
LaserJockso I fired off an "Edubuntu is totally what you want" email too12:13
ograi had a mail from the "institute for german unemployees munich" today ... they use edubuntu everywhere and wanted to know if its leagal to use arial and verdana :)12:14
crimsunI hope you added the disclaimer that you're involved in it :)12:14
crimsunthat's a pretty important clarification12:14
crimsun(to LaserJock )12:14
LaserJockcrimsun: well, I'm just on the Edubuntu Council, that's not really "involved" ;-)12:15
crimsunexcept you have source code going into it12:15
ogracrimsun, by the way ...12:15
crimsunogra: hi12:15
ograi have weird probs with an usb headset here12:15
crimsundapper or edgy?12:15
ograa pretty standard logitech 250 in edgy12:15
ograit plays sound for about 1min ...12:16
ograthen it just gets quiet12:16
crimsunis there any weird spew in ``dmesg |tail''?12:16
ograif i use xmms with alsa output it works fine 12:16
ogranope, nothing in any logs12:16
ograif i use ekiga or totem it doesnt ...12:17
ogralooks very much like gstreamer-alsa ...12:17
crimsunthat was going to be my suggestion12:17
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crimsununfortunately I have not looked a gst-alsa12:17
crimsunif you can get debug spew from gst, that would rock12:18
crimsunplease report a bug against it, sub me, and I'll take a look12:18
ograis there any option i can set or something ? 12:18
ogra(to get debug output)12:18
crimsunthere's an environment variable iirc12:19
crimsunotherwise, http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/doc/gstreamer/head/manual/html/section-checklist-debug.html12:19
crimsunlevel 3 should suffice12:19
crimsunseb would know12:19
ograyay, thanks12:20
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Amaranthogra: i've got the init stuff figured out, i think01:37
Amaranthogra: fixing up debian/init.d.ex renaming it to debian/init.d will do the right thing, won't it?01:38
LaserJockgood morning jsgotangco 01:38
ograAmaranth, i susally use dh_installinit, no idea how cdbs handles that 01:40
Amaranthi'll soon see01:40
Amaranthsetting up the control file now, then i think i just need to make willowng.files and willowng-config.files01:40
ograand you should call update-rc.d in the postinst with the runlevels you want to install to01:40
Amaranthi have no idea where to install it to01:41
ograwhat, the initscript ?01:41
Amaranthi'm guessing i have to do a postrm thing to run update-rc.d again01:41
Amaranthwhat runlevel and such, i mean01:42
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jsgotangcogood morning01:44
ograadd that to the postinst: update-rc.d willowng start 50 2 3 4 5 . stop 50 0 1 6 . >/dev/null01:44
ograargh, mdz just sent the UVF announcement i thought we'd have the day tomorrow ... gamned01:49
ogra*damned too01:50
jsgotangco7UTC meeting *shudder*01:51
ogra7UTC is fine :)01:51
jsgotangcosure that's only 10am here :D01:52
=== jsgotangco goes for a smoke
=== ogra kicks his pbuilder ...
rodarvus7UTC is 4UTC here02:16
rodarvusfreaking early :)02:16
mdzrodarvus: 7UTC is 4UTC? now that's a weird time zoen02:22
rodarvusmdz: UTC-3 (America/Sao_Paulo)02:23
rodarvusactually, the new meeting times are quite bad for me, but they seem to be very popular with everyone else, so rearranging meeting times its surely not worth the trouble02:24
mdzrodarvus: UTC is UTC no matter where you are :-)02:26
mdzrodarvus: you and BenC get the worst of it on this schedule I think02:26
rodarvusinfinity probably is in the same situation as we are too02:27
bimberiHow the Marketing Team came up with its meeting time (19UTC) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/Meetings (at the bottom)02:32
jsgotangcobimberi: dev teams rotate the meeting times02:33
jsgotangcosince its so spread between continents02:33
jsgotangcoso do other big teams02:33
jsgotangcothe table is not new, it was an LP team initiative =)02:34
bimberijsgotangco: i'm not saying it is - and it still has value to find the best rotation times02:36
bimberi(although it was the first place i saw it ;-)  )02:38
jsgotangcoits a very effective table really02:42
jsgotangcomost of the time we don't realize that we live in timezones way way apart02:42
Amaranthok i suck at making packages03:13
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Amaranthogra: can you pull from http://dev.realistanew.com/willowng and see what i'm doing wrong?03:17
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bddebianHi Amaranth03:18
Amaranthcrap my meeting calendar is out of date03:19
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mhzjsgotangco: ping07:26
mhzjsgotangco: hi there. 07:26
jsgotangcowhats up07:26
mhzjsgotangco: if I say that an ideal relation of an edubuntu env. (considering my reality of server)07:26
mhzis 1:707:26
mhz1 server for 7 clients07:27
jsgotangcoit really depends on your server07:27
jsgotangcohave you seen jim's ltsp sizing?07:27
mhz"if I say.."07:27
mhzCan i call each 1:7 environment a 'node' ?07:28
mhzand a lab can be made of many 'nodes'?07:28
mhzmade = set07:28
mhzjsgotangco: nope, I have not yet07:28
=== mhz just wonders what the correct/most suitable name for a 1:7 is
mhzjsgotangco: ?07:29
jsgotangcoyou call each client a node07:30
jsgotangcomuch like how you call a network connection is07:30
mhzhmm, then if each client is a 'node', then what would you call '7 clients per 1 server'07:30
jsgotangcoa solution?07:31
mhzI need to be specific because when I have said "Edubuntu is suitable for your lab"07:31
mhzthey say, oh, well, my lab is about 40 pc's07:32
mhzthen I gotta tell them "depending on your server" and etc07:32
mhzso, i wanna make my life simple from now on07:32
mhz"If you have this server, then you can have excellent performance using no more than 7 to 9 clients"07:33
jsgotangcojust say thin clients?07:33
mhzBUT, yes "you can have on lab composed of many 1:7 environements"07:33
mhzbut again, I still have no clue what to call this 1:7 env., man07:34
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=== RichEd greetz
ogramoin :)09:09
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crimsunogra: hacky workaround if you need to use usb headset /right now/: invoke gstreamer-properties and change both sink & source to oss10:06
crimsunogra: (if I think you're using ekiga or whatnot?)10:07
ograwill try10:07
crimsunsorry, it's 4 AM and I'm trying to proof a dissertation10:09
ogradont worry about my bugs then, i'll find my way around :)10:10
crimsunwell, I'm definitely devoted to making sure *buntu rocks for audio, so...10:11
ograwell, its early edgy time :)10:11
ograbugs are expected :)10:11
crimsunare you using ekiga?10:12
ograwe use it all over the company now10:12
crimsunhmm, there's a bug report against alsa-lib where the user says that edgy's ekiga version crashes for him10:12
ograworks fine here ....10:13
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ograi had no probs with ekiga itself so far10:13
crimsunok, try using oss for GSt's sink and source10:13
crimsunit will not play nicely with alsa's dmix, however10:13
ograekiga itself only offers alsa support internally it seems10:16
ogranope, still dies10:17
crimsunah, if it only supports ALSA internally then setting GSt won't be of much use10:18
Amaranthogra: one small bug with my package (both packages own /usr/share/willowng/willowng.glade) :/10:19
Amaranthi need to get the willowng package to create an empty /usr/share/willowng if it doesn't exist10:19
Amaranthactually, i'll just include an empty training.db10:19
crimsunogra: ok, then I'll wait for debug output10:20
ogra/usr/share/willowng should work with a .dirs file in the debian dir10:20
ogra/usr/share/willowng/willowng.glade should only be in the gui package, no ?10:20
ograso dont install it in the backend :)10:21
Amaranthwhat should i put in willowng.dirs to get it to make a /usr/share/willowng/?10:22
ograusr/share/willowng/ i think10:22
Amaranthdidn't work :/10:24
Amaranthi'll just include a training.db10:24
Amaranthi plan on eventually including some initial training anyway10:25
ograjust be careful with the content ;)10:25
Amaranthi can't include inappropriate words in the training.db?10:26
ograsure you can10:27
ograjust dont add something thats not binary :)10:27
Amaranthit doesn't have any images or full webpages or anything10:27
Amaranthjust words10:27
ograbrb, reboot10:31
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Amaranthbrb, reboot (stupid sound)10:45
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Amaranthhrm, long restart for ogra10:50
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Amaranthogra: http://dev.realistanew.com/releases/willowng/0.1/deb-src/11:17
ograAmaranth, echo 'X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=willowng' >> debian/tmp/usr/share/applications/willowng.desktop11:19
ograwhats that for ? 11:20
Amaranthlangpack translation stuff11:20
ograyou could add it to the .desktop.in file , no ?11:20
Amaranthit's ubuntu specific11:20
ograand ? other distros will just ignore it 11:20
ograwe have many upstreams that add it for us11:20
Amaranthnext release :)11:21
ograpackge looks fine to me ...11:21
ogralets see if it builds :)11:22
Amaranthi built it in pbuilder once11:22
Amaranthand installed it on dapper and ran it11:22
ograE: failed to find /var/cache/pbuilder/base.tgz, have you done <pbuilder create> to create your base tarball yet?11:24
ograARGH !!!11:24
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Amaranth_oh suspend, why must you tease me?11:36
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ograwell you *have* suspend ... be happy :)11:39
=== ogra can only shut down or reboot over here
crimsunit's faster for me to shutdown and boot than to suspend-to-disk and resume11:40
ograbut suspend to ram rules :)11:42
ograat least on this ibook (if it works)11:42
Amaranthif i hibernate i get a snowy screen on resume (like a TV with no reception)11:42
Amaranthif i suspend-to-ram it appears to do something for about 10 seconds then stops with the machine still on and no way of getting back to anything11:43
Amaranththis all worked when i first installed dapper (-23 kernel) :(11:43
Amaranthit worked on at least the -25 kernel for awhile too, i have no idea what changed11:43
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jsgotangcogahh!! the power went out!11:50
=== ogra hands jsgotangco a small UPS
jsgotangcoogra: it went out for more than an hour ;)11:51
jsgotangcothere's a typhoon here11:51
=== ogra hands jsgotangco a very big UPS
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RichEdogra: ping12:26
ograRichEd, pong12:26
RichEdogra: what is your suggested install order for my Ubuntu / Edubuntu on top of XP ...12:27
RichEdogra: and what help resources should i refer to ... (assume i am a newbie user)12:28
ogradoesnt matter, pick as you like 12:28
ograin case you want the classroom server install (to demo ltsp or something) http://www.edubuntu.org/gettingstarted12:29
ograelse just pich the workstation option in the menu12:29
RichEdtx ...12:29
ograthe only glitch you might have is the partitioning12:29
ograthe rest of the install process will just work :)12:30
RichEdokay tx.12:30
ograthe stuff listed on the gettingstarted page will be adressed in edgy (no more editing of dhcp config files etc)12:31
RichEdi'll read through it all before i start tomorrow ... will ask questions if i have any ...12:32
ograok ;)12:32
jsgotangcoits much easier to have XP first12:33
jsgotangcobesides its already there12:33
ograjsgotangco, yes, we discussed that yesterday, thats why RichEd said on top of XP i guess ;)12:33
RichEdjsgotangco: new notebook, had to pay for XP :)12:33
jsgotangcoheh we could buy a notebook here with no OS12:34
RichEdam keeping XP for demo purposes, but want to dig into how to buy h/w without paying for throw-way os12:34
ograAmaranth, hmm, we'll need a reboot notification for dbus 12:34
ograIntrospect error: The name com.ubuntu.WillowNG was not provided by any .service files12:34
RichEdfound only 1 dealer in SA who will sell me a DOS notebook ...12:34
RichEdwas saying to ogra that 150 euro (his discount in germany) is a weeks wages for a teacher in SA or 1 months room rental for a uni student12:35
jsgotangcothe only ones with XP built in here are the big brands but even IBM sells a DOS notebook here12:35
jsgotangco1 here is 60Pesos and the minimum wage here in the city is only 300Pesos12:36
RichEdMr G has wrapped up Sotuh Africa ... is it the commercial gateway up into Africa ... so he spreads his influence & wicked stories very deeply12:36
RichEdSouth Africa12:37
jsgotangcoso a typical good laptop model would be around 80012:37
RichEdEven for educational discount into schools via MS Government Agreement ... Office is Free, Encarta is Free, but must pay for OS "becuase giviing away an OS is a bad example & precedent"12:38
jsgotangcoover here BSA-led raids are pretty common lately12:38
RichEdI have just left HP ... they were talking about providing Ubuntu Notebooks (as in Germany) but due to lack of internal support from HP, they have gone with Linspire12:40
ograAmaranth, the DAEMON= line in the initscript is wrong (poins to /usr/bin instead of /usr/sbin)12:40
ograAmaranth, also /usr/sbin/willowng needs to return 12:41
ograelse the init script just hangs at Starting WillowNG: 12:42
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RichEdhighvoltage: hey there :) just sent you a mail01:00
ograsooo, it seems firefox has a hard dependency on the ubuntu firefox icontheme now ...01:09
highvoltageRichEd: ok01:09
ograwhich adds 1.2M of icon crap we dont use to the CD 01:11
rodarvuscan't this dependency be made optional?01:12
highvoltageRichEd: which account?01:12
ograrodarvus, see -devel01:13
ogra<iwj> OIC.  Without that if you launch firefox it will fail to start.01:13
ograwe *could* ship a crippled firefox (which is only needed as dependency for epiphany anyway)01:13
ograbut if users want to use it, they will complain01:13
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cbx33hey guys how easy is it to run gnome and fluxbox side by side?05:28
cbx33i mean so I can logout and switch to another05:28
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LaserJockogra: is the bashism a problem with the move to that other shell (can't think of the name off the top of my head)?08:23
ograyes that a problem08:24
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ograltsp-build-client fails currently, that will break the CD 08:24
LaserJockI didn't quite understand the dash/bash thing08:24
LaserJockso dash is used by the system, but bash by users?08:24
ogra/bin/sh points to dash now08:25
ograbut users have /bin/bash in /etc/passwd08:25
ograso as long as you log in you use bash ... and its builtins08:25
LaserJockthat's somewhat confusing08:26
ograbut if a system script runs it uses /bin/sh ... which points to dash a ... with no builtins, way smaller footprint and ages faster08:26
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LaserJockhi EmxBA 10:45
EmxBAhi LaserJock, anything new here connected to the "Schoolkids + Edubuntu cooperation" project'10:45
LaserJocknot that I know, but I mostly lurk so it could have gone by my radar10:48
EmxBA:) ok10:48
EmxBAI am waiting for bluekuja to appear 'cause i need to talk to *her* and the rest of you10:49
LaserJock"her"? I think he's a he10:50
EmxBA*he* sorry10:51
EmxBAis it andrea? or something like that?10:51
LaserJockhard to tell with names10:51
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