
kikobradb, yeah, but I think I still would prefer seeing createBug modified.12:12
kikothat way this comes across as less of a hack12:12
kiko(for one, you would only need one if clause)12:12
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bradbkiko: hm. it seems to me that getting that right shouldn't up to the caller though. i.e. the API should abstract away the concern of making sure someone (the .bugcontact or .owner) is subscribed to private bugs.12:15
bradbmy other branch does that12:15
bradbwhat do you think? should the API rely on passing the correct subscribers for what the UI presents as a "built-in" part of the model?12:16
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kikobradb, well, hmmm.12:17
kikoso you're saying that the back-end will know who to subscribe depending on privacy/security settings?12:18
bradbkiko: yep12:18
bradbI made an API change to createBug in my other branch, collapsing security_related and private into just security_related, just like the UI presents that model, that I think will bite me now, but I can fix that on that branch. (I'll have to, to keep my tests passing.)12:19
kikobradb, I think the safest way forward12:27
kikois to not modify createBug other than allowing specifying subscribers12:27
kikoand then do everything in the browser code12:27
bradbsorry, phone12:31
kikobradb, I think it's best not to12:31
bradbkiko: is there a need to specify subscribers though, for our immediate use cases? the way it is now (even after uncollapsing the createBug flag back into two) is that you only have to worry about passing it the right values of security/privacy and the API will do the work for you.12:34
bradbthat way it's consistent wherever it's used, e.g., email, xmlrpc, etc.12:34
kikoyou actually have a good point there12:35
kikothe multiple interfaces12:36
kikoso tell you what -- I can't answer this today, my head is busy with my own code12:36
kikobut tomorrow first-thing I'll look at both patches12:36
bradbfair enough12:36
bradbbut, maybe i should ping you on that tomorrow then, cause i'll need about 30 mins to uncollapse the flags to .createBug on the other branch12:37
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bradbkiko: i moved my other branch into your queue, and put the landscape hack in there too. i'll followup tomorrow morning. thanks!12:44
=== bradb tunes out of IRC
kikoman bzrlib tests hate me01:09
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lifelessjamesh: so yeah, asterisk04:05
jameshlifeless: what about it?04:06
lifelessdo you have a local server ?04:06
jameshEkiga was able to talk to voip.canonical.com through my NAT firewall okay04:06
jamesh(an linux iptables firewall allowing outgoing connections)04:07
lifelessI can connect to 6701 ok, but I only get static back04:12
lifelessalso, my registration do-dad fails04:13
lifelessis your sip running ?04:15
jameshIt is now04:15
lifelessI'll try calling04:15
lifelessnot available04:16
jameshit crashed04:16
jameshtry again04:17
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lifelessare we connected ?04:18
jameshI heard about .5 seconds that might be you04:19
lifelessI've just said a few sentences04:19
jameshI could hear you saying something but couldn't make out what it was04:19
lifelessI heard 'can you hear me speak'04:19
lifelessand possibly keys04:20
lifelessbut just static for the rest04:20
lifelessI just said hello four times04:20
jameshI'm hearing "pulses" of audio04:20
lifelessI just badly quoted the quick brown fox thing04:21
lifelessdid you hear any of it ?04:21
jameshit's like I get every second half second of your audio (or something like that)04:21
lifelessin fact, I know, I'll read the voip setup page to you04:21
lifelessI just read the first section04:22
lifelesshave you turned silence detection off ?04:23
=== stub prepares for the production update
lifelessI heard some of what you were saying04:23
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jameshit wasn't on when I checked04:23
lifelessbut its like it fades out and then I get static04:23
lifelessI'm not hearing any speech at the moment04:25
jameshm not speaking04:25
jameshhang up and I'll try calling you04:26
lifelessI cannot register properly :(04:27
lifelessbut try anyhow04:27
jameshboth spiv and me tried shtoom too, without success (complains about some unexpected packet or something)04:27
lifelessdid you try to ring ?04:29
jameshyeah.  It went through to your voice mail04:29
lifelesscan you do me a favour04:29
lifelessgo to accounts, properties of your canonical account, more options04:29
lifelessand tell me the realm04:30
jameshit got filled in automatically when I connected the first time04:30
lifelessthe 'realm' is your sip account ?04:30
jameshseems to be04:30
kiko-zzzstub, was the rollout today postponed?04:31
mpt_Gooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!04:31
mpt_kiko-zzz, [01:20]  <stub> I got distracted and missed todays rollout. Anyone going to cry if I put it off until tomorrow quiet time?04:32
stubkiko-zzz: Rollout my yesterday was postponed, rollout today is being kicked off right now04:33
stubGet with the timezone, you are living in the past ya hippie!04:33
lifelessjamesh: so, I've filed an RT request on my login.04:34
lifelesstrying a different sound card04:35
stubkiko-zzz: r3758 before you ask, as discussed with matsubara04:35
lifelessrtp drops packets failry regularly when ou overcommit04:36
lifelessso bandwidth - as long as we are 'in the ballpark' is usually fine04:36
jameshthe GSM codec seems to be doing a better job than the PCMU codec (that was picked before)04:37
lifelessI've also changed setup04:37
lifelessI'm using a builting sound card rather than an external04:37
lifelessbut its not good enough yet :)04:38
lifelessso, lets swap cards back, no other changes, see if it stays better/worse04:38
jameshcan you try saying something again?04:38
lifelessdid it crash ?04:39
lifelessok, my usb headset is art of the problem for incoming audio for me04:39
jameshno.  I was trying to get a recording so you could hear what you sounded like04:40
stublifeless: Is there some magic on balleny making new branches and commits to the rocketfuel archive on balleny automatically get pushed to chinstrap?04:40
lifelessstub: the push is done by pqm04:40
stubok. One less step to remember. I was wondering why pushing a fresh production branch pushed 0 revisions ;)04:41
lifelessstub: if you want to do it by hand, just do it by hand - bzr push sftp://chinstrap/home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel/....04:42
lifelessstub: how are you making the production branches ?04:42
stubcd ~pqm/archives/rocketfuel/launchpad/production; bzr branch -r xxxx ../devel 1.xx04:42
lifelessyou just made 1.6804:43
lifelessbzr info | grep publish04:43
lifelesswill tell you where it is set to push to04:43
lifelessthe reason it says '0 revisions pushed' is because of a bug in bzr04:43
lifelesswhich is fixed in recent bzr04:44
stubok. So I need to manually push production branch updates to chinstrap? Or not?04:44
lifelessif you do them by hand, push them by hand04:45
lifelessbut the only thing that you need to do by hand is the branch creation04:45
lifelessafter that, pqm can handle it all for you04:45
stubpqm can handle cherry picks now?04:45
lifelesserm, no.04:46
lifelessthe only TWO things you need to do by hand ...04:46
stubok :)04:46
lifeless(unless you make a short branch with the cherry pick, and ask pqm to merge the entire branch)04:46
lifelesswhich is what I would do04:46
stubWhich means I won't need to disable pqm, which means I won't forget to reenable it ;)04:48
lifelessjamesh: so, how about this04:48
lifelessI ring you on ekiga04:49
lifelessI ring you on your landline04:49
lifelessthen talk into one, listen on the other ;)04:49
lifelessand I can let you hear how you sound04:49
lifelesswhats the best landline to ring you on?04:50
jameshI /msg'd you the number04:52
=== stub showers and heads of for breakfast
lifelessnot all that bad04:52
lifelesslisten to this thought04:52
lifelessI'm going to put mylandline against hte headset04:53
lifelessyou speak anytime04:53
lifelesscan you hear the ripple?04:53
lifelessany more tests you can think of?04:54
jameshactually, I do have one more test04:54
jameshconf call04:54
lifelessoh, hang on04:54
mpt_Ekiga appears to be a timesink :-/04:55
lifelessI've tried to get in to the conf call04:58
lifelesscant tell if I mad eit04:58
jameshI heard the "new participant tone", and can hear a similar ripple static effect04:59
lifelesssounds like I'm in :(04:59
lifelessdoes that help the ripple?04:59
jameshnot really.05:00
jameshthe conference call line was silent til you joined05:00
lifelessbetter ?05:00
jameshcan you try speaking?05:00
lifelessok, thats gain on the microphone05:00
lifelessI am saying testing testing 1 2 305:01
lifelessif you are sayin anything I cant hear it05:01
lifelessI cannot hear myself even05:01
lifelessok I'm hearing testing 1,2,305:02
jameshI can hear that but the audio is very bad (about the same as the non-conf-call)05:02
lifelesswith extra ripple05:02
jameshcan you hear me now?05:02
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lifelessI think the ripple is distortion05:02
lifelessI can just make it out05:02
lifelessI am guessing that any noise is transmitted and the ripple introduced by $something05:03
jameshI was getting much better audio with steve/stub/spiv on monday, so I wonder if it is something with your link?05:03
jamesh(or maybe something else has changed?05:03
lifelessjamesh: who knows :(05:03
lifelessI'm going to try linphone now05:03
lifelesscan you keep ekiga running ?05:04
jameshI'm still in the conference call05:04
lifelessjamesh: can you hang up on that05:24
jameshokay.  I've hung up05:25
lifelessis it any better ?05:25
lifelessyou sound like shit still :)05:25
jameshI can understand you now (which is good), but the sound quality isn't that great05:26
lifelessclearly better than before :)05:26
lifelessyou are rippling badly05:26
lifelessI can *just* make it out05:26
jameshwhat did you change at your end?05:26
lifelesskphone rather than ekiga05:26
lifelesstook a little guesswork to get it running05:26
lifelesscould you ring me05:27
lifelessok, it answered05:27
lifelessthen blew up05:27
lifelesshmm, this is interesting05:27
lifelessI had an asoundrc file05:28
jameshasoundrc files seem to be evil05:28
jameshbut I might just be superstitious05:29
lifelesstry ringing me ?05:29
lifelessthis is ekiga agaon05:29
jameshcrap again05:29
lifelessyeah 05:30
lifelessbut if we can get better it wont cause headaches05:30
lifelesscan you head me ?05:31
jameshI heard something and then nothing05:31
lifelesscan you speak ?05:31
jameshI am now05:31
lifelessI'm hearing nothing :(05:31
lifelessrun gme ?05:31
lifelessring me :)05:32
lifelessI can you hear you05:32
lifelesscan you hear me ?05:32
jameshit is like it was earlier: too broken up to understand05:33
lifelesswell, at least ekiga has decided to register now05:33
lifelessmy bandwitdh use is at 100%05:34
lifeless1349.449356 ->  SIP Status: 401 Unauthorized05:34
lifeless1349.450587 -> SIP Request: CANCEL sip:RobertCollins@voip.canonical.com05:34
lifeless1349.452665 -> SIP Request: SUBSCRIBE sip:RobertCollins@voip.canonical.com05:34
lifeless1349.507049 ->  SIP Status: 200 OK05:34
lifeless1349.575274 ->  SIP Status: 401 Unauthorized05:34
lifeless1349.576474 -> SIP Request: CANCEL sip:RobertCollins@voip.canonical.com05:34
lifeless1349.579509 -> SIP Request: SUBSCRIBE sip:RobertCollins@voip.canonical.com05:34
lifeless1349.634694 ->  SIP Status: 200 OK05:34
lifelessand now ekiga sulks again05:35
jameshI was able to register with shtoom today05:35
jameshargh.  "[shtoom.rtp.protocol.RTPProtocol (UDP)]  received packet with unknown PT 1" errors still05:36
lifelesswell, thats enough of my life on this05:37
lifelessI'll wait for the admins response05:37
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stubBjornT: https://launchpad.net/products/malone/+ticket/117909:51
stubBjornT: It seems I should retarget the bugtasks associated with Ubuntu Edgy, but I'm not sure about bugtasks associated with just Ubuntu.09:51
stubWhich I guess is important, as there are 466 associated with just Ubuntu and none associated explicitly with Edgy.09:55
stubI suppose they should all be reassigned.09:56
BjornTstub: right, that's a bit tricky since we don't have good release targeting yet. but as you say, they should all be reassigned since atm we use mostly non-release-specific tasks to track bugs.09:57
stubOnly those that are not Rejected or Fix Released?09:58
stubOr those statuses too?09:58
BjornTwell, it really depends on when they were rejected or fixed... maybe you should start with retargeting only the open bugs and see if someone complains?10:02
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carlosIt's just me or chinstrap is ignoring any ssh certificate?10:04
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ddaaBjornT: ping, please review bzr-native today10:14
ddaaotherwise, I won't be able to handle it before tuesday10:14
BjornTddaa: sure, i was planning to do it today.10:18
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BjornTstub: do have time to take a look at https://launchpad.canonical.com/SimpleBugKeywords? (there's an XXX for you in the Implementation section)10:37
=== stub has a quick look
=== stub and a slow page load :-/
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stubBjornT: We only want to exact matching on tags? So searching for 'laptop' will not match the 'laptops' tag?10:41
stubIf so, the best implementation would be a three column BugTag table containing just (id serial, bug int, tag text)10:43
stubSearching would involve adding this table into the existing disgusting search query as an outer join using simple string matching.10:44
stubTags should be automatically converted to lowercase and stored that way.10:44
BjornTstub: well, there are two cases. we want to be able to limit the search on a specific tag, then i'd say we want exact matches only. but if you type in 'laptop' on the +bugs pages, matching the 'laptops' tag is ok, but not necessary.10:44
stubI think we want exact matching on tags10:45
BjornTyeah, that makes sense.10:46
stubesp. as the UI might end up being a select box 10:46
stubI'll add the relevant indexes when reviewing the db patch. I think we will need to but might be able to get away with one.10:48
stubBjornT: That all you need from me?10:49
BjornTstub: yes, i think that was all, thanks.10:50
stublast time I looked at the search code it seemed to be straining at the seams and about to explode (I was looking at adding in comment searching). It might need some refactoring :-(10:50
BjornTyeah, it's quite icky.... how would you refactor it?10:51
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stubIt might be worth constructing a view and searching that for distinct bug id's.10:51
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stubNah... the reason it is 'icky at the moment is to avoid joining tables that are not needed for the current query.10:52
stubI have to head of for a bit anyway10:53
BjornTddaa: could you send me a diff of the bzr-native branch? the pending-reviews page is down.10:53
ddaaBjornT: sent10:59
mpoolSteveA: hi, got a sec?10:59
SteveAmpool: hello11:01
SteveAmpool: want to talk using the new canonical sip thing/11:03
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mpoolSteveA: ah, i haven't managed to successfully register yet11:07
mpoolnot sure if it's a problem on the server or with my network11:07
SteveAthen skype?11:08
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ograhi, i got a little problem with a bzr checkout from LP11:10
ograi ran bzr checkout sftp://ogra@bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/edubuntu.edgy which worked fine11:10
SteveAmpool: ping11:11
ograafter that i ran bzr checkout sftp://ogra@bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.edgy11:11
mpoolSteveA: hi, just talking to robertc 11:11
mpoolmaybe tomorrow or later?11:11
ograwhich now results in: ssh: connect to host bazaar.launchpad.net port 22: Connection refused11:11
SteveAmpool: okay, tomorrow is fine with me11:12
mpoologra: there was recently a bug where sftp urls need a trailing slash11:12
mpooli think that's fixed in .dev but you might still have it11:12
ograi'll try that ... 11:12
ogrampool, i just heard we have general ssh probs ... i'll come back if that doesnt solve it 11:13
SteveAtelsteve@einheit:~$ telnet bazaar.launchpad.net 2211:13
SteveAtelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused11:13
SteveAit's a lower level problem11:13
mpoolSomeone Else's Problem11:13
elmospiv/lifeless/stub: ?11:16
elmonever mind11:16
carlosstub: I think I found and fix teh problem with posubmission duplicates11:20
carlosstub: but I cannot test it until I get access to our DC, I will do a full run on staging and try to set the 'unique' restriction to be 100% sure it's working now11:20
elmook, change my mind, I definitely need spiv/lifeless/stub11:21
ddaaBjornT: if you have some time this afternoon, I'd like to have a call about https://launchpad.net/products/launchpad-bazaar/+spec/vcs-imports-ui-test-plan11:27
ddaaLeave for family lunch now11:27
ddaa* Leaving11:27
elmoddaa: gone already?11:32
ddaagot to catch a bus11:32
=== ddaa runs for his bus
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lifelesselmo: ?11:38
lifelesselmo: if you add ':' it highlights the channel :)11:39
elmolifeless: I rebooted vostok, restarted the push sftp server, but it's listening on the wrong port11:39
lifelesselmo: wrong IP or wrong socket 11:39
lifelessor btoh ?11:39
elmowell, kind of both11:39
elmoit's listening on
elmoshould be on
lifelessfunky do-dah11:39
lifelessand ssh in there is still a bit whacky right ?11:40
lifelessnevermind, just my link going spastic11:40
elmossh to vostok itself is about the only working ssh in the DC right now ;-)11:41
lifelesshow did you start it ?11:41
elmosudo su - supermirror, ./start-bzr-sftp11:42
lifelessconfig.supermirrorsftp.port is the magic, lets see11:43
jameshyou might have to set LPCONFIG to something11:44
lifelessjamesh: indeed, but its meant to be set by the script11:44
lifelessto avoid forcing huge amounts of cache into the sysadmins heads11:44
lifelessand indeed, that would appear to be AWOL11:44
lifelesselmo: look better ?11:46
elmotcp        0      0  *               LISTEN     7768/python11:46
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lifelessoh, foo11:47
lifelessare you sure there is not an init script ? I swore that we made one11:48
lifelessanyhow, fixing for real I think11:48
lifelessfixed I think11:48
lifelessthat script could not have been working though, so there must have been another way of starting it :)11:49
elmooh, crap there is11:49
elmosorry, I thought I looked for one11:49
elmoshall I see if it works?11:49
lifelesslets do that11:49
elmo(I have no idea why it didn't work on boot)11:49
lifelessand if it does rm that start-bzr-sftp11:49
lifelessyou drive, shout if you want me to peek11:49
elmoyeah, script works fine11:50
elmoremoved that file11:50
elmoI'll investigate later why it didn't work after boot11:50
lifelesswhats the script name ?11:50
lifeless(stub and I need to run it to bounce the server during upgrades)11:51
elmocarlos: ?12:03
carloselmo: hi12:05
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elmocarlos: I need to kill mawson12:09
elmocan I kill your cronjob ,or is it life-endingly important?12:09
carloselmo: kill it, I will execute it later12:10
BjornTddaa: sure, i should have time for a call later.12:11
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SteveAI'm going to be offline for a while, to get some coding done.  Send me a txt message or phone if you need something urgently.12:51
elmoLP is going down in 15 minutes, ETD is 10 mins12:55
elmoLP is back, yell if stuff doesn't work01:16
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elmo*.ubuntu.com, launchpad.net etc. are disappearing for a couple of minutes for some essential maintenance01:36
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carlosdanilos: hi01:41
daniloscarlos: hi01:41
carloshow's going?01:41
daniloscarlos: I am having some problems with launchpad schemas01:41
danilosI can't set the database up01:42
carlosdanilos: what's the error you get?01:42
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salgadostub, around?03:06
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rodarvusgood morning03:08
rodarvusthere is a LP account called 'rodarvus', which apparently was automatically created long ago, when translations were imported into Rosetta03:09
rodarvus(these translations were done by me, many years ago)03:09
rodarvusI wonder if it is possible to merge this account into my current LP account 'rodrigonovo'03:10
rodarvusI mean, in other words, if it is possible for me to use 'rodarvus' as LP account, inheriting all history my current account already has03:10
carlosrodarvus: yes, that's possible03:11
carlosrodarvus: I guess you have control over the email addresses in both accounts, right?03:11
rodarvusno, I don't have control over 'rodarvus'03:11
rodarvusit was apparently automatically created03:12
carlosrodarvus: but it has an email address associated03:12
rodarvushttps://launchpad.net/people/rodarvus says nothing about email addresses03:13
salgadorodarvus, I think I can find the email address associated with it.03:13
salgadoall launchpad accounts have an email associated with them. sometimes they're not validated, and thus won't be shown03:14
carlosrodarvus: you can also try to merge it from: https://launchpad.net/people/+requestmerge03:14
salgadorodarvus, it's your email @conectiva that is associated with that account03:15
carlosbut that will migrate all info from rodarvus into rodrigonovo03:15
rodarvussalgado: right, as I said03:15
rodarvusI last owned this email 6 years ago03:15
salgadoyou don't have access to that anymore?03:15
carlosinstead of rodrigonovo into rodarvus03:15
rodarvusso I surely didn't created this account myself :)03:15
salgadoin that case we need a launchpad admin03:15
rodarvussalgado: this email doesn't exists anymore - since six years :)03:15
rodarvuslong before LaunchPad was created, I think :)03:16
rodarvussalgado: who should I contact for that?03:16
=== carlos -> lunch
salgadorodarvus, any of the members of https://launchpad.net/people/admins03:17
carlosrodarvus: https://launchpad.net/people/admins03:17
salgadorodarvus, kiko, SteveA or stub03:17
rodarvussalgado, carlos: thanks!03:17
salgadopreferably then, I mean03:17
stubsalgado: yo03:21
salgadohi stub. I wanted to check with you when your shipit constraints branch went to production, if it already went03:21
stubI was about to ask the channel....03:21
stubIs anyone going to cry if the production rollout is delayed a second day until tomorrow? Todays rollout didn't happen during quiet time due to problems on the LAN.03:22
stubsalgado: No export has been run yet today btw.03:22
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stub(and no complaints in the mailbox!)03:22
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salgadostub, can you run https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileBuwnLM.html on production, to see if the postcode problem will bite us today?03:25
stubslow query....03:27
salgadospiv, I guess my real-karma-context branch is approved?03:28
salgadostub, anyway, I think we can fire the export script. there shouldn't be many postcodes causing problems and we can easily fix the csv after the export, if needed03:30
stubOnce we know what they are03:30
salgadowe can even find them in the CSV03:30
spivsalgado: yes :)03:30
salgadothe problem happens when importing the CSV in OpenOffice03:31
stubahh... ok. Export running now anyway.03:32
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salgadostub, cool03:33
kikostub, how does my makefile patch look?03:42
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stubI'll have a look now, but I suck on Makefiles03:45
stubI don't know if spiv did any work on that today - I assigned him to the spec this morning.03:45
stuberm... yesterday. forget time.03:46
kikostub, the changes are pretty simple03:46
stublooks fine03:46
kikolet me try and land that then03:47
stublifeless gave me permission to update pqm.conf too (although he might want to do it if he is still around)03:47
kikostub, I'll ping or email you when it lands so you can click it then03:47
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ddaaBjornT: can we have a call soon?03:54
kikoman bzr is fast03:54
ddaakiko: no, it's just less slow than it used to be ;)03:55
kikono, it's blazingly fast03:55
ddaaBjornT: I would like some guidance and sanity checking on https://launchpad.canonical.com/VcsImportUiTestPlan03:55
ddaakiko: there was an upgrade recently?03:55
kikonot sure03:55
kikobut working with sqlobject is just so trivial with it now03:56
ddaaoh right03:56
kikoit used to be fast03:56
ddaathis sort of small branch are fast03:56
kikobut it is now VERY fast03:56
stubsalgado: export is done if you want to check it03:56
salgadostub, thanks, I'll do that03:56
ddaafor a lot of ops, a significant factor is the ~0.5s it takes to start python and load the modules...03:56
ddaakiko: you could get more snappiness using bzr service or bzr shell03:57
kikowhat's that?03:57
kikowhat do they do?03:58
kikoah, run bzr as a service?03:58
kikoavoiding startup time?03:58
ddaabzr service is an horribly insecure prototype that sets up a bzrlib runner listening to a socket03:58
ddaaand an ultra-thin commandline client in C03:58
ddaabzr shell is the spiritual son of aba, tlash, etc.03:59
salgadostub, did that query finish or you stopped it?03:59
stubsalgado: still running03:59
stub(told you it was slow!)03:59
ddaaa simple shell that runs a REPL in python, so you do not have to type "bzr" and so you do not have to spawn python for every command03:59
salgadowow, that is really slow. :-(03:59
ddaanon-trivial shell commands are handed down do the system shell04:00
stubI'll kill it anyway04:00
daniloshey guys, do I have to restart launchpad whenever I change anything in the code? or is there an easier way to refresh stuff? (removing .pyc didn't help)04:01
kikodanilos, you have to restart.04:02
kikothere is no easier way04:02
daniloskiko: ok, thanks04:02
kikodanilos, reevaluating the code that was modified is a non-trivial enterprise04:02
kikostub, what of https://launchpad.canonical.com/LaunchpadProductionStatus ?04:02
ddaapython is not yet quite OO enough to allow on comfortable on-the-fly modification of classes04:03
kikoddaa, it doesn't have to do exclusively with OOness though04:03
daniloskiko: yeah, but I was thinking of some slower-non-production-debug-mode or something ;)04:03
BjornTddaa: sure, we can have a call. how about in 15 minutes?04:03
kikoddaa, because I once did implement something like this using twisted's reload functionality04:03
kikoddaa, but there's a lot of complexity 04:03
BjornTkiko: would you have time for a call today to discuss https://launchpad.canonical.com/SimpleBugKeywords?04:04
kikoin particular in swapping running instance's classes, etc.04:04
kikoBjornT, sure!04:04
ddaaI do not know the issue deeply enough to argue, but I expect a lot of the functionality comes from quirks in the python object model04:04
stubkiko: That is all still valid except for the scheduled update time. Skipped rollout today again due to problems on the LAN. I can update now if there is urgent stuff, but nobody appears to be in tears.04:04
ddaaa lot of the _complexity_04:04
kikostub, no, I was just curious04:04
dokocprov: can you or anybody else than infinity hand-build a package on a buildd?04:04
kikoddaa, few OO languages allow you to swap an instance's class in runtime :)04:04
BjornTkiko: thanks! i'll ping you after the call with ddaa.04:04
kikosure thing04:05
ddaagotta learn smalltalk to talk like a real oo programmer :)04:05
cprovdoko: uhm, what do you mean by hand-build, a package not submitted via soyuz ? 04:05
ddaaSo far, in my naive world view, Smalltalk is still "as much OO as can be, and maybe still a bit more"04:05
ddaaa bit like forth and Scheme, take a simple idea, and push it to extremes04:06
kikoddaa, that indeed is naive, because every time I used smalltalk it came across as a toy language :-P04:06
ddaakiko: some guy who made a keynote at EP would disagree with you ;)04:07
ddaaBjornT: okay04:08
dokocprov: need to build a new gcc-4.1 using binaries which I built myself. so what needs to be done: a) install my binaries on the buildd, b) build gcc-4.1, c) install the just built binaries on the buildd, d) build gcc-4.1 again, e) upload gcc-4.104:09
dokocprov: we only need that on powerpc04:09
kikodoko, why using these specific binaries?04:09
dokokiko: because the binaries in the archive are broken04:10
cprovdoko: it looks scary, even if I can do this I should not, can we wait infinity ?04:11
kikodoko, and the chroot is busted?04:12
dokocprov: sure, we can ... but I would like to have exception handling again04:13
dokos/again/working again/04:13
dokokiko: gnat-4.1 is busted04:14
dokogcc-4.1, libgcc104:14
kikodoko, and they are unable to bootstrap a new gcc compile, is that it?04:15
cprovdoko: how do you mean ? are you suggesting we should support this kind of workflow ? can't you solve this by having a special chroot with your binaries installed ?04:16
kikocprov, I think the problem isn't in the chroot, but in the archive itself04:17
dokokiko: yes04:18
cprovkiko: the chroot would have the newer/correct version of the broken binaries04:18
kikocprov, does the chroot contain gcc binaries?04:18
cprovkiko: no, but we can install them ;) ... okay maybe I'm suggesting blue-sky stuff, nevermind04:19
dokocprov: well, if you do want to define a workflow for such situations ... it's basically: use untrusted binaries, then build the new binaries (which are then trusted), install them, then upload. not sure if it's worth to automate that04:20
cprovdoko: is there something we can do to fix the archive w/o rebuilding the package ?  was it a soyuz failure in you POV ?04:21
malcckiko: Smalltalk == toy will get you a lot of agreement, although not from me, but it doesn't contradict Smalltalk == Very very very OO, which is true whichever way you slice the toy thing04:22
dokocprov: no, wrong package; but I need gnat-4.1 to build gnat.4,1 ...04:22
cprovdoko: not sure about how we would install the untrusted binaries if not manually in the chroot itself, but the rest is supported.04:23
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BjornTddaa: i'm ready now, should we have a call?04:27
BjornTsip, skype or normal phone?04:27
ddaaekiga is one of those goddamn braindead app that confuses my ctrl-A for ctrl-Q...04:28
ddaaBjornT: let's give sip a try, I was able to have a successful conversation with the echo server and the voicemail before.04:29
ddaaI just need to refrain from ctrl-A...04:29
BjornTddaa: cool. can you call me? (7270)04:29
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kikobradb, do you have a copy of the no-RHS-portlets CSS somewhere?04:50
bradbkiko: if you mean scott's stuff, it's:04:50
bradband http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/launchpad.user.js04:50
kikobradb, Keybuk: hmmm. unfortunate that the RHS portlets get hidden -- can they be displayed under the LHS ones?04:56
Keybukkiko: they don't get hidden04:56
Keybukthat's what the greasemonkey javascript is for04:57
kikoah I see.04:57
kikoyou can't do that in CSS alone?04:57
Keybukno, you can't04:57
kikonot even if I modified the main template slightly?04:57
Keybukin CSS alone, you can place column one and two above each other04:57
Keybukbut then the order is almost exactly the opposite to what's desired04:57
kikohow would you do that?04:58
Keybukfloat the body on the right, and make the portlets floated on the left04:58
Keybukthey stack04:58
Keybukbut then you get "portlets, facets, more portlets, more facets"04:58
Keybukwhen I wanted "portlets, facets" only04:58
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kikohmm, can't seem to get it right.04:59
Keybukof course, if you modified the LP css so everything just used the two column layout, that'd be *perfect* :p05:00
kikoI could modify the main template to make such customizations easier.05:00
Keybukthe basic problem is that the ordering of the template is such that it provides the order of the portlets and factets05:01
Keybukit lists those down the LHS, then those down the RHS05:01
Keybukwith CSS alone, you can't reorder things05:01
=== malcc [n=malcolm@host86-134-233-12.range86-134.btcentralplus.com] has joined #launchpad
mptkiko, by putting an extra div around all the LHS portlets but not the facets/menu?05:05
mpt(by golly this is a depressing conversation)05:06
ddaampt: don't be depressed05:07
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ddaaeventually, everybody will be using that greasemonkey stuff :)05:07
KeybukI'm still not entirely happy with it though05:08
Keybukthe expanding portlets get in the way of ordinary mouse movement05:08
flacostempt: did you have time to take a look at https://launchpad.canonical.com/SupportTrackerWorkflowSpec?05:09
mptflacoste, I've been doing non-LP stuff the past couple of days05:10
mptI'll have a Launchpad day today and look at it05:10
Keybukkiko: it'd be really nice if every portlet and facet had an id, btw05:10
flacostempt: ok, thanks!05:10
mpt(where by "today" I mean "after I wake up")05:10
flacostekiko: i agree with Keybuk, we could improve our HTML id/class tagging. It would make it easier to customize the layout using CSS/Javascript05:11
flacosteflacoste: in general, i see that there is too much presentation markup in the HTML and not enough semantic markup05:12
=== flacoste was accustomed to the well-designed Plone HTML/CSS
mptWell, we don't have any <font>s05:15
mptMost of our <i>s don't mean anything in particular05:15
mptMost of our <b>s are inline headings, but CSS doesn't do inline headings so we'd still need the <br>s before them05:16
mptI remove <hr>s whenever I come across them, though some people like inserting them05:17
flacostempt: what do you call inline headings?05:17
mptand the Plone CSS was horrific.05:17
mptflacoste, such as you might find in a dictionary05:18
flacostempt: when was the last time you checked it?05:18
flacostempt: something like what dt/dd is intended for?05:18
mptbut you can't get that presentation with dt/dd either05:18
mptflacoste, iirc the copy we had was from April-ish 200505:19
mptand when I nuked it circa October 2005, it dropped our CSS bandwidth by half05:19
mptThere's still remnants of it in launchpad.css, which I will remove one day05:20
flacostempt: indeed the Plone CSS was big, they somewhat improved that with 2.1 though, but still it is big05:20
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Keybukmpt: why not just use <h6> for inline headings and adjust it in CSS to look right?05:21
Keybukor <label> ?05:21
mptKeybuk, there's no way to achieve that in CSS05:22
Keybukwhy not?05:22
Keybukyou can modify any tag to have the same effect as <b> ?05:23
Keybukyou can also modify any tag to have <b> with a following line break05:23
mptyes, but then you still need the <br /> beforehand05:23
mptso you haven't gained anything05:23
Keybukno, you don't05:23
mptexcept extra browsability in mostly non-existent outlining tools05:23
mptoh, and screenreaders05:23
Keybukjust make it a display: block05:23
mptThat would be quite different from the current display05:24
Keybukor am I misinterpreting what you're attempting?05:24
UbugtuMalone bug 1 in Ubuntu Dapper "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed]  05:24
mptVisibility: Public05:24
mptSecurity related? No05:25
mptSo you want a line break before the bold stuff, but not after05:25
mpt{display: block} gives you (effectively) a line break both before and after05:25
mpt{display: inline} gives you neither05:25
Keybuk<div class="pair"><span class="key">Foo</span><span class="value">Bar</span></div>05:27
mptWell, sure05:27
SteveAKinnison, malcc: I'm still seeing this:05:27
SteveAThere were 1 imports of names not appearing in the __all__.05:27
SteveAYou should not import NeedsSymlinkInPool from canonical.archivepublisher.pool:05:27
SteveA    canonical.archivepublisher.publishing05:27
mptso for "you still need the <br /> beforehand", read "you still need either the <br /> beforehand, or a <div> before and a </div> after"05:28
Keybukmpt: that's actually better, because now you can id the pair05:28
Keybuk<div class="pair" id="username">05:28
mpt#ubuntero {display: none}05:28
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Keybuknow I can BeautifulSoup...("div", { "id": "username" })("span", { "class": "value"})[0] .string05:29
mptfair enough05:30
malccSteveA: I've been fixing those as I go along, which means at least one fix is in one of my slow-to-land branches. Do you want me to bump the priority of these fixes?05:30
mptthough (number of people who could use it) * (amount it would improve Launchpad for them) / (implementation effort required) is pretty small05:31
mpt#mpt {consciousness: smaller;}05:32
SteveAmalcc: this in particular gives everyone extra noise when writing tests, and prevents me from making that warning into an error.  Also, I mentioned this about three weeks ago, and was told it would be fixed in the next couple of days then.05:32
SteveAso, yes, please fix it soon05:33
SteveAif we have a warning being output all the time, then people are less likely to notice additional ones05:33
malccSteveA: Ok, willdo05:34
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kikomatsubara, can you confirm that https://launchpad.net/products/malone/+bug/6751 is fixed?05:40
UbugtuMalone bug 6751 in malone "Forbidden error when viewing a milestone with private bugs" [Medium,Fix committed]  05:40
kikospiv, ping?05:40
=== matsubara checks
jordidanilos: samo proba!05:47
matsubarakiko: yes, it's fixed. 05:47
kikomatsubara, would you have time to do the simple fix for https://launchpad.net/products/malone/+bug/4779 -- ?05:48
UbugtuMalone bug 4779 in malone "It's impossible to change the bugtracker's type after it is created." [Medium,Confirmed]  05:48
matsubarakiko: assign it to me.05:49
matsubarakiko: by simple fix you mean 'make the +edit BT type editable' and not the 'infer BT type automatically', right?05:49
kikomatsubara, correct.05:50
kikomatsubara, do you know who fixed bug 5542? was it mpt?05:56
UbugtuMalone bug 5542 in malone "Malone shouldn't say "No matching results found" (inaccurate and imprecise)" [Medium,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/554205:56
matsubarakiko: I don't remember from the top of my head, but I can find out.05:56
salgadoI think I fixed that05:56
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matsubarakiko: there you go05:57
kikosalgado, really? the current text is quite cool -- There are currently no open bugs. -- No results for search <b>dede</b>05:57
kikosalgado, just a period lacking after the </b> there05:57
salgadoyou re-assigned it to me and then I got a bugmail from mpt, as if this was a new bug06:00
salgadothis is annoying06:00
kikothat's weird. BjornT?06:01
salgadokiko, btw, you said you want to improve the wording but you didn't say what exactly you want to change.06:01
salgadoI think there's a bug open for that already. (the bugmail problem)06:02
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kikono, the wording is now fine salgado06:02
kikosalgado, only missing a period at the end of the line.06:02
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=== flacoste wonders what is Storm?
BjornTsalgado, kiko: yeah, there's a bug open on that06:04
kikoBjornT, why do we send that email to salgado? Ah, do we assume he was never notified of it?06:04
danilosjordi: that was supposed to go into my local launchpad, and it's serbian for "just a test" ;)06:05
kikomatsubara, and bug 44986?06:05
UbugtuMalone bug 44986 in launchpad-bazaar "vcs-imports cannot post +sourceadmin" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4498606:05
BjornTkiko: yeah. i think the idea is that a newly notified should get a summary of the bug.06:06
kikomatsubara, could you handle that one? it's bugging ddaa..06:06
jordidanilos: :)06:06
kikoBjornT, so is the fix improving the text on the message, or checking whether salgado (because he is a launchpad-developer) already got the email?06:06
kikoperhaps the former06:06
ddaaactually, I think it might be something else than that ATM06:07
jordidanilos: are you in the rosetta@ alias?06:07
kikoBjornT, I need to have lunch, bw, but ping me when you're back.06:07
ddaaI'm about to give +sourceadmin another try, I'll let you know06:07
danilosjordi: no, not that I know of06:07
danilosjordi: how can I get there? :)06:07
jordiok. I guess you should at some point.06:07
jordiAsk Carlos. Who will then tell you to ask admin :)06:07
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danilosheh, ok, np06:07
ddaamatsubara: I confirm, even without making any change to the form I cannot post it06:08
danilosjordi: btw, I need to upload guadec pics, there's plenty of you :)06:08
BjornTkiko: yeah, the former.06:08
jordireally? :D06:08
flacosteI need help on SQLObject: anyone can explain to me what the prejoins= parameter is for?06:08
matsubaraddaa: ok, I'll assign it to me.06:08
kikoddaa, matsubara: I can't post either, and I'm an admin!06:08
jordireminds me I want to shave today.06:08
danilosjordi: if you shave, pictures won't correspond to the real you anymore :P06:09
ddaakiko: that's normal, this form is reserved to vcs-imports superheros06:09
carlosdanilos: send it to the rt@ address where you requested your account06:09
daniloscarlos: ok06:09
jordiwhat did I say! :P06:09
kikoddaa, frown06:09
carlosdanilos: also, I'm going to add you to the rosetta-admins team06:09
ddaaseriously, anything would normally want to do should be accessible from +source, and that should be what the admin can access06:09
jordicarlos: sigh this xaralx stuff is getting hairy. maybe a query showing if those 8 people have any "accepted" translation would help06:10
daniloscarlos: yeah, will that give me better privileges for rosetta bugs?06:10
carlosdanilos: so you get Rosetta super powers 06:10
daniloscarlos: oh my, that's what I want! :)06:10
carlosdanilos: no changes on bugs, just Rosetta UI06:10
ddaakiko: +sourceadmin is meant to allow things that require non-trivial manual poking in the product systems, that launchpad admins are not qualified to do.06:10
ddaa* in the production systems06:10
jordidanilos: you'll be able to edit templates, etc. Real fun06:10
danilosaah, ok, ok, that's good enough for start :)06:11
danilosjordi: yeah, I'll probably be able to translate to Valencian (which is totally unlike Catalan, of course :) as well? :)06:11
kikoddaa, that sounds at least silly. admins wouldn't futz with that page anyway unless they knew what they were doing.06:11
kikoddaa, the idea that "you can't trust an admin" is broken06:11
LarstiQhi ddaa06:11
ddaakiko: I can buy that argument06:11
kikoddaa, because, effectively the group should be of people you can trust06:11
jordidanilos: only when you fix the UI for locale variants :)06:11
flacostei get a weird error after running a Functional test: Exception exceptions.TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable" in <bound method Transaction.__del__ of <sqlobject.dbconnection.Transaction object at 0x30e9cbd0>> ignored06:12
ddaakiko: but I can imagine some admins making too many assumptions...06:12
kikoddaa, also note that stub, lifeless, elmo and znarl can in theory do the same thing by running wild SQL! :)06:12
kikoddaa, there are not a lot of admins...06:12
ddaakiko: but if you do that, you KNOW that you are doing something dangerous06:12
danilosjordi: heh, noooo, you broke even that? ;)06:12
ddaaLarstiQ: hello06:13
carlosdanilos: well, we didn't implement variants (yet).... 06:13
carlosdanilos: you have super cow powers now ;-)06:13
jordiwe were waiting for your arrival to make it happen. :p06:13
daniloswell, carlos, the trick is something I learned at guadec: if anything is missing, wrong or broken, blame jordi06:13
=== kiko fucks PQM and bzrlib
jordikiko: oh no06:14
danilosit's easy... just look at me...06:14
daniloskiko: blame jordi, it's his fault06:14
ddaakiko-fud: does it fuck blazingly fast now?06:14
carlosso any bug in GNOME/GTK is seb128's fault06:14
carlosand now, any bug in Rosetta is jordi's fault06:15
BjornTflacoste: you can ignore that error. iirc, it has something to do with sqlobject caches and that it uses __del__06:15
danilosyeah, all problems resolved :)06:15
daniloswhen I get enough privileges for rosetta in malone, I'll go reassign all bugs to jordi with a message "it's your fault" :)06:15
flacosteBjornT: ignored is what I did, glad you can confirm me it was the right attitude :-)06:15
=== jordi frowns.
flacosteBjornT: any explication on the prejoin SQLObject parameter?06:16
carlosdanilos: hmm, I think you need to joing launchpad developers team for that06:16
=== danilos hugs and kisses jordi to make him feel loved :P
carlosdanilos: https://launchpad.net/people/launchpad06:17
daniloscarlos: I think I already tried that and got notified that only an admin can add me (or something like that)06:17
danilosbtw, why not create a rosetta devels team which is then included into launchpad devels team? ;)06:18
BjornTflacoste: right. it's a way of pre-fetching an attribute of an object at the same time you fetch the object from the database.06:18
flacosteBjornT: is it kind of a trick to fill SQLObject cache so that traversing to linked object afterwards is faster?06:20
BjornTflacoste: for example if you loop through all the tickets and use .product, normall a db query will be issued for each ticket. if you use prejoin the product can be fetched in the same query as the tickets, resulting in one db query instead of many06:20
daniloswow, and look at the rosetta-admins team: it's all the cool guys! :)06:20
BjornTflacoste: exactly06:20
flacosteBjornT: ok, thanks!06:21
carlosdanilos: let me add you, I'm an admin ;-)06:21
daniloscarlos: sure, and thanks btw :)06:21
carlosdanilos: well, we need to split rosetta-admins06:23
carlosto have rosetta-admins and rosetta-experts06:23
carlosthen, we will be able to do that setup06:23
carlosFor instance, Daf is a Rosetta Expert, but he's not a Launchpad developer06:23
carlosat least he's not it anymore06:23
daniloscarlos: yeah, I know06:23
danilosbut he's still cool :)06:23
carlossure ;-)06:24
carlosI was just arguing about why rosetta-admins is not just a subteam of launchpad team06:24
danilosah, yeah :)06:26
jordifantastic, 2.6.17 doesn't like my wireless06:32
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sivangcarlos: that's the difference between a rosetta expert and a launchpad developer ?06:46
carlossivang: s/that/what/ ?06:47
sivangcarlos: right :)06:47
sivangcarlos: you have a good psychic powers ;)06:47
carlossivang: a rosetta expert only gets super powers on Rosetta and a launchpad developer is the owner of launchpad products so we get all 'spam' from rosetta/malone/launchpad/etc...06:48
carlosa launchpad developer will not get rights to translate anything on Rosetta, but a Rosetta Expert will get those rights06:48
sivangcarlos: I see06:49
daniloscarlos: while I am at it, do you think it would be better to also move "checked" (preferred) languages in front of all the others?06:52
danilosit's a simple template change, but I think it's much more useful ;)06:53
carlosyeah, sounds like a good idea06:53
daniloscarlos: bug #1788 fix at https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filewpiI4v.html07:00
UbugtuMalone bug 1788 in rosetta "Saving preferred languages looks like it does nothing" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/178807:00
carlosdanilos: hmmm, I don't think you need to use '%(language)s' and a dictionary there, it's just one argument07:04
carlosdanilos: other than that, I think the patch is good ;-)07:05
daniloscarlos: well, I do that since I anticipate that one day we'll have localised launchpad ;)07:05
daniloscarlos: and %(launchpad)s is (dubiously) clearer than just %s07:05
danilosfor translators, of course ;)07:06
carlosdanilos: ok, that's a good argument07:06
carlosdanilos: ok, next step (in fact, it should be the first step...)07:06
danilosassign bug to myself? I'd do that if I knew how :)07:07
carlosdanilos: you need to add a test to be sure that we don't have regressions07:07
bradbkiko-fud: I updated my malone-smallfixes branch (with the security/privacy collapse) this morning. Probably best to first review that, then later review the landscape-hack branch, after I've tweaked it from the results of the sec/priv review.07:07
kiko-fudbradb, good man. have a URL handy?07:07
=== bradb & # lunch
bradbsure, one sec07:07
danilosah, ok, some xp techniques :)07:07
bradbkiko-fud: it's not so small though, fwiw07:08
carlosdanilos: you should have rights now to assign the bug to you, please tell me if you don't have such rights (and also, change its status to In Progress)07:08
kiko-fudbradb, that's fine07:08
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bradbkiko-fud: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filemwZdCZ.html07:09
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kiko-fudbradb, oh, I thought you were going to give me the link to pending-reviews07:10
kiko-fudthis is fine too07:10
daniloscarlos: ah, I do, it's not very clear that I need to click on "Affects" field07:10
kiko-fudbradb, did you move the xx-filebug-shows-security contact stuff to another test?07:10
bradbkiko-fud: yeah, the distro- and upstream-bugprivacy ones07:11
=== bradb really goes for lunch now
=== bradb &
kiko-fudah cool07:11
carlosdanilos: hmm I guess that's a UI issue, talk with mpt (our UI expert) or bradb or BjornT (malone developers)07:11
daniloscarlos: it's already bug #109507:14
UbugtuMalone bug 1095 in malone "Unnecessarily difficult to find how to change status or reassign a bug" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/109507:14
ddaaIs there any actual non-doctest non-pagetest unit test code for things like database and browser classes?07:36
ddaaI can see tests for specific non-web subsystems, like published, sftp server etc07:37
ddaabut nothing for things like "I have a page with hairy logic and I want unit tests for the brower and database classes"07:37
kiko-fudman pqm is annoying07:38
kiko-fudBjornT, wanna do that phone call?07:38
ddaabradb: any insight?07:38
salgadoddaa, we have some unit tests in launchpad/database/ftests/07:41
ddaasalgado: wouldn't that be a bad place to put unit tests for browser code?07:41
salgadodefinitely. that's for database code07:41
ddaabesides, it's only adapter code07:41
ddaano actual tests there07:41
salgadofor browser code I doubt we have any unit tests07:42
ddaawow! there's an actual unit test in test_ro_user.py!07:42
ddaaand test_shipit_constraints07:42
ddaasalgado: do you think I'm eccentric in thinking that it would a good thing to have some transversal unittest for browser and database code used for the +source and +sourceadmin forms?07:43
ddaain addition to the pagetests and doctests07:43
salgadoddaa, I guess you'd like to have that because the page is quite complex?07:44
ddaayes, there's some pretty hairy logic dependent on database state and the class of user changes in the form07:45
ddaathat should be spread in various appropriate classes involved in those pages07:45
salgadowe have some doctests, usually called <foo>-pages.txt, whose initial purpose was to test these hairy pages07:46
salgadobut that's not unit test07:47
ddaawell, I'd like if doctests could be restricted to documentation07:47
ddaafor non-trivial amount of testing, the accumulation of state they cause make them very hairy to maintain07:47
=== carlos -> out
ddaasalgado: anyway, I'm out for an extended week-end07:48
salgadoso, although we don't have any unit tests for browser code, I think it'd be reasonable to have07:48
ddaasalgado: I'd like to if when I come back, something has been decided about that... 07:49
salgadoddaa, maybe you can add it as a topic to the next meeting07:50
ddaaI'm not here for tomorrow's meeting07:50
salgadoeven though you won't be here, I guess I can explain it and answer any questions people make07:50
salgadoin fact, I don't think there's much to be discussed about this. I think it should just be a matter of creating launchpad/browser/tests/ and start writing unit tests and placing them there07:51
ddaawell, it's quite surprising that there's apparently _no_ browser unittest whatsoever so far...07:52
ddaait's not like it's a groundbreaking idea...07:52
salgadoit's not, definitely.  I guess it's because since the beginning we've benn writing only pagetests and doctests07:53
salgadoso, it's much easier to stick something else in one of them than to do the right thing and write unit tests in a separate file07:53
ddaafortunately, I'm in a situation of writing a spec for somebody else to write tests and code, so it's easier to _ask_ the right thing :)07:54
BjornTkiko-fud: sure, i want to do that phone call now.07:55
kiko-fudok 5 minutes turkish. should I call you?07:55
BjornTsounds good.07:55
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=== SteveA_ is now known as SteveA
ddaaGoodbye, see you tuesday.08:03
=== bradb returns
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msghhow can i upload my files into branch by sftp?08:15
msghis there any one there?08:16
Keybukbzr push --create-prefix sftp://$USERID@bazaar.launchpad.net/~$USERID/$PRODUCT/$BRANCH08:22
Keybukwhere USERID = your launchpad user name08:22
KeybukPRODUCT = the name of the "product" you want to push to08:22
KeybukBRANCH = unique name for your branch ("mainline"/"trunk"/"bugfixes"/etc.)08:22
=== msgh [n=root@] has joined #launchpad
msghi connect to account at launchpad by sftp , how can i upload my codes there?08:27
msghcan any one help me ?08:28
Keybuk<Keybuk> bzr push --create-prefix sftp://$USERID@bazaar.launchpad.net/~$USERID/$PRODUCT/$BRANCH08:28
Keybuk<Keybuk> where USERID = your launchpad user name08:28
Keybuk<Keybuk> PRODUCT = the name of the "product" you want to push to08:28
Keybuk<Keybuk> bzr push --create-prefix sftp://$USERID@bazaar.launchpad.net/~$USERID/$PRODUCT/$BRANCH08:28
Keybuk<Keybuk> where USERID = your launchpad user name08:28
Keybuk<Keybuk> PRODUCT = the name of the "product" you want to push to08:28
Keybuk<Keybuk> BRANCH = unique name for your branch ("mainline"/"trunk"/"bugfixes"/etc.)<Keybuk> BRANCH = unique name for your branch ("mainline"/"trunk"/"bugfixes"/etc.)08:28
Keybukdouble paste08:28
msghsftp> bzr push --create-prefix sftp://socg2006@bazaar.launchpad.net/~socg2006/bzr/saj08:33
msghInvalid command.08:33
msghI try it but in terminal It's shown this msg : Invalid command08:34
salgadomsgh, you need to do it outside of the sftp prompt08:35
salgadoIOW, first exit the sftp session and then issue the "bzr push ..." command08:35
kiko-fudBjornT, oops, plop. calling back in08:35
msgh bzr push --create-prefix sftp://socg2006@bazaar.launchpad.net/~socg2006/bzr/saj08:37
msghbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: /root/08:37
Keybukmsgh: you're not in a bzr branch?08:37
msghbut in out of sftp this error has been shown : bzr:Error:Not a branch :/root08:38
salgadomsgh, $ cd /path/to/bzr-branch08:38
msghwhere are my bzr branch? 08:39
Keybukwhat are you actually trying to do?!08:39
msghI want to upload files in my accout in launchpad , but i don't know howto?08:41
msghin terminal where must i be,im now at root08:42
kiko-fudBjornT, argh. okay, I give08:43
kiko-fudBjornT, I'll produce a mockup of the keywords html and you tell me what you think ok?08:43
BjornTkiko-fud: sounds perfect08:44
jendaHello - what do I put as URL for a bzr branch?08:44
msghcan you plz explain cd /path/to/bzr?08:44
jendaIt's for Spreadubuntu08:44
salgadomsgh, this service is not for uploading random files. it can be used only to upload bzr branches08:45
LarstiQjenda: bzr branches can live at any url provided you have access, can you give a bit more context?08:46
salgadomsgh, it assumes you've used bzr before and you have a bzr branch with (open source) code on it in your computer08:46
salgadomsgh, do you have that?08:46
=== LarstiQ has his own branches at http://bzr.richtlijn.be/ for instance
jendaI was told that launchpad would host a bzr repo for an Ubuntu project.08:47
jendaIs that true?08:47
danilosjenda: what is ubuntu? :?08:47
jendagah ;)08:48
salgadokiko-fud, http://async.com.br/~salgado/shipit-download.jpg08:49
salgado(no more accessing remote launchpad instances)08:50
kiko-fudsalgado, I wouldn't say ", which will take only a few hours"08:51
LarstiQjenda: bazaar.launchpad.net can do hosting of arbitrary branches08:51
LarstiQjenda: I guess that Ubuntu people have a specific workflow though08:51
kiko-fudsalgado, apart from that it looks good.08:51
jendaSo would you know how to get hosting there?08:52
LarstiQjenda: so perhaps they can give you better advice on how to fit in, or you could roll with me and do something generic ;)08:52
salgadokiko-fud, to the code, then: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/file27OXKn.html :)08:52
LarstiQjenda: http://ddaa.net/blog/ explains it fairly well. 08:53
jendaLarstiQ: what exactly would generic mean?08:53
kiko-fudsalgado, "and burn them yourself" was okay..08:53
kiko-fudsalgado, r=kiko on that08:53
salgadooh, the screenshot was old08:54
jendaLarstiQ: looks good. Thanks a bunch, I'll be back with more questions, most prolly :)08:54
LarstiQjenda: generic would mean getting a branch hosted on launchpad without any ubuntu specific knowledge (as I don't have any)08:54
salgadokiko-fud, are you sure people won't be confused with just "burn them yourself." ?08:55
kiko-fudsalgado, hmmm. and record them yourself?08:55
jendaLarstiQ: Ah - I think that would work OK for me, as it's the first branch for the Marketing Team, and every Team works on it's own.08:55
kiko-fudsalgado, I don't like the repetition of the word "CD" much08:55
LarstiQjenda: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~larstiq/bzrk/bzrk.lq for instance is my bzrk branch08:55
jendaLarstiQ: What the branch would cantain is artwork, webdesign and text. No code apart from xml and html, I'm quite sure ;)08:55
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jendahello raphink08:56
raphinkhi jenda08:56
=== jenda went by the cloak there ;)
salgadokiko-fud, neither do I. I think record is fine08:57
stubburn is a common term now. I think my inlaws use it, and they don't even have a CD burner.08:58
=== stub goes to bed
stub(at least for native speakers)08:58
kiko-fud"burn them yourself" has connotations08:58
=== flacoste loves bzr shelve unshelve
salgadokiko-fud, what about that shipit discussion?09:02
kiko-fudsalgado, riiiight.09:05
salgadoflacoste, me too, and I loved it even more when I discovered bzr shelf 09:07
flacostesalgado: thanks! i didn't know that one09:09
kiko-fudBjornT, http://async.com.br/~kiko/mockups/keywords.html09:17
kiko-fudBjornT, so that's my initial idea.09:17
kiko-fudBjornT, I'm not sure how well that works with portlets..09:18
kiko-fudbradb, how does that look to you?09:26
=== bradb looks
BjornTkiko-fud: it looks quite good. i'm not so sure about the box around the description, but maybe it's not too bad.09:27
kiko-fudBjornT, I'm not so sure myself, but without it.. 09:27
BjornTyeah, i know...09:27
kiko-fudbradb, do you have an issue with having keywords on bugs instead of on tasks09:29
bradbkiko-fud: In practice, I don't think it'll make a big difference either way. (If there were 10 distros heavily using Malone, I might answer differently.)09:31
bradbalso, there's another dimension to consider: distro or product09:32
bradband another: user09:33
bradbi think distro or product would make sense before task09:33
bradband that user is pure science fiction, for now09:33
SteveAi think keywords should be on bugs not tasks09:36
SteveAit is something that helps people share the work of understanding the bug09:36
SteveAeven if they come to it from different tasks, different contexts09:36
SteveAwe should work to make malone a place where distros and upstreams cooperate on bugs09:37
SteveAand shared tags is one way to do this09:37
jendaLarstiQ: Can you help me create a branch? Can't seem to get it done.09:37
bradbkiko-fud:  I think the UI you propose looks pretty good. The shortcomings that I do see, like maybe having a "No, I meant [      ] " type workflow, can probably emerge over time (my brain is not fully into thinking about this problem right now.)09:37
=== bradb is slugging through expense paperwork
LarstiQjenda: sure09:41
LarstiQjenda: what seems to be the problem?09:42
jendaLarstiQ: I have a SSH key in LP, a directory on my PC with files the way I want them there... now what next? There's the init command and the push command...09:42
LarstiQah :)09:42
jenda(I also have a product on LP)09:42
LarstiQjenda: so, you don't have a bzr branch yet?09:42
LarstiQok, we'll start there then.09:43
LarstiQ(if anyone objects to this taking place here, we can take it to #bzr)09:43
jendaThe beginning - what a great place to start ;)09:43
jenda(or PM - or #ubuntu-marketing...)09:43
LarstiQjenda: #bzr has the benefit of being my home base ;)09:44
jenda#ubuntu-marketing is my home base :-D09:44
jendabut sure09:44
LarstiQjenda: I take it you have a directory structure ready, cd to the top of that, and run 'bzr init'. After that, 'bzr add'09:44
LarstiQjenda: it should tell you it has added some files. See 'bzr status' to confirm it has what you want.09:45
jendaSpaces in filenames aren't a problem, are they?09:46
kiko-fudBjornT, want more input, want a phone call, or are you all good?09:46
LarstiQjenda: time to commit then, 'bzr commit' throws up an editor, or 'bzr commit -m "commit message"' 09:46
LarstiQjenda: not for bzr no, wreaks havoc with my naive shell scripting though ;P09:46
jenda(BTW, I've use svn before)09:47
jendaLooks done...09:47
jendaLarstiQ: What next?09:48
LarstiQjenda: publish it. 'bzr push sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~user/project/branch'09:49
BjornTkiko-fud: i should be good to go for an initial implementation, thanks! i'll update the spec tomorrow.09:50
kiko-fudBjornT, feel free to link to that mockup. thanks!09:50
jendaLarstiQ: permission denied...09:50
LarstiQjenda: can you connect with a different sftp client to confirm LP knows about your key?09:51
jendaNever tried :( Nautilus good enough? (I'm afraid I registered the key in LP wrong)09:52
jendaLarstiQ: how can I try that?09:53
LarstiQjenda: ssh comens with 'sftp'09:53
=== jenda blushes in shame
LarstiQjenda: so, try 'sftp bazaar.launchpad.net'09:53
LarstiQjenda: no need to blush, I only found that out when I started to toy with bazaar.launchpad.net myself ;)09:53
jendayeah, permission denied.09:53
jendahehe ;)09:54
LarstiQjenda: have you used ssh-add on the lp key?09:56
LarstiQor specified it to be used in ~/.ssh/config09:56
jendathe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto doesn't say so. I guess they don't expect too many people to be doing so. I'll bring it up to the doc team.09:57
jendaArgh, there's something wrong with the key. the passphrase doesn't work.09:58
salgadokiko-fud, https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filent4KID.html should do the job09:58
LarstiQjenda: it is a bit specific to bazaar.launchpad.net though 09:58
LarstiQjenda: ah.09:58
salgadokiko-fud, actually, wait a second09:59
jendaAnd besides it throws an error about the private key being too unprotected.09:59
salgadokiko-fud, https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileslmshZ.html10:00
kiko-fudsalgado, TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'SelectResults' and 'int'10:02
kiko-fudI think you are missing a count() 10:03
salgadokiko-fud, total_dapper_requests = previous_dapper_requests.count() + 110:03
salgadoor https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filesv3slu.html10:03
LarstiQjenda: do you need help with the key?10:04
jendaI'm working on it LarstiQ ;) I'll brb with the key alright - thanks10:05
kiko-fud> Shipit requests continue to be out of control (currently 1500 pending)..10:06
LarstiQkiko-fud: wuh, what makes that so backlog sensitive?10:09
kikoguess I ate too much.10:09
jendaLarstiQ: done.10:10
jendaLarstiQ: Now it tells me the parent directory doesn't exist.10:10
LarstiQjenda: ah good, use push --create-prefix instead10:10
jendaProbably because the branch isn't regged on ... ah10:11
jendaAh, working :)10:11
LarstiQI'm not sure how long it will take for it to be mirrored publicly (on the https side)10:12
LarstiQbut with teams, it is possible for team members to access the sftp uri10:13
jendaOK, great ;)10:13
jendaBTW, can anyone checkout, or only team members?10:14
LarstiQjenda: from the public side, everyone, for sftp, they won't even see it10:15
jendathe public side is a mirrored, https accessible bzr repo type thing? ;)10:16
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LarstiQjenda: yup.10:17
jendaSo no-one but me can checkout the intire branch, if it's under my name in launchpad?10:17
LarstiQjenda: not entirely sure about that10:17
LarstiQhttps://launchpad.net/people/jenda/+branch/spreadubuntu/spreadubuntu lists the http url already10:18
=== LarstiQ tries to check that out
LarstiQwill take some time to mirror10:18
LarstiQjenda: if it doesn't work as is, try it like https://launchpad.net/people/bzrk/+branch/bzrk/dev10:19
LarstiQjenda: that branch is pushed to sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzrk/bzrk/dev10:19
LarstiQjenda: the first bzrk being the team10:19
jendaI don't understand what that is.10:20
LarstiQjenda: so that would be sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-marketing/spreadubuntu/spreadubuntu for you10:21
jendaI see ;)10:21
jendaMeaning re-register it to the Marketing Team instead.10:21
LarstiQjenda: bzrk is a plugin for bzr to visualise merges, it is registered as a product in lp by the 'bzrk developers' 10:22
LarstiQjenda: just pushing would do the registering10:22
jendaThat was meant as an example, though, right? OK.10:22
LarstiQas it is the only team-shared branch I have experience with ;)10:22
jendaAnd that would give commit access to all 43 members of the MT.10:23
LarstiQjenda: yup.10:23
jendaI'll have to think about that :)10:23
=== LarstiQ nods
jendaBut it's quite probably that the people on there that I don't want to have access wouldn't be capable of commiting anyway...10:23
LarstiQjenda: I don't know if you could do finer grained control than that, other than setting up a new team10:23
=== jenda grins evilly
LarstiQor that.10:23
jendaLarstiQ: I have the feeling that nothing got uploaded though.10:26
jendaAny way to check, or re-try?10:27
LarstiQjenda: that is easy to check, can you branch from it?10:27
jendacommit says no changes10:27
LarstiQ(or use bzr info on it)10:27
jendaIs it just me or is there something wrong with that, LarstiQ?10:28
LarstiQjenda: that checks the local branch, not the one you just pushed to10:29
LarstiQjenda: the way I would test this is by bluntly doing 'cd /tmp; bzr branch sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jenda/spreadubuntu/spreadubuntu'10:30
LarstiQjenda: but, you could also use any other command that handles remote branches, 'bzr log -r -1  sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jenda/spreadubuntu/spreadubuntu; bzr info  sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jenda/spreadubuntu/spreadubuntu', you get the idea10:30
=== jd_ [n=jd@APuteaux-151-1-74-29.w83-204.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #launchpad
jendaOK, thanks10:33
jendaSeems it's all there :)10:34
msghi fuck you10:34
LarstiQjenda: great. Anything else I can help with?10:37
jendayep :)10:37
jendaWhen I try to push... ah wait...10:37
jendanevermind - I typed marketing-team instead of ubuntu-marketing :)10:38
LarstiQyou need not specify the target every time, it will remember so you can just do 'bzr push'10:38
LarstiQjenda: if you want to remember a different location, you can pass the full url and --remember10:39
jendagreat ;)10:39
LarstiQjenda: and check bzr info to see what bzr thinks about your branch10:39
jendaThere'll probabyl only be one10:39
jendaOK, now I need to know the command that one should use to checkout10:40
jendanvm ;)10:42
LarstiQwell, you can do a checkout or a full branch10:43
jendawhat's the diff?10:44
LarstiQjenda: a checkout is bound to it's master branch, a commit in the checkout will also try to do a commit in the master. Sorta like the centralized style of svn/cvs10:45
jendaOK, whereas branch is only a specific branch...10:46
LarstiQjenda: if you do 'bzr branch' though, you will get a independent branch10:46
jendaso when it's a simple branch like mine, there's no difference?10:46
LarstiQwhich you would need to push to a public location, or be merged10:46
jendaargh... it's not _all_ there.10:47
LarstiQjenda: what is missing?10:47
jendaI added some things after the first commit, and those aren't there.10:47
LarstiQjust bzr add, or committed those also?10:48
jendaLet's see.. when I type bzr commit, these things show up as unknown in the editor10:48
jendaSo it's bzr add, then bzr commit for each change, right?10:49
LarstiQjenda: 'bzr add <file>' will make <file> versioned. a bare 'bzr add' adds all unknown files recursivly (that looks wrongly spelled, hmm)10:58
LarstiQjenda: and a commit is needed to make a new revision10:58
LarstiQjenda: then after several commits, you might want to publish it with push (or use a checkout, which will do the push after every commit)10:58
jenda'recursively' ;)10:59
jendaOK thanks.10:59
LarstiQthanks, that's it :)11:00
jendaWhat happens when i 'push' instead of 'commiting'? Is that version vs. revision?11:00
LarstiQpush will transfer any revisions you have in your branch that are not at the target location11:00
LarstiQanything you haven't committed yet is only in your working tree, and not a revision yet, so that will not be pushed.11:01
jendaI see.11:02
jendaSo commit does'nt upload at all. Now I get it :)11:02
LarstiQjenda: welcome to the world of DVCS ;)11:03
jendamuhaha ;)11:03
jendaI did use svn before - but it was a little easier, really :)11:03
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LarstiQjenda: I'll have to disagree with you on that :p11:04
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jendaLarstiQ: let's agree to disagree ;)11:13
jendaHow would I remove the branch I pushed before as ~jenda ?11:13
jenda(I want to keep the ubuntu-marketing one only)11:14
LarstiQjenda: I think that is launchpad-admin terrain, since afaik lp doesn't have a way to delete things atm11:14
jendaI marked it abandoned then.11:15
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