
zulBenC: why the hell does it try to make xen-xen0-2.6.16 when i have xen-image in my control file?02:02
BenCno idea...something in make-kpkg02:14
zulyeah...is it possible to merge all of kernel-package since there might be some breakage with xen stuff that we dont know about from the patch02:14
zulsince kernel-package also breaks xen on amd64 as well according to the changelog02:16
zulpretty please ;)02:17
BenCI'll work on it this week02:19
zulhmmm...kernel-package wants to set i_package to $(INT_STEM)-xen0-$(version) when CONFIG_XEN_PRIVILEGED IS set which i dont want it to do..02:54
zulim so tempted not to use kernel-package for xen-linux02:56
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ivokskm, km, vmplauer-kernel-modules need rebuild :)05:05
ivoksvmware-player-modules are still for -23 kernel05:12
zulah ok the abi bumb05:12
zulill let Ben know05:13
alleezul: can't openafs-modules-source be added to the list of to-rebuild pkgs too? ;)05:23
zulallee can you open a bug please im at work right now05:24
allee'k, 1st ssh-krb5 crash, then openafs-modules wish05:25
=== allee steps into too mmany AFS pitfalls
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KeybukBenC: ping?05:49
zulBenC: vmware-palyer needs to be version bumped05:50
BenCKeybuk: pong05:53
BenCzul: Ah, want to upload that again?05:53
KeybukBenC: so, talk to me about linux-kernel-headers vs. linux-headers05:54
Keybukwhat's the plan for edgy?05:54
BenCI included the patch for hdrinstall2 in edgy kernel05:56
BenCjust waiting on jbailey to see if the kernel headers are able to be used, and if so, I'll be building linux-kernel-headers out of edgy's kernel build05:56
Keybukok, and how will that differ to the linux-headers package?05:58
BenCthe only difference between linux-kernel-headers and linux-headers-2.6.17 (which is binary-arch as well) will be the installed location06:00
BenCoh wait, no that's wrong06:00
BenCthe hdrinstall actually removes a lot of the files and file contents (removed everything wrapped in #ifdef __KERNEL__)06:01
BenCso there's a lot of difference06:01
Keybukso if this works, we'll be able to drop the linux-kernel-headers source package entirely?06:02
KeybukBenC: btw, do you plan to merge kernel-wedge and kernel-package today?06:04
BenCwithin the next few days06:05
BenCkernel-wedge should be easy, but kernel-package isn't06:05
Keybukthere's only one day left until UVF06:05
Keybukwhen all merges need to be completed by06:05
BenCconsidering they both only really affect linux-source, can I get an exception? :)06:05
BenCI'm working on them today, but I can't guarantee I'll be able to test kernel-package fully06:06
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Keybuktry and at least get an upload before thursday06:08
zulBenC: sure i can do it tonight06:08
BenCok, no problem06:08
BenCzul: thanks06:08
zulyour welcome :)06:09
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jbaileyBenC: If you need a tester with the kernel nULL pointer dereference problem, my laptop has it.07:02
BenCI have a feeling 5.7 will fix it07:04
zulwhat are we at now for abi for dapper?07:18
jbaileyBenC: 'kay.  If you have a build for i386, I'll test it anytime. 07:22
jbaileyOtherwise I'll grab it when you upload.07:23
BenCkernel-dailys has a -5 build07:29
BenCzul: 2607:29
BenCjbailey: that should have the fixes07:29
jbaileyBenC: Cool, thanks.07:29
astrawI'm trying to apply a patch to the git kernel tree for dapper. The problem is I bump the version in the changelog (e.g. from 2.6.15-26.44 to 2.6.15-26.44.ads1) so my .debs supercede previous .debs but are replaced by future .debs, but then I get an ABI error: "Missing .../abi/2.6.15-26.44/i386/386 file". I've worked around this by generating the old .debs, then applying my patch, then re-generating, but this takes a long time.07:31
jbaileyupdate-grub didn't seem to get run when I installed the daily.07:35
jbaileyNope, I'm on crack.07:35
jbaileyI wget'd the deb and didn't install it.07:35
jbaileyBenC: The daily from July 8th appears to be working.07:41
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astrawBTW, the only reason I'm doing this is to fix bug #41228 (incorrect timestamps in video1394), so if that could get rolled into the next bugfix release, that'd be great.07:43
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BenCastraw: Please read KernelGitGuide in topic for the best way to submit patches (especially since you have a git tree to do it from)07:52
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astrawBenC: will do. Also, I just found the AUTOBUILD=1 setting. Gotta run now.07:58
BenCpeople really need to read more thoroughly07:59
BenCit specifically says that it is only useful in 2.6.17/edgy kernel07:59
jbaileyUSer's don't read. =)08:02
zulhuker on phonics wurked for me08:03
BenCzul: feh, it's FONICKS08:07
BenCeven I know that08:07
zulim canadian eh?08:08
BenCoh, sorry, eh :)08:09
BenCjbailey: do you know the bug number for that oops?08:12
jbaileyBenC: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.17/+bug/5148808:13
jbaileyNo ubugtu here?08:13
jbaileyHmm, weird.08:13
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jbaileyBenC: It occurs to me that with lkh merging into the kernel, that you have to be part of edgy +1 toolchian roadmap.11:44
jbaileyIn the sense that the new lkh should be uploaded with glibc/gcc at the start of the release.11:44
BenCthat sucks :)11:46
=== BenC was trying to stay away from the toolchain thingy

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