
troy_skwwii, you in brother?12:09
kwwiihey man, wassup?12:09
kwwiiI am still hanging on12:10
troy_sgood... night soon for you?12:10
troy_ssleepy time?12:10
kwwiiI have had a plague of emails in the last two days12:10
troy_swell that's good news i guess!12:11
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=== kwwii comes from the Gary the Gnu age
kwwii"No gnus is good gnus"12:17
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kwwiinight all02:17
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Madpilotanyone know where/if the Dapper 'Circle of Friends' photo is available? It's not on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official, and I could have sworn it was...06:07
Madpilotnever mind, it's on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DIYMarketing06:08
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jendaIs there a way to find the author of http://art.ubuntu.com/backgrounds/ubuntu/54 ?02:48
jendanvm found him.02:56
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troy_syeah its tristian05:10
troy_sfrom gnome-look05:10
jendagot him. mailed him.05:15
troy_si like his look as well... are you trying a marketing mock up?05:19
jendayes - for the spreadubuntu site05:24
jendaI made the above based on his work05:24
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newz2000What do you guys do when you create a work that includes a font the client doesn't have?05:34
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fowlduckwhat do you guys use in general to make the ubuntu artwork?  Is there something especially good for making the logo?05:41
jendaThere's inkscape and the GIMP, if that's what you mean...05:42
jendabut I'm only a guest here ;)05:42
newz2000We love svg, and inkscape is a steller tool for creating svg.05:43
newz2000The next two big tools are GIMP and PhotoShop. Some here use Illustrator too.05:44
jendaBut don't forget Adobe Illustrator is evil ;)05:44
fowlduckoh cool, I was wondering how to manipulate svg05:44
jendafowlduck: there's the gimp-svg plugin, but I think there's a dependency problem there05:45
fowlduckyeah, i'll just give inkscape a try05:45
jendaInkscape is incredible. I had no trouble working in it even though I've never done anything of the sort before, and yet it can do near anything.05:45
fowlducki'm trying to make a new version of ubuntu...eventually here....but I'm graphically challenged05:46
newz2000Fowlduck, the latest version in Dapper is 0.43, but there's a new version just released that is so nice.05:46
fowlduckand I need a background and some icons by thursday.  I have a friend workin on it but it looks......05:46
newz2000I just upgraded last night05:46
fowlducknewz2000: I use SuSE for my desktop, Ubuntu for server05:47
fowlducknewz2000: i wonder how it is in this one05:47
newz2000I'll bet you can get it. Its worth the work.05:47
newz2000I did a whole project Friday and yesterday in 0.43, then I upgraded last night and almost cried when I saw how much easier some stuff was.05:49
jendanewz2000: is there a howto somewhere, to upgrade to 0.44?05:49
jenda(and a changelog?)05:49
fowlducknewz2000: how are the deps?  the same?05:49
newz2000folwduck: I don't know, I just downloaded a deb from the forums and it worked. So must be OK.05:50
newz2000Here's a link,05:50
fowlduckcool, i'll make it an rpm using alien05:50
newz2000There may be a version out there already05:51
newz2000(Alien never treated me right)05:51
jendaBTW, newz2000, welcome to the Marketing Team ;)05:52
newz2000am I on it?05:52
newz2000:-D Cool05:52
jendaAh, no, you aren't ;) But you made an appearance on the list ;)05:53
newz2000Yeah, I pop on and off05:53
fowlducknewz2000: alien hasn't let me down so far05:53
jendanewz2000: in that case, make that _you_are_ welcome to the Marketing Team :-D05:54
newz2000I was starting to get overwhelmed with communication, so I've backed out of almost every channel.05:54
newz2000So I'm redesigning bzr website05:55
newz2000I found a cool font for the logo, but its non-free.05:55
newz2000What do you guys usually do when you have a font and your 'client' doesn't?05:55
=== jenda was just exploring ways how the MT could start using bzr
newz2000Or alternately, is there a good source for free (as in OSS) fonts?05:56
newz2000jenda: start with specs05:56
jendaI wouldn't know... I stick to free stuff, and I'm only here because I needed something from these guys.05:56
newz2000Do you have a team set up on launchpad?05:57
jendaThe Marketing Team - over 43 active members ;)05:57
jenda(over = there are about 60 recently deactivated ones)05:57
newz2000I'd start by creating specs for the stuff you want to get done. Its kind of like a detailed todo list.05:58
newz2000Then you can priortize and delegate the items.05:58
jendaIndeed. Create them in the wiki or on LP?05:58
newz2000They two are linked. LP is just an overview, there's a place to link to a wiki page.05:58
jendaah :)05:59
newz2000I've just started that for my stuff today05:59
newz2000https://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-website for an example06:00
newz2000Click on specs06:00
jendaHmm... what I have is: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/SpreadUbuntu06:01
jendaIt's not created from the spec template though. I get what you mean. I'll have a look at that.06:01
jendaIt won't be code we'll be bazaaring there.06:01
newz2000Since I'm a one-man team at the moment I'm using my for a glorified todo list. That way I can just direct people there when they want to report or request something06:02
jendaAlright, I'm beginning to get it ;)06:03
jendanewz2000: Do I first register a product?06:07
newz2000Hmm... good question06:07
newz2000Let me look06:07
=== jenda guesses these ar #launchpad questions, rather
fowlduckyay, .44 installed06:07
fowlduckthe .package file is nice06:08
newz2000Yes, I guess so06:08
fowlduckwe need more of that06:08
newz2000fowlduck, congrats06:08
newz2000jenda, you're right I think you do need a product06:08
jendaOK, doing that now.06:08
jendaoooh! 0.44 looks soo good :)06:19
jendaAbsolute rockage there...06:23
newz2000I've noticed you can click a color from the pallets and it will go into the fill color... I wonder if there's a way to click a color so that it goes to the stroke color06:23
jendatry the mod keys06:23
jendaShift give the borders06:24
newz2000ah shift06:24
newz2000I would have beat you, but I had to edit my post. (left the f out of shift)06:24
jendano pride in that - I've only used inkscape twice before. I'm in this channel to _get_ art, not make it 06:25
jendahttp://su.mindspin-cms-hosting.de/Mockup.png < one instance06:26
newz2000that's a cool smiley, how'd you do that?06:26
jendaI pressed the win key and o06:26
jendaBut edited my xmodmap to do a Kana_TU on that combination :)06:26
jendaI use a totally custom, four layer keyboard layout based on the dvorak.06:27
newz2000Did you make that poster?06:27
jendaI did, but not the original work06:27
jendabased on the above06:27
newz2000How did you make the text flow around the globe?06:27
jendaHaha :-D06:28
jendaYou know the answer before you even asked, newz200006:28
newz2000enlighten me06:28
newz2000manually edit it?06:28
jendaCopy paste the text and add line breaks where it crosses the border.06:29
newz2000Are you in Australia?06:29
jendaNo idea if there's a way to curve that.06:29
jendaNo, I'm in the Czech republic.06:29
jendaThe author of the orig might have been.06:29
jendatristian of gnome-look06:30
jendaIn fact, I came into this channel looking for him.06:30
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jendanewz2000: come to think of it, text flowing around selected objects in the design would be an AMAZING feature.06:35
newz2000Some progs do that, but usually page layout progs, which are sparse on linux.06:36
newz2000Maybe OOo can do it06:36
newz2000I know how to fake it in HTML. :D06:36
jendaBut it would be a nice inkscape feature, as in - I'd select the properties of the text box and add 'flow objects' - select the globe (or enter it's ID) and the text flows...06:37
newz2000Inkscape can flow text on a curve, I wonder if you can do it using that feature06:37
jendaProbably, lemme have a look.06:38
jendanewz2000: I just can't find any text flowing - except 'flow into frame', which I don't understand. Doesn't seem to do anything.06:44
newz2000The tutorial in the help menu I think demonstrates flowing text on a path... let me peek06:45
newz2000In Help --> Tutorial --> Tips about 60% down there's a tip, Placing text on a path06:46
newz2000I don't think it will work though06:46
jendaAh ;)06:46
newz2000it mentions something about "flow text"06:48
newz2000when I try it06:48
newz2000yeah, it just lets you make the text wavy06:50
jendayeah... hmm.06:50
newz2000Oooh spiral text.06:51
newz2000I don't know what thats useful for, but it looks cool.06:51
jendagot it!06:51
newz2000what'd you do?06:51
jendaGimme five minutes :)06:51
jendaYou create a 'rectangle' the desired shape06:51
jendaselect them both and flow text to frame06:52
newz2000Let me try it06:56
newz2000Some of my pallettes have disappeared, namely the alignment.06:56
newz2000oh, that's cool. It actually goes into the box06:58
newz2000So you could use the union tool to make boxes any shame you want and fit it right in there06:59
newz2000shame --> shape06:59
jendayep :)07:06
=== jenda fell in love
jendathat prog is near perfect.07:06
newz2000I don't remember there being layers before.07:19
newz2000This is handy07:19
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jendanewz2000: I'm positive 0.43 had layers. I used them.07:53
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fowlduckcan ubuntu icons be svg files?08:15
jendaI think so... try :)08:18
fowlducknot in ubuntu :/08:18
kwwiiif anyone wants to check out the kubuntu philosophy page...it is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Documentation/KubuntuPhilosophy08:19
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viper550Do you contribute to Tangerine?08:29
viper550Well, we've got a little problem. Even though originally this spec I've got has nothing to do with Artwork Team...they may actually be needed at all.08:31
viper550https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Slab Here's the spec with the problem, look at the bottom for my problem08:33
viper550Anyone still there?08:38
jendanewz2000: you there?08:42
jendaI don't know what to do next - I have a spec and a product...08:43
jendaBut when I want to register a branch, it asks for a URL08:43
jendaNot sure what to do there.08:43
newz2000Are you wanting to use bzr?08:43
newz2000I haven't done that yet.08:43
newz2000I'd ask in the #launchpad or #bzr  channels08:43
jenda(btw - I made a next version of the mockup: http://www.novarata.net/1/Mockup2.png)08:44
jendaOK, thanks08:44
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fowlduckwhere can I find gconf entries that change the theme?11:38
fowlduckahh, found it, metacity11:40
kwwiitroy_s: ping?11:45

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