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AndyGeehmmm still wont install12:10
AndyGeei think i have till do a low level format???12:10
AndyGeewud that do the trick?12:11
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coachJI want to be able to use knoquor to rip to mp3 what do I get from adept?12:13
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RawSewageKonq has it built in12:14
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RawSewagejust drag from the CD to the folder12:14
coachJno you have to have lame or libame0 to encode12:14
coachJdont know which12:15
RawSewageok, do you have multiverse enabled12:15
coachJi see it now on adept12:15
RawSewagesudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs12:15
coachJthink I have those12:15
coachJill see12:15
RawSewageok, then install mplayer12:15
RawSewagei have no clue lol12:16
coachJyeah I got them some sadi get lame12:16
coachJill try it12:16
abattoir!info kmultimedia-kio-plugins12:16
ubotuPackage kmultimedia-kio-plugins does not exist in dapper12:16
abattoir!search kmultimedia-kio-plugins12:16
ubotuFound nothing12:16
abattoir!info kdemultimedia-kio-plugins12:17
ubotukdemultimedia-kio-plugins: enables the browsing of audio CDs under Konqueror. In repository main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 173 kB, installed size 608 kB12:17
abattoircoachJ: ^^^12:17
free-son-Sthere is some french people here?12:18
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:18
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free-son-Sok kool12:18
free-son-Sok ubotu merci pour l elien12:18
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Joe1hello, room12:20
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aeskes'there anybody outthere12:21
coachJrawsewage--it worked, need lame to encode to mp312:21
Joe1I got a good one here.  So my computer is connected to an apple airport, I think, and all the comps here run XP, except me.  My Kubuntu system can recognize the wireless network, but even though I put in the correct WEP key, I can't connect!12:22
Joe1I have a dual-boot with Vista, and that't the only way I can even get on the net to chat here now.12:22
abattoirJoe1: what program are you using to connect?12:23
coachJVista beta?12:23
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Joe1beta 2.12:23
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Joe1I'm just trying to connect through network settings.12:23
coachJhow is it?12:23
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Joe1It's like Xp in mac clothing.12:23
abattoirJoe1: try knetworkmanager12:23
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Joe1did that.12:23
Joe1no dice.12:24
Joe1The network is actually listed as Apple Network 7f1e1e12:24
Joe1that's three words.12:24
Joe1with spaces.12:24
Joe1does that make any difference?12:24
RejistaniaI can not type special characters without KDE broking them up after I updated my distro12:25
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mossmanI have had similar problems I had to change the route add deafult eth1 (ethx)  to make it work.  Kubuntu hung up a few times on that one12:25
Joe1Rejistania, are you on a laptop?12:25
Rejistanianope, desktop PC, German keyboard12:25
RawSewage coachJ- ok good12:26
Joe1it's actually ath1.  eth1, is my ethernet.  I'm wireless now.12:26
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Joe1... fyi.12:26
Joe1I don't know anything about German.  It's like Greek to me.12:26
Rejistaniait appears that all of a sudden, KDE forgot what UTF-8 is12:27
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[Govt] AgentHas anyone gotten stepmania to work on x64?12:28
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Rejistaniawell, greek also doesn't work, as I just tested 12:32
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Rejistaniahmm, apparently now it does...12:32
bazoogot a wired problem. my amaroK wont play mp3s :/ vlc does12:33
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vem0mbazoo: did u d/l the libs?12:34
vem0mbazoo: if not goto https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats and read how :)12:35
bazoouhm.. which ones are needed?12:35
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bazoohm installed that libs12:40
bazoobut still nothing12:40
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larson9999this blasted router keeps locking up on me.  almost ready to go back to my true mobile one.  and it sucks12:41
vem0mbazoo: hmmmmm u installed what was in that guide?12:42
vem0mbazoo: might need to restart amarok12:42
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bazootook that ones12:44
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pete_Hi all :)12:45
vem0mhello pete_12:46
pete_May I ask a quick quest?12:46
Rejistaniahmmm, where can I set the locale?12:46
vem0msure pete_12:46
vem0mRejistania: not sure12:47
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vem0mbazoo: libxine-extracodecs12:47
vem0mthat is what u neeed12:47
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bazoobut my synaptic cant find this12:47
pete_I've just installed KDE ontop on Ubuntu, It's still displaying Gnome instead though. How do I switch the desktops around?12:47
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h3sp4wnpete_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm (select kdm)12:48
centyxlet's go.12:48
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h3sp4wnpete_: Then choose session type kde12:48
centyxactually, i've gotmore amarok woes.12:48
vem0mpete_: not sure i installed Kubuntu stright as i didn't like gnome :P12:48
abattoir!info libxine-extracodecs12:48
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB12:48
pete_Is there anyway I can keep my existing settings and install Kubuntu?12:48
abattoirbazoo: ^^^^ you need to enable the multiverse repository12:48
centyxanyone been able to get amarok 1.4.1 to play flacs successfully?12:49
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coachJwhat is flacs?12:49
centyxpete_: which settings?12:49
Joe1k.  I'm back.12:49
centyxpete_: you could tar up your home directory12:49
centyxcoach: flac media format12:49
centyxamarok played flac files fine before I upgraded to 1.4.112:50
pete_I spent quite a wile installing/setting up ndiswrapper for my USB wi-fi dongle, It'd be a pain to do it all again :/12:50
centyxoh that12:50
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centyxpete_: just save the important files, configs etc12:50
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pete_I'm a n00b, Im not sure how to?12:51
centyxI haven't used ndiswrapper in quite a while ( since my laptop died )12:51
centyxotherwise I'd tell you which files to save12:51
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r0xzcentyx: now you say so, i have the flac issue too (you use gstreamer0.8-...   too? )12:52
pete_hmm, I suppose it would take that long now I have the hang of it. Well, Time to d/load Kubuntu :)12:52
centyxr0xz: using the xine engine12:52
centyxpete_: nah12:52
centyxpete_: in a shell, do updated12:52
centyxer, updatedb12:52
centyxpete_: then do   locate ndiswrapper12:52
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centyxpete_:  oh i misunderstood. yea, the practice won't kill you either ;)12:54
pete_This is true ^_^12:54
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centyxpete_: but you could do a quick look in /etc and /usr/share and /usr/local for ndiswrapper stuff12:54
centyxafk supper12:54
pete_Alright, Well thanks for your help guys. <312:55
h3sp4wncentyx: updatedb should be run as nobody - updatedb --localuser=nobody (otherwise you end up with things in it a user should not be able to see)12:56
Joe1Okay, I fiddled with kwifimanager.  no luck12:56
Joe1any other suggestions?12:56
bazooahh its working* thx alot guys :)12:56
h3sp4wnJoe1: Try wpa_supplicant /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/examples/wep.conf12:57
[Govt] AgentA'ight does anyone here know how to apply the stepmania x64 patch?12:57
h3sp4wnJoe1: And /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.Debian (Just include wep.conf)12:58
Joe1I'm reading....01:00
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Joe1I'm more confused than before.01:04
SpAwNJoe1: u are trying to use wireless?01:05
r0xzcentryx: shoot me, i use xine too in amarok... looks like a bug seeing we are with two now01:05
SpAwNJoe1: have u tried ndiswrapper01:05
Joe1don't need to.01:05
SpAwNJoe1: so the computer sees your card and everything01:05
Joe1My card is recognised perfectly.01:05
SpAwNJoe1: good =D01:05
SpAwNJoe1: u just cant connect?01:06
Joe1now get this: the WEP key is 8 digits.01:06
SpAwNahh u are using an encryption............i never had luck doing that01:07
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Joe1I had before, on a different network.01:07
Joe1but the key, which was hex, was 21 digits.01:07
SpAwNJoe1: do u have axx to the router...to try to turn it off...see if it works then01:07
Joe1sadly, no.01:08
h3sp4wnJoe1: Have you set up wpa_supplicant (you can deb what is going on in wpa_cli01:08
SpAwNi tried everything i could i mandriva and never got it working01:08
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Joe1h3sp4wn, no, I haven;t/01:08
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Rejistaniahey, it's ubuntu!01:08
AndyGeethought i shud lets u's no i got it sorted01:09
h3sp4wnJoe1: The thing about wpa_supplicant is the debug part of it01:09
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AndyGeedoes kubuntu play mp3's?01:09
Music^Houndnot by default01:09
Joe1k, h3sp4wn, what do I need to do?01:10
RejistaniaNo one knows where I could search for a solution to the UTF-8 problem?01:10
AndyGeehow do i get them to play?01:10
Music^Houndyou need to set restricted repos01:10
Music^Houndone sec01:10
AndyGeehold on i havent it installyet01:10
AndyGeeinstalled yet01:10
AndyGeeints installing as we speak01:11
Music^Houndgo there01:11
AndyGeeah ok01:11
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z00mhi all, can anyone tell me a good file encryption software for linux ?01:12
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SbCl3hi, I'm still using breezy, but i'd like to update to Dapper, where is the sources.list file I need?01:15
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mrbojangliehey can anybody help me with this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21298701:16
mrbojangliei've been toying with it all day with no luck01:16
Kr4t05!tell SbCl3 about upgrading01:16
SbCl3thanks, Kr4t0501:17
vem0mmrbojanglie: so umm u need to get ATi working?01:17
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mrbojangliebut the driver has a bug that doesnt detect modelines01:18
vem0mmrbojanglie: hld on one min01:18
Kr4t05!tell mrbojanglie about video drivers01:18
ubotuI know nothing about video drivers01:18
mrbojanglieso everything is messed up01:18
mrbojangliei have the ati driver installed and working (i believe)01:18
mrbojangliebut the screen is a wreck01:19
vem0mmrbojanglie:  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20491001:19
z00mwhats a good file encryption tool for linux01:19
vem0mtry that topic01:19
vem0mi used it and it worked 3/3 tries mrbojanglie01:19
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mrbojangliehey thanks but i managed to install the driver01:20
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mrbojangliethe ATI driver deosn't detect modelines for my specific laptop01:20
vem0mthat will install it and make it work with ur kernel and X1101:20
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vem0mhave u tried to configure it?01:20
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mrbojanglieyeah its setup and configured01:21
mrbojangliejust the modeline for my monitor i don't have01:21
Kr4t05z00m, ark or xarchive01:21
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vem0mmrbojanglie: i mean do a configure of it to allow modelines?01:21
mrbojangliefor the resolution/refresh rate01:21
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mrbojangliesorry, how do you mean?01:21
Kr4t05z00m, xarchiver*01:21
vem0mmrbojanglie: try doing a custom then01:21
SbCl3is Dapper the current stable version?01:22
vem0mmrbojanglie: none match mine by defualt either so i told it my custom ones and it works fine01:22
mrbojanglieSbCl3, yes01:22
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mrbojanglieyeah i've used a modeline generator to make a custom one01:22
vem0mmrbojanglie: thu the X11 config that is01:23
mrbojangliebut its still a bit shakey01:23
vem0mmrbojanglie: sounds like the wrong refresh rate01:23
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mrbojangliein the generator i used 1280x800 60hz01:23
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vem0mmrbojanglie:  my max is 1024x768 60hz01:24
mrbojanglieand when i run startx its very shakey and refresh rate is set to 69Hz for some reason01:24
mrbojangliesorry 59Hz01:24
vem0mu might make sure its acually set to that01:24
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mrbojanglieyes in windows it is that and without ATI's driver it is that01:24
vem0mhmmmmmm go into the config and check for it to be set to 60 hz01:24
SbCl3does anyone here know why doing sudo apt-get upgrade instead of sudo apt-get dist-upgrade makes a system unbootable (this happened to me last time)?01:24
vem0mX11 tries to set it to a range even if u tell it not to01:25
vem0mi had to go into the file and tell it flat 6001:26
vem0mnothing else and all works01:26
mrbojanglieso where do i define this (apart from the modeline)01:26
vem0mhld on01:26
mrbojangliethanks btw01:26
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goemon4hello all, i need some hellp playing audio files on my comp with Kubuntu 6.0601:28
vem0mmrbojanglie: under the section Section "Screen"01:28
SbCl3"1091 upgraded, 129 newly installed, 233 to remove and 11 not upgraded." <--- this sounds wrong, could someone elaborate (dapper install)01:28
skgegoemon4:: What exactly is your issue?01:28
vem0mmrbojanglie:  modes "1024x768@60" "1024x768@43" "800x600@60"01:29
goemon4ok as soon as i try to play anything (in amarok, vlc, kaffiene) it just skips to the end of the track01:29
vem0mshould read sumthing like that01:29
mrbojangliehere is my xorg.conf as it stands: http://www.miraclesalad.com/webtools/clip.php?clip=3f901:29
vem0mmrbojanglie: i will have a look01:30
samuligoemon4, do you have the right codecs?01:30
SbCl3why is it going to remove 233 packages?01:30
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goemon4idk which ones do i need?01:30
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mrbojanglieand the screen is shaking all over the place with that file01:31
mrbojangliecompletely unusable01:31
vem0mPM mrbojanglie01:31
mrbojanglieif i go back to driver "ati" it works fine01:31
mrbojangliehmm i cant pm, need to register01:31
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Joe1can anybody help me with my little wifi issue.  I won't bug you again, I swear.01:33
DN_Wwhat issue you got01:34
goemon4sry, but im kinda new to irc, so what codecs do i need? (to play media files)01:34
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apokryphosgoemon4: please read the FAQ01:34
Joe1I'm just trying to connect  my Kubuntu box to my network.01:35
DarkAuditKubuntu keeps wanting to connect to someone else's wireless connection. There's an open connection in the neighborhood somewhere, and it keeps grabbing that one first. How can I stop it?01:35
goemon4will do (ive been looking, but found nothing) but i will search! also one other problem, i installed dosbox with apt-get and it isnt showing up in the K menu, how can i put it there?01:36
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Joe1goemon, use the menu editor.01:37
DarkAuditI left the ssid and key info blank in the System Settings-> Network Settings. Does that make a difference?01:37
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LeeJunFanAnyone know of any voice changer software for linux?01:37
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Joe1if you don't have it, you can find one via adept01:38
goemon4i did try the menu editor...but it didnt work there01:39
Kr4t05How would I get access to the command lndir?01:40
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vigilanteHi all, I am having problems with Epson Print Utilities in KDE, when I try to check ink levels, it says, cannot open /dev/usb/lp0 read/write: no such file or directory, I can print though01:43
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vigilanteany ideas to fix?01:43
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Joe1well, I am officially past my wit's end.01:45
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TheMoebiusI'm getting an error on trying to start kdm that says unrecognized command: tcp, does anyone know where I can find the line that calls kdm at startup to figure where that option is coming from?01:48
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tomazHelp!, when i try to halt or reboot the system thru KDE, it goes to the Command Line!01:50
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TheMoebiustomaz: when you start KDE does it start automatically or do you start it from command line?01:51
vem0mtomaz: what does it do when u say startx from the command line01:51
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tomazstarts automatically01:54
tomazbut when i try to shutdown, it goes to the shell01:54
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vem0mtomaz: hmmmmm maybe did u mess with the services?01:54
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AndyGeehello again lol01:55
AndyGeerite good got it installed yay!01:55
tomazyeah, i did it u.u'01:55
vem0mAndyGee:  great :)01:56
tomazi was disabling bluetooth services and mysql, and apache01:56
AndyGeeprob is playing mp3's now01:56
tomazmaybe i distroyed somethign u.u01:56
AndyGeethanks vem0m01:56
vem0mtomaz: maybe u messed with the wrong startup  service?01:56
vem0mAndyGee: np dude01:56
AndyGeehow do i get playing mp3's?01:57
vigilante Can someone tell me what this means? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1772801:57
vem0mheh hld on01:57
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vem0mAndyGee:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats01:58
vem0mgo there :)01:58
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AndyGeeokies thanks vem0m any probs ill get back to ya :)01:59
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vem0mvigilante: i thank it means u already have a package manager running01:59
vem0mclose out snyptec,adepts or anything else along those line02:00
AndyGeei dont seem to have them libxine-extracodecs in me adept manager :s02:00
vem0mu have the extra repos loaded?02:01
AndyGeeno prob not02:02
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AndyGeehow do i do that02:02
vem0mAndyGee:  hld on 1 min02:03
vigilantevem0m: should I uninstall before running that again?02:03
AndyGeeall i see is stuff for ubuntu not kubuntu02:04
centyxanyone been able to get flac playback working in amarok 1.4.1?02:04
AndyGeei havent yet02:04
tomazvem0m, maybe i mesed up with the shutdown service =p02:05
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vem0mAndyGee: sorry for the wait i will pm u now02:07
AndyGeethats ok02:07
AndyGeeah i have to reg ven0m02:08
tomazsomeone can gimme a clue?02:08
centyxok , so I need to upgrade to xine 1.1.202:09
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centyxanyone know if there are kubuntu packages for that?02:10
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centyxor where I would go to find out?02:10
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centyxI don't see anything at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/02:12
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild02:12
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ubotuI know nothing about xine02:13
centyxworth a try :P02:13
actinicany faq to updating the kernel?02:13
centyxno clue.02:14
centyxin debian, I always used kernel-package02:14
centyxwhich supplies the command make-kpkg02:14
centyxif I was compiling my own02:14
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ubotuI know nothing about updatekernel02:15
centyxif you just want to fetch a newer precompiled kernel just apt-get install a new kernel image02:15
ubotuI know nothing about kernelupdate02:15
centyxapt-cache search kernel-image02:15
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centyxactinic: apt-cache search kernel-image|less02:16
actinicwhat about headers?  what happens to 3d vid graphics?02:16
actinicgrub affected?  any precautionary measures?02:16
centyxactinic: nvidia or ati?02:16
centyxactinic: look over /boot/grub/menu.lst and do man update-grub02:16
actinicwill that be necessary?02:17
actinicis it better to use synaptic?  or maybe apt-get instead?02:17
actinicwhat's the downside?02:17
actinicno faq?02:17
centyxactinic: you can use synaptic if you want. you don't need to fool w/ menu.lst unless you  don't want all the kernels listed as options etc02:18
centyxactinic: I don't know if there's a faq or not, I'm really new to kubuntu02:18
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actinicwill new headers be necessary to install nvidia 3d graphic drivers?02:18
centyxactinic: look on ubuntu.org and ubuntuforums.org - whatever applies there will be the same for kubuntu pretty much02:18
actinici've looked02:18
centyxactinic: my bad, ubuntu.com02:18
actinicthere doesn't seem to be an official 'update kernel' page i've seen02:19
centyxactinic: ah. you'll need linux-restricted-modules02:19
centyxactinic: but I don't think you'll need the headers02:19
actinicyou sure, i thought that was for multimedia?02:19
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centyxactinic: nvidia-kernel-common02:20
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centyxactinic: I'm just guessing. looking at output of apt-cache search nvidia :P02:20
actinici see that02:20
centyxactinic: I've got an ati radeon 980002:20
actinicanyone else?02:20
actinicthanks anyway02:21
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild02:21
ubotuTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages02:21
centyxactinic: you won't need the headers02:21
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:21
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centyxactinic: I'll install kubuntu on my wife's pc real quick. she's got a nvidia card.02:22
coma_anyone : anyone ever installed Final Fantasy 7 on wine?02:23
centyxactinic: she hasn't touched her gentoo install in over a year02:23
actinicyeah but I'm running an opteron with a 386 kernel for cryin out loud02:24
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centyxactinic: ah.02:24
centyxactinic: do you have nvidia support now?02:24
actinicyes ... for the current (old) kernel of course02:25
centyxactinic: just look at what's installed now...02:25
centyxactinic: and upgrade to the appropriate kernel for your processor02:25
centyxactinic: dpkg -l|grep "kernel"02:25
centyxactinic: or dpkg -l| grep "2.6" or whatever02:25
actinicwhy not just synaptic?  what's the downside?02:26
centyxactinic: heck, do dpkg -l > packages.list if you want02:26
centyxactinic: you can use synaptic if you want. dpkg is just easier to get a quick answer in my opinion02:26
actinici'll check back later02:26
centyxactinic: it's faster for me to type than it is to click02:26
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centyxgood grief02:27
centyxit's just common sense02:27
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centyxok maybe not02:27
intelikeyi just recieved the kubuntu live cd,   Question; why is there no install cd ?02:28
centyxintelikey: the live cd is the install cd02:28
intelikeyyes    why is there no install cd ?02:28
=== fiyawerx_ is now known as fiyawerx
Riddellwe ship the desktop CD which is both a live and install CD02:29
intelikeyit can't run in less than 256m ram ?02:29
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Riddell] : Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Please take off-topic conversations to #kubuntu-offtopic
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Riddellintelikey: you can probably run it02:30
centyxRiddell: hi. are there kubuntu packages for xine 1.1.2?02:30
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intelikeywell  the installer 'doesnt work'      too rigid.   the installer that was on the hoary cd worked.   (it was too rigid also, but would work.)02:31
centyxintelikey: what's the problem you're having?02:31
Riddellcentyx: nope02:32
intelikeyi have no idea,,,  it's a gui and it just sits there.02:32
centyxRiddell: ok. thanks.02:32
intelikeyif it was cli i could at least look for error codes02:32
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stewartcould some please give me a hand in trying to findout what audiocard is in this pc(aint my pc)02:34
intelikeyi figured two hours waiting for the installer to load was plenty of time...    but the little clock just kept going around and around.02:34
intelikeystewart lshw02:35
centyxstewart: if it's a pci card, in a terminal 'lspci' might tell you02:35
Riddellintelikey: report a bug with the log from /var/log/installer/syslog please02:35
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stewartI know its a intagrated card for sure02:36
intelikeyhmmm i'd have to regester for that wouldn't i...02:36
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intelikeystewart you can cat /proc/asound/cards   also it may be detected....02:37
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stewartI'll give er a shot thanks02:37
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intelikeywell i'm gone.02:38
centyxdoes ubuntu have the branches stable, testing, unstable?02:38
centyxand apt repositories for them?02:38
centyxor whatever02:38
centyxnever mind I'll just look around02:39
centyxI know, being lazy is bad02:39
nixternaledgy == unstable02:39
donthey riddel my friend told me 5 min ago you banned him...he just said 1 word and was banned.WHY?02:39
nixternaldapper == stable02:39
nixternalbreezy == stable02:40
nixternaland so on ;)02:40
nixternalactually, unstalbe and testing are both edgy02:40
nixternaldont: because he spammed a channel in here02:40
centyxnixternal: thanks02:40
nixternalagainst irc etiquette02:40
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dontwhat is this?02:41
nixternaltrolling is more the word, not spam02:41
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nixternalthis is a support channel..not an offtopic channel02:41
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dontoh i see..sorry we are new to irc just trying...didnt know that02:41
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dontcan anyone tell me how i change the channel?02:42
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nixternal /j #channelname02:43
brian_dont: google IRC FAQ02:43
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sdolnacksomeone please come to my rescue!  I tried updating the kernel w/ adept and since then my machine has become horrendously slow02:53
sdolnackand how there are like 12 entries in GRUB adn it deleted my XP entry02:53
Ash-Foxyou tried but failed?02:54
Ash-FoxYou could try booting from a older kernel, which is probably still on your system.02:54
sdolnacki did02:54
sdolnackand everything's really, really slwo02:54
sdolnacki have no idea wtf happened02:54
Ash-FoxWell, can't say I can determine the problem with your description02:55
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AndyGeehow do i update my repositories02:55
Ash-Foxapt-get update02:56
AndyGeedoesnt connect tho02:56
sdolnackthis is really bad02:56
sdolnacksomething must be running that's totally hogging up resources and memory02:56
sdolnackwhat's linux's task manager counterpart?02:56
Ash-Foxlinux is just a kernel02:57
SpAwNsdolnack: use top02:57
Ash-Foxyou could try the utilities: top, ksysguard, ps02:57
LjLsdolnack: try ctrl+esc too02:57
Ash-Foxctrl+esc is ksysguard.02:57
sdolnacknothing's happening02:57
sdolnackdo any of those show me how much ram each process is using?02:58
sdolnacknvm just finally loaded02:58
Ash-Foxall of them do02:58
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LjLall of them do02:58
sdolnackjeez this is really really freakishly slow02:58
gnomefreakps aux ;)02:58
LjLsdolnack: go to a text console, type ps aux, find the culprit, kill it before your swap starts thrashing02:59
=== Wabs [n=metalhea@pool-71-250-78-13.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
Tommy2k4why wont mplayer plugin for firefox (for some reason the plugin isnt picked up by opera so i have to use firefox) wont play some videos it only plays the sound02:59
=== Ash-Fox has expirenced horribly slow issues with the new preemptive kernel scheduling.
Tommy2k4ive installed all the codecs that come with automatix and easyubuntu and still no luck02:59
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LjLby the way, what was the way to enable alt+sysrq? i remember i could enable that in breezy without recompiling the kernel, but don't remember how02:59
sdolnackkonsole is taking like fifteen seconds to load02:59
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LjLsdolnack: can you hear your HD thrashing?03:00
sdolnackhow do i f"find the culprit"?03:00
LjLsdolnack: well one of the processes will be taking like 99% CPU. ps aux or top will tell which one it is03:00
LjLactually, try top, it'll be easier to read than ps aux if you aren't used to either03:00
WabsHi, i've got a quick question03:01
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:01
sdolnacknothing's taking more than like 8% of the cpu03:01
Wabsokay, well03:01
sdolnackbut there are liek 8 things taking 30M+ ram03:01
LjLsdolnack: uhm... when did this start?03:01
sdolnackwhen i booted just now03:01
WabsI just wanted to know, what would run better on an old laptop: Kubuntu, Xubuntu, or Ubuntu?03:02
sdolnackthe only thing that's changed since i last booted was updating some packages with adept03:02
WabsI wasn't sure if KDE was lighter than GNOME03:02
Ash-FoxWabs, if you use only K applications, kbuntu.03:02
OODWabs: Xubuntu is lightest on resources03:02
Ash-FoxK applications share memory a lot more than any other desktop enviroment.03:02
sdolnackthe only thing i can think of that would be causing this is installing the latest kernel03:02
sdolnackwhich vastly inflated my GRUB list03:03
LjLsdolnack: if it only slow while *loading* applications, or is also moving windows, waiting for windows to refresh etc slow?03:03
sdolnackand removed my XP partition from grub03:03
WabsIt's not for me, it's for my younger sisters, i'm putting it on their laptop, but it's running a P3 900mHz, 8MB ATI card, & 256MB RAM, so I just wanted to check in to see what would be the best system to install03:03
sdolnackin fact when the splash screen was booting03:03
Ash-Foxxubuntu on the other hand is very low memory, but none of the application really share much memory with each other03:03
WabsI already have Kubuntu and Ubuntu on CDs03:03
sdolnackinstead of text scrolling, the screen sort of "wiped" new lines, like scan lines or something03:03
LjLsdolnack: bah. i would try a reboot, and failing that, go back to the old kernel03:03
jmichaelxproblem is, a lot of xubuntu apps suck03:03
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sdolnackbut i'm running the old kernel03:03
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sdolnackwhich is what's baffling03:03
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LjLWabs: that system is fast enough to allow you to choose whatever you prefer03:04
sdolnackyou know when you see a video monitor on film? how you see those scrolling bars?03:04
pulpit0can anybody paste his/her sources.list file in a /query ?03:04
WabsLjL: Really?03:04
WabsI thought the Ubuntu minimum requirements were higher than that03:04
sdolnackthat's how new lines on the splash screen came up--instead of scrolling normally, the entire thing kind of "scrolled"/wiped, like it was really really dogging03:04
LjLWabs: no, they aren't.03:04
=== Ash-Fox hates being stuck on 256MB ram personally.
jmichaelxi have xubuntu on one PC, and i like it, but if you install it, be prepared to add some gnome apps to replace the xfce ones that don't work03:04
sdolnackthat's why ii like kubuntu the best03:05
sdolnackbut yeah this is really ticking me off03:05
LjLWabs: that's a relatively powerful computer. the fact that people change their computers every year or so doesn't mean you absolutely have to have the latest and greatest hardware to get a working system03:05
sdolnacki can't play dvds w/o them going really choppy03:05
=== robert___ [n=robert@85-124-193-122.work.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu
Ash-FoxIn my opinion KDE is rather the best option if you're going to be running more than one/two applications at the same time03:05
jmichaelxi have kubuntu on a P3 @ 500Mhz and it works fine03:05
sdolnackis it something on startup or something?03:05
Ash-FoxSince the memory with K application are shared heavilly.03:05
sdolnacki mean, i've got a 1.6ghz Pent M and a gig of ram03:05
sdolnackthis shoudlnt' be happening03:06
Ash-Foxsdolnack, and using a older kernel doesn't help?03:06
Ash-Foxsdolnack, create a new user, and see if that new user has any issues.03:06
sdolnackanother thing--we all know that when windows loads, you have to wait after the desktop appears until you can actually run programs03:06
LjLsdolnack: couldn't you just be using VESA rather than the right driver for your videocard? though that could probably only explain *some* kinds of slowness03:06
WabsLjL: well, yeah, I know, but it's a tough choice between KDE & GNOME :\03:07
sdolnackand kde used to be instantaneous--as soon as i saw the desktop, it was good to go03:07
Tommy2k4Wabs, that laptop is faster than what im currently running kubuntu on03:07
sdolnackbut just booting now it was still "loading" after the desktop came on the screen03:07
Tommy2k4o yea03:07
sdolnackwhat's happened?03:07
Tommy2k4i did sudo apt-get remove sendmail03:07
Tommy2k4why does sendmail still try to open on boot up03:07
WabsTommy2k4: how does Kubuntu run on yours?03:07
WabsGood, moderately good?03:08
Tommy2k4quite well03:08
LjLWabs: you said it's for your sister, right? how experienced is she with computers? i much prefer KDE myself, but i feel that 1) Ubuntu implements Gnome better than KDE  2) Gnome is easier for people with very little experience with computers03:08
Tommy2k4i got 733mhz p3, 256mb ram, integrated gfx03:08
sdolnackLjL: I was using ATI fglrx drivers; i didn't change them, but something else might have03:08
sdolnackhow do I check this VESA thing?03:08
fiyawerxLjL: you think gnome is easier for non-experienced?03:08
LjLsdolnack: well, check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf first, see if fglrx is mentioneed03:08
Tommy2k4kubuntu is the first linux ive ever used and found it very easy03:09
LjLfiyawerx: yes, i think so.03:09
sdolnackfiyawerx: def KDE for inexperienced users03:09
Ash-Foxsdolnack, open konsole and type in 'glxinfo | grep direct', and paste the result here.03:09
sdolnackLjL: you think gnome's easier?03:09
fiyawerxsdolnack: i like kde better,feels more like windows03:09
WabsLjL: They really don't know what they're doing unless I guide them in terms of PCs, and I know GNOME is a much easier interface than KDE, but if KDE runs better than GNOME by a large margin, then I don't mind introducing them to using KDE over GNOME03:09
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LjLsdolnack: yeah.03:09
WabsThey're only 1003:09
Tommy2k4wow talk about starting them early03:09
fiyawerxheh, 10 isn't very early anymore03:09
sdolnackfiyawerx: i agree.  KDE is a lot easier for me, being a windows user03:09
LjLWabs: as you can see, opinions differ. wildly. it's just a choice you'll have to make03:09
WabsBut they had XP on there, Tommy2k4, so I was like "forget this, it's waaaayyy too laggy"03:10
WabsLjL: k03:10
Tommy2k4i wouldnt even try to recommend linux to any of my friends03:10
fiyawerxkde vs gnome is like vi vs emacs :)03:10
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Tommy2k4kate ftw03:10
sdolnackAsh-Fox: in response to the glxinfo thing: direct rendering: Yes03:10
Ash-FoxNeither would I, I mean.. it's just a kernel, I'd reccommend a entire distro though.03:10
sdolnackthat's all it said03:10
Ash-Foxsdolnack, looks like fglrx is working fine.03:10
sdolnackhaha fiyawerx tru dat03:10
fiyawerxWabs: if they're used to windows, i'd go with kde, i think its an easier transition overall03:10
sdolnackAsh-Fox: i'm convinced that installing the new kernel changed something (liek it ffreakin rewrote my grub menu.lst03:11
Wabswell, it seems like GNOME is a mix of OSX & Windows03:11
LjLsee, i don't even really see this ease of transition from windows to kde (compared to gnome) that everybody always talks about.03:11
jmichaelxfluxbox is da way to go03:11
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Tommy2k4for me so far the crash count kubuntu vs windows = like 20:003:11
fiyawerxits mostly in the style03:11
Wabs& I haven't tried KDE but the looks seem to lean more towards OS X rather than Windows03:11
sdolnackis there any way to view a log of what's changed since i updated the kernel?03:11
Wabsi have the LiveCD though03:11
Ash-Foxsdolnack, the only thing I can think of is it changed the way your system performs scheduling. But since you told me you tried running the system with a older kernel, that's not it.03:12
Joe1hi everyone.  I came back for round 3.03:12
sdolnackyeah, i loaded the older kernel just now03:12
jmichaelxTommy2k4: kubuntu should not be crashing on you03:12
sdolnackhow do i check what kernel i'm running?03:12
LjLWabs: http://ljl.byethost14.com/annotatedkde.png  does this look more like OS X or windows? :)03:12
Tommy2k4well it is :(03:12
Ash-Foxcat /proc/version03:12
Tommy2k4it used to happen very often when i ran 24bit/1280x102403:12
Tommy2k4then i switched to 16bit/1024x768 and it stopped03:12
Ash-Foxof course there are gui ways of checking all these things, but commands are easier to type out :P03:12
jmichaelxthe only thing that has ever made kubuntu crash for me was frostwire03:12
sdolnackyeah adept upgraded from 2.6.15-23 to 2.6.15-2503:13
Wabsto me it's more like OS X with a Windows twist, LjL03:13
Tommy2k4then i switched it up to 1280x1024 still on 24bit and it still stopped03:13
LjLWabs: and note that it's a KDE screenshot.03:13
Tommy2k4but then i started using firefox (not much, just for watching 'videos' and its been crashing again03:13
Wabswell this is #kubuntu :)03:13
sdolnackbut i have both i686 and i386 installed so it updated two diff kernels, and then added new entries +recovery modes for each, so i have i think 8 diff entries in grub03:13
LjLWabs: basically the point i'm trying to get across is that looks count relatively little, as they're relatively easy to change in both Gnome and KDE.03:13
fiyawerxnow for a kde screenshot, http://www.kde.org/screenshots/images/1152x864/kde300-snapshot2-1152x864.jpg03:13
sdolnackoh and swiftfox used to take about 2 1/2 seconds to load and now takes a lot longer03:13
Tommy2k4the default kubuntu theme is better than any other linux screeny ive seen so far03:14
Joe1anybody with any wireless experience here?03:14
LjLbrrr, SuSE on a bad day :P03:14
sdolnackok it's been 20 seconds03:14
sdolnackand firefox has not loaded03:14
sdolnackok it took 25 seconds for SWIFTfox to load03:14
sdolnackwhat in hell is wrong with my machine?!03:14
fiyawerxi have really strange issues with firefox03:14
fiyawerxsdolnack: not just you03:14
fiyawerxwhen i launch it, i get the "busy" firefox icon for like 25-30 seconds03:14
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sdolnackit's not just that fiyawerx03:15
Wabsfiyawerx: Was that the default KDE look?03:15
fiyawerxeven if the window comes up and i search, and close it within like 1003:15
fiyawerxWabs: yes03:15
sdolnacki'm running swiftfox which used to load in under 3 seconds03:15
Ash-FoxI don't like defaults, glad I have KDE, just change everything the way you like.03:15
sdolnackand my machine is beefy03:15
jmichaelxfiyawerx: what distro is that a screenshot of?03:15
Tommy2k4because: firefox sucks03:15
LjLWabs: yeah though the default look in Kubuntu is sort of different (not by much)03:15
jmichaelxi love firefox03:15
Ash-FoxTommy2k4, firefox has something other browsers don't have, google's synchronisation extention03:15
Wabskinda looks like Windows 2000 with an XP twist03:15
Joe1can anyone direct me to where I can get some wireless help?03:16
Ash-Foxlets you synchronise bookmarks, cookies etc. with other firefox installations.03:16
sdolnackso does anyone have any suggestions in speeding my machine up? besides liek reinstalling kubuntu03:16
sdolnackwhich i really don't feel like doing03:16
Wabswell, i suppose i'll try Ubuntu first, & if they don't like that I can just use the partition editor & install Kubuntu03:16
WabsI also <3 Konqueror03:16
Tommy2k4i wonder how easy it would be to write an opera plugin for google synchronisation03:16
Wabsbest browser out there03:16
driz hey guys is there a way i can access my computer from work and use the desktop and everything as if it was mine?03:16
sdolnackeven like when i open firefox and then open konsole, and then click the firefox window in the background, it takes about 2 seconds to switch from konsole to firefox03:16
sdolnackdriz: yeah, it's called hacking03:17
Ash-Foxdriz, yes.03:17
LjLwabs: http://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/662/4.gif  this is kubuntu'd default look03:17
alexicondriz: vnc03:17
Ash-Foxsdolnack, no, it's not called hacking03:17
fiyawerxwabs, you can also apt-get install kubuntu-desktop to install kde from gnome, or vice versa03:17
fiyawerxbut i hate how it just mashes all your apps together, personally03:17
sdolnackAsh-Fox: i was only j/k :-P03:17
fiyawerxin your menus, heh03:17
alexiconthat would be cracking03:17
WabsVery bland :P03:17
alexiconvnc is the standard driz03:17
sdolnackoh my word i want to throw this laptop out the freaking window03:17
sdolnackcould it be a heat issue?03:17
Ash-Foxdriz, you can use for example the xvncserver or vnc4server with the vnc clients (which are availible everywhere but macosx)03:17
LjLWabs: i hate it. but what the heck, just about everything of it can be changed.03:17
sdolnackcould my machine be overheating?03:17
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sdolnacki mean whatever's slowing down my machine is slowing it down as early as the splash screen.  What would dot hat?03:18
Wabsalright, so in your opinion, what should i go with first, Kubuntu or Ubuntu?03:18
fiyawerxdriz: i use nomachine's server/client03:18
Ash-Foxsdolnack, a daemon.03:18
sdolnackAsh-Fox: explain03:18
WabsI've got both & i'll try both most likely, so it doesnt matter to me03:18
fiyawerxWabs: considering this is #kubuntu, i think k's gonna win ;)03:18
alexiconWabs: kubuntu i find is a lot easier to install03:18
fiyawerxgo with k03:18
Joe1la la la...03:18
Ash-Foxdaemons start with the system03:18
alexiconbut ub ubuntu is probably easier to use03:18
jmichaelxfluxbox wins03:18
Tommy2k4kubuntu manual partitioner sucks03:18
Tommy2k4wouldnt even work03:18
fiyawerxexercize the daemons!03:18
Tommy2k4in the setup03:19
Ash-Foxso it could be a daemo.03:19
sdolnackAsh-Fox: how wound it be like edited though? what would have changed?03:19
drizok cool thanks i'll google those things03:19
alexiconTommy2k4: only prob i had with the partitioner was i made a mistake, and i had to restart the install to get the partition to work, but then it was fine03:19
Ash-Foxsdolnack, well, let's assume something changed in /etc some config file that a daemon uses and messed up that daemon03:19
Tommy2k4i had 3 major problems with the partitioner03:19
LjLWabs: i don't really know. as i said, for an inexperienced user i think that gnome is easier, but then for a child fun probably wins over ease of use, and KDE tends too look more cartoonish and has more educational programs/games. at any rate, you can always isntall both gnome and kde, they work well together except for the fact that you'll get KDE apps in your Gnome menu and viceversa, and that the default colors might change03:20
Ash-Foxsdolnack, if a daemon is the cause, which we don't know.03:20
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Tommy2k41, if you dont click on the empty space partition after just creating a new partition it would lock up and id have to go back to the previous page of the seutp03:20
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Ash-FoxLjL, uh, gnome is quite difficult for people who just want to plugin things like their USB thumbdrives and want them just to work etc.03:20
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sdolnackcan i remove the new kernels i downloaded?03:21
Wabsah hell03:21
sdolnackand if so how03:21
fiyawerxand i love konversation :)03:21
Ash-Foxsdolnack, apt-get remove03:21
WabsI can't find my KDE discs03:21
Tommy2k42, after partitioning it the next page would get it wrong, eg if hda2 was 1gb and hda3 was 512mb it would say hda2 was 512mb and had3 was 1gb (they were different filesystems and it didnt tell me which so i had no idea what to do)03:21
sdolnackAsh-Fox: wont' that like remove the kernel completely?03:21
alexiconoh well03:21
Tommy2k4and 3, after guessing and hoping that it picked up my partitions properly, it would tell me that / was <2gb even when i set it to > 2.6gb03:21
alexiconi enjoyed the livecd installer03:21
Ash-FoxYou can't run the system on half a kernel.03:21
alexiconthought that was rather clever of them03:22
Wabshow the hell can i lose both the DVD & LiveCD03:22
sdolnackAsh-Fox: i just watn to undo the changes that occured.  i have four kernels on my machine.  FOUR! I only need one!03:22
Ash-Foxsdolnack, uninstall the others.03:22
sdolnackAsh-Fox: ...how? just delete the img files?03:22
Ash-Foxuse apt-get.03:22
sdolnackyes but how do i find the names of each of the kernels03:23
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OODor adept/synaptic if you find those easier to use03:23
Ash-Foxthey're all called 'kernel'03:23
Ash-Foxjust the versions are diferent.03:23
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Wabsdamn, now i gotta download the Kubuntu torrent again03:23
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sdolnackwould you advise against removing 386 and only having 686, or is removing the 386 kernel OK03:24
Tommy2k4would rm -f /etc/init.d/sendmail make anything bad happen03:24
Joe1Issue: I can03:24
Tommy2k4ive already did sudo apt-get remove sendmail but it still tries to boot up03:24
Joe1't connect03:24
Joe1to my wireless network.03:24
drizoh guys  Iforgot somethi8ng I use windows at work!!!03:24
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LjLAsh-Fox: on the other hand, hibernating or suspending under Kubuntu can be a nice challenge03:24
OODsdolnack: you can remove it if you want03:24
sdolnackadept isn't loading :-(03:25
sdolnackit asks fro my password and then just liek stops03:25
Ash-Foxspeaking of which, I should update my kernel.03:25
fiyawerxthats another thing i noticed, a lot of the time adept does that for me too, i have to start it twice, or even the updater03:25
sdolnackoh nvm it just came up03:25
fiyawerxthey'll start, then just never show up, the second time works fine03:25
LjLAsh-Fox: actually they're called "linux" under ubuntu, except for the 2.4 series03:25
OODsdonlack: adept it a bit buggy, you sometimes have to start it up a few times, and from time to time you have to kill it03:25
drizya guys the can I access my computer from a windows computer?03:26
LjL!tell driz about ssh03:26
sdlnxgkwhat is the fastest way to delete kubuntu partitions on a duo boot  machine to go back to windows only??03:26
OODumm, delete the partition?03:26
drizoh ok thanks03:27
sdlnxgkyes delete the linux partition03:27
Ash-FoxLjL, whoops :)03:27
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fiyawerxwhat about removing grub then?03:27
sdlnxgkit boots to windbloze just fine03:27
OODsdlnxgk: yea that's the fasters way to delete the partition, you delete it o.003:27
fiyawerxyou can recreate the mbr in windows can't you03:27
sdlnxgkI guess my friend can't handle linux03:27
Ash-Foxno, you can't03:27
Ash-Foxyou need to use the windows install cd, go into recovery console and type in 'fixmbr'03:27
sdlnxgkalready did fdisk /mbr and boots to windows now03:28
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LjLso just delete the partition and everything should be fine03:28
sdlnxgkwinbloze will not let you delte it03:28
fiyawerxin computer management -> drives?03:28
LjLthen user the ubuntu live cd to delete it03:28
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Ash-FoxShoot lazers at it.03:29
fiyawerxshould be able to just format over it or sumpin no?03:29
fiyawerxpewpewpew lazers!03:29
OODsdlnxgk: just go into disk management and format the linux partition03:29
sdlnxgkHmmmmm didn't try  to use the live cd to delete  the partitions was thinking fdisk at first03:29
LjLsdlnxgk: there's gparted on the live cd03:29
fiyawerxim 99.9% sure you can handle it within windows tho03:30
sdlnxgkOOD tried that would let me format those partitions03:30
Joe1any wireless gurus out there?03:30
fiyawerxsdlnxgk: what kind of error did you get?03:30
Ash-FoxJoe1, what is the problem?03:30
sdlnxgkLjl thanks will give that a try03:30
Joe1Ash, it's so simple you're gonna laugh.03:30
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sdolnackwhen i go to remove the latest kernel, it tries to remove linux-image-686 and linux-image-386... isn' thtis really bad?03:30
Joe1I just can't connect.03:30
fiyawerxnot quite so simple in the wireless world Joe103:31
fiyawerxnot always anyway03:31
Joe1My wireless card is workling perfectly.  I can actually SEE the network.  All I want to do is connect.03:31
sdlnxgkfiyawerx can't remeber the exact error but something like format can't be performed on partition03:31
Ash-FoxJoe1, install the wireless assistant utility and try connecting with that03:31
fiyawerxshould be installed in kubuntu by default afaik03:31
sdlnxgki'll try some of the suggestions to save my friends laptop03:32
Joe1Ash.  That utility comes with Dapper already.  and it doesn't let me connect.03:32
fiyawerxJoe1: do you see the network listed when you run it?03:32
Ash-FoxJoe1, does the network use WPA or WEP?03:32
sdlnxgksome people just shouldn't use linux is all03:32
sdlnxgkI hate to have said that03:32
kakaltodoes anyone else get a "cannot talk to klauncher" message on startup?03:32
sdolnackanyone--will removing linux-image-386 and linux-image-686 be really bad?03:32
Joe1and get this, the WEP security code is 8 digits.03:32
Joe1sdolnack, leave 386.03:33
sdlnxgkJoel that is because it's 64 bit instead of 128 bit03:33
Joe1I see the network just fine.03:33
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fiyawerxwould that be an ascii key?03:33
sdolnackJoe1: would you like to try to help me out?03:33
sdolnackJoe1: since adept updated the latest kernel, my system's been horrendously slow (swiftfox literally takes 10 times longer to load)03:34
sdolnackand there are like 8 entries in grub now, and it removed my xp entry03:34
sdolnackand everything's just really slow and i dont' knwo what's wrong03:34
sdolnacklike even the splash screen refreshes really weird03:34
fiyawerxsdolnack: you can still boot into the faster kernels tho right?03:35
fiyawerxand things still run ok when you do?03:35
Joe1I'll tell you, removing 386 is a non-issue.  Keep it, delete it, whatever.  I say keep it just in case.03:35
Joe1using the correct linux kernel is the right way to go, always.  I use k7 because I have an AMD 64 system.03:36
sdlnxgkI have to  say this you guys are freakin awesome in helping PeEpS out :)03:36
sdolnackfiyawerx: i booted into the new kernel, it was really slow.  so then i restarted and now i booted back into the kernel that was there before.... and it's still slow03:36
Joe1Much faster than 368.03:36
fiyawerxsdolnack: hm03:36
Joe1edit your grub loader and have the CORRECT kernal load first.03:37
sdolnackwhat's the "correct" kernel?03:37
Joe1but there's no need to delete 386.03:37
fiyawerxwhichever one runs best for you hehe03:37
sdolnackthe correct "kernel" WAS winxp but something decided to remove that from my grub list03:37
Joe1what's your processor, sdolnack?03:37
sdolnack1.6ghz pent m03:37
sdolnackwith a gig of ram03:37
fiyawerxi installed 686 and didn't even ntoice a difference between the 38603:37
sdolnackthis isn't supposed to happen03:37
sdolnacki've had 686 installed03:37
sdolnackwhat happened was adept said there were updates that could be installed03:38
sdolnackkernel 2.6.15-23 to 15-2503:38
sdolnackso it did that03:38
sdolnackand it just fux0r'd everything up it seems03:38
Joe1386 should be the correct one then.  Unless it's 64-bit, using 686 is just wrong.03:38
fiyawerxand now even -23 runs slow?03:38
sdolnackand kept the old ones isntead of updating them03:38
Joe1as far as I know.03:38
sdolnackyes! even -23 runs slow, which is what i just don't get03:38
fiyawerxJoe1: nah 686 is ok, its still an x86 its for um whatchacalit03:39
sdolnackthat "yes!" was supposed to express surprise, not rudeness03:39
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sdolnackbut what i don't get was even the splash screen was acting wonky03:40
Joe1anyhow.  I suggest using adept to install synaptic.03:40
Joe1I like it MUCH better.03:40
Joe1or just sudo apt-get install synaptic.03:40
fiyawerxJoe1: you may be able to install debfoster, and use that tool to go through and just remove the packages that you want03:41
fiyawerxi _love_ debfoster03:41
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fiyawerxit'll give you listings of all the packages you've installed and ask if you want to keep them, remove them, or remove them and anything else they're keeping installed03:41
fiyawerxmore options too but those are the ones I use03:41
Joe1synaptic does that too.03:41
fiyawerxsynaptic will remove metapackages or whatever they're called?03:41
fiyawerxi know aptitude does, but only if they're installed with aptitude03:42
Joe1I believe so.03:42
fiyawerxdebfoster doesn't care how they're installed i think heh03:42
Joe1man.  Who are the admins in this room?03:42
Tommy2k4yay firefox just closed itself for no reason -__-03:42
fiyawerxi've gotten so fond of konqueror over firefox lately03:42
Tommy2k4i wish i could get mplayer plugins working in opera03:43
Joe1hey, sdol, what's your graphics card?03:43
Tommy2k4dunno why it wont pick them up03:43
Tommy2k4opera is awesome03:44
Tommy2k4firefox closed again o_o03:44
Joe1whatever, man.03:44
Tommy2k4wonder whats causing it03:44
Joe1probably opera.03:44
sdolnackhow's synaptic differ from adept?03:45
Tommy2k4ur an idiot03:45
Joe1synaptic is much easier to use.03:45
Joe1that's all, pretty much.03:45
Joe1sdol, what type of graphics do you have?03:46
sdolnackradeon x30003:46
sdolnackfglrx drivers03:46
Joe1do you have the ATI control panel?03:47
sdolnacklike i said, it was working fine until i updated the kernel03:47
sdolnacki don't htink so03:47
sdolnackfirs thing though03:47
sdolnackhow do i add xp back to my menu.lst03:47
sdolnackok konsole just took 15 seconds to load03:48
Joe1open up terminal or Konsole03:48
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Joe1you're a few steps ahead.03:48
sdolnackkonsole'sopen but it's not showing "sdolnack@(my computer): "03:49
sdolnackit's just03:49
sdolnackfuxor'd beyond belief03:49
Tommy2k4well since it took 15 seconds to open it may just be going slow, give it another minute03:50
sdolnackit is going slow but it's going horrendously slow03:50
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sdolnacklike i said before03:50
sdolnackswiftfox used to open in less than 3 seconds03:50
sdolnacknow it takes about 3003:50
fiyawerxgrub-install i think can recheck for os's and reinstall itself03:50
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sdolnacki have a whole stack of Criterion DVD's just begging to be watched, but alas kmplayer runs choppily03:50
Joe1I have another way.03:51
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Joe1let me know if Konsole is up yet.03:51
sdolnackand top shows nothing taking up anything more than 5% of the cpu03:51
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sdolnackXorg is taking up like 85 megs of ram--is this normal?03:51
sdolnackthat seems like way too much03:52
sdolnackoh btw konsole's up03:53
sdolnackhaha sry03:53
sdolnacki was just loading xorg.conf03:53
stewartG'day, could someone please tell me how to get into the sound card directory in the kernel directory03:53
fiyawerxi dont think that sounds like too much for kde03:53
fiyawerxisn't that everything?03:53
fiyawerxmines at like 70 megs for xorg03:53
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Joe1it might, and I hate to even think this, but it might be a screensaver that just won't shut down because the fglrx drivers aren't quite right.03:53
kazukisanIs there a way to install only base kde and install only programs you want later ??? from server that is03:53
sdolnackhmm--it's running fglrx and all03:53
sdolnackcould it be my updating amaroK?03:54
Joe1 cd /boot/grub03:54
sdolnackno--that makes no sense03:54
fiyawerxwow, yakuake is like 30M vmsize03:54
sdolnackaiight Joe1 i'm there03:54
sdolnackkdesu kwrite menu.lst?03:54
Joe1sudo vi menu.lst03:54
sdolnackwhy not just do sudo vi /boot/grub/menu.lst?03:55
Joe1either way.03:55
Joe1same difference.03:55
sdolnackok so i'm here03:55
sdolnackwhat's dif between vi and vim?03:55
sdolnackirrelevant for now--anyway03:55
Joe1do you see anything under hda0,0?03:56
sdolnackno, it's not there03:56
sdolnackinstalling thre new kernel removed the entry03:56
sdolnackhold on03:56
sdolnacki need to kwrite this--i don't liek vim03:56
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Joe1here's what you enter.03:57
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Joe1title     XP03:57
sdolnackhda (0,0) for the03:57
sdolnackgot that03:57
sdolnackisn't there a chainloader thing?03:57
Joe1root     (hd0,0)03:57
sdolnackand wait how do i verify that it's (0,0)03:57
Joe1chainloader  +103:58
sdolnackaiight ace03:58
sdolnacknow i just have to wait for kwrite to load03:58
sdolnackwhich should coincide with my next birthday at this rate03:58
Joe1that really should do it.03:58
Warlockalguien que hable espaol?????03:59
Joe1no puedo hablar espanol.03:59
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.03:59
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Joe1I would say that XP is on hd0,0 because it's installed before Linux, usually, and you don't see any entry there anyhow.04:01
sdolnackomggggggggggggg why is htis slow slow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!104:01
Joe1from my experience the MBR will only read XP if it's at the beginning of the disk anyhow.04:01
sdolnackok now konsole's taking half a minute to load again04:02
Joe1AH!!!  Dinner time.04:02
sdolnackwhnat he hell could possibly be csausing this slowdown!!!!!!!!!!04:02
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sdolnackok how do i save in vim?04:04
nnn0maybe it was the other way around04:05
sdolnackjust type :wq?04:05
stewartyo could some one tell me where I can find the driver for Intel Ich4?04:05
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nnn0it's :wq i think04:06
nnn0but not in edit mode04:06
nnn0press esc to get out of edit mode04:06
sdolnackthis is confusing04:07
sdolnacki'm just going to go downstairs and make some garlic mashed potatoes and read the Historian or something04:07
sdolnacki'd love to use kwrite if it'd freaking load04:07
nnn0maybe you have nano04:07
nnn0nano is another editor04:08
sdolnacki like kwrite04:08
sdolnacki prefer kwrite04:08
sdolnackbut my system has decided to start hating mbe04:08
nnn0yeah nano is textbased like vi04:08
sdolnackyeah, i don't like the shell text editors04:08
nnn0nano is more like you're used to04:08
sdolnacki wonder if ppl try to code software in them04:08
sdolnackthat'd be ridiculous, no?04:08
Shizboomis there anyway in kde for a window to fill the whole screen but for you to still see all your panels?04:08
sdolnackcoding a program in the terminal?04:09
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nnn0because if you know your way around vi, it's a very efficient editor04:09
sdolnackyeah, it is04:09
sdolnackbut my system is (SUPPOSED TO BE) fast enough that loading kwrite makes little diff04:09
Joe1by the way, in vi, you hit the insert button to edit.04:09
nnn0or just i04:10
sdolnacki'm htting the power button instead04:10
sdolnackadios all04:10
Joe1then the esc key to stop.04:10
fiyawerxor a04:10
Joe1and the :x keys ( in the order) to exit.04:10
nnn0hehe i use :q!04:10
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stewartcould some please help me to get my damn soundcard to work04:16
lwizardli need help getting my nvidia card working i have a nforce geforce2 (iirc) motherboard04:17
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stewartyo Wiz. I think we're on ouw own04:19
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fiyawerxstewart whats wrong?04:21
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fiyawerxglad we could help!04:21
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lwizardlfiyawerx: every time i try to install nvidia either glx or glx-legacy and restart x (ctrl+alt+backspace) ubuntu lockeds04:22
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fiyawerxlwizardl: what kind of card do you have? im not a pro with this stuff can only suggest what i've done04:23
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lwizardli think its a geforce4 i know its a nforce2 motherboard04:24
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fiyawerxi know after i install nvidia-glx i have issues too unless i do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, pretty much all the defaults are ok to choose, but i choose 'nvidia' for my driver instead of 'nv'04:24
fiyawerxand i have to manually add in my montiros resolution04:24
fiyawerxbut all the default refresh rates and whatnot have worked for me04:24
fiyawerxyou might want to try that one04:25
lwizardlok becuase my monitor maxes at 1024x768 (flatscreen)04:25
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
fiyawerxyeah mines 1280x1024 and by default xserver will only let it go to 1024x76804:25
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caribou7Anybody here know about NFS?  I'm having a permissions problem and not sure how to resolve it.04:26
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lwizardlthen the default should be ok for me becuse my monitor can't handle any higher04:26
fiyawerxbut yeah the few people i know that tried that it worked for (the sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, choosing 'nvidia')04:26
fiyawerxi'd give that a shot04:26
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lwizardlok which version glx or legacy04:26
roadrunnerOkay, I need help setting up a fairly basic network. I have my Kubuntu box connected to the internet, and I am trying to route a windows PC through my linux box to the internet...04:27
SidToneri have a quick dumb question... how do i tell if 3d acceleration is compatible of my vid card?04:27
lwizardlhow do i check which card i have again04:27
caribou7I can connect to the NFS server and see the directotries and such using the regular user account...04:27
roadrunnerso far, I have the two connected properly and the interfaces are configured (Connectivity between the interfaces) but I don't know how to enable internet sharing in Kubuntu04:27
joel_hmm hey guys im new to linux and i cant get amorak to play anything. do i need to configure anything before i can play stuff?04:28
SidTonerit's a crappy laptop vid card... radeon 320u or some such04:28
caribou7But I can't actually read from or write to the disk unless I use SUDO04:28
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joel_[22:27]  <joel_> hmm hey guys im new to linux and i cant get amorak to play anything. do i need to configure anything before i can play stuff?04:28
roadrunneranyone familiar with networking in linux?04:28
joel_my collection is entirely mp304:28
fiyawerxlwizardl: im pretty sure nvidia-glx would work04:28
Kr4t05Does anyone know how I can resize an ext2/3 partition?04:28
fiyawerxjoel_: mp3s you mean?04:29
fiyawerxjoel_: sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs04:29
joel_oo ok04:29
joel_lemme try =)04:29
lwizardlfiyawerx: ok installing tht now04:29
fiyawerxjoel_: make sure you restart amarok fully afterwards, not just minimize to tray04:29
joel_alright =)04:29
fiyawerxKr4t05: i _think_ qtparted can resize them04:30
roadrunnerstill waiting for help... anyone with basic networking knowledge04:30
DarkAudithmm... News Rover only works in WINE when I run the install. If I try to run it from it's regulare .exe it runs with nothing on the screen04:30
fiyawerxroadrunner: hmm04:30
roadrunnerfiyawerx: DId you read the original problem?04:31
fiyawerxDarkAudit: havn't seen too many people active at the moment, if it's a specific wine problem might try #wine04:31
fiyawerxroadrunner: looking now04:31
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DarkAuditfiyawerx: just /joined :)04:31
DarkAuditthat channel I mean04:31
roadrunnerfiyawerx: I have a network setup with connectivity ans such... but I want to share an internet connection, and place both PC's in the same workgroup (For file sharing)04:31
fiyawerxroadrunner: hm04:31
roadrunnerbut I'm not sure how to do that with linux, I am only familiar with networking in Windows. Where do you go to setup workgroups and such in linux?04:32
Kr4t05fiyawerx, should I run that from the live CD?04:33
fiyawerxkrinns: you can apt-get..04:33
fiyawerxkrinns: sorry k[tab] 04:34
fiyawerxroadrunner: hm, im not that great with the internet connection sharing, sorry, i found this post04:34
fiyawerxits for 5.10 so may want to look around a bit more04:34
actiniccan someone point me to a 'howto' or faq on upgrading the kernel?04:34
roadrunnerYeah, I tried googling it04:34
roadrunnerI was just hoping someone in here has networked before04:34
fiyawerxstick around, im sure someone has :)04:35
fiyawerxim just a user who's picked up a few tricks from being here, so i help when I can04:35
fiyawerxactinic: trying to do a custom kernel?04:35
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild04:35
lwizardlok time to test and see if the "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" worked04:35
actinici tried that04:36
actinicdoesn't say much04:36
actinici'm shocked to find no one's written a faq04:36
actinicor maybe my 2 hrs of searching was in the wrong place04:36
actinicfiyawerx, no just a newer one suited to my system04:37
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fiyawerxactinic: is it in aptitude?04:38
fiyawerxor adept rather04:38
actinicprobably, but i'm looking for a * complete * faq ...04:38
joel_Package libxine-extracodecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.04:38
joel_This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or04:38
joel_is only available from another source04:38
joel_E: Package libxine-extracodecs has no installation candidate04:38
joel_hmm where can i get it?04:38
actinicone which shows which to pick .... how ... what repurcussions ...04:38
fiyawerxactinic: well for example all i did was go to adept, search for 686, and chose to install the kernel04:38
actinicfiyawerx, do you have 3d acceleration?04:39
actinicis there headers to install?04:39
joel_got it04:39
actinichow does it effect grub?04:39
actinicshould I back up anything?04:39
fiyawerxif it's in aptitude, that'll take care of it, it'll automatically add a grub entry04:39
actinicwhat else should I know?04:39
fiyawerxand it'll leave hte old kernels there04:39
fiyawerxso you can boot back into them04:39
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actinicmaybe it's so apparant no one's said anything :(04:40
actinicor written anything about it04:40
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actinichave you personally upgraded the kernel?04:41
fiyawerxi did04:41
actinicno problems?04:41
fiyawerxi installed the 686 kernel04:41
fiyawerxfrom 38604:41
actiniccool, that's my plan04:41
fiyawerxit didn't do anything ntoicible for me tho04:41
fiyawerxyeah it went just like any other install04:41
actinicdo you run 3d vid drivers?04:41
fiyawerxnvidia-glx is the drivers i installed, i can play enemy territory fine, not sure what else would test it04:42
fiyawerxhave a nvidia 6600gt pci-e card04:42
fiyawerxworks fine04:42
actinicsame here04:42
actinicglxgears -printfps04:42
KaiHanariso THATS the command04:43
joel_fiyawerx: the package libxine-extracodecs, am i supposed to have that, or do i have to download all packages like this manually; is it from a repository that is not in the default list in adept?04:43
fiyawerxif i let it run normal04:43
fiyawerxi get around 750004:43
actinic38114 frames in 5.0 seconds = 7622.612 FPS04:43
KaiHanariHOLY SHIT.... 630fps04:43
KaiHanarion integrated VIA vid04:43
fiyawerxif i full screen it, i get around 650/70004:43
fiyawerxotherwise yeah actinic i get about that04:44
actinici'm running at 2.7 ghz04:44
fiyawerxis that overclocked?04:44
actinica bunch04:44
KaiHanari2.2 ghz amd 64 3500+04:44
fiyawerxi just have mine on defaults04:44
KaiHanarionboard vid04:44
actinicopteron 146, stock = 2 ghz04:44
fiyawerxbut yeah you shouldn't have any problems then04:44
actinicguess i'll try adept then04:45
fiyawerxsomeone told me what the 686 kernel was for once04:45
actinici'd still feel more comfortable with a faq04:45
fiyawerxi forget, i thought it'd help cus my cpu has hyperthreading04:45
actinicbut thanks04:45
fiyawerxyou can always boot back into the 386 kernel04:45
fiyawerxit'll be an option in grub04:45
fiyawerxjust like there's prob. 2 now04:45
fiyawerxthe -23 and -2504:45
actinicKaiHanari, I hope you don't game04:46
fiyawerxim afraid to run it on my laptop04:46
fiyawerxsec :)04:46
KaiHanariactinic, i do but not on PC... used to, but taking a break from it while i get the money for a new vid card04:46
fiyawerx4570 frames in 5.0 seconds = 913.810 FPS04:47
KaiHanaribooting laptop...04:47
actinici picked up a 6600gt for $6004:47
actinicthey're out there04:47
actinicif you look04:47
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KaiHanariim going for a damn nice nVidia card, probably XFX, agp 8x definatly04:48
fiyawerxi wish i got the 256 meg version04:48
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fiyawerxthink i paid around 150 but this was a bit over a year ago04:48
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fiyawerxKr4t05: was gonna say, you can install qtparted via apt-get04:49
KaiHanariglxgears on the laptop is bearly moving, its jumping04:50
Kr4t05fiyawerx: it wouldn't have done any good, I have ext2 partitions04:50
KaiHanariyet its saying 270fps04:50
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fiyawerxKr4t05: won't resize them?04:50
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Kr4t05I'll do it the hard way.04:50
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mehteenagergood bye04:50
fiyawerxaha, Kr4t0504:51
KaiHanariits got a high framerate alright, its turning the same as a clock, actually 1 click each sec too04:51
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fiyawerxKr4t05: p   ext2resize                                                     - an ext2 filesystem resizer04:51
KaiHanariyet 270fps04:51
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fiyawerxKr4t05: apt-get install ext2resize, try that one :)04:51
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Kr4t05This is something I could have heard about before. ><04:51
SidToneri'm trying to follow a tutorial on how to install xgl... and i got to a part where i'm stuck... where do i go to configer Xorg? it seems to want me to add lines to a script04:51
Kr4t05fiyawerx: E: Couldn't find package ext2resize04:51
KaiHanariive had bad experiences with changing paramaters of ext2 or 3 fs's04:52
fiyawerxmight have to enable the repo for it04:52
KaiHanariVERY bad experiences... worked perfect till i rebooted, then the partition was unreadable04:52
fiyawerxKr4t05: its from universe04:52
KaiHanarilost a LOT of stuff, family pics, music, videos, a lot04:52
fiyawerxKr4t05: you'll have to enable that repo in your /etc/apt/sources.list04:52
SidTonerwhy not just use the program from the 6.0.6 live cd?04:53
fiyawerxnot sure if that can resize ext204:53
fiyawerxi think he said he tried it04:53
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fiyawerxanyway, thats just my (un)professional opinion :) stick around for the real pro's04:54
SidTonerany idea on my quandry? how to add config lines to Xorg?04:54
fiyawerxSidToner: do they mean /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:54
SidTonerwill check04:54
fiyawerxi mean you can edit that04:55
fiyawerxwith whatever editor you like04:55
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fiyawerxworks out, i gotta go guys04:55
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osirishow do i list running daemons, and stop them from starting at boot.04:56
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sdolnackexorcise them04:57
sdolnackthe daemons, i mean04:57
sdolnackhow do i checkwhat version of kde i'm running?04:57
Hawkwindosiris: systemsettings -> System Services04:58
Hawkwindsdolnack: kde-config --version | grep KDE04:58
osirisrather not use the gui tools for this04:58
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_bbeckosiris: check out the update-rc.d command05:00
Kr4t05Looks like it worked...05:01
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joel_hey im new is there a good recommended list of repositories i can add to my default sources.list05:07
TheHighChildanyone running compiz on a Radeon 7500?05:09
Kr4t05joel_, I would just uncomment the universe repositories and add "multiverse" to the end of them.05:12
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stewarthow do you install rpm files05:16
Kr4t05stewart, Ubuntu is Debian based.05:16
joel_Kr4t05: ic, how are the packages different? do packages overlap?05:16
stewartshit ur right, any Idea about Limewire that comes in .deb05:16
OODstewart: you can convert rpm's do deb's with alien05:17
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Kr4t05joel_, the repositories are collections of packages that you can download and install. The "universe" and "multiverse" repositories contain packages that Ubuntu doesn't require. If you want to install non-free (closed source) software, you should enable these repositories.05:18
Kr4t05joel_, if you want to play mp3s, you would need a package from the "uni/multiverse".05:19
Kr4t05stewart, use alien at your own risk.05:19
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joel_Kr4t05: ic, thanks for the explanation =)05:20
Kr4t05joel_, no problem.05:21
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stewartthanks guys05:22
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AmazingRussHi.  Ive got a problem with delay....sounds dont come out until almost a second after they are triggered.  Anybody know how I can lower this latency?05:28
mehteenagerYou could try playing with the arts cache05:29
AmazingRussdunno what the arts cache is05:30
AmazingRusswhat conf file does it live in?05:30
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joel_hey Kr4t05, i installed libxine-extracodecs but my files still dont play.. i double click my song and it just skips each song right till the end of the playlist05:30
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mehteenagerUnder sound05:31
AmazingRuss system settings you mean?05:31
AmazingRussnm..found it05:31
=== mehteenager doesn't use KDE
AmazingRusswierd...that wasn't in the other control panel...looks likely though...05:32
joel_anyone can help?05:32
joel_[23:30]  <joel_> hey Kr4t05, i installed libxine-extracodecs but my files still dont play.. i double click my song and it just skips each song right till the end of the playlist05:32
dr_willishmm - i cant recall ever hearing of libxine-extracodecs05:34
dr_willis!info libxine-extracodecs05:35
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB05:35
mehteenagerIt's for mp3s05:35
mehteenagerjoel_: What are you using?05:35
dr_willisi tend to use xmms or beep-media-player05:36
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:36
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joel_hm while im trying to figure this out05:37
lwizardli just installed the kubuntu distro and after i install nvidia and restartx it hangs at a blue kubuntu logo05:38
joel_whats the equivalent of ctrl-alt-del for linux05:38
joel_to bring up ksysguard or something05:38
=== fiyawerx [n=Fiyawerx@cpe-72-230-34-96.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
fiyawerxwell, the cd's do exist!05:38
fiyawerxjust got my boatload in the mail05:38
fiyawerxkubuntu and ubuntu05:38
lwizardlfiyawerx: that dpkg didn't work05:38
fiyawerxlwizardl same prob?05:39
fiyawerxdamn, sorry man :(05:39
lwizardl"i just installed the kubuntu distro and after i install nvidia and restartx it hangs at a blue kubuntu logo"05:39
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fiyawerxgonna take someone with more knowledge than myself or the forums then05:39
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OODjoel_: Ctrl+Esc05:41
joel_tns OOD05:41
=== JohnFlux_ [n=JohnFlux@cpc2-brig4-0-0-cust731.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
joel_wooo i hear muuusic05:43
lwizardlanyone here ever get kubuntu to lockup at the logo screen after ctrl+alt+backspace05:43
nixternalpress alt+f105:43
nixternalwhen that happens05:43
dr_willislwizardl,  you get to the KDM login screen?05:43
lwizardldr_willis: yes05:43
dr_willisthats odd...05:44
lwizardlbefore i did the nvidia install05:44
nixternallockup at the kdm screen?05:44
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dr_willisi ment after L:)05:44
LittleMesounds like it might be xorg.conf issue?05:44
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lwizardlafter i did the install it locks up at the kubuntu blue logo screen where its loading all the system settings05:44
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RawSewagelwizardl, yes05:45
RawSewagedid you recently edit that one file05:45
RawSewageyeah, xorg.conf05:45
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RawSewageprobably the monitor name05:46
lwizardli used the conf command05:46
RawSewageI guess you messed up that file somehow05:47
RawSewagedid yo paste sometthings in it05:47
lwizardlhere is what i get on the card05:47
RawSewagepaste your xorg.conf05:47
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RawSewagepaste your xorg.conf05:48
lwizardlreinstalling nvidia now05:48
elknof1hi everybody, im having troubles while booting on my pc the alternate of dapper...   any clue??  it does not boot from that specific cd, cause i've tryoing whit suse,and breezy (kubuntu), with no problems...05:49
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lwizardli had to reinstall kubuntu becuase the system was fubared wouldn't even boot from livecd other than install05:49
RawSewagewhy do you use the alternate05:49
elknof1cause of small RAM05:50
lwizardlok nvidia installed05:50
lwizardland i change nv to nvidia correct?05:51
elknof1any clue of that issue???05:53
LittleMeneed more info05:53
LittleMewhen does it fail05:53
lwizardlok and my card says Identifier      "NVIDIA Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX - nForce GPU] "05:53
RawSewagecant you paste your xorg.conf05:53
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RawSewagehow did your monitor name get entered05:56
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elknof1LittleMe, it's exactly when i turn on the computer, so i wait until boots start... the order for booting is cd-rom/floppy/net/hd so, when the kubuntu alternate disk is in, it just skip the cd-rom step of booting... theres no message, no nothing, it just go on, and boots from hd since there is no boot in the floppy nor network...05:58
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RawSewagelwizardl, youre missing from the Monitor06:00
sdolnackso lemme get this straight06:00
RawSewageyour vert and horz res06:00
Kr4t05Anyone know how to remove xubuntu?06:00
sdolnacki cannot run shockwave on linux.  period.06:00
LittleMeelknof1: then you need to set your computer to boot off of the cd06:00
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sdolnackKr4t05: are you trying to install another OS, or just remove the partition?06:00
RawSewagelwizardl, in my monitor section I have:06:00
LittleMeelknof1: you can do that in your bios setup (press del usually)06:00
Kr4t05sdolnack, niether can anyone else.06:00
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sdolnackthat's what i'm trying to confirm06:01
sdolnackthat bites hardcore06:01
elknof1LittleMe, how's that to boot off of the cd??06:01
Kr4t05sdolnack, I installed xubuntu-desktop, as in the package I installed to make xubuntu available in KDM.06:01
LittleMeelknof1: how did you burn the CD? maybe it's not been burned properly06:01
RawSewagelwizardl, you know what I mean06:01
LittleMeelknof1: otherwise, check another CD to see if your computer will boot of it (like windows or another llinux)06:02
sdolnackKr4t05: what exactly are you trying to accomplish; what is your end goal06:02
elknof1yup, its burned properly, i've tryed that cd on my lap and works just perfct06:02
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sdolnacklike you want to remove xubunt and.....06:02
Kr4t05sdolnack, I have KDE installed, I want to remove XFCE06:02
sdolnackcan't you do taht in adept?06:02
sdolnackhold on06:03
elknof1LittleMe, that the point, i've tryed with suse, and windows, and breezy, and it worked perfect06:03
lwizardlwhat i don't get is that 5.10 worked great for my system i had to install and edit nv to nvidia and worked great. now in 6.06 not so great06:03
dr_willisxubuntu-desktop is a meta package that installs a lot of other packages.. its not that easy to just uninstall it.06:03
RawSewagelwizardl, did you see what I said06:03
Kr4t05sdolnack, I want to remove everything I got when I did "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop"06:03
LittleMeelknof1: ahh then maybe the CD is not good06:03
RawSewageit looks like you accidenatlly deleted the  horiz and vert from your xorg.conf06:03
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sdolnackwhat about sudo apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop06:03
Kr4t05dr_willis, so, I just have to go through and peck at them?06:03
Kr4t05sdolnack, that only removes the meta-package.06:03
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lwizardlwhat i don't get is that 5.10 worked great for my system i had to install and edit nv to nvidia and worked great. now in 6.06 not so great06:04
dr_willisi never uninstall anything :P06:04
elknof1LittleMe, even if i've tested it in other 4 machines with normal results??06:04
lwizardlany idea?06:04
shuraquick questions06:04
sdolnackshura: quick answers06:04
shurawhy is my drive 30gb and kubuntu says its 12gb06:04
LittleMeelknof1: oh then maybe your CD drive doesn't like the cd06:04
RawSewagethis is stupid06:05
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elknof1LittleMe, yeahhh!!  its incredible!!, i even tryed burning one more alternate, with the same results....06:05
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elknof1im giving' up..06:06
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shuraquick answer?06:06
LittleMeelknof1: do you have another drive you can swap with it?06:06
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LittleMeelknof1: it could still be your motherboard though.06:06
elknof1LittleMe, nope...  but i'll find one...   ok anyway thanks, i give up for today...06:07
shurawill someone please answer my question?06:07
LittleMeget big ram chips :)06:07
shuraalready have enough ram06:07
LittleMeor try xubuntu06:07
actinicshura, sudo fdisk -l06:07
LittleMeshura: whats your question06:07
shurawhich means?06:07
actinicwhat's it say?06:07
LittleMenot talking to you06:07
shuraon kubuntu is shows my 30gb drive as 12gb06:08
Kr4t05shura, your BIOS may not support that large of a disk?06:08
shurai used to have windows on this comptuer06:08
shurait shows 30gb06:08
Kr4t05shura, or, it's not partitioned right.06:08
shurashould i repartition it?06:08
LittleMeshura: yeah it may not be partitioned right06:08
shurai used the CD version06:08
Kr4t05shura, that's the only version there is, really. :>06:08
shurathank you06:08
shurathere is also the DVD one06:09
LittleMemakes no difference06:09
actinicwhere does it say 12gb?06:09
shurai used the one that is 700mb, not the 3gb one or whatever size there was06:09
shurawhen i hold my mouse over my drive06:09
Kr4t05shura, like LittleMe said, makes not diff.06:09
shuraok, no difference...just need to repartition06:09
shuraand my USB deosnt work06:09
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Kr4t05shura, where are you holding your mouse over the drive?06:10
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Kr4t05On the desktop?06:10
shurathe middle06:10
LittleMeI chew on my usb cables - makes them work better06:10
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shurasystem > storage media06:10
Kr4t05LittleMe, er, ok...06:10
Kr4t05Hold on06:10
shurait says hard disk hda206:10
Kr4t05That's not right.06:11
Kr4t05Is there an hda1 there?06:11
Kr4t05Yeah, it needs to be repartitioned.06:11
shuraand i reformated the drive so windows is gone06:11
Kr4t05Start over, man.06:11
shurawill do06:11
elknof1changing on issues...  can someone stream videos with xine engine and kaffeine in a local network???06:11
Kr4t05No problem.06:11
Kr4t05elknof1, if they have the right codecs. I would figure they could.06:12
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actinicwhere's there a 'howto', faq, or guide to upgrading the kernel?06:15
elknof1Kr4t05, can the codecs (libxine-extracodecs) of the universe multiverse works??   i can play those videos only if i download them to the computer in wich im trying to play with, but if i try to open them  in my computer from someone elses computer, on the local network it just dont play it...06:15
Kr4t05elknof1, what OS does the "other" computer run? Ubuntu?06:16
lwizardlanyone have an idea on why kubuntu keeps hanging on my system06:16
lwizardlanyone have an idea on why kubuntu keeps hanging on my system06:16
elknof1Kr4t05, XP...06:16
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LittleMelinux xp?   (/me ducks)06:17
actinicwhere's there a 'howto', faq, or guide to upgrading the kernel?06:17
Kr4t05elknof1, hrm... I can't say I know exactly what you're trying to do.06:17
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ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild06:17
actinicnah, tried that06:17
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sdolnackwill a custom-compiled kernel make that much of a diff?06:18
Kr4t05actinic, that's the only way to "upgrade" the kernel.06:18
Kr4t05sdolnack, only sometimes.06:18
sdolnackjust update it w/ synaptic and boot with it06:18
Kr4t05sdolnack, if you add certain modules and such.06:18
dr_willissdolnack,  i doubt it.06:18
actinicKr4t05, semantics aside I want to change FROM 386 TO 68606:18
actinicsdolnack, am I looking at reinstalling my nvidia 3d drivers?06:19
dr_willisYou can easially install the 686 kernel06:19
dr_willisand yes - you proberly will have to reinstall the nvidia drivers06:19
actinicdr_willis, easy huh?  i'm listening :)06:19
dr_willisfire up synaptic or whatever and look for the 686 kernels06:20
dr_willisinstall.. reboot.. install the nvidia drivers  may be needed06:20
sdolnacki got 686 kernels06:20
sdolnackthey're lovely06:20
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto06:20
sdolnackbut the unpopped ones still suck06:20
ubotudma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing.  It makes hard disks run faster,  see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA06:20
actinicdr_willis, no headers necessary?06:20
sdolnackiiiiiii've decided i don't need a (Recovery Mode) for every one of the four kernels i have installed (i don't know why i have foru kernels installed)06:21
actinicdon't have to save grub?06:21
actinicthat kinda stuff?06:21
dr_willisactinic,  its precompiuled kernels -  and it should auto-add a new entry to grub for the new kernel06:21
dr_willisYou are making it way too hard. :P lol06:21
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actinicthe million $ question:  will I see any improvement?06:21
dr_willisperhaps a little06:22
dr_willisive never noticed much06:22
dr_willisbut its hard to benchmark/prove such things06:22
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actinici'm running an opteron06:23
actinicsuggestion on kernel?06:23
actinica64 flavor I presume06:23
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dr_willisno idea. i use amd only these days :P06:24
dr_willisi dont even mess with 64 bit disrtos on them.06:24
actinicwell opteron is an AMD ya know :)06:25
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sdolnackactinic just google06:25
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actinici've heard some of the a64 kernels have multimedia glitches to them06:25
dr_willisI find that every os/pc/whatever - has glitches of some kind. :P06:26
actinicsdolnack, do you see any performance differences?06:27
sdolnackif you install the new kernel, it doens't rewiite the old one06:27
sdolnackfor 686? a bit, yes06:27
sdolnackon my pentium M06:27
actinicis what way?06:27
actinicfaster app loading?06:27
sdolnackjust snappier performance06:27
actinicbetter typing?  :)06:27
dr_willisIt installs the new kernel and adds an entry for it in the grub menus06:27
sdolnackloads a bit faster as well06:27
sdolnacki'm already an excellent typer ;-)06:27
actinici can see06:27
sdolnacki need no kernel to improve on that06:27
actinicdoes your email retrieve faster, lol06:28
sdolnackyou download things like twice as fast06:28
sdolnackand you can run battlefield 2 in wine06:28
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sdolnackhaha i'm kidding06:28
actinicand i can get the girl of my dreams06:28
dr_willistge BIG question.. does PORN download faster? Look better?06:28
actinicoh yeah baby06:29
sdolnackyeah it does06:29
LittleMebf2 works in wine?06:29
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sdolnackbf2 does not work in wine06:30
sdolnacki wish system shock 2 did though06:30
sdolnackbut it doesn't06:30
sdolnackand i have to boot in xp to play that (ugh)06:30
actinici was at a 300 person lan 2 weeks ago06:31
dr_willisSystemShock2 - heh - i aint played that in ages.06:31
LittleMeTA Spring has a linux version now but it's really difficult to figure out06:31
LittleMei was playing it in xp and it's really cool :)06:31
dr_williswasent that a DOS game?06:31
dr_willisi forget now. :)06:31
LittleMeI mostly play TomeNET and quake4 in linux heh06:31
LittleMeno it was windows06:32
actiniclan pic: http://www.lancamp.com/index.php?option=com_gallery2&Itemid=6&g2_itemId=1725006:32
LittleMeTA=total annihilation   taspring is a new rework that's GPL06:32
actinicthey were all running linux .... not  :)06:32
LittleMewhat game was that06:33
LittleMenice pic06:33
=== dr_willis wonders at the heat generated by 300pc's
actinicBF2, UT, Far Cry, CS ..06:33
actinicthey had 'em all06:33
LittleMenice where is that! :)06:33
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actinicInside Intel's plant06:33
actinicthey were one of the corp sponsors06:33
sdolnackactinic: if you download/install the 64bit kernel, and it doens't work, you can alwyas boot in 386 again06:34
sdolnackit leaves your current kernel intact06:34
actinicthanks buddy06:34
Kr4t05How would I make an ISO of a CD?06:34
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ubotuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/06:35
sdolnackhaha i was kidding06:35
sdolnackyou stupid meanie jerkface06:35
sdolnackgo home!06:35
LittleMeactinic: you can't mix a 64bit kernel with a 32bit userland06:36
actinicKr4t05, i'm nice tonight:  http://forums.scotsnewsletter.com/index.php?act=ST&f=14&t=503&st=34406:36
sdolnackoh nevermind then06:36
sdolnackwher'es Snake?06:36
lwizardlanyone have an idea on why kubuntu keeps hanging on my system06:36
sdolnacklwizardl: elaborate some more06:36
sdolnackwhen does it hang06:36
LittleMelwizardl: yes for the same reason chicks hang on me - we are irrisitable06:36
sdolnackhas it worked before? or has it always hung06:37
sdolnackwhat kind of system do you have06:37
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sdolnackif it keeps hanging, haveyou considered gettign it declawed?06:37
lwizardlok after installing nvidia and editing the conf from nv to nvidia and then restarting x it hangs at the blue kubuntu logo06:37
Kr4t05actinic, merci06:38
LittleMelwizardl: tail your /var/log/messages06:38
actinicI consider this a Kubuntu 'must read': http://www.linuxloader.com/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=2806:38
actiniccheck it out06:38
actinic42 pages of tweaking06:38
sdolnackgirlie so groovy, i want you to know!06:39
joel_hmm i just installed some applications (games).. where do i go to access the games? they are not in applications06:39
lwizardlactinic: but if i restart x i end up having to reinstall the whole os06:40
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sdolnackjoel_: try Konsole06:40
actiniclwizardl, huh?06:40
sdolnackjoel_: or add them by right-clicking the K Menu and clicking Menu Editor06:40
sdolnackand adding them06:40
joel_ack, Konsole?06:40
joel_hmm ic06:40
sdolnackthe terminal06:40
sdolnackjust type in the name of the gam06:40
sdolnackor make desktop shortcuts06:41
LittleMelwizardl: no you don't need to reinstall the whole os if x hangs06:41
Kr4t05actinic, cat: /dev/hdb: Input/output error06:41
joel_it was the kde game metapackage06:41
LittleMelwizardl: just press ctrl-alt-F2 to get a console login and restore your xorg.conf from a backup (if you made one)06:41
lwizardlactinic: after i install nvidia and edit the conf to nvidia and then restart i can't get anywhere else06:41
actiniclwizardl, I understand but why ask me?  I know squat06:42
joel_and there alot of games in the kde game package06:42
joel_shouldn't they show up under games like it does in add and remove automatically? or maybe not..06:42
actinicKr4t05, is hdb your cd drive?06:43
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Kr4t05actinic, yep06:43
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Kr4t05actinic, it's a Playstation game I'm trying to back up.06:44
Kr4t05That may be the issue.06:44
=== Kr4t05 does the same thing with his Halo disc.
Kr4t05It works.06:45
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actinicmost cd drives are /dev/hdc06:46
actinicor so i thought06:46
Kr4t05Mine's /dev/hdb06:46
Kr4t05Always as been06:46
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actinicit's mounted?06:46
Kr4t05BUT with the creation of an .iso image only data files of the iso9660 filesytem are copied. Thus there are no error correction codes and headers copied, also there's no possibility to copy a cd consisting of multiple data or audio tracks, you'll just get the iso9660 formated data. The only advantage of creating an .iso file instead of copying the data manually from the mounted cd, is that the bootable block of the CD is also copied to06:47
Kr4t05 the image. So the .iso format is great for purposes like holding a collection of distribution CDs. But e.g. PlayStation cds consist normally of more than one track, so an .iso image wouldn't work here.06:47
jerryI have a question06:48
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Kr4t05Then ask it.06:48
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jerryI got wine06:48
jerryand I installed something06:48
SmrtJustinuhh huh06:48
jerryI see c:\program files06:48
joel_hey, is there a way to browse all applications in kubuntu06:49
jerrybut I don't see that folder06:49
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jerryWhat should I do?06:49
abattoirjoel_: applications:/ ioslave in konqueror06:49
joel_hmm what's the ioslave?06:50
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actiniclwizardl, wonder if you can copy your backup xorg.conf back in06:50
jerryWhere is c:\program files?06:50
Kr4t05jerry, ~/.wine/c_drive/06:50
Kr4t05I think06:50
abattoirjoel_: open konqueror->type applications:/ in the addressbar..06:51
sullyis this working06:51
SmrtJustinsully: if you mean your irc client, I'd say yes06:51
GullyFoylehello? is this thing on?06:51
joel_abattoir: it doesn't seem to be displaying all the programs..particularly the newly installed ones..do i have to restart the computer?06:51
SmrtJustinif only I got that excited everytime my irc client connected06:51
sullyim new to all this06:52
SmrtJustinahh, then it is quite an accomplishment06:52
jerryHow do I run megamud.exe?06:52
abattoirjoel_: in most cases, that would not be necessary, but you could give it a shot if you want06:52
joel_ic, tnx again =)06:52
SmrtJustinabattoir: that doesn't show much more than whats in your K menu does it?06:53
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joel_i thought so, does it?06:53
abattoirSmrtJustin: no it doesnt :)06:53
jerryIt's not working06:53
sullyanyone have much luck installing codecs into kaffine?06:53
SmrtJustinI'm more of a mplayer fan06:54
jerryThis /home/jerry/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Megamud/megamud.exe06:54
jerryhow do I run that?06:54
SmrtJustintry: wine /home/jerry/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Megamud/megamud.exe06:54
SmrtJustinor maybe: cd06:54
SmrtJustinor maybe: cd /home/jerry/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Megamud && wine megamud.exe06:54
SmrtJustinthat may work better, sometimes w/ wine, it doesn't work right if your not in the applications directory.06:55
joel_abattoir: does this mean i have to add all the games to my Kmenu?06:55
jerrywine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\megamud.exe": Module not found06:55
Kr4t05sully, sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs06:55
Hawkwindjerry: You really should ask all this wine related stuff in the appropriate channel, #WineHQ06:56
sullymplayer = the default movie player ubuntu installs?06:56
SmrtJustinjerry: I've never had that good of luck with wine, I would deffinetly try asking in the wine channel06:56
HawkwindSeems people tell you that almost every night that #WineHQ is the best place for that stuff06:57
HawkwindThose guys there know it better than anyone06:57
sullythx Kr4t0506:57
joel_KDEinit could not launch 'whatever'06:58
joel_what does that mean?06:58
joel_hm does it mean the packages weren't installed correctly?06:59
sdolnackMy dear Zampano, who did you lose?06:59
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ryan__how can I configure camba in ubuntu07:02
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems07:02
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sdolnacki've got a 1.6ghz Pentium M, 1 gig of ram, and an ati radeon x300--do you guys think i'll be able to get xgl/compiz runnign smoothly?07:10
unix_infidelyou have the specs, but xgl is its own beast.07:11
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sdolnackhow so07:12
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sullyA problem occur while loading a library or a decoder: wmvdmod.dll   (((After installing codec))) what needs to be done?07:16
sullysimply put the .dll in directory?07:17
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usp8riotcan someone tell me how to change file permissions?07:20
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sullyhas everyone left? or is my text failing to reach server?07:20
usp8rioti keep chmod'ing a directory and it doesn't work07:20
sullyusp8 I, simply right clicked on desiered file, then properties, then open with, then choice prog you wish to use07:21
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems07:21
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usp8rioti made a new mnt directory and by default it's all root permissions07:22
usp8riotit's a windows shared directory. is there a command to change an entire directory permission?07:22
jmichaelxwould anyone here know how to change what program is brought up in firefox for streaming video? mplayer sucks, in my opinion, even if it is the only thing we have for some streams. i would like to be able to use real player in some instances, if possible07:23
usp8rioti use mplayer, tried vlc but it kept hanging up on a site07:24
usp8rioti just uninstalled vlc, i didn't know either07:24
osirismplayer fan here07:24
sullyjmich... im here for same problem. I, did download kaffine and installed the xtra codecs, but still getting error on .wmv files07:24
sullybut to change from movie player to kaffine just download a file you want to change preffered app with, then right clcik it select properties, then select what ever you wish to use07:25
usp8riotsully: it doesn't do that with embedded video07:26
sullygoing to try mplayer next i guess07:26
sullyok i re-read your correct07:29
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usp8riotanyone know how to make a directory writable?07:30
usp8rioti'm new to the chmod stuff07:31
jmichaelxi have had people in here tell me how great mplayer is. it works, sometimes, but i have never seen it work great07:32
sullyim just now getting mplayer07:34
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jmichaelxmplayer has its place, and it is improving with time, but it has a long, long way to go07:36
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sullywhats file name for xtra codecs mplayer?07:36
jmichaelxstreaming media is probably the only reason i still have any PCs with windows on them07:36
unix_infidelthat and...games07:37
unix_infidelheck, even vba runs more smoothly on win3207:37
sullyim new to linux, i can do a lot with it, but still dual boot into windows daily for stuff07:37
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jmichaelxi am not really into games, supertux and chess are enough for me :P07:38
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jmichaelxi log into windows once or twice a week07:38
jmichaelxmainly for streaming content that mplayer cannot handle07:38
unix_infideljmichaelx: what do you use to play chess?07:39
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unix_infideljmichaelx: just general online java stuff?07:39
KDEfanboyam i imagining things or is xine-lib compiled without any type of aRts support?07:40
sullyanyone know how to install the codecs for mplayer?07:40
usp8riotapt-cache search mplayer codec07:41
unix_infidelsully: /join #mplayer and get read the topic.07:41
usp8riotthen apt-install07:41
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usp8riotsully: nm, i think i told you wrong07:43
usp8rioti think i went to the mplayer site, i'm pretty sure07:43
sullyi not see it there07:43
sullyok i'll check there07:43
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sdolnackhow do i view my system spex07:46
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usp8riotsystem settings07:48
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usp8riotor Kinfo center07:49
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NKjoephi ppl08:01
eniac_petrovhi all08:03
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NKjoepany eciadsl expert here? :D08:07
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eniac_petrovI am lamer08:08
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fre1q. i would like a user to be able to run some command with CAP_NET_RAW capability but not have the root... how can i do that ?08:15
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fre1likely too early for such question :)08:18
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stoicwould anyone in here know how to fix problems with firefox?08:21
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fre1stoic, your question is too generic to be answered :)08:23
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stoicok sorry let me rephraze that, every time i start firefox and visit a website other than my homepage, the program crashes on me, i have tried reinstalling it, i have tried removing the application and compleatly reinstalling it, and i have tried reinstalling the flashplayers it uses and it still doesnt work\08:24
MilhousePunkRockHi everyone08:24
stoicany ideas?08:25
fre1stoic, your firefox crash when you visit any website !??!08:25
MilhousePunkRockDoes Kubuntu make log files of the shutdown by default and if yes, where can I find them?08:25
fre1stoic, surprising as in never heard before08:25
fre1MilhousePunkRock: in /var/log/Messages08:26
stoicwell it more or less shuts itself down, because it does not say the program crashed, its more like someone remotly shuts it down08:26
fre1message without M08:26
fre1stoic: even simple stuff like google.com ?08:26
stoicyep. anything outside the homepage, it lasts for about 5 seconds then shuts down08:26
fre1well i have no clue why, but i can tell you that firefox is known to be reliable08:27
fre1so my guess is that the issue is triggered by firefox but not in firefox itself08:27
stoici downloaded opera, but when it downloads torrent files... they are huge, like 250 mb08:27
fre1have you tried other browser ?08:27
fre1yep but what about the browsing ?08:28
stoicbrowsing is fine08:28
stoicwith opera08:28
fre1konqueror ?08:28
qbityou could try renaming the .mozilla directory in your home and starting with a virgin setup08:28
stoici have not tried konqueror08:28
stoichold on08:28
qbitif it makes any difference it is in the config08:28
stoicwhere might that be located at?08:29
stoico nvm08:29
MilhousePunkRockThx fre1, but what I am looking for is not in there08:29
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qbitif it's segfaulting you might try running it from the command line in konsole08:29
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stoicnaw, konqueror runs just fine08:30
stoicits only firefox08:30
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fre1you may try what qbit suggested08:31
stoici guess i will just have to do that then08:31
stoicand torrent files download fine with konqueror, so i guess ill just do my browsing with opera, and downloading with konqueror08:31
qbitI'm using firefox here, never had any troubles - but I also don't have the flash player installed either08:32
stoicmaybe i should try removing the flashplayer alltogether08:32
qbitdoes flash show up as a plugin in Konqueror?08:33
stoicbut i also installed it only in the opera and firefox browsers08:34
qbitif flash works in Konq it's maybe ok, go to a flash site in Konq and see what happens08:34
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imachineflash worked fine on opera, ffxo and konq in kubuntu for me.08:35
MilhousePunkRockDoes anyone know a tool called "strace"? --> http://www.liacs.nl/~wichert/strace/08:35
imachineMilhousePunkRock, yes what about it08:35
imachineitsa a common tool.08:35
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MilhousePunkRockWill that help me logging the output I get when shutting down? There are some error messages with are not in the /var/log/messages08:36
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fre1MilhousePunkRock: nope, strace is not done for that08:36
imachineMilhousePunkRock, i dont think so.08:37
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imachineits' purpose is else08:37
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MilhousePunkRockOK, I just found it when doing a Google search08:37
MilhousePunkRockSo how can I get those error messages? Is there a way to pause the shutdown? Otherwise they are gone too fast again08:38
stoicok well thanks for the help08:38
stoicc ya08:38
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elknof1hey... wich is the tool for partitioning in kde??08:48
elknof1i mean like gparted to gnome...08:48
abattoirelknof1: qtparted08:49
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elknof1abattoir, thanks08:50
abattoirnp :)08:50
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flaccidjust wondering the difference between choosing install kubuntu and install a server on startup of dvd08:50
abattoirflaccid: i guess the latter installs tools for a server setup... like apache ;)08:51
abattoirthe former of course would install a normal desktop setup, for eg. for a home user08:51
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flaccidcan server install still install kde? i'm on setting up a server, but also want to be able to use kde08:52
abattoirflaccid: i think i should... else what's the diff. b/w kubuntu and ubuntu ;)08:52
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abattoirlet me check, if i can08:52
abattoir*it should08:53
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flaccidso i'll select install server08:54
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ubotuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments. The default install includes a server kernel and no GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current stable version is 6.06 LTS. For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerFaq/08:56
flaccidok, so installing server from dvd rom does not install a gui08:56
abattoirflaccid: i'd recommend looking at the faq08:56
abattoirhmmm, yes, i guess no GUI08:57
insanekaneflaccid: choosing the normal install should also install all or most of the server components08:57
flaccidnow i'm not sure which one i should do lol08:58
abattoirflaccid: i think installing kubuntu-desktop after doing the server install would install KDE08:58
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flaccidyou think hmm08:58
jbrouhardit will08:58
sotiredi have no sound in enemy territory anbd a few other games. here is the output of my error if anyone can help me08:59
abattoiror you could install Kubuntu(w/KDE) and then manually install the tools you need08:59
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jbrouhardonce you have a base ubuntu system, running sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop will get you KDE08:59
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abattoirflaccid: well, i havent done it, so dont want to commit :), but even the FAQ says that08:59
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sotiredi have no sound in enemy territory anbd a few other games. here is the output of my error if anyone can help mehttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1774109:03
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captainbrailleHi, whats the directory I can go to to see all of the packages I've downloaded with adept?09:04
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abattoircaptainbraille: /var/cache/apt/archives09:05
captainbrailleabattoir: thanks a ton09:05
abattoircaptainbraille: no problem :)09:06
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sotiredanyone now how to fix this sound error? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1774109:07
abattoirsotired: are you running any other sound application?09:07
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abattoirsotired: does it happen always? what happens when you restart and run it?09:08
sotiredi get no sound in most games09:08
sotiredi used too09:09
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abattoirhmm, then i have no clue, sorry :(09:09
sotiredive been looking for help for thios for days09:09
sotiredbut thanks anyway09:09
abattoirsotired: running cedega / wine?09:10
sotiredim going to sleep on it09:10
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abattoirrunning *through* rather09:10
qbitcould try temporarily disabling arts to see if it is blocking the game09:10
qbitif it is I think there is some kind of command like artdsp something or other && startgame09:12
qbitbut I've never had to go that route so I'm lacking in details09:12
sotiredall linux native games09:13
sotiredim getting super lag09:13
sotiredlike 50 seconds09:13
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MilhousePunkRockHow can I tell Firefox which application to use to open stuff from the "Downloads" window09:13
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: Edit->Preferences->Downloads->View and Edit Actions09:14
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MilhousePunkRockBut there I can only edit file types that are already assigned09:15
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MilhousePunkRockI'd like to add new ones, e.g. .torrent --> KTorrent09:16
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: there is one for torrent09:16
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abattoiratleast for me...09:17
abattoirit probably gets added to the list, when you download  a file of the mimetype09:17
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: Not here... only SPL and SWF for Flash09:18
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: hmm.. let me do some searching...09:18
MilhousePunkRockWould be nice to have an app assigned to .pdf as well09:18
MilhousePunkRockOk, thanks09:19
=== MilhousePunkRock has the feeling that this is an Fx bug though. Doesn't work properly on Win either
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: In the 'Save file window', before downloading, i remember an option to 'Remember File types'...09:24
abattoirdo you get that?09:24
MilhousePunkRockLet me check09:25
abattoirok, got it...09:25
MilhousePunkRockYeah, it's there09:25
abattoirdownload a sample of the file type, eg. a torrent09:25
abattoirchoose the action you want...09:25
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MilhousePunkRockNow I only need to know where to locate the apps09:25
abattoirand then check 'Do this....'09:26
=== MilhousePunkRock is trying a .pdf as an example
abattoirshould be under /usr/bin09:26
abattoir /usr/bin/kpdf for eg.09:26
MilhousePunkRockOK, that's working...09:27
MilhousePunkRockThanks, abattoir09:27
abattoirnp :)09:27
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MilhousePunkRockIt doesn't prompt me anymore now, I guess if I have to save a .pdf instead of opening it right away I do that with "right click --> Save target as..."?!?!?09:29
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: then you shouldnt have checked 'Do this automatically...'09:29
abattoiryes,  you can do that too09:29
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abattoirbut if you remove the automatic, thing, you'll be given a choice of either to open or to save09:30
abattoirif you want that, go to the dialog under preferences and delete the entry for PDF09:30
MilhousePunkRockLooks like I have to remove the file action for that09:30
MilhousePunkRockJust like you say, lol09:30
abattoirexactly :)09:30
MilhousePunkRockThat's good enough for now, I've got plenty of other issues to deal with...09:31
=== MilhousePunkRock hates being a Linux noob
abattoirwell, once you get past the phase, you'll start seeing the light :P09:31
unix_infidelits all about focus, whether you can sit in front of a terminal for 5 hours a day and read docs.09:32
KDEfanboyMilhousePunkRock: failing to save it can happen when the source server is not sending the mimetype properly. i noticed .torrent's particularly are sometimes misconfigured to send as applicatoin/x-octetstream or something, especially if they're send by .php or whatever redirects. i think in those cases, the always-use option is greyed out09:32
MilhousePunkRockI managed to install/compile stuff with configure make make install _twice_ already... Woohoo09:32
qbitadd multiverse to your repositories, install acroread7, then the mozilla plugin for it and restart firefox09:32
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: that's one of the most easiest methods of installation :P09:32
fiyawerxanyone know what would cause everything but terminal fonts to just display as empty boxes?09:32
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fiyawerxlike little squares09:33
qbitdelete the old pdf entry and the next time choose the plugin instead and it'll pop up in the browser09:33
MilhousePunkRockNot for one used to windows-click-on-the-exe-and-everything's-fine-method09:33
abattoirwell, click on the exe, click next a hundred times(w/o reading ;) )... ugh i'll pass that09:34
abattoir./configure && make && sudo make install rocks :P09:34
MilhousePunkRockBut isn't commercial software like the Acrobat kind of taboo'ed in Linux?09:34
fiyawerxuse checkinstall not make install :)09:34
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fiyawerxit makes a deb out of it09:34
fiyawerxeasy to use with package management then for removal/etc..09:35
KDEfanboyMilhousePunkRock: there's a click-on-the-... method actually  in active development. http://klik.atekon.de/09:35
qbityeah - checkinstall rocks!  :-)09:35
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: i personally find Acrobat slow and huge compared to KPDF09:35
=== MilhousePunkRock rather uses adept if available as long as I am not really familiar with the more "linuxish" methods
qbitit's a memory hog09:36
MilhousePunkRockSo is ther a KPDF plugin for Fx?09:36
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qbitI'm not aware of one09:37
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qbitalthough it can be plugged into Konqueror09:37
MilhousePunkRockI remember having a plugin for Fx on windows that prompted me to open the pdf in the current window, a new window or save it09:37
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MilhousePunkRockthat was really nice09:38
qbitmine just pops up in the current tab09:38
qbitbut I've got a gig of ram in the box too   :-)09:38
MilhousePunkRockI dont like Konqueror as a web browser09:38
qbitI prefer Firefox myself09:39
MilhousePunkRockand usually pdf's get opened "embedded" in Konq, so small that you can hardly read anything09:39
KDEfanboyyou can set whether any mimetype handler opens embedded or externally09:40
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MilhousePunkRockGot that, thx KDEfanboy09:43
MilhousePunkRockSince a lot of ppl joined in the meantime:09:44
MilhousePunkRockDoes anyone know how I can log what is printed on the screen while the system shuts down?09:45
MilhousePunkRockI get a few errors messages there, but they are gone too fast to read them properly09:45
Ash-Fox/var/log/syslog ?09:46
Ash-Foxusually system error messages and such are shoved into there.09:47
qbithrmm, debuging in FreeBSD is done with a second machine connected via null modem cable and the console is on the second box, but I'm a n00bie when it comes to Linux09:47
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chillhello everyone09:49
Ash-FoxHello chill.09:50
chilli need help09:50
chillwith this os09:50
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:50
chillneed updates09:50
chillvery very new linux person09:50
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NKjoepchill  what do u need to update?09:51
Ash-FoxKubuntu is not linux, it is a operating system distrobution that contains the linux kernel.09:51
chilli know this09:51
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NKjoepso chill  was right Ash-Fox .. he said "i'm a new linux person"09:51
flaccidkubuntu installation didn't ask for root password, so how do i access root09:52
NKjoeplinux person said.. not that linux is kubuntu _09:52
chillnew as far as console cmd09:52
NKjoepflaccid ?09:52
Lynourelinux distribution... I think it's not that bad to call it linux for short :)09:52
chillthats how09:52
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flaccidbut what is the default root password?09:52
Ash-FoxLynoure, it confuses some people though :P09:52
NKjoepflaccid  use your user pass09:52
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NKjoepno root pasw09:53
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chilli need os updates09:53
flaccidcan you not su to root?09:53
flaccidonly sudo ?09:53
chillfor wifi09:53
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NKjoepchill  try with sudo apt-cache search something09:53
LynoureAsh-Fox: Some people will always get confused. We people are funny that way :)09:53
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TibaLflaccid: yes, do "sudo -s"09:53
TibaLflaccid: or "sudo su"09:53
TibaLflaccid: then you can even change the root password09:53
flaccidok cool09:54
Lynourechill: Updates should happen automatically, unless you need something specialy09:54
MilhousePunkRockflaccid: It's not recommended though... What's wrong with sudo anyway?09:54
chillok how do i start the os updates09:54
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chillinstalled while i have no internet accsess09:54
chillnow i do09:54
chillwould like updates09:54
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Fisher_Phas anyone had any problems creating mpeg slideshows from digikam or gwenview?09:55
flaccidi was just wondering09:55
flaccidjust wanted to set the root password09:55
Ash-Foxsudo passwd root09:55
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flaccidyep its done09:55
MilhousePunkRockGot me confused first too, flaccid09:55
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flaccidi used to use redhat09:56
flaccidok best command to shut computer down?09:56
flaccidshutdown now or something?09:56
TibaLflaccid: halt ?09:56
Ash-Foxshutdown -h "now"09:56
Lynourechill: they should get started for you, a little icon with ! appears in the lower right corner and you click on it. But you can start themselves in multiple ways yourself. If non-graphical is fine   sudo apt-get update   sudo apt-get upgrade    does it. I cannot remember how to start the graphical one, I'm not on my kubuntu at the moment09:56
Ash-FoxGraphical one: K -> System -> adept09:57
chillthatnk you so very much09:57
LynoureAsh-Fox: but does that start the upgrade or does it take some clicks from that? That I cannot remember09:57
chillthank update09:57
Ash-FoxLynoure, needs some more clicks :)09:58
Ash-FoxLynoure, by default though, when you login, kubuntu will check for updates. if it finds updates you will see a little icon in the tray notifying you09:58
LynoureAsh-Fox: I have been surprised myself how non-gui person I am, must be all those years on debian doing that to me.09:58
LynoureAsh-Fox: I know that.09:58
LynoureAsh-Fox: I wasn't the one with the update problem.09:59
Ash-FoxLynoure, Heh, I'm a debian user myself :)09:59
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Ash-FoxWell, actually I use many distros, but anyway =)09:59
Fisher_Phas anyone had any problems creating mpeg slideshows from digikam or gwenview?10:00
=== Ash-Fox is fairly new to kubuntu actually, but it's not been troublesome at all.
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unix_infidelhow can i access the mysql server from ubuntu without being root?10:02
TibaLunix_infidel: do you meen the root system account ou the root mysql account ?10:03
LynoureAsh-Fox: My only problems at the moment are visor kernel module and hp laserjet 1022 not seeming to be supported (unlike in debian unstable)10:03
unix_infidelTibaL: TibaL root system account cant be avoided...right?10:03
LynoureAsh-Fox: But I do find myself choosing command line over gui when it comes to admin tasks :)10:04
unix_infideli'd like to creat a mysql user in the grant tables for the mysql account and be able to run it10:04
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unix_infidelbut what i'm confused about is whether i can run a mysql server for learning purposes as a normal user.10:04
Ash-FoxLynoure, I find I prefer telling people how todo things in the command line when helping, because guiding people through graphical user interfaces is really hard. =)10:04
TibaLunix_infidel: no, mysql doesn't care who tries to access it, the only thing that is important is to have the correct root password of mysql10:04
unix_infidelAsh-Fox: why'd you think so many companies lose money off support.10:05
LynoureAsh-Fox: That too.10:05
Ash-Foxunix_infidel, because they're not running VNC support type systems.10:05
unix_infidelTibaL: no i mean i'd like to START mysql as a normal user and then be able to create a mysql user on the mysql account via the mysql root account.10:05
unix_infidelTibaL: is it possible to do it like that, the docs say to start the mysql server as a normal user unless you need system root to do it.10:06
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Ash-FoxCompany where I work: User has a problem -- User calls me on the phone -- I tell them to double click the tech support icon on their desktop and their desktop popsup on my screen. I fix problems really fast this way. =)10:06
unix_infidelAsh-Fox: what company do you work at?10:07
Ash-Foxunix_infidel, LBF- Polska Sp.z o.o.10:07
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pyrooohi all! can anyone please help me with the kubuntu installation?10:08
TibaLunix_infidel: so you do not have any administrative rights on the computer... i have no idea, you probably should compile mysql yourself giving it special paths10:08
unix_infidelTibaL: no i do have admin right on this computer....10:08
h3sp4wnunix_infidel: mysql usually runs as the user mysql10:08
pyroooi tried installing, but when the installation starts i push: install or run kubuntu, it starts loading the kernel and stuff and when it reaches the point it should load kde it doesnt10:08
Ash-FoxIt's a consulting company for other companies that want to open hotels, resturants, shops and ferrying =)10:08
pyrooothe screen goes black and loses signal10:09
pyrooowhen i push ctrl+alt+f1 the screen works again and got command line10:09
unix_infidelh3sp4wn: no, the server is initialised by the init script which runs as root.10:09
MilhousePunkRockAsh-Fox, what I am looking for is not in the /var/log/syslog10:09
pyroooany ideas?10:09
Ash-FoxMilhousePunkRock, what are you looking for?10:09
TibaLunix_infidel: is mysql server installed on the computer ?10:09
unix_infidelthus, the SERVER is started as root, i know that i can create a non root user on the mysql account.10:09
unix_infidelTibaL: yes.10:09
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h3sp4wnunix_infidel: mysql 10058  0.0  0.0  1648     0  p1- IW   -         0:00.00 /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-extra-file=/var/db/mysql/my.cnf --user=mysql --datadir=/var/db/mysql --pid-file=/var/db/mysql/triton.lan.pid10:09
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unix_infidelTibaL: i'm running breezy so mysql-server-4.110:09
MilhousePunkRockI get some error messages (I think related to ACPI) when I shut down. I want to review those so I can fix it10:10
unix_infidelheinkel_111: that's because you told it to do it that way.10:10
Ash-FoxMilhousePunkRock, it should be in the syslog.10:10
Ash-FoxMilhousePunkRock, or at least in /var/log/messages10:10
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pyroooanyone? plz!10:10
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unix_infidelerm h3sp4wn10:10
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Ash-Foxpyrooo, does the livecd mode work?10:11
_FisherPhas anyone had any problems creating mpeg slideshows from digikam or gwenview?10:11
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unix_infidelh3sp4wn: for instance couldnt I just startup mysqld_safe for learning purposes.10:12
pyroooi have a problem with installing kubuntu, i booted up the disk, and pushed install kubuntu. when the installation starts loading the kernel and stuff i can see my screen, but when it reaches the point it should load kde it doesnt. the screen goes black and loses signal! (WTF?!)10:13
pyrooowhen i push ctrl+alt+f1 for command promt the screen gets signal again and works. any ideas? please!10:13
pyroooi have a problem with installing kubuntu, i booted up the disk, and pushed install kubuntu. when the installation starts loading the kernel and stuff i can see my screen, but when it reaches the point it should load kde it doesnt. the screen goes black and loses signal! (WTF?!)10:13
pyrooowhen i push ctrl+alt+f1 for command promt the screen gets signal again and works. any ideas? please!10:13
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pyroooshit sorry i wrote that much10:13
h3sp4wnunix_infidel: I just  built it from source I prefer to do that for certain things (makes it easier to know what is going on and you can just read the proper docs)10:13
TibaLunix_infidel: read mysqld man page (man mysqld) maybe there are special options to select the user, log file etc...10:13
MilhousePunkRockAsh-Fox: I checked both, negative10:13
korielI installed kubuntu in my lap with an ati gc and although the xorg file is configured correctly by kubuntu ati module does not exist10:13
korielany help?10:14
unix_infidelh3sp4wn: that makes sense, Ubuntu is still using 4.1 on breezy.10:14
unix_infidelbut i have no idea what i'm doing with mysql so far.10:14
h3sp4wnmysql-admin (the gui one is the only decent gui for mysql)10:14
unix_infidelh3sp4wn: i hate gui's :P10:15
h3sp4wnI don't like webinterfaces (phpmyadmin or anything)10:15
unix_infidelespecially for stuff that's meant to be shell10:15
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Ash-FoxMilhousePunkRock, technically, you could open a console and do 'sudo /etc/init.d/acpid stop', and see if it fails10:16
=== MilhousePunkRock will try that
MilhousePunkRock * Stopping ACPI services...                                             [ ok ] 10:17
Ash-Foxthen it probably wasn't ACPI10:17
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[fadli_klate] acpi? hmm howto to suspend laptop from console terminal?10:18
MilhousePunkRockWhat if it was something like "Error in line xyz -get state  - No such device"10:18
h3sp4wnunix_infidel: For most circumstances I would probably say the same thing - But as far as I know there are no good mysql cli tools (usually just use DBI to access them) but if i just need to view the db then mysql-admin (being the same as the windows client is pretty good) - If the mysql cli tools were as powerful as those for informix then it would be ok but I think they are pretty useless (at least for me(10:19
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pyroooi have a problem with installing kubuntu, i booted up the disk, and pushed install kubuntu. when the installation starts loading the kernel and stuff i can see my screen, but when it reaches the point it should load kde it doesnt. the screen goes black and loses signal! (WTF?!)10:20
pyrooowhen i push ctrl+alt+f1 for command promt the screen gets signal again and works. any ideas? please!10:20
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Ash-Foxpyrooo, does the livecd mode work?10:20
pyroooi tried livecd10:21
pyrooobut KDE doesn't load10:21
pyroooi tried changing resoulution10:21
pyrooodidn't work either10:22
[fadli_klate] seems i had the problem in my laptop too10:22
pyroooand how did you overcome it?10:22
Ash-FoxSounds like X is messing up with your hardware10:22
pyroooany suggestions?10:22
Ash-Foxpyrooo, well, you could try running xorg in vesa/vga, but the problem is that, you will lack 2d and 3d acceleration if you do10:23
unix_infidelh3sp4wn: informix?10:23
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pyrooowhile installing or forever?10:23
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Ash-Foxpyrooo, if it isn't working off the livecd, it's unlikely it will work when installed.10:23
pyrooodamn fucking linux i'm so dissapointed10:24
pyroootried gentoo10:24
Ash-Foxpyrooo, I mean, you can install proprietory drivers like ati's and nvidia's though, so if you have a modern card, that can be solved10:24
pyrooodidn't work10:24
pyrooonow kubuntu? :(10:24
[fadli_klate] dont so sure about that10:24
flaccidis the sshd off by default for server installation?10:24
Ash-Foxpyrooo, gentoo isn't exactly for newbies10:24
h3sp4wnunix_infidel: Another databse10:24
Ash-Foxpyrooo, what is your graphic card?10:24
unix_infidelh3sp4wn: ahh, another dbms10:24
pyroooX800 ORO10:24
h3sp4wnunix_infidel: Commercial (or was when I used it)10:25
Ash-Fox... I have never heard of that card before10:25
pyroooATi X800 Pro?10:25
pyroooyour crazy?10:25
=== kakalto has a glint in his eye
pyrooothe series goest like this: 9800 - x800 - x180010:25
pyrooothan there were x850 - x190010:25
pyroooin the middle10:25
unix_infidelh3sp4wn: so you use what now as your dbms at work and such?10:25
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[fadli_klate] try another installer cd pyro, Alternate CD10:26
Ash-Foxpyrooo, well.. in theory the ati proprietory drivers may work10:26
pyroooso, what should i do?10:26
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto10:26
pyrooowhen i tried to check the CD10:26
pyroooit said that checksum failed10:26
pyrooomaybe thats the problem?10:26
Ash-Foxpyrooo, use the alternative install cd, install kubuntu and setup the binarydriver before you start X10:26
h3sp4wnunix_infidel: Non at this moment in time (just finished a year back in college) but I have used sybase, informix , mysql (for stuff that doesn't matter)10:27
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pyrooook Ash-Fox, but, will i have a graphical installation using the alternate installation?10:27
MilhousePunkRockpyrooo: There you go... Download it again and burn it at a slower speed10:27
kakaltoXGL rawks ^-^10:27
Ash-Foxpyrooo, a TUI installation10:27
unix_infidelh3sp4wn: lol, mysql for stuff that doesnt matter?10:27
pyrooowell i'll manage10:28
pyroooso i'll burn the CD again10:28
unix_infidelwhy's that?10:28
pyroooif it works - gr810:28
pyroooif it doesn't, i'll try ACD10:28
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=== MilhousePunkRock will try to write down the error messages with the good ol' pen'n'paper method and come back for further assistance some time later...
MilhousePunkRockkakalto: On what sys are you running XGL on?10:30
h3sp4wnunix_infidel: I wouldn't want a billing database or something to run on mysql - maybe it is better now but I don't trust it for its past failings10:30
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unix_infidelh3sp4wn: what would you recommend?10:31
=== Ash-Fox would reccommend postgresql.
kakaltoMilhousePunkRock: what do ya mean 'sys'?10:31
unix_infidelAsh-Fox: couple reasons why?10:31
kakaltolike hardware specs/brands, or ?10:31
MilhousePunkRockspecs, kakalto10:31
Ash-Fox1) I've never, ever had it break on me unlike mssql and mysql 2) It's ANSI-SQL compliant10:32
[fadli_klate] my wireless card undetected, any ideas?10:32
[fadli_klate] 0000:02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation: Unknown device 4222 (rev 02)10:32
[fadli_klate] 0000:04:00.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd.: Unknown device 4363 (rev 10)10:32
h3sp4wnPostgres is supposed to be pretty good but I haven't used it - DB2 is pretty good (which I have used)10:32
Ash-FoxANSI-SQL can be used with MSSQL, MYSQL5, and postgresql.10:32
[fadli_klate] this is the output from lspci10:32
Ash-Foxso it's not like you can't migrate to another one if you see a problem.10:33
flaccidwhat is the service manager binary for unbuntu ie. /sbin/service equivalent?10:33
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unix_infidelAsh-Fox: i'm just trying to learn basics so far.  Otherwise i would probably care about which dbms i was using.10:33
Ash-FoxANSI-SQL isn't basics?10:33
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unix_infidelAsh-Fox: i'm just trying to get the proper user setup.10:34
unix_infideli havent even GOTTEN to statements yet.10:34
h3sp4wn[fadli_klate] : You will need ndiswrapper10:34
unix_infidelheck, i cant even get myself into root for the mysql server with mysql -u root10:34
[fadli_klate] ndiswrapper? i ll check it out10:35
Ash-Foxunix_infidel http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/resetting-permissions.html10:35
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MilhousePunkRock[fadli_klate] : Was the card detected before you did some updates?10:35
unix_infidelAsh-Fox: But i havent even done anything to the server yet.10:35
Ash-Foxunix_infidel, I have no idea how kubuntu packages it.10:36
flaccidso ubuntu doesn't come with ssh by default?10:36
Ash-Foxfor all I know, they could of set some password.10:36
unix_infidelAsh-Fox: what do you mean how it packages it10:36
ubotuwifi is Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper10:36
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Ash-Foxflaccid, no, ssh comes with kubuntu by default..10:36
Ash-Foxash-fox@tapestry:~$ ssh -v10:37
Ash-FoxOpenSSH_4.2p1 Debian-7ubuntu3, OpenSSL 0.9.8a 11 Oct 200510:37
flaccidah ok, is it on by default as a service10:37
[fadli_klate] the card not detected since the installation10:37
flaccidyou'll have to excuse this is my first time with ubuntu10:37
Ash-Foxflaccid, you're thinking of sshd, that's not ssh10:38
flaccidwell ssh could mean server or client...10:38
Ash-Foxflaccid, sshd isn't installed by default with kubuntu.10:38
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flaccidits beyond me why a server installation wouldn't contain any remote access10:38
Ash-Foxssh is generally used to refer to the client sshd to the server.10:38
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Ash-Foxflaccid, not all servers need sshd? :)10:39
flaccidhow do you access the server without ssh?10:39
Ash-FoxThrough the console.10:39
flaccidthis is true10:39
Ash-FoxNot everyone remotely manages their servers.10:40
h3sp4wn[fadli_klate]  http://support.dlink.com/products/view.asp?productid=DWL%2DG630 (I think marvell only have one wireless chipset)10:40
flaccidbut most will10:40
=== MilhousePunkRock does not understand a single word...
h3sp4wnAsh-Fox: More than 90% would manage them remotely10:40
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=== MilhousePunkRock is using a D-Link card... Was some hassle to get it running again after the security updates
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Ash-Foxh3sp4wn, doesn't mean they would all use ssh to manage them remotely either. I mean, I remotely manage some of my servers through a HTTP interface only.10:41
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h3sp4wnAsh-Fox: I would never use a http interface on a server10:41
Ash-Foxh3sp4wn, I find cups a lot easier to manage through HTTP :P10:42
FisherP_My connection to freenode seems to drop alot using konversation. does anyone have any idea what could be causing it?10:42
h3sp4wnI use lpd not cups10:42
[fadli_klate] but i still wonder, why lspci cant detect the correct device name. is the devices is too new?10:43
h3sp4wn(but to be fair I have had the /etc/termcap for ages)10:43
h3sp4wn[fadli_klate] : Is it a pci card or cardbus ?10:43
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flaccidi went to apt-get install the sshd, but it asks me for the cd. how do i install via the internet instead?10:45
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic10:45
Ash-Foxflaccid, use that.10:45
[fadli_klate] pcicard10:45
[fadli_klate] *a pci card10:47
Ash-Fox[fadli_klate] , lspci compares pci ids against a list of devices it knows about.10:48
[fadli_klate] so the device is not in the list10:48
Ash-Fox[fadli_klate] , check in /usr/share/misc/pci.ids10:49
h3sp4wnYou can update your pci.ids but I can't remember the command10:50
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Ash-Foxwouldn't future updates just be in the repository?10:50
[fadli_klate] nice. maybe if i upload it will solve the problem10:50
Ash-Fox[fadli_klate] , updating it will only change the name displayed at most.10:51
Ash-Fox[fadli_klate] , that's all lspci does. identifies devices.10:51
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FisherP_My connection to freenode seems to drop alot using konversation. does anyone have any idea what could be causing it?10:52
flaccidok i have the sources list. now i need to upload it. is ftp enabled by default for server install10:52
Ash-Foxflaccid, as far as I know, nothing is enabled by default.10:54
h3sp4wnNothing is enabled by default (except maybe on the lamp install) - I would use proftpd - others would maybe use vsftp10:54
Ash-FoxI would use konqueror.10:54
Ash-Foxoops, what the heck did I do just there10:54
Ash-FoxSorry, confused clients with servers for some reason =)10:54
Ash-FoxBy the way, I would just have SSHd enabled, then use the fish protocol (which is availible in konqueror) to upload files to the server.10:55
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h3sp4wnflaccid: shfs is just as good10:56
flaccidyeah i did server install, and i think i may not install a DE10:56
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Ash-Foxtalking about on the client machine10:56
flaccidis there an ftp server installed by default? you see i don't have an optical drive in the box anymore10:56
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flaccidoh i got ya10:56
[fadli_klate] great guys! i just solve the lspci problem10:56
D4m4gehi all10:57
Ash-Foxflaccid, how do you currently access the machine?10:57
flaccidby console10:57
[fadli_klate] i get the new file from http://pciids.sourceforge.net/pci.ids  and replace the /usr/share/misc/pci.ids file10:57
Ash-Foxflaccid, you could just retype the sources.list manually, it's not that large.10:57
flaccidwell atm by console10:57
flaccidtrue, do the minium list first10:57
flaccidi assume no text browser is installed10:58
[fadli_klate] now when i list my pci devices, all devices are recognized10:58
flaccidi have servers on the network, is there any default clients available for ftp, http etc.?10:58
Ash-Fox[fadli_klate] , no, they're just identified properly. The kernel on the other hand doesn't care what lspci detects.10:58
h3sp4wn[fadli_klate] : What is the full line now ?10:59
[fadli_klate] 0000:02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)10:59
[fadli_klate] 0000:04:00.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8055 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 10)10:59
[fadli_klate] yea. it is the first step now i have to get the correct driver11:00
h3sp4wnAre you on dapper ? dapper supports that intel wireless I think without ndiswrapper11:00
flaccidcool it has ftp client11:00
[fadli_klate] yup i on dapper11:01
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h3sp4wnIt will work but just not with network manager11:02
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vltHello. I have installed kubuntu Dapper with KDE 3.5.2. There are several users working on that machine. One of them can't access KMail anymore with error message "No conection to localhost". I think it's trying to open kwallet. Until this morning it worked without problems. Where can I look first?11:02
Ash-Foxvlt, check that kwallet starts?11:03
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vltAsh-Fox: I checked. When I (as the user) open KMail kwallet is opened, too. The passwords are set (I can see them in kdewallet). But KMail still can't access it.11:07
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Ash-Foxvlt, check that kmail is permited to access kwallet....11:08
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vltAsh-Fox: The checkbox "ask when an app wants to access ..." is checked in kwallet. There are no apps listed.11:10
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Ash-Foxvlt, doesn't sound like it's a problem with kwallet then.11:12
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vltAsh-Fox: I closed KMail and re-opened. Then I was asked if I want to allow KMail to access kwallet. I said "always" and now kmail is listed as "allow always" in kwallet. As soon as I open KMail the kwallet icon shows an open wallet, when I close it the wallet closes. But KMail still sais it cant access localhost.11:15
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Ash-Foxwhen you close it?11:16
Ash-Foxyou shouldn't close the wallet unless you want to prevent access to it.11:17
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vltAsh-Fox: Ok, I think I solved it. I checked the IMAP settings and found that that the field "server" was empty so that it always tried locahost. How can that happen?11:18
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galorinNot sure what's going on, I've been trying amarok, but it just skips over my mp3 files.  It plays ogg without complaints.11:20
Smoophwhy would your kmail try to connect to localhost ? you should check your mail-account11:20
Ash-Foxvlt, kmail didn't finish writing to .kmailrc for some reason, someone removed the setting etc.11:20
Smoophyou know sending and reciving11:20
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Ash-Foxgalorin, you will need this11:20
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:20
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Smoophgalorin: I know the problem I solved it with installiing bumbs its a script that installs all the codecs you need11:21
=== Ash-Fox doesn't understand what's so hard about reading a wiki page.
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Smoophgalorin: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18124811:22
Ash-Foxthe scripts I've seen download the .debs manually, they don't setup the list.sources at all, so you don't get any updates, making upgrades messy11:22
Smoophno check out this one it works fine11:23
Ash-FoxJust easier to fix the sources.list with easysource and type in a long apt-get install command11:23
Ash-FoxSmooph, I prefer manual, it just works :P11:23
galorinEither way, as long as it works.11:23
SmoophAsh-Fox:  I do 2 but it did not work11:24
Ash-FoxWorks fine here.11:24
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Ash-FoxHow can it not work anyway?11:25
SmoophSo I would recommend if you are not that experienced use the script (bumps not bumbs ^^) else try it manual11:25
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galorinProbably be easier to just convert my mp3 songs into ogg... only have a couple dozen of 'em11:25
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firepolhi there, what tool do you suggest me to install in order to connect to a Mobile Phone via bluetooth in order to save my phonebook, calendar etc.?11:26
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Ash-FoxI would reccommend not using any scripts because they have been known to mess up things. Heck someone used easyubuntu the other day and their dkpg package lists got corrupted by it11:26
abattoir_firepol: kmobiletools11:26
abattoir_!info kmobiletools11:27
ubotukmobiletools: KDE application for controlling your mobile phone. In repository universe, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 179 kB, installed size 820 kB11:27
Ash-FoxIf you're using the proper package manager utilities in the first place, these issues wouldn't happen.11:27
galorinproblem solved.. followed wiki instructions, restarted amarok, and now it's playing 'em fine11:27
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Ash-Foxgalorin, good, you may also want to install msttcorefonts by the way, if you want windows fonts =)11:28
firepolthank you11:28
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firepolby the way, i got my bluetooth adapter working with ubuntu in a few minutes... and not working under windows xp11:29
Ash-Fox(useful for some subtitle OSDs, personally I like arial most for subtiltles)11:29
Ash-Foxfirepol, similar expirence here.11:29
firepolstupid XP needs maybe SP2 installed. which sucks OMO. nowadays its easier to install this sort of devices under linux, or am i wrong?11:29
abattoir_firepol: you might need to install drivers(i dont think windows comes with it) ; bluesoleil11:29
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firepolbluesoleil, thats what i got11:30
firepoli installed the driver but it didnt work11:30
abattoir_yes, linux comes w/ generic bt drivers preintalled11:30
firepolso i tried under linux, and it wqorks perfectly11:30
abattoir_nice to know :)11:30
firepolbesides gaming, im getting convinced that linux is better11:30
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galorinbad amarok! no crashing11:31
Ash-Foxwindows has generic bluetooth support too11:31
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Ash-FoxBut it's not on such a wide range of hardware.11:32
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dayhi, i've got a problem with xmodmap on a macbook installed with kubuntu (dapper-drake version) ; i try to emulate mouse buttons 2 and 3, with 108 and 116 keys, but the keys don't seem to work properly  i note everythig is ok when using xev ; an idea, somebody ?11:33
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galorinday: when are you calling xmodmap?11:34
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dayfrom the konsole, for now ; xmodmap .xmodmap11:34
dayshouldn't it work if i call it from the konsole ?11:35
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vltAnother question: For merging PDF files I use "pdftk" in the shell. Is there a frontend or another easy GUI way to let dummy users do this on their own?11:35
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galorinyou'll want it in.. oh what is it, .bashrc or something similar.. xmodmap when called from the console only applies to the app that wasexecuted with it.11:35
dayah ok !11:36
day.bash_profile ?11:36
galorincheck the manpage just to be sure11:36
galorinThat should do it... if my understanding of xmodmap is solid.11:36
firepoli see under "Internet" a program called "Bluetooth OBEX Client". I could find my device with that. But kmobiletools says it needs to be configured...11:37
omeowspeaking of bluetooth11:37
firepolso my question is how can i get the working configuration from the obex client?11:37
firepol/dev/mobile seems not correct...11:37
omeowHow do I get rid of that stuff so it doesn't load on boot? The System Services menu in System Settings is rather confusing.11:37
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omeowI don't know what a runlevel is or which one I should edit.11:38
firepolmoeow: i personally use "rcconf"11:38
grizzlyIs there any editor with syntax highlighting for console? . Just like kwriter, but for console11:38
firepolomeow: with rcconf you can enable/disable services that start at boot time11:38
daygalorin : it isn't on the manpage, but i'm going to try11:39
firepolgrizzly: vim , but i guess u need to configure it to see colors11:39
omeowfirepol: it seems possible with system services too.11:39
omeowgrizzly: I use midnight commander's editor.11:39
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omeowI believe the package is called mc.11:40
grizzlyfirepol: OK , thx11:40
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galoringood luck day, I'd like to know if it works.11:40
=== grizzly wonders why syntax highlighting isn't there by default
taavia forum?11:40
=== Ash-Fox uses mcedit for syntax highlighting
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daygalorin : thanks, it helped a little :-) ; if i put the xmodmap command in .bash_profile, the key assignment works for a Delete key, but not for a Pointer_Button2 key :-/12:14
galorinday, closer then... my experience with xmodmap is limited to mythtv12:14
day:-), i tried to put it in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc, but it wasn't better12:15
dayanybody knowing where i should put a xmodmap command in kubuntu so that it could be used to modify a Pointer_Button ?12:16
dayit's for a kubuntu macbook12:17
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flaccidAsh-Fox: i made my sources, but it says it can't find ssh-server only client hmm12:29
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Ash-Foxssh-server only client? What the hell?12:30
Ash-Foxwhy don't you just install the daemon?12:30
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flaccidthats what i'm trying to do?12:31
flaccidi guess my command is incorrect: apt-get install ssh openssh-server12:31
Ash-Foxapt-get install openssh-client openssh-server12:32
jonathan_don't you need to do 'apt-get update' first ?12:32
Ash-Foxwell, after changing the sources sure, but you don't *need* to each time you install something12:33
jonathan_i would recommend it though12:33
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flaccidit can't find openssh-server and openssh-client is already installed12:36
flaccidwhat source should openssh-server be in?12:36
NKjoepexcuse me...12:36
NKjoephow can i discover the kernel version and the distros?12:37
badyflaccid: /etc/init.d/ssh(d?)12:37
badyuname -r12:37
badyNKjoep: uname -r12:37
NKjoepok thanx :D12:37
badyflaccid: it's /etc/init.d/ssh12:37
NKjoep2.6.15-25-386 ...12:37
badyto start it do a /etc/init.d/ssh start12:38
badyNKjoep: so?12:38
flaccidbady: its not there, because its not installed12:38
NKjoepso... i was thinking about a problem ... my friend downloaded kubuntu and installed it...12:38
badyoh then do a apt-get install openssh-client openssh-server12:38
flaccidcan anyone confirm what source openssh-server is12:38
flaccidbady: it cannot find the openssh-server package12:38
NKjoepbut when he tries to apt-get install a packet it says that the packet isn't ok12:38
NKjoepwith every packet12:39
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badybut its one of the standard packages...12:39
badywhat about apt-get update?12:39
flaccidthats why i'm asking what source it is in12:39
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flacciddoesn't apt-get update update installed packages?12:39
badyis your sources list alrighjt?12:39
NKjoepyes yes12:40
flaccidthis is why i am asking what source it is in....12:40
dark_I got Kubuntu working in VMware ;)12:40
badyupdate just gets the new server lists12:41
badyupgrade installs updates12:41
badyman apt-get12:41
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badyHole:1 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main openssh 1:4.2p1-7ubuntu3 (dsc) [999B] 12:42
flaccidok i try update first12:43
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dark_I love this operating system.12:45
flaccidso does apt-get only used cached lists?12:45
badyit just gets the entries of your packages list and checks it with the servers list12:48
dark_Just using this OS is making me want to switch over to it, but i can't12:48
badyits like a textfile12:48
dark_I guess I can just keep using it in VMware.. run XP, full screen Kubuntu :)12:48
badywhy cant you dual boot?12:48
Smoophgood question12:49
dark_Kubuntu setup doesn't detect my second drive12:49
dark_It only detects my primary 360GB one12:49
badywhat kind of drive is it?12:49
jonathan_slave drive probably ...12:49
badyor ide+raid?12:49
dark_Yeah, it's a SATA RAID drive12:49
dark_My secondary is a regular IDE drive12:49
badyI had the same problem12:49
badyjust use your first ide12:50
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badyand partition it12:50
badyI got the same config12:50
dark_Partition it?12:50
dark_You mean run GParted or something and turned it to LFS?12:50
badymake 2 parts from one big harddrive12:50
dark_Linux File System12:50
badyLFS usually stands for linux from scratch12:51
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badyat least I thought so12:51
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dark_Yeah, anyway I've already got Kubuntu working fine on VMWare12:51
dark_So I don't quite see the point dual booting12:51
badywell its faster12:51
badyway faster12:51
dark_True, but it's already fast with begin with12:52
badyand probably less bugg12:52
dark_I'm running the virtual machine with 500 MHz CPU, and 256MB of Ram12:52
Ash-Foxvmware uses virtualisation. no emulation.12:52
ChefWillanyone know if starbucks takes mastercard?12:52
Ash-FoxSo no, it's not going to be much faster in proccessing power.12:52
dark_VMWare creates a virtual machine12:52
badyhaving 500Mhz or 3. somthing Ghz makes a difference....12:52
Ash-FoxGraphically on the other hand, if you enable direct3d acceleration in the .vmx file manually, it'll be close.12:52
dark_I can let Kubuntu use all processing power if I wanted to12:53
dark_I didn't get Kubuntu to play games or use OpenGL12:53
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dark_That's what I have Windows for12:53
Ash-FoxWindows is bad for OpenGL, since it only has v1.5 accessible.12:54
Ash-FoxReally primative shader support.12:54
badybut not all drivers8 are out there and not all are that good12:55
MistaEDash-fox: only for the in-built drivers, ati and nvidia supply the v2.0 extensions and other ones12:55
badylook at the bad ati support12:55
MistaEDnot sure on intel chips though12:55
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Ash-FoxMistaED, I haven't been able to use the new shaders with the latest nvidia drivers or ati drivers under windows xp. So I don't believe you.12:56
MistaEDcan vmware accelerate direct3d under a host linux with a guest of XP?12:56
AppuIs there a separate channel to discuss aiglx stuff on kubuntu, or can it be done here?12:56
MistaEDash-fox: really? are the nvidia extensions being declared? nvidia use the same extensions as the windows driver12:57
MistaEDalthough i'm not an expert though, :P12:57
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MistaED*same extensions under linux as the windows driver12:57
Ash-FoxI can use the 2.0 shaders under linux.12:58
flaccidi have tried update, it still can't find the package12:58
flaccidthis is quite ridiculous12:58
ChousukeMistaED: as far as I know, no virtualisation software accelerates 3d.12:59
flaccidwhat is the apt-get command to show currently used sources?12:59
badycan you paste(pastebin please) your sources.list?12:59
Ash-FoxChousuke, vmware is capable of doing it, but it's experimental.12:59
ChousukeAsh-Fox: cool.12:59
Ash-FoxChousuke, you have to manually set the configuration in the .vmx file01:00
flaccidbady: http://pastebin.ca/8479801:00
flaccidjust the base packages and sources01:00
badykk thx01:00
ChousukeI'm waiting for the day Parallels is able to do it.01:00
ChousukeThen I'll buy a macbook :P01:00
flaccidah fook01:00
flaccidits says breezy01:00
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Ash-Foxmks.enable3d = "TRUE"01:01
badyflaccid: there is no main section in there...01:01
Ash-Foxsvga.vramSize = "67108864"01:01
badyflaccid: thats why it does not work01:01
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flaccidyep just realised01:01
Ash-FoxJust add those to the .vmx file to get 3d acceleration :P01:01
flaccidi select dapper on that sources omatic01:02
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Ash-Foxworks on vmware player too.01:02
ChousukeIf I had x86 hardware, I'd try that ~right now01:02
flaccidit gave me dapper this time. maybe the checkbox changed before i posted the form01:03
flaccidthanks for your help01:03
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badyI changed it for you =)01:04
Jack12hey does someone knwo where an instruction is how to set uo the right codecs for amazon in dapper?01:04
badywhat kind of codevs?01:04
Jack12i mean if i wanna listen to their cds they offer01:04
Jack12they use the old version of this real player and it doesnt go together with dapper01:05
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badynever cared about that.... did you look into the wiki? it should be somewhere in there.... I try to remember where I saw it....01:07
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Jack12bady i saw it didnt find again ..u know where it is?01:08
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badyJack12 I do not neither-....01:08
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flaccidsick my ssh server is up01:11
flaccidthanks all for helping01:11
dark__Hey, I need some help01:12
dark__I downloaded Opera, and I got VMTools01:12
dark__How do I install them?01:12
dark__I tried sudo apt-get install, but I don't think it works for RPMs01:12
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JoeboyHi. Have the recent cups updates broken anyone else's printing?01:14
JoeboyMy USB printer no longer works01:14
dark__So yeah.. how do I install an application on Linux?01:15
JoeboyIt required crazy hacking to make it work in the first place, which might be part of the problem01:15
Joeboydark__: You probably have an application called synaptic in a menu somewhere, which you can use01:15
JoeboyThere are lots of other possible answers to that question though01:17
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dark__How do I change the mouse mode from single click opening something to double click?01:19
Joeboyin kcontrol somewhere I should think01:19
dark__I see, btw my start bar just went missing01:19
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Joeboydark__: Did you maybe hide it? Is there a little arrow thing you can click to get it back?01:20
dark__It's just gone01:21
Joeboydark__: Hm, that doesn't sound good. Try alt+f2 then type 'kicker'01:22
dark__There you go01:22
dark__Apparenly, kicker.exe crashed01:23
Joeboysomething like that :-)01:23
dark__I fixed the mouse01:24
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dark__Double click works now01:24
dark__Well, I got Skype to work01:24
dark__It was pre-compiled01:24
Music^Houndany reason why bitchX won't load ? its a fresh install01:24
JoeboyNo, none :-)01:25
JoeboyDo you get any errors?01:25
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Music^HoundI'll try it from konsole01:25
dark__What do I do with a .sh01:26
dark__I downloaded Opera and there's a shellscript in it01:26
dark__Run it with terminal?01:26
flaccidopera starts by a shell script on linux01:26
dark__How do I start it?01:27
dark__Open it with Konqueror?01:27
flacciduse the run command and type opera01:27
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dark__I need to install opera01:28
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flaccidinstall the package01:28
dark__I wasn't supposed to unpack it?01:28
dark__How do I install a package?01:28
Music^Hounddid you try adept ?01:29
flaccidthere is a source for opera, you can use that01:29
dark__No, I didn't try adept01:29
Joeboydark__: To run a shell script, type sh filename in a console01:30
Music^Hounddark__: its version 901:30
flaccidput this in sources.list for opera: deb http://deb.opera.com/opera etch non-free01:30
flaccidthen its probably apt-get install opera01:31
dark__Ok, well right now I just opened adept and it's updating the OS01:31
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DarkLegacyWhy is it so difficult to do a simple action in Linux?01:32
DarkLegacyThe entire OS acts like it's a gigantic FTP01:32
flaccidits not difficult01:33
flaccidthis is not windows01:33
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flaccidyou have to know what you are doing for something to not be difficult i guess01:33
JoeboyYou mean it's slow?01:33
DarkLegacyNot quite, it just takes longer to do something than normal01:33
DarkLegacyWindows: Download -> Open -> Done01:33
flaccidyou can do the same thing with linux, DarkLegacy01:34
DarkLegacyLinux: Download -> Compile -> Configure -> Do other thing -> Install01:34
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Music^Houndwindows : download > open > virus01:34
flaccidthats not true, DL01:34
DarkLegacyI guess I'm just new so I'm frustrated01:34
flaccidyou can install packages with a GUI on linux quicker and easier than windows01:34
JoeboyThings get easier once you learn the basics. And it's *much* easier than it used to be :-)01:34
JoeboyAnd you have irc to help you01:35
DarkLegacyJoeboy, you're absolutely right about that because I remember Knoppix back in 9801:35
DarkLegacyThis compared to Knoppix is just awesome01:35
DarkLegacyI used KDE 1.2 if I recall correctly01:35
JoeboyKnoppix rocks, but for different things01:35
Music^Houndeven Gentoo is getting easier01:35
flaccidwell knoppix is debian as well?01:35
DarkLegacyI tried the Gentoo live CD01:35
DarkLegacyWhen I saw the Bash console I just sat there staring01:35
JoeboyI use gentoo at home. It rocks. Things *work*01:36
Music^Houndthere is a gui based installer01:36
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JoeboyWhereas there's a fair amount of brokenness on ubuntu ime01:36
DarkLegacyNot for me at least01:36
DarkLegacyOn my laptop, everything is broken for Ubuntu01:36
Music^Houndhad a desktop in an hour on gentoo01:36
DarkLegacyOn my home PC everything worked perfectly01:36
DarkLegacyIt installed in 8 minutes01:37
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DarkLegacyHm.. I wonder if Winamp works for Linux too01:37
flacciduse xmms01:37
flaccidbut amarok is the best..01:37
ccc_DarkLegacy: you know about the package manager right? you don't need to compile.01:37
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DarkLegacyThis is one of the moments I'm glad I've got Windows running in the background.. Ctrl + Alt - Winamp. XD01:38
JoeboyYou can run winamp in wine if you're crazy. Some versions anyway.01:38
Joeboyxmms is about the same thing01:38
DarkLegacyI can run it natively right now too01:38
DarkLegacyI'll go launch xmms just to see what it is01:38
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DarkLegacyEr, I've got amarok01:38
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flaccidinstall amarok and forget about shit players01:38
DarkLegacyI've already got it installed01:39
DarkLegacyIt's launching right now01:39
DarkLegacyThis is nice :)01:39
ccc_winamp is a sad, bloated piece of software01:40
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DarkLegacyWinamp got owned by AOL01:40
DarkLegacyIt was the only good media player for Windows, then AOL took it over01:40
ccc_amarok is the best one on any platform01:41
flaccidccc_: can you get amarok for windows?01:41
DarkLegacyI tried launching a Winamp playlist with Amarok and it says that access is denied to the stream01:41
DarkLegacyNo linux users I guess?01:41
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ccc_flaccid: no, i meant the best player, all OS:es taken into consideration :)01:44
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DarkLegacyI tried sudo apt-get install Opera and it says package cannot be found01:44
flaccidfair enough01:44
flaccidi guess01:44
DarkLegacyHow do I install it from the .tar.gz01:45
flaccidDarkLegacy: worst case scenario d/l the package and install it01:45
DarkLegacyI did dl the package.01:45
DarkLegacyHow do I install it?01:45
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JoeboyDarkLegacy: Try opera instead of Opera01:45
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JoeboyDarkLegacy: Get used to things being case-sensitive01:45
DarkLegacyI tried both capitalizations01:45
arejensenDon't they have a deb package at their homepage ? Havn't used opera in ages though.01:45
DarkLegacyThey do, I downloaded it.01:45
DarkLegacyHow do I install it?01:45
flacciduse dpkg01:46
JoeboyDarkLegacy: It's the .sh, right?01:46
arejensendpkg -i package01:46
DarkLegacyThere's a .sh inside of it01:46
DarkLegacyThanks are01:46
JoeboyDarkLegacy: What else is inside of it01:46
DarkLegacyAlot of crap01:46
DarkLegacyInstall.sh strikes out to me though01:47
JoeboyDarkLegacy: Aren't there instructions?01:47
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DarkLegacyNo instructions01:47
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JoeboyTo run a shell script, type: sh /path_to/shell_script.sh01:47
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lwizardlhow do you find out what version of kde i'm running01:47
DarkLegacyOh, there you go01:47
flaccidDarkLegacy: you want the .deb package to install with dpkg. http://www.opera.com/download/get.pl?id=28130&location=109&nothanks=yes&sub=marine01:47
ccc_DarkLegacy: there is a kubuntu deb package on opera.com01:48
ccc_sudo dpkg -i <file>01:48
flaccidthe package URI is what i pasted01:48
DarkLegacySo I'm looking for .deb files?01:48
DarkLegacyWhat are .rpms?01:48
Joeboythe installer will probably work fine01:48
flaccidrpm is for other distros like redhat01:48
flaccidubuntu uses debian packages .deb01:48
DarkLegacyWhat are .tar.gz?01:48
lwizardlrpm is mainly for redhat01:48
Joeboy.deb files are software package files for debian and other debian-based distros including ubuntu / kubuntu01:48
DarkLegacySo .deb is the next .exe?01:49
Joeboy.tar.gz are source files01:49
flaccida tar.gz is an archive like a zip. you d/l the source code from opera in .tar.gz01:49
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JoeboyDarkLegacy: Not really :-)01:49
DarkLegacyI downloaded the source code?01:49
flaccidhell no01:49
JoeboyDarkLegacy: More like .msi I thing01:49
DarkLegacyGot ya :)01:49
flaccidin linux any file can be executable regardless of extension01:49
DarkLegacyThat's handy01:49
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ccc_lwizardl: one easy way is Help > About KDE in any ap01:50
JoeboyDarkLegacy: actually .tar.gz is just an archive, like .zip. if it's software it's usually source code though01:50
JoeboyDarkLegacy: in this case it might be binaries01:50
flaccidyou just change the permission to +x. for eg. shell scripts don't need to be named .sh01:50
DarkLegacyUh it opened up the .deb in Kate01:50
DarkLegacyHow do I save a file in Konquerer to disk?01:50
lwizardlccc_, thanks01:50
DarkLegacysudo getfile link?01:50
DarkLegacySomething similar?01:50
DarkLegacyI know there's a command for it01:50
flaccidDarkLegacy: why not just do a wget http://whatever.foo.bar01:51
DarkLegacywget there you go01:51
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DarkLegacyThat's uh.. kind of long to type..01:51
aeon17xyou shouldn't use sudo unless you really need to, ever01:51
minnesotajonessome alsa expert there?01:51
flaccidDarkLegacy: shift + insert in konsole pastes01:51
Joeboyminnesotajones: ask your question and you'll find out01:51
DarkLegacyI needed that so bad01:52
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DarkLegacyYou have no idea lol01:52
JoeboyDarkLegacy: Or middle-click01:52
DarkLegacyIt's downloading! :)01:52
DarkLegacyOk, where did it download to?01:52
JoeboyProbably your home directory01:52
flaccidit d/l to pwd01:52
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DarkLegacyIt did01:52
flaccidi must say the server install of dapper was fast and i like not installing extra stuff01:53
minnesotajonesI have a perfect configured alsa system with an sb live, but I dont't hear anything if amarok plays. What might have gone wrong?01:53
DarkLegacyOh, there you go01:53
DarkLegacyI think it's working01:53
DarkLegacyReading database01:53
DarkLegacyIT WORKED!01:53
Joeboyminnesotajones: Have you checked everything's unmuted?01:53
JoeboyDarkLegacy: w00t01:54
minnesotajonesJoeboy: yes. Every channel is unmuted01:54
Joeboyminnesotajones: And you can hear with other apps?01:54
DarkLegacyThis is so kickass01:54
minnesotajonesno. also tried mpg123. nothing01:54
flaccidDarkLegacy: once you know linux a bit its easy01:54
JoeboyDarkLegacy: Although binary only downloads are teh sux0r01:54
DarkLegacyOk, next problem01:54
DarkLegacyHow do I make a shortcut as runto:opera01:55
JoeboyDarkLegacy: You probably won't use that procedure for many apps01:55
flaccidDarkLegacy: you could make a distro that includes a gui for package management if you really wanted to :)01:55
DarkLegacyMake a distro?01:55
johnsandmanmacromedia flashplayer isn't possible to install is there an alternativ?01:55
DarkLegacyI can't even use a distro yet, much less make one01:55
Joeboyeg? ubuntu has a gui for package management.01:55
flaccidDL: do a symlink using ln -s01:55
flaccidyeah i mean include that package for base install01:56
JoeboyIt just doesn't do weird installers like opera01:56
DarkLegacyNvm I figured it out already01:56
ccc_minnesotajones: which amarok engine?01:56
johnsandmanbtw it is on a 64 system01:56
DarkLegacyCreate new > Link to App01:56
minnesotajonesccc_: xine01:56
Joeboyjohnsandman: Thare's a free version called glash? gnash? something like that01:57
flaccidoh in gui, yes thats how kde does a symlink01:57
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Joeboyjohnsandman: supposed to be starting to work OK01:57
johnsandmanok thanks :P i will try01:57
Joeboyjohnsandman: In heavy development I think though01:57
DarkLegacyHow do I change an icon for a shortcut?01:57
h3sp4wnjohnsandman: There is a wrapper to allow 32 bit extenstions to run under 64 bit firefox don't know its name or stability01:57
DarkLegacyI want it to use the Opera icon01:57
minnesotajonessame problem with xmms. I tried several players to be sure.. :(01:57
Joeboyminnesotajones: er, your speakers are plugged in and switched on?01:58
Joeboyminnesotajones: In the right hole?01:58
ccc_minnesotajones: gstreamer is currently disabled in amarok, so use xine. you set it in amaroks preferences.01:58
flaccidDarkLegacy: change the icon then. opera probably went into the kmenu. you can just add the item from the k menu, otherwise you need to find the location of the icon01:58
flaccidneed to have the sound in kde working first ie. sound test in kcontrol | sound system01:58
DarkLegacyOpera didn't go into the Kmenu01:59
h3sp4wnhttp://www.gibix.net/dokuwiki/en:projects:nspluginwrapper (allows 32 bit flash etc to be run on amd 64)01:59
minnesotajonesccc_: I am currently using xine. No sound. Strange thing is that kaffeine tells me that the sound is muted, but alsamixer tells sound is not muted01:59
JoeboyDarkLegacy: If you'd used the deb it probably would have done. You can add it easily enough (kmenuedit)01:59
ryanakcahey all... for the multimedia department... have the Zeroconf configuration difficulties been ironed out? http://www.monroe.nu/archives/36-iTunes-Music-Sharing-Client-Works.html01:59
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DarkLegacyI did use the deb02:00
DarkLegacyBut it didn't add itself into the kmenu02:00
ryanakcaDarkLegacy: add it :)02:00
Ash-FoxI don't have any zeroconf issues.02:00
DarkLegacyI will02:00
DarkLegacyI just want to change the icon from a gear first02:00
DarkLegacyNvm, figured it out too02:00
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DarkLegacyLol, that was easy02:01
DarkLegacyThey have an icon search02:01
Ash-FoxOf course by zeroconf, I am refering to networking.02:01
JoeboyHave to get out of here, supposed to be working02:01
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DarkLegacyIt did add itself into the kemnu02:02
DarkLegacyBut for some reason, it wasn't there first time I checked02:02
ryanakcaAsh-Fox: lol..... I'm talking about the blog article... iTunes, Banshee, Firefly, etc... local subnet streaming02:02
Ash-FoxI just use VLC for streaming.02:02
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DarkLegacyNext quetion02:02
DarkLegacyActually, nvm02:02
DarkLegacySkype probably has a .deb also02:03
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Ash-Foxas for on demand content, samba does that well enough for me =)02:03
Ash-FoxDarkLegacy, get the beta =)02:03
ccc_minnesotajones: did you try changing the output plugin in amarok?02:03
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DarkLegacyBeta in Linux isn't really beta, is it02:03
ryanakcaAsh-Fox: lol02:03
DarkLegacyThat works fine02:04
Ash-Foxryanakca, hm?02:04
DarkLegacyNow I just need to do dpkg -i02:04
minnesotajonesccc_: I tried oss, automatic and alsa... nothing02:04
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ryanakcaAsh-Fox: nvm02:04
gilsterhello...any idea on how to password protect folders02:04
DarkLegacyLol, go to permissions02:04
Ash-FoxDarkLegacy, the beta version of skype for linux has alsa, that's why I reccommend it over the 'stable' version.02:04
DarkLegacyWhat is alsa?02:04
DarkLegacyalsamixer ?02:04
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DarkLegacyIt sounds familiar02:05
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Ash-FoxDarkLegacy, it's the thing that manages your soundcards on linux.02:06
Ash-Foxthe older sound system on linux was called oss, unfortunately it has a few issues.02:06
ccc_minnesotajones: ok, hmm. maybe you should ask in #amarok02:06
Ash-FoxAlsa has a compatabiliy layer for oss so you can use oss stuff with it =)02:07
minnesotajonesccc_ I'll try. thx02:07
ccc_DarkLegacy: yes. has to do with sound. :)02:08
DarkLegacyMy sound works fine on Linux02:08
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Ash-FoxDarkLegacy, the skype beta for linux uses alsa which is better.02:09
DarkLegacyWhatever, I'll take your word on it02:09
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DarkLegacyThrough the eyes of the beast02:16
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ryanakcaI take it that the default runlevel (with Xorg) is 2?02:17
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ryanakcaDarkLegacy: lol... nice :)02:19
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DarkLegacylol thanks ryankca02:21
DarkLegacyThrough the eyes of the beast and into the eyes of the saint02:21
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DarkLegacySatan staring at God*02:21
DarkLegacy#join ubuntu-offtopic02:22
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Jack12how would i get the amazon cd specimens made playable in dapper? for breezy i knew..but i couldnt find sth helpful in the forums02:26
DarkLegacyFull sound functionality02:27
DarkLegacySkype started working with Alsa off the bat02:27
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scott_hey, trying to update my system via adept, however it always freezes on the enwest update for cupsys-bsd and wont budge any further than that package (which also happens to be the first one), can anyone help?02:29
Jack12The content you are trying to play uses an audio codec that is obsolete and no longer supported. "02:30
Jack12hwo could i get this old real codec?02:30
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Jack12hobbsee? are u there?02:34
HobbseeJack12: yeah02:34
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Jack12hobbsee i cannot find where the documentation is how to set up the right reaul player codec (an older one) for amazon so i can listen to that specimen files on their website hobbsee02:35
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:36
Hobbseehey dontdisturb02:36
HobbseeJack12: i'd check in there ^02:36
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bluesceadacan i downgrade again from edgy to dapper?02:37
bluesceadaand how?02:37
bluesceadaisnt there a downgrade command :/02:37
h3sp4wnbluesceada: edit /etc/apt/preferences02:38
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bluesceadah3sp4wn: ah thx02:38
bluesceadah3sp4wn: that file doesnt exist02:39
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Jack12hobbsee no its not there i'd checked that ye, anyway thanks02:39
h3sp4wnhttp://pastebin.ca/84879  - create it like that02:39
Hobbseebluesceada: it likely wont work.02:40
Hobbseeit's very painful02:40
h3sp4wnsudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade (and it should start a downgrade)02:40
Hobbseebetter to just reinstall02:40
h3sp4wnI would try it02:40
bluesceadatoo bad it cant be as easy as in gentoo ;-P02:40
bluesceadah3sp4wn: no it doesnt downgade02:40
bluesceadaah sry02:41
bluesceadaok i create the file , thanks02:41
h3sp4wnwhat ?02:41
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bluesceadathanks . i will try it02:41
h3sp4wnThere is to people who have tried that method (who I told about it) and none of them seemed to have too many problems02:42
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h3sp4wn /s/to/two02:42
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage02:43
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Hobbseeh3sp4wn: weird02:44
bluesceadah3sp4wn: hm it doesnt downgrade :/02:44
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h3sp4wnapt-get -t dapper upgrade && apt-get -t dapper dist-upgrade02:46
bluesceadaah thx02:46
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bluesceadaah no02:46
bluesceadastill not the right one ....02:46
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bluesceadadoesnt do anything02:46
bluesceadaah wait02:46
bluesceadano it's still not downgrading anything :S02:47
z00manyone here use ettercap on kubuntu ?02:47
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z00mi have installed it but there are no devices under capture devices. but in linux i have eth0 ath0 so why is this ?02:48
z00mits the same on ethereal02:48
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xplorehey zOOM which gui do you use02:48
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h3sp4wnbluesceada: Try changing the pin-priority of dapper to 100102:49
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bluesceadah3sp4wn: okay02:49
z00mim running the kde version which is kubuntu, the GUI for ettercap is GTK02:49
bluesceadastill doesnt do it...02:49
z00mthe .ded i installed is ettercap-gtk02:50
h3sp4wnWhat is in /etc/apt.conf ?02:50
z00mi have tryed installed just the termal based version and this is still doing the same only throwing an error "pcap_lookupdev: no suitable device found"02:51
h3sp4wn /etc/apt/apt.conf02:51
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z00mxplore: do you know what the probelm could be02:52
h3sp4wnbluesceada: Try sudo apt-get -u dist-upgrade02:52
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z00mdont know if it could be my wifi card drivers that are installed or not because eth0 is not even in the list.02:53
bluesceadah3sp4wn: ok02:53
arejensenWhat card do you have z00m ?02:54
h3sp4wnbluesceada: Has it started the downgrade ?02:54
bluesceadadoesnt work :/02:54
z00marejensen: the card should work ok because it works on the backtrack live CD, its the NETGEAR WG311T02:54
bluesceadait's just Acquire::http::Proxy "false"; in the atp.conf02:55
h3sp4wnh3sp4wn: pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/apt.conf and /etc/apt/preferences02:55
bluesceadah3sp4wn: just that .. dont need to paste it02:55
bluesceadaAcquire::http::Proxy "false"; in the apt.conf and the thing you put pasted for the preferences .. (though with the priority of dapper at 1001 now...)02:56
h3sp4wngrep -v '^#' /etc/apt/sources.list02:57
arejensenz00m: What does lsmod say about wlan, ath_hal and ath_pci ?02:57
h3sp4wnbluesceand: ^^02:57
arejensenI'm quite sure the card should be called ath0 not eth0. I might be wrong though.02:58
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h3sp4wnUse ifrename if you are sure that it is wireless card (you can call them anything you want)03:00
bluesceadah3sp4wn: hm? they all have dapper03:00
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bluesceadaif you want to check that out..03:00
z00marejensen: yes my wifi card is under ath003:00
bluesceadaall dapper repositories i had before03:01
z00mbut even my eth0 card does not show up under ettercap03:01
z00meth0 = ethernet03:01
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arejensenAhh. Not to sure about ettercap. Havn't used it for ages. But if you manage to find ath0 the drivers should be loaded fine at least.03:03
z00marejensen: plus my card is working in linux ok because thats how im talking to you now from wireless connection03:03
z00mi just dont know why they are not showing in ethereal or ettercap03:03
h3sp4wnbluesceada: sudo aptitude (go into interactive aptitude)03:04
bluesceadah3sp4wn: ok03:04
z00mdo i need to install pcap drivers for my card to found in etherea l03:04
h3sp4wnbluesceada: clean package cache03:04
bluesceadaah ok03:05
bluesceadathen i try again03:05
h3sp4wnbluesceada: update package list -> install and remove packages (aptitude is better anyway)03:05
HawkwindHow can I list all of my installed kernels ?03:06
jacluls /boot03:06
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bluesceadah3sp4wn: ok03:06
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Hawkwindjaclu: Thanks03:07
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bluesceadah3sp4wn: no packages scheduled for that...03:07
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z00marejensen: yes you was correct about running it as root, it works fine now thanks.   I cant send private messages because my nick is not registered03:12
z00m[505]  Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )03:12
h3sp4wnbluesceada: Try APT::Default-Release "dapper"; (put that into /etc/apt/apt.conf03:13
HawkwindWhy did apt-get upgrade just install a kernel when I already have a kernel installed.  How is that an upgrade/update ?03:13
bluesceadah3sp4wn: ok thx03:13
h3sp4wnbluesceanda: apt-get update && apt-get -u dist-upgrade03:14
bluesceadahm still didnt work03:14
arejensenz00m: Ahh. kk. Good that it works. Came to think of it as capturing packages in the way ethereal does require root privileges.03:14
z00myes i didnt even think about trying that myself ... very answer to a simple problem hey ;)03:15
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z00msimple answer to a simple problem^03:16
HawkwindAnyone know why on earth apt-get upgrade would do such a thing ?03:16
centyxHawkwind: no clue03:16
centyxHawkwind: what else were you installing?03:16
Ash-FoxI'm at a loss also. It's not like I've ever expirenced that when using apt with Debian.03:17
HawkwindIt even installed nvidia stuff as well :(03:17
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HawkwindI don't see how .24 is an upgrade to .25 and I sure hope this doesn't mess things up03:17
HawkwindI've done an update/upgrade every day and this hasn't happened til just now03:17
Ash-Foxnvidia stuff? I saw that as 'suggested' in the repository, but not required... hm.03:18
gnomefreakHawkwind: what does uname -r say?03:18
Hawkwindgnomefreak: I haven't rebooted so I'm still in the kernel03:18
h3sp4wnbluesceanda: Don't know what you are doing wrong just did exactly what I told you to do and got http://pastebin.ca/84900 (I am not going to downgrade mine though because I want edgy)03:18
Hawkwindgnomefreak: Linux Britannia 2.6.15-25-686 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Jun 14 11:34:19 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux03:18
gnomefreakHawkwind: hmmmmmm than im not sure03:19
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Hawkwindgnomefreak: http://pastebin.ca/8490403:20
Hawkwindls /boot doesn't even show the new .24 kernel(s) that supposedly got installed03:20
Ash-FoxHawkwind, that's because it didn't install the base package for that kernel03:21
centyxif i dist-upgrade it'll take me to 2.6.15-2603:21
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gnomefreakcentyx: -25 is latest iirc03:21
HawkwindAsh-Fox: But how do I upgrade from .25 to .24 though ?  That's a downgrade03:21
Hawkwindgnomefreak: -26 is the newest as of this morning03:22
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Ash-FoxHawkwind, that's one thing that has me baffled too03:22
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Hawkwindcentyx: Ahhh, dist-upgrade shows me that too03:22
HawkwindMaybe I should do that too to make sure I get all the new/matching stuff03:22
jacluhawkwind: in aptitude go into the packet and hit + on the desired version works for downgrades as well03:22
bluesceadah3sp4wn: hm damn .. i will try around at the weekend then, have to learn now .. thanks anyway...03:23
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=== Ash-Fox upgrades his system through adept.
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=== centyx re
HawkwindAsh-Fox: Didn't you learn not to use silly GUI's after running Mandriva so long :P03:27
centyxi use adept when it prompts me03:27
centyxbut I tend to be mucking around w/ apt-get more often than not03:28
Ash-FoxHawkwind, I quite like the little tray icon that tells me there are updates availible. :)03:28
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centyxit's just so easy to search for stuff w/ apt-cache03:28
centyxand see what's already installed w/ dpkg03:28
Ag_SmithI want block a program to send via http from my computer at this ip
Ash-FoxPlus, this isn't like Mandriva's GUI utilities which are.. DOG SLOW.03:29
Ag_Smithi had command with root03:29
Ag_Smithroot@gioacchino-desktop:~# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -d -j DROP03:29
Ag_Smith192.168.1.3 is my ip on lan network03:29
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Ash-FoxAg_Smith, xml-spy under wine?03:30
Ag_Smithbut the program not are blocked ...03:30
centyxyou just want to block outgoing traffic to port 80 to that subnet?03:30
Ag_Smith you just want to block outgoing traffic to port 80 to that subnet? yes03:31
Ag_SmithI want block the out traffic to this ip
centyxiptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -d -j DROP03:31
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Ag_Smiththanks centyx03:32
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Ag_Smithyes Ash-Fox03:33
larson9999i'm a well known moron and can't figure this out: what package do i need to meet this requirement? GLIB >= 2.4 is required to build Gnucash03:34
Ash-FoxAg_Smith, you know... You should really just buy the software instead of pirating it :/03:34
Ag_Smithcentyx: ithe program not are blocked ...03:34
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Ash-FoxAg_Smith, can you open in your webbrowser?03:35
Ag_Smithcentyx: konqueror are blocked for this site but the program no..03:35
Ag_SmithAsh-Fox: no..03:36
Ag_Smithhow to know the port used by the program ?03:36
Philip5larson9999: is that a trick question? :)03:36
Ash-Foxuse netstats03:36
Ash-Foxor ettercap.03:36
Ag_Smith Connection was to www.altova.com at port 8003:36
Ag_Smithwith conqueror...03:37
Ag_Smithbut the program not fail...03:37
Ash-FoxAg_Smith, ever heard of HTTPS?03:37
Ag_Smithit use another port?03:37
h3sp4wnAg_Smith: sudo netstat -lpAinet (I don't know whether that is what you want)03:37
Ash-FoxAg_Smith, heres a idea, sudo echo www.altova.com >> /etc/hosts03:38
Ash-FoxIt will make www.altova.com resolve to
Ag_SmithAn error occurred while loading https://www.altova.com:03:38
Ag_SmithTimeout on server03:38
Ag_Smith Connection was to www.altova.com at port 44303:38
centyxAg_Smith: ok, take off the -p tcp and --dport 8003:39
centyxAg_Smith: netstat -anp03:39
centyxAg_Smith: that will show you what programs are using what ports03:39
larson9999Philip5: sounds like it but no.  adept shows me libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 but that's it.  i'm assuming this is glib2.2. i need 2.403:39
larson9999or newer03:39
centyxoh n/m03:40
centyxthey answered you already03:40
centyxi was actually working :P03:40
centyxmy boss brought me Programming Perl :D03:40
centyxi hate perl03:41
Ag_Smithroot@gioacchino-desktop:/# sudo echo www.altova.com >> /etc/hosts03:41
centyxbut I've been having to use it a lot lately03:41
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Ash-FoxAg_Smith, it did what it was supposed to.03:41
Ash-FoxAg_Smith, do a: host ww.altova.com03:41
v3ctormakes 09:41 < Ag_Smith> root@gioacchino-desktop:/# sudo echo www.altova.com >> /etc/hosts03:41
v3ctorhate this touch pad03:41
Ash-Foxwhoops, should be three W's, oh well, you know what I mean.03:42
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v3ctor`sudo rmmod psmouse` fix that03:42
Ash-Foxv3ctor, help! my mouse is shooting lazers now!03:42
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v3ctorshoot back03:43
Ash-Foxpewpewpew =)03:43
Ag_Smithroot@gioacchino-desktop:/# host ww.altova.com03:43
Ag_Smithww.altova.com is an alias for redirect.altova.com.03:43
Ag_Smithredirect.altova.com is an alias for origin.altova.com.03:43
Ag_Smithorigin.altova.com is an alias for www2.altova.com.03:43
Ag_Smithwww2.altova.com has address
Ag_Smithww.altova.com is an alias for redirect.altova.com.03:43
Ash-FoxAg_Smith, I stated there needed to be three W's.03:43
Ag_Smithredirect.altova.com is an alias for origin.altova.com.03:43
Ag_Smithorigin.altova.com is an alias for www2.altova.com.03:43
Ag_Smithww.altova.com is an alias for redirect.altova.com.03:43
Ag_Smithredirect.altova.com is an alias for origin.altova.com.03:43
Ag_Smithorigin.altova.com is an alias for www2.altova.com.03:43
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:43
linuxmonkeyAg_Smith:  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^03:44
Ash-Foxanyway, BRB. kernel update.03:44
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Ag_Smithlinuxmonkey: how to past on chat ?03:45
PyroticShadowAg_Smith, http://www.paste.ubuntu-nl.org <-- paste it there, and giv eus the link.03:45
PyroticShadowAg_Smith, Np.03:46
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flaccidwhats this LTS business? what does it stand for?03:48
centyxlong term support?03:49
larson9999Philip5: errr, if i could type i might have figured it out 8-)03:49
Jack12guys icant play the amazon rm files ..not even with the real player..where to get the codec?03:49
pickethmm, does easyubuntu works with kubuntu ?03:49
flaccidright, and how does LTS work?03:49
jbrouhardAnyone know why when I load rdesktop, i get an error that rdesktop is not properly installed?  Should i apt-get uninstall and reinstall it?03:50
centyxflaccid: I think it basically means long term free security/bugfix updates03:50
centyxflaccid: software updates. i'm not sure tho03:50
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picketthe LTS is just saying that there will be updates for a "long term" i think it was five years ?03:51
LjLthink it's 3 years03:51
v3ctormeans it will besupported for a longer cycle03:51
LjL5 years for the server03:51
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picketthere you have it :>03:51
flaccidah rightio03:51
larson9999if i remember what the site says correctly, it means it will be supported for 3 years???03:51
larson9999so companies will feel better about using it???03:52
abattoirthe kernel would be supported for 5 years, and the desktop stuff for 3 yrs. iirc03:52
larson9999that would be nice03:52
abattoirthe server kernels... to be specific :)03:52
Ag_Smithmy net stats is:   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1775503:52
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Ag_Smithbut I dont see xmlspy or wine ...03:53
h3sp4wnPresumably it also includes security updates for apache etc if necessary (for 5 years)03:53
xplorecan someone help me? tor privoxy and goole problems03:55
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wilyhi all04:02
chxhi. I have rearranged my monitors and while Kubuntu was working OK with a TwinView configuration while the monitors were left-right , when I changed to above-below now only Xinerama works, with TwinView the 2nd monitor, above switch off while the KDE login happens. It's on during the KDE login menu.04:02
wilyanyone knows any tool for wireless scanning04:02
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chxand this is very annoying because Xinerama is very slow here04:02
Hobbseewily: wlassistant, knetworkmanager04:03
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Ash-FoxI noticed that kubuntu does not add the video4linux option in the xorg config file by default04:04
wilysi knetworkmanager04:04
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Jack12if i want to compare md5sums i have to do that before extraction of the file? sry for that (basic) question?04:04
wilylo conosco ma come funziona04:04
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!04:05
thompakernel upgrade and nvidia today04:05
wilyubotu: mi sono confuso canale04:05
ubotuI know nothing about mi sono confuso canale04:05
thompadoes anybody know where I can find what these upgrades fix?04:05
LjLubotu is a bot :)04:05
wilyHobbsee: i know kwifimanager04:05
Hobbseewily: kwifimanager is terrble04:06
thompai use wireless assistant04:06
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mixastell me a good movie to watch tonight04:06
wilyHobbsee: i need something that scan continous04:07
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wilyand when find a wireless sounds or04:07
thompaquestion, if i setup my wireless under networking at home, how do i connect outside at other hotspots?04:07
LjLwhile true; do scanimage; done04:07
mixastell me a good movie to watch tonight04:07
LjLmixas: that's a good question for #ubuntu-offtopic04:08
thompai eventually connected, but I dont see anything other than wireless assistant04:08
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Hobbseethompa: use knetworkmanager or wlassistant for that, and pick your network04:11
wilfredHcan anyone tell me why the new linux kernel is being kept back by apt-get?04:11
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cristianohello. i've upgraded to amarok1.4.1 but it says it cannot play MP3 files, why?04:11
ubuntuhi everyone04:11
HobbseewilfredH: which release?  dapper?  it's probably because it installs extra packages - sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:11
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Hobbseecristiano: install libxine-extracodecs04:11
wilfredHhobbsee: dapper04:11
HobbseewilfredH: it's safe to do an sudo apt-get dist-upgrade then04:12
Ag_Smithwily: sono italiano pure io hai bisogno di aiuto o dai aiuto ?04:12
Hobbsee!mp3 > cristiano04:12
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!04:12
wilfredHhobbsee: after unpacking 126MB of additional space used?04:12
wilyhelp me please04:13
wilyany tools that scans wireless good04:13
cristianoHobbsee: i don't have it in my repos04:13
wilyAg_Smith: do aiuto04:13
cristianoHobbsee: i've already installed all the codecs as suggested on the wiki page04:13
wilyAg_Smith: e lo chiedo come vedi04:13
h3sp4wnwily: Why would you want that ? It makes the connection unreliable at least with anything other than madwifi-ng04:13
=== PyroticShadow is away: |- If Shit Happens... Does Fecel Matter? -|
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
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PyroticShadowwtf Hobbsee ?04:14
wilyh3sp4wn: what is madwifi-ng?04:14
h3sp4wnFor atheros cards latest code04:15
Hobbseecristiano: add multiverse repos - at the end of each "universe" in kdesu kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list, add " multiverse"04:15
HobbseePyroticShadow: [00:14]  <-- PyroticShadow has left this channel (requested by Hobbsee: " get rid of that away message thanks!").04:15
PyroticShadowfuck this channel, ya'll are too damn strict... O_O he said "poop" kick him ban him!!!!!!!...04:15
PyroticShadowlater Hobbsee have fun with abusing your ops04:15
cristianoi'll check Hobbsee04:15
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
wilyh3sp4wn: but i need another tool04:15
h3sp4wnwily: most accesspoints don't like being continually skanned04:15
=== mode/#kubuntu [+b *!*@24-72-195-37.cm-dynip.usadig.com] by Hobbsee
wilywhen i am in my car in my city and i need an hotspot04:16
wilyi need a tool that tell me where are hotspots04:16
Hobbseeactually, away messages are annoying and should die.  but if he's going to flame, he's gone.04:16
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wilfredHhobbsee: 126 MB extra for a dist-upgrade?04:16
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h3sp4wnwily: That is cracking networks which is not condoned here04:17
h3sp4wnwily: Try a script kiddie channel04:17
HobbseewilfredH: want to pastebin the stuff that you see?04:17
wilyi'm not cracking nothing04:17
wilyi search for a free hotspot04:17
Ash-Foxkwifimanager should auto refresh periodically.04:18
Ag_SmithAsh-Fox:  i dont see on netstat   xmlspy or wine... how to searc it ?04:18
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Ash-FoxAg_Smith, you get the pid of the proccesses I believe, match it with that.04:19
Ag_Smithhow to get the pid of process ?04:20
wilfredH...pastebin is v slow04:20
h3sp4wnwily: Its not free unless you specificly have permission to use it anything else is like walking into someones house because the door is open04:20
Ash-Foxps aux.04:20
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Ag_Smith[16:21]  <Ash-Fox> ps aux.  ???04:21
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Ash-FoxAg_Smith, it's a command04:21
cristianoHobbsee: it works now, thx for ur help :)04:22
Hobbseecristiano: :)04:22
ubotuI know nothing about paste104:22
Ag_Smithbut i run it  hen xmlspy is run ?04:22
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Ash-Foxh3sp4wn, speaking of which, do you think mentioning hotspot in my ssid is a good enough indication that my network is free?04:22
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cristianobtw adding multiverse it is also updating my system with 80mb O_O04:22
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h3sp4wnAsh-Fox: To me hotspot would imply that you can use it but have to pay I would put *free* in the ssid explicitely04:23
Ag_Smithbut i run it  when xmlspy is run ?04:24
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shriphanii got a problem with my wireless04:25
h3sp4wnWhat problem ?04:25
Jack12Hobbsee when grub usually boots with dapper, but is there a way to say in the last linux session : boot to windows? so that i wouldnt have to wait until the bootmenu appears and press keys within 10 seconds?04:26
Ag_SmithAsh-Fox:  i must run ps aux  when xmlspy is run ?04:26
Ash-FoxAg_Smith, to be honest, I really don't feel like helping you, because all you're doing is trying to circumvent the copy protections in a commercial piece of software.04:26
shriphanihow do set the radio kill switch off ?04:26
rzeicould someone help me, it's seems that at least kwin has died somehow, leaving my x session nn-responding to keyboard input.. mouse works though. how do i restart kwin etc? should i do it through dcop system?04:26
HobbseeJack12: not unless you manaully modified the config file04:26
Ag_Smithok Ash-Fox04:26
Hobbseerzei: kmenu, logout, end current session.  it's a nasty bug that04:27
h3sp4wnshriphani: With madwifi ? or which driver ?04:27
h3sp4wnIf I had broadcom I would use the devicescape version (don't know with the soft mac version)04:27
Jack12Hobbsee i intended not so much editing the file and setting a different first entry boot maybe commandline : boot next time to boot menu entry 4 or such thing04:28
Jack12but maybe..04:28
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HobbseeJack12: i dont know of a way04:28
h3sp4wnshriphani: That might help you that bug is fixed in the devicescape version04:28
Jack12Hobbsee thx04:28
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rzeiHobbsee: well actually i couldn't see k menu as kicker was down tooo.. luckily through kdesktop i managed to copypaste "kwin" to run command window :) now it works04:30
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h3sp4wnshriphani: If is doesn't work (because the device name is different you could still use the old version()04:30
rubikcubeHi all!04:30
Hobbseerzei: heh, nice04:30
thompai just allowed the upgrade, rebooted, everything is twice as slow04:30
thomparunaway process catcher complains every program is slowing things down04:31
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thompanvidia seems to work though04:32
rubikcubeHi, could anyone tell me how to configure kubuntu to automount usb sticks when I put them in? Thx04:32
thompado i need to reboot a couple of times for the new kernel to work?04:32
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shriphanih3sp4wn: the wirelesssss worked in breezy ubuntu04:33
Ash-Foxno, just once04:33
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thompai rebooted once and everything loaded slow, now its up to speed04:33
Ash-Foxas for the slow issues.. not noticing them04:33
thompaim going to try it again04:33
h3sp4wnshriphani: With ndiswrapper reinstall that again if you want but the devicescape version of the broadcom driver is the best04:34
shriphanibut rt. now in kubuntu dappewr it aint04:34
cristianoHobbsee: sy again it seems like it is unable to play some radio streams: how to fix this?04:34
ubotuwifi is Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper04:34
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Kwukkiis it possible to add a second videocrad to my pc (2 screens) ?04:34
wilfredHhobbsee: http://nopaste.snit.ch:8001/760804:34
Kwukkiand how?04:34
thompaAsh-Fox: its fast now, but everything struggled to load, there was no desktop background or icons for over a minute04:34
Hobbseecristiano: no idea04:34
Ag_Smithon netstat i-node is the port ??04:35
thompaim wondering if its hardware problem04:35
HobbseewilfredH: yeah, that's fine04:35
Ash-Fox!tell cristiano about mp304:35
wilfredHhobbsee: it's pretty darn big - what's causing it?04:35
cristianoHobbsee: it looks like it's something about .ogg streaming. damn with the gstreamer engine i had no prob at all, instead with xine a lot of probs :(04:35
=== Ash-Fox assumes it's the preemptive scheduling
HobbseewilfredH: kernel updates?  bugs that get fixed.04:36
Hobbseesee ubuntuforums.org if you really want to know - there's an annoucements page04:36
h3sp4wncrisiano: Are you talking about amarok ? I sometimes get invalid input errors for radio streams04:36
DeadS0ulitaly sucks04:37
Ash-Foxitaly won.04:37
cristianoh3sp4wn: yep same here04:37
DeadS0ulyeah yeah, rub it in04:37
Ag_SmithDeadS0ul:  you sucks04:37
cristianoDeadS0ul: give us the Gioconda back :D04:37
ubotuI know nothing about sucks04:37
h3sp4wncristiano: I am annoyed they removed th progresive techno stream from radio streams is seems pretty random when it doesn't work04:38
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cristianoh3sp4wn: i'm listening at the most of the streams, but some still don't work (kohina for example)04:38
Ag_SmithDeadS0ul:  tu es a poulet roti ?04:39
Ag_SmithDeadS0ul:  tu es france ?04:39
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cristianoForza Azzurri e viva l'ITALIA!!! sempre e comunqe :P04:39
cristianoAg_Smith: maybe he is deutsh? :P04:40
thompafrom log in to desktop takes a few minutes now after upgrade04:40
thompathen i get a blank background no icons for over a minute04:40
cristianook german...i dunno how to write it in german^^)04:40
Ag_Smithcristiano: lui e' tedesco ??04:41
thompahow do i reconfigure xorg?04:41
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cristianoAg_Smith: pare di no....boh :D04:41
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Ag_SmithItalia is the word champion!!04:42
smithi need a c compiler, any tipps ?04:42
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Ag_Smithsmith: install gcc04:42
smithhmm ok04:42
pyrooohello all04:42
Ag_Smithsmith:  apt-get install gcc04:42
dr_willisapt-get install build-essential04:42
DeadS0ulthompa: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:42
thompadpkg-reconfigure just found it, thanks04:43
cristianosmith: try installing build-essential too04:43
smiththx :>04:43
pyroooi just installed kubuntu and i have major problems with resoulution04:43
pyroooi can't change it!!04:43
pyroooits like 640*480 and i'm 1280*102404:43
pyrooohow do i change the resolution?04:43
pyroooin gentoo i changed it using nano, but here i dunno how to do that04:43
Ash-Fox640*480... Uh, I think your graphic card wasn't detected properly.04:43
dr_willisin gentoo you edited the config.. so ya could do the same.04:44
Ash-Foxpyrooo, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:44
h3sp4wn!ati > pyrooo04:44
dr_willisbut its best to rerun the x confiug tools04:44
larson9999pyrooo: err, how about with nano?04:44
Ag_Smithcristiano: join #kubuntu-it04:44
Ash-Foxnano /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?04:44
pyrooook so i go into commad promt and run that?04:44
pyrooowell i go do that04:44
pyroooand try it04:44
dr_willisjust editing the file - wont tell you what you need to change.04:45
h3sp4wnpyrooo: If you are using an X800 you should install fglrx first04:45
shriphaniguys can i pick any of the drivers presented tre04:45
pyroooyes i have X80004:45
pyrooohow do i install fglrx?04:45
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto04:45
ubotuI know nothing about i-node04:45
shriphanih3sp4wn: will any of the drivs work ?04:46
pyrooohow do i make firefox my default browser?04:46
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h3sp4wnshriphani: Do either dapper bcm43xx or ndiswrapper or devicescape bcm43xx - should all work but that radio turning off thing is a bug with the soft mac version of brm43xx04:47
DHGEpyrooo: http://www.google.com/search?q=kubuntu+firefox+default+browser04:47
cristianoh3sp4wn: damn i found vorbis decoding for gstreamer but not for xine :( uff i want gstreamer back in Amarok!!!!04:47
pyrooothanks all04:47
h3sp4wnxine can decode vorbis by default04:47
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pyrooogonna do this now04:47
cristianoh3sp4wn: so why it's not able to decode ogg streams on amarok?04:48
ubotuI know nothing about netstas04:48
ubotuI know nothing about netsta04:49
smithguys im trying to install superkaramba when im geting this ... http://pastebin.ca/8496304:49
ubotuI know nothing about netstat04:49
h3sp4wncristiano: Don't know try #amarok04:49
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h3sp4wnsudo netstat -lpAinet and netstat -wutanp (are too useful netstat commands)04:51
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pyroooi'm back!04:52
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pyroooworks great!!04:52
pyrooothanks very very much04:52
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pyrooothe graphics are awsom :P i'v been waiting for my linux to work since gentoo04:52
pyrooois there any way i can import the backup file from MozBakcup of my WIndows FIrefox?04:53
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thompathe new upgrade has slowed my system down too much, im going to have to go back to the older kernel maybe04:53
thompaat least now i get an nvidia logo04:53
sdolnackhow do i watch quicktime video on kubuntu?04:54
[GuS] yep thompa  i noticed that too04:54
[GuS] my computer is slowest right now...04:54
thompaGuS; what the nvidia logo?04:54
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thompaits unusable like this04:54
[GuS] yep..04:54
[GuS] maybe for the kernel04:54
thompai tried reconfiguring xorg04:55
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thompaGuS; are you going back to earlier kernel then?04:55
sdolnack anyone? quicktime on linux?04:55
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[GuS] i dont think is for the xserver04:55
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[GuS] or maybe the kernel or nvidia driver... but i am more sure for the kernel update04:56
h3sp4wnJust a vanilla 2.6.16 seems to run alot snappier than the dapper one04:56
thompaim not sure what to do, i think sometimes i might have a hardware problem cause windows runs like crap also04:56
[GuS] yep but before this last upgrade my computer were more fastest04:56
jbrouhardsdolnack: What you looking for ?  I have quicktime running through kaffiene04:56
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sdolnackcan i geta  firefox plugin?04:56
[GuS] and in this upgrade kernel were included04:57
h3sp4wnthompa: Try the kanotix live cd if that run's fast you know the speed problem is with kubuntu (the easter 2006 one)04:57
thompai got kanotix here somewhere, ill try it04:57
jbrouhardQuicktime was preinstalled on this machine when I got it:)04:57
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[GuS] sdolnack sudo apt-get install sun-java5-plugin04:57
thompai know when i tried installing nvidia 6600 GT always some porblem04:58
h3sp4wnthompa: The easter 2006 one at least will load itself into swap (at least then you will know how your machine should perform) it will be quite fast04:58
[GuS] is not Kubuntu h3sp4wn04:58
jbrouhard[GuS] : sdolnack is looking for quicktime plugin, not java I think... :)04:58
[GuS] just today upgrade04:58
[GuS] ahh sorry04:58
[GuS] i readed bad :P04:58
h3sp4wn[GuS] : Kubuntu dapper is slow simple as04:58
thompah3sp4wn: if it runs fast i know it still could be nvidia04:58
[GuS] h3sp4wn, i don't think so.04:58
jbrouhard*goes back to working on the how-to04:58
thompamy card sucks up power04:58
jbrouhardslow ?  Kubuntu slow?  Don't see it being slow here and i run kubuntu04:59
[GuS] and is for you is so simple, what are you doing here? :P04:59
thompai run kubuntu on 4 machines, all fast except this one04:59
[GuS] dapper is more faster that breezy indeed04:59
[GuS] just i don't know what happen with today upgrade/kernel04:59
thompathis is my homemade box04:59
h3sp4wnCompare the speed of kde on suse / kanotix / kubuntu (objectively)04:59
[GuS] SUSE! haha04:59
[GuS] yeah04:59
sdolnackso yeah04:59
sdolnackhow do i get it05:00
thompaim about to smash it into little bits05:00
thompaSuSE, ha ha hah05:00
londondavewhat does it mean when the kwallet icon stays open in systray05:00
thompacd wasters05:00
Ash-FoxActually the speed of KDE on SLES9 isn't that bad.05:00
[GuS] SUSE is the more slooowest system i ever tried... adn works! propietary shit!05:00
thompasuse is bad for environment05:00
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:00
[GuS] worst*05:00
thompai got dozens of their cds here05:00
LjLand is SuSE proprietary?05:00
Ash-FoxLjL, many families aren't family friendly in language :)05:01
LjLAsh-Fox: i didn't write that factoid :)05:01
[GuS] LjL,  has to many propietary apps yes... included by default.05:01
Ash-FoxI still find it amusing :P05:01
Ag_Smith Proto RefCnt Flags       Type       State         I-Node PID/Program name    Path05:01
h3sp4wnAsh-Fox: My point exactly - there is something that makes dapper alot slower than kanotix on my laptop (had to switch didn't want xubuntu) desktop run's edgy which doesn't seem to be too badly patched yet05:01
Ag_Smithunix  3      [ ]          STREAM     CONNECTED     49293    9625/XMLSpy.exe05:01
[GuS] that why exist Open Suse05:01
Ag_SmithI_Node is the port ?05:02
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Ash-Foxh3sp4wn, tried stealing the kernel and shoving that on kubuntu?05:02
thompanow my kubuntu is speedy again, it took like 10 minutes to wake up05:02
h3sp4wnAsh-Fox: I have built that kernel on kubuntu but you need to upgrade udev05:03
thomparunaway process catcher is happy, no clue05:03
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h3sp4wnAsh-Fox: I used 093 from sid05:03
thompaill try the live kanotix see if it screws up05:03
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Ash-Foxactually, I'm noticing some lagging on the 'Linux version 2.6.15-26-686' kernel now.05:04
thompaAsh-Fox: so maybe i should go back to old kernel then05:05
Ash-FoxI have a good feeling this is related to scheduling tweaks.05:05
Ash-Foxthompa, don't want to reboot :P05:05
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thompathe lag may be worse for others esp. with some nvidia cards, the 6600 gt is a pain05:06
h3sp4wnI just use the latest rt preemption kernel05:06
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thompah3sp4wn: where is that?05:06
h3sp4wnhttp://people.redhat.com/~mingo/realtime-preempt/patch-2.6.17-rt7 and kernel.org05:07
wily_anyone knows kismet?05:07
Ash-Foxh3sp4wn, hm, interesting =)05:07
h3sp4wnAsh-Fox: Interactive kde performance on dapper improved when I used 2.6.16-r2905:08
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thompah3sp4wn: are there some install instructions somewhere05:09
h3sp4wnthompa: No05:10
Ash-Foxubuntu really lacks in kernel selection05:10
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Ash-FoxAt least, when compared to other distros. The lack of DKMS is somewhat annoying with the kernel modules that we call 'restricted' for alternative kernels.05:11
h3sp4wnI was hoping edgy was going to get some of the more experimental stuff into its kernel but it seems like more of the same05:11
bbwHi all05:11
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bluesceadaanyone knows why this bug just occurs in ubuntu? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-driver-trident/+bug/5232105:12
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bluesceadait's not the xorg.conf, and not just the trident driver05:12
bbwIm using adept something to install programs , but i can not select the same programs that ubuntu has someone now about this05:13
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Ash-Foxbbw, copy the /etc/apt/sources.list from ubuntu to kubuntu05:13
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larson9999yeah, finally got through .configure05:14
Ash-Foxbbw, then you will have the same packages availible on the ubuntu system, on your kubuntu system.05:14
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bbwk i dont have ubuntu any more only kubuntu05:14
Ash-Fox!easysource > bbw05:15
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Ag_Smithhow to delete a rule on iptables ?05:25
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thompai rebooted with 2.6.15-25-386 and same problem, desktop barely loads everything is slow to a crawl05:30
thompaglxinfo shows nvidia working though and opengl works05:31
thompasomething else i must have upgraded then?05:31
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thompaor could it be because i also reconfiured xorg?05:32
thompaim going to try adding a modelin for my lcd05:33
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flaccidwhen an apt-get freezes up unpacking a package, what should i do05:34
flaccidjust ctrl + c and do it again?05:34
LjLflaccid: pray05:34
=== flaccid prays
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LjLflaccid: yeah if it really is frozen (do a ps aux and check, maybe it's just taking a very long time doing something?) use ctrl+c, but then pray again. then "sudo apt-get -f install" will work if your prayers have effect05:35
rob_anyon?e here05:35
pyr0kubuntu is real good05:35
oomph_7i'm having problems configuring my nvidia card to use the "right of" function05:35
pyr0learning to use it right now :P05:35
oomph_7i got a laptop with docking station05:35
flaccidok thanks i'll try05:35
oomph_7i tried the nvoptions05:35
oomph_7and it didnt give good results05:36
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flaccidhmm i think it just went to a new pkg05:37
flaccidmaybe its taking ages05:37
flaccidits mysql-server and mysql-client05:37
flaccidw0a what is the top command05:38
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flaccidhmm top is top05:39
flaccidits not working05:39
SeanTatertop shows processes taking cpu time05:39
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flaccidyep used to using it, but its not working, just putting cursor to new line05:40
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SeanTatertry clear, then top again05:40
SeanTaterif you can't get to the term, press q05:40
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flaccidsorry what is clear?05:40
pyr0people: game or kopete05:40
pyr0whats your choice?05:40
flaccidfor sure05:41
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SeanTaterclear is a program that clears the terminal, you can use it if the terminal does not look right05:41
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flaccidw0a its like freezing up commands05:42
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SeanTaterokay, are you doing anything you need to keep on that terminal?05:43
flaccidwell i'm installing mysql with apt-get05:43
flaccidi can get in via ssh no problem05:43
flaccidbut i run commands the cursor goes to next line and i can't break, only hangup05:43
flaccidfreezes hup05:43
SeanTaterI also use ssh, absolutely no problems05:44
flaccidis there another command to see cpu usage?05:44
SeanTaternot that I know of05:44
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flaccidi mean i can get in via ssh still ok05:44
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SeanTaternicoletta: you me /hi/ right?05:44
nicolettaand you??05:45
SeanTaterLive in USA05:46
SeanTaterThat was a short conversation05:46
SeanTaternearly two minute05:46
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flaccidfar out SeanTater how do i kill a dead pts/0/ssh login05:51
SeanTateruse ksysguard05:52
SeanTateryou can't easily just kill the dead ones05:52
bluesceadayou can, they will respawn05:52
SeanTaterBut usually if you don't connect/do anything for a period of time, they will die off anyway05:53
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teknoprephey all05:53
teknoprepis kubuntu the best linux desktop os or what?05:53
teknoprepholy shit this is nice05:53
SeanTaterI know you can kill them, you just don't know which are dead05:53
SeanTaterteknoprep: thanks, we think so too05:53
teknoprepubuntu is nice to05:54
flaccidah i got no gui on this box yet05:54
flaccidneed a cli binary05:54
teknoprepbut i prefer kde for a high perfomance machine05:54
SeanTaterteknoprep: anything you would like help with?05:54
SeanTaterteknoprep: I use KDE anyway, I can't handle gnome05:54
teknoprepgnome is great05:54
teknoprepfor lower end machines05:54
teknoprepkde is good for this fast laptop i have05:54
teknoprephey how i turn the touchpad off ... its synaptics05:54
teknoprepon my laptop05:55
SeanTaterteknoprep: I used it, but it does not have the bunches of little features kde does05:55
teknoprepwithout going into the bios05:55
SeanTaterteknoprep: It's in kcontrol05:55
SeanTaterteknoprep: kcontrol is included in kubuntu, it's just not in the menu, press ALT-F2 and type kcontrol, run it chould come up05:55
flaccidman its freezing up even on changing user05:56
teknoprepSeanTater: where in kcontrol05:56
teknoprepnot under periphials05:56
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SeanTaterflaccid: how long have you been waiting for mysql to install, it took about 30 seconds for me05:56
SeanTaterteknoprep: synaptics touch pad, I know it;s in there somewhere05:57
flaccidi went downstairs for ages05:57
sotiredmost of my games sounds have stopped working. This is the error i am getting when i run one of them http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1776905:58
SeanTaterhumph -- I don't see it05:58
sotiredcan anyone help05:58
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems05:59
sotiredi tried that05:59
SeanTaterdoes that help? ^05:59
sotiredbut ill try again...05:59
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SeanTaterI don;t know anything more on that topic05:59
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teknoprepwow the transparencies are nice now06:00
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teknoprephow do i check version of xorg?06:01
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h3sp4wnteknoprep: If you are on dapper it is xorg 706:01
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sotiredmost of my games sounds have stopped working. This is the error i am getting when i run one of them http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17769  anyone hgave a clue?06:01
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teknoprephow i check which version of kubuntu i am using06:01
SeanTaterteknoprep: there is also xgl, but I've never used it06:01
SeanTaterteknoprep: files in /etc06:02
h3sp4wncat /etc/lsb-release06:02
teknoprepdapper   6.0606:02
h3sp4wnSo you are using xorg 7.0106:03
h3sp4wnSo you are using xorg 7.006:03
teknoprepyeah the transparencies really took a  up06:03
teknoprepi need to disable this stupid touch pad06:03
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SeanTaterteknoprep: of nothing else, /etc/X11/xorg.conf shoudl fix the touchpad06:04
teknoprepi just need it turned off06:04
SeanTatertek how?06:04
sotiredhow do i fix "/dev/dsp: Device or resource busy"06:05
teknoprepis there a way to use say a macro or what not.. in the xorg.conf06:05
uniqteknoprep: I've found that disabling the touchpad on some machines is best done in the bios.06:05
teknoprepto turn on or off a Section06:05
SeanTatersotired: killall arts and turn off any kde programs using sound06:05
sotiredhow do i reverse that?06:06
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uniqsotired: what are you trying to do that gives that error?06:06
SeanTatersotired: or if you have time, there's a better way06:06
sotiredarts: no process killed06:06
sotiredi have time06:06
sotiredi want to fix this06:06
sotiredim running enemy territory06:06
sotiredbut most of my games do the samething06:06
uniqsotired: it's called artsd, but that's not a solution, it's just a workaround.06:06
SeanTaterokay, go to system settings06:07
sotiredim in system setting06:07
SeanTaternow in sound and multimedia06:07
SeanTatersound system06:07
SeanTatermake sure auto-suspend if idle for __ seconds06:07
SeanTatermake sure it's checked06:08
SeanTaterand decrease the time to 0 seconds06:08
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SeanTaterand then try enemy territory again06:08
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sotiredno dice06:09
SeanTatersotired: okay, "killall artsd" again so it will take the settings06:09
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sotiredstill no sound :(06:10
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elvirolohi all06:10
SeanTaterokay, do you have any music or anything on?06:10
SeanTaterelvirolo: hello06:10
SeanTatersotired: any sounds for anywhere, they need to be off the second you start the game06:11
elviroloi am currently trying to install kubuntu dapper using the live cd, and I'd like to my my existing /home partition for my new kubuntu system, though the installer doesn't seem to allow me to do that ...06:11
sotiredi dont have any sounds06:11
SeanTatersotired: :|06:11
SeanTatersotired: That /should/ do it06:11
SeanTaterdo you have esd on?06:12
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sotiredi dont know what to do!06:12
sotiredi dont know06:12
sotiredi have the sound set to autodetect06:12
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SeanTatersotired: Humph -- Linspire had a neat little script for this06:12
SeanTatersotired: it would force the program to use arts06:12
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sotiredwell, since it used to work it must be something runnign on my system06:13
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elvirolocan anyone help me ?06:13
teknoprepsure whats up06:14
teknoprepask your question06:14
uniqseantater: artsdsp can be used, maybe.06:14
oomph_7what is a good cd iso app?06:14
oomph_7cd burning and iso making06:14
teknoprepoomph_7: k3b06:14
SeanTateruniq: okay, I was lookiing at srtswrapper, no worky06:14
uniqoomph_7: k3b.06:14
SeanTateruniq: let's try that06:14
teknoprepits only the best06:14
teknoprepman i have an ear infection06:15
teknoprepand everything sounds all fubar as hell06:15
sotiredthat sucks06:15
SeanTatersotired: uniq has an idea!06:15
teknopreplike there is an echo in my head06:15
SeanTatersotired: whetever command you use for enemy territory, set the work artsdsp befor it06:15
teknoprephey whats the best macosx docking bar?06:16
teknoprepone that is exactly like the mac os x one06:16
flaccidi just installed mysql. is there a default password?06:16
teknoprepthe 3d dock bar06:16
sotiredi used kooldocker06:16
sotiredbut it leaks mem bad06:16
SeanTatersotired: for example: artsdsp enemyTerritory06:16
uniqseantater, sotired: you can try with 'artsdsp -m command' if it doesn't work without -m.06:16
sotiredok ill try06:16
sotiredwhere can u find the 3d dock?06:16
sotiredartsdsp works only for binaries06:17
sotiredthats what it says06:17
elvirolouh, the text mode installer was much better06:17
SeanTaterelvirolo: then use the alternate cd06:18
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elviroloSeanTater: does it use the original installer ?06:18
SeanTaterelvirolo: yes06:19
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elviroloSeanTater: ok thanks06:19
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sotiredseantater: "artsdsp works only for binaries" is what it tells me06:19
oomph_7i dont see an option in k3b to just make an iso image06:19
sotiredright click the blank area06:20
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teknoprepi keep getting this msg06:20
teknoprepLCD Pannel: ON06:20
teknoprephow do i stop it from telling me that06:20
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teknoprepmust be an acpi asus thing06:20
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bluesceadateknoprep: there is something about that in the wiki06:23
teknoprepthe new google browser sync OWNS06:23
teknoprepwiki site please06:23
bluesceadai dont know06:23
teknoprepkubuntu wiki or kde wiki?06:24
bluesceadateknoprep: ahm it has nothing to do with kde really, right?06:24
teknoprepsure it might06:24
teknoprepkde is displaying the info06:24
teknoprepgnome did not display this06:24
bluesceadathen look kubuntu06:24
bluesceadasuch stuff is rather kubuntu specific06:24
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sotiredthis is so frustrating :(06:27
sotiredi just want to pwn some noobs06:27
sotiredjust kidding06:27
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chavosotired, I just log out of kde and start enemy territory as a seperate session, no sound problems and it frees up all that memory for the game.06:29
uniqsotired: 'sudo fuser -vk /dev/dsp' then run ET.06:29
sotiredcan i do that with contrl-alt f5?06:30
chavoalthough I don't have sound problems if I start it within KDE, just kill artsd before running it06:30
uniqsotired: that's not a elegant solution. But it will free the sound device NOW.06:30
uniqsotired: if that was a question directed at me, you can do it from ctrl+alt+f5 or from Konsole.06:30
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues06:31
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sotiredhow do i do this from konsole?06:31
sotiredlog out of kde06:31
teknoprepits been so long since i used linux06:32
teknoprepi am used to pkg_add from obsd06:32
teknoprephow do i install a .deb lol06:32
chavosotired, put a .desktop file in /usr/share/apps/kdm/sessions/ and you can use kdm to start it06:32
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uniqsotired: start konsole, from kmenu -> system -> konsole06:33
sotiredi know how to staret konsole06:33
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abattoirteknoprep: sudo dpkg -i xxx.deb06:33
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teknoprepare there any repositories for apt-get and kde-apps.org ?06:39
bluesceadadpkg -i *.deb06:40
bluesceadaand .. dunno about the repos06:40
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abattoirteknoprep: many of the applications at kde-apps are available in the universe and multiverse repos06:40
abattoircheck if you have then enabled06:41
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource06:41
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teknoprepneed to enable universe but multiverse is not listed in the default list06:41
abattoirteknoprep: you could just add it..06:42
m5mI've lost my 1200x1600 resolution, and am stuck in 640x480, I think because I crashed the app 'Tuxpaint' last night and it didn't exit cleanly.  When I go into system settings to re-adjust X (this is after rebooting) the maximum display resolution available to me is 640x480 ;  can anyone guide me a little bit please on what to try?06:42
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teknoprepanyone have any good multiverse ones to use?06:43
abattoirm5m: did you get 1200x1600 out of the box, in other words, if you revert to the original xorg.conf, would it do?06:43
teknoprepi got some06:44
teknoprepyeah man.. whomever asked me before if i wanna help06:44
teknoprepwith kubuntu06:44
teknoprepnaw.. i am a bsd and mainframe tech...06:44
teknoprepcisco security engineer .. that sorta crap06:44
teknoprepscrew gui's except for this one laptop06:44
m5mabattoir: yes I believe so, where would I find the original xorg.conf? Do you think tuxpaint would modify xorg.conf to run at the lower res?06:45
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abattoirm5m: i dont think so, but 'sudo dexconf' would get you your original xorg.conf...06:45
abattoiryou need to restart  X to see if it works though06:46
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m5mok abattoir thank you06:46
abattoirm5m: ok, tell me if it works :)06:46
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m5mabattoir: thanks for the sudo dexconf tip, it worked very efficiently :-P06:51
abattoirm5m: no problem :)06:51
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Breadmachineokay, big problem, i had windows XP set as my default operating system in GRUB, and just updated kubuntu, and when i went to restart, windows XP had dissapeared in GRUB and was replaced with the updated kernal, how do i fix this?!?06:57
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Breadmachineplease? anyone?06:59
teknoprephey hey06:59
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:59
sdolnackBreadmachine: what's yer question?06:59
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h3sp4wnor try asking in ##windows06:59
teknoprepskrew windows06:59
teknoprepworst os ever writen06:59
teknopreponly good thing about it is its extensive support from big business07:00
teknoprepthe fact is i get so much shit on crappy stuff like MS Exchange to MS Sql07:00
h3sp4wn!bug 107:00
ubotuFor help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm07:00
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teknoprepthe only good thing with MS is Active Directory07:00
teknoprepand thats it07:00
h3sp4wnNovells directory thing is better07:00
teknoprepits only network applicabel07:01
Breadmachineokay, big problem, i had windows XP set as my default operating system in GRUB, and just updated kubuntu, and when i went to restart, windows XP had dissapeared in GRUB and was replaced with the updated kernal, how do i fix this?!?07:01
teknoprepwhile AD can support both local and network permissions07:01
Breadmachinesdolnack: look ^up^07:01
teknoprepAD is much better suited for a windows destkop environment07:01
abattoirBreadmachine: go to /boot/grub/07:03
teknoprepi find it easier to cross connect from AD < -- > NIX anyways07:03
abattoirBreadmachine: what are the different menu.lst files you see?07:03
abattoirBreadmachine: is there a menu.lst.dpkg.old or something similar?07:03
Breadmachineabattoir: thank god, ill look07:03
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bluesceadaanyone knows why this bug just occurs in ubuntu? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-driver-trident/+bug/5232107:04
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bluesceadawhat is different to it, compared to other distris07:04
Breadmachineabattoir: i see menu.lst and a menu.list~ backup file07:05
bluesceadait's not the xorg.conf and it's not just the trident xorg driver07:05
bluesceadaplease anyone look at this bug :(07:05
abattoirBreadmachine: there isnt a menu.lst.old?07:05
bluesceadaor i have to quit using ubuntu it seems :S07:05
Breadmachineabattoir: nope, just menu.lst~07:05
h3sp4wnbluesceada: Try kanotix - are you using older hardware ?07:06
abattoirBreadmachine: ok, put that and menu.lst on pastebin07:06
bluesceadah3sp4wn: not really that old07:06
h3sp4wnbluesceada: How much ram ?07:06
h3sp4wnKanotix will be alot better with 256 (faster)07:06
bluesceadaactually kubuntu just needs under 100mb when running normally with browser etc.07:07
bluesceadaand i really prefer having all the packages etc. hmh07:07
h3sp4wnBut does it feel fast ?07:07
Breadmachineabattoir: okay, will do07:07
bluesceadah3sp4wn: yeah it really feels quite fast07:07
bluesceadaso it's ok07:07
bluesceadajust not so fast with the vesa driver ;-)07:08
bluesceadaand using the trident driver is annoying because of that bug07:08
h3sp4wnIt feels dog slow on my 1.3ghz 256mb laptop07:08
bluesceadai googled for this bug and others also had it with ubuntu07:08
bluesceadah3sp4wn: hm.. no it's really quite good..07:08
bluesceadaof course, stopped some init scripts etc.07:08
h3sp4wnDepends what you are comparing it with07:09
bluesceadaso... i have to go eating ...07:09
bluesceadah3sp4wn: my 1900+ 768mb ram gf fx 5600 desktop07:09
bluesceada< away now07:09
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Breadmachineabattoir: menu.lst:http://pastebin.ca/85065  menu.lst~: http://pastebin.ca/8506707:10
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Breadmachineabattooir: god, my wifes gonna kill me07:11
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abattoirBreadmachine: chill :)07:11
h3sp4wnBreadmachine: Perfect time to just leave windows07:11
abattoirBreadmachine: didnt i modify your menu.lst a couple of days ago?07:12
Breadmachinecant, guild wars ladder tourney is ending and im not all that good with cedega yet, lol07:12
Breadmachineabattoir: yeah...07:12
=== dr_willis gave uo on Guild wars.
dr_willisgave Up.07:13
abattoirBreadmachine: well, you had a windows entry then...07:13
abattoiri mean it should be in menu.lst~07:13
Breadmachineabattoir: i know, but the update killed any trace of it07:13
abattoirok, no problem07:13
abattoirBreadmachine: i think you posted the same file ;)07:14
abattoirif you havent... fine nvm07:14
Breadmachineabattoir: 2 diff files, both had same contents07:14
abattoirwhich partition is windows in?07:14
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Breadmachineabattoir: main one, hdab107:16
abattoirok, my mistake, they arent the same...07:16
abattoirany clue on the partitions?07:16
abattoiroh ok07:16
abattoirhda1 right?07:16
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Breadmachineabattoir: its formatted as C: the main physical partition, i believe 0, 007:16
Breadmachineabattoir: yup hda107:17
abattoiryou mean hd(0,0) right?07:17
Breadmachineabattoir: yup07:17
Breadmachine<is a noob07:17
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bbwHi all07:18
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Breadmachineabattoir: if you can, just drop the entry back into the "other operating systems" section07:18
yogiI am looking for a way to play the wmv9 files.  Anyone been successful?07:19
abattoiroh, you dont want windows to be first/default... like the other day?07:19
bbwWitch program is the same or easyer as Frontpage from Microsoft Office , or do i need crossoveroffice07:19
Breadmachineabattoir: after this, im not sure, till i figure out more bout linux and GRUB anyway07:19
[GuS] yogi, you tried w32codecs?07:19
yogiI have that installed, yes.07:19
abattoirBreadmachine: ok, so let me confirm, you want Windows menu item to appear after the Ubuntu list?07:20
yogi[GUS] :I have installed everything relevent to Dapper from the page devoted to such.07:20
h3sp4wnyogi: Which version of w32codecs ?07:20
abattoirbbw: you need a Web development suite?07:20
Breadmachineabattoir: yeah, thanks man07:20
sdlnxgkanyone having issues with downloading anything with gnutella???07:20
[GuS] Ok07:20
[GuS] you use Kaffeine?07:20
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yogih3sp4wn: I'll take a look.  Kaffeine doesn't work.  Xine, either.07:20
bbwabattoir , where can i find webdevelopment suite07:20
ubotuI know nothing about quanta07:21
abattoirbbw: search for quanta in adept07:21
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ubotuI know nothing about sevas-repo07:21
Breadmachinebbw: try CuteHTML07:21
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ubotuI know nothing about gnutella07:21
ubotuI know nothing about amule07:22
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ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.07:22
LjL!msg the bot07:22
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots07:22
yogiDarn!  I can't remember the command to give a pkg list! :-\07:22
LjL!info quanta07:22
ubotuquanta: web development environment for KDE. In repository main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 2295 kB, installed size 5600 kB07:22
LjLyogi: you mean dpkg --get-selections?07:22
sdlnxgkthought gtk-gnutella was just as good as lime wire if not better and all ready installed?07:23
abattoirBreadmachine: http://pastebin.ca/8508207:23
gioacchinoyou know the site with all name of package ??07:23
bbwbreadmachine cant find it in adept manager no CuteHTML07:23
gioacchinoI had try to install amule  with apt-get install amule07:23
abattoirBreadmachine: this time, i'd seriously recommend writing down the Ubuntu kernel info...07:23
yogiLjL:Guess so.  Actually, I guess I need the pkgs, so will do that.07:23
gioacchinobut it not found amule07:23
abattoirBreadmachine: just in case something goes wrong07:23
gioacchinoand synaptic not found amule....07:23
LjLyogi: well what is it that you need to do exactly anyway?07:24
LjL!info emule07:24
ubotuPackage emule does not exist in dapper07:24
gioacchino!info amule07:24
ubotuamule: aNOTHER eMule P2P Client. In repository universe, is optional. Version 2.1.0-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 1173 kB, installed size 3212 kB07:24
LjLerr, anyway gioacchino, it's in universe, and you probably don't have it enabled07:24
gioacchinohow to enabled universe ??07:24
LjLgioacchino: what Ubotu told you in private07:25
gioacchinobut on synaptic universe is abilited07:25
LjLgioacchino: then pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list07:25
yogiLjL:Looking for the version# of the win32codecs I have installed.  Not getting it done. ;-\07:25
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LjLyogi: apt-cache policy w32codecs i guess07:25
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Breadmachineok, now for a restart and a look...07:26
yogiLjL:Unbelievable.  It says 'None'.  I *know* I installed it.  Good grief.  Don't think I used a backup w/o, at any point...  What is that URL?07:27
LjL!info w32codecs07:27
ubotuPackage w32codecs does not exist in dapper07:27
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ubotuw32codecs can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages. Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html07:27
yogih3sp4wn: Thanks.07:28
h3sp4wnyogi: Download it and install with sudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb07:28
sdlnxgkit's not called w32codecs for dapper07:29
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yogih3sp4wn:Okay.  Am d/l right now.  It brings up 'Ark'!?07:29
sdlnxgkyou have to open up multi universe to get the codecs07:29
h3sp4wnw32codecs is not in universe or multiverse07:29
sdlnxgkAdept  is what i used  to  get mine with07:30
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sdlnxgkI know it's a different name now07:30
yogisklnxgk:there is a web page, somewhere, that has all that neat stuff on it.  Can't remember what it is.07:30
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h3sp4wnw32codecs is still w32codecs (comes from debian-multimedia) they are illegal to use if you don't own a copy of windows07:30
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sdlnxgkyogi I have seen it too but so much easier to  just search Adept and install it automatic :)07:30
yogih3sp4wn:It'll be a bit... I'm only on ISDN.  Lucky to have that fast a connection next to the Mexican border.07:31
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gioacchinoLjL: http://pastebin.ca/8509207:31
yogisdlnxgk:Got that, right. lol07:31
sschneideradept is the very problem I'm here over. Anybody got a minute?07:31
teknoprepadobe flash for firefox keeps crashing firefox07:31
abattoirsschneider: what exactly is the problem?07:31
LjLgioacchino: remove the leading "# " from lines 30 and 3107:31
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LjLgioacchino: sorry, lines 20 and 2107:32
=== h3sp4wn thinks adept is a waste of time (use aptitude interactive or command line)
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.07:32
sschneiderI'm trying to use adept to install Apache to run backuppc. I mark all the Apache/Apache 2 packages, hit apply changes, and it hangs forever, never doing anythig07:32
abattoirh3sp4wn: if i may ask, is it because of the interface?07:32
sdlnxgkyou mgiht have to restart  xserver after  install flash for firefox07:32
bbwInstalled quanta but is not what im looking for , i need to design webpage an need to see what im doing not by commands07:32
gioacchinoLjL:  thank07:32
h3sp4wnabattoir: Because of its dependancy handling07:32
koshsschneider: apache1 and apache2 are different, not compatible and not really feasible to run at the same time07:33
LjLgioacchino: then of course you'll need a repository update, i.e. "sudo apt-get update"07:33
sschneiderThanx. I'll give that a try07:33
abattoirh3sp4wn: would you mind elaborating a bit more?07:33
koshbbw: quanta does have a visual editing mode07:33
bbwkosh how07:33
ubotuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptitudeSurvivalGuide07:33
sdlnxgkLjL I use both ways to update packages but love the  auto update with Adept at times :)07:33
koshbbw: however remember, if you don't write the code by hand it will never be very good07:33
h3sp4wnabattoir: If you install something with aptitude and uninstall it takes all the dependancies away07:34
bbwit worked in frontpage07:34
teknoprepwtf is up with firefox and flash?07:34
abattoirh3sp4wn: oh ok, that way, thanks :)07:34
koshbbw: use view and the vpl editor07:34
koshbbw: frontpage generates very very very bad code07:34
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sdlnxgkteknoprep did you restart xserver after updating firefox??07:35
h3sp4wnabattoir: smart has a gui (smartpm in universe) I would expect that to work better than adept07:35
=== Pupeno loves aptitude.
koshbbw: sorry if you want to be a developer you need to write the code by hand, if you want to just be a hack you can use one of the visual tools07:35
sdlnxgkafter restarting xserver I didn't have any more problems with firefox crashing07:35
LjLh3sp4wn: still doesn't handle dependencies the aptitude way tho :\07:35
abattoirh3sp4wn: yes, ubuntu is going the 'smart' way ;)07:35
LjLh3sp4wn: and it's a GTK only GUI IIRC07:35
h3sp4wnI don't use it - I like the aptitude way07:36
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teknoprepstill crashed07:36
teknoprepafter i did ctrl + alt + backspace07:36
koshbbw: quanta generates fairly good code but it runs konqueror in reverse07:36
bbwkosh , can't find it vpl07:36
koshbbw: hmm that seems strange what version of quanta do you have?07:36
teknoprepdidn't crash in ubuntu07:36
teknoprepwtf lol07:36
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bbwdunno give me 2sec07:37
sdlnxgkteknoprep might want to send firefox the crash codes and see what's up07:37
teknoprepwtf lol07:38
teknoprepthats just stupid07:38
bluesceadahm does linux run on a via c307:38
bbwkosh , 3.0507:38
bluesceadaand how fast is a c3 with 1,2 ghz compared to a pentium III with 1 ghz ?07:38
teknoprepdoes anyone here have any problems with flash and firefox?07:38
Cornellius''A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming'' Is an awesome book. With a little more than 1000 pages.07:39
h3sp4wnbluesceada: It does run on it but depending on what you are doing I would expect it to be alot slower on the c307:39
bluesceadaoh okay07:39
bbwkosh, its working07:39
bluesceadaso forget a c3 then..07:39
koshbbw: okay, I can't help you with using it I just know it can do it, it products better code then the rest but all of the visual editors are bad at writing code07:40
Cornelliushey h3sp4wn07:40
teknoprepsudo apt-get install libflash-mozplugin07:41
teknoprepthat did it07:41
teknoprepno crashes07:41
bbwkosh , thanks for your help , is there chat for quanta07:41
sdlnxgkgioacchino you still  looking for w32codecs??? the package is called libxine-extracodecs07:41
teknoprepi manually installed it before07:41
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abattoirsdlnxgk: afaik, libxine-extracodecs is not w32codecs, then again, i'm not a 100% sure.07:42
gioacchinoIl pacchetto libxine-extracodecs non ha versioni disponibili, ma  nominato da un altro07:42
gioacchinopacchetto. Questo significa che il pacchetto manca,  diventato obsoleto07:42
gioacchinoo  disponibile solo all'interno di un'altra sorgente07:42
gioacchinoE: Il pacchetto libxine-extracodecs non ha candidati da installare07:42
teknoprepis there a free version of something that is as good as cadega or point2play ?07:42
gioacchinoit tell it is old ..07:42
LjLgioacchino: that package is in Multiverse07:43
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teknoprepnext question... how do i enable kdeutils ?  or my volume and special button controls07:43
gioacchinohow to enable Multiverse ?07:43
LjLgioacchino: and you don't have Multiverse enabled. append the word "multiverse" to lines 20 and 21 of your sources.list, and also to lines 37 and 3807:43
abattoirteknoprep: laptop?07:43
teknoprepsudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list07:43
teknoprepabattoir: yes07:43
LjLgioacchino: then apt-get update07:43
abattoirteknoprep: model/make?07:44
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teknoprepasus z71v07:44
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teknoprepall this stuff worked in ubuntu07:44
teknoprepworked quite well07:44
teknoprepbut i prefer kde07:44
sdlnxgkteknoprep what flash are  you tring to install???07:45
abattoirteknoprep: KControl->Regional and Accesibility->Keyboard Layout->Keyboard model07:45
teknoprepsdlnxgk:  i alrady fixed it07:45
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sdlnxgkI installed the package called  flashplugin-nonfree and mine works fine without crashing07:45
sdlnxgksweet :)07:45
abattoirteknoprep: check for an Asus model, see if it works07:46
teknoprepi installed libflash-mozplugin07:46
abattoirteknoprep: all these should work out of the box w/ Edgy in kubuntu07:46
gioacchinoLjL:  I dont understand ..07:47
_JPhow do i change so that konqueror doesn't open .skz files in kate?07:47
teknoprepEdgy ?07:48
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule07:48
abattoirteknoprep: the next Ubuntu version07:48
LjLgioacchino: ok, just make your sources.list look like this http://pastebin.ca/8511207:48
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ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule07:48
LjLgioacchino: and then run "sudo apt-get update"07:48
h3sp4wnedgy seems to have sorted out the kde speed problems (at least at the moment it is running fast)07:48
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gioacchinoLjL:  ok thanks !!07:49
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LjLabattoir: will they do that in Edgy?! but doesn't that mean making the distribution heavily non-free?07:50
gioacchinoit work!!07:50
teknoprepawww shit i just used the microsoft natural keyboard model07:50
teknoprepthats working great07:50
abattoirLjL: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuLaptopButtons07:51
abattoirLjL: non-free?07:51
LjLabattoir: oh - oh nevermind, i thought you were talking about something else07:51
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abattoirLjL: oh, the mozilla plugin... :)07:52
jayIs there anyway to add the sun java fonts to blackdown java jre?07:52
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h3sp4wnjay: Why not just use the sun jre ?07:53
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jayh3sp4wn: only version "5" is available... causes me some problems... prefer to stick with
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h3sp4wnjay: Try to use java-package and 1.41 downloaded from sun07:55
yogih3sp4wn, sdlnxgk, LjL:I messed up.  Gotta start that w32codecs d/l over again. :-\  Guess I'll find out if wmv9 plays.  I'll be back if I have prbs.07:55
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jayh3sp4wn:  I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean by "java-package"07:57
h3sp4wn!info java-package07:57
ubotujava-package: utility for building Java(TM) 2 related Debian packages. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 0.27 (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 336 kB07:57
yogiAnother question: Where is the usual place for a flash video to be stored?  I know it's being cached, but where??07:57
h3sp4wnjay: Look for a howto on installing java 1.41 on debian07:57
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h3sp4wnjay: Chances are it will involve java-package and how to use it07:58
jayOk... cool.07:58
yogiI am using Firefox and selected a youtube.com video to watch.  It was cached, but where would it be?  Seems to be using the Flash video interface.07:59
jayAfter 4 years using Gentoo exclusively I get confused by Kubuntu... Ironic.. LOL.07:59
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yogijay:Me, too.  I'm a kubuntu convert. ;-)07:59
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jayyog:  :)08:00
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yogijay:How do you like kubuntu so far?08:00
sdlnxgkyogi I love kubuntu :)08:01
yogijay:I had multiple probs updating G but have had smooth sailing w/kubuntu08:01
sdlnxgkmy video works great with firefox08:01
teknoprephow do i keep transperencies setttings for a single window?08:01
teknoprepor program08:01
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teknopreplike i want konsole to always be 75% translucent08:01
teknoprepwithin kde08:01
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yogisklnxgk:my video works great w/Firefox, as well.  My query is, where is the vid being cached??  I can't find it.08:01
jayyogi: Somethings are frustrating me... most likely I'm still thinking like a gentoo "ricer"08:01
abattoirteknoprep: click on the top left corner of the window(on the icon)...08:02
sdlnxgkyogi I think my just streams08:02
jayI STILL can't get the correct version of pwc to install... making me crazy.08:02
thompaall my nvidia problems, and upgrade problems solved08:02
sdlnxgkif cached maybe in temp???08:02
thompai had a bad dvd drive08:02
yogijay:Some things are frustrating me, as well.  That's why I'm here. lol08:02
abattoirteknoprep: Advanced->Special Applications setting/Window settings, according to yourneeds08:02
teknoprepabattoir: it doesn't save when i reopen it tho08:02
thompait was somehow casuing system instability, even with nothing in it08:02
jayhehehe, yogi.08:02
uniqteknoprep: right click on the window bar, select advanced -> window/program settings.08:02
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jayI've got several things... but I want to get the java thing handled first.. then on to other issues. :)08:03
yogisdlnxgk:I know mine is buffering, at the very  least... that would be all in memory?08:03
teknoprepi got it08:03
yogijay:Good luck. :-)08:03
sdlnxgknot really sure how linux does caches media from online08:04
yogisdlnxgk:Wish I could specify the place buffering takes place... :-\ lol08:04
jayGrrrrrr... nothing with search suggested by h3sp4wn08:05
yogisdlnxgk:Some of that stuff gets put in /tmp, but apparently not all of it does.08:05
h3sp4wnjay: http://www.crazysquirrel.com/computing/debian/java.jspx08:05
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sdlnxgkyogi that would be really nice since I have other drives  with hardly anything on them :)08:06
thompaeverything works, after weeks of troubleshooting, it was a bad dvd drive,08:06
thompai thought nvidia or xorg, even blamed kubuntu08:06
h3sp4wnjay: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/download.html08:06
jayThanks, h3sp4wn... Don't know why I couldn't find that page with my search.08:07
yogisdlnxgk:Yep... that's right.  I have some stuff that I copied from /tmp, but some of the youtube.com vids (et.al.) don't seem to be on the drive.  ...At least I can't find them... probably partly because I have no idea the extension.08:08
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource08:08
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic08:08
yogisdlnxgk:I've looked in the .Mozilla directory, the .kde/<whatever-it-is>http cache directory and found nothing.08:09
thompah3sp4wn: turns out i had a bad dvd drive, sucking up memory, causing instability, nothing to do with kernel08:09
jayWell... off to try to get the java I want installed... will be back, I'm sure. :)  Thank you h3sp4wn!08:10
yogih3sp4wn:Been there, done that, myself.  I finally went to an external DVD drive (USB) and have had no more probs.08:10
teknoprepwhy so many problemslol08:10
teknoprepkafein can't play .avi divx?08:10
teknoprepi hear sound but no video08:10
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thompayogi: do you mean me?08:10
h3sp4wnthompa: I know - nvidia is easier to install on kanotix though isn't it08:11
yogiteknoprep:Gotta have some codecs, apparently.08:11
DietrichRHi everyone, I was wondering if anyone can roll up a deb of Kopete 0.12 with the ICQ login fix checked in today?08:11
yogithompa:Nope... was looking for someone else. ;-)08:11
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DietrichROr if one already exists08:11
teknoprepyogi is there a basic like all codec pack i can install?08:11
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__osh___teknoprep: blame US government and the patent hell. try #easyubuntu to get the "illegal" but good stuff you need.08:11
I_Died_Oncewhere on my file system can i find the adept repositories list file?08:11
thompaso how could a dvd drive cause my whole system unstable?08:11
yogiteknoprep:Yep... there is w32codecs, for instance, for the windoze stuff.  The other stuff is avail from the repos.08:11
ubotuw32codecs can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages  -  Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html08:12
teknoprepis w32codecs on apt-get?08:12
yogiI_Died_Once:Use the source-o-matic.08:12
I_Died_Oncei did, got a file, now I need to put it on my syste,08:12
yogiteknoprep:Nope... it's somewhere else:    http://users.lichtsnel.nl/~seveas/pool/dapper-seveas/extras/w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb08:12
thompah3sp4wn: actually kanotix irc suggested its my dvd08:12
thompayou can install the nvidia live in kanotix08:13
Seveas!info w32codecs dapper-seveas08:13
ubotuw32codecs: win32 binary codecs. In repository Seveas, is optional. Version 1:20060611-0.0 (dapper-seveas), package size 13911 kB, installed size 33488 kB08:13
h3sp4wnthompa: I know08:13
__osh___teknoprep: easyubuntu helps with other annoyancies too, like java, and flash and some other things that are nice to have08:13
yogiteknoprep:I probably should have said it isn't available *to_me* via apt...08:13
thompah3sp4wn: still everything works great now here so im sticking with kubuntu08:14
h3sp4wnthompa: Kanotix sorted out all the problems I was having with my laptop and I have had only a few very small issues (and it runs so fast)08:14
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thompah3sp4wn: did you hard drive install on laptop?08:14
h3sp4wnthompa: Yes08:14
teknoprepwhat is this easyubuntu ?08:14
sdlnxgkteknoprep you still  looking for w32codecs??? the package is called libxine-extracodecs08:15
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thompah3sp4wn: my sony vaio though had some temperature problems, it still works best in kubuntu08:15
__osh___!tell teknoprep about easyubuntu08:15
thompain any other distor its 10c hotter08:15
thompaat least so says the indicator08:16
h3sp4wnthompa: Tried all of them ?08:16
teknoprepi got it08:16
teknoprepvery nice08:16
thompaabout 10 distros08:16
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h3sp4wnthompa: My desktop is running edgy eft and laptop kanotix  - and there seems to be little difference (if anything edgy is more out of date and more broken)08:18
thomparunaway process catcher is not complaining anymore either08:18
yogih3sp4wn, LjL, et. al: Remarkable how well wmv9's play when you have the codecs installed! lol  Thanks!!08:18
bluesceadah3sp4wn: i also will try kanotix now08:18
yogiHave a good day, everyone. ;-)08:18
bluesceadakanotix will also probably have a functioning trident driver08:18
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bluesceadait's just ubuntu not having it ... -.-08:18
thompabluesceada: make sure you get the preview easter iso08:18
bluesceadathompa: yeh i'm currently downloading08:19
bluesceadadoes kanotix also offer repositories08:19
thompaits debian08:19
hugelmopfDietrichR: have you seen the comment almost at the end of the kopete bug? it seems to provide debian packages.08:19
bluesceadabut some who really work with it good08:19
h3sp4wnNothing seems to be too broken in at at the moment08:19
sdlnxgkanyone using gtk-gnutella????08:19
bluesceadasdlnxgk: yeh08:20
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bluesceadain gentoo though08:20
sdlnxgkoh ok....08:20
teknoprepeasyubuntu owns08:20
bluesceadawhat's the question08:20
flakehi all08:20
hugelmopfDietrichR: ah, nevermind. it was only checkinstall'ed, so it's probably no good.08:20
thompah3sp4wn: edgy eft?08:20
bluesceadateknoprep: what's special to it08:20
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sdlnxgkmine worked in Debian but can't get it to download anything in Kubuntu08:20
teknoprepits EASY08:20
bluesceadasdlnxgk: start it from konsole and look if all settings are correct08:21
h3sp4wnthompa: quite a bit is broken in edgy eft - but in kanotix (debian) nothing is very broken08:21
bluesceadateknoprep: yeh but what is exactly more easy08:21
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DietrichRhugelmopf: Alright.  I'm not in a huge rush to get my hands on one but I'm just usually slow to find one when it does show up08:21
thompah3sp4wn: edgy eft is very pre-release though08:21
teknoprepgetting all the codecs i need for videos08:21
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sdlnxgkbluesceada thanks will  give  that a try :)08:22
bluesceadaedgy is very buggy here^^08:22
bluesceadasdlnxgk: good luck ;-)08:22
h3sp4wnthompa: It feels fast which is the most important thing (except for business type reasons)08:22
sdlnxgkbluesceada thanks will let ya know what I find out08:22
thompah3sp4wn: oh, well i need stability right now for work and school08:22
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I_Died_Oncewhats the differance between all the different version? dapper, hoary, breezy, etc?08:23
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bluesceadaI_Died_Once: age and stability08:23
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h3sp4wnthompa: Never had a crash on any of them - maybe 5 mins a day sorting out mess08:23
imachinethompa, use bsd :)08:23
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thompah3sp4wn: is there any reason to run it other than speed?08:23
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thompakubuntu is very fast now that i dumped the memory draing dvd08:24
h3sp4wnthompa: Speed - nearly always have newer packages08:24
bluesceadah3sp4wn: does kanotix also offer such easy gui config stuff ? for tv out etc.08:24
bluesceadalike ubuntu does..08:24
h3sp4wnbluesceada: It has alot of stuff like that yes - and for ndiswrapper etc08:25
bluesceadah3sp4wn: okay thanks then08:25
sdlnxgkbluesceada found the problem will not create directory for downloads even know it's all ready there :(08:25
thompabluesceada: if you want super simplicity try pclinuxos08:25
bluesceadai'm away now..08:25
bluesceadasdlnxgk: check for permissions08:25
sdlnxgkbluesceada did that and still nothing will keep playing with it but thanks for the tip ;)08:25
bluesceadathompa: nah i just want it to have a working trident driver and dont be too complicated..08:25
thompabluesceada: for me kubuntu works consistantly very well08:25
flakehow do i add a shell script to my panel08:25
imachinethompa, theres something more easy than buntu ?08:25
imachineoh sorry.08:25
imachinenevermind ;>08:26
bluesceadathe trident driver is messed up (though not just the driver, and not just xorg.conf...)08:26
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thompatrident huh08:26
bluesceadaif that gets fixed i might try (k)ubuntu again ...08:26
bluesceadaor if i have other hardware^^08:26
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h3sp4wnbluesceada: Just try the livecd see if everything works there if it does then just install it08:27
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thompabluesceada: did you try editing xorg.conf?08:27
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thompamaybe its your monitor08:27
bluesceadathompa: i used the exactly same xorg.conf from knoppix, which did work, and exactly the same *.deb knoppix uses08:27
bluesceadait works in knoppix08:27
thompai had big problems with my 1440x900 lcd08:27
bluesceadasame trident driver and same xorg.conf from knoppix, but still didnt work08:28
bluesceadai dunno why08:28
thompamust be kernel08:28
thompaif kanotix works just install it ditto08:28
thompawhy waste time configuring08:28
bluesceadathompa: ?08:28
bluesceadai dont understand08:28
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bluesceadathis could be a kernel issue because of agp stuff maybe ..hmh08:29
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sdlnxgkbluesceada I'm such an idiot.. I know the problem now08:29
bluesceadasdlnxgk: what is i08:29
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thompabluesceada: i only know kanotix is more debian08:29
bluesceadathompa: ah08:29
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sdlnxgkI saved my settings from debian box and had different user name in the conf file08:29
thompaless taint maybe08:29
bluesceadathompa: okay. knoppix works .. so..08:30
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xNinjawhats the difference between  kubuntu and the dvd one?08:30
thompakanotix is same thing08:30
bluesceadaburning kanotix 5% ..08:30
bluesceadaso i'm away..08:30
bluesceadai have to learn useless stuff08:30
xNinjahello >>08:31
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ubuntuhey all !08:31
DarkAuditxNinja: IIRC, the DVD has all of the Main repo on the disc08:31
xNinjahi ubuntu08:32
thompakanotix is great, but for me i need kubuntu because i am working on some edubuntu school project08:32
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xNinjaDarkAudit, you mean the main or base libraries and stuff like that ?08:32
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DarkAuditxNinja: I mean all the packages contained in the repository designated as 'main' are on the DVD08:33
thompabluesceada: the kanotix irs is helpful when you get live08:33
thompairc that is08:33
bluesceadayeh i'm in #kanotix08:33
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bluesceadasry really have to learn now...08:33
xNinjai see so that no need to download them from the net just put the dvd and install them08:34
thompagood luck08:34
flakecan i add a shell script as a panel applet or to the panel08:34
Kwukkican i put 2 videocards in my machine?08:34
DarkAuditxNinja: correct... although for restricted, universe, and multiverse you'd still need to get those from online08:34
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xNinjai see08:35
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h3sp4wnIf you want all of them you can use debmirror08:35
juakaqui se habla espaol?08:35
juakpa mi que no08:35
xNinjaok i have a problem while trying to run a program from the command prompt  it says : GTK+ failed to initialize. Is X running?08:35
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uniq!es > juak08:36
teknoprepi honestly have to say kubuntu is the best dam distro i have ever seen08:37
teknoprepholy shit08:37
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flakei guess i can drag my shell scripts to window #2, but when i open them they show up in an editor instead of executing via the SH command08:37
juaksomeone hava problems with the play the videos?08:38
DietrichRKubuntu is gay08:38
xNinjai love debian...but xbuntu distros is based on debian and nice looks...so thats all what you need debian users :P08:38
teknoprepdebian as a server = gay08:38
Kwukkiwhan i put a second video-card in my machine, it will be the default card, and X will not start. Can i config X from bash?08:39
juakno debian = kakilla verde08:39
uniqdebian as server is very good.08:39
teknoprepopenbsd / solaris / mini-mainframe = debain being pwned08:39
xNinjadebian as a server is kewl08:39
h3sp4wnopenbsd is slow08:39
teknoprepyeah ok h3sp4wn08:39
xNinjafreebsd is rocks for server08:39
uniqkwukki: yes, use 'sudo dexconf'08:39
h3sp4wnxNinja: Yes08:39
xNinjai'll try to make it my desktop also08:39
teknoprepopenbsd is the answer08:39
Kwukkii'll try it08:39
teknoprepfor free08:39
teknoprepor opensolaris08:39
teknopreplinux is a joke for servers08:40
uniqdebian for servers rocks.08:40
xNinjai didn`t check solaris packages yet08:40
teknoprepits for the unix noob08:40
SeanTaterhow is it a joke?08:40
teknoprepits not nearly as stable as solaris or bsd08:40
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teknoprepmainframe and mini-mainframe are in-fucking-sane compaired to them all for transaction based procedures08:40
xNinjayes right but easy to use and free08:40
xNinjaand alot of things to install08:40
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teknoprepbsd is free08:40
h3sp4wnteknoprep: The entire freebsd 5 line was unstable08:41
teknoprepyeah i don't use freebsd08:41
teknoprepi use openbsd08:41
teknoprepnor does any company i work for use freebsd08:41
uniqteknoprep: please, #kubuntu-offtopic, this is a help channel. And making that kind of statement in a channel like this is not wise. and just time consuming noise.08:41
teknoprepopenbsd and solaris08:41
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xNinjai like freebsd   but didn`t check whats the difference between openbsd/netbsd/freebsd ?08:41
teknoprepuniq you obviously didn't read what i said08:41
SeanTaterhow are there more stable08:41
teknoprepkubuntu owns as a desktop os08:41
teknoprepservers are different08:41
SeanTaterLinux already stays on for unimaginable abounts of time08:41
h3sp4wnI have had freebsd machines with 3 years uptime never seen that on linux08:42
xNinjawhat about solaris uptimes ?08:42
teknoprepsolaris is insane08:42
teknoprepa properly configured solaris box will not crash08:42
SeanTaterthree years -- how does 1 minute every year effect the actual usefulness of the OS?08:43
uniqteknoprep: You obvioously didn't read what I wrote. This is a help channel for kubuntu, please go to #kubuntu-offtopic with this discussion about what distro/os is the best for servers. The general kubuntu user doesn't need help choosing his server OS. Please.08:43
xNinjainfact i am into sun cert`s08:43
=== escay has running a debian as a webserver on the LAN with no downtime at all
teknoprepyeah i skipped my sun certs.. went for RHCE and RHCT since i have my GSEC 1-408:43
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xNinjai have debian sarge as my main server  web/mail/ftp/...blah blah08:44
xNinjaits kewl08:44
teknoprepuniq: you didn't read what i said first tho08:44
teknoprepso i win08:44
xNinjai finished rhce and now going for sun08:44
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flakehow can i make a script shell-executable from the kde gui instead of the terminal08:44
xNinjaafter that maybe i'll go hard for bash scripting/ceh08:44
teknoprepi have to pay 7k every other year to keep my certs up to date.. i am not getting anymore08:44
SeanTaterflake: maming it executable to the making of the script08:45
flakeas .exe?08:45
uniqflake: make it executeable, and make a shortcut button for it.08:45
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teknoprepchmod +x filename08:45
SeanTaterteknoprep: GUI08:45
flakeok thanks08:45
SeanTaterteknoprep: not terminal08:45
teknoprepright click it and goto properties08:45
teknoprepthen make it exectuatble08:45
xNinjajust go to the taskbar or the application menu and add new application there and enter the name of it08:45
xNinjathen put and icon08:46
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esbenIs it possible to revert the propritary nvidia driver to an older version? Or never one, even08:47
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teknoprepyou want to use the nv driver?08:47
teknoprepthe default one?08:47
xNinjai am thinking about going to knoppix as my desktop ...any one can tellme why not ?08:48
teknoprepsudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:48
teknoprepknoppix < kubuntu08:48
teknoprepwhen in the xorg.conf08:48
ricardohi everybody08:48
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ricardolooking for cool wallpaper to tune up my brand new linux box.....08:48
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uniqricardo: http://kde-look.org08:49
teknoprepchange the driver under the Section "Device"08:49
ricardoanybody out there knowing links?08:49
teknoprepchange the driver from "nvidia" to "nv"08:49
xNinjateknoprep, :D08:49
Kwukkiuniq : ok, i have a working screen now and one with "No signal"08:49
ricardothanx uniq..was looking for some exotic pages though...08:49
teknoprepxNinja: ?08:50
xNinjajust liked that knoppix < kubuntu08:50
Kwukkiuniq : Did you know what i've to do now?08:50
uniqkwukki: you'll have to setup dual-head somehow. I have very little experience with that. Sorry.08:50
teknoprepyeah it sucks08:50
teknoprepwow there are alot of nubs in here?08:50
teknopreplike non technical jargon speaking ppl08:50
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uniqricardo: something like deviantart.com ?08:51
KwukkiHow can i "enable" my second screen?08:51
v3ctor"nub" is technical jargon?08:51
esbenteknoprep: No. I want to use e.g. the 72xx driver08:51
__osh___Is there some way to copy a file to make konqueror ask for password when copying a file? I want to copy a file to a write-protected dir. Konqueror won't let me. Is there a way or is it back to cli again?08:51
Kwukkiit shows "no signal" now08:51
teknoprepesben then install it08:51
xNinjateknoprep,  knoppix sucks ?08:51
h3sp4wnkwukki: install nvidia-xconfig08:51
teknoprepthen run nvidia-xconfig08:51
teknoprepxNinja: yes08:51
esbenThank you :)08:51
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Kwukkiit's not an nvidia card08:52
h3sp4wnWell use aticonfig08:52
h3sp4wn(if it is ati)08:52
ricardouniq: cool..i'll check that out...thx!08:52
teknoprepKwukki: what kind of card do you have?08:52
Kwukkidon't know08:52
Kwukkisomething very old08:52
teknoprepwhy does everyone say ty to uniq08:53
uniq__osh___: i would recommend running a filemanager in root-mode. alt+f2 'kdesu konqueror'08:53
teknoprepi don't see him saying anything08:53
xNinjais this book good OReilly.Ubuntu.Hacks.Tips.and.Tools.for.Exploring.Using.and.Tuning.Linux.Jun.2006   ?08:53
KwukkiI have a working radeon 7000 and something very old08:53
xNinjateknoprep, why sucks ?08:53
trappistteknoprep: check your /ignore list08:53
Kwukkihow can i install that?08:53
uniqteknoprep: that's because I say most things on one line. And not 20.08:53
teknoprepi don't have him on ignore08:53
h3sp4wnxNinja: I hate hacks type books08:53
esbenteknoprep: Is that one capabel of installing old drivers? The describing just says it's for updating config file08:53
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teknoprepxNinja: www.google.com08:53
esbenteknoprep: I need the correct versioned module08:53
teknoprepxNinja: your best resource ever08:54
teknoprepesben: ?08:54
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__osh___uniq: Well, yes, but that's an ugly hack isn't it?08:54
xNinjayeah i know but i'll just give it a look08:54
xNinjabut tellme teknoprep why knoppix sucks ?08:54
h3sp4wnxNinja: I prefer theoretical ones - and if I am installing anything complicated I start with the standard config and use the documentation from the programs site itself08:54
teknoprepesben: why not just.. sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx ?08:54
esbenteknoprep: I *have* the nvidia driver installed. No problem there. But I have a program that crashes (taking the box with it) so I wanted to try an older driver. Is this possilbe under Kubuntu?08:54
xNinjayeah h3sp4wn its the best08:55
teknoprepesben: then just run nvidia-xconfig08:55
uniqesben: without having a clue on nvidia since I have ati cards only.. If you're thinkging about the nvidia driver that comes with linux-restricted-modules, you would have to downgrade the kernel and linux-restricted-modules to match the old version of the driver you want. Unless you install and compile the nvidia module yourself.08:55
__osh___Kwukki: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2012808:55
esbenSounds like I have to do the later, then08:55
Kwukki<__osh___> : thx08:55
__osh___Kwukki: All you need to know about dual-head. Looks right if I remember my dual-head setup.08:55
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Kwukkiit is with 2 vodeo cards08:56
h3sp4wnxNinja: I think so if edgy doesn't do anything edgy or interesting I will probably switch to it fulltime08:56
uniq__osh___: well, not for administration stuff. But I would advise you to never use a root filemanager by default.08:56
__osh___Kwukki: Have a look at the config file in #8.08:56
__osh___uniq: But you'll have to agree that having konqueror pop up a little window asking for the right permissions would be nicer.08:57
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xNinjai really thinks to switch to knoppix...but i want to know why teknoprep said knoppix is sucks....if a good reason then maybe i wont switch to it08:58
h3sp4wn__osh___: krusader is a better filemanager than konqueror (if you need qui)08:58
uniq__osh___: sure, I just don't think that is possible without alot of hacking.08:58
Kwukki__osh___ : in 1 word : HELP08:58
=== aseigo plays "spot the subjective statement" with h3sp4wn ;)
__osh___h3sp4wn: I don't need a gui. I'm just pointing out small annoyances. Perhaps I should go to launchpad.net and point them out there instead... ;-)08:58
uniq__osh___: for konqueror that is. as h3sp4wn says krusader is very very good.08:59
Gioacchinohow to add another user ????????08:59
__osh___uniq: Right. Thanks for your help though.08:59
aseigo__osh___: yeah, having user switching on demand would be nice indeed ... something that's been discussed but nobody's written the code yet...09:00
__osh___Gioacchino: useradd my_new_user09:00
esbenok, new problem: Adept and friends claims there is a lock file on the repository (there is no open adept/apt-get/?) open. What is the name of the stale lock file?09:00
uniqgioacchino: kmenu -> system settings -> users & groups09:00
xNinjai am getting a bad performance in my ubuntu...maybe because i didnt make swap partition ?09:00
Gioacchinothnks all09:01
[GuS] lol09:01
[GuS] xNinja,09:01
[GuS] you didnt? :S09:01
h3sp4wnesben: run apt-get dist-upgrade and it will tell you09:01
uniqxninja: maybe. swap space is useful even if you have loads of ram. You could make a swap file. 'man mkswap' for more info.09:01
__osh___aseigo: Too bad my C++ is very poor. I couldn't program myself out of a wet paper bag in C++. :-(09:01
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uniq!adept crash fix > esben09:01
[GuS] indeed swap is necesary... even when you have 1gb ram.....09:01
aseigo__osh___: do you program in other languages?09:01
xNinjalol yep i didn`t because the other space is for windows and another partition as store09:02
esbenSo it seems. What a poor error message :)09:02
xNinjabut my laptop is good one so i though maybe it wont be a problem to not making swap09:02
__osh___aseigo: I know my way around perl/python/bash, being a sysadmin for 10 or so years.09:02
xNinjai have 2gb ram :D09:02
xNinjabut i think still i need it or thereis something else09:02
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esbenxNinja: Try cat /proc/cpu and check the frequency :)09:02
uniqdoesn't matter. swap is good for performance :)09:02
esbenMaybe the governer is not upscaling09:03
v3ctor /proc/cpuinfo09:03
xNinjamodel name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.86GHz09:03
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Kwukki__osh___ : in 1 word : HELP09:03
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xNinjaits centrino 1.8 and 2gb ram laptop09:04
uniqxninja: look at the clock: line.09:04
__osh___Kwukki: Help with what?09:04
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thompamy stuff works so im not screing around anymore09:04
aseigo__osh___: python is OO as well ... if you'd used those features getting into c++ isn't tooooo big of a jump ... and it's fun to boot =)09:04
Kwukkithe second videocard09:04
xNinjacpu MHz         : 798.02909:04
xNinjacache size      : 2048 KB09:04
esbenxNinja: There is your problem, then09:04
icheyneafter I installed the latest fglrx drivers, my login screen is shrunk with lots of dead black room around the edges. To I need to reconfigure xorg?09:04
esbenxNinja: Mine says cpu MHz         : 2202.91609:04
aseigo__osh___: would be nice to have more sysadmins contributing as well so that perspective is more directly handled09:04
thompasorry, mean for other moron09:04
Kwukki__osh__ : the second videocard09:05
h3sp4wnxNinja: It should run slower unless you are compiling or doing something that needs more power09:05
__osh___Kwukki: the config file in comment #8 should show you everything you need. If you have a working xorg.conf file now.09:05
esbenxNinja: Are you running KDE by any chance? (They have a nice applet for this)09:05
xNinjai am not09:05
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xNinjai am thinking to go knoppix or kubuntu09:05
__osh___aseigo: Will talk later. Have to leave for a bit.09:05
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=== __osh___ is off for some tea.
h3sp4wnxNinja: knoppix is a live cd why would you go for that ?09:06
xNinjathe problem i found with ubuntu that it doesnt has gcc by default i have to install it my self09:06
esbenxNinja: Try running something that takes some power (a compile, encoding, anything) and check the line09:06
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uniqxninja: installing it is very easy. just install the 'build-essential' package with syntaptic/adept. And kubuntu doesn't install gcc by default either.09:06
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xNinjawhen i saw the kubuntu dvd i though it has the nessesary packages like gcc or other library things09:07
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uniqxninja: it's on the CD and on the DVD, it's just not installed by default.09:08
hugelmopfany kopete experts in here?09:08
coachJi use it09:08
h3sp4wnuniq: Is it on the desktop cd ? or only the alternate ?09:08
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uniqhugelmopf: i'm not, but you can try to ask your question anyway, and we'll do our best to answer you. :)09:09
xNinjanow i am just running xchat and console but still same cpu usage       but i am connecting through a wifi pcmcia card if thats the problem09:09
uniqh3sp4wn: i heard it was on both, not 100% sure.09:09
uniqI can check the desktop cd, as i have it right here..09:09
hugelmopfwell, i was wondering if anybody could provide a package for kopete 0.12? they had debian/ubuntu packages for beta1, but not for the final release :(09:09
h3sp4wnuniq: It would be a bit pointless to have it on the desktop cd but not enabled09:10
hugelmopfthere is one at kde-apps.org, but that is a bit too unofficial in my opinion, and it doesn't have a source package.09:10
Kwukkii have one09:10
Kwukkifor 0.12.09:10
uniqi ahve 0.12 too.09:10
xNinjai didn`t make swap because i have a little partition but i think i'll make it bigger and install it again09:10
uniqhugelmopf: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kopete/09:10
xNinjacan i make a swap file in a fat partition ?09:11
hugelmopfuniq: thanks a lot, that's exactly what i was looking for!09:11
uniqhugelmopf: still not official, you can say it's semi-official,  even though it's made by the kubuntu boss :)09:11
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hugelmopfuniq: yes, i know. good enough for me ;)09:12
uniqxninja: you can place it wherever you want. as far as i know.09:12
xNinjateknoprep, where are you...you was talking and now stopped :P09:12
xNinjaok then i'll try it09:12
hugelmopfuniq: how did you find it? i searched a long time...09:12
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uniqhugelmopf: magic.. no, i searched my irclogs for http:// and kopete. it's been mentioned before, you know :)09:13
hugelmopfuniq: ok, thanks again.09:13
uniqhugelmopf: you're welcome :)09:13
Kwukkican someone tell me how i can enable a second videocard09:13
hugelmopfRiddell: you might want to add this patch: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=130630 to your kopete 0.12 packages, as ICQ users can't connect without it anymore.09:14
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linuxmonkeyhugelmopf: i got 0.12 and i can still connect to icq09:15
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Kwukki can someone tell me how i can enable a second videocard?09:17
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hugelmopflinuxmonkey: that's strange. even the topic on #kopete seems to suggest, that you can't connect to ICQ anymore with 0.12.09:17
Sasukeim back09:17
Sasukeis it possible to install programs off the internet?09:17
Kwukki can someone tell me how i can enable a second videocard09:18
osirisSasuke, yes09:18
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osirisSasuke, what program do you wnat to install09:18
SasukeI tried installing sysreset09:18
Sasukebut says it couldn't locate it :(09:19
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osirisdid you try making a new sources.list file yet?09:19
HawkwindSasuke: Have you setup universe and multiverse ?09:19
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource09:19
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Sasukeosiris,no,this is my first time using linux =/09:20
osirisSasuke, follow those links Hawkwind just posted.  that should help you get a better idea of what you're asking09:20
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic09:20
esbenHmm.. I have now encountered this one too many time, I got to ask:  When dpkg as you a question while running under adept, how do I actually answer the questions? I can't seem to get focus on the embedded console09:21
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esbenE.g, vm-player wanted me to ok a license09:21
uniqsasuke: you can try the package manager called Adept, you can find it in kmenu -> system -> adept (kmenu is the menu button in the lower left corner.) From within adept you can install applications from the internet.09:22
whizz-what do i need to use a webcam on linux?09:22
whizz-trust 320 spacecam09:22
hugelmopfwhizz-: have you plugged it in and tried if it works out of the box?09:22
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LjLesben: i don't use adept, but that sounds like a bug to me.09:23
whizz-yeah, doesn't work, but i plugged it with the computer on09:23
whizz-what program do i have to use09:23
esbenLjL: me, too. Just wondered if I was missing something obvious09:23
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hugelmopfwhizz-: in which program did it not work?09:23
hugelmopfesben: i think this is a known bug in adept.09:24
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esbenhugelmopf: ok, I want to subscribe to it, then09:24
uniqesben: it's a known bug, adept doesn't support answering questions yet. You just have to close adept and finish the configuration from konsole with either 'sudo apt-get -f install', 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'09:24
whizz-hugelmoph: i'll rephrase my first question: what program should i use to see imagery from a webcam in the first place09:24
esbenuniq: ok :)09:24
esbenuniq: and thanks :)09:25
uniqesben: you're welcome.09:25
hugelmopfwhizz-: well, you can try if you can enable it in kopete's settings, for example. or install a simple viewer application like xawtv and try it there.09:25
hugelmopfwhizz-: you don't know yet, what you want to use the webcam for?09:25
uniqhave to go play with my daughter.. later all.09:25
hugelmopfwhizz-: then it's probably a good idea to try it in kopete. i assume you are running kubuntu dapper?09:26
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whizz-kopete has a blue screen in configure > devices09:27
hugelmopfwhizz-: and there are no devices available in the bottom?09:27
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whizz-no; could a reboot help09:27
hugelmopfwhizz-: it's a usb webcam, right? a reboot would not help.09:28
whizz-yes, usb09:28
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hugelmopfwhizz-: can you check the output of "lsmod" on the command line for a module called "ov511"?09:28
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hugelmopfwhizz-: or any other ov51x09:29
whizz-hugelmopf: no ov51x09:29
esbenWonderful, the bug is non-trivial an awaiting the "thaw".. which just about has to mean KDE 4.0. This is going to be some ice-age. I will write in a suggestion of a hackish workaround09:30
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hugelmopfwhizz-: be prepared that your computer might freeze, so save all your documents before trying the following: "sudo modprobe ov511"09:30
cristianohello again09:30
cristianoguys why suddenly realplayer doesn't work good with streaming?09:31
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cristianoi was watching NASA TV with the realplayer stand alone (not the plugin in firefox) and suddenly it didn't display the stream09:31
whizz-that went wrong09:32
cristianoi have to open the stream with kaffeine and it is not so good09:32
whizz-hugelmopf: say again09:32
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h3sp4wncristiano: network connection problems I expect09:32
hugelmopfwhizz-: what happened? did you modprobe already?09:32
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whizz-no, i accidenlty shut down konversation before i had read what i had to type09:33
cristianoh3sp4wn: can u try to watch the stream from NASA TV with realplayer stand alone?09:33
cristianoh3sp4wn: that's the link http://www.nasa.gov/ram/35037main_portal.ram09:33
hugelmopfwhizz-: lol... ok, so open a konsole and type this after saving all your documents you have open: "sudo modprobe ov511"09:33
h3sp4wncristiano: No chance I am installing realplayer on my system09:33
cristianolol ^^09:33
cristianowhat do u use to see real player streams?09:34
whizz-hugelmopf: nothing happened09:34
hugelmopfwhizz-: that's good :). can you check if /dev/video exists now? or maybe /dev/video0 etc.09:34
h3sp4wnNot particularly bothered about them but I think with w32codecs I can play them in kaffeine or amarok09:34
cristianoin fact i'm playing in kaffein but audio is quite broken while video is very good09:35
whizz-hugelmopf: there is no /dev/video09:35
hugelmopfwhizz-: just by doing "ls /dev/video" on the command line09:35
hugelmopfwhizz-: ah, ok. that would have been too easy :(09:35
cristianou can play video even in amarok?09:35
h3sp4wnI don't watch video (hardly ever anyway)09:36
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DaSkreechcristiano: Nope09:37
cristianoah ok ^^09:37
hugelmopfwhizz-: you could also try "sudo modprobe ov511_decomp" and "sudo modprobe ov518_decomp", although i don't exactly know what they are.09:37
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gatekeeperevening all09:40
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Sasukeok,i installed adept09:42
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Sasukebut it wont work,it gives me an error09:42
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lopzidedis it possible to edit the bottom part of the kde menu?  as in, the Actions part that includes Run Command, Switch User, etc... ???09:42
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SasukeDetails: Failed to execute child process "kdesu" (No such file or directory)09:42
Sasukethat is the error i got09:42
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_absolution_how do I set up a printer?09:43
phatechencan kubuntu`s ircclient konversation usw ASCII signs? dont understand got a german keyboard and i told kubuntu that it is german but some signs do not word (not normal and not by ASCII code)     sign ascii 060 and 06209:44
mossmanWhat type of printer do you want to set up09:44
gatekeeper_absolution_: I have already answered that question for you what is the exact problem you are having?09:44
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phatechen can kubuntu`s ircclient konversation usw ASCII signs? dont understand got a german keyboard and i told kubuntu that it is german but some signs do not word (not normal and not by ASCII code)     sign ascii 060 and 06209:46
phatechen[21:44]  <mossman> What type of printer do you want to set up09:46
phatechencan someone answer my question or not?09:46
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h3sp4wnLooks like not09:46
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:47
h3sp4wnSomeone in there may know though09:47
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Sasukecan someone help me with adept?09:47
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serenitySasuke:  what is ur prob?09:47
lopzidedis it possible to edit the bottom part of the kde menu?  as in, the Actions part that includes Run Command, Switch User, etc... ???09:48
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SasukeDetails: Failed to execute child process "kdesu" (No such file or directory)09:48
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Firebird8kde just changed my resolution automacticaly09:48
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mossmanabsolution: What type of printer?  USB, Network?09:50
serenitySasuke: type "kdesu konqueror" in shell09:50
serenitySasuke: what happens?09:51
Sasukehow do i open shell?09:51
mossmanok.  what model of printer  HP,,Lexmark09:51
_absolution_it's a DELL09:51
serenitykde-menu, system, konsole09:51
Sasukebash: kdesu: command not found09:52
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mossmana dell.  ummm.  I wonder if it is really a dell, or something else with dell's name on it.  Ok.  Lets try automatic detection.  Go to System Settings in the k-menu09:53
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paulvolkWhat is a good program for recording Line-In to MP3 files?09:53
serenitypaulvolk: try audacity09:53
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Sasukeserenity it says this:09:54
mossmanthere should be an icon for printers09:54
Sasukebash: kdesu: command not found09:54
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mossmanclick it :)09:54
serenitySasuke: wait a moment09:54
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_absolution_I don't see it09:55
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mossmanabsolution:  Are you using kubuntu?  or a different distro?09:56
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Sasukeserenity,im using unbuntu tho =/09:57
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mossmanok,  do you have kde installed,  or are you using gnome?09:58
Sasukemossman who are you talking to me or absolution?09:58
serenitySasuke: ubuntu, or kubuntu?09:59
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_absolution_i'm using KDE as a desktop10:00
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mossmanok.  Under kde.  There should be a kcontrol button.  Somewhere under the settings option.  I cant remember where exactly.  But one of the options is printers10:00
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serenitysakuke: type "gksudo nautilus"10:00
mossmanYou can launch it from a konsole with the command kcontrol10:00
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h3sp4wnsakuke: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop (if you don't already have it and you will get kdesu)10:01
marcusIs there a way to remove applications and leave the depends in place without removing the depends one by one?10:01
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serenityh3sp4wn: he is using ubuntu10:01
mossmanAbsolution.  Why not join me on the channell print for a bit.10:01
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h3sp4wnserenity: Well he should be in #ubuntu then10:02
serenityh3sp4wn: he is new...forgive him ;)10:02
Sasukeit says this10:03
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mossmanabsolution.  just type forwardslash #print and join me on that channel. Will be much less busy.10:03
Sasuke(nautilus:6072): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:10:03
SasukeAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.10:03
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serenitysasuke: try #ubuntu instead of #kubuntu10:04
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Firebird8is there a terminal command to change the resolution?10:05
uniqh3sp4wn: build-essential is on the livecd too.10:05
h3sp4wnuniq: But not installed ?10:06
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uniqh3sp4wn: correct.10:06
Firebird8blah why am i asking here....10:06
h3sp4wnuniq: Inside the squashfs or just as deb's ?10:06
uniqh3sp4wn: as a deb, atleast, didn't check the squashfs.10:06
djramahave anyone used irda in ubuntu for getting files from a mobile phone?10:06
h3sp4wnuniq: The installer just copies the squashfs to the disk right ? you even get better compression with squashfs than ar I wonder why they didn't just include it in both10:07
h3sp4wnuniq: Not both I mean just in the squash10:08
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uniqh3sp4wn: don't know, but i think it's because it should be optional.10:08
h3sp4wnuniq: They have plenty more stuff that less people may need10:08
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uniqh3sp4wn: sure, I don't know what's the idea behind the choice.10:09
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brandon_could somebody open a link in konq for me?10:10
RawSewagewhat link10:10
brandon_now, there should be content relating to a scanner in the middle column10:10
RawSewagethe middle part is higher10:11
whiluniq: According to an article I was reading choice is one of the strengths of Linux.10:11
RawSewagethere is10:11
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RawSewagedo you want a SS10:11
uniqwhil: true. but the defaults should be sensible :)10:11
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brandon_RawSewage: there is content below the scanners&printers graphic?10:12
whiluniq: I agree, but the ability to customize makes standardizing difficult at best.10:12
brandon_it's just white space?10:12
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RawSewagein the middle , yes10:12
brandon_well then there's nothing wrong with my system i suppose10:12
brandon_if you open the link in anopther browser, you'll see why10:13
h3sp4wnwhil: Standardisation is a bad thing makes everything look the same10:13
uniqwhil: it's optional to follow standards too, usually :)10:13
RawSewageI see10:13
RawSewagebrandon_, tell the Konq people10:14
RawSewagefile a bug10:14
brandon_i suppose i should file it as a kde bug or something10:14
whiluniq and h3sp4win: I like the customization of Linux, but I am just saying that defaults are difficult to determine in a non standardized enviroment. (Did I say that right?)10:14
h3sp4wnHow do you know the site is just not using standards complient html10:14
RawSewageit doesnt matter10:14
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RawSewageif other browsers show it, Konq should10:15
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h3sp4wnThat is not a bug if its using some bug in ie standards10:15
RawSewageyes, it's probably bad coding10:15
uniqwhil: i agree.10:15
osirisyes it does.  why condone/work around bad code.  if they didnt follow standards, its their fault10:15
h3sp4wnKonq should follow w3c standards10:15
RawSewageon the HTML part, that is10:15
RawSewagebad HTML.  but still...10:15
mossmanThe only site I use that complains about konq is gmail for some strange reason10:16
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RawSewageYou can use GMail.  Just change the broser ID10:16
RawSewageGMail works fine10:16
osirisi dont personally see the point of using konq as a web-browser, but thats me10:16
RawSewageI'll help you fix it if you ever need to10:16
RawSewageum... because its a great browser?10:16
whiluniq: So by that logic sensible defaults should go to distro's like Xandros, Linspire and etc that do in fact use a standardized type of enviroment.10:16
osirisits NOT a great browser.  its a great file manager, that is a decent web browser10:17
Kwukkii thought http://mail.google.com/?nocheckbrowser10:17
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RawSewageyou change the browser ID10:18
RawSewageit's very simple10:18
RawSewageyou trick GMail10:18
RawSewageI think the Dapper CD comes with GMail already set to be tricked10:19
RawSewageso you probably upgraded10:19
RawSewageinstead of fresh Dapper install10:19
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sotiredhow do i disable the little bouncy icon next to my cursor when i open an app?10:22
Kwukkiandd how can I switch my network interface?10:22
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hugelmopfsotired: it's in system settings - taskbar (i believe that's the english word for "kontrollleiste" (german)10:23
abattoirsotired: kcontrol->Appearance...->Launch Feedback10:24
mossmanHi all.  New to debian (kubuntu)  How would one convert a .rpm to deb?  And what is the succes rate of doing so?10:25
abattoir!info alien10:25
ubotualien: install non-native packages with dpkg. In repository main, is optional. Version 8.64 (dapper), package size 101 kB, installed size 276 kB10:25
mossmanalien.. Thanks10:25
hugelmopfmossman: which package is it, are you sure you won't find a deb for it?10:26
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).10:26
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mossmanNot sure.  Apparently absolutions dell printer is a rebranded lexmark z600 Lexmark provides driver is rpm.10:26
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).10:26
mossmanDarn I miss source10:26
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Kwukki_Can i change my network interface?10:27
hugelmopfmossman: what do you mean?10:27
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RawSewageI thought I did that once10:27
Kwukki_is there a tray program to switch my network interface?10:28
hugelmopfKwukki_: the easiest way i found is editing /etc/network/interfaces (have a look at "man interfaces"), i don't know if there is a GUI10:28
uniqkwukki_: what you do mean? change/switch? use another one?10:28
Kwukki_i really need a gui10:28
Kwukki_that's more aesy10:28
Kwukki_i can use the internet of the whole street....10:28
mossmanI am aware deb based uses deb.  and redhat created rpm.  The dell printer is in fact a lexmark.  Just sold under the dell name.  I have never bothered with rpm's much before,  And I am new to kubuntu.  I was a slackman since 97...  Just asking about the alien funtion10:28
hugelmopfKwukki_: have you checked "system settings"?10:28
Kwukki_8 connectino savaible!10:28
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hugelmopfKwukki_: ah, you are looking for a wireless switcher?10:29
Kwukki_i mena a normal switcher10:29
Kwukki_knetworkmanager is not good10:30
hugelmopfKwukki_: have a look at knetworkmanager10:30
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Kwukki_maybe a superkaamba theme?10:30
hugelmopfKwukki_: then i don't understand what you want.10:30
Kwukki_srry, i cant' explain it good in English10:30
Kwukki_is it posible to use 2 viedeocards?10:32
Kwukki_( i want to impress my friends ;-))10:32
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hugelmopfKwukki_: you mean choose which videocard to use? or do you mean one card with to outlets?10:33
mossmanSorry for the confusion.  Is there a .deb repository such as rpmfind.net?10:33
Kwukki_soory, it is something else then the networkcards ;-)10:33
Kwukki_i've 2 videocards --< 2 monitors10:34
Kwukki_only 1 is working10:34
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hugelmopfKwukki_: ok. i am not aware of a GUI that will let you enable this.10:34
LjLmossman: .deb packages that are not made for Ubuntu don't necessarily work in Ubuntu. you might as well install an RPM.10:34
h3sp4wnmossman: I would avoid trying to use something like that because alot of the deb's will be for debian - or may have not been built properly10:34
Kwukki_hugelmopf : no, 2 screens with 2 tty's or something10:35
Kwukki_2 screens at once10:35
mossmanOk.  Good advice   .. Thanks Ljl, h3sp4wn10:35
hugelmopfLjL, mossman: if source packages are offered together with the debs (as requested by GPL), it's easy to recompile the package for ubuntu, even if it was made for debian.10:35
hugelmopfKwukki_: yes, i understand, but as i said, i am not aware of a gui that can do that. have you tried "system settings" - "display"?10:36
mossmantrue.  No source avaible I am afraid.  Dam you Lexmark!  Dam you10:36
Kwukki_yes, there is only 1 screen visible10:36
Kwukki_the second viseocard is not installed yet10:37
Kwukki_don't know how ;'(10:37
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hugelmopfKwukki_: have you googled yet?10:38
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DaSkreechWhat would be a good LiveCD to use to scan a hard drive?10:38
hugelmopfKwukki_: there is a howto for that, but there is no GUI. you will have to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf manually.10:40
KillerGeekI've been tinkering with various distros looking for a decent one for a n00b, so I've tried UBUNTU and KUBUNTU of the current and two prior versions. I've got a problem, other distros will play my mp3 files off my Windows server but KUBUNTU and UBUNTU won't. Why?10:40
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KillerGeekIf I copy them to the local PC hard drive, they play fine.10:41
KillerGeekThey refuse to play from the network share.10:41
KillerGeekI've tried different players also.10:41
whilkillergeek: Have you tried Vlc?10:42
KillerGeekI booted with a Kororra LiveCD and it plays the mp3s fine across the network using XMMS.10:42
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Tommy2k4how do i check outhow much free space i got on my partitions10:42
hugelmopfTommy2k4: on the commandline use "df"10:42
RawSewageK/Ubuntu wont play mp3 out of the box10:42
KillerGeekSure it does.10:42
RawSewagebecause it's not propietary10:42
KillerGeekI copy the mp3s to the local hard drive and they play fine.10:42
KillerGeekThe only place they on't play is off the network share.10:43
KillerGeekI can listen to streaming audio and play them from the local drive.10:43
hugelmopfKillerGeek: which application are you trying to open them with?10:43
RawSewageok, I guess I dont know what youre doing then10:43
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KillerGeekI have a Windows 2000 server with a 372GB RAID 5 array that I have ripped all of my CDs to.10:43
larson9999holy smokes! finally got gnucash 2.0 installed10:43
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KillerGeekI want to simply connect to the share and play the mp3s.10:44
mossmanSorry to interupt, just so I have this right.  would it be alien -i file.rpm10:44
KillerGeekThey don't play from the share.10:44
RawSewageI started installing GNUCash, then I remembered I didnt have any money, so I aborted10:44
KillerGeekBut if I copy them to the local hard drive, they play fine.10:44
hugelmopfKillerGeek: yes, i understand. but what do you mean by "they don't play from the share", i.e. what are you doing, what is the result, and what is the expected result?10:44
KillerGeekThe filename shows up in the player and it doesn't play.10:45
KillerGeekThat's the only result.10:45
hugelmopfmossman: no, alien is not for installing, but for converting rpm's to deb's10:45
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KillerGeekThe expected result is for music to come out of my speakers.10:45
hugelmopfKillerGeek: which player?10:45
RawSewagethats because you dont have libxine-extracodecs installed10:45
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hugelmopfRawSewage: he says that the file plays fine, so what are you after?10:45
mossmanok.  may I trouble you for the proper command to convert the archive10:45
KillerGeekWell, whatever KUBUNTU Dapper had as default first.10:46
RawSewagemp3 doesnt play out of the box in K/Ubuntu10:46
KillerGeekThen I installed xmms and it too will play from the local drive but not from the network share.10:46
hugelmopfRawSewage: but if the file plays from his local drive, it's obviously not about codecs, right?10:46
KillerGeekYou're not listening.10:46
insanekaneKillerGeek: noone does :/10:46
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KillerGeekIf I copy the files to the local PC hard drive, they play fine.10:46
KillerGeekIf I simply select them to play from the network share, the filename shows up on the player and it doesn't play.10:47
KillerGeekI can also listen to streaming audio.10:47
hugelmopfKillerGeek: you don't remember, which player that was?10:47
KillerGeekAnd whatever v6 comes with.10:47
hugelmopfKillerGeek: ah, ok, then i understand10:47
KillerGeekWhatever the KDE default is.10:47
KillerGeekI first tried witht he players installed by default then I installed xmms.10:48
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KillerGeekYou know, sudo apt-get install xmms...10:48
h3sp4wnxmms is old and buggy10:48
KillerGeekI like xmms.10:48
osirisworks fine here10:48
hugelmopfKillerGeek: hmmm, the KDE default players should be able to cope with "smb:/" files, while xmms won't10:48
h3sp4wnThere is a gtk2 version of xmms10:48
=== goemon4 [n=goemon4@c-65-34-141-69.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
RawSewageXMMS probably uses gstream10:48
RawSewagewhile thedefault uses XINE10:48
h3sp4wn(can't rember its name)10:48
KillerGeekOdd, because from Korroa LiveCD, xmms plays fine from smb:/10:49
RawSewageamarok is the default in Kubuntu10:49
h3sp4wnKillerGeek: Why just not install Korrora ?10:49
KillerGeekThat's it, amarok, it crashed actually.10:49
KillerGeekBecause I'm a n00b.10:49
hugelmopfKillerGeek: are you sure that you are talking about the "smb:/" KIO-slave that you reach when typing "smb:/" in konqueror? or how do you access the windows share?10:49
RawSewageyou need to install libxine-extracodecs10:49
ChunLaptophey anyone here ever have a phone interview for a sys admin job?10:49
KillerGeekI browse to the share.10:49
KillerGeekI'm a Windows person.10:49
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goemon4Hey all, i need some help with the KDE Menu Editor, cause it keeps freezing when ever i try to save it... how can i fix it?10:50
KillerGeekYou know, GUI, click, connect to other places, smb shares, my domain, the share, give it my U/P, and there's my files.10:50
=== Raven301 [n=raven301@Kitchener-HSE-ppp3575245.sympatico.ca] has joined #Kubuntu
h3sp4wnChunLaptop: Yes and they payed for me to travel to them (first class) for the next one10:50
hugelmopfKillerGeek: i understand. let me try the same, just a second.10:51
RawSewageamarok is good, btw10:51
KillerGeekI didn't have this issue with Suse 9, RH9, Shal 9, or Mandrake 9...10:51
ChunLaptoph3sp4wn, awesome, i just had a call from google for linux admin, i gotta call em back but I'm trying to brush up on everything before i call =p10:51
KillerGeekEr, Slack 9.10:51
KillerGeekIt's been a while since I've played and I wanted to know what the dealio with UBUNTU was.10:52
KillerGeekSeems it all overrated.10:52
KillerGeekI'll find another distro.10:52
KillerGeekThanks for nothing.10:52
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=== FisherP [n=david@cor11-ppp4448.hay.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
hugelmopfnice attitude.10:52
ChunLaptopwhat kinda things do they usu ask? ><10:52
whilHe has a healthy perspective10:52
hugelmopfhe is right though, as amarok crashes when opening a file from smb:/ shares, as i just experienced :(10:53
hugelmopfsame for kaffeine10:53
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goemon4Hey all, i need some help with the KDE Menu Editor, cause it keeps freezing when ever i try to save it... how can i fix it? (sry im in a hurry, could someone please offer some suggestion that might help??)10:53
RawSewageI'll try10:53
whilCould there be a file missing somewhere>10:53
ubotuI know nothing about xlibs10:53
Murfy^_what a shame :p10:54
h3sp4wnChunLaptop: Loads of stuff but they were more interesting what I thought I could do than what I actuallu could at that time10:54
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RawSewageYes, it crashes amarok 1.4110:55
RawSewageI mean 1.4.010:55
=== ninHer [n=boneninh@114.Red-88-5-77.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
whilI still wonder if there is a file missing10:55
ninHerhola a tod@s10:56
hugelmopfRawSewage: i also tried 1.4.1, crashes10:56
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hugelmopfi'm checking bugs.kde.org for existing bug reports10:56
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abattoirapart from adept, what other package management tool can I use in kubuntu (GUI) ?10:56
ninHerkpackage, for instance10:56
abattoiri dont like the adept interface... :(10:57
ChunLaptopk3sp4n, thanks makes me feel a lil bit~ better10:57
Murfy^_adept is slow :(10:57
whilsynaptic rules10:57
pygiwhil, synaptic is gtk10:57
abattoirRawSewage, ninHer does synaptic/kpackage categorise the packages?10:57
dark_Quick question10:58
dark_How do I install a PERL program?10:58
pygiabattoir, synaptic does, but it's gtk10:58
abattoirlike aptitude? I'm installing those btw10:58
ninHeri think so, but i'm using adept10:58
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LjLeverybody has been advising against kpackage for ages. i don't know how deserved that advice is, but still, for the record.10:58
abattoirpygi: oh ok, so there is no qt version of synaptic?10:58
pygiabattoir, Ksynaptic10:58
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FisherPCan the konqueror apt slave install packages ??10:59
abattoirdark_: perl programs are scripts which should be executed10:59
LjLFisherP: not that i know10:59
LjLpygi: i think it's called kynaptic10:59
pygiLjL, right, right ^_^10:59
abattoiradept just keeps hanging and hogging my cpu :(10:59
dark_I have the VMWaretools in perl11:00
=== LjL just uses aptitude and he's happy
dark_It's install.pl11:00
dark_How do I install them?11:00
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whilnever liked adept myself11:00
LjLdark_: perl install.pl11:00
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FisherPabattoir What's the cpu, maybe CLI might be better 4 U  , I don't have an issue with adept, fast enough for me11:01
whilI havent been able to get vmware to install properly. :(11:01
abattoirFisherP: AMD Turion ML-3011:01
dark_Hey uh11:01
dark_I'm missing make11:01
dark_What was the apt-get11:01
dark_sudo apt-get install dev-tools?11:01
pygiabattoir, brbr11:01
FisherPabattoir, so are u on a laptop ?11:02
abattoirFisherP: yes11:02
LjLdark_: sudo aptitude install build-essential i think you mean11:03
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dark_Thanks Ljl11:03
=== RawSewage [n=RawSewag@71-34-243-50.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu
RawSewagethat was a nasty crash11:03
RawSewageI had to manually shut off my computer11:03
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RawSewagefrom that stupid audo smb// thing11:04
RawSewagecomputer wasnt executing my repeated  ctrl+alt+backspace11:04
RawSewageCPU was probably running at 8888888888811:05
whilI think it would be easier just to copy it and then play it11:05
RawSewageI dont need to do that.  I was just testing it for that person11:05
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RawSewagewho left rudely11:05
whilYes he did11:05
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-244-232.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu
FisherPabattoir, I run a AMD64 3000+ desktop. I dunno what everyone else thinks but try the other GUI packages they might be quicker on your machine, but I doubt it have you tried aptitude, it's a CML but it's aparenltly more user friendly, with menus etc. I haven't tried it so I don't know11:05
RawSewagewhat happens when a runaway app eats up all your CPU.  whats the best way to escape it?11:06
osirisi use linneighborhood to mount my smb shares, and have no trouble playing music from it11:06
abattoirFisherP: yes, i have tried it, and i like it, wish adept was like it :)11:06
RawSewageyou can use Synaptic, you know11:06
whilosiris: That's a good idea11:06
abattoirFisherP: it seems more organised, and less intimidating11:06
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abattoirRawSewage: i'm going to try that and Kynaptic11:07
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FisherPabattoir, why not, that's what linux is about..choice. Got to go. If anyone can help me with getting an mpeg slideshow I would appreciate it.11:08
abattoirthanks guys for your advice :)11:08
=== Raven301 [n=raven301@Kitchener-HSE-ppp3575245.sympatico.ca] has joined #Kubuntu
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=== DaSkreech goes into spasms at Kynaptic
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whil(Crickets chirping in background)11:12
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usp8riotTheHighChild: hey THC, you there?11:13
hugelmopfjust for information about the above: there are various bugs about "amarok + smb:/ files" on bugs.kde.org: 120120, 128753, 11423111:14
whilTy huge11:14
wilfredHanyone tell me how on earth I get kopete to talk to irc?11:14
whilwilfred: Did you select irc as the protocol?11:15
teknoprepis linux just getting really fast as a desktop os or what?11:15
wilfredHyup, just doesn't seem to do anything after I added irc to the accounts11:15
=== Timmmm [n=t@host86-132-10-40.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
teknoprepi remember when it was slow as shit11:15
teknoprepwell fast with features11:15
teknoprepblackbox has always been fast11:15
usp8rioti think windows seems faster than linux11:16
teknoprepnot anymore11:16
usp8riotmaybe i don't have good drivers or something11:16
teknoprepmy laptop is running extremely fast right now11:16
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teknoprepplus i have hardware mixing with this sound card11:16
teknoprepso i am mad happy11:16
teknoprepi used to hate dmix11:16
whilwilfred: Did you set the account properties correctly?11:16
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teknoprepeven with hardware shadows and transparencies11:17
teknoprepi find this is wayyyy faster then windows xp11:17
teknoprephey does anyone have a copy of cadega?11:17
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usp8riotdoes anyone know where the kernel source is stored on the drive when it's dl'ed with apt-get?11:17
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uniqteknoprep: we don't support warez here. to to transgaming.com and get instructions on how to get it :)11:18
uniqto to/go to11:18
gatekeeperusp8riot: have a look in /usr/src11:19
=== Wilfred [n=wilfred@host86-137-52-93.range86-137.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
whilwilfred: Kopote seems to work just fine for me connecting to freenode.11:20
usp8riotok, thanks11:20
Wilfredfantastic it works!11:20
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Wilfredjust slow to connect ~5 mins11:20
usp8riotanything i should know before i compile the source besides don't screw up?11:20
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free-son-Sjoin #ngcsa11:22
gatekeeperusp8riot: only ever done it once and it seemed straight forward, I think the location I gave is correct but you would have to look to make sure11:22
gatekeeperocjeunesse: salut11:22
usp8riotgatekeeper: yes, it's correct, i found it11:22
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gatekeeperusp8riot: my memory still work then :-)11:23
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grizzlyAnybody who is able to eject cds without having to unmount them first?11:23
usp8rioti forgot the command to untar a file, what is it?11:23
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whil-xvf i think11:24
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (gnome) or ark (kde)11:24
Archie_Toothtar -xf if you don't want verbosity11:24
uniqubotu: tar -zxvf for .tar.gz, -jxvf for .tar.bz211:24
ubotuI know nothing about tar -zxvf for .tar.gz, -jxvf for .tar.bz211:24
uniqehm.. that was for usp8riot11:24
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free-son-Sas anyone tried to compile his own ipcop with cvs?11:24
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uniqusp8riot: tar -zxvf for .tar.gz, -jxvf for .tar.bz2 tar -xvf for .tar11:24
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gatekeeperusp8riot: just for info there are HowTo's for kernel compiles in the ubuntu forums11:26
usp8riotyeah, i will get stuck somewhere so i was planning on it11:26
=== unix_infidel [n=blue@adsl-68-94-14-109.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
usp8riottar =zxvf nvidia-kernel-source.tar.gz - it says invalid option11:27
stanksi have problem with kde11:27
whilHi stanks11:27
=== dragonkh [n=kings@dr4g0nn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
stanksi upgraded packages and after upgrading everything from panel vanished11:27
stanksclock, start menu...everything11:27
stanksi have only panel11:27
stankswhere this stuff vanished, why, and how to bring this back11:28
whilI hear there are a lot of problems with upgrading but can not be any help with this. Sorry.11:28
Archie_Toothtar - (not =) I guess that was a typo.11:28
=== Cntryboy [n=cd@host-209-215-52-140.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
stankswell i notice few problem with running programs11:28
usp8riotok, got the kernel source uncompressing but it's giving a bunch of 'no file or directory' errors11:28
usp8riotguess i need to run as root11:28
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stanksalmost every time i have to run it twice so it can appear on my screen11:29
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whilstanks: I think a fresh install is a better choice anyway IMHO11:29
stankse.g. now ktorrent won't run at all11:29
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stanksi did fresh install todayyyyyyyyyyyyyy :)11:29
stankswill i install twice a day and then loose complete day for configuring this?11:30
whilI see. Not exactly encouraging.11:30
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stanksno it is not. i thing that i will install orig. debian tomorrow11:31
stanksi don't have no time no will for f..... with this11:31
whilstanks: If the problem is KDE related you may see it again.11:31
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ubotuI know nothing about amp11:31
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP11:31
=== erov [n=j@c-69-247-101-157.hsd1.ms.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
stanksi see this problem every time i run kde11:32
stankswhen i reboot....same problem11:32
whilMaybe KDE doesn't like your display?11:32
Firebird8is it possible to install 2 desktop enviorments and switch between them at the session selector?11:32
whilfirebird8 yes.11:32
stanksyes but it like it before i upgrade :)11:32
whilstanks: Dapper is known for having a lot of bugs.11:33
stanksa question11:33
gatekeeperstanks: doing a bit of googling the suggestion seems to be bring up kpanel from the consol11:34
stanksdoes anybody know what distribution that has less bugs11:34
=== Smooph [n=wangweil@p54A727B2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete]
RawSewageDapper has lots of bugs?11:34
whilThat's the word.11:34
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whilI personally found 5.10 to be relatively stable stanks,11:34
stanksthis means what? i will not install it every day? :)11:35
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whilOf course I use 6.06 now and have very few issues. I might just be lucky.11:36
whilStanks: When I ran 5.10 I had to install it ONCE. That is it.11:36
RawSewageare the bugs from upgrades, or fresh installs11:36
RawSewageI did a fresh install of Dapper11:36
whilRaw Sewage: Upgrades mostly.11:36
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whilStanks: I had changed almost everything in 5.10 and it still ran just fine.11:37
whilStanks: Never had to reinstall it or anything close to that.11:37
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teknoprepwhat is that initial kde program that runs to configure your settings?11:39
teknoprepwhat is it called11:39
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LjLteknoprep: kpersonalizer, but it's not normally used by kubuntu11:40
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intelikeyanyone recall off the tho of your head what 'grub error 21'  is ?    i know i can't use grub anyway  but what error 21 is, probably isn't related.11:41
teknoprepyes i want to have to double click stuff to open it11:41
teknoprepnot single click11:42
jronwhere can i view unstable builds of apps? i want the newest version of monodevelop but i can't seem to figure out if it is even in the repositoy... same with rtorrent11:42
uniqintelikey: selected disk does not exist. (from 'info grub')11:42
CntryboyDoes anyone know how to configure showfoto to view pictures thats huge in resolution to a size that I can see the whole pics.. It's annoying to have to zoom out of every digi photo I have11:42
gatekeeperintelikey: nope but uncle google says: http://linuxfromscratch.org/pipermail/lfs-support/2005-March/026476.html11:43
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports11:43
LjLCntryboy: so have you settled on showfoto?11:43
intelikeyyeah thanks.  thats not the problem.  but that explains the error message.11:43
whilcntryboy: is there an option under view?11:43
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LjLCntryboy: hm for me showfoto shows the pictures resized to window size, by default11:44
uniqcntryboy: it does that automatically here.. don't know if i've changed some setting sometime though..11:44
LjLCntryboy: it's the fourth icon from the right (on the toolbar) that toggles that behavior11:44
intelikeyi'll restore the mbr on hda  and use lilo to boot sda   and all should work.11:44
=== haider [n=haider@port102.ds1-alb.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu
gatekeeperintelikey: good luck :-)11:45
=== robert_____ [n=robert@85-124-193-122.work.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeywhy did they choose to not make an install cd ?    only live CD's for installing is  way to window'ish for me.11:46
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Cntryboyljl: yes11:46
bleakedwill the helix-engine be a possiblity for amarok on kubuntu any time in the near future?  it's features far outweigh the xine-engine.. and yes i know one can compile, but i generally prefer not to.11:46
Cntryboyljl: k thx let me c11:46
ubuntuKubuntu r00lz >(11:46
LjLintelikey: sorry? windows does *not* have a live cd for installing :o)11:47
bleakedubuntu: buenos dias11:47
ubuntubleaked hola11:47
LjLintelikey: (and there's the Alternate CD anyway in case you missed it)11:47
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.11:47
CntryboyLJL: thx zoom autofit :)11:47
ubuntua ver11:47
usp8riotobuto, you're one smart cat11:47
ubuntucomo configuro el espanol jeje11:47
LjLubuntu: /join #ubuntu-es11:47
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ubuntugracias LjL11:48
LjLde na11:48
intelikeyLjL i ordered kubuntu install cd and got the live CD   ???    did i miss something ?     you know dialup users can't go downloading iso's at random looking for the right one...11:48
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ubuntuLjL eres de espania11:48
uniqintelikey: the livecd is also a install cd. You can install from the livecd now :)11:49
LjLintelikey: well, yeah, the *default* way to install Ubuntu is by using the Desktop CD. i don't see anything wrong with that, and i don't see why it would be "Windows-ish". I was just pointing out there is the Alternate CD if you really don't like that.11:49
LjLubuntu: no soy de italia11:49
Cntryboyljl: gotta go thx again bro11:49
Cntryboyestoy de usa amigo11:49
Cntryboyjk tc11:49
usp8rioton the kubuntu site it says the alt. cd is for pc's with less than 256mb's. will the live cd also work good on an old pc like that?11:49
LjLCntryboy: see you :)11:49
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LjLusp8riot: no, not really... not if it has less than about 192 megs11:50
gatekeeperusp8riot: I have installed breezy and upgraded to dapper via update-manager on a P3 with 128 Mb RAM11:51
LjLbut then the distribution itself won't run very well in that case11:51
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usp8rioti guess it's all in the kernel, right? if i want to install on one of my old pc's11:51
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jronquestion, to installed backports from the debian repo, it says i must issue the dep http:// blahblah.... should i install gdebi first to issue that command because atm, it does nothing :P11:52
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gatekeeperjron: what package are you after?11:52
scabootsscaanyone know how to get a sb audigy2 zs working on kubuntu?11:52
intelikeyLjL it doesn't allow any installation options, (or at most extreemly few) and is legacy hardware intallerant, i.e. 256M ram just to boot... won't install without formating a partition. and other things that i could do with the hoary install cd.      was just wondering why they shipped the live-CD as the default installer, that's all.11:53
jronthe newest monodevelop, and a version of rtorrent that doesnt such, gatekeeper11:53
jronim new from gentoo, so not really use to how the deb repo is maintained... but everyone in the normal repo is way too old for me =(11:53
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gatekeeperjron: ok, not sure what using the debian repos would do, I think there are some differences between the two but don't know enough to help you sorry :-(11:56
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LjLintelikey: ok, i have some issues with the Ubiquity installer too, i think they released it a little too soon. but it just needs to be made better11:56
teknoprepi got cadega... my stupid account with them still works11:57
svivianNeed assistance with rdesktop and nvidia video11:57
jrongatekeeper: i was pretty sure most all the ubuntu repos were almost mirror images of the debian repos.11:57
LjLintelikey: as for failing on older hardware, well... i'm afraid that's not much of a priority, like it or not :(11:57
LjLjron: not really, no11:57
ubotuDebian is "the rock upon which Ubuntu is founded". To see more details on the relationship, see: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship11:57
LjLgenerally Debian packages aren't compatible with Ubuntu11:57
jronah, k11:58
grizzlyejecting cds without having to unmount them first? anybody??11:58
intelikeyLjL as for the reason i used the phrase window'ish  was a referance to the attitude of the installer. "i'm going to install what i want to install where i want to install it, without asking the owner any questions"    the more 'automated' it bevomes the more window'ish,  and the less *nix.   imo11:58
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gatekeeperjron: you may well be right, so far my technical knowledge doesn't extend that far11:58
teknoprepuse openbsd for a server11:58
teknoprepend of story11:58
jronblah, i can't even see what version of monodevelop is in the repo through adept's installer =(11:59
gatekeeperI had a feeling that might be the case11:59
gatekeeperjron: use synaptic11:59
whili like synaptic even if it is gtk11:59
bluesceadagrizzly: use "ivman"11:59
gatekeeperjron: if you are using firefox there is a package search engine included11:59
bluesceadagrizzly: it will then unmount when you press the button12:00
jrongatekeeper: k12:00
RawSewagehow do you make a quick shell script to put in the StartUp folder to run a program at startup12:00
bluesceadaand eject..12:00
LjLjron, gatekeeper: or you can just type "apt:/" anywhere KDE accepts an URL (e.g. Konqueror) ;-)12:00
intelikeywell i have moved my fresh install of kubuntu from /dev/hdc1 to /dev/hdb so i need to reboot and see how it runs.    peace all12:00
bluesceadanow i have to go though .. good night12:00
gatekeeperjron: cool thanx :-)12:01
jronahh, nice feature LjL12:01
gatekeeperI like that12:02
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gatekeeperLjL: thanx for the info :-)12:03
usp8rioti'm using make xconfig. does anyone know how to use the module? i type m but nothing's changing12:03
intelikeyi left permaturely.  not finished moving files...12:03
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haaryDoes anyone know a good ekiga (aka gnome-meeting) alternative? I don't want to install the gnome-stuff12:05
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angasuleis it ok to edit /etc/environment directly? I want to change LANG and LANGUAGE as well as add QT_IM_MODULE and GTK_IM_MODULE (so that scim works directly)12:05
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intelikeyangasule sure it is.12:06
angasuleokie dokie, it'd be nice to know *why* it was set to en_AU to start with, but hopefully this will get rid of that oddity12:07
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=== intelikey uses LANG=C
iain_after I manually installed the latest ATI drivers, my login screen is shrunk with lots of dead black room around the edges. To I need to reconfigure xorg?12:08

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