
Riefcan i controll the window width and height with a script?12:01
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juantaoHi there, I want to sign the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, but am confused using pgp - I have a key at launchpad, how might I proceed?12:02
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sys8976I ran diskmounter to see my 40g ntfs drive, however in xubuntu it isnt showing it in listed. however when I go into settings-disks- it is showing it there. anyone know how I can access my slave drive? I just need to read it not write to it12:03
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ompauljuantao, give me about 15 minutes and I can help you there12:03
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erUSULjuantao: gpg -s file to sign ??12:03
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moshehey folks12:03
SimzIAnybody know any plugins for Xchat which show your now playing shiz from xmms?12:03
juantaoompaul: thanks,12:03
moshedoes anyone know of a Linux utility that will convert chm files to something more useful?12:04
aLPHa_LeaKSimzI: there are loads12:04
dpnHow do I allow Azureus to update, evertime the auto-updater works it says "The location '/opt/azureus' isnt writable12:04
SimzILike, aLPHa_LeaK ?12:04
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SonicChaodpn: are you updating as root?12:04
sys8976I ran diskmounter to see my 40g ntfs drive, however in xubuntu it isnt showing it in listed. however when I go into settings-disks- it is showing it there. anyone know how I can access my slave drive? I just need to read it not write to it12:04
aLPHa_LeaKSimzI: wait a sec...12:04
kolajeis there an option to view a progress on a cp or mv?12:05
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gnomefreakkolaje: cd to the dir than type ls12:05
nuxroplease I need a server without lag for conected... help me12:05
juantaois " 7EC2B4A9" my key or is it "0xd97e767ae15d7356a78deb547be8083c7ec2b4a9" ?12:05
aLPHa_LeaKSimzI: http://scripts.xchat.org/cgi-bin/disp << search for xmms there12:05
=== kolaje thanks gnomefreak
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ompauljuantao, if you get the information you need in the mean time please let me know cheers12:05
erUSULjuantao: the former iirc12:05
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dpnSonic, Im just running azureus12:05
dpnit auto updates12:06
aLPHa_LeaKSimzI: "XCHT-XMMS 0.1" is one for example12:06
dpnhow do I run it as root12:06
gnomefreakkolaje: yw12:06
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:06
gnomefreakdpn: sudo12:06
LiteHeddedwhat's /dev/console?12:06
aLPHa_LeaK"xmms to X-Chat 1.0a" another, SimzI12:06
SimzIthe link doesn't work for it aLPHa_LeaK, is it available via apt-get ?12:06
dpnsudo azureus doesnt work =/12:06
aLPHa_LeaKSimzI: the link should work...12:07
crogue5so how do you mount your HD after booting Desktop live?12:07
tvalladonkolaje, check out Pipe Viewer: http://www.ivarch.com/programs/pv.shtml12:07
aLPHa_LeaKSimzI: are you registered here?12:07
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aLPHa_LeaKSimzI: may i query you?12:07
sys8976anyone know much about diskmounter and xubuntu12:07
juantaoerusul: what does "the former iirc" mean ?12:08
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dpnNow my icons on my desktop aren't working....12:08
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SonicChaodpn: You weren't supposed to do that12:08
dpnNot supposed to do what12:08
erUSULjuantao: the first one if i recall correctly. the shorter form is the id of the key. 7EC2B4A912:08
LiteHeddedwhat's /dev/console?12:08
erUSULjuantao: the larger one is the fingerprint iirc12:09
sys8976LiteHedded: http://forums1.itrc.hp.com/service/forums/questionanswer.do?threadId=265127 here12:09
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juantaoerusul: er. thanks. I don't have my key installed on this box (I guess?)12:10
gioacchinoI had a problem with ubuntu12:10
erUSULjuantao: where do you generated it?12:10
dpnSo how am I supposed to open azureus with sudo12:10
juantaoersusl: on a box at work12:10
dlidpn, no, run it as user12:11
nomatsdpn, why would you do that?12:11
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dpnTo update it12:11
dpnThe auto update won't work12:11
gioacchinoI had install wine 0.9.9 but  I had a program work with Wine 2003011512:11
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dpnKeeps downloading applying, then saying it cant write to the update dir12:11
dpnCause I dont have permission12:11
gioacchinoI must remove wine 0.9.9 and install Wine 2003011512:11
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erUSULjuantao: then your key is in that box at work, yes.12:12
nomatsdpn, write to another directory?12:12
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dpnIts an auto update!12:12
dpnI can't control where its going12:12
juantaoerusul: isn't the key one of those numbers I sent a few minutes ago?12:12
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ardchoilledpn: let me get this stright.. someone wrote an app that is used as USER and that app has auto-update that updates files in a dir that is not writeable by the USER?12:13
nomatsahh. it probably downloads it to /tmp. you can decompress it yourself to the appropriate folder. there's a post on ubuntuforum about this12:13
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dpnDo you want me to take a screenshot of the popup box12:13
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roostishawwhat is the package for bon echo called?12:14
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erUSULjuantao: no, that was the id and fingerprint of the key. you can export your key to a file 'gpg --export-secret-key > ultrasecurefile.gpg' and then in your home box 'gpg --import ultrasecurefile.gpg'12:15
moses__besides Gimp. any good graphics program for Ubuntu?12:15
tibbe_How can I install latest Ruby on Rails and RubyGems without ending up with lots of hard to remove orphaned files?12:15
gioacchinohow to get Wine 20030115  ????????????12:15
gioacchinohow to get Wine 20030115  ????????????12:15
dpnSo not one single person here uses Azurues?12:15
moses__gioacchino: go away12:15
deamonHello to all !12:15
WordsworthI used Azureus until uTorrent came along.12:15
erUSULgioacchino: do not repeat12:15
moses__gnomefreak: besides Gimp. any good graphics program for Ubuntu?12:15
nomatsdpn, 01:1312:15
WordsworthuTorrent uses almost no resources, and it's nothing but an exed.12:15
dpnIf I cant get azureus working what chance do I have with utorrent in Wine12:16
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WordsworthI've been trying to install Ubuntu, but I keep  getting a memory error when I boot from the disc12:16
WordsworthWhen I run the install from my Windows desktop, the browser never loads, only the splash and then it closes12:16
gioacchinoplease help me!!!!12:16
WordsworthAny ideas what is wrong? Thanks.12:16
gnomefreakmoses__: i gave you 3 or 4 before12:16
erUSULmoses__: do not repeat... please. krita? pixel?12:16
deamoncan anybody speak with me ?12:16
gnomefreakgioacchino: please tell us what the issue is instead of all the !12:16
erUSULgioacchino: be polite please12:16
ardchoilledeamon: Hi, what do you need?12:17
moses__gnomefreak: sorry I left for 5mins, missed them12:17
dpnHow do I run a program in sudo so it won't whine about permissions12:17
moses__gnomefreak: what were those 5?12:17
gioacchinoI had xml spy 2006 pro installer12:17
moses__deamon: no12:18
harmlessto install kde on an ubantu livecd, can i do sudo apt-get install kde ?12:18
gioacchinobut it not work with wine 0.9.912:18
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Shizboomwhat x window manager is installed in ubuntu by default?12:18
deamonardchoille, i'm from Ukraine, and i want to get new friends and to practice my English (:12:18
gioacchinoit work only Wine 2003011512:18
erUSULharmless: you can not install something as big as that in a livecd12:18
gnomefreakmoses__: try imagemagic or blender or any of them there are many apps in that catagory i suggest looking in synaptic and finding one you like12:18
gioacchinoI had searc on google it but i had forund wine 0.9.1612:18
samulierUSUL, actually you probably can given enough ram.12:19
ardchoilledeamon: I understand. This is a support channel for Ubuntu Linux. Do you use Ubuntu?12:19
nomatsdpn, open terminal and type sudo azureus12:19
dpnI've got it12:19
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dpnfound a thread in the forums12:19
harmlessim going to install it to disk after i mess with it for a bit. ive been using knoppix for a few days12:19
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dpnthanks thoughn12:19
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deamonardchoille, sorry, i don't use that Linux (:12:19
frying_fishgioacchino: is there no native linux program that can do what xml spy does?12:19
harmlessfigured if i was going to install something, it should be something like ubuntu12:19
ardchoilledeamon: Ok :)12:19
roostishawwhat is the package for bon echo called?12:19
erUSULsamuli: well yes you are right but still...12:19
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moses__gnomefreak: ok!12:20
samulierUSUL, yeah :) There's no point in doing that.12:20
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harmlesswhat are benefits of gnome over kde?12:20
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moses__gnomefreak: : Couldn't find package imagemagic12:20
Seveasharmless, what are the benefits of brown bread over white?12:20
Seveasmoses__, imagemagick12:20
gnomefreakoh yeah the k12:21
XoNESonicChao: I found it....you don't have to be root after all.  Right-click on icon and "unmount".  <sigh> :-)12:21
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moses__Seveas: thanks12:21
samuliharmless, it's probably better for people who just want to use their computers and not tinker with it too much.12:21
ardchoilleharmless: I feel that it is mostly personal preference. Try them both and see which one works best for you.12:21
moses__Seveas: is blender of imagemagick better?12:21
Draslahow do I find out what is invoking vsftpd?  there's no entry in either inetd.conf or in the init.d folder...12:21
SonicChaoXoNE: Ok...sorry about being misinformed.12:21
harmlessive used kde for a few days and gnome for only a few minutes12:21
samulilearning curve of gnome is less steep. That's not to say it's 'easier' in the long run though.12:21
erUSULmoses__: blender is a 3d modeler12:21
Seveasmoses__, they're not comparable...12:21
nothingmananyone here have experience with S3 cards and Xinerama under Dapper?12:21
moses__harmless: i like gnome12:22
SonicChao!anyone > nothingman12:22
XoNESonicChao:  oh, no problem..  just wanted to share the info :-)12:22
harmlessgnome seemed lighter12:22
Seveasit is12:22
samuliI differ.12:22
SonicChaoXoNE: thanks12:22
samuliTo me KDE is way faster-12:22
moses__Seveas: it says: imagemagick is already the newest version.12:22
moses__  But how can I load it?12:22
moses__imagemagick is already the newest version. bash: imagemagick: command not found12:22
Seveasmoses__, see the documentation in /usr/share/imagemagick - you call it from the command line. It is very powerful but dificult to used12:23
ardchoillemoses__: are you wanting a gui app to create graphics?12:23
erUSULmoses__: imagemagick is a cli program. use display, convert, mogrify etc12:23
moses__it says imagemagick is latest version, yet then it says it cant load :P12:23
moses__ardchoille: I only want to create a single file, 640x400 black screen with red writing12:23
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moses__ardchoille: gui yes12:23
killazhi folks12:24
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nomatsmoses__, try dpkg -L imagemagick | grep bin12:24
ompauljuantao are you still stuck?12:24
ardchoillemoses__: then, imagemagick probably isn't what you want. I like gimp and inkscape myself.12:24
killazis there a cli version of php?12:24
moses__ardchoille: can you create a single file, 640x400 black screen with red writing for me, if I give you the text I need?12:24
Seveaskillaz, apt-get install php5-cli12:24
moses__ardchoille: I cant ger Gimp to make a black bg with red writing12:24
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ardchoillemoses__: join me in #jayden please12:25
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varsendaggrhey how do i open up a firewall for amule?12:26
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Warbovarsendaggr: Check which ports it is using (maybe 6667?) and use something like Firestarter to open them up12:26
Warbovarsendaggr: Are you using an external/hardware firewall or router?12:27
erUSULvarsendaggr: what firewall front end did you instaled?? with firestarter??12:27
Warbovarsendaggr: Then you need to open up the ports on it12:27
varsendaggrwhateve comes with ubuntu12:27
varsendaggrcan i do that with firestarter?12:27
Warbovarsendaggr: No, if you know the IP address of your router (maybe then put that into a browser and you should be able to configure it12:28
erUSULvarsendaggr: then you have to configure nat on your router to forward the apropiate port(s) to your computer12:28
juantaoompaul: yes12:28
WarboI can't actually get mine to forward them properly :(12:28
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erUSULWarbo: yeah i have to reconfigure them evey time i reboot the computer... (weird but true)12:29
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mtsunamidoes anyone know why my volume controls wouldn't affect the volume in rhythmbox?12:29
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ompauljuantao, please check your private messages12:30
tron_hello, i need help12:30
tron_ive been trying to get easyubuntu installed12:30
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ompaultron_, have you asked in #easyubuntu?12:30
erUSULompaul: i think i helped juantao with the gpg problem...12:30
juantaoompaul: um... sorry, how do I do that?12:30
Warbomtsunami: My soundcard is a bit weird, so the only effective volume control (other than mute) is the HiFi I have it connected to12:30
tron_first i got nothing but 404 errors, now i dl it and extracted it, but it wont install12:30
mtsunamii mean, even if i mute the volume from the little icon in the corner, rhythmbox still plays :/12:30
tron_no one in easyubuntu12:30
ompaulerUSUL, I asked was he still stuck12:31
ompauljuantao, click on the link12:31
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mtsunamiyeah i have external control that will work fine but the pc can't control it :(12:31
Warbomtsunami: The only ones which matter to Rhythmbox are the Master and PCM, anyway12:31
nomatsmtsunami, maybe the little icon changes master volume and you need to change pcm12:31
nothingmanI'm having trouble with the Diamond Stealth 3D 2000 cards (ViRGE 86C325) in my Xinerama setup that worked fine under Breezy ever since I upgraded to Dapper12:32
Bassettswhat should be used instead of skype on ubuntu?12:32
nothingmanthe other card is an Intel i810 of some sort12:32
WarboBassetts: Skype, or Ekiga or maybe OpenWengo (never used it myself)12:32
mtsunamiok i will try pcm then12:32
BassettsWarbo: thanks, dont want to use skype as it isnt SIP12:32
nothingmanand the material Google finds me tells me to change the driver from s3virge to s3 -- which removes the errors, but still gives me nothing on my monitors (and the mouse doesn't go off the middle screen)12:33
mtsunamino that didn't do it :(12:33
erUSULompaul: if i understand him... he has his secret key (ring) in a machine at work so he can not sign anything from home. but maybe i misanderstood :(12:33
nothingmanand the Intel screen doesn't come up with the s3virge drivers, either12:33
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nothingmanonly if I remove them or use s312:33
BassettsWarbo: can i call landlines, get calls from landlines with either of them?12:33
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WarboBassetts: Ekiga comes with Ubuntu I think. I set it up really easily on my Dad's machine, but couln't get my router to forward the right ports so it doesn't work on mine :(12:33
nothingmanthe errors I get are related to the allocation of memory12:34
ompaulerUSUL, so it appears, not much to do anyway12:34
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WarboBassetts: I think so, but you would have to check on ekiga.net or ekiga.org (I know nothing about openwengo though)12:34
BassettsWarbo: what i really need is incoming calls12:34
hoehavercan someone with ktorrent and a router help me12:34
erUSULhoehaver: maybe someone with utorrent and a router can help too? ;)12:35
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hoehaverwell utorrent is for windows12:35
erUSULhoehaver: i run it with wine here...12:36
WarboI like whichever torrent client is built into GNOME. It acts just like a regular downloading file, so that is nice12:36
BassettsWarbo: seems ekiga has outgoing not incoming and Wengo has a incoming number soon12:36
hoehaverwell, ktorrent isnt connecting, it will conneect but only for a short while12:37
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hoehaverthen i get error messages like Authentication to : failure12:37
hoehaverTimeout occured12:37
hoehaverAuthentication to : failure12:37
hoehaverTimeout occured12:37
hoehaverAuthentication to : failure12:37
mjrBassetts, inaccurate; ekiga can use any SIP provider, and the default one does provide call-in numbers as well, though only in a few countries at this point12:37
hoehaveri have  the ports forwarded in my router and in my firewall (firestarter)12:37
gluttonyok, how do i get ubuntu to play mp3s12:37
Bassettsmjr: really?? their site says nothing about this12:38
ompaulhoehaver, Don't paste in this channel thanks, please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:38
Warbohoehaver: Is this a really popular file? I know Debian ISOs go REALLY quickly for example12:38
revilotanyone know of a way to record what you do on your desktop into video12:38
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:38
shadowpandaAH, ubuntu and me...its a love hate relationship12:38
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ompaulrevilot, there is a program called istanbul12:38
mjrBassetts, whose, diamondcard's?12:38
revilotompaul: i tried it, it's awful12:38
mjr(that's the default provider)12:38
WarboDoes istanbul work in Gstreamer0.10?12:38
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mjrI thought I saw a dial-in option there12:39
Bassettsmjr: ekiga doesnt make it obvious12:39
boxgamexuh crap. i deleted my linux partitions and grub is on the MBR12:39
hoehaverwell, its not just one file and it does it on any thing ang everything i try to download12:39
boxgamexand it just errors12:39
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varsendaggrshadowpanda, why don't you go back to DOS?12:39
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Warborevilot: Try gvidcap or maybe pyvnc2swf (I use it to make flash movies)12:39
Bassettsmjr: so i need to look for SIP providers? who sell incoming numbers12:39
erUSULhoehaver: maybe it is a private torrent and you need some kind of auth mechanism12:39
shadowpandabecause i hate viruses12:39
LuisMendessince Nvu is dead, is there another visual HTML editor available for linux?12:39
gluttonyseriously, i cant play mp3 files, or cds12:39
shadowpandaIm trying to find some video card drivers but i cant even run them on linux12:40
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hoehaverwell how do i authinticate?12:40
Warbo!tell gluttony about mp312:40
erUSULhoehaver: can you try with other torrent client?12:40
hoehaveror better yet how do i do static IP12:40
mjrBassetts, yes, and I do believe the default provider has this service at some countries. Not including mine, but then, I 'm happy with call-out service12:40
hoehaverwell, i was going to download another torrent downloader and see if it worked but i havent done that yet12:40
Sleeping_Slothgluttony, are you using amarok?12:40
Bassettsmjr: well mine is for support services so i need call-in (in UK)12:40
Warboshadowpanda: What card do you have?12:40
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shadowpandanForce 4 44012:41
WarboBassetts: US and UK will probably be supported by anyone with such a service12:41
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto12:41
shadowpandaI got the driver and ran it though wine but inside the install it told me I needed windows12:41
gluttonyi dont know what im using12:41
shadowpandaubotu: thanks12:41
ubotuI know nothing about thanks12:41
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Sleeping_Slothgluttony - I've only just logged in - so I havent read what you put earlier12:42
gluttonyok, i got a cd playing, but there is alot of weird static in my headset12:42
Warboshadowpanda: You honestly tried to use a Windows driver in WINE? Take a look at that link...12:42
rskshadowpanda, dont install drivers via wine, it wont work.12:42
Sleeping_Slothgluttony - if you want a music player I would suggest either amarok or xmms12:42
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage12:42
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mjrBassetts, the default PC-to-phone provider, diamondcard.us, does seem to provide UK phone numbers, yes12:43
Bassettsmjr: thanks12:43
gluttonySleeping_Sloth, i get staic in all audio players12:43
Warbogluttony: Check the volume levels. Try to make them about 3/4 on the PC, then adjust with your speakers12:43
LuisMendessince Nvu is dead, is there another visual HTML editor available for linux?12:43
WarboNvu is dead? Noooooo!12:44
WarboDammit, I like it :(12:44
LuisMendesWarbo, a year without news, updates, announcements.. nothing! I assume it is dead12:45
gluttonystatic is still there12:45
ompauljuantao, you okay now?12:45
Sleeping_Slothgluttony: unless its a volume thing, it sounds like an ALSA problem - I assume you're running onboard sound?12:45
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gluttonyif that means i have a sound card, then yes12:46
WarboLuisMendes: Have you checked any cvs/svn they have? Maybe some updates there12:46
Sleeping_Slothgluttony - have you set up drivers for it?12:46
LuisMendesWarbo, yes, there's nothing12:46
Sleeping_Slothwarbo, luismendes: - there's Amaya12:46
gluttonynope, how do i do that.12:47
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LuisMendesSleeping_Sloth, is it good? compared to dead nvu...12:47
AdamGRight, so I installed all of ubuntu to one partition, and now I want to use a diffrent partition as /home. Can I have it do that automatically without reinstallation?12:47
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems12:47
Sleeping_SlothI don't know - I just know it exists12:47
WarboLuisMendes: Oh well, I don't actually need any updates actually. I only use it's basic features (I'm stingy so I don't pay for any hosting which allows FTP)12:47
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shadowpandaWarbo: can you please go to this site and help me with one of my steps? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia12:48
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WarboAmaya, in my opinion, is a showcase for W3C standards. It isn't really that useful12:48
Sleeping_Slothluismendes: Amaya is a bit hard to use, but it's endorsed by the W3C, so you know that pages you build in it will be standards-based. It offers features like CSS editing and will edit XML really well. Feature highlights: XML support, scripting support, advanced CSS support, built-in validator, and international support as well as WYSIWYG and color coded XHTML editing.12:48
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erUSULAdamG: automatically no just ceate the partition copy the files and modify fstab12:48
LuisMendesSleeping_Sloth, wow this Amaya is developed by W3C!12:48
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Sleeping_Slothluismendes: yeah - it *sounds* like it could be pretty handy - I might give it a go myself.12:48
tvalladonSleeping_Sloth: what do you think of bluefish? I know its not wysiwyg...12:48
Warboshadowpanda: What step can't you do?12:48
AdamGooh, fstab, never edited that before :P Thanks, though12:48
LuisMendestvalladon, bluefish? use gedit instead :P12:49
Sleeping_Slothtvalladon: I've never been a big wysiwyg fan - I prefer coding by hand12:49
WarboI'll tell you one thing, NEVER make a HTML page in Abiword. The amount of crap it adds to every single line is unbelievable :)12:49
tvalladonSleeping_Sloth: same, but my Ultraedit doesnt run under linux.. and wine makes it slow12:49
Sleeping_Slothtvallon - I use PSPad on windows, I dont think there is a linux port12:49
shadowpandaUnder Install and activate  drivers12:50
shadowpanda6. Find the appropriate module for your kernal.12:50
shadowpandai can not find this12:50
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hoehaverhow do i setup a static IP?12:50
Warboshadowpanda: Tell you what, I'll walk you through my way of doing it.12:50
shadowpandaok good deal12:50
Warboshadowpanda: In a terminal do "uname -r"12:50
Warboshadowpanda: What does it give?12:50
tvalladonSleeping_Sloth: so gedit, thanks, I will look into it12:51
shadowpandais that my linux address?12:51
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Warboshadowpanda: OK, now run "sudo apt-get install module-assistant nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-source"12:51
Warboshadowpanda: That is the version of the kernel you are using12:52
Sleeping_Slothis anyone on here using amarok on gnome?12:52
WarboSleeping_Sloth: Me (1.4.1)12:52
ubotuI know nothing about elf12:52
shadowpandaWarbo: Couldn't find package nvidia-kernal-source12:52
ubotuI know nothing about pixie12:52
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shadowpandait says nvidia-glx is already the newest version.12:53
Sleeping_Slothwarbo: I'm on the repository version (1.3.9) and it crashes sometimes12:53
Warboshadowpanda: kernel, with an E12:53
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shadowpandahaha oops12:53
Sleeping_Slothwarbo: and it refers to kmail or something12:53
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tvalladonsuggestion for good music library system with iPod support?12:53
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Sleeping_Slothit's not done it for a while (with an error) but it seems fairly prone to freezing up12:54
shadowpandasudo apt-get install module-assistant nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-source12:54
WarboSleeping_Sloth: Yeah, it did that sometimes for me when I overloaded it (tip: Give it a few seconds between track changes so it can buffer. Don't just keep hitting Super-B)12:54
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pianoboy3333Where do the normal java classes get installed to with the sun java package?12:54
WarboSleeping_Sloth: That is because it tries to file a bug report12:54
NutubuntuHi - Just upgraded Breezy->Dapper and have some minor issues. First is my MS Intellimouse. The wheel is no longer behaving the way it used to; I can't scroll down, for example, in Firefox, and the side buttons no longer take me "forward" and "back" over links I've clicked. How do I get my old mouse behavior back?12:54
Sleeping_Slothwarbo: ah - thanks, that clears that up12:54
Sleeping_Slothwarbo: can I disable bug reporting?12:54
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Warboshadowpanda: Has it installed that stuff yet?12:55
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shadowpandaWarbo: i get another error, Nvidia-glx is already the newest version. Package nvidia-kernel-source is not available, but is referred by another package.12:55
WarboSleeping_Sloth: I don't know, but I think you might be able to change which tool it uses (so point it to /bin/true or something) have a look through the options12:55
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource12:55
colkanyone know how to install openssl0.9.612:55
Warboshadowpanda: Do you have the "universe" and "multiverse" repositories enabled?12:56
shadowpandai dont know12:56
shadowpandanor would i know how to check12:56
Sleeping_Slothwarbo: thanks12:56
Warboshadowpanda: Then you don't :)12:56
shadowpandai may hold on12:56
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shadowpandai do no12:57
hchaudh1i recently bought a MS Sttreets and Trips 2006 GPS unit + SW. Is that supported in ubuntu?12:57
Dromenare virus scanners worthwhile having in ubuntu ?12:57
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lophytevirus? linux? what?12:58
Dromenlophyte: they do exist12:58
hchaudh1haha lol12:58
erUSULcolk: dapper's is 0.9.812:58
shadowpandaWarbo: whats my next step12:58
Dromensearch virus in synaptic12:58
WarboDromen: If you are running Linux as a gateway to a heavily M$ based corporate network or something then yes12:58
colkerUSUL, im trying to use yahoo offical messenger and it isnt working too well12:58
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Warboshadowpanda: You have module assistant?12:58
rskhchaudh1, MS streets is not supported.12:59
NiklasH_workhi, i'm trying edgy out, but can't get past the error in configuring gtk-engines-xenophilia. how do i do to get rid of that?12:59
Dromenoki warbo just curious :)12:59
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rskhchaudh1, abaut trips and SW i have no idea.12:59
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For its release schedule, see !schedule12:59
lophyteDromen: http://www.reallylinux.com/docs/linuxvirustop10.html12:59
shadowpandaWarbo: I dont know, as you can tell i have been hooked on MS way too long.12:59
erUSULcolk: does not gaim work with the yahoo network?12:59
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lophyteDromen: read that :)12:59
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erUSULcolk: are you trying to compile it?12:59
Warboshadowpanda: The "apt-get" line should install it. Did it work?12:59
colkdosent support the parts of yahoo that are needed12:59
harmlessey mon, if i install ubuntu to a partition on slave drive, can it be boot to?12:59
Dromenlol lophyte looks funny12:59
NiklasH_workyeah, i know what edgy is ;)12:59
colkno im using the offical client deb12:59
Dromenonly read part 112:59
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bimberiNiklasH_work: #ubuntu+1 for edgy questions01:00
lophyteits a good article :)01:00
WarboNiklasH_work: I thought it would say something about #ubuntu+1 :)01:00
NiklasH_workbimberi: thanks, i'll go there01:00
bimberiNiklasH_work: np :)01:00
NiklasH_workWarbo: ok, got it :)01:00
Warboharmless: You need the bootloader (GRUB) on the drive which is booted (probably first one) but then it can boot an OS which is installed wherever01:01
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slakI'm on dialup, is there anyone in here that could snail mail me an ubuntu CD?01:01
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slakshipit takes like 6 weeks01:01
erUSULcolk: please adress me as i'm doing with you. it is hard to follow otherwise. what is the problem with the deb?01:01
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Bassettswhats the best way to vnc into a windows box?01:01
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bimberi!no edgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule01:01
ubotuI'll remember that01:01
Warboslak: Easier to find someone/where with broadband01:01
harmlessslak, have any friends where you with with a burner?01:02
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shadowpandaWarbo: is it apt-get module assistant?01:02
rskBassetts, install tight vnc server to the windows box01:02
Bassettsthanks rsk01:02
colkerUSUL, it depends on openssl 0.9.6 and it wont install if i force the issue then apt has issues installing it01:02
Warboshadowpanda: "sudo apt-get install module-assistent"01:02
Warboassistant sorry01:02
shadowpandahaha thanks01:02
harmlessvnc better than rdesktop rsk?01:02
stefg!info m-a01:02
ubotuPackage m-a does not exist in dapper01:02
rskabaut same01:02
hchaudh1I did try to install it via Wine, no luck. So the SW is definitely not supported. I am wondering if the GPS unit itself is supported. Its a Pharos unit which is a MS hardware vendor, but just hoping it is.01:02
Warbostefg: That's just an executable :)01:03
zimhi all trying to get my sony tr1mp to work at 1280x786 all my googling says i need to use a prog 915resolution i have installed it but have no idea how to use it01:03
erUSULcolk: it should install as the version in dapper is higher than 0.9.6... can you post the errors in a pastebin01:03
zimany ideas anyone01:03
landsgcan anyone help with install issue on Dapper?  x display doesn't work!01:03
shadowpandaWarbo: complete with no errors01:03
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colkok hold on01:03
Warboshadowpanda: OK, now run "sudo m-a"01:03
=== stefg had a cleverness test for ubugto in mind :-)
ironpancakeis there a way to make each of your desktops have a different background?01:03
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erUSULlandsg: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to reconfigure X01:04
shadowpandaWarbo: oooh ahhh01:04
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bimberistefg: and it failed miserably :)01:04
landsgok will try01:04
Warboironpancake: Run kdesktop, Enlightenment or something01:04
erUSULironpancake: in gnome no iirc01:04
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Warboshadowpanda: OK, update it, then prepare it01:04
ironpancakeerusul: you can't in gnome?01:04
erUSULironpancake: no afaik01:04
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Warboironpancake: You can disable Nautilus's drawing of the desktop then run kdesktop (but it would be a big use of resources)01:05
shadowpandaWarbo: done and done01:05
zimany one played with intel graphics cards here01:05
Warboshadowpanda: Go on select, then go down to the nvidia one. Press space to select it then enter to go onto the next screen01:05
zimi have insatlled 915resolution to fix my resolution but dont know what switches to use when i run it01:06
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Warboshadowpanda: On the next screen "get" it, then "build" it then "install" it01:06
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shadowpandaWarbo: Installation of the nvidia-kernel-source source failed01:07
zimshadowpanda what are you trying to do01:07
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shadowpandainstall nvidia drivers01:07
ze4502ushi guys i need help getting a bcm43xx wireless card to work01:08
shadowpandaand its redicioulously long01:08
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zimjoin #ubuntu-xgl01:08
ze4502usi've blacklisted the built in driver in the kernel01:08
ze4502usand installed the windows driver with ndiswrapper01:08
Warboshadowpanda: It has to compile them for your kernel (turn source code into a program)01:08
sztanpetmy problem is that on my laptop line in and mic are the same slots, and ubuntu doesnt recognize my microfon in the mic slot, instead i can record only from the line in, any way i can fix this?01:09
Warboshadowpanda: Go in Synaptic and search for "nvidia"01:09
zimin there is a link to get xgl/compiz working on most cards one of the steps is install the drivers from a .deb easy01:09
ze4502usndiswrapper reports the driver installed and hardware present but neither network-manager nor network-admin show the card as being prsent01:09
shadowpandaWarbo: Ok, yea. I have been hearing your steps but now im starting to understand them01:09
zimand xgl/compiz rocks01:09
Warbozim: Whatever floats your boat01:10
shadowpandaWarbo: ok im there01:10
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zimwarbo dont you like it01:10
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ze4502usi need help getting a bcm43xx wireless card to work01:10
NutubuntuHi - Just upgraded Breezy->Dapper and have some minor issues. First is my MS Intellimouse. The wheel is no longer behaving the way it used to; I can't scroll down, for example, in Firefox, and the side buttons no longer take me "forward" and "back" over links I've clicked. How do I get my old mouse behavior back?01:10
Warboshadowpanda: Is there any nvidia-kernel-source package, or anything that looks similar?01:11
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Warbozim: To many bugs in that kind of stuff01:11
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sztanpetze4502us its on the wiki01:11
zimnot with a nvidia crad i just folowed the howto and it just worked01:11
zimvery slick01:11
shadowpandaWarbo: nvidia-kernel-common01:12
Warbozim: Really? How well does ChBg work for you?01:12
zimand i love the fact we beat vista#01:12
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Warbozim: We? It was Novell actually...01:12
landsgerUSUL:  tried the reconfigure command, but x still not working; keyboard is acting funny too01:12
colkerUSUL, http://pastebin.com/74422201:13
shadowpandaWarbo: do you want to try to remote acess my computer?01:13
Warboshadowpanda: Can you run "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and dump the output to the pastebin for me?01:13
Warboshadowpanda: I doubt I could get that stuff to go through my router01:13
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zimlinux beat MS to a 3D desktop01:13
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WarboFLOSS did. XGL also works on BSD01:14
samulinobody cares about 3d-desktopt.01:14
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slakharmless: i have a burner, but there is no brodband in my area.01:14
lophytewhat's FLOSS? that acronym really bothers me01:14
harmlessi think they beat them by years, didnt they?01:14
slakso as such, no friends with broadband ;)01:14
zimnovel ubuntu redhat who cares is OS and works on my ubuntu WE01:14
Sasquatchcan anyone tell me how to get a wireless card working?01:14
WarboFree/Libre Open Source Software01:14
slaki want ubuntu for my wife.01:14
slaki run fbsd.01:14
lophytelibre? *sigh*01:14
slakguess i'll wait for shipit.01:15
samulizim, what?01:15
shadowpandaWarbo: http://pastebin.ca/8364301:15
Sasquatchanyone? wireless card help?01:15
Warbolophyte: The Libre is important. If you think about it vista is Free at the moment01:15
zimWE = the open source community01:15
rskSasquatch, start with trying to find linux drivers, if there arent any. get ndiswrapper and install the windows drivers.01:15
lophyteWarbo: but its not open source01:16
ubotuwifi is Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper01:16
colkOk This is the issue im getting with Yahoo when trying to install it http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1765101:16
aLPHa_LeaKSasquatch: which wireless card are you using?01:16
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Sasquatchit's running off of Prism01:16
Warbolophyte: But surely "shared source" is even better? (joking, joking :) )01:16
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Sasquatcha netgear WG51101:16
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aLPHa_LeaK!airport > me01:16
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ubotuI know nothing about airport01:16
samulizim, 3d-desktop is just so in vain. I don't mind accelerated desktop for speed, but 3d. wtf?01:16
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lophyteWarbo: I prefer FOSS.. but thats me :P01:16
tgahey, anyone using Beagle?01:16
erUSULtga: me01:17
tgastupid thing, but I can't find `best` anywhere01:17
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colkerUSUL,  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17651 heres the output from pastebin01:17
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tgaerUSUL, what/where is the interface for it?01:17
zimctrl alt -> = 3D and i love it01:17
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shadowpandaWarbo: you get that link?01:17
zimhave you installed it01:17
Warboshadowpanda: Yes, but my system is under a little strain at the moment01:18
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shadowpandaWarbo: understandable. I hope the rest of my days under linux arent this bad01:18
Warboshadowpanda: Found the problem01:18
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shadowpandaWarbo: cool01:18
hoehaverHEY, the way you authenticate on ktorrent, is it the cookies?01:18
zimsamuli have you installed it01:19
Warboshadowpanda: When you added universe and multiverse to your sources you accidentally moved the source repositories onto the same line as the binary ones (but left the comment, which stopped everything screweing up)01:19
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shadowpandaWarbo: Ooops, so how should i fix it01:20
Sasquatchhmm, well, my wireless card shows up under Networking, but it won't activate.01:20
Sasquatchany ideas?01:20
Warboshadowpanda: Look at line 17. Split that into 2 lines at the # then remove the #01:20
tgaerUSUL, ?01:20
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shadowpandaWarbo: ok01:20
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zimSasquatch are u using dhcp01:20
Sasquatchzim: yup01:20
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landsgerUSUL OK, X still doesn't boot after doing reconfigure; any suggestions?01:21
erUSULcolk: i have read it. try dpkg -i --force-depends-version *.deb01:21
Sasquatchlike i'll click activate under network01:21
Sasquatchbut it just keeps trying to activate forever01:21
erUSULtga: places>search01:21
zimtry all the stupids first is it pluged in are the lights flashing etc01:21
Warbolandsg: Try using the vesa driver01:21
Sasquatchzim: the lights aren't flashing01:21
colkok done thanks01:21
shadowpandaWarbo: i have to go into repositorys right?01:21
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landsgright, I tried that on my last reboot01:22
erUSULlandsg: try looking in /var/log/Xorg.0.*01:22
Sasquatchbut... dunno, it needs to be activated first?01:22
Warboshadowpanda: "gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" should do01:22
Sasquatchand i can't seem to do that01:22
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erUSULcolk: does it work??01:22
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landsgcan I open an editor in the terminal window01:22
zimok try manully config it and try ping somthing on your network01:22
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Warbolandsg: vim, nano, emacs01:22
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Warbo(why the hell did I put vim first???!)01:22
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tgaerUSUL, ah, sweet01:23
zimcuz vim rocks01:23
tgaerUSUL, any idea if there is a live sidebar for beagle?01:23
ClapBedonDoes anybody know how to mount NTFS rw with the live cd^01:23
eugmanHow do I do a manual ctrl + alt + backspace from the terminal?01:23
WarboI wrote the Wiki guide for the FLOSS radeon driver, and someone cleaned it up. But htey replaced all of the nanos with vims :(01:23
shadowpandauh... i think it is right though01:23
shadowpanda# deb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse01:23
shadowpanda# deb-src http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse01:23
erUSULtga: right-click in panel > add to panel > dekbar applet01:24
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:24
zimClapBedon couldu can be wrong but i dont think yo01:24
Warboeugman: "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"?01:24
erUSULshadowpanda: do not paste here please01:24
Warboshadowpanda: Yes, but get rid of the #s01:24
Warbo2 lines is acceptable I think01:24
eugmanWarbo, don't ask me. heh. thanks.01:24
zimClapBedon sorry mouse click half way through could be wrong but dont think you can01:24
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tgaerUSUL, thanks, it's not the most intuitive thing out there01:25
shadowpandaWarbo: ok now do you want me to open the program again?01:25
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erUSULtga: no problem01:25
ClapBedonzim : i think i can use ntfsmount, but i get this error : root@ubuntu:/mnt# ntfsmount /dev/sda1 ./ntfs/01:26
ClapBedonfusermount: mount failed: Invalid argument01:26
ClapBedonfuse_mount failed.01:26
Warboshadowpanda: Have you changed the section which actually matters? The one under the "Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe' ## repository." bit?01:26
tgaerUSUL, hmm I was hoping for a live sidebar that would display context-dependent info01:26
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zimClapBedon try without the last /01:27
ClapBedonsame thing01:27
shadowpandai think i did the wrong one01:27
shadowpandahow do i open the file again01:27
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Warboshadowpanda: "gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"01:27
zimso that fails ntfsmount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ntfs01:28
Warboshadowpanda: The one lower down is "backports", but you are interested in the proper universe and multiverse01:28
tgainteresting.. Places > Search doesn't work but the Deskbar works01:28
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WarboDeskbar is a must for Edgy01:28
zimClapBedon are you root01:29
shadowpandaWarbo: there we go, i accidently edited lines 26 and 27 instead of 1701:29
tgathe deskbar displays info instantly but Places > Search just sits there and does nothing01:29
zimtry sudo bash first01:29
ClapBedonim root01:29
ClapBedonsudo -s01:29
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enycCrescendo: you about?01:29
Warboshadowpanda: After you have saved it run "sudo apt-get update" then run "sudo m-a" again01:29
WarboClapBedon: Use "sudo -s -H" or "sudo -i"01:30
erUSULtga: it works for me. i place a string in the text box hit enter and voila! results01:30
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ClapBedonwarbo : what's the difference?01:30
tgamaybe it's still indexing or something01:30
shadowpandaWarbo: ok it is open01:30
WarboClapBedon: Otherwise if you run a GUI app you may end up overwriting your config files with root-owned ones01:30
ClapBedonwarbo : thanks for the tip01:31
Warboshadowpanda: OK, select>nvidia>get>build>install01:31
ClapBedonzim : i got it working :)01:31
zimthats why i use sudo bash01:31
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:31
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ClapBedonzim : my /dev/fuse was not created correctly01:31
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Warbozim: "sudo bash" "sudo su" "sudo -s -H" "sudo -i" "sudo sh" there are loads01:31
tichis there some place i can get info on how to set up a network between a linux and osx?01:31
ClapBedonyay! :)01:31
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ubotuI know nothing about startupfiles01:32
ubotuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingProgramToSessionStartup01:32
ClapBedonthanks for your help, it's really appreciated01:32
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tdnHow do I install scripts that startup in /etc/init.d?01:32
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shadowpandaWarbo: and here I thought i would have to brush up on my c++ skills01:32
aLPHa_LeaK n801:32
Warbotdn: Put the script in there then read the manual for "update-rc.d"01:32
shadowpandaWarbo: im done01:33
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Warboshadowpanda: It is installed?01:33
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shadowpandaWarbo: it is01:33
dibblegoman mount: Options are specified with a -o flag followed by a  comma  separated  string of options. - what if the option value itself contains a comma?01:33
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Warboshadowpanda: OK, last step: "gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"01:33
tdnWarbo, hmm... Ok. There is no pages on this in the Ubuntu Desktop Guide?01:34
Warbodibblego: What option did you have in mind?01:34
Warbotdn: No idea01:34
dibblegoWarbo, "username=blah,password=my,password"01:34
shadowpandaWarbo: ok it is open01:34
zimanother long way but is useful if you use keys is to add you key to root .ssh/authorized_keys then in usr/local/bin add a bash script called root in there have this line ssh -l root
Warbodibblego: Maybe ther is an escape character for it. I know there is one to let you use spaces (in fstab I mean)01:35
zimthen if you want to be root just type root01:35
Draslaif I put an entry in inetd.conf, how do I load it?01:35
dibblegoWarbo, I tried , and \ as escape characters - can't think of what else01:35
Warboshadowpanda: Look for the "Section "Device"" which has "driver "nv"" in it01:35
tdnWarbo, ok.01:35
zimreplace nv with nvidia01:36
Warbozim: You stole my glory!01:36
shadowpandaZim: was that message to me?01:36
unstablesobdibblego, does that happen to be for mounting a smb share?01:36
Warboshadowpanda: Yeah01:36
shadowpandaWarbo:/Zim: thank you is that all?01:36
dibblegounstablesob, yes01:37
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unstablesobdibblego, i know that you can use a separate file for the credentials01:37
Warboshadowpanda: Yes. Save it then log out, press ctrl-alt-backspace and you should be up01:37
Warboshadowpanda: WAIT01:37
unstablesobdibblego,  use the the option "credentials=file"01:37
Warboshadowpanda: You may want to add a line "nvidia" to /etc/modules01:37
dibblegook thanks01:37
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shadowpandaWarbo: and how would one go about doing that?01:38
unstablesobdibblego, then in the credentials file use the form of "username=name" "password="pass" on separate lines01:38
Warboshadowpanda: "gksudo gedit /etc/modules"01:38
zimshadowpanda make sure that your default colour depth is 2401:38
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Warbozim: Is that needed?01:38
shadowpandaWarbo: well i just hope the rest of my drivers dont take this long01:39
Warboshadowpanda: It's just because Nvidia haven't made it Free01:40
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zimdont know but in all the howtos i read they went out of there way to say it so in true parot fashion01:40
WarboIs the Intel graphics driver in the kernel made by Intel originally or not?01:40
shadowpandaWarbo: oh also, how do i check the color debth01:40
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theeilhow do i switch x servers?01:40
ToHellWithGAI need help with LabView.  Any scientists in here?01:40
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Warboshadowpanda: The "Screen" section01:40
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cocoxsomebody can log into "telnet drill.hackerslab.org" as they require?? login:level0 and pass:guest ?????01:41
zimin xorg.conf near the bottom i think01:41
Warbotheeil: Switch between active ones, ctrl-alt-fX, switch the installed one, ther are only XGL and Xorg in Ubuntu by default01:41
shadowpandaWarbo: screen resolution01:41
zimjust / for 24 is probably set anyway01:42
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Warboshadowpanda: It has the resolutions for each depth, and the "Server" section says which I think01:42
zimlook for the default01:42
zimon top of that i thinkj01:42
shadowpandagood bye01:43
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Warbozim: You like to make it compilcated don't you. You want to make sure he has BackingStore enabled? How about Composite? :)01:43
zimhave you played withb it01:43
Warbozim: Both of them, yeah01:44
varsendaggrhey i have a .ps now what?01:44
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varsendaggrwhat can i edit it with?01:44
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varsendaggrand how can i add templates to the rightclick menu01:44
tach00any one know where to get keyboard drivers for ubuntu?01:44
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ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts (Gnome) or "input actions" in Kcontrol (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net01:45
cocoxsomebody can log into "telnet drill.hackerslab.org" as they require?? login:level0 and pass:guest ?????01:45
sysrpli am having problems compiling glibc ... i am using ../glibc-2.4/configure --prefix=/usr --disable-profile --enable-add-ons --enable-kernel=2.6.0 --libexecdir=/usr/lib/glibc ,,, and then make, but make fails with *** No rule to make target `Versions.all', needed by `abi-versions.h'.  Stop.01:45
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Warbotach00: No idea, but while you are looking you will probably want Xorg drivers (that is what handles the keyboard)01:45
sysrplcan anyone help me with that?01:45
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tach00warbo: thanks, sometimes my keyboard and mouse go crazy, figure its a driver issue01:46
ShizboomHow do i use a "make" and "sudo make install" command? when i try using make it doesn't recognize that01:46
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Bassettsi hate the powers of life, i have to use windows =(01:46
Bassettsi thought i escaped it01:46
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SurfnKidyou CAN escape it01:47
WarboShizboom: 1) "sudo apt-get install build-depends" 2) use "sudo checkinstall -D" not make install01:47
SurfnKidI did and Im happy01:47
landsgerUSUL/Warbo:  I brought up my log file in vim; what should I be looking for to get x working again?01:47
WarboShizboom: What am I on?! build-essential01:47
Shizboomso make doesn't work?01:47
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Shizboomi'm trying to install this01:47
WarboShizboom: Yes, but you need to install it by installing build-essential. But checkinstall will make an Ubuntu package for your program, which makes it easier to uninstall and stuff01:48
erUSULlandsg: look for any error msgs or hints as why X wont come up. search from the end of the file backwards (it is easier with less)01:48
Shizboomokay so what do i need to do01:48
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WarboShizboom: "sudo apt-get install build-essential && ./configure && make && checkinstall -D"01:49
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ubotuw32codecs can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages. Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html01:49
ttyfsckeron my dell inspiron 6000 my front panel volume / multimedia keys work fine w/ gnome, but in xfce they dont work.. does anybody know how to get them working in xfce4.4?01:49
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Shizboomokay i'm installing now01:50
Shizboomonce i get this what is my next step warbo?01:50
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Shizboomits telling me  ./configure: No such file or directory01:50
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Shizboombut it installed the rest okay01:51
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WarboShizboom: Are you in the right directory?01:51
SelfHarmI just boot into ubuntu, first time, can't mount any drives, any ideas? im a linux novice : \01:51
ubotuDisks store lots of data. Partitioning: try gparted or qtparted  - Formatting: see the manpage for mkfs  - Mounting: system -> administration -> disks01:52
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akiradoes anyone know how is this "control panel" called in large mainframes. i think it's terminal. from where you control the mainframe01:52
Shizboomokay its working now01:52
BassettsSurfnKid: i cant escape windows, have to use it for work01:52
Shizboomdoing all sorts of stuff01:52
landsgerUSUL: i tried to scroll in VIM , but keyboard is not working right either;  should I just try to reinstall over the top?  I really don't want to if I can avoid it01:52
cocoxsomebody can log into "telnet drill.hackerslab.org" as they require?? login:level0 and pass:guest ?????01:53
Warboakira: A terminal in a mainframe is a low resource computer which logs into the mainframe01:53
crogue5when i make a file/folder in my home directory, the permissions of 755 are placed on it, so other system users can see them, how can i change the default to something else01:53
Shizboomwarbo - should it be installed once this is finished?01:53
crogue5so the rest of the system users can't see them01:53
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Shizboomuhoh i got an error01:53
Shizboomconfigure: error: could not find Python headers01:53
BassettsSurfnKid: i have to use flash, and macdobe captivate =(01:53
SurfnKidBassetts, something I have to as well, but the geek life has to survive in another type of environment, thats when linux comes in01:53
Shizboomdo i need to install more python stuff?01:53
erUSULlandsg: try with the pager less it is easier to work with just hit end to go to end of file and then page up to navigate01:53
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SurfnKidBassetts, ouch, i hear there's probelms with Flash n linux i hope that can be resolved01:54
akiraWarbo:no no i'm talking of the hardware thing. it's embedded into the mainframe, has a single lite keyboard and an lcd01:54
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WarboShizboom: after checkinstall you will end up with a package file ending in .deb. You can do "sudo checkinstall -D --install" instead, to install it automatically, or just do "sudo dpkg -i *.deb" after01:54
BassettsSurfnKid: i have to use macdobe captivate to make flash demos/tutorials, and they have to be done in windows01:54
WarboShizboom: Install the packages ending in "-dev" that look relevant01:54
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mcphailcrogue5: just chmod 700 your home directory.01:54
BassettsSurfnKid: recording them in linux will confuse customers01:54
Shizboomwarbo - should the deb be in the same directory?01:55
cello_rasphelp! i just installed and on reboot i don't have a /boot/menu.lst file . how do i generate on in rescue mode?01:55
crogue5and everything i make in it will take those permission by default?01:55
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Warbo!tell Bassetts about vmware01:55
mcphailcrogue5: no, but it won't matter.01:55
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WarboShizboom: yes01:55
Shizboomwell i got no debs01:55
Shizboomi get this error configure: error: could not find Python headers01:55
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BassettsWarbo: yeh i currently do a vmware setup with win, not working for me, screen res and stuff too small, so im putting win on my old box that is unused01:56
mcphailcrogue5: if noone can access your home directory, they cannot see files further down the tree no matter what permissions are set01:56
Shizboomi thought i installed all the python stuff01:56
Warbocello_rasp: You wont find one in rescue mode either. Boot a LiveCD01:56
tmccraryIf anyone knows, with MySQL, can I put multiple values in bind-address in my.cnf?01:56
crogue5mcphail, good point01:56
crogue5mcphail, thanks01:56
cello_raspWarbo, I can't run LiveCDs (bad x configs) but thatks01:56
Bassettsi wish i could take my system on holiday with me, doing work up there will be hell01:56
WarboShizboom: The "xxxxx" packages contain the stuff needed to use "xxxxx" but "xxxxx-dev" lets you build stuff against xxxxx01:57
mcphailcrogue5: note that chmoding to 750 may be better01:57
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Warbocello_rasp: You can run something like DSL with the boot option "dsl 2" to get text mode01:57
ShizboomShizboom - okay so i need to get the dev packages?01:57
Shizboomerr to warbo :P01:57
WarboShizboom: yes, any that look like you might need them01:58
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crogue5mcphail, so people in my group can see them, but other users in other groups can't?01:58
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mcphailcrogue5: yes. The other option is to change your umask (which is set to 022 as default i think)01:59
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cello_raspcan anyone tell me how to make a menu.lst without downloading another install cd01:59
noctihow do i view my ntfs partition? im using breezy. thanks01:59
ubotuDisks store lots of data. Partitioning: try gparted or qtparted  - Formatting: see the manpage for mkfs  - Mounting: system -> administration -> disks01:59
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crogue5where do i change that, i think that's what i was getting at01:59
kuzmasterhello all02:00
tdnWhy does Ubuntu use a log timestamp format like this: [17193999.700000]  ? I prefer the "regular" one.02:00
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions02:00
mcphailcrogue5: just add it to .bash_profile02:00
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TurkiHi everyone, I tried to install Ubuntu on my Acer TravelMate 4150 but the installer can't find the CD-ROM, then I tried Debian and it worked. My question is: Ubuntu installer is based on Debian installer, why can't it find the CD-ROM?02:00
mcphailcrogue5: but this won't affect any files you have created already02:00
daphDo I have to do anything special to have Ubuntu 6.06 LTS work with my Compaq laptop w/ a broadcom wireless chipset? I was told that Ubuntu worked OOTB with this chipset and wondering if I missed something02:01
crogue5ok thanks02:01
kuzmastercan somone please help me with getting my wireless connection working02:01
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kuzmasteri have a dlink wireless card (RaLink chipset), and it worked out of the box for kubuntu 6.06, but not for ubuntu 6.0602:01
ubotuwifi is Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper02:01
ShizboomWarbo - do i need to do the "--prefix=/usr " after configure?02:01
Sasquatchhow do you restart x in ubuntu?02:02
kuzmasterive tried all the documentation02:02
WarboShizboom: Maybe. It is usually better to install stuff in /usr/local though02:02
dibblegoSasquatch, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart02:02
WarboSasquatch: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart02:02
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kuzmasterive tried setting it to dhcp, static ip address, ive tried "02:02
ShizboomWarbo - what do you know about bonobo server? will it be able to reach the program in /usr?02:03
kuzmasteroops. ive tried "sudo iwconfig essid ANY", along with other things02:03
TurkiHi everyone, I tried to install Ubuntu on my Acer TravelMate 4150 but the installer can't find the CD-ROM, then I tried Debian and it worked. My question is: Ubuntu installer is based on Debian installer, why can't it find the CD-ROM?02:03
TheWardenWhat kind of hardware does one need to run Ubuntu?02:03
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WarboShizboom: Not much. If you want to install to /usr then it should be OK, especially with checkinstall02:03
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OnurPhphow can install mysql-php package ?02:03
bb3how do I see which files make a up package?02:03
OnurPhpin offline mode ?02:03
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noctiTheWarden: usual off-the-shelf pc hardware works02:03
cocoxhi, i already have installed java jre 1.4-2.... even. when i got an applet into firefox i can't see it... i have breezy dist....02:04
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WarboTheWarden: a PC, Mac, SPARC, PegasOS, it works on quite a bit02:04
TheWardenThe reason I ask is because I tired to run Ubuntu before and now tried to use Edubuntu and neither will work.02:04
kuzmasterif you want the output of lspci, lsmod, and my /ect/network/interfaces for kubuntu and ubuntu, just ask cos ive already put them in pastbin02:04
OnurPhpcocox try update it :)02:04
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noctiTheWarden: what's your hardware like?02:04
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cocoxOnurPhp, do u know the apt command for update java ?02:04
Warbococox: Intalled the -mozilla package of it?02:04
TheWardenI figured so... the video I think is where I'm having problems but not sure. I have two video cards in my system and two monitors.02:04
kuzmasteri really need this to work. so ANY help at all is absolutly needed02:04
Sasquatchhmm, how do i implement custom resolutions in Gnome?02:04
cocoxWarbo, dun know ... :( how can i do that ?02:04
OnurPhpno :)02:04
noctiTheWarden: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport02:05
cocoxWarbo, you mean the plugin ?02:05
Warbococox: "sudo apt-get install j2re1.4-mozilla" I think02:05
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TurkiHi everyone, I tried to install Ubuntu on my Acer TravelMate 4150 but the installer can't find the CD-ROM, then I tried Debian and it worked. My question is: Ubuntu installer is based on Debian installer, why can't it find the CD-ROM?02:05
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TheWardennocti: I have an Intel 865 Chipset board, Motherboard is a Shuttle AB60, 1.4 GBs of RAM, 370 GB of hard drive space, NVIDIA GeForece 2 MX/400 and the other a Diamond Stealth III, Savage 4 chipset... old video card but just for the second monitor.02:06
noctiTheWarden: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport02:07
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TheWardennocti: looking at it... not sure if it will help.. cause if it's listed still won't explain why it won't boot.02:07
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jilocasin'evening all02:07
pyrobob`how do I get soundcards02:07
eugmanWhy the $%&! is gnome-cups-icon trying to use up all of my cpu?02:07
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Warbopyrobob`: Search for ALSA in Google. It is already installed in Ubuntu though02:08
Gun_SmokeWhat is out there for weather apps?02:08
TheWardenYeah my videocard is listed there.. but it loads... almost.. gets towards the end I think and switches to a blank screen with a cursor blinking... then stays there...02:08
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andy-whos got a link for dapper depository?02:08
pyrobob`Warbo: I already have that, but there is no sound driver for my card02:08
WarboGun_Smoke: gkrellm, gdesklets, karamba, superkaramba02:08
noctiTheWarden: tried using just one of your monitors first?02:08
ubotudapper is the 4th and latest release of Ubuntu. Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake"02:08
pyrobob`Warbo: and alsaconf can't detect it....02:08
TheWardenI do notice that it doesn't support my second video card, maybe it's trying to use it instead of the main one. How can I make sure/know what one it's using?02:08
Gun_SmokeWarbo:  What do you recomend?02:08
Warbopyrobob`: What version of Ubuntu are you on?>02:09
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pyrobob`the one before dapper02:09
noctiTheWarden: what's the actual message on install failure anyway? ever tried installed just server first?02:09
TheWardennocti: well I guess that sucks.. gonna have to remove the video card too then I guess..argh. If it works great but then what... how can I get it to work with it as it is now?02:09
WarboGun_Smoke: GNOME>Gdesklets, KDE>Karamba, Neither>Gkrellm02:09
TheWardennocti: there is no failure.. for now I'm just trying to use the Live CD image... burnt fine.02:09
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Warbopyrobob`: Really? I didn't think alsaconf did anything on Breezy02:10
TheWardennocti: never tried server...02:10
jilocasinQ: Is ubuntu a decent distro for programmers?02:10
Gun_SmokeWarbo:  Thanks02:10
lophytejilocasin: Ubuntu? :P02:10
noctiTheWarden: ah.... so the live cd wont work?02:10
Warbojilocasin: It has the IDEs and stuff that Debian has02:10
pyrobob`Warbo: they removed it, but I got a copy of it, and it didn't work02:10
eugmanGnome-cups-icon is trying to devour my cpu. Any ideas why?02:10
jackrazzhey everyone.02:10
kuzmasterhelp anyone?02:10
jackrazzjilo, mono works good.02:11
jilocasinWarbo: Where?02:11
Warbopyrobob`: I don't know then. The drivers are part of the Linux kernel, so maybe an upgrade might get it working?02:11
Warbojilocasin: In Synaptic/aptitude02:11
TheWardennocti: correct.. as I describe above... it loads to the startup screen.. I start it... done it in safe mode and normal... and both end up laoding fine at least appears that way... then towards the end the screen changes to blank... with a blinking cursor and then just stays there.02:11
kuzmasterive tried doing a fresh install, but that diddnt help at all02:11
=== poemi-chan [n=doo@host86-131-224-46.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
pyrobob`Warbo: you mean like, upgrade alsa, or ubuntu02:11
Warbopyrobob`: Ubuntu02:12
poemi-chanhello immense hoarde of people02:12
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Warbopyrobob`: It's the best way to get a new kernel02:12
kuzmasterso, can any one at all help me, i really need this to work02:12
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noctiTheWarden: tried other live distros on your box? must be the X config.02:12
=== poemi-chan is using dapper and is wondering: how can you suspend and hibernate from the command prompt
TheWardennocti: yeah... only had one I think work... but I can't recall what one now ;-).02:13
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pyrobobWarbo: is there any way to upgrade without the use of a cd burner?02:13
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.02:13
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noctiTheWarden: try starting the live cd server only and do a `lspci` to see if it detects your video02:13
TheWardennocti: always end up with the same problem. But OpenBSD works fine, BeOS, ahh what else have I done... console based ones.. mmm02:14
TheWardennocti: okay thanks02:14
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noctiTheWarden: check also the md5sum of your ubuntu iso just to make sure02:14
poemi-chankuzmaster: type /me does something02:15
TheWardennocti: okay thanks02:15
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poemi-chanprivate messages are blocked because i'm not registered :/02:15
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kuzmasterohhhh, lol02:15
brnJust installed Breezy 5.10 on an 2nd hand laptop.  Trying to compile with Gcc I find I have no 'make' anywhere.  Where should I look?02:15
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Warbobrn: "sudo apt-get install build-essential"02:15
poemi-chanso why can't there be something nice like "/etc/init.d/pm hibernate"02:15
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LjLpoemi-chan: there is /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh02:16
nix_chix0ri'm having difficulty connecting my linksys wireless network card in ubuntu. and i'm reading some how to's online my windoz HD and i'm not having much luck because i'  don't  know much about eh the ndswraper or what ever it's called, would any one help me on this for a bit?02:16
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brnThanks Warbo,  I knew it was something like that.02:16
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kakalto I'm having a rather interesting problem with kernels - when I install the k7 kernel, I can't boot it in normal mode, but I can in recovery mode, no problems. when I disable 'quiet splash' boot options, I get all the output, and it has no errors. However, it stops at keyboard. My keyboard/mouse combo is wireless. I have two options for plugging it in - through 1 (one) USB plug, or with 2 PS/2 plugs, one for mouse, the other for keyboard. bu02:16
kakaltoet the same problem. Have I been chasing a red herring, or could my wireless kb/mouse have something to do with it?02:16
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ShizboomWarbo - any clue how long this usually takes to compile or w/e its doing? :D02:17
kakaltoExtra note: I can boot the -386 kernel fine02:17
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Shizboomokay new error02:17
Shizboombash: checkinstall: command not found02:17
LjLShizboom: sudo aptitude install checkinstall02:17
dr_williskakalto,  odd.. ive never had any issues with these wireless things.. try a normal keybopard/mouse to double check I guess.02:17
landsgerUSUL:  OK.  Got my editor to finally scroll to the bottom of Xorg log file;  there is an error message: screens found, but none have a usable configuratio.  Fatal error:  no screens found02:17
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Shizboomdid it!02:17
LjLShizboom: how long it takes to compile depends entirely on what you are compiling, as well as on computer02:17
cartesian1984LjL, does aptitude have any advantages over apt-get?02:18
ubotuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptitudeSurvivalGuide02:18
kakaltodr_willis: duh. why didn't I think of doing that. Will try. I'll just see if I get any other answers first =)02:18
Warbocartesian1984: run it with no options and see02:18
erUSULlandsg: and the dpkg-reconfigure did not help you the last time you tried, didn't it?02:18
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cartesian1984Warbo, oh, I knew about that, just asking about the more CLIish implementation of it.02:19
landsgright, same error message02:19
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eugmanAny solutions to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-cups-manager/+bug/44196 ? It's VERY annoying.02:19
Warbocartesian1984: Maybe with remove it is better, since it tends to get rid of orphaned stuff more02:19
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cartesian1984Warbo, ah. Thanks.02:20
Mnabilhello guys , i installed openssh-server  , when i  /etc/init.d/ssh start ....  it fails02:20
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ShizboomWarbo - if i get upto checkinstall does that usually mean the program will run?02:20
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Mnabilanybody can help02:20
LjLWarbo: well, it's easy to get rid of it "more", when the counterparts don't get rid of it at all ;)02:20
amonkeyhey #ubuntu, what's your favorite linux torrent client?02:20
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:20
nix_chix0ryea, so questions on ubuntu, and how to set up linksys  wireless g pci adapter.. bound to be some one in here who has an idea because the stuff i read isnt much help02:20
dr_willisamonkey,  depends onm your needs. :)02:20
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erUSULlandsg: can you post your xorg.conf in pastebin?02:20
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:21
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amonkeydr_willis, multiple torrents, some sort of intelligent seeding02:21
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dr_willisamonkey,  that would be most all of them then. :P02:21
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Mnabilhello guys , i installed openssh-server  , when i  /etc/init.d/ssh start ....  it fails ,  anybody can help me ?!02:22
=== Big_Wolf [n=Big_Wolf@c-68-83-8-113.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nix_chix0rbahhhhhhh.......... networking any one :\ don't be shy02:22
amonkeydr_willis, not to be rude,  but that's really less than helpful. i was just looking for a nice torrent app cuz azureus was pissing me off and utorrent doesn't run under linux nicely02:22
wrathloi am using the 5.10 version of ubuntu and i am currently downloading the updates02:22
dr_willisamonkey,  go get ktorrent then and have a blast.02:23
ubotuTorrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt) Bittorent faq: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html02:23
nix_chix0razureus doesn't work that great on lnux anyway imo02:23
nix_chix0rusually it's slower02:23
=== Drasla [n=kurt@CPE-65-30-158-145.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
dr_willisamonkey,  or rtorrent for console ussage02:23
kuzmastercan any one at all help me?02:23
nix_chix0rktorrent isn't that bad02:23
wrathloonce i get the downloads, will my system be the same as that of the 6.06 version?02:23
erUSUL!wifi > nix_chix0r02:23
amonkeydr_willis, thankyou02:23
=== technel [n=technel@66-216-230-160.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
dr_willisI do like ktorrent.02:23
pyrobobhow do I get gtk+-2.002:23
kuzmastercos if i cant get it to work, i will just have to try another distro02:23
WarboShizboom: After "make" the program is usually runnable from where it is (although if it includes libraries these may need to be installed first with checkinstall)02:23
dr_willison my file server i let it run rtorrent for weeks on end. :P02:23
LjLpyrobob: it comes with ubuntu. it's actually what Gnome is based upon.02:24
nix_chix0rerUSUL, , yea i suppose................. hey could you help me with my wireless issues/ubuntu?02:24
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ubotuwifi is Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper02:24
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landsgerUSUL:  I can't get anything out of my desktop machine;  I am using my laptop to type this02:24
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kuzmastererUSUL, ive already looked at all the documentation, they diddnt help, but can you help me?02:24
nix_chix0ri'd like real assistance02:24
DraslaI'm trying to run vsftpd through inetd.  the only problem, is I need to create the folder /var/run/vsftpd before vsftpd can be run, and I don't think I can include a mkdir in the inetd.conf file.  anyone know how to do this?02:25
roostishawwhat command can i put in the devilspie .ds file to make it so that the matched window wont minimize when i click the 'show desktop' button?02:25
amonkeyis there a way to disable the gnome menu's from scrolling?02:25
pyrobobLjL: then how come I cant make airfart due to:02:25
kuzmasternix_chix0r, same02:25
pyrobobg++ -g `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --cflags` -o src/main.o -c src/main.cpp02:25
pyrobobPackage gtk+-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.02:25
pyrobobPerhaps you should add the directory containing `gtk+-2.0.pc'02:25
Mnabilhello guys , i installed openssh-server  , when i  /etc/init.d/ssh start ....  it fails ,   anybody can the HELL help me02:25
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nix_chix0rkuzmaster,  i've read as much as i could tolerate fromthis so called"documentation"02:25
DraslaMnabil: what error does it give?02:25
erUSULnix_chix0r: i can help with general questions but wifi in linux is very dependant on the driver/card you are using.02:25
kuzmasternix_chix0r, same02:25
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LjLpyrobob: do you have the GTK *development* packages? you need *development* packages (i.e. headers) to compile02:25
Mnabil * Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server...                               [fail] 02:26
dr_williswireless in general - is a real mess - even under windows. :()02:26
nix_chix0rkuzmaster,  i have a stupid linksys network card for a desktop, and i've never had the chance to try to install it or use it on linux because my crap was all borked02:26
MnabilDrasla,  * Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server...                               [fail] 02:26
pyrobobLjL: yeah, thats what I meant, where do I get those02:26
DraslaMnabil: try running just 'sshd -v02:26
kuzmasternix_chix0r, what chipset is it?02:26
=== thierryn [n=thierry@modemcable251.69-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
DraslaMnabil: see what it says02:26
LjLpyrobob: libgtk2.0-dev02:26
LjLpyrobob: and please have a look at...02:27
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for a pre-built package first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)02:27
nix_chix0rpishh let me look02:27
roostishawwhat command can i put in the devilspie .ds file to make it so that the matched window wont minimize when i click the 'show desktop' button?02:27
ShizboomWarbo - mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/share/doc/GNUsTicker': Permission denied is what i get once it starts up the checkinstall02:27
MnabilDrasla, sshd: illegal option -- v02:27
MnabilOpenSSH_4.2p1 Debian-7ubuntu3, OpenSSL 0.9.8a 11 Oct 200502:27
Mnabilusage: sshd [-46Ddeiqt]  [-b bits]  [-f config_file]  [-g login_grace_time] 02:27
Mnabil            [-h host_key_file]  [-k key_gen_time]  [-o option]  [-p port]  [-u len] 02:27
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:28
DraslaMnabil: sorry, wrong command.  try 'sudo sshd -e'.02:28
=== Dimitris [i=Absolut@acr-as4-14.cytanet.com.cy] has joined #Ubuntu
ubotushipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org02:28
=== nbdyspcl [n=ftg2@30-201.69-92-cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
WarboShizboom: "sudo checkinstall -D --install"02:28
nix_chix0rkuzmaster, PCI\VEN_1814&DEV_0201&SUBSYS_00321737&REV_01\4&3A33F01C&0&68F002:28
nix_chix0r        is the device instance id, the model number is WMP54G02:28
=== Alphax stabs ubotu for stating the obvious. Bloody hell, why do I need to put in all these personal details?
gnomefreakWarbo: whats the -D parameter do?02:29
cello_rasphow do i install from the cd rather than the net?02:29
MnabilDrasla, sshd re-exec requires execution with an absolute path02:29
=== SurfnKid [n=SurfnKid@cpe-66-68-241-20.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kuzmasternix_chix0r, ok......02:29
DimitrisAnyone gotten the modem on a dell inspiron 6000 to work?02:29
=== EnCh4nt3r [n=dimi@unaffiliated/ench4nt3r] has joined #ubuntu
erUSULnix_chix0r: lspci will give you the chip of the wireless02:29
noctii get failed to open dvd://102:29
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nix_chix0rerUSUL, ea well........let me just oh i dont know reboot to find out..........02:30
DraslaMnabil: sounds to me like it's already running.  have you tried '/etc/init.d/ssh restart'?02:30
erpoHow do I build an initramfs image so that my kernel can have the cool ubuntu graphical boot?02:30
erUSULnix_chix0r: lspaci in a terminal02:30
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ShizboomWarbo - okay i think it installed - but02:31
ShizboomWarbo - i see it added to my panel options but when i add it nothing happens02:31
MnabilDrasla, thanx02:32
=== kakalto [n=kakalto@wired-210-54-56-157.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
DraslaMnabil: np02:32
kakaltokernel boot options 'noapic nolapic' do exactly what? I can't boot my -k7 kernel with those options, but I can boot the -386 kernel with them.02:32
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noctii get failed to open dvd://102:32
noctii get failed to open dvd://102:32
noctii get failed to open dvd://102:32
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gnomefreaknocti: please dont repeat02:33
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noctignomefreak: i installed the libdvdread3 and libdvdcss2 and still dvd wont play02:33
gnomefreaknocti: did you do the regoin set?02:34
nix_chix0rerUSUL, , RaLink RT25000 is the chipset i think02:34
noctignomefreak: yes02:34
=== fcaolpa [n=fcaolpa@163.Red-83-57-195.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreaknocti: is your dvd drive mounted?02:34
erUSULnix_chix0r: it is the same chipset as mine. you are lucky ;)02:34
nix_chix0rerUSUL,  that chip set is suppported02:34
=== lecaros [n=nosign@127-12-223-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
nix_chix0rso i wont need the eh ndwisrapaperrer thing02:34
erUSULnix_chix0r: no02:35
=== Dial_tone [n=steve@ip68-4-102-155.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
kuzmasterwell then if no one will help me, ill just replace ubuntu with suse02:35
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nix_chix0rhaha kuzmaster  i could have told you to do that already02:35
erUSULnix_chix0r: i will post the stanza i have in /etc/network/interfaces to a pastebin. is for wpa. hold on02:35
nix_chix0ronly reason i installed ubuntu is becausemy system went borked and thats the onlyt hing that would install02:35
=== dnkidjit [n=ftg2@30-201.69-92-cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
kuzmasternix_chix0r, lol02:35
=== brew1brew [n=les@pool-71-252-138-34.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
landsgcan i install dapper over breezy and still recover my data files?02:36
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phunkalicioushow come when i installed sun-j2re-1.5 from the repos, java --version shows as 1.4.2? :|02:36
gnomefreaklandsg: just upgrade?02:36
noctignomefreak: i think i need totem-xine not gstreamer02:36
landsgi tried upgrade, but x doesn't work02:36
gnomefreakphunkalicious: did you run sudo update-alternatives --config java?02:36
nix_chix0ri have a little note pad to write down how to get connected in ubuntu hahahah02:36
noctignomefreak: sorry for the trouble02:36
phunkaliciousno i did not :O02:36
roostishawwhat command can i put in the devilspie .ds file to make it so that the matched window wont minimize when i click the 'show desktop' button?02:36
EnCh4nt3rHello! I get a scrambled list of files and lots of question marks when I open a DVD... what can cause that? Here is a screenshot of how that looks like http://img67.imageshack.us/my.php?image=slika13fx.jpg02:36
phunkaliciousi did not know sorry, i will try that now.02:37
gnomefreakphunkalicious: its ok02:37
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gnomefreakdont be sorry for what you dont know02:37
SelfHarmran livecd, chose install off the desktop, its been stuck on step 3, chose keyboard, for about 3o minutes now. has the working icon. anyone else get this problem during install?02:37
Shizboomif i try to add something to a gnome panel and it doesn't add is there a way to get some debug info, like a terminal feedback?02:37
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landsggnomefreak:  should I just try to upgrade again?  don't know if X will work again or not02:38
phunkaliciousit gave me 3 alterinatves but the j2re1.5-sun/bin/java says it can't create the virtual machine :/02:38
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gnomefreakSelfHarm: livecd has alot of problems please try from alternative cd02:38
SelfHarmroger that gf02:38
gnomefreakphunkalicious: hmmmmm it wont let you choose that number?02:38
phunkaliciousno it let me choose it but it dies when doing a --version02:38
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gnomefreakphunkalicious: java -verson02:39
gnomefreakjava -version02:39
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erUSULnix_chix0r: put something like this in your /etc/network/interfaces. put your passphrase and ESSID. http://pastebin.ca/8372102:39
gnomefreakonly 1 - not 2 ;)02:39
phunkaliciousoh sweet i guess it did work, thanks gnomefreak02:39
AlphaxEnCh4nt3r, looks like it was created under Windows.02:39
phunkaliciousnow if i do the firefox plugin it will use that version right?02:40
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gnomefreakyw phunkalicious btw you can set a bunch of defaults with the command02:40
gnomefreakphunkalicious: you cant set plugins with that02:40
EnCh4nt3rAlphax, yes it was.02:40
phunkalicioussweet thanks02:40
=== ftg2 [n=ftg2@30-201.69-92-cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakphunkalicious: hint sudo update-alternatives --all02:40
landsganybody know how I can get X to work again?02:40
roostishawwhat command can i put in the devilspie .ds file to make it so that the matched window wont minimize when i click the 'show desktop' button?02:40
EnCh4nt3rAlphax, also, some dvds are ok and some are not. But the interesting thing is that the dvds that show like this sometimes work... :/02:41
gnomefreaklandsg: change the drivers to point to vesa02:41
=== cbotar [n=complexi@bb-66-63-118-241.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu
phunkaliciousoh kewl02:41
cbotari just emerged kubuntu and windows wont start02:41
gnomefreakcbotar: are you on gentoo?02:41
landsggnomefreak:  I tried the VESA driver; didn't work 1st time, but I will try again02:41
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jrandomhackercbotar, first, that's a feature. Second, try #kubuntu02:41
gnomefreaklandsg: that is without knowing anything about your issue02:42
cbotari just got 5 free cd's so i wanted to install it well the other 4 i used to make holders for my frenchfries that look like the micky d's ones02:42
jchicohello, can anyone help me with an error I'm getting while trying to use World of Warcraft with Wine?02:42
cbotaroh ok02:42
landsgright;  i just tried to upgrade to dapper from breezy; now x is not working02:42
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ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php02:42
gnomefreakjchico: ^^^ try there02:42
jchicookay, thanks02:42
=== Acinonyx [n=Free@pc-97-85-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakjchico: or !wine02:42
gnomefreakone of them has a section for it02:43
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.02:43
=== juan [n=juan@cpc2-gran1-0-0-cust207.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
crogue5do yourself a favor and just use cedega02:43
crogue5much easier and worth the $502:43
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shadowpandaWarbo: are you here?02:44
noctignomefreak: mplayer says "can't open dvd://1" what do i need to look up to fix this? thanks02:44
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:44
gnomefreaknocti: thats all i can help you with i dont use pc for dvds02:44
nix_chix0rdo what erUSUL02:45
erUSULnix_chix0r: put something like this in your /etc/network/interfaces. put your passphrase and ESSID. http://pastebin.ca/8372102:46
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phunkaliciousoh wow that's cool, i can highlight an mp3 and it plays :O02:46
edutenhi I want to connect to internet via ADSL can anybody give me some assistance?02:47
noctignomefreak: ah ok, thanks dude02:47
erUSULnix_chix0r: edit the file and add what i have posted changin channel password and essid to suit your needs02:47
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skypaeduten, fire up a terminal and type "sudo pppoeconf"02:47
=== matthew_w [n=matthew@hlfxns01bbf-142177181007.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
skypashould be self-explaining from there02:47
canuteHi there. I'm trying to figure out my tv-out for my radeon card, the funny thing is that it works in the safemode thingy but it doesn't work when i start it normally02:47
edutenthanks I will try that02:48
matthew_wI'm having a problem with sound - my Bass comes out LOUD AND SCRATCHY, which didn't happen when I had breezy - I haven't changed anything else - is there some driver that it installed/uninstalled?02:48
dribblematthew_w: where is your PCM set in the mixer?02:48
CarlFKnix_chix0r: having trouble with WPA?02:49
nix_chix0rerUSUL,  'sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces'?02:49
matthew_wdribble, let me check02:49
erUSULnix_chix0r: yes.02:49
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nix_chix0rCarlFK,  having trouble with the network card and stuff on ubuntu02:49
erUSULnix_chix0r: you only need the parts about wpa if you enabled it in your router or ap02:50
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nix_chix0rorr name of wifi router haha02:50
matthew_wdribble; max.  But I have a huge soundsystem, which can handle this.  Also, if I set it to minimum, all it does is make everything quieter, the bassy sounds still scratch and hiss.02:50
=== ftg2 [n=ftg2@30-201.69-92-cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
nix_chix0ri don't need the passphrase02:50
=== Shannon1 [n=shannon@modemcable184.173-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
nix_chix0rand i just sneezed on my elbow02:50
dribblematthew_w, huh -- i'm at a loss :(02:50
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Shannon1hi everyone,,02:51
erUSULnix_chix0r: coment out the lines you do not need02:51
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skypawhat file is to be touched for fsck to check during next bootup?02:51
=== fire [n=chatzill@c-71-57-100-94.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Shannon1no 1 http://pastebin.ca/8371702:51
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CarlFKnix_chix0r:  look at my note at the very bottom of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo02:51
Shannon1no 2 http://pastebin.ca/8372002:51
fireHey.. can anyone help me out.. I am having problems with my sound..02:51
=== HellDragonx is now known as HellDragon
CarlFKnix_chix0r: that may be all you need02:52
Shannon1whats the difference and why config 2 doesnt work on 6.0602:52
fireI can't figure out why.. It was working at first.. and now I seam to get nothing..02:52
jrattner1QUESTION: What is a good program that will change my gnome background using my pictures02:52
landsggnomefreak:  VESA drivers did not work02:52
erUSULCarlFK: it is a very specific driver that do not use wpa_supplicant02:52
=== Tedd [n=na@ool-457b3b63.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
matthew_wdribble - they're Mp3, could the encoder be different...?02:53
nix_chix0rCarlFK,  i'llt ry   that02:53
CarlFKerUSUL: does "network management framework" use wpa_supplicant?02:53
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nix_chix0rCarlFK,  i have to get online before that works i'm told02:53
Shannon1the diferent config is to try to make mouse work on 6.06,, config 2 is from 5.10 live cd and mouse and clit on laptp works verywell02:53
erUSULCarlFK: i think it does i calls wpa_supplicant with the values extracted from /etc/network/interfaces02:54
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roostishawwhat command can i put in the devilspie .ds file to make it so that the matched window wont minimize when i click the 'show desktop' button?02:54
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erUSULCarlFK: *it calls*02:54
landsggnomefreak:  should I attempt to re-install or upgrade dapper over the top of currrent install?02:54
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ShizboomWhat do I do to debug why a applet program i installed isn't working?02:55
CarlFKerUSUL: "network management framework" only looks to etc/network/interfaces to see what not to use - you have to disable/remove them from that file02:55
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AndyCooll_landsg: the choice is yours. My personal experience was that when I upgraded I had hassles. Did a clean install and everything worked fine02:55
=== nix_chix0r waits so she doesn't get confused
landsgAndyCooll:  Thanks.  The only problem is that I have some jpegs I need before I reinstall. How can I get them into my usb drive using the shell?02:56
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dr_willismount the usb stick and use the cp command to copy them over.02:56
=== LGKeiz [n=LGKeiz@ppp-70-225-162-94.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #Ubuntu
sphooim trying to auto mount a sata drive mount 'Disk manager" says its /dev/sdb5 and can mount it. yet when I try to add the mount to /etc/fstab or manually mount it I get device does not exist any ideas?02:56
erUSULnix_chix0r: does the network card work now?02:57
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landsgdr willis:  for some reason, i don't think ubuntu is seeing the usb stick02:57
nix_chix0rerUSUL, no i have to reboot to try that02:57
nix_chix0rbut i was being told two things and i didn't want to get confused02:57
=== barktpolar [n=tailsfan@64-48-208-9.phi-02.cvx.algx.net] has joined #ubuntu
dr_willislandsg,  then you got an issue. :P plug it in/remove it - and check dmesg output - see if it shows it being added/removed02:57
barktpolarIs it possible to use different desktop enviroments with ubuntu?02:57
someothernickbarktpolar: yes02:58
XrekcaH*_* Are There Wireless Finders Like kismet That Work With ndiswrapper??? *_*02:58
eekranoanyone using xgl?02:58
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AndyCooll_landsg: try "ls /media02:58
AndyCooll_landsg: what's in there?02:58
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roostishawwhat command can i put in the devilspie .ds file to make it so that the matched window wont minimize when i click the 'show desktop' button?02:59
CarlFKnix_chix0r: my stuff is pretty shaky - hold off on it until last :)02:59
landsgi get cdrom, floppy, scsi, abd102:59
AndyCooll_landsg: any mention of your usb stick?02:59
landsgsorry, last one is sbd102:59
nix_chix0rok CarlFK02:59
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erUSULnix_chix0r: i have the exact same card as you and it works with the configuration i gave you. i extracted the conf from official ubuntu docs wiki https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT250002:59
landsgis sdb1 the usb stick02:59
Dr4gA nix chickz0r... sweet :o)02:59
Shannon1can anyone tell me the differrence on 2 xorg config in reference to a non working mouse,, http://pastebin.ca/83717 and http://pastebin.ca/8372003:00
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nix_chix0rooooooooooh you nkow what, erUSUL  i went to system admi, and networking03:00
nix_chix0rand that never loaded03:00
Shannon1Id like to know why config 2 doesnt work on 6.0603:00
nix_chix0rso maybe i have to do what CarlFK  said03:00
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barktpolarand does anyone know a lot about alsaconf?03:00
AndyCooll_landsg: not sure. If you "ls /media/sbd1" is there anything in the results which suggests it's your usb stick?03:01
roostishawwhat command can i put in the devilspie .ds file to make it so that the matched window wont minimize when i click the 'show desktop' button?03:01
AdamGquestion: if I edit fstab, it won't take effect until the next restart, right?03:01
nix_chix0rerUSUL, , also this isn't my network ;) its some schmuck in the complex03:01
erUSULShannon1: they use to different protocols for mouse ones uses imp/ps2 the other explorer/ps2 among other diferences in Section inputdevice\n identifier "configured mouse"03:01
dr_willisAdamG,  not really. it can take affect now - it depends on what you change03:01
dr_willisAdamG,  mount command looks there for what to do.03:01
eugmanhttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-cups-manager/+bug/44196 . solution bESIDES ENDING THE PROCESS?03:01
eugman whoops capslock fairy03:02
landsgAndyCool:  i've tried copying files to sdb1, but doesn't seem to work03:02
AndyCooll_landsg: when I plug mine in, mine is loaded as /media/Kingston03:02
=== ftg2 [n=ftg2@30-201.69-92-cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
erUSULnix_chix0r: go to the wiki page a gave you there you can see haw to configure your card.03:02
Shannon1erUSUL: I try that to pu tImPS/2 in the 6.06 xorg,, but it didnt worked03:02
nix_chix0ryea i'm readin it03:02
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barktpolarWhat is a good desktop environment for ubuntu other than GNOME?03:02
AdamGdr_willis: so if I already have my / partition and I want to start using a new partition as /home, it won't change until I unmount and mount /home?03:02
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fireso is there anyone on here that can help me out with my sound????03:03
roostishawbarktpolar, kde, xfce, fluxbox03:03
jimm1help: I have a network card like death.  Its the dwl-g510, has anyone got it working before?03:03
Shizboomhow hard is it to switch to kde interface?03:03
fireI am at a loss03:03
Shizboomif i want to try it out?03:03
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dr_willisAdamG,  you can change it in fstab and then use  mount -a03:03
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LjLShizboom: "sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop"03:03
dr_willisAdamG,  or reboot. :)03:03
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE03:03
AdamGok, thanks!03:03
barktpolarHow big is that?03:03
LjLShizboom: and then choose "KDE" as your session from the login screen03:03
erUSULShannon1: just copy the section of the file that works to the dapper file03:03
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neutrinomassHow do I get SSL/TLS support for links2 ?03:03
AndyCooll_landsg: what about copying to your floppy?03:04
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fireanyone on here that knows something about getting sound working????03:04
Dr4gI realise this is an ubuntu channel, i'm having probs with Azureus, however i'm running ubuntu, and possibly that might be causing the error.03:04
Dr4gI'm running ubuntu 6.06..i've installed Azureus fine.. downloading fine.. but you know when the warning messages come up on the bottom right of the screen and you can hit "hide"03:04
barktpolarHow big is kubuntu-desktop?03:04
Shannon1tried that  ,but I suspect GL Core to kill X,, it didnt want to start03:04
erUSULnix_chix0r: you can see that the conf i posted is the right conf for our card (in case you use wpa)03:04
Dr4gwell my hide button isnt working... has anyone came across this problem also ?03:04
LjLbarktpolar: big03:04
AndyCooll_barktpolar: around 1gig03:04
Dr4gAny possibly solutions ?(please read last 3 messages03:04
nix_chix0rwell i don't erUSUL  the persons network is unsecure,03:04
nix_chix0ri just click and connect03:05
landsgAndyCool: ok; can I just do a "cp filename floppy destination?03:05
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fireI have been working on this for hours and nothing I have read seems to work...03:05
barktpolarI'll stick with fluxbox then03:05
nix_chix0rso for the ESSID i'd have to put their router NETGEAR03:05
barktpolarI have dial-up03:05
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LjLbarktpolar: you can probably "sudo aptitude install kde" if you want something smaller with just the basics, but i can't guarrantee that'll give you a problemless KDE03:05
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AndyCooll_landsg: yep, you got the idea03:05
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Shannon1erUSUL: in 6.06 many othe stuff after the mouse in the xorg.conf,, and when I added the changes x didnt want to start,03:05
barktpolarfire: welcome to the club03:05
novato_ubuntuhi everyone...03:05
=== LGKeiz [n=LGKeiz@ppp-70-225-188-177.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #Ubuntu
novato_ubuntuI changed hd's between two pcs... and now I have to reconfigure the X server... what was the command? dkpg-reconfigure....?03:05
Dr4gAndyCooll_: any ideas ?03:05
barktpolarhey novato03:05
firebarktpolar: its really getting to be a pain.. not sure how to handle it..03:05
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pschulz01greetings.. I'm having an issue with keyboard input in Dapper..03:06
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LjLnovato_ubuntu: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:06
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barktpolarme either03:06
erUSULnovato_ubuntu: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:06
bimberibarktpolar: the package itself is small, but lots of dependencies will need to come in - i don't know the size but it would be more than 100MB at a guess (1GB is too much - kubuntu-desktop does fit on a CD)03:06
pschulz01Gnome doesn't seem to be getting the key event properly.03:06
barktpolarI posted in the ubuntu forums about it03:06
novato_ubuntuLjL that's the one i was looking for.. thank's ;)03:06
barktpolarI have a ESS1869 Audiodrive03:06
=== Drasla [n=kurt@CPE-65-30-158-145.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
barktpolarbimberi: I already ordered Kubuntu from Shipit03:07
LjLbarktpolar: just try it, anyway. "sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop" will show you how much you'll have to download *before* it starts downloading, and then you can decide03:07
firebarktpolar:  ill keep my eyes open incase someone gets you a fix.. the terrible part is.. I had sound.. but I didn't have it in games.. and now with all the messing around.. I don't have sound at all..03:07
jimm1Shizboom, do you think it would work if you got the kubuntu live cd and copied the kde files?03:07
pschulz01gdm allows me to log in, mouse works, but neither the laptop keyboard or an external USB keyboard produce characters at any prompt.03:07
Shizboomkubutu-desktop is like 450 megs03:07
AndyCooll_Dr4g: sorry, I've never used Azureus03:07
barktpolarthen were different fire, my sound card isn't being detected03:07
Shizboomjimm1 - no clue03:07
pschulz01It used to work ok..03:07
landsgAndy Cool:  when I do an "ls" with the floppy, nothing happens;  is the /media the right directory?03:08
bimberibarktpolar: ok, that will get you the live/install CD, but not a CD you can install kubuntu-desktop onto an existing install from03:08
Shizboomif i switch over to kde will all my servers and things stop working?03:08
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barktpolarI know03:08
manuelrazzarii've just installed ubuntu 6.06 on my mac (powerbook g4 titanium 550)... the problem I'm having is when the screen saver activates it fades out VERY slowly, taking like 3 minutes, and I can't interrupt it until it finishes fading out and the screensaver is active... any ideas?03:08
landsgAndyCool:  also, what do the colors of the filenames mean?03:08
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jimm1oh ok03:09
bimberibarktpolar: kk, just making sure :)03:09
barktpolarBesides, when I get the CDs, I'm going to use one as a Live CD and not install it until I get a laptop03:09
pschulz01Possible causes: 'ssh to remote xubuntu host' and installing and running a gnome app.'03:09
AndyCooll_landsg: /media is usually the correct place. Are you expecting anything to be on your floppy at this stage?03:09
pschulz01The symptoms are persistant over logouts and reboots..03:09
barktpolarPlus, Ubuntu has been a little problematic anyway03:09
ShizboomRight now i'm accessing my Ubuntu machine through a SSH nomachine server, do i need to be at the computer physically to switch to kde interface?03:09
AndyCooll_landsg: The colours refer to whether it is a file, directory etc etc03:10
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landsgAndy:  No.  However, both the sdb device and the floppy device show the same files on them.  wierd03:10
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landsgAndyCool:  What color is a device?03:10
jrattner1QUESTION: Anyone using CHGB03:10
ShizboomIs there anyway to switch to kde without going to login screen?03:11
barktpolarI think Sessions Shizboom03:11
jimm1I cannot get my wireless working, it is definitely the driver.  Is there a wireless card that will work with encryption OTB?03:11
AndyCooll_landsg: IIRC sdb is pan external device. Do you have one?03:11
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eXCeSSany idea on this problem? http://pastebin.ca/8374503:12
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jimm1I cannot get my wireless working, it is definitely the driver.  Is there a wireless card that will work with encryption OTB?03:12
Shizboomif i go to kde do i need to reinstall all my programs over again?03:13
landsgAndyCooll:  You lost me.  I have a 128 mg USB flash card; Ubuntu definitely sees it when I plug in03:13
dr_willisShizboom,  ya could run a 2nd X session and have kde in it.. or use vnc and have a kde desktop in a window.03:13
=== bimberi wishes he had even the slightest clue for pschulz01
barktpolarShizboom: Why do you want KDE?03:14
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WarboXnest has X in a window03:14
pschulz01bimberi, Cheers.. I'm going to be reinstalling I think.03:14
AndyCooll_landsg: it might well be that sdb1 IS your usb drive. Could that be so?03:14
WarboGDMFlexiserver does it as well03:14
Shizboomi want to be able to use an applet that will tick an rss feed through it03:14
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Shizboomand there is nothing compact like that for gnome that i see03:14
pschulz01bimberi, Any idea where else I can that the issue?03:14
bimberipschulz01: so keyboard works in gdm, but not from then on?03:15
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pschulz01bimberi, yes.. it is a little strange.03:15
WarboShizboom: Have you checked gnomefiles.org ? That is very useful03:15
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Shizboomdidn't see anything03:15
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pschulz01Oh.. just had a thought.03:15
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erUSULnix_chix0r: good luck with the wifi card Ciao!!03:15
Shizboomthis gnusticker should be working but it isn't03:15
landsgAndyCool:  I am hoping that is the case; how can I be sure;  I have tried to copy files to it, but doesn't seem to work03:15
bimberipschulz01: so could you ctrl-alt-f1 while in gdm, log in and reconfigure X?03:15
phunkaliciousis there an easy way for me to vpn into work like on windows?03:16
pschulz01No... it's persistant..03:16
ShizboomWarbo - you want to give this program a try? :D03:16
=== bimberi thinks he might have asked that last night
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AndyCooll_landsg: what message do you get?03:16
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-221-11.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
barktpolarShziboom: What about Blam Feed Reader03:16
ShizboomWarbo - no one on the ubuntu forms posted that they could actually install it03:16
pschulz01Found it!!!!03:16
pschulz01'slow keys'!03:17
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pschulz01If I hold the key donw it works.03:17
pschulz01If I hold the key down it works.03:17
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Shizboombarktpolar i want something small like this03:17
pschulz01How do I turn it off??03:17
isthisnicktakenHey can someone help me with my wireless connection.  Its  giving the error SET failer on device eth1 ; operation not permitted03:17
bimberipschulz01: sys -> prefs -> keyboard ?03:18
barktpolarJust Trying to help03:18
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anhey,guys, is there a SAS for linux?03:18
ShizboomAny other programs that look like this? http://gnusticker.sourceforge.net/onbottom2.jpg03:18
landsgAndyCool:  I copied using: cp -R *.* /media/sdb103:18
barktpolarDid anyone ever try to make Ubuntu Bread?03:18
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pschulz01bimberi, looking..03:18
=== citrus [n=sekuri3y@c-24-20-110-228.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jorvis_does anyone use a good image program like picasa in ubuntu?03:18
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landsgAndyCool:  looks like the files did copy over;  now I will try the usb stick on my laptop03:19
=== bur[n] er uses picasa on ubuntu
citruswhat's the default root password?03:19
dr_willisjovan_,  picassa has a port for linux now03:19
AndyCooll_landsg: And if you try with a "sudo" in front?03:19
barktpolarjorvis_ GIMP!03:19
bur[n] ergimp is not like picasa03:19
bur[n] erf-spot is more like picasa, but not quite03:19
bimberi!root > citrus03:19
pschulz01bimberi, sys -> prefs -> keyboard preferences -> accessibility (turn it off!!)03:19
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jorvis_my wife wants something easy to use, and the linux port of picasa keeps screwing up.  i'm trying to convince her to keep using linux on our main computer at home03:19
barktpolarAnyone know where can I download fonts like WIndows has03:20
landsgAndyCooll:  OK, nothing on the USB stick;  I will try sudo first03:20
citrusbut i want to be root!!11103:20
AndyCooll_landsg: Progress!03:20
gnomefreak!root > citrus03:20
AndyCooll_landsg: damn!03:20
jovan_dr_willis, i know but it is not a native port. Google used wine patches03:20
bimberipschulz01: aah, well done sir!!03:20
lecarosjorvis_ try picasa for linux03:20
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dr_willisjovan_,  yep.. but its exactly what you wanted. :) so you got to decide eh?03:20
jorvis_lecaros: I just said that the linux picasa port keeps screwing up03:20
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anhello? anybody knows sth about SAS?/03:21
pschulz01bimberi, Thanks for your help!03:21
citrusi still like being root03:21
pschulz01bimberi, I rally mean that :-)03:21
citrusfeeling all the powah!!1!103:21
teimuhi ubuntu, what do i do to install .run files? its a quake 4 demo03:21
pschulz01bimberi, I really mean that :-)03:21
jovan_dr_willis, have we ever....?03:21
landsgAndyCool:  what is the option to just copy a whole directory ?03:21
gnomefreakteimu: sh file,run03:21
jorvis_landsg: cp -r source dest03:21
teimugnomefreak, thanks!03:21
gnomefreaksh file.run03:21
lecarosteimu with sh file .run03:21
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gnomefreakteimu: yw03:21
AndyCooll_jorvis: have you tried gwenview?03:22
isthisnicktakenwhats the command to get a new IP03:22
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isthisnicktakeniwconfig eth1 ______03:22
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landsgjorvis:  thanks;  if I am already in the source directory, I can just do the "-R" option, correct?03:22
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bimberipschulz01: np :)03:22
jorvis_landsg: cp -r . dest03:23
jorvis_(mind the dot)03:23
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kakeihi did someone had a BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH after install linux on a raid hard disk?03:23
AndyCooll_landsg: jorvis beat me to it!03:23
=== pschulz01 was at wits end.
barktpolarI thought that was only with Windows03:23
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kakeibarktpolar: yes on widnows03:24
pschulz01bimberi, I'm discussing this with a guy at work at the moment.. there should be 'icon' or something displyed on the screen to indicate that accessability options are on.03:24
barktpolarAnyone know a good fonts site, I'm looking for the Comic Sans MS font03:24
jovan_pschulz01, there's an applet for the gnome-panel03:25
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AndyCooll_barktpolar: have you installed msttcorefonts? Are they not part of that?03:25
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barktpolarpschulz01: there probably will be in edgy03:25
remowilliamshow do i open up a archive with 2 partys .001 and .00203:25
landsgAndyCooll:  OK.  The last suggestion from Jorvis looks like it copies the files somewhere, but not to my USB stick.03:25
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landsgAndyCool:  This is frustrating:  shouldn't be this difficult!03:26
pschulz01barktpolar, Should I ass this as a feature request, or is it known.03:26
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AndyCooll_landsg: in your case that should probably read something like "cp -r . /media/sdb1"03:27
edutenHelp please I have problems with pppoeconf03:27
AndyCooll_landsg: and maybe with "sudo" in front03:27
jovan_pschulz01, you can add this applet to the pannel, it indicates if you've the accessability options on03:28
euclid_1Is there a tutorial on useful linux knowledge for newbies?03:28
AndyCooll_landsg: or "cp ./yourfolder /media/sdb1"03:28
novato_ubuntuisi there a way to install a serial mouse in ubuntu?03:28
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dr_willisnovato_ubuntu,  plug it in ( with power off) boot up.. edit xorg.conf ( is how this old timer woild do it)03:29
barktpolarIDK pschulz0103:29
landsgAndyCooll:  When I cd over to /media/sdb1 and do an ls, the files are listed;  however, when I remove the stick and try to read it on my laptop, it says it is empty03:29
novato_ubuntudr_willis: what do I have to edit there?03:29
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=== barktpolar needs a tutorial for sound cards for Ubuntu
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bimberipschulz01: hm, tricky one, in your situation, how did the accessibility stuff get switched on? perhaps a warning at that point as to the consequences03:30
dr_willisnovato_ubuntu,  the device in the input/mouse area  - would be my guess. theres a command that reconfigures X - that may detect/setup the serial mouse. I dont even have a serial mouse any more. :)03:30
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nrte_fivreAnyone know why gparted would refuse to allow the creation of extended partitions?03:30
ardchoillelandsg: is there anything in /media/sdb1 when the stick isn't in?03:30
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remowilliamshow do u unzip 2 files .001 and .00203:31
landsgardchoille:  Yes, the same files are listed03:31
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aLPHa_LeaKremowilliams: what file type are they?03:31
ardchoillelandsg: they are listed when the stick isn't in the machine?03:31
jorvis_remowilliams: are they rar files?03:31
novato_ubuntudr_willis: hehe.. well the things around here are not as good as I wish... but... :)03:31
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remowilliamsi think so03:31
pschulz01bimberi, There was some 'hot key' sequence..03:31
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landsgardchoille:  Yes03:31
remowilliamshow do i open multipart rars03:32
jorvis_remowilliams: try: unrar x somefile.00103:32
remowilliamsits multipart03:32
jorvis_if it is multipart it will pull the second and third, etc.03:32
remowilliamsi gotta open both at once03:32
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ardchoillelandsg: did you mount the stick to /media/sdb1 after inserting the stick?03:32
AndyCooll_landsg: Puzzled too03:32
landsgDon't think so;  Sorry, I am somewhat of a newbie as you can tell03:33
ardchoilleAndyCooll_: I think he cp'd the files to /media/sdb1 when the stick was either not mounted or mounted in a diff point03:33
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AndyCooll_landsg: My first thought is that it suggests that sdb1 isn't your usb stick, but rather another device03:33
AndyCooll_ardchoille: was thinking similar03:33
landsgwhat is the syntax to mount the stick to sdb103:33
ardchoillelndfirst you need to make sure those files don't dissappear from /media/sdb103:34
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nrte_fivreAnyone know why gparted would refuse to allow the creation of extended partitions?03:34
ardchoillelandsg: first you need to make sure those files don't dissappear from /media/sdb103:34
Shizboomwhat is a shell script usually called? XX.XX?03:34
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ardchoilleYou're welcome :)03:35
landsgardchoille:  OK, should I just do an "ls" again?03:35
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landsgwith or without the USB stick actually in the PC?03:35
erfHey, is there anyway to convert a breezy badger install to a dapper drake install?03:35
ardchoillelandsg: do: ls -l /media/sdb103:35
barktpolarAre the Shipit CDs regular CDs or DVDs?03:36
ardchoillebarktpolar: CD's03:36
ardchoilleI just got mine yesterday03:36
AndyCooll_barktpolar: regular CD's03:36
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Ademanwhere could i get the most recent source code for the gnome panel applet "Window list" ?03:36
landsgardchoille:  OK, the files are still listed without the USB stick in03:36
Ademancvs is ok, but i dont even know what repository03:37
AndyCooll_landsg: which means sdb1 isn't your USB stick03:37
ardchoillelandsg: that means the files are physically at /media/sdb1. you need to move them to a safe place, mount the usb stick and then mv or cp the files to the correct location of the stick03:37
bimberipschulz01: ah, right.  it's tricky because there's possibly a lots of config things that would be annoying if they were switched on unknowingly but to use real-estate to indicate that something is on might be overdoing it - perhaps some other way but nothing leaps to mind atm03:37
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ardchoillelandsg: do you only have one stick?03:37
ShizboomHow would i go about runing a shell script from shell? "sudo file.sh" isn't working03:38
ardchoilleShizboom: sudo sh file.sh03:38
spadessh file.sh03:38
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pschulz01bimberi, The 'accessability status' widget doesn't actually change at the moment.. (stays as the 'blue wheelchair' symbol).03:38
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Paradoxx_ardchoille: but if he makes the script executable, he can then, run the command without the sh03:38
landsgardchoille:  I have two sticks; however, the files are also on the hard drive I am trying to re-install Dapper onto;  I get see them in their original directory or on sdb103:39
pschulz01bimberi, I originally installed it so I could test it out..03:39
pschulz01bimberi, but that was a while ago..03:39
ardchoilleParadoxx_: good point03:39
bimberipschulz01: hm, well you'd want that to have some sort of indication - colour change or something03:39
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fiveironanyone have an ati tv wonder pro?03:39
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pschulz01bimberi, Grey out if disabled maybe.03:39
ardchoilleShizboom: since that is a shell script, do: chmod u+x file.sh  (use sudo if needed)03:40
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twystedhow do i specify the gcc version when compiling programs?03:40
Draslaanyone know how to create a directory in inetd.conf?03:40
pschulz01bimberi, at the moment it just activates the keyboard accessability menu.03:40
intelligiI need to ssh into my Xbox (running Xebian). How do I do that?03:40
twystedintelligi ask the xebian project03:40
dr_willisssh ip.of.the.x.box03:41
intelligiI see the client application thing.03:41
jcmcbethI'm running a program and it says core dumped but I can't find the core dump file anywhere, where would it be?03:41
intelligiDude, it's just like ssh into another Linux computer. I've done it from windows, I just need to do it from Ubuntu.03:41
landsgardchoille:  so if the files aren't on the usb stick, what is sdb1?  What device would it be?  There are no other sticks on the PC right now03:41
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dr_willisopen a terminal, ssh ip03:42
intelligiI need a GUI thing so I can copy files and stuff, like with winscp.03:42
ardchoillelandsg: /media/sdb1 is just a directory. when you mount a file system, you have to specify a mount point (a directory)03:42
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jribintelligi: use nautilus03:42
SurfnKidi keep forgetting03:42
jribintelligi: file > connect to server03:42
SurfnKidhow to look for a specific file on a terminal03:42
jribSurfnKid: locate filename03:43
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landsgardchoille:  OK, so how to I mount the usb stick; does ubuntu do that automatically?03:43
ardchoillelandsg: since the device is mounted on that point, any files you mv into that directory go onto that device. Which is why I think you mistakenly copied files into /media/sdb1 when that wasn't the correct mount point03:43
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SurfnKidjrib thx03:44
landsgardchoille:  OK03:44
ardchoillelandsg: my gnome auto-mounts devices it recognises and puts an icon on the desktop when it's mounted.03:44
intelligiIt won't let me choose to log in as root.03:44
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intelligiIt just asks for a password.03:44
landsgardchoille:  I can't get to my desktop, x is not working03:44
ardchoillelandsg: you can run the mount command and see what is actually mounted and where it is mounted at03:44
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landsgardchoille:  OK03:44
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erfDo I need the CD to upgrade to dapper from breezy?03:45
DarkMageZerf, nope, if you have a fast enough connection, u can do it over the net03:45
bimberiintelligi: Places -> Connect to Server, Service type: SSH.  You can specify a user there03:45
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dekaif u want join us03:45
dr_willisit pays to learn how to use the programs eh. :)03:46
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landsgardchoille:  I did a mount command, and I don't see anything that looks like a USB drive;  however, when I do put the USB stick in the PC, several lines of text scroll up and Ubuntu looks like it sees it03:46
SurfnKidjrib, whats the argument in 'locate' for a complete search in root03:46
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ardchoillelandsg: plugin the usb stick and run mount and see if it's mounted, If it is, where is it mounted?03:46
erfDarkMageZ, I certainly do, Im going to use my VPS03:46
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erfSo I basically just change the sources and run apt-get dist-upgrade ?03:48
Sakunixhas anyone here ever got ubuntu onto a xbox?03:48
Tom7emy dcc chats in Xchat open in the channel window instead of a new, seperate window.  how do i fix this?03:48
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sztanpeterf beware a lot of thing could barek tho03:48
landsgardchoille:  OK, I did a mount before and after the usb stick.  I do see a line that says:  /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)03:48
darkyoshi372Is it possible to run the server installation at higher than VGA, to use up all of an LCD?03:48
DarkMageZerf, the "best" way to upgrade to dapper from breezy appears to be to disable all 3rd party repositories in your /etc/apt/sources.list. remove all 3rd party packages from the system. then change the words breezy to dapper in sources.list then dist-upgrade03:48
ardchoillelandsg: ok, what is the mount point?03:49
erfDarkMageZ, It's a fresh install of breezy03:49
erfThe VPS Co havent put Dapper up for download just yet03:49
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landsgardchoille:  how can I tell?  there is a lot of verbage!03:50
darkyoshi372Anyone? Is it possible to run the server installation at higher than VGA, to use up all of an LCD?03:50
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Kilopopohi there is something wrong with ubuntu03:51
kakaltoKilopopo: tell us, what is this something?03:51
ardchoillelandsg: does that line read: procbususb on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)  ?03:51
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landsgardchoille:  YES03:52
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ardchoillelandsg: that's not the usb stick03:52
Shizboomhmmmm kde is pretty nice03:52
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Kilopopoits terminal located under accessories its terribly wrong to put it in there03:52
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landsgardchoille: oh darn03:52
ardchoillelandsg: it should read something like: /dev/sda1 on /media/usb type ext3 (rw) or something03:52
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landsgardchoille  I see /dev/hdb1 / type ext303:53
ardchoilleno, that isn't it either.. that is the root file system03:53
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ardchoillelandsg: anything noticable in /var/log/messages?03:54
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kakaltoKilopopo: well you seem to have found it in the end. what's the issue?03:54
landsgardchoille:  how about udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw)??03:54
Kilopopowhy is it under accessories03:55
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ardchoilleland do: tail --lines=10 /var/log/messages03:55
ardchoillelandsg: no, I think that is udev03:55
asdxhi, i'm running ubuntu 6.06 on a athlon 64/via motherboard, the problem is, when i install the nvidia driver, and i change /etc/X11/xorg.conf, from nv to nvidia, and i start X, X hangs...03:56
landsgardchoille:  dmesg:  "Attached scsi removable disk sda at scsi5, channel 0, id 0, ...03:56
epodasdx: are your OS and your nvidia driver both 32 or 64bit?03:57
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ardchoillelandsg: does that show a mount point? something like /media/sda1 or some such?03:57
asdxepod: ubuntu is 32 bits, and i installed the driver with apt-get, i think it should be 32 bit too03:57
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asdxepod: i was using archlinux before, and i installed the driver with it's package manager, and it hanged too, after that i compiled a kernel and installed the nvidia driver manually (the 32 bit one) and worked fine03:59
landsgardchoille:  it does say usb-storage:  device scan complete;  I don't see a mount point yet03:59
asdxwhat could be the problem?03:59
ardchoillelandsg: hmm.. does the dir /media/sda1 exist?04:00
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Shizboomdoes anyone know what this means, "Jul  9 21:56:00 SERV gconfd (nan-26589): Resolved address "xml:readwrite:/home/nan/.gconf" to a writable configuration source at position 0"04:00
Shizboomits an error message i'm getting while trying to run a panel app04:01
ardchoilleShizboom: my logs are full of those04:01
cwilluShizboom: does it still work?04:01
landsgardchoille:  no, just sdb104:01
cwilluI believe they're benign04:01
Shizboomwell this isn't working04:01
ardchoillelandsg: sudo mkdir /media/sda104:01
Shizboomso if i can figure out what is wrong i might be able to fix it04:01
ardchoillelandsg: what is the file system on the usb stick?04:02
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ubotuI know nothing about mono04:02
ryanri am trying to build gimmie and getting this error: /bin/sed: can't read /usr/lib/libXrender.la: No such file or directory04:03
ryanrlibtool: link: `/usr/lib/libXrender.la' is not a valid libtool arc04:03
lukaswayne9Hey.. Is there any way I can get dbus applications to communicate with each other from a different sesison?  For example:  I have rhtyhmbox running on my Xserver, and I'd like to use a vt to use rhythmbox-client to control it04:03
ryanrany ideas?04:03
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wyHi I've got a problem tracing multithreaded programs with strace04:03
landsgardchoille:  don't know yet, but I can snap it into my latop running Dapper, and it sees it right away04:04
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ardchoillelandsg: put it in the laptop, run mount and see which fs is on that stick04:05
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landsgardchoille:  It's Vfat04:06
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asdxi have a athlon 64 cpu, on a via motherboard, and i'm using a fx 5200, i'm using ubuntu 6.06 (x86 version), i installed the driver with apt-get install nvidia-glx, but X hangs with the nvidia driver, it happend the same in archlinux when i installed the driver with pacman -S nvidia-glx, but worked fine when i installed the 32 bit driver from www.nvidia.com04:06
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ketethatooblackhelp me04:07
ketethatooblacki really need help04:07
jchicowe all do. ;)04:07
ardchoillelandsg: stick it into the computer and do: sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /media/sda104:07
ketethatooblackim not understanding ilnux04:07
ketethatooblackits cool and all but downloading things on this computer is a paint in the ass04:07
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jchicowell what distro you're running?04:07
jchicoUbuntu? SuSE?04:07
ketethatooblackok i have a sudoku game and its in the archives manager04:07
jchicoheh Amiga :P04:08
ketethatooblacki dont know what to do after this step04:08
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landsgardchoille:  OK;  try to copy the files again?04:08
ardchoillelandsg: no errors with the mount?04:09
WarboHmm. I am trying to file a bug on nvidia-glx but the package doesn't seem to be in Launchpad04:09
ketethatooblackjchico can you help me?04:09
landsgardchoille:  no04:09
ardchoillelandsg: ok, are those files still in /media/sdb1 ?04:09
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landsgardchoille:  yes04:09
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tritiumketethatooblack: don't yell04:10
Warboketethatooblack: Add/Remove Applications maybe?04:10
ardchoillelandsg: do: sudo cp -r /media/sdb1/* /media/sda104:10
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whyamiketethatooblack: we don't have enough info to help you. You found some game and you know it is in the archives. How do you know this? Synaptic? Have you used synaptic?04:11
ketethatooblackhaha sorry.04:11
Warboketethatooblack: If you want to install your Sudoku game then right click on it in the file manager and go "Extract Here", then open up the folder it makes04:11
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ketethatooblacki clicked the game04:11
ketethatooblackon the site04:11
ketethatooblackit goes to the download box04:11
Warbowhyami: I think file roller=archives manager04:11
ketethatooblackopens archives manager04:11
tritium!enter > ketethatooblack04:12
ketethatooblacki have no clue what to do here04:12
whyamiWarbo: you're right.04:12
Warboketethatooblack: Go on "Extract" and choose to extract it into your Home folder04:12
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tritiumketethatooblack: which game?  Please check first to see if it's in one of the ubuntu repositories04:12
ketethatooblackwait one second04:12
ketethatooblacklet me open my file browser and see if the extraction worked04:12
tritiumketethatooblack: there is gnome-sudoku and ksudoku in the ubuntu repos04:13
ketethatooblackok it hoppened it has some folders and then a makefile04:13
tritiumketethatooblack: please quit hitting enter in place of a period.,04:13
ketethatooblacki think i got this04:13
ketethatooblackoff a random site. i'm sorry its how i type04:13
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Warboketethatooblack: Open a terminal (in accessories)04:13
tritiumketethatooblack: well, in a busy channel like this, please use punctuation and new sentences so as not to spam the channel.04:14
ketethatooblackok its opened04:14
TokenBadis there a way to install ubuntu from a hard drive instead of burning a cd?04:14
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Warboketethatooblack: If the folder is in your home folder then type "cd thenameofthefolder" and press enter04:14
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ketethatooblackok ill be sure to remember. thanks for telling me tritium.04:14
soniccolIs there any SETI@HOME related software in unbun-linux ?04:15
tritiumketethatooblack: thanks for cooperating!  :)04:15
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noctiTokenBad: mount the iso as loopback04:15
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Maze_of_TormentI just installed azureus and i keep getting these warnings and they wont go away anyone know04:15
Maze_of_Tormentanything about this?04:15
ketethatooblacktritium: im getting used to this name: response thing haha04:15
ketethatooblackwarbo: i typed in cd home and it goes no such file or directory04:15
TokenBadso if already have say linux on the machine...how would I do that?04:15
WordsworthI was wondering, would the memory errors I keep getting when I try to install Ubuntu be because I burned it to a rewritable CD?04:15
TokenBadhave debian installed already...but want to move to ubuntu04:15
tritiumketethatooblack: it helps us see messages to one another04:16
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ardchoillelandsg: how's it going over there? :)04:16
WordsworthI keep getting "Loading isolinux: Disk error 80, AX = 4200, drive 9F"04:16
WordsworthI have no idea what that means04:16
tritiumI'm off to dinner.  Good luck, ketethatooblack.  And welcome to the community :)04:16
Warboketethatooblack: The terminal is already in your home folder by default (the ~ means your home) type in "cd thenameofthefolderyouextracted"04:16
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Warboketethatooblack: The ~ should change to ~/foldername04:16
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ketethatooblackwarbo: OH hahaha. im sorry. i sound like the dumbest person alive. okkie dokiee. ya i mastered windows then decide dmaybe linux would be better. ok it gave me another line04:17
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ketethatooblackwarbo: excatly =] 04:17
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Warboketethatooblack: Does the folder you extracted contain a file called "configure"?04:17
WordsworthCould anyone give me some direction? Thanks!04:17
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ketethatooblackwarbo: nope04:18
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revilotim trying to install ubuntu on my desktop and its locked up at setting up clock.  any ideas04:18
WarboWordsworth: RW discs work fine for me. Have you checked the md5sum (see if it is corrupt)?04:18
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Warboketethatooblack: OK, but you mentaioned "Makefile"04:18
WordsworthI'm not familiar with that, Warbo.04:18
ketethatooblackwarbo: correcttt04:18
Warboketethatooblack: OK, try typing "sudo apt-get install build-essential"04:19
ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:19
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Maze_of_Tormentif anyone can help me with an azureus bug ........04:19
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ketethatooblackwarbo: asks for password. so yep ima type mine in04:19
WordsworthI know how to mount images, I use alcohol.04:19
WarboWordsworth: Look at that "VerifyIsoHowto" link04:19
Warboketethatooblack: Type your regular password. It won't show up for security reasons, but it is going in04:20
revilotim trying to install ubuntu on my desktop and its locked up at setting up clock.  any ideas04:20
randyDCC SEND 123456789123456789 0 0 004:20
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ketethatooblackwarbo: doesnt let me type it in04:20
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Hobbseenalioth: ping!04:20
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Warboketethatooblack: I said it doesn't show up for security reasons04:20
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hedgeAnyone know how to recover a partition table that has been altered?04:20
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VoXhedge: uhh afaik you cant04:21
Shizboomwow kde is really nice04:21
ketethatooblackwarbo: okk sorry i thought you meant the context wont show up until i type my password in. ok im going04:21
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WordsworthThere's no link to where to get md5sum on that page04:21
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WordsworthJust tells you to download it.04:21
revilotim trying to install ubuntu on my desktop and its locked up at setting up clock.  any ideas04:21
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ketethatooblackwarbo: ok it went through. a couple of lines showe dup and then it says do you want to continue y/n.04:22
Maze_of_Tormentanyone have any ideas on azureus bug?04:22
ketethatooblackwarbo: it also says04:22
WarboWordsworth: By the way, Alcohol is not needed in Ubuntu (the program at least). Unlike Windows Linux can mount iso images just like any other device04:22
ketethatooblackwarbo: 41.9MB of additional space will be used04:22
Warboketethatooblack: It needs a load of crap installed. Say yes04:22
landsgardchoille:  thanks, looks like that is working;  now I just ran out of space.  I will have to do a couple of dumps to get all the files04:23
ketethatooblackwarbo: ok its going through. i'll let you know when its done. thanks again for helping me. it wasnt self explanatory04:23
revilotim trying to install ubuntu on my desktop and its locked up at setting up clock.  any ideas04:23
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Warboketethatooblack: That's because you don't really need to do all of this. That "apt-get" thing? It contains a load of games by default, you just need to tell it what you want to install04:24
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balonyHow do I get up the program install manager when im not running gnome? What command?04:24
ardchoillelandsg: ok. when you have the files on the usb stick, take that stick to the laptop and make sure the files are actually on it before you reinstall dapper :)04:24
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ketethatooblackwarbo: i think its done. oh i see04:24
joebu23hello, I just upgraded my laptop to dapper, now it locks up at "Loading hardware drivers", any ideas?04:24
hedgedoes undelete fro Ext3fs?04:24
Warbobalony: "gksudo synaptic" "sudo apt-get" or "sudo aptitude"04:24
ketethatooblackwarbo: its went back to where i type in my next file or whatever after sudoku my filename04:25
landsgardchoille:  right;  I need to understand more about the mount points and why it didn't work right away.  Can you point me in the right direction?04:25
Warboketethatooblack: OK, when it has all installed type "make"04:25
balonyWarbo: ok, thanks04:25
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stephan__anyone have any explerance with libnjb04:26
Maze_of_Tormenti have a problem with azureus loading warnings and not going away any ideas?04:26
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revilotim trying to install ubuntu on my desktop and its locked up at setting up clock.  any ideas04:26
ketethatooblackwarbo: its done but it ended with two errors04:26
ardchoillelandsg: the only thing I ever research are the man pages, if you want to do that, then man mount is good :)04:26
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Gareth^holy crap yes ndiswrapper works!04:27
Warboketethatooblack: Usually source code (which is what you downloaded) follows a procedure of configure, build then install. Since yours doesn't have the configure bit it is likely to have errors. Try going in System>Administration>Synaptic Package Manager and looking in Games04:27
bur[n] er_anyone know what port needs to be tunneled to get samba access via ssh?04:27
Gareth^I've never been so ecstatic to see a flashy orange light04:27
landsgardchoille:  OK:  thanks for your patience.  This really helps!04:27
joebu23burner: ssh works on port 2204:28
ardchoillelandsg: any time :)04:28
Warboketethatooblack: Also there are some huge archives of stuff available.......04:28
Warbo!tell ketethatooblack about universe04:28
ketethatooblackwarbo: thanks. i will try it and i appreciate all you rhelps04:28
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dereks_has dapper backports opened yet?04:28
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ketethatooblackwarbo: so for all files like this i extract them > open terminal > cd folder > config > build > install04:28
Warboketethatooblack: Too bad that game you got didn't build (configure would have told you what the problem was and what you needed to do about it)04:28
bur[n] er_joebu23: but I want to do samba sharing through an ssh tunnel... so I gotta forward some other port... maybe 135... or 449 or osmething04:29
Warboketethatooblack: Try to stick to packages in Synaptic04:29
ardchoillelandsg: also, you can use tar to tar up files and save some apce04:29
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ketethatooblackwarbo: ok thank youu!04:29
ketethatooblackwarbo: got to go. have a great night. thanks for everything04:29
revilotcan anyone help me figure out an install problem, ubuntu is locked up at "setting up the clock"04:29
Warboketethatooblack: the actual procedure is usually "./configure ", "make", "sudo checkinstall"04:29
ketethatooblackwarbo: okk04:30
ketethatooblackill reember that. goodnight04:30
Dial_tonesweetness. I configured it so I can login to an XP vmware player session directly from GDM in full screen. no need to dualboot ever04:30
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Gareth^nice one Dial_tone - how'd you do that?04:30
WarboDial_tone: Wow. I can't get my head around the configs for GDM :)04:30
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joshhow do i get the compis/xgl software loaded?04:30
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Maze_of_Tormentcan anyone help me with an azureus bug?04:30
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loprohey all04:31
WarboDial_tone: Next stop, the Wiki!04:31
revilotcan anyone help me figure out an install problem, ubuntu is locked up at "setting up the clock"04:31
bur[n] er_!xgl > josh04:31
Dr4gQuestion: Has ubuntu replaced "su root" with "sudo" ?04:31
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems04:31
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ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports04:31
loprois it possible to install a windows program on ubuntu breezy?04:31
WarboDr4g: su still works, but only for root. Use "sudo -s -H" to become root for more than one command04:31
ubotuI know nothing about easysources04:31
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic04:31
Dr4glopro: with VMWare, yes04:31
asdxhi, i'm running 32 bit ubuntu and installed nvidia-glx with apt-get, i'm running on a 64 bit cpu (athlon 64), but X hangs when i run using the nvidia driver, i don't understand why it hangs when i install the driver with apt-get, but works fine when i compile a kernel and i install the driver manually. WTF!!04:32
Warbolopro: With WINE yes. Applications usually work, but games usually don't (they are copy protected)04:32
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Dial_tonevmware, wine or codeweavers04:32
Warboor Cedega or Qemu04:32
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revilotcan anyone help me figure out an install problem, ubuntu is locked up at "setting up the clock"04:33
Warboor Bochs04:33
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Maze_of_Tormentazureus bugs can anyone help04:33
stephan__anyone know anything about libnjb?04:33
Dial_tonerevilot: can you go back from that point?04:33
Warborevilot: I wouldn't know how to fix it, but if you end up withou an answer then there is always the alternate CD04:33
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Dial_toneMaze_of_Torment: what04:33
hondjeIs there a way to tell the last date apt updated a package?04:33
reviloti cant do anything but move mousey m04:33
Maze_of_Tormentthe warning signs keep coming up and i cant get rid of them04:33
revilotmove my mouse rather04:33
ubotuazureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AzureusHowTo04:33
Dr4glopro: WINE is a windows emulator, however VMWare imho is alot better, and i highly recommend it.04:34
Dr4gIts good when u wanna use photoshop or visual studio on Linux, just crack on VMWare :o)04:34
Dial_tonemaze, bring up help/about then close the dialog box. it will work.04:34
jorgeuhow do i get / set the gtk-engine that i'm using?. I would like to use clearlooks engine instead of ubuntulook (note: i'm not talking about themes)04:34
Dr4ghmm.. i just realised my scrollbar wasnt all the way down04:34
lophyteWarbo: doesn't wine stand for "WINE Is Not an Emulator" ?  ;)04:34
WarboDr4g: WINE lets Linux run Windows programs, VMWare lets Linux run Windows itself04:34
loproi have never installed a program with out the synaptic package manager, will there be command i will need to know, or will wine take care of that?04:34
Dr4gi was reading convos from 30 mins ago04:34
Maze_of_Tormentthanks Dial_tone04:34
ubotuI know nothing about libnjb04:34
revilotDial_Tone: I can do anything but move my mouse04:34
Warbolophyte: Yes, WINE is a reimplementation of the Windows APIs. Basically it makes Linux into a Windows compatible operating system04:35
loprovmware, okay04:35
dragonlol Dr4g04:35
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Dr4gdragon :o)04:35
TalentedChimpin /dmrc file can i have 2 languages set? e.g Language=en_GB.UTF-8,ko_KR.UTF-804:35
lophyteWarbo: I know, I was joking around ;)04:35
dragonme 2 :o)04:35
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jorgeuhow do i get / set the gtk-engine that i'm using?. I would like to use clearlooks engine instead of ubuntulook (note: i'm not talking about themes)04:35
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Dr4g(Drag) in my name doesnt stand for dragon, neither a drag (someone who dressed in womans clothes).04:35
TalentedChimpi mean .dmrc file of course04:35
Dr4gdragon ^^04:35
Warbojorgeu: The theme chooses which engine it uses. Get a clearlooks theme04:36
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ardchoillejorgeu: the theme itself specifies which engine to use04:36
loprowow, thanks a ton for all your help!!!04:36
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Dr4glopro: nps, i would have replied sooner, though my scrollbar wasnt right down, and i was reading convos from 30 mins ago04:36
hondjeTalentedChimp: I've never tried it, but I've found it easier to just use different users for different languages and then use fusa to switch between them04:36
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Warbojorgeu: Or if you can't find one open up the gtkrc file and change it into a clearlooks one (maybe a bit tricky?)04:36
hondjeThough scim works great for hangul04:36
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asdxanyone here running running 32 bit ubuntu with nvidia on a athlon 64?04:36
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dragonlol. i didn't think it ment dragon, bu yeah i was thinking along the lines of a "queen" lol04:37
elknof1hi everybody...  can someone help me with the line for Xserver reconfiguring??04:37
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ardchoilleWarbo: I did that once and the scrollbars disappeared, lol04:37
loprono prob, drag, im gonna try the advice now, thanks everyone04:37
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revilotcan anyone help me figure out an install problem, ubuntu is locked up at "setting up the clock"04:37
Warboardchoille: I ALMOST made a great Ubuntulooks engine. But couldn't find out how to change the scroolbar's white colour. So I gave up and I am on xfce engine now04:38
TalentedChimphondje i need to display korean in my network browser, workgroup and pc names show up as garbage04:38
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ndookiei need help with my wireless04:38
ardchoilleWarbo: lol04:38
Warbotheme, not engine :)04:38
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ndookieok , i think i should rephrase04:38
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phunkalicioushey has anyone played around with network manager and the VPN plugin for it?04:38
hondjeTalentedChimp: eesh....I've never had that problem, so I would just mess with .dmrc and see what happens :-)04:38
dragonrevilot-- mine did that last night, i'm not sure howto fix it...but after the 4th attempt at installing it just worked.....04:38
wweaselHey guys. I've been using Ubuntu for a while now, but this is the first time I try to burn a CD.  What software do you use to burn a disc image to CD?04:39
ndookieive got a problem with making my wireless network my default ... it doesnt save as the default..anyone else has this problem ?04:39
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wweaselndookie: do you use network-manager?04:39
dragonsorry, that's not much help..04:39
Warbowweasel: Right click the ISO in nautilus>Burn Image To CD04:39
ndookiewweasel : try nero04:39
revilotnot your fault04:39
loprowhere can i find VMWare? should it be in the synaptic manager?04:39
ndookiewweasel : thats where its not saving..04:39
hondjeYou'd 'think' as long as the fonts were installed that it would work fine, like when browsing non-eng sites or txt files04:39
nomasteryodavmware-player it is called04:39
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare04:40
WarboSomeone has written a fantastic Wiki page there04:40
TalentedChimpanyone know how to auto log to server and channels in xchat?04:40
MrObviousTalentedChimp: Yeah easy04:40
wweaselndookie: I use network-manager, and ever since I first selected the wireless network, when I see it in range it connects.  I believe that network-manager will automatically default to the ethernet if you have it plugged in.  I don't think you can change that.04:40
ubotuI know nothing about nero04:40
landsgardchoille:  Still there?  If so, how do I change dir if name is multiple words?  Seems simple, but shell won't let me04:41
ubotuI know nothing about gnomebaker04:41
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ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:41
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ndookiewweasel : but its not connected ... cant seem to figure out what the problem is though04:41
MrObviousTalentedChimp: What you do is on the server list window, choose not to display it, then edit the Freenode entry04:41
WarboCD Writing: Nautilus, k3b, Gnomebaker, XCDRoast04:41
MrObviousTalentedChimp: There is an option there for autoconnect04:42
wweaselndookie: when you click on the wireless it will connect?04:42
ndookiewweasel : how would i know if my ID is hexidecimal or ASCII04:42
ardchoillelandsg: cd /home/path\ to\ this\ dir/newdir/another\ dir\ with\ multiple\ words04:42
ndookiewweasel : it doesnt say anything acknowledging that its connected04:42
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wweaselndookie: to see if it is connected, try pinging google (either ping from command line or System -> Administration -> Network Tools04:43
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loprohow do i open a command to change my kernel?04:43
ndookiewweasel : thats my normal procedure, its not connected04:43
foxinesson nero burning i have to choose a-track-at-once b-disc-at-once ? 'am going to burn xubuntu'04:43
stephan__whats a site to where i can post text so u guys can read something04:43
hondjeYou can also use cd /home/"thing with space" or use tab to fill out the word, ndookie04:43
Warbolandsg: cd "/this/path/will/all be taken as/literal/values so it doesnt/matter/if it has/spaces"04:43
landsgardchoille:  OK, what about just using the cp command to handle multiple word directories?04:43
ndookiewweasel : i dont even get through pinging my router04:43
loprosorry, im brand new with this04:43
wweaselndookie: do you use WPA?04:44
Warbolopro: You can only change the kernel you are running by selecting a different one at boot04:44
TalentedChimpMrObvious found it thanks04:44
ndookiewweasel : WPA ?04:44
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins04:44
wweaselndookie: or, do you kno-w if your wifi card is properly configured04:44
Warbolopro: Synaptic can install new ones04:44
TraeIf I go to system > administration > shared folders   And share a folder via NFS, it installs 5 things [nfs, portmap, etc...]   { I rebooted }  I browse the network and don't see those shared folders.  I shared them on my local network 10.10.0.x04:44
ardchoillelandsg: cp /path/files /path/new\ dir\   .. you have to escape the spaces with the "\"04:44
ndookiewweasel : yes , it is04:44
MrObviousTalentedChimp: You're welcome04:44
wweaselndookie: The method of encryption on your wifi: None/WEP/WPA?04:44
ndookieits WEP04:45
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wweaselndookie: Alright. Have you tried connecting using System -> Administration -> NEtworking04:45
wweaselDoes it work?04:45
wweaselEthernet works?04:45
WarboAnyone know why nvidia-glx isn't in Launchpad?04:45
ndookiewell..i dont really have a method of trying that04:46
ndookieive deactivated all other connections04:46
ndookieand the wlan0 is active04:46
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foxinesshi,i need to burn xubuntu and i see two choose "disc-at-once" and "track-at-once",what colude i choose here?04:47
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wweaselndookie: I am sorry, I am not expert enough to help you.  It is possible your wifi card isn't properly configured.04:47
wildezy a t'il qu'elle cun qui parle francais04:47
wweaselwildez: #ubuntu-fr04:47
ndookieok , i understand04:47
Warbofoxiness: Both should be fine. Go with Track At Once to be on the safe side (I have had error messages which suggest that after a failure)04:47
ndookiebut one question though04:47
wweaselndookie: But I fear if I try to help you I might just waste your time.04:47
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.04:48
ndookiehow would i know which one my key is04:48
ndookieASCII or HEX04:48
wildezbut i have a prob and nobody on #ubuntu-fr help me04:48
ndookiethe key is 9e051d1ac104:48
wweaselwildez: pm me if you like04:48
TraeDoes anyone know if the system > administration > shared folders stuff is supposed to work at all?04:48
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Warbowildez: Do your best in here. I got a B in GCSE French :)04:48
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wweaselwildez: I am bilingual.04:48
foxinessWarbo, thanks :)04:49
Gareth^bonjour, mon nom est toilette04:49
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wweaselndookie: I've never worked with anything but ascii keys before...04:49
ndookiewell..that must be it then04:49
BioGeekHey everybody, I have a directory full with pdfs, and I want to select those containg a certain keyword. I can get the keyword out of a single pdf with the command 'pdftotext my.pdf - | egrep keyword --color=always' but how do I proceed?04:49
wweaselndookie: ask someone else. try wikipedia? you could also check at your router.04:49
wildezwweasel peux tu m'aider04:49
ndookieyes , i shall04:50
ndookiethanks for you effort04:50
ndookiei'll stick around here and see if i can help anyone04:50
wweaselwildez: peut-etre, mais ils n'aiment pas quand on parle francais ici.04:50
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.04:50
wweaselndookie: btw, about my cd question. Nero 4 linux exists?04:50
wweaselhe's tried that ardchoille04:50
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ndookiehmm , ive never heard of a nero for linux04:50
ardchoillewweasel: and?04:51
Warbondookie: It seems popular, but unneccisary04:51
wildezhow i can talk to you in french beacose i am not very good in english04:51
landsgardchoille/Warbo:  Example of doing cd:  cd /media/sdb1/xxxx xxxx  where xxxx is direcroty name.  Doesn't work.04:51
nvezholy jesus04:51
wweaseland I'll try to help him in PM. he says no one is helping him in fr.04:51
nvezeclipse-jdt - 128mb of a IDE04:51
nvezits better be good.04:51
=== Pythag [i=Pythag@AC923886.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
ndookiewarbo : gnome or kde comes with enough bundled software to burn cd's or burn anything actually..04:51
ardchoillelandsg: cd /media/sdb1/xxxx\ xxxx04:51
wweaselwildez: I pm'd you. you have a new message.04:51
Warbolandsg: You can't cd to a device liek that. You must mount it forst04:52
Warbolandsg: AA! Sorry!04:52
Warbolandsg: I just saw sdb1 and assumed the rest :)04:52
=== Dannz [n=dannz@ip-58-28-158-40.ubs-dsl.xnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
=== caturOK [n=Catur@] has joined #ubuntu
Warbolandsg: cd /media/sdb1/xxxx\ xxxx or cd "/media/sdb1/xxxx xxxx"04:52
wildezwweasel i dont have a new message04:52
dick-richardsonI added repositories to get w32codecs and libdvdcss, so I'm not sure if the broken dependencies I'm getting are because of that or not...can anyone else install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad, gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse, and gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse?04:53
ardchoilleWarbo: Thank you, I didn't know the quoted version :)04:53
=== Dannz is now known as DanielFaulknor
wweaselwildez: we'll talk in the #ubuntu-fr channel04:53
=== ChuckWard [n=ChuckWar@S01060014bfc6debe.mh.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
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caturOKhelp me about nocat plz04:53
ardchoillewweasel: Do you speak French?04:53
wweaselardchoille: yes, i am bilingual.04:54
ndookiemaybe i should try de-activating my adapter and then re-activating it04:54
ndookieand maybe d/cting it and reconnecting it04:54
ardchoillewweasel: Then you might be able to help others if you were to hang out in #ubuntu-fr :)04:54
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landsgardchoille:  not working;  if I am already in /media/sdb1, then what?04:54
Dr4gndookie: try formatting your system, then boot up and it will play jingle bells from the PC Speaker, err... yeah.04:55
wweaselardchoille: I know, but my mother tongue is English and my French is not perfect, though I studied it in the mother tongue classes.04:55
joshIm trying to play a dvd, but so far I can't get anything to work *I installed xine, and I am pretty sure that I have libdvdcss or whatever it is :/)04:55
Warbolandsg: If you are in it then: cd xxxx\ xxxx or cd "xxxx xxxx"04:55
ardchoillelandsg: try cd "/media/sdb1/xxxx xxxx"04:55
ardchoillelandsg: with the quotes04:55
=== Dial_tone ain't ashamed to admit he's listening to britney spears
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=== CrazyDoode knows that Dial_tone should be.
eugmanhttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-cups-manager/+bug/44196 Anyone know how to solve besides just ending the process? Would increasing the nice all the way help next time?04:56
=== chapium [n=chap@] has joined #ubuntu
landsgardchoille/Warbo:  YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!04:56
ndookieim going to try out the forums04:56
ndookiethanks for the effort04:56
WarboHow do you do that stuff in GAIM? (the *** stuff)04:56
lastnodehow do i make a fat32 fs in CLI?04:56
wildezwweasel i talk to you on ub...-fr04:56
ardchoillelandsg: lol04:56
=== ndookie [i=ndookie@cuscon30697.tstt.net.tt] has left #ubuntu []
chapiumargh!!! can someone tell me why every other inch of my screen is blurred?  I've fixed it in the past by fiddling with dri, but that isnt helping now04:57
=== hondje wonders if Warbo is talking about this
Warbolandsg: So it didn't work then?04:57
hondjeIf so, it's /me stuff04:57
=== Warbo Wonders if this will work
=== brownegg [n=basis@dsl081-227-025.chi1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
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=== Warbo And is relieved
=== chapium screams at the diffraction pattern on his screen
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wweaselwhat do you guys use to burn CDs/DVDs?04:58
eugmanwwweasel, gnomebaker04:58
ardchoilleWarbo: it seems that cd /path/dir/new\ dir  didn't work for him.. it works here, but..04:58
Warbowweasel: Nautilus, Gnomebaker, k3b04:58
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=== jessid [n=jessid@cable200-116-15-232.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu
eugmanWarbo, I've found nautilus won't detect my usb burner.04:59
loproi installed wine but cannot find it, what am i doing wrong?04:59
ardchoillewweasel: I like gnomebaker04:59
WarboAnd XCDRoast on minimal systems (and cdrecord on stupidly lightweight)04:59
wweaselWarbo: A combination of all of them? Is one recommended?04:59
landsgardchoille/Warbo:  nice humor;  I need that right now   ;-)04:59
=== grecko [n=grecko@dsl-201-133-28-95.prod-empresarial.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu
eugmanlopro, hidden directory. press ctrl + h and look in your home folder04:59
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loprowhated to use it to run a windows prog, but does show up in apps04:59
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wweaselardchoille: thanks04:59
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chapiumwweasel: are you writing data?  nautilus will work fine for that04:59
Warbowweasel: I would recommend Nautilus for day-to-day stuff, and a Nero like program use Gnomebaker04:59
eugmanno lopro04:59
=== Syco54645 [n=frank@24-54-145-55.pittpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoillelandsg: nah, you're doing fine.. just takes a bit of patience :)05:00
eugman you use wine to run an exe05:00
greckoHola a todos, hay alguien que me pueda ayudar?05:00
Syco54645how do i close gnome panel?  it is having an error05:00
WarboSerpentine writes audio CDs I think, but I have never made one05:00
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:00
eugmany either right click one and run with wine or05:00
=== Maze_of_Torment [n=lessthn0@ip68-109-109-73.pn.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Syco54645actually just the gnome clock applet05:00
Maze_of_Tormenti just had to delete azureus............... nothing helped05:00
dick-richardsonI added repositories to get w32codecs and libdvdcss, so I'm not sure if the broken dependencies I'm getting are because of that or not...can anyone else install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad, gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse, and gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse?05:00
WarboSyco54645: Go in System>Preferences>Session and on Running Processes make gnome-panel normal (not restart) then do "killall gnome-panel"05:01
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Syco54645Warbo: that did it i think, well the clock didnt come back05:01
Syco54645what about the gnome clock.05:02
Syco54645it seems to be broken05:02
=== simonpeter [n=simonpet@pool-71-241-188-140.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
VR_how do i force my modem to get a new ip?05:02
Syco54645ah i got it05:02
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Syco54645VR_: you dont, or change the mac address.05:03
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VR_Syco54645: yes you do.05:03
=== seagulltheme [n=shelley@ool-457431eb.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
dick-richardsonhow do you install the debian menu?05:04
VR_i'm testing if i can ban a specific ip to access a directory.05:04
wweaselVR_: Change the MAC address, power the modem off, power the modem on.05:04
spadesVR_ depends on how your isp recycles ips\05:04
Warbolopro: You can press ctrl-L to enter a location in Nautilus with the keyboard (so you can type hidden stuff). Also I think KDE menu actually has a Wine section IIRC05:04
Syco54645VR_: not that i have ever encountered.  all of my isps always gave me the same IP unless the mac address was changed05:04
eugmanWarbo, if i have an application going bonkers and trying to absorb all the cpu will increasing the nice all the way take care of it temporarily?05:04
VR_wweasel: how would i change the MAC?05:04
Warbodick-richardson: Install "menu" package05:04
Syco54645VR_: just like what wweasel said.05:04
seagulltheme I have a very strange problem, I keep getting error messaged which, when googled, lead to forums about KDE.  but i'm on GNOME!  the only thing i did today was installed some wrong nvidia drivers and reverted back, i have no idea why it is doing this.  anyone have any idea of how to solve this?05:04
wweaselVR_: Depending on what you have hooked up to the modem. IS your PC connected directly to your modem?05:04
whyamihas anybody used a WinCE device with ubuntu?05:04
VR_wweasel: yes it is.05:04
Warboeugman: Hopefully. Your CPU will still be full, but your other apps will get what they need05:04
=== roostishaw [n=roostish@c-24-126-92-199.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
roostishawhow can i retain the text i copy, even after i close the source application?05:05
Warboroostishaw: Paste it somewgere else :)05:05
wweaselAnyone here no how to spoof a MAC? I don't...I only know how easy it is in a Router.05:05
Syco54645i know how to change the mac address in linux05:05
Syco54645let me remember05:05
VR_wweasel: spoof? that sounds... illegal?05:06
=== dick-richardson [n=joshua@host-0-129-220-24.midco.net] has left #ubuntu []
loproi am so lost, lol05:06
VR_wweasel: I found something here > http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=security/changemac05:06
VR_not sure if that's ok.05:06
Syco54645VR_: they make cards that can hold 10 mac addresses05:06
=== slew [n=slew@cblmdm72-240-143-107.buckeyecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
roostishawWarbo, is that really the only solution? i know ill get flammed for this, but is there an app that will copy it to a "standard" clipbord... like in... um... winblows?05:06
Warbolopro: Yes, the Windows filesystem structure is confusing :)05:06
seagullthemeso noone knows why gnome thinks it's running gnu?05:06
wweaselnope, it's not. the MAC is set in the hardware, but it can be "spoofed", changed to somethign else. not illegal. but this is beyond me. Syco knows how to help you.05:07
=== Simthumb [i=user@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu
wweaselVR_: Good luck.05:07
Simthumbhello, I'm having problems installing Ubuntu on XP05:07
loproi have a windows program in my cd drive and i am trying to open it with wine, i right click and open with other program, and wine doesnt show up, AHHHH!! lol05:07
SimthumbI read the Dualboot HowTo guide,05:07
Warboroostishaw: I think there was one on the Ubuntu Guide. I think I have found that it is saved between apps (when you use copy, not cut)05:07
Simthumbfollowed it carefuly,05:07
Simthumband I get to step 7,05:07
seagullthemesimthumb, what's step 705:07
Syco54645VR_: the option is hw.  i was checking the manpage05:07
VR_Syco54645: i found this command that's supposed to do it > ifconfig eth0 down hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:0105:08
roostishawWarbo, "saved between apps"... thats what i meant05:08
=== klos [i=hans@p54A81A3F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
SimthumbI click edit Partitions manually,05:08
Warbolopro: Have you tried running it on the command line with "wine programname.exe"?05:08
Simthumbit takes about 10 minutes to load,05:08
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.05:08
loprohow do i get to a command line?05:08
Simthumb(Step 7 is to click Manually edit partition tables in Ubuntu Setup)05:08
Warbolopro: Applications>Accessories>Terminal?05:08
Simthumband after that,05:08
loproso it would be "wine setup.exe" is this right?05:09
Syco54645VR_: that will do it.  i wrote a script when i was in the dorm to cycle my mac address to mess with the system admins, that is how i know how to do it.  they also make cards that can hold up to 10 address that can be programmed into an eeprom on them and changed when ever you feel like it, but i think they have them set when you buy them05:09
WarboSimthumb: Could you please try to use punctuation and not enter? Thanks05:09
Simthumbin the guide it says to click whatever partition I want to install Ubuntu on05:09
SimthumbI'm in trillian05:09
VR_Syco54645: thanks. one more question...05:09
SimthumbI click enter to send05:09
seagullthemelopro, right click the program, click "open with.." and then "use a custom command" and in there type "wine"05:09
Syco54645VR_: sure05:09
Simthumbpunctuation? :|05:09
Warbolopro: Yes, if you are in the right directory05:09
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VR_stephan__: the numerical value at the end; what's that supposed to do?05:09
Simthumbis it still doing whatever it's doing now? I'm clicking send instead now05:10
Syco54645did they ever finish the wine project to emulate the start menu05:10
loprook, i'll see what i can do05:10
WarboSimthumb: Erm, . , : ; ` ! < that stuff?05:10
SimthumbI'm using punctuation not enter...05:10
roostishawWarbo, is a "clipboard daemon" what im looking for?05:10
Warboroostishaw: Yes I think05:10
roostishawWarbo, thank you!05:10
ubotuI know nothing about ubuntuguide05:10
Simthumbanyway, I get to that step,05:10
dragonhey guys, i've installed limewire but it won't open (or do anything) when i tell it to, so i downloaded frostwire, but it does the same thing...    :o( any suggestions..05:11
slewis there a good how-to for port forwarding/firewalling available?05:11
Simthumband all that's there is IDE2 hdc1 or something and "Unallocated"05:11
WarboSimthumb: You know what? I am,05:11
WarboSimthumb: Using some, you know,05:11
WarboSimthumb: Punctuation? But AS WELL05:11
WarboSimthumb: As enter05:11
loproit says wine created successfully05:11
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loprothen wine program arguments.....05:11
SimthumbI am doing that05:11
=== ttyfscker [n=ttyfscke@h14.166.140.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
SimthumbI am in trillian - is that doing something?05:12
seagullthemepm me simthumb05:12
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seagullthemescroll down to my name on the user list05:12
seagullthemeright click05:12
Warbodragon: You have Java?05:12
seagulltheme'private message' or something05:12
Fivesheephelp, anyone uses proftpd here?05:12
=== NeoAmsterdam [n=NeoAmste@pool-72-80-180-103.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu []
dragonyeah i have java.05:13
=== arthurgeek [n=arthur@200-148-12-209.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
Warbodragon: Try finding the .jar file and running "java -jar filename.jar"05:13
dragonit said something bout putting java in the path or something...but i'm slow :o)05:14
=== bronson [n=bronson@adsl-69-109-107-83.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
stephan__how do i use hot plug05:14
loproattempting a chat with you SEAGULLTHEME, if thats okay?05:14
Warbostephan__: It should be automatic (that's the point)05:14
Simthumbseagull I pmed you05:14
seagullthemei'm not recieving05:14
seagullthemedo you have AIM?05:14
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Simthumbno I have yahoo05:14
seagullthemethat's impossible, noone uses yahoo05:15
arthurgeekHello all! I installed XGl with Compiz on my Ubuntu Dapper. Everything is working fine (and it rocks!). But, gset-compiz don't save the changes. And yes, I'm running compizwith gconf setting. Can anyone help me? or point me to another room, where i can get hel (if this subject os so off-topic here)05:15
Simthumbbut I'm currently in trillian05:15
stephan__Warbo, well im trying to get my zen mplayer player to work with libnjb....i can see it in the lsusb but gnomad2 doesnt see05:15
SimthumbTrillian messenger I mean - I have a yahoo account though lol05:15
chapiumanyone have trouble with opera displaying hyroglyphics?05:15
stephan__Warbo, is their another way to test and see if its their or somethig else to do05:15
=== roostishaw [n=roostish@c-24-126-92-199.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
juantaoHello, I'm trying to set up gpg and lanuchpad has mailed me a messge I must decrypt. How do I do that in a terminal?05:15
seagullthemesimthumb, message "jellocube2001" on yahoo05:15
chapiumit looks more like butchered korean actually05:16
Warbostephan__: I have no experience with that sorry. If you know the device name (/dev/something) and the mountpoint (/media/something) then that is usually all you need05:16
=== TalentedChimp [n=paul@] has joined #ubuntu
roostishawwhat was the major way to speed up the gui of firefox on ubuntu? it had to do with tango or pango or something. im looking for the ubuntu forums thread... anyone?05:16
dragonWarbo where would this .jar file be?05:16
=== Moppin [n=Moppin@adsl-69-212-62-168.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
stephan__Warbo, that is only with the ipods ...unfortantlly zens are different05:17
Warbodragon: /usr/lib/frostwire maybe?05:17
Warbostephan__: Well I have a NEUROS so I wouldn't know05:17
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Maze_of_Tormenti couldnt get xgl to install correctly ............... had to re-install dapper altogether05:18
loprothis ubuntu thing is kickin my butt05:18
=== dicrapio [n=bhrich90@cpe-24-58-27-38.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
elknof1can someone help me with the line dpkg reconfigure Xserver...   its that i dont remeber how was the whole line to reconfigure Xserver05:18
Warbosudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:18
dlielkbuntu, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:18
=== mheath [i=Mike@c-67-182-231-23.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
juantaoanyone tell me how to decrypt a email message using gpg in a terminal window?05:19
loprosent you a chat again Seagull05:19
roostishawwhat was the major way to speed up the gui of firefox on ubuntu? it had to do with tango or pango or something. im looking for the ubuntu forums thread... anyone?05:19
=== TalentedChimp [n=paul@] has joined #ubuntu
Warboroostishaw: Tango is a unified set of icons, Pango is text rendering. Probably Pango05:20
roostishawWarbo, ya. would you happen to know the url to the thread? im looking now...05:20
loproim in a term window, trying to install a window based program from a cd, is this possible, or does it need to be on the hard drive?05:20
Warboroostishaw: No idea. I use Epiphany anyway05:20
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=== staulkor [n=staulkor@pool-72-66-26-236.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
roostishawWarbo, why epiphany? just curious...05:21
Warbolopro: Linux doesn't give a crap where a file is. It could be on the other side of the world over NFS, that is the beauty of the filesystem05:21
Warboroostishaw: Because it is better than Firefox :)05:21
seagullthemelopro, i don't think PMing is working for some reason05:21
roostishawWarbo, how so?05:21
dragonWarbo, which .jar file am i looking for? lol theres quite a few...05:21
loproyeah, just said waiting for you05:22
loproto accept05:22
loprono biggy05:22
seagullthemegaim is weird05:22
=== Phoul [n=phoul@S0106004005b748fa.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
seagullthemeif you have aim, message this screen name05:22
=== jonnyro [n=jonnyro@] has joined #ubuntu
Warboroostishaw: It automatically downloads stuff on one click, it has a bookmarking system which is WAY better than FF's and it has a better GTK integration (and no stupid plugins)05:22
loprome, i use gaim, through my yahoo acct05:22
seagullthemejesus, why is everyone using yahoo tonight05:23
roostishawWarbo, ok, good enough, and thanks for the help!05:23
seagullthemeyahoo-->  jellocube200105:23
Warbodragon: "frostwire.jar" would be my bet :)05:23
loprolet me try anyhow05:23
dragonyeah, that's what i thought...what now?05:23
Warbodragon: What happens when you do "java -jar filename.jar"?05:24
=== DeVil_Inside is now known as DeVilSouLBlacK
dragonbash: java: file not found05:24
dragon**command** not file05:24
Warbodragon: Oh, do you use sun-java5-bin?05:24
dragonhow do i check?05:25
=== Fatal [n=Fatal@marsrb2-pool1-197.mtco.com] has joined #ubuntu
Warbodragon: "sudo dpkg -l | grep java"05:25
loproit just says that you arent listed on the server, seagull05:25
elknof1Warbo, thanks...05:25
=== dicrapio [n=bhrich90@cpe-24-58-27-38.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
staulkori just installed ubuntu to a 4gb flash drive and im trying to boot now. I found a tutorial and it says i need to make the initrd image and im tyring to run 'mkinitrd' but the command is not found05:26
dragonwarbo i cant see a sun-java5-bin05:27
Warbostaulkor: What is the URL of the guide?05:27
=== PsyberOne [n=PsyberOn@c-71-201-237-39.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
staulkor5th post05:27
dragonjava-common & java2-common05:27
staulkorusing 6.0605:27
Fatalback on ubuntu i go05:27
staulkorand the drive is /dev/sda05:27
=== kalosaurusrex [n=aaron@c-71-56-154-201.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
loproi have a cd program in the drive, what command do i give Wine to install it?05:28
Warbostaulkor: I think it is "mkinitramfs"05:28
=== Pythag [i=Pythag@AC923886.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
seagullthemewhat is the drive letter05:28
loproshould be d:05:28
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seagullthemetype "cd d:'05:28
=== ang [n=ang@ip70-190-27-169.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Warbodragon: "sudo dpkg -l | grep gcj" "sudo dpkg -l | grep j2re1.4"05:28
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dragonwarbo: no such file or dir.05:29
loprosays bash: cd d:   no such file or directory????05:29
Warbostaulkor: I actually found out a method of doing this myself, and I wrote it on the Ubuntu Wiki05:29
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angHi, I'm doing the broadcom driver HOWTO (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper) and I'm getting an error that says this: E: Couldn't find package bcm43xx-fwcutter05:30
staulkorawesome, could you lihnke me please05:30
Warbodragon: Try: grep "using quotes lie this" intead in those05:30
Fatalhow do i find out what version of xorg i have05:30
WarboI think05:30
staulkorpage not found05:30
Warbocjones: See that little light? It's called CapsLock.......05:31
=== bjron is having no luck installing grub to his new sata drive :(
staulkori may have found it05:31
staulkor<staulkor> page not found05:31
seagullthemelopro:  "cd /media/cdrom"05:32
lopropoor cjones05:32
Maze_of_Tormenti hate that05:32
Maze_of_Tormentwhen it gets stuck05:32
dragonwarbo  "im lost"      lol05:32
loproeveryone thinks he's yellin at em05:32
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WarboThat came up in Epipahny and I roght clicked, copy link locationed05:33
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seagullthemenow type "wine setup.exe"05:33
ardchoillecjones: You can hold down the shift key when you type and that will put the case back into lower05:33
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loproit keeps saying cannot fin05:33
Warbodragon: Go in Synaptic and see if you have gcj installed, sun-java5-bin installed and/or j2re1.4 installed05:33
seagullthemeit cant find the cdrom?05:34
cjonesok thanks its just real hard to type this way05:34
loproi dont get it05:34
ardchoillecjones: I understand, but it will keep you from being yelled at by others :)05:34
=== dm_ [n=dm@cpe-65-31-19-204.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dragonwarbo: in the frostwire readme it says "You must place Sun's JRE in the path prior to launching FrostWire"         - what's that mean... lol05:34
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dm_Hey guys, how does one STOP X from running, Nvidia prop drivers arent installing while X is running05:35
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Warbodragon: "echo $PATH"05:35
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ljlolel_i love ubuntu!05:35
Warbodm_: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop05:35
seagullthemei love ubuntu too!05:35
dm_thanks warbo05:35
Warbodm_: You are using the Ubuntu packages aren't you?05:35
angHi, I'm doing the broadcom driver HOWTO (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper) and I'm getting an error that says this: E: Couldn't find package bcm43xx-fwcutter. Any help?05:36
ardchoilleWarbo: gdm == x ?05:36
dm_warbo nope, Nvidia prop drivers of their site, 3d from nv drivers suck05:36
WarboGDM launches X05:36
Warbodm_: nvidia driver is in Ubuntu already05:36
staulkorWarbo: the boot cd is optional, correct? because the computers i will be running this on can boot from USB05:36
ardchoilleWarbo: I always use sudo init3  .. is that a bad thing?05:36
dragonwarbo: what do i do next?05:36
loproany good way to get ubuntu to see a cdrom?05:36
WarboNooo! lost him!05:36
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seagullthemelopro:  only if it detects the cdrom05:37
cjonesdoes anybody know of a gui management/config tool for apache05:37
seagullthemego to /media/05:37
seagullthemeand see if its there05:37
Warbostaulkor: If they can boot from USB then you shouldn't need to do anything special05:37
loproit does05:37
loproit opened it, and showed the files05:37
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seagullthemethen right click setup.exe05:37
seagullthemeclick "open with"05:37
seagullthemein "custom command" type "wine"05:38
seagullthemethat should do it05:38
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loprolemme try it05:38
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seagullthemehey there05:38
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Warbodragon: Install sun-java5-bin, and just to be on the safe side, j2re1.4 then you can do java -jar filename.jar and the proper program launcher should work too05:38
Warbo!java > dragon05:39
dm_Warbo now it wants to check GCC but i do not have a compatable GCC, which one do i install ?05:39
Warbostaulkor: You may want to put the modules into the initrd just to be safe05:39
Warbostaulkor: But you won;t need a CD05:39
dragonok, where do i get it from? the java site or is it a package in synaptic?05:39
Warbodm_: Ah, glad you're back05:39
staulkorwell i think i may have just found my problem05:39
Warbodm_: do "sudo apt-get install module-assistant"05:40
staulkori installed this on a laptop that had ubuntu and windows dual booted05:40
dm_Warbo : ) <----- first time with a Nvidia card under linus : )05:40
apunahsapanybody setup mythtv on ubnuntu?05:40
staulkorand it is looking for /dev/hda2 which is the ext3 partition for ubuntu on my laptop05:40
Warbodm_: Ah, so Linux likes to go on top does he? :)05:40
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staulkorim booting it on another laptop05:40
WarboSorry, poor taste05:40
staulkorand its looking for something that doesnt exist05:40
WarboMissed the joke! It was LINUS, not X :)05:40
dm_Warbo crap i must be missing a repo, can you poastebin your sources?05:40
Warbodm_: Do you have Universe?05:40
TalentedChimpwhich repo do you need for j2re1.4?05:41
dm_warbo i been away from linux for a while05:41
dm_warbo Universe ?05:41
staulkorer...im gonna reinstall and get back to you War o05:41
Warbodm_: Gimme a sec...05:41
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loproi cant find custom command05:42
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:42
WarboTalentedChimp: Universe05:42
seagullthemeyou right clicked  it, and chose open with?05:42
seagullthemeand below the scroll box it doesn't say anything?05:43
apunahsaphow can i add an application to start at boot ?05:43
dm_Warbo i just need the apt line05:43
Warbodm_: Here is my sources.list, full of crud http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1766805:44
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:44
Warboapunahsap: Put a script in /etc/init.d05:44
loproi opened it in a terminal, i couldnt find custom command, says"wine program arguments05:45
dragonwarbo: where do i get sun-java5-bin?05:45
seagullthemelopro dont open it in terminal05:45
Warbodragon: multiverse05:45
dm_warbo lols ive fortten where the souce list is05:45
seagullthemeright click it in file manage, click open with other application05:45
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository05:45
lopro"open with" does come up05:45
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource05:45
TalentedChimpi'm using the std repos that come with the ubuntu install, no jre05:46
dragoni just saw the ubotu msg lol thnx05:46
seagullthemethat is impossible >_<05:46
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seagullthemeand cd /media/cdrom/ doesn't work?05:46
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loprook, other app, then what app?05:46
wrathlohi i would like to ask what the roor password is...05:46
wrathloroot password, i mean05:46
WarboTalentedChimp: You have Universe?05:46
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lopro i have no where to type anything yet05:47
Warbowrathlo: You should be so lucky. It is scrambled05:47
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:47
seagullthemeyou click "use custom command"05:47
seagullthemeat the bottom of the window05:47
seagullthemeand then type wine05:47
seagullthemeand then you press ok05:47
TalentedChimpwarbo although, i'm actually using edubuntu, if that makes a difference05:47
seagullthemeand it opens it with wine and it gets all fucked up because nothing works in WINE the first time05:47
WarboTalentedChimp: The repos are the same05:47
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TalentedChimpi haven't gone to source-o-matic, should i?05:47
loproit worked youre awesome!!!!05:48
loprothank you so much05:48
seagullthemeyou're welcome05:48
dm_Warbo whats the path of my sources.lst ?  im having a brain fart05:48
WarboTalentedChimp: No need. Maybe look in Multiverse but I thiught it was in Universe05:48
cjonesman pastebin is slow today05:48
Warbodm_: /etc/apt/sources.list05:48
TalentedChimpwarbo i have all the repos selected05:48
jorgeuWarbo: i fixed the problem with gtk-engine by uninstalling gtk2-engines-ubuntulook05:48
WarboTalentedChimp: Do you have sun-java5?05:49
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TalentedChimpfrom the repos? no05:49
wrathloim trying to install my printer but i dont know how05:49
WarboTalentedChimp: It is apparently better (since it is made by Sun)05:49
wrathloplease help me05:49
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows05:50
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ubotuI know nothing about ubuntulook05:50
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TalentedChimpwarbo downloading fron sun now05:51
Maze_of_Tormenti'd like xgl installed but i messed it up first go around so i had to do a complete re-install of ubuntu05:52
roostishawwhat command do i put in my devilspie .ds file to make it so that the matched window won't minimize when I click the 'show desktop' button?05:52
WarboTalentedChimp: Why from Sun? Get it from Multiverse!05:52
=== DanielFaulknor [n=dannz@ip-58-28-158-40.ubs-dsl.xnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
TalentedChimpwarbo i don't have a package called sun-anything05:52
WarboTalentedChimp: Then use source-o-matic then05:52
Warbowow, 2 thens05:52
techniciani m trying to connect with squid proxy but i cannot ping ?05:53
technicianto any website but i can access what is the possible reason ?05:53
dionis anyone familiar with the package ipcheck package?05:53
Warbotechnician: Many browsers have independant PROXY configs from the system05:53
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roostishawwhat command do i put in my devilspie .ds file to make it so that the matched window won't minimize when I click the 'show desktop' button?05:54
Warbodm_: You have module-assistant yet?05:54
jorgeutechnician: an example is firefox05:54
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cjonescould some one tell me what causes this ?      http://pastebin.com/74433505:55
Mewshihi guys05:55
stephan__how do i restart hotplug05:55
dm_Warbo yep just got it05:56
dm_warbo what next : )05:56
stephan__i have a zen mplayer play i can see with lsusb but i cant see if with gnomad2 .....anyone got any ideas05:56
Warbodm_: OK, "sudo m-a" and it is pretty straightforward05:56
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CarlFKcjones: you need to post more, like what command you used05:57
dm_Warbo seems pretty fancy, lol05:57
roostishawwhat command do i put in my devilspie .ds file to make it so that the matched window won't minimize when I click the 'show desktop' button?05:57
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cjonescarlFK i was just useing update man in gui05:57
dm_warbo i guess im doing it right , we'll know when i fook it up05:57
Warbodm_: Prepare it then select nvidia, get, build, install then replace the 2D "nv" driver with the 3D "nvidia" one in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and maybe put "nvidia" in /etc/modules as well05:58
dm_warbo uh ok..05:58
=== gaz00 [n=gaz00@S01060015e96c00db.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
dm_warbo  i think its gonna want to stop X agian, ugh :P05:59
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techniciananyone can help me with squid ? ??????05:59
techniciani am having a tough time just on one point ? please05:59
Dial_toneanyone familiar with easytag? I can't edit multiple files at once05:59
dionis anyone familiar with the package ipcheck package?05:59
roostishawwhat command do i put in my devilspie .ds file to make it so that the matched window won't minimize when I click the 'show desktop' button?06:00
TalentedChimpwarbo got it, me not knowing how to use synaptic, been using mandriva06:00
CarlFKtechnician: I am guessing you need to do one little thing :)06:00
Warbodm_: you can do it all inside X then restart it when you have it recongigured06:00
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dm_Warbo ah well cool , then i can stay on : )06:01
jon_Could someone tell me how to get Root again? I forgot :\06:01
dm_ Warbo things have really changed, i like the new looks :06:01
ubotuI know nothing about sudoroot06:01
jon_Thank you! I kenw it was something like that :D06:01
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:01
ubotuI know nothing about monkies06:01
dm_ubotu monkes06:01
ubotuI know nothing about monkes06:01
=== firebird619 [n=firebird@user-33qts1v.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
dm_ubotu used to say some cool stuff :06:02
ubotuI know nothing about used to say some cool stuff :06:02
Warbojon_: "sudo -s -H", "sudo -i", "sudo su", "sudo bash", "sudo sh"06:02
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WarboIn that order of preference06:02
jon_Thanks =] 06:02
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CarlFKWarbo: please don't help people hurt themselves06:03
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WarboCarlFK: He asked. And I gave the !rootsudo first (well, second)06:03
[Ex0r] hmm06:03
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CarlFKWarbo: again: please don't.06:04
lepinegreetings everyone06:04
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cefbtw: 'sudo -s -H' is still harmful - it's better to use 'sudo -i'06:05
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WarboI have found that the DISPLAY is not set in sudo -i, but it is in sudo -s -H06:05
lepinehas anyone installed ubuntu on a dell 9150, or atleast with a sata drive? the installer seems to hang when it proposes to create space or let the user do partitioning ...06:05
eobanbwhy use sudo -s -H when you can use gksudo06:06
firebird619What repository to I need to have to install MythTV and all of its dependencies? I added deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org sarge main to the sources.list file, but I get messages that other certain packages are dependencies but they won't be installed or aren't installable.06:06
lepinethe documents i06:06
cefWarbo: use gksudo then06:06
lepine've found mentionned changing mobis and stuff i don't really feel like doing06:06
Warbogksudo doesn't give terminal output, and it doesn't give you a terminal06:06
eobanbfirebird619, mythtv should already be in the ubuntu repository06:06
eobanbwhy would you need DISPLAY set for command line app06:06
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dm_Warbo which package do i select? xorg?06:07
Warbodm_: nvidia06:07
firebird619eobanb: I thought it should have been too, but it wasn't. I always run sudo apt-get update before I search for packages and even after updating it didn't have any mythtv packages until I added that repo that I listed above in my message.06:07
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dm_Warbo get, build, or install ?06:08
VR_damn i hate azureus!06:08
eobanbfirebird619, it's in multiverse.....06:08
Warboone, then the next, then the last06:08
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource06:08
ubotuTorrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt) Bittorent faq: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html06:08
=== Quaternion [n=carlos@202-180-123-47.jetbuster.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
firebird619I have the multiverse repo in the sources.list file and it isn't commented out. What could the problem be?06:08
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Warbofirebird619: You sure it isn't backports multiverse?06:09
jon_Can someone help me..I get this error.. "./zDSBot3-2120: error while loading shared libraries: libstdcc+.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:09
dm_Warbo was that to me ? "one, then the next then the las"?06:09
eobanbfirebird619, i doubt you really have multiverse in your sources.list06:09
Warbodm_: Yes, Get it then build it then install it06:09
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Hobbseejon_: search packages.ubuntu.com to see which package has that file, and install it.06:10
dm_Warbo but is it going to install the Proprietary driver from Nvidea06:10
firebird619I also just tried installing kino, which went ok and is now installed, but I tried then to install kino dvtitler, and it says it depends on kino, but kino won't be installed, yet it is already installed.06:10
dm_Warbo the installer i downloaded06:10
Hobbseejon_: there's a search box - one for packages, and then one for files.  the files one is the one you want06:10
jon_Okay, thanks=] 06:10
Warbodm_: Yes, that's what the nvidia driver is. The 2D nv driver doesn't need this module-assistant crap because it is automatic06:10
eobanbfirebird619, that probably has to do with the fact that you added some random other repository to your sources.list06:10
Warbodm_: It will install the nvidia driver which is already in Ubuntu06:11
dm_Warbo oh okie06:11
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eobanbfirebird619, or it's just saying that you're fine because you have kino already06:11
xiceanyone have any experience with beautiful soup??? if so PM me06:11
firebird619eobanb: My mistake, the multiverse is only on the backports, which Warbo just mentioned. Which repo do I add multiverse to?06:11
landsgWarbol/ardchoille:  Hello, back again.  I am trying to migrate the last few files over via to my laptop via usb stick.  When I go put the stick back into the PC, it doesn't mount it properly. Any ideas?06:11
roostishawwhat command do i put in my devilspie .ds file to make it so that the matched window won't minimize when I click the 'show desktop' button?06:12
dm_Warbo how do i know its done right?06:12
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource06:12
Warbofirebird619: The line about "universe" (with the "not supported" bit)06:12
eobanb^---read that please, firebird61906:12
Warbodm_: After it's installed exit and do "sudo modprobe nvidia"06:12
dm_Warbo nothing came back06:12
Warbodm_: Good, then it's installed06:13
firebird619eobanb: Ok, Thank You06:13
=== Trae [n=october@ip24-252-207-46.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
dm_Warbo whats the command for the glxgears with FPS report?06:13
Warbodm_: Open up /etc/X11/xorg.conf and cange "nv" to "nvidia" and maybe add a line under that one which says "Option             "NoLogo"          "true""06:13
Warbodm_: You will need to tell Xorg to use the nvidia driver, then restart06:14
Warbo(Xorg, not the computer)06:14
jon_I've been searching the site and cannot find libstdcc+.so.506:14
lepinedoes ubuntu support sata out of the box ?06:14
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Warboglxgears -printfps I think (it says that's not an option for me though :( )06:14
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Traesudo mount myFiles   <-- this command just sits there.... forever it seems, and then it finally goes thourgh and it works.  I thought it might be ipv6, but it isn't.  I disabled ipv6.06:14
Warbojon_: linstdc++.so.506:15
Warbojon_: "ls /lib/libstdc*"06:15
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cefTrae: are you specifying the type of FS to mount?06:15
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Traecef, not above, no06:16
Traethe above command is what I'm using06:16
dm_warbo BRB06:16
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jon_Didn't work.06:16
WarboAnyone know why nvidia-glx is not in Launchpad's list of packages? I need to file a bug about it's dependencies06:16
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Warbojon_: That command shows you what libraries you have which have "libstdc" at the beginning. There may not be a .so.5, but there may be a .so.6 or something which you could make a link to06:17
Geoffrey2when you're installing an application, which directory do you typically want to install it under?06:18
=== PenguinOfDoom [i=foobar@spleen.xzrq.net] has joined #ubuntu
jon_No it's not showing anything. Says no such file or directory.06:18
WarboGeoffrey2: In Syanptic it will go in /usr. Manually use checkinstall to put it in /usr/local06:18
Warbojon_: Try /usr/lib06:18
jon_ls /lib worked06:18
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el_alexlunahi all!06:18
eobanbwelcome, el_alexluna06:19
Warbojon_: Yeah, but you can't link a random library to replace an unrelated one06:19
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Geoffrey2Warbo, um, what is checkinstall?06:19
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ubotucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall06:19
jon_In ls /lib I see a quit libc.so.606:19
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megasquidanyone have a guide to setting up sound in 6.0606:20
el_alexlunahow i can boot from de cd without gnome?06:20
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Warbojon_: libc is for C, linstdc++ is something to do with C++ (they are very different)06:20
Bassettsel_alexluna, you need the alternate cd for that06:20
jon_libstdc++.so.5 is what I ned though..Not linstdc++06:21
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Warbojon_: In case you didn't notice, the ".so.X" are links to the ".so" files anyway06:21
Warbojon_: Your program is just out of date and doesn't know the new one06:22
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Geoffrey2Warbo, the application is a .bin file that self installs...I'm assuming I wouldn't need checkinstall for that then?06:23
lepinecould someone help me out installing ubuntu on a sata drive that doesn't seem to be recognized ?06:23
tgahey, my Beagle search doesn't return any results06:23
tgaany idea what could be wrong?06:23
Drasladoes anyone know how I can create a folder either on boot, or on inetd initialization?06:24
racarterapt-get install acl... is that all I need to enable acls in ubuntu?06:24
WarboGeoffrey2: Those are the worst. Maybe you could trap it in a fakeroot and build a package out of it that way?06:24
racarteror do I have to do anything else for the kernel or for nautilus?06:24
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WarboDrasla: Put a script containing mkdir in /etc/init.d and read "man update-rc.d"06:24
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rebelfallenI have a list of emails I want to send to, but I want to use a program that can send multiple emails at once. Anyone have some suggestions?06:25
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WarboOK, I'm tired now. Bye06:26
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DraslaWarbo: I thought init.d was just for daemons?06:26
Ash-Foxrebelfallen, can't you just include multiple TO: fields and let the mail server handle sending the multiple e-mails?06:26
jon_I got the file I was looking for but when I try to put it in the /lib folder it won't allow me to..Anyway to bypass that?06:26
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iamcitizeni have a problem. when I try to run "startx" it tries to load it, but then it comes back and says "could not open default cursor font 'cursor'"06:28
iamcitizenany ideas?06:28
rebelfallenAsh-Fox: I don't want everyone to see who is in the TO field.06:28
Ash-Foxjon_, sudo well let you 'bypass'.06:28
Geoffrey2sadly, RealPlayer 10 only comes in a .bin package, so that's what I have to work with06:28
Ash-Foxrebelfallen, you could use CC: or BCC: fields, I forget which one hides the e-mails.06:28
jon_What would the command be to move the file from one dir to the other?06:28
rebelfallenBCC hides.06:29
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rebelfallenBut I have a list of 750 emails, not sure how to "import" them to a BCC list06:29
shadowpandais there someone who can expalin the differences between regular gnome and ubuntu?06:30
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jon_What would the command be to move the file from one dir to the other?06:30
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Ash-Foxrebelfallen, in thunderbird I would shove all these e-mail addresses under one group, and BCC that group.06:30
cArNaGe``so who's running xp on fserve?06:30
shadowpandajon_: mv06:30
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asdxhi, i need help, i'm running ubuntu 32 bit version on a athlon 64, i installed the nvidia drivers but X gives me a black screen06:31
polpakjon_:  http://www.wtlug.org/story.php/view/54/06:31
narfmastershadowpanda, Gnome is a desktop environment and Ubuntu is a distro06:31
shadowpandanarfmaster: what does that mean06:31
asdxwith the nv driver works fine06:32
stephan__anyone know what udev is...and how to use it06:32
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narfmastershadowpanda, Gnome is just a part of the larger Linux whole and Ubuntu is a way to package it06:32
stephan__im trying to get this to work : Bus 005 Device 010: ID 041e:4137 Creative Technology, Ltd06:32
shadowpandanarfmaster: so Gnome has more abilities06:33
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narfmastershadowpanda, Gnome is kind of like Aqua in Mac OS06:33
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iamcitizeni have a problem. when I try to run "startx" it tries to load it, but then it comes back and says "could not open default cursor font 'cursor'06:34
shadowpandanarfmaster: never used Mac, ive used an apple 2GS though06:34
CapitalTHi everyone06:34
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Evilscientisthey does anyone know anything about xubuntu here?06:35
CapitalTIf ubuntu installer is based on debian installer, how come it can't find my cdrom and harddisk while debian can?06:35
Evilscientistyour computer is on crack? :)06:35
stephan__im trying to get this to work : Bus 005 Device 010: ID 041e:4137 Creative Technology, Ltd06:35
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shadowpandanarfmaster: that was a joke btew06:36
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narfmasteroh okay :)06:36
f3iaMust say, Ubuntu is the sexiest distro I've used06:36
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jesse_whats the command to restart alsamixer?06:37
shadowpandanarfmaster: ill wiki aqua06:37
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Evilscientistso is there a way to use winxp to access xubuntu desktop remotely?06:37
CapitalTAny dev here?06:37
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kaotEvilscientist: supposedly nxserver can do it06:37
kaotEvilscientist: I've got it installed but haven't had a chance to play with it yet06:38
f3iaThat's on Knoppix, I believe06:38
kaot(by "haven't had a chance" I mean "I'm too lazy")06:38
Evilscientistnxserver is?06:38
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f3iaI have 5.0.2 though06:38
shadowpandanarfmaster: so ubuntu is like a flashyer more graphical version?06:38
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kaothttp://www.nomachine.com I believe is where I dl'd it from06:38
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jon_How do I go about setting up a shell?06:39
asdxsomeone using ubuntu 6.06 (32 bit) on a athlon 64 with nvidia?06:39
narfmastershadowpanda, Ubuntu is an entirely packaged derivative of Linux06:39
f3iaSetting up a shell?06:39
kaotjon_: rephrase that?06:39
lepinecould anyone help me out with ubuntu + intel 82801 + sata drive please ?06:39
jon_Like to create a shell, I dunno how.06:39
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edanhi all06:39
f3iauseradd "user"06:39
f3iapasswd "user"06:39
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shadowpandanerfmaster: in Laymen's terms please06:39
f3iaBut change the home directory and stuff06:39
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edanI have a friend who has a question regarding CVS/Subversion06:40
tgaEvilscientist, VNC06:40
narfmastershadowpanda, Ubuntu is the most popular brand of Linux right now :)06:40
edan"I'm wondering if there's a system which adds version control to the standard windows filesystem, so applications don't have to specifically support the particular version control software."06:40
CapitalTAny dev here?06:40
jesse_stupid telemarketers....06:40
kakalto!tell me about mysql06:40
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP06:40
tgaedan, apps don't really have to support version control, unless you're doing it on binary formats06:40
edanI realise this isn't a windows chan but this sort of thing is more relevent to Linux users than Windows it seems06:41
shadowpandaOh ok, i guess that answers my question then06:41
Evilscientistthis looks like you have to be running an nx server to use it.06:41
shadowpandabecause i was thinking of switiching to gnome06:41
tgaedan, #ubuntu-offtopic or something06:41
edanah ok06:41
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jesse_whats the command to restart alsamixer?06:41
narfmastershadowpanda, you don't need Ubuntu to switch to Gnome06:41
shadowpandai know06:41
edanI myself have a question tho. far simpler06:41
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f3iakillall alsamixer06:41
shadowpandai was saying, reformat my computer and install gnome06:42
f3ia+ &06:42
edanhow do I change the behaviour of the ALT key?06:42
Hexidigitaljesse_:: /etc/init.d/alsa restart06:42
edanneed to be using Maya and that requires the ALT key06:42
jesse_Hexidigital: thank you06:42
tgaEvilscientist, I know Gnome has VNC built in so you can share your X session. normally the VNC server starts its own X session06:42
Hexidigitaljesse_:: np06:42
kaotedan: tehre's #svn too, that's the subversion channel i believe06:42
edanoh right. thanks!06:42
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asdxedan: System - Preferences - Keyboard Shortcuts06:42
VoXif i want a permanent dapper install, do i want the server iso or the desktop iso?06:43
f3iaDesktop if you are using a desktop06:43
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edanasdx, nah. the ALT standard shortcut isn't there06:43
edanalready looked06:43
jesse_ffs still have no sound06:44
lepinecan no one help on a sata installation issue?06:44
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stephan__how do i use udev06:45
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CapitalTIf ubuntu installer is based on debian installer, how come it can't find my cdrom and harddisk while debian can?06:45
narfmasterCapitalT, they're not the same installer06:46
kakaltoto install mysql all by itself, without php, etc, would it just be 'sudo apt-get install mysql'?06:47
lepinenarfmaster: does the ubuntu installer support sata out of the box?06:47
CapitalTbut it is based on it, the same code with modifications06:47
Hexidigitalkakalto:: mysql-server06:47
narfmasterCapitalT, Ubuntu is based on Debian Sid06:47
kakaltoHexidigital: cheers06:48
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CapitalTthat means it should be able to do more, not less06:48
Hexidigitalkakalto:: if i remember correctly06:48
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lepinemy disk isn't being recognized, reasons unknown06:48
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narfmasterlepine, no idea (i use IDE)06:48
kakaltoHexidigital: you do remember correctly.06:48
tgahey, my Beagle search doesn't return any results.. any idea what could be wrong?06:48
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Hexidigitalkakalto:: :) i have a good memory, but it's short06:48
kakaltoHexidigital: =)06:48
lalai have some questions about ubuntu.06:49
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Hexidigitalask away06:49
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narfmasteranyway, Dapper uses Ubiquity for installing, not Debian's installer06:49
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jesse_hey my sound has stopped working, songs in rythem box just don't play they just sit on 0:00 and there are no sounds in other apps06:50
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lalai have a new 'hp media center pc' good pc good peformance computer: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual, CPU: 4200+, 2.2 GHz x2, 1.00 GB RAM (~ 1000 mhz i bus), rt, fjrrkontroll och latjolajban06:51
lala[04:50:46]  <llaa_> typ r06:51
lalaradoen x130006:51
lala256 mb06:51
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lalatv card, radio card, remote controll. very fansy.06:51
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lalamy wondering is the drivers.06:51
mitrovarris a network connection mandatory to install ubuntu?  I have a network device that doesn't work in the installer (only works on a fully installed machine)06:51
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narfmastermitrovarr, network is only necessary if the disc doesn't have what you want already06:52
narfmasterlike if you want the latest stable version of Gnome, for example06:53
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mitrovarris it going to skip a lot of packages if I install without one?06:53
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isthisnicktakenCan someone please tell me how to have the system do a "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" on boot06:53
lalaso, about my driver issue do you guys think my computer is fully compatible with linux?06:53
narfmastermitrovarr, you may not find what you want06:53
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lalamaybe difficulties with the hot swap drive in the front of the computer?06:53
tgaisthisnicktaken, edit /etc/modules06:53
mitrovarrhmm, I'll try manually loading the module I need from a disk then06:53
narfmasterlala, that an ATI card?06:54
mitrovarrit's a usb network device that requires asix.ko06:54
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lalanarfmaster: yes, ati radeon x1300.06:54
narfmasterATIs can be a bit of a pain in Linux06:54
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lalayes, im thinking of calling the HP support, maybe they now about the drivers?06:54
nominare nvidia drivers on linux better than ATI drivers on linux?06:55
YRMed85Good evening, My name is Yuriy, can anyone help me with propertly installing ATI driver for my graphics card?06:55
narfmasterlala, try out the desktop disc and make sure it works first06:55
lalai also now their is a list of drivers on some website where you can look up your network card or whatever and lookup the compability with drivers for linux.06:55
mitrovarrheh... this is a nasty install.  I'm trying to put Xubuntu on a old K6-333 laptop with only 64 mb of ram.  It doesn't even have an integrated network card :-(06:55
narfmastermitrovarr, safe mode text install :)06:55
lalamiteyMite: go for slackware with that computer.06:56
cdubyaI'm trying to find out what is chewing up all the disk space on a machine that's running mysql, apache2, php4 and postfix......is there a quick way to show what dirs are chewing up how much of the disk without going through something archaic?06:56
lalamiteyMite: easy & fast to install.06:56
jorgeuthe best way i found to solve the module loading problem was installing it and running dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-generic-2.6.15-25-i386. That will regenerate the initrd file including your new driver06:56
mitrovarrnarfmaster:  That's the plan!  Unfortunately the driver for the usb network device I use isn't in the installer... so I'm kind of at a loss at what to do.  I tried pulling the module from a working ubuntu install, but it failed on insmod.06:56
VoXnomin: my god yes06:56
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narfmastermitrovarr, you might try DSL or Zenwalk (or Slackware)06:57
mitrovarrnarfmaster: nevermind it worked now, it just had to load more stuff before it could understand the module06:57
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mitrovarrnarfmaster:  It wanted usb-core I think06:57
nominVoX: does the manufacurer of the video card usually make the linux drivers?06:58
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mitrovarrnarfmaster:  DSL is the next thing to try if this is too slow, but DSL doesn't have this driver either and I really don't want to have to find out what is necessary to compile modules on such a strange version06:58
DarkLegacyHey guys06:58
DarkLegacyI need some help dealing with Ubuntu06:58
narfmastermitrovarr, yes Ubuntu does have a lot of drivers06:58
lalaso about my new computer i will backup all the warez and reformat with cfdisk add a swap and a big fat ext3. and then install the ubuntu-6.06-desktop-amd64.iso ... and hoping that all the drivers are installed properly.06:58
DarkLegacyI have a 420GB system, partitioned into 5 NTFS drives. I want to use the last drive (G:) and repartition it into two more drives, G and H:.06:59
DarkLegacyI want to then install Ubuntu on H:.06:59
DarkLegacyHow would I go about doing that?06:59
mitrovarrnarfmaster:  I imagine Asix is probably common for most installed distros, but apparently not livecds.  Not any of them (which made backing up this system a pain).06:59
edanah. I found where to change th eALT behaviour. cool06:59
Evilscientistso no other suggestions for remote access of xubuntu-desktop from winxp huh?06:59
mitrovarrDarkLegacy:  What's your physical configuration?  How many physical drives?06:59
chapiumEvilscientist: what?07:00
DarkLegacyTwo physical drives in RAID-0 making up 320 GB and one 120 GB drive07:00
edanEvilscientist, : VNC? heh07:00
chapiumEvilscientist: vnc07:00
lalaEvilscientist: add a shell? remote conncet with ssh with putty: www.google.com : putty.07:00
narfmasterDarkLegacy, you might want to read up on Grub07:00
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Evilscientistvnc waht?07:00
edanuse VNC07:00
mitrovarrDarkLegacy:  And G: is which partition on which drive?07:00
lalause PUTTY.07:00
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DarkLegacyG: is the 120GB drive.07:00
DarkLegacyThe entire drive is one partition07:00
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DarkLegacyI want to resize it into two07:00
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mitrovarrDarkLegacy:  Anything on it you wanna keep?07:01
DarkLegacyIt's got data on it though07:01
Evilscientistlala...already working through putty....was looking to see if there was a graphical interface to play with07:01
chapiumEvilscientist: or if you are sadistic you can load sygwin and use X forwarding07:01
edanget the GParted live CD07:01
DarkLegacy100GB out of 111GB are used on the drive07:01
chapiumEvilscientist: thats Cygwin07:01
DarkLegacyIt's all movies though07:01
Evilscientistwhy 'sadistic on cygwin?07:01
mitrovarrDarkLegacy:  Hmm... resizing live partitions isn't really my specialty07:01
edanDarkLegacy,: the GParted live CD works the same way Partition Magic on Windows does07:02
DarkLegacyPartition Magic would work for resizing it into two?07:02
Evilscientistrepartition = fdisk on command line...wouldn't it?07:02
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mitrovarrDarkLegacy:  You probably will want more than 11 gb free space though.  I doubt gparted will even let you resize a partition so close to full.07:02
edanyou'd resize the partition to create free space and then create a new partition, yeah07:02
DarkLegacyI've got 15GB left on it07:02
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DarkLegacyBut I'm planning to delete old movies/put them on DVD07:03
DarkLegacyIt would just take ALOT of dvds for me to do that.07:03
mitrovarrDarkLegacy:  One axiom that is always repeated is 'scan and defragment first'.  It is essential to preventing data loss.07:03
edanI reckon 15GB would be enough but might be very slow07:03
DarkLegacyDid that already07:03
DarkLegacyIt's not fragmented at all07:03
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DarkLegacyIt would take me 22 DVDs to completely write G:07:03
narfmasteronly 22?07:03
mitrovarrDarkLegacy:  I don't know if it's true anymore, but I know with the old partition resizers, there was always some risk07:04
Evilscientistor 11 dual layer... :O07:04
DarkLegacy11 Dual Layer disks07:04
mitrovarrnarfmaster:  Sure, 22.  20x5gb ~ 100 gb.07:04
nomina dvd only actually stores about 4.4 GB of data07:04
=== Trishika [n=root@user-0ccei39.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
Evilscientistso +1 because DVD = 4.73 when formatted07:04
Trishikaholy jesus this irc is huge07:05
DarkLegacyIt stores exactly 4,500 MB, so it's actually 4.39 GB07:05
mitrovarr15 gb is a little claustrophobic.  You might want to clear out at least 30 gb or something.  It'll be hard to install any decent games on there, or a lot of programs.07:05
DarkLegacyEr, I guess he's right07:05
=== phreak97 [n=phreak97@219-90-251-118.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
DarkLegacy4.4 GB.07:05
mitrovarrMine all say 4.7 gb07:05
=== Flik [n=Flik@d205-250-156-195.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
Evilscientistdepends on the file system I suppose07:05
DarkLegacyThat still makes it 22 DVDs07:05
Trishikahey guys07:05
Trishikai have kubuntu installed07:05
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mitrovarrwhich I imagine is using 1000.  1024 probably grinds it down to 4.3-4.407:05
Trishikaand im installing pclinuxos next to it07:05
DarkLegacyYeah, with 1024 it grinds down to 4.3907:06
Trishikabut im not sure about the bootloader07:06
nominDarkLegacy: I backed up a lot of videos, but not all.  this made things easier for me.07:06
DarkLegacyWhich rounded up is 4.407:06
Trishikashould i overwrite grub with lilo or should i leave it be and instead boot into ubuntu and redo grub?07:06
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DarkLegacyI've got approximately 142 videos on G:07:06
DarkLegacyAll of them are 700MB07:06
mitrovarrheh... perfect CD size07:06
narfmasterTrishika, i would overwrite grub with lilo but that can get tricky in the future07:06
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DarkLegacySure, 142 CDs07:06
mitrovarrTrishika:  You can always make a little boot partition for one OS and have the other's bootloader point there.07:07
DarkLegacyHow much do BluRays cost?07:07
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DarkLegacyI mean those hold like 50GB right07:07
mitrovarrtoo much07:07
asdxis there a kernel without SMP?07:07
mitrovarrI think it's only 15 or 30 now.  Not 50 yet.07:07
narfmasterasdx, the server kernel IIRC07:07
asdxnvidia hangs X and i need that driver...07:08
DarkLegacy30 GB?07:08
mitrovarrTrishika:  On my main computer, I have the windows xp bootloader send me into a boot partition that ubuntu manages.  That used to be the typical way to dual-boot before the bootloaders got more capable with handling XP.07:08
DarkLegacyHow about crystal optics discs?07:08
DarkLegacyThose hold like 50 - 100 GB right07:08
mitrovarryeah, some ludicrous amount, but they're not available yet07:08
DarkLegacyI see07:08
mitrovarrwiki has a good article07:08
narfmasterHDDVD will hold about 20 or 30 GBs07:08
DarkLegacyWell the technology for a hard drive holding 975 TB was developed07:09
mitrovarreven the most emule-happy user will be satisfied with that07:09
DarkLegacyMeh, it's all of the warez fault07:09
mitrovarrthat might even be enough to hold the entire internet07:09
DarkLegacyIf I didn't have so much crap I'd never have space problems07:09
DarkLegacyand yes, 975 should be enough for the entire internet07:09
DarkLegacyBut alas, as there's more room, you spread out more07:10
DarkLegacyNo more file compression, ever07:10
chapiumDarkLegacy: maybe you need a tape drive07:10
DarkLegacyDatabases 30GB in size each07:10
mitrovarrkinda like the old joke about there being gate's correlary to moore's law; every 12 months, the speed of software halves.07:10
=== xarq [n=xarq@c-24-6-158-63.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DarkLegacyHah, that's kind of true07:10
DarkLegacyEvery year, technology doubles and software speed halves07:10
mitrovarrit's 18 months07:10
mitrovarrmy bad07:10
narfmasterevery year you add another virtual layer too07:11
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narfmasterpretty soon, we'll be running python in VMware :p07:11
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jesse_anyone have any tips on getting my sound to work i really don't want to have to restart ubuntu to get it back07:11
xarqwhen I run a thin client with ubuntu which has a flash drive, what is the flash drive used for?  is it to store a ROM for the BIOS, or to save personal info?  I'm new to thin clients07:11
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tach00does anyone know what directory desktop backgrounds are in?07:12
chapiumjesse_: you might want to look into modprobe. I'd explain more, but i'm not too knowledgeable with it07:12
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nominjesse_: maybe killing artsd or esd will do it.07:12
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chapiumjesse_: insmod too07:13
jesse_i tryed esd07:13
ink|workis there still a unbuntu live cd?07:13
narfmasterxarq, i think you can pretty much replace a hard drive with flash drives nowadays07:13
ink|worki know there used to be, but i couldn't find a link to it on the site07:13
jesse_ink|work: yes it connected with the install ced07:13
chapiumink|work: you mean ubuntu?  the desktop cd is the live cd07:13
nominjesse_: when my sound goes on mandriva, I kill esd and then open up a video or audio file and then it works.07:13
DarkLegacyApparently, fate has a sense of humour as I have EXACTLY 22 DVD-Rs in my stack left.07:13
chapiumink|work: they simplified things a bit07:14
narfmasterDarkLegacy, you better buy some more :)07:14
mitrovarrI'm gonna guess that your other giant hard drive is full and that's why you don't just copy the stuff over.  Am I right?07:14
=== RaCarter [n=racarter@cpe-68-173-165-166.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
tach00does anyone know what directory desktop backgrounds are in?07:14
DarkLegacyYes :(07:14
chapiumtach00: /usr/share/backgrounds i think07:14
ink|workjesse_: ah, so just download the install cd?  is there anything special i need to do when booting off of it?07:14
jesse_nope none of those worked07:14
RaCarteri can't get setfacl to work...07:14
mitrovarrdear god man you have half a terabyte!07:15
chapiumtach00: might be some variation of that07:15
ink|workawesome, thanks!07:15
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jesse_ink|work: just download it then put it in then on the desktop to install theres an icon to click on when your ready07:15
DarkLegacyI've got 75GB of space left in all four partitions combined07:15
DarkLegacyEach drive with 20GB or so left respectfully07:15
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mitrovarreh, who am I to talk.  I have a 160 and a 40 and both are nearly full07:15
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DarkLegacyD: has 600MB left over07:15
jesse_ink|work: though the live cd seems to use alot more memory then the other versions07:15
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DarkLegacyWell, my partitions are basically folders07:15
DarkLegacyC: (Windows)07:15
DarkLegacyD: (Installed Games)07:16
ink|workjesse_: well, i won't actually be installing - i just need some emacs functionality that doesn't work in windows07:16
DarkLegacyE: (Packed Games/Cd Images/Downloaded)07:16
mitrovarrjesse_:  That's typical of livecds, since they can't depend on swap files and CD loading is slow, they often use lots of ram07:16
ink|work(this is my work laptop we're talking about - which runs xp)07:16
narfmasterink|work, the DVD can do all of the above :)07:16
DarkLegacyF: (Warez/Software/Etc)07:16
DarkLegacyG: (Movies)07:16
ink|workdoes the live cd come with emacs?07:16
mitrovarrdarklegacy:  I have more drive letters than you :-D07:16
nominDarkLegacy: with that much data it might actually be worth it to spend the time backing it up on DVD's.07:16
DarkLegacyI go up to J.07:16
chapiumDarkLegacy: dont pirate, it upsets your mojo07:17
DarkLegacyNo way07:17
Evilscientistokay guys....who has the bigger HARD drive  O  8)07:17
DarkLegacyH - J are removeable media however07:17
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DarkLegacyI should get more drives :\07:17
mitrovarrdarklegacy:  C: - windows D: - windows restore partition E - DVD-r F- CDR G: - Win98 H: - games and large files I: - linux partition (I have windows drivers to access it) J: - truecrypt partition and finally K: - flash drive (if mounted)07:17
=== chapium traces darklegacy's ip
DarkLegacyI've still got 4 slots left for drives in my tower07:17
jesse_mitrovarr: yeah but 5.10 live cd didn't use as much as the 6.06 but then i guess its got a stack more features07:18
=== dragon [n=dragon@CPE-124-182-132-164.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
chapiumDarkLegacy: sounds like you aren't trying hard enough then07:18
DarkLegacyI know07:18
DarkLegacyI should get 4 500GB drives and raid them07:18
mitrovarrjesse_:  You wanna see a ram eater, try the knoppix DVD versions.  Extra points if you can use 'toram'07:18
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chapiumDarkLegacy: bah, use raid to get extra ide's07:18
DarkLegacy'toram' is insanity07:18
mitrovarron a DVD?  Oh yes.07:19
chapiumdragon: howdy07:19
ink|workis there a list of apps that come on the cd?07:19
dragoni need some help with frostwire...07:19
ink|workon the site perhaps?07:19
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=== ink|work really only needs emacs
narfmasterink|work, there should be a .list file on the download page07:19
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chapiumink|work: i think emacs is in universe, but not base.. i could be mistaken07:19
DarkLegacyI guess I'm gonna burn all 22 DVDs07:19
mitrovarrI bet you couldn't even access enough ram with the kernel on the DVD to use 'toram'07:19
DarkLegacyTime to get started07:20
DarkLegacy4x on the DVD-Rs07:20
DarkLegacy5 minutes per DVD then07:20
mitrovarronly 4x?07:20
DarkLegacyTwo hours07:20
DarkLegacyTwo entire hours of burning07:20
DarkLegacyPoor burner is gonna be 80C once I'm done07:20
nominOperation Buccaneer  http://www.cybercrime.gov/ob/OBMain.htm07:20
narfmaster4x = 7.5 minutes / DVD actually07:20
chapiumjust format one of those drives, then you'll only have an hour07:20
jesse_mitrovarr: i dought it ive only got one gig though my friend bought a new pc that has 4 gig of ram07:20
nomin"As of October, 2002, 16 defendants have been convicted in the U.S. of felony criminal copyright offenses, including conspiracy to commit those offenses, and 13 defendants have been sentenced to federal prison terms of up to 46 months."07:20
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dragondoes n e 1 know n e thing about limewire/frostwire07:21
mitrovarrjesse_:  I think 4gig is the most a standard kernel can address07:21
DarkLegacyOh, I forgot to mention that it's all open source software07:21
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DarkLegacyMy bad, wares is short for software07:21
Hexidigitala paste about criminal copyright offenses, then a question about frostwire....07:21
chapiumdragon: just tell us what the issue is07:21
mitrovarrman, I can't believe they go after pirates and let the spyware writers roam free07:21
brimbleHmmm it's advantageous being a 3rd world cracker, even a US prision has gotta be better than where I live.07:22
DarkLegacySpyware is good for companies07:22
DarkLegacyCompanies hold high places in the government07:22
fyrestrtrpirates, aren't.07:22
chapiumHexidigital: serioulsy07:22
mitrovarrI know WHY they do that, but it's annoying07:22
tvalladonI have a hdd installed in my system (ntfs or fat32 type ata), but I dont see it in dmegs and its not mounting it.. how can I find what it hidden as in the /dev folder?07:22
jesse_mitrovarr: yeah probably but im not going to spend that much on ram07:22
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DarkLegacyI always wished I had like 4 GB or more of ram07:22
=== Hexidigital needs sleep... g'nite all
DarkLegacyThis year I'm going to do it :)07:22
mitrovarrjesse_:  I wish I could :-(.  I only have 512 on my good computer and 256 on this poor machine.07:22
brimbleDark: Why ?07:22
dragonwen i try to open either of them nothing happens.....the readme says to "place java in its path prior to launching" and neither me or my mate here understand07:22
DarkLegacyBecause then I won't need ram until 200907:23
mitrovarrjesse_: And I'm installing Xubuntu on a poor tiny little 64mb laptop as we speak07:23
DarkLegacyWhen Microsoft Windows Super_resource_hog_2 is released07:23
brimbleI've got 2GB, never ever used more than 1Gb07:23
fyrestrtrtvalladon: its not in dmesg?07:23
tvalladonfyrestrtr: nope07:23
KenoticIs there a way I can reset the thumbnails for movies and pics?07:23
fyrestrtrtvalladon: you sure its working properly? and how are you checking it?07:23
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jesse_mitrovarr: doesn't beat the 16mb ram computer i stripped for parts when working at a second hand pc place07:24
brimbleNah I don't mind Puppy Linux, seems to have more in the way of features than DSL07:24
DarkLegacyIs a 25 mb/s read speed good enough for 4x DVD?07:24
tvalladonI can boot xpe and see it07:24
mitrovarrjesse_:  My friend who used to run a cybercafe installed quake 2 on a 48607:24
narfmasterDarkLegacy, plenty07:24
DarkLegacyIs there like a wiki on drive speeds07:24
DarkLegacyBecause I never really understood them07:24
DarkLegacyI just thought the CD drive speeds were megabyte/second07:24
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mitrovarrPuppy linux is kind of rough-edged and has mediocre hardware detection.  I like DSL and slax better.07:24
DarkLegacyand DVD were double of that07:24
chapiumdragon: i'm sure a little googling with help you with the path issue.  I've had some trouble with ecclipse plugins because of the gnu java interpreter.  Try intalling the Sun version07:24
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SurfnKidDarkLegacy, i think 150k/sec was 1x07:25
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narfmasterDarkLegacy, DVD speeds are roughly MB/s07:25
tvalladonfyrestrtr: I can boot xpe (live XP boot disk) and see it07:25
DarkLegacyOh, I see.07:25
DarkLegacyThat works too07:25
fyrestrtrtvalladon: you don't see it in the hardware manager?07:25
dragonive got the sun version07:25
jesse_mitrovarr: heh classic haven't played quake 2 in ages ive got it on my quake 4 disk though i don't think it would run to good on a 48607:25
DarkLegacyI've got 100 mb/s read on the RAID-0 and 25 mb/s on the IDE because the wiring arrangement is very hectic, and I had to use a 40-pin ATA connector07:25
DarkLegacyFreaking 7900GTXs are enormous07:26
dragonthanx tho07:26
=== Trishika [n=mike@user-0ccei39.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
ShizboomAnyone setup a samba server before?07:26
Trishikaok i installed lilo07:26
mitrovarrjesse_:  Nope.  I believe he had it in a 160x120 window in 16 colors.  It got about 1 fps.07:26
DarkLegacyThe IDE Raid array is on the left side of the mobo, the vid cards are in the center, and the drive is in the center07:26
SurfnKiddo the math, but its on a hardware book, from A+ certification, i cant remember at the moment but 150 i think was the standard read factor07:26
fyrestrtrShizboom: I did, a long time back.07:26
DarkLegacySo I had to wrap the wire around the 7900s to get the IDE RAID07:26
Shizboomif i have samba setup like this:07:26
Shizboom    ![homes] 07:26
Shizboom       comment = Home Directories07:26
DarkLegacyThe other IDE socket is being used by my removeable media07:26
Trishikabut how do i set  it up so taht it uses the correct kernal image?07:26
Shizboomwhat is my share name?07:26
chapiumDarkLegacy: why are you telling us this?07:26
DarkLegacyBecause it's 1 in the morning07:26
fyrestrtrShizboom: homes07:26
DarkLegacyAnd I've got nothing else to do07:26
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thaswiftnessI just dist-upgraded my brothers machine to dapper, and his sound stopped working. I rebuilt the alsa-module with module-assistant and didnt recieve any errors. However when i try to modprobe snd-intel8x0 , i get several errors about unknown symbols07:27
SurfnKidDarkLegacy,  lol07:27
Shizboomso its smb:\\myip\homes?07:27
SurfnKidDarkLegacy,  did you not use an 80pin cable07:27
chapiumDarkLegacy: sleep07:27
DarkLegacyI've also realized that people that use Linux are also much smarter than people in the AIM/Yahoo chatrooms07:27
fyrestrtrShizboom: smb://07:27
DarkLegacyI can't sleep because I slept all day today07:27
mitrovarrhas anyone tried xubuntu on minimal hardware?  (p2, 64mb)  Any idea how well it will work?07:27
DarkLegacyMy 80pin cable is too short07:27
fyrestrtrDarkLegacy: how long did it take you to figure that one?07:27
narfmastermitrovarr, worked fine for me :)07:28
jesse_well im going to restart i can't live with out sound07:28
Shizboomthats not working i dont think fyrestrtr07:28
DarkLegacyNot very long.07:28
tvalladonfyrestrtr: may have found it, afk for a moment while I play with it07:28
robertoWhat can I use to tag m4a files?07:28
robertoEasyTag can't do it07:28
DarkLegacyUpon entering the AIM Chatrooms and being flooded with sex bots, I kind of figured it out pretty darn quick07:28
DarkLegacyIRC was my next choice07:28
DarkLegacyBut some of the IRC rooms were just as bad07:28
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DarkLegacySo Linux room was next choice07:28
fyrestrtrShizboom: use smbclient to browse the machine and see what shares you can find, or use places -> connect to server and browse the samba machine07:28
SurfnKidefnet is bad07:28
SurfnKidthis is stable07:28
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Shizboomi entered this into firefox : smb://
DarkLegacyEfnet is for pirate-chat07:29
narfmastermitrovarr, just don't run too many things all at once :)07:29
Shizboomtells me its not availible07:29
chapiumthis is an official support channel, you're just making it hard for the people who are actually trying to solve issues07:29
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fyrestrtrShizboom: ermm, you are not supposed to enter it in firefox.07:29
DarkLegacyFreenode is for linux/open-source/etc07:29
fyrestrtrfirefox doesn't handle smb://07:29
mitrovarrnarfmaster:  I'll try not to.  At least I hope it will be better than using win98 on it (which feels like it should be in a museum).07:29
=== ink|work [n=inkedmn@fullerton-cuda-2-70-37-73-10.lmdaca.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu ["ERC]
DarkLegacyWhat's the chat channel in freenode?07:29
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:29
Shizboomis smbclient installed with samba?07:29
SasquatchI can't seem to get my wireless card to activate07:30
CodyAnyone have a clue on how to get a Logitech usb microphone to cooperate with skype?07:30
Sasquatchany ideas?07:30
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mitrovarrSasquatch:  You using ndiswrapper or a module?07:30
Sasquatchmitrovarr: I honestly don't know07:30
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Sasquatchwhat do you do wtih ndiswrapper?07:30
mitrovarrSasquatch:  So, you just stuck it in and hope it worked?07:30
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Daveyboyhi, what is the linux command for finding the distribution installed07:31
Sasquatchmitrovarr: pretty much, it's a supported chipset07:31
kaotmitrovarr: heck, that's what I did.  It didn't work of course.  Pain ensued.  :\07:31
Shizboomfyrestrtr - its telling me connection failed07:31
mitrovarrSasquatch:  Did it form an interface?07:31
CodyAnyone have a clue on how to get a Logitech usb microphone to cooperate with skype...07:31
SurfnKidndiswrapper is the best tacowrapper ever07:31
Sasquatchmitrovarr: yes07:31
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balahow to install ubuntu 6 in CLI mode07:31
chapiumDaveyboy: cat /proc/version for kerenel07:31
mitrovarrSasquatch:  Did you try configuring it in the network settings?07:31
balamy graphical installer crashes on Partitioning07:32
Sasquatchmitrovarr: yes, i clicked activate07:32
Sasquatchbut nothing happens07:32
mitrovarrSasquatch:  It doesn't activate?07:32
bruenigSasquatch, this may help, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper07:32
kaotSasquatch: lspci | grep -i net07:32
mitrovarrSasquatch:  I mean, it might not necessarily come up, but it should at least become activated.07:32
Sasquatchit doesn't07:32
balahelp me please07:32
kaotSasquatch: if it says "Broadcom" anything, jump out the window.07:32
fyrestrtrDaveyboy: cat /etc/issue07:32
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bruenigbala, have you checked your disk, made sure it is error free?07:32
Sasquatchkaot: it's a prism2 chpi07:32
fyrestrtrDaveyboy: and if you want to know the kernel, uname -a07:33
fyrestrtrShizboom: you probably aren't giving it the right arguments, where is this samba server you are trying to connect to?07:33
mitrovarrSasquatch:  I've had trouble with the gnome netconfig tools.  Try just saying 'Sudo ifconfig <interface> up07:33
mitrovarrprobably you want sudo ifconfig wlan0 up07:33
aunesI have this wierd grey box that slides down the right side of my screen on occassion. It doesn't last more than a second and its pretty infrequent. Any ideas what could cause it?07:33
mitrovarrand then sudo dhclient wlan007:33
mitrovarrassuming no security07:33
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balahow to check it ya07:34
fyrestrtraunes: that's strange, it does it when?07:34
Sasquatchit says siocsifflags: timer expired07:34
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Codyaunes: what type monitor do you use? just curious...07:34
balahow to install in console07:34
mitrovarrwow... I have no idea in that case.07:34
Daveyboywhat is the sudo command for Debian GNU/Linux 3.107:34
kaotSasquatch: hey does iwconfig show anything?07:35
tvalladonfyrestrtr: when I do fdisk -l I get /dev/hda1   *           1        1023     8217243   54  OnTrackDM607:35
balabruenig. how to install in console mode like older ubuntu?07:35
fyrestrtrtvalladon: *blink* never seen that before.07:35
aunesCody: Mag. Doesn't do it on windows07:35
Sasquatchkaot: yea, it shows the card07:35
Sasquatchsays NOT READY!07:35
bruenigbala, download the server edition and when it boots up and you get logged in and the command prompt, just type 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'07:35
Sasquatchin all caps at the top07:35
aunesfyrestrtr: I can't place it with any specific occurance07:35
tvalladonfyrestrtr: OnTrackDM6? is that a support partition type??07:35
Sasquatchand then lists the card spexs07:35
mitrovarrSasquatch:  Did you get that message when you tried to 'ifconfig interface up'07:36
kaotSasquatch: ya?  Haven't een that.07:36
mitrovarrsasquatch;  or when you tried to dhclient07:36
Sasquatchmitrovarr: ifconfig07:36
=== Trishika [n=mike@user-0ccei39.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
Trishikaum what image does ubuntu 6.06 use to boot up?07:36
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aunesboot.img ;)07:37
Trishikaim configuring lilo and i have no idea what to put07:37
Trishikabut there is no boot.img07:37
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mitrovarrsasquatch:  I guess I don't know.  If it's a supported chipset, it shouldn't be the kernel or the module.  What is the card's form factor and how is it installed?07:37
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aunesI was actually joking.07:37
balabruenig. how to find what cd i have? one friend gave me07:37
Geoffrey2one of these days I need to try and get my onboard wireless nic running again.....since sooner or later the owner of the pcmcia card I'm using is going to want it back07:37
Sasquatchit's a Netgear WG51107:37
Sasquatchon my laptop07:37
bruenigbala, do you have high speed internet?07:37
mitrovarrSasquatch:  PCMCIA?07:37
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narfmasterTrishika, vmlinuz-2.6.15-something07:37
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tvalladonfyrestrtr: grrr.. its got the ontrack disk overlay installed so legacy systems can see the, what is it? over 80 megs or something like that...07:38
fyrestrtrtvalladon: hrmm, you can force mount it if you want.07:38
Trishika/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-25-386  -- thats the one i  have right now in there07:38
fyrestrtrthere is some kernel parm you have to pass .... let me look it.07:38
Trishikabut i get a kernal panic07:38
tvalladonfyrestrtr: how do I do that?07:39
balabruenig. no ya07:39
mitrovarrSasquatch:  I don't really have much of an idea since I don't know much about PCMCIA, but you might wanna try swapping slots, checking your BIOS to see if there's any funny settings, trying another PCMCIA device to see if it works (if you have one)07:39
bruenigbala, go here and pick server, download it and then burn it to a disk as an image, put it in the disk drive and restart  http://mirror.cs.umn.edu/ubuntu-releases/6.06/07:39
balabruenig. i have one ubunto 6 cd07:39
Trishikadoes it need everything in the boot folder inorder to boot up?07:39
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Sasquatchmitrovarr: haha, i only have one slot :-P07:39
narfmasterTrishika, it needs to know where "root" is07:39
Sasquatchit works on my windows07:39
mitrovarrSasquatch:  Did you load it in hot?07:39
balabruenig. my friend got it from shipit.ubuntu.com07:39
Sasquatchas I am dualbooting..07:39
bruenigbala, probably is impractical then to download it as it is 450 MB07:39
Geoffrey2I managed to get the onboard nic to function....once....shut down computer, came back, it was gone again...could never figure out how to get it up and running again07:39
Sasquatchmitrovarr: nope07:39
VoXdoes the dapper desktop cd have an option to repair an existing install(namely grub)?07:39
mitrovarrSasquatch:  does it work in windows?07:39
Sasquatchi tried both though07:39
Sasquatchmitrovarr: yup07:39
narfmasterTrishika, "root=/dev/hda1" for example07:40
nominTrishika: I have had a similar problem in the past.  I think you just need to point it to the partition07:40
balabruenig. is there any other way to install it from my cd itself?07:40
mitrovarrsasquatch:  Guess it's not any of that, then.  I think you need more expertise to fix this problem than I can contribute,s orry.07:40
Trishikawait is taht solutiojn for grub or lili>?07:40
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fyrestrtrtvalladon: add hda=remap63 to the boot line in the grub config file, reboot your machine, and it will show up as FAT16, then mount it read only, and copy the files off of it, or do whatever you want to it. If you just want to delete it, use fdisk, but it is set to bootable (afaics)07:40
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narfmasterTrishika, i was pointing out a kernel option07:41
fyrestrtrVoX: yes07:41
bruenigbala, that same problem occurred with my machine, it would stall on partition but unless you can download an image yourself, probably out of luck07:41
tvalladonfyrestrtr: thank you very much, I will give that a try, have a nice night :D07:41
VoXfyrestrtr: awesome07:41
mitrovarrSasquatch:  You could find the driver project and see if they have any newer versions you might compile.07:41
bruenigbala, the same .iso that was alleged to be on the shipit cd, worked fine07:41
fyrestrtr!grub > VoX07:41
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Trishikawhen i do that, it says syntax error, this is what i have in there currently  -----  root=/dev/hda1/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-25-38607:42
__mikemNow that was uncalled for07:42
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balabruenig. ya. i have the shipit cd only.07:42
narfmasterTrishika, no you would put kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-25-386 root=/dev/hda#07:42
Sasquatchmitrovarr: oh yea, that was my other question, how do you compile drivers?07:43
nominTrishika:  I had that problem when I first set up a triple boot system.  With ubuntu's grub the bootloader was fine, but when I wanted to use mandriva's lilo, that's when I got the kernel panic error.  I found out that all I had to do was point the boot option to the partition that ubuntu was installed on and it worked.07:43
balabruenig. net connection is very slow. cant download. it will take 2 days07:43
narfmasterTrishika, the file might actually be /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-38607:43
nominTrishika: I didn't have to include the kernel image in it.07:43
Trishikai get an error that says duplicate entry root07:43
narfmasteror something like that07:43
mitrovarrSasquatch:  Well, you need build-essential, gcc equal to whatever compiled your kernel (4.0 I believe with ubuntu 6.06), and the proper kernel headers or kernel sources (depends on the source requirements.)07:44
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bruenigbala, you could order more cds, which will take a month or so. Or you could download the .iso. Personally I would use bittorrent to download the .iso and just download whenever possible until I get it07:44
mitrovarrunfortunately, what each module requires seems to differ.  I have two custom modules on my system (lirc_serial and truecrypt) and setting both up differed substantially from each other.07:44
kaotSasquatch: i've been googling a bit, not seeing anything to indicate this is a driver issue, if that helps.07:44
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mitrovarrfollowing the readme and FAQs/howtos online usually works07:45
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Trishikahow do i  point the boot option to the partition that ubuntu is installed on (hda1)?07:45
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zeraeirohi there07:45
fyrestrtrTrishika: this is lilo or grub?07:45
zeraeiroI followed the how-to to install nvidia drivers but it killed my X server07:46
stephan__i did a chmod 755 and now i have no sound in user.....any ideas07:46
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fyrestrtrstephan__: is you user in the audio group?07:46
Daveyboywhat is the debian equivalent of sudo07:46
lightstarDaveyboy, sudo07:46
narfmastersudo is sudo anywhere :p07:46
nominTrishika: it would be something like "dev/hda1".  And that's it.  I think I still have the file saved.  I'll look for it to see exactly what I had in it.  Right now I boot with ubuntu's grub because I recently redid my whole system.07:46
Trishikaif i leave the field that says kernal image blank it says i have to specify one07:47
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Sasquatchwhat was that ndiswrapper url again?07:47
Sasquatchit looks like i might need to use it07:47
stephan__fyrestrtr; it was working fine tell i did that command07:47
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Trishikait has a filed that says root below it and i set that to hda 107:47
Trishikabut i dont know what to put as kernal image07:48
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fyrestrtr!ndiswrapper > Sasquatch07:48
Trishika:( i hope to get pclinuxos and ubuntu living in harmony07:48
mitrovarrSasquatch:  I really don't think you'll need ndiswrapper if you were able to create an interface successfully07:48
CodyAnyone have a clue on how to get a Logitech usb microphone to cooperate with skype...07:49
tpgterrorIS skype even working here?07:49
tpgterrorif so... how? with WINE or with Skype linux version? 0-o07:50
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CodySkype linux07:50
CodyI'm using the newest beta07:50
nominTrishika: I found it...07:50
Trishikathanks man07:50
shadowpandacan someone tell me what Cedega (WineX) is?07:50
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narfmasterCedega is a forked version of Wine07:51
rob138hi, i am trying to "git" something, don't really know what i am doing, but when i try to git clone something i recieve: /usr/bin/gitfm: fatal error: `chdir' failed: permission denied.07:51
nominother=/dev/hdb3 -- then on the line below I had -- label="linux2"07:51
shadowpandanarfmaster: I see we meet again. What does it do differently than Wine?07:51
staulkorWardo: got it working, just downloaded the alternate disc and did the text install and everything is good, thanks for the help07:51
zeraeiroI followed the how-to to install nvidia drivers but it killed my X server07:51
narfmasterCedega is specially tweaked for gamers07:51
zeraeiroany help?07:51
nominTrishika: that's all I had in lilo.conf for the option to boot into ubuntu and the kernel panic error was gone07:51
shadowpandanarfmaster: is it free?07:52
Trishikaohh im using the wizard in pclos to get it done07:52
narfmastershadowpanda, if you get it through WineCVS it is07:52
Trishikadoes grub tell you what image it uses to boot inot ubuntu?07:52
tpgterrorI got a question, so sound aint possible on Linux if your linux doesnt detect it?07:52
shadowpandanarfmaster: i dont know what that is but how much does it cost normally?07:52
Codyrob138: are you in a console?07:52
narfmastershadowpanda, $5 a month07:53
rob138Cody, yes07:53
shadowpandanarfmaster: dammn it07:53
shadowpandanarfmaster: can you help me get around it?07:53
nominTrishika: BTW, I didn't figure that one out by myself.  I did a combination of overrighting each bootloader with the other, and eventually the right combo did it automatically for me.07:53
CodyRob, are you in root?07:53
narfmastershadowpanda, http://winecvs.linux-gamers.net/07:53
Trishika..... will grub detect all my linux distros automatically and config them?07:54
Codyrob138, what is the command you are attempting?07:54
Trishikaand what command do i use in konsole to edit my lilo.conf file?07:54
nominTrishika: yes, grub with ubuntu has been good for me07:54
Trishikaim alread in su mode07:54
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rob138cody, git clone http://people.freedesktop.org/~krh/akamaru.git07:54
Trishikaso grub wont ask any of these questions that lilo does?07:55
Trishikait detected mandriva nd ubuntu when you installed?07:55
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shadowpandanarfmaster: ah yes, I did try to go through this tutorial but i cant install "x-window-system-dev"07:55
nominTrishika: the reason I preferred lilo from mandriva is that mandriva lets me easily get rid of the bootloader.  I haven't found a way to get rid of ubuntu's grub without installing a new bootloader over it.07:55
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Codyrob138, try sudo git clone http://people.freedesktop.org/~krh/akamaru.git07:56
Trishikayea thats what i did, i installed lilo over grub07:56
Trishikaand now ubuntu wont start07:56
Trishikaand i still have another os to put in07:56
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rob138cody, same error07:57
narfmastershadowpanda, did you follow the Debian instructions?07:57
Codyrob138, try su and then try git blah-blah07:57
nominTrishika: I installed windows and mandriva first.  When I installed ubuntu, grub was configured automatically.  It gives me options for just about every partition, which is unnecessary.  I just put a # before the options in grub.conf to keep the bootloader free of uneccesary options.07:57
shadowpandanarfmaster: i followed these instructions http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Cedega+CVS&amp;amp;amp;amp;back=HOWTO+INDEX+Wine07:57
rob138cody, too scared to do su07:57
rob138: )07:57
Codydo it...07:58
narfmastershadowpanda, i think they want you to install "xlibs-dev" (x-window-system-dev isn't in the Ubuntu repo)07:58
Trishikaok so grub will detect pclinuxos automatically?07:58
Codyrob138: su and sudo are almost the same thing07:58
nominTrishika: but I don't know what distros grub will recognize.  I guess you'll have to find that out for yourself.  I would be interested in knowing what the outcome is.07:58
Trishikapclinux is mandrake based07:59
tpgterrorhmm i just thinked su was shut up omg ^^07:59
Trishikaok so one more question, how do i reinstall grub onto mr mbr from the live cd?07:59
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shadowpandanerfmaster: what gives you the idea that they want me to install xlibs-dev08:00
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bimberiTrishika: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows08:00
narfmastershadowpanda, just a gut feeling :)08:00
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bsmithhello, i tried to build a 2.6.15 kernel using make-kpkg on an inspiron 6000 laptop08:01
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shadowpandahaha ok08:01
bsmitheh nevermind :p08:01
Lynourebsmith: tried? What happened?08:02
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narfmastershadowpanda, you should try it, it might work08:02
shadowpandaInarfmaster: Im done installing it but im tired, thanks for your help tonight08:02
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Trishikathats what happened to me, i used the wrong image and it tried to load my pclinux os kernal and a bunch of stuff failed08:02
ubotuForgot your password? Boot into recovery mode. What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StrongPasswords08:02
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ubotuI know nothing about user08:03
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Trishika    oh shit i hope this works08:03
narfmasteri installed Dapper in VMware today08:03
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shadowpandanarfmaster: Yeah its working now but i dont know what file to download through WineCVS.sh08:04
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narfmasterwhatever you do, don't install from the actual disc, use a disc image on your hard drive :p08:04
eightieski forgot my password and i use kubuntu but it booted to ubuntu... how do i change my password here?08:04
narfmastershadowpanda, the script handles all that stuff for you08:04
mitrovarrtrying to compile cedega, shadowpanda?08:04
shadowpanda narfmaster: under 3. compilation and installation, it asks me to open up the file08:05
technician   FATAL: getpwnam failed to find userid for effective user 'squid'08:05
techniciananyone can guide me on this ?08:05
shadowpandamitrovarr: yes08:05
Lynoureeightiesk: if you cannot remember any password for account with root or sudo access either, reboot, choose the recovery option from the menu and when you get the root console, do   password yourusername08:05
narfmastershadowpanda, that's weird :/08:06
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mitrovarrshadowpanda:  well, wineCVS.sh is the way, all right.  I got mine working that way (took a long time and I don't remember exactly what I did alas.)08:06
shadowpandanarfmaster: ill work on it tomarrow, its 11:00 PM08:06
mitrovarrshadowpanda:  I have yet to have it actually work a game successfully, so I don't know if it was really worth the effort.08:06
eightieskLynoure: it didn't work08:06
Lynoureeightiesk: how? details please?08:07
shadowpandamitrovarr: kids my age shouldnt have to go though this!08:07
eightieskoot@eightiesk-kubuntu:~# password eightiesk08:07
eightieskbash: password: command not found08:07
unstablesobeightiesk, is passwd08:07
mheathshadowpanda, go through what? :P08:07
mitrovarrshadowpanda:  I know how it is... I hate having to constantly boot back and forth from linux to windows.  At least check to make sure your games are supposed to work before you put all the effort into compiling cedega.08:08
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eightieski dunno its password08:08
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shadowpandamhealth: command prompt things, i have been working with linux all day08:08
Lynoureeightiesk: sorry, a morning typo, meant   passwd08:08
balabruenig thanks ya. i download it and check.08:08
unstablesobeightiesk, the command is called 'passwd' not 'password'08:08
shadowpandamitrovarr: is there a list?08:08
=== Lynoure is still morning brainlaggish :)
asdxhi i'm running ubuntu on a athlon 64 system and i get a black screen with nvidia driver08:09
asdxhow can i fix that08:09
mitrovarrshadowpanda:  Sort of.  It's not so good as the winedb.  Here you go.  http://transgaming.org/gamesdb/08:09
techniciananyone good in squid ?08:09
techniciancan anyone help me ?08:09
shadowpandamitrovarr: yeah I saw this list08:09
mheathshadowpanda, no ones forcing you too. If your a 'kid' that shouldn't 'have to spend your time' doing this, don't. Go play in your backyard :)08:09
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shadowpandahaha im not that young08:10
shadowpandawell g'night folks08:10
mitrovarrshadowpanda:  However not all that stuff will work with compiled cedega (because it doesn't emulate copy protection.)  Be warned.08:10
cliffdhey guys, is there a way to do an install that asks more questions about the setup?08:10
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J-_Can Tripwire run on Ubuntu?08:11
KingLearHow do I upgrade to Dapper Drake from Breezy?08:11
fyrestrtr!upgrade > KingLear08:11
narfmasteri don't know if it works but tripwire is in the repos08:11
J-_if it's in the repo'08:12
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J-_it must08:12
Dragonfyre13Hey guys.08:12
J-_gonna try it out :D08:12
KingLearI did insert the Dapper CD into the drive, and ran synaptic , but couldnt succeed in upgrading08:12
fyrestrtrKingLear: read the url ubotu sent you08:12
mitrovarrKingLear:  You don't need a CD to upgrade.  Are you trying to do it offline?08:12
KingLearOkay fyrestrtr08:12
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Dragonfyre13Hey, another guy that spells it Fyre.08:13
KingLearYes mitrovarr  , considering that I do have the CD08:13
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KingLearand that it is the time saving option available to me,08:13
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ceruleantigerwhen I enter some commands into my .Xsession, sometimes they don't launch. For example, I'll do kompose &, kopete &, ktorrent &, and amule & (in that order), but amule never loads, and sometimes ktorrent doesn't either08:14
ceruleantigeris there some sort of log somewhere to look at?08:14
Dragonfyre13You did click reload, and make sure that the CD repo was active first right?08:15
Dragonfyre13sry, that was at kinglear08:15
kaotceruleantiger: ~/.xsession-errors, maybe08:15
KingLearyes Dragonfyre1308:15
Dragonfyre13Just wanted to make sure.08:15
KingLearYou know  I was successful the same way when I upgraded to BReezy,08:16
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KingLearbut last night I somehow forgot the " proper " method,08:16
KingLearLaughs Out Loud08:16
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Dragonfyre13try dropping to the CLI and typing apt-get update and then apt-get upgrade08:17
Dragonfyre13Maybe it errors for some reason.08:17
narfmasterapt-get dist-upgrade08:17
Dragonfyre13ah. sorry.08:17
Dragonfyre13do we have  a bot here at all?08:18
mitrovarrubotu, yeah08:18
ubotuI know nothing about yeah08:18
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage08:18
Dragonfyre13ubuto apt-get dist-upgrade08:19
Dragonfyre13ubuto, apt-get dist-upgrade08:19
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ceruleantigerok, I have no idea what's wrong... kompose gives like a million errors, but I'm not sure they're critical... kompose starts properly though, and ktorrent and amule doesn't even seem to be starting...08:19
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Dragonfyre13ceruleantiger, can you run them from gnome menu?08:20
synd2Hi. I'm having internet oddities..08:20
KingLearDragonfyre13,  I did that as well in CLI08:20
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ceruleantigerwhat does X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169  Major opcode:  147  Minor opcode:  3  Resource id:  0x0 Failed to open device mean? because that happens like 100 times in my xsession errors08:20
Dragonfyre13Can you pastebin the outpu?08:20
Dragonfyre13Can you pastebin the output?08:20
KingLearI will try again08:20
synd2Firefox is acting weird, connecting fine to some things, and hanging at others08:20
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Dragonfyre13synd2 what exactly?08:20
KingLearand then will be ready to oblige you, Dragonfyre13  , :)08:20
unstablesobceruleantiger, i think that might be from the wacom drivers they enable automatically08:21
synd2Dragonfyre13: Just general browsing08:21
ceruleantigeryeah, everything works if I launch them manually. If I type in amule & in a term, it always launches fine - same with the rest, so I'm wondering if this is a .Xsession quirk or something?08:21
ceruleantigerwhat are wacom drivers?!08:21
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Dragonfyre13wacom drivers are drivers for input on a teblet drawing device.08:21
unstablesobceruleantiger, a popular graphics tablet08:21
synd2ceruleantiger: Drives for Wacom tablets08:21
unstablesobceruleantiger, if you're up to it, you can disable them in your xorg.conf to get rid of the errors08:22
Dragonfyre13actually they even work on tabletpcs.08:22
Dragonfyre13That or grab BUM and disable them there.08:22
Dragonfyre13synd2 can you be more specific about the hanging?08:23
ceruleantigermeh, I think I heard about some kind of problem where you couldn't comment them out... in any case, I don't think it's causing any problems so I guess I'll just leave it be08:23
Dragonfyre13ceruleantiger, they crap on my unless I do it in BUM.08:23
ceruleantigerany idea why my apps won't launch? If I launch via terminal, they all launch 100% of the time... could it be a timeout thing?08:23
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synd2Dragonfyre13: It just sits there saying "connecting to.."08:23
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ceruleantigerI noticed that when kopete launched and I didn't type anything into kwallet, the rest of the Xsession did not launch after that08:24
Dragonfyre13synd2 try using opera or links and see if it does the same thing. Also, are you on broadband, if so what kind.08:24
synd2Dragonfyre13: I noticed it timing out on things when I apt-get update08:24
ceruleantigerplus, ktorrent takes forever to load, so maybe there is a similar timeout problem when launching amule? Does the Xsession file time out?08:25
synd2Dragonfyre13: Then those same things would connect fine a few secs later08:25
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synd2Dragonfyre13: I'm on cable08:25
Dragonfyre13synd2: do you have a router?08:25
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synd2Dragonfyre13: WRT54G08:25
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synd2Dragonfyre13: I tried surfing from a roommate's XP machine and it doesn't hang08:26
Dragonfyre13synd2: cycle the router, and the cable modem.08:26
synd2Dragonfyre13: Did that :)08:26
mitrovarrif the installer stops while installing an item, is there any way to get it to skip it and go on?08:26
synd2mitrovarr: ctrl-C08:26
Dragonfyre13synd2: also, what programs are you running that access the network, internet or otherwise.08:26
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Dragonfyre13mitrovarr what installer?08:27
mitrovarrsynd2:  Thanks!  Although on second examination of the logs, it's going on, it's only the update that's hung :-D08:27
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mitrovarrNevermind... it just looked like it was hung, the installer is actually continuing08:27
synd2Dragonfyre13: XMMS is connected to a stream and it's going fine08:27
mitrovarrIt just isn't updating the screen08:27
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synd2Dragonfyre13: And I'm connected to IRC via X-Chat08:27
mitrovarroh and it's xubuntu alternate text installer08:28
narfmastersynd2, are you on static IP?08:28
synd2narfmaster: No, DHCP08:28
=== Yan [i=unknown@modemcable031.114-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Yando you know a good ftp with ssl ????08:28
newbiemehello! got a terrible problem here.... may friend just execute an fsck in my machine and it seems that the partitions got corrupted... here is the error http://pastebin.ca/81687 is there any way to restore it? :(08:29
newbiemeany idea?08:29
newbiemereally need your help guys..08:29
Dragonfyre13do a few traceroutes to addresses that it is hanging on.08:29
synd2Dragonfyre13: images.apple.com08:29
Yanis easy too install or ???08:29
synd2It was hanging on that earlier08:29
synd2But now it goes thru08:30
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narfmasterYan, proftpd is fairly simple08:30
Yank thk08:30
Yanim try08:30
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narfmastersynd2, it could be the ISP reconfiguring their servers right now08:31
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synd2narfmaster: Ok.08:32
synd2Guess we'll see in the morning08:32
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narfmasteri've seen a lot of weirdness lately on the net08:32
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synd2This is a fresh install of Ubuntu, and I didn't notice it on my normal box (OS X08:32
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Dragonfyre13OK, synd2 try this: tracepath images.apple.com/8008:34
brutopiacan I somehow configure my ubuntu so that users connecting through ssh can only execute irssi and screen and they can't browse my /etc and stuff08:35
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Dragonfyre13brutopia create a user for ssh, and mod the permissions for etc to not include them.08:35
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xnulldvery hard08:36
Dragonfyre13brutopia it may take some work, but just create a user that has no access to anything other than what screen and irssi need.08:36
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dead|shellnewbieme, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-8106.html08:36
Yanstart the proftpd what is a file ????08:36
brutopiaI think setting permissions on those folders may break something on my system08:37
brutopiacan I use chroot for that08:37
narfmasterYan, /etc/init.d/proftpd08:37
Trishikawhen i try to boot into ubuntu from grub, i get an error that says " couldnt load lib modules 2.6.12-oci6.mdk-i58608:37
Dragonfyre13depending on how you do it.08:37
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Trishikafrom LILO*08:37
newbiemethanks dead|shell08:37
brutopiaDragonfyre13: is there some other way than denying access from 'other'08:38
Dragonfyre13Trishika why did you load a mandrake package? Anyway, it's saying it can't load the oci module into the kernel.08:38
brutopiaand setting myself in group which has access08:38
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dead|shellnewbieme, not sure if thats enough info though :(08:38
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Trishikaok how do i set lilo so it loads the image needed to start up ubuntu? ubuntu is located on hda108:38
Dragonfyre13brutopia, chroot them into a directory, and put irssi and screen installed in there is a best case scenario, but if not, just set permissions to what you can. Or, you could always tell us what you are trying to accomplish, and we could try to figure out a better way to get there.08:39
Yanis not finctionnel in the platform08:39
power1Hey all, I have just installed a "Creative Labs SB Audigy LS" in my system to replace an old SB Live, I have got sound working, but olnly the "analog front" slider changes the volume, there is no sound in games like quake3 and quake4 and I cannot change the volume using mplayer or xmms. Can someone help with this?08:40
Yanfonctionnel ***08:40
narfmasterTrishika, image = /boot/vmlinux08:40
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DaveyJwhats a good/easy mp3 encoder for ubuntu?08:40
DaveyJdrag and drop preferably08:40
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Trishikaok thanks08:40
DaveyJaudacity is frozen :( lol08:40
YanCa does not function in the plateform08:40
DaveyJand i dont wnana look for the rest of the processes08:41
Dragonfyre13ok, well hang on Daveyj.08:41
Trishikait says syntax error08:41
Dragonfyre13wait, are you ripping from a CD, or reencoding?08:42
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DaveyJjust encoding from wav to mp308:42
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DaveyJdoesnt have to be the best quality08:42
Dragonfyre13OK, hang on.08:42
DaveyJthanks :)08:42
DaveyJi cant even kill the rest of the processes08:42
brutopiaDragonfyre13: I just want to provide screen+irssi access to my friend so that he can't access files anywhere else in my system08:42
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scheurihi all08:43
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narfmasterDaveyJ, you try soundconverter?08:45
Dragonfyre13Yep, just about to suggest that.08:45
YanCan does not function in the plateform ??? Proftpd08:45
DaveyJnope :) i will now08:45
narfmasterYan, you might want to try using gproftpd to get set up08:46
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Dragonfyre13brutopia, create a chrooted enviromnment where he can log in to access those tools. Just install them via apt-get to make everything kosher.08:48
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Dragonfyre13in the chrooted env of course.08:48
devmodemhi, what is the equivalent of debian's ``debian-volatile'' section in ubuntu?08:48
Trishika/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-25-386 --tharts the image that lilo hasset as my ubuntu image in the bootloader08:48
Dragonfyre13universe or multiverse.08:48
DaveyJwait why is mp3 disabled by default?08:49
novato_xubuntuhow do i configure my monitor? I mean brand, model... etc..08:49
Dragonfyre13DaveyJ, install win32 codecs.08:49
Tomcat_DaveyJ: Because the MP3 codec is legally questionable to package.08:49
Trishikawhen it starts up i get a kernal panic- not syncing  VFS-unable to mount roofs on unknown block 3,108:49
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DaveyJi thought i already did that08:49
DaveyJmust have been on my old install08:49
DaveyJold ubuntu install*08:49
Dragonfyre13novato_xubuntu, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:50
DaveyJyeah i do have themn installed08:50
KingLearDragonfyre13,  thank you for the help and guidance,08:50
KingLearGotta Leave08:50
scheuriDaveyJ: the reason is because of license restriction...and help is provided at help.ubuntu.com08:50
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:50
KingLearsee ya all again,08:50
Dragonfyre13Sure KingLear os everything good now?08:50
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KingLearyeah i forgot to put sudo before the apt-get update command last night08:51
gr8rahulapt-get install xmms says ... xmms package not available ...08:51
Dragonfyre13besides, oggvorbis has better playback in ubuntu anyway. ^_^08:51
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novato_xubuntuDragonfyre13 yeahp, but when it tryies to detect the monitor, it goes for the generic one..08:51
DaveyJokay i'll use .ogg ;)08:51
gr8rahulwhat to do ??08:51
Dragonfyre13ah. Bye.08:51
scheurigr8rahul: have you enabled the multiverse and universe repositories?08:51
gr8rahulapt-cache search shows the package ..08:51
gr8rahul@scheuri ... yup08:51
narfmasterxmms should be in main08:51
Dragonfyre13BRB guys. Gonna try another IRC client.08:52
K^Holtzim on imdb.com and i wanna view a trailer, is there a plugin i need to install to view wmv videos in firefox? i clicked the plugin button but it said there was nothing08:52
scheurixmms in main? oh okay08:52
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novato_xubuntuhow do i configure my monitor? I mean brand, model... etc..08:52
scheuriK^Holtz: wmv are a pita in linux....try to have a look at !restricted08:52
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:52
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scheurinovato_xubuntu: well, plut it in and make a "sudo apt-get reconfigure xorg-server"08:53
K^Holtzscheuri: i have read all of those before, i have installed w32codecs and what goes along with it, is there a plugin for firefox or no?08:53
Yangproftpd ask me to run as root08:53
cpsK^Holtz: install mozilla-mplayer08:53
DaveyJi think my sound card is frozen up in general08:53
Yanubunto don't work as root in a platform08:53
narfmasterYan, sudo gproftpd08:53
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scheuriK^Holtz: I'd say...no, there isnt...you have to dl the wmv in order to watch it08:53
Yanyes in a shell08:53
devmodemDaveyJ: see this: http://www.mp3licensing.com/royalty/software.html08:53
Yanme im work in a platform08:53
devmodemDaveyJ: this is why mp3 support is not there08:54
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K^Holtzcps: that will allow me to watch the trailer in firefox?08:54
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DaveyJi understand why :)08:54
DaveyJbut now i cant get anything to work08:54
cpsK^Holtz: yeah08:54
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scheuricps: thanks...didnt know that08:54
Trishikawhat initrd should i set for ubuntu in lilo? my current one is  /boot/initrd-2.6.12-oci6.mdk-i586-up-1GB.img08:54
DaveyJ02:38   0:00 [aud]  <defunct>08:54
DaveyJthats in my processes :(08:54
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novato_xubuntuscheuri: do I have to upgrade that?08:55
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DaveyJis there a way to release and restart the sound driver? (audigy2)08:55
scheurinovato_xubuntu: well, actually no...just plug the monitor in and then restart the configuration of x-server ("sudo apt-get reconfigre xorg-server")08:55
K^Holtzfunny, i have to download 8 differnet packages just to view a trailer08:56
nominTrishika: do you have mandriva installed?08:56
scheurinovato_xubuntu: it may just work when plugged in...no need to reconfigure...:)08:56
novato_xubuntuscheuri, and if it doesn't get it... what should I do?08:56
scheurinovato_xubuntu: it will take a standard-driver...which pretty much will work....no worries...I personally never had troubles with screens08:57
ubotuNo fonts in mplayer? Install mplayer fonts. Codecs: see !codecs08:57
trjonesDaveyJ: sudo modprobe -r audigy208:57
novato_xubuntuscheuri, yes, but I have a lot of 'flicking'in here...08:57
trjonesassuming your sound card module is called audigy208:57
scheurinovato_xubuntu: well then you should do a REconfigure of xorg-server!08:58
trjonesyou can type 'lsmod' to figure it out08:58
DaveyJi wonder what the module name is called08:58
trjonesthen reload it with 'sudo modprobe audigy2'08:58
novato_xubuntuscheuri, ok thank's  :)08:58
trjoneswhat is the output of 'sudo lsmod' ?08:58
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DaveyJi'm just gunna re-login08:59
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trjonesthat always works :)09:00
DaveyJokay i cant even log out lol09:00
trjonesctrl+alt+backspace ?09:00
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trjonesdoes anyone have some advice for helping someone who is new to ubuntu/linux? I'm trying to help a friend switch from windows to ubuntu...09:02
__doc__hi, a question. when I press <alt> and then left key and move it moves windows around in my gnome. However, <alt>+<left-click>+<move> is a shortcut gimp uses for some stuff...09:02
__doc__but because that shortcut is intercepted by gnome gimp never sees it09:02
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trjonesyou can change your keyboard shortcuts in Desktop-> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts09:03
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__doc__how do I turn off gnome <alt>+<leftclick>+<move> shortcut?09:03
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__doc__I can't seem to find the specific option for alt+mouse thingy in there?09:04
SurfnKidtrjones, whats up09:04
narfmaster__doc__, that's in "Windows" Preferences09:04
trjoneshi ;)09:04
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DaveyJgotta love a hard restart09:04
SurfnKidwhatcha tryin to do09:05
__doc__narfmaster: Windows preferences?09:05
__doc__ah, preferences -> windows09:05
narfmaster__doc__, System > Preferences > Windows09:05
narfmasterDaveyJ, sudo reboot :)09:05
trjonesi was just looking for some links to sites that might help an ubuntu newbie get off the ground09:05
trjonesmaybe some apps to help get things setup quick and easy09:05
SurfnKidtell him to download the LIVECD09:06
trjonesI found automatix and ran it for him09:06
trjonesya, I already helped hime install09:06
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Madpilottrjones, ick - why did you inflict that on a newbie?09:06
SurfnKidyeah watch out09:06
__doc__now funnily my gimp wont folly the instruction, altough it shows the selection movement icon upon pressing <alt>09:06
SurfnKidsometimes the transition from windows to linux can be traumatic09:06
SurfnKidif not handled properly by professionals09:06
trjoneswhat  problems does automatix have?09:06
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AnAnthow can I install Ubuntu via PXE ?09:07
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AnAnt!ubotu pxe09:07
ubotuI know nothing about ubotu pxe09:07
AnAnt!ubotu install09:07
ubotuI know nothing about ubotu install09:07
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SurfnKidAnAnt, try again09:08
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AnAnt!ubotu pxe09:08
ubotuI know nothing about ubotu pxe09:08
Madpilottrjones, automatix uses a number of unsafe scripting practices, and the developer is frankly anti-social & won't take bug reports...09:08
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SurfnKidhehe diff question :P09:08
AnAnt!ubotu network install09:08
ubotuI know nothing about ubotu network install09:08
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AnAnt!ubotu ubuntu install09:09
ubotuI know nothing about ubotu ubuntu install09:09
AnAnt!ubotu help09:09
ubotuI know nothing about ubotu help09:09
ubotuI know nothing about syslinux09:09
trjoneshmm, but once it has installed things you can just get rid of it and forget about it since it does everything through apt-get right?09:09
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues09:09
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DaveyJokay wtf09:10
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DaveyJwhenever i open audacity and then close it .. it crashes a whole bunch of media programs09:10
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timdid you try the other program yet?09:10
narfmasterrepo version of audacity?09:10
eternalswordhi, i'm using fglrx with a 128MB ati x300  and under fireglcontrol, it only lists 32MB for the card.  How do I change it to utilize all 128MB?09:11
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narfmasteraudacity is actually looking pretty good lately09:12
narfmasterjust not very stable just yet09:12
mattyveternalsword: forgive my possible ignorance but...are you sure the card has 128mb onboard, or is it shared with system ram like many lower end cards09:13
eternalswordI am positive 128MB onboard, no shared.09:13
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dibblegois it possible to create an archive of a directory that is multiple files of a specific size?09:14
mattyveternalsword: ok, im no expert on ati cards but maybe the drivers are too old to support your card properly, i could be completely wrong tho09:14
eternalswordany idea how I would update the drivers?09:15
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eternalswordor a site I could go to explaining that sort of stuff?09:16
cpsdibblego: what do you mean?09:16
dibblegocps, a directory containing many files - I wish to create an archive of it that spans multiple files09:16
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cpsdibblego: I think I know what you mean now09:17
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cpsdibblego: you can use zipsplit09:18
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mattyveternalsword: this seems to be a recent forum thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=204910&09:18
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mitrovarrhmm... anyone have any idea what might be a typical horizsync and vertrefresh for a laptop with a resolution of 1024x768?09:19
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dibblegocps, what's the extract command for zipsplit?09:19
eternalswordthanks, I'll read through it.09:20
nofx_brits possible to vmware use a mounted iso to install win ?? how to do it in ubuntu?09:20
Tomcat_mitrovarr: Do you even need that for TFTs?09:20
dibblegonoflex, yes, configure the CD-ROM09:20
dibblegopoint the CD-ROM to an ISO09:20
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mitrovarrTomcat:  Apparently, it won't let me set it to 1024x768.09:20
cpsdibblego: for example: zipsplit -n 3600 ZIPFILE09:21
syn-ackWell, since VMWare is a for-profit product, since you presumably paid for said product you have access to support.09:21
Tomcat_syn-ack: vmware has free (beer) products. :o09:21
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cpsdibblego: where ZIPFILE is your existing zip file to be split and the number after -n is how big you want each piece to be in bytes09:21
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narfmastervmplayer has lots of tutorials on the net too :)09:22
mattyveternalsword: there's also this, just had to check it was up to date https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI09:22
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dibblegocps, and zipsplit is to create the zipfiles as well? every time I try it seems to expect the zip file to already exist09:23
cpsdibblego: no it only divides existing zip files09:23
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dibblegocps, then how do I create the spanned zip?09:24
darth_gimpWhy am I getting an error when I run the Add/Remove from Applications under Dapper?09:24
cpsdibblego: first create the zip file and then run zipsplit on it09:24
dibblegooh right09:24
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NickGarveyj #gentoo09:24
Madpilotdarth_gimp, what error?09:25
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darth_gimpCheck the file permissions and correctness of the file '/etc/apt/sources.list'09:25
darth_gimpI look at that file at it looks Greek to me.09:25
Madpilotdarth_gimp, have you edited your sources.list file at all?09:25
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Madpilotdarth_gimp, "Check the file permissions..." etc is the only error you get?09:26
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darth_gimpThis is a major failure of your software management system. Check the file permissions and correctness of the file '/etc/apt/sources.list' and reload the software information: 'sudo apt-get update'.09:26
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darth_gimpThat's the entire message09:26
narfmasterdarth_gimp, try using Synaptic09:26
Madpilotdarth_gimp, that sounds odd - but fixable09:27
dibblegosomeone told me earlier how to use the -o option to mount where one of the options contains a comma - but I forgot who/what it was09:27
mitrovarrI can't get the resolution I need this laptop to use to show up as an option in the resolution-switching utility.  Any ideas?09:27
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dibblegomitrovarr, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:27
darth_gimpNarf.. I just used it for a rendering program called YafRay and now I have no clue where it went.. its not on the Graphics menu.09:27
tonsofpcswith ubuntu, can one just apt-get install without screwing things up?09:27
mitrovarrdibblego:  I have been, and it's in the screens settings, but it still won't appear.09:27
narfmastertonsofpcs, yes09:28
darth_gimpMadPilot // I'm willing to follow if you will lead09:28
scheuritonsofpcs: yes...but I recommend to use aptitude instead of apt-get09:28
Madpilotdarth_gimp, sure, just a second09:28
tonsofpcsand apt-cache update works too?09:28
scheuritonsofpcs: aye09:28
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darth_gimpMadpilot// Thanks09:28
narfmastertonsofpcs, anything apt related should work fine09:28
nofx_brdibblego: so what is the command to mount as a virtual drive ? #mount -t iso9660 file.iso /mnt/cdrom -o loop    dont work09:29
bjronI've got a problem: Just added a dvd drive to my system, but if I try to boot the machine w/ anytihng in the drive, the system hangs when starting hald.  Also if I boot w/o a disk in, and then insert one, the computer freezes.  I suspect these two symptoms are related (think the system freeze is when it tries to automount the disk. . )09:29
darth_gimpNarf // any idea why this program was installed with synaptec and now not showing in the menus?09:29
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dibblegonofx_br, you just point the VMWare image's CD-ROM to the ISO file09:29
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narfmasterdarth_gimp, not everything has a menu item09:29
nofx_brah... let me find it.. heheh09:29
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darth_gimpnarfmaster, how would I find and then run the program?09:30
narfmasterbjron, you can load iso file in file-roller (Archive Manager)09:30
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narfmasterdarth_gimp, you could try ls /usr/bin09:30
bjronnarfmaster, ? I'm not sure how that helps me. .09:30
NickGarveyyeah I'm not either09:31
narfmasterbjron, just making a suggestion :)09:31
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narfmasteroops, sorry byron i meant nofx_br09:31
Madpilotdarth_gimp, close Add Remove Apps, open Synaptic (System->Administration->Synaptic) and when it loads, hit the Reload button - tell me what that does09:32
bjronnarfmaster, heh, no prob09:32
darth_gimpnarfmaster, ok its there listed in yellow.09:32
Madpilotdarth_gimp, and not everything shows up in the menus after it's installed by Synaptic, just so you know09:32
narfmastermost things are in /usr/bin09:32
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nofx_bruhahuahu q mal ! instalando o windus09:32
darth_gimpMadpilot, Can it be added to a panel09:33
nofx_brdentro do ubuntu09:33
RedEyEhi, I have a problem with installation of Ubuntu. Instalation fails wth this http://tmp.bartik.org/error.jpg Can some one tell me that i am doing wrong?09:33
mitrovarrfreaky.  I tried to force it into 1024x768 and it ended up in 960x72009:33
Madpilotnofx_br, English here, please09:33
nofx_brops.. wrong window.. sorry09:33
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.09:33
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mitrovarrwhich is a freaky misshapen resolution.  I didn't know laptops could do that!09:33
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Madpilotdarth_gimp, yes, if you know the name of the app09:33
nofx_brdibblego: heheh.. easy.. worked.. tnx09:33
unstablesobRedEyE, looks like either a bad cd or a bad cd drive09:33
Slyhow do i configure my sound card properly, or to make sure the drivers are installed, because im using USB headset and its different, because it isnt hooked onto my sound card09:33
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darth_gimpMadpilot, its in /usr/bin listed in yellow09:34
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Madpilotdarth_gimp, what's the name of it?09:34
darth_gimpMadpilot, yafray09:34
Madpilotdarth_gimp, open a terminal, type yafray09:34
RedEyEunstablesob>> I will try to burn iso file again. Thanks09:34
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unstablesobRedEyE, try burning it at a slower speed, and check the md5sum of the iso before you burn it09:35
darth_gimpMadpilot, ok.. looks like it might be a command line thing.09:35
=== darth_gimp learned something new already.
NickGarveyyou can check the MD5SUM after you burn it09:35
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NickGarveyjust md5sum /dev/cdrom09:36
Madpilotdarth_gimp, what are you trying to do? (what is yafray supposed to do?)09:36
RedEyENickGarvey>> I have no linux here ;-)09:36
unstablesobbut why wait till after you've wasted a cd if you have a bad download?09:36
NickGarveyRedEyE: oh ouch ;)09:36
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darth_gimpMadpilot, It is a Free RayTrace program.. to render. It goes with Blender 3D.. or so I'm told09:37
unstablesobRedEyE, you can get an md5sum program for windows09:37
mitrovarranyone know how to force X to start in a specific resolution and no other?09:37
narfmasterRedEyE, you can use QuickPar or something like that to check md5s09:37
unstablesobmitrovarr, edit your xorg.conf09:37
Madpilotdarth_gimp, ah - I've never used Blender3d, and it's been a couple of years since I messed with 3d rendering stuff at all...09:37
NickGarveyMadpilot: blender is pretty09:38
mitrovarrunstablesob:  I have been, but it refuses to start in the only resolution I gave it in screens.09:38
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mitrovarrunstablesob:  It drops to a slightly lower resolution instead09:38
darth_gimpMadpilot, No worries.. it probably runs from within Blender..09:38
unstablesobmitrovarr, you might need to add HorizSync and VertRefresh for your monitor then09:39
mitrovarrunstablesob:  It's a laptop screen.  I can't even begin to guess what numbers to use.09:39
darth_gimpMadpilot, Still up to helping with the Add/Remove issue?09:39
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Madpilotdarth_gimp, sure - does Synaptic give you the same error that Add/Remove Apps does?09:39
mitrovarrunstablesob:  I think it does 1024x768x70hz09:39
darth_gimpMadpilot, not at all09:39
Madpilotdarth_gimp, odd09:40
unstablesobmitrovarr, you can get the numbers from the INF file used by Windows as well09:40
ubotuPozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke. Russian users please try #ubuntu-ru, there you may get more help09:40
darth_gimpMadpilot, I agree. It worked fine under Breezy...09:40
Madpilotdarth_gimp, I'd say just ditch Add/Remove in favour of Synaptic, but that's not all that helpful :)09:40
mitrovarrunstablesob:  know where it would be stored in 98?  Windows has been formatted off, but everything was backed up.09:40
darth_gimpMadpilot, I liked Add/Remove for the list of things in the catagories.09:41
Madpilotdarth_gimp, yeah, it's useful, I use both myself09:41
Madpilotdarth_gimp, can you pastebin your sources.list file for me?09:41
Madpilotubotu, tell darth_gimp about paste09:41
unstablesobmitrovarr, can you get the monitor driver from the manufactuers website?09:42
darth_gimpMadpilot, sure.. but the bot didn't tell me anything09:42
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seagullthemeI keep getting error messages specific to KDE, but I'm running gnome and KDE isn't even installed.  Anyone have any idea why this is or how i could fix it09:42
mitrovarrunstablesob:  Actually, I tracked down the inf file and looked at it.  It doesn't contain any information of that sort.09:42
Madpilotdarth_gimp, it should have sent you a PM - but use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to copy the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list09:42
cpsseagulltheme: what are the errors?09:42
mitrovarrunstablesob:  I'm not sure I need the exact accurate horiz and vert.  Do you know just typical values for a 1024x768 monitor?09:43
unstablesobmitrovarr, i dont' i always use the exact numbers for my displays09:43
narfmastermitrovarr, there really aren't any typical scanning values09:43
juanubnutu doesnt seam to use my 4th and 5th mouse buttons in firefox, is there a way to get it to go back/forwards09:43
seagullthemeThey are of all sorts, usually saying it can't read a file or that something isn't running.  The one I have now says "dcopserver" isn't running and that it can't read a file that doesn't exist09:44
mitrovarrok.  I'll go try to find the real ones.09:44
unstablesobmitrovarr, can you pastebin the file at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ ?09:44
mitrovarrunstablesob:  The inf file?  I can read it, it doesn't contain any useful information.09:45
narfmastermitrovarr, i usually just Google search the manufacturer name and model number09:45
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cpsseagulltheme: is this from a fresh login?09:45
darth_gimpMadpilot, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1767509:45
markedwardshi all, can anyone assist installing ubuntu on an intel Mac?09:45
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seagullthemewhat do you mean?09:46
Madpilotdarth_gimp, looking, just a moment09:46
cpsseagulltheme: do these error appear as soon as you login?09:46
cpsseagulltheme: *errors09:47
seagullthemecps:  No, they appear when I try to run certain programs, specifically KVocTrain and amaroK.  The programs work fine, but I get error messages nonetheless09:47
Madpilotdarth_gimp, that's a fairly messed-up sources.list - did you run automatix or something like it on your Ubuntu install?09:47
darth_gimpMadpilot, I may have.. I don't remember.09:47
unstablesobmitrovarr, are you by chance using nvidia drivers?09:47
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darth_gimpMadpilot, is it fixable?09:48
mitrovarrunstablesob:  Hah!  I wish.  This POS has a virge.09:48
Madpilotdarth_gimp, paste http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17674 into your sources.list instead, and restart Add/Remove09:48
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cpsseagulltheme: yeah those are KDE apps09:48
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seagullthemecps:  I've never had any trouble with them before today, though.09:48
cpsseagulltheme: have you changed anything, installed or removed any packages?09:49
Slyis there a winamp? or something for ubuntu09:49
MadpilotSly, for playing mp3?09:49
Slyfor playin shoutcast09:49
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narfmasterSly, i use xmms09:49
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darth_gimpMadpilot, same issue.. do I need to totally re-start?09:50
Slyi tried09:50
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Slyi get09:50
Slysound card not properly configured09:50
SurfnKidi use amaroK not sure about shoutcast09:50
Slybut im using usb headphones and they work fine09:50
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SurfnKidSly, but the output hardware might be different09:51
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seagullthemecps: Nothing that should have affected the system in this way: some gtk themes, an nvidia driver, and the flashcards program09:51
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SurfnKidSly, to headphones than to speakers09:51
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juanive installed 'lm-sensors frontend for KDE' ussing the system repositry, how do i use it?09:52
Madpilotdarth_gimp, you shouldn't have to... use Synaptic for now, and file a bug at http://bugs.ubuntu.com - I've never seen an error like that from Add/Remove.09:52
ubotuYou might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto09:52
SlyUSB headphones09:52
Madpilotdarth_gimp, assuming Synaptic is still OK?09:52
darth_gimplol let me check09:52
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SurfnKidSly, not sure there man09:53
darth_gimpMadpilot, works fine...09:53
cpsseagulltheme: I'm afraid that I don't know enough about KDE09:53
Madpilotdarth_gimp, very odd... file that bug against Add/Remove Apps, then...09:54
seagullthemecps:  Thanks for your help anyway09:54
darth_gimpMadpilot, updating from Breezy to Dapper was the first update I've done.. wouldn't be sureprised if I messed it up.09:54
darth_gimpMadpilot, you just as savvy with Gimp and WACOM Tablets?09:54
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Madpilotdarth_gimp, nope, sorry, I do use the GIMP a fair bit, but don't own a tablet09:55
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darth_gimpMadpilot, I've gone through the tutorials and still no pressure sensitivity...09:55
narfmasterdarth_gimp, you might check your version of gnome-app-install (0.1.33)09:55
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darth_gimpnarfmaster, how?09:56
narfmasterapt-cache show gnome-app-install09:56
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narfmastergnome-app-install is a front end for Synaptic :)09:57
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darth_gimpnarfmaster, Version: 0.1.3209:58
narfmasterthat's the original Dapper version there09:58
narfmasterone revision behind09:58
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Slyi installed tor, now how do i start it?09:59
Madpilotdarth_gimp, have you done all your updates on this machine? Is there an orange update symbol up by the clock?09:59
hydroksydegreetings, ubuntu users09:59
nomatssly, it might have a script at /etc/init.d10:00
hydroksydeI come from trouser land10:00
=== darth_gimp mouses over orange thing
darth_gimpMad says there is an error10:00
Madpilotdarth_gimp, same error that Synaptic gives?10:00
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hydroksydeand I must say10:00
darth_gimpone sec10:00
hydroksydeubuntu is a nice distro, even if lacking a bit of polish10:01
hydroksydeI use it on my media centre10:01
Glimerratihello...can any one help me installing SUN JAVA?10:01
hydroksydeGlimerrati, tried using easy ubuntu?10:01
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GlimerratiI am a new user of ubuntu....know very little ubuntu10:01
MadpilotGlimerrati, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java10:01
hydroksydegoogle easyubuntu10:01
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.10:01
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hydroksydeGlimerrati, worth checking out10:02
Slynomats, could u tell me how to start it10:02
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nofx_bri installed kde, but I want that gnome login screen back... if I just take kdm out in "services" and let gdm... its a good idea?10:03
kristiananyone that knows how to specifiy where make modules_install puts all modules and other relative files?10:04
NickGarveySly: /etc/init.d/alsa(hit tab here) start10:04
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darth_gimpMadpilot, check here http://img97.imageshack.us/my.php?image=error5pj.png10:04
scheurinofx_br: try "sudo apt-get reconfigure kdm" on the CLI...it lets you choose which one you want10:04
nofx_brtnx scheuri10:04
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nofx_brinvalid operation: reconfigure10:05
Madpilotdarth_gimp, open a terminal for me, and type "ls -l /etc/apt/" (those are both Ls)10:05
scheurinofx_br: just figured that myself...funny....I am checking it10:05
darth_gimpMadpilot, done.10:06
mitrovarryay, I found out why it didn't work10:06
mitrovarrit can't do 1024x768x24bpp10:06
nomatsSly, sudo /etc/init.d/tor start10:06
mitrovarronly 16bpp10:06
mitrovarrit's such an old computer10:07
Madpilotdarth_gimp, in the list you got from that command, can you post *just* the line with sources.list in it, please?10:07
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Madpilotdarth_gimp, that line should look like this: "-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1142 2006-06-12 02:18 sources.list" - the date & time might be different10:07
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ompaulMadpilot, a word if you will10:08
darth_gimpMadpilot, there are a few.. I assume you don't want back-ups but there is one with a ~ at the end and then another with .d and so on10:08
Madpilotompaul, hmm? PM if you want, anytime10:08
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dmitrii think my new kernel source and headers 2.6.15-25-686 are not compiled, how can i make sure?10:08
Madpilotdarth_gimp, anything with a ~ on the end is a backup too, actually10:08
darth_gimp-rw------- 1 root root 1193 2006-07-10 01:49 sources.list10:09
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darth_gimpMadpilot, need any others?10:09
narfmasterthat's it10:09
narfmasterdarth_gimp, sudo chmod 644 /etc/apt/sources.list10:10
Madpilotdarth_gimp, the permissions on that file are messed up, that's probably why Add/Remove is complaining - I'm not sure why Synaptic doesn't seem to care, though10:10
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Madpilotnarfmaster, thanks - was trying to remember the chmod command to give him :)10:10
narfmasterno problem10:10
juani was working through a guide but dunno how to do this? >>Now test the sensor output using the lm-sensors utility "sensors". <<10:10
darth_gimpMadpilot, need any others?10:10
sagittaI am a new user of ubuntu.....can any one help me,please. I want to mount memstick, but i dont know how..:(10:10
Madpilotdarth_gimp, no, just do that command that narfmaster gave you, then try Add/Remove again10:11
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darth_gimpMadpilot, on my way10:11
scheurinofx_br: try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm"10:11
darth_gimpnarfmaster, Thanks!10:11
narfmasterdarth_gimp, you're welcome10:11
darth_gimpI think...10:11
darth_gimpI think.. its working....10:12
darth_gimpOk so.. I should run the update again as well huh?10:12
Slyi just removed my panel with my clock and everything in it10:12
Slyhow do i add that back?10:12
narfmasterSly, right-click in an empty area of the panel and select "Add to Panel"10:13
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darth_gimpMadpilot, narfmaster, thanks guys.. it is now working!10:13
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GlimerratiMadpilot .......... sorry it didnt help me10:13
Madpilotdarth_gimp, np - glad it's fixed10:13
Slythe panel with my start button10:13
Slyand etc10:13
Slyi only se my desktop10:13
Slysee my desktop10:14
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atsugnamSly, try what he said10:14
Slyi did, dont see that op tion10:14
nofx_brscheuri: think I found http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19799710:14
darth_gimpSo if I run the update manager.. this Orange thing should go away too?10:14
Glimerratii have 6.06 but there is no sun java in my add/remove application...10:14
Slyi only see create folder, create launcher, create document10:14
Slyand alignment shit10:14
Glimerratido I have to chagne something/anuthing in the repository....?10:14
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:14
atsugnamwhich ui?10:14
scheurinofx_br: exactly...sorry...:)10:15
atsugnamsly, kde or gnome10:15
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MadpilotGlimerrati, in Add/Remove, tick both orange boxes in the middle of the right-hand stuff to enable all the repos, then look for Sun Java10:15
Slydefault i guess? just installed it10:15
atsugnamok, gnome...10:15
juanwhere am i likely to find lm-sensors utility and how do i use it?10:15
atsugnamnot sure how to reverse what you have done directly, but you could nuke your prefs and log out and back in10:16
NickGarveyjuan: sudo apt-get install lm-sensors10:16
Slyyou know how taskbar is @ the top for linux well by default when you install10:16
Slyi removed10:16
Slythat panel on accident10:16
Slywhich had my log out button and system clock etc10:16
Slyand i tried what you said to add it back, but doesnt work10:16
atsugnamtry moving the .gnome dir in your home dir to something else, then ctrl-alt-backspace to restart X10:16
Slydont see tha top tion10:16
narfmasterSly use the panel on the bottom10:16
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spikehi, anybody using keychain?10:16
dmitrican someone help please - i think my new kernel source and headers 2.6.15-25-686 are not compiled, how can i make sure?10:17
spikeI cant get it to work... or rather, it does work but then I get prompted for pwds all the tiems regardless10:17
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atsugnamdmitri, what do you mean, you need to phrase your question as a question....10:18
=== seventy2 [n=david@dyn-62-56-68-78.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu
seventy2Morning all.10:18
dmitriatsugnam: can someone help me check what version of the kernel is compiled on the computer?10:18
atsugnamdoes anyone know where I can get the program mkraid?10:19
narfmasterdmitri, type uname -r10:19
atsugnamdmitri, $> uname -r10:19
linux-hyperive just installed the alternate cd as the desktop install keep crashing. now it didnt ask me to enter a username and password, but i let it continue to install the base etc etc etc. im now up to the point where the ubuntu login manager is displayed asking for a username and password... ?10:19
MadpilotSly, right-click on your surviving panel, choose "New Panel", then "Add To Panel" to get clock & such back10:19
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shenI've got an ibook running ubuntu 6.06. Any pointers on how to get it to recognise my usb mouse when I boot it up? Currently I need to unplug it and plug it back in before it starts working10:19
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atsugnamshen, are the usb modules loading at boot?10:20
dmitriatsugnam: i did...and it comes up  2.6.15-25-686 - which should be ok. Only truecrypt now doesnt load with message: Failed to load TrueCrypt kernel module.10:20
richiefrichand ppc users ?10:20
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seventy2I suppose I should throw my question in too then... trying to ditch the drive icons off the desktop (ubuntu 6.06).. providing awkward. Thought it would be a nautilus option.10:20
linux-hyperany idea's ?10:20
atsugnamok, dmitri, you may need to recompile the module for truecrypt10:20
dmitriatsugnam: i recompiled truecrypt, and still it doesnt work10:20
richiefrichthats are on ubuntu10:21
atsugnamcheck that there are no later updates to truecrypt10:21
atsugnamalso, check that you have kernel-headers installed?10:21
dmitridmitri: i did that too! and 4.2a does not build on my pc10:21
juani followed what nick said but it doesnt give the right output i need to test the sensor output using the lm-sensors utility "sensors".10:21
shenatsugnam: I think they are loading, my usb drive is found right away, but not the mouse.10:21
richiefrichany ppc users ?10:21
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dmitriatsugnam: i have linux-headers-2.6.15-25-686  in /usr/src - does that mean they are installed?10:22
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atsugnamok, maybe it is the mouse itself which doesn't like the way it is started?? not sure10:22
richiefrichnanobanshee nice to see  u10:22
Madpilotrichiefrich, if you just ask your actual question, you might get better help...10:22
section31what's the best way to see human readable information about your partitions, mainly the space used and space free10:22
nanobansheerichiefrich: and you as well sir.10:22
atsugnamdmitri, you can check with synaptic, or aptitude, not sure of the specific for the command though10:22
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richiefrichMadpilot i dont need help ty.. i have a flock deb10:22
shenmaybe, the light of the lazer doesn't start until it is plugged in after boot. if it is plugged in while booting it stays dark until it is unplugged and plugged back in10:22
narfmastersection31, df -h10:22
linux-hyper[Logging in AFTER INSTALL issue]  ive just installed the alternate cd as the desktop install keep crashing. now it didnt ask me to enter a username and password, but i let it continue to install the base etc etc etc. im now up to the point where the ubuntu login manager is displayed asking for a username and password... ?10:22
atsugnamalso, dmitri, are you sure truecrypt can work with the new kernel?10:22
richiefrichMadpilot that is for ppc10:23
section31narfmaster,i did that...is there anything better?10:23
shenwhere would start up errors like that be logged?10:23
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section31oh wait a miknute10:23
atsugnamshen, dmesg10:23
section31i ws doing du -h10:23
dmitriatsugnam: synaptic doesnt have a package for truecrypt. i've read on their website that their new version works with all builds - as i built it from source10:23
=== Cass [n=Cass@amfea-proxy-1.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu
section31narfmaster,thanks that works10:23
Ademanyou guys know how the window list panel applet has that little button looking thing to the far left, that you can use to drag it around and whatnot?  what gtk widget is that?10:23
atsugnamok, not sure dmitri, might be worthwhile looking for someone else who has it too10:23
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nanobansheeMadpilot: richiefrich and I are fanatics of a certain browser from flock.com, and I have built a .deb of it on debian etch on my ibook and was wondering if I would recruit a g4 ibook/powerbook ubuntu user to test it for me.  to see if it works on ubuntu.10:24
dmitriastugnam: yeah, i been trying to forum for a week to seek someone who solved by problems! not yet10:24
richiefrichnanobanshee i just asked in #debian too10:25
dmitriatsugnam: just one more question: how do i find out what /dev/?? my wireless connection is mounted as10:25
darth_gimpThanks again guys.. This makes life easier!10:25
nanobansheerichiefrich: I know it works on debian, you goof. I am on debian.10:25
richiefrichi know10:25
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atsugnamdmitri, check out what ifconfig gives you10:25
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atsugnamshould be an eth0+10:25
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dmitriatsugnam: guess i didnt phrase it right. ifconfig tell me connection state - but i need mounting point (in /dev/??) for my wireless crad10:26
atsugnamuhmmm, it should say devide: eth0 is .......10:26
atsugnameth0 is the dev address10:27
atsugnamusing "address" loosely10:27
dmitriatsugnam: i though eth0 was ethernt and ath0 was wireless10:27
linux-hyper[Logging in AFTER INSTALL issue]  ive just installed the alternate cd as the desktop install keep crashing. now it didnt ask me to enter a username and password, but i let it continue to install the base etc etc etc. im now up to the point where the ubuntu login manager is displayed asking for a username and password... ?10:27
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kaotdmitri: wireless cards have been known to identify as eth(n), wlan0, and ath0, depending.  On what, I don't know.10:28
atsugnamdmitri, the eth0 is ethernet standard device, your wifi card will come up with something like that usually10:28
Slywhen i start a program, the icon usually starts in the taskbar, but when i remove the panel on accident and added it back10:28
Slyi dont see none of the icons of the programs started10:28
kaotdmitri: If I use kernel driver for the card, it shows up as eth1.  if i use ndiswrapper, it's wlan010:28
atsugnamSly, it won't show any programs already running10:29
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atsugnamor, it might not anyway10:29
Slyi got it athlon10:29
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kaotdmitri: also I think wireless lan has like, faux ethernet headers thrown in there for some reason, so the OS can make sense of it, since the OS kernel never sees link-level activity.10:29
dmitrikaot: my wireless shows up as ath0 in ifconfig - but there's not such entry in /dev10:29
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kaotdmitri: there won't be, either.10:29
Slyatsugnam,  i added notifcation area to the taskbar :D10:29
Glimerratithanks.....it is working10:29
linux-hyperguys is it possible to install a user ? or must i reinstall ??10:29
kaotdmitri: it isn't necessary10:29
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kaotdmitri: I don't have any network interfaces in /dev10:30
xbowHi all. Question about repositories: is there any doc how to make a local mirror of ubuntu repositories but for some platforms (386,amd64) only?10:30
thomas_could someone help me out with repositories, it fails to connect10:30
atsugnamlinux-hyper, easiest way around this is to press ctrl-alt-f110:30
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kaotcd /dev/net10:30
atsugnamlinux-hyper, then log in as root on the terminal10:30
neutrinomasslinux-hyper: You did an expert install and have no users ?10:30
atsugnamlinux-hyper, then add a new user10:30
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dmitrikaot: ok, but i am trying to link my wifi internet connection to vmware (running virtual windows, since i cant gt truecrypt running on ubuntu). How do i connect the machine's internet connection to vmware? through NAT?/ or specific virtual network?10:31
kaotdmitri: beats me, i've never used vmware10:31
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narfmastervmware goes through vmnet10:31
narfmasterit should show up if you do an ifconfig10:32
seventy2Is there an option somewhere to remove drives from the desktop?10:32
dmitrinarfmaster: ok great! but is it vmnet0,1,2,3 - 9 ?10:32
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seventy2Can't seem to find it anywhere..10:32
narfmasterdmitri, i think it starts at 110:32
thomas_seventy2 good question..10:33
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seventy2I'd settle for just hiding them even..10:34
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Netcad ./ara do-g016 | grep uid= | grep -v filter | cut -d = -f 2 | cut -d , -f 1 ; ./ara do-g016 | grep macaddress: | cut -d , -f 3 <--- this one gives me results on separate lines. what should I replace ; with in order to get the results on the same line?10:34
xbowIs there any doc how to make a local mirror of ubuntu repositories but for some platforms (386,amd64) only?10:34
drewfuswhat is a good channel for newbies?10:34
narfmasterseventy2, try "/apps/nautilus/desktop/volumes_visible" in gconf-editor10:35
dmitrinarfmaster: ok it looks like its connecting, but i cant get the internet on it. Do i need to bridge my wireless and ethernet? maybe vmware can only connect to eth0?10:35
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narfmasterdmitri, yeah i'm not sure how vmware uses vmnet :p10:35
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seventy2Aha, thanks.. haven't used Gnome for some time and forgot about that..10:36
seventy2Thanks narfmaster.10:36
transgresshey what is the wiki about installing real player?10:36
dmitrinarfmaster.ok ,thanks. and do you know about truecrypt, by chance?10:36
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narfmasterdmitri, sorry never heard of it10:37
Adokwhat games come with ubuntu?10:38
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narfmasterAdok, lots of simple games like solitaire10:39
drewfusjust some really simple games as far as i know.10:39
drewfusim aching to find some more challenging ones10:39
drewfusim downloading america's army right now10:39
drewfusid love to find some more multiplayer fps games for linux10:39
Adoki have suse right now, and wanna play X-Moto but i cant "configure" my 3d support10:39
linux-hyperneutrinomass: i didnt a normal install10:40
Adokanyone think they can help me on that?10:40
linux-hyperatsugnam: i tryed that no new displays open up10:40
drewfuswish i could.  the paint is still wet im so new10:40
scheuriAdok: maybe #suse may help?10:40
thomas_seventy2 did you figure out which setting it is?10:40
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drewfusi just wish starwars battlefront 2 worked in linux.  id never be tempted to go back to xp if it did10:40
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section31how can i change my hostname permanently..when i do hostname new_hostname_here and then i restart it doesn't stick10:40
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Netcad./ara do-g016 | grep uid= | grep -v filter | cut -d = -f 2 | cut -d , -f 1 ; ./ara do-g016 | grep macaddress: | cut -d , -f 3 <--- this one gives me results on separate lines. what should I replace ; with in order to get the results on the same line?10:41
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tdnWhich one should I use: totem-gstreamer og totem-xine? Which one is best?10:41
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thomas_so anyone know what would cause the updater to not be able to connect to repositories, but I can ping them fine10:44
thomas_proxies disabled where I could find them10:44
Ash-Foxpossibly the webserver/ftp are down on the mirrors10:44
tdnthomas_, try telnet repository-server 80.10:45
narfmastercould be they're changing the DNS/IPs again10:45
Ash-FoxAre you able to access them via your webbrowser?10:45
thomas_they will ping though10:45
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Ash-FoxI have no idea what's wrong10:45
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thomas_router log shows: src: dst: connection terminated 0 bytes transferred10:47
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kuzmasterhello all10:48
kuzmasteris it normal for my apt to have super cow powers?10:48
Slyhow come i cant talk on skype and talk on listen to music streaming through firefox?10:48
babecause skype for linux sucks10:49
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neutrinomassI hit ctrl+s in a terminal and scroll lock went on. It won't turn off with the scroll lock key or with ctrl+s and I can't use the terminal (nothing shows on screen). Any ideas ?10:49
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narfmasterSly, try streaming through xmms10:49
Slyso paste the stream for the radio in xmms location10:50
J4tneutrinomass: ctrl-s = flow stop10:50
kuzmasterwell, is it normal for my apt-get to have super cow powers?10:50
J4tneutrinomass: try ctrl-q to continue10:50
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neutrinomassJ4t : Neat, thanks a lot.10:51
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J4tkuzmaster: "apt-get moo"10:51
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thomas_tdn: hm trying telnet, shows it connected10:51
livingdaylightcan someone tell me which is the best Linux distribution?10:51
kuzmastercows have taken over apt-get10:51
livingdaylighti heard Ubuntu is crap now, is it true?10:51
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neutrinomasslivingdaylight : There is not a single best distro. Depends on your needs. If you're asking the question though, you probably want Ubuntu :)10:52
kuzmasteri love ubuntu10:52
narfmasteractually, it depends on the purpose10:52
livingdaylighti heard Kanotix is the best Linux distribution, does anyone know if it is true?10:52
tdnthomas_, ok. Then the webserver on the repository is up... What error does apt-get give you on apt-get update?10:52
seventy2It is pretty leet.10:52
cwillulivingdaylight: the question has no meaning10:52
kuzmasterim gonna try fedora when it finishes downloading10:52
=== keithp_ [n=keith@keithg4jvx.force9.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Lynourelivingdaylight: no such thing as allaround best.10:52
cwillulivingdaylight: dell makes the best computers, dominos the best pizza, and kanotix the best live cd :p10:53
=== os390 [i=os390@cm-83-97-140-77.telecable.es] has joined #ubuntu
livingdaylightwhy is there not an all round best10:53
brutopiaknoppix is best general-purpose linux livecd in my opinion10:53
seventy2livingdaylight: Yes, it's just the best one, simple as that.  The other flavours exist just to make the best one look better.10:53
cwillunow, ask me what you want to do, and I can suggest something :)10:53
Lynourelivingdaylight: Because different people use linux differently10:53
thomas_tdn: it will either say err www.ubunt.... connection failed, or Ign www.ubuntu...10:53
livingdaylighthuh, use linux differently?10:53
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Lynourelivingdaylight: Are you trolling?10:53
cwillunow, I guess we'll take the discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic, eh?  :p10:53
=== Tomcat__ [n=tomcat@vpn2-dynip65.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de] has joined #ubuntu
kuzmasterlike, if you use multimedia heaps, or want to use linux for a tv, then ubuntu isnt the best option10:53
kuzmastersomthing like mythTV would be want you would want10:54
cwilluck patched kernel is nice on ubuntu though10:54
Lynourelivingdaylight: you know, some use it on a laptop, some on a desktop, some as a game server, some for mailserver, some want a skinny firewall10:54
livingdaylightno, i want to know what is the best. Seems like they all do the same thing except some do it esier10:54
tdnthomas_, hmm... Strange. I don't really have any idea.10:54
livingdaylighti am a home desktop user10:54
seventy2Use XP then.10:54
Lynourelivingdaylight: Try them all out, then :)10:54
thomas_k, its very odd10:54
thomas_I just had 5.10 installed and it would run fine on that10:54
linux-hyperive gotten into the alt + ctrl + f1 terminal ... its asking for a login ... yet root is disabled and there are not user accounts how can i login to adduser? : guys is it possible to install a user ? or must i reinstall ??10:55
kuzmasterlivingdaylight, try ubuntu (and kubuntu), fedora and suse10:55
cwillulivingdaylight: that's part of it;  they can all run the same software, with various degrees of difficulties in setting up various types and quanities of setups10:55
thomas_thanks though10:55
cwillulinux-hyper: boot into single user mode10:55
livingdaylightthey all do the same thing, but some are more stable and need less tinkering with, thi smakes the best distributio9n in my opinion. Which one delivers this? Kanotix or Ubun tu?10:55
linux-hyperhow do i do that ?10:55
linux-hyperuse the cd?10:55
LynoureWhat is difficult depends on the user too, e.g. for me editing /etc/fstab manually is easier than using GUI for it.10:55
kuzmasterthe main thing that i like about suse is the rpm's you can install them by double clicking10:55
neutrinomasslinux-hyper : Boot from the rescue option in the grub menu.10:55
linux-hyperive nly got ubuntu normal and safe mode and windows xp in my grub menu10:55
cwillulinux-hyper: escape when booting (there's a three second window or so)10:55
livingdaylightWhy are there hundreds of Linux distibutions. That is stupid! Don't tell me there are hundreds of different uses10:56
neutrinomasslinux-hyper : It will drop you to a root terminal, from which you will have to add the user ...10:56
cwillulivingdaylight: um, well, um, yes, there are10:56
seventy2There are an infinite number of uses.10:56
linux-hyperneutrinomass ahh no it doesnt10:56
livingdaylightcwillu: stop it!10:56
linux-hyperit brings up a select a partiton to run a shell off10:56
linux-hyperso i choose hda210:56
linux-hyperand then there is no adduser or passwd10:56
narfmasterlivingdaylight, Linux is free so of course there are lots of variations10:57
linux-hyperits like a basic sh shell10:57
=== radioamiga [n=radioami@35.Red-83-52-53.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
livingdaylightthis is the problem iwth Linux. Just make one that works plese!10:57
neutrinomasslinux-hyper : That's probably busybox....10:57
livingdaylightok two10:57
livingdaylightok 310:57
cwillulivingdaylight: a distro is like a particular install of windows (i.e., with the software people like, utilities, etc), including such things as citrix, server, terminal server, ad, nt4 domains...10:57
livingdaylightor something, but not hundreds!10:57
linux-hyperneutrinomass no its not its the resuce mode.10:57
narfmasterhow do you stop people from making them?10:57
Slynarfmaster,  http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/3315/screenshot9ab.png10:57
neutrinomasslinux-hyper : Are you sure? No grub's rescue mode, the linux rescue option ...10:57
Slyi cant seem to stream that radio station through xmms10:57
neutrinomasslinux-hyper : Is this 6.06 ?10:57
seventy2Admittedly it might better if some of the distros just collaborated.10:57
cwillulivingdaylight: there's really only a dozen really popular ones,10:58
seventy2But you can't force people to work together.10:58
linux-hyperhmm i dont htink there is an entry for that. ill just reboot now and chekc the grub list brb.10:58
zcat[1] livingdaylight: there aren't hundreds. There are only as many distros as you feel comfortable with. For all practical purposes the ones you don't feel like knowing about simply don't exist.10:58
linux-hyperneutrinomass yes 6.06 alternate.iso10:58
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narfmasterSly, you probably need the right xmms plugin10:58
Ash-FoxYou know, some distros are just better at some things than others in my opinion.10:58
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seventy2Personally I only consider half a dozen or so.. slack, ubuntu (regardless of which sub-distro you use), deb, R.H,..10:58
neutrinomasslinux-hyper : I'm quite sure there is such an entry. If there isn't one though, you'll have to pass 'single' as an argument to the kernel ...10:58
Slynarfmaster, how do i get that bro :)10:58
livingdaylightzcat[1] : how do i know i don't want them until i try?10:58
narfmasterSly, just search for "xmms" in Synaptic10:59
neutrinomasslinux-hyper : Offhand I don't remember how to do it (more familiar with lilo than with grub), but you'll figure it out ...10:59
cwillulivingdaylight: how do you know you don't want a justintech stereo in your car?10:59
linux-hyperrecovery mode. attempting it now10:59
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neutrinomasslinux-hyper : Ok, good luck!10:59
livingdaylightcwillu: you are getting clever now, stop it11:00
cwilluI know;  I'm a clever guy :p11:00
livingdaylight :o11:00
zcat[1] what car?11:00
livingdaylightzcat[1] : i just get the car that is cheap. I can't afford the car i want, nor does it even exist yet11:00
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Slynarfmaster,  which xmms plugin is it?11:01
linux-hyperneutrinomass sorry for dissagreeing you were correct thanks alot sir much appreciated :)11:01
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narfmasterSly, what type of file are you trying to stream?11:01
=== PwcrLinux [n=DS_Staff@user-12l2q7f.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
livingdaylightLook: Ubuntu, Mepis, Kanotix - all Debian sid. but they are not all the same. They do the same thing, but some do it easier and out of the box than others11:01
=== thomas_ [n=thomas@d154-20-67-168.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
livingdaylightThe thing i love most about Ubuntu is the name11:02
=== Xnix [n=xnix@n157s046.ntc.blacksburg.shentel.net] has joined #ubuntu
Slyits for winamp11:02
zcat[1] if all cars were the same price (free), would you complain that there were too many different models and options to choose from?11:02
Sly.pls or w/e11:02
livingdaylightbut i don't like the lack of hardware recognition and automatix11:02
neutrinomasslinux-hyper : lol, you don't have to be sorry :P Glad it worked out!11:02
linux-hyperanother issue is i have a ms natural ergonmic keyboard(due to its split layout and price :P) the F1 and so forth keys dont work. in xp i had to install some drivers. any chance of getting this resolved with ubuntu ?11:02
Lynourelivingdaylight: You don't need to use automatix11:02
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Lynourelivingdaylight: use EusyUbuntu or don't use either.11:03
livingdaylightLynoure: i do if i want propiretory codecs11:03
cwillulivingdaylight: no, you really don't11:03
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dpnIs there a reason some wmvs will play in VLC while other won't?11:03
narfmasterSly, strange it should work fine11:03
Lynourelivingdaylight: well, Ubuntu aims to be open source, and cannot be even without cost if they include some of those codecs11:03
cwilludpn, different codecs11:03
dpnAn updated codec I need?11:03
livingdaylightLynoure: Kanotix has easier repositories. You add one then apt-get update and they are there, presto and basta11:03
zcat[1] weird; my MS keyboard everything worked, even the special buttons like 'web browser' and 'email' and 'power'11:03
=== ragoo [n=ragoo@dsl-53-5-41.monet.no] has joined #ubuntu
dpnWhere would I get both11:04
Lynourelivingdaylight: If that bothers you, use something else11:04
neutrinomasslinux-hyper :Not sure exactly how it can be done, but it should be filed as a bug ( http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu)11:04
livingdaylightLynoure: then why do Kanotix make it easier?11:04
linux-hyperwill do thanks11:04
linux-hyperanother issue11:04
Lynourelivingdaylight: I'm not a Kanotix user and this is not a Kanotix channel11:04
linux-hyperhow do i add hyperstream 's account password to sudo ?11:04
cwillulivingdaylight: you can use the same repositories, but in any case, pretty much all the codecs you need are available in universe and multiverse (i.e., enable a couple repositories)11:04
livingdaylightIn Kanotix repositories are easier than in uBUNTU. Add one line and update and it s done. not all this automatix and hardubuntu stuff11:04
cwillulivingdaylight: it's one line in ubuntu too11:05
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ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.11:05
zcat[1] livingdaylight: in ubuntu you add two (universe and multiverse) and you can apt-get all that stuff..11:05
cwilluhmm, they used to have a stronger warning on that one...11:05
Lynourelivingdaylight: What is your goal with talking about the greatness of Kanotix here?11:05
zcat[1] 'add one line' ?? in ubuntu it's just a checkbox..11:06
cwilluzcat[1] : depends where you change it from11:06
livingdaylightzcat[1] : yea. but you have to do them all individually. In kanotix you add one repository and update and they are installed All of them11:06
zcat[1] well, from synaptic anyhow11:06
ubotuI know nothing about troll11:06
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livingdaylightLynoure: i want ubuntu to get better11:06
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cwilluiirc, win32codecs is the only package you need to install11:07
ubotuI know nothing about win32codecs11:07
Lynourelivingdaylight: this is not the devel channel...11:07
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zcat[1] livingdaylight: sorry, when you say 'they' you mean all the codecs? like apt-get install w32codec ?11:07
kuzmasteri just got an sources.list of source-o-matic, and after i ran "sudo apt-get update"  it came up with errors and the signitures couldnt be verified or somthing11:07
roblivingdaylight, please take it to -offtopic11:07
kuzmasterhow can i resolve this?11:07
cwillu!codecs > livingdaylight11:07
livingdaylightarrgh...ok.... :|  sorry rob11:07
robthanks :)11:07
livingdaylighti'm just frustrated11:08
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livingdaylighti just want my os to completely work and not to think of other distributions and get on with using it, rather than fixing it11:08
Slyi dont get why i cant stream a .pls file (radio station) while im on skype11:08
robSeveas repo has things like w32codecs I think, so check that out11:08
=== cwillu gives livingdaylight a pony
=== Kenzumi [n=kenzumi@81-203-234-40.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
kuzmasterheres my problematic output of apt-get update http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1767711:09
linux-hyperive installed ubuntu 6.06 with no users , had to boot into recovery(single user mode) and adduser 'hyperstream' but im not sure what the sudo password is now . how can i set a sudo password or make it reconize the account 'hyperstream' 's pass as the sudo pass?11:09
kuzmasterif anyone can help me with that, i will be very happy11:09
Lynourelivingdaylight: then improve it! Volunteer your time for the project. It's the most efficient way, really.11:09
zcat[1] livingdaylight: if you prefer how kanotix does things, use kanotix... makes no difference to us!11:09
roblivingdaylight, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages11:10
neutrinomasslinux-hyper : Did you do an expert install? If yes, you will have to setup sudo yourself. Otherwise you should simply add that user to the 'admin' group ...11:10
kuzmastercan anyone help me?11:10
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thomas_kuzmaster, i think i saw some info somewhere11:10
livingdaylightthx, rob11:10
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kuzmasterthomas_, ok, where?11:10
livingdaylightLynoure: i wish i could volunteer my time. Even if i could i'm not a computer geek. but that doesn't mean i still don't want the improvements11:11
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drewfuscan someone help me with my usb drive.  ubuntu is saying it only has 4 megs of space, and i know it is completely empty and is a 128 meg drive11:11
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neutrinomasslivingdaylight : (this is really for -offtopic) File bugs then :)11:11
thomas_kuz: one minute11:11
thomas_btw how do i send private chat11:12
livingdaylightzcat[1] : yea, maybe you are right :(  but i got attached to Ubuntu and i don't like the name Kanotix. What kind of friggin name is that. But if it Kan do everything i need then maybe you are right11:12
thomas_im using the irc program in terminal11:12
livingdaylightzcat[1] : i would feel sad about leaving ubuntu after all this time11:12
linux-hyperneutrinomass i just did a normal install11:12
kuzmasterthomas_, dont no11:13
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linux-hyperill had to add it myself ... how do i go about this? sudo is already setup11:13
linux-hyperhad == have*11:13
neutrinomasslinux-hyper: You can manually edit /etc/groups and add it to the line with 'admin'....11:14
=== zhllg [n=zhangle@static-ip-178-123-134-202.rev.dyxnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
cpsdrewfus: try selecting "Show Hidden files" from the view menu and see if there are any hidden files or folders11:14
linux-hyperoo doh sorry for not thinking11:14
dpn  403 Forbidden11:14
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cwillukuzmaster: still there?11:14
dpnW: Failed to fetch http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/pool/dapper-seveas/extras/w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb  403 Forbidden11:14
dpnwhys that saying forbidden? =/11:14
cwillukuzmaster:  what's the output of sudo apt-get update ?11:14
Seveas!tell dpn about seveas11:14
robdpn, try a better mirror (listed on that page), that one is slow11:15
dpnk thanks11:15
zcat[1] speaking of annoying features.. who's responsible for .Trash folders on USB drives ?!!11:15
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cwillunvm, I'm dumb11:15
Seveasrob, it's even disabled for anyone that's not me ;)11:15
thomas_kuz say something here about gpg keys: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18575811:15
robSeveas, ah ok.. how come?11:15
kuzmasterzcat[1] , i belive that would be windows xp11:15
kuzmasterok, thanx11:16
zcat[1] err no....11:16
Seveasrob, because it's on my home broadband connection and the mirrors aren't 11:16
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kuzmasterzcat[1] , i only use my drive on macs, and wen i use it on xp, its there wen i go back to a mac11:16
=== epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
roboh, so how come just that one package? or do you mean the whole repo?11:16
thomas_kuz: but I would probably just edit out that link from your source.list11:17
zcat[1] damn annoying feature in Gnome. After you delete stuff from your flash drive you have to remember to empty the trash before it's really gone.11:17
=== deFrysk [n=deFrysk@g173059.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasrob, whole pool/11:17
cpszcat[1] : you can turn on a "Delete" command which bypasses the trash11:17
robSeveas, to heavy on your upload quota?11:18
cpszcat[1] : it's in the File Manager Preferences11:18
zcat[1] cps: ahh, cool. That ought to be the default for things like flash drives and mp3 players!11:18
Seveasrob, too heavy on my bandwidth, I need a few bits for myself  And the mirrors are much faster anyway11:18
zcat[1] can I define that per device or is it a global setting?11:19
robis w32codecs on the mirrors?11:19
cpszcat[1] : perhaps, I remember reading discussions about it before, but I suppose it would be confusing11:19
cpszcat[1] : it's global11:19
Seveasrob, of course 11:19
cpszcat[1] : it just adds a menu item "Delete"11:19
SeveasI have 5 complete mirrors and one with just freenx11:19
cpszcat[1] : in addition to "Move to trash"11:19
bammm i need a new header for my webpage11:19
=== kahuuna [n=kahuuna@a88-112-8-195.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] It's confusing when my camera's still full after I've 'removed' all the photos from it.11:20
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kuzmaster thomas_, is there anything usefull on that repos?11:20
robheh yeah, I just added the one for freenx (was considering packaing it myself for myself, but you saved me the work, so thanks :) )11:20
thomas_I have no idea, its a mirror so probably not?11:20
kuzmasteri think its Seveas Packages (Packages), that that link is for?11:20
dpn=/ w32codecs off youre repo aren't playing these wmv files either11:20
kuzmasteroh,ok thne11:21
=== cypher [n=cypher@bgepxyout-02.asiapac.hp.net] has joined #ubuntu
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zcat[1] dpn: if they're DRM files NOTHING in linux will play them :(11:21
=== rob wonders where freenx went
dpnThey shouldn't be drm11:21
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:22
dpnSome wmvs are working and others just play sound11:22
dpnNo idea why11:22
zcat[1] what player? not everything uses w3211:22
dpnshould I try mplayer11:22
cypher1dpn: yes i have the same problem11:22
zcat[1] ahh.. that's one that doesn't afaik..11:22
kuzmastervlc is my fav11:22
zcat[1] try mplayer, yeah11:22
zcat[1] vlc uses gstreamer iirc.. there's different codecs for that.11:23
zcat[1] the whole codec-player situation is still a bit of a mess, needs to be sorted out!11:24
Subzcat[1] , vlc uses the w32codecs and its own11:24
=== MenZa [n=chatzill@0x50a11623.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
seliniumrob: frennx is in the seveas repositories, http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl11:24
zcat[1] Sub: weird. Why does vlc fail to play some stuff that mplayer can handle?11:24
Subzcat[1] , the only player that uses gstreamer is totem, and if you use totem-xine it uses the xine codecs, which mplayer/vlc/xine all use11:24
robselinium, yes I know thats where I got it from, except I can't find the execuitable for it11:24
kuzmasteris it safe to use adept of ubuntu (gnome)?11:25
Ash-Foxzcat[1] , because vlc uses only opensource libraries for playing content.11:25
seliniumrob: which part?11:25
Subzcat[1] , it uses its own codecs11:25
zcat[1] w32 is open source?!! huh?11:25
Ash-Foxzcat[1] , mplayer uses a mix of proprietory libraries, codecs.11:25
Subzcat[1] , mplayer is probably the most compatible linux player.11:25
Ash-Foxzcat[1] , there is no format called 'w32' to my knowledge.11:25
Subwith all the codecs.11:25
robserver or client11:26
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SubAsh-Fox, he means the "w32codecs" pacakge11:26
Ash-Foxyeah, mplayer uses w32codecs, vlc doesn't.11:26
seliniumrob: client =    /usr/NX/bin/nxclient &        and  server =    nxserver11:26
Ash-Fox(xine uses it too :)11:26
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robeww.. non standard path11:26
=== ccc_ [n=ccc@c-332ae155.225-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] sub: you said vlc uses w32codecs and it's own.. then you said vlc only uses opensource libraries. I'm kinda confused now.11:27
=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@pD9509CCA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
seliniumrob: :)11:27
dpnawsome mplayer works11:27
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dpnget rid of vlc I guess11:27
davidperezchaparwenas a todos!11:28
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ubotuYou might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto11:28
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kuzmasteris it safe to use adept of ubuntu (gnome)11:28
davidperezchaparin spaninsH??11:29
=== __doc__ [n=doesnt@62-2-90-134.static.cablecom.ch] has joined #ubuntu
dpnWhat this error mean, "too many packets in buffer"11:29
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dpnSound is wacky11:29
__doc__hi, I'm about to get a wireless lan adapter for my pc, what company/card/stick can you recommend (for which are there drivers for ubuntu)?11:29
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ubotuI know nothing about nforce11:30
zcat[1] __doc__: rt2400 chipset is what my card uses, works like a dream.11:30
Micksathat's more like it11:30
Micksaokay, quick question (I hope)11:30
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto11:30
Micksahow do you "play" a DVD ISO image?11:30
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zcat[1] !loopback11:30
ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:30
monomaniacpatwhat is esd? It stops games playing sound in ubuntu!11:30
Micksathanks. but then how do you get gzine or ogle or whatever to look in the right place?11:31
__doc__how about us robotics stuff for ubuntu?11:31
kuzmaster__doc__, probobly a RaLink chipset or a Antheros chip set. Different models and brands use different chipsets11:31
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ubotuesd is the enlightened sound deamon. It's deprecated, use !alsa instead11:31
kuzmaster!tell __doc__ about wifi11:31
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monomaniacpat!tell monomaniacpat about alsa11:31
zcat[1] Micksa: you probably need libdvdcss2 and whatever other dvd stuff is usual, and then play the VOB's directly using mplayer...11:32
juanhow do i test the sensor output using the lm-sensors utility "sensors".11:32
MicksaI can play real dvds11:32
zcat[1] there may be a nicer way of doing it. I just rip my dvd's straight to avi's11:32
MicksaI already know how to use mplayer to view individual titles (mplayer -dvd-device /path/to/iso dvd://1)11:33
Micksabut I need to see the DVD menu11:33
zcat[1] mplayer /mountpoint/VIDEO_TS/mumble.VOB11:33
hyperstreamhow can i install my sound drivers:  0000:00:04.0 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation CK804 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev a2) ? do i need to get the drivers from nvidia's website?11:33
Micksa... or does mplayer do DVD menu stuff and I don't know?11:33
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monomaniacpatwhy would esd stop sound at every startup?11:33
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hyperstreamback shortly people rebooting11:33
Shadoxhi guys11:34
=== kuzmaster wonders why the updater is stuck on setting up pmount
Shadoxi was wondering if one of you could help me out with a little problem11:34
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neutrinomassIn a server install, after installing ratpoison, xserver-xorg and x-window-system-core, 'startx' will supposedly work, right ?11:34
kuzmasterShadox, whats you problem?11:34
zcat[1] Micksa: didn't know you could play them like that :) Mplayer doesn't do menus afaik, other players do. I don't know that much about playing DVD's though...11:34
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Micksaany other takers?11:35
Slyhow come i cant play a mp3 and talk on skype @ the same time?11:35
Micksaooh, I think I have it11:35
Shadoxi have a dualboot notebook, a few days ago i formatted my windows partion, now it seems that the windows has overwritten the grub and i can't no longer boot in ubuntu :(11:35
zcat[1] Sly: It's a feature. It's rude to listen to music while you're on the phone!11:35
kuzmasterSly, because skype for linux dosnt work very well11:35
=== dabaR [n=dbernar1@89-172-5-164.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:36
zcat[1] Sly: seriously; because skype for linux doesn't work well and hogs the soundcard instead of sharing it through esd11:36
=== hyperstream [n=hyperstr@static-203-87-30-137.qld.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Shadoxkuzmaster: thnQ i'll have a look11:36
hyperstreamhmm i gotta get nvidia's nforce drivers11:36
__doc__So from your expirience what works better, the usr-805421 (usb stick) or the usr-805417 (pci card)?11:37
deFryskinstall nvidia-glx11:37
kuzmastercan someone please tell me if it is normal for the software updater to be stuck on "setting up pmount" for a long time? PLEASE!!!!!!!11:37
deFryskwith older cards install nvidia-glx-legacy11:37
__doc__prism-2 seems to be the appropriate driver for usr-80542111:37
zcat[1] kuzmaster: is there still drive activity?11:37
zcat[1] does top show it doing anything?11:37
narfmasterkuzmaster, how long exactly?11:37
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dabaRkuzmaster: your comp will tell you soon enough.11:38
dpnI love comcasts new upgrade, I'm downloading at 2100k/sec =p11:38
dabaRdpn: go pay your bills11:38
zcat[1] one of the updates takes forever rebuilding indexes or something. Can't even remember what it was..11:38
kuzmaster__doc__, i use a dlink wireless card (model no. DWL-g510) and that works fine in kubuntu, but it dosnt want to work for me in ubuntu11:38
narfmasterdpn, that is just bragging :/11:38
dpnI am actually late on comcast :o11:38
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dpnMy service is for 8mb/down, but they've added some upgrade ontop of that lately11:39
kuzmasterdpn, thats luckly, i can only download at  50kbs11:39
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dpnfios speeds11:39
dpnI love competition11:39
kuzmasterthe fastest i can get is a 1.5 connection11:39
neutrinomassI can't get X to start on legacy hardware. 'startx' will just give me a blank screen ...I tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but to no avail .... maybe it's something I haven't installed ?11:40
kuzmasteris normal for the software updater to be stuck on "setting up pmount" for a long time?11:40
kuzmasteris normal for the software updater to be stuck on "setting up pmount" for a long time?11:40
zcat[1] damn you all! 256k down, 128k up.. and it's capped at 40gb as well.11:40
dpnouch thats rough zcat11:40
deFryskzcat[1] , that is very poor11:40
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narfmasterzcat[1] , wow that's is sad11:40
kuzmasterim 512 up 256 down11:41
neutrinomasskuzmaster: No.11:41
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deFryskzcat[1] , u must be in misery11:41
dpnI pay for 8mb/1mb, but its more around 16mb/1down ;)11:41
zcat[1] It's painful!11:41
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deFryskzcat[1] , i feel your pain11:41
kuzmasterneutrinomass, ok, thanx, so should i just exit it and try again?11:41
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zcat[1] still beats dialup though :)11:41
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dabaRkuzmaster: is it the atheros chipset one, or the other one?11:41
neutrinomasskuzmaster: Likely to work. If it doesn't, file a bug report against pmount ...11:41
ajmitchzcat[1] : barely11:42
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kuzmastermine is a RaLink chipset11:42
deFryskdial up..... good old days.....11:42
deFrysknot so good tho11:42
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dabaRhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132980 kuzmaster have you read?11:43
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neutrinomassHas support for legacy hardware been dropped from X ?11:43
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VanilleBerthi all. I want to format an usb-stick... how do I do that in ubuntu? nautilus, don't show me the option...11:45
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neutrinomassVanilleBert System->Administration->Disks doesn't show the usb stick ?11:45
juanplease can some1 explain to me how to follow the instructions i get in !sensors im fine untill it says about utilities11:45
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zcat[1] I'd probably have used mkdosfs .. never thought about using the gui tools :)11:45
Ngjuan: what;s the problem?11:46
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VanilleBertgive me a moment... i have to translate that into the german ubuntu ^^11:46
narfmasterVanilleBert, i'd use gparted11:46
juanit says Now test the sensor output using the lm-sensors utility "sensors".11:46
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juanwhen i run lm-sensors all i can do is start it i cant get the output it expects11:46
seraphimhi there. i got a problem with nis. everything seems to be ok, ypwhich gives me the right server, ypcat shows a lot of maps. the users seem to be there. but when i try to log in a nis-user, the login fails.11:47
Ngjuan: that means open a terminal and run "sensors"11:47
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juanso simple11:47
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Subomg work is great11:48
Subthey fucked the accounts up11:48
zcat[1] !language11:48
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:48
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Suboh wrong channel :S11:49
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VanilleBertneutrinomass, didn't find it at system->admin but it's mounted(shows nautilus). i will try gparted11:49
Ash-Foxfamily friendly - haha, should see most families out there.11:49
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neutrinomassVanilleBert: I was talking about system->administration->disks. It will open up a program that lets you format drives and floppies, not sure about usb disks though. You have to unmount it to format it ....11:50
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zcat[1] neutrinomass: yes usb disks.. I just formatted my camera to check :)11:51
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neutrinomassHas support for legacy video cards been dropped form xserver-xorg ? I just get a blank screen :(11:51
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narfmasterneutrinomass, what driver is the xorg.conf say you're using?11:52
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zcat[1] neutrinomass: legacy what? I know my nvidia broke after breezy, nvidia-glx got split off into nvidia-legacy-glx ...11:52
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Silver-SuBZ3R0salut tout le monde :)11:53
zcat[1] bonjour Silver-SuBZ3R011:53
neutrinomassnarfmaster : I tried S3 and vga. My card is a 'VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc 86c968 [Vision 968 VRAM]  rev 0 (a 10 years old 4MB video card ... )11:53
narfmasterneutrinomass, did you try vesa?11:54
zcat[1] will a card that old even do vesa? :)11:54
narfmasterS3 isn't that old11:54
VanilleBertAHHHHH!  i found it...   in german ubuntu it is labeled under Festplatte(harddrive).  on the first look there was no difference between my main harddrive but the space was just 500 MB ^^ must be the stick11:54
neutrinomassnarfmaster : Ooops, that escaped me :(11:54
VanilleBertthx for help11:54
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neutrinomassS3 made my screen switch to power saving mode, vga showed a corrupt screen11:54
narfmasterS3 is only about what? 10 years or so old11:55
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Ash-FoxS3 works perfectly fine with my S3 video cards here.11:55
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thomas_ok the weirdest thing, I solved the unable to connect problem by unchecking keyword blocking in my router11:55
thomas_there was another post mentioning it, but that is just odd11:56
narfmasterkeyword blocking?11:56
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thomas_say if you want to block all sites that include "porn"11:56
narfmasteri'm more likely to set myself up as DMZ11:56
gsuveg[17179575.084000]  hdc: ATAPI 63X DVD-ROM DVD-R CD-R/RW drive, 2048kB Cache, UDMA(33)11:56
gsuveg:-( /dev/hdc: media is not recognized as recordable DVD: 011:56
thomas_yeah I would use dmz but dont know a good firewall, dont want to bother11:56
gsuvegim get same error with cdr, cdrw, dvd-r, dvdrw with sudo and w/o sudo too11:57
thomas_I just find it incredibly odd, 5.10 works with it on, 6.06 doesnt11:57
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neutrinomassYay, vesa worked !11:57
neutrinomassThanks guys...11:57
narfmastergsuveg, you have a blank disc in the drive?11:57
gsuvegyes :)11:58
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gsuvegim test it with few discs11:58
njanthomas_ yeah I would use dmz but dont know a good firewall, dont want to bother <= IPCop, M0n0wall.11:58
njanthomas_, there are two, and they're both Free.11:58
thomas_thanks, will try those out11:58
hyperstreamhow long does capplets-data take to setup ?? ( did a update its been 10 minutes?11:58
data-pataanyone else having problems with network manager not recognizing your wlan card?11:58
narfmasterhyperstream, a LONG time11:58
gsuvegnjan: mono is fresh ? or 1.6.x too?11:58
hyperstreamabout a hour ?11:59
zcat[1] I gave up trying to filter my kids.. dans guardian blocked too many legit sites!11:59
narfmasterhyperstream, give it another 10 to 20 minutes11:59
hyperstreamwoah there it goes thanks11:59
hyperstreamwhat is capplets -data?11:59
thomas_yeah zcat i have nothing blocked, it was just enabled by default :/11:59
shenMy ibook doesn't recognise my usb mouse on boot, I have to unplug and plug it back in for it to work11:59
zcat[1] weird default...12:00
shenis the person who was helping me before still online? I've done a reboot with the mouse unplugged to try and see the differences in dmesg12:00
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dpnWhats the best newsgroup program to use?12:00
dpnAnything similar to grabit?12:00
gsuvegnarfmaster: im testet with growisofs, k3b, and gnome too :)12:00
zcat[1] ubh for downloading mass binaries, thunderbird for reading text12:01
gsuvegnarfmaster: but everbody use cdrecord12:01
narfmastergsuveg, i use k3b12:01
zcat[1] .. is what I use anyhow.. not sure what's 'best' :)12:01
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narfmasterdpn, pan is nice12:01
Ash-Foxdpn, I use thunderbird, but then again, I use it for messages no binaries.12:01
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dpnCool, thanks for the tips12:02
narfmasteri hope the new version of pan gets stable soon :/12:02
Slydoes anyone know if there's a third party ventrilo out or something?12:02
gsuvegnarfmaster: cdrecord found:         1,0,0   100) 'MATSHITA' 'UJ-831D         ' '1.00' Removable CD-ROM12:02
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narfmastergsuveg, have you tried DVD-RW?12:03
gsuvegnarfmaster: all media ;)12:04
v_l7anybody know how to install wolfenstein enemy territory12:04
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gsuvegv_l7: start the bin with sh12:04
narfmastergsuveg, you using 64-bit?12:05
VanilleBertnow i have no rights to write to the usb-drive... it says i'm not the owner... how do i change that? (damn windows made me helpless)12:05
dpnlol, how do I run ubh12:05
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gsuvegnarfmaster: no, intel centrino12:05
data-pataam i the only one who's having problems with network manager? it just stopped recognizing my wlan card for no apparent reason12:05
narfmastergsuveg, that is strange it really should work12:05
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gsuvegnarfmaster: yes. on fedora im used it12:06
gsuvegnarfmaster: but on dapper not yet12:06
DromenWhat is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running12:07
Dromenkernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] 12:07
Dromenanyone know?12:07
Dromenbecause that path doesnt work12:07
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dpnHow do you know where something installs.  I just installed UBH through synaptic, but its no where in my menu12:07
KajaProbably /usr/bin =G12:08
narfmasterDromen, check your /lib/modules/2.6.something/ folder12:08
dpnFound where it lists isntalled files12:08
webbenI'm using Synergy to use my Windozed Thinkpad's keyboard and touchpad on my Ubuntu desktop. One problem, the scroll function on my touchpad has no effect on Ubuntu. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix that?12:08
Dromenshall do narfmaster12:08
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dpnWhy does some stuff install to use/bin and others usr/share12:09
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timfrostDromen, install linux-headers-$(uname -r)12:09
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Dromentimfrost: paste that in CLI ?12:10
shadoxkuzmaster, it won't work12:10
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shadoxkuzmaster, i'm now on live cd, trying to repair my group but i get several errors :s12:10
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hyperstream[ NVIDIA audio driver for Linux-x86 (1.0-7) ]   --> ERROR: Unable to find the kernel source tree for the currently running kernel.  Please make sure you have installed the kernel source files12:10
dibblegois there a character map?12:11
ubotuPozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke. Russian users please try #ubuntu-ru, there you may get more help12:11
hyperstreamim running  2.6.15-25-386 and synaptic has no results for headers or source files for this kernel ?12:11
ubotuPozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke. Russian users please try #ubuntu-ru, there you may get more help12:11
narfmasterhyperstream, look for linux-headers-38612:11
timfrostDromen, the command is 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)'.  You may also need to install build-essential for the compiler and tools12:11
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shadoxsomeone else who is willing to help me out with my grub problem :(12:12
whadarhello, I want to backup a DVD of mine (as is). I tried right click > "copy disc" but it shows that the size of the DVD is only 24MB, while it is really 4.2GB!12:12
whadarwhat's the problem?12:12
gsuvegnarfmaster: v12:13
gsuvegWarning: Using badly designed ATAPI via /dev/hd* interface.12:13
gsuvegError trying to open /dev/hdc exclusively (Device or resource busy)... retrying in 1 second.12:13
timfrosthyperstream, do the nvidia drivers in restricted not support your card?12:13
narfmasterwhadar, maybe you can copy the files, then burn them to a new disc12:13
hyperstreamtim this is nforce drivers for my sound card12:14
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hyperstream0000:00:04.0 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation CK804 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev a2)12:14
hyperstream7.1 surround sound.12:14
hyperstreamneed to get the driver for the device working firstly then ill use alsa12:14
narfmastergsuveg, is there something else trying to use your DVD drive?12:15
whadarnarfmaster: yeah that's the last option...12:15
gsuvegnarfmaster: nautilus maybe12:15
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shadoxi lately formatted my windows partion, now the mbr has overwritten the grub, i can't nolonger reboot in ubuntu12:15
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whadark3b also seems to create 24 mb image out of it...12:15
thomas_shadox there should be a bootable grub tool around?12:15
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gsuvegcdburner run12:16
timfrosthyperstream, I see.  Forgot that nvidia do sound as well as video (I don't use the sound system on my machine).  See my advice to Dromen for the packages you need to build from source.12:16
thomas_ie ultimate boot disk might have it12:16
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:16
narfmasterultimate boot is nice12:16
avisi think many of the nivida integrated sound solutions are based on realtek chipset12:16
shadoxi already tried they link ubotu said, if i try that i get several errors12:17
thomas_damn ubuntu has a LOT of 3d screensavers... meh12:17
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cpsshadox: what errors?12:18
frogzoothomas_: but there is only rss-glx12:18
avisi saw the hubble satellite last night on screensaver.  some freaky twists to the dawn of ubuntu wallpaper manipulations.  i'm anixious to see what it will do when i put a geforce 6200 in there.12:19
shadoxcps, errors like "invalid device requested"12:19
aviswhat is rss-glx ?12:19
cpsshadox: which command gives you that error?12:19
frogzoothomas_: in fact, there is only matrixview - all other screensavers are redundant12:19
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avisshadox what are the errors it gives you ?12:19
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frogzoorss-glx is a package of bling screensavers12:20
thomas_ah, I was thinking they take up space, probably not then12:20
aviswhat is bling ?12:20
frogzooavis: rss = really slick screensavers12:20
avisthank you12:20
avisgoing to install12:20
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juanhow do i change permisions so i can write to folders i dont own (even tho im the only user on this computer12:20
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frogzoo!permissions > juan12:21
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avishmm.. already installed.  curious computer.  has a mind of its own...12:21
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frogzooavis: you need to read the package details -> /usr/share/doc/rss-glx/12:21
shadoxcps, grub> setup (hd0,5)    (i did exactly what they said in the link i received from ubotu)12:21
avisthank yuo12:21
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animaxany tips on partitioning to install ubuntu? can only format some space for linux12:22
thomas_yes animax, it will ask when you install if you want to resize12:22
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thomas_a bare minimum would be about 2.5gb for ubuntu, and 256mb for swap12:22
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cpsshadox: what is your hard drives device?12:22
frogzooanimax: you want at a minimum separate /home & swap partitions - also core ubuntu likes at least 20gig12:23
thomas_20 gig :O12:23
animaxi have xp right now on one disk of 80gb, the second of 40 gb is there.12:23
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frogzoothomas_: I tend to install everything12:23
animax40 gb i can at max spare about 20 gb cos the other space has got stuff on it12:23
v_l7hey i need help installing wolfenstein enemy territory12:23
thomas_hah no wonder, I try to remove everything I dont need12:23
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frogzooanimax: well decide - do you want all conceivable progs (including games) - or just a bare bones?12:24
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Subfrogzoo, core ubuntu only needs 20GB???12:24
animaxall progs, i earlier had 64bit ububtu but switching to 32bit to make linux (after a while) my main os12:24
Subfrogzoo, it will fit on 2gb.12:24
thomas_sub: hes saying with everything installed12:24
frogzooSub: "likes"12:24
Ash-Foxskin and bones, weakling!12:24
Subfrogzoo, i have a ubutny partition on laptop with 5gb.12:25
frogzooSub: dude - I already said I like to install everything12:25
thomas_but you can always resize later if you run out of space12:25
thomas_it just takes a few minutes12:25
animaxthomas_: with no loss to the other partitions?12:25
avisi have one large / partition and a /home12:25
Subanimax, youll probably want 10gb and see how it goes.12:25
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narfmasterv_l7, what's the problem?12:25
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thomas_animax: you will have to take space from the other partition12:26
Ash-Foxfrogzoo, technically, you can't, since some of the stuff is for specific hardware, clashes with other software etc. it really depends on your needs.12:26
thomas_unless you have free space sitting around12:26
Submy root is only about 15gb, 50gb home, and a photo, audio, video partitons at 10 30 and 60gb.12:26
avis/dev/sda1             80503624   3241072  73173208   5% /12:26
animaxSub: i cn do that but the thing is they are in fat32 and i cant afford to mess with them cos they have critical stuff12:26
Subanimax, fat32 is safe to resize12:26
Ash-FoxHeck, install the proprietory ati drivers, you'll break the opensource ati drivers that provide 3d acceleration for older cards.12:26
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hyperstreamhmm   nVidia Corporation CK804 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev a2) ive compiled the offical  drivers from nvidia yet alsa cannot see the device ?12:27
animaxSub: Cool then. So my primary partition (for linux) should be say 10 gb? i'm planning to let all else remain fat32 for now. any issues there?12:27
Ash-Fox.. AC'97 should work out of the box12:27
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dpnhow do I take screenshots from inside of games12:27
frogzooanimax: any critical data should ALWAYS be backed up - ALL hard drives fail - eventually12:28
dpnprint screen doesn't seem to work12:28
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hyperstreamit should..12:28
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hyperstreamAsh-Fox,  when  the login page comes up i can hear the ding ding sound12:28
dpnDidnt work with tux racer12:28
animaxfrogzoo: k12:28
Subanimax, thats fine, make your / partition ext3 if you can, but yes i have all my multimeida partitons as fat32 with no issues.12:28
hyperstreambut in ubuntu itself12:28
Ash-FoxI mean, I've installed ubuntu on plenty of systems that have AC'97. Heck, even the computer I'm typing on right now has a AC'97 soundcard which works12:28
hyperstreamnothing works12:28
hyperstreamits onboard nforce12:28
Subhyperstream, my friend uses the onboard audio on an nforce 2 in linux with no issues.12:29
animaxSub: k, thats just what  want. also what about swap, is it the pagefile of windows? cos on the sites i'm being told to have swap as phys mem x 312:29
animaxor atleast phy mem x 212:29
Ngdpn: you'd need to use the game's own screenshot feature12:29
Subanimax, how much memory you got?12:29
hyperstreamnforce 4 ...12:29
=== reversial [n=rev@c-24-62-187-105.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Subanimax, i always say match your ram over 1gb12:29
dpnNg, does tux racer have one?12:29
thomas_swap is the same as a pagefile yeah12:29
Ngdpn: no idea I'm afraid12:29
dpnTheres no option for it in the options12:29
Subanimax, so id have a 1gb swap, i have 1gb memory and i use 1gb with no problems.12:30
frogzooanimax: laptop or server?12:30
Subanimax, altohugh if you want to hibernate youll prob want 1.,5-2x12:30
Ash-Foxhyperstream, do you have /dev/dsp ?12:30
animaxfrogzoo: desktop, recently upgraded12:30
dpnAnyone know how to take a screenshot of a game (tux racer) ?12:30
dpnno go12:30
animaxSub: so does linux use swap inside that 10 gb partition or i have to create another swap separately12:30
frogzooanimax: sup to you really - but consider if you want to run heavy mem services: web server/mysql/plone - otherwise, 1gig swap's fine12:31
reversialdpn: gimp/ubuntu screenshot-taker thing12:31
dpnThe thing that pops up when I normally click it?12:31
animaxthanks, any thumb rule like mem x this much? cos i plan to use stuff extensively for 3danimation/graphic designing12:31
reversialon gimp, it's file>acquire>screenshot, I think12:31
Nganimax: ram * 2 is a good general rule, but it becomes less important the more ram you have12:31
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dpnWell, I need to be in the game12:31
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dpnI want a screenshot of within the game12:32
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pinkmanAnyone know why mplayer isnt showing videos in web browser?12:32
reversialdpn: you can set this to take one after like a minute delay12:32
Subanimax, if you want to do alot of rendering and shit, maybe 2gb swap could be beneficial.12:32
pinkmanIt plays the sound althugh no video12:32
animaxNg: so i'll make a 2gb swap, dont think will need more right?12:32
dpnGotcha reversial, just noticed that12:32
animaxSub: K12:32
Ash-Foxpinkman, nope.12:32
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Nganimax: I would think that'd be fine12:32
Subanimax, make sure you get the right drivers for your 3d card if you want to use blender etc.12:32
hyperstreamyes i do12:33
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hyperstreamAsh-Fox,  yes i do12:33
animaxSub: yep, if i can get nvidia for 64 bit, 32 shouldnt be an issue :/12:33
reversialdpn: though, if yer printscreen dont work, I can't guarantee anything12:33
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pinkmanNo one can help me then?12:33
pinkmanIdeas perfhaps?12:33
spiderbatdadcan anyone help w/ installing vmware tools?12:33
Subpinkman, try using gxine12:33
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dpnIt worked rev12:34
animaxbtw most of you will prolly know, but Dont install 64bit, No Wine/flash/java and has crappy issues with every app :/12:34
azcazandcoHi everyone12:34
dpnAlt tab shows the game playing still thats awsome12:34
dpnPlaying in the smaller alt tab window I mean12:34
animaxThanks a lot guys for the help. cya12:34
Ash-Foxhyperstream, your soundcard is detected and probably workin fine. AC'97 is a well known chipset, what is most likely your issue is some sound server has probably locked your soundcard up exclusively.12:34
azcazandcocan anyone help me with a couple of things?12:34
reversialaz, sure12:34
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:34
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pinkmangxine... remove gstreamer and install it?12:34
frogzoohow do I create subordinate numbering in oo? ie   1.1.3 1.1.4 1.2.1  etc ?12:34
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hmrochahello, when i press alt+f2 and run gconf-editor gnome-panel crashes12:35
Ash-Foxhyperstream, I don't use gnome by default and have no idea what sound server it uses by default. But I assume the sound server it uses is probably locking it.12:35
frogzooazcazandco: not if you keep us guessing what the problems are... o.O12:35
hmrochacan you try in your computer to see if this is a bug?12:35
=== Ash-Fox doesn't use gnome.
reversialrev uses fluxbox :)12:35
hyperstreamdmesg shows: [17181498.708000]  Nvsound: Nvidia Audio Init Module, 22:28:55 Jul 10 2006 version 1.0-712:35
dpnsuper widescreen12:35
spiderbatdadpinkman: open synaptic, search totem, then select totem xine. it will remove gstreamer for you12:35
hyperstreamAsh-Fox,  how can i unlock it ?12:36
azcazandcookay to explain first, I just installed ubuntu on my main pc which is an amd64bit3200+ , 2gb ram, radeon9600pro vid card, I just got 2 old and one new p4 pc's from my old work12:36
Ash-Foxhyperstream, shutdown whatever is locking it.12:36
dpnFirst time I've played a game at 2960x105012:36
reversialdamnm dpn, you got a crazy res there12:36
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frogzoo!enter > azcazandco12:36
azcazandcowhat I want to do is set up on of those machines as a web server but it doen't have a monitor12:36
reversialdpn, i'm stuck wit 1024x768 =)12:36
Ash-Foxhyperstream, usually a sound a sound server like jacks, yiff, arts could of done so.12:37
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frogzooazcazandco: for ! commands, ubotu sends you a pm, so read it12:37
Dr4gWhats a good FTP client for Nix, that synaptic picks up12:37
reversialnot gftp :P12:37
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dpnI wonder If i can play wow at 2960x105012:37
ivalladtDr4g: ncftp then?12:37
dpnThat would be nuts on raids12:37
azcazandcofrogzoo: sorry12:37
Dr4gAll i want is a basic FTP app with a GUI12:37
Dr4gTell me one that synaptic will have12:37
frogzooDr4g: apt-cache search ftp12:38
reversialdpn, but that would mean using (shudder) WINDOWS ;)12:38
dpnCedega =)12:38
Dr4gfrogzoo: im using synaptic12:38
Dr4gnot apt12:38
frogzooDr4g: -> search "ftp"12:38
spiderbatdadmay i ask permission to ask if it's ok to ask a question?12:38
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dpnI've heard WoW runs flawlessly in cedega12:38
reversialnever heard of that before12:38
dpnWith max vid effects12:38
reversialthats awesome12:38
frogzoospiderbatdad: certainly not - just ask the question12:38
spiderbatdadcan anyone help w/ installing vmware tools?12:39
pinkmanIn the browser where the embbeded player is12:39
pinkmanit says12:39
CatalinuXI installed Dapper yesterday and when I do a netstat -tl I see ports 51716, 39337 and ipp (what`s that) open. What are those and how do I disable the services that open those ports ?12:39
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare12:39
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CatalinuXI installed Dapper yesterday and when I do a netstat -tl I see ports 51716, 39337 and ipp (what`s that) open. What are those and how do I disable the services that open those ports ?12:39
pinkman"clcik ehre to download plugin"12:39
pinkmanclick here*12:39
frogzooCatalinuX: ipp = internet printing protocol12:39
controlWhen to me will send disks?12:39
Dr4gUsing gFTP now.12:39
spiderbatdadubotu: vmware server12:39
ubotuI know nothing about vmware server12:39
tdnHow do I install w32codecs and libdvdcss2?12:40
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:40
reversialdpn, they've got some pretty awesome screenshots12:40
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frogzootdn: -> ubotu ^^^^12:40
Ash-Foxtdn, sudo apt-get install w32codecs libdvdcss212:40
dpnYeah, they have bf2 running in it12:40
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dpnThat blew my mind12:40
reversialhalo next ;)12:40
spiderbatdadtrying to install tools...cant find C kernel headers12:40
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azcazandcookay, long story to short - I have a 2nd box I just installed ubuntu dapper onto and it is connected to this machine via ethernet to this box however it has no monitor, is it possible for me to manage that box from here and get apache / php / mysql running so I can use it as a web server?12:41
=== carlos [n=carlos@114.Red-88-15-196.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
pinkmanCan anyone help? I installed totem xine, yet still it says click here to downlaod plugin in FireFox where the embedded windows embedded media is.12:41
pinkmanI have mplayer12:41
reversialazcaz, YES, install vncserver12:41
Ash-Foxazcazandco, yes, apt-get install sshd12:41
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pinkmanI had* but it didnt show the video. only played ausio12:41
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spiderbatdadpinkman: do you have repos enabled?12:41
cpspinkman: do you have mozilla-mplayer installed?12:41
ivalladtjust installed dapper drake and totem gstreamer doesn't play vcd, is this expected?12:41
azcazandcohow can i do that when the box has not net connection?12:41
controlWhen to me will send disks?12:41
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pinkmanNo, how do I enable repos?12:42
pinkmanOh, repositories?12:42
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource12:42
reversialazz, if you can get a monitor for a few minutes, just do some apt-getting12:42
pinkmanYes, I got universal, and multi universal..12:42
spiderbatdad: pppppinkman in synaptic package manager...then hit reload12:42
reversialor is that not an option?12:42
pinkmanI had  mozilla-mplayer, but the video wasnt showing.12:42
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cpspinkman: so you removed it?12:43
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pinkmanYes... should I put it back on?12:43
azcazandcoreversial: if I switch monitor over, will you hold my hand whilst I set this up? I am prtetty much a newb to this stuff12:43
pinkmanI gifured Id try totem xine..12:43
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pinkmanI figured*12:43
reversialazcaz, of course ;)12:43
=== azcazandco meant to say guide me
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cpspinkman: yeah12:43
pinkmanAlright, well.. when I do, how would I fix the video?12:44
azcazandcothe other thing I want to do is get mythtv on the go on another box but that is for another day, I just got loads of computers from my work before I left12:44
=== tanghus [n=tol@0x50a1413a.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
pinkmanI have used it befor, but video has ever not shown.12:44
cpspinkman: or, install totem-xine-firefox-plugin12:44
pinkmanlol, now you tell me12:44
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avispinkman then install totem-xine12:44
azcazandcothe best of which is a new p4 2.8ghz 1/2gb ram machine12:44
azcazandco80gb drive12:45
cpspinkman: but I haven't tried the totem one so YMMV12:45
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Kanpachihello, can i get rid of the trash? not the applet, the whole thing12:45
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reversialdamn, that's better than the thing i;m on right now :)12:45
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cpsKanpachi: in what way? So that things don't go to the trash when you delete them?12:45
azcazandcoall i need is a tv capture card and wireless dongle to get it up and running12:45
aviswhat is a mythtv ?12:45
zuguhello, please suggest a fileroller alternative12:45
Kanpachijust delete them forever12:45
Kanpachino trash12:45
azcazandcoavis: looks awesome12:46
aviszugu: ark12:46
neutrinomasstelinit 512:46
zuguavis: thanks12:46
neutrinomassoops, sorry, wrong terminal12:46
pinkmanIll b back later if it doesnt work.12:46
avisazcazandco, i will meditate for a bit on the idea12:46
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cpsKanpachi: In the File Manager preferences there is an option to "Enable a delete command that bypasses the trash" check that and then you will have a "Delete" item in your menu that will delete the file without moving it to the trash12:46
reversialazcaz, just looked, and mythv's in the repository too, so that wont be hard to install12:46
azcazandcoreversial: switching boxes now, will need to get my wireless switched over too, bit of a hassle12:47
azcazandcobummer I havent got a longer ethernet cable12:47
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tdnfrogzoo, thanks.12:48
tdnAsh-Fox, I do not have the sources for that. Which sources should I use? Can I use anything from debian-multimedia.org?12:49
frogzootdn: don't install debian packages on ubuntu12:49
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:50
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Ash-Foxyou will need the multiverse repository if I recall correctly.12:50
tdnfrogzoo, ok. I did that with Skype, because it was all I could find.12:50
tdnAsh-Fox, I already have multiverse. But I do not have w32codecs.12:50
tdnAsh-Fox, frogzoo: my sources.list: http://thomasdamgaard.dk/p/?paste=13712:51
frogzootdn: as a general rule, debian's libraries are different from ubuntu's & installing debian packages potentially can mess up your system horribly12:51
tdnfrogzoo, ok.12:51
avisyou must wget and dpkg -i win 32 codecs.  see restricted formats in ubuntu wiki12:52
Ash-Foxtdn, look on that page, it says right there under 'Cipherfunk multimedia packages', 'This repository contains popular multimedia packages, such as w32codecs'12:52
=== hyperstream [n=hyperstr@static-203-87-30-137.qld.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about win32codecs12:52
ubotuI know nothing about win32codec12:52
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:52
hyperstreamthanks frogzoo12:52
tdnAsh-Fox, where do you see anything about Cipherfunk?12:52
reversial*random question* anyone else out there using fluxbox?12:53
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ompaulfrogzoo, the phrase is, new and interesting ways :-)12:53
=== erUSUL [n=erUSUL@219.Red-88-0-152.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ash-Fox12:49 <Ash-Fox> !easysource12:53
Ash-Fox12:49 <ubotu> source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:53
tdnreversial, yes.12:53
dpnhttp://mirror2.ubuntulinux.nl/ , that repo has the w32 codecs12:53
tdnreversial, or actually I use OpenBox, but it is the same ball park.12:53
reversialtdn, any idea how I would go about editing the menus?12:53
reversial'cause a few of mah programs arent showing up, and I want to add ;em12:54
=== kahuuna [n=kahuuna@a88-112-8-195.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Ash-Foxtdn, what I pasted above is where I got it from.12:54
tdnreversial, yes: http://fluxbox-wiki.org/index.php/Howto_edit_menu. Although I prefer the way OpenBox handles menus.12:54
tdnAsh-Fox, yeah. Ok. Thanks.12:55
reversialtdn, I'll have to have a look at that openbox thing then :). Thanks.12:55
tdnreversial, you're welcome.12:56
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tdnreversial, I can also recommend adesklets and pypanel combined with OpenBox :)12:57
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frogzooompaul: got it ^_^12:57
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Prophetkann you give me help with sound problems?12:57
reversialmmkay, I shall look at thhose too12:57
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tdnreversial, also there is a tool called obconf that lets you edit some of the configuration from GUI.12:57
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Gen|G^2ok, ive never touched linux before in my life, but ive always wanted to give it a go and i was suggested to use ubuntu. it installs fine, no problems, boots up login, no problems. im looking around playing some of the games, just getting the feel for it when i decide to configure my wireless so i connect to the net and such.  through much confusion i find its just not working, so i restart back into xp and browse the forums. a fair12:58
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Prophetmy sound works ok but in some application like Amarok od KMPlayer there is no sound12:58
frogzoo!docs > Gen|G^212:58
frogzooGen|G^2: just to get you started12:58
Gen|G^2:/i didnt get to finish :/12:58
hyperstreamSound issue: ive paste info on everything i know how to, to do with my sound card etc moduels loaded and what not. im still not getting any sound http://pastebin.com/74451012:58
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Gen|G^2yeah a guide to it is all fine and dandsy, but whats the point if i have to format and reinstall every time i want to login01:00
pinkmanI have tried gstreamer firefox lpugin, embedded videos didnt work, I tried xine, plugin as well for firefox, didnt work, I tried mozilla-player, it works but only with audio, no video.01:00
pinkmanI even restarted linux in all the proccesses, nothing worked.01:00
hyperstreamwhat would be locking /dev/dsp ?01:00
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Prophetthe link is brokwn01:01
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hyperstreamProphet,  mine ?01:02
Prophetany other help to my sound problem? i allready searched with google and ubunut wiki01:02
Prophet<hyperstream> what would be locking /dev/dsp ? <-- ????01:02
tdnAsh-Fox, I get this error when doing apt-get update after adding the Ciperfunk sources: http://thomasdamgaard.dk/p/?paste=138.01:02
frogzooGen|G^2: did you finish?01:03
Gen|G^2i can summarise it into "why can i only log in once and then have to format/reinstall to get back in"01:03
Ash-Foxtdn, don't worry about it.01:03
nomatspinkman, tried vlc-mozilla-plugin?01:04
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frogzooGen|G^2: that's mad01:04
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pinkmanIll try now.01:04
tdnAsh-Fox, shall I just ignore it?01:04
Ash-Foxtdn, ignoring it is safe :)01:04
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frogzooGen|G^2: what happens on subsequent logins?01:04
Gen|G^2i login, it goes to the maroon screen and then nothing01:04
Gen|G^2i can move the mouse around and stuff, but theres nothing there01:05
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Gen|G^2if i wait long enough the screensaver comes on01:05
EvilGuruhow do I enable printer sharing and browsing over my local network; sudo /usr/share/cups/enable_browsing 1 said that I had a custom configuration01:05
tdnAsh-Fox, ok.01:05
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frogzooGen|G^2: did you verify the cd you're installing from?01:05
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Gen|G^2using the check for error option when you choose to install?01:06
Ash-FoxEvilGrin, you can do it through the administration panel on the webbased interface, no?01:06
azcazandcoreversial: I am back online01:06
quandarI have an ATI 9600, and I want drop shadows, but don't want compiz, possible?01:06
frogzooGen|G^2: I think there's an option to check the cd's md5 checksum somewhere in there01:06
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Gen|G^2i checked the cd, it ddnt pick up anything01:07
Otacon22I have a usb fingerprint sensor, can I use it on linux with a program?01:07
Otacon22exist a program for using it?01:07
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Gen|G^2i just dont see why i can login once, and then it locks me out01:07
pinkmanpinkman@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install vlc-mozilla-plugin01:07
pinkmanReading package lists... Done01:07
pinkmanBuilding dependency tree... Done01:07
pinkmanE: Couldn't find package vlc-mozilla-plugin01:07
frying_fishpinkman: use pastebin01:07
seraphimdoes suse use another way to encrypt user-passwords than ubuntu? i can't log in with the nis-users from the suse-box although everything seems to be alright...01:08
EvilGuruanyone have any ideas?01:08
pinkmanEy, well thats all. And id didnt work.01:08
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frying_fishand pinkman I think its mozilla-plugin-vlc01:08
pinkmanthe command you gave me.01:08
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frogzooGen|G^2: what are you doing after you log in? typically, you should logout/back in, no big deal01:08
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DarkLegacyHey, upon sucsessfull install of Ubuntu, GRUB is automatically the default loader, correct?01:08
frogzooDarkLegacy: bingo01:08
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pinkmanAlso, a quick question, how to remove packets with terminal?01:09
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DarkLegacyWill I be able to choose between XP and Ubuntu when I start my computer?01:09
Gen|G^2i logged in, played some games, shut down to go have dinner, came back and it wouldnt let me in01:09
frying_fishpinkman: either use synaptic to search for it, or apt-cache search01:09
DarkLegacyIn the default GRUB menu?01:09
sorush20how do I extract the contents of a .exe file in ubuntu01:09
frogzoopinkman: sudo dpkg --purge PACKAGE01:09
frying_fishDarkLegacy: yes.01:09
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nomatspinkman, mozilla-plugin-vlc01:09
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DarkLegacyI'm going to have a dual boot system! ^_________^01:09
pinkmanit installed, ima test.01:09
frogzootungsten: once more - c'mon01:09
azcazandcoreversial: gimme a shout when you are free01:09
root___where is 'ifcfg-eth0' file in dapper?01:09
frying_fishDarkLegacy: change the settings in menu.lst to make sure that the grub menu isn't hidden if you want01:10
DarkLegacyI didn't install Ubuntu yet01:10
pinkmanAlright.. I tested, it shows "No Picture" Where the video should be.01:10
DarkLegacyI'm just burning the DVD now01:10
frying_fishwell, when you do, do that01:10
DarkLegacyI'm going to partition my other drive01:10
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DarkLegacyAnd then install01:10
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nomatspinkman, you might have to remove some files from /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins to make it work01:10
bigfoot1quick question. If I burn my files (mp3s and jpegs, etc) on a MAC os computer, can Ubuntu comp or Windows Comp read the CD?01:10
frogzooroot___: 'locate ifcfg-eth0'01:11
pinkmanWell, I added a extention? That may be why?01:11
SonicChaobigfoot1: they should be able too01:11
frogzooroot___: btw, running irc as root is highly not recommended01:11
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bigfoot1SonicChao: no need to worry about the "format"?01:11
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bigfoot1frogzoo: why not?01:12
SonicChaobigfoot1: I recommend just putting all the jpegs and music in there without formatting the disk01:12
bigfoot1formatting isn't necessary?01:12
frogzoobigfoot1: -> google "irc root"01:12
bigfoot1if not, why would anyone bother formatting?01:12
pinkmanGot rid of the extension, didnt need anyhow, but did nothing ill check the folder.01:12
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SonicChaobigfoot1: Not a mac guy, but I dont think so01:12
quandarI have an ATI 9600, and I want drop shadows, but don't want compiz, possible?01:13
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xblgood day!01:13
DarkLegacyTime to go install Ubuntu! :)01:13
frogzooGen|G^2: so no answer, what are you doing after you log in?01:13
DarkLegacyWish me luck01:13
Gen|G^2i did answer01:13
pinkmanWell, the only plugin in there that doesnt have mplayer in the name is libunixprintplugin.so01:14
DarkLegacyIf all goes well, I'll be on XChat in no time01:14
pinkmanShall I get rid of that? I dont have a printer.01:14
azcazandcoreversial: you still up for helping?01:14
SonicChaobigfoot1: WAIT, you mean a CD right?01:14
xblwhere can I find the log file of copied files?01:14
xblwhere can I find the log file of copied files?01:14
Gen|G^2<Gen|G^2> i logged in, played some games, shut down to go have dinner, came back and it wouldnt let me in01:14
sportywhere's network files in /etc/sysconfig ?01:14
SonicChaobigfoot1: Not your hardisk?01:14
seraphimFAILED LOGIN (1) on `tty2' FOR `sera', Authentication failure <-- what can this error mean when 'sera' is a nis-user?01:14
Chousukesporty: you're still root.01:14
SonicChao!patience > xbl01:14
Chousukesporty: why are you logged in as root in any case?01:14
frogzooGen|G^2: when you say "shut down" - does that mean you logged out? or just turned the power off?01:14
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Gen|G^2i clicked the red putton, the clicked the shut dow option01:14
Lynourexbl: copied by what? Nothing logs manual dublicates01:14
SonicChaozerod: whats the problem?01:14
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sportyto study, I'm newbie.01:15
reversialazcazandco, yeah, sorry, i was out for a bit01:15
bigfoot1SonicChao: yes i meant a CD-R disk01:15
=== azcazandco didnt mean to hassle
SonicChaobigfoot1: If you mean a CD-R disk, I doubt formatting is necessary01:15
reversialreally, azcaz wasn't hassling01:15
pinkmanYou still there nomats?01:15
xblLynoure: i copied some files in nautilus from a harddrive to somewhere on my drive which I can't remember...01:15
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reversialso, anyway, are you on the second machine now?01:16
frogzooGen|G^2: suggest you boot to recovery mode, then take a look in /var/log/messages & /var/log/Xorg.0.log for badness01:16
reversialfirst, open up a terminal01:16
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darkowldoes anyone here plays nfsmw on ubuntu ?01:16
reversialand type "sudo apt-get install vncviewer"01:16
Gen|G^2O.o dont even know what that is let alone what im looking for01:16
SonicChaodarkowl: what is NFSMW?01:16
Chousukesporty: well, the first thing to learn is to avoid logging in as root as much as possible. :)01:16
nomatspinkman, yes i am.01:16
darkowlneed for speed most wanted01:16
pinkmanWell, only thing in that folder is mplayer stuff.01:16
Lynourexbl: there is not log of that. You can use   locate   or  find to  find them01:16
frogzooGen|G^2: for starters, no need to reinstall, as long as you can boot to recovery mode, you should be able to fix without reinstalling, fingers crossed01:17
Gen|G^2recovery mode takes me to command line and then says i pressed a wrong buttong every 10 seocnds01:17
reversialVNC is a program that allows you to control a coputer remotely01:17
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pinkmanOther then a .so for printing.01:17
SonicChaodarkowl: it doesn't work in Wine?01:17
Chousukehm :/01:17
Lynourexbl: man locate    or   man find    for more info01:17
azcazandcoreversial: I am getting errors01:17
darkowlSonicChao: NO...01:17
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nomatspinkman, move them to another dir temporarily and test if it starts working01:17
Chousukemaybe I should enable quit messages. :P01:17
reversialazcazandco: what sort of errors?01:17
SonicChaodarkowl: than it *probably* wont work on ubuntu01:17
pinkmanI have01:17
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nomatspinkman, and remember to restart your browser everytime you change something01:17
reversialohhhh, nevermind01:18
reversialyou dont want vncviewer.01:18
reversialsorry, i wasnt thinking01:18
xblLynoure: ahh ok thanks sir, but is there a log file for files/folders that I copy?01:18
azcazandcoE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)01:18
azcazandcoE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?01:18
Gen|G^2i think i might go get the laptop so i can fiddle and be in here at the same time01:18
reversialazcaz, that means you have synaptic or something open...01:18
pinkmanWell, it didnt work.01:18
azcazandcocan we open a private chat?01:18
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POVaddctreversial: that means he is not root01:19
reversialah :)01:19
reversialthankee, poy01:19
Gorlistneed to installed libopenal01:19
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Gorlistjust wondering, which one should I get from the Package Manager?01:19
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Gorlistlibopenal0, or libopenal0a (1:0.0.8=lubuntu101:19
frogzooazcazandco: synaptic open?01:20
Gorlistthe first os kist a ;pad pf numbers01:20
Gorlistthe first is just a list of numbers :)01:20
hyperstreamhow do i get alsaconf in ubuntu ive search synaptic01:20
azcazandcoyes I have shut it now01:20
hyperstreamwith no results01:20
azcazandcoreversial: I have started a private chat01:20
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reversialazz: I'm in it ;)01:21
pinkmanI take it no one can help me?01:21
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Lynourexbl: I'm not a sir, but don't like being called madam either. You are welcome. No, no such log.01:21
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reversial... and back to azcaz.01:21
azcazandcowas trying to get az... shorter for folk to type01:22
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cappizsomeone here ever used gallery2 ? i got a problem, im trying to remove the icons for "xhtml validation" but i dont find how i can do it01:22
xblLynoure: ok, anyway thanks sir(that's how we call those who share knowledge)... thank you again..01:22
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reversialsorry bout that, lost wifi for a minute01:23
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reversialBut anyway,01:23
azcazandco, i keep typing on the wrong keyboard01:23
reversial"sudo apt-get install vncserver" should work01:24
reversialas long as you don't have synaptic open01:24
avisazcazandco, what do you need help with ?01:24
=== DarkLegacy [n=ubuntu@ool-182f7927.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
DarkLegacyHey all01:24
DarkLegacyEr, well01:24
DarkLegacyI'm running Ubuntu off of the DVD01:24
DarkLegacyAnd I want to install Kubuntu01:24
DarkLegacyHow do I go about doing that?01:24
azcazandcoavis: lots lol01:24
avistell me01:24
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Lynourexbl: call me rather lady than sir... :)01:25
reversial*feels left-out*01:25
SimzII need GIMP tips01:25
azcazandcotrying to set up vnc amongst other things01:25
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reversialsudo apt-get install vncserver....01:25
avisi dont know what vnc server package is called.01:25
xblLynoure: ooops sorry your a female? sorry  sorry  sorry  sorry  sorry01:25
avistry apt-get install vncserver01:25
luseruserwith ubuntu can I create partitions with LVM?01:25
hyperstreamSound issue: ive paste info on everything i know how to, to do with my sound card etc moduels loaded and what not. im still not getting any sound http://pastebin.com/74451001:25
DarkLegacy sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop would install it where01:25
DarkLegacyOnto the LIVECD mounted thing?01:26
SonicChaoDarkLegacy: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop01:26
frogzooSimzI: http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/01:26
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hyperstreamhow do i get alsaconf in ubuntu ive searched synaptic01:26
DarkLegacyWill it bring me to the text mode install menu?01:26
chapiumsimzl: http://digg.com/software/GIMP_Tutorials01:26
SonicChaoDarkLegacy: Log out, go to "Select Session..." and choose KDE01:26
azcazandcoE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?01:26
POVaddctDarkLegacy: no, you have to install it first, then sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop01:26
Lynourexbl: Yes, not that it matters much. But it gets me feeling a tad weird when called with a male title.01:26
SonicChaoDarkLegacy: it's under Options...01:26
avisazcazandco, you have synaptic open as well both of them wont work at same time01:26
SonicChaoDarkLegacy: but this only works if Ubuntu is installed on a system01:26
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Lynourexbl: Not a big deal, really :)01:26
pinkmanIf anyone can help me get media files to show in web pages(fire fox) with mplayer, please help. I have tried totem xine, and the xine ffx plugin, so I am not gonna retry, unless ya tell me something new,.. as far as mplayer goes, it loads the audio, shows no video.01:26
azcazandcoavis: definitely shut it down01:27
xblLynoure: sorry madam, thanks a lot!01:27
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DarkLegacyIt's downloading something now01:27
DarkLegacyFor the installation I believe01:27
reversialavis, azcazandco, he needs to run it as root01:27
avisLynoure, can i just call you Lynoure ?01:27
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=== azcazandco appreciates all the help btw
Lynoureavis: That would be wonderful, thank you :)01:27
azcazandcoi thought that is what sudo does01:27
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avisazcazandco, sudo -i in terminal01:27
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avisLynoure, thats a lovely configuration your wearing this morning.01:28
Lynoureavis: debian through putty, painful to wear, but my employer (soon ex-) forces me to use mswin at work :(01:28
avisokies Lynoure01:29
=== Gen|G^2 [n=epheral@CPE-144-132-183-179.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
avisit was actually a reference to k-pax01:29
azcazandcoPackage vncserver is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package vncserver has no installation candidate01:29
Gen|G^2ok, im in recovery mode01:29
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Gen|G^2wha did i have to type?01:29
luseruseris ardour available for Ubuntu????01:29
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chaos_of_apocalycan anyone tell me a prog. to change my ogg videos to avi?01:30
azcazandcocan i not just hunt down packages using synaptic?01:30
avisazcazandco, dont mess with apt-get -- go to synaptic and reload sources.  then do a search for "vnc"  find server right select mark for installation then apply01:30
azcazandcoor is this a cleaner way of doing things?01:30
Ash-Foxchaos_of_apocaly, VLC01:30
Ash-FoxIt's got transcoding options, just stream to a avi file01:31
J_Phi all01:31
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Ash-Foxluseruser, ardour is in ubuntu's repositories.01:31
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azcazandcoWTF?  it aint letting me into synaptic now01:32
azcazandcosays i have wrong pas01:32
seraphimpls have a look and help if you can: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1236218 - thanks in advance :)01:32
avisyou must remember sudo pass01:32
azcazandcoah am in now01:32
DarkLegacyWhat's the difference between kdm and gdm?01:32
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Ash-FoxDarkLegacy, kdm is from the KDE DE, gdm is from the Gnome DE.01:33
DarkLegacyI see01:33
aviswhen was written for kde the other gnome there is also xdm01:33
hawkaloogieDarkLegacy, functionally? probably very little01:33
DarkLegacyAnyway, the install failed I think01:33
DarkLegacySub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code01:33
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azcazandcoavis: looks like it is installed already01:33
avisthe server ?  it was marked green ?01:33
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DarkLegacyI seem to be unable to install Kubuntu while in live DVD mode01:34
DarkLegacyDo I need to go get the Kubuntu CD to install it?01:34
avisi guess type that in a terminal to see what your options are perhaps vnc-server start or pkgname01:34
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EvilGurucan anyone help me with this? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21265901:34
DarkLegacyI can't install Kubuntu from the Ubuntu dVD?01:35
Ash-FoxDarkLegacy, you can easilly convert to kubuntu after installing ubuntu/xubuntu or whatever, it's just a pakage you install via apt-get which installs a bunch of the relevent oners01:35
avisdark, kdm you just apt-get kdm if you want kde them apt-get install kubuntu-desktop01:35
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DarkLegacyWill it still keep Ubuntu on my system?01:35
DarkLegacyOr will it delete Ubuntu and keep Kubuntu?01:35
aviskeep both01:35
Ash-Foxkubuntu/xubuntu/ubuntu are really the same distrobutions :)01:35
azcazandcoavis: that doesn't work01:35
DarkLegacyDo I need both?01:36
Ash-FoxTheir defaults are only different.01:36
avistry man page azcazandco01:36
gsuvegDarkLegacy: ubuntu is gnome, kubuntu is kde01:36
DarkLegacyI want Kde :\01:36
avisi dont think vnc server would be auto started by default on a new install.  that would be dumb.01:36
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE01:36
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DarkLegacyDo I actually have to install Ubuntu first onto my drive before I can install Kubuntu?01:36
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Ash-Foxkubuntu uses KDE, and kubuntu logos, but the applications and everything else is the same as the other ubuntu distros, infact they share the same repositories.01:37
JonningsHi. I have two paritions, one with XP on and one with Ubuntu. I want to reduce the disk-space on the one with XP and use the free space to increase the Ubuntu-parition. Is there any safe way to do this and keep both operation systems?01:37
azcazandcono man entry for vnc-server01:37
DarkLegacyIll go install Ubuntu then01:37
DarkLegacyAnd come back01:37
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DarkLegacyG: is flucked anyway01:37
alebuenos idas01:37
crogue5DarkLegacy, we assume you already have ubuntu installed...01:37
Ash-FoxJonnings, partition magic under windows xp01:37
avisazcazandco, i only guessed at the packagename you have to look that up in synaptic01:37
DarkLegacyI don't01:37
newUbUCan I install Ubuntu on top of Win98SE ?01:37
DarkLegacyI'm on LiveCD01:37
azcazandcosays vnc-common01:37
azcazandcono man page for that either01:37
Ash-FoxnewUbU, yes01:37
Gen|G^2rgh still wont make it passed login :/01:37
newUbUAsh-Fox you mean without a separate partition ?01:38
Ash-FoxnewUbU, I mean ontop01:38
avis# updatedb ; locate ubuntu-common -- then investigate01:38
newUbUAsh-Fox are they not the same ?01:38
DarkLegacyThe install thing isn't working in Ubuntu :\01:38
Ash-FoxNo, a seperate partition would be sharing the machine with win98 still01:38
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DarkLegacySystem > Admin > Install, and nothing01:38
Ash-Foxontop is replacing win9801:38
softworkhow i go to text mode01:38
JonningsAhs-Fox: There is no problems in adding free space to my ubuntu-parition right? It wont fark up my OS?01:38
softworkexit of graphic mode01:39
Ash-FoxJonnings, no problems adding more free space to ubuntu partition, no :)01:39
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newUbUAsh-Fox I see, actually I did not intend to remove it, maybe share the same partition with win98 ?01:39
softworkhow i exit of graphic mode01:39
softworkto text mode01:39
Ash-FoxnewUbU, I suggest you try running ubuntu off the cd first for a while. If you want to run it in windows 98, look at vmware www.vmware.com01:39
seraphimyou will need a clear partition for ubuntu newUbU01:39
aleis there a bible i can put into ubuntu01:40
seraphimsoftwork: ctrl-alt-f101:40
newUbUseraphim how about creating persistent sessions in win98 ?01:40
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seraphimas Ash-Fox said, you could use vmware01:40
Ash-FoxnewUbU, you may also want to look at the colinux project for windows. Which runs the linux kernel under windows.01:40
Ash-Fox(Some people may start screaming 'blasphemy!' now)01:41
ajmitchale: are you looking for packages such as gnomesword or bibletime?01:41
newUbUI thought you could save sessions while running the Live CD on the windows partition, that way you save repeating many things ?01:41
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azcazandcoavis: i have found a getting started guide but the command it says cannot be found01:42
sorush20where is my firmware folder01:42
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aleaj yes?01:43
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newUbUAsh-Fox, seraphim I thought you could save sessions while running the Live CD on the windows partition, that way you save repeating many things ?01:44
Ash-FoxnewUbU, I don't really mess with the live edition except for recovering systems.01:44
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seraphimno, you cant save your session01:44
newUbUAsh-Fox indeed I found myself rebooting the live-CD for recovering several times and it was boring01:44
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newUbUdoes ubuntu guide a user to automatically create partition for it's installation ?01:45
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Ash-Foxdustinpn, it's running under wine *Gasp*01:45
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newUbUhello amit01:45
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Ash-FoxnewUbU, yes01:46
newUbUseraphim thanks for the info01:46
chapiumnewUbU: i believe it does.01:46
avisnewUbU, only / and swap which isn't practical you should have a seperate /home directory in the case you must reinstall01:46
avisat least01:46
GullstadHow log off a user by killing all their prosesses trough SSH?01:46
Ash-FoxIf you backup enough, there really is no need :)01:46
avisshutdown ssh ?01:46
hyperstreamhow do i get alsaconf in ubuntu ive searched synaptic01:46
hyperstreamSound issue: ive paste info on everything i know how to, to do with my sound card etc moduels loaded and what not. im still not getting any sound http://pastebin.com/74451001:47
amitsir i am a new user of ubuntu? and want to get some information and support?01:47
pinkmanAgh, I still cant get embedded media pages in firefox to display video.. with mplayer... =.=01:47
pinkmanAudio works, seems to be all though.01:47
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:47
amitwhat is apache and what is its use?01:47
mark_anybody with working package telak?01:47
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azcazandcoavis, think I just ballsed something up01:47
avisazcazandco, ok. something messed up -- what did you do ?01:48
chapiumamit: apache.org01:48
azcazandcowell the commands weren't recognised so I went to remove the package01:48
chapiumamit, the main program is httpd, a web server01:48
azcazandcoit removed ubuntu desktop also and now I can't get either to install via synaptic01:48
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Gen|G^2why is it, that when im in recovery moe, it keeps telling me "unknown key pressed...etc etc"?01:49
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avisazcazandco, reinstall through synaptic.  if you remember the name of what you removed.  it should also install other dependencies01:49
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azcazandcoi can't install it01:49
azcazandcois coming up with errors01:49
GullstadHow logout another user by shutting down all the prosesses trough therminal?01:50
Gullstadkill -sigkilll or something?01:50
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juanwhen u install programs via the package manager, how do you find them/use them?01:50
azcazandcodamn... did i remove it from synaptic?  I cant see it now01:50
cwilluazcazandco: there's a dpkg-info or something (synaptic can also tell you the same info, properties on the package)01:51
avisazcazandco, are you doing this through apt or synaptic ?  regardless, i think you need someone more experienced than me to fix it.. but i'm sure it can be fixed.  just write down as much info or save to file for reference01:51
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cwilluoops, juan, what I just said to azcazandco01:51
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softworkhow i close graphic mode?01:51
binais there a way to update the groups you are in without logging out and in?01:51
azcazandcoavis: thanks for your help01:51
juanahh thx01:51
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cwilluazcazandco: what did you do?01:52
softworki need to close to install nvidia drrivers01:52
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azcazandcoah... is cool, I reloaded the repositories01:52
cwillusoftwork: ctrl+alt+backspace will restart x, or switch to a console (ctrl+alt+f1) and sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop01:52
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=== cwillu wonder's why he's still up at the hour, seeing as it's just about time to get u
=== azcazandco sighs a sigh of relief
softworkhow i close graphic mode to install nvidia drivers?01:53
Ash-Foxsoftwork, init 301:53
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softworkinit 3?01:54
azcazandcoman i just downgraded my net connection, i am gonna hit my bw limits quick doing stuff like this01:54
cwilluanybody know what users exist in the ubuntu network boot image?01:54
cwillusoftwork: type it in a console01:54
ramthawhich command i can use to clear my memory01:54
cwillu or terminal01:54
ramthai know there is such a command01:54
ramthabut i didnt rember it01:54
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ramthaclear unused memory :)01:54
lophyteramtha: amnesia does a pretty good job of that <G>01:54
Ash-Foxramtha, kernel should free up memory when it's unused, unlike windows.01:55
ramthai hope so :)01:55
lophyteyeah, I'm not familiar with a command to do it01:55
chapiumdoes ext3 not need defragmentation?01:55
lophytechapium: nope.01:55
Ash-FoxThere isn't, because the linux kernel does that automatically01:55
Ash-Foxchapium, nope :)01:56
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chapiumhow so?01:56
deFryskramtha, linux takes full advantage of your memory and uses it as much as it needs01:56
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chapiumit just puts files in the right place the first time?01:56
Ash-Foxchapium, the system should maintain the partition in the background01:56
lophyteyeah.. it handles filesystems a lot more efficiently than NTFS or FAT01:56
newUbUCan I run the ubuntu 64 bit version of 6.06 on my P4 ?01:56
Ash-FoxnewUbU, if your P4 has 64bit extentions, yes.01:57
NgnewUbU: if it's an EMT64 P4, yes01:57
amitcan i get help?01:57
newUbUNg what is EMT64?01:57
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:57
NgnewUbU: you may well not want to though, things like browser plugins and multimedia codecs are often only available in 32bit01:57
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NgnewUbU: the line of Pentiums with 64bit extensions01:57
amitwhat is apache? and what is its use?01:57
newUbUNg how can I check if that is the case?01:57
lophyteamit: its a web server01:57
Ash-FoxUnless you're using more than 4GB of ram, what is the need to use 64bit?01:57
chapiumamit, I answered you the first time01:57
newUbUamit it's an webserver you can install it to host websites01:58
reikiI know this is kind of a narrow question, but does anyone have sensors (lmsensors) working with an Asus motherboard? I have a P5LD2 and can't seem to figure this out01:58
newUbUAsh-Fox I happen to have a 64-bit ubuntu CD :)01:58
NgAsh-Fox: afaik it allows more/better register access, for one thing, but a desktop machine is typically IO bound, so it's not likely that you'd get to notice the difference01:58
lophytenewUbU: but its no good without a 64-bit CPU :P01:58
seraphimreiki:  with my a7n8x its working01:58
amitlocally or on www.01:59
chapiumdepends how you configure apache01:59
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reikiseraphim, did you have to fiddle with it? I keep getting "no i2c devices found"01:59
Ash-FoxNg, pretty aware of that, hence the reason why I can't really the see the need unless I need more ram ;)01:59
chapiumi think www by default01:59
lophytetime for school01:59
lophytelater all01:59
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amitrecently i have installed APache2,Mysql5,PHP5 and on my system with the help of google?02:00
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newUbUAsh-Fox I think your PC will be much faster if you can access 64-bits in one go, rather than two calls of 32 bits each02:00
fowlduckit's 7 AM......02:00
amiti am searching for running egroupware on that syatem?02:00
doctorshimHi, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 6.06 with XFS, but the installer keeps crashing. Would anybody have run into this before?02:00
seraphimreiki: no. i just had to add something in /etc/modules02:00
Ash-Foxamit, 'apt-get install apache2 mysql5 php5' would of done it for you automatically.02:00
amitwhat is the processor to configure eGroupWare?02:00
reikiseraphim, do you recall what that was? I'd love to be able to see temps from linux02:01
newUbUlophyte how can I check if my Intel P4 processor has 64bit extensions?02:01
Ash-FoxnewUbU cat /proc/cpuinfo02:01
reikiseraphim, or can you point me toward the instructions that helped you get it going?02:01
newUbUAsh-Fox from windows ?02:01
seraphimi think it was a i2c-module for the nforce-chipset...02:01
Ash-FoxnewUbU, if you got cygwin, sure.02:01
amithave u any site address from there I can get complete help?02:01
reikiseraphim, ok... I think that's what is stopping me. I have in intel 945 board and I'm not sure what "chips" they are talking about in the instructions02:02
amitfrom Ubuntu02:02
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azcazandcocwillu: do you know why I cannot run vncserver02:02
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azcazandcoit cannto find the command02:03
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KJrojjhi there02:03
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KJrocould someone help me setup printing in dapper02:03
Ash-Foxazcazandco, because it isn't installed02:03
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azcazandcobut I just installed it02:04
doctorshimDoes XFS even work with Ubuntu 6.06?02:04
sorush20when making a package with check install and testing the cvs versions of applications.. how should I add version numbers so that i can install other applications.. ?02:04
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Ash-FoxKJro, it's really easy, just open http://localhost:631/ you will figure out the rest :)02:04
azcazandcoscrap that... I am thikck02:04
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KJroi have a printer on a windows xp machine HP LaserJet 1200     And i want to print from my dapper desktop machine02:05
Ash-Foxazcazandco, apt-get install vnc4server02:05
KJroAsh-Fox .... couldnt02:05
Ash-FoxKJro, install printed services for unix under windows.02:05
azcazandcoi got vncserver02:05
Ash-Fox*printer services for unix02:06
Ash-Foxazcazandco, okay, then you have the command.02:06
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amitAsh-Fox* how to install eGroupware and configure it on Ubuntu?02:06
Ash-Foxapt-get install egroupware ?02:07
Ash-Fox(assuming that package even exists?)02:07
azcazandcookay, I managed to start a vnc server, what is the next step to managing that from another machine?02:07
monomaniacpathow do you know if alsa is set up, how so you install the multimedia system selector?02:07
ubotuI know nothing about egroupware02:07
amitand about configuration?02:07
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Ash-Foxamit, never messed with egroupware02:07
Ngamit: you'd be best off reading the official egroupware docs on their homepage for configuration information02:07
KJroash... i just instaled my sistem ... you say i need to apt-get install an aditional package (i have samba instaled)02:07
azcazandcoavis: you still about and willing to help?02:08
Ash-FoxKJro, install 'printing services for unix' under windows.02:08
amitok thanks?02:08
KingLearI came earlier and was guided to a few links regarding upgrade to Dapper from Breezy02:08
monomaniacpatcan someone help me setup the multimedia sys selector?02:08
KingLearI still have one anomaly remining02:08
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KingLearthat is when I run upgrade from update manager, even though i  have mounted the Dapper CD, it starts downloading from the internet02:09
Ash-FoxKJro, you should be able to under the network card properties in windows, it's the tab where you can enable/disable/install/uninstall different protocols02:09
KingLearwhy is it so?02:09
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Ash-FoxKingLear, to stay upto date02:09
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amitAsh-Fox* what about CK-ERP?02:10
KingLearBUt all 1167 packages need more than one day at dialup, Ash-Fox02:10
Ash-Foxyou can choose not to update at all02:10
KingLearBUt that wont solve my problem02:10
Ash-FoxWhat is your problem?02:11
KingLearI am talking about upgrading, not updating ,02:11
KingLearmy problem is that,02:11
amitAsh-Fox* i have a windows system running winproxy How Can I use the proxy on Ubuntu to access internet?02:11
KingLearAsh-Fox,  I have a Dapper cd Mounted,02:11
KingLearbut the system is behaving as if I have none02:11
KingLearand starts downloading all packages from internet02:11
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KingLearamit how many clients do u have on that pc?02:12
Ash-FoxKingLear, did you add the CD as a source?02:12
amittwo one on win98 and other on ubuntu02:12
seamus__KingLear: add the cd as a repo and maybe remove all the others (making a backup of /etc/apt/sources.list first)02:13
Ash-FoxKingLear, I suggest you comment out all internet repositories and add your CD as your only source and upgrade from that :)02:13
KingLearyou mean as a repository?02:13
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Ash-FoxYes, as a repository.02:13
KingLearI did that as well02:13
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monomaniacpatesd is blocking sound on startup, LITTLE HELP!?02:13
Ash-Foxyou disabled all the other internet based sources?02:13
KingLearno software to upgarde,02:13
KingLearI deleted all of them02:13
Ash-FoxI forget the command, is it 'apt-get dist-upgrade'?02:14
amitAsh-Fox* what about sharing internet from win system running winproxy to share internet?02:14
Ash-Foxamit, what about it?02:14
yumhi all, I try sinc a few hours to get my PDA Fujitsu / Siemens hooked up to Ubuntu (evolution) I installed multisync and synce but I have no idea what to do next.02:15
Ash-Foxamit, why don't you just use ICS which is built in windows?02:15
amitash-fox* how to access internet on ubuntu system from a windows system using winproxy to share internet?02:15
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Ash-Foxamit, set your proxy servers in your applications?02:16
amitthe server is on Windows SBS 200302:16
KingLearamit its really easy02:16
amitAsh-Fox* how to set proxy server in application?02:16
kris_xhas anybody seen the netboot crashing about 1/2 way through02:16
Ash-Foxamit, the same way you do under windows generally02:16
KingLearall you have to do is to go to system> preference > Network Proxy and define it02:17
seamus__amit: export http_proxy=host:port02:17
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KingLearI guess it will be
amitOnce earlier i had defined that but I was not able to access internet on Ubuntu?02:17
Ash-Foxsome applications need to be told manually though, because they're stubborn, just like many windows applications.02:17
NgKingLear: that's just an http proxy02:17
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amitwhile fromadsl router connected to switch i am able to brows02:17
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Ash-Foxamit, are you the network administrator?02:18
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Ash-FoxAnd you don't know your network's infrastructure?02:18
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KingLearI am talking about LAN, ng02:18
amitand trying to convert all the systen on UBuntu?02:18
Ngamit: you probably just need to set the ubuntu machine's network gateway to be the windows machine running winproxy02:19
Ngbut I've not used winproxy before02:19
amitI am completly new in this field.02:19
Ash-FoxNeither have I, I don't get why he doesn't just use transparent proxies.02:19
DogBoyis there a reference somewhere about what I need to install in order to compile things?02:19
amitok thanks?02:19
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kris_xhas anybody seen the netboot crash at about 1/2 way,02:19
DogBoylike I went to go and do make, make not installed02:19
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monomaniacpatwhy is esd blocking sound at startup?02:20
Ash-Foxamit, first things first. Find out what your windows systems usually use for network settings before configuring anything.02:20
amitok then02:20
Ash-FoxOnce you know those settings, we can guide you where to enter them.02:21
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NgDogBoy: install build-essential, that covers most of the basics02:22
DogBoyis that in a faq somewhere?02:22
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DogBoymaybe there's some other stuff there I need to know02:23
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ompaul!compile > DogBoy02:23
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Ash-FoxKingLear, good luck :)02:23
ompaulDogBoy, check the message from the bot02:23
sorush20hi would synamptic assume this version number 1.0.14-cvs to be higher than 1.0.14-102:23
KingLearthanx Ash-Fox02:23
NgDogBoy: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/programming.html02:23
ubotuI know nothing about test02:23
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ubotuI know nothing about anything02:24
KingLearAsh-Fox,  this is what I found02:24
kris_xhas anybody seen the netboot crashing about 1/2 way through?02:24
KingLearis there a limit on pasting lines here?02:24
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:24
frogzooKingLear: anything over 202:24
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cr3is there a page that describes how to properly file a bug report?02:25
lord_nelsonanyone has a connection problem with gaim since the last ubuntu updates?02:25
Ash-FoxKingLear, you should do a apt-get update whenever you've modified your sources.list02:25
ubotulaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/02:25
frogzoocr3: it's in your system meu02:25
frogzoocr3: it's in your system menu02:25
KingLearOkay I will do that as well02:25
Ng!bug > cr302:25
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KingLearbut let me paste that out put for ya02:26
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DogBoythanks Ng02:26
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Ash-FoxKingLear, if you didn't do it, then the upgrade probably went a little wrong :P02:26
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lord_nelson anyone has a connection problem with gaim since the last ubuntu updates?02:26
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amitAsh-Fox* amit here02:27
amittell me now02:27
Ash-FoxOh dear, I feel really sick now *lays down for a bit*02:27
Ash-Foxyes amit, what is it?02:27
lord_nelsonanyone alive in here?02:28
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Ash-Foxlord_nelson, I use kopete, so can't help =)02:28
amitclass c ip with default subnet? winproxy on the port 8002:28
ompaullord_nelson, about 77802:28
Nglord_nelson: if nobody is replying then you can assume that we either don't use gaim or haven't seen any problems02:28
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Ash-Foxamit, DHCP?02:29
amitno dhcp02:29
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Ash-Foxamit, I take it you know how to configure networking, right?02:29
Ash-Foxamit, the basics that is, ip addresses, dns servers etc?02:30
Gen|G^2hmmm, looks like im going to have to format again :/02:30
amitright Ash02:30
Ash-Foxamit, okay, well, assuming you got the IP networking setup, you just need to access system => preferences => Network Proxy, and enter in there (assuming that's the gateway) and set port 8002:31
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kindorhow can i put a desktop icon on all users's desktop, is there some kind of common location like /usr/share/applications ?02:31
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Wipsteranyway of getting a gui for grub, a mate has suse and its grb looks funkai, its prely asthetic and pointless butttttttttttttt is it poss?02:32
Ash-Foxkindor, I can tell you for sure it exists, I just don't know it.02:32
amitwell then Ash02:32
phaedrus44hey hey...i have run out of cd-r  so i need some advice on how to install ubuntu from a spare partition...?02:32
SubWipster, yes, jus get a grub splsah02:33
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:33
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Ash-Foxkindor, I know it exists because when you install a application, the application appears in the menu for all users :)02:33
rambo3there is grub splashimage package that installs ome xmp files and configures grub02:33
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Ash-Foxamit, yes?02:34
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idanimrodplease help me, i just restarted my computer and suddenly my whole /home partition is wiped! and the default wallpaper and sounds are back! is there anyway to recover it?02:36
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rambo3checked lost+found ?02:36
amitthanks a lot Ash02:36
idanimrodlost+found in my /home?02:36
idanimrodor in root?02:36
Ash-Foxidanimrod, is your /home folder on a different partition?02:37
rambo3 ls -la /lost+found/02:37
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Ash-Foxidanimrod, check if that partition is mounted.02:37
idanimrodit is02:37
idanimrodsince i see my home dir02:37
idanimrodit's just empty02:37
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Ash-FoxJust because the path exists doesn't mean the partition is there02:37
idanimrodhow do i check if it's mounted?02:38
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idanimrodit's mounted02:38
idanimrodbut it's empty!02:38
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Ash-Foxyou see a /home in 'df' ?02:38
kindorthanks ash02:39
idanimrod/dev/hda5             65361992    132216  61909544   1% /home02:39
idanimrodi see it02:39
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morphixhow do i change the font size in bash ??02:39
Ash-Foxwhat is in /home/lost+found ?02:39
Douglas77morphix: Not at all. bash doesn't know about fontsizes.02:39
Douglas77You can change the font size of your gnome-terminal though, do you want to do that?02:39
=== Ash-Fox can only imagine you were tricked into typing 'rm -rf /' DO NOT TYPE THAT, NOBODY
idanimrodi didn't type anything!02:40
Douglas77Ash-Fox: If fsck find's broken files, it will put them there. Only necessary if you are using ext2/302:40
idanimrodi know what rm does02:40
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morphixDouglas77: no, i know how to, cant i change the framebuffer options in grub??02:40
m6sHello people02:40
idanimrodi just rebooted my computer02:40
idanimrodand everything was gone!02:40
idanimrodjust like that02:40
m6sI have a 6.06 64bit, and a hp110002:40
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Douglas77morphix: Oh, you want to change the fontsize for the texconsole. two ways:02:40
m6sI got no printing what ever I do02:40
morphixDouglas77: yes.02:41
phaedrus44anyone know where I can go to learn how to install from hard drive  (by extracting the iso)?02:41
m6sis there any tip, why?02:41
Ash-Foxidanimrod, I have never heard this happening before.02:41
idanimrodme too :(02:41
idanimrodthat's why i'm so bummed02:41
rambo3can it be that parition was not unmounted before rebooting and is bussy. reboot agian02:41
idanimrodoh wait...02:41
Douglas771) change the resolution. look for sth related to vesafb in /usr/src/linux/Documentation (can't remmeber exactly)02:41
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idanimrodi just did02:41
idanimrodnothing happend02:41
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idanimrodi tried that sled thingy02:42
Douglas772) use a smaller font; change in /etc/console-tools/config02:42
idanimrodthat new control panel, it installed fine, but when i rebooted, everything was gone!02:42
morphixDouglas77: err... so how do i change the res?02:42
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m6sAny chance for some tip about printing in ubuntu?02:42
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Douglas77morphix: look for sth related to vesafb in /usr/src/linux/Documentation (can't remmeber exactly)02:42
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morphixwell thats not too much of great help lol02:43
morphixthere is no /usr/src/linux :P02:43
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Douglas77morphix: oh, ok, I'll have a look.02:44
TTilusm6s: something like "file -> print -> ok" or?02:45
Douglas77morphix: try  vga=0x305 (1024x768) or even  vga=0x30702:45
morphixin what?02:46
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TTiluskernel parameters maybe?02:46
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m6sTTilus, the problem must be cupsys02:47
Gen|G^2can anone here convince me not to give up on ubuntu and find something else? cause its really getting to me now. the forums arent any help, and no one seems to be able to explain to me whats happening02:47
Farhadhow i can update firefox with apt02:47
morphixGen|G^2: like what??02:47
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Gen|G^2i install it, no problems02:47
morphixFarhad: sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox02:47
Gen|G^2i lo in, no problems02:47
Douglas77morphix: in menu.lst02:47
Gen|G^2i log out, no problems02:47
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Gen|G^2i ry to log back in, and gnome just stops02:48
frogzooGen|G^2: did you take a look in /var/log/messages ?02:48
Gen|G^2i get like 5 errors just typing in var/log/messages02:48
Douglas77Gen|G^2: Is your harddrive full?02:48
Surferis there any way to run livecd with kernel form hdd?02:48
Gen|G^2its a 0gig artition02:48
TTilusm6s: woops, gotta go now, but...  check ubuntu wiki, cups homepage and then come back here and describe you problem, you dont need to go like "will somebody help me in meta-level-statement", just ask  :)02:48
Farhadmorphix: this command want download all of firefox but i want download only updates02:48
Douglas77Gen|G^2: btw, whining around is a great way to NOT getting a response...02:49
NgGen|G^2: what are the errors?02:49
m6sTTilus, bye thank you...02:49
frogzooGen|G^2: is there any reason this isn't a hard drive issue?02:49
morphixFarhad: ah, just updates? apparently u just run firefox under root then update then close.02:49
Gen|G^2somrhing like "unknown key pressed 1375.7602:49
frogzooGen|G^2: or a memory/cpu hardware etc. issue? have you run memtest successfully?02:50
Gen|G^2and theres a whole heap of jargon to either side of that02:50
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Gen|G^2cd check is fine. memtest is fine02:50
cwilluany apt cache gurus around?  how 'stable' is the /var/cache/apt/ folder structure?  if I change sources.list to a different mirror, does that invalidate the cache?02:50
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Douglas77Anyone here who has succesfully customized an Ubuntu-CD, including _a self-compiled kernel_?02:50
frogzooGen|G^2: yeh, your puter sounds pretty sick - I'm guessing hardware - check your memory's firmly seated, & your cables, then run memtest02:50
TraeIf I want to run strace to figure out what's going on in the following command, is this the proper usage?   sudo strace mount myHost:/home/myUser/myFiles myFiles02:50
Farhadmorphix: thx , bye02:50
Ngcwillu: if you change the sources, the apt cache will need to be rebuilt with an "apt-get update" (or clicking Reload in synaptic)02:50
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Douglas77cwillu: Extremely "stable", its just "all files live in [the dir] /archives, no subdirs"02:51
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frogzooGen|G^2: better yet, run memtest first, to see if that fails, then tighten all your connection 2 c if that fixes it02:51
Gen|G^2windows runs perfectly fine02:51
Gen|G^2and ubuntu runs fine as well, but only the first time02:51
Gen|G^2it does the same thing, even afer a format/reinstall02:52
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GNAMAs widely reported on many Linux news sites, tension between Debian and Ubuntu developers continues to brew underneath the blanket of seemingly peaceful coexistence between the two projects.02:52
cwillung, k, thanks;  I'm doing some ltsp stuff, and trying to avoid redownloading 600 megs over a slow connection02:52
Gen|G^2works first time, hangs every other time02:52
Douglas77Gen|G^2: "unknown key" is also logged if you have any strange "Multimedia"-keys on your keyboard; doesn't matter, nothing bad so far. Check  df  !02:52
NgGNAM: #ubuntu-offtopic please, this channel is for support only02:52
Ngcwillu: the packages won't need re-downloading, just the lists from the sources02:52
Ngcwillu: which is only a few mb02:52
frogzooGen|G^2: when ubuntu installs, it puts everything in the same place each time, I'm guessing your gnome settings are failing at the same point each time - this is sooo like a h/w problem02:52
Gen|G^2but if that were the case, wouldnt gnome crash the first time as well?02:53
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Surferis there any way to run livecd with kernel form hdd?02:53
Douglas77Gen|G^2: Try the follwoing: As soon as the error occurs, switch to textconsole (Ctrl-Alt-F1), login with the user, do a  cat .xsession-errors02:53
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome02:53
toZthmorphix: do you want to change your resolution?02:53
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cwilluNg: the ltsp chroot doesn't share the cache, as far as I can tell02:53
frogzooGen|G^2: if doze runs no problems, it's possible a bad spot on the drive - however, what speed did you write your cd at? at the cd burners maximum setting or slower?02:53
cwillupackage cache I mean02:53
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Douglas77He would get a lot of HDD-related errors in syslog/dmesg if the HDD is bad...02:54
Ngcwillu: you can seed it by copying in /var/cache/apt/archives over - that's where it keeps the packages02:54
Gen|G^2max i guess, but i ran a cd check twice, no errors02:54
Ngcwillu: or you could use apt-proxy on a server for all of the clients to get their packages from02:54
Ash-FoxWell, Debian and the buntu distros have different goals anyway.02:54
frogzooGen|G^2: just maybe, try burning again at 50% speed & see02:54
cwilluNg: I did that, seems to be acting weird then, or the package cache has been flushed or something02:54
Ngcwillu: have you done an apt-get update on the client/chroot?02:55
morphixtoZth: i want to change the resolution/font in text mode only.02:55
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Douglas77Gen|G^2: or, as soon as the error occurs, login at textconsole, do  ls -ltra  to find the loast modified file (most likely some logfile), and have a look02:55
frogzooGen|G^2: this is definately not broken in any of the normal ways of brokenness02:55
cwilluwanted to download 390 mb, and I really don't want to do that over a 10kb connection :)02:56
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cwillu(thanks btw, I'm doing weird stuff and appreciate any help I can get :)02:56
Douglas77frogzoo: Please #define "normal way of brokenness" *G*02:56
Ash-Foxmorphix look into vesa modes that you can pass to the kernel02:56
Gen|G^2i just dont undersand why it works the first time bu never again :/02:56
cwilluI just changed the chroot'd sources.list to be the same as the main one, and reupdating (was a different mirror before, dunno if that makes any difference though)02:56
Douglas77Ash-Fox: I already told him to supply   vga=0x305  :)02:56
Ash-Foxah, didn't see02:56
morphixAsh-Fox: i know its vesa modes.. but i dont know WHERE to find info about it02:56
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Douglas77Gen|G^2: Try to find out why it doesn't work, not "why it worked some other time".02:57
frogzooGen|G^2: first time you log in, gnome sets up a bunch of stuff, and maybe it's writing crap settings, you reboot, gnome reads the crap settings & spews02:57
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Douglas77morphix: in /usr/src/linux/Documentation/fb/. If you don't have it, install the Kernel Source02:57
h2does anyone know where i can get info about remote x11 logins in ubuntu?02:57
giantubuntu or kubuntu, which is better?02:58
morphixDouglas77: i have kernel headers installed.02:58
Douglas77h2: Here?02:58
Nggiant: whichever you prefer :)02:58
SonicChaogiant: depends on what you mean by 'better' :D02:58
Douglas77morphix: so?02:58
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morphixDouglas77: i dont want to install kernel source just to view a document :/02:58
h2Douglas77, hehe should've seen that coming02:58
Gen|G^2ok,i have notepad open, give me a list of all the commands you want me to type into the terminal02:58
giant:) thought so02:58
SonicChaogiant: go for Kubuntu :)02:58
Douglas77h2: :)02:58
Nggiant: the only difference is that ubuntu uses Gnome and kubuntu uses KDE. I would suggest you try both and go with whichever you like more02:58
SonicChaogiant: if you're new, it uses KDE, which is good for beginners, I think02:58
frogzooh2: maybe.... http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/XDMCP-HOWTO/02:58
SonicChaogiant: Or download Ubuntu, and do this:02:58
gianthave already installed ubuntu02:58
SonicChaosudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:58
Douglas77morphix: kernelhq.org might give you a single file, iirc02:59
SonicChaogiant: That way, you can have both. :D02:59
snoopsit's more than just kde or gnome, it's also the desktop applications included with that02:59
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gianthow to toggle between them?02:59
cwilluh2: what are you trying to do?02:59
cwillu(it's fun stuff :))02:59
SonicChaogiant: From "Options"..."Select Session...", "KDE"02:59
h2what i have is an 2ghz ubuntu server and a crappy 450mhz p2 and i was wondering if and how i can use the server to do all the processing etc and send it to the p202:59
SonicChaogiant: And click ok, then log in02:59
giantowkay, thx everybody02:59
SonicChaogiant: Options is at the log-in screen02:59
Ngsnoops: in saying "gnome" I mean "the infrastructure and applications gnome.org releases and associated programs"02:59
giant:) yeah yeah02:59
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snoopsof course you still can install all the apps from either, but eg on a gnome install, and you want a kde app, it'll need the kde libs which can be downloaded for ya anyway03:00
morphixh2: u could run a terminal server on server machine03:00
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Douglas77Gen|G^2: ls -ltra   to find the last modifed file03:00
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cwilluh2: ahh, so many ways you could do it :)03:00
frogzooh2: no maybes about it - a 450MHz PII would make a kick ass xterminal03:00
Douglas77Gen|G^2: cat [the name of this file]    to see it03:00
SonicChaogiant: but first you have to open Terminal and "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"03:00
cwilluh2: did you still want to run programs on the crappy computer, at the same time as the big one?03:00
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Douglas77Gen|G^2: It should be .gnome-errors or sth like that03:00
giantSonicChao, i know03:00
SonicChaogiant: k03:00
Gen|G^2ill try now03:00
cwilluhell, I've got 450's that are acting as actual workstations :p03:00
h2cwillu: hehe, i've got it just sitting here doign nothing03:01
h2cwillu: i dont really want other programs running on it03:01
cwillugotta love it when the apt-get _update_ takes 10 minutes03:01
Douglas77h2: xdmcp is definitely the way to go then :)03:01
cwilluh2: trusted network?03:02
h2Douglas77: ok thanks, any ubuntu specific howtos ?03:02
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h2cwillu: pardon?03:02
Douglas77h2: Use the howto wwhich frogzoo recommended. Only Ubuntu-Tip: In gdm, Action->Configure, activate xdmcp :)03:03
Gen|G^2ok restarting03:03
cwilluxdmcp isn't really secure, so if you don't trust your network...03:03
Gen|G^2loading up...03:03
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cwillubut if you do (and most people would), xdmcp would work fine03:03
Douglas77ok guys/girls, gtg, bye!03:04
SonicChaojuztin: Hi...remember me? XD03:04
Gen|G^2it logged in fine hat time03:04
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SonicChaoDouglas77: bye03:04
tdnHi. I have this problem that my Ubuntu box cannot decide which network it wants to be on. This is really annoying. In Network Settings I have disabled the Wireless connection and enabled my ethernet connection and selected Default gateway device = eth0 (my ethernet). Still sometimes the wireless connects to my neighbours open wlan.03:04
juztinSonicChao, yup...how ya doin :)03:04
Gen|G^2maybe i need to swich xp to cause the error03:04
cwilluh2:  hell, you could set up a netboot on it if you want :)03:04
SonicChaojuztin: Really good...03:04
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SonicChaojuztin: I broke my install with all those DEs03:04
SonicChaojuztin: But came to what one I thought was best03:05
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juztinSonicChao, excellent :)03:05
Douglas77hi! Do you know how to customize a Ubuntu-ISO so it uses a self-compiled kernel? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization/6%2e10 doesn't talk about that...03:05
h2cwillu: oh ok, its only a local home network so nothign ot worry abotu :)03:06
Douglas77SonicChao: ratpoison?03:06
kindorhe ash, do you know any application that installs an icon on everyone's desktop?03:06
SonicChaojuztin: I liked XFCE...I use it as a secondary enviroment to my GNOME and KDE...I use it when I keep the computer on, because it'll burn with these fans with a big DE03:06
SonicChaojuztin: Oh, and the worst one was Enlightenment. :D03:06
juztinSonicChao, i'm using KDE myself...i used to only use fluxbox, but i'm learning my way around KDE right now.03:06
juztinSonicChao, really?  i've heard a lot of good things about E1703:07
kindorthey seem only to install in the menustructure03:07
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SonicChaojuztin: I donno...I didn't like it very much.03:07
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juztinSonicChao, i've never tried it....what's it like?  isn't it a lot of widgets and eye candy stuff?03:08
SonicChaojuztin: Useless eyecandy...difficult for new users...and the tutorials are long and never get to the point.03:08
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SonicChaojuztin: And when your mouse is still on the desktop, sometimes a dialog box will appear telling you how to click, and what each button does03:08
juztinSonicChao, ugh.....03:09
m6sWhy when I execute something which must be run as root, and enter the password at the box, the identification always fails?03:09
juztinSonicChao, how to click...lol03:09
SonicChaojuztin: Reminds me of Microsoft BOB. XD03:09
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juztinSonicChao, BOB?03:09
SonicChaojuztin: It was a failed MS system...03:09
juztinSonicChao, how long ago?03:09
SonicChaojuztin: Started by Bill Gates' wife03:10
SonicChaojuztin: A while ago03:10
juztinSonicChao, no way lol03:10
cwillum6s: are you typing your password, or are you typing a root password that you set?03:10
SonicChaojuztin: Let me get the wikipedia article03:10
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SonicChaojuztin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Bob03:10
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cwilluheh;  the xp search puppy is a throughback to that actually03:10
gnomefreakSonicChao: and juztin can you guys please move this to #ubuntu-offtopic03:10
juztingnomefreak, yeah sorry lol03:11
SonicChaognomefreak: oops..sorry. k03:11
exclipywould anyone be able to help me with getting my bluetooth file transfer to work between my laptop and phone?03:11
Gen|G^2oh you gotta be kidding me, its working now :/03:11
dmitrihello, i am trying to take ownership of a folder with sudo chown -R username folder. It says operation not permitted. What should I do to change this?03:11
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Gen|G^2took 3 formats, but it seems to not crash anymore03:12
Subdmitri, do a "sudo -i" then run "chown -R username folder"03:12
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Subse eif that helps03:12
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ivalladtbrand new ubuntu dapper drake installed, using postfix I am being unable to make outgoing mail through an smtp smarthost which request auth, error 535 always returned by the smarthost, any pointers?03:12
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toZthmorphix: http://www.digitalhermit.com/linux/hiresconsole.html03:12
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TraeCould someone take a look at this post and tell me why NFS is hanging on me when trying to mount a remote dir?  It ultimately mounts, it just hangs...    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1236509#post123650903:13
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dmitriSub: still, operation not permitted03:13
exclipyhcitool doesn't detect my bluetooth device on my Dell Inspiron 8600 laptop - anyone have any ideas?03:13
NgTrae: most likely hanging, but succeeding network services are DNS related03:13
Douglas77ivalladt: Maybe you need SMTP AUTH? no idea how to do this with postfix, but maybe it's enough to google :)03:13
Gen|G^2bah, now i need to get this network card working lol03:14
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NgTrae: like, it'll be trying to do a reverse IP lookup. Try adding entries to the /etc/hosts file for both client and server on both ends03:14
TraeNg, nod, as I state in the post, I put in a entry for the other box.03:14
TraeNg, nod, heh03:14
Douglas77Trae: Is portmap running on both machines? Also, I had this problem once when lockd wasn't running03:14
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[daan] hello, i need some help03:14
TraeDouglas77, only have it running on the remote box.03:14
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[daan] i excluded myself from the sudoers file and now im stuck, any way to solve this ?03:15
Douglas77Trae: Which one? portmap or lockd? portmap should run on both03:15
=== Lobster grt
cwillu[daan] : need to boot up in safe mode03:15
TraeDouglas77, let me check for lockd03:15
Douglas77daan: In grub, do [e]  for edit.03:15
Douglas77Trae: rpcinfo -p03:15
cwillu!safe > cwillu03:15
ubotuI know nothing about safe03:16
dmitriSub: it gave me the same message03:16
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cwillu!search safe03:16
ubotuFound: ubuntu-desktop, dri, fuse, telnet03:16
[daan] ok, and then i can use su ?03:16
Lobster[daan] , can't you open a su-terminal?03:16
Traerpcinfo: can't contact portmapper: RPC: Remote system error - Connection refused03:16
Douglas77daan: add   init=/bin/bash  to the kernel-line03:16
cwillu[daan] : no, it logs you in as root with no password actually :)03:16
Subdmitri, not sure then03:16
TraeDouglas77, that's on the local machine in which I'm trying to mount the remote dir03:16
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TraeDouglas77, should I apt-get install portmap lockd ? heh03:17
riotingPhow do i unzip .exe files03:17
Douglas77daan: then, boot with [b] , then   mount -o rw,remount /; passwd; mount -o ro,remount /; sync    then just RESET03:17
dmitriSub: ok thanks. could it be that it is a mounted fat32 partition03:17
NgriotingP: if the .ext file is actually a self extracting .zip then "unzip" should do the trick03:17
Douglas77Trae: It's in nfs-common  iirc03:17
frogzooriotingP: would you believe..... unzip ??03:17
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[daan] ok, thnx peeps03:18
TraeDouglas77, didn't know you needed NFS to be installed on the local system you wish to mount things to03:18
Douglas77daan: Was that too complicated?03:18
[daan] hehe03:18
Douglas77Trae: The nfs-client needs to be installed. :)03:18
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TraeDouglas77, as I said, I can mount it locally, it just hangs... for about 2-3 mins03:18
Traegot that done03:18
Traelet me try again03:18
[daan] Douglas77: no, i think ill manage03:18
riotingPerm how do i unzip, when i click on the item it only has open with wine or another ap as options03:19
[daan] cya and thanks to all03:19
Douglas77Trae: Any better now?03:19
frogzooriotingP: you should install pkg 'unzip' if you haven't got /usr/bin/unzip03:19
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TraeDouglas77, hah03:19
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TraeDouglas77, spank my arse and call me charlie03:19
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TraeDouglas77, ;) yes, that worked03:20
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Traefreaky deaky03:20
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=== Douglas77 looks for big whip :)
Douglas77Trae: Great :) gtg, have phun03:20
frogzoowhich way did charlie go?03:20
Traeok... all I did was apt-get install portmap and nfs-common on the local machine03:20
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Traeawww, he left without being able to thank him03:20
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maxxxis it a bad thing to have an smp kernel on my single cpu box?03:23
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webbenhmm why is ubuntu treating an @ sign (char 64) received over synergy as U+03A903:23
gioacchino how to block a cracked program with http autentication ?03:24
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rixxongioacchino: use good passwords03:24
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gioacchinowith cml spy dont exist good password ...03:24
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rixxoni don't know what that is03:24
gioacchinoxml spy03:24
Ash-Foxuse HTTPS03:25
ruxpin^where should I add my startup scripts?03:25
Ash-Foxhttp authentication is just converting the username and password to mime6403:25
gioacchinoit check the serial at HlinkSimpleNavigateToString L"http://link.altova.com/keyinfo.asp?u=                                                                                                   gioacchino&c=EMBRACE&e=&k=196Y29C-1P74CCC-1JMHL11-2FFT22C-96YTPY1&p=XS&ed=P&mj=8                                                                                                   &mn=3&bd=May%2031%202006&s=&lang=English&os=Windows%202000%20Service%03:25
gioacchino                                                        dns=localhost&udn=root&guid=67309f10-1012-11db-c687-00e07de8ac4a&gsrc=r05&ec=Wro                                                                                                   ngEdition03:25
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gioacchinowith http protocol03:25
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gioacchinohow to block it but not block firefox konqueror and othe program with http protocol ??03:26
rixxongioacchino: i don't quite get you, what do you mean?03:26
rixxonblock what, exactly03:27
gioacchinoI use xml spy with wine03:27
finalbetaHow exactly do new packages get inside the ubuntu repositories? Becasue some packages are over 4 years old. New stable builds should be available.03:27
Ash-Foxgioacchino, I use ettercap.03:27
frogzoogioacchino: i guess  you want to block certain web traffic with a given signature, but not others?03:27
rixxongioacchino: you want to blacklist certain user-agents? or possible whitelist known browsers03:27
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conhewho to atualization of my kernel ?03:28
gioacchinoI wont block one program not a port03:28
Ngfinalbeta: once a stable release is out, new versions generally don't get into it. Otherwise there are some procedures for getting things into a development version03:28
conhei want update my kernel !03:29
conhei dont know do it03:29
rixxongioacchino: check the cgi variable HTTP_USER_AGENT03:29
Ash-Foxgioacchino, you could uninstall the program03:29
rixxongioacchino: note that it can be faked03:29
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gioacchino[15:29]  <Ash-Fox> gioacchino, you could uninstall the program  no03:30
rixxonAsh-Fox: i'm not sure, but i think he's having problems with people trying to brute force his service?03:30
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frogzoogioacchino: but this program uses port 80, correct?03:30
Ash-FoxHe's not making much sense to me.03:30
rixxonnot to me either ...03:30
gioacchinoit use http03:30
gioacchinoi dont know the port03:31
Nggioacchino: it might be a good idea to give some more information about exactly what you are wanting to do03:31
gioacchinoI suppose 80..03:31
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Ngalso, did you paste a windows licence key earlier? ;o03:31
finalbetaNg, for exaple Lirc (ir software) has 7.1 inside apt. But build 8 (stable) is out, over 4 years later. So you are saying normally they wouldn't add that one?03:31
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rixxongioacchino: for starters, define your actual problem (not the solution you think you need)03:31
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Ngfinalbeta: lirc is in universe, which is stuff sync'd from debian, so chances are it's debian that needs to include the newer version. it may be that nobody noticed - lirc doesn't exactly see active development ;)03:32
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kuzmasterhello all03:32
ubotuI know nothing about den03:32
ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)03:32
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto03:33
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowto - also see !synaptic (gnome) or !adept (kde)03:33
gioacchinorixxon:  1) I had xmlspy 2006 rel 3 ( a xml testual editor for windows ) cracked03:33
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gioacchino2) I use it with wine03:33
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edanhowdy all03:33
rixxongioacchino: are you using cracked software? or what do you mean?03:34
edanis it possible to get fullscreen maximize in Gnome?03:34
rixxonedan: in certain programs yes, try F11 or look around in the menus03:34
kuzmasterhow do i install google earth beta on ubuntu03:34
gioacchino3) the serial is ok but it verify online via http03:34
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kuzmasteri have downloaded th .bin, and i dont know what to do with it03:34
frogzoogioacchino: maybe something like this? http://www.copfilter.org/03:34
edanrixxon: I'm talking about the same method Windows uses03:34
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rixxonedan: i don't know about no fullscreen maximize in windows03:35
edancos in gnome, it just resizes the window and sticks it to the border. i.e. I can easily pull and move it around03:35
rixxonedan: normal maximization is achieved with the maximize button (or alt+f10)03:35
gioacchinogioacchino: are you using cracked software? yes the serial is false...03:35
edanthat's not Windows-style maximize tho. that's Mac-style03:35
rixxonedan: so don't move it around ;)03:35
Ash-Foxmac style is zoom03:35
Ash-Foxmac doesn't have maximize.03:36
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edanso basically, the answer is just plain no?03:36
rixxonedan: i wouldn't call myself an expert, so i wouldn't say plain no.03:36
gioacchino[15:34]  <frogzoo> gioacchino: maybe something like this? no xmlspy is a testual xml and other programing language editor03:36
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ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild03:37
rixxonxmlspy is an ide for developing xml rpc's03:37
conhe!kernel update03:37
ubotuI know nothing about kernel update03:37
johnccchow do I stop linux from starting x at boot time? Without going into X?03:37
frogzoogioacchino: that's got nothing to do with filtering http....03:37
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azcazandcocan anyone tell me how to set the ip of this machine to a static one?03:38
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azcazandcoi want it as static so i can vnc into it03:38
gioacchinohow to block it ??03:38
frogzooazcazandco: edit /etc/network/interfaces03:38
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Ash-Foxifconfig eth0 up ?03:39
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frogzooazcazandco: but only your isp can give you a static internet ip address03:39
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gioacchinoI want block xmlspy with the firewall03:39
azcazandconah I just want it internally this machine is going to be my local web server03:39
LazyBeejoin #ubuntu-indonesia03:39
gioacchinoon windows I use it with zone alarm03:39
frogzooazcazandco: edit /etc/network/interfaces03:40
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kuzmasterhow do i install google earth beta on ubuntu03:40
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azcazandcookay I am in there03:40
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Nggioacchino: you either need to create a firewall rule to block traffic to the verification site, or give it a fake DNS lookup with /etc/hosts, but I'm not especially interested in helping you steal software ;)03:40
frogzoogioacchino: maybe something like this? http://www.copfilter.org/ (man peeps ask for help & ignore replies)03:40
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azcazandcofrogzoo: how would I change it to for example?03:41
rixxongioacchino: so you want to block xmlspy, but not the webserver itself?03:41
frogzooazcazandco: have you looked in that file? do so03:41
frogzooazcazandco: man interfaces03:41
Ngkuzmaster: open a terminal, run "chmod +x /wherever/foo.bin" then "sudo /wherever/foo.bin" (replacing "wherever" with the full path to where you downloaded it, and "foo" with the correct package name)03:41
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giantdoes anybody know a decent opengl channel?03:42
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Ngrixxon: he wants to block xmlspy's attempts to verify its key, because he's using a fake serial number03:42
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TellBotWelcome LazyBee, if you want to pass on a message to anyone just type 'tell <nick> message' and I will pass it on03:42
gioacchinoyes I want block xml spy but no the other app03:42
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TellBotWelcome raphink, if you want to pass on a message to anyone just type 'tell <nick> message' and I will pass it on03:42
mc__giant, #opengl03:42
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TellBotWelcome eminux, if you want to pass on a message to anyone just type 'tell <nick> message' and I will pass it on03:42
frogzoosomeone kill the bot...03:43
Ngseamus__: could you stop that please03:43
gioacchino[15:41]  <frogzoo> gioacchino: maybe something like this? http://www.copfilter.org/ (man peeps ask for help & ignore replies)  frogzoo:  it is a firewall ??03:43
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azcazandcofrogzoo: is there a gui for such things?  I am likely to cause damage :(03:43
raphinkoh this bot needs to be killed03:43
giantno other channels for opengl mc__03:43
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m6sCan I make a downgrade only of cupsys?03:43
m6sand screw up the whole system?03:43
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rixxongioacchino: the purpose of this channel is not to help with cracked software ....03:43
m6snot screw it :-)03:43
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mc__giant, maybe in efnet there is also one03:44
Ash-FoxSpeaking of piracy, one of the local universities here blackholed microsoft.com because they kept getting too many calls at the tech support center from people complaining about microsoft's wga stuff popping up :P03:44
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gioacchinogioacchino: the purpose of this channel is not to help with cracked software .... the problem is : not exist a editor for linux  with the funxtion of xml spy...03:44
giantthx mc__03:45
mc__giant, i live to serve03:45
Nggioacchino: that is no excuse for pirating software, plus you already admitted that you used it on windows too03:45
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lopzidedare there advantages to compiling an application rather than instaling it with a binary?03:45
mc__lopzided, it might be faster03:45
lopzidedmc__, the install or the program's performance?03:46
LjLlopzided: no, unless it's a newer version with features or fixes that you really need03:46
mc__lopzided, and you can compile it with special flags you need03:46
LjLlopzided: the program's performance. very marginally.03:46
mc__lophyte, the programms performance03:46
mjrlopzided, customizing for your needs. Though really you don't usually want to do that, the benefits are rather... marginal03:46
mc__lopzided, but the install will dake A LOT longer03:46
lopzidedso what you're all saying...is it's not a big enough difference to worry about? :P03:46
mc__on my PC Xorg(which is a beast) takes nearly 2 days03:46
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=== Ash-Fox remembers how he never managed to keep up with updates on gentoo, by the time he finished compiling and installing one thing, he was off doing another updating and compiling...
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mc__lopzided, if you really need some more power03:47
mc__lopzided, for some programcs it can make sense03:47
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wildezhow i install a file .deb03:47
deFrysklopzided, your ego might tell you differently03:47
mc__lopzided, things like mplyer,Xorg or the Kernel03:47
ubotuI know nothing about bandwidthmonitor03:47
LjLlopzided: oh yes, it *is* a bit difference to worry about: without a package, dependencies won't be managed automatically, which means the program will break sooner or later when one of its dependencies will get removed for some reason. not to mention the time taken to find and install the right compile deps, and the space they take up.03:47
mc__wildez, dpkg -i03:47
lopzidedmc__, well i'm running a p4 2gig, but its only got 256mb ram....i thought i might reinstall some of my multimedia apps03:48
LjLwildez: you can use gdebi03:48
mc__lopzided, most optimitions in speed cause a higher use of memory03:48
finalbeta:p , anyone knows a good bandwidthmonitor for me? per program, how much bandwidth, connecting to where, how many connections etc. bit like netlimiter under windows03:48
kuzmasterng, thanx03:48
LjLwildez: however, be warned that a .deb that is not explicitely made for Ubuntu may not work or cause problems.03:48
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zerodI'll think about it03:49
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mygganif a fresh installation of the latest ubuntu can't find the internet connection (it did once but dissapeared just as quick), what would be the most probable cause?03:50
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Live42daywhats the difference between alterbnate and desktop version at the download site03:51
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samulialternate is text-mode install.03:51
Ash-Foxalternate has lazers!03:51
Trusughei want download the iso of ubuntu03:51
Trusughebut i do not know what download03:51
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Trusughether are 3 version03:51
TrusugheDesktop install CD03:51
Ash-FoxTrusughe, desktop :)03:51
TrusugheServer Install CD03:51
giantwhat is iirc, Ash-Fox?03:51
TrusugheAlternate Install CD03:52
iamcitizenhi. i had a bunch of problems with artwiz-cursor and xcursor-themes, and now i can't start x. i get an error that says "could not open default cursor font 'cursor'"03:52
deFryskif I recall correctly03:52
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TrusugheDeskstop is the standard-classic version?03:52
giantthx deFrysk!03:52
deFryskor remember03:52
finalbetaGUI linux bandwidth monitor? Anyone?03:52
NgTrusughe: desktop install cd is a live cd and installer in one thing. you want that unless you are making a server or want the alternate, old style text install03:52
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Live42dayoh ok so alternate is old style like breezy i m use to this one03:53
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deFryskfinalbeta, try gnome-system-monitor03:53
Gullstadhow logoff a user by using therminal.03:53
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deFryskGullstad, ctrl-alt-backspace ?03:54
finalbetadeFrysk, that shows nothing but total used bandwidth.03:54
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deFryskfinalbeta, best i can think of03:55
GullstaddeFrysk: Whit therminal03:55
GullstaddeFrysk: Not restart XServ03:55
snoopshow can I find out what speed my network card connected to my switch at? (ifconfig doesn't tell you)03:55
Ngsnoops: ethtool or mii-tool03:55
GullstadHow desellect using kayboard in GIMP03:56
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lopzidedGullstad, shift-ctrl-a03:57
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finalbetaany descend bandwidth monitor, commandline then?03:57
Cntryboy26how can I go about getting firestarter and a howto for a noob on setting it up?03:57
frogzoofinalbeta: iftop ?03:57
kuzmasterhello all, is it possible to get this window theme for ubuntu03:57
perHi, my problem is about USB-HDD drive,03:57
perat sysAdmin=>disks, it shows partition 1 is at /media/sda103:57
perbut it is not accessable03:57
perI logged in as root, still the USB-drive is a read only drive, it was working ok 20 hours ago03:57
kuzmasterthe one thats in that pic03:57
Ngfinalbeta: iptraf is quite handy03:57
finalbetake, i'll try those, thnx03:58
lopzidedkuzmaster, http://www.fs-security.com/docs/installation.php ?03:58
lopzidedkuzmaster, sorry03:58
lopzidedkuzmaster, wrong person03:58
lopzidedCntryboy26, http://www.fs-security.com/docs/installation.php03:58
kuzmasterlopzided, lol, i do that all the time03:58
Cntryboy26k thx03:59
lopzidedCntryboy26, np :)03:59
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Gen|G^2ok, so im trying to copy some files into my etc folder but it wont let me, any ideas?03:59
lopzidedGen|G^2, use sudo03:59
kuzmasterGen|G^2, do it as root03:59
LjL!tell Gen|G^2 about sudo03:59
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LjL!tell Gen|G^2 about cli03:59
deFryskwhat files ?04:00
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samuliGen|G^2, you need to use sudo, but why are you copying something there?04:00
frogzooGen|G^2: user files don't belong on /etc04:00
pera usb drive became only root accessable, but root can not change it's read-only status04:01
deFryskuserfiles usually belong in /home/username04:01
kuzmasteris there a widget program for ubuntu like konfabulator (yahoo widgets)04:01
Cntryboy26firestarter does work ok with kde gui right?04:01
Cntryboy26or is it made for gnome?04:01
peranybody has some basic sugestion?04:01
lopzidedper, what fs is your usb drive?04:02
mc__Cntryboy26, gnome things also should wokr with kde and vica-verca04:02
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Trusugheubuntu desktop CD, check the hardware and configure the system considering my hardware ????04:02
Cntryboy26mc__: mostly, but i've found some things that wouldn't.. but okay thx04:02
perlopzided, it is NTFS04:02
Gen|G^2i following an insltion guide for my wireles card and says to extract these files and put them into the wpa_supplicant folder04:03
deFryskper, not something to write to in linux04:03
lopzidedper, thats why ..04:03
Gen|G^2and damn i hate laptop keyboards04:03
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pereh..which means? I should have some NTFS-linux-interface downloaded from repositories?04:04
lopzidedper, nah, you should format it as FAT32 if you want to share it between windows and linux04:04
kukilanfor install ?04:04
deFryskper, it means better not write to ntfs file systems04:04
perOh, I see, how about fat32?04:05
kukilanamsn_0.95-3.ubuntu.deb for install ?04:05
deFryskper, that should be ok as lopzided said04:05
kukilanat the moment in /home04:05
snoopsI just use the ext3 driver for windows when I want to share between them04:05
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perI see , I will get down to it04:05
perthanks guys04:06
lopzidednp :)04:06
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Ngkukilan: you can just do "sudo apt-get install amsn" - it's included in the ubuntu universe repository, you don't need to download a .deb from anywhere04:06
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frogzoosnoops: seems best 2 me04:07
lopzidedis amsn multiprotocol, or just msn?04:07
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Ignite_just msn04:07
snoopsfrogzoo, definitely - I couldn't stand fat32 when windows used it, can't stand it now04:07
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lopzidedah ok04:07
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mrbojangliearrrhhhh!!!! help!04:07
giantgaim is better04:08
Cedricshi! this is my first time installing ubuntu x86_64... and the first time installing it while being in raid (STRIPPIN) do i need any driver disk before launching the installation..i plan on having windows out of the pc so it be ubuntu only04:08
lopzidedmrbojanglie, what's wrong? :D04:08
mrbojangliejust installed ati driver and screen has gone crazy04:08
mrbojangliecompletely unusable04:08
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lopzidedmrbojanglie, how did you install it?04:08
NgCedrics: you ought to be able to set up software raid from within the installer, without additional driver disks04:08
snoopswhich ati card and yeah how did you install it?04:08
mrbojangliei tried a manual install04:08
mrbojangliebut the module could not be built04:08
giantmrbojanglie, i had also that problem, try new beta drivers04:08
mrbojanglieso i used apt04:08
lopzidedmrbojanglie, did you follow these instructions? http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide04:09
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CedricsNg i will be able without driver disk is this what u meant04:09
dustinpnHow do I get rid of the wine toolbar thing from popping up everytime i launch an app in wine04:09
mrbojanglielopzided: yes04:09
NgCedrics: it depends, do you have a hardware raid card?04:10
Gen|G^2can someone tell where im supposed to put "defconfig"? the guid says to update my xisting one or replace it with the one they gave me, but i cant find the original04:10
giantmrbojanglie, try new beta driver, it worked for me04:10
finalbetaThe network seems to be much slower unde rlinux then my windows box, (lagwise) none of the bandwidth tools do what I want them to do btw.04:10
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frogzoodustinpn: did you enable wine's virtual desktop?04:10
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mrbojangliegiant: could you briefly tell me how to do that please :-)04:10
lopzidedmrbojanglie, try what giant said...but using that guide worked perfect for me, doing the manual install...04:10
mrbojangliei have root ssh access04:10
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lopzidedmrbojanglie, i also had to replace a new file with an older one...libGLso.1.2 or something like that04:11
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frogzoofinalbeta: dsl?04:11
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dustinpnNo, the virtual desktop is even more annoying04:11
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finalbetafrogzoo, cable. (lan)04:11
dustinpnI just want utorrent to open w/o wine going nuts04:11
giantmrbojanglie, i don't know how i did that :)04:11
dustinpneverytime I minimize utorrent I can't even get it back04:12
mrbojangliegiant: oh right ok04:12
frogzoofinalbeta: do you need to set an MTU?04:12
mrbojangliethanks everyone04:12
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finalbetafrogzoo, never had to before, my MTU should be 1500 I belive.04:12
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Cedricswell sata raid 0 stripping im talking about configured in the beos.... im new with this raid thing..i just bought that amd :S04:13
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dustinpnAnyone know how to get rid of the wine toolbar04:13
frogzoodustinpn: I've never seen a wine toolbar...04:14
dustinpnIts popping up in the top left of my screen04:14
dustinpnwhen I open utorrent through wine04:14
NgCedrics: it's generally a good idea not to use BIOS raid and use the software raid in the installer instead, get the BIOS to present it as JBOD (Just a Bunch of Disks)04:14
dustinpnlittle toolbar with the utorrent icon in it04:14
Ng!repos > kukilan04:14
ndlovuhi all. after upgrading to dapper, the permissions for files on network samba shares seem to be a little funky. I haven't noticed any functionality differences, but all the filenames are green in gnome terminal. something to be concerned about?04:15
frogzoodustinpn: is that meant to be system tray perhaps you can disable?04:15
dustinpnThats what I'm trying to figure out how to do04:15
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lopzidedis wine free?04:15
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frogzoolopzided: yes04:16
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frogzoodustinpn: has utorrent an option for enable systray?04:16
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odb|rescuesimple question: is there any known issue if a ubuntu user uses debian sources ?04:16
Cedricsok so unlike windows i dont need a driver disk for the installation... is it an option ill have to configure myself or will it be automaticly installed?04:16
Ngnot using a windows program for torrents would be a good plan, there are a bunch for linux04:16
ninniuzhi, I'm having problems with cups 1.2.1 and ubuntu04:16
Ngodb|rescue: it's really not a good idea04:16
odb|rescueim using debian, but a friend of mine has changed to ubuntu and has asked me04:16
frogzooodb|rescue: yes, it's generally a bad idea & can make your system function in new & interesting (and unspecified) ways04:17
odb|rescueNg: so he should use ONLY ubuntu sources at all, right ?04:17
NgCedrics: if you have the bios present the raid disks as just ordinary disks then there won't be any issue. not sure about what you'll need to do if you're using the BIOS raid, but as I said, those are rarely a good idea04:17
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Ngodb|rescue: correct04:17
odb|rescueok thx guys04:17
Cedricsthank you04:17
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MenZa7 minutes without any activity.04:24
=== Mixx [i=mixx@d60-65-201-134.col.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
Ngdoes that mean we fixed all the problems and can go home? ;)04:24
rambo3how do i mount windows04:24
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raptros-v76Ng: never.04:25
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echeeseCan you guys help me get wireless working?04:25
lopzidedrambo3, what do you mean by mount windows?04:25
lopzidedecheese, are you using a laptop?04:25
echeeselopzided, Yes04:25
lopzidedecheese, are you using a pcmcia card?04:25
frogzoorambo3: first you hunt it down & kill it, then you put it up on your wall04:25
echeeselopzided, No04:26
raptros-v76rambo3: you mean an ntfs partition?04:26
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Ash-Foxmy largest annoyance with getting wi-fi working on ubuntu was getting the countrycode.04:26
lopzidedecheese, so its an integrated card....have you checked that it's supported?04:26
echeeseIt seems to work04:26
rambo3thank you i didnt know if i was going to use dougle glass on those windows04:26
echeeseI got 70% on signal04:26
lopzidedecheese, oh...then what did you need help with?  :D04:26
echeeseI can't connect to anything04:26
raptros-v76rambo3: ?04:26
Ash-Foxecheese, what country are you in?04:27
echeeseDestination host unreachable04:27
raptros-v76echeese: did you connect to the network you set up?04:27
DeimozTo install, you need to change the fbcon to mode 770, or the installer will crash. See the help in the installer loader, it has an example of how to do this.04:27
Ash-FoxOkay, that's 11 channels, so default countrycode should be04:27
Deimozinstall loader where is it :+04:27
Ash-Foxshould be okay..04:27
raptros-v76Deimoz: ?04:27
Ash-Foxecheese, what happens when you try to connect?04:28
echeeseTimeout in firefox04:28
Cntryboy26when someone pings you, what port is that using?04:28
raptros-v76Cntryboy26: uh.04:28
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Ash-Foxit's not using a port04:29
Cntryboy26raptros-v76, when someone sends a ping or imcp echo, what port does it use04:29
Ash-FoxIt's using the protocol ICMP.04:29
Cntryboy26okay but wouldn't that still use a port?04:29
raptros-v76well, yeah it kinda does04:29
raptros-v76but its kinda wierd04:29
Ash-FoxNo, it doesn't. ICMP doesn't have ports.04:29
raptros-v76Ash-Fox: really04:29
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echeeseSo what can I do?04:30
raptros-v76Ash-Fox: source?04:30
echeeseIt seems I'm connected to my router04:30
raptros-v76echeese: set the DNS server to the router04:30
lopzidedecheese, try resetting your router?  i've had the same problem before, and a router restart did the trick..might work for you...04:30
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rambo3seting up gaeway at first would be an idea04:30
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echeeseI tried pinging
echeeseAnd nothing04:31
Cntryboy26ash-fox: then with firestarter how can I stealth or block out imcp echo request, to futher hide my pc?04:31
Ash-Foxraptros-v76, RFC-79204:31
echeeseSo it's not DNS04:31
echeeseI'll try resetting the router04:31
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raptros-v76Ash-Fox: so how does it work?04:31
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Ash-Foxraptros-v76, read RFC-79204:31
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raptros-v76Ash-Fox: where?04:32
Cedricsanother little thingy i downloaded this ubuntu-6.06-desktop-amd64.iso.... will i be able to setup raid or do i have to get alternate cd?04:32
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ndlovuwhat's the best way to remove redundant kernels? I need to make some space in my / partition.04:32
Ash-Foxraptros-v76, http://www.google.com/search?q=rfc+79204:32
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raptros-v76Cntryboy26: preferences -> icmp filtering04:33
Cntryboy26ash-fox: can I msg you so I can talk to u about hiding this imcp thingy04:33
Ash-FoxCntryboy26, I've never used firestarter.04:33
Cntryboy26thx raptros04:33
rambo3echeese : sudo route add default gw 192.168.*.* might help where * is router  configuration04:33
dustinpnHow do I remove something Automatix installed?04:33
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line), firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) or shorewall (web interface)04:33
dustinpnAzureus is installed but its showing up as not installed in synaptic04:33
deFryskdustinpn, good question04:33
echeese_Thanks lopzided04:34
darkyoshi372There doesn't seem to be a Xubuntu channel, so... Does anybody know how to get xfplayer to play divX?04:34
Ash-FoxI've only used firewall admin, which is a php script which plays with iptables.04:34
echeese_Resetting it worked04:34
Cntryboy26raptros-v76: in prefer. for imcp should I check all those boxes or just imcp echo04:34
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raptros-v76Cntryboy26: well, enable icmp filtering, then whatever you want04:34
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Ash-Foxbecareful, block all ICMP, and you won't be able to get your computer to auto configure it self on DHCP/BOOTP networks afer04:35
Cntryboy26raptros-v76: is it a good idea to enable filtering for the others?04:35
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raptros-v76read what Ash-Fox just wrote04:35
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cyphasecan someone give me the mencoder command to convert a divx file to an ogg file?04:36
ompauldarkyoshi372, #xubuntu04:36
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Cntryboy26is ctcp-ping on irc differ from imcp echo?04:36
iamcitizenhelp! i can't run gdmsetup. whenever i try, it opens for a split second, then crashes!04:36
Ash-FoxCntryboy26, yes.04:36
iamcitizenany ideas?04:36
cyphaseiamcitizen, have you just done a gdm upgrade?04:36
ndlovuokay, apt-get remove linux-image.-# should do the trick - how do I figure out which kernel is in use?04:36
Ash-FoxCntryboy26, CTCP pings use.. CTCP. ICMP pings use.. ICMP04:36
cyphasewithout restarting gdm04:36
iamcitizencyphase, no04:36
cyphasehave you changed anything about gdm at all recently?04:36
Cntryboy26ash-fox what did you mean about the computer want auto configure itself?04:36
iamcitizeni have restarted my system like 3 times04:36
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cyphasetry reinstalling gdm04:37
cyphaseand gdmsetup04:37
cyphaselongshot, but..04:37
Ash-FoxCntryboy26, autoconfiguring for networks using DHCP/BOOTP will not be possible if you block certain ICMP codes.04:37
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] GDhmm... what's a suggested IRC client to use on Linux?04:38
revilothow do you control your video card (ati) settings04:38
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giantx-chat ] GD04:38
ndlovumemory kicks in: uname -r04:38
Ng] GD: xchat or irssi. gaim can do it too, and there are a bunch of others04:38
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coffeebreakjust installed ubuntu. why can't I mount ntfs partitions on the other drive (it says it isn't removable)04:39
Ash-Fox] GD, x-chat, kvirc, ksirc, bitchx...04:39
Cntryboyash-fox: so just enable filter for echo request (ping) and echo reply (pong) then right, and leave the rest alone?04:39
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] GDX-chat seems too basic... is there anything with more functionality? maybe some scripting like mIRC?04:39
Ash-FoxCntryboy, why do you want to enable them in the first place?04:39
yggdrasilhello, is evolution better than thunderbird as far as junk mail is concerned ?04:40
Ash-Fox] GD, I run mIRC simply :P04:40
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Cntryboy] gd: not sure what you want, but have you tried bitchx04:40
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CntryboyI thought mirc was a win32 ap, u emulating ash-fox04:40
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Ash-FoxNo, I'm not emulating04:40
cdnSince when has mIRC been available for Ubuntu, Ash-Fox? o_O04:40
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Ash-FoxWine Is Not a Emulator.04:40
cdnirssi for the win!04:41
CinEverything (mostly) in UNIX is a file right.04:41
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] GDlol... does mIRC work fine on Wine? i'll have to try it04:41
mheath] GD, X-Chat can script in Perl, Python, and other languages.04:41
CinSo if I block access to sockets for a certain user, can you do that?04:41
Ash-Fox] GD, does here :)04:41
Cntryboymy bad ash-fox04:41
iamcitizenreinstalling fixed gdm, thanks!04:41
mheath] GD, BitchX is a good console client with a very good builtin scripting language.04:41
giant] GD, not wine, x-chat is better04:41
cdnI thought mIRC made the baby Wine cry...04:41
revilothow do you control your video card (ati) settings04:41
WidoffI ran mIRC through Wine a long time ago... it worked then, but that must be like 4 years ago, maybee more.04:41
Cntryboyash-fox: so why wouldn't I want to enable filtering for ping/ping in imcp?04:42
samuliwhy use mirc when there's x-chat?04:42
gnomefreakwhere do i find biff's config file?04:42
mheathCin, yes, you can do that.04:42
Ash-Foxgiant, I still haven't figured out how to make windows in x-chat with tcl/perl scripts :P04:42
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Ash-Foxgiant, nevermind picture windows ;)04:42
coffeebreakjust installed ubuntu. why can't I mount ntfs partitions on the other drive (it says: "error: device /dev/hda7 is not removable04:42
coffeebreakerror: could not execute pmount")04:42
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giantAsh-Fox, now I understand :)04:43
gnomefreak!ntfs > coffeebreak04:43
gnomefreakcoffeebreak: read the pm from ubotu please04:43
Trusughei have installed 30 minutes ago ubuntu 5.1004:44
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Trusughei want write the CD image04:44
revilothow do you control your video card (ati) settings04:44
Trusughewhat program can i use for write CD ?04:44
revilotTrusughe: gnomebaker04:44
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samuliTrusughe, isn't it as easy as right-clicking the image and selecting 'write image to disc'04:44
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Paladine!info directory encryption04:45
ubotuPackage directory does not exist in dapper04:45
Paladine!directory encryption04:45
ubotuI know nothing about directory encryption04:45
anyThere something strange with bash on my box: http://pastebin.ca/8408904:45
Paladineanyone know any packages for encyrpting directories?04:45
revilotTrusughe: gnomebaker04:45
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revilothow do you control your video card (ati) settings04:45
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MarcNPaladine: encfs or gpg for one file at a time.04:45
samuliPaladine, apt-cache search encrypt?04:45
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Paladinethanks marc04:46
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mheathPaladine, you could also try a loopback crypto filesystem.04:46
Cntryboyash-fox: so why wouldn't I want to enable filtering for ping/ping in imcp? even with them enabled though trustealth failed saying it still can access it.04:46
revilotnoone in here knows how to control video card settings?04:46
Cntryboyping/pong rather04:47
] GDxchat runs better than mIRC? O_O04:47
Ash-FoxCntryboy, because it's not a security issue?04:47
samulirevilot, aticonfig04:47
revilotanything gui?04:47
Ash-FoxCntryboy, it only determines the latency between another location and you.04:47
CntryboyI know that, but04:47
CntryboyPing Reply: RECEIVED (FAILED) - Your system REPLIED to our Ping (ICMP Echo) requests, making it visible on the Internet. Most personal firewalls can be configured to block, drop, and ignore such ping requests in order to better hide systems from hackers. This is highly recommended since "Ping" is among the oldest and most common methods used to locate systems prior to further exploitation.04:47
MarcNrevilot: system->preferences->screen resolution04:47
samulirevilot, there's is no gui for fglrx, I don't know if ati's proprietary drivers come with a program.04:47
Trusughesynaptic do not find gnomebacker04:47
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Cntryboyplus, I don't want ppl able to ping me off irc, I use slow dialup04:47
Cntryboyand they have b404:47
erikgzhow does one go about getting the kernel headers from a custom kernel?04:47
revilotsamuli: where is aticonfig located so i can edit it04:48
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kindorhow can i kill a <defunct> process if it wont terminate?04:48
samuliTrusughe, have you tried just right-clicking the image in nautilus?04:48
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mheathCntryboy, ..........people can't  'ping you off irc'04:48
cypher1thanks ubuntu.. i recieved my dapper cds today :)04:48
erikgzkindor, ps aux | grep <command>04:48
Ash-FoxPeople could DOS/DDOS you, and no matter what, you'd still fall off IRC.04:48
mheathCntryboy, they might be able to do some dcc stuff that would screw with you, but that would be prevented with a decent client and a resonable config.04:48
samulirevilot, it makes it changes directly to xorg.conf04:48
Cntryboymheath: this guy did the other night, lagged me out so bad my internet disconnected04:49
giantkindor, man kill04:49
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erUSULkindor: if it is defunct you already killed it04:49
kindoryea it crashed :<04:49
kindornow i have to reboot i guess04:49
erikgzkindor: then, kill -KILL <process number>04:49
revilotif i type aticonfig it just gives me a bunch of text, how can i edit it04:49
kindorit wont die :<04:49
erikgzkindor: do that and read the man for kill04:49
samulirevilot, read the text. :)04:49
brutopiaI chrooted shell for some users connecting through ssh but they can't run screen04:49
kindorok erik04:49
Cntryboymheath: okay, so tell me the #1 reason why someone can't ping you off the net? ppl used to do it all the time with windows 95/9804:49
erikgzkindor: even when you kill -KILL <proc number?>04:49
revilotsamuli: ;)04:49
Trusughei need to write the iso image04:49
Trusughenot just write some mp304:50
brutopiascreen says "Must be connected to a terminal."04:50
Cntryboyand ppl still ping the crap out of certain websites to screw em up04:50
CrazyDoodeCntryboy: because the problem was with the tcp stack in win95.04:50
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skavengei have a laptop with a wireless connection to the internet, it also has standard ethernet built in .. can I 'share' the wireless connection  through the wired ethernet to another computer? anyone know a good howto on this if its possible?04:50
Cntryboyokay so i'm protected with linux then right04:50
samuliTrusughe, are you trying to burn the image-file to your cd-rom or what?04:50
colkheh anyone rember con\con04:50
kindorerik: yes04:50
Ash-FoxCrazyDoode, people can still DOS/DDOS you off though04:50
kindorit wont die04:50
erikgznow, how does one go about getting the kernel headers from a custom kernel?04:50
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kindori even tried kill -STOP04:50
CrazyDoodeyup .. ddos and ping of death are two very differnt things.04:51
fxnUbuntu hangs on "booting kernel" in a fresh install in an Acer laptop, I read in a forum I need to enter "linux noapci", but where? and how do I avoid that in each boot?04:51
tmccraryIs the main repository down right now?04:51
CrazyDoodenuke was what it was called with w9504:51
Ash-Foxfxn, grub configuration.04:51
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Cntryboyso does ddos use the dcc method u was talking about04:51
mheathCntryboy, normal pings are routed through the IRC server. Modern serrvers are going to throttle ping attempts, and the bandwidth is limited to your connection with the server.04:51
Trusughei'm tryng to write the iso image in the CD rom04:51
Cntryboyyes I remember nukes04:51
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tmccraryCan anyone else verify?04:51
Trusughebecouse i whant install ubuntu 604:51
ompaulfxn, eh, that is done on the first boot at the install and it works04:51
erikgzkindor: what is this???04:51
Trusugheand i need create the installation CD04:51
kindorits our lp script04:51
kindorit just does stdin to printer $104:52
samuliTrusughe, so right-click on the iso and choose: write image to disc04:52
dredhammerhello is anyone else having trouble burning data cds in dapper?04:52
ompaulfxn, read about "other options"04:52
Cntryboyash-fox what exactly is ddos?04:52
samuliTrusughe, you don't need other programs than nautilus for that.04:52
ompauldredhammer, none, or dvds for that matter04:52
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ubotuI know nothing about ddos04:52
mheathCntryboy, There are plenty of ways to create some lag for you, and some of them are indirectly tied to IRC; pinging via IRC is NOT one of them.04:52
dredhammerdamn something is wrong with mine04:52
rajdredhammer, I had when I tried with nero04:52
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fxnompaul: but in the Grub menu what do I do?04:52
rajThen I tried with K3B , It works04:53
Ash-FoxCntryboy, Distributed Denial of Service04:53
Cntryboyso ddos is pinging from like dos then not through irc directly?04:53
dredhammerat first it would reject all my blank cds and dvds04:53
skavengek3b working fine here as well04:53
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erikgzkindor, that's mad cool04:53
dredhammernow it won't burn a complete image04:53
dredhammerits always corrupted04:53
ompaulfxn, has the machine booted?04:53
kindorerikgz: the system has been up for more then a year, and now i need rebootz :<<<04:53
erikgzso, you can just pipe things to the printer04:53
Ash-FoxDDoS is the act of multiple sources flooding a single target with so much data, that it saturates all the victim's bandwith.04:53
kindoryea for our cobol app04:53
fxnompaul: the machine boots, the Grub menu shows up, and if I choose Linux-server boots until the kernel is loaded and there it hangs04:53
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dredhammeri've tried both k3b, gnomebaker and the native gnome burner04:54
dredhammerwhen you insert a blank cd04:54
Cntryboyash-fox: okay then with firestarter how can I tell it to block out ddos attacks? or will it do it already by default since it's installed04:54
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mheathkindor, you run a normal ubuntu system?04:54
fxnompaul: there is an 'e' key to press to edit the boot04:54
ompaulfxn, yes04:54
kindormheath: to be honest this is a debian system04:54
reaperhey, whats the best walkthrough for installin XGL on a notebook?04:55
fxnompaul: if I press that in the default option I see boot/kernel/initrd/savedefault/boot04:55
raj<dredhammer> Can u give more details on whats happening and how are doing04:55
fxnompaul: do I need to add "linux noapci" there?04:55
Ash-FoxCntryboy, you can't block a DDoS attack04:55
kindorwe use ubuntu/gnome for the desktop, and debian for the cobol crapz04:55
ompaulfxn, use that - and only edit the "kenel" lines04:55
mheathkindor, mind if you run 'uptime' for me? I'm curious :)04:55
ompaulfxn, use that - and only edit the "kernel" line04:55
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Ash-FoxCntryboy, the DDoS attack has already reached you, there is nothing you can do to stop it saturating your bandwith.04:55
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Cntryboyash-fox: lol and why not? sorry so many questions just trying to understand it04:55
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fxnompaul: oh, so that line ends in ro quiet splash, do I just add noapci at the end?04:56
dredhammerok i insert a blank cd-r04:56
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reaperhey, whats the best walkthrough for installin XGL on a notebook?04:56
ompaulfxn, append it to the end of the line, yes04:56
dredhammeri try first the native gnome burner in nautilus04:56
fxnompaul: great04:56
Trusughei have selectet imagefile04:56
dredhammerit creates the image and burns to cd-r04:56
Trusughenow is writing04:56
kindormodulas2:/var/spool/lpd/MFC9420CN# w04:56
kindor 16:59:53 up 350 days, 20:51,  4 users,  load average: 1.01, 1.01, 1.0604:56
dredhammerthen when i review it04:56
Cntryboyash-fox: im sure theres a way to block it or if not everyone could be shut down by ddos04:56
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dredhammerthe files are either incomplete04:56
kindornot evel04:56
coffeebreakTnx, the diskmounter worked04:56
kindoreven :<04:56
dredhammeror not there04:56
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Ash-FoxCntryboy, everyone can be taken out by a DDoS04:56
dredhammerso i try k3b04:56
Cntryboyzonealarm doesn't let ddos shut you down it completely blocks them from what I found on the net04:56
dredhammeri open a project04:57
raj<dredhammer> Did u do the checksum??04:57
ompaulfxn, when the machine is booted do this "sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst" that is a L and add it to the end of the kernel lines04:57
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Shannon1good morning everyone,,04:57
Cntryboyash-fox: and there's no way to filter ddos attacks then?04:57
pcfanGood morning04:57
raj<dredhammer> When u do with K3B it will will ckecksum automatically and tell you the resullt before burmning04:57
Ash-FoxCntryboy, imagine that you have a water pipe, a DDoS is basically shoving so much water down that pipe, that nothing else can fit through it. That pipe is your connection to your ISP.04:57
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Ash-FoxCntryboy, short of a ISP side solution, no.04:57
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Shannon1can anyone give me a hand regarding a non fonctionnal mouse that works fine on live cd but doesnt fonction anymore once 6.06 in installed on HD04:58
Cntryboyash-fox: okay got ya thx04:58
ompaulCntryboy, you need to be on a much bigger pipe than your attacker04:58
reaperanyone able to point me in the direction of the best tut for installing XGL on a notebook04:58
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems04:58
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Ash-FoxIn other words: Only if your ISP provides a firewall on their end, before any data reaches you.04:58
ompaulreaper, go to the #ubuntu-xgl channel04:58
pcfantre[pl Gfd ggfd sa bvc ?04:58
skavengei have a laptop with a wireless connection to the internet, it also has standard ethernet built in .. can I 'share' the wireless connection  through the wired ethernet to another computer? anyone know a good howto on this if its possible?04:58
giantwth pcfan?04:58
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erUSULskavenge: yes you can.04:59
revilotanyone know how i can set up a 5 button mouse04:59
Ash-Foxskavenge, yes, just set up a NAT.04:59
fxnompaul: thank you, the advice in that forum is not helping unfortunately, BTW I recalled it wrongly before, it hangs after the trace "booting the kernel", so maybe the kernel is not successfully loaded indeed04:59
erUSUL!firestarter > skavenge04:59
erikgzhow do i change the default ubuntu terminal??04:59
Gen|G^2what irc client do you suggest i use?04:59
kindorbitchx ;p04:59
fxnompaul: it's a pity, it even configured the wifi in the installation04:59
varsendaggrhey how do i view a .odt?04:59
varsendaggrwithout installing oo.o2?05:00
Cntryboykindor: bitchx looked to win95 dos to me, i didn't like it lol05:00
Gen|G^2i installed bichx...cant figureout how to run it lol05:00
ompaulGen|G^2, xchat for a gui05:00
reaperompaul: thanks05:00
erUSULvarsendaggr: with oo.org05:00
Sonderbladeso im apt-get installing postgresql 7.4 and debconf is telling me that that version is incomplete?? why?05:00
kindorcntryboy: maybe gaim ?05:00
ompaulvarsendaggr, abiword05:00
Gen|G^2and theres like 5 different xchat versions, i dont know which one to get05:00
skavengefirestarter can help with this than .. okay, thats a start, didnt know where to begin with this don't have much experience with networking05:00
varsendaggrompaul, how do i do that?05:00
revilotis there anyway to set up a 5 button mouse05:00
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ompaulGen|G^2, xchat or xchat-gnome05:01
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto05:01
Cntryboyxchat is easy to use, if you use kde konversation is easy to use, using wine and mirc works, bitchx unless u like to make scripts ect which I don't I wouldn't use it05:01
ompaulvarsendaggr, what *ubuntu are you using05:01
varsendaggrjust opening up the .odt   dapper05:01
varsendaggrompaul, ^^^05:01
Ash-Foxbitchx doesn't require scripts05:01
skavengetheres alot of scripts already out there though .. i use epic myself05:01
frogzoobut why not stick with irssi? chat is made for a text client05:01
ompaulvarsendaggr, no kde ubuntu or something else?05:02
kindorcntry: maybe ircii05:02
Cntryboyash-fox: I didn't say they require them, I said I wouldn't use it unless you are into scripting05:02
brutopiaI used jailkit to create chrooted shell and everything works except screen which complains "Must be connected to a terminal."05:02
Cntryboyash-fox: or like the fugly color looks lol05:02
frogzooGen|G^2: I'm curious - what was your purple screen problem?05:02
Ash-FoxCntryboy, err... x-chat is more scriptable than bitchx05:02
Gen|G^2i hv no idea05:02
skavengea good theme changes all the colors heh05:02
frogzooGen|G^2: just fixed itself?05:03
Cntryboyash-fox: I didn't say xchat wasn't, but its easier to use is why I named xchat05:03
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Gen|G^2but it seems if i log out and shut down from the login menu it doesnt screw up, rather then selecting shut down from inside05:03
ompaulvarsendaggr, dapper is 6.06 a version, what I am asking is are you using ubuntu kubuntu or xubuntu05:03
Gen|G^2although, it may just still screw up05:03
Ash-FoxI'm stating that if you like scriping, you'll probably want x-chat more.05:03
Gen|G^2ill be bac here when it does, dont worry :)05:03
Cntryboyprob. because it looks cleaner :)05:03
varsendaggrompaul, no i am using gnome ubuntu05:03
Cntryboyash-fox: do you know a script for irc to show system specs?05:04
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frogzooGen|G^2: you could check /var/log/messages now maybe 2 track it down05:04
Ash-FoxCntryboy, #!/bin/sh05:04
Ash-Foxcat /proc/cpuinfo05:05
=== epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Gen|G^2well, i cant actually05:05
Gen|G^2it hasnt errored since i reformatted05:05
ompaulvarsendaggr, from the menu you click on System Administration Synaptic package manager and search in there for it and install it from there05:05
Cntryboyash-fox: no I mean like if someone version you on irc, it will show system specs?05:06
frogzooGen|G^2: ah, isn't that interesting...05:06
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Gen|G^23rd time was a charm i guess05:06
varsendaggrompaul, i allready have abiword installed05:06
Shannon1nothing from ubotu links is relevant,, the only change in live cd xorg.conf and the installation is 1 ImPS/2 as protocol and the other one is ExplorerPS/2 I changed the installed Xrog.conf to reflect that change but it has no effect05:06
Ash-FoxCntryboy, yeah.. that's entirely possible, but why would you want to?05:06
frogzooGen|G^2: this on a sata drive?05:06
Gen|G^2i have no idea05:06
Ash-FoxCntryboy, but no, I don't know any premade scripts, I wrote all of min.05:06
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ompaulvarsendaggr, so open it and use it to open the file05:07
frogzooGen|G^2: might be worth tweaking all your connectors to make sure they're tight- mem included05:07
Shannon1is I change further by omiting many more device concerning tablet pc, x wont even start,, :(05:07
varsendaggrompaul, no dice,   it gives me 42 pages of gibberish05:07
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ompaulvarsendaggr, what is its extention type?05:08
Gen|G^2wine is a windows emulator, correct?05:08
wodzI have problem with sysrq: whenewer I press sysrq it switches to previous console, using /proc interface works. Any hint?05:08
varsendaggri can extract it and get the content.xml open05:08
Ag_Smithhow to use iptable?05:08
rskGen|G^2, no, more of a windows implemantation.05:08
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Gen|G^2still trying to figure out irc in linux :/05:09
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kokoko1hi all05:09
frogzooGen|G^2: it's NOT an emulator - it's a genuine implementation of the win32 api that runs in real time on linux05:09
kokoko1after adding necessary repo05:09
ompaulvarsendaggr, then I think it is damaged - because I can open odt here with abiword05:09
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kokoko1doing apt-get install kde  , will install the kde desktop env. rigth?05:09
Gen|G^2xcht wants me to ompile it myself :/05:09
varsendaggrwell it maybe05:09
colkwine = wine is not a emulator05:09
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frogzoocolk: oh really, cool05:10
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Ash-FoxWine Is Not a Emulator05:10
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Cntryboyash-fox: I'm reading about ddos, and they said if you are for sure someone ddos you, you could block the slave ip's from futher ddos attacking you.05:10
ompaulGen|G^2, no - you install it from the menu System Administration Synaptic Package Manager - Choose it and install it - you will also need universe enabled05:10
njankokoko1, apt-get install kubuntu-desktop05:10
Cntryboysince theres a master,slave,victim routine05:10
ompaul!universe > Gen|G^205:10
Ash-FoxCntryboy, that works if you block it at the ISP05:11
airmikeyi loaded the server cd ..im at a prompt..whats the command to get to the desktop05:11
Ash-FoxCntryboy, but it will not work if you block it when reaches your computer.05:11
Cntryboyash-fox: okay so if you are 100% sure about ddos you can prevent futher ones from only at the ip level right?05:11
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Ash-FoxCntryboy, what?05:11
=== SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-043-080.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
njanCntryboy, you can't really prevent further ones that easily - the first 'D' stands for distributed, by definition a 'well' implemented DDOS is very hard to just block like that05:11
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njanCntryboy, most effective DDoS defence revolves around making scalable systems, rate limiting, redundancy, and just not narking people off.05:12
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Ag_SmithI want block specific sites using IPTABLE on Linux05:12
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Cntryboynjan: you could bash#netstat -lpn|grep :80 |awk '{print $5}'|sort and sort the ips by load, and start blocking ips though05:12
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Ash-FoxAg_Smith, iptables does not block websites, it blocks access to certain ips, ports at most.05:13
njanCntryboy, you could, but software is much faster than you are, and it wouldn't work very well.05:13
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Ash-FoxAg_Smith, if you want to block certain websites, look into privoxy.05:13
frogzooCntryboy: & you can also filter above the ip if you can get a nice small attack vector05:13
Shannon1ive posted the 2 config shannon1 17:10 17:1205:13
jbxyoi can ask a stupid question ^ ^05:14
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frogzoojbxyo: and that was it!!05:14
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Cntryboyokay so lets pretend I'm a trillion aire with a hugeee website.. or simply stating lets pretend I own yahoo networks.. How do they protect theirselves against attackers, knowing I'm sure ppl ddos them b405:14
Ag_Smithhow to look into privoxy ?05:14
jbxyoWhere i can get Mercury Messenger for ubuntu (intel)05:14
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kokoko1njan, thanks05:14
Ag_Smithroot@gioacchino-desktop:~# privoxy05:14
Ag_Smith-su: privoxy: command not found05:14
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frogzooCntryboy: they all had to put layer 7 packet inspectors at the front of their networks05:15
njanCntryboy, like I said, by building scalable, redundant systems, and implementing rate limiting and other technologies designed to block DDoS attacks like syn cookies.05:15
njanCntryboy, there are plenty of vendors out there selling DDoS defence products05:15
Cntryboyokay, and by the terms used it would be pretty hard for someone on my level to do this correct?05:15
jbxyoThere are virus on linux ?05:15
Ash-FoxNo, it's just very costly.05:16
kokoko1njan, still I have to add some other repo for  apt-get install kubuntu-desktop?05:16
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Ash-Foxsetting up your own infrastructures etc.05:16
frogzooCntryboy: iptables can do some pretty amazing things....05:16
kokoko1or the default repo will work05:16
Cntryboyash-fox got ya05:16
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:16
Ash-Foxand still, that won't protect you from some DDoS attacks.05:16
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:16
Ash-FoxIt just requires that the 'enemy' gets more high bandwith sources to take you down.05:17
ubotuI know nothing about topic05:17
coffeebreakhow do I change the grub default OS? In documentation it says to change the "default 0" line, but what do I put instead? default 4?05:17
giantyes there are jbxyo05:17
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giantbut very few05:17
ompaulCntryboy, you really do need to take it #ubuntu-offtopic  you should research it it is way beyond the role of this channel to give you a breakdown of how ddos works05:17
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kokoko1coffeebreak, your OS is in what # in grub.conf?05:17
kokoko1start counting from 005:17
frogzoocoffeebreak: which line in menu.lst you want as the default05:17
Cntryboyompaul: yah im done with talking about ddos lol, but I will check go there and talk about it futher thx05:17
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Cntryboygo check05:18
coffeebreakwell, there are firs 3 ubuntu and then win under other OS05:18
skavengeokay setting up NAT through firestarter, does the machine need to be restarted for NAT to work? Both machines can ping each other but i still get no internet on the one that doesnt have it, do i need to setup DNS or something?05:18
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kokoko1coffeebreak, then it make M$ in 405:18
kokoko1sorry 305:18
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AngryElfwhat is the firmware hotplug directory in dapper?05:19
l_rthere's an annoying problem with DNS in ubuntu dapper. The card connects to a gateway and receive the IP from a DHCP server. I configured my dhclient.conf not to ask for DNS to the DHCP server. I manually configured my resolv.conf to use localhost as DNS. The problem is that somewhere resolv.conf keeps being replaced with the address of the gateway. Any idea?05:19
coffeebreaky7ou mean "default 4"  ?05:19
erUSULskavenge: more likely is a dns thing try a 'ping numip'05:19
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ubotuI know nothing about firmware05:19
Gorlisthi, when I try to run this from the terminal: echo 'wine 0 0 direct' > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss05:19
ubotuI know nothing about hotplug05:19
Gorlistit comes up with permission denied05:19
Cntryboybbl gotta go eat05:19
Gorlisteven if I try sudo05:19
Cntryboypeace and thx to all05:19
kokoko1coffeebreak, default 305:19
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coffeebreakok tnx05:20
jribGorlist: run 'sudo -i' first then do your command05:20
Gorlistok thanks05:20
jribGorlist: after you finish, be sure to exit05:20
Gorlisthow do I exit it?05:20
jribGorlist: type 'exit' :)05:20
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Gorlist :) so simple05:20
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Gorlistis it possible to tell Ubuntu to run the echo command on bootup/login?05:21
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Gorlistits to resolve the sound issues on teamspeak/wine05:21
erikgzoye, oops05:21
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airmikeyanyone here load the server cd05:22
NgGorlist: you could put the command in /etc/rc.local05:22
jribGorlist: you can put it in /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh I guess05:22
devhenyep, i installed with the server cd05:22
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Gorlisti will give it a try thanks again05:22
ubotuI know nothing about nat05:22
airmikeyhow do ui get to the desktop05:22
=== seamus_ [n=seamus@oag1.wlan.mvw.galway.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu
devhensudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:22
airmikeytried that05:23
devhenwhat happened?05:23
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airmikeycouldnt find package05:23
devhenare you connected to the internet?05:23
xzzShould I choose 64bit or 32bit for my 64bit laptop with ati x200 ?05:24
devhenyou need to be connected to the internet, the ubuntu-desktop packages are not included with the server iso05:24
devhenthats why the iso is only 430 mb ;)05:24
Shannon1be back in a minute,,05:24
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dr_willisxzz,  id stick with the 32 bit distros at this time.05:24
=== Maggie___ [n=mg123098@oag1.wlan.mvw.galway.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu
ZeZu64b works great05:25
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devhenthe problem with the 64bit v. is that some 32bit-only apps wont run, like win32 video codecs and some browser plugins05:25
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seamus_hey everyone05:26
xzzwhat's the pros with 64 instead of 32, then?05:26
zerodyou tell me05:26
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mortalxzz: more bits05:26
mortalbigger numbers05:26
devhentheres a performance increase with the 64bit versioin05:26
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Ngxzz: in theory it should be faster, but a desktop system spends more time waiting for disk/network/user input than it does cpu calculation05:26
xzzok. I'll stick to 32-bit, then ...05:27
devhenbut if you need 32bit windows programs to run then its not worth it ;)05:27
xzzthanks anyway :)05:27
devhenthats what i would recommend. unless your installing a server where performance is most important05:27
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Gen|G^2yay, got xchat orkin05:27
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xzzdevhen: yeah, server on my laptop :P05:28
coffeebreakjust 1 more question: How do I manipulate hardware acceleration and rendering for my graphix? My new desktop seems laggy (windows leave trails when moved..)05:28
devhenlol mobile server05:28
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devhencoffeebreak, see ubuntuguide.org for instructions on install ATI and nvidia drivers05:28
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto05:29
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ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.05:30
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airmikeyis there a way to configure internet from the prompt05:30
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devhensystem-config-network maybe?05:31
devhenyou should have configured it during install ;)05:31
airmikeyyeah i put in the wep  but still didnt connect05:32
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skavengewhats  the easiest way to share files between two ubuntu machines with static ips on a network? ftp?05:32
ndlovuafter upgrading to Dapper, Update Manager warns me about "the following updates will be skipped: gdk-imlib1". how do I sort out this dependency issue?05:32
=== scotty [n=scotty@82-47-176-35.cable.ubr02.donc.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
devhenskavenge, i use sftp05:33
skavengedevhen; is that just a different ftp program or something else?05:33
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devhenskavenge, use gftp and choose the ssh2 option, that way you dont need to setup an ftp server on the machines05:33
seamus_airmikey: what do you want to configure?05:34
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seamusskavenge: ssh05:34
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devhenbut you will need to have an ssh server installed if you havent already05:34
airmikeywell i loaded the server cd, cant get to the desktop05:34
scottycan any1 explain how to install java ?05:34
skavengedevhen; do i need the server on both machines?05:34
airmikeyi guess i need the net to load05:35
say_no_2_windowzscotty:  search ubuntu forums05:35
airmikeyubuntu desktop05:35
devhenscotty, see ubuntuguide.org05:35
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository05:35
ubotuI know nothing about ubuntguide05:35
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ubotuI know nothing about ubuntuguide05:35
say_no_2_windowzi swear one of them is out of date05:35
devhenskavenge, no. just on one. but i would install on both anyway so either one can act as the server/client05:36
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devhenskavenge, i bevlieve its sudo apt-get install openssh-server. give that a try05:36
skavengedevhen; problem is one of them isnt internet connected  .. are the ssh utils on the install cd?05:36
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devhenskavenge, probably. it would work to install the server on one and connect to it from the other05:37
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skavengedevhen; ill work on getting the server on the internet connected machine then and go from there05:37
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devhenskavenge, good idea let me know if i can help u further05:38
skavengedevhen; thanks05:38
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devhensay_no_2_windows, ubuntuguide.org = official ubuntu faq :p05:39
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yggdrasilis there some shortcut for switching workspaces (deskstops) like alt 3 or something like that in gnoome05:39
devhenlol. alright maybe its not "official"... thought it was... i havent had problems with it05:40
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=== Widoff [n=Widoff@1-1-3-22a.gka.gbg.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu
deFryskyggdrasil, ctrl alt arrow05:40
jribyggdrasil: system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts05:40
AngryElfthere's this option in mythtv-setup -> general....."follow symlinks when deleting files"  my myth directory is a sym link......would this prevent auto-expire from deleting files?05:40
AngryElf**if that option isn't checked?05:40
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns01-0204.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
devhendeFrysk: thanks! been wondering about that myself ;)05:40
jbxyoi can't aply downloaded skin05:40
=== Hewitson [n=wonga@88-106-167-90.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
tichi've am trying to install this nice little program called gutenpy using gdebi but when it first loads up it says that there are unmet dependancies: python 2.4. i have python 2.4, and i just reinstalled just incase but gdebi still won't depakage it. what should i do?05:40
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:40
deFryskdevhen, hehe05:40
ndlovugdk-imlib1 seems to not want to upgrade. do I need it?05:40
yggdrasilahh ctrlalt arrow works05:41
CAZADOR02Aalguine de argentina?05:41
ndlovupackages.ubuntu.com says: compatibility package for gdk-imlib11 [universe]  1.9.14-29ubuntu1: all05:41
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devhen!people that say !anything :P05:41
ubotuI know nothing about people that say !anything :P05:41
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:41
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devhen!nay-sayers :D05:42
ubotuI know nothing about nay-sayers :D05:42
jbxyoWhen i download icon, theme whathever i can't apply them to the theme menu05:42
devhenubotu we must think alike :)05:42
ubotuI know nothing about we must think alike :)05:42
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Ngdevhen: could you play with the bot in private if you have to please05:42
Ngyou can /msg it05:42
devhenrgr that sry05:42
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5153101E.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
finalbetaHow do I get 5.1 sound from Rhythmbox or totem? It's working under xine.05:43
skavengedevhen; now that i have openssh-server installed, do i need to run something to configure it? Am I making myself vulernable by running the ssh server or is it secure in its stock installed form?05:43
=== adminstrator____ [n=jr@h-72-244-214-2.nycmny83.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
devhenskavenge, its secure. or at least ive always trusted it and had no problems. no need to configure it unless you have a firewall. in that case, open port 22205:44
Shizboomif i was going to make a panel applet for gnome or kde what would the easiest/best language to use?05:44
devhenoops, 22*05:44
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adminstrator____Shizboom are you making it for gnome or kde?05:45
Shizboomgoing to try to make it for gnome05:45
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Shizboomi guess if i had a choice05:45
rellimShizboom: sorry, i just came in ... what you making?05:45
Shizbooma panel applet05:46
finalbetaHow do I get 5.1 sound from Rhythmbox or totem? It's working under xine. Seriously, doesn't anyone know this. Must be a standard question, been looking for weeks.05:46
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devhenskavenge, just use gftp, enter ip of computer with ssh-server and choose 'ssh2' option instead of ftp05:46
adminstrator____Shizboom i would use glade to design it05:46
rellimShizboom: cool cool, functionality?05:46
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Shizboomi want to make something that will read a file line by line and scroll the contents05:46
devhenfinalbeta, all i know is that there is a setting in totem's preferences05:46
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Shizboomso basically i have a script on my router that makes a file that will list of the status of the router05:47
skavengedevhen; i just found out gftp isnt in the main so now im stuck figuring out how to get gftp on the internet-less machine heh..05:47
=== Eazy- [n=eazy@81-229-126-193-no48.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #Ubuntu
euclid_1how can I view .wmv movies with VLC?05:47
Shizboomand i want a program that reads that and puts it on my panel05:47
devhenskavenge, you can use 'scp' as well. got that installed?05:47
SurfnKidShizboom, nice, what router u using05:47
jribeuclid_1: if they are wmv9 you can only view them in vlc if you recompile05:47
Shizboomi have a WRT54g05:47
skavengedevhen; will go check05:47
finalbetadevhen, yes, found that one, keeps resetting? Is their not a way to force system wide 5.1? Like on windows :p05:47
Shizboomrunning DD-WRT05:47
euclid_1jrib, I need to compile the VLC source code?05:47
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Shizboomand have a shell script running on it to make the file that i read05:48
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devhenfinalbeta, not sure. never used 5.1 on linux. sorry. if you dont get response try the forums on ubuntu.com05:48
jribeuclid_1: no, you don't need to.  xine or mplayer play wmv9 fine with w32codecs05:48
OneSeventeenI'm going to do a 15 minute review of Ubuntu in my next podcast, what key points should I cover?05:48
euclid_1jrib, Can you help me get the codecs?05:48
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Shizboomanyone know of any tutorials on panel aplet creation? i found one for perl05:48
ubotuI know nothing about w3205:48
ubotuI know nothing about w32codeces05:48
devheneuclid_1, sudo apt-get install w32codecs05:48
ubotuw32codecs can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages. Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html05:48
skavengedevhen; yep ive got scp .. looks like the ssh commandline tools are all installed05:49
adminstrator____jrib fine is an over statement.....wmv still is terribly supported05:49
ShizboomOneSeventeen - probably the ease of use :D05:49
devhenskavenge, nice. syntax is scp file-to-copy user@host:destination05:49
jribadminstrator____: mplayer has played every file I've thrown at it.  I think the stuff with drm is the only thing it won't play05:49
OneSeventeenShizboom: what's one thing that ubuntu does that makes it easy to use for you?05:49
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ardchoilleOneSeventeen: Yeah, I'd say ease of use. I have an 8 year old niece who uses Ubuntu exclusively on her computer and she loves it. If an 8 year old girl can use it..  :)05:50
euclid_1devhen, it couldnt find the codecs05:50
ShizboomLots of applications prepackaged for download in the repositories05:50
SurfnKidardchoille, whoa05:50
Shizboomjust select and install05:50
jribeuclid_1: you need to go to the url ubotu said before05:51
devheneuclid_1, hmm. check ubuntuguide.org look for instructions on how to install win32 codecs05:51
PhoulTheres a section on it in the restricted formats wiki05:51
adminstrator____ardchoille and she gets it05:51
SurfnKidardchoille, hehe so she can get used to linux instead of windows05:51
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Phoulon w32codecs05:51
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ardchoilleSurfnKid: Yeah, lol, makes me feel sorry for those people who come i here and complain that Ubuntu is bad and too hard to use.05:51
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Shannon1hi again everyone..05:52
devhenOneSeventeen: stability of debian plus many packages/updates via repos05:52
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Phoulubuntu is far from hard... Thats why i came back to it hahaha05:52
PhoulI got tired of spending every waking moment getting gentoo to work. <3 ubuntu05:52
SurfnKidardchoille, yeah that makes me think too sometimes hehe, i shouldnt complain lol05:52
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ardchoilleadminstrator____: Yes, she understands it quite well. She installs her own apps and maintains it mostly by herself. I step in and answer questions now and then, though.05:52
SurfnKidPhoul, gentoo is weird yes05:52
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PhoulYeah it is lmao05:52
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devhengentoo=more work than is necessary ;)05:53
SurfnKidardchoille, im defintely gonna teach my kids that too if they like computers,05:53
OneSeventeenThanks Shizboom, ardchoille, and devhen, I'll definitely be putting the software install/ease of use/stability in there.05:53
|rt|devhen: depends on what you're doing...for a desktop I would agree05:53
PhoulI think someone here should start there kids off on sourcemage personally05:53
mc__gentoo=fun and good to learn linux05:53
ardchoilleSurfnKid: Yeah, good to start them out on the best OS first :)05:54
deFryskgentoo is boring05:54
Seveasgentoo is offtopic in here...05:54
mc__i found it once amazing05:54
deFryskSeveas, that too :D05:54
phunkaliciousi had a question about connecting to my works GAL? what do i put in the catalog name? I tried ip address and a FQDN, and even Default Global Address List but it still errors out05:54
devhenyep, gentoo is great for learning. not so great for the desktop. perfect for custom applications05:54
Seveasdevhen, gentoo is offtopic in here...05:55
Phoullook what i have started05:55
SurfnKidardchoille, yeah i agree05:55
=== Phoul hides from the wrath of Seveas
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Phouluhh ohh05:55
=== Phoul hides behind Seveas
devhenyep sorry. to be fair we are talking about how gentoo is not as easy to run on the desktop as ubuntu05:55
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OneSeventeenardchoille, my wife uses Ubuntu on my laptop too, and considering she doesn't even blink when switching between ubuntu and xp makes me think it is pretty user friendly as well05:55
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Phoulhey Seveas is there a tutoriel on like "how to make .debs"05:56
SeveasPhoul, several05:56
PhoulThat will work for everyone? like not just 1 system but i guess generic or what ever05:56
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Seveasbu before you start doing that, you muxt know shellscripting and writing Makefils05:56
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Hobbsee!packagingguide > Phoul05:56
h3h_timois there anyway to get advanced preferences for the screensaver in dapper?05:56
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Seveas!packagingguide > me05:56
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phunkaliciousyou have to install xscreensaver i think h3h_timo :/05:56
h3h_timophunkalicious, thanks05:57
euclid_1Hi guys.. xine cant play WM9.. what do I need to recompile to play WM(?05:57
ardchoilleOneSeventeen: Ubuntu is awesome. I have tried 17 distros in the last 5 years (been 100% Windows free) and Ubuntu has been.. well, just amazing.05:57
deFryskh3h_timo, easy way to make debs for personal usage (not sharing!) http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=235605:57
tichcan a deb be installed in such a way that the dependencies are automatically installed first?05:57
ardchoilleBut I have a feeling I am preaching to the chior here :)05:57
devheneuclid_1, i was able to play wm files after installing the w32codecs05:57
ZeZu!restricted > euclid_105:57
deFrysktich, sudo apt-get build dep ,package>05:58
euclid_1devgen, I searched for win32 codecs05:58
Shannon1anyone found the solution to my little problem regarding non fonctional mouse in 6.0605:58
Seveas!w32codecs > euclid_105:58
ZeZuerr oh is it w32codecs .. i forget05:58
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devhenOneSeventeen: recently installed fedora 5 on my laptop and ubuntu 6 on my desktop to compare them as desktop OS's. Ubuntu wins!!! ;)05:58
OneSeventeenYup, I actually switched to ubuntu as my primary OS at work a few weeks ago, and nobody but my immediate co-workers have noticed!  I've actually gotten quicker at development and graphic design!05:58
euclid_1devhen, nothing was listed in synaptic when i searched05:58
ZeZueuclid_1 try easyubuntu as well, it will install them too05:58
ubotuw32codecs can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages. Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html05:59
phunkaliciousi think my w32codecs are broken :/05:59
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euclid_1ZeZu, a search for easyubuntu turned up nothing05:59
phunkaliciousmy wmv files are all choppy :/05:59
devheneuclid_1, there you have it. check out those URLs05:59
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=== Seveas hands phunkalicious the glue
adminstrator____Seveas: are the w32codecs in your personal repo more up to date then others..?05:59
OneSeventeendevhen, I think my problem is fedora is a free version of redhat, right?  Ubuntu is the only version of Ubuntu... it is just a free, user friendly version of a debian, which is still free.  great for cheap people like me!05:59
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.05:59
phunkaliciousi installed them from cipherfunk instead though, maybe that is the problem :O06:00
Ngadminstrator____: the ones on mplayerhq.hu are the most up to date, the only difference is they are in a tarball, not a .deb06:00
Seveasadminstrator____, last update upstream to them was over a year ago06:00
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NgSeveas: nope06:00
SeveasNg, hmm06:00
NgSeveas: I only noticed because I had to grab them yesterday ;)06:00
adminstrator____Seveas: hehe ok nevermind then : )06:00
Seveasok, then I will update my packages 06:00
dmanubuntu live cd seems to be really laggy installing on my laptop06:00
devhenOneSeventeen, linux is always free ;) basically. you can find free versions of red hat and suse as well06:00
dmancan i do a non gui install?06:00
NgSeveas: 20060611 is the latest now :)06:00
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jbxyoHow I partion a ext 3 disk, i forget whit which software06:01
OneSeventeendevhen, yeah, but I guess I'm thinking of the fact that I have the novell linux desktop sitting next to me, and it took me about 3 hours on the phone to get the registration working, and it cost my employer an annual fee06:01
xzzfdisk, cfdisk06:01
jbxyothx !06:01
ardchoillejbxyo: I like gparted06:01
devhenOneSeventeen, what sets Ubuntu apart IMO is how easy/well it works as a desktop OS06:01
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AngryElfguys, I installed apache2 and php5, including php5-mysql and when accessing a php file it says "Please install the MySQL libraries for PHP.  The packages is usually called something like php-mysql.".....any ideas?06:01
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OneSeventeendevhen, the argument was "red carpet keeps things up-to-date", so once I played with Ubuntu's update manager, I uninstalled NLD and stuck with ubuntu...06:02
devhenOneSeventeen, yep. I use CentOS a lot. free version of RH enterprise. but thats off - topic ;)06:02
jbxyoUh where is gparted :S06:02
devhenOneSeventeen, its definately depressing to have to /pay/ for linux. lol06:02
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phunkaliciousi dunno, SLED is pretty slick06:03
phunkaliciousi would pay for it06:03
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ardchoille!info gparted06:03
ubotugparted: partition editor for GNOME. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.1-0ubuntu9 (dapper), package size 232 kB, installed size 1280 kB06:03
devhenphunkalicious, agreed. SLED is pretty cool. comes with the new GNOME layout and Beagle06:03
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phunkaliciousyeah, i wish there was an enterprise-setup package in ubuntu06:03
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phunkaliciousto make it easier to deploy at offices :/06:04
jbxyo!info gparted06:04
ubotugparted: partition editor for GNOME. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.1-0ubuntu9 (dapper), package size 232 kB, installed size 1280 kB06:04
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ardchoilleI don't know who wrote the capability in so the bot could do !info appname, but thank you very much whoever it was.06:04
tpgterrorhmm is there any hacking channel for Ubuntu?06:05
ddmanI installed dc++ package from http://packages.debian.org/unstable/net/linuxdcpp on Ubuntu 6.06 and synaptic sys it's broken. Cannot update06:05
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devhenddman, did you try 'fix broken packages' in synaptic?06:05
ddmanis there any quick and dirty fix for this?06:05
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deFryskddman, mixing repo's is a nono06:05
ddmanbut i don;t want to remove it06:05
ddmanit;s working fine06:05
EssenceeI have a question: what is the default in Totem, when i install Ubuntu? gstreamer?06:05
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ndlovuis there some way to reduce the sensitivity of my touchpad in Ubuntu?06:05
devhenddman, try 'apt-get update'. then run synaptic again and try 'fix broken packages'06:05
ddmani just want to ignore it06:05
noskloEssencee, yes06:06
tpgterrorEssencee: come to #tpgterror06:06
EssenceeWhat is this?06:06
chotchkihey guys does anyone know of a repo that provides xvidcap or the a different program that does the same thing?06:06
ryanpghi... very intense question here... I'm trying to copy all files over from a damaged HD to a new one. I'm using LVM and have managed to move all file correctly. I've also setup partitions properly hda1 = /boot hda2 and hda5 = extended and LVM, but now when I boot the machine I get "Alert! /dev/mapper/Ubuntu-root does not exist. Dropping to shell!"06:06
devhenEssencee, default /what/ in totem?06:06
ddmandevhen: thanks06:06
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deFrysktotem uses gstreamer06:06
tpgterrorEssencee: i just want to speak you in my channel, #tpgterror06:06
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ddmani'll try this06:06
devhenryanpg, fix your /etc/fstab file06:06
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ryanpgdevhen ty, I'll boot from the livecd and take a look06:07
jbxyoIn what folder I put my software ?06:07
EssenceeOK Thanks, more question, how can I install audio codecs?06:07
devhenryanpg, no need. just edit /etc/fstab from the shell06:07
tpgterrornosklo: sorry06:07
deFryskjbxyo, software like ?06:07
devhenEssencee, see 'mutimedia codecs' on ubuntuguide.org06:07
EssenceeOK, because in Ubunutu Breeze i couldn't hear music in Amarok..06:08
jbxyosoftware like pack in tar.bz206:08
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ryanpgdevhen, my fstab is really borked... is there a way to regenerate one?06:08
deFryskdevhen, https://help.ubuntu.com/ is the official guide06:09
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bderrlyryanpg, paste it to pastebin and we can fix it, it can't be that bad06:09
deFryskdevhen, try to use that as a reference06:09
devhenryanpg, hmm. not that i know of. i could be wrong. just make sure the lines for / and /home are proper06:09
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ryanpgdeFrysk, ok I'll try06:09
devhendeFrysk, got it. thanks. sorry about that. been using the other lately06:09
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bderrlyjbxyo, what software are you trying to install?06:09
freschwhat's a good tool to merge video streams? preferably cli?06:09
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jbxyogparted (but i ask this question in general) im new to linux :S06:10
bderrlyjbxyo, apt-get install gparted06:10
jribfresch: mpgcat if it is mpg, mencoder works well too if you know how to use it06:10
bderrlyjbxyo, don't install stuff from source unless you absolutely have to06:10
jbxyohmmm ?06:11
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freschjrib, what about avi?06:11
devhenagreed. ubuntu is particularly good at providing compiled packages and compiling from source is rarely necessary06:11
bderrlyjbxyo, and it is more complicated than just moving stuff to a directory...  ;-)06:11
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jribfresch: mencoder I suppose06:11
jbxyoit's say06:12
jbxyo Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?06:12
deFryskmencoder ffmpeg avidemux etc06:12
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freschjrib, thanks, i'll lookup those two06:12
devhenjbxyo, you need to use 'sudo'06:12
devhenjbxyo: sudo apt-get install package-name06:12
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jbxyoi know06:12
Shannon1Can anyone explain to me why on a laptop the mouse would work fine with 5.10 install and live cd and not work on 6.06 install as well as live cd06:12
bderrlyheh, sorry, i always forget that part because i aliased apt-get to "sudo apt-get"06:12
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deFryskbderrly, put apt-get to sudo apt-get in the replace section of xchat06:14
jbxyoAnd now how I start gparted ^^ (sorry i realy new to ubuntu)06:14
ryanpgugh... on part of the problem seems to be /dev/mapper/Ubuntu-root isn't what should be / instead it's /dev/shared06:14
bderrlydeFrysk, good idea06:15
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=== deFrysk only uses fdisk sorry
jbxyo...Im so stupid06:16
devhenryanpg: if your / partition is at /dev/hda1 for example, use /dev/hda1 and / as the mount point. forget about the /dev/mapper stuff and see if that works06:16
deFryskjbxyo, not stupid06:16
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ddmandevhen fix broken packages otion tries to remove the package06:16
deFryskjbxyo, just working hard06:16
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devhenddman. hmm. sorry, dont know what to tell you. uninstall and reinstall?06:17
braskohi all,  I want to install a cvs server06:17
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devhenddman, or just ignore it.06:17
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braskoand a cvs web interface06:17
cArNaGe`css server?06:17
braskowhat are the packages for that?06:17
deFryskjbxyo, is the disk you wish to partition mounted ?06:17
braskoCVS revision control06:17
ddmandevhen: how?06:17
bderrlybrasko, did you type "apt-cache search cvs" on the terminal?06:17
neon_hi, i had be configured shared-admin with samba support, but if i wanna get support for nfs, how can i configure it again?06:17
braskoI"m looking at the synaptic choices06:17
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devhenddman, in synaptic you can mark a package for re-installation. give that a shot06:18
ddmani want the synaptic to ignore it but how i do this?06:18
braskocvsd maybe?06:18
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braskono, that's not it06:18
jbxyoi want to make a part of my extern HD in ext3 to put some fil06:18
ryanpgdevhen, my / is supposed to be LVM (hda5)06:18
braskodoes 'cvs' give you both the client and the server ?06:19
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ryanpgdevhen, if I try root=/dev/hda5 or even mount /dev/hda5 it doesn't work06:19
ddmani didn't made myself very clear sorry. So I installed a package with dpkg -i --force06:19
deFryskjbxyo, what fs is on it now ?06:19
devhenryanpg, ok, replace first two parts of the / line in fstab with /dev/hda5 and /06:19
devhenryanpg, then reboot06:19
jbxyowhat mean fs...06:19
deFryskfile system06:19
fyrestrtrbrasko: cvsd is just a wrapper to run cvs pserver06:19
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reapercan someone help me install flash player?06:20
jbxyoOn my computer06:20
deFryskjbxyo, no on your extern hd06:20
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ryanpgdevhen, k, will try06:20
braskohmm, so does 'cvs' have the server also?06:20
fyrestrtrreaper: read the restrictedformats wiki entry, it tells you there how to install it.06:20
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ddmandevhen the debian package has dependecies on newer vesion of libraries06:20
jribreaper: have you seen the wiki page?06:20
fyrestrtrbrasko: I think so, although I only use svn.06:20
Hexidigitalanyone know if there are any CLI pdf viewers?06:20
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jrib!flash > reaper06:21
jbxyoI make a partition on my intern hd and i want to make a part of my extern hd on ext306:21
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deFryskjbxyo, may I give you some easy advice for now ?06:21
reaperjrib: i dont get it06:21
braskofyrestrtr: yeah, this is work crap :(06:21
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jbxyoi just want to start gparted but how06:21
deFryskjbxyo, just format it to vfat in windows , it runs perfectly in windows AND linux06:21
jribreaper: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats06:22
deFryskvfat is the way to go06:22
jbxyothx *06:22
jbxyoi can write on it ?06:22
Hexidigitaljbxyo: to run gparted, ALT + F2, and type gksudo gparted06:22
krangNew users don't seem to get a .Xsession file in their home dir. Where should I copy it from if I want to give them one that can then be canged?06:22
deFryskjbxyo, saves you hassle and you can learn later more about partitioning06:22
deFryskvfat is read and write for windows AND linux06:22
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Hexidigitalkrang: did they log in at least once yet?06:22
devhendeFrysk, disagreed, explorer in winXP doesnt sort files on vfat properly for me :(06:22
jbxyoK thx06:23
deFryskdevhen, since when ?06:23
krangHexidigital: yes06:23
=== dr_willis is missing the logic of that statement.
devhendeFrysk, since i can remember. i have to hit refresh after bringing up a folder for the files to be sorted alphabetically06:23
deFryskmy vfat partition has no probs whatsoever06:23
fyrestrtrkrang: you normally don't need it, I don't have it in my ~ and no problems with X.06:23
Hexidigitalkrang: that's odd... how did you create the users? gui or cli?06:23
devhendeFrysk. hmm. no worries. linux sorts it properly ;)06:23
deFryskcool ;)06:24
deFrysklinux rules anyway06:24
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devhenyep yep06:24
krangHexidigital: cli, adduser06:24
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Hexidigitalkrang: i'm out of ideas then... i was going to have you do that :( sorry06:24
ddmancan someone help me please06:24
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage06:25
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:25
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devhenddman needs help with broken package, dependency. if someone can help him.06:25
ddmanI installed dc++ form debian repository like this:    dpkg -i --force depends linuxdcpp_0.0.1.cvs20060613-1_i386.deb06:25
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krangfyrestrtr: I actually want to run a couple of lines of script to increment a counter every time a user logs on, though06:25
ddmannow synaptic complains I have broken package06:25
ddmanif I want to "fix broken packages"06:25
devhenddman, sorry, im still a bit of a newb with apt-get. been using yum for too long ;)06:25
krangHexidigital: damn, thanks anyway06:26
ddmanit marks it for removal06:26
ddmanI do not want to remove it06:26
ddmandevhen: ok06:26
deFryskyum = yellow dog moloch06:26
fyrestrtrkrang: explore /etc/skel/Examples06:26
devhenddman, whats  the problem with removing it and re-installing afterward. maybe this is what synaptic wants you to do in order to fix it06:26
noskloddman, it is being marked to removal for a reason, you have to find that out06:26
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fyrestrtrwhat is dc++ ?06:26
noskloddman, maybe it depends on some package that is being removed06:26
ddmanNo you see I installed it with --force depends06:27
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devhendeFrysk, moloch? yellow dog updater, modified06:27
noskloddman, then you have to deal with it06:27
ddmanthe application works fine06:27
sacaterim just testing my LAN thanks!06:27
noskloddman, if you are bypassing the package system06:27
ddmanthanks guys06:27
auliyahas anyone set up bugzilla on 6.06 server?06:27
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noskloddman, you need to make some stuff by hand06:27
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woothey, anyone having experience compiling a 2.4 kernel to run dapper on? i have been following some howtos but i seem to get stuck at booting the new kernel when it says starting pcmcia services : fails, and then i end up in text mode...06:27
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noskloddman, there is a way where you unpack the package by hand06:27
Ngwoot: 2.4?!06:27
noskloddman, and make a dummy package to pretend it is installed06:28
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auliyahaving some problems...06:28
Shannon1hi Hexidigital,, welling to get a rematch agains my non-working mouse,, you left quickly la time we were on the problem06:28
noskloddman, but you loose some of the benefits of using the package system, like automatic updates06:28
ddmanMy question is you know how to trick synaptic to ignore a package?06:28
krangfyrestartr: ok, cheers06:28
wootjah...I have a Speedtouch PC modem (for adsl) and only drivers avaialbe are some closed source software itex module for 2.4 kernels06:28
Ngwoot: that's going to be quite tricky, things like pcmcia and many other userspace things will be assuming a recent 2.6 (some of them won't even work on 2.6 kernels other than the version ubuntu uses in that release, I would suspect)06:28
ddmanI do want updates06:28
noskloddman, remove the package, and install it by hand06:28
Hexidigitalstupid question.... what is the unmount command (for a cdrom0, etc)06:28
ddmanthat's the problem06:28
krangfyrestrtr, : ok, cheers06:28
ddmanI installed it by hand06:28
devhenddman, why did you do --force when installing?06:28
fyrestrtrkrang: yw06:28
ddmanwith dpkg06:28
noskloddman, by hand, i mean without dpkg06:29
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noskloddman, really by hand06:29
ddmannosklo: package had dependencies on newer versions of libs06:29
wootNg, im gonne be so screwed :) the kernel i was trying to have is 2.4.1606:29
noskloddman, or you can try to satisfy its dependencies by installing dummy empty packages06:29
devhenHexidigital, sudo umount /media/cdrom06:29
noskloddman, try using the equivs software to make dummy packages of those libs06:29
wootbut as the pcmcia doenst works out, seems my networkcard isnt recoignized aswell06:29
ddmannosklo: how do I do that?06:29
krangfyrestrtr: There's not much in there dude06:29
noskloddman, install equivs06:29
Hexidigitaldevhen: thanks :) i forgot it was u not un06:29
Ngwoot: which speedtouch is it?06:30
dustinpnHow do I uninstall something if it doesn't show up as installed06:30
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ericmoritz\0I've noticed that ssh's port forwading quit working.  I've rebooted my machine and tried two different host but I still get: channel_setup_fwd_listener: cannot listen to port: 8883  Has anyone noticed this?06:30
devhenHexidigital, yep. i do that all the time. you may want to create an alias for unmount06:30
noskloddman, it is no easy task, but in the end you will even have updates06:30
noskloddman, you will have to read and learn about the packaging system06:30
fyrestrtrkrang: when you create new accounts, you can use this skel directory as a ... skeleton for the home directory (that's why its there). If you need to have something auto-added to a user's home directory, add it up there, then read the adduser man page to find out how to tell it to use the skeleton dir when creating new user accounts.06:30
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Hexidigitaldevhen: working on that now :)06:30
ddmanwhat if I edit /var/dpkg/status06:30
devhenddman, just my .02 but i'd say your better off figuring out a way to install with dpkg or apt-get and satisfy the deps06:30
wootNg, Speedtouch PC it is, alcatel made, interal modem,06:30
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ddmanand put there lower version numbers06:31
krangSo, anyone, where do i find the script that runs every time a user logs into gdm? /etc/X11/Xsession doesn't seem to work, nor /etc/gdm/Xsession06:31
devhenddman, by that i mean avoid --force and --nodeps06:31
noskloddman, that is another way, but you're on your own if you do this06:31
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krangfyrestrtr: I already do that dude06:31
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wootNg, http://images.google.be/imgres?imgurl=http://www.scan.co.uk/images/products/96220.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.scan.co.uk/products/3xsproductinfo.asp%3FProductID%3D8444&h=294&w=200&sz=19&hl=nl&start=1&tbnid=db_hDmixUMmvyM:&tbnh=111&tbnw=75&prev=/images%3Fq%3DAlcatel%2BSpeedtouch%2BPCI%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Dnl%26lr%3D%26client%3Dfirefox%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:unofficial%26sa%3DN06:31
wootthats an image of it06:32
Ngwoot: i suppose you could give debian stable a try, I think that still defaults to a 2.4 kernel. It is entirely possible to make it work with ubuntu, but you are going to have to hack a fair few things yourself I would imagine06:32
fyrestrtrwtf ever heard of tinyurl.com ?06:32
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wootsrry fyrestrtr06:32
ddmannosklo: thanks I like being on my own :)06:32
devhenddman, why did you have to use --force?06:32
Ngwoot: you might want to try http://jp.dhs.org/~itex/2.6/06:33
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noskloddman, hack apt status files means a lot of knowledge and easy breakage of all system06:33
wootI guess so Ng06:33
krangfyrestrtr: my problem is that I don't know what to put in the file I want everyone to have in their home.06:33
wootja i know about that06:33
Ngwoot: someone seems to have tried porting the driver to 2.6 no idea if it works though06:33
wootbeen emailing with the guy06:33
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wootI tried the 2.6 part an hour ago, but i got stuck at compiling the kernel06:33
devhenddman, nosklo, agreed. i think you should try to avoid this06:33
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modechello, i m using 6.06. I have sound problems. If i turn up the volume I can slightly hear from the headphones. The speakers are always silent. any ideas?06:33
Kamping_KaiserNg, you can boot a sarge cd with 'linux26' to get a not-2.4 kernel06:34
devhenmodec, check volume control, make sure master vol and PCM are turned up06:34
wootKamping_Kaiser, the point is, id prefer a 2.4 kernel :p06:34
ddmannosklo: ok thanks a lot guys. I think can handle it :)06:35
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Kamping_Kaiserwoot, ;) just fyi06:35
noskloddman, good luck06:35
=== fyrestrtr anticipates ddman will be back in here trying to figure out how to fix apt
modecdevhen: both are up06:35
devhenlol. good luck ddman let us know if we can help more06:35
devhenmodec, not sure. try the forums on ubuntu.com maybe do a search for the name of your sound card or  mobo (if its integrated)06:36
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ddmanit's just dependecies how but can it get, right?06:36
ddmanhow bad*06:36
devhenddman, lol, it can get bad :D06:36
modecdevhen: ok i ll search thanks06:36
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rmoremarVETE A LA MIERDA06:37
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devhenddman, but hey, the programs running so worse case scenario youll just have to ignore synaptics whines06:37
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wootNg, debian stable is indeed running a 2.4 kernel, 2.4.27 to be specific06:37
ddmandevhen: synaptic, who needs it?06:38
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devhenddman :) not me. i stick with apt-get06:39
fyrestrtrubuntu needs it06:39
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fyrestrtryou do realize, synaptic is just gui for apt-get, right?06:39
devhenahhh no one /needs/ a gui! its linux! :D06:39
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ddmanao i'll do the change in /var/dpksg/status and the lock the package in synaptics06:40
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ddmanit should work, no?06:41
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fyrestrtrno, locking a package just prevents it from being upgraded.06:41
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ddmani know06:42
ddmanI want that06:42
fyrestrtrif you broke some dependency, or overwrote some lib files that are needed elsewhere, then your system will be unstable, even if it 'appears' to work now.06:42
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ddmansince i feed synaptic with fake info06:42
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fyrestrtrsafe to say, if you didn't know the internals of the package, you shouldn't have used --force.06:42
ddmanthere is no libs06:43
ddmanonly an executable and some data06:43
ddmanin the package06:43
ddmanbut the executable depends on many libs06:43
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ddmanand in debian repository the versions are slightly newer06:44
AngryElfhow come the default apache2.conf file doesn't have DocumentRoot in it anywhere?06:44
ddmanbut it works nevertheless06:44
fyrestrtrAngryElf: because its not used, read the README file06:44
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adminstrator____AngryElf you can set it though06:44
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ddmanok thanks06:45
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fowlduckis there a way to set gconf values so that all users inherit them and it overrides whatever is set?06:48
dr_willisfowlduck,  i dont think so06:48
fowlduckdr_willis, that.....stinks.....06:49
dr_willisfowlduck,  perhaps - perhaps not.06:50
dr_willisthere may be some other way to do whatever you are trying to do.06:51
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fowlduckdr_willis, what i'm trying to do is precisely that, this isn't a step towards an ultimate goal, that is the ultimate goal :)06:51
AngryElffyrestrtr, adminstrator____ All I'm trying to do is add "AllowOverride All" to my mythweb setup -- none of the docs are ubuntu specific and thus don't work -- where am I suppose to add those tags?06:51
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dr_willisfowlduck,  kde has various 'lock out the users from doing/changeing things" built in.. takes some research however.. Not seen similer features in gnome . there may be a way. ask in #gnome06:53
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fowlduckdr_willis, i'm changing gconf values to disable, more or less, gnome-volume-manager auto-mounting features06:54
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dr_willisfowlduck,  keeping the users from bringing porn on their usb drives eh? :P06:54
vincentmzi've once seen a screenshot of gdm remote logging in on a windows computer running terminal services. how do i do this? when i try to remote login to a windows pc, it says it did not respond within 3 seconds. i can login with tsclient.06:55
willdevi need help06:55
fowlduckdr_willis, setting it up for computer forensics06:55
fowlduckdr_willis, don't want to mount the evidence, thus tamper with it06:55
dr_willisHow techy sounding. :)06:55
Shannon1can anyone help me with my question posted this morning around 10 :00 and again at 12:12 pleaaasseeeeeeee06:55
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doomhi :)06:56
dr_willisShannon1,  gee...  is that local or utc? :P06:56
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devhenShannon1? question? again?06:56
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Shannon1I know it must be stupid,,but i fnobody reply ill never know..06:56
vincentmzShannon1, what's the problem? and stop begging btw06:56
doomgot a big problem "06:56
willdevhow can i run ubuntu with an ati card?06:56
willdevanyone got a n00b guide?06:56
doomcould you help me please ?06:56
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto06:56
vincentmzwilldev, install the drivers06:56
doomhere it is : i've got a trident graphic card (a pci one)06:56
devhen!ati > willdev06:56
Shannon1Can anyone explain to me why on a laptop the mouse would work fine with 5.10 install and live cd and not work on 6.06 install as well as live cd06:57
devhenkind of mouse?06:57
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Shannon1and fix that problem06:57
dr_willisShannon1,  i would guess the Xorg.conf is incorrect.06:57
doomand also could someone explain me how to make another term. instance in text mode ?06:57
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willdevhow can i do that guide when i cant even get into the live desktop?06:57
doomso that i could be on BitchX and lynx at the time06:58
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devhendoom, dont understand your question. how about ctrl-alt F1 - F606:58
doomsame time*06:58
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dr_williswilldev,  oh.. NOW you are getting to the real problem...06:58
doomoh tahnksssssssssssss dehven :p06:58
devhendoom, yw ;)06:58
Shannon1dr_willis: I did post both xorg.conf earlier,, maybe they still there,,06:58
doomthat was exactly that06:58
willdevit says it cant get into the xserver06:58
willdevor somthing like that06:58
Shannon1want me to repost06:58
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dr_willisShannon1,  the touchpad works? but not the exteranl mouse?06:58
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devhenwilldev, you'll need to be more specific :D06:59
willdevcant rember the error06:59
willdevbut it said somthing couldent load06:59
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willdevand dumps me into a command prompt06:59
doom(anyone knowing a good msnmsgr client in text mode?)06:59
Shannon1the clit,, not a touch pad,, little buttonin center of keyboard,, works fine ,, 5.10 both simultaniously working,, in 6.06 only clit works06:59
devhen*clit* LMAO07:00
doomno ? nobody ?07:00
dr_willisShannon1,  then its a matter of just doing some altering of the xorg.conf to allow the use of both pointers07:00
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dr_willisit pays to learn the ins and outs of editing the xorg.conf :)07:00
Shannon1devhen: well sometime litle button is confusing,,07:00
linux_user400354i cant find my linux hand-held07:00
devhenShannon1, well sometimes the clit is confusing :D07:00
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doomlook beside the motherboard07:01
knysngI have a question07:01
Shannon1I ve tried to change the protocol of 6.06 from ExplorerPS/2 to ImPS/2 from 5.10 didnt make any difference07:01
doomI have a dream07:01
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knysngwhat version of Ubuntu do I need for AMD2400++07:01
doom6.06 dapper07:01
knysngwell, shich ISO07:02
knysngor what07:02
Shannon1Ive tryed to remove addon stuff regarding tablet pc from 6.06 conf to make it identical to 5.10,, X wouldnt start07:02
doomgot it working with 2600+ so i think 2400 wont be a problem07:02
doomyes it's an athlonxp07:02
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knysngso i386 not amd64 correct?07:02
knysngcause the install keeps hanging out07:02
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knysnghanging up, of course, when it wants to mount the main file syste,07:03
Shannon1I even tried to add GLcore to 6.06 conf to make it identical to 5.10,, X wouldnt start07:03
knysngso at the very beginning of the installation07:03
doomtried a live CD ?07:03
_absolution_is FTP a faster download?07:03
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doomftp isn't faster07:03
doomeverything depends your onnection07:04
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knysngI am just gonna try it again07:04
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doomso, someone knowing a good msn messenger client in text-mode ?07:04
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doomdamned i found the win' logo can change the term07:04
doomeek damned07:05
doomf* parents must go07:05
doomcya all07:05
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Shannon1dr_willis: ive repost config original, ,, the on efrom one hrs ago is present, and the other i sfrom 5.1007:06
longgquien vive07:07
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vincentmzvb_coder??? by vb you're not referring to visual basic are you?07:07
Shannon1dr_willis: and since im on my 2nd week on linux,, maybe I dont see the obvious,, thats why I need a trainned eye to explain to me what wrong07:08
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dr_willisShannon1,  the area to check out would be the  input devices area.07:08
dr_willisShannon1,  could be related to the change to udev in the dapper release07:09
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linux_user400354yes visual basic, its great because you cant use it linux07:09
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slimdog360okay is it working07:11
slimdog360or am I in a different channel07:12
slimdog360different channel07:12
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cjis there a meta package which installs all tools required to do your standard, run-of-the-mill development?07:14
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Shannon1ah,, now starting to get somewhere,, can ew fix that udev stuff somehow07:14
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vincentmzlinux_user400354: if you can't use it in linux, it's probably no good07:14
Shannon1oups,, lost helper again,,07:14
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Deimoz\0/ ubuntu lives on my compal cl56 :+ retart notebook07:14
Shannon1anyone else can continue?07:15
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vincentmzbtw, instead of using MS .NET, try Mono07:15
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Redman276is there a  ppc distro of  ubuntu ?07:15
vincentmzRedman276, yes07:15
Redman276url ?07:15
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[GuS] Hi people07:15
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[GuS] is there any packager online?07:16
DeimozRedman276 ftp://ftpserv.tudelft.nl/pub/Linux/releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu-6.06-desktop-powerpc.iso07:16
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devhenRedman276: http://www.ubuntu.com/download, choose a mirror, choose mac (powerpc) version07:16
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devhenRedman276: obviously ;)07:17
Redman276muchly appreciated , in the  last  week  6.06  has  replaced  my   5 yr  RH server and  4  outta 8   xp boxes ,  Kudos  to the  DEV team :D07:17
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gatekeeper[GuS] : packager online?07:17
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[GuS] i am packaging tcl and tk8.5 for Ubuntu07:18
[GuS] but with a weird problem07:18
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oskude[GuS] , cool, that one with ttf support ?07:19
gatekeeper[GuS] : ohh outside my experience sorry07:19
[GuS] xft you mean07:19
[GuS] the deb builds without any problems.. but there are some libraries that is not being included like msgcat07:19
oskude[GuS] , well, xtf is to support ttf (true type fonts)07:19
ndookiedoes anyone know of any wireless diagnostic tools for ubuntu , im using 6.06 LTS07:19
[GuS] indeed in the make process it says: "Installing msgcat as module"07:19
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vincentmz[GuS] , for packaging things for ubuntu universe, you should join #ubuntu-motu07:19
[GuS] but is not being included in the deb.07:19
oskude[GuS] , are you doing with checkinstall or "the right way" ?07:20
devhenndookie, what do you mean by diagnostics? whats the problem?07:20
[GuS] the righ way07:20
[GuS] debhelper07:20
[GuS] ok i will07:20
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oskude[GuS] , good look, i would have use for that package :)07:20
[GuS] this not happen with tcl8.4 indeed07:20
[GuS] maybe a Makefile bug of tcl8.507:20
ndookiedevhen : well , im not connecting to my wireless , everything else is working , the router and my wireless adapter are just not connecting , every setting is correct..just cant seem to find the problem07:20
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nooby_godAre there any devs here?07:21
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ndookiedevhen : so , im looking for a program that i can use to search for wireless networks07:21
devhenndookie, hmm. sorry. dont know if i can help. in the past i have found several programs on the web for configuring wireless networks maybe try one of them07:21
nooby_godI want Ubuntu Edgy to feature whore from Suse 10.1, espescially the beagle integreation07:21
ndookiedevhen : you know the name of any ?07:21
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MarcNanyone using beagle in dapper?  It doesn't seem to be indexing my f-spot photos.07:21
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devhenndookie, sry dont have a URL off the top of my head. do a google for linux wireless07:21
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ndookiedevhen : thanks07:22
devhenndookie, one is NetworkManager07:22
ndookieok , i'll google it07:22
devhenndookie, i think NetworkManager is installed by default (could be wrong) check to see if its running in 'services'07:23
ndookiedevhen : http://www.gnome.org/projects/NetworkManager/07:23
gunnziI had to install it afterwards07:23
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emazsomebody has the wireless card Dell 1390 detected by Ubuntu???07:23
devhenndookie, sudo system-config-services see if NetworkManager is listed at the top and see if its running/set to run at startup07:23
ndookiei dont think its installed07:24
devhenndookie, if not, sudo apt-get install NetworkManager should install it07:24
ndookiei'll have to take all this down , because im on windows right now07:24
devhenndookie, yeah, im on fedora so i cant check to make sure im right :/07:24
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ndookieoh ok07:24
ndookiei'll download the tarball too07:25
ndookiejust incase07:25
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ndookiebut remember , no internet access on the computer either07:25
devhenndookie, im sure youll find the package in the ubuntu repos. im yet to have to isntall from source on ubuntu ;)07:25
dustinpnWhen I play ut2k4, instead of having it fit 1 monitor, it centers on both of them, how do I fix this?07:25
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bigfoot1how can i find out the names of the files that are in a tar. file, using terminal?07:26
unstablesobtar tvf tarfile.tar07:26
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devhen!info tar07:26
ubotutar: GNU tar. In repository main, is required. Version 1.15.1-2ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 506 kB, installed size 1784 kB07:26
oskudendookie, i wouldnt use _any_ tarballs for installing, if you dont know what youre doing (or how to uninstall from "tarball")07:26
bigfoot1unstablesob:  thanks07:26
skavengeno inet makes installing damn near everything hard i've found .. it'd be nice if there was an option to download a package and all dependencies with it all done up in a nice tarball or something07:26
bigfoot1devhen: i don't want to unpack the tar, justn to find out the contens07:26
ndookiehmm , i have a fair idea , but wont i need internet access to get the file on apt-get07:27
emazsomebody can help me to install the drivers for the wireless card "Dell 1390" in Ubuntu???07:27
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oskudeskarface, im pretty sure there a command (or option) for just to download some packages (and their deps)07:27
ndookiendiswrapper -i driver.inf07:27
devhenbigfoot1, unstablesob may be right: tar tvf tarfile.tar07:27
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ndookieanyone here on their ubuntu system ?07:28
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adminstrator____ndookie its recomend the .sys file be in the same directory aswell...07:28
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oskudeemaz, have you search google for "ubuntu dell 1390" or "linux dell 1390" (there are many howtos for notebooks these days...)07:28
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ndookieadmin : oh , sorry , i forgot to say that07:28
ryanpgYay! Ok, I got really close! In /dev/mapper there is no Ubuntu-root but there IS /dev/mapper/Ubuntu-lvol0 so... editing grub to replace Ubuntu-root with Ubuntu-lvol0 allows me to boot!07:28
devhenbigfoot1, that should be right because it doesnt include the x argument which tell it to extract07:28
bigfoot1devhen: he's right! thanks devhen and unstablesob07:28
ndookieok devhen07:29
ryanpgwhat's weird is /etc/fstab has a line "Ubuntu-root / ext3 defaults 0 0" and once I boot mount tells me / is in fact /dev/mapper/Ubuntu-root07:29
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bigfoot1i like how MS Word allows you to do selective copying of text by holding the ALT key as you select text. It won't copy things line by line, but whatever is in the box-of-selection that your mouse has made. Can this be done in Ubuntu (in terminal, etc)?07:29
ndookieim going to switch to ubuntu now and see what i can do07:29
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dustinpnanyone here with dual display know how to constrain the game to 1 screen>?07:30
ryanpgwhy does Ubuntu-lvol0 show up in /dev/mapper but not Ubuntu-root?07:30
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debarshidoes anybody know of a nice ogg vorbis tag reader07:31
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oskudedebarshi, apt-cache search ogg vorbis tag, gave me "tagtool - tool to tag and rename MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files", among others...07:33
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doomi'm back.07:34
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doomplease, could someone tell me the command to search on the apt files ?07:34
airmikeywow this takeing like forever to load ubuntu desktop on server07:34
debarshioskude, ok I will do a google... apparently ogginfo is there too07:34
Hexidigital_when upgrading a breezy LAMP server to dapper, the sources.list file should be the only thing to be changed, correct?07:34
oskudedoom, apt-cache search blah blah ?07:34
zOapdoom, do you mean the cache?07:35
doomthanks :)07:35
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Engnomedoom how bout using synaptic07:35
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zOapdoom, read the apt manual07:35
oskudedebarshi, you can allso search with synaptic package manager07:35
debarshiok ok07:35
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narfmasterthere is also dpkg -S filename07:35
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oskudeand http://packages.ubuntu.com :)07:36
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andy-oskude: whats the link to use to add those to repository?07:37
nooby_godDoes anyone know how I can have the latest and greatest packages without compiling them my self?07:37
oskudeandy-, dont understand, could you rephrase07:37
narfmasternooby_god, select "Add/Remove..."07:38
skavengewhat would be the equivilent of a ncurses-dev or ncurses-devel package in ubuntu? I'm trying to compile something and it says it needs to be installed ...07:38
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nooby_godnarfmaster like packages not in the respitories07:38
LjLskavenge: libncurses5-dev07:38
nooby_godInkscape 0.4407:38
oskudeskavenge, try "apt-cache search ncurses dev"07:38
narfmasternooby_god, look for a Debian or Ubuntu deb file07:38
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skavengeLjL; hm yeah thats what i installed and its still not seeing it .. the ./configure is looking for a certain function and its not seeing it for some reason07:39
slowz3rCan anyone tell me what might be wrong or what im doing wrong...but no matter what i do I cant get Ubuntu to boot off the CD so i can install....07:39
skavengethe ./configure wants tgetent() , whatever that is07:39
doomplease what is the driver to load on xorg.conf with a trident card ?07:39
LjLskavenge: don't exclude the possibility that the configure is broken... anyway, you could try with auto-apt07:39
LjL!build-essential > skavenge07:39
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skavengeive got build essential installed already too07:40
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LjLskavenge: i know. but that talks about auto-apt too07:40
doomplease what is the driver to load on xorg.conf with a trident card ? !07:40
oskudeslowz3r, it doesnt the boot cd at all ?07:40
slowz3roskude: ya i cant get it to boot off the CD07:40
dpnHow crucial is having a swap file partition07:40
doomvery crucial07:41
doomplease what is the driver to load on xorg.conf with a trident card ? !07:41
narfmasterdoofm, xserver-xorg-driver-trident07:41
slowz3roskude: and yes my compuiter is set to boot from CD07:41
dpnis it the reason im grinding to a hault sometimes07:41
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oskudeslowz3r, did you set in the computer bios to boot from cd before the harddisk ?07:41
oskudeslowz3r, ok :)07:41
dpncan I add one from within lunix07:41
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slowz3roskude: :)07:41
LjLskavenge: does "man tgetent" work for you?07:41
doomuse gparted07:41
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doomor qpart07:42
oskudeslowz3r, how did you burn the cd ? have you burned iso images before ?07:42
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doomor whatever partitionning program u want07:42
EngnomeI need a pointer here, where should I begin to look for X server keyboard errors? (one of my keys stopped working)07:42
doomplease what is the driver to load on xorg.conf with a trident card ? !07:42
=== Marktzar [n=mark@cpc3-ersk1-0-0-cust146.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
jbxyoI want a conpatible version of mercury messenger ubuntu...07:42
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slowz3roskude: ya i have07:42
doommercury messenger is in java07:42
doomit should work everywhere07:42
jbxyobut it dont work07:42
cypher1can i upgrade to dapper from breezy if i have just the cdrom in sources.list ?07:42
doomyou just need java installed07:42
jbxyoit start and close07:43
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slowz3roskude: i burned an iso of mandriva and it worked fine but i just couldnt get it to install properly so thats why im doin ubuntu07:43
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doom(Sun's java works best)07:43
WooDHi ! I have a .sh file to run .. what is the command to start it plsease ?07:43
JGLCan someone help me set up lirc?07:43
=== ramblingturtle [n=ob@c-67-185-67-85.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
narfmasterWooD, sh file.sh07:43
cypher1WooD, sh filename.sh07:43
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david1901xsane doesn't work yet my scanner is plugged and recognised07:44
WooDthanks narfmaster, cypher1 doom07:44
oskudeslowz3r, ok, hmm... did you do a md5 check on the downloaded iso file ? or can you mount it on windose (if you are on windows that is)07:44
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jbxyojava linux rpm or linux normal07:44
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doomlinux normal07:44
doomor debina package if it is07:44
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ramblingturtlehello everyone, I was wondering is there a way to install the LAMP server packages with synaptic from the desktop install or do I have to install each package?07:45
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP07:45
slowz3roskude: never did an md5 check.07:45
ubotuI know nothing about trident07:45
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LjLeexpress: ?07:45
rpedrois aiglx any more stable than XGL ?07:45
[GuS] O.o07:45
dpnGuys, why is unreal2k4 playing centered between my two monitors?  my metamodes is set to:07:45
ramblingturtleubotu: thank you07:45
dpnOption "Metamodes"   "1680x1050,1280x1024;1680x1050"07:45
ubotuI know nothing about thank you07:46
dpnshouldnt that work07:46
jbxyowhit what i execute .bin :S07:46
doommust go07:46
oskudeslowz3r, with md5 check you could be sure that the downloaded file is _exactly_ the same as on the server you downloaded it...07:46
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk07:46
ubotuI know nothing about .bin07:46
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narfmasterbye doom07:46
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ubotudapper is the 4th and latest release of Ubuntu. Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake"07:46
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eexpressalso bot here.hh07:46
jbxyobye doom07:46
doom(please if you got any way to install the trident drivers,k doom.ooseventh@mail.com)07:46
cypher1ubotu, dapper07:46
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cypher1!dapper drake07:46
ubotuI know nothing about dapper drake07:46
slowz3roskude: ok ill try that not realy quick07:47
ubotubreezy was the third release of Ubuntu. Version 5.10, codename "Breezy Badger"07:47
=== doom [n=doom@AMontpellier-157-1-12-47.w86-200.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu []
eexpress:)  :(  ;)  :o  :D  8-)  :|  :'(  :p  '<07:47
cypher1what happened to ubotu07:47
LjLeexpress: may i know what you're trying to do?07:47
cypher1ubotu not recognizing dapper !!!07:47
ubotuI know nothing about not recognizing dapper !!!07:47
eexpressubotu: is a bot07:47
cypher1ubotu, dapper07:47
=== dra [n=dra@p57A5139B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
ubotubreezy was the third release of Ubuntu. Version 5.10, codename "Breezy Badger"07:47
oskudeslowz3r, if youre on win32, you could try this http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:47
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LjLeexpress: yes, ubotu's a bot07:48
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cypher1eexpress, yes i know.. but look it says it does not know dapper while it knows breezy07:48
lz1gjdis there any difference in installed system when using ubuntu livecd's install and the normal text-mode installation method ?07:48
slowz3roskude: ok ill try that07:48
cypher1some one has to update it lol07:48
jbxyoHow i can get my superuser password ?07:48
oskudeslowz3r, and the correct md5 sums for the images are on the download servers, like here: ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/linux/ubuntu/releases/6.06/MD5SUMS07:48
eexpressseems the bot know how to search some knowledge/07:48
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vcelsinhodo you speek inglesh?07:48
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ubotuI know nothing about picture07:49
ubotuI know nothing about life07:49
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ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome07:49
ubotuNo fonts in mplayer? Install mplayer fonts. Codecs: see !codecs07:49
sebastianI installed VMware player from the VMware site into Breezy which I later upgraded to Dapper.  However now I want to remove VMware player and insatll server instead.07:49
ubotuI know nothing about ass07:49
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php07:49
sebastianhow do I remove VMwarep layer?07:49
=== bina [n=bina@81-179-94-248.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
slowz3roskude: ill try and get back to u07:49
ubotuI know nothing about codec07:49
JGLCan someone help me set up lirc?07:49
oskudeslowz3r, and even if the file has just 1bit changed, the md5 checksum would be totally different, so you see it even with eyes if its not the same...07:49
ubotuI know nothing about music07:49
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:49
=== wildman_ is now known as wildman
oskudeslowz3r, roger07:49
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:50
sebastiansurely it's just some command for the shell to remove VMware player?  ,but what07:50
eexpressscreen rolls too fast07:50
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=== swerves [n=c44d2e2e@h46056942.area3.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuAn advanced and free (only as in price) Web browser. Howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser - Latest Ubuntu packages always at: http://opera.com/download07:50
gatekeeperlz1gjd: the end result is the same, one uses a text installer the other a gui, haven't tried the text installer may give you a little more control not sure07:50
swerveshello, does anyone know how to set up phpMyAdmin?07:50
jbxyoHow i can get my superuser password ????????607:50
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LjLeexpress: the bot merely gives canned replies to keywords starting with a !07:50
skavengejbxyo; its your regular account password07:50
eexpressLjL: if you can read Chinese?07:50
cypher1can i upgrade to dapper from breezy by just using the install/live cd ?07:50
oskudeswerves, sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin07:50
lz1gjdthe livecd has a working gnome desktop and 30mbs more for windows applications, and has similar size to the alternative install cd, so something should be missing, how do i find what ?07:50
jbxyoBut it say Authentication failure07:51
LjLeexpress: i can't read chinese, i just know that the bot has a "cn" factoid directing people to the chinese channels07:51
narfmasterPaulinha, hello07:51
=== darich [n=darich@host217-42-156-127.range217-42.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about bin07:51
LjLeexpress: to be honest i wasn't even sure if you were writing chinese or japanese07:51
gatekeepercypher1: have you got broadband connection?07:51
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swervesit says unknown package07:51
eexpressLjL: ooo.07:51
jbxyoSkavenge, But it say Authentication failure07:51
cypher1gatekeeper, yes i do have.. but i do not want to download now07:51
alexfittyfivesHi, I'm using w32codecs from repository deb http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/ dapper free non-free - is this alright or should I be using something else?07:52
oskudeswerves, then its propably not in the "main" reposity, sec07:52
cypher1gatekeeper, i have the install/live cd with me07:52
swervesi have it installed, but it gives me error #1045, access denied07:52
WooDcomment faire pour executer un .py ?07:52
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skavengejbxyo; something else is going on then unless you changed the root password, if your using sudo its your regular password07:52
jbxyoI do su on the terminal and when i enter my password, it's say Authentication failure07:52
LjLWooD: "phython filename.py", je crois... mais...07:52
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.07:52
WooDthanks ! ;)07:53
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=== _absolution_ [n=mpeters@53-202-165-66.rev.knet.ca] has joined #ubuntu
narfmasterjbxyo, type sudo -i, then enter your password07:53
WooDLjL: Thanks07:53
LjLWooD: sorry "python" not "phython"07:53
oskudeswerves, follow the instructions here to activate the "universe" reposity https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories (phpmyadmin is in universe reposity)07:53
=== roostishaw [n=roostish@c-24-126-92-199.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
slowz3roskude: for some reason when i tupe the command in it says the system can not find the specified path07:53
_absolution_in order for sound to work again (I just ran xmms) do I need to restart the computer?07:54
sebastian Hi I installed VMware player into Breezy from the VMware site.  and I have upgraded to Dapper and I want to remove VMware player now and have server instead.  ,but I do not know. how07:54
sebastiansurely it's just some basic command in the shell?  ,but I don't know what07:54
gatekeepercypher1: not sure how you would use the liveCD other than a fresh install, you could backup the bits you want, install then do a restore but the easiest way is to install the update-manager and use that07:54
sebastianand so I carn't remove it from the package manager07:54
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jbxyoType sudo -i and if I type my pass it's do can't find command07:54
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cypher1gatekeeper, thanks07:54
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oskudeslowz3r, well, you have to have it in the path variable (yes, windows has it too), or you have to have it in the same dir where you want to use it...07:55
WooDLjL: It works .. sa marche07:55
jbxyoi see07:55
dpnGod, I messed up my xorg file, so I used my backup07:55
dpnnow It won't let me goto my login screen07:55
eexpressi got those message when i plug my usb disk to machine: just uhci_hcd, not ehci_hcd.07:55
eexpress[4320912.174000]  usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 207:55
eexpress[4320912.325000]  usb 1-1: not running at top speed; connect to a high speed hub07:55
eexpressbut i truelly the usb port is usb2.0. how can i do. LjL if have some advice?07:55
oskudeslowz3r, or copy it to windoze/syste32 dir, or so...07:55
slowz3roskude: thats where i put it07:55
andy-oops, clicked "remove" in repository window, how can i check which one i deleted =\07:55
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LjLeexpress: i wouldn't know :(07:56
RezWarning: `Paulinha' seems to be spamming, please discontinue or kicks/kills/klines will be issued.07:56
dpnshut the fuck up07:56
eexpressso sad. LjL07:56
oskudeslowz3r, well, im no windows administrator, so cant really say whats wrong...07:56
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.07:56
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slowz3roskude: no problem07:56
gatekeepercypher1: *warning* update-manager will download what it needs :-)07:57
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oskudeslowz3r, btw, what was your command ?07:57
skavengeanyway to get the emulation in a terminal window in X the same as in console? in irc especially all characters show up fine in cli but in a window in X i get all these wierd ?s characters instead of what its supposed to be?07:57
slowz3roskude: "cd \path\to\cddir07:57
oskudeslowz3r, :/ thats er... wrong... totally :)07:57
cypher1gatekeeper, i want the update to use the cd i have and not to download anything from the internet07:57
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pepsmirhi there07:58
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slowz3roskue: thats what the thing said..im not familier with commands in windows07:58
pepsmirany ideas on how i can convert a divx .avi to a VCD?07:58
LjLpepsmir: perhaps ffmpeg or mencoder07:58
oskudeslowz3r, yeah, than ms for that :/ where is your iso file ?07:58
jbxyohow i do dash lol :P07:58
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slowz3roskude: my desktop07:59
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roostishawhow can i find out what processor im running?07:59
asdasldkfadgfQUESTION: When will ubuntu be issueing a new kernel in response to recent security flaws....and will it be a patch or a new kernel like.... 2.6.17 : )08:00
sztanpetroostishaw  cat /proc/cpuinfo08:00
oskudeslowz3r, well, i dont remember where desktop was in windose... maybe drag and drop the URL from IE to the command cd on the terminal...08:00
_absolution_I'm trying to burn some mp3's using K3B.....and it's not working08:00
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roostishawsztanpet, thank you08:00
asdasldkfadgfubotu tell _absolution_ about mp308:00
skavengek3b needs a plugin for mp308:00
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oskudeslowz3r, maybe you better search for a GUI md5 tool...08:00
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pepsmircook my frozen pizza fo rme08:01
=== T5 [n=jan@dslb-088-072-216-206.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
pepsmirit needs cooking08:01
gatekeepercypher1: like I said the only way I know (but others may know different) is to back what is important to you do a fresh install and then restore back the bits you have backed up, e.g. knode folder which holds all the config information08:01
LjLasdasldkfadgf: when it will be out, i don't know, but it will be a patch rather than a new kernel.08:01
=== xvlun [n=jan@dslb-088-072-216-206.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
_absolution_it's telling me that it doesn't support the file format08:02
=== graft [n=graft@c-65-96-165-205.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== oskude doesnt like when people dont even know "dos" commands :(
stefgasdasldkfadgf: Don't mention the kernel...08:02
graftplease, god, someone tell me how to keep flash from crashing firefox!08:02
skavenge_absolution_ k3b needs a plugin for mp3 .. read this to install -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto08:02
asdasldkfadgfQUESTION: When will ubuntu be issueing a new kernel in response to recent security flaws....and will it be a patch or a new kernel like.... 2.6.17 : )08:02
=== tore_ [n=tore@priv220-141.tnett.no] has joined #ubuntu
LjLasdasldkfadgf: uh, i just answered that.08:02
narfmaster_absolution_, you might need libk3b2-mp308:02
oskudegraft, by uninstalling it ;)08:02
gatekeeperoskude: you mean like format c: ?08:02
graftoskude: mutter mutter08:03
tore_Can someone help me to install Wine for ubuntu? PM08:03
_absolution_do I "apt-get" it?08:03
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oskudegatekeeper, like "cd"08:03
LjLtore_: "sudo aptitude install wine"08:03
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narfmaster_absolution_, yes08:03
sybecany problems to using ubuntu as a software development workstation?08:03
_absolution_ok thanks08:03
tore_LjL,  thx08:03
graftsybec: what sort of software?08:03
sybecC/C++, python, perl and x86 ASM08:03
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gatekeeperoskude: format c: is much more entertaining :-)08:04
sybecthe free, open source kind:-)08:04
eric256I have two computers with Ubuntu on them, the power settings are set to never sleep (and I've even tried killing the power manger process) but the machines both go to sleep after maybe 20 minutes.  any ideas?  is there anything I can remove/kill to make them stay awake?  i'l also disabled power management on both machines (they are identical HP d220's) but they still turn off the monitors08:04
graftdunno about assembly stuff, but the rest i've done... i mean, what more do you need than vi and a compiler/interpreter?08:04
=== KyleHunt [n=kyle@ip42.241.45.216.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLtore_: type "/msg ubotu wine" to get further information, including on how to get more recent versions of wine08:04
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shadowpandacan someone help me set up my "Belkin Wireless Pre-N Notebook Network Card"?08:04
=== viator [n=laptop2@pool-70-109-247-34.wma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
tore_How do i so install tk to get ams 0.9508:05
=== craigtmackenzie [n=ruby@host86-132-94-234.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
sybechm ... good manual pages08:05
viatorhmmm i have the w32codecs installed but cant play a .ram file08:05
viatorwhy is that?08:05
asdasldkfadgfviator install Real Player!08:05
skavengeram is realplayer08:05
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tore_I need help to install flashplayer! PM :)08:05
viatoryeah but id rather have one player08:05
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craigtmackenziei'm havin problems installing ubuntu 6.06 LTS via parallels08:05
viatorfor everything08:06
=== Lobster [n=Lobster@dslb-088-073-223-252.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
graftyou can get real codecs somewhere...08:06
LjLviator: VLC works with realplayer files. sometimes.08:06
graftactually i thought they were in w32codecs already08:06
eric256any ideas?  .... I've searched all over and I'm sure its got to be something that's easy to fix08:06
gatekeeperviator: use the deb method08:06
dpnHow do i specify a refresh rate in xorg08:06
eric256even a program to full them into thinking the mouse was moving would work ;)08:06
shadowpandai need help setting up my "Belkin Wireless Pre-N Notebook Network Card"08:06
shadowpandai need help setting up my "Belkin Wireless Pre-N Notebook Network Card"08:06
craigtmackenzieversion 5.10 worked fine, so i did an update from the update manager and it dies on restart08:06
shadowpandaooops sorry08:06
LjLdpn: try this http://www.dkfz.de/spec/linux/modeline/08:06
=== eric256 has considered buying hampsters and putting the mouse in a cage with them ;)
grafteric256: what sort of sleep is it?08:06
narfmastereric256, maybe it's a BIOS setting08:06
grafteric256: also are they laptops?08:07
viatori thought real codecs were handled via w32 but i guess not?08:07
sebastian5.10?   Ubuntu?08:07
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eric256moitor turns off, they are desktops, doesn't suspend just turns off the monitor08:07
craigtmackenziesebastian: me?08:07
ubotuI know nothing about real08:07
=== tehn [n=tehn@pool-68-238-224-91.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
eric256narfmaster I've been all over the bios and just disabled power management all together08:07
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:07
=== icaro [n=icaro@186-51-223-201.adsl.terra.cl] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"]
grafteric256: oh... you mean it just blanks the display...08:07
ketethatooblacki need help on music in linux08:07
craigtmackenziei'm pretty sure that was the version the previous version before 6.0608:07
eric256graft yes08:07
ketethatooblackwhat extension line like mp3 wwworks best with music08:07
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ketethatooblackcan anyone help me when it comes to music08:08
skavenge.ogg is the default in ubuntu08:08
shadowpandai need help setting up my "Belkin Wireless Pre-N Notebook Network Card" Please!08:08
ketethatooblackskavenge: thank you08:08
rexincan sombody help me with installing GRUB on an EFI system?08:08
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eric256dear god shadwopanda do you think that's giong to help?08:08
ketethatooblackskavenge: how do i find music with .ogg extensions08:08
LjLshadowpanda: stop spamming and have patience. if someone knows, they'll tell you08:08
oskudedpn, the monitor HorizSync and VertRefresh are set in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file (your monitors manual should know those or try http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:08
grafteric256: and it's not a screensaver08:08
dpnljl, can I just put that in the device section08:08
shadowpandahaha no i guess not08:08
dpnoskude, mine are blank, it just chose by default08:09
eric256graft nope, set the screen saver to something crazy and turned if off just to be sure08:09
Sir_FawnpugI recently upgraded from breezy to dapper, and for some reason, every time I use fluxbox as my session, gdm starts gkrellm instead; I don't have an .xsession or .xinitrc, any ideas?08:09
dpnim having a problem getting a game to display in 1 monitor, so i added 1680x1050,NULL into metamodes08:09
craigtmackenziei downloaded the installation image for the previous 5.x version of ubuntu and it installed fine on my macbook pro via parrallels but as soon asi updated to 6.06 via update manager it has died08:09
dpnbut the refresh rate is wrong on it08:09
LjLdpn: err, you know what, i don't remember. i think it's in section "Screen"08:09
eric256hmmm just found a forum thread saying to try changing the DPMS settings.08:09
ketethatooblackdoes anyone know how to get music with .ogg extenstions because i dont know hot o play my favorite song in this music player and even the totem player08:09
craigtmackenzieit loads most of the drivers gets to hardwarae drivers and says [fail]  (fail in red)08:10
craigtmackenziethen hangs08:10
oskudedpn, dualscreen ? sorry, never used...08:10
=== Lobster [n=Lobster@dslb-088-073-223-252.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
samuli!tell ketethatooblack about restricted formats08:10
narfmasterketethatooblack, i ripped my CDs to ogg08:10
samulioh.. umm.08:10
=== eric256 runs to check the xorg.conf file apparently (was seaching for sleep instead of "blank" so maybe now I'll get somewhere)
craigtmackenziei keep hearing people rave about ubuntu and want to see it for myself (am thinking of installing it on my folks pc's, they hate windows)08:10
rexinlil help with grub and efi... not so much?08:10
samuliogg isn't restricted right? :)08:10
LjLsamuli: right08:11
ketethatooblacknarfmaster : i don thave the jason mraz cd yet. restricted formats?08:11
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LjLsamuli: actually the ogg developers go to great lengths to try and avoid stumbping into patents08:11
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grafteric256: what are you running, Gnome?08:11
graftsamuli: yeah, ogg is as free as you can get, pretty much08:11
Marktzarwhat is lex?08:12
MarktzarI need it to install PHP08:12
ketethatooblackgraft: how do i get ogg08:12
LjL!info lex08:12
ubotuPackage lex does not exist in dapper08:12
ketethatooblackgraft: what is ogg anyway08:12
LjLMarktzar: a lexical analyzer generator08:12
graftketethatooblack: it's an audio/video format, like mp308:12
eric256graft yes08:12
rexinbuler... buler.... anyone?.... buler?08:12
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sopidohi.. whats the "official ubuntu way" to start a second Xorg server? Users are not authorized to start X and starting it as root one has to hassle with xhost access...?!08:13
ketethatooblacki'll come back later08:13
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eric256any ideas how to disable DPMS in xorg.conf?08:13
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IcemanV9shadowpanda: from google ... http://notebook-wireless-pci-card.philaunba.be/ and good luck08:13
shadowpandaoh thanks08:13
lufisDoes Ubuntu use ESD?08:13
sebastianwhat's ESD?08:14
jbxyoHow I can got the acces to whrite on my fs (i cant log on my su)08:14
grafteric256: um do xset -display :0 q and see what it says about DPMS08:14
stefg!info esound08:14
lufissebastian: Enligtened sound daemon08:14
ubotuesound: Enlightened Sound Daemon - Support binaries. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.2.36-3ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 26 kB, installed size 100 kB08:14
firebird619I get Starting MythTV server: mythbackendSession management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed when trying to run MythTV. What can I do to resolve this problem?08:14
lufisstefg: I read Jack is superior to ESD?08:14
craigtmackenzieanyone on here helping the noobs? the switchers and the testers? the toe in the watter type people? i need assictance from the community :)08:14
stefgit is08:14
grafteric256: or screen savers, i guess08:15
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Marktzaranyone have any idea where I can download lex08:15
narfmastercraigtmackenzie, only about 800 of them here08:15
Marktzargoogle isn't proving too helpful08:15
lufisstefg: Hmm... so why is Ubuntu using it?08:15
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graftMarktzar: 'flex' is a standard GNU tool that does what lex does08:15
shadowpandaIcemanV9: i dont see how this is supposed to help me. All i see are ads.08:15
craigtmackenzienarfmaster: :)08:15
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graftMarktzar: you probably have it already, otherwise just install flex08:15
MarktzarPHP says it wants "lex"08:15
eric256it says its enabled and has times set for the different modes.  arg. why why why lol08:15
graftMarktzar: it'll be happy with flex, trust me08:15
rexinhow much faster is Xen than VMWare?08:16
kitsuneofdoomhey, I'm using a NVIDIA RIVA TNT2, and I can't get accelerated to work. I have the legacy drivers installed, but XORG seems to have a config proble08:16
Marktzarthanks graft08:16
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craigtmackenzieis anyone here using parrallels ? or has used it?08:16
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rexini have08:16
gatekeeperMarktzar: are you trying to install php from source?08:16
sebastianVMware :)08:16
eric256noe I just have to figture out how to disable it! ;)08:16
IcemanV9shadowpanda: sorry. it's what i've found from google. there is no thread on it in ubuntuforums, either. so you're the first. :)08:16
craigtmackenzierexin: have you managed to install 6.06?08:16
shadowpandadammn it08:16
WooDany of you know a good tool to a eBay auction reminder08:16
grafteric256: oh ah... you can just xset it, xset -dpms08:16
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gatekeeperMarktzar: you know it's in the repos?08:16
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kitsuneofdoomhey, I'm using a NVIDIA RIVA TNT2, and I can't get accelerated to work. I have the legacy drivers installed, but xorg seems to have a config problem. Ubuntu 6.0608:17
eric256that will change it forever?08:17
Marktzarhah, I had no idea lol08:17
shadowpandai guess there is not alot of support for laptop wireless cards08:17
grafteric256: no, just this session08:17
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Marktzarin saying that, I did do an apt-cache search for PHP08:17
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rexinyup... its in but my machine uses EFI instead of bios so grup wont install08:17
jbxyoI got problem to install java08:17
stefg!fixres > kitsuneofdoom08:17
Marktzarbut it returned too many results08:17
eric256well I'll give it a shot and if it works then I can figure out how to do it long term. thanks a bunch08:17
Marktzarfor me to find the individual PHP package08:17
rexinchrooted in and installed lilo instead08:17
gatekeeperMarktzar: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper08:17
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grafteric256: you can put Option "DPMS" "false" in your "Monitor" section i think08:18
craigtmackenzierexin: wow i have no idead what you said!!! lol ok i thought parallels emularted bios08:18
gatekeeperMarktzar: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_PHP_for_Apache_HTTP_Server08:18
IcemanV9shadowpanda: depends on which chipset. looks like you have to research bit more. :/08:18
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kindoranyone know how i can set a certain pci card as default for sound?08:18
=== stevekl [n=stevekl@c-24-125-175-167.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
craigtmackenziei managed to get 5.x installed but the upgrade to 6.06 fails08:18
ubotuI know nothing about rootkit08:18
graftkindor: yeah mess around with your .asoundrc08:18
ubotuI know nothing about rootkits08:18
ubotuI know nothing about virus08:19
ubotuI know nothing about viruses08:19
graftkindor: or your /etc/asound.conf or whatever08:19
ubotuI know nothing about spyware08:19
ubotuI know nothing about adaware08:19
kitsuneofdoomstefg: I restarted the whole system. Restarting is not the problem08:19
ubotuI know nothing about malware08:19
graftsebastian: do you mind not doign that?08:19
ubotuI know nothing about porn08:19
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rexinoh, right... different issue :P   yeah i've used it and i think its a bit faster than vmware.... i hear the Xen is fastest though08:19
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository08:19
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kazukisanWhat package includes LIBNAUTILUS_BURN08:19
rexinanybody know how much faster?08:19
IcemanV9shadowpanda: do you know what chipset your card is using?08:19
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jbxyoim so stupid XD08:19
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ubotuI know nothing about graft08:20
craigtmackenzierexin: what machine are you on?08:20
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Hexidigital_sebastian:: stop it08:20
rexinmacbook pro08:20
bowlingkingi need some help08:20
IcemanV9sebastian: knock it off please08:20
craigtmackenzieme too08:20
ubotuI know nothing about baobab08:20
bsmhi, I've got two sound devices and every boot they change positions and, I guess because they change, they are muted... ideas anyone?08:20
KyleHuntWhat email clients do you guys use for mailing lists?08:20
craigtmackenziehow have you installed ubuntu08:20
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eric256wow search on ubuntu.com is broke big time ;)08:20
craigtmackenzie15 :(08:20
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KyleHuntIm tired of Gmail being flooded :D08:20
craigtmackenziebut i love it08:20
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kitsuneofdoomhey, I'm using a NVIDIA RIVA TNT2, and I can't get accelerated to work. I have the legacy drivers installed, but xorg seems to have a config problem. Ubuntu 6.06. I restarted the system, and the listed resolutions are not too high08:20
=== Redman276 [n=russ@static-66-133-187-98.br1.ctn.pa.frontiernet.net] has joined #Ubuntu
rexinstill a sweet machine!08:20
sebastianrexin:  Macbook Pro are they better than PC lap tops?08:20
Peciskcrowd, any hints to xen source deb package for ubuntu kernel?08:21
rexini would say yes and then get my head bitten off for it. lol08:21
sebastianI was thinking about maybe buying one08:21
stephan__how do i get to the thing to where u can configure the perfermance and handling of kde08:21
sebastianrexin:  why use Linux instead of Mac OS X?08:21
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stephan__i can get my kde to stop actling like unix08:21
craigtmackenzieso rexin how are you running ubuntu?08:21
eric256if anyone here is in charge of ubuntu.org I would recommend you turn off the debu output for the search script. its giving out the code that is borked ;)08:22
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage08:22
=== __doc__ [n=doc@84-73-208-14.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
viatorhmmm i installed realplayer deb file08:22
narfmasterhi, __doc__08:22
viatorit works08:22
__doc__I got a problem with the usrobotics 541708:22
viatorbut i get no sound08:22
sebastianrealplayer lokl08:23
sebastianjust use mplayer :)08:23
__doc__the vendor website forwards me to the ndiswrapper08:23
kitsuneofdoomhey, I'm using a NVIDIA RIVA TNT2, and I can't get accelerated to work. I have the legacy drivers installed, but xorg seems to have a config problem. Ubuntu 6.06. I restarted the system, and the listed resolutions are not too high. As well, I read the generated xorg.conf, and it seems to think I have a Radeon08:23
rexinlike i said before... they dont have a bios per se. they use a newer and less common system called EFI. But then apple released "BootCamp". it basically emulates a BIOS so ppl can install Windows.. or Ubuntu :)08:23
dhendrix__doc__:  Is the 5417 a winmodem or hardware modem? I seem to remember owning one of those, but it's been a while...08:23
Hexidigital_sebastian:: you are bordering on trolling... i suggest you stop08:23
viator i download the .ram file i tell it to use usr/bin/realplayer08:23
viatorfrom the application dialog08:23
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__doc__the usrobotics wlan 5474, wireless lan pci card08:23
viatori know08:23
rexingrub crashes the install right at the VERY end, so you need to install LILO from the live CD instead of grub... does the exact same thing though08:24
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__doc__when I tail -f daemon.log while going to the graphical windows configuration utility for eth3 it prints: Jul 10 20:21:48 localhost firmware_helper[8125] : main: error loading '/lib/firmware/bcm43xx_microcode5.fw' for device '/class/firmware/0000:01:07.0' with driver 'bcm43xx08:24
sebastian_doc_  Wireless and Linux yuck  nasty combination usually08:24
Hexidigital_kitsuneofdoom:: did you view the nvidia wiki page?08:24
viatormplayers not in the repos08:24
__doc__sebastian: hm, so I guess I have ndiswrapper, but something's goofy with the driver right?08:25
Wipstergood evning all, in the install cd there is an option to change the res of the boot when its installed it resets the res, whats the parameter needed to specify the boot res?08:25
kitsuneofdoomHexidigital_: what's the URL again?08:25
IcemanV9shadowpanda: you can post the question in ubuntuforums OR one of mailing lists .. hopefully, someone can help ya with your wlan card.08:25
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto08:25
sebastian_doc_ also hardwired is better than wireless.  uhmmmmm I used to have a wireless and I tryed to get it working Fedora Core,  but well didn't get anywhere08:25
craigtmackenzierexin: how would i do that via parrallels, i think my issue may be unrelated to that though as i got 5.x installed just fine under parralles08:25
viatorget it from  marillat?08:25
viatoror the plf?08:25
kitsuneofdoomHexidigital_: I said I can'08:25
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ubotuxen is a a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. It can be found at http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/xen/08:25
Hexidigital_kitsuneofdoom:: make sure you do the "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" at the end08:25
sebastian_doc_  do you really have to use wireless?  carn't you get it hardwired?08:25
gatekeeperviator: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories08:26
kitsuneofdoomHexidigital_: I did that already08:26
viatori know how to add repos08:26
binaviator: mplayer is in one of the 'usual' repos I think.  Possibly universe or multiverse08:26
Hexidigital_kitsuneofdoom:: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-legacy08:26
viatori was wondering if it was at marilat or plf08:26
luseruse1is it possible to have XGL with ubuntu? I just tried kororaa is quite AWSOME08:26
viatori have all repos enabled08:26
kitsuneofdoomHexidigital_: I did that too08:26
narfmasterviator, it's in multiverse08:26
Hexidigital_kitsuneofdoom:: hmm08:26
rexincraigtmackenzie... if you're using parallels it should "Just Work".... did dapper hang up on you?08:26
rskluseruse1, yes. #gentoo xgl08:26
__doc__so any idea what I can do now?08:26
rskops #ubuntu-xgl08:26
craigtmackenzierexin: yeah08:27
binaviator: do you know of a command that tells you what repo a certain package is in.  I can see what repo I have it in on here if u want08:27
sebastianluseruse1  I tryed to install XGL yesterday.  on a new Intel hadware lap top.  ,but it didn't work :(08:27
=== blind [n=blind@c-71-234-180-125.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
craigtmackenzieat loading hardware drivers08:27
kitsuneofdoomHexidigital_: before the config, obviously08:27
rexinif you want to install natively this is a decent starting point.  http://bin-false.org/?p=17   the forums are loaded with great stuff too08:27
HorzAhowto install rar?08:27
Hexidigital_kitsuneofdoom:: obviously :)08:27
rexinwhat happened?08:27
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sebastian_doc_  can you get it hardwired?08:27
Hexidigital_HorzA:: sudo apt-get install rar08:27
viatorapt-cache show packagename08:27
sebastian_doc_  also yo usaid it was a winmodem didn't you?08:28
craigtmackenzierexin: i'd rather have it load under parrallels, as i said ii'm just testing the waters at the moment08:28
HorzAHexidigital_, E: Package rar has no installation candidate08:28
Hexidigital_kitsuneofdoom:: not sure... perhaps someone else here is better w/ nvidia than i am08:28
binaviator: thanks. according to this its in Section: multiverse/graphics08:28
Hexidigital_HorzA:: one sec08:28
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__doc__sebastian: no, it's a wireless lan pci card08:28
HorzAHexidigital_, got main restricted universe multiverse unlocked08:28
binaviator: thats for dapper though08:28
__doc__sebastian: hardwired?08:28
binaviator: may be different if youre using breezy08:28
Hexidigital_HorzA:: sudo apt-get install unrar-free08:29
sebastian_doc_  yes so a cable goes from your computer into your Internet connection08:29
Hexidigital_HorzA:: sorry about that08:29
viatori have dapper08:29
__doc__sebastian: It'd be nice if you'd use my full nickname, or I'll miss easely what you type08:29
sebastianful nickname __doc__08:29
viatori see kmplayer08:29
existancewhat command cna I use to find the size of a file?08:29
__doc__sebastian: there is no cable about a wireless lan adapter...08:29
viatorbut not m[player-386 586 etc08:29
viatorlike i used to08:29
narfmasterexistance, ls -l filename08:29
=== kaw69 [n=kevin@212-1-157-169.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Hexidigital_sebastian:: __doc__ obviously does not want a hardwired connection... if you are not going to help, then leave08:29
sebastianHexidigital I am helping and about to suggest something he can do08:30
sebastianto get around his problem,  but won't solve it08:30
Hexidigital_sebastian:: no, you are suggesting he ignore the problem, and hardwire to his LAN08:30
=== MalMen [i=Elite@bl8-127-65.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
MalMenwhere can i put the init commands ?08:30
__doc__sebastian: I am connected via eth0 to the internet and cable right now, what do you think I use for connecting here huh?08:30
sebastianright,  but now I am going to suggest something else08:30
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binaviator: hmm, strange, maybe if you try apt-get update again it'll find it08:30
kitsuneofdoomAnyone know how to do a ncurses-based Xorg reconfigure?08:30
kaw69Hi  Is warbo online?08:31
sebastian__doc__ where are you using the wireless?  on a lap top?08:31
existancenarfmaster, alright, I assume 662400621 is the size.  Is that in bytes?08:31
__doc__sebastian: I can't get my pci wireless lan network card driver to work or something, and I've no clue what to do.08:31
=== eric256 thinks sebastian would have been better off just giving the advice rather than saying he was going to ;)
narfmasterexistance, yes bytes08:31
__doc__sebastian: it's a PCI card...08:31
=== __doc__ *sighs*
sebastianand it won't work with Linux?  ,but with Windows it does?08:31
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__doc__sebastian: I don't care about windows, supposedly when it's new hardware I heard it works sometimes...08:31
__doc__sebastian: that's completely besides the point08:32
HorzAHexidigital_, only getting error on extracting with that one08:32
=== Foobal [n=fooball@b30.tuomio.jyu.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Hexidigital_HorzA:: what's the error?08:32
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression08:32
__doc__my usrobotics wireless lan PCI adapter won't work, what do I have to do now?08:32
=== craigtmackenzie [n=craig@host86-132-94-234.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Hexidigital_HorzA:: there's a link for you08:32
ubotuNo fonts in mplayer? Install mplayer fonts. Codecs: see !codecs08:32
sebastian__doc__  well Linux can use Windows's Internet connection :D08:32
Hexidigital_will someone please get rid of sebastian ??!08:32
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HorzAHexidigital_: Extracting  entrap-iffm.avi                                           Failed08:32
=== __doc__ hits sebastian over the head with a cluetrunk
viator!show mplayer08:33
ubotuI know nothing about show mplayer08:33
Hexidigital_viator:: info mplayer?08:33
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Hexidigital_HorzA:: is the .avi in a .rar archive?08:33
sebastian__doc__  suggestion in future by hardware that actasully works with Linux and is suppourted by those companies.  or if not works,  but at least has open source drivers for it08:34
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binaviator: maybe theres something wrong with the mirrors you're using in your sources.list.  Theres a page on the ubuntu site that generates them based on what you want to use08:35
sebastian__doc__  by the way suggestion http://www.jfgi.us08:35
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic08:35
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__mikemWhose this sebastian character08:35
HorzAHexidigital_, yes08:35
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__doc__sebastian: the manufracturer of the card (USROBOTICS YOU FUCKING WITLESS TWITT) points to ndiswrapper already...!!!!!!08:35
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sebastianah yes USROBOTICS08:35
Hexidigital_HorzA:: did you check out that link?08:35
HorzAunrar-free -x blabla.rar08:35
viatorill figure it out latr08:36
HorzAdoing now08:36
viatorback to work for now08:36
kitsuneofdoomAnyone know how easily reconfigure xorg without having x open?08:36
sebastianyeah my wireless that I used to have was US Robotics08:36
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@ppp-69-230-19-94.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
sebastiannightmare trying to get that working with Linux08:36
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Wipsterthats the parameter to increase the boot resolution to 1280x960?08:36
ubotuI know nothing about drxx08:36
bbrazilkitsuneofdoom: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:36
__doc__sebastian: that only lists ndiswrapper...08:36
sebastian__doc__  which US Robotics is it?  US.Robotics 8.0.2 11g?08:36
__doc__sebastian: ndiswrapper seemingly is what does not work08:36
__doc__sebastian: yes it is a 802.11g adapter08:37
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sebastiansame as mine then __doc__08:37
sebastianit seems08:37
sebastianwell I did loads of research regarding that in the past08:37
sebastiantrying to get mine to work08:37
=== Eleaf [n=ethan@geek-201.209-193-98.qwest.dsl.vcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
__doc__sebastian: 541708:37
__doc__sebastian: well, what did you do then?08:38
__mikemHey Eleaf, so far, I am yet to see anything to extraordenary08:38
sebastian__doc__ sadly you are probably scrwed and won't be able to get it working.  hence why I suggest you hardwire it if you can08:38
Eleafwhat is extraordanary __max_ ?08:38
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Eleaf__doc__, what's wrong?08:38
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Eleaf__mikem, lol08:38
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sebastian__doc__ you can get Linux to use Windows's Intenret connection.  as I said before.  well I think you can anyway08:39
bbrazilyes, you can use an XP shared internet connection from linux08:39
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__doc__sebastian: what's your problem?08:39
sebastianor have Linux inside a virtual machine in Windows :)08:39
=== Erichapkido [n=Erichapk@69-168-13-24.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
bbrazilif you set ubuntu to do dhcp, it should just work (tm)08:39
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__doc__sebastian: that's a totally retarded idea08:39
__doc__sebastian: If I just wanted to use a cable I do so already08:40
__mikemI can't even figure out what he means by hardwire08:40
__doc__sebastian: if I wanted to run windows I'd do so and not run ubuntu08:40
sebastianwell then why don't you just do that :)  you won't have much luck trying to get tha wireless to work trust me08:40
=== __doc__ ignores sebastian now
Jack_SparrowSO buy linux compatible equipment..  ONe device isnt a big deal08:40
__doc__good day on my ignore list08:40
__mikem__doc__ when did he get in here and what was he doing08:41
=== __doc__ *sighs*
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__doc____mikem: he's suggesting useless crap08:41
sebastian__doc__ what a nob putting someone on ignore list that was trying to help them08:41
tore_how do i install opera-9.0-20060616.5-shared-qt.i386-en.tar.gz ?08:41
raptros-v76__doc__: join #ubuntu-forums08:41
Hexidigital_sebastian:: how were you trying to help?08:41
Hexidigital_sebastian:: suggesting useless crap!08:41
raptros-v76__doc__: join #ubuntu-offtopic i mean08:41
sebastiansuggesting two ways he could use his connection08:41
HorzAis there a synaptic to console?08:41
tore_can someone help me to install opera 9?08:41
narfmasterHorzA, yes aptitude08:42
ubotuAn advanced and free (only as in price) Web browser. Howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser - Latest Ubuntu packages always at: http://opera.com/download08:42
FlannelHorzA: apt-get, or if you want a nice GUI frontend, aptitute08:42
Hexidigital_HorzA:: you mean package manager?08:42
=== dabbler [n=chris@myw-stp-66-18-80-13.sentechsa.net] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelHorzA: er, aptitude08:42
Jack_SparrowThree, he could use it as a doorstop.. equally useless08:42
HorzAHexidigital_, didnt find rar even removing all the ## in source list and update :/08:42
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Hexidigital___mikem:: doc is in -offtopic08:42
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ErichapkidoIs anyone else having a problem where apt says that a file is missing a newline and won't install anything because of it08:43
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Hexidigital_HorzA:: try this... sudo apt-get install unrar  (there may have been dependencies that were ignored w/ -free)08:43
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dabbleredit sources.list and enter the nwline :)08:43
narfmasterfree unrar is only rar 2.0 compatible08:44
=== __mikem [n=michael@201-106.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about epiphany08:44
ubotuI know nothing about galeon08:44
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:44
__mikem!bot abuse08:44
ubotuPlease don't play with the bots, or else... Also see !behaviour08:44
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ubotuFor help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm08:44
raptros-v76sebastian: never suggest windows as a router. the windows firewall cant handle things like that08:44
Hexidigital_abuse should be changed....08:44
spades__mikem please dont abuse in the bot in an attempt to prevent bot abuse08:44
=== Linuturk [n=linuturk@] has joined #ubuntu
__mikemthat mde no sence08:45
Seveasspades, don't be a smartass either - that's just as annoying08:45
kaot"It was necessary to destroy the village in order to save it."08:45
raptros-v76sebastian: also, what if the guy doesnt HAVE A COPY OF WINDOWS.08:45
__mikemThanks Seveas08:45
Erichapkidodabbler: that isn't it its saying this to a file im installing "files list file for package `libgnome2-common' is missing final newline"08:45
sebastianLinux can use Windows to connect to the net  and that's that.  yes Windows is shit,  but if that's the only way to get a wireless working,  because they are shit.  well then so be it08:45
__mikemlmao @raptros-v6508:45
VolVEhey all, so, when I install a package via apt and it gives me the "recommended" and "suggested" packages to use, can I view that list again even after I've installed a certain package?08:45
naliothsebastian: let us watch our language pleaser08:45
HorzAHexidigital_, il look on it later, gotta sleep now08:45
KarhutonHow does update-manager check for new updates? Could it be done with a perl script?08:45
SeveasErichapkido, reinstalling that pacakge should help08:45
=== b08y [n=808y@pc24.riednet.wh.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #ubuntu
Hexidigital_HorzA:: sorry :(  take care08:46
ErichapkidoSeveas: thats what you'd think, but I cant even do that08:46
SeveasKarhuton, update-manager doesn't check08:46
Seveasthe apt cronjob does08:46
sebastianraptros_v76 he can pirate one for all I caer if he dosan't have a copy08:46
SeveasErichapkido, what happens if you try? Full logs on the pastebin please08:46
eric256I missed something, how does windows help him get his network card working?08:46
raptros-v76sebastian: thats jsut more work than getting ndiswrapper to work08:46
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sebastianeric256:  if his network card works with Windows.  he can make Linux use the Windows set up08:47
naliothsebastian: foul language and talk of 'software piracy' does not belong here08:47
raptros-v76sebastian: and hardwiring it defeats THE ENTIRE PURPOSE of having wireless in the FIRST PLACE08:47
sebastian,but wireless's suck08:47
sebastianand hardwireing is better :)08:47
__mikemSeveas, join in, theres plenty of moron to go around08:47
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=== Hexidigital_ holds head in disgust
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__mikemyou try to be nice08:48
kaotBug 74072 depends on: Show dependency tree08:48
kaotShow dependency graph08:48
__mikemANd what thanks do you get08:48
kaotaccidental paste08:48
sebastianI got kicked hummmmm08:48
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eric256sebastian so your suggestion is that he run windows on the same machine WHILE he is running linux?  "your network card won't work?  well just change operating systems"08:48
Seveassebastian, next time will be a ban08:48
=== lix_ [n=lix@217-162-181-88.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
sebastiannot the first time I been banend in this channel Sevas for stupid reasons08:49
ErichapkidoSeveas: ok its on the pastebin08:49
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Redman276is there  hard drive diagnostic  utilities in ubuntu ?08:49
SeveasErichapkido, url?08:49
=== topyli [n=juha@unaffiliated/topyli] has joined #ubuntu
ubotusmart is another meta-package manager available for Ubuntu. It's quite stable, uses APT's repositories, can handle mirrors/multiple-connections, and is supposed to make Ubuntu BiArch-compatible for Edgy. See http://labix.org/smart and https://wiki.kubuntu.org/SmartPackageManager08:49
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keithgCan't we solve things without getting so angry?08:49
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SeveasRedman276, apt-cache search smart08:49
raptros-v76keithg: maybe08:49
__mikemSebastian, you really don't want to mess with seveas08:49
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FoobalRedman276: "sudo apt-get install smartmontools" and then "man smartctl"08:50
Seveashe won't.08:50
keithgIt's like a coalition!  D:08:50
raptros-v76Seveas: :)08:50
kaotwhoa.  Seveas just like, turned green and SMASH.  hehe08:50
tore_How do i imitate internet explorer in opera running on ubuntu? PM ;)08:50
raptros-v76kaot: yep. hes like that08:50
__mikemWe are going to start caling you the terminator08:50
__mikemwait no, the BANinator08:50
=== pepsmir irritates Seveas
=== raxip [n=null@dsl-165-247-133.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
raptros-v76and we're going to write a theme song08:51
goki-tore_, there is a setting for the browser identification, not sure where it is in opera, but I'm pretty sure it exists08:51
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lix_Hi. Maybe somebody can help me with the following problem: I bought a IBM/Lenovo thinkpad x60. Most of the things work out of the box with Ubuntu Dapper Drake 6.06. But the Wifi Card doesnt: Atheros. I get an error when doing modprobe ath_pci. Any suggestions?08:51
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goki-tore_, try looking in the help, for "identification" or similar08:51
kaothey wasn't the Hulk's real name "Steven Banner" or something?08:51
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kaotI sense a connection.08:51
goki-Eric Bana08:51
nuxilhow would i do it to copy all html files on a web site? wget -? http://www.site.com ??08:51
goki-or... Something Bana08:51
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eric256its normaly called User-Agent  I think08:51
goki-Eric might be the son08:51
goki-eric256, ah yeah08:52
SeveasErichapkido, echo '' >> /var/lib/dpkg/info/libgnome2-common.list08:52
SeveasErichapkido, that should work around the problem08:52
raptros-v76kaot, goki- join #ubuntu-offtopic08:52
Seveasyou still should reinstall the package08:52
paul__hello chaps, can someone recommend a quick and easy way of creating a dvd playable on a a dvd player (as opposed to a data disc) thanks08:52
Erichapkidoit keeps saying permission denied, even with sudo08:52
SeveasErichapkido, echo '' | sudo tee -a /var/lib/dpkg/info/libgnome2-common.list08:53
emlprimeI'm trying to connect to my work machine through a VPN.  I've got the VPN working and DNS will resolve my machine's ip properly, but when I try to connect using RDP through the Terminal Server Client, it waits for a couple minutes and then times out with "Connection Timed Out" error.  I've gotten it to work before, with my Dapper Flight 7, but when I did a clean re-install, and now this problem is back.  I've Googled for everything I can think of and 08:53
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Redman276ok let me  rephrase that , and   hard drive  dianostic utility similar  to M$ scandisk from like windows 9808:53
=== caplink811_log [n=caplink8@dslb-088-073-064-003.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
SonicChaoHow do I download and install a .tar.gz file?08:53
FoobalRedman276: man fsck08:54
kaotRedman276: fsck08:54
polpakSonicChao, what .tar.gz file?08:54
Eleafa .tar.gz file is just an archive, it can contain anything.08:54
SonicChaopolpak: A Program...08:54
kaotpolpak: similar to a windows .zip file08:54
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grafterr... Eric Bana is the actor who -played- the hulk. Bruce Banner is the Hulk08:54
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (gnome) or ark (kde)08:54
wootSonicChao, it should contain a Readme i think08:54
raptros-v76SonicChao: extract it,08:54
raptros-v76cd into the folder08:54
SonicChaoraptros-v76: to where?08:54
EleafSolarion, .tar.gz archives usually contain the source of something.  you have to compile it08:54
raptros-v76./configure, make. sudo make install08:55
SonicChaoraptros-v76: Ok...08:55
Eleafraptros-v76, that probably won't work..08:55
=== Dr_Sato [n=nova@formule1.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
raptros-v76extract it whereever08:55
polpakSonicChao, I figured that.. The reason I was asking is that many times such "programs" are already in the repos and you can just apt-get them08:55
raptros-v76Eleaf: ?>08:55
TraeOk, I can reproduce this bug... anyone here want to help me try it out?  Go view some flash video on youtube that's about 20mins+ or longer...  and watch it, and tell me if your whole system doesn't just lock up and shut down.08:55
Eleafraptros-v76, the program depends on many things probably.08:55
wootSonicChao, you can extract it to some temp place, like your desktop orso08:55
EleafSonicChao, what are you trying to install? why don't you check if you can install it using apt?08:55
Traecentrino M 1.6Ghz chip with 2G of ram08:55
raptros-v76Eleaf: well, you need to knwo all the deps, you use the make errors to figure them out08:55
=== airjump [n=MZ@p508AD5D2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Traeanyone else having the same problems?08:55
topyliSonicChao: why do you have this file in the first place? can't find an ubuntu package?08:56
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SonicChaotopyli: No ubuntu package08:56
=== dabbler [n=chris@myw-stp-66-18-80-13.sentechsa.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
SonicChaoIt just told me to click here to download for Linux08:56
raptros-v76SonicChao: whats it for08:56
=== Rief [n=openseal@adsl-131-87.38-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
SonicChaoraptros-v76: Flock web browser08:56
polpakSonicChao, are you being evasive intentionally?08:56
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raptros-v76SonicChao: what libs does it need?08:56
SonicChaoraptros-v76: Not sure...08:57
topyliSonicChao: flock is most likely distributed as a binary. extract it to your home directory and run08:57
Dr_SatoNewbee question: I'm migrating van redhat 2 Ubuntu... used to have a services thing to tell redhat services needed 2be started at boot time. Where can I find something like that in Ubuntu?08:57
mateXi get error when i try to compile bot on ubuntu machine08:57
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SonicChaotopyli: Ok...Um...I am a linux noob, how do I run it?08:57
wootSonicChao, just extract it, cd into it, and read README, it should contain it08:57
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narfmasterDr_Sato, there is BUM (boot up manager)08:58
Dr_Satonarfmaster: Check... I'll go look for it no08:58
topyliSonicChao: you should be able to just click on the "flock" executable in the flock directory08:58
wootmost readmes arent that long to read :) just skip to the install or launch part08:58
narfmasterDr_Sato, should be in the repo08:58
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SonicChaotopyli: Ok08:58
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=== topyli wants to check out the state of flock again as well
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Dr_Satonarfmaster: I need to install it? Or is it on there from the beginning?08:59
narfmasterDr_Sato, just apt-get install bum (should be in the universe repo)08:59
=== stephan__ [n=stephan@ppp-70-253-139-183.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
stephan__i need help bad......i deleted my root user lol09:00
ErichapkidoSeveas: ok now my system is updated, but the print server is messed up09:00
cypher1can i upgrade from breezy to dapper using a desktop cd ?09:00
=== dredhammer [n=dredhamm@pool-71-247-7-181.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
SonicChaotopyli: Ok...thanks ^_^09:00
topyliSonicChao: works? cool09:00
stephan__sudo doesnt work ...nothing!09:00
Eleaflol stephan__ ?09:00
=== dreamthief [n=mathias@p54A98873.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasstephan__, boot into recovery mode and add your normal user to the admin group09:01
SonicChaotopyli: I found a file in there named "flock", i double clicked it and pressed "Run"...it did the rest09:01
=== dbmata [n=dbmata@c-69-181-191-83.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lix_i have a problem activating the madwifi ath_pci module. can anyone help?09:02
topyliSonicChao: nice. so you can just make a launcher for it with the menu editor09:02
dbmatahey folks, anyone know how to specify specific monitors in xorg.conf?09:02
Dr_Satonarfmaster: manny thnX... works like a charm09:02
SonicChaotopyli: Ok...I know how to do that :)09:02
narfmasterDr_Sato, no problem09:02
stephan__anyone alive?09:02
raptros-v76hey, hey, im still alive09:02
Eleafhi hi hi hi hi  hi hi      hi hi hil   hi hi09:03
dbmataI was alive yesterday. Had to cheer the zizou headbutt.09:03
Dr_Satonarfmaster: is there something online I can read thrue for more usefull tips? Like this one?09:03
raptros-v76"hey, hey, im still alive"09:03
narfmasterDr_Sato, just idle here for a while :)09:03
=== rgould [n=rgould@mail.refractions.net] has joined #ubuntu
wootlix_, perhaps the ubuntuforums have some good adivce? try some differnt howtos?09:03
dbmataanyone familiar with display config in xorg.conf?09:03
Dr_SatoHeheheh... okay... thnx narfmaster09:03
=== roostishaw [n=roostish@c-24-126-92-199.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lix_i did. many reports on the same problem09:03
roostishawis there an alternative clock application that takes up less than 12 mgs of ram?09:04
ErichapkidoSeveas: it says this "The CUPS server could not be contacted." when i try to start the print configuration, and this came up after i updated everything http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1769709:04
rskroostishaw, xclock09:04
larsI've a small problem. I have a shell script. This starts /etc/init.d/iptables. When I execute it manually, iptables loads alle rules (aprox. 90). When i use cron to run it, it loads only about 70 rules....09:04
pppoe_dudehi. anyone know why mail-notification applet has the 'SSL' checkboxes greyed out?09:05
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mumbleshow do i update breezy to badger ?09:05
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lix_woot: I think Mark Shuttleworth also owns a Thinkpad X60. And I'm sure, his wificard works ;)09:06
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narfmastermumbles, lol09:06
dbmataanyone familiar with monitor setup in x server?09:06
wootlix_, im not saying its not possible, i never had troubles with wireless, but mine works out of the box... :)09:06
stephan__back....yea i was really stoned last night.....09:06
lix_mumbles: easiest is with synaptic or aptitude (in the command line). you can also use apt-get update && apt-get upgrade09:06
wootdbmata whats your problem?09:06
jrib!upgrade > mumbles09:06
lix_woot: you got a X60?09:06
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wootdbmata, ive been fooling around with dual head setups and tvout09:07
Seveas!xcfg > dbmata09:07
wootlix_, nope09:07
lix_woot: with the same atheros wificard?09:07
kibabhey, anybody know why konsole keeps wrapping prematurely when I type commands? (it wraps fine when command output is displayed)09:07
mumblescouldent find it09:07
lix_woot oh.09:07
wootlix_, srry09:07
dbmatawoot: Alright, I have two monitors, an lcd on the left, crt on the right... xorg.conf doesn't have any info for the crt, yet my display defaults to it.09:07
lix_woot: np :)09:07
=== blind [n=blind@c-71-234-180-125.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribmumbles: couldn't find what?09:07
dbmataseveas: thanks.09:07
JonningsI have defragmented the partition which I have XP on. This partition has 7gb free space. Is it ok to use qtparted and resize this partition with 6gb free space and be sure that it does not mess up my XP os?09:07
stephan__Seveas, where do i add the user too09:07
JonningsReduce the XP partition's size by 6gb that is09:08
blindHow do I give an interface a new IP address?09:08
dbmatawoot: I'd like to set my screen to either my lcd, or to dual monitors... but I just can't figure out how to force the display output to the lcd.09:08
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Seveasstephan__, the admin group09:08
wootdbmata,  the lcd is a common lcd or a laptop lcd?09:08
dbmatawoot: common lcd. this is a desktop system with an lcd and a crt.09:08
stephan__Seveas, how do i do that lol09:09
wootwell if your graphical card (which one) supports dual head setup, it should be fairly easy to use em both09:09
Seveasstephan__, adduser your_user_name admin09:09
dbmatawoot: oh yeah, running DD, and an nvid 7800gtx vid card.09:09
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gteppelI'm confused how Remote SSH Port Forwarding works, I understand that if I forward local ports I can connect to that port locally and it will map itself to a different (possible the same port) on the remote machine. Would Remote Forwarding helping me terminal service (RDP) to my windows box at work if I connected to my home ssh server from work09:09
mrDanieldo anyone know a equivalent tool for ubuntu to adjust the power-consumtion of a GeForce_Go like PowerMizer under Windows?09:10
dbmatawoot: I was previously pointed toward xinerama, but I couldn't find a download other than a bunch of txt files that were confusing.09:10
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larsgteppel: Yes. Works09:10
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wootdbmata, in a nutshell: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common09:11
dbmatawoot: you could almost imagine the scene, I'm upped on turkish coffee, 3am, trying to make heads or tails of those txt files, when I barely even know how to find my /home folder.09:11
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wootwait with the apt-get :P09:11
wootill get ya a howto on the ubuntuforums09:11
wootstep by step explained09:11
dbmatawoot: Heh, well, I'm already using the nvidia-glx, and it's working...09:12
wooti guess you just had a fresh install orso?09:12
wootjust the xorg.conf has to be tweaked to have a dual setup then?09:12
hivemindHey guys, I've mostly got everything working (first install) but why doesn't Firefox's middle click and scroll feature work?09:12
dbmatawoot: here's something funny, if I switch back to the nv driver, the display output reverts to my lcd, but I get 4 color ghosts on the crt.09:12
dbmatawoot: yeah, to either be dual desktop, or just force display to my lcd.09:12
=== Maxaroni [n=chatzill@ool-44c1a13f.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
wootand what if you unplug your crt? :p09:13
=== Loevborg [n=loevborg@d0-31.dip.axsp.de] has joined #ubuntu
wootalthough dual head should be the way to go if you have 2 screens09:13
LoevborgWhy does totem tell me it doesn't have the proper plugin to watch DVDs?09:13
gteppellars: could I also forward a local port to my ssh server which would map the remote port being remotely forward. so for example I would have my work computer (Windows) forwarding 3389 to my sshd server, then with a laptop say I'm on a random wireless network that only allows ports 80, 443, 22 outbound could I forward some random port from my laptop to my ssh serer's 338909:13
gteppelthus using the ssh as kind of a bridge09:13
dbmatawoot: unplug... the... crt? HAHAHA, haven't tried it, seems to logical.09:13
gteppelbetween my laptop and work computer?09:13
wootlol dbmata09:13
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wootbut to be honest, if you use dual screens for a week..youll be hooked up :P09:14
=== oeagi [n=oeagi@c-68-58-11-195.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kaothivemind: could be that your mouse isn't set up correctly.  does scrolling work in any other app?09:14
dbmatawoot: dual head would be my optimal choice though. That's how I run my XP side, and it's perfect for my workflow.09:14
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wootdbmata, ofcourse09:14
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fowlduckhow do you reconfigure your display?  as in redetect and whatnot09:15
wootdbmata dualhead should work for sure, and i you have a nvidia, with not that much troubles09:15
wootyou can try to setup twinview09:15
shadowpandanarfmaster: can you help me set up Cedega CVS?09:16
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narfmastershadowpanda, where do you get stuck?09:16
TokenBadin the new ubuntu where is the sound stuff?09:16
shadowpandawhen opening WineCVS.sh, i dont know which file to download09:16
dbmatawoot: is there a walkthrough for the extended desktop for the nvidia driver? Hopefully I can get it to see both of my screens.09:16
wootill take a look around for a walktrhough09:17
wootor a decent readme09:17
dbmatathanks, I've been checking the wiki but not finding much.09:17
larsgteppel: Sorry but I don't understand ... :/. You have your 'work'box1 with Port 3389 open (MSRDP) and you 'work'box2 Port 22 open (SSHD). Then you have a 'mobile' client. You connect to your 'work'box2 and configure the tunnel. Then you connect from the 'mobile'client to localhost. THIS local connection gets tunneled over the linux server to your 'work'box1 rdp09:18
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto09:18
shadowpandaNarfmaster: You get that?09:18
=== narfmaster downloads cedega_head_userinstall profile
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narfmasternope, wrong one :p09:19
Wipsterhey all where abouts are the ubuntu desktop background stored?09:19
kibabdbmata: here are the main lines you will need for dualhead: http://papernapkin.org/pastebin/app/view/1109:19
SeveasWipster, /usr/share/backgrounds09:19
kibabdbmata: I can't explain them right now as I need to leave, but they should be pretty obvious09:19
jribWipster: /usr/share/backgrounds/09:19
narfmasterno wait, this should be right09:20
Wipsterty guys09:20
=== iGama [n=xtreme@bl6-32-66.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
shadowpandanarfmaster: it asks me to get a profile from http://winecvs.linux-gamers.net/WineCVS09:20
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wootdbmata, http://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-8762/README/index.html especially appendix G or P09:20
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narfmastershadowpanda, correct09:20
dbmatakibab: I appreciate it, I've got it up.09:20
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dbmatawoot: Ok, it's up also. Thanks. I hope I can get it rolling.09:20
wootbut i think twinview is the way to go09:20
kd7swhgdm keeps crashing in dapper how can I fix it?09:20
narfmastershadowpanda, select the "0" profile, then run it09:21
farchordhey guys, I have a major problem. I currently am on the live CD of ubuntu. But I want to install it, but for some reason, it detects my AGP card as PCI (!?) and I am stuck on a 680x480 resolution, which prevents me from installing, because the install window is too big.09:21
farchordWhat can I do!?09:21
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stephan21_how do i add a root user in the groups09:21
dbmatadbmata: I got maya for linux as a gift, and it would rock if I can keep my workspace the same... model on the left, modify my curves on the right.09:21
shadowpandanarfmaster: then run?09:21
narfmastershadowpanda, yes09:21
gteppellars: I have Box1 which is a windows box that is sitting behind a company firewall, howeverl port 3389 is open inside the LAN, i then have Box2 which is my ssh server sitting at home that has port 22 open to the internet (and other ports that I want to open) then I have box3 which is a laptop in a very restrictive network. I want to connect to Box1 from Box309:21
gteppelmake sense?09:21
cavediverHi. I need a good ftp with sftp support. Maybe an updated GFTP ?09:21
jribstephan21_: you mean give a new user sudo privileges?09:21
kd7swhfarchord try running discover1 to re-detect the card09:22
dbmatawoot: I'm getting my streams crossed. Heh, thanks for the help.09:22
shadowpandanarfmaster: then it says: List of Profiles09:22
farchordAnyone know? :S09:22
narfmastershadowpanda, type 009:22
shadowpandanarfmaster: 0 ) winex33009:22
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stephan21_jrib.....no i deleted my root user lol09:22
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roostishawis there a replacement application for the menubar clock in gnome?09:22
dbmatahave a good one, I've got a X Windows config to break.09:22
jribfarchord: if you can't get the live cd's installer to work, you can use the alternate cd09:22
dbmatawoot: thanks again.09:22
jribstephan21_: how?09:22
larsgteppel: would work if 3389 is not blocked from outside09:22
stephan21_jrib, was really stoned....09:23
farchordummm ok.... guess ima have to redownload again then!?09:23
shadowpandanarfmaster: is the root password my admin password?09:23
kd7swhcavediver use filezilla for sftp09:23
narfmastershadowpanda, what do you need root for?09:23
LjLshadowpanda: it is simply your password09:23
jribstephan21_: what command did you use?09:23
LjL!tell shadowpanda about sudo09:23
gteppellars: so there is no way to connect box1 to box2 and connect box3 to box2 and have box2 acts as a go between09:23
TANATHOSdoes anybody know if lamp server has apache?09:23
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shadowpandanarfmaster: it says running profile : winex33009:24
cavediverkd7swh: Seems unavailible in my repos, already tried09:24
stephan21_jrib, so would root:x0: work?09:24
swerveshow do I install magickwand on ubuntu?09:24
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LjLTANATHOS: what do you think the "A" in LAMP stands for? ;-)09:24
shadowpandanarfmaster: then Enter root password:09:24
TANATHOS:P tnx09:24
roostishawis there a replacement application for the menubar clock in gnome?09:24
narfmastershadowpanda, you need the "cedega_head_userinstall" profile09:24
TANATHOSljl may i chat with you?09:24
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narfmastershadowpanda, change your profile to that if need be09:25
LjLTANATHOS: i'm a little busy at the moment, it's best if you just ask in the channel i think, i'll answer if i can09:25
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jribstephan21_: my /etc/passwd reads: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash       but I don't know if you need to do more09:25
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shadowpandanarfmaster: how does one change their profile09:25
larsgteppel: in my opinion not. but i'm not sure. sorry!09:25
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narfmastershadowpanda, you can just quit the script and restart it09:25
shadowpandaI have done ther09:26
stephan21_jrib.....yea i think ur right....ok im gonna try to boot the cd....thanks09:26
shadowpandaoh i got it now09:26
swerveshow do I install magickwand on ubuntu?09:26
gteppelok thanks09:26
shadowpandanarfmaster: my bad, i messed up but its good now09:26
narfmastershadowpanda, cool :)09:26
cavediverfilezilla? Do I need special repos?09:26
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kd7swhanyone know how to fix that gdm crash in dapper?09:26
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roostishawdid youtube update the version of flash player they're using? cause now it wants me to upgrade?09:27
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swerveshow do I install magickwand on ubuntu?09:27
kd7swhfilezilla is on sourceforge.net09:27
cypher1has anyone had encountered this during breezy -> dapper upgrade: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1770009:27
=== MrFatJack [n=jdhicks@tx-71-48-168-102.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
roostishawdid youtube update the version of flash player they're using? cause now it wants me to upgrade?09:28
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jribswerves: is that part of imagemagick?09:28
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swervesits an API for imagemagick09:28
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shadowpandanarfmaster: once im done (which I am not) what do i do next to get cedega to work? Just follow the rest of the instructions?09:29
swervesis there any way to activate the "universe" packages from the shell?09:29
shadowpandanarfmaster: installing i mean09:29
kd7swhfilezilla needs to be compiled09:29
narfmastershadowpanda, yes just follow the instructions09:29
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shadowpandanarfmaster: your my hero :P09:29
jribswerves: edit /etc/apt/sources.list09:29
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jribswerves: (and then apt-get update)09:29
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cavediverI'd like to have SFTP support in Nautilus... ::)09:30
=== Silentread [n=jim@pool-70-17-172-19.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #Ubuntu
samuliswervers, edit sources.list09:30
=== gaz00 [n=gaz00@S01060015e96c00db.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:30
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage09:30
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mzuverinkI installed edubuntu and now have the edubuntu bootscreen.  I would like to change it back to the normal ubuntu, how do i do that?09:31
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ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome09:31
swervesthanks for the universe sources09:31
shadowpanda!tell shadowpanda about sudo09:31
rellimmzuverink: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper09:31
ubotuI know nothing about foo09:32
swerveswhere is php.ini?09:32
cberloHi folks.  Trying to solve a problem with pam_mount mounting Windows-based SMB shares at user login.  I've got an Edubuntu system, authenticating against winbind (W2K3) and it can't seem to get the authentication token.09:32
shadowpanda!tell grenegar about foo09:32
ubotuI know nothing about foo09:32
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[NP] Tangenthi, I need help getting my printer to work. it's on and plugged into the computer, but the computer is not detecting it.09:32
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rellimfoo doesn't exist09:33
shadowpanda!foo is what you are09:33
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craigtmackenzieok i'm needing help guys, i'm installing ubuntu on a mac via parallels and have just got the following error message trying to boot into 6.06 after updating via update manager >>>  udevd-event[2932] : wait_for_sysfs: waiting fo '/sys/devices/platform/i82365.0/bu' failed09:33
shadowpanda!tell shadowpanda about foo09:33
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ubotuI know nothing about foo09:33
craigtmackenziewhat on earth does that mean? 5.whatever worked fine09:33
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[NP] Tangentmaybe if I reboot09:34
rellimcraigtmackenzie: first, i have to ask what you think of parallels... i was going to install it on my iBook09:34
yumhello all, i try to syncronize evolution with my pda. I try since hours. It worked once but I cannot do it again and I do not know why.09:34
compactsynaptic doesnt work for me09:34
craigtmackenziethere is also udved-event[2750] : run_progam: 'sbin/modprobe' abnormal exit09:35
narfmastercompact, what happens?09:35
compacthold on...09:35
craigtmackenziepcmcia services... [failed] 09:35
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:35
cberloAnyone play with OpenMOSIX on Ubuntu or a similar clustering solution?09:35
=== satafterh [n=satafter@fctnnbsc15w-156034091126.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
kd7swhthe fireftp fire foxfox add on does sftp09:35
craigtmackenzieloading manual drivers... [failed] 09:35
MarcNyum: palm pilot with USB?  See if there is are tty devices like this:   ls  /dev/ttyUSB*09:35
craigtmackenzierellim: it's good app, for 5.x it worked fine windows works fine also09:36
yumMarcN: I use no Palm. It is Windows CE and its on ttyUSB009:36
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compactevery time i reload Synaptic on Breezy 5.1 it says this09:36
compactcdrom:[Ubuntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_ - Release i386 (20051012)] /dists/breezy/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz: Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs09:36
MarcNyum:  I've see the ttyUSB0 fail to appear when plugging in my pilot the second time since a boot.09:37
compactand when i put in the cdrom and try to add it... it says that there are no packages found09:37
rellimcraigtmackenzie: awesome ... ok, now lemme take a look into your problem09:37
yumMarcN: how can I check this?09:37
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narfmastercompact, i think you need to remove the CD from the repository list and then add it again09:38
craigtmackenzierellim: cool :)09:38
MarcNyum: from a terminal window,   ls /dev/ttyUSB*09:38
kd7swhcan anyone direct me to a good nintendo emulator09:38
MarcNyum: if it isn't there while the device is plugged in, that is the problem.09:38
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rellimcraigtmackenzie: did you get the first issue resolved? i did a qucik scan of the chan chat and noticed you posted "i also got <error?"09:38
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craigtmackenzierellim: hold on a sec dude, am uploading a screen for you :)09:39
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rellimcraigtmackenzie: ok09:39
EnverexIs there anything in the AMD64 version of Ubuntu that isn't available that would be on x64? Like compatability things or whatever?09:39
yumMarcN: /dev/ttyUSB0 shows up09:39
MarcNyum: then I'm outta ideas.09:39
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rellimEnverex: amd64 is x6409:39
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mjrEnverex, nothing in Ubuntu. Third-party binaries may not be available for amd6409:39
Enverexrellim : Oh, whats the difference between the 2 CDs then?09:39
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craigtmackenzierellim: http://www.flickr.com/photos/craigtmackenzie/186660189/09:40
rellimEnverex: not sure ... lemme check09:40
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rellimcraigtmackenzie: k09:40
compactwhat will the location be for the CD drive09:40
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compactFor the repository09:40
rellimEnverex: i think you meant x86, not x6409:40
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kd7swhi am having trouble with dvd playback09:41
EnverexI'm on an Athlon64 but trying to decide which to use, I'm not to keen on using the amd64 version if lots of things from x86 dont work on it09:41
rellimEnverex: the only differences i have found between amd64 and x86 is the availablity of wine and flash (both are available to x86, not to amd64)09:41
narfmastercompact, check the Settings > Repositories menu item in Synaptic09:41
jribkd7swh: what kind of trouble?09:41
kd7swhvlc keeps crashing09:41
yumMarcN: it always misses out establishing a serial connection using ppp0 <---> /dev/ttyUSB0. But thx.09:41
rellimEnverex: i run amd64 on my ahtlon64 3200+ venice core all day everyday without flaw09:41
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kd7swhxine can't decode09:41
EnverexWhoops, yeah, x86 not x64 sorry09:41
kd7swhtotem hates me09:41
rellimcraigtmackenzie: bad link?09:41
skavengei love ubuntu .. i just bought a airflo gamepad out of a bargain bin at radio shack and ubuntu auto-detected it and it runs perfect ;)09:41
rellimcraigtmackenzie: it took a while to load and then gave me a "page not found" error09:42
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Enverexrellim : Running without flaw is different from not being able to unstall something due to it not being 64bit compatible09:42
jribkd7swh: have you installed dvdcss?09:42
craigtmackenzieoh really?09:42
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rellimEnverex: well, like i said ... just flash and wine don't run on amd64, but cedega does if you have that09:42
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jribkd7swh: what's the exact error you get from xine?09:42
rellimcraigtmackenzie: yeah :(09:43
Hhhhhhello, I reinstalled Windows in my dual boot, now I am trying to do grub-install. How do I do it with the Ubuntu DVD? There is no boot prompt09:43
mzuverinkI have mplayer plugin for firefox installed, but do not like the way that it is handling realmedia content.  is there a way to disable just the realplayer codec aspect of mplayer?09:43
compactum i took the cdrom repostiory a way and now synaptic is locked up09:43
craigtmackenzierellim: can i send direct over irc?09:43
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:43
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rellimEnverex: but everything i use works on amd6409:43
Enverexrellim : I have Wine working on Gentoo AMD64 with compatability libraries...09:43
kd7swhxine said it could not read from source09:43
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lepineis there a package that would install a working apache 1.3 + php 5 for the desktop edition as simply as it does for the server edition?09:43
kd7swhstill encrypted09:43
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EnverexI'm just wondering if I'd prefer Ubuntu to Gentoo09:43
narfmastercompact, wow really?09:43
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rellimcraigtmackenzie: yes, but i don't like too ... just moral issues with irc transfers09:43
jribkd7swh: how about libxine-extracodecs?09:43
craigtmackenziehttp://www.flickr.com/photos/craigtmackenzie/186660189/ ???09:43
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craigtmackenziei know09:44
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compactyeah...its locked up...how do i force the program to close?09:44
kd7swhdon't have that09:44
Warbocompact: xkill09:44
rellimEnverex: well, then you might be able to do it if you compile from source there just isn't a binary install of it and i'm lazy and don't need it so i never tried beyond that09:44
kd7swhI will brb I am going to login as root09:44
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Sasquatchhow do you prevent a module from starting at boot?09:44
Warbocompact: Then click on the window09:44
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rellimcraigtmackenzie: that one worked09:44
jribkditty: why?09:44
jribkditty: sorry wrong name...09:45
craigtmackenzierellim: sweet :)09:45
compactwarbo: Xkill in the terminal...then click window...and then enter?09:45
Sasquatchanyone? how do you prevent a module from starting at boot?09:45
rellimcraigtmackenzie: gimme a minute though, i need to look something up09:45
compactme is linux n00b09:45
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Warbocompact: Run "sudo xkill" to be on the safe side (synaptic is run as root), then it will change the pointer to a skull and crossbones. Click on Synaptic to kill it09:45
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rellimEnverex: but like i said, cedega works and i tested it myself just for kicks ... so i'm sure wine would too, they both run on the same underlying software ... there just isn't a binary of wine so i didn't bother09:46
EnverexHas anyone here come from Gentoo?09:47
compactok got it09:47
ruxpinEnverex: yup09:47
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EnverexI've used Gentoo for years but I'm kinda sick of spending so much time compiling and unbreaking things...09:47
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Sasquatchanyone? how do you prevent a module from starting at boot?09:47
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WarboSasquatch: You need to blacklist it (don't ask me how)09:47
SurfnKidcan I change eth1 to wlan0 yes please if so how09:48
Sasquatchlol, anyone else, how do you blacklist modules?09:48
LjL!blacklist > sasquatch09:48
SurfnKidSasquatch,  /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist09:48
asdasldkfadgfQUESTION: When will ubuntu be issueing a new kernel in response to recent security flaws....and will it be a patch or a new kernel like.... 2.6.17 : )09:48
SasquatchSurfnKid: already got it, thanks09:48
SurfnKidno probs09:48
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caonexThere seems to be a problem with the clock setting in my ubuntu, the clock switches from UTC to local whenever it pleases and I have to keep changing the configuration. Sometimes UTC has to be selected to see the local time, and otherwise. Anybody else with this problem, any ideas on how to solve it?09:48
SurfnKidcheck BIOS?09:49
rellimcraigtmackenzie: i think i found a web page that might, help ... i am just waiting for it to load to be sure09:49
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rskcaonex, a solution would be setting up ntpdate. althou thats not fixing the problem.09:49
caonexrsk: i did that09:49
rellimEnverex: i have used gentoo, but it was never my main OS09:49
skeithI think dapper will keep whatever kernel it has now (2.6.15?), how edgy will have the newest kernel I believe09:49
dredhammerhey folks silly question time09:49
caonexrsk: but the system reads that and interprets it according to local or utc09:49
rellimEnverex: (sorry for the delayed response)09:49
caonexrsk:  i have accurate time, it is just how it is displayed09:49
dredhammerbatch renaming files from gui is it possible in nautilus?09:49
craigtmackenzierellim: cool cool :)09:50
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anton_hola alguien que hale espaol????????????09:50
caonexrsk: so i have to keep alternating and dislike that09:50
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.09:50
jribdredhammer: no not in nautilus that I know of09:50
Warbodredhammer: I like krename for that (works fine in GNOME, you can drag 'n' drop from Nautilus)09:50
sn00pHow do I play movies that are dovei in ubuntu?09:50
narfmasterasdasldkfadgf, you mean this one? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19718109:50
dredhammerso would i have any problems with thunar?09:50
dredhammeri found it in my ad/remove programs09:50
SurfnKidcan anyone tell me how to change the wifi alias from eth1 to wlan0?09:50
dredhammerdon't know where that came form09:51
dredhammerit just appeared after the recent update09:51
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rellimcraigtmackenzie: ok, apparently it isn't a kernel crash ... it is just a hang and it should continue to boot after the error message, it just takes a while... then once the system is up, so an update && upgrade to get the newer kernel release and that _should_ fix the problem09:51
anton_como llego a ese canal?09:52
roshan_sI'm having trouble building a package with pbuilder. The package build-depends on libqt4-dev. That build-depends on xlibmesa-gl-dev | libgl-dev. The former doesn't exist, and the latter is a virtual package. From what I can see, pbuilder chokes on virtual packages. Can anyone help me? I don't understand how this problem can exist with a package from the ubuntu archive, which countless other packages depend on.09:52
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craigtmackenzierellim: it's still hanging now, since i first asked my question09:52
rellimcraigtmackenzie: wow ... hrmmm09:52
craigtmackenzieshould i press enter or something? (parrallels dosen't have focus)09:52
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flixilanton_: /join #ubuntu-es09:53
rellimcraigtmackenzie: you could try pressing enter, but i don't know if it would do anything09:53
anton_gracias flixil09:53
jribroshan_s: what package are you building?09:53
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craigtmackenziejust moved the blinky down a couple of returns09:53
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craigtmackenzieit's basically still on the same screen as in my flickr post09:53
roshan_sI'm building compiz from http://ubuntu.compiz.net.09:53
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rellimcraigtmackenzie: ok, lemme check one more thing ...09:54
masterofallartshow to use gcc3.3 though I have a newer version?09:54
craigtmackenzierellim: k09:54
roshan_ssorry, that was addressed to jrib: I'm building compiz from http://ubuntu.compiz.net.09:54
caonexAnybody knows why sometimes sound goes off, although there is still playback09:55
masterofallartswhat is the option that goes to ./configure?09:55
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LjLmasterofallarts: "export CC=gcc-3.3"09:55
LjLmasterofallarts: type that before starting configure09:55
sn00pHow do I play movies that are dovei in ubuntu?09:55
masterofallartsLjL: thank you!09:55
LjLmasterofallarts: and if C++ is also involved, type also "export CXX=g++-3.3"09:55
rsksn00p, mplayer file should do09:55
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sn00prsk, no it says I need the latest dovei when I play it in mplayer09:56
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rellimcraigtmackenzie: ok, you are running this on a mac?09:56
rsksn00p, goto #mplayer09:56
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage09:56
craigtmackenzierellim: yes09:57
rellimcraigtmackenzie: is it an intel mac or a powerpc?09:57
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jribroshan_s: hmm I was going to try to build it here but takes too long to download on dialup.  Don't really have any ideas otherwise, gl09:57
craigtmackenzieintel via parllels09:57
dooglushow do I find out what colour a particular pixel is in an image?09:58
masterofallartshmpf, error persists. i will renounce to a feature, then.09:58
masterofallartsof dillo09:58
dooglusI was thinking ImageMagick might be able to help, but I can't see how09:58
rellimcraigtmackenzie: ok, now things are making more sense to me... just a minute09:58
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craigtmackenzieok rellim and thank you so much09:58
roshan_srib: As far as I can see, the problem isn't with compiz, but with libqt4-dev from universe. That package build-depends on a virtual package, and pbuilder can't handle that. It doesn't know how to choose a real package. I wish I knew how the Launchpad builds its packages. Thanks anyway.09:58
masterofallartshow do i take the exports back?09:58
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Warbodooglus: I would just open it in the GIMP, zoom in and use the eye-dropper09:59
rellimcraigtmackenzie: no problem ...09:59
EnverexHow far behind actual releses are things in apt-get?09:59
dooglusWarbo: I'm wanting to do it from a script.  Is the GIMP's eye-dropper scriptable?09:59
caonexThre was an error initialiazing the audio i/o layer. You will not be able to play or record audio., , this is one of the errors i get all the time about sound. why?09:59
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Warbodooglus: Maybe, but I doubt it :(09:59
rellimcraigtmackenzie: i have some good and some bad news, the good news is i know how to fix it, the bad news is that every fix i see requires you to boot into the system09:59
Rieshey Guys I just need a YES or NO answer, I need to install ubuntu software raid1 over twi SATA disks... is this possible with the default installed? o09:59
rellimrellim: it is a kernel issue and the new kernel fixes the problem10:00
craigtmackenzierellim: why is that a bad thing? ahhhh i see now10:00
craigtmackenziei can't :)10:00
WarboEnverex: Usually the lastest or second latest releases are in the packages. Some packages are even built from CVS10:00
craigtmackenzieok so like can i get that kernel (???) for version 5.x10:01
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craigtmackenziebecause that i can install + boot no problem10:01
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craigtmackenzieso far...10:01
EnverexWarbo : I mean timewise10:01
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craigtmackenzie+ i can run from live cd10:01
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pppoe_dudewhere is the source tree downloaded when i use apt-get source10:02
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rellimcraigtmackenzie: yeah, just install 5.10 and then edit the sources.list file to point to newest repositories, sudo apt-get update -> sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -> sudo apt-get update && upgrade10:02
] GDhmm.. how do you use Ruby's IRB if you have it installed already?10:02
Warbopppoe_dude: /var/lib/dpkg/lists I think10:02
jribpppoe_dude: current working directory10:02
rellimcraigtmackenzie: its a slow way to do it, but it should work without a problem10:02
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Warbopppoe_dude: Never mind me :)10:03
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craigtmackenzierellim: can you private that code to me10:03
masterofallartsdoes it suffice to set CC and CXX back if I restart X?10:03
Riessoftware raid1 on unbutu server... is it correct that ubuntu server cannot install directly software raid1???10:03
dimitroffhello. i am trying to boot the dapper live cd via usb-stick. what i did so far was to put an mbr, syslinux, a syslinux config file, the ubuntu hd-media vmlinuz and initramdisk and the 6.06 desktop .iso on my stick. trouble is that the kernel boots from usb but when it comes to loading the .iso i only get the error message that there are errors while loading it and i might check if it is a good image. any tips on installing the live system10:03
craigtmackenziealso i may need some guidence setting that up, i first need to re-install 5.1010:04
LjLmasterofallarts: hm? those variables are only valid inside the shell where you set them10:04
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pppoe_dudejrib, thanks10:04
masterofallartsok, nice LjL10:04
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rellimcraigtmackenzie: and for reference on editing sources.list and upgrading, check http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_upgrade_from_Hoary_Hedgehog_-.3E_Breezy_Badger_-.3E_Dapper_Drake10:04
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rellimcraigtmackenzie: that tutorial is flawless :)10:04
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] GDhmm.. how do you use Ruby's IRB if you have it installed already?10:05
dooglus] GD: type "irb""10:05
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craigtmackenzieok here i go, first step get 5.10 on there!!! rellim, let me just say thank you, you are amazing, thank you for taking the time to help me, i really really am very very gratefull, i can see the ubuntu community is a really good place. :)10:05
rellimcraigtmackenzie: and to get the new kernel, after the upgrade, make sure you update and upgrade again before you "reboot" within paralells10:06
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craigtmackenzierellim, will probably hit you with a few "am i doing this right's"10:06
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rellimcraigtmackenzie: anytime, everyone has problems and the only way to learn is to resolve them10:06
rellimcraigtmackenzie: not a problem ... i should be around here10:07
naga_i have just installed fluxbox.....how do i make it the default wm when i boot?10:07
TANATHOSwhere can I get rssh for lamp?10:07
rellimcraigtmackenzie: do you have aim?10:07
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dooglusnaga_: use it once and gdm will ask you if you want to make it the default10:07
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craigtmackenzie(well ichat)10:07
naga_ok...hehe sorry..but how do i use it once?10:07
rellimnaga_: at gdm, click on "sessions" and then select fluxbox and ok, then it will prompt you and ask if you want it default or just for that session10:08
dooglusnaga_:  on the login screen, find 'sessions' and pick it from there10:08
rellimcraigtmackenzie: good enough, i use gaim10:08
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dooglusnaga_: you'll probably need to restart gdm before it appears though10:08
naga_my first time with gnome...i usually run debian with fluxbox10:08
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craigtmackenzierellim: craigtmackenzie [AT]  mac.com :)10:08
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naga_ok..brb..thanks for yer help10:08
rellimcraigtmackenzie: ok, mine is max with alot of #s ... just a min.10:08
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J_Phey, are there acitvex plugin to firefox / mozilla one dapper repos ?10:09
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fyrestrtrJ_P: activex does not work in firefox (afaik).10:10
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J_Pfyrestrtr: so, someone browser where I can use one activex plugin ?10:10
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fyrestrtrJ_P: don't know, sorry.10:11
fyrestrtrwhat plugin is it?>10:11
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dooglusJ_P: yes, there's an activex plugin for firefox10:11
EnsignRedshirtIs there a tool available for post-processing the sound in an AVI file?  My camera can create short AVI files, but the sound it terrible.10:11
EnsignRedshirts/it terr/is terr/10:11
rellimi R nUb ... need to learn how to use my mouse for effectively or just use all keyboard combos10:11
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BilangeEnsignRedshirt, are you using a canon camera by any chance?10:12
EnsignRedshirtBilange: Yup.10:12
dooglusJ_P: http://www.iol.ie/~locka/mozilla/mozilla.htm10:12
EnsignRedshirtBilange: Powershot A8510:12
tarsieris it normal for flash to not have sound if i have another app that has sound open such as rhythmbox?10:12
Subtarsier, sound in flash is very sketchy10:13
BilangeEnsignRedshirt, I dont know programs that does all, but I managed to get the AVI files recompressed in xvid +mp3 with some commands in a terminal, if that can interest you10:13
Subis this in firefox?10:13
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Subyeah firefox locks up the dsp10:13
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fyrestrtrtarsier: depends on the sound card, some cannot handle simultaneous streams.10:13
tarsieri havent noticed any problems except for with flash/firefox now that i think about it10:13
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] GDhmm i'm sure i have ruby... entering ruby --version gives me 1.8.4 but entering in irb results in command not found, how do i run the IRB?10:14
EnsignRedshirtBilange: It might, but I'm not sure about the "recompress" part.  Would that change the sound quality?10:14
andy-anyone know how to get OSS to work?!10:14
=== Willis [i=Willis@68-187-86-157.dhcp.eucl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
dooglus] GD: you run irb by typing "irb".  I've told you that already.10:14
Subandy-, open source software??10:14
andy-I have sound, I can play MP3's etc, just no sound in UT2004.10:14
] GDright, and i get a "command not found"10:14
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dooglus] GD: you install irb by installing "irb".  Use synaptic.10:14
torieHey I want to get Quake II running with Ubuntu anyone know where I can find repos for that?10:14
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reiki_workanyone have any trouble boting from or burning to an exteranl USB DVD burner? I may replace my old Plextor10:14
andy-Sub its Open Sound Something..10:14
Bilangenot really, my camera uses "raw audio " (not even wave files), and its lower quality wise than a mp3 64kbps10:15
] GDahh, i thought it came with the ruby installation10:15
Suboh i only have exp. with alsa10:15
hammadyhey how can i play files encoded with compressed DVI_ADPCM (Intel corporation) ?10:15
GaiaX11Is there any channel in freenode about shell command line and shell scripting?10:15
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andy-Sub: The OSS Sound system does not appear to be working or available.  That..10:15
dooglusGaiaX11: there's #bash10:15
roostishawdoes anyone know of a replacement clock for the one in the panel?10:15
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jribGaiaX11: #bash if you use bash, #zsh if you use zsh, and probably others for other shells too10:15
scotty_does any1 know a good site to download themes10:16
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andy-This test attempts to play a sound file at 44 kHz with the Open Sound System (OSS).10:16
scottyscotty_ ... stop trying to use my nicks10:16
andy-Anyone had this problem before?10:16
sbalneavroostishaw: What is it your looking for?10:16
GaiaX11dooglus, jrib. Thanks!10:16
rellimandy-: tried alsa?10:16
hammadyno way to play compressed wav (ADPCM) ??10:16
rellimandy-: or you set on OSS?10:16
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EnsignRedshirtBilange: I just noticed the time... I have to run.  If you are around later, I'll ping.  Ciao.10:16
fyrestrtrroostishaw: you could use gdesklets10:16
andy-alsa works10:16
andy-i have sound10:16
rellimandy-: oh ..10:16
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andy-but no in-game sound10:16
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andy-Like UT2004 has no sound.10:17
roostishawsbalneav, a clock application that sits on my upper panel... that dosn't use 12 megs of ram10:17
rellimandy-: then i didn't read the right part of the problem10:17
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rellimandy-: ohhhh ... don't know about that one10:17
jribandy-: have you tried running it 'aoss ut2004' or whatever the command is?10:17
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andy-hrmm, ill post it on forums, maybe someone heared about it10:17
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DVI_ADPCMno help here?10:17
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andy-jrib: no, what does that do?10:17
Matic`Makovec!explain w32codecs10:17
ubotuI know nothing about explain w32codecs10:17
sbalneavroostishaw: I doubt it's using 12 megs of ram: you'll be seeing a lot of gtk shared memory in that figure.10:17
TANATHOShow can i upload my site on ubuntu server?10:17
andy-jrib: force it in alsa?10:17
DVI_ADPCMok i will give it a try10:18
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage10:18
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Otacon22wich plugin i have to install for see .ram on mplayer?10:18
roostishawsbalneav, what is gtk sharred ram? nad how can i tell for sure?10:18
dAndyanybody know if there is a way to disable the update notifier for user accounts?10:18
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devhenOtacon22, why not install RealPlayer 10?10:18
andy-jrib: oww! yea, that was a bad idea. "aoss ut2004" creates a very high pitched sound =\10:18
sbalneavandy-:  it may work if you go to System->Preferences->Sound, and disable software mixing.  ESD has control of sound, and may be locking /dev/dsp.10:18
jribandy-: well ut2004 probably tries to use oss but something else is using it.  aoss is an alsa wrapper for oss apps, just install alsa-oss if you haven't already so that you have that command10:19
Riesnobody have a couple of hints for ubuntu and software raid during install???10:19
jrib!w32codecs > Matic`Makovec10:19
ubotuI know nothing about tell10:19
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fyrestrtrdAndy: you could remove it from the session startup programs (System > Preferences > Sessions) then the Startup tab.10:19
Matic`Makovecee, thank you10:19
Matic`Makovecforgot the command10:19
jokersmildWhat do I need to do to copy a disk image in Ubuntu?10:19
andy-jrib: yeah its installed, ill try what sbalneav is saying.10:19
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dAndyfyrestrtr: is there a way to set the default for the globally? (We have 5000 users)10:19
andy-sbalneav: that didn't do it either =\10:20
etavirealplayer 10 UI is very unresponsive while playing video, in my case, is it the 'regular' behavior ?10:20
halleranyone knows how to edit a pdf or import it properly to scribus or ooffice?10:20
sbalneavroostishaw: Whenever you load gnome, there's a bunch of libraries needed.  They're loaded once, and all apps use them.  But when you do a ps, they'll appear to be part of any app.  So the clock app may only use up 500k of it's own, but link into 12 megs of libs that everything else is using.10:20
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sbalneavandy-: You'll have to log out and back in again for that to work.10:21
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torieHey I want to get Quake II running with Ubuntu anyone know where I can find repos for that?10:21
roostishawsbalneav, oh, thank you10:21
devhenhaller, try opening the file in xpdf or another viewer and see if it will let you save it as a diff file type10:21
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dAndyfyrestrtr: I have tried in /usr/share/gnome/sesssion.default but it isnt mentioned there10:21
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fyrestrtrdAndy: good question, don't know unfortunately. Might try your luck in #gnome.10:21
LjL!info quake210:21
EmxBAdoes anyone know how can i restore taskbar on ubuntu? i tried to make my ubuntu look like osx, but unfortunatelly it doesn't work, not i want to return my taskbar10:21
ubotuquake2: improved version of id Software's Quake II engine. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.3-1.1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 1240 kB, installed size 3144 kB10:21
dAndyfyrestrtr: good idea thanks10:21
EmxBAhow can i do that?????10:22
EmxBAplease help me10:22
LjLtorie: ^10:22
hoehaverhey what do i type in the termenal to see if i have opengl running10:22
hoehaverya know where it says direct rendering10:22
FlannelEmxBA: right click "add panel" then right click on that "add to panel"10:22
EmxBAanyone? i need to restore taskbar10:22
ubotuI know nothing about !10:22
=== CzarAlex` [n=czar@c-68-82-214-240.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrhoehaver: glxinfo | grep direct10:22
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EmxBAFlannel: add to panel, ok and then???add to panel again? lol10:22
=== Hannub [n=hannub83@84-253-195-160.satp.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #Ubuntu
jokersmildHow would I do something evquivelent to Norton Ghost?  I have a hardware partner that is interested in shipping boxes with Linux installed, but I don't want to go through the install process for each box.  The hardware on each machine will be the same for each computer.10:22
torieThanks LjL10:22
=== Music^Hound [n=patrick@mctnnbsa29w-156034023168.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
Otacon22devhen, i have realplayer 10 but it give me problems... I prefer tu use mplayer, can i use it?10:23
torie!info quake210:23
EmxBAthat's a window list10:23
ubotuquake2: improved version of id Software's Quake II engine. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.3-1.1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 1240 kB, installed size 3144 kB10:23
FlannelEmxBA: no, one is "all panel" which creates a bar, the next adds things to that bar, like the workspace chooser, or a menu, etc10:23
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ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots10:23
LjL!tell torie about multiverse10:23
CzarAlex`Good day, Im trying to install Ubuntu 6.06 and when i choose the install option i get: PCI: cannot allocate resource region 3 of device 0000:00:00.0. I've been able to run 5.04 and 5.10 on this system with no issues. Suggestions?10:23
Music^Houndwhat's needed to connect to samba window shares in gnome ?10:23
ezeki3lhelp, i tried installing openssh-server and it says10:23
ubotuI know nothing about update-notifier10:23
devhenOtacon22: dont know. sorry, havent tried realplayer files in mplayer10:23
ezeki3lE: Couldn't find package openssh-server10:23
fyrestrtrMusic^Hound: nothing, Places -> Network Servers10:23
ezeki3lwhat should i do?10:23
kalosaurusrexCzarAlex`: older system?10:24
fyrestrtr!info openssh-server10:24
ubotuopenssh-server: Secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In repository main, is optional. Version 1:4.2p1-7ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 200 kB, installed size 540 kB10:24
gnomefreak!info openssh-server10:24
CzarAlex`kalosaurusrex, No actually. 6 months old.10:24
etavirealplayer 10 UI is very unresponsive while playing video, in my case, is it the 'regular' behavior ?10:24
gnomefreakezeki3l: fix your repos10:24
kalosaurusrexCzarAlex`: hmm interesting.  could try booting with acpi=off10:24
sbalneavjokersmild: you'll want to google for ubuntu pre-seeds.  As well, simply using dd might get you a long way.  Google is your friend.10:24
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Otacon22can i try to move real plugin in mplayer's plugins folder?10:24
CzarAlex`kalosaurusrex, is that a bios setting? (i show my n00bness..)10:24
roostishawhow do i horizontally resize a panel?10:24
jokersmildsbalneav: thanks, what is "dd"?10:25
ketethatooblackok i need so muchhelp. im not understanding how music works on linux10:25
gnomefreakezeki3l: it looks like you might be either using the cdrom repo or you dont have main in your /etc/apt/sources.list10:25
ketethatooblackhow can i download files and listent o them in the music player. whats the extension and how do i get music with that extension10:25
gnomefreakroostishaw: properties?10:25
kalosaurusrexCzarAlex`: when you boot off the dapper cd there should be an other options or something?  can't recall off the top of my head. but it's a boot option after you boot from the dapper cd10:25
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sbalneavjokersmild: man dd in a shell prompt.  Will tell you lots and lots10:25
LjL!tell ketethatooblack about mp310:25
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devhenketethatooblack: linux will play any music format that windows or mac will10:25
shadowpandanarfmaster: on step 4 it asks me to type cvscedega into terminal but terminal says that it isnt a command.10:25
CzarAlex`kalosaurusrex, ill give it a whirl! thanks Comrade.10:25
kalosaurusrexCzarAlex`: np hope it helps!10:25
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ketethatooblackdevhen: are you sure about that it doesnt work really. lets say i use singingfish.com and open the file10:26
jokersmildsbalneav: thanks, I'll probably be back with more questions10:26
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sbalneavjokersmild: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_copy_a_Linux_installation will get you part of the way10:26
Music^Houndfyrestrtr I keep getting "smb:///" is not a valid location.10:26
ketethatooblackdevhen: it wont open in the music player. rythmnbox or whatever10:26
devhenketethatooblack: what format is it in?10:26
LjLketethatooblack: MP3 support is not included by default, because MP3 is a patented format. please read Ubotu's links for all information, especially the first site.10:26
Music^Houndbut it works fine in kde10:26
sherwinmusic hound i get the same problem10:26
ketethatooblackdevhen: what do you mean?10:26
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gnomefreakketethatooblack: what type of media is it?10:27
devhenketethatooblack: what is the file extension?!10:27
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DShepherdis there a sound converter that uses gstreamer0.10? if so what is the name of it?10:27
ketethatooblackdevhen: mp310:27
Music^Houndsherwin: I'll let ya know if I find a fix10:27
gnomefreak!mp3 > ketethatooblack10:27
roostishawgnomefreak, no. there is only an option to make it thicker, and i want it shorter10:27
gnomefreakketethatooblack: please read your pm10:27
hoehaverwhat is a cam key?10:27
LjL!info soundconverter10:27
ubotusoundconverter: simple sound converter application for GNOME. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.8.3-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 32 kB, installed size 216 kB10:27
gnomefreakroostishaw: in gnome?10:27
LjLDShepherd: ^10:27
hoehaverfor gyache10:27
ketethatooblackok im giong to red it now thankss10:27
hoehaveri think thats how its spelled10:27
roostishawgnomefreak, yes10:27
DShepherdLjL: it uses gstreamer0.810:28
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LjLDShepherd: oh10:28
=== ProN00b [n=dot@pD9E388CC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
hoehavernot what is it but where is it?10:28
DShepherdLjL: want something with gstreamer0.1010:28
devhenketethatooblack: did you get that message? if not, type !mp3 it will tell you how to get the software10:28
buzzedhow can i fix low start up...10:28
hoehaverhow do i find it10:28
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:28
ProN00bwhats the command i use instead of "make install" to make a deb package ?10:28
devhengotta go10:28
ompaulezeki3l, ?10:28
LjL!tell ProN00b about checkinstall10:28
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DShepherdProN00b: checkinstall. but you need to install the package first10:28
WarboProN00b: "sudo checkinstall -D"10:28
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gnomefreakhes got me on that one10:29
=== gnomefreak scratches head and goes back to work
flixilProN00b: your nick is very... logic? xD10:29
buzzedseem like metacity takes long to load like a minute10:29
hoehaverhey i wanna know how to make deb packages aswell10:29
ketethatooblacki'll read and get back to you guys if i still dont understand.10:29
ketethatooblackwarbo: HI. hahaha10:29
andy-Bla! this is pissing me off, sound worked in UT2004 yesterday before I formated to get rid of Windows completely. Fresh install today, everything runs except no sound.. =\10:29
hoehavercan you tell the server or what ever to tell me about it to :D10:29
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:29
Warboketethatooblack: Hello10:29
shadowpandacan someone help me set up Cedega CVS?10:29
hoehaverthank you10:29
hallerdevhen, xpdf, kpdf and gpdf only let me save pdf files as pdf files.10:30
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buzzedis there a better window manager?10:30
LjLhoehaver: that will not really create policy-compliant .deb packages, nor packages that list dependencies.10:30
LjLhoehaver: it's just handy for uninstalling manually-compiled stuff (and reinstalling it later)10:30
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ompaulbuzzed, what are your values for better?10:30
Morrowynandy, maybe check the sound volumes stuff....10:31
hoehaveri see10:31
buzzedstable and fast...10:31
andy-wow, know what it was.. "Listen" was running10:31
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andy-Got it working, thx.10:31
ompaulbuzzed, what proc and how much ram10:31
buzzedlike viewing pictures10:31
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ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems10:31
CzarAlex`kalosaurusrex, no dice but i copied down the full error. one moment while i google and save myself looking like an idiot. :)10:32
boxgamexwhats cant you do if you compile cedega from the cvg?10:32
ketethatooblackdevhen: ok i read up and it says mp3 isnt supported and that ogg vorbis is what is in use but how do i get ogg vorbis formatted songs or whatever10:32
=== Maze_of_Torment [n=lessthn0@ip68-109-109-73.pn.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLhaller: perhaps you want "pdftoedit" or "pdftoipe" (and "ipe")10:32
ketethatooblackim going to install the mp3 support10:32
shadowpandaboxgamex: can you help me set up my Cedega CVS?10:32
boxgamexnope. i dont know either10:33
shadowpandahaha dammn10:33
ompaulbuzzed, try installing xfce, >> sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop<< support in #xubuntu if your looking for more speed10:33
shadowpandaboxgamex: what step are you on?10:33
boxgamexim not compiling it10:33
=== Scorpmoon [n=id@0x503e573e.hrnxx9.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #Ubuntu
boxgamexim just wondering what the limit is if you do10:33
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ketethatooblackok i really dont understand what i'm doing10:34
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guest_LuckyUnable to mount the selected volume. mount: only root can mount /dev/sda1 on /media/sda110:34
guest_Luckyhow to mount it10:34
guest_Luckyi've forgot? :P10:35
CzarAlex`kalosaurusrex, okay.. i get two lines and thats it: MP-Bios Bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC (line 2:) PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 3 of device 0000:00:00.010:35
ubotuDisks store lots of data. Partitioning: try gparted or qtparted  - Formatting: see the manpage for mkfs  - Mounting: system -> administration -> disks10:35
=== tmdca [n=chatzill@h100n1fls307o1043.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
DVI_ADPCMhey w32codecs did not work!!!!10:35
DVI_ADPCMhow can i play such format?10:35
=== _absolution_ [n=mpeters@53-202-165-66.rev.knet.ca] has joined #ubuntu
DVI_ADPCMshould gst-plugins-bad work?10:35
ompaul!w32codecs > DVI_ADPCM10:36
CzarAlex`kalosaurusrex, Im finding fixes for this problem but they are used -after- the system is intalled..im still trying to install.10:36
WarboAnyone got experience with vnc2swf?10:36
ketethatooblackok my problem is i dont know how ot play regular mp3 files is there a way i can make mp3 files play on rythmn box10:36
sherwinhow do i get ethernet10:36
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guest_LuckyI have a problem: ''mount: only root can mount /dev/sda1 on /media/sda1'' I've forgot how to mount it! Help me!10:36
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EmxBAit's me again10:36
Warboguest_Lucky: Use "sudo" before the command10:36
EmxBAcan aynone just tell me whihc fonts are default ?10:36
jribguest_Lucky: sudo mount   ?10:36
guest_Luckytell me the entire command pls10:37
EmxBAgo to system-> preferences-> fonts10:37
EmxBAand read it please10:37
jrib!mp3 > ketethatooblack10:37
Warboguest_Lucky: "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda1"10:37
EmxBAapplication font?10:37
shadowpandaWarbo: might you be able to help me configure Cedega CVS?10:37
EmxBAdocument font?10:37
EmxBAdeksotp font?10:37
ketethatooblackjrib; i've gotten that 3 times but i dont understnad10:37
EmxBAwindow title font?10:37
sherwinhow do i get ethereal network analyser10:37
Warboshadowpanda: I severely doubt it10:37
jribguest_Lucky: it depends on what you are doing.  What filesystem does it use? have you set it up in fstab?10:37
EmxBAfixed window font?10:37
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ketethatooblackif mp3 is a restricted format what can i do to unrestrict it or how do i get ogg files10:37
shadowpandaWarbo: ok10:38
EmxBAJust *please* read me default ubuntu fonts!10:38
ketethatooblackis there a website with music .ogg that i can use?10:38
CzarAlex`How can i choose NOAPIC when booting dapper drake to install?10:38
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EmxBAanyone? please....system->preferences->fonts and read me default fonts10:38
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource10:38
AndyCooll_EmxBA: stop 3 sans, then Sans Bold, finally Monospace10:39
Warboketethatooblack: Read that to get access to MP3 stuff10:39
diablo`"Fatal error: Call to undefined function:  mysql_escape_string()" php error, is there any chance that its because ubuntu php packge ?10:39
phaedrus44ello....does ubuntu come with a torrent client?10:39
jribketethatooblack: install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly , do you know how to install packages?10:39
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phaedrus44os[Linux 2.6.15-25-386 i686]  distro[Debian testing/unstable]  cpu[1 x Pentium III (Coppermine) @ 997MHz]  mem[Physical : 249MB, 69.8% free]  disk[Total : 22.35GB, 41.50% Free]  video[nVidia Corporation NV5 [RIVA TNT2/TNT2 Pro] ]  sound[ICH - Intel 82801BA-ICH2] 10:39
diablo`phaedrus44: whats script is it ?10:39
ketethatooblackjrib: warbo explained it to me last night. i think it was extract. open the terminal cd the file name and then i forgot the rest =[10:39
EmxBAAndyCooll: "stop 3 sans"?10:39
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Warboketethatooblack: No way!10:39
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jribketethatooblack: just go to system > administration > synaptic10:40
DShepherdis there a sound converter that uses gstreamer0.10? if so what is the name of it?10:40
Warboketethatooblack: That is for source code, packages are damn easy10:40
jribketethatooblack: but you may need to enable universe like Warbo said first10:40
phaedrus44uh....uncomment worldwide repo and apt-get update    and  search for xchat in synaptic...it is listed...a sysinfo script10:40
AndyCooll_Emxba: "top 3". my typing mistake10:40
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phaedrus44any torrent software come with ubuntu?10:40
WarboAnyone know why pyvnc2swf hangs on me?10:40
SurfnKidanyone know a way to rename eth1 to wlan0 using ndiswrapper with bcmwl5 driver?10:41
ketethatooblackwarbo && jrib: oh ok. OOH then i choose the package i want and install jrib?10:41
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sherwinhow do i set my eth up ?10:41
jribketethatooblack: yep very easy10:41
WooDcan we start in kde in Ubuntu ?10:41
jrib!kde > WooD10:41
DShepherdWarbo: I dont know. why dont you hang it on something else10:41
LjLphaedrus44: yes. just click on a torrent link, and it should work. you won't see the torrent app by default, but if start the Menu Editor from your Applications menu, you'll see it's there -- just hidden. you can unhide it from there.10:41
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DShepherdWarbo: :-)10:41
WooDjrib: thanks but is gonna start always in kde instead of gnome ?10:41
AndyCooll_Or use Automatix to install all the codecs10:41
SurfnKidDShepherd, hehe10:42
smaxHi! on which site i can generate my one source list10:42
nomatsSurfnKid, have a look at /etc/modprobe.d/aliases10:42
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic10:42
WarboDShepherd: It must be my sensual musk :)10:42
phaedrus44LjL: thanks...i found it...uninstalled and im installing bittornado10:42
jribWooD: when you are at the kdm/gdm screen, click options and then session.  You will be given the choice to make kde your default10:42
SurfnKidnomats, i did, ndiswrapper's alias is wlan010:42
ketethatooblackjrib: i cant find gstreamer 0.10 i have a .810:42
WooDjrib: thanks a lot .10:42
SurfnKidnomats, still shows up as eth110:42
jribketethatooblack: are you using dapper?10:42
Warboketethatooblack: Are you in Dapper or Breezy?10:42
WooDAny of you have tried the jbidwatcher ? this is a Auctions Tool10:42
Warbowood: I think it is out-of-date10:43
ketethatooblackjrib and warbo: are those things inside of ubuntu10:43
SurfnKidnomats, i unloaded ndiswrapper, removed driver, loaded driver, moded ndiswrapper again, as usual to reintegrate it10:43
ketethatooblackwarbo && jrib: i believe breezy. i have no clue.10:43
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ubotudapper is the 4th and latest release of Ubuntu. Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake"10:43
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ubotubreezy was the third release of Ubuntu. Version 5.10, codename "Breezy Badger"10:43
jribketethatooblack: then you need gstreamer0.8-mad I believe10:43
WooDWarbo: ok, I have installed it but having error on java when trying to have watching auctions10:43
ketethatooblackjrib; ok i'll look for that in the list10:44
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Warbowood: I think eBay have changed their system and jbidwatcher doesn't work any more10:44
jribketethatooblack: if you aren't sure of your version, then run this command after going to applications > accessories > terminal: lsb_release -c10:44
ketethatooblackjrib: i have several others some say like .8 - audofile10:44
LjLketethatooblack: have you enabled universe, and if yes, then have you issued a "sudo apt-get update" after enabling it?10:44
ketethatooblackjrib: it says n/a10:44
ketethatooblackljl: universe?10:45
jribketethatooblack: did you put the -c?10:45
WooDWarbo: hooo ... do you know something similar that can make almost the same work ?10:45
LjL!tell ketethatooblack about universe10:45
ketethatooblackjrib: oh no hahaha wait one second10:45
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ketethatooblackjrib; BREEZY!!10:45
DVI_ADPCMhey w32codes does not work for me10:45
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ketethatooblackjrib & warbo & ljl: http://www.vorbis.com/setup_linux/ do i need htat?10:46
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DVI_ADPCMwhy can't i install liblame0?? it says: uninstallable!!10:46
LjLketethatooblack: eh? no.10:46
hoehaverdoes anyone know how to set up a static IP address10:46
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LjLketethatooblack: you just need stuff that comes from the Ubuntu repositories.10:46
hoehaverwith a router, ay know10:46
jribketethatooblack: ok, gstreamer0.8-mad is correct for you then.  Since you can't find it, it means you need to enable universe (ljl had the bot send you instructions)10:46
ketethatooblackljl: it said that was like aformat to use instead of mp310:46
hoehaveri tryed it yesterday and...lol i mest up10:46
Warboketethatooblack: Any software you want is probably already in Ubuntu, don't go downloading stuff off web pages10:46
firebird619Is there a way to configure tvtime to work with digital speakers?10:47
hoehaveri was disconnect for like 5 hours, i dont even know how i fixed the router but i did10:47
LjLketethatooblack: yes, and that format (i.e. Ogg) is perfectly supported by default under ubuntu, and there's nothing you need to do to make it work. it just works.10:47
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WooDWarbo: do you know something similar ?10:47
DVI_ADPCMis liblame0 really missing?10:47
WarboWooD: Not for Linux (and not for Free)10:47
hoehaverwell, ok10:47
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WooDWarbo: :(10:47
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ketethatooblackw & l & j = warbo ok thank you. ljl and jrib: im so confused10:48
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jribketethatooblack: haha ok, I'll just shutup because too many people are talking to you at the same time :)10:48
LjLketethatooblack: i'm not sure what's getting you confused. Ogg is an audio format, MP3 is another audio format. Ubuntu supports Ogg out of the box, but it doesn't support MP3 out of the box.10:48
ketethatooblackljl: i understand that but i dont really understnad like how i listen to music like at all10:49
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LjLketethatooblack: (and the reason it doesn't support MP3 out of the box is patents and various legal amenities)10:49
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LjLketethatooblack: if you want to listen to music that is in the Ogg format, you just double click on the file, or load it into Rhythmbox, or whatever. if you want to listen to MP3, you need to install the "gstreamer0.8-mad" as you have been instructed, after enabling the Universe repository10:50
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gleesondwhat pkg do I need to install to get the manpages for C.... i.e. man fopen?10:50
LjLgleesond: manpages-dev10:50
malachiI'm trying to install OphCrack and am running into this problem: "No package 'gtk+-2.0' found"10:50
recon0I can't find a page showing how to upgrade to dapper from breezy (save reinstalling with dapper). Is there a page? Matter of fact, is this even possible?10:51
ketethatooblackljl: ok but im trying to get music off the internet10:51
swimhey folks, I'm having this issue where simply shift+bckspace is causing X to restart...10:51
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.10:51
LjLketethatooblack: i'm not sure i can help you with that.10:51
recon0that works. thanks.10:51
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edgyHi, what do I need to install in ubuntu to have ProxyPass support in apache2?10:52
LjLswim: you have XGL installed.10:52
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polpakgleesond, you need manpages-dev10:52
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swimLjL: yes I do... but there must be a way around that issue?10:53
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LjLswim: perhaps. try asking in #ubuntu-xgl10:53
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swimok thx10:53
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polpakmalachi, you trying to compile from source?10:54
malachipolpak: yes.10:54
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polpakmalachi, sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev10:55
Hurgasomeone using mISDN with Ubuntu?10:55
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Music^Houndsherwin you still here ?10:55
edgyok I got it ;)10:55
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto10:55
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Music^Houndguess not10:55
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MystaMaxcan someone tell me where to configure vmware server's vmnet adapters?10:55
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ketethatooblackfor some reason i cant find this gstreamer .8 - mad on my computer so what do i do to listen to music. is there any other program that will let me play mp310:56
firebird619Is there a way to configure tvtime to work with digital speakers?10:56
rexinanybody have a fix for the warning messages not going away in azureus on dapper?10:56
Music^Houndfigured out the smb:/// not a valid location... you need to isntall libgnomevfs2-extra to fix it10:56
AngryElfI've followed the wiki on ATI's drivers yet fglrxinfo still shows the mesa3D project - despite fglrx explicitly being listed in xorg.conf.....any ideas?10:56
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h3sp4wnAngryElf: lsmod | grep fglrx10:57
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AngryElfh3sp4wn, nothing10:58
Warboketethatooblack: "apt-cache search gstreamer0.8-mad"10:58
gatekeeperketethatooblack: which application are you using to listen to music?10:58
h3sp4wnAngryElf: put fglrx into /etc/modules10:58
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AngryElfmmk, brb10:59
ketethatooblackwarbo: ... want me to put that in the terminal10:59
ketethatooblackgatekeeper: rythmbox but i cant figure out like anything10:59
h3sp4wnAngryElf: You can do modprobe fglrx but its likely to lock the system10:59
Warboketethatooblack: Yes10:59
ketethatooblackgatekeeper: what i want to do i download music and open it in rythmbox10:59
ketethatooblackwabro: ok10:59
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pinkmanI have tried mozilla-mplayer, gxine(and the firefox plugin), and I cant get the video in any web page, that has embbeded video, I only am getting the audio.10:59
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:59
pinkmanAnyone can help me?10:59
polpakketethatooblack, ^^ what ubotu said11:00
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jribpinkman: do you have w32codecs installed?11:00
ketethatooblackwarbo: it went to the next line.11:00
ketethatooblackpolpak: thank you i've had those links but i dont know what to do with them11:00
Hurgasomeone using mISDN with Ubuntu?11:00
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pinkmanNo, how would I install them?(im new to ubuntu/linux)11:00
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jrib!w32codecs > pinkman11:00
polpakketethatooblack,  read:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats11:00
pinkmanIs it a apt-get install w32codecs?11:00
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polpakketethatooblack, it tells you what you need to install11:00
Warboketethatooblack: Just follow the links to do with universe11:00
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:01
linux_user400354how can i change the filename of something im downloading with wget?11:01
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_absolution_will something happen if I install a new processor on my ubuntu machine??11:01
LjLlinux_user400354: wget URL -O filename11:01
polpaklinux_user400354, -O I think11:01
lz1gjdlz1gjd@ubuntu64:~$ fglrxinfo \n Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual! any ideas ?11:01
jribpinkman: they aren't in any official repositories so you may have to get them from seveas' or plf.  Ubotu should have sent you instructions11:01
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GentoonJust Installed dapper X or something lags my system every coiuple mins PLEASE HELP!11:02
ketethatooblackwarbo & polpak: universe ok let me see11:02
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martin__hey all11:03
bnemocan anyone tell me how to make ubuntu do a search for new hardware?  I've installed a new (old) sound card from creative labs and I'm not seeming to be able to find it..11:03
martin__we have sound issues between ALSA and OSS11:03
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AngryElfh3sp4wn, fglrx is now loaded, rebooted, and still not showing up in fglrxinfo11:03
_absolution_will something happen if I install a new processor on my ubuntu machine??11:03
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ketethatooblackwarbo: you want me to put that code on that page in the terminal?11:03
martin__seems either updates to OSS have dismantled various programs ability to play sound through alsa11:04
AngryElf_absolution_, as long as it's the same architecture it should be fine11:04
GentoonNayone help please?11:04
martin__I would prefare to remove oss11:04
h3sp4wnAngryElf: You set it up with aticonfig --inital ?11:04
AngryElfh3sp4wn, i did11:04
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AngryElfFound fglrx primary device section11:04
AngryElfNothing to do, terminating.11:04
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bnemoI haven't run any updates on the machine yet11:05
AngryElfaticonfig --initial ^^11:05
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h3sp4wnAngryElf: dpkg-divert --list | grep fglrx11:05
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bnemo...so is there an existing auto-detect sequence/system or is there a manual command that needs to be issued to detect new hardware?11:05
SurfnKidmmm still cant get it11:05
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h3sp4wnAngryElf: What card are you using ?11:05
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michaeljb2006Hey there people I'm having a problem with evolution.  When I send mail (html format) to people with a signature picture imported the picture shows up on the receivers end as a little square with an X or some derivative of that depending on the receivers e-mail client.  Is this suppose to happen?  I'm using jpeg as the format for the image file.11:06
ubotuI know nothing about dosbox11:06
AngryElfh3sp4wn, radeon 960011:06
polpak!info dosbox11:06
ubotudosbox: A x86 emulator with Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA graphics, sound and DOS. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.63-2.1 (dapper), package size 371 kB, installed size 1028 kB11:06
ketethatooblackwow. i think this is the most confuisng thing i've ever did.11:06
ubotuI know nothing about dosemu11:06
pinkmanAlright, I got it from a mirror "wget http://free.linux.hp.com/~brett/seveas/freenx/1135D466.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -" not 100% sure if it worked though, but the embedded web players still arnt showing video.11:06
AngryElfh3sp4wn, msg or pastebin?11:06
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h3sp4wnAngryElf: pastebin if its more than a few lines11:06
recon0I'm sorta confused. wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades says that I should use upgrade manager to update to Dapper. So I just run Update Manager? That's it?11:06
mc_polpak, thank ya11:06
ketethatooblacki feel like i've left my mommy (windows) and stepped into the wild (ubuntu breezy) where i can survive and i have people to help me but its just not going through.11:07
gnomefreakrecon0: are you on breezy?11:07
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bnemo"happiness" is trying to debug an ubuntu sound card issue on the 5th day of not having had a cigarette...11:07
gnomefreakrecon0: gksudo update-manager11:07
ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add "blacklist modulename" to the end of that list11:07
polpakketethatooblack, well when you consider how many years you've been using windows.. of course it will be more familiar11:07
recon0I'll take that as a 'yes'.11:07
AngryElfh3sp4wn, http://pastebin.ca/8435911:07
gnomefreakrecon0: gksudo "update-manager"11:07
swimcan i get transparency running metacity+xgl?11:08
crogue5ketethatooblack, try dapper also, might help with newer stuff11:08
polpakketethatooblack, if you can explain what you are doing or trying to do, and what errors if any you are getting we can try to help11:08
ketethatooblackpolpak - true. 10 years versus 2 days11:08
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ketethatooblackok polpak i'll explain everything in my next message11:08
polpakketethatooblack, also you should probably upgrade, since breezy is a little out of date11:08
h3sp4wnAngryElf: Are you using the ones from the repos or the new ones ?11:08
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ketethatooblackbreezy is out of date?11:08
polpakketethatooblack, yep11:08
gnomefreakswim: ask xgl qustions in #ubuntu-xgl please11:08
mc_!info dosbox11:08
ubotudosbox: A x86 emulator with Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA graphics, sound and DOS. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.63-2.1 (dapper), package size 371 kB, installed size 1028 kB11:08
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ketethatooblackpolpak; how can i upgrade to dapper11:08
malachipolpak: Thanks...new problem.....configure: error: header file <openssl/ssl.h> is required for OpenSSL11:08
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RustyJamesis there somone else who has a problem that ubuntu freezes randomly? i mean REALLY freezes no ctrl-alt-backspace or anything ...11:09
mc_strange i cant install dosbox11:09
ubotuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org11:09
mc_universe is enabled of course11:09
crogue5ketethatooblack, download the new CD and install would be best for you11:09
gnomefreakketethatooblack: dapper is latest stable ubuntu release11:09
polpakketethatooblack,  you can just DL the ISO and go from there11:09
martin__bnemo: are you having sound card issues too?11:09
GentoonCan Anyone please help me fresh install of dapper and something is making my syatem lag every few minutes???\11:09
ketethatooblacki dont have a cd burner11:09
h3sp4wnAngryElf: The ones downloaded from ati.com or the ones in the repos ?11:09
AngryElfh3sp4wn, i presume they're from the repos'11:09
bnemomartin_ roger that11:09
ketethatooblackpolpak: do you have a webpage? iso?11:09
polpakketethatooblack, or you can try using the update manager, but if you don't have everything already the way you want it in breezy it may be easier to just install the iso11:09
martin__bnemo: oss or alsa problems and recently as of saturdays updates?11:10
AngryElfh3sp4wn, i followed the current wiki11:10
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GentoonX problem maybe?11:10
polpakketethatooblack, http://www.ubuntu.com/download11:10
homeskoolHey all, I have a stupid question11:10
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ketethatooblackpolpak: i have everything the way i want it so should i got to system > administratoni > synaptic?11:10
ketethatooblackpolpak: ok11:10
bnemomartin__: issue is with a cfreative labs ISA card...just installed this onto a dell optiplex gx1.  I've got a similar machine at home that has no problems....don't why this one is...11:10
homeskoolI have a PPC ubuntu cd. How do I boot into live mode with my ibook g4?11:10
FlyingSquirrel32I'm setting up a server that uses Apache2, PHP and MYSQL. What do I have to install to get PHP to work with SQL?11:11
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polpakmalachi, try libssl-dev11:11
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slowz3rAnyone have any ideas why my ubuntu wont boot from CD??11:11
benkong2I got a fresh install of ubuntu/kubuntu and this is an error message on nm-applet http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1771011:11
malachipolpak: Sweet! Thanks. Running make now.11:11
ketethatooblackpolpak: there are three untied states11:11
_absolution_can I install Gentoo on my ubuntu machine without any problems?11:11
polpakketethatooblack, any one is fine11:11
homeskooli thought all the states were tied... :P11:12
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gatekeeperFlyingSquirrel32: look for php etc here: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper11:12
erUSULFlyingSquirrel32: php-pear (php-db) i guess11:12
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GentoonAnyone know the command to reconfig X server in dapper?11:12
bnemohmmm....maybe just trying a reinstall will fix all this :(.....sigh...11:12
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ardchoille_absolution_: I don't see why not, it would be a dual-boot setup.. I have 4 distros on one machine :)11:12
sloucherslowz3r: check the boot order in the bios11:12
ketethatooblackpolpak: desktop cd? sever install cd? whcih one should i choose11:12
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gnomefreakGentoon: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:12
chimpsky_join mp311:12
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slowz3rsloucher: it is set to boot from CD11:12
Seveasketethatooblack, desktop11:12
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homeskoolAny ideas on how to boot Ubuntu live on an iBook G4?11:12
polpakFlyingSquirrel32, sudo apt-get install php4-mysql11:12
sloucherslowz3r: you get any errors? What happens?11:13
slowz3rsloucher: it just goes through the boot order like there is no CD11:13
ketethatooblackseveas: thank you11:13
homeskoolDoesn't work to just put in CD and reboot, Open Firmware didn't like the command "boot cdrom". how do i boot ubuntu live on ibook g4?11:13
gatekeeperGentoon: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:13
h3sp4wnAngryElf: Try the ones from ati.com you can generate packages for dapper (and before I got rid of my fglrx they seemed to be working alot better than the previous ones)11:13
ketethatooblackPC (Intel x86) desktop CD ?11:13
gnomefreakketethatooblack: whats the date on the desktop cd download?11:13
Seveasketethatooblack, if you have a standard pc: yes11:13
polpakketethatooblack, you have an AMD or Intel ?11:13
ketethatooblackgnomefreak: huh?11:13
=== Lobster wnscht euch was
ketethatooblackpolpak: intel11:14
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FlyingSquirrel32polpak: I got that one already.11:14
SeveasLobster, english please11:14
ketethatooblackseveas; ok11:14
gnomefreakSeveas: june 1st desktop cds are not reliable11:14
sloucherslowz3r: you sure the cd is ok? how did you make it? When you explore the cd are all the files there?11:14
polpakgnomefreak, really? in what way?11:14
compengihow to install ssh server package on my system11:14
Seveasgnomefreak, those are the ones sent out 11:14
ardchoillegnomefreak: Really? And I just got my CD's too :(11:14
gnomefreakSeveas: my point11:14
ketethatooblackpolpak: its going to open in up with file-roller11:14
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slowz3rsloucher: if u by how did u make it u mean what did i use to burn it..i used Nero...and yes all the files are there11:15
erUSULcompengi: System>Admin>synaptic11:15
gnomefreakSeveas: they are the ones with all those damn bugs11:15
ketethatooblacknot reliable?11:15
homeskoolhelp with booting ubuntu live on ibook g4, plz?11:15
ketethatooblackso i shouldnt do it11:15
erUSULcompengi: look for openssh and install it11:15
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nvezmy apache crashed and now my port 80 is stuck floating in the air, suggestions?11:15
nvezPermission denied: make_sock: could not bind to addres11:15
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Seveasketethatooblack, they are reliable.11:15
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto11:15
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AngryElfhomeskool, put CD in, reboot, hold C11:15
erUSUL!synaptic > compengi11:15
polpakketethatooblack, you are getting the .iso file yes?11:15
edubruellhello I  installed Ubuntu 6.0611:16
polpakketethatooblack, then choose to save it to the disk11:16
homeskoolthank you, angryelf, i'll give that a try11:16
phaedrus44how do i add conky to startup?...i use fluxbox11:16
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edubruelland evrything except sound seems to work11:16
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ketethatooblackpolpak: i haveno clue11:16
edubruelli have a ad1986a onboard soundcard11:16
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ciocanelWhat's the easiest way to install gaim2?11:16
sloucherslowz3r: i'm out of ideas - do other cd's boot, like windows?11:16
polpakketethatooblack, what is the url on the link it's going to download?11:16
slowz3rsloucher: ?11:16
sztanpetphaedrus44 fluxbox has its own start-fluxbox file imo, try there11:16
compengierUSUL, they seem to be installed11:16
edubruelland did search in the forums for solutions for my problems11:16
ketethatooblackpolpak: ok im going to go back to that first page you showed me and make sure i choose the right now11:16
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems11:16
compengierUSUL, how do i access it11:16
ketethatooblackpolpak: http://ftp.ussg.iu.edu/linux/ubuntu-releases/6.06/11:17
slowz3rsloucher: i put in my Xp pro CD and it booted fine11:17
h3sp4wnciocanel: Take it from deb-src debian experimental is what i did11:17
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ciocanelh3sp4wn, tanks.11:17
Gentoonapt-config ???????11:17
GentoonAnyone here?11:17
_absolution_hey can anyone give me links where I can download games?11:17
edubruellalsa "works" on my box11:17
erUSULcompengi: how acces it? if they are instaled you have it running in bg and have the client ssh in a terminal11:17
sloucherslowz3r: then were back to the cd - which one did you use?11:17
polpakketethatooblack, that's fine.. then just click on the PC Desktop link11:17
gatekeeperGentoon: what are you trying to do?11:17
Seveas_absolution_, applications  add applications11:17
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edubruellbut evrytime i play a sound there is a high pitched noise in the background11:18
slowz3rsloucher: ubuntu server11:18
slowz3rsloucher: ive tried all 311:18
h3sp4wnciocanel: Make sure you only add the deb-src for debian experimental not the deb - if you don't understand what I am saying don't try11:18
edubruellthe alsamixer won't work like it should11:18
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ketethatooblackpolpak: ok. where do i save it too?11:18
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erUSUL!ssh > compengi11:18
polpakketethatooblack, Desktop CD  section the PC (Intel x86) link and it should download an iso file11:18
ketethatooblackpolpak: i dont think i have a black cd11:18
polpakketethatooblack, anywhere in your home directory11:18
ciocanelh3sp4wn, I understand, thanks a lot.11:18
edubruellseems to be quite a standart problem with my snd card11:18
=== Jazon [n=Jazon@host86-139-196-197.range86-139.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
polpakketethatooblack, you can burn it after it downloads11:18
polpakketethatooblack, but you need a blank cd11:19
sloucherslowz3r: wow, you've done alot of work already11:19
Jazonhi everyone :)11:19
h3sp4wnciocanel: cool11:19
ketethatooblackpolpak: i don thave a cd burner11:19
gatekeeperedubruell: define won't work like it should, can't turn sound up / down ?11:19
polpakketethatooblack, oh11:19
gnomefreakketethatooblack: are you on breezy?11:19
Jazonwell, i got talked into trying out dappy (from kanotix)11:19
polpakketethatooblack, then downloading it won't do you much good ;p11:19
ketethatooblackgnomefreak: yes11:19
polpakketethatooblack, you should use the update-manager then11:19
ketethatooblackpolpak: ok i deleted it11:19
edubruellsound crashes totaly after you change something in alsamixer11:19
gnomefreakketethatooblack: in terminal type gksudo "update-manager"11:19
ketethatooblackpolpak: where do i go for that again11:19
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Jazonwondering what kind of luck im gonna have 'out of the box' with this configuration....11:19
sloucherslowz3r: so you see autorun.inf on the cd?11:19
compengierUSUL, they say nothing about how to install it11:20
polpakJazon, you should check out the Desktop Guide11:20
sloucherslowz3r: try the desktop ubuntu with windows?11:20
ketethatooblackpolpak:i went in my password and it brught the softwar update window up11:20
gnomefreakketethatooblack: that should give you a bunch of updates like mbs worth11:20
ketethatooblackgnomrefreak: there are none11:20
polpakJazon, most things will just work of course11:20
edubruellbefore you change anything in alsa mixer sound just is noisy and has that highpitched noise in the background11:20
erUSULcompengi: you said they were already isntaled11:20
Jazonspecifically worried about the madwifi-ng (atheros ar5005g mini pci in my lappy)11:21
FlyingSquirrel32Ugh! This isn't working... What is the simplist way to test database access from php? (I don't know PHP)11:21
ketethatooblackgnomefreak: i updated all 159 updates yesterday11:21
slowz3rsloucher: i only see the autorun.inf on the desktop CD11:21
polpakJazon, but a few things have to be tweaked for licensing, etc11:21
ubotuwifi is Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper11:21
JazonHost/Kernel/OS  "laptop.arkygeek.com" running Linux i686 [ KANOTIX 2006 Easter  ] 11:21
JazonCPU Info        Intel Celeron M 1024 KB cache flags( nx ) clocked at [ 1396.840 MHz ] 11:21
JazonVideocard       Intel Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller  X.Org 7.0.0  [ 1024x768 @60hz ] 11:21
JazonNetwork cards   Atheros AR5005G 802.11abg NIC11:21
Jazon                Realtek RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+, at port: 600011:21
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JazonProcesses 107 | Uptime 2days | Memory 1232.23/1255.12MB | HDD HTS424040M9AT00,Maxtor 6 Y160P0 Size 200GB (91%used) | Client Konversation 0.19 | Infobash v2.50rc1211:21
gnomefreakketethatooblack: what does uname -r tell you?11:21
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:21
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compengierUSUL, i mean how to work with it11:21
sloucherslowz3r: can you run it from windows?11:21
edubruelloh and alsamixer does not find mixer channels11:21
edubruellcould that be a dmix problem11:21
gnomefreakJazon: no pasting in the channel use pastebin11:21
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erUSULcompengi: what do you want to do? access your machine remotely? access other machines?11:21
ketethatooblackgnorefreak: 2.6.12-10-38611:22
slowz3rsloucher: let me pop it in real quick11:22
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gatekeeperedubruell: anything from the pakage manager to suggest it has installed the correct driver?11:22
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Jazongnomefreak: that wasnt a paste - sorry, its allowed in kanotix11:22
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compengierUSUL, i want to give shell accounts to others11:22
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IcemanV9did any1 have success to modify trip_points on hp laptop?? i CANNOT modify it for whatever reason (permission denied) even when i used "sudo". :/11:22
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edubruellwell snd_hda_intel should be the correct driver11:22
=== AngryElf [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
TestXChatcould someone help me with a boxbackup problem?11:22
ketethatooblackgnomrefreak: 2.6.12-10-38611:22
gnomefreakJazon: that was a paste but either way should read /topic it tells you there11:22
sn00pwhat are the codes for windows in ubuntu?11:23
gnomefreakletok let me find this command for you11:23
GentoonHow can I restart my sound server?11:23
polpakJazon, at anyrate11:23
polpakJazon, https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/index.html11:23
stefg!codecs > snnop11:23
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stefg!codecs > snoop11:23
erUSULcompengi: System>Admin>Users. Create accounts for them. once it is done they should be able to acces them with an ssh client11:23
polpakJazon, it's a very helpful guide.. though there are a few typos/bad urls11:23
sn00pstefg, didn't get it11:23
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dribblei am so.freeking.tired of rhythmbox crashing into an unkillable state11:23
stefg!codecs > sn00p11:23
gnomefreakketethatooblack: if you run this command it will upgrade you soon ;)11:24
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polpakerUSUL, you also need to install the openssh-server11:24
compengierUSUL, then why do i need openssh-server11:24
slowz3rsloucher: oops acidently closed IRC11:24
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ketethatooblackgnomrefreak: yay ok thanks11:24
erUSULcompengi: given that you do not run a firewall blocking the ssh port11:24
Jazongnomefreak: actually it is a script called infobash. it wasnt a paste.  anyway, i will read the url... thx for that11:24
gnomefreakketethatooblack: sudo sed -e 's/breezy/dapper/g' </etc/apt/sources.list11:24
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gnomefreakwonders why the < is there :(11:25
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sloucherGentool: the sound demon is esd - so kill "PID for esd" then type esd to start it up11:25
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gnomefreakketethatooblack: let me know what that does11:25
SurfnKidayone know how to add the wlan0 alias instead of eth111:25
Riesdoes on ubuntu 6 server XFS comes compiled in the kernel and/or modules? I just did setup RAID1 with LVM and XFS fs... but boot did fail...11:25
edubruellwell prhaps there is a possible solution for my problem11:25
polpakcompengi, you need the server to listen for the incoming connections, and you need the users to authenticate11:25
Commander-CroweIS there a program that I can use to mount ISo files11:25
erUSULcompengi: that is the server that will allow others to acces your machine11:25
ardchoillegnomefreak: keys too close together?11:25
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edubruellbut i would need a newer kernell and a new testing version of alsa11:25
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ketethatooblackgnomefreak: no < ?11:25
StarkMjolkI just got a rather strange issue just, after some hardware tuning and a few craches, when I login I get a prompt that says: "I have no name!@platypus:~"11:25
compengierUSUL, and how do i limit the number of processes?11:25
gnomefreakketethatooblack: im thinking leave that out11:25
tpgterrorEssencee: hey are u there?11:25
polpakcompengi, number of processes per user?11:26
compengipolpak, yes11:26
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edubruellwich version of alsa does 2.6.17 use11:26
ketethatooblackgnomrefreak: it worked showed alot of crap and then went to the next line11:26
erUSULcompengi: i do not know. never tried to set up a shell account server. look in google11:26
stefgRies: XFS is done as a module... i guess you'll have to build a custom initrd to make it work11:26
edubruell10.11rc-4 or higher11:26
dewskydows anyone know a good flash editor for ubuntu?11:26
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ketethatooblackgnoremfreak: you migh tjust kill me. im looking at the update manager11:26
=== AngryElf [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
nvezhey, how can i make a program run in someones username?11:26
ketethatooblackand at the top it says upgrade 6.06 LTS11:26
gnomefreakketethatooblack: ok now run cat /etc/apt/sources.lsit11:26
polpakcompengi, you can use the ulimit command11:27
gnomefreakfix the .list though11:27
compengipolpak, i need to limit it11:27
StarkMjolkCommander-Crowe: I believe your ordinary mount -t iso9660 ought to do?11:27
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slowz3rsloucher: ya it lauches the little browser11:27
JazonStarkMjolk: you are right11:27
ketethatooblackok it showed alot more crap then waiting for me to type11:27
gnomefreakketethatooblack: they should say dapper on those outputed lines11:27
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Riesstefg: Ok..... I will boot using ext3 then... no problem11:27
Commander-CroweStarkMjolk: howdo I do that?11:27
gnomefreakketethatooblack: look for dapper or breezy what one do you see11:27
SurfnKidnvez, set it at the login window preferences under security11:27
slowz3rsloucher: but when i tried to boot it wouldnt work11:27
sloucherslowz3r: you want to install that way? Not sure why it won't boot.11:28
StarkMjolkCommander-Crowe:  sudo mount -t iso9660 <filename>.iso <mountpoint>11:28
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ketethatooblackgnomefreak: it says breezy11:28
gnomefreakketethatooblack: ok hit ctrl+c11:28
sloucherslowz3r: change the bios to only boot from cd?11:28
Commander-Crowenow what is the mount point supposed to be?11:28
StarkMjolkCommander-Crowe: a directory where you want your iso to be mounted11:29
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AngryElfh3sp4wn, supposidly the ati drivers are installed, same situation :(11:29
gnomefreakketethatooblack: gksudo "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"11:29
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AngryElfh3sp4wn, fglrx doesn't appear anywhere in Xorg.0.log, yet no errors either11:29
gnomefreakketethatooblack: when it opens change all the breezys to dapper than click save11:29
Commander-Crowedo I just pic one like /home/commander?11:29
tom1502can anyon tell me what ubuntu uses for S3/S4, swsusp or suspend2, and where i can enable a higher log-level?11:29
ketethatooblackgnome ok11:29
StarkMjolkCommander-Crowe: take an empty directory, you can use something under your home or under /mnt perhaps11:30
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gnomefreakketethatooblack: after you save let me know11:30
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ketethatooblackgnome: at the top it says Breezy Badger11:30
ketethatooblackdo you want me to chagne it to11:30
ketethatooblackDapper Drake11:30
dribblegrr to rhythmbox11:30
gnomefreakketethatooblack: doe sit say cdrom?11:30
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ketethatooblackdeb cdrom:[Ubuntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_ - Release i386 (20051012)] / breezy main restricted11:30
gnomefreakdoes it say cdrom?11:30
ketethatooblackgnome: soryr you said no pasting. but ya it says cdrom11:30
gnomefreakketethatooblack: delete it11:30
StarkMjolkabout my issue if anyone knows, whoami returns: "whoami: cannot find name for user ID 1000"11:30
gnomefreakketethatooblack: one lin eis fine11:30
compengierUSUL, so what should i search for?11:30
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StarkMjolkwhere would the usernames be stored other than in /etc/passwd?11:30
ketethatooblackgnome: ok delete that whole line?11:30
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gnomefreakketethatooblack: yes11:30
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gnomefreakketethatooblack: all the other lines that start with deb please take the # away from them (if there is a # infront of them)11:31
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erUSULcompengi: "limiting number of proceses per user linux" should be a good phrase to try11:31
ketethatooblackgnome: i saved it11:32
recon0Is there any way that I can confirm I have sucessfully updated to Dapper?11:32
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tom1502nobody knows?11:32
ketethatooblackgnome: ok11:32
gnomefreakketethatooblack: did you change all the breezy to dappers?:11:32
sloucherStarkMjolk: you can play with the GUI System - Administration - Users and Groups. /etc/passwd is maybe the only place that usersnames are listed?11:32
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erUSULcompengi: or "setting up a shell account server linux"11:32
BLoodckyo can't play mp3... what to do?11:32
ketethatooblackgnome: yes now im working on deleting the #11:32
gnomefreakketethatooblack: than save it11:32
Warbo!tell BLoodcky about mp311:32
ketethatooblackbloodcky: thats a hard question. i spent years on it. and still im not done.11:32
stefg!restricted > BLoodcky11:32
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StarkMjolksloucher: that's what I thought, but when I login, I get that "I have no name!" prompt, and all seems good in /etc/passwd and the gnome GUI users-admin11:33
funkjaWhich audio player does everyone use?11:33
ketethatooblackgnome: done11:33
gnomefreakketethatooblack: save when done and type sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:33
niklas_eis there any way to set a password or do something so you can use the cups webinterface?11:33
gnomefreakketethatooblack: and answer the questions and go there are a ton of updates btw11:33
slowz3rsloucher: i tried but it just acts like there is not a CD11:33
StarkMjolkand oh, in the title bar, it says starkmjolk@platypus, only the prompt that misses my name atm11:33
andy-Anyone know how to get all this infromation to display? See screenshot: http://ubuntuforums.org/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=2733&cat=500&ppuser=1911:33
=== gnomefreak brb smoke
=== Gentoon [n=pitviper@c-67-168-220-143.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
atrophicfunkja, amarok11:33
ketethatooblackgnome: it says invalid opperation11:33
ketethatooblackbloodycky: hehe if you find a good way tell me.11:34
Warbofunkja: Amarok, Listen, Totem and XMMS11:34
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RustyJamesis there somone else who has a problem that ubuntu freezes randomly? i mean REALLY freezes no ctrl-alt-backspace or anything ...11:34
stefg!info gkrellm11:34
ubotugkrellm: multiple stacked system monitors: 1 process [client] . In repository universe, is optional. Version 2.2.7-5ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 388 kB, installed size 948 kB11:34
gnomefreakketethatooblack: sudo apt-get update11:34
sloucherStarkMjolk: why don't you paste the /etc/passwd - the one line with your username11:34
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gnomefreakketethatooblack: does that work?11:34
stefgandy-:  watch ubotu's info11:34
ketethatooblacknope it says invalid operation11:34
gnomefreakketethatooblack: paste your sources.list file to pastebin please11:35
recon0Is there any way that I can confirm I have sucessfully upgraded to Dapper?11:35
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:35
=== davor [n=davor@213-64-148-82-no39.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreak^^^ link for ya11:35
slowz3rsloucher: so now im cluless11:35
GentoonSOMEONE please help, system is lagging every couple minds and can onlr run one resolution?11:35
Gentoon?how can I reconfig X11:35
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polpakcompengi, http://gentoo-wiki.com/SECURITY_Limit_User_Processes11:35
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ketethatooblackgnome: send it to you?11:35
ketethatooblackput gnomefreak as the name right?11:36
sloucherslowz3r: I'm out of ideas? I think I would try burning another cd again? Burning CD's seem to go wrong alot.11:36
Warbosudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg < Gentoon11:36
h3sp4wnAngryElf: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver11:36
=== technomancy [n=user@pool-71-103-88-166.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
technomancywow, so did they take VCD support out of dapper or something?11:36
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slowz3rive gone through a spindal of 25 tryin to get it to work11:36
slowz3rsloucher: ive burned aabout 25 times11:36
polpakslowz3r, have you tried other bootable CD's?11:36
h3sp4wnAngryElf: It may be a good idea to backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf (move it somewhere else) then try aticonfig --initial again11:37
Warbotechnomancy: VCDs use MPEG (and SVCDs use MPEG2), so they can't support it out of the box11:37
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slowz3rpolpak: i popped in Xp pro and it was fine11:37
technomancyWarbo: breezy did just fine11:37
Warbotechnomancy: Out of the box?11:37
StarkMjolksloucher: just checked another user on this machine aswell, all but root get "I have no name!"11:37
=== LGKeiz [n=lgkeiz@ppp-70-225-188-177.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #Ubuntu
sloucherslowz3r: lol - I don't know. What brand cd. I hear people complaining about memorex?11:37
gnomefreakketethatooblack: if you want11:37
technomancyWarbo: my bad; you had to install vlc11:37
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technomancyWarbo: but with dapper even installing VLC doesn't do it11:37
ketethatooblackgnomefreak: ok i posted it with a screenshot11:37
gnomefreakketethatooblack: after you click send give me the new address11:37
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slowz3rsloucher: i dont member i dont have em anymore...they went in the garbage11:38
polpakslowz3r, only thing I can think is there's something wrong w/ how you are burning them11:38
Jerrok, so I was reading this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-16578.html and am wondering if anyone else has mod perl running better?11:38
polpakslowz3r, I'd say just to order a CD via shipit11:38
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ketethatooblackgnome: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/i1771211:38
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ketethatooblackgnome: see it?11:38
asdfasdfhas anyone been able to install gnucash2.0.0?11:38
ketethatooblackits the small window11:38
slowz3rpolpak: i dunno how it would go wrong im using nero and in nero their is a burn iso option..and i did order from shipit but i dont wanna wait like a month11:39
polpakketethatooblack, ehh you spelled update wrong11:39
gnomefreakketethatooblack: you spelled update wrong11:39
ketethatooblackhahaha im so sorry11:39
ardchoilleketethatooblack: update.. not udpate11:39
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asdfasdfhas anyone been able to install gnucash2.0.011:39
gnomefreakketethatooblack: sudo apt-get update11:39
ardchoilleketethatooblack: I've made that error tons of times11:39
sloucherStarkMjolk - what does root get? and you have root? Did you make a root password?11:39
ketethatooblackgnomefreak: ok im one ittt11:39
BLoodckyketethatooblack, do you know any e-book or web page where i can learn linux? i am bored of linux...11:39
Riesstefg: heaving my boot disk as ext3 did the trick.....11:39
BLoodckyof windows* :P11:39
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gnomefreakketethatooblack: is it working?11:39
polpakslowz3r, you can try another burning tool11:39
StarkMjolksloucher: yah, did that a while back. root@platypus, no issue with that name11:40
polpakslowz3r, but I really have no idea at this point.11:40
ketethatooblackgnome: ok its doing alot of loading11:40
ketethatooblackgnome: yepp11:40
slowz3rpolpak: thnaks11:40
WarboDoes anyone know why pyvnc2swf doesn't work in my Dapper system? It worked in a different Breezy system (not tried it in another Dapper)11:40
h3sp4wnBLoodcky: Linux (or UNIX) in a Nutshell is a good book if you can get it11:40
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compengipolpak, can you help me with it11:40
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technomancyok, this is messed up big time. i get I/O errors even trying to copy the movie file from the VCD to the HD11:40
compengipolpak, i accessed the file to edit but what should i do i don't know11:41
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ketethatooblackbloodcky: haha dont ask me. these guys are the ones helping me. all i know is that mp3 stuff. WHEW hardstuff if you've come from windows11:41
BLoodckyInstall the following packages to play most proprietary formats using Totem and Rhythmbox, which both come with Ubuntu.11:41
BLoodckySince the version of Totem that comes with Ubuntu doesn't yet play DVDs, the list below also includes packages for the GXine player, which does.11:41
BLoodckygstreamer0.10-ffmpeg... How to install this? I dont understand... I am new in linux :)11:41
sloucherStarkMjolk: did you ever get a name from whois? Did this just happen? Did you past that one line from /etc/passwd?11:41
polpakcompengi, the instructions on that page are pretty clear if you read them11:41
ketethatooblackgnome: i got a notice saying new updates available11:41
erUSUL!mp3 > BLoodcky11:41
sloucherStarkMjolk: how about if you make a new user?11:41
WarboBLoodcky: System>Administration>Synaptic Package Manager11:41
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:41
ketethatooblackumm guysss11:42
StarkMjolksloucher: It worked one hour ago, yes, it just happened, the line was directly from /etc/passwd11:42
technomancyanybody know why a mounted VCD would give I/O errors when the VCD works fine in any non-ubuntu system?11:42
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StarkMjolksloucher: I'll try that, one sec11:42
BLoodckyi still dont understand :)11:42
erUSUL!synaptic > BLoodcky11:42
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sysrplhas anyone had problems with apps and glibc *invalid pointer* causing crashes?11:42
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sysrpli think ubuntu's glibc is borked11:42
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ketethatooblackthe sudo apt-get update ended in unable to lock the adminstration libary is another process using it11:42
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sloucherStarkMjolk: i missed the line can you paste again - you sure it looks ok?11:42
polpaksysrpl, nope11:42
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto11:42
polpakketethatooblack, do you have synaptic open?11:43
airmikeyanyone here running sever cd11:43
BLoodckynothing without bots :)11:43
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StarkMjolksloucher: starkmjolk:x:1000:1000:Gummibtshandlare:/home/starkmjolk:/bin/bash11:43
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airmikeyit seems slow and jerky11:43
polpakairmikey, I'm running a breezy server install for mythtv11:43
StarkMjolkand yes, I think it looks good11:43
=== profoX` [n=profox@d54C0FBA7.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
sysrplpolpak: do you know where the official ubuntu bug tracker is?11:43
gnomefreakketethatooblack: close the file you have open11:43
Warboketethatooblack: Only one program can change packages at a time (to prevent conflicts). Close any update managers, synaptics, apt-gets, aptitudes, adepts or anything else which uses APT11:43
ketethatooblackbloodcky: sorry i didnt get your IM now im answering ot youu.11:43
StarkMjolksloucher: got same problem with a new just created user11:43
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu, please report it at http://bugs.ubuntu.com11:43
ketethatooblackgnome: what file?11:43
polpaksysrpl, ^^11:43
gnomefreakketethatooblack: the /etc/apt/sources.list file11:43
ketethatooblackwarbo: including my terminal?11:43
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erUSULBLoodcky: well bots do not get tired of saying the same thing time and time again and again... ad infinitum11:43
StarkMjolkadded the user with the adduser script btw, but that has always worked for me11:43
=== rbman [n=cm@c-68-53-209-244.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Warboketethatooblack: No, just only use one APT program at a time11:44
_absolution_hey all......I've got dvd::rip installed.......and it doesn't want to read my dvd's........do I need to install something??11:44
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gnomefreakketethatooblack: once closed run the update command again11:44
ketethatooblackwarbo: ok.11:44
technomancyI/O errors for *any* VCD access... dapper must me mounting them incorrectly or something11:44
rbman_absolution_, your dvd drive a +?11:44
Adam_Gokay, I'm in the grub shell and I want to install it to the master boot record11:44
ketethatooblackgnome: its analyzing my system11:44
andy-Yum: http://img438.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot2wv.png =] 11:44
Adam_Ghow do I get it to do the MBR and not just one partition?11:44
gnomefreakketethatooblack: if it ends without errors sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:45
malachi>.< Wrong program11:45
ketethatooblackgnome: Cannot install all available updates11:45
ketethatooblackSome updates require the removal of further software. Use the function "Mark All Upgrades" of the package manager "Synaptic" or run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" in a terminal to update your system completely.11:45
=== gnomefreak will only be here for another min or so
airmikeydapper seems slow and jerky11:45
gnomefreakketethatooblack: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:45
nominyeah, I think breezy was better than dapper11:45
StarkMjolksloucher: I've tried searching the net some for the issue, but everything is about the same issue, but with LDAP, kinda different :)11:45
WarboOK, I am going to charge ahead in a stupid direction to fix my small pyvnc2swf problem. Expect me to return with problems about debootstrap and Breezy in a chroot....11:45
gnomefreakketethatooblack: let me know what it says this time11:45
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erUSULtechnomancy: if you get io errors is faulty hardware (bad ide cables?) or a driver issue (the kernel) or maybe the disc is scratchy11:46
niklas_eif ubuntu doesn't find your all-in-1 printer-scanner-cardreader what can it be that is wrong?11:46
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ketethatooblackdidnt work11:46
ketethatooblackunable to lock adminsitration directory11:46
unstablesobinstalling ubuntu on my ibook, lets hope this goes well11:46
gnomefreakketethatooblack: do you have any gui like synaptic or update-manager open?11:46
=== AngryElf [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
airmikeyi had dapper cd on laptop ..ran smooth ..decided to try server cd ..seems slow and jery  anything i can do to make run better11:46
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ketethatooblackgnome: i have software updates open11:46
gnomefreakclose it11:47
BLoodckybye ppl11:47
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ketethatooblackgnome: it worked this time11:47
sloucherStarkMjolk: hey, try id -un11:47
gnomefreakketethatooblack: good11:47
h3sp4wnairmikey: What does uname -a say ?11:47
ketethatooblack302MB will be used11:47
ketethatooblackyes or no?11:47
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gnomefreakketethatooblack: yes11:47
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=== Aidamina [n=aa@cc247812-b.roden1.dr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
sheikapt keeps telling me connection to servers failed, even though I can connect to them using telnet. Any idea why?11:48
ketethatooblackok its going. as it goes what are the perks of dapper?11:48
StarkMjolksloucher: "id: cannot find name for user ID 1000" and then just "1000" on second row11:48
=== ba_ [n=ba@206-163-250-69.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu
airmikey2.6.15-25-server #1 smp11:48
h3sp4wnairmikey: You are using the server kernel which is not designed for desktop usage11:48
=== fufutos [n=fufutos@thesdsl-05959.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
sysrplif i installed a set of tools built from the source using "./configure --profile=/usr; make; sudo make install" ... how would i then later remove all these tools?11:49
gnomefreakketethatooblack: newer packages11:49
h3sp4wnairmikey: sudo apt-get install llinux-68611:49
h3sp4wnairmikey: sudo apt-get install linux-68611:49
StarkMjolksloucher:  this seem interesting, running just id returns "uid=1000 gid=1000(starkmjolk) ..." I'm just guessing here, shouldn't it say uid=1000(starkmjolk) too?11:49
airmikeyok thx11:49
GentoonCan anyone please tell me the command to reconfigure the Xserver in dapper?11:49
ketethatooblackgnome: i see11:49
Music^Houndketethatooblack: dapper + XGL = sweet looking desktop11:49
erUSULairmikey: h3sp4wn is right in kernel kernel they probably disabled preemption11:49
LjLGentoon: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:49
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ketethatooblackmusic: hahah11:49
iiibillA cohort has just put dapper on an AMD64 here and I don't seem to be able to find libpam-ldap in the repositories.  Is there some special sources.list trick anyone knows of?11:49
erUSULGentoon: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:50
ketethatooblackone of the reasons i got linux was because of its cool look =] 11:50
=== aeon17x [n=aeon17x@] has joined #ubuntu
ketethatooblackmy sister did an engineering program and got a free disk11:50
rbmanokay...I've now installed an ISA creative labs (soundblaster) soundcard from 1994...if the ubuntu setup doesn't detect THIS then I just don't know ;P11:50
ctartamellacould someone help me with the graphical splash screen?11:50
=== HBuzacott [n=hugh@static-203-87-39-30.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
WarboGentoon: I told you before: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:50
chanakyacan somebody help in getting my aiglx running11:50
=== ] GD [n=w00t@pool-70-111-88-29.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ketethatooblackthat linux in a nutshell book will teach me everything i need to know?11:50
chanakyai don`t get /usr//bin/Xorg-air installed11:50
chowellsrbman: ISA stuff is hard to get working, you often need to change jumpers or use a DOS based config utility11:50
Music^Houndchanakya: try #ubuntu-xgl11:50
ketethatooblackim going to go check it out at the library after im done with this11:50
sloucherStarkMjolk: yes it should give you uid=1000(starkmjolk)11:50
Jerrhas anyone gotten success here making a LAMPerl11:50
SubJerr, you mean a LAMP server? yes.11:51
StarkMjolksloucher: then we have an issue :) how would I possibly change that?11:51
mc_!xgl > chanakya11:51
hivemindIf I could suggest something, don't get Linux for Dummies.11:51
rbmanchowells, I ain't skeered o' no jumpers ;)11:51
h3sp4wnketethatooblack: It will teach you how to use the command line to a point where you get some advantages from using linux11:51
=== Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
fufutosI use xfce4 on dapper. When I open a new window the tasklist flashes until the new window gets focus. How do I disable the flashing ?11:51
ketethatooblackhivemind: not good?11:51
sloucherStarkMjolk: that's a stange problem - I'm out of ideas11:51
=== droide02 [n=droide02@chf02-1-82-240-76-172.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
hivemindketethatooblack: Nope, I learned more my googling and off IRC.11:52
chowellsrbman: I think I fried an IDE controller in a 386 by getting the jumpers wrong (IIRC :)11:52
hivemindmore by*11:52
ketethatooblackh3sp3wn: i seee. one of the reasons i got linux is so i coudl learn moree11:52
=== nil_ is now known as nihilocrat
ketethatooblackhivemind: i see11:52
ctartamellamy boot only has the text (on a framebuffer) how do i enable the graphical boot?11:52
=== andy- [n=andy@ppp-69-215-98-103.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
rbmanchowells, I still rememebr setting all the dip switches on my acoustic coupler modem back in like '84 or so11:52
Warboketethatooblack: Visit the Wiki. It tells you pretty much everything you could want11:52
ketethatooblacki learned with windows but having problems and haveing to fix them11:52
ubotuwiki is http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Loads of user-contributed documentation11:52
=== eliphas_ [n=eliphas_@host-84-9-255-148.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
chowellsrbman: haha. that was before my time :)11:52
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ketethatooblackheres a joke for you all. air condition is just like a computer. its all good until you open windows11:52
StarkMjolksloucher: hmm, strange indeed, I'll let you know if I find out anything more :)11:52
=== yoder [n=telecon@infosyndicate.net] has joined #ubuntu
rbmanketethatooblack, that -was- good11:53
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:53
=== timothyzander [n=timothy@ppp-70-249-211-178.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ketethatooblackwarbo: thank youu11:53
Warboketethatooblack: Are you saying you prefer a text-mode console? :)11:53
sloucherStarkMjold: yeah please do - that's interesting11:53
ketethatooblackrbman: hahaha. =] 11:53
StarkMjolksloucher: I will, thanks for the help so far :)11:53
=== userundefine [n=userunde@cpe-065-190-047-105.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ketethatooblackwarbo: you mean like just text?11:53
=== rbman is older than dirt
MaicolHi, I have a problem with internet. I have a wifi card (Intel IPN 2220) and instaled the drivers with ndiswrapper but internet with firefox or opera are very slow. Is normaly?11:53
ketethatooblackwarbo: wait. i think i just comletely missed what you were saying11:53
rbmanmy first monitor was a line printer...11:54
timothyzanderhello, does anyone else have a problem with archive.ubuntu.com right now?11:54
Warboketethatooblack: Repeat this to me: "To get into grahics, I will press ctrl-alt-f7"11:54
Seveastimothyzander, no11:54
=== cius [n=cius@c-68-52-104-93.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ketethatooblackto get into graphics i will press ctrl-alt-f711:54
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iiibillrbman: my first terminal was a card punch11:54
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Warboketethatooblack: OK, now press ctrl-alt-f111:54
timothyzanderalright seveas, cause i cant even ping it11:54
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ubotuHa magyarul beszelsz kerlek probald a #ubuntu-hu11:54
JerrSub: I mean Linux Apache MySQL and Perl (I already have PHP working)11:54
ketethatooblackwarbo; hmm. ok haha. what is it going to do11:54
=== steve_ [n=steve@88-110-156-131.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Warboketethatooblack: Go into a text-mode console11:55
SubJerr, yes a lamp server, why dont you jus use the "install LAMP server" option on the server install CD?11:55
=== Nakkel [n=nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #ubuntu
Warboketethatooblack: (that is what it will do, not an instruction :) )11:55
Subit makes it SO easy11:55
=== tvalladon [n=tvallado@] has joined #ubuntu
tvalladoncan someone suggest a good linux alternative to MyBase for windows?11:56
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WarboAll MyBase........11:56
=== rpons [n=rpons@176.Red-80-37-4.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
SonicChaoHow do you change the terminal to make it a black background with white text?11:56
Seveastvalladon, openoffice base?11:56
=== hayden [n=hayden@203-219-130-10.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
WarboSonicChao: Edit>Profiles11:56
ctartamellamy boot only has the text (on a framebuffer) how do i enable the graphical boot?11:56
SeveasWarbo, rofl11:56
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unstablesobis there a ppc specific channel?11:56
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Seveasunstablesob, no11:56
JerrSub: I didn't do server install11:57
sloucherSonicChao: edit - current profile11:57
=== atrophic [n=atrophic@unaffiliated/atrophic] has joined #ubuntu
JerrI had that server run without hdd for a while, so I was using livecd and installed it that way11:57
iiibillrbman:  Hmmm, tried to reply to you private message, but I guess I haven't registered so I can't do that.  Anyway I said " First was was an IBM 29 I think.  Standard 80 column cards.  We also used the square 90 column cards."  I'll go figure out registration now.11:57
=== rob_p [n=rob@] has joined #ubuntu
sztanpetwhen i edit my /etc/security/limits.conf when does it take effect?11:57
tvalladonSeveas: no, already tried that, no where near the functionality, but thank you11:57
SonicChaoWarbo and sloucher: thanks, that worked :)11:57
=== grenegar [n=renegarg@net35.arts.umanitoba.ca] has left #ubuntu []
SubJerr, well itz normally just a case of "sudo apt-get install apache2 php4 php4-mysql mysql-server mysql-client mysqladmin" to do a real basic install.11:58
StarkMjolksloucher: found it! /etc/passwd wasn't readable by all users, ran chmod +r on it, now I get my prompt again :))11:58
=== larson9999 [n=larson@CPE-72-128-126-220.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
harisundWhat is the best way to go about with webmin? Or is there a better alternative that is equally or more powerful than webmin, and allows me to configure everything I want?11:58
JerrI have all that11:58
sloucherstarkMjolk: makes sense - what changed the permissions?11:58
=== ketethatooblack [n=ketetha@adsl-68-95-139-71.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
StarkMjolkno clue whatsoever11:58
=== crogue5_ [n=chris@ip70-161-80-244.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
JerrI just need mod_perl to recognize perl files, and was hoping there was an easier way than messing with configs11:59
ketethatooblacki dint want text only!11:59
michaeljb2006Hey there people I'm having a problem with evolution.  When I send mail (html format) to people with a signature picture imported the picture shows up on the receivers end as a little square with an X or some derivative of that depending on the receivers e-mail client.  Is this suppose to happen?  I'm using jpeg as the format for the image file.11:59
=== phatmonkey [n=ben@firshman.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ketethatooblacki am the stupidest11:59
ketethatooblackperson alive11:59
sloucherstarkMjolk: oh well, nice job11:59
haydenwhat packages do i need for a machine to be a client for xdmcp logins (minimal client install)?11:59
Warboketethatooblack: What did I tell you to repeat?11:59
ketethatooblackwarbo: grr. i forgot about the how to get graphics back11:59
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ketethatooblackI KNOW11:59
nihilocratJerr: uhm, well, there are various apps that will mess with configs for you11:59
ketethatooblackhaha i ddint remember that11:59
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StarkMjolksloucher: there's not a problem google can't solve ;) and thanks for the help on the way11:59
nihilocratJerr: but it would be fairly easy to first check as to whether apache is configured to run pl files properly12:00
michaeljb2006google hasn't solved my problem yet12:00
harisundalso, apart from my other question, anybody know of any good GUI tools for mySQL?12:00
h3sp4wnhayden: I would use freenx over xdmcp (never managed to get it working properly with dapper)12:00
=== larson999 [n=larson@CPE-72-128-126-220.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
haydenh3sp4wn, ok thanks ill take a look12:00
ketethatooblacki kind of closed out12:00
ketethatooblackof everything i did =[12:00
ketethatooblacki had to restart my cmoputer12:00
h3sp4wnharisund: mysql-admin12:00
sloucherharisund: lots. something link php mysql - just google12:00
Warboketethatooblack: "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"12:00
harisundh3sp4wn have you got FreeNX to work properly? I could really use your help there..12:00
Jerrnihilocrat: I don't think apache is, because it tries to make me download the pl file12:00
ketethatooblackmerci beacoup12:00

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