
wildmanhansel: por favor, tecle "/join #ubuntu-es" sin las comillas, para unirte a un canal de habla hispana12:01
roshan_sTomatix: Try a "umount /dev/sda1" :-)12:01
dli!easysource > josesito12:01
mikeyya sux, i tried it awhile back, tried it again with new version to no avail, maybe ill try the x32 version12:01
wildmanhansel: este es slo en ingls (English-only-here)12:01
Tomatix"Not mounted"12:01
wildmanhansel: gracias (thx)12:01
whilmikey: could you be using the wrong version for your arch?12:01
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mikeyi have a amd6412:01
Tomatixroshan_s, "umount: /dev/sda1 not mounted"12:01
josesitothanks dli12:02
wildmanTomatix: your system has gone mad? :)12:02
mikeydownloaded the amd64 edition12:02
wildmanTomatix: sudo fuser /dev/sda112:02
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wildmanTomatix: does 'fuser' return empty?12:02
Tomatixwildman, I have struggeled with this harddrive in 2 days now, with just theese errors12:02
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whilmikey: hmm might have had the same problem i did12:02
Tomatixwildman, runs empty12:02
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whilmikey: like i said i never figured it out sorry cant be of any help12:03
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roshan_sTomatix: Do you by any chance have an fstab entry for /dev/sda112:03
GStubbs43Is there a site/wiki that tells what all the folders in Linux are for?12:03
wildmanTomatix: I have not idea of what could be going on... except that some app is hang with some file open on that partition...12:03
hanselcomoo se podia entrar en habla ispana ke no lo entendi bien?12:03
Tomatixroshan_s, nope12:03
mikeyhate it when peopel take this nick.12:03
bbrazilGStubbs43: lookup the FHS12:03
=== josh [n=josh@66-191-145-50.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
wildmanhansel: /join #ubuntu-es12:03
bbrazilmikey: turn on kill protection?12:03
Tomatixwildman, I have also tried to run it in safe mode, with same results12:03
TomatixIf I try to do   ext2fs -j /dev/sda1   then I can be able to mount it12:03
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mikeybbrazil, i don't stay connected the whole time.12:04
mikeymikey2, please stop using the "mikey" nickname.12:04
joshanyone go and get the xgl/compiz package yet?12:04
mikey2yes i see...12:04
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bbrazilmikey: that doesn't make a difference. It'll kill anyone that doesn't identify12:04
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josham i in the ubuntu room?12:04
hanselpero no consigo entrar12:04
danfghow do i check what kernel i'm using? it seems i'm using kernel for 386, even though i guess i should be using kernel for 686 (i've a P4)12:05
ardchoille!es > hansel12:05
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Tomatixjosh, yes12:05
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mikey2i searched around, doesn't seem to be a common issue12:05
roshan_sTomatix: Try pulling out the USB drive and plug it in again. Might be some wierd udev thing12:05
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wildmanhansel: copa y peg... en el mismo lugar donde tecles los mensajes. ltimo mensaje mo para vos en ES (last ES message for hansel...)12:05
Tomatixroshan_s, it is not an usb drive we are talking about, it is an S-ATA drive ;-)12:05
=== Ares [n=phill@c-24-1-92-251.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
joshok... i have a problem where my windows dont have a close button at the top... i can move the windows around...12:05
roshan_sTomatix: Oh, sorry. Got confused12:05
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Tomatixroshan_s, (=12:06
joshwhere ever that window opens is where it has to stay because i cant move it..12:06
mikey2u'd figure vesa mode would work12:06
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wildmanTomatix: have SATA disk here, w/o any pb... but I guess someone already told you that :)12:06
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joshit didn't hapen till i installed the compiz and xgl12:06
wildmanTomatix: I'd 'start from scratch'...12:06
K^Holtzwhy is TuxRacer incredibly slow for me?12:06
joshanyone installed those yet?12:06
=== StarkMjolk [n=starkmjo@c-1fc072d5.04-2211-73746f29.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
AresHey guys, My grub entry just got rewritten after updating [doh']  what is the basic chain loading function to log into hda 1? Partition one?12:06
whilmikey2 i would have thought so too but it never worked for me either12:06
harisundK^Holtz probably because you don't have graphics acceleration :)12:06
wildmanK^Holtz: cuz u don't have 3D accel enabled?12:06
mikey2i have dual monitors, that wouldnt make a difference?12:06
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StarkMjolkswift question: in what package is the "display" command included? can't find it!12:07
K^Holtzdo i have to install the nvidia drivers?12:07
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bbrazilStarkMjolk: imagemagick12:07
wildman!nvidia > K^Holtz12:07
bbrazilStarkMjolk: apt-file is useful for that sort of search12:07
StarkMjolkthere it is! thanks mate12:07
salah!nvidia > K^Holtz12:07
u01p2109how to in xorg.conf set that langugage willbe changed with Ctrl+Shift? (lv,ru12:07
K^Holtzi have a 8MB Nvidia TNT2 Graphics card12:07
roshan_sTomatix: Did you make any permanent changes after the last time you mounted the drive a while ago?12:07
tpgterrorsanketmedhi: ive done everything, it doesnt work12:07
tpgterrorsanketmedhi: about the sound12:07
Tomatixroshan_s, it is a new harddrive, bought for ca 4 days ago12:07
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wildmanTomatix: and you partitionned it already...12:08
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Tomatixroshan_s, and I have formatted it last time for 40 mins ago12:08
wildmanTomatix: and made a FS on it...12:08
Tomatixwildman, the FS is ext312:08
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roshan_sTomatix: I know, but you said you were able to mount the drive a while ago, and you had a permissions problem. Not being able to mount at all is a regression, isn't it?12:08
TomatixI could mount it before I rebooted my pc12:08
tylersmithI have an amd64 and have installed the 32bit version of firefox, java, and flash according to the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava I'm having trouble with some of the instructions at that URL, specifically, step 15: "Add an incon to the top panel." That step says to "Click with the right button at the top panel". What does this mean? The right button at the top panel is the "X" to quit f12:08
Tomatixroshan_s, I rebooted my computer and then it wouldn`t be mounted12:09
wildmantylersmith: right mouse button12:09
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`Evil`Anyone know how to run a force-check for disk errors in Ubuntu Dapper?12:09
wildman`Evil`: -f param to e2fsck IIRC12:09
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wildman`Evil`: man e2fsck, is your friend ;)12:09
`Evil`wildman, thanks12:09
wildman`Evil`: yw12:09
tylersmithwindman: Thank you!!!12:09
=== tailsfan [n=tailsfan@64-48-208-29.phi-02.cvx.algx.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dreamglidercan anyone help me with azureuz ?12:09
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wildmantylersmith: yw12:10
tpgterrorCould anybody help with sound?12:10
tylersmithWildman: sorry to have misspelled wildman. Take care! Phil12:10
wildmantylersmith: thx, u 212:10
wildmanTomatix: humm... strange...12:10
Tomatixwildman, I know!12:10
tailsfanquestion, I'm trying to compile and it gave me this error:  configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables12:10
lopzidedhelp!  the d-pad on my usb gamepad will only work if i run the game as root!12:10
whilI was just wondering why is it that when one tries to uninstall a package it wants to take a lot of others with it and how can this be prevented?12:10
tailsfantpgterror, what's the prbo12:10
_Aaron_tailsfan: yes12:10
wildmanTomatix: only thing I can think of is some app (which u cannot 'find') having a file/dir/whatever opened on that partition...12:11
cjonesdoes anybody hear much about wine12:11
roshan_sTomatix: I've no idea what your problem could be. I guess you could try reformatting your new drive, but that doesn't seem to be the problem. The fact that it refuses to mount *anywhere* is puzzling12:11
`Evil`wildman, hey there, guess i forgot, for fat32 drives *sheepish*12:11
DBOlopzided, what gamepad?12:11
tailsfan_Aaron_ anyway on how fix this?12:11
Tomatixroshan_s, I know that, it is weird12:11
roshan_s`Evil`: Look at dosfsck12:11
Tomatixwildman, I can try to reboot in safe mode12:11
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wildman`Evil`: ah... that's different... but roshan_s gave u the command ;)12:11
`Evil`roshan_s, thanks12:11
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wildmanTomatix: dunno if safe mode will change anything...12:11
bbraziltailsfan: sudo apt-get install build-essential12:11
tpgterrortailsfan: ive followed the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToConfigureSoundBlasterAudigySEinBreezy?highlight=%28audigy%29, i done anorther 2nd link because that one doesnt work and i skipped the 4rd command, but still it doesnt work, i think i made a mistake at the bluescreen stuff12:11
_Aaron_tailsfan: not sure, sorry12:11
lopzidedDBO, some cheapy i got at a flea market (it works)....brand name DB, model number G60305a ... i've gotten it to work on a previous install of ubuntu12:11
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tailsfantpgterror try www.alsa-project.org12:12
lopzidedDBO, i mean brand name GF or GA .... read it wrong12:12
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wildmanTomatix: if SATA support is loaded (it should be), and hardware is fine (it should be), and no app has any file on that partition open, you should be able to mount it12:12
K^Holtzim about to install the nvidia-legacy drivers, but i dont understand this part in the wiki: Find the appropriate module for your kernel. For example, if you have linux-image-amd64-k8 installed, then you should install linux-restricted-modules-amd64-k8.12:12
tailsfandownloading now...12:13
Tomatixwildman, I know. fdisk -l shows my disk too12:13
K^Holtzwhat does that stuff have to do with nvidia drivers?12:13
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Tomatixwildman, and, I am in single mode now, and the same errors appears12:13
tailsfanBRB, switching to konversation12:13
_btTomatix,    lsof | grep sda112:13
wildmanTomatix: geez....12:13
Redman276are ther  other  software channels besides the ones that are in ubuntu ?12:13
johlinI'm on the path to making my webcam work. The sqcam driver is supposed to work with it. What do I do with the downloaded sqcam package?12:13
DBOlopzided, can I see lspci in pastebin please12:13
roshan_sTomatix: Is your current drive also SATA? And does it work fine?12:13
Tomatix_bt, well, empty return12:13
lopzidedDBO, sure12:13
Tomatixroshan_s, my current drive is an IDE12:13
whilI was just wondering why is it that when one tries to uninstall a package it wants to take a lot of others with it and how can this be prevented?12:14
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tpgterrortailsfan: and then?12:14
=== yz [n=yz@ool-182c0f22.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
danfgi just found out my kernel is for 386 (2.6.15-25-386), even though it should be 686 (my cpu is a P4), how could this happen? why does ubuntu instalation not care to use a kernel optimized for 686?12:14
lopzidedDBO, http://pastebin.ca/8539212:14
roshan_sTomatix: Try running mount -v for verbose12:15
DBOlopzided, is it a USB device?12:15
lopzidedDBO, yes12:15
danfgis there any difference between a kernel optimized for 386 and 686?12:15
wildmanwhil: because the package you are trying to uninstall is a dependency of others12:15
DBOlopzided, lsusb in pastebin please12:15
Tomatixroshan_s, same error, nothing else12:15
u01p2109how to in xorg.conf set that langugage willbe changed with Ctrl+Shift? (lv,ru) ?12:15
Tomatixroshan_s, but when Ubuntu was as fresh install as it could be (3 hours ago), fdisk -l did not show my S-ATA drive. I had to build a vanilla kernel and activate "SATA Support"...12:15
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wildmanwhil: and if you do remove it, it would 'break' their dependents12:15
wildmanwhil: their->its, sorry12:15
lopzidedDBO, http://pastebin.ca/8539412:15
whilwildman: okay thanks.12:15
wildmanTomatix: which Ubuntu version? dapper?12:16
Tomatixv 612:16
wildmanTomatix: cuz my dapper does have SATA support 'out of the box'...12:16
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wildmanTomatix: nVidia SATA controller?12:16
TomatixALi :P12:16
wildmanTomatix: oh...12:16
K^Holtzwhen installing nvidia-legacy drivers, do i just install the nvidia-glx-legacy package and thats it?12:16
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Tomatixwildman, I might be needed to buy a new mother board12:16
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wildmanTomatix: dunno about ALi SATA controllers, do you have its kernel module installed? (lsmod will tell you)12:17
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wildmanK^Holtz: guess so... then you might have to do some config as explained in the wiki12:17
wildmanwhil: yw12:17
danfgwho's using a kernel optimized for 686 in here?12:17
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DBOlopzided, cat /dev/input/js0, and start pressing on the dpad, any output?12:18
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Tomatixwildman, but I could mount my S-ATA when it was newly formatted, and when I reboot, it fails12:18
abois it possible to increase the size of a partition using gparted?12:18
lopzidedDBO, yup...funky characters12:18
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Subhumanabo, yes/12:18
ymmijanyone having problems burning DVDs in dapper?12:18
wildmanTomatix: I'm just 'throwing' ideas...12:18
wildmanymmij: burnt a few here, no pbs at all12:18
DBOlopzided, well thats the right device... and you sure its chmodded 666?12:18
K^Holtzwildman: i dont understand the part of the wiki that talks about: Find the appropriate module for your kerne12:19
lopzidedDBO, how do i check?12:19
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neneswebcam amsn bloque sur ppc chrp12:19
DBOls -l /dev/input/js012:19
aboSubhuman, I had a partition with a free space, so I resized it to create some unused space, but gparted still doesn't allow me to increase the other partition12:19
Tomatixwildman, by lsmod|grep ali  shows a few modules12:19
DBOlopzided, ^^12:19
aboSubhuman, any ideas?12:19
ymmijwildman:  i heard there was an issue with kernel 2.6 in Dapper?12:19
lopzidedDBO, crw-rw---- 1 root plugdev 13, 0 2006-07-11 17:47 /dev/input/js012:20
lopzidedDBO, maybe i need to chown?12:20
wildmannenes: salut, on ne parle pas francais ici, seulement l'anglais12:20
tailsfanforgot who needed help with sound?12:20
DBOlopzided, sudo chmod 666 /dev/input/js012:20
roshan_sTomatix: Try find /lib/modules/ -name '*sata*'12:20
wildmannenes: essaie de faire: "/join #ubuntu-fr"12:20
nenesconnait pas12:20
nenesok merci12:20
wildmannenes: de rien12:20
DBOlopzided, or make sure you are in the plugdev group12:20
Tomatixroshan_s, shows a huge list12:20
lopzidedDBO, done...same problem12:20
lopzidedDBO, how?12:21
nenesjoin #ubuntu-fr12:21
DBOyou must be already if it was working before lopzided12:21
roshan_sTomatix: tack on a "| grep ali" to the end :-D12:21
danfgguys, anyone using a kernel optimized for 686 in here?12:21
lopzidedDBO, ok12:21
wildmannenes: tu as oubli le "/" ;)12:21
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wildmannenes: /join ...12:21
nenesjoin #ubuntu-fr12:21
lopzidedDBO, lol i've been trying to figure it out for 2 hours12:21
Tomatixroshan_s, nothing...but the thing is, I can get my disk in fdisk -l and I can mount it when I have formatted it...12:21
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DBOlopzided, by all rights it should be able to read the dpad input... and running games as root is a bad idea like you said in -offtopic12:22
lopzidedDBO, yeah i know.....that's why i'm so adament on finding a solution :)12:22
roshan_sTomatix: It looks like Ali is now called ULi so you need the sata_uli module. Is it loaded?12:22
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wildmannenes: you are in, bonne chance !12:22
danfgguys, use "uname -a" and tell me whether your kernels are for 386 or 686 and what processor you are using12:22
abocan anyone help me increasing the size of a partition using gparted?12:22
Tomatixroshan_s, yes it is loaded12:23
wildmanabo: if you have 'space after' the partition, you just move the slider/whatever_control_gparted_has and u should be set12:23
DBOlopzided, ls /dev/input12:23
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Tomatixroshan_s, uli526x12:23
DBOlopzided, what else we got in there12:23
lopzidedDBO, crw-rw---- 1 root plugdev 13, 0 2006-07-11 17:47 /dev/input/js012:23
wildmanTomatix: and 'linked' to libata ? (my nvidia one here is)12:23
lopzidedDBO, oops12:23
lopzidedDBO, event0  event2  event4  js0   mouse0  ts012:23
lopzidedevent1  event3  event5  mice  mouse1  ts112:23
johlinI need help with sqcam. Has anyone got a camera to work with it?12:23
=== K^Holtz [n=kholtz@67-21-113-224.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
wildmanlibata                 85536  1 sata_nv, like that Tomatix12:24
Tomatixwildman, hmm... ahci is linked to libata12:24
wildmanK^Holtz: so? is nvidia working?12:24
roshan_sTomatix: uli526x is an Ethernet modules, not SATA12:24
Tomatixroshan_s, allright12:24
Tomatixroshan_s, damn :P12:24
K^Holtzwildman: im not sure, Tuxracer wont even open now that i restarted X12:24
=== Trazi [n=trazi@132.Red-88-9-71.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["::]
DBOlopzided, try catting ts1 and see what you get with smashing the dpad12:25
roshan_sTomatix: You need sata_uli12:25
wildmanK^Holtz: glxinfo | grep vendor12:25
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Tomatixroshan_s, ok12:25
Tomatixroshan_s, but why can I find my S-ATA disk under   fdisk -l12:25
wildmanK^Holtz: do you see 'nvidia' ?12:25
=== DBO grumbles about it should be a touchscreen
lopzidedDBO, cat ts1?12:25
roshan_sTomatix: No idea. As wildman said, I'm throwing out ideas12:25
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DBOlopzided, cat /dev/input/ts112:25
wildmanTomatix: I'd 1st make sure the kernel support for your controller (a.k.a. module, driver) is loaded...12:25
Tomatixused $100 for nothing...damn12:26
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lopzidedDBO, nothing12:26
wildmanTomatix: otherwise, u'll keep hitting a wall...12:26
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lopzidedDBO, no response to dpad12:26
danfgcould someone post their "uname -a" here?12:26
cjonesdoes anybody hear much about wine ?12:26
=== tailsfan hates waiting for long downloads
Tomatixwildman, a concrete wall12:26
danfgcjones: i use wine12:26
wildmandanfg: x86_64, so no use to u ;)12:26
tailsfanI don't even use it12:26
=== AaSFi [n=AaSFi@eu83-213-206-65.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu
ebirtaidLinux ebirtaid 2.6.15-26-386 #1 PREEMPT Fri Jul 7 19:27:00 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux12:26
wildmanK^Holtz: run the glxinfo thing above?12:26
DBOlopzided... ok, lets be stupid... sudo chown username:username /dev/input/ks012:27
danfgwildman: and what is your kernel version?12:27
DBOlopzided... ok, lets be stupid... sudo chown username:username /dev/input/js012:27
wildmanLinux linuxbox64 2.6.15-26-amd64-generic #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jul 7 19:25:13 UTC 2006 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:27
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K^Holtzwildman: i dont know anything about a glxinfo thing12:27
DBOTomatix, you are having trouble with sata disks?12:27
TomatixDBO, yes12:27
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto12:27
abowildman, I can't seem to get this right, I have /dev/sda8 followed by /dev/sda5, the free space is after /dev/sda5, the volume I would like to grow is /dev/sda8, can you help?12:27
compengiif i have a irc dns vhost how can i use it in shell hosting for psybnc12:27
sexcopter8000manyone know of any documentation, irc channel or the likes for easytag?12:27
wildmanK^Holtz: glxinfo | grep vendor12:27
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DBOTomatix, are you unable to mount them?12:27
TomatixDBO, nope12:27
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lopzidedDBO, done...no luck, still can't use dpad unless i run as root12:28
wildmanK^Holtz: plz run that in a terminal window and tell me if u can see the string 'nvidia' (uppercased here, but YMMV)12:28
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DBOTomatix, what is your issue?12:28
=== cano [n=cano@modemcable075.166-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
wildmansda8 is before sda5? :P12:28
DBOlopzided, its got to have two device files... but all be a monkeys uncle if I know where12:28
wildmanabo: sda8 is before sda5? :P12:28
TomatixDBO, well... When I have ran  mke2fs -j /dev/sda1, I can mount it, but when I reboot my computer, it refuses to be mounted12:28
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abowildman, yes... don't ask me why!12:28
K^Holtzi got a bunch of lines like this wildman12:28
K^HoltzXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".12:28
K^HoltzError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual12:28
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DBOTomatix, have you added it to your /etc/fstab?12:29
TomatixDBO, yes12:29
wildmanabo: if u want to grow sda8, and it's followed by another partition... u r mostly ... out of luck ;)12:29
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wildmanabo: however, you could try to use EVMS or LVM to 'grow' your partition12:29
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tailsfanIs it normal for build-essential to ask for a CD12:29
DBOTomatix, after your mount it the first time can you write to it?12:29
lopzidedDBO, well, i guess i'll post on the forum or something....i appreciate your time though :)12:29
=== hoehaver [n=john@h69-129-54-87.69-129.unk.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
wildmanabo: don't ask me more, I didn't play with those beasts yet ;)12:29
TomatixDBO, yes12:29
DBOlopzided, im really sorry12:29
TomatixDBO, "mount: /dev/sda1 already mounted or /home/toma/stasj/1 busy"12:29
abowhat's EVMS, LVM, other programs?12:29
K^Holtzwildman: i dont have linux-restricited-modules installed.. i dont know which ones i need12:29
lopzidedDBO, no big deal :D  i'll figure it out eventually12:29
danfganyone using a Pentium Pro, Celeron, P2, P3 or P4, could you please post your "uname -a" for me?12:29
wildmanK^Holtz: did you run make the changes on xorg.conf ?12:29
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wildmanK^Holtz: did you make the changes on xorg.conf ?12:30
K^Holtzwildman: no12:30
roshan_stailsfan: Go to System > Admin. > Software Properties and uncheck the CD-ROM source12:30
wildmanK^Holtz: the ones 'matching' your kernel12:30
DBOTomatix, oh you are having issues with evms12:30
BlueEagledanfg: 00:29 Linux bluebox 2.6.15-25-686 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Jun 14 11:34:19 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux12:30
hoehaverhey, my system is too over loaded, i have ubuntu 6.06. i shouldnt have installed so many things. is there a way to uninstall every thing besides the sysyem its self?12:30
wildmanK^Holtz: wait, I'll try to illustrate...12:30
K^Holtzwildman: im very new to this12:30
BlueEagledanfg: Don't ask me why it's an SMP kernel.12:30
DBOTomatix, try to mount /dev/evms/sda112:30
danfgBlueEagle: you probably have hyperthreading12:30
compengii have a irc dns vhosts, how can i use them in shell hosting for psybnc?12:30
TomatixDBO, hmm!12:30
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wildmanabo: LVM = Logical Volume Manager, EVMS = Enterprise Volume Management System12:31
BlueEagledanfg: Anyways that's for a P3 700mhz processor.12:31
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TomatixDBO, lol that works O_o   why`s that?12:31
DBOTomatix, because evms is STEALING it =P12:31
wildmanabo: basically a way to 'add' partitions into a 'bigger' logical unit (disk)12:31
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TomatixDBO, thank you very much! and you others as well ;)12:31
tpgterroranybody help me with my soundcard?12:31
DBOTomatix, just change your /etc/fstab to reflect that12:31
danfgBlueEagle: oh, in that case, not sure you have hyperthreading, i think it's a P4-only feature afaik12:31
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roshan_sDBO: Thanks for solving Tomatix's problem :-)12:32
BlueEagledanfg: Well it's what adept found out I should be using and I haven't bothered to roll my own kernel.12:32
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DBOroshan_s, dumb luck =P  I've seen it before12:32
Some_PersonI just got my ShipIt cds for Ubuntu 6.0612:32
hoehaveris there a way?12:32
Some_PersonCan I use them to upgrade my current install of 5.10?12:32
danfgBlueEagle: who/what is adept?12:33
hoehaveri want to uninstall ever thing but i dont know what all to uninstall without damaging the system12:33
DBOSome_Person, you sure can12:33
BlueEagledanfg: kubuntu package manager.12:33
BlueEagle!info adept12:33
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ubotuadept: package manager for KDE. In repository main, is optional. Version 2.0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 3752 kB, installed size 10988 kB12:33
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roshan_sDBO: Some_Person: no you can't. You need to d/l the "alternate" CDs for upgrades12:33
danfgBlueEagle: i'm using regular ubuntu, i guess mine is synaptic12:33
VolVESo... anyone know how I can figure out which ttf font file rrd is using for some graphs? :-/12:34
zeroxxxhey does anyone know how to make the java rpm executable so i can install it?12:34
Some_Personcrappity crap crap crap12:34
DBOroshan_s, hmmm, right shipit isnt shipping the two cd set anymore12:34
hoehaverno, you can upgrade from 5.10 to  6.0612:34
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hoehaverthats how i did it12:34
Some_Personi'm not downloading a huge disk image on dialup12:34
RobNycmy friend is having a big problem he has reinstalled ac ouple of times and same problem https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+ticket/115412:34
hoehaverit complicated thing when you have stuff installed though12:34
wildmanK^Holtz: nvidia-kernel-common,  linux-image-2.6.15-26-amd64-generic, nvidia-glx12:34
JDahlzeroxxx: you can't execute an rpm file, but you might be able to install it using "alien"12:34
Some_Personand 6.06 actually supports my soundcard12:34
BlueEaglezeroxxx: alien if there is no other alternative. Building from source is often more safe than using alien to convert rpm-s12:34
wildmanK^Holtz: is what I have here, however I have newer nVidia hardware than you (FX5200 AGP card)12:35
roshan_sSome_Person: You're out of luck. Your only option with the Desktop CD is to install from scratch.12:35
danfguh... how can i tell ubuntu to install a better kernel for me? currently it's optimized for 386, but it should be for 686. any ideas?12:35
zeroxxxumm, i suck wtf is alien and how do i use it?12:35
Some_Personoh no12:35
wildmanK^Holtz: but I guess more or less the same applies to you with the TNT2 board12:35
BlueEagle!info alien12:35
ubotualien: install non-native packages with dpkg. In repository main, is optional. Version 8.64 (dapper), package size 101 kB, installed size 276 kB12:35
kalosaurusrexdanfg: sudo apt-get install linux-686 I believe12:35
BlueEaglezeroxxx: sudo aptitude install alien12:35
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zeroxxxk thx12:35
Some_Personexactly how large is the d/l?12:35
K^Holtzwildman: i have a bunch of packages installed already in synaptic that have to do with linux-restricted modules12:35
judahdanfg: linux-image-68612:36
judahkalosaurusrex: --^12:36
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto12:36
roshan_sSome_Person: 692 MB12:36
hoehaverif you have dial up man and your trying to download ubuntu 6.06....good luck with that12:36
zeroxxxok, now how do alien is on here, now how do i isnstall java with it?12:36
hoehaveryou wont be able to get a phone call for a couple of days12:36
Some_Person692 MB??? thats too big on dialup12:37
roshan_sSome_Person: http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/12:37
BlueEaglezeroxxx: !java12:37
kalosaurusrexjudah: oh yeah that's it.12:37
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ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository12:37
danfgjudah, kalosaurusrex: thanks12:37
K^Holtzwildman: its the 386 version.. it seems to have 3 or 4 instances of the same package, then the common one12:37
zeroxxxsorry, my bad i mean the JRE12:37
hoehaverhey man go to the ubuntu site and go to shipit....something12:37
Some_Personthat would take days12:37
roshan_sSome_Person: Maybe you can find someone in your area with a CD. Do you have a Linux Users Group?12:37
hoehaverregister and they will mail ti to you absolutly free12:37
BlueEaglezeroxxx: sudo aptitude install sun-java5-jre12:37
hoehaverno shiping and handling12:37
wildmanK^Holtz: did you follow instructions in here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia ?12:37
BlueEaglezeroxxx: You will need to enable/add a multiverse repository to get it tho.12:38
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zeroxxxcool thx12:38
K^Holtzwildman: yes, to the best of my capabilities.. when i type sudo nvidia-glx-config enable i get an error12:38
JDahlzeroxxx: You should rarely need alien, if at all.  Ubuntu has an overwhelming repository on its own12:38
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BlueEaglek^holtz: ...and which error is that?12:38
roshan_shoehaver: Some_Person wants an alternate CD to upgrade his current install. Shipit doesn't provide those any more12:38
Some_Personyou guys dont shipit the alternate cd12:38
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K^HoltzBlueEagle: the first line is: Error: your X configuration has been altered.12:39
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Some_Persongreat, so i'm stuck with 5.10 with no audo12:39
DBOSome_Person, what audio card do you have?12:39
BlueEaglesome_person: Which sound card have you got?12:39
bbrazilSome_Person: ask your local LUG for a copy?12:39
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roshan_sSome_Person: It is very likely that your city has a LUG. Where do you live, if you don't mind me asking?12:39
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judahTexans LOVE linux!12:40
wildmanK^Holtz: that's not an error, but a warning12:40
Some_Personbut i'm a 12 year old not allowed out of the house12:40
judahthat's what i've heard at least. those crazy texans...12:40
BlueEaglewildman: Acutally that is an error because nvidia-glx-config won't touch a custom xorg.conf file iirc.12:40
K^Holtzwildman: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1778512:41
roshan_sSome_Person: Someone at the Houston LUG might be kind enough to mail a CD. Look at www.hlug.org12:41
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wildmanBlueEagle: oh... always run on 'vanilla' xorg.conf :)12:41
wildmanK^Holtz: goin there...12:41
hoehaverHOW can i revert ubuntu to its origanal state, before i started adding programs to it12:41
ndansmithhoehaver: reinstall?12:41
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hoehaverlol, no12:41
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johnwwhat is the best supported wireless LAN card out there12:41
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wildmanK^Holtz: lines 6 and 7 of ur pastebin have the 'solution' ;)12:42
zeiothya ta12:42
wildmanK^Holtz: plz proceed as they say12:42
johnwwhat is the best supported wireless LAN card out there?12:42
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metal80Hello,is there a way to automount a windows partition in a home lan? I got XP in one pc and Ubuntu 6.06 in other,and I want to access a partition in the windows machine just at the start of Ubuntu12:42
hoehaveri would reinstall but i only have the ubuntu 5.10 cd, i wowuld have to upgrade it12:42
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hoehaverit takes like 5 hours to upgrade12:42
Some_Personwhy dont u guys shipit the upgrade cds12:42
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wildmanK^Holtz: the nvidia-glx-config only does what those lines say IIRC, changing 'nv' driver for 'nvidia' one12:42
johnwwhat is the best supported wireless LAN card out there12:42
yeri_i have a question. there is a document on my desktop and i dont know how to open it. it is .doc and it wont openin text editor12:43
wildmanyeri_: install OpenOffice12:43
johnwwhat is the best supported wireless LAN card out there12:43
yeri_im ketetha's sister if you guys know her12:43
dlijohnw, fsf.org says rt250012:43
sharms!tell metal80 about ntfs12:43
johnwthanks dli12:43
BlueEaglesome_person: We (the people in here) are volentairs, not employees of Canonical or ShipIt.12:43
yeri_wildman: i have that. which one do i use?12:43
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wildmanyeri_: Writer12:43
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hoehaverfor the same reason you dont, it will take days12:43
dlijohnw, fyi, http://www.fsf.org/resources/hw/net/wireless/cards.html12:43
roshan_sSome_Person: I don't think any of us have a say in that :-) We're just users, like you.12:43
yeri_wildman, thanks im goign to try it12:43
sharmsSome_Person: why would we ship out upgrade cds?12:43
wildmanyeri_: if the .doc was created with MS Word, u'll be able to open it in OOo writer12:43
BlueEaglesome_person: Go to the ShipIt website and look for a "contact us" or FAQ and see if you can find the answer there.12:43
wildmanyeri_: yw12:43
johnwdli, thanks again12:43
yeri_wildman, 00o?12:43
judahjohnw: atheros chipsets are rad. prism2 chipsets have great support as well.12:43
Some_Personi mean, why doesnt ubuntu shipit the upgrade cds12:44
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wildmanyeri_: OpenOffice.org ;)12:44
johnwwell, Buffalo sucks!12:44
K^Holtzwildman: after chaning nv to nvidia, saving the file, and trying again, i get the same error12:44
sharmsSome_Person: give a reason why it is a good idea?12:44
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judahjohnw: anything that requiers ndswrapper or whatever it is... will cause you heartache.12:44
yeri_wildman, i see12:44
johnwi've noticed12:44
Some_Personso people like me can upgrade12:44
hoehaverhoehaver: hi12:44
wildmanK^Holtz: after changing that file, you have to restart X :)12:44
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hoehaverhmm, how do you make it look red12:44
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wildmanK^Holtz: for the change to have effect12:44
sharmsSome_Person: Soon enough edgy will be released, and you can upgrade that way12:44
judahjohnw: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported12:44
zerocipheris there anyone with ubuntu 64 knowledge on?12:44
K^Holtzwildman:  thanks, ill do that12:44
hoehaverjust type the persons name with : after ity12:44
wildmanK^Holtz: waiy12:44
sharmsSome_Person: Dapper un-upgraded is quite functional12:44
wildmanK^Holtz: wait12:44
yeri_wildman, arghh i dont have openoffice installed in dapper yet. packages right?12:44
judahjohnw: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=support+wireless+card&fullsearch=Text12:44
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Some_Personso that means i have to reinstall every time a new one is released12:45
K^Holtzwildman: i'm here12:45
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wildmanK^Holtz: 1st) good luck; 2nd) you know what to change back if it didn't work to return here... 3rd) good luck again!12:45
Some_Personthat @#$*ing sucks12:45
danfgsystem is asking me to restart after i upgraded my kernel, brb. thanks for your help guys12:45
wildmanyeri_: well... install it?12:45
yeri_wildman, arghh. my sister doesnt have the same adminstration as me. she doesnt have the package manager. how come12:45
K^Holtzwildman: you telling me i may not be able to get back into X?12:45
hoehaversome_person: you can upgrade your system from 5.10 to 6.0612:45
sharmsSome_Person: you should be able to add the CD to apt and upgrade that way12:45
hoehaverbut....if you have alot of stuff installed that you installed, you may have problems12:46
Some_Personcool, i'll try it12:46
sharms!tell Some_Person about upgrade12:46
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hoehaverthats how i did it12:46
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hoehaverit takes like 5 hours to download ever thing12:46
wildmanK^Holtz: if it doesn't work, yes. but you can change 'back' to 'nv' driver by editing /etc/xorg.conf with your favourite text editor12:46
roshan_sSome_Person: Even if you had an alternate CD, you'd still need to redownload any extra packages you might have installed. That would still take a lot of time12:46
hoehaverand about 2 to instal lit12:46
hoehaverbut i have dsl so.....good luck with that12:46
wildmanK^Holtz: it should work12:46
K^Holtzwildman: thanks, ill brb.. hopefully12:46
wildmanK^Holtz: cya soon12:46
wildmanyeri_: hmm...12:46
MystaMaxwhen I'm adjusting my /etc/fstab does it matter what order I put the mount options? which is the 4th column?12:47
wildmanyeri_: different versions of Ubuntu maybe? or different install sets...12:47
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yeri_wildman, wait installed dapper on my thing yesterday (ketetha) but does that mean i ahve to install it on yeri's too?12:47
wildmanyeri_: sudo apt-get install openoffice.org12:47
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K^Holtzwildman: i had to log in to text first, but then saw the nvidia splashscreen, then had the graphical login12:48
hoehaverIS THERE a way to revert ubuntu back to its origanal state12:48
wildmanyeri_: not really...12:48
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BassistHey all12:48
yeri_wildman, ok ima try that12:48
wildmanK^Holtz: good, looks you are on the right track...12:48
hoehaverlike when i istalled automatrix it saved a file or some4hintg12:48
hoehaveror....is there a way?12:48
wildmanyeri_: go, go, go! :)12:48
BassistCan anybody help a newbie at ssh, please?12:48
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yeri_wildman,, haha12:48
dli!ask > Bassetts12:48
dli!ask > Bassist12:48
wildmanhoehaver: what's your pb? you didn't tell automatix to 'revert' repos to the 'standard' ones?12:48
K^Holtzwildman: looks like i was untill i tried to play the game, now after hitting any key on the pomop of the game, all my resolution is all messed up ( i cant see what im typing)12:49
wildmanhoehaver: cuz the solution to that is... backups :)12:49
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.12:49
wildmanK^Holtz: games change screen resolution....12:49
hoehaveryeah i know...but i made a back up after i installede some stuff12:49
sharmsPlease move to appropriate channel, we do not recommend automatix nor support it12:49
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yeri_wildman, it doenst work. im goign to go back to ketetha and see if she has the same rights as me and stuff and install it there byee12:49
wildmanK^Holtz: try hitting Ctrl, Alt and the + or - signs... if I remember correctly that will change rez among available ones...12:50
Bassistdli: Ok when I try to slogin from Slackware to Ubuntu I get: 'Temporary failure in name resolution'12:50
K^Holtzwildman:  yes, but the gamehas disappeared, and i cant see th most of my screen, just this xchat window12:50
Bassistdli: Though I added the rsa key from the Ubuntu laptop as an authorized_key in my .ssh/ folder in Slackware12:50
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hoehaverwhy dont you support automatrix12:50
sharmsBassist: that seems like a dns error12:50
hoehaverits great12:50
wildmanyeri_: well... maybe you have a different ubuntu version (and thus repos) and OOo package name is different...12:50
K^Holtzwildman: nope12:51
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Bassistsharms: What to do about that?12:51
sharmshoehaver: because if we supported automatix our channel would be called #automatix12:51
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wildmanK^Holtz: sigh...12:51
sharmsBassist: Check your hosts files etc12:51
sharmsBassist: it is having problems resolving one of the targets12:51
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MystaMaxBassist, are you using IP address or hostnames?12:51
ketetha_hola all12:51
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dliBassist, sounds like a DNS error, not an ssh error12:51
BassistMystaMax: hostnames12:52
wildmanketetha_: hola, pero solo en ingls ac ;)12:52
MystaMaxBassist, try IP address12:52
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.12:52
Bassistdli: What about this DNS error?12:52
Bassistdli: What exactly could be wrong?12:52
tailsfanhey ketetha_12:52
ketetha_wildman, bien! tu habla espanol? yo estudiar espanol a la escuela12:52
=== j0hanna [n=johanna@ua-83-227-155-140.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_tailsfan, heyy whatcha doing i'm installing openofficc12:52
MystaMaxBassist,  It can't find an IP address for the hostname specified12:52
wildmanketetha_: EN only here... or else you might get kicked ;)12:52
dliBassist, try to ssh the IP (instead of a host name)12:52
=== SurfnKid_ [n=SurfnKid@cpe-66-68-241-20.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dliBassist, use ssh instead of rlogin12:53
sharms!tell ketetha_ about es12:53
hoehaversharms: no it wouldnt be, automartix isnt an OS, this room is called ubuntu for the OS12:53
ketetha_wildman, hah thats sucks =] 12:53
wildmanketetha_: I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina12:53
Bassistdli: Ok, what's the command for that? $ ssh <IP> ?12:53
hoehaverand any help in regadrs to it12:53
MystaMaxBassist, is this a home network or are you going over the internet, yes SSH IP12:53
wildmanketetha_: was born here, so ES is my mother language ;)12:53
=== help [n=chris@6532135hfc138.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_sharms, thanks i dont speak spanish that well i'll stickto here12:53
sharms!tell hoehaver about automatix12:53
johlinhas anyone got a gearlog user acccount that I can borrow? The register link is broken and the stream starts in 10 minutes.12:53
wildmank, time to go for real now12:53
dliBassist, yes, or " ssh -l <usernmae> <ip>12:53
BassistMystaMax: Yeah it's a home network12:53
gnomefreakhoehaver: you were asked to please go to #automatix for support with automatix please do it12:53
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ketetha_wildman, ohhh will i live in borin' texas were we ride dem horses and stuff.12:53
=== [1] skeith [n=skeith@nr23-216-68-221-96.fuse.net] has joined #ubuntu
hoehaverforgive me:(12:53
cwillusharms:  !foo > cwillu works for that too, just so ya know :)12:53
hoehaveri dont need help with automatrix12:54
MystaMaxquick one, when I'm adjusting my /etc/fstab does it matter what order I put the mount options? which is the 4th column?12:54
=== K^Holtz [n=kholtz@67-21-113-224.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
sharmshoehaver: we just want you to get the help you need, and we are far from specialists in automatix12:54
j0hannai need help, can't find what win32 repositories12:54
=== Mugginns [n=froglok@cpe-065-190-157-104.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sharmshoehaver: and it is a general consensus that automatix may not perform all operations safely or in a way which is easily undone12:54
Bassistdli, MystaMax, thanks a lot12:54
BassistIt worked =)12:54
MystaMaxno prob12:54
hoehaveri need help with reverting ubuntu back to its origanal state12:54
hoehaverwith out reinstalling12:54
gnomefreakhoehaver: there really isnt a safe way to do that that im aware of12:55
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ketetha_wildman, problemm fixed. now my sister has access to download packages and whatnot =] 12:55
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=== dman [n=david@user-0cala51.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
helpi download the new klamav and i do not know how to install it12:55
roshan_sBassist: You could do "sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon libnss-mdns" on your computers. Then you can access computers using hostname.local12:55
sharmshoehaver: why do you need to revert?12:55
DBOhoehaver, what problem are you having?12:55
`Evil`need help with dosfsck cmd. when i type dosfsck -a -r /dev/hda5 (or any drive) i get this ->12:55
`Evil`dosfsck 2.11, 12 Mar 2005, FAT32, LFN12:55
`Evil`Logical sector size is zero.12:55
Bassistroshan_s: Ok thanks12:56
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:56
ketetha_so sudo apt-get install WHAT YOU WNAT INSTALLED will get you almost any package in the terminal?12:56
hoehavermy system is too over loaded with crap i installed12:56
Bassistroshan_s: Will do12:56
Dial_tonehelp, why not install from apt-get?12:56
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hoehaveri cant even watch a  movie on my compter, well i can but i have to ONLY have the movie plater running12:56
ketetha_!tell ketetha_ about terminal12:56
=== CaTBiT [n=Perl@84-12-28-250.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
sharmshoehaver: open synaptic and remove things you don't want / need12:56
hoehaverit i have bitTornado running aswell and only it running, the movie will skip12:56
hoehaveri think i installed wrong codec or codecs i dont even need12:57
hoehaverect ect12:57
krismcan anyone reccomend a mail notifier for the gnome panel that supports imaps? (pref. in one of the apt-get repositories, im lazy for now)12:57
DBOhoehaver, you might want to try a lighter DE, like XFCE or Fluxbox12:57
tailsfanWhat does ths mean:12:57
tailsfanPlease, install the package with full kernel sources for your distribution12:57
tailsfanor use --with-kernel=dir option to specify another directory with kernel12:57
tailsfansources (default is /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-386/source).12:57
hoehaveri would do that but knowing me, i would remove something i need12:57
ketetha_i have a question for someon willng to help. i have easy tags but its not seeming to change the tags and in rhtyhmbox it looks messy and just ugh. i dont like it. is there any other sound player beside xmms and rhythmbox i can use12:57
DBO!paste > tailsfan12:57
`Evil`need help with dosfsck cmd to run force-check on disks12:57
hoehaveri dont remember all of what i installed12:57
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ketetha_!tell ketetha_ about player12:57
ubotuI know nothing about player12:57
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ketetha_!tell ketetha_ about players12:57
ubotuI know nothing about beep12:58
ketetha_is beep media player good?12:58
sharmsketetha_: msg the bot in private12:58
DBOits an offshoot of xmms, its not that bad12:58
roshan_skrism: Try mail-notification12:58
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=== Aidamina [n=aa@cc247812-b.roden1.dr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_sharms: ok i just like to tell myself so i can look at it later. i'll be sure to do that12:58
helpi download the new klamav and i do not know how to install it12:58
krismthanks roshan_s, will check it out12:58
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`Evil`can someone help with dosfsck cmd to run force-check on disks?12:59
sharmsketetha_: yeah I do that too, just you can skip the whole !tell thing and just /msg the keyword12:59
ketetha_does beep media player support mp3s?12:59
ketetha_sharms: ohhh! ok thanksss12:59
roshan_s`Evil`: What is the problem?12:59
dmanhey all... i have been having trouble removing a broken package on my system, anybody able to help?12:59
=== _Roconda_ [n=Roconda@ip5454330e.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
`Evil`roshan_s, when i type dosfsck -a -r /dev/hda5 (for any drive) i get this error12:59
`Evil`dosfsck 2.11, 12 Mar 2005, FAT32, LFN01:00
`Evil`Logical sector size is zero.01:00
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`Evil`not error but msg01:00
_Roconda_how can I restart apache which is apt-get'ed ?01:00
DBOsudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart01:00
sharmssudo apache2ctl restart01:00
helpi download the new klamav and i do not know how to install it01:00
ketetha_can you guys tell me what media player you use and if its good?01:00
K^Holtzeverytime i try to play tuxracer now the game crashes, the resoolution messes up, and i cant see anything on my monitor fully01:01
roshan_s`Evil`: Is the partition otherwise fine?01:01
montag_451New to linux, but I use Quod Libet for my music library and VLC for anything not in it plus movies.01:01
DBOketetha_, AmaroK is considered one of the best "heavy" players (it does a lot, and eats more ram).  XMMS is good for a minalist01:01
K^Holtzi cant move my mouse either01:01
sharmsketetha_: I use rhythmbox for audio and totem for video (with all gstreamer restricted stuff)01:01
tailsfananyway to change to the directory of the kernel-source I installed01:01
`Evil`roshan_s, Yes. All the partitions are giving this msg01:01
=== boricua [n=illustre@cpe-24-161-34-84.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dmaneverytime i use the synaptic to remove "gnomemeeting" it comes up as failed and im not sure where it goes wrong, any ideas?01:02
hoehaverin synptic whats the diff between demore and completely remove?01:02
ketetha_DBO: thankk you im going to try it01:02
boricuanew name ekiga?01:02
ketetha_sharms: thanks :)01:02
montag_451Completely remove also removes the config files.01:02
roshan_s`Evil`: Did you run e2fsck on the drive by mistake?01:02
hoehaverah, well...whats the use in that01:02
=== matrixise [n=matrixis@host-213-213-235-42.brutele.be] has joined #ubuntu
dmanhoehaver the completely remove option allows you to remove all of the config files as well as the program itseld01:02
helpi download the new klamav and i do not know how to install it01:02
K^Holtzguess ill just restart X again01:02
ketetha_what does the applications menu editor do01:02
montag_451If you want to save space, or you're just being purist about getting rid of the software, it's a good idea.01:03
`Evil`roshan_s, No. I ran man e2fsckand checked was for ext03 so ran dosfsck then01:03
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-227-94-137.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
ketetha_Amarok looks like itunes. looks good to me01:03
tailsfandoes my pastebin help?01:03
tailsfanI'm trying to get sounbd to work on my PC01:04
roshan_sDo you have Windows installed on your FAT32 drive? Can you check if it still boots?01:04
ketetha_what is gnome really?01:04
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aboanyone can help me grow/expand a partition on my disk? I have 10GB of free space (unallocated) that I would like to add to the partition where root is mounted, the problem is the free space is not after the partition to grow.. I tried gparted and evms ... no luck01:04
=== [2] skeith [n=skeith@nr23-216-68-221-96.fuse.net] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_nevermind i asked ubotu =] 01:05
=== K^Holtz [n=kholtz@67-21-113-224.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
`Evil`roshan_s, XP is there on 2nd hdd primary part and boots fine. The prob is ubuntu Every time says error and boots on startup01:05
`Evil`roshan_s, While windows doesnt give any error in same parts01:05
`Evil`roshan_s, and Ubuntu takes about 15min on startup eachtime to check01:05
helpcan someoe hlp me01:05
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:06
roshan_s`Evil`: The Ubuntu errors are on the FAT partitions? Have you tried running the Windows scandisk tool or whatever they have nowadays?01:06
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`Evil`roshan_s, Yep. They're in FAT32. Tried almost every tool. Noone gives any error01:06
helpi download the new klamav and i do not know how to install it01:06
=== Chawnskie_ [n=chatzill@ip68-101-204-36.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
roshan_s`Evil`: An easy way out is to not have Ubuntu check your DOS partitions on boot, since Windows will scan those partitions. There's nothing really wrong with those partitions anyhow01:07
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`Evil`roshan_s, Ok, Cool. How do I then make Ubuntu not check disks on boot?01:08
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tailsfanI'm having trying with compiling01:08
=== Aproxima [n=ineed@c122166.upc-c.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
helpi download the new klamav and i do not know how to install it01:08
tailsfanIt's saying I don01:08
tailsfan't have the right files for the kernel and I just installed build-essential01:09
tailsfanwhat do I do01:09
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto01:09
Surfnkidthe update manager frequently shows new apps, mostly new kernel updates, my question is, if this frequency is often, does it remove old versions and update the newest, or backup eacch old version? its 100mb each time it updates, mostly xorg, kernel images/01:09
ubotuI know nothing about chm01:09
=== Faii [n=cj@user-1087iff.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
kleesis there a command that clears obselete downloaded apt-get files???01:09
natan-if i have a bash script i want to run all the time what is the best way to implement that?01:09
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kleesapt-get autoclean??01:10
roshan_sYou need to edit /etc/fstab. Do "VISUAL=gedit sudoedit /etc/fstab" Then find the lines corresponding to your DOS partitions. They probably have a "2" in the sixth column. Change that to a "0". "man fstab" for details01:10
=== etrask [n=etrask@ip24-254-81-164.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
dliklees, apt-get clean01:10
Surfnkidklees, yes01:10
kleesapt-get clean removes all downloaded files??01:10
=== Gregy1727 [n=Greg@host-216-78-38-253.ath.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
`Evil`roshan_s, k thanks. will try that01:10
hoehaveris there a comand i can run in a termenal to see if i have any programs or...codecs or anything is causing a conflict with another....program01:11
hoehaveror codec or what ever01:11
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K^Holtzin the nvidia driver instructions it mentions If you are going to compile 3D applications... does that mean make them? like write programs yourself?01:11
dliklees, yes, all in /var/cache/apt/archives/01:11
ReleaseXI want my surround sound to work when playing movies through xine/mplayer/xmms/etc.  I have a Realtek ALC650.  Dapper.  Not really sure where to go.  I'm not having any success with the info I'm finding online.  Anyone familiar with audio setups such as this?01:11
ketetha_i love dapper01:11
=== mattl [i=leenak@ip68-100-14-200.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
`Evil`roshan_s, Can i pvt msg you the entries in the file?01:12
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crimsunReleaseX: pastebin your ``amixer'' output, and tell us the uRL01:12
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roshan_s`Evil`: Sure01:12
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helpho o i install clamav01:12
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viatorcan anyone get these videos to work on their box?01:12
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ketetha_i have a question. under applications > internet there are two files that say FrostWire. one has the correct icybluebox and one has an ? type of window01:13
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viatornothing works with them01:13
ninoHi im having a problem with my FAT32 partition it out of the 12GB it says 5 is being used but the files listed only totles 1.2GB01:13
ketetha_how do i get rid o the ? type of one01:13
viatornot mplayer01:13
viatornot vlc01:13
ketetha_if you want a screenshot tel me01:13
viatornot realplayer01:13
viatoryes i have w32codecs01:13
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=== teke [n=teke@AMarseille-252-1-8-202.w83-197.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
jribketetha_: you can use applications > accesories > (alacarte) menu editor01:14
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ketetha_jrib, done have that01:14
ReleaseXcrimson, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1779201:14
ketetha_jrib, ** don't01:14
jribketetha_: and it doesn't let you remove the question mark one?01:14
hoehaveris there a termenal line i can type in that checks to see if i have any conflicting packages??01:14
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ketetha_jrib, nope it just kind of sits there. but it bothers me01:15
jribketetha_: oh install 'alacarte'01:15
zuhause01xxhi leute, weiss jemand wie ich den Bongo Sound ausschalte wenn ich einen ordner auf mache?01:15
Amaranthketetha_: breezy?01:15
JonningsI have a dual-boot with XP and Ubuntu, and want to resize a fat32 partition. I have tried QTParted and Partition Magic but both give me error msgs. Otherwise everything seems to work nicely, its just that i cant get any partition program to work. Any ideas on what could be wrong?01:15
ketetha_amaranth, dapper01:16
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:16
ketetha_jrib, ok01:16
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helpho o i install clamav01:16
Amaranthketetha_: alacarte is installed by default in dapper, are you using KDE or XFCE?01:16
jribI'm trying to get antialiased fonts in urxvt.  Essentially I want the same look I have in gnome-terminal.  What font should I tell urxvt to use (I have defaults in gnome-terminal, but I don't know what the defaults are)01:16
lwizardlanyone here setup a NAS ?01:16
zuhause01xxanybody know how to turn off the sound that comes when opening a Folder01:17
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Amaranthzuhause01xx: System->Preferences->Sound01:17
zuhause01xx;D thanx01:17
helpi download the new klamav and i do not know how to install it01:17
ketetha_amaranth, no clue01:17
=== mheath_ [i=Mike@c-67-182-231-23.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Amaranthketetha_: Did you install Ubuntu, Kubuntu, or Xubuntu?01:18
ketetha_amaranth, KDE i just got a popup that said a recieved a cookie from lyrc.com.ar01:18
=== K^Holtz [n=K_Holtz@67-21-113-224.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_amaranth, ubuntu. the title of the popup is KDE Daemon so thats how i know i have KDE01:18
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ketetha_amaranth, should i accept or reject the cookie01:18
Amaranthketetha_: I have no idea, sorry.01:18
zuhause01xxcool it worked, thanx01:19
ketetha_amaranth, its okk i'll ask jrib =] 01:19
Amaranthketetha_: Most people here don't know anything about KDE, perhaps you should try #kubuntu01:19
zuhause01xxgood night!! gute nacht!!01:19
=== dion_ [n=dion@66-90-252-126.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_jrib, i just got an alert for a cookie should i accept or reject01:19
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K^Holtzi updated the md5checksum of my xorg.conf file then used the command to enable Nvidia.. i then restarted X and it will not restart.. im in bash, and trying to edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, but i get an error saying cannot open display: (null) every time i try01:19
ketetha_amaranth, oh. that stinks. i'm just gonna wait awhile before i switch01:19
jribketetha_: I reject all cookies I don't recognize, but if you are using that site you may want to accept it01:19
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dion_So, I have the desktop and start up of EDUbuntu, how can I switch it to regular ubuntu?01:20
foofighterhi all!01:20
ketetha_jrib, i think its for the lyrics on amarok; so i think ima accept it.01:20
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ketetha_jrib, i have an applications menu editor on my thing so i guess thats the same as alacarte?01:21
helpi download the new klamav and i do not know how to install it01:21
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Stormx2How do I create a .zip?01:22
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Amaranthketetha_: I guess so.01:22
K^HoltzFailed to start the X server. It is likely that it is not set up correctly. Would you like to view the X server output to diagnose the problem?01:22
Amaranthketetha_: Do you have a bar on top and bottom or just on bottom?01:22
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RopechoborraI recently updated my ubuntu, when i boot, i got 3 diferent slots for the same kernel.. what is that for?01:22
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jribStormx2: right click > create archive01:22
=== Phoul [n=phoul@S0106004005b748fa.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribStormx2: you may need to install 'zip'01:23
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ketetha_amaranth, on top and bottom. top says applications and stuff with the time. buttom has my programs that are open and workspace/trash01:23
Amaranthketetha_: that's gnome then01:23
Amaranthketetha_: you must have breezy01:23
=== kayle [n=mythtv@cpe-72-228-23-251.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_amaranth, well i have gnome buti just upgraded to dapper yesterday01:24
helpi download the new klamav and i do not know how to install it01:24
=== technel [n=technel@66-216-230-160.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
helpi download the new klamav and i do not know how to install it01:24
helpi download the new klamav and i do not know how to install it01:24
jribketetha_: Amaranth is your goto guy for alacarte so I'm going to let him help you, don't feel like I'm ignoring you though :)01:24
jribhelp: please don't repeat01:24
DBOhelp, did you download source or what?01:24
ketetha_jrib, okk =]  haha i wont. thanks for all yourhelp01:24
Amaranthketetha_: ah, i think you don't have ubuntu-desktop installed then01:25
helpdid not mean it there are a ew problems i am having01:25
helpdid not mean it there are a ew problems i am having01:25
helpdid not mean it there are a ew problems i am having01:25
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Amaranthhelp: Don't repeat yourself.01:25
K^Holtzwhat text editor do i use when in bash.. aparantly i cant use gedit01:25
ketetha_help, dont repead yuour self01:25
helpits my comepter01:25
helpits my comepter01:25
ketetha_haha i felt like saying that =] 01:25
K^Holtz!text editor01:25
ubotuI know nothing about text editor01:25
Amaranthketetha_: System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager01:25
ketetha_help, oh i see. try rebooting it or something01:25
jribK^Holtz: you can use vim if you know, otherwise nano is nice and simple01:25
helpi havee01:26
ketetha_amarath, okk01:26
helpi havee01:26
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=== Hannub [n=hannub83@84-253-195-160.satp.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #Ubuntu
Stormx2Install a new irc client >.<01:26
Amaranthketetha_: Search for the "ubuntu-desktop" package and make sure it's installed.01:26
helpi htink i hav a virus01:26
helpi htink i hav a virus01:26
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DBOwait wrong command01:26
ReleaseXI want my surround sound to work when playing movies through xine/mplayer/xmms/etc.  I have a Realtek ALC650.  Dapper.  Not really sure where to go.  I'm not having any success with the info I'm finding online.  Anyone familiar with audio setups such as this?  amixer output here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1779201:26
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ketetha_amaranth, its not01:27
Amaranthketetha_: Install it.01:27
K^Holtzjrib: how do i save and exit in vim ?01:27
pandora--type that01:27
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pandora--[w=write]  [q=quit] 01:27
alex-weej(hit escape first)01:27
jribK^Holtz: ESC ZZ01:27
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help1ssssso can anyone help me01:27
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ketetha_amaranth, ok i'll let you know when its done01:28
ketetha_amaranth, were you the guy that told me you used amarok?01:28
BlueEaglehelp1: Not unless we know what the problem is. :)01:28
help1how do i get the new clamav and klamav01:28
DBOhelp1, did you download the source?01:28
K^Holtzjrib: i dont think that worked01:28
BlueEaglehelp1: sudo aptitude install klamav clamav01:28
help1how do u do that01:28
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DBOhelp1, do what BlueEagle suggests01:29
jribK^Holtz: how about what pandora-- said?01:29
DBOthat will install it automatically01:29
_Aaron_is there a new kernel for 686?01:30
pepsilooks like it01:30
DBOnew kernel for everything01:30
_Aaron_pepsi: why the update?01:30
K^Holtzjrib: thats not workin... esc doesnt do anything01:30
help1if that do not work what else should i try01:30
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DBO_Aaron_, security fixes01:30
_Aaron_why the update and new kernel? a flaw found?01:30
ketetha_amaranth, its donne01:31
BlueEaglehelp1: if that does not work head to source-o-matic so you get all the availible repositories.01:31
DBO_Aaron_, you can find a changelog on launchpad01:31
BlueEagleubotu: tell help1 about source-o-matic01:31
sztanpet_anyway i can make mplayer keep the aspect ratio of movies when i resize them? it only works in fullscreen mode01:31
Dasnipa] [_Aaron_, kernal releases are normal...01:31
BlueEagle!tell help1 about source-o-matic01:31
_Aaron_DBO: so you mean all this time I been using Ubuntu, its had a security risk that needed to be fixed? :(  Has my system been compromised?01:31
pepsiUbugtu, tell pepsi about source-o-matic01:31
_Aaron_Dasnipa] [: so you mean all this time I been using Ubuntu, its had a security risk that needed to be fixed? :(  Has my system been compromised?01:31
BlueEagle!notice doesn't ubotu give feedback as to what it told people anymore?01:32
ubotuI know nothing about notice doesn't ubotu give feedback as to what it told people anymore?01:32
Dasnipa] [_Aaron_, no, not really...01:32
_Aaron_what was the security fix of the latest kernel?01:32
DBO_Aaron_, no code is perfect, but they patch holes as soon as they find them.  You system is fine01:32
pepsifreakin.. who put a stupid bot whos name comes before ubotu01:32
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_Aaron_Has my system been compromised?01:32
Stormx2sztanpet_: Mine does it in none-full-screen o.O01:32
pepsioh nevermind :D01:32
_Aaron_Dasnipa] [: define "not really"01:32
DBO_Aaron_, no it has not01:32
jribK^Holtz: esc should get you in command mode, after that you can hit two capital Z's: ZZ or a colon, a 'w', and a 'q', :wq01:32
_Aaron_DBO: what was the security fix of the latest kernel?01:32
Dasnipa] [_Aaron_, everything _can_ have security holes... im sure that theres still some yet to be found the difference is with linux they are patched _really really_ fast01:32
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_Aaron_Dasnipa] [: that may be too late :(01:33
jribK^Holtz: if that isn't working you may want to try nano until you can get the hang of vim, it does have a bit of a learning curve01:33
freakaWell this is definetely a success story :p01:33
_Aaron_Dasnipa] [: what was the security fix of the latest kernel?01:33
DBO_Aaron_, security holes in linux are often patched within an hour of discovery, FAR faster than anyone could write a virus for them01:33
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jribK^Holtz: :wq should be followed by enter by the way, maybe that is why01:33
K^Holtzjrib, i have to gert out of vim first01:33
_Aaron_DBO: yes, but before the discovery, my system may have been compromised!  Who finds the security holes?01:34
jribK^Holtz: <ESC> :q! <enter>01:34
Dasnipa] [_Aaron_, consider the alternatives... windows has known security holes that have never been patched...01:34
K^Holtzjrib got it.. thanks01:34
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K^Holtzhow can i start X01:34
_Aaron_DBO: how do you know that virus writers arent the ones who found the security hole to begin with?01:34
K^Holtztry to start X01:34
Dasnipa] [_Aaron_, it should be no huge surprise that security holes exist... nothing is 100% secure01:35
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jribI'm trying to get antialiased fonts in urxvt.  Essentially I want the same look I have in gnome-terminal.  What font should I tell urxvt to use (I have defaults in gnome-terminal, but I don't know what the defaults are)01:35
DBO_Aaron_, they may have, but its already been patched, if you wish to continue this, we can in #ubuntu-offtopic01:35
oezguerhi everybody01:35
_Aaron_Dasnipa] [: ok01:35
ardchoilleK^Holtz: startx01:35
_Aaron_DBO: ok01:35
oezguermpeg .dat ... so i cant play them :( what should i do?01:35
alex-weejoezguer: explain?01:35
oezgueri cant play the films  .mpeg   .dat ..... :(01:36
jrib!mpeg > oezguer01:36
Dasnipa] [oezguer, windows formats arent installed by default01:36
oezgueri installed w32codecs..01:36
oezgueryes jrip01:36
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[Tkb] FIRESIDEoezguer: What are you using to play the files?01:37
[Tkb] FIRESIDETotem?01:37
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jriboezguer: there are more things you may need to install, make sure you read all of the links01:37
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nekostarlook at it this way01:37
oezguerxwine gxine vlc mplay totem01:37
nekostarif you set your system to automagically dl // install stuff01:37
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johlinhow do I unzip all zipfiles in one directory at once? I want them in the same folder. I tried unzip *.zip, but it just says blabla file not matched01:37
oezgueri install all of them i think, from wiki... i ve read all01:37
nekostarat least you dont have to reboot 99.99999% of the time01:37
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[Tkb] FIRESIDEoezguer: For totem support install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg through apt-get or synaptic01:38
nekostarjohlin, are u in gui at all ?01:38
oezguerapt-get  i did it01:38
ketetha_is there a way you can stop ubuntu from making those squiggly lines telling you you spelled something wrong on gaim and stuff it annoys me and i misspell alot when im not concentrating01:38
[Tkb] FIRESIDEoezguer: The FFMPEG plugin supports most windows formats01:38
johlinnekostar: no, terminal01:38
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nekostardam lol01:38
BlueEagleketetha_: You can start spelling right. :)01:38
oezguershould i restart my pc?01:39
BlueEagleketetha_: There should be a setting in gaim to turn those off tho.01:39
johlinnekostar: oh wait, unzip '*.zip' (notize the01:39
[Tkb] FIRESIDEketetha_: Disable spell check in Gaim01:39
oezguerthanx for every helps01:39
johlin') worked01:39
ketetha_BlueEagle, very smart01:39
[Tkb] FIRESIDEoezguer: Nope01:39
nekostaro nice01:39
[Tkb] FIRESIDEoezguer: Just reload totem01:39
nekostargood show johlin :)01:39
ketetha_BlueEagle, haha ok =]  that made me laugh :)01:39
ketetha_[TkB] FIRESIDE, thankks01:39
oezgueroki FIRESIDE01:39
Stormx2hey folks. Had a partition, originally fat. I reformatted it into FAT, and theres now some data on there. Any way I can recover data from the previous state?01:40
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danfganyone using a GeForce 6*** video card?01:40
oezguerfrom terminal: sudo apt-get install totem  right?01:40
K^HoltzOK, i need a lot of help now.. can anyone take some time out to help me get a graphical interface working again?01:40
[Tkb] FIRESIDEketetha_: Gaim Preferences -> Interface -> Conversations -> Message Text -> Highlight Misspelled words01:41
ketetha_a couple days in gaim i asked for it to log all my conversations where are these saved?01:41
[Tkb] FIRESIDEoezguer: No01:41
[Tkb] FIRESIDEoezguer: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg01:41
ketetha_[TkB] FIRESIDE, merci01:41
alex-weejketetha_: ~/.gaim/logs01:41
roshan_sK^Holtz: What is the problem like?01:41
BlueEagleketetha_: Tools->Settings (or CTRL+P in gaim) under "conversations->Messages" there's a checkbox for "mark spelling errors" (I might have mis-translated)01:41
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BlueEagleketetha_: not really hard to find tbh.01:41
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ketetha_BlueEagle, thankss :)01:41
ketetha_alex-weej, thanksss01:42
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oezguerFIRESTONE: i did it  , but terminal says, u have also newste version01:42
K^Holtzroshan_s: i ran the command md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum then did sudo nvidia-glx-config enable .. then restarted X but X will not load up again01:42
natan-Anyone have experience with cron? do i need to enable it somewhere?01:42
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danfgguys, anyone using a GeForce 6xx video card?01:42
oezguerFIRESIDE : sorry i wrote firestone,01:42
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[Tkb] FIRESIDEoezguer: Then you are good, you should be able to play most any format movie/music file in a GStreamer application now(e.g. Totem, Rhythmbox)01:43
oezguerFIRESIDE : sorry :)01:43
Stormx2K^Holtz: What did you do? :P01:43
[Tkb] FIRESIDEnp :)01:43
richcollinsIs anyone interested in answering this wireless question:01:43
oezgueroki FIRESIDE+01:43
K^HoltzStormx2: i ran the command md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum then did sudo nvidia-glx-config enable .. then restarted X but X will not load up again01:43
Stormx2K^Holtz: Maybe try sudo nvidia-glx-config-disable ?01:44
Stormx2sorry, scrap the last dash.01:44
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roshan_sK^Holtz: Which gfx card do you have?01:44
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Hold on before you do that01:44
K^Holtzroshan_s its a nvidia TNT2 so its a nvidia-glx-legacy card01:44
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[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Send me a copy of your X.org log01:44
GStubbs43is sudo aptitude upgrade for upgrading Ubuntu and apps, or is it something else?01:44
ToHellWithGAi'm having trouble with sed.  how can i escape an apostrophe in an expression like 's/blah\'s story/my tale/g'?01:44
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AJ004my evolution crashed and bug buddy doesnt know what module is broken to report01:45
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE thats a lil hard since its on the other computer.. which is just bash right now01:45
[Tkb] FIRESIDEToHellWithGA: Use ""'s around the expression, then no escaping will be required01:45
AJ004which module is the main inbox of evolution?01:45
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: ...01:45
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Can I SSH into your machine to look at it?01:45
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE: im sorry, if theres a way to do that for u, then tell me how.. im new to this01:45
ketetha_i cant find ~/gaim/logs01:46
ketetha_what is the ~ for01:46
oezguerFireside: it doesnt work :( but thanx for help, and thanx for other friends01:46
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE i dont exactly have ssh servers set up01:46
[Tkb] FIRESIDEketetha_: ~ is an alias for your home DIR01:46
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: It's easy, you can do it fast01:46
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ketetha_[TkB] FIRESIDE, i knew that. i really did :)01:46
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: lol01:46
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BlueEagleketetha_: it might be ~/.gaim/logs01:47
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE is there another way to go about this01:47
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Uhmm...01:47
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digitalhav0cay what would the be fastest way to send a file in linux from one computer to anothe r01:47
ketetha_BlueEagle, i dont have a .gaim in my home directoryyy01:47
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Lemme think01:47
digitalhav0cwindows pc to linux box01:47
digitalhav0cwithout using ftp01:47
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[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: What kind of machine are you on now?01:47
digitalhav0cnot on the same network01:47
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: OS-wise?01:47
BlueEagleketetha_: are you sure? Directories (and files) that start with . are hidden. Type ls -a in a terminal in your home directory and you might be amazed. :)01:47
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE this is a windows box01:48
digitalhav0cdont want to use aim01:48
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Ok01:48
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phireSetup a web server01:48
roshan_sK^Holtz: [Tkb] FIRESIDE: How would you recommend doing a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and selecting the nvidia driver?01:48
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ketetha_BlueEagle, haha seroiusly. funnn stuff. okkk im ready to be amazed01:48
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: No, gotta figure WHY it's crashing first01:48
firebird619Is there a program for modem on hold. I have dial-up and with Windows I have a program that notifies me when someone is calling. I was wondering if there is a similar program I can get for linux. I am running Dapper Drake.01:48
ketetha_BlueEagle, is there a way to make them seen01:48
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Does the other machine have a floppy?01:48
BlueEagleketetha_: seen where?01:48
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE no01:49
ToHellWithGA[Tkb] FIRESIDE: that's not the case.  i think bash and sed are disagreeing on how to interpret \'01:49
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: CD-R/W?01:49
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cobelloyanyone know why I would lose sound after I hook up to a network via usb ethernet converter?01:49
salahwow, OpenOffice REALLY needs to fix it's image-function01:49
ketetha_BlueEagle, seen in my homefolder where they arent hidden. i am amzed. and i see .gaim too =] 01:49
cobelloyspeakers make clicking noises01:49
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE yes01:49
ketetha_BlueEagle, so i cd .gaim01:49
BlueEagleketetha_: in the gnome file browser? Try CTRL+H. Not sure about that tho.01:49
ketetha_BlueEagle, thanks01:49
[Tkb] FIRESIDEToHellWithGA: When you use single quotes it will automatically escape anything inside it01:49
BlueEagleketetha_: Did it work?01:49
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: OK, first login to a BASH shell01:49
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ketetha_BlueEagle, yess it did. how di make them go away haha01:50
danfgmy nvidia drivers won't work with a geforce 620001:50
BlueEagleketetha_: That's how good I am at guessing. :)01:50
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: We're gonna burn a copy of your X.org log01:50
BlueEagleketetha_: I would guess CTRL+H again01:50
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K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE how about if i told u the error i get when i start X?01:50
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[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: What is it?01:50
phireI Setup x-sensor last night, and when I came in this morning the computer was dead. does x-sensor log the temptures?01:50
ToHellWithGA[Tkb] FIRESIDE: sed -e "s/Thelonious Monk - Monk\'s Blues \[1968\] \\//g"01:51
ketetha_BlueEagle, haha ok i'll try that =]  i found my logs of conversation. i have a questin. is it possilbe to download more smileys from gaim?01:51
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: So, what is the error?01:51
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ToHellWithGA[Tkb] FIRESIDE: i'm trying to remove "Thelonious Monk - Monk's Blues [1968] \"01:51
BlueEagleketetha_: I really would not know. What's wrong with the ones that are already there? Are you 14 or something? </sarcasm> :p01:51
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Sasukecan someone please help me!01:51
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K^Holtz(WW) NVIDIA: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:0) found   (EE) No devides detected01:52
K^HoltzFatal server error: no screens found01:52
BlueEaglesasuke: Not unless you tell us what the problem is.01:52
[Tkb] FIRESIDEToHellWithGA: is that a folder, file, what?01:52
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[Tkb] FIRESIDEToHellWithGA: Oh, hehe, nm01:52
Sasukei need to know why i cant install anything i download off the internet?01:52
[Tkb] FIRESIDEToHellWithGA: Being stupid01:52
ketetha_BlueEagle, haha your sarcasm has hit the spot. my 13th birthday is in 6 days. so ya i have a short excitement span. i need new prettier smiles01:52
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sythCan anyone help me with my ATI card? I followed the ubuntu binary ATI driver setup but no luck01:52
K^HoltzXIO fatal IO error 104 (connection reset by peer) on X server after 0 requests with 0 events remaining01:52
Stormx2Yay for young people :D01:52
[Tkb] FIRESIDEToHellWithGA: That SHOULD work....not sure though01:52
BlueEaglek^holtz: lspci|grep VGA01:53
ketetha_stromx2, yay us younguns rock the house =] 01:53
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[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: That error message wont help01:53
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BlueEaglek^holtz: You should get a line like: 0000:02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation... the numbers in front are the ones you need.01:53
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KrisWooddoes anyone know if there is a binary of ventrilo server for ubuntu?01:53
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: I'll need your log01:53
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K^HoltzBlueEagle: 0000:01:00.001:53
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Instead of burning it though, you could just email it now that I think about it01:53
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE ok, how?01:54
BlueEaglek^holtz: I see. well then atleat you've got the right bus id.01:54
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BlueEaglek^holtz: have you put your xorg.conf on pastebin yet?01:54
Stormx2ketetha_: Well I used to pride myself at being a young php coder but now I'm 15 and everyone's doing it. Still, I guess I have an advantage01:54
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: First, you need to backup the log file, for that, log into a bash shell and "cd /var/log"01:54
BlueEagle!pastebin > k^holtz01:54
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K^HoltzBlueEagle: i cant, im on a separate box01:54
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K^HoltzBlueEagle i cant get to pastebin01:54
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: You in the shell yet?01:55
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ketetha_stormx2, heh well im 12 going on 13 and no ones doing it =]  so hopefully when i become 15 i will be an expert. a huge advantage. imagine if you keep doing it. and you rlike 60. haha =] 01:55
fjr122i need some mounting help01:55
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE ive been01:55
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: In /var/log?01:55
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE yes01:55
ketetha_stormx2, then you can share it with your grandkids. right now i dont know much. hopefully linux will teach me alot as i use it01:55
Stormx2ketetha_: Haha... yeah... What do you do, php and site work?01:55
ketetha_stormx2: i really dont nkow what php knows at the moment. just html01:56
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[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Ok, do this then "mkdir ~/xtemp" then "cp Xorg* ~/xtemp"01:56
aLPHa_LeaK n801:56
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ketetha_!tell fjrl22 about mounting01:56
Stormx2ketetha_: Linux teaches you a lot about how computers really work and communicate and stuff... Gets you to the roots of the internet. You can base a lot of programming knowledge on that.01:56
cobelloycan someone help me get sound back on my laptop, it stopped working while connected to the network01:56
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE done01:56
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firebird619Is there a program for modem on hold for Linux. I have dial-up and with Windows I have a program that notifies me when someone is calling. I was wondering if there is a similar program I can get for linux. I am running Dapper Drake.01:57
=== Gregy1727 [n=Greg@host-216-78-44-151.ath.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2ketetha_: Well its good that you're getting into linux and that at a young age ^_^01:57
KatmandoI installed ubuntu the kde on top.  It gnome apps do not appear right until I launch gnome-settings-daemon.01:57
sythCan anyone help me with my ATI problem?01:57
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: K, now restore your old Xorg.conf file so you can use GNOME again01:57
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE Xorg.0.log and Xorg.0.log.old is in there01:57
KatmandoWhat is the best why to launch this automatically01:57
ketetha_stormx2, ya! i've had it for like 2 days and i already know alot of things. but im getting tired of sounding stupid on this chat majiggy. becuase like when i'm wiht my friends im the smartest person in the world but hwen i get on here im like underdog and ask a whole lot of questions when the answers are under my nose01:57
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE how do i restore the old one?01:57
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Disable the NVidia driver01:58
ketetha_Stormx2, i love how linux make it so you have to be familar with the terminal and stuff like that01:58
Stormx2ketetha_: Its alright. From what I can tell you seem quite articulate. Its no big deal. The trick with ubuntu is just to stick with it for about 2 weeks and then it becomes easier than windows...01:58
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[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: But FIRST01:58
Stormx2ketetha_: You don't have to, its just quicker ^_^01:58
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE sudo nvidia-glx-config disable ?01:58
BlueEagleketetha_: There seems to be a way to install new smiley themes yes. I would suggest you head to gaims homepage for instructions.01:58
sythCan anyone help me with my ATI problem?01:58
BlueEagleketetha_: (a link can be found in the help menu)01:58
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Yes, but first copy your old xorg.conf file to ~/xtemp01:59
Gregy1727syth, elaborate. there are a lot of ati problems :P01:59
ketetha_Stormx2, heh. how long have you used ubuntu. my sister woudlnt let me download it for a day. bu thten i went ahead and did and accidently deleted windows during partioning. but oh well. :)01:59
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: "cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/xtemp"01:59
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE didn ti do that w/ the cp command already?01:59
Stormx2Right, its 1am and im tired.01:59
ketetha_BlueEagle, HEHE YES! thank youuuu :)01:59
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Only your logs01:59
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: This is your config file01:59
BlueEagleketetha_: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=746976&group_id=235&func=browse perhaps01:59
Stormx2ketetha_: Uh oh you're in trouble ^_^01:59
ubotuI know nothing about anacron01:59
sythgregy1727, I followed the guide on how to install the binary ATI driver. It appears to be loaded correctly, but my system is still using the Mesa gpls, and no direct rendering is still present01:59
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Stormx2ketetha_: Been using it since breezy. I picked up hoary and fedora core 3 about a year ago but never really got going.02:00
ketetha_Stormx2: she didnt take to me for a day. but its so cool how the image editor on ubuntu is what pepole pay 100s of dollars for on windows. that cracks me up02:00
[Tkb] FIRESIDEsyth: How did you install it?02:00
Stormx2ketetha_: Now I only boot into windows for graphics work.02:00
krismsyth : did you comment out the "dri" module in /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?02:00
[Tkb] FIRESIDEsyth: Using the apt-get install method doesn't work well02:00
ketetha_Stormx2, my sister got a free breezy cd from a UTD program for young egineers :) i'll never see windows again i dont think. except to print stuff. which pisses me off just a tad02:00
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: did you finish?02:01
Stormx2ketetha_: Well I never get on with the gimp. I'm really a total Paint Shop Pro 7 fan and theres no beating that for me.02:01
ketetha_BlueEagle, thank you forr all your hepp02:01
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE ok, i just ran the disable command02:01
Stormx2ketetha_: What printer?02:01
Stormx2ketetha_: You might want to check out turboprint.02:01
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Did you bakup your config file first?02:01
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K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE yes02:01
ketetha_Stormx2: are you serious? its the same thing! i have lexmark x6170 and i dont hink it supports it. whats turboprint02:01
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: KK02:01
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE startx ?02:01
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"02:01
ketetha_stormx2, its kind of having our own conversation when there is everyone around us. funn stuff02:02
sharmsStormx2: If you want to get started using the gimp: http://www.gimptalk.com/02:02
K^HoltzFailed to start the X server [Tkb] FIRESIDE02:02
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sharmsStormx2: many useful tutorials02:02
Stormx2ketetha_: Turboprint is some non-free (as in freedom) printer drivers for linux. You can't get to the high and super quality settings but medium for me is about the same as high on windows02:02
Gregy1727would updating the kernel help kernel object problems? the module compiled on the current kernel but modprobe returns errors.02:02
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GStubbs43Can you just single-click  on an icon to open it? How?02:02
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Uhmmm....02:02
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: OK02:02
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Stormx2sharms: Nah... Sorry. I tried using it for a month and could never get started. Just like PSP8 really...02:02
sythtkbfireside, i did used the apt-get method02:03
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: "sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf"02:03
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[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Do you know how to use vi?02:03
fiftyfour123does anyone know where i can download kernel debian packages?02:03
sythgregy1727, i updated to the latest kernel before installing the ATi driver02:03
LjLStormx2: it might run in wine02:03
ketetha_Stormx2, wait so when you say driver its something you install and it goes through that to connect it to linux?02:03
Stormx2ketetha_: Ask ubotu about printing. Also check turboprint.de, see if your printer is supported02:03
Assattackcan someone here help me with a resolution problem?02:03
teimucan i use chown to assign ownership to two different (non-grouped) users?02:03
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FlannelK^Holtz: use nano.  sudo nano /etc/02:03
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands02:03
ketetha_Stormx2, will do02:03
fiftyfour123does anyone know where i can download kernel debian packages?02:03
Gregy1727syth, that was a seperate question :P02:03
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE no.. i know nano02:03
LjLfiftyfour123: come again?02:03
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Well then use it instead of VI, just my preference02:03
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Stormx2ketetha_: Sort of yeah. Basicly it gives you another instance of your printer in the printers list.02:04
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE now what?02:04
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fiftyfour123i need a deb packages of the kernel for my ubunutu installation to install on my firewire hd02:04
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:04
Stormx2LjL: Did try that. But I lost my previous config and I can't get it to install on my new one.02:04
Gregy1727syth i had the same problem under breezy, but i restarted and it went away. it was a non existant problem in dapper.02:04
fjr122is there anyone that cen help me with mounting an ntfs drive to write...02:04
ketetha_Stormx2, wait do you not speak only english? was that dutch you gave me?02:04
Stormx2Anyway. Really must run! School in 6 hours.02:04
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Look for: Section "Device" in the file02:04
Stormx2ketetha_: I speak only english. That website is german.02:04
unstablesob!ntfs > fjr12202:04
Stormx2Well, based in germany.02:04
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Then find the "Driver" line under it.02:05
ketetha_Stormx2, oh fun. i speak spanish and english. it doesnt support my printer. thanks though02:05
fiftyfour123does anyone know where i can download kernel debian packages?02:05
Stormx2!tell ketetha_ about printing02:05
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K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE im there.. Identifier "ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon RV100 QY [Radeo 7000/VE$   Driver "nv" BusID "PCI:0:5:0"02:06
sharmsfiftyfour123: why would you want to?02:06
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LjLfiftyfour123: http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.15/linux-image-2.6.15-26-386_2.6.15-26.44_i386.deb02:06
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ketetha_Stormx2, the best thing about linux is this chat :) i could stay on here for a day or two without checking myspace or getting on gaim02:06
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE driver is nv.. it was nvidia before we set it back02:06
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[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: You have a Radeon card in there???02:06
teimucan i use chown to assign ownership to two different (non-grouped) users?02:06
Assattacksorry to use caps but I'M STUCK ON 640x480 AND IT SUCKS!!!02:06
ketetha_Stormx2, soon i'm going to be able to help people with their problems! :)02:06
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sharmsfiftyfour123: you don't need to download kernel packages, no matter what anyone told you02:06
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE its a nvidia card.. i think it got reset when i ran that md5checksum command02:06
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Looks like the BusID is wrong02:06
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[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Try changing it to "PCI:0:1:0"02:07
LjLfiftyfour123: to find that, i typed "apt-cache search linux". when i found the relevant package, i typed "apt-cache show linux-image-2.6.15". the "Filename" line in the output told me where, in an Ubuntu mirror, i would find the file. then i just prefixed the hostname of an Ubuntu mirror to create a full URL.02:07
fjr122i followed this tutorial http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Mount_NTFS_volumes_with_write_support02:07
sharms[Tkb] FIRESIDE: no.02:07
Assattackcan anyone lend me a hand?02:07
porkpieGuy's just installed ubuntu server and installed ssh server but I don't seem to be able to ssh in .....??  any ideas please02:07
fiftyfour123how else would i boot off my firewire hd, i need a newer kernel to do it02:07
fjr122and now its a bit botched02:07
[Tkb] FIRESIDEsharms: ???02:07
sharmsK^Holtz: run lspci then pick the proper busid02:07
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Gregy1727guys when trying to compile the ltmodem module both from restricted modules and from source the compilation goes well, but when i get to modprobing ltserial it gives me an error about my ltserial.ko. would updating the kernel help?02:07
[Tkb] FIRESIDEsharms: She lspci'ed earlier02:08
ketetha_wait so Seveas is like an operator for this XChat02:08
marcusQuick Question? Is there a way to change the background inside the K-menu?02:08
Assattacksomeone who's good with display drivers should IM me to figure this resolution problem out02:08
Stormx2ketetha_: Hehe yeah... I used to do that all the time here02:08
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Redman276ok  i have a  ? ,  cant the server edition cd    be set up to be  a NAS  like  freeNAS ?02:08
LjLketetha_: X-Chat is just a program (which not all of us are using). this is IRC (Internet Relay Chat), in particular we're on the Freenode network02:08
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Finished?02:08
Stormx2ketetha_: Sense of community at ubuntu is absolutely astounding... ^.^ really brilliant.02:08
Stormx2ketetha_: Must dash though. Nice talking to ya :D02:09
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE He* but yea, i changed the busID.. do i change driver to nvidia again or leave it as nv ?02:09
Stormx2Bye everyone.02:09
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[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Leave it for now02:09
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[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Now try restarting X02:09
LjLStormx2: have you tried with the alternative wine repositories perhaps? they have newer versions of wine, might be luckier02:09
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[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"02:09
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BlueEagleketetha_: ok, I figured out how to install new smiley themes if you're interested.02:09
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE failed02:09
ketetha_Stormx2, BYEE! really nice talking to youu02:10
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[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: ARRGGGH!!!02:10
ketetha_Ljl, ohh i see :)02:10
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE should i look for something in the server output ?02:10
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: yes02:10
ketetha_BlueEagle, haha i was jus tlook into that. OF course im interested =] 02:10
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Give me any lines that begin with (!!)02:10
ReleaseXwith totem-xine, sound works great under stereo sound, when i switch to 5.1 it tells me "An error occurred The audio device is busy. Is another application using it?"02:10
Rick_kinda_newbiI've installed nm_applet but when I launch nothing happens02:10
kaotRick_kinda_newbi: cat ~/.xsession-errors02:11
BlueEagleketetha_: head over to like http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1475948&group_id=235&atid=746976 and near the bottom on the right side you'll find a "Download" link. That will download a file that ends with .tar.gz (i recomend putting it in your ~/.gaim directory for safe keeping.02:11
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Rick_kinda_newbithanks kaot02:11
GStubbs43Hi, does anyone know if I can use a Dell AIO 944 Printer wirelessly with Ubuntu?02:11
marcusIs there a way to change the background inside the K-menu?02:11
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE there are only warnings and errors.. they are what i told u before .. the one about the no matching device section with (busID PCI:1:0:0) and No devices detected and no screens detected02:11
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firebird619What can I do to get tvtime to work with digital speakers, or is there another program that does work with digital speakers that I could download?02:12
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Hmmm...02:12
lz1gjdcould any1 help me with my problem, i followed the binarydrivershow2 to configure my ati x800gto pciexp card with ubuntu dapper, but i can not get 3d accell, in xorg logs it says "(EE) fglrx(0): incompatible kernel module detected - HW accelerated OpenGL will not work" ? how do i fix this ???02:12
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[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Try deleting the busID line for now....might be screwing it up02:12
sythgregy1727, I restarted and still have no luck02:12
BlueEagleketetha_: then head to the ~/.gaim directory with your file browser and locate the .tar.gz file. Now open Gaim and hit CTRL+P to open the preferences window. Go to Conversations->Smiley themes. Now simply drag the .tar.gz file over to the gaim settings window and voila.02:12
ketetha_BlueEagle, ok thanks! i dont really understand how the downloading works on dapper yet. i've always avoided it by getting the things that were in the synaptic packages or whatever so should i save to dik or open with archive manager02:12
ketetha_BlueEagle, OH OK! nevermind the last message02:13
BlueEagleketetha_: save to disk.02:13
BlueEaglesasuke: yes.02:13
ketetha_It saved to Desktop so i should move it to .gaim02:13
Assattackcan anyone help me with a display problem?02:13
SasukeHow do i install programs i download from the internet?02:13
Sasukeevery time i try i get an error02:13
Gregy1727It took me a week to get it following all of the guides, syth. made me forever hate ati. I used the rpm packages available from the ATI website.02:13
K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE that worked.. wow02:13
BlueEagleketetha_: I would recomend you do that because I think gaim needs access to it and having it on the desktop just makes for clutter.02:13
LjLSasuke: it completely depends on the program. but first off, are you *sure* the program you've gotten from the net can't be obtained from an Ubuntu repository instead?02:14
ketetha_BlueEagle, ahhh okkk02:14
Gregy1727keep in mind i dont have a network connection on linux, either ;)02:14
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Good02:14
BlueEagleketetha_: I might be wrong tho and it could be possible to delete the file after you have installed it.02:14
Sasukeyea im sure02:14
Assattackwow thanks for all the help here02:14
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: We still aren't done though02:14
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K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE i know that :(02:14
sythgregy1727, so you can't guide me to getting mine to work?02:14
GStubbs43No one knows if it will work?02:14
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LjLSasuke: so you positively know that you have Universe and Multiverse enabled, and that the program you need is not there.  fine then, what program is it and what does the file it came as look like?02:14
Gregy1727syth, pm me02:14
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[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: I need you to send me a email with the backuped xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log file02:15
Gregy1727if you don't mind.02:15
cwilluwhat do I need to do to make cups printer sharing work automatically (i.e,. near-zero config on other machines, broadcast, whatever)?02:15
kaotsomeone should log assattack, and use that to write a "How not to ask for help" guide02:15
lz1gjdmy card works perfectly with opensuse amd64, tried ubuntu64 now the usual ubuntu and still no go02:15
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BlueEagleketetha_: actually it appears that you can remove the .tar.gz file after it's been installed.02:15
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=== Enverex [i=user@host-84-9-189-109.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
BlueEagleketetha_: so you can install it from your desktop and then just delete it when you're done.02:15
BlueEagle :)02:15
ketetha_BlueEagle, ahh ok! thanks it workeddd! YAY =] 02:15
sythgregy1727, I pm'ed you but no response from you02:15
EnverexIs anyone here running the AMD64 version of Ubuntu?02:16
BlueEagleketetha_: :)02:16
SasukeLjL,I wanted to install x-chat02:16
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: What happened there?02:16
ketetha_BlueEagle, they are so cute and small :) hehe02:16
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K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE:  on my linux box02:16
LjLSasuke: you mean a newer version than the one that's in the repos, i suppose?02:16
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Hehe...had a feeling02:16
ketetha_ok everyoen im off to study to make my mother happy02:16
ketetha_BYEE ALL and goodnight. thanks blueeagle!02:16
BlueEaglesasuke: If you're talking to me please prefix every line with my nick so it highlights in my client. I rarely read the other text (unless I'm bored)02:16
BlueEagleketetha_: good night. :)02:16
ketetha_thanks [tkb] FIRESIDE02:16
=== kramerica [n=gavin@c-24-20-3-136.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_byeeeee =] 02:16
Sasukethere is one in the repos?02:16
roshan_sEnverex: Yes. What is the problem?02:16
Sasukewhat categorie is it under?02:17
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[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Just started a PM session with you02:17
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sharms!tell Enverex about anyone02:17
=== SelfHarm [n=oem@24-171-2-126.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ReleaseXwith totem-xine, sound works great under stereo sound, when i switch to 5.1 it tells me "An error occurred The audio device is busy. Is another application using it?"02:17
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LjLSasuke: just type "apt-cache show x-chat". besides, x-chat comes by default with every Ubuntu installation02:17
SelfHarmhi folks. just finished installing ubuntu. im a first timer.02:17
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sharmsLjL: does xchat, or is it xchat-gnome?02:18
kramericaSelfHarm: welcome to the wonderful world of Linux02:18
Enverexsharms, : I'm not a newbie nor do I want to waste my time writing out long questions to people that don't exist02:18
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SanneSelfHarm: congrats and welcome :)02:18
LjLsharms: there's both02:18
roshan_sEnverex: Please ask your question. I use AMD6402:18
sharmsEnverex: at any rate you took the time to put that long sentence, but not the question. Ironic?02:18
SasukeLjl: it says package cannont be found02:18
SelfHarmis there a shortcut stoke to minimize current window?02:18
Gregy1727syth: what exactly are the steps you've taken?02:18
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LjLSasuke: then you don't really have universe enabled02:19
Redman276is it possible to install  ubuntu server on a   2gb SD card ?02:19
ubotuI know nothing about xchat02:19
SelfHarmsame as windows, alt+space  n02:19
LjL!info xchat02:19
ubotuxchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In repository universe, is optional. Version 2.6.1-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 254 kB, installed size 720 kB02:19
Enverexroshan_s, : Do you have dgens in Synaptic? I'm contemplating whether to use amd64 or x86. I'd go amd64 but I am on Gentoo at the moment and know there are quite a few things that aren't compatible02:19
=== LGKeiz [n=lgkeiz@ppp-70-225-188-177.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #Ubuntu
lasindi[lcps] Hi all, I have an RPM that is compiled for x86 (i.e. not 64-bit) that I want to run on my 64-bit machine. I'm trying to convert it to .deb with alien, but it gives me errors that the build architecture for the RPM is not AMD64. Is there a way to do this conversion, or am I just going to have to suck it up and install 32-bit Ubuntu?02:19
LjL!tell Sasuke about universe02:19
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sharmsEnverex: you can search our AMD64 packages at packages.ubuntu.com02:19
roshan_sljl: Xchat used to come with Breezy. They removed it in dapper02:19
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sharmsit is xchat-gnome, the package name02:20
LjLroshan_s: oh. well, anyway xchat-gnome is in main, and xchat is in universe02:20
sythGregy1727, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI I tried every method in that link02:20
LjLsharms: there's also plain xchat in universe if you don't want the gnome flavor02:20
sharmsLjL: yeah I use that one :)02:20
roshan_sEnverex: Is that the Sega emulator? I have it. In future, you can get more info on packages by going to, for example, http://packages.ubuntu.com/dgen02:20
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EnverexHow many things are x86 but not amd64? Lots of just a few now?02:21
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sharmsEnverex: flash and some multimedia codecs are the main issues02:21
Enverexhmm, I see pearpc is still i386 only still02:21
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Gregy1727syth: any error outputs?02:21
LGKeizHow do you login as superuser on console02:22
LGKeizI forgot :x02:22
Enverexand wine is WAY out of date...02:22
sharms!tell LGKeiz about sudo02:22
sythGregy1727, none02:22
dliEnverex, since amd64 is the future, it's getting better02:22
roshan_sEnverex: There are a few things. Apart from the usual suspects (proprietary codecs, etc) I couldn't find most Scheme implementations in amd64. I found drscheme though02:22
sythGregy1727, Like I mentioned before it appears the driver was successfully installed02:22
loststar4545LGKeiz SU02:22
kakaltowhere is xine-config?02:22
sythGregy1727, But my system is still using Mesa gpls02:22
sharmsroshan_s: now sure how many good scheme implementations are in i386 really02:22
Enverexdli, : True, but my problem is I want to use some programs that are no-longer developed, so the chance of them being fixed to work on amd64 is non-existant02:22
sharmssyth: did you reboot?02:22
sythsharms, yes02:23
SanneEnverex: in case you don't know, there's a amd64 section on ubuntu forums with also some info on problematic packages.02:23
dliEnverex, if it's open source, someone might take the old codes and fix them, if it's not, then, try something else02:23
LjLSasuke: remember that main+universe+multiverse total (currently) 18827 packages. so you should always make very sure a program you need is *not* in the repos, before venturing to install from source. "apt-cache search <keyword>" can help, though Synaptic has similar search functions too02:23
firebird619Is there a way to get tvtime to work with digital speakers, or is there a program that does work with digital speakers that I could download?02:24
roshan_sEnverex: If you want amd64 badly, you can run most programs with ia32-libs or failing that, in a chroot.02:24
Enverexdli, : I'm not aware of any alternatives to pearpc (mac emulator)02:24
Gregy1727syth what does fglrxinfo say for you02:24
LGKeizIt's saying my password is wrong Lol02:24
LGKeizAnd it's not02:24
Redman276whats the system requirements for  server edition  , mainly  install space  requirements02:24
sythGregy1727, display: :0.0  screen: 002:24
sythOpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org02:24
sythOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect02:24
sythOpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.4.1)02:24
kaotLGKeiz: it's just messing with you, trying to get you mad.  keep trying.  resort to threats if necessary.02:24
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LjLEnverex: qemu02:25
Tomatixnooo! I am stupid, formatted my /home partition and lost all my data :(:( 52 gig lost02:25
sharmsLGKeiz: remember, the password is your password, there is no root password02:25
Gregy1727it SHOULD be saying ati if it was successfully installed.02:25
dliEnverex, pearpc is available for amd6402:25
LGKeizCopying hamachi into /usr/bin ..02:25
LGKeizinstall: cannot create regular file `/usr/bin/hamachi': Permission denied02:25
LGKeizmake: *** [install]  Error 102:25
kramericasyth: what is the output of: "sudo cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep fglrx" ?02:25
LGKeizHow would I fix that?02:26
Enverexdli: Not according to the site that I was pointed to02:26
sharmsLGKeiz: read that msg from ubotu02:26
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:26
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LjLLGKeiz: run with "sudo"02:26
roshan_sTomatix: hang on and don't do anything on your system. It might be possible to recover it.02:26
sharmsI already told him02:26
sharmshe just ignored it02:26
SelfHarmwhats a good partitioning app ?02:26
LGKeizoh, sorry. Lo02:26
LjLSelfHarm: gparted02:26
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Tomatixroshan_s, how :P02:26
dliEnverex, it's GPL licensed. go to a better site02:26
sythkramerica, Driver      "fglrx"02:26
kramericaSelfHarm: gparted02:26
SelfHarmty LjL02:26
wildmanI cannot make xchat display the channel/server tabs at the bottom...02:26
Tomatixroshan_s, well, the things inside was not a life-dependant things :P02:26
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Enverexdli, : Erm, licence doesn't mean anything. It doesn't compile because it's not 64bit clean02:27
wildmanTabs location preference says: bottom :-|02:27
kramericasyth: have you tried: "sudo aticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf" ?02:27
wildmanstill get them as a column at the left02:27
nathanhow do I view available wireless networks if ubuntu 5.10?02:27
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SanneLGKeiz: I would discourage letting self compiled programs put things into /usr/bin. Those folders should better left under the government of the package manager. Just a warning, though.02:27
dliEnverex, http://packages.gentoo.org/search/?sstring=pearpc02:27
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wildmanview->layout->tabs :P02:27
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sythkramerica, I've tried "sudo aticonfig --initial" but no that whole command you pasted02:27
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Tomatixroshan_s, how to recover (=02:28
roshan_sTomatix: Oh. You formatted it. I thought a quick undelete might work :-P Go on with your business and kiss your data goodbye02:28
wildmanah... good old xchat is back :)02:28
kramericasyth: and you restarted after you tried that?02:28
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wildmanTomatix, did you solve your SATA problems?02:28
LjLSanne, LGKeiz: agree with Sanne. one more reason to use checkinstall just to be sure02:28
Tomatixwildman, yes ;)02:28
SanneLGKeiz: if possible, it's better to put those into /usr/local/bin.02:28
LjL!tell LGKeiz about checkinstall02:28
nathanhow do I view available wireless networks if ubuntu 5.10?02:28
wildmanTomatix, great! :)02:28
Enverexdli: Erm, that's Gentoo, not Ubuntu, and it does NOT compile, I'll pastebin the output if you want02:28
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Tomatixwildman, a wise guy told me to mount /dev/evms/sda1 not /dev/sda102:28
dliEnverex, if you couldn't compile it in ubuntu, take the gentoo patch, being <testing> means it compiles for most02:28
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wildmanTomatix, oh... so you were using EVMS :P02:29
sythkramerica, I restarted after issuing the command I tried. but I never tried the one you just pasted02:29
roshan_sTomatix: Unless someone else knows how to recover data. If it's important textual data, you can try grepping the disk for it. AFAIK formatting only overwrite the inodes02:29
wildmanTomatix, and the 'already mounted' was coming fromt eh EVMS system then :P02:29
Enverexdli: I use packages in ubuntu rather than source02:29
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porkpieDoes ubuntu server install a firewall as defaukt02:29
Tomatixwildman, (=02:29
kramericasyth: You could give it a try, but what you used should have worked02:29
porkpieDoes ubuntu server install a firewall as default02:29
loststar4545porkpie i dont think so02:29
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LjLporkpie: just about any linux distribution has a firewall by default: iptables02:29
Tomatixroshan_s, I had a few programming projects, but not so important...02:30
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LjL!tell porkpie about firewall02:30
dliEnverex, it builds, and it's open source, so someone can still fix bugs02:30
Gregy1727syth: that method did not work for me. I had to use dpkg-reconfigure02:30
InnerFIREwhat can i use to compress a .jpg file?02:30
nathando I need a certain program to view wireless networks, if so what is it?02:30
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Enverexdli: Why isn't it listed with amd64 on the packages.ubuntu site then?02:30
wildmanInnerFIRE, JPEG is already compressed...02:30
LjLInnerFIRE: a .jpg file *is* compressed. JPG is a compression format.02:30
LjLerr JPEG02:31
roshan_snathan: Try networkmanager02:31
wildmanInnerFIRE, you won't gain much in compressing an already compressed file...02:31
InnerFIREwell its not compressed enough02:31
sythGregy1727, can you show me how to use your method? and also is your video card a mobility ATI in a laptop?02:31
InnerFIREi need it for myspace02:31
wildmanInnerFIRE: reduce its size?02:31
[Tkb] FIRESIDEInnerFIRE: ???!!!02:31
wildmanInnerFIRE, in pixels, of course :)02:31
LjLInnerFIRE: then open it up in an image editor, and save it as a strongly-compressed JPEG. you'll lose lots of quality.02:31
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dliEnverex, ubuntu is a distribution for n00bs, even though it has a ubuntu server now02:31
Gregy1727the one on this comp is radeon.02:31
LjLdli: who told you that?02:31
wildmanInnerFIRE, I meant, reduce the image size, or its quality, to have a smaller JPEG02:31
SanneInnerFIRE: if you recompress it, keep in mind that double compression will reduce quality significantly.02:31
[Tkb] FIRESIDEInnerFIRE: Use GIF or ONG with highest compression....much smaller then JPEG's02:32
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Gregy1727i had no support for X when i started breezy02:32
porkpieLjL:where is the access controlled from ?  which file do I need to edit to allow local traffic ....I only need to ssh in then I can workout the rest remotely02:32
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Gregy1727it was terminal all the way :02:32
[Tkb] FIRESIDEInnerFIRE: *PNG, not ONG02:32
sharmsanyone know what the package name is for perl imagemagick02:32
dliGregy1727, I searched a little, seems like the lucent modem driver builds for 2.4 kernel :)02:32
wildmansharms, yes, gimme 1' plz02:32
porkpieLjL:is there a doc on it02:32
alecksI need a new laptop- anyone have any good sites that do not sell laptops with winders on them?02:32
EnverexActually I'm considering switching from Gentoo to Ubuntu (after many years) as it's just... simpler and I don't have to spend all my time compiling things (although I have a little less control)02:32
LjLporkpie: i'm not an expert with iptables, but i'm sure "iptables tutorial" on google will find a lot of stuff. anyway, for a server, you can probably install shorewall to make your life easy, if you don't want to get into the details of iptables02:32
Gregy1727dli: i don't understand why others have had success with 2.6.x and i havent :(02:32
jribsharms: apt-cache search imagemagick perl02:32
kakaltoon ubuntu, how do _actually_ install xine?02:33
kakaltolike... during the './configure' of a program, it can't find xine02:33
kakaltohow do I fix that.02:33
sharmsjrib: just realized my terminal was on a server somewhere, thats why it didnt show up02:33
roshan_sEnverex: pearpc is not available on amd64, at least as a precompiled package02:33
jribkakalto: xine-ui, gxine, totem-xine, pick one :)02:33
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ubuntufreakDoes anybody have the drivers for a Sony Clie PEG-NX70V?02:33
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ubuntufreakfor windows02:33
kakaltojrib: those are just frontends, though, aren't they02:33
wildmansharms, perlmagick02:34
dlialecks, of top brands, asus is the only allows you to buy without an OS. HP/compaq/dell has some business models can be ordered with FreeDOS02:34
kakaltoubuntufreak: lol. why do you ask that here?02:34
[Tkb] FIRESIDEHey Burrito!02:34
jribkakalto: yes, but they will pull in what they need02:34
wildmansharms, ;)02:34
kakaltojrib: well I installed xine-ui, and it only pulled in xine-ui.02:34
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dliGregy1727, as I suggested, try the compatible version, or luck02:34
Burritohi fire02:34
kakaltojrib: I've been using xine as the backend for amarok and kaffeine since I installed02:34
Burritohow are you today?02:34
ubuntufreakKakalto: I can't find that anywhere elso02:34
wildmankakalto, you need xine-dev pkgs?02:34
jribkakalto: what exactly do you want? libxine-main1 ?02:35
kakaltowildman: thankyou. my mistake02:35
kakaltoDUH ME02:35
=== kakalto slaps self
kakaltowake up02:35
wildmankakado, yw02:35
BurritoI still can't get my damn samba issue resolved02:35
wildmandamn similar nicknames ;)02:35
wildmankakalto, yw ;)02:35
Burritobeen fighting with it for a day now02:35
dliGregy1727, 2.4 kernel is smaller (faster) for old machines, but scales worse under high load02:35
=== krism slaps kakalto too.. *shrug*
porkpieLjL:I just did an sudo apt-get shorewall install and I got the error Invalid operation shorewall ??02:35
wildmandamn xchat tab completion :P02:35
Rick_kinda_newbiI'm trying to get nm-applet to launch02:36
LjLporkpie: that would be "sudo apt-get install shorewall"02:36
tylersmithFor my 64 bit AMD64, I've installed the 32bit version of firefox, java, and flash using instructions from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava There are instructions for installing RealPlayer at that URL, also. On installing RealPlayer, I get a question: "Copying RealPlayer files...configure system-wide symbolic links? [Y/n] :" What does this mean? And what should I do?02:36
wildmanBurrito, which was it?02:36
kakaltokrism: thanks. needed that02:36
[Tkb] FIRESIDEBurrito: That's annoying02:36
alecksi like averatec laptops02:36
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Rick_kinda_newbixsession-errors shows UID out of connections02:36
LjLporkpie: and my personal advice is to use aptitude rather than apt-get, so "sudo aptitude install shorewall"02:36
shpondI'll find out02:36
Burritowildman: lemme link you02:36
alecksthey look nice and they are compact02:36
ubuntufreakCan somebody help me02:36
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:36
wildmantylersmith, it means what it says02:36
Burritowildman: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21344902:36
wildmantylersmith, if u want to make symlinks to be able to run real as any user, mainly02:36
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Burritoindeed fireside, very annoying02:37
wildmanBurrito, goin there02:37
Gregy1727dli: my comp is newer. but i suppose i could try changing kernel. nothing else has worked02:37
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porkpieLjL:I normally use Freebsd and ports .....sorry for asking question02:37
Burritocool thx02:37
ubuntufreakubotu: I already did02:37
ubotuI know nothing about I already did02:37
GStubbs43ubuntufreak, if you are looking for windows drivers look in #windows02:37
LjLporkpie: you're welcome.02:37
wildmanubuntufreak, 'ubotu' is a 'bot', not a real person02:37
dink_does anyone else have a fuzz going on with this soundcard under dapper drake 6.06 lts02:37
dink_because I do, and I managed to make the sound card clear while using xmms (alsa-oss selecting hw1)02:37
dink_how do I apply this setting to the rest of ubuntu02:37
Burritobtw wildman, I've since changed my smbusers file to say 'burrito = "network user"'02:37
wildmanubuntufreak, no good in answering him ;)02:37
tylersmithWildman: Thanks for your  reply. I just want to run it in my account. In that case should I say "No"??02:37
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wildmanI wish FF opens when I click on a damn link... doin it by hand02:38
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ubuntufreakwildman: I know - I wish I could tell it how stupid it was though02:38
wildmantylersmith, yes :)02:38
dink_Is anyone familiar with how to make gnome pick this up?02:38
kakaltoubotu: you are stupid02:38
ubotuI know nothing about you are stupid02:38
tylersmithWildman: Thank you, again! Best regards, Phil02:38
Burritoso wsup fireside?02:38
LjL!bot abuse02:38
ubotubot abuse is Please don't play with the bots, or else... Also see !behaviour and !msgthebot02:38
wildmantylersmith, yw02:38
kakaltoubuntufreak: that do for the moment?02:38
[Tkb] FIRESIDEnm02:38
[Tkb] FIRESIDESame old crap02:38
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:39
wildmanBurgerMann, reading...02:39
mazurskieubotu: anything02:39
ubotuI know nothing about anything02:39
wildmansorry BurgerMann02:39
=== Hawk|- [n=Hawk@p549CA3FE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
wildmanBurrito, reading...02:39
Burritoheh ok02:39
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage02:39
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dink_so how many actual people are here now..lol02:39
Gregy1727dli, someone on the forums suggested i upgrade to 2.6.1702:39
dink_just wondering if anyone knows how to make setting changes in xmms apply to the rest of gnome02:40
dink_I am on dapper drake 6.06 lts02:40
dliGregy1727, try that, 2.6.17 is a wonderful release, much better than anything before02:40
wildmanBurrito, dumb question: you are trying to install the client part of samba to be able to connect to a windows (or samba server) machine, right?02:40
dink_because I am using ac97 chipset for my sound card. and it is fuzzy under this distro, except for when I figure up xmms02:40
Gregy1727dli, yeah it'll only take a whole five hours to download :P02:40
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Enverexdli: Why is it much better?02:40
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dink_and that is only because I have determined that using alsa-oss with hw (0,1) is the correct setting02:41
kakaltohow can you customise what it says when you go to console login?02:41
BurritoI am trying to be able to connect to a 'share' on my ubuntu machine from my windows machine02:41
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jwiseis there a correct channel for compiz questions, or is this it?02:41
dink_I am clueless as to how to get this to work under gnome globally02:41
Flanneljwise: #ubuntu-xgl02:41
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems02:41
Seveas!samba > Burrito02:41
BurritoI just need to map a drive to my nix box02:41
wildmanBurrito, oh... isn't there a samba-server pkg then?02:41
dink_is ubuntu-sound a valid room?02:41
Burritoyeah, I installed that02:41
[Tkb] FIRESIDEBurrito: GNOME Menu Bar -> Places -> Connect to Server02:41
wildmanBurrito, cuz I think u've only installed the client part...02:41
jwiseFlannel, jrib: thanks a bunch!02:42
Burritooh really?02:42
wildman[Tkb] FIRESIDE, it's the otherway round02:42
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[Tkb] FIRESIDEwildman: oops, I read wrong02:42
kakaltolike, when you go to console login, it says "ubuntu 6.06 lts <hostname> <tty>"02:42
wildmanthe linux machine is the server, not the client :)02:42
kakaltohow can I change that?02:42
Burritowildman: correct02:42
=== wildman keeps reading
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nalioth!ubotu > gstubb4302:42
[Tkb] FIRESIDENow then....02:42
Burritothe docs I read indicated that this was all I needed to do02:42
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Flanneldink_: doesn't seem to be an official ubuntu channel : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat#head-729211ea4fb3c5b535d3d8a533dbc007c8dbce1402:43
Burritodocs here02:43
[Tkb] FIRESIDEBurrito: After you install the Samab server, look at System -> Administration -> Shared Folders :)02:43
SelfHarmwhats the difference between regular version and server version?02:43
jribWhere does gnome-terminal store its profile info?02:43
BurritoI still don't have the gui installed fireside02:43
kakaltoSelfHarm: regular is for regular people. server is for servers.02:43
dink_jrib: look for . files in your /home/username directory02:43
dink_that would be my first guess02:43
[Tkb] FIRESIDEBurrito: ???02:44
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wildman[Tkb] FIRESIDE, I guess his config already took care of that part...02:44
[Tkb] FIRESIDEBurrito: Why not?02:44
wildman[Tkb] FIRESIDE, have you seen the pastebin?02:44
darkyoshi372Hi all, I have a problem; Applications seem to like disappearing from my system tray. Gaim and Gmail-Notify are both running, but I have no way of interacting with them02:44
FlannelSelfHarm: the server install on the alternate CD is just ubuntu-base (with a ssh server) the server ISO has some specialized kernels, as well as some additional install options (pre-installed LAMP, for instance)02:44
dink_if it isnt there then its going to be in etc. but for instance, .bashrc is where bash config is at02:44
Burritojust haven't gotten to it yet02:44
dink_under /home/username02:44
[Tkb] FIRESIDEAhhh02:44
[Tkb] FIRESIDEOK then02:44
FlannelSelfHarm: but, if you install ANY server version, you can just apt-get to a full desktop02:44
wildmanBurrito, [Tkb] FIRESIDE might be right though... you might also need to configure stuff there...02:44
Burritoplus I think I'll learn more fromt he console02:44
SelfHarmthanks Flannel02:44
jribdarkyoshi372: well i've noticed gmail-notify has some error and then decides to quit once in a while02:44
[Tkb] FIRESIDEIANASE(I Am Not A Samba Expert)02:44
Burritook, I'll install gnome then02:45
wildmanI didn't play a lot with Samba either... just simple stuff always configured with GUIs :P02:45
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wildmanthe lazy sysadmin in me ;)02:45
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Knorrielots of caps here, what's goin on?02:45
darkyoshi372jrib, this happens to several apps, including Gaim.02:45
wildmanKnorrie, caps?02:45
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jribdarkyoshi372: well gaim hasn't happened to me but I don't use the icon.  My suggestion would be to run it from a terminal and then check for meaningful output once you notice they disappear02:46
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wildmanBurrito, tell you what, I'll install Samba on Mandriva and will return to you after comparing the configs02:46
jribdarkyoshi372: gaim -d happens to run gaim in debugging mode so you can use that to get more info02:46
Burritodon't I use this to install the gui?02:47
Burritoapt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:47
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Redman271ewww  mandrivia  :P02:47
Knorriewildman: capitals02:47
jribBurrito: yes02:47
FlannelBurrito: sudo apt-get but yeah02:47
darkyoshi372jrib, the problem is that it doesn't often happen.02:47
darkyoshi372I guess I'll look somwhere else for a solution02:47
BurritoI'm logged in as root02:47
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wildmanKnorrie, ah... lots of deaf ppl speaking ;)02:47
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cwilludarkyoshi372: any chance the panel itself is crashing?02:47
Knorriewildman: hehe02:47
wildmanBurrito, damn... wiped my Mandriva VM :-|02:47
wildmanRedman271, hehe >-] 02:47
sharmsanyone know a good media frontend in the repositories (in the vein of mythtv and freevo)02:48
darkyoshi372cwillu, it usually happens when I switch resolutions.02:48
Redman271im installing server on a  1gb sdcard02:48
cwilluand/or, do you have any other panels running on that machine (multiple logons, remote boots pointing to it, etc)02:48
Redman271so im in same  boat ,  experimentation is best ;)02:48
darkyoshi372not that I know of....02:48
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wildmanRedman271, do you plan to run a server off a Flash-based storage device?02:48
cwilludarkyoshi372: no, the switching resolution might have a similar effect of what I'm looking for02:48
SelfHarmwhenever I try an apt-get, i get permissions error "Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)"02:48
Redman271thats the idea02:48
firebird619What is a good alternative to TVtime that will work with digital speakers?02:48
wildmanRedman271, do you know they have a limit in the number of times they can be written?02:48
phirewoot, I managed to get my screen res to 1280x1024 at 60hz, but I don't like 60hz, has anyone managed to get dapper into 1152x864?02:48
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K^Holtz[Tkb] FIRESIDE: thank you for your help earlier, i tried to contact you via dialogue when i returned, maybe you didnt receive it.. but thank you very much02:49
wildmanRedman271, careful with that limit ;)02:49
Burritowhen I tried that I get an error that says 'E: Couldn't find package ubuntu-desktop'02:49
[Tkb] FIRESIDEK^Holtz: Np02:49
FlannelSelfHarm: you have another package manager open, it sounds like.02:49
Redman271the  object at hand is   bootable  SD card then   ide  drives for storage02:49
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darkyoshi372cwillu, do you know how I can get those icons back, or even better, to stop them from going away?02:49
cwilludarkyoshi372: not really, just having ideas02:49
SelfHarmoh yeah. i have updates running. thanks again, Flannel.02:49
[Tkb] FIRESIDEBurrito: "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"?02:49
FlannelBurrito: which repositories do you have enabled?02:49
cwilludarkyoshi372: do they come back if you kill gnome-panel?02:49
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:49
darkyoshi372I'll try02:49
cwilludarkyoshi372: alternatively, do they disappear when you do it?02:50
wildmanRedman271, would you mind share your experience with me (http://fabman.wordpress.com/, "The desktop computer..." article) afterwards?02:50
Redman271the  best that i can02:50
Malinwhere can i find linux-headers for 2.6.15-21 kernel?02:50
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Malinthere are none at packages.ubuntu.com02:50
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darkyoshi372cwillu, now only one application is left.02:50
Burritofireside yes02:50
Redman271i found  FreeNAS  but  would rather  impliment ubuntu to  kinda do the same02:50
Burritoflannel, I don't know02:50
wildmanRedman271, clever decision02:50
darkyoshi372I think that two just disappeared02:50
cwilluMalin: if that's the one you have installed via the normal ubuntu update, then linux-headers should work I believe02:50
Burritohow can I tell?02:50
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FlannelBurrito: check your sources.list02:50
K^HoltzIs there a way to tell if i have video acceleration enabled?02:51
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tafsanyone else running ubuntu on an iBook?02:51
FlannelBurrito: mostly, do you have more than just the CD enabled?02:51
cwilludarkyoshi372: okay;  windows has had the same problem before (things not reappearing in the tray after explorer crashes)02:51
Malincwillu, the situation is a bit complicated02:51
wildmanK^Holtz, glxinfo | grep vendor02:51
wildmanK^Holtz, remember? ;)02:51
K^Holtzwildman: unfortunately no, i didnt know that had to do w/ acceleration02:51
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Malini wanted to install usb-eagle to be able to use my adsl connection02:51
wildmanK^Holtz, if you see something like 'nvidia' (IIRC, u had one of those), then u are accelereated02:51
fowlduckwhere can I get the official ubuntu font for windows?02:51
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Malini need proper linux-headers to do so02:51
ubotufonts is Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in flash? Install msttcorefonts, gsfonts, gsfonts-x11 - Microsoft fonts: install the msttcorefonts package02:51
darkyoshi372cwillu: This happens much more often than explorer crashing. I don't want to switch to KDE, but I don't know...02:52
BurritoI don't think so02:52
Malini installed ubuntu from linux+ dvd02:52
Burritocan I pm you what I have in there?02:52
Malinit showed it was some beta02:52
BurritoI don't want to flood it in here02:52
cwillumalin:  dapper itself probably unless it's a recent dvd02:52
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:52
K^Holtzwildman:  i dont see any lines like that.. there is a client and server verion of server glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation and OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation02:52
Malincwillu, it's 7/200602:53
wildmangood K^Holtz: you should have accel enabled then02:53
cwilludarkyoshi372: sorry, as I said, I'm just shouting idea's, but gnome-panel itself restarting is probably the culprit;02:53
Redman271my  ultimate goal is  to  put like a 512 mb  BIOS  chip in a  mobo and have an instant  on  embeded  ubuntu02:53
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darkyoshi372Okay, cwillu, thanks for your help!02:53
K^Holtzwildman: ok, i guess ill try to run tuxracer again.. it seems to crash every time and force me to reboot X since i started trying this02:53
cwilluMalin: are you running a custom kernel, or was there a specific version of the kernel you _had_ to be running?02:53
wildmanRedman271, do you have access to all that hardware? :)02:53
wildmanK^Holtz, wait...02:53
K^Holtzwildman: ok02:54
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BurritoI posted it under your name02:54
FlannelMalin: Ubuntu doesn't have 2.6.15-21 in it02:54
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Malinmine does02:54
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wildmanK^Holtz, run glxgears, do you see the turning 3-color gears?02:54
Redman271eh not currently ,  but   eeprom burners are a dime a  dozen and    512 mb chips were like $40  from mouser electronics02:54
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K^Holtzwildman:  yes02:54
Redman271its  building the  development   system  that is going to be costly02:55
cwillumalin, one sec, checking something02:55
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Malinuname -r returns 2.6.15-21-38602:55
wildmanK^Holtz, well.. all should be fine then... but it might happen that some programs 'screw' video rez...02:55
Redman271and  very time consuming02:55
Burritodid you see it flannel?02:55
FlannelBurrito: yeah, you don't have hardly any repositories enabled02:55
Burritocould that be my problem with samba?02:55
wildmanK^Holtz, you shouldn't expect that with all GL progs... but you cannot tell in advance...02:55
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K^Holtzwildman: so if tuxracer doesnt work this time that i try it.. then i might as well just uninstall it?02:55
johncccwhen I was apt-getting a program the installlation failed... No every time I'm trying to install a new program it  also keeps trying to install the failed program. Is there any way I can stop this?02:55
FlannelBurrito: yeah, you can't 'get' anything, except security updates02:55
Malinthe thing is cannot upgrade my system because i haven't got my internet connection running on ubuntu, and i cannot run my internet connection because i cannot install it without working linux-headers02:55
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=== Burrito feels extremely newbish
=== Phoul [n=phoul@S0106004005b748fa.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Redman271wildman care to PM  me ?02:56
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:56
Burritook, can you guide me to what I need to do to add more?02:56
PhoulHello, Is there any reason my performence would be better with xcompmgr enabled02:56
Flannel!tell Burrito about sources02:56
wildmanRedman271, can u see me?02:56
PhoulBecause without it my windows leave these long trails and with its almost flawless02:56
PhoulIt dont seem to make sence02:56
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wildmanBurrito, your nick doesn't help... unless you have something to do with Ariel Ortega ;)02:56
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FlannelBurrito: eh, I guess you'll have to do easysource.02:57
wildmanK^Holtz, that's up to you...02:57
Flannel!tell Burrito about easysource02:57
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phireHow can I get my screen into 1152x864, its listed in my xorg.conf file, but I can only get to 1280x1024, 1024x768, 800x600 etc02:57
K^Holtzwildman: well what i meant was will it be a lost cause trying to get it to work?02:57
cwilluMalin: does the cd repo you have have _any_ headers in it?02:57
wildmanK^Holtz, it never is... if you love tuxracer ;)02:57
wildmanK^Holtz, 3D accel is working already02:57
=== Burrito is now known as I-am-not-Ariel-O
cwilluMalin: if so, install that version of the kernel + those headers, and in grub, boot from that version of the kernel02:58
=== I-am-not-Ariel-O is now known as Burrito
K^Holtzwildman: haha, well i would like to try it out.. let me just try and see what happens02:58
johncccwhen I was apt-getting a program the installlation failed... No every time I'm trying to install a new program it  also keeps trying to install the failed program. Is there any way I can stop this?02:58
wildmanK^Holtz, now, some games might work, others might... well you know ;)02:58
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PhoulHello, Is there any reason my performence would be better with xcompmgr enabled02:58
PhoulBecause without it my windows leave these long trails and with its almost flawless02:58
Malincwillu, but i cannot find these headers on packages.ubuntu.com02:58
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wildmanphire, there's a resolution change applet somewhere in System->Admin02:58
Malinthere are only 2.6.15-23 packages02:58
cwilluMalin: does the dvd you have have them on it?02:59
wildmanRedman271, ping02:59
FlannelMalin: that's because ubuntu doesn't have -21 in it.02:59
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K^Holtz:( my resolution is screwed.. brb, restarting X02:59
Malincwillu, checking...02:59
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fowlduckwhere can I download the official ubuntu font?02:59
cwilluMalin: basically, if the dvd has _any_ kernel headers on it, then install those headers and the kernel from the cd to match it, then boot up using that kernel (should give you the option when you boot up and hit escape02:59
=== K^Holtz [n=kholtz@67-21-113-224.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Burritook, I have some reading to do to try to get this to work...I might be back in a bit. thx for all the help peeps, lates fireside03:00
=== Burrito is now known as Burrito-Reading
sharmsif I install freevo, how do I have it launched instead of gnome on boot?03:00
wildmanBurrito-Reading, the best way not to be Burrito anymore ;) (no pun intended)03:00
wildmanRedman271, ping03:00
firebird619What command do I have to enter to have a different video card autodetected and configured. I want to put my Ubuntu HDD in a different computer which has a different video card, but when I tried that it said X couldn't start, etc and it took me to the command line.03:00
Redman271yes ?03:00
cwillusharms: instead of the gnome desktop, or instead of gdm?03:00
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wildmanRedman271, I've PMed you... can't you see me?03:01
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Redman271yes  ive  written you a  paragraph lol03:01
sharmscwillu: instead of gdm and gnome03:01
cwillufirebird619: sudo dpkg-reconfig xserver-xorg03:01
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wildmanRedman271, is your nick registered?03:01
wildmanRedman271, then we cannot PM :-|03:01
firebird619cwillu: Ok, Thank You03:01
Redman271ahhh,  is this  default  nickserv ?03:01
wildmanyes on irc.freenode.net03:02
jribfirebird619: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg , small typo I think03:02
Redman271ok  1 sec  ill register  my  correct  nic03:02
wildmanRedman271, ok, lemme know03:02
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cwilluor merely laziness on my part03:02
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firebird619jrib: Ok, Thanks03:02
Malincwillu, i think i don't understand03:03
cwilluMalin: you know about sources.list?03:03
Sasukeanybody know a good codec that could play most video files?03:03
Malinthe only problem is i cannot install usb-eagle to set up my internet connection03:03
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cwilluMalin: okay, sources.list should have a cdrom entry in it, right?03:03
Malini cannot install it because i don't have linux-headers for my kernel03:03
phirewildman: 1280x1024 is there, but 1152x764 is missing03:03
wildmanphire, then it's not available03:04
cwilluokay, so if you open synaptic and search for linux headers, do any at all show up?03:04
dg10050Can anyone help me get sound in Enemy Territory working?03:04
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phirewildman: can I make it avaible?03:04
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Malini'll have to switch to ubuntu to check that out03:05
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wildmanphire, maybe if you define your card and monitor parameters properly... and list that mode in the modes listed for the given colour depth you are using03:05
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=== Ubuntu is now known as GStubbs43
cwillumalin, still therE?03:05
cwilludo you need to reboot to check?03:05
cwilluI'll check my live cd then03:06
cwillugive me a sec to double check03:06
Malincwillu, i'm afraid we don't have the same livecd03:06
digitalhav0ccan i burn .nrg files in ubuntu?03:06
cwilluhow do you mean?03:06
digitalhav0cwith k3b or other prog?03:06
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digitalhav0cnero image files03:06
digitalhav0cto a cd03:06
digitalhav0cin linux03:06
dg10050Can anyone help me get sound in Enemy Territory working?03:07
Malini told you before03:07
=== Bass [n=Bassetts@cpc1-mapp1-0-0-cust592.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Malini bought a newspaper, Linux+ with some linux distros03:07
Malinthere was ubuntu 6.06, but it showed it's some beta03:07
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cwillumalin, shouldn't matter03:08
Malinsplash screen when logging in tells me it's "Ubuntu Dapper Beta"03:08
Malinok, check then03:08
cwilluthe beta would have the same file structure, so if I have it, you should as well03:08
cwillumaybe not the same version, but the same packages at least03:08
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digitalhav0cdid anyone answer that for me?03:08
digitalhav0c.nrg files in linux?03:08
cwilluMalin: unless I'm completely misunderstanding you :)03:08
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Malincwillu, i think you're getting everything right :-)03:09
Malinif not, i can explain it one more time, just to be sure :-)03:09
Sasukecan someone tell me what categorie in the SYnaptic Package manager i can find video/audio codecs under?03:10
basiswonder if i can get ubuntu onto a libretto 100ct03:10
cwilluMalin: yep, the live cd should have the headers on it03:11
Malincwillu, all i want to do is install usb-eagle :-)03:11
lopzideddigitalhav0c, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=22435303:11
cwilluso boot into ubuntu, pop the cd in, open synaptic, and install the kernel headers, making sure that the same kernel version is installed (and I can't imagine how it wouldn't be)03:12
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digitalhav0cthank lopzided03:12
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Malinok, going for reboot now, will try to get it to wrok03:12
cwilluMalin: _might_ have to apt-get update03:12
cwilluor the equivilent03:12
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Malintell me one more thing03:12
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Malinwhat's the difference between apt-get and aptitude?03:12
cwillunothing really03:13
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cwilluapt-get, aptitude, synaptic, adept, all the same basic thing03:13
cwilluall front ends for dpkg03:13
Malingoing for reboot now03:13
ryantriphey i was looking at the site, and i couldnt find the system requiremtents for ubuntu. does any one know what they are (for pc)03:13
cwilluk, good luck03:13
Malincu in a few minutes, i hope :-)03:13
TheNinjahow can i get a folder shared so it doesnt need a username and password to access???03:13
phaedrus44doe ubuntu come with software to handle .nzb downloads?03:14
cwilluTheNinja: what are you trying to do?03:14
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phaedrus44nzb ?03:14
TheNinjacwillu, trying to share a folder so it doenst need a password when accesed03:14
=== cwillu sighs
cwillusorry, I meant, sharing between what computers, for what purpose, etc03:14
gI am having power throttling problems on an x60s...03:15
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phaedrus44nzb  from news servers03:15
cwillui.e., is this a windows share you're trying to access from dapper?03:15
sangoI recently downloaded kubuntu and unbuntu, and I am wondering if anyone can point me to articles that compare gnome and kde03:15
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TylerJWhere can i find the mplayer .deb package for ubuntu dapper?03:15
cwillusango: which did you want to prefer?  changes which articicles you shoud read :)03:15
ryantripwhat are the system requiremtns for ubuntu?03:15
TheNinjacwillu, any ideas?03:16
cwilluseriously though, just google for the two words,  and you should find tons of pages03:16
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couchogood evening03:16
phaedrus44how do i find out my ubuntu version?..03:16
sangocwillu: any unbiased articles03:16
cwillusango: basically no such thing, but you might start at wikipedia03:16
cwilluryantrip: depends what you want to use it for;  I do fairly heavy usage on a 1gig with 256mb of ram03:17
darkyoshi372does anybody know where I can get the image that can be used for gnome panel's background to make it shiny?03:17
CosmoDadhi -- can anyone recommend a GUI-based stand-alone mp3 encoder (that is, a tool that doesn't require a music CD)?03:17
dg10050Can anyone help me get sound in games like Enemy Territory working?03:17
CosmoDadI wanna encode a wav-file into mp303:17
dg10050I can't get it to work03:17
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TylerJI need to find mplayer .deb package for dapper...lol03:17
phaedrus44what about software to handle .rar? files03:17
sangocwillu: I already read the wikipedia stuff but most of it is about the development, but it did talk about how c libraries are handled03:17
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cwilluryantrip: xubuntu is the light weight version, you should be able to find the minimum requirements on ubuntu's homepage03:17
SakurxCosmoDad Audacity will do that03:17
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dg10050I've tried everything here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnemyTerritory03:18
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ryantripcwillu: i have an old machine. im planing on using it for a home network server. i think its under the system require ments, because its only 433 mhz and only about 128 mb of ram03:18
ubotuXubuntu is Ubuntu with XFCE, for more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop03:18
phaedrus44ryantrip:  i have the same system as you..ubuntu runs ok03:18
cwilluryantrip: that should run xubuntu fine, at least03:18
ryantripok cool03:18
ryantripthanks for the help03:18
cwilluryantrip: I've got a 350mhz running ubuntu as a server03:18
phaedrus44i use fluxbox though..not the bloated gnome03:18
CosmoDadSakurx: Audacity? uhmm, quite a big app for some mp3 encoding, but I'll remember that...03:19
couchocan someone help me fix my remote desktop?03:19
phaedrus44which is cool..because you can use gnome apps in flux03:19
TylerJIs it possible to go into remote assistance (windows) to linux03:19
ryantripcwillu: good, i glad i can use ubuntu because it seem to be an easy to use os. im running windows 98 and its realy kinda sucks03:19
cwilluTylerJ: linux can remote desktop into windows, and windows can vnc into linux03:19
bur[n] erwindows can also use FreeNX to get into linux03:20
couchocwillu, i can't vnc into linux03:20
bur[n] erand vice versa03:20
bur[n] erporque coucho?03:20
cwillubur[n] er: not in terms of remote support really though03:20
bur[n] erer.. why03:20
couchowish i knew03:20
phaedrus44ryantrip:  you really have to choose your windows manager..the ubuntu os is great...but i wouldnt run gnome on that system..03:20
couchoremote desktop is enabled03:21
SeraVitaehey, my graphics card and resolution are in X11 by default, but in ubuntu resolution settings it only lists 1024x768 which is smaller than what the resolution is in X11, and the driver it uses is i810 (intel) but the card is better then that, is that the reason why its not supporting the higher resolution03:21
cwillucoucho: what are you trying to do?03:21
couchovnc onto my linux box03:21
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couchowith vncviewer03:21
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sangodoes gnome/kde benchmark differently?03:21
cwillucoucho: does it work loopback?  i.e., can you vncviewer from the linux box to the same box?03:22
couchocwillu: vnc viewer says "server closed connection unexpectedly"03:22
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couchoi'll try03:22
geos2can anyone point to a link on how ubuntu controls centrino/duo frequency stepping?03:23
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pygentoohi all...I've installed ubuntu 6.06 lts and now trying to install hsfmodem driver but when I do make it sais that there is no command like this how can I fix it ?03:24
digitalhav0ccould anyone point me in right direction im trying to figure out a faster way for my friend to send me a file other than aim he is using Windows XP i am using ubuntu03:24
couchocwillu: does nothing really03:25
digitalhav0cpretty big file 600megs03:25
cwillucoucho, does nothing in what sense?03:25
couchoReadFromRFBServer: rdr::EndOfStream03:25
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alink1000I'm having some installation problems...03:26
couchocwillu: i type "localhost" or "", but i get nothing03:26
alink1000...with alot of things03:26
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cwillucoucho, one sec03:26
alink1000*a lot03:26
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alink1000I think it's ubuntu03:26
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alink1000see, I tried to install amsn, and got some sort of error.03:26
couchowhat kind of error?03:27
alink1000then I tried to install limewire, and got an error with the archiver03:27
digitalhav0cdont know if anyone answered my question03:27
alink1000it says not known archive type...03:27
digitalhav0ci hit ctl+backspace03:27
condardoes anyone know where i can find the plugins to play dvd with totem03:27
alink1000so...um.... :S03:27
couchowhat kind of archive is it?03:27
alink1000hold up03:27
geos2digitalhavoc: it's lame but you could try skype...03:27
cwillucoucho: which vnc server did you install?03:27
SasukeI have turned on all repositories...but cant find the gstream plugins03:27
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couchocwillu: i think vnc4server03:28
cwillucoucho: running gnome/normal ubuntu?03:28
couchocwillu: yup03:28
digitalhav0cwould it be faster than aim03:28
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couchocwillu: still 5.10 though03:28
alink1000it's .rpm03:28
alink1000it says it's not supported03:28
cwillucoucho: look at vino03:28
alink1000is that the wrong one? :S03:28
SeraVitaecould someone maybe give me a hand working out where i might grab the right drivers for my video card?03:28
geos2digitalhavoc: last time i tried it was pretty fast, 600M is alot though03:29
couchoalink1000: debian based distros use .deb's, not .rpm's03:29
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couchocwillu: vino?03:29
SeraVitaeor even if i can? it seems intel only has drivers for Suse linux03:29
lwizardlwhats the most reliable linux torrent app?03:29
alink1000so I would go with the other link on the limewire site....03:29
cwillucoucho: by which I mean, install that and uninstall the other package03:29
digitalhav0cwere getting about 24kbs03:29
alink1000limewire. :)03:29
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couchocwillu: k, hold on03:29
ryantripso once i install ubuntu, is it prity easy to set up a server (ftp and such)?03:29
digitalhav0ci get faster time downloading from india03:29
condardoes anyone know where i can find the plugins to play dvd with totem pm me03:29
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ketetha_great. finally i find amaroK which is great but its not playing the music i want!03:29
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ketetha_it plays like a milisecond then goes to the next song03:29
ubuntupycan anyone tell me what I should install to get make command working ?03:29
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digitalhav0ccondar, search for automaix03:29
ketetha_i don tunderstnad this03:29
cwillucoucho: that's what the remote desktop access in system|prefs should be controlling03:30
cwilluno automatix03:30
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.03:30
ketetha_why is amaroK only playing miliseconds of the song! i dont understand it. is it becuase its mp3. becuase its not doing it to ogg fiels03:30
couchocwillu: remote desktop uses vino?03:30
darkyoshi372Is there a way to make OpenOffice, well, not ugly?03:30
geos2my x60s cpu freqency is wildly flucuating (from Gkrellm) resulting in a very choppy system.  Help!03:30
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couchocwillu: already newest version03:30
cwilluI'd personally use easyubuntu instead of automatix, as it's a bit less likely to break your system, (automatix force installed packages last I knew)03:30
alink1000dammit I can't find a .deb in the "Other" .zip package...hm...03:31
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sam__I am trying to print to a network printer hooked to an xp box and I get this error "/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed"03:31
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cwillucoucho: okay, next, how is remote-desktop configured?03:31
SeraVitaehey, when i went to install dapper it would freeze on install and randomly and stuff, but badger works fine, should i try to update it to dapper from badger? or will i stuff things up again03:31
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ketetha_does amaroK not play mp3. because it doesnt work!03:31
couchocwillu: what exactly do you mean?03:31
dbarnettI just upgraded to 6.0.6 and I have to recompile a bunch of drivers, but I can't find source for (just up to *.6) anyone have a link where I can find the headers?03:31
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digitalhav0cdoes anyone know how to turn of the key binding for ctl-backspace getting tired to restarting wm03:32
cwillucoucho: allow other users to view your desktop is enabled, right?03:32
digitalhav0cby accident03:32
couchocwillu: yes, and control too, and it demands a passwd03:32
debian_has anyone updated today and had most characters on screen started to be displayed as blocks like []  []  []  []  []  [] ?03:32
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ketetha_does amaroK not play mp3. can someone help me03:32
digitalhav0cdebian i did im working fine03:32
malincwillu: success :-)03:32
cwillucoucho: does ps -A|grep vino show vino-server running?03:32
cwillumalin: yay!!!  :)03:33
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couchocwillu: yup it does03:33
malinsynaptic told me he need to install over 300 MB of updates :/03:33
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cwillumalin: network working yet then?03:33
MandersonI've got a firefox problem.. I keep getting windows that pop up notifying me that the website I am going to has a certificate that was "certified by an unknown authority"...Is there a way to stop these messages from coming up? I don't remember firefox doing this in the past.03:33
ketetha_EXCUSE ME. how do you delete a song from yoru collection on amaroK03:33
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cwillumalin: that's typical;  updates are actually redownloading the compressed packages, it doesn't do diffs yet03:33
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malincwillu: yeah, writing now in xchat under ubuntu03:34
KazukisanI did a server install from the breezy ubuntu disc, then i did a dist upgrade to dapper and then did a apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and i edited xorg.conf to use vesa driver and now when i do a start x it tries to start it and my screen goes blank and then my monitor goes into resting state like its not reciving a signal and my computer i think freezes ????03:34
cwilluKazukisan: ctrl+alt+f1 do anything?03:34
malini have transfer limits on my adsl connection :/03:34
LjLketetha_: just delete it from the collection's folder03:34
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cwilluKazukisan: boot into safe mode and then try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and accept all the autodetected settings?03:35
couchocwillu: so vino-server is running, any idea what next?03:35
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Kazukisani ll try i guess03:35
Tha1hey, when i try to activate any of the network interfaces to enter internet, it runs fine, but at any time the whole system crashes03:35
ketetha_ljl, where is the collections folder03:35
cwillucoucho: which version of ubuntu did you say you were running?03:35
couchocwillu: aka breezy03:35
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cwilludid anything change on port mapper -> dapper?03:35
digitalhav0ccoucho, 6.06lts is so much better03:36
LjLketetha_: where you set it up to be. where you music actually is. where Settings / Configure amaroK / Collection says it is.03:36
couchodigitalhav0c: i haven't had much luck with dapper on my laptop03:36
digitalhav0cim in love with linux again from the days of first tryin slack , rh03:36
cwillucoucho: one sec03:36
digitalhav0ccoucho, oh ok03:36
couchocwillu: sure03:36
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ketetha_thankss so much =] 03:36
sam__can any one help with network printing03:37
couchodigitalhav0c: i'm trying to prevent having to reinstall everything and losing all my data cause the update messed it all up03:37
twobitspr1teI've had this problem before, but I can't remember how I fixed it... http://paste.lisp.org/display/2243003:37
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digitalhav0ccoucho, do you have broadband?03:37
couchodigitalhav0c: yes i do03:37
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ketetha_LjL, it still has both on there ><03:37
digitalhav0ccoucho, download it03:38
cwillucoucho: does sudo netstat -p -l|grep vino show anything?03:38
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twobitspr1tewhen I try to install mldonkey-server it has some problem in the install script and fails, and continues to spam me about the error every time I run apt-get03:38
LjLketetha_: both03:38
couchocwillu: yes03:38
digitalhav0cthe new disk i have one of the older install disks and i had problems updating03:38
cwillucoucho: specifically, tcp?03:38
wastrelhi peeps.  i opened a MS Word .doc file in ooffice and it seems to be locked, i can't make changes to it - how can i unlock it so i can modify?03:38
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couchodigitalhav0c: download what?03:38
digitalhav0ci download the new 6.06lts disk03:38
ketetha_ljl, yes im changing the song to ogg in the same file i moved the mp3 one to trash now tat it finished but its still on my collections list03:38
digitalhav0cand 6.06 works great03:38
opiate2006what are some commands that give good details about system hardware?03:38
digitalhav0cright now im playing with xgl03:38
Hexidigitalwhat is the correct command to reconfigure X?03:38
cwillucoucho: I'm looking for a line that starts with tcp, and has something like *:5900 in it03:38
digitalhav0cand its awsome03:39
Kazukisancwillu, didnt work03:39
couchocwillu: it's there03:39
ketetha_LjL, nevermidn. i had to delete it from trash too03:39
LjLketetha_: ah well, you need to either wait a little, or do Tools / Rescan collection03:39
GbUniki'm sorry this is very basic q but anyone here use dapper drake (6.06) lts for routing?03:39
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couchocwillu: only it says 590103:39
ketetha_LjL, ahh ok i'll try taht next time03:39
GbUnikoops i mean traffic management03:39
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cwillucoucho: one more sec, but that's the problem03:39
couchocwillu: tcp        0      0 *:590103:39
couchoi'll wait03:39
cwillucoucho: does vncviewer localhost:0:5901 work?03:40
coucholemme try03:40
twobitspr1tesomeone once showed me where the install script is stored which is bein executed each time, but I can't remember where it is03:40
Hexidigitalcwillu:: are you sure the port number is needed?03:40
=== GbUnik got ubuntu 6.06 dvd from linux magazine but not sure wht kind of software i should install or search more to have traffic management/bandwidth shapping
ketetha_LjL, i have a question. is there a way to just get all my songs automatically on the playlist03:40
=== LGKeiz [n=LGKeiz@ppp-70-225-188-177.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #Ubuntu
cwilluHexidigital: if it's not on the standard port it sure is :)03:40
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couchocwillu: no it doesn't03:40
Hexidigitalcwillu:: :) sorry, didn't notice that03:41
couchocwillu: again end of stream03:41
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SeraVitaehey guys, i downloaded dapper, it didnt work, badger works, i just went to update badger to dapper, and it asks me to download 579mb.. is there any way i can use the dapper cd to update badger with?03:41
Hexidigitalcoucho:: what about :5901:0 ?03:41
ketetha_LjL, ok ignore that other question. i can just select all of them. but i do have another one03:41
SelfHarmi guess i dont have filters to play mp3s...03:41
cwilluHexidigital: I'm pretty sure that'd be x session #5901 on port 003:41
SelfHarmhow can i get em?03:41
couchoHexidigital: that doesn't even return "end of stream"03:42
cwillucoucho: I think you've got more than one vnc server running03:42
ketetha_LjL, is ther a pkg i can install to get mp3 files to work on amaroK03:42
ketetha_is ther a pkg i can install to get mp3 files to work on amaroK03:42
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couchowait a second!!!03:42
cwillucoucho: in the remote desktop control panel, what command line does it suggest you use to connect?03:42
couchoit asked for a pasword03:42
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LjLketetha_: of course03:42
SelfHarmim using amarok, cant get mp3s to play either03:42
LjL!tell ketetha_ about mp303:43
cwilluooo, okay03:43
couchoand now my desktop is full of vnc viewers03:43
cwilluhall of mirrors :)03:43
couchoyup XD03:43
ketetha_LjL, which link do i use?03:43
LjLketetha_: the first03:43
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odlaany suggestions for a bittorrent client that lets you select on certain parts of the torrent file excluding azureus?03:43
cwillucoucho: okay, remove the vnc servers you installed, and then disable and reenable the remote connections03:43
cwilluthe netstat line should then show it listening on 5900, and everything should work fine03:43
couchocwillu: hold on03:43
ketetha_LJL, thankss be righ tback03:43
couchonot so fast XD03:43
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Hexidigitalwhat is the correct command to reconfigure X?03:44
cwilluHexidigital: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:44
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KazukisanI did a server install from the breezy ubuntu disc, then i did a dist upgrade to dapper and then did a apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and i edited xorg.conf to use vesa driver and now when i do a start x it tries to start it and my screen goes blank and then my monitor goes into resting state like its not reciving a signal and my computer i think freezes ????03:44
Hexidigitalcwillu:: thx03:44
couchocwillu: i don't know what vnc servers i installed03:44
=== Sasuke [n=uchiha@207-255-103-034-dhcp.unt.pa.atlanticbb.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeraVitaeanyone have an idea how to add an ubuntu cd as a repository so i dont have to download 500+mb of packages?03:45
cwillucoucho: you installed something like vnc4server or something?03:45
Sasukecan anybody recommend me to a good encoding software?03:45
couchocwillu: already removed vncserver, vnc4server and x11vnc03:45
pseydtonneSasuke: lame!03:45
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@adrianDHCP-36.216-254-251.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu
pseydtonneSeriously, that's the nameof the encoder.03:45
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narfmasterSasuke, mencoder03:45
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cwillucoucho: okay, disable and renable it then, and it should get back to 590003:45
twobitspr1tehas anyone successfully installed mldonkey-server before?03:46
cwillucoucho: _might_ need to reboot, but that's only because I don't know exactly which service needs to be reset03:46
sam__can anyone help with network printing03:46
=== SKunsai379 [n=stikdude@ool-4351bd58.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
couchocwillu: k i'll try03:46
Sasukenarfmaster: how do i get mencoder?03:46
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cwilluKazukisan: what video card are you running?03:46
SKunsai379Hi, who here's tried or used the PowerPC Ubuntu?03:46
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narfmasterSasuke, in the repo (multiverse)03:47
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wastreli'm trying to edit a msword doc in oowriter but it seems to be locked somehow -  i can't make changes.  is there a way to unlock it?  thx.03:47
sdferfxHi. : ) how do I change the agp thing from agpgart to agp-amd6403:47
cwilluSKunsai379: having an issue or looking for reviews?03:47
ketetha_narfmaster, if i'm looking for mp3 on amaroK should i install gstreamer0.8-mad sorry if you think i'm wierd for asking especiall you but ya just felt like asking one person03:47
opiate2006how do i get hardware information from the command line?03:47
SKunsai379cwillu: Bit of an issue.03:47
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Sasukenarfmaster: i can't seem to get multiverse to work only universe03:47
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couchocwillu: still 590103:48
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couchocwillu: reboot?03:48
cwillucoucho: :/03:48
GentoonUbuntu left grub broken when I installed over it can anyone help me fix03:48
malincwillu: what time is it in canada? :-)03:48
couchocwillu: vnc-common is still installed though, remove it?03:48
cwillumalin: where in canada? :p03:48
narfmasterketetha_, no idea - i use xmms03:48
cwillucoucho: no03:48
malincwillu: at your home :-)03:48
SKunsai379cwillu: I'm trying to get breezy installed on an imac g3 Rev. D...no luck.03:48
pseydtonneGentoon: What happened? Give details, please.03:48
=== crazym [n=crazym@modemcable131.125-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_narfmaster, ahh okk thanks though03:49
=== pseydtonne knows a lot about Grub.
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SKunsai379Any ideas?03:49
sdferfxHi. : ) how do I change the agp thing from agpgart to agp-amd64? i read these are compiled into the kernel03:49
cwillucoucho: could try rebooting;  there may be a config file somewhere that needs tweaking;  not a huge deal, just a little thing that's nonstandard otherwise (you'd have to always specify the port if it's not 5900)03:49
Gentoonpseydtonne: I need to reinstall grub from ubuntu live disk03:49
Kazukisancwillu, ati x80003:49
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couchocwillu: ok i'll reboot03:49
Gentoonpseydtonne: I havent been able to cause its lvm03:49
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ketetha_anyone now what the MAD MPEG or MP3 plugin for amaroK is03:49
pseydtonneGentoon: what actually happened to your Grub install?03:50
narfmasterSasuke, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories03:50
condarI keep getting this error msg when trying to rum totem03:50
sdferfxguys liek srsly03:50
condarTotem cannot play this type of media (DVD) because you do not have the appropriate plugins to handle it.03:50
ketetha_anyone know the MP3 plugin for amaroK03:50
cwilluketetha_: have you tried installing them yet?03:50
Gentoonpseydtonne: I installed a different distro over it and now I cant boot my windows or linux, give error 13 or 1503:50
SKunsai379ketetha_: Have you tried gstreamer?03:50
t0ddhey, whenever I try and activate my wireless connection, I get the following error: "SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory" .. Does anyone know of a resolution?03:50
SeraVitaenarfmaster - hey about repository stuff, how can i add a cd as a repository?03:51
cwillut0dd: make sure you sudo03:51
ketetha_cwillu, what do you mean03:51
narfmasterSeraVitae, i think you use apt-cdrom for that03:51
cwilluhave you tried installing the packages you were talking about yet?03:51
crazymWhy does the installer dont give me the choice to use LVM when partitioning for a Ubuntu Desktop install?03:51
Gentoonpseydtonne: there an easy way to install grub with live cd?03:51
ketetha_SKunsai379, noo. i dont really feel like changing i just got used to amaroK and like it alot. is gstreamer worth changing for? can you give me a screenshot of it03:51
SeraVitaenarfmaster - okay ill try - im trying to update badger to dapper with the dapper cd03:51
SKunsai379Not from this PC. Not even mine.03:52
SKunsai379Mine's at home doing a compile job.03:52
Gentoonketetha_: gtstreamer is a plugin03:52
pseydtonneGentoon: if you mount the boot directory and look in Grub, do you see any of your old files? I know on my box, Ubuntu simply wrote new files in addendum to the existing ones.03:52
t0ddcwillu I did03:52
narfmasterSeraVitae, let me know if it works - i always do a clean install :)03:52
sdferfxHi. : ) how do I change the agp thing from agpgart to agp-amd64? i read these are compiled into the kernel03:52
Gentoonpseydtonne: cant mount it03:52
SeraVitaenarfmaster - yeah i did a clean install but dapper froze twice.03:52
Gentoonpseydtonne: dunno why03:52
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ketetha_gentoon, is it now? welll dont i sound dumb. i thought it was a player as well. haha well i already have gstreamer0.8-mad installed.03:53
Gentoonpseydtonne: we tried alot of stuff last night and concluded i needed to reinstall grub03:53
pseydtonnecan't mount it? What command are you giving?03:53
SKunsai379So who else here worked with the Mac/PPC Ubuntu?03:53
Gentoonpseydtonne: mount dev dir??03:53
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pseydtonneGentoon: when you run 'df -m' do you see the partition with /boot on the list?03:54
Gentoonpseydtonne: do you just know how to reinstall it?03:54
digitalhav0cwow XGL is crazy03:54
digitalhav0chasn't crashed on me all day03:54
Gentoonpseydtonne: can we talk in pm to I can just use /EXEC -o03:54
Gentoonso 8803:54
digitalhav0chum i down loading a kernal update and some other files its good03:54
ablyssyou sure it's not compiz crashing instead digitalhav0c?03:54
Gentoonso **03:54
montag_451Is there something equivilant to an UbuntuATIHelp channel on FreeNode?03:54
digitalhav0cablyss, neither have crashed since the update03:55
ketetha_argh im confused.03:55
ketetha_nevermind. i'll just keep converting mp3 to ogg.03:55
digitalhav0chum maybe their gettting somewere now03:55
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digitalhav0clet me try to play a dvd03:55
digitalhav0cthats the test03:55
couchocwillu: still 5901 :/03:55
digitalhav0calways crashes when i try to do that03:55
ketetha_are there any other wayts to convert mp3 to ogg03:55
chrisvecchittoubuntu is nice ... osx86 project is better i think ;)03:56
chrisvecchittoDBO hear that!03:56
LjLketetha_: uh, did you follow the instructions? you just need to install libxine-extracodecs to play mp3 in amarok03:56
Gentoonpseydtonne: ?03:56
cwillucoucho: well, it works at least;  I'd google around for how to set which port vino listens on03:56
ablyssi never had xgl crash, just compiz.. and when it does, its usually nothing major just the eyecandy stops03:56
pseydtonneGentoon: I don't think I can msg on this server. I believe it requires registration.03:56
chrisvecchittoim on a mac on a dell :)03:56
couchocwillu: ok i'll try03:56
DBOchrisvecchitto, what?  do I know you?03:56
SeraVitaenarfmaster - danmit it added the cd fine, and i did a apt-get dist-upgrade and it read off the cd, but when i go to update it, now its downloading the cd off the net!!! ><'03:56
couchocwillu: thanks a lot!!03:56
SeraVitaeit spun the cd up then ignored it03:56
sam__can anyone please help with network printing03:56
t0ddhey, whenever I try and activate my wireless connection, I get the following error: "SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory" .. Does anyone know of a resolution?03:56
ketetha_LjL, it says that in there? i red there. and even highlighted where it says amaroK but didnt find it03:56
=== chrisvecchitto is now known as __chris__
DBOoh I do know you03:56
Gentoonpseydtonne: you can unless they changed it03:56
narfmasterSeraVitae, that's because the CD has old packages03:56
cwillucoucho: np03:56
__chris__ha samba ;)03:57
__chris__apache ;) too03:57
ablysssam__: my advice is dont use networking printing.. it sucks :)03:57
LjLchrisvecchitto: what would the osx86 project have to do with ubuntu? besides sounding sort of offtopic...03:57
__chris__i make your midnight coffee! come on now03:57
narfmasterSeraVitae, is that the "desktop" install CD?03:57
__chris__how you been DBO ? :)03:57
SeraVitaenarfmaster - true, hopefully the bulk of the packages should be on the cd though right?03:57
SeraVitaeyes it is the desktop cd03:57
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DBOsleepy, Im almost off to bed __chris__03:57
Gentoonpseydtonne: can you just tell me if there is a command to install grub autimatically with ubuntu live dapper03:57
narfmasterSeraVitae, the "desktop" CD doesn't store packages like that03:57
pseydtonneGentoon: it's not working. I can read you but you can't read me.03:57
__chris__DBO know bittorent? and torrent files?03:57
sam__I think I found that out the hard way03:57
SeraVitaenarfmaster - ah okay, that sucks then.03:57
LjLketetha_, there's an index on the top-right of the page. click where it says "mp3", and read the paragraph about Kubuntu Dapper Drake03:58
__chris__download osx86 at piratebay ;)03:58
pseydtonneAs fora single command, there is but I can't recall it.03:58
narfmasterSeraVitae, you really have to do the installer to get the new packages on that disc03:58
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SeraVitaeoh well it is only 3 hours to wait..03:58
DBO__chris__, we dont support pirating here03:58
sam__still would like to try and get it to work03:58
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ketetha_LjL, now i see it. alternative media players. well thank youu =] 03:58
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crazymhow can I install using LVM with the Desktop CD??03:58
SeraVitaenarfmaster - yeah i just hope i dont wait 3 hours, to have dapper fail again.03:58
__chris__:| ok....  :) sorry03:58
GentoonDoes ANYONE know the command???03:58
SeraVitaei think i might try a clean install again.03:58
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__chris__its legal by the way :)03:58
ketetha_LjL, you know in the synaptic manager. why do some of thet hings have stars next to them03:58
LjLketetha_: no it's not under alternative media players03:58
SeraVitaenarfmaster - can i do a dapper install straight off the cd, without going to live desktop?03:58
yipehere's a weird hypothetical I'm-not-really-gonna-even-try-but-I'm-curious kinda question:03:58
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DBO__chris__, osx86 is not a legal project03:58
SKunsai379Does anyone know anything about PPC Ubuntu on a Mac?03:59
LjLketetha_: anyway just "sudo aptitude install libxine-extracodecs", that should work if you have the repos enabled03:59
`Evil`<-- n00b. Anyone know how to change drives in terminal using command?03:59
narfmasterSeraVitae, no you need the "alternate" or the DVD for that03:59
LjLketetha_: i don't have synaptic03:59
__chris__:P ok DBO03:59
__chris__its a great experince tho :)03:59
__chris__osx86 project :P03:59
Gentoonpseydtonne: Cause we tried chroot last night and couldnt manually reinstall it I think there is a way to do this easily03:59
ablysssam__: i never tried it on linux, though if its hard on windows.. i can imagine it being slighty hard on linux.. though i'm probably wrong03:59
ketetha_LjL, ok ya its installed now. what do you have?03:59
yipeis it possible to run Ubuntu off the FreeBSD kernel? Basically just swap in the FreeBSD kernel in place of the linux one, make the appropriate grub entry, and reboot?03:59
LjLketetha_: Adept, since i'm a Kubuntu user. but i just use aptitude and apt-cache03:59
__chris__any developers here?03:59
sam__works fine on windows03:59
yipeI'd call it freebuntu03:59
kaotyipe: I think not.  at all.04:00
pseydtonneGentoon: go to #linuxputz04:00
ketetha_LjL, ohh i see. cool04:00
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pseydtonneIt'll be easier to talk04:00
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LjL!tell __chris__ about offtopic04:00
yipehehe, I figured as much04:00
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sam__dual boot xp and dapper xp side prints fine04:00
sdferfxHi. : ) how do I change the agp thing from agpgart to agp-amd64? i read these are compiled into the kernel04:00
ablysssam__: try google, usually find something there :)04:00
sam__been there04:00
SeraVitaenarfmaster - is there a way when installing dapper i can at least watch whats going on so when it freezes, i might have an idea why?04:00
ablysssam__: okay04:00
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=== ablyss leaves sam__ alone now :)
couchocwillu: running a different vnc server wouldn't be an option?04:01
sam__get the error "/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed"04:01
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wastrelzomg this thing is password protected04:01
wastreland oowriter respects that!  i can't make changes?   how do i get around this?04:01
cwillucoucho: it would, and there's neat and wonderful things you can do by doing that, but as far as just getting your gnome session shared, I'd stick with the ubuntu recommended way04:01
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sam__the log file says cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.04:02
yipehi wastrel!04:02
sharmssam__: so provide authentication data04:02
sam__not sure how04:02
Rick_kinda_newbihow come when I launch nm_applet I get a flash, then NADA?04:02
SeraVitaenarfmaster - dapper desktop cd froze at 'Ok, booting the kernel'04:02
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wastrelhi yipe!  this msword doc i need to edit is password locked and oowriter is respecting that for some insane reason04:02
couchocwillu: ok, it's just that i can't find anything on my box that looks like vino settings04:02
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narfmasterSeraVitae, try running "top" in a terminal next to the install wizard04:02
sam__using cups and samba04:03
yipewell that's no good, maybe if you shoot it?04:03
SeraVitaenarfmaster - i didnt even get that far04:03
wastrelkinda can't04:03
SeraVitaeit was loading the ubuntu thing, got to 'starting x' and froze04:03
sam__can see other computers on the network04:03
SeraVitaei didnt even get a terminal04:03
SKunsai379wastrel: Where'd you get the file from?04:03
narfmasterSeraVitae, no video?04:03
sharmssam__: we have wonderful documentation why are you not reading it04:03
sharms!tell sam about printing04:04
=== Firebird8 [n=wilson@pool-138-88-211-136.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeraVitaenarfmaster - dapper has frozen at the ubuntu menu, gotten to desktop and frozen, frozen when i chose a language in install, frozen during install...04:04
SeraVitaeits random.04:04
ketetha_what are cups04:04
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yipeokay, here's an actual tech help question: How do I remove things I don't need from my boot-sequence? I don't use PCMCIA for one thing, nor RAID04:04
sharmssam__: specifically: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPPrinter04:04
=== soniccol [n=soniccol@220-133-198-79.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu
AJ004holy crap04:04
couchocwillu: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-8742.html :'(04:04
sam__ok ill check it out04:04
narfmasterSeraVitae, sorry i have no experience dealing with random crashes04:04
wastrelSKunsai379:  it's a job application for the company i'm interviewing with tomorrow.  i need to edit it because oowriter isn't getting the formatting right and it's printing out on waaaay too many pages.04:04
AJ00436 updates for ubuntu04:04
sharmsketetha_: it manages printing04:04
SeraVitaenarfmaster - i am getting lots of buffer i/o errors now04:04
AJ004are those 36 updates new or did i just forget to update?04:04
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sharmsSeraVitae: sounds like bad hardware04:05
SKunsai379wastrel: Have you tried another text editor like AbiWord?04:05
narfmasterSeraVitae, did you verify the CD after you burned it (i assume you burned it)04:05
wastrelSKunsai379:  abiword is even worse :] 04:05
AJ004damn, new linux kernel04:05
ketetha_sharms, i see. is it like a program?04:05
SeraVitaei did burn it, no i didnt verify04:05
SeraVitaemaybe i should04:05
AJ004gotta reboot :(04:05
ketetha_i gotta og guys04:05
SKunsai379wastrel: Ugh, why'd I ask?04:05
ketetha_i'll be on later or tomorrow04:05
sharmsketetha_: it is what apache is to webpages, cups is to printing04:05
wastrelSKunsai379:  hmm that gave me an idea tho04:05
=== dadgumit [n=dadgumit@adsl-68-94-121-149.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
cwillucoucho: that's funny04:05
SeraVitaeSQUASHFS error: sb_bread failed reading block xcb4f04:05
SKunsai379wastrel: How about in...*gasp*...Window$?04:05
cwilluin the haha sense04:05
wastreli don't have windows :] 04:06
ketetha_sharms, that analogy doesnt help me. apache?04:06
SeraVitaethe cd didnt sound happy04:06
couchocwillu: i think it sucks :P04:06
cwilluit's doing something with the ports (mine runs on 5900)04:06
ketetha_sharms, haha sorry04:06
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SeraVitaemaybe i will burn the cd again slower04:06
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SKunsai379wastrel: What's your idea?04:06
ketetha_sharms, its ok thought i'll find out tomorrow good nighttt04:06
cwillucoucho: what shows up if you do:  sudo netstat -p -l|grep ":59" ?04:06
sharmsketetha_: you sent stuff to print to cups, cups sends the stuff to the printer in a way the printer understands04:06
AJ004new ATI drivers, new kernel04:06
AJ004might as well download em04:06
ketetha_sharms, ohh ok.04:06
ketetha_thankss =] 04:06
dadgumitI am not gettin g3d acceleration,  with dapper, but have the fglrx installed04:07
couchocwillu: it says that inetd is listening on port 5900?!04:07
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AJ004dadgumit:  I dunno.......... i installed the ati drivers awhile back, now there are updates04:07
kdegelgot a question about sound04:07
human39_laptopnew ubuntu user here.  I am wondering if there is a way I can change the init level to text mode only.  Previous distro's this was init 3, instead of 5.  It seems unbuntu has defaulted to 204:07
kdegellike where do i look to get each application independent from each other?04:07
cwillucoucho: heh04:07
narfmasterhuman39_laptop, really it's 2 now?04:08
cwillucoucho: you know what that implies?04:08
kdegellike for xine, xmms, mplayer etc..04:08
dadgumitaj004, can i just try to update from the package manager?04:08
AJ004lemme guess, google is working overtime on ubuntu :)04:08
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wastrelSKunsai379:  didn't work - abiword can edit the file but the formatting is so broken i wouldn't be able to fix it.  and saving from abiword just saves the broken formatting04:08
couchocwillu: i have no friggin clue04:08
cwilluokay, crash course time :)04:08
human39_laptopnarfmaster, yes.  on my /etc/inittab04:08
kdegelis it sound drivers or something else?04:08
sdferfxhey guys is edgy the new testing distribution, and how are Ubuntu's branches different than Debian's? Does stable get more than security backports?04:08
AJ004dadgumit:  all i know is i loaded up ubuntu today and found 36 updates04:08
cwilluinetd is kinda a master daemon04:08
AJ004so im installing them now04:08
SKunsai379wastrel: But did AbiWord break the password off?04:08
SurfnKidhas anyone found a way to change a class device from eth1 to wlan0? successfully04:08
cwilluit listens on ports, and then spawns processes as connections are accepted04:08
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cwilluthat way, services don't need to be running until somebody actually wants to user the service04:09
AJ004new kernel and ati drivers and openoffice fixes mostly04:09
dadgumitAJ004, are you anube like me?04:09
SurfnKidAJ004, automatic updates?04:09
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cwillucoucho: I believe /etc/inetd.conf will enlighten you a bit :)04:09
AJ004surfnkid:  The update icon came up in the top right of the screen04:09
couchocwillu: i'll take a look04:09
AJ004surfnkid:  They must have changed the icon04:09
AJ004surfnkid i remember it being different last time04:10
SurfnKidAJ004, did my updates ealier too04:10
cwillucoucho: also check the man pages for that file04:10
dadgumitman, i wanted to learn ubunto and boy am i04:10
SurfnKidwas it? what color04:10
couchocwillu: i think i found it04:10
yipesdferfx, it's not like debian at all, "stable" right now is Dapper, and that gets all kind of updates, just today we got a new kernel version04:10
wastrelSKunsai379:  yes04:10
AJ004surfnkid:  Didnt it used to be a big update with text or something04:10
AJ004now it was a red with a star in it04:10
couchocwillu: someone else who was helping me with the same problem told me to add a listening port for xvnc404:10
AJ004all i know is ubuntu is getting better :)04:10
dadgumitAj004 i am rolling the dice too, just gonna let all the updates hit me04:10
SKunsai379wastrel: I know it sounds like a waste of time, but try to save a second copy of the file in abiword and bring it into openoffice to fix it up.04:11
dadgumit :)04:11
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cwillucoucho: yep, that'll be it04:11
AJ004every release seems to have improvements04:11
SurfnKidAJ004, before it was big, thas right, now its a small update icon04:11
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SurfnKidyeh i agree04:11
SurfnKidevery release puts more strain on my cpu too :P04:11
SurfnKidneed a better cpu04:11
dadgumitcuriosity, where's everyone from?04:11
SurfnKidthank god for centrino04:11
wastrelSKunsai379:  i'm just going to arrive early and ask them to give me a copy tomorrow :] 04:11
yipesdferfx, edgy will be the next "stable" right now it's not really ready at all, and breaks frequently, but some daring people use it, and as time passes more and more less daring people will use it as it will start breaking less and less often04:11
AJ004surfnkid i like the new icons, but was that added in dapper or in the updates?04:11
montag_451::Cheers for centrinos.::04:11
couchocwillu: how do i restart inetd?04:12
SKunsai379wastrel: Sorry I couldn't help further.04:12
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yipesdferfx, we don't really have anything that really translated over to "sid"04:12
cwillusudo /etc/init.d/inetd restart might be it, but that's a guess04:12
dadgumitmeh you guys are all business04:12
SurfnKiddadgumit, I was from nebulosa NEX2K, as of last year, but today i live in galaxy X earth,04:12
SurfnKidmontag_451, yey04:12
wastrelSKunsai379:  i just can't believe oowriter honors the stupid password :p04:12
couchocwillu: i'll take a look04:12
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AJ004surfnkid:  i cant wait till edgy eft tho cause my evolution keeps crashing and there are still gtk+ bugs which should be fixed04:12
sam__checked did what it said did not work04:12
dadgumitSurfnKid is teh funny04:12
wastreli bet there's a complie flag for that04:12
wastrelor a patch04:12
AJ004gotta reboot04:12
SKunsai379wastrel: I think that's one of the minor consequences of having M$ Word compatibility.04:12
AJ004new kernel04:12
SurfnKidAJ004, i think added in dapper, Breezy had a big bulky red icon if  i recall right04:13
sdferfxyipe I see. it sounds like edgy is analagous to sid, at least at the moment. So even "stable" releases aren't locked in, eh? But here on Ubuntu's wiki I read about FeatureFreeze04:13
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malin!tell malin about mp304:13
yipesdferfx, it does freeze for I think two weeks BEFORE release04:13
lnxGnomesomeone here using the slab menu (the menu in SLED 10)  someone made a .deb but It does not work for me. someone haves it working?04:13
SKunsai379So can anyone help me with PPC Ubuntu?04:13
yipebut after that updates and such resume again04:13
=== tailsfan [n=tailsfan@64-48-208-38.phi-02.cvx.algx.net] has joined #ubuntu
sdferfxoh I see. OK, thank you. : )04:14
catisonhhow can I let someone run a command with sudo without a password?04:14
narfmasterSKunsai379, it depends on the problem04:14
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yipeso Dapper right now is kind of halfwayt between what debian would call stable and unstable, and Edgy between unstable and sid04:14
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SeraVitaenarfmaster - the old cd i was trying to load it off of... the underside... writable side.. it looks melted. :/04:14
yipeglad I could help:)04:14
SKunsai379narfmaster: I'm trying to get the CD to boot but my G3 iMac is not agreeing with me.04:14
narfmasterSeraVitae, that can't be good04:14
unstablesobAny hints on how to get vmware player working again after I updated the kernel? I assume I need to rebuild the modules but how?04:14
wastrelokies nite nite04:14
regeyawow, is there actually work going into edgy right now04:14
SeraVitaethe new freshly burnt cd, won't even boot.04:15
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narfmasterSKunsai379, what happens?04:15
catisonhanyone here know a lot about the sudo in Ubuntu?04:15
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SKunsai379narfmaster: I'm trying to boot from the CD and instead it keeps booting MacOS.04:15
narfmasterSKunsai379, you held down the C key at boot?04:15
SKunsai379narfmaster: MacOS 9.2, to be exact, which doesn't recognize my CD as a valid startup disk.04:15
SKunsai379narfmaster: Yes.04:16
tailsfanQuestion, Do I use linux-headers to compile alsa or linux-source?04:16
sdferfxarg, update just said this to me Errors were encountered while processing:  /var/cache/apt/archives/libmjpegtools0_1%3a1.8.0-0.2_amd64.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)04:16
montag_451catisonh: You can give other users sudo access, but that'll allow them to use sudo with anything, and they'll use their own password.04:16
SKunsai379narfmaster: I'm using a Breezy CD, BTW.04:16
SKunsai379narfmaster: Any ideas?04:16
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narfmasterSKunsai379, did you double-check that it was the PowerPC version and verify the md5sum?04:16
catisonhmontag_451, yes, but i want to allow a backup program to use tar as root04:17
SKunsai379Orange pre-printed disk? Check.04:17
tailsfanWhcih one?04:17
narfmasterSKunsai379, okay that should work i guess04:17
montag_451catisonh: Not sure how to handle that one. Sorry.04:17
catisonhmontag_451, it won't enter in a password when prompted04:17
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catisonhthanks anyway04:18
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SKunsai379So what can the deal be?04:18
couchocwillu: IT WORKS!!04:18
ubotuI know nothing about linux-headers04:18
SKunsai379It can't be MacOS 9.2, can it?04:18
CurtisBI have a question -- related to the new .26 kernel upgrade.... everytime I upgrade kernel, or (for example) install the Serengeti usplash screen, I guess Grub is invoked, and it messes up the menu.lst.. where I need it to be hd(0.0) it'll be hd(1.0)... where the heck is it pulling this "default" from, please?04:18
cwillucoucho: heh :)04:18
couchocwillu: had to reboot, but it works04:18
sdferfxHow do I tell Debian not to upgrade some specific thing?04:18
couchoomfg i'm so happy right now04:18
narfmasterSKunsai379, what model of Mac do you have there?04:18
CurtisBtailsfan - linux-headers04:18
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SeraVitaewhoa what the hell my cd drive just went nuts!!04:19
tailsfanI'm getting that now :)04:19
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cwillucoucho: I just called a ****, because I support people for free and take the business away from the people who get paid for it04:19
SKunsai379narfmaster: iMac G3 Rev. D...333 Mhz...256 MB RAM...6 GB HD...ATI Rage Pro /w 6 MB RAM.04:19
cwilluI just got _called_ a ****04:19
narfmasterSKunsai379, that sounds fine to me04:19
couchocwillu: that's nasty04:19
cwilluthat came out wrong :*04:19
regeyaSyou got called four asterisks, cwillu?04:19
tailsfaniMac always have MacOS904:19
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cwillulow blood sugar, I really just shouldn't talk at all right now04:20
couchocwillu: tell em to come see me, i'll make em change their minds04:20
narfmasterSKunsai379, maybe you just got a bad CD - can you download another one?04:20
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tailsfantry to put OSX on it and it'll lock up04:20
SKunsai379narfmaster: I ordered 5 Mac CDs and have three left.04:20
tailsfanOT: diabetic cwillu04:20
cwillucoucho: kinda a freelove vs corporate domination thing04:20
CurtisBtailsfan - in the wiki and the forums are some posts about my experience with ALSA to get my Echo Mia working, but it could be handy except for the mia details :)04:20
SKunsai379narfmaster: None of them work.04:20
unityjapanese ubuntu channel where?04:20
ubotuI know nothing about ja04:20
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SKunsai379narfmaster: But they work in other Macs.04:20
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couchocwillu: yeah it's fuxored04:20
narfmasterSKunsai379, that is weird - Breezy installed just fine on my G3 iMac04:20
ubotuI know nothing about jp04:20
AJ004where can i get a list of the updates in the new ubuntu kernel?04:20
SKunsai379narfmaster: Or did I get stuck with a retarded iMac?04:21
tailsfanCurtisB, I'm just trying to get my sound card to work04:21
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couchocwillu: what are those people doing here anyway?04:21
tailsfanand anyone know where I can download GLib 1.2.004:21
SKunsai379narfmaster: But what did you have on the HD before?04:21
narfmasterSKunsai379, have you done a firmware update (from the Apple site)?04:21
CurtisBtailsfan - the posts I refer to walk-through compiling ALSA, incl. getting the proper headers, etc04:21
SKunsai379narfmaster: D'OH!!! *facepalmed*04:21
narfmasterSKunsai379, i recall having the latest firmware on my iMac before i installed04:22
SKunsai379narfmaster: What's the latest firmware?04:22
narfmasterSKunsai379, no idea - that was months ago :p04:22
CurtisBGrub Question! -- where does it get it's "defaults"? When I installed the 686 kernel apparently grub was invoked by the dpkg or something, and it messed up my menu.lst (changed hd(0,0) to hd(1,0)... I'm not sure why04:22
SKunsai379narfmaster: I think I'd better check it later.04:22
narfmasteri don't have my iMac handy right now04:22
tailsfanCurtisB, what sound card did you use?04:22
human39_laptophow do I change the window manager?04:23
darkyoshi372I installed an awesome GTK2 theme, but Nautilus and Gedit, among others, use the ugly default Gnome theme! How do I make them pretty?04:23
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couchocwillu: anyway, again, thanks a lot, without people like you people like me would be very much screwed :P04:23
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CurtisBtailsfan - if you go to /echomia (i think) in the wiki you can see that, or just search ubuntuforums.org for echo mia04:23
digitalhav0clinux is so cool04:23
couchohell yeah04:23
tailsfandarkyoshi372: where did you get the theme from?04:23
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cwillulol, np coucho04:23
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SKunsai379narfmaster: Thanks for the info, dude. I'll try it and see what becomes of it!04:23
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narfmasterSKunsai379, no problem04:23
sri_i want to develope some server(apache)what should i do first04:24
darkyoshi372tailsfan: It's the whole Candido thing, and I supposedly had to install an engine package to use it.04:24
darkyoshi372Is that bad?04:24
sdferfxCan I disable Ubuntu's update notifier?04:24
CurtisBsri_ have you installed apache? have you enabled it as a service?04:24
sri_i want to install it04:25
tailsfanIf you got it from art.gnome.org, did you go to app themes04:25
cwillusdferfx: system|prefs|sessions|startup, and disable it04:25
sri_is it nessasary to learn python04:25
cwillusri_: for what?04:25
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sri_to design the site04:25
sdferfxcool thank you. : )04:25
CurtisBsri_ sudo apt-get install apache04:25
tailsfanThanks for the tip CurtisB04:26
tailsfanon the linux packages04:26
CurtisBsri_ no you don't need to know python... you'll need to learn how to config apache, and you may want to learn some php/mysql04:26
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tailsfanand again how do I get GLib 1.2.004:26
CurtisBnp, mate!04:26
montag_451Anyone know of any GNOME applets that would handle battery saving stuff like lowering screen brightness, etc.?04:27
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montag_451^on a laptop04:27
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sdferfxI need to use amd64-agp instead of agpgart. How do I do that?04:27
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narfmastertailsfan, install libglib1.204:28
tailsfanCurtisB: does your wiki apply to all cards04:28
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jsgotangcomontag_451: your laptop function keys should work if its a supported one (dell, hp, toshiba, ibm)04:28
G8trBaitI accidently right clicked an active program on my bottom menu bar, and hit remove, and now my active programs don't show up.  Anyone know how I can fix this?04:28
darkyoshi372tailsfan: Thanks for the help, it turns out that it only happens when I'm running a specific app as root, which make perfect sense. Again, thanks!04:28
SeraVitaenarfmaster - okay, i reburnt the cd slowly, watched buffer the whole time, went to go check cd, and it's halted at 'checking ./casper/filesystem.squashfs'04:29
CurtisBtailsfan - that was for 5.10, i need to update it for 6.06... the only real change is that you don't need to set your GCC environment var... as far as other cards, just replace the mia references to the ones for your card04:29
SeraVitaethat was the *same* thing the *other* cd gave errors on. maybe my iso is bad?04:29
montag_451jsgotangco: They do luckily. I was looking for something that would handle that sort of thing automatically.04:29
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narfmasterSeraVitae, you might want to check the iso file's md5sum before you burn04:29
SeraVitaeyeah i am going to do that now04:29
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SeraVitaewhere can i get an md5 checking program?04:30
fowlduckSeraVitae, should be built in04:30
fowlduckSeraVitae, md5sum04:30
narfmasterSeraVitae, just use a terminal and type md5sum04:30
tailsfan!make clean04:30
ubotuI know nothing about make clean04:30
montag_451man md5sum for more info04:30
SeraVitaenarfmaster - my only other pc is windows04:30
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SeraVitaeand this machine wont boot anymore.04:31
SeraVitaethe ubuntu one04:31
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narfmasterSeraVitae, http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:31
dadgumitOK this is killing me, maybe i should have stayed with breezy04:31
tailsfandadgumit: Why?04:32
dadgumit i can't get 3d acceleration workingin dapper04:32
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ketetha_can someone help me04:32
ketetha_my screen is HUGE04:32
dadgumithave updated drivers, rerun config ap04:32
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ketetha_like double whatit was after i played some dumb educational game04:32
dadgumitdont know what else to try04:32
tailsfanketetha_ how big04:32
ketetha_tailsfan; wanta screenshot?04:32
tailsfanNo Thanks *does anime sweat drop*04:33
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ketetha_tailsfan, haha dont want one? :( anime sweat drop?04:33
dadgumitketetha: i assume you have tried changing resolution?04:33
tailsfanhave you did System > Prefernces > Screen Resoulution04:33
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tailsfanKonversation is cool!04:34
ketetha_dadgumit, wrong asumption. haha havent tried that yet =] 04:34
tailsfanAnyone know where I can download Windows Fonts for Ubuntu04:34
dadgumitis glxinfo | grep rendering the end all on wether not you are accelerated?04:34
lnxGnomesomeone know how to install the slab?04:34
kazukisanhow to build 32 bit applications on a 64 bit distro ?????04:34
ketetha_ok im doing the screen resulotion04:34
dadgumiti would sure like to get it working04:34
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tailsfanI only want Arial and Comic Sans MS04:34
ketetha_i hve the same question as tailsfan when it comes to window fonts04:34
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dadgumittailsfan: can't youpull them off your windows box (assuming youhave one)04:35
narfmasterMS fonts = msttcorefonts04:35
ZewlHow do I use the old dos like installer for ubuntu instead of the gui?04:35
sn00pDoes anybody know how to play  avis that require dovei in linux?04:35
tailsfanNo, I erased my windows for Ubuntu04:35
ketetha_narfmaster, is that a pkg you can install? mstcorefonts?04:35
CurtisBtailsfan -  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EchoMia    I just did a quick-and-dirty update for 6.06.. gotta go out of town tomorrow, so if that doesn't have enough detail the thread(s) on the forums ought to help out04:35
=== doughboy [n=paul@245-91.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dadgumitzewl hit escp on the install prompt04:36
CurtisBGrub Question! -- where does it get it's "defaults"? When I installed the 686 kernel apparently grub was invoked by the dpkg or something, and it messed up my menu.lst (changed hd(0,0) to hd(1,0)... I'm not sure why04:36
SeraVitaenarfmaster - MD5 passed.04:36
narfmasterketetha_, yes04:36
Zewldadgumit, great thanks :)04:36
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ketetha_narfmaster, thankss!04:36
narfmasterSeraVitae, that can't be good news - maybe your CD burner is hosed04:37
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ketetha_btw i downloaded the plugin that LjL told me would allow me to play mp3s on amaroK and it didnt work so does anyone know what else i can do04:37
SeraVitaenarfmaster - i just burnt the cd TWICE at two different speeds, and they BOTH complain about squashfs04:37
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arooniwhats the equivalent of contorl alt delete in ubuntu?  i want to kill a prcoess that is killing my machine04:37
SeraVitaewhat is the chances of two fresh cds with a passed MD5 failing on EXACTLY the same file?? :P04:37
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SeraVitaei am really unlucky, but am i *that* unlucky? :P04:38
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tailsfanI think you have to set it up as a keyboard shortcut04:38
GentoonCan someone help me fix my grub please?04:38
=== rebelfallen [n=rebelfal@ip68-5-39-3.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
narfmasterSeraVitae, i'd highly suspect the drive or the CDRs to be bad04:38
CurtisBGentoon - i can try, but I'm having a minor grub problem myself04:38
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GentoonCurtisB: its a little prob nothing complicated04:39
SeraVitaenarfmaster - fair enough, but i think ihave 3 copies now burnt at different speeds all failing on the one file04:39
SeraVitaeim gonna check em all again04:39
GentoonCurtisB: can we pm?04:39
G8trBait_I right clicked on an active program and said 'Remove from Panel' and now, no programs that are running show up.  Any idea's how I can get them back on the top or bottom bar?04:39
ketetha_does anyone know a plugin that will make amaroK play mp3s04:39
narfmasterG8trBait, just "Add to Panel" the Window List applet04:40
rebelfallenI just bought a maxtor external HD. I formatted it to ext3 and am going to load the live ISO onto it. How do I add the drive to my configuration so when I reboot it will try to install the iso?04:40
DShepherdG8trBait, you talking about the notification area of the window list area?04:40
rebelfallenim running fedora on my current drive04:40
basisany way i can find out if someone has tried ubuntu on a toshiba libretto 100ct?04:40
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:40
=== mysterio [n=steve@c-71-192-151-188.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
arooniwhats the equivalent of contorl alt delete in ubuntu?  i want to kill a prcoess that is killing my machine04:40
sri_ketetha_, apt-get install amarok04:40
arooni(its still killing my machine)04:41
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G8trBait_DShepherd: Thank you!04:41
yipeketetha_, that first link will show you how to add all those formats (like mp3, mpeg, etc) to ubuntu so they'll play04:41
DShepherdG8trBait, huh?? amm ok04:41
ZewlAnyone have any ideas why the gui ubuntu installer wouldn't see a partition set up in partition magic?04:41
G8trBait_werps.. mean to thank narfmaster.. that fixed it!04:41
pectissimoarooni:  You first need to locate the PID of the defunct process.  Then you simply kill it.04:42
DShepherdarooni: system -- Adminis.. -- system monitor04:42
narfmasterarooni, it's "gnome-system-monitor" in terminal04:42
arooniDShepherd: how can i pause everything from running04:42
aroonii mean control alt delete04:42
aroonibrings the task manager on top of everything04:42
arooniis there a way to do that with linux04:42
sri_arooni, that is in windows04:42
digitalhav0cps -A04:42
DShepherdarooni: you can restart X.. if you want to...04:42
RadiantFireer, arooni, no, u can start the system monitor though04:42
=== SelfHarm [n=mike@24-171-2-126.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
SelfHarmwhat do you use to play mp3s?04:43
sri_SelfHarm, xmms04:43
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:43
DShepherdSelfHarm: it depends. what program you trying to use to play mp3s?04:43
SelfHarmim trying to use amaroK04:44
DShepherdSelfHarm: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats <-- that's the place you need to go04:44
yipeyou're gonna have to add some packages to your computer to make thim play04:44
SelfHarmamaork worked great on livecd04:44
yipewhat he said04:44
sri_SelfHarm, if u r using kde?04:44
SelfHarmnot working now that i have ubuntu installed04:44
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yipeLiveCD has those packages I think, due to.... make-you-want-to-install-ness04:44
dadgumitthat's weird, why wouldn't I have the K7 kernel?04:44
dadgumitinstead i seem to have teh pentium kernel04:44
SelfHarm( : yeah yipe04:44
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dadgumitand I run a dual core AMD04:45
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sri_SelfHarm, then go to synaptic manager & serch for xmms04:45
yipebecause you're on an x86 machine?04:45
dadgumitoh durr04:45
sri_SelfHarm, or sudo apt-get install xmms04:45
yipesri_, I don't think that's his problem04:45
dadgumitk7 was pre amd6404:45
narfmasterdadgumit, isn't that a k8?04:45
dadgumityeah it is04:45
sri_yipe, what is the prob?04:45
dadgumitcrap takular04:46
sri_yipe, He dont know how to play mp304:46
yipethere are packages you have to install after you install ubuntu to make it possible to play mp3s, no matter what player you use04:46
yipehe's clearly just installed ubuntu, and needs to install the restricted formats packages04:46
ttyfsckeri heard something about automating restricted/nonfree software on ubuntu 6.06.  the guy said that the apps were automatics and easy-ubuntu (sp)04:46
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sri_yipe, ya correct;But i am giving the example04:47
ubotuI know nothing about easybuntu04:47
ttyfsckeris that what they are called?04:47
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.04:47
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Fracturethere is a bad problem with apt when installing kernel images.  I just updated dapper to the latest updates, which includes a kernel image.  I ran out of space in /boot, yet the update finished successfully, with errors in the 'changes applied' terminal view.04:47
yipettyfscker, use easyubuntu, automatix is unsafe04:47
ttyfsckerwhat about automatics or automatix04:47
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ttyfsckeryipe why is it unsafe?04:47
DShepherdSelfHarm: to play mp3s on amarok you need to install libxine-extracodecs04:47
yipetechnical reasons that I didn't quite understand:P04:48
DShepherdSelfHarm: the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats page tells you all you need to know04:48
richiefrichDShepherd hay man04:48
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SelfHarmnice. point-n-preview works on mp3s now. thanks fellas04:48
Vexmasteris there any support for Kubuntu here?04:48
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yipebut apprently it uses -force options where it really shouildn't04:48
richiefrichDShepherd  where u been04:48
DShepherdrichiefrich: hey04:48
SelfHarmi did everything on that site, i think im good to go04:48
DShepherdrichiefrich: working04:48
SurfnKidamaroK Rokz04:48
ttyfsckerwell i just want to let everyone know that i am very happy with my 6.06 install on my Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop.. it actually got me away from debian "etch"04:48
richiefrichahh i moved man.. the channel04:48
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ubotuI know nothing about lvm04:48
SelfHarmis there a way to make specific app always open in a specific desktop?04:48
DShepherdrichiefrich: where?04:48
ubotuI know nothing about LVM04:48
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SurfnKidttyfscker, doesnt it feel good to get away from debian :P04:49
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ttyfsckeri was amazed at the live cd with installation.. that makes ubuntu easy for even windows newbies..04:49
sri_SelfHarm, U have to install the plugins04:49
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yipeit is great, I think it's a big leap forward for newb-friendliness04:49
dm_Hey guys when installing properitary Nvidia drivers, its asking for a GCC, what package do i install?04:50
montag_451The video with Nelson Mandela is, by far, the coolest thing that comes with Ubuntu.04:50
ttyfsckerwell SurfnKid i use to use breezy on my test box..  i had updates set to download automatically.. one time i rebooted and it went straight to busybox with tty job control turned off.. i couldnt get on the net or nothing to see what caused it or how to fix it.. so i just slapped debian etch on there.. and i hadnt tried ubuntu again until this week.04:50
kaotdm_: build-essentials04:50
aroonihey folks04:50
dm_kaot ok ill try that04:50
aroonihow can i list out all proceesses04:50
kaotarooni: ps aux04:50
Oni-Draculamontag_451, not the startup sound?04:50
kaotarooni: or pstree04:50
yipettyfscker, I love that video, so presitigious seeming:D04:51
jammiiiubuntu's the best...I've been using linux since 1994...this distro has made it possible for me to leave M$ for good.04:51
synd2Hi, I'm having odd browsing performance. It seems to hang sometimes and after a few reloads, it finally goes thru. I've disabled ipv6 already and it didn't help. Any more ideas?04:51
kleesdoes anyone have a Canon PIXMA IP5000 printer??04:51
mysterio any ideas on how to stop keys from repeating other than unchecking repeat keys04:51
kaotsynd2: i'd recommend running ethereal or something and getting some idea of where you're hanging04:51
kaotsynd2: dns looks, slow server response, etc.  there's a lot between you and the webserver04:52
ttyfsckerjammiii,  the only thing i still have to use windows for is pretty bad.. but i have an unsupported webcam.. i have to do video conferencing.. if i could get my cam fixed i could wipe windows off of my dual boot04:52
ttyfsckeryipe, what video are you talking about?04:52
synd2kaot: Well, if it's any help.. It doesn't hang on any other machines of mine running OS X04:52
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yipettyfscker, the one with nelson mandela04:53
yipetalking about the meaning of ubuntu04:53
jammiiihmmm...I know the feeling ttyfscker.  There is always "that one app" that does it.  Which cam are you using?04:53
SeraVitaedo you think ubuntu would freak out if i burnt a cd iso onto a dvd instead of a cd?04:53
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U2U2U2U2U2U2does anyone know how to add a beagle desktop search bar to the panel?  the only search-box i'm able to add is the old brute-force search04:53
ttyfsckeri even got my hauppauge WinPVR working in X.. but my logitech quickcam notebook pro (046d-08c3) model isnt supported04:53
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kaotsynd2: what's the status bar usually say when it's hanging?04:53
=== ChuckWard [n=ChuckWar@S01060014bfc6debe.mh.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ttyfsckerjammiii,  pwc, quickcam, nor spca5xxx will load it04:54
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synd2kaot: "Looking up <insert site here>..."04:54
ttyfsckerits a rather new cam though..04:54
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jammiiiusb cam?04:54
ttyfsckerif i wanted to modify source code for the drivers i could probably get it to working.. i think the only problem is the USB ID code04:54
ttyfsckerusbcam dont work either04:55
kaotsynd2: yeh so it's hanging on dns lookups, apparently.  couple of things you can try there but none are particularly trivial04:55
ttyfsckerthe kernel isnt recognizing it as a compatible device..  see their are two different models.. mine is the newest.. and it has a different USB ID04:55
ubotuI know nothing about busybox04:55
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synd2kaot: Okay, I was told DNS earlier too (but have no idea how to remedy it)04:55
kaotsynd2: what i normally do is run a local dns cache for my network, tends to speed things up a bit as there's less reliance on ISP dns servers04:55
jammiiiI wonder if forcing the "older driver" will work?04:56
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SeraVitaeUbunto ISO passes MD5. CD1@40X - hangs on 'checking filesystem.squashfs'. CD2@32X - hangs on 'checking filesystem.squashfs.' CD3@16X - hangs on 'checking filesystem.squashfs'. A forum post for a person installing ubuntu on a USB stick said it froze on checking filesystem.squashfs. Another user reported using 650mb discs (iso is 655MB) causes this problem. I am using 700mb discs. Anyone wanna have a stab at wtf is going on?04:56
=== Madpilot [n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot] has joined #ubuntu
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stopherWow...long nicklist04:56
SurfnKidttyfscker, thats cool, well i had been trying linux since march. fedora, debian, even knoppix, but as a windows user i was still not used to linux, or even unix commands, got completely discocuraged, then i dont know how i came across this, and everyone in here has been massively helpful, which is great, command by command04:57
jammiiig2g ttyfscher...good luck...:(04:57
synd2kaot: And how exactly do I do that04:57
SurfnKidttyfscker, now debian doesnt sound too scary since its still linux04:57
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linopilsopther list is always that long04:57
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ceruleantigerhey, is there anyone here from korea that knows how to install nateon messenger on ubuntu? I have two exchange students here who seem to want it badly, and I have no idea how to do it (especially since all the guides seem to be in korean, and I don't speak korean...)04:57
stopherHey guys, i need a tad bit of help w/ a ubuntu-dapper drake LAMP server... anyone got a few minutes?04:57
varsendaggrhey i was reaind in ubuntu hacks how to rightclick on the desktop to launch a template   by editing the .gnome2/templates     but i don't know hod to do this04:57
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stopheryes linopil?04:58
kaotsynd2: erm.  the short answer is, install a caching dns server such as bind or djbdns, and configure it.  the short answer isn't a good one though.04:58
ceruleantigerps - nateon seems to be an exclusively korean thing (?)04:58
kaotbut what's got me scratching my head is why would osx not be having that problem.04:58
kaotsynd2: you behind a router?04:58
pauldaoustceruleantiger: heh, must be. never heard of it myself.04:58
linopilasking here is generally not to a person but to a channel04:58
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synd2kaot: Yeah, WRT54G04:58
FunnyLookinHathave no fear, I am here.04:58
pauldaouststopher: I've had a tiny bit of 'sperience; what's up?04:58
SurfnKidttyfscker, so even fedora might be a future thing to try, for now, stickin with Ubuntu, and thankfully Dapper now after a fresh install :D04:58
yipeceruleantiger, why don't you let the korean student's translate for you?04:59
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stopherI am loading some files to the machine, but not sure where zcat is located?04:59
kaotsynd2: so you're pointed at the router for dns lookups?04:59
pauldaouststopher: golly... uh, same here :)04:59
=== poseidon [n=Moodles@203-173-15-180.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
kaotsynd2: in other words, /etc/resolv.conf shows the same IP address as your router04:59
synd2kaot: Lemme check04:59
kaotusually that's how appliances like that work04:59
jobadiahwould appreciate some help to install automatix in dapper05:00
ceruleantigeryipe: they're business majors and I don't think they would understand what wine even was... don't want to spend like 5 hours installing it...05:00
pauldaouststopher: but  you can find the location of any program, as long as it's in the executable path, by going 'whereis mycommand'.05:00
FunnyLookinHatjobadiah, would you be interested in using easyubuntu instead?  It's easy to use and technically safer.05:00
yipejobadiah, NO! Automatix is not recommended, use easyubuntu05:00
pauldaouststopher: 'whereis zcat' tells me it's in /bin05:00
ttyfsckerSurfnKid, no i am completely off of any RPM based distro05:00
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.05:00
varsendaggrceruleantiger, can you find the source code?05:00
synd2kaot: nameserver
yipeceruleantiger, that's why you just have them translate, not do it themselves05:00
pauldaouststoper: just /bin05:00
ceruleantigeryipe: I mean, I would probably be in for it just for the challenge, but they most likely would not be :P05:00
[Ex0r] I wonder if there is a way I can fresh install everything without losing all my stuff05:00
FunnyLookinHatjobadiah, visit that link that ubotu just posted, it has some really easy instructions. I cna help if you have any questions05:00
synd2kaot: and nameserver
varsendaggri was just trying to search for a .deb05:01
[Ex0r] like... removing all installed apt's and starting over again05:01
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jobadiahwow guess this was the wrong place for that ?05:01
synd2kaot: That's what's /etc/resolv.conf says05:01
stopherzcat not found in '/bin/05:01
synd2kaot: (Both of those)05:01
pauldaouststopher: uhhhhhhhhhh...05:01
pauldaoustone sec05:01
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narfmasterstopher, you have "gzip"?05:01
jobadiahok thanks05:01
SurfnKidttyfscker, yeah? are RPMs a headache?05:01
stophernot sure, i haven't used any zip program on my ubuntu server install yet05:01
FunnyLookinHatjobadiah, well, it's just that automatix does have some very risky commands that it runs...  that's all.05:01
stopherthis is the first time i've needed a zip proggie05:01
ceruleantigernateon is not open source (to my knowledge), although it is listed as 'mainstream' on wikipedia (!)05:01
fokaAmyJ, Hello!  :-)05:01
FunnyLookinHatjobadiah, and I've just personally had better luck with easyubuntu05:02
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_nano_Hi, could any one here watch videos on CNN.com ?05:02
FunnyLookinHat_nano_, I can I think, let me check quick05:02
synd2kaot: And the WRT54G reports the same DNSes05:02
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[Ex0r] anyone know if you can do that ?05:02
AmyJfoka: Hi05:02
_nano_FunnyLookinHat, thanks05:02
poseidonI have a problem with a harddrive I just put it, I go to disk managerand cant do anything from it (can't partition, can't format,can't mount it etc.), I had to use gparted to partition it and format it..then I open disks manager again and it says there i no partition05:02
ceruleantigerso no korean speakers here? :( was hoping someone could just say 'type sudo apt-get install nateon-all-packages' :P05:02
sri_can any one tell about x-chat where the python discussion takes place05:02
fokaAmyJ, Good to see you here!  If you are interested, please come to #ubuntu-cn and #ubuntu-tw also.  :-)05:02
kaotsynd2: yeh.  what kind of connection you on?05:02
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synd2kaot: Cable05:03
stopherpauldaoust: anything?05:03
[Ex0r] Anyone know if you can re-install ubuntu without losing hdd data?05:03
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AmyJfoka: AH, will do that05:03
SeraVitaeAnd to top this off, i decided just to wait the 3 hours for the net install, and now badger is asking for one of the 3 fucked dapper cds to update from.05:03
[Ex0r] My pc got very jarbled up installing and uninstalling stuff, and I want to get it all cleaned up again.05:03
sri_can any one tell about x-chat where the python discussion takes place05:03
SeraVitaehaha. go team ubuntu.05:03
FunnyLookinHat_nano_, no sorry, I can't.  The problem is that it's trying to detect windows media player 9 rather than just playing the movies...  for all other embedded movies you can probably get them to work by using easyubuntu to install xine and the firefox plugins and whatnot05:04
varsendaggrsri_,  try /j #python05:04
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freeflying|awayAmyJ: hi05:04
_nano_FunnyLookinHat, yeah i can stream wmv videos in other websites05:04
pauldaouststopher: found it. the gzip package provides zcat.05:04
sri_varsendaggr, thanks i will try it05:04
_nano_FunnyLookinHat, the CNN website doesn't even let me try to do that05:04
sharmsSeraVitae: Please watch your language or you will need to find another channel05:04
ceruleantiger[Ex0r] : type in apt-get -f install, that should fix most of the dependencies05:04
SeraVitaefair nuff.05:04
stopherOkay, what do i need to do to get to that?05:04
dadgumitjust wah05:04
FunnyLookinHat_nano_, yea that's because cnn is retarded.   sucks doesn't it?   I get my news videos from foxnews.com05:05
kaotsynd2: check your osx config real quick and see if you've got the same nameservers there.  just curious.05:05
stopherright now im at a prompt that says: Where is teh zcat which can uncompress gz files?05:05
dadgumiti just want my computer to work :(05:05
[Ex0r] ceruleantiger, said there were none, but I know there are.05:05
varsendaggrhow do i find out when my dapper cd will get here?05:05
_nano_FunnyLookinHat, yeah i guess i better stick to bbc then05:05
[Ex0r] I am trying to get rid of some nasty source files I didn't need, etc05:05
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_nano_FunnyLookinHat, thanks though for checking it for me :)05:05
FunnyLookinHat_nano_, yeaaaa bbc is sexy too05:05
FunnyLookinHat: )   Sorry I couldn' thelp05:05
ceruleantiger[Ex0r] : sorry to say this, but welcome to dependency hell :)05:05
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synd2kaot: Yeah, same there too05:06
[Ex0r] ceruleantiger, I am hoping there is a way I can fresh install without losing the data on the hdd, like you can with windows05:06
SeraVitaeIs there any way i can extract the files off a dapper livecd so that i can use it as a repository?05:06
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kaotsynd2: i can't for the life of me think of a linux-specific problem that would cause dns lookups to be slow.  that's funky.05:06
sharmsSeraVitae: Did you check the md5's of the iso you downloaded?05:06
FunnyLookinHatdadgumit, sorry I haven't been watching the chat session for your problem, but what's not working?05:06
SeraVitaeit passed05:06
synd2kaot: :/ When it works, it works great. But more-often-than-not, it hangs. It doesn't hang forever, it eventually goes thru if it sits there long enough05:07
pauldaouststopher: sorrry; someone just phoned me. Anyway! where were we... let me just read what you said.05:07
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stopherpauldaoust: /bin/gzip got it05:07
sharmsyou should be able to add the cd to your repository using synaptic05:07
CurtisBany grub gurus about?05:07
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pauldaouststopher: but no /bin/zcat?05:07
sharms!tell CurtisB about anyone05:07
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SeraVitaesharms - apparently i can't because the files on dapper cd are like, squished into one file.05:07
stopherpauldaoust: no05:07
SeraVitaei have added the cd to repository already05:07
dadgumitFunnyLookingHAt, this has been a long road, ben trying toget running for about a week and a half now05:07
SeraVitaeit still is trying to download all 1121 packages off the internet.05:07
pauldaouststopher: weeeeeeird. And gzip should be included, even in the minimal server install.05:07
sharmsSeraVitae: is it possbile you burned them wrong, my dapper cds have tons file files05:07
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jadacyrusI installed the nvidia drivers from their website, , rebooted and i got an X error saying: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has the version 1.0-7174, but this X module has the version 1.0-8762. How do I get the correct kernel module?05:08
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SeraVitaesharms - the iso passed md5.05:08
FunnyLookinHatdadgumit, oh my....  Do you have a strange hardware setup or somtehing that is keeping you from getting everything working fine?05:08
sharmsSeraVitae: is the iso straight from ubuntu.com?05:08
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SeraVitaehow did i burn them wrong, 3 times, at 3 different speeds?05:08
FunnyLookinHatdadgumit, maybe there is something I can ehlp with?05:08
linopilbe modest not shy .. Ask!05:08
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SeraVitaefrom ubuntu.com05:08
sharmsSeraVitae: how did you burn it?05:08
pauldaouststopher: if you go 'sudo apt-get install gzip' what happens?05:08
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dadgumitmy current issue is I can't get 3d rendering to workindapper (Although it worked in breezy, which ihad to install becasue of a borked installer in dapper, needed to upgrad)05:08
SeraVitaewith nero05:08
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SeraVitaelike i always do..05:08
pauldaouststopher: cuz that's really odd05:08
kaotsynd2: i mean it can't help that you're trying to put UDP through NAT, but i haven't seen that cause too much of a problem.05:08
sharmsSeraVitae: describe the process for me05:08
sri_he any one tell about where the python discussion takes place?05:08
FunnyLookinHatdadgumit, what video card?05:08
SeraVitaei even copied the cd back to the pc to check if the disc didnt burn right, but it copied fine.05:08
sharmssri_: #python.05:08
dadgumitFunnylookingHat, not really asus a8r-mvp, x800xl radeon, amd 3800+05:09
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stopherpauldaoust: ill check, but im running a script and can't get to prompt atm05:09
sri_sharms, ok o will try it05:09
dadgumitfunnylookinghat: nothing out there really05:09
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sharmsSeraVitae: describe the steps to burn05:09
digitalhav0c /msg NickServ IDENTIFY gateway198305:09
SeraVitaesharms - badger cd works fine, 3x dapper cds verified, via md5, manual copying, burnt at different speeds all hang at checking filesystem.squashfs05:09
stopherpauldaoust: wehre is the server config file located? /www/conf/httpd.conf right?05:09
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FunnyLookinHatdadgumit, oooh dang, ATI.  Have you tried installing the video driver via the howto that is on wiki.ubuntu.com?05:09
synd2kaot: Whatcha mean "UDP through NAT" ?05:09
SeraVitaethe iso contains a huge 600MB+ file called filesystem.squashfs which i assume is the livecd image.05:09
linopildigitalhav0c: you just told us your password05:09
linopilnot smart05:09
pauldaouststopher: Apache 1 or 2?05:10
sri_sharms, there is a mess like unknown host.my be u misplaced it??05:10
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digitalhav0coh wow05:10
stopherpauldaoust: 2.005:10
digitalhav0chow do i change it05:10
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etraskhi, is there a way to install Ubuntu from the "Desktop Install CD" from outside the x environment? basically I want to use the old-style partitioner, the same as the one on the Server Install CD05:10
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dadgumitFunnyLookinHat: yes, worked for me in breezy not in dapper05:10
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sharmssri_,: type /join #python05:10
SeraVitaesharms - also, other people have complained about this issue, when trying to load ubuntu from USB sticks, and also using 650mb cdrs to burn the iso which needs 700mb cdrs.05:10
dr_willisetrask,  ya could always run the old partitioner.05:10
SeraVitaehowever i am using 700mb cdrs.05:10
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FunnyLookinHatetrask, there is another installation CD you can download that is not a liveCD (i.e. classic text based installer) but it isn't recommended (not sure why)05:10
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pauldaouststopher: /etc/apache2/ I think. I just discovered I don't have Apache installed right now.05:10
CurtisBsharms - i did ask my specific question twicw with no reply...05:10
CurtisBGrub Question! -- where does it get it's "defaults"? When I installed the 686 kernel apparently grub was invoked by the dpkg or something, and it messed up my menu.lst (changed hd(0,0) to hd(1,0)... I'm not sure why05:10
linopilno space b4 /msg05:10
SeraVitaeim going to go check it on another pc now.05:10
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MTecknology_How do I open rar files?05:11
sharmsSeraVitae: I am confused by your description.  Where do you see squashfs and does the live cd boot and a menu come up?05:11
FunnyLookinHatdadgumit, hold on, I think there are some different things to do from breezy vs. dapper, let me check05:11
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto05:11
digitalhav0cType /msg NickServ IDENTIFY gateway198305:11
stopherthat worked, thanks pauldaoust05:11
kaotsynd2: dns lookups usually work via UDP, a stateless protocol, which means connection-tracking is tricky.  NAT needs connection tracking to figure out what traffic goes where on your internal network.05:11
etraskFunnyLookinHat: that's exactly the installer i'm looking for...05:11
pauldaouststopher: and in Debian/Ubuntu, instead of having a monolithic httpd.conf files, the configuration is broken into a bunch of files and directories.05:11
etraskand i didn't think i got the LiveCD05:11
sharmsCurtisB: each time you install a kernel ubuntu updates menu.lst05:11
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pauldaouststopher: the apache thingy worked, or the gzip thingy?05:11
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digitalhav0cunknown switch passwd05:11
sri_sharms, #python :You need to be identified to join that05:11
kaotsynd2: it still works 99% of the time though05:11
etrasksays here ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso05:11
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pauldaoustHEY, FOLKS. on a different note, has anyone tried the sitadelle.ath.cx repository (for installing freevo dependencies) lately? It appears to be down, and I'm wondering if it's gone for good.05:12
sharmsCurtisB: it sounds like in your case, you didn't read the comments, and put your personal settings inbetween the automagic kernels section05:12
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sri_sharms, what that about?05:12
FunnyLookinHatdadgumit, ooh yea, the directions are different.  I assume you followed the directions specific to dapper, right?05:12
sharmsCurtisB: read the file more carefully and try again.05:12
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sharmssri_: /msg nickserv help05:12
FunnyLookinHatdadgumit, I don't doubt that you did, i'm just trying to help05:12
dadgumitfunnylookinhat: don't know if it matters ut I have to boot into an older version of the kernel to be function05:12
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stopherboth pauldaoust05:12
CurtisBsharms - okay, thanks05:12
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synd2kaot: I've noticed when I'm on one website, once I get thru to it, I can navigate inside the site fine. When I try to goto a totally new/different site, it hangs. But once I get thru, it works normally05:12
pauldaouststopher: excellent. Although I'll probably never understand why it wasn't there in the first place.05:12
FunnyLookinHatdadgumit, ooh, that's a problem.   Definitely.05:13
pauldaouststopher: are you in a text-only environment?05:13
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linopildigitalhav0c:  /msg nickserv set password05:13
nezzariHmmm, I seem to be having trouble with my Nvidia drivers...I tried restoring the backup generated by the Nvidia installer but it still won't work.05:13
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nezzariX refuses to start/05:13
FunnyLookinHatdadgumit, Because the graphics driver depends directly on the kernel being solid and having all the source/headers installed05:13
stopheryes pauldaoust05:13
stopherim installing frontpage extensions actually05:13
stopherit's still not working05:13
digitalhav0cthanks linopil05:13
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pauldaoustare you at the server, or are you SSHing into it?05:13
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D-Is it possible to burn a Ubuntu iso to a DVD-R?05:13
stopherat the server pauldaoust05:13
dadgumitFunnylooking: I know, i appreciate the help, this community is great, hopei dint give other impression. So am I SOL? because I dont' think the current kernel works with my motherboard :(05:13
mjrdadgumit, yes05:14
kaotsynd2: because your browser will (I believe) cache the host IP you're talking to so you don't have to keep looking it up.  Additionally it will keep a single continuous session alive with that webserver.05:14
mjrD-, yes05:14
kaotsynd2: it's the inital host lookup slowing you down05:14
D-mjr, could you explain please?05:14
synd2kaot: I see05:14
D-I am having issues05:14
kaotsynd2: i'm doing some googling right now05:14
sharmsdadgumit: wait05:14
stopheri don't think i installed the frontpage extensions in the right place.05:14
FunnyLookinHatdadgumit, no you aren't SOL yet.   I mean, if I were you I would try re-installing dapper and installing the drivers and everything again after getting all of your kernel updates05:14
sharmsdadgumit: which kind of error are you experiencing05:14
TraeIs there a good GUI CVS client for Ubuntu?05:14
pauldaouststopher: one little trick for the future: if you're in the middle of a script and need to go do something else, you can press <ctrl-alt-F2> or <ctrl-alt-F3> or <ctrl-alt-F4>, etc. You have a bunch of virtual terminals, and you can have all sorts of things running concurrently on them.05:14
FunnyLookinHatdadgumit, your motherboard, I guaruntee, is supported...05:14
Traesans java05:15
jjrossMTecknology_,  look in synaptic for unrar05:15
kazukisanis there a easyer way of doing 32 bit applications on 64 bit then chrooting  ?05:15
stopherwow...thanks for the tip pauldaoust05:15
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FunnyLookinHatdadgumit, it sounds liek one of your kernel updates went nassty and caused most of this issue05:15
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sharmsFunnyLookinHat: I went over a bug report a few days ago, it was also an asus, he may have to disable acpi05:15
FunnyLookinHatsharms, ahhh crapz.05:15
pauldaouststopher: yeah, it's pretty nifty.05:15
sharmsnot sure though, I missed his earilier text05:15
FunnyLookinHatsharms, you have the link to the bug report for dadgumit ?05:16
dadgumitFunnyLookinHat sharms, I can't install dapper, i have to upgrade from breezy to even get operational. If I use the most current kernel (or the one that shipped with dapper) I get a pnpbios error05:16
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stopherpauldaoust: i installed frontpage extensions in /usr/local/frontpage   where the instructions said to, but i still can't load frontpage files05:16
sharmsdadgumit: you need to have linux boot with the no acpi option05:16
dadgumitsharms FunnyLookinHat: it's not the acpi, I went over that hurdle already05:16
stopherwierd enough05:16
ryantriphey, does ubuntu have a configurable firewall?05:16
pauldaouststopher: so, the FrontPage extensions you're trying to install... I've never had to deal with that sort of issue. What are they called and where do you get them from?05:17
sharmsdadgumit: were you the one who filed the bug report?05:17
D-mjr, do I have to configure the iso file in some way?05:17
kazukisanis there a easyer way of doing 32 bit applications on 64 bit then chrooting  ?05:17
FunnyLookinHatdadgumit, pnpbios...   not good.  : (05:17
stopherthey are three files, two in tar.gz's05:17
mjrD-, no05:17
D-otherwise Nero is not letting me burn it05:17
DShepherdryantrip: not by default.. no. but you can install one if you want05:17
D-to a CD-R05:17
stopherpauldaoust i had to search for them cuz microsoft stopped distributing them05:17
digitalhav0cryantrip, firestarter05:17
dadgumitsharms, i googled my way past tat prolem, mine, is a pnpbios: resource structure does not contain an end tag (or something along those lines)05:17
pauldaouststopher: ohhhh05:17
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ardchoilleryantrip: Ubuntu uses iptables for the firewall. You can install Firestarter for a ui front-end to iptables05:18
dadgumitsharms: maybe I should file this bug report then?05:18
digitalhav0coh yeah iptables05:18
ryantripok cool thanks05:18
SeraVitaesharms, sorry i was away. i just verified the same cd i am using in another computer - it checks fine.05:18
mjrD-, well, that's a nero problem then, and I don't know nero05:18
D-I tried extracting the files in the ISO and burning them with nero, but the DVD would not boot after that05:18
stopherpauldaoust: one more thing, i installed samba, but can't login with network neighborhood on windows, any ideas on something like that?05:18
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dadgumitman, lap top keyboard is a killer05:18
sharmsSeraVitae: I am confused by your description.  Where do you see squashfs and does the live cd boot and a menu come up?05:18
SeraVitaeubuntu halts during the checking process.05:18
mjrD-, no, it wouldn't like that05:18
SeraVitaesharms  - squashfs comes up during live cd boot --> check cd05:18
D-I figures something with the boot sector...05:18
D-embedded in the iso :(05:18
FunnyLookinHatdadgumit, you could try installing with the text-install CD... there's a small chance it would work better.  That's very strange though that the dapper liveCD does not work for you.05:19
SeraVitaealso if i ctrl+alt+f1 to console, sometimes i got I/O errors.05:19
sharmsdadgumit: if you file a bug report make sure to write all the messages down.  File it under installer, and include steps to reproduce (no matter how simple)05:19
dadgumitI know you guys don't wanna hear me whine , but the wah part is that I have about 6 more issues to fix after this one05:19
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pauldaouststopher: yeah. Get angry. That's what I always do when I can't get into a Linux share from Windows :) it doesn't do anything, but it makes me feel better.05:19
D-do you have a recommendation on burning software for windows?05:19
linopilnumlockx installed but neede for login password wht is the right place for numlockx in /etc/rc..which?05:19
ryantripdoes ubuntu also have a gui for creating ftp servers?05:19
dadgumitFunnyLookinHat: nope, been there, done that, same issues05:19
pauldaouststopher: what version of Windows?05:19
synd2kaot: Any luck? I'm googling as well. You can PM me if you'd like05:19
FunnyLookinHatdadgumit, dang.05:19
stopherpauldaoust: Xp05:19
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FunnyLookinHatdadgumit, why oh why did you have to get ATI?   ; )05:19
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pauldaouststopher: yeah, I figured so.05:19
kaotsynd2: possibly found something on a newsgroup, more info in a second05:19
stopherpauldaoust: LOL05:19
dadgumitFunnyLookinHat sharms: at least these things are helping me know I have been going the corect route05:19
[Ex0r] mm, it appears I have to restart my pc05:19
pauldaoustD-: yeah. thermite. It burns pretty thoroughly. Not a trace left.05:19
stopherpauldaoust: tell me im crazy, please :)05:19
sharmsdadgumit: yeah otherwise the bug nazis will reject it :)05:20
stopherpauldaoust: I can't login as \\ubuntu\kristopher05:20
pauldaouststopher: I've had headaches with Ubuntu, Samba, and XP. I can, however, log into Ubuntu shares from my XP box, which is what you seem to be having problems with.05:20
FunnyLookinHatarg.  the bug nazis have rejected several of mine  : )05:20
D-well I need to try that then... aluminum and rust iron oxide correct?05:20
kaotsynd2: yeah, this looks familiar now.  install ethereal, please05:20
SeraVitaeokay this is wierd, now it's checking, getting a few progress bars in, then going backwards.05:20
stopherpauldaoust: yups thats the problem im having05:20
kaotsynd2: going on a hunch here05:20
FunnyLookinHatdadgumit, I have to go for a bit (take a shower and whatnot)   but I may be back later... I doubt I can solve your problem tonight but I'm usually around if you have a quick question to ask05:20
pauldaouststopher: I always have great success using \\\paul (that's my IP addy on the local net; your mileage may vary)05:20
stopherinstead of ubuntu\05:21
dadgumitFunnyLookinHat: preciate it man, i will keep an i out for you when i pop in05:21
dadgumitgona hit the hay myself :(05:21
pauldaouststopher: that's right. sometimes Windows can't see the Ubuntu share because Ubuntu isn't advertising itself properly.05:21
FunnyLookinHatdadgumit, I'm really dissapointed to see that dapper isn't working well for you.  : (   (Don't tell anyone I said to try this, but you could give SUSE a try... their package management sucks but it may at least solve some of your other problems?)05:21
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TheMoebiusso I'm trying to eject my ipod and it says "Writing data to storage device ZAC'S IPOD, please do not remove the device while this operation is in progress." But its been sitting there for a while and not moving05:21
FunnyLookinHatTheMoebius, gtkPod?05:21
pauldaouststopher: have you had any luck searching for your Ubuntu computer by going 'View Entire Network' (or whatever it's called)?05:22
stopher\\\kristopher  YOU MUST USE: username/username@domaon/\\SERVER\username05:22
dadgumitFunnyLookinHat I actually had thought about it, but I really wanna see if I can get ubuntu up because of the community around it05:22
D-:( I really dont keep up with burning software at all for windows, nero has worked fine for most times. If anyone has one they like I want to know otherwise I will google it :(05:22
lepineis there a way to have the included vnc server run at all times, even when no on is logged in?05:22
FunnyLookinHatdadgumit, : )05:22
stopheryes pauldaoust, doing that now to login05:22
FunnyLookinHatdadgumit, good call05:22
yipethat's because Ubuntu is comfortable in it's own skin and doesn't feel the need to brag05:22
lepine( therefore show to logon screen )05:22
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dadgumitgonna keep up the good fight for a coople more days at least05:22
=== yipe types too slow
SeraVitaewell, i just checked the cd works in my other pc.. and here it's still freezing. wierd thing is ive been using these cds on both pcs with no problems at all.05:22
TheMoebiusFunnyLookinHat: was using amoraK, but I disconnected it from there and then it told me it was synced and i should unmount and disconnect it05:22
SeraVitaeholy what the hell05:22
dadgumitLMAO at these screen savers with no 3d rendering05:22
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dadgumitthat is hilarius05:23
SeraVitaeokay now the cd works?!? i didnt even do anything :(05:23
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pauldaouststopher: hum. Weird. I can always do it by typing the username without the domain.05:23
kaotdadgumit: it's a screensaver, not quake. what do you need 3d rendering for?05:23
[Ex0r] TheMoebius, kill the process using it ?05:23
FunnyLookinHatTheMoebius, try unmounting it and see if it's all good.  If not, you should give Banshee a try, a few of my friends in my LUG have said it works really well with iPod support05:23
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FunnyLookinHatTheMoebius, it's an iTunes clone, basically.05:23
SeraVitaeHahahha. You know what it is. There's a bug in the process bar.05:23
SeraVitaeIt doesn't report correctly.05:23
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synd2kaot: Installed05:24
SeraVitaeMaking me think it's hung for 5 minutes, when really it's supposed to show stuff.05:24
lepineis there a way to have the integrated vnc server run at all times, even when no one is logged in, thus seeing ubuntu's logon screen?05:24
synd2kaot: And running05:24
dadgumitkaot: don't NEED it, just funny to see it move so slow after it was moving fast in breezy, it is a 3d rendered screensaver.05:24
SelfHarmhow do i install qt?05:24
kaotsynd2: k, fire that thing up, start a capture on your internet interface, and try to load a new website that you hven't been to in the last few hours05:24
BHSPitMonkeyhas anyone had any luck with webcam support? when I try to get a feed from mine, the system freezes. hard.05:24
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ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras05:25
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ryantripwould ubuntu work better than window 98 on a 433 mhz computer?05:25
FunnyLookinHatBHSPitMonkey, Follow those instructions maybe?05:25
ubotuI know nothing about remote05:25
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dadgumitkaot: plus, if I had it for the screensaver, i would have it for teh quake05:25
ubotuvnc is a way of doing remote desktop.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !freenx.05:25
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kaotdadgumit: ah yeh, it's like watching a slideshow :\05:25
BHSPitMonkeygotta love ubotu...05:25
FunnyLookinHatBHSPitMonkey, oh I know I do   : )05:25
mjrryantrip, depends on the memory05:25
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dr_willisryantrip,  i used ubuntu on a Pent 1 - 100mhz laptop and it worked.. i did use a very minimal window manager.. so yes. it CAN work better.05:25
ryantripmjr 190mb05:25
nigel_good night05:25
nigel_or good whatever the time is05:25
SeraVitaeOkay, this is so wierd. I just booted the cd to check it, checked fine, now the cd won't boot. *sigh*05:25
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ryantripdr_willis ok cool05:25
nigel_i have ubuntu05:26
kaotsynd2: also stop the capture after you've started loading the site.  they get big, fast05:26
natan-lepine - go over to the nomachine website and download their server/client/node and run that its alot better than vnc05:26
mjrryantrip, hm, could work well enough. Especially if you use xfce instead of gnome, but even with.05:26
nigel_i upgraded and put in kubuntu05:26
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nigel_you know , for the bundled kde programs05:26
BHSPitMonkeymy brother's computer has 64MB of memory, win98 runs on it well, but linux distros I've tried have trouble. Xubuntu, for example05:26
ryantripmjr u men like kubuntu?05:26
stopherpauldaoust must just be me05:26
nigel_and i notice that the loading and shutting down pages05:26
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nigel_the pictures changed from the ubuntu logo , to the kubuntu05:26
nigel_any way i can change that back ?05:26
D-DOH, I feel dumb... of course there is a little drop down box at the top left where I select CD or DVD... Sorry for totally wasting you guy's time...05:26
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natan-BHSPitMonkey - even on win98 64 megs of ram is pushing it :P05:27
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[Ex0r] ryantrip, I think performance wise, 98 will be faster, as 98 was designed to run on older 125mhz cpu's, but linux is always more stable05:27
phunkalicioushullo peoples :D05:27
pauldaouststopher: naw, it's not just you... I always used to have tons of problems. I could tell you exactly where to go if you were in graphical mode in Ubuntu, buuuuut......05:27
synd2kaot: I'm not sure how exactly to do this (I've never done this before)05:27
yipedon't be embarrased D-05:27
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nigel_natan - ive done that..and nothing went wrong..except for windows , but thats normal05:27
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stopherlol exactly05:27
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ToHellWithGAcould i use the edubuntu icons on vanilla ubuntu?05:27
stopheri can do sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf05:27
ToHellWithGAi found them really cute05:27
TheMoebiusok my other problem is that I somehow deleted my Trash, as silly as that sounds. I wanted to empty it so I right-clicked on it and didn't see anything about empty trash so I choose move to trash and now its gone05:27
synd2kaot: I went to Capture > Options05:27
BHSPitMonkeynatan-, that computer is a frankenstein... it doesn't even have a proper case :P05:27
ryantrip[Ex0r] : i have 433 mhz though05:28
yipethe mouse is pretty cute05:28
BHSPitMonkeyit was built out of parts I found as I was cleaning my room05:28
kaotsynd2: nah, just click on the icon right under "file"05:28
synd2kaot: I suppose eth1 goes somewhere?05:28
natan-i mean thats not even close to a modern computer05:28
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[Ex0r] ryantrip, that's what I said. Windows 98 was designed for 125mhz cpu's, so 433 would be completely fast for win9805:28
natan-that thing is probably atleast 10 years old05:28
SelfHarmcan i do apt-get and specify the site without changing sources file?05:28
pauldaoustTheMoebius: um! if you go into a terminal and type ls ~/.Trash what do you see?05:28
[Ex0r] time to restart05:28
ryantrip[Ex0r] : oh ok05:28
synd2kaot: I clicked and went to a site, but I didn't see anything happen in Ethereal05:29
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kaotsynd2: back up a sec.  so you clicked on taht icon, the second window popped up, listing your interfaces and packet counts05:30
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kaotsynd2: from there, you want to hit "start" next to your internet iface05:30
synd2kaot: I clicked on the icon under File05:30
kaoteth0 or eth1 or whatever05:30
Rizzo_Awsome ubuntu running on vmware!05:30
TheMoebiuspauldaoust: yeah all the files that I've trashed are still there but the icon isn't on the desktop anymore05:30
kaotsynd2: that actualy starts the capture05:30
ceruleantigerfor some reason, Xorg takes 100% of my CPU, and I have no idea why. What are some common causes of this? It never happened until I installed korean language support for some students staying with me05:30
kaotafter you've done that, load a website05:30
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pauldaouststopher: I'm not quite sure what to do with your FrontPage thingy... I've always been content with plain LAMP, using FTP for uploading... I'm gonna hafta pass this one up. sorry.05:30
kaotsynd2: we want to catch it when it's going slow, so if it pops right up, try a different one05:30
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synd2kaot: I don't see any interfaces05:30
pauldaoustTheMoebius: ah, that's (relatively) easy.05:31
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:31
pauldaoustTheMoebius: one sec05:31
kaotsynd2: oh, you have to sudo it.  sorry about that05:31
kaotsynd2: duh.05:31
stopherpauldaoust: it's okay :)05:31
kaotsynd2: hopefully you don't have massive lan traffic going on right now, and the only stuff on the wire is gonna be this IRC traffic, otherwise it'll get messy05:31
pauldaoustTheMoebius: in your terminal, go gconf-editor (I don't know why the Ubuntu folk deemed it necessary to remove it from the Applications menu)05:32
synd2kaot: Yeah, the only thing going on now is this IRC05:32
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kaotsynd2: k good05:32
dr_willispauldaoust,  in the name of 'user friendlyness'05:32
synd2(Roommates are gone)05:32
sorcreCould someone help me for a second? After installing the Nvidia drivers X refused to start so I installed Nvidia-glx. It seems to work fine but whenever I restart my pc I get an X error and have to reinstall it.05:32
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pauldaoustdr_willis: I can kinda understand it and kinda not. Ah well.05:32
synd2kaot: So click that button and goto a site?05:32
sorcreCould someone direct me to a guide for completely removing the Nvidia drivers?05:32
TheMoebiuspauldaoust: ok, I'm with you05:32
drcodehi all05:32
kaotsynd2: yeah, click "start" and then try to load a site.  again, we want it slow, if it loads right up that doesn't show us what the problem is05:32
pauldaoustdr_willis: I suppose nobody complains about the absence of regedit from the Start menu in Windows, yet we all use it05:32
drcodeany one know freeware or open source video chat server?05:33
Evilscientistquestion:  if I want to set up a linux based "exchange server" for my outlook....what's the program I need?05:33
dr_willispauldaoust,  i rarely do :P lol05:33
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pauldaoustTheMoebius: navigate to /apps/nautilus/desktop in the configuration editor05:33
pauldaoustdr_willis: ah, but that's probably because you rarely use Windows.... .right? ;)05:33
ToHellWithGAwhen i say "edubuntu icons in regular ubuntu" you say "sure i'll help you with that ToHellWithGA"05:33
synd2kaot: Ok05:33
ToHellWithGAedubuntu icons in regular ubuntu05:33
dr_willispauldaoust,  heh - dont get me started on windows. :)05:33
pauldaoustdr_willis: :)05:33
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kaotsynd2: then stop the capture once the page starts actually loading05:33
SelfHarmanyone ever get GRUB error 18?05:34
Evilscientistmeh...any opinion of windows in this channel is biased! ;)05:34
pauldaoustTheMoebius: when you're there, in the right pane you'll see a list of options for the desktop. One should be trash_icon_visible, which I'm hoping is unchecked (otherwise I have no idea where your trash has gone!)05:34
ToHellWithGAedubuntu icons in regular ubuntu05:34
pauldaoustEvilscientist: Horrors! I can't believe you'd think we're so prejudiced!05:34
Evilscientistso...no one knows about exchange server I assume.05:35
ToHellWithGA.me thinks yall have heard the "when i say 'x!' you say 'y!'" "x!" "y!" "x!" "y!" form05:35
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pauldaoustTheMoebius: anyway, make sure trash_icon_visible is checked. Then close configuration editor. Change should be immediate, but you may need to log out and back in again.05:35
dr_willisnot me05:35
TheMoebiuspauldaoust: ah yes, thats it - thanks!05:35
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fowlduckEvilscientist, hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa05:35
phunkaliciouswhat about exchange :/05:35
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GentoonCan someone help me fix my grub??05:35
pauldaoustTheMoebius: no problem.05:35
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pauldaoustGentoon: why yes; I'm quite an accomplished chef myself.05:35
Evilscientistwanna set up an exchange server for shit and giggles (and backup)05:35
GentoonWe got it installed to the MBR but it wont boot windows or linux?05:35
kaotsynd2: what's the deal there?05:35
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phunkalicioushave you ever set up an exchange server? theres nothing giggly about it :(05:36
Evilscientisthave a samba server pdc set up....what do I need to add exchange...??....05:36
stopherpauldaoust: w00t im in my samba!05:36
Evilscientistno...never set one up.05:36
phunkaliciousumm...a windows box? lol :D05:36
pauldaoustGentoon: sorry; don't know anything about grub; I just wanted to make a bad pun.05:36
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pauldaouststopher: rockin'. How did you do it?05:36
Gentoonsays cant mount device and when we try windows  just loops back to the menu05:36
synd2kaot: One sec, should I pastebin the output?05:36
stopheri took out \\server\username required05:36
kaotsynd2: yeah go for it05:36
Evilscientistokay....linux equivalent to exchange server....GGGEEZZ!05:36
pauldaoustGentoon: when did you install Windows? before Linux?05:37
stophernot what i wanted but it worked05:37
GentoonAnyone good with grub??05:37
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pauldaouststopher: hey, whatever works.05:37
kaotmmm.  big ugly packet dumps.  yay?05:37
Gentoonpauldaoust: no before it all worked finr till I broke my grub05:37
sorcreDoes anyone know how to remove the Nvidia drivers from Nvidia.com ?05:37
Evilscientisthey I can't even INSTALL them....sigh.05:37
pauldaoustgentoon: hm. I think it may be a configuration issue, because grub still does its thing and then tries to pass off control to the OS.05:37
GentoonAnyone grub...05:37
stopherpauldaoust: exactly :)05:37
stopherpauldaoust: thanks for your help :)05:37
drcodeany idea?05:38
drcodeis there video chat server in linux?05:38
Gentoonpauldaoust: ya I just need to tweak my .lst but dunno what tweaks to make05:38
tichi like to watch movies but i hate when the silent part are so quiet you can't hear them and the load parts blow your eardrums to smitherines-- is there some way to level the volume so that a movie always stays within a certain range?05:38
pauldaoustgentoon: could you paste your /boot/grub/grub.conf into the #flood channel here on freenode.net?05:38
phunkaliciousumm i don't know if there is a direct exchagne equivalent, maybe hula?05:38
GentoonIll paste it to #Foobar2205:39
phunkaliciousyou probably have to hack together postfix and then some calendaring thing05:39
tich(loud not load)05:39
pauldaoustGentoon: kay, wait a sec; I'm not there yet05:39
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Evilscientistanyone tried open xchange?05:39
kaotoh crap i missed the allstar game05:40
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synd2kaot: Actually I"m not sure how to put this on a pastebin05:40
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kaotsynd hang on watching allstar game highlights05:41
pauldaoustdoooooooooes anybody know what's up with the sitadelle.ath.cx repository? it appears down, but I don't know if it's gone for good or not. I really wanna try out Freevo, which relies on packages from sitadelle.ath.cx05:41
synd2kaot: Ok05:41
ToHellWithGAi would like to check which packages i have installed *and* which packages are installed by default so i can figure out what i've added to setup somebody else's box very similar to mine05:41
kaotcoo AL won05:41
kaotsynd2: alright hang on gonna see if there's a way to pull a txt file out of that05:42
FunnyHat_Awaykaot, AL won?!   SWEEET05:42
FunnyHat_Awaygo white sox!05:42
FunnyHat_Away(still away)05:42
brainsikToHellWithGA: what do you mean by "default" .. during the install process you usually say what kind of packages to install05:43
kaotsynd2: you still got ethereal open?05:43
brainsikToHellWithGA: the closest you could get is the list of essential packages05:43
synd2kaot: Yea05:43
ToHellWithGAbrainsik: something like that05:43
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ToHellWithGAi know every time i install i have to get build essential and *-dev05:43
kaotsynd2: file -> save as -> file type libpcap ( i think that's default), name it, and email it to me05:43
brainsikToHellWithGA: easier would just be to get your list and their list and see what's missing, don't worry about the "default"05:44
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SurfnKidok i have installed xchat GNOME IRC, started it and changed the transparency background, suddenly poof, its gone, and i cant restart it, should i remove the .xchat... dir?05:44
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ToHellWithGAbrainsik: so any overlap won't cause problems?05:44
lepinehow do you enable the xdmcp protocol in the 'terminal server client' ?05:44
brainsikToHellWithGA: problems with what?05:45
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ubotuI know nothing about xdmcp05:45
ubotuI know nothing about xdm05:45
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ToHellWithGAsuch as a 386 kernel installing by default and me now using a 686smp kernel05:45
brainsikToHellWithGA: hmm05:45
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lepinedoes anyone know more about terminal server client + xdmcp the ubotu?05:46
t0ddwhenever I type ifconfig eth1 up I get "SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory" ..has anyone encountered this problem before? : (05:46
brainsikToHellWithGA: my guess is there aren't many things like that.. but, it doesn't really matter if both kernels are installed05:46
ToHellWithGAi'd be worried that installing from a beastly list of packages could be a bad thing if some of the low-level stuff doesn't match up05:46
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brainsikToHellWithGA: that's what dependencies are for :)05:46
synd2kaot: I need an email addy05:46
ToHellWithGA.me puts his faith in dependencies and will just give it a go05:47
kaotsynd2: you get that privmsg?05:47
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brainsikToHellWithGA: debian dependencies are awesome .. i assume Ubuntu is basically the same05:47
SurfnKidt0dd, what card?05:47
t0ddBroadcom 430605:47
synd2kaot: Sent05:47
SurfnKidperfect i have that one05:47
brainsikToHellWithGA: anyway, to get a list of installed packages, you can run this on the command line: dpkg -l | grep '^ii '05:48
SurfnKidPM me05:48
kaotsynd2: k stand by05:48
ardchoillekaot: synd2 isn't id'd so probably not able to reply to your pm05:48
ToHellWithGAthanks brainsik05:48
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kaotardchoille: ya no biggie05:48
brainsikToHellWithGA: or this for something cleaner: dpkg -l | grep '^ii ' | cut -f 3 -d ' '05:48
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BHSPitMonkeythis installation script prompts a "su" during it05:49
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_nano_Hi, how do I associate a key board shortcut to console window. like if i press that shortcut the console window comes to focus, and if there is no console window already loaded, it loads one05:49
BHSPitMonkeybut I don't know the root password :S05:49
ToHellWithGAbrainsik: does that carrot in '^ii ' indicate a new line?05:49
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brainsikToHellWithGA: indicates the beginning of a line05:50
lepinehow do you enable XDMCP in the terminal service client thing?05:50
ardchoilleBHSPitMonkey: which script?05:50
BHSPitMonkeyardchoille, the one for quickcam webcams.05:50
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ToHellWithGAthanks a bundle.  you taught me a new command and a new regexp05:50
_nano_Hi, how do i associate a shortcut to the console window? like if I press that shortcut the console window comes to focus(if there's already one loaded, or a new one gets loaded if there is none)05:50
brainsikToHellWithGA: :) cool!05:51
BHSPitMonkeyif I run the script with sudo, it tells me it wants me to run the script as user instead05:51
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olrrai_1how to auto "up" an interface when ubuntu starts?05:51
BHSPitMonkeyso I do, and this su is a pain05:51
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kaotsynd2: hm.  filesize 0.  you sure you did that right?05:51
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stopherpauldaoust: If you want logons with samba you need to run: sudo smbpasswd -a <USERNAME>  then follow the on-screen instructions, it will add you to the 'accessable' list05:51
LoneWlfdoes anyone know what to do about issues with firefox locking up?05:52
LoneWlfTis truly inconvenient05:52
natan-is there a hotkey by default to switch desktops?05:52
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stophernatan: try cntrl+alt+f1/f2/f3/f405:52
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Brentendo21Can i get some help plz? after installing XGl all my windows are stuck to the top without title bars!05:52
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olrrai_1natan: ctrol-alt  left or right05:52
MadpilotBrentendo21, try #ubuntu-xgl05:53
spanglesontoastdoes anyone know how to install ubuntu as a server05:53
Brentendo21thx Madpilot05:53
pauldaouststopher: heh, where did you get that tip from? that's a good one05:53
spanglesontoastso I don't have to go through the gui05:53
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olrrai_1spanglesontoast: download the server version05:53
stopherpauldaoust : hehe05:53
stopherpauldaoust : tis a secret05:53
kaotsynd2: still there?05:53
TraeI have installed this: sun-java5-jre05:54
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stopherpauldaoust : :P05:54
TraeI'm trying to run smartcvs05:54
spanglesontoastdo I have to download the server version?05:54
olrrai_1spanglesontoast: download the server version05:54
stopherokay bbiaf05:54
Neon_Gen_EvaAnyone know why only the Root can edit files?  I can't edit any .conf files or any .list files, especially my sources.list file.05:54
synd2kaot: I sent again05:54
spanglesontoastI haven't got any discs05:54
Traeand it's saying this: Warning: /bin/java does not exist05:54
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kaotsynd2: that's better05:54
olrrai_1Neon_Gen_Eva: is the most importand security reason05:55
Traeoctober@cigars:~/Desktop/smartcvs-5_0_4/bin$ which java -> /usr/bin/java05:55
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LoneWlfNeon_Gen_Eva, because they're owned by root perhaps and not your user id?05:55
Neon_Gen_EvaYes, I get that, but I'm the only user on here, but I can't edit anything.05:55
Neon_Gen_Evaso, any way I can convert them to mine?05:55
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kaotsynd2: did you experience slowness while you were capturing this?05:55
Hexidigitalugh... sorry... i must've feel asleep on my keyboard  *blush*05:55
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spanglesontoastguess I'll just have to stick with fedora for a server05:56
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LoneWlfNeon_Gen_Eva, you could install sudo and run things as sudo05:56
spanglesontoastubuntu sucks if I have to get another disc05:56
drcodeno one know about video chat server?05:56
soopspanglesontoast: why?05:56
synd2kaot: Yes05:56
LoneWlfNeon_Gen_Eva, or, you could change the perms to 664 and put yourself in whichever group05:56
soopspanglesontoast: what do you need another disc for?05:56
LoneWlfNeon_Gen_Eva, or you could just change your uid to 005:56
Neon_Gen_Eva..what?  as in terminal use "Sudo apt-get and other related things?05:56
LoneWlfnecrodearia, that's always fun05:56
spanglesontoastI need to get the server version05:56
Neon_Gen_EvaLonewlf, already tried that, no dice, sorry05:56
spanglesontoastwhich sucks05:57
Hexidigitalcan you guys see that?05:57
kaotsynd2: ah yeah, digg.com, about 5 secs?05:57
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ToHellWithGAHexidigital: see what, man?05:57
kaotsynd2: looks like the first request was dropped, took 2 to get a response05:57
Hexidigitalyou dont see my nick saying Hexi?05:57
phunkaliciousshh, we can't see it :|05:57
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Hexidigitalmust be a bug05:57
synd2kaot: Yeah. I did another one and it took 13s05:57
ToHellWithGAi don't see that05:57
Hexidigitalgood... something wierd's going on w/ konversation05:57
LoneWlfNeon_Gen_Eva, find /etc -type f -exec chown <youruserhere> {} \;05:57
LoneWlfNeon_Gen_Eva, but I really don't recommend that05:58
=== Hexidigital thought he was on the verge of getting booted outta #ubuntu
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LoneWlfNeon_Gen_Eva, as it will most probably break things05:58
kaotsynd2: is that one in here?  not seeing it05:58
synd2kaot: No, sending now05:58
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Neon_Gen_EvaWell, it's the only option I have left.  Let me review my others, make sure I checked them all out.05:58
olrrai_1anyone remember how to auto "up" an interface when ubuntu starts?05:58
stopher2if noone has answered it Neon_Gen_Eva: you need to do 'sudo nano <PATH HERE>' in ubuntu text mode05:59
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LoneWlfNeon_Gen_Eva, I wouldn't do it... you're asking form something that doesn't make a bunch of sense... the files you're talking about editting are system files, and should only be updated by the root user05:59
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GentoonAnyone done grub with LVM?05:59
LoneWlfNeon_Gen_Eva, this isn't windows, and there is a REASON for privilege separation here05:59
lepinedoes anyone have a howto on how to enable remote sessions with ubuntu? i've enabled remote logins ( login window, allowed remote, configured xdmcp), but at the client, 'terminal server client', i cannot select the 'xdmcp' protocol, and none of the others work as i wish they did. RDP doesn't work, VNC just gives my my current session. I want a remote LOGIN.05:59
LoneWlfNeon_Gen_Eva, I'm sure that there is a group that you can put yourself in that will give you the permissions that you desire... system, bin, daemon, wheel, something06:00
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Neon_Gen_EvaLonewlf, i'm in the root group06:00
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Neon_Gen_Evaand it does nothing06:00
Neon_Gen_Evaunless i am root user06:00
kaotsynd2: empty06:00
LoneWlfNeon_Gen_Eva, and if you install sudo and config it, then all you have to do is call the editor from the command line, like 'sudo vi /pathtofile' or 'sudo gnotepad /path/to/file'06:00
GentoonANYONE at all done LVM with grub?06:00
LoneWlfNeon_Gen_Eva, and it will temporarily escalate your privelege to root06:00
LoneWlfNeon_Gen_Eva, the other thing that you could do is put sudo in the command line for your editor06:01
stopher2sorry Gentoon, no.06:01
LoneWlfNeon_Gen_Eva, anywho, good luck06:01
Neon_Gen_EvaAhh... great.06:01
stopher2how can ubuntu not come with 'sudo'?06:01
ttyfsckeri am trying to get this easyubuntu to work.. but it gives me an error saying fix broken packages first.. i did apt-get -f install.. nothing is broken.. whats the deal with this?06:02
Neon_Gen_Evait does06:02
Neon_Gen_EvaI have latest version06:02
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Neon_Gen_Evaand I do call files from command line06:02
stopher2then try sudo nano /path/to/file/here06:02
synd2kaot: Ok, now06:02
Neon_Gen_Evabut I still can't edit them or save edited ones06:02
stopher2nano is an editor06:02
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synd2kaot: Sorry, having a hard time with this trackpad :/06:02
stopher2then F2 out of it06:02
Neon_Gen_EvaI'll try it then.06:02
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stopher2push Y enter enter to save06:02
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stopher2example: sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf06:03
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=== ttyfscker likes vim better
GaiaX11ttyfscker: You can fix broken packages using synaptic06:03
siriusnovahello can Ubuntu use XFS as its root partition?06:03
ttyfsckerGaiaX11, the thing is that i have no broken packages06:03
siriusnovaif i use the live cd to create a root partition with xfs06:03
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siriusnovainstead of ext306:03
Gentoonstopher2: you know how to setup grub with an lvm drive?06:03
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ttyfsckerGaiaX11, i know all about synaptic.. i prefer using the command line though..06:03
GaiaX11ttyfscker: See in synaptic06:03
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GaiaX11ttyfscker: it can show you that06:04
ttyfsckerso does apt-get -f install06:04
regeyasiriusnova, I doubt it; without knowing at all, I'd bet you'd have to make a separate ext2 /boot.  don't know about any other wrinkles06:04
GentoonWhat script does the Ubuntu installer use to config grub cause its the only way I know how to setup my grub so it works right!06:04
GaiaX11ttyfscker: and if you have them the program will fix06:04
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GentoonAny devs here?06:04
=== jobadiah [n=mike@c-68-51-92-115.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ttyfsckerGaiaX11, yes i know.. it does the same thing as apt-get -f install..06:04
GentoonCan anyone even hear me?06:05
ttyfsckerbut just to make you happy.. synaptic shows no broken packages either06:05
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siriusnovaim sick of fscks every 38 times i reboot06:05
regeyaGentoon, if you were a true gentooer you'd have edited your grub config via nano by now *wink*06:05
GaiaX11ttyfscker: Ok. Only trying to help :-)06:05
regeyasiriusnova tune2fs06:05
ubotuI know nothing about tune2fs06:05
Gentoonregeya: I have tried, this isnt my sn just the pnly reged one I could remember06:05
regeyayou're kidding!06:05
ttyfsckeri know GaiaX11, but im not a n00b heh06:06
lepinecan someone please tell me how to enable xdmcp support for tsclient so i can login remotely to another ubuntu installation?06:06
Gentoonregeya: and i dunno how to rewrite it for LVM06:06
lepinewhile being logged in locally06:06
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kaotsynd2: crap man.  that last time took 5 requests to get a response from DNS06:06
kaotsynd2: both servers, even06:07
GentoonIf I knew what the installer used I could just use that06:07
Gentoonregeya: can you help m please06:07
synd2kaot: Doesn't sound like a good thing06:07
regeyaubotu, no, tune2fs is a utility to tune several asects of ext2 and ext3, including max mount counts, intervals between fscks, and enabling btree hashes.  see 'man tune2fs' for more details.06:07
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kaotsynd2: meh.  and in both cases it was digg causing the slowdown.  i saw no problem from my end06:07
GentoonNo devs?06:07
kaotsynd2: well i shouldn't say "causing" the slowdown, but those were the slow lookups06:07
regeyaGentoon, I haven't used lvm since it was lvm (rather than lvm2) and even then it was a f**ked gentoo install06:07
synd2kaot: Really? Lemme try another site.06:07
=== Tim_B [n=tim@cpe-72-179-2-38.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about tune2fs06:08
jobadiahI installed easyubuntu but when I open the folder that it is in in I see no executable file06:08
Gentoonregeya: Im not installing gentoo06:08
kaotregeya: there's no fscked install like a gentoo fscked install06:08
Gentoonregeya: can you turn off lvm?06:08
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regeyaI take it it's not possible for mere mortals to add facts to ubotu's database.06:08
Gentoonregeya: ubuntu when I had it before configged grub fine automatically06:08
regeya!abuse ubotu06:09
ubotuI know nothing about abuse ubotu06:09
=== Nezzari [n=root@c-68-48-131-239.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Gentoonso I wanna know what it used to do it06:09
regeyaGentoon, I surely wish I knew.  Sorry about the insult, BTW.06:09
Neon_Gen_Evastopher2, it looks like it works now.  Thanks a bundle.06:09
NezzariDoes anyone know how to completely remove all Nvidia drivers?06:09
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GentoonAny Devs in here?06:10
=== justin4thirty [n=justin-l@c-67-169-215-94.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
GentoonI cant boot linux I cant setup LVM in Grub someone please help06:10
aaloonim on my new archos400 handheld06:11
bleakedNeon_Gen_Eva: did you follow a guide of some sort?  if so, couldn't you just remove the packages you installed?06:11
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Neon_Gen_Evableaked, you mean Nezzari.06:11
synd2kaot: Another sent06:11
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kaotsynd2: k.  also note that even tho you just went to digg like, 10 minutes earlier, it had to be looked up all over again.  that's where a local dns cache comes in handy06:12
kaotsynd2: anyhoo lemme look at this one real quick06:12
kaotjeez man that's huge06:12
bleakedaaloon: did you install *nix on it?06:12
aalooni can shh into my ubuntu machine from my handheld.but i cant shh from my pc to my handheld06:12
Dial_tonewhat xterm can I get a borderless window with?06:12
GentoonSo no one can help?06:13
yipeDial_tone, that's not a function of the terminal, it's a function of the window manager06:13
synd2kaot: I see06:13
aaloonim not sure what is th?06:13
=== urbanmonkey [n=rom@CPE000d88875ef6-CM00e06f16a5cc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
yipeif you're on gnome you're using metacity, and metacity can't do borderless windows, but you can download another WM like sawfish, and that can be used within gnome to make borderless windows06:14
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bleakedyipe: not necessarily.. some terminals allow you a minmal display..some allow you to remove the border06:14
catisonhanyone successfully using a backup program with ubuntu?06:14
aaloonwhat is *nix??06:14
Gentoonbleaked: can you help with grub?06:14
bleakedDial_tone: so do you want a borderless window on your terminal, or any window on your desktop?06:15
aaloonjoin #archos06:15
bleakedGentoon: idk, probably not..what's your problem?06:15
Dial_toneI wanted a borderless transparent xterm06:16
lepineis it normal that the terminal server client does not offer me to connect with 'xdmcp' ?06:16
Sirrushaaloon, *NIX is Unix .. Linux .. Minix all those NIX Os's06:16
Dial_tonewith gnome06:16
kaotsynd2: hm.  slow lookups on both primary and secondary ns.  problem isn't what i thought it would be, which is AAAA record queries (ipv6) timing out on NS's not configured to reply to those.06:16
TraeDial_tone, heh06:16
Traeanyone use lincvs?06:16
Gentoonbleaked: lvm with grub06:16
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kaotsynd2: don't even necessarily see a problem, but the 5 second timeout isn't helping06:16
yipebleaked, how is that possible when metacity controls the window features and doesn't allow borderless?06:16
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SirrushGentoon,  logic volume managment06:17
synd2kaot: :/06:17
bleakedyipe: not sure, but it's possible.  have you tried the xfce Terminal?  it does it, regardless of what WM or DE you happen to be running.06:17
unrootingare u able to install mythtv and ivtv on ubuntu?06:17
GentoonSirrush: I guess06:17
kaotsynd2: you could reduce the timeout to something like 2 seconds so when the ns DO drop the queries, it doesn't take as long to retransmit06:17
SirrushGentoon,  http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/06:18
SirrushAlso if you go to section 7.206:18
bleakedGentoon: that's not a problem and/or question.. "lvm with grub" means nothing to me.06:18
soopunrooting: anything can be installed in ubuntu06:18
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bleakedGentoon: or at the very least, it's a vague statement06:18
Sirrushthere is a section for Debian which ubuntu is based off06:18
SirrushI'd give that a try06:18
synd2kaot: Do I do that within Firefox?06:18
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unrootingsoop: oo really i have only used gentoo06:19
kaotsynd2: nah that's handled by the os.  add to your /etc/resolv.conf "option timeout:2"06:19
lepinedoes anyone even have a clue for the xdmcp / remote session thing ?06:19
kaotsynd2: hopefully that doesn't get overwritten next time your lease re-ups06:19
SirrushGentoon,  let me search a bit more see what I can come up with06:20
kaotsynd2: i think there's a "supercede" option in dhclient so that'll stick but i haven't played enough with it06:20
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unrootingi tried ubuntu once but it wasn't in its software loader06:20
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kaotsynd2: plus i'd look at something like a bind or djbdns cache, cuz they're handy anyway06:20
kaotsynd2: but that's a little complicated, i dunno how much time you want to spend on that06:20
synd2kaot: Okay06:21
kaotsynd2: and the boxes i've got that are config'd that way are all down at the moment.  figgers.06:21
GentoonSirrush: thx06:21
=== skituljko [n=skituljk@as54-bc1.dlp39.bih.net.ba] has joined #ubuntu
kaotand i STILL don't know why your linux box is getting slow responses but the others aren't.  the hell.06:21
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kaotsynd2:  you sure no one else is having problems?06:22
Neon_Gen_Evacan someone explain how to close out another session of Ubuntu?  Such as if you hit Ctrl+Alt+F1, but can't seem to logout?06:22
soopunrooting: check www.ubuntuguide.org and google is your friend, i know it was dugg the other day www.digg.com06:22
GentoonSirrush: what was that url again?06:22
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kaot(then again, maybe they've got shorter timeouts.)06:22
synd2kaot: Certain06:22
SirrushGentoon,  http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/06:22
soopneon_: a locally logged on user?06:22
SirrushGentoon,  I am looking at the GRUB documentation aswell06:22
SpAwNhello can anyone help me get my sound working here is some info http://pastebin.ca/85768 ...i have everything in alsamixer up and i have external apmlifier off06:22
=== Touru [n=mango@S010600134688c31b.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
SirrushGentoon, http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/06:22
soopfuck i love dual screens06:23
varsendaggrsoop, language06:23
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SpAwNi have added all the restricted formate stuff06:23
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soopis fuck a bad word?06:23
varsendaggrhey how do i get my scanner working?06:23
Neon_Gen_Evasoop, I mean as in I hit CTRL+Alt+F1 and logged onto the root admin on there, and now I can't get it to logoff there06:23
soopwhy not, whats it doing?06:23
varsendaggrsoop, booger is a bad word06:24
=== khisanth_ [n=Khisanth@pool-71-247-50-148.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Neon_Gen_EvaI don't know06:24
soopneon_: did you try to run something?06:24
Neon_Gen_EvaI tried to move a file06:24
varsendaggrhmmmm i just pluged in the usb06:24
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soopyes booger is very bad its on par with fellatio ... always makes me think of an italian man or a ninja turtle06:24
=== Cornellius [n=Alain@142-217-38-112.telebecinternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Neon_Gen_Evaand it just sort of... died,. or something.06:24
soopneon_: how big was the file?06:25
neon_soop>, run something what?06:25
Neon_Gen_Evano commands do anything06:25
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Neon_Gen_Evait was just a backup of my sources.list06:25
neon_soop: what file men?06:25
=== Chewman [n=griffith@24-116-201-78.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
Neon_Gen_Evaso not that big06:25
=== wes [n=wes@ip68-108-198-20.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
soopneon_: sorry man didn't realize you were here as well, i was hoping it'd nick complete on neon_gen06:25
wesAnyone in Arizona?06:25
soopNeon_Gen_Eva: can you get to  a console06:25
SirrushHey wes06:25
Sirrushlol I'm in AZ06:25
SirrushFellow Zonie I see06:25
soopaz is for lovers06:25
neon_soop,  no problem men!06:25
Neon_Gen_Evanono, it's like a full screen terminal.  No Gui.06:26
weswhat part?06:26
=== rob138 [n=rob@adsl-69-232-194-131.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
soopneon_: can you get into another one06:26
=== reemusk [n=reemusk@h69-128-247-230.69-128.unk.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
Neon_Gen_EvaI get it06:26
SirrushEast Valley yourself?06:26
soopwhen in that console type df06:26
weswest valley06:26
sooptype it twice06:26
soopsee if your disk space changes06:26
wesm or f?06:26
Neon_Gen_Evahold on a sec06:26
soopmaybe its still moving the file06:26
soopif all else fails ctl-c the thing06:26
Sirrushwes, nice an hot right now ;)06:26
SirrushI'm a male06:26
soopman are people picking people up in #ubuntu?06:26
soopthats just wrong06:26
Sirrushlol soop06:27
soopits a circle of friendship06:27
Neon_Gen_EvaNo dice on the df-df06:27
soopnot some swingers party06:27
SirrushLinux geeks unite06:27
Neon_Gen_Evai'll try a ctrr c06:27
soopneon_: in the locked terminal do ctl-c06:27
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Neon_Gen_Evagot it06:27
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soopfsck, would one of you change your nicks? :)06:27
Neon_Gen_Evaall fivxed06:27
Neon_Gen_Evathanks a lot06:27
=== eternalsword [n=eternals@cpe-24-166-104-243.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
n30nsoop, jejeje :P06:27
soopNeon_Gen_Eva: ctl-c is kinda like kill process06:27
robo'lo all06:27
eternalswordanyone know how to allow a program to overlap gnome-panels?06:28
Neon_Gen_EvaWell, I've learned somethign new today06:28
=== wims [n=wims@209.84-48-216.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
Sirrushsoop,  I took a CompTia Linux+ class there was acutally one hot lookin chick there06:28
=== dibblego [n=nobody@CPE-61-9-214-69.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
roboim trying to add an IDE RAID card to my debian distro, but it seems that when i add the card, the PCI bus is intitialized prior to the IDE bus, and so the drives that are attached become hda, there-by not allowing me to boot from the drive that should be hda on the on-motherboard primary IDE controller06:28
soopoh dude, we just hired the sickest looking machinist06:28
soopshe's 19 and hot ...06:28
soopimagine a hot 19 year old chick coveralls around the waste, turning metal on a lathe all day without a/c06:28
=== codergeek42_ [n=peter@gentoo/developer/codergeek42] has joined #ubuntu
IcemanV9soop, Sirrush: plz in #ubuntu-offtopic 06:29
robosoop: what kind of machine work do you do?06:29
soopIcemanV9: sorry for interrupting your conversation06:29
dibblegoon the front of my Dell laptop, I have a series of audio controlling buttons - only the volume ones work with xmms - is it possible to get the others working?06:29
SirrushSorry IcemanV906:29
sooprobo: sysadmin for an evil oil company, we make pump jacks etc.06:29
soopdibblego: what buttons?06:29
soopplay, etc?06:29
SeraVitaedibblego - yeah06:29
dibblegosoop, play, pause, next track, previous track, stop06:29
SeraVitaeyou just need to find out what keyboard code is sent06:29
SeraVitaethere is a tool to do that, because i did something similar on nix ages ago06:30
SpAwNcan anyone help me get my sound working here is some info http://pastebin.ca/85768 ...i have everything in alsamixer up and i have external apmlifier off06:30
dibblegoSeraVitae, that's what I guessed06:30
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soopcould just drop to a console and look for the response couldnt you? or gedit or pico or something?06:30
robosoop: nice, chick machinists are like angels06:30
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:30
NewbuntuMy linux archos handheld has voip PChone software and wifi built-in, I was wondering if I ordered voip service, can I make calls from my handhelds wireless, remotlety (away from home) using my homes voip account?06:30
SirrushGentoon, check out this link might give ya some ideas http://doc.rocklinux.org/wiki/RootOnLVM06:30
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SeraVitaedibblego - it was years ago so i cant really help but i know it can be done, try googling06:30
sooprobo: i ran into her today in the coffee room I just wanted to shake her hand man cuz like damn06:30
=== gage_ [n=gage@c-69-248-38-231.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
soopnot too many women going into the trades these days06:30
naliothrobo: soop: hot sweaty chicks (of any employ) talk in #ubuntu-offtopic please06:31
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GentoonSirrush: what was that url again?06:31
soop: thats the silliest thing i've seen but i'll try06:31
SirrushGentoon, check out this link might give ya some ideas http://doc.rocklinux.org/wiki/RootOnLVM06:31
IcemanV9dibblego: system > preferences > keyboard-shortcuts might work for you?06:31
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dibblegoIcemanV9, maybe - the buttons that aren't working are set to "disabled" - I wonder now what I set them to06:32
robosoop: it sucks cause most hot chicks either have some random baggage or are completely retarded...i find it best to simply keep them as fantacies06:32
naliothrobo: soop is in #ubuntu-offtopic waiting to talk about your subject, please join him06:33
roboanyone have any idea as to how to remedy my deleima?06:33
kaotsynd2: you still there?06:33
IcemanV9dibblego: just press the key and see if it registers or not06:33
dibblegovolume mute is set to 0xa0, volume down 0xae, volume up 0xb006:33
dibblegoIcemanV9, duh, thanks06:33
synd2kaot: I a06:33
synd2I am*06:33
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Newbuntuanother question I have is, I can ssh from my handheld into my ubuntu box, but every time I try to connect from my ubuntu box into my handheld it says remote refuses connection06:33
GentoonIm laggin hard06:33
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Gentoonwhats that URL again?06:33
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NewbuntuI have openssh server and client on both06:33
SirrushGentoon, http://doc.rocklinux.org/wiki/RootOnLVM06:34
GentoonI lag badly06:34
SirrushIt's OK Gentoon06:34
naliothNewbuntu: does your handheld have a ssh "server" running on it?06:34
Newbuntunalioth yes06:34
dibblegoIcemanV9, even when I set them, they don't work06:34
Newbuntuit should just run automatically if I have it eh? if im online..06:34
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naliothNewbuntu: is your handheld constrained by network IP or anything ?06:34
kaotsynd2: eh false alarm.  was wondering if packet loss was to blame but that would affect your whole network.  you wireless or no?06:35
bpmw_Hi folks! can someone help me with a server install?06:35
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synd2kaot: Yeah, wireless06:35
Newbuntui dont think so .. the only issue I may have is that I have openssh installed and something called driopbear server/client06:35
kaotsynd2: mtr your dns server ip, let it run for maybe a minute or two06:35
IcemanV9dibblego: yea, i have same problem with my keyboard as well. you need to get a tool like other said earlier. i believe there is a wiki on it.06:35
kaotsynd2: you might notice in that last sample you sent all the retransmits and things06:36
synd2kaot: I thought that it might be the broadcom chipset that I had to enable on this Compaq, but I connected it via Ethernet and it had the same performane06:36
kaotwell hell.06:36
Newbuntuconnect to host port 22: Connection refused06:36
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Newbuntucould it be a port thing?06:37
soophows your network look06:37
soopwhere are you coming from and going to06:37
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Newbuntuin which sense06:37
Newbuntucoming from a router06:37
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SeraVitaejust curious.. right now my windows box has quadruple lcds, i have to enable video cards in a certain order on bootup to avoid BSOD, does X allow enabling/disabling of extra video cards when its running?06:37
colkcan you ping the linux box from the handheld06:37
Newbuntuwhats the best command?06:37
dibblegoI have lost two of the keyboard keys, the letter after 'l' and the letter after 't'; by fiddling with the keyboard shortcts - how do I get the back?06:37
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soopnewubuntu: could you redescribe the problem to me in a private message im getting too much scroll06:38
ryantriphey i just booted ubuntu of the cd, and it seems to be done loading, but the disk is still spinning inside the comp and the systme is dragging. is this normal for the live cd?06:38
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Newbuntuit seems to ping ok06:38
eternalsworddoes anyone know how to allow a program to overlap gnome-panels?06:38
GentoonSirrush: Sirrush I dont understand the config grub part of that page what was the grub howto page?06:39
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bpmw_Hi again, Can someone help me with getting x up in a server install?06:40
SirrushGentoon, http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/06:40
Newbuntuif i type ping <ip>  do i have to stop it or does it stop itself after awhile?06:40
Sirrushlet me see if there is a simple version06:40
naliothsoop: you and Newbuntu may use #ubuntu-classroom it is nice and quiet and there are a few folks in there that may be of help06:40
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dibblegowhich file holds keyboard shortcts?06:41
Newbuntunalioth just 2 ubuntu users helping each other out.. whats your problem?06:41
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Newbuntuthanks anyways soop06:41
naliothNewbuntu: soop expressed an interest in helping you, in a channel with not so fast a text scroll06:42
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Sirrushhey Gentoon  maybe this can help http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Restore_Grub06:42
NewbuntuI got his help already thanks06:42
Sirrushyou can hit your partitions right and install grub06:42
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Sirrushand be done ;)06:42
bpmw_Hi folks, Anyone know how to get x to work after a server install?06:43
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Sirrushdid you configure X?06:44
jronanyone have ktorrent 2.0 beta 1 installed?06:44
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sharmshe needs to install the packages first06:44
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naliothbpmw_: sudo apt-get install <something that uses X>06:44
deFryskjron, I had it installed06:44
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deFryskworks fine06:44
Sirrushyeah install the packages hehe06:44
bpmw_Sirrush , never got the chance to.06:44
jrondeFrysk: mind helping me out for a sec? =(06:44
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Sirrushbpmw_,  you have to install it :)06:44
sharmssudo apt-get install xserver-xorg06:44
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deFryskjron, get the one from the forums06:44
Sirrushsee what nalioth wrote06:45
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bthorntonI'm running an Athlon XP 2700+ processor; do I need to be getting the 686 or the K7 kernel image?06:45
bpmw_nalioth, apt-get install what?06:45
jrondeFrysk: i see a link to a kubuntu .deb file... but when i attempt to select the install option i get an error06:45
naliothbpmw_: something that uses X06:45
bthorntonI suspect I'm sacrificing some optimizations by using the 386 kernel?06:45
naliothbpmw_: if you like gnome, install "ubuntu-desktop" if you're a kde fan, install "kubuntu-desktop" etc06:46
lepinei seem to have lost sound, out of the blue. what should i check first06:46
CroweWhat's the difference between 386 and 686?06:46
deFryskjron, then you have the wrong one06:46
deFryskjron, let me search06:46
bpmw_nalioth, I need a little more specifics06:46
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Flannelbthornton: You just can't use any of the non386 assembly commands (and such, have to do some builtin instruction via a couple)06:46
naliothbpmw_: do you like gnome?06:46
lepineamarok gives no errors while trying to play sound.06:47
jronktorrent_2.0beta1-1_i386.deb, that should be the correct one yes? deFrysk06:47
deFryskjron, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=188530&highlight=ktorrent06:47
bthorntonFlannel: yeah.  so ideally, I should be using the 686 or the K7 kernel for my CPU?06:47
SpAwNman i cant get this sound to work.....i know the sound card is good......was working lastnight/earlier today. everything is unmuted except external amplifier.......my sound is up..... aplay -l shos output....my speakers are on/pluged in...i should have sound right now06:47
jroni'll check that out thank you deFrysk06:47
Flannelbthornton: K7 if your on AMD, yeah06:47
bpmw_nalioth, sudo apt-get install gnome ?06:47
deFryskjron, that one install perfectly06:48
naliothbpmw_: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop will do it06:48
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soopkingspawn: what are you trying to play06:48
soopspawn: what are you trying to play06:48
lepinespawn welcome to the club.06:48
SpAwNsoop, anything06:48
bpmw_nalioth, itried that one and it didn't work.06:49
SpAwNsoop, i have no sound what soever06:49
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SpAwNno littler error beeps...nothing....all is quiet06:49
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bthorntonFlannel: thanks!06:49
GianLuigiBuffonhi m8s06:49
naliothbpmw_: bpmw_ try sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg06:50
soopSpAwN: is it on the supported devices list, and have you had it working in ubuntu before or just the doze?06:50
soopalso try killing your x-session06:50
GianLuigiBuffonFinally I'm going to leave Window$ for ever... but right now I have 10 GB partitions for it, but I want to erase it and add it to linux (maybe to swap for having more) how can I do it?06:50
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caturOKhow to building nocat06:50
soopi've noticed on my laptop and i've yet to have it on here sometimes the mixer seems to get locked up06:50
SpAwNsoop, yes it  worked on mandriva and ubuntu06:50
soopi don't quite know why it happens06:51
soopit seems to be flash related06:51
lepineSpAwN: please, if you happen to get your sound working again, please msg me ( the solutions if im afk ) ... youre not alot to have lost sound out of the blue.06:51
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SpAwNlepine, will do06:51
jrondeFrysk: thank you so much for the link, worked like a charm, i really need to figure out how to set up builds like that for myself... the repos are so outdated =( only thing gentoo has over ubuntu.06:51
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jroninstalled and working like a charm with oink :P06:52
lepineid like to hear aplay /dev/random at the moment :P06:52
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jronwould you like an account for your trouble if you dont have one already deFrysk?06:52
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deFryskjron, account ?06:52
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lepineflash can play sound ...06:52
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jronfor oink... private mp3 tracker... pretty much any album you could want... if that is your thing anyway06:53
sooplepine: you've seen shockwave/flash pages with sound right?06:53
colkwelp ive had enough of vista so im going to install linux in the same partition06:53
deFryskjron, no warez here06:53
TheNinjaCan anyone help me out...when ever i exit Kopete its is supposed to go to the taskbarr but for some reason it just dissapears06:53
TheNinjaany ideas06:53
lepinesoop, yes, newgrounds.com if bugging me with sound ...06:54
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lepinebut i get no sound upon login ( welcome ), nor do i get any in amarok ...06:54
BlueEagletheninja: You might want to try #kubuntu with that.06:54
jadacyrusI accidently hit ctrl+alt+f9 is there a way to get back to my X session?06:54
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lepinebusy device maybe ?06:54
deFryskctrl alt f706:54
BlueEaglejadacyrus: ALT+F706:54
jrondeFrysk: just an offer... i don't really consider mp3s to be warez, so long as you see a show or two every year :P way better way to support the artists... there is alot of freeware mp3s... for lack of a better word on the tracker :P06:55
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TheNinjaBlueEagle, just curious..why..im running ubuntu..its just a problem with the messanger06:55
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nikkunDoes anyone in here know how to get it so that an laptop running a AMD64bit processor to actually increase speed since mine is stuck at 800Mhz and wont speed up06:55
deFryskjron, discussions about these subject are not done here ant off topic sorry06:55
stopher2Where would srm.conf be located?06:55
sooplepine: right click on your volume icon and choose i think it is volume control06:55
BlueEagletheninja: kopete is a QT app and the default IM client in Kubuntu. You might have more luck there.06:55
SeraVitaenikkun - it will show 800mhz if the system is not loaded06:55
soopcheck edit and preferences or something like that, sometimes the "front volume" channel ends up muted06:55
jronnp, thank you for your help reguardless.06:55
SeraVitaerun something that abuses the cpu and it will increase.06:55
deFryskk ;)06:55
jdrakeDoes anyone have stability problems with firefox at various times? For example: closing windows that have a few tabs crash the browser, doing something with flash (like ea.com) freezes the browser, and similar things.06:55
BlueEagletheninja: Still it might be an incompatibillity between the gnome wm and the kde wm.06:56
soopBlueEagle: how's it compare to gaim?06:56
SpAwNman i lost everything i had tonight....had to reinstall 3 times.....now i cant get sound to work....today has been a shitty day :/06:56
soopjdrake: firefox != crash proof06:56
TheNinjaBlueEagle, ill try reinstall06:56
SpAwNlost like 200 gigs of rare stuff....06:56
nikkunSeraVitae: i have been but it doesnt want to increase and i found this bug while my videos were getting fps below 2006:56
BlueEaglesoop: it requires qt so on a gnome system it would be a memoryhog compared to gaim.06:56
soopSpAwN: when reinstalling you dont have to lose your home dir if its on a seperate partition ;)06:57
jdrakeSpAwN: Invest in backup tapes06:57
BlueEaglesoop: as for features... well you'll have to try it. :)06:57
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nikkunoh hawt damn it spiked and now says 1800Mhz >.< wow06:57
soopblueeagle, im not a big feature kind of guy06:57
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BlueEaglesoop: Well then I guess you'll have to try it and see if you like it better than gaim.06:57
SpAwNsoop, if the installer didnt f**k up my partyion table and erase and repartion the wrong partions.....i would be alright06:58
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soopSpAwN: i dont think it was the installer fucking up i think it was a problem between the keyboard and the chair ;)06:58
jdrakeI have a usb harddrive that mounts as 'usbdisk' rather than the name 'Bakus' that I gave it with tune2fs. Is there a way of changing this?06:59
SpAwNsoop, haha but realy no....im pissed off............i absolutly did it correctly.......it actualy did it 3 times.......06:59
nikkundoes anyone know why avi video files would be running at a rate where i can see it refresh when all i have changes since this moring (it worked fine then) was i started using fglrx? Is fglrx messing it up?06:59
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soopfuck i wish i could remember my icq password07:01
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SpAwNi wish this sound would work :(      i just wanna listen to some music07:01
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lepinesoop: it was amarok that somehow had it's output device changed to alsa instead of OSS07:01
soopanyone got a lower icq #?07:02
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sharmssoop: I got a lower ubuntuforums userid07:03
vigilanteAnyone running google earth?  does it work well on linux?07:03
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pectissimosoop:  Yup, I do.07:03
Prohibitedhey guys I am trying to upload a backup to my phpbb forum but I get "connection timed out", it doesn't even look like it tries to load, just goes straight to the page......ideas?07:03
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soopsharms: *shakes fist*07:04
sooppectissimo: the digits? ;)07:05
soopi hadn't used this in ages07:05
soopi was kinda curious07:05
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bikinii had ubuntu installed, dual booted with windows 2000. today i installed windows xp on the ntfs partition.07:05
soopand lost your boot menu?07:05
bikiniwhat would be the best way to recover the grub/mbr scenario?07:05
soopbikini: boot off disk and dpkg-reconfigure grub i think might work07:05
pectissimosoop:  It's in the 300,000's.  I've had it since 1996!07:06
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soopnice ...07:06
Flannelbikini: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows07:06
GStubbs43How do I get permissions to write to /var/www ?07:06
FlannelGStubbs43: sudo07:06
soopthat was still when the internet was kinda homey07:06
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sharmsGStubbs43: sudo07:06
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sooppectissimo: this make sense to you? "talk rob@pdpc/supporter/active/rob-p"07:07
GStubbs43What would the full command be?07:07
soopGStubbs43: sudo whatever you're trying to do07:07
sharmsGStubbs43: sudo commandthatyouaretryingtorunthatchangessomethinginvar/www07:07
DShepherdsharms: hehe07:07
soopGStubbs43: or add in a root account and give it a password like f4v0ur1tem0v13T1tl307:08
kakaltohmm. which is better with a two-screen layout: big screen on left, or on right of small screen?07:08
soopkakalto meaning?07:08
soopyou have two different sized screens?07:08
kakaltosoop: 17" monitor, 15" monitor07:08
sharmskakalto: depends on your gender, what side of the brain you most oft utilize07:08
Sir_FawnpugKakalto, I tend to look at my left one more than my right07:08
stopher2kakalto: big on right07:08
soopaaah which one do you use more07:08
Flannelkakalto: depends on your room setup etc.07:08
vigilanteWhat are some good (new) 3D commercial games that run on linux?  (I currently have Quake 4, Doom 3, and UT2004 demos)07:08
pectissimosoop:  Should it?07:08
soopI have one dead center and the other one on an angle off the left07:08
kakaltoFlannel: room setup doesn't matter07:08
soopin that config i'd say small one on the left07:08
Sir_Fawnpugvigilante, NWN runs on linux.07:08
sooppectissimo: just curious if anyone remembered the "talk" command07:09
revilotwhats NWN07:09
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Sir_FawnpugI guess that's not exactly new, but well worth playing.07:09
soopit was a way of chatting online pre-irc really07:09
Sir_FawnpugNeverwinter Nights07:09
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jdrakeDoes this latest bunch of updates do something with oss compatibility? Cedega suddenly can't play sounds through it.07:09
pectissimosoop:  I've used it at the command line, yes.  Not in IRC if that's what you're asking.07:09
sooppectissimo: no not in irc07:09
Fireclawany tricks to enable usb keyboard/mouse on ubuntu from livecd / desktop cd ""{}{P:LO{... questionmark :{07:09
pectissimosoop:  Oh, then yes.07:09
Sir_Fawnpugkakalto, what direction does your handwriting go?07:10
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sharmssoop: in my day we used wall.07:10
Sir_FawnpugIf it goes RTL I would do it big monitor on the right.07:10
Sirrushmm wallops07:10
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pectissimosoop:  Great for situations where multiple users are logged into the same machine with terminals open!07:10
sharmsFireclaw: usb mouse and keyboards work out of the box07:10
kakaltoSir_Fawnpug: what is this 'handwriting' you speak of?07:10
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vigilanteSir_Fawnpug: NWN, that a mm roleplaying gaming eh07:10
Fireclawsharms: mine didnt, i had to connect this old coffestained ps/207:11
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sharmsFireclaw: is it a popular model?07:11
Sir_Fawnpugvigilante, well it's not exactly a mmog, but it does do multiplayer.07:11
Fireclawand i have no mouse, which is annoying since its my first time on ubuntu :D07:11
sharmsFireclaw: I would say your usb is jacked up, not the devices07:11
sharmsFireclaw: if they both don't work07:11
Fireclawyea probably07:11
Sir_Fawnpugkakalto, it's a deprecated form of making yourself look foolish. (I should know, my handwriting sucks)07:11
jpnanceany tips for getting dpms to work automatically with ubuntu?07:11
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sharmsFireclaw: file a bug at www.launchpad.net, include your dmesg.  file under installer07:11
Sir_Fawnpugvigilante, what kind of games do you play anyhow?07:12
stopher2Where can I find srm.conf and access.conf in ubuntu server LAMP w/ apache 2.0??07:12
kakaltoSir_Fawnpug: OH, HANDWRITING. yeah. left to right. normal english, no?07:12
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Fireclawwhile the chipset is just nforce2 orsomething, the motherboard is a bit out of the ordinary, its one of those tiny ones07:12
Sir_Fawnpugkalkalto, ahh, then I would try  the big monitor on the left then.07:12
sharmsstopher2: sudo updatedb && locate srm.conf07:12
kakaltocan't believe I actually forgot one way to make myself look like a fool -_-07:12
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vigilanteSir_Fawnpug: mainly action/scifi, or games like Trackballs07:12
stopher2thanks sharms07:12
kakaltoSir_Fawnpug: yeah, sounds good07:12
sharmsFireclaw: please file a bug so we can make record of it07:12
Fireclawwhats the name of a browser xD07:12
Sir_Fawnpugvigilante, have you played abuse? It's not commercial software but it's pretty good.07:12
TheNinjaanyone have any cool apps for linux..07:12
sharmsFireclaw: if you can just do a 'dmesg > dmesg.log' and ftp it somewhere07:13
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soopnyone know how in kde to setup hot keys ala gnome?07:13
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sharmsFireclaw: then upload it once you are back to a gui07:13
Sir_FawnpugTheNinja, what kind of apps are you looking for?07:13
sunboSynaptic package manager is cool07:13
vigilanteSir_Fawnpug: no, I will check it out though, I just mentioned commercial cause it seems most free games are behind the times graphics wise07:13
harisundI have a question to ask. How is linux-686 better for my system? In kernel.org repositories, I do not see either a 386 or a 686. All I see is a 2.6.15, but Synaptic says there is a 2.6.15-386 and a 2.6.15-686. What's the difference?07:13
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sharmsharisund: the 686 is what it was compiled for07:13
Fireclawah okay07:13
soopvigilante: google ubuntu & enemy territory07:14
stophersharms: that didn't return any echo, just the prompt came back07:14
soopbest multiplayer game of 200307:14
harisundsharms oh .. so it won't be available in kernel.org?07:14
deFrysk686 has support for 1gig + ram07:14
TheNinjaSir_Fawnpug, i dunno..anything that would come in handy or anything that makes someone say damn thats kick ass07:14
sharmsharisund: source code is just source, uncompiled07:14
vigilanteSir_Fawnpug: btw, when I installed Q3, Doom4, UT2004, thy said they would install a Programs Menu shortcut, though nothing, how do I get a shortcut?07:14
soopTheNinja: www.scribus.net07:14
soopi love that shit07:14
sharmsstopher: make sure the packages are installed07:14
Fireclawthough i must say, its kinda cool to be in 640|480 with just a keyboard and text terminals, very retro >D07:14
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soopwe now do all our corprate ads in that and just send it to pdf07:14
harisundsharms oh ... I understand ... so you mean the source was taken, compiled, making sure to enable support for the 686 part and then labelled as 2.6.15-686?07:14
soopfew quirks in it still but that's just me as well07:14
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sharmsharisund: it is available at kernel.org, but is not yet compiled.  You can compile it for anything you want, 386, 586, 686, k7 etc07:15
stophersharms: i think they are. not sure what package include srm.conf tho07:15
colkhow long does a live cd ttake to boot on a Athlon 64 with 1 gig of ram07:15
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sharmsstopher: I think that is core apache07:15
TheNinjasoop, cool07:15
sharmsstopher: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP07:15
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Sir_FawnpugTheNinja, what impresses your friends?07:15
okapihello  to all!07:15
sharmsharisund: yup07:15
sharmscolk: too darn long07:15
yipehow do I remove un-needed items from the boot sequence?07:15
stophersrm.conf is a core apache file? then it should be installed i think?07:16
Sir_Fawnpugvigilante, what window manager are you using?07:16
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Madpilotcolk, shouldn't take that long07:16
okapiPlease need help on the Dapper! Anyone available?07:16
nevynOMG!!! What a buggy pile of crap is there any way to get the old installer under dapper?07:16
yipelike PCMCIA (i'm on a desktop) or RAID?07:16
sharmsstopher: it isn't on my webserver either07:16
TheNinjaSir_Fawnpug, its not more my friends its just to have a good looking OS i alreayd have XGL/compiz installed07:16
DShepherdrichiefrich: lata man07:16
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colkit froze when it finshed the shell thing07:16
sharmsstopher: but if it was it would be in /etc/apache207:16
stophersharms: wierd.07:16
colkon Loading kernel07:16
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:16
stopherokay thanks sharms07:17
sharmsgood lcuk07:17
stopherI guess i'll find something about a srm.conf somewhere07:17
Sir_FawnpugTheNinja, well you could try enlightenment07:17
Sir_FawnpugThere's also a 3d desktop thing, I forget what its called.07:17
Sir_FawnpugXGL or somethin like that.07:17
TheNinjaSir_Fawnpug, u got a link07:17
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okapihow  to automount a cdrom with Dapper?07:17
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TheNinjaSir_Fawnpug, i already have XGL and Compiz07:17
Sir_FawnpugTheNinja, not offhand; but it made everybody at work gawk.07:17
yipeSir_Brizz, 3ddesktop07:17
yipeoh, and that too07:18
SpAwNstill no sound!!!!!! manim about ready to give up07:18
soopnevyn: download 5.10 iso and then do dist-upgrade07:18
marcusCan someone tell me where the gnome control center is please?07:18
sharms!tell spawn about sound07:18
SeraVitaeis there something for checking harddrives with ubuntu? i think i might have bad sectors..07:18
Sir_Brizznot me!07:18
Sir_FawnpugTheNinja, nothing makes a system complete without a c64 emulator.07:18
Sir_FawnpugSo install vice on there.07:18
soopSeraVitae: fsck but you can't do it on a mounted filesystem07:18
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SeraVitaedanm, i only have one drive on this system.07:18
TheNinjaAnyone know how to make terminal a background07:18
soopboot off live cd07:18
MadpilotSeraVitae, LiveCDs are useful animals07:18
SeraVitaeyeah, i might do that.07:19
Sir_FawnpugSeraVitae, knoppix or the gentoo CD might be helpful07:19
DBOTheNinja, you want to background a terminal process?07:19
soopTheNinja: right click on bar and choose keep below others07:19
Sir_FawnpugOr a bootdisk07:19
SeraVitaecan't i use the dapper cd i just installed from?07:19
SeraVitaethat was a live cd.07:19
sharmsSeraVitae: yes you can07:19
MadpilotSeraVitae, yes07:19
marcusCan someone tell me where the gnome control center is please?07:19
sharmsmarcus: system->preferences07:19
nevynsoop: that's a not solution07:19
Madpilotmarcus, System->Preferences & System->Admin07:19
marcusty sharms07:19
marcusand madpilot07:20
nevynmaybe it's just the 64bit version07:20
dondong./join #ubuntu-offtopic07:20
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TheNinjaim talking about making terminal transparent and ffix it so it is the background07:20
Sir_Fawnpugnevyn, why is a livecd not a solution? It's quite a solution if you ask me.07:20
sharmsnevyn: #1 snoop's suggestion was A solution07:20
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sharmsnevyn: #2 state your exact problem07:21
DBOTheNinja, are you running Xgl?07:21
vigilanteSir_Fawnpug: Kwin (kde 3.5)07:21
TheNinjaDBO, ya07:21
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Sir_Fawnpugvigilante, it's been a while since I've messed around with KDE but I know there's a menu editor there07:21
Sir_FawnpugFor the kicker07:21
Sir_Fawnpug(ie the start menu)07:22
DBOTheNinja, if you compile a CVS version of rxvt-unicode (a terminal emulator) you can use that in combination with xwinwrap to acheive the effect you want07:22
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TheNinjaDBO, ok..even tho im the uber linux noob07:22
DBOTheNinja, no worries, I will walk you through it07:23
KsileboHeyo, having an odd issue with a 686 SMP kernel, it won't boot.07:23
Sir_FawnpugTheNinja, running a compile actually is quit easy when it works.07:23
yipehow do I remove un-needed items from the boot sequence? Like PCMCIA (which fails anyways) and RAID07:23
vigilanteSir_Fawnpug: yeah, I just can't find any program icons for the games...07:23
yipeI think bluetooth was in there...07:23
DBOTheNinja, the first thing we need is xwinwrap, so do "sudo apt-get install xwinwrap"07:23
Sir_Fawnpugvigilante, well if you want an icon I'd find a nice 64x64 png and use that.07:23
Ksilebo"Kernel Panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 08:11"07:24
DBOyipe, sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf07:24
TheNinjaDBO, ok07:24
DBOyipe, then sudo sysv-rc-conf, and uncheck whatever you dont use07:24
vigilanteSir_Fawnpug: btw, have you played doom3 or quake4?  they both have sound problems in Linux, most people are using an oss switch to launch it, since the problem is with Alsa, you know about this?07:24
DBOTheNinja, now we need to get the latest source for rxvt-unicode07:24
yipethanks DBO:)07:24
Sir_Fawnpugvigilante, to be quite honest I've never been into those kinds of games; I stay away from newer games like the plague.07:25
TheNinjaDBO, ok..07:25
DBOTheNinja, getting link hold07:25
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SeraVitaenew good games are hard to find07:25
DBOTheNinja, ok, sudo apt-get install cvs07:25
TheNinjaDBO, ok dont feel rushed i got all the time i need07:25
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Sir_FawnpugSeraVitae, no kidding. It's a good thing projects like exult and dosbox exist.07:25
TheNinjaDBO, ok got that07:26
DBOTheNinja, "cd" then "mkdir building" then "cd building"07:26
Sir_FawnpugNothing quite beats a good game of commander keen.07:26
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stophersharms: srm.conf is a blank file for specialized apps :) got it all figured out, thanks for your help :)07:26
SeraVitaewith fsck, i just realised, that is for checking filesystem, not low-level drive. i need something like 'scandisk' for windows. will fsck do that or?07:26
DBOTheNinja, now run "cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.schmorp.de:636/schmorpforge co rxvt-unicode"07:27
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Newbuntuwhats a good command to copy a folder ? Im in shh trying to copy some folders from my remote to my PC07:27
Sir_FawnpugSeraVitae, you want to check for bad sectors then, yeah?07:27
SeraVitaei wanna check the whole drive as best i can.07:27
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TheNinjaDBO, ok got that07:27
yipemdadm-raid means.... raid, right?07:27
SpAwNomg still no sound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ive tried like 10 how tos...nothing....not a single peep of sound07:27
DBOTheNinja, "cd rxvt-unicode"07:28
Sir_FawnpugSeraVitae, I'm not totally sure about fsck but the manpage might be able to enlighten you on that.07:28
SpAwNi should by all means have sound right now07:28
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yipeyour speakers work, are turned on, plugged in, and the volume is turned up (everywhere)?07:28
SeraVitaeSir_Fawnpug - yep, fsck checks filesystems only07:28
TheNinjaDBO, mmkay07:28
LynoureSpAwN: and you have verified the sound card and speakers actually physically work?07:28
SeraVitaenot drives.07:28
SpAwNyipe, yes yes and yes07:28
DBOTheNinja, now do "sudo apt-get build-dep rxvt-unicode"07:28
brentendo21guys how can i re-install the basic window manager? i stuffed up my xgl instal07:28
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Sir_FawnpugSeraVitae, hold on, I'll apropos and see what I can find07:28
KsileboSo, anyone know how I can get this to boot?07:29
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Sir_Fawnpugbrentendo21, do you have a window manager going?07:29
SpAwNLynoure, yes yes yes07:29
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LynoureSpAwN: And I guess you have checked that things are not muted?07:29
brentendo21Sir_Fawnpug, I got no window manager07:29
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SpAwNLynoure, yes only thing muted is external amplifier07:29
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SpAwNas it caused me to have no sound last time i installed07:29
yipetry de-muting that07:30
yipejust for giggles07:30
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Sir_Fawnpugbrentendo21, you could use apt-get install fluxbox (I think that's it), get fluxbox going, open up a terminal and start synaptic07:30
Sir_FawnpugThen reinstall from there07:30
Sir_FawnpugI'm not sure on all the debian stuff, I'm used to portage (sorry)07:30
TheNinjaDBO, mmmmkay07:30
SpAwNyipe, negadive....still no sound07:30
DBOTheNinja, now "sudo apt-get install libperl-dev"07:30
brentendo21k thank Sir_Fawnpug07:30
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TheNinjaDBO, k07:31
Marcus_the_Revercan someone help me configure mplayers mozilla plugin so i can save stream to my hard drive?07:31
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DBOTheNinja, now "./configure --prefix=/opt/rxvt"  This is going to configure the program to install into opt for easy removal07:31
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GStubbs43How do you creat a folder when the "Create Folder" Option is grayed out?07:33
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TheNinjaDBO, ok07:33
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DBOTheNinja, did you get any errors?07:33
stopherGStubbs43: you make a dir :P07:33
yipeGStubbs43, sudo mkdir07:33
TheNinjaDBO, nope didnt see any07:33
DBOTheNinja, good, now do "make"07:33
yipethat'll show whatever's trying to oppress you07:34
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SeraVitaeSir_Fawnpug - 'badblocks'. :)07:34
TheNinjaDBO, damn i realy need to learn how to do this crap on my own07:34
GStubbs43Thanks, sorry for the Noobie question :P07:34
DBOTheNinja, if you are confused about anything go ahead and ask07:34
Sir_FawnpugSeraVitae, awesome07:34
TheNinjaDBO,  lol.ok..its still makin07:35
caturOKis nocat support with shorewall07:35
DBOTheNinja, the make command we just issues compiled all the binaries from source (if you hadnt by now, you have just compiled your first program)07:35
Marcus_the_Reverhow do i configure mplayers mozilla plugin to save the stream to my hard disk?07:35
TheNinjaDBO, would it be the same for any other program..well roughly the same?07:36
DBOTheNinja, yes07:36
TheNinjaDBO, ok now what?07:36
DBOTheNinja, sudo make install07:36
vigilanteTo any kde users (the kubuntu channel is dead) Can someone help me test this? Im trying to download enemy territory installer, and kwrite pops up trying to open it, http://enemy-territory.4players.de:1041/download.php?view.313 click on the blue arrow, whats the deal?07:36
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TheNinjaDBO, ok07:36
nemikhello, does anyone know how i can install tidy for php5 in ubuntu?07:36
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DBOTheNinja, now "cd /opt/rxvt/biin" and then "./urxvt"07:37
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DBOTheNinja, if a terminal pops up all went well07:37
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TheNinjaDBO, when i enter cd /opt/rxvt/biin it says no such file or directory07:38
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TheNinjaDBO, nvm u had to i in bin07:38
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TheNinjaDBO, ok terminal oppend up...now what07:39
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DBOTheNinja, close the terminal and run "sudo ln -s /opt/rxvt/bin/urxvt /usr/bin/urxvt"07:39
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TheNinjaDBO, ok07:40
DBOTheNinja, run "urxvt" from a terminal and see if it pops up again07:40
muephow do I rebenerate the automatic menu.lst for grub?07:40
=== Gentoon [n=sean@c-24-21-220-172.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
TheNinjaDBO, ya it opened up again07:41
Sirrushhey Gentoon07:41
GentoonKubuntu still up and kickin?07:41
DBOTheNinja, ok, close it, now you DO have compiz running right?07:41
Sirrushhow did it go?07:41
TheNinjaDBO, ya XGL and compiz07:41
GentoonI am home on my machine now07:41
Gentoonwe gave up07:41
Sirrushgave up on reinstalling grub?07:41
DBOTheNinja, do you have a light colored background?07:42
GentoonHe is convinced windows is better I just repaired his windows and left07:42
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stopheri'm trying to run tar xzf mod_frontpage-VR4.tar.gz -C ../etc/httpd and i get: tar: error is not recoverable : exiting now, why does it do that instead of unzipping?07:42
Tmobcan aonyone access their apt sources?07:42
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TheNinjaDBO,  ya ..blue and white07:42
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SirrushGentoon, it's Ok can't win them all my friend07:42
Tmobmy apt-get install just is stuck at "connecting to archive.ubuntu.com07:42
synth7i forgot this channel was on freenode07:42
DBOTheNinja, run the command xwinwrap -argb  -st -sp -b -g -nf -fs -- urxvt +sb -depth 32 -bg rgba:0000/0000/0000/0000 -fn "xft:tixus" -embed WID -b 50 -bd rgba:0000/0000/0000/000007:42
DBOthats all one command TheNinja07:43
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SirrushI got a guy now that I has tried out live CD's and so far he likes them just he likes everything in GUI GUI07:43
GentoonSirrush: Ya07:43
SirrushGentoon,  were any of the links helping07:43
Sirrushor I was just way off?07:43
TheNinjaDBO, i somthing supposed to happen right away or does it take time07:43
SirrushGentoon,  I was sure that http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Restore_Grub07:44
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Sirrushwas going to get you there07:44
TheNinjaDBO, i hit enter and nothin happend07:44
delgaudiohi, mates07:44
DBOTheNinja, click on your desktop and type "cat /etc/fstab" and hit enter07:44
stopheranybody, anybody at all?07:44
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource07:44
TheNinjaDBO,  what do u mean click on my desktop07:44
DBOTheNinja, I mean click on your desktop, click on your wallpaper07:45
GentoonSirrush: we were laggin so bad on that live cd I justgot pissed anyways07:45
Sirrusheh it's OK07:45
TheNinjaDBO, ok so just click on my wallpaper and just type it in...not even on a terminal just in nowhere07:45
GentoonI still like knoppix for live07:45
DBOthats right07:45
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goose_keeperhello, why can't I use .pdf document viewer  after opening firefox browser?07:46
GentoonIm sure the ubuntu live will get better soon07:46
DBOTheNinja, just so long as you left the other command running07:46
SirrushGentoon, knoppix is pretty darn quick if you got a good machine I use it for recovery of systems07:46
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TheNinjaDBO, ohh ok07:46
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Sirrushubuntu is going to get better I have no doubt on that I first used hoary I liked it instantly07:47
DBOTheNinja, you may wish to use this instead:  xwinwrap -argb  -st -sp -b -g -nf -fs -- urxvt +sb -depth 32 -bg rgba:0000/0000/0000/0000 -fn "xft:Monospace" -embed WID -b 50 -bd rgba:0000/0000/0000/000007:47
GentoonSirrush: ya I use it at work against policy :) we are supposed to use some gay dos utills disk07:47
SirrushGentoon,  what do you do07:47
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bill[1] were there any patches recently that broke mysql server for anyone?07:47
TheNinjaDBO, ok i used that one now what do  i enter on the desktop07:47
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DBOTheNinja, just click on your desktop, type "cat /etc/fstab" and press enter07:48
GStubbs43What command makes a backupof a txt/confg file?07:48
olrrai_Xany knows a good mini linux distro? with networks support ?07:48
GStubbs43backup of*07:48
DBOolrrai_X, DSL07:49
paiedolrrai_X dsl yeh07:49
TheNinjaDBO, no such file or directory07:49
stopherokay im installing the frontpage extensions, and adding virtual servers during the install.  It asks for the virtual web to install: i put in kwikstop.com  i do a few more 'username' steps and it ends with '.com' server is not a valid virtual server ERROR: / installation failed.   Any help/ideas on this please?07:49
DBOTheNinja, do you see the terminal on your desktop?07:49
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olrrai_XDSL linux ?07:49
GStubbs43olrrai_x, I personally didn't like DSL, but you should try it, also try Ubuntu Live CD.07:49
TheNinjaDBO, ya07:49
olrrai_Xi need it to pxe boot07:49
DBOTheNinja, isnt that what you wanted?07:49
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stopherno huh07:51
olrrai_Xi need to boot a minilinux by pxe boot, I think i cant boot live ubuntu by pxe07:51
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jpnanceany tips for getting dpms to work automatically with ubuntu?07:56
DBOjpnance, the best would be to have a dpms compatible monitor07:57
jpnanceyes, i agree07:57
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stopherOkay, ill keep asking questions till i snag someones interest... in ubuntu LAMP, what is a 'valid' virtual server name?07:57
DBOjpnance, is it in your xorg.conf?07:58
stopherlocalhost, kwikstop, and .com aren't so it says07:58
jpnanceyeah, it appears to be07:58
jpnancedo i need to have a screensaver set up, even though i've no intention of allowing the screen to stay on?07:58
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=== CoolRock looking for assistance
DBOjpnance, set your screensaver to blank screen07:59
ubuntu_I followed the directions on how to get nvidia acceleration working and it still says it's not doing direct rendering07:59
CoolRockanyone can help me with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=213931 ?07:59
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DBOXaXXon, lemme see your /var/log/Xorg.0.log in pastebin please08:00
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XaXXonDBO, I'm running off a live-cd, if that matters...08:00
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DBOCoolRock, you need to restore your grub08:00
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DBO!grub > CoolRock08:00
DBOXaXXon, yeah it does...08:01
LynoureCoolRock: I've found, generally, that it helps yo give people some idea what your question is about, even if you want them to look at a url. Many people will not look at it unless they know it is something they could possibly help with08:01
CoolRockmine is more on trouble-shooting08:01
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CoolRockso i can't really paste all here08:01
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:01
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=== colk hmms
CoolRockthanks colk. it's also pasting on a 'website' isn'tit?08:02
colkguess that might be why the live cd isnt working08:02
LynoureCoolRock: Even mentioning the general topic helps.08:02
colkits got a big scratch in it08:02
CoolRockalright Lynoure08:02
CoolRockthanks alot08:02
CoolRocki can't make a GRUB floppy08:02
=== CoolRock 's laptop has no floppy drive :P
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DBOCoolRock, you can use the Ubuntu Live CD08:04
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CoolRocknot the server version?08:04
colkfigurered out why my live cd didnt load08:04
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colkit had a giant scratch in it08:05
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colkthe desktop one08:05
colkor the live cd08:05
DBOcolk, thats a good reason08:05
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CoolRocki ordered live cds from Ubuntu08:05
CoolRocki wonder if they'll ship it over08:05
CoolRockto singapore08:05
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DBOthere are GRUB ISO's on the internet as well for this kind of issue CoolRock08:06
RobNychow do I make my numlock key always on ?08:06
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Cntryboyif make distclean doesn't work, how do you force it to work08:06
colkCntryboy, youll have to give us more info08:07
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Cntryboynot for me08:07
colkWhat are you trying to make distclean08:07
Cntryboyso im not sure the error08:07
Cntryboyhe's trying to clean up digikam install08:07
ubuntu_DBO: I restarted X and now when I do the glxinfo|grep rendering, I get a bunch of Xlib:   extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". with a single "Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual" thrown in in the middle..08:07
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colkwell unfortunly make distclean can be done on over 16692938298 packages08:07
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xaxxonI'm putting that log in pastebin now08:07
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DBOxaxxon, the live CD does not contain the proprietary nvidia driver...08:08
Cntryboycolk: error is this I think make: *** No rule to make target `distclean'.  Stop.08:08
xaxxonDBO, the directions say to install nvidia-glx..err.. something08:08
xaxxonand I did that08:08
colkdid you follow the rest of the instructions08:09
DBOxaxxon, and linux-restricted-modueles... but why would you do that in a LiveCD, I mean there are a boatload of additional complexities with that, not the least of which is flat out running out of RAM08:09
Cntryboycolk: did you see that error08:09
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xaxxonDBO: so I shouldn't try and get video accel going on a live CD boot?08:09
colkCntryboy, id suggest finding the configure file08:09
colkand run it08:09
DBOxaxxon, thats pretty much what I am saying yeah08:10
colkit would be called configure08:10
xaxxonDBO: is it relatively easy from a regular install?08:10
Cntryboyconfigure file for the digikam?08:10
DBOxaxxon, yes08:11
colktry looking for a INSTALL file08:11
Cntryboyit's compiled08:11
Cntryboynot binary08:11
=== interfear [n=interfea@c-69-248-92-4.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
interfearhow do i install bitchx with ubuntu?08:11
colkstill you need a INSTALL file08:12
DBOsudo apt-get install bitchx08:12
colkwhich is a text document telling you what you need to install it08:12
Cntryboywell his compiling went wrong08:12
Cntryboythats why he's wanting to clean it up08:12
colkrm *.o08:12
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colkthat will do the same thing as make clean08:13
interfearDBO:  says cant find package bitchx08:13
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piratepenguinhow do I get the FPS from glxgears?08:13
DBOinterfear, you need to enable universe repos08:13
DBO!repos > interfear08:13
colkunfortunly without knowlege of the compile error or what pacakge it is id suggest reading the documents08:13
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heatxsinkwhat package do I need to install for those cool webfonts to work in Firefox?08:14
Cntryboyso rm *.o is same as make distclean right08:14
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Cntryboycolt: and do you have to be in a certain dir to do it from08:15
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Cntryboyrm: cannot remove `*.o': No such file or directory08:15
daxxarman: can't set the locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct08:15
daxxarShould I just set them in /etc/environment?08:15
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Kickersnyif I installed php5 from apt-get install php5-dev, is it possible to re-run the configuration script?08:16
Cntryboyi dont think colt knew what he was talking about08:16
DBOKickersny, sudo dpkg-reconfigure package08:17
KickersnyDBO, I want to reconfigure it with my own config string08:17
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DBOyou said re-run the configuration script, thats what I told you how to do =P08:17
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Kickersnyyeah, sorry08:18
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Kickersnybecause php5-gd uses a non-standard version of gd.so and lacks some critical functions08:19
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Kickersnyso I want to reconfigure php5 --with-GD (so it points to the correct GD)08:19
interfearI have an LCD monitor that can do 1280x1024, however ubuntu says my max res is 1024x768, I also have a 6600gt pcie, (i have to install in safe graphic mode in order for it to work)08:19
interfearanyone know what to do?08:20
SeveasKickersny, then you neet apt-get source php5 and edit debian/rules inside that package08:20
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DBOyou need to get the source, if you ahve source repos enabled you can get it with apt, otherwise you can get it from Launchpad Kickersny08:20
KickersnySeveas, thanks08:20
KickersnyDBO, server install; no GUI08:20
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Lobsterinterfear, dpkg xserver-xorg-reconfigure ore something like that08:20
KickersnyDBO, I spoke faster than I could Google08:21
KickersnyI'll look into it; thanks08:21
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DBOinterfear, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:21
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DBOyou were close =P08:22
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interfearshould i use kernel framebuffer?08:23
DBOprobably be safer not to08:23
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hunt0rhi all, are there packages available with a newer kernel then in 6.06?08:25
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DBOhunt0r, nothing official and nothing unofficial that I am aware of08:26
hunt0rhmm... kk :/08:27
hunt0rthx anyway08:27
DBOwhat do ya need a newer kernel for?08:27
FusE[Laptop] Can somebody please help me? Im trying to boot but all it says is GRUB with a blinking underscore, and when I press a key, nothing happens, when I press e or ESC, nothing happens.08:27
hunt0rDBO: suspend2ram works on my notebook better with a newer kernel08:28
DBOwell you can always roll your own08:29
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FusE[Laptop] Ugh, noone can help me?08:30
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snoopsthis is a fresh install FusE[Laptop] ?08:30
FusE[Laptop] yes08:30
DBOdoes it give you the grub stage 1.5...... message or whatever that is FusE[Laptop] ?08:30
FusE[Laptop] no08:31
FusE[Laptop] Just "GRUB _"08:31
FusE[Laptop] but the underscore blinks08:31
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metataghello all..08:31
DBOFusE[Laptop] , sounds like you need to reinstall grub08:32
DBO!grub > FusE[Laptop] 08:32
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FusE[Laptop] I just installed it right now08:32
FusE[Laptop] Ugh08:32
metatagwhere can I get an ubuntu package for gnucash 2.0 ?08:32
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firefly2442how do I figure out where my dvd drive is mounted to in "dev" ?08:33
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iamcitizendammit google08:33
firefly2442metatag: I believe there are some topics already on the ubuntu forums about this08:34
metatagthx iamcitizen08:34
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metatagfirefly2442, the url?08:34
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firefly2442metatag: www.ubuntuforums.org08:34
metatagthanks firefly244208:35
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GStubbs43What program can create flash/swf videos/tutorials?08:36
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gharzguys, i'm updating my system but i'm getting this problem =>  http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper-backports Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key08:37
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gharzwhat could be the problem? how can i solve this?08:37
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Lobsteryou have to get the gpg-keys08:38
gharzLobster, i'm new to linux but how can i get the gpg-keys?08:38
Lobsterlook at www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic08:38
RobNycdaaamnn ubuntu mirrors are slow today08:38
gharzLobster, ok thanks.08:38
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caturOKhow to build dns08:38
FusE[Laptop] DBO08:39
FusE[Laptop] I just reinstalled Grub08:39
FusE[Laptop] let me check the result08:39
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eternalswordanyone know how to blacklist the Realtek rtl818x modules?08:39
FusE[Laptop] DBO08:39
FusE[Laptop] it says the same thing08:39
Kickersnygol damn why doesn't the php5-gd package have imagerotate()08:39
FusE[Laptop] I reinstalled it by booting to live cd and typng sudo root, then root (hd0, 0) then setup (hd1)08:40
SurfnKideternalsword, /etc/modules.d/blacklist08:40
firefly2442anyone used Grip the audio ripping program before?08:40
SurfnKideternalsword, open that file and add blacklist <modulename>  to the bottom08:40
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ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add "blacklist modulename" to the end of that list08:40
eternalswordtried that, it still loaded08:40
kaothey anyone know offhand how to add a second IP address to an interface?  having a brainfart here.08:40
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kaotifconfig eth0:1 <ip> up doesn't seem to be doing it08:40
kaoti thought that's what it was...08:41
FusE[Laptop] Someone please help me, I installed grub but now I get this when I boot "GRUB _" but the underscore is blinking and I cant type anything08:41
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firefly2442kaot: I think it's something like sudo ifconfig eth0 -a ipaddress08:41
eternalswordi had rtl818x, but the module from dmesg is rtl8187, does the blacklist name need to be rtl8187?08:42
SurfnKideternalsword, add both08:42
SurfnKideternalsword, does it show up in lsmod?08:43
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r3nd3rwhats the command to show the OS name and version ?08:43
phrizeruname -a08:43
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FusE[Laptop] Someone please help me, I installed grub but now I get this when I boot "GRUB _" but the underscore is blinking and I cant type anything08:43
SurfnKiduname -a08:43
eternalswordlsmod shows r8187.  put that as well?08:43
r3nd3rah k08:43
=== TiG4 [n=tigfour@cpe-24-162-123-187.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKideternalsword, depending on the order08:43
SurfnKideternalsword, add both08:44
TiG4*-- I Just installed Apache and PHP5 and whenever I navigate to a PHP file on localhost, it tries to download the file instead of running it --*08:44
kaotfirefly2442: eh turns out i was right, i just can't assign 2 addresses from different networks to the same interface.08:44
r3nd3rhow can i get it to show the system memory ?08:44
kaotbummer, that.08:44
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FusE[Laptop] TiG408:44
kaoti don't want to have to drag a monitor around and hook it up to this other box.  wah.08:44
FusE[Laptop] You didnt add the extension to apache08:44
TiG4FusE[Laptop] , How do I do that?08:45
FusE[Laptop] Its like a line08:45
FusE[Laptop] AddType ....08:45
FusE[Laptop] Someone please help me, I installed grub but now I get this when I boot "GRUB _" but the underscore is blinking and I cant type anything, what do I do or how can I fix it?08:45
eternalswordthanks SurfnKid, i'll reboot and see what happens.08:45
stopherOkay, anyone answer this? what is a 'valid' virtual server for apache?08:46
TiG4FuSE[Laptop] , I uncommented 'AddType application/x-httpd-php .php' already in apache2.conf08:46
FusE[Laptop] now restart apache08:46
FusE[Laptop] Thats really a apache error08:46
FusE[Laptop] not ubuntu08:46
SurfnKidhow can i reconfigure my wired ethernet adapter if ive unloaded it?08:46
GStubbs43Is there a program to create swf or flash files for Ubuntu?08:46
TiG4FusE[Laptop] , I did restart apache, it didnt work08:46
FusE[Laptop] Like I said08:47
FusE[Laptop] Thats really a apache error08:47
FusE[Laptop] not ubuntu08:47
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porkpiehi, I installed shorewall but I can't edit the conf file.  I have even tried sudo but I get permission denied ..is this because it's running08:47
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FusE[Laptop] Someone please help me, I installed grub but now I get this when I boot "GRUB _" but the underscore is blinking and I cant type anything, what do I do or how can I fix it?08:48
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El_Brujohello somebody have intalled englightenment in dapper08:49
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TiG4*-- Where would my httpd.conf file be? --*08:49
FusE[Laptop] ...08:50
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stopherTiG4: what version of apache?08:50
TiG4stopher, Apache208:50
FusE[Laptop] conf/08:50
QuaruptedOkau whoever wrote Easy Ubuntu I LOVE YOU08:50
mattwestmmy clearlooks metacity theme got overwritten, how can I find the original one?08:50
Quaruptednow I can save hours08:50
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stopherits /etc/apache2/httpd.conf  but its really in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf08:50
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selinium_GStubbs43: F4L http://f4l.sf.net/08:51
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TiG4This is so frustrating, everywhere on the net ways just uncomment those lines out, but its not working08:51
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firefly2442how come when I put a CD in, it appears mounted on the desktop but not mounted under "mount -l" in commandline?08:51
durgajust tried 6.06 for the first time...looks really promising but did not recognise my legacy soundblaster AWE AT sound card...any ideas ?08:51
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stopherwhat lines TiG4?08:52
QuaruptedWho wrote Easy Ubuntu?08:52
eternalswordthanks SurfnKid, it was successfully blacklisted this time.08:53
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TiG4stopher, 'AddType application/x-httpd-php .php' & AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps08:53
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selinium_firefly2442: it should be under /dev/hdd on /media/blah08:53
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stopherpush F6 and search for other lines that may contain those credentials08:54
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TiG4stopher, Any ideas?08:55
stopherpush F6 and search for other lines that may contain those credentials08:55
SurfnKid eternalsword excellent, glad it worked08:56
TiG4stopher, nope, those are the only lines that contain 'php'08:56
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durgajust tried 6.06 for the first time...looks really promising but did not recognise my legacy soundblaster AWE AT sound card...any ideas ?08:56
MadpilotQuarupted, try #easyubuntu08:56
stopherwell i can't find #ResourceConfig conf/srm.conf #AccessConfig conf/access.conf   either so we're in this together LOL08:56
firefly2442selinium_: hmm, I don't see it here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1780808:56
TiG4stopher, Heh, you working on getting apache setup as well08:56
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eternalswordi'm hoping my wireless won't stop working now.  I believe the rtl interferes with ndiswrapper.  I'll leave it on overnight and see what happens.08:57
stopheryups TiG408:58
stopherfor the past 6 hours08:58
eternalswordif it works, it'll help alot of people on the forums having the same problem08:58
selinium_firefly2442: I dont understand! :) it is not like that on my machine!08:58
selinium_TiG4:  stopher: What is the problem?08:59
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TiG4selinium_, Whenever I try to run a php file, it attempts to download instead of running it. (Apache2, PHP5)09:00
stopherselinium_: I am installing frontpage extensions on an apache server, not working too well09:00
FusE[Laptop] #apache09:00
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igcekis it absolutely necessary to have computer that supports ACPI for ubuntu to work on it09:00
firefly2442selinium_: ahha, I found that it's /dev/hdc from the Admin -> Disks utility :)09:01
TiG4FusE[Laptop] , We are using Ubuntu so its relative09:01
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TiG4selinium_, Any ideas?09:01
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sktxso i've been struggling with getting connected to dalnet for a while, only to find that my isps provider doesn't peer to dalnet... can anyone think of a creative way to get around this?09:02
KickersnyTiG4, I had that problem yesterday09:02
TiG4Kickersny, How'd ya fix it?09:02
selinium_TiG4: So have you followed the LAMP tutorial? Have you restarted the server?09:02
KickersnyTiG4, check /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf09:02
KickersnyTiG4, what version of PHP?09:03
stophersktx: get a new isp09:03
TiG4Kickersny, 509:03
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TiG4Kickersny, It's blank09:03
selinium_TiG4: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  <---- did you follow this?09:03
carlbpretty slick (just installed ubuntu)!09:03
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Kickersnyls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/09:03
firefly2442is cdparanoia good for ripping cds that are scratched? similar to exact audio copy I assume? (EAC)09:03
KickersnyTiG4, ^^09:03
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sktxstopher: i wish.. i signed a year contract and now i'm screwed.. if i bail, its a $150 early termination fee09:04
Kickersnysktx, call and bitch09:04
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TiG4Kickersny, cgi.load  userdir.conf  userdir.load09:04
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carlbhow do I add resolution options to the GUI list in the admin window?09:05
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stopherthat hurst sktx09:05
DeshHow do I check if my Ubuntu is set up for 2 monitors?09:05
KickersnyTiG4, run "sudo a2enmod php5"09:05
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KickersnyTiG4, then restart apache209:05
sktxKickersny: i spent like an hour and a half a day trying to talk to their "tech support" .. they're all script reading phone jockeys who know less about the internet than your average aoler09:05
KickersnyDesh, check the other monitor? :P09:05
TiG4Kickersny, I love you.09:05
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KickersnyTiG4, don't get all mushy on me now :)09:05
TiG4Kickersny, Thanks alot bud.09:05
sktxstopher: tell me about it.. they've really got me by the short and curlies09:05
Kickersnyno problem, TiG409:06
TiG4Kickersny, So it just wasnt enabled?09:06
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TiG4Kickersny, Cool.09:06
col-panicbtw, just tested cedega 5.1 on breezy09:06
col-panicit's a go :)09:06
sktxi figure i could get a shell somewhere else, right? or a BNC?09:06
DeshKickersny: i don't have 2, only one on the laptop, but I do have the option to hook a 2nd one up. however, there is a second monitor with the status <unknown> in the Display settings, and I think this may be bothering my video and not letting my video driver work properly with 3d rendering.09:06
KickersnyTiG4, for a list of modules you can enabled, run "ls /etc/apache2/mods-available/"09:07
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col-panicthe 'official' one, not the cvs.09:07
col-panicso any of you gamers out there, its worth the trouble.09:07
TiG4Kickersny, Thanks.09:07
col-panicpeace :)09:07
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TiG4so to allow cgi i would do09:07
tk3is there anyway to control which packaged the 6.06 LTS installer installs before... it installs them? can't see anything obivous.09:07
TiG4sudo a2enmod ci09:07
selinium_Kickersny: I normally edit the ini files to enable apache2 modules. Can a2enmod be used for all modules?09:08
Kickersnyselinium_, any mod in mods-available09:08
eternalswordI borked my mysql database, how do I remove the database and start over?09:08
jronany reason why mplayer is not in the reposotory? in gentoo i could just emerge mplayer and then mplayer <fiilename> to play divix =(09:08
KickersnyTiG4, yes, a2emod cgi09:08
jroni see kmplayer libs... but not mplayer....09:09
Kickersnyeternalsword, mysql.com09:09
firefly2442eternalsword: might want to try phpmyadmin :)09:09
Deshjron, it should be, make sure you enable all the repositories.09:09
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource09:09
lightstarjron, add multiverse repo09:09
carlbI am not getting full resolution options in the System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution (I should have a 1680x1050 in there but it does not show up... tried editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf without success)09:09
jroni uncomented all the repos.. but ill check again09:10
Deshcarlb, what type of card?09:10
Deshgraphics card.09:10
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carlbATI Radeon X160009:10
carlb(Macbook Pro)09:10
DeshCarlb, welcome to the terrible world of having an ATI on Linux.09:11
eternalswordjron: try using Automatix http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=177646&highlight=Automatix09:11
DeshCArlb: I have been trying to get 3d on my laptop since I first started running Linux a few months back.09:11
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carlbthat is motivating ;-)09:12
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DeshCArlb: Hopefully you are luckier, I dunno why but my laptop won't use the correct driver.09:12
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carlbany tips Desh?09:12
DeshCarlb, however, try editing your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to yse the "ati" driver in the device section.09:13
DeshOr, run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:13
DeshAnd select all your settings there and the resolutions you wants, etc.09:13
eternalswordcarlb, what video card do you have?09:13
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eternalswordtry going to http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20491009:14
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carlbeternalsword: ATI Radeon X160009:15
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eternalswordcarlb: try going to http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=204910 for the new fglrx driver installation instructions09:15
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xaxxonis there a good howto on getting dual monitors going with nvidia?09:17
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ubotuDisks store lots of data. Partitioning: try gparted or qtparted  - Formatting: see the manpage for mkfs  - Mounting: system -> administration -> disks09:17
vookat dapper cdinst boot, how would I go about forcing an ANSI install?09:17
bbrazilxaxxon: nvidia docs aren't too bad - dunno if there's something ubuntu specific09:17
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interfearwhere is the xorg.conf file located09:18
Hemebond /etc/X11/09:18
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xaxxonbbrazil, doyou have a pointer?09:18
citizenyou will need root access to edit it09:18
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heatxsinkI did what was documented in the wiki for dapper to install flash09:19
phrowzendoes anyone know how i can get a transparent terminal window thatll 'tail -f' a specified log file, ive seen some in screenshtos before, looks cool09:19
heatxsinkand it's still not showing up in firefox HELP!09:19
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phrowzenfor my desktop09:19
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MeGaQuArKDoes anyone know the command line for mounting an SMB share?09:20
heatxsinkcitizen:  ?09:20
citizenwhich package did you install09:20
phrowzenMeGaQuArK, mount -t smbfs -o username=???,password=??? // /mount/point09:20
vooklet me rephrase.  How do I go about forcing a debian/breezy style (text/color) install rather than a X install09:20
citizenyou should try to use automatix09:20
HemebondIf my graphics card is PCIX, should I still put Option "NvAGP" "1" into my xorg.conf?09:20
Hemebondit seems to break when I do.09:21
heatxsinkcitizen:  ?09:21
citizenhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80295 heatxsink09:21
citizeninstall that program09:21
eternalswordxaxxon: try http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=196288&highlight=nvidia+dual09:21
Stormx2phrowzen: Probably xterm09:21
citizenand then choose flash from the list09:22
Stormx2phrowzen: with some options passed to it...09:22
vookMeGaQuArK, something like: mount -t notsmbfs //servername/sharename09:22
phrowzenStormx2, thanks, ill mess around with it09:22
phrowzenvook, why not smbfs you think? ;\.. i just used the exact line i pasted about 25 mins ago09:23
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vookphrowzen, for mounting a share?  ok, it's been a while, didn't remember.09:23
phrowzenvook, :)09:23
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XTChow do i add user in one line ?09:27
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GStubbs43Hi, how do I install swiftfox? I have swiftfox- How do I now install it onto Ubuntu?09:27
XTCtar -xvjf swiftfotx...bz209:28
XTCcd swift...09:28
XTCmake install09:28
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GStubbs43It said:09:30
GStubbs43gino@Artemas:~/Desktop/swiftfox$ ./configure09:30
GStubbs43bash: ./configure: No such file or directory09:30
GStubbs43gino@Artemas:~/Desktop/swiftfox$ make09:30
GStubbs43make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.09:30
GStubbs43gino@Artemas:~/Desktop/swiftfox$ make install09:30
GStubbs43make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.09:30
citizendouble click on the tar.bz209:30
FusE[Laptop] Someone please help me, I installed grub but now I get this when I boot "GRUB _" but the underscore is blinking and I cant type anything, what do I do or how can I fix it?09:31
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citizenand extract the main folder09:31
GStubbs43to where?09:31
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citizenyour home folder09:31
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GStubbs43and then what?09:32
CaptainZeroCooljoin #<sidekick>09:32
citizenthen do cd swiftfox whatever09:32
FusE[Laptop] Ugh, Im never going to get this error fixed09:32
citizenjust type swift then press tab09:32
citizenthen run "sudo ./configure"09:32
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hydroksydewtf would swiftfox use autoconf???09:33
FusE[Laptop] I just reinstalled ubuntu and installed grub to the MN09:33
GStubbs43sudo: ./configure: command not found09:33
citizenhold on09:33
FusE[Laptop] I just reinstalled ubuntu and installed grub to the MBR, and now when I boot, it freezes on "GRUB _"09:33
GStubbs43That is what it said09:33
citizenlemme see09:33
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blixDear Channel; Would you please help me configure apache 1.3 on Dapper? I installed the package but it seems that configuration is not correct.09:33
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hydroksydecitizen, is swiftfox not distributed as binaries???09:34
citizenhaha, it is09:34
hydroksydeit looks like they have build an optimized version for each arch (a dubious way of increasing speed, but there are other things thay may have done)09:34
citizenthere should be a file called swiftfox-bin09:35
GStubbs43I'm new to Linux and I'm really just trying to learn how to install programs that I can't get from synaptic/apt-get. I am using swiftfox to help me.09:35
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citizendouble click it09:35
FusE[Laptop] I just reinstalled ubuntu and installed grub to the MBR, and now when I boot, it freezes on "GRUB _"09:35
interfearhow can i add my windows partition to grub>09:35
interfearis there a util?09:35
citizenwell, swiftfox is already complied, so you should try with somethin else09:35
GStubbs43nothing happens09:35
hydroksydeGStubbs43, do you see a file called swiftfox?09:35
GStubbs43Nevermind it is loading09:36
GStubbs43No it isn't09:36
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hydroksydein firefox, there's one file called firefox, and another called firefox-bin09:36
citizeni'm dumb09:36
GStubbs43I double-clicked swiftfox-bin and nothing happened09:36
hydroksydefirefox calls firefox-bin09:36
GStubbs43I thought it was loading but it didn't09:36
hydroksydefirefox-bin wont work on it's own09:36
citizenswiftfox loads swiftfox-bin09:36
hydroksydedouble click swiftfox09:36
citizen*hits self*09:37
porkpieis there a web interface for shorewall09:37
GStubbs43Okay I got it.09:37
FusE[Laptop] I just reinstalled ubuntu and installed grub to the MBR, and now when I boot, it freezes on "GRUB _". I really could use help!!!09:37
hydroksydeporkpie, there might be a webmin module?09:37
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citizenthe standard for installing programs from the source is to extract it from the tar file, then to use "cd" to move to that directory09:38
citizenthen, run "sudo ./configure"09:38
citizenthen "make", then "make install"09:38
spadesmight wanna look into checkinstall09:38
GStubbs43What program can I install to try it out?09:38
FusE[Laptop] *ugh*, can anyone help me?09:38
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interfearhow can i add my windows partition to GRUB? it didnt automatically add itself, but it is still there09:39
FusE[Laptop] I think I have the same problem interfear09:39
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stopheruse clear /mbr09:39
FusE[Laptop] but when my Grub boots, it just idles like this : "GRUB _" but the underscore blinks09:39
citizengstubbs43, frostwire09:39
hydroksydeFusE[Laptop] , sounds like grub is broken09:39
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tripppyis there/whats the best HOWTO for installing dapper cd from canoical?09:40
citizenwell, do you have java installed?09:40
FusE[Laptop] Its not09:40
FusE[Laptop] I just installed it09:40
hydroksydemaybe it's trying to look for a config file on a partition that isn't there09:40
GStubbs43That came with an ubuntu version, I already have it.09:40
=== hydroksyde hates grub. Religiously
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GStubbs43I didn't need the tar file09:40
FusE[Laptop] I installed it on the master boot record09:40
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mvhentenHi, I'm looking for an 'ical' type of application ( I mean, something as nice, and good, not like mozilla's)09:40
citizengstubbs43, skype09:41
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porkpieguy's how do I allow all internal connection with ubuntu server ....I am new to this distro and can't connect or ping the box09:41
Dr_Satomvhenten: buy a mac :) No I'm not trying 2 be funny09:41
FusE[Laptop] hydroksyde, why is it doing that after i installed it on the MBR09:41
GStubbs43I'll try skype09:42
hydroksydenot sure09:42
hydroksydegrub does need a config file09:42
hydroksydeon a partition09:42
TiG4*-- What's the best (prettiest) Web Stats Script? --*09:42
mvhentenDr_Sato: I'm getting envious about those mac users. I haven't found a calendar application I want to use yet, that's why I'm asking09:42
FusE[Laptop] how can I see if its missng?09:42
hydroksydethat's why I think it's stupid, and hate it, and advocate lilo09:42
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hydroksydeboot with a live CD09:42
FusE[Laptop] k sec09:42
Glimerratiis there any software for free sms in ubuntu...?09:42
mvhentenI need something that I can scribble up the hours I'm working and plan my lunch brakes, and on the side, organise stuff.09:43
citizenGStubbs43, after you do it once or twice, you wwill be a pro, as long as you can understand SOME of what the terminal is spitting out at you during ./configure09:43
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TiG4Glimerrati, Check out Google Labs09:43
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TiG4*-- What's the best (prettiest) Web Stats Script? --*09:43
FusE[Laptop] now what hydroksyde09:43
hydroksydelook in /boot/grub09:43
GStubbs43Okay, I am really good with Windows but I am really trying to learn Linux09:43
FusE[Laptop] sec09:43
citizenGstubbs, do you want to learn UNIX?09:44
Dr_Satomvhenten: u could try the gDesklets? (sudo apt-get install gDesklets09:44
hawkaloogieTiG4, don't repeat. and that special text isn't necessary, and it's awstats imho09:44
citizenGstubbs43, http://freeengineer.org/learnUNIXin10minutes.html09:44
Dr_Satomvhenten: there are calendar like desklets09:44
TiG4awstats is a bit ugly though09:44
Dr_Satoand you can scribble away09:44
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interfearwhats the apt-get command to install an mp3 decoder?09:45
interfearapt-get install libmp3?09:45
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hawkaloogieTiG4,  or webalizer, those're the only two i've used09:45
jroncan anyone please tell me where the hell mplayer is for ubuntu?09:45
hydroksydeinterfear, in 6.06?09:45
=== Desh [n=fries@adsl-3-160-244.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Deshthe fglrx installer says I am running an i686 arch, but I installed the 386 version of ubuntu and have been using that kernel and those restricted modules, is that ok?09:45
interfearhydroksyde: yes 6.0609:45
hawkaloogie!restrictedformats > interfear09:45
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citizenDesh, please use the pastebin for large files09:46
Deshcitizen, sorry, it was just a long question.09:46
hydroksydeinterfear, gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly09:46
jroni have all the repos uncommented in my sources.list and apt-get install mplayer-386 still does jack.09:46
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mvhentenI'll have a look ... haven't seen any 'useful' desklets yet09:46
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hydroksydeFusE[Laptop] , sorry, I'm not sure how to install grub09:46
citizenhydro, haven't the ugly ones been updated?09:46
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barattolohi guys09:47
mvhentensomething like 'fancontrol' but graphical09:47
citizeni think ugly is deprecated09:47
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barattoloanyone that can help me with user administration?09:47
FusE[Laptop] hydros\ksyde09:47
FusE[Laptop] hydrosksyde, /grub/ doesn't exist in /boot/09:47
Dr_Satomvhenten: I'll look into it... if I find something i'll give a hauwler09:47
DeshHow can I install an older version of fglrx?09:47
hydroksydeFusE[Laptop] , that could be a problem09:47
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GStubbs43STerminal said command not found when I trien ./configure09:47
DeshI try but it says I canot because my Xorg is 7.009:48
hydroksydeFusE[Laptop] , try sudo apt-get install grub09:48
FusE[Laptop] k09:48
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FusE[Laptop] hydroskyde, it says 0 upgraded 0 newly installed, 0 to remove, 0 not upgradedm grub is already the newest version09:49
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interfearholy crap ubuntu 6.06 is awesome09:49
interfeareverything just works09:49
interfearmy printer, my wireless omg09:49
roshan_sjron: You need to do "sudo apt-get install mplayer"09:49
interfearthis is amazing09:49
hydroksydeFusE[Laptop] , try sudo dpkg --configure grub09:49
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interfearexcept my monitor.. had to edit my xorg.conf09:49
garryFbarattolo, Ask the question. Nobody will know if hwe can help you till you ask your specific question.09:49
hydroksydeI can't see if that works on my box though, it's updating, so apt is locked09:50
garryFGrats interfear09:50
barattolouh.. you're right sorry09:50
interfearsweet now i dont need to use windows anymore09:50
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citizenGStubbs43, sorry, skype is weird, as well09:50
FusE[Laptop] error proccessing grub, package grub is already installed and configured09:50
interfearmy pc seems so fast ..09:50
citizenI will find you an easy, small package so you can learn, beb09:50
interfearis ubuntu amd64 taking advantage of dual core out of the box?09:50
barattoloso.. I had to create a user using --forc-badname.. the problem is that it was created with no privileges, according to users-admin app09:50
roshan_sinterfear: Yes09:50
DeshHow can I move a window that's too big for my screen?09:50
GStubbs43Yeah, I can just click on Skype and run it.09:51
interfearok im gonna get rid of my windows partition now.. and reinstall09:51
mbnI'm trying to add 1152x864 resolution to X. i edited xorg.conf and added the resolution. but the option is not showed in Display Settings ( i also restarted X )09:51
GStubbs43Try install 915resolution09:51
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barattoloof course I need full privileges for that user.. the problem is that users-admin wont let me change the privs because of the badname09:51
GStubbs43tat's how I got 1280x80009:51
enycmbn: hrrmm wonder igf the x-server thinks the monitor is not capable of that made at a sano frequency09:51
hivemindHey guys, I'm looking at this certain laptop, and I was wondering if Ubuntu supported it so I checked the list in the wiki. My laptop wasn't there, but the version below it and the one above it were listed as compatible. Is it a safe bet my "middle" version is too?09:51
garryFUnder user-admin choose new user. Choose properties and check of the permission.09:51
mbnGStubbs43 < what is it ?09:51
brynksince a few days i log out when i run the synaptic update or press the quit button, anyone have the same problem?09:52
enycmbn: I use a modeline to got 1216x912 @ 99hz09:52
FusE[Laptop] hydroksyde, stumped?09:52
barattologarryF, the problem is that I need a username like name.surname09:52
hydroksydeif everyone used lilo09:52
sysdocinterfear, uname -r09:52
FusE[Laptop] ugh09:52
barattoloand users-admin wont let me do it09:52
hydroksydelike good linux users09:52
FusE[Laptop] should I do the whole thing over and use lilo?09:52
mbnenyc < modline ?09:52
hydroksydethen everything would be fine09:52
enycmbn: modeline even09:52
hydroksydeFusE[Laptop] , might help09:52
FusE[Laptop] k ugh09:52
hydroksydeand use grub09:52
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hydroksydewhich might work09:53
FusE[Laptop] tried that09:53
enycmbn: its a config line for a video mode to the x-server09:53
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hydroksydeoh deer09:53
hydroksydetry lilo then09:53
FusE[Laptop] gave the exact same error09:53
garryFI don't think ubuntu allows that, you can create a use with first name last name in the full name box, but its always a one word login no spaces.09:53
mbnenyc: ill check it09:53
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barattoloso there's really no way to do it?09:53
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garryFNot far as I know.09:53
garryFMight be able to try username_sirname09:53
mvhentenWell, looked at all the calendar desklets but no 'real' functionality.09:53
citizenGStubbs43, here is a simple little program, that is easy to install: http://umn.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/bonfire/bonfire-0.3.91.tar.gz09:54
enycmbn: it sets like the  dot-clock speed,  the  number of x-pixels total per actual line, the number of visible pixels, the start/end of the hsync-pulse09:54
barattolothat's bad... what are thos privileges anyway?09:54
brynkis there an ubuntu channel with less people in it so i can actually ask a question?09:54
enycmbn: and similar values for vertical-scanning09:54
mvhentenagain: can anyone tell me of a nice calender application with "ical" functionality09:54
enycmbn: which (9 numbers) sets a video mode09:54
mvhentenbrynk: try different server?09:54
roshan_sbrynk: You can ask it right here09:54
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garryFNo, Its ok brynk more users, better chance for answer.09:55
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brynki just did, but no-one seemed to notice :)09:55
barattoloI mean... are they stored anywhere? ora users-admin is just a frontend to a set of apps09:55
brynksince a few days i log out when i run the synaptic update or press the quit button, anyone have the same problem?09:55
garryFpaging up09:55
GStubbs43I'll try that one09:55
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roshan_sbrynk: Does it happen with any other programs?09:56
tripppyive intalled dapper ubuntu... what packages do i need for Xwindows system?09:56
enycmbn: I was saynig.. .maybe the x-server thinks your moniter cant do that mode09:56
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void^brynk: using nvidia's drivers?09:56
brynkroshan_s: not that i've noticed09:56
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enycmbn: what is the H and V  sync limits on your monitor ?09:56
brynkvoid^: jep09:56
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void^brynk: that's probably the infamous "nvidia driver crashes on random piece of text"-bug.09:56
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto09:57
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brynkhmm never had any problems before09:57
roshan_sbrynk: Does it happen every single time?09:57
brynkyeah it does09:57
garryFHmmm, most strange.09:57
garryFHave you tithed to the cable gods?09:57
GStubbs43Okay, ./configure worked, but make and make install don't work09:57
mbnenyc: its suppose to support it as it works on other OS.09:58
citizenbrynk, i know there is a setting for the quit button, that bypasses the option window09:58
garryFdriver reinstall would be my next try.09:58
barattoloanyone knows where 'users-admin' app user's privileges are stored?09:58
roshan_sbrynk: After it happens, could you paste the result of "tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old"09:58
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citizenbut i forget where it is :-P09:58
void^brynk: there's a number of reports on ubuntu's bugtracker, and see http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=73033 (careful, opening the link in that topic in firefox crashes nvidia drivers here)09:58
sktxcan anyone recommend a decent cheap/free shell provider that's OK with irc?09:58
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enycmbn: kk...09:58
Glimerratican any one tell me how 2 run tar.gz file?09:58
enycmbn: what is the H and V  sync limits on your monitor ?09:58
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garryFxchat seems ok.09:59
sktxGlimerrati: tar xvf filename.tar.gz09:59
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sktxGlimerrati: to extract the file09:59
brynkvoid^: ok thanks, i'll take a look at that09:59
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ikeyou can't run tar.gx.. it's an archive09:59
Lynouresktx: don't the options take -  ?09:59
brynkroshan_s: it's crying about opening /dev/wacom (i don't use one)09:59
citizenike, you know what he means10:00
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Lynouresktx: or it is, hmm, optional for options?10:00
sktxLynoure: nope10:00
jumbersDoes anybody know how to set up a VirtualHost for apache2/10:00
ikei think i know, yes10:00
spadesLynoure you can leave out -  i use tar xzf or czf personally and it works no prob10:00
mbnenyc: checking10:00
sktxLynoure: not with tar10:00
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Lynourespades: I seem to be slave to my habits :)10:00
barattoloanyone knows where 'users-admin' app user's privileges are stored?  (sorry for repeating it.. )10:00
spadesjumbers http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/vhosts/examples.html10:01
roshan_sbrynk: I don't think that's the problem10:01
brynkno guess not10:01
FusE[Laptop] I want a boy drive called Boy and a drived Girl and when I need a new one, I can call it Woman10:01
jumbersOh wait, I can just edit my HOSTS file10:02
FusE[Laptop] opps10:02
FusE[Laptop] not woman10:02
FusE[Laptop] Baby10:02
=== Whil [n=marcus@68-114-60-93.dhcp.davl.vt.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
FusE[Laptop] lol10:02
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jumbersI just want a local "domain"10:02
garryFI have heard of watcom screens that double as drawing pads. Maybe it thinks it exists.10:02
g2710sorry for the noobie question... if i install ubuntu as a server.. and then use apt-get install ubuntu-desktop... will that allow me to run the desktop on startup.. or would i need to run something from the command line..??10:02
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enycg2710: iirc that will probably work fine10:02
enycg2710: as the gdm etc. will auto-start10:02
g2710okie.. cool.. thanks10:03
enycg2710: that will then install the not-server-optimized kernel too I think10:03
snoopshow can I with freenx get it so when I login, it logins to my current desktop?10:03
enycg2710: youd thave to try it really10:03
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu
WhilI'm having Vmware woes.10:03
g2710i just want to have a development environment ..aka lamp environment.. on the ubuntu desktop..10:04
jumbersYay for www.jnumbers.num!10:04
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g2710so started with the lamp server.. first..10:04
sktxvmware will do that to ya10:04
WhilIt will not install, but it sure keeps trying...10:04
roshan_sbrynk: watcom drivers are configured by default. I've never heard of them causing crashes10:04
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citizenwhil: vmware=suck. use qemu10:05
brynkroshan_s: no i don't think that's got anything to do with it10:05
citizenit is much easier10:05
Whilcitizen: What is qemu?10:05
revilot what makes qemu better than vmware10:05
citizenit is a windows emulator10:05
enycWhil: qemu is a pc emulator.....10:05
enycrevilot: both have their own advantages10:05
roshan_sbrynk: If you're using nvidia drivers, thats almost certainly the problem10:05
citizenqemu is much easier for new users to configure10:05
citizenin my opinion10:06
revilotwhich one runs faster10:06
tripppy ive intalled dapper ubuntu... what packages do i need for Xwindows system?10:06
barattoloI use qemu to create images and vmware player to use them10:06
brynkroshan_s: yeah probably, it's just weird because I never had any problems before10:06
citizenwith qemu, you can set the amount of memory to give to windows10:06
Whilcitizen:aside from easy config why is qemu better than vmware?10:06
unstablesobtripppy: easy answer is 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'10:06
Seveascitizen, with vmware too...10:06
Seveasand easier, in a gui. Not silly command line arguments10:06
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revilotqemu is gui?10:07
Seveasvmware is gui10:07
revilotwhat i thought10:07
=== JairunCaloth [n=daniel@c-68-32-70-16.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cello_raspis there any way of limiting the number of results of find ?10:07
revilotwhat about that parallel software10:07
unstablesobi just wish you could run vmware w/out X10:07
tripppyunstablesob, are things generally going to stuff up if i get xubuntu-desktop?, how do i switch into it?10:07
Seveascello_rasp, sure10:07
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JairunCalothhey guys, I just installed mysql. but I didn't choose a password, and I don't know what the pass is10:08
unstablesobxubunt-desktop is xfce iirc10:08
spadestripppy pick the xfce session on login10:08
JairunCalothso now I can't access it10:08
cello_raspSeveas: how?10:08
unstablesobubuntu-desktop gets you gnome10:08
citizenwell, qemu is open-source10:08
roshan_sbrynk: Do you want to try switching to the nv drivers to check?10:08
citizenand it makes me feel good to use it10:08
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unstablesobkubuntu-desktop gets you kde10:08
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Seveascello_rasp, define 'limiting'. find can take a gazillion of arguments to filter10:09
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garryFYou will see a sessions choice. It allows you to choose if you want to run gnome, kde or others. You can have both gnome and kde on ubuntu btw, so far.10:09
Seveasalternatively, pipe it through head to do a crude limiting...10:09
WhilI'm going to try qemu10:09
cello_raspSeveas: i was hoping there was an option like maxresults=100000010:09
Whilcitizen: Can I bug you for help if I need it?10:09
Seveascello_rasp, find .... | head -n 100000010:09
citizenWhil: good choice. Open source is the way to go10:09
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citizenWhil, yes10:09
brynkroshan_s: yeah i'll try that in a bit to make sure10:09
tigorJairunCaloth: just use '-u root' the password should be empty and you _should change that10:09
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fraserlo all10:10
citizenWhil, xiamcitizen@gmail.com is my email10:10
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cello_raspSeveas: mmm, nice and crude :)10:10
citizenI'm gonna be getting off IRC soon, so email me if you have question10:10
WhilOkay citizen: Thanks10:11
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barattologarryF, do you know where 'users-admin' app user's privileges are stored?10:11
WhilQuick one though. How do I get Vmware to quit trying to install?10:11
DeshI have a source duirectory for the fglrx driver, how would I build and install this?10:12
Seveasbarattolo, /etc/group10:12
garryFbarattolo No, the only way I've been able to change priveleges is via user/group manager, and choose the properties tab.10:12
citizenWhil: run "sudo killall" and then the process name10:12
barattolothanks for your help garryF , really appreciated =)10:13
mbnenyc: Huston we have a problem. my screen is a shity proview. it support resolution of 1280x1024 but there is details in the manufacturer web site.10:13
barattolothanks Seveas10:13
citizenit will most likely be vm something. if you type vm and then tab, it will show you10:13
barattoloI'll check that10:13
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mbnenyc: so i need another way to find it. maybe i can find it in the windows inf files :(10:13
garryFbarattolo welcome. I only hope it works. The user uid that has 1000 for the uid is the one that you should be using. I've tried creating extra users, and got same issue.10:14
Whilthanks again citizen10:14
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citizenWhil: what version of windows will you be installing?10:14
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nenesbonjour a tous10:15
FusE[Laptop] hydroksyde I reinstalled Ubuntu but this time I installed LILO but now when I reboot It is still GRUB10:15
Whilcitizen: I was thinking about xp10:15
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barattologarryF, seems there's no easy-way to do this... but I'm sure that these privileges are stored somewhere.. and changing the user's group wont affect those privs10:15
Whilcitizen: Unless you have a differnt recommendation10:16
citizenwell, i use 200010:16
FusE[Laptop] hydroksyde I reinstalled Ubuntu but this time I installed LILO but now when I reboot It is still GRUB10:16
garryFbarattolo I'd check it out, but I'm running Centos atm.10:16
WhilI'll try xp. DO you get all the services in 2000?10:16
citizenXP runs a bit more slowly, but it is usable if you have enough RAM10:16
citizenWhil, how much RAM do you have?10:17
Whilcitizen: I have over 512 so I might be okay10:17
citizenXP should run fine. what kind of processor?10:17
ompaulthe windows support should be done in ##windows :-) it is not for here honestly we do something else called Ubuntu :-)10:17
garryFFusE[Laptop] , Try recovery install, and see if you can get system to mount, then run liloconfig if I recall.10:17
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Whil1.5 ghz celeron m10:17
FusE[Laptop] Im not way with words, what do you mean recovery isntall10:17
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garryFIt sounds like your lilo went to a different drive than the first one, and that you still have grub in the MBR of the boot hard drive.10:18
citizenok, good, whil. xp should run well.10:18
Whilompaul we are actually talking about qemu10:18
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Whilcitizen: okay. wish me luck10:18
FusE[Laptop] garryF I installed GRUB to the MBR then I Installed LILO to the MBR when I reinstalled10:18
garryFThere should be a choice like recovery in the menu if you boot the install disk.10:18
FusE[Laptop] k sec10:18
=== brynk [n=gerrit@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
garryFFusE[Laptop]  Hmm, sounds like it didn't take.10:19
garryFfuse Grub seems superior10:19
citizengood luck, whil :-) email me with question10:19
roshan_sWhil: citizen: Isn't QEMU very slow without the KQEMU module?10:19
FusE[Laptop] garrF, when I use GRUB, it sits like this: GRUB _ , but the _ blinks10:20
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FusE[Laptop] I dont see a Recovery option10:20
FusE[Laptop] in the install menu?10:20
FusE[Laptop] im using live disk10:20
Peciskpeople, tell me, why the hell GIMP doesn't have printing?! :)10:20
Peciskfrom what time sake...10:20
fraserHas anyone had much luck with ndiswrapper and broadcom 46xx?10:20
RibsGIMP has printing10:20
brynkroshan_s: it works ok without the nvidia driver loaded10:20
garryFFor help on group repair, google for grubfarm. They have a nice writeup on recovery.10:20
citizenroshan_s: not for me. i run Win 2k under qemu without the kqemu module10:20
roshan_scitizen: It certainly isn't as fast as VMWare10:21
roshan_scitizen: It makes a difference when you try running video, etc10:21
PeciskRibs: where? I can't find it under usual Files10:21
Peciskin menu10:21
enycmbn: its not important really10:21
enycmbn: I was just going te look and ee what would be sensible etc.10:21
garryFif you get a c ommand line try mount /dev/hdx1 where X is the drive where linux boot is at and 1 is the partition number., so it could be /dev/hdx2 - ?10:21
enycPecisk: I think gimp prints fine ;-)10:22
citizenroshan_s: could be, but think of the open-source! i fell dirty running proprietary applications10:22
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enycPecisk: however you may have to setup the printer model in GIMP itself (for postscript printers)10:23
enycPecisk: or remove the -oraw thing iirc for others... so cups handles it10:23
roshan_scitizen: Same here, but you're running Windows inside the VM anyway, and that's the king of proprietary10:23
enycPecisk: but this may have changed in dapper... not sure10:23
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citizenhaha, good point, roshan_s10:23
mbnenyc: i think its 0-86 / 0-160 ( thats what writen in the driver10:23
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enycmbn: coo ok... erm 86hz ... drrm10:24
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mbnenyc: nope wrong10:24
hydroksydeFusE[Laptop] , try booting with a dos disk, and run fdisk /mbr10:24
mbnenyc: 30.0-86.0 / 50.0-160.010:24
FusE[Laptop] I set it to check disk for errors10:24
FusE[Laptop] and I think it will take a while10:24
citizenadios, all. i need sleep.10:24
hydroksydeFusE[Laptop] , and they lie, lilo is better10:24
enycmbn: /usr/bin/gtf 1152 864 9310:24
enycmbn: on dapper10:24
enycmbn: on breezy gtf is somewhere else  /usr/X11R6/bin/gtf or something10:25
mbnenyc: what is it ?10:25
FusE[Laptop] hydro10:25
enycmbn: generalized timing formula10:25
FusE[Laptop] i installed lilo but grub is the one that appears10:25
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enycmbn: you can do 1152 x 864  at 93hz  under 86kHz H-scanning10:25
garryFLilo is easier. I only went to grub when a distro I tried to install griped that the kernel over-wrote the lilo first stage.10:25
roshan_scitizen: And if you want to run Windows, VMWare is both faster and more smoothly integrated. And it comes packages in the repositories10:25
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enycmbn: if nothing else you could use that 'modeline' if xorg.conf is modified correctly10:25
mbnenyc: ok got an output. should i paste it to xorg.conf ?10:26
mbnor take part of it ?10:26
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garryFYeah, and he told it to over-write the mbr that had grub in it, with lilo.10:26
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citizenroshan_s: oh. i didn't know it was in repos. well, Whil: if qemu is too hard, VMware would be easy as well10:26
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enycmbn: however... if you are near magnetic-ballast (older type w/ starter) flourescent lights in  a 50hz mains country you will want to use 85hz ish to avoid flicker-conflict-headache10:26
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enycmbn: erm... write to enyc (off channel...)10:27
WhilCitizen: I can't get VMware to install.10:27
citizenwell, qemu is your best bet then10:27
roshan_sWhil: what is the problem? are you installing the vmware player?10:28
citizenbut it is 0430, and i need sleep. good luck, Whil10:28
FusE[Laptop] hydroksyde, fdisk /mbr?10:28
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WhilRoshan: I tried installing the VM ware player and it gets to the end and can't load anything10:28
garryFYeah, but I worry about that /fdisk for its made for windows.10:28
Whilcitizen: thanks10:28
Whilfor all your help10:28
enycWhil: are you using the vmplayer packeg in ubunt-dapper multiverse ?10:29
Peciskenyc: it has changed big time, Print has disappeared from File submenu :)10:29
citizennp. feel free to email anytime10:29
FusE[Laptop] hydroksyde, fdisk /mbr?10:29
garryFbut might be your best bet.10:29
enycPecisk: looking....10:29
col-panichm dapper got vmware huh?10:29
garryFYes Fuse10:29
PeciskI print from gThumbs which is perfect for that, but...it is kinda strange10:29
=== col-panic waits on shipit
Whilenyc: I'm using the one in the repo10:29
FusE[Laptop] kk10:29
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citizencol-panic: yes, ubuntu added proprietary apps to the repos10:29
enycWhil: you need te update everything atd reboot.... it has kernel modules...10:29
roshan_sWhil: Do this: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure debconf"10:29
col-paniccitizen: they add cedega? cause if they did I downloaded it for nothing lol10:30
FusE[Laptop] fuck, I cant remember the administrator password10:30
FusE[Laptop] garryF, what do I do10:30
citizencol-panic: they also added real player and opera10:30
garryFThat would be the password for your regular user.10:30
citizencol-panic: idk, check synaptic10:30
col-paniccitizen: i added the one wit those too10:30
=== col-panic is on breezy
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Whili have cedega too but will that run windows?10:30
FusE[Laptop] garryF, I typed my password10:30
col-panichence my waits on shipit remark :)10:30
col-panicWhil: cedega is for programs not OSes10:30
enycPecisk: on my dapper gimp-2 (latest update today)10:30
roshan_sWhil: and select the Gnome frontend10:30
enycPecisk: right click on image > file > Print10:31
col-panicI hear qemo is pretty badass though10:31
garryFCheck cap's lock10:31
enycPecisk: is there10:31
citizencol-panic: when did you order?10:31
col-paniclike a month or two ago10:31
citizeni got mine last week10:31
col-panicgot kubuntu+ubuntu coming10:31
garryFI've fat fingered passwords like mad before.10:31
FusE[Laptop] aint on, is there a way I can do the command without using the winxp recovery console?10:31
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col-panicquiet you, the fine folks at canonical must consider NC 'low-priority'10:31
FusE[Laptop] I am an aministrator10:31
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roshan_sWhil: Cedega will run some Windows games, but not windows itself10:32
FusE[Laptop] and I am using the right windows installation path10:32
garryFOH yeah, darn, I forgot. Fdisk isn't in winxp. Its in prior versions.10:32
Whilroshan: I got a blue screen about debconf10:32
citizenhaha. why didn't you downlad, col-panic10:32
FusE[Laptop] what do I dnow?10:32
col-paniccitizen: don't be one of those arrogrant people who assumes monkeys in mongolia get cable10:32
roshan_sWhil: What does the screen tell you?10:32
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garryFgoogle for mbr restore10:32
col-panicbecause humans 6 miles out of city limits dont get it10:32
garryFor get fdisk off old windows/dos disk10:33
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col-paniccable company comes like 200 ft. away from me on a side road, but WONT come up this road...10:33
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citizencol-panic: monkies in mongolia don't get cable?!10:33
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=== col-panic stares at /ignore button
Whilroshan it tells me about answering questions10:33
roshan_sWhil: When it asks you which interface to use, tell it to use the Gnome interface10:34
Whilroshan i did and after that?10:34
citizencol-panic: well, if you stayed online dapper could download in about a day on a 56k connection10:34
roshan_sWhil: Just select Next and press enter10:35
FusE[Laptop] I cant find a mbr restore10:35
col-panicI'm on 28.8.... hence my extreme anger at the drunk-as-a-mofo cable co.10:35
Peciskenyc: do this everytime when I open image to print, but...what a heck, it is not there :) Must be a bug...10:35
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garryFsounds like only choice is a full restore10:35
ryantriphey i need help. xubuntu wouldnt start up past loading hardware drivers. so i ran it in recovery mode, and it stoped at [ 65.952005]  intel8x0: clocking to 48000. what is wrong?10:35
compengicitizen, more than one day10:35
Whilroshan it says ignore questions with a priority less than?10:35
FusE[Laptop] !!!10:35
ubotuI know nothing about !!10:35
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:36
roshan_sWhil: Select "high"10:36
col-panicI don't 'own' this house or the ISP acct so staying online is out of the question10:36
citizencompengi: lol. did you do it?10:36
ompaulFusE[Laptop] , the ! is a trigger for the channel bot10:36
compengicitizen, i have 128k ISDN connection it took me over 16h10:36
Whilroshan okay I did10:36
garryFI'm getting brain dead.10:36
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Whilroshan im back at the command prompt now10:36
ryantriphey i need help. xubuntu wouldnt start up past loading hardware drivers. so i ran it in recovery mode, and it stoped at [ 65.952005]  intel8x0: clocking to 48000. what is wrong?10:36
enycPecisk: update it........ ;-)10:36
citizencompengi: is that an upgrade from breezy, or a full install?10:36
col-panicso that's .... 64h to download dapper. no thanks or I'll wait.10:37
enycPecisk: theres been patches recently in dapper-seucrity er dapper-updates10:37
col-panicISDN is like $100 / mo. and it doesn't even come this far. :(10:37
citizenbah, i g2g. its quarter till 5 in the morning10:37
col-panicat least the local telco prices10:37
Whilnight citizen10:37
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col-panicntpdate: it's 4:37 here lol10:38
FusE[Laptop] garryF, what am I supposed to do10:38
citizenhaha yah10:38
ompaulryantrip, there is a #xubuntu however that is more like you should go into grub (press esc at the very first screen) and type in some of the more popular entries here wiki.ubuntu.com/BootOptions10:38
Whil<-- 4:37 am here10:38
FusE[Laptop] I need all that data10:38
roshan_sWhil: Now try "sudo apt-get install vmware-player"10:38
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=== col-panic wishes there was a working shipit.xubuntu.com
ryantripompaul: i tried that chanel and the guy who was helping did not know what aas wrong10:38
garryFWell, I'm not sure. You might try googling grubfarm for info on repairing a grub install.10:39
firstpuais there a way to add comments to an existing avi file, similar to those in an mp3 files, if so what tool?10:39
col-panicim just gonna install xfce as soon as my CDs come lol10:39
Whilroshan im waiting10:39
ompaulryantrip, check out the end of my comment it may work for you10:39
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garryFFusE[Laptop]  or trying to switch the drive order and booting off the linux drive if it's a separate drive and see if that helps.10:39
ompaulryantrip, they get appended to the kernel line10:39
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roshan_sWhil: There might be a little problem. Which kernel are you using?10:40
garryFFusE[Laptop]  thatis switching the order of drives in bios.10:40
Whili think 2510:40
Whilroshan it failed to start10:40
garryFFusE[Laptop]  past that, only a reinstall is my last idea.10:40
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Whilshould i roll back to 23 roshan?10:40
roshan_sWhil: What is the error?10:41
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Whilroshan: action start failed10:41
col-panicquick question: anyone know if the s3 savage card gets DRI support in dapper? I heard it did.10:41
roshan_sWhil: did it install properly?10:42
citizenbah, i'll just pull an all nighter. too late to sleep, anyway10:42
Whilroshan yes i think so. it just didn't start10:42
Whilroshan the next line says error configure10:42
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roshan_sWhil: Did you get a license confirmation box?10:43
Whilroshan it said i already accepted the license because i did.10:43
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roshan_sWhil: Do these errors occur when you try to start vmware?10:44
col-panicpeace y'all10:44
=== col-panic waves
ryantripompaul: do i hit e to edit the comands? or hit c for command line10:44
Whili haven't tried to start it yet. Of course i haven't rebooted either roshan.10:44
snadgecould anybody possibly shed some light on why oidentd, always returns NO USER? when its set up by default to forward masqueraded ident (auth) requests to the originating client10:44
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nofeardoes anyone know if a epson stylus cx3810 printer will work in ubuntu?10:45
ompaulryantrip, e10:45
Whilroshan when I try to start it it says command not found10:45
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deFrysknofear, http://www.linuxprinting.org/10:45
snadgeif not.. can anybody recommend a suitable ident (auth) server that works with masqueraded hosts for them?10:45
citizennofear, yes10:45
ryantripompaul: then do i add a new line?10:45
roshan_sWhil: you needn't reboot. Can you open synaptic and see if it shows vmware-player as installed? And see in the status bar if it says anything about broken packages10:46
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ompaulryanakca, no add it to the kernel line10:46
PupenoDoes anybody know about a howto to write Sieve scripts ?10:46
nofearok ill check that site out10:46
citizennofear, there are divers installed in ubuntu for that particular printer10:46
ompaulryantrip, no add it to the kernel line10:46
Whilroshan just a sec10:46
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nofearya, i dotn see it on my version tho10:46
nofearim using 5.1010:47
Whilroshan: It's installed... Nothing broken10:47
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citizendo you have a broadband connection, nofear?10:47
ryantripompaul: could i open a private conversation with u so yo could walk me though it?10:47
nofearim on satilite lol10:47
citizenyou ought to try upgrading to dapper10:47
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roshan_sWhil: What's the output of 'uname -r'?10:48
nofearits like over 400meg upgrade?10:48
deFrysknofear, try 600 meg10:48
citizenyes, but is is totally worht is10:48
nofearlol ok10:48
nofearya i wouldnt be able download it10:48
citizenit has long term supprt10:48
Whilroshan 2.6.15-2610:48
deFryskand yes its totaly worth it10:48
citizenoh, okay10:48
nofeari get capped after 300 megs10:48
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nofearstupid satilite!10:48
Whilroshan with a -386 on the end10:49
deFrysknofear, get some free coasters of dapper10:49
nofearwill do10:49
xaxxonI have 2 monitors hooked up to a single video card with a DVI and VGA out.  I have a 1600x1200 LCD hooked to the DVI via DVI and a 1600x1200 LCD hooked to the VGA via VGA.  the VGA one comes up as 1600x1200, the other as 1280x1024 :(10:49
nofearjust takes such a long to for me to recive10:50
nofearlast time i did that it took about 6 weeks for it to get to my place10:50
citizenxaxxon. that much look awful10:50
xaxxoncitizen, yes10:50
deFrysknofear, got mine 2 weeks ago :)10:50
citizenxaxxon, you should try reconfiguring x.or10:50
roshan_sWhil: Check in synaptic to see if vmware-player-kernel-modules-2.6.15-25 is installed. If so, reboot into kernel -2510:50
xaxxoncitizen, yes, I agree.. but every time I goof with it, it goes from working but crappy to nothing10:50
ompaulryantrip, yes10:51
citizenxaxxon, i will link you to a howto, hold on while i find it10:51
deFrysknofear, otherwise go to your local kiosk and get some linux magazine with dapper included10:51
ryantripompaul: ok i did10:51
Whilthere is either 23 or 2.6.15 inclusive roshan both are installed10:51
xaxxoncitizen: ok.  I've read a bunch..10:51
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deFrysklike linuxformat or whatever10:51
revilotwhat does everyone recommend for an ftp client10:51
hawkaloogierevilot, nautilus10:51
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xaxxonwhen I bring up the screen resolution dialog, it only gives me 2880x1200@50hz.. which is just totally weird10:52
Whilroshan plus i don't know how to change my kernel, i get no such option at boot time.10:52
deFryskrevilot, gftp is nice10:52
citizenxaxxon, so you know about xinerama10:52
hawkaloogiegftp is hella buggy, especially when queuing a lot of files10:52
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xaxxoncitizen: twinview10:52
citizengftp works great for me10:52
xaxxonI know about twinview10:52
xaxxonsort of10:52
vitalyreviolt, maybe you can try ncftp10:52
citizenxaxxon, go here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo10:53
xaxxonthe nvidia proprietary drivers have some sort of built in xinerama?10:53
revilotcitizen: even when queuing lots of files10:53
deFryskapt-cache search ftp and take your pick10:53
afflux morgen10:53
citizenrevilot, yes10:53
citizenrevilot, i have CVS installed10:53
xaxxoncitizen: ooh, I see goodness10:53
revilotvitaly:  ill check that out10:53
FusE[Laptop] garryF I can not help but say that your help has put me in a worse position10:54
citizenwell, last night's CVS10:54
revilotcitizen: CVS is above my head, new to linux10:54
roshan_sWhil: Don't you get a GRUB menu at boot time? Or a message saying "press esc to see boot menu?" You need to go into that and select 2.6.15-25. This is just temporary until a new vmware kernel module is released. And what do you mean by 2.6.15 inclusive?10:54
xaxxonhahaha yeah, I know what I did wrong...10:54
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citizenoh, yeah, don't mess arounf with CVS10:54
Whilroshan ill look at grub again in a sec. The second kernel module says 2.6.15 with no dash after it.10:55
citizenuh, thats weird10:55
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stefg!info vmware-player-kernel-modules 2.6.15-2610:55
ubotuvmware-player-kernel-modules: vmware-player kernel module dependency package. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 6 kB, installed size 40 kB10:55
citizenit should have the arc after is10:55
xaxxoncitizen: that had it.  it was my metamodes.. I didn't understand how it worked, but I saw the example on that page and I smacked my forehead10:55
citizenxaxxon: glad to help!10:56
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Whilroshan: so i need to boot into the previous kernel?10:56
roshan_sWhil: That's weird. Such a package shouldn't exist. Look at http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=vmware-player&searchon=names&subword=1&version=dapper&release=all10:56
=== dentist [n=devfs@82-69-1-142.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
dentisthow do i install a kernel module on bootup?10:57
roshan_sWhil: Yes. Boot into -25 until a new kernel module comes out10:57
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Whilroshan ill give it a try. be right back10:57
stefgSo i see that the latest kernel update broke vmware-player because there are no updated kernel modules yet. Did already anyone succeed in building matching modules themselves? is m-a the tool to gor that?10:58
Nickayhi.  i would like to ask if ubuntu has KDE enviroment by defualt or i must install it ?10:58
citizennickay: http://www.kubuntu.org10:58
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kakadodentist, I think you just add it to /etc/modules at least the way in debian10:58
jribNickay: you can install kubuntu, or just install the kubuntu-desktop package on ubuntu10:58
stefgNickay: you'll want kubuntu if you prefer KDE.. there's #kubuntu as well10:59
Nickaycitizen i must download and install kubuntu or can i install only KDE?10:59
citizenyou'll wanna download kubuntu10:59
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=== dentist looks
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citizennickay, for future help with KDE, use the channel #kubuntu11:00
TiG4Kickersny, You there?11:00
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Nickayok thanks for the help11:00
citizensomebody say something11:01
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TiG4*-- I'm trying to run a perl script (.pl) in a browser, but when I do, it tries to download the file instead of running it, what can I do? --*11:01
monomaniacpatHow can I allow 60hz vertrefresh in xorg.conf?11:02
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mp3guyask away paul__11:02
citizenthat means your browser doesn't have a plugin for that file type11:02
jribTiG4: is it your server?11:02
TiG4jrib, its local11:03
TiG4jrib, just installed apache11:03
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paul__Hey, My Ubuntu  6.06 wont boot through the right partition and goes to the ubuntu menu to "Boot from first Hard Drive". How can I sort this out?11:04
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jribTiG4: hmm I haven 't set this up myself, but I think you need mod_perl for apache.  Did you install libapache-mod-perl or do you think there is a different way to do it?11:05
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Whilroshan: no such luck11:05
roshan_sWhil: BRB11:05
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TiG4*shrug* Not sure11:05
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universeeoh,when i want to join freebsd channel, it ask me to register,what command should i use?11:06
seamus_iehey all, quick question. Is there any good music apps out there like madman or dare i say it Windows media player.11:06
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ubotuwifi is Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper11:06
Seveas!wifi =~ s/^/<reply> /11:06
ubotuI'll remember that11:06
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper11:06
jribTiG4: maybe you can check in #apache to make sure.  libapache-mod-perl is in the universe repository if it turns out you need that11:06
citizenbah, i had a broadcom card11:06
paul__Hey, My Ubuntu  6.06 wont boot through the right partition and goes to the ubuntu menu to "Boot from first Hard Drive". How can I sort this out?11:07
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NickayIn the Server version of ubuntu can i install KDE enviroment?11:08
HobbseeNickay: yes11:08
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kakadopaul__, have done something before ?11:09
roshan_sWhil: What happens when you run vmplayer at a terminal?11:09
paul__like what?11:09
heatxsinkanyone in here know why when I insert a PCMCIA Compact Flash reader with a Compact Flash card in it, gnome does not auto mount the card?11:09
NickayHobbsee: can i find any guide manual for this in ubuntu site?11:09
kakadopaul__, changed some config files11:09
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment. For more info see http://kubuntu.org ; to install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop11:09
Hobbsee!kubuntu > Nickay11:09
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paul__kakado: my friend was helping me thru it and we changed  /boot/grub/menu.lst11:10
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johlinI don't want my nameservers updated via dhcp, how do I turn that off?11:10
Whilroshan gives a few errors and then ask which vm i want to open11:11
El_Brujosomebody use E17?11:11
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roshan_sWhil: So everything is installed fine. Now you need to make a VM. Which OS do you want to install?11:11
Whilroshan: I want to install xp11:12
sktxok.. sorry for being lame, but, with tar, what are the switches to list the contents of a tar.gz file?11:12
kakadopaul__, so, have you checked for typos in menu.lst ?11:12
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paul__kakado, I tried to change the BIOS boot order but still nothing. I think its booting thru the wrong partition11:13
paul__kakado, no11:13
jribsktx: tar tf file.tar.gz11:13
sktxthanks jrib11:13
kakadopaul__, the partition is defined like /dev/hda311:14
paul__kakado, im told there are none11:14
roshan_sWhil: Okay. Go to www.easyvmx.com11:14
RichEdogra: ping11:14
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El_Brujosomebody use E17?11:14
paul__kakado, its /dev/hda111:14
ryantripwhat does this mean during start up with recover mode? "[ 104.112380]  0000:01:0a.0: 3Com PCI 3c556 Laptop Tornado at cc8be400. Vers LK1.1.19"11:14
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roshan_sWhil: How much space do you want to allocate to Windows? Keep in mind that it won't use up that much space until you add more files11:16
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ryantripompaul: "[ 104.112380]  0000:01:0a.0: 3Com PCI 3c556 Laptop Tornado at cc8be400. Vers LK1.1.19" i got this error11:16
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kakadopaul__, you can boot on a livecd an use cfdisk to list the partitions, see if you can figure out the correct to boot11:16
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Whilroshan i told it 5 gb11:17
_nano_Hello, I get a weird error message when i execute glxinfo11:17
paul__kakado, thats what i have to do, boot through the live cd, just to get linux to load11:17
_nano_could anyone tell me what's going on here?11:17
roshan_sWhil: Download the zip file it gives you and extract it into a new directory11:18
Whilroshan okay i did. then?11:18
paul__kakado, thanks, i'll try that11:19
Whilroshan i opened it it said video device not found.11:19
compengiwhat are the uses of bin folder in file system11:19
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kakadopaul__, ok11:19
roshan_sWhil: Can you do an "lsmod | grep vm" and tell me the output11:20
ryantriphey can some one help me? i get hung up on this "[ 104.112380]  0000:01:0a.0: 3Com PCI 3c556 Laptop Tornado at cc8be400. Vers LK1.1.19" durring start up11:21
Whilroshan no output at all11:21
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roshan_sWhil: Are you running kernel -25? Can you do "sudo apt-get install vmware-player" again?11:23
siimohi can anyone tell me *where* i can download the Blue or olive version of ubuntulooks?11:23
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stefgcompengi: i googled this for you http://pkgcvs.turbolinux.co.jp/spec/fhs-2.1.html... btw, the little box in the top left corner  of firefox could the same for you :-)11:23
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@unaffiliated/electronjunkie] by Seveas
Madpilotsiimo, check gnome-look.org11:24
Whilroshan i dont have the modules for -25the highest i have is -2311:24
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stefgtop right corner that is11:24
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roshan_sWhil: Can you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list file?11:25
Whilroshan: sure be a sec11:25
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paul__kakado, rebooting now...thanks11:26
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:26
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User03have any of you used gentoo before? if so which did u prefer?11:27
citizenubuntu > gentoo11:27
citizeneasier, for one. also, prettier11:28
User03so what does that mean?11:28
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citizenubuntu is much better, in terms of ease and aesthetics11:28
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stefgand widom of defaults, i might add11:29
Whilroshan i posted it to pastebin.ca11:29
roshan_sWhil: Give me the link it gives you11:29
snoopshmm how can I use freenx to remote into my current desktop that I use.. :0 that is11:29
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Whilroshan:  http://pastebin.ca/8592711:30
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Kibousnoops: you can't11:30
snoopsI can't? Damn.11:30
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Kibousnoops: use x11vnc or, if you use gnome, vino11:30
snoopsso it only rcreates 'new' sessions?11:31
Kibousnoops: yes11:31
snoopsyou apparently can use freenx to tunnel vnc over it11:31
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snoopswhich is supposed to speed it up a heck of a lot11:31
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Seveassnoops, no it can speed up remote X, but vnc not very much11:31
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roshan_sWhil: Do "VISUAL=gedit sudoedit /etc/apt/sources.list" I'm going to paste you a new sources.list. Replace yours with that.11:32
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sysrplcan i get  some help? my gnome desktop crash and i can;t get back into it11:32
seamus_iesysrpl: <ctrl>+<alt>+<backspace>11:32
sysrplthe gnome taskbar blinks and it dumps back out to the xlogin screen when i attempt to load gnome11:32
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sysrpland i've rebooted already11:33
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sysrplthe problem started when i was in the gnome theme applet11:33
Whilroshan okay im ready for it11:33
frogzoohow can I change the default gnome apps - for sound (which I'd like to make amarok), and for calculator (galculator) ?11:34
seamus_iesysrpl: what theme did you apply?11:34
sysrplthe clock crashed when i had selected a particular theme, and then the  screen filled with garbage11:34
porkpiehi cna some post there static ifconfig for me please ...I am having problems configuring a static ip11:34
sysrplit was last on crux11:34
snoopsSeveas right, I'm just saying what I've read about - since it's using compression and a caching to speed up x, hopefully the same for vnc11:34
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sysrplit didnt crash right away11:34
snoopsbecause basically vnc is too ridiculously slow fo rme11:34
frogzooporkpie: pastebin your interfaces11:34
snoopsand I just want to control my actual desktop I'm working on in near real time over a network..11:34
Seveassnoops, freenx does its best but vnc is just too dump a protocol to get good speedup11:34
porkpiefrogzoo:I can't  ....11:34
sysrplbut crux was the last theme i was looking at before the problem got so bad i couldn't use gnome anymore11:35
sysrplurl for the pastbin please11:35
sysrploh, that wasn;t to me11:35
roshan_sWhil: Replace you /etc/apt/sources.list with this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1781311:35
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:35
snoopsSeveas any suggestions for connecting to linux, remotely with a windows box then?11:36
frogzooporkpie: the ':' are CRs:      iface eth0 inet static : address  :  netmask  :   post-up /sbin/mii-tool eth0 -F 10baseT-FD11:36
snoops(not vnc)11:36
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narfmastersysrpl, do you remember what theme it was you selected?11:36
Seveassnoops, freenx -- if you can live without session sharing. otherwise no11:36
sysrplyes, it was crux11:37
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porkpiefrogzoo: here's the syntax iface eth0 inet static adress netmask  gateway
Whilroshan okay i did11:37
porkpieah IC  :11:37
frogzooporkpie: -> address  ...11:37
_nano_Hi, I'm getting this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17811 <-- please help me11:37
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porkpiefrogzoo: I missed the : out11:37
Whilroshan brb rr11:37
frogzooporkpie: you have a typo   s/adress/address11:38
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=== narfmaster is looking at crux
porkpiefrogzoo: do I need the : in between each entry11:39
frogzoonoone know how I can change the default gnome apps - for sound (which I'd like to make amarok), and for calculator (galculator) ?11:39
snoopsSeveas yeah.. I absolutely HAVE to be able to control my current desktop on it.. That was the whole idea11:39
citizenhow do you do that11:39
frogzooporkpie: the ':' are carriage returns11:39
narfmastereverything looks fine to me here11:39
Whilroshan: im back and ready to proceed11:40
sysrplwell i'm just trying to get back into gnome11:40
narfmasteri'm looking at my gtk2-engines-crux package11:40
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roshan_sWhil: BTW, try inserting "roshan_s" somewhere when you send me a message. My client alerts me then. Okay. Save the file and exit. Then run "sudo apt-get update"11:40
sysrplhow can i set the theme from gnome theme from kde?11:40
Whilroshan_s: it says okay it did it11:41
frogzoo_nano_: -> https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-driver-tdfx/+bug/44112 - not good news I'm afraid11:41
roshan_sWhil: Now check if you can see a package called vmware-player-kernel-module-2.6.15-2511:42
_nano_frogzoo, this started happening once i installed the compiz-aiglx11:42
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Whilroshan_s: its upgrading now11:43
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roshan_sWhil: Good11:43
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper11:43
narfmastersysrpl, i'm still figuring out how to do kde stuff in kde11:44
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Whilroshanagain player _s: and its trying to install vmware11:44
sysrplwell i have been having crashes galor with lots of stuff11:44
mbn_18enyc, you here ?11:44
sysrpllinux desktops seem very unstable11:45
Whilroshan_s: and  installing vmware player again11:45
roshan_sWhil: That's fine.11:45
sysrplflash crash my system today twice, mozliia crash my system once today11:45
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narfmastersysrpl, how much RAM do you have?11:45
sysrplselecting themes crash and locked me out of gnome today11:46
sysrpl512MB with shared video11:46
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fraseranyone had any experience with the follow wifi problem "ndiswrapper (miniport_init:262): couldn't initialize device: C0000001" ?11:46
Whilroshan it says everything started fine except it gave me an egg desktop error at the end11:46
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aunesI'm ssh-ing into a redhat server but the directory colors are WAY too dark to read. Any clues on how I can change this? (I'm not sure if this is a redhat thing or an ssh thing)11:46
sysrplwell i am gonna restart x11:47
Whilroshan_s:  it says everything started fine except it gave me an egg desktop error at the end11:47
roshan_sWhil: What exactly was the error?11:47
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stefgI'm trying to get vmplayer-modules built for the new kernel with m-a, but it fails with http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17814.  Anyone can give me a clue what's wrong?11:47
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto11:48
ompaulSeveas, see that one .. nasty11:48
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fraserevil evil ndiswrapper11:48
Whilroshan_s: egg_desktop error group create null or something similar11:48
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frogzooaunes: ls --color=never    ?11:48
Whilroshan_s: alot of thstill work just fineings give me that error but11:48
aunesfrogzoo: --color=auto11:48
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aunesfrogzoo: it displays color, but the directories are dark blue which I can't really see. I need to know where to change the default colors.11:49
Whilroshan_s: alot of things give me that error but still work just fine11:49
roshan_sWhil: Did the installation finish successfully?11:49
frogzooaunes: man ls11:50
seamus_ieaunes: the LS_COLORS variable sets the colors for ls which is in turn set by the dircolors command11:50
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Whilroshan_s: ex yescept that last part11:50
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Whilroshan_s: excepting the egg desktop thing yes11:51
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Whilroshan_s: even have an icon now11:51
roshan_sWhil: Okay. Try double-clicking on the vmx file you downloaded11:51
aunesseamus_ie: Beautiful! now is there a tool that will edit or decipher what that jumble of text means?11:51
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seamus_ieaunues: not that i know of but all the codes are ansii color codes as far as i know11:52
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aunesseamus_ie:  thx.11:53
seamus_ieaunes: try for eg echo -e "\e[01;35m hello" ( the color code for *.tga on my sys)11:53
Whilroshan_ ited to start but let me boot into kernel -25 and trys: it start11:53
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seamus_ieaunes: if the ones on your home system are ok just copy them11:53
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aunesseamus_ie: that's what I'm doing now. :)11:53
Whilroshan_s: it tried to start but let me boot into -25 and try again11:54
roshan_sWhil: Okay. Do that.11:54
Whilroshan_: be right back11:54
fmI have a laptop on windows XP and an Ubuntu desktop, I'd like to transfer files from my ubuntu box to the windows box. I tried to set up a ftp server on my Ubuntu and connect to it from windows, using local network addresses. It works but it is slow : 500kBps. What do you think would be the most efficient way to do it?11:54
narfmasterfm, i get 8 MB/s on my ftp11:55
narfmasterfm, you probably have a cap set too low11:55
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kakadofm, samba if you have the time11:56
fmhm, where? I'm using proftpd with default config file11:56
monomaniacpatshould ubuntu support 1360x768?11:56
frogzoofm: that should work just fine, at close to 100Mbps ... wierd11:56
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fmThe laptop has a wireless connection, maybe it is slower than ethernet11:57
shachaf_fm: B or G?11:57
sysrplthat was unpleasant :(11:57
vigilanteAnybody here using google earth?  How do I get this link to work?  http://northcoastjournal.com/070606/ncj20060706.kmz11:57
frogzoofm: ah, I know - have you set 100BTx/FD at both ends????11:57
narfmasterfm, look for TransferRate in the /etc/proftpd.conf file11:57
sysrpli am now removing the gtk2-engines-crux package11:57
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sysrplmaybe that will work11:57
roshan_svigilante: Download that file, run Google Earth, and open it in that11:57
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vigilanteroshan_s: ok11:58
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narfmasterfm, my TransferRates are all set to 8000011:58
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fmI have no transferrate entry11:58
Whilroshan_s: okay we are back to the vmmon error?11:59
shachaffm: Are you using an 802.11b or an 802.11g connection?11:59
roshan_sWhil: Do a sudo modprobe vmmon11:59
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fm(thats whats written on the laptop.. centrino)12:00
Whilroshan_s: module not found12:00
vigilanteroshan_s: do you know how to change the default browser from Firefox to another? (so when I click on links in Google earth it opens the right one)12:00
fmbut the router might be slower12:00
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narfmasterfm, is that wireless USB on the laptop?12:00
Whilroshan_s: maybe i should uninstall and reinstall it?12:00
aunesseamus_ie: copied over the output from dircolors to a file on the server. I run dircolors filename and it returns the error: dircolors: .dircolors:1: invalid line;  missing second token   ...Any ideas?12:00
fmdon't understang ur question nerfmaster12:01
narfmasterfm, if it's USB that could slow it down too12:01
monomaniacpatdoes ubuntu support 1360x768? I have it specified in my xorg.conf12:01
roshan_sWhil: what happens if you do " dpkg -L vmware-player-kernel-modules-2.6.15-25"12:01
porkpiefrogzoo: what entry do I add for bringing the interface up automatically at bootup12:01
fmah ok, no the wireless chip is integrated12:01
frogzooporkpie: auto eth012:02
Whilit gives me a list of paths and files roshan_s12:03
t0dd2is there a keyboard shortcut to bring up the console?12:03
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fmI'll have a look at samba12:04
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roshan_sWhil: And does uname -r show 2.6.15-25?12:04
seamus_ieaunes: try echo "export LS_COLORS='$LS_COLORS'" | ssh user@host 'cat >> .bashrc'12:04
porkpiefrogzoo:do you use ubuntu-server ?12:04
narfmastert0dd2, i think you have to set the keyboard shortcut for that yourself12:04
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Whilroshan_s: yep12:05
aunesseamus_ie: /home/swampfox/.bashrc: line 6: [: -: unary operator expected     -- ????12:05
roshan_sWhil: This is very strange. The kernel modules are installed and yet it can't find them. You're even running the right kernel12:06
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t0dd2mm, I see12:06
interfearhow do i install a *.deb?12:06
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aunesinterfear: dpkg -i name.deb12:07
roshan_sinterfear: Double-click on it12:07
interfearoh ok12:07
seamus_ieaunes: what's at the bottom of $HOME/.bashrc?12:07
aunes... or that12:07
Whilroshan_s:  im reinstalling the player to see if that works12:07
aunesseamus_ie: Local or Server?12:07
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seamus_ieaunes: Server12:07
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems12:07
interfearwhat would i need to download in order to stream windows videos from websites?12:07
interfearim on x6412:07
Whilroshan_s:  now I am back where i started12:07
aunesseamus_ie: the line export LS_COLORS='longtextstring'12:08
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roshan_sWhil: I simply don't understand what the problem could be. Try running vmplayer from a terminal, open the winxp vmx file, and paste the entire output from the terminal on pastebin12:09
Whilroshan_s: okay12:09
frogzooporkpie: not atm, why?12:09
snoopsI'm having really big issues with freenx.. could it be because my default x server is running xgl?12:11
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lz1gjdhow do i get app windows remember its positions so next time i open them they are where i left them on the desktop ?12:11
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seamus_ieaunes: try export LS_COLORS="`GET http://frink.nuig.ie/~grinchy/lscol`" on the server12:11
Whilroshan_s: http://pastebin.ca/8594712:11
snoopssystem>preferences>sessions lz1gjd12:11
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Whilroshan_s:  Those are the 2 windows it gave me12:12
sysrpli had to delete more stuff12:12
Whilroshan: then the term closed immediately12:12
seamus_ieWhil: what are you trying to do, it loks interesting12:13
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roshan_sWhil: Does "modinfo vmmon" produce anything?12:13
Whilseamus_ie: trying to get vmware to work12:14
sysrpli like gnome alot more now that i saw the show address bar option in nautilus12:14
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aunesseamus_ie: wierd. it works, but now ls isn't set to auto..12:14
mbn_18enyc: it worked like charm :)12:14
davidwwhat format is dapper's initrd in? I'm unable to mount it12:14
aunesseamus_ie: rather: ls isn't set to --color=auto12:14
seamus_ieaunes: alias ls='ls --color=auto -lh'12:14
lz1gjdsnoops, nope, doesn't work. if i open a window lets say dictionary and place conviniently on the desktop the next time it will be on its default position. weird12:14
Whilroshan_s: module not found12:14
aunesseamus_ie: glorious. thanks for all of your help.12:15
snoopslz1gjd.. ohh thought you meant when you log out and log back in.. I don't think you can define where a window will be on the desktop when you start12:15
jriblz1gjd: you can use devilspie to tell it what position you want it to open windows in but I don't think it lets you remember last position12:15
seamus_ieaunes: no worries, just stick the export LS_COLORS in your bashrc, i'm gonna take it down in a min12:15
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aunesseamus_ie: alright. thanks.12:15
lz1gjdic, thank you all12:15
roshan_sWhil: Try running "sudo depmod -a"12:16
roshan_sWhil: Sorry that's "sudo depmod -A"12:16
interfearwhats the best media player for ubuntu? totem?12:16
sztanpet_mplayer ofc12:16
interfearis that what i would install to stream vids over the net?12:16
narfmasterinterfear, VLC, xine or mplayer depending on who you ask12:17
kakadois there a command line tool for configuring xorg ?12:17
monomaniacpatdoes ubuntu support 1360x768? I have it specified in my xorg.conf12:17
Whilroshan_s:  okay it's done. didnt tell me anything12:17
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warlock7285 postfix 16 0 4312 1492 1208 S 0.0 0.1 0:00.00 trivial-rewrite <- does anyone know what that is ?12:17
interfearis mplayer in synaptic?12:17
warlockgetting weird stuff popping up12:17
snoopsin universe it is interfear12:17
davidwanyone been able to mount and read their initrd file?12:17
seamus_iewarlock: it's a line from ls i would think12:17
Whilros it is weird. it was semi working under kernel -2312:18
POVaddctmonomaniacpat: sony vaio tx1xp notebook?12:18
roshan_sWhil: Now try "sudo modprobe vmmon"12:18
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Whilno response12:18
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:18
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Whilroshan_s: no response12:18
warlockseamus_ie, Yeah I know. but what is the process?12:18
seamus_iewarlock: postfix is 'A high-performance mail transport agent'12:19
organicthrillHi Everyone, I'm having a problem when I run mkinitramfs. Here's the output /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: line 42: /etc/mkinitramfs/conf.d/resume: No such file or directory#12:19
roshan_sWhil: Now do a "sudo modprobe vmnet"12:19
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warlockseamus_ie, hmmm. can I remove this somehow? I dont use a mail server12:19
Kanpachihello, i just installed msttcorefonts and those took over my computer! how can i replace them or enlarge them?12:19
organicthrillyet, ls of ls /etc/mkinitramfs/conf.d/ shows that I have resume12:19
Whilroshan_s:  again no response12:20
seamus_iewarlock: sudo /etc/init.d/postfix stop will stop it for you but it will restart in reboot12:20
=== Jimmy89 [n=Jimmy89@dsl-220-235-86-72.vic.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Jimmy89hey guys12:20
roshan_sWhil: Now try running vmplayer again12:20
seamus_iewarlock: just uninstall it, but it might try to take lots with it12:20
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Jimmy89i just installed ubuntu 6.06, and i was wondering how do i copy files into the /usr directory12:20
Jimmy89it says access denied12:20
Jimmy89i want to allow full access12:21
jribKanpachi: your computer should be using system > preferences > fonts.  Are there particular programs where they "took over"?12:21
warlockseamus_ie, might try to take a lots with it<- ?12:21
POVaddctJimmy89: you don't12:21
seamus_ieJimmy86: sudo cp12:21
Kanpachiand system menus12:21
warlockand how do i uninstall it then? apt-get remove postfix --purge ?12:21
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Jimmy89is there another way12:21
Jimmy89can i just make myself root or something, so its a bit mroe user friendly12:21
seamus_iewarlock: a lot of other packages might be dependent on it, eg mutt12:21
Whilroshan_s: its starting just a sec for the results12:21
Jimmy89i want to be able to just copy and paste into it12:21
Jimmy89no sudo cp shit12:21
warlockseamus_ie, so theres no way? :P12:21
seamus_iewarlock: through synaptic or dpkg --purge postfix12:22
narfmasterJimmy89, why into /usr ?12:22
POVaddctJimmy89: /usr is not for user data. is stands for unix system resources. and working as root all the time is a bad idea.12:22
jribKanpachi: for firefox, edit > preferences > content, not sure why your system fonts changed.  Try checking system > preferences > fonts12:22
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POVaddctJimmy89: anyway, if you want a root shell, type: sudo -s12:22
Whilroshan_s: seems to be stuck on dhcp12:23
warlockAlso, guys. this might be a dumb question, is there any php webinterface system to show how much cpu/ram i have, and being used ?(not sysinfo, it doenst provide me with cpu stats)12:23
Jimmy89i am installing webmin12:23
ubotupostfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Postfix or here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PostfixBasicSetupHowto12:23
interfearHow do i install mplayer i heard its in the universal, how do i get to that?12:23
Jimmy89and the instructions say put it into /usr12:23
POVaddctJimmy89: webmin a one big security hole. don't use it.12:23
jribinterfear: it's actually in multiverse12:23
Jimmy89attempted to and access denied12:23
roshan_sWhil: Right. Now you should insert your Windows CD and try again12:23
jrib!multiverse > interfear12:23
Jimmy89ok, if not that can you recommened me something else?12:23
Whili thought i could network boot it12:24
Jimmy89i need to be able to do 2 things on this computer, 1 ) Firewall / NAT , 2) Capture Data from a weather station12:24
Whilroshan_s: i have a winxp disk so no biggie12:24
samuliJimmy89, you don't have the access to /usr because you're not root.12:24
samuliJimmy89, just use sudo if you really need to put something in there.12:24
roshan_sDo you have a DHCP and TFTP server on your current PC? Currently the VM can only see your PC on the network12:24
seamus_ieinterfear: in synaptic settings>repositories, add universe12:24
sexcopter8000mhi, i've installed the 686 kernel, it works fine, so is it safe to remove the 386 kernel? just remove linux-386?12:25
Jimmy89will do12:25
Jimmy89with regards to webmin, is there something better that can do NAT and dial up a dsl connection for me?12:25
Whilroshan_s: okay i get it,12:25
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monomaniacpatPOVaddct: no, it is a dell12:25
monomaniacpatPOVaddct: I'm trying to setup so I can play on my TV12:26
narfmastersexcopter8000m, that should be fine12:26
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narfmasteryou don't really need 386 unless you have a Pentium or older CPU12:26
roshan_sWhil: I need to leave now. If you have any further trouble, email me: roshan.shariff at gmail dot com12:27
sexcopter8000mnarfmaster, my thoughts exactly, thanks12:27
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POVaddctmonomaniacpat: sorry, i know nothing about tv-out12:27
monomaniacpatPOVaddct: It's through a VGA cable, not svideo12:28
Jimmy89Hey guys, is there a program i can install on ubuntu that will allow me to use it as a router / firewall device?12:28
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POVaddctmonomaniacpat: a TV with vga input?12:28
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Jimmy89similar to a smoothwall, though i need to run some other stuff on it too, so smoothwall isnt an option afaik12:28
monomaniacpatPOVaddct: yes, it is an HDTV12:28
narfmasterJimmy89, any type of firewall should do fine i think12:29
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POVaddctmonomaniacpat: don't know about that either. my TV is old.12:29
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EnverexI've installed the fglrx driver on my laptop and it's set to use it in the xorg config file but when I run fglrxinfo or try and run a 3D game it spits out loads of errors all starting with "[fglrx]  API ERROR: could not register entrypoint for somethingorother"12:30
EnverexAny ideas?12:30
monomaniacpatPOVaddct: it shouldn't matter.... Why does the resolution GUI not list 1360x768 as an option?12:30
Whilroshan_s: im starting the install12:30
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phireCan I check the smart status of a drive from within ubuntu?12:31
Jaakhow do i acces wacom-tools12:31
POVaddctmonomaniacpat: maybe the TV didn't report such a resolution. the bios tries to read monitor info via the DDC protocol. if the "monitor" (TV in your case) doesn't support DDC, it cannot be probed.12:31
narfmastermonomaniacpat, do you have the scanning frequencies set right?12:31
POVaddctmonomaniacpat: in that case, you'll have to edit your xorg.conf manually i guess12:31
monomaniacpatnarfmaster: I did set it to 60hz vertrefresh but even less resolutions come up12:32
narfmasterthat sounds like a tough one12:32
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ubotuI know nothing about wacom - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com12:33
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narfmasterJimmy89, i think most linux people use iptables12:33
phireHas anyone managed to get 1152x864?12:34
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darkowlhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=213559 PLEASE HELP12:35
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samuliphire, just add that resolution to your xorg.conf.12:35
phireits there12:36
darkowl<phire> what is the problem ?12:36
phirebut the resuluton changer skipps over it12:36
phireI've setup my xorg.conf file with, "1280x1024" "1152x864" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480" "640x350" in the correct place12:37
Tmobanyone here use a intel 915 chipset and got suspend/resume working properly/12:40
Tmobmine hangs up after resume12:40
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phirebut system > Prefrences > Screen Resulotion has the options 1280x1024, 1024x768, 800x600, 640x400 and a few wide screen resoluitions12:40
Jimmy89so to copy something from desktop to user what would be the command12:40
Jimmy89sudo cp ....... /usr/12:41
compengiphire, i don't understand where is your problem, if you have 1280x102412:41
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phirebut my screen only suports 60 hz at 1280x1024, which i have problems looking at12:42
DeshAnyone here used VLC in CLI?12:42
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EnverexI've installed the fglrx driver on my laptop and it's set to use it in the xorg config file but when I run fglrxinfo or try and run a 3D game it spits out loads of errors all starting with "[fglrx]  API ERROR: could not register entrypoint for somethingorother"12:43
compengiphire, the 60hz is because your screen doesn't support on this resolution ove it12:43
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DeshEnverex: type fglrxinfo at a terminal12:44
compengiphire, i ment your monitor12:44
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EnverexDesh, As I said, doing that just gives the same errors12:44
phireyes, thats my max refresh rate 1280x1024 @ 60. which is why on windows i use 1152x864 @ 7512:44
hastesaverHi, I see "" in the terminal where there should be (I guess) bolding or colour, does anyone know what's wrong?12:44
DeshEnverex, then your fglrx is not properly configured.12:44
DeshEnverex, you might want to check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:45
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EnverexDesh, : Erm, don't really see anything in there that would need changing...12:45
DeshEnverex, does glxgears work?12:45
warlockIs there any php webinterface system to show how much cpu/ram i have, and being used ?(not sysinfo, it doenst provide me with cpu stats)12:46
EnverexDesh, Nope, same error12:46
DeshEnverex, then your OpenGL/DRI is not working, try setting fglrx as the driver when running: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:46
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DeshEnverex, fglrx never worked for me. :(12:47
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Jaakis there a config interface for wacom? i have the wacom-tools installed but don't know how to acces it?12:47
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Deshat a terminal type: wacom or wacom-tools, maybe?12:48
DeshJaak, did that work?12:48
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Jimmy89where is the partitionor once your in ubuntu, i want to resise my root volume12:48
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SeraVitaeJimmy89 - fdsik12:49
narfmasterJimmy89, fdisk12:49
DeshJimmy89, I don't know if you can do it from ubuntu, you may need to boot up to a LiveCD such as Knoppic of the Ubuntu LiveCD12:49
EnverexDesh, rofl, awesome, autodetect monitor quit X then hardlocked the machine12:49
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DeshEverex, it's supposed to quit X, then return afterwards.12:50
EnverexIt just hardlocked, heh12:50
JaakDesh, no12:50
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DeshJaak, try googling it?12:50
DeshEnverex, if that fails, try it w/o autodetecting.12:50
SeraVitaehey narfmaster.12:50
EnverexDesh, : It was using fglrx to load X, but it just wasn't working for 3D which makes me think openGL isn't set up properly12:50
DeshEnverex, or try it from CLI.12:50
narfmasterhey SeraVitae12:50
SeraVitaei solved every problem until now. :D12:51
Jimmy89with fdisk how to do i resise12:51
DeshEnverex, fglrx has many bugs that cause it not to work, I use the "ati" driver, but no 3d.12:51
SeraVitaegetting video card to work properly is my last issue before i have a perfect install.12:51
narfmasterSeraVitae, sledgehammer to the CD drive??12:51
DeshSeraVitae: What type of gfx card?12:51
SeraVitaeit wasnt the cd drive12:51
EnverexDesh, : Yeah, I tried that but I couldn't play any games (simple 3d games I mean) and not even screensavers ran properly (like 2fps))12:51
ubotuI know nothing about fdisk - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com12:51
narfmasterthat's good12:52
DaveyJisnt gparted a lot better than fdisk?12:52
DaveyJi use the gparted livecd usually12:52
DeshIsn't fdisk that crap on those Windows boot floppies?12:52
narfmasterfdisk makes you hard core ;)12:52
DaveyJDesh: built with the same idea.. not the same program though12:52
DeshI used to use it on Windows.12:52
DeshAh ok.12:52
SeraVitaechicks dig command line12:52
compengiphire, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=129379&postcount=21 maybe this can help12:53
DeshMan, using IRC from CLI makes me feel cool12:53
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JaakErnest, ok12:53
hyperstreamhow do i go about setting up my wireless wg111t ? ndiswrapper??12:53
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DaveyJwell either way.. for partition editing i strongly recommend gparted from personal experience12:53
cameronberghso hey guess what?. im having a problem!12:53
DeshAnyone here used VLC in command line?12:53
EnverexDaveyJ, : Not possible with no GUI though12:53
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DaveyJahh i must have missed that part of the question ;)12:53
snoopsyes Desh12:53
cameronberghso like 5 minutes ago this guy posted something on the forum and i have the same problem as him12:53
cameronberghand i cant get any work done12:54
Deshsnoops: is it supposed to pretend to show you the video with those characters?12:54
EnverexDaveyJ, : I dont think it was in it, I was just raising a point :P12:54
light_hey guys, i'm with bitchx on terminal now, my login screen keep restartin itself after kernel update12:54
cameronberghcan anyone think of something i could do to help this?12:54
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper12:54
DaveyJlight_: do you have your older kernels still present?12:54
DeshDaveyJ, would that matter? I do, and mine still loads to the new kernel.12:55
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light_DaveyJ yup, but its not helping, its the same there too12:55
Deshlight_: Did you try thre safe mode or w/e it's called?12:55
DaveyJoh then sorry i dunno.. i'm kind of a newb.. i'm just offering what i know12:55
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DeshNoobs unite!12:55
cameronberghDoes anyone know something about a problem involving the mouse cursor turning into a little X thing and then ignoring all click commands?12:55
DeshHow do I use more than one app in CLI at the same time?12:56
light_DaveyJ ok, thanks12:56
narfmasterDesh, suffix with &12:56
light_Desh hmm.. "w/e"??12:56
cameronberghperhaps the knowledgable people are overwhelmed12:56
Enverexrawr, work damnit12:56
Deshlight_ i'm on bitchx too!12:56
snowblinkDesh, screen12:57
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light_Desh but i dont have grafic interface :P12:57
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DaveyJi wish i could fix my sound lol12:57
Deshlight_: I'm not using mine. :P All text.12:57
ubotuscreen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen12:57
gnubeDoes anyone use GnuPlot or similar graphing software?\12:57
DaveyJits okay though i'm switching sound cards in the next few days12:57
gnubeI need to make some graphs from text data12:58
DeshThanks snowblink12:58
light_Desh oh12:58
lz1gjdhow do i get an address bar in file open dialog ? its not possible to access hidden directories12:58
light_i'll try safe mode12:58
Desh&sudo apt-get install screen12:58
narfmasterlz1gjd, right click in the window and select "View Hidden"12:58
lz1gjdoh, nice12:58
Deshbye for now12:58
narfmaster"Show Hidden" that is12:58
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narfmasteris there a way to change the gnome panel's clock font?01:01
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:03
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phireubuntu froze01:04
phirewell I'm sure its doing better than win me01:04
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ompaulphire, unusual, to say the least01:04
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phireI'm pritty sure its a hardware problem01:04
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper01:05
iXiPHoCiSiXihello everyone01:05
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phireI'm try to find the hardware problem, which logs should I look in01:05
narfmasteris there a man file or doc that describes strftime()?01:06
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jribnarfmaster: 'man strftime'01:06
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narfmasterjrib, ok...01:06
ompaulphire, start with syslog /var/logs/syslog and then just poke around for the time and date that the event happened01:06
narfmaster"No manual entry for strftime"01:06
jribnarfmaster: oh, you need manpages-dev01:07
ompaulphire, you will need sudo or sudo -i to play with some of the files in there01:07
narfmasterjrib, okay01:07
kuzmaster how do install vmware workstation01:07
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kuzmasteri have downloaded and extracted the .tar.qz, and now dont know what to do01:07
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[Wiebel] hmmmmm01:07
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[Wiebel] still no linux-dri-modules-2.6.15-26-68601:07
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kuzmastercan someone please help me01:08
phirethe last message i get is localhost modprobe: WARNING: Not loading blacklisted module ipv601:08
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gnubekuzmaster, There is excellent documentation that comes with the VMware tool01:09
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narfmasterkuzmaster, doesn't that come with support?01:09
gnubekuzmaster, Plus they have good documentation online01:10
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lfalkenbjep - i just got vmware back running today after kernelupdate01:10
gnubekuzmaster, I have downloaded it but have not run it yet so I cannot get you help.01:10
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kuzmasterok, so would it be the vmware-install.pl?01:10
kuzmasterif so how do i run that01:10
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gnubekuzmaster, No, that is a perl script.01:10
kuzmasterwould something like perl vmware-install.pl work?01:11
gnubekuzmaster, That will probably install the VMware player or whatever it was you downloaded.01:11
lfalkenbjust give the file access by all and run it from a console ./vmware-install.pl01:11
gnubekuzmaster, You should really, really read the docs first.01:11
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phireDoes anyone know what this message from my syslog means? localhost kernel: [4305820.754000]  NVRM: Xid: 6, PE0000 0404 00fb01f1 00000000 00cccc99 00fb01f101:11
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lfalkenbeverything else is described within the install script01:12
lfalkenb@phire: no, sorry01:12
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narfmasterjrib, this is handy, thanks :)01:14
jribnarfmaster: np01:15
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rixthphire, my guess is that it is info about NV RAM01:16
kuzmasterlfalkenb, to remove vmware player, can i do that via adept?01:16
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phirerixth Nvidia?01:17
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hyperstreamwpasupplicant exited with return code 1?01:17
rixthphire, nope, Non-Volatile Random Access Memory01:17
lz1gjdis there a ubuntu package for gimmie to try out ?01:17
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rixthBasically RAM that doesn't loose its data after power off. Often holds CMOS data.01:17
AsagaHello, can someone help me out?01:18
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:18
phirerixth, so would it be the first message when booting, or something about why it crashed01:18
krismAsaga : just ask the question in channel so if someone knows they can help01:18
Asagaokay uh01:18
krismargh. !ask was a whole lot shorter than that01:18
AsagaI just got a new DVD drive and i wanted to try out linux01:18
Asagabut i'm worried if it's permanent01:18
rixthphire, don't know sorry, I only what what nvram is01:19
snowblinkAsaga, if you run the live cd it is not01:19
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Asagaalso, are we able to run linux even if we dont have a spare hard drive?01:19
Asagai only have one01:19
narfmasterAsaga, i only have one :)01:20
krismAsaga : yes, you can partition it, resize it, or just run from the livecd ;)01:20
narfmasterit only has Linux on it, though01:20
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HemebondDoes anyone have some time to help me update my Nvidia drivers?01:20
ompaulAsaga, you can try it - it is slow from the DVD01:20
Asagaso, this live CD, it's able to boot up using the disk?01:20
rixth!tell Hemebond about nvidia01:20
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ompaul!nvidia > Hemebond01:20
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Asagawell, i wasnt going to get the DVD version01:20
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs01:20
Asagabut the DVD has a burner01:20
ompaulHemebond, please read the note from ubotu01:20
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:20
phirerixth, there is a gap of 33 second between that message, and Inspecting /boot/system.map01:20
Asagamy old DVD drive was dead01:20
rixthompaul, what's with the new triggers?01:20
ompaulAsaga, that is not a problem it is also a player you can use a live CD01:21
lightstaranyone here having problems with playing mp3 on rhythmbox but can play it on xmms?01:21
Asagaso if i use the live CD, where do all the applications i install go?01:21
ompaulAsaga, or DVD :-)01:21
Hemebondrixth: I have read those. I tried to update them already following instructions (in the ubuntu forums) but X fails to start.01:21
ompaulyou don't install they them are sitting in ram01:21
jrib!mp3 > lightstar01:21
phireAsaga, into the ram01:21
rixth!mp3 > lightstar01:21
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:21
ompaulrixth, ubotu is a new bot01:21
Asagasorry, i'm really new to linux01:21
Asagabut it really sounds simple01:21
rixthWhy did they have to medle with a good thing =(01:21
krismthere should really be a FAQ with asaga's questions somewhere.. if there isn't one created already.01:21
ompaulAsaga, it is01:21
lightstarjrib, rixth installed the entire gstreamer-* stuff..still cant get it 2 work...already visited the restrictedformat link01:22
Asagaso i can safely use linux on my windows computer?01:22
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ompaulrixth, its old code was perl and rubbish it is now python01:22
krismlightstar : which gstreamer stuff did you install specifically?01:22
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lightstarjrib, rixth but strangely xmms can play it..even in nautilus01:22
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lightstarkrism, gstreamer-plugins ..i made sure gstreamer-mad was there as well01:22
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Asaga5 hours till i have ubuntu 6.0601:22
krismlightstar : try installing "gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3" is what i had to do01:23
jriblightstar: are you using dapper?01:23
lz1gjdi've been wondering why gstreamer plugins are called bad and ugly ? any ideas ?01:23
ompaulAsaga, you are not understanding it at all. It is an alternative to windows, you can install it, if you have enough room, on the same drive as windows, or you can take it for a test drive with a live cd - you can keep data from that live CD on a usbstick if you want01:23
lightstarjrib, yeap..on dapper...krism, trying it now01:23
Hemebondrixth: Also, the install method listed on that page installs older drivers.01:23
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:23
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friesWhy is it that when I am in CLI login every few minutes the splash login comes up again?01:23
=== krism pours salt on fries.
Hemebondrixth: I'm trying to install new binaries downloaded from the Nvidia website.01:23
rixthI'd stay away from those.01:24
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feydinhi, whats the difference between amd64-k8 and amd64-generic?01:24
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billyi need to install ati drivers on ubuntu dont know where to get 'em01:24
frieskrism: :(01:24
ompaul!ati > billy01:24
AsagaI have enough room to install it, and that will require partitioning it right?01:24
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto01:24
ompaulbilly, read the web pages from the bot - ubotu01:24
Hemebondrixth: I followed http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 and everything went fine until it tried to start.01:24
arejensenfries: do you mean gdm ?01:24
friesarejensen, well I use Kubuntu, but I mean the GUI login.01:25
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lightstarkrism, thx..tat method works;)01:25
Asagathank's for your help01:26
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arejensenfries: you probably have kdm running as a deamon in the background. it'll check to see if x is running in intervals and start itself up if it isn't.01:26
billyThanks really helped01:26
lfalkenbhas anyone experience with pptp and ipsec vpn's?01:26
billy"ill probably be a regular whiner here for a while"01:26
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timonatorsince in #kubuntu noone could help me and my problem has not much to do with KDE and KDE software ill ask it again here01:27
haakonnhi, i'm trying to install dapper on a dell inspiron 1150 (a few years old now), and it consitently hangs at 44% remaining. i've tried removing the wifi card (pcmcia) and booting with "noapic", but it still hangs. any ideas for things i can try?01:27
timonatori am really desperate now, on the livecd i get internet connection without a problem. in the installation i can only use the internet during a short period after i push the reset button in the back of the modem and waiting for a few seconds01:27
timonatorboth the installation and the livecd have the same network connection (dhcp)01:28
SonicChaoHello, I noticed something really weird happened with my computer this morning, I turned it on and it said "Mounted hda1 30 times without checking, forcing check" and then Ubuntu loaded. Is this normal?01:28
timonatorSonicChao: that is normal01:28
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timonatorits not weird, read the fsck manual page01:28
oz2my pc freezes after I insert a PCMCIA card. is any1 familiar with that on Dapper ?01:29
SonicChaotimonator: Ok, thanks, I was a little worried when the splash screen dissappeared and that appeared01:29
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kuzmasterwhen i try to install the vmware workstation, it says this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17818 . i have uninstalled all the vmware things in adept, and when i run the perl script, its still saying that vmware player is installed01:29
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NgSonicChao: after a certain number of mounts, or a certain time without remounting, it will check the full filesystem just to ensure that no errors are creeping in01:29
kuzmastercan someone please help me01:30
NgSonicChao: both numbers can be changed with tune2fs, if you want to :)01:30
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kuzmasteranyone, PLEASE!!!!!01:30
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SonicChaoNg: :), sorry, it scared the heck out of me01:30
SonicChao!patience > kuzmaster01:30
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NgSonicChao: hehe, it should probably be presented in a slightly less scary way ;)01:30
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SonicChaoNg: Hehe....01:31
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johlinI have libsdl1.2-dev installed, but still qemu ./configure says that it needs SDL or cocoa for graphical output. Why?01:32
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jribis the output of 'dircolors -p' from a file somewhere on my system or is it built into dircolors?01:32
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ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo01:33
compengii have dns vhosts how can i use them in psybnc?01:33
HemebondHas nobody installed 64bit drivers from the Nvidia website?01:33
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narfmasterjohlin, maybe you need libsdl-gfx1.2-dev01:34
feydinanyone knows, what "base-config" configures?01:34
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johlinnarfmaster: that one is installed too.01:35
feydinneed to know this, b/ i make a fakeraid installation... under breezy i just started "base-config" at the end01:35
feydinbut in dapper base-config ist deprecated01:35
feydinso i need to know what base-config exactly does01:36
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hyperstreamanyone here managed to get there wireless network card working with wpa?01:37
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compengii have dns vhosts how can i use them in psybnc?01:38
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hyperstreamaxisme,  how ?01:39
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axismehyperstream, sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome01:40
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lz1gjdis there an ubuntu gimmie package available for download ?01:40
compengii have server from which i distribute shells, but what i need to know is how to make or from where to get dns vhosts that users can use them in psybnc, and how to setup them?01:40
njancompengi, if you're running a shellserver and you don't know how to do that, you're in trouble01:41
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AcillI may be crazy here, but I am attempting to get networking working in MaconLinux, I have OS X tiger installed and booting fine, the problem is I think the molk kernal I use (custom mol /linux kernal) is hard coded to use eth0 someplace. I changed all the scripts to use eth2 and it wont get an IP from my router like that01:41
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njancompengi, shellservers are *not* something you want to enter into lightly, and you *need* to understand how they work, and more importantly, how to secure them.01:41
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compenginjan, the server is still underconstruction i'm not distributing at the moment i'm testing it01:41
njancompengi, security isn't something you add on when you figure it out, it's something you work into the build of your server and business plan in the first place.01:42
hyperstreamaxisme,  how do you start it?01:42
axismehyperstream, best to logout and back in01:42
forngrenWhat's the differnce between the CD and DVD release? I doesn't quite get it :(01:43
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Acillif I use eth0 it will, only it soesnt seem to support the chipset on nthat port. On everyother Pegasos machine eth0 is the via_rhine port, and eth1 is the other one thats not supported. Mine is eth2 (via) and etho. Can I force lilnux to make the numbers switch so wth0 is the one I need it to be?01:43
compenginjan, security is not a problem, but what i want to learn is how to setup dns vhosts and let them work for psybnc01:43
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orbinlz1gjd: can't find anything in the official repos01:43
narfmasterforngren, the DVD has the entire main repo - the CD just has the stuff you need01:44
Acillso anyway to make it simple can I assign eth0 to another ethernet port at all, or reset what it gets by itself somehow so its like it shold be?01:44
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AcillI think it got these numbers because I had a PCI nic installed before.01:45
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roshan_sWhil: How is VMWare Player working?01:46
forngrennarfmaster: what? does the DVD contain more packages?01:46
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narfmasterforngren, yes and it lets you use any installer mode01:46
forngrenok, thx ^^01:46
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kakaltohow do I install xlibs?01:49
kakaltoit's not in the main repos01:49
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usamahas anyone used beagle, i am getting a little problem? i am trying to find a song from my hard disk but its not finding, although i am giving the correct name?01:50
SeraVitaehey uhhhhhhhh.01:50
willdev101i have just installed the ati drivers via this guide : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI when i try and boot into it now it says on the moniter "out of range" then goes into stand by01:50
SeraVitaepartition magic is really freaking out about ubuntu install.01:51
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SeraVitaecan anyone suggest a decent graphical based partition resizer for linux?01:51
jribusama: do you know where the song is?01:51
narfmasterSeraVitae, gparted01:51
vorbotekakalto: What would you need xlibs for?01:51
willdev101i can get into the recovery mode01:51
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amithelp me in egroupware?01:51
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kakaltovorbote: cedega01:51
willdev101any help?01:51
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narfmasterkakalto, xlibs-dev?01:52
willdev101i think i need to change my res in the xorg01:52
kakaltonarfmaster: no.01:52
kakaltonarfmaster: xlibs.01:52
willdev101but when i try and get into the xorg it wont let me01:52
mouseCan someone telll me, is yahoo/sbc dsl down right now?01:52
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vorbotekakalto: xlibs is not part of modular Xorg anymore.01:52
kakaltoI already had xlibs-dev installed, and it asked for xlibs.01:52
oobilozhi peeps01:52
kakaltowell, the cedega deb 5.1 requires it01:52
oobilozcan someone help me with ICS using Ubuntu 6.06 ?01:52
SonicChaomouse: Um...why? Has it worked on Ubuntu before?01:52
vorbotekakalto: you may need to update your cedega instaler01:52
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SonicChaooobiloz: Please ask the real question. :)01:53
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mouseSonicChao,  this is not an ubuntu question, it is a "SBC seems to have stopped working"01:53
kakaltovorbote: it's just a .deb package01:53
dao777been running debian for years, just installed ubuntu .. everything worked fine under installer, but on reboot usb mouse and sound don't work. what does ubuntu use for autodetection?01:53
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kakaltovorbote: I install it with dpkg -i01:53
amitany one can help me in eGroupware????//01:53
roshan_skakalto: libx11-dev?01:53
willdev101:( no help :(01:53
oobilozsonicchao: I'm trying to share my internet connection on my ubuntu pc through a wireless card, onto an XP laptop01:53
SonicChaomouse: I know that, but I was wondering if it worked on Ubuntu BEFORE.01:53
vorbotekakalto: you could try doing surgery on the package, with the dpkg-dev utilities...01:53
oobilozI have tried Firestarter (didnt work) and a few masquerade commands. (still didnt owkr)01:53
SonicChaomouse: Because, it could be an ubuntu problem, but i guess not01:53
ShinzetsuSince I installed a new HDD, I cannot install Ubuntu. My PC locks up when the installation begins, though the Live CD works just ifne01:54
mouseSonicChao, I h........screw this.l Thanks for the always-usefull advice #ubuntu01:54
roshan_skakalto: xlibs is now called libx1101:54
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kakaltoroshan_s: ah.01:54
kakaltovorbote: might as well01:54
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forngrenHow big are the performance drwabacks when using an i318-install on an amd64-computer?01:55
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YoussefAssadhello people. I was wondering what any more experienced palm/linux users would recommend for palm-linux syncing01:55
da_putzlersonicchao: I'm trying to share my internet connection on my ubuntu pc through a wireless card, onto an XP laptop01:55
dao777mako: what up!01:56
SonicChaoda_putzler: Sorry...I dont exactly know, I just wanted you to say the question so others can help :)01:56
kakaltovorbote: don't suppose you could tell me how? ;)01:56
da_putzleroh, ok...01:56
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EnverexYay, got 3D Accelleration working with my Mobility Radeon01:57
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da_putzlerHas ANYONE actually gotten Ubuntu to share an internet connection properly ??? (without a router) ???01:57
hwtis the alternate-installer availabe on the "retail" ubuntu-cds?01:57
willdev101how do i change the default res in recovery mode?01:57
hwtor do i have to download and burn the -alternate image?01:57
jribhwt: you have to download it I believe01:57
willdev101enverex how?01:57
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maatttthi all01:58
dao777da_putzler: sorry missed the background, but have you looked into packages like hostap?01:58
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da_putzlerhostap ?01:58
EnverexTurns out the latest drivers break the mobility 9000 and you have to copy a library from the old drivers over it then it works perfectly01:58
EnverexSo ATi's fault, heh01:58
dao777da_putzler: problem is not so much with ubuntu as running your wireless card as an access point01:58
ShinzetsuSince I installed a new HDD, I cannot install Ubuntu. My PC locks up when the installation begins, though the Live CD works just fine.01:58
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SeraVitaeanyone know if gparted is installed onto dapper livecd?01:58
EnverexOr rather broke most/all of the mobility radeons01:58
SeraVitaei cant modify partitions because it's the boot drive01:59
maattttI've just added a samba share, but when I try to connect from xp, it ask for id/password over and over.  I'm using the right combo.  is there another step to configuring samba ?01:59
dao777da_putzler: and not every wireless card can work in AP mode (XP or ubuntu or whatever)01:59
da_putzlerdao: AP mode ??? huh01:59
narfmasterSeraVitae, gparted should be on the live CD01:59
SeraVitaeok, ill try it then narf.01:59
dao777da_putzler: to run your card as an Access Point rather than a client etc02:00
krismmaatttt : have you set up a user with "smbpasswd" ?02:00
goubuntuhow would i edit bind9 to send a request for www.google.com to www.google.co.uk ??02:00
maattttah, nope.02:00
krismmaatttt : samba doesnt (by default) use the linux username/password02:00
willdev101doesnt anyone know how to get to xorg via the recovery mode?02:00
=== maatttt googles
SeraVitaehm after this i might install fluxbox on ubuntu. mmm, so tight and clean02:00
da_putzlerdao: using XP I'm using an ad-hoc network to share internet access and files to other laptops02:00
orbinforngren: you mean i386?  not much aiui.  a few things don't work w/ 64 iirc02:00
da_putzlerdao: and if XP can do this, I'm sure as hell Ubuntu can too... I just dunno how02:00
wildmangoubuntu, isn't redirection automatically performed by google anymore?02:00
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krismmaatttt : it's pretty straightforward - just run "smbpasswd username" and enter a password.02:00
goubuntuwildman: not the point :P i will need to do it for multiple addresses02:01
compengisudo chmod -R o-rw how to remove it?02:01
kumar_physicsI have problem in keyboad layout ,when I shift frm gb to de , only one key takes the old value(I coulnt find < > in de keyboard)Help me plz02:01
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wildmangoubuntu, oh :P02:01
roshan_swilldev101: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start02:01
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willdev101then can i edit the res from in there?02:01
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usamajrib: hi, sorry forgot that i am in irc also, yes i know the location of the song but i wanna check the beagle02:02
roshan_swilldev101: What was the problem?02:02
jribusama: where is it?02:02
dao777da_putzler: try searching "<model of wireless card> ad-hoc debian"02:02
kumar_physicsI have problem in keyboad layout ,when I shift frm gb to de , only one key takes the old value(I coulnt find < > in de keyboard)Help me plz02:02
dao777if not ubuntu02:02
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dao777or "debian OR ubuntu"02:02
willdev101i have just installed the ati drivers via this guide : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI when i try and boot into it now it says on the moniter "out of range" then goes into stand by02:03
da_putzlerdao: I have the wireless card setup and working great... it's just the internet sharing part I need sorted02:03
forngrenorbin:  I meant i386 :$ Yeah, I know that some stuff don't work very well under AMD64, that's why I wondered how much drawbacks there would be...02:03
goubuntuhow would i edit bind9 to send a request for www.google.com to www.google.co.uk ??02:03
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usamajrib: its in the music folder in my home dir02:03
compengisudo chmod -R o-rw how to remove it?02:03
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roshan_swilldev101: Do you know the resolution and refresh rate you normally run the monitor at?02:04
kumar_physicsI have problem in keyboad layout ,when I shift frm gb to de , only one key still takes the old value(I coulnt find < > in de keyboard)Help me plz02:04
maattttkrism: woo, thanks.  I still googles to find how/why this step is needed, but thanks.02:04
usamacompengi: replace minus with plus02:04
willdev101sadly not its an old crt in windows i used to have 1024x78202:04
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willdev101but dont know the refresh02:04
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dao777da_putzler: right, great. but you need it to run in *ad-hoc* mode. then you need to *bridge* the wireless and ethernet interfaces.02:04
tomcatthas anyone load ubuntu on those ultra mobile computers yet?02:04
roshan_swilldev101: How big is the monitor?02:04
jribusama: hmm is beagle finding other things?02:05
da_putzlerdao: like I said, the wireless card is setup and working great, ad-hoc mode enabled... I just need to know HOW to bridge the gap and share internet02:05
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compengiusama, chmod: invalid mode: `+R'02:05
da_putzlerFirestarter is supposed to do it in a few clicks, but it doesnt work02:05
orbinforngren: well judging by this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=206405 ... there isn't really much of a compromise02:05
willdev101roshan_s: Dont know that ither :( i just got this moniter from a mate as i dident have one02:05
dao777da_putzler: so learn about linux bridging. may requre kernel recompile.02:05
da_putzlerdao: dude... I just need help with masquerade commands... am a newbie to linux, am NOT gonna recompile kernel02:06
da_putzlerif u cant help , just say so. it's kewl02:06
oz2I am trying again. I desperate of operating a WiFi PCMCIA under dapper, can anyone help ?02:06
usamacompengi: no, i mean o+rw02:06
roshan_swilldev101: Can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf?02:07
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vorbote_da_putzler: you don't need to recompile a kernel. You need to instll the bridge utilities and read the Linux Advance Routing manual (http://lartc.org/)02:07
roshan_sda_putzler: look at the dnsmasq package02:07
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willdev101im not that computer :(02:07
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dao777da_putzler: whatev dude, i'm telling you it's not masquerade but bridging.02:07
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roshan_swilldev101: Please run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:08
willdev101right its runing02:09
willdev101configuring the xserver xorg02:09
roshan_swilldev101: When it asks for the driver, select fglrx02:09
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roshan_sdao777: da_putzler: Bridging doesn't require recompiling the kernel02:10
willdev101please enter the video cards bus identifier02:10
willdev101its a ATI RADEON X30002:11
da_putzlerroshan: are you sharing your internet ok?02:11
roshan_swilldev101: Just leave the default answers to all questions until it gets to the bit about screen resolution02:11
tomcatthas anyone load ubuntu on those ultra mobile computers yet?02:11
forngrenorbin: thanks man!02:11
roshan_sda_putzler: Yes I am. I have a DSL modem and I'm sharing my internet over Bluetooth and LAN02:11
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da_putzlerroshan: and you used bridging ?? do you have a guide or site please#02:12
SeraVitaeOH SHIT02:12
roshan_sda_putzler: I don't. Do you have a DSL modem or router?02:12
SeraVitaeomfg my whole ubuntu install just segfaulted using gparted!!!!!!!02:12
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da_putzlerI have a cable modem02:12
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compengiusama, Cannot write to `psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz' (Permission denied).02:13
compengiusama, still the same problem02:13
roshan_sda_putzler: You connect to it using an Ethernet card? What kind of configuration (if any) did you have to do to connect to it on your main computer?02:13
SeraVitaeoh no now my terminal is frozen02:13
SeraVitaewtf is going on02:13
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usamacompengi: add sudo before the command02:13
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compengiusama, i did02:13
linrunixhi, all02:14
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da_putzlerroshan: when I had XP installed, I set the wireless card to a static ip, set it to ad-hoc and shared internet and file access over card... I cant seem to do this on ubuntu02:14
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usamacompengi: then login by root account and do what you want02:14
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hyperstreamaxisme, didnt work02:14
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hyperstreamand ndiswrapper isnt auto loading02:14
compengiusama, i'm a root, but i have a friend that i made him a user but he can't do anything02:15
hyperstream[4296298.344000]  wlan0: ndiswrapper ethernet device 00:0f:b5:3d:7e:d7 using driver netwg11t, 1385:4250.F.conf [4296298.344000]  wlan0: encryption modes supported: WEP; TKIP with WPA; AES/CCMP with WPA02:15
roshan_sda_putzler: That's quite easy, but I need to know whether you have Internet access on your Ubuntu computer, and if so, how you configured it. Then I can tell you how to share access over the wireless link02:15
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usamawhen i give command "sudo make menuconfig" i receive the error "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lncurses"02:15
hyperstreamhow can i use ndiswrapper to user wpa ?02:15
roshan_swilldev101: Are you still there?02:15
da_putzlerroshan: ubuntu has full internet access through lan0 which is connected straight to the cable modem... my wireless card is ra002:15
roshan_swilldev101: It works?02:16
hyperstreamda_putzler, i got the same issue02:16
usamacompengi: are you doing that in ntfs drive?02:16
willdev101im in the desktop now02:16
willdev101thanks :)02:16
compengiusama, lol02:16
axismehyperstream, you don't see a new icon in the top right hand corner?02:16
hyperstreamtrying to use ndis and trying to get wpa working02:16
compengiusama, of course no02:16
axismeok open a terminal02:16
SeraVitaeis there any easy way to get fsck to run on next bootup or something, i *know* my filesystem is damaged02:16
axismetype in nm-applet &&02:17
axismewhat does it say02:17
usamacompengi: will you tel me the exact command you put?02:18
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hyperstreamthe Network manager applet could not find some required resources it cannot continue02:18
hyperstreamill write out the terminal02:18
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compengiusama, what command02:18
axismeoh hmm02:18
roshan_sda_putzler: Can you pastebin the output of route -n on your Ubuntu box02:18
axismein some cases it needs something else...let me see02:18
hyperstream** (nm-applet:6642): WARNING **: Icon nm-vpn-lock missing: Icon 'nm-vpn-lock' no t present in theme02:18
hyperstream(nm-applet:6642): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJE CT (object)' failed02:19
roshan_swilldev101: You're welcome02:19
da_putzlerroshan: I would but am using XP just now so my wife can get online also, sorry dude02:19
NetwrkMonkeyIs there an issue in ubuntu server with clock creep? seems my time is slowly creeping up in minutes02:19
zybridanyone knows why the FreeNX doesnt work with XGL? the client that is, all icons are gone when using XGL on client.02:19
snowblinkNetwrkMonkey, vmware?02:19
hyperstreamthats when i run nm-applet02:19
usamacompengi: dont you give the command "sudo chmod -R o-rw some_dir"02:19
hyperstream&& just gives me alot of new lines etc02:19
compengiusama, yes02:20
axismehyperstream, try sudo apt-get install gnome-applets02:20
compengiusama, i did what you told me to sudo chmod -R o+rw some_dir02:20
roshan_sda_putzler: I'll tell you the general process: You need to install the bridge-utils package02:20
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=== da_putzler is all ears
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snowblinkNetwrkMonkey, use ntp?02:21
usamacompengi: then it should not say "permission denied" until the filesystem is mounted in read-mode02:21
NetwrkMonkeyutc is set to no02:21
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NetwrkMonkeyactually, hrm, no i'm not02:22
NetwrkMonkeyi thought i was running it02:22
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axismehyperstream, also do a sudo apt-get install hicolor-icon-theme02:22
vieirarGood MOrning, I am using Dapper and when I look at my memory usuage I see that I am using 300MB of both physical memory and swap. I have 2Gb of physical memory. Why is swap being used when I still have memory available?02:22
soniccolI have a problem ...... my network speed in ubuntu is pretty slow , but in windows is in normal speed . How can I fix it ?02:22
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roshan_sda_putzler: Then you need to edit the /etc/network/interfaces file. Find the block corresponding to you LAN connection (probably eth0). Then replace all occurences of eth0 with br0. Then add a line just below that stanza saying "bridge_ports eth0 ra0"02:23
=== slimdog360 [n=slimdog3@60-240-85-108-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
hyperstreamsame error02:23
roshan_sda_putzler: I'll pastebin how it looks on my setup02:23
axismelogout and backin again02:23
da_putzlerthx roshan02:23
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roshan_sda_putzler: Is your cable modem actually a router? Does it automatically hand out IP addresses02:23
da_putzlernope, 1 random ip address coming in straight from the cable modem02:24
da_putzlerbut my wireless has a static ip02:24
hyperstreamits not a router02:25
compengiusama, i opened properties on file system and went on to permissions they are all marked on read for all(owner,group,other)02:25
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roshan_sda_putzler: What is your computer's IP address right now, in Windows?02:26
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hyperstreamaxisme,  any idea's ?02:27
da_putzlerem, I dunno how to check...02:27
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da_putzler80.x.x.x something like that02:27
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axismehyperstream, nope...that worked for me02:27
roshan_sda_putzler: Open a command prompt and pastebin the output of "ipconfig /all"02:27
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axismei assume your wireless is working to begin with02:27
SeraVitaewhy the hell would intel *only* release linux drivers for my video card for SuSE linux only? this is so unfair.02:28
roshan_sda_putzler: Sorry that's "ipconfig /a" I think. My windows skills are rusty02:28
daziel_Please a list ubuntu brazil?02:28
da_putzlerit worked tho, I pasted the ip above02:28
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roshan_sda_putzler: It would be useful if you could paste the entire output02:29
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axismehypersstream, have the normal network-manager as well?02:29
axismesudo apt-get install network-manager02:30
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da_putzlerdid u see02:30
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roshan_sda_putzler: See what?02:30
Jack12hi who works with xsane??02:30
Jack12 can i just copy images with xsane (scan and print ) as one action?02:31
da_putzlerit wont let me paste dude02:31
roshan_s!pastebin > da_putzler02:31
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da_putzlerheres the output: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1782102:32
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luisbom dia02:33
=== tyrchyus si fionda in cucina
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roshan_sda_putzler: That bridge thing I told you won't work. You need to do IP masquerading. For that you need the dnsmasq package as I said earlier.02:34
beerfanAnyone know if Gnubiff will be updated in universe any time soon?02:34
dao777since reboot from fresh install i've got perl: warning: setting locale failed02:35
dngldoofmy external USB hard disk disappears completely from 'my computer' after a couple hours of use.. Anyone got similar problems?02:35
da_putzlerroshan: I've done this: edit /etc/sysctl.conf as root, and uncomment the line with "net/ipv4/ip_forward"02:35
da_putzleriptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -src -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE02:35
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roshan_sda_putzler: Very good. What was the result?02:36
da_putzlerit didnt work02:36
da_putzlerlaptop still couldnt get internet02:36
nevynSeraVitae: what vid card?02:36
roshan_sDoes the laptop use a static IP address?02:37
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da_putzleryes... is the laptop ip02:37
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roshan_sda_putzler: Can it ping your desktop PC?02:37
da_putzlernope ..but.. the wireless cards connect ok... that was the strange thing02:37
emPol`ka     ?02:38
roshan_sda_putzler: What is your PCs IP address on the wireless card?02:38
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da_putzlerohsorry, that's the laptop02:38
emPol`kada_putzler my02:38
da_putzlerthe pc ip on wireless is
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roshan_sda_putzler: I'm talking about the desktop PC? .0.3 is your laptop's address, isn't it?02:38
emPol`kagirl ??02:39
emPol`kagirls ??02:39
roshan_sda_putzler: What happens when you ping from the laptop?02:39
zybridwhat is the simplest and best way to encrypt my second harddrive? I love truecrypt in windows but it seems that it doesnt support ext3 filesystem in linux? There are so many different encrypt-ways and howto :(02:39
Dr_SatoemPol'ka:  You are02:39
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roshan_sda_putzler: Is that on Windows on Linuz?02:40
nevynzybrid: best can't be simplest02:40
da_putzlerthe laptop is using xp02:40
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zybridnevyn: ok, a good way that is simple then?02:41
j2ee_dodohi guys, my 1st time here :)02:41
roshan_sda_putzler: That means your wireless link isn't functional on Linux02:41
crazy4ubuntu I have installation of ubuntu, but I want to make clean install of ubuntu, but I have to make it from the HD, can any1 help ? pls02:41
da_putzlerroshan: but the wireless cards both see and acknowledge each other with 100% signal...02:42
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goubuntuCould not save the file /etc/sudoers. is the error i get after trying to save changes using command sudo gedit /etc/sudoers02:42
roshan_sda_putzler: On Linux, did you give the card a static IP address by going to System > Admin > Networking?02:43
Dr_SatoUhm... I'm trying to apt-get install bum. But it isn't in the repositories it states :(. I wonder why I didn't change a thing with the repository settings02:43
Dr_SatoAnyone an idea?02:43
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j2ee_dodohi what tool in ubuntu can I use to check what port is open and running whatever??02:43
da_putzlerroshan: yes, and also editing /etc/network/interfaces and adding the last new lines to enable ad-hoc etc02:43
POVaddctda_putzler: do you use any kind of encryption (wep, wpa, ...) on the wireless link?02:43
roshan_sda_putzler: So you're sure the wifi link is configured. Does it show in ifconfig?02:45
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ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto02:45
Dr_SatoUhm... I'm trying to apt-get install bum. But it isn't in the repositories it states :(. I wonder why. I didn't change a thing with the repository settings02:45
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource02:45
suck_my_bool`sDr_Sato you BOY ??02:45
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roshan_sda_putzler: I'm afraid I can't help you with the wireless card, since I don't have one. Once you can ping between the two computers, its easy. I'm terribly sorry, but you'll have to ask someone else for help02:46
da_putzlerthat's ok dude.. thx anyhows02:47
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic02:47
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feugan3333Hi all. I noticed that the php-cig binary is not compiled with mysql support. Is it neccessary to install php from source or is there an easier way? I need mysql support.02:47
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ubotusmart is another meta-package manager available for Ubuntu. It's quite stable, uses APT's repositories, can handle mirrors/multiple-connections, and is supposed to make Ubuntu BiArch-compatible for Edgy. See http://labix.org/smart and https://wiki.kubuntu.org/SmartPackageManager02:47
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feugan3333 /s/php-cig/php-cgi/02:49
goblimeyhow do i find out precisely what driver (and version) is being used for usb wireless on rausb0 ?02:50
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feugan3333Nobody use php :-)02:51
erUSULgoblimey: maybe in the dmesg the driver says something...02:51
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goblimeythx erUSUL checking now02:52
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martiiI had my dapper / on hd(0,1) and grub worked fine02:55
martiiI moved / to hd1,1 and after upgrade of kernel my manualy edited config is overwriten with initial values hd0,102:55
martiiwhere is information about initial (instalation) values for grub?02:56
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erUSULgoblimey: ex this is what i see in my dmesg --> rt2500 1.1.0 CVS 2005/07/10 http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com02:57
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goblimeyerUSUL, hmm mine has "rausb0 (WE) : Driver using old /proc/net/wireless support, please fix driver !"02:58
CGAhi all =) && i have some problems after the upgrade from breeszy to dapper (the automatic upgrade). wonderful idea and tool but when it comes to practice it sucks. it has borked my system and uninstalled few applications.  anyone had the same bad experience as mine?  (i don't want to be mean in saying this. my english sucks)02:58
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sztanpet_is there any quanta like web developer for gnome?02:59
CGAsztanpet_, vim? :P (try bluefish)03:00
sztanpet_ty :D03:00
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nevynbut quanta is better03:00
nevynjust use quanta.03:00
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gnomefreaksztanpet_: bluefish nvu03:00
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achrafhello, i need to match this with sed <FEATURE id=FAJ 122 215 rev=R1 state=NOT AVAILABLE> and replace it with <FEATURE id="FAJ 122 215" rev="R1" state="NOT AVAILABLE"> am not really good with regex :S03:00
sztanpet_nevyn i would, but my net is limited to 2gb a month sadly03:00
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nevynsztanpet_: get a kubuntu disk shipped to you ;)03:01
sztanpet_nevyn not a bad idea :D03:01
nevynshipit rocks03:01
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goblimeyerUSUL, thx again, i'm gonna google around and research some more ;) sugestions still welcome tho03:01
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donaldhas anyone had problems with latest Kernel software update?03:02
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erUSULgoblimey: nothing, you can go to http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com and l and compile a more recent driver though03:02
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nevynI got my 6.06 disks today v. dissapointed with the installer on x86_6403:03
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nevynvery buggy with gparted03:03
zybridnevyn: havent noticed.03:03
d2812Quick question. Where I work, I have to test up laptops. Is there a tool on the livecd which I can use to save a hardware compatabillity report, as if I get the okay from my boss, I can run it on each model of laptop i test up.03:03
d2812however, I may not be able to put it on the network to submit it online.03:04
goblimeyerUSUL, yep , downloaded that , probaly gonna take that route just wanted to check the status quo first03:04
=== Snow_Shelter [n=stepmani@ppp-216-106-100-101.storm.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Snow_Shelterhow do you turn off gdm?03:05
CGAd2812, you might want to google for a different distro , try "linux test livecd"03:05
zybridSnow_Shelter: apt-get remove gdm03:05
Snow_Shelterzybrid: thanks03:05
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Snow_Shelteris there anyway I can install the server part of ubuntu from a live cd?03:05
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:05
d2812well i'm a dapper user at home, I wanted to submit reports to help other possible dapper users03:05
d2812not for fixing laptops :)03:06
CGAoh i see03:06
gilianimahow to open a terminal on Mac OS X ?03:06
Snow_Sheltergilianima: /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app03:06
CGAand most of all: how to run bash on windows?03:06
erUSULCGA: with cygwin03:06
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=== CGA was just kidding , but thanks =)
haakonnhmm. i did an 'apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' on a fresh install, and now scrollkeeper-update has been running for 7 minutes on installing vnc... supposed to be like that?03:07
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Snow_Shelterhaakonn: trust me, you don't want to kill scroolkeeper-update03:08
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haakonnah! it just finished :) wow, slow03:08
Snow_Shelterhaakonn: I made the mistake of doing that, and it messed up my whole update03:08
erUSULhaakonn: yes scrollkeeper can use a lot of resources just like updatedb03:08
haakonnthis laptop is a bit slower than what i'm used to03:08
SeraVitaeHi there, can someone help me get the resolutions in X that i should have? i just xresprobe and X totally shut down and restarted.03:08
bertuHey can someone help me?03:08
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:08
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:08
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SeraVitaeerUSUL - i'll read it, but i've already done a fair bit of debugging. it seems to be an issue with the actual driver, apparently a patch was issued.03:09
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rixi like to know what is the best solution for automatic registration like the online registration that uses provider, i want to register online to my server and with this registration it will be generated an unix account with mail, web, quota, ssh, ftp an the common services, how is that possible with ldap? or i need something else?03:09
frogzoolooking for a howto on adding new mime types/handlers for gnome, anyone?03:09
bertuIs is ok that you have files in your hard disk that are not yours that is you cannot earase them and change their permission?03:09
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erUSULbertu: sure, all the system files and programs should be like that, to avoid that a user mistake ruins the system03:11
puslingis there kind of ... small breezy server installation images for usbsticks and stuff ?03:11
bertubut i installed  apache03:11
erUSULbertu: with sudo you can shoot yourself in the foot though03:11
SeraVitaeerUSUL - i can't even follow that guide, because xresprobe crashes X, and ddcprobe fails with an error.03:11
bertuand in the folder www in the folder var....i  can t erase the file i created03:11
kbrosnanI am looking for some info on how to set up mac address spoofing in ubuntu.03:12
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erUSULSeraVitae: and a simple dpkg-reconfigure with manual settings for vert. a hor. sync rates does not work?03:12
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bertuSo how can i remove the files that i created?03:13
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erUSULbertu: this is intentional only root and members of www-data afaik can write in that directory (/var/www)03:14
erUSULbertu: with sudo03:14
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bertuso what do i write?03:14
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PetarisI need to build or find glibc-2.3.4 for an x86_64 install, I want to install it to /opt/lib/ to satisfy a pesky program03:14
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PetarisFirst does anyone know where I might find an already build glibc-2.3.4 for x86_64 that I can just modify the path on?03:15
erUSULbertu: 'sudo rm /var/www/filetoerase'03:15
Snow_Shelterw00t! I just accidentally yanked the power to one of my servers...03:15
erUSUL!commands > bertu03:15
=== Snow_Shelter isn't happy
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Snow_Shelteroh well, at least I can install Ubuntu on it now ;)03:16
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Petarisand if not, does anyone know where I might find directions to build it myself?03:16
erUSULPetaris: if it is already build you can not patch it afaics03:16
Snow_Shelterold Mandrake was starting to get that 'old geezer' smell03:16
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erUSULbertu: no problem03:16
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PetariserUSUL: I meant an already built ubuntu glibc-2.3.4 for x86_6403:17
kthreadhi hi hi03:17
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epshas anyone mentioned anything about a security hole in ubuntu 5.10? we've had a production server at work here basically blown wide open on an almost stock ubuntu 5.10 (w/ security updates) box.  looking through the actions of the attacker they used a dictionary going after default passwords of all service users for linux and we are guessing found a way through on one of them03:18
erUSULPetaris: yes i understood but if it is build you can not, and i cite, "that I can  just modify the path on03:18
PetariserUSUL: Then I can just rip the debian packaging down and change the path in the rules file and rebuild the deb03:18
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narfmastereps, someone had a weak password?03:18
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davidwI've got a dell server that has fans that sound like a jet airplane... any packages available to get it to settle down a bit?03:19
erUSULPetaris: i do not know... maybe it works but glibc is a core component if you mess this up you can end up with an unusable system03:19
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epsproduction server...only one service account that we added which had a non standard un (bobby) and an unguessable pw (no brute forcing on the pw)03:19
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PetariserUSUL: I won't be screwing with the systems glibc-2.3.6 I will just be adding the 2.3.4 to /opt/lib so it shouldn't affect anything, or am I mistaken about this?03:20
Moodlesi'm installing phpsysinfo, and in the config file, it says "to read data from hddtemp, must be set suid".... I don't understand completely, what do I need to do to 'hddtemp'?03:21
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rixthAnyone else having problems getting to gmail?03:21
Petarisdavidw: Those must be the small 10k rpm fans?03:21
frogzooPetaris: the linker won't look in /opt/lib unless you tell it to03:21
wildmanrixth, gmail/calendar working fine here...03:21
CrescendoIs there a tray applet I can add to monitor hardware temperatures?03:21
rixthHmm, I get error 766.03:21
davidwPetaris, you'll have to speak up some... I can hardly hear you;-)  I think so, though, yeah03:21
Crescendorixth, both are working for me.03:21
rixthCrescendo, sure! I know there is one for temps... my laptop had it by default03:22
Petarisfrogzoo: I think I can tdo an LD_PRELOAD for that app03:22
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frogzooCrescendo: add the 'sensors-applet' package - then add 'hardware sensor' to panel03:23
Petarisdavidw: I believe those are thermastatically controlled, so you probably can't do much with it03:23
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SelfHarmis gaim the best multi-client IM availble?03:23
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dr_willisif it does all you need.. then i guess its best. :)03:23
chris08hi there - if have a problem with dapper: I just updated the kernel, no I no longer have vmware-player available for installation03:23
dr_willisif it dont.. then its not.03:23
Cheradenineive just installed wine and when running winecfg i click the audio tab it fails with an error saying "ALSA lib seq_hw.c:456:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory03:23
Cheradenine*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x7c075048 ***03:23
NilsyMoodles, you need to chmod u+s hddtemp03:23
Nilsyas rood03:23
davidwPetaris, makes sense to me, but I would do anything to make it quiet down a bit.... sigh03:23
Nilsyroot even ;)03:23
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Cheradenineanyone got a good idea ?03:24
SelfHarmwell, what are other options for IM?03:24
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.03:24
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njankopete's nice, SelfHarm03:24
Petarisdavidw: I have a server like that, a 1U rackmount that just screams03:24
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nevynCheradenine: install timidity and run it as an alas sequencer03:24
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Petarisdavidw: I locked it away in a wiring closet  ;)03:24
frogzooCheradenine: it's a bug - but not serious, just ignore it, wine will still work03:24
davidwPetaris, good plan... this thing's driving people buggy here03:24
Cheradeninewhat if i need the sound in wine?03:24
erUSULCheradenine: sound works in other apps?03:24
scanfAnyone know why CUPS assigns job owner always as 'root'?03:25
Cheradeninesound works like a charm in other apps yes03:25
frogzooCheradenine: sound still works03:25
Cheradeninei think its because dapper runs oss by default?03:25
Cheradeninei dunno..03:25
dr_willisi dident think dapper did oss by default03:25
Cheradenineim not sure about that but i think it does03:25
davidwanother question... how to get initrd (via dpkg-reconfigure) to pick up a new kernel module?03:26
frogzooI thought Dapper used esd, which is why you can play multiple sounds...03:26
erUSULCheradenine: no dapper runs alsa... check the perms 'ls -al /dev/snd/*'03:26
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erUSULfrogzoo: in dapper you can choose not to run esd and use the dmix facility of alsa03:26
Cheradeninerw for owner and group03:26
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems03:26
Cheradenineis that the problem?03:26
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frogzooerUSUL: is that any better than esd?03:27
Cheradenineowner root and group audio03:27
Cheradeninethat might be it03:27
Cheradeninethat means that my user cant read it doesnt it?03:27
erUSULCheradenine: if with the same user you can use sound in other apps i do not see why wine would fail...03:27
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Cheradenineas far as i can tell most apps use /dev/dsp03:28
Cheradeninenot /dev/snd03:28
erUSULCheradenine: 'ls -al /dev/snd/seq'03:28
Cheradenineno such file or directory03:28
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Cheradenineim sry for troubling you guys but im rather new at this03:29
erUSULCheradenine: only apps that still use oss api opens /dev/dsp (a few like skype and audacity)03:29
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SelfHarmwhat is the command line to startup gnome03:29
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Cheradeninein any case it couldnt find that seq directory03:29
erUSULCheradenine: for some reason your card or drivers do not create a seq dev file i do not know what might it be....03:30
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erUSULCheradenine: what sound card do you have??03:30
Seleukos hi boyz and girls!!!!!03:30
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CrescendoInstalled sensors-applet, but I don't see "hardware sensor" applet in my add to panel list.  How do I find it?03:30
regebroHowdy all! I succeded in whacking my python installation on the head, so it's not working very well. :)03:30
puslingis it possible to use the dapper installer cd to install breezy ?03:30
regebroHow do I fix it?03:30
erUSULSeleukos: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start03:30
mikechmlSelfHarm: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start03:30
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SelfHarmthanks mike!03:31
CheradenineIntel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)03:31
Cheradeninethats the one03:31
CrescendoNevermind, got it!03:31
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Cheradenineits an asus m6bne laptop03:31
regebroI'm trying to reinstall all the relevant packages, but each reinstall ends with that the package can't be configured because of dependency problems....03:31
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monomaniacpatI can't build after updating the linux kernel yesterday... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17826 Any ideas?03:31
erUSULSeleukos: tab complete error sorry03:31
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Cheradenineand im running ubuntu 6.0603:32
SeleukoserUSUL: Can you help mw with something?03:32
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epslooks like the security hole is from a ubuntu account default password...working on figuring out which one and who the bastard script kiddy was03:33
mazurskieis there a repo of just kernel packages?03:33
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epsis there a way to see all ip's that have sshed in in recent days?03:34
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Seleukos  03:34
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horusi have what i hope is a quick problem03:35
horusi can't eject my dvd drive03:35
erUSULCheradenine: try lsmod | grep seq and past the output to pastebine03:35
horusthere's a data dvd in there right now03:35
horuswhen i hit the button, it doesn't do anything03:35
erUSULhorus: sudo eject /dev/hdxx03:35
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troughtonhello having a problem with networking i am trying to asighn a static ip of to my desktop computer from my router but when i do i lose the network can anyone help ??03:35
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Cheradeninenothing returned03:36
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monomaniacpatI can't make after updating the linux kernel yesterday... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17826 Any ideas?03:36
samalexdang!  I've never seen this many people in one channel!!!  Ubuntu must indeed be the next big distro of choice :-)03:36
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horusand when i select eject from the menu, it says "umount: /media/cdrom0: device is busy"03:36
horussame thing when i use eject from the command line03:37
Cheradeninelsmod | grep alsa returns nothing03:37
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erUSULCheradenine: sudo modprobe snd_seq_device03:37
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deltaMay I add a line in my source.list such that synaptic will try to look in a specific directory on a dvd?03:37
Cheradeninebut "lsmod | grep oss" returns alot of stuff03:37
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axismesamalex, break another record and join #gentoo03:37
narfmastermonomaniacpat, you need the new linux-headers-38603:37
horustroughton, try just using a higher number03:37
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Cheradeninethat didnt return anything either03:37
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horustroughton, perhaps something outside of your dhcp range03:38
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bilsshi folks03:38
Cheradenineso one would have to suspect that my laptop is only running oss stuff wouldnt one?03:38
monomaniacpatnarfmaster: thanks, I just realised that!03:38
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horusbut anyway, how do i force whatever's got a handle open to my dvd drive to die?03:39
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erUSULCheradenine: was 'sudo modprobe snd_seq_device' succesfull?03:39
Cheradenineit didnt return anything03:39
samalexaxisme: yup 804 vs 939 in #Gentoo.  Whoa!  And I remember when Red Hat was the shizit!03:39
horusor even just find out what process has it so i can kill it?03:39
erUSULCheradenine: btw lsmod | grep snd to see alsa stuff03:39
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bilsshow to create an extra name in a domin name ie from 4096.net to lex.4096.net?03:40
erUSULCheradenine: try again 'ls -al /dev/snd/seq'03:40
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Cheradeninels: /dev/snd/seq: No such file or directory03:40
mikechmltry sudo umount -l /dev/hdc, horus03:40
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erUSULCheradenine: :( i do not know what is the problem...03:41
gimmulfdoes ubuntu run without any problems on a powermac g5 dual?03:41
wildmanbye ppl03:41
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Cheradenineno worries man :) thanks for helping anyway03:41
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chris08yesterday's kernel update broke vmware-player, any idea how to get it back running?03:41
horusah, thanks mikechml03:41
horusi actually just found that in the manpage :)03:41
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horusworked like a charm, though03:41
Cheradeninewell this was an unexpected bump in the road for my gaming adventure03:41
erUSULCheradenine: lsmod | grep seq still outputs nothing, does it?03:41
Cheradeninenope.. not a thing03:42
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Cheradeninethat "seq" doesnt exist by the looks of it03:42
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m_0_r_0_nHow do I diable write caches?03:42
roshan_schris08: You need to wait a while for the new vmware kernel modules to be uploaded. Till then the easiest option is to use an older kernel03:42
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CheradeninecontrolC0  pcmC0D0c  pcmC0D0p  pcmC0D1c  pcmC0D2c  pcmC0D3c  pcmC0D4p  timer03:42
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Cheradeninethats the contents of /dev/snd03:43
Some_PersonYOU IDIOTS!!!!!!03:43
=== mikechml slaps Some_Person
m_0_r_0_nbe respectfull of other users03:43
gimmulfdoes ubuntu run without any problems on a powermac g5 dual?03:43
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gnomefreakSome_Person: lose the caps03:43
davidwsounds like a plus, to me03:43
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:43
LynoureSome_Person: people here most likely didn't make the installer03:43
LynoureSome_Person: this is just a user suppor channel, where most people helping others are notmal Ubuntu users03:44
roshan_sSome_Person: Boot from the Windows CD, go to recovery console and run fixmbr03:44
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chris08roshan: I tried that - booted the older kernel but still can't reinstall - I uninstalled vmware player before. now it's gone, even in synaptic03:44
troughtonno did not work i am trying to get it to asighn a static ip so i can set the route so i can hoste my ubuntu websight03:44
Some_Personproblem: i have no windows cd03:44
erUSULSome_Person: if you want help recovering win stop yelling03:44
bimberiHobbsee: just to let you know, RichEd is a new Canonical recruit :)03:44
roshan_sCheradenine: which app are you having sound trouble with?03:44
m_0_r_0_nThen you have no right to use windows03:44
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Hobbseebimberi: crud.03:45
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Some_Personwindows came preinstalled on my computer03:45
horusSome_Person, grub usually doesn't make windows unbootable03:45
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Some_Personwell, it did03:45
Cheradenine<roshan_s> wine03:45
Hobbseebimberi: why didnt someone tell me that before?03:45
erUSULSome_Person: post your /boot/grub/menu.lst ina pastebin03:45
Some_Personin the list, i see 8 things for ubuntu and nothing for windows03:45
m_0_r_0_nSome_Person, there is always a windows cd, even on preinstalled system03:45
epsSome_Person: just tell grub to boot into windows03:45
horusSome_Person, you may be missing something in the grub menu03:45
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:45
Cheradeninewhen running "winecfg" i click "audio" tab and it fails03:45
Cheradeninebecause it cant find /dev/snd/seq03:45
bimberiHobbsee: you did absolutely the right thing03:45
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Hobbseebimberi: that's true.  but even so03:46
bilssgnomefreak: hi03:46
horusi bet some_person wiped his HD during installation and didn't realize it03:46
roshan_sCheradenine: /dev/snd/seq is usually used for MIDI music. Most systems nowadays don't have a MIDI synthesiser, so no /dev/snd/seq03:46
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Cheradenineis there a way to make wine ignore it?03:46
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Cheradenineor overcome it somehow?03:47
nevynCheradenine: it shouldn't be a fatal error03:47
g1g4nt1chorus, no, i had the same problem yesterday03:47
nevynunless you're trying to use a midi application03:47
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Cheradeninenah not really03:47
Cheradenineim trying to get hl2 to run on this machine03:47
micxerhi there, anyone tried to install elisa (UPnP AV client) on Dapper Drake according to the howto at https://core.fluendo.com/elisa/trac/wiki/ElisaDapper???03:47
g1g4nt1cSome_Person, reconfigure your grub03:48
roshan_sCheradenine: Does winecfg output anything on the terminal before crashing03:48
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mikechmlg1g4nt1c: Some_Person quit03:48
horusg1g4nt1c, some_person's gone03:48
gnomefreakhi bimberi03:49
gnomefreakhi bilss03:49
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g1g4nt1cyeah, i know03:49
CheradenineALSA lib seq_hw.c:456:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory03:49
Cheradenine*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x7c0750c8 ***03:49
erUSULroshan_s: Cheradenine's sound card or alsa install does not creates a seq device file. unfortunately i can not figure out why03:49
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ketetha_hey what is the linux dos emulator good for03:49
Cheradeninethats the winecfg error msg03:50
horusCheradenine, if you really want to run direct3D games, you should consider purchasing Cedega03:50
mikechmlemulating dos :/03:50
bimberihey gnomefreak :)03:50
erUSULketetha_: which? dosbox? dosemu?03:50
ketetha_mikechml, haha can you go futher into detail03:50
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ketetha_erUSUL, dosemu03:50
horusketetha_, running Red Baron, Commander Keen, and many other classics of the era\03:50
Cheradeninehorus: yes i have considered that but this is an experiment to see if i can get it working first03:50
ketetha_like in laymens terms.03:50
ketetha_horus, >< ??03:51
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Cheradeninedont want to fork out money if i cant get it running and besides apparently alot of people arent that happy with cedega03:51
erUSULketetha_: with dosemu you can install DOS inside linux much like vmware permits you install win in linux03:51
roshan_serUSUL: Cheradenine: It won't create a seq file because there isn't any MIDI sequencer. My system is the same. Most systems won't have a sequencer. The real problem is that WINE is trying to access it03:51
ketetha_erUSUL, i think i understand what your saying03:51
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erUSULroshan_s: well i have an AC'97 codec (VIA) and i do have a seq file03:52
regebroOK, I could really need some hints on how to repair my python install...03:52
horuserUSUL, i don't think that's actually correct03:52
erUSULketetha_: in the other hand dosbox emules a 286 cpu and the DOS03:52
horusisn't dosemu more like WINE for DOS?03:52
Cheradenineroshan yes thats what it seems to be doing at this point03:52
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roshan_serUSUL: Then you're lucky. Most people need to install timidity and go to great trouble to get midi sequencing working03:52
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erUSULhorus: i'm afraid you are mistaken... check docs03:53
micxerhi there, anyone tried to install elisa (UPnP AV client) on Dapper Drake according to the howto at https://core.fluendo.com/elisa/trac/wiki/ElisaDapper???03:53
horusalrighty, i'll take your word for it03:53
erUSULroshan_s: lucky me ;)03:53
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frogzoohorus: yup03:53
micxerit dowsn't work for me, since it won't install libglib2.0-dev03:54
erUSULhorus: with dosemu you need to install freedos or drdos or ms-dos in a virtual disk03:54
roshan_sCheradenine: Can you try deleting your .wine directory and starting again? You'll lose any Wine related configuration changes you might have made03:54
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micxerThe following packages have unmet dependencies: libglib2.0-dev: Depends: libglib2.0-0 (= 2.10.2-1ubuntu3) but 2.10.3-0ubuntu1 is to be installed03:54
horusnever used that one; dosbox always worked fine for me03:54
micxerE: Broken packages03:54
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ketetha_so if i want to install the package zsnes what i write in the commande line would be : sudo apt-get install zsnes03:54
Cheradenineroshan: why? it will just fail next time when winecfg tries to access the midi thingie03:55
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horusketetha_, yes03:55
fowlduckketetha_: ya03:55
Cheradenineunless there's a nifty trick up your sleeve ;)03:55
ketetha_horus, YAY :) i learned something todayyyy03:55
fowlduckketetha_: if you know the dependencies and are fine with it, add a -y03:55
ketetha_fowlduck, yay. thank youuu03:55
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ketetha_fowlduck, dependencies?03:55
fowlduckketetha_: so apt-get -y install znes03:55
ketetha_fowlduck, i see. and wht does it do?03:55
haakonnargh! so i set up dapper on a laptop, complete with working wifi. i reboot, and the networking doesn't work anymore. device comes up, wifi card lights up, ifconfig looks the same, but no traffic is being routed (ping anything goes "Destination Host Unreachable" etc). any ideas here?03:55
fowlduckketetha_: what the package needs to install along with it (other packages) to run03:56
muslimi have a problem with apt-get03:56
muslimi use kubuntu03:56
SheaTaraI use kubuntu but I installed ubuntu-desktop, I use kontact rather than evolution, but I see  an "evolution" process on in ksysguard, is it safe to kill it03:56
ketetha_fowlduck, OOHHH cool beans.03:56
ketetha_fowlduck, otherwise itwill ask me write03:56
horusketetha_, don't worry about it...it'll work just fine without the -y03:56
ketetha_horus, okkk =] 03:56
ketetha_fowlduck, that was supposed to be right??03:56
fowlduckhaakonn: i'd hook up a network cable and update.  Are you using a an ipw3945?03:56
fowlduckketetha_: yeah, otherwise it will ask you03:56
muslimit doesnt connect to the internet03:57
fowlduckketetha_: which I find rather annoying sometimes, especially when I'm chaining things03:57
haakonnfowlduck:  no, it's a trendnet pcmcia card, doubt it is an ipw chip03:57
roshan_sCheradenine: No tricks, I'm afraid. I suppose you've already tried "sudo modprobe snd_seq"03:57
Cheradeninenothing returned03:57
horusmuslim, try #kubuntu03:57
ketetha_im gogin to write this downn03:57
fowlduckhaakonn: hmm, i dunno then, sorry03:57
muslimcan anyone help03:57
haakonnmysterious stuff03:57
Cheradeninewell.. assuming that this letdown wont make everything go tits up i should be ready to install hl2 now03:57
horusketetha_, you can also use the graphical apt-get interface03:58
horusthe one ubuntu uses is called Synaptic03:58
ketetha_horus, whats that?03:58
roshan_sCheradenine: Still no /dev/snd/seq?03:58
horusand can be found in Syste | Administration03:58
muslimi tried ther with no result03:58
Cheradenineit was never there03:58
muslimthey suggested for me to try here03:59
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CheradeninecontrolC0  pcmC0D0c  pcmC0D0p  pcmC0D1c  pcmC0D2c  pcmC0D3c  pcmC0D4p  timer03:59
fowlduckketetha_: give this a read, or just look at the links and click what you want to do, it will explain it for ya: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/index.html03:59
Cheradeninethats the contents of /dev/snd03:59
horusketetha_, it's quite nice, and easier than using the command line if you don't know the name of the package you want03:59
ketetha_horus, cool whre do i get that?03:59
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horuswhat's the problem, muslim03:59
ketetha_fowlduck, thankss im readding :)03:59
horusketetha_, it's already installed by default04:00
horusin your system menu04:00
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horusunder administration04:00
haakonndmesg says "wlan0: link not ready". i've heard this card sometimes have problems "associating" with the wifi router. this may be the problem. but how can i make it try to associate?04:00
roshan_sCheradenine: Which sound card do you have? Or motherboard, if its integrated.04:00
KRAcould someone help me with a compile problem ?04:00
muslimcan't connect to intrernet04:00
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horusketetha_, or just hit alt-f2 and type synaptic04:00
Cheradenine Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)04:01
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fowlduckhaakonn: iwconfig i think04:01
fowlduckhaakonn: or iwlist04:01
muslimthey did only once04:01
ketetha_horus, OH THAT! ya. haha thats where i got the name zsnes :) ya i just felt like using the command line so i can learn moree04:01
haakonnhmm perhaps iwconfig something04:01
horusmuslim, is anything on your computer connecting to the internet, or is it just those appications that fail?04:01
muslimthen refused to do so04:01
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cristianohello people, suddenly accented keys on my keyboard seems not to work anymore (even if shifted!!!) how is it possible????04:01
horusketetha_, that's a good idea04:01
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muslimin the begining it was only konqurer that was able to connect04:02
roshan_sCheradenine: Can you try "sudo modprobe snd-seq-dummy"04:02
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ketetha_horus, :) ls -a shows hidden files in your desktop or wherever right on the command line?04:03
muslimthen firefox after i disabled IPv6 from its config04:03
horusmuslim, does anything currently work on that computer?04:03
Cheradeninethat does not return anything04:03
cristianono cues for me ???? :(04:03
muslimevery thing is ok04:03
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horusketetha_, yes, but to learn about any command, just type man <command> instead of asking people in here04:03
muslimexcept that updating problem04:04
ketetha_man <command>04:04
ketetha_horus, thankss04:04
ketetha_man <ls -a>04:04
roshan_sCheradenine: That's a good sign. It only returns something if there's trouble :-)04:04
ketetha_arggh confusion04:04
Cheradeninelol ok04:04
horusthen the problem is almost certainly either in your sources.list or that the update server is down04:04
muslimi think it may have something to do with IPv604:04
horusketetha_, not in the channel04:04
horuson the command line04:04
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horustype "man ls"04:05
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roshan_sCheradenine: See if you have a /dev/snd/seq now04:05
muslimno i made sure they are fine04:05
phunkalicioushi there, i added a repository to install something, and then it updated some packages that broke a bunch of other stuff; is there some way to go back to the ubuntu packages? some log or something?04:05
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horusmuslim, hmm04:05
muslimcan i disable IPv604:05
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muslimeven temporarily04:06
ketetha_man ls04:06
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Ng!ipv6 > muslim04:06
ketetha_horus, HAHA on the command line! haha sorry didint read that. okk04:06
micxerhmm, noone seems to care about this nice Media Center Elisa04:06
muslimto make sure its not the source of the problem04:07
kakadophunkalicious, the easy way is if apt-get dist-upgrade is enough04:07
roshan_sCheradenine: Strange. That did it on my system. It creates a dummy sequencer. Maybe some other module you loaded earlier conflicts with it. How about rebooting and then loading snd-seq-dummy? That'll clear out any extra modules04:07
phunkaliciousbut they are newer packages04:07
phunkaliciousso apt-get thinks they are up to date :/04:07
phunkaliciousbut they are broken! :O04:07
Cheradenineno wait04:08
Cheradeninethere it is :D04:08
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Cheradeninegot rid off the alsa error but now another one is there04:08
gnomefreakphunkalicious: apt-get -f install  to fix broken packages04:08
Cheradenine*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x7c0750c8 ***04:08
horusCheradenine, welcome to the joy that is running directX apps in wine :)04:09
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horusanyway, i solved the problem i came in here for a long while ago04:09
Cheradeninewell as i said this is just an experiment but if i can get this to run i'll seriously consider ditching xp for good04:09
horusnice chatting with you helpful folk04:09
roshan_sCheradenine: I'm sorry I can't help you there. I'm running amd64 and wine doesn't support it :-|04:09
lopzidedhas anyone had any luck getting a gamepad to work via the gameport connection (the one on the sound card)?04:09
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Cheradenineno worries man :) thnx for the help sofar04:10
gnomefreaktry #winehq04:10
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Some_PersonOk, how can I install Ubuntu without installing GRUB to the MBR?04:11
Cheradeninethnx gnome04:11
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ketetha_what is wine?04:12
Some_PersonI want GRUB on hda6.04:12
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.04:12
fowlduckSome_Person: get an "alternative" CD and do an "expert" install, iirc04:12
Some_Personi don't have one04:12
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fowlduckSome_Person: then get one04:12
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clokworxhi there..04:12
Some_Personand my dialup stops me from d/ling one04:12
Some_Personurgh, why didn't the people who made the cd use the same installer they used for Breezy?04:13
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NgSome_Person: the alternate install CD image uses the older text installer04:14
clokworxcan someone help me.. i messed up with "tee" and was replacing the whole /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist file.. where can I get the original file?04:14
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Some_Personand i can't get it.04:14
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Some_Personon dialup, it would take 3 days.04:14
Ngclokworx: you could reinstall the module-init-tools package04:14
missportossalut tout le monde04:14
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missportosaleur ia kelkin04:15
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.04:15
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ketetha_before installing wine it says put this in :deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt dapper main: repository so do i follow :https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu: :Adding Canonical Commercial Repositories: near the center of that page04:15
Some_Personugh, it looks like i'll have to install ubuntu then use fdisk /mbr with a really old pre-SP1 windows cd04:15
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clokworxng..how do i get it? from apt ?04:16
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PyroticShadowOk all you smart Ubuntu people, is there any particular reason why my Wifi is not getting anywhere NEAR it's speed that it should?.. Maxing at 50Kbps, when I should atle ast average 150Kbps, and max at 220Kbps, on my 1.5Mbps Connection.04:16
Ngclokworx: synaptic can reinstall a package or you can do "sudo apt-get --reinstall install module-init-tools"04:16
erUSULclokworx: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17831 here it is mine (unmodified iirc)04:16
PyroticShadowYes, I have the latest Driver for my card, I also have the latest firmware update, as well.04:16
da1i want to do su, does anyone know he default password for the live cd, haven't installed it yet on my hd04:17
ketetha_before installing wine it says put this in :deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt dapper main: repository so do i follow :https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu: :Adding Canonical Commercial Repositories: near the center of that page04:17
PyroticShadowketetha_, just ad it to the repositorys...04:17
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PyroticShadowketetha_, just as it says..04:17
ketetha_pyroticshadow, by pressing custom?04:18
erUSULketetha_: do not repeat please04:18
Some_Personif anyone here is actually from ubuntu, YOUR STUPID INSTALLER SUCKS04:18
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erUSULketetha_: edit /etc/apt/sources.list04:18
frogzooPyroticShadow: tried bumping the txpower?04:18
PyroticShadowketetha_, just edit the file (/etc/apt/sources.list) and add thos lines..04:18
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PyroticShadowfrogzoo, How might Ig o about doing that?04:18
PyroticShadowgo *04:18
ketetha_pyroticshadow, thanks04:19
ketetha_erUSUL, thanks sorr04:19
PyroticShadowketetha_, mhm.04:19
PyroticShadowfrogzoo, ...hmm?04:20
clokworxthanks erUSUL for the paste.. i'm gonna use that as that seems legit enough for me to use04:20
Some_Personwhy doesn't ubuntu ship the "alternate" cds??????????04:20
clokworxthanks Ng for the guide04:21
ompaulSome_Person, write to canonical04:21
PyroticShadowSome_Person, what do you mean by "alternate" d's?04:21
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axismecos they suck04:21
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Some_Personi need to keep the windows mbr04:21
Some_Personand the regular install simply puts grub in the mbr without asking04:21
NgSome_Person: any recent windows CD can reinstall it for you04:21
mjrSome_Person, because it would have extra costs for a benefit that's not significant?04:22
ketetha_PyroticShadow, it wont let me save its read-only04:22
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PyroticShadowketetha_, sudo04:22
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NgPyroticShadow: there are three install CDs available, the regular one, a server one and an alternate one that uses a text installer04:22
SubhumanSome_Person, why do you need the windows MBR, and also it does state that if you want the grub installed in anywhere but the mbr then use the alt. install04:22
PyroticShadowketetha_, "sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list"04:22
ketetha_pyroticshadow, thankss04:22
PyroticShadowkthread, np.04:22
Some_Personi have dialup04:22
roshan_sSome_Person: You can backup the MBR and restore it later04:22
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Some_Personalt. cd takes 3 days to download04:23
PyroticShadowNg, Ah, I don't use ubuntu that often, so I wasn't sure, I use Gentoo mainly... but did you see my question about Wifi in Ubuntu?04:23
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WWWhow do i set up an irc proxy04:23
NgPyroticShadow: I did, but I'm afraid I don't have any ideas for you04:23
SubhumanSome_Person, but why do you need windows' bootloader?04:23
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PyroticShadowNg, That's alright, I knew ye' were quite Ubuntu Saavy, I was just making sure, didn't want to repost for no reason, ;)04:23
ketetha_i choose the command write out?04:23
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PyroticShadowNg, not a significant problem, but I do need to get it worked out eventually.04:23
ketetha_pyroticshadow, ignore that04:24
PyroticShadowketetha_, k.04:24
Some_Personmy dad has linuxphoebia, so i have to hide ubuntu04:24
Some_Personif he sees the GRUB thingy, he'll know ubuntu is installed04:24
WWWlol what did u do04:24
Subhuman? why dont you sit down and explain it all.04:24
WWWinstall grub on floppy?04:24
PyroticShadowSome_Person, get a seperate harddrive.04:24
roshan_sSome_Person: Do you have a writable Windows partition (i.e. FAT32 instead of NTFS)?04:24
Some_Personit auto-installs to mbr04:24
PyroticShadowSome_Person, NTFS Hates Linux.04:24
WWWyou can erase it after though04:24
WWWand then put it on floppy04:25
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NgSome_Person: as I said (and as you said), a windows CD can reinstall the mbr. problem solved04:25
Some_Personi know it does, but i had 5.10 working fine with the mb04:25
WWWbest way i see04:25
ketetha_pyroticshadow, haha okk i added it now how do i save it. there are little codes at the buttom but im not sure how they work04:25
WWWinstall ubuntu04:25
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WWWthen install windows04:25
WWWthen boot to live cd04:25
WWWand install grub from there04:25
WWWto floppy04:25
PyroticShadowketetha_, "ctrl+x", y, enter04:25
frogzooPyroticShadow: not without good reason :p04:25
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CheradenineHAH! got wine sound working :D04:25
roshan_sSome_Person: You can use dd to backup the first 446 bytes of the MBR and restore them after you install Ubuntu.04:25
ketetha_pyroticshadow, thanks a bunch04:26
Cheradenine#winehq did the trick04:26
PyroticShadowketetha_, Anytime.04:26
Some_Personhow about this: install ubuntu, boot to windows recovery cd and use fdisk /mbr to put windows back in it.04:26
PyroticShadowCongratulations Cheradenine04:26
WWWbtw has your dad read this by any chance? http://adequacy.org/public/stories/2001.12.2.42056.2147.html04:26
WWWlook at #804:26
SubhumanSome_Person, dont need to even do that04:26
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Cheradeninehehe ta ^^04:26
SubhumanSome_Person, just push r on the xp install cd, get the recovery console and type "fixmbr"04:26
roshan_sCheradenine: Nice to hear that04:27
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roshan_sSubhuman: He doesn't have an XP CD04:27
Some_Personi think he has read that04:27
phipuHi. I set up ubuntu a few days ago. Now I've a problem with a delay of about 15 seconds when I request a website. I tried with opera and firfox and got the same problem. Has anyone a hint?04:27
SubhumanSome_Person, then just use a boot CD like GAG or something to boot ubuntu.04:27
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Some_Personi have a really old pre-SP1 recovery cd04:27
SubhumanSome_Person, that will have fixmbr on it.04:27
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Some_Personno it doesnt04:27
roshan_sSome_Person: That's alright. As long as you can get to the Recovery Console04:27
Some_Personbut it does have fdisk /mbr which does the same thing04:28
ketetha_yay wine is in installiation04:28
Some_Personits called "command prompt from cd" on that old thing04:28
PyroticShadowketetha_, good :)04:28
roshan_sSome_Person: are you sure that's a Windows XP CD? Earlier version used a different bootloader.04:28
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NgSome_Person: fixmbr was on the windows 2000 install cd recovery console, so I'd be surprised if it's not on the XP one04:28
PyroticShadowphipu, Pipe Firefox, first off, and second are you wireless, or wired internet?04:28
frogzoophipu: every website, or just very first one?04:28
ketetha_pyroticshadow, one of these days im going to do it all by myself no questions asked :) maybe this afternoon or something04:29
Some_Personi've used that recovery cd for fdisk /mbr before on this machine with SP204:29
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PyroticShadowketetha_, heh'.. takes time, and patience.04:29
Some_Personi had an MBR virus04:29
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PyroticShadowketetha_, and a bit-o-googling04:29
phipuI'm wired on net. But what do you mean with "Pipe Firefox"?04:29
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ketetha_pyroticshadow, haha i have time :) just not patient enough. haha04:29
roshan_sSomePerson: Then just do that again. What's the trouble?04:29
PyroticShadowphipu, open up Firefox for me.04:29
Some_Personi lost that cd04:29
PyroticShadowketetha_, I know how that goes, but patience is the greatest thing to have.04:29
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phipuok, firefox is open04:30
lz1gjdis it possible to install k desktop to ubuntu from a kubuntu live cd ? i mounted the filesystem.sqashfs image but can't find where the .deb packages are ?04:30
PyroticShadowphipu, and in the URL type "about:config" without the quotations.04:30
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ketetha_PyroticShadow, yep yep. nowi can say. a wise person on IRC told me that patiences is the greatest thing to have =] 04:30
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phipuok I made that04:30
PyroticShadowphipu, then, it should put you to a screen with a ton of configuration type information, there hsould be a secondary "url" looking line, type pipe, in it, and hit enter.04:30
c0ax_how can i painlessly run a dual boot with ubuntu?04:31
PyroticShadowketetha_, I'm not so much "wise" as you may think... I'm still learning.04:31
PyroticShadowphipu, Then, once there, you'll see 3 lines.04:31
ketetha_pyroticshadow, ok how bought this. a "wiser person then me"04:31
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roshan_sSome_Person: Your best solution is to educate your Dad about Linux :-)04:31
PyroticShadowphipu, first line, at the end should say "false", double click it, it should change to "true", do that, and the last line should be the same, change it to true also, then the middle line, should say "4", or "8", double click it, and change the number to 16, hit enter, restart firefox, and it should be much faster loading websites.04:32
CrescendoWhat's the easiest way to get a network printer working on Linux04:32
PyroticShadowketetha_, that may be true, but I won't quote you on it, or hold you to your word.04:32
PyroticShadowCrescendo, CUPs04:32
Crescendosudo apt-get install cups?04:32
axismeyeah, you need to fiddle with groups abit too04:32
ketetha_pyroticshadow, haha okk04:32
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows04:32
axismeadding crap here and there04:32
ketetha_im goign to help someone today04:33
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ketetha_i can FEEL it in my blood. todays the day04:33
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PyroticShadowketetha_, Want to help me get my wireless internet to speed up to it's average speed that it should be at??? :)04:33
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PyroticShadowphipu, Didja get it?04:34
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ketetha_PyroticShadow, haha suree. lets see i'll be right back. ima look into that. im determined =] 04:34
rendoAfter upgrading 5.10 to 6.06, my samba server doesn't work to my windows machine, how do I fix that since it worked before perfectly fine?04:34
PyroticShadowketetha_, good luck, I've already googled all possible... :P04:34
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PyroticShadowrendo, it may not be able to work in 6.06, I'm not sure, just a thought.04:35
SeraVitaeHey, what's the equivilant of /etc/modules.d/ on ubuntu?04:35
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rendoWell that's crappy. :@04:35
=== WWW [n=newbie@toronto-HSE-ppp4053458.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
phipuPyroticShadow: I did everything you said. But it's even worse now.  There was no Problem with the speed. The problem is the delay till it starts to load a website.04:35
Some_Personhow come that "is your son a computer hacker" page says Lunix (Linux?) is illegal?04:35
WWWbecause it's meant to be satirical04:36
WWWit also says04:36
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WWWlinux torvalds is a soviet hacker04:36
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PyroticShadowphipu, ...It should have sped it up, hmm.... I appologize.04:36
Some_Personit says, quote, "BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos,"04:36
phipuno problem. thanks for your help04:36
PyroticShadowphipu, I wish I could help more.. :(04:37
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PyroticShadowSome_Person, haha!... Linyos Torovoltos!!!!04:37
Dokkeri-Some_Person: OMG! That's it I'm out of here!04:37
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SeraVitaethis guide for gentoo linux points to /etc/modules.d/<something> and i know i have that in ubuntu somewhere, could anyone suggest where?04:37
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Some_Personthing is, if it were illegal, Mac OS X would be illegal too04:37
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, what are ye' looking to do...04:37
WWWlook at reason #1004:37
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ketetha_pyroticshadow, eh. ima put that one on hold. i think i'll solve atiny problem for now like which media player to use and how to install it :)04:37
SeraVitaePyroticShadow - i need to add an option so a file in /etc/modules.d/ (if i was running gentoo) for my wifi card.04:38
WWWHas your son radically changed his appearance?04:38
WWWIf your son has undergone a sudden change in his style of dress, you may have a hacker on your hands. Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks. (I have no idea why they do this) There are many such hackers in schools today, and your son may04:38
WWW have started to associate with them. If you notice that your son's group of friends includes people dressed like this, it is time to think about a severe curfew, to protect him from dangerous influences.04:38
SeraVitaeubuntu doesn't have a /etc/modules.d, so i assumed it had something similar.04:38
lopzidedSeraVitae, i have a 'modules.d' located at /usr/share/initramfs/modules.d , but i'm not sure its the same one you're looking for04:38
ketetha_WWW, someones probably going to tell you not to paste.04:38
PyroticShadowketetha_, Ahh.. Okey, I'll leave those open for you then.04:38
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, hmm... I run Gentoo, and Ubuntu, so let me check.04:38
ketetha_pyroticshadow, muchh appreciateddd04:38
CrescendoI have a Brother MFC-5440CN on a SMB share, but the driver is not listed, nor is it provided on the brother site.  Will selecting the nearest model work?04:39
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SeraVitaeyeah i have it too, and it's empty.04:39
WWWwow how long did it take u to make gentoo04:39
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SeraVitaei need to find the equvilant of /etc/modules.d/ipw2200 which should contain options for intel 2200bg wireless card.04:39
PyroticShadowWWW, Few hours.. :P04:39
PyroticShadowCrescendo, it may work yes...04:39
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, oo, the same wireless card as I have..04:40
bertuApart from bittorrent is there another program to download torrets04:40
WWWktorrent is the best IMO04:40
PyroticShadowbertu, BitTornado...04:40
WWWit's like utorrent on windows04:40
PyroticShadowbertu, Azureus.04:40
WWWazureus is slow as hell04:40
lopzidedSeraVitae, do :$ locate ipw220004:40
PyroticShadowWWW, never heard of it, I did like utorrent though...04:40
WWWand the java is buggy04:40
PyroticShadowWWW, SHHH :P... I hate Azureus, but, he asked! :P04:40
frogzooCrescendo: nothing to lose trying04:40
bertuare they compatible with ubuntu though?04:40
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PyroticShadowbertu, yep.04:40
WWWktorrent is04:40
WWWbut u have to install a lot of kde libs04:41
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ColD_7comments on easy ubuntu?04:41
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PyroticShadowbertu, ktorrent is, so is Azureus, and so is BitTornado (thats what I use, it may already be on your system)04:41
bertui used to have azureus but i never liked it04:41
fidelanyone know if ubuntu comes with gcc compiler04:41
ketetha_what are torrent programs anyway04:41
spikebit's not installed by default fidel04:41
PyroticShadowColD_7, Erhm.. I haven't used it in a long time, so I'm not too sure, I think it's much easier to learn on yer own, but ye' may want to run it, one passby, just for the sake of it.. :P...04:41
bertuwhat do you suggest to use04:41
lopzidedktorrent ftw04:42
PyroticShadowketetha_, to download Torrents, aka, files like, whole albums, movies, etc.04:42
PyroticShadowbertu, I recommend BitTornado, but that's just because I like it.. not many others do.. so ktorrent may be your best bet.04:42
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SeraVitaePyroticShadow - googling shows /etc/modprobe.d/ as a possibility.04:42
bertuemm using the apt get?04:42
SeraVitaePyroticShadow - "Automating driver loading works as described too, except that /etc/modprobe.d/ipw3945 has to be used instead of the proposed /etc/modules.d/ipw3945."04:42
WWWyeah it's there i think04:42
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, I think that is correct.04:42
ketetha_pyroticshadow, i seee. how long does it take to download a movie thats like an hour and a half on the computer04:43
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, /etc/modprobe.d yep sounds right.04:43
fidelI downloaded it how do I install it has a read me but is very complicated04:43
SeraVitaeToo bad modprobe.d doesn't have my wifi card in it :/04:43
ketetha_!tell bertu about torrent04:43
PyroticShadowketetha_, Depends, the more people who download it and seed it, the faster it downloads, the less people, the slower, sometimes it can take weeks, sometimes it can take a simple 24 hours with the computer on over night...04:43
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ketetha_bertu, bertu, sudo apt-get install ktorrent04:43
ketetha_wait nevermind04:43
SeraVitaeOh. wait. i'm smoking crack.04:43
ketetha_bertu, sudo apt-get install BitTornado should work04:43
SeraVitaeit says ipw3945, which is a valid wifi card.04:44
WWWspeed is anywhere from 350kbs-1kbs04:44
WWWaverage is prolly around 40-5004:44
lz1gjdhow do you configure your kde env. like the themes for qt in ubuntu ?04:44
PyroticShadowWWW, depends on your connectio.04:44
ketetha_pyrotic, wow hey what i told bertu is right right?  sudo apt-get install BitTornado. please make it right. that means i helped someone04:44
PyroticShadowketetha_, if he has the right repositories, yes.04:45
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SeraVitaePyroticShadow - okay, i've updated the file inside modprobe.d, what should i use to update the changes? modprobe the card again?04:45
randomizedhi all04:45
bertuyeah it should work04:45
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ketetha_PyroticShadow, it is! haha yesss. i was waiting for him to ask how. fun stuff man.04:45
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ketetha_bertu, hehe. yay :)04:45
SeraVitaefatal error: could not find intel pro/wireless 3945ABG network connection : error running install command for ipw394504:45
SeraVitaei'm almost 100% sure i have a 2200bg. wtf is it showing a 3945?04:46
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fidelspikeb gcc what is the easyest way to install it?04:46
bertu10x ketetha_ and the others04:46
spikebfidel, with synaptic or apt-get04:46
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, hmm.. "sudo lspci | grep Wireless"04:46
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PyroticShadowketetha_, that it is...04:46
PyroticShadowrandomized, Do ye' have a question for us?04:46
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CrescendoWhat's an equivalent to Dreamweaver on Linux?04:47
fidelwill it install it or just get the file cos i have the files?04:47
makodao777: hey there dude04:47
randomizedPyroticShadow, nope everything is workin fine04:47
lopzidedi thought there _was_ dreamweaver for linux?  :P04:47
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ketetha_bertu, :)04:47
Stormx2Crescendo: Can't remember its name, let me check...04:47
SeraVitaePyroticShadow - i just did a dmesg | grep less and got "ipw2200: detected intel pro 2200bg bla bla04:47
ketetha_Stormx2, hey! :)04:47
airjumpHello, i search a ubuntu podcast?04:47
SeraVitaebut then right after it i get an ipw3945: message as well.04:47
CrescendoIf there _is_ Dreamweaver for Linux... where?04:47
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, hmm...04:48
spikebfidel, it will download and install the files04:48
ketetha_crescendo, wait one second let me see04:48
lopzidedCrescendo, my apologies...i don't think there is....04:48
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, do you have two cards??04:48
fidelI will try04:48
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, hmm...04:48
WWWcrossover office sucks04:48
SeraVitaeits inbuilt wifi in my laptop04:48
PyroticShadowWWW, that it does.04:48
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PyroticShadowSeraVitae, HP Laptop?04:48
Stormx2ketetha_: Heya04:48
Stormx2ketetha_: Hows it going man?04:48
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, if so, I'ts probably the ipw2200..04:48
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fidelspikeb what is the command or how do i get to synaptic04:49
ketetha_Stormx2, exciting newwws i helped someone today :) just now. you missed it.04:49
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, did you try restarting your net?04:49
randomizedexcept my gnome-pilot that sometimes work, sometimes dont04:49
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Stormx2Crescendo: Might possibly be "august", but do a "apt-cache search wysiwyg"04:49
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, /etc/init.d/networking restart ...04:49
PyroticShadowrandomized, I'd love to help but I know nothing about that.04:49
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, well.. wait..04:50
airjumpHello i search a ubuntu podcast? can someone help me04:50
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Stormx2randomized: Whats the problem?04:50
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, I don't want you to lose connection... and not be able to come back for help... you sure you can restart the net and be able to get it back up to at least wired, if it doesn't work ??04:50
fidelspikeb thanks for your pacience04:50
randomizedStormx2, it has stopped to synchonize my tasks for no apparent reason04:50
ketetha_airjump, whats the matter?04:50
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CrescendoStormx2, I'm not so interested in the wysiwyg functionality as I am the constant FTP version...04:50
SeraVitaePyroticShadow - it's on my laptop, so it's okay.04:51
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SeraVitaei wont loose cnxion04:51
Lynoureairjump: man, you can find it through  the first hit on google for   ubuntu podcast04:51
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, Alright.04:51
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, then go for it..04:51
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, /etc/init.d/networking restart04:51
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SeraVitaeyeah i did that, it's still doing it.04:51
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, pastebin me the output..04:51
Stormx2Crescendo: FTP is a bit of a bummer in ubuntu, but I found a great client, actually a firefox extension, called FireFTP04:51
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, any errors?04:51
airjumpgoogle is fine but i don`t find a good link04:51
Stormx2airjump: http://ubuntuos.com/podcast/04:51
ketetha_airjump, hold one let me find one for you04:51
Stormx2Its here: http://ubuntuos.com/podcast/ ^_^04:51
Lynoureairjump: really, the first hit on goodge linked to that.04:52
Stormx2Latest episode here: http://ubuntuos.com/podcast/media/ep7-070206-ubuntuos.ogg04:52
SeraVitaePyroticShadow - yep, on eth1 which i assume is the wifi, 'no dhcp offers recieved' (okay, no dhcp in range anyhow)04:52
airjumpThanks Stormx204:52
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SeraVitaethen down at the bottom, i get "wlan0: error while getting interface flags: no such dvice" failed to bring up wlan0.04:52
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, Did you try staticing it?04:52
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user-landhello, do you use nokia phone software on linux or on windows only ?04:52
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PyroticShadowSeraVitae, is your wired "eth0" ??04:52
ketetha_stormx2, you really stink you know that right. :)04:53
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, try "sudo ifconfig eth1 up"04:53
Stormx2ketetha_: lol04:53
Stormx2user-land: Search ubuntuforums.org04:53
ketetha_stormx2, haha i had the page open and all ready to give the link :)04:53
SeraVitaePyroticShadow [ OK ] 04:53
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Stormx2ketetha_: lol ^_^04:53
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SeraVitaeseemed to come up fine.04:53
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PyroticShadowSeraVitae, output?04:54
Stormx2What to listen to what to listen to...04:54
PyroticShadowStormx2, Zeromancer04:54
Stormx2Haven't got anything by them :)04:54
WWWi havent even heard of them04:54
PyroticShadowStormx2, go to ubuntu-offtopic, I don't want to get kicked/banned for offtopic conversation.04:54
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PyroticShadowWWW, Same to you.04:54
Stormx2*puts on The Mad Capsule Markets*04:54
Stormx2Yeah well I'm done now04:54
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Stormx2back to helping folks04:54
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Jyanyone know if ubuntu has like a network install iso.. like fedora has boot.iso that is 6 megs to do a http install?04:55
SeraVitaePyroticShadow - the output was [ OK ] . :)04:55
SeraVitaeas in, the device came up fine.04:55
CrescendoStormx2, I like FireFTP... but more on the Dreamweaver thing, I love to be able to open a file, press CTRL-S, and it saves to the FTP, like the "coder" method in Dreamweaver.04:55
SeraVitaeand iwconfig shows eth1 nicely.04:55
=== emile [n=emile@cp665411-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_what is dreamweaver anyways04:55
CrescendoAnd tag completion is another majorly desireable function.04:55
=== morphix [n=morphix@dsl-58-6-37-178.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, good... now check your networking and make it Default Device..04:55
CrescendoWorst comes to worst, I'll WinE it.  But I really don't want to.04:56
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, and you should be set to go :)04:56
CrescendoI'd rather use an OSS version.04:56
SeraVitaePyroticShadow - the card always *worked* fine04:56
WWWvmware it?04:56
Stormx2Crescendo: Ah... Well you can use gnome to do that, I think.04:56
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, I figured I was missing the point.. sorry I haven't slept in 2 days, what was the problem again???...04:56
SeraVitaethe problem is that in modules.d it lists the *wrong* model of card... and i need to modify that file to apply a hack.04:56
morphixwhat parameters do i use in fstab to get a samba share to automount but read only04:56
Stormx2Crescendo: They improved the FTP support in dapper. If you go to Places > Connect to server, set it all up, then it will come up in your file open dialog.04:56
CrescendoI tried using... the default text editor.  But it won't open files in an FTP directory, it's blank.04:56
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PyroticShadowSeraVitae, Ah, but if it works fine, why modify it and change it?04:57
morphixi know how to have it for write access04:57
Stormx2Oh dear04:57
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Stormx2There could be an extension for gedit, or something04:57
Stormx2let me give it a go!04:57
ketetha_blv3watyr, helllo04:57
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SeraVitaePyroticShadow - because i need to add an 'options' line so that my killswitch LED works properly.04:57
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morphixnvm i remember now :/04:57
Blv3Watyroi, busy channel here :] 04:57
CrescendoThanks, Stormx2.04:57
SeraVitaethere's no 2200 file in modprobe.d, only the *other* intel wifi card that isn't in this box.04:57
SeraVitaethat's why im confused.04:58
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ketetha_blv3watyr haha there is only like 10 people talking out ofthe 80004:58
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SeraVitaethe killswitch works fine, because i can see the state changes.04:58
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, hmm...04:58
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, So what exatly isn't "working" persay04:58
ketetha_blv3watyr, :) didja need help?04:58
=== bibleboy [n=chad@ip72-198-27-10.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Blv3Watyrbetter than ten people.... and... nobody talkin.... half these channels im on are silent 8-|04:58
=== guerby [n=guerby@gut75-4-82-235-162-148.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Blv3Watyrhelp? only a question about ubuntu04:59
ketetha_blv3watyr, way to look at the glass half FULL! :)04:59
Stormx2Crescendo: I can actually open them fine.04:59
SeraVitaePyroticShadow - the LED on my killswitch doesnt turn when i activate the killswitch.04:59
WWWthere's 821 people on this channel04:59
SeraVitaethe switch itself works fine.04:59
PyroticShadowBlv3Watyr, ask question.04:59
WWWby sheer probabilty04:59
ketetha_blv3watyr, to risk getting kicked off go to the offtopic channel04:59
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randomizedhow many badblocks before i xan throw rhe disk ?04:59
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, just the LED??04:59
Blv3Watyrive been using rpm distros...04:59
CrescendoHrm, let me look at my problem, then, Stormx2 .04:59
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, That's it.. just the LED doesn't work?????04:59
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, ...>.<04:59
=== ian_ [n=ian@dsl001-156-033.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeraVitaeyes, *just* the led.04:59
=== sproingie [n=chuck@64-121-2-59.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_Blv3watyr, and i have no lcue what that is. so ya cant help ya there. haha.04:59
Blv3Watyrthink ubuntu will use dapper package manager... or.. some other difference?04:59
Stormx2Crescendo: Ah, its read only tho!05:00
WWWrpm distro=fedora based05:00
ian_ghfg hgfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffhjdudjdj05:00
SeraVitaewhat is confusing is that i know how to get the led working, but modprobe.d is showing that i have a completely different wifi card.05:00
=== Blv3Watyr is slow..
ian_ fdhggvhhgg05:00
=== Ignite_ [n=Ignite@ACD805E0.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
PyroticShadowBlv3Watyr, why have you been using RPM's?... just convert them to Deb..05:00
=== ketetha_ is slow tambien.
WWWsudo apt-get install alien05:00
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, change it then...05:00
WWWalien <name of rpm file>05:00
=== Blv3Watyr dedicated to linux.. ehm.. a couple weeks ago...
WWWchanges it to deb05:00
Stormx2ian_, what?05:00
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fdsdhey guys, I have a severly damaged harddrive, It is 300gb and I know dd bs=512 if=/dev/hda of=/my/other/harddrive/blah.image conv=noerror,sync would get everything and skip over the bad sectors, but is there a way with dd to just grab the information on the drive and not the whole file system?  since the filesystem is 300gb?  I only have 20gb used on the drive and my backup drive is only 200gb, thanks!05:01
PyroticShadowWWW, isn't it "alien  file.rmp -deb" ??05:01
Blv3Watyrright now, still in suse05:01
Stormx2ketetha_: alien is for converting rpms to debs05:01
=== SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-035-059.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
WWWyes thats what i meant to say05:01
SeraVitaein modprobe.d, you want me to make a new file for my wifi card?05:01
SeraVitaebut why isnt there one there for my wifi card already?05:01
ketetha_stormx2, ooh i was like wtf. ok i get it noww. i thought i twas the same concept of mp32ogg05:01
SeraVitaei mean thre's one for a wifi card in there that i don't even have installed.05:01
CrescendoStormx2, I'm opening a PHP file off my FTP now.05:01
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, Perhaps a errorous driver?05:01
Blv3Watyrsuse is great until you realize the program you want isnt preinstalled...05:01
WWWfdsd, try posting that on forums05:01
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, Precisely, But, Is the LED really that big of an issue?05:01
Jyanyone know if ubuntu has like a network install iso.. like fedora has boot.iso that is 6 megs to do a http install?05:02
fdsdWWW, ok05:02
Stormx2Crescendo: Its read only, so its pretty useless.05:02
PyroticShadowJy, No.05:02
CrescendoEven so, it didn't come up at all.05:02
WWWif you google it05:02
ketetha_what is realplayer? is it just another media player05:02
Stormx2Crescendo: Possibly tho, you could make a small program which does it.05:02
=== KNY [n=Kickersn@cpe-69-205-139-119.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
WWWthere ways to do that05:02
CrescendoIt said loading along the bottom, then it just... didn't open.05:02
Blv3Watyrsuse... 6 cd's...05:02
Stormx2Crescendo: I could even do one, in bash.05:02
=== BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu
SeraVitaePyroticShadow - it's annoying that i have to cat /sys/dev/[.....]  just to see if my wifi is enabled.05:02
=== Kaja is now known as Kaja_
PyroticShadowketetha_, yes.05:02
Blv3Watyrtoo much changing.. use the http rpms05:02
Stormx2Crescendo: Asign it a keyboard shortcut.. and voila ;)05:02
PyroticShadowketetha_, it's mainly for windows, but available for Linux.05:02
sproingieBlv3Watyr: debian is something like 1205:02
Stormx2ketetha_: Not a very good one ^_^05:02
ketetha_pyroticshadow, OHH. ya. i've used it. i hate it.05:02
CrescendoStormx2, I'm not a coder exactly, and I don't know how to do that, either.  Perhaps you can point me in the right direction?05:02
SeraVitaeand PyroticShadow, I already have the command for enabling the LED. that's not the issue, im scared as to why modprobe.d lists a wifi card i don't own.05:03
=== kalosaurusre1 [n=aaron@dhcp59190.vcd.hp.com] has joined #ubuntu
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, it should be automatically enabled when you boot up.. correct?..05:03
SeraVitaeand doesn't list my card.05:03
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ketetha_stormx2, haha i always stuck to WindowsMediaPlayer05:03
randomizedbye all05:03
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, Oh, I don't think that should harm anything, but that's just me.05:03
SeraVitaePyroticShadow, maybe i should restate my question a bit more suitably..05:03
sproingieok, gaim is NOT very fun for irc05:03
Stormx2ketetha_: I use foobar2000 when on windows, much nicer05:03
PyroticShadowketetha_, I hate WMP, I hate RealPLayer... all the above...05:03
=== nlindblad [n=nlindbla@user179.217-10-120.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, Perhaps.05:03
=== sproingie is trying out ubuntu from a newbie's perspective
Stormx2sproingie: Agreed. Get xchat.05:03
Blv3WatyrWMP replacement =MPlayer05:03
SeraVitae/etc/modprobe/<someotherwificard> exists. /etc/modprobe/<mywificard> doesn't exist.05:03
ketetha_stormx2, never heard of it. haha wish i did. now windows is gone. :)05:03
CrescendoStormx2, my workaround has been to wget the entire FTP site recursively and only updated files, and then modify locally, upload each one.05:03
PyroticShadowsproingie, get on xchat.. it's on there..05:03
WWWive never been able to listen to this stream without windows+internet explorer05:04
SeraVitaechanging the options in <someotherwificard> is going to be useless.05:04
ketetha_pyroticshadow, haha i loved it. it was so easy. :) now im in love with amaroK05:04
CrescendoWould rsync be a better choice, and how would I set it up?05:04
sproingieStormx2: i'm aware of other irc apps ... i'm "reviewing" the out-of-the-box stuff on dapper05:04
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, hmm... I see now... uno momento porfavor..05:04
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WWWgo to z1035.com and click listen live05:04
Stormx2sproingie: Ah I see. Alright.05:04
CrescendoI've only ever used wget, no experience on rsync.05:04
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, Try it once, Change options for it, maybe it's just misnamed...05:04
WWWi cant get it to work05:04
SeraVitaei added the options line already..05:04
WWWeven on windows+firefox05:04
ketetha_pyroticshadow, now that i installed wine are there going to be alot more windows packages on my synaptic package maanger?05:04
SeraVitaeled no worky.05:04
Stormx2ketetha_: I use a winamp clone on ubuntu, called Audacious. Its a little like BMP or XMMS05:04
sproingieStormx2: actually it's not so terribly bad except for it deciding to make some nicks yellow on a white background05:04
WWWamarok is great too05:04
PyroticShadowketetha_, I'm not sure, Most of the time, you just find a HowTo, to install stuff with Wine..05:04
=== Kaja_ is now known as Kaja
Stormx2ketetha_: But BMP is a dead project, XMMS is baad, and BMPx is full of nazis05:05
WWWyou can put it on the notification area05:05
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, Hmm...05:05
ketetha_stormx2, the one thing i dont like about xmms is that it doesnt show the song list the one thing i don tlike about amaroK is you have to move the songs to the play list05:05
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, Uno Momento, Por Favor.05:05
Stormx2sproingie: haha. Well I don't get on with it.05:05
=== wims [n=wims@209.84-48-216.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
CrescendoStormx2, what do you use over XMMS?05:05
Blv3Watyramarok mp3's, MPlayer all other05:05
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ketetha_Stormx2, haha im going to go look into audacious05:05
sproingiegaim's ability to save conversations with drag and drop is pretty nifty05:05
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, Guess what.05:05
=== Hajuu [n=hajuu@dip-220-235-36-16.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
CrescendoGaim = the win05:05
ketetha_PyroticShadow, ahh i see. :)05:05
=== Ignite_ [n=Ignite@ACD10EF2.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2Crescendo: Audacious. Very good media player. last.fm support in the box, some transparency support, very lightweight, etc...05:05
SeraVitaesomething ironic like you have that card too?05:05
ketetha_sproingie, agreeed05:06
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, My modprobe.d shows the same thing, ipw3945, when I have a ipw2200, just as you do.. :)05:06
CrescendoF00k, why is XChat correctiing my teh?05:06
PyroticShadowketetha_, Yep.05:06
Stormx2GAIM is ok for MSN/AIM/YIM ^_^ xchat is best for IRC05:06
SeraVitaethought so :)05:06
CrescendoIt's t e h, not the.05:06
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, so it's all gravy :)05:06
ketetha_stormx2, does it play mp3s or have a plugin. becaue i have to convert and that annoys me05:06
axismelol crescendo, annoying isnt it05:06
SeraVitaePyroticShadow - well, my led doens't work. :P05:06
Stormx2ketetha_: audacious-media-player.org, you'll need to compile05:06
ketetha_xchat is FUNNN05:06
KajaCrescendo, Settings -> Advanced -> Auto Replace05:06
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, Not a huge issue, is it?05:06
CrescendoHow to turn off spelling correction...05:06
sproingieStormx2: ubuntu comes with nothing specifically for irc.  i'd have suggested it ship with xchat05:06
CrescendoThanks, Kaja05:06
PyroticShadowketetha_, Yes, I prefer IRSSI, but..05:06
Stormx2ketetha_: Oh yes of course! And you definately need to add mp3 support then, you can get that easy05:06
Kajanp m805:06
SeraVitaePyroticShadow - sorta. maybe i'm being anal. but i like my led.05:06
Stormx2!tell ketetha_ about mp305:06
axisme...i prefer konversation05:06
Stormx2ketetha_: follow the wiki ubuntu just PM'd you.05:06
CrescendoOMG.  That's the ONLY text replace.05:07
sproingieoddly enough i actually prefer chatzilla05:07
CrescendoAnd of all things.05:07
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, hah, I know how it is, I like to have LED's too, but, if it doesn't work, it will not kill you, physically, anyway.. :P05:07
Stormx2KDE Fascist! XD05:07
=== Blv3Watyr is in konversation
KajaCrescendo, yes.05:07
JeruvyStormx2: is there any player that will work with ipod's for sync'ing, playlists, etc.?05:07
PyroticShadowsproingie, all personal prefernce.. :)05:07
ketetha_stormx2, hahaha i've been sent that mp3 thing like 10 times ;) i think i already have it. it just wasnt working for amaroK. what is compiling?05:07
SeraVitaePyroticShadow - also, pressing the kill switch doesn't change the active/inactive state in network settings.05:07
CrescendoTeh teh teh.05:07
=== XVampireX [n=XVampire@] has joined #ubuntu
SeraVitaei can see the killswitch change state from 0 to 2 manually, but i don't think its actually enabling or disabling the card.05:07
CrescendoThanks again, Kaja .05:07
Stormx2ketetha_: Basicly, its turning source code into binary code, so that you can run it.05:07
ketetha_pyroticshadow, IRSSI? another chat type?05:07
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, Hm.. Might have something to do with something, else, I very highly doubt it has anything to do with the ipw394505:07
sproingieanyway, the angry fruit salad interface of colored nicks gets somewhat annoying, but i can see its appeal05:07
PyroticShadowketetha_, TextBased chat..05:07
KajaCrescendo, you're welcome =)05:07
Stormx2ketetha_: Its pretty easy, but not as easy as installing something with synaptic05:07
ketetha_stormx2, haha is there a wiki on compiling?05:08
CrescendoApt couldn't find Audacious.05:08
Blv3Watyrsproingie lol05:08
KajaColored nicks = lovely05:08
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for a pre-built package first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:08
CrescendoWhere do I get it?05:08
sproingiethere's no obvious place to turn it off or set any other preferences other than a few checkboxes in Options05:08
=== bmaster [n=bmaster@toronto-HSE-ppp3957325.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_stormx2, just as i thought :)05:08
Stormx2ketetha_: its dead simple. Usually its sh autogen.sh --> ./configure --> make --> sudo make install05:08
PyroticShadowbmaster, Hello, need help? ask question and we'll answer accordingly.05:08
ketetha_pyroticshadow, ooh ya i like text tooo that way there isnt too much clutter05:08
Stormx2ketetha_: There are almost always instructions.05:08
KajaI don't think colored nicks is even on by default.05:08
PyroticShadowketetha_, Correct.05:08
Stormx2PyroticShadow: That would annoy the hell out of me if i'd just joined the channel.05:09
ketetha_Stormx2, HAHAHAHA i love it when people say that. dead. i say that all the time. like me and my friends will be like why ketetha you look dead sexy today05:09
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, so is your problem err, persay, 'fixed' for the most part then or is there anything else I can do...05:09
sproingieKaja: it is on gaim on dapper.  this is a very fresh install, all i've done is change my video drivers and add blender (to test it)05:09
SeraVitaePyroticShadow - it may or may not be fixed.05:09
SeraVitaei can see the -switch- change from 0 to 2 state when i press it05:09
Kajasproingie, aah on gaim =)05:09
SeraVitaebut i don't think the card is actually turning on or off.05:09
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PyroticShadowStormx2, I know, But it's a fact that alot of people sit there and say.. "can I ask a question???"... "helloooo".. etc.. just a fair quick warning, I don't do it to all, barely any for that matter..05:09
Stormx2Yeah I know I'm not being all too serious05:10
Blv3Watyrmy brain is full... <nip a few channels off....>05:10
Stormx2Too hot to do that here >.<05:10
SeraVitaePyroticShadow - actually take that back, it is working.05:10
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, But why would ye' want to turn it off in the first place? :P...05:10
sproingiechanging my driver to use fglrx was certainly not obvious.  the epitome of "edit the obscure text config file"05:10
SeraVitaejust no led. i will have to get some applet thing.05:10
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, heh'.. congrats..05:10
sproingiethankfully i've done it about 234258725 times before05:10
SeraVitaethanks. brb05:10
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, just color it with a marker, same princpal :)05:10
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, No problem.05:10
PyroticShadowprincipal, even..05:10
=== M3phisto [n=M3phisto@cm191-92.liwest.at] has joined #ubuntu
SeraVitaei just need an applet thing that shows the state of the card.05:10
SeraVitaethat will be my 'led'.05:10
bmastersay my internet dialsup the dsl using the password in the modem/router or whatever it is. But i hnever had such bad speeds.. how do i disable the auto dhcpcd and do it manually to try it out05:10
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, don't you have a "network connection" on your toolbar??05:11
SeraVitaeerm. no05:11
Stormx2bmaster: Disable DHCP and use a static internal IP?05:11
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, should show two computers, and you can see the info there, packets recieved and sent...05:11
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bmasterStormx2: well i think the IP would be dynamic but i dont know05:11
PyroticShadow SeraVitae right click on your toolbar (wherever you want to place this) and click Add TO Toolbar, and find it in there, there is a bunch of stuff in thee you may like to try out...05:11
SeraVitaeSeraVitae - yeah i didnt have one, but i just added it.05:11
CrescendoUgh, Picasa2 for Linux - uses WinE, and closes randomly.05:11
Skynet243hi! can anyone tell me the command to start x-windows from terminal?05:11
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, You just told yourself that... Nice..05:11
bmasterStormx2: what should i do...looks like this modem stores the L/P05:12
frogzooSkynet243: startx often - or sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start05:12
Stormx2bmaster: Your external IP would still be, but if you disable asking DHCP for an interal IP, then it would be an internal static IP05:12
SeraVitaehowever it only lists eth0 and lp in the list, not eth1... hmm.05:12
ketetha_ok lets see. it gave mea .tagz or whatever file when i opened the audacious so noww i go to desktopppp05:12
ketetha_and ....05:12
Skynet243frogzoo thanks!05:12
PyroticShadowSkynet243, most likely "startx", but frogzoo is correct, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start may work also.05:12
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bmasterStormx2: ok maybe the router is using bad dns servers or something?05:12
Stormx2bmaster: I wouldn't know. If you're not already there, System > Administration > Networking05:12
ketetha_extract the file?05:12
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SeraVitaeanyhow must brb.05:12
=== PsyberOne [n=PsyberOn@c-71-201-237-39.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, Do you have Eth1 as your Default Device?05:12
ketetha_stormx2, so you want me to compile the tag file after its downloaded?05:12
SeraVitaePyroticShadow - yeah.05:13
=== Detox [n=Detox@nc-69-69-208-67.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
PyroticShadowhmm.. SeraVitae ok, go brb, and I'll think on it..05:13
Stormx2ketetha_: You extracted the folder to your desktop?05:13
Detoxhelp cannot get video to wrk on my dell inspirion 2500 have i810 chipset05:13
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SeraVitaebut the netowrk applet reflects all my adapters, just doesnt show wifi - i am thinking maybe because the card is not connected to an access point or something, that it might not be in the list.05:13
Stormx2ketetha_: If you have, cd to it. Easy way to do that is to write "cd " in terminal and drag the folder into it.05:13
ketetha_stormx2, nope i havent extracted anywhere yet05:13
SeraVitaePyroticShadow - fixed. :)05:13
Stormx2ketetha_: Ah ok. Right click > extract here.05:13
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, Good, what was it?05:13
Detoxi have my xorg.config open05:14
SeraVitaethe list didn't show it, so i just typed it in.05:14
Detoxwhat shfould i look for?05:14
SeraVitaeit went *bzzp* and listed the card as disabled with signal strength.05:14
ketetha_stormx2, ok gave me a file folder05:14
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, haha, Sweet.05:14
CrescendoSo... do I want the experimental Audacious repos?05:14
ketetha_stormx2, now i cd. brb05:14
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, not so sure the "bzzp" was too healthy, but.. :P05:15
=== zak_ [n=zak@074.a.001.beg.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
SeraVitaePyroticShadow - that was wierd. i am still learning about linux, but by talking to you, i was like, doing all this technical stuff and answering my own questions... wierd... thanks for uh, existing. heh. brb ffs.05:15
PyroticShadowketetha_, do you know about tab completion?.. I noticed you've been actually TYPING peoples names out..05:15
PyroticShadowSeraVitae, heh'.. no problem, at least I have one purpose in life.. :)05:15
=== Odaeus [n=Odaeus@userdh224.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
PyroticShadowketetha_, type like 3 letters of the persons name then het tab.. KAZAAM!.. it's like magic05:15
Blv3Watyrhmm typing seems faster05:16
sproingieBlv3Watyr: not for your nick05:16
ketetha_pyroticshadow, nope. i've been typing. there is another way? hehehehehe dumbme. this is like traveling forever in the desert to get to a bucket of wter when there was a lake right beside you05:16
=== Blv3Watyr notices l337 names...
Stormx2ketetha_: brb too.05:16
ketetha_PyroticShadow, OMG! its so easy! HAHA. yay ;)05:16
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m_0_r_0_nI got an pdf file saved with a windows font (verdana), so I can only see unreadable signs.  What can I do to be able to read the content of that file?05:16
=== nlindblad [n=nlindbla@user179.217-10-120.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu
sproingiei like MOO's system, where it does the completion for you based on best match on any alias someone has05:16
PyroticShadowheh'.. ketetha_ yep.05:16
ketetha_stormx2, haha okk :)05:17
=== kOoLiNuS [n=koolinus@adsl-ull-191-91.49-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
sproingietho it's easy for people to get wrong when someone has a short nick05:17
Stormx2ketetha_: Alternatively, if your using xchat, double click their name and its copied to clipboard05:17
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PyroticShadowStormx2, but tab works in xchat too, so why even reach for the mouse ;)05:17
ketetha_Stormx2, TRUE! haha i did taht tooo05:17
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ketetha_PyroticShadow, haha truee. smarttt.05:17
Stormx2Matter of habit for me.05:17
ttyfsckerhow is it that you make eterm or aterm transparent without window borders and no titlebar or controls.. so that it goes onto the desktop and looks like the terminal is part of the desktop?05:17
Stormx2ttyfscker: try xchat --help05:18
PyroticShadowStormx2, me on the other hand, I bearly touch the mouse, too many keyboard shortcuts that make my life easy05:18
ketetha_Stormx2, still brbing? haha i dont thnk so. so whats the next step in compliling this baby05:18
ttyfsckerthanks so much Stormx205:18
=== Sasuke [n=uchiha@207-255-103-034-dhcp.unt.pa.atlanticbb.net] has joined #ubuntu
SasukeHow do i make it so I can install .rpm files?05:18
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CrescendoAdding the repositories mentione on the Audacious website, apt-get update, then install audacious fails, E: Broken Packages.05:19
ketetha_ttyfscker, did you seriously just call stormx2 an aasswipe?05:19
=== luisan [n=luisan@35.Red-83-50-197.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
PyroticShadowSasuke, get alien.. "sudo apt-get install alien".. and then.. "alien <name.rpm> -deb" iirc.05:19
ttyfsckerketetha_, i sure did05:19
ketetha_ttyfscker, haha what did he do to you?05:19
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ttyfsckertry xchat --help05:19
ttyfsckerbeing an asshole...05:20
PyroticShadowttyfscker, what do you want to do?05:20
ketetha_ttyfscker, ooh well thats help. haha he really istn an asshole so just calm down alittle.05:20
CrescendoThat was his honest suggestion...?05:20
ttyfsckeri dont wanna do anything05:20
=== mazurskie_ [n=mazurski@68-112-8-238.dhcp.frtn.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Blv3Watyrleave, we all want that of you05:20
sproingiettyfscker: uh, maybe he typed it to the wrong person.  seriously, the asshole here is you05:20
ketetha_PyroticShadow, how is it that you make eterm or aterm transparent without window borders and no titlebar or controls.. so that it goes onto the desktop and looks like the terminal is part of the desktop?05:20
Skynet243I'm trying to force my screen to use 85hz refresh rate since it's not an option in the GUI, I'm in xorg.conf, and as far as I have understod I need to change the HorizSync and VertRefresh rates, they are 28-64 & 43-60, I tried to change to 85/85, but then xwindows wouldn't start.. anyone know what i need to do?05:20
ketetha_thats his question05:20
Stormx2ketetha_: Back05:20
Stormx2ttyfscker: Whats the problem?05:21
Stormx2ttyfscker: "asswipe"05:21
=== Rotund [n=joe@d10-197.rb2.lax.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
ttyfsckeryea im the asshole.. .who just asks a simple question05:21
ketetha_Stormx2, he doesnt like your advise :)05:21
WWWwtf did u just call me a choob?05:21
PyroticShadowttyfscker, Watch profanity.05:21
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sproingiettyfscker: i might have looked up the answer to the question.  but now, forget it.05:21
=== bmaster_ [n=bmaster@toronto-HSE-ppp3956919.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ttyfsckeri will forget it05:21
Blv3Watyreven the names one of those 'get-by-the-filters' offensive profane vulgar type bits of filth05:21
ketetha_haha wtf. this is hilarious05:21
PyroticShadowttyfscker, http://www.eterm.org05:22
=== rasputnik [n=rasputni@planb.infos.cf.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ttyfsckerit ya reckon PyroticShadow05:22
mlehrerttyfscker: fwiw i think his original reply to you was meant for someone else - tab completion error or something05:22
Blv3Watyr:] 05:22
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sproingieurbandictionary has so much random stuff in it05:22
ketetha_hahaha i have the same question as ttyfscker. i want my terminal to blend to my desktop05:22
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ketetha_Stormx2, do you want me to do that configuring thing once i've cd the file05:22
Blv3Watyrmax transparency?05:22
ketetha_odyssey, heyy05:22
PyroticShadowttyfscker, You just lazy and don't want to do the work for yourself?.. You expect everyone here to do it for you?.. guess again, you be a jerk, such as you are now, you shall not get respect, nor help...05:22
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Stormx2ketetha_: cd inside the directory05:22
ttyfsckerwell i might find out how and i might actually be nice enought to share how05:22
Blv3Watyrall items other than text to max transparency, no border05:22
Stormx2ketetha_: then ./configure05:22
stefgSkynet243: resolutions and refesh rates are sort of 'quantized' instead of guessing it would be a better idea to look up the real specs of your monitor (prolly google will tell ) and use the correct values05:22
ttyfsckerinstead of refer someone to a webpage05:23
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Blv3Watyruse a client like bitchx05:23
Skynet243stefg, ok thanks05:23
Blv3Watyrif the name doestn bother05:23
ketetha_stormx2, it says no such file as ./configure05:23
ketetha_there is anothre folder there05:23
PyroticShadowttyfscker, Most of us can google and figure it out on our own, and one way or another, I referred you to a webpage, because it is called HELP, SUPPORT, I will not do it for you.05:23
ketetha_Stormx2, oing to cd into that and then try it05:23
Stormx2ketetha_: Oh? Go inside that folder then..05:23
PyroticShadowttyfscker, especially the way you are acting to everyone else in the room.05:23
sproingieWWW: i think that website is ironically named05:23
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PyroticShadowHobbsee, Watch ttyfscker Please.05:23
JoeCoderCan anyone help me get my ati video driver working so that I don't have to rely on mesa any more? (Radeon x600)05:24
WWWsproingie, yea, i know05:24
rasputnikdoes anyone know of something visio-like ? not dia, that's butt ugly05:24
ketetha_ttyfscker, why are you so hostile anyway05:24
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto05:24
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Stormx2I second PyroticShadow05:24
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cdubyarasputnik, kivio?05:24
ttyfsckerwell its like this PyroticShadow if you have the answer i need readily availabe, you could be nice enough to save me looking at tons of pages of useless shit.. or getting search results from google that are irrelevant like we all do..05:24
JoeCoderubotu been there and done that.  Also tried quite a few other sites05:24
ubotuI know nothing about been there and done that.  Also tried quite a few other sites - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com05:24
rasputnikcdubya: I'll give it a whirl, ta05:24
JoeCodermodprobe fglrx fails05:25
ketetha_Stormx2, i went inside and it still says no such file or diretory05:25
Stormx2ttyfscker: Don't swear. You can get kicked from here for saying c**p (with the stars)05:25
sproingierasputnik: there's a java package that does graph editing that's awesome ... i'll try to remember its name, but googling for "java graph editor" might turn it up05:25
sproingierasputnik: it has a "Y" in it is all i remember :p05:25
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Stormx2ketetha_ is only 12, he doesn't need to be subject to this language ^_^05:25
rasputniksproingie: that narrows it down :D thanks05:25
=== edulix [n=edulix@225.Red-88-8-231.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
PyroticShadowOhr it's like this ttyfscker, If sombody had the information readily available, they would have helped you, but you don't call people an asswipe, or curse out others, You take what you get, with a grain of salt, and I gave you a link, that has Theme,s so you could CHOOSE which you liked, and you could use it, Continue argueing, and you will be kicked, This conversation is over.05:25
ttyfsckerso...  i didnt know i joined sunday service when i came in this room..05:25
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage05:25
sproingierasputnik: hey at least it doesn't start with "J"05:25
Stormx2ketetha_: The .tar.gz is on your desktop yes?05:25
ketetha_Stormx2,  hahahahaa you have my gender confused :) hahahha man you crack me upp pshh i cuss everyday05:26
SasukeI dled a LAME .rpm file...im trying to install it,but wont let me copy files into the /usr folder.05:26
ketetha_Stormx2, yepp afterextraction05:26
sproingierasputnik: first hit, yEd.  it's pretty nice.05:26
ttyfsckerok PyroticShadow  gave me the link to eterm.org when i asked something about eterm05:26
rasputniksproingie: cheers, I'll grab that too05:26
ttyfsckerwho woulda guessed05:26
Stormx2ketetha_: Right click the .tar.gz, select "Extract Here"05:26
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Stormx2ketetha_: You should now have a folder on your desktop called audacious-(some numbers)05:26
PyroticShadowttyfscker, and it has the transparency themes, you were looking for, your question was answered, now be on your way.05:26
PyroticShadowSasuke, did you convert it with alien, like I suggested?05:27
ttyfsckerno i wasnt just looking for transparancy themes05:27
JoeCodercan anyone tell me why modprobe fglrx fails?05:27
Stormx2ketetha_: In terminal, cd ~/Desktop/audacious<TAB>05:27
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ketetha_Stormx2, audacious-1.1.0.tgz_FILES yepp05:27
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ketetha_ok wait one second05:27
ttyfsckeri was looking the arguments that you start it with to make it lose its titlebar and everything else05:27
Stormx2ketetha_: Shouldn't be called that.05:27
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Stormx2ketetha_: Sure it finished extracting?05:27
ttyfsckerto make it 100% blended with the desktop05:27
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sproingieJoeCoder: not without an error message.  you do have to be root, first05:27
PyroticShadowttyfscker, And that is in the documentation at eterm.org, if you had looked.05:27
Blv3Watyr!help dict05:27
ubotuI know nothing about help dict - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com05:27
Some_PersonOk, I got Ubuntu installed and Windows is in the MBR05:27
sproingieJoeCoder: i found i had to reboot before i got it working though, then it just silently worked05:27
ubotuI know nothing about dict - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com05:28
Stormx2ttyfscker: transparent text too? ;-)05:28
ttyfsckerare you so sure of that PyroticShadow05:28
ketetha_Stormx2, yepp i believe so. here let me try againn05:28
Stormx2Some_Person: Theres a wiki page on it05:28
Some_PersonNow I need to get my stupid non-free modem driver05:28
ttyfsckerStormx2, yes i want my text to be transparent as well05:28
Stormx2Some_Person: wiki.ubuntu.com something like "RecoveringGRUBAfterAWindowsInstall"05:28
JoeCodersproingie I'm root.  "FATAL: Module fglrx not found."05:28
ketetha_Stormx2, yepp thats what its called05:28
buzzedany tips for connecting to wifi... using wifi-radar... connects to some networks and not others....05:28
rasputnikttyfscker: how are you going to read it then05:28
ketetha_Stormx2, here im going to go back to th download pgae make sure i chose the right one05:28
Some_Personi want windows in the mbr05:28
JoeCodersproingie: haven't tried restarting yet.05:28
sproingieJoeCoder: did you install it?  there's actually two drivers, an xorg driver and a kernel driver for 3d05:28
ttyfsckerrasputnik, do you really think i meant that05:28
buzzedwhile other people connect just fine...05:28
PyroticShadowttyfscker, Yes, Now please, either A. Calm down, or B. Leave.05:28
Stormx2ketetha_: Did you follow my way of extracting it?05:28
ketetha_Stormx2, http://audacious-media-player.org/Downloads which onee?05:29
rasputnikttyfscker: no one knows what you mean.05:29
sproingieJoeCoder: holon, i'll see what the package is for the fglrx kernel module05:29
SasukePyroticShadow: do i have to type the path as well?05:29
ketetha_Stormx2, yep right click extract?05:29
gnomefreakttyfscker: now would be a good time to stop05:29
Stormx2ketetha_: yeah05:29
JoeCodersproingie: I've installed the driver. apt-get can't find a driver for my version of the kernel05:29
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ttyfsckerno i think its just no one knows the answer05:29
PyroticShadowSasuke, Just  cd to the directory where the RPM file is at, and then alien it :)05:29
Stormx2ketetha_: Its odd that it ends in _FILES05:29
Some_Personurgh, why is my modem driver's free version capped at 14.4 kbps???05:29
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grogoreoI'm trying to install gimmie from CVS and I've installed a load of packages but when I try to run autogen.sh I get to the part where I need the python headers, what package would that be? python2.4-dev?05:29
Kajaxgl/compiz sure makes things transparent =G05:29
rasputnikttyfscker: i think it's everyone has told you to read the site, so do that.05:29
gnomefreakttyfscker: if noone knows try back later or try the forums05:29
PyroticShadowttyfscker, I sent you to eterm.org, which holds the information you need, why don't you listen?05:29
sproingieJoeCoder: what do you get from uname -a?05:29
PyroticShadowttyfscker, your just causing trouble.05:29
ttyfsckerits not important enough to read 100 pages of BS05:29
JoeCodersproingie: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) Fails to find a package05:29
SasukePyroticShadow: How do i cd to the dir? >_> im new to linux lol05:29
gnomefreakSome_Person: everything about your kernel05:30
PyroticShadowketetha_, Calm down, Please.05:30
sproingieketetha_: please don't yell05:30
Stormx2ketetha_: lol, but don't shout.05:30
PyroticShadowSasuke, where is the RPM located?05:30
rasputnikttyfscker: then stop talking about it05:30
WWWthis site is hilarious05:30
JoeCodersproingie: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)05:30
SasukePyroticShadow: my desktop05:30
ketetha_pyroticshadow, j'em excuse05:30
gnomefreakWWW: join #ubuntu-offtopic05:30
Blv3Watyrthis bot has no dictionary commands?05:30
JoeCodersproingie: sorry, wrong line05:30
PyroticShadowSasuke, "cd Desktop"05:30
ketetha_sproingie, j'em excuse jutst cant believe he's still here05:30
sproingieJoeCoder: that should download it ... did it?05:30
JoeCodersproingie: Linux eric 2.6.15-26-386 #1 PREEMPT Fri Jul 7 19:27:00 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux05:30
elkbuntuketetha_, dont feed the troll05:30
ttyfsckerketetha_, are you trying earn your @?05:30
PyroticShadowSasuke, then "alien <file.rpm> --deb" I think... I'm not 100% sure..05:30
jribttyfscker: here are some decent settings for you to get started, http://www.tenr.de/files/dot.Xdefaults ,  all the stuff is in the manpage for the terminals though and load them with 'xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefauls' after you save it05:30
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
ketetha_Stormx2, hehe sorry.05:30
odysseyi have a quick question about emulators05:31
kibabHey, how can I switch the default bootloader from lilo to grub? (I installed grub and had it working fine... but after a kernel update, it's back to using lilo, which I would like to avoid in the future)05:31
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SasukePyroticShadow: bash: cd: desktop: No such file or directory05:31
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Some_Personwhy is Linuxant charging for a damn modem driver???05:31
ketetha_ttyfscker, what.05:31
ttyfsckerjrib,  thanks...05:31
gnomefreakttyfscker: now ive asked you to stop now please stop05:31
PyroticShadowSasuke, capital D05:31
sproingiekibab: uninstalling lilo and installing grub should just work05:31
PyroticShadowSasuke, "cd Desktop"05:31
JoeCodersproingie: Couldn't find package linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-38605:31
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ttyfsckerits nice to have something to narrow it down to know how to find what your looking for in specific05:31
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kibabsproingie: hmm.... I thought I did... but maybe I left lilo installed.05:31
JoeCodersproingie: and I have the restricted repositories added.05:31
odysseywhat software emulators do you guys suggest05:31
=== Sky|off is now known as Skymaker
ketetha_Stormx2, could it be that my synaptic package manager is open and thats screwing it up?05:31
Stormx2ketetha_: Its a bit of a wierd rule with trolls... but basicly they get warned nicely once, then ignored.05:31
sproingieJoeCoder: do you have restricted uncommented in sources.list?05:32
Stormx2ketetha_: No.05:32
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@h14.166.140.67.ip.alltel.net] by gnomefreak
gnomefreakttyfscker: you are muted for 10 minutes now05:32
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rasputnikketetha_: just type '/ig ttyfscker' . it's really not hard05:32
PyroticShadowThank you gnomefreak.05:32
Stormx2ketetha_: get rid of the archive and the directory. Re-download the .tar.gz to your desktop. right click > extract here05:32
Stormx2ketetha_: Seems a little odd....05:32
ketetha_Stormx2, heh ok05:32
Stormx2ketetha_: Synaptic shouldn't interfere with archives tho05:32
ketetha_rasputnik, i didnt know you could do that! thanksss05:33
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sproingieJoeCoder: open up /etc/apt/sources.list in an editor, and add "restricted"  after the word  "main"05:33
bmaster_what is casette tape audio quality05:33
PyroticShadowSasuke, work?05:33
JoeCodersproingie: apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-23-386 works just fine, but apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-386 doesn't.05:33
=== aoaoa [n=exis2@ti221110a080-12554.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
buzzedso my major issue is that Metacity takes over 2 minutes to startup , any thoughts?05:33
sproingieJoeCoder: did you apt-get update?05:33
JoeCodersproingie: yes05:33
SasukePyroticShadow: it just shows me all the alien commands05:33
Stormx2JoeCoder: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:33
ketetha_Stormx2, ok its downloading i'lltell you what happened.  closed it just incasse05:33
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Stormx2ketetha_: OK ^_^05:33
PyroticShadowSasuke, can you tell me which one has deb in it?05:33
sproingieJoeCoder: hm, you know i had exactly this problem when i installed a kernel from seveas's repo and then downgraded ... packages seemed to disappear05:34
sproingieJoeCoder: the bad news is, i didn't fix it, i just reinstalled, since it was a fresh install05:34
ketetha_Stormx2, i know whats wrong. its not .tar.gz its just .tgz05:34
Stormx2ketetha_: Basicly the main package managers that interfere with eachother are synaptic, aptitude, apt-get, update-manager and anything like Automatix05:34
PyroticShadowSasuke, it may be "alien -deb <file.rpm>"05:34
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SasukePyroticShadow:   -d, --to-deb              Generate a Debian deb package (default).05:34
Stormx2ketetha_: Same thing.05:34
JoeCodersproingie: This is a fresh install. I haven't used any non-main repositories except what easy-ubuntu needed.05:34
sproingieJoeCoder: you might want to post the question on the forums (not as an ati driver question, but more of a missing package one)05:34
PyroticShadowSasuke, there you go05:34
ketetha_Stormx2, i see. okk im extractingg05:34
PyroticShadowSasuke, "alien <file.rpm> -d"05:34
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Stormx2ketetha_: if this doesn't work, i'll tell you how to use SVN05:35
sproingieJoeCoder: it's weird, because i have that package, but it also disappeared on me once.  i sure hope it doesn't happen again05:35
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ketetha_Stormx2, audacious-1.1.0. yaya your right. it wasnt finished. it had to do some extra stuff05:35
SasukeMust run as root to convert to deb format (or you may use fakeroot).05:35
ketetha_Stormx2, so cd?05:35
PyroticShadowSasuke, I knew that was coming05:35
odysseycan anyone suggest a good emulator to play windows games with05:35
sproingieJoeCoder: i suppose you could try downloading the .deb manually05:35
JoeCodersproingie: would it be easier to upgrade or dowgrade my kernel to one that has that package?05:35
PyroticShadowSasuke, "sudo alien file.rpm -d"05:35
JoeCodersproingie: good idea. Any suggestions of where to search?05:36
sproingieJoeCoder: i wouldn't stray from the official kernels, not with an ati card05:36
ketetha_stormx2, yess and its configuring. all this for a media player :)05:36
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper05:36
=== Sh4d0x [n=shadox@d51530BC7.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Sh4d0xhi all05:36
Sh4d0xtiny question05:36
Stormx2ketetha_: Well yeah... But you get used to it05:36
PyroticShadowSh4d0x, ask away.05:36
Stormx2ketetha_: You'll have some missing packages tho, no doubt.05:36
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PyroticShadowwb Seveas05:36
Redman276is there an  AVI to Mpeg converter for ubuntu05:36
bmaster_odyssey: depends what game type....cedega windows emulator?05:36
JoeCodersproingie: and like you said, I think that package existed a few days ago. I messed up my system then and had to do a reinstall.05:36
sproingieok, gaim apparently lacks stalk hilighting, another minus for irc.  think it's well-established that gaim's sub-par for irc05:36
Sh4d0xmy dapper dragon cd arrived today, how do i upgrade my breezy to dapper dragon via cd?05:36
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odysseyits medal of honor05:37
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SasukePyroticShadow: lame_3.96.1-1_i386.deb generated <-- does that mean it worked?05:37
odysseyand il2 stormavic05:37
PyroticShadowSasuke, yep.05:37
ketetha_Stormx2, hehe.dagumit it says cant find glib2/gtk2/pango05:37
Sh4d0xi was reading the wiki page about it, it's just i'm not that sure :-D05:37
=== Jo0l [n=JOLT@203-214-155-208.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Sasukeyay! ^_^05:37
sproingieJoeCoder: yep, and i have no idea what's up with it.  you could try changing your repo source, or some debian wizard here could tell you how to regenerate your package cache from scratch05:37
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PyroticShadowSasuke, then do "sudo dpkg -i lame_3.96.1-1_i386.deb"05:37
Stormx2ketetha_: Let me check the package you need05:37
ketetha_stormx2, okkk05:37
bmaster_odyssey: jus sec05:37
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PyroticShadowSh4d0x, Shouldn't you be able to open up Package Manager, and do a Dist-upgrade that way?05:38
Stormx2ketetha_: Rule of thumb when ./configure says you're missing package, you need it and the -dev package!05:38
JoeCodersproingie: could I remove all repositories, update, add repositories, and update again?05:38
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rubi want to have one link between my server and behind them one link between my lans, i have both SuSefirewall2 running on my serverm i have configured my openvpn, i have ping between my server only, how can i have one link between my lans, could someone help me ?05:38
sproingieJoeCoder: try it with a different mirror05:38
ketetha_sudo apt-get install -y pango?05:38
cdubyaSasuke, are you creating your own package for a specific reason......or for mp3 support05:38
Sasukemp3 support05:38
grogoreohas anyone manage to run gimmie on dapper, here?05:38
cdubyaSasuke, why not just install lame via apt?05:38
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Sasukewhats apt?05:39
ketetha_Stormx2, sudo apt-get install -y pango? my synaptic package manager runs so slowly05:39
Stormx2ketetha_: sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev05:39
cdubyaSasuke, you familiar with Terminal at all?05:39
nvictorj'aimerai savoir comment on ajoute des fichiers par connection ssh05:39
bmaster_odyssey: you might have to pay a subscription fee. dont know if you can get it for free off some other site. http://transgaming.org/gamesdb/05:39
Sh4d0xPyroticShadow, i don't know that's why i asked :-P  but i'm open it at the moment05:39
PyroticShadowSasuke, "apt-get install"05:39
=== sproingie has to relearn how to use package masking and priorities and whatnot in order to get w32codecs without the rest of the seveas repo stuff
=== Drac[Server] [n=Draccy@c-71-232-34-36.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sproingieamazing how much debian stuff i've forgotten05:39
Stormx2ketetha_: Then sudo apt-get install libpango1.0-dev05:39
ketetha_Stormx2, okk ill be right back i'll tell you when im done05:39
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Seveassproingie, just enable only the extras section and nothing will be dragged in05:39
PyroticShadowSh4d0x, go to places/administration , and it should be near the bottom, package manager, or something, and if you open it, it should show on the top "An upgrade is available to 6.06"05:39
cdubyaSasuke, sudo apt-get install lame     <---type that in a terminal window05:39
bmaster_odyssey: i recommend paying subscription if it supports your game to avoid hassle05:39
Stormx2ketetha_: And finally sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-0-dev05:40
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Stormx2ketetha_: Once you've done those 3, try again05:40
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Sh4d0xPyroticShadow, euhm it doesn't show "an upgrade is available"   can't i do in the terminal by entering "alternate install cd" or something like that?05:40
PyroticShadowwhoever asked the question about converting avi to mpeg this might help http://jadmadi.net/2006/06/22/ubuntu-howto-converting-flv-to-mpg/05:40
PyroticShadowSh4d0x, I'm sure there is a way, but I'm not entirely sure how, one second05:41
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Onur-Yerlikayahi all05:41
PyroticShadowSh4d0x, go to places/administration/update manager05:41
Sh4d0xPyroticShadow, i'm sure there is, my friend did it also, he asked here also how to do it05:41
PyroticShadowSh4d0x, should be there..05:41
Onur-Yerlikayai have a problem on ubuntu05:41
PyroticShadowOnur-Yerlikaya, ask away05:41
=== stopher [n=business@216-67-200-141.nas19.kgm.az.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2ketetha_:It may seem tedious, but the fact is sooner or later you'll need these packages anyway ^_^05:41
Stormx2Onur-Yerlikaya: Ah ha! Tell us what...05:42
Sh4d0xPyroticShadow, already did that part, but there is no message that sais "upgrade available"05:42
bmaster_Onur-Yerlikaya: what is the problem?05:42
Onur-Yerlikayaplease look at this05:42
Onur-Yerlikayai have a problem on installing mysql on ubuntu05:42
PyroticShadowSh4d0x, type this in xchat "/exec -o uname -a"05:42
sproingieSeveas: cool.   i think i dragged in a kernel from that repo once and it was not a happy story :-/05:42
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ketetha_Stormx2, :)05:42
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Sh4d0xPyroticShadow,  in xchat?05:42
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Seveassproingie, that's impossible - I never had custom kernels05:43
sproingieSeveas: i better hold off on getting w32codecs til i finish my "review"05:43
PyroticShadowSh4d0x, err, or are you not using xchat to chat here...05:43
ketetha_Stormx2, you know i'm a girl right05:43
Stormx2Onur-Yerlikaya: Try enabling multiverse and universe...05:43
sproingieSeveas: huh.  it was the same version as the current one but it claimed it was from your repo05:43
Sh4d0xPyroticShadow, yes, but it's kinde strange :-D code belongs normally in a terminal, not?05:43
Onur-YerlikayaStormx2, what is it?05:43
Stormx2ketetha_: I do now!05:43
Sh4d0xPyroticShadow, hold on i'll type it05:43
gnomefreakttyfscker: you have been unmuted05:43
PyroticShadowSh4d0x, k.05:43
Sh4d0xLinux R2-dox 2.6.12-10-386 #1 Mon Jun 12 22:04:42 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux05:43
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource05:43
sproingieSeveas: maybe i had corruption in the package cache ... that would be A Bad Thing ...05:44
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ttyfsckerthanks gnomefreak05:44
PyroticShadowSh4d0x, hmm...05:44
Seveassproingie, I find that very hard to believe, I know what's in my repo and the kernel is not05:44
ketetha_Stormx2,  hehe cool beans05:44
ttyfsckerbut still eterm.org didnt have the answer i needed.. and the link to the info on how to polish eterm is down..05:44
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sproingieSeveas: i'll take your word for it.  but something was messed up, if only on my end05:44
Stormx2ketetha_: ;-)05:44
stopherHey guys, I'm running a patch for ubuntu and it's stored in /etc/httpd/src/modules/files and tells me to run command: patch -pO in /usr/local/httpd  but nothing happens with either. Can I get some help please?05:44
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Stormx2ketetha_: Hows it going? I know it seems a bit tedious, but before package management, this is how all apps were installed05:44
PyroticShadowstopher, what do you mean nothing happens? does it enter to the next line?05:44
PyroticShadowSh4d0x, well... hmm...05:45
Stormx2ketetha_: And plus you can get slick new versions of gaim this way05:45
stophersays -bash: <command>: command not found05:45
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PyroticShadowSh4d0x, ask your question again, I gaurantee there'll be somone that can help...05:45
frogzoostopher: usually:    patch -p0 < patchfile05:45
PyroticShadowstopher, hmm...05:45
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Sh4d0xPyroticShadow, wiki sais i have to enter "alternate install cd" in a terminal05:45
PyroticShadowstopher, ^ frogzoo 's most likely right.. I know nothing of it :P05:45
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Stormx2stopher: Why did you try and run <command> ?05:45
sproingiestopher: sudo apt-get install build-essentials05:45
ketetha_Stormx2, seriously? new versions of gaim? funn. i amm donee =] 05:45
stopherso i need to type in: patch -p0 apache_1.3.9-VR.patch?05:45
PyroticShadowSh4d0x, I'm not entirely sure, just re-ask your question...05:45
ketetha_now im working on the configure again05:45
stopher-bash: run: command not found05:46
Sh4d0xPyroticShadow, ok, thnx anyway05:46
Stormx2ketetha_: pastebin the bit it gave you at the end05:46
frogzoopatch -p0 < apache_1.3.9-VR.patch05:46
sproingiestopher: no, don't type the word "run", jsut what's after it05:46
ketetha_Stormx2, i like the terminal better then using package manager. the old error?05:46
Sh4d0xcan somebody help me out with my upgrade? pls?05:46
PyroticShadowSh4d0x, Sorry I couldn't help further.05:46
Sh4d0xPyroticShadow, no problem, thnx you give it a try to help me out05:47
=== sproingie has to go like 5 mins ago
Stormx2ketetha_: Did you say its done ./configure'ing?05:47
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Stormx2ketetha_: Or did it give you an error at the end?05:47
stopher-bash: patch: command not found05:47
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ttyfsckergaim stays the same regardless of the version.. they never add any new features that you can actually benefit from in it..  it needs video and voice support in the actual gaim project... not the discontinued fork gaim+vv05:47
mDotnew kernal broke vmware server05:47
ketetha_Stormx2, its done and gave me a new error05:47
ketetha_cannot find libglade05:47
anathemaI'm tryin to install dapper on a server..but in dapper its some weird gnome install..no way to select server install?05:47
JoeCodersproingie: beautiful, finding some mirrors worked: http://legend.me.uiuc.edu/wiki/index.php/Kubuntu_mirrors05:47
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anathemaand the parition editor is gnome based too, you used to be able to set up dm raid and install to that, is this also no longer possible ?05:47
Kajaanathema, try server install cd? or alternate install cd?05:48
sproingieJoeCoder: i think something funny is going on in apt-land, since i had a similar problem05:48
anathemais there a install cd kaja, that has the exact same installer as breezy?05:48
ketetha_Stormx2, cannot find libglade05:48
Stormx2ketetha_: Again, you can use synaptic package manager to find the package you need. but here ya go: "sudo apt-get install libglade2-dev"05:48
sproingieok time to really go now05:48
Kajaanathema, that's alternate install cd.05:48
Blv3Watyris there any difference for kubuntu besides wm and wm components?05:48
anathemaoh cool05:48
anathemaokay ill download that] 05:48
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gnomefreakBlv3Watyr: what else is there?05:49
stophercouldn't find package "build-essentials:05:49
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bmaster_Blv3Watyr: well its a lot of bulk for me. personal preference really05:49
=== Blv3Watyr doesnt know what he doesnt know
gnomefreakBlv3Watyr: uses libqt instead of glib05:49
JoeCodersproingie: Will it harm anything to keep the original servers and the mirrors both in my sources.list ?05:49
gnomefreakoops libgtk05:49
Blv3Watyri prefer kde personally05:49
snowblinkstopher, build-essential05:49
anathemastopher: isnt it just build essential?05:49
ketetha_Stormx2, how do you know which ones are right? i noticed all te ones you gae me said -dev05:49
gilianimahow to erase a CD-RW ?05:49
kyosee you then\05:50
Blv3Watyrkde is the reason i didnt go for ubuntu after dling it05:50
stopherokay that worked05:50
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Stormx2ketetha_: When you compile, and it asks you for something, it really means the -dev package05:50
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bmaster_gilianima: easiest way is with cdrecord05:50
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PyroticShadowwell, I've done enough helping today, I shall return later05:50
FoobalBlv3Watyr: yeah kde is SO scary you better not even install the gnome ubuntu :(05:50
bmaster_gilianima: cdrecord blank=fast05:50
jribBlv3Watyr: that's why there is kubuntu05:50
Stormx2ketetha_: ;-) Rule of thumb right there. Of course you need the main package too, but the -dev depends on that and hence it will be installed.05:50
Sh4d0xc'mon someone in here should know how i upgrade my breezy to dapper from cd05:50
usamahi all05:50
stopherw00t it's installing patch05:51
Blv3WatyrFoobal: i meant i like kde05:51
ketetha_Stormx2, so your knocking down two birds with one stone?05:51
usamahas anyone used Rhythmbox? what is the shorcut key for playing next and previous songs?05:51
gnomefreakSh4d0x: in your sources.list file comment out all repos except the cdrom one and sudo apt-get update than sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  (it will than tell you to insert cd05:51
FoobalBlv3Watyr: sue your mom for dropping you on your head as a baby05:51
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Blv3Watyri used to not want a debian based distro cause i didnt know about the package managers and stuff05:51
Blv3WatyrGNOME is for kids05:51
ttyfsckerketetha_, its because when you build from source they depend on the development files to build it...so if it says you need libxml  then you need libxml-dev..05:51
gnomefreakBlv3Watyr: please continue this in #ubuntu-offtopic05:52
bmaster_Sh4d0x: you install server. and then change all the names breezy in your /etc/apt/sources.list to dapper. apt-get update then apt-get dist-upgrade05:52
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stopheroookay i typed: patch -p0 apache_1.3.9-VR.patch and the system froze05:52
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gnomefreakoops yeah dont forget to change breezy to dapper05:52
Stormx2ketetha_: Sort of.05:52
ketetha_ttyfscker, haha i thought you were storm for a second. thankss. your still here? sorry bu ti ignored you i couldnt ake you fighting and caausing DRAMA -lagunabeach. haha05:52
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ketetha_Stormx2, it says error cannot find taglib. ok wait one second DONT tell me the answer im goign to try to figure this one out05:53
NutubuntuHello all - upgraded to Dapper and found that tetex would not install. It still won't. Has *anyone* run across this? I've searched for info and not found anything that helped05:53
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jribStormx2: you forgot the <, it's not frozen, you should be able to hit ctrl-c05:53
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Stormx2jrib: Pardon?05:53
stopherokay jrib: i think that was to me :P05:53
gnomefreakFoobal: you have been muted for 10 minutes you should know better than to talk like that in here05:53
h3h_timoim having a problem with my sound, as soon as i boot up, i hear the intro sounds, and all that fun stuff, but then ill start playing a song and about 2 seconds after i start it, it will stop playing, and then sound will be off for the rest of my session05:53
jribStormx2: oops :)  wrong name, yeah stopher05:53
FunkyDiscoManis anyone familiar with xmodmap ?05:54
Stormx2ketetha_: Hint, most libraries start with lib ;-)05:54
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ttyfsckerthe best way to find the files you need in the repositories are if it ask you for something from the source you are building..  if it asks for lets say libxml  and you dont know what the package name is exactly.. you can apt-cache search lib xml |grep devel    and you wont return as many results. and the ones you do will be easier filtered05:54
jribFunkyDiscoMan: maybe, what about it?05:54
stopherpatch -p0 < apache_1.3.9-VR.patch05:54
FunkyDiscoManjrib im having problem with multimedia keys05:54
jribstopher: right05:54
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usamacan anyone guide me about rhythmbox?05:55
FunkyDiscoManjrib graham@astrangepoint:~$ xmodmap -pk |grep Volume05:55
FunkyDiscoMan    174         0x1008ff11 (XF86AudioLowerVolume)05:55
FunkyDiscoMan    175         0x1008ff13 (XF86AudioRaiseVolume)05:55
FunkyDiscoMan    176         0x1008ff13 (XF86AudioRaiseVolume)05:55
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:55
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ketetha_Stormx2, sudo apt-get install libtag1-dev05:55
Stormx2ketetha_: :D Thats the one!05:55
ttyfsckerketetha_, because when your building from source the naming convention that is used for dependencies in the source packages will be way different than the way ubuntu names their packages... well in most cases its like that05:55
FunkyDiscoManjrib how do i clear the keycode 175?05:55
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ketetha_Stormx2, haha heck yess.05:55
Stormx2ketetha_: lolzorz05:55
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stopherjrib: i'm not sure what file i need to patch05:56
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ketetha_Stormx2, haha you lost me after lol. zorz does that stand for something after lol. :)05:56
ketetha_ttyfscker, i understand :) thankss05:56
Some_PersonWhat kernel version comes with dapper?05:56
gnomefreakSome_Person: 2.6.1505:56
usamaapt-cache search is not finding ncurses-devel, from where i can download it?05:56
FunkyDiscoManStormx ta didnt know that existed05:57
usamaSome_Person: 26.615-2305:57
gnomefreak2.6.15-23 is on the cd iirc and 2.6.15-26 from updates05:57
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Sh4d0xgnomefreak, bmaster_  thnQ it did worked, i'm upgrading to dapper dragon at the moment, thnx again05:57
Stormx2ketetha_: Yeah but, it sounds cool!05:57
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usamaSome_Person: 2.6.15-2305:57
Prozaci heard 2.6.15-23 was on the cd iirc and 2.6.15-26 from updates05:57
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usamaSome_Person: sorry :)05:57
ketetha_Stormx2, very cool. haha :) its configuring. i'll tell you if i get more erros05:57
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Stormx2ketetha_: You'll only need to do this once too ^_^05:57
NutubuntuHello all - upgraded to Dapper and found that tetex would not install. It still won't. Can someone help me figure this out? dpkg fails to configure tetex-bin because fmutil-sys blows up as it attempts to -translate-file cp227.tcx ... I have no idea how to fix this and I need tetex to work. Can anyone help me with this?05:57
usamagnomefreak: hi (linuxboyfriend here)05:58
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Prozachola, gnomefreak05:58
jribFunkyDiscoMan: hmm I've never had to do that sorry, but I guess you could use xmodmap -e directly to set the keycode05:58
ketetha_Stormx2, cannot find libogg/libvorbis. ok hold on let me see05:58
gnomefreakhi Prozac05:58
Prozachola, gnomefreak05:58
ketetha_Stormx2, is there a way to get a list of packages on the terminal?05:58
Stormx2ketetha_: If you want a terminal command, try apt-cache search libvorbis05:58
usamagnomefreak: have you used rhythmbox?05:58
Stormx2and so forth05:58
gnomefreakusama: not in a while05:58
Stormx2Nutubuntu: Sorry, no idea ^_^05:59
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gnomefreakketetha_: apt-cache search <package>05:59
FunkyDiscoManjrib tried getting funny err, what syntax should i use05:59
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ketetha_Stormx2, YAY. the answer to myproblems. haha going back and forth sucks beacuse i have to close the package to download it on terminall05:59
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ttyfsckerketetha_, i explained that to you above05:59
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gnomefreakketetha_: dpkg -h also has a way05:59
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NutubuntuStormx2-  T/y anyhow ... there must be a way around or through this05:59
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ketetha_Stormx2, sudo apt-get install libogg-dev06:00
usamagnomefreak: hmm, do you remember the shorcut key for playing next and previous songs (also which music player are you using these days?)?06:00
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Stormx2ketetha_: Right. There might also be a libvorbis06:00
ttyfsckerketetha_,  that will install libogg development files06:00
=== Freduardo [n=Freduard@kotnet-160.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakusama: i dont use a music player anymore for most part and no i dont recall06:00
Stormx2ttyfscker: He knows ^_^06:00
ketetha_gnomefreak, thankss!06:00
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Sh4d0xgnomefreak, :-( i did exactly wat you said and it seems not to work, it always want to download it in stead of using the cd-rom06:00
ketetha_Stormx2, sudo apt-get install libvorbis-dev06:00
jribFunkyDiscoMan: xmodmap -e "keycode 174 = whatever_you_want"06:00
Stormx2ketetha_: Ya06:01
FunkyDiscoManjrib ta06:01
sidhi all, I m getting an error message when using mount -a.  I was trying to add a partition to the volume group of LVM, think got something wrong06:01
jribFunkyDiscoMan: erm you said 175 though06:01
usamagnomefreak: dont listen music?? thats strange!!06:01
[knap] hi, how do i input a space in the name of a file in terminal? for example if the file is named ''some file'' if i put ''some file'' into terminal it doesn't recognize the file06:01
ttyfsckerketetha_, what exactly are you compiling?06:01
gnomefreakSh4d0x: make sure only the cdrom repo is missing the # infront of it change the breezy to dapper and run it it should work06:01
gnomefreakusama: i have a radio next to me06:01
erdmannHi!  I just did a fresh install of Dapper, and all the fonts in Firefox render without any smoothing.  Font smoothing works everywhere else.  Ideas?06:01
LjL[knap] : either use quotes around the filename, or "\ " for the space06:01
ketetha_ttyfscker, this media player audacious06:02
LjL[knap] : (without the quotes)06:02
[knap] ok thanks LjL06:02
jribFunnyLookinHat: oh man xmodmap also says there is a 'remove', that may be better06:02
stopherOOOKAY i ran the patch on /etc/httpd/src/modules/files/fpexec.h  and it said hunk #1 failed at 691.06:02
LjL[knap] : though most of the times tab-completion relieves you from having to do that anyway06:02
Sh4d0xgnomefreak, ok i'll try again06:02
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ketetha_stormx2, i hope this is the last file. why doesnt it just tell me them all at oncee06:02
ttyfsckerwhats so special about it that you need to compile an audio player?    there are tons of em already in ubuntu06:03
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Redman276i have a  ? about  gcc06:03
Stormx2ketetha_: Cause i think a lot of them are reliant on eachother. And you will be getting close no doubt.06:03
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:03
ttyfsckerketetha_, because thats how it is with source.. imagine using a source distro..06:03
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Sh4d0xgnomefreak, "deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 6.06 _Dapper Drake_ - Release i386 (20060531)] / dapper main restricted" is the only one without an # in front06:03
[knap] LjL the quotes thing worked, thanks06:03
Redman276im trying  to configure a  codec  and i  apt-get install GCC  and it  isntalled06:03
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NutubuntuHow do I check whether there is an existing bug report for this tetex problem? tetex is part of the Dapper installation; I assume it works for most people ... but it isn't working here.06:04
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Redman276but when i run ./configure   i get  an output line  of06:04
ketetha_Stormx2, hopefully!06:04
ketetha_ttyfscker, whats distro?06:04
Stormx2Redman276: You probably want sudo apt-get install build-essential06:04
ttyfsckerketetha_, usually the projects home pages gives you a list of dependencies.. you can install them first and then do ./configure && make all06:04
LjL!tell Redman276 about build-essential06:04
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gnomefreakSh4d0x: this is with the cd in your hand or in the cd drive atm?06:04
gnomefreakFoobal: your mute is up06:04
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Stormx2ketetha_: distro is distribution, like ubuntu or slackware06:04
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Redman276checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables06:04
ttyfsckerketetha_, distro is short for distribution... the flavor of linux.. eg. slackware, ubuntu, debian, redhat, etc06:04
gnomefreakRedman276: sudo apt-get install build-essential06:04
LjLRedman276: follow the advice from the bot and from Stormx206:05
ketetha_Stormx2, i seee.06:05
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Redman276ahhh ok   ty06:05
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ketetha_ttyfscker, ooh. cool06:05
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Sh4d0xgnomefreak, lol, in the drive ofcourse06:05
Stormx2ubuntu is the best one tho ^_^06:05
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ketetha_Stormx2, it finished!!!!06:05
gnomefreakput it in your hand06:05
_stev_how can I check from my terminal if all my hardware is running properly? When do I know if my ram for example doesn't work anymore?06:05
Stormx2ketetha_: Brilliant. Pastebin the last bit (You can copy with Ctrl+Shift+C)06:05
ttyfsckerubuntu would be a lot better if it had a different name..06:05
k31thanyone know of a bit of software that will use a modem to pick up a fax and save it to a file ?06:06
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ketetha_Stormx2, okkk06:06
Stormx2Nah ubuntu is a good name06:06
gnomefreakSh4d0x: once the cd is out of the drive change your sources.list and run apt-get update than dist-upgrade and it should ask you for cd06:06
ttyfsckeryea if u know the definition06:06
Stormx2I used to pronounce it "You-Buntu-Ooh"06:06
LjL_stev_: err, it entirely depends on the hardware, and it's even always possible. for RAM there is memtest86+, which you can run from your Grub menu (press Esc before Linux boots)06:06
gnomefreakHobbsee: good luck next week ;)06:06
Hobbseegnomefreak: thanks :)06:06
Sh4d0xgnomefreak, ok, and again :D06:06
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ketetha_Stormx2, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1783706:06
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ttyfsckeri dont know the cd cover and their lil logo/theme   is pretty gay too06:06
[Ex0r] Dangerdoom in the hizzie! woodywoodywoody woop!06:07
ttyfsckerit kinda underestimates its real power.. makes it look all sissified06:07
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:07
Sh4d0xgnomefreak, "E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:07
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_stev_LjL: are there tools from the terminal to test my hardware ?06:07
LjLSh4d0x: is another process using it? close it.06:07
Blv3Watyrttyfscker try suggesting improvements before incendiary comments06:07
gnomefreakSh4d0x: close synaptic or your sources.list file or apt06:07
Stormx2ketetha_: Hold on a second.06:07
[Ex0r] Stormx2, so than how is it pronounced ?06:07
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LjL_stev_: yes. but as i said, it depends on the hardware. for RAM, you better not do it from the terminal, but rather by using memtest.06:07
Blv3Watyrbesides your own name isnt that flattering06:07
tailsfanI'm trying to install fluxbox, but it's giving me a libc6 error, anyone know how to update libc606:07
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gnomefreaktailsfan: are you on dapper?06:08
ketetha_Stormx2, ok :)06:08
sid hi all trying to get some help, I m getting an error message when using mount -a.  I was trying to add a partition to the volume group of LVM,  got something wrong06:08
bteomani need help06:08
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:08
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bteomani cant access my windows hdd06:08
bteomancan u help me to solve this?06:09
ttyfsckerbteoman, do you have it mounted?06:09
LjLtailsfan: you should probably pastebin the exact error06:09
ttyfsckerdo a df06:09
LjL!tell bteoman about mountwindows06:09
ubotuI know nothing about mountwindows - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com06:09
gnomefreaktailsfan: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade (make sure your sources.list file is only pointing to dapper)06:09
bteomannot sure06:09
Meatwadis there a way to add a beagle search add-on to the panel?  the only search box i'm able to add is the old brute-force search06:09
bteomanhow can i ddo it?06:09
LjL!tell bteoman about ntfs06:09
cdubyabteoman, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions06:09
LjL(sorry the previous factoid was wrong)06:09
ttyfsckerbteoman,   see what the command df outputs   and/or try fdisk -l06:09
[Ex0r] anyone know when the new ubuntu release is set to be out ?06:09
bteomanthank u!!!06:10
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sktxits out06:10
bteomani love u all :D06:10
ttyfsckerno prob06:10
sktx[Ex0r] : or do you mean edgy?06:10
narfmaster[Ex0r] , in October06:10
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Sh4d0xgnomefreak, nope, won't work06:10
Stormx2ketetha_: Do this! sudo apt-get install libflac-dev alsa-base alsa-utils gstreamer0.10-alsa libesd-alsa0 libmusicbrainz4-dev06:10
[Ex0r] Yeah, edgy06:10
gnomefreakSh4d0x: im not sure than06:10
Stormx2ketetha_: Then do another ./configure. Once that is done, run make, then sudo make install06:10
_stev_LjL: thanks for the tip for memory testing; but if I wanna check if my hdd or network card , what can I do? Do I get a message somewhere?06:10
LjLStormx2, ketetha_ : or checkinstall06:11
=== gnomefreak brb
sidthat would be the error message and the fstab: http://pastebin.ca/8614106:11
ttyfsckerketetha_, why does she need to configure twice?06:11
erdmannAnyone?  My Firefox fonts aren't antialiased in a fresh install of dapper (read: ugly).  Is there a setting for this?06:11
ketetha_Stormx2, okkk im doinggg06:11
[Ex0r] grr06:11
ubotucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall06:11
Blv3Watyrfresh install of firefox?06:11
Sh4d0xgnomefreak, if you understand a bit dutch, i'm willing to copy my output06:11
[Ex0r] I signed up for shipit, and haven't gotten an email yet06:11
LjLttyfscker: because if a configure fails, you need to run it again after you've fixed the dependencies.06:11
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Blv3Watyrone of your libs for ff was newer than one in the dapper version06:12
errpast-wcI've got a mouse that darts all over the place on one piece of hardware with 6.0606:12
ttyfsckeryes i know that06:12
Stormx2LjL, true06:12
errpast-wcUsing the 6.06 CD to install06:12
Blv3Watyrtry installing ff with dapper06:12
ttyfsckeri thought he meant after ./configure completed to run it again06:12
ketetha_Stormx2, what do you mean by run make?06:12
errpast-wcI think I need to tweak xorg.conf06:12
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LjLketetha_: to type "make"06:13
ketetha_ljl, oh okkk06:13
brianI'm using Gentoo. But should I switch to Ubuntu?06:13
Stormx2ketetha_: Once the ./configure is done, simply type "make" and hit enter.06:13
LjLBrian: i don't know, should you?06:13
Blv3Watyrwhat is gentoo based on?06:13
frogzoobrian: depends really06:13
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LjLBlv3Watyr: on gentoo06:13
ttyfsckerand when that gets done type make install ;)06:13
ketetha_Stormx2, okkk.06:13
brianMy system is slow and Gentoo needs to compile eveverything.06:13
Stormx2brian, what do you expect a channel full of ubuntu users to say? :P06:13
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brianI'm tired of waiting.06:13
brianIs Ubuntu better in that sense?06:13
Stormx2So use ubuntu06:13
javiolohow do I start gnome ? Im playing with fluxbox and now startx only opens fluxbox06:13
erdmannBlv3Watyr:  Installed dapper clean from liveCD last night, then updated everything.  The update upgraded firefox.  After reboot (due to new kernel), Firefox fonts render as bitmap with no antialiasing.06:14
LjLBrian: yes, since we don't usually compile things06:14
tailsfanthat is my error06:14
ttyfsckerbrian,  yes06:14
Redman276ok  now im lost06:14
harisundjaviolo you wouldn't want to start the X using "startx" .. rather you would be better off using a display managed like gdm or kdm.06:14
[Ex0r] guys, gut a question06:14
frogzoobrian: ubuntu is a binary release - so in that sense, it's better - but you need a fastish net feed for most benefit06:14
Redman276what   player  plays  xvid.avi  encoded  movies ?06:14
ttyfsckerbrian, gentoo serves no purpose but geek pleasure, and the fact that you say you got it up and going..06:14
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[Ex0r] when you are getting shipit cd's, what is the 5 pc edition? 5 seperate cd's that are all the same ?06:14
brianI have a fast internet connection.06:14
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Stormx2erdmann: Yes a lot of people have said that...06:14
LjLtailsfan: i think you're using a third-party package. why dont you just type "sudo aptitude install fluxbox" instead?06:14
Blv3Watyrmaybe your ff settings... new ff settings i mean06:14
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frogzoottyfscker: gentoo bugs get fixed quicker but06:15
dracflamlochi all, anyone know a way to get wget to show only its progress bar and not the other mess it prints06:15
brianI like Gentoo on my server...06:15
brianBut I don't think it's the right choice on my desktop06:15
brianBecause my computer is old and slow06:15
bteomanmay i ask another question?06:15
fdsdhey guys, I have a severly damaged harddrive, It is 300gb and I know dd bs=512 if=/dev/hda of=/my/other/harddrive/blah.image conv=noerror,sync would get everything and skip over the bad sectors, but is there a way with dd to just grab the information on the drive and not the whole file system?  since the filesystem is 300gb?  I only have 20gb used on the drive and my backup drive is only 200gb, thanks!06:15
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:15
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Stormx2brian: Well my computer is old and slow and runs ubuntu good :)06:15
erdmannI'll dig around in the FF settings, but I don't remember one for which font rendering engine to use (or its ilk).06:15
ketetha_Stormx2, ok im on the make step06:15
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Stormx2ketetha_: Good.06:16
FunkyDiscoMandoes anybody know what happened to albumart downloader, the project disappeared off freshmeat06:16
sidis it possible to get some help with my mounting problem?06:16
harisundWhat does "make dep vmlinux modules" do during a kernel compilation process?06:16
Stormx2sid: Sure, ask away.06:16
bteomanlinux looder (boot) waits too much06:16
ketetha_that is disgusting.06:16
tailsfanUbuntu runs fine with mine06:16
bteomanhow can i make it wait less?06:16
brianI guess I'll copy important stuff over to my other hard drive and install Ubuntu then.06:16
tailsfanit's just the sound has probs and I gave up on trying to fix it06:16
Stormx2ketetha_: What is?06:16
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sidI did before, I receive an error message when using mount  -a06:16
frogzoofdsd: if you want to go through the file system, you'll have to mount the drive06:16
oskudebteoman, in /boot/grub/menu.lst is a variabled named "timeout" change that (its in seconds)06:17
fdsdfrogzoo, which is fine..06:17
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ketetha_i messeged you Stormx206:17
bteomanthank u06:17
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Stormx2ketetha_: You did? I didn't receive any messages.06:18
a2xmhi all, I just re-install 6.06 onto 5.10 and now my DVDROM not automount anymore. it says mount: mount point /media/cdrom1 does not exist.06:18
FunkyDiscoManwhat program do people use to download album art?06:18
sidStormx2:  I receive an error message when using mount  -a06:18
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ketetha_Stormx2, suree?06:18
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errpast-wcMy ps2 mouse is on a KVM.  When I run the Ubuntu 6.06 CD, mouse jumps all over the place06:18
Stormx2ketetha_: positive!06:18
errpast-wcIs there a generic xorg.conf setting that might help me?06:18
frogzoofdsd: so what's the problem? the thing about dd is it captures everything, & leet hackers can resurrect lost files, but for us lesser mortals, just cp is about as good as dd06:18
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jbroomeerrpast-wc: i have that problem too, when i switch from win to *nix computers on my kvm06:19
fdsdfrogzoo, cp fails on I/O errors and doesnt skip past them06:19
errpast-wcjbroome: thanks jbroome06:19
jbroomeerrpast-wc: usually i have to unplug my mouse and replug06:19
bleakeddoes the helix framework not exist in the repos?06:19
erdmannBlv3Watyr:  deleting the ~/.mozilla directory and restarting FF mostly fixed things.  Now everything is hyper-smoothed!06:19
jbroomeerrpast-wc: i'm using a usb mouse > ps/2 converter on my kvm06:19
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ketetha_Stormx2, sudo make install? is that next06:19
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errpast-wcjbroome: same with me06:19
Stormx2ketetha_: yes.06:19
frogzoofdsd: mebbe tar --ignore-failed-read   ???06:20
errpast-wcjbroome: I will try unplug and plug again, then I think I'll just hunt down another mouse, or go around kvm06:20
erdmannBlv3Watyr:  i.e., also not so usable.  I just want FF to render according to my normal font settings.06:21
ketetha_Stormx2, it keeps saying error06:21
sidStormx2: error message and fstab: http://pastebin.ca/8614106:21
tailsfanand after I install fluxbox, how do I switch to it06:21
fdsdfrogzoo, maybe06:21
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Stormx2ketetha_: Whats the error message?06:21
bteomanthank u guys06:21
jribtailsfan: when you login there is an 'options' button, just change the session to use fluxbox06:21
Stormx2sid: I'll take a look06:21
sidStormx2: thx06:22
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Stormx2sid: sure its xfs?06:22
tailsfanThanks :)06:22
errpast-wcjbroome: fwiw, just found this - http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-28643.html06:22
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ketetha_Stormx2, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1783906:22
pozdiydoes anybody know, what replaces hotplug in DApper - my flash drive is not mounted automatically anymore?06:23
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sidI formated it for xfs, want to use it for LVM06:23
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Stormx2ketetha_: Hold on a sec06:23
josh__dumb question... has the restart command changed from init 6 in breezy to something else in dapper?06:24
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lnxGnomehow I run a .jar?06:24
josh__i cant get my comp to shutdown with init 606:24
Stormx2ketetha_: sudo apt-get install mpg12306:24
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Stormx2lnxGnome: java filename.jar I think06:24
MystaMaxhow do I find the Acrobat Reader executable? I tried looking in /usr/lib/adobe/ and couldnt find it, anyone know?06:24
sidStormx2, I formated it for xfs, want to use it for LVM but I m not sure if I got it right06:24
Stormx2sid: Well I really don't know ^_^ Maybe post a topic at ubuntuforums.org or ask again here06:24
frogzooMystaMax: which acroread  - or locate acroread06:25
truzakhello, i dont have man page for Xwrapper.config, which package am i missing?06:25
ketetha_then ./configure/06:25
ketetha_Stormx2, then ./configure ?06:25
Stormx2ketetha_: Um06:25
pozdiylnxGnome, java -jar yourfile.jar06:25
Stormx2ketetha_: Try sudo make instlal first.06:25
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jbroomeinit 6 is reboot, isn't it06:26
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Stormx2josh__: Not sure...06:26
jbroomeor am i thinking RH based systems06:26
josh__that is what it used to be but i cant do it now06:26
ketetha_Stormx2, same build error06:26
oskudeketetha_, i would recommend to use checkinstall instead of make install (if you dont know what youre doing)06:27
lnxGnomethankx Stormx2 and pozdiy :)06:27
Stormx2ketetha_: OK then, ./configure, make, and make install again06:27
brandon_anybody having any trouble signing in to msn?06:27
oskudeketetha_, and you have to use ./configure before make (and be sure configure doesnt give any errors)06:27
Stormx2brandon_: Check the service status06:27
brandon_says it's fine06:27
MystaMaxfrogzoo, so most executables are in usr/bin ?06:27
CrescendoXChat hasn't saved logs, I don't think.06:28
brianUbuntu uses deb packages right?06:28
ketetha_Stormx2, did you read what oskude is telling me? should i do that or what you just said06:28
ketetha_oskude, thankks06:28
frogzooMystaMax: the vast majority06:28
Stormx2ketetha_: Yeah06:28
Stormx2ketetha_: Well you've configured ^_^06:28
Stormx2ketetha_: Its odd that configure didn't pick up you didn't have mpg123 tho06:28
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oskude!tell ketetha_ about checkinstall06:28
Stormx2ketetha_: have to dash now06:28
ketetha_Stormx2,  byeee!06:29
oskudeketetha_, with check install you get a deb file that you can easily uninstall when you wish06:29
ketetha_oskude, ooh okk06:29
ketetha_oskude, what do i type06:29
bteomani cant install skype on my ubuntu06:29
bteomancan u help me06:29
bteomanmy processor is amd 6406:29
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto06:30
oskudeketetha_, just "sudo checkinstall" instead of "sudo make install"06:30
ubotuI know nothing about gizmo - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com06:30
oskudeketetha_, but06:30
oskudeketetha_, i would do just "make" before trying to install06:30
ketetha_oskude, doesnt work06:30
bteomanthank u guts06:30
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ketetha_oskude, okk06:30
ketetha_oskude, there are still erro06:30
oskudeketetha_, yeah, check install ist not installed by deafult "sudo apt-get install checkinstall"06:30
ketetha_oskude, i'll try later. i gotta goooo06:30
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narfmasterketetha_, same error?06:31
oskudeketetha_, roger06:31
ketetha_narfmaster, yeppp06:31
narfmasterketetha_, sudo apt-get install libtagc0-dev06:31
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narfmasterthen make again06:31
oskudeketetha_, next time run ./configure and pastebin the error (the whole thing)06:31
ketetha_narfmaster, ok06:31
ketetha_oskude, okkk :)06:31
cntbmy customer want autologon for regular user06:31
pozdiywhat had happened to hotplug in dapper?06:32
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ketetha_narfmaster, its done06:32
narfmasterketetha_, cool06:32
ketetha_narfmaster, now what?06:32
MystaMaxfrogzoo, thanks great help!06:32
narfmasterketetha_, now checkinstall or make install06:32
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ketetha_narfmaster, ok make first?06:32
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narfmasterketetha_, yeah06:33
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oskudeketetha_, with just "make" you can run it with normal user, to make sure all goes ok. "make install/checkinstall" needs root rights and would try to install it right away. in praxis it doesnt really matter if you use just make before it or not, im just causios at compiling...06:34
Mikeloanybody know where i can get decent free web hosting?06:34
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ketetha_oskude, i see. okk well im about to do make install06:34
Mikeloi want to create a website about linux & opensource06:35
oskudeketetha_, and most programs you can run directly from the compiled dir (after make) so you dont really need to install it system wide (make install / checkinstall)06:35
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oskudeMikelo, cool06:35
wangzhengsanHello everyone!How to turn to text mode in Ubuntu?06:35
ketetha_i'll be back later guys06:35
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oskudeMikelo, but dunno, never used free webspaces...06:36
sidStormx2: you were right, its formated wrong. Do you know how to format it for LVM?06:36
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oskudewangzhengsan, you mean without ever loading the X, or ctrl+alt+f1 ?06:36
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Mikelooskude, most of it sucks06:36
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Mikelooskude, its hard 2 find06:37
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oskudeMikelo, well, in germany you get 50mb space for 25cent06:37
frogzooMystaMax: oh, cool, glad that helped06:37
oskudeMikelo, per month06:37
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frogzoowangzhengsan: ctrl + alt + F1-F606:38
Mikelooskude, whats the url^06:38
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cntbhowto check free space in GUI ?  not terminal - df .06:39
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Mikelooskude, hey!06:40
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oskudeMikelo, hmm, they have lowered the space, lol http://www.evanzo.de/content.php?co=0101003502&inPID=100&PHPSESSID=17c29ea813da7eca1677969f777c044b06:40
a2xmhi all, I just install 6.06 onto 5.10 and now my DVDROM not automount anymore. it says mount: mount point /media/cdrom1 does not exist.06:40
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Mikelooskude, bastards06:40
polpakcntb, Places->Computer click on Filesystem. It should say in the status bar06:40
oskudeMikelo, but this looks cool http://www.evanzo.de/content.php?co=0101003502&inPID=150&PHPSESSID=17c29ea813da7eca1677969f777c044b06:41
ubuntufreakWhat Company Ships ubuntu CD's in the U.S06:41
polpakubuntufreak, I think shipit will ship to us06:41
ardchoilleSipIt does ship to the US06:41
Mikelooskude, tnx06:41
[knap] in europe is TOP lite06:42
[knap] topa.nl06:42
ubuntufreakWhat is the name of the company that actually drops it off at your front door06:42
ubuntufreakUPS, FedEx, DHL06:42
ubuntu_newbeive a problem: i can not install xmms because the system doesnt find the pacet. what is the mistake?06:42
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LjLubuntu_newbe: do you have universe enabled?06:43
polpak!info xmms06:43
ubotuxmms: Versatile X audio player. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.2.10+cvs20050809-4ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 1029 kB, installed size 7256 kB06:43
dr_willis!info xmms06:43
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LjLoh right nevermind that06:43
ardchoilleubuntufreak: hold on.. looking at my package now06:43
joeljkphow do i see the bugs i'm subscribed to?06:43
ubuntufreakardchoille: are you in U.S06:43
oskudetell ubuntu_newbe about repos06:43
LjLubuntu_newbe: scratch that. edit your sources.list ("sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"), and make sure that you don't have all of it commented out06:43
joeljkpon launchpad, how do i see the bugs i'm subscribed to?06:43
oskude!tell ubuntu_newbe about repos06:44
ardchoilleubuntufreak: yes06:44
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LjLubuntu_newbe: if all of the lines starting with "deb" or "deb-src" (except for the CD-ROM one) are commented out, you need to uncomment some/all of them06:44
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ubuntufreakardchoille: which company is it?06:44
LjLubuntu_newbe: we can keep speaking on the channel, so that our exchange can be useful to others as well06:44
ardchoilleubuntufreak: Believe it or not, the package doesn't specifiy06:45
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ubuntufreakardchoille: Is it United states Postal Service, United Postal Service, FedEx, or DHL06:45
ubuntufreakardchoille: It has to say06:45
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munckfishHow do I stop Nautilus' search feature using Beagle instead of the standard file search capabilities?06:45
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ardchoilleubuntufreak: It's either UPS or FedEx, it wasn't the USPS or DHL.06:45
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ubuntufreakardchoille: Great, those are the best!  How long did it take for your package to come06:46
ubuntufreakardchoille: My request was granted on June 13th06:46
ubuntufreakardchoille: It is July 12th today06:47
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ardchoilleubuntufreak: Brezzy too 28 days, Dapper (the set I got a few days ago) took about 5 weeks.06:47
ubuntufreakardchoille: What state do you live in?06:48
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ardchoilleubuntufreak: Seattle, Washington06:48
ubuntufreakardchoille: I'm in Michigan06:48
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MystaMaxdoes everything i mount in my media folder get put on the desktop? how does that work?06:49
nick01I asked for ubuntu 5.10 - I haven't received it until now06:49
ubuntufreakardchoille: Thank You very much for your help06:49
ardchoilleubuntufreak: I have a feeling that this package came from France, since the postage states "France". If that is the case, your should arrive any day now06:49
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nick01I asked for it a year ago06:49
ardchoilleubuntufreak: You're welcome :)06:49
ubuntufreakardchoille: I hope it arrives soon06:50
ardchoillenick01: You live on the moon?06:50
ubuntufreaknick01: pretty close06:50
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MystaMaxi got mine in the mail last week, from france06:51
ardchoilleMystaMax: How long did it take?06:51
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MystaMaxardchoille, not that long 2-3 weeks06:51
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Some_PersonUbuntu rocks! Except I hate your new progress bar in the theme06:54
joeljkpon launchpad, how do i see the bugs i'm subscribed to?06:55
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ardchoilleSome_Person: that can be easily changed :)06:55
jribjoeljkp: go to your profile, then bugs, then subscribe I think06:55
Some_Personalso i hate that my modem driver is capped at 14.4 kbps unless I pay $2006:55
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jbroomeeww, that's lame06:56
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joeljkpjrib: ah, i see, thanks06:56
Some_PersonIt's a Conexant HSF modem.06:56
POVaddctSome_Person: that's the "advantage" of hardware running with closed source only drivers06:56
SurfnKidSome_Person, change ISPs06:56
fdsdanyone switch from gentoo to ubuntu?06:57
Some_PersonIt's the modem driver, not the ISP.06:57
SurfnKidfdsd me06:57
fdsdSurfnKid, why?06:57
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Frankensteinhi, im having a few problems with ubuntu! i like it a lot BUT i cant gain root access, and i followed this link to learn how to: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-31053.html and also I cant get my wireless usb to work, i typed lspci but it didnt show that device06:57
POVaddctSome_Person: winmodem in a notebook i guess?06:57
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SurfnKid fdsk and it wasnt a switch, didnt start gentoo just breezeed it and jumped to ubuntu06:57
ardchoilleFrankenstein: Use sudo for admin tasks06:57
SurfnKidfdsd, it was too hard to install, didnt know the commands06:57
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:57
kakadofdsd, yes but I've used ubuntu for a while06:57
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SurfnKidfdsd, but ubuntu helped aleviate that06:58
Frankensteinubotu i dont want to use that sudo stuff... i want ROOT access06:58
ubotuI know nothing about i dont want to use that sudo stuff... i want ROOT access - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com06:58
fdsdSurfnKid, oh, I am very experienced with gentoo, I dont think I could go to a system that is dumbed down06:58
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POVaddctFrankenstein: lspci is not for usb devices. try lsusb instead.06:58
ardchoilleFrankenstein: sudo *is* root access06:58
SurfnKidfdsd, instead ubuntu isnt dumbed down, its improved06:59
FrankensteinPOVaddct i will try that thanks!06:59
Some_PersonPOVaddict: It's a PCI Winmodem in a desktop.06:59
POVaddctSome_Person: still a winmodem. crappy hardware...06:59
Frankensteinok... heres what i want to do... i want to change the password for the user root than i want to be able to login into the user root like normal linux distros06:59
POVaddctSome_Person: can you use a real modem instead?06:59
kakadofdsd, I think apt-get is smarter than portage06:59
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GlupJahi all... just installed ubuntu undew vmware... i need to instal;l tools. Tools nned linux headers. went to synaptic installed linux-headers-2.6.15-23 when asked for a path i give /usr/src/linux-headers-2.5.15-23/ but get an error: that it does not contain "linux" subdirecoty any pointers.. googleing for this took me nowhere...07:00
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Some_PersonWait, is the Smart Link Winmodem driver free?07:00
fdsdkakado, not if you have to make a change to the ./configure script on the fly07:00
POVaddctSome_Person: external modem connected via serial port07:00
JeruvyFrankenstein: try su - root, then password (probably the same as the user)07:00
Frankensteinok ill try that thanks07:00
Some_PersonI have a 5 year old 56k smart link modem too07:00
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Frankensteinwait, no i already tried that07:00
kakadofdsd, maybe true, I havent tried07:00
JeruvyFrankenstein: thats what I use on dapper, works for me.07:01
Frankensteinwhat i dont understand is that, that link i posted worked for everyone else but not me07:01
fdsdkakado, editing ebuilds makes portage very flexable07:01
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POVaddctSome_Person: the smart link driver costs no money, but it is not free software (in terms of open source)07:01
Frankensteinim on this breeze badger thing07:01
Some_PersonThats fine with me07:01
Some_PersonThis is my first day on Dapper!07:01
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Frankensteinwhen i type su root i will get a passwd field... i tye anything in there and it says sorry07:02
jribFrankenstein: sudo -i   <-- will give you a root prompt07:02
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Frankensteinok, ill go try that07:02
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RubberDuck^i need help can someone help me ?07:03
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:03
kakadofdsd, on the other hand I find emerge too slow07:03
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damelhi :)07:03
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RubberDuck^ok i installed ubuntu server 6.06, and when i log in it has my username@linuxserverbox1:~S07:04
Frankensteinok, i just ran upstairs and ran lsusb and it did find my wireless card! :) now to access the thing propmpt to configure it requies root access! sudo -i just says "password: " i tye something in there and i get sorry, try again07:04
RubberDuck^what do i do from there to get to the desktop ?07:04
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Frankensteininstall x07:04
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jribFrankenstein: it's your user password07:05
POVaddctFrankenstein: sudo asks for your user password (the one you already used to log in)07:05
Frankensteinsigh, brb07:05
RubberDuck^uh ?07:05
jribRubberDuck^: what Desktop do you want? gnome, kde, xfce, fluxbox...?07:05
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RubberDuck^i want to get into the ubuntu bit07:05
jribRubberDuck^: (gnome is default Ubuntu)07:05
RubberDuck^when i casn use it07:05
jribRubberDuck^: then you have to install the ubuntu-desktop package, are you familiar with apt?07:06
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RubberDuck^i want to use server07:06
jbroomei want a pony07:06
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POVaddcti want an ice07:06
RubberDuck^when i log in yeh on the command propmt style screen07:06
RubberDuck^what do i do from there07:07
jribRubberDuck^: you said desktop before?07:07
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Meatwadis there a way to add a beagle search add-on to the panel?  the only search-box i'm able to add is the old brute-force search07:07
jribRubberDuck^: so do you want to install a desktop environment on your box?07:07
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jribMeatwad: deskbar-applet07:07
RubberDuck^let me start agen heh07:08
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RubberDuck^righ i bot up my pc, and then it has the command prompsort of screen understand so far ?07:08
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Meatwaddeskbar-applet?  could you be more specific?07:08
Prozacniihau, quenpil07:08
RubberDuck^from there it asks for my username then my password07:08
erUSUL!es > quenpil07:09
jribMeatwad: the deskbar-applet let's you use beagle to search, if you want the option for a beagle live search you also need python-beagle07:09
RubberDuck^when i put them in it has josh@linuxserverbox1:~S07:09
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RubberDuck^josh being my username07:09
jribMeatwad: once you install those packages, just add the applet as usual to your panel07:09
RubberDuck^its stays on the josh@linuxserverbox1:~S07:09
harisundRubberDuck^ what is it that you want to use your machine for? If you want to use it for regular day to day purposes, you will need a desktop environment (GUI) .. if you only want a server of sorts, you need not have a GUI. However, you can have a GUI and still run a server07:09
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RubberDuck^and doesent do nothing else07:09
erUSULMeatwad: install deskbar-applet and add it to the pannel07:09
POVaddctRubberDuck^: yes. it's waiting for you to type in commands :)07:09
RubberDuck^can i run a domain off the desktop one ?07:09
javioloany ubuntu user using fluxbox ? Id like to know how to change the gtk2 themes07:10
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Meatwadthanks jrib07:10
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erUSULquenpil: para ayuda en espaol vete a ubuntu-es (/join #ubuntu-es) estoy yo all tb07:10
jribjaviolo: I use gtk-theme-switch07:10
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harisundRubberDuck^ you can run a website both with the GUI and without a GUI. If you are not very comfortable using the command line alone, you will have to install a GUI.07:10
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POVaddctRubberDuck^: huh? what would a domain have to do with a desktop?07:10
RubberDuck^i wanted to run a domain lol07:10
quenpilpor q no entiendo nada07:10
erUSULquenpil: para ayuda en espaol vete a ubuntu-es (/join #ubuntu-es) estoy yo all tb07:11
POVaddctRubberDuck^: if you can't work on the command line, you shouldn't run a domain anyway07:11
erUSULquenpil: este canal es en ingls07:11
RubberDuck^lol im a linux n00b07:11
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NutubuntuAfter upgrading to Dapper, I have at least one package installed that Synaptic doesn't seem to know about. How do I make Synaptic aware of it? I want to uninstall the package.07:12
harisundNutubuntu how did you install that package?07:12
erUSUL!es > albara07:12
Nutubuntuharisund - not sure any more ... it was months ago07:13
harisunderUSUL I didn't know you could 'redirect' Ubotu's output to a user like that. Neat :)07:13
POVaddctRubberDuck^: and being a newbie is the general excuse for not having to read/learn anything?07:13
harisundNutubuntu if you installed it using Synaptic, Synaptic will definitely see it.07:13
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Nutubuntuharisund -  Synaptic does not see it. Definitely.07:13
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Frankensteinok... i can gain root access!!! but how can i make sure my wireless usb card is working? i went to network settings and found my modem and my onboard ethernet port but nothing about the wireless card, lsusb does return that its there!07:14
harisundNutubuntu I am assuming you know the package name?07:14
erUSULharisund: i discovered it a few days ago. new feature i guess07:14
v3rtI just deleted my kernel, and windows wouldn't boot. I reinstalled it, windows still won't boot into anything but safe mode. The computer restarts at the "loading" screen with the moving blue bar07:14
v3rtcan anyone help?07:14
SurfnKidFrankenstein, what usb adapter07:14
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POVaddctFrankenstein: first you have to make sure, you card is supported at all. not every usb wireless card is.07:14
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Frankensteinon the screen it reads as Corega K.K07:15
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POVaddctFrankenstein: which vendor/product ID?07:15
harisundv3rt it would help if you could post the contents of /boot/grub/menu.lst on to pasteboard or something.07:15
Nutubuntuharisund-  yes, it's glabels ... there are glabels*.* files in /usr/local/share and several other directories07:15
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harisundv3rt however if Windows is booting (albeit only into safe mode) it is not longer grub's problem.07:15
Frankensteinits a Corega USB11-2 i belive07:16
Nutubuntuharisund-  can I simply rm those files?07:16
v3rtwell i didn't do anything to windows07:16
harisundNutubuntu, did you install it using a .deb file?07:16
v3rtso how did it get screwed up?07:16
POVaddctFrankenstein: there are two 4-digit numbers separated by a colon07:16
SurfnKiddoes anyone know how to get /proc/i8k running on an 8600?07:16
SurfnKidapparently needs that file to access the fan status, but i have no clue how to install it07:16
harisundNutubuntu if you had installed it from source (from a .tar.gz or .tgz file) then tough look .. you would have to probably manually search ..07:16
FrankensteinPOVaddct where?07:17
Frankensteinon what?07:17
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harisundDo one thing nutubuntu, try doing a "dpkg --list | grep glabels"07:17
v3rttitleUbuntu, kernel 2.6.15-26-38607:17
v3rtkernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-386 root=/dev/sda2 ro quiet splash07:17
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harisundv3rt don't paste here..07:17
jendaHow do I install a font in ubuntu?07:17
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:17
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javioloany ubuntu user using fluxbox ? Id like to know how to change the gtk2 themes07:17
Nutubuntuharisund-  what would I search for? glabels*.* ? ... I can do that; would it be safe to simply rm those glabels*.* files ?07:17
POVaddctFrankenstein: in the lsusb output07:17
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v3rtthere's the .lst07:17
v3rtso is there anything I can do to fix windows?07:17
federahi everybody!!!07:17
FrankensteinPOVaddct sorry! ill be right back and write that down07:18
harisundNutubuntu you could look into the documentation of glabels on their website or something. Probably it is mentioned what files are added to your system07:18
federasomeone knows how i could use the divx codec 5.05 with xine??07:18
affluxis there any ed2k/kadamelia client for linux with webcache support?07:18
Nutubuntuharisund-  Okay ... and once I know that ... I should simply rm those files, is that correct ?07:18
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Frankensteinok it gave me 8 nubers divided by a colon... 07aa:001807:19
harisundNutubuntu technically you should be safe. But before you rm those files I would use a bit of common sense to make sure they don't look like libraries or something.. which others could be using.07:19
Nutubuntuharisund-  Yes.07:19
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harisundWhy are you uninstalling? For lack of space?07:19
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Nutubuntuharisund-  Common sense is so rare ... but I'll do my best : )07:19
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harisundNutubuntu :D07:20
MehAdultIs there a way I can transfer a process from a TTY to a X terminal?07:20
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POVaddctFrankenstein: seems like it works with the at76c503 driver07:20
kroghMy network manager only detects the Wired network.. (running 6.06), iwlist eth1 essid show the complete list of networks.. anyone who knows where to tell networkmanager to find the wireless?07:21
harisundkrogh if i were you I would configure my wireless using the terminal itself :)07:21
POVaddctFrankenstein: i don't know if this driver is in ubuntu linux (don't have a test system here right now)07:21
FrankensteinPOVaddct awesome! is there a good tutorial on how to set this up so i can configure it?07:21
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Prozacque tal, kms37507:22
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POVaddctFrankenstein: first try to find out if this driver is already on your system. if not, try to search in synaptic if it is installable from the repository. at a last resort, you can try compiling the driver from source (kinda hard for a newbie)07:23
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kroghharisund: That works flawless.. but NetworkManager is surely nifty :-)07:23
Frankensteini can compile programs from source07:23
kroghWhen it works.07:23
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Frankensteinive never used linux as a personal system, only as servers07:24
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tschwingeDo I realize correctly that the Ubuntu cds (6.06 LTS) that Canonical shipped to me do not enable me to install Ubuntu on a LVM device?07:24
POVaddctFrankenstein: the source is here: http://at76c503a.berlios.de/07:24
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SurfnKidFrankenstein, me too till now07:24
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amarokkerhey- does anyone know wwhether they have that multiplayer online doodle game on yahoo?07:24
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dsasamarokker: If you mean "pictionary" then  yes they at least used to .07:24
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POVaddctFrankenstein: you need the sources of your running kernel to compile the driver (they are installable with synaptic or apt-get)07:25
amarokkerdsas: thanks07:25
Foobaltschwinge: you can, but the default installer wont do it. that would require the alternate disc07:25
amarokkerdsas: ah, found it, its graffiti07:25
Frankensteinok, im going to go play around with this!07:25
Foobaltschwinge: if you initialize the lvm manually before installing it'll succeed and work though07:26
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tschwingeFoobal: Ok.  Thanks.07:26
erUSULFrankenstein: not the sources the headers sudo apt-get intall linux-headers-$(uname -r)07:26
Frankensteinactually... i might have a problem... of getting that driver on my linux pc...07:26
tschwingeFoobal: I really liked the text-mode installer better than this graphical thingy...07:26
ardchoilletschwinge: me too07:26
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SurfnKidhow can i check the current daemons running ?07:27
Foobaltschwinge: the new one is better, because the same cd can be used for demoing Ubuntu to new possible users.. and as nice rescue platform etc.. the default installer just got dumbed down slightly from what was actually even implemented already.. to reduce user errors.07:27
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Frankensteincan linux read windows disketts?07:27
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SurfnKidFrankenstein, floppies? i think so07:28
SurfnKidNTFS not sure07:28
tschwingeFoobal: I see.  But a useable installer (usable for non-beginners) could be shipped nevertheless.07:28
FoobalFrankenstein: yes.07:28
ompaulFrankenstein, what driver for what piece of hardware07:28
SurfnKidFoobal, ntfs formatted?07:28
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thiagoErr http://br.archive.ubuntu.com dapper-backports Release.gpg          what is this?07:28
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scifihey all, does anyone know of a graphical front-end for managing/searching/querying IMDB database files ?07:29
tschwingethiago: Temporary corruption, most probably.07:29
dsasthiago: It's the signature of the repository. So you can verify everything there is legitimate.07:29
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thiagowhat i do now?07:30
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thiagosorry for my english07:30
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tschwingeAlso, selecting ``No localization'' right at the beginning of the graphical installer makes it just hang, it seems.07:31
kakadoscifi, I didn't know one could get those files07:31
javioloany ubuntu user using fluxbox ? Id like to know how to change the gtk2 themes07:31
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dsasthiago: sorry, do with what?07:31
mano-tatilhi! I've got problems with ati 3d acceleration. I've got a Compaq R4100 with ati Xpress 200m and ubuntu 64 . I install restricted modules and fglrx driver from repositories but when i modprobe agpgart it says: module agpgart not found. What can i do?07:32
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scifikakado, yes u can, as i discovered today. there are various linux apps to viem them but they have to be compiled and they are only command-line. i dont know how yo compile, and i prefer graphical.07:33
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POVaddctFrankenstein: i just saw the at76c503 driver already is in ubuntu07:33
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Frankensteinok, i tailed the /var/log/messages and when i plug in the usb wireless card it says new usb full speed....  but i guess it doesnt have the driver which is my next problem..  i cant get that driver onto my pc07:34
=== Frankenstein gasps
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:34
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kms375i cant get the nvidia legacy driver to work07:34
POVaddctFrankenstein: does iwconfig report a wireless interface?07:34
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FrankensteinPOVaddct ill tell you in a seccond! two different pc's on two different floors!07:34
kakadoscifi, I see, then its maybe up to a developer07:34
kms375"glxinfo | grep rendering" returns "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"."07:34
kms375and i followed the instructions07:35
POVaddctFrankenstein: oh, okay07:35
erUSULFrankenstein: 'lsusb' to figure out the chip of the usb wifi07:35
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ubotuYou might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto07:36
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Prozachi, userluser07:36
Frankensteinok iwconfig reports nothing good, and lsusb which i already did reports its there and yada yada i already went through this with POVaddct07:36
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seamus_iehey all07:36
POVaddcterUSUL: it is a "corega usb-11", i googled a bit. contains an atmel chipset.07:36
Frankensteini was reading too.. i guess usb wireless devices are pretty generic07:36
userluserI just installed Kubuntu and I screwed up the root passrowrd and I theres no way now to recover it07:36
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POVaddctFrankenstein: lsusb just reports the connected usb devices. says nothing about supported devices.07:37
userlusershould I go through the installation again or is there a way to recover or change it?07:37
POVaddctgotta go07:37
Frankensteinoh ok, so what should my next step be?07:37
InitMassis the advantage big of doing a clean install with dapper rather than upgrading from breezy to it with apt-get dist-upgrade?07:37
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Frankensteinok thanks pov07:37
Cheradeninedoes anyone know if there's a tutorial anywhere to optimize ati drivers?07:37
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ketetha_ok help07:37
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ketetha_i just did make07:37
kakadouserluser, is you can use sudo as a user, then write sudo passwd root07:37
EricRainwhat is ubuntu ?07:38
Prozacubuntu is the best one tho ^_^07:38
ketetha_so is it sudo make installl?07:38
kakadouserluser, if*07:38
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ketetha_its installing so farr!07:38
EricRainsuch a quick answer07:38
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kms375how do i shutdown the X server?07:38
kms375i just want a commandline07:38
Frankensteinopen up a terminal07:38
ketetha_so ya07:39
shachaf_kms375: /etc/init.d/gdm stop07:39
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ketetha_who needs help07:39
kms375shachaf, ok07:39
shachaf_kms375: Or kdm/xdm, depending on what you're using.07:39
Frankensteinwell im going to go around in circles now! with hopes of making this work07:39
Gregy1727does anyone know if a Diamond Multimedia SupraMax External USB 56K Modem work under linux?07:39
userluserkakado: ok for isntance I am trying to install something with the package manager and it asks me for the password, what password do you say it is?07:39
Gregy1727would work*07:39
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kakadouserluser, when you write sudo, then give your own passwd07:40
trappistuserluser: your password07:40
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userluserkakado: I set up a root password during the installation process... is that a problem?07:40
EricRainX server service (for pidof) is just "X" right07:40
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pulverif i get this error "E: Package somepackage has no installation candidate" how do i skip that package causing problems?07:41
Gregy1727or is there a list of compatible external 56k USB modems...07:41
kakadouserluser, you can make a new, with what i told in a terminal07:41
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shachaf_pulver: What package is it?07:42
kakadouserluser, but maybe you dont need a root password, if you dont use terminals07:42
userluserkakado: sudo and what else?07:42
shachaf_pulver: You usually don't want to do that.07:42
ketetha_what do i do after sudo make install is finished07:42
trappistI don't have a root password and I use the console all day long07:42
userluserkakado: but when I try to use the package manager it asks me for  a password07:42
pulvershachaf_, understand but if you know the dependancy/package is pretty useless?07:42
shachaf_userluser: Use your own password.07:42
trappistuserluser: give it *your* password07:42
shachaf_userluser: Not root's.07:42
userluserhow do I use sudo in Kubuntu I type sudo and enter an says all the options07:43
ZeeWolfi have some questions about grub and it's installation on cd07:43
userluserI did that07:43
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userluserstill tells me something is wrong07:43
shachaf_pulver: Even if it's useless, it's a dependency. Not "recommended" or "suggested".07:43
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shachaf_pulver: Which usually means the dependency is required to run the package you're trying to install.07:44
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userluserkakado: ok I did that but it returns me to the next line07:44
pulvershachaf_, ok i see, but let's say you want to do it anyway, and perhaps break stuff, is it possible?07:45
shachaf_pulver: Man apt-get.07:45
shachaf_pulver: Look up --force.07:45
kakadouserluser, you should first write your own passwd07:45
shachaf_pulver: But I don't recommend it.07:45
pulvershachaf_, ok thanks07:45
Gregy1727does anyone know if a Diamond Multimedia SupraMax External USB 56K Modem will work under linux or is there a way you can refer me to finding out?07:45
ketetha_know aht do to07:45
ketetha_i finished compiling and did make install07:45
ketetha_now i need the next step07:45
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userluserkakado: I use the user password to log in then the installer doesnt let me to use my own password07:45
izmaelishello, everybody07:45
Frankensteinok, im fed up! i have this wireless usb card which ubutnu sees Pov guy told me to install this driver and than he said it was already on ubuntu... i have CLUELESS on what to do!07:45
=== ketetha_ needs help
userluserand I typed sudo passwd root on a terminal and does nothing07:46
shachaf_Frankenstein: What driver?07:46
ketetha_frankenstien , ima do somre research07:46
izmaelisdo your ICQ clients work good tooday?07:46
sysrplhow can i stop and restart my network connection?07:46
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seamus_ieFrankenstein: what usb device do you have?07:46
shachaf_sysrpl: /etc/init.d/networking restart07:46
seamus_iesysrpl: sudo ifconfig wlan0 down up07:46
Frankensteinits a usb wireless card07:47
userluserkakado: I think you cant receive my mesasges on the other window07:47
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sysrplso wither one?07:47
shachaf_sysrpl: Or "ifdown device; ifup device"07:47
ketetha_i guess shachaf and seamus_ie can help you07:47
ketetha_what kind? what are you trying to connect?07:47
seamus_ieFrankenstein: what kind of card?07:47
philcI want to have my keyboard's caps lock key be read as the windows key. Is there a standard mapping file I can look at and modify?07:47
userluserkakado: so am I screwed up?07:47
nigel_does anyone know how i can set my wireless connection to reconnect upon disconnection ?07:47
sysrpleither? i have wpa_supplicant installed to help with my wpa-psk wireless07:47
kakadouserluser, depends on you client07:47
ketetha_Frankenstein, what kind? what are you trying ot connect07:47
shachaf_philc: You should make a .xmodmap file in ~.07:47
kakadouserluser, sounds like it07:47
Frankensteina wireless usb card07:47
nigel_because it seems as though every time the wireless dips , it disconnects ..07:47
userluserbecause no combination of passwords work here07:47
seamus_iephilc: google for ~/.Xresources07:47
nigel_and doesnt come back on07:47
tschwingeFoobal: I prepared the LVs, but how do I choose them in the installer?  It shows me only real disk partitions.07:47
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ketetha_Frankenstein, give us more07:47
shachaf_philc: That file should say...07:47
Frankensteinthats all there is07:47
kakadouserluser, you dont have other user accounts07:48
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shachaf_philc: Hmm, I don't have mine handy.07:48
seamus_ieFrankenstein: make, model number, thet are all different07:48
userluserkakado: hold on07:48
ketetha_Frankenstein, so there is nothing particular you want to connect? ya like what kind07:48
kakadouserluser, with wheel group07:48
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shachaf_philc: But you want "remove lock = Caps_Lock", or something like that.07:48
ketetha_Frankenstein, look around for something07:48
philcshachaf: thanks for thepointer!07:48
shachaf_philc: And then map lock to Mod4.07:48
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slowz3rhey everyone07:48
kakadouserluser, its called admin on ubuntu07:48
seamus_ieFrankenstein: what is the output of lsusb?07:48
Foobaltschwinge: umm, good question. I'd actually just copy the filesystem to your lvm'd filesystem and fix the grub. that's pretty much all the installer does anyways besides fixing your hostname and couple other very simple settings07:48
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EricRainglobal question , is there any good mailserver and FTP server with GUI (like Kerio) that works with ubuntu !?07:49
ketetha_is there a wiki or document on usb?07:49
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=== aaron__ [n=aaron@vpn-wh.rz-zw.fh-kl.de] has joined #ubuntu
Frankensteini already posted the output of that! its a wi-fi card to connect to the lan, and what not07:49
ZeeWolfany1 have grub on cd ? will i have to update menu.lst on cd everytime i update my kernel ??07:49
seamus_ieketetha_: what particulr part of usb?07:49
Frankensteinits from corega07:49
seamus_ieFrankenstein: can you post the relevant part again, I missed it07:49
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ketetha_seamus_ie,  i dont have one! haha i was trying to help Frankenstein07:49
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ketetha_seamus_ie, i do have a questin for you though07:49
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Frankensteinthis is what i have: http://ascii24.com/news/i/hard/article/2003/05/21/thumbnail/thumb220x206-images716252.jpg07:50
tschwingeFoobal: Aha.  Thanks again.07:50
ketetha_seamus_ie, i'm trying to install audacious07:50
Gregy1727someone please help me with my quick hardware question.07:50
Meatwadis there a chat client for gnome that dosen't take up 1/4 of the screen per chat window like gaim does?07:50
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:50
Frankensteinhere was the driver i was given: http://at76c503a.berlios.de/07:50
Gregy1727i have asked07:50
Gregy1727three times07:50
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erUSULMeatwad: xchat07:50
ketetha_seamus_ie, i configured it and compliled it and what not. and i just sudo make install and it worked07:51
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ketetha_seamus_ie, what now?07:51
Frankensteinthan i was told the driver was already on ubuntu and i was left in the dust07:51
FunnyLookinHatGregy1727, This one?  "does anyone know if a Diamond Multimedia SupraMax External USB 56K Modem will work under linux or is there a way you can refer me to finding out?"07:51
seamus_ieketetha_: run it...07:51
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darkyoshi372Is there a place where I can get extra applets for the gnome-panel?07:51
ketetha_seamus_ie, how. im sorry i'm new at this07:51
Gregy1727yes please07:51
seamus_ieketetha_I don't know what the app is07:51
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto07:51
Gregy1727right now i have a winmodem and i'm sick of it so i dont want to make a mistake with a usb one07:51
FunnyLookinHatGregy1727, check out that page, it should also have links to supported hardware07:51
Gregy1727okay, thanks FunnyLookinHat07:52
=== Frankenstein bashes his head against a brick wall
f_favilaFrankenstein,  i believe to check if it was installed. If not then to install it07:52
abhinayhi there07:52
seamus_ieFrankenstein: you need to help us if we are going to help you07:52
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Frankensteini am trying to help... i hate having to repeat myself 5 times...07:52
Frankensteini was given the driver! i was then told the driver was already on ubuntu! WHAAT NOW07:53
seamus_ieFrankenstein: sorry but i missed the whole discussion07:53
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aboI need help with Grub, I was trying to change the size of my / partition and I can't boot my system anymore, anyone can help please?07:53
f_favilaHe didn't tell you it was already installed.. He said to check if it was if not then to install it.07:53
cachedif i were to reinstall windows on a seperate partition, would it mess up the MBR and, if so, how can I restore it to loading grub so I can dual boot07:54
ketetha_seamus_ie, im so confusedd07:54
Frankensteinhe said the driver was on ubuntu! i would scroll up but bitxhx is a bitch07:54
Frankensteinat any rate... how do i CHECK07:54
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seamus_ieketetha_: about what?07:54
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ketetha_seamus_ie, about how to run it!07:54
seamus_ieketetha_: what is the app ment to do?07:54
ketetha_seamus_ie, play music. its a music player07:55
ketetha_seamus_ie, i had to go so i never got the rest of the instructoins07:55
jonah1980_2hi can anyone help i've just smelt burning in my computer and i've busted my usb ports at the back, luckily it's just a pci card i think i've broken! don't know where else to ask even though it's not really to do with ubuntu but i use ubuntu!07:55
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protocol1there was some kernel updates earlier I see07:55
seamus_ieketetha_: then check for it in the multimedia part of the menu07:55
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Dr_SatoH/join ircle07:56
ketetha_seamus_ie, its not there. let me check the menu editor07:56
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seamus_ieketetha_: try running it from the shell07:56
jonah1980_2i was trying to fit an internal card reader but i think i plugged it into wrong place! and now i'm scared to plug it anywhere!07:56
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jonah1980_2i don't want to burn out my computer!07:57
ketetha_seamus_ie, what do you mean shell. im realy sorry but im really new at this so cna you take me step by step07:57
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Frankensteini know whats going to happen.... im going to get accused of not telling you everything after i ask for help again after being ignored07:57
seamus_ieketetha_:  a terminal, like gnome-terminal07:57
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[Phil] hi, i downloaded the 'desktop cd' from http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/ , and it says i can 'try or install ubuntu' but i cant see anywhere on the boot menu an option to install ubuntu to my system, have i got the right disc?07:57
Jeruvyafter you start phil, then run the installer once booted up07:58
=== Dr_Sato says sorry.... this i not a testing channel :)
ketetha_seamus_ie, ok whats the code or command line07:58
[Phil] oh07:58
=== Satafterh [i=Satafter@fctnnbsc15w-156034089120.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
[Phil] so you run it from within the live cd environment?07:58
[Phil] ah right07:58
ketetha_seamus_ie, nevermind. it needed some time. its there ;)07:58
ketetha_seamus_ie, merci becoup07:59
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[Phil] lol ive searched all the faqs and never saw that07:59
Frankensteinwell thanks for all of the help!  made me feel like an asshole and just ignore me07:59
EricRainso realy , Mailserver and FTP server with some good and easy GUI , I need to make some easy way to manage users  for my ****** bosses (windows users ' you know)07:59
[Phil] cheers matey :)07:59
cachedI asked this earlier but nobody responded: "if i were to reinstall windows on a seperate partition, would it mess up the MBR and, if so, how can I restore it to loading grub so I can dual boot?"07:59
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Jeruvycached: yes.  Try lilo08:00
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erUSUL!grub > cached08:00
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:00
Dokkeri-Jeruvy: Can't see how that'd be much better if your MBR gets overwritten.08:00
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Dokkeri-Well that should help... :P08:01
ketetha_whats grubs purpose again?08:01
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:01
Prozaci already had it that way, ubotu.08:01
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cachederusul: thanks08:01
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erUSULcached: no problem.08:01
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jonah1980_2hello, is there anyone that can help me out please?08:01
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NutubuntuHi - I still have a package that seems to be installed, that Synaptic doesn't know about. I want to remove it completely. How do I start?08:02
slowz3rWhat are some good accesories or system tools i should get08:02
Gregy1727FunnyLookinHat: there was no usb compatible hardware list on there. I can't do scanmodem with it because i don't yet have the modem. I wanted to make sure it worked before i bought it.08:02
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=== Fergy [n=Fergy@a82-92-232-156.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
FunnyLookinHatGregy1727, You could also try going to google and searching "Modem Name Here" linux support08:03
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NutubuntuThere must be some command that inventories everything ... surely?08:03
cdubyaNutubuntu, inventories what?08:04
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scifii have a large .list file, can i open it in a database like sql ?08:04
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Nutubuntucdubya-  all the installed packages ... I somehow have installed a package that Synaptic doesn't know about, and I can't seem to get rid of it08:04
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daryl_When I open sound juicer and press Extract, it closes the window.  I am not sure why.  Please help!  : ) thanks08:04
Some_PersonI hate those vertical lines in the Dapper Progress Bar08:05
Some_PersonHow can I get rid of them?08:05
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erUSULSome_Person: change them System>Prefer>theme08:05
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NutubuntuThere must be a way to do it.08:05
bleakedwhy is the helix-engine not in the repos?08:05
sorcreCould someone give me a hand with Xen? I am following a tutorial online but seem to be having troubles.08:06
nigel_anyone here know's how to set your wireless connection to automatically reconnect after disconnection ?08:06
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daryl_Does anyone know why the Sound Juicer program would close when I press Extract?08:07
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slowz3rwhere can i download some new themes08:07
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Ensiferumany particular reasons why dapper wont let me mount existing partitions when installing?08:07
sorcreDoes anyone know why "/sbin/depmod -a 2.6.15-26-k7-xen" won't work? I'm trying to install Xen08:07
NutubuntuSo ... how do I manually uninstall a package that Synaptic doesn't see, or somehow get Synaptic or apt-get to see it?08:07
Dokkeri-slowz3r: try http://art.gnome.org/ or something.08:07
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cdubyaNutubuntu, sudo apt-get remove package08:08
slowz3rDokkeri-, is installing pretty straitfoward08:08
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Shannon1hi everyone08:08
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erUSULNutubuntu: how do you instaled the package? with dpkg?08:08
kbrosnanI need to spoof a mac address, how can I do this. I tried messing with /etc/iftab but that broke my eth008:08
Dokkeri-slowz3r: Yeah I think so. If I remember correctly you can install new themes from the theme manager.08:08
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NutubuntuerUSUL-  I am assuming I must have ... but it's been months, and I'm not sure08:08
NutubuntuIt was glabels 2.0.4 ... it's just possible I built it from source08:09
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erUSULNutubuntu: which package are we talking about?08:09
cdubyaNutubuntu, did you install the package you're talking about using a dpkg command or using synaptic08:09
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cdubyaewww...missed your response...08:09
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slowz3rDokkeri-,  ok ..ill ask u if i have any questions08:09
aboI have problems with grub, I tried to resize/move the root partition and now grub does not start anymore, can anyone help?08:09
Shannon1can anyone tell me what was the big change between Breeezy kernel and Dapper kernel that make mouse unusable in many laptop08:09
NutubuntuI think it must have been using dpkg, cdubya ... erUSUL, it's glabels08:09
erUSULNutubuntu: if you instaled from source then it shoulb be instaled in /usr/local08:09
cdubyaNutubuntu, dpkg -r package08:10
cdubyaerrr, sudo dpkg -r package08:10
daryl_Does anyone know why the Sound Juicer program would close when I press Extract?  I tried uninstalling it and then reinstalling it.08:10
erUSULNutubuntu: go there an rm the files by hand. tedyus but effective08:10
=== Nutubuntu goes to try that out ... I'll try the dpkg cmd first, then go by hand if need be ... thanks, erUSUL and cdubya
erUSULdaryl_: run it from terminal and see if it spit some error msg08:10
cdubyaNutubuntu, if you built from source, erUSUL is heading you there.....08:11
nargdaryl_ it's probably crashing08:11
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daryl_narg: yeah i'm not sure why its doing this.  It didn't do it yesterday.08:12
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erUSULabo: if you moved the partitions you have to put your changes in /boot/grub/menu.lst and in /etc/fstab. do it with a livecd08:12
Nutubuntucdubya Looks like dpkg -r won't do it; it thinks glabels isn't installed08:12
daryl_narg: i've used it many times, and it just normally starts ripping the .ogg files08:12
nargdaryl_: have you tried multiple files?08:12
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daryl_narg: let me try a different cd08:12
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aboerUSUL, I'm not running the live cd08:12
cdubyaNutubuntu, yeah, if you went from source, do what erUSUL said08:13
erUSULNutubuntu: i expect it if apt does not see it dpkg wont too (and viceversa)08:13
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aboerUSUL, what is the change that I need to put?08:13
erUSULabo: are you able to boot your ubuntu/linux intall08:13
daryl_narg: lol its not happening w/this new cd08:13
daryl_narg: it appears to be functioning differently w/a different cd08:14
nargdaryl_: its a crappy cd then. some are like that, and crash programs trying to rip them08:14
cberloHi folks.  Anyone know how to get the 2.4 series of kernels to boot with a SCSI RAID controller as the boot device?  2.6 works seamlessly, but I'm trying to get a feature from 2.4 and can't get it to boot on my Dell PowerEdge 250008:14
aboerUSUL, I only have the live cd ... I'm using it now.. but don't know what to do08:14
daryl_narg: any suggestions?  this is actually a cd we made in house08:14
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scifiwill openoffice be able to open .list files so i can query/search in them ?08:14
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nargdaryl_: you could try it with commandline cdparanoia, but frankly, its probably screwed.08:15
erUSULabo: put the output of fdisk -l /dev/hda in a pastebin (asuming yoiu instaled linux in hda)08:15
cdubyascifi, couldn't you just use apt-cache search?08:15
daryl_narg: hah, i guess i'll have to try a windows pc, thanks man08:15
cytrakis ubuntu 5.x xen 3.x enabled ?08:15
ketetha_ok im back08:15
ketetha_and ready to help08:15
nargdaryl_: No problem; I hope it works08:15
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ketetha_i hate the live cd08:15
cdubyaheh. I love it.08:16
cdubyaSaved me yesterday08:16
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scificdubya, i want to be able to filter out entries08:16
cdubyascifi, synaptic08:16
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scificdubya, search for apt-cache search in synaptic ?08:17
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scificdubya, will it allow me to filter and sort search results ?08:17
cdubyascifi, no.....what are you searching for?08:17
aboerUSUL, it used to be sda08:17
cberloAnyone know of a way to edit WordPerfect documents in Linux?08:17
c0ax__um so i put in the desktop cd to isntall for the first time. anmd after loading drivers and all that stuff it reboots with no warning08:17
cdubyascifi, yep;08:17
c0ax__what could be wrong?08:17
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cdubyascifi, what are you looking for08:18
erUSULabo: then put the output of fdisk -l /dev/sda in a pastebin08:18
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aboerUSUL, but now fdisk -l /dev/sda  say cannot open /dev/sda08:18
Skynet243Hi! how do I make a windows xp compatible samba password form ubuntu? I searched the wiki but couldn't find any answer..08:18
scificdubya, these are large IMDB files, i want to be able to filter my results based on the movies ratings and by year etc08:18
cdubyaSkynet243, smbpasswd -a user08:18
aboerUSUL, I'm sure it used to be sda08:18
erUSULabo: with sudo abo08:18
Skynet243cdubya, ok thanks08:18
cachedwhat the fuck08:18
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erUSULabo: then put the output of 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda' in a pastebin08:19
cachedsorry for language08:19
aboerUSUL, ok ok08:19
cdubyascifi, so you're wanting to search files you have saved on your machine?08:19
cachedwhat the hell was "* cached YOU JUST LOST THE GAME"08:19
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ketetha_you guysknow any good gamess?08:20
c0ax__um so i put in the desktop cd to isntall for the first time. anmd after loading drivers and all that stuff it reboots with no warning08:20
scificdubya, yes, they are in a .list format which can be opened in a text viewer. but i need something like a database viewer so that i can filter results08:20
cdubyascifi, they're text files?08:20
erUSULscifi: is a csv?08:20
Shannon1any knowledgeable user on kernel version, welling to take few minute with me for explanations08:20
scificdubya, no they are ".list" files, but they can be opened in text viewer programs08:21
erUSULscifi: comma separated value (csv) file08:21
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cdubyascifi, so you can't use something like gedit?08:21
scificdubya/erUSUL, they are not csv, but i think they are a similar format to that08:21
cdubyascifi, I realize that. :)08:21
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Renardo`pat opu nav :D08:22
scificdubya, well i can open them fine in mousepad, xcfe's default text viewer08:22
amonkeyi'm trying to stream what i hear, but when i set rec to vol, my sound gets 'tinny'. it just sounds noticably worse. how can i fix this?08:22
scificdubya, but obviously i cant run queries in that :P08:22
cdubyascifi, that's why I was asking......08:22
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newbie_hi @ll08:22
erUSULscifi: with a little awk script you can do wonders08:23
Hexidigitalanyone have problems logging into KDE after locking the screen? it's almost as if it dosen't want to accept my password08:23
aboerUSUL, the paste bin doesn't look to be working correctly, can I put the output here, or to u in private, (it's not very very big)08:23
newbie_i've got a problem installing dhcp ... during the installation process i got a message window that the dhcp failed08:23
scifierUSUL, ive never used scripts, wudnt no where to start. im installing openoffice to see if "base" will be able to handle them08:23
newbie_how can i proceed now?08:23
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cberlonewbie_:  server or client?08:23
Renardo`neviedais psigjec08:24
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Renardo`te tak noteikti biezhi botnets uzbruuk08:24
erUSULabo: try pastebin.ca08:24
newbie_client .. i installed xubuntu in text mode08:24
neviedaisRenardo`, preved, krasavcheg!08:24
cdubyaRenardo, what language are you speaking?08:24
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cberlonewbie_: Do you have a DHCP server on your network?08:24
Renardo`cdubya latvian08:24
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newbie_i have a router that runs a dhcp server08:24
airjumpis earch a good Ubuntu Magazine?08:24
ubotuI know nothing about !lv - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com08:24
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ubotuI know nothing about lv - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com08:25
Renardo`all ubuntu users is gays!!08:25
Renardo`all ubuntu users is gays!!08:25
Renardo`all ubuntu users is gays!!08:25
Renardo`all ubuntu users is gays!!08:25
Renardo`all ubuntu users is gays!!08:25
Renardo`all ubuntu users is gays!!08:25
LoWarning: `Renardo`' seems to be spamming, please discontinue or kicks/kills/klines will be issued.08:25
RezWarning: `Renardo`' seems to be spamming, please discontinue or kicks/kills/klines will be issued.08:25
Renardo`all ubuntu users is gays!!08:25
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Renardo`all ubuntu users is gays!!08:25
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Renardo`all ubuntu users is gays!!08:25
Renardo`all ubuntu users is gays!!08:25
Renardo`all ubuntu users is gays!!08:25
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cberlonewbie_: Alrighty then.  Is your network card being recognized?08:25
newbie_are renardo ...  are08:25
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newbie_how do i state this?08:25
scifierUSUL, i take it id have to set-up a new script everytime id want to make a different query ?08:25
cberlonewbie_: Thanks, but I'm not.  :)08:25
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aboerUSUL, done http://pastebin.ca/8626408:25
Aphex_Twinhello there. relatively speaking, is ubuntu a good choice for a first-time user? (in terms of audio/video/automatic updates)08:25
cdubyame neither08:25
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gnomefreaknalioth: you got it?08:25
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gnomefreakyep ;)08:25
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cdubyaAphex_Twin, it's a great choice for any user. :)08:26
cberlonewbie_: what kind of network card do you have?  Have you tested it with the Live CD?08:26
ketetha_gnomefreak, why did you just lose operater status08:26
Dokkeri-Aphex_Twin: Ubuntu is a great choice for a first time Linux user.08:26
cberlonewbie_: ifconfig should show your configured cards, yes.08:26
newbie_not yet.. i have just an installation cd available08:26
gnomefreakketetha_: i removed it08:26
erUSULabo: you forgot the -l! 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda'08:26
ketetha_gnomefreak, ohh you can add it yourself?08:26
newbie_well, only lo appears, eth0 is missing08:26
Aphex_Twincdubya: I'm thinking in terms of "unix for real real people who like to have audio play mp3"08:26
`Evil`Can anyone suggest a good torrent client for Ubuntu? (but not Azureus - with least CPU/mem usage)08:26
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javioloany ubuntu user using fluxbox ? Id like to know how to change the gtk2 themes08:26
cberlonewbie_: what kind of nic?08:26
cdubyaAphex_Twin, it's one of the easiest distros I've used08:27
newbie_i own a netgear card ...fa 31108:27
Subhuman`Evil`, bittornado probs08:27
cdubyaAphex_Twin, and has great support08:27
`Evil`Lt-Ubuntu, thanks08:27
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`Evil`subzone, thanks08:27
cberlonewbie_: do you know which module it's supposed to load?08:27
Aphex_Twinhow is it in terms of audio alone?08:27
WhitePersonmust i be root to install a kernel module?08:27
SubhumanAphex_Twin, ubuntu with easyubuntu then :D08:27
newbie_not really08:27
`Evil`Subhuman, woops, Subzone :) but thank08:27
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slowz3ris there a way to make X-chat completly transparent08:27
ketetha_WhitePerson, hii08:27
SubhumanWhitePerson, yes use sudo08:27
cdubyaAphex_Twin, worked great with all my h/w out of the box08:27
stefg`Evil`: maybe http://rufus.sf.net suits you needs... read through the forums ther's an ubuntu package available08:27
newbie_i thought that dhcp would do everything automatically08:27
aboerUSUL, oh sorry, trying again08:27
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cberlonewbie_: You should google that.  The do "lsmod | grep <mynic>" with the right module name to see if it found your card08:28
WhitePersonwell how to crackers gain access to root, via root kits, if the user has to be root in the first place to install the root kits?08:28
dinWhere exactly does iptables-save save the conf file at in ubuntu?08:28
`Evil`stefg, thanks, will do08:28
aboerUSUL, that should be it now, http://pastebin.ca/8627008:28
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RopechoborraI cant here Youtube.com sounds in their videos.. why can be that??08:28
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steveireis it possible to use aptitude/apt-get to upgrade only some packages, but not all? I tried sudo aptitude upgrade open*, but that didn't work08:29
scificdubya/erUSUL: it imported the file into "base", but when it finished it displayed it in "writer" :*(08:29
newbie_the module is called natsemi08:29
Aphex_Twindoes ubuntu have out-of-the-box support for fancy audio mixing?08:29
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cdubyascifi, heh, ouch08:29
cberloRopechoborra: I have a similar problem on an LTSP setup -- it's got something to do with the flash player08:29
Aphex_TwinI'm speaking an easy ability to control and manipulate various input/output audio streams08:29
cberloAphex_Twin: you mean like Audacity?08:29
cberlonewbie_: is natsemi loaded?08:30
abhinayhi,   i hv a problem with installing Real Player , i did  $ ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin , the error was ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory  , wot was the problem ? any suggestions ?08:30
Ropechoborracberlo could be a firefox plugins problem?08:30
newbie_how can i see this?08:30
Aphex_Twincberlo: I mean live mixing08:30
newbie_using lsmod | grep natsemi08:30
ketetha_abhinay, do you have wine or whatever?08:30
cberloabhinay: check the docs at wiki.ubuntu.com -- there's a RealPlayer howto there.08:30
zybridWhen creating a new user, i cant login with xgl session in gdm, i get the following error http://rafb.net/paste/results/WiZ6DQ72.html tips?08:30
erUSULabo: you have two linux partitions. which one is root? /dev/sda5?08:30
Ensiferumyay, dapper drake out of the box installation and B0RKED08:30
cberlonewbie_: lsmod | grep natsemi08:30
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abono /dev/sda808:30
newbie_natsemi 28000 008:31
scificdubya/erUSUL: maybe try saving it out as a .csv ?08:31
aboerUSUL, /dev/sda808:31
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newbie_it should be loaded then, shouldn't it?08:31
ketetha_ok i have a question. earlier a guy asked a question about incoporating your terminal into your desktop. is this possible?08:31
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cberlonewbie_: try this:  sudo ifup eth008:31
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cberlonewbie_: then...  sudo dhclient eth008:31
erUSULabo: no thas is swap now... as fdisk output tells08:31
cdubyaabhinay, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealplayerInstallationMethods?highlight=%28RealPlayer%2908:31
newbie_what's the sudo password?08:31
ketetha_and if that is possilbe ^^^^ how so08:32
BrianWOOTAnyone here use that gtk 2.0 theme Candido?08:32
ketetha_newbie_, its usuallly your password08:32
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cberlonewbie_: Depends on what your password is...  it is whatever you set yours to be.08:32
Subhumannewbie_, your user password08:32
erUSULabo: you have one partition for root / and other for /home or /boot?08:32
cberloketetha_, Subhuman:  Nice.  :)08:32
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scificdubya/erUSUL: hmm doesnt give me that option08:32
Dr_Satonewbie_: it is the same as your own when U installed Ubuntu08:32
cdubyascifi, might work08:32
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ketetha_cberlo, haha nice what? nice assistance? hah08:32
cdubyascifi, hmm08:32
Ropechoborranewbie_ instead of loggin as root u can use sudo command (its for more security)08:32
Some_PersonI need to disable Ubuntu connecting on startup08:33
cberloketetha_: nice response time08:33
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jwhaymanhi there, could someone give me a hand with a problem im having with accessing my shared ubuntu folders on a windows network please?08:33
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Some_PersonHow do I do it?08:33
ketetha_cberlo, haha thankss! i thought i was goign to be wrong. i've only had ubuntu for like 2 days08:33
Dr_SatoSome_Person: Than don't put the cable in :)08:33
aboerUSUL, it seems the names are different from what they were before... /dev/sda6 seems to be the root08:33
cdubyaSome_Person, I always Ctrl-C when I see the system boot.....08:33
newbie_it says: ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth008:33
vbgunzanyone know how I can make my terminal resolution bigger?08:33
cdubyaand it gets to that point08:33
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SurfnKidhow do i know what driveres are in the kernel tree??08:33
Some_PersonMy modem dials up right when I log in08:34
Dr_SatoSome_Person: Or by means of BUM don't let your nic come up at boot time08:34
Ropechoborrajwhayman You mean accesing ubuntu from Windows??08:34
Some_PersonI don't want it to08:34
ketetha_so is it possible to incoporate your terminal actually in your desktop?08:34
cberlonewbie_: Sorry, can't get you much further.  Not familiar with Xubuntu08:34
aboerUSUL, all / , /boot and /home are on the same partition, something else is on the other one08:34
steveirelooks like aptitude doesn' do what I want. Unless it's available, but undocumented...08:34
jwhaymani mean accessing a shared folder from a windows network08:34
erUSULabo: the 7 GB partition?08:34
erUSULabo: is root08:34
cberloketetha_: from what I've read, yes.  Not interested in that option, myself.  In theory, anything can run "in" the desktop in X, though.08:34
cdubyajwhayman, what's the issue08:34
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Ropechoborrajwhayman cant help u on that.. dont got a network yet where to test =/08:35
newbie_is there another channel for xubuntu?08:35
aboerUSUL, yes, I was trying to increase it... this is what caused the mess ( I had to play around with other partitions - moving and resizing)08:35
Dr_Satonewbie_: when does it say : ignoring interface eth0=eth008:35
Some_PersonSo how do I stop ubuntu from auto-connecting to the internet?08:35
jwhaymanive installed SAMBA and everything and i can see the folders that are being shared in my windows network and the permissions on Ubuntu are set correctly but i cant access them08:35
newbie_after entering sudo ifup eth008:35
cberlonewbie_: yep:  #xubuntu08:35
ketetha_cberlo, do you know how it works or no a link that explains it08:35
cdubyajwhayman, what's the error08:35
cdubyaif any08:35
Some_Personthe device is ppp008:35
Dr_Satonewbie_: Ah okay.... is it configured correctly?08:36
cberloketetha_: Sorry, it's been a while since I played with that, and the way Ubuntu does things is a bit different that the way I once did it years ago.  I just know it's possible!  :)08:36
jwhaymancdubya configuration information could not be read from the domain controller08:36
newbie_i'm not sure .. the installation procedure for dhcp failed08:36
steveireany aptitude whiz in here?08:36
ketetha_cberlo, haha well thats hope enough!! thankss :) ima google it. google is my best friend ya know08:36
erUSULabo: well you are in the good track. all you have to do is mount your root partition from the live cd. then edit fstab to reflect the changes you made08:36
cberloketetha_: I used to run the Matrix screensaver in my desktop window.  Pretty cool looking.08:36
newbie_but lsmod lists the appropriate driver08:36
Dr_Satonewbie_: your going to fast... speaking in bits and pieces... first start explaining what the problem is!08:37
cberlonewbie_: Did you try the dhclient eth0 command?08:37
aboerUSUL, I failed to do so with gparted and evms, so I restarted in windows, and tried to do it using partition magic, and it asked to restart, and when I restarted, I couldn't boot, so I suspect there is a partition magic job hanging waiting to boot in windows the first time to work again, I think I'll have to do what I'm doing now .. once again ;)08:37
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erUSULabo: to mount the partition do 'sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdx /mnt/'08:37
ketetha_cberlo, haha i always stuck to the moving text across the screen in window. now mine is set at random. i'm never off the computer so it doesn thave a chance to go off anyway08:37
scificdubya/erUSUL: hmm, it looked like it had opene dit in "writer" by default. just tried opening it in "base", it imports, but when i try to go to "tables" it says " the connection to the data source movies coould not be established" and mentions SQL Status: S100008:37
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newbie_well i left dhcp unconfigured since it failed during the installation process08:37
vbgunzanyone know how I can make my terminal resolution bigger?08:37
cberlowell, gotta run.  ttyl08:38
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scificdubya/erUSUL: ne ideas how i link sql with openoffice ?08:38
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slowz3rwhy is there noo options under tools in firefox??08:38
newbie_now the rest of the system is up but i have to get my nic working08:38
cdubyascifi, no idea there...I always use mysql and php08:38
scificdubya: shud i try that ?08:38
kbrosnanslowz3r, gnome human interface guidelines08:38
cdubyascifi, it would require the data to be in a table in a mysql db08:39
slowz3rkbrosnan, and that means ?08:39
newbie_i entered sudo ifup eth0 and got "ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0"08:39
cdubyajwhayman, so you can't get any kind of connection without that error?08:39
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Dr_Satonewbie_: Okay... DHCP might be the problem. But like cberlo said. did you try dhcpclient eth0 command?08:40
newbie_however with ifconfig eth0 appears08:40
cdubyahuh. he left.08:40
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scificdubya: how wud i go about doing that ?08:40
newbie_after ifup eth0 yes08:40
Dr_Satonewbie_: that only means that it is recognised by your machine/os/thinggy08:40
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kbrosnanslowz3r, that the people who write the gnome deskop want what would be called options in the tools menu of windows called preferences in the edit menu08:40
cdubyascifi, what kinda format is the .list file? is it like csv?08:40
ketetha_is anyone familar with running the terminal in the desktop?08:40
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jwhaymancdubya, have you got any ideas about what is wrong please?08:41
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Subhumanketetha_, yes, applications /accesories/terminal??08:41
Dr_SatoYou need to reconfigure your adapter/nic08:41
slowz3rkbrosnan, ok i got it now thanks08:41
newbie_then a few times dhcpdiscover was done .. but in the end i received "no working leases in persistent database - sleeping"08:41
aboerUSUL, I'm going to reboot now08:41
cdubyajwhayman, did you smbpasswd -a all the users......?08:41
Dr_SatoOw hold on....08:41
newbie_how can i do this reconfiguration?08:41
ketetha_Subhuman, haha not quite. like putting it in the desktop. so its there. forever. or able to take outt08:41
Some_Perso1Please help me stop Ubuntu from auto-dialing when i log in08:41
ketetha_Some_Perso1, auto-dialing to the net?08:41
Dr_Satonewbie_: Do U have a machine that runs DHCP so you CAN get a Ip?08:41
cdubyajwhayman, and can you tell samba to NOT act as PDC and at least get the share working first, then go to the PDC setup08:41
scificdubya: ubuntus description of the file is "plain text document"08:42
cdubyascifi, heh08:42
Subhumanketetha_, ahh drawing it to the root window.08:42
cdubyascifi, got a link?08:42
Subhumanketetha_, i dont know if you can do it in GNOME08:42
Dr_Satonewbie_: as in DO you have a DHCP server/ router or something08:42
santiHello all08:42
scificdubya: gimme a sec08:42
Dr_Satolo santi08:42
newbie_yes i have 2 windows machines that apparently are able to get an ip via dhcp from the router .. but not via cable but via wlan, shouldn't matter08:42
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jwhaymancdubya, ok ill try that, the folders are currently visible but so they are being shared and the permissions in Ubuntu are set correctly but i havent checked the smbpasswd08:42
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newbie_i have a router08:42
BrianWOOTAnyone here use Ubuntu Themes?08:42
Some_PersonYes, it auto-connects to the net08:43
cdubyajwhayman, man smbpasswd.....08:43
jwhaymancdubya, yep just reading about it, thanks very much08:43
cdubyajwhayman, it's really straightforward, but that has given me headaches before because I forgot to do it....:)08:43
Dr_Satonewbie_: maybe I'm off but is ther a cable sticking out of your system that runs towards teh router that DHCP's?08:43
santiI've got a problem with OO 2.org08:43
Some_PersonSometimes I like using the phone08:43
ketetha_Subhuman, what can you do it in? aww shucks.08:43
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cdubyajwhayman, once you've added them there, then try to connect again.....08:43
Some_PersonSo I don't want it to auto connect08:43
newbie_erm ... yes08:43
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=== Dr_Sato thinks starting at the beginning
santieach time i click on the "use a wizard to create table" on OO it crashes08:43
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santiI've got ubuntu dapper08:44
Some_PersonCan you guys help me?08:44
kbrosnanslowz3r, http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gup/hig/2.0/menus-standard.html#menu-standard-edit08:44
erUSULscifi: most spreadsheet and db apps can impor ascii files you can try that route08:44
Some_PersonI'm using Dapper08:44
cdubyajwhayman, if that doesn't work, I'd disable the PDC, then restart samba and try to connect that way.....08:44
scificdubya: ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/tv+movies/imdb/  download ratings.list.gz or movies.list.gz08:44
santiit worked perfectly on the breezy08:44
Subhumanketetha_, i had it in WindowMaker but its crap, so much easier to just push Ctrl Alt F1 when you need a terminal.08:44
jwhaymancdubya, thanks very much, ill just get my head around it and see if i can get it to work08:44
Some_PersonI didn't have this problem on Breezy.08:44
zybridHow should i do to have two working XGL/Compiz users? right now i can only have one at the time :/08:44
Dr_Satonewbie_: okay... and if you give it a static adress can you ifup the nic than?08:44
cdubyajwhayman, np. hope that helps08:44
jwhaymancdubya, thanks :)08:44
Subhumanketetha_, cuz once u have a few apps open, to get to it is jus too fiddly.08:44
cdubyajwhayman, if I can help, please feel free.08:44
cdubyascifi, just a sec08:44
jwhaymancdubya, will do08:44
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newbie_i don't know .. was confronted with problems when i tried this before08:45
Some_PersonCan you guys please help me??????08:45
ketetha_Subhuman, ahh i get it. ya seems like it would thanks fo ryour advice. i thougt it would just look cool haha08:45
newbie_so i decided to change to dhcp08:45
=== Ensiferum [n=enska@addr-85-23-13-215.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu
Subhumanketetha_, if you want a cool desktop thing, check out "conky"08:45
newbie_the issue was that hosts weren't found08:45
Subhuman!info conky08:45
newbie_dns problem08:45
ProzacI can't find that machine name08:45
ubotuconky: highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.3.5-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 95 kB, installed size 316 kB08:45
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ketetha_Subhuman, conky? sudo apt-get install conky? or its nota package?08:46
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saudihi is thereany guid can tell me how can i build a personal ubuntu based distro ????08:46
cdubyaSome_Person, just a sec08:46
newbie_what should i check?08:46
Dr_Satonewbie_: sorry... wrong typing in wrong window08:46
Subhumanketetha_, itz a package, but google it to see how to customise it08:46
ketetha_Subhuman, oh ok. ughh i hate that. ctrl alt f1. haha its so BLAH.08:47
Subhumanketetha_, itz a cool text system monitor that sits on your desktop, youll kno what i mean once you try it08:47
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olrrai_Xany img of a mini-distro to boot a vm on vmplayer with smbclient and smbmount ?08:47
Dr_Satonewbie_: ifconfig shows eth0, ifup eth0 tells you ignoring bla bla eth0=eth008:47
vbgunzanyone know how I can make my terminal resolution bigger?08:47
Subhumanketetha_, there is a way to make the terminal slide down from the top edge of the screen when you push F1208:47
scificdubya: i'll be back in a bit. got a visitor.08:47
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JuhazOney0 fellas08:47
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Subhumanketetha_, in synaptic search for "F12 terminal" , i forget the package name08:47
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zybridHow should i do to have two working XGL/Compiz users? right now i can only have one at the time :/08:48
newbie_yes, that's what it's like08:48
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JuhazOnei burnt some dvds a week and a half ago. now i'm using a different ubuntu installation and the the discs don't seem to work08:48
garryFI worry about the some 330 different distros. Like a house that cannot stand when devided I worry that the army of flavors is its worst roadblock.08:48
Dr_Satonewbie_: erm.... let me think 4 a bit08:48
Dr_Satohold on08:48
slowz3ranyone know how i would set the terminal in Gnome as the background of a specific workspace08:48
JuhazOnedmesg gives three lines about it: attempt to access beyond end of device     hdc: rw=0, want=68, limit=4     isofs_fill_super: bread failed, dev=hdc, iso_blknum=16, block=1608:48
Some_Personplease help me stop ubuntu from auto-connecting to the net08:48
ketetha_subhuman, okk wati one second08:49
aranuxhi where to find aguid tell me ho to make a personal distro upon ubuntu????08:49
cdubyaSome_Person, have you tried to disable the connection in the Network Settings08:49
Stormx2aranux: o.O you want to make your own distro?08:49
jwhaymancdubya, im having a little trouble getting my head around the smbpasswd, the windows computer im using to try and access the shared files on the Ubuntu computer, does it need an account?08:49
JuhazOneanother dvd i burnt a long time ago works fine08:49
Dr_Satonewbie_: U have X running?08:49
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aranux<Stormx2 yes08:49
cdubyajwhayman, yes, it has to have a user account on the ubuntu box the same name as you're trying to connect as08:50
newbie_i have xfce running08:50
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newbie_what's x?08:50
ketetha_Subhuman, thanksss for telling me about all this! i'm alwaysllooking for new exciting things that ubuntu has08:50
Dr_Satonewbie_: System > Administration > networking08:50
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cdubyajwhayman, then, once you've created the user account on the ubuntu box, make sure to do a smbpasswd -a username for it08:50
vbgunzanyone know how I can make my terminal resolution bigger?08:50
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Subhumanketetha_, no worries man, anytime :D08:51
Dr_Satonewbie_: please tell me what is in the tabs General, DNS,08:51
ketetha_Subhuman, SVGA plugin for Bochs. would that be the F12 terminal?08:51
jwhaymancdubya, so the ubuntu box will need a username which is the same as the windows computer name? eg the computer is called 123abc i need to make an account on the ubuntu box 123abc?08:51
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Ensiferumdapper seems to have lots of problems out of the box :/08:51
newbie_connections: eth0 not configured08:51
srbakerhey, libxine-extracodecs doesn't seem to exist in multiverse08:51
srbakeranyone know how i can get ahold of it?08:51
cdubyascifi, ewww.....that's a nasty looking file. :)08:52
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newbie_general: computer: ubuntu; domain: is empty there08:52
Lynouresrbaker: easyubuntu is quite nice for quite many nonfree codecs, maybe those too?08:52
newbie_dns: nothing08:52
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RopechoborraHow can i add subtitules to Totem 1.4 ??08:52
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newbie_i'm trying to activate eth0 now08:53
ketetha_JuhazOne, what did you need?08:53
RopechoborraOr... how can i add subtitles for a .avi ??08:53
LynoureJuhazOne: Sounds like something went wrong int the burn process and the first one ended toast08:53
Genericcan anyone help with a linksys wmp54g card? it isn't being detected08:53
srbakerthe lpackage i'm looking for is libxine-extracodecs, and all of the dosc i can find say it should be in multiverse08:53
cdubyajwhayman, yeah, that will keep it simple for you.....so if the netbios name for the windows box is nuts and the other bolts, then you need to create one user on the ubuntu box called nuts and another called bolts....then do an smbpasswd -a nuts and the same thing except with the bolts user08:53
aranuxStormx2 :  yes i want to build a personal costomized ubuntu based distro that can fit on my old laptop  and my favorat apps08:53
srbakerbut i'll look at easyubuntu08:53
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JuhazOneLynoure: i burnt three dvds and none of them work..08:53
compengiwhat permissions should be for file system as defaut08:53
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Dr_Satonewbie_: and under hosts? nothing either? or 2 much to drop in here?08:53
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Some_PersonCan anyone help me stop ubuntu  from automatically dialing to the net?08:53
JuhazOnei even created checksums of all the files on one of them and verified they were written correctly08:53
cdubyascifi, that file has absolutely no formatting......08:53
Stormx2aranux: Thats a bit of a big task... what languages do you know?08:53
jwhaymancdubya, ok thanks ill try it08:53
ketetha_some_person, you dont like it?08:54
cdubyajwhayman, np08:54
Some_Personno, i dont08:54
=== olrrai_X [n=olrrai@host111.201-252-116.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_Some_person ok let me see08:54
Genericanyone? can help with a linksys wmp54g wireless card?08:54
JuhazOneketetha_: problems with reading dvds that i burnt 11 days ago08:54
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Ropechoborraquenpil_ ingresa en #ubuntu-es para ayuda en Espaol08:54
Some_Personi have dialup, and sometimes i'm in a phone call, and i start ubuntu, and i hear it dialing08:54
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aranuxStormx2 :  english08:54
Some_Personits annoying08:54
ketetha_JuhazOne, oh i see. well i don tburn so i'm sorry. cant helpp08:54
fidelhola quenpil08:54
Stormx2aranux: programming languages.08:54
cdubyaSome_Person, did you ever say if you disabled the connection or not? I must have missed that08:54
satempleris there a GUI to convert an entire directory of MP3s to OGG for GNOME that will delete the MP3s after conversion08:54
RopechoborraOr... how can i add subtitles for a .avi ??08:55
goubuntuwhats the mesa package with DRI support called ?08:55
Some_Personno, i never did08:55
Stormx2aranux: You don't want to make your own, you just want a lightweight ubuntu08:55
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aranuxc++ perl and python08:55
ketetha_Some_Person, ohh i thought you had dsl. well i have no clue how it works. i've always thought the auto dialing was convient08:55
JuhazOneketetha_: you don't need to be burning... just know something about dvds :)08:55
cdubyaSome_Person, System > Administration > Networking08:55
Some_Personon dsl, it is08:55
erUSULscifi: i get courious with your problem and tried my self i have succesfully imported it to gnumeric08:55
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Genericany networking peeps here? dapper drake isn't detecting my linksys WMP54G08:55
aboerUSUL, it still didn't work, this time I noted down the error number: it says stage , error08:55
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aranuxStormx2 :  c++ perl and python08:55
cdubyaSome_Person, then click on your dial-up connection and disable it08:55
ketetha_JuhazOne, true. buti dont know that either haha. i just put them in and press play.08:55
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cdubyathat ought take care of it.....08:55
cdubyaI'd think...08:55
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Dr_Satonewbie_: getting it up?08:56
erUSULabo: it is becouse you root changed and so you have to change it in /boot/grub/menu.lst and /etc/fstab08:56
cdubyaSome_Person, as long as you don't need it enabled, then you should be good to go.....restart your machine and see if it tries after you login....08:56
ketetha_Subhuman, what is conky for exactly?08:56
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cdubyaketetha_, system info08:57
erUSULabo: i told you to boot with a livecd mount your root and edit the files by hand changing the name of partitions where apropiate08:57
aranuxStormx2 :  ?????08:57
Stormx2ketetha_, heya, ya ok?08:57
Subhumanketetha_, run "conky"08:57
jwhaymancdubya, sorry to bother you again, ive done this: i got the computer name of the windows computer from the system (dca58779) and added that as a user to Ubuntu, then did sudo smbpasswd -a -n dca58779 in the terminal, then restarted the service but still it doesnt work08:57
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Stormx2aranux: I don't know.08:57
LynoureJuhazOne: So the data on the burned dvds verifies but the cds doen't work? How does that go?08:57
ketetha_Stormx2, no you left me in my time of need. i dont know if i can forgive you yet :)08:57
aranuxStormx2 :  thank you any way08:57
RopechoborraNeed to add subtitles to a .avi video.. someone can helpme ????08:57
Stormx2ketetha_: lol08:57
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Stormx2ketetha_: Did you get audacious installed?08:57
JuhazOneLynoure: at least they verified right after burning08:58
javioloany ubuntu user using fluxbox ? Id like to know how to change the gtk2 themes08:58
JuhazOneLynoure: but i'm using a different installation of ubuntu now08:58
techrush-im having trouble getting my hp laserjet 1022 printer working with 6.06 can anyone help ?08:58
cdubyajwhayman, did you get any kind of error?08:58
JuhazOnei suppose it shouldn't have anything to do with it. but then again, how do you know..08:58
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ketetha_stormx2, yepp! i did the sudo make install and viola. buti havent reallyopned it yet. haha. llet me go check it out08:58
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jwhaymancdubya, it says that the full name of the computer is dca58779.dca.bm do i need to add taht last bit?08:58
cdubyajwhayman, no.....that's winders stuff....08:59
LynoureJuhazOne: Might be worth checking that again. Sometimes there is disk rot, though I guess something bad would have had to happen to 3 have it in one go.08:59
Some_Perso1Doing that completely disabled my dialup08:59
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Lynouretechrush-: Me too08:59
Stormx2ketetha_: Its worth an open. I have some really neat themes for it too...08:59
ketetha_Subhuman, okk im waiting to see what will hapen08:59
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Stormx2ketetha_: Its basicly a winamp clone, really nice lightweight player08:59
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cdubyajwhayman, what error did you get08:59
JuhazOneLynoure: checking what again?08:59
Lynouretechrush-: Based on what I find on google, no one else got it working either08:59
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recoveryhi ubuntu. how can i get root with a user that's not in the sudoers?08:59
ketetha_Stormx2, i've never heard of winampp :) here it goess. opening and what nott:)08:59
LynoureJuhazOne: the files vs. checksums, if they can be read with some computer08:59
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ubotuI know nothing about gimpshop - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com09:00
JuhazOneLynoure: the dvd won't mount09:00
Some_Personcdubya: clicking disable completely disabled my dialup09:00
olrrai_Xsudo su09:00
ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)09:00
mikechmlrecovery: i don't think you can :p09:00
cdubyaSome_Person, umm, yes....09:00
jwhaymancdubya, the same error as before: \\Dca\shared is not accessible..... etc..... might not have permission... configuration information could not be read from the domain controller, eithe rmachine not available or access denied09:00
LynoureJuhazOne: on one computer? Or on any?09:00
ossiehi guys im a looking for some support with a basic shell script09:00
JuhazOnei have just this one :/09:00
ketetha_Stormx2, OMG its so tiny09:00
h3h_timohow do you create a .deb file from sourcE??09:00
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LynoureJuhazOne: The reading drive might be suspect...09:00
gavagaiOk, i created a second mountpoint for a certain directory, but I made a mistake.  How can I unmount it?  I did :  mount --bind /original/directory /copy/of original09:00
_M_U_N_G_O_ike' ile ludu co?09:00
JuhazOneLynoure: well, it did read a dvd i burnt a long time ago09:00
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Some_Personi want it like on 5.10 where i went to teminal and typed in wvdial to connect09:00
JuhazOneand i was using identical media09:00
SurfnKidanyone with a Dell 8600?09:01
Lynouretechrush-: I'm about to be desperate and compile my own hplip packages in effort of getting it to work09:01
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SurfnKidor used the i8k util?09:01
cdubyajwhayman, so what permissions do you have on the share?09:01
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Stormx2ketetha_, thats winamp for ya ;-) its meant to be like that09:01
techrush-Lynoure, not what i wanted to hear :(09:01
cdubyajwhayman, if you want, you can pm me if it's easier09:01
olrrai_Xanyone has a foo.img to boot a mini distro of any linux with smbclient and smbmount?09:01
ketetha_Stormx2, your kidding right. i cant make it bigger? its goign to kil my eyes09:01
ossieif [ $dspace -gt 80] 09:01
ossiefor file in `ls -AS -r $incomingfolder`09:01
techrush-i setup ubuntu on my moms comp today but it is absolutely worthless without printing09:01
Lynouretechrush-: Sorry, it was not what I wanted to find out either. Works fine in debian unstable... took all 3min to install09:01
ossiecan anyne see what is worn with that09:01
Some_Personplease help me09:02
Lynouretechrush-: so it _can_ work in linux.09:02
techrush-stupid ubuntu09:02
ossiewhoops wrong part09:02
Stormx2ketetha_: lol, ok then give it a rest ^_^ clearly not for you09:02
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recoverymikechml, well, i have a user that is a sudoer, except, i messed up his home directory and gnome wont start. I want to start him up from scratch, so i deluser, and i get an error. Is there a way to like "refresh" a user?09:02
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cdubyaSome_Person, I've honestly not used dialup on ubuntu, just was suggesting a way you could stop it from auto-dialing as that's what you were asking.....09:02
ketetha_Stormx2, it got bigger! it was just aline. now its boxy :) pretty stuff.09:02
Lynouretechrush-: My wild guess is that it takes just a tab newer hplip, 0.9.9 instead of 0.9.7 in dapper. Want me to keep you posted?09:02
jwhaymancdubya, im not a registered user it wont allow me to pm09:02
cdubyajwhayman, ah09:02
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aboerUSUL, ok so /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst , anything else?09:02
ketetha_Stormx2, it better be for me after all that hoopla :)09:02
jwhaymancdubya, drwxrwxrwx 3 jwhayman admin    4096 2006-07-12 11:59 shared09:03
Some_Personyes, but i want it like it was on Breezy09:03
h3h_timocould someone point me in the direction of how to create a .deb file from a source package??09:03
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techrush-Lynoure, please keep me posted yes09:03
mikechmlrecovery: go into single user/recovery mode and fix it09:03
Ensiferumlol at the package dependencies, removing irssi requires also removing ubuntu-desktop09:03
erUSULabo: if you correct the info there you will recover your instalation09:03
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Ensiferumwhat fecking shit is this?09:03
cdubyajwhayman, did you turn off the PDC?09:03
Stormx2ketetha_: lol... well get some themes... theres a real good set called "remake"09:03
Lynouretechrush-: msg me with a way to contact you (email, permanently present irc nick, whatever) and I'll do that. I'll prolly get to try it next time this weekend09:03
mikearthurwhy does postfix give me a "postalias: fatal: open database /etc/aliases.db: Permission denied" I'm root!09:04
ketetha_Stormx2, musics not really working thouhg :(09:04
ketetha_Stormx2, doe sit not take ogg?09:04
jwhaymancdubya, i dont know what the PDC is09:04
=== revilot [n=se7en1ne@24-171-76-81.dhcp.mtvr.il.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
cdubyajwhayman, you want to just pastebin your smb.conf for me?09:04
recoverymikechml, how? what command do i want to type? as it is, he has nothing in his home dir...at all. i need to just give him a skeleton09:04
cdubyascifi, you still here?09:04
Stormx2ketetha_: Should do, if you set up the right libs and ./configured again like I said09:05
revilothow can i check my agp settings on an ati card?09:05
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NutubuntuHm ... I have renamed every glabels*.* file I can find but when I type the command "glabels" it still tries to run ... what have I missed?09:05
jwhaymancdubya, sure no proble, woudl you be able to tell me how to do that please? im new to irc09:05
recoverywith like a .gnome2 file and .dmrc. those are the files im getting errors from09:05
cdubyanp. links in the topic....09:05
ketetha_Stormx2, hmm. hmm. wel. i'm too lazy to fix it now ;) i'll try that tomororw09:05
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ceruleantigerI have a AMD X2:3800+ (dual core) and for some reason gnome-system-monitor identifies only 1 cpu. /proc/cpuinfo shows 'processor:0' which is even more bizarre... since it's a pretty fast system even with one core active, I guess I haven't noticed, but it irks me...09:05
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=== AndyCooll [n=AndyCool@spc1-stkp2-0-0-cust137.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_Stormx2, The following files could not be played. Please check that:09:05
ketetha_1. they are accessible.09:05
ketetha_2. you have enabled the media plugins required.09:05
ceruleantigerI'm running the most recent x86 kernel (as in yesterday's update)09:05
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:05
Prozaci already had it that way, ubotu.09:05
cdubyajwhayman, ^^^^^^^^^^ there you go09:06
Lynouretechrush-: or, if you don't mind sharing that with all the growd, the channel is fine too.09:06
jwhaymancdubya thank you09:06
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NutubuntuerUSUL or cdubya  ... I have renamed every glabels*.* file I can find but when I type the command "glabels" it still tries to run ... what have I missed?09:06
revilothow can i check my agp settings on an ati card?09:06
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Rower|MagdaHow to see what packages ive installed with apt-get09:07
Meatwadi have a 500GB external hard drive and I was wondering what file-system i should format it in so as to be most efficient with ubuntu ?09:07
cdubyaNutubuntu, you're having fun, huh?09:07
cdubyaumm, just a sec09:07
Nutubuntucdubya ... yep ... : )09:07
Nutubuntucdubya - thought it would be safer to mv than rm09:07
cdubyaNutubuntu, that would seem that you need to remove the exec from /usr/bin prolly, but just a guess.....09:08
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ketetha_Stormx2, ill try gain later. haha09:08
Stormx2ketetha_: Audacious gave you that?09:08
mikearthurwhy does postfix give me a "postalias: fatal: open database /etc/aliases.db: Permission denied" I'm root!09:08
ketetha_Stormx2, yepp09:08
cdubyaNutubuntu, sudo mv /usr/bin/glabels /home/user/Desktop or something of that nature09:08
Nutubuntucdubya ... I'll look for it. I'd have sworn it was not there but ... no harm in double checking09:08
Stormx2ketetha_: make sure you have nothing open using sound, or go to preferences and change the output plugin09:08
cdubyaNutubuntu, locate glabels09:08
seagullthemeafter last updating ubuntu with synaptic, all KDE programs get strange errors, and all of them get one which gives me the error messsage "could not start process unable to create io-slave: permission denied"09:08
amonkeyhow can i let my ubuntu machine look hostnames on my lan? i don't want to have to use ips to connect to other servers, just their hostnames.09:08
ketetha_what is the oint of conky09:08
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ketetha_Stormx2, to what? change the output plugin to what09:09
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Stormx2ketetha_: What is it currently?09:09
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cdubyakethetha_, I always thought it was another of those system monitors....:)09:09
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ketetha_Stormx2, one sec it is OSS output plugin09:09
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jwhaymancdubya, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1785209:09
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Stormx2ketetha_: Change it to ALSA if that's available09:09
ProzacStormx2: that doesn't look right09:09
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Stormx2Prozac: Hmm?09:10
Prozacno idea, stormx209:10
Stormx2Prozac: What?09:10
Prozacwish i knew, stormx209:10
bertuHey can someone suggest a converter which converts .ogg to .mp3 for my mp3 player?09:10
Rower|MagdaHow to see what packages ive installed with apt-get09:10
Stormx2Oh wtf09:10
ketetha_Stormx2, it has OSS and Disk Writer09:10
Stormx2I'm talking to a bot09:10
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fouadbajwahow about Vlan?09:10
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bertuare you talkng to me fouadbajwa?09:11
fouadbajwadoesn't video LAN provide conversion facilities09:11
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cdubyajwhayman, hmm...09:11
erUSULNutubuntu: i do not know :(09:11
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novokhello all09:11
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gatekeeperRower|Magda: I would imagine the easiest way would be to use your GUI package Manager09:11
velenohello everyone. where do i set the PATH variable for all sudo users ? i launch sudo sh plexus.sh, and it needs the mvn executable being in the PATH09:11
fouadbajwai use VLAN for all video requirements09:12
Rower|Magdagatekeeper: well .. cant :D09:12
jwhaymancdubya, any ideas?09:12
Rower|Magdagatekeeper: running with no X09:12
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novokfrench here ? please09:12
Rower|Magdaje mapelle Richard :D09:12
fouadbajwai think you will find it in the downloader/updater/synaptic09:12
noway-Heya.  I have added the universe repositories to my source list, but when I try to get irb, it still doesnt find it.  I have tried apt-get upgrade too09:12
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novoksalut ruchard09:12
Rower|Magdafouadbajwa: where is that09:12
Rower|Magdanovok: danke =)09:12
cdubyajwhayman, ok, let's back up and start over.....09:12
ketetha_Stormx2, there are bots in this thingg?09:12
mikechmlhave you done apt-get update, noway-?09:12
ketetha_prozac, hi09:12
Prozacque tal, ketetha_09:12
Rower|Magdanovok: darn that you didnt win the wm ..09:13
ketetha_prozac, are you a bot09:13
ProzacOK, ketetha_.09:13
cdubyajwhayman, workgroup the same on all the windows boxen (Dca)?09:13
ketetha_prozac, i hate you bye09:13
Prozacketetha_: i'm not following you...09:13
willdevcould i get samba server on ubuntu?09:13
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noway-mikechml: yes09:13
Rower|Magdanovok: did anyone find out what the italian said to the french player?09:13
ketetha_prozac, haha funny stuff man09:13
Prozacketetha_: sorry...09:13
willdevanyone got a guide?09:13
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LynoureRower|Magda: dpkg -l does a pretty good job09:13
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:13
NutubuntuerUSUL ... thanks anyhow ... I'm hunting.09:13
aboerUSUL, still not working :-(09:13
ketetha_!tell willdev about samba09:13
gatekeeperRower|Magda: apt-cache show or something like that09:13
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ketetha_willdev, did you get that09:13
ketetha_heyy guyss gotta goo. byeeee09:13
ketetha_Stormx2, byeee.09:13
illvargit there any other repos for e17 other than http://www.soulmachine.net/debian/??09:14
cdubyaNutubuntu, was it in /usr/bin?09:14
jwhaymancdubya, the workgroup is like this Microsoft Windows Network > Dca09:14
Stormx2ketetha_: ok, cya!09:14
Rower|Magdaapt-cache show returns.. no packages found09:14
ubotuI know nothing about apt-cache - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com09:14
novokyes i said ti zidane " everybody knows your are a mother focker terrorist"09:14
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willdevthank you :)09:14
noway-mikechml: hrm, it worked this time, thanks :-)09:14
cdubyajwhayman, that's looking in Network neighborhood, yes?09:14
jwhaymancdubya, everyones computers are there, the ubuntu one is labelled DCAUbunt (Dca)09:14
willdevi installed xgl yey!!!09:14
ceruleantigerRower|Magda: the italian guy said that it was one of those common insults that just slips out, so it wasn't anything directly personal (from what I understand)09:14
fouadbajwaguys any guides to latest linux GUI or 4 Gen programming?09:14
Lynouregatekeeper: hmm, something I'm forgetting about   dpkg -l ?09:15
Rower|Magdaceruleantiger: well seemed more like a personal insult..09:15
fouadbajwahas anyone tried the LAMP Server of 6.06 LTS09:15
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jwhaymancdubya, my network places > entire network > microsoft windows network > Dca09:15
Rower|Magdaceruleantiger: then the player filmed it..09:15
bertuwhen i nstall vlan from where i can run it?09:15
aboerUSUL, I'm going to paste the content of /etc/fstab, and /boot/grub/menu.lst, could you have a look plz09:15
LynoureRower|Magda: did you try   dkpg -l   already?09:15
Dr_Satofouadbajwa: Yes I did was up?09:15
fouadbajwa http://www.videolan.org comes into the start menu09:15
cdubyajwhayman, ok. do you have a static ip for the ubuntu machine?09:15
ceruleantigerRower|Magda: who knows, that's just what the italian guy said09:15
illvargwilldev: xgl? cool. which howto did you use?09:15
fryfrogany suggestions on a good guide for xgl / ubuntu?09:15
fryfroggoogle turns up a few results09:16
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:16
geeksauceevery time i do a full distro upgrade, the older ones are still listed in GRUB.  i assume that means they are still on my hard drive.  are they taking up a lot of real estate?09:16
fouadbajwaDr_Sato how has the experience been, are there screenshot based tutorials availabel09:16
seagullthemeafter last updating ubuntu, all KDE programs get errors I don't recognize.  they all get the error messsage "could not start process unable to create io-slave: permission denied" as well09:16
illvargwilldev: graphicscard?09:16
jwhaymancdubya, no its assigned a dhcp, at the moment, also im running an apache webserver on it which is only accessible locally09:16
Rower|MagdaLynoure: THANX09:16
fouadbajwathere already are Ubuntu-Linux guides on the website guys09:16
jwhaymancdubya, ie just the local network09:16
novoksomeone can help me here in french i prefere it's about break dependancies09:16
Rower|MagdaLynoure: been searching for this command for like 2 month now :D09:16
cdubyajwhayman, k. might set that as a static.....09:16
LynoureRower|Magda: oh, it does cut the package name a bit short... there was a workaround... which I cannot recall09:16
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:16
Dr_Satofouadbajwa: it's Server no X unless You install it http://www.ubuntu.com/support/faq?action=show&redirect=FAQ in the faq it's explained.09:17
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Dr_SatoBut it works like a charm.09:17
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Rower|Magdaceruleantiger: well.. he said it..09:17
Dr_SatoBasic are taken care of in the server09:17
gatekeeperRower|Magda: here is a list of options http://www.ccl.net/cca/software/UNIX/updating-redhat/apt-howto/how-to-use-apt-cache.html09:17
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LynoureRower|Magda: if you make you console wider, if helps :)09:17
unityhello, i am ssh'ed into a computer, can someone tell how i can know for sure that it is running ubuntu?09:17
willdevsamba looks too confusing :(09:17
fouadbajwaDr. Cool cool, do you know any IP thats running the server online?09:17
jwhaymancdubya, do i keep the subnet mask as and the gateway address blank?09:17
fouadbajwai mean in full hosting environment09:17
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willdevis there any other way of sharing files to a windows machne09:18
LynoureRower|Magda: oops, "it helps"09:18
cdubyajwhayman, subnet mask is right, gateway is the IP of your router09:18
Dr_SatoNo guides needed... it's Ubuntu ;) just kidding... it works great...  and with an X it's just like the desktop version...09:18
=== conhe [n=conhe@20151094135.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_SatoI don't know of any ubuntu server 6 in the world maybe someone else... mine is only for internal purposes09:18
jwhaymancdubya, i dont have access to the router, so is the gateway value just ?09:18
fouadbajwais the X installed by default09:18
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geeksauceanyone?  should i get rid of older distro's if i have no need for them?  are they taking up a lot of hard drive space?09:19
fouadbajwaor has to be done through manual commands09:19
LynoureRower|Magda: I'm curious though, what are you using it for? It's handy for multiple things09:19
Dr_Satowilldev: usbstick, floppys, external HDD or removing Windows :)09:19
willdevdam it09:19
Dr_Satofouadbajwa: I had to install it manually ...09:19
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Rower|MagdaLynoure: well.. my mysql fucked up for some reason :/.. when im doing apt-get install mysql-server it says that socket doesent exists09:19
slowz3rgeeksauce,  i would if ur not usin em09:19
scotthey, wondered if anyone could help. using the latest ati fglrx drivers, google earth (also latest version) hard locks after only a minute or two of using it, anyone have any ideas why/fixes to the problem??09:19
Rower|MagdaLynoure: so i wanted the command to see if there was something ive installed earlier that blocked it09:20
Rower|MagdaLynoure: and there was a mysql-client probably blocking it09:20
Dr_Satowilldev: or burning rewritebles... but why Samba is pretty nifty,,, with a web adminstration tool (SWAT) it's handy dandy09:20
cdubyajwhayman, you have the static setup now?09:20
novokscott: what's your cg is it a laptop09:20
scottcg? no im not on a laptop09:20
techrush-man my mom is gonna be so mad at me if she cant print09:20
willdevim a n00b to linux :( it took me 2 hours to install xgl lol09:20
LynoureRower|Magda: you might also enjoy debfoster, it helps against having stuff hanging around that you no longer need09:21
RopechoborraNeed to add subtitles to a .avi video.. someone can helpme ????09:21
fouadbajwaDr_Sato don't you think the server should be graphical as well09:21
geeksauceslowz3r, what's the quickest way to get rid of them?09:21
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Rower|MagdaLynoure: can i use it without x09:21
MarcNRower|Magda: try purging --   apt-get --purge remove mysql-server (assuming you don't care about your database table info).  Then add it back.09:21
fouadbajwathere must be some way to enable the default gnome?09:21
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newbie_dr_sato: sorry, i got a phone call09:21
Dr_Satowilldev: try Samba in combination with SWAT (easy as hell eve I can do it) :)09:21
newbie_now i'm back09:21
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Rower|MagdaMarcN: well doesent work09:21
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willdevgot a link for SWAT all i get on google is the attack force lol09:21
scottnovok: whats cg? and no im not on a laptop09:22
Lynouretechrush-: like I said, I don't mind keeping you posted and if my theory works, I'll let you know. But so far I don't know how to contact you.09:22
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newbie_under hosts there are 8 entries09:22
MarcNRower|Magda: I may have the syntax wrong.09:22
ketetha_everyone nkows i cant stay away for TOO long09:22
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newbie_ff00::0 ip7-mcastprefix09:22
Dr_Satofouadbajwa: Actually i'm in 2 separate thing in my mind. Grafical will work  easier. but without an X and only a prompt I can use all my proc power for the server and not to run an X that doesn't do anything most of the time09:22
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newbie_127.0.0.1 localhost ubuntu09:22
novokthe ati reference09:22
newbie_fe00:0 uo6-localhost09:23
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Rower|MagdaMarcN: thanx09:23
newbie_ff02:2 ip6-allrouters09:23
jwhaymancdubya, changing my settings from dhcp to static causes the computer to disconnect09:23
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KC9JTW_LarsIs there anything in apt that's similar to Streets & Trips?09:23
aboerUSUL, can you have a look at this please, http://pastebin.ca/8632109:23
newbie_ff02:1 ip6-allnodes09:23
KC9JTW_Larsie, mapping software, that can be linked to a GPS?09:23
newbie_::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback09:23
slowz3rgeeksauce, hmm...09:23
cdubyajwhayman, heh. ok09:23
XrekcaHDoes anyone  Know Where i can find the info on the BCM34xx wireless card info info09:23
newbie_127.0.1.1 ubuntu09:23
newbie_ff02:3 ip6-allhosts09:23
XrekcaH! bcm43xx09:24
newbie_that's all09:24
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper09:24
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scottnovok: sorry still dont get which reference you mean? do you mean BusID? opengl version? renderer string etc>?09:24
Dr_Satowilldev: heheh... in the packedge manager on your X System > Administration > Synaptic packedge manager search for Samba and than look for Swat.... click it to install and have fun  (just try it...  no pain no gain :))09:24
MarcNKC9JTW_Lars: see gpsdrive (or try apt-cache search gps    for more gps related stuff, like gpsbabel)09:24
Lynouretechrush-: hmm, msging might not work if you are a non-identified user on Freenode09:24
compengiif i gave someone a user when he wants to install something in his home directory he get permission denied?09:24
KC9JTW_LarsMarcN: thank you for the information :)09:25
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Dr_Satonewbe_: well ... I'm stuck with yours...09:25
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jwhaymancdubya, i think it may be something to do with having apache2 or something but i dont really have any ideas, ive been trying to work out whats been going wrong all day09:25
=== Dr_Sato asks someone who can help newbie_ with his ignoring interface eth0=eth0 problem ?
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Some_Personwhere are the files for the Dapper Progress Bar located?09:26
newbie_do i have to make a dns entry?09:26
cdubyajwhayman, that's wierd.....I just shared my home folder using the shared folders app and I can try to mount it, but I get kicked out....(I know why though....it's the netbios name_09:26
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Tom7ehow do i uninstall the old kernel?09:26
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Dr_Satonewbie_: no that would serve no purpose09:27
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=== Psy [n=Psy@cpc2-warw1-0-0-cust907.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Psyhello hello09:27
Dr_SatoIt's something with the configuration of the nic09:27
geeksauceTom7e, i've been trying to get an answer to that question for the past 5 minutes09:27
ossiewhile [ "$i" -lt 6 ] 09:27
ossie        if [ "$spacecounter" -lt "$disk1" ] 09:27
ossie        then09:27
ossie       $spacecounter = $disk109:27
ossie        echo $spaceounter09:27
jwhaymancdubya, so do you think that is what is wrong with mine too?09:27
ossiecan anyone see what is wrong with that?? please09:27
Dr_Satoor hardware incompatibillities09:27
Dr_SatoDid the nic ever work?09:27
cdubyajwhayman, yeah, I just got logged in fine when I used the win2k user that is the netbios name of the winders box09:27
Rower|MagdaCan someone solve the problem im having when im trying to install ubuntu and it whines that i have an integrated video card...09:27
Psysomeone else having internet/network problems?09:27
aboerUSUL, are you still here?09:28
newbie_i've bought it last saturday09:28
=== Lynoure hands ossie a pastebin
Some_PersonHow can I remove those ugly vertical lines from the new Human's progress bar?09:28
newbie_so i never saw it running09:28
Tom7egeeksauce:  let me know when you hear something09:28
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Dr_Satonewbie_: so it never worked?09:28
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ossieyes Psy I my NIC has stopped working since using latest version of dapper09:28
cdubyajwhayman, well, we can walk through it step by step again if you want, just to make sure09:28
securebootanyone know of anything similar to iWeb in scope and features for free on linux?09:28
geeksauceTom7e, will do09:28
newbie_no, but in connections i see, that eth0 is active09:28
Dr_Satoit does this from the biginning?09:28
TheMoebiushow do i add an application launcher to the applications menu? and how do I remove one?09:28
torpedo|dogTheMoebius: do you mean the panel or the menu?09:28
cdubyasecureboot, umm, I've never used iWeb, but I've heard lots of folks who recommend Nvu09:29
Dr_Satoerhm.... it finds something but niot everything09:29
Psyi justr insutalled ubunto today for the first time. I tried to set up eth0 but it wont ping anything but itself. anyone have any ideas please?09:29
Tom7egeeksauce:  i think you might just have to uninstall linux-image-2.6.15-25-386 from synaptic but I'm not sure09:29
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TheMoebiustorpedo|dog: the menu09:29
jwhaymancdubya could you tell me how to register quickly so i can private message you?09:29
newbie_i enabled it in the gui09:29
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torpedo|dogTheMoebius: to remove one, you can go to Applications > Accessories > Menu Editor, unless you don't have that installed yet09:29
Dr_SatoYou have but never configered it with "drivers"09:29
newbie_i have a german version09:30
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newbie_it's the first register card09:30
TheMoebiustorpedo|dog: mmm i must have to install it09:30
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cdubyajwhayman, /msg nickserv register <your-password>09:30
torpedo|dogTheMoebius: if you don't have it installed, just install 'alacarte', I think.09:30
newbie_where ethernet and modem connections are listed09:30
torpedo|dogYeah, 'alacarte'.09:30
=== oz [n=chatzill@DSL217-132-219-55.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Satonewbie_: now I'm over asked in every way... I never ahd to plug a new nic in. and had to compile or whatever do stuff with a nic09:31
Prozacque tal, oz09:31
ryanakcaI downloaded a C script... how do I compile it?09:31
newbie_below ethernet there's the information that the interface eth0 is active09:31
ossiewhile [ "$i" -lt 6 ] 09:31
ossie        if [ "$spacecounter" -lt "$disk1" ] 09:31
ossie        then09:31
ossie       $spacecounter = $disk109:31
ossie        echo $spaceounter09:31
ozI need help configuring a pcmcia card09:31
Rower|MagdaCan someone solve the problem im having when im trying to install ubuntu and it whines that i have an integrated video card...09:31
Tom7egeeksauce:  yes, remove  linux-image-2.6.15-25-386 from synaptic and it will remove the kernel from the grub menu too.  this should work.09:31
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aboI have a problem with Grub not loading, after I moved/resized my partitions, can anyone help please?09:31
scottnovok: you there? :(09:31
ossieplease can some test this09:31
geeksauceossie: use pastebin09:31
ozcan u help Prozac ?09:31
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torpedo|dogTheMoebius: rather than removing things you don't want, uncheck them to hide them.09:31
ossiei have geeksauce , sorry about that09:32
Dr_Satonewbie_: look at the answers oz will get with his PCMCIA card... that has to be helpfull I can't help you sorry09:32
Psywhat should my resolv.conf say? gateway ip is
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geeksauceossie, oops, didn't see the last line, my bad09:32
kaotPsy: depends on what your dns servers are.  you doing dhcp there or no?09:32
Psynope static09:32
newbie_ok thanks a lot09:32
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ossiecheers geeksauce can you help with my stupid script09:32
kaotPsy: got another box on that network so you can take a look at its config?09:32
Psyyes but non are linux09:33
scificdubya/erUSUL: im back, any updates/advice on my problem ?09:33
kaotPsy: doesn't matter, all you want are the dns server ips09:33
kaotPsy: those are the same regardless of os09:33
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geeksauceossie, sorry bro, scripting is one area i steer clear from, but i'm sure someone in here can help09:33
Ensiferumanyone remember where to configure the mounts being exported by nfs?09:34
ryanakcaI downloaded a C script called script.c... what options do I pass to gcc so that I may go ./script?09:34
SimzIAnybody know a good website editor with design view editing for Ubuntu?09:34
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slonnikhi colleagues you can congratulate me - i made my first shell script it mounting and unmounting VPN :)09:34
Subhumanryanakca, "gcc -o script script.c"09:34
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ossiehere is a new one this is what im trying to do , can someone please help09:34
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cdubyascifi, heh, wish I had better advice, but that file's nasty looking and would be nice to format....:-/09:35
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Dr_Satonewbie_: np09:35
ossieEnsiferum, yes in /etc/fstab09:35
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ossieEnsiferum, and also in /etc/exports i think09:35
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Ensiferumossie: thanks, found it09:35
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Ensiferumits /etc/exports09:35
scificdubya/erUSUL: ne ideas how i cud format it ?09:35
ossieEnsiferum, no prob09:36
torpedo|dogSimzI: try Nvu.09:36
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torpedo|dogIf I'm not mistaken, it's in the repos.09:36
cdubyascifi, if you could get it into csv somehow, you could dump it into a mysql table using phpmyadmin and then query it all you wanted......:)09:36
ossierole up scripters , can someone help with my script http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1785509:36
Centaur5How can you have ubuntu never notify about certain updates?09:36
SimzIapt-get install Nvu?09:36
SimzIk torpedo|dog09:36
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kaotossie: my bash scripting is incredibly rusty.  how is it failing?09:37
Psysorry got disconnected09:37
torpedo|dogSimzI: make sure you have the Universe enabled.09:37
SimzII do, but it can't find it09:37
Psymy gateway is and so is the dns in windows09:37
ubuntu01if i write fstab into terminal it will list my hdd connection list,right?09:37
=== kaot can't even remember where he lent out his handy bash book
geeksauceTom7e, isn't that the latest version though?09:37
ossiekaot, it doesnt like line 03809:37
kaotPsy: ok, so that's the IP you want09:37
kaotin resolv.conf09:37
scificdubya/erUSUL: i see erUSUL mentioned he successfully imported it into gnumeric, so im gonna try that and then save out as .csv, then i'll need ur help with the sql side , if possible :)09:37
ubuntu01so,if is write in fstab nothing happens....i need any other command?09:37
teddCan anyone help me? I'm trying to transfer files between my computer and my laptop using a crossover ethernet cable. I was told to set the static IP's the same. Can anyone help?09:37
torpedo|dogSimzI: is it all lowercase?09:37
Psyat the moment i put in nameserver
ossieim trying to iterate through the disks09:37
torpedo|dog...install nvu09:38
Tom7egeeksauce: no, 15-26 is the latest09:38
Psyis that all i need?09:38
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kaotPsy: yep09:38
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SimzIah it's already installed torpedo|dog09:38
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kaotossie: that "+i" line, are you referring to the variable there?09:38
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geeksauceTom7e, hmm... synaptic is telling me, as soon as i remove that package, that a new upgrade is available, and lists the one i just deleted09:38
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Sh4d0xwhy why why09:38
ossieyes I want to add the value of the variable to the name of the variable disk09:39
cdubyascifi, np, just let me know09:39
torpedo|dogSimzI: :)09:39
ossieso disk equal disk109:39
Sh4d0xcan't I upgrade my breezy from cd to dapper dragon :(09:39
Psydo i need to reboot or log out and in after changing resolv.conf?09:39
KC9JTW_Larsis there an easy fix for Skype, where the audio is "in use" after your first call?09:39
ossiethen next iteration disk = disk209:39
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto09:39
ozrr - can any1 help with installing a wifi PCMCIA ? I've been breaking my head on this for days09:39
geeksauceTom7e, i don't want any beta kernels or anything along those lines09:40
kaotossie: I don't see where $disk is being defined09:40
ossiei want the name of the variable to iterate so i can check 5 different vairable called disk 1 through to disk 509:40
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kaotossie: i see "disk1, disk2" etc, but no "disk"09:40
Ensiferumany ideas why mounting a nfs share takes for ever?09:40
Tom7egeeksauce:  my automatic upgrade got 26 for me, so i assume it's not beta.09:40
ossieso i havent defined that variable09:40
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Rower|Magdahope i didnt destroy the whole system now.. i apt-get --purge mysql-common :D09:40
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scifierUSUL: u here m8? need ur advice09:40
kaotossie: that's what it seems like yeah.  plus i don't know if that's how you concatenate strings, there.09:41
ryanakcahow d oyuo make the font smaller on tty1, tty2, etc09:41
merkuriehi, i'm using ubuntu desktop 6.06 and i'd like to change the default background all users get.. anyone know how, or maybe you could just point me to a config file or man page?09:41
=== Sh4d0x is looking for someone who can tell me how to upgrade breezy to dapper via cd
kaotossie: furthermore i dunno if you want to concatenate a string in a test09:41
Psykaot, resolv.conf is set up but i still cant ping anything09:41
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kaotPsy: can you ping by ip?09:41
Psyif it can ping itself then the nic is working right?09:41
=== SonicChao [n=soniccha@dpc67142187100.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
ozsh4dox - try looking for altenate cd install09:41
ossieok kaot what would u reccomened09:41
ubuntu01if i write fstab into terminal i got a list right? no,if i write in fstab i got an error message: command not found,any sugg???09:41
tailsfanIs theer a apt-get way to get windowmaker?09:41
Psyno i cant ping by ip09:41
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tailsfanor any other desktop environment other than fluxbox09:42
Sh4d0xoz, i already tried that, gives me an error that looks like "no alternate command"09:42
torpedo|dogryanakca: you want your terminal to have a smaller typesize?09:42
ossieubuntu01, if you wanna mount a nfs share or something vi /etc/fstab09:42
ozsh4dox - did you download the cd ?09:43
kaotossie: dunno off the top of my head, stand by i'll have to pull out Ye Handy Bash Ref09:43
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ossiecool kaot09:43
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ossiehey oz im the really ossie around here and i think you would do well to remeber that, there aint enough09:43
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ossieroom in the town for the 2 of us :)09:43
Sh4d0xoz, i shipped it, it arrived today (on my birthday yeah!!)09:43
ozossie - I am sorry, but I not ossie09:44
ozI am oz09:44
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zomorfme too09:44
teddCan anyone help me? I'm trying to transfer files between my computer and my laptop using a crossover ethernet cable. I was told to set the static IP's the same. Can anyone help?09:44
ubuntu01ossie my only problem is if i write in fstab nothing happens09:44
ossieoh ok , ill let u off09:44
ozhappy birthday09:44
Sh4d0xoz,  thnx :-D09:44
ossiehave you sudo vi /etc/fstab09:44
ryanakcatorpedo|dog: yes09:44
ozdid you get the alternate cd install ? or live cd ?09:44
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ubuntu01yes....but if i write in simple just "fstab" is anything happens or i need to write in this vi etc/fstab09:45
kaotossie: also one thing i noticed is that you initialize $i but never increment it09:45
ossiekaot can you see what im doing in my script09:45
ryanakcaTedd: both of theme running linux?09:45
ossieyes im not sure how to increment a viariable in bash09:45
ossiemy background is VB so im struggling with bash09:45
ubuntu01kk thx09:45
ozsh4dox - what cd did you get in your pack ?09:45
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teddryanakca, Ubuntu.09:45
Sh4d0xoz, there is only 1 cd in the package09:46
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Psykaot, if the computer can ping itself, and not the gateway, then it means the nic is working right?09:46
Sh4d0xoz, it contains both live and full install09:46
kaotossie: i = $i + 109:46
ozok, so you won't be able to upgrade with I think09:46
Sh4d0xoz, not? :o09:46
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kaotPsy: it means the kernel sees the interface, it doesn't mean something isn't physically wrong with the nic09:47
ozwhy don't u use apt-get dist-upgrade ?09:47
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ryanakcatedd: tedd... I think you are looking for the protocol "fish:/"09:47
kaotPsy: if you can't ping the gateway check the usual suspects (verify link lights, check cabling, blah blah)09:47
Sh4d0xoz, it is the original cd ... i mean ... that's why it's made for ...09:47
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Psyok thats what i meant the kernel see's it, it worked fine under xp so im asusming its still working09:47
teddryanakca, ?09:47
=== tuxtux hello
torpedo|dogryanakca: if you're just talking about GNOME terminal, open it up and go to Edit > Current Profile, uncheck "Use the System Terminal Font", and select your own font below.09:47
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Psyi did a command and it returned eth0: link not ready?09:47
Sh4d0xoz, i already gave that a try, won't work neither09:47
ozno . the alternate cd is made for upgrading, I am sorry09:47
ozhmmm, where did you get stuck ?09:48
ryanakcatorpedo|dog: no... when you go ctrl-alt-f109:48
torpedo|dogOh, well you really can't change that.09:48
Sh4d0xoz, it extracted 2 packages or files dunno and that's it :-s09:48
torpedo|dogThat I know of.09:48
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ozcan you pastebin the error message, do you remember it ?09:49
Sh4d0xoz, nothing changed (graphical should change at least) however it just won't upgrade09:49
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Sh4d0xoz, i'll pastebin hold on09:49
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ryanakcatedd: you have konqueror installed?09:49
ozhmm. and do you have a separate /home partition ?09:49
teddryanakca, Firefox.09:49
tuxtuxkubuntu64 on laptop is ok_09:49
teddwait, Ido.09:49
teddI do in fact.09:49
teddah enver mind09:50
teddno I don't.09:50
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ryanakcaTedd: on both?09:50
PsyADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth1: link is not ready is message i get, any ideas anyone?09:50
teddNo. I'm just gonna play with this, ryanakca09:50
ossiecome on kaot im dying to finish this script it links with 2 other scripts ive made that totally automate and organise my newsgroup downloads ;)09:50
fowlduckwhat do you guys think of this background I made? http://img502.imageshack.us/my.php?image=fubuntuwallpaper5pn.png09:50
ryanakcatedd: with what?09:50
ossieits gonna make my life sweet09:50
brandongoochAnyone else installed 6.06 LTS on a G5?09:50
teddthe crossover and ips and shit09:50
scificdubya, trying to save it out as .xml , then maybe i can format it in a spreadsheet09:51
kaotPsy: wireless?09:51
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ozok let's try again - can any1 help with configuring D-Link DWL650+ pcmcia ?09:51
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ozsh4dox - and do you have a separate /home partition ?09:51
Psythe port ont he switch has lit up etc...09:51
scificdubya, keep getting write error while saving errors :(09:52
Sh4d0xoz, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17856  (i hope you understand some dutch :-$)09:52
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ossiei could do it sloppily by doing 5 different if disk1 -gt disk2 then bestdisk=disk2 else bestdisk = disk109:52
ossiebut that is sooo crap09:52
kaotossie: man.  this book sucks for bash.  my two good books are out on "loan".09:52
ossieheheheh , ok kaot09:52
kaotand by loan i mean i loaned them out about 5 years ago09:52
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kaotso apparently i gave them away :\09:52
ozsh4dox - I got only Klaar=clear09:52
cdubyascifi, ouch09:52
cdubyaso you can't get it to csv?09:53
ozI am not that strong with DUTCH :-)09:53
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abocan anyone help me with a GRUB problem?09:53
nilslI try to stop proftpd, with sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd stop ... But when I do that I get this: ProFTPd is started from inetd. What is the problem?09:53
Sh4d0xoz, it sais "the next packages are left behind ... "09:53
kaotoh hey here we go.... in a nutshell even...09:53
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ozoh, well09:53
Sh4d0xoz, the 2 packages aren't even installed09:53
ozwhy not making a clean install ?09:53
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steveireWho knows enough about users in ubuntu to answer this? >>> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21435609:54
scificdubya, it seems not09:54
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Sh4d0xoz, euhm i guess i need to format the entire partion?09:54
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ozfrom my experience it's sometimes faster09:54
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ozpastebin this command fdisk -l09:54
erUSULscifi: sorry... i was having dinner...09:54
Sh4d0xoz, i know there is a possibility to upgrade using the cd09:54
mikereWelp, after that latest kernel update, it looks like it's time to pare down my grub configuration.  That boot menu's looking awful long now, lol09:54
Sh4d0xoz, ok hold on09:54
ozI want to see your partition table09:54
ozabo - what is the problem with grub ?09:55
Sh4d0xoz, nothing shows up09:55
AyabaraI have forwarded some ports in my router, but sometimes my girl "steals" my ip adress. how can I configure a static ip-address? do I need to do something both in the router and in ubuntu?09:55
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oztype sudo fdisk -l09:55
scifierUSUL: ur back! howd u manage to get it into gnumeric? i dont know what import options i need to choose. it choose imports it , but not into columns09:55
ossiedoes anyone know where this is a bash channel???09:55
=== wheatstraw [n=wheatstr@dsl093-017-050.msp1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sh4d0xoz,  ok, hold on again09:55
jmeHey, who wants to help me with wireless support: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21404809:56
ozabo - what grub erro are you getting ?09:56
cdubyascifi, so did you get it to import correctly into gnumeric09:56
scificdubya: no i need erUSUL's advice on that09:56
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kaotossie: oh hey, by the way, $dwithfreespace never gets defined either09:56
kaotossie: there's almost more things wrong than right here09:56
Sh4d0xoz, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1785709:56
mikereAyabara: there are a couple ways to do it depending on your current router config.  PRobably you can just set a static IP address on your computer and tell your router not to use that range of IP for dhcp09:57
dylan_Is it true that Ubuntu is non-free?  I'm reading a thread on the Ubuntu Forums...09:57
Psykaot, its now showing the connection as disconnected? its definitly plugged in etc...09:57
kaotPsy: where's it showing that?09:57
Lt-Elmoubuntu is free09:57
kaotPsy: what kind of nic?09:57
teddI'm back.09:57
=== JustWilliam [n=jw@cpc2-mfld7-0-0-cust627.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
erUSULscifi: well the import is not that grate. i gunzip the file, rename it to rating.list.cvs, and then open it as csv file with encoding accidental iso-8859-109:57
Ayabaramikere: sounds like a plan. I have seen the option in the router.09:57
Psywhen i double click the network icon by the clock.09:57
ossiekaot its nearly working, i can make it work with 1 disk09:57
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tuxtuxwireless card work on kubuntu64?09:58
ozok, so you don't have a separate home folder09:58
ozjust a min09:58
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scifierUSUL: ok will try it09:58
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kaotossie: yeah?  where does $dwithfreespace get defined?  i'd think that would bail with a syntax error on mv09:58
mikereAyabara: just make sure you are using the correct subnet for the static ip - should be same subnet as used for dhcp but out of the dhcp reserved range (the range you tell the router to use for dhcp)09:58
cdubyascifi, you could open it in gnumeric and reformat it yourself.....get rid of any columns you don't need....then name them with headers and save the file as a csv....09:58
=== rebelfallen [n=wrtr@wsip-64-58-188-68.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ayabaramikere: how do I set the static ip on my laptop?09:58
cdubyaI'd guess anyway09:58
tuxtuxlaptop  and wireless card work on kubuntu64?09:59
ossiei got a simpler version that works by check 1 disk09:59
mikereAyabara: one sec09:59
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Sh4d0xoz, no else it would take another partion09:59
yakkhey, so I've got a dapper system that's the result of many uprgrades - is there a good way to regenerate a xorg.conf?09:59
ossieif i could find out how to iterate trough the disks then id be sorted09:59
mikereAyabara: System menu, System Administration, Networking09:59
ozthere is nothing wrong with having a separate /home partition09:59
nilslI try to stop proftpd, with sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd stop ... But when I do that I get this: ProFTPd is started from inetd. What is the problem?09:59
ozit is even better !09:59
Psykaot, when i double click the network icon by the clock. it says status disconnected: and no packets sent or recieved.09:59
mikereAyabara: after that it depends on if you are on wireless or wired (wired shows up as Ethernet connection)10:00
Ayabaramikere: thanks. think I am on top of it now :-)10:00
mikereAyabara: cool =)10:00
rebelfallenI installed Dapper on my external USB hard drive. on the machine I installed it on, I had another distro on the internal HD. If I remove the external, and plug the USB into a machine with Windows XP on the internal, how can I use my Dapper? When I change bios to boot the USB drive, Dapper fails and loads busybox command line only10:00
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Sh4d0xoz, indeed it is, but i don't use ubuntu that much, so another partition is in my eyes a waste10:00
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eCokeNCodhmmm, i need a version of soulseek for the console10:01
ozyou can just split your own linux partition, but leave that aside now10:01
Ayabaramikere: almost at least :-). what should I write in "gateway address"?10:01
eCokeNCodcan i chat in soulseek rooms using another program ?10:01
kaotPsy: there are a couple of reasons that could be, depending on how the network manager determines interface state, which I dunno.  open a terminal and ifconfig eth110:01
=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ensiferumwhy the fuck my fonts are HUGE?10:01
Ensiferumcant i change them somehow :/10:01
scifierUSUL/cdubya: trying it, but all the colums get mixed up, its a nightmare10:01
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rebelfallenEnsiferum: language :\10:01
ozsh4dox - did you read this ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades10:02
mikererebelfallen: hmm.... depends.  Could possilbly change the bios to boot from usb, but you'd need a boot loader on the usb drive to do that - other options are boot disk or boot loader on the xp box hdd10:02
Ensiferumrebelfallen: wot? :|10:02
ozI think this solves your problem10:02
mikereAyabara: that is most likely the IP address of your router10:02
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mikereAyabara: or or something along those lines10:02
Ayabaramikere: of course.... thanks again.10:02
Psyok i did that kaot. eth0 is the one configured, or im trying to configure, i brought up both ifconfigs though...10:02
ozand I am still stuck with mine - help needed with D-link dwl650+ ? any1 please10:03
Sh4d0xoz, i'll have a look, in mean while i was reading wiki pages looking for some information, hold on i'll take a look10:03
rebelfallenmikere: I have grub on the USB drive. What can I use on the XP machine for a boot loader?10:03
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rebelfallenmikere: grub DOES load, but when I select the right kernel it just shoots to busybox.10:03
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mikererebelfallen: if you have grub on the usb drive you can probably just set the bios on that comp to boot from USB10:03
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ozsh4dox, that is the link you should read10:04
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rebelfallenmikere: I have done that, the bios lets me. When I boot though, it basically gives me mounting errors. I don't know why.10:04
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kaotPsy: well now you've got me confused.  what do you mean by both ifconfigs?  eth0 + eth1?  eth0 + lo?10:04
kaotPsy: plus i thought you were working on eth1 for some reason.  am i screwed up?10:05
mikererebelfallen: could be the /dev for the USB differs from one machine to the other.10:05
Sh4d0xoz, thanks i'll give it a try, and let you know if it worked10:05
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Psyi did both but it didnt display much for eth1, if i do just ifconfig it displays eth0 and lo10:05
mikererebelfallen: may need to add entries to your grub for both computer configurations10:05
cachedwhat's the command for "burning" a .img file to a floppy again?10:05
rebelfallenmikere: I think that's what it was. How can I change that?10:05
rebelfallenOh really? How can I do that?10:05
ozyou'll have to download a whole cd - I don't think I'll be here to know :-)10:05
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kaothey ossie you still there?10:06
mikererebelfallen: one sec10:06
kaotPsy: you got 2 nics? or just the one?10:06
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Psyjust 110:06
kaotright then.  so it shows eth0, with the IP and all that?10:06
kaotdid you get that "not ready" error when you tried to ping?  what error did you actually get/10:07
mikererebelfallen: it will have something to do with /boot/grub/menu.lst and /boot/grub/device_map - possibly only the former10:07
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Ademanwhat's the "best" java IDE? i used netbeans on windows... is there anything better for linux? or is netbeans my best bet? (its also not in the repos)10:07
mikererebelfallen: the tough thing will be determining what device name is being used on the XP box for the USB hdd10:07
rebelfallenAh just the actual load list itself. I was looking at: http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2006/05/08/dual-boot-laptop.html?page=310:08
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Sh4d0xoz, i had the cd shipped, isn't that the same as the iso you can download?10:08
rebelfallenmikere: EXACTLY. heh that is the biggest issue. I don't know of a tool that will let me see that10:08
Psyits not even giving an error now :S10:08
Psyjust stays blank10:08
cachedwhat's the command for "burning" a .img file to a floppy again?10:08
mikererebelfallen: could try a live CD and finding out what it id's the usb drive as10:08
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rebelfallenso much work10:09
Psyin console it gives me this@10:09
kaotPsy: well heck.  no "ping timeout"  no "network unreachable"   nothing?10:09
ozthe cd u got is not the alternate cd.10:09
kaotPsy: pastebin that10:09
kaotif it's big10:09
ozyou have to download it and upgrade from it10:09
davegoodsonHey, why does Gaim crash when I log onto my MSN account?10:09
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Psyfrom is the client) icmp_seq=2 dest host unreachable.10:09
Sh4d0xoz, the links sais " Order the (3) CDs to be posted out to you via [WWW]  Shippit, and use the "Alternate Install CD"." and that's what i did10:10
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rebelfallenThanks mikere :)10:10
mikererebelfallen: the good news is once you've figured it out, you'll be the local guru on the topic10:10
cacheddid anyone get their dapper shipit cds yet?10:10
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ozso you have or u don't have the alternate, erlier you said you got the live cd10:10
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kaotPsy: ah ok.  you double check your physical connection?  make sure you've got link lights and that they're flickering on the hub/switch/whatever when you try to ping?10:11
Otacon22anyone know what was the name of the progam for do clustering ?10:11
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cachedit's been 6 weeks now and I haven't gotten them and I live in a convenient location10:11
kaotPsy: or are you not anywhere near the hub?10:11
Zooliehi,i just downloaded kubuntu-desktop package for my ubuntu and the boot splash screen was modded to kubuntu version but i want to use the old ubuntu version,any help?10:11
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bbrazilOtacon22: heartbeat?10:11
ozSh4dox: what cd's did you get ?10:11
berndjoin #ubuntu.de10:11
Sh4d0xoz, no i said, a cd package (as i received / and orderd 5 of them) contains only 1 single disc10:11
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davegoodsonHey, why does Gaim crash when I log onto my MSN account?10:12
cdubyascifi, you have any luck?10:12
Sh4d0xoz, it seems (to me) that this 1 cd contains both live cd and alternate cd (could be that i'm mistaken)10:12
ozso we're back to square 110:12
ozI can't help you - you have to use the alternate cd10:12
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scificdubya, still trying, also looking for programs that may convert it for me10:12
ozsh4dox :-)10:12
Psy-Bladesorry, router died10:13
Psy-Bladefrom is the client) icmp_seq=2 dest host unreachable. is what console gives me kaot10:13
acerunushello people10:13
torpedo|dogIs there any way that you can remove the old kernel versions on your system? They take up a lot of HDD space...and I don't use them.10:13
=== interfear [n=interfea@c-69-248-92-4.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sh4d0xoz, i guess it's running, cd drive is making a strange noise :-D (as long as it don't start smelling everything will be fine)10:13
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ozsh4dox, what are you try to do now?10:14
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Sh4d0xoz, i did what the wiki said (link you gave me)10:14
davegoodsonHey, why does Gaim crash when I log onto my MSN account?? :(10:14
ozbut it won't work, if you don't have the right cd - the files are ordered differntly10:15
Sh4d0xoz, the terminal is upgrading a lot of files (as long as it isn't downloading -- i'm on smallband)10:15
interfearcould someone recommend a free dvd-r/cd-rw burning util for making music as well as dvds10:15
rebelfallendavegoodson: update gaim with package manager. if its already up to date, remove, and reinstall. easiest way to bugfix.10:15
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rebelfallensave logs tho if you are logging :)10:15
rebelfallenOr check for special chars in username / alias10:15
scificdubya, would conversion to a RTF file be better ?10:15
Jeeves__I am having real problems with filenames on a mounted drive10:15
Otacon22bbrazil, I don't know if it is right; I need a program that can become me able to use the power of some cpu in one... a clustering...10:15
kaotPsy-Blade: yeah like i said, double check your link lights, let ping run and check to see if you're getting activity flickers on the nic and on the switch10:15
bbrazilOtacon22: could you rephrase that?10:16
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Ensiferumwhat was the name of the package with essential development stuff?10:16
seth_archHaving a apt-get update issue as you can see here http://paste.distrotalk.net/paste.php?id=4810:16
davegoodsonrebelfallen: where is the package manager?10:16
=== rebelfallen wonders how some people can even install a linux distro
EnsiferumFlannel: aah, i though it was development-essential or something :p10:16
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Sh4d0xoz, i know, listen, earlier if i orderd a cd it contained 2 cd, an alternate and a live cd ... now i orderd 5 dapper dragon cd's and each cd contains only 1 disc dunno if it is live or alternate10:17
Psy-Bladeyeh the activty light is flashing10:17
Jeeves__I have copyed a load of stuff from a windows machine and when i mount the drive in ubuntu the file names have changed to part of the name then ~,10:17
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EnsiferumFlannel: thanks10:17
torpedo|dogSh4d0x: they each have both of them on it.10:17
Jeeves__is there any way to get the original file names back ?10:17
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torpedo|dogSh4d0x: and it's dapper drake (which is "duck") ;)10:17
ozsh4dox - if you insert it and it boots up , than it is live10:17
FlannelSh4d0x: it's live.  Because now the live is the install.  before it contained a live, and an installer.10:17
Zooliehi,i just downloaded kubuntu-desktop package for my ubuntu and the boot splash screen was modded to kubuntu version but i want to use the old ubuntu version,any help?10:17
kaotPsy-Blade: in terminal, do sudo arp -a | grep (your gateway ip)10:17
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Otacon22bbrazil, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_cluster10:17
EnsiferumZoolie: theres a loging config tool somewhere10:18
scificdubya, im gonna try working on it windows. i'll be back if i get any where, ok ?10:18
javioloIm usign fluxbox in the menu I created one for shutdown if it type gskudo shutdown -h now doesnt work, any idea ?10:18
scifiin windows*10:18
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Sh4d0xtorpedo|dog,  so i should be able to an upgrade from breezy to dapper using my disc10:18
ozSh4dox - the alternate cd isnot boot able10:18
ZoolieEnsiferum where? :)10:18
FlannelJeeves__: is it a FAT drive?10:18
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Jeeves__its a ms dos formated drive10:18
torpedo|dogSh4d0x: I believe so.10:18
torpedo|dogof course, it's always always worth it to make a backup.10:19
interfearI want to install XMMS, but it also installs gtk1.2, dont i want to be using gtk 2+ ?10:19
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FlannelJeeves__: looks like when windows copied to it, it copied in DOS 8.3 filename format.10:19
gorskino sound in flash, help?10:19
Psy-Bladekaot: ? ( at mac address here. [ether]  on eth010:19
Sh4d0xoz, see torpedo|dog post a few posts ago10:19
kaotPsy-Blade: so it shows the mac, and not <incomplete>?10:19
Psy-Bladeyeh it shows mac10:19
torpedo|dogSh4d0x: oh, my mistake apparently10:20
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Jeeves__flannel when i looked at the files from the windows machine they had the original names10:20
kaotPsy-Blade: what's your setup like?  this a residential connection or some kind of larger business or school network?10:20
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K^Holtzthe game frozenbubble is frozen (cant close it) how can i kill it?10:20
ozsh4dox - send the link u want me to see10:20
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acerunusi need to be able to access my USB flash drive i use ubuntu but i want to mount it via Terminal how do i do that10:20
torpedo|dogSh4d0x: ^^10:20
Psy-Bladehome network10:20
Jeeves__does this mean I can't get them back?10:20
Psy-Blademodem > router > computers10:20
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Sh4d0xoz, Flannel Sh4d0x: it's live.  Because now the live is the install.  before it contained a live, and an installer10:21
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kaotrouter's assigning 10. ips?  you doing any dhcp at all or got everything statically configured on all computers?10:21
mikereacerunus: chances are when you plug it in it will just mount on it's own10:21
K^HoltzAnyone ever have a problem with Frostwire freezing up?10:21
ozwell man - I am telling you it won't work, I tried it. But maybe you can teach me10:21
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Sh4d0xtorpedo|dog,  ^_^10:21
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kaotPsy-Blade: not used to seeing 10. ips on consumer gateway appliances.10:21
Psy-Bladeah ok10:22
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ozif it work for you than fine, even the wiki says you need to download the alternate10:22
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acerunusmikere, i know that it shoudl automount but i dont use gnome anymore i use E17 and i need to mount it in terminal how do i do that10:22
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Sh4d0xoz, but the 1 disc now contains both, alternate and live10:22
TokenBadanyone know where xchat has its logs?10:23
davegoodsonive just reinstalled GAIM and it STILL does it!!!!!!!10:23
Sh4d0xoz, there are nolonger 2 disc's10:23
mikereacerunus: sorry, but don't know exactly what you'd have to type - man mount might be instructive10:23
Ayabarawhich app in ubuntu do you prefer to rip flac?10:23
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kaotPsy-Blade: anyhoo.  so your physical connection seems fine, but your pings are failing.  wtf is that all about.10:23
ozSh4dox, No, It contains the live and install10:23
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Jeeves__sorry flannel: does this mean I can't get them back?10:23
JowiTokenBad: ~/.xchat2/xchatlogs10:23
kaotPsy-Blade: 2 things:  1. what's your router?  and 2. try to ping
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FlannelSh4d0x: no, no.  It contains the LiveCD, which is an installer.  It does not contain the alternate CD10:24
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Psy-Bladeno reply10:24
XiXaQhow do I make apache send documents in ISO-8850-1 instead of UTF-8?10:24
gorskino sound in flash, help?10:24
K^HoltzCan someone help me get frostwire working?10:24
Sh4d0xFlannel, o_O10:24
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Psy-Bladeit wont ping my other desktop either though?10:24
Sh4d0xoz, my mistake10:24
ozsh4dox - check this http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/6.06/10:24
Psy-Bladewhich is not through the router as they share a switch10:24
=== Whil [n=marcus@68-114-60-93.dhcp.davl.vt.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
AyabaraI want to pimp my desktop a little bit with some cool themes or something. anyone got some keywords to get me started?10:24
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ozwell, I am off I did my help for today,10:25
=== MehAdult [n=paul@adsl-65-68-1-24.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
blue_flashlightK^Holtz: did you check out this? --> http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu_dapper#How_to_install_P2P_Gnutella_Client_.28FrostWire.2910:25
Sh4d0xoz, thnx cya later10:25
=== jonas-irc [n=jonas@186.80-202-212.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelJeeves__: from what it sounds like, yeah.  You copied them as DOS 8.3, You might be able to re-copy them as long filenames, but you'd need the originals for that and stuff.  format the drive as vfat, that supports long filenames10:25
K^Holtzi cant get frostwire working right.. i have downloaded songs before on it, but now when i click the download button, nothhing happens.. it wont go into the download queue box or anything10:25
ozStuck with my ##Q@ blody pcmacia card....10:25
ozbye all10:25
K^Holtzblue_flashlight: its not a matter of installation10:25
kaotPsy-Blade: I don't get you.  what do you mean it's not through the router?  what shares a switch?  you have box -> switch -> router?10:25
FlannelJeeves__: or, maybe you just need to MOUNT the drive as vfat.  You could try that10:25
ozSh4dox - happy birthday10:25
davegoodsonMy GAIM keeps crashing with no error as soon as it has finished singing on to my account. I've just reinstalled it and it STILL crashes... Can any one help? I installed ubuntu on a laptop before and it did the same, at the moment i am running ubuntu in VMware..10:25
MeatwadAyabara: gnome-look.org10:25
=== maxer [n=chris@host86-131-170-241.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Psy-Bladewell some computers are direct to the router, some go though this switch10:26
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davegoodsongah MSN account...10:26
mikereacerunus: have you looked in /media after plugging it in to see if it's auto mounted?10:26
=== Edward_TLS [n=edward@82-168-67-58.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Psy-Bladethe ubuntu computer and the one im using now are off the switch and the switch connects to the router10:26
unstablesobi need help getting vmware-player to work after the kernel upgrade, I installed vmware-player-kernel-source, but I need to know where to go from here.10:26
=== linuxmaier [n=andy@CPE-72-128-83-198.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jeeves__thanks, thats not at all depressing!10:26
maxeranyone know a way to copy and paste over mutiple machines? or have a simple messenger running over different machines and platforums?10:26
JowiPsy-Blade: if the both computers's got the same subnetmask and have ip-addresses in the same range it should work to ping them. are they both set up ok? no ip conflicts (in router or otherwise)?10:26
interfearWhere do I get new themes for ubuntu?10:26
linuxmaierIs there any World of Warcraft players here who use the FlagRSP mod?10:26
MarcNmaxer: have you tried clusterssh?10:26
seth_archHaving a apt-get update issue as you can see here http://paste.distrotalk.net/paste.php?id=4810:27
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AyabaraMeatwad: thanks10:27
seth_archhow do I fix it?10:27
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Sh4d0xFlannel, so now a shippit cd contains only a live cd?10:27
kaotPsy-Blade: hey yeah furthermore can you ping the computer you're on from the ubuntu box? how about vice versa?10:27
JowiPsy-Blade: so try to use other ports in the switch. maybe one of them are faulty...10:27
linuxmaierI trying to figure out how to enable my FlagRSP mod on World of Warcraft10:27
mikereAyabara: any luck with grub yet?10:27
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Psy-BladeJowi, already did10:27
FlannelSh4d0x: apparently, yes.  But you can install from that liveCD.10:27
JowiPsy-Blade: good man :)10:27
FunnyLookinHatlinuxboy, sounds like you should go ask in #cedega or #wine   ?10:27
blue_flashlightK^Holtz: is anything reported in logs, stderr, or stdout?10:27
FunnyLookinHatlinuxmaier, sounds like you should go ask in #cedega or #wine   ?10:28
Ayabaramikere: grub? nooooo, but I have a static ip address :-)10:28
Psy-Bladekaot, no it cant ping others and others cant ping it either10:28
linuxmaierthanks. i didnt know those forums existed10:28
MarcNmaxer: run   clusterssh host1 host2 host3 host4 and when you type in one window, it gets typed to all windows.  Same with cut-n-paste.  Nice if you have a bunch of identicial systems that need work.10:28
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K^Holtzblue_flashlight:  i dunno how to get to those log files10:28
Psy-Bladei might reinstall10:28
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Sh4d0xFlannel, but an upgrade isn't possible with such a disc? hmm that's s*cks hard10:28
kaotPsy-Blade: you didn't mess with any firewall configs did you?10:28
mikereAyabara: oops, getting people mixed up =)10:28
JowiPsy-Blade: maybe you should paste both computers ifconfig to pastebin (if you haven't already)10:28
Ayabaramikere: :-)10:28
FlannelSh4d0x: I don't know why an upgrade wouldn't be possible.10:28
maxerMarcN: im running a windows machine as well and it doesnt list windows as a supported platform10:28
Psy-Bladeonly thing i did was go into network config and give it an ip, subnet and gateway10:29
Ayabaramikere: you shouldn't help so many people ;-)10:29
mikererebelfallen: any luck with grub so far?  I found an interesting post on the topic: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8081110:29
blue_flashlightK^Holtz: is there a console tab, by any chance? (I'm not looking at it right now, so I can't be certain) also, what does it output if you run frostwire from the terminal?10:29
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mikereAyabara: it's like eating popcorn - once you start you can't stop10:29
Sh4d0xFlannel, well i've been trying all day by now and it just won't work -_-10:29
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JowiPsy-Blade: manually? they don't get the ip from the router via dhcp?10:29
FlannelSh4d0x: did you add the CD as a repository, etc?10:29
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rebelfallenmikere: Nothing. I am trying to look at all options first10:29
Ayabaramikere: hehe10:29
MarcNmaxer: nope.  it uses X and ssh.   Look at synergy -- lets you connect a windows keyboard/mouse/video to a linux keyboard/mouse/video10:29
Psy-Bladestatic ip's10:29
Sh4d0xFlannel, yes, and all the others i commented10:30
JowiPsy-Blade: ...and is the routers dhcp server turned off?10:30
MarcNmaxer: sorta poor-man's-multihead-system10:30
Sh4d0xFlannel, just like it is said in the wikipages10:30
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto10:30
Psy-Bladerouter works fine for this machine.10:30
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FlannelSh4d0x: and, what problems did you run into?10:30
zybridapt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx <- for ati10:31
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K^Holtzblue_flashlight: theres not console tab.. im not sure, but im being forced to go somewhere right now.. thanks for your help, but hopefully i can continue this later10:31
blue_flashlightK^Holtz: no problem, good luck10:31
zybridand replace ati with fglrx in xorg.com10:31
zybridxorg.conf :)10:31
Sh4d0xFlannel, it seems to install only 2 (new) packages and they fail by installing10:31
FlannelSh4d0x: oh, nevermind.  I see the line in the wiki.  Hmm, that... issue should be brought up.  shipit should be sending alternate CDs as well, methinks.  As many people use them to upgrade.10:31
JowiPsy-Blade: i would like to see the ifconfigs. seems like you have set up everything according to standard10:31
Sh4d0xFlannel, yes indeed10:32
=== kaot is still slightly unnerved by the gateway ip
Psy-Bladethe only way i could get them to this pc is to copy them by hand10:32
JowiPsy-Blade: make you wish floppies were still around :)10:32
Psy-Bladei guess im nto oding anything i could type it up10:32
Psy-Bladehaha yeh10:32
Psy-Bladeok well back in a minute then10:33
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theapocQuestion: When I do "fdisk -l" it doesn't return anything, why is this?10:34
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Jowitheapoc: dapper or breezy?10:35
DeshHow do I check my laptop's battery from command line?10:35
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ryantriphey i have a problem. i already submited to the forums and i was hoping if any of you would also help me. heres the url http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21407910:35
Jowitheapoc: that is strange. sudo should not be needed10:35
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theapocDesh: acpi -b ?10:35
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Psy-BladeJowi, pm you the info?10:36
kaotPsy-Blade: pastebin it, i want to see it too :P10:36
JowiPsy-Blade: sure10:36
theapocJowi, well there it goes. Sudo fdisk -l works10:36
Desh0:33 remaining, woot.10:36
kaotJowi: btw, i don't get any output if i do it as user either.10:36
Jowitheapoc: shouldn't be needed though :)10:36
theapocOk, now this further confuses me. /dev/sda1 shows system ntfs.10:37
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Psy-Bladepastebin was running slow10:37
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mcquaidi really wish there were repos for xfce beta210:37
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mcquaiddon't feel like compiling it again, but i want that and thuanr10:37
theapocmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1,10:38
kaotJowi: and strace shows permission denied on all the open() syscalls there.10:38
theapocis what I get10:38
theapocim trying to mount my ntfs drive10:38
theapocI think linux ate my windows partition10:38
theapocany ideas on how I can fix this?10:38
ompaul /quit10:38
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theapoc[17180524.388000]  NTFS-fs error (device sda1): ntfs_fill_super(): Not an NTFS volume.10:39
goubuntuhmm, i just folowed this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia and it failed any advice i have a geforce fx 550010:39
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MehAdulttheapoc: Check /media10:40
ryantripwhen i load xubuntu, my computer hangs at "[ 104.112380]  0000:01:0a.0: 3Com PCI 3c556 Laptop Tornado at cc8be400. Vers LK1.1.19". how do i fix this?10:40
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harisundhello! How do I find out what libraries are needed for running a Graphical version of make for the kernel compilation? I am looking for the gnome builder, the regular curses based builder and any other Gui ones?10:40
MehAdultryantrip: Sounds like you have a PCI device that has a hardware issue.10:40
theapocMehAdult, do what?10:40
acerunusthe command to upgrade my distro from breexy to dapper drake  is          sudo apt-get upgrade distro10:40
Prozachola, michael10:40
MehAdulttheapoc: ls /media10:40
MehAdultCheck for a windows or something10:40
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theapocthe folder is there, but empty10:41
ozcan't get the pcmcia card to work10:41
ryantripMehAdult: some times i get this too "[ 217.335546]  drivers/usb/input/hid-core.c: v2.6:USB HID core driver"10:41
theapocas in, it's not mounted10:41
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ozcan anyone help ?10:41
gavagaiI am using "wondershaper" to limit bandwidth on a linux box.  it works great on traffic to/from the internet, but it is having strange effects within my LAN.  if i try to do an ftp transfer on my network it is ridiculously slow, way beneath the wondershaper settings.  Any ideas?10:41
gavagaii can always turn wondershaper off when needed but i don't get why it has this problem, why does it care if it is local or internet traffic?10:41
DeshHow do I exit w3m web bwowser?10:41
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slowz3rhas anyone had the problem where gaim wont go into the system tray if u close ur buddy list??10:41
Psy-Bladekaot, Jowi, should have pm'd10:41
MehAdultryantrip: You'll need to check your hardware10:42
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MehAdultSome good software is prime95, memtest86, and so on.10:42
gavagaiDesh, just a guess, but, 'q'10:42
acerunuswhat is the command to upgrade my distro from breexy to dapper10:42
MehAdultThe livecd comes with memtest10:42
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.10:42
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goubuntuhmm, i just folowed this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia and it failed any advice i have a geforce fx 550010:42
MehAdulttheapoc: ls /dev/hd* or ls /dev/sd* depending on if you have IDE or SATA10:42
maxeranyone help me out- flux my old celeron which i installed slax (slackware) onto keeps freezing10:43
slowz3ranyone know why when i close my buddy list on gaim it wont go into the system tray it just closes out10:43
acerunuswhat is the terminal command using sudo apt-get to update my distro10:43
theapocMehAdult: ok sda, 1, 2, 3, 510:43
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gnomefreakacerunus: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?10:43
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ryanakcamaxer: may I suggest #slackware ?10:43
theapocMehAdult: sda1 is my windows part10:43
WhilOkay, I can use some help with Vmware networking if someone knows about this stuff.10:43
eobanbmaxer, does this look like #slackware to you10:43
blue_flashlightslowz3r: you probably want the notification icon plugin to be active10:44
MehAdultgoubuntu: On this computer I found it easier to download the modules from NVidia's site10:44
blue_flashlightmaxer: it could be anything10:44
crazy_penguinnight to all! :)10:44
goubuntuMehAdult: did you not use synaptic?10:44
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slowz3rblue_flashlight, it is enabled10:44
MehAdultgoubuntu: No.10:45
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goubuntuhmm ok10:45
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goubuntudo you have geforce fx 5500 ?10:45
MehAdulttheapoc: Ok try mounting /dev/sda1 with the mount command10:45
MehAdultgoubuntu: Yup10:45
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=== goubuntu prays it will work :)
blue_flashlightslowz3r: do other notification area icons show up? maybe your panel needs a place for it to be placed..10:45
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theapocMehAdult: I did and it gave me an error. Here is what I found in dmesg | tail: http://rafb.net/paste/results/KBjZzB24.html10:46
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theapoc"Primary boot sector is invalid."10:46
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WhilOkay, I can use some help with Vmware networking if someone knows about this stuff.10:46
slowz3rblue_flashlight, it was working fine ..i opend up the buddy list from the tray and then when i closed the list it just didnt go back..it was owrking like 5 minutues ago10:46
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MehAdulttheapoc: Not good.10:47
kbukharii want to install yahoo messenger on ubunto 6.06 lts10:47
MehAdulttheapoc: Can you boot to winblows ok from the boot loader?10:47
kbukharibut it shows lots of deps10:47
goubuntuMehAdult: did u just run the script then use the automatic config utility ?10:47
blue_flashlightslowz3r: if it's reproducible, try running gaim with the debug window open10:47
theapocMehAdult: Neg, it just cycles back to the bootloader w/o telling me anything.10:47
MehAdultgoubuntu: I just downloaded the NVidia binary, made sure the kernel headers were installed.10:47
AyabaraI managed to rip one cd to flac with Sound Juicer, but now it only shuts down when I press extract...10:47
kbukharii want to install yahoo messenger on ubunto 6.06 lts10:48
MehAdulttheapoc: Try a fsck10:48
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goubuntuMehAdult: the file im downloading is a .run file10:48
kbukhariany body will reply me ?10:48
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ketetha_hola amgios. que pasa10:48
ubotuI know nothing about en - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com10:49
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.10:49
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XiXaQwhich is the best MSN client for Ubuntu?10:49
ketetha_goubuntu, its ok i speak english10:49
MehAdultketetha_: usa #ubuntu-es por favor10:49
goubuntulol np :D10:49
ketetha_XiXaQ, gaim10:49
rskXiXaQ, the one you like the most10:49
MehAdultOr english :)10:49
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MehAdultkbukhari: What's your question again.10:49
kbukhariXiXaQ,  try www.mercury.to10:49
ketetha_MehAdult, haha :) funny that you guys would think that10:49
Ensiferumdamn dapper is a really broken release :/10:49
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ketetha_Ensiferum, where did you download your copy from?10:50
MehAdultEnsiferum: No not really. It's more than likely your hardware, etc.10:50
theapocMehAdult: "Primary boot sector is invalid."10:50
kaotEnsiferum: blasphemer!10:50
Prozaci already had it that way, theapoc.10:50
EnsiferumMehAdult: oh yeah ofc its a hw problem (as always)10:50
zomorfvirus scanner for ubuntu?10:50
Ensiferumketetha_: from an ubuntu mirror10:50
ketetha_Ensiferum, if you want you can try it again let me go get the link10:50
MehAdulttheapoc: Sounds like you might need to reinstall the boot loader, but the data is in tact fourtinately.10:50
Ensiferumketetha_: huh?10:50
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MehAdulttheapoc: Try copying your partition to a backup something or another.10:51
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Ensiferumi get a shitload of errors10:51
kbukharii asked about yahooooooooooooo10:51
ketetha_Ensiferum, i guess listen to mehadult and try that perspective first10:51
Ensiferum[4294851.535000]  ata2: PIO error10:51
MehAdulttheapoc: Oh wait you can't do tha10:51
ketetha_Ensiferum, i would reinstall it.10:51
scificdubya/erUSUL: i did it!! i got the comma delimited .csv files!10:51
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Ensiferumketetha_: erm?10:51
Ensiferumi just installed this shite again10:51
kbukhariMehAdult,  sorry for ?10:51
theapocMehAdult: Just a bit ago I popped in my WinXP cd to get to the repair console, but it wouldn't. Instead it showed me the list of partitions, all said 'unknown'10:51
ketetha_kbukhari, what do you need?10:51
Ensiferumcause the previous ubuntu installation exploded on upgrade10:51
ketetha_Ensiferum, your talking about dapper drak right?10:51
kbukhariyahoo for ubunto10:51
Ensiferumketetha_: yes10:51
ketetha_kbukhari, use gaim10:51
unstablesobCan anyone help me build kernel modules for vmware-player?10:51
kbukhariyahoo messnger10:51
ketetha_Ensiferum, then you should reinstall it10:52
ubotudapper is the 4th and latest release of Ubuntu. Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake"10:52
ketetha_!dapper drake10:52
ubotuI know nothing about dapper drake - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com10:52
Ensiferumketetha_: i just installed it like two hours ago10:52
MehAdultkbukhari: Sheesh I'm talkikng to 5 people at once. Sorry lol10:52
ketetha_Ensiferum, from what website? or froma cd?10:52
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Ensiferumfrom a cd10:52
scifierUSUL: u there m8 ?10:52
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Ensiferumburnt the image on a cd and then installed10:52
ketetha_Ensiferum, ooh then try it from the ubuntu website again and maybe you can get a better copy and less errors10:52
Ensiferumhahaha what a load of bs10:53
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ketetha_Ensiferum, haha i have ano clue. if you this is bs then dont do it. but its just a suggestion. what i would do. or go back to whatever you were using if its not worth the time10:53
MehAdulttheapoc: Ouch :(10:53
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ketetha_ill be right back guys.10:54
Ensiferumketetha_: right, yeah its good for ubuntu to have a broken installation right off the bat10:54
gavagaiI set up sharing for a folder in ubuntu.  Windows sees the computer but won't accept any username/password.  What do I do?  I'm using a valid ubuntu user/pass10:54
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Ensiferumand off the cd10:54
MehAdulttheapoc: Your best bet is to try reinstalling the bootloader and hoping for the best, but you may have problems.10:54
ketetha_Ensiferum, if you wnat my suggestion then i can get you the link. que?10:54
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rebelfallenFor all of you looking to speed up your web browsing experience.... http://getswiftfox.com/   and then http://fasterfox.mozdev.org/   :D10:54
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ketetha_Ensiferum, *shrugs shoulders* iono. just trying to help. maybe something went wrong in the burn process or something. why don tyou try doing it though the terminal or whatever10:55
LoRezWarning: `kbukhari' seems to be spamming, please discontinue or kicks/kills/klines will be issued.10:55
RezWarning: `kbukhari' seems to be spamming, please discontinue or kicks/kills/klines will be issued.10:55
ketetha_kbukhari, , stop10:55
ketetha_komozo, hi10:55
ketetha_rebelfallen, thanks! my friend needed that10:55
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Ensiferumketetha_: theres nothing wrong with the burn process10:55
pez_Hi fellow ubuntu'ers. I have just installed dapper drake from the free cd i got through the post. i have downloaded 129 updates from the version provided from the cd10:55
kbukhariwht fuck10:55
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Ensiferumbut there is something wrogn with this distribution10:56
ketetha_Ensiferum, i give up. i actually dont know im just SUGGESTING so whatever. ask someone else then. sorry and i hope your problem works out10:56
MehAdultEnsiferum: Have you made sure your hardware is stable enough?10:56
luxibookIs this a place to ask a minor question about configuring network settings for a new Ubuntu install?10:56
ketetha_MehAdult, good luck.10:56
ketetha_luxibook, yep.10:56
pez_what i have noticed is that there is dodgy text in interface... for example, when i inset a dvd, the icon appears with a square box at the end of the file name10:56
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rebelfallenNo worries. I LOVE fasterfox. Makes my life peachy10:57
luxibookI just need to understand why the live CD auto configures my internet correctly while my normal install doesn't--any suggestions??10:57
theapocMehAdult: Heh, fdisk wasn't the only thing I didn't have permission to do. I can't seem to do anything w/o root privs. Weird....10:57
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pez_also, the carriage return icon appears in the system monitor applet10:58
scifianyone know how to import .csv files into a database ?10:58
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MehAdulttheapoc: Oh cool beans. Try mounting as root?10:58
EnsiferumMehAdult: well its not 15 years ago, just few years. but its not a hw problem.10:58
Ensiferumits probably again a bug in the scsi driver implementation for sata disks10:58
Ensiferumits been a problem before10:58
Ensiferumhad a problem with a specifi chipset sata driver taking some port ranges that were reserved for cd-rom10:58
Ensiferumthat bug was actually in sarge10:58
Ensiferumback in wharty10:58
pez_is there anyway of removing these odd characters in gnome?10:58
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ozdoes anybody know what is "sit0" when running iwconfig ?10:58
komozohi i need help on how to make an ubuntu mirror under a debian10:59
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theapocMehAdult: No, I mean I can't do other commands without being in root. :-[10:59
MehAdultEnsiferum: Oh. Well I dunno about SCSI10:59
=== slicslak [n=slicslak@S01060014bf0ed3be.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
yggworkhello, i know this is very unlinux of me but is there some sort of wysiwyg web site editor for ubuntu10:59
gavagaiI am using samba sharing but can't access my ubuntu box.  It won't accept any username/pass.  What do i do?10:59
MehAdulttheapoc: Ok something is weird with your system lol10:59
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theapocMehAdult: Apparently haha. This just started within the last reboot11:00
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Seveasyggwork, nvu11:00
Seveashi airjump11:00
=== ultramancool [n=open@toronto-HSE-ppp4004460.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasdon't fly too high, you'll bruise your head...11:00
Prozachola, airjump11:00
yggworkseveas is it any good ? i mean even worth messing with ?11:00
MehAdulttheapoc: It might be a failing HD. I just thought of that.11:00
ultramancoolI'm having problems with my keyboard  and Xorg11:00
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Seveasyggwork, never used it. I use vim for webpages - but I've heard that it's at least half decent11:01
ultramancoolIt was working yesterday, and it works on live cds and my win2k11:01
MehAdultPretty common11:01
theapocMehAdult: Hmm, sounds plausable, but it's only about a year old. Maxtor Dimondmax9 160gb.11:01
MehAdultDoesn't matter.11:01
ultramancoolThe only change I made was installing some UML init scripts11:01
willnorrisI have a question regarding dependencies with the various java packages in Ubuntu.  anyone feel qualified to answer?11:01
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:01
ultramancoolI couldn't find anything in syslog either11:01
MehAdultwillnorris: Buy starbucks java :p11:02
willnorriswill do11:02
SeveasMehAdult, heh11:02
pez_Does anyone know about any gnome bugs in any of the updates?11:02
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:02
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luxibookany suggestions about why my live CD goes online, but the normal install on the HD doesn't?11:02
ultramancoolKey board problem !anyone?11:02
Seveaspez_, there are 10000+ bugs open.11:02
yggworkseveas ill give you a report11:02
yggworkwonder if i could run adobe go live in wine11:02
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Seveasyggwork, try it if you feel adventurous11:03
yggworkprob better in vm11:03
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ketetha_seveas, thats cool the anyone thing. haha11:03
Seveasbuone sera LjL (and yes, my italian sucks)11:03
pez_Seveas, I have a bug where i updated the system to current packages and now there is weird text characters appearing.11:03
ultramancoolIt just doesn't type now, I've got like 3 seconds, then it just will either a) repeat the last key or b) do nothing11:03
Seveaspez_, post a screenshot on the pastebin11:03
Ensiferumlsmod | grep piix11:03
Ensiferumthere it is11:03
Ensiferumthe mother of all fuckwits11:04
LjLhallo seveas hoe gaat het11:04
komozohello, sommeone to help please !11:04
ultramancoolIf I press Ctrl+Alt+F1 in that 3 seconds I can get to a console and it works find11:04
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:04
=== pluggo [n=bburns@mookie.synset.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveas!anyone > komozo11:04
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pez_i have tried put it wont capture the system monitor status window11:04
=== SurfnKid [n=SurfnKid@cpe-66-68-241-20.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ultramancool!Anyone know about this?11:04
ubotuI know nothing about Anyone know about this? - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com11:04
=== qeed [n=qeed@adsl-210-20-20.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasultramancool, don't play with the bot please11:04
komozoSeveas > i need help on how to make an ubuntu mirror under a debian11:04
ketetha_ultramancool, keyboard problems? i have no clue here lets ask ubotu11:04
ultramancoolSeveas: Sorry, I just didn't want to get flamed with !anyone11:05
pluggoHey... quick question... how do I make the default sound card (System->Preferences->Sound dialog) save? It resets to my webcam every time X-windows restarts11:05
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive11:05
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willnorrisi'm curious about the fact that libservlet2.4-java depends on "java-runtime" whereas libservlet2.3-java depends on "java2-runtime | java1-runtime".  Apparently the java package from sun (sun-java5-jre) provides java2-runtime and therefore satisfies the requirement for libservlet2.3.  However it doesn't appear to provide java-runtime and therefore can't satisfy the dependency requirement for libservlet2.4.11:05
ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts (Gnome) or "input actions" in Kcontrol (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net11:05
=== emoore [n=emoore@oakslade-adsl.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_!tell ultramancool about keyboard11:05
ultramancoolThat was usefull :-)11:05
Seveashmm, komozo www.ubuntu.com/download/mirror should get you started11:05
=== KleinerPinguin [n=KleinerP@brsg-d9b8e647.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_ultramancool, is that useful? really. or are you being sarcastic haha11:05
=== KleinerPinguin [n=KleinerP@brsg-d9b8e647.pool.mediaWays.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"]
blue_flashlightpluggo: make sure your webcam (probably snd-usb-audio or the like) gets loaded after your sound card's11:06
=== panthar_ [i=panthar@unixwhore.com] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_ultramancool, haha sorry! i told you i dont know much. no clue. so im sorry. good luck11:06
emoorecan anyone recommend a decent RSS feedreader *with offline reading ability* for ubuntu?11:06
Seveasemoore, I like liferea11:06
emooredoes that let you read posts in HTML whilst offline?11:06
ultramancoolI'm gonna go reboot and mess with it some more11:06
pluggoblue_flashlight: OK... how do I do that (short of not plugging it in until the system has started)11:06
Seveasemoore, yes11:06
Ensiferumlorn, my syslog is 64 megs after half an hour because of that error11:06
=== tanath [n=user@d36-72-255.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_ultramancool, hey to let people understand address people with their name first.a ll you have to do is right ket and press tap and my name will probably pop up. so three letters and a atab then you rmessage11:07
ketetha_ultramancool, will probably help :)11:07
tanathx won't start until i load fglrx, and now that it's running the Applications menu flickers constantly and is unusable11:07
tanath(after i click it)11:07
Seveastanath, dpkg -l '*fglrx' | cat11:07
Seveastanath, and put the output on the pastebin :)11:08
ketetha_what is x?11:08
=== thansen [n=thansen@] has joined #ubuntu
tanathun  xfree86-driver-fglrx <none>         (no description available)11:08
tanathii  xorg-driver-fglrx    8.26.18-1      Video driver for the ATI graphics accelerato11:08
=== walkover [n=walkover@cpe.atm2-0-1011052.0x50c52b46.sdbnxx3.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
emooreseveas: thanks - I had actually come across that and since totally forgotten about it. appreciated!11:08
pluggoketetha_ : X = the Unix windowing system11:08
walkoverhello! Does anyone i here have experience with obexftp and bluetooth?11:08
Seveastanath, you manually installed the ati drivers I presume11:09
ketetha_pluggo, haha okk thankss. i guess i soundd dumb11:09
ketetha_yggwork, you laughing at me? haha :)11:09
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:09
pluggoketetha_ : There are no stupid questions, only stupid people... and the stupid people are the ones who don't ask questions :)11:09
tanathSeveas: i don't believe so. i mainly only use synaptic to install stuff, and sometimes apt-get11:09
yggworkuh i think so ...11:09
ketetha_pluggo, wow. very thoughtful quote. haha im going to save that :)11:09
yggworkbut then ir ealized what you were doing11:09
Seveastanath, can you put your sources.list on the pastebin11:10
Ensiferumwhat name should i use in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist ?11:10
Seveastanath, the fglrx driver on your system is not in the Ubuntu archives...11:10
=== sylvinus [i=sylvinus@sab57-2-82-236-240-117.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasEnsiferum, what fo you want to blacklist?11:10
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ketetha_yggwork, dont do it again. haha im just kidding :) i'd laugh at me too11:10
=== NthDegree [n=NthDegre@194-247-231-99.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
sylvinusMy dapper's syslog restarts everyday. Is that an expected behaviour ?11:10
Seveassylvinus, yes. logrotate does that11:10
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ketetha_sylvinus, hi :)11:11
harisundI want to compile a kernel, but I want to use make oldconfig. Can I still do it? (I mean, I don't seem to be able to find the current kernel configuration files anywhere?)11:11
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sylvinusSeveas, okay. Well, a side effect seems to kill my lighttpd, too. I don't know how to prevent it11:11
Seveasharisund, /boot/config-*11:11
sylvinusdo you have a clue?11:11
=== Anti-Tedd|Lappy [n=na@pool-162-83-153-97.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
EnsiferumSeveas: ata_piix11:11
DeshHow can I IM someone not on my list in Naim?11:11
=== ranunculoid [n=eamon@] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasEnsiferum, "blacklist ata_piix" (without the quotes)11:11
ketetha_desh, click im then type their name11:11
=== kirk_ [n=kirk@ool-457b3fa5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveassylvinus, never used lighttpd, sorry11:11
ketetha_Desh, ok make sure no screenames are chosen11:11
pluggoclick in naim?11:12
EnsiferumSeveas: ok, i got it, it just says in the blacklist file that an alias should be used there, but thats ata_piix i guess?11:12
Deshketetha_: it's a cli app11:12
kirk_has anyone had any luck getting xgl to startup with ati card and dapper?11:12
=== ultramancool [n=ultraman@toronto-HSE-ppp4004460.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_ketetha_ nevermind i thought yu said gaim11:12
ultramancoolOk, well... I'm on my ubntu11:12
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems11:12
DeshAH ok thanks.11:12
walkoveri just got a new cellphone and i want to hook it up with my computer via bluetooth using obexftp. When i try to find the phone with obexftp my phone promts me for a password. I just dont know what that would be. Does anyone know what the password is for? is it for the phone? is it for obexftp? orr what is it?11:12
harisundoh nice .. thanks Seveas. Didn't expect to find it in /boot11:12
humehi..what do I need to do to be able to print over LAN, between two dapper machines? printer connected to server does not show up in laptop, and kprinter says it cannot connect to its ip:63111:12
=== goubuntu [n=olid@ACBD0972.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveaskirk_, I have  and #ubuntu-xgl too11:12
ranunculoidHmmm.. I'm trying to upgrade Amarok from 1.3.9 to 1.4.x in Kubuntu 6.06 but it wont let me. It gives an error telling me that upgrading will break another package but it doesn't say which one is breaking... What should I do guys?11:12
=== Tatico [n=Boethius@nylug/member/RobNyc] has joined #ubuntu
Deshkirk_, you got fglrx to work? :)11:12
=== SonicChao [n=soniccha@dpc67142187100.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_Desh, haha sorry to confuse1 i was like hmm must be typo11:12
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Seveaswalkover, 123411:12
walkovertried that11:12
Seveas(yes, insecure by default)11:12
Deshketetha_: no problem. :)11:13
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EnsiferumSeveas: shite, its still loaded11:13
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walkoveri also looked in the manual to find the password11:13
SeveasEnsiferum, modprobe -r ata_piix11:13
Desh:(! I want 3d acceleration, damn you ATI! Damn you Ubuntu!11:13
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:13
pluggoSo... does anyone know how to set a sound card as default in System->Preferences->Sound, since my usb webcam is usurping my builtin soundcard?11:13
walkoverthe manual mentions a lot of pin passwords but never one for bluetooth11:13
ketetha_Desh, i'm going to find out for you though still. haha be right back11:13
EnsiferumSeveas: heh, cant do that11:13
komozoSeveas > i do it with apt-mirror on ububtu. wich tool on Debian is recommended or equivalent ?11:13
Seveaswalkover, bluetooth pass == pin11:13
Ensiferumits a hd driver :p11:13
nikosapiIs there a way to force a re-install of a package with apt?11:13
SeveasEnsiferum, then reboot11:13
ketetha_Desh, http://naim.n.ml.org/docs/FAQ11:13
Ensiferumwell yeah but it still loaded it11:14
Seveasnikosapi, apt-get install --reinstall package_name_here11:14
ketetha_Desh, try adding them to your buddylist first or something. then iming them.11:14
Ensiferumi added "ata_piix" to the blacklist11:14
ultramancoolMy keyboard is not responding after about 3 seconds of use on ubuntu's X server. It seems that if I switch to a VT and back it will work after it restarts X the first time logging in. /me is begining to wonder if that is totally random11:14
nikosapiSeveas: thank you11:14
SeveasEnsiferum, then it's loaded by something else11:14
walkoverit says that i might have to enter a password for the unit im connecting but that is obexftp and what password is that. I never made one so.11:14
EnsiferumSeveas: any ways to figure out what loads it?11:14
walkoverSeveas, no it is not11:14
SeveasEnsiferum, my best guess is somewhere in initramfs11:14
ketetha_Desh, To simply send an IM to someone who is not in your buddy list, just type `/msg11:14
ketetha_buddyname hello there'. THERE YA GO11:14
tanathSeveas: what driver should i use?11:15
Seveasbut imitramfs is still a bit of black magic to me 11:15
walkoverits not when i enable bluetooth11:15
=== Tatico [n=Boethius@nylug/member/RobNyc] has joined #ubuntu
Ensiferumok, but theres a list somewhere i can force modules to be loaded?11:15
La_PaRCaHow can I delete all .txt files in a directory?11:15
=== XrekcaH [n=HackerX@68-188-163-246.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_Desh, To simply send an IM to someone who is not in your buddy list, just type `/msg buddyname hello there'. there you go. sorry there way a break in the line11:15
Ensiferumwhere was it?11:15
SeveasLa_PaRCa, rm *.txt11:15
XrekcaHWhats a good ISO burning Program11:15
walkoverit is as soon as obexftp finds it and tries to list the files of the phoine11:15
pluggoXrekcaH : cdrecord11:15
TokenBadthere is real media plugin for ubuntu right?11:15
SeveasXrekcaH, rightclick on iso, click "burn to cd"11:16
kirk_if anyone has xgl running with ati card can link me a portion of xorg file11:16
Seveas!codecs > TokenBad11:16
XrekcaHits says its 701mb11:16
Seveas!xgl > kirk_11:16
XrekcaHcant burn11:16
kirk_Seveas: yes11:16
XrekcaHits the mac ubuntu11:16
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=== tanath does
Seveaskirk_, ubotu sent you some help11:16
ultramancoolTokenBad: easyUbuntu can get you everything you need11:16
tanaththough it's messed at the moment11:16
kirk_Seveas: it wont load when I restart x11:16
ketetha_is there a wiki or help on mp3 players and hooking them up?11:16
=== bur[n] er [n=burner@c-67-176-41-240.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasXrekcaH, do you have 700mb+ cds?11:16
ketetha_!devices > ketetha_11:16
ubotuI know nothing about devices  - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com11:17
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=== squee [n=paul@host-194-46-239-217.dsl-ie.utvinternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
ultramancoolI think my X11 is just plain messed up :-(11:17
tanathmy applications menu flickers constantly and is unusable11:17
ketetha_didnt work out. haha:)11:17
=== JDStone [n=JDStone@] has joined #ubuntu
pluggoketetha_ : Most show up as a USB mass storage device that you can mount like a thumbdrive11:17
=== HotDrive [n=hotdrive@] has joined #ubuntu
HotDrivehi there11:17
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ketetha_pluggo, ok im going to connect it and see what happes11:17
Seveashi ColdDrive11:17
HotDriveis it possible to remove the games that came with ubuntu without destroying the ubuntu-desktop?11:17
ketetha_HotDrive, yes11:18
SeveasHotDrive, removing ubuntu-dedktop won't destry the desktop11:18
squeeDoes anyone else have trouble with Amarok 1.3.9 (using KDE 3.5.2)? I find it crashes a lot.11:18
=== picket [n=asdfasf@81-228-28-113-o1110.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_HotDrive, go to applications > accesories > alacarte11:18
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ketetha_HotDrive, and you can remove it from the menu that way it doesnt show11:18
TokenBadultramancool, easyubuntu?11:18
=== GStubbs43 [n=GStubbs4@pool-72-73-93-252.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreaksquee: upgrade it to amarok 1.4.1 and kde 3.5.311:18
komozoSeveas> any idea ?11:18
ultramancoolTokenBad: google it11:18
HotDrivebut I mean really remove them11:18
XrekcaHWhat is a another iso burner?11:19
ketetha_squee, i seem to like it alot!11:19
SeveasXrekcaH, gnomebaker, k3b11:19
danfgthe nvidia driver setup program i downloaded from www.nvidia.com asks me where it can find the kernel source. where the hell is it?11:19
ketetha_HotDrive, ok try applications add/remove programs, look under games, and remove the one you wnat11:19
tanathx won't start until i load fglrx, and now that it's running the Applications menu flickers constantly and is unusable11:19
jrib!nvidia > danfg11:19
Seveas!nvidia > danfg11:19
Seveasjrib, !11:19
ultramancoolXrekcaH: For linux? try cdrecord dev=/dev/hdx isofile.iso11:19
jribi win11:19
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ketetha_HotDrive, does that help you any?11:20
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danfgjrib, Seveas: you both lose :) there aren't any instructions there on the kind of nvidia driver install i'm trying to do11:20
=== bleaked [n=bleaked@CPE-70-94-13-227.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== CrazyMonkey [n=none@modemcable131.125-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
HotDriveKetetha_ -> no can do, says that I have to uninstal ubunto-games... and when I try to do this, aptitude says that needs to remove ubuntu-desktop too because of the dependencies11:20
squeekethetha_ I love amarok as well. I just upgraded to ubuntu 6.06 yesterday and since then nothing but problems. reminds me of v 1.111:20
Seveasdanfg, the instructions are: ditch whatever you downloaded and use what ubuntu provides11:20
Seveasit's the same version but usable11:20
=== madewokherd [n=urk@c-24-3-52-250.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
GStubbs43My computer shows a Kubuntu boot screen when it is turning on, but it has Ubuntu/Gnome and not Kubuntu/KDE11:21
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=== DaSkreech [n=root@] has joined #ubuntu
squeegnomefreak I just upgraded to ubuntu 6.06 yesterday and since then nothing but problems. reminds me of amarok v 1.111:21
=== mheath [i=Mike@c-67-182-231-23.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_HotDrive, ah. that sucks. well i'm not that good im not sure if i can help ou further11:21
Ensiferumhaw haw haw on reboot [....]  BIOS not found error11:21
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danfgSeveas: well, the one ubuntu provides doesn't seem to work with gf 6xxx boards, which is the one i'm using11:21
CrazyMonkeyHow can I install ubuntu desktop with LVM?11:21
DaSkreechHello I'm getting superblock errors on bootup11:21
ketetha_squee, hehe its ereally straightfoward and it looks good too :)11:21
DaSkreechI just reinstalled11:21
EnsiferumDaSkreech: borked diskx9r11:21
=== auliya [n=auliya@newred.gradwell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_squee, you were havin g aproblem with it?11:21
HotDriveok, thanks anyway11:21
SeveasGStubbs43, sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r)11:21
auliyaj freebsd11:21
DaSkreechEnsiferum: How do I check that?11:21
ketetha_Ensiferum, did you find your problem11:21
SurfnKidsomeone send me a msg11:21
devoinreMy system is stuck in 640x480 and their are no other options in "screen resolution prefrences". I need it at 1280x1024.11:21
squeeketetha_ to use it is easy11:21
SurfnKidtesting somethin11:21
EnsiferumDaSkreech: badblocks, fsck11:22
ketetha_SurfnKid, i send you a message :)11:22
ketetha_squee, agreed11:22
squeeketetha_ my problem is it crashing11:22
Ensiferumketetha_: im pretty sure its in libata again11:22
ketetha_squee, likes stops working?11:22
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=== MehAdult [n=paul@adsl-65-68-1-24.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
pluggoGoogle is my friend...11:22
=== sophie_ [n=sophie@vil69-1-82-67-48-136.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_pluggo, google is MY bestfriend though :)11:22
danfgSeveas: there is a bug in the nvidia driver that is "fixed" by a change in a source file. so i'd have to compile the thing, ubuntu apparently doesn't include the fix in it's driver11:22
squeeketetha_ i have over 1700 tracks and a P3 pc.11:22
SurfnKidketetha_, once again, its for xchat :)11:22
sophie_hi all11:22
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Ensiferumthe solution would most likely be to revert to using ide interface through piix rathern than use libata11:23
=== ultramancool [n=ultraman@toronto-HSE-ppp4004460.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
pluggoketetha_ : hehehe11:23
spundunhi all...11:23
Seveasdanfg, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)11:23
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ketetha_SurfnKid, hehe :)11:23
CrazyMonkeyHow can I install ubuntu desktop using LVM?11:23
Ensiferumjust this system seems to load ata_piix all the time11:23
Seveasdanfg, that should be all you need11:23
ketetha_pluggo: :)11:23
Ensiferumeven though its on the shitlist now11:23
sophie_anybody has successfully installed dapper on ibook g4 ?11:23
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danfgSeveas: thanks, and where will these headers be located once they're installed?11:23
Ensiferumbwt, could someone put a channel mode that hides joins and parts?11:23
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ketetha_squee, well i have no clue what would be the problem, maybe you should re install it. all your music is saved and stuff right?11:23
SurfnKidketetha_, bah, didnt work, PM plz :P11:23
=== Ensiferum [n=enska@addr-85-23-13-215.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasdanfg, the nvidia installer *should* find them automatically11:24
ketetha_SurfnKid, haha okk. wait one second11:24
ranunculoidI'm having trouble upgrading amarok, http://pastebin.ca/86428 <-- Any ideas guys??11:24
Seveasdanfg, /usr/src/linux-headers-something11:24
Ensiferumwas i kicked?11:24
ardchoilleIf I want to run a script when a user logs in, would I put that sript into /home/username/.local/autostart ?11:24
ketetha_SurfnKid, haha it says HOLA do you really surf11:24
spundunon my powerpc ubuntu installation, in synaptic (or apt-get) I can't see ddd but it should be available according to http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/breezy/devel/ddd .... do I have my repositories incomplete or something?11:24
devoinrewill someone help with my resolution issue? I need it at 1280x1024 and it is stuck at 640x480.11:24
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danfgSeveas: thanks a lot, you've been very helpful :)11:24
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ketetha_Ensiferum, ya because of language you said the s word11:24
Seveas!info ddd breezy11:24
ubotuddd: The Data Display Debugger, a graphical debugger frontend. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1:3.3.9-3build1 (breezy), package size 1431 kB, installed size 4104 kB11:24
Seveas!info ddd dapper11:24
ubotuddd: The Data Display Debugger, a graphical debugger frontend. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1:3.3.11-1 (dapper), package size 1411 kB, installed size 4004 kB11:24
unstablesobCan anyone help me build kernel modules for vmware-player?11:24
ultramancooldanfg, Seveas: Kernel headers? You have to specify them manually. It's a pain, but it works11:24
squeeketetha_ it is. anyother ideas?11:24
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type 'lsb_release -a' in the Terminal.11:24
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Ensiferumketetha_: i c11:25
Seveasspundun, sources.list in the pastebin please11:25
Seveasunstablesob, don't.11:25
SurfnKidketetha_, does it? lol11:25
ketetha_Ensiferum, wasnt me. haha just tellin gyouu11:25
Seveasunstablesob, install vmware-player from the repos11:25
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SurfnKidketetha_, weird im just trying this xchat plugin11:25
hephaestusi just ran the newest updates on my desktop and now x wont load ... has anyone else seen this?11:25
Seveashephaestus, edgy?11:25
ketetha_SurfnKid, haha yess :) what plugin? is it working out?11:25
unstablesobSeveas: it doesn't have updated modules for the new kernel11:25
SurfnKidah its flashing now11:25
Seveasit should11:25
ketetha_squee, nah im beat. i have no clue why it would be messing up. you said it was the newest version rihgt?11:25
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ketetha_squee, sometimes mine freezes but i just wait about 2 minutes and its gone.11:26
SurfnKidnow it is, dunno why, taskbar away plugin for xchat11:26
hephaestusseveas, yeah11:26
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GStubbs43Thank you for that code whoever gave it to me ;) It worked.11:26
ketetha_SurfnKid, yay :)11:26
Seveasunstablesob, please file a bug instead of working around it so everyone can benefit from a solution11:26
SurfnKidketetha_, thx, it lets me know if someone sent a msg by flashin11:26
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ketetha_SurfnKid, ooh cool. mine just turns red once. do you have the name of that pllugin?11:26
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unstablesobSeveas: thats fine and all but it doesn't help me getting vmware-player working right now, which I need11:26
squeeketetha_ yes just updated yesterday. i was just wondering if there were any major bugs in it that were'nt fixed yet11:26
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unstablesobnm, i'll just boot into the older kernel11:27
Seveasunstablesob, you're a bit out of luck mixing manually compiled modules with ubuntu packages11:27
ketetha_squee, maybee! did your older version work better? well you either cna wait it ou or try another player. but personally for amaroK since i like it so much i would wait it out11:27
Seveasif you wnat it working now: use the older kernel11:27
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ketetha_SurfnKid, thankss! gonna return the favor and im me after im doneee? haha11:28
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SurfnKidhehe yeah11:28
Ensiferumhah, i renamed the ata_piix.ko file11:28
Ensiferumwonder if it still loads it :)'11:28
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SeveasEnsiferum, most likely it will11:28
DaSkreechEnsiferum: All checks come back as good11:28
Seveasdue to the initramfs 11:28
ketetha_SurfnKid, do i have to restart xchat or anything?11:28
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EnsiferumSeveas: yes, it does, how is that possible?11:28
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meccahey guys... i got a new monitor and was wondering if theres a quick and easy way to make it autodetect and adjust the X server settings in ubuntu11:29
DaSkreechWhy would I get a superblock error upon reinstall?11:29
mecca*i went from regular to widescreen and its all screwy now*11:29
ketetha_SurfnKid, go ahead and im me11:29
SeveasEnsiferum, regenerate your initramfs (sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r)) after renaming the module11:29
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theapocAnyone familiar with vmware?11:29
SurfnKiddid an X appear in the systray?11:29
ketetha_or anyone for that matter. PM away :)11:29
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DaSkreechmecca: dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver11:29
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danfgi'm going to try installing the nvidia drivers, wish me luck, brb11:29
meccaDaSkreech, thanks bud11:29
SurfnKidketetha_, i think you might have to11:29
ketetha_SurfnKid, yepp theres an x11:29
SurfnKidoh ok11:29
SurfnKidketetha_, coolers11:29
ultramancoolI just upped my kernel, see you later guys11:29
CrazyMonkeyHow can I install ubuntu desktop using LVM?11:29
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SurfnKidketetha_, you can set up browser, mail and music player11:30
DaSkreechCrazyMonkey: You have LVm already?11:30
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sophie_CrazyMonkey, you need a cd to install ubuntu, not lvm11:30
ketetha_SurfnKid, in the xchat? i can do that stuff? seriously?11:30
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SurfnKidketetha_, with the plugin11:30
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ketetha_SurfnKid, COOL BEANS. thats awesome11:30
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EnsiferumSeveas: what does that do?11:30
ketetha_SurfnKid, how do i set up the broswer11:30
theapocAnyone familiar with vmware?11:30
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Ensiferumtheapoc: yes11:30
SurfnKidketetha_, on the X settings rigth click to Systray Settings11:31
SeveasEnsiferum, it'll regenerate your initramfs without that driver included - so it cannot load11:31
MTecknologyI need help, Firefox crashes when I visit certain pages and I don't know why11:31
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squeesorry feckin power cables everywhere11:31
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CrazyMonkeysophie_ : lol, i have a cd, i want it to partition my drive to use LVM, i know you have this option when using the server cd but i dont see it on the desktop cd11:31
SeveasMTecknology, disable all plugins and extensions11:31
gnomefreakMTecknology: what pages?11:31
Seveasand see whether that helps11:31
theapocEnsiferum: I'm having some trouble with it. I installed it yesterday and installed WinXP. All worked fine, but after I rebooted my computer I was no longer able to power it on. Here is the error I get.11:31
DaSkreechWhy would I get a superblock error upon reinstall?11:31
gnomefreakor Seveas way ;)11:31
polpakCrazyMonkey, you need the alternate install CD for that I think11:32
MTecknologygnomefreak, myspace pages usually11:32
SeveasDaSkreech, failing disk11:32
sophie_CrazyMonkey, you want your root fs on lvm ?11:32
ketetha_SurfnKid, i dont understandd11:32
theapocEnsiferum: Unable to change virtual machine power state: The process exited with an error:11:32
theapocEnd of error message.11:32
DaSkreechSeveas: Just did a check11:32
DaSkreechSeems fine11:32
gnomefreakMTecknology: than i would think flash11:32
CrazyMonkeysophie_ yes11:32
EnsiferumSeveas: sorry for a stupid question but what is initramfs?11:32
theapocEnsiferum: someone told me it was due to priviledges11:32
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gnomefreakmy sisters myspace has a lot of flash on it11:32
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gnomefreakand music11:32
CrescendoWhy is a person intelligent enough to use Linux stupid enough to use MySpace?11:32
SeveasEnsiferum, a sort of cache that's loaded into memory before booting to help the kernel boot11:32
SurfnKidketetha_, theres an Xchat icon on the taskbar, but you might have to restart Xchat to get it up there11:32
MTecknologygnomefreak, where can I see the log file?11:32
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CrescendoMTecknology, try EasyUbuntu.11:32
ketetha_SurfnKid, okk i will restart11:32
ketetha_byee guyss11:32
EnsiferumSeveas: is that loaded by the loader image?11:33
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.11:33
sophie_CrazyMonkey, what for ? why not put your root fs on standard partition and later configure lvm for data ?11:33
squeeCresendo whats wrong with myspace? I dont use it but still.11:33
Ensiferumtheapoc: sorry cant help with that11:33
polloI've just installed my new webcam11:33
DaSkreechSeveas: I'm gonna try and reboot without any disks except / and see what happens11:33
SeveasEnsiferum, grub/yaboot/silo/lilo load it11:33
spundunSeveas: I had to add universe :) thanks for your help...11:33
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EnsiferumSeveas: ok11:33
MTecknologyCrescendo, what is that?11:33
polloanyone can help me to test it?11:33
Ensiferumill try taht11:33
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gavagaiI am using "wondershaper" to limit bandwidth on a linux box.  it works great on traffic to/from the internet, but it is having strange effects within my LAN.  if i try to do an ftp transfer on my network it is ridiculously slow, way beneath the wondershaper settings.  Any ideas?11:33
Prozaci already had it that way, gavagai.11:33
Ensiferumthis channel is too busy11:33
pollowith gnomemeeting?11:33
Ensiferumcant follow11:33
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SeveasEnsiferum, it's a bit hectic now 11:33
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Crescendosquee, here's how it is.  99% of myspace is the bottom 1% of society... y'know... the emo whores, the predatory stalkers...11:33
OrgulloKmooreHow can I play a .wmv file?11:34
ultramancoolApparently some miracle occured and my keyboard now almost works11:34
gavagaiProzac, ?11:34
Prozaci don't know, gavagai11:34
=== ketetha_ [n=ketetha@adsl-68-95-139-71.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ensiferumisnt there a channel mode on freenode to hide joins and parts at least?11:34
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rskOrgulloKmoore, with mplayer and win32codecs11:34
gavagaiEnsiferum, you do that on your client not the server11:34
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jribOrgulloKmoore: xine or mplayer, with w32codecs11:34
SeveasEnsiferum, most chat clients can do that11:34
ketetha_ok SurfnKid PM mehh :)11:34
ketetha_or anyone PM me11:34
=== Crescendo [n=asdf@adsl-144-141-166.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasEnsiferum, what are you using?11:34
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Ensiferumgavagai: its on qnet though11:34
EnsiferumSeveas: irssi11:34
OrgulloKmoorersk> I don't see mplayer in my apt-cache list...11:34
CrescendoI'll consider that my warning.11:34
fowlduckis there a way to change the theme from the command-line?11:34
gavagaiEnsiferum, well that and a dollar gets you a ride on the bus.  :)11:34
squeeCresendo True true. But thats the same for the rest of the world almost. You just have to be mature and ignore them11:34
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.11:34
=== Pluk [n=Pluk@12-68-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_waiit. darnit. i dont see that X. hwre is in located again?11:34
SeveasEnsiferum, then you need to ask someone else  (gnomefreak, help me out here)11:34
ardchoilleHow do I launch an app when a user logs in?11:34
abocan anyone help me with a GRUB problem, my system is unbootable :-(11:35
ubotuI know nothing about XChat - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com11:35
rskOrgulloKmoore, then add multiverse and universe repos or compile it yourself11:35
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.11:35
gnomefreakSeveas: whats up sorry11:35
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polpak!info xchat11:35
ubotuxchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In repository universe, is optional. Version 2.6.1-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 254 kB, installed size 720 kB11:35
Seveasgnomefreak, Ensiferum wants to know how to ignore join/parts11:35
jribardchoille: system > preferences > sessiosn > startup11:35
CrescendoTry "sudo apt-get install xchat"11:35
Seveasin irssi11:35
ardchoillejrib: How do I do that for the other 6 users on this box?11:36
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devoinregressI am stuck at 640x480. I need help.11:36
gnomefreaklet me see if i can help him i think i knwo where i can find it11:36
=== SurfnKid [n=SurfnKid@cpe-66-68-241-20.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jribEnsiferum: /say /ignore #ubuntu JOIN PARTS11:36
jriboops umm ignore that /say11:36
Seveas!resolution > devoinregress11:36
gavagaiin irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu join parts modes11:36
gavagaithe /save11:36
ketetha_SurfnKid, how dare you leave. haha :)11:36
Ensiferumjrib: sweet dude11:36
ubotuFind your themes at: http://art.ubuntu.com - http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEyeCandy11:36
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brandongoochsophie_: check the forums out http://www.ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=13311:36
SurfnKidthe necesities of life11:36
ubotuInstall gnome-themes (gnome) or go to menu, system settings, appearance (KDE)11:36
ketetha_SurfnKid,  haa ok where is this mysterious X. haha :)11:36
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Seveasketetha_, between the w and the y11:37
devoinregressSeveas, any help? sorry but I don't know where to go11:37
SurfnKidketetha_, somewhere in synaptic :P11:37
EnsiferumSeveas: now it definitely is not loading the module anymore cause it barfs on boot11:37
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Seveasdevoinregress, ubotu sent you the help11:37
gnomefreakEnsiferum: for future refference http://irssi.org/documentation   is very helpfull11:37
ketetha_Seveas, i find you very funny :)11:37
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ketetha_SurfnKid, seriously?11:37
SurfnKidketetha_, if you installed it from synaptic it should load with xchat11:37
Ensiferumgnomefreak: well thanks, it wasnt me though, but seveas brought it up :p11:37
gavagaiirssi is self documenting, just:  /help ignore11:37
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ketetha_SurfnKid, ok wait i installed it in the terminal so let me try agian. whats the package name11:38
Daveraghey guys, my text mode is displayed with a higher resolution but it seems to screw up after my x loads because i don't see anything in the text terminals.... how would i reset that to default resolution?11:38
Seveasonly thing useful in irssi is /quit :11:38
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ardchoilleSeveas: ACK!11:38
Jeeves__hi Flannel, thanks for your advice earlier, I have a follow up question11:38
gavagaiSeveas, you must be using ms chat, that didn't render correctly here11:38
=== Gregy1727 [n=Greg@host-216-78-32-146.ath.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasDaverag, put your /boot/grub/menu.lst on the pastebin please11:38
pausomeone know why i can't enter to some web pages with mozilla?11:38
gavagaims comic chat or whatever11:38
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squeeAnyone else had problems with amarok v1.3.*11:39
yggworkscrew it i thin ill just gonna install lindows11:39
bbrazilpau: example?11:39
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ketetha_SurfnKid, thankss11:39
=== gnomefreak gives Seveas credit he stays away from xchat-gnome ;)
SurfnKidsquee, what problem?11:39
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Seveasyggwork, that's called linspire 11:39
coder__i need to connect via vpn from dapper to windows server 2k3.  i setup pptp-linux, used pptpconfig to setup config, and I can't get it connected.11:39
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yggworkseveas cool how did you do that ?11:39
ketetha_ok im instaling it plus xchat-gnome11:40
SurfnKidgnomefreak, xchat-gnome give u probs?11:40
Seveas! 11:40
ubotuI know nothing about  - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com11:40
=== slicslak [n=slicslak@S01060014bf0ed3be.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
paui cant enter to bioinf.uab.es11:40
gnomefreakSurfnKid: i only used it once didnt like it never went back11:40
Seveasah right, only works in -offtopic 11:40
SurfnKidketetha_, stay away from xchat-gnome, it exploded on me, couldnt get it back up11:40
bbrazilSeveas: eh, any chance you can stick to ascii?11:40
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SurfnKidgnomefreak, hah!11:40
Seveasbbrazil, not really11:40
Seveaswelcome to the 21st century 11:40
pollocan anyone help in testing my new webcam????11:40
SurfnKidgnomefreak, no wonder it broke11:40
dooglusI'm using NX to connect to my ubuntu box - it works great apart from the fact that I can't take any screenshots when I'm using it.  They all come out blank.  How can I fix this?11:40
ketetha_SurfnKid, omg i chose that11:40
yggworki can paste it but what character is it ?11:40
SurfnKidketetha_, hehe just uncheck it11:40
ketetha_SurfnKid, ah i gotta change that.11:40
Jeeves__I have mounted the drive using another version of linux (Insert) and from there I can see the original filenames, I have changed them so i can see them properly from here but is there no way to see the originals?11:40
ketetha_SurfnKid, its almost doneee11:40
SurfnKidpollo, no porn cams :P11:41
=== jdmpike [n=jordan@host-87-74-96-69.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
squeeSurfnKid just crashes when i change track sometimes. I do have over 1700 and using a P3 pc so mayb my pc just too bad11:41
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SurfnKidketetha_, wickid11:41
bbrazilSeveas: Sarge was released in the 21st century :)11:41
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=== SomeoneElse [n=greg@c-67-188-165-240.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
pollono porn ;-)11:41
ketetha_SurfnKid, i can always remove it right. whats it supposed to do anyway11:41
SurfnKidsquee, go to 1.4.1, hopefully itll work11:41
Seveasbbrazil, then use a half-decent distro :11:41
SurfnKidpollo, ok cool, someone will want to test it out then hehe11:41
pollojust a try on gnomemeeting11:41
bbrazilSeveas: no, I prefer a full-decent distro. Which is why I use Sarge :)11:41
bbrazilSeveas: anyway - this is more for -offtopiv11:42
SurfnKidketetha_, its a gnome xchat interface, but it crashed, when i set transparency to it, couldnt get it to start again even with -n  no autoloading plugins11:42
squeeSurfnKid  i didnt know that was out, i only just got 1.311:42
coder__Can someone please help me setup vpn from ubuntu to small business server?11:42
pollomaybe I'm on the wrong channel?11:42
=== kditty [n=kditty@cpe-69-135-195-202.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
DaveragSeveas: strangely pastebin doesn't submit....11:42
squeeSurfnKid  synaptic package manager, yeah?11:42
yggworkseveas do you have  on your keyb ?11:42
DaveragSeveas: what would be the line?11:42
fowlduckSeveas: do you know if there is a way to dump all the gconf settings to a text file or something?  Or maybe what I really want, is there a way to change the theme from the command-line?11:42
SurfnKidsquee, try that yeah11:43
SurfnKidsquee, try #amarok chan11:43
Seveasfowlduck, gconftool-2 --set11:43
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Seveas(man gconftool-2 is much more useful than me here)11:43
=== LGKeiz [n=LGKeiz@ppp-70-225-188-177.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #Ubuntu
moreatievening all, I have Windows XP SP2 client trying to connect to a 6.06 shared folder(samba configured through the gui). I can see the server, but Windows keeps prompting for a password I know is correct. Should this just work ou the box, or are there any gotches I should check for?11:43
=== bigbootay [n=bigboota@CPE0004e28a9289-CM000a73a14ed4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidsquee, http://amarok.kde.org/amarokwiki/index.php/Download11:43
squeeSurfnKid  k thanks11:43
pausome one knows why i can't acess to some web pages with firefox as bioinf.uab.es?11:43
bbrazilmoreati: you setup with smbpasswd?11:43
fowlduckSeveas: okie-dokie, thanks.  and good to see you around again11:43
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Daveragmoreati: you need to also create a samba user like smbpasswd user11:43
ardchoilleIs there a universal "autostart" directory that I can put an app in so it launches when any of the 6 users on this box login?11:43
=== funkja [n=funkja@12-216-62-42.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
SomeoneElsecan someone who dual-boots Ubuntu and XP http://PASTEBIN.com me their /boot/grub/menu.lst please11:44
OrgulloKmoorersk> got it. I decided to use this sources.list: http://italy.copybase.ch/blog/lista-repository-sourceslist-ottimizzata-per-ubuntu-kubuntu-linux/11:44
=== sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakSeveas: dpkg will continue unpacking and setting up with no internet right?11:44
Seveasardchoille, /etc/X11/xsession.d11:44
SurfnKidSomeoneElse, ok11:44
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SomeoneElsei ubdated my kernel and lost my xpboot11:44
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Seveasgnomefreak, yes, dpkg does not use the net, apt does11:44
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ardchoilleSeveas: Ahh, thank yu :)11:44
aboI have a problem with GRUB can anyone help11:44
nikosapiHow can I add myself as an admin for the cups web interface? I seem to have forgotten how...11:44
Seveas!anyone > abo11:44
Jeeves__OK, is anyone able to help with a msdos formated drive problem?11:44
gnomefreakSeveas: ok thats assuming apt gets the updates and dpkg installs them11:45
moreatiDaverag: bummer, thanks. *mutters* what's the point in a gui if yo still  have to use a command line utlity to create another user?11:45
Beta_MSomeoneElse:  you might have edited list in the way that you were told by comments not to11:45
gnomefreaklol sorry having a bad day11:45
SurfnKidSomeoneElse, http://pastebin.ca/8645211:45
Seveasgnomefreak, hehe11:45
SomeoneElsethx SurfnKid11:45
=== Seveas dccs gnomefrak a random beverage of his choice
=== Chu [n=swebster@cpe-66-74-195-151.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rixxon'/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lruby' do i need any specific package (got ruby1.8-dev)?11:46
gnomefreakjim and coke is fine ty ;)11:46
=== FreshManIce [n=no@c-67-162-147-139.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
polloso noone with a webcam?11:46
EnsiferumSeveas: it doesnt boot now at all, ideas on how to fix it? :)11:46
aboSeveas, GRUB doesnt start anymore after I resized/moved the partition, can you help?11:46
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gnomefreakbrb going upstairs11:46
Specgnomefreak: my day hasn't been tooo bad ... but i did have to wake up early to drive my girlfriend to the hospital :-/11:46
DaveragSeveas: check out http://www.cakephp.org/pastes/show/ee5f18e9794ed293d1c83ccfe23c2c9711:46
SurfnKidSomeoneElse, yer welcome, its full of newer updated kernels, hehe11:46
polpakrixxon, try libruby-dev11:46
SeveasEnsiferum, do you have another kernel installed?11:46
SurfnKidpollo, my webcam crashes i gotta fix it11:46
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johlinI have a little problem with codeblocks. Whenever I try to drag the tabs (by mistake), the application hangs and also gdm. I can switch to a terminal, killall codeblocks but gdm will still hang (and if I restart gdm I get blank screen, another story). I reproduced this with 3 nightly builds. I compiled a new one one hour ago, and I'll test it soon (just gotta be a little productive first). I just want to know, if this a11:46
johlinproblem with gdm, codeblocks or wxwindows (doesn't codeblocks use that?)?11:46
finrodI seem to have problems starting quake3, it exits showing no obvious errors, google found setting X to 24bpp as a solution to "Could not get a visual", however, it already is on 24bpp. I'm using fglrx, and according to glxinfo and glxgears, it works fine. - http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/2166/11:46
ketetha_ok i'll be right back restarting xchat11:46
EnsiferumSeveas: the same kernel "failsafe" mode according to grub11:46
phaedral_hi all; looking for a little help w/ a console news reader, raggle11:46
SeveasDaverag, remove the vga= parameter from the # kopt line and run sudo update-grub11:46
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FreshManIceCould somebody please point me to a guide to customizing XWindows and choosing a window manager?11:47
SeveasEnsiferum, iow: useless - grab a live cd and boot from it11:47
squeeSurfnKid   Kubuntu 11:47
squee    * 1.4.1 for Dapper Drake (official)11:47
polpakrixxon, hrm.. I'm wrong. I missread liberuby-dev ;p11:47
Ensiferumi can rename the module, but i cant rerun the config11:47
squeeSurfnKid   will that work on Ubuntu 6.0611:47
Ensiferumso will it work then?11:47
SurfnKidsquee, im on 6.06 with 1.4.111:47
Jeeves__Bit busy in here, and late, will try back tomorrow,11:47
SeveasEnsiferum, can't rerun the config?11:47
rixxonpolpak: i installed libruby, still same error. i think i need to point make somewhere?11:47
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bbrazilFreshManIce: I installed at 17 or so, and tried them one by one11:48
squeeSurfnKid   k thanks11:48
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bbrazilFreshManIce: s/at/all/11:48
polpakrixxon, how did you install it?11:48
rixxonpolpak: apt-get11:48
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=== thegattaca [n=thegatta@adsl-65-65-211-251.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
polpakrixxon, then it should work11:48
SeveasEnsiferum, you'll need to chroot into your installed system to re-run the dpkg-reconfigure11:48
EnsiferumSeveas: dpkl-reconfigure ...11:48
FreshManIceall right11:48
SurfnKidsquee, works so far, and havent had any errors, but i dont use a list of files like you do, just stream music11:48
thegattacaHello :)11:48
SurfnKidEnsiferum, you mean dpkg?11:49
rixxonpolpak: well, it doesn't... '/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lruby' :)11:49
FreshManIcei guess I'll just charge through it.  Worst that can happen is I'll have to rework the system.11:49
rixxonpolpak: trying to compile xchat-ruby11:49
thegattacaI love the hardware support in ubuntu :)11:49
EnsiferumSurfnKid: yes...11:49
squeeSurfnKid   im not very good at this...how do you do that?11:49
Ensiferumthegattaca: i dont11:49
thegattacaThere is just one thing . . . how does one configure the touch screen for a UX180P?11:49
=== jcoxon [n=jcoxon@jac208.caths.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFind your themes at: http://art.ubuntu.com - http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEyeCandy11:49
squeeSurfnKid   streaming11:49
DaveragSeveas: thanks, i'll reboot to check11:49
thegattaca(the portable sony mini pc thing)11:49
ketetha_squee, hows your problem going11:50
=== guillote_GNU [i=BrainDoo@host37.200-82-109.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
squeekethetha_ Surfnkid is helping me as well11:50
rixxonpolpak: there is a precompiled binary for xchat-ruby but with it i get ' libruby.so.1.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or director'11:50
funkjahow do you find out with kernel you are using?11:50
bbrazilFreshManIce: on ubuntu, you usually want xcfe, kde or gnome as they have the best support11:50
squeekethetha_ downloading v 1.411:50
Specuname -a11:50
=== userundefine [n=userunde@cpe-065-190-047-105.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rixxonpolpak: so xchat folks told me to compile... which doesn't work either :)11:50
Specto find out what kernel you're running ^^11:50
thegattacahmm . . . i'll find an advanced users room if this is too complicated11:51
ranunculoidWhat's a quick terminal command to get the version of a program?11:51
ketetha_a splash screen is just for the front?11:51
Seveasranunculoid, apt-cache policy packagename11:51
SomeoneElsecp is copy form the termnal right?11:51
johlinranuculoid program --help usually says what version it is11:51
SeveasSomeoneElse, yes11:51
=== SurfnKid [n=SurfnKid@cpe-66-68-241-20.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Specranunculoid: dpkg -l |grep -i packagename11:51
SomeoneElsethx Seveas11:51
eXCeSShow do i find my internal ip?11:51
=== Mash [i=Mash@irc.kuja.in] has joined #ubuntu
funkjaI have an ATI Radeon 9200se - is it worth installing the ATI drivers?11:51
SurfnKidsquee, PM me11:51
SpeceXCeSS: ifconfig11:51
SeveasSpec, s/| grep//11:51
SurfnKiddumb XGL restarts on me11:51
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SomeoneElsethats all i need thanks again for the help Seveas and SurfnKid11:52
ketetha_squee, oh good luckk :)11:52
SurfnKidfunkja, if ya want full GL support yeah11:52
SpecSeveas: ohh, yeah, i forget that11:52
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SpecSeveas: i just think '-l = list all .... grep time!'11:52
=== valc [n=valc@62-43-143-60.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
funkjaSurfnKid, do you know of a good walkthrough on how to do that?11:52
SeveasSpec, -leven understands wildcards 11:52
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto11:53
finrodI seem to have problems starting quake3, it exits showing no obvious errors, google found setting X to 24bpp as a solution to "Could not get a visual", however, it already is on 24bpp. I'm using fglrx, and according to glxinfo and glxgears, it works fine. - http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/2166/ *repeats*11:53
valcJuas! se ha conectado en un plis plas!!11:53
thegattacaSpec: How would you suggest (since you have more than two cells up there) one configures the touch screen for a Sony UX180P?11:53
Specthegattaca: more than two cells?11:53
valcmmmmmmmm en ingls?11:53
squeeketetha_ thanks11:53
ardchoilleSeveas: It didn't work :(11:53
SurfnKidfunkja, the BinaryDriverHow to got me going quick11:53
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.11:53
=== goubuntu is now known as BillGates
squeeSurfnKid   stupid question...how?11:53
ketetha_http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=40458 why is it in spanish11:53
Specthegattaca: i've never used a touchscreen, so i wouldn't know .... if you send me one i'll work on it ;)11:53
valcOkis. Gracias :)11:53
SurfnKidsquee, /msg SurfnKid11:53
SurfnKidvalc, denax11:53
thegattacait's their little mini pc11:53
Specdoes the display work?11:54
thegattacathere is a "usbhid" module loaded, but it's not in use . . ..11:54
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=== gutera [n=gutera@201-25-85-76.cpece705.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
thegattacasame with the "tsdev" module . . .11:54
Speci'd look online for documentation concerning X and touchscreen input11:54
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Rower|Magdaerror: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)'11:54
=== zomorf [n=chatzill@203-36-216-216.dsl.dodo.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
=== thegattaca goes "DOUGH!!"
Seveascookie dough?11:55
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=== korkow [n=korkow@70-32-156-63.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Speccookie dough ice cream?11:55
SeveasSpec, mjam!11:55
Specserved with a nice heaping portion of ubuntu?11:55
=== lynx49 [n=lynx49@64-201-212-125.msjw.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidsquee, follow this http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.1.php11:55
korkowwhats a good CD burning probram (for image files)?11:55
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ketetha_is there a quick way to swithc user. lik ea keyboard code?11:56
Speckorkow: k3b11:56
SurfnKidsquee, thatll get ya the latest package11:56
korkowanything else?11:56
Seveasketetha_, no11:56
Speckorkow: cdrecord11:56
Seveaskorkow, gnomebaker11:56
zomorfI've just installed ubuntu 5.04 and am after a good routing software solution11:56
Speckorkow: gnomebaker11:56
Specdamn you Seveas11:56
ketetha_seveas, darn is there one for loggin gout?11:56
Seveasketetha_, <ctrl><alt><bksp> (crude logout: kills all your apps)11:56
squeeSurfnKid   i just got amarok 1.4.1.tar.bz2 and extracted11:56
Spechmm, what else can burn? xroast or something like that?11:56
=== Derevko is now known as Derevko\away
SurfnKidsquee, Let synaptic take care of it11:57
bbrazilzomorf: firstly - 5.04 is out old, 6.06 is out. Secondly I reccomend shorewall11:57
korkowdoes anything burn .cdi files?11:57
=== hivemind [n=hivemind@S01060040ca64ca43.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ketetha_seveas, ill stick to the regular way :)11:57
Seveaskorkow, no11:57
squeeits not on synaptic11:57
Specprobably not11:57
squeeSurfnKid   its not on synaptic11:57
Specwho makes .cdi files?11:57
korkowthat sucks11:57
ketetha_seveas, are there other themes besides the one already on ubuntu in the packages?11:57
SurfnKidsquee, add the deb source to sources.list and run sudo apt-get update11:57
MTecknologyany help?11:57
=== LGKeiz[damnitmic [i=LegacySe@ppp-70-225-188-177.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #Ubuntu
MTecknologyFirefox crashes when I load certain web pages - usually myspace pages... when I run FF from CL I get this - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1786311:57
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=== LGKeiz[damnitmic is now known as LGKeiz
Specthat's silly -- don't use proprietary formats :)11:57
Seveasketetha_, the power button gives me the logout dialog on my machine - you can see that as shortcut11:57
zomorfbbrazil I tried 6.06 install cd desktop and it wouldn't mount my cd drive... So I tried v5.04 and it installed AOK...11:58
korkowthats what i need to burn though11:58
SurfnKidsquee, /etc/apt/sources.list edit that, add the deb to the bottom11:58
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Specsend an e-mail to discjuggler then11:58
Seveasketetha_, dunno, I stuck to Human since the beginning (sept '04)11:58
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=== TomB| [n=ownthebo@ACBDD4D5.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidyes master11:58
squeeSurfnKid kk11:58
SpecSeveas: you use human?11:58
korkowi wonder if there is anything that'll convert it11:58
LGKeizSorry about the spam11:58
bbrazilzomorf: older shorewall isn't as good. Pure routing is quite simple in linux though. Just turn on ip forwarding and setup your routing table11:58
=== FifaFrazer [n=peter@0x5731ef94.arcnxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
LGKeizwireless + microwave= bad11:58
SeveasSpec, yeah, I like the brownness11:58
ketetha_seveas, wow that a lonnnng timeee.11:59
Speci use it too, but only because i'm lazy11:59
SeveasSpec, /me too - won't deny that that's a factor11:59
GStubbs43How do you install splash screens like: http://www.gnome-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=16011:59
zomorfbbrazil can I forward ports easily just with ubuntu?11:59
Specwell, i don't not like it ;)11:59
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto11:59
Seveasketetha_, human evolved over time though11:59
Seveasit used to be darker11:59
Rower|MagdaLGKeiz: not a good combination to put your card in the microwave :S11:59
Speczomorf: you could use your ubuntu machine as a full-fledged router if you so desired too11:59
LGKeizLOL no12:00
=== nalioth_ [i=nalioth@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.nalioth] has joined #ubuntu
bbrazilzomorf: you want some sort of NAT setup? Should be doable, but I'm unsure what software other than the basics comes with 5.0412:00
LGKeizThe microwave cuts the connection12:00
FifaFrazerHow do i know if my system is i686 or 386 ?12:00
squeeSurfnKid malformed line deb http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.1.php12:00
Specthe software needed to set your linux box up as a router: iptables12:00
bbrazilFifaFrazer: what speed is your cpu?12:00
ketetha_seveas, ahh i see.  have a question. 9menu (the package) says creates X menus from the shell. what does that men in laymens terms12:00
judahLGKeiz: then you have one leaky microwave.. don't stand in front of it.12:00
squeeSurfnKid  can you give me the whole line12:00
Seveasketetha_, no clue12:00
judahLGKeiz: you'll cook your own liver.12:00
arkxkorkow: cdi2iso12:00
zomorfcurrently I use winroute on an win98 machine... it has NAT and also allows port forwarding...12:00

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