
bddebianOh and lfittl+ ( I see his name all over :-) )12:10
lfittlbddebian: thanks :)12:10
sharms2bddebian: thank you12:10
elmook, alenitchev I think you're next on the list12:10
elmoalenitchev: wanna do your intro?12:10
alenitchevMy name is Dmitri Alenitchev. I'm 19 years old and live in Moscow region, Russia. At present moment i work in small software company, "Digital Worlds J.S.C." at System Administrator position. In my work i use Free and Open Source software.12:11
alenitchevSince 2000 year i use GNU/Linux as my primary OS. Also, i use FreeBSD and OpenBSD. My contribution to Open Source project was started from packaging and documentation works for Russian RPM-based Linux distribution - ALTLinux. I make some works for another RPM distribution - Fedora Core Linux. My first translations to Russian language i make for Fedora Core. Since summer, 2005 I'm official GNU Webmaster. Also, i make some works for various GNU 12:11
alenitchevSince 2005 year i become maintainer of `manpages-ru' package in Debian, included in Ubuntu. In this year i start making works for OpenOffice.org (documentation, translation and QA).12:11
alenitchevMy interests in Ubuntu is participating in works for better hardware support, packaging, translation in Russian language, documentation, QA. I think about 3-5 hours work for Ubuntu every day.12:11
alenitchevuse Ubuntu since Warty12:11
alenitchevsince breezy my package (from Debian) in Ubuntu12:11
alenitchevthat is all ;)12:12
Kamionthat's a lot of teams (on launchpad); how many of those do you actively keep up with?12:13
alenitchevmany of them12:13
alenitchevi'm in team, which interested for me12:14
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Kamionjust seems like a hell of a lot to actively keep up with, that's all :)12:15
Kamionno real problems though, you seem to have been making reasonable contributions for a while12:16
elmoyeah, I agree12:16
Kamionmaybe one day we'll get around to music-while-installing ;-)12:17
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alenitchevthat will be really nice! ;)12:17
Kamion(though I expect it'll end up being Mark's flash demo or whatever)12:17
Kamion(once the content actually exists and free software can play it without crashing and burning entertainingly)12:17
=== jenda will turn up his stereo louder
alenitchevKamion: yes, can12:18
Kamionanyhow, +1 as far as I'm concerned; mako can catch up with you later on for final approval12:18
alenitchevKamion: thanks12:19
elmook, who's next12:19
elmonixternal, I think?12:19
nixternalim still here12:19
nixternalgo go go12:19
=== nixternal is Rich Johnson, 32 years old, out of Chicago, IL US. I am a sys admin by trade, and getting ready to go back to school to brush up on programming!!!
nixternalWiki:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/nixternal     |     launchpad:  https://launchpad.net/people/nixternal12:19
nixternalBeen using/abusing Linux since 1994 (on & off). Started playing with Ubuntu last year, and fell in love really starting with Kubuntu Dapper Flight 3.12:19
nixternalI have been in and out of the IRC channel with many different nicks over the past year, however since April/May I have been 'nixternal' in #kubuntu offering support as much as possible.12:19
nixternalI am also in the NewUserNetwork which runs a classroom for the new user and their Ubuntu Linux operating system. Starting in August we will be running actual classes for everyone to check out. I will be adding myself as a mentor/instructor for a couple of programs.12:19
nixternalI have contributed a lot to many wiki pages, as I work on the WikiTeam. My main contributions have been in the CategoryCleanup area, cleaning up pages that aren't styled correctly, or the information is confusing. I have done over 100 pages so far, and there is still more then 300 left.12:20
nixternalDocumentationTeam work consists of helping the team review documentation, as I am not a full fledged member just yet, and I am still learning the svn system as well as docbooks. However, I am working alongside jjesse and others on creating "Switching From Windows" documentation.12:20
nixternalMarketing Team work right now is huge, as we are redesigning ourselves. I am currently working on Wiki redesign for all Marketing pages, as well as the Magazine project. I am also working on documentation/presentations for members to use for Marketing as well as for the LoCo Teams.12:20
nixternalLaptop team work is currently pretty slow as we are waiting for the first Knot really to begin testing again. I have contributed a Kubuntu Dapper test for Flight 7 and the LTS. I will continue providing support in the IRC channel as well.12:20
Seveasnixternal, ah, so the NuN/classroom is going somewhere, cool!12:20
nixternalBugSquad work will definitely keep you busy. I have done triage, minor in aspect, as I haven't created a patch just yet, but I have done the general work by responding to the poster, asking for more information if needed, and confirming if possible.12:20
nixternalChicago Team is keeping me pretty busy as it is a very new team. We are officially holding our first meeting July 27. I will be giving a couple presentations as well as a few of our other members. Membership is continuing to grow daily, and we are planning an event downtown Chicago soon.12:20
jendaRich Johnson's contribution and support in the Marketing Team was invaluable. Added his involvement in the NUN, WikiTeam, DocTeam etc., but mainly the Chicago LoCo Team - he is an extremely valuable asset to the Ubuntu community, and if every LoCo had one of these, Ubuntu Marketing would probably be on a totally different level by now.12:20
nixternalI am becoming more and more of a forums leach. I have supported a couple of things in both the Ubuntu and Kubuntu forums. I am trying to work my way up the proverbial "Cups of Java" ladder, of course without spamming to gain points ;)12:20
gnomefreakSeveas: so far we hope to get it moving12:20
nixternalMy future plans are to continue supporting the Ubuntu community anyway possible. I am interested in future programming and packaging, as well as documentation, testing, reviewing, marketing, bug triaging, and everything else I am available to do.12:20
nixternalThank you, and now the floor is open to you!!!12:20
nixternalyes Seveas12:20
nixternalnow that my lag is at 2s ;)12:21
nixternalthere is more that you will find me doing... i believe jjesse also emailed Seveas with support12:22
nixternali am in to many channgels to count, and when i can help i step up if possible12:22
bimberiI've seen nixternal helping people in #kubuntu for quite a while (>>2 months).  Of other areas I'm involved with he's an active contributor to ubuntu-marketing, ubuntu-doc and it seeems he's a (the?) prime mover for the Chicago LoCoTeam.  Enthusiastic, Smart, a Do-er.  A real asset.12:22
nixternali figure that if Ubuntu is free to me, then I should help as much as possible to continue it12:23
Seveasnixternal, dang12:23
SeveasI will not be able to make it to the next meeting to pass on a word of recommendation for Rich but wanted to lend what support maybe.  He has been quite active on many channels including #kubuntu-devel and #ubuntu-doc adding interesting things to the converstation.  We are working together on creating a new document (wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDocs/Edgy) Switching From Windows for edgy and have had l12:23
Seveasots of discussion.  He has also been VERY VERY active on the Wiki doing a lot of cleanup and other thankless tasks.  A great candidate for becoming a Ubuntu Member.  I know how hard it is to become a member without support so I wanted to lend any help that I can.12:23
Seveas^-- jjesse sent that two weeks ago12:23
Seveascompletely forgot it this time12:23
nixternalthx Seveas12:23
nixternalthank god he CC'd me, otherwise i wouldn't have known12:23
gnomefreaknixternal: is doing a great job with -marketing and -nun and i have seen him step up when hes around to help another user12:23
nixternalalso, im getting ready to help jsgotangco on a "Server Book" project he has coming up12:23
nixternali will be providing a review to the publisher12:24
Seveasnixternal, /me too 12:24
nixternalim picking up packaging, as I read it to help out LaserJock with editing it12:24
elmothanks nixternal, that all seems pretty impressive12:25
nixternalthank you12:25
elmo+1 from me12:25
Kamion(catching up, one sec)12:25
Seveaswho is doing lp today? Sp4rKy is not accepted yet on lp 12:25
nixternalCoC is signed, karma >10k12:25
nixternalbeen here a few months12:25
nixternalstaying here for as long as you will keep me ;)12:26
Kamionyup, having read that, no issues - +112:26
Kamionelmo: will you do lp or do you want me to?12:27
Seveasnixternal, almost congratz then (make will read later)12:27
Seveassharms2, you're next12:27
nixternalmake..lol mako12:27
elmoKamion: I can do it12:27
=== sharms2 is here
nixternalthanks everyone!!!12:27
sharms2I am Steven Harms.  My wiki page (create to spec with the requirements listed :): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StevenHarms, and I am applying for Ubuntu Membership.  I have been using Ubuntu since it first came out (in fact my forums user ID is < 600). 12:27
sharms2I frequently help users on #ubuntu, I have recently taken an active role in bug triage, and am looking to eventually join the MOTU. 12:27
sharms2I also act as a Ubuntu support / advocate on the campus of the university of michigan, and provide ubuntu cd's to students (I generally distribute ~30 a release)12:27
sharms2I am looking to increase my roll in bug triage, because I feel it is one of the best ways to help ubuntu by filtering bugs which are not bugs, and confirming the ones that are bugs, so people directly involved may actually fix said bugs.12:27
sharms2I thank you for taking the time to look over my wiki page and appreciate your time12:28
Seveassharms, what's your forum profilepage?12:28
sharms2one sec12:29
sharms2On a side note, for the freenode ofth discussion, I was previously known as mindwarp here until my nickname was stolen12:30
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 12 Jul 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 13 Jul 07:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 13 Jul 19:00 UTC: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 13:00 UTC: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 19 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu
sharms2Here is my mouse howto: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19226412:31
sharms2for those using the usb microsoft explorer mouse with forward and back buttons (firefox)12:31
elmohmm, did you have anyone vouching for you?12:33
sharms2he has seen me help people in #ubuntu12:33
sharms2but mostly just that I bug triage right now, which doesnt have a ton of interaction over here12:33
nixternal#ubuntu-bugs is where us bug sickos hang out!!12:34
sharms2Also I am hoping to take over the istanbul package eventaully12:36
sharms2been working on it but I think gstreamer needs more polish at this point since certain pipes segfault here12:36
elmosharms: how long have you been doing bug triage and stuff?12:36
sharms2Last few months I have started triaging very actively, previously due to an already reported launchpad bug I wasn't able to find how to properly triage bugs12:37
Kamionok, your page is a little light compared to some others tonight, but you do seem to have been doing a fairly respectable amount of bug work12:38
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elmoagreed, +1 from me12:39
sharms2thank you very much12:39
elmook, lfittl ?12:39
KamionI recommend continuing to work with the #ubuntu-bugs and #ubuntu-motu crowds12:40
Kamionwho can help you develop12:40
Kamionbut +1 from me for membership for the time being12:40
lfittlMy name is Lukas Fittl, I'm a student from Vienna, Austria.12:40
lfittlI have started using Ubuntu with 5.04 / Hoary, and with the start of the dapper release cycle I got interested in packaging. At the moment I maintain 10 packages in universe, and for one package I am also part of upstream (libloki). For Dapper I fixed around 60 unmet dependencies in universe. If I find some free time I triage bugs in Malone, and I also review old bug reports that are still open to ensure they have the cor12:40
lfittlrect status. Recently I added a new column to the packaging candidates page, to make tracking the debian status and existing packages easier.12:40
sharms2I appreciate the advice thank you12:40
lfittlMore information can be found at my wiki page (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LukasFittl).12:40
Kamionexcuse me, I have a crying child to attend to12:40
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Kamionright, sorry, back12:43
elmowow, impressive amount of packaging work12:43
lfittlelmo: thanks, I also have some other packages on my todo list ;)12:44
Kamionwe seriously need to get uploads into the karma system12:44
elmooh, good point, I'll file a bug on soyuz12:45
lfittlelmo: I think this is already planned somewhere in the wiki12:45
elmolfittl: bugs help reinforce planning ;)12:45
lfittlelmo: thats right :)12:46
elmoany MOTUs still around and want to do their \o/ dance for lfittl?12:46
LaserJocklfittl has been around -motu for some time12:47
ogradholbach sponsored a lot for lfittl and was always happy with the package quality as he often told me12:47
Kamioncool, that spec proposes enormous karma for archive admins, rah12:47
LaserJockI haven't sponsored any of lfittl's packages so I can't say much there12:47
ograseems he keeps our windowmaker community happy ;)12:47
=== Flik [n=Flik@d205-250-156-195.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
elmo+1 from me12:49
lfittlthank you :)12:49
Kamionright, +1 for sheer packaging effort12:51
KamionI've seen your name going past for some time now12:52
lfittlalso, thanks :)12:52
lfittlshould I contact mako to get his opinion, or will he automatically catch up?12:53
alenitchevyes, what about mako's opinion?12:54
elmowe'll send him a a mail asking him to look at the logs for you 4 when he gets a chance12:54
elmoif he has any concerns, we can deal with them, otherwise, you'll be approved when he's had a chance to do that12:54
elmowe'll also have to schedule the next meeting out of band.  but mark should be back for the next one12:55
alenitchevok, thanks!12:55
lfittlthanks for your time12:55
sharmsI really appreciate it guys also12:55
Kamionok, sorry this has been such a marathon meeting12:55
sharmsit shows dedication!12:56
Kamion(not been any easier for us than for you guys)12:56
elmoyeah, thanks everyone for your patience12:56
alenitchevthanks for your time!12:56
elmomeeting closed.  adjourned.  whatever.  thank you and good night.12:56
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nixternal@schedule chicago05:48
UbugtuSchedule for America/Chicago: 12 Jul 07:00: Edubuntu | 13 Jul 02:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 13 Jul 14:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 08:00: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 15:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 15:00: Edubuntu05:48
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=== Seveas inflates dholbach again
dholbachhaha :)08:22
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jenda@schedule ECT09:24
jenda@schedule New York09:24
jenda@schedule Eastern09:24
UbugtuSchedule for Canada/Eastern: 12 Jul 08:00: Edubuntu | 13 Jul 03:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 13 Jul 15:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 09:00: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 16:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 16:00: Edubuntu09:24
neuralisjenda: New_York09:25
jendaNo prob ;) thx09:26
=== jenda is Prague, no spaces to bother me.
jenda@schedule Prague09:26
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Prague: 12 Jul 14:00: Edubuntu | 13 Jul 09:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 13 Jul 21:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 15:00: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 22:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 22:00: Edubuntu09:26
jendawow :) I really thought I booked the MT meeting for 22:00 :D09:26
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rodarvus@schedule Sao_Paulo01:34
UbugtuSchedule for America/Sao_Paulo: 12 Jul 09:00: Edubuntu | 13 Jul 04:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 13 Jul 16:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 10:00: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 17:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 17:00: Edubuntu01:34
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RichEdgreetz ... i'm a newbie to (ed)ubuntu meetings ... is there a specific agenda for the meeting ?01:44
UbugtuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: July 12 2006, 11:45:03 - Next meeting: Edubuntu in 14 minutes01:45
SeveasRichEd, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda01:45
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RichEdogra: re LAMS ... twas already on the swot up task list from Mark while he is on leave.01:47
ograah, cool01:48
RichEdSeveas: tx :) followed the link above to the meeting page ... didn't spot the agenda link01:49
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Edubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 13 Jul 07:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 13 Jul 19:00 UTC: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 13:00 UTC: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 19 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu
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=== RichEd goes to fetch a pre-meeting coffee
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ograseems cbx33 is missing for the minutes02:00
ograalso there are no extra points on the agenda ... thats fine 02:01
ograso lets keep it short :)02:01
ografrom the tech side:02:02
ograi'm lagginng a bit with the edubuntu-artwork fix for dapper ... due to two merges for ubuntu i hadnt planned buit i'm doing atm02:02
ogra+but i hope to get it done this week02:02
ograthe metapackages and seeds are in shape so far (if you have seen the changelog of my edubuntu-meta upload... its huge, we dropped a lot)02:03
ograso we should be ready for tomorrows first milestone CD02:03
JaneWfirst milestone already?02:04
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Mithrandirogra: it might very well not happen tomorrow unless a lot of packages are fixed.02:04
JaneWwhat are they called this time?02:04
ograapart from that i'm most busy with ubuntu stuff as rodarvus is ...02:04
MithrandirJaneW: knot02:04
jsgotangcoknot 102:04
rodarvusogra: lets just hope the rest of the distribution is fixed by tomorrow :)02:04
rodarvuswhich as Mithrandir mentioned, I'm not really confident is going to happen02:04
JaneWI liked scuttle02:04
ograMithrandir, well, at least our -meta side is sorted, that was on top of my TODO :)02:05
rodarvusright :)02:05
ograrodarvus, doesnt matter i'm only looking from a edubuntu POV atm02:05
Mithrandirogra: sure, just trying to not give people too high hopes about having something tomorrow.02:05
ograMithrandir, i'm happy if i dont have to test all night :)02:05
jsgotangcoedubuntu-specific syncs and merges no issues?02:05
ograno "high hopes" here :)02:06
rodarvusjsgotangco: Kalzium appears to be broken ATM, but I believe it is due to KDE specific stuff02:06
ograjsgotangco, sure, but they didnt have a deadline today :)02:06
ograerr ..02:06
rodarvusactually, I'm doing another dist-upgrade right now02:06
ograforget about my last sentence :)02:06
rodarvusso in a minute I'll tell you if Kalzium is still broken :)02:06
ograi was reading "promotions to main" 02:06
ograthere is nothing left to merge for edubuntu02:07
ograrodarvus, it might need a rebuild if libs underneath changed02:07
rodarvusogra: indeed02:07
ograthats a typical KDE thing ...02:07
rodarvusI wish our build system could trigger library upgrades02:07
ograthe kdeedu package itself should be fine though....02:08
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jsgotangcoill just skip dist-upgrading for now and wait for knot before testing02:09
ograin other bad news, my amd64 laptop died this week ... so i currently can only do powerpc testing (which isnt very helpful)02:09
jsgotangcoim going to fill in for amd64 if you want but my bandwidth isnt that great02:09
ograit would be very appreciated to have some i386 and amd64 testers once the knot CD is up02:09
rodarvusmy upgrade to 2mb dsl arrived yesterday02:10
rodarvusI can do i386 testing02:10
=== jsgotangco curses his bandwidth
ograi'll try to get a new amd64 lappie, but given that i also have to care for my move it might take some days02:10
rodarvusmy new laptop (intel core duo) should arrive in one or two weeks, but thats still i38602:10
ograso, thats all from the tech side so far ...02:11
=== jsgotangco sighs
=== ogra ponders if he forgot something
ograoh, right, the switch to a common buildsystem for ltsp is going on ...02:11
ograi just merged some changes from otavio ... i'll testbuild them this week and see if it works02:12
RichEdi'm installing on a HP Pentium M 740 over the weekend ... if that helps as another test enviroment.02:13
ograonce thats done the ltsp upstream guys willl jump on the code and start helping with development02:13
ograRichEd, what we'll test will be highly unstable ... 02:13
ograbut if you have space for a spare testing partition, thats fine02:13
ograits the first milestone and not really expected to work flawless :)02:14
ogra(i.e. a bug we havent discovered yet might wipe your HD )02:14
ograso, tech update done i guess ...02:14
=== pips1 [n=philipp@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
ogranobody from the cookbook team ? 02:15
ograseems they had a meeting ...02:15
jsgotangcowell pips1 is here02:15
ograpips1, any intresting things about documentation ? 02:15
pips1but I wanted to discuss the website and how it relates to the documentation...02:16
ograhighvoltage, anything from your side (you were looking for website admins iirc)02:16
pips1sorry for being late, btw02:16
ograok, seems there are either no documentation changes or its just nobody here who could tell us about  :)02:17
ograsince lisa isnt here i doubt we'll get an artwork update02:17
ograbut she announced herself on the ubuntu-art mailinglist yesterday :)02:17
ograanything else about art ? 02:18
=== flint [n=flint@peter.rfa.org] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
rodarvusogra: also note that its very unlikely that she'll ever attend early morning edubuntu meetings02:19
ograrodarvus, you said your wife would be intreasted02:19
rodarvusits probably 5-6am where she lives now :)02:19
ograrodarvus, lisa ? 02:19
ograshe lives in the uk02:19
rodarvusogra: indeed, my wife is interested, I talked to her already02:19
flintgreetings sorry I am late in DC...02:19
rodarvusI thougth she lived in the us02:19
rodarvusdisregard my comment then02:19
pips1hi flint02:19
flintpips1, hey...02:20
ograbut she has a day job afaik02:20
rodarvusogra: so, I talked with my wife, she is very competent, and willing to help02:20
ogragreat !02:20
ograwe'll need a team going at some point :)02:20
rodarvusindeed :)02:20
rodarvusas an interaction designer, she's totally Windows, though02:21
ogramy GF would also like to help, but given the time constraints we currently have here, that wont happen for edgy i guess02:21
ogradoesnt matter ... as long as she can produce svg and png ;)02:21
rodarvusbut only for reference, my wife used to work as a designer of a local linux distribution02:21
rodarvusso the icons/themes thing is really not news for her02:21
flintogra, imho we need less designers and more coders/testers.02:21
rodarvusflint: we don't need less designers02:22
ograFlik, the coding front is coming up to speed02:22
rodarvuswe just need more technical people02:22
rodarvusone thing is not related to the other :)02:22
ograand i'm not worried about the tech front atm ...02:22
flintrodarvus, i am.  have you seen the other LTSP offerings?02:22
rodarvusflint: ogra and I have been busy doing merges the past few weeks02:22
ograit works quite well and there are people on their way to become more involved in hacking02:23
flintrodarvus, when can we expect a new version say a flight?02:23
rodarvuswe are supposed to start working almost-full-time on Edubuntu (and LTSP) starting next week02:23
ograflint, we have scott and jim aboard for ltsp now02:23
ograno need to worry about that02:23
flintrodarvus, would this next release be a flight?02:23
pips1ogra: scott and jim? 02:23
ograthey will base their next release on our code02:24
rodarvusflint: next Knot ("flight" for Edgy) will be ready soon - it was mentioned in the beginning of the meeting, btw02:24
ograpips1, ltsp upstream02:24
jsgotangcohmm just to add my wife is not even interested in this stuff im doing sorry =)02:24
ograflint, they are called knots not flights this release02:24
flintrodarvus, thanks DC traffic etc...02:24
rodarvussupposed to happen tomorrow, but likely to slip, due to merges being still ongoing02:24
ograflint, it will be knot 102:24
flintrodarvus, ah a slip-knot! :^)02:24
ograflint, dont worry about ltsp ... it will come up to speed :)02:25
rodarvusanyhow, back on topic :)02:25
ograare we done with artwork ? 02:25
ografine then ...02:25
ograso lets come to the intresting part of this meeting02:26
ograladies and gentlemen ....02:26
ogra... i'd like to introduce you all to aour new team mate ....02:26
ogra... our new educational manger ....02:26
ogra... husband of a former colleague ....02:26
=== RichEd waves hello
JaneWogra: is lisa directly involved now?02:27
ograand surely the best guy we could get for the job !02:27
ogrameet RichEd !!!!02:27
rodarvusRichEd: welcome!02:27
=== RichEd takes a bow
=== rodarvus cheers
ograJaneW, she's our new baked artteam leader02:27
pips1RichEd: welcome!02:27
flintRichEd, Welcome and give my kindest regards to your wife02:27
JaneWflint: hello02:27
RichEdThanks all ... I'm very gladf to be here ...02:27
simiraRichEd: who's your wife?02:27
JaneWflint: do it yourself dude! :P02:27
ograyeah welcome RichEd  :)02:27
jsgotangcosimira: JaneW02:28
simirabtw welcome, RichEd 02:28
pips1hello JaneW :-)02:28
flintJaneW, hey kiddo!02:28
simiraJaneW, how are you? Tollef told me you left.02:28
ograsimira, only physically :)02:28
=== flint flint is most pleased to see Jane.
ograshe's stilll here as you see 02:28
simiraogra: I see that02:28
JaneWsimira: good thanks02:28
RichEdsimira: she is holding my hand to day :) on her new emploers time & internet connection :)02:29
ograsimira, we wont let her out of our claws this easy ;)02:29
simiraRichEd: sounds good. 02:29
flintJaneW, who you working for?02:29
=== JaneW doesn't want to disrupt meeting
=== flint ...so I can invest...
JaneWflint we can chat in #edubuntu02:29
flintJaneW, fine02:30
ograi think we're done for today, unless someone has anything thats not on the agenda yet02:30
JaneWwow, quick meeting02:30
=== jsgotangco cannot think of any
ograif you have anything that should be discussed, SPEAK UP NOW !02:30
JaneWow's the cookbook?02:30
JaneWstill improving?02:30
flintFYI Elkner and the DC mafia invaded San Diego 02:30
pips1ogra: website!02:30
ograJaneW, nobody from the team was here02:30
JaneWflint: oh yes how did NECC go?02:31
ograpips1, tell us 02:31
flintJaneW, I will send you something... on the cookbook02:31
JaneWflint: ta02:31
flintelkner went to tijuana....  02:31
JaneWflint: er... recreationally...?02:31
flintI stayed here.  Big Crowd much interest...02:31
pips1I think it would be very good if we could get more "life" into the website, i.e. more content, but also more interactions...02:32
ograpips1, highvoltage asked for more webmasters02:32
JaneWpips1, yes more updates and dynamic stuff too02:32
ogra(last week)02:32
JaneWyes highvoltage will need help, he has a new venture to focus on and won't be able to commit much time here afaik02:32
pips1I have been wondering what would be the best way to go about that... I think it would be great if we could get more educators discussing edu apps etc02:32
ograhe has to be our edubuntu reseller in the future ;)02:33
JaneWpips1, indeed02:33
ograpips1, ++02:33
flintpips1, right now I am busy making trouble in DC.  After that I teach LTSP at University of New Hampshire (NELS) then I will cause more trouble here...02:33
JaneWI think part of the problem so far was us guessing what what needed rather than getting actual requests02:33
simiraJaneW: you will still keep up with your engagement in Edubuntu on voluntary basis?02:33
pips1in general, non technical people like forums and as far as i could see, there is still no edubuntu-specific forum on ubuntuforums?02:33
ograpips1, i think such stuff will be part of RichEd's job (correcrt me if i'm wrong)02:33
flintJaneW, look at Fedora K12 LTSP and do what they are doing.02:34
flintexcept do it better...02:34
ograpips1, there is one in the german forums ... i thought ubuntuforumms has one as well02:34
jsgotangcoit does look a bit dull at the moment02:34
jsgotangcoand nothing moves02:34
pips1the problem with forums is that you want moderators...02:34
JaneWbtw RichEd is disconnect, prolly by ADSL reset02:35
pips1we need some kind of quality assurance for the website, I don't think we can allow anonymous postings, can we...?02:35
JaneWsimira, I am going to try to be around a bit, but can't commit to much atm02:35
ograJaneW, then he can correct me later :)02:35
flintAh yes the tradition of Commonwealth communications...02:35
JaneWogra, I think so02:35
ograpips1, we shouldnt  ... 02:35
ogranot for the website02:35
jsgotangcopips1: of course02:35
pips1ogra: agreed02:35
pips1so JaneW and jsgotangco think we *should* allow anonymous postings?02:36
jsgotangcono way02:36
ograwe have a wiki and we *should* get a forum at some point ...02:36
pips1ah, right02:36
flintpips1, na but make registration painless.02:36
JaneWI was answering ogra saying RichEd should look into it02:36
ograthe forum might have anonymous access allowed 02:36
rodarvuswe should get a "folder" on ubuntuforums, actually02:36
flintogra, painless registration rather than anonymous is my vote.02:37
ograrodarvus, but someone has to take responsibility 02:37
ograwe cant burden it on the existing forum people02:37
rodarvusbut any forums need admins02:38
rodarvuswhat I mean is that, if/when we are supposed to have a forum02:38
pips1well, drupal , our website cms, is just perfect for building *community* sites.... enabling community communication... the technical stuff is not a problem, but we should agree on who can do forum moderation and who can proof read new content, so we don't publish incorrect technical information, etc02:38
rodarvusit should be ubuntuforums02:38
rodarvusthere is no reason (nor rationale) to create our own forums02:39
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jsgotangcoi will talk to one of the forum people02:39
flintrodarvus, drupal does the job, what I worry about is subject linkage if you are not part of ubuntuforums02:39
jsgotangco(they guy who attended in Paris)02:40
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
rodarvusjsgotangco: oh, I met him02:40
JaneWjsgotangco, that was Roald Hopman02:40
ogragrr, i hate my wireless02:40
jsgotangcoso yeah I will send him a PM02:40
jsgotangcoin the forums02:40
ograoh, right, we talked the last evening in the smokers corner :)02:41
pips1rodarvus: well, in general, I agree that we should build something that exists already/elsewhere, but there is a big divide between the ubuntuforums communities and the rest of the community (more technical people, who are prefer and are used to use bugtrackers, irc, mailing listes, etc)02:41
rodarvusflint: the thing is, there is no reason to create another forum, no matter which tool is used for this forum - we should stick to what we already have (and which works quite well)02:41
rodarvuspips1: people are trying to address this02:41
jsgotangcoill look into this02:41
ograrodarvus, well, we always had probs with the forums ... that wont go away02:41
rodarvusas mentioned here, Roald Hopman (one of the ubuntuforum admins) was at UDS Paris02:41
jsgotangcoconsidering were pretty much low traffic for now02:42
pips1*shouldn't build something02:42
jsgotangcoit shouldn't be that much of an issue IMO02:42
rodarvusand talked for a long while with sabdfl, jdub and mako02:42
=== RichEd_ [n=RichardW@dsl-146-151-185.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
ograi'd love to see it solved but unless that happens i wont belive its doable02:42
rodarvusso, all interested parts (Mark included) are aware, and hopefully working on that02:42
jsgotangcowhat is not doable? an edubuntu forum?02:42
flintrodarvus, we agree on this point for differing reasons... but we agree.02:42
RichEd_hi ... got disconnected ... back ...02:42
JaneWhi RichEd_ welcome to ADSL reset hell02:43
ograhaving our own forum would gain us more control ... and given that our userbase is a lot smaller it would probably be easier to manage02:43
pips1since there isn't any edubuntu-specific forum at ubuntuforums, why don't we enable a forum on our own site and see how that goes? or are you guys strictly against that idea?02:43
jsgotangcowell drupal has a forum plugin we can use if you want to02:43
ograjsgotangco, there were various attempts to get the forums in shape over the last two years02:43
=== jsgotangco is completely aware of that
ograi havent seen any fruitful ones that solved the probs yet02:44
JaneWyes thee are current forum governance issues afaik02:44
ograi'd love to be proven wrong though02:44
RichEd_JaneW: please can you copy paste & email me the coversantion between [<JaneW> simira: good thanks]  and my return message ... tx02:44
pips1governance issues?! like what?02:44
rodarvusto be sincere, I'm mostly against the idea of having a separate forum02:44
jsgotangcothey like to govern on their own02:44
JaneWalso edubuntu forums will likely want to attract educators, which may not happen in the current ubuntu forums structure02:44
rodarvussince there is interest on both parties to have a better integration with the existing forum with Ubuntu (and Ubuntu Community Council) itself02:45
=== bimberi , fwiw, agrees with rodarvus
ograrodarvus, well, having it integrated in ubuntuforums will bring us their problems ...02:45
jsgotangcowe can then just activate the drupal forum then02:45
ograhaving it separated will bring us maintenance work ...02:45
jsgotangcoshouldn't be that complicated02:45
RichEd_i thnk that an education specific forum is important if we want to attract users - teachers are a different breed to regular users02:45
flintThanks all until next time!02:45
ograRichEd_, thats out of question02:45
bimberiJane Silber posted to ubuntu-marketing about the positives of the teams using the same resources.  Admittedly that was wiki focussed, but still applies02:46
RichEd_okay ... 02:46
pips1rodarvus: separate in which way? we can always do hyperlinks, it is just a question of the *integration* with the rest of the content... i.e. in drupal, every content get a "unique id", which means that you can re-organise your navigation very easily... you can increase the findability of stuff...02:47
ograRichEd_, the problem is that we'd inherit all govenance problems they have etc ... and if its on ubuntuforums which has a huge userbase you'll have to deal witn a lot of spam and trivias you wont see in a separate forum02:47
bimberi(for reference - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-marketing/2006-July/000552.html )02:47
ograwe'd have more control in a self governed one ...02:47
highvoltagesorry for being late again!02:48
ograiirc one of the reasons why the web guys cried for drupal was the integration of our own forum in the past02:48
rodarvushighvoltage: tsc, tsc02:48
jsgotangcohighvoltage: yuppy executive startup bigwig!02:48
rodarvushighvoltage: I'll discount the late time on your monthly payment :D02:48
rodarvuspips1: but what do you mean with "hyperlinks"02:49
rodarvusfor me, separate means not in the same database02:49
JaneW<ogra> RichEd_, thats out of question <- what do you mean?02:49
rodarvusmany Edubuntu questions are not edubuntu specific02:50
highvoltagerodarvus: ok :)02:50
ograJaneW, <RichEd_> i thnk that an education specific forum is important if we want to attract users - teachers are a different breed to regular users02:50
JaneWogra: yes we chose to migrate to drupal with the knowledge that there is forum functionality which we could use02:50
rodarvusEdubuntu users will have to navigate (and register) somewhere else to ask why their intsallation failed02:50
bimberiogra: the ubuntuforums people might be able to give you all the control you want02:50
pips1as i said, technically, there aren't any real problems, it is more an issue of deciding how we go forward as a community ... i.e. if we want to improve the website, we want the current edubuntu community members on board, contributing content to the website, taking on moderation roles, proof reading content and approve content, etc.02:50
JaneWogra: that's what I thought you meant, but your response sounded like a 'no, that's out of the question' :P02:50
ograrodarvus, well, our audience willl be totally different 02:51
JaneWrodarvus, your arguments are good02:51
rodarvusogra: not "totally" different02:51
ograbut i agree that this is a valid point :)02:51
JaneWBUT the current set-up can be pretty newbie-harsh02:51
rodarvusJaneW: in the same way it is newbie-harsh to non-edubuntu customers02:52
ograrodarvus, "how do i get content into this or that edu app" will be more intresting for them than how do i set up a lvm install02:52
pips1ogra: yes, i think so too02:52
ograthey are teacher *using* the system 02:52
ograwe're not talking about general support02:52
=== jsgotangco will have to skip his opinion on this since he is not experienced with the education sector
RichEdcould there be a Edubuntu user front end, with education specific usability & adoption topics seperate, but pointing tech support install issues etc. back to ubuntu forums / help resources02:53
ograits rather about the use in schools 02:53
ograthats a good compromise02:53
rodarvusRichEd: that could be a good option02:53
rodarvusa really good one, actually02:54
pips1so what if we start a educational topic-related forum on drupal and ask ubuntuforums to have a edubuntu-technical forum (mainly LTSP) over at ubuntuforums? does that make sense? 02:54
ograthe big value in having a drupal forum on our (separated) webserver would be that we could use the forum DB for we content02:54
jsgotangcoyou will have 2 database of users 02:54
rodarvusjsgotangco: no, the proposal would be to have the same database02:54
rodarvuswith different frontends02:54
jsgotangcohow will you do that?02:54
ograyes we'd need to use LP accounts02:54
ograas everywhere in ubuntu02:55
jsgotangcoLP is a good compromise but doesn't work in ubuntuforums02:55
pips1yes, we definitely need LP accounts for our drupal site...02:55
ograit has an API 02:55
rodarvusogra: I believe you are also underestimating the noise the ubuntuforums community can make :)02:55
ograso for free software it should be possible to write something to use LP02:55
JaneWyes that could work, but there's still the sep login issue...02:55
rodarvusthey could get really angry if we just create another completely new forum02:55
RichEdhow about this view ... ALL edubuntu users are also ubuntu users, but not all ubuntu users are edubuntu users ?02:55
ograrodarvus, totally no, thats why i'm voting for a separate forum ;)02:56
RichEdi.e. edubuntu and education people are a subset ?02:56
rodarvusRichEd: correct02:56
pips1rodarvus: it would be a "specialised" forum for educators. the technical stuff could stay together with the other technical stuff in ubuntuforums...02:56
rodarvusanyhow, I propose we "write down" on Wiki the pros and cons of the two options02:56
ograrodarvus, i'm also fine taking the blame for such a decision ...02:57
RichEdso they could have a surface layer of education specific help, but go back to the base for "desktop" help ...02:57
rodarvuspips1: if this is well kept in mind, then it could work02:57
pips1RichEd: correct02:57
pips1rodarvus, I have already written a fair amount on this topic in the wiki02:57
jsgotangcowell for what its worth, looking for info in the forums is like wading through the amazon02:57
rodarvusI'd be ok, but this needs to be *clearly stated* in the educational forum :)02:58
jsgotangcoso i guess a separate edu-specific forum would be useful02:58
ograrodarvus, i'm rather worried about the noise the ubuntuforums make inside a edu folder there :)02:58
ogra(on their own servers)02:58
pips1rodarvus RichEd have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PhilippSchroeder02:59
ograif i go to the forums i'm scared about the hackish  workarounds etc after 10 mins of reading ... i wouldnt want to scare our teachers away through getting bad advise that trashes their system02:59
rodarvusok, I don't have any other objections, then - was just trying to make sure we are not diverging too much from Ubuntu itself :)02:59
RichEdpips1: tx will do ... JaneW says you are very helpful :)03:00
pips1in particular https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWebsitePlan and https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuCommunityIntegration03:00
rodarvuspips1: thanks for the links, I'll read through them asap03:00
ograbtw, its desired that we make more use of the blueprint system in LP in the future for future releases ...03:01
ograi.e. such things should have a spec for edgy+1 stuff 03:01
rodarvus*nods* completely agreed03:01
jsgotangcowow 1 hour meeting03:01
ograplease point users with ideas to launchpad for that :)03:01
ograyeah, time is over 03:02
pips1ogra: I agree compeletely, we definitely need to avoid those *hackish* workaround solutions on our website... that's why I think we need people to proof read content (i.e. *you* for technical things) before it gets published on the official edubuntu website!03:02
ograanything majorly important from anyone ? 03:02
ograpips1, if i had the time i'd do it ...03:02
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jsgotangcodrupal will be good for that03:02
ograbut mdz already complained in my performance review that i do too much non packaging/devel related stuff that distracts me ... i have to cut that down in the future :)03:03
pips1so did we come to a general consensus that we will now go with an education-specific forum on our drupal website, then?03:03
JaneWogra, do you still report into him?03:03
JaneWpips1, +103:03
ograJaneW, yes03:03
JaneWogra: oic03:04
RichEdpips1 : would you like to work through pro's & cons with me ... and then we can put forward a suggestion for a vote ?03:04
ograJaneW, i'm still working in the distroteam as well as in the edubuntu team03:04
rodarvusJaneW: also I do03:04
rodarvusI believe ogra and I will report to two different persons now :)03:04
pips1RichEd: yes, very much so03:04
ograok, lets finish the meeting here and move over to our own room :)03:04
JaneWyes maybe finalise decision next week, after props and cons and present findings and recommendations next meeting03:04
ogragoing once 03:05
rodarvusJaneW: agreed03:05
ogragoing twice 03:05
JaneWogra: what happend last week with EC?03:05
ogrameeting adjourned ... 03:05
ograthanks everyone ;)03:05
JaneWthanks for having me :)03:05
pips1ta everyone!03:05
highvoltagesorry for missing the meeting from my side :(03:05
jsgotangcocheers cheers03:06
RichEdthanks all ...03:06
jsgotangcohighvoltage: its ok we all know you had an executive meeting of sorts *g*03:06
ograjsgotangco, no, he was buyin a tie :P03:06
highvoltagejsgotangco: ah, ok. good then :)03:07
=== JaneW wants to see highvoltage in a tie!
highvoltageogra: i'll wear my tie next time ;)03:07
highvoltageJaneW: don't laugh, I actually bought a tie two months ago03:07
ograas a belt ? 03:07
=== jsgotangco imagines highvoltage in a tie then walking at champs elysse
=== highvoltage > #edubuntu
sivang@schedule Israel03:08
UbugtuSchedule for Israel: Current meeting: Edubuntu | 13 Jul 10:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 13 Jul 22:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 16:00: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 23:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 23:00: Edubuntu03:08
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 13 Jul 07:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 13 Jul 19:00 UTC: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 13:00 UTC: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 19 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team
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GNAM@shjcedule rome04:37
GNAM@schedule rome04:37
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Rome: 13 Jul 09:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 13 Jul 21:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 15:00: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 22:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 22:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team04:37
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zul@schedule Montreal05:32
UbugtuSchedule for America/Montreal: 13 Jul 03:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 13 Jul 15:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 09:00: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 16:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 16:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 11:00: Ubuntu Development Team05:32
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jendarobitaille: could i ask you to rebook the Marketing Team meeting to 20:00 UTC tomorrow? That was my mistake.10:03
jendaplease? ;)10:03
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 13 Jul 07:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 13 Jul 20:00 UTC: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 13:00 UTC: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 19 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team
robitaillejenda,  done10:04
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=== jenda nudges robitaille gently on the shoulder
robitaillejenda,  yes?10:31
jendaI'm so, so incredibly sorry, but it seems it wasn't the fridge that was wrong, but the MT wiki.10:31
robitailleso you want 19:00 utc?  :)10:32
jendaYes, please :)10:32
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 13 Jul 07:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 13 Jul 19:00 UTC: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 13:00 UTC: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 19 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team
robitailleit's back :)10:32
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Seveasrobitaille, I found the bug that caused ubotu not to update10:38
Seveas(and of course fixed it)10:38
robitailleSeveas,  that's great news.10:39
FunnyLookinHatWhat was the decision on moving ubuntu off freenode after yesterday's CC?  I had to leave early.  : (10:50
FunnyLookinHathope it's staying  : )10:50
uniqno decision was made.10:51
FunnyLookinHatAh ok.10:53
uniqi personally think oftc looks very ubuntuish and democratic and nice. though.. 10:54
uniqwell.. have to go to bed.. nite.10:54
jendaFunnyLookinHat: the decision was deferred to the next meeting, expecting the sabdfl's say and more reasoning from the pro-move side.10:55
jenda(err... a wiki describing the reasons, not more reasoning)10:55
FunnyLookinHatAhhh ok.  Yea it seemed that the discussion seemed to keep going in circle around the point of "if it ain't broke don't fix it"10:55
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