
truluxI'm trying to get a ubuntu-server installation on a Sun Netra X110:05
SGershonI'm having much trouble installing Office through wine. Anyone succeeded in doing that?10:05
SGershon(I know, there is Open Office... I love it too. But I need some program that read PST mail files -- like Outlook)10:05
oskudetechnician, are you sure you can change the values ? i thought they are only for reading... but dunno10:05
cntbdion you dont know everything in windows10:06
technicianoskude i really dont know first time trying10:06
technicianoskude as mentioned in the tutorial10:06
nol13hi, how do i tell what driver my wireless card is using?10:06
oskudetechnician, could you give me the link ?10:06
holycowdoes anyone know of a decent how to enable cpu frequency scaling?  nothing on wiki, google results in some sparse info10:06
legendarysimcntb: It wasn't stated.10:06
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avisdion.. if you open terminal.. go nano /etc/apt/sources.list and look for all lines ending in universe.   if you find one add a single word then continue down the list. "multiverse"  the key is to look for an existing universe10:06
matteohi all10:06
ic56does grub ship with any serious documentation?  the manpage is minimal (just the options) and the info page is just a mirror of the manpage.  What's up with that?10:07
matteois it possible to install ubuntu via internet using one or two minimal floppy at boot ^10:07
avisdion, next step, apt-get update !  more selections !10:07
dion_Yay got it10:07
SGershonI tried to follow many guides on installing Office with wine. But I get weird errors!10:07
Vyominglooking for help with SisM650 video driver - I could not get any hardware acceleration with the driver provided at http://www.winischhofer.at/linuxsispart4.shtml#download10:07
legendarysimHas anyone successfully used a wireless card (USB) on Ubuntu?10:07
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ic56JuhazOne: we're hoping things will start working if you remove the map file.  Ie, the mapfile was confusing grub.10:08
dion_selected mutltiverse and universe repositories and then used apt-get install electricsheep10:08
avislegendarysim, i have.. a long long time ago.  it never worked since.  despite swapping wifi cards.10:08
narfmasterlegendarysim, Ubuntu has lots of support for wireless USB out of box10:08
dion_thanks for your help guys10:08
ideogramthis web radio station has something called Nullsoft Shoutcast format, how do I play that?10:08
shachaf_matteo: I've installed Debian (woody) that way. I don't know if it's possible in Ubuntu.10:08
avisdion_, enjoy ubuntu10:08
webdude1will installation of crossover office make my current installation of ubuntu 6.06 unstable at all?10:08
truluxsomeone that can solve my doubts regarding ubuntu-sparc?10:08
narfmasterjust don't expect it to work in the majority of cases10:08
dion_ahh yes Wireless lan will prolly be my project for tommorrow10:08
dion_I sure intend to avis10:08
ideogramIt's a .pls extension10:08
Vyomingideogram, you can use xmms10:08
avisgoodnite dion :)10:09
dion_I'm sure I'll be bugging you guys in this channel for the next serveral weeks so i hope you dont mind10:09
Vyoming looking for help with SisM650 video driver - I could not get any hardware acceleration with the driver provided at http://www.winischhofer.at/linuxsispart4.shtml#download10:09
legendarysimSo, does anyone know how to get the Radeon X600 to work on Ubuntu?10:09
ideogramI clicked on it and it downloaded something and popped up Rhythmbox but that didn't work10:09
avisi certainly dont ...10:09
ideogramdo I have to install xmms?10:09
dion_awesome, well good night to ya avis10:09
dion_as well as everyone else10:09
avisdanke !10:09
matteoshachaf i'm trying too..but is it possible to install ONLY minimal with floppy?10:09
lowfiideogram, .pls is winamp playlist, the streams should work in vlc &mplayer10:10
Vyomingideogram - goto synaptics package manager10:10
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Vyomingand search for xmms and install10:10
techniciankaot it is working without changing the value10:10
legendarysim<avis> danke ! <--- Deutsch10:10
Vyoming looking for help with SisM650 video driver - I could not get any hardware acceleration with the driver provided at http://www.winischhofer.at/linuxsispart4.shtml#download10:10
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ideogramare vlc or mplayer installed already?10:10
avisall i know how to say in german is good night, silent night, and thank you10:10
matteoshachaf cause when insert floppy and start installation, it connect to internet and begin to download automatically many many mb..i would want to install ONLY minimal, like floppy10:10
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gdbmatteo: a minimal system install for ubuntu is far far larger than what would fit on a floppy.10:11
legendarysim<avis> danke ! = Thanks   dankeschn = Thank You10:11
avisi'll be informal :)10:11
gdbdanke = thank you, danke schone = thank you very much10:11
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Shizboomis there anyway to make a panel bigger then 125 pixels wide?10:12
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matteogdb is it possible to install minimal floppy of debian, and then install ubuntu via apt-get ?10:12
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avisi'm allowed to i wear birkenstocks whatever the occasion or season ;)10:12
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lowfiideogram, not out of the box. do: sudo apt-get install vlc10:12
ubotuI know nothing about governors10:12
legendarysimgdb: I must have learned something wrong down the word...10:12
shachafmatteo: I don't know, then. Sorry. :-(10:12
ubotuI know nothing about governor10:12
gdbmatteo: No, you can't really go from Debian to Ubuntu.10:12
Kanpachihello, i'm trying to install vmplayer and i keep getting this error "/tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/Makefile:91: *** For proper build you'll have to replace gcc -m32 with symbolic link to /usr/bin/gcc-4.0.  Stop." i have gcc 4.0 installed, what do i do please?10:12
khaije1what do i use if i need to simultaneously search for multiple strings in a file in order to output to a file?10:13
cpsKanpachi: where are you installing it from?10:13
Kanpachimy home dir10:13
oskudeKanpachi, youre not installing, youre compiling...10:13
legendarysimavis: Ah! They both work.10:13
Kanpachireally? i was using the installation file10:13
cpsKanpachi: because vmware player is available in the repositories10:14
legendarysimI used my trusty dictiobnary ^^ LOL10:14
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Kanpachii had no idea10:14
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cpsKanpachi: yeah, if you are using 6.0610:14
Kanpachii am10:14
ryan_I was in the middle of an ubuntu upgrade and the computer was restarted10:14
gdbkhaije1: egrep10:14
oskudeKanpachi, packages.ubuntu.com10:14
Kanpachioh there10:14
ryan_Now everything is funky10:14
legendarysimCould I get better graphics capabilities using X86 over x64?10:14
cpsKanpachi: do you have universe and multiverse enabled10:14
ryan_How can I start the update program?10:15
gdbkhaije1: $ egrep 'term1|term2|term3' filename > outfile10:15
Kanpachiyes i found it10:15
avisryan_, you might want to check your power connectors and run memtest86 for an hour10:15
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avismake sure no metal is making contact with motherboard10:15
ryan_I think there is a problem because it was quit mid-update10:15
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khaije1gdb: hmm.. excellent ty!10:15
gdbkhaije1: sure thing!10:15
ideogramok I've installed xmms and am running it10:16
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ryan_What is the terminal command to launch the update util?10:16
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ryan_apt get or something like that?10:16
ideogramhow do I tell it to use the url for the web radio station?10:16
avisryan_, if you update your repo cache its not going to bring your machine down] 10:16
oskuderyan_, sudo apt-get update10:16
Vyoming looking for help with SisM650 video driver - I could not get any hardware acceleration with the driver provided at http://www.winischhofer.at/linuxsispart4.shtml#download10:16
gdbryan_: apt-get update (to update your apt cache) then apt-get upgrade to upgrade any necessary packages.10:16
cntbmime mp3 to vlc --- howto ?10:16
legendarysimCould I get better graphics capabilities using X86 over x64?10:16
sdkideogram: ctry ctrl+l and paste the address10:16
ubotuI know nothing about mime10:16
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narfmastervlc is an app, not a file format10:17
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ideogramit's not working10:17
avislegendarysim, i know the higher powered dual x2's were originally marketed to hardcore gamers.  i'd say go with x64 for windows games.10:18
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cntb narfmaster if you want click open mp3 file to be played by VLC or xmms not movie player what do u do ?10:18
SomiKnightanyone tried to use jtag util from openwince package?10:18
sdkideogram: so you need some codecs10:18
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snoopsavis I don't think x2's were marketed for gmaes at all, considering the absolute majority of windows games are single threaded10:18
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narfmastercntb, right-click and select "Properties" then "Open with"10:18
cntbcan I do it in krusader?10:19
legendarysimsnoops: I don't think that's true. But I may be wrong.10:19
ideogramdo I need libmikmod.so.2?10:19
narfmasterhmm, krusader is a little different (i'm not sure about that one)10:19
cntbsorry narfmaster that I knew10:19
snoopslegendarysim heh, it definitely is true.. I've got a dual core10:19
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cntbthat is not called changing default10:19
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cntbdefault gib10:20
snoopsoblivion is one of the first games to make use of dual core, I believe doom 3 had an smp mod for it10:20
avisi know many of the more popular recent games had been given patches to run better on 64 bit and dual core platforms.  or at least last time i looked into that sort of thing.   the pci-e spec was adopted on amd64 platform way before it was on intel machines.  which means nothing except linux coders have to catch up.10:20
legendarysimsnoops: I seems to be computing information from both cores but Windows may not know what it's talking about.10:20
cntbdefault gives eror cause it does not have the plugin but vlsc and xmms play alright10:20
cntbso changing default open is preferable10:21
cntbopen with is a smart workaround not solyution10:21
legendarysimThat's probably why my graphics aren't working then. Intel PCI-E graphics >.<10:21
avislinux likes via.10:21
narfmastercntb, it works for me :)10:21
avismy intel celeron d ubuntu machine is a via chipset.10:22
snoopslegendarysim run something like halflife.. then alt tab to desktop and check the performance - you'll notice one core is taking 100% while the other is idling.. it is handy to set the affinity for your services and other apps to one core, then game on the other though :)10:22
snoopshalflife 2 rather*10:22
Vyoming looking for help with SisM650 video driver - I could not get any hardware acceleration with the driver provided at http://www.winischhofer.at/linuxsispart4.shtml#download10:22
cntbnarfmaster: 10x anyway10:22
ryan_How do I fix this?10:22
legendarysimsnoops: Jusy HL2 only?10:22
snoopslegendarysim no, just as an example10:22
ryan_unable to lock the administration directory, is another process using it?10:22
cntbI am out preparing dual boot for customer10:22
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legendarysimlegendarysim: Well I was going to pop in The Sims to now. A lot easier >.<10:23
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avissnoops thanks for clarifing i dont like believing something that isn't true.10:23
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legendarysimActually SimCity would load faster >.<10:23
SomiKnightanyone tried to use jtag util from openwince package?10:24
ryan_Whenever I try to update it tells me the processes are already in progress10:24
ryan_What can I do?10:24
zcat[1] !upgrade10:24
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.10:24
ryan_It is impossible to install or remove any software10:24
snoopsno worries avis10:24
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avissnoops, well i'm glad you said that and i read your reply to him because i almost skipped over it and felt like a fool10:25
snoopson that note, now can I set the affinity for an application in linux?10:25
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narfmasterryan_, what else is running?10:25
DBOryan_, if you are sure no package managers are open "sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock"10:25
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=== Afief [i=Afief@85-250-191-10.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
DBOryan_, but be SURE no other package managers are running10:26
gdbryan_: do you have anything like update manager, add/remove software, or synaptic running?10:26
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avisanyway i'd dual cored on a mere 2.2ghz with large cache on earlier ubuntu's and it rocked.  x2 4200 processor.10:26
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legendarysimsnoops: I'm getting 30-40% from each core?10:26
snoopslegendarysim did you install that new plugin from amd?10:27
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snoopswhich is supposed to spread the load over single threaded applications10:27
legendarysimsnoops: Intel Dual Core not AMD10:27
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snoopsah right10:27
snoopsI'd say intel have something similar then10:27
ryan_nothing else is running but the terminal10:27
snoopsavis yeah I use a 4400+ x210:27
legendarysimI wish I would have gotten AMD10:27
ryan_if it is, is there a process monitor where I could tell?10:27
AfiefHas anybody here succeded in compiling Gweled?10:27
legendarysimBut I couldn't get much for $80010:27
avissnoops, most excellent.  our price ranges haven't seemed to have changed since last christmas.10:28
bertui have a problem with amarok10:28
bertucan someone help me?10:28
gdbThere is no point in setting affinity on my CPUs. ;-)10:28
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avisat least for the 420010:28
Afiefbertu: state your problem then wait10:28
clay__whats a good way to make my system automount devices?10:28
gdb(It's an HT not dual core)10:28
DBOryan_, "ps -e | grep synaptic || ps -e | grep apt || ps -e | grep aptitude || echo tell dbo"10:28
DBOryan_, if it echos "tell dbo" tell me10:28
legendarysimEEW HT CPU's10:29
Vyoming looking for help with SisM650 video driver - I could not get any hardware acceleration with the driver provided at http://www.winischhofer.at/linuxsispart4.shtml#download10:29
bertuok, does amarok have a function that speeds up music...if yes how can i turn t off10:29
avisgdb, HT is dual core emulation not a dual core processor  though some dual cores do have HT10:29
gdbavis: I think that's what I just said. ;-)10:29
legendarysimavis: Dual core plus HT is one helluva processor then.10:29
avisi'm dumb10:29
oskudeVyoming, i flew over that site, sure there is hardware acceleration in the free version ? or do you have the premium version ?10:29
SGershonAny sugestions for reading PST files?10:29
avislooks like a  pentium d 940 is in my future then :)10:30
JuhazOneic56: renaming the devices.map file didn't have any effect at all :/10:30
ryan_it seems to have printed a list of running commands10:30
snoopsavis that has virtualization too :)10:30
legendarysimI like the P4 D series10:30
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legendarysimThe 940 is even better.10:30
ryan_but no dbob10:30
legendarysim4MB L2 cache.10:30
ideogramcan anyone play this radio station http://www.c895worldwide.com/web/10:30
Vyomingoskude - I downloaded the free version but it is not giving any improvement over the default FB driver that Ubuntu used10:30
gdbDBO: Don't you mean ps -e | grep synaptic || ps -e | grep apt || ps -e | grep apte && echo tell dbo ?10:30
ryan_no "tell dbo"10:30
avisyes i though that rocked the amd cpu but i could not understand the price range comparing to my x2 420010:31
DBOgdb, no if you do an && at the end it will only do it if it finds aptitude10:31
DBOryan_, it appears you have a package manager running somewhere10:31
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number_sixhi all10:31
ryan_how can I quit it?10:31
gdbDBO: Ah, you wanted it to say tell dbo if it didn't find anything.10:31
ic56JuhazOne: bummer.  Thanks for letting me know.  Rename it back and invest some time in reading up on grub.  If you figure out a solution later on, /msg memoserv send ic56 <your message> and let me know.  I'll remember the answer for future questionners...10:31
oskudeVyoming, well, you better ask the makers...10:31
DBOgdb, right10:31
VyomingYa .. I sent a mail to the author .. but he never replied10:32
legendarysimavis: Those X2 4200 cost so much because AMD charges more for the CPU's with larger than 1MB caches.10:32
JuhazOneuhh... ok10:32
number_sixanybody can help me about kernel compiling?10:32
Vyomingthat's why I turned up here10:32
Vyominganyways thanks10:32
bertuAfief:....Have I waited enough?10:32
ryan_How do I quit the process?10:32
VyomingI'm  getting used to things on FB10:32
oskudeVyoming, and did you read this "Once again: There is no DRI/OpenGL/3D support for the SiS 6326, 5597/5598, 530/620, 315, 550, 650, 651, 740, 330, 661, 741, 760, 761 including all model variations with letters in the model number."10:33
DBOryan_, I suggest finding where it is and seeing what its doing10:33
snoopsavis interested in knowing how to set the affinity for an app in linux?10:33
legendarysimHas anyone tried UT2004 in Linux?10:33
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ryan_How do I find where it is and see what it is doing?10:33
DBOryan_, otherwise you can try a killall <name of process>, just be careful not to do a kill -9 or bad things might happen10:33
Vyomingya .. I'm not looking for any kind of 3D acceleration .. I'm just hoping for some kind of hardware acceleration support for usual (2D) stuff10:34
ryan_If I restart my computer what will happen?10:34
DBOryan_, hopefully the problem will be fixed10:34
ryan_I'll restart and see what happens10:34
legendarysimIt will restart...?10:34
ryan_Hopefully the process won't start with the OS10:34
gdbDBO: Do the various package managers keep the lock file open or simply touch one?  If they keep it open, then fuser -k /path/to/lockfile should take care of it.10:34
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gdbI don't think there is any need to reboot the machine, ryan_.10:35
DBOgdb, they touch it and remove it afaik...10:35
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gdbAh, ok.10:35
ryan_Well, I don't know which process is blocking access or how to stop it...10:35
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ryan_Would you like me to pastebin something for you to look at?10:35
DBOryan_, ps -ef -> pastebin10:36
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DBOnarfmaster, thanks =P  I mentioned that a while ago =)10:36
bertuWho has amarok? Does amarok have a function that speeds up the speed of  music...if yes how can i turn t off??10:36
SomiKnighthas anyone tried jtag util from oenwince package? i get cable not initialized error when doing cable ppdev /dev/parport0 WIGGLER .it works in slackware fine, i just like ubuntu better and need this jtag stuff10:36
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oskudeVyoming, "Additionally, a Linux kernel framebuffer driver for some SiS and XGI graphics cards is available here as well. This driver is meant for more advanced users as its installation requires some knowledge about kernel configuration and compilation." ;)10:37
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legendarysimDoes anyone know how to make Ubuntu work on my X600 card?10:39
SGershonSound configurations are hard. I hear sound on Totem Player, but not on the volume control on the panel. Also, no sound from flash sites.10:39
SGershonWhere should I check/uncheck these settings?10:39
oskudeVyoming, this could be interesting: "Sidenote: Since this seems to be a commonly made mistake: sisfb and the kernel's VESA framebuffer driver cannot be active at the same time!"10:40
VyomingOskude .. thanks for all the trouble. But I'm not sure I can recompile a kernel10:40
Vyominglet me try posting on hte X.org mailing list10:40
number_sixanybody can help me about kernel compiling?10:40
oskudeVyoming, do you really need a bigger text console as the standard ?10:40
legendarysimDo PCI sound card work well with Linux?10:41
Vyomingno .. I'm more comfortable in X than in console10:41
oskudelegendarysim, yes, if the sound chip is supported by linux...10:41
oskudeVyoming, then you dont need that sisfb (frame buffer)10:41
legendarysimoskude: Can you direct me to somewhere where I can find what sound/video hardware is supported?10:42
Vyominganyways this Framebuffer thing is also not that irritating .. just that I can not see youtube and google videos10:42
narfmasterVyoming, that's flash10:42
oskudeVyoming, thats another issue...10:42
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Vyomingoh .. whatever .. it's working but not as fast as Windows10:43
giant_has anybody experience with eclipse??10:43
legendarysimVyoming: You shouldn't expect it to.10:43
oskudeVyoming, dunno if flash uses XV10:43
Vyomingoskude: I don't think it uses XV10:43
SGershonWhy I have sound only in part of the applications?10:44
bertuMMM 10x for the quick help ;)10:44
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Vyomingoskude: becuase realplayer is playing the videos fine10:44
oskudeVyoming, how fast is your cpu ? (flash just sucks)10:44
legendarysimWhere can I find the supported hardware list?10:44
Vyomingmy CPU is  2.4 Ghz10:44
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oskudeVyoming, oh, well, that should be enough...10:44
Vyomingand I have 1GB ram with 64MB given to Shared Video card10:44
Vyomingya .. it's not all that bad10:45
Vyominginfact all the apps are running just fine10:45
oskudelegendarysim, i would just google with your audio chip...10:45
Vyomingthe problem is just with those flash sites10:45
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Vyomingoskude: one more thing if you donot mind10:45
avisflash 9 has not been ported to windows yet10:45
avisor rather to linux10:45
SomiKnighthas anyone tried jtag util from oenwince package? i get cable not initialized error when doing cable ppdev /dev/parport0 WIGGLER .it works in slackware fine, i just like ubuntu better and need this jtag stuff10:45
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oskudeVyoming, i dont use flash, so dunno...10:46
Vyomingoskude: realplayer is playing video but audio is not coming10:46
Vyominglet me grab a screen shot of the realplayer error10:46
giant_has anybody experience with eclipse??10:46
oskudeVyoming, do other audios work ?10:46
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oskudeVyoming, could be that you just have to select the right audio device (/dev/dsp)10:47
Vyomingya .. XMMS is working fine10:47
oskudeVyoming, and sure realplayer uses ALSA (as i dont use realplayer neither...)10:47
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oskude!realplayer ;)10:48
ubotuI know nothing about realplayer ;)10:48
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:48
avisfirst did you apt-get the realplayer ?10:48
giant_has anybody experience with eclipse??10:48
avisif you did apt-get remove it and then install the .deb thats in the multimedia wiki10:48
narfmastergiant_, i have eclipse installed10:48
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Vyomingrealplayer is saying that device is being used by other application10:48
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SGershonIs there any way where I can set sound 'globally'? I mean, some applications are mute, while some are playing sound. For example, Totem Player plays sound, but flash (Google Videos) does not (is silent).10:49
VyomingI'm running ALSA .. and OSS10:49
giant_narfmaster, when i create a C++ project map, i get 2 errors10:49
avisits common for flash to be silent there are several solutions under mutlimedia in the ubuntu wiki10:49
giant_and i have no code yet10:49
oskudeVyoming, and is there another programm using audio device ?10:49
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bluesceadais there some blacklist for the modules who get loaded at boot ?10:50
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giant_there's no rule to make target 'all' and there is no rule to make target 'clean'10:50
=== narfmaster creates a c++ project map...
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VyomingYa .. I stopped XMMS and I'm sure no other app is using the soundcard10:50
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oskudeVyoming, then start realplayer new10:51
Vyomingis there any environment variable needed for RealPlayer10:51
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Vyominglike AUDIO=/dev/dsp or something10:51
narfmastergiant_, did you make a "managed" project?10:51
bluesceadahm how can i install dmix ?10:51
oskudeVyoming, realplayers manual should say that. but i think its allso an option in realplayers preferences...10:51
SGershonavis, I'll check that.10:51
avisSGershon, you want the redundant bandwidth wasting way ?  apt-get install gstreamer0.8-* then do the same for gstreamer 0.10-*  then wget the win32 codecs in restricted formats in ubuntu wiki then dpkg -i that .deb package and see what doesn't work anymore ?   also set your gnome mixer to the soundcard you want to use and adjust levels10:52
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bluesceadanormally dmix should make it possible to use different programs with a non-hardware-mixing soundcard10:52
giant_narfmaster, no i have to make a standard project for a qt application10:52
SGershonavis, thanks! Let's read it...10:52
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage10:53
narfmastergiant_, i don't have any real experience in that (sorry)10:53
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giant_np, thx anyway10:53
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maftI can't fill in my password in the terminal10:54
mafthow do I deal with that10:55
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oskudemaft, it just doesnt show it ?10:55
oskudemaft, thats normal10:55
maddashmaft: what do you mean, "fill in"?10:55
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avisdoes it take you to root when you sudo -i ?10:55
maddashmaft: ditto oskude.10:55
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maftwell I am trying to add some codecs for music10:55
maftso I found a code10:55
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.10:55
maftand the terminal asks for my passwoord10:55
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maddashmaft: but?10:56
dpnconfigure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH10:56
dpnwhat does that mean10:56
oskudemaft, and then you type your password in it (it wont be shown as you type) and press enter10:56
narfmasterdpn install build-essential10:56
dpnok thanks10:56
iknow45I just installed the latest release of ubuntu dabber, and I can't find /etc/resolve.conf and I've been reading some articles online but can't really find hte reason for it to be missing, anyone have any ideas, because I need to get the dns servers in that file else I can get online with my static ip10:56
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maftwell if I write my pass downin the terminal where it says to, it doesn't do anything10:56
maddashmaft: have you done, "sudo passwd" already?10:56
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avisdpn, for what its worth, if needed you can download earlier version of compilers10:56
dpnJust trying to compile the xmms scrobbler plugin10:57
maddashmaft: you need to set the password w/ "sudo passwd"10:57
maftit says: sorry, try again while I know it's correct10:57
maddashmaft: try "sudo passwd"...it ought to ask for your password10:58
dpnAnyone here installed the last.fm plugin for xmms?10:58
oskudeiknow45, dunno when its generated, maybe first then when you first start youre net card with dhcp. but you could make it your self, it looks like this "nameserver" in on line (but can be more lines with "nameserver x.x.x.x")10:58
maftthx maddash10:58
maddashmaft: anytime.10:58
maftit will be needed :p10:58
dpnWhats the newest version of xmms10:59
iknow45oskude, yea I tried to make my own resolve.conf but I still can't get online, I can ping locally within the network but I can't get out to the net still10:59
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avisthe latest ubuntu package is in the standard repos.10:59
ubotuI know nothing about maddash10:59
oskudeiknow45, you have a router that connects to the internet ? is it connected to internet ?10:59
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zcat[1] !zcat11:00
ubotuI know nothing about zcat11:00
iknow45no, its connected to the internet directly11:00
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iknow45I don't think it has anything to do with my VMware, but I have 4 other archlinux distros and they get out to the net fine11:00
avisiknow45, have you checked /etc/network/interfaces ?11:00
iknow45just needed to get a 2.4.x kernel for iscsi11:00
bluesceadai have media keys on the keyboard11:00
oskudeiknow45, ah ok, then you have to connect to internet first. never done that, so dunno how to do that. try wiki and/or forum (but im pretty sure the ubotu knows something too)11:00
vigilanteIm trying to gzip -d UT2004-LNX-Demo3334.run.gz gzip: UT2004-LNX-Demo3334.run.gz: unexpected end of file , and it fails, what is wrong here?11:00
iknow45yea the setttings in /etc/network/interfaces are correct11:00
bluesceadathey make reactiions in "xev"11:00
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bluesceadabut i dont know how to use them else11:01
bluesceadaanyone can help ?11:01
benkyotohey anyone here who knows his/her way in xmcompmgr?11:01
gorskii have downloaded jdeveloper from oracle, does it work on ubunutu?11:01
benkyotoI want to prevent xcomp displaying shadows on desklets11:01
oskudeiknow45, lol, maybe you should say that youre using vmware in the first plave, i have no idea about thaqt software.11:01
iknow45well it just emulates an environemtn to install11:01
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maddashvigilante: the file's corrupted?11:02
iknow45but again, I doubt it's affecting the install11:02
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avisvigilante, you got me.  i dunno.11:02
maddashvigilante: does the host you downloaded from provide and md5 hash of the file?11:02
iknow45thanks for the help anyways11:02
bluesceadanoone has a clue about the media keys11:02
vigilantemaddash: not sure, I can go check...11:02
haffeHello. Would somebody care to help me. I would like to get hibernate working with my nforce2 motherboard. I can't seem to find an updated howto.11:02
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avismaddash, why would gzip care if the file was corrupted ?  or do you mean sector ?11:03
kolajei'm having pretty bad problems with cedega in ubuntu, is this normal?  is ubuntu scared of cedega?11:03
maddashavis: gzip is lossless, rah? If the file were corrupted....11:03
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mimixany buffs on sharing a printer across my network? MY computer is 6.0.6 however the printer is on a XP machine11:03
avismaddash by lossless meaning it provides to compression mostly just a hand basket ?11:04
mimixanyone with good knowledge i should say11:04
avisno compression11:04
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vigilanteI will try downloading the file again from a different source, couldn't finda md511:04
maddashavis: huh?11:04
avismaddash, ignore me11:04
oskudebluesceada, take a look about "xmodmap", may help11:04
maddashavis: roger that.11:04
poenkxany body can help me?11:05
avismaddash if you care -- does it just archive the files without compression ?11:05
bluesceadaoskude: umm isnt that meant for mice11:05
poenkxhow to install yahoo messenger to dapper?11:05
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ROBOdhello guys11:05
poenkxhow to install yahoo messenger to dapper?11:05
ROBOdhow to get a mouse in the terminal?11:05
poenkxhow to install yahoo messenger to dapper?11:05
bluesceadaand they work in "xev" ..11:06
oskudebluesceada, i use(d) it for keyboard...11:06
bluesceadaoskude: ok, thx11:06
avispoenkx, gaim seems to install most IM protocols and should be updated frequently should any protocol changes arrive.11:06
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avissupport most protocols..11:06
oskudebluesceada, man xmodmap says "xmodmap  - utility for modifying keymaps and pointer button mappings in X"11:06
avisi'm out of here11:06
benkyotoanyone who can help me with the xcompmgr setting to keep it from displaying drop shadows on desklets?11:06
avisciao !11:06
benkyotois there a way?11:06
poenkxI know Gaim but I like to do more with yahoo messenger11:06
dragontbye m811:06
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poenkxI know Gaim but I like to do more with yahoo messenger11:06
dragon...to slow lol11:06
Knome!repeat > poenkx11:07
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bluesceadaoskude: yeh, but to what should i map them??11:07
bluesceadathey are just keys which should do something, not be like other keys :S11:07
dragongaim cant use audio or video either...:(11:07
ROBOdpoenkx: there's an official yahoo messenger version for linux11:07
ROBOdpoenkx: but that's outdated11:07
oskudebluesceada, sorry, didnt see that part, i just saw "media keys" :)11:07
ROBOdit's worse than Gaim11:07
vigilanteAnother question, how do I find out the name of the alsa device?  and if its misconfigured? (Im reading this http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/doom/Doom3FrontPage?action=show&redirect=FrontPage#head-8c36163f1dfc3a253ef72c0f821b0b0dd2fc17b1 )11:07
poenkxI can not install it11:07
maddash!repeat > poenkx11:07
maftI found something to make my music work, can anybody tell me if this will work for mp3 and wma?11:08
maft How to install Multimedia Codecs  Stubby All known codecs work except for wmv  Read #General Notes Read #How to add extra repositories  sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-gl sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-base sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-good sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.1011:08
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oskudebluesceada, maybe you just map them to nothing ("" or such)11:08
bluesceadahm okay, thanks then, i will try it out11:08
ROBOdguys, how to get a mouse in the terminal?11:08
sorush20I have a very large harddisk .. 300gb would I benefit from RAID, in terms of speed and backup of data?11:08
maddashR0b0d: define "get a mouse" and "terminal" (you mean bash?)11:08
HackerX*-*_*-* Ok, I Need to know who i need to talk to in order to get unbanned from this channel. i was wrongly banned and i would like to talk to someone about this. can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks *-*_*-*11:08
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oskudesorush20, you need atleast 2 harddrives to have any use from raid11:09
ROBOdmaddash: lol11:09
poenkxanybody has ATI Radeon 7000 driver?11:09
dragonisnt raid for more than 1 HDD on 1 system?11:09
poenkxanybody has ATI Radeon 7000 driver?11:09
ROBOdmaddash: yes, bash11:09
dragonu shud have that peon11:09
ROBOdmaddash: like in MS-DOS11:09
Knome!ops > HackerX11:09
maftno poenix, but I probably will need drivers for my ati radeon as well11:09
maddashr0b0d: could you be more specific about the mouse part?11:09
gorskii have downloaded jdeveloper from oracle, does it work on ubunutu?11:10
poenkxthanks maft11:10
eobanbmouse...what the heck?11:10
HackerX! ops11:10
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!11:10
maddashr0b0d: "like in MS-DOS"? are you in alt-f7 mode or ctrl+alt+f2 mode?11:10
dragoni cant get my gfx card to work right......and i still dunno how to instal lmao11:10
ROBOdmaddash: have you ever used MS-DOS?11:10
ROBOdmaddash: ctrl+alt+f2, pure console, not from X11:11
ROBOdthat's where i want mouse11:11
poenkxcan I enable arabic language in word Processor?11:11
=== Jeeves__ [n=James@88-105-233-217.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
poenkxcan I enable arabic language in word Processor?11:11
eobanbyes, poenkx.  yes, poenkx.11:11
narfmasterROBOd, sudo apt-get install gpm11:11
maddashr0b0d: I think it's up to the program you're using to implement it...I don't know what to do about that...11:11
poenkxhow <narfmaster>?11:12
poenkxwhat I have to do?11:12
=== narfmaster glares at poenkx
=== Smeggy sighs
=== maddash s
Ayabarawhat torrent client do people use. is there anything similar to utorrent in windows?11:12
=== maddash has quit ("?")
ubotuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LocaleConf11:13
narfmasterAyabara, i'm using utorrent11:13
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narfmasterin Wine, that is11:13
ROBOdthanks narfmaster11:13
Ayabaranarfmaster: ahh. and that is working well?11:13
maddashhow slow can that get?11:13
narfmasterROBOd, no problem11:13
narfmasterAyabara, works fine11:13
JuhazOneok guys... i found out at least partly what is causing my problem with grub and the SATA drive11:13
ic56JuhazOne: do tell!11:13
JuhazOnegrub can detect the drive when in linux but not when i'm booting the computer :/11:13
giant_what's the difference between usual terminal and Konsole??11:13
JuhazOneit thinks it simply doesn't exist11:13
vigilantemaddash: do you know how to find the alsa device name?11:14
eobanbgiant_, one runs in x, the other runs in the framebuffer?11:14
maddashvigilante: no11:14
giant_dunno, i installed kdevelop and it installed Konsole with it11:14
eobanbAyabara, i like transmission, unfortunately there's no ubuntu package for it yet11:15
JuhazOneif only i could figure out how to fix this...11:15
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ic56JuhazOne: that implies that the Linux kernel recognizes the drive but grub itself doesn't.  Either a deficiency in grub or maybe a problem in your BIOS config...11:15
Ayabaraeobanb: ok. I've only used gnome-btdownload and azureus under ubuntu, and I don't like any of them much...11:15
JuhazOneic56: yeah :/11:16
crimsunvigilante: alsa doesn't provide "device names"11:16
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=== rob looks at HackerX
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PupenoWith htop I see that one of my processors is at 100%, the other varies. It seems the problem is X, it is running at 1.7 but it makes peaks to 57% (the strange thing is that when it makes a peak the other processor gets usage). Any ideas ?11:17
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lassegsHi. I'm a newbie who tried to fix the jack output on my laptop but instad lost my all my sound. alsa cant find sound device. I compiled some packages from realtek. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to do reinstall of alsa so i get back to where i started from?11:17
JuhazOnei suppose i could try installing grub on the SATA disk, unplug the regular one and see if it happens to work then11:18
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JuhazOnealso, there are four SATA connectors on my mobo. they come in pairs somehow...11:18
vigilantecrimsun: so what does this link mean? http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/doom/Doom3FrontPage?action=show&redirect=FrontPage#head-8c36163f1dfc3a253ef72c0f821b0b0dd2fc17b111:19
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!11:19
JuhazOnethe mobo is Asus K8V Deluxe11:19
gorskiwhen can i expect or download j2re1.511:19
=== rob looks at maddash
JuhazOnethe connectors are named SATA1, SATA2, PRI_SATA and SEC_SATA11:19
robmaddash, whats up?11:19
JuhazOneright now i'm using PRI_SATA. it tried SATA1 first but linux didn't seem to detect the disk at all back then11:19
crimsunvigilante: those are aliases and not actual devices.11:19
crimsunvigilante: have you tried those suggestions?11:20
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oskudeJuhazOne, try google with youre mobo and sata, maybe there are known bugs. just a gues11:20
benkyotoHi ppl? Anyone who knows the parameters I need to enter in xcompmgr so drop shadows are not displayed in desklets. Can a list of exceptions be created or something?11:20
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JuhazOneif i'm not mistaken the Promise 20378 RAID controller on this mobo controls PRI_SATA and SEC_SATA and VIA VT8237 controls SATA1 and SATA211:20
robsigh, don't abuse that, please :)11:20
narfmastergorski, in Dapper you can apt-get "sun-java5-bin"11:20
JuhazOneyeah... first i tried googling with those controllers but i guess i could try with the mobo too11:20
mimixanyone here use a PIXMA MP800 printer/scanner ??11:21
eobanbwhy was maddash kicked just now11:21
mimixim looking for drivers, or atleast the next closest thing11:21
lassegsgorski, you install sun-java5-bin from synaptics because it has a license agreement you must accept which doesnt work in a terminal11:21
oskudeeobanb, (s)he missused the ops command11:21
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dragonmy 749.7 mb download has stoped....11:22
dragonthis isnt g00d lol11:22
gorskiis it oracle jdeveloper runable on ubuntu?11:22
vigilantewill libxine-extracodecs support all of quicktime and realmedia?11:23
gorskii cannot start java -jar oc4j.jar -install (access denied)11:23
eobanbcertainly not all real media11:23
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lassegsbut are there noone here who can help me with doing a clean install of alsa?11:23
eobanbquicktime files these days tend to just be mpeg 4 or h.264 which is easy to play11:24
mp3guyis there a program I can get that maps my joypad buttons to keyboard keys?11:24
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crimsunlassegs: what's the issue?11:24
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narfmastermp3guy, i think jscalibrator will do that11:25
dpnlol, does anyone know where the default download location is for xchat11:25
dpni was downloading and changed it, now I cant find the files i was sent11:25
giant_how can i create an empty project in KDevelop??11:25
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lassegscrimsun, as mentioned above I tried to fix the jack output on my asusA6v, but ended up destroying alsa. No ive got no sound at all, because alsa doesnt recognize the sound device. im trying to get back to start11:25
oskudesomeone should say ubotu how important backup (of config files) is ;) (well, could allso tell some general backup methods)11:25
giant_how can i create an empty project in KDevelop??11:26
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crimsunlassegs: give me a sec to read backscroll (I don't watch this channel).11:26
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infernuxjoin #hal11:26
narfmasterdpn, look in ~/.xchat211:26
dpnwhere is that11:26
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lassegscrimsun, ive apt-get removed alsa-base and reinstalled it, but that didnt work?11:27
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crimsunlassegs: reinstall alsa-base, linux-sound-base, and linux-image-$(uname -r)11:27
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ubotuI know nothing about gay11:27
dpnnarf, is that in a folder under file system?11:27
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vigilantecrimsun: no, haven't tried suggestions, cause I didn't know about aliases name, how do I find that?11:28
lassegscrimsun, ok, ill try that11:28
narfmasterdpn that is a hidden folder11:28
cefdpn: the .xchat2 directory under your home dir. note: all directories and fiels starting with . are usually considered "hidden"11:28
crimsunlassegs: note that you'll have to wipe /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ prior to reinstalling linux-image-$(uname -r)11:28
narfmasterdpn, ~ = /home/user11:28
crimsunvigilante: they're stated in that faq11:28
lassegscrimsun, wipe being deleting?11:28
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crimsunlassegs: yes11:28
lassegscrimsun, thanks very much, ill try this11:29
mp3guynarfmaster, can see anything about mapping in it11:29
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gonniffgood morning11:29
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ubotuI know nothing about mms11:30
narfmastermp3guy, you may be right, i haven't used my joystick in a while :p11:30
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HiP_Pwhat can i use to watch/listen to mms streams?11:30
gonniffat the risk of looking dumb, what's mms?11:31
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narfmastererr, that is mimms11:31
=== gonniff often feels he looks dumb
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oskudegonniff, im "dumb" too, so i use wikipedia ;)11:32
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HiP_Pcheers narfmaster... that will work totem then i guess.11:33
HiP_Pgonniff dont worry i feel dumb in here a lot of the time11:33
gonniffoskude: thanks - really should have wiki'd it. :)11:33
thotzi have formated one partition of my usb harddisk with ext3. gnome automounts it correctly, but only root can have access to it. can i change that?11:33
gonniffHiP_P: ah, good, then I don't feel like the Lone Ranger :)11:33
HiP_Phahah good good11:33
dpnIs there a way to turn my monitors off after 5 min instead of a screensaver11:34
dpnI dont see any power saver option in the list11:34
vigilantecrimsun: all I see is <alsa_device_name> , what did I miss?11:34
thotzwith fat32 it works11:34
crimsunvigilante: "default", "plughw:0", "plug:surround51", ...11:34
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frogzoothotz: once, it's mounted, check 'ls -ld /mntpoint'11:35
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HiP_Phmmmm iam still getting URI error11:35
thotzls: /mntpoint: No such file or directory11:35
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frogzoothotz: s/mntpoint/ the directory you mounted it...11:36
samulimnt point = mount point, means YOUR mount point, which may vary :)11:36
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gorskihow to start oc4j server?11:37
thotzshould be this: brw-rw---- 1 root plugdev 8, 35 2006-07-09 11:33 /dev/sdc311:37
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frogzoogorski: is there anything like /etc/init.d/oc4j   ???11:37
HiP_Poh well just see if anyone could quickly with that one.... ill sort it later..... cheers again all11:38
thotzand how can I change that. why is it mounted as root?11:38
frogzoothotz: that's not the mount point, that's the device11:38
gorskibut i have it in /opt/java/bin11:38
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frogzoogorski: ?11:39
thotzmh. i don't understand it...11:40
narfmasterthotz, try ls -ld /media/sdc311:40
gorskibut i have oc4j in /opt/java/bin11:40
gorskihow to start it?11:40
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frogzoogorski: check the README - or see if there's something in /usr/share/doc/oc4j11:40
thotzls: /media/sdc3: No such file or directory11:40
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ompaulthotz, a disk gets mounted, the place is get mounted to is called the mount point, the disk has a device name /dev/* and the place it gets mounted is usually /media/11:41
frogzoothotz: does the file system show up when you use the 'mount' command?11:41
narfmasterthotz, try ls -ld /media11:41
gorskiufff.. no such thing11:42
ompaulthotz, the /media/* is a directory name that exists before the mounting, the system has some default ones and creates more as new devices are introduced11:42
narfmasterhmm, actually thotz try ls -l /media11:42
thotzdrwxr-xr-x 10 root root 4096 2006-07-09 11:33 /media11:42
vigilantecrimsun: thx11:42
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nemlahHello all..11:42
tvalladonanyone spare information link on getting xdmcp to work right? have checked the proper options in gdmsetup on both laptop and desktop but they can not see each other... so I must be missing a step.11:42
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eobanbwelcome, nemlah11:44
thotzit's this: drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2006-07-09 10:35 /media/usbdisk/11:44
narfmasterlooks good11:44
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frogzoothotz: more than likely that's it - now you need to change its permissions for others to access it11:45
nemlahok i am probably not the first one and there does exist a lot of post out there regarding the issue, but could someone help me with the ati drivers on a dual monitor system?11:45
nemlahthis is my second install of dapper11:45
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frogzoothotz: usually though you'll create subdirectories for users, and give them ownership of those11:45
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nemlahand i would like to do it right this time.. spend most of last night kicking the comp11:45
thotzbut i don't know how to change the permission.11:45
samulinemlah, what's the problem?11:45
nemlahfresh install11:45
nemlaheasy ubuntu add ati drivers11:46
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ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.11:46
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samulinemlah, are they fglrx or ati-proprietary?11:46
nemlahhmm they are different?11:46
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thotzif i use fat32 instead of ext3 it works and i can copy files on it as a normal user.11:46
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nemlahi suppose the ones that easy ubuntu installed xorg fglrx..11:46
Ayabaraany recommendations for a good download manager?11:47
frogzoonemlah: upgrade to fglrx & install fglrx-control11:47
nemlahok how to do it.. how do i check which one easy ubuntu installed ?11:47
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frogzoo!permissions > thotz11:47
nemlahi have fglrxinfo11:48
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nemlahallthough right now it is showing an mesa driver11:48
samulinemlah, try cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep "Driver"11:48
nicolitoHello, good morning: anybody knows how the superuser in linux can get the list of passwords of the other users???11:48
thotzi'll have a look at it. but for me this is more a bug11:48
samulinemlah, see what it says after last Driver11:48
Ayabarais there an easy way in ubuntu to check if a port is open?11:48
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nemlahallthough there are quite some drivers there11:49
oskudeAyabara, i like "nmap localhost", but there are many tools for that11:49
nemlahthree related to the screen setup i suppose11:49
nemlahati and twi fglrx11:49
Ayabaraoskude: thx, I'll try it out11:49
dragoncan sum 1 help me to install limewire?11:50
samulinemlah, you might want to paste you xorg.conf to pastebin.11:50
=== Psychobudgie [n=klaatu@82-71-44-108.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu
fyrestrtrnicolito: not possible.11:50
dragonive been serchin forums n stuff for 2 hours and cant find n e thing on "how to install"...11:50
nemlahyes i will do that.. brb need to restart11:50
frogzoodragon: 'sudo apt-get install frostwire' = done11:50
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oskudenicolito, you would need to crack the passwords...11:50
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nicolitofyrestrtr, so if the superuser needs to log in as one of the users to install a program, what can he do??11:51
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dragonok thanx m811:51
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fyrestrtrnicolito: su [nameofuser] 11:51
nicolitofyrestrtr, but it asks you one password, isnt it?11:52
fyrestrtrit shouldn't if you are root11:52
fyrestrtrtry it.11:52
oskudenicolito, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo11:52
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narfmasterwhy would you want to login as a user if you are already root?11:53
nicolitooskude, is there any way to crack the passwords??11:53
tvalladonok, if no one has an info link does any one have any specific hints as how to get remote xwindows to work right? was never a problem in 5.x but with 6.06 I seem to have issues...11:53
tufsyi am new to linux, i followed a tutorial on installing xgl and it worked! but, i dunno why but it seems when i click my "quit" button top right - i have no option anymore to shut down or restart - i just have, hibernate, log off, lock etc. how do i get the shut down and restart option back again?11:53
fyrestrtrnicolito: wth are you trying to do? You don't need to crack any passwords. If you are root, you have access to the entire system.11:53
frogzoonarfmaster: so that if you trip up, you don't take the system down with you11:54
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fyrestrtrtufsy: I think this is a bug in the software itself.11:54
nemlahHAHAHA... back in dual screen!!!11:54
=== narfmaster shrugs (sounds reasonable)
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nemlahi rebooted and i have dual!!!11:54
samulinemlah, cool :)11:54
nemlahthe screens are switched11:54
fyrestrtruhoh lol11:54
samuli(there's always a but)11:54
nemlahhow do i set the primary and the secondary11:54
oskudetufsy, xgl isnt even beta, so you gotta live with them, or track them down... the bugs that is...11:55
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nicolitofyrestrtr: I want to configure a program to access internet of one of the users, but I only know to configure it in GDM (grafical mode)11:55
tanlaanhey everyone, im getting an error while trying to execute a file, it says cant execute binary files is there any possible way to make it work?11:55
tufsyfyrestrtr: ok, so it cannot be fixed? cos now i have to log off and then shut down11:55
samulinemlah, type aticonfig11:55
fyrestrtrnemlah: how did you configure it?11:55
samuliok, now type it in terminal :)11:55
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fyrestrtrtufsy: it will be fixed, but not now. xgl is very alpha quality software. Expect bugs.11:55
tanlaanif needed i will send a pastebin of the shell script executing it, and the error that comes up *specifically*11:55
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lewwyHey guys11:55
oskudetufsy, just curious, does System - Quit give the "standard" shut down dialog ?11:55
fyrestrtrnicolito: what program is it?11:55
samulinemlah, it should list an option where you can make an invert horizontal tms.11:56
nemlahaticonfig --initial=dual-head --screen-layout=right11:56
nicolitofyrestrtr: Gnome Dial11:56
tufsyi am not sure if it is xgl though, cos the tutorial i followed installed this "automatix" thing which installed loads of other stuff...mebe that caused it? dunno..11:56
nicolitofyrestrtr: for a dialup connection11:56
nemlahaticonfig --dtop=horizontal --overlay-on=111:56
fyrestrtrnicolito: settings should be in ~/.gnome211:56
lewwyCurrently I've got a remote box running CentOS 3.  Suffice to say, I really don't like it.  I was wondering if theres a way to "upgrade" from CentOS 3 (rpm based) to Ubuntu (remembering I have no physical access to the box).  Any suggestions?11:56
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.11:56
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tufsyoskude: no system quit gives the same dialog with the missing buttons11:56
samuliyou're quick :) though I think you only need the --screen-layout etc or --dtop with approriate switches.11:57
fyrestrtrlewwy: hrmm .... I would say go with UML but that would be a bit much.11:57
oskudetufsy, then something broke your system, i got xgl at work, and i get the normal shut down dialog :/11:57
nicolitofyrestrtr: but I dont know how to configure it using the console11:57
lewwyUML, fyrestrtr?11:57
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fyrestrtrnicolito: just copy the file from another user's account.11:57
fyrestrtrlewwy: user mode linux.11:57
samulinemlah, after you make a change ctrl+alt+backspace, log in again and if X won't start copy the backup over xorg.conf11:57
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tufsyoskude: can i find out what did?11:58
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bellekewhats the diffences between the alternate and desktop iso?11:58
narfmasterisn't CentOS up to 4.3 right now?11:58
oskudetufsy, i never used automatix...11:58
hybridbelleke: the desktop iso is a livecd11:58
tufsyahh ic11:58
nemlahshould i use overlay =011:58
lewwyyeh it is, but i'll be damned if i can get it upgrading11:59
hybridbelleke: and the altern is a text install11:59
nemlahi mean does overlay mean which is the second monitor?11:59
nicolitofyrestrtr, but if I want to enter to an user's Desktop to put a direct access??11:59
aurelienmHi everyone, I have an up-to-date Dapper PPC, but I have a lot of problems11:59
oskudebelleke, desktop cd has the live system and the new installer, alternate has the old text mode install (plus some other install stuff)11:59
hybridaurelienm: ask away11:59
samulinemlah, I'm remembering there's a really simple --dtop switch to change just the alignment of the monitors.11:59
noobie0057how can I edit .gtkrc-1.2-gnome2 ?11:59
nemlahok reading into it11:59
fyrestrtrnicolito: not possible without their password.11:59
samulinemlah, if everything else is fine I'd try just that and nothing else.12:00
nicolitofyrestrtr, ok12:00
bellekei'm working in ubuntu but i'm thinking about xubuntu12:00
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aurelienmhybrid: lots of apps froze very quickly. None of mailers are usable (have tested Evolution, Thunderbird, and Sylpheed Claws GTK2)12:00
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bellekeis it as good as ubuntu?12:00
irvinSeveas: ping?12:00
hybridbelleke: depends on what 'good' means12:01
nicolitofyrestrtr, and there isnt any way to decript the passwords in /etc/passwd??12:01
Ayabarais there a howto for installing opera 9 on dapper?12:01
hybridbelleke: personally i love xubuntu12:01
fyrestrtrnicolito: no12:01
hybridaurelienm: how did you install them?12:01
narfmasternicolito, /etc/passwd doesn't store that type of info12:01
tanlaanim getting an error saying cont execute binary file, its a shell script trying to execute a file12:01
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aurelienmvia Install/Remove Application entry menu12:01
tanlaanwhat can i do to make it work? :D12:01
aurelienmOpenOffice froze too12:02
bellekemy system is running a bit slow for the moment and i want try xubuntu ;-)12:02
delmarHas anyone come accross the issue with Dapper and Adaptec SCSI I2O based Raid cards. !!!!.  Install works perfectly, but when the system reboots it hangs every single time with messages like iop0: device already claimed.  Has anyone seen this or does anyone have any suggestions on getting past this issue?12:02
hybridaurelienm: do they freeze the first time or did you configure them then they froze?12:02
narfmasteraurelienm, how much RAM do you have?12:02
aurelienmhybrid: first time12:02
hybridbelleke: xubuntu is nice and a friend is working on fluxbuntu12:02
hybridaurelienm: hmm weird12:02
aurelienmnarfmaster: ibook 1.33, about 700Mo of ram12:03
hybridnot sure aurelienm, but stick around and maybe someone can help you12:03
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ic56tanlaan: did you spell that error message right?  Please paste the exact text12:03
pl_iceguys new virus came out, infects microsoft and linux as well :/12:03
hybridpl_ice: do you know what 'proof of concept' means?12:03
noobie0057I want to edit the current theme, I found I should edit the file .gtkrc-1.2-gnome2, this file includes another file, that file does not exist12:03
ic56pl_ice: yeah, right!12:03
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hybridic56: it did happen but it was a mere proof of concept12:04
frogzoodelmar: usually Google  is pretty good at resolving driver issues12:04
frogzoooops - soz12:04
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narfmasteraurelienm, that sounds fine although i've only had experience with iMacs12:04
delmarfrogzoo, well tell google to come on over here and fix it :P12:04
tvalladonany help with remote xwindows? still searching but no luck.12:04
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ic56hybrid: on which architecture?12:04
=== oskude thinks automatix is a virus ;)
Ayabarais opera9 available from the ubuntu repos?12:05
hybridHAHA oskude +212:05
delmarfrogzoo, I have googled around and found some interesting info, but nothing that specifically fixes this issue or tells me exactly what to do. consequently I have been messing about trying stuff myself with no success.12:05
hybridic56: x86, tis the only arch windows runs on12:05
hybridAyabara: from the comercial one12:05
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hybridAyabara: buntudot.org for more info12:05
pl_ice_ bloody wless :/12:05
Ayabarahybrid: thanks.12:05
narfmasterAyabara, opera cannot legally go into the repo12:05
hybridAyabara: no problem12:05
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tanlaanic56: pastebinning right now12:06
hybridnarfmaster: http://buntudot.org 2nd  post iirc12:06
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tanlaanic56: http://pastebin.ca/8309612:06
narfmasterthanks hybrid12:06
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hybridnarfmaster: anytime12:06
ic56hybrid: how does that virus manage to execute itself?  unix executable formats are different from MS.  Actually, this is off-topic.  Do you have a URL handy?12:07
noobie0057   anyone know about /home/<user>/.gtkrc.mine or .gtkrc-1.2-gnome2   ?12:07
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hybridic56: im not sure. digg.com/search  should bring it up, i kinda bleh it off12:07
narfmasternoobie0057, you may have to create one or both of those files12:08
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pl_ice_ic56 ,i got the link, but it's not in english ;)12:08
hybridic56: it wasnt as big of a deal as it being a virus as it was being cross platform12:08
noobie0057narfmaster what is the format of the files?,, I can't find anything on these files12:08
narfmasternoobie0057, just a sec12:08
ic56pl_ice: what language is it in?  English isn't the only tongue I understand.12:09
delmarWell... Debian stable just installed, rebooted, and works mint, so after wasting at least a day trying to resolve this issue.. screw Dapper.. in this case. /sigh. Since I need to move onto actually installing and setting up the intended software, I will just have to give up on Dapper this time.12:09
pl_ice_btw one of the mirrors ubuntu 386 iso is named 7.0.6 not 6.0.6 :D hehee funny...12:09
ic56tanlaan: hmm.  It reports success too12:09
pl_ice_ic56 Polish12:09
ic56tanlaan: pastebin the script for me.12:09
oskudedelmar, debian is a good choice.12:10
ic56pl_ice_: ah. Bummer.  I can't read Polish.12:10
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tanlaanic56: ok12:10
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narfmasternoobie0057, http://www.flexion.org/site/index.php?gadget=StaticPage&action=Page&id=1812:10
hybridic56: http://digg.com/security/New_PoC_virus_can_infect_both_Windows_and_Linux12:11
delmaroskude, sure. its the foundation of ubuntu.  i switched to debian from slackware back in the days when everything was compiled from source with all sorts of dependancy issues... that was about 8 or 9 years ago.12:11
delmarnever looked back.12:11
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pl_ice_Lnx.Bi.A/W32.Bi.A that's what its called12:11
noobie0057narfmaster: thanks12:11
delmarI'm enjoying Dapper on other systems that it installed on. ubuntu is pretty cool all round, and being based on Debian makes it perfect for me.12:11
tanlaanic56: http://pastebin.ca/8310412:11
ZeeGeekI did a fresh installationg, network is not working with URLs but only IPs. I checked resolv.conf, the DNS servers were the same as in Windows. what's wrong with the network?12:12
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild12:12
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delmarI just wish it would install on this box with the Adaptec 2110S card.  I can't figure out why it's not working.12:12
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ubotuI know nothing about beer12:12
hybriddelmar: you looked into ndiswrapper?12:12
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ic56hybrid: thx!12:12
hybridic56: no problem ;)12:13
delmarhybrid, huh?12:13
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hybriddelmar: ndiswrapper lets you use windows drivers in linux for wireless cards12:13
CrashProneWhat's a good simple program for chopping up .wav files?  I like the idea of not using Audacity though, last time I started that up it fudged my audio settings just by being turned on.12:13
tanlaanic56: if you missed it http://pastebin.ca/8310412:13
delmarhybrid, dude my issue has nothing to do with networking or wireless12:13
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delmarhybrid, its purely an I2O problem with an Adaptec raid controler12:14
hybriddelmar: ah sorry, must have read wrong12:14
hybridmy appologies12:14
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mnkhi all - i am trying to get my nvidia driver working for my geforce 2 go card - but it doesn't seem to work! i tried installing the nvidia drivers and then modifying the driver from nv to nvidia but x simply won't start. however, when i change back to nv it is fine again! [i need 3d acceleration to use xgl which won't work with the nv driver] . i am on a dell inspiron 8100. PLEASE any help will be appreciated.12:15
Ayabaramay be imagining this, but I think the fan on my inspiron laptop is louder in ubuntu than in xp. deja vu anyone?12:15
ic56tanlaan: do this for me and paste here what it reports:  echo $PATH12:15
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oskudemnk, pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:16
webben1I'm trying to patch a bug/problem with sudo (see https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/sudo/+bug/50797). However one of my changes results in a segmentation fault. This is the first time I've had to mess around with C++. What's the best tool for finding out what line of code produces a segmentation fault?12:16
mnkoskude, thanks for ur response. how do i pastebin?12:16
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:16
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CrashProneAnyone know a good program to cut apart audio files?12:17
CrashProneOr command line trick?12:17
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orfeuIt is a difference betwen ubnutu and kubuntu excuding the interface ( gnome and kde ) ?12:17
tanlaantanlaan@tanlaan:~/Desktop/byond/host$ echo $PATH12:17
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frogzoodelmar: you could take a look at this: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/3763912:18
hybridorfeu: the only real difference is Gnome vs KDE12:18
orfeuoky thanks12:18
mnkoskude, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1760712:18
ic56tanlaan: also please pastebin for me the output of "ls -lR" from the directory containing the script.12:18
oskudemnk, reading12:18
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frogzoowebben1: learn gdb12:18
webben1orfeu: no, except that they get bundled with slightly different applications (e.g. text editor and messaging client for kde rather than gnome or vice versa)12:18
mnkthanks oskude12:19
pl_ice_guys, i've just downloaded the new ubuntu, at the begining it says run and/or install, doesn't look like i can install it... just live cd??...12:19
orfeuso If i like kde and ilike ubuntu with his repostiories i can use kubuntu ! :D12:19
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delmarfrogzoo, yeah i seen that, but unless I missed something, i'm not seeing the solution in there.12:19
oskudemnk, could you allso pastebinn your xorg.conf file12:19
hybridpl_ice_: it installs from livecd12:20
hybridpl_ice_: once the livecd is up you wull see and 'install' icon on the desktop12:20
webben1frogzoo: i did look at gdb but my initial impression was that you have to use it directly with the source files ... where as for all i know the segmentation fault may be an interaction between my changes to the source and the debian rules. Can gdb be used to debug the compiled program installed by the package?12:20
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pl_ice_hybrid hmm.. that's new :) thnx12:20
gatekeeperpl_ice_: run the livecd up you should get an install icon12:20
hybridpl_ice_: yulp new to dapper12:20
mnkoskude, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1760812:20
tanlaanthe file it is executing is in another folder *btw*12:20
ic56tanlaan: looking12:21
mueporfeu: ubuntu and kubuntu use the same repositories12:21
mnkthanks oskude - i really appreciate all ur help] 12:21
pl_ice_hybrid had freebsd on my box, but came back to ubuntu ;)12:21
stefgSince there's obviously no initiative to change something about the terrible buggy -25 kernel, and i'm realyy fed up with it now.. is there any 3rd party repo with kernels for _Dapper_? (no, i will not get another bcollins kernel from the edgy repo)12:21
pl_ice_looks pretty flash :D12:21
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hybridpl_ice_: i think you will like Ubuntu more, at least I have.12:21
delmarfrogzoo, actually I do see a couple more ideas in there I need to try... we shall see12:22
oskudemnk, well, you dont have "nvidia" as driver, please use that driver, restart x and pastebin both files again...12:22
pl_ice_stefg what's wrong with it? i'm installing it now...12:22
stefgconsult laucnchpad... it's just a mess12:22
pl_ice_mnk btw i got ispiron, older one, does ur wless work?...12:22
mnkok but x won't start so how would i do that?12:22
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mnkpl_ice_, i don't have w/less12:23
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mnkoskude,  ok but x won't start so how would i do that?12:23
rambo3use vi12:23
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FreddieI am having a problem getting evolution to accept my self-signed IMAP ssl cert12:23
mnkoskude, ie x always crashes when i use nvidia as the driver - so how would i get on firefox to pastebin and also on xchat to chat to u?12:23
Freddieevery time i run it it asks me if I want to accept it (and I always say yes)12:23
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ic56tanlaan: hmmm. I wonder if DreamDaemon runs under a uid other than yours.  Let's fix things so they'll work either way.  Do this: chmod 755 host.dmb  Then re-run the script.  Does the error go away or change?12:24
Freddiecan anyone tell me how to stop this?12:24
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oskudemnk, hmm, "sudo cp /var/log/Xorg.0.log /var/log/Xorg.0.log.blah" from the console after x has failed with nvidia driver, then change to "nv" again, and post the error log ...blah12:24
mnkaah ok12:25
tanlaanthe error is exactly the same12:25
mnkoskude, can i just change the xorg.conf file and press ctrl-alt-backspace now? or do i have to reboot?12:25
Mintyhello, when I do a sudo apt-get install azureus, I get E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?12:25
=== caglar [n=caglar@dslb-084-056-092-103.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
oskudemnk, this says geforce 2 go should work with xgl, so there is hope :) http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Video_Card_Support_Under_XGL#nVidia_Cards12:26
hybridMinty: close synaptic and anything else installing packages12:26
mnkthanks oskude12:26
oskudemnk, ctrl-alt-backspace is enough12:26
Mintystupid me, thanks12:26
mnkoskude, ok brb12:26
mnkoskude, thanks again12:26
oskudemnk, wait12:26
pl_ice_love new ubuntu install gui ;)12:26
mnkoskude,  ok12:26
=== hybrid shames oskude for saying the 'g' worf
hybridword even12:27
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hybridpl_ice_: makes life easy12:27
ic56tanlaan: thinking...12:27
oskudemnk, you can start x again after fail from console with "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"12:27
pl_ice_hybrid and fun ;)12:27
oskudehybrid, g word ?12:27
mnkoskude, cool12:27
hybridoskude: gentoo12:27
mnkoskude, ok i'm going to do that now then12:28
oskudehybrid, well, its from ubuntu wiki, give me a link with that list, and ubuntu url ? ;)12:28
oskudemnk, roher12:28
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Mintyazureus installed, bug on closing message windows, anyone know the answer ?12:28
lassegscrimsun, i tried your apt-get remove linux-sound-base, but it says it will also remove (among other things) gnome-panel, gdm, gnome sessions and so on, and i dont want to loose my settings12:28
hybridoskude: just giving ya a hard time12:28
=== tufsy [n=tufsy@client-82-12-228-126.brnt.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ic56tanlaan: it doesn't make sense to both exec *and* put in the background.  Modify the last line in the script by removing the first word ("exec").  What happens when you re-reun the script?12:28
CrashProne!  What's your issue with the sound, lassegs?12:28
ubotuI know nothing about What's your issue with the sound, lassegs?12:28
oskudehybrid, yeah, im bored too ;)12:29
tanlaanok ill try that12:29
CrashProne... oop12:29
ompaulCrashProne, please do not prefix your statements with ! it is a command for the bot12:29
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crimsunlassegs: just forcibly --reinstall install it12:29
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hybriduhoh here comes ompaul12:29
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crimsunlassegs: it's more important that the RealTek package's settings are overwritten12:29
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tanlaanic56: that gets rid of the success part of the error12:30
CrashProneI was just gonna say-- if you had the same sound issue as I, lassegs, I know what to do.12:30
crimsunCrashProne: what was yours?12:30
tanlaanic56: but it keeps the cannot execute binary part12:30
lassegscrashprone, yeah what was that? sound jack problem?12:30
CrashProneMy alsa settings got a utterly unknown issue with them, and I needed to return to the default12:30
ic56tanlaan: good.  Now we have a simpler situation12:30
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lassegscrashprone, and you did it the same way as crimsun tells me to do?12:31
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ic56tanlaan: do this for me and paste the output in channel: ls -l `which DreamDaemon`12:31
CrashProneEh, I'm not so sure that we have the same issue, but if you made a mistake in the sound settings and need to return to what Ubuntu installed initially... you delete... ahh... gimme a sec here.12:31
Hexidigital_good morning everyone12:31
tufsyi am new to linux and have ubuntu dapper installed, i installed XGL using a tutorial and now my "Quit" dialog has lost the shut down and restart buttons - i have been reliably informed this had something to do with: a side effect of the xgl session method - where i made xgl a seperate session, so i got later relog into a default session incase xgl did not work...can anyone help me please?12:32
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pl_ice_hey, i'm using that GUI instaling ubuntu, do i chose my names for / /home etc? can't see to specify it...12:32
ompaultanghus, please do not paste over two lines in the channel12:32
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tufsysorry dcd12:33
tufsydid anyone see my question?12:33
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oskudepl_ice_, the minimum you need is the "/" and swap partition, or what do you mean ?12:33
tanlaantanlaan@tanlaan:~/Desktop/byond/host$ ls -l `which DreamDaemon`12:33
tanlaan-rwxr-xr-x 1 tanlaan tanlaan 16412 2006-02-17 01:08 /home/tanlaan/Desktop/byond/bin/DreamDaemon12:33
=== zhan is away: ...
lassegstufsy, that sounds like a cool bug12:33
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ompaultufsy, there is an xgl channel -- #ubuntu-xgl12:33
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lassegsyou found out anything CrashProne12:34
tufsylassegs: :), thanx but its annoying cos i have to log off and then shut down using actions...12:34
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lassegstufsy, you cant just sudo halt ?12:34
ompaulzhan, please do not use noisey away - keep it silent by doing /away reason the other will get you removed from the channel, thanks12:34
pl_ice_oskude , will it create automatically all partitions, if i'll create /  and swap ? eg. /home etc.12:35
Hexidigital_tufsy:: you should use "sudo shutdown -h now" instead of sudo halt12:35
oskudepl_ice_, as you see "home" _is_ inside "/", so yes :)12:35
CrashPronelassegs: delete /var/lib/alsa/asound.state   ... what happens there, is that's your mixer defaults.  It saves your settings to that for when you restart.  Do a HARD (press the button, man!) reset.  It'll bring up a default mixer setup and you can work it from there.12:35
lonranis there any way to update the kernel automaticly in ubuntu dapper?12:35
tufsylassegs: :), well i am new to linux - i like buttons :)12:35
oskudepl_ice_, but SWAP is an own partition and filesystem12:35
stefglonran: this is the default behaviour12:36
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pl_ice_oskude hmm, that's make it easier, less partitions, used to have separate for most of them ;) thnx12:36
Hexidigital_lonran:: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:36
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ompaultufsy, Hexidigital_ has the answer, System Accessories Terminal to get a terminal - that is all the buttond does12:36
lassegsCrashProne,  thanx ill try that. if that doesnt work ill give crimsun (thx for your help crimsun) tip a try12:36
oskudepl_ice_, you need atleast 2 partitions, 1 for "/" (propably ext3 filesystem) and 1 for swap (swap filesystem)12:36
Hexidigital_lonran:: that is one command in terminal12:36
lassegstufsy, im new too, so i get what you mean12:36
ic56tanlaan: one last check -- paste the one line of output here: file `which DreamDaemon`12:37
tanlaan-rwxr-xr-x 1 tanlaan tanlaan 16412 2006-02-17 01:08 /home/tanlaan/Desktop/byond/bin/DreamDaemon12:37
tanlaansay oo sorry12:37
oskudepl_ice_, the others inside "/" can have own partitions, but is not needed12:37
lonranok, thanks, Hexidigital_ il try12:37
Hexidigital_lonran:: np12:37
pl_ice_oskude yep, got it :)12:37
tanlaantanlaan@tanlaan:~/Desktop/byond/host$ file `which DreamDaemon`12:37
tanlaan/home/tanlaan/Desktop/byond/bin/DreamDaemon: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.0.30, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.0.30, stripped12:37
hybridoskude: /home can be its own partition12:37
Hexidigital_lonran:: if it dosent do what you need, come back12:37
oskudepl_ice_, roger12:37
lassegssee you all in 1 min then (thank god for the nice new bootup time in dapper)12:37
oskudehybrid, did i say something else ?12:37
ic56tanlaan: hmmm, how about: file `which ./host.dmb`12:38
hybridoskude: well 'home is in '/'' isnt necessarily true12:38
gatekeeperdoes ubuntu have a status page for the repos whether they are up/down/whatever?12:38
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Hexidigital_hybrid:: why not true?12:38
Hexidigital_hybrid:: by default, with 1 partition, it is12:38
Hexidigital_well.. not necessarily by default12:39
tanlaantanlaan@tanlaan:~/Desktop/byond/host$ file `which ./host.dmb`12:39
tanlaan./host.dmb: a /usr/local/bin/DreamDaemon -por script text executable12:39
lonranHexidigital_:  everything is updated, but i would like to try the new  kernel version, cuz i have this 2.6.15-25-amd64-generic12:39
hybridHexidigital_: but you can partition a disk to have /home be a partition, makes good for edgy12:39
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dsasgatekeeper: Not that I know of, some individual mirrors may be a bit dodgy though.12:39
Hexidigital_hybrid:: ah, i see what is going on :)12:39
hybridthen if edgy breaks your data is still alive12:39
pl_ice_hm, and where did the grub go?.... i've partitioned all going for install... didn't see grub settings :) bloody gui heheh12:39
hybridHexidigital_: ;)12:39
oskudepl_ice_, the new installer dont ask about grub :/12:40
dsasgatekeeper: If you can ping them then they're up, if not then try a different mirror.12:40
pl_ice_hybrid yeh, i got separated partitions, but this system is space limited :)12:40
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pl_ice_oskude hahahahah, jeee i feel like in an ice age...12:41
hybridpl_ice_: thats why they make firewire ;)12:41
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johan1Hi all! I just downloaded an accounting package from universe and it seemed to install etc - but there was no desktop icon ... and I have no idea where to find the button to make it all start ... Has anyone any idea where programs are set up to or what is the linux equivalent of an exe prog???12:41
gatekeeperdsas: where can I find the URL of the other mirrors?12:41
Hexidigital_my new server just finished installing... to use fluxbox, i also need ubuntu-desktop, correct?12:41
lassegsCrashProne,  your tip didnt work for me, ill try crimsun now.. thx anyway12:41
ic56tanlaan: ok, two possibilities are arising.  Let's try the easy one first.  Modify the script so that the last line says "./host.dmb" -- i.e. prepend a dot and slash.  Any change?12:42
dsasgatekeeper: Generally it's countrycode.archive.ubuntu.com12:42
pl_ice_hybrid got lan cables at the moment... how fast can u get info through firewire? :)12:42
dsasgatekeeper: e.g. us.archive.ubuntu.com or gb.archive.ubuntu.com12:42
hybridpl_ice_: 400mbs12:42
gatekeeperdsas: thanks :-)12:42
CrashProneArright-- but if you ever mix up your sound settings accidentally, and they worked when you first installed Ubuntu-- that works. :-P12:42
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hybridpl_ice_: but it is substancially faster than USB2.0 and LAN12:42
hybridisnt as faster as fiber though12:42
pl_ice_hybrid and is that topology like eth? e.g. full duplex?... or u get that full 400 :D12:43
ranphahi what is a good irc client like Sysreset (nased on Mirc) where you also can transfer files12:43
tufsyanyone, know how i can restore my shutdown and restart buttons which went missing from my quit dialog - i have been told it had something to do with the way i installed XGL and some session issue...12:43
hybridHexidigital_: i dont think flux is gtk12:43
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hybridpl_ice_: you get close to it12:43
blehadoes anyone here use an ipod on linux?12:43
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oskudehybrid, LAN can be gigabit too, so isnt neccessary true ;)12:43
pl_ice_bleha yeh12:43
ompaultufsy, have you asked in #ubuntu-xgl?12:43
Hexidigital_hmm... hybrid do you know what command i need to get flux to start? (i previously tried startfluxbox , fluxbox , flux and nothing worked)12:43
tanlaanic56: still getting the error :(12:43
hybridranpha: most clients support file transfer, xchat is nice but i like irssi12:44
tufsyompaul: they said it was a glitch12:44
hybridoskude: ah yes ty12:44
ic56tanlaan: ok. makes sense.  This will fix it:12:44
blehapl_ice_, which generation do you have?12:44
Stardogok...  in dapper rescuemode, what command do i type to start logging in Gnome?12:44
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mnkoskude, r u there?12:44
hybridHexidigital_: not sure, but a friend is working on fluxbuntu which should be out in a few weeks if you can wait12:44
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:44
Hexidigital_hybrid:: :( i wish i could wait12:44
ranphahybrid where can i set mine setting then in xchat???12:44
oskudemnk, yup12:45
blehapl_ice_, did you have to initialize an itunes db when you first got it?12:45
hybridranpha: for file transfer? it is all dcc12:45
mnkoskude, x crashed my whole machine!12:45
ompaultufsy, well that is a side effect of beta software, you can try >>sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg<< and reset the machine to the original xserver configs no xgl, I don't have any other possible routes for you off the top of my head12:45
blehapl_ice_, i am trying to use gtkpod for the first time on my new fifth gen 30gb ipod, but apparently there is no initial itunesdb12:45
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pl_ice_bleha yes, this is mainly as ipod got mac file system on it, i believe it's changing it to fat32 after initiation12:45
ompaultufsy, also check out system administration logon window12:45
fyrestrtrtufsy: search compiz.net12:45
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mnkoskude, so i had switch off and then on my machine again :'(12:46
oskudemnk, i just found this (apt-cache show nvidia-glx) " If you have a TNT, TNT2, or older GeForce, you may need the nvidia-glx-legacy12:46
oskude package instead of this one." but dunno if nvidia geforce 2 go is an "old" geforce..12:46
mnkoskude, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1760912:46
johan1Does anyone know where my accounting package might have installed? ... and where I might find the icon to make it all happen???12:46
pl_ice_bleha u have to format ur ipod, gtkpod uses fat32, original ipod is in mac file system12:46
CrashProneThey really are doing a Fluxbox Ubuntu layout?12:46
ic56tanlaan: Actually, let me rephrase. *modify* the line, changing the "/usr/local/bin/DreamDaemon" to: "/usr/bin/env DreamDaemon"12:46
oskudemnk, reading12:46
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tanlaanic56: what? i didnt get anything past : on your last post12:47
hybridCrashProne: no it is a 3rd party project #fluxbuntu12:47
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gyro54Hi all.  In gxine what does "No demuxer found - stream format not recognised."12:47
Stardogok...  in dapper rescuemode, what command do i type to start logging in Gnome?12:47
tufsyompaul: what do i look in the sys admin login for?12:47
ic56tanlaan: Modify the line, changing the "/usr/local/bin/DreamDaemon" to: "/usr/bin/env DreamDaemon"12:47
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raguanu*help* one of my network cards does not work on dapper drake, but works fine on windows. I had to boot to windows to have my network up. I would appreciate any help.12:48
ic56tanlaan: there's one space in the modified text12:48
=== reiki [n=yardbird@70-98-238-124.dsl1.hol.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
oskudemnk, hmm, are you still trying 1600x1200 mode ? have you tried 1024x768 ?12:48
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mnkoskude, http://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-8762/README/appendix-a.html12:48
tanlaanso it should say "/usr/bin/env DreamDaemon ./host.dmb 1111 -safe &"12:48
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fyrestrtrraguanu: what kind of network card is it?12:48
mnkoskude, that lists the legacy cards at the end - ie the ones supported by the legacy drivers. mine isn't there12:48
CrashPronehybrid: Figures it'd be Fluxbox.  With that, there'd be all my favourite desktop environments as planned Ubuntu-ey projects.  Even if the Fluxbox one isn't as directly supported.12:48
johan1Does anyone know the accounting package sql-ledger available from universe?12:49
mnkoskude, yes i was trying 1600X1200 - which works with the nv driver12:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:49
raguanufyrestrtr: RealTek12:49
=== Kyle86 [n=kvirc@c-66-41-111-4.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
reikican anyone tell me if I can monitor things like CPU temp and fan speeds in ubuntu? I tried installing sensors and lm-sensors and I get "no sensors found".12:49
fyrestrtrraguanu: they are well supported in linux. What specific problem are you having?12:49
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ompaultufsy, switches for allowing you to turn off the machine -  "show actions menu"12:49
oskudemnk, ok, so youre card should work wiht nvidia-glx..12:49
ic56tanlaan: wow! Wow!  you should be editing a different file.  Edit the *first* line of file host.dmb .  Surely that line doesn't contain an ampersand?!12:49
fyrestrtrreiki: your motherboard and chipset may not be supported. It works fine, I have monitors running on my laptop.12:49
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mnkoskude, yes afaik12:50
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Lynourereiki: Do you have temperatures with   acpi -t12:50
raguanufyrestrtr: I have two network cards.12:50
oskudemnk, are you trying 16 or 24 bit colors ?12:50
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fyrestrtrraguanu: neither work in ubuntu?12:50
mnkoskude, GeForce2 Go 0x0112 is in the top section12:50
raguanufyrestrtr: one of them is working fine. and other is detected as unknown device in ubuntu.12:50
pl_icebloody wless ...12:50
mnkoskude, erm i dunno12:50
tanlaan...i cant edit that file12:50
Stardogok...  in dapper rescuemode, what command do i type to start logging in Gnome?12:50
gyro54In gxine what does "No demuxer found - stream format not recognised."12:50
reikiLynoure, running acpi -t I get No support for device type : thermal12:50
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fyrestrtrStardog: try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start12:51
JuhazOneic56: i got it working. turns out VIA's controller didn't like a hard disk that uses SATA-II. i had to use a jumper to limit it to SATA-I12:51
fyrestrtrgyro54: missing plugin?12:51
tanlaanit wont allow me to open up that file12:51
reikifyrestrtr, Asus P5LD2 with intel 945 chipset.12:51
ic56tanlaan: what error are you getting when you try to edit the file?!12:51
lassegscrimsun, it worked it worked, thanx12:51
Lynourereiki: sounds like it very well might not be supported. :/12:51
ic56JuhazOne: so it was a BIOS problem!12:51
ic56JuhazOne: thx!12:52
Stardogfyrestrtr: k thx... shall try it12:52
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fyrestrtrraguanu: what does lspci tell you about the network card/12:52
reikiLynoure, darn... brand new system. I kinda want to see how temps are doing before I tuck everything away...12:52
gyro54fyrestrtr: thanks12:52
tanlaanwhen i double click it i get.....Couldnt Display "*insertfile directory here*"12:52
fyrestrtrraguanu: you might need to enable the module in your kernel.12:52
oskudemnk, the error in log is "The requested configuration of display devices is not supported in the hardware." so that could meen the resolution/color depth/monitor settings are not correct... try commenting out the monitor horizsync and verticalrefresh values...12:52
=== ChickenBrain [n=kai@e181083065.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
gatekeeperdsas: This doesn't have anything to do with this commercial repos that ubuntu are setting up? I have pasted the repos it is winging about along with the error codes here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1761012:53
ChickenBrainhi, any similar package than p3nfs arround in ubuntu?12:53
oskudemnk, or finding the monitor values form your manufacturers maual or webpage...12:53
raguanufyrestrtr: lspci shows --> 0000:01:09.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)12:53
mnkoskude, all the subsection stuff?12:53
raguanu0000:01:0a.0 Ethernet controller: Unknown device 1904:2031 (rev 01)12:53
mnkoskude, the same stuff works with nv driver though12:54
oskudemnk, here the lines 119 and 120 http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1760812:54
fyrestrtrraguanu: they are both realtek?12:54
ic56tanlaan: hmm. in what app are you double-clicking it.  Oh, never mind.  I don't care about your GUI.  Let's get it over with on the CLI.  Tell me what this outputs:  head -1 host.dmb12:54
oskudemnk, does that 1600x1200 resolution work wiht nv ?12:54
samuligatekeeper, no. That's the penguin liberation front repostory and it at least used to be more or less frequently down, so no worries.12:54
mnkoskude, yes12:54
oskudemnk, hmm, thats weird..12:54
JuhazOnewell, thanks for your help. :)12:54
crimsunlassegs: np12:54
ic56JuhazOne: my pleasure!12:55
raguanufyrestrtr: no. I get the following info from WinXP -->    Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Realtek Rtl-8139d PCI Fast Ethernet12:55
raguanu        Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-E0-20-AE-EE-5B12:55
raguanuDescription . . . . . . . . . . . : CNet FAST200WL PCI Wake On LAN Fast12:55
raguanuEthernet Adapter12:55
raguanu        Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-08-A1-7E-6E-DB12:55
tanlaantanlaan@tanlaan:~/Desktop/byond/host$ head -1 host.dmb12:55
tanlaan#!/usr/local/bin/DreamDaemon -port=auto-trusted-logself-quiet12:55
dsasgatekeeper: as Samuli said, it's not a Ubuntu repository it's the PLF (unofficial and probably contains illegal things depending on your local laws)12:55
dsas!enter > tanlaan12:55
gatekeepersamuli: just have to catch it on a good day then :-)12:55
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hybridraguanu: pastebin12:55
mnkoskude, the exact same xorg.conf works with nv driver but not with nvidia driver12:55
ic56tanlaan: your problems are arising from the fact that installed in an unusual place.  You are having to adjust for that.  Ok, runn the following command... hang on12:56
raguanufyrestrtr: looks like CNet FAST200WL doesn't work.12:56
tanlaandsas: sorry :-[12:56
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raguanuhybrid: sorry. I am not sure what is pastebin?12:56
fyrestrtrraguanu: does lsmod list a 8139too module?12:56
oskudemnk, i allso see this in nvidia xorg log: (WW) NVIDIA(0): No valid modes for "1600x1200"; removing.12:56
frogzoowhere does f-spot keep its database, anyone know?12:56
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hybrid!tell raguanu about paste12:56
Dr4gHey there fyrestrtr! :)12:57
hybridraguanu: no worries. just keep it in mind ;)12:57
mnkoskude, hmm12:57
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raguanufyrestrtr: yes it lists 8139too module.12:57
mnkoskude, odd12:57
cpsfrogzoo: ~/.gnome2/f-spot12:57
Dr4gfyrestrtr: we spoke yday... you probably don't remember12:57
fyrestrtrraguanu: does it list it as being used?12:57
frogzoocps: many thanks12:57
Dr4gMy install CD kept crashing12:57
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gatekeeperdsas: samuli: I was going to upgrade my old test box from breezy to dapper to see what happens, tried installing update-manager but there seems to be bits missing, so I think I have to do it by Method2 and use the CLI :-)12:57
protocol1raguanu, its a place wher you can paste docs or pics to review with others12:57
ic56tanlaan: sed -i '1s|/usr/local/bin/DreamDaemon|/usr/bin/env DreamDaemon|' host.dmb12:57
fyrestrtrraguanu: pastebin the output of lsmod | grep 8139too12:58
dsasgatekeeper: what do you mean by "bits missing"12:58
samuligatekeeper, what do you mean by method2?12:58
tanlaanic56: ok now should i try running it again?12:58
ic56tanlaan: yes.12:58
fyrestrtrDr4g: hope whatever it was, you got it solved :)12:58
=== whyameye_ [n=john@ip68-102-23-64.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
oskudemnk, i would search google if there are known problems with nvidia glx and geforce 2 go12:59
tanlaanic56: again i got the cannot execute binary12:59
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mnkoskude, hmm :(12:59
gatekeeperdsas: hang on... booting up now will retry see what exactly it winges about12:59
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Dr4gfyrestrtr: I tried diff HDD's and diff PC's12:59
darkowlguys I need help again...12:59
Dr4gAnd it wasnt working... So i decided to burn it at 4x speed... and it worked :)12:59
cpsdarkowl: just ask your question12:59
dsasdarkowl: Just ask12:59
Dr4gHung at 84% for like 15 minutes though :o)12:59
Dr4gIs that normal ?12:59
fyrestrtrDr4g: lol go figure.12:59
darkowlMy CD-ROM is mounted as dev/hda and i need it as mnt/cdrom01:00
tufsyompaul: sorry just having my brekkie :), i went to sys admin login - there is a radio button for actions menu - but no options with it that i can see?01:00
mnkoskude, i was running nvidia driver with redhat 7 years ago - same machine same resolution etc01:00
=== Foobal [n=fooball@b30.tuomio.jyu.fi] has joined #ubuntu
ic56tanlaan: let's remove the dot-slash from the reference to host.dmb in host.start script -- put that back the way it was01:00
oskudemnk, i had geforce 4 and geforce 2 mx, and never had problems...01:00
fyrestrtrDr4g: happened to me too, and I had to go back and delete the partitions on the drive and try it again.01:00
tanlaanic56: ok01:00
fyrestrtrDr4g: sometimes, it doesn't overwrite properly.01:00
Dr4gfyrestrtr: i tried to install ubuntu 24 times in the past 2 days01:00
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fyrestrtrDr4g: you should have stopped after the first 3 times.01:01
fyrestrtrDr4g: its not gentoo ;)01:01
tanlaanic56: oo i posted in the forums for this software *byond* and i got a responce, they say chmod 777 all the files in the bin directory so i can execute the file01:01
Dr4gThere were problems, beyond my control.01:01
tanlaanic56: im going to try that, then your way01:01
Dr4gfyrestrtr: are there any good guides for Ubuntu beginners..01:01
Dr4geg: Essential things they should know and/or do.01:01
tanlaanic56: so one second01:01
ic56tanlaan: ok01:01
Dr4gI've ran the update manager, and i'm downloading updates...01:01
Dr4gHowever, i have no rolling papers... so i'm not celebrating the installation with a big joint01:01
fyrestrtrDr4g: start reading the wiki, lots of valuable nuggets there. Start with RestrictedFormats01:02
tanlaanic56: their way didnt work :(01:02
Dr4gOkay i'll have a look now :)01:02
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Lynouretanlaan: 777 is a bit much. That means it does not take even sudo to modify your bins...01:02
cpsdarkowl: /dev/hda is the device not the mount point01:02
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gatekeeperdsas: doh should have done a reload to start with installing now... :-)01:03
darkowlcps: how can I see where my CDROM is mounted ?01:03
ubuntunoobok... everytime gnome trying to start, a window shows up and trying to find some hosts on the local area/network. I think i have created this errorr myself... but this error makes me uncapble of logging in gnome... anyone who can help?01:03
tanlaanic56: your way didnt work either :(01:03
cpsdarkowl: is it mounted at the moment?01:03
ic56tanlaan: thinking01:03
darkowlcps:yes but I dont know where01:03
Dr4gdarkowl: type 'mount' and it will list mounted devices..01:03
fyrestrtrubuntunoob: what kind of network are you on?01:03
cpsdarkowl: do you see a CD icon on the desktop?01:04
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: only on my dsl when Im connected01:04
oskudemnk, what notebook do you have ? maybe this ? http://quark.humbug.org.au/publications/hardware/dell/inspiron-8000.html01:04
darkowlcps:yes ; Dr4g: /dev/hda on /media/cdrom001:04
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fyrestrtrubuntunoob: what does the error say?01:04
mnkoskude, inspiron 810001:04
cpsdarkowl: then it looks like it is mounted under /media/cdrom001:04
ic56tanlaan: have you invoked the setup script, byondsetup.sh ?  Looks like you're supposed to run it at least the first time you install, if not every time you login...01:04
tanlaanyes i have01:05
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darkowlcps: but can i make it so it mounts itself in mnt/cdrom ?01:05
gyro54fyrestrtr: I can't find anything regarding plugins.. Any ideas??01:05
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: well, it cant find any hosts.... and everytime I aborrt it, the window alt ctrl backspaces01:05
fyrestrtrgyro54: sorry what?01:05
mnkoskude, aah yes01:05
cntbwhere to put /usr/bin/numlockx toggle activation for startup ?01:05
raguanufyrestrtr: lsmod result is in pastebin. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d1761101:06
mnkoskude, i remember  now havimng to install nvidia kernels too on redhat01:06
cpsdarkowl: yes, you just have to change the entry in the /etc/fstab file, and create a cdrom directroy under /mnt01:06
ic56tanlaan: thinking01:06
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cpsdarkowl: do you know how do edit fstab?01:06
tanlaanic56: ok01:06
Dr4gbrb reboot - my PC takes longer to load than my OS :D01:06
Dr4gI love ubuntu01:06
darkowlcps: yes01:06
oskudemnk, here are plenty inspiron 8100s http://www.linux-on-laptops.com/dell.html01:06
darkowlcps:ill try now01:06
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mnkoskude, is that for xorg too?01:06
cntbanyone has answr to my q. ?01:07
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fyrestrtrraguanu: hrmm -- do you have mii-tools installed?01:07
cntbpls read again ! where to put /usr/bin/numlockx toggle activation for startup ?01:07
oskudemnk, should work too, but backup your old xorg.conf :) (and only try few options first, dont copy things that allready work)01:07
uniqcntb: /etc/rc.local01:07
cntbuniq 10x01:08
gyro54fyrestrtr: The demuxer message. Can't find plugins I am trying to play ASX file and nothing will play it??01:08
fyrestrtr!numlock > cntb01:08
fyrestrtr!restrictedformats > gyro5401:08
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: when pushing help, it says it lists up every that has the XDMXP activated.... so i guess it has something to do with that. I can add a host... but have not yet found any01:08
ic56tanlaan: how many files in that bin directory?01:08
fyrestrtrubuntunoob: ermm, you are trying to log into a remote gnome session or a local one?01:08
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cntbfyrestrtr: installed already only have to put it on startup01:08
tanlaanic56: 701:09
grogoreohow can I manually partition my hard drive using the ubuntu-desktop install/live CD, which I'm on now? Like what command?01:09
raguanufyrestrtr: I don't see mii-tools in my synaptic. I see mii-diag and net-tools.01:09
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fyrestrtrgrogoreo: you can always use fdisk :)01:09
darkowlcps: now it wont unmount from media/cdrom001:09
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fyrestrtrraguanu: try mii-diag, forgot the exact name.01:09
ic56tanlaan: ok.  let's see them.  pastebin: cd ..; ls -lR01:09
frogzoogrogoreo: fdisk works for me01:09
cpsdarkowl: what does it say?01:09
oskudemnk, this one seems to be for 8100 http://www.ironorchid.com/jjinux/inspiron_laptop/XF86Config/XF86Config01:10
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darkowlumount: /dev/hda mount disagrees with the fstab eject: unmount of `/media/cdrom0' failed01:10
cpsdarkowl: try umount /media/cdrom001:10
grogoreofyrestrtr: ah yes fdisk. I've used cfdisk before. Is there much difference?01:10
fyrestrtrgrogoreo: no, you should be right at home.01:10
TrackilizerI pressed something and now my desklets show over every application i open like Firefox or x-chat, how do the change this?01:10
grogoreofyrestrtr: thanks01:10
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: I don't know what its trying to do exactly, but that window, is making it uncapable for me to log in Gnome....01:10
cpsdarkowl: you have to give it the mount point because you changed the fstab01:10
fyrestrtrgrogoreo: forgot to [insert disclaimer about blowing up your hard disk while using fdisk] 01:11
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: i cant log in01:11
lz1gjdis it possible to install ubuntu with a iso img on a disk partition ?01:11
fyrestrtrubuntunoob: okay, does the window just popup when gdm starts, or only when you type your username and password?01:11
cntbOK !!!!! /etc/rc.local iwas empty analogous to startup folder in windows01:11
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cpsdarkowl: and can you now mount it?01:11
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darkowlcps: Everything is wokring, thank you very much...01:11
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: no... it pop ups before that01:11
cpsdarkowl: no problems01:11
ubuntunoobright before01:11
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ic56tanlaan: let's start by cleaning up.  cd to that bin directory and: chmod 755 *; chmod 644 *.so01:12
lz1gjdlets suppose i don01:12
fyrestrtrubuntunoob: did you do anything to the system out of the norm?01:12
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lz1gjdhave a cd/dvd burner and no inet access, only the installation cd's iso , how could I install ?01:13
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fyrestrtrlz1gjd: you don't need net access, just burn the iso and you should be good to go.01:13
tanlaanok did that01:13
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ic56tanlaan: btw, I asked you to paste bin from one directory higher.  You realise you're forcing me to keep umpteen windows open with each new pastebin that doesn't contain all the previous stuff?01:13
raguanufyrestrtr: mii-diag tells 'eth0 failed: No such device'. More in pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1761201:13
mnkoskude, but i'm using xorg01:14
TrackilizerMy desklets show over my opened apps like firefox, how do i turn this off?01:14
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nana-chanhi, can anybody name me a IM-Multimessenger like Miranda IM? I dont really like Gaim.01:14
tanlaanoops, im sorry so you want me to l -lR the byond folder?01:14
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: yes.... but i dont know exatctly, when i cant see the menu in front of me, but i changed in the system/admin. from standard to choose... and then rebooted01:14
oskudemnk, xorg came from xfree, the config files are similar (when not even exactly the same) but as i said, just try different monitor and nvidia driver options...01:14
lz1gjdnana-chan: kopete or sim ?01:15
ic56tanlaan: Yes please.  While you're at it, appned the output from this too: file bin/*01:15
ryanakcaFor some reason "HTTP_PROXY=http://localhost:4001" keeps on showing up in "env". each time I have to run "export -n HTTP_PROXY". Is there a way to make it permanent (so that it doesn't keep on showing up)?01:15
oskudemnk, heres another config for 8100: http://www.kuehnel.org/dell/XF86Config-401:15
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nana-chanthx, i'll try them01:15
fyrestrtrraguanu: try loading the 8139too module manually01:15
grogoreoI want to execute a command for all files and then all folders but can't actually remember all of the bits of it:   find * -type f exec chmod 644 {} \   is that right?01:15
ic56tanlaan: what is this Dream package anyway?01:15
tanlaanits Byond01:16
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tanlaana program to write games01:16
tanlaancheck it out01:16
oskudemnk, i would try with the different monitor sync and refresh rates, and then with the nvidia options01:16
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mnkoskude, ok01:16
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fyrestrtrubuntunoob: hrmm, okay just a sec, you may need to change your gdm conf back to the normal one.01:16
Dr4gfyrestrtr: Rhythmbox isnt playing mp3's saying necessary plugin needed.. Is this standard, or does it usually play mp3's01:17
raguanucould you tell me how to unload existing 8139too and manually load it?01:17
mnkoskude, ok im going to do that01:17
grogoreoDr4g, you need the ugly or bad gstreamer plugins01:17
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: ok... Im already logged in in the rescumode... only the terminal....01:17
Dr4gokay grogoreo.01:18
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fyrestrtrubuntunoob: okay open up /etc/gdm/gdm.conf01:18
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ubuntunoobfyrestrtr:  permission denied :o even in root %o01:20
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: but i can try a sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow gdm ?01:21
fyrestrtrubuntunoob: okay do this, start the computer normally (not in rescuemode).01:21
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ubuntunoobfyre start first......01:21
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fyrestrtrubuntunoob: then just hit ctrl+alt+f2 to get a console.01:21
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr:  ill try that.... and then wat?01:21
fyrestrtrubuntunoob: login with your normal user name and password, then come back here.01:21
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XrekcaH*-* Any Chance Of Kismet Working With ndiswrapper??? *-*01:22
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: ok ill try01:22
tanlaanhmmm i think we have found out my problem :D01:23
webben1If I'm patching sudo, does anyone have any idea how i could test sudo-ldap?01:23
tanlaanthe linux version i am using....is made for the x86 structure, not PPC *which is what im running01:23
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ic56tanlaan: I recommend you report a bug: DreamDaemon doesn't report the filenames of things it has trouble with.  We've been assuming the problem is with host.dmb but it could be something different.  At this point, I'd have to do a lot more work to figure out where the problem is -- I.e. I'd have to start reading DreamDaemon's source, host.dmb's code, etc01:23
tanlaanthis means i need to download the mac version01:23
ryanakcaFor some reason "HTTP_PROXY=http://localhost:4001" keeps on showing up in "env". each time I have to run "export -n HTTP_PROXY". Is there a way to make it permanent (so that it doesn't keep on showing up)?01:24
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: ok... in a terminal now01:24
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fyrestrtrubuntunoob: okay, now sudo vi /etc/gdm/gdm.conf01:24
fyrestrtrubuntunoob: or whatever editor you use.01:24
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: k one sec01:24
fyrestrtrryanakca: try /etc/profile01:24
fyrestrtrryanakca: or you can just stick it in ~/.bashrc01:24
tanlaan im sorry for bothering you for so long :(01:24
EdLinfyrestrtr: are you sure you want a "noob" to edit it with vi? :-)01:24
webben1Also, when submitting a patch for a package, should i include a diff of each source file i changed, or is there some special command to produce a list of all changes made to a package source? is there an faq on these matters?01:25
tanlaani appreciate all your help01:25
FjodorAny ideas why my server reboots after grub on a fresh server install?01:25
fyrestrtrEdLin: too late :(01:25
tanlaanand i am glad that you helped me get this far01:25
ic56tanlaan: huh.  the possibility of an incorrect architecture was my first thought.  But I had no easy way to replicate that kind of error on my system and dismissed it as unlikely anway.01:25
sexcopter8000mwhen i open things with totem, sometimes the top of the window (menu bar etc) goes off the screen to the top. is there some kind of a geometry argument i can specify to prevent this?01:25
ic56tanlaan: yw.01:25
tanlaanwell thats ok :D atleast i know whats wrong01:25
fyrestrtrsexcopter8000m: no, just buy a bigger monitor.01:25
reikiis compositing still buggy? I'm on a new machine with a 512MB nVidia 7300GT card and would like some eye candy if it's pretty stable01:26
oskudereiki, xgl isnt even beta, so...01:26
fyrestrtrreiki: works better on nvidia than ati, I have been running it non-stop for 4 days without hassles.01:26
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: ok.... done that... alot of txt is showing now01:26
sexcopter8000mfyrestrtr, it's 15.4" 1680x1050, isn't that big enough? 01:26
webben1if there a channel for discussing ubuntu packages?01:26
XrekcaH(&&) Will Kismet Work With ndiswrapper??? (&&)01:26
reikifyrestrtr, you doing xgl compiz?01:26
fyrestrtrubuntunoob: okay scroll down till you reach this line [xdmcp] 01:26
fyrestrtrreiki: aye.01:26
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kakaltohow do I get the k7 kernel to work properly? it won't boot.01:27
fyrestrtrreiki: don't recommend it if you like to play opengl games though, need to twiddle with it some to get it working.01:27
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EdLinkakalto: are you sure you're runing an AMD64? I think that's what it's for.01:27
oskudereiki, i loose borders daily, numpad stops working, and even some keys are sometimes missing :/01:27
Fjodor/join #ubuntu-server01:28
apokryphos!doesn't work01:28
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.01:28
reikifyrestrtr, I really don't play game much on here at all :)01:28
oskudereiki, but if you dont bother to restart x regulary, you may have fun ;)01:28
sexcopter8000mfyrestrtr, found it anyway in the config editor01:28
kakaltoEdLin: uhm. k7-class processor, it says, is "athlon"01:28
kakaltok8-class would be AMD6401:28
fyrestrtrreiki: in my experience, it has been "stable" on nvidia and problematic on my ati laptop.01:28
reikiI'm still trying to figure out why my darn CD drive won't open when I press the button.... sometimes... sometimes it works and sometimes it don't. Like the OS has it locked01:29
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glickexcuse me can ubuntu play .mov files?01:29
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apokryphosglick: yes, check the FAQ.01:30
kakaltono-one got ideas? I'm gonna try to boot the -k7 recovery option.01:30
XrekcaHUmm... Kismet anyone?01:30
fyrestrtrnever heard of it XrekcaH, sorry.01:30
snooohi, can someone help me. I'm having constant problems with updating Ubuntu packages - every package that comes up in updates cannot be authenticated by apt-get. is this a widespread problem or something i can fix?01:30
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ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: ok found it01:31
Subsnooo, it must be the repositories your using dont have their keys01:31
webben1snoo: probably a temporary problem: how long has this been happening?01:31
Subsnooo, you need to add the keys01:31
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic01:31
fyrestrtrubuntunoob: okay, does it say Enable=true after it? Look a few lines down.01:31
oskudesnooo, or, are you using non official reposities ?01:32
snooowebben1: on and off for a bit for a few days01:32
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snoooi'll just check my sources.list01:32
bigfoot1http://www.thesecret.tv/movie/trailer.html <--- how can i watch this on ubuntu?01:32
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fyrestrtrits a secret! you are not supposed to watch it!01:32
snoooi only use one unoffical repository01:32
snoooand that was kbuntu.org01:32
snooofor kubuntu even01:33
binahi, does anyone know what package a program called freetype-config is in? I tried searching for it using apt-cache but couldnt find anything01:33
ryanakcafyrestrtr: so... something like this: http://pastebin.ca/83145 ? (I've never touched /etc/profile before...01:33
samulierr, that url just needs java01:33
oskudesnooo, and which repo gives problems ?01:33
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: enable= false01:33
snoooum, i can't tell, how do u find out?01:33
XrekcaHBigfoot1, is it a Windows media player embeded in the site?01:33
oskudesnooo, run "sudo apt-get upgrade"01:33
samulifirefox wants me to install java.01:34
Dr4gSynaptic i s just as good as apt-get.. yes ?01:34
samulion that site.01:34
oskudesnooo, fyi: i get 404 with de.archive.ubuntu.com now for hours...01:34
bigfoot1XrekcaH: i don't know. please check it out01:34
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Nameeaterwhere does gnome keep its printer info?01:34
snoooi just get the same screen01:34
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dragoni need some help installing01:34
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samulibigfoot1, I'd say it's java you're needing.01:34
snooopackages come up, i press yes, then it says they cannot be authenticated01:34
dragonlots of people keep giving me comand lines n stuff01:34
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bigfoot1samitheberber: i've got jave01:34
fyrestrtrubuntunoob: okay, scroll down to where it says [servers] 01:35
samulibigfoot1, do apt-cache search jre01:35
bigfoot1not a big deal01:35
bigfoot1it's not some sort of scam01:35
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: ok01:35
bigfoot1sorry, it IS some sort of scam01:35
bigfoot1don't need to watch the trailel01:35
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fyrestrtrubuntunoob: you'll have to scroll for a bit.01:35
Dr4gI have AC97 built in sound card... I have alsa configured and no errors came up on install of ubuntu/ASLA. I can play mp3s but i can't hear them ofcourse01:35
Dr4gCan someone help me troublehsoot this problem?01:35
oskudesnooo, doesnt it say which repo it cant authenticate ?01:35
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snooooskude: no01:35
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pl_icehey, on intalation,does it automatically installs grub? i got windowz on partition,01:36
fyrestrtrDr4g: speakers?01:36
snooooskude: i've done an update... seems fine now01:36
samulibigfoot1, that's what firefox wants to show everything on that site.01:36
fyrestrtrDr4g: did you already install the codecs?01:36
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fyrestrtrpl_ice: it will setup dual boot for you.01:36
Dr4gI don't know?01:36
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oskudesnooo, lucky you. i get still 404 :(01:36
pl_icefyrestrtr thnx01:36
raguanu*help* How can I unload existing 8139too and manually load it?01:36
fyrestrtr!mp3 > Dr4g01:36
Dr4gI can play the files.. i can see it playing on my screen - i just can't hear it01:36
snooooskude: maybe cus you're using the de. archive?01:36
snoooarchive.ubuntu is fine01:36
snoooi'm getting a 40401:36
Dr4gfyrestrtr: ^^^^ (up)01:37
fyrestrtrdid you setup the codecs Dr4g ?01:37
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: I things its "the chooser" in that file i have activated instead of greeter..... any line there i can cange or someting?01:37
oskudesnooo, it has to be problem on their side, i havent changed nothing since install, so i just have to wait...01:37
soniccolI have a question , does ubuntu linux can decompress .rar file ?01:37
fyrestrtrubuntunoob: its all in that file, but we have to do it step by step.01:38
Dr4gfyrestrtr: I'm not sure.. I downloaded XMMS using synaptic...01:38
Dr4gThe file plays fine,....01:38
fyrestrtrDr4g: read what ubotu sent you01:38
snooooskude: yeah the update and the repos are prolly just out of step01:38
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oskudesoniccol, "sudo apt-get install unrar" (or unrar-nonfree)01:38
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fyrestrtrubuntunoob: found the [servers]  line?01:38
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: k i am i [server]  no01:38
Dr4gfyrestrtr: " Make sure you have enabled the Universe and Multiverse repositories. " How do i do this ?01:39
soniccoloskude,thanks a lot01:39
fyrestrtrubuntunoob: does it say 0=Standard followed by #1=Standard ?01:39
Dr4gOr is it already done.01:39
fyrestrtr!repositories > Dr4g01:39
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: yes01:39
oskudesoniccol, nothing that google wouldnt have known... or wiki or forums...01:39
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fyrestrtrubuntunoob: scroll down a bit, does it say #0=Chooser ?01:39
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: yes01:40
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YtseJamSo I bought an Edimax router and now the LiveCD also goes online01:41
YtseJamAwesome stuff01:41
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YtseJamI couldn't find an IRC client in the LiveCD, is there one? :)01:41
root_how do i start the user administration from terminal ?01:41
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dsasYtseJam: There's gaim or irssi (terminal app)01:42
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: yes it does01:42
YtseJamdsas, how do I start it (irssi)?01:42
dsasroot_: users-admin (I hope you're not IRCing as root)01:42
root_im not :)01:42
dsasYtseJam: Go to a terminal and type irssi01:42
wildmanhello, does anyone know if there are dapper x86_64 packages for Eclipse 3.2 ?01:43
dsasYtseJam: I've never used it so I couldn't tell you how to use it.01:43
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Dr4gdsas:  I'm on this URL; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats01:43
Dr4gIt tells me to download lots of packages on synaptic...theres ALOT of packages that don't appear in my list... like gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse01:43
mormolochello, Im looking for a free stock (market) chart analysing tool for ubuntu?01:44
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oskudeDr4g, read it againg, from start...01:44
dsasDr4g: You need to enable the multiverse and universe repositories01:44
Dr4gok.. sorry.01:44
Dr4gYes i'm in the repo part right now :)01:45
rambo3Dr4g, did you fix grub01:45
oskudeDr4g, thats good :)01:45
reikican't seem to find anything for monitoring temps that'll work with this Asus board... I wonder if I install vmware on here and put XP in a VM if that'll work...01:45
Dr4gIt fixed itself..01:45
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dabaRhi. what is the group for plugandplay detection of camera devices?01:46
damo22hi, i need some help patching ubuntu kernel source 2.6.15 to 2.6.15-rt9 with ingo's patch.... anyone tried it??01:46
[zero] how do you connect a Sony NWA3000 MP3 player to linux?01:46
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skavengeis there a way to change the emulation in a terminal window? I have a bunch of characters in epic4 that show up as ?s instead of the character its supposed to be when running epic4 in a window on my desktop, anyway to fix this?01:47
Dr4gI enabled all REPO's now oskude01:47
dabaR[zero] : use a cable01:47
jpaisnetowhy can't I enter in #ubuntu-pt?01:47
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[zero] haha yeh but I mean what program should I use to put music onto it?01:47
straycatan advice for fans of linux distros: is there real significance in caring about new versions of a distro? it's mostly a face-lift of the FORM; if you really want to contribute to a public endeavor, join Wikipedia or MIT OCW; those are really about develoopment of useful CONTENT.01:47
Shannon1good morning everyone ,, I would need a little help in solving 2 littles glitches in my new 6.06 installation, can anyone help me?01:47
AndyCooll_zero: Does it use Connect software?01:47
jpaisnetowhy can't I enter in #ubuntu-pt?01:47
jpaisnetosomeone help me01:48
[zero] AndyCooll_: it has a disk but its for windows and mac osx01:48
oskudeDr4g, what ever _all_ is, then you have to get the new list of available applications, dunno how thats done in synaptic, but on console its "sudo apt-get update", then you should find the packages01:48
dabaRjpaisneto: did you say stuff like straycat above?01:48
concept10Shannon1, just ask your question01:48
jribjpaisneto: I'm there, what happens when you enter this: /join #ubuntu-pt01:48
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: and next step is ? :)01:49
jribjpaisneto: what client are you using?01:49
AndyCooll_Zero: Hmmm... my missus has a Sony player. The only way I've ever been able to transfer stuff is through Windoze01:49
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rpedrojpaisneto: look in the server log window01:49
[zero] AndyCooll_: ok, thankx anyways01:49
snoopsis there an application manager? eg I want all links to open in firefox01:49
fyrestrtrubuntunoob: just a sec01:49
AndyCooll_zero: I have a VMware XP image just for that01:49
jribjpaisneto: like xchat, irssi.  The program that you use to talk to use on irc01:49
dabaRwhat is the group for plugandplay detection of camera devices?01:49
Dr4gI've enabled all REPO's... but i don't see this " gstreamer0.10-pitfdll"01:50
Shannon1concept10:  thx,, my mouse doesnt work on my laptop ,, just the button in center of keyboard,, it worked in live cd but not once installed, its a PS2 that was connected at the time of install01:50
jpaisnetojrib... im using mirc01:50
oskudesnoops, system - preferences - preferred applications01:50
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fyrestrtrubuntunoob: do this, hit esc, then :q then hit enter (this will exit you out)01:50
jribjpaisneto: do other rooms work?01:50
jpaisnetothis room work01:50
=== oskude wishes people would search (atleast a little) before asking...
SonicChaojpaisneto: Try another client...01:51
jribjpaisneto: try to join #ubuntu-offtopic01:51
jpaisnetobut in other servers work01:51
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jpaisnetojrib... i cant01:51
jpaisnetoin this server no01:51
Shannon1concept10: running 6.06 with
jpaisnetobut in other one a can01:51
SonicChaojpaisneto: Try another client.........01:51
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: done01:51
dromengrrrrrrr, i followed this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166976&highlight=Xauthorization  guys advice and now i cant boot into gnome01:51
concept10Shannon1, try to unplug it and plug it back in01:51
jribjpaisneto: are you on windows now?01:51
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SonicChaojpaisneto: Kopete, XChat...Open Source has a lot of nice clients01:51
dromenwhat should i do ?01:51
fyrestrtrwait please01:51
SonicChaojpaisneto: Oh, scratch that, impossible then........01:52
jpaisnetojrib... yes I am on windpws01:52
SonicChaojpaisneto: hello.....?01:52
Shannon1concept10:  no effect01:52
SonicChaojpaisneto: You understand this is Ubuntu support, right?01:52
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jribjpaisneto: hmm, try disconnecting and reconnecting maybe.  Other than that try using a different client.  Maybe trillian?01:53
jpaisnetoim not on ubuntu01:53
jpaisnetoim on windows01:53
SonicChaojrib: Lol...there are no good Windows clients...01:53
dabaRthey have gaim 4 win. gaim.sf.net01:53
Dr41this is #ubuntu not #windows01:53
SonicChaojpaisneto: Trillian is for Windows01:53
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jpaisnetoSonicChao thank you01:53
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dsasyou can also use mozilla IRC client on windows.01:53
dromencan anyone help as i now have an unbootable user ubuntu system01:54
Dr41SonicChao: I've enabled all REPO's but i don't see this file in Synaptic... " gstreamer0.10-pitfdll"01:54
SonicChao!anyone > dromen01:54
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dromenSonicChao, ive already pasted my question01:54
SonicChaoDr41: I'm sorry...I don't know what to do about that.01:54
dromengot ignored01:54
samulidr41, Should there be a file like that?01:54
dabaRWhy does my user djeca not get added to the plugdev group with this command? "sudo adduser djeca plugdev"01:54
SonicChaodromen: Then paste it AGAIN....01:54
dromengrrrrrrr, i followed this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166976&highlight=Xauthorization  guys advice and now i cant boot into gnome01:54
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SonicChaodromen: Wait for the forums01:55
jribdabaR: did you logout and log back in with him?01:55
SonicChaodromen: It's a bad idea to paste forum links in an IRC channel01:55
concept10Shannon1, try reading this :https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto01:55
fyrestrtrubuntunoob: now, do this sudo cp /etc/gdm/gdm.conf /etc/gdm/gdm-orig.conf01:55
dromenSonicChao, well surely its easier for you to see what i did?01:55
fyrestrtrubuntunoob: then, do this sudo rm /etc/gdm/gdm.conf01:55
samuliI'm either sure why posting forum links on a irc-channel is a bad idea.01:56
Shannon1concept10: k I will ,, for my next glitch,, my linksys wpc54g is not even recognized even if it says its supported in hardware list,, any reason for that,, ?01:56
gatekeeperdromen: answer anything in your post? http://www.pcmech.com/show/os/917/01:57
SonicChaodromen: Youre absolutely full of it, looks like you got help to me........01:57
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dromenSonicChao, i dont understand ?01:57
Dr4gYes samuli there should be a file like that, its on this URL: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats01:58
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fyrestrtrubuntunoob: then, go to http://pastebin.ca/83156 and copy that text (highlight it, and hit ctrl+c)01:58
SonicChaodromen: check that page...01:58
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SonicChaodromen: I see lots of other forum posts saying what you could do01:58
fyrestrtrubuntunoob: then, create a new gdm.conf file and paste the contents in there, save it, and then reboot the machine.01:58
kakaltohas anyone else had issues booting the -k7 kernel?01:58
SonicChaodromen: You didnt say whether they worked or not01:58
kakaltomine won't boot past "OK, booting kernel"01:58
concept10Shannon1, where did you read that it was supported?01:58
Dr4gfyrestrtr: what do i do, if i have all REPO's enabled but this file isnt there ?01:58
dromenSonicChao, i only tried that one, then re-booted and now i cant boot gnome01:59
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fyrestrtrDr4g: enable universe and multiverse01:59
oskudekakalto, i got k7 kernel on my desktop, no issues...01:59
gatekeeperSonicChao: does he want startgnome ?01:59
kakaltooskude: ohk.01:59
RiotingPcan wine run most windows programs?01:59
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kakaltobtw, I have a wireless kb/mouse combo which plug in with 1 USB, does that make a difference?02:00
SonicChaogatekeeper: He's really confusing me, I think he broke GNOME, and now he can't boot it....02:00
Hexidigital_RiotingP:: some, not most.... and definitely not all02:00
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dromenSonicChao, your correct i cant boot gnome and its happend as a result of following those forum posts02:00
gatekeeperRiotingP: If you look on the wine site it tells you which programs it can run and what some of the problems might be02:00
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oskudekakalto, can you test with a "normal" keyboard and mouse ?02:01
Dr4gIs there a quick way to enable universe+multiverse for ALL repo's rather than having to do it manually..02:01
firedropshi there. i am looking for an app that cycles backgrounds..does someone know one that does that kind of stuff?02:01
Hexidigital_Dr4g:: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file02:01
kakaltooskude: can do. but the other thing is, -386 kernel works fine, so why should the same hardware have issues with the -k7?02:01
RiverGood evening clever people ...i appear to be logged into Ubuntu twice on my puter ... can anyone tell me how to log out of one and get into the other ?02:01
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dromenDr4g, you can do it in synaptic?02:01
SonicChaodromen: Hm...I had a similar problem, did you back up you're /home folder?02:01
dromenunder repositories02:01
oskudekakalto, sorry, missunderstand that. no i think it should be a problem to have mouse and keyboard in one port (through usb hub) but i never had such configuration02:02
tpgterrorI need help with downloading WINE02:02
Eazy-SonicChao: please explain why it is a bad idea to post forum links here (I want to follow the rules in this chan)02:02
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oskudekakalto, what processor do you have ?02:02
dromenSonicChao, my home is still there i booted into recovery mode and gnome loaded as root user02:02
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cpsRiver: is this two graphical logins?02:02
kakaltooskude: Athlon02:02
dromencould view all the files and edit them02:02
Dr4gdromen: i am doing that, howeevr i was curious to know if i could set all repo's to use both.. by the click of a button, or not :)02:02
SonicChaoEazy-: It isn't exactly a "rule", but it is easier if you say the problem to get help...either than reading through hundreds of forum posts02:02
gatekeeperSonicChao: spoke to a developer in #kubuntu and suggested they needed a roleback option, he didn't say a lot but I think we need to encourage them to come up with one for when people hose their system02:02
Rivercps: i believe so02:02
Dr4gI've done it now anyway02:02
kakaltooskude: 3000+, underclocked02:03
oskudekakalto, and what package did you install ? (for k7 kernel)02:03
dromenlol Dr4g dont be so lazy :P02:03
tpgterrorcould anybody help me with WINE?02:03
SonicChaogatekeeper: Right on, we do need that....you're absolutely right02:03
Eazy-SonicChao: k02:03
kakaltolinux-k7 I think02:03
cpsRiver: you just have to go System > Logout and choose logout and you should be retured to the other login02:03
SonicChaogatekeeper: I've hosed my system before on accident02:03
kakaltooskude: linux-k7, I think02:03
Shannon1concept10: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported02:03
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dromengatekeeper, that sounds good, i could do with that now :P02:03
oskudekakalto, ok, hmm... and what does exactly happen when you boot ?02:03
gatekeeperSonicChao: what's the best way to apply pressure?02:03
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SonicChaogatekeeper: We need to be able to role back, similar to MS-DOS, where you type "sysrestore"02:03
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kakaltonothing. it gets to "Decompressing linux... OK, booting kernel"02:04
SonicChaodromen: Do you have acess to GNOME somehow?02:04
dromenas root only02:04
SonicChaokakalto: How long has this been happening02:04
dromenusing recovery mode02:04
kakaltowhen under recovery mode, I get no specific errors, but there is little weird stuff about keyboard and mouse02:04
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr:  shall i do the link at the other machine or cam i log in go gnome and use a browser there to copy the text?02:04
dromenbut not as my default user02:04
SonicChaodromen: Get a CD, back up /home partiton, and re-install Ubuntu. That's what I did.02:04
fyrestrtrwhatever you feel comfortable doing.02:04
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kakaltoSonicChao: I only installed kubuntu today, am just trying to get -k7 kernel working02:04
dromenSonicChao, home is 20gb :'(02:05
SonicChaokakalto: Kubuntu? Ask in #kubuntu02:05
eamoHi, printer problem - udevstart command not found?02:05
tpgterrorWhat problem do you got Dromen?02:05
oskudekakalto, hmm, i think it should save log somewhere for boot before... so you could read it with the 386 kernel... or maybe you see more error messages in ctrl+alt+f1 during boot02:05
Rivercps: I have tried to logout and I go back to the login screen. When i log in, i simply start a new session with no option to switch to the existing session02:05
SonicChaodromen: You're gonna need a lot of cDs! XD02:05
kakaltoSonicChao: the Desktop environment has nothing to do with it. and I'm likely to get more help here.02:05
SonicChaodromen: Try to only take what is important, I guess...02:05
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dromentpgterror, ii followed this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166976&highlight=Xauthorization  guys advice and now i cant boot into gnome with regular user02:05
SonicChaokakalto: Okay...02:05
concept10Shannon1, you have to use ndiswrapper02:05
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dromenSonicChao, yeh that will be my last resort or clear up a partition02:06
kakaltoSonicChao: basically, if you know the differences between k/ubuntu, my problem is before those differences even start.02:06
SonicChaodromen: I am sorry I can't help you, if you don't get help, remember what I said. :)02:06
kakaltooskude: well, if I boot in "recovery", it gives verbose output02:06
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kakaltooskude: but I might check out, see if I can find such a log. /var/log/somewhere?02:07
cpsRiver: ok then try pressing <Ctrl><Alt><F7>, if that doesn't work try some different F keys in place of <F7>, ones above F702:07
dromenSonicChao, kk wth was that link about windows to ubuntu  ??02:07
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dromentpgterror, any ideas?02:07
oskudekakalto, yup02:07
kakaltooskude: cheers02:07
oskudekakalto, i never had problems with kernels, so dunno how the log is called :)02:07
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concept10Shannon1, search for ndiswrapper in the wiki, its easy to setup if you have the windows driverss02:07
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kakaltooskude: I'm sure I'll finde it :)02:08
oskudekakalto, but when you have the error log, we can help better...02:08
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Rivercps: thanks ... do I do this in the current session, in the terminal window or at login or doesn't it matter02:08
tpgterrorHmm not rly, i dont got problems with that Dromen... srry02:08
pl_icehey, any chance to make look good grub on the new ubuntu? kinda looks primitive :)02:08
cpsRiver: just press the keys02:08
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kane77W: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>02:08
gatekeeperkakalto: there is kernel HowTo in the Ubuntu forums I don't know if that is of any help?02:09
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kane77what can I do???02:09
mnkoskude, u there?02:09
cpsRiver: just keep trying F keys until you either get back to the current login or find the other one02:09
Dr4goskude: i've downloaded all packs for playing MP3's, so my sound problem ISNT codecs02:09
Dr4goskude: any ideas?02:09
oskudemnk, yup02:09
kakaltogatekeeper: link me up? I'm not sure which one you're talking about02:09
gnomefreakkane77: sudo apt-get update02:09
tpgterrorI had a error when upgrading... now i cant install alot of packages ... dont know why is that :(02:09
oskudeDr4g, do you get any sound ?02:09
mnkoskude, can u pls paste me the links for those xorg.conf files again#?02:09
kane77gnomefreak, that's what I get running apt-get update...02:09
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gatekeeperkakalto: hang on... have to try and find it again02:09
mnkoskude, i tried reducing the resolution and commenting out the lines u told me to - no luck!02:09
oskudemnk, btw, sad that this doesnt have the xorg.conf file :( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/DellInspiron810002:09
gnomefreakkane77: is it just that once that you go tit?02:09
dromenSonicChao, i think im going to try and create a new user then copy there Xauthorization file02:10
gnomefreakgot it02:10
dromenwould that work ?02:10
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mnkoskude, i also tried to install nvidia-kernel but no luck02:10
oskudemnk, heres 2 http://quark.humbug.org.au/publications/hardware/dell/XF86Config-4-new and http://www.kuehnel.org/dell/XF86Config-402:10
Shannon1Broadcom (BCM4306 rev3) wpc54g v1.2 is supposed to be recognized,, and need a fix to work,, but since im very new to linux, didnt quite understood what it say,, can you guid eme in doinfg procedure?02:10
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kane77gnomefreak, yes the firest time...02:10
Hexidigital_!bcm43xx > Shannon102:10
gnomefreakkane77: run it again02:10
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Dr4goskude: no i don't get any sound whatsoever02:10
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mnkoskude, i get: Package nvidia-kernel is not available, but is referred to by another package.02:11
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norbert79Good afternoon02:11
jribdromen: did you delete ~/.Xauthority ?02:11
oskudeDr4g, then i would suggest you go through this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems02:11
kakaltooskude: the most recent entries from the kern.log.0 are about bluetooth.02:11
gnomefreak!gpgerr > kane7702:11
Shannon1as for the windows driver,, I dont have that,, other that a executable package from linksys,, 15 mg ,, how do i get just the driver02:11
mnkoskude, also - is the xfree86.conf file same as the xorg.conf? ie can i use the same as the xfree86 one for my xorg?02:11
dromenyes jrib :(02:11
kane77gnomefreak, there's this: Err http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper-updates Release02:11
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ubuntunoobfyrestrtr:  cant get in to gnome UI, but i have kubuntu-desktop installet... is there something i could do to log in to the kdm and then chnge the things?02:11
gnomefreakkane77: read your pm from ubotu02:11
dromenhave i killed it ?02:11
oskudekakalto, hmm, that shouldnt stop it from booting...02:12
Dr4gtyvm oskude i'll look - thanks for the help02:12
jribdromen: just logout of gnome and then back in02:12
=== Hexidigital_ has to go... g'day everyone
kane77gnomefreak, OK i will02:12
dromennot working02:12
dromencant login02:12
jribdromen: do you get errors?02:12
tpgterrorDromen check your private messages to the left02:12
kakaltooskude: I did remove all signs of bluetooth from my system (all libraries and software), but yeah, I wouldn't think that'd stop it booting either02:12
oskudemnk, i said that earlier, they a pretty similar (when not even the same) but not the file name !02:12
dromentpgterror, dont have any02:12
Shannon1Hexidigital_: I saw a coupple of ! before sentences ,, what does i tmean?02:12
oskudekakalto, pastebin the log02:12
dromenjrib, no errors just login shows my username in terminal then loggedout02:12
concept10Shannon1, what card did you say you have?02:13
mnkoskude, ok so what do i do with those files? :S02:13
dromenquite fast02:13
tpgterrorwtf 0_o i do, but ok, want to be friends? :P02:13
dromenback to login screen02:13
norbert79Wow, this is some kind of support.. I like it here :)02:13
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tpgterrormaby reinstall would help?02:13
Shannon1concept10: wpc54g v1.202:13
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EdLin!what are you?02:13
ubotuI know nothing about what are you?02:13
jribdromen: do you have ownership of your $HOME?02:13
Shannon1concept10: linksys02:13
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage02:13
EdLin!who are you?02:13
dromenjrib, i can get into from root02:13
ubotuI know nothing about who are you?02:13
oskudemnk, as i said... try the different HorizSync and VertRefresh values02:13
SonicChaodromen: Have you been getting help02:13
SonicChaodromen: I've been away02:13
mnkoskude, oh ok02:13
tpgterrordromen: want to be friends?02:13
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dromenSonicChao, yes :D02:14
EdLinoops. :-)02:14
mnkoskude, i had commented them out - shouldn't that have helped?02:14
dromentpgterror, what do you mean ?02:14
SonicChaotpgterror: No place for this...also see myspace02:14
oskudemnk, and this nvidia driver option could allso do something Option "NvAGP" "3"02:14
suppamanhow do I install from a Desktop cd ?02:14
gatekeeperkakalto: (warning I am guessing :-) ) http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157560 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84174&highlight=compile+kernels02:14
oskudemnk, dunno02:14
tpgterrorsonicChao: wtf?!02:14
tpgterrori dont understand u02:14
mnkoskude, ok02:14
jribdromen: pastebin this:   ls -ld /home/username && ls -l /home/username02:14
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kakaltogatekeeper: keep in mind I didn't roll my own =)02:14
dromenjrib, means i have to reboot02:15
norbert79ubotu: how do I install from a Desktop cd ?02:15
ubotuI know nothing about how do I install from a Desktop cd ?02:15
oskudemnk, but the best would be if this had a working xorg.conf included :/ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/DellInspiron810002:15
SonicChaosoniccol: This is a support channel. Not "Lets be friends like MySpace" channel, you can chat in #ubuntu-offtopic if you want02:15
pl_icesuppaman on the new ubuntu, on the desktop there is a GUI for it02:15
jribdromen: how come?02:15
norbert79ubotu: install from a Desktop cd02:15
ubotuI know nothing about install from a Desktop cd02:15
dromenon windows02:15
tpgterrorhmm k02:15
dromendont want to run irc as root user02:15
SonicChaotpgterror: This is a support channel. Not "Lets be friends like MySpace" channel, you can chat in #ubuntu-offtopic if you want02:15
jribdromen: just make a new user temporarily02:15
suppamanpl_ice: do you mean from menu ?02:15
SonicChaosoniccol: sorry, wrong person, pressed "tab" at the wrong time...:D02:16
dromenjrib, thats what i just thought off, will you be around after re-boot ?02:16
jribdromen: sure02:16
tpgterrorsonicChao: i saw that :)02:16
dromenok ty jrib02:16
kakaltooskude: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1761802:16
pl_icesuppaman did u run the ubuntu? then on the Desktop thereis icon to install it, that what u meant? i just did it(thnx guys)02:16
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tpgterrorDoes somebody know how to install WINE here?02:16
Rivercps: I used the ctrl alt f keys to find the other session and found none so i ctrl alt backspace to restart gnome. When I ssh'd from another pc, it showed only the ssh user logged on02:16
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: where shall i save the new gdm.conf file02:16
jrib!wine > tpgterror02:17
Rivercps: when i logged on and checked users in a terminal window, it showed me, twice and the ssh user02:17
oskudekakalto, hmm, dont see any errors at the end...02:17
EdLintpgterror: enable your universe repository and apt-get or use synaptic to install it.02:17
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cpsRiver: what command did you use to check users?02:17
tpgterrorEdLin: how doi do that? enabling universe02:18
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.02:18
suppamanpl_ice: lol no, I'm not running it, I last ran a live before dapper drake release02:18
Rivercps: typed in "users"02:18
SonicChao!repos > tpgterror02:18
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource02:18
kakaltooskude: neither. the other weird thing is I didn't see all the output up till bluetooth when I booted it.02:18
jribtpgterror: please don't do that, just read the info in your private messages02:18
pl_icesuppaman sorry then , mis understood the question :)02:18
concept10Shannon1, there are two different ways to configure your card.  Using the bcm43xx drivers or ndiswrapper (wraps windows drivers for linux use)  There are many nice tutorials in the forums to do this.02:18
kakaltooskude: unless the verbose output just randomly stopped, and I should leave the comp for a few minutes, see if it boots?02:18
cpsRiver: that's right if it shows you twice, once for your GNOME session and the other for the terminal you have open02:19
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concept10Shannon1, I saw an easy one the other day, im trying to find it02:19
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oskudekakalto, hmm, there shouldt be a long time wihtout disk activity at boot...02:19
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tpgterrorjrib: sorry, i didnt know that was possible in xchat, sorry for my new-being action02:19
Rivercps: true ? wow ... so i have been chasing my own tail ...02:19
kakaltooskude: mm, true.02:19
cpsRiver: try opening new terminal tabs and you should see another you added to the list :-)02:19
jribtpgterror: np, just help cut down on the traffic that way02:20
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cpsRiver: yeah it seems like it ;-)02:20
rlj_does reiserfs have support for bad blocks and if so, how do i scan and mark them?02:20
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oskudekakalto, im not a wizard in kernel stuff, so maybe try reainstalling the linux-k7 package02:20
Rivercps: oh yikes ... how embarrassment ! I do apologise for wasting your time ... thanks very much for your help02:20
kakaltooskude: "mark for reinstallation"?02:20
oskudekakalto, could be... i use "sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-k7"02:21
Shannon1concept10: thx,, let me know,, I'd like to have it as painless as possible,, im on my second week under linux02:21
cpsRiver: that's alright, just remember to give as many details as you can when you ask a question. Eg. if you had said that the output of users shows you multiple times I would have twigged earlier02:21
kakaltooskude: ok. will try.02:21
oskudekakalto, but i would allso clear the cache "sudo apt-get clean" so it would download the kernel agai02:22
Dr4gSome sound devices won't unmute.. like AUX and such... How do enable this ?02:22
kakaltooskude: =/ not sure about downloading it again02:22
kakaltomight just hit the hay and mess with it tomorrow.02:22
fyrestrtrubuntunoob: /etc/gdm/gdm.conf02:22
Rivercps: my bad .. thanks again02:22
kakaltocheers anyway =)02:22
tpgterrorDoes somebody know what i need to edit in the sources.list to enable Universe?02:22
jribtpgterror: did you take a look at the wiki page about universe?02:23
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource02:23
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thykois it advisable for me to use the backports repository?02:23
thykoi just installed ubuntu02:23
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: k thax... i shall se if this i donable :)02:24
oskudekakalto, when you do "sudo apt-get clean" it cleans your local cache of downloaded packages, so when you install the same files, it will download them (what ever tool you use to install)02:24
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tpgterrorjrib: dont think so auctully, i readed where i need to go and i need to edit Something in that map but dont know what02:24
jribthyko: do you understand what they are?02:24
gnomefreakthyko: backport repos are use at your own risk02:24
=== oskude is so slow...
jribtpgterror: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories   if this page isn't clear, then we need to edit it.  Just let us know02:25
Dr4gwooohoooo :o)02:25
lagerimsiwhat do you mean with the commands or whatever they are beginning with a ! where should I run them? wiki forum console ????02:25
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=== Dr4g kisses all the non-males in the rom
oskudeDr4g, what was the problem ?02:25
thykojrib: new untested stuff?02:25
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Dr4gI have surround sound system.. not a standard set of speakers..02:25
Dr4gIt was operating in 2channel mode, instead of 402:25
Dr4gchanged to 4.. started working02:26
oskudeDr4g, ah ok, cool02:26
jribthyko: they are packages from the development release that are deemed safe to use by the backports team, but they are "use at your own risk" as gnomefreak said02:26
Dr4gwhats the diff between 4 and 6 ?02:26
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Dr4gIt works on both.02:26
oskudeDr4g, 6 is 2 more ;)02:26
Foobal6 = 5.102:26
Dr4gclever boy02:26
Dr4gFoobal: whats 4?02:26
Foobal3.1 ? 2.2 ? no idea02:26
Dr4gokay, cool.02:27
FjodorAnyone have a fix for my machine rebooting right after grub?02:27
Dr4g5.1 sounds nice :)02:27
thykohmm ... thanks for the advice02:27
Shannon1concept10: as for the earlier document on mouse,, im reading xorg.conf,, in the input device section,, and im lost,, there is so many thing ,, how do I know what is the right thing02:27
Dr4gWhats a good method of downloading, apart from torrent ?02:27
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jribthyko: personally, I don't use them unless I really like a particular package that has been backported02:28
cpsDr4g: downloading what?02:28
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stefgFjodor: what kernel parameters do you use? are all paths correct? Could be that no inird.img is founf or the initramfs is broken02:28
tpgterrorjrib: ok i readed it, but i still dont know what to do, so its in a program or i need to search for stuff in the repo maps or something?02:28
Dr4gcps.. music, movies, software.02:28
cpsDr4g: aMule, apt-get :-P02:28
oskudeDr4g, you mean copyrighted stuff ? buy them.02:29
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ubotuI know nothing about autologin02:29
jribtpgterror: k, did you click "Managing Repostiores in Ubuntu" or did you go for "Command Line"?02:29
Dr4gis that like eMule ?02:29
Fjodorstefg: Just booting the rescue option from CD to check the initrd file. Options are root=/dev/hda1 (/boot is hda3, so paths start with /, not /boot02:29
Dr4gcps: ^02:29
cntbamule ?02:29
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cpsDr4g: it's a wxwidgets port I think02:30
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Dr4gis it better than limewire ?02:30
Shannon1its says input device identifier :configured mouse, driver : mouse, option core pointer, option device /dev/input/mice, protocol ExplorerPS/2 ZAxis Mapping 4 5 Emulate3buttons true02:30
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gnomefreakwhats the command to reset menus (i dont mean panels)02:30
Dr4gHi threeseas.02:30
tpgterrorjrib: the first one, managing in ubuntu02:30
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stefgFjodor: you are aware tjat grub doesn't know about / only about hd0,0 and hd0,202:30
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:31
Fjodorstefg: Yes, my bad. Am aware02:31
threeseaseach morning , like as in now, my system does alot of disk movement and the system is slow and clunkly, why?02:31
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Dr4gcps is aMule > limewire ?02:31
ks1threeseas, most likely a cron job.02:31
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ks1like updatedb02:31
Fjodorstefg: btw, lilo does the same. Tried installing it over, am now at grub again02:31
cpsDr4g: you'd have to try it out yourself02:31
stefgthreeseas: anacron doing it's thing... checking for updates, cleaning up, prelinking02:31
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Shannon1so according to this mouse should be active, ,but only dinky in center of keyboard works,, and as I said center button in keyboard and PS2 mouse were working in live cd,,02:31
cntbwhy lilo when there is grub ?02:32
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tpgterrorjrib: So i clicked on Managing in ubuntu02:32
gatekeeperthreeseas: could be fiel indexing have a look at your processes to see what is happening02:32
stefgFjodor: Old box? tried acpi=off apm=power_off?02:32
Fjodorcntb: To test whether it was a grub-only issue02:32
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jribtpgterror: k, then on that page it tells you to open up system > administration > software properties02:32
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Dr4gcps, you have PM02:32
Fjodorstefg: Old box indeed. Will try in a jiffie02:32
Linux-Hyperthe new ubuntu 6.06 installer keeps crashing :/ at the start of install anyone else had this issue? its the i386 desktop.iso02:32
jribLinux-Hyper: what speed did you burn it at?02:33
gatekeeperLinux-Hyper: yes when I had a bad maxtor HDD02:33
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Dr4gIn theme manager, when choosing my theme, i click "Add theme" and it asks me to enter a location or browse... Is this a local location or can it be a URL?02:33
Linux-Hypergatekeeper mines fine.02:33
cntbautomated logon02:33
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Linux-HyperFjodor 48x02:33
oskudeLinux-Hyper, did you do "check cd" option at the boot ? did it say the cd is ok ?02:33
Linux-Hyperill reburn at the slowest speed02:33
ubotuI know nothing about automated-logon02:33
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gatekeeperLinux-Hyper: how do you know?02:34
ubotuI know nothing about login02:34
jribLinux-Hyper: if it still fails, try the alternate cd02:34
threeseasgatekeeper: whats the command for showing processes ? ps?02:34
Dr4gLinux-Hyper: that may well be your problem... my installation kept crashing at 50%..etc02:34
Linux-Hypergatekeeper ive recently did a bad sector scan02:34
Dr4gI burned at a lower speed and it works02:34
oskudethreeseas, ps aux02:34
Linux-HyperDr4g thats prolly my issue too :/02:34
Linux-Hyperok guys02:34
Linux-Hyperim out02:34
Dr4ghave fun02:34
gatekeeperLinux-Hyper: ok :-)02:34
Linux-Hyperthanks guys :)02:34
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oskudethreeseas, or, ps ax02:35
technicianhi anyone have done failover router in ubuntu ?02:35
Dr4gIn theme manager, when choosing my theme, i click "Add theme" and it asks me to enter a location or browse... Is this a local location or can it be a URL?02:35
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cntbI want ubuntu to suggest the user or even auto logon02:35
tpgterrorjrib: and now? but i dont think i got Dapper Drake auctully... i dont know, the last upgrade to 6.06 i got a error about Universe stuff02:36
gatekeeperthreeseas: K -> System -> KSysGuard02:36
Fjodorstefg: initrd seems fine. Trying acpi=off apm=off02:36
oskudeDr4g, i allways just drag and drop the downloaded theme packages in theme manager, so why not just test ?02:36
techniciancntb click system -> login setup -> allow automatic login02:36
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snoopswhere can I remove stuff that I've added via "connect to server" ?02:36
jribtpgterror: open up applications > accessories > terminal, what does the command 'lsb_release -c' say?02:36
stefgFjodor: apm=power_off iirc02:36
jribsnoops: places > network servers02:36
pianoboy3333Is there something special you need to do to get sound juicer to rip an mp3?02:37
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tpgterrorjrib: codename : dapper02:37
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Fjodorstefg: Ok, thanks02:37
tom12519Err, is there any way to allow multiple programs to simultaneously access /dev/dsp?02:37
techniciancntb click system -> login setup -> allow automatic login02:37
technicianhi anyone have done failover router in ubuntu ?02:37
jribtpgterror: k you have dapper then.  Now in "Software Preferences" you can just click all of the universe and multiverse stuff02:37
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snoopsthanks jrib02:38
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cpspianoboy3333: there is instructions in the Sound Juicer help file I believe02:38
oskudetom12519, JACK is a good solution, if the program supports it02:38
tpgterrorjrib: where can i find Software prefences?02:38
tom12519Thanks, I'll google02:38
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jribtpgterror: system > administration > software preferences, there are pictures on the site to help you02:39
Fjodorstefg: no change02:39
babis85hello, i removed by accident the toolbar which docks applications such as gaim. you know, this toolbar at the bottom and right, next to the date toolbar. How can i restore it?02:39
ubotuI know nothing about gdm-conf02:39
jribbabis85: right click on panel > add to panel > notification panel02:39
oskudetom12519, but first look if your desired program supports jack, if not. i heard "dmix" does that for alsa programs, or such...02:39
jribor maybe notificate area... something like that02:39
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cntbauto login thru gdm.conf ? help !02:39
Dr4gDoes anyone know of any good locations for ubuntu themes.. besides grabbing the first link in google02:39
jribDr4g: gnome-look.org02:40
stefgFjodor: Hmm, so you don't see any kernel messages, just grub trying to boot and BANG! ?02:40
tom12519oskdude, what Ireally want to run is just Skype+VLC02:40
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jribDr4g: or art.gnome.org02:40
wrathloguys how do you play mp3 formats using linux?02:40
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Fjodorstefg: exactly. Also tried without quiet and splash02:40
jrib!mp3 > wrathlo02:40
Dr4gjrib: yup i seen them02:40
tom12519oskude, in skype i can choose the inputs/outputs, so i guess it's not a problem there02:40
oskudetom12519, hmm, dunno if skype uses jack, but vlc should...02:40
Dr4gjrib: any ones you'd recommend ? :)02:41
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gatekeeperwrathlo: amaroK or other media players plus the correct codecs02:41
wrathlowhere can i find and download the codecs?02:41
jribDr4g: I like simple clearlooks02:41
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:41
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jribDr4g: (which comes with ubuntu)02:41
stefgFjodor: what mobo/cpu... is the Ram good positively? Odd Hd-setup?02:41
pianoboy3333cps: found it, thanks02:41
babis85is anybody listening?02:41
dr34mc0d3ra new ubuntu 6.06 shorewall machine - eth0=net eth1=local - all is working fine on all connected machines but the shorewall machine its self. I CAN ping any site by name and IP but as soon as i try to use wget,lynx,apt-get - all i get is "Connection Refused" - got any ideas?02:41
gatekeeperwrathlo: see ubotu answer02:41
tpgterrorjrib: ok thanks, im download now some updates, but some fallied, of breezy 5.10 or something02:41
Dr4gjrib: ok ty02:41
oskudetom12519, om pretty sure skype doesnt use jack...02:42
jribbabis85: ?  did you see what I said?02:42
Fjodorstefg: Not entirely sure, but have had it running with debian stable in the past02:42
tpgterrorjrib: and im stuck now :O02:42
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FjodorOld k6-202:42
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Dr4gWhats metacity ?02:42
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reaperhey, im having a problem wih XGL, when i go to login with XGL nothing happens than after 10 seconds it goes back to the username screen02:42
jribtpgterror: erm, ok.  Do this: 'gedit /etc/apt/sources.list' and put it on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ .   Then give us a link.  I'm going to eat breakfast now but explain that you need someone to help you with your dapper sources02:42
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stefgFjodor: Hmm.. seems that 2.6.15 doesn't like your mobo.. you trying to run dapper, aren't you?02:43
tpgterrorjrib: ok Ill search for someone, thanks!02:43
jribDr4g: it controls the windows on your screen.  For themes, it's the border stuff you see02:43
snoopswhich guide did ya follow reaper?02:43
Shannon1oups seems that I lost my helper,, :(02:43
Fjodorstefg: Yes, dapper02:43
Burne Go to www.idpz.net/tomytom/Linux.htm02:43
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technicianhi anyone have done failover router in ubuntu ?02:43
wrathlothe default player i have is toem02:44
oskudereaper, fyi, the only way i got xgl to work with _any_ tutorial, i had to link xgl to x02:44
tom12519Hynar, my Ubuntu keeps on dying, too02:44
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wrathloit doesnt play it says i need some codecs02:44
reapersnoops: 1 or 3 or something02:44
gatekeepertpgterror: this what you are looking for? http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories02:44
stefgFjodor: got enough bandwith to try a _Breezy_ Live CD? qithout any logs it's hard to tell what's wrong02:44
reapersnoops: can't really remember haha02:44
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reaperoskude: link xgl to x?02:44
wrathloupon viewing ubotu, it says the files i need to download02:44
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mimixstupid lack of support for flash on my amd64 system :(02:44
wrathlobut where do i find it?02:44
Fjodorstefg: I thought the dapper installer used 2.6.15 too, or is that wrong?02:45
oskudereaper, eh ment, /usr/bin/X as link to /usr/bin/Xgl02:45
tom12519oskude, what was that other program?02:45
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reaperoskude: elaborate?02:45
tpgterrorgatekeeper: i think yes, i need to know how to run some .exe files.02:45
oskudetom12519, dmix, seems to be a plugin for alsa http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin02:45
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FjodorI'd rather confirm with a dapper live CD before considering breezy02:45
stefgFjodor: that's my point... Breezy uses 2.6.12. and i want to check if the dapper-kernel makes trouble again02:45
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Fjodorstefg: ^02:45
oskudereaper, ?02:45
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sindoccI wanted to update some packages, including the Xorg on my Ubuntu Breezy. When I "did so" and rebooted my machine, the X didn't run at all (as if it wasn't installed at all). I tried to apt-get xserver-xorg, the apt-get warned that it will remove some 200 packages prior to installing the X server. I said no problem, then I tried to install GDM, here is the error message: The following packages have unmet dependencies: gdm: Depends: libbo02:46
gatekeeperwrathlo: apt-get install w32codecs and if you are using xine libxine-extracodecs02:46
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reaperoskude: what about bin/x and bin/xgl?02:46
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tom12519Also, what does linkign actually do? Is it basically a shortcut?02:46
oskudetom12519, ah and "NOTE: For ALSA 1.0.9rc2 and higher you don't need to setup dmix. Dmix is enabled as default for soundcards which don't support hw mixing." :)02:46
babis85jrib: just i saw what u said. I have only notfication area and not notification panel02:46
xtacocorexany way to change the acpi call in gnome-power-manager?02:46
Fjodorstefg: My point was, that I installed from the dapper install CD. It's not a dist-upgrade job02:46
gatekeepertpgterror: .exe is windows are you trying to use wine?02:46
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oskudereaper, which bin ?02:46
Fjodorstefg: And I assumed that installer CD used the dapper kernel02:46
tpgterrorgatekeeper: yes02:46
reaperwhat does "<oskude> reaper, eh ment, /usr/bin/X as link to /usr/bin/Xgl" mean?02:47
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oskudereaper, "ln" is the command to make links in linux...02:47
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stefgFjodor: I'm suspicious zhat the problem is the 2.6.15 kernel in Dapper... So it would be good to check if an older version (2.6.12) is working02:47
oskudereaper, but dont forget to backup :)02:47
=== MisterN [n=MisterN_@p57A57EB2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
morrolanIn Dapper, where has the "save the current setup" button gone?  I used to have my desktops set up in a particular way, and in Dapper i can't02:48
gatekeepertpgterror: if you do what it says on that URL you will get all the repos you need plus any you need to install wine02:48
Fjodorstefg: Very well. Getting a breezy live cd now then.02:48
Shannon1stupid question of the day,, I didnt see any config for root at install on 6.06 it just ask for user,, and when I try to log root I get refused loggin,, isnt there a root loggin on 6.0602:48
oskudereaper, "ln -s /usr/bin/X /usr/bin/Xgl" or was it other way round...02:48
reaperoskude: wanna walk me through it? im complete fool when it comes to linux?02:48
wrathlowhere can i find the libxine-extracodecs?02:48
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damo22is the set of kernel patches for ubuntu available as a vanilla patch?02:48
tpgterrorgatekeeper: i think i just found it!! i used the sytnapic program or something and i searched to it, do i need to get wine or wine-dev?02:48
oskudereaper, ok, open terminal02:48
morrolanShannon1: Ubuntu uses "sudo" instead of root, but you can activate the root account02:48
sindoccI really need help folks. Can't install gdm because apt-get says: The following packages have unmet dependencies:   gdm: Depends: libbonoboui2-0 (>= 2.5.4) but it is not going to be installed ...02:48
oskudereaper, sudo cp /usr/bin/X /usr/bin/X-orig02:49
jin6093I don't know root's password.02:49
dr34mc0d3ra new ubuntu 6.06 shorewall machine - eth0=net eth1=local - all is working fine on all connected machines but the shorewall machine its self. I CAN ping any site by name and IP but as soon as i try to use wget,lynx,apt-get - all i get is "Connection Refused" - got any ideas?02:49
Shannon1morrolan: but when I try to use SU I get authentication faillure,, wrong password,,02:49
reaperoskude: done02:49
oskudereaper, or could have been "mv", now we have to remove "sudo rm /usr/bin/X"02:49
gatekeepertpgterror: just wine I think the other I suspect is source code have a look at what synaptic says it is02:49
gnomefreakjin6093: use sudo -i and password is your user password02:49
cpsmorrolan: go to System > Prefrences > Sessions there is a check box there you can tick02:49
morrolandon't use SU, use "SUDO" and use your own password02:49
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oskudereaper, then a soft link "ln -s /usr/bin/X /usr/bin/Xgl" (hope its that way round :)02:50
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reaperlol ok02:50
babis85jrib: hey you, i am really stupid, the notification area is the one panel you mean, it's ok now, thanks02:50
Shannon1morrolan: haaaa! difference between SU and SUDO?02:50
oskudereaper, eeh, to be correct "sudo ln -s /usr/bin/X /usr/bin/Xgl"02:50
gatekeeperwrathlo: apt-get install libxine-extracodecs (assuming you have all the repos enabled)02:50
damo22where can i get ubuntu kernel patches available as a patch for vanilla kernel??02:50
reaperso type this at all? "sudo rm /usr/bin/X"02:50
sindoccCould anyone help?02:50
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:50
gnomefreakShannon1: read ^^^02:50
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morrolancps: So if I set it up once to save the session, how can I make it load that as the default session?02:50
reaperoskude: so type this at all? "sudo rm /usr/bin/X"02:50
oskudereaper, if it says /usr/bin/Xgl allready exists, its the other way rounf02:51
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pschulz01Greetings.. has anyone seen a case where 'key' input is lost in gnome? Mouse still works and keys work OK with gdm.. only once logged in do symtoms occur.02:51
jin6093gnomefreak : thank you.02:51
oskudereaper, you need to remove X before making the link02:51
gatekeeperwrathlo: this might be helpfull if you haven't: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories02:51
Fjodorstefg: I still don't get why the installer CD is booting fine, if it is indeed a kernel prob, but you are the boss. ETA 50min02:51
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: ok... it didnt help much..... eh... when i restartert gdm didnt exist02:51
wrathlosir gatekeeper where can i find this apt-get install libxine-extracodecs?02:51
Fjodorstefg: Just a thought. I used the server install CD. Is there anything special in those kernels?02:51
Shannon1gnomefreak: on my second week on linux,, ive done just that read, read, read,, some explainatoin is needed some times by knoledgeable people like you to clarify,,02:52
cpsmorrolan: I think it will just automatically do it02:52
oskudereaper, start xdm new (sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart)02:52
reaperoskude: i got the error that it already exists so i just swapped X with Xgl02:52
zenwhenis it possible to have nvidia-glx & nvidia-settings installed at the same time in dapper?02:52
oskudereaper, ment gdm02:52
Fjodorstefg: In that case, I could just throw an Xubuntu install at it02:52
tpgterrorgatekeeper: where can i find the file when i installed something in synaptic package manager?02:52
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oskudereaper, if it says /usr/bin/Xgl allready exists, its the other way round02:52
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morrolanHow do I interact with the Ubotu bot?02:52
gatekeeperwrathlo: use K -> system -> Konsol (the command line interpreter) and tyoe that command in02:52
pschulz01I attempted to ssh into an Xubuntu box and start a gmome app.. may have messed something. (First time I tried it.)02:53
SonicChaomorrolan: I'll tell you02:53
SonicChaomorrolan: type !<factoid>02:53
Shannon1and this irc windows runs so fast, ,dont have the time to read everything people say  so forgive me if im a little slow to understand02:53
SonicChaoLike this:02:53
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:53
wrathlowhere do i type that sir?02:53
ubuntunoobfyrestrtr: but do u know if ther is an reconfig command, to just completely install the gdm over again?02:53
ubotuI know nothing about <factoid>02:53
SonicChaomorrolan: Please don't abuse it02:53
wrathloin the terminal right?02:53
tpgterrorgatekeeper: or better, i dont know how to use it02:53
SonicChaomorrolan: NO. Type what you want....not <factoid>02:53
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SonicChaomorrolan: Also don't include < and >02:53
gatekeepertpgterror: it should place a entry in your menu system, occasionally you get something where you have to do it manually02:53
grogoreowhen partitioning for ubuntu or just linux I normally have a root partition of 20GB and then the rest, which in this case is 60GB, for /home. Is it worthwhile have partitions for /var, /etc and so on?02:54
morrolanI won't, i'm just curious as I've seen others.   Ahhh, so I would type say:  !<sudo> ?02:54
cmugThe following packages have unmet dependencies. mgapdesk: Depends: xserver-xfree86 but it is not installable02:54
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SonicChaomorrolan: You would say !sudo02:54
oskudegrogoreo, i allways (for desktops) just have / and swap partition...02:54
ubotuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ADSLPPPoE02:54
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gatekeepertpgterror: you don't know how to use wine?02:54
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morrolanSonicChao: thanks a lot for that02:55
tpgterrorgatekeeper: well i never used it, and i dont know where to start it, i dont think there is anything in my menu02:55
Solariongrogoreo: /etc less so, but possibly yes (insurance against filesystem failure of /, so you don't lose your settings) and also for / (logs won't fill / nor will /var/tmp), but it comes at increased annoyance and complexity.02:55
kbrookscmug: link to package?02:55
SolarionSome people also have a separate /usr02:55
SonicChaomorrolan: you're welcome02:55
grogoreooskude: but I've hard you don't even need swap anymore. I've not actually seen my swap partiton used. Should I have one anyway02:55
frogzoogrogoreo: very worthwhile - especially for /home / & /var, /usr02:55
gatekeeperwrathlo: yes in the terminal02:55
cmugkbrooks, http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/dapper/x11/mgapdesk02:55
Solariongrogoreo: for regular users, the annoyance and complexity is generally not worth it.02:55
oskudegrogoreo, dunno about that (my machines have low ram, so i really need swap)02:55
Solarion[imho] 02:55
frogzooSolarion: /home should always be separate02:56
ubotuI know nothing about greeter02:56
grogoreook, I stick to /, /home and some swap. thanks guys02:56
gatekeepertpgterror: never used it myself you probable need to do some googling to understand how it all works02:56
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grogoreois there any reason shy I should have my swap in an extended partition?02:56
frogzoogrogoreo: /var if you run any services - apache, mysql etc.02:56
Solarionfrogzoo: arguably02:56
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kbrooksgrogoreo: for laarge amounts of RAM (> 1GB), it isn't really necessary, but you do need it for virtual machines that take a lot of RAM02:56
SolarionOTOH, it's easier if it's not.  :)02:56
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tpgterrorSomebody know how WINE works?02:57
grogoreokbrooks: well I do have 1GB RAM02:57
Solarionwell, easier to maintain.  Not easier if something goes wrong.  :)02:57
frogzooSolarion: until you want to reinstall - then /home on the same fs as / is a super pain02:57
kbrooksgrogoreo: I said >02:57
Solarionfrogzoo: like I said.02:57
wrathlosir it says  bash:k:command nor found02:57
NameeaterI am getting "CUPS-Get-Printers client-error-not-found: No destinations added." every 5 seconds in my cups config, how can I stop it before my hdd space all disappears? :/02:57
damo22yeah it sucked when my xfs fs got corrupted, i lost 15gb02:58
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SolarionOTOH, if you allocate / and /home wrongly, it can be annoying to fix the problem, although that is much less so than it used to be (yay for partition resizing)02:58
damo22i reckon just use ext302:58
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cmugDoes anyone run matrox g450 with tv-out properly?02:58
Solariondamo22: yeah.  I love XFS.02:58
zenwhenI use reiser02:58
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Solariondamo22: Just don't make it angry.  You won't like it when it's angry.02:58
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Dr4gi use sexfs02:58
kbrooksDr4g: very funy02:58
gatekeepertpgterror: you can't expect people to lead you by the nose, here is good for a specific problem not how do I learn wine02:58
damo22solarion, NEVER power off the laptop before unmounting xfs.... or else02:58
frogzooDr4g: for you / fs ?02:58
tpgterrorgatekeeper: ok sorry02:59
jin6093Can I install ubuntu-server using 6.06 LTS CD?02:59
Solarionxfs is not the fs for laptops.  :)02:59
Dr4gfrogzoo: it was a joke, there is no sex file system02:59
Solarionnor is jfs, incidentally.02:59
gnomefreakwrathlo: the K = the kde menu button to get you into konsole02:59
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Solarionxfs is great for performance desktops, tho.02:59
zenwhenReiser has been pretty good to me. I do hard resets like its going out of style. No issues yet.02:59
frogzooDr4g: reread ^^^02:59
stefgFjodor: Other things comming to my mind : BIOS too old, Grub and kernel can't agree on HD geometry... specify ramsize explicitly in kernelparameters... acpi=off noapic nolapic02:59
crova`of`thxi installed ubuntu with no problems, when i turn on the pc and wanna boot on ubuntu, it loads some stuffs but when it goes to open gnome, it just stucks on a black screen, n1 know what can be?02:59
Solarionmake sure you have a UPS...  ;)02:59
qualusyou lot remember where Wine's official channel was ?02:59
gatekeepertpgterror: best thing to read up on it, come back with specific questions you don't understand :-)02:59
=== Solarion goes to the movies
frogzooqualus: #winehq02:59
gnomefreakqualus: #winehq02:59
`blinkok - so meybe someone can tell how can i change locales02:59
crova`of`thxi can log in safe mode, and also connect on the internet, but i dont know what to do02:59
qualusah, cheers03:00
Stone-Coldone ask ubuntu autodetect new pci ethernet cardS?03:00
damo22Solarion... which fs for a laptop?03:00
frogzoodamo22: ext3 is fine03:00
tpgterrorgatekeeper: ok, got a little question, the letter like in .exe in windows... whats the one in linux? like to start programs03:00
gnomefreakStone-Cold: depends ont he card03:00
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`blinkbecause dpgg-reconfigure locales doesn't works03:00
gnomefreak!hardware > Stone-Cold03:00
Fjodorstefg: Will try. But as stated, I have had debian stable on it. Can't remember, if it was grub or lilo, though. Neither if there were any special flags03:00
ubuntunoobhelp... gdm is fubar.... how to fix it ?03:00
frogzoodamo22: also, /tmp likes to live on tmpfs...03:00
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gnomefreakStone-Cold: read your pm from ubotu03:00
wrathlosir what is the password?03:01
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kbrookstpgterror: there is none03:01
`blinkwrathlo. probably oem03:01
gnomefreakubuntunoob: could you give us a little more than its fubared03:01
`blinktry this one03:01
crova`of`thxi installed ubuntu with no problems, when i turn on the pc and wanna boot on ubuntu, it loads some stuffs but when it goes to open gnome, it just stucks on a black screen, n1 know what can be?03:01
kbrookstpgterror: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement03:01
thotzHas anybody got a HP DeskJet 6840?03:01
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gatekeepertpgterror: linux doesn't have one, the OS understands something is an exe by it's internal structure I think, .so seems to be like dll's03:02
`blinkcrova`of`thx: try to change resolution in xorg.conf03:02
frogzoocrova`of`thx: you need to reconfigure xorg.conf -> 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'03:02
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gatekeepertpgterror: I need to get into linux programming :-)03:02
damo22frogzoo how do i put /tmp on tmpfs03:02
`blinkor install graphic driver03:02
wrathloi am currently reading the How to install Multimedia Codecs and i have typed the first line03:02
tpgterrorgatekeeper: hmm k, bye03:02
gatekeepertpgterror: I think there is a #winehq channel03:03
frogzoodamo22: tmpfs           /tmp            tmpfs   size=250M,mode=1777,noatime     0      003:03
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wrathloit is asking for a password, i tried oem but doesnt work03:03
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Dr4g(13:59:37) frogzoo: Dr4g: reread ^^^   <--- i didnt get the joke :P03:03
Fjodorstefg: noapic nolapic  added. No change03:03
gatekeepertpgterror: see ya :-)03:03
ubuntunoobgnomefreak: ehm... XDCMP was due to my fuault set up to choose. changed the gdm.config file to a new one i think... now it doesnt wor at all.03:03
crova`of`thx`blink frogzoo ill try that, thx03:03
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frogzoodamo22: just be aware you need extra space in swap if you're using hibernate03:03
damo22frogzoo:  havent used hibernate03:03
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tpgterrorgatekeeper: there is, thanks, bye03:03
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frogzoodamo22: when it works, it rox03:03
Fjodorstefg: ramsize is ramsize=196mb, or?03:03
`blinkwrathlo: did you install from alternate cd?03:03
stefgFjodor: yes03:04
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woneaanyone know how to get fglrxinfo working giving API Error?03:04
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damo22wonea... yes03:04
turtlewindcould someone point me to a good tutorial for installing Wine on Ubuntu 5.10?03:04
ubuntunoobgnomefreak: i have kubuntu desktop, s i can log in on that... but my networkconnections doesnt work...03:04
gnomefreakubuntunoob: delete the gdm config file and reboot it should generate a new default config file03:04
frogzoodamo22: also, tmpfs takes up ram, so if you've less than a gig, you should reduce that 250^^03:04
stefgGotta reboot, new kernel is ready03:04
ubuntunoobgnomefreak: kk03:04
`blinkturtlewind: sudo apt-get install wine03:04
RiotingPdoes ubuntu work with 5 mouse keys03:04
damo22wonea download the older version of libGL.so.1.203:04
wrathlothis is a one copy cd.is there another one?03:04
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gnomefreakubuntunoob: gdm/kdm has nothing to do with networking03:05
wrathloit tried the user login password03:05
gatekeeperwrathlo: enter the password then press enter if you are in the CLI you don't get any feedback while you are entering a password, all part of the security03:05
wrathloit worjed03:05
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`blinkthis is a one of proposition ubuntu company03:05
woneadamo22: tried that, still not working03:05
`blinkalternate cd is for older computers03:05
damo22frogzoo:  does tmpfs hog ram... ie keeps it allocated?03:05
wrathlobut it said it couldnt find the package gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg03:05
turtlewind'blink - after I've done that, what should I do? Is it just a matter of double-clicking Windows executables, or is there more configuration and stuff to do?03:06
gatekeeperwrathlo: now you are getting the hang of it :-)03:06
wrathlowhere do i get the gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg03:06
gnomefreakwrathlo: multiverse repo03:06
`blinkno - thats all03:06
turtlewindand do I need to copy any files over from a Windows install?03:06
wrathloim sorry i seem stupid i am trying to adjust03:06
turtlewindthat's good to hear :)03:06
gatekeeperwrathlo: alter your repos http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories03:06
`blinkwine configuration is quite easy03:06
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spaceboyyhi, I am looking for someone(that is trustworthy) that would consider doing a VPN with me. We could share each others resources etc. Anyone want to ??03:07
gatekeeperwrathlo: follow those instructions ^ ^03:07
`blinkafter all you must call wine in console03:07
gnomefreakspaceboyy: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic03:07
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gnomefreakspaceboyy: and more than likely it wont happen03:07
damo22frogzoo:  i have 512mb ram how much should i use for tmpfs03:08
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ROBOdis there a player which supports iTunes?03:08
gatekeepertpgterror: talk to blink03:08
frogzoodamo22: in my experience, /tmp is hardly used - 50meg would probly do at a pinch03:08
wrathloi will i am doing it right now thanks for the help!03:08
ROBOdi'd like some player with support for itms protocol03:08
ubotuitunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee03:09
spaceboyygnomefreak, as I have gathered03:09
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jin6093how can I change root password when I logged in user account? I used 'sudo -i' and 'passwd'. So I can find out root password...03:09
wrathloi'll ask for assistance again later03:09
`blinkturtlewind: you must know, that not all programs windows run good in wine03:09
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs03:09
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:09
spaceboyyanyone.. ??03:09
gnomefreakspaceboyy: i said not in here try in #ubuntu-offtopic03:09
turtlewind'blink - I know, but I thought I'd give it a try anyway03:09
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Dr4germ.. how do i start up synaptic ?03:10
`blinkturtlewind: should it works fine03:10
Bdubyaare you thinking about itunes for the ipod sync?03:10
`blinkDr4g sudo synaptic03:10
gnomefreakDr4g: system>admin>synaptic package manager03:10
`blinkand root password03:10
gatekeeperwrathlo: still having problems?03:10
gnomefreak`blink: no03:10
spaceboyyhate channels like that03:10
Dr4gthanks gnomefreak03:10
frogzoospaceboyy: you mean like share my bank account details?03:10
gnomefreaknever use sudo with gtk apps03:10
Bdubyabecause amarok is much better if you "DONT" have a ipod video03:10
spaceboyyfrogzoo, no03:11
`blinkgnomefreak really?03:11
gnomefreak`blink: yes03:11
spaceboyyfrogzoo, "system resources"03:11
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo, as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using sudo {guiapp}03:11
`blinki don't know that03:11
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ROBOdBdubya: no, i want just to listen to itms03:11
`blinkoh.. thx03:11
ROBOdsongs from the iTunes Music Store03:11
gnomefreak`blink: ^^^ now you do ;)03:11
`blinkgksudo - i will be remember03:12
spaceboyyso no one?03:12
BlackHandno #ubuntu-ppc channel ?03:12
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Bdubyathan i'd say amarok is fine03:12
`blinkspaceboyy: what is the q03:12
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Bdubyabest one ive used so far, and its quite close to itunes03:12
euclid_888Hi everyone!03:12
wrathlonone at this time sir03:12
gatekeeperHello there03:12
rixxonxclip is unable to put text in the clipboard. ideas?03:12
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killazwhere can I report a bug?03:12
ph_softnethello all.03:12
euclid_888Grad students at my university are using Ubuntu. I'd like to try it. I just need to download 1 CD?03:12
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ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu, please report it at http://bugs.ubuntu.com03:12
oskuderixxon, maybe the clipboards are different ?03:12
rixxoneuclid_888: yes03:13
`blinkis maybe now my time for ask q?03:13
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gatekeeperwrathlo: :-)03:13
killazI found a bug in the File Roller (Archive manager) of GNOME that comes with Ubuntu03:13
gnomefreak`blink: just ask03:13
belfoPersonne connait un tuto pour que le son marche chez moi comme je veut >_<. Donc que je puisse utiliser skype/teamspeak et sourtout que si j'ecoute de la musique les autres sont ne soyent pas coupe >_< J'ai tout essaie (alsa etc) mais rien ne change03:13
jribeuclid_888: yes, ubuntu.com click on download03:13
rixxonoskude: perhaps :S03:13
euclid_888rixxon, Will it come with a browswer so that I can download firefox?03:13
gnomefreak!bug > killaz03:13
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:13
ubuntunoobgnomefreak: naaa... it doesnt create a new one.... shal i delete the orig config also?03:13
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`blinki dont know how to change locales03:13
oskuderixxon, im just quessing, xclip doesnt use the same clipboard gnome is using...03:13
turtlewindeuclid_888: it comes with Firefox03:13
gnomefreakubuntunoob: sudo apt-get remove --purge gdm03:13
euclid_888turtlewind, great!03:13
Fjodorstefg: Wb. ramsize= didn't do it :-(03:13
killazgnomefreak, but before i do that maybe it's something that one of you guys know of...03:13
rixxonoskude: you can select clipboard though, what should i use?03:13
gnomefreakubuntunoob: than sudo apt-get install gdm03:13
`blinkbecause dpkg-reconfigure locales or localesconf doeast works03:13
ph_softnetIm making my own ubuntu packages repository.Where do i put architecture-independed packages?dists/<mydist>/<mysection>/binary-all/ ???03:14
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killazit's like this: I wget a tar.gz...03:14
stefgahhh...  uname -r03:14
oskuderixxon, dunno, try "man xclip"03:14
ubuntunoobdo i have to be connectet on net to do that?03:14
gnomefreakkillaz: that just ask your question instead of asking where bugs get filed03:14
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ubuntunoobdo i have to be connectet on net to do that? gnomefreak03:14
woneaoh my, my graphics works!03:14
Fjodorstefg: Congrats :-)03:14
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damo22how can i extract the patches from the ubuntu kernel source -> vanilla patches03:14
gnomefreakubuntunoob: yes03:14
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rixxonoskude: yea. -selection clipboard fixes it, thanks!03:14
oskuderixxon, cool03:14
killazI saw that with FileRoller I didnt see some folder.... in the Foldr View..03:15
stefg2.6.15 was a troublemaker for me as well.. i strongly suggest you try a breezy kernel , Fjodor03:15
gnomefreak2.6.15-25.43 fixed most if not all issues 2.6.15-23 had03:15
killazalso extracting the tar.gz the folder aint anywhere....03:15
`blinkany polish here?03:16
killazso I tried the CL which never fails and there they are...03:16
eamotvtime problem. tvtime-scaner OK.  tvtime error: no XVIDEO port found that supports YUY2 images?03:16
Fjodorstefg, gnomefreak: So dl'ing that deb, go rescue and dpkg -i could do it?03:16
euclid_888I'm downloading ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso for a home PC that uses a router to connect to a cable modem. Is this all I need to run Ubuntu?03:16
damo22anyone know how to patch dapper kernel to realtime preempt?03:16
killazthe folders are there, but one way or the other FileRoller doesnt see them.....03:16
gnomefreakFjodor: what are you woeking on?03:16
`blinkeuclid_888 yes03:16
killazand also doesnt extract them03:16
eamotvtime worked in breezy - pinnalce card03:16
euclid_888'blink thanks03:16
`blinkfor older computers try alternate cd03:16
BlackHanddam22: real time preempt ? kolivas patches ?03:16
gnomefreakkillaz: where did it save the tar?03:16
damo22ingos patch03:17
Fjodorgnomefreak: Getting dapper server on an old k6-2 for a wifi-router03:17
frogzooeuclid_888: you'll need to burn the image, & you'll need preferably 20-30gig of free disk03:17
stefgFjodor: not sure... i'd rather go trying a breezy live CD. if it works it can be a valuable source of information03:17
Dr4gI just installed gnome-art from synaptic... where does it install to ?03:17
killazgnomefreak, what do you mean where did it save the tar?03:17
gnomefreakkillaz: yes03:17
Fjodorstefg: Am dl'ing that as we speak :-)03:17
euclid_888frogzoo, the free space is for apps I may download?03:17
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killazI dont understand the Q03:17
stefgFjodor: you did make a media check on your install CD, didn't you?03:17
gnomefreakwget has to save tar somewhere normally in ~/ or /temp03:17
Fjodorstefg: Yes, came up fine03:18
`blinkeuclid_888: for system u need maybe 2gb max03:18
Dr4ggnomefreak: I just installed gnome-art from synaptic... where does it install to ?03:18
frogzooeuclid_888: yup, &  as much as you can spare for /home - for your personal files03:18
euclid_888Okay.. I have 250 GB on the PC.03:18
oskudeDr4g, i think in breezy it was in system - preferences, havent had it since then03:18
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gnomefreakDr4g: killall gnome-panel and than you will see it in system>prefferences03:18
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euclid_888FC5 is 5 CD's and it didn't let me connect to the internet.. :)03:18
gatekeepereuclid_888: I have given / 30Gb and /home the rest03:19
`blinkfc is shitty03:19
Bdubyais fedora core 5 any good?03:19
Bdubyai liked 403:19
gnomefreakeuclid_888: we cant help you with fedora03:19
euclid_888i know :)03:19
`blinkbetter try red hat03:19
frogzooDr4g: dpkg -L gnome-art03:19
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killazuhmm well I wget the file in /var/www03:19
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Bdubyaim still very noob to linuc03:19
Dr4gfrogzoo: gnomefreak its already there03:19
bertuHey, when you use the apt-get install function...is there someway to see all the programs available in the database?03:19
Dr4gi didnt see "art manager" befre lol03:20
gnomefreakkillaz: than that is where you need to look for it03:20
euclid_888gnomefreak, I started seeing Ubuntu a lot at my university so I looked it up a few minutes ago. It seems nice.03:20
killaztaht same file I untarred using the CL.... and the folder were extracted03:20
Fjodorbertu apt-cache search03:20
frogzooDr4g: yes, the menu entry is confusing03:20
`blinkubuntu 6.06 is worse than 5.10 - any?03:20
bertuin terminal?03:20
killazbut looking at that file with File Roller .. I dont see the folders..03:20
Fjodorbertu: Yes03:20
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Amaranth`blink: other than the ati drivers dapper is much better for me03:20
gnomefreak`blink: please ask that in #ubuntu-offtopic03:20
Fjodorbertu: Or you could run synaptic03:20
byenHey Guys, I have a small question. How to i remove the background color of the icon text on xubuntu03:21
bertuit gave me an error03:21
`blinkmy ati is 7500 and fglrx doenst support it03:21
killazgnomefreak, the problem is this: FileRoller doesnt show me the folders in the tar, that suppose to be there..03:21
frogzoo`blink: something's in dapper are broken - but others are much improved, but if you're happy with breezy, go for it03:21
Fjodorbertu: synaptic is graphical03:21
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bertui ll see synaptic03:21
Fjodorbertu: System/Administration/Synaptic03:21
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bertuok np i know03:21
gnomefreakkillaz: i dont use fileroller its easier for me to run the command ;)03:21
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killazgnomefreak, it's not that I can not find the tar. I know where the tar is... but looking at the tar with FileRoller is the problem...03:22
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gnomefreakkillaz: than use the tar command with xvzf and it will show you while unpacking it what is in there03:22
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`blinktar -xvzf and wil be @ home03:23
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DromenSonicChao: fixed it :)03:23
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gnomefreak`blink: he would have to cd /var/www03:23
dr34mc0d3ra new ubuntu 6.06 shorewall machine - eth0=net eth1=local - all is working fine on all connected machines but the shorewall machine its self. I CAN ping any site by name and IP but as soon as i try to use wget,lynx,apt-get - all i get is "Connection Refused" - got any ideas?03:23
`blinko gnomefreak is outstrip me03:23
SonicChaoDromen: ^_^03:23
stefgDoes anyone have a link at hand on the howto install the Nvidia-Drivers with module-assistant? the binary-drive- howto presumes there's a restricted-modules package, which obviously isn't with a selfmade kernel03:23
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killazgnomefreak, like I said earlier after using tar zxvf the folders are extracted correctly... so I know the folders is in there...03:23
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DromenSonicChao:  had a problem ran out of space on "/" so it couldnt re-write xauthority etc.. and usr permissions on dmrc were incorrect :)03:24
byenI tried looking at the options in xfce but I cant seem to change the bg for the icons from blue to no bg03:24
gnomefreakkillaz: it could be a setting in fileroller could be a bug could be anything file it as a bug but first make sure you are up2date03:24
killazgnomefreak, but still there are some ppl that use FileRoller all the time and some sometimes (like me) that want to bo sure tha ALL files in the tar is being extracedt03:24
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`blinkdr34mc0d3r: /etc/resolv.conf03:24
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frogzoobyen: methinks that will buried away as part of the gnome theme03:24
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crova`of`thx`blink i changed the resolution 2 times (1024 and later 800), nothing changes03:25
`blinkand configure you dnss03:25
byenfrogzoo, my issue pertains to XFCE03:25
crova`of`thxtheres something wrong with the pcmcia services, this is the only thing that does not say OK when is loading03:25
`blinkall the time is black?03:25
frogzoobyen: same deal though - check the theme settings03:25
dr34mc0d3rblink - my resolv.conf is fine - i can ping any exturnal site by name and ip - just cant wget/apt-get/lynx - its strange03:25
byenfrogzoo, will do03:25
crova`of`thxit loads a bunch of things, but after loading, it stucks at this black screen03:25
crova`of`thxseems like the monitor is turning off03:25
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frogzoo!fixres > crova`of`thx03:26
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`blinktry to change refresh rate03:26
Dromenif i remove "Linux kernel image for version 2.6.15 on 386." via synaptic and the other modules it says have to be removed my system will still boot with the newer kernel right?03:26
`blinkin xorg.conf03:26
damo22anyone successfully patched 2.6.15-rt ?03:26
killazgnomefreak, File Roller 2.12.1 is the latest stable version.... and Ubuntu ships with 2.14.3-0ubuntu03:26
`blinkdo you have old monitor?03:26
frogzooDromen: just so long as you have another kernel to boot...   o.O03:27
crova`of`thxlike 7-8 years old03:27
Dromeni do frogzoo03:27
`blinkmaybe refresh rate is too high03:27
crova`of`thxlg studioworks 77i03:27
Dromeni have03:27
`blinktry change to 60 go upper (75, 85)03:27
DromenLinux kernel image for version 2.6.15-25 on 386. and i wish to remove Linux kernel image for version 2.6.15-23 on 386.03:27
crova`of`thxvim xorg.conf blink?03:28
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crova`of`thxsorry, but yeah, im completelly new to this03:28
crova`of`thxill try again03:28
crova`of`thxbrb :)03:28
`blinkin console xrandr -s for screen03:28
damo22Dromen: good habit.... reboot into new kernel first, then delete old kernel03:28
`blinkand xrandr -r for refresh rate03:28
Dromendamo22: im on newer kernel :)03:29
Dromenremoved old one from grub menu03:29
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tpgterrorI got a problem with WINE, it gives me a sort of error when i install it in terminal with code : apt-get --build source wine, at last it gives a message : child process falied03:29
damo22Dromen: apt-get remove linux-image..... handles grub menu03:29
Dromenah ok03:29
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Dromenwell ive just commented it out03:29
andyjeffriesHow do I report a bug in a package?  I'm a registered member at launchpad, but can't see how to register a new bug - only search for them.03:29
Dr4gCan someone gimme a link for "adding plugins for firefox"03:29
Dr4geg :java, adobe03:29
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Dromenalso what program can convert a TS file into mpeg ?03:30
crova`of`thx`blink just to make sure, after i edit the xorg.conf, how do i leave and save settings with vim?03:30
stefgDr4g:  http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/03:30
Hobbseeandyjeffries: which package?03:31
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Hobbseeandyjeffries: launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/sourcepackagehere03:31
elkbuntui need to enable vsync on an ati radeon xpress 200m. how can i do this?03:31
gatekeeperDr4g: which ones do you want?03:31
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Hobbseeandyjeffries: then ther'es a "file a bug" option03:31
damo22Dromen: apt-cache search TS mpeg03:31
gnomefreakDromen: synaptic03:31
andyjeffriesHobbsee: libxrender.  It doesn't include libXrender.la which my app requires and so does AmaroK apparently.03:31
Dromenshall look soon03:31
`blinkcrova`of`thx yes03:32
Dr4ggatekeeper: the usual ones.. aobde flash player... java03:32
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Dromenjust movin a 5gb transmission stream off my disk so i dont get locked out again :P03:32
turtlewindcould I have some more help with Wine?03:32
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gatekeeperI would use this guide: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper03:32
wrathlogatekeeper i have found out that i am using the 5.10 version03:32
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turtlewindI tell it to run things (in the terminal, with 'wine somefile.exe') and it tells me:03:32
Hobbseeandyjeffries: i've heard talk of them removing .la files from edgy completely.  but file a bug under launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/libxrender03:32
wrathlowhat a development! -)03:32
Dromengatekeeper: what was that windows to ubuntu guide for earlier?03:32
turtlewindWarning: unprotecting memory to allow real-mode calls.03:33
turtlewind         NULL pointer accesses will no longer be caught.03:33
lispy_hi guys. I think I just broke my apt. I tried to upgrade to edgy as I had issues getting compiz to work. Now compiz works great but whenever I try to finish the upgrade to edgy it spits this error at me.03:33
gatekeeperwrathlo: ooops!03:33
lispy_dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/xfonts-intl-european_1.2.1-6ubuntu1_all.deb (--unpack):03:33
lispy_ subprocess new post-removal script returned error exit status 203:33
lispy_usage error: unrecognized option03:33
turtlewindand then back to bash03:33
Hobbseelispy_: #ubuntu+103:33
gnomefreakhelp.ubuntu.com ;)03:33
Hobbseelispy_: and please dont paste in here.03:33
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bertupastebin :)03:33
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gnomefreaklispy_: edgy is nto ready for use03:33
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elkbuntugnomefreak, especially edgy/xgl from what ive heard03:34
tpgterrorCan somebody please help me with a WINE unpack problem?03:34
gatekeeperDromen: an attempt at an answerto one of your questions in ubuntu forums03:34
gnomefreakelkbuntu: thats gonne be broken for a while03:34
`blinktpgterror why i n unpuck?03:35
`blinktry apt-get it03:35
gatekeeperwrathlo: I should have asked, when did you install it?03:35
andyjeffriesHobbsee: Why would they do that and how should I change my configure script (I'm the application author) so it no longer requires .la files?  I'm not an autoconf user (someone else wrote the autoconf/automake stuff, but he's no longer in contact)03:35
tpgterror`blink: well i get a error when  installing or something in Terminal for WINE03:35
elkbuntugnomefreak, of course. we cant go through a development of a version without completely breaking something graphical ;)03:35
Hobbseeandyjeffries: i've got absolutely no idea.  you *might* get an answer on that in #ubuntu-motu if anyone's around03:35
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`blinktpgterror try install it from synaptic03:35
gnomefreakelkbuntu: next week03:35
`blinkpropably u dont have some librarys or something03:36
gnomefreakelkbuntu: things will break back and forth03:36
elkbuntugnomefreak, hehe. you wouldnt happen to know how to enable vsync with ati cards?03:36
tpgterror`blink: i did, but i needed to follow the last text of the website of WINE for ubuntu but it gives me a sort of error, E: child process falied03:36
wrathlojust the other day03:36
gatekeeperwrathlo: you could probable use the set of repos I gave you but replace dapper with breezy03:36
gnomefreakelkbuntu: nope03:36
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gnomefreakelkbuntu: sorry :(03:36
=== elkbuntu pouts
elkbuntuthat's fine ;)03:37
gnomefreakok time for me to cut grass bbs ;)03:37
gatekeeperwrathlo: got broadband conection?03:37
`blinkdunno. i dont use wine - sorry03:37
wrathloits ok the link you gave me has a link for the 5.10 version and im currently running the install media codecs instructions03:37
wrathloyup i got broadband03:37
HorzAwhere do i change keyb layout?03:37
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Dromendamo22: dvr-ms is that for commandline?03:37
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wrathlohow secure is linux?03:38
Dromenwrathlo: depends on the user03:38
andyjeffriesHobbsee: Thanks mat.e03:38
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Foobalwrathlo: depends. against complete amateurs and random haxxors, very. against any professional? complete bs03:38
wrathloi mean is it possible for others to hack your system or get your system to get inflicted by viruses?03:38
`blinku must configure iptables and should be ok03:38
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rubenHi, I can have two 'networks' int the same switch like and ?03:38
Dromenwrathlo: its harde than windows03:39
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wrathloits a good thing then03:39
farouswhy is it that my gnome-terminal is so slow ?03:39
turtlewindcan someone tell me a program that definitely works with Wine? Everything I've tried has failed.03:39
turtlewind(mostly old games like civ2)03:39
gatekeeperwrathlo: you could upgrade to dapper if you want to. I did it manually and certain pacakages where not installed not sure exactly what I lost, anyway I am trying through the update-manager on my test box, still got 1 hour to run to see what I get. Anyway it's an option03:39
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`blinkbut its a commercaill software03:39
erUSULfarous: use another terminal emulator. i use urxvt is fast and light03:39
turtlewind'blink - I was meaning a Windows program that definitely runs under Wine03:40
wrathlothanks for the input.03:40
`blinki s better than wine03:40
Fjodorstefg: Burning the live cd now. In the meantime, I'll just try getting the new kernel and installing it, so I'm offline for a bit03:40
turtlewindso that I could see if there was a problem with my setup or if it's just the programs I've been trying to run03:40
tpgterror`blink: i dont know how to fix this...03:40
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stefgFjodor: have fun :-)03:40
Dromenturtlewind: look on wine site?03:40
Dromentheres a long list03:40
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tpgterror`blink: this was the error, sh: dpkg-source: command not found03:41
tpgterrorUnpack command 'dpkg-source -x wine_0.9.16~winehq0~ubuntu~6.06-1.dsc' failed.03:41
tpgterrorCheck if the 'dpkg-dev' package is installed.03:41
tpgterrorE: Child process failed03:41
wrathloim stil trying to familiarize myself with this OS.it is a lot different than windows03:41
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Dromenwrathlo: indeed03:41
techniciananyone used iproute in ubuntu ?03:41
Dromengatekeeper: give wrathlo that link you gave me earlier03:41
gatekeeperwrathlo: dapper is just the latest version of everything same OS :-)03:41
wrathlowhich one?03:41
wrathloyup that is true03:41
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Dromenwrathlo: http://pcmech.com/show/os/917/03:42
farouserUSUL: thanx but i just wana know why all of a sudden it is that slow03:42
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icmpoh man this all nighter has me drained03:42
wrathlothanks for the link!03:42
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wrathloseems to be a great help.03:42
gatekeeperwrathlo: Dromen: my home home page with a few usefull links: za1012001.googlepages.com/home03:42
IRCMonkeyxdromen: ?03:42
tpgterrorcan anybody help me with this WINE problem?03:43
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DromenIRCMonkeyx: ever played Ectroverse?03:43
IRCMonkeyxDromen: nope, i have no idea for it03:43
Dromensorry ;P03:43
IRCMonkeyxDromen: no problem03:44
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IRCMonkeyxhi people i have windows in my drive C, it is ntfs, drive d is fat 32, i have ubuntu 6.06 as ext2, if my drive c or d got virus, does it infect my drive e too? and may i scan my drive e, from a tool which is in drive c? note: i can see ubuntu from windows, i can see windows from ubuntu03:44
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Noelioanyone in NYC?03:44
nvezIRCMonkeyx, the virus who infected it was activated from Windows, right?03:45
IRCMonkeyxnvez: yes03:45
wrathlohow do i view the available disk space i have?03:45
gatekeepernvez: hypothetical I think03:45
`blinkdu -sh03:45
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gatekeeperwrathlo: df03:45
nvezIRCMonkeyx, then your E (ext2) can't be read by windows03:45
faroustop say that xorg is hoggng my system when i just use a terminal emiulator. this should not be the case having a centrino 1.8 GHz processor and 1GB of ram yet i have to wait 1sec typing each letter in a terminal emulator :(03:45
crova`of`thx`blink nothing man ;/, it is possible to run an irc client in safemode?03:45
tpgterrorgatekeeper: hey again, could you help me please with this WINE error in terminal?03:46
crova`of`thxso i could run it and it would be easir to try something03:46
nvezSo you're safe. :P03:46
Dromennvez: what about if he has the ext driver installed in winblows?03:46
`blinkdunno - try it03:46
gatekeepertpgterror: not used wine but shoot :-)03:46
tpgterrorgatekeeper: shoot? is that anorther 1?03:46
IRCMonkeyxnvez: my question , lets say i have an anti-virs in ubuntu, can i scan windows by it?03:46
sarekwhen copying files via scp from my notebook to another computer the notebook locks completely (need to hard reset) no matter whether it is connected via LAN or WLAN. But when I do it the other way round, so log in to the other computer and then scp files from the notebook it works. Any ideas?03:46
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nvezIRCMonkeyx, If you mount the two other partitions, I really don't find a reason for it not to.03:47
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gatekeepertpgterror: shoot == go ahead with your question :-)03:47
wrathlowhere is that df?03:47
gatekeeperwrathlo: cli command in terminal03:47
nvezwrathlo, It's everywhere. =P03:47
nvezApplications > Accessories > Terminal03:47
gatekeepernvez: don't be cruel :-)03:48
tpgterrorgatekeeper: well i get a error in terminal when i follow the intrustions or something at the WINE website for ubuntu, the last instruction, apt-get source wine, well i get a error in E: child process falied and some order that i need dgp-dev file or something03:48
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wrathloi typed cli at the terminal, it says command not found03:48
nvezOpen terminal & type03:48
Dromentpgterror: try apt-get dgp-dev03:48
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nvezNo problem. :)03:49
wrathlothank you all for the help!03:49
wrathlomy mp3 is playing now03:49
wrathloa relieF!!!03:49
wrathloone thing though, it is a bit choppy at times03:49
wrathlohow do i fix it?03:50
gatekeepertpgterror: I don't thing you want the wine source code unless you plan on doing something with it, error probable because you don't have a repos with it in03:50
tpgterrorgatekeeper: it was dpkg-dev, busy now with it03:50
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nvezwrathlo, umm, choppy as in cuts and skips?03:50
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nvezMeh.  Not a huge fan of MP3s so I can't help. =P03:50
WoostaWhich package would I get Helvetica (font) from?03:50
wrathlothanks anyway nvez!03:51
nvezIf I remember it was a wine fonts package, Woosta.  Let me check.03:51
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Woostashouldnt be .. it's not a MS font ..03:51
tpgterrorgatekeeper: but just as last error ( same one ) it says check if dpkg-dev is installed, well and then i get a child process falied message03:51
=== farous only regret the time i lost thinking that linux can be of real use
threeseasman, my system got so bad doing whatever it was doing that I couldn't do anything and it eventually killed running applications03:51
tpgterrorgatekeeper: ive made 2x repos with the link in Synaptic package manager03:52
threeseasnow I'm updating 205 files on dialup - 13 plus hours03:52
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nvezThough, Woosta, Nimbus Sans is based on Helvatica.03:52
WoostaYeah, but that's not what I want03:53
WoostaI want Helvetica03:53
threeseasit'd be nice if I could have it do whatever it was doing and updates at night when I'm sleeping03:53
gatekeepertpgterror: is it installed when you look in synaptic?03:53
nvezHeh. 8-)03:53
tpgterrorgatekeeper: yes03:53
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Jack_Sparrowthreeseas: Did you not tell it to do the update now?03:54
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faddatHey, got a quick query.... when I try to install flash (package: flashplugin-nonfree), I check the chekbox, click next, and then it progresses no further.  Is there a problem with the package?03:54
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Jack_Sparrowfaddat: What program are you using to do it. apt, synaptic ?03:55
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gatekeepertpgterror: I think you are trying to install something you don't need, only need source code stuff if you are building stuff from source code03:55
faddatEasyUbuntu at first03:55
faddatand I've tried like 10x with Synaptic03:56
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faddatand once with apt03:56
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tpgterrorgatekeeper: well all i want is running steam or something03:56
faddatI'm really unsure what the trouble might be03:56
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threeseasJack_sparrow: yes I told it to do it now but this earlier insident I have little if any idea as to setting that fot night .... I can look at the logs but am unsure what I'm seeing03:56
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tpgterrorgatekeeper: and yes that is windows03:57
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gatekeepertpgterror: you just need to install the wine binaries to have a running system03:57
tpgterrorgatekeeper: uhm how do i do that? is there any site of it to see how?03:57
Jack_Sparrowfaddat:  just to be sure you are also clicking on the button that says APPLY in synaptic?03:57
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faddatYep :)03:57
gatekeepertpgterror: what have you done so far?03:57
faddatit dies after I agree to download flash03:58
faddatjust... sits there03:58
tpgterrorgatekeeper: well ive followed the instructions at http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb03:58
Jack_SparrowThat did not answer my question03:58
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gatekeepertpgterror: this is all you need to do: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_a_windows_emulator_.28Wine.2903:58
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faddatyes, I clicked apply in synaptic03:59
faddatafter selecting the package03:59
faddatsorry :)03:59
gatekeepertpgterror: you trying to build wine from source?03:59
tpgterrorgatekeeper: dont know, dont think so i think04:00
faddatafter you click apply, the screen comes up asking me if I want to download flash, the package itself is just an installer stub04:00
faddatand then it goes byebye04:00
Jack_Sparrowfaddat: If you go into synaptic now does it have a check next to it or not04:00
wrathloi have tried to install the w32 codecs, but it says Package w32codecs has no installation candidate04:00
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nvezUhh, Dapper = 6.0604:00
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tpgterrorgatekeeper: i dont understand that link u gave me04:00
faddatno check because I "Completely removed" the package04:00
faddatb/c it never finishes installing04:01
tpgterrorgatekeeper: nvm04:01
faddatand then makes apt very unhappy04:01
crova`of`thxhow can i disable pcmcia services before booting?04:01
faddatBut I just opened synaptic and checked to make sure04:01
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gatekeepertpgterror: have you got the wine repos in /etc/apt/sources.list?04:01
Jack_Sparrowwrathlo: did you read this..  and how were you trying to get the package?  Were using the cli?04:01
threeseasis there not a way to tell ubuntu to do updates at a given time of day. and am I correct in believing that 205 + updates didn't happen in the last 24 hours?04:01
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:01
tpgterrorwell im in that file now but i need to copy something in that?04:01
gatekeepertpgterror: paste /etc/apt/sources.list into pastebin and give me the URL04:02
wrathloim just reading it now04:02
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tpgterrorgatekeeper: what is pastebin?04:02
tomukaswhat's the name of the program to capture screen videos?04:02
tom12519Hey guys04:02
LjL!tell tpgterror about pastebin04:02
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:02
gatekeepertpgterror: ^ ^04:02
RiotingPis there anyway to get ubuntu to read ntfs?04:02
jribtomukas: istanbul is one04:02
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions04:02
tomukasjrib: thanks, going to try it04:03
tomukasjrib: that's exactly what i meant... thank you very much04:03
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gatekeepertpgterror: I think you are making this 100x more difficult than it needs to be04:03
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wrathloi havent tried getting the package04:04
Jack_SparrowRiotingP:  Easy to read, dangerous to write.   You can use this script to mount your NTFS and fat partitions04:04
tom12519Okay guys, I'm fairly new to programming, but I want to get better, naturally, I want to get better, what source code would you recommend I begin lookign at?04:04
tpgterrorgatekeeper: yes thats true, im a bit n00b, sorry, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1762104:05
gatekeepertpgterror: comes with the territory :-)04:05
LjLtom12519: uhm, that's probably best asked in #ubuntu-offtopic - anyway, if you're fairly new to programming i don't recommend you read source code, but rather books and courses04:05
tpgterrorgatekeeper: i know :P04:05
faddatMight there be a manual way to get flash onto my ubuntu-ness?04:05
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jribfaddat: the package is not working?04:06
Jack_Sparrowtom12519: I too learn more reading well documented source code..04:06
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faddatjrib:  Here's what happens, I'll do it right now so I can tell you exactly04:06
gatekeepertpgterror: you are running breezy 5.1?04:06
faddatjrib:  I'm going to follow www.ubuntuguide.org instructions04:07
tpgterrorthink so, but IF that is true then i got the wrong repos at my synaptic package manager04:07
faddatnow I'm selecting yes telling it I want it to download the package from the Internet04:08
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gatekeepertpgterror: you have a mixture which is not good hang on we need to fix this...04:08
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tpgterrorgatekeeper: ok ill wait, thanks04:09
faddatjrib:  Now, " Setting up flashplugin-nonfree ( ..."  This is where it typically dies04:09
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faddatjrib:  waiting......04:10
tpgterrorgatekeeper: also when i want to update it says that i cant update 3 files, named gstreamer0.8-misc and gstreamer0.8-vorbis and libopenal004:10
jribfaddat: so does it eventually tell you it can't download the file?04:10
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faddatjrib:  typically, it just does nothing04:11
faddatjrib:  Actually I've never had it tell me it can't download the file04:11
faddatJrib:  but I've figured that is the problem04:11
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gatekeepertpgterror: will PM you to make this a bit easier04:12
jribfaddat: ok, download the file manually and put it on your desktop04:12
faddatthe .tar.gz file, right?04:12
jribfaddat: right04:12
tpgterrorgatekeeper: ok, i hope i can talk too then ^^04:12
faddatokay, one second....04:12
threeseasthis update process, it knows what files it has dl'ed in the event I stop it or my isp drops carrier?04:12
crova`of`thxhow can i disable pcmcia services before booting?04:13
faddatjrib:  okay, done04:13
gatekeepertpgterror: do -> /join #tpgterror04:13
jribfaddat: sudo update-flashplugin -l ~/Desktop04:14
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faddatoh, nice!04:14
faddatThanks man!04:14
tpgterrorgatekeeper: done04:14
SolskogenIs there a jdk for ubuntu on powerpc?04:14
Jack_SparrowWhat is jdk04:15
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:15
SolskogenJack_Sparrow: Java development kit04:15
faddatjrib: I'm going to restart moz, and see what happens, thanks for the help though-- last step to a perfect PC :)04:15
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jribfaddat: np, remember it never hurts to check the man pages even though I'll admit they are hard to read through sometimes04:16
PDani_how can i cross-compile on an amd64 ubuntu 32-bit binaries?04:16
=== CrazyMonkey [n=none@modemcable131.125-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
faddatjrib:  Packages have man pages, or.... how would I do that in this context?  Typically, I know how to do that, but would it just be.... man update-flashplugin?04:17
nvezNo shockwave?!04:17
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jribfaddat: yep, man update-flashplugin is what let me know about that -l switch04:17
faddatThanks man :)!04:18
faddatMuchly appreciated.04:18
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Storkhow can i assign keyboard keys (hex values) to commands?04:19
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=== Dagataka [n=mark@dsl-217-155-41-100.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
nvezAnyone has ever installed shockwave on Linux and how does it work?04:20
ubotushockwave is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave04:21
nvezp.s: i hate wine.04:21
Storkred or white04:21
=== hctibtipots [n=tagz@HSE-Montreal-ppp138041.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Storksurely you can't hate both04:21
=== VoX [n=vox@unaffiliated/vox] has joined #ubuntu
FunnyLookinHatI hate Flash in linux.04:21
FunnyLookinHatit sux04:21
Storkflash in linux hates you04:21
DagatakaIs it safe to install the ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop on the same system or would their be a lot of conflicts?04:21
FunnyLookinHatDagataka, yea. it's just a meta package04:22
hctibtipotscan sum1 give me a hand with connecting a wireless network connection???04:22
Storkhow can i assign keyboard keys (hex values) to commands?04:22
jribDagataka: should be safe04:22
Dagatakaok good stuff thanks04:22
FunnyLookinHatDagataka, but I'm not sure it would accomplish what you are looking for04:22
=== tom12519 [n=tom12519@82-43-176-23.cable.ubr06.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
VoXi know this is a /really/, really, bad question.. but is there a realplayer player for linux, or anything that will show a streaming realmedia format?04:22
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DagatakaI want to be able to log out and login with different sessions - KDE, Gnome and XFCE04:22
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:22
SubVoX, there is arealplayer for linux04:22
jribVoX: there is realplayer and mplayer with w32codecs can also play "real" media04:23
=== florian [n=BiggBoss@p549D6F9D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
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florianhi, does anyone know a repo where i can get flashplayer 8 from?04:24
gnomefreakflorian: its not built fr linux04:24
FunnyLookinHatVoX,  you can add this line to your sources.list to get the "official" realplayer    deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu dapper-commercial main04:24
nvezgnomefreak, there is flash, but nots hockwave.04:24
gnomefreakflorian: lastest build is flash 704:24
nvezwell flash player 7. :P04:24
gnomefreaknvez: there is no flash 8 for linux and wont be04:24
=== pezza_uk [n=pez@user-324.l5.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
hctibtipots can sum1 give me a hand with connecting a wireless network connection???04:25
=== oskude [n=osku@dslb-084-058-226-056.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
nvezmy bad, gnomefreak :P  I went for flash instead of "shockwave"04:25
floriansome webpage require flash 8.... why won't there be flash 8?04:25
nvezgo tell Adobe.04:25
FunnyLookinHatflorian, because adobe has screwed us04:25
nvezHeh, feels weird "flash" and "adobe"04:25
mjryou want proper flash for linux, support the gnash reimplementation project :)04:25
FunnyLookinHati know....  : (04:25
Amaranthflorian: adobe skipped flash 8 and decided to wait until flash 9 for linux04:25
gnomefreakflorian: flash said they didnt want to build it for linux 9 is being talked about for linux04:25
FunnyLookinHatmjr, get gnash onto the repos and then I'll support it  ;)04:25
crova`of`thxnot having a swap partition can result in problems while booting the ubuntu?04:26
DagatakaVoX - take a look at Automatix this will automatically install RealPlayer and w32codecs etc.04:26
Amaranthnvez: They also changed "Acrobat Reader" to "Adobe Reader"04:26
florianok, i see04:26
lwizardldid the repos for 5.10 stop ?04:26
Amaranthnvez: So it's now "Adobe Flash" and "Adobe Reader"04:26
gnomefreakAmaranth: what about acroread that will still read them all right?04:26
Storkhow do i change the default music player in ubuntu04:26
nvezWhat's next, Adobe Shockwave :(04:26
=== hctibtipots [n=tagz@HSE-Montreal-ppp138041.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu []
Amaranthlwizardl: They still exist but only get security updates.04:26
nvezI'll kill for linux shockwave support.04:26
=== Mariele [n=Mariele@ool-182c4580.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreaknvez: good luck on that one04:26
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.04:26
Amaranthgnomefreak: acroread? They changed the name.04:26
nvezHeh. :P04:27
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.04:27
FunnyLookinHatUse that one04:27
=== lido`` [n=th1232@adsl-69-209-229-31.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakAmaranth: its acroread in ubuntu repos04:27
Amaranthnvez: Crossover Plugin is what you want04:27
FunnyLookinHat; )04:27
mjrnvez, threatening to kill would probably be more effective. Maybe kidnapping to put credibility on that.04:27
Jack_SparrowNOte the warnings04:27
VoXDagataka: automatix?04:27
floriandoes gnash then work properly?04:27
Amaranthflorian: not really, it's still just starting04:27
mjrflorian, no, that's why it needs support ;)04:27
FunnyLookinHatI thought to help people in this channel you had to swear off Automatix....  lol04:27
lido``Is anyone running Ubuntu via Virtual PC window?04:27
gnomefreakflorian: not really atleast last i heard04:27
Amaranthflorian: Last time I tried it it killed Firefox when something flash was loaded04:27
nvezmjr, or all of Freenode could break into Adobe headquarters. :P04:27
lwizardlAmaranth, hmm ok because i think the 6.06 nvidia drivers are flawed. everytime i install it using 6.06 lts and restartx it hangs04:28
=== gnomefreak never tried it
florianI'll give it a try anyway04:28
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zenwhenI used Automatix to set up a new system yesterday and after tons of testing the only effect it had was making the system work perfectly with everything I tried.04:28
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AmaranthFunnyLookinHat: No, we just don't like discussions of automatix or easyubuntu in this channel. We'd rather help you do things on your own.04:28
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gnomefreakthe official way ;)04:28
DagatakaAutomatix is the future of Linux imo or at least for Ubuntu04:28
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lido``I installed 6.06 server (LAMP) and upon reboot it goes to text interface... is this ormal or is it supposed to boot to GUI?04:29
VoXhmm im guessing there is no 64bit realplayer for larnux04:29
FunnyLookinHatAmaranth, ahh ok.  Agreed.  : )04:29
AmaranthDagataka: /join #automatix :P04:29
=== hctibtipots [n=tagz@HSE-Montreal-ppp138041.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
mjrVoX, correct04:29
dr_willisugh.. yea.. right..04:29
lwizardllido``, thats normal lts is linux terminal server04:29
AmaranthVoX: 64-bit gets a raw deal with Linux and Windows04:29
=== FCTE [n=chris@c-24-15-102-80.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
hctibtipotshow can i get my wireless connection to connect???04:29
pezza_ukI'm having problems installing VMWare Player; it fails when loading the VMWare services04:29
Amaranthhctibtipots: Do you have an internet connection on the machine with wireless?04:30
alambaHi, is there a howto out there for configuring your modem on ubuntu?04:30
nvezI'm running Linux Firefox & Windows Firefox.04:30
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Amaranthhctibtipots: I mean are you on the internet with it right now.04:30
Amaranthhctibtipots: install network-manager-gnome04:30
mjrAmaranth, mostly 64-bit gets a raw deal with proprietary software04:30
Jack_Sparrowalamba: WHat type of modem is it?04:30
=== Tzy [n=Tzy@178.109-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
hctibtipotsit is configured it the router, card is detected on the machine but wont connect04:30
Amaranthhctibtipots: it doesn't automatically connect, you have to use some tool to make it do so04:31
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Jack_Sparrowhctibtipots: Detected does not mean it works04:31
alambaJack: have no clue....its part of HP dv1375 laptop...most everything else worked out of the box04:31
Amaranthhctibtipots: either network-manager-gnome or command line04:31
=== EvilGuru [n=evilguru@firshman.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
oskudeDagataka, only think i know, 2 people had broke system when wanting to do the same as i did, and the only difference was, they used automatix...04:31
Amaranthoskude: /join #automatix04:31
Jack_Sparrowalamba: google your laptop to see what chipset the modem uses04:31
gnomefreakoskude: and Dagataka please move this to #automatix04:31
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pezza_ukinvoke-rc.d: initscript vmware-player, action "start" failed.04:32
oskudeAmaranth, gnomefreak i just wanted to say i _know_ automatix is bad...04:32
=== gnomefreak thinks Amaranth types too fast
hctibtipotsi have configured the ssid and wep in the manager and it still will not connect, and in the network monitor there is no signal04:32
Amaranthgnomefreak: hehe, 70wpm04:32
gnomefreakoskude: again that is a big no no in here04:32
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Dagatakaeach to their own04:32
gnomefreakAmaranth: :O04:32
HorzAhow do i change my keyb layout to ISO-8859-1?04:32
=== gnomefreak lucky to have 3 words a min ;)
=== Pyrotic [n=mom@24-72-195-37.cm-dynip.usadig.com] has joined #ubuntu
AmaranthHorzA: System->Preferences->Keyboard04:33
mjrHorzA, it's not a keyboard layout issue04:33
MSchwhy does gnome use a different $PATH than the shell and how can i change it?04:33
HorzAits ubuntuserver, so just console on it04:33
=== Adam-Sleep is now known as adamant1988
Jack_SparrowI can do 80 wpm as long as they are all 4 letter words and I am pissed off.  :)04:33
AmaranthMSch: I don't think it does.04:33
jribMSch: /etc/login.defs is what sets your path... you can use ~/.gnomerc for your user04:33
juztinwhat application can i use to live record all JACK server output?04:33
AmaranthMSch: but ~/.bashrc isn't going to set $PATH for gnome04:34
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WhiteNinjawho cares on typing when nobody can read and understand? *laughing04:34
FunnyLookinHatjuztin, if a JACK server is audio/video... I04:34
FunnyLookinHatjuztin, I'm fairly sure that VLC can record it's streams04:34
Amaranthjrib: actually you want /etc/environment, i think04:34
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juztinFunnyLookinHat, its audio04:34
=== Lynoure lives with a person who types errorfree 120 wpm
Fjodorgnomefreak: stefg left, so will you help me? Trying to get dapper server going on an old box. Right after grub, the machine reboots. I have now noticed, that when running grub-install, I get stage2 not read correctly. How to fix?04:34
juztinFunnyLookinHat, what's VLC?04:34
dr_willis!info vlc04:35
FunnyLookinHatjuztin, it's a media player/recorder...04:35
=== crova`of`thx [i=ysahwrru@20151255090.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuvlc: multimedia player for all audio and video formats. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.8.4.debian-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 7620 kB, installed size 18808 kB04:35
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs04:35
AmaranthFunnyLookinHat: jack is like esd04:35
LynoureMine is closer to the human average :)04:35
LjLLynoure: ktouch told me i'm doing about 80 wpm. i'm disappointed >:04:35
gnomefreak!grub > Fjodor04:35
jribAmaranth: actually you may be right, I know that /etc/login.defs was for breezy but I heard something about changing that for dapper04:35
FunnyLookinHatAmaranth, oooh , so it's local04:35
FunnyLookinHatno clue then04:35
AmaranthFunnyLookinHat: it's a sound daemon for your desktop but it's mainly used for audio editing apps because it has low latency04:35
gnomefreakFjodor: your pm has links for the codes and easy fix for them04:35
hctibtipotshelp with wireless connection04:35
=== Tzy [n=Tzy@178.109-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Amaranthhctibtipots: do you have network-manager-gnome installed?04:36
LynoureLjL: That's still better than mine. Ever since I tried to switch to traditional touchtyping, I've been slower than efore04:36
Amaranthhctibtipots: is it running?04:36
MSchAmaranth: i always thought that there's a .xinitrc that gets executed by bash and therefor .bashrc works?04:36
hctibtipotsit is now04:36
Fjodorgnomefreak: Thanks04:36
Amaranthhctibtipots: click on it04:36
AmaranthMSch: I don't think so.04:36
LjLLynoure: "traditional touchtyping"?04:36
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gnomefreakFjodor: last time i saw a grub error i re-installed so im not sure how to fix certain grub errors04:36
Amaranthhctibtipots: it should show a list of wireless networks in the area04:37
MSchjrib: there's no .gnomerc on my ubuntu, is it a simple shell script just like .bashrc?04:37
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jribMSch: yeah, you can just create it04:37
AmaranthMSch: /etc/environment is probably where you want to set the path04:37
=== stefg [n=stefg@dslb-088-072-242-164.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
LynoureLjL: you know, all fingers on the baseline, no looking at the keys04:37
alambaJack: google isn't being very helpful...is there another way for me to find it (lsmod, etc.)?04:37
hctibtipots1 sec...04:37
MSchAmaranth: well, it should be for my user only, so /etc/environment won't do04:37
LynoureLjL: Previously I used about 8 fingers and occasionally peeked :)04:37
Amaranth~/.gnomerc then, I guess04:38
hctibtipotsok im an idiot i dont have a network manager gnome installed04:38
=== SonicChao [n=soniccha@dpc67142187100.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_SparrowFjodor: HOw old is that box and does it have serial ata drives or usb204:39
jribAmaranth: did /etc/environment exist in breezy?04:39
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Amaranthjrib: I believe so04:39
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LjLLynoure: oh, right. well i don't "traditionally" touchtype either and i rarely use my shortest finger except for meta-keys, but i don't think the "traditional" approach is that much better than the way i'm doing it. i do it more like i'm playing the piano, which in the end means i can "optimize" words, while with "traditional touchtyping" you end up having some words which are extremely difficult to type04:40
Amaranthhctibtipots: ok, open synaptic (System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager), search for network-manager-gnome, and install it04:40
=== noor [n=noor@dsl-045-142.cust.imagine.ie] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowalamba: what is your laptop model number?04:40
hctibtipotsi did a search and nuttin came up04:40
Amaranthhctibtipots: then open a terminal and run `nm-applet` to start it (it'll start on login after this)04:40
=== Ropechoborra Buenas ! :)
Amaranth!info network-manager-gnome04:40
ubotunetwork-manager-gnome: network management framework (GNOME Frontend). In repository main, is optional. Version 0.6.2-0ubuntu7 (dapper), package size 234 kB, installed size 1556 kB04:40
Amaranthhctibtipots: it's in main04:40
FjodorJack_Sparrow: It's an old k6-2, so no on both ;-)04:40
Amaranthhctibtipots: do you have dapper?04:40
Jack_Sparrowalamba: We are probably going to find it is a winmodem04:40
Fjodorgnomefreak: Ok04:40
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alambaJack: 1375ea....looks like its a Rockwell HCF 56K modem04:40
alambaJack: correction...HP DV 1375ea04:41
Amaranthhctibtipots: you need Ubuntu 6.06 "dapper" for this to work04:41
=== wk2x [n=wk2x@55-242-221-213-pool.cable.fcom.ch] has joined #ubuntu
dragoni want to install limewire , do i hafta update to 6.06 to do that....04:42
Subdragon, use frostwire04:42
alambaJack: I'm almost sure it's a winmodem...i know that causes trouble but isn't there a way to make winmodems work with linux?04:42
hctibtipotsyes i do04:42
dragonfristwire instead of limewire?04:42
nvezUhh, I'm having trouble installing Shockwave, I installed WINE+Firefox with Shockwave, added lines in mozplugger, now when I open a shockwave page, instead of loading it, it prompts to download a file (which I'm sure is the shockwave file) and doesn't load it inside the webpage.04:42
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Warbodragon: You just need Java04:42
mjralamba, some yes, some no04:42
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository04:42
mjralamba, see http://linmodems.org/ for further information04:42
hctibtipotsi typed nm-applet and sed command not found04:42
jrib!modem > alamba04:43
alambamjr: understandable...will look into the link...04:43
dragondoes that come with ubuntu or what04:43
Warbodragon: (I think that Sun one is only in Dapper, so use j2re1.4 instead)04:43
=== epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
jribalamba: that might help too04:43
=== Toge [n=meneillo@15.Red-213-96-200.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Warbodragon: If you have Universe and Multiverse enabled look for j2re1.4 package04:43
Amaranthhctibtipots: you have to install the network-manager-gnome package first04:43
pezza_ukis there anyone to help me with a problem i'm having with installing VMWare?04:43
alambajrib: u mean "!modem" as a command? didn't help..event not found04:43
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare04:44
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jribalamba: nah, you should have received a private message from ubotu, !modem just invokes ubotu04:44
dragoni have 5.0404:44
hctibtipotsthat is not in the synaptic manager04:44
=== _TomB [n=ownthebo@ACD89ADF.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about w6404:44
Warbodragon: Search for "java" what comes up? (in apt-cache or Synaptic)04:44
dr_willisdragon,  i advise updating, or reinstalling  the latest ubuntu dapper.04:45
dragonjust a sec ill chek04:45
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.04:45
hctibtipotsi have not done any updates to the installation04:45
=== Griver [n=Griver@81-231-250-204-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
dragonjava common comes up04:45
WarboSounds like M$ tech support.....04:45
dragonand its installed04:45
dr_willisWarbo,  nah - they would say call dell.04:46
Warbodragon: You need a runtime environment "re", any?04:46
=== [sYn] [n=syn@host-84-9-221-67.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
dragonif i update to 6.06 am i gonna loose all mah stuff?04:46
gatekeeperwhat the cli command to get the ubuntu version folks?04:46
Warbodragon: No04:46
alambacool...thanks all....got the link on dial-up from ubuntu wiki...am going to get the chipset using scanmodem and then get back to the room04:46
wk2xhello people! I've a problem with my TV-Card, i use kubuntu 6.06 (dapper), the tvcard is a pinnacle 110 and was recognised from kdetv, and i find sender, but i have no picture and no sound, can anybody help me?04:46
=== markybob [n=markybob@c-67-163-28-235.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dragonok so if i update to 6.06 then try sun java it shud work04:47
Warbodragon: Definetly (erm, I hope...)04:47
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dragonlol me to....04:47
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dragonim not a wiz with pc's i just wanna do this once then thats it.....lol04:48
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gast_fick dich du spasst04:48
wk2xhelp me please..04:48
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gast_ok i will help you04:48
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gast_whats your problem04:48
gast__hi everybody04:49
gast__how r u04:49
wk2x16:48:47) wk2x: hello people! I've a problem with my TV-Card, i use kubuntu 6.06 (dapper), the tvcard is a pinnacle 110 and was recognised from kdetv, and i find sender, but i have no picture and no sound, can anybody help me?04:49
kevinzhello. i want the later version of "python-mutagen" to convert mp3 tags, the version in dapper is not competent. What can i do?04:49
=== richard [n=richard@82-68-17-94.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
gast_fuck you all  i am freso04:49
SonicChaogast_: Log out you're clone, please04:49
gast_hey my friends04:49
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SonicChaogast_: keep the language appropriate04:49
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!04:49
SonicChaoSeveas: Help04:49
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SonicChaoSeveas: We've got a little problem here04:50
SeveasSonicChao, no need to poke every second04:50
SonicChaoSeveas: Thanks :)04:50
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
TraeIs there some way, via a log file or something, to ascertain exactly how my machine was last shut down?  My laptop just shut off on me for no apparent reason, certainly not from my doing so.04:50
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
bertuhey how can you know your local machine name?04:50
Acillcan someone tell me a way I can see what IP my router has assigned to mu system on eth1?04:50
wk2x16:48:47) wk2x: hello people! I've a problem with my TV-Card, i use kubuntu 6.06 (dapper), the tvcard is a pinnacle 110 and was recognised from kdetv, and i find sender, but i have no picture and no sound, can anybody help me?04:50
SonicChaoSeveas: Didn't know if you were here or not...so I pinged you04:50
erUSULTrae: /var/log/messages04:50
Fjodorgnomefreak: Seems the stage2-thing is unrelated, and neither of the links seem to cover my initial problem. stefg wanted me to boot from a breezy live CD, but left before telling me what he wanted with it. Probably trying to see if it would boot at all, which it will04:50
oskudeAcill, on the terminal "ifconfig" enter04:50
erUSULAcill: ifconfig eth104:51
FjodorShould I try installing a breezy kernel on the system perhaps?04:51
bertucan someone tell me how to check the local machine name?04:51
SonicChaobertu: uname -a04:51
Acillthanks, that did it04:51
stefgFjodor: i'm back, and all i wanted to see is, if you can get a breezy CD to boot on the box04:51
Fjodorstefg: Hi again. Booting it now04:52
TraeJul  9 10:45:02 localhost kernel: [17179591.292000]  Warning: PCI driver ipw2200 has a struct device_driver shutdown method, please update!04:52
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Dromeni compiled kaffeine 0.81 from source but still my system will only run kaffeine 0.7104:53
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Dromenwhys it not updating04:54
apokryphosDromen: you should've read the FAQ entry on compiling apps. It's best to use checkinstall04:54
TraeJul  9 10:43:21 localhost shutdown[24925] : shutting down for system halt  --  What is the 24925 for ?04:54
=== EnsilZah [n=ensilzah@] has joined #ubuntu
Dromenah apokryphos whats the link for that?04:54
Fjodorstefg: Perhaps I should put a breezy kernel on the system, just to try? I don't think that's it, though, as the dapper install disk booted fine04:54
oskudeDromen, you should not compile things if you dont know what youre doing...04:54
stefgFjodor: i doubt very much that you'll be able to run dapper with a breezy kernel04:54
apokryphosDromen: it's in the channel /topic04:54
Dromenwell compiling from source used to be fine on suse04:54
Fjodorstefg: Ok. Just a thought04:54
Dromensurely not much difference04:54
ubotuI know nothing about topic04:55
apokryphosDromen: of course it'd work fine too, but compiling apps *anywhere*, it's best to remove the old one first.04:55
stefgFjodor: so this means you /can/ boot with 2.6.12 ?04:55
TraeDromen,  heh /topic04:55
EnsilZahQuestion - Where do i find information about the options i can use for nvidia drivers in the xorg.conf?04:55
apokryphosDromen: and even on suse, it's better to use checkinstall for most apps too04:55
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apokryphosubotu: tell Dromen about faq04:55
pezza_ukI've followed the documentation given for installing VMWare Player but it only tells me to install vmware-player package. That's where I'm having problems!04:55
dr_willisEnsilZah,  the nvidia homepage has a detailed readme/docs on all the options04:55
Fjodorstefg: Seems so. It's in the process of setting everything up, but has booted fine so far04:55
=== eSPete__ [n=eSPete@0x535b8f9b.bynxx16.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
ubotufaq is http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions Official documentation is at http://help.ubuntu.com IRC FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage04:55
EnsilZahAlright, thanks.04:55
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stefginteresting... dmesg and the log's might give us a clue why 2.6.15 fails04:56
Fjodorstefg: Yes, getting the splash screen now04:56
Traethat's quite bothersome that my machine just shut down for no reason.  My battery is at 100% too04:56
t-thing_Hi. I'm configuring my configuring apache2 to be used with relay filemanager script. I've installed libapache2-mod-perl2, added type to apache2.conf and made sure module is in the loaded directory and last but not least restarted apache2. Still, my browser tries to give me upload.pl (type perl script) file as a download. What to do? Thanks04:56
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bertui am trying to configur mysql04:56
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bertuand when i type my username it tells me that username is invalid04:57
oskudebertu, mysql has different user database as the linux system04:58
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t-thing_bertu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP04:58
bertulook i pasted the error in the pastebin04:58
bertumy name is albert04:58
eSPete__anyone know how to fix when i can't type @ i nubuntu?04:59
Fjodorstefg: looking at dmesg now. What to look for?04:59
bertui was in that page04:59
t-thing_bertu: did you read it?04:59
bertuok reading04:59
Fjodorstefg: acpi seems present04:59
Fjodorstefg: apic not so04:59
stefgFjodor, any chance of getting the box connected and pasting it?04:59
oskudebertu, look in google, many people have written howtos on howto add users in mysql... (or how to set password for the mysql root user)04:59
richardHas anyone installed the latest ATI drivers on the kernel?? i am getting this error when running sudo module-assistant build,install fglrx. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1762604:59
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t-thing_bertu: Yes, being on the page doesn't give you miracles, you do have to read it.04:59
bertuok i am reading05:00
Fjodorstefg: Depends if X works. I alt-f2'ed05:00
Fjodorstefg: 2 sec05:00
=== olivier [n=olivier@dyn-83-153-58-92.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
bertuno the problem is that it isn't reading my username when i am installing05:00
oskudebertu, dont understand...05:01
bertutell me then05:01
Dromenso you type checkinstall instead of make install ?05:01
t-thing_bertu: we don't understand you. Be more verbal.05:01
stefgFjodor: use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting,plz05:01
bertuLook...i was installing apache...then php...then mysqu05:02
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP05:02
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kbrooksbertu: Don't compile it05:03
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wastreldon't compile what?05:03
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:03
Dromenapokryphos: after all that checkinstall still made no difference?05:03
ubotuI know nothing about xampp05:03
bertusql...at first it tells me to write the password and i succeed then after it tells me (while installing in terminal) to connect root@ local-machine-name an then password05:03
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nvezSo, the root MYSQL password doesn'T work right?05:04
=== Fjodor_server [n=ubuntu@0x55510b65.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosDromen: (i) completely remove kaffeine (though if you did things right, checkinstall would do this): sudo apt-get --purge remove kaffeine05:04
nvezDid you set it up yet?  it's different than the "normal" linux root. :)05:04
apokryphosDromen: then, go into the new kaffeine source directory, ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && sudo checkinstall05:04
bertuno the problem is that the username is not accepted05:04
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nvezerror: 'Unknown MySQL server host 'root@bertu-desktop' (1)'05:04
nvezNo, actually it's not finding your server :)05:05
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nvezTry connecting to localhost instead of your hostname05:05
bertuso what shall i do05:05
nvezso instead of using05:05
nvezuse localhost05:05
DromenUnable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?05:05
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nvezDromen, did you sudo apt-get ...05:05
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Dromennvez: think it was synaptic05:05
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:05
oskudebertu, i hope you did "mysql -u root -p" (notice the -p, without that it wont ask you for the password when login in)05:05
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Dromenworking now05:05
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nvezAh. :P05:06
Dromenremoving kaffeine05:06
Dromenrunning ./configure again05:06
t-thing_gatekeeper: why are you flooding the channel with pastebin info? :)05:06
DromenGood - your configure finished. Start make now05:06
nvezHe id it once, t-thing_05:07
apokryphosDromen: make sure you specified the prefix05:07
reikiooooohhh.kaaayyyyy.... well it appears that hardware monitoring in a VM doesn't work. I can't believe I can't see CPU temp and fan speeds in linux with an Asus motherboard05:07
Dromennow make nvez?05:07
gatekeepert-thing_: only asked for it twice because I forget the URL sorry05:07
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Storkhi, can anyone explain this error:05:07
Storkalex@ubuntu64:~$ dumpkeys05:07
StorkCouldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console05:07
nvezBefore, make sure nothing like synaptic05:07
bertulook i wrote05:07
t-thing_gatekeeper: no problem, i was just being a wiseass.05:07
bertumysqladmin -h root@localhost -u root password *************05:07
Dromenyeh ive closed em all05:07
nvezis running, ps -A05:07
=== okie-homie [n=mbnyce@static-67-62-26-6.dsl.cavtel.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dromenso now type prefix=/usr && make && sudo checkinstall05:08
billqhey is gcc stuffed in dapper getting error :gcc: hello.c: No such file or directory :gcc: no input files05:08
gatekeepert-thing_: I have shit memory :-(05:08
apokryphosDromen: no!05:08
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bertudid i write it good or not05:08
t-thing_gatekeeper: well you can scroll the window05:08
apokryphosDromen: ./configure --prefix=/usr is what you should've type for it05:08
nvezHold on, bertu =p05:08
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apokryphosDromen: also, since you already previously tried to compile, you should make clean before doing that.05:08
nvezOkay, you did it right, bertu05:08
Dromentype make clean?05:08
=== Breezy-CA [i=8ac69244@c-24-4-249-124.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cocoxhi anyone know wich port should i enable in firestarter or iptables for get connected to the update repositories ???05:09
apokryphosDromen: yes05:09
gatekeepert-thing_: I have to remember that sorry (doh I am plonker)05:09
apokryphosDromen: then type exactly the above05:09
bertuand what port should i use?05:09
nvezmysql -h localhost -u root -p05:09
t-thing_gatekeeper: also as a tip, you can private message bots05:09
nvezType that, bertu, port, it'll use default.05:09
apokryphosDromen: which is: ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && sudo checkinstall05:09
Dromenhmm ok05:09
okie-homielooking for an example /etc/fstab... mine is completely empty...05:09
gatekeepert-thing_: cool05:09
bertuERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'kitjahdem'05:09
Dromenapokryphos: lets see what happens :D05:10
gatekeepert-thing_: will try that thanx05:10
nvezbut, bertu, it logged in right :)05:10
nvezUnknown database is probably becasue the database doesn't exist.05:10
bertuso it is logged on eh05:10
oskudeokie-homie, /etc/fstab is depentant to the system its installed, you propably dont have the same drives as i do...05:10
nvezYeah, it logged on but when you're trying to select the database, kitjahdem, it's not finding it.05:10
Dromenapokryphos: This package will be built according to these values:05:10
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Dromenthe defaults look ok ?05:10
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apokryphosDromen: they're probably fine, yes.05:11
Dromenmaking a debian package05:11
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okie-homieyeah, I can alter the drives/swap... need it for proc, sysfs, etc.05:11
Dromenok its been made and it says where its saved05:11
Dromenrun that now?05:11
okie-homieDid an alternate install to enable linux-raid... there's no base-config...05:11
bertuit seems running now 10x05:11
Fjodor_serverOh the pain of gnome on a k6-2 500... stefg: waiting for pastebin05:11
Dromenapokryphos: do i run the deb file now?05:12
oskudenvez, what did you type ? does "show databases;" show it (i hope thats correct command)05:12
apokryphosDromen: you install it now, yes.05:12
okie-homieoskude: even if you snip out your stuff... that'd be enough...05:12
nvezlol, oskude, it's bertu who's having the trouble and im explaining him how the db is not existant :P05:12
oskudeokie-homie, sec05:13
oskudenvez, ok, sorry05:13
DromenPackage was installed05:13
okie-homieoskude: np05:13
Dromenapokryphos: now how do i start kaffeine?05:13
apokryphosDromen: alt+f2 -> kaffeine05:13
Breezy-CAHi - I'm preparing to upgrade to Dapper from Breezy. Update-manager is 0.42.2ubuntu12~breezy2 and I'm planning to follow the directions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades. Problems I've noticed so far: update-manager says that totem and wine cannot be updated. wine was locked; I unlocked it in Synaptic and ran the update-manager check again ... same result. Also, when installing software, I've noticed that some gn05:13
Breezy-CAome libs are shown as unconfigured. Can anyone give me a sense of how much trouble I am about to get into with the upgrade to Dapper here ?05:13
RopechoborraI got the music volume and the system sounds.. (eg. Gaim, xChat etc..) i want the music sound to be louder than the others... what can i do?05:13
cocoxhi anyone knows wich ports should i enable in firestarter or iptables for get connected to the update repositories ???05:13
Dromenapokryphos: bash: kaffeine: command not found05:13
oskudeokie-homie, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1763105:14
apokryphosDromen: you didn't install the deb, then.05:14
Dromeni did05:14
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bertu10x everybody!05:14
okie-homieoskude: thank you very much!05:14
Dromenlemme remove it then try again05:14
apokryphosDromen: show me the last few lines (i.e. 10 ) of output from checkinstall, on the pastebin.05:14
apokryphosDromen: wait, before you do that05:14
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apokryphosDromen: dpkg -l|grep kaffeine05:14
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frogzoococox: repos should just work - apt connects to port 80, same as web05:14
oskudeokie-homie, np05:14
RopechoborraI got the music volume and the system sounds.. (eg. Gaim, xChat etc..) i want the music sound to be louder than the others... what can i do?05:14
kakeii installed lilo and now i want grub but when i do grub-install /dev/sda i get The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly. (im doing it as root)05:15
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florianwhere can I find the splash-screens?05:15
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Dromenii  kaffeine-0.8.1                         0.8.1-1  Kaffeine 0.8105:15
Dromenis what it says apokryphos05:15
GullyFoyleanyone use rxvt-unicode? my repos show rxvt-unicode and rxvt-unicode-lite. what's the diff? nothing on the web page about -lite05:15
apokryphosDromen: so it *is* installed.05:15
apokryphosDromen: alt+f2 -> kaffeine .........are you *sure* it gives an error?05:16
Dromenso why cant i start it ?05:16
Dromen kaffeine05:16
Dromenbash: kaffeine: command not found05:16
apokryphosDromen: oh wait, I think you did the naming wrong05:16
apokryphosDromen: alt+f2 -> kaffeine-0.8.1 ?05:16
Dromenhmm ok05:16
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apokryphosDromen: on checkinstall you probably left the version number in the name05:16
Dromenbash: kaffeine-0.8.1: command not found05:17
apokryphosin theory checkinstall should remove it, but on rare occassions I've noticed it doesn't05:17
=== jjross [n=jim@ani-pdsl1-static-180.actionnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosDromen: ok, pastebin the output of dpkg -L kaffeine-0.8.105:17
oskudeGullyFoyle, apt-cache show rxvt-unicode-lite says "This package contains the small version with only few extra features."05:17
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Fjodor_serverstefg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1763205:17
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:17
Fjodor_serverstefg: What do I look for?05:18
Dromenapokryphos: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1763305:18
RopechoborraHow do i install the Adobe FlashPlayer? (its a .bin file)05:18
kakeiapokryphos: are u around? :p05:18
DromenRopechoborra: have you read the readme in the archive file05:19
apokryphosDromen: remove that package from synaptic and install the deb that checkinstall generated, again.05:19
apokryphoskakei: yes05:19
Dromentells you in there i think05:19
stefgFjodor_server: nothing particular... just hardware or oddities05:19
RopechoborraDromen i cant open it.. its a .bin =(05:19
kakeiapokryphos: hah do you remember me?05:19
Breezy-CAHi - I'm preparing to upgrade to Dapper from Breezy. Update-manager is 0.42.2ubuntu12~breezy2 and I'm planning to follow the directions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades. Problems I've noticed so far: update-manager says that totem and wine cannot be updated. wine was locked; I unlocked it in Synaptic and ran the update-manager check again, but they're still shown as not upgradeable.  ... same result. Also, when05:19
Breezy-CAinstalling software, I've noticed that some gnome libs are shown as unconfigured. Am I okay going forward?05:19
DromenRopechoborra: try05:19
=== AlinuxOS [n=alinux@d81-211-238-242.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphoskakei: your username, wouldn't remember your problem.05:20
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cocoxfrogzoo, im getting an error message when i try to make an apt-cache search xxx and yesterday i could05:20
kakeiapokryphos: grub....05:20
Dromenapokryphos: complete removal ?05:20
apokryphoskakei: ah yes.05:20
apokryphosDromen: yes05:20
Dromenrun deb again ?05:21
=== Dagataka [n=mark@dsl-217-155-41-100.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
kakeiapokryphos: well actually i installed lilo and i want to install grub but i get The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly.05:21
RopechoborraDromen sudo: ./jre-1_5_0_07-linux-i586.bin: command not found05:21
apokryphoskakei: your grub install is mucked, did you reinstall it?05:21
stefgFjodor_server: this looks very standard, actually no reason why dapper shouldn't boot... except., the dapper kernels are a mess... miles of bug-reports ...05:21
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apokryphosDromen: yes, install that.05:21
DromenRopechoborra: search synaptic05:21
Fjodor_serverstefg: so I try an edgy kernel?05:22
apokryphosDromen: so sudo dpkg -i kaffeinesomething.deb05:22
Dromenapokryphos: its installing with "package manager"05:22
apokryphosDromen: if everything goes ok there, and alt+f2 -> kaffeine doesn't work, well...05:22
Dromenis that  ok?05:22
apokryphosthat's fine05:22
stefgFjodor_server: since youre setting up a server anyway, as i understand, i'd stick to breezy (just works :-/ )...05:22
Dromenbash: kaffeine: command not found05:22
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Dromentried with version too05:23
Dromenstill the same05:23
kakeialready reinstalled apokryphosand the same05:23
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Fjodor_serverstefg: Ok. Another iso to down then. Would be nice to use dapper, though05:23
JemtIs it possible to download the w32codecs as a .deb file ?05:23
alex-weejyes Jemt05:23
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Jemtalex-weej: How, where ? :)05:24
Jemtalex-weej: THanks05:24
apokryphoskakei: I have no idea why you played around in there with other grub files, bad things like this are bound to happen, and it's not easy at all to fix.05:24
PsychobudgieJemt:  you could also use Automatix05:24
stefgFjodor_server: install Breezy and queue up for your turn to lart the kernel-dev's for messing up dapper :-)05:24
PsychobudgieJemt:  One of the many packages it installs05:24
Fjodor_serverstefg: ok ;-)05:24
Dromenapokryphos: now what?05:24
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Breezy-CAHmm ... is it a bad idea to upgrade to Dapper from Breezy, then?05:24
apokryphosDromen: alt+f2 -> kaffiene05:24
Dromensame error05:25
apokryphosBreezy-CA: no05:25
apokryphosBreezy-CA: it's fine05:25
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JemtPsychobudgie: I'd rather not.05:25
speedsixHi there, I'm having a problem with Dapper, for some reason Gnome fails to boot, it logs in, shows a background and cursor but doesn't go on to load Metacity with the splash screen?05:25
stefgFjodor_server: and feel encouraged to leave a bug-report on launchpad. BTW, wht'll be the servers job?05:25
Breezy-CAt/y, apokryphos ... I've got a couple of worries, preparing for it, though.05:25
apokryphosDromen: ok, remove the package again and do plain "sudo make install"05:25
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Dromenapokryphos: ill try a deb off ubuntu forums05:25
apokryphosDromen: this is a dirtier way to do it, but.. hey.05:25
Dromenapokryphos: that way doesnt work either05:26
PhopsyHey, my microphone's not working on my  Terratec soundcard, any help would be appreciated.05:26
Fjodor_serverstefg: just wifi router05:26
apokryphosDromen: try it, if it doesn't work then go for the deb.05:26
apokryphosBreezy-CA: like?05:26
reikiis it possible (or adviseable) to create an i2c device file? I am trying to get temp sensors to work and sensors reports there are no i2c device files05:26
apokryphosBreezy-CA: just make sure you *fully follow the guide* if you're doing dist-upgrade05:26
speedsixAnyone got any ideas?05:26
KajaPhopsy, chech out what alsa-project.org has to say about your card.05:26
apokryphosBreezy-CA: the only problem I've ever seen with upgrade is when people don't make sure ubuntu-desktop is installed first05:26
Breezy-CAapokryphos,  the first is that totem and wine are shown as not upgradable ... totem seems fine in Synaptic; wine was locked but I unlocked it ... but they're still not upgradable.05:26
stefgFjodor_server: so if 2.6.12 support the hardware, avoid the pain with dapper and simply stick to breezy05:27
Breezy-CAI remember the ubuntu-desktop problem from the upgrade to Breezy ... that was not fun :)05:27
apokryphosBreezy-CA: so manually upgrade them after, easy enough.05:27
PhopsyKaja: ALSA seems to be down...05:27
speedsixAny idea where I can begin looking to find out why Gnome won't load?05:27
Fjodor_serverstefg: Ok. Thanks for your help05:27
KajaToo bad =|05:27
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PhopsyKaja: Yep :D05:27
Breezy-CAapokryphos,  the other possible problem is that some of the gnome libs (which I built from Dapper sources, trying to resolve some dependencies for a pkg that I needed) are shown as unconfigured, when I try to install other software. So far, that hasn't seemed to hurt the other pkgs I've installed. Should I worry?05:28
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jribspeedsix: check permissions on ~/.Xauthority and ~/.ICEauthority05:28
stefgFjodor_server: np... and a breezy CD as a rescue system is never wasted bandwidth for having it downloaded :-)05:28
Fjodor_serverstefg: Oki :-)05:29
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apokryphosBreezy-CA: no idea what you mean by unconfigured05:29
RopechoborraPlease enter the installation path of the Mozilla, Netscape,or Opera browser (i.e., /usr/lib/mozilla): How do i know where is it?05:29
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speedsixjrib, will do05:29
RopechoborraI got firefox05:29
jribspeedsix: make sure your user is owner and you have read and write permissions05:30
speedsixjrib I think you may be on to something, owned by root05:30
jribspeedsix: either delete them or just: sudo chown username:username ~/.{X,ICE}authority05:31
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Dromenapokryphos: the deb requires the old kaffeine05:31
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Dromenmaybe it will update it for me05:31
oezguerhi everbody , i have aMule, but i cant connect :( any server liste? help pls05:32
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Ropechoborraoezguer did u set the download destination?05:32
oezgueroh no, i look it now05:32
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Languidis there a way to turn off the security feature which forces you to enter a password to unlock the screen after so many minutes of idle time?05:33
mrmojohi guys05:33
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mrmojoanyone good with the passwd command?05:34
jribLanguid: system > preferences > screensaver05:34
Languidmrmojo, why, what do you need to do?05:34
mrmojoie, could someone tell me a way to use it non-interactively by passing the password into the initial command?05:34
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Languidjrib, that's true, but im sorry i also meant after closing my laptop lid....the screen is told to go blank when it's closed, when i reopen it i have to enter my password.05:35
AdamGI did some repartitioning and moved my swap into an extended partition; now it's not detected. How can I mount it as swap?05:35
oezguerRopechoborra: how can i set the download destination? my aMule ist german...    maybe i need  server liste to connect do i?05:35
mrmojoLanguid, I'm basically hoping for something like passwd [username]  -p [password] 05:35
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jribLanguid: not sure about that if turning it off in that dialog doesn't turn it off for the lid as well05:35
Breezy-CAapokryphos,  here's an example: I installed glabels  ... dpkg flags a dependency problem, says that nautilus "depends on libgnome2.0 (>=2.8.0); however: Package libgnome2.0 is not configured yet" ... that's one of several. But nautilus works, in fact everything seems to work.05:35
Languidmrmojo, try looking at the man page for passwd05:35
Languidjrib, well i have that option turned off (in the screensaver config), and it still asks me to enter my password when i close the lid05:36
PhopsySo, do you reckon it's possible to use the microphone from one soundcard and the output from another soundcard simultaneously?05:36
Ropechoborraoezguer in the emule settings.. did u said was in german?? =/05:36
apokryphosBreezy-CA: is that a "warning"?05:36
richardAnyone got a guide to kernel patching? i want to go from ->
apokryphosBreezy-CA: if it's not an error, then don't worry about it.05:36
=== apokryphos always ignores warnings
oezguerits automic being set in download destination, but server problem :(05:36
oezgueri mean  i need  server list oder web site to connect05:37
RopechoborraDont know then =(05:37
Breezy-CAapokryphos,  hasn't anyone warned you about ignoring warnings?   :D05:37
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apokryphosBreezy-CA: nah, warnings mean nothing; just look out for errors.05:37
Breezy-CAt/y, apokryphos :)05:37
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oezguerRopechoborra: thanx05:37
Ropechoborrai use KTorrent or Nicotine for mp3s05:37
PuppiesOnAcid__Does anyone have an article or something of Ubuntu performance on a MacBook Pro?05:37
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oezguerRopechoborra: i wanna download films05:37
RopechoborraUse KTorrent or Azureus those r good (or bitttorrent)05:38
oezguerthe server list scholud be in any websites to get them  for connecting05:38
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jribLanguid: maybe /etc/acpi/lid.sh can get you started on your search05:38
oezgueroki thanx05:38
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Languidjrib, that's a good place to look.  thanks, ill check it out, thanks :)05:39
Dromenapokryphos: that deb worked05:39
ranphawhat is a good DC++ cleint?05:39
Dromenty for ur help05:39
tpgterrorWhere can i find WINE to start it?05:40
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.05:40
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Tourinhohello there05:40
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Tourinhohow can I set the key index on wireless configuration? There is only place for passphrase key05:41
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Warbotpgterror: Just run the Windows program. There is no GUI WINE thing, only winecfg which you can use to reconfigure it05:43
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SimzIHow do I unmount a folder that I have mounted over the network?05:43
tpgterrorwarbo: ok05:43
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jvaisimzi right clik, unmount05:45
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WarboDoes anyone know if there is a bin-fmt thing for WINE? In Fedora "./setup.exe" would launch WINE, but it doesn't in Debian/Ubuntu05:45
jvaiit's on the desktop right/05:45
tpgterrorwarbo: it doesnt work... it doesnt give any error/message too05:45
SimzIThe option doesn't come up jvai05:45
SimzInoah, it's in /home05:45
Warbotpgterror: Double clicking should work, from a terminal "wine programname.exe" will launch it05:46
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ranphawhat is a good DC++ client?05:46
ShadowLurkerwhen i try to install Easy Ubuntu it gives me an error that i need to update my lists05:46
ShadowLurkercan someone tell me how to do that?05:46
Warboranpha: Have a look through the Networking section in Synaptic05:46
ShadowLurkeri just updated to Dopple or whatever it is05:46
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ranphanah too lazy05:47
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tpgterrorwarbo: yay it works, installing steam :D:D thnx!!05:47
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tibbeanyone know when/if TeXLive will be available?05:47
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WarboShadowLurker: Could you pastebin your file /etc/apt/sources.list please05:48
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:48
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archetypothis is lame, but is there a gnome gui tool for route config?05:48
ShadowLurkeryea, one second05:48
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masterofallartslook, l have some gtk2 apps, like gaim.05:49
masterofallartsbut i dont want to use gnome05:49
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tagz77Amaranth:can u help me with the wireless connection???05:49
ShadowLurkerWarbo: I'm doing it now05:49
masterofallartsand so, no use of gnome settings daemon, either.05:49
Dr4gI'm using firefox... it works but the right google bar at the top... doesnt work when hittin enter05:49
=== Tedd [n=na@pool-162-83-149-2.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr4gany suggestions ?05:49
Warbomasterofallarts: Use whatever DE you want and the apps will make sure they have whatever gtk libs they need05:49
masterofallartsnow: how can I change gaim menu font size or titlebar font size?05:50
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jvaisimzi, i tried to mount a folder from online, but it mounted on my desktop, all i did was dragged it to the wastebasket, & it was gone05:50
ShadowLurkerWarbo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1763605:50
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jvaiit didnt break anything, & i'm on hoary05:51
masterofallartsI want to change gaim's font size independently of gnome-settings-daemon.05:51
tagz77can any1 help me connect my wireless connection???05:51
dash`I have a drive on my PC atm, formatted in NTFS, no OS on it or anything, but it tells me I don't have permission to access it, is there a way around this?05:51
masterofallartsI dont know, tagz77, whats up?05:52
tagz77i am getting no signal for my wlan005:52
Saxywolfdash`, you try fdisk on it?05:52
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dash`haven't yet, was hoping to vio wit first05:52
dash`*view it05:53
Saxywolfdash`: vio? anyhow, Linux can't write to NTFS05:53
dr_willisview what? if you formated it with ntfs - isentit empty now?05:53
WarboShadowLurker: You've upgraded to Dapper?05:53
dr_willisI think claification is needed.05:53
dash`it was formatted in NTFS on my old computer, which was windows05:53
ShadowLurkerWarbo: Yes05:53
dash`it just had some music and games on it05:53
SaxywolfLinux can still read NTFS, so once mounted, Dash`, you should be able to see whats on it05:54
dash`I am newish to linux, so thats why I am asking05:54
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dash`I don't know *how* to do things like that, more often than not05:54
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions05:54
ubotuw32codecs can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages. Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html05:54
Saxywolfgo ahead and mount it, then you shuld be able to copy stuff off05:54
WarboShadowLurker: Well all of your sources are for Breezy (5.10) so you need to do in a terminal "gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" and change all of the "breezy"s to "dapper"s05:54
dr_willisdash`,  so you have linux installed yet?05:54
dash`I am on Ubuntu atm05:54
tibbeanyone know when/if TeXLive will be available?05:55
ShadowLurkerWarbo: okay05:55
Dr4gi fucking love ubuntu05:55
SaxywolfI was following these directions for JRE: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21182805:55
Saxywolfbut I get "E: Couldn't find package java-package"05:55
ShadowLurkerWarbo: including comments?05:55
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ShadowLurkerWarbo: and version numbers05:55
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tagz77i cant get a connection with my wireless pci card05:55
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dr_willisdash`,  then you should be able to mount the ntfs drive and read/copy the files over to the linux partition.05:55
WarboShadowLurker: Not really, but if you uncomment them later you may have some trouble, so either change them or get rid of them altogether05:55
tagz77it is a dlink dwl-52005:56
kbrooksDr4g: watch your language05:56
dash`IIRC, last time I tried that, it said it was already mounted05:56
ubotuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/05:56
WarboShadowLurker: The only bit you need to change is to replace "breezy" with "dapper", but you should get rid of the CD one (if you have a Dapper CD then you can add that later using the apt tools)05:56
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mumblessudo qrfdiska:05:57
dr_willisdash`,  it proberly was then. :P but it may got mounted as root. so only the root user could access it.05:57
Kalm_has anyone here succeeded in installing Java JRE on a PPC architecture?05:57
Saxywolfanyone know why I might get "E: Couldn't find package java-package" when trying to install the JRE?05:57
dash`atm it shows as /media/hdb1, but I can't open it05:57
masterofallartstibbe: it is.05:57
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kbrooksSaxywolf: link?05:57
CuriosCatHowdy all05:57
dr_willistry 'sudo ls -l /media/hdb1'05:57
WarboSaxywolf: because the java packages are not called "java-package", try using Synaptic instead of the command line05:57
Saxywolfkbrooks, link to what?05:57
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CuriosCatso, dapper drake is only letting me use 1024x768 on a display capable of 1680x105005:57
CuriosCathow do I fix that? :P05:58
dash`that worked05:58
jrib!fixres > CuriosCat05:58
dr_willisdash`,  edit the fstab  and set it where a user can mount/unmount it. :P then05:58
kbrooksSaxywolf: the wiki page that mentioned java-package05:58
dash`I was trying things like that, but sudo cd doesn't work :P05:58
SaxywolfI was following these directions for JRE: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21182805:58
dash`dr_willis :: fstab?05:58
dr_willissudo cd - just cd's and exits05:58
kbrooksSaxywolf: *click*05:58
dr_willisdash`,  now ya get to learn the fun bits of how linux works.05:58
dash`yes I know05:58
WarboSaxywolf: System>Administration>Synaptic Package Manager. Search for java05:58
dash`that is why I am here05:58
ubotuDisks store lots of data. Partitioning: try gparted or qtparted  - Formatting: see the manpage for mkfs  - Mounting: system -> administration -> disks05:58
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Dr4gkbrooks: sorry dude.. i just got a bit over excited on how good ubuntu is05:59
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tagz77Kalm_: : sudo apt-get install-java5-bin sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin05:59
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archetypohttp://pastie.caboo.se/3916 <----  what's the right route command to delete the on eth1????05:59
ShadowLurkerWarbo: so change everything on it that says Breezy to Dapper?  But not the version numbers?06:00
SaxywolfWarbo, nothing in Synaptic says JRE.06:00
dr_willisdash`,  may want to do some reading on the bot urls !ntfs !fstab and !mount and check the wiki/forums - they will explain it all to ya.  edit the /etc/fstab file with ' sudo gedit /etc/fstab  '  then check for that hdb1 line , now the exact optiosn/changes - im not sure.06:00
Warbotagz77: "install java5-bin", not "install-java5-bin"06:00
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kbrooksSaxywolf: add multiverse06:00
dash`dr_willis :: k, thanks06:00
Shizboomis there anyway to make a panel wider than 125 pixels?06:00
masterofallartsDr4g: yeah, dapper is so ******* great, all the ****** ** concurrence just *****!06:00
gnomefreakinstall sun-java-bin ;)06:00
CuriosCatthanks jrib, trying those suggestions06:00
tagz77Kalm_:update-alternatives --config java06:00
tagz77hey im tryin to help06:00
tagz77i cant read my own writing06:01
alnrwhat is the best way to change ubuntu to boot only to console and allow to start x manually?06:01
kbrooksmasterofallarts: what concurrence?06:01
masterofallartskbrooks: xD06:01
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kbrooksmasterofallarts: answer my question :-)06:02
judahalnr: disable gdm from starting @ run level 206:02
doughboyDoes anyone know if there is a chatroom channel specifically for helping with programming questions?  The info would be a lot of help to me.06:02
masterofallartsfirst of all, we have ms.06:02
SimzIHow do you choose which multimedia player an mp3 opens with by default06:02
Kalm_ok thank you ill try now06:02
ShadowLurkerWarbo: Change anything that says Breezy Badger or Breezy to Dapper or Dapper what?06:02
WarboShadowLurker: The only lines that matter are the "deb" and "deb-src" ones. Get rid of the CDROM one (they have to be added with external tools)06:03
masterofallartsnext, ms-ish linux derivates06:03
alnrjudah: thanks06:03
ShadowLurkerWarbo: Okay, I'll try06:03
tagz77ok any help me connect my wireless connection???please???06:03
judahalnr: surely06:03
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masterofallartsadmittedly, i know little about freaky distros like gentoo, it rips my brains out.06:03
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ShadowLurkerWarbo: So any line that starts with deb or deb-sry?06:03
Saxywolfkbrooks, add multiverse? there an easy way to do that with Synaptic?06:04
masterofallartstagz77: just tell us a little more, specific info triggers more feedback in general.06:04
ardchoilleIs it safe to put "sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" in a bash script and use that instead of typing all of that in each time?06:04
masterofallartsSaxywolf: there a button in synaptic to do this.06:04
WarboShadowLurker: Yes. The "deb" or "deb-src" tells it to get binary or source packages, the address tells it where to get them from and everything after is the version and sections. You need to change the versions from breezy to dapper06:04
tagz77well it has my wlan0, but when i activate it i get nothing...and in the network monitor i have no signal...06:05
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masterofallartsr u sure the card is properly detected?06:05
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gnomefreakardchoille: yes but i think i would do clean or autoclean as a alias instead of script (personall prefference)06:05
tagz77i dont no for sure, i is a noob06:05
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tpgterrorsomebody knows where the C:program files is in Linux?06:06
tpgterrorbecause i just installed Steam with WINE but i dont know where the map is06:06
dash`k, so I have looked through this disk, and retrieved everything I wanted, now what should I do to it to make it so any user can read/write to it?06:06
xolot3is there a program that will display ANY detected input (ie infrared controls)?06:06
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Warbotpgterror: (your home folder)/.wine/drive_c/Program Files06:06
ardchoillegnomefreak: ok, I like to follow advice of folks like you. Is there a tutorial or something that would teach me how to do that?06:06
dr_willistpgterror,  wine makes its own 'fake' windows directory in the users home dir.06:06
ShadowLurkerWarbo: I think I did it06:06
dr_willistpgterror,  like .wine or .fake_windows or sililer.06:06
Saxywolfis the "multuverse" part of the "Backports"?06:06
Azhi_DahakaIs there a way to make ubuntu looks exactly like windows?06:07
dr_willistpgterror,  use 'ls -R | less ' and see what ya can see06:07
ShadowLurkerWarbo: Now how do I install it?06:07
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xolot3is there a program that will display ANY detected input (ie infrared controls)?06:07
WarboShadowLurker: Save the file and reload your package lists (either "Reload" in Syanptic or "sudo apt-get update" on command line)06:07
ShadowLurkerWarbo: I'm in the easyubuntu folder06:07
WarboShadowLurker: You don't install EasyUbuntu, you just run it from where it is06:07
ShadowLurkerand how do i run it?06:07
WarboAzhi_Dahaka: Look on art.gnome.org and gnome-look.org for themes06:08
ShadowLurkeri got it06:08
ShadowLurkeri think...06:08
xolot3how can i determine if my infrared controls are detected?06:08
WarboAzhi_Dahaka: There is a Windows-XP-ish theme in the XFCE themes packages in Ubuntu called XFCE-Redmond-XP as well06:09
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kbrooksardchoille: its pperfectly safe to  do that in a bash script06:09
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ardchoillekbrooks: Thank you :)06:09
Azhi_Dahakaand it looks exactly like windows?06:10
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SaxywolfI added "Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Backports", but I still don't see a JRE package...06:10
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tpgterrordr_willis: how do i come in that folder then? program files?06:10
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Azhi_Dahakai need to make Ubuntu exactly like windows... my dad would freak out if he finds out that his machine is not a windows box06:10
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dr_willisAzhi_Dahaka,  ive seen some window mnagers that try to do that.. and  it normally sucks. IceWM can look close06:10
WarboAzhi_Dahaka: The XFCE one doesn't look exactly like Windows, but there are a few on art.gnome.org which do. You can install the "gnome-art" package to get a nice tool which automatically downloads and installs them for you06:11
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dr_willistpgterror,  Huh? you mean how to you 'cd' to that folder?06:11
adamant1988Azhi_Dahaka, if your dad is going to get mad about that you better keep him from ever trying to install software again.06:11
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ShadowLurkerWarbo: How do I run Easy Ubuntu?06:11
WarboAzhi_Dahaka: If you want a 98-style then you can get it pretty much exact. For an XP style there are a few which come very close06:11
=== bluefoxicy ctrl+alt+arrows to switch virtual desktops; took hand off the ctrl+alt keys; reached for a soda; hit backspace to delete a letter; and X terminated!
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Azhi_Dahakaa 2k could be ok06:12
WarboShadowLurker: There are files ending in .py yes? Run the main easyubuntu one in a terminal with "pyhton filename.py" (I forget the exact name)06:12
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.06:12
ShadowLurkerWarbo: thanks06:12
masterofallartstagz77: lets see. what do you do to see that wlan has no conn?06:12
tpgterrordr_willis: i instaleld STEAM now with WINE, but i want to start it... how06:12
tagz77i added network monitor to my panel06:13
xolot3is there a program that will display ANY detected input (ie infrared controls)?06:13
dr_willistpgterror,  find the steam.exe or whatever its called and 'wine /path/to/steamwhatever.exe' would be my guess06:13
tagz77and type in wlan0 and it has no signal06:13
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masterofallartswhat did you do in system/administration/network?06:13
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dash`how should I reformat this drive to work best?06:14
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masterofallartsis the corresponding device active?06:14
tagz77for wlan, i configured the ssid and the wep password and then tried to activate it06:14
WarboAzhi_Dahaka: www.xpde.com06:15
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masterofallartsare you sure ssid and pw are entered correctly?06:15
naknomikI have installed ubuntu 6.06, with GNOME as default desktop. Is it possible to also install KDE? I want to try out KDE. Or I have to install Kubuntu now?06:16
masterofallartswhat happened when you tried to activate wlan?06:16
tagz77yeah, i went into the router and disabled wep just to make sure06:16
webbennaknomik: yes it is possible06:16
ShadowLurkerWarbo: When I tried to run the program, I got the following error:06:16
ShadowLurkerdpkg: status database area is locked by another process06:16
naknomikwebben: how?06:16
Warbonaknomik: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"06:16
tagz77it sed it was active but when opening firefox i got nothing06:16
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WarboShadowLurker: Close any Synaptic, Apt, Aptitude, Adept or whatever windows06:17
masterofallartsas for now, the card is said to be active?06:17
ShadowLurkerWarbo: Thanks, I had just opened Update Manager06:17
Saxywolfanyone know where I can get "java-package" ?06:17
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ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository06:17
tagz77i believe so06:17
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource06:18
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masterofallartsjust look in the network settings.06:18
arnieboyany idea where the startup programs are stored in dapper06:18
tagz77wlan0 is not active06:18
Warboarnieboy: /etc/init.d06:18
arnieboyit used to be in a file called session-manual in breezy06:18
masterofallartswhat happens when u try to activate it?06:19
arnieboynaa.. the ones which the user adds to system --> prefs--> sessions --> startup progs06:19
Warboarnieboy: Ah, the GNOME login ones? If they are not in ~/.gnome2 then I don't know06:19
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arnieboyyeah well they should be in .gnome206:19
Azhi_Dahakabut what about apps that use qt?06:19
arnieboybut i cant find them any longer06:19
WarboAzhi_Dahaka: www.kde-look.org?06:20
tagz77it scans to activate, and then it sez active but still no connection06:20
naknomikWow! I love that. The simplicity of Ubuntu amazes me.06:20
Warbo(oops, no question mark :) )06:20
jribarnieboy: ~/.gnome2/session06:20
masterofallartsthe ssid is case sensitive.06:20
tagz77this i know06:20
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jribarnieboy: wait no that doesn't seem to work... never mind06:21
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rixxoncan i set gvim as the default editor for all text/source files?06:21
arnieboyyeah thats not it jrib06:21
rixxoni.e. every file normally opened with gedit06:21
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WarboAzhi_Dahaka: Install the "kcontrol" program to mess around with QT themes and colours and stuff (in QT a theme (or "style") changes the look of the buttons and stuff, whilst you can set the clolours any way you want)06:21
ShadowLurkerWarbo: It keeps saying "Fix broken packages first" what do I do?06:21
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barktpolarHello Room :)06:22
WarboShadowLurker: "sudo apt-get -f install"06:22
prmigsuHi all06:22
barktpolarAnyone use KDE apps in Buntu06:22
masterofallartsok, sorry, taking a pizza now. cu later06:22
jribarnieboy: how about ~/.config/autostart/06:22
Azhi_Dahakawhich one is lighter gnome or kde>06:23
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WarboAzhi_Dahaka: Neither :)06:23
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stefgAzhi_Dahaka: not a simple question... it depends06:23
WarboKDE is probably more Windows-like (cue the replies...)06:23
prmigsuI need some help. I whant to get SUN JAVA installed on my ubuntu 6.06. But it is not under application -> add/remove.. how do i do then to install it?06:23
arnieboyaahh perfect!!!! thanks a lot jrib06:24
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource06:24
jrib!java > prmigsu06:24
tagz77 sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin06:24
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Warboprmigsu: You need to enable multiverse, then install sun-java5-bin06:24
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stefgAzhi_Dahaka: you are aware there's Xubuntu? That's lite... 800Mhz/192MB and a system fast as lightning06:24
Azhi_Dahakawhat set of widgets do firefox and openoffice use?06:24
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dash`any ideas why I can no longer lock my computer?06:25
WarboI think openoffice uses it's own unless you install openoffice-gnome package or something06:25
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stefglost the key?06:25
dash`like the ctrl-alt-L command06:25
ShadowLurkerWarbo: I got it again06:25
Azhi_Dahakaok... so, xfce + that redmond style would be faster that kde + redmond style?06:25
eexpresshi, if anyone knows how to find the label of an FAT32 partition.06:25
stefg!java > prmigsu06:25
dash`or System -> Lock Screen06:25
Warbodash`: Do you have a screensaver daemon running? ("xscreensaver -no-splash")06:25
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WarboAzhi_Dahaka: Yes06:26
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eexpresshi, if anyone knows how to find the label of an FAT32 partition.06:26
dash`I don't think so?06:26
jrib!repeat > eexpress06:26
ardchoillegnomefreak: you ROCK! Folks like you are the reason folks like me love Ubuntu :)06:26
ShadowLurkerCould not apply changes!06:26
ShadowLurkerFix broken packages first.06:26
akr0gnom and kde are  mostly different in licence policy? cause i just can't make a choice..using gnome cause i used it under debian and got used to it06:26
ShadowLurkerI keep getting that error06:26
randomfactoranyone running ubuntu under parallel on a macbook pro as I need help06:26
eexpresstoo rapid... i thought maybe none can saw my message.06:27
WarboShadowLurker: Have you actaully upgraded yet?06:27
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naknomikIs there a KDE equivalent to 'rhythmbox'?06:27
userundefineeexpress, everyone saw it.06:27
xolot3how can i determine if my infrared remote is detected?06:27
ShadowLurkerWarbo: To 6.06?  Yea, the day before yesterday!06:27
jribnaknomik: definitely try amarok06:27
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eexpressbut message roll too fast06:27
ShadowLurkerWarbo: And now everything is orange!  :-P06:27
WarboShadowLurker: OK, well "sudo apt-get -f install" should fix broken packages06:27
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ShadowLurkerWarbo: I did that06:28
barktpolarHey racefire06:28
WarboShadowLurker: What happened?06:28
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ShadowLurkerWarbo: And everything was 0 except for 3 things not upgraded06:28
barktpolarDi dyou get your prob fix06:28
eexpressIf anyone knows how to find the label of an FAT32 partition. jrib06:28
ShadowLurkeri'll do it again06:28
ShadowLurkerand copy and paste message06:28
WarboShadowLurker: Try "sudo aptitude" and press "b" to find any broken packages06:28
randomfactorUbuntu and Parallels anyone06:28
eexpresstoo many people06:28
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jrib!support > eexpress06:29
akr0eexpress :  fdisk?06:29
eexpressno , fdisk can not find.06:29
dr_willisfdisk must be ran by root or su. it should be found.06:29
akr0try gparted and qtparted ...06:29
akr0but i have issues with both...06:30
eexpressdr_willis: really? i go .....06:30
ShadowLurkerWarbo: I did that and I don't understand what's here, and nothing happens when I press b06:30
eexpressgparted, i had try.06:30
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randomfactorwhen I boot Ubuntu it hangs at hardware drivers an then fails can anyone help out with thi?s06:30
kbrooksI need some handiwork...06:30
barktpolarI heard of a way to install Windows XP without the disk after you installed Ubuntu, does taht rule apply after erasing windows06:30
dr_willisbarktpolar,  huh?06:31
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dr_willisyou can install xp after installing linux.. but ya may hafve to deal with windows over writing the boot loader06:31
tdnHow do I get Opera installed? I've heard that there is an official source that I can add from opera.com, but I can't find it.06:31
eexpressakr0: sudo fdisk /dev/sda2, i had done this. but how i can do....06:31
ShadowLurkerdr_willis: He wants to have two O/S on his computer, the other should be XP and he doesn't have the disk06:31
ubotuAn advanced and free (only as in price) Web browser. Howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser - Latest Ubuntu packages always at: http://opera.com/download06:31
ShadowLurkerdr_willis: all he has is linux06:31
WarboShadowLurker: Well you musn't have any broken packages at the moment, but running EasyUbuntu must cause some to break06:32
dr_willisShadowLurker,  good for him! :P06:32
tpgterrorall i have is linux here too :/06:32
ShadowLurkerWarbo: so...?06:32
tpgterrorquestion, what can i do ? :P06:32
ShadowLurkerWarbo: Can you get on my computer and try to fix it?06:32
dr_williseexpress,  try fdisk -l and see if it tells the lables. Ive rarely ever messed with volume lavbles06:32
Scuzz_Fuddlyhi all, I am wondering how do I get write permissions to change a file? like I am needing to blacklist a driver.06:32
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barktpolarYeah Shadow, I seen in the wiki the one time about WIndows leaving a installer after you erased the HDD and installing Ubuntu06:33
ShadowLurkerWarbo: Isn't there some program that will do that?06:33
ShadowLurkerbarktpolar: I wasn't the one asking the question06:33
monomaniacpathow can you view and edit .pak files in ubuntu? What programs are there for it?06:33
barktpolarI kNow06:33
kevinzwhat is the difference between "https://help.ubuntu.com/community" and "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/"?06:33
dr_willismonomaniacpat,  you mean Quake Pak files?06:33
eexpressdr_willis: i want paste the info to u,.06:33
tdndr_willis, thanks.06:34
monomaniacpatdr_willis: like that, but for half-life06:34
WarboShadowLurker: Try commenting the Penguin Liberation Front source (the one with "/plf" in it) and running "apt-get dist-upgrade" to get the very latest of everything and try EasyUbuntu again06:34
_Kalmi use linux primarely... tho im not that good with it :-D06:34
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ShadowLurkerWarbo: So how do I do that?06:34
eexpresssad. not private message. dr_willis06:34
dr_willismonomaniacpat,  i recall seveal  halflife tools for linux.06:34
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_Kalmonce i get more powerful pc ill have Xp and Ubuntu on it...06:35
WarboShadowLurker: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list then put a "#" at the beginning of the line06:35
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stefgPLF seems offline lately06:35
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monomaniacpatdr_willis: any ideas about a pak editor?06:35
ShadowLurkerWarbo: The beginning of which line?06:35
ShadowLurkerWarbo: The first one?06:36
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dr_willismonomaniacpat,  google is our friend. :P06:36
WarboShadowLurker: I think it is the bottom one. The one which is not ubuntu.com06:36
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eexpressThis doesn't look like a partition table06:36
eexpressProbably you selected the wrong device.06:36
ShadowLurkerWarbo: Just one or two?06:36
euclid_888Hi. I just loaded Ubuntu for a home i386 computer. However I can not connect to the internet through my router with it. The router is set for DHCP and Ubuntu gets the right DNS and hostname from it, and I can ping it. However, I can't connect to the WWW setup page at with it, nor access the internet. Can someone please help me out? The router is linksys.06:36
WarboShadowLurker: Just on #06:36
AssenHi all, I came here to seek a little bit of support about setting up a network card in edubuntu. If anyone as some time to spare I would appreciate it!!!06:37
ShadowLurkerdeb http://antesis.freecontrib.org/mirrors/ubuntu/freecontrib/ dapper free non-free06:37
ShadowLurkerdeb-src http://antesis.freecontrib.org/mirrors/ubuntu/freecontrib/ dapper free non-free06:37
ShadowLurkerok, so should i put a # in front of the bottom one?06:37
akr0nope fdisk -l just lists the partitions but nolabels06:37
WarboShadowLurker: Both of those06:37
ShadowLurkerWarbo: Okay06:37
ShadowLurkerand now...?06:37
akr0actually i think if neither qtparter nor gparted show anything there are no labels06:37
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WarboShadowLurker: "sudo apt-get update" "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" then try again06:38
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lophyteeuclid_888: you tried pinging the router from your Ubuntu PC?06:38
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the-iceanybody know any good bandwith meter 4 ubuntu06:38
euclid_888lophyte, yes. The ping was successful when I pinged the router at
jirci cant think where else to ask on irc as this is the main place i know, I have buggered up GRUB and need to get back into windows, how can i do this so i can back up thigns then reinstall?06:39
Warboeuclid_888: Maybe you can telnet into it06:39
lophytea linksys router?06:39
euclid_888Warbo, nope.06:39
lophyteI doubt it06:39
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akr0then setup the network :  sudo ifconfig wlan0 <IP> up06:39
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nanomadeuclid_888, try to telnet port 8006:39
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euclid_888What is strange is that linux distros give the same problem, but not Win2k. So I dont know if its my router.06:39
jircwill the repair function on windows boot disk achieve me getting back into windows?06:39
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ShadowLurkerTrust, she fricken hate's me, lalalala~06:40
euclid_888nanomad, okay, I will go and telnet to it. brb.06:40
ShadowLurkerI lub that song06:40
euclid_888IT didnt work last time though.06:40
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:40
nanomadeuclid_888, if it connects, type Ctrl+C06:40
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speedsixHi, I have installed apache2 but the install had problems and I deleted the /etc/apache2 dir. Reinstalling the package does not recreate any of the conf files??06:40
Warbojirc: Try reinstallign GRUB from a livecd (I find Windows boot faster with GRUB installed anyway)06:40
akr0get into network...down thenetwork and set it up...my cardsomehow does only work when i initiate it manually via iwconfig06:41
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Warbospeedsix: Purge it then reinstall06:41
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monomaniacpatwhat's the best ftp server for ubuntu?06:41
Solarionbesides, if you let Windows do it, won't it make linux inaccessible again?06:41
tdnHow do I get all those non-free video and sound codecs installed? I have heard of a package called w32codecs. Is this what I need?06:41
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ubotu<reply>  FTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd06:41
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:41
tdnmonomaniacpat, pure-ftpd, imho.06:41
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.06:41
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Solariontdn: multiverse is your friend.  :)06:41
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ShadowLurkertdn: you want easy ubuntu06:41
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jircwarbo, hmmm im not sure thats possible, I just want to boot back into windows as it says grub error 1606:41
tdnSolarion, I already have multiverse in my sources.list.06:42
_Kalmive got a computer in my lan with a shared folder full of MP3s.. in Windows Media Player you could connect to tha "library" to play thos files,but can you do that in Ubuntu?06:42
Warbojirc: Have you completely wiped you Linux?06:42
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ShadowLurkersame error06:42
speedsixWarbo, how do I reinstall via apt-get?06:42
Solarion_Kalm: Rhythmbox, banshee, and others06:42
tdnShadowLurker, hmm... no. I don't think so. I would like to know how to install it the correct way. I don't want some script to bork my system.06:42
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Solariontdn: win32codecs06:42
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fyrestrtr_Kalm: what os is it running?06:42
euclid_888nanomad, I used "telnet" and then it seemed to connect. Nothing was printed on the screen, but I could type things and the screen would scroll. When I telneted to another port, I recived that it could not connect. So something happened. How should I proceed?06:42
speedsixWarbo, just a regular apt-get install?06:42
Solariontdn: actually, I don't think those are even in metaverse or whatever06:43
Warbospeedsix: "sudo apt-get --purge remove apache2" "sudo apt-get install apache2"06:43
tdnSolarion, apt-cache search win32codecs gives nothing.06:43
_KalmHow do you do it in rhytmbox? i tried but its not able to do it...06:43
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ShadowLurkerWarbo: but if it helps, i get an error that some of the items have already been installed and that they have been grayed out06:43
Solariontdn: now that I think about it, I think I copied it over from my gentoo box06:43
CryptidWhat all plugins will i need to turn my Ubuntu into a complete movie station that can play all video formats,,,, with proper audio06:43
_Kalmthe other pcs got Windows XP06:43
tdnSolarion, hmm... Ok.06:43
Solariontdn: otherwise, you will have to look around for another repo; they're available from a google search06:43
archetypokaot you around?06:43
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dr_willisCryptid,  'all' just isent going to happen.. but ya can get most. :P06:43
Solariontdn: but these are very unofficial, hence why I just copied them from my gentoo install.06:43
WarboShadowLurker: Seems like EasyUbuntu isn't working. Just try to do whatever you want from it manually. What did you want it to get for you?06:43
speedsixWarbo, didn't recreate any of the config files in /etc/06:43
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prmigsuwhere do i06:44
ShadowLurkerWarbo: w32codecs06:44
fyrestrtreuclid_888: you should try telnet 8006:44
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prmigsuwhere do I enable MULTIVERSE?06:44
ubotuw32codecs can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages. Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html06:44
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Cryptiddr_willis, ok i pasically need .avi support so what all will i need06:44
ShadowLurkerW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_dapper_universe_binary-i386_Packages)06:44
ShadowLurkerW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/multiverse Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_dapper_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages)06:44
=== SurfnKid [n=SurfnKid@cpe-68-201-97-196.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
euclid_888fyrestrtr, I did that.. with the colon though06:44
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fyrestrtr!repositories > prmigsu06:44
ShadowLurkerWarbo: I might just get Solaris06:44
prmigsuok thx06:44
ShadowLurkerWarbo: Ubuntu doesn't like me06:44
fyrestrtreuclid_888: that's my point, telnet expects [address]  [port]  not [address] :[port] 06:44
akr0euclid_888 :   goto network in ubuntu menu and deactivate the device06:44
tdnSolarion, yeah... I would like to avoid some unknown sources... Thats why I ask for advice in here. I would like to know what people in here does... But maybe most people just use easy ubuntu?06:44
dr_willisCryptid,  .avi support means.. well little.. since a .avi can be any of  several Dozen if not hunderd codecs.06:44
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alex-weejeuclid_888: you need it without the colon :P colon is URI syntax for port number06:44
ShadowLurkerWarbo: I have found that out the hard way06:44
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monomaniacpattdn: I think you misunderstood me, all I want is a program to access ftp servers to upload/download... pure says something about opening a server?06:44
euclid_888OKay.. brb06:44
Solariontdn: the short-term soln is to find 'em someplace.06:45
Warbospeedsix: There is a special option that you can give to dpkg which COMPLETELY reinstalls a package, but I forgot what it is. I got it from #debian (but don't tell them you are using Ubuntu :) )06:45
dr_willisCryptid,  you just need to have all the codecs installed properly for your players and hope your .avi are not somthing really weird06:45
Solariontdn: the long-term solution is for people to act like customers and stop acting like consumers.  :)06:45
howe0001what apt source can I use to get the Dapper kernel 2.6.17?06:45
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Cryptiddr_willis, i cat find w32codecs in syaptic... where do i get it from06:45
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tdnmonomaniacpat, I thought you wanted an FTP server. If you just need a client I prefer wget/wput for CLI and gftp for X.06:45
speedsixWarbo, I see thanks for the help, I'll have a look06:45
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fyrestrtr!restrictedformats > Cryptid06:45
ShadowLurkerWarbo: Actually, I was just able to get the win32codecs, I just didn't get anything else, that's what I did06:45
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dr_willisCryptid,  i always get it from the mplayer homepage06:46
ubotuw32codecs can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages. Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html06:46
=== SurfnKid [n=SurfnKid@cpe-68-201-97-196.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
tdnSolarion, what do you mean?06:46
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euclid_888fyrestrtr, The Telnet failed to connect. So I can ping the router, but not telnet. What should I try next?06:46
monomaniacpattdn: Sorry, I used the wrong word, I meant client06:46
fyrestrtreuclid_888: if telnet failed to connect, means the web server is down on the router.06:46
ShadowLurkerYaay!  I got the win32codecs!06:46
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jircwarbo sorry, if i just reinstall linux then grub will be rienstalled and find the proper place of windows again and should be sorted? dont mind losing linux data06:46
SurfnKidonce again06:47
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fyrestrtreuclid_888: it might have crashed, just reset it.06:47
tdnmonomaniacpat, try gftp.06:47
akr0no it doesnt ..not every router has a shelld running06:47
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tagz77i need help still with this damn wireless connection....06:47
euclid_888fyrestrtr, I'm using the router to chat with you from a Win XP box now.06:47
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euclid_888fyrestrtr, I can connect to the WWW setup interface from this computer right now.06:47
fyrestrtrcan you browse it from windows?
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fyrestrtreuclid_888: how is the router handing out addresses? DHCP?06:48
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fyrestrtreuclid_888: your ubuntu box is getting a dhcp address?06:48
euclid_888It used to use static.. I switched to DHCP to try to get it to work.06:48
Cryptiddr_willis, what all formats will reallplayer10 play????06:48
archetypohttp://pastie.caboo.se/3922    can someone look at this?  can i get rid of the eth0 route so that only eth1 is used?  i have a static route to "mini" through eth0 and everything else i want to go through eth1.  but when i ping out, both interfaces are being used06:48
fyrestrtreuclid_888: did it fetch an ip address?06:48
euclid_888fyrestrtr, It gets a host name, I'm not sure how to check IP address.06:48
akr0euclid_888 : try sudo dhclient wlan0                  (or wlan1,eth1)06:49
dr_willisCryptid,  no clue.. i avoide that like the plague06:49
fyrestrtreuclid_888: type ifconfig at a command prompt06:49
euclid_888okay.. brb06:49
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ubuntu01hello all06:49
=== Draconicus [n=Glitch@c-24-60-219-129.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Saxywolfok, I added "multiverse" but i still can't find the JRE package...06:49
DraconicusHow good is support for wireless USB adapters?06:49
fyrestrtrSaxywolf: did you do a apt-get update ?06:49
Saxywolfdoes Synaptic not automatically do that?06:50
RopechoborraHow do i open an executable file??06:50
fyrestrtrSaxywolf: no, click on refresh06:50
fyrestrtrRopechoborra: open it, or run it?06:50
prmigsuwhat APT channels should i put in to be able to install SUN-java-05?06:50
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository06:50
akr0DONT get a usb wireles.....you can use it with ndiswrapper but crappy06:50
fyrestrtrRopechoborra: double click usually works.06:50
Saxywolffyrestrtr: yea, I hit refresh. To add multiverse I even had to edit sources.list06:50
RopechoborraNothing happends =(06:51
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ubuntu01i have a question....i have a c and d(extended) drives(ntfs)....i want to install ubuntu to c: but i need/want to keep my data's on d:.is this possible? i dont have swap right now....06:51
Saxywolfdunno if I added the source I need tho06:51
lophyteprmigsu: universe06:51
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fyrestrtrSaxywolf: either you edit sources.list, or you enable it from synaptic, but don't do it in both places :)06:51
lophyteprmigsu: er, sorry, multiverse06:51
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prmigsushould i in the APT line write multiverse??06:51
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource06:51
Draconicusakr0: It's an iMac. I don't have much of a choice unless you can find me a receiver that converts to ethernet.06:51
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Saxywolfbut "multiverse" only showed up under "Backports" in the Synaptic list06:52
akr0you can't packet inject with most cards but with usb youl be lucky to get it working good....06:52
lophyteprmigsu: they're already listed in the sources.list file.. you just have to uncomment them06:52
Saxywolfoh, i see... you can double click onthe item in the Synaptic list...06:52
euclid_888fyrestrtr, It recived an IP from DHCP,
Ropechoborrafyrestrt1 is there a command to run it?06:52
fyrestrtrubuntu01: sure, that's not a problem. Just choose the first partition when installing, it will not touch d:06:52
the-iceanybody know any good bandwith meter 4 ubuntu?06:52
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akr0Draconicus : well i've been using a netgear WPN111 with the windowsdriver under ndiswrapper ..but you can't do that much ...surfing is okay06:53
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fyrestrtreuclid_888: can you ping the windows machine?06:53
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Draconicusakr0: That's all I need for my great grandmother. :P06:53
fyrestrtreuclid_888: are you on wireless perchance?06:53
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cheatersrealmanyone have a good howto on getting airport express (bcm43xx) to work?  I try to modprobe bcm43xx but then I get no wireless devices for ifconfig06:53
ubotuwifi is Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper06:53
fyrestrtrcheatersrealm: ^06:54
akr0euclid_888 : sudo ifdown -a       then sudo ifconfig wlan0 inet up              worked for me at that point06:54
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speedsixwell I'm completely stuck trying to reinstall apache's config files, didn't expect it to be a problem06:54
ubuntu01fyrestrtr : and it will mount this ntfs (d:) partition automaticaly or i need to mount it?06:54
ardchoillewhat's the diff between hard and symbolic links?06:54
fyrestrtrubuntu01: I think it will mount it read only by default, but I am not sure. ITs easy to mount it later on though.06:54
euclid_888fyrestrtr, Nope. Both are BFSR41 Linsys routers that are used. One router connected to the cable modem, one router uses switch mode to the first router. The computer that works is going through both routers, the one I want to use will just use the first one. The pattern worked fine for years now using windows. So it's not hardware I dont think. It's something that linux does differently than windows.06:55
fyrestrtrardchoille: one is, what happens to the linked file when you delete the link.06:55
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euclid_888akr0, I will try that soon.06:55
prmigsu<lophyte>  Is it a file so i should use Vi to open it or is it in synaptic?06:55
cheatersrealmfyrestrtr: thanks06:55
lophyteprmigsu: its a file.. /etc/apt/sources.list06:55
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CryptidDoes Dapper Come with all Media Codecs Pre-Installed????06:55
lophyteCryptid: no06:55
ardchoillefyrestrtr: I am thinking that would be a hard link06:56
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Cryptidlophyte, not even mp306:56
Saxywolfis there a way to set the "default" view in the file manager?06:56
fyrestrtreuclid_888: hrmm, tracepath -- what does that give you?06:56
lophyteCryptid: nope06:56
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:56
SurfnKidlinux sucks06:56
lophyteCryptid: ^06:56
prmigsuok, and i should uncoment something or what?06:56
euclid_888fyrestrtr, have to run back downstairs to check. brb.06:56
lophyteprmigsu: look for a line that says multiverse, and remove the # from the beginning of it06:56
fyrestrtreuclid_888: lol06:56
ubuntu01fyrestrtr : read only is good for me couse i just copy data's to ext3 and format this D: ntfs drive.....but you sure that this install dont couse data loss on my d: drive? ubuntu will make swap drive also? how big?06:56
Cryptidhow do i update my breezy to dapper with making any changes yo installed stuff on my breezy???06:57
nooby_godHow do I get the latest and greatest packages?06:57
fyrestrtr!upgrade > Cryptid06:57
prmigsuok thx i will return if i dont get it thx for help06:57
lophyteprmigsu: np :)06:57
SurfnKidit sucks so much, it doesnt let microsoft suck anything else cuz its sucked by linux mwhaha!!!06:57
cheatersrealmfyrestrt: I think I gotta upgrade my firmware06:57
nooby_godI want to get amarok 1.4.1 and Inkscape 0.44, how do I get them?06:57
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lophyte!offtopic > SurfnKid06:57
nooby_godI want to have the latest packages06:57
nooby_godHow do I get them?06:57
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tagz77how can i tell if my wireless pci card is installed correctly?06:57
tagz77 how can i tell if my wireless pci card is installed correctly?06:57
SurfnKidlophyte, no need, just bein silly06:57
dr_willishmm - if it works? :p06:58
cheatersrealmnooby_god: aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade06:58
fyrestrtrnooby_god: you can always compile them by hand if you can't find a .deb file somewhere.06:58
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cheatersrealmnooby_god: also prefix both of those with sudo if you're not as root06:58
fyrestrtrtagz77: try connecting using it from the network manager.06:58
ubuntu01fyrestrtr : read only is good for me couse i just copy data's to ext3 and format this D: ntfs drive.....but you sure that this install dont couse data loss on my d: drive? ubuntu will make swap drive also? how big?and it make it from c:?06:58
cocoxwhich is the equivalent to "tracert" in windows ??????????06:58
nooby_godcheatersrealm I do that, but inkscape 0.44 is not available06:58
cheatersrealmcocox: traceroute06:58
fyrestrtrubuntu01: default swap space is 1.5 GB (iirc)06:58
tagz77how can i tell if my wireless card in installed correctly???06:59
cheatersrealmnooby_god: when was inkscape .44 released?06:59
fyrestrtrubuntu01: just tell it to use the C: partition, it will do everything there.06:59
fyrestrtrcocox: tracepath06:59
nooby_godcheatersrealm a few weeks ago?06:59
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cocoxcheatersrealm, fyrestrtr thanks guys06:59
cheatersrealmnooby_god: maybe it didn't make it onto the ubuntu repositories yet?06:59
nooby_godbah, I love Ubuntu's usablilty, but this lack of having the latest packages is hurting me07:00
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nooby_godI might move back to Gentoo then07:00
cheatersrealmnooby_god: I might be wrong07:00
fyrestrtrnooby_god: compile them.07:00
prmigsu<lophyte> there are tow lines that allredy are uncoment and i still cant find the sun-java5..... =(07:00
nooby_godfyrestrtr is there a sane way to compile such packages?07:01
ubuntu01ok...thx......i will install it after i left the channel....i really hope my data's on d extended drive is still there after install :) thx fyrestrtr07:01
lophyteprmigsu: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin doesn't work?07:01
akr0anyone having the ati fglrx ubuntu driver on his machine...it would not work for me even with the xorg-package and with theati-original(new one out..)07:01
nooby_godand that will not affect my package management?07:01
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prmigsui will try again wait07:01
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tagz77akr0 i got ati installed here07:01
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akr0tagz77 : you did it by hand or the default xorg-fglrx07:02
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fyrestrtrnooby_god: apt-get install build-essential, apt-get build-dep inkscape, download source of inkscape, cd /directory ./configure, make, then sudo make install07:02
javbhi, incredible but i cant open Gmail using my firefox, but in windows i do.. :S this is weird, it stays like waiting..07:02
tagz77by hand07:02
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto07:02
=== Psychobudgie [n=klaatu@82-71-44-108.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu
nooby_godok fyrestrtr I'll look into that07:02
prmigsu<lophyte> nop it says "adp-get command not found"...07:02
lophyteprmigsu: its apt-get07:02
fyrestrtrprmigsu: its apt-get07:02
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prmigsuoooo srry07:02
javbany  udeas?07:02
euclid_888fyrestrtr, Initially the tracepath said "1:, 1:, etc" then I tried what Akr0 said and now ping and tracepath fail saying "network unreachable"!07:02
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akr0yes i had it running before too by hand....but after the reinstall of ubuntu dapper it just wouldn'twork07:03
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fyrestrtreuclid_888: eh? what did you do to make it fail?07:03
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fyrestrtreuclid_888: better yet, complain to Akr0 :P07:03
euclid_888fyrestrtr, I typed "sudo ifdown -a" then "sudo ifconfig eth0 up"07:03
tagz77reinstall it07:03
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fyrestrtreuclid_888: how many interfaces do you have on that machine?07:04
viniciusi finished installing ubuntu now, and i cant access my files.. i guess that is some user or groups settings, but i tried almost everyuthing07:04
fyrestrtrvinicius: 'my files'?07:04
blamelesshello. can a server installation of dapper be done from the desktop install cd?07:04
euclid_888fyrestrtr, just that ethernet card.07:04
fyrestrtrblameless: sure.07:04
akr0euclid_888 : use wlan0 or is eth0 your wlan? try iwconfig it will tell you ..07:04
viniciusi have a 'home' partitiion07:04
cheatersrealmblameless: boot with 'server' instead of just pressing enter07:04
fyrestrtreuclid_888: is it wireless, or wired?07:04
fontpman the button mappings on fce ultra are all jacked up07:04
tagz77akr0:sudo apt-get update  sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx sudo aticonfig --initial sudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv07:04
viniciusand the username is the same than the other07:04
blamelesscheatersrealm, fyrestrtr thank you :)07:04
euclid_888akr0, wlan0 didnt work, only eth0 did.07:04
euclid_888fyrestrtr, wireless. It uses a cord to connect.07:05
akr0tagz77 : did that allreday :) didn#t work07:05
viniciusthe new user dowsnt have permission to access07:05
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valehruwhere and how can I install the w32codecs for swiftfox?  the mplayer plugin play's sound however it does not play video07:05
fyrestrtreuclid_888: what kind of wireless uses a cord to connect?07:05
tagz77did you change the xorg.conf file???07:05
euclid_888Oh, It uses a wire.07:05
euclid_888my bad :)07:05
_Kalmthe non wireless one07:05
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prmigsu<lophyte> nop now it say " type multiverse is not kown in .... sourse.list . But i have checked so the two lines with multiverse is uncomented.... =(07:05
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource07:06
lophyteprmigsu: try that ^07:06
Draconicusakr0: I can't seem to find the other kind of adapter. Can you link me to some sort of guide regarding the ndiswrapper thing?07:06
Dial_tonethere has to be an app that will synchronize files FROM an ipod. surely someone has wanted to do this before07:06
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fyrestrtreuclid_888: okay. When you do sudo ifconfig eth0 up -- what do you get on the screen? I suspect you are not getting the right route via dhcp for some reason.07:06
dskhithello anyone can help me pls !!07:06
euclid_888fyrestrtr, the problem must be software, not hardware since the hardware hasnt changed and worked fine for many months.07:06
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AyabaraIs there a fix for the bug that won't let me close the message windows azureus pops up?07:06
javb_hi, incredible but i cant open Gmail using my firefox, but in windows i do.. :S this is weird, it stays like waiting..07:06
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fyrestrtrdskhit: try asking a question :)07:06
tagz77akr0:did you edit the xorg.conf file???07:06
m0gsiDoes anyone know where amsn saves the cached pictures?07:06
euclid_888fyrestrtr, Initially when I ran "ifconfig" I read two groupings of information and after the akr0 command there was onyl one box and it iddnt list my ip.07:07
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Dial_toneAyabara: go to help/about then close the dialog box. it works07:07
SurfnKidguys how can i run xscreensaver so the daemon starts on its own07:07
fyrestrtreuclid_888: okay you should have only two interfaces, lo and eth007:07
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euclid_888fyrestrtr, I think only one was listed after the "sudo ifdown -a" command.07:08
AyabaraDial_tone: now that's not logical at all :-)07:08
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fyrestrtreuclid_888: yeah because ifdown -a brings down lo07:08
m0gsithanks tagz7707:08
tagz77.amsn is a hidden file, hit ctrl+h to see it07:08
euclid_888fyrestrtr, what is lo?07:08
tagz77no probs07:08
AyabaraDial_tone: thanks a lot07:08
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akr0euclid_888 : sudo ifconfig -a should get it back   did you have a look at /etc/network/interfaces?07:09
fyrestrtreuclid_888: local loopback, ie
euclid_888akr0, I'm not a linux person. I don't know what /etc/network/interfaces is.07:09
lophyteprmigsu: have you tried doing sudo apt-get update ?07:09
ttyfsckerim running 6.06, i want to know how i can change how everytime i plug my iPod in it loads rhythembox.. i want it to load gtkpod instead.  can someone help me so i know what script/config to modify for this?07:09
fyrestrtreuclid_888: sudo ifup -a should get you going again.07:09
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euclid_888fyrestrtr, Oh yes. I read something that said loopback.07:09
euclid_888okay, I'll try that.07:09
euclid_888thanks, brb07:09
BHSPitMonkeyis there an easy way to share printers in ubuntu?07:09
akr0tagz7: thx but i cant pinpoint theproblem...i#ve reallywanted to know if theubuntu packages work causethey did't for me07:09
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Draconicusakr0: Teh poke.07:10
ardchoilleeuclid_888: using the "file" command will tell you what a file it: file /etc/network/interfaces07:10
falzso, ubuntu's gained a lot of steam/popularity/etc. what's truly difference from it and debian? more bleeding edge packages than etch?07:10
fyrestrtrokay -- time to go :)07:10
BHSPitMonkeyx-chat doesn't let me say "teh" :/07:10
tagz77akr0: i got it wo werk on both my machines without a problem, i had to go in and manually edit the xorg.conf file and then reboot before it werked07:11
fyrestrtrfalz: ease of use, mainly.07:11
m0gsifalz ubuntu is teh r0kk0rz07:11
falzapt-get and apt-cache still work in the same way?07:11
akr0tagz77 . but you just changedthe driver to fglrx did'nt you?07:11
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falzI dont want to install it because it teh r0kk0rz :)07:11
falzwhat kernel is in 6.06?07:11
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falzdamn that kernel.07:12
akr02.6.15.23  and .2407:12
ubotupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/KPDF/gpdf, adobe reader (free download, but closed source)07:12
akr0anyone compiled a 2.6.17 kernel yet?07:12
tagz77and under the setion "Screen" i changed the Identifier "aticonfig-Screen[0] "07:12
BHSPitMonkeyI thought it was 25, akr007:12
falzfor some shitass reason 2.6.15 in debian will boot fron cd and install, but on a mobo on a particular desktop, it hangs after a few seconds07:12
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[sYn] .25 here.. :\07:12
SurfnKidhow can i make the xscreensaver load on startup07:12
akr0tagz77 : was'nt that a bug workaround?07:13
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tagz77there is i believe 2 or 3 places that you have to change the driver to the fglrx07:13
falzso if I wanted kde, should I just get ubuntu and install kde packages, or just get kubuntu?07:13
Ribsfalz: get kubuntu07:13
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tagz77i dont know it wouldnt werk for me til i did that07:13
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falzbut if I want some gnome things (gnome-control-center) that package will install fine and not pwnx0rnate my kde?07:13
akr0yup 2.15.25...i got it on my system now07:13
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euclid_888fyrestrtr, "Telnet: Unable to connect to remote host. Protocol unavailable." is what it said when I tried to telnet again. My ip is back after running the ifconfig ifup -a command. What to try now?07:13
DraconicusHow good is support for PCI wireless cards?07:13
ttyfsckerim running 6.06, i want to know how i can change how everytime i plug my iPod in it loads rhythembox.. i want it to load gtkpod instead.  can someone help me so i know what script/config to modify for this?07:13
falz2.15? hmm. :)07:14
akr0tagz77 :interesting... thx i try that one07:14
Lukeis there a list of all the ubuntu official repos somewhere?07:14
Lukei've looked on the wiki and stuff but couldnt find it07:14
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic07:14
tagz77i have my raedeon 9550 and x1600 pro installed and werking07:14
Lukeompaul: thanks07:14
ompaulLuke, that is the source Luke, :-)07:15
Lukeompaul: hahaha i lost it but now... i'm good =p07:15
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falzand.. there appears to not be a net install cd, I have to get a full 700mb or 3gb dvd?07:15
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lophytefalz: yup.07:15
DraconicusIf I have an ndiswrapper thing for a USB wireless adapter, will it work under PPC Linux on a Mac?07:16
lophytefalz: if you're worried about bandwidth usage.. you can always order a CD for free07:16
=== ompaul considers saying "Luke those are the repos you are looking for, see the source" but chooses not to instead [/end yoda moment]
dskhitsorry, but how i can resolve the problem with apt-get and libc6????07:16
SurfnKidsomeone using the old Xscreensaver on Dapper?07:16
falzlophyte: nah, not bandwidth. just would rather start the install now and have it download on the fly the packages I choose07:16
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
El_Fiuna pregunta07:16
falzbut cd is ok, as long as it's not dvd only07:16
lophytefalz: ahh07:16
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El_Fitengo unbuntu instalado07:16
DraconicusDamn. Apparently not.07:16
El_Fiy no tengo cuenta de usuario root07:16
akr0get  pci atheros card best there is07:16
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ardchoilleSurfnKid: you should just be able to add it to startup progs07:16
El_Fiy para instalar una cosa necesito entrarr como root07:17
falzanyone know if there are packages for ati's fglrx sutff, or is the normal stuff to do generate the .deb's from ati's package, install the source, and use module-assistant?07:17
ompaulEl_Fi, this is an english language channel07:17
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:17
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.07:17
tagz77i cant get this damn wireless connection to get a signal07:17
dskhitsorry, but how i can resolve the problem with apt-get and libc6???? anyone can help me in pvt ??07:17
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euclid_888The router lists the IP it gave to my Ubuntu system. So why can't Ubuntu access the net?07:17
SurfnKidardchoille, well i added it in synaptic, and its on the system, however not in the menu.07:18
ompaul!wireless > tagz7707:18
SurfnKidardchoille, so i added it07:18
falzeuclid_888: default route?07:18
ompaultagz77, please read the information from ubotu07:18
akr0!MAC  probably...its best to use the cvs to get the source and complie yourself..07:18
falzcan you ping the router?07:18
ubotuI know nothing about MAC  probably...its best to use the cvs to get the source and complie yourself..07:18
tagz77i have read that ompaul07:18
euclid_888falz, I can ping the router, but not telnet or connect by HTTP.07:18
SurfnKidbut when i start it for the first time, i believe the daemon isnt started and asks to start? and ive done this once before i just forgot howto07:18
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ompaulakr0, please do not use ! at the start of a comment -it is a trigger for the channel bot07:18
falzeuclid_888: ping past router? or telnet to the http port on the router?07:19
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akr0euclid_888 : remark telnet is not enabled on most routers...security reason07:19
euclid_888falz, CAn not telnet to any port of the router, nor ping past it. I can only ping it.07:19
falzyou should be able to telnet to port 80 on ther outer if it has a http interface. if not, something's firewalled on your machine07:19
phosi was wondering if anyone could shed a little light on a problem ive been having?07:19
Lukeompaul: you know where I can read what multiverse, universe, and restricted mean in terms of repos?07:19
SurfnKidphos, shoot07:19
euclid_888I'm using the router from another system right now, so it works fine.07:19
ardchoilleSurfnKid: you can start and stop the daemon via the xscreensaver window07:19
akr0euclid_888 : you don't have aproxy enabled do you?07:19
ompaul!repos > luke07:19
ompaulLuke, read the message from ubotu07:20
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Lukeompaul: thanks07:20
euclid_888akr0, I'm using the default Ubuntu system, so I dont know.07:20
compengiif i will delete /var/cache/apt/archives will it make any difference?07:20
phosi just upgraded to dapper last week, and im having a problems with my media players07:20
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tailsfanNo Sound phos?07:20
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compengicause they take alot of space07:20
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phostotem will play videos, but will crash if i try to open it on its own#07:20
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phosrhythmbox doesnt recognise any media formats07:21
euclid_888I can telnet to the router from my WinXP system, but not Ubuntu07:21
phosand mplayer doesnt even try to start07:21
ompaulphos, have you used any software to "help" you with media players and so on?07:21
phosyet the firefox plugin for it works perfectly07:21
akr0euclid_88 : then you should go to the ubuntu system menu...administration then network......deactivate and reactivate your ethernet and it should work allright..07:21
phostotem complains about an X Window system error07:21
SurfnKidardchoille, so starting the xscreensaver will let me start it?07:22
euclid_888akr0, I'll try that "again" lol. brb07:22
ompaulphos, can you answer my previous question please07:22
SurfnKidardchoille, i gotta run, ill come back later, thx for the help07:22
phosi tried installing them again with automatix, but i really dont like it, it seems to do a lot of broken installations07:22
compengiif i will delete /var/cache/apt/archives will it make any difference, cause it takes alot of free space?07:22
ardchoilleSurfnKid: there are a lot of options and commands. have a look at xscreensaver-command -help07:22
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akr0euclid_888 : well i have a wlan on mine so i always had to check thosething at least twice :)  ..patience is in this case a virtue07:23
SurfnKidok will do laters07:23
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tagz77i cant get a signal with my wireless card07:25
ompaulphos, okay you have two choices, one goto the channel #automatix whatever it does we do not support, I have seen it break several systems in the past - we don't support it here - My usual suggestion is reinstall and use the documentation in http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:25
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phosompaul, ok07:25
ompaulphos, mind if I pm you?07:25
phosnot at all07:26
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jadacyrushow would i access the unstable archive in the repositories07:27
syberekhejka, gada ktos po polsku??07:27
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ViperHello all. Can i get some help on Ubuntu here???07:28
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:28
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akr0ee you on the other side!07:29
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ViperUbuntu update shows updates available but I cannot open the window or install updates. Any ideas?07:29
WarboViper: What happens when you click on the notification area icon?07:30
ardchoilleViper: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ?07:30
ViperWarbo: Nothing happens unfortunately07:30
tony__Please! need urgent help, im sure its easy for u guys, havnt been able to find help on this. some apps turn black in background of menus so i cant read menu alternatives, also other parts turn black. follow link for screenshot... and thanks!! http://img364.imageshack.us/img364/5932/screenshot5js.jpg07:30
WarboViper: Are you the first user that was added to your system?07:31
ViperWarbo: yes07:31
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ttyfsckerim running 6.06, i want to know how i can change how everytime i plug my iPod in it loads rhythembox.. i want it to load gtkpod instead.  can someone help me so i know what script/config to modify for this?07:31
WarboViper: OK, so you should be in the admin group07:31
Warbottyfscker: System>Preferences>Removable Drives and Media?07:31
ViperWarbo: I am the only user so I think so07:31
ardchoilletony__: looks like it may be a problem with the theme you're using. Have you tried changing themes and see if it helps?07:31
WarboViper: You can get the updates with "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" but I don't know what would cause the update manager to stop working07:32
ViperWarbo: A friend of mind ask me to do "sudo chown -R paul /usr"07:33
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ttyfsckerWarbo, where is that in xfce4 though?07:33
tony__ardchoille, thanks ill try that but it came after a while. ill get back asap with reults!07:33
WarboViper: What stupid friends you have07:33
ardchoilletony__: ok :)07:33
ViperWarbo: ok07:33
euclid_888Ubuntu can ping my router and other computer on the local network, but not anything on the Internet. It can also not Telnet to the router, nor bring up webpages from the router or internet. It uses DHCP and ifconfig shows that Ubuntu has a valid ip from the router. What might be the problem with Ubuntu connecting to the internet or router?07:34
=== gatekeeper [n=gatekeep@82-36-116-146.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
WarboViper: You have REALLY screwed that up, since not all of the files in there are meant to be owned by root, so you can't just "sudo chown -R root /usr" either07:34
Warbottyfscker: I have no idea about XFCE07:34
ViperWarbo: He also changed the the permissins on the share directory "File group" to Paul instead of root07:35
ttyfsckerwell if i change it in gnome07:35
ttyfsckerit will still work in xfce wont it07:35
ViperWarbo: that's when I noticed that update did not work07:35
tony__ardchoille, unfortunately it seems to be the same even if i use default theme... any other ideas, i tried posting on the forum but no answers in more than a week07:35
WarboViper: Why on earth did he do that stuff? Let me guess, he used to use Windows?07:35
=== odin__ [n=odin@user-1121052.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
ViperWarbo: Ah, yup!!!07:35
SolarionWarbo: that's hardly fair.  Just about *everyone* used to use Windows.07:35
WarboSolarion: I didn't use Windows07:36
ViperHow can I fix it07:36
=== _RocH [n=roch@213-238-81-104.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #ubuntu
SolarionWarbo: Mac?07:36
=== DaddyArokh [n=brian@c-67-190-202-41.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
WarboViper: Reinstall?07:36
ardchoilletony__: no, sorry, I have no idea.. that's the first time I have seen anything like that. I was hoping it was the theme.07:36
ompaulViper, have you a seperate home partition07:36
WarboSolarion: Amiga07:36
SolarionWarbo: you will also note the "just about" in there.  :)07:36
odin__for some reason when I do su it gives me an authentication error, and I know the password is right07:36
ViperViper: Amiga07:36
tony__ardchoille, xchat, openoffice, klibido, k3b are some of the apps and it seems to partially com and go in some of the apps07:36
=== _RocH przenios stary /home z powodzeniem :D
euclid_888Any Ubuntu gurus here?07:36
Warboodin__: Use "sudo -i"07:36
ViperOmpaul: Yes, dual boot system07:37
tony__ardchoille, could it be the metacity?07:37
Solarion_RocH: czesc!07:37
_RocHcze , pomylilem kanaly ;)07:37
ompaulSolarion, I have used windows but a lot less than operating systems with kernels called kernel :) that have not had a history of  8.3 naming07:37
ttyfsckerWarbo, can you see what app it runs when you run that Removable drives and Media option07:37
=== Solarion doesn't speak polish, save for "czesc" and "tak" ;)
ardchoilletony__: I don't think so, Metacity is the window manager and is not responsible for widget colours.. GTK2 is responsible for the widget colours.07:37
DaddyArokhmorning all, i have a few questions about this fresh install of ubuntu. first of all, I know I didn't do the partitions right so I need to redo it. I don't know how big to make the swap part. 120 gb hdd, I want 30 gb system, and around 90gb data. how much swap should i make?07:37
ajaychey guys07:37
ViperSo I guess the best I can do is reinstall?????07:38
EdLinDaddyArokh: swap should be about the same as your RAM plus 50%07:38
ompaulViper, it is the fastest07:38
SolarionViper: you should be able to tell ubuntu to re-install packages07:38
DaddyArokhok, 512mb ram, so I should do around 768 mb?07:38
tony__ardchoille, could i have messed with that by tryng to install some 3ddesktop? could i fix by reinstalling any packages?07:38
EdLinDaddyArokh: yep07:38
Solarionbut re-installation is the most guaranteed way of making sure all perms are back to the way they should be.07:38
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ViperSolarion: Sorry I am new to this as you can see. How do I do that??07:38
DaddyArokhwell I do a lot of video editing from the camcorder, should i make a bigger swap for that?07:39
ompaulSolarion, you don't know what extras Viper  has in there permissions could be shot all over the place07:39
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Warbottyfscker: It runs "gnome-volume-properties", so I don't think that is what you want07:39
odin__Warbo:  honestly, it doesn't even take a password?07:39
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Solarionompaul: extras?07:39
=== AaSFi [n=AaSFi@eu83-213-206-65.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu
Solarionit should all be in the package manager07:39
EdLinDaddyArokh: you can make it about twice RAM, but larger than that is not helpful07:39
ompaulSolarion, weeks of debugging over two hours to get it right -- work the balance07:39
=== cappicard [n=cappicar@CPE-72-129-230-133.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Warboodin__: Su is only enabled for root, so use sudo instead07:39
ompaulSolarion, packages that are non standard or taken from sonewhere else07:39
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ttyfsckerthanks Warbo  ill see07:39
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:39
odin__Warbo:  su always worked in the past, though07:40
ardchoilletony__: try stopping 3ddesktop and see if it solves the prob. If so, you know what to troubleshoot.07:40
DaddyArokhedlin, does it hurt to have more swap than necessary? like will it slow it down? I let ubuntu figure out my partitions and it did the full 120gb in one, with about 1.5gb swap07:40
Warboodin__: Well it is better to use sudo07:40
Solarionompaul: true.  I hadn't thought of going extra-distro.07:40
tony__ardchoille, i never got that to work07:40
=== dad [n=dad@pool-70-22-186-11.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
loko__lokohi............... is there any problem w/ the time setting/region? mine is 8hours less...... thanks07:40
=== EinZteiN [n=einztein@a213-22-54-163.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu
SolarionViper: you're *probably* better off just re-installing.  It shouldn't be very painful.07:41
ompaulSolarion, default installs +1 or two packages = commercial environment - hacked to death and back typical home user :)07:41
EdLinDaddyArokh: I really don't know, I noticed that Ubuntu defaulted to 1.5GB here as well07:41
tony__ardchoille, what about xgl. is it a standard part of ubuntu. what happens if i stop it?07:41
dadis there a way to display multiple user accounts on login?07:41
ViperSolarion: Thanks!  I will begin the process...07:41
SolarionViper: if you really, really don't want to re-install, you can tell Ubuntu to re-install a specific package by finding it in the package manager and right-clicking on the package.07:41
ardchoilletony__: I have no idea about xgl.. I see xgl as a waste of time and resources so I can't help with it.07:42
=== ^^Bran^^ [n=bran@69-11-28-176.sktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu
EdLinDaddyArokh: I don't use much swap on a regular basis. :-)07:42
DaddyArokhi was going to ask about the whole root/su thing too. my last escapade with linux was fedora which uses a real "root" account. I can't su in ubuntu because it never even asked me for a root password, do I just use sudo?07:42
SolarionIt will bring up a list of things you can do with the package.  Just be forewarned that it could be much, much more painful in the long run.07:42
WarboDaddyArokh: If you have 1GB of RAM then swap is usually not needed at all, so 512 may be sensible to have 512. You can always make a temporary swap file in an emergency situation (like create_compressed_fs needs)07:42
SolarionDaddyArokh: yes07:42
WarboDaddyArokh: Use sudo with your regular password07:42
tony__ardchoille, thanks. ill try and see over my settings there. thanks for your time!07:42
Bassettsdoes anyone know how i can get my mouse to respond without restarting?? i just plugged my kvm in and it is not responding07:42
=== Evilscientist [n=Evilscie@69-171-142-61.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Solarion"sudo foo" will run foo as root07:43
ardchoilletony__: You're welcome :)07:43
Bassettsoh, it just started to respond07:43
loko__lokoquickie question........................... what is the ms access equivalent on open office?        thanks alot07:43
Evilscientisthey....is there a way to "automount" a drive in ubuntu-server?07:43
WarboOO Base07:43
EdLinDaddyArokh: Warbo: you should always have a swapfile because the kernel optimizes usage for speed or space depending upon swapfile availability07:43
DaddyArokhnot that i'm complaining, but can you explain the reasoning behind a pseudo root account? couldn't anyone sudo on this machine and get in?07:43
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odin__is there some trick to mounting a slave hard drive?07:43
ardchoilleloko__loko: open office calc07:43
SolarionDaddyArokh: if they have the password and are permitted by sudo07:43
WarboDaddyArokh: Only users in the "admin" group can sudo07:43
DaddyArokhso sudo looks at your login name and password and thats how it authenticates?07:44
Warboardchoille: Calc is a spreadsheet program07:44
=== thompa [n=guest@c-69-180-208-122.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
loko__lokothanks ardchoille.... i was experimenting w/ openoffice data... and it always freeze....................... thankd warbo07:44
SolarionDaddyArokh: it is technically very configurable, e.g. user foo may only run bar and baz.07:44
euclid_888Can anyone help me fix my Ubuntu and Linksys router problem?07:44
ardchoilleloko__loko: ooffice -base07:44
ardchoilleWarbo: yeah, wrong module07:44
loko__lokoyikes, now im confused.07:44
Warboloko__loko: Calc=Excel, Base=Access07:45
DaddyArokhok then just 2 other questions. is there a program similar to microsoft money (that can actually import an old money file) or do I need to use wine for that? and is there a decent yahoo chat/messenger client (for my wife)?07:45
ardchoillecalc is the spreadsheet app, base is the database app07:45
ViperSolarion: I have a dual boot system. What is the easiest way to reinstall ubuntu??07:45
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.07:45
ardchoilleWarbo: Thank you for catching my error :)07:45
SolarionViper: the way you installed it in the first place?07:45
thompai tried to add my hda1 fat32 to /home in admin menu: disks, (which i should not have done) now i am locked out07:45
DaddyArokhyeah gaim doesn't seem to do yahoo07:45
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SolarionDaddyArokh: Look for gnucash.  I don't know if it imports Microsoft's proprietary format or not, though.07:46
WarboDaddyArokh: I have 2 yahoo accounts open on it right now07:46
tsumegnucash is a joke07:46
tsumewine can run quicken07:46
DaddyArokhwarbo on gaim? i couldn't figure out how to do it07:46
archetypotcpinfo is what you use to do a network speed test?07:46
SolarionDaddyArokh: you may be able to export the data from Money07:46
loko__lokothanks warbo................. and i also been installing ubuntu on our ecs 553... it freeze, but it was ok on our desktop............ any issue w/ laptops?07:46
Solariontsume: let the dude decide for himself07:46
=== jean [n=jean@ABordeaux-252-1-29-18.w81-49.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
WarboDaddyArokh: Just add an account, put in the username, password and voila07:46
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EdLinDaddyArokh: I use Yahoo on GAIM too07:46
=== rheddry [n=einztein@a213-22-54-163.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu
compengiwhat program can i use to resize the swap file and add it to ext307:46
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SolarionDaddyArokh: there's also MoneyDance and some others07:47
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns01-0755.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
jeanhi, anyone can tell me where can I find the xine icon for lunch it...or how to find it please ?07:47
WarboA swap file should be deactivated and deleted, then make a new one on your ext3, mkswap it then swapon it07:47
SolarionDaddyArokh: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13714807:47
odin__if I've hooked up a slave hard drive, wouldn't mount -a /dev/hdb# /mnt work?07:47
ViperSolarion: If i boot with the ubuntu CD and run manual partitioning07:47
ubuntu01fyrestrt1 <07:47
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ubuntu01i forgot to say that the partitions on one hdd.07:48
ompaulloko__loko, please stop with the extra ... this is not im and it costs an extra line in IRC :-) people who are slow readers or new to irc might find it hard to follow, thanks07:48
SolarionViper: uncertain.  I've never re-installed ubuntu.  There should be an option to re-install, though.07:48
falzno linux distro has a "re-install" option.07:48
Warboodin__: mount -a moutns what is in fstab. It needs no more options. mount device mountpoint will mount the filesystem on device onto mountpoint, no -a needed07:48
cappicardwtf? [4295043.807000]  visor ttyUSB1: Device lied about number of ports, please use a lower one.07:48
compengiWarbo, are you talking to me?07:48
DaddyArokhthanks for the link solarion07:48
=== grimboy [n=grimboy@85-210-64-111.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Solarionfalz: pretty sure they do, but not in so many words, no.07:48
Kajalol lying devices07:49
Warbocompengi: Yes07:49
ViperWarbo: Is there an easy way to reinstall ubuntu??07:49
DaddyArokhi don't think i'm ready to make the hard cutover to ubuntu only. I think i'll dual boot with xp so I can do money and that kinda stuff whilst I figure out linux07:49
falzyou could install but leave certain partitions in place, like /home. that would sort of be a reinstall.07:49
Warbocompengi: Although why you have a swapfile is beyond me07:49
tsumeViper: pop in the CD, reinstall07:49
DaddyArokhto do that, do I need to install xp first and then ubuntu?07:49
prmigsu<lophyte> are you still there?07:49
tsumeViper: you don't have to format everything07:49
=== trace4466 [n=trace446@my83-216-76-55.mynow.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
SolarionDaddyArokh: the best thing you can do is be forward-thinking when buying hardware and applications.07:49
=== bayzin [n=bobby@ool-45757d60.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
tsumeyou don't hav eto format at all for a reinstall07:49
=== wazer [n=wazer@c-71-227-243-86.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bayzini need help with partions07:50
odin__Warbo:  well I'm getting nothing but "you must specify the filesystem type" error messages whether I use -a or not07:50
WarboViper: Run the desktop CD like everybody else (or the alternative if that doesn't work)07:50
compengiWarbo, so i should delete the swap partition and then add it to ext3, then from ext3 remove the swap07:50
DaddyArokhsolarion, I want to get away from windows completely someday. but I have so much stuff that I just don't know how to do yet in linux (camcorder, digital cam, ms money, yamaha midi keyboard, etc)07:50
=== Tomcat_ [n=tomcat@p54A1BD39.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
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Warboodin__: then specify a type with -f type, or you may be trying to mount a device which can't be mounted (like swap, or an extended partition)07:50
SolarionDaddyArokh: digital camera should be straightforward, and likely is even easier under Linux than windows.07:50
Vipertsume: Sorry for the dumb ??'s Should I boot with the CD?07:50
ompaulDaddyArokh, for a dual boot - you need to put the non ubuntu system on the machine first07:51
tsumeViper: yes..07:51
SolarionCamcorder I have no experience with, but should be able to use the firewrire interface.07:51
=== flixil [n=flixil@pooladsl-d-8-245.ipcom.comunitel.net] has joined #ubuntu
odin__Warbo:  I was able to mount this hard drive a long time ago07:51
bayzini need help with a dual boot07:51
wazerI've been looking around for a faq on installing my megaraid s438 ultra-2 scsi controller.  Ive ran it on older realeases (5.04) but havent had any sucess with any of the recent releases07:51
Warbocompengi: Don't delete a swap partition. You can resize it or recreate it smaller from a LiveCD with GParted. Swapfiles are different to swap partitions07:51
SolarionShould be able to do midi stuff, but I07:51
=== yango [n=vinko@unaffiliated/yango] has joined #ubuntu
Solarionam not familiar with it.07:51
ompaul!dualboot > bayzin07:51
DaddyArokhi'd like to think the camcorder stuff would be better quality without the fat windows OS behind it screwing everything up... just gotta figure out how to do it07:51
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ubotuTrouble playing midi files? Look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo07:51
ompaulbayzin, please read the note from the bot - ubotu07:51
=== tsume makes note, the synthasizer sucks compared to microsoft's ;)
WarboDaddyArokh: Kino maybe07:52
tsumetry playing FF7 midis, you'll be able to tell07:52
SolarionDaddyArokh: But the core of what I mean is look for Linux compatibility in applications and hardware so that you're not still boxing yourself in to Windows.07:52
bayzinyou sure its the right information i do not have windows at all on this machine07:52
Warbotsume: I find Timidity is fantastic. As long as you use some decent pats, not freepats07:52
ViperThank guys!! Going fo re-install07:52
DaddyArokhwell for the keyboard, its this "learning keyboard", my wife is learning how to play piano with it. and under windows you can send midi files to it and it will teach you how to play them, not quite sure how to do that in linux07:52
tsumeWarbo: I've tried many, I still haven't been able to find a proper set which plays FF7 well07:53
Solarionman, the midi stuff was a midi *keyboard*07:53
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SolarionDaddyArokh: there should be a midi device you can use programs to interface with.07:53
SolarionDaddyArokh: google, however, turns up many interesting results.07:53
WarboBye bye07:53
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=== FunnyLookinHat [n=funnyloo@c-24-13-21-46.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
wazerCan anyone help?07:54
=== mr_lampe [n=tho@dslb-084-056-141-051.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
bayzinok thats not what i needed that how to dual boot ubuntu and windows when you have windows i need to do it from ubuntu07:54
=== richee [n=ashish@] has joined #ubuntu
DaddyArokhyeah i'll admit i wasn't totally prepared for this. my daughter was sick so iw as looking for something to do at home while tending to her. i've long wanted to reinstal lwindows and I thought hmm, maybe i'll just go to linux now07:54
richeehey my laptop is becoming slow07:54
=== Moppin [n=Moppin@adsl-69-212-62-168.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
SolarionDaddyArokh: but for the camera, try it out.  Take some pictures, make sure your camera is set to do "PPTP" mode, and plug in the USB cable.07:54
richeeIt takes too much of time to open applications07:55
SolarionDaddyArokh: come back if you have questions (though I won't always be at the keyboard)07:55
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=== ttyfscker [n=ttyfscke@h14.166.140.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
richeeubuntu is hogging my resources07:55
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ttyfsckerhas anyone succesfully got their Logitec quick cam messenger to work in 6.06??07:55
DaddyArokhyeah, i intend to make ubuntu my main os, but we'll have xp on there just in case i need to do something asap and can't figure it out in linux07:55
ompaulrichee, what processor and ram have you got?07:55
Solarionttyfscker: which one?07:55
=== locklear [n=locklear@ip68-13-100-30.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntu01fyrestrt1 > i forgot to say that the partitions on one hdd.07:56
richeeI have a mobile centrino processor and 256 MB RAM07:56
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tsumeSolarion: I think hes talking about the cheap chipset version which doesn't work on linux. I've tried it before, its unsupported ;)07:56
tsumettyfscker: please buy a real camera, like the ones over 20 dollars :)07:56
DaddyArokhwow, why is firefox so laggy? it works fine when i'm not using xchat...07:56
=== DeVilSoulBlacK [i=devilsou@] has joined #ubuntu
loko__lokorichee....... were you able to install/run ubuntu on your laptop? mine freezes.............................................................07:56
ttyfsckerthis is a top of the line logitec07:57
=== FunnyHat [n=funnyloo@] has joined #ubuntu
=== Solarion has a QuickCam that works great, but I made sure when I bought it
ompaulloko__loko, please do not use the extra .... okay?07:57
richeeloko__loko: I faced he lotsa of problem installing dapper07:57
dr_willisUbuntu works gtreat on my laptop07:57
tsumettyfscker: quick cam is not top of the line, they use some proprietary chipset07:57
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Solarionloko__loko: s/\.+/./07:57
bayzinany one07:57
loko__lokoompaul... ok sorry.07:57
ttyfsckertsume,  maybe its not quickcam07:57
ttyfsckeri dont know07:57
richeeompaul: can u suggest something to speed it up07:57
ttyfsckerit says megapixel on the cam07:57
tsumeloko__loko: even less . :)07:57
loko__lokoompaul.. keyboard stuck..07:57
tsumeloko__loko: use 1 .!07:58
=== Laocoon [n=steph@ble59-3-89-80-131-65.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Solarionttyfscker: you have exact model info?07:58
tsumenot 2, not 3, 1 :D07:58
richeeloko__loko: What problem are u facing07:58
ttyfsckeri can look it up07:58
ompaulloko__loko, then dont use them at all07:58
dash`is there an easyish way to install codecs etc so that most videos can play?07:58
ttyfsckertsume it says megapixel rightlight07:58
=== TARZEAU [n=tarzeau@80-219-67-157.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulrichee, first off get another 256mb ram second off what have you open at the one time07:58
ubotuI know nothing about w21codec07:58
=== dbrodie [n=daniel@bzq-88-155-19-48.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
TARZEAUI WANT A PONY: http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~npreyss/files/pony.jpg07:58
ubotuI know nothing about w32codec07:58
ubotuI know nothing about Formats07:59
loko__lokorichlee, when i install the 6.06, it loads very slow,  and it freezes, i thought it was ram so i bought 512mb earlier, but it still freezes07:59
ubotuI know nothing about win32codecs07:59
=== fimbulvetr [n=danv@host-74-28-220-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about win32codec07:59
ubotuw32codecs can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages. Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html07:59
richeeompaul: so u suggest to add an extra 256 MB RAM07:59
Solarionshould put in aliases07:59
richeeompaul: 512 MB RAM07:59
wazeranyone know about scsi raid ubuntu installations?07:59
dbrodieI am seeing a VERY odd bug with the update manager....07:59
tailsfandoesd Ubuntu have REGPARM on by default?08:00
dbrodieI have an update for 'login' and when I look at the changes X crashes...EVERY TIME08:00
dr_williswazer,  a lot depends on the exact scsi raid cntroller.08:00
loko__lokoi cant even click the INSTALL, when i click it just wont move, but when i install on my desktop even w/ 256mb, it worked, except the DATA, it freezes when i try opening it.08:00
ompaulrichee, yes that would help a lot what apps have you got running?08:00
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richeeok ompaul great08:00
LaocoonHello there! Does someone have the following trouble with the autofill feature of Firefox: when the autofill list appears, data input is not possible anymore in the url bar?08:00
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loko__lokoi suspect that 6.06 cant run on centrino.08:01
wazerdr_willis yeah i have ami ultra-2 s438 havent had any luck08:01
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specialKevindoes anybody know how ubuntu gets vga output to display on external source and laptop monitor08:01
richeeis there any fix for the gnome power manager in ubuntu ompaul08:01
LaocoonOups, forgot: up to date 6.06 here... :)08:01
bayzinany one?08:01
ttyfsckeri think what i have is Logitec Quickcam Notebook Pro08:01
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ompaulrichee, I have a 5 year old processor working here and it was a lot slower with 256 ram acceptable with 51208:01
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ubotuI know nothing about regparm08:01
bayzinwhats the flood ping command on ubuntu?08:02
LaocoonspecialKevin it's an hardware issue: if you only have a vga output, you need a converter...08:02
DaddyArokhsolarion can you help me figure out what to do with partitions for dual boot system?08:02
richeeompaul: I am also facing problems with gnome power manager08:02
loko__lokowhat good "nero" like softeware i can use for ripping avi and mpeg to vcd?08:02
btrentodoes anyone use ati fglrx drivers in here?08:02
SolarionDaddyArokh: sure08:02
specialKevinwell I have a converter08:02
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richeeloko__loko: Gnome baker, K3B08:02
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st_irongood afternoon08:02
DaddyArokhI have 120gb hdd. Under windows, I'd like 40gb system/OS, the rest will be split between linux and data08:02
ttyfsckerSolarion, i have the Quickcam Notebook Pro i think08:02
specialKevinand it works in ubuntu but I help out with another distro and wonder how ubuntu gets it to work right out of the box08:02
Solarionttyfscker: ah, I don't think that's the one I have08:02
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Solarionttyfscker: have you tried it out?08:02
DaddyArokhit'd be cool if i had a shared partition that both os' could read too08:03
dbrodieCan anybody tell me if this is atleast something I should report somewhere and if so how?08:03
LaocoonspecialKevin: so it should be straightforward: plug the converter on the vga output and on the external source, and you're set! :)08:03
DaddyArokh* should say, read and write to, so probably fat32?08:03
SolarionDaddyArokh: linux can read ntfs, but writing is iffy08:03
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SolarionDaddyArokh: yes, fat32 would be it08:03
tailsfanI wanted to know because I'm going to try to get my sound card read by Ubuntu08:03
richeeompaul: ?08:03
ttyfsckerSolarion, i have tried the quickcam driver for it08:03
ttyfsckerit dont work08:03
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ompaulrichee, I have no ideas about that - you are better off to say the issue you are having with some detail of a discription in the channel08:04
Solarionttyfscker: spca5xx?08:04
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ttyfsckerSolarion, that didnt work either08:04
Solarionttyfscker: pwc?08:04
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specialKevinLaocoon: I believe ubuntu does something special to the xorg conf b/c I have no problems with it working in ubuntu but I also use Foresight on my laptop and would like to get it to work in there08:04
ttyfsckeri havent tried pwc08:04
ttyfsckerwhats pwc08:04
ralshebwhere do i put my dns server IP in ubuntu (via command line no gui atm)08:04
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Solarionttyfscker: unfortunately, I don't have detailed info; google will tell you as much as it well tell me.  :/08:05
ttyfsckerill try it08:05
cheatersrealmubuntu is such a pain to set up.   I've been wroking on getting my bcm43xx driver working for several hours, and still no dice08:05
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DaddyArokhcan you use ndiswrapper cheater?08:05
tailsfanDoes Ubuntu use REGPARM?08:05
dxdemetriouI had the nvidia 440mx with the legacy drivers. Now I have a 5500, and if I change the drivers doesn't work. Anybody knows what may goes wrong?08:05
Sacroralsheb, /etc/resolv.conf08:05
LaocoonspecialKevin: so if I understand well, on your laptop you have both a vga output and a S-Video output, right? And you wonder how to activate the S-Video output?08:05
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cheatersrealmDaddyArokh: there's drivers for it08:05
TokenBadis there a way in ubuntu to record a audio stream?08:05
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DaddyArokhwait, what is bcm43xx? wireless lan? maybe i'm thinking of something else08:06
techmadTokenbad: streamtuner does the trick for me08:06
cheatersrealmDaddyArokh: yeah wlan08:06
SolarionDaddyArokh: dunno; b44 is *a* 10/100 wired driver.08:06
freakzoid0223TokenBad,  through amarok i  believe08:06
Sacrobcm43xx is baaaaaaaaad, ive blacklisted it08:06
DaddyArokhok that does sound familiar, i think that was the chip that was on my linksys card. i got it working with ndiswrapper under fedora 4 a while back (before there were real drivers)08:07
specialKevinLaocoon: no I only have vga output, I have 2 distros on my laptop Ubuntu and Foresight Desktop Linux, in Ubuntu my vga out works right out of the box but with Foresight it doesnt work08:07
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wazerndiswrapper is great... bcm43xx ghey08:07
Solarionttyfscker: looks like that link I posted or qwc might bring you joy08:07
janito_itoi need download crossoffice... heeeeeeelp no caxo nada, ni siquiera hablo ingles :S08:07
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cheatersrealmI'm pretty sure ndiswrapper doesn't work under dapper08:07
Solarionndiswrapper sucks08:07
Sacrocheatersrealm: working fine here08:07
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Solarionnative or nothing!  :)08:08
ttyfsckeri didnt see a linke Solarion08:08
DaddyArokhthe only thing that sucked was everytime i upgraded the kernel the wlan stopped working so my dream of administering via putty (computer tucked away in the crawl space with just wlan) didn't work08:08
cycomndiswrapper serves its purpose.08:08
cheatersrealmwell it doesn't work on my iBook08:08
richeeompaul: I have problems with gnome pwoer manager. When I insert the power cord it shows the charging icon, and once when I plug it out it shows the battery icon, but when I am still on battery I log off and login it shows the charging icon and then even if the battery goes to 0 it doesn't even notify until the laptop turn off08:08
ralshebresolv.conf isn't made and i get an error cant open file for writing even when im sudo08:08
Solarionttyfscker: http://qce-ga.sourceforge.net/08:08
cycomcheatersrealm: that's because you were silly and bought a mac.08:08
wazerim running ndiswrapper right now...laptop is on 24-708:08
LaocoonspecialKevin: oh, ok, I see now. I remember having a problem with my wife's Acer: the screen went black when switching to graphical mode because the drivers of dapper drake weren't the latest ones. Did you checked that you have the same version on both distributions?08:08
dbrodieCan anybody atleast comment on if they got the 'login' update (to version 4.0.13-7ubuntu3.1)?08:08
cheatersrealmcycom: mac osx doesn't have any problems running it, I just wanted to dual boot08:08
=== erikgz [n=adam@c-71-192-79-148.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Solarionthat may well be available from unbutu; qwc is almost probably available.08:08
Solarionttyfscker: I'd recommend trying qwc firs08:08
richeeompaul: ?08:09
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cycomcheatersrealm: macs are silly anyhow.08:09
DaddyArokhcya solarion, thanks08:09
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SolarionDaddyArokh: good luck!08:09
cheatersrealmcycom: it works really well for a work laptop08:09
ttyfsckeri tried it Solarion08:09
cycomcheatersrealm: you and you're one mouse button.08:09
ttyfsckerdidnt work08:09
cheatersrealmcycom: I'm not here for your crap, I'm here for someone to have a brilliant idea about the bcm43xx driver08:09
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cycomcheatersrealm: is it ppc?08:09
archetypoi;m getting crap network speeds in ubunu over gigabit...anyone else troubleshooted this and found how to tweak it to near wire speeds?  ive tried windowsizing and most of the tricks in the book.  suse gives me 4x's the speed and this is even slower than windows.08:09
cheatersrealmcycom: yes it is ppc08:09
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erikgzi'm running ubuntu server on an old (1997) gateway solo.  when the kernel boots it sets the framebuffer so tthat it's too small... (short on the bottom) ... how do i turn the framebuffer off?08:10
ShizboomAnyone know a bash-shell scripting irc channel? i dont see any on freenode08:10
cycomcheatersrealm: I got it working on a G4 I book a while back.08:10
Sacrocheatersrealm: modprobe -r bcm4xx && modprobe ndiswrapper08:10
cheatersrealmShizboom: what happened to #bash ?08:10
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richeeompaul: any ideas about this problem ?08:10
Shizboomthanks :P08:10
noobiani need help about kernel compiling08:10
richeeUBuntu is really buggy than the dapper version08:10
richeebrezzy version08:10
TokenBadtechmad, how do you record...I clicked record..it flashed a box and then closed08:10
cappicardhmm... time to upgrade my kernel... when unplugging my a670 from my usb port, I get a kernel oops in visor08:10
erikgznoobian, you should be able to find a good tutorial using dpkg08:11
ompaulrichee, in spite of me saying I know nothing of it you asked me rather than the channel  - I was off doing other stuff and only noticed now08:11
richeeompaul: ok08:11
hivemindHey guys, I'm rather new and I'm looking at the CLI and bash scripting. I was wondering, what is "foo"?08:11
erikgzit's not that hard.  just google "compiling kernel ubuntu debian"08:11
ubotuI know nothing about foo08:11
techmadtokenbad: it should open up a terminal and start recording after you click record08:11
specialKevinLaocoon: my problem isnt that the screen goes black my problem is that I screen rates for my laptop screen dont sync with my tv when I use my converter so the image is scrambled.  I was wondering how ubuntu handles the different sync rates08:11
erikgzany ideas about turning off the framebuffer?08:11
ompaulhivemind, it is a random variable that is assigned to anything08:11
dr_willisfoo = a geneic 'variable' name. like 'jon doe'08:11
noobianyep i found tutorials on ubuntu.com but i get errormsgs when the modules compiled08:11
TokenBadtechmad, no...opened something then closed...like it crashed08:12
noobianericgz yep i found tutorials on ubuntu.com but i get errormsgs when the modules compiled08:12
techmadtokenbad: some stations wont let you record08:12
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hivemindompaul: So, I can just replace it with whatever I want then?08:12
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wazerIve used that faq and my broadcom wireless has worked flawless!08:12
LaocoonspecialKevin: hmm, this one is strange... Anyway, the graphical configuration is in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. Backuping the one from Foresight and replacing it with the one from Ubuntu might help a bit - provided Foresight also uses xorg... :)08:13
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erikgznoobian, what errors?08:13
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D1is there any disadvantage of using Alsa than ESD as the sound output in the "Multimedia System Selector" flash now works this way, but I get no sound events from gnome. Any reason why?08:13
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specialKevinForesight does use xorg08:14
erikgzthe whole point of errors is that they're specific :)08:14
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MTecknologywhat does this mean?08:14
MTecknologyE: samba: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 10208:14
ompaulhivemind, yes, and if you are using an object orientated lanugage you could use homer for the parent and bart for the child process :)08:14
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hivemindompaul: Haha, alright. Thanks.08:14
erikgzthis chat is insane...08:14
LaocoonspecialKevin: so copying the ubuntu configuration file into your Foresight install should be OK08:15
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specialKevinI will try that and see if it works08:15
noobianerikgz, if you have a little patience i ran again kpkg08:15
LaocoonspecialKevin: remember to backup the original file... ;)08:15
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five_laptopanyone use vnc?08:16
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erikgznoobian, not you being insane.  got lots of patience... what's happening?08:17
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erikgznoobian, what happened?08:18
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noobianthe compile process stops with error2. I make mrprpoer all time and start again the config/compile08:18
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dxdemetriouFor graphic cards, if I replace with the newer, must I reload the module?08:19
ryan_I'm new to ubuntu and trying to install gnucash.  I ended up uncommenting the "universe" lines in my /etc/apt/sources.list.  Was that right, or is there a better way to do that?08:19
wsjuniorwhat do i have to do to make ubuntu to mount my data partition and place an icon at the desktop automatically?08:19
erikgznoobian, what error?08:19
noobianerikgz, wait a little i was started again kpkg cca 10 mins08:20
erikgzjust "error 2"  what's the first error in the console?  you may have to scroll up the console history (using shift-pageup or the mouse)08:20
erikgznoobian, cool.  i'll be around08:20
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gatekeeperryan_: that's fine if you want all the repos you are likely to want have a look at this: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories08:20
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dbrodieThere, I crashed again. Anybody have any idea why when I look at the chages for login and passwd in the update manager my X crashes? Is there anyway I can look at this in text mode?08:21
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wsjuniorwhat do i have to do to make ubuntu to mount my data partition and place an icon at the desktop automatically? I can mount it atuomatically adding it to my fstab file but i cant see the damn icon at the desktop whe it is mounted :( please, could anybody help with this problem?08:21
noobianerikgz, k08:21
erikgznoobian, if you haven't yet read it, read http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5683508:21
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JoyFMi've installed ubuntu using this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/WithFloppies on my Thinkpad 560Z08:23
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JoyFMbut the problem is that the network card doesn't work and so i can't get any internet connection (to download/update some additional packages)08:23
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noobianerikgz, I use the simplified version of this howto here:http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157560&highlight=dapper+2.6.1708:24
Marcuswhats the channel for people with autism?08:24
JoyFMthe thinkpad needs the e100 driver08:24
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JoyFMbut isn't it shiped with ubuntu?08:24
erikgznoobian, do you have all the dev dependencies (e.g. ncurses, gcc, etc?)08:24
ubuntu01hello again....08:24
ubuntu01fyrestrt1 are you gere?08:24
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5153101E.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
stefgwsjunior: it has to be mounted to a subdir in /media for getting an icon on the desktop08:25
Marcusdoes anyone know what the channel on this server for autism is called?08:25
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noobianyes. otherwise the compiling do not start (imho)08:26
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h4v0khow do i use the makefile08:27
wsjuniorstefg: it could be /mnt ?08:27
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Marcusthe channel for auspurges syndrome?08:27
h4v0keverytime i type make install i get this error08:27
Marcusdoes anyone know it?08:27
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rixxonh4v0k: did you ./configure08:27
h4v0k make install08:27
h4v0kmake: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.08:27
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rixxonh4v0k: did you 'make'08:27
wsjuniorstefg: anyways.. i already tried that. it mount the partition but do not show the icon at the desktop :(08:28
h4v0krixxon, just make by itself?08:28
rixxonh4v0k: what are you compiling anyway08:28
rixxonh4v0k: yes08:28
h4v0kit says no makefile found08:28
tubedudeHi All. I am trying to upgrade my breezy to Xubuntu dapper. I am using update manager. Busy waiting for files to download:-)08:28
h4v0kits a pos software08:29
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stefgwsjunior: there are a couple of conventions and policies.. /mnt is for temporary mount only like mount -o loop some.iso /mnt. /media is considered the place for permanent mounts and is thus a privileged location, where the mounts get icons on the desktop08:29
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h4v0krixxon, i install pos systems and i want to find a pos software for linux so i can use it instead of windows08:29
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logicseedHello all08:29
h4v0kpoint of sale08:29
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logicseedI'm having a problem with trying to run ubuntu off the cd08:30
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logicseedwondering if you guys could help08:30
rixxonh4v0k: did you look for a package?08:30
ryan_logicseed: just ask, if someone knows they'll help08:30
st_ironlogicseed, what is the problem?08:30
gatekeeperlogicseed: what problem?08:30
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h4v0kyeah but cant find anything really08:31
rixxonh4v0k: what is the name of the software you are attempting to install08:31
cavediverHi. Is there another ftp-client using GTK then GFTP? I don't like it and it has no support for SFTP without recompiling-08:31
wsjuniorstefg: so if i mount it at /media and still cant see the icon, which would be the problem?08:31
logicseedI downloaded and burned the newest image, 6.06, then I rebooted and the splash screen pops up and it stalls at Mounting Root File System08:31
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logicseedI tried 4 times, even in safe graphics mode08:31
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logicseedEven tried booting check cd for defects08:31
logicseedSame thing08:31
ubuntu01ok....i ask my q again....so i have a c(ntfs) and a d(ntfs) partition on one hdd......i need to keep the data's of d: so  if i install ubuntu to c:  its dont touch my d:?i dont have swap partition....08:31
tagz77i cant get my wireless connection to activate...any ideas???08:31
erikgznoobian, use that tutorial i sent you and it'll work.  i gotta go08:32
cavediverlogicseed: try burn it again, slow and with validating08:32
rixxonh4v0k: there doesn't seem to be any vxretail package, do you know any other "pos" programs?08:32
MTecknologyI'm having issues witih a package - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1764408:32
h4v0krixxon, want me to give you the link?08:32
st_ironlogicseed, maybe there are errors on your cd08:32
logicseedI did already08:32
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gatekeeperlogicseed: bad iso sounds like08:32
stefgwsjunior: dont mount it directly at /media, but a subdir like /media/win_partition. you have to log out and back in to put that into effect for gnome08:32
st_ironlogicseed, burn it again08:32
wsjuniorstefg: the mount options used are defaults,user,rw and it is an ext3 partition08:32
cavediverlogicseed: try abother image08:32
logicseedI burned it at the lowest speed and validated data08:32
rixxonh4v0k: the link to what?08:32
logicseedI tried two different mirrors08:32
logicseedThis is the second burn08:32
wsjuniorstefg: it is mounted at /media/Data08:32
h4v0krixxon, the pkg i found (vxretail)08:32
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto08:32
stefgso you should have an icon08:32
cavediverlogicseed: mirrors to the same image?08:32
logicseedthe x86 version08:33
wsjuniorstefg: and if i still dont have one?08:33
rixxonh4v0k: mhm ok lets have a look08:33
gatekeeperlogicseed: are you using dodgy blank CD's ?08:33
stefglog out or reboot08:33
logicseedNo, they are memorex08:33
wsjuniorstefg: ill try right now. hold on.08:33
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logicseedSomething must be wrong because my pc won't boot knoppix either08:33
st_ironlogicseed, download it from the ubuntu.com and burn it very slowly08:34
ryan_tagz77: is your card supported? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported08:34
cavediverlogicseed: bad drive perhaps08:34
logicseedI did download it from ubuntu08:34
hctibtipotsi cant get a connection with my wireless network card08:34
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logicseedWell with booting knoppix, it stalls and complains about an IRQ and hard drive stuff08:34
h4v0krixxon, http://www.bananapos.com/pos/download/bhpos2.html08:34
Sagei install ubuntu, but how install X and gnome ?08:34
gatekeeperlogicseed: this sounds like a hardware problem08:34
MTecknologyE: /var/cache/apt/archives/samba_3.0.22-1ubuntu3_i386.deb: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 10208:34
logicseedYou don't think this would have anything to do with me being overclocked do you?08:35
h4v0krixxon, i got the one retail lite client08:35
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gatekeeperlogicseed: has it happened before?08:35
ubuntu01ok....i ask my q again....so i have a c(ntfs) and a d(ntfs) partition on one hdd......i need to keep the data's of d: so if i install ubuntu to c: its dont touch my d:?i dont have swap partition....08:35
st_ironlogicseed, yes, it will be a hardware problem08:35
logicseedI haven't tried linux on this pc until lately08:35
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logicseedWhen you boot the cd in live mode, does it write anything to the hard drive?08:36
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st_ironlogicseed, no08:36
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thompai ued disk manager and mounted windows part. in media by mistake and now cant change it to /mnt08:37
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Marcusim looking for soe really cool visualizations for totem08:38
Marcusdoes anyone know the name of a package?08:38
logicseedI'll try setting the bios to default and try again, maybe it doesn't like some sort of bios setting08:38
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gatekeeperlogicseed: if you want to convice yourself it's a hardware problem download and burn something from http://www.bootdisk.com/08:38
logicseedWhat hardware do you think is bad?08:39
logicseedIt boots windows xp fine08:39
=== cntb [n=sol@bzq-84-109-54-26.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
gatekeeperxp from hdd?08:39
hctibtipotscan any1 help me configure my wireless connection???08:39
ubotuI know nothing about recyclebin08:39
ubotuI know nothing about recycle08:40
st_ironlogicseed, try install the linux on your hdd and boot that08:40
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cntbdeleted on gnome nautilus08:40
cntbis there recycle bin08:40
logicseedI can't even get that far, the 2nd line in the bootup sequence, "Mounting Root File System", it stays there forever08:40
rixxoncntb: look in the down right corner of your screen08:40
cntbcant see08:41
wsjuniori would like that every icon that i add to the desktop would be aligned at the right side instead of the default right side of the screen. how could i do that?08:41
cntbcould it be disabled08:41
hctibtipotscan any1 help me configure my wireless connection???08:41
wsjuniorsorry, right side instead of the default left side :)08:41
ubotuwifi is Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper08:41
rixxoncntb: then open nautilus and click Go, Garbage Bin08:41
cntband when pressed delete did not get no warning08:41
hctibtipotsi have gone through all that stefg08:41
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wsjuniorstefg: thanks that worked i just had to reboot08:42
cntbrixxon doing it08:42
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wsjuniorstefg: do u know how do i solve that new problem?08:42
logicseedWhen I put the ubuntu disc in, in windows xp, it autoruns fine and shows me the menu of stuff, exploring the disc appears normal08:42
logicseedI downloaded linux so I can boot it live and play around with it and learn it a bit without having to alter my hard drive08:42
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cntbnow copy paste ?08:43
dr_willislogicseed,  yea? that cd is a bootable live cd - and it has some windows apps on it as well.. reboot with cd in the drive and have a blast08:43
logicseedI tried that08:43
wsjuniordoes anybody knows how to change the gnome default behavior that places every new icon at the left side of the screen?08:43
logicseedIt won't work, thats why I'm here08:43
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dr_willislogicseed,  clarify 'wont work'08:43
logicseedStays at "Mounting Root File System"08:44
logicseedwon't go any farther08:44
wsjuniori would like that every icon that i add to the desktop would be aligned at the right side, is it possible?08:44
logicseedBooting other linux live cds such as knoppix and SUSE Live DVD results in failure as well08:44
logicseedI'm wondering if its some sort of incompatibility08:44
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dr_willislogicseed,  hmm. that sounds like some odd hardware issue.08:45
hctibtipotsmy wireless sez it is disconnected, how do i get it to connect???08:45
dr_willislogicseed,  could try the 'dsl' live cd.08:46
logicseedwhats the dsl live cd?08:46
Storkhi, i got this error when running the `configure` script of keytouch 2.2.0... http://rafb.net/paste/results/kDov2G61.html any ideas anyone?08:46
wsjuniorhello. how do i change the default behavior that places every new icon at the desktop at the left side. i would like them to be aligned at the right side. is it possible?08:46
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dr_williswsjunior,  may want ot ask the #GNOME guys.. honestly - i doubt it.08:47
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wsjuniordr_willis: im waiting for answer there :)08:47
logicseedI'm going to go and change my cpu clock settings to stock instead of overclocked and unplug all my usb devices and try again, see if that works08:47
wsjuniormaybe someone here could know as well..08:47
dr_williswsjunior,  often with gnome its "do it OUR way! we know best"08:47
logicseedI'll be back if I can't figure it out08:48
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logicseedthanks for the input guys08:48
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Storkhi, i got this error when running the `configure` script of keytouch 2.2.0... http://rafb.net/paste/results/kDov2G61.html any ideas anyone?08:49
=== jiping [n=jiping@c-24-128-202-178.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kolajeMy nvidia drivers for my geforce4 420 go are finally installed and working properly, however there is a half-inch vertical black bar while using x on the right side of my screen.  i have heard this is a "margin" and i need to use a "formula" to set the display correct.  apparently there was a howto in /usr/doc/*howto*  so.. /usr/share/*howto* but there isn't.. can anyone help?08:49
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wsjuniormy processor is a turion mobile. it always works in userspace gov. is there any way to change the gov to performance by default?08:49
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nomatsdoes the xorg-driver-ati support pci-express cards?08:50
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mjrnomats, though you might have to use the radeon driver directly instead of the "ati", dunno if that applies to all pci-e cards08:51
hctibtipotscan any1 help me configure my wireless connection???08:51
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cwilluwhere is the gnome menu file?08:55
blmartin777where does ubuntu  read (what folder) for things to startup08:55
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stefghttp://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html <- good read08:55
Lao_coonblmartin777: have a look at the System/Preferences/Sessions options, the "Startup Programs" should help you08:56
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ubotuPozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke. Russian users please try #ubuntu-ru, there you may get more help08:56
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kleesis there a news/rss reader that supports transparency that you guys recommend???08:57
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bill[1] has anyone tried running unreal across two monitors?08:57
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cwilluklees: well I suppose you could find a console rss reader, and run it in a transparent xterm :p08:57
nomatsklees, gDesklets has some08:58
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cwillubill[1] : not myself, but I recall seeing somebody running it across like 12 displays08:58
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ubotu         08:58
cwillumight have been a custom version though08:58
ubotu/join #ubuntu-il08:58
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kleesbasically i want something that runs on my desktop with transparency on08:58
ubotuFor the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join     #ubuntu-sa08:58
cwilluooo, fancy letters08:58
bill[1] cwillu: I just remember seeing that if you have xinerma it ges across both screens, and quite frankly, that sounds really cool.08:58
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shadowpandais there someone here that might be able to help me with wine?08:59
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cwilluanybody know how to either make the xfce menu's show anything (running a remote session), or how to make the default gnome run under a edubuntu remote session?09:00
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prg2020I just logged into ubuntu and I was asked to enter my keyring password for WPA access 4 times.  Anyone know what that is all about?09:02
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t4kenhow do you get a different desktop than gnome09:03
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GeheimnisI'm unable to lock my screen using Ubuntu Dapper, it used to work fine and all of a sudden it stopped working. Has anyone encountered the same problem?09:04
ompault4ken, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop (kde) sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop (xfce) both of those are automatic with reasonable defaults - you can install any one you want09:04
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t4kencan you switch back and forth09:05
t4kenand keep the settings on each one09:05
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trace4466wsjunior: try looking in the Configuration Editor for the icons setup, you might be able to configure it there09:06
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wsjuniortrace4466: configuration editor?09:07
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btrentodoes anyone know how i might fix a fan problem i am having with fglrx drivers?09:07
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erikgzi've installed ubuntu server... x11-common, and fluxbox... how do i install startx?09:07
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wsjunioris fglrx driver supposed to work with xorg 7 ?09:08
erikgzi can't run x... using x11-common.  if it's not there then where is it???09:08
tritiumwsjunior: yes, there are ubuntu packages for it09:08
tailsfanANyone need help that maybe I can try to fix09:08
wsjuniortritium: it should work with an ati x200?09:08
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trace4466wsjunior: i'm at a friends using Windows atm :( ask how to open the Configuration Editor09:08
tritiumerikgz: startx is in the "xinit" package09:08
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tritiumwsjunior: yes, it should09:09
erikgztritium.  that seems somewhat counterintuitive09:09
tailsfanWhat is Xine as well?09:09
tritiumerikgz: you're not performing a typical install09:09
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tritiumtailsfan: a media player09:09
wsjuniortritium: how to install it correctly?09:09
erikgztritium?? there is a "typical" linux install???09:10
tritiumwsjunior: which, specifically?  A typical install includes a major desktop env. such as ubuntu-, kubuntu-, or xubuntu-desktop09:10
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archetypogood bye ubuntu :( i can't get the performance out of the gigabit network and there seem  to be 1000 other people in the same boat --- great desktop, crap server :*| ill be back when you fix your network stack09:10
tritiumerikgz: typical ubuntu install, yes09:10
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erikgztypical only means "from the install cd" and "desktop" then09:11
trace4466wsjunior: i found these - http://www.gnome.org/learn/admin-guide/2.4/ch01s09.html  http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Using_GNOME_:_Configuration_Editor09:11
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dionHow do I go about getting .mpeg, .mpg, and .avi files to work on my new ubuntu install09:11
tritiumerikgz: right, those from which the majority of installs are performed would be "typical"09:11
Viper_714Solarion & Tsume: Re-installed and all seems to work fine. Thanks!!09:11
tritium!restricted > dion09:11
wsjuniortritium: well im already in ubuntu but using open source drivers i think09:11
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tailsfanWhat is Xine?09:12
erikgzso, if 51% are a certain way, then that's typical?09:12
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erikgztypically people are women.09:12
Viper_714Solarion: Re-installed and all seems to work fine. Thanks!!09:12
dionand I just type that in the command line tritum?09:12
Viper_714Tsume: Re-installed and all seems to work fine. Thanks!!09:12
tritiumwsjunior: most likely09:12
tritiumdion: type what?09:12
trace4466wsjunior: alt-f2 then type in gconf-editor09:12
diontritium said: !restricted > dion09:13
tritiumerikgz: it happens to be a _much_ large majority09:13
tritiumdion: no, that should have made ubotu send you a PM with a wiki URL09:13
erikgzi know, i know...09:13
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dionAhh now I see it, thank you sir09:14
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tritiumerikgz: let me check it out a bit.  give me a minute09:14
infamydoes ubuntu server come with a nice all in one admin panel?09:14
Viper_714I have a dual boot system and my DOS operating system selection screen shows duplicate ubuntu selections. How can i fix this?09:14
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Oni-Draculaanyone know the path where firefox themes are installed?09:14
tritiumerikgz: do you have the "xserver-xorg" package installed?  It's a meta-package with several dependencies09:15
SeveasOni-Dracula, ~/.mozilla/09:15
finalbetaAnyone using wallpaper-tray from apt-get? None of the buttons work for me? Like the program has a gui, but nothing behind it.09:15
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Allz-i-hello what backage do i need to play dvd movies09:15
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tritium!dvd > Allz-i-09:15
ompaul!dvd > Allz-i-09:15
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erikgztritium, you don't have to.  i've installed xinit; running startx gives me "X: cannot stat /etc/X11/X"09:16
erikgznever heard of that one09:16
ompaulpoints to Trinisan09:16
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Geheimnisoh well, I changed the video driver in MPlayer and it started working all of a sudden, hehe09:16
ompaultritium, cheers09:16
tritiumerikgz: please try installing xserver-xorg, as I suggested09:16
kolajewhere is the module configuration in the ubuntu filesystem?09:16
erikgztritium, i have09:16
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erikgztritium... oye!  solved09:17
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erikgzi had on the *last* install on another machine09:18
tritiumerikgz: how about x-window-system-core?09:18
tritiumerikgz: ah, okay09:18
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ircjeremyI asked a question a few days ago, but didn't really get an answer09:18
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Viper_714I have a dual boot system and my DOS operating system selection screen shows duplicate ubuntu selections.  How can I fix this?09:19
erikgztritium, here's what confused me... when i install fluxbox why doesn't it count xserver-xorg and xinit as dependencies???09:19
ircjeremyI can't get into my gnome (ubuntu) desktop, but I can use my Kubuntu just fine09:19
tritiumerikgz: hard to say09:19
synd1Is there a page that tells you what EXACTLY to do when you are trying to install Ubuntu on a laptop and properly partion that hard drive?09:19
Allz-i-please can someone plzzz tell me what package do i need to play dvd disk plzzz -i dont have time to read if you are gonna send me a website09:19
tritiumViper_714: you mean grub?09:19
SeveasAllz-i-, laziness never works09:20
Seveasget a dvd player if you are lazy09:20
erikgztritium... ubuntu is "funny"09:20
gdbAllz-i-: You have time to watch a DVD movie but not the time to read some information on how to view it?09:20
Viper_714Sorry new to linux, what is grub??09:20
erikgznow it didn't pull in *any* fonts with the xserver-xorg install09:20
tritiumerikgz: well, it rocks too ;)09:20
=== Ron [n=ron@cpe.atm2-0-1161149.0x503f887e.hrnxx3.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasViper_714, grub is the thing responsible for booting the kernel09:20
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues09:20
erikgzyes, it's easy to install a desktop and 75 different services that you never use09:20
Seveassynd1, --^09:20
gdbsynd1: What about the defaul layout is not acceptable?09:20
synd1gdb: I can't blow away the XP partition09:21
tritiumViper_714: what entires are there?  If you've had any kernel updates, there may be a few to choose from.  Also, there are rescue mode entries too.09:21
Viper_714Seveas: thanks09:21
ircjeremyI'll let you know if this works09:21
Roni leave my laptop for a while, and then get back to it, it has logged out. If i log back in, the applications i had running under the last login, are still running, but i can't see them.. Any ideas?09:21
gdbsynd1: So don't?09:21
mumblesok i need a partition tool for ubuntu09:21
Ronhow do i get back into the old session?09:21
synd1gdb: I need a walkthru for someone who09:21
gdbsynd1: Have you actually tried running the installer?09:21
synd1gdb: I need a walkthru for someone who's never done this before09:21
tritiummumbles: gparted and qtparted09:21
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mumblestritium how do i start qtpared as root ?09:22
mumblessudo qtparted dosent work09:22
tritiummumbles: I've not used it, sorry09:22
synd1gdb: Yes, I have. I've been running Ubuntu since Warty09:22
tritiummumbles: did you install it first?09:22
synd1Seveas: Thanks09:22
gdbsynd1: If there is free space on the disk, there is nothing else you need to do.  The installer will give the option to "Leave existing partitions in place and use available space for installation".  If you're looking to resize your XP because you have no free space, then yes, you'll want to use gparted.09:22
Viper_714tritium: I have the normal ubuntu startup, I think a rescue selection and then a mem test. Then these thre repeat again. then other operating systems: Windows09:22
kbrooks!info openttd09:23
ubotuPackage openttd does not exist in dapper09:23
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ircjeremyok, ubuto, it doesn't seem like those address my problem09:23
dragonhi all09:23
kbrooks!info openttd breezy09:23
ubotuPackage openttd does not exist in breezy09:23
kbrooks!info openttd warty09:23
tritiumViper_714: you've probably had your kernel updated.  Please run "dpkg -l | grep linux-image", and look at the resuts09:23
ubotuPackage openttd does not exist in warty09:23
Viper_714tritium: It only happened after I did ubuntu update09:23
ircjeremyI have Kubuntu working, somehow Ubuntu doesn't work, though I have ubuntu-desktop installed09:23
tritiumresults even09:23
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gdbsynd1: The installaer in Dapper is a lot different than previous releases.09:23
tritiumViper_714: makes sense to me09:23
kbrookscan smoeone help me?09:23
kbrooksI want openttd09:23
Amaranthkbrooks: it doesn't exist09:23
tritiumViper_714: we can remove the old kernel if you want to09:23
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kbrooksAmaranth: eh?09:24
ircjeremywhen I try to log in the top & bottom panels flash until I Ctrl+Alt+Bkspace back to the login screen09:24
Amaranthkbrooks: I get no search results for openttd or ttd in dapper09:24
gdbsynd1: In so much as it's pointy clicky and runs as an application under the live desktop.  The partitioner is a bit easier to use as well.09:24
kbrooksAmaranth: so how do I get or install openttd09:24
Viper_714tritium: sounds like a plan. Would I need it for any reason09:24
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Amaranthkbrooks: i guess from source09:25
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tritiumViper_714: not as long as you're booting into the updated one with no problems09:25
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Viper_714titium: paul@andromeda:~$ dpkg -l | grep linux-image09:25
Viper_714ii  linux-image-2.6.15-23-386              2.6.15-23.39  Linux kernel image for version 2.6.15 on 38609:25
Viper_714ii  linux-image-2.6.15-25-386              2.6.15-25.43  Linux kernel image for version 2.6.15 on 38609:25
Viper_714ii  linux-image-386                Linux kernel image on 386.09:25
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linux_user400354how can i mount a lvm partition in ubuntu?09:25
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tritiumViper_714: don't paste it here, though, buddy09:25
dragonive installed frostwire and it wont open....n e 1 got n e ideas?09:25
ircjeremyI guess no one has seen my problem before09:25
Amaranthkbrooks: you could try http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/openttd/openttd_0.4.7-1_i386.deb?download09:25
kbrooksty Amaranth09:26
synd1gdb: So gparted runs under the live desktop?09:26
Viper_714tritium:  Sorry09:26
tritiumViper_714: no worries.  Go ahead and query me.09:26
gdbsynd1: I can't say if the live CD comes with a repartitioning program, but you can certainly install one once running the live desktop in order to manipulate your disks.09:26
kbrooksGdebi is in Dapper, bundled09:27
synd1gdb: Ah, OK.09:27
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Viper_714Tritium: query meaning private chat?09:27
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tritiumViper_714: yes09:27
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gdbsynd1: It's nice using the live CD for this because you get a "full install of Ubuntu" that doesn't keep your hard disks in use, and thus in a state where they can't be modified by partitioning software.09:28
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VieLGuS-KuTaSdo i have to chmod a script before i can run it??09:28
hctibtipotsi need help configuring a wireless conection09:28
mateXhctibtipots: is it a vpn?09:29
gdbsynd1: As for actually using gparted, I've not done so for.... almost 10 years. ;-)  So I can't really offer much advice beyond "boot the live CD, install the partition editing software, and go from there."09:29
tritium!wireless > hctibtipots09:29
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hctibtipotsi have tried everything and cant figure it out09:29
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kbrooksgdb: "can't be modified by partitioning software"? do you mean CAN09:29
gdbsynd1: You should be able, however, to get back on IRC from the booted live CD.09:29
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gdbkbrooks: No, I mean can't be.09:29
kbrooksgdb: as in?09:29
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hctibtipotsmatex:dwl520ve1, wont connect aor get a signal09:30
synd1gdb: Ah, that's the other thing. The Live CD doesn't detect the wireless card :/09:30
gdbkbrooks: "doesn't keep your hard disks in use, and thus in a state where they can't be modified" (because they are in use).09:30
mateXhctibtipots: http://pptpclient.sourceforge.net09:30
Storkjesus christ09:31
Viper_714Tritium: Not a register IRC name so PM is blocked09:31
Storkwhat does ubuntu have against my keyboard09:31
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gdbsynd1: doh!  The easiest work around, if it's possible for you, would be to plug in an Ethernet cable.  As for getting wireless running on Linux, that's not something I've tackled so I can't advise you further on it.09:31
gdbsynd1: (I'm sure there are others in here who can, though). ;-)09:31
tritiumViper_714: you're not registered?09:31
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Viper_714tritium: not sure how to even begin to register. Do you have the link?09:32
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tritiumViper_714: /msg nickserv help register09:32
Storkfucking ubuntu09:33
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xc_legendi am having some problems with updates09:33
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nvezStork, behave.09:33
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nvezGood call. =P09:33
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Stork_is there any reason why keytouch doesn't work for me.. at all09:34
tritiumStork_: evading bans, i see?09:34
xc_legendi have copied the error messages09:34
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Stork_doesn't sound like something i'd do09:35
gnomefreaktritium: want to fix that?09:35
Stork_go on then09:35
hctibtipotsmy wireless has no signal, and it is 2 feet from the router, how do i get it to get a signal and connect???09:35
tritiumgnomefreak: go for it09:35
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jcmcbethHey, I have a program that is causing a segmentation fault and is dumping the core, but I can't find the core file anywhere, where should it be?09:35
wsjuniori just installed fglrx following the howto at the ubuntu wiki and rebooted my machine. it seems to be installed but fglrxinfo returns: Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual! so i think i dont have 3d yet. how to solve that problem?09:35
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synd1What's the best FS to format the partition to for Ubuntu?09:36
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wsjuniorsynd1: ext309:36
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synd1wsjunior: Thanks09:36
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SonicChaognomefreak: ??? Why did you do that...?09:37
gluttonyhi, i need help getting my sound to work, and my printer09:37
xc_legendi am having trouble with fetching updates in update manager can anyone help?09:37
gnomefreakSonicChao: avoiding a ban is a bad thing to do09:37
SonicChaogluttony: what printer is it?09:37
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wsjuniorcould anybody help me configuring my ati card? i just installed as in the wiki and now i still dont have 3d accel. how to solve it? fglrxinfo returns: Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual!09:37
tritiumdouble the action!09:37
SonicChaognomefreak: Oh, it was Stork_, sorry didnt realize that09:38
ompaultriple the ops09:38
gluttonycannon pixima iP1600. when i run cups, it notices it, so i hit next, and it want me to pick the model, but its not there09:38
=== ompaul came back into the room after eating something nice to be met with that
SonicChaogluttony: Sometimes, pick the one closest to it.09:38
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tritiumwb, ompaul09:38
cycomompaul: with what?09:38
qualushmm.. shoudl i upgrade to dapper ?09:38
SonicChaogluttony: I have a HP PSC 1610 all-in-one printer...09:39
qualuswhat are your experiences of it ?09:39
SonicChaogluttony: but i use the HP PSC 1600 driver.09:39
gluttonyi did, the pixima 4000 and it doesnt print09:39
ompaulcycom, people having to use ops09:39
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SonicChaogluttony: Oh, ok, please say everything you tried next time. :)09:39
t-thing_qualus: if you'd like to. It has long term support but on the hand if you have perfectly fine running system, you might not want/need to.09:40
tagz77ok guys can i get a hand here, i have tried all the links that you all have been so kind to direct me too, but i am still unable to get my wireless connection to connect or get a signal09:40
gluttonyoh ok09:40
cycomompaul: meh.09:40
qualushmm.. i'll take a backseat position for now then ^09:40
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tsumegnomefreak: heh09:40
ompaulasizmaresal, stop nick change spamming09:40
tsumegnomefreak: you ban people for swearing?09:40
asizmaresali didnt id ompaul09:40
asizmaresali didnt i*t ompaul09:41
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tsumegnomefreak: perhaps the person speaks like that daily, then its not wrong at all.09:41
gnomefreaktsume: read the coc09:41
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tritiumtsume: it is wrong in this channel, per our code of conduct09:41
wsjuniorhey guys im using fglrx driver. glxinfo and fglrxinfo give the following error message: Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual. what could be happening?09:41
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t-thing_qualus: I suggest that if you don't have a wireless card and you have extra time and knowledge, you might try upgrading. You get newer software and the LTS.09:41
tritiumOur rules aren't relative09:41
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tagz77ok guys can i get a hand here, i have tried all the links that you all have been so kind to direct me too, but i am still unable to get my wireless connection to connect or get a signal09:41
tsumetritium: I think it needs to change then, I've evaded tons of times. Just ignore swears unless they become a problem and you have a happier channel09:41
tritiumgnomefreak: dude, pick a nick09:42
tritiumtsume: nope, can't do that.09:42
qualusads of BT-devices.. no wifi's tho09:42
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qualussomething's wrong with me client O_o09:42
gluttonyok, so, what do you suggest i try now09:42
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tagz77any1 wanna help me???09:43
tsumetritium: sure ya can ;) I make racist jokes when talking about things like french wars irl and on irc, people know its a regional thing, they have to ACCEPT the fact there are people all over the world in the room, and not be offended09:43
qualusanyways, t-thing_ i'll try it when i get the time..09:43
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t-thing_qualus: np09:43
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tritiumtsume: that's not appropriate here.  Don't suggest it any more.09:43
qualushmm.. beer ->09:43
tailsfanWhere can I get alsaconf09:43
tsumetritium: fine, I'll have a talk to whats his name :P09:43
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tritiumtsume: who would that be?09:44
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ardchoilleI have an idea. When in this channel, abide by the coc or leave. Argue with the ops in PM please.09:44
tritiumgood point, ardchoille09:44
=== ompaul is thinking of that is a good piece of advice
tsumetritium: the one who laughed at my bug report on ubuntu. :) Ubuntu being a specicist work and all of us button pushing monkies feel offended :P09:44
tsumetritium: :D did you read the bug, it waws about 1.5 years ago :)09:45
crimsuntritium: see what I mean now?09:45
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:45
ompaultsume, you were asked to take it private - please do09:45
rcsolutionsIs there a portuguese Ubuntu channel?09:45
tritiumcrimsun: yes, I do09:45
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ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.09:45
wsjuniorrcsolutions: brazilian?09:46
tagz77any one wanna help or are you all having too much fun arguing over stupis sh*t???09:46
rcsolutionsthank you09:46
infamyis there a channel just for ubuntu server?09:46
gluttonyok, apprently my helper is gone09:46
wsjuniorrcsolutions: ubuntu-br09:46
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sharmsgluttony: whats your question?09:46
wsjunioris there any channel for ati related problems with ubuntu?09:46
gluttonyabout setting up printer in cups09:46
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ompaul!ati > wsjunior09:46
Seveaswsjunior, right here09:46
tsume:( silence then, I don't see what a privy has to do with it or I missed it completely09:46
sharmsinfamy: #ubuntu-server09:46
wsjuniorhey guys im using fglrx driver. glxinfo and fglrxinfo give the following error message: Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual. what could be happening?09:46
gluttonyi ran cups, and i cant find the model09:47
Seveaswsjunior, error in your X config09:47
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gneralgstreamer.jack ? jack, packet extension?09:47
sharmsgluttony: tried a forum search for your printer model?09:47
wsjuniorSeveas: could u help me to solve it?09:47
wsjuniorompaul: i did that09:47
Seveaswsjunior, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:47
ompaulwsjunior, restart it with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:47
infamysharms: thanks :)09:47
zgatany1 care to help with my wireless problem???09:47
Seveasompaul, too slow :09:47
ompaulSeveas, too many words :)09:47
gluttonywhat forum?09:48
sharms!tell zgat about anyone09:48
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rcsolutionsHey guys, how do I change the "GRUB" ? The option Windows XP just disappeared!09:48
tsumeompaul: do you know how I can get a bulk order of the cds next time?09:48
sharmsgluttony: www.ubuntuforums.org09:48
tsumeompaul: I don't like having to order multiple times09:48
Seveas!grub > rcsolutions09:48
sharmsrcsolutions: the configuration file is in /boot/grub/menu.lst09:48
Commander-CroweI'm installing VLC09:48
nico_hey peepz...what's up!09:48
tsumeompaul: I have them all away already in a couple weeks09:48
zgati am unable to connect to my wireless connection...any ideas???09:48
Commander-Croweand i get error09:48
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sharms!tell zgat about wireless09:49
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Commander-Crowe"error: missing header files ffmpeg/avcodec.h09:49
scottyhi all09:49
zgatsharms: i have read all that and tried it, still cant get it to werk...09:49
crimsunCommander-Crowe: sudo apt-get build-dep vlc09:49
sharmszgat: is it an encrypted connection?09:49
ompaultsume, you had one question if you had left it at that then I would have answered already - please don't use enter as punctuation mark thanks - contact shipit@ubuntu.com09:49
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scottydid any1 have trouble installing java on ubuntu ?09:49
SonicChaoI need a program to choose Hexadecimal Colors...does anyone know of one in Ubuntu?09:50
zgatsharms:no it is not i removed the encryption09:50
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sharmsscotty: installed flawlessly09:50
tritiumscotty: in dapper, it has gotten easier.  Need some help?09:50
tsumeompaul: I was thinking on-the-fly :)09:50
=== chris__ is now known as cdn`
Commander-Crowecan't do apt-get no internet09:50
sharmszgat: does the router act as a dhcp server, have mac address protection disabled, and your client set to obtain address automatically?09:50
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ardchoilleSonicChao: gcolor2 ?09:50
gnomefreaktsume: little advice i dont think getting cds from shipit atm is a great idea09:50
SonicChaoardchoille: How would i download that?09:51
scottytritium yeah i need help lol im new09:51
gnomefreakseeing as that bug with the live installer not working09:51
tsumegnomefreak: is there something wrong with the cds they sent me?09:51
tritium!java > scotty09:51
zgatsharms: yes it is, i cant even connect to the router from this pc....wlan0 has no signal09:51
SonicChaotsume: it takes forever09:51
wsjuniorstill the same error09:51
tsumegnomefreak: the installer worked for me on several computers...09:51
tritiumscotty: if that's not enough help, feel free to bug me for more09:51
kinematic@gnomefreak:why isn't it?09:51
gnomefreaktsume: non of my 25 work09:51
sharmszgat: move the router closer and try again09:51
wsjuniorError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual09:51
SonicChaoardchoille: sudo apt-get install gcolor2 ????????09:51
wsjuniorhow to solve it?09:51
scottyok tyvm09:51
ardchoilleSonicChao: gcolor2 is in universe09:51
Commander-Crowecrimsun: no internet09:52
gnomefreakand well theres what like 50 bugs on the live installer :(09:52
ardchoilleSonicChao: yes, if you have universe enabled.09:52
SonicChaoardchoille: its okay...I have universe and Multiverse enabled :)09:52
zgatsharms: the router is 2 feet away already09:52
tsumegnomefreak: oh boy :) wel I guess I installed from one of the cds I downloaded.09:52
tritiumscotty: summary is 1) enable multiverse repository, 2) install sun-java5-jre (or whichever pcakage you need)09:52
sharmszgat: is it broadcasting its ssid?09:52
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gluttonyi dont see a printer forum09:52
ardchoilleSonicChao: I really can't work without that much needed app :)09:52
tsumegnomefreak: right, the bug I cought personally was the gpart bug when I clicked back, the gpart disengaged from the installer and appeared in a separate window :)09:52
ompaulgluttony, what printer is it?09:52
tsumegnomefreak: overall however, its more decent then any other distro available09:52
gnomefreaki never saw that one lol09:53
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sharmsprinter support is fickle right now09:53
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zgatsharms: yes, i have a windows machine connected wirelessy as we speak09:53
gluttonycannon pixima iP160009:53
crimsunCommander-Crowe: are you just trying to install it, or are you trying to build it?09:53
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=== gnomefreak was playing with bugs today all morning
wsjuniorhow could i make sure that im using fglrx driver?09:53
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SonicChaoardchoille: ok thanks09:53
ardchoilleSonicChao: You're welcome :)09:53
Commander-Crowewith compiliing09:53
sharmszgat: and where do you get the impression there isn't a signal in linux? what application tells you this?09:53
tsumegnomefreak: you bugfix for a living?09:53
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crimsunCommander-Crowe: so you're trying to compile it?09:53
Commander-Crowebecause I have Ubuntu 6.06 64-bit version09:53
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Commander-Crowecrimsun: yes09:53
sharmstsume: he is a devel09:53
tritiumwsjunior: grep fglrx /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:53
crimsunCommander-Crowe: vlc is available for amd64, too.09:54
sombrerrancebsoir all09:54
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zgatsharms: i added network monitor to my panel, and there it sez no signal09:54
tsumesharms: oh heh. :) Would be a fun job then. :)09:54
wsjuniortritium:  Driver          "fglrx"09:54
crimsunCommander-Crowe: in the universe repository.09:54
gnomefreaktsume: nope but i do play in launchpad/malone triage bugs and give feedback when i can09:54
wsjuniortritium: how to enable 3d?09:54
tritiumwsjunior: okay, X is using it09:54
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gnomefreakok back on topic please09:54
sharmszgat: I am going to say it is near 100% chance you just misconfigured it09:54
crimsunCommander-Crowe: if you don't have an Internet connection, you need to download it and all its dependencies from http://packages.ubuntu.com/vlc09:54
=== gnomefreak smacks gnomefreak to wake him up ;)
tsumegnomefreak: talking about ubuntu bugs isn't on topic? ;)09:54
tritiumwsjunior: not sure what problems you're encountering09:55
wsjuniortritium: glxinfo returns:  Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual09:55
sharmszgat: I can't be there to help you through this, but I would give the advise of try out network-manager09:55
ompaulgluttony, the only thing I can suggest is if you have a driver for linux for it ask canon for a driver from their site or try the 6000 version that is similar to your setup09:55
crimsunCommander-Crowe: make sure you choose the appropriate version for dapper and your architecture09:55
SimzIhow do i change metacity themes09:55
sharmszgat: it is a little more automated09:55
ardchoillegnomefreak: hahahaha09:55
=== UbuntuNewbie [i=38c71eae@c-24-4-249-124.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sharms!tell zgat about network-manager09:55
gnomefreaktsume: thats a hard call since there is a bug channel09:55
wsjuniortritium: fglrxinfo returns the same message09:55
tsumegnomefreak: oh.09:55
wsjuniortritium: Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual09:55
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gnomefreakwsjunior: on dapper or edgy?09:55
wsjuniortritium: and yes, there is load "dri" at xorg.conf09:55
zgatsharms: how do i go about checking and correcting???09:55
tritiumwsjunior: not sure.  I don't have ati hardare at the moment to check09:56
wsjuniorgnomefreak: dapper09:56
gnomefreakoh ok09:56
wsjuniorgnomefreak: could u help me?09:56
=== tritium points up in the night sky...look, the big dapper
tsumegnomefreak: say.. would you know of there is a technical talk channel for people who are as informed as I am on unix? Kinda like how talks go in #freebsd and #openbsd?09:56
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wsjuniorgnomefreak: should i try edgy?09:56
UbuntuNewbieMy upgrade from Breezy to Dapper has failed with the following error message: "Could not install the upgrades. The upgrade aborts now. Your system can be in an unusable state. A recovery was run (dpkg --configure -a). installArchives() failed." What do I do?09:56
gnomefreakwsjunior: not with ati i still never got neither of my ati card working right bought nvidia09:56
gnomefreakwsjunior: hell no09:56
sharmszgat: either keep asking here about your configuration and have someone else help you, or else try network-manager09:56
tritiumtsume: #ego ;)09:56
tsumetritium: grr09:57
chapiumDoes anyone know how to make the gnome menu load properly after you log in?  My first click it never works.  Its driving me batty.. slowly and gradually09:57
gnomefreakwsjunior: you commented in #ubuntu+1 thats why i asked you what version09:57
gluttonyompaul, i dont see the 6000 one09:57
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zgati have both my ati cards werking fine...09:57
ompaulgluttony, are you using dapper?09:57
tsumetritium: I mean some real talks, like the architecture of AFS, advanced clustering techniques, threading methodology, etc.09:57
gnomefreakUbuntuNewbie: sudo dpkg --configure -a09:57
ompaultsume, guess #hardware09:57
gluttonythats 6.06 right?09:57
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sharmszgat: I thought this was a wireless network issue, not a graphics card issue.09:57
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UbuntuNewbiegnomefreak: okay, will do ... then what?09:57
ompaultsume, and your offtopic for here09:58
zgatit is sharms09:58
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gnomefreakUbuntuNewbie: dont know lets see if it fixes anything09:58
sharms!tell tsume about offtopic09:58
harry666i have troubles installing 6.06 server with a compaq smartarray controller09:58
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UbuntuNewbiegnomefreak: okay ... running it.09:58
sharmszgat: I don't see how ATI fits into your network problems.09:58
ardchoilletsume: if there isn't a channel that meets your desires, you can always create one and have lilo do a wallops for it.09:58
loko555i cannot control the volume of a sound played by flash, how can i solve this problem? i have intel hda09:58
gnomefreakUbuntuNewbie: let me know if it does anything09:58
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tsumeardchoille: yeah well, that would attract kids :|09:59
tritiumtsume: "real" means something different to different people09:59
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UbuntuNewbiegnomefreak - it shows errors setting up: tetex-base, tetex-bin, tetex-extra, and kile, all of which I had previously installed after having backported them to Breezy.09:59
Syco54645who does vidilife.com not work ever since i updated to dapper.  it is a site to watch streaming videos.09:59
gnomefreakUbuntuNewbie: did it stop at that?10:00
tsumetritium, sharms: I'll just sit in #ubuntu-server for a while and see if there are any intelligent admins there for decent discussion :)10:00
UbuntuNewbiegnomefreak, yes, it stopped there.10:00
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sharmstsume: If you actually wanted to have intelligent conversation, then it should be intuitive that you would have that conversation on channels relevant to the discussion.10:00
tsumesharms: well its server stuff :) I wasn't aware there was a -server channel.10:00
SasquatchThis is a stupid question but how do you get access to su in ubuntu?10:01
Syco54645what player should i get for firefox?10:01
tritiumwhat's up, scotty ?10:01
sharmsSasquatch - use sudo10:01
loko555any idea if pcm-volume-control does not work while surfing on flash-websites with sound?10:01
ardchoilleSasquatch: sudo su10:01
sharms!tell Sasquatch about sudo10:01
gnomefreakUbuntuNewbie: ok try removing those packages and than running sudo dpkg --configure -a10:01
tritiumardchoille: sudo -i would be preferable10:01
UbuntuNewbiegnomefreak - will do -10:01
sharmsWe went over this with Sasquatch yesterday I believe10:01
ompaulardchoille, comeon it is !rootsudo - don't tell people about that - that is wrong10:01
scottygedit has not been able to detect the character coding.10:02
ardchoilletritium: ahh, ok.. thank you for that.. adding it to my wiki  :)10:02
scottyPlease check that you are not trying to open a binary file.10:02
scottySelect a character coding from the menu and try again.10:02
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Sasquatchsharms:  nah, you went over GRUB10:02
zgatnetwork manager is showing no wireless connection on it10:02
sharmsah close :)10:02
gluttonyok, the canon site only has windows and mac drivers10:02
tritiumardchoille: :)10:02
gnomefreakardchoille: i did end up adding an alias section tot hat site not near done though10:02
Sasquatchnow that i finally have ubuntu loaded...10:02
sharmszgat: disable the network interface in the ubuntu config10:02
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:02
gnomefreakok i gotta get dinner started be back after dinner10:02
sharmszgat: network-manager won't use it if ubuntu is using it10:02
tritiumsee you later, gnomefreak10:02
zgatok how do i disable it???10:02
meherenhow do i change my keyboard layout to dvorak?10:02
ardchoillegnomefreak: Yeah? Cool.. I'll visit today :)10:02
sharmsgnomefreak: OT but whats your current karma?10:02
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shachafzgat: Comment out the lines in /etc/network/interfaces10:03
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shachafzgat: Or run network-admin10:03
gnomefreaksharms: 3000 something10:03
shachafzgat: And uncheck "enable this device"10:03
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sharmsgnomefreak: I am gonna catch up ;)10:03
ardchoilleompaul: Please don't yell at me.. I simply answered his question. If you want to yell at me please do it in PM.10:03
UbuntuNewbiegnomefreak: after removing those packages sudo dpkg --configure -a runs with no errors10:04
meherenhow do i change my keyboard layout to dvorak?10:04
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scottyi get this error when trying to open the linux java10:04
scottygedit has not been able to detect the character coding.10:04
scottyPlease check that you are not trying to open a binary file.10:04
scottySelect a character coding from the menu and try again.10:04
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chapiummeheren: system->preferences-keyboard->layouts10:05
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meherenchapiumw kjx :)10:05
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ompaulscotty, please dont paste use paste.ubuntu-nl.org10:05
meherenchapium: undr xfce?10:06
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UbuntuNewbiegnomefreak - I am a bit of a newbie ... does dpkg --configure -a running without error mean that the upgrade is OK now?10:06
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Hexidigitalhow can i set fluxbox as my default gui? i am running a LAMP server, but i need a small GUI, and i cannot get "startfluxbox" to work w/o starting X (which loads GDM)10:06
tritiumscotty: try to verbally describe the problem (briefly), and not paste.  Thanks, my friend.  :)10:07
dr_willisHexidigital,  somthing you just said seems wring..10:07
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Hexidigitaldr_willis: i know... server and GUI do not go together10:07
scottyi get that text when i try open the linux java file10:07
scottythe 1 i pastedf10:07
linux_user400354how can i use lvm in ubuntu? does the 5.10 have lvm?10:07
dr_willisHexidigital,  you tried eding/making a .xinitrc and  having it load fluxbox ?10:07
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Hexidigitaldr_willis: nope... i missed the obvious fix... brb10:08
btrentocould someone help me with a fglrx problem i am having10:08
walkoverHey! does anyone know some bluetooth hijacking software for linux?10:08
dr_willisHexidigital,  i dont see how startfluxbox starts up gdm :P10:08
gluttonyompaul, you still here?10:08
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ompaulgluttony, I think so :-)10:08
Hexidigitaldr_willis: no... startfluxbox needs me to load X first, but i "startx" and GDM auto loads10:08
tritiumlinux_user400354: it does have it10:08
gluttonyompaul,the canon site only has windows and mac drivers10:09
tritiumscotty: what linux java file?10:09
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Sasquatchmore stupid questions from a linux newb: how do you compile a program?10:09
Hexidigitaldr_willis: where do i create an .xinitrc?10:09
walkoverHey! does anyone know some bluetooth hijacking software for linux?10:09
dr_willisHexidigital,  startx should not start up gdm. it should start whats in the .xinitrc file or tye system wide xinitrc.   sounds like ya can just put startfluxbox in your .xinitrc make one in your home dir10:09
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tritiumscotty: remember my summary?  install the ubuntu package, don't use the .bin10:09
Hexidigitaldr_willis: thx10:09
scottyhowd i get the package10:10
tritiumwalkover: don't ask that here, dude10:10
ompaulgluttony, I have no other suggestions for you other than to check on the cups website for the status of your printer maybe you can get something there for it10:10
tritiumwalkover: we stick to legal and ethical behavior here10:10
ompaulwalkover, hacking software / methods are not for discussion in #ubuntu or freenode.net10:10
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dr_willisplus its not really a Ubuntu support question.10:10
walkoverwell it is legal but ethical ... maybe not10:10
ompauldr_willis, ++10:11
walkoverill find another channel10:11
dr_willisYes you will.. :P10:11
scottytritium where do i download the ubuntu package ?10:11
GullstadWhat is the extract *.tar command?10:11
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UbuntuNewbiegnomefreak - are you still here ?10:11
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ompaulGullstad, tar xvf foo.tar10:11
tritiumscotty: from the multiverse repository, via apt-get10:12
linux_user400354gullstad, tar xf archive.tar10:12
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ompaulfreaks, may I pm you?10:13
boxgamex__hey, since ndiswrapper is includuded in dapper, can i just apt-get the utils and use the grphical interface to add a driver?10:13
scottylol i only got ubuntu today any easyer way you can say that lol10:13
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ompaul!multiverse > scotty10:13
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ompaulscotty, have a look at the url from the bot ubotu10:13
nathansnookcan someone tell me what the current kernel release is for ubuntu 6.06 is10:14
ubotuwifi is Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper10:14
ompaulnathansnook,  2.6.15-2510:14
Hexidigitaldr_willis: my xinitrc file just has ./etc/X11/Xsession.... do i just add fluxbox somewhere?10:14
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UbuntuNewbieHmm ... anyone: I upgraded from Breezy to Dapper. The upgrade failed with the error message "Could not install the upgrades.  The upgrade aborts now. Your system can be in an unusable state. A recovery was run (dpkg --configure -a)." I ran sudo dpkg --configure -a and it showed that tetex and kile could not be configured properly. I removed tetex and kile using Synaptic and ran dpkg --configure -a again, and this time it did not 10:14
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UbuntuNewbieI seem to be missing some software that was formerly there ... xchat, for example10:15
nathansnookompaul: Is ubuntu going to use 2.7.x?10:15
tritiumUbuntuNewbie: please try sudo apt-get -f install10:15
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Bassettscan anyone recommend a good game to pass some time, not too in depth but not one you get bored of easy10:15
UbuntuNewbietritium, thanks ...10:15
UbuntuNewbietritium, what does that do, please?10:16
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dr_willisHexidigital,  thats the system wide one. read what it does/reads - it proberly loads some config files.. OR make a .xinitrc in your home dir.10:16
tritiumUbuntuNewbie: -f is the same as --fix-broken10:16
HexidigitalBassetts: neverball / neverputt10:16
Bassettsok :)10:16
UbuntuNewbietritium, thanks again. running it ...10:16
dr_willisHexidigital,  example .xinitrc 2 lines... xterm &   exec fluxbox10:17
ompaulnathansnook, I doubt it it will use 2.8 when it is in the debian tree :-)10:17
tritiumUbuntuNewbie: good luck10:17
gavagaithe only game i play is counterstrike.  so addictive.  i can't stop.10:17
Hexidigitaldr_willis: thx again :)10:17
UbuntuNewbietritium: it completes as follows ... 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded.10:17
BassettsHexidigital: that like marble madness?10:17
dr_willisHexidigital,  ya could read the Xsession and see what their sample does fora default10:17
colkquestion how do you tell what cd a ubantu cd is10:17
colkwithout booting from it10:17
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tritiumUbuntuNewbie: now try sudo dpkg --configure --pending10:17
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HexidigitalBassetts: yes10:17
HexidigitalBassetts: neverputt is like putt putt golf10:18
nathansnookompaul: so 2.7 would be unstable and 2.8 would be stable?10:18
UbuntuNewbietritium, sudo dpkg --configure --pending completes with no message10:18
chapiumi really hope the gnome menu gets fixed, its currently an annoyance10:18
BassettsHexidigital: cool, i shall look into them, need something to do while i have a quiet patch at work10:18
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HexidigitalBassetts: enjoy!10:18
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tritiumUbuntuNewbie: okay, so what does sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade do?10:18
BassettsHexidigital: thanks, i will10:18
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UbuntuNewbietritium -- upgrade? or dist-upgrade?10:19
speedsixHi, I'm trying to setup an NFS server but when I apt-get nfs-kernel-common it says 'starting rpc nfsd    failed' any ideas? I have tried to reinstall 'portmap' but I cant because it won;t stop running??10:20
tritiumUbuntuNewbie: try upgrade for now10:20
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boxgamex__can someone help me find the inf file for my wireless card? wg111v210:20
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSClientHowTo and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSServerHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.10:20
FredzillaHello, I am having trouble installing ubuntu, I'm trying to find downloadable Install Floppys.  Either that or a way to creat install floppys.  By install floppies, I mean a floppy that will get the install for Ubuntu on the cd to run.10:20
UbuntuNewbietritium, it complains, E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable), unable to lock the list directory10:20
ompaulnathansnook, yeap10:20
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tritiumUbuntuNewbie: are you running synaptic?10:21
Hexidigitaldr_willis: you are great! all i did was delete /etc/X11/Xsession and type xterm & exec fluxbox, and it works! thanks10:21
UbuntuNewbietritium - no, but I still have the upgrade tool open, because I wanted to hang onto the terminal display10:21
ompaulSimzI, you have a pm10:21
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tritiumUbuntuNewbie: ah, that's the cause10:22
dr_willisHexidigital,  does it pop up a xterm as well? :P10:22
speedsixAnyone any suggestions why 'rpc nfsd' is failing to start?10:22
UbuntuNewbietritium - okay, closed it ... it's running10:22
lensFredzilla... Won't it just boot off your install CD?10:22
tritiumUbuntuNewbie: ok10:22
dr_willisHexidigital,  ya could try just using 'startfluxbox'10:22
tritiumgnomefreak: there should be karma for opping10:23
UbuntuNewbietritium - it completes with everything done, done, and done, except for this: The following packages have been kept back:10:23
UbuntuNewbie  encfs gcj libgcj-dev libkrb5-17-heimdal tidy10:23
Hexidigitaldr_willis: hmm... not sure what it did :) brb10:23
BeawolfeLooking for some help trying to get the Grub Loader back after a HD crash on Windows side10:23
UbuntuNewbieThose are the 5 packages not upgraded10:23
FredzillaYes lens, my cd wont boot off the install CD.10:23
dr_willisHexidigital,  my guess 'startfluxbox' setups and installs a few extra support programs as well10:23
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Maze_of_TormentFredzilla : go into your bios10:23
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Maze_of_Tormentthen boot that option from there10:24
FredzillaYes Maze?10:24
Maze_of_Tormentin your bios you have an option to boot from hard drive or cd10:24
meherenhow do i change the system wide keymap?10:24
tritiumUbuntuNewbie: not do the dist-upgrade10:24
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Hexidigitaldr_willis: works like a charm now! thank you very much10:25
UbuntuNewbietritium - "now do" dist-upgrade? or "not do"?10:25
meherenwhat file do i edit? and how to get everything to use the dvorak keyboard layout10:25
FredzillaMaze,  thank you, I have set my first boot option to CD; but for some reason I get an error.  I can read the Install CD in Windows, all the files seem to be there.  I'm not sure what's wrong.10:25
tritiumUbuntuNewbie: _now_ do10:25
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UbuntuNewbietritium :) - will do10:25
=== Hexidigital has to go now... it's almost 90 degrees F outside, and i'm screwing around w/ my server
Hexidigitalhave a great day everyone10:25
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Maze_of_Tormentare you wanting a fresh install of ubuntu or a dual boot10:25
zgatok who wants to walk me through setting up a wireless connection???10:26
Maze_of_Tormenti did a fresh install and got rid of windows10:26
FredzillaI'm trying to do a fresh install  (on a different Hard Drive)10:26
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dr_williszgat,  good luck on that.. if ya got the drivers and stuff working  - that "network manager' tool does a decent job10:26
ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager10:26
UbuntuNewbietritium - it's upgrading  gcj and libgcj-dev ... and ... seems to be done now10:27
zgatsee i dont know if i have the rite drivers10:27
speedsixAnyone any suggestions why 'rpc nfsd' is failing to start?10:27
meherenhow do i change my system wide keymap to dvorak?10:27
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tritiumUbuntuNewbie: okay.  And now your tetex packages are still removed?10:27
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Maze_of_TormentFredzilla : i'm new to this as well , was just trying to help a bit........someone else here should know about that sorry10:28
boxgamex__damnit what the path for the desktop10:28
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tritiumboxgamex__: chill out10:28
boxgamex__lol. im not mad10:28
UbuntuNewbietritium, yes, still removed ...10:28
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tritiumUbuntuNewbie: try installing them now, please10:28
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lassegshi. when you play wolfenstein enemy territory on ubuntu you cant play with linux players, or am I wrong?10:28
dr_willisbox ugh../home/Username/ Desktop10:28
meherenoxgamex__, /home/your username/Desktop10:28
UbuntuNewbietritium - okay, installing using Synaptic10:28
FredzillaThank you Maze_of_Torment.  I appriciate it10:28
dr_willisits soo Well Hidden~ :P10:28
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dr_willislassegs,  ET: for linux works for all servers/clients/10:29
meherenhow do i change my system wide keymap to dvorak?10:29
lassegsdr_willis,  ok thx10:29
UbuntuNewbietritium - these are big packages, as I recall; this may take a few mins.10:29
tritiumUbuntuNewbie: yes10:30
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scottytritium is there a package with java in ?10:30
tritiumscotty: yes, I mentioned that earlier10:30
chapiumis it normal for ubuntu to be running three schedulers?  I see anacron, atd, and cron all running10:30
scottyhow do i get10:31
scottydid u say multiverse ?10:31
tritiumyes, scotty10:31
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource10:31
lensFredzilla:  what about your filesystem?10:31
Gareth^chapium, that is the default - you of course do not need all of them (or any of them if you do not use scheduled tasks)10:31
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unstablesobmeheren, dpkg-reconfigure console-data10:31
gdbmeheren: This may have some information that's useful -> http://www.mwbrooks.com/dvorak/unix.html10:31
meherenunstablesob:that's it?10:31
shadowpandais there anyone here familiar with WINE?10:31
lensFredzilla: I remember when I messed with that linux and NTFS wouldn't work together.10:32
unstablesobmeheren, yes, 20 seconds on google found the right command10:32
gdbchapium: That's normal.10:32
lensFredzilla: *shrugs* not sure though.10:32
scottywer do i download the packages10:32
Maze_of_Tormentthat is why i got rid of windows lol10:32
FredzillaLens, my file system on my wiindows HD is NTFS, and I don't have a file system layed down on my other HD yet.  Is there a file system I should lay down before installing Ubuntu?10:32
icaroxxhelp me ,,whit my asus v7700 in breazy10:32
BeawolfeCan I get any kinda help trying to get Grub Loader back Please?10:33
meherenunstablesob: after running command do i have to reboot?10:33
mjrFredzilla, no, ubuntu installation will create a suitable filesystem10:33
lensFredzilla: I think you need a ext3 formatted HD or maybe FAT, Ihrmm.10:33
sharmsif my hostname is incorrect, is there any way to make sudo work? sudo: unable to lookup bobvila via gethostbyname()10:34
gneralhttp://img84.imageshack.us/img84/3281/ekrangoruntusu34gh.png -> no processing about ~20 min. not yet erased ? why ? who man can help to me?10:34
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FredzillaThank you mjr.  Are there boot floppies that can be made for Ubuntu?10:34
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mjrwell, you can make a boot floppy, but that'd be a manual operation10:35
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mjror do you mean boot the installation off a floppy?10:35
boxgamex__can someone help me with my ndiswrapper problem: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1764710:35
UbuntuNewbietritium - okay ... problems here with setting up tetex-bin. There is a step in which it runs fmtutil-sys, and this step fails:10:35
UbuntuNewbieError `pdfetx-ini  -jobname=latex -progname=latex -translate-file=cp227.tcx *latex.ini failed10:35
UbuntuNewbieError `pdfetx-ini  -jobname=latex -progname=latex -translate-file=cp227.tcx *pdflatex.ini failed10:35
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FredzillaYes mjr, that's what I mean.  How do I do that?10:36
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UbuntuNewbieSince tetex-bin doesn't get installed, dependency problems prevent tetex-extra (and kile) from being installed10:36
lensFredzilla, mjr... why wouldn't it just run off his Ubuntu CD?10:36
Maze_of_TormentFredzilla : did you burn an iso?10:36
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BlindTechI am atempting to start or really, install ubuntu10:37
tritiumUbuntuNewbie: wow, that hasn't happened on other installs I've sen10:37
mjrlens, dunno, old hardware?10:37
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BlindTechit won't get past the boot screen though10:37
lensmrj... weird.10:37
gneralhttp://img84.imageshack.us/img84/3281/ekrangoruntusu34gh.png -> no processing about ~20 min. not yet erased ? i need help , really. i cant update ubuntu10:37
BlindTechI have tried starting in safe graphics mode10:37
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BlindTechand nothing10:37
colklol my brother finally got pissed off at windows enough to try linux10:37
mjrFredzilla, I think there's a boot floppy image in on the cdrom which you can write to a floppy. Not sure though. You can't boot off the CD directly?10:37
FredzillaYes Maze_of_Torment.  and I can run it as a Live CD; I just can't install for some reason.10:37
BlindTechcd spins up for about 2 secs after hittting enter and then nothing10:37
UbuntuNewbietritium ... I'll need to get tetex running ... but first I need to be sure that the upgrade to Dapper basically is okay (except for tetex)10:38
raptros-v76BlindTech: boot the disk checker10:38
speedsixanyone help me with a problem with one of the NFS daemons failing to start?10:38
mjrFredzilla, ah, ok, don't crave for boot floppies then, not the answer10:38
Fredzillaright mjr, for some reason I can't boot off the CD directly.10:38
raptros-v76BlindTech: your disk might not have been burnt properly10:38
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zool2005does anyone have any experience with wengo?10:38
mjrFredzilla, you just said you could.10:38
tritiumUbuntuNewbie: your upgrade went fine, it would seem10:38
Maze_of_TormentFredzilla: did you click install on the live cd when it loads up10:38
UbuntuNewbietritium - okay ... I'm going to try restarting the box10:38
UbuntuNewbieKeeping my fingers crossed ... :)10:39
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lensMaze_of_Torment:... yeah, maybe he just didn't type install.10:39
scottytritium did you help make ubuntu ?10:39
FredzillaIf I do, then it wants to install over my windows HD mjr.10:39
tritiumscotty: only in very minor ways10:39
Maze_of_TormentFredzilla : it ask you how you want to install it10:39
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Maze_of_TormentFredzilla: it gives you partition ops as well10:40
mjrFredzilla, you don't have to accept it even if it offers it as default10:40
scottyhow do i download packages im confused10:40
FredzillaOk, that's a relief!10:40
BlindTechsorry if i am slow at answering but a computer reads the irc window to me10:40
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meherensudo dpkg-reconfigure console-data didn't work10:40
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BlindTechbut.... how do you run the cd checker?10:40
ClayGhow can i make my system automount drives, usb keys, etc?10:41
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raptros-v76BlindTech: when you booting from the disk, theres a boot option10:41
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raptros-v76BlindTech: you are booting from a disk, right?10:41
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BlindTechok, is it when you press f6?10:42
alpaItaly won world cup10:42
FredzillaTHank you mjr and Maze_of_Torment !!!  and lens!!!!10:42
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adamant1988Hey, I was browsing the net and some file kept trying to download onto my computer and finally I walked away and it did... I restarted x because it just kept popping up that it was downloading even though it had finished... now all of my kde programs "Fail to communicate with klauncher"10:42
raptros-v76BlindTech: you are booting from a disk right?10:42
mjrClayG, it should automatically, if you're logged in (in gnome, at least) as a user who has such privileges (plugdev group membership)10:42
BlindTechyes its the cd iso I burned to a cd off the site10:42
lensFredzilla, you think it's gunna work now?10:42
[Ex0r] anyone here use php with linux?10:43
FredzillaI hope so lens!10:43
lenshah, ok cool.10:43
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[Ex0r] if I use the system() function, do I have to add \'s to the spaces ?10:43
raptros-v76BlindTech: yeah. when you burn disks, make sure to have the burning program check them at the end, also, burn the disk at the slowest speed possible10:43
raptros-v76BlindTech: the disk wont work if there are any errors on it10:43
BlindTechok, then thats my problem iit burned at 24 and at the end it said the variffication failed10:44
raptros-v76BlindTech: yeah10:44
BlindTechwas sure if that was cause the cd or the image10:44
BlindTechhow do i know if my image is good?10:44
ClayGmjr, how do i get to the "users and groups"10:44
boxgamex__ndiswrapper -l lists my device fine but when i try to modprobe ndiswrapper the light doesnt come on as its supposed to10:44
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t-thing_ /leave10:44
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BeawolfeAny help with the grub loader?10:45
raptros-v76BlindTech: when you boot from the cd, theres that list, including safe graphics mode. one of the options is something like "check CD"10:45
boxgamex__italy wins the world cup.10:45
ompaulBlindTech, burn it at 4 and do it as an ISO image not a file10:45
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BlindTechand even if thhe cd didn't burn right, that menu will come up?????10:45
ircjeremyI am very frustrated with not being able to use ubuntu, only kubuntu10:45
raptros-v76BlindTech: so your program reads whats going on to you?10:45
raptros-v76BlindTech: yep10:45
tritiumircjeremy: what's the issue?10:45
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raptros-v76BlindTech: if it doesnt, then you KNOW the disk is bad10:46
adamant1988I just deleted my top panel... how can I get it back... lol..10:46
ircjeremywhen I try logging into gnome, the top & bottom panels flash like 11 times then stop and the screen is kubuntu-blue the whole time10:46
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raptros-v76BlindTech: does it read out the names?10:46
BlindTechthen itsw something else10:46
raptros-v76BlindTech: what?10:47
BlindTechI know almost sure the cd burned right10:47
BlindTechbecause the boot menu comes up10:47
BlindTechwhat else could be the problem?10:47
tritium!enter > BlindTech10:47
raptros-v76BlindTech: that doesnt matter, something may be wrong somewhere else on the disk10:47
ircjeremyI then have to Ctrl+Alt+Bkspace, kubuntu works just fine, I have tried installing & uninstalling gnome and ubuntu-desktop10:47
ircjeremyI can't find anyone that has heard of the problem10:47
raptros-v76BlindTech: do verify disk10:47
tritiumircjeremy: fresh install of dapper?10:47
Paradoxxwell, france have lsot the world cup10:48
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:48
ircjeremyI'm getting about frustrated enough to do that, tritium10:48
BlindTechok thank you sir, I'll be back. again thanks.10:48
raptros-v76BlindTech: good luck :)10:49
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BlindTechand btw, I use a couple of different os's that use what is called a screen reader. windows=jaws, linux terminal=speakup and mac os x.4=voiceover10:49
tritiumircjeremy: sorry, buddy10:49
BlindTechand..... on ubuntu you have gnopernicus10:49
raptros-v76BlindTech: cool. does it read of the names?10:49
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gdbircjeremy: Are you wanting to get rid of KDE and switch back to just Gnome?10:50
BlindTechit reads the name, time stamp and msg10:50
tritiumgood luck, BlindTech10:50
ircjeremyI wanted to have the ability to use both10:51
chapiumi find it hard to imagine a screen reader in a busy chatroom... that must be hell10:51
cjonescould someone help me with apache?10:51
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raptros-v76my name must sound so strange10:51
gdbircjeremy: Well, I'd suggest following these instructions and then reinstalling the kubuntu-desktop package -> http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome.php10:51
linux_user400354whats the problem cjones?10:51
box|ubuntuany idea why i get this?10:51
box|ubuntuboxgamex@ubuntu:~/Desktop/Drivers$ ndiswrapper -m10:51
box|ubuntumodprobe config already contains alias directive10:51
gdbircjeremy: I don't know what all you've done, but that will set your system back to a "pure gnome" environment, into which you can install the KDE environment.10:51
cjoneslinux_user400354 just getting started dont know much yet just a few ?'s10:52
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XVampireXHi, Can I somehow check a specific task in the background?10:52
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box|ubuntuman ndiswrapper is hard to config10:52
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linux_user400354cjones push control and f4 then type "sudo apt-get install apache2"10:53
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linux_user400354cjones sorry, i meant control alt and F4 at the same time10:53
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cjoneslinux_user400354 ive already got that far and when i gor to http://localhost i get the right page but how do i set up to upload to it ?10:53
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cheatersrealmis there a version of ubuntu-desktop that just does what I need for a very minimal install?10:54
chapiumgdb, why does that remove apache?10:54
SogniXin gnome, is there a way to relocate where the file menu is (as in, detach it from the app/window and place it on top of the screen such as with Mac and KDE)10:54
linux_user400354cjones install proftpd to upload to it or just move files to /var/www/10:54
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linux_user400354cjones move an index.html to /var/www/10:55
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ClayGhow do i get to the users and groups section in gnome?10:55
gdbchapium: Why does what remove apache?10:55
cjoneslinux_user400354 can i just aptgetinstall that10:55
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chapiumgdb, the kde removal instructions10:55
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box|ubuntuuh oh. my wlan0 connection is gone. i tried to remove my ndiswrapper drivers but it failed in some parts10:57
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box|ubuntucan i stop the driver?10:57
gdbchapium: I'm not seeing where it's removed.  Is it being removed due to a dependancy being removed?  Regardless, if you want to "reset" your system back to a pure Gnome environment, that's what you have to do.  That's the list of packages that kubuntu-desktop depends on, and thus installs.10:57
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ompaulhow sweet11:00
cjoneslinux_user400354 ok i moved a text file over to that and named it index.html but i cant get to it in firefox?11:00
ompaula net split11:00
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ompaulexpect a large rejoin11:01
raptros-v76ompaul: wait, what seerver are you connected to?11:01
ompaulI never look :-)11:01
bill[1] anyone still here is on brown11:01
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raptros-v76like me11:01
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someothernickanyone know how to get ubuntu to see a xbox drive?11:02
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ompaulzool2005, what is with the multiple question marks?11:04
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zool2005why did so many people get disconnected at once?11:04
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raptros-v76zool2005: netsplit11:05
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit11:05
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ccc_someothernick: you mean put an xbox hd into your computer and mount it?11:06
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box|ubuntuman im so fed up with ndswrapper11:06
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someothernickccc_: yes11:07
someothernickdisk manager says there are no known partitions on the disk11:08
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nothingmanhi, all11:08
ccc_someothernick: check http://www.xbox-linux.org/wiki/Mounting_FATX_partitions_HOWTO11:08
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gluttonyhow do i remove wine from my system?11:08
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mc__Glutinous, sudo apt-get remove wine11:09
godzirraHeya guys.  I just installed apache2 with apt-get and tried to start it, but it comes back with no errors or anything.11:09
euclid_888Hi! I'm a new Ubuntu user. Can I get help installing SSH to mount remote folders locally?11:09
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ompaulgluttony, sudo apt-get remove --purge wine11:09
godzirrajust returns a blank line, and doesnt start.11:09
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mc__gluttony, pick some ubuntu beginner tutorial11:09
ompauleuclid_888, when you say remote same network?11:10
gluttonyit didnt work11:10
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mc__gluttony, how did you install it?11:10
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euclid_888ompaul, nope, a remote SSH server across the internet. I read that I could type "sudo apt-get install sshfs", but Ubuntu can't find the package.11:10
cjoneslinux_user400354 you still around?11:11
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gluttonyin synaptic. by adding a custum channel11:11
JoyFMis under ubuntu something like modconf under debian available?11:11
ompauleuclid_888, sudo apt-get install openssh-server11:11
mc__JoyFM, you can use modconf in ubuntu11:11
euclid_888ompaul, I have the SSH server install that is the openssh one. Does it have what I need?11:11
sharmsgluttony: did you get my PM?11:11
JoyFMmc__, how?11:12
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someothernickccc_: "mount: unknown filesystem type 'fatx'" any ideas?11:12
box|ubuntuis there a way i can start clean with ndiswrapper11:12
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mc__JoyFM, go to packages.debian.org,download the deb and install it with dpkg11:12
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ompauleuclid_888, I never saw what you are looking at until now11:12
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ompauleuclid_888, let me find something11:13
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sharmsmc__: you mean packages.ubuntu.com right?11:13
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euclid_888ompaul, okay thanks. I use SSH all the time, but have never mounted remote drives locally.11:13
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mc__sharms, the package doestn seem to be in ubuntu right now11:13
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ompauleuclid_888, you need to have the universe repos enabled11:13
sharmsmc__: Binary compatibility isn't guarunteed between debian and ubuntu though11:13
nothingmanbeen having trouble with the Diamond Stealth 3D 2000 cards in my Xinerama setup since upgrading to Dapper11:13
speedsixGot a really weird problem with BOTH of my Ubuntu machines. Login and it just sits there for about 3-4mins with a blank screen and cursor before it eventually shows the splash screen and loads gnome properly??11:13
ompaul!universe > euclid_88811:14
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ompauleuclid_888, read the message from the bot ubotu please11:14
gluttonysharms, did you get mine?11:14
godzirraAnyone know?11:14
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mc__sharms, i know but in most cases they are binary compatible11:14
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sharmsgluttony: no are you are a registered user?11:14
euclid_888ompaul, I read it. It says to know that subpackages exist.11:14
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mc__sharms, and such a little programm like modconf shouldnt be a problem cause it has nearly no dependencies11:14
nothingmanI get no errors since changing the driver to s3, but that helps me none since I have nothing on either monitor11:14
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sharmsgluttony: can you paste it in #gluttony ?11:14
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euclid_888ompaul, I will look for that package. Thank you.11:15
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ompauleuclid_888, have you got universe in there?11:15
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BlindTechokI am back and just have one questions: does ubuntu need any hdd space at all besides loading in to ram, to run its live cd?11:15
gluttonypaste what?11:15
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euclid_888ompaul, I'm not sure. The bot wants me to type !easysource11:15
BlindTechreason why i ask, is because I think my current install of xp and other stuff is almost filling up the hdd11:15
=== Lobster wnscht euch was
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ompaul!easysource > euclid_88811:15
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nothingmanyes, they're connected; yes, they're turned on; yes, the cards are in their slots and defined in my xorg.conf11:16
ompauleuclid_888, read that11:16
cjonescan you change your user name ?11:16
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ompaulBlindTech, it does not, but it would be nicer if you had more room11:16
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cjonesin irc11:16
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funkjaI added a mount to my fstab to automatically mount a partition, and it mounts fine but with ownership of root, how do I change it so the ownership of the mount is one of my users11:16
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xplicitis there anyway to order programs in a panel11:16
gluttonydoes ANYONE know how to remove wine from ubuntu?11:17
nomatsfunkja, add "users"11:17
cwilluhow do I make a user with no password?11:17
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mc__gluttony, if installed with apt-get ,apt-get remove MUST work11:17
cwillugluttony: how did you install it?11:17
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cwillugluttony: if you don't want the config files lying around, do a complete removal of it, not just remove11:17
xplicitcwillu i dont think you can11:17
gluttonyby pasting deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt dapper main into a custom synaptic channel11:18
euclid_888ompaul, I read what you sent to me, but the last one doesnt make any sense.11:18
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euclid_888ompaul, this one: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic11:18
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cjonesdoes anybody know how to change your name in xcaht ?11:18
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cwillugluttony: what error are you getting when you uninstall it?11:18
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gluttonynone, because i dont know how to do it11:19
cwilluxplicit: I'm hoping it's just not allowed by default;  auto-login is too broken for what I'm doing11:19
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cwillugluttony: synaptic, find the package, and remove it11:19
mc__gluttony, sudo apt-get remove wine11:19
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mc__!rtfm > gluttony11:19
cwillumc__: it's possible his package isn't actually called wine11:20
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gluttonycwillu, so i uncheck it in synaptic?11:20
gatekeepermc__: bet he doesn't know what that means :-(11:20
linux_user400354cjones im here11:20
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cwillumc__: and rtfm is not something that should ever be spoken in this channel (linux newbs don't neccessarily know where the manual is)11:20
tritiummc__: have patience11:20
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cwillugluttony: yep11:20
joosepi have a problem with dapper, it randomly reboots without any notice11:20
joosepany ideas?11:20
gluttonyand the patch i have for it?11:20
cwillujoosep: reboots in what sens?11:20
mc__cwillu, well then !rtfm should contain a link to it11:21
ccc_someothernick: i think you need to patch the kernel for fatx support. :\ i have no experience of that though, my xbox is hardmodded and i haven't really needed to fiddle with it. but i guess you can find info on xbox-linux.org11:21
tritiummc__: it's not nice.  Please don't use it.11:21
cjoneslinux_user400354 hey i did that but cant get to it in firefox?11:21
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cwillugluttony: which patch?11:21
depiI know that this is stupid question, but how can I write "single quote" in ubuntu? I can only  double quotes - ". :(11:21
mc__it is not nice to not bother  to read the manual and steel other peoples time11:21
cwillumc__: read for yourself what rtfm says11:21
ubotuWords like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.11:21
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gatekeeperdepi: sound like the wrong keyboard mapping?11:22
mc__well  noob is not ok,but stfu and rtfm are IMHO important11:22
box|ubuntudoes anyone know why every driver i try gives me couldn't copy netwg111.inf at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper line 135.11:22
tritiummc__: again, not in this channel.  Please refer to our Code of Conduct11:22
depigatekeeper: what can I do?11:22
linux_user400354cjones what did you put in firefox?11:22
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euclid_888"GTK-WARNING**:cannot open display:" <----- Help with this please?11:23
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cheatersrealmcan you install ubuntu from the ubuntu livecd?11:23
tritiumcheatersrealm: yes (dapper)11:23
cwillugluttony: I'm sorry;  I mean, how did you get/install the patch?11:23
someothernickccc_: ty :)11:23
ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts (Gnome) or "input actions" in Kcontrol (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net11:23
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cheatersrealmtritium: howto link?11:23
mc__tritium, why let !rtfm say "Please read the fine manual" $link_to_manual"11:23
linux_user400354cjones, http://localhost this is all you should put11:23
cwillugluttony: regardless, unchecking it in synaptic and hitting apply should remove it completely, assuming you don't have a second install of it somewhere11:23
mc__s/why/why not11:23
tritiummc__: please drop it11:23
ubotuI know nothing about gpart11:24
ubotugparted is a GUI partitioning program, "apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php11:24
ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts (Gnome) or "input actions" in Kcontrol (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net11:24
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ccc_someothernick: np. gl :)11:24
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raptros-v76mc__: because seveas doesnt want it that way11:24
xplicithow do i update my firefox?11:24
mc__tritium, alright11:24
cheatersrealmtritium: nevermind, there's a thing on the desktop11:24
gluttonyok, i instialled it using the download page at winehq. it had me do it in synaptic11:24
shadowpandacan someone maybe help me with a WINE error?11:24
SonicChaoshadowpanda: please state the problem...11:24
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tritiummc__: thanks :)11:24
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SonicChaoshadowpanda: and don't use words like "Can someone"11:24
funkjathat didn't work. How can I mount a partition in my fstab that is owned my a user instead of root?11:25
mc__shadowpanda, please do not ask to ask ,only ask11:25
box|ubuntudoes anyone know a why to start fresh with ndiswrapper?11:25
nothingmanI take that back; I do get an "UnloadModule: 's3' " line in my Xorg.0.log11:25
tritiumcheatersrealm: yep :)11:25
joosepcwillu, just reboot11:25
mc__tritium, no problem11:25
depigatekeeper: keyboard shortcuts is not what I need11:25
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xplicitim on 1.0.8 and want to go to id assume i jsut install the but ir said to consult the distro not the firefox site11:25
cwillujoosep: like, clean shutdown (shutdown screens, etc)?  or just shutdown right now like you hit the reset switch?11:25
joosepcwillu, not clean11:26
gatekeeperdepi: I was looking for an answer for you11:26
linux_user400354cjones are you there?11:26
gatekeeperdepi: I know :-(11:26
newbuntuhello from my linux-handheld11:26
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codeRatHI, I have some problems with resolution that I really don't understand..I can only choose 640x480 , but in xorg it is written that I should have the option till the 1600x1200..any Idea what's wrong?11:26
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SonicChaolinux_user400354: if not, just ask the question again11:26
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Shizboomare there any programs like Stock Ticker 2.14.2 that you can have scroll your own info on?11:26
cwillujoosep: and it actually reboots, not just giving you a blank screen that you have to reboot from...11:26
depigatekeeper: for example I selected US English INternational kb. layout but I cant get it work - the single quotes11:27
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cwillujoosep: any triggers?11:27
mc__linux_user400354, but please be patiente11:27
cwillujoosep: only when you leave and come back, or only while working on it?11:27
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linux_user400354what is a linux-handheld?11:27
shadowpandaIm getting this problem with Install shield details can be viewed http://pastebin.ca/83491 can someone tell me what my problem might be or how i can fix it?11:27
cwillujoosep: i.e., I've seen some screensavers cause that type of failure (fyreworks does it to me on a couple of my machines)11:27
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joosepcwillu, yes it reboots, and no apparent triggers, sometimes it reboots while working on it and sometimes when it's idle11:27
SonicChaonewbuntu: Linux Handheld?11:27
SonicChaonewbuntu: sounds like a nice concept...11:28
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joosepcwillu, actually it's not my machine i'm troublehooting, it's my girlfirends so i'm pretty much blind here :P11:28
Songster52Good day all... have a question for you...I am wanting to change Breezy to Dapper but not sure how to enter the gksudo command11:28
gatekeeperdepi: not sure may be one of the others might have an answer sorry11:29
cwillujoosep: have you seen it crash personally, or are you just in front of it now having not seen it yet, or thirdly are you troubleshooting verbally?  :)11:29
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.11:29
joosepcwillu, verbally11:29
SonicChaoshadowpanda: Wine can't run everything....that may be one of the things it cant run :)11:29
shadowpandahaha ok11:29
moses__besides Gimp. any good program for Ubuntu?11:29
cwillujoosep: so you're not in front of the machine then?  :/11:29
depigatekeeper> okay, I know, but really thanks for trying to help me11:29
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box|ubuntucan someone help me with ndiswrapper?11:30
lucasvoSongster52: if you use the gksudo command you will update to edgy and not to dapper11:30
joosepcwillu, not at the moment no. but i thought that maybe it was a common bug or smth11:30
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lucasvoSongster52: read the wiki document11:30
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Songster52got ya.. opend the site... thanks11:30
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cwillujoosep: well, the specifics matter quite a bit in this case, and third party descriptions have a way of being inaccurate 90% of the time :)11:30
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cwillujoosep: could be anything from a hardware failure (bad power supply, etc) to a software package isse11:30
gatekeeperdepi: nothing to thank me for I didn't manage to help you but would be interested if you find an answer11:31
joosepcwillu, ok thanks anyway :)11:31
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cwillujoosep: if you get on the machine, I'd look at the contents of dmesg and other stuff in /var/log11:31
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joosepcwillu, i suspected bad ram, cos it a quite old machine11:31
cwillujust for clues, etc11:31
cwillujoosep: I'd actually suspect the ps first11:31
codeRatstill with my problem, at first everything worked fine, than  used kvm-switch and now I can't change the res anymore..I unplugged the switch (plugged the mouse, keyb. and monitor back directly on my PC), but still no change, then I even reinstalled ubuntu, but still nothing..I'm desperate :(11:31
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cwilluis ubuntu set to immediately reboot on a kernel panic?11:32
moses__besides Gimp. any good graphics program for Ubuntu?11:32
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depigatekeeper: ok. can I ask you what keyboard layout have you on system > preferences > keyboard > layouots?11:32
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mc__moses__, Krita but thats KDE11:33
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gatekeeperdepi: I selected English as I am in the UK11:33
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gatekeeperdepi: think it said English (British) during the installation11:34
depigatekeeper: so united kingdom: international or dvorak?11:34
cwillucodeRat: how do you mean change res?11:34
dxdemetriouhow can I make my xorg.conf with nvidia, to set my monitor to ctrl-alt-f7 and the tv to the f8?11:35
gatekeeperdepi: mine is standard qwerty11:35
ompauldepi, system preferences keyboard11:35
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depiompaul: I know how to setup kb. layout, but I cant kget work the single quote :(11:35
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codeRatcwillu: System - Preferences - Screen resolution..I have no other options then 640x480 (but in xorg.conf there are other - they were written by the installation, I didn't touch the file)11:36
cwilludxdemetriou: I don't know, but I don't think that's actually in xorg;  more like gdm, etc type stuff11:36
gatekeeperompaul: I am using kubuntu and System Setting keybord doesn't give you any options to change gnome different?11:36
ompauldepi, there are two ' and ` which one are you looking for?11:36
ShizboomAre there any howtos on how to create a embeded panel script?11:36
cwillucodeRat: have you done a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg yet?11:36
depiomapul: the first one11:36
depiompaul: the first one11:37
cwillucodeRat: make sure the monitor is plugged in while you do it, just use the defaults for everything;  it'll rebuild the xorg.conf file and should hopefully detect the resolutions your setup supports11:37
ompaulgatekeeper, for you I suggest sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:37
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codeRatcwillu: but when I first installed it it worked fine, why shouldn't work now...it's strange..11:37
ompauldepi, what keyboard type have you got?11:37
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gatekeeperompaul: will remember that :-)11:37
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codeRatcwillu: even the liv11:38
dxdemetrioucwillu, I want to change somehow what needed to can send movies to tv while I am working the pc. Now I have the Clone, but doesn't work with 1280x102411:38
codeRatthe liveCD doesn't work..11:38
depiompaul: genius KB-21e-Scroll11:38
ompaulgatekeeper, but I am sure that the little international flag on the bottom right hand side of your screen is what you want11:38
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codeRatok I'll try with the reconf..11:38
dpnWhy won't Azureus work after installing from repositories11:38
cwilludxdemetriou: sorry, I don't know anything about the specifics, I'm just pretty sure that xorg.conf doesn't control which vterm-thingy gets used11:38
dpnI open and nothing happens or it opens with nothing inside it11:38
cwilludxdemetriou: but I could be mistaken11:38
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TheDebuggerHi, i just got an mp3 player( Sandisk Sansa c140 ) which is functionning perfectly on ubuntu. But i can't delete the samples that came with it( They don't show up ). Anyone has an idea?11:39
gatekeeperompaul: ain't got one of them was just trying to help depi and failed misserable11:40
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crogue5dpn, try installing with automatix, worked great for me11:40
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dpndoes gnome have automatix11:40
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gnomefreakdpn: no its 3rd party software11:41
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.11:41
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godzirrais there a php5 list for ubuntu yet?11:42
ompauldepi, if your configured right it should be with a US setting beside the return key lower case right hand side three rows from the bottom (inclusive)11:42
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godzirraerr release?11:42
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RopechoborraIs there a command to restart a process ?11:42
gnomefreakRopechoborra: what one?11:43
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moses__besides Gimp. any good graphics program for Ubuntu?11:43
godzirraAll these people here and no one knows if you can get php5 on ubuntu?11:43
RopechoborraInstead of kill pid like restart pid ?11:43
Ropechoborraor something x)11:43
Marcuscan someone direct me to a good how to for newbs for networking ?11:43
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hawkaloogiemoses__, inkscape is a nice illustrator alternative11:43
gnomefreakmoses__: blender imagemagic, so on and so on11:43
TehUnii want to add a monitor, but not be able to use a cursor on it. basically, it's a screen for my mythtv frontend, so i want it basically detatched from the user. Any way to do this?11:43
ompaulmoses__, it is the most powerful, you can use scribus if you want vector graphics11:43
gnomefreakRopechoborra: not like that no not really depending on the app would depend on the restart command11:44
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depiompaul: hmm I get them - ' - but I must to hit space after it to display them11:44
Marcuscan someone help me with trying to set up a network11:44
Marcusor direct me to a good help file11:45
Marcusmore in depth then the unofficial guide11:45
Ropechoborrai want to restart de dancer-ircd but when i kill the process i cant start it again (cant run the exec file dont know why)11:45
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ompauldepi, it is most likely the fact that your cursor is blocking the view of it once printed on the screen11:45
RopechoborraThe only way is reinstalling it =/11:45
depiompaul: I dont think so11:46
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hawkaloogieRopechoborra, why aren't you using init to restart it?11:46
gnomefreakRopechoborra: ummm reboot or restarting X if its gui should do the trick11:46
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Ropechoborrahawkaloogie init?11:46
hawkaloogieRopechoborra, there should probably be a script in /etc/init.d/ to start and restart dancer-ircd11:47
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hawkaloogieRopechoborra, sudo /etc/init.d/dancer-ircd restart <- should do the trick11:48
hawkaloogieRopechoborra, or try "stop" and "start"11:48
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colkhow do you change the amount of colors in ububut11:49
colkdo you have to edit xorg.conf11:49
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ompaul!fixres > colk11:49
ompaulcolk, please read the message from the bot11:49
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barktpolarI have a question about alsaconf11:50
ircjeremygdb:thanks so much for the help, my problem is fixed and I can run Ubuntu & Kubuntu11:50
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gdbircjeremy: Right on!  I'm glad to hear it! :-)11:50
Marcuscan anyone help me with setting up a network11:50
scotty_where can i download packages11:50
Ropechoborrahawkaloogie do u got any idea how to create a full oper access? i cant understand the oline manual =(11:50
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barktpolarWhen you run it and at the end it says "Aborted" is that bad?11:51
hawkaloogieRopechoborra, i've never used that program, so no11:51
dpnThanks for the automatix tip , this program is great11:51
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allanlewiscan anyone give me some pointers on how to access a shared printer on a win98 pc?11:51
gnomefreakscotty_: start with synaptic11:52
XoNEcould someone tell me where ubuntu stores it's settings for "network places"?  I am unable to delete one of my network places...."operation not permitted"..11:52
scotty_howd i get synaptic11:52
gnomefreakscotty_: go to system>admin>synaptic package manager11:52
SonicChaoscotty_: What do you mean?11:52
SonicChaoscotty_: Like downloading Synaptic?11:53
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SonicChaoXoNE: you need to be logged in as root11:53
scotty_gnomefreak im on package manager now what11:53
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barktpolarGo to the top of the menu and select System, Then Adminstration, Then Synaptic Package Manager11:54
SonicChaoRagnaroek: Hi...what is you're Ubuntu problem?11:54
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Ragnaroekout of interest11:54
Ropechoborrain the /server command where goes the password?11:54
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XoNESonicChao: It will let me create them, but not delete them?11:54
hawkaloogieRopechoborra, this is an ubuntu help channel, not really an IRC help channel.11:55
XoNEI mean, as a regular user11:55
scotty_gnomefreak can i get java from here11:55
gnomefreakscotty_: look through it or use the search button to find what you want to install11:55
SonicChaoXoNE: need to be logged in as root for that11:55
gnomefreakscotty_: if you have the multiverse repo enabled you can11:55
SonicChaoXoNE: sorry11:55
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scotty_how do i enable multiverse11:55
SonicChao!repos > scotty_11:55
scotty_i only got ubuntu earlyer today11:55
XoNEseems odd it lets me create them as a regular user, but ok....I'll take your word for it11:55
SonicChaoscotty_: read ubotu's message11:55
gnomefreak!repos > scotty_11:56
gnomefreakscotty_: read the pm from ubotu11:56
SonicChaognomefreak: Lol, no need to send it twice11:56
gnomefreakSonicChao: i didnt see yours11:56
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gnomefreaknow he cant say i didnt get it ;)11:56
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SonicChaognomefreak: Oh, ok...hehe ;)11:56
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SonicChaoeuclid_888: Hello11:56
euclid_888How can I configure where APT-GET looks for software?11:57
euclid_888It's not finding what I want.11:57
SonicChaoeuclid_888: It gets it from packages.ubuntu.com11:57
ardchoilleeuclid_888: what are you looking for?11:57
SonicChaoeuclid_888: Where else would you get all those packages?11:57
Marcusdoes ubuntu come built in with the feature that if you hover your mouse over a media file it will play a preview or is that an upgrade?11:57
euclid_888Why doesnt it find "xchat" or "sshfs"?11:57
MrObviouseuclid_888: What do you want? Usually you gotta enable things like universe and multiverse to get stuff like that.11:58
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource11:58
dpnAnyone know why azureus wouldn't be running for me?  Is it a problem with Xgl?  I've tried with Automatix and Synaptic11:58
MrObviousWell anyway, read what the bot says about universe.11:58
tvalladonI have a system, 3 hdd's, sata (linux master), sata (winXP) and ata (storage), grub only shows the windows partition.. can someone take a moment to walk me through setting up the windows drive?11:58
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource11:58
ompauleuclid_888, I have told you already about iniverse if your not going to take my advice of that of others what are you doing asking11:58
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Marcuscan someone help me, im trying to set up a network between two laptops running ubuntu11:58
ardchoilleeuclid_888: Yeah, XChat is in universe11:58
tvalladonerr, grub only shows the linux partition, sorry11:58
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SonicChaoeuclid_888 and MrObvious, they are both the same11:58
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:59
euclid_888ompaul, I wrote that /i read what u linked to but didnt understand it.. then u left11:59
allanlewiscan anyone give me some pointers on how to access a shared printer on a win98 pc?11:59
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ompauleuclid_888, a pm in a moment for you11:59
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Riefi all12:00
Riefi have a question12:00
ompauleuclid_888, please click on the link in that pm12:00
Riefthere is a method to controll windows on ubuntu with a script? I want to do a script that emulate the F12 button of XGL...12:00
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