
Harmentali'll deal with this detail next week..have to get a good sleep for camping tomorrow..12:08
Harmentalbye everybody...12:08
jimmy__good luck12:09
SmonkeyI have a bit of a stupid question for you guys.  Other than doing 'xset m 3/4 1', is there any way to make a mouse less sensitive?12:09
jimmy__dont wipe with the 3 leafed plant12:09
SmonkeyOh, and setting the Resolution option in my xorg.conf doesn't do the trick.12:09
samulijimmy__, what plant is three leafed?12:09
Smonkeysamuli: poison ivy12:10
jimmy__poison Ivy12:10
Harmentalnop....healthy camp with my girl...just some bottles of wine and a french lake...12:10
erovor for those who have become immune or already were.. it doesn't matter ;)12:10
jimmy__google poison ivy and you'll watch for it in your sleep12:10
samuliSmonkey, o-kay. I suspected it might be that.12:11
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chopinfolks: i'm a noob with kubuntu.  is there a package installer for firefox?12:12
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MrBallZhi , is there a FAQ or something, regarding the Audio Engines and the Sound Systems,  cause im confused with all that ... im currently having problems with Xine ..12:13
Dasnipa] [chopin, look in aptitude12:13
erovthe program adept in System->Adept12:13
SmonkeyI don't know if any one noticed my question, but is there any way, other than using xset or the Resulution option for the mouse driver, to make a mouse less sensitive?12:13
=== Cntryboy [n=cd@host-216-78-31-152.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
CntryboyIs there a macromedia flash program for kubuntu, I'm not talking about just editing files, i'm talking about making flash movies ect.12:14
SpAwNcan anyone help me get my sound working.........12:15
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SpAwNi have a onboard intel ac'9712:15
erovCntryboy: www.kde-apps.org12:15
MrBallZSpAwN: ask ubotu12:15
erovthere is one, I had it for a while never installed it though12:15
erovsearch there12:15
SpAwNubotu ac'97?12:15
ubotuI know nothing about ac'97? - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com12:15
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SpAwNubotu soundcard?12:16
ubotuI know nothing about soundcard? - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com12:16
Cntryboyerov: is that where I can do exactly like mac. flash does for windows..12:16
Cntryboybtw im not wanting the player12:16
SpAwNubotu sound12:16
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems12:16
erovdunno about exactly.. it's a work in progress.. but yes it was for DEVELOPING flash12:16
erovCntryboy: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=2369612:17
erovtheres the link12:17
MrBallZubotu: xine12:17
ubotuI know nothing about xine - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com12:17
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Cntryboykk thx12:17
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Cntryboyerov: grr it's source I haven't compiled source yet and I don't wanna screw up my kernal12:20
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems12:20
erovit wont screw up your kernel Cntryboy12:20
erovbut.. i'll see what i can do12:21
SpAwNk did what ubotu said and i still have no sound...........the sound card has worked in linux b4 and still does work,,,,,,,,,,12:23
SpAwNeverything is turned up in the alsamixer except external apmlifier cuz it made my sound NOT work b412:23
MrBallZSpAwN: ubotu is a bot ... just responds , its not alive12:23
SpAwNMrBallZ, i am very aware that ubotu  is a infobot12:24
gatekeeperSpAwN: do you get sound if you go to system setting -> sound and press the test sound button?12:24
erov<- building f4l right now :)12:24
SpAwNgatekeeper, no12:24
SpAwNaplay -l shows 2 diff things12:25
Cntryboyis there an easy howto for compiling source? like from the bot12:25
erovthere are lots.. install 'build-essential' first of all from the pkg repositories12:25
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for a pre-built package first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)12:25
erovyeah there you go12:25
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erovyou want the compiled version? i just compiled it on i686 ...12:26
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Cntryboyerov: what u just said about buildessentials first ect u lost me lol12:26
erovok you know how to install programs with adept right?12:26
SpAwNi just dont understand that when i 1st installed kubuntu i got the sound to work,,,,and now the way i got it to work doesnt work12:26
Cntryboyerov: well I need to learn to do it I guess12:26
Cntryboyerov: yes12:26
Cntryboyhow can I check to see if I have build essentials12:27
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Cntryboysound familar12:27
erovthere is one called 'build-essential'12:27
Cntryboygrep | build-essential12:27
Cntryboyis that how to see if I have it12:27
erovit installs the things necessary to build programs (with exception to *-devel files that are needed when building for specific things)12:27
z00manyone in here into security stress testing apps ?   im trying to use fuzz12:27
erovno.. just dont worry about it .. i'll give you the binary f4l if you want it12:28
erovthen you can read the tutorials on how to do it later12:28
erovthat way you can get to work on flash12:28
CntryboyI have 2.1KB dude takes for ever12:28
Cntryboydling this from the site is taking me awhile12:28
erovoh.. feh! :)12:28
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CntryboyI know you gotta type something like12:29
erovlet me see how much i can get it compressed12:29
erovsudo apt-get build-essential12:29
Cntryboysudo make; make install12:29
Cntryboyor something12:29
erovdont have to type sudo to make.. only to make install12:29
Cntryboyerov: I think I may have the b-essentials12:29
Cntryboywhats command to check pc to c12:29
Cntryboysearch for stuff12:29
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erovonly way to search for what you have installed is open up adept and type in the first letters or scroll down to build and look12:30
erovit's either installed or not..12:30
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Cntryboykk, but I thought there was a command for search to12:30
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erovalso f4l uses c++ to compile so make sure you have g++ installed not sure if it is by default with build-essentials12:30
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erovi got the bin compressed to 2.0mb if you want it.. last chance :D12:31
Cntryboythx, but Im getting source12:31
erovk i just installed and ran it.. looks nice12:32
CntryboyI hope its not bugy12:32
Cntryboyu sure I need build-essentials12:33
erovyes it's for compiling things12:33
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SpAwNwell i am compleatly out of ideas......this is driving me nuts.......................12:34
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Cntryboysomeone told me I don't need it for all compiling software12:34
Cntryboybut okay thx12:34
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Aji-Dahakahmm, is that edgy eff branched yet?  repos available?12:34
erov*shrug* its whatever man.. if you got the cd just install it from there.. but you can always try.. when you get the file12:34
erovthen type 'make' you'll know then what you need12:34
SpAwNthe only difference right now that i can see is for some reason it installed a 686 kernel....the 1st time i installed kubuntu it installed a 368 krnel....12:35
z00mcalling all secuirty testers.... if you have used fuzz then please msg me!12:35
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Cntryboyok back12:41
Cntryboygot diss12:41
Cntryboyhey erov: u here?12:41
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Cntryboyerov: I mean u still around12:41
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grizzlyadding /usr/bin/enlightenment to /etc/X11/default-display-manager does not work :(12:42
grizzlykwin is still the default12:42
grizzlyactually afer the first reboot, kubuntu booted into console. /etc/init.d/kdm start started kwin12:43
=== Kr4t05 [n=Andrew@dsl-206-251-7-237.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu
Cntryboyerov: ya here man?12:43
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Cntryboyis there anyone here??12:44
Cntryboythis channel is always so quiet compared to ubuntu12:44
Kr4t05Okay, does someone want to help me out with my fstab?12:45
grizzlyJust tell me if I am doing something wrong?12:45
Cntryboygrizzly: u might wanna try ubuntu12:47
DrBairwhere would one request an updated package to be included in universe?12:47
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Cntryboyseems more ppl help there12:47
DrBairKr4t05: whats up with the fstab?12:47
Kr4t05I try to mount /dev/hdc1 (which is ext2) and when I click the icon on my desktop, it gives me. "Could not mount device. The reported error was: [mntent] : warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab  mount: only root can mount /dev/hdc1 on /mnt/music"12:47
erovyeah whats up Cntry12:47
Cntryboyhttp://pastebin.ca/86489 is my term msg for installing build essentials12:47
h3sp4wngrizzly: You trying to add e-17 as an option to kdm ?12:47
Cntryboydoes it mean I have it? I don't remember dling it but it does look familar12:48
Kr4t05DrBair, I'll paste my fstab to pastebin.12:48
grizzlyNO E16 as the default window manager ( replace kwin)12:48
darkphaderKr4t05: is the user option specified in fstab12:48
DrBairKr4t05: in the fstab add either auto or user to the options for that device12:48
DrBairand add a newline to the bottom of the file12:48
erovCntryboy: yep it's installed12:48
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erovlooks good12:48
h3sp4wngrizzly: No idea I use e-1712:49
Cntryboyerov: okay so do I type make install then next line sudo make install: or make install; sudo make install12:49
Cntryboyoops I typoed that12:49
erovmake ; sudo make install12:49
grizzlyh3sp4wn: SO how do you make it default?12:49
erovin the directory of the Makefile (which you can see by a simple 'ls'12:49
Cntryboyspace b4 and after ;  ?12:49
h3sp4wngrizzly: I don't use it with kde12:49
Cntryboyerov its on my desktop first I have to untar it12:50
erovuntar it.. then while in that directory12:50
DrBairwhat are some good 3rd party repos that have more uptodate packages?12:50
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erovtype 'make' then after that finishes 'sudo make install' or just 'cd bin' then './f4l' to test it out before you install it12:51
erovit puts the output binary into a directory in the f4l directory temporarily.. "bin"12:51
h3sp4wngrizzly: I just use it on its own - entry in /usr/share/xsessions/e17.desktop Maybe you could adapt that to use it instead of kwin12:52
Cntryboydo I need to ./configure or anything12:52
Cntryboylet me pull that site up I never got to look at it12:52
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for a pre-built package first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)12:52
erovno not for this package you dont12:52
erovit has no configure script or anything.. just a Makefile12:52
erovusually they do have a configure script though. . you are correct on that note.. just not in this case12:53
Cntryboyerov: I tried tar -zxvf (filename) and I got an error12:54
erovok try this12:54
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erovbzip2 -d (filename)12:54
Cntryboycd@cd-desktop:~/Desktop$ tar -zxvf f4l-0.2.1.tar.bz212:54
Cntryboygzip: stdin: not in gzip format12:54
erovthen tar xvf (filename)12:54
erovit's not a gzip it's a bzip212:54
Cntryboyive used same command for bzip2 b412:55
Cntryboygrr linux is a pain sometimes12:55
erovwell just try what i said.. and trust me ;) i never have used zxvf for bzip212:55
erovbut.. thats just me.12:55
Hawkwindtar xjvf for bz2 files12:55
Cntryboyso type bzip2 -d (filename)12:55
erovok xjvf12:55
erovwhat Hawkwind said12:55
HawkwindCntryboy: tar xjvf f4l-0.2.1.tar.bz212:56
Cntryboyokay so forget the z and add a j then?12:56
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erovyes bz2/gz two diff. formats12:56
Cntryboywhats difference in -a;slk and a;lk12:56
Hawkwindz is for .tar.gz and j is for .tar.bz212:56
Cntryboythe minus12:56
HawkwindThe - is obsolete12:56
Cntryboygot ya hawk so whats the minus mean12:56
HawkwindLeave the - out12:56
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Cntryboydo I have to?12:56
SpAwNk ive just read like 50 threads on the ubuntu forum......and none work.................im starting to think that im not gonna get sound to work...but i cant live without sound12:56
HawkwindIt does nothing12:56
Cntryboythats what confuses me when to put minus and when not12:57
HawkwindWhy use something that does nothing ?  Save yourself some typing12:57
HawkwindCntryboy: You NEVER need the -, it's obsolete12:57
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Cntryboyhawkwind: roger12:57
erovSpAwN: you say this happened when you upgraded kernels?12:58
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SpAwNerov, no....i installed jubuntu about a week ago...sound didnt work at 1st.....but i got it to.....and for for reason it installed 368 kernel.....i reinstalled lastnight.....and for some reason its installed a 686 kernel12:59
HawkwindSpAwN: Is your card detected ?  Do files play ?  Have you checked ALL settings in alsamixer to make sure none are muted(red dot) and that none are turned all the way down ?12:59
SpAwNHawkwind, aplay -l shows devices...and ive tried alsamixer........everything is on and up all the way12:59
HawkwindSpAwN: So install a 386 kernel.  Does your system do HT/SMP that you need the 686 kernel ?12:59
HawkwindSpAwN: You sure there are no red dots in alsamixer ?12:59
SpAwNHawkwind, wxcept external amp....which if i tunrn on it sitll doens t work01:00
HawkwindSpAwN: There is a known problem that there is one thing that is muted that causes sound not to work01:00
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SpAwNHawkwind, the 1st time i got sound working i had to turn off external amp01:00
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SpAwNand downmix is off i cnat turn on with m....01:01
HawkwindSpAwN: It's just something simple you're missing and/or overlooking01:01
HawkwindIf it's worked before then it'll work again01:01
SpAwNHawkwind, i thought at 1st man.....but ive done everything01:01
tristanwhat is the gedit for kubuntu01:01
SpAwNive tripled checked everything...ive tried alsamixer as toor..01:02
HawkwindTry kmix and see if anything in there is muted01:02
Cntryboyerov: i just opend that page for compiling and it talks about cvs do I need this and what is it?01:02
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Hawkwindtristan: Huh ?01:02
Hawkwindtristan: kate, kwrite, or any other editor.  You can install gedit if you want01:02
tristanoh ok01:02
HawkwindSpAwN: Again, if it worked once then it'll work again.  It's just something you're over looking01:03
SpAwNin kmix under input what should it be?01:03
erovCntryboy: no cntry just do what i said man its that simple..01:03
Cntryboyokay im going to type make01:03
Cntryboythen sudo make install01:03
Cntryboy2 lines01:03
tristanhawkwin when I use "sudo kwrite somefile" why do I get errors, it says Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device01:04
Cntryboycd@cd-desktop:~/Desktop/f4l-0.2.1$ make01:04
Cntryboymake: *** No rule to make target `/usr/share/qt3/mkspecs/default/qmake.conf', needed by `Makefile'.  Stop.01:04
Hawkwindtristan: kdesu kwrite somefile01:04
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SpAwNwell everything is up and not muted.....kmix says everything unmuted and turned on.............still no sound..........i dont get any kinda sound....no logon noise nothing,,,,,,,,01:05
Cntryboyerov: ya see that error01:05
HawkwindSpAwN: Are you sure the speakers are plugged in properly, turned on, turned up01:06
SpAwNi can play a mp3 it plasy...but no sound01:06
erovwell then you also need libqt3-headers , libqt3-mt, libqt3-mt-dev packages installed01:06
HawkwindSpAwN: Then something somewhere is muted man.  You just have to find it01:06
SpAwNHawkwind, yes the cord goes right into the correct jack.......the power light is on and the volum is up half way01:06
tristanHawkwind, still getting the same errors01:07
erovthose are for developing qt3 packages and are need to compile the source for qt programs (like this f4l)01:07
SpAwNwell i can say for a 100000000000% fact that kmix and alsamixer say everything is up and not muted01:07
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Cntryboyerov: grr01:07
Cntryboycan I download all of them in one command line?01:07
Cntryboyinstead of doing each seperate01:08
HawkwindSpAwN: In alsamixer do you see any 00 with a green background ?01:08
HawkwindCntryboy: Yes01:08
SpAwNHawkwind, yes01:08
HawkwindCntryboy: sudo apt-get install file1 file2 file301:08
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SpAwNon everysingle one01:08
HawkwindSpAwN: 00 with a green background means they are MUTED01:08
Cntryboyhawkwind: space after each file name01:08
Cntryboyand thats it right01:08
HawkwindCntryboy: Just like I typed it d00d01:09
SpAwNHawkwind, hows that i can take a screen pic............at the top it doesnt say muted01:09
HawkwindSpAwN: Sorry, I was backwards01:09
erovnow you see why i offered the bin :)01:09
HawkwindSpAwN: If you have ALL of them with green backgrounds then that is probably your problem01:09
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HawkwindSpAwN: You need to hit M on each of them one by one while playing a file with the sound turned up.  Chances are your sound will come up.  Or hit M for one, raise the bars a bit.  It's an alsamixer setting you have wrong01:10
SpAwNHawkwind, i have a txt file on how i got sound to wokr the 1st time....i did it the same exact way...and still no sound01:10
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HawkwindSpAwN: Then it's an alsamixer setting01:10
HawkwindSpAwN: I've seen this a million times01:10
SpAwNHawkwind, what a pain in the arse01:10
CntryboyK getting it01:10
SpAwNin alsamixer do i need to hit esc for the changed to take affect?01:11
HawkwindSpAwN: You shouldn't01:11
coachJcan someone tell me what the PS plugging for Aero-aio is/does?01:11
chopinso ... is firefox supposed to be on adept?01:12
erovchopin: yes01:12
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Cntryboyerov: I get same error when I type make01:13
chopini'm kinda lost ... should i do a package update or something to see it?01:13
Cntryboyerov: and I've installed those pkages01:13
coachJmaybe repos?01:13
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Hawkwindchopin: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox01:14
chopinthx Hawkwind01:14
Hawkwindchopin: Assuming you have enabled multiverse and universe01:14
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=== chopin has no clue ... this is a fresh install
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource01:14
z00mneed some help mounting my usb pen drive01:15
z00mhow do i mount it as root01:15
Hawkwindz00m: What device does it show up as ?01:15
Hawkwindz00m: And what FS is it formatted as ?01:15
erovargh.. Cntry.. this is why i didnt want you to get into compiling without reading up and getting a feel first.. I don't know what to tell you.. I suppose you can try 'sudo ldconfig' to refresh the libraries other than that I don't know.. I have a massive amount of development files installed cause I compile things regularly..01:15
Ash-Foxmount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/device01:15
z00mHawkwind: i have some files in a folder called z00ms-files01:15
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z00mthey are just showing as 0bytes in size01:16
Hawkwindz00m: sudo mkdir /mnt/pen && mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/pen01:16
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Hawkwindz00m: Might need to do mount -t auto /dev/sdc1 /mnt/pen possibly01:16
chopinheheh ... okay, so i see ff in adept but i can't click it.  ?01:17
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Hawkwindchopin: Use apt-get from CLI.  It makes life so much easier01:17
sergioda da da01:17
Cntryboyhawkwind: I get that same error calling on qt3, but I installed the 3 files needed as erov said01:17
Hawkwindsudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox and you're done01:17
chopink thx01:17
ranunculoidHow do I install the new java in kubuntu? I ran the .bin file but Azureus is still using java 1.4 and is very unstable01:17
jakykongdoes anyone know how to find out what drivers are currently loaded for a sound card?01:18
HawkwindCntryboy: I haven't been keeping up with what you are doing in the beginning so I don't know unless you start from the beginning01:18
Cntryboytrying to compile for first time01:18
Cntryboyits a flash program01:18
Hawkwind!java > ranunculoid01:18
Ash-FoxAnyone know of a nice LaTeX editor which runs as a K application?01:18
erovHawkwind: he's trying to compile f4l flash 4 linux editor.. http://f4l.sourceforge.net/01:18
sergiosudo update-alternatives java01:18
Cntryboyhawkwind: when i type make I get this error : make: *** No rule to make target `/usr/share/qt3/mkspecs/default/qmake.conf', ne            eded by `Makefile'.  Stop.01:18
z00mnot working its just made  a dir called pen with nothing in it01:18
sergiothat way you tell the system which vm use, renunculoid01:19
Hawkwindz00m: Did you do the mount command as sudo ?01:19
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Hawkwindz00m: sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/pen01:19
jakykongdoes anyonu know how to find out what drivers are currently loaded?01:19
HawkwindCntryboy: I would suggest until you know what you are doing that you don't compile things at all.  Use debs that are prebuilt01:20
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Hawkwindjakykong: No need to repeat yourself01:20
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Hawkwindjakykong: lsmod might be of some help01:20
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Hawkwindjakykong: lsmod | grep sound01:20
Cntryboyhawkwind: I gotta learn sometime, if I wouldn't get stupid errors01:20
z00mHawkwind: its still showing the files as 0bytes01:20
z00mwhy is that01:20
erovCntryboy: Last time.. I compiled it for you... want it? :)01:20
Hawkwindz00m: Does 'mount' show it as mounted ?01:20
Cntryboyerov: lol I gotta learn this man01:20
Cntryboyerov: pisses me off if I can't01:21
Cntryboygranted im new to linux but still01:21
z00mI did a z00m:z00m on the folder b4 will that make it not show the files01:21
erovi understand..01:21
Hawkwindz00m: Then it's mounted.  Gotta be something on the pen drive itself then.  Maybe the files aren't there or something01:21
Cntryboyerov: do you know the ./configure command to show me what all I need to compile this stupid file01:21
Hawkwindz00m: Could be a permissions problem01:21
z00mthe permissions on the files are set to forbidden01:22
z00mfor group01:22
jakykongHawkind: thanks. I only repeated because i didn't know if anyone saw my question :-) sorry.01:22
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z00mand others01:22
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=== Snake wanders in
gemidjywho uses beagle?01:22
gemidjywas that for me?01:23
erovhey Cntry hold up.. i think I mayhave what it can be01:23
Snakegemidjy: mmhmmm01:23
gemidjySeanTater: o.0 howcome?01:23
Snakegemidjy: you asked who uses beagle, its a gnome app isnt it??01:23
SnakeGTK... if you want to get specificl01:23
ranunculoidThanks Hawkind, java is now installing. (Linux is so easy when you know how :-D)01:24
gemidjySnake: u are in deep illusion, and even if it is, what is wrong in using it if u use KDE ?01:24
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erovCntryboy: qt3-dev-tools package01:24
gemidjySnake: http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/2788/snapshot14aq.png01:24
Snakegemidjy: Nuthin, I just thought it was a GTK app, and usually you have better luck with finding people that run it in #ubuntu...since gnome is GTK happy01:24
erovits the one i left out.. sorry !!01:24
erovi believe that will do it for you01:24
SpAwNk i been playing with the alsa mixer....good news...i now have static coming out of my speakers....so it improved...but all it is is static01:24
erovit includes qmake which you are missing!01:25
gemidjySpAwN: what card?01:25
SpAwNintel onboard01:25
Snakegemidjy: I will gladly sit down and stfu now :)01:25
jimmy__is gigabyte a real enexpencive board or am I just used to paying Asus prices?01:25
SpAwNits a hyuge pain in the arse01:25
erovCntryboy: apt-get install qt3-dev-tools01:25
SpAwNintel ac'9701:25
gemidjySnake: no, just read about it, it is damn useful for huge amount of data01:25
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jimmy__I'm done with Asus01:25
jimmy__looking for a replacement01:26
SnakeDFI <301:26
coachJI have a usb harddrive that says it is mounted but nothing i write to it stays after shutdown, why?01:26
RawSewageI wish Kerry did in-text searches01:26
z00mHawkwind: how to i set permissions on the folder01:26
jimmy__never has DFI01:26
RawSewageto find text in logs and things01:26
SnakeDFI is great, pick up one of their lanparty boards, I really like em01:26
jimmy__I'll look in to it01:27
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Hawkwindz00m: chown -R user.user /path/to/files  Replacing user.user with your users name, or chmod 777 /path/to/files01:27
Hawkwindz00m: Both as sudo of course01:27
HawkwindDinner time here, back in a bit01:27
RawSewageHow does Kerry work anyway?  does it crawl slowly? and will it eventually get to every file you have in the designated folders?01:28
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RawSewagewhen does it do its crawling01:28
SpAwNomg i got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!01:28
jimmy__I bought two high end Asus boards, one DOA (PCI-E slot) and the other one just went out me01:28
SpAwNomg what a pain01:28
Ash-FoxIt's a bit of a annoyance that adept doesn't give you access to package changelogs for updates.01:30
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jimmy__does linux actually use the full SLI benifits?01:31
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h3sp4wnFor 2 nvidia cards ?01:32
coachJwhat does mean?01:32
coachJ<device>' does not seem to be a device and the option 'bind' has not been specified in the "Advanced" page?01:32
coachJShould I add the 'loop' option?01:32
Ash-Foxjimmy__, linux is just a kernel, I believe xorg, x11 is what you want to know about.01:32
jimmy__I kinda ment that, 'through' linux01:33
h3sp4wnnvidia's drivers should01:33
jimmy__hope my terminology is right01:33
z00mh3sp4wn: do you know how to change file permissions on a folder on a usb pen drive01:34
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Ash-FoxThe kernel is fully capable of passing the task to something that can handle it.01:34
z00mthey are set to group forbidden and other fordidden01:34
RawSewageis inotify in Kubuntu already?01:34
z00mall the files are showing up as 0kb in size :(01:35
h3sp4wnz00m: use chown -R username:groupname *01:35
RawSewagewhat does this mean:  inotify has been included in the upstream kernel tree as of 2.6.13, so if you are running it or newer, you don't need to do anything to get inotify support.01:35
RawSewagedoes that mean I have it?01:35
jimmy__how do yo9u change the clock from military to normal time01:35
h3sp4wnz00m: use chmod -R username:groupname 75501:35
RawSewagequid pro quo01:36
z00mh3sp4wn: chmod: invalid mode: `z00m:z00m'01:37
chopinsorry to be so lame but i'm still lost w/ getting ff onto kubuntu.  is it a gnome-only app?  i got gtk+2.10.0 but it can't find gcc ... :-/01:37
z00msudo chmod -R z00m:z00m 755 /media/sdc1/z00ms-files/01:37
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RawSewageFirefox is in the repos01:37
RawSewagevery easy to add01:37
RawSewageuse the Add/Remove Programs thing01:38
OODchopin: just start up adept and look for firefox01:38
chopini saw it but it was greyed out and unclickable01:38
Cntryboyerov: okay back im dling what u said, how do U know I need that file, see thats what I need to learn how and what to get when I need it01:39
RawSewagechopin, maybe enable universe01:39
h3sp4wnz00m: chmod -R 755 z00m:z00m: /media/sdc1/z00ms-files/01:39
z00mchmod: cannot access `z00m:z00m:': No such file or directory01:40
chopinRawSewage: i saw that before ... but how?01:40
RawSewageok, close Add/Remove Programs01:40
=== chopin did
z00mman im gutted here, i lost all my files i backed up before reinstalling01:41
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RawSewageok, alt+f201:41
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RawSewageAdept at the top.  Manage Repos01:41
z00mh3sp4wn: would the files show there size if the permissions was set to forbidden01:41
h3sp4wnz00m: try running sudo -i01:42
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h3sp4wnz00m: And investigating from ther01:42
RawSewagesee the grayed out Universe lines01:42
RawSewageright-click them, and enable them01:42
chopinooh ... uh,01:42
RawSewagethen Fetch Updates01:42
=== chopin sees a ton of grayed out stuff
RawSewageon the right side01:43
RawSewagesee the universe ones01:43
RawSewageyou might as well enable the multiverse too.  are you going to want to get mp3 support?01:43
chopinso all the entries that have "universe"01:43
z00mh3sp4wn: when doin the sudo -i then going to the /media/sdc1/z00ms-file/ dirs the files are still showing nothing in them01:43
=== chopin doesn't see that ...
chopinheh, probably01:43
z00msorry i mean the files are there01:43
RawSewageenable all the ones that have columns on the right01:43
h3sp4wnwhat ?01:44
RawSewageuniverse, multiverse01:44
z00mbut when i do nano info.txt there is nothing in the file01:44
z00mthey are 0b in size01:44
h3sp4wntry unmounting it and doing01:44
z00m-rwx------ 1 z00m z00m     0 Jul 11 22:33 info.txt01:44
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h3sp4wnfsck /dev/sdc101:44
chopink ... i don't see multiverse but i am downloading a ton of updates now01:45
chopini saw "main" but .... no multiverse01:45
chopinanyway, looking better now01:45
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z00mThe superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext201:47
z00mfilesystem.  If the device is valid and it really contains an ext201:47
z00mfilesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock01:47
z00mis corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock:01:47
RawSewageok, do this01:47
z00m    e2fsck -b 8193 <device>01:47
erovCntryboy: sorry was playing Wolfenstein :p uhm.. well i knew qmake probably had something to do with qt which is what that makefile was looking for (qmake) which is with the qt3 packages.. so i looked up everything to do with qt3 and thats the only one i saw that i hadnt told you to get01:47
z00mthe pen drive was fat3201:47
RawSewagedouble-click universe , and type after it   multiverse .   so it looks like:   universe multiverse01:47
RawSewageand then hit ENTER01:47
h3sp4wnz00m: Oh01:47
chopinah HAH!01:47
RawSewagethe changes wont happen unless you click ENTER01:48
z00mi think i have lost all the files why did that happed ?01:48
RawSewagethen Fetch Updates again01:48
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RawSewagechopin, Firefox should be ungrayed out01:49
Cntryboyerov: well I type make in and got this error at the very bottom : http://pastebin.ca/8653301:49
Cntryboycan't believe so many bs errors01:49
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z00miz gutted! :(01:49
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chopinRawSewage: it seems i've gotten a lot more firefox-oriented stuff, like dom inspector, but not the browser01:50
erovwell you are trying to compile something that uses a lot of "nonstandard" libraries.. dont expect it to work just like that.. development is very tricky.. on any platform01:50
=== chopin just typed firefox into the adept search box
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erovwow zlib.h thats it.. hell thats easy.. hold on01:50
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RawSewagechopin, to make it easier, just close adept01:51
Hawkwindz00m: You get it mounted ?01:51
chopinheheh, ok01:51
RawSewageand open the Add/Program thing for now01:51
RawSewagedo it that way01:51
chopinthanks for holding my dang hand thru this01:51
ubotuI know nothing about initng - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com01:51
chopinhaven't been a noob for a while ... but kubuntu is new01:51
ubotuI know nothing about performance - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com01:51
chopink, back to add/remove01:51
erovalright Cntryboy.. one more package i promise.. zlib1g-dev01:51
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild01:52
RawSewagechopin, you follow instructions well , so it's easy to help you01:52
chopinRawSewage: i think the problem is that i don't have Gnome loaded ... ?01:52
RawSewageyou dont need Gnome01:52
chopinhaha, i hoped not01:52
Cntryboyerov: you need to tell me how I can search for files I need01:52
erovthe -dev is for development (or compiling) you need those packages to compile things that refer to them in the programmers code if you are going to COMPILE it01:52
RawSewageis it still grayed out01:52
Cntryboyerov: does it have anything to do with ./configure to tell u?01:52
chopinin add/remove, when i choose "Any Suite" it  comes up but it's grayed out still01:53
chopinunder "internet"01:53
RawSewagewhat if you click on the right01:53
RawSewagethose 2 checkboxes01:53
h3sp4wnerov: What are you trying to compile ?01:54
RawSewageunsupported and propietary01:54
chopinthat doesn't enable anything new ... and right-clicking doesn't bring anything up01:54
RawSewagechopin, I dont know then.  Firefox shouldnt be grayed out01:54
erovCntryboy: ok well i use adept.. and i saw in your error paste.. that zlib h was missing so i searched for zlib then i saw the zlib-dev package.. so i assumed that is it.. and you dont have the zlib development files01:55
RawSewagedid you click Fetch updates after making the repo changes?01:55
SpAwNi have a partion called /music and i would like to be able to read/write to it with normal user....how cani set this up...i was think of using "chown user:user /music"01:55
chopini think the repo may be hosed01:55
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Cntryboyerov: kk thx, yah I didn't have it, its dling now01:55
chopinsomehow. ...01:55
erovconfigure has nothing to do with it thought configure would HELP greatly in this case the programmer did NOT include configure scripts with this source01:55
chopinperhaps i should reinstall adept?  ;-)01:55
Cntryboydone now01:55
Cntryboyhere goes01:55
RawSewagechopin, paste it01:55
=== chopin didn't really think so
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:56
erovso youre own your own.. not our fault.. its the developers.. not all source code is like this01:56
ubotuI know nothing about paste? - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com01:56
chopini c01:56
chopinone sec01:56
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource01:56
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.01:56
Cntryboyerov: good lord Im sick of errors for one day01:56
z00mHawkwind: yes its mounted but the files are still 0bytes in size even when looking at them with sudo -i01:56
erovi understand.. its like that when you dont know wtf is going on.. trust me it was like that for me at one point.. now i just breeze through cause I already have an idea.. and if i dont I know how to figure it out01:57
eroverr that didnt come out right .. anyhow.. it takes time.. you cant really expect to be up and compiling complex source code on your first days of linux unless it's simpler and uses less development libraries.. you have to remember ubuntu out of the box doesnt have anything for compiling01:58
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chopinRawSewage: is there a config file i can pull the repos out of?01:58
teknoprepwhy can't i download01:58
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Cntryboycan anyone make head or tails out of this error:  http://pastebin.ca/8653901:59
teknoprepits just showing up as ascii01:59
RawSewagechopin,  /etc/apt/sources.list02:00
chopinheh thx02:00
=== chopin gets and pastes
ubotuIntegrated office suite for KDE, including word processing, spreadsheet, flow charting, image manipulation. For more info see: http://koffice.kde.org. Upgraded Kubu packs at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/koffice-151.php02:00
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jimmy__anybody familiar with DFI?02:02
chopinRawSewage: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1787202:03
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RawSewagechopin, theyre not all enabled02:03
RawSewagesee the multiverse with # in front02:04
RawSewagethat means its not enabled02:04
chopinfor backports?02:04
RawSewageclose Add/Remove02:04
RawSewageopen Adept02:04
RawSewagego to Manage Repos again02:04
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RawSewageungray out the other universe ones02:06
RawSewageand multiverse ones02:06
chopinfound it02:06
RawSewageok cool02:06
chopini did that and fetched.  there it stinking is.02:06
Hawkwindchopin: Also, read this post on my forum:  http://www.linuxfordummies.org/index.php?topic=545.002:06
chopinthx folks02:07
Hawkwindchopin: That will get you a ton of repos to use for all sorts of good software02:07
chopinand Hawkwind: i totally will02:07
chopinthx!  phew ... i'm gladd y'all atre on freeenode02:07
RawSewagedid I already give you my PayPal address02:08
RawSewageI forgot02:08
chopinnot yet ... :-)02:08
h3sp4wnHawkwind: Are you recommending unofficial repos ? which ones anything good ?02:08
=== HolyBastard [n=Holy@modemcable170.255-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu
talljon84Alright, I need some help. ./configure is saying that I can't compile simple C++ programs; however, I do have libstdc++-dev installed. What else do I need?02:09
RawSewagethat repos is too f#$ing bug02:09
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h3sp4wntalljon84: have build essential ?02:10
HolyBastardHey, I've downloaded the DVD and I don't quite get what it has more then the cd version for the extrat 3GB... I thought there was more application included but there isn't anything different I could notice.02:11
h3sp4wnHolyBastard: I has the whole of main on cd02:11
RawSewageHolyBastard, DVD is for people with bad internet connections, I guess02:12
talljon84h2sp4wn: no but since I do now, it magicaly works. yay! haha02:12
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RawSewageYou dont need the DVD anymore02:12
RawSewagejust the CD02:12
chopinahhhhhhhhhh ... firefox .... :-D02:12
h3sp4wnWhy do you need firefox :D02:13
HolyBastardRawSewage (like me?) :P02:13
HolyBastardthats what I thought at first...I though you had more stuff on the dvd so less download02:13
RawSewageI dont know how the DVD works02:13
h3sp4wnYou have the whole of main (with the old installer) and then livecd02:13
RawSewageI use Konqueror to browse the web now02:14
RawSewageI used to use Firefox02:14
chopini'm a Plone developer02:14
=== chopin <3 dom inspector
HolyBastardh3sp4wn ok so if I want to install everything (like a developer install) I need to use the old installer?02:14
jimmy__Konqueror seems to work a little faster in KDE02:14
jimmy__but  I like Firefox better02:15
h3sp4wnHolyBastard: You won't need all the dev stuff or do you ?>02:15
HolyBastardh3sp4wn well I would need make, gcc, kernel header and so on. I would also like to have kdevelop installed by default but I don't know if it is inside the dvd.02:16
h3sp4wnHolyBastard: If you just go into the packages directory on the dvd you can do sudo dpkg -i *.deb (and you get everything) maybe have to do it twice (Is that what you need the whole of main)02:17
h3sp4wninfo kdevelop02:17
h3sp4wn"info kdevelop02:17
h3sp4wn!info kdevelop02:17
ubotuPackage kdevelop does not exist in dapper02:17
h3sp4wn!info  kdevelop02:18
ubotuPackage kdevelop does not exist in dapper02:18
HolyBastardoh ok I didn't know I could look directly in the dvd02:18
ubotuI know nothing about kdevelop - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com02:18
h3sp4wn!info kdevelop302:18
ubotukdevelop3: An IDE for Unix/X11 - development version. In repository universe, is optional. Version 4:3.3.2-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 1218 kB, installed size 3896 kB02:18
h3sp4wnIt is in universe so it won't be on the dvd I don't think02:18
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HolyBastardhaa well thats not a problem02:19
h3sp4wnWell at least it is there02:20
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Zoolieuniq, i found a command to select boot splash screen,include the default ubuntu version : "update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so" it makes difference only in root terminal,sudo gets error message.02:36
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D4m4gebye all02:47
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talljon84Evening all- So what is the necessary .deb file that contains KDE headers? The most obvious choices from Adept give a break warning when I select them.02:53
coma!fat bottomed girls02:53
ubotuI know nothing about fat bottomed girls - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com02:53
doppelgangerwhat do you call the taskbar in KDE? i really want to change the skin or appearance of it02:54
ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto02:54
doppelgangerprobably the stupidest question ever, just needed to google for themes for it02:54
ubotuI know nothing about panel - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com02:55
ubotuI know nothing about kpanel - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com02:55
eXCeSSkde kicker02:55
eXCeSSi win02:55
ubotuI know nothing about taskbar - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com02:55
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coma!kde kicker02:55
ubotuI know nothing about kde kicker - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com02:55
comaman ubotu is past his prime02:55
eXCeSSdoppelganger: http://kde-look.org02:56
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage02:56
doppelgangeri just got XGL working fine, now i need a good taskbar so my shit isn't so ugly02:56
ubotuI know nothing about love - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com02:57
doppelganger(not that its worse than windows, granted, but i want some taskbar goodness)02:57
HawkwindLet's stop playing with the bot02:57
comabut ubotu is fun02:57
comahe needs to learn to love....02:57
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ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems02:58
=== CheeseBurgerMan [n=bigk@24-247-185-68.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
coma!ubotu learn02:58
ubotuI know nothing about learn - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com02:58
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Hawkwindcoma: Please stop, seriously03:00
comayou guys are no !fun03:00
doppelgangerwho was it that mentioned kde-look.org?03:01
CheeseBurgerMancoma: You can play with the bots in #debian-bots03:01
Hawkwindcoma: The bot is NOT a toy.  Play with it in #Debian-Bots03:01
h3sp4wncoma: Try playing with dpkg in #debian-bots (much more fun)03:02
comai am...but its not the same...those bots are passed their prime:(03:02
h3sp4wndpkg actually knows stuff unlike ubotu03:02
bimberibtw, ubotu isn't in #debian-bots - #ubuntu-bots is the place03:03
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doppelgangerhey guys, what am i looking for on kde-look.org on the menu to skin out just my taskbar?03:04
doppelgangeri don't want to change anything else but that03:04
Eeyorei mounted windows xp as "mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/vfat"03:04
doppelgangeri see themes, decorations, etc03:04
doppelgangeri just want my taskbar redone03:04
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Eeyorehowever i cannot access it03:05
doppelgangeror whatever you call it03:05
abattoirdoppelganger: rt. click on the 'taskbar'->Configure panels->appearance03:05
abattoirdoppelganger: Panel background...03:05
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doppelgangerwell, i guess "skin" is a poor choice of word03:06
doppelgangermore like, wanna change the kde "start" button, and everything03:06
doppelgangerto something cooler looking03:06
analogkidAnyone know how to change the font size on the desktop? (icon titles)03:06
abattoirdoppelganger: then kbfx is what you are looking for03:07
doppelgangeri guess i just don't know how far these "themes" go...  i don't want to change anything as far as menu layouts03:07
abattoir!info kbfx03:07
ubotukbfx: a new K-Menu for KDE. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.4.8+cvs20060413-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 193 kB, installed size 804 kB03:07
doppelgangercool, let me check that out03:08
abattoirdoppelganger: if you have universe installed, get it through adept or apt-get03:08
doppelgangerthanks guys03:08
talljon84I'm working on compiling Kopete 0.12 (since the unoffical package doesn't work in my case). I need to use the KDE headers (./configure is complaining) but all the kde-dev related packages give me a warning that it will break something. Which package should I really be using?03:08
abattoirdoppelganger: you should get themes for those on kde-look03:08
doppelgangeri'm just being careful not to change the way the menus work, especially system settings, it's laid out nicely03:09
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doppelgangerjust not sure if themes change that whole thing or not too03:09
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doppelgangeri dunno, i'll just check out what you guys mentioned and stfu for a sec  ;)03:10
Eeyorei need to change the default boot os03:10
Eeyorehow ?03:10
abattoirdoppelganger: only the 'buttons' change afaik...03:10
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doppelgangerok, just wasn't sure how much it would change kde03:11
doppelgangeri like it's simplicity03:11
doppelgangerthanks aba03:11
doppelganger(plus i don't wanna screw up xgl) 8)03:12
fernandogarib_my ferst name is fernando and secon name is Garib, i m  chilian03:12
doppelgangeri'm 2 days into linux... heh.  Anyways, i'm off03:12
fernandogarib_whe are you from?03:13
CheeseBurgerManEeyore: The only way I know is to edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst03:13
Hexidigitali use KDE and Gnome, but i want to boot into terminal... can someone help me? (i already edited the /etc/inittab file, but KDE still comes up at boot03:13
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abattoirHexidigital: try appending 'single' to your kernel boot paramenters03:14
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CheeseBurgerManEeyore: run 'kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst'03:14
h3sp4wndoppelganger: If you want symplicity try fluxbox03:14
Hexidigitalabattoir:: i'm not sure how to do that... isn't there a rc.conf file i need to edit? (i have done this before, but dont remember how)03:14
abattoirHexidigital: open up /boot/grub/meu.lst, if you are using grub03:15
abattoirHexidigital: done?03:17
Hexidigitalyeah... i saw it under recovery mode...03:17
Hexidigitalthx abattoir03:18
Hexidigitalbrb... need to test03:18
abattoirHexidigital: in the entry for the kernel which you use... append single to the end of the kernel entry line03:18
abattoira bit, confusing :P03:18
Hexidigitaldoes it matter if it's after "splash" or not, abattoir ?03:19
EeyoreCheeseBurgerMan: i did that once and became unbootable03:19
Hexidigitalor before?03:19
Eeyoreall i did was move things around03:19
abattoirshouldnt matter as long as it is in the same line...03:19
Hexidigitalbe right back..03:19
abattoirHexidigital: be careful, if it gives problems...03:19
abattoirHexidigital: use 'e' in grub menu.. omg he left :(03:19
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CheeseBurgerManEeyore: Don't move things around. You change a number around line 14 to change the default entry.03:20
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Hexidigitalerm.. didn't work...03:23
Hexidigitalkicked me into root login halfway into booting....03:23
Eeyorewhat i was hoping to do is move windows to the top of the list as default and hide the menu.  when i moved windows up, i got unbootable pc03:24
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aegeanlinux Does anyone know of a browser for KDE that uses Gecko (Mozilla's Rendering Engine)?03:25
abattoirHexidigital: i thought that's what you wanted..?03:25
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tailsfanIs theer a site or page for where I can see what Kubuntu contains, I ordered some CDs from Shipit and wanted to know what Kubuntu contained03:26
Hexidigitalyeah... but i want my system to start up completely, also...03:26
Hexidigitali logged out of root, and it continued booting03:26
CheeseBurgerManaegeanlinux: I assume that you mean a QT based browser that uses Gecko?03:27
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eXCeSStailsfan: same as ubuntu with a different desktop environment is what im lead to beleive you can amke ubuntu linux with 3 packages03:27
jk-anyone using amarok 1.4.1 ?03:27
aegeanlinuxYes I do03:27
aegeanlinuxIt's heaps good03:27
tailsfanso the games and other apps are the same03:28
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jk-aegeanlinux: no problems playing flacs03:28
jk-actually, i should check other formats...03:28
aegeanlinuxjk- I don't have any flacs, but if Xine can play it.... can't see why not03:29
h3sp4wnaegeanlinux: Which browser are you using that does that ?03:29
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jk-aegeanlinux: yeah, just upgraded from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1, and xine is spitting chips at me03:30
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jk-s/xine/the xine engine/03:30
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aegeanlinuxjk- yes03:30
aegeanlinuxI had that to, just get the latest xine, 1.1.2 i think03:30
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dydimustkI'm sure I'm evil if I don't want to use konqueror... but how can i make katapult open firefox when typing firefox?03:32
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doppelgangeranyone here have that kbfx?03:32
CheeseBurgerMandydimustk: Put Firefox in the K Menu.03:32
aegeanlinuxyes, I do03:33
doppelgangerhow the world do i open it?03:33
aegeanlinuxright click on the kicker03:33
doppelgangerits not in the menu, typing that doesn't open it03:33
aegeanlinuxclick add applet03:33
dydimustkCheeseBurgerMan: even if it's already listed under internet03:33
CheeseBurgerMandydimustk: Oh, no.03:33
aegeanlinuxand search for kbfx03:33
aegeanlinuxis it not in the "Add Applet" dialog?03:34
=== dydimustk longs for quicksilver
CheeseBurgerMandydimustk: restart katapult, that'll make it rebuild it's index.03:34
dydimustkok thanks CheeseBurgerMan03:34
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CheeseBurgerMandydimustk: There must be an easier way to make it do that, but I don't know it. :)03:34
dydimustkCheeseBurgerMan: its been restartedd  several times, but I can't get beyond "firefox central - open bookmark"03:34
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doppelgangeri was thinking this was a whole change of the taskbar03:35
CheeseBurgerMandydimustk: you could always delete the bookmark if you don't want it, or you can set it to not index your bookmarks.03:35
dydimustkCheeseBurgerMan: yeah, it's that 'set it' part that I can't find03:36
CheeseBurgerMandydimustk: Mine goes to Firefox, and then Firefox Central, not sure why yours is different.03:36
CheeseBurgerMandydimustk: open Katapult and press Ctrl+C03:36
dydimustkCheeseBurgerMan: are there supposed to be preferences somewhere03:36
CheeseBurgerMandydimustk: yes! :D03:36
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dydimustkthat's what I was looking for!03:36
CheeseBurgerManYou're welcome. :)03:37
doppelgangerman, i have no clue what i'm doin03:37
CheeseBurgerMandoppelganger: Half the fun is figuring out what you're doing. :)03:38
doppelgangeragean- whats the easiest way to change the whole look of my taskbar?03:38
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doppelgangerthats all in kubuntu that i really want to change03:38
CheeseBurgerManWhat is the 'whole look'?03:38
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doppelgangerbut i want button and all to change...  preferably of someone else's making03:38
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doppelgangeri want a new Kde start button, and just a classier feel to it03:39
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aegeanlinuxkbfx is good03:39
lucasi have an 1 GB .tar.gz file, which I can't extract with Ark coz it crashes. Is there a way to extract this file using the console?03:39
CheeseBurgerManFor the button, you can either change /usr/share/icons/<iconset>/<size>/kmenu.png, or you can use KBFX. For the background, you can find many at http://kde-look.org03:39
doppelgangerwhen i do that search like you said, it just comes up with kbfxvista03:40
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (gnome) or ark (kde)03:40
aegeanlinuxyes tar -xvf {{FILE}}03:40
ubotuI know nothing about gzip - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com03:40
CheeseBurgerMandoppelganger: kbfxvista is the right applet03:40
doppelgangerand it puts it down at the bottom, and its all squished up and ugly lookin03:40
CheeseBurgerMandoppelganger: OK then, change the kmenu.png03:40
lucaswhich are the commands to extract a tar.gz file?03:41
aegeanlinuxtar -xvf {file}03:41
SpAwNwell ktorrent is kinda not working good...no matter what ports im using its slow as hell......so i installed sun-javafrom the repos and azureus ......but azureus doesnt work right...it just loads...but no user interface comes up...how can i fix this03:41
lucas(it's a big one-- dunno if that makes a difference)03:41
aegeanlinuxreplace {file} with the file name03:41
doppelgangeri was under the impression that it was just going to change the whole thing03:41
doppelgangeri dunno...  i dunno what i'm sayin03:41
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lucasaegeanlinux: its not .tar, its tar.gz03:42
doppelgangeri see screenies of people's desktops with these sweet taskbars and stuff03:42
doppelgangeri just want some taskbar lovin03:42
lucasaegeanlinux: shall i first convert tar.gz into tar?03:42
aegeanlinuxtar can do .tar.gz and .tar.bz203:42
aegeanlinuxdon't need too03:43
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource03:43
lucasaegeanlinux k th03:43
aegeanlinuxlucas, is it working?03:43
lucasaegeanlinux: yeah :)03:44
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lucasaegeanlinux: slowly, but working03:45
scytheany body have kubuntu or ubuntu installed on a laptop here ?03:45
aegeanlinuxlucas: Just a handy hint for next time ;) tar can do .tar.bz .tar.bz2 and .tar.gz too03:45
lucasaegeanlinux: kewl03:45
scytheI am having problems with speedstep that has me completely flummoxed03:45
doppelgangeris "kicker" what you guys call the taskbar in kubuntu?03:46
doppelgangerweird name.. lol03:46
doppelgangerbut..  hmm03:46
aegeanlinuxYou get used to it after a while ;)03:46
doppelgangerso...  i guess i just want a cool kicker03:47
aegeanlinux:D yes03:47
doppelgangeri don't want a whole dang theme, just a cool kicker03:47
lucasdoppelganger: try enabling transparency ;)03:47
aegeanlinuxyes, that is correct03:47
scytheis there a way to add icon zooming like on a mac?03:47
doppelgangeri want...  sorta like a Vista-esque kicker, with a sweet start button03:47
lucasdoppelganger: kbfx03:48
doppelgangergod i feel like an idiot03:48
aegeanlinuxso your not the only one ;)03:48
doppelgangeri don't understand kbfx though....03:48
aegeanlinuxis it on your kicker yet?03:48
doppelgangerwhen i put that thing down on the kicker or whatever...   its...  just like a little button03:48
doppelgangerthat does nothing03:48
aegeanlinuxYou need to do the setting in kcontrol03:49
lucasdoppelganger: it should open the kmenu...03:49
=== KaiHanari [n=Kai@stjhnf01-22-142163031169.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
doppelgangerit does jack, lol03:49
aegeanlinuxand then remove and add the kbfx applet03:49
aegeanlinuxor restart KDE03:49
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doppelgangeri haven't restarted KDE since i installed kbfx... maybe thats it03:49
aegeanlinux__could__ be03:49
pestilencei'm using klibido with newshosting.  everytime i update a group it expires all the messages and comes up empty.  anybody know what the deal is?03:50
lucasdoppelganger: just kill kicker03:50
lucasaegeanlinux: right?03:50
doppelgangerjust wondering how i will get it back if i do03:50
lucasno need to restart03:50
aegeanlinuxlucas : yes, just go into konsole03:50
aegeanlinuxlucas: This is linux03:50
scytheanyone in here have breezy installed on a laptop, I could use some help with controlling speedstep03:51
pestilencei have breezy on this laptop, but haven't bothered with speedstep03:51
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pestilencei mean, whatever is installed by default, that's what i have.03:52
doppelgangerbrb ;p03:52
scytheit wont run at full speed without acpid running, but it steps way down when I close the screen and use an external moniter03:52
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scytheI just want to know how I disable that sensor (gotta do it in software, I am not breaking a HW sensor to just get it working right)03:53
pestilencei don't understand why it won't run at full speed without acpid03:53
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=== Hawkwind [n=SoS@linuxfordummies/Hawkwind] has joined #Kubuntu
scytheits a sony and without acpid starting (took it out of /etc/rc2.d) I could only run at 600 mhz, not 1.2ghz03:54
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scytheafter I started it manually, it bumped up to 1.2ghz immediately03:55
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pestilenceso, if you look in /etc/acpi/03:56
doppelgangerok kicker, lets do this03:56
pestilencethere are the scripts which control the actions taken03:56
scytheright, brb, gotta go get the laptop, im on the mac right now03:56
doppelgangerugh. bah03:56
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pestilenceso of particular interest might be /etc/acpi/lid.sh03:57
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pestilenceit forces dpms on, dunno if that coincides with the throttling03:58
scythewow, just cat'd lid.sh, no clue what it actually says03:59
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pestilenceafter you close the lid, try running "xset dpms force off"03:59
scythewish i spoke better scripting:)03:59
pestilencesee if that unthrottles the cpu03:59
pestilencei don't think it should, though.  i thought dpms was strictly a monitor thing.03:59
aegeanlinuxwhats bad?04:00
HawkwindAnyone know if there are xen kernels in Kubuntu and if so, what file name they use ?04:00
aegeanlinuxdoppelganger:  whats bad?04:00
aegeanlinuxHawkwind: Xen kernel???04:00
scythethe wife is looking at it now.  I dont have the external stuff near, so I will have to test later.04:01
doppelgangerwell...  i dunno04:01
Hawkwindaegeanlinux: Yes, xen, for running virtual machines04:01
WhilHawkwind: why not use wmware?04:01
doppelgangeri understand from what you said that i can configure that button04:01
HawkwindBecause xen is many times faster04:01
doppelgangerbut that button is ugly as all sin04:01
WhilHawkwind: or qemu04:01
Hawkwindvmware and qemu are super slow compared to xen04:01
aegeanlinuxWhat do you mean by ugly?04:02
doppelgangersays like "gnu linux" or something on it, and it's all squinched up04:02
WhilHawkwind: okay i have never heard of xen for any ubuntu04:02
doppelgangerbarely even readable04:02
HawkwindWhil: Xen is huge in Debian.  It's widely used04:02
aegeanlinuxdoppelganger: Why not change it?04:02
WhilHawkwind: hmmmmm i dunno04:02
doppelgangeri want more than a button i guess04:02
aegeanlinuxHawkwind: why not compile your own?04:02
Hawkwindaegeanlinux: If I have to I will, but I'd rather use prebuilt deb packages04:03
doppelgangeri'd like the whole "kicker" redone04:03
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aegeanlinuxThere are sets that come with kicker backgrounds and everything04:03
scytheactually, there is some -unthrottle stuff in the script (lid.sh)04:03
doppelgangerwhere are such things04:04
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doppelgangerand are they easy to install04:04
doppelgangeroh, well, i've found them there04:04
aegeanlinuxjust changing kicker settings and kbfx settings04:04
doppelgangerbut....   i havent' seen any instructions on how to install one on kdfx.org04:04
aegeanlinuxthe kbfx site has some to04:04
aegeanlinuxYou just tar -xvf the file you download04:05
aegeanlinuxand set kbfx to that pathc04:05
doppelgangerwhere do i configure kbfx?04:05
doppelgangeror "set to that path"04:05
doppelgangeri guess04:05
doppelgangerthats what confused me at first...  i couldn't find what i thought was going to be a program anywhere in my menus04:06
aegeanlinuxkcontrol is your friend04:06
doppelgangerlemme type that and see what it even is  ;P04:06
doppelgangercrap, sorry agaen04:09
doppelgangersays i'mm unregistered and can't chat04:09
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h3sp4wnapt-get moo04:11
aegeanlinuxs'all good04:11
jfieldsi hate to ask this question in here... but i have a client that uses dialup .. and only uses it like once a month.... is there any provider that doesnt require a damn credit card and offers a limited totally free service04:11
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h3sp4wnjfields: Does he live close to you ?04:12
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jfieldsyes... lol04:12
jfieldsbut that will not work.. haha04:12
doppelgangerhow do i register my nick04:12
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Hobbsee!register > doppelganger04:14
h3sp4wnjfields: Connect the two places with wifi04:14
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h3sp4wnjfields: 2 good antenna's and routers04:15
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h3sp4wnjfields: Maybe ask somewhere else thats what I would do04:16
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doppelganger_woot, ok04:16
aegeanlinuxgot it?04:16
ubotuI know nothing about moo - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com04:16
aegeanlinuxyou like?04:16
SpAwNshould i manualy install java to get azureus to work??04:16
doppelganger_check pm aegean04:17
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h3sp4wnSpAwN: sudo aptitude install sun-java5-bin (with aptitude)04:17
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h3sp4wnSpAwN: sudo update-alternatives --config java04:18
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SpAwNi installed it b4 with adept04:18
SpAwNshould i uninstall with that 1st?04:18
HawkwindSpAwN: Toss the GUI's man :P04:18
scythehow do i restart x server?04:18
Hawkwindscythe: ctrl-alt-backspace04:18
HawkwindSpAwN: Use CLI to install things :P04:19
SpAwNHawkwind, hehe04:19
scythehmm... i tried that04:19
scythebrb, gotta reboot04:19
HawkwindReboot ?04:19
HawkwindYou're using Windows ?04:19
DarkAuditoh the pain :)04:20
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ErtainHello everyone.  I'm trying to use an xscreensaver for kscreensaver.  For example, I'd like to use the pacman screensaver.  How would one go about doing this?04:20
HobbseeErtain: install xscreensaver kscreensaver-xsavers04:21
ErtainRight-o then.04:21
=== Ertain looks for pack.
ErtainAlready installed.04:21
ubuntu;] 04:22
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scythenope, the ctrl-alt-backspace wasn't working to reboot x04:23
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ErtainIs it as easy as copying/linking certain *.desktop files?04:23
scytheand i could have killed it, but it didn't occure to me04:23
digitalslackercould somebody tell me how to turn off power saving in Dapper? I don't want my monitor falling asleep on me04:24
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Hawkwinddigitalslacker: Look in kcontrol or in systemsettings04:24
Hawkwinddigitalslacker: Probably something there for sure in one of those two04:24
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SpAwNh3sp4wn, sudo update-alternatives --config java fixed the problem thanks04:25
h3sp4wnSpAwN: No problems04:25
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digitalslackerHawkwind: tried that. It works, but it keeps destroying my resolution in xorg.conf, so is there something in a config file somewhere that I can change?04:26
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Hawkwinddigitalslacker: Not sure.  I set mine in xscreensaver and it doesn't go to sleep on me04:27
digitalslackerHawkwind: yeah, that could be a problem since I don't use screensavers. I need the desktops to be visible to customers at all times04:27
=== SeanTater_ [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
actiniclets see some of your desktop screenies04:29
actinicmine with working lm-sensors & gkrellm: ftp://oberon.gotdns.com/mist2.jpg04:29
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abattoirdigitalslacker: the resolution is changed even if the 'Size, Orientation...' tab, in the Display section has the resolution you want?04:30
digitalslackerabattoir: yes, it takes down the entire xorg.conf and replaces it with one that's so stripped down I wouldn't know where to begin to fill in all the blanks04:31
scytheno go on lid.sh edits that comment out dpms04:32
scythegrr, back to the building block04:32
digitalslackerany other ideas on turning off the power saving?04:34
abattoirdigitalslacker: i guess, you have also tried turning it off, allow it to change your xorg.conf, and then replace it w/ the old xorg.conf...?04:35
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abattoirbecause, i cant seem to find a section for 'power' in xorg.conf04:35
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digitalslackerabattoir: yeah, I tried replacing it, but it the power saving comes right back. I didn't see anything for power in xorg.conf either04:36
digitalslackerit doesn't make any sense really04:37
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abattoirdigitalslacker: btw, i dont see why you'd need admin priviledges... really04:38
abattoirhence xorg.conf shouldnt be touched04:38
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abattoirdigitalslacker: Kcontrol->Peripherals->Display right?04:39
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digitalslacker2 of the 3 systems I use myself on a regular basis are running Dapper. One was a straight dapper install and the other was upgraded. The upgraded one works fine, but I adjusted that in Breezy and the setting carried over04:39
interfearcan someone tell me how to install a pcf font so bitchx looks right in gnome terminal04:39
interfearwhen i install nexus font in universe it doesnt work04:39
digitalslackerabattoir: yes, that's one of the ways I tried changing it04:40
interfearor synpatic rather04:40
abattoirdigitalslacker: well, if you dont touch, the Administrator mode button, xorg.conf shouldnt be touched04:40
kendoes anyone know how i can control my client desktop on a samba network?04:40
abattoirdigitalslacker: for me, power mgmt. works w/o having to get into Administrator mode04:41
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digitalslackerI'm fairly certain I tried that, but I'll try again, make sure I didn't just screw with something else before and not remember04:41
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scythegot it working, thanx04:42
abattoirdigitalslacker: as far as i can see, only the h/w tab there requires admin. priv., quite rightly04:42
scytheI made a backup of the script, then when I restored it, i forgot to comment out the dpms line04:42
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keni was wondering if someone could give me a hand on working with a samba network04:44
scythethat wasnt the fix though, I copied the dpms and the unthrottle lines into the first if statement just before the done04:45
scythethat worked04:45
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=== buzzen_ [n=jools@82-70-241-14.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
digitalslackerabattoir: trying it again, so I need to leave it idle for a little while. The resolutions don't seem to have been changed anywhere, so I'll have to see04:46
abattoirdigitalslacker: first enable it, chg. to 1 min., see if it works, then disable it...04:46
abattoiryou'll know quicker :P04:47
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frode_Hi all04:47
aegeanlinuxHey frode_04:47
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digitalslackeroops, closed the wrong window04:49
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actinicken, samba link:  http://www.qnd-guides.net/qnd-samba.html04:50
actinicdon't know much about it04:50
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abattoirdigitalslacker: tried the 1 min. thing?04:52
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actinichere's another: http://samba.netfirms.com/sambconf.htm04:53
scytheanyone here have a sony laptop with a ms reader?  Have you gotten it to work under dapper, breezy?04:53
abattoirscythe: ms reader ?04:53
abattoiroh ok sorry04:53
scythebuilt in memorystick (that evil encrypted pos that they developed)04:53
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ErtainHello once again, everyone.  I'm still tryingt to figure out how to use the pacman screensaver with kscreensaver.  I have written a *.desktop file and put it in the /usr/share/applnk/System/ScreenSavers directory, but it still won't pick it up as a screensaver.04:53
abattoirscythe: vaio model?04:55
digitalslackerabattoir: yeah, turned it on at 1 minute and worked normally and turned it back off, which it seems to be working after 1 minute04:55
scythethe only os that has been able to read (and not wright) to it was a freebsd based live cd04:56
ErtainOkay, I now have it recognized.  Now all I need to do is catagorize it.04:56
abattoirdigitalslacker: so it works fine?04:56
scytheand that was sporadic at best04:56
digitalslackerso far it seems to be working as I hoped04:56
abattoirscythe: i think model names are more complicated than that...04:57
abattoirbut see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/SonyVGN-FE11H04:58
abattoirone tester says it works04:58
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scytheabatoir, its a vgn-t25004:58
dr_willis_scythe,  my old Vaio-Gr390 worked.. but its old. :P not tried a newer sony. My Compaq - i cant tet any of the memory-stick slots working.04:59
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scytheyeah, this one is odd... i think it is connected throught the pcmcia bus05:00
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scytheheard that someone got it working by throwing scsi commands at it, but that is above my skill05:01
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scytheevery time i find a howto get it to work, it doesnt work05:02
kenactinic, i have the network set up, and i can browse through the file system of my client, i was wondering if there was a way to gain complete control over my client05:02
kenlike view the desktop, i guess05:03
scytheken, have you tried a vpn server / client setup?05:03
dr_willis_ken,  vnc is handy also for such tasks05:03
scythevnc, not vpn, ignore my last post :)05:03
kenno, i haven't tried vnc05:04
dr_willis_if its a linux to linux box - that freenx is niceer i hear.. but i use vnc for all sorts of neat things05:04
scytheand if its a windows box you are trying to control, terminal server05:04
kenthey both run dapper05:04
dr_willis_you can start a remote x 'session' on  say alt-ctrl-f8 if ya set things up right also. :P05:04
kenshould i be able to find a guide to vnc?05:04
dr_willis_dozen ways to do it.05:05
dr_willis_depends ion exactly what you need the thing to do.05:05
dr_willis_vnc is rather trivial in its basic ussage.05:05
keni'm not going to get real into it, i just want to be able to view my clients desktop on my computer05:06
scythemost all vnc clients will do that05:07
dr_willis_ken,  viewing the desktop as THEY also view it - can take a little more setting up.05:08
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dr_willis_gnome has that feature, not sure if kde has it also.05:08
dr_willis_but i find that way of doing vnc - slows down the system a lot more then if you just 'ssh in' and start a new vnc session (thats hidden)05:09
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scytheit does, but I am not looking at a linux desktop right now05:09
dr_willis_windows vnc - shares the existing desktiop. thats the only way it can do it. :)05:09
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kenso it is possible?05:10
dr_willis_depends on what they are running.05:11
dr_willis_windows - vnc can do it - trivially.05:11
kenbut dapper can not?05:11
dr_willis_linux - vnc can do it.. or freenx.05:11
dr_willis_gnome - has such a feature built in.05:11
keni'm running gnome05:12
dr_willis_gnome has a built in vnc server/client thang.05:12
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dr_willis_that makes it rather trivial (but slow from what ive seen)05:12
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kenso how do i access the vnc thing, in gnome?05:13
kennevermind, figured it out05:14
kenthanks a lot05:14
dr_willis_when in doubt read the fine gnome manuals. :)05:14
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dr_willis_the kde default viewer client is called.. krdc or some similer hard to rember name., :)05:15
dr_willis_seems people like to change what they call 'vnc' when its really vnc. :) sounds nicer to call it kde-remote-desktop or somthing I guess05:15
=== digitalslacker [n=digitals@pool-141-153-116-212.clrk.east.verizon.net] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"]
actinicso i drag my UT script file to the desktop05:18
actinicwhere's the ut icon?05:18
actinicall it shows is kind of like a txt file05:19
actinicno 'U' icon05:19
actinici right click on properties and point it to the proper png file05:19
actinicno go05:19
dr_willis_a script file is a text file aint it. :P05:20
actinicyes, but it's executable05:20
scythechmod the file then05:20
actinicwhy, isn't it already chmoded by virtue i can click ... it executes05:21
actinicand the properties say it's executable05:21
dr_willis_why would you expect it to have  a UT icon? if its just a script..05:21
scytheoh, I thought you meant that it wasnt when you said but its exc...05:21
actinicbecause that's how other distros do it05:21
actinicand ... there's a bug in Kubuntu05:22
dr_willis_I cant recall ever seeing it.05:22
scythewelcome to debian(ish) jk05:22
Hobbseeactinic: there are many bugs.  which one is this?05:22
dr_willis_what makes it different from any other script?05:22
actiniccan't get rid of automatic preview05:22
actinicthis seems to impede display of custom icons on the desktop05:22
actinicit's been recreated numerous times by other users05:22
actinicdon't believe me?  drag a txt file to the desktop05:23
actinictry disabling automatic preview05:23
dr_willis_personally i dont put ANY icons on the desktop. :)05:23
scythecould you put a small png on your desktop and link it to the script?05:23
actinicwell there's a solution05:23
scytheor other way round05:23
dr_willis_or not worry about trivial things like icons. :P05:24
actinicjust don't put icons on the desktop, regardless of how inconveient that may be05:24
actinicif there's a bug, steer around it05:24
dr_willis_i fond icons on the desktop to be the sign of a cluttered mind. :P05:24
actinicor a bugged distro :)05:24
scytheanyone know of a way to make kicker act like mac osx dock?05:24
actinicin this case Kubuntu05:25
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actinicHobbsee, what are some of the critical bugs you can link me to?05:26
Hobbseeactinic: critical bugs?  hmmm...05:26
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu, please report it at http://bugs.ubuntu.com05:26
Hobbseeset the status for critical, and hit search05:26
actinichow 'bout K ubuntu?05:26
actinicor the same thing?05:27
Hobbseeactinic: https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs list most kubuntu bugs, but the same thing05:27
actinicor is there a KDE bug report method05:27
Hobbseeno, it's at the same place as ubuntus05:27
actinicit's hard to know whether it's distro or KDE related05:27
Hobbseeactinic: could be either, i'm not sure.  bugs.kde.org is KDE place for bus05:28
Hobbseefile it there - see if they tell you if it's a kde related problem05:28
OODscythe: yes it's possible, but the app is alled kxdocker05:29
abattoir!info kxdocker05:29
ubotukxdocker: innovative docker for KDE that is like Mac OSX Docker. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.39-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 253 kB, installed size 832 kB05:29
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abattoirscythe: ^^^^05:29
actinici'll show you a screenshot in a moment05:30
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scythelooking it up now05:31
actinicftp://oberon.gotdns.com/mist4.jpg  <--- lovely, isn't it?05:31
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bob1973anyone use kubuntu on a tablet pc? with the pen?05:32
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OODactinic: uh, what about it?05:33
actinicno UT icon05:33
actinicyou know, the "u"05:33
OODthougt it was a regular txt file :P05:33
DeshUsing wlassistant is basically like wusing iwconfig in the terminal, right? Except in this case wlassistant takes what you enters and does the appropriate iwconfig commands intself?05:33
bob1973I have a new gateway tablet and everything works great except I can't seem to find out how to make the pen work ?05:33
actinicit's executable05:33
actinicyou should be able to assign ANY icon05:34
OODyou tried, and you can't ?05:34
actinicmany times05:35
actinictry it yourself05:35
actinicdrag a *.txt file to the desktop05:35
actinictry changing the icon to kate, kwrite, whatever ...05:35
actinicyou'll find you can't either05:35
OODi don't think this is a bug05:36
actinicit works in other distros just fine05:36
OODwith kde?05:36
actinickanotix, pclinuxos, ...05:36
actinicwhat gives you the impression it isn't a bug?05:37
actinicyou've had similar dealings?05:37
actinicsuccess in assigning icons?05:37
actinictrial & error?05:37
=== hannes___ [n=hannes@pD958F101.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
OODsince you can make a shortcut to the text file and give that an app05:37
actinicry it05:37
OODgive that an icon*05:37
actinicerr try it05:37
actinicreport back05:38
scythekxdocker looks slick, downloading it now :)05:38
OODactinic: k i got an icon05:38
=== amundsen [n=gagarin@230.Red-80-39-1.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
actinicsteps please05:38
scythethankx for the tip05:39
OODright click desktop, click: link to application05:39
OODthen link the script, and give it an icon by right clicking it and clicking the box05:39
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fazexhi guys05:40
fazexIs this a good place to ask about a driver install problem?05:40
actinichow do you link to script?05:40
OODeh, i take it that the ut2004 it a script that launches the game05:40
amundseni'm having a problem with the latest versions of KDE. I remember that in older version, there was an "icon zooming" option in for the desktop panel, but with tha actual "mouserover effect" it desappeared05:41
amundsendoes anyone know something about this ?05:41
fazexCan someone help with a video driver question? When I install a new NVIDIA kernel and start my xserver it works perfectly but when i reboot it tells me that my NVIDIA kernel version does not match my X server version. How do I tell it to use my new NVIDIA kernel and not the old one?05:41
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OODactinic: right click desktop, select link to application, go to the third tab, and browse for the script and select it05:41
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actinicgo it05:42
actinicerr got it!05:42
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actiniclooks like you can't simply drag & drop05:42
amundsencan anyone help me ?05:42
actinicthanks man05:42
OODactinic: no problem05:42
OODamundsen: you want to have bigger icons on the desktop?05:43
=== Desh [n=fries@adsl-3-172-103.mia.bellsouth.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
dr_willis_just make a panel for ya launchers :)05:43
dominatrixok, i just created a FAT32 Partition so i can transfer files from linux to windows, and every time i click on it that it "could not mount on device" and "cant find in /etc/fstab/ or etc/mtab/" any ideas?05:45
fazexSo any run into this problem?05:45
dr_willis_make a correct fstab entry for it05:45
OODfazex: you're not installing an nvidia kernel, you're installing a kernel module, i take it you downloaded the driver from the nvida site right?05:45
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions05:45
dominatrixdr_willis: thanks05:46
amundsenOOD: i want the panel icons become bigger just when the mouse cursor stays over them05:46
dr_willis_i just use that tool that lets windows read/write Ext2/3 filesystems. and keep my data on linux drives05:46
=== bcron [n=bcron@c-68-50-141-126.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
OODfazex: the problem is, the default kernel module with the nvidia driver doesn't match your kernel05:47
=== devlin- [n=devlin@pool-70-16-197-30.man.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
OODfazex: you can either compile it to match your kernel, or get it from the repository like this:05:48
OODsudo apt-get install nvidia-glx05:48
OODsudo nvidia-xconfig05:48
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto05:48
OODi'm done explaining, that's all there is too it :P05:48
=== jkabbara [n=jkabbara@209-176-49-23-static.dsl.oplink.net] has joined #kubuntu
amundsenOOD:  i want the panel icons become bigger just when the mouse cursor stays over them05:50
devlin-What difference would it make changing from the i386 kernel to the i686?05:50
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dr_willis_i recall that effect... hated it. :)05:51
whizz-what can i use to join split files like the ones found on usenet?05:51
=== ilda [n=ilda@0-1pool89-149.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
OODamundsen: hmm. i'm don't know anything about that, sorry05:52
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ildawill dpkg willingly downgrade packages with just the -i switch?05:53
=== dejot [n=dejot@p54BB08E5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
dejotcan anyone tell me where the konquerer saves the cookies?05:54
ildai have this cd with saved packages, some of which were in the new install,   i did dpkg -i *.deb   and it is saying 'warning downgrading debconf' amongst others...  ?05:55
=== dive-o [n=dive@ip70-187-241-241.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
dive-ototal newbie question on the way: what's the preferred way of convincing kubuntu to run at a higher resolution? it seems to think the max this setup can handle is 1024x768, which isn't accurate, and I'm not sure where to change that (I come from a mainly BSD background, so I'm used to just editing XF86Config...)05:57
dr_willis_you can edit the xorg.conf05:58
dr_willis_but what dio ya need to edit it to be?05:58
dive-o1280x1024 is what I'm used to05:58
dr_willis_Hmm - odd that id dident get that res right.05:59
dr_willis_could rerun the X configuration tool.05:59
=== devlin- (another noob) just goes to "system settings" "display"
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:59
dive-odevlin: did that, it maxes at 1024x768.05:59
dr_willis_it may be it thinks the monitor can only handle that.06:00
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devlin-well I did preface it with I'm a newbie lol06:00
dive-odunno, Xorg under other OS's will run just fine at 1280x102406:00
dr_willis_if using ati or nvidia cards. install the proper drivers for the card. then try to recongiorue06:00
dr_willis_ya could always check out the other x configs and try them.06:00
dr_willis_they should be mostly compatiable.06:01
dive-ogood point... need to find an amd64 driver for a geforce 7800GT06:01
actinicOOD, the nvidia binary howto says *not* to install nvidia-xconfig06:01
dive-oare we talking the drivers straight from the vendor, or something else?06:01
devlin-I've got a weird video prob too... apparently something tells my login screen I have a much bigger display than I really do, but once KDE loads its fine...06:02
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto06:02
actinicquote: " DO NOT install either package in Ubuntu 6.06 LTS because it will remove nvidia-glx. These programs are now provided in nvidia-glx."06:02
dr_willis_kde can have settings on a per user basis as to what res to use.06:02
OODactinic: it's not a package06:02
dr_willis_changes it on the fly.06:02
dr_willis_odd that X is getting it wrong however.06:03
devlin-its a pain because often I have to scroll around to find the login box..06:03
actinic"If you are running Hoary Hedgehog or Breezy Badger, then install nvidia-settings and nvidia-xconfig. DO NOT install either package in Ubuntu 6.06 LTS because it will remove nvidia-glx. These programs are now provided in nvidia-glx."06:03
OODsudo nvidia-xconfig doesn't install that package, it sets xorg.conf to use the nv driver06:04
actinickind of confusing06:04
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dejotnobody knows where the konqueror cookies are located?06:04
dr_willis_better off to do a clean install. :P06:04
dr_willis_dejot,  i would guess in the .kde/share/apps or similer dir.06:04
dive-olooks like I don't even have synaptic06:05
OODactinic: sudo nvidia-xconfig and sudo apt-get install nvidia-xconfig are 2 different things06:05
dr_willis_Kubuntu has its own variant.06:05
dejotdr_willis_: can be, thanks06:05
actinici wish the howto was more clear on this06:05
dive-odr_willis: the add/remove programs thing, I assume?06:05
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dr_willis_ installing the nvidia drivers is about a 3 line cut/paste fromn the howto job. :P06:06
OODactinic: it's the same thing as sudo nvidia-glx-config enable, i remember the other line better :)06:06
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actiniclol, then just show 3 lines to cut & paste06:07
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actinicand forget the rest06:07
OODit's 2, and i did06:08
bob1973how can I make my tablet pen work in kubuntu?06:08
dive-odr_willis: aye, you're correct, I didn't read down far enough. Sorry.06:08
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actinicif you're going to compile, if you're running, if you've got the right version ...06:09
actinicit's those 'if's' which always getcha :)06:09
dive-ohmm, nvidia-glx-config enable errors out saying my config has been changed06:09
dive-oguess I need to find the original and diff it06:10
actinicso what's your glxgears -printfps showing?06:10
dr_willis_1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.5 fps :)06:10
dive-ohaven't restarted X, but I'll give it a shot06:11
dive-odive@ender:/etc/X11$ glxgears -printfps06:11
dive-oError: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual06:11
actinicwow, and you still suck in games!06:11
dr_willis_cover up the glxgears window  with another window and watch the FPS go way up! :)06:11
=== fazex [n=fazex@atlsfl-bundle-69-167-93-42.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu
actinicabout 7500 fps here06:11
=== infyquest [n=vijay@c-71-232-178-107.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
actinicopteron 146 @ 2.7 ghz06:12
=== bob_ [n=bob@oh-67-76-200-197.sta.embarqhsd.net] has joined #kubuntu
devlin-Ubuntu/Kubuntu by default installs with the i386 version of the linux kernel, I have a 1.7Ghz Celeron would I see any performance improvement switching my kernel to the i686 one?06:12
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dive-o7800GT pci-e here, 4200x2 @ 2.2ghz per core06:12
=== devlin- wants antinic's PC!
=== Eeyore [n=chatzill@] has joined #kubuntu
actinicnice system there dive-o ... why are u running linux, lol06:13
bob1973does anyone have experience with a tablet pc in kubuntu ? i could use some help06:13
actinicthat's a gaming system06:13
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Eeyore! dvd06:13
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages06:13
dive-oactinic: because while gaming is great on this box, I just can't stand windows as an all-purpose OS.06:13
unix_infidelbob1973: linux isnt ready for the tablet pc....06:13
Eeyore! mp306:13
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:13
Eeyore! movie06:14
ubotuI know nothing about movie - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com06:14
dr_willis_unix_infidel,  that Nokia 770 is a tablet that runs linux. :)06:14
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Eeyore! win3206:14
ubotuI know nothing about win32 - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com06:14
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dive-oactinic: FreeBSD has a weird bug with my gigabit chipset that hangs large transfers after a while, and NetBSD is just plain funky on this machine06:14
unix_infideldr_willis_: anyone can make proprietary hardware and make custom drivers for it with the money.06:14
lucaswhich is the command to install sun-java5-jdk package? apt-get what else?06:14
actinicdive-o, understandable06:14
unix_infideldr_willis_: also, it has none of the features which make a tablet pc worth buying, that's a tablet, not a tablet pc.06:14
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actinicjust today my win box almost got hosed going to a 'jacked' website06:15
actinicknow what is was?  http://forums.scotsnewsletter.com06:15
=== martynda [n=martynda@adsl-155-86-253.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
dive-oany hints on where to look to figure out what changed in my xorg config that's annoying nvidia-glx-config?06:15
actinici'm sure we'll hear more about it tomorrow06:15
lucasdive-o: what card?06:15
dive-olucas: pci-e 7800GT06:15
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lucasdive-o: excelent06:16
lucasdive-o: give me a min06:16
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unix_infidelanyone know of a 3rd party repo where i can download postgresql-8.1 debs for ubuntu?06:16
actinictemp3:     +35.5C  (high =   +65C, hyst =   +60C)   sensor = thermistor06:17
unix_infidelthis is just for testing purposes so i'd much rathe rnot compile.06:17
lucasdive-o: go to ` Section "Device" 06:17
lucasdive-o: tell me when there06:17
dive-oSection "Device" A specifically?06:17
Eeyore! xine06:17
ubotuI know nothing about xine - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com06:17
ubotuYou might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto06:18
martyndahi, how do i pick a previous version of the kernel to boot to? currently have 2.6.15-26, need to boot to 15-2506:18
Eeyore! w32codecs06:18
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:18
=== RobNyc [n=imhotep@nylug/member/RobNyc] has joined #kubuntu
aegeanlinux_what about xine?06:18
dive-oI've got the normal Device section, but not one with an A tag06:18
ubotuI know nothing about xine - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com06:18
aegeanlinux_lol, i see06:18
lucasdive-o: thats ok06:18
lucasdive-o: what do u have in there?06:18
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dive-olucas: want me to paste in msg so as not to spam the channel?06:18
dive-oit's only three lines, but hey :)06:19
lucasim not registered06:19
lucascan u wait a min?06:19
lucasill be back06:19
unix_infidelanyone know where i can find postgresql 8.1 debs for debian / ubuntu?06:19
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luc45dive-o im back06:21
luc45dive-o: now u can pvt-msg me06:22
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dive-owhoops, I'm not registered either.06:22
luc45dive-o lolol06:23
=== emanuel is now known as EmanuelM
dive-odidn't know privmsg was restricted on freenode, when did that happen?06:23
=== EmanuelM is now known as EmanuelF
dive-olemme login to my mailserver06:23
=== easynintendo [n=easynint@ppp-70-128-58-136.dsl.ltrkar.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
easynintendohey is anyone here familiar with amarok?06:23
Hawkwinddive-o: Many months ago06:23
luc45dive-o: use /msg nickserv register <passworg>06:23
easynintendois there a way to setup amarok to always be in repeat playlist mode?06:23
aegeanlinux_I use amarok all the time06:23
aegeanlinux_listening to music now06:23
easynintendobecause every time i run it or change playlists i have to manually change it06:23
easynintendoas it is now06:24
luc45dive-o: then /msg nickserv identify <same passwort>06:24
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=== aegeanlinux_ thinks thats normal
easynintendoyes i know thats normal but i want to change it06:24
easynintendois it possible?06:24
aegeanlinux_so, you want to change it to do ...06:24
easynintendoi want amarok to always no matter whether i reload it or load a different playlist to stay in repeat all mode06:25
easynintendobasically to loop whatever playlist ive got loaded over and over until i change it06:25
easynintendoi have to manually choose repeat> playlist now06:25
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dive-oamarok didn't want to play a stream I was trying to listen to :(06:26
aegeanlinux_Thats the only way to change ... Look in options06:26
easynintendodive-o what sort of stream?06:26
=== fatejudger [n=fatejudg@c-24-5-49-160.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== sotired [n=ed@c-68-32-144-150.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
sotiredim having this damn problem with ./configure06:27
aegeanlinux_dive-o: what type of strean06:27
SmonkeyAnd that problem would be?06:27
aegeanlinux_sotired: what's your problem?06:27
aegeanlinux_Smonkey: lols06:27
dive-oaegeanlinux: www.jungletrain.net's 64k stream06:28
=== doppelganger [n=doppelga@cpe-24-243-160-225.jam.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
easynintendodive-o, try VLC media player06:28
easynintendoit handles shoutcast streams VERY well06:28
aegeanlinux_dive-o: I shall try it here06:28
easynintendoat least in windows it does06:28
=== doppelganger is now known as doppelganger_
Whilany advice on what to use for windows media streams?06:29
easynintendono clue in linux06:29
aegeanlinux_works fine here06:29
easynintendoif you have the win32 codecs VLC can play windows media streams06:29
aegeanlinux_Yes, helix engine06:29
easynintendobut im not sure how well06:29
doppelganger_sup ;P06:29
aegeanlinux_with amarok06:29
ubotuI know nothing about s32 - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com06:29
Eeyore! w3206:29
ubotuI know nothing about w32 - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com06:29
aegeanlinux_dive-o: http://stream1.jungletrain.net:8000/listen.pls06:29
ubotuI know nothing about win32 - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com06:29
Eeyore! win3206:29
WhilI do but I'm having a heck of a time getting them to play. says no picture06:29
ubotuFor help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm06:29
=== sotired [n=ed@c-68-32-144-150.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
doppelganger_i'm gonna try and install a them real quick aegean, just for fucks sake06:30
doppelganger_lol, brb06:30
Eeyore! win32codecs06:30
ubotuI know nothing about win32codecs - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com06:30
sotiredsorry had to disconnect06:30
Eeyore! restricted formats06:30
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:30
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:30
Hawkwinddoppelganger_: ^^^^^^^^^^06:30
aegeanlinux_doppelganger_: install what???06:30
sotiredill pastebin my ./configure issue06:30
aegeanlinux_thanks sotired06:30
dive-oamarok says it's playing, but I'm not hearing anything. the default KDE crap from arts sounds fine06:30
aegeanlinux_I am listening to it now06:31
doppelganger_what? i'm not sure what yet, haha06:31
doppelganger_just something spiffy06:31
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doppelganger_pick me out something badass ;p06:32
aegeanlinux_dive-o: what engine are you using06:32
aegeanlinux_easynintendo: yes06:32
sotiredi get this when installing KXdocker http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1788406:32
aegeanlinux_thanks sotired06:32
doppelganger_nvm, i'll just go explore ;P06:32
easynintendoany idea how long itll take amarok to catalog 119 gigs of MP3s into its collection?06:32
dr_willis_!info kxdocker06:32
ubotukxdocker: innovative docker for KDE that is like Mac OSX Docker. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.39-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 253 kB, installed size 832 kB06:32
aegeanlinux_yes, about 30 mins06:32
sotiredaegeanlinux: No.... thank YOU!06:32
aegeanlinux_mught be longer if its an old amarok06:32
easynintendoyou do realise i said 119 gigs not megs06:33
aegeanlinux_install qt-dev06:33
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easynintendo119 thousand megs06:33
aegeanlinux_I know I know easynintendo06:33
easynintendolol ok just checking06:33
aegeanlinux_sotired: install qt-dev06:33
easynintendowould take winamp a good 8 hours06:33
easynintendoto catalog it into its library06:33
easynintendobelieve me ive tried06:33
aegeanlinux_and libjpeg-dev06:33
sotiredive tried that06:33
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sotiredit tells me something about broken packages06:34
dr_willis_119gb of music... of which you like 9 songs..06:34
aegeanlinux_Got no idea then06:34
easynintendoaegean my amarok is 1.4.1-beta106:34
aegeanlinux_whats it say about broken packages?06:34
easynintendohow old is it?06:34
aegeanlinux_update you amarok to 1.4.106:34
aegeanlinux_not the beta06:34
aegeanlinux_that uses inotify06:34
aegeanlinux_so if you update one file it will rescan your whole collection06:34
Smonkeyeasynintendo: It's not the size of the files that is going to matter, but how many their are.06:34
aegeanlinux_real buggy06:34
easynintendo1.4.1 isnt in the repositories for my distro yet06:34
easynintendoi use suse 10.106:34
aegeanlinux_abd 1.4.1 is nicer06:34
easynintendo1.4.1-beta1 is the latest06:35
aegeanlinux_is it ??06:35
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easynintendoin 10.1 yes06:35
OODwhy are you in the kubuntu channel? lol06:35
easynintendobecause the suse channel is full of morons06:35
aegeanlinux_I use aegean OOD06:35
easynintendowho expect me to be an expert at the commandline06:35
aegeanlinux_amarok is 1.4.106:35
aegeanlinux_beta finished i think06:35
aegeanlinux_Amarok 'Fast Forward' 1.4.106:35
aegeanlinux_thats the homepage06:35
aegeanlinux_Amarok "Fast Forward" 1.4.1-beta1 On The Road  is bellow that06:36
easynintendothe build date on my amarok is june 19th 200606:36
aegeanlinux_ Tue Jul 11 05:33:25 2006 UTC06:36
vakai have amarok 1.4.106:36
OODeasynintendo: http://amarok.kde.org/amarokwiki/index.php/Download06:36
=== BLAHBLAH [n=Guest@dhcp-198-205-57-69.cf-res.cfu.net] has joined #KUBUNTU
aegeanlinux_1.4.1 is newer06:36
aegeanlinux_trust me06:36
aegeanlinux_it is06:36
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aegeanlinux_http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/amarok <--- look at the date of the source packages06:37
easynintendoi understand that it may be newer06:37
easynintendobut it isnt yet in the repos06:37
Search4Lancerare there any programs I could use to recover deleted files?06:37
easynintendofor my distro06:37
=== vaka [n=vaka@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
OODeasynintendo: http://amarok.kde.org/amarokwiki/index.php/Download06:37
OODposted it again :P06:37
easynintendoOOD i am not an expert by any means06:37
easynintendoid just as soon not try to manually install something06:37
OODjust download the rpm and install it06:37
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aegeanlinux_Search4Lancer: not for ext306:38
=== ivanoats [n=ivan@adsl-69-107-116-116.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
HawkwindInstall an rpm ?06:38
vakaamarok 1.4.1 has a bug with the dinamic playlists06:38
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sotiredwhat does it mean if it says break in red next to a package in adept?06:38
aegeanlinux_Hawkwind: do you use deb06:38
DeshWhy would I get this when I run glxgears: Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".06:38
HawkwindHopefully he's not installing rpms on Ubuntu06:38
aegeanlinux_vaka: who cares, it works06:38
OODHawkwind: no he's on Suse06:38
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easynintendoi can install a deb in suse though06:39
easynintendoalien is awesome lol06:39
easynintendoi used it to install my frostwire06:39
vakathe columns in the playlist are mixed06:39
OODyea alien is great :D06:39
aegeanlinux_I think you should use AegeanLinux (shameless plug) www.aegeanlinux.be06:39
easynintendolol wtf?06:39
easynintendoyou program aegean?06:39
EeyoreSearch4Lancer: what happened ?06:40
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easynintendoperhaps you could figure out my problem installing cedega 5.2.106:40
easynintendoit cant find /bin/sh , so it wont install06:40
easynintendowhich is odd considering bash is part of every base system on any distro06:40
Search4LancerEeyore: deleted some downloaded photos and an archive file earlier today... now wishing I hadn't :-P Trying a jpeg recovery package right now...06:41
easynintendocould me being on x86_64 affect that?06:41
aegeanlinux_I agree06:41
=== DaSkreech [n=Me@port0091-abs-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu
easynintendoits an i386 rpm06:41
easynintendothere are no x64 builds of it06:41
easynintendoand i lack the source code06:41
aegeanlinux_cedega is a comercial app06:41
aegeanlinux_like microsoft windows06:41
easynintendoyes i know06:41
OODyou can use an x86 version can't you?06:41
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Eeyorewindows or linux Search4Lancer06:42
easynintendoyes but it wants /bin/sh when i try to install it06:42
easynintendowhich is bash06:42
easynintendoit cant find it06:42
Search4LancerEeyore: what channel is this again? ;-)06:42
aegeanlinux_have you tried running it as root (GASP)06:42
easynintendoim not that new to linux06:42
easynintendosu is your friend =P06:42
easynintendoor sudo in kubuntu06:42
easynintendoas it were06:42
EeyoreSearch4Lancer: http://www.porcupine.org/forensics/tct.html06:42
aegeanlinux_but have you tried it06:43
Search4LancerEeyore: thanks - however, I never seem to be able to compile programs from their source code06:43
aegeanlinux_Search4Lancer: I'll be here to help if you need it06:44
easynintendoaegean, is there a way to recompile flash to be x64 compatible? or is there no source for it?06:45
easynintendoi mean i got it working in suse fine because its in the repositories06:45
easynintendosuse installs an i586 build of firefox, so flash works in it06:45
DaSkreecheasynintendo: Sure. Just grab the source06:46
easynintendoflash isnt opensource06:46
aegeanlinux_have to wait till the end of the year06:46
aegeanlinux_flash is comming out with 64bit version soon06:47
aegeanlinux_end of year06:47
easynintendodoes VMware work in x64 distros?06:47
aegeanlinux_yes it does06:47
easynintendois that a preferable alternative to wine for getting windows apps that arent games working?06:47
easynintendowine doesnt like any of my programs lol06:48
aegeanlinux_yes, it is called crossover office06:48
OODvmware isn't for gaming06:48
aegeanlinux_they are the people who gave wine to the public06:48
easynintendoOOD perhaps you need to read what i said again06:48
aegeanlinux_you can get a free copy if you help them get a program to work in it06:48
easynintendoa free copy of what?06:48
aegeanlinux_crossover office pro06:49
easynintendois it better than wine?06:49
aegeanlinux_it runs office 2003 (mostly)06:49
aegeanlinux_all except access06:49
aegeanlinux_and visio06:49
easynintendowill it allow an install of internet explorer 5.5 or newer so that yahoo messenger will work?06:49
easynintendowine doesnt06:49
aegeanlinux_it even has a wizard for installing explorer 6 & 5.506:50
aegeanlinux_and windows media player06:50
DaSkreecheasynintendo: Why do you want Yahoo messenger?06:50
easynintendocan i get a link>?06:50
aegeanlinux_there is a script for wine to install ie06:50
Hawkwindymessenger is yahoo messenger for Linux anyways.06:50
easynintendobecause theres no chatroom/file transfer/webcam capable yahoo client for linux that also supports voice06:50
easynintendono it is pager06:51
easynintendobuddy list only06:51
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HawkwindGaim does it all.  You should use it06:51
easynintendogaim doesnt support yahoo 7.x file transfers or yahoo webcams at all06:51
easynintendonor voice06:51
johnsandmanis there a programm two compare two pics together for one pic ??06:51
Hawkwindeasynintendo: Gaim 2.0 ?06:51
aegeanlinux_easynintendo: http://www.codeweavers.com06:51
OODwebcam support won't work in wine06:51
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easynintendogaim 2.0 is buggy and beta06:51
kakaltoIf I were to copy all of a kubuntu install to another hard drive and stick it into another computer, how would kubuntu handle it?06:51
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Hawkwindeasynintendo: I disagree06:52
Hawkwindeasynintendo: Gaim 2.0 has worked perfectly here for months06:52
easynintendoand it fully supports yahoo 7.x file transfers, yahoo voice, voice in chatrooms and all of those other functions?06:52
DeshQuestion, what does this mean in my Xorg.0.log file:06:53
DeshII) Loading sub module "radeon"06:53
Desh(II) LoadModule: "radeon"06:53
Desh(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/radeon_drv.so06:53
easynintendocause thats not what the gaim website says06:53
aegeanlinux_easynintendo: you need to become an Advocate of a windows program06:53
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aegeanlinux_easynintendo: then you get a free pro copy06:53
aegeanlinux_saves you $6y006:53
Hawkwindeasynintendo: It doesn't support webcam stuff yet, but it will very soon06:53
aegeanlinux_saves you $6006:53
easynintendoan advocate?06:53
easynintendoyou mean dick with the program and make something run that didnt run before?06:54
easynintendodoes ANY exe count?06:54
easynintendoor just major apps?06:54
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aegeanlinux_just find a program you want to advocate06:54
easynintendooh, is this crossover office an rpm installer?06:54
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easynintendoits a .sh06:56
easynintendoso i do sh ./name.sh?06:56
easynintendoas root?06:56
aegeanlinux_you can get rpm deb or sh06:56
easynintendothere is only a link for the sh06:56
aegeanlinux_just ./*.sh as normal user06:56
easynintendoon the site06:56
aegeanlinux_are you an advocate?06:57
aegeanlinux_'case it dont look like you have pro06:57
aegeanlinux_more of a demo06:57
DaSkreechHobbsee: !! Hi06:57
easynintendoheh ill just grab a torrent for pro cause im not about to spend all that time messing around lol06:58
easynintendotorrent is my friend06:58
Hobbseehi DaSkreech06:58
aegeanlinux_I can get you a link of pro06:58
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easynintendobut pro is time limited06:58
easynintendoisnt it?06:58
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aegeanlinux_no, thats the demo06:59
easynintendois your link of 5.0.3?07:00
easynintendocause i found a torrent of 5.007:00
easynintendothats almost done downloading07:00
aegeanlinux_thats install-crossover-pro-5.0.3.sh07:00
OODwarez monkeys -,-07:01
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easynintendolol OOD linux is freeee07:01
easynintendowhy not get all my shit for it freeeeee too? =P07:01
OODcrossoveroffice isnt07:02
DaSkreecheasynintendo: I think that is a good enough reason07:02
DaSkreecheasynintendo: Please take this conversation to offtpic07:02
easynintendoits already been taken out of the room skreech07:02
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easynintendoare you an op or something?07:03
DaSkreechHowever illegal activities are not to be discussed here07:04
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DaSkreechIt's in the Code of Conduct07:04
easynintendoactually hes not sending me anything that i couldnt get for free legally07:04
easynintendoadvocate a program and get the program free07:04
easynintendono catch07:04
easynintendoso then im fine either way =P07:04
DaSkreechwell in any case this is a support channel07:05
easynintendoand i was getting support on getting yahoo to work in linux07:05
DaSkreechSo lots of talking about subjects that are offtopic mask people asking for help07:05
DaSkreechThat's fine07:05
easynintendobut wait07:05
DaSkreechEverytime I looked here I saw torrent and pro07:05
easynintendopeople actually need help in kubuntu? its got an idiot-proof installer and seems to do nearly everything for you07:05
OODeasynintendo: you're kidding right?07:06
DaSkreecheasynintendo: Come here three times a week :)07:06
easynintendoOOD wanna know the meaning of problems? try doing a stage1 gentoo install07:06
DaSkreechyou'll get asked about !mp3 like 4 times an hour07:06
easynintendomakes suse and kubuntu seem like winblowz07:06
easynintendoin terms of ease07:06
OODeasynintendo: that's not what i meant07:07
OODpeople come here migrating from windows07:07
OODnot knowing what a terminal is07:07
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OODkubuntu still isn't all mouse button pressing07:07
dive-owhat all do I need to install to play dvds under kubuntu? (and general video files, for that matter)07:07
DaSkreechhi raphink07:07
easynintendomy bad07:08
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages07:08
raphinkhi DaSkreech07:08
_acesuaresdive-o: you might want to goolge easybuntu07:09
ubotuI know nothing about easybuntu - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com07:09
easynintendo!easy ubuntu07:10
ubotuI know nothing about easy ubuntu - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com07:10
ubotuFor help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm07:10
DaSkreechI take it everyone knows bug one?07:11
ubotudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.07:11
ubotuI know nothing about pacman - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com07:12
ubotuI know nothing about aegeanlinux - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com07:13
ubotuOther Linux distributions include; .deb-based: Debian, Mepis; RPM-based: RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva; Source-based: Gentoo, Slackware07:13
ubotuI know nothing about slax - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com07:13
ubotuI know nothing about slackware - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com07:13
nixternalease on the spam please07:13
easynintendomy bad sorry07:13
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ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots07:16
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drgonzoIs there any package in kubuntu that has all the ooo templates?07:18
blake_Anyone know of a good theme package?07:18
DaSkreechdrgonzo: I don't think so07:19
drgonzook thanks07:19
Hobbseeblake_: see kdelook.org07:19
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blake_thanks :D07:19
=== MasterEvil`Lapto [n=masterev@cpe-071-075-009-204.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
drgonzoThere is a whole slew of office related templates http://documentation.openoffice.org/Samples_Templates/User/template/ Here07:21
drgonzomight be worth adding with default openoffice install? ( just a suggestion)07:21
DaSkreechdrgonzo: You can package it if you like :)07:22
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drgonzook, thanks again :)07:23
dive-ohmm, no mplayer apt for ubuntu?07:23
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dive-okmplayer-base is installed, but I'm not seeing it anywhere07:23
abattoir!info mplayer07:23
ubotumplayer: The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. In repository multiverse, is extra. Version 2:0.99+1.0pre7try2+cvs20060117-0ubuntu8 (dapper), package size 3265 kB, installed size 7916 kB07:23
abattoirdive-o: do you have multiverse enabled?07:23
luc45dive-o: kaffeine is better :)07:24
dive-onot that I know of; I've been using ubuntu for about 2-3 hours now.07:24
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource07:24
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dive-oI'm from a BSD background... and kaffeine isn't playing what I'm trying to watch - just the audio, no video.07:24
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luc45dive-o: is it a dvd07:25
blake_Hey how do you make your entire window transparent for Crystal?07:25
dive-ono, though I did just do all the dvd stuff07:25
luc45what is it?07:25
luc45may i know? :p07:25
abattoirdive-o: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu has more relevant info07:25
dive-odive@ender:/jane/wd3a/video/Firefly$ file Firefly\ -\ 1x08\ -\ Ariel.avi07:25
dive-oFirefly - 1x08 - Ariel.avi: RIFF (little-endian) data, AVI, 704 x 384, 23.98 fps, video: XviD, audio: Dolby AC3 (stereo, 48000 Hz)07:25
dive-o(/jane is a collection of NFS shares)07:26
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:26
luc45go there. u need to install some libs07:26
abattoirblake_: click on the icon in the windeco (top left corner) ->Configure Window behaviour-> Translucency07:27
blake_ah sorry07:27
luc45no prob07:27
blake_awesome, thank you so much07:27
abattoirblake_: you migh need to (define &) enable 'Composite' in xorg.conf07:28
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luc45dive-o: got it?07:28
dive-onot yet, I'm guessing I need to enable the multiverse thing first before it can find these07:29
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource07:30
=== ColonelKernel [n=corinche@adsl-75-2-34-200.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
abattoirhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu specifically07:30
ColonelKernelso I can just type out a question then?07:30
luc45just replace your /etc/apt/sources.list with this one: http://rapidshare.de/files/25705015/sources.list.html07:31
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ColonelKernelI have a problem connecting to my network07:31
sysrplif i wanted to see what files were modified in 2005 or 2004 where would be the regular expression for 'dir /usr -l -R|grep -e'(what goes here>"?07:31
luc45div-o: do as u wish07:32
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ColonelKernelIt says Connection Failed after I tried to connect to my network although the net was detected07:32
ColonelKernelWireless card is the Linksys WUSB54G but the card seems to be fine...07:33
=== Desh [n=fries@adsl-3-172-103.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
DeshCan someone help me with my fglrx driver? I get this error:07:34
Desh(EE) fglrx(0): [agp]  unable to acquire AGP, error "xf86_ENOSPC"07:34
Desh(EE) fglrx(0): cannot init AGP07:34
Desh(II) fglrx(0): [drm]  removed 1 reserved context for kernel07:34
Desh(II) fglrx(0): [drm]  unmapping 8192 bytes of SAREA 0x2000 at 0xb722c00007:34
ColonelKernelI don't think anybody is helpin us n00bs here07:34
Desh(WW) fglrx(0): ***********************************************07:34
ColonelKernelsorry lol07:34
Desh(WW) fglrx(0): * DRI initialization failed!                  *07:34
Desh(WW) fglrx(0): * (maybe driver kernel module missing or bad) *07:34
Desh(WW) fglrx(0): * 2D acceleraton available (MMIO)             *07:34
Desh(WW) fglrx(0): * no 3D acceleration available                *07:34
Desh(WW) fglrx(0): ********************************************* *07:34
DeshDamn, shoulda used pastebin, sorry07:34
ColonelKernelcan u help me tho?07:35
ColonelKernelgot an easier problem07:35
ColonelKernelanybody anybody?07:35
DeshWhat is your problem?07:35
ColonelKernelI can't connect to my WLAN07:35
ColonelKernelget the error Connection Failed07:35
ColonelKerneldidn't need it07:36
ColonelKernelKubuntu recognized it07:36
ColonelKernelso it detected the networks and stuff07:36
ColonelKernelbut can't connect so far07:36
DeshOh, pastebin what you are trying, maybe I can help.07:36
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ColonelKerneldunno how to do that07:36
ColonelKerneli'm a nub...07:36
luc45ColonelKernel: rtfm07:36
luc45ColonelKernel: :p07:37
ColonelKernelplus i'm not running kubuntu right now07:37
ColonelKernelcause internet doesn't work07:37
ColonelKernelbut seems like a simple error07:37
ColonelKernelmaybe something retarded that I'm doing07:37
luc45running windoUS$??????07:37
ColonelKernelomg just cause i can't get online yet in KUBUNTU07:38
ColonelKernelthen windows is OUTTA HERE :DD07:38
ColonelKernelso. gonna help me vanquish mr. gates?07:38
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jbrouhard<-- can't get rid of WIndows just yet07:38
jbrouhardsome of my apps still don't work in CXOffice07:38
ColonelKernelplz guys it's not a big problem I think.07:38
jbrouhardand I still play games that won't work in Cedega ;(07:38
abattoirColonelKernel: is it a WPA network?07:39
jbrouhardWhat exactly is the error you get, ColonelKernel?07:39
ColonelKerneljust Connection Failed07:39
ColonelKernelthats all07:39
ColonelKernellike 15 times07:39
jbrouhardwireless ?07:39
abattoirColonelKernel: through wlassistant? have you tried knetworkmanager?07:39
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ColonelKernelLinksys WUSB54G v407:39
abattoirColonelKernel: both give out similar errors?07:40
ColonelKernelboth what07:40
aegeanlinuxdoes anyone know a program to mount .cue files without burning them?07:40
abattoir[11:09:19]  <abattoir> ColonelKernel: through wlassistant? have you tried knetworkmanager?07:40
ColonelKernelknetwork manager. nope didn't know about it.07:40
ColonelKernelis it superior or wat07:40
abattoirsometimes, it handles certain networks better07:41
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ColonelKernelok I could try that, but before I reboot and do that, any other possible causes?07:41
abattoirColonelKernel: you can also try 'iwconfig'07:41
ColonelKerneli have07:41
abattoirColonelKernel: what happens?07:42
ColonelKernelmy card is detected and everything, but I don't know the commands to connect07:42
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abattoir'sudo iwconfig ethX essid Name key 123'07:42
ColonelKernelits a usb adapter07:43
abattoirreplace ethX, w/ iface, essid and key w/ essid and p/w07:43
abattoirColonelKernel: yes, what is the name of the interface?07:43
abattoirwlan0, eth1 ?07:43
ColonelKernelits rausb0 i think07:43
abattoirok, then put that in07:43
abattoirName is the name of your network07:43
ColonelKernelso sudo iwconfig rausb0 Chellgate07:44
ColonelKernelESSID is Network name i thought07:44
abattoir123 should be the encryption key07:44
dive-ook, got mplayer working07:44
flacciddoes anybody here use krusader???07:44
ColonelKernelso sudo iwconfig rausb0 essid chellgate key ****************?07:44
ColonelKernellike that abattoir?07:44
abattoiralso after conenction... try 'sudo ifup rausb0' if its connected...07:45
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ColonelKerneli gotta write that down :D07:45
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abattoirColonelKernel: enter your encryption key after 'key'07:45
abattoirelse drop that if you dont have one07:45
abattoiri.e its an open  network07:45
ColonelKerneli do07:45
flaccidcan i have a url to knetworkmanager?07:45
abattoir!info knetworkmanager07:46
ubotuknetworkmanager: User friendly KDE frontend for NetworkManager. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.1~svn-r533312-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 263 kB, installed size 1412 kB07:46
abattoirflaccid: 'sudo apt-get install knetworkmanager' if it isnt installed already07:46
flaccidthanks do you know if it works for other distros like redhat? i havnt changed to ubuntu on laptop yet07:47
ColonelKernelis ndiswrapper preinstalled on 6.06 LTS?07:47
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abattoirflaccid: i'm not sure07:47
basheerI have a question07:47
abattoir!info ndiswrapper07:47
ubotuPackage ndiswrapper does not exist in dapper07:47
abattoir!info ndiswrapper-tools07:47
ubotuPackage ndiswrapper-tools does not exist in dapper07:47
ColonelKernel!info ndiswrapper07:48
ubotuPackage ndiswrapper does not exist in dapper07:48
abattoirColonelKernel: its called something else07:48
basheerI am trying to install the kubuntu version of automatix07:48
ColonelKernelabattoir: what's it called theN?07:48
abattoirone sec07:48
doppelganger_you around aegean?07:48
ColonelKernelhe is :D07:48
doppelganger_sent you one more private message07:48
basheercan someone please help me?07:48
aegeanlinuxdoppelganger_: Of corse07:48
aegeanlinuxdoppelganger_: Soz, getting Xorg to recompile07:49
abattoirbasheer: please ask your question07:49
aegeanlinuxbasheer: whats up?07:49
basheerI am trying to install the kubuntu version of automatix07:49
blake_I still cant find that setting to make my whole window transparent :/07:49
blake_I'm looking in win decorations07:49
blake_for crystal07:49
basheerI cant get it going07:49
ColonelKernelabattoir: any luck on that ndiswrapper name?07:49
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abattoirColonelKernel: just a sec07:49
abattoir!info ndiswrapper-utils07:51
ubotundiswrapper-utils: Userspace utilities for ndiswrapper. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.8-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 27 kB, installed size 136 kB07:51
abattoirColonelKernel: ^^^^^07:51
ColonelKernelso I do /sudo aptget ndiswrapper-utils?07:51
abattoir'sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils'07:51
aegeanlinuxbasheer: are you trying to compile it?07:51
ColonelKernelthanks :D07:51
basheerI put deb http://www.beerorkid.com/automatix/apt kubuntu main in my sources.list and nothing07:51
ColonelKernelthank you so much abattoir. i'll go try07:52
abattoirblake_: there is a separate 'Translucency' section07:52
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abattoirColonelKernel: ok07:52
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aegeanlinuxbasheer: try to compile it your self07:52
flaccidcolonelkernel lol07:52
blake_ah, where is it located?07:52
basheerhow so?07:52
aegeanlinuxgoto the site07:52
abattoirblake: [10:56:43]  <abattoir> blake_: click on the icon in the windeco (top left corner) ->Configure Window behaviour-> Translucency07:53
aegeanlinuxdownload the source07:53
basheerI tried and it looks strange07:53
aegeanlinuxtar -xvf it07:53
aegeanlinuxcan't help with looks07:53
aegeanlinuxI dont have that application you want07:53
aegeanlinuxI could get it if you want and help you out07:53
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aegeanlinuxits no hassle07:53
abattoirbasheer: have you updated your sources?07:54
abattoir'sudo apt-get update' ?07:54
abattoirand still you cant find the deb?07:54
blake_thanks abattoir, i foundit :)07:54
abattoirblake_: your welcome :)07:55
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CntryboyI need some help with compiling this source of f4l flash07:55
basheerFailed to fetch http://www.beerorkid.com/automatix/apt/dists/kubuntu/Release  Unable to find expected entry  main/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)07:55
basheerthat is what I get on sudo apt-get update07:56
Cntryboyanyone care to lend a hand07:57
abattoirbasheer: either what you put in the sources.list file has a mistake... or there is something wrong w/ their archives07:57
abattoirCntryboy: what is the problem exactly?07:57
abattoirbasheer: dapper right?07:57
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abattoirand i386?07:58
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Cntryboyabattoir: earlier when I was trying to get this working, I typed make then got errors needed more files, finally I got all the files needed and when I do make I get a hugeeee list of errors now.. Do I need to sudio distclean and try over?07:58
abattoirCntryboy: during ./configure or during make?07:58
abattoirbasheer: you can manually d/l the deb, this one time and install it... ok?07:59
abattoirbasheer: save it somewhere, eg. your home dir07:59
basheerThe file http://www.beerorkid.com/automatix/apt/dists/dapper/main/binary-amd64/automatix-_6.2-12-6.06dapper1_amd64.deb is a binary, saving it will result in a corrupt file.08:00
abattoirbasheer: just click on it08:00
abattoirdont open w/ Kate08:00
Cntryboy./configure does nothing08:00
Cntryboyabattoir: durning make08:00
abattoirCntryboy: there is not ./configure step in the installation procedure?(according to the readme/install file)?08:01
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basheerrun it as a shell?08:01
Cntryboyabattoir: honestly I don't see a readme file08:01
Cntryboyabattoir: I was told all I needed to do was make, then sudo make install08:02
Cntryboyand that was it08:02
abattoirbasheer: after saving it, do 'sudo dpkg -i automatix-_6.2-12-6.06dapper1_amd64.deb'08:02
abattoirCntryboy: hmmm... what exactly is the error during make?08:02
Cntryboycould I try to sudo distclean so it will get rid of all the files, and try again?08:02
Cntryboymm it was this08:03
blake_abattoir, how do I change that setting to allow the transparency effect to work?08:03
unix_infidelCntryboy: what app?08:03
blake_i changed it but it isnt working08:03
abattoirCntryboy: sudo shouldnt be necessary, just make clean would do i guess08:03
abattoirblake_: try restarting KDE/X, see if you get an error about enabling 'Composite' when you start KDE08:04
basheercan I make a gui for it?08:04
DeshWIll fglrx work if I am using 32bit Kubuntu with an AMD64?08:04
blake_Ok, brb08:04
unix_infidelDesh: sure...08:04
abattoirbasheer: you want to 'make' a GUI?08:04
Cntryboyabattoir: that's the huge list thats totally differ, b4 I got all files needed08:04
DeshWhat is the terminal command to extract a tar.gz?08:05
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crimsuntar xf foo.tar.gz08:05
basheersure why not?08:05
Cntryboytar zxvf (file)08:05
abattoirbasheer: for what exactly?08:05
basheercuz I am silly08:05
vigilanteHey, why can the Kmenu not be edited?  Nothing new I enter in manually stays08:05
abattoirbasheer: no, for what application do you want to 'make' a gui?08:06
aegeanlinuxCntryboy: do you have zlib-devel08:06
basheermy games and stuff08:06
Cntryboyaegeanlinux: how can I find out08:06
aegeanlinuxgo into your package manager08:06
aegeanlinuxadd/remove programs08:06
aegeanlinuxwhatever kubuntu calls it08:07
aegeanlinuxwhere you add deb files08:07
Cntryboyi used to know the search command in term but forgot08:07
abattoirbasheer: i guess i dont understand you properly, however if you want to contribute to Kubuntu development, you can mail the Mailing-list or join #kubuntu-devel08:07
aegeanlinuxthats the one08:07
aegeanlinuxctrl+f ???08:07
Cntryboyso why do you think I need this file08:07
aegeanlinuxbecause it saus your missing zlib.h08:08
basheerthank you abattoir08:08
abattoirbasheer: no problem08:08
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aegeanlinuxCntryboy: so is there a zlib-devel?08:08
basheerand all who intended to help08:08
Cntryboyaegeanlinux: not that I c08:08
Cntryboyaegeanlinux: why do u think I need it though08:08
aegeanlinuxwhat about zlib08:08
dive-othanks everybody, I'm now quite happy with kubuntu :)08:08
dive-ojust don't tell all my BSD nerd friends I said that08:09
abattoirdive-o: nice to hear :)08:09
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CntryboyI have 9 differ files with zlib in it08:09
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Cntryboycloses to zlib is zlibc08:09
aegeanlinuxpastebin line 15808:09
aegeanlinuxFSMovie.cpp:26:18: error: zlib.h: No such file or directory08:09
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aegeanlinuxmeans your missing a -devel package that has zlib.h in it08:09
Cntryboyso do I need zlib.h?08:09
Cntryboysudo apt-get install zlib.h?08:10
aegeanlinux /usr/include/zlib.h to be exact08:10
aegeanlinuxi dont know the command you need08:10
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abattoirCntryboy: zlib1g-dev ?08:10
aegeanlinuxcould be08:10
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Cntryboyhe said zlib.h08:10
aegeanlinuxI can't say for sure08:10
CntryboyHell I dunno08:10
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aegeanlinuxthe package that has that file08:10
aegeanlinuxI don't know I dont use kubuntu / ubuntu08:10
abattoirzlib.h is a file, which could be in the -dev package08:11
denis_hey - does anyone know how to get an onboard sound card in a compaq despro to work in kubuntu??08:11
denis_i cant get the sound to work and i'm a total newb to linux08:11
CntryboyI have zlib1g and zlib1g-dev08:11
Cntryboybut no H's08:11
aegeanlinuxwhat about zlib-dev08:11
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aegeanlinuxor zlib08:11
abattoirCntryboy: are they installed?08:11
Cntryboyonly zlib files installed are08:11
Cntryboyzlib1g, and zlib1g-dev08:12
abattoirdenis_: stupid question maybe, but are you sure its not muted?08:12
denis_yeah dude08:12
denis_very sure.08:12
aegeanlinuxOK, does anyone know how to search files that are in ubuntu's repo08:12
aegeanlinuxon the net08:12
denis_its not detecting that there IS a sound card i dont think.08:12
abattoiraegeanlinux: packages.ubuntu.com08:12
Cntryboyabattoir: so which one do I need to install08:13
Cntryboyabattoir: but I have no h's libs listed though08:13
abattoirtry zlib1g-dev08:13
aegeanlinuxplease wait Cntryboy08:13
Cntryboyaegeanlinux: okay08:13
aegeanlinuxyou need libdevel/zlib1g-dev08:13
aegeanlinuxthen try to make again08:14
Cntryboyokay I have zlib1g-dev08:14
CntryboyI don't have libdevel08:14
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vigilanteDoes anyone else have problems editing the Kmenu?  (new custom entries won't stay for me)08:14
Cntryboysudo apt-get install libdevel?08:14
aegeanlinuxlibdevel is the repo its in08:14
abattoiraegeanlinux: it in the libdevel section08:14
aegeanlinuxjust zlibg108:14
aegeanlinuxCntryboy: what abattoir08:15
aegeanlinuxjust apt-get that08:15
aegeanlinuxand try to make again08:16
Cntryboyaegeanlinux: I have that file install08:16
abattoirCntryboy: isnt this the old output?08:16
CntryboyI searched for libdevel and have 7 but none installed08:16
aegeanlinuxCntryboy: also get qt-dev08:17
abattoir[11:34:13]  <Cntryboy> abattoir: that's the huge list thats totally differ, b4 I got all files needed08:17
aegeanlinuxCntryboy: or also get qt-devel08:17
Cntryboyso just get qt-dev right08:17
Cntryboylet me try that08:17
Cntryboyokay so just get that one?08:17
denis_K GUYS quick question, what does the "gedit" command do?08:18
Cntryboyyou name so many and then say another08:18
aegeanlinuxyes, try that too08:18
Cntryboywhich one do I need08:18
aegeanlinuxlibqt3-headers and zlib1g-dev08:18
abattoirdenis_: it opens up a GTK text editor(in Ubuntu), similar to kate in Kubuntu08:18
CntryboyI told you I have zlib1g-dev installed08:18
denis_now i have kubuntu not ubuntu08:19
Cntryboyaegeanlinux: I also have libqt3-headers installed08:19
abattoirso substitute it w/ kate08:19
denis_what would i type as a command in kubuntu instead of "gedit"?08:19
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Cntryboyso do you want me to get qt-dev or no08:19
abattoirdenis_: kate08:19
aegeanlinuxis it in apt?08:19
aegeanlinuxthen yes, get it if you can08:20
Cntryboyaegeanlinux: both are listed as installed in adept08:20
aegeanlinuxget it then08:20
Cntryboyqt-dev gives me error E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)08:20
aegeanlinuxits just that I dont have kubuntu, so I can't say for sure what packages are what08:20
CntryboyE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:20
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aegeanlinuxare you doing it with apt-get?08:21
aegeanlinuxif so is adept open08:21
chavoCntryboy, libqt3-mt-dev is the qt-development package08:21
Cntryboyahh ok let me try now08:21
aegeanlinuxif it is, close it, and try again08:21
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aegeanlinuxthanks chavo for that info08:21
ColonelKernelabattoir are you available?08:22
Cntryboydo what chavo said?08:22
Cntryboyqt-dev isn't in repos08:22
abattoirColonelKernel: yes08:22
vigilanteHas anyone here had success adding new entries manually to the Kmenu?08:22
aegeanlinuxwhat chavo said08:22
ColonelKernelabattoir: I tried those commands in terminal, no luck. Also, KNetworkManager was not installed08:22
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CntryboyI have 2.1KB dialup seems it may take awhile08:23
CntryboyI hope I need this file08:23
abattoirColonelKernel: what exactly happened? any error messages?08:23
ColonelKernelat first I got SET Failed on Device rausb008:23
aegeanlinuxhows the download going?08:23
ColonelKernelthen i altered parameters to include channel 0408:23
ColonelKernelthen no error message, but not connected08:24
aegeanlinuxCntryboy: how's the download08:24
chavovigilante, works fine here I have heavily modified my menu08:24
abattoirColonelKernel: was the name of the network shown in iwconfig?08:24
pulaskiI'm thinking about replacing my ubuntu sarge with kubuntu becaues I prefer kde to gnome.  I'm also an spiring lamp developer.  Does kubuntu come with mysql 5 and php 5 as standard packages?08:25
Cntryboygoing slow08:25
ColonelKerneland the frequency08:25
aegeanlinuxCntryboy: how big is it?08:25
Cntryboycan't believe just to compile something I need so many packages, homesite for program never listed any of this08:25
abattoirColonelKernel: you tried 'sudo ifup rausb0' ?08:25
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chavopulaski, not installed by default, but just an apt-get away08:25
pulaskigood thank you08:25
ColonelKerneland it gave error unknown interface rausb008:25
aegeanlinuxso wasn't it is in kubuntu's repository08:25
ColonelKerneleven though rausb0 is listed when I type iwconfig08:26
CntryboyI wish kubuntu had an extra disc, with all files needed08:26
abattoirColonelKernel: hmmm ok....08:26
pulaskithanks again08:26
vigilantechavo: what version of kde are you running?  how did you edit the kmenu?08:26
abattoirColonelKernel: you'd need to edit /etc/network/interfaces08:26
abattoirwrite this down....08:26
Cntryboyaegeanlinux: yes i said im downloading it08:26
aegeanlinuxCntryboy: You can, its called the kubuntu **DVD**08:26
chavovigilante, 3.5.3 and I used kmenuedit08:26
Cntryboyif u was talking to me08:26
abattoirColonelKernel: one sec08:26
Cntryboyaegeanlinux: i never saw it on dl site08:27
aegeanlinuxCntryboy: never mind08:27
aegeanlinuxyou have to fish for it Cntryboy08:27
aegeanlinuxill get the link08:27
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Cntryboydont worry about it08:27
aegeanlinuxCntryboy: http://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/DVDs/kubuntu/6.06/release/08:27
Cntryboyi have 2.1KB dialup08:28
Cntryboyhave to wait until I go to dad/moms08:28
abattoirColonelKernel: /etc/network/interfaces08:28
abattoirColonelKernel: you should edit as root, so 'sudo kate'08:28
aegeanlinuxi386 version is 3.6GB08:28
Cntryboyaegeanlinux: does it have the newest version of kde on it?08:28
vigilantechavo: Im using 3.5.2, whatever is latest for k6.06... maybe that is the problem, how did you udate to 3.5.3?08:28
abattoirColonelKernel: yes, that's the text editor, like 'notepad' but way more powerful08:28
aegeanlinuxI really don't know08:28
ColonelKerneli see08:28
ColonelKernelthen what do I change?08:28
aegeanlinuxdid 6.06 CD come with 3.5.3?08:28
Kwukkivigilante : wait...08:29
Cntryboycolonelkernel: kate is like gedit its a txt editor08:29
aegeanlinuxCause if it didn't nether does KDE08:29
ColonelKernelah hah08:29
chavovigilante, I never had a problem with the menu editor in KDE even in older versions08:29
aegeanlinux** Cause if it didn't nether does DVD08:29
abattoirColonelKernel: add 'auto rausb0' in one line08:29
ColonelKernelso I just do sudo kate /etc/network/interfaces08:29
ColonelKerneland add that line08:29
Cntryboyaegeanlinux what command and ill tell u what I have08:29
Kwukkito update to 3.5.3 add this to your sources.list : "deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-353 dapper main"08:29
abattoirColonelKernel: in the next add 'iface rausb0 inet dhcp'08:29
aegeanlinuxclick K --> Run --> kcontrol (type it in)08:29
abattoirColonelKernel: w/o the quotes ofcourse08:29
ColonelKernelof course08:30
aegeanlinuxit says KDE Version :08:30
ColonelKernelthat all?08:30
aegeanlinuxand it will say something like 3.5.208:30
aegeanlinuxor 3.5.3 (latest)08:30
Cntryboykwukki: how big is it08:30
abattoirColonelKernel: yes.. save the file, try restarting... and then the commands i told you earlier08:30
vigilantechavo: yeah, kubuntu is the first distro that had this problem with kde for me08:30
ColonelKernelabattoir: alrighty. and about KnetworkManager?08:30
aegeanlinuxCntryboy: dont warry about it08:31
aegeanlinuxit is mostly bug fixes08:31
abattoirColonelKernel: once you open the file, there'd be an example... so should be easy to follow08:31
vigilanteKwukki: any idea why my kmenu won't edit?08:31
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ColonelKernelgood :D08:31
abattoirColonelKernel: i'd expect that to work too08:31
CntryboyI have 3.5.208:31
Kwukkivigilante : No08:31
ColonelKernelahh but you see, it wasn't installed08:31
abattoirColonelKernel: there'd be an entry for 'lo'08:31
ColonelKernelwhen I looked before...08:31
aegeanlinuxCntryboy: Thats good enough08:31
abattoirColonelKernel: just follow the syntax, but replace 'loopback' w/ 'dhcp'08:31
vigilanteCntryboy: are you able to edit your kmenu to add new entries manually?08:31
aegeanlinuxCntryboy: I wouldn't wary about updating08:32
aegeanlinuxCntryboy: Not if your on dialup08:32
abattoirColonelKernel: yeah, thats the loopback interface, you dont need it, just was giving an eg.08:32
Cntryboyaegeanlinux: grr slow dl dude08:32
ColonelKernelso I don't need KNetworkManager? because that's not installed08:32
aegeanlinuxCntryboy: Me can no help08:32
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abattoirColonelKernel: well, if it is in the CD, you should be able to get it w/ sudo apt-get install knetworkmanager08:33
ColonelKerneli need to insert the cd though?08:33
abattoirif it isnt, you'd need a network connection to get it08:33
Cntryboyafk until I roll this J08:33
abattoirColonelKernel: if it is in the cd, yes08:33
ColonelKernelalright.  thank you abattoir, hopefully i'll be back in 10 running Kubuntu :D08:33
abattoirhopefully :)08:33
Cntryboyaegeanlinux: me can no help?08:34
Cntryboylost me08:34
aegeanlinuxCntryboy: I can't help that it's a slow download08:34
aegeanlinuxI can't wait for KDE 408:35
aegeanlinuxIt's going to be SOOOOOOOOOOOO good.08:35
basheerwhen is it coming out?08:36
CntryboyI can't wait to be a linux gawd08:36
abattoirbasheer: Q1 next year08:36
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CntryboyIt's going to be SOOOOOOOOOOOO good.08:36
Cntryboybrb J08:36
abattoiryeah, first quarter, Jan-Mar anytime08:37
basheeroh ok08:37
vigilanteArrgh, for some reason kubuntu is using 100% cpu all of a sudden, I open ksysguard and nothing is using more than 10%, how do I find the crazy process?08:37
aegeanlinuxgoto konsole08:37
aegeanlinuxtype 'top'08:37
aegeanlinux(without '''s )08:37
ShuT-i mean hi08:38
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aegeanlinuxHi ShuT-08:38
basheeris the smp kernel for kubuntu 64 broken?08:39
basheeror do you not need it?08:39
vigilanteactually, it looks like kfmclient, there are about 10 instances of it running, and I can't kill them all, they just keep respawning08:39
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Cntryboyaegeanlinux: 48% lol08:39
vigilanteI think maybe konversation is spawning them, Im gonna try to close every kde program and restart kde08:40
juke_i need help. i have acer aspire 3004 laptop. where i can get video card drivers?? :P08:40
abattoirjuke_: what video card?08:41
abattoirjuke_: is it a turion by any chance?08:41
aegeanlinuxCntryboy: Thats the shit08:41
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aegeanlinuxhi ajmitch08:41
Cntryboysorry im blanking out08:42
Cntryboyday dreaming lol08:42
aegeanlinuxCntryboy: s'all good08:42
juke_abattoir: SiS M760GX08:42
=== aegeanlinux waves to ajmitch
abattoirjuke_: the driver is supported natively by the kernel08:43
juke_how i can get it work :P08:43
juke_it doesnt work now :)08:43
abattoirjuke_: the relevant xorg package must have been installed by default..08:43
abattoirjuke_: how do you know it doesnt work?08:43
juke_i have tried 3d screen saver.. ?? :P08:44
juke_euphoria etc08:44
Cntryboyaegeanlinux: ever seen why can't I be you on mtv08:44
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Cntryboysaw rather08:44
juke_where i can get that xorg package?08:44
aegeanlinuxyou want to be me?08:44
abattoirjuke_: i dont know if they are supposed to work w/ integrated chips :P anyways...08:44
abattoirjuke_: check if you have xserver-xorg-drivers-sis installed08:45
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juke_oh..really.. that explain eveything :P08:45
abattoirjuke_: adept08:46
juke_ok..wait a minute :P08:46
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juke_it doesn't find any xserver-xorg-drivers-sis packages :P08:48
abattoirjuke_: i corrected myself to *driver-sis08:48
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juke_i am stupido :P08:49
abattoirjust type sis, and look at the end of the list08:49
juke_it is installed :P08:49
abattoirjuke_: ok, then open up /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:50
juke_sis display driver.. etc..08:50
abattoirjuke_: see if the 'sis' driver is being loaded08:50
juke_wait a minute08:50
abattoirif it is, then you are using the driver08:50
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kyle_hey, I have an MP3 player. but lnux won't detect it? how come?08:51
juke_where is that?? :P08:51
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abattoirjuke_: its a file... /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:52
Cntryboykyle_: same boat as you, decided to try to compile08:52
juke_it open now by nano :P08:52
abattoirjuke_: check if the sis drivers are loaded08:52
kyle_Cntryboy: well whta help are you :P it even says on my book it supports linux, but the cd is lost somewhere haha08:53
juke_where that suppose to be.. ?? :P08:53
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Cntryboykyle_ : didn't you talk to me last nighta bout compiling some source code08:53
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kyle_Cntryboy: nope, haven't been on irc in some time, :P and i know how to compile source code, thanks :)08:54
=== ColonelKernel [n=corinche@adsl-75-2-34-200.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
ColonelKernelabattoir: damn.08:54
juke_abattoir: where the sis line is?? :P08:54
abattoirColonelKernel: what happens?08:54
ColonelKernelabattoir: same basic thing, although the ifup command yielded Device already configured08:55
ColonelKernelabattoir: the text edit worked out fine thought08:55
abattoirjuke_: in the 'Device' section08:56
Cntryboykyle_: don't get offensive lol, just wondering.. same id.08:56
abattoirColonelKernel: i have run out of ideas, it should really work by now...08:56
ColonelKernelabattoir:i know08:56
ColonelKernelabattoir: have I done anything wrong? i'll review...08:56
juke_abattoir: generic video card and vesa..08:57
ColonelKernelabattoir: i did sudo iwconfig rausb0 essid ChellGate channel 04 key ***************08:57
ColonelKernelbut no connection08:57
abattoirColonelKernel: you obviously entered the key by text right ;) ?08:57
kyle_Cntryboy: haha i'm not getting offencive, i'm just kidding. for some reason it works now? I installed MpMan, rebooted, still didn't work then i took it out and ut it back in and it detected it?08:57
ColonelKernelwhat do you mean?08:58
abattoirColonelKernel: nah, stupid question... you entered 1234 or **** ?08:58
abattoirColonelKernel: you must have done the former08:58
juke_abattoir: it says that device is generic video card and driver is vesa :P08:58
ColonelKernelabattoir:lol actually 7c2355...08:58
abattoirColonelKernel: ok ok, my mistake08:58
ColonelKernelabattoir: hehehe08:58
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Cntryboykyle_:cool beans08:59
abattoirjuke_: try changing the driver to 'sis' or 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:59
abattoirColonelKernel: have you tried other networks?09:00
ColonelKerneli can't. I'm connecting to my home LAN. don't know any other keys :(09:00
juke_if i change it sis should i restart x?09:00
ColonelKernelany settings I should change on the host though?09:00
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abattoirjuke_: yes09:01
abattoirColonelKernel: i'm not familiar w/ router config. but if it is WEP, and your card is recognised, i'd expect it to work by now09:01
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ColonelKernelabattoir: so would I.  Honestly, this is the 6th distro i've tried, and the furthest i've gotten... Ubuntu no luck, rest didn't even boot09:02
juke_abattoir: how do i know does it work?? :P09:02
ColonelKernelabattoir: i don't wanna stay with Window$09:02
abattoirColonelKernel: try making the network an open one...09:03
abattoirjuke_: try the screensavers you mentioned :P09:03
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vigilanteColonelKernel: have you tried PCLinuxOS, or Mandriva One?09:03
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ColonelKernelabattoir: ok i'll try that, but won't last, as in an area where security is needed09:03
vigilanteor Mepis09:03
abattoirColonelKernel: yes, i just meant it as a temporary test09:04
ColonelKerneli'll be back...09:04
ColonelKernelyou'll be here?09:04
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abattoirhopefully, its midday, and i havent slept the whole night ;)09:04
ColonelKerneli'll hurry :D09:04
abattoiri cant sleep anymore09:04
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juke_abattoir: euphoria doesn't work but the others works fine.. i try to install neverball :P09:05
abattoirjuke_: ok :)09:06
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juke_abattoir: no it doesn't work :(09:07
juke_i change it sis.. should i test the dpkg.... command??09:08
abattoirjuke_: well, i too have the same card... tbh, it is sh*t09:08
abattoirjuke_: yes, you can :)09:08
patrick_36panyone here got half-life running under dapper?09:09
juke_abattoir: enter the amount of memory?????09:10
abattoirjuke_: it asks you?09:10
juke_abattoir: in kb09:10
abattoiroh, ok09:11
juke_enter the amount of memory to be used by your video card :P09:11
abattoirjuke_: i guess that'd depend on your bios settings too09:11
juke_how that can be possible?09:12
abattoirthis card uses 'shared' memory, from the ram, so you can specify how much it uses in the bios09:12
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juke_how much should i type now.. i check the bios after this :P09:13
abattoirjuke_: enter 128MB09:13
wolfmanzIs it hard to get wine working under Kubuntu?09:13
juke_it says in kb?09:13
juke_should i type 128 00009:14
abattoirwolfmanz: nope...09:14
abattoirjuke_: yes, pls. try09:14
abattoirwolfmanz: install the 'wine' package09:14
abattoir!info wine09:14
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 8578 kB, installed size 40460 kB09:14
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abattoirwolfmanz: check if you have universe repository enabled first, though09:15
wolfmanzhow do i get that i tried looking for wine under Adept and nothing come up09:15
wolfmanzlol okm09:15
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource09:15
juke_abattoir it says: use kernel framebuffer device interface???09:15
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abattoirwolfmanz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu09:15
abattoirjuke_: put yes :P09:16
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juke_please select your keyboard layput?? fin (finland)09:16
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greadyhello I need help installing a remote printer please09:17
juke_default is us09:17
abattoirjuke_: if its available, please choose that09:17
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juke_abattoir: pleae select your keyboard variant???09:18
abattoirjuke_: ugh, what options are available..09:18
Cntryboydoes anyone know how to start f4l flash proggy ?09:18
abattoiri'm sure you'd be able to choose one relevant09:19
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juke_nothing.. it is text line.. no options?? :P09:19
corinabattoir: this is colonel kernel09:19
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abattoircorin: works?09:19
corinabattoir: with no enctyption09:19
corinso.  why would that be ?09:19
abattoirjuke_: then just press enter, enter nothing09:19
greadyhello I need help installing a remote printer please if you can help open a private chat09:20
abattoircorin: i guess you had WPA, there are some problems w/ that in Kubuntu09:20
corinabattoir: I switched it to WEP but that didn't work either.09:20
abattoircorin: you can try messing around w/ the router to see which other type works09:20
corinabattoir: any idea why that would be?09:20
abattoirsince its your own router :P09:20
juke_abattoir: mouse.. is it ImPS/2 or explorerPS/2??09:21
abattoircorin:  as i said some network types dont work very well09:21
corinabattoir: ya think I was just typing the key wrong? WEP is fairly standard I thought09:21
greadyhello I need help installing a remote printer please09:21
abattoirjuke_: you should know :)09:21
abattoircorin: yes, that's possible, i thought you'd have thought of that though :)09:21
corinabattoir: i did, but I checked it 5 times...09:22
corinabattoir: now that i'm connected, why doesn't apt-get install knetworkmanager work?09:22
corinstill can't ifnd package09:22
abattoir!info knetworkmanager09:22
greadyis it possible to enable the roottttttt account so I can login to kde as root09:22
ubotuknetworkmanager: User friendly KDE frontend for NetworkManager. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.1~svn-r533312-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 263 kB, installed size 1412 kB09:22
corinhow do I install it though?09:23
abattoircorin: check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu09:23
corinabattoir: ah. thanks...09:23
abattoireven though it is in main, it is useful enabling the other repos09:23
abattoiryou'd get a fair idea of what to do09:23
greadyis it possible to enable the root account so I can login to kde as root09:24
Cntryboydoes anyone know how to start f4l flash proggy ?09:24
aegeanlinuxyou hace to edit the kdm configuration09:24
abattoircorin: if you want, you can remove the cd rom source, and add a web-based 'main' source09:24
corinahh that would be nice09:24
abattoircorin: as i said, just follow the link i gave :)09:24
corinabattoir :D.09:24
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource09:24
aegeanlinuxclick K --> run --> kcontrol09:25
aegeanlinuxthen search for KDM09:25
aegeanlinuxclick kdm in keywords09:25
aegeanlinuxthen click login manager09:25
aegeanlinuxgoto users09:25
aegeanlinuxpress administrator mode09:25
aegeanlinuxtype root password09:25
aegeanlinuxclick users again09:26
aegeanlinuxand wala09:26
aegeanlinuxchange below to say -09:26
aegeanlinux* 009:26
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greadythank you I try now09:28
corinabattoir: thanks a lot man.  Soon I'll speak to you in Francais... Just a guess there :D09:28
wolfmanzOK i got the universe ones enabled and all that yet when i type wine into adept i'm not getting anything found09:28
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abattoircorin: lol, the only thing french about me is the nick...09:29
abattoirif you want to speak french...09:29
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:29
corinabattoir: LOL09:29
corinabattoir: thought ur english was suspiciously good09:29
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:29
aegeanlinuxSELECT Girls FROM World ORDER BY Cup_Size AND Age WHERE Age > 18 AND Age < 3009:30
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ShuT-lol aegeanlinux09:30
corinabattoir: i'm not having luck using adept.  I can't seem to enable the universe/multiverse thingy09:30
greadystill can't login as root09:30
aegeanlinuxmy CPU's at 100%09:31
abattoircorin: have you opened it?09:31
aegeanlinuxto many names across my konsole ...09:31
abattoircorin: gone to manage repositories?09:31
corinenabled 2 of them09:31
corindeb and deb scr09:31
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greadywhen I try it says 'root logins not allowed'09:32
abattoirok, just click in the components section of the 'deb' line09:32
wolfmanzok never mind i found out what was wrong09:32
juke_abattoir: it won't work.. i did everthing like you said.. resolution is correct now (1280x800)..09:32
abattoircorin: double click sorry09:32
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abattoirjuke_: as i said, it is not a great graphics card... i wouldnt expect hi-fi stuff to work on it09:33
abattoircorin: you get an editable text field?09:33
corini typed09:33
abattoircorin: main should be in it already09:33
corinuniverse and multiverse09:33
corinyes main was there, i deleted it09:33
abattoircorin: make sure the line has 'main restricted universe multiverse'09:33
abattoircorin: click Apply->Close and Fetch updates(on top)09:34
corinit worked09:34
abattoircorin: :)09:35
corinabattoir: wow.  thanks a lot.  I gotta go to sleep, but man, I owe you one09:35
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abattoircorin: lol, bye :)09:35
corincya thanks :D09:35
juke_abattoir: how did you get it work?? :P09:36
greadyhow do I enable root logins?09:36
abattoirjuke_: get what to work?09:37
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abattoirjuke_: i guess the driver works for you as well... just dont expect it to rival stuff done by nvidia or ati cards, that's all :)09:37
juke_did you said that you have same video card etc??09:37
abattoiryes, i do09:37
juke_i understant it.. but i want to play some 3d games :P09:38
abattoirjuke_: i honestly suspect if it is possible...09:38
juke_max video memory in bios was 64M ;O09:39
abattoirjuke_: well, you can change it... to 12809:39
abattoirif you have 512 or more MBs of ram09:39
juke_i type it 64M and i reconfigured xserver-xorg..09:39
abattoiri have to go now...09:39
wolfmanzOk nesxt question i installed wine and now cant find it where did adept put wine?09:40
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abattoirjuke_: i think you have got the driver though09:40
juke_tanx anyway..09:40
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abattoirwolfmanz: try executing it through the commandline... it will set itself first, and iirc, ask you some questions09:40
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.09:41
aegeanlinux!crossover office09:41
ubotuI know nothing about crossover office - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com09:41
abattoirwolfmanz: ^^^^ should be helpful... i have to go now... bye09:41
greadyhow do I enable root logins?09:42
Lynouregready: by setting a password to root, if you must. but you can get a root console through sudo already.09:44
TheMoebiushey can somebody help me with figuring out why my kdm won't start? I've posted in the forums and no one has answered and googled, but can't find anything about this...09:44
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aegeanlinuxgreedy hold on 30 mins please09:46
aegeanlinuxI know how09:46
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greadyIt still says 'root logins are not allowed09:47
greadyok I be here waiting09:47
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ColonelKernelanybody know why I don't have any sound?09:51
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ColonelKernelabattoir: you here man? need help!09:53
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flaccidmy new kubuntu server install is freezing up going real slow again. wtf could be the problem. cpu usage is vlow09:57
flaccidit must be hardware09:57
flaccidhmm maybe its cooling09:57
ColonelKerneli have no sound *whimper*09:58
flaccidis there any way to get cpu temp09:58
crimsunColonelKernel: need more details.09:58
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ColonelKerneli simply have absolutely no sound09:58
ColonelKernelhey sumtn09:58
ColonelKernelcrimsun: can you help?09:58
greadywhat sound card do you have09:58
ColonelKerneli believe it's called.... Synaptic maybe?09:59
ColonelKernelwhere do I check09:59
crimsunhow old is the computer?09:59
ColonelKernelalmost shining09:59
crimsunlspci -v |grep -i audio09:59
ColonelKernel3ghz pentium4 1gb ram09:59
flaccidfrig cpu fan is not going!!!!!!!!!09:59
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ColonelKernelSilicon Integraged Systems Sound contoller09:59
Sumtnhe doesnt have a usb headset so what would he have to type in? example /dev/dsp110:00
ColonelKernelnormally isn't sound set up during the installation?10:00
Sumtncause he can fix but sence he dont have a usb headset  we dont know what to type in10:00
crimsunColonelKernel: pastebin the output from ``cat /proc/asound/cards /etc/asound.conf ~/.asoundrc* && amixer''10:00
ColonelKernelsumtn its not just TS10:00
ColonelKernelk wait10:01
Sumtno it servything10:01
Sumtnu didnt ell me that10:01
dive-owhat the... how am I swapping when I've got so little stuff running10:01
dive-oI can tune that with /proc/sys/swappiness or something, right?10:01
ColonelKernelX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16810:02
ColonelKernel  Major opcode:  14510:02
ColonelKernel  Minor opcode:  310:02
ColonelKernel  Resource id:  0x010:02
ColonelKernelFailed to open device10:02
ColonelKernelX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16810:02
ColonelKernel  Major opcode:  14510:02
ColonelKernel  Minor opcode:  310:02
crimsunColonelKernel: uh, what does that have to do with the command I gave you?10:02
ColonelKernel  Resource id:  0x010:02
ColonelKernelFailed to open device10:02
ColonelKernelXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server10:02
ColonelKernelXlib: No protocol specified10:02
ColonelKernelkdeinit: Can't connect to the X Server.10:02
ColonelKernelkdeinit: Might not terminate at end of session.10:03
ColonelKernelXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server10:03
ColonelKernelXlib: No protocol specified10:03
crimsunplease do not flood here.10:03
ColonelKernelkded: cannot connect to X server :0.010:03
ColonelKernelkded: ERROR: KUniqueApplication: Registering failed!10:03
ColonelKernelkded: ERROR: Communication problem with kded, it probably crashed.10:03
ColonelKernelthats wrong10:03
ColonelKerneli don't know how to pastebin evidently10:03
ColonelKernelnothing :(10:03
ColonelKernelit said not a directory on all 3 thingys10:03
ColonelKerneli apologize10:03
ColonelKernelwas the command you told me to do 3 commands?10:04
crimsunColonelKernel: copy and paste it into a Konsole10:04
crimsunI gave you command verbatim10:04
ColonelKernelhow do I pastebin?10:04
dive-ois it possible to reclaim swap in linux? I've never had to try before10:04
Sumtnyou have to use mouse10:04
ColonelKerneli got results10:04
Sumtnnot ctrl c10:04
aegeanlinuxwww.pastebin.com ???10:05
ColonelKerneli konw10:05
crimsunColonelKernel: the pastebin site is in the topic.10:05
dive-obut kubuntu's default of swappiness 60 is way too silly for a machine with 2GB ram...10:05
Sumtnthen paste with mouse10:05
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ColonelKerneli went to website, pasted in, not doing anything10:06
ColonelKernelwhy can't I just paste normally?10:07
vigilanteArrgh, when I click on any link in konversation (web link) kde goes crazy, spawns many kfmclients and goes to 100% cpu usage :( , whats up with this?10:07
ColonelKerneli don't understand10:07
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dive-onm, swapoff worked10:07
aegeanlinuxbecause pasting here is anoying10:08
crimsunColonelKernel: because that's a lot of info to flood into this channel, and we don't like it.10:08
ColonelKernelok. i submitted to pastebin but nothing is happening10:08
crimsunColonelKernel: what URL/10:08
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ColonelKernelnothing happened after I pasted into form and clicked send10:09
flaccidok i have a huge problem. never seen this before. when kubuntu inits, it turns off the cpu pan!!! please help!10:09
flaccidthis is crazy10:10
crimsunColonelKernel: well did you actually paste anything into the text entry box?10:10
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ColonelKernelabout 2 paragraphs worth10:10
crimsunColonelKernel: which site?10:10
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abattoirColonelKernel: how do you know sound does not work? tried playing mp3s in amarok?10:12
greadygready still waiting10:13
ColonelKernelabattoir: no, but I ran an app,,Teamspeak, and no sound, plus no sound at login10:13
ColonelKernelabattoir: wouldn't I have heard something so far?10:13
flaccidmaybe this is my issue https://launchpad.net/distros/debian/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/724910:13
crimsunColonelKernel: sec, I'm checknig10:14
abattoirno, was just curious, because many people dont realise amarok doesnt play mp3s out of the box.. think it is a sound problem.10:14
ColonelKerneli knew that much10:14
crimsunColonelKernel: please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org10:14
ColonelKernelhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88777 that maybe?10:14
nrdbI know this is off topic but I am looking for an undelete program for windows XP that doesn't need installing to work can someone help or tell me a better place to ask.10:15
flaccidnrdb: easy recovery professional10:15
abattoirColonelKernel: SiS should work out of the box... I have a SiS card10:15
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flaccidi enabled plug n play os in bios and this may have fixed the fan problem. it hasnt turned off on this boot10:15
nrdbflaccid: thanks10:16
abattoirColonelKernel: open kmix10:16
ColonelKernelcrimsun, i submitted, now what do I paste into IRC?10:16
abattoirColonelKernel: the url mentioned10:16
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abattoirColonelKernel: what is the current mixer in kmix ?10:17
ColonelKernelhmmm. lemme check10:17
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abattoirColonelKernel: also make sure it is not muted :P10:17
ColonelKernelSiS SI701210:17
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ColonelKernelno tmuted :D10:17
basheerdoes anyone know how to make a webcam work in kubuntu?10:17
ColonelKernellighted=unmuted yes?10:17
abattoirColonelKernel: ok, i have the same sound card, works out of the box...10:18
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abattoirColonelKernel: yes10:18
flaccidbasheer: you could use msn webcam with kopete10:18
abattoirmake sure everything is lighted...10:18
abattoirColonelKernel: and is max10:18
vigilanteArrgh, just upgraded to kde 3.5.3, I am still having the problem of not being able to save new kmenu entries, can someone please help?10:18
ColonelKernelunder switches??10:18
abattoirnope output10:18
ColonelKernelhow should I test?10:19
ColonelKernelwhat generates sound in Kubuntu?10:19
abattoirok, open amarok10:19
abattoiramarok, is *the* best music player on the planet... :P10:19
abattoirok, one sec10:19
ColonelKernelxine was unable to initialize any audio-drivers.10:19
ColonelKernelERROR :D10:19
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greadyis it possible to enable the root account so I can login to kde as root10:20
abattoirColonelKernel: can you paste that erro?10:20
ColonelKerneli dide10:20
abattoir*error. put it on pastebin, if it is long10:20
ColonelKernelxine was unable to initialize any audio-drivers.10:20
ColonelKernelits not10:20
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ColonelKerneljust xine was unab....10:20
abattoiroh, that's all ?10:21
basheeris there something to install to make it work?10:21
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crimsunColonelKernel: both devices are recognised. Now please pastebin ``amixer''10:21
vigilantecan I run kmenu editor from command line?  if so whats the command?10:22
abattoirvigilante: kmenuedit10:22
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ColonelKernelthere we go10:23
abattoirColonelKernel: after you have done what crimsun said, try playing an ogg file from /usr/share/sounds in  amarok10:23
greadyis it possible to enable the roottttttt account so I can login to kde as root10:24
crimsunColonelKernel: amixer set 'IEC958 Playback AC97-SPSA' 010:24
ColonelKernelin the Konsole?10:24
ColonelKernelok done10:25
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crimsunnow, amixer set 'Master' 80%10:25
crimsunthen, aplay /usr/share/sounds/KDE*up.wav10:25
crimsun``lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*''10:27
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vigilanteabattoir: does anyone else have a problem clicking on html links in konversation?10:28
badyhey guys can someone tell me how I detach a screen again?10:28
vigilanteKubuntu is seeming buggy as time goes on, like less effort is spent on it than regular ubuntu10:29
crimsunbady: ^^10:29
crimsunColonelKernel: killall artsd10:30
vigilanteeverytime I click on a link in konversation, kfmclient goes crazy10:30
ColonelKernelcrimsun, that returned nothing10:30
ColonelKernelno output10:30
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ColonelKernelnow what?10:30
crimsunColonelKernel: use the lsof command again to check you don't have artsd processes10:31
ColonelKernelcan  I paste here?10:31
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ColonelKernelmuch less10:32
crimsunok, good.10:32
crimsunnow try the aplay10:32
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basheeranyone out there?10:33
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qbitvigilante: if you're using Firefox browser go to settings, configure, behavior, and click check box "use custom browser" and put firefox -remote 'openURL(%u,new-tab)' in the box10:33
ColonelKerneli didn't actually hear anything though10:34
crimsunColonelKernel: did it return to a prompt?10:34
qbitvigilante: in the Konversation settings10:34
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ColonelKerneli believe10:34
crimsunColonelKernel: good, now, amixer set 'External Amplifier' off10:34
ColonelKernelneed the pastebin or not10:35
crimsunthen try the aplay again10:35
ColonelKernelsame message10:35
ColonelKernelno sound...10:35
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ColonelKernelcrimsun, still there?10:37
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crimsunamixer set '3D Control Sigmatel - Depth' off && amixer set 'Rear Jack' 'Front Output'10:37
crimsunno, try aplay10:38
ColonelKernelnegative for sound :(10:38
flaccidrightio i still have my problem. i will be back later to pick somones brains on ACPI10:38
crimsunok, install aumix and adjust the volumes10:38
crimsunI need to return to work10:38
ColonelKernelwill that fix it?10:38
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Pupeno_My wireless access point offers the following encryption mechanisms 802.1x, WPA, WPA-PSK (default), WPA2 and WPA2-PSK. Which one should I use (all the clients are Kubuntus) ?10:38
crimsunColonelKernel: it presents an easier interface to you and fiddles more knobs in the background10:39
crimsunColonelKernel: and thus is more likely to fix stuff10:39
crimsunColonelKernel: also, make sure you're running 2.6.15-26.4410:39
ColonelKernelunder adept install or google?10:39
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crimsunadept will show it if you have universe enabled10:40
ColonelKernel2.6.15 explain? Kernel version/10:40
gaftyhello i have a dwl-650g wireless pcmcia card. What module should I use?10:40
crimsunColonelKernel: uname -r10:40
crimsuntype that.10:40
crimsuntell me the output .10:40
crimsuntoo old10:40
crimsunupdate && dist-upgrade10:40
ColonelKernelin the Konsole that didnt work10:41
crimsunwhat didn't work?10:41
ColonelKernelwas update... a command?10:41
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aegeanlinuxI thought this was the __kubuntu__ channel ???10:42
ColonelKernelit is10:42
aegeanlinuxisn't it more like apt_get10:42
aegeanlinuxor ss like that10:42
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ColonelKernelcrimsun, can you explain how to update-dist or w/e10:43
crimsunjust ``sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade''10:43
ColonelKernelah thanks10:43
crimsunclose Adept first.10:45
NickayHi i have install kubuntu but i have problem with my sceen resolution. How can configure it from console?10:45
ColonelKerneli did i thought10:45
ColonelKernelhow can I force quit it10:45
crimsunsudo pkill adept10:45
flaccidok i'm back. who knows about acpi in ubuntu. i have an irq setting for acpi in bios. when linux boots it turns off the cpu fan10:45
ColonelKernelit's updating now10:46
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ColonelKernelwill this require a restart?10:48
NickayHi i have install kubuntu but i have problem with my sceen resolution. How can configure it from console?Thanks10:48
ColonelKernelit's done crimsun10:48
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flaccidor maybe i can ask, how do i turn off acpi on boot?10:49
ColonelKernelAUMix installed10:49
greadyis it possible to enable the root account so I can login to kde as root10:49
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ColonelKernelcrimsum, ajusted all volumes up, now trying aplay again or w/e10:50
Lynouregready: if you add a question mark to your questions, more people will notice them.10:52
crimsunColonelKernel: yes, you'll need to reboot.10:52
ColonelKernelaffirmative, be right back10:52
crimsun(to use the new kernel)10:52
greadyis it possible to enable the root account so I can login to kde as root?10:52
crimsun!root > gready10:52
flaccidcan someone help me to implement this workaround ? http://www.mail-archive.com/linux-acpi@vger.kernel.org/msg02068.html10:52
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greadywhats that10:54
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jaroGood Morning10:55
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corincrimsum, this is ColonelKernel10:55
corintried aplay, no sound still10:56
crimsuncorin: did you use aumix to adjust the volumes?10:56
corinall maxed10:56
crimsunthey shouldn't all be maxed10:57
corin*nearly maxed10:57
crimsunIEC958* should be off/muted10:57
corini don't even seee that one10:57
crimsunno big deal.10:57
crimsunclose aumix, and type: amixer set 'IEC958 Playback AC97-SPSA' 110:58
crimsunthen try aplay.10:58
crimsunif that doesn't work, I'll need to see your ac97 register dump in /proc/asound/card0/codec97#0/ac97#0-0+regs10:58
corinthat didnt work10:59
corinwhat should I use to open that file?11:00
crimsunI have to leave very soon11:00
corink got the dump11:00
jaroWho Is willing to help me get this LCD-Screen-Bug with Acer Aspire 1350 sorted ??11:00
corinvery close11:01
jaroUntil now its a never ending story...11:01
crimsuncorin: please file a bug, attach (don't inline) that dump11:01
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corini don't really know how to file a bug :(11:01
corinu can't look at it?11:01
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crimsunno, I'm in a phone conf right now11:02
osh_corin: https://launchpad.net <- there you can file a bug. It's quite easy.11:02
crimsunplease file the bug, and I'll look at it11:02
corinalrighty thanks11:02
crimsunmake sure you file it against linux-source-2.6.1511:02
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corinwhere do I click to file, osh_?11:03
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osh_corin: first you create an account (top right). then do a search for kernel-source and the link "The linux kernel" should show up. I believe you file your bug there.11:05
osh_corin: yep. on the left side there's a link saying "Bugs".11:06
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corinosh, still can't find where to file. i'm logged in11:07
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osh_corin: https://launchpad.net/products/linux11:08
coringot it nm11:08
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corinok i'm leaving11:10
corinBug Reported11:11
osh_corin: thanks. =)11:11
abattoircorin, sorry, just catching up, what happened?11:12
corini submitted but report11:12
corincrimsum walked me thorough a loong process11:13
corinnot but :D11:13
corinanything you can do?11:14
corinif not, i'm gonna zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz11:14
corinfreakin 5:15 in the morning :(...11:14
abattoircorin: i'm not sure, if kmix detects your sound card, but amarok doesnt, i dont know...11:14
abattoirok, ok, go sleep :)11:14
corinshould I just check here tommorrow and hope for the best?11:15
abattoircorin: sure11:15
corinthanks everybody...11:17
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erginhello everyone11:25
erginis there anybody to help me ?11:26
osh_ergin: ask your question first, then we'll see.11:26
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ergini have two sound card11:27
erginone of them pcmcia11:27
ergini prefer to use it11:28
erginbut kubuntu prefers on board11:28
erginhow can i change that11:28
erginthere is no chance to disable on bios11:29
osh_ergin: I think that you can disable the internal card by removing the module that controls it /etc/modules.conf or some such.11:30
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erginno way :)11:32
erginpoor me :)))))))))11:32
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qbitarghhhh! All the problem(s) I've been having the last couple of days turns out be the second hard drive dying; pulled it out and now all is well...  arggghhh!11:36
kakaltosucks when that happens, eh11:40
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qbitreally sucks 'cause I should have figured it out yesterday   :(11:42
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=== qbit says bye bye to his Solaris 10 install
NickayHow can login with root account in KDE? I didnt set the password during the installation. Is there any default password for root?11:43
kakalto!tell Nickay about root11:43
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kakaltoNickay: root account is disabled by default11:44
imbrandon!sudo > Nickay11:44
kakaltoimbrandon: already did that =)11:44
imbrandonahh yea :) just noticed11:44
qbitcan't you sudo passwd and add a password to it? as long as you're already in sudoers?11:45
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=== qbit doesn't remember how he made root work...
imbrandonqbit, you can but not a good idea as ubuntu was designed NOT to use that11:45
imbrandonand it will break things11:45
qbityeah - I wouldn't ever run X/KDE as root   lol11:46
imbrandonlike ice auth files11:46
kakaltowell, you can just run a single app as root - kdesu <app>11:46
qbitif it's a graphical app that's what I do11:46
qbitbut I do like to be able to su, old habit11:47
Pupeno_qbit: sudo su -11:47
NickayOne more questiobn. During installation for Kubuntu it must be internet connection? Without internet is able to finished the install?11:47
imbrandonno internet is NEEDED11:47
qbitI find that after I get a box configged the way I want the need for root drops off to practilly nil11:47
imbrandononly for updates if you wish11:48
kakaltoqbit: yeah, true11:48
imbrandonunless your a dev and are changing bit and adding pieces all the time ;)11:49
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kakaltothen again, I have a tendency to tinker.11:50
kakaltomust've picked it up from gentoo11:50
qbitme - when I'm in test mode I tend to beat it death11:50
qbitwhich is what I'm doing to Kubuntu right now11:50
qbitgenerally at home I've been using FreeBSD for 6-7 years now11:51
kakaltoI've been mostly gentoo for about 2 years.11:52
kakaltodipping my feet in ubuntu every 6 months or so11:52
qbitI haven't had a lot to do with Linux, pretty much the same as you just checking it out periodically11:53
osh_Linux is crap. But so is windows. And osx. But atleast linux is free.11:54
kakaltoI've raised an eye at freebsd11:54
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kakaltobut as I see, less support for hardware and even software.... I can't really bother trying.11:54
qbitI really like FreeBSD, but it is better used as a server environment11:55
eniac_petrovDude's, I have small problem with adept. When I start adept, the program guives me a message: another program is using the database, I have tried to restart the computer or kill some processes, but this not works. The automatic updates applet is also broken. Please, help. :-)11:55
kakaltoI have my nice kde-xgl-kubuntu setup now, I think I'll stick with it for a while11:55
qbitand up util very recently it was faster than Linux11:55
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qbitbut I'm seeing better disk transfer rates in Linux now, just don't think I trust async disk mounts on a server11:56
kakaltoqbit: yeah, server.11:56
kakaltoI don't run servers, only desktops =)11:56
kakaltoeniac_petrov: sounds like your automatic updates applet is stopping adept from working =S11:56
qbitI do the MCSE thing at work; I'm responsible for a little over a couple of dozen Windows servers and 5 FreeBSD ones11:57
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qbitand a small lan at home for my own fun11:57
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eniac_petrovkakalto , no, the computer guives me this message also in the automatic updates11:58
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kakaltoeniac_petrov: ah. sorry _I_ can't help, but stick around - or google for it12:02
sugusu says incorrect password12:02
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eniac_petrovkakalto: no problems, but thanks12:02
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kakaltogood luck =)12:02
suguplease help me12:03
eniac_petrovsugu, that is your trouble?12:03
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kakaltosugu: 'incorrect password' usually means, just that12:03
kakaltoyou typed it in wrong - caps lock isn't on?12:03
iseteis swap partion supposed to be `amount of RAM` * 2 ?12:03
kakaltoisete: to an extent12:04
kakaltoisete: that was the rule of thumb, once upon a time. but these days, with 1gb of ram, you don't need 2gb of swap12:04
sugukakalto: I give correct password... what can i do for tht12:04
isetethat's exactly what i have12:04
isetei thought i need 2 GB12:04
isetewhat is the size nowdays?12:05
suguit says su returned with error12:05
kakaltoisete: I'm not completely sure; I did 768mb, but when I monitor my swap usage, I never use any12:05
kakaltoI also have 1gb of ram12:05
kakaltosugu: weird.12:05
isetekakalto: if i resize my swap part - how do i need to change settings in kubuntu? do i need to?12:06
kakaltoisete: nah, it should "just work"(TM)12:06
sugukakalto: please tell me... why is this error.. if try any command with sudo it works.. wat is su12:07
isetecan i make new free space be consumed by the root part or u'd suggest making a new partition?12:07
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kakaltosugu: ah.12:07
kakaltosugu: sorry, my eyes fail me.12:07
kakaltoI didn't realise it said 'su'12:08
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kakaltoroot account is disabled by default in kubuntu.12:08
suguya it said su12:08
qbitsugu: what happens if you do: sudo passwd -e root  ?12:08
kakalto!sudo > sugu12:08
sugukakalto: it says Password set to expire12:09
Pupeno_I have to computers where the network wi-fi interface is configured exactly the same, the computers are next to each other, one connects the other doesn't (never gets a DHCP offer). The signal in the one that doesn't connect si good. What I see in iwconfig is that the essid is not set. Any ideas ?12:09
qbitor even sudo passwd -S root should show status12:09
TheHighChildabout to test compiz, wish me luck!12:10
sugukakalto: is it because my password contains "su"12:10
kakaltosugu: I doubt, not sure12:11
sugukakalto: how to change password.. i want command12:11
kakaltoroot password? isn't it just 'sudo passwd'?12:12
qbitwell start off with sudo passwd -S root12:12
qbitman passwd will show all the stuff12:12
qbit-l will lock and account and -u will unlock12:12
qbit-e will expire an account forcing a user to change the password on nect login12:13
sugukakalto: it still says "Su returned with an error"12:14
suguany idea what is Su12:14
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qbitsu stands for "superuser"12:15
qbitif your account is listed in /etc/sudoers you can "su" to root privilege12:15
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kakaltosugu: sorry matey, I'm going absolutely mad trying to txt people. hopefully qbit's helping you well :)12:15
osh_qbit: actually "su" stands for "switch user" or atleast it did.12:17
kakaltoosh_: then how does "sudo" stand for "superuser do"?12:17
kakaltoI suppose they're just different12:17
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sysrpldoes anyone here use gtk interface designer?12:17
qbitactually iirc osh_ is right12:18
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thykohow do i customize the bootsplash?12:18
=== qbit didn't type it out right
thykoto this http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=2966212:18
Tm_Konvikakalto: hi12:19
kakaltoTm_Konvi: hey =)12:19
suguqbit: Can u help me.. please tell me why this happens12:19
qbitthyko: in system config look down at system admin at bottom for the login manager12:20
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qbitthyko: change to adminstrator mode and look at the "background" tab12:20
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qbitif you're talking about KDM; if you mean before that I'm not sure12:21
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qbitsugu: it probably happens because the root account is either locked or has no password12:21
qbitor both12:22
suguqbit: but is there a root account..12:22
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qbitlook at /etc/group and see if your user account is in the admin group12:23
qbitand if the account is locked you'll need to unlock it12:24
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qbitman passwd tells which switches do what12:24
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qbitiirc kubuntu puts the first user account created into the admin group in /etc/group on initial install/setup12:25
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qbitthe admin group is in sudoers12:25
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qbitthis should allow you [if you are in the admin group]  to sudo passwd12:26
qbitdo this: sudo passwd -S root12:26
NKjoephi, i'm runnin kubuntu 606... why the desktop icons of devices are hidden? i enabled them but they still stay away12:26
qbitthis will either return the status of the account or an error12:27
suguqbit: my account is the one and only account on this system12:27
qbitif you can retrieve the status this way you can manipulate the account12:27
qbitthen if you cat /etc/group you should see something like this: admin:x:111:youruseraccount name12:28
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qbitnear the bottom12:29
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suguqbit: when i give "sudo passwd -S root" it returns"root P 07/13/2006 0 99999 7 -1"12:29
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ivanhi all what is command for I install program12:30
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osh_ivan: sudo aptitude install "program"12:32
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ivanI dont know how install skype :( ???12:33
osh_ivan: skype is kind of special. Download "easyubuntu" and install it from there.12:34
osh_!tell ivan about easyubuntu12:34
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Gonzoi can't mount my usb sd card reader anymore12:34
Gonzoit just suddently stopped working12:34
Gonzoi can see a few post on the forum about that but nothing that solves the actual problem12:35
thykoqbit: thanks12:35
Gonzoanyone has any idea?12:35
ivanwhay is command i install skype12:35
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ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.12:36
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cristianohello all12:40
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:41
osh_!tell mongey|zZz about easyubuntu12:42
=== porno [n=porno@60-240-128-3.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
cristianowhen i use "setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout it" it gives me an error12:43
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cristianoit says "12:43
cristianoCouldn't interpret _XKB_RULES_NAMES property12:43
cristianoUse defaults: rules - 'xorg' model - 'pc101' layout - 'us'12:43
cristianoSegmentation fault12:43
=== Sunnyblizard [n=kvirc@3E331E06.dslaccess.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu
cristianowhat kind of error is this? how can i fix it?12:43
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cristianoany clues for me?12:44
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cristianosugu: hi12:45
sugucristiano: how to play MP3 in kubuntu... I saw the wiki page...12:46
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cristianosugu u can use Amarok or XMMS as player12:47
sugucristiano: it says to install some packages... but how to intall them12:47
cristianosugu: if u have already installed all the codecs suggested on the wiki page u should be ok12:47
sugucristiano: no i have not installed the codecs12:47
qbitadd multiverse to your /etc/apt/sources.list to install the additional codecs if you don't have them12:48
cristianosugu: u can install with apt-get or its graphical interface Adept in Kubuntu12:48
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cristianosugu: u should follow the instructions given in the wiki and enable all the repositories in the sources.list (u can do this via Adept) and adding the multiverse repo12:49
sugucristiano: how to add repos in adept12:49
cristianosugu: click on View->manage repositories12:50
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cristiano(i hope it's the right translation, i've it in italian ^^)12:50
cristianouniq: hello how are u? :)12:50
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sugucristiano: i see only Review Changes in View menu12:50
isetewhen i boot my new kubuntu install it stalls at "waiting for root file system". how long should i wait? what might be the problem?12:51
cristianosugu:  did u open "Adept"?are u sure?12:51
isetebootu my new kubuntu12:51
=== gmustafa is now known as cyrenity
sugucristiano: wat to do??12:52
cristianosugu: u should have 5 menu : "Adept, Modify, View, Settings, Help" right?12:52
sugucristiano: ya12:52
cristianosugu: ok click adept12:52
sugucristiano: in adept i see quit12:52
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cristianosugu: just quit?12:53
sugucristiano: only wuit12:53
sugucristiano: ya12:53
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cristianosugu: did u enter the password when prompted opening adept?12:53
sugucristiano: ya12:53
=== serenity is now known as ethic
Smooph you can also edit the file located at "/etc/apt/sources.list"12:53
Smoophcrabstic: sugu12:53
cristianosugu: that's quite weird...ok do as told by Smooph12:53
cristianosugu:  in console type "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"12:54
sugucristiano: smooph: please wait.. let me try12:54
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cristianothen uncomment all the repositories and add the multiverse repo12:55
cristianoSmooph can i ask u something?12:55
sugucristiano: ha ha all lines are comment :)12:55
Smoophone second12:56
eldenguys, i just want to know something12:56
cristianowhen typing in console "setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout it" it gives an error12:56
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cristianoCouldn't interpret _XKB_RULES_NAMES property12:56
cristianoUse defaults: rules - 'xorg' model - 'pc101' layout - 'us'12:56
cristianoSegmentation fault12:56
eldendoes xgll & compiz run smoothly in an Intel 915 card?12:56
cristianowhich kind of error is this?12:57
cristianosugu: u have to uncomment the repositories only (ie: deb http://... dapper universe and so on)12:57
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TheHighChildany 1337 compiz folsk in the house? I have ir working, just some questions on configuration options and tools01:00
Smoophsry I have to go01:01
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NKjoepi'm runnin kubuntu 606... why the desktop icons of devices are hidden? i enabled them but they still stay away01:01
sugucristiano: i uncommented all lines like deb http://.... .. .01:01
sugucristiano: but same again01:01
cristianonow from console do "sudo apt-get update"01:02
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dondihas anyone ever installed java webstart on kubuntu?01:05
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dondiand should it work with GCJ?01:06
dondimy feeling is it won't. :(01:07
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jaroWhats wrong ? I cant Kill Kaffeine ????01:08
jarohow can i Find out which process is using the em28xx module ??01:10
anders_anyone that is good at java here?01:10
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dondii'm sure some of us are. ;)01:13
anders_anybody that can help me install java to kubuntu???01:13
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eldeni can help you out01:13
dondihah... that's exactly what I'm doing now.01:13
dondisee here http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/14201:13
anders_dondi: are u speaking with me01:14
dondianders_: yes01:14
eldenwhat java are you referring to/01:14
anders_sun java01:14
anders_i need01:14
eldenruntime environment?01:14
anders_so i can play java programs etc etc01:14
dondicheck out the link i posted01:15
=== pedro [n=pedro@223.Red-83-55-159.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
eldenthen just go to java.com01:15
eldenand download the binary or rpm01:15
anders_dondi: ok, i just have to follow it01:15
eldenor just check this link: http://java.com/en/download/help/linux_install.xml01:16
pedroHello everyone, I have a problem with ip direction01:16
dondianders_: yes, my guess is you will have to use 'sudo' every now and then though.01:16
anders_dondi: it dident find: java-package ??01:16
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pedroeverytime I reboot my pc, my ip direction changes01:17
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anders_apt-get install fakeroot java-package dident work dondi !01:17
pedroI have to open ports in my router xavi01:17
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pedrobut in Kubuntu, when I make >ifconfig< it shows me an inet adress that I cannot use to open ports01:18
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pedroIn theory, the direction must start by 192.168...01:18
anders_dondi: are u there?01:18
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dondianders_: yes01:19
pedrobut it is not like that any help to open ports o change the ip direction?01:19
donditrying to figure it out01:19
anders_ok, becouse i just installed it :)01:19
HowitzerIs anyone going trough the same thing as me?, I tried Kubuntu out and i was really excited, now i'm just bored with it and going back to Ubuntu :/01:20
kakaltoanders_: you're back? =D that was an awful long 20mins01:20
anders_kakalto: omg, my cdrom was weird01:21
kakaltoyou mean, your cup-holder?01:21
kakaltoit's a classic joke. the cdrom drive is a cupholder.01:22
anders_private chat plx :d01:22
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aegeanlinuxanyone here have about 1 hour of free programming time to donate?01:22
aegeanlinuxof C01:22
kakaltonot me01:23
=== aegeanlinux pleeds with all in this channel
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anders_kakalto: priv? :S01:24
=== aegeanlinux waves to sugu and Nathan_
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=== aegeanlinux waves of Vynith
sugucristiano: in which repo is the MP3 codecs01:24
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=== Snake pops his head in
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:25
SnakeGod ubotu got so generic01:25
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=== Snake waits for his server to start up
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Snakeand waits and waits and waits01:29
dondianders_: this is what worked for me. modify /etc/apt/sources.list, change01:30
dondiChange the first section lines deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted01:30
dondito deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted universe multiverse01:30
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munuanybody - how do i set root password on kubuntu?01:31
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Lynouremunu: do you really need to?01:31
anders_dondi: what worked after that? :P01:31
Lynouremunu: sudo is pretty handy01:31
anders_dondi: problem is that iam using dapper?01:31
SnakeGrr wtf01:32
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mlarcheri usually use "sudo su" to get root and then i can set the root-password simply with passwd01:32
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munugreat - just did it01:33
anders_dondi: ...?01:33
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anders_dondi: ...?01:34
anders_iam using dapper..01:34
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mlarcheranybody ever tried to install pdo_informix?01:36
Snake!info pdo_informix01:36
ubotuPackage pdo_informix does not exist in dapper01:36
Snakeuhh what is it?01:36
mlarcherit is a php connector for informix database01:36
anders_wtf :P01:36
mlarcheryou need pear and pecl to install01:37
Snakemlarcher: cant say I Have :(01:37
anders_kakalto: can u help with automatix now?01:37
kakaltoanders_, I remember someone of a similar stature as you, just a few hours ago..01:37
Snakeanders_: go with EU, :)01:37
anders_huh? :O01:37
mlarcheri tried... but does not work01:37
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Snakeubotu: easyubuntu > anders_01:38
kakaltoanders_: sorry, should I go back to my padded room?01:38
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=== Snake needs his MP3s
=== Snake kicks his server
anders_Snake: wtf is that? P:01:39
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Snakeanders_: a program that (imo) OWNS automatix :)01:39
anders_ok :)01:39
anders_can i remove it when i got java? :o01:39
=== kakalto quickly sticks a plastik cup to the ceiling, then returns to his padded room
stinkballcan someone help me get my sound working?01:40
Snakestinkball: be more specific?01:40
anders_shall i install all this in here or shall i download automatix to?01:40
stinkballwell... i have a SB audidy 2 zs and there is no sound01:40
stinkballas far as i know i haven't changed anything since install01:41
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Snakeanders_: EU should be fine, automatix has a rep of breaking systems (apparently their new team is making it better, but well see)01:41
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SnakeNot to get debiany in here.. but so that everyone knows... DONT IRC ON ROOT01:42
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anders_ofc i dont irc at root :d01:43
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Snakehave I mentions how much I hate java01:44
dondiwhy is that? @ Snake01:44
anders_Snake: i have to reboot now?01:45
Snakedondi: It runs. really. really. slow. on my system01:45
__osh___Snake: What? You don't like the "Write once, debug everywhere" ideom?01:45
Snakeanders_: whys that??01:45
anders_to activate my nVIDIA01:45
anders_how can i download gaim and put it on desktop?01:46
SnakeWOW thats neat!!!01:46
anders_apt-get install gaim ?01:46
Snakeanders_: yes01:46
Snakesudo apt-get to be exact01:46
anders_but how can i put it on the desktop?01:46
Snakeanders_: you would need to right click, and add shortcut to application01:46
=== Snake dances
__osh___anders_: you could probably just run the /etc/init.d/nvidia script and go to runlevel3, add the new module and go back up to 5. If you want.01:46
SnakeI just got MP3 previewing set up yayaayy01:46
Snake__osh___: or he could reboot :P01:47
__osh___Snake: probably quicker, yeah... ;-)01:47
SnakeNautlis MP3 previewing is pretty awesome lol01:47
=== Snake hovers his cursor over his sons
=== __osh___ is out.
Snakecya guys01:48
anders_what is the name to come to the xorg.conf ?01:48
anders_/dev/X11/xorg.conf ?01:49
munuis there a way to read CHM files in kubuntu?01:49
munuit's compiled help format01:49
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aegeanlinuxno, not that I know of01:50
aegeanlinuxbut there is a CHM decompiler01:50
aegeanlinuxthat then spits out html files01:50
aegeanlinuxwhich you can view in your favorite browser01:50
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sugui dont see windows in the grub menu how can i restore that01:51
dondianders_: /etc/X11...01:51
NKjoep.quit late01:51
=== anders_ [n=anders@c-ab81e055.64-1-64736c12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu
anders_Snake: there?01:53
anders_how do i install: gedit ???01:54
cristianoehm how to become away in irc? ^^01:54
dondiKate is quite Kool :p01:56
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ubotuI know nothing about homo - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com02:09
ubotuI know nothing about libtar - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com02:10
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE02:10
aegeanlinux!your mum02:10
ubotuI know nothing about your mum - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com02:10
coma!hacking the mainframe02:10
=== gemidjy_ is now known as gemidjy
ubotuI know nothing about hacking the mainframe - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com02:10
aegeanlinux!any other linux distributions02:11
ubotuI know nothing about any other linux distributions - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com02:11
ubotuOther Linux distributions include; .deb-based: Debian, Mepis; RPM-based: RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva; Source-based: Gentoo, Slackware02:11
=== TheHighChild [n=Pinter@unaffiliated/thehighchild] has joined #kubuntu
aegeanlinux!. I lie. Really, I do02:11
ubotuI know nothing about . I lie. Really, I do - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com02:11
coma!love, teach me to love02:12
ubotuI know nothing about love, teach me to love - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com02:12
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aegeanlinux!the UFO that just landed. Head the newspaper, watch TV02:13
ubotuI know nothing about the UFO that just landed. Head the newspaper, watch TV - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com02:13
Dasnipa] [!why my mother left me02:16
ubotuI know nothing about why my mother left me - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com02:16
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aegeanlinux!the stolen item02:17
ubotuI know nothing about the stolen item - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com02:17
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aegeanlinuxGood night all02:25
MetaMorfoziScan i get cedega without paying?02:25
=== aegeanlinux waves like a crazy mexican
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osh_MetaMorfoziS: No. But wine is the free version.02:32
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kakaltoMetaMorfoziS: there is a way. it's called cvscedega02:33
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MetaMorfoziSi tryingit02:34
MetaMorfoziSi downloaded the script02:34
MetaMorfoziSthe wineCVS.sh02:34
MetaMorfoziSbut i dunno what i need to get it work02:35
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MetaMorfoziSanybody can help me?02:36
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ubotuI know nothing about lol - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com02:44
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mauriciohello !!02:53
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mauriciodose anybody knows how to install kubuntu into a ich7 raid ????02:54
mauriciodoes anybody knows how to install kubuntu into a ich7 raid ????02:54
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Pupeno_I have a Kubuntu box that was playing music just fine yesterday. But today amarok seems to be playing but no sound is comming out. I've tried raising all the volumes. Any ideas.02:56
Pupeno_Sometimes, if I reboot, it works.02:56
PascuttiDid you look the engine?02:56
Pupeno_Pascutti: the engine is xine, it is the only one ever installed in this box.02:57
=== FernandoM [n=fernando@demorgan.com.br] has joined #kubuntu
PascuttiIn suse I had a lot of headache with xine...02:57
Pupeno_Pascutti: in Kubuntu it is the default.02:57
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Pupeno_ok, this computer is driving me crazy.03:10
Pupeno_the wireless card doesn't connect on start up of the computer but if I do sudo ifdown ath0 ; sudo ifup ath0 it starts.03:11
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Pupeno_just a /etc/init.d/network restarts makes it work :(03:20
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pparkerhi, i've got problems with screensaver not working fine03:23
pparkeri can test them but it dont start automatically03:24
pparkerany advices03:24
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Hobbseepparker: kde 3.5.3?03:28
eriksonOK folks , looking for a way to play and backup my dvds ...right now nothing seems to be able to play the copy protected ones03:29
pparkerHobbsee: yes on dapper and compiz03:30
Hobbseepparker: yeah, known problem.03:30
pparkeris it compiz ?03:31
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=== Aji-Dahaka tries to recall why he came in here yesterday
Aji-Dahakaoh, right03:32
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Hobbseeno, it's a problem with kde 3.5.303:32
Aji-Dahakaanyone know how edgy eff is progressing?  Repos up yet?03:32
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pparkerHobbsee: kopete crashed03:33
HobbseeAji-Dahaka: first knot cd is being made, i dont know how broken it is03:33
Hobbseepparker: ah yes, great.  which kopete?03:33
=== Hobbsee has one you can try out.
Aji-Dahakabrokenness, great :)03:33
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@cpe-24-94-53-197.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Hobbseei think03:33
HobbseeAji-Dahaka: it's  for developers only, at the moment03:33
Aji-DahakaI _love_ brokenness <303:33
Aji-Dahaka<-- developer03:33
Hobbseepparker: no, it's a problem with kde 3.5.303:33
HobbseeAji-Dahaka: nice, what for?03:33
Aji-DahakaHobbsee: kde, linux, freebsd, papi ...03:34
Aji-Dahakathe list (unfortunately) goes on and on03:34
HobbseeAji-Dahaka: nice :)03:34
Aji-Dahakabut linux and papi for work03:34
Aji-Dahakakde and freebsd get shoved into my spare time03:34
pparkeri've also a problem with kontact: it d'ont write my emails on an mbox folder but on maildir; in settings i choose mbox03:35
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Aji-Dahakasome of them are "forced" to be maildir....03:35
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Aji-Dahaka(I don't like it, either)03:35
osh_Why's drupal so outdated in ubuntu? Even in dapper the latest version is 4.5 while both 4.6 and 4.7 has been out for a while.03:35
eriksonwhich player will do copyrighted dvds...can't play movies :(03:35
Aji-Dahakaso I made an inbox of mbox format and then told everything that used to use Inbox to use inbox03:36
pparkerafter i can  not import them on thunderbird03:36
Aji-Dahakaerikson: mplayer should03:36
osh_erikson: any player with the right codecs installed. but mplayer is usually good.03:36
luc45erikson: it's not the player, its the lib03:36
TheHighChildany compiz users?03:36
osh_!tell erikson about easyubuntu03:36
ubotuI know nothing about dvdcss - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com03:36
Aji-Dahakaooh, burned03:36
eriksonyeah, I realize I need more codecs and libs , but which ones ?03:37
pparkerTheHighChild: here is one03:37
luc45erikson: libdvdcss03:37
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luc45erikson: found it? http://download.videolan.org/pub/libdvdcss/1.2.9/03:38
TheHighChildpparker: Nice name, close to my own. As for compiz. I have it setup and working, it's very cool but I can't figure out how to configure it. The stuff n gset-compix doesn't seem to have any affect. Just wondering if there is an alternative03:39
Aji-DahakaTheHighChild: user, yes ... but knowledgeable I am not03:39
Aji-Dahakagconf thingit03:39
osh_erikson: didn't you get the link about easyubuntu?03:40
Aji-Dahakathe gconf thingit has all (?) of the options specified in its own hard-to-understand format03:40
TheHighChildpparker: i hate not having a title bar, etc. I can't remap the keys either so no ctrl+tab which is obscene03:40
osh_! tell osh_ about easyubuntu03:40
luc45erikson: after install u will probably need to update kafeine and reboot03:40
pparkerTheHighChild: i've installed pykompiz for easy switching between kwin and compiz03:40
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Aji-Dahakapparker: what's that do?03:41
pparkerallow to use kwin or compiz03:41
TheHighChildwhat is kwin?03:41
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doppelganger_whats up everyone =)03:42
pparkerthe default kde window decorator03:42
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doppelganger_what is the kubuntu (or KDE?) start button called? I'm wanting to change it's picture03:43
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doppelganger_no one? aww, thats an easy one! =)03:45
osh_Could this be the reason drupal is so outdated? http://packages.qa.debian.org/d/drupal.html ? Does universe/multiverse use the debian packages?03:45
SikonI installed Xgl and Compiz on Kubuntu 6.06 per the wiki guide, now "Show desktop" and some applications don't work03:45
Sikonthose that use the system tray03:46
jaroHow Can I use Analogue Mode with KAffeine (TV-USB)03:46
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insanekanedoppelganger_: i *think* you can just drag a picture onto the k button and it will use it03:46
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insanekanedoppelganger_: i *think*03:46
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insanekanedoppelganger_: /usr/share/apps/kicker/tiles/KDE_button_*.png03:48
jaroHow Can I use Analogue Mode with KAffeine (TV-USB)03:48
insanekanedoppelganger_: sorry, wrong03:49
luc45insanekane: it will if u use kbfx03:49
insanekaneluc45: eh, kbfx really is quite bad03:49
luc45insanekane: yep03:49
luc45insanekane: i know. its crap03:50
insanekaneluc45: very much so03:50
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luc45insanekane: but still better than the tiny kmenu03:51
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abattoir__doppelganger_: i think it is  /usr/share/icons/icon_theme/size/apps/kmenu.png03:51
Pupeno_what is the most raw way to test the sound ?03:52
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insanekaneluc45: not at all03:52
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abattoir__doppelganger_: if it is a user installed theme, it'd be /home/usr/.kde/share/icons/icon_theme/size/apps/kmenu.png03:52
luc45insanekane: i will use it until something better appears.03:52
abattoir__Pupeno_: aplay an the cli03:53
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Pupeno_abattoir__: thanks.03:53
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abattoir__Pupeno_: aplay /usr/share/sounds/KDE*.ogg03:53
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teknoprephow do i write to an ntfs partition?03:54
Pupeno_abattoir: I did aplay /etc/skel/Examples/ubuntu\ Sax.ogg, I hear something like static, ugly, but at least at hear something on this box. Nothing comes out of the other box.03:54
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insanekaneluc45: if it is only the icon that bothers you, there is a patch on the kde-apps.org which allows you to use any kind of image for the K Button03:54
abattoirPupeno_: sorry, what about KDE*.wav ?03:54
luc45insanekane: yep?03:54
luc45insanekane: for 3.5.x?03:55
abattoirPupeno_: i mean, try playing a wav file03:55
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Pupeno_abattoir: that works :)03:55
Pupeno_abattoir: anyway, what bothers me is the other PC not playing anything.03:55
abattoirPupeno_: iirc, aplay doesnt handle mp3/ogg03:56
abattoirPupeno_: same setup?03:56
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Pupeno_abattoir: very similar.03:56
abattoirPupeno_: so same sound card?03:56
ranunculoidI have unpartitioned space (25gb) that I set aside at the end of my disk in case I ever installed windoze. I now know I will never want windoze. Does anyone know how I can merge this space with my "home" partition?03:57
Pupeno_abattoir: no, that's different.03:57
luc45insanekane: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=26681 ??03:57
ninhertatilhi all03:57
Pupeno_abattoir: the one not working has a Sound Blaster Live! and a (disabled) on-board SiS-something.03:57
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abattoirPupeno_: does kmix identify the card properly?03:58
Pupeno_abattoir: yes. It shows all the nifty sb live controls.03:58
Pupeno_abattoir: alsamixer as well.03:58
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osh_ranunculoid: if you've created a volume of your home-dir then you can just create another volume from your unused space and merge the two. Check out evms.03:59
insanekaneluc45: oh yeah thats the one03:59
ranunculoidosh_: apt-get install evms? Does it have a GUI?04:00
luc45insanekane: its for 3.4 :(04:00
insanekaneluc45: so /04:01
osh_ranunculoid: yes, evms-gui I think. That only works if you've created lvm volumes already.04:01
luc45insanekane: how do i install this in 3.5?04:01
Pupeno_abattoir: I had to raise the Wave input (aside of the master and pcm outputs).04:01
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ranunculoidosh_: I put suse on it one day when I was bored, that'sd mean there's lvm volumes on it right?04:01
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abattoirPupeno_: oh, then try upgrading your kernel, if it is not the latest, sometime there should be a fix for it04:02
insanekaneluc45: be back soon04:02
luc45insanekane: ok04:02
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cristianohello again04:03
doppelganger_whoops, back04:03
cristianoguys it looks like dmix suddenly isn't working anymore, anyone experienced this problem?04:03
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doppelganger_hate being at work =\04:03
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doppelganger_ok, so the "start" button is called kmenu?04:03
osh_ranunculoid: sorry, can't tell. Havent' tried suse.04:03
abattoirdoppelganger_: no, the icon for it is kmenu.png04:04
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doppelganger_oh ok04:04
abattoirdoppelganger_: look at the folders where you could try replacing it04:04
ranunculoidosh_: evms is installed. I just apt-got it. How do I launch it? "evms" or "evms-gui" return "command not found"04:04
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doppelganger_ok, see what i had done was download kbfx last night...04:04
doppelganger_it was terrible..04:04
doppelganger_gave me a start button that wouldn't give me my old start button's functionality04:05
abattoirdoppelganger_: you can remove it if you want04:05
abattoirdoppelganger_: 'sudo apt-get remove kbfx' or through adept04:05
doppelganger_the "kmenu" option in kbfx wouldn't work, but the two others would (but were ugly as sin)04:05
osh_ranunculoid: try sudo pvdisplay, lvdisplay or vgdisplay? got any of those and you might not be SOL.04:05
doppelganger_so i guess i'll just try and replace it's png then04:05
abattoirdoppelganger_: :)04:05
doppelganger_may i ask one more taskbar related question?04:06
doppelganger_tiny one04:06
Aji-Dahakajeje, doppelganger_ ... that's much wittier than doppelganger04:06
abattoirdoppelganger_: sure04:06
=== Aji-Dahaka likes it
ranunculoid/msg osh_04:06
ranunculoideamon@eamon-desktop:~$ sudo pvdisplay04:06
ranunculoideamon@eamon-desktop:~$ sudo lvdisplay04:06
ranunculoid  No volume groups found04:06
ranunculoideamon@eamon-desktop:~$ sudo vgdisplay04:07
ranunculoid  No volume groups found04:07
abattoirdoppelganger_: be aware that there are different sizes for kmenu.png, make sure you either try replacing all, or for the size you want04:07
doppelganger_ok...  so i also changed whole taskbar color to black last night using that kbfx app04:07
doppelganger_but now..04:07
abattoirdoppelganger_: it would also be wise to rename the old one as kmenu.png.old, so you could use it later, if you want04:07
doppelganger_any open windows' text is also black04:07
abattoirdoppelganger_: window title?04:07
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teknoprephow do i set the suid on a program04:08
teknoprepto root so a normal user runs it as root04:08
teknoprepsmbmnt is what i want to do this on04:08
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Aji-Dahakaman chmod04:09
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Aji-Dahakathough you may want to use sudo instead04:09
teknoprepnaw i didn't want to use sudo instead04:10
teknoprepif i wanted to use sudo04:10
teknoprepi would have used it04:10
osh_ranunculoid: no physical volume groups. then I don't think I can help you. sorry. I suspect you'll have to recreate your home-dir as a lvm, but that'll destroy the data. :-/04:10
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=== Aji-Dahaka really recommends sudo for most things instead
Aji-Dahakabut chmod should explain it fine04:11
teknoprepi alrady fixed it04:12
teknoprepits been awhile since i set a suid and guid04:12
teknoprepsudo can't do everything omfg04:12
teknopreplol really04:12
=== Aji-Dahaka tries to think of what sudo can't do
Aji-Dahakait can run programs as root but _with_ access control04:12
v3ctorit can't make me breakfast ;)04:12
Aji-Dahakathat's a proper superset of what suid bits can do04:13
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teknoprephow do you run smbmnt while in smb4k ?04:13
eriksonv3ctor: try sudo /cookeggs04:13
teknoprepso now while in smb4k i wanna run smbmnt04:13
=== Aji-Dahaka has no idea what smb4k is
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teknoprepyes now stop it04:13
teknoprepit can't do everything04:13
Aji-Dahakasure it can04:14
teknoprepi don't wnat to run smb4k as root04:14
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v3ctorsudo: /cookeggs: command not found04:14
teknoprepi want to run it as the user i am logged in as04:14
erikson:) sorry04:14
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Aji-Dahakaoh, that smb4k04:15
Aji-Dahakathen yeah, you can run it with sudo04:15
Aji-Dahaka(might be on their faqs section)04:15
teknoprepi don't want to run smb4k with sudo you moron04:15
teknoprepsmbmnt is a prgram that is run when you mount something from inside of smb4k04:15
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Aji-DahakaI rather meant the program can run with sudo04:15
Aji-Dahakait was a feature addition at some point04:16
Aji-Dahakawent through my mailbox at least04:16
Aji-Dahakathey have sudo support04:16
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doppelganger_sorry, back again...  (UGH WORK)04:16
Aji-Dahakawas quite a while ago, though, that they added it04:16
Aji-Dahakaso maybe it's no longer on the release docs, not too sure04:17
doppelganger_so yeah, on my taskbar, now that i have it all black....   any fonts on the thing are black as well04:17
Aji-Dahakamight have been *ponder* .5.0 or so04:17
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Aji-Dahakakde-apps shows them having at least a .7.1 out04:17
Aji-Dahakaoops, nope ... still in their release notes04:17
doppelganger_any open windows' fonts on the taskbar are black and i can't see them for anything. I tried looking in "fonts"... but i don't see where to change taskbar colors04:17
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doppelganger_*taskbar FONT colors04:18
h3sp4wnAnyone still have the progressive techno radio station stream still in their cool streams in amarok ?04:18
teknoprepAji-Dahaka: it only says mount and umount as sudo.. not smbmnt04:18
teknoprepbut like i said... sudo can't do everything04:18
doppelganger_whoa, hey aegean, must've missed ya when i was away04:18
teknoprepnot unless the programmer specificly puts support for sudo into the app04:19
teknoprepsuid works no matter what04:19
Aji-Dahakabut with no access control at all unless you have ACL suid04:20
h3sp4wnWhen does sudo not work ? Other than web interfaces and gui stuff ?04:20
Aji-Dahaka(not sure if that exists in linux)04:20
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v3ctorAji-Dahaka: yes it does04:20
v3ctorwas thinking somehting else04:20
Aji-DahakaI really should play with linux ACLs someday04:20
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h3sp4wnselinux has better support for acl's04:20
Aji-Dahakah3sp4wn: kernel patches?04:21
teknoprepAji-Dahaka: yeah i just checked my settings to04:21
teknoprepAji-Dahaka: so yeah suid is the way to go04:21
BlankBh3sp4wn: when you need to run a gui thingy with su you can use: kdesu04:22
h3sp4wnBlankB: I know04:22
BlankBh3sp4wn: gotcha.04:22
h3sp4wnBlankB: But I never do (don't think gui stuff should ever be run as root)04:22
BlankBh3sp4wn: the only thing i can think of would be system settings.04:23
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h3sp4wnBlankB: That allows you to switch to administrator mode anyway though doesn't it (maybe using kdesu underneath but I don't know)04:24
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BlankBh3sp4wn: that is correct.04:25
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Pupeno_Kontact crashed and about 15 mails dissapeared from my imap inbox :(  and efectively, accessing it with Thunderbird shows no mail there. If somebody has any idea how to get those mails back, I'll be thankfull.04:29
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h3sp4wnPupeno_: With imap your mail should still be on the server04:30
Pupeno_h3sp4wn: it seems Kontact managed to delete them from the server, Thunderbird shows no mail there.04:31
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ranunculoidIf I add another line to fstab that points to /home will that merge the two partitions pointing there?04:32
ranunculoidprobably not...04:33
h3sp4wnPupeno_: I don't understand how that could happen sorry04:33
Pupeno_ranunculoid: no, it won't.04:33
h3sp4wnranunculoid: You may want to investigate using unionfs04:34
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ranunculoidh3sp4wn: unionfs isn't in apt-get:-(04:35
h3sp4wnranunculoid: You need to find out what it is and understand how to use it (search google)04:36
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Aji-Dahakaunionfs isn't in apt-get:-( <-- jeje04:37
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ranunculoidh3sp4wn: Thanks04:38
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ranunculoidAji-Dahaka: What are you laughing at;-)04:38
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=== Aji-Dahaka gets back to reading "conduct guidelines"
Aji-Dahakaranunculoid: nothing ... ;)04:41
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ranunculoidunionfs has different versions for different kernels - how can I tell which kernel I have?04:42
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nik*grml* "make" not installed?04:42
Pupeno_ranunculoid: uname -a04:43
h3sp4wnnik: Install build-essential04:43
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serenitynik: sudp apt-get install build-essiantial(s,) i am not sure about the s04:43
v3ctoruname -r04:43
h3sp4wnranunculoid: The modules should already be in the standard kubuntu kernel04:44
serenitybut there aren't04:44
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v3ctorit is on mine04:44
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serenitySysinfo for 'beyond-serenity': Linux 2.6.15-26-386 running KDE 3.5.2, CPU: Pentium III (Coppermine) at 864 MHz (1729 bogomips), HD: 53/110GB, RAM: 405/503MB, 86 proc's, 1.2h up04:45
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h3sp4wnserenity: infobash is a bit better than sysinfo in my oppinion04:48
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serenityh3sp4wn: infobash?04:49
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h3sp4wnserenity: http://rebelhomicide.demon.nl/#infobash04:50
h3sp4wnCPU[AMD Athlon XP 2600+ clocked at 1913.231 Mhz]   Kernel[Linux i686]   Up[-4:14-]   Mem[-910.207/1003.56MB-]   HDD[-121GB(17%used)-]   Procs[-122-]   Client[Konversation 0.19] 04:52
h3sp4wnserenity: if you run it with -v you get even more stuff04:52
serenityh3sp4wn: sounds nice04:52
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ubotuI know nothing about fart - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com05:04
ubotuI know nothing about yum - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com05:05
Hawkwindcoma: STOP!05:05
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource05:05
HawkwindYou were told that yesterday05:06
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:06
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage05:06
Lynourecoma: so you can access it other ways too, and not flood the channel05:07
HawkwindHe was told that several times yesterday as well.  Yet he continues to play with the bot in the channel05:07
comai cant /msg05:08
Hawkwindh3sp4wn: I just downloaded that infobash script.  That's a pretty nice script05:08
Hawkwindcoma: Register your nick and you can05:08
comahow do i do that?05:08
Hawkwindcoma: /msg nickserv help05:08
nalioth!bot abuse05:09
ubotuPlease don't play with the bots, or else... Also see !behaviour and !msgthebot05:09
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coma!/msg nickserv help05:11
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ubotuI know nothing about /msg nickserv help - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com05:11
Hawkwindcoma: Leave off the !   just:  /msg nickserv help05:11
coma: /msg nickserv help05:11
v3ctor /msg nickserv help register05:12
v3ctorto be more specific05:12
HawkwindWow, it's truly not rocket science :P05:12
abattoircoma: you know the debian-bots are more fun, please go there05:12
v3ctoreww...keep that science voodoo away from me05:12
abattoircoma: if you go on doing this, you are going to get kicked and/or banned.05:13
camilohi, anyone using the lastest kubuntu 1.4.1 packages ??05:13
abattoircamilo: you mean amarok?05:13
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comawhat im not doing anything wrong?05:13
camiloyeah, I mean amarok...05:14
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h3sp4wncamilo: I am yes (and the progressive techno radio stream seems have been lost :/)05:14
eriksonv3ctor: the easyubuntu worked well, i am now able to play dvds in mplayer05:14
abattoircoma: 1. playing w/ bots is not encouraged in this channel 2. it is a 'family' channel05:14
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boardomIs there any particular reason why CPAN is completely unable to make in 6.06?05:14
camiloyeah but now you've the last.fm radio streaming ;)....05:15
coma...i stopped playing ages ago and i havnt said anything uncouth?05:15
h3sp4wnboardom: It takes alot of messing around (and you end up with load of stuff in /usr/local)05:15
camilodo you know if the pacakages are being built with libnjb (creative nomad) support?05:15
abattoircoma: please stop it, you have been warned 3~4 times, thank you :)05:15
h3sp4wnboardom: Thats why I think perl should not be in the base system05:15
boardomh3sp4wn: solution being?05:15
boardomh3sp4wn: i'm losing my mind, no gcc, no make, nothing of any actual use05:16
h3sp4wnboardom: I can't remember - but I did get it working (now using edgy which has perl 5.8.8)05:16
naliothcoma: please don't fish for factoids in here, you may search the URL the bot gives you05:16
boardomis it perl 5.8.7 that's broekn? or just the kubuntu implementation of it05:16
h3sp4wnboardom: Install build-essential and you get make gcc and kernel headers05:16
boardomcause this is oolish05:16
comaabattoir: i stoppped ages ago and havnt said anything unclean.....sorry05:17
h3sp4wnboardcom: cpan requires the latest stable of version of perl to work properly05:17
boardomhrmm... so i'd need to edit the repos in adept, to edgy?05:17
boardomin order to get the update05:17
boardomi'm so used to perl being easy.. hah05:18
abattoircoma: i understand, but lots of people come here for help, their messages might get lost amidst the spam... you can always play at #ubuntu-bots / #debian-bots, as long as you dont get kicked there ;)05:18
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grizzlyI did "enlightenment --replace" , now enlightenment talks about editing a few startup files. But which one are they?05:19
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boardomh3sp4wn: it was the headers i think... works fine now with 5.8.7perl05:19
boardomis there any particular logic for not including build-essential in the main install?05:19
boardomor at least making it a bit more.... apparent that you're installing a crippled system05:20
h3sp4wnboardom: Try installing the ssh perl modules or something and you will end up with loads of stuff in /usr/local05:20
ranunculoidGuys how do I format a drive in ext3 from the command line? I fucked up my drive and it's complaining about bad superblock inode magic.05:20
boardomh3sp4wn: agreed.. cpan is a load of junk, but I don't see perl modules in adept like I would normally install them in FreeBSD, so i'll use what i have05:20
charlie5hello ... any idea's how i can make a smart boot manager (or grub or lilo) floppy which boots the Kubu install disk, without any keyboard/mouse interaction ?05:21
h3sp4wnboardom: cpan works perfectly if you have the latest version of perl05:21
ranunculoidI was using fdisk but that only writes the partition table. What do I use to actually format the drive in ext3?05:22
camiloto format from the command line you can use mkfs05:22
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comawhatever you do dont ask ubotu05:22
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Distro^Junkiewho does the packaging of amarok ?05:28
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ranunculoidI  added this line "/dev/hda4       /home/eamon/Movies           ext3    defaults        0       2" to fstab but when I navigate to the mount point it tells me only root can write to it. I dont understand, it's inside my home folder... How can I get it to work?05:30
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HobbseeDistro^Junkie: ah, kubuntu developers, kde developers?  why do you ask?05:30
jpatrickDistro^Junkie: cos he didn't know05:31
jpatrickoh that was for Hobbsee05:31
Hobbseejpatrick: bleh.  get merging :P05:31
jpatrickHobbsee: there is nothing to merge05:32
Hobbseejpatrick: ahem.  there are still over 300 packages to merge.05:32
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teknoprepbunch of noobs05:33
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teknoprepall of you05:33
nixternalhahah Hobbsee05:33
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jpatrickHobbsee: oh, I was looking at the outstanding list..05:33
nixternaleverybody is a noob, even you05:33
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ubuntukann mir jemand kurz helfen Kubuntu zu installieren?05:33
Hobbseejpatrick: yeah, they just made up "outstanding"05:33
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de05:33
tom-BarI have lost this file sources.list.plz send me05:34
ubuntu/join #kubuntu-de05:34
Hobbsee!repos > tom-Bar05:34
Distro^JunkieThe following NEW packages will be installed... libexscalibar1 <--- amarok no longer uses this as it was gfor moodbar and its no longer maintained05:34
nixternalinteresting Hobbsee,05:34
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HobbseeDistro^Junkie: ahh...yes...they axed the moodbar, didnt they?05:34
tom-Barubuntu: why #kubuntu-de?05:34
Distro^Junkieyep they did05:34
nixternalhe either spammed it, or hit space by mistake05:34
Hobbseehit space, most likely05:35
teknoprepwtf is the any key05:35
teknoprepi can't find it05:35
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teknoprepwhats so funny?05:36
HobbseeDistro^Junkie: this is dapper?  which repo were you grabbing the packagse from?  kubuntu.org?05:36
osiristhat means press any key.  as in it dont matter what key05:37
jpatrickHobbsee: aww, all the kde packs there are boring05:37
Distro^Junkiesorry I realized after I grapped the wrong repo05:37
teknoprepi got someone to answer me05:37
HobbseeDistro^Junkie: ah :)05:37
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Hobbseenixternal: :P05:39
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nixternalmy IRC tabs in konvo got bigger, so i know what happened ;)05:39
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ajayhello people!05:41
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v3ctorhello ajay05:42
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jpatrickSnake: Tu05:43
ajayhi v3ctor05:43
ajayhi Snake05:43
Snakejpatrick: whats goin down dawg05:44
jpatrickSnake: not alot05:44
eriksonhi ajay, Snake, jpatrick05:44
Snakesweet sweet05:44
Snakehi #kubuntu05:44
SnakeThere that covers everyone05:44
eriksonSnake <---lazy05:44
Snakeerikson: You know it :)05:45
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Snakeim the kinda guy who rm -r *.jpg instead of deleting every one by hand ya kno05:45
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eriksongonna try burning a video as soon as it DLs...that will be the test whether i keep kubuntu or not05:46
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eriksonso far kubuntu seems to be the mosy complete linux distro I've used , program and support wise :)05:47
ajayerikson: yup05:48
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jpatrickSnake: but then again you like doing "sudo rm -rf /"05:48
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eriksonI tried pclinuxos and it was really error prone ...especially synaptic,... and wasn't compatible with some of my hardware , and the ppl in the support chat had  attitude05:49
Snakejpatrick: And I lloved every minute of it :P05:50
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Snakeerikson: make sure you use K3B :)05:50
Snake<3<3<3 that program05:50
eriksonyup ,will do Snake05:50
ajayerikson: why what happened?05:50
ajaypclos is not that bad05:51
ajayespecially the mini edition05:51
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Snakepclos has one feature that absoultly rocks my sox.05:51
SnakeThe build live CD05:51
ajaySnake: :)05:51
=== ubuntu is now known as MMore
SnakeI LOVE that05:51
eriksonI tried the 8500up vers , since my vid card is an elcheapo onboard ati xpress 20005:51
teknoprepman i notice alot of bugs with KDE05:52
teknoprepshit just crashes for no reason05:52
teknoprepgnome does not do this crap05:52
eriksonwell all their distros are live cds now anyway05:52
Snakeajay: given what your saying about pclos, I presume you know your way around the distro?05:52
Snaketeknoprep: then go back to gnome? :)05:52
teknoprepcan i just install gnome on kubuntu?05:53
ajaywell guys i have tried all the distro on the distrowatch list05:53
ajayand have been using linux for 5 yrs05:53
teknoprepwhat sudo apt-get install gnome ?05:53
Snaketeknoprep: sudo apt-get install gnome-core05:53
teknoprepor is there a way to get ubuntu-desktop05:53
Hobbseesudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:53
SnakeYou could get sudo apt-get installubuntu-desktop05:53
ajaySnake: yup i know my way :)05:53
Snakeas well05:53
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eriksonsame here ajay but I still consider myself a linux noob in many ways05:54
ajayerikson: yeah true05:54
teknoprepThe following packages have unmet dependencies:05:54
teknoprep  ubuntu-desktop: Depends: libglib2.0-data but it is not going to be installe05:54
ajayerikson: i had been using gentoo for 3 yrs :)05:54
teknoprepnon linux noob05:54
ajaybtw i am still 16 ;)05:54
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teknoprepi am a linux desktop nubcake05:54
Snakeajay: Have you ever seen like, an OS that has the mklivecd function, but is completly stripped like, to the bone? I want to make my own specialize live CDs, and the closest I could get to a stripped one was the amarok live :(05:54
ajayteknoprep: lol05:54
teknoprepi never used a gui on linux before05:54
Snakeajay: I just want it to be like default KDE, and drivers, pretty much05:55
eriksonooooh gentoo... I heard horror stories about gentoo install procedure05:55
ajaySnake: well pclos mini is that only05:55
teknoprepgentoo OWNS05:55
teknoprepjust takes a bit to install05:55
ajayerikson: its all crap . gentoo rocks05:55
Snakegentoos okau05:55
h3sp4wnSnake: There is one for making custom debian based distro's05:55
teknoprepplus you only have horror storries if you are a complete idiot and can't read the install manual05:55
teknoprepwhich is easy as hell05:55
ajaywell guys btw i wanted to sahre something05:55
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Snakeh3sp4wn: what is it? Ive been looking for it05:55
v3ctorteknoprep: or when you try to install it on sparc system05:55
teknoprepso ifyou have horror stories or are talking to a person with them.. they are a complete idiot and you shouldn't listen to them anymore05:56
teknoprepsparc LOL05:56
eriksonrocks ajay , how ?05:56
ajayi and 3 other guys are making a distro that will showcase every spaking new techonology from linux world like grid, cluster, ltsp and stuff05:56
teknoprepyeah i'll stick to my x86 systems05:56
ajayanyone interestedto participate05:56
teknoprepi work for a bank and we don't use anything but x8605:56
teknoprepand mainframe05:56
jpatrickerikson: so you've gone from football to linux? cool05:56
ajayerikson: every way, u can make it the way u want05:56
v3ctori prefer the tried and true 64bit systems05:56
teknoprep64bit isn't tried and true05:56
ajayno one for my proposal?05:56
Snakeajay: If I knew linux better I would help :)05:57
v3ctorbeen used in production systems since like 9305:57
Snakeajay: but atm im pretty worthless :P05:57
h3sp4wnSnake: I will try and find it again05:57
teknoprepajay what do you want?05:57
ajaySnake: well man u will learn a lot while making it ;)05:57
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ajayteknoprep: scroll up buddy!05:57
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Snakev3ctor: if 64 bit is tried and true, what is x86??05:57
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ajayteknoprep: no scroll up or particiapte no?05:57
v3ctorx86 is for desktop toys05:58
teknoprepwhy make a linux distro?05:58
teknoprepwhat is your core going to be?05:58
teknoprepredhat? debian?05:58
ajayteknoprep: debian or gentoo05:58
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teknoprepplus linux clustering sucks05:58
teknoprepsolaris and bsd have better cluster solutions05:58
=== v3ctor is a solaris guy
Snakebsd *twitch*05:58
teknoprepbsd OWNS YOU05:58
eriksonv3ctor: I tried the dapper 64 bit version ...lotta stuff won't work on it , so I switched to the 32 bit and so far all the progs that were giving me trouble are working very well '05:58
teknoprepas a server you can't beat it05:58
h3sp4wnNot really there are plenty of high performance linux based clusters05:59
teknoprepespecially obsd05:59
Snaketeknoprep: indeed it does, I couldnt even get FreeBSD To install, and this coming from a guy who got gento to work :P05:59
teknoprepok i want you to load balance 2 firewalls with iptables05:59
v3ctorerikson: sorry...don't confuse 64bit systems with the sorry intel-based stuff that has recently come out05:59
teknoprepgo ahead .. doit for free with open source05:59
afm\coloteknoprep: oh really? that's why all the ppl i know use linux-ha and drbd and stuff for clustering, right? :>05:59
afm\coloin fields where they LIKE going proprietary05:59
afm\colobut can't do with GNU/Linux05:59
teknoprepafm\colo: exactly05:59
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teknoprepafm\colo: you can't use any opensource technology to cluster 2 linux iptables firewalls06:00
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teknoprepthere is nothing to sync up the connection tracking tables06:00
erikson v3ctor, AMD64 CPU here , so I tried dapper 64 bit thinking it would run better ...I was wrong06:00
=== h3sp4wn wants to buy a sun desktop (but I don't know whether $7000 is worth it)
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teknoprepno with PF you can use PFSYNC06:00
teknoprepcarp even06:00
teknoprepbang you have load balancing firewalls06:00
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v3ctorerikson: real chip makers have t least 10 years more 64bit experience than  intel/amd06:01
v3ctorh3sp4wn: you can get them much cheaper than that06:01
afm\colov3ctor: oh please, Intel is the single most important "chipmaker" in the world06:01
h3sp4wnv3ctor: I want 2 dual core opterons06:01
teknoprepafm\colo: thats like saying... microsoft is the single most important software developer becuase the produce the most software06:02
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eriksonv3ctor: whaddya mean?06:02
teknoprepafm\colo: intel is the most important becuase they make the chips?06:02
v3ctorafm\colo: if that is true then why do the most important servers in the wolrd not use thier chips :p06:02
h3sp4wnv3ctor: Should last me ten years (with sun's build quality which I like)06:02
teknoprepafm\colo: yeah ok06:02
ajaygus tell me a link to paste text06:02
ajaypastebin sucks06:02
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v3ctori want  the 8 core niagra chip06:02
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teknoprepafm\colo: actually MainFrame has been doing it better and longer then any of these companies06:02
afm\colov3ctor: if you'd actually take a look at market share for enterprise grade computing06:02
teknoprepafm\colo: 99% of the banks all over the world don't trust Intel / MS / Unix... they trust MainFrame06:02
afm\coloyou'd notice that intel has the lead there as well06:02
afm\coloAMD is catching up06:03
teknoprepafm\colo: take your statement and shove it now , ok?06:03
ajayany link to paste text06:03
v3ctorafm\colo: they don't count real chips in that survey then06:03
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:03
h3sp4wnteknoprep: The only bank I have ever worked for was nearly all sun06:03
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h3sp4wnv3ctor: And sybase06:03
afm\coloteknoprep: mainframe computing is a whole different field of operation than "ordinary" computing stuff06:03
teknopreph3sp4wn: what bank?06:03
teknopreph3sp4wn: and they probably ran mini-mainframe which runs on solaris06:04
eriksonwhat's solaris like , anyone here everused it ?06:04
v3ctori use it daily06:04
v3ctorit is awsome06:04
afm\coloi've used SunOS 5.806:04
teknopreperikson: it owns.. get opensolaris to try it out06:04
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afm\colothe userland just sucks06:05
afm\cologimme GNu any time06:05
v3ctor8 sucked for user06:05
teknoprepafm\colo:  not if you are used to it06:05
v3ctor9 and higher are much better for useland06:05
ajaycteknoprep: got pm?06:05
eriksoncan I put it on a seperate partition, with linux and windows ?06:05
v3ctor9 has a large set of GNu tools06:06
teknoprepyeah wtf?06:06
teknoprepSTOP IT06:06
teknoprepomfg wtf06:06
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ajaycteknoprep: stop wat i pasted the whole thing :)06:06
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teknoprepyou pasted it twice lol06:08
SkrotAnyone know of a good (k)ubuntu dualhead howto?06:08
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ajaycanyone wanna read the philosophy of the distro i am making?06:09
teknoprepits pretty much self explantory06:09
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teknoprepgoto system settings06:09
teknoprepclick display06:09
teknoprepenter adminitor mode06:10
teknoprepand doit06:10
teknoprepits in the hardware section06:10
=== Cntryboy [n=cd@host-216-78-30-13.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
Cntryboylast night I compiled f4l, does it put the binary file in the bin folder with in the folders I first gzip2 the file to?06:13
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teknoprepthis sucks06:14
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teknoprepi can't install ubuntu-desktop06:14
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teknoprepThe following packages have unmet dependencies:06:14
teknoprep  ubuntu-desktop: Depends: libglib2.0-data but it is not going to be installed06:14
corinabattoir or crimsun?  anybody here?06:14
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richardh_Hi...anyone else have problems with cdrecord within K3b on dapper?06:16
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teknoprepk3b owns06:17
teknoprephow the f do i install ubuntu-desktop?06:18
richardh_I used the setup program to distrbute the necessary rights, but cdrecord still doesn't allow me to burn06:18
teknoprepi am in kubuntu06:18
ColonelKernelinsert livecd,06:18
ColonelKernelclick the install icon on desktop06:18
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ColonelKerneldid that help teknoprep?06:19
CntryboyAnyone ever use f4l?06:19
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@53d827fe.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #kubuntu
Hawkwindteknoprep: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop06:19
ColonelKernelor that :D06:20
abattoirColonelKernel: sound works?06:20
ColonelKernelnot even a bloop06:20
=== MetaMorfoziS re
abattoirColonelKernel: open up kmix again06:20
ColonelKernelits open06:20
abattoirColonelKernel: someone was here earlier today; when he enabled input options, his sound started working...06:21
ColonelKerneli ok all of them?06:21
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abattoirColonelKernel: make sure all the light in all the tabs are on, and the sliders are full ;)06:21
ColonelKernelit won't let me! when i click "CD" line is not lighted06:21
ColonelKernelwait red or green lights06:22
abattoirred is generally for recording(input) green is when the input is played out in your speakers..06:22
ColonelKernelok. all are enabled and turned up06:23
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abattoirColonelKernel: try playing something 'aplay /usr/share/sounds/KDE*.wav'06:23
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ColonelKernelattempted, no sound :(06:24
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qwertybobcan i change my processor to amd 64 and still run my kubuntu32 installed?06:25
boardomAssuming for the second i'm an idiot... how would I go about getting the most recent version of clamav (is there an unstable repos)?06:25
ColonelKernelshould be able to, as 32 is compatible with 64 bit processor...06:25
SikonI'm running kubuntu-i386 on an Athlon 64 riht now06:25
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ColonelKernelabattoir: what now?06:26
abattoirColonelKernel: ok, i've run out of ideas... maybe time to experiment...06:26
ColonelKerneloh goody...06:26
qwertybobSikon: great, maybe you can help me, My nvidia seems to no longer work now, vesa does not at all06:26
ColonelKernelanything :D06:26
Sikonqwertybob> did you install the proprietary NVIDIA driver?06:26
abattoirColonelKernel: aah, ok...in the output tab, switch everything off, then switch only wave one, see if it plays06:26
qwertybobSikon: somehwow the new mobo and chip casued some problem06:26
Hawkwindboardom: If you have multiverse and universe listed as sources, then sudo apt-get install clamav will get you the latest version06:26
ColonelKernelnot master right?06:27
abattoirColonelKernel: then switch on master... see if it plays06:27
Sikonmy problem is, I installed Xgl/Compiz and it works fine, but the Show Desktop button no longer works06:27
abattoirColonelKernel: yes, first06:27
qwertybobSikon: everything was working when i had the old mobo with amd 3206:27
Sikon(I use compiz-gnome with KDE because compiz-kde doesn't work properly)06:27
boardomHawkwind: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse06:27
ColonelKerneli don't see wave06:27
boardomHawkwind: so that should get me most recent ver?06:27
abattoirColonelKernel: try experimenting, switch one off, swith the other on... sorry might just be a wild-goose chase06:27
abattoirColonelKernel: brb, dinner :)06:28
ColonelKerneli'll give it s go06:28
qwertybobSikon: i tried reconfigure x dpkg06:28
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teknoprepanyone on the idea06:28
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teknoprepwhy can't i install ubuntu-desktop06:28
teknoprepi have a dependicy error06:28
qwertybobSikon: should i boot into rescue mode maybe06:28
qwertybobim running zenwalk live just now06:28
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Sikonqwertybob> what exactly doesn't work? does X start at all?06:29
qwertybobSikon: it starts but there are big white spaces, cant see well06:30
Sikonare you starting pure X or GNOME/KDE?06:30
qwertybobSikon: changing to vesa, gives no screens found06:30
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Sikonand can I have a screenshot?06:30
anders_how do i install: GEDIT ?06:30
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Sikonthe driver in xorg.conf is currently "nvidia"?06:31
qwertybobSikon: im starting kde,06:31
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fre1anders_: try 'sudo apt-get install gedit' in a terminal06:31
qwertybobsorry not sure if your talking to me06:31
Sikonqwertybob> yes, to you06:31
Sikonyou say you tried to change the driver to vesa, but what was it before?06:32
qwertybobSikon: im in zenlive casue i cant work in kubutu06:32
qwertybobSikon: before it was nvidia all worked on 6600 gt06:32
Sikontry changing it to nv06:32
ColonelKernel!info wolfenstein06:32
ubotuPackage wolfenstein does not exist in dapper06:32
ColonelKernel!info wolfenstein-enemy-territory06:32
ubotuPackage wolfenstein-enemy-territory does not exist in dapper06:32
Sikonit's a built-in X driver with no hardware acceleration06:32
anders_fre1: it still not work06:32
qwertybobSikon: i did that , no screens found, its the same as vesa06:32
Sikoncan you photo the screen with the "big white spaces"?06:33
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qwertybobSikon: im thinking of reinstalling the nvidia stuff06:33
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qwertybobSikon: i changed the mobo and the cpu to a  AMD sempron 6406:34
fre1q. is there a faq explaining how to get help ? like providing information. describing the problem with precision and accuracy as much as possible, etc.. ?06:34
Sikonyes, you can try reinstalling the NVIDIA driver06:34
qwertybobSikon: thanks anyway, im going to rescue mode, reinstall everything graphic, reconfigure06:34
fre1something i could point people when they tell me 'it doesnt work' and nothing more :)06:34
Sikonrescue mode?06:35
fre1anders_: providing more info would help you getting more help06:35
qwertybobSikon: in kubuntu yes06:35
Sikonmeh, why can't you just switch to a console and kill X?06:35
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qwertybobSikon: i can do that i guess06:35
anders_I just did the update06:35
qwertybobjust want to be sure its clean06:35
anders_but when i shall download gedit it says06:35
anders_E: Unable to lock the download directory06:35
Sikondid you run it as root?06:36
Sikonsudo, I mean06:36
Sikonhmm, strange06:36
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ColonelKernelis a .run file an installer in linux?06:36
anders_ops (a) i had a synaptic :O06:36
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claudio_a tutti06:38
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!06:39
teknoprepdoes anyone else have this problem.. where they can't install apt-get install ubuntu-desktop06:39
ColonelKernelnope... i just have no bloody sound06:40
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teknoprepis there like a deny list for apt-get ?06:40
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teknoprepdpkg -l libglib*06:42
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teknoprepun  libglib2.0-data    <none>             (no description available)06:42
teknoprepwtf is the un?06:42
gnomefreaknot installed )man dpkg)06:42
gnomefreak(man dpkg)06:42
gnomefreakteknoprep: install it06:43
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teknoprepThe following packages have unmet dependencies:06:43
teknoprep  libglib2.0-data: Depends: libglib2.0-0 (= 2.10.2-1ubuntu3) but 2.10.3-0ubuntu1 is to be installed06:43
gnomefreakteknoprep: sudo apt-get -f install   <<< type that only06:43
teknoprepnothing fixed06:44
gnomefreakteknoprep: what does uname -r say06:44
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gnomefreakteknoprep: get the lib from packages.ubuntu.com06:46
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ColonelKernelabattoir: back yet?06:46
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ColonelKernelanyone tell me how to install a .run file? all it does is open up in Kate06:47
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Chousukerun it with sh06:47
Chousukein terminal06:47
Chousuke"sh whatever.run"06:48
ColonelKernelwith the directory?06:48
Chousukedoesn't matter, as long as it finds the file.06:49
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ColonelKerneli got some kinda error06:49
ColonelKernelshared libraries?06:50
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teknoprepits installing06:50
ColonelKernelabattoir: back fromdinner yet?06:51
ubotuxen is a a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. It can be found at http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/xen/06:51
=== murfy [n=murfy@95.71-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #kubuntu
teknoprepwow this is an awesome fucking stream...
BlankBIs there a repo that has Xen ready to go?06:52
teknoprepjust to hook you guys up06:52
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands06:52
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de06:52
teknoprepksh even06:53
teknopreptsh even06:53
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fre1about xen, what is this 'Intel VTX hardware' they are talking about ?06:55
fre1how do you check you got this or not ?06:55
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mrbojangliehey, just curious if there are any good kde modifications (for convenience/usability etc)06:58
Admiral_proFTWi dont know if its much of a mod, but I like Katapult06:59
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ubotuamarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.1 and packages are available for Kubuntu at: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.1.php06:59
teknoprepthis is nice now06:59
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Admiral_proFTWthey released a new verison?07:00
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ColonelKernelanybody know how to fix sound on SiS SI7012?07:00
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Admiral_proFTWmrbojanglie, check out Katapult, its very useful07:01
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fre1yep good stuff07:01
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jc-dentonhi all07:05
jc-dentoncan i use xgl with kubuntu/kde?07:05
Admiral_proFTWjc-denton, i think you can07:06
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omeowI SPEEL MY DRINK07:06
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jc-dentonit will work similar to gnome07:06
jc-dentonis there a howto for it?07:07
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Admiral_proFTWI don't know, I haven't used it07:08
ColonelKernelanybody know why my sound doesn't work?07:08
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems07:08
jc-dentonis xgl realted to gnome07:08
Admiral_proFTWjc-denton, check those links out07:08
Admiral_proFTWno, its a graphical manager07:08
teknoprepif you are just using kde07:09
teknoprepwhy use all that extra crap?07:09
teknoprepjust enable composite in the xorg.conf and inside of kde07:09
Admiral_proFTWteknoprep, its eye candy07:09
ColonelKernelIf abattoir gets back, tell him i'll brb07:09
teknoprepAdmiral_proFTW: yeah but you can do all that within kde itself07:09
jc-dentoncan i play 3d games when using xgl?07:10
jc-dentonurl doe not work07:10
teknoprep http://wowpvp.hopto.org/snapshot1.png07:11
teknoprepi just setup shadows and more transparencies also07:11
teknoprepinactive windows are set to 80% transperencies07:11
jc-dentonlooks nice so far07:11
teknoprepwhile my konsole window has no border.. no menu. no tabs.. and is set to 75% active trans and 25% inactive07:11
jc-dentonwill i be able to have the same effects as on gnome?07:12
Admiral_proFTWteknoprep, that link didnt work07:12
teknoprepmoving windows are set to 25% trans07:12
teknopreptry the 2nd link07:12
jc-dentonu don't use amark07:12
eriksonhhmm iputils-tracepath won't worj for some reason .07:12
teknoprepi do07:12
teknoprepi just set it up07:12
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teknoprepbut i like xmms07:12
jc-dentoni too07:12
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jc-dentonbut amarok more07:12
teknoprepdoes amarok handle aac+ streams?07:13
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jc-dentonno ide07:13
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teknoprepit does07:13
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jarowhat does ?07:14
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denis_hey. I'm installing xmms on Kubuntu, but when i type ./configure, it gives me a bunch of errors.07:16
denis_and when i type make or smthng it doesnt recognize it as a command07:16
denis_what am i doing wrong?07:16
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centyxdenis_: why not just install the binary package?07:18
timonatorhow do i get a newer wine version with adept?07:18
eriksonor use synaptic07:18
eriksonor adept07:19
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centyxor apt-get ;)07:19
h3sp4wntimonator: There is a bleeding edgy wine repository I can't remember where it is though07:19
timonatorthe wine appdb says that someone with ubuntu 6.06 (same version as me) tested GTA: SA with wine 0.9.16, but adept nly shows version 0.9.907:19
timonatorh3sp4wn: any hints where to look for it?07:19
denis_how do i do this centryx?07:20
eriksondenis_: xmms should be easy to install with a pkg manager07:20
denis_im totally new to this. whats a package manager. hah07:20
denis_sorry im a total newb ;|07:20
centyxdenis_: click on your K menu icon, then click on add/remove programs07:20
h3sp4wntimonator: budgetdedicated is part of the name I think07:20
eriksonlookin the k-menu/system , click on "adept"07:21
centyx#deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt dapper main07:21
Admiral_proFTWa package is something you can install on your computer, like a programs, an applet (for your panel), a library, etc07:21
CntryboyI compiled f4l flash maker last night, now in the dir I tar the bz2 to and make install, there is now an executeble file name f4l, and to start it I can click on it or in term type ./f4l. Is this the binary? how can I install this to be in icon listings07:21
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Admiral_proFTWa package manager helps you install things without doing it in a terminal07:22
centyxtimonator: you get that?07:22
denis_ah I see.07:22
denis_ok i am in the adept installer thing07:22
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denis_what next?07:22
Admiral_proFTWso you aren't typinf "sudo apt-get install amarok"07:22
teknoprepfixed this crap up07:22
timonatorcentyx: thanks, got it07:22
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Admiral_proFTWdenis_, plus you can search for packages easier in a package manager07:23
denis_oki.... so i'm trying to instal xmms and im in the package manager thing.07:23
eriksondenis_: find search and type xmms07:23
denis_it says "no results"07:23
centyxonce you know how, it's really easier to do apt-cache search | grep whatever07:23
teknoprepsudo apt-get install xmms07:23
Admiral_proFTWyou need to add repositories maybe07:23
teknoprepexit out of the package manager07:23
teknoprepopen up konsole07:23
teknopreptype -> sudo apt-get install xmms07:24
teknoprepif that does not work.... sudo apt-get update07:24
teknoprepthen install xmms07:24
v3ctorteknoprep: nice07:24
Cntryboydang can't anyone help me, ive been here all morning trying to find this out07:24
eriksonwow, no xmms in adept...what distro is he using?07:24
teknoprepCntryboy: what07:24
v3ctorteknoprep: why do you have 4 virtual desktops if you only use one?07:24
centyxerikson: depends what you tell it to search in07:24
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Cntryboyteknoprep: I compiled f4l flash maker last night, now in the dir I tar the bz2 to and make install, there is now an executeble file name f4l, and to start it I can click on it or in term type ./f4l. Is this the binary? how can I install this to be in icon listings07:25
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teknopreperikson: he probably has to selct the package distrubtions to all07:25
centyxerikson: adept searches only for kde apps by default07:25
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teknoprepCntryboy: becuase i do use 2 3 and 4 for other things.. but i am not on my work vpn right now07:25
ColonelKernelabattoir: You back yet?07:25
samuliAnyone care to anwer few questions about natting?07:25
teknopreps/ Cntryboy / v3ctor07:25
samuliwhat should I put for subnetmask, gateway and other computers dns?07:26
teknoprepv3ctor:  becuase i do use 2 3 and 4 for other things.. but i am not on my work vpn right now07:26
h3sp4wnsamuli: You only should ever need to nat once (just static routes other than that)07:26
v3ctorwas talking about your screenshot07:26
ColonelKernelsamuli: yes. just click DHCP07:26
v3ctorteknoprep: cool07:26
teknoprepCntryboy: you want f4l to be an icon?07:26
samuliColonelKernel, dhcp doesn't work for me.07:26
v3ctorjust wondered07:26
ColonelKernelsamuli: is this a home lan?07:26
Admiral_proFTWerikson, might be the repositories07:26
samuliColonelKernel, yeah.07:26
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teknoprepCntryboy: what dir is f4l in?07:26
ColonelKernelsamuli: DSL?07:26
samulidhcp-server on my ubuntu-box wont start so dhcp is out.07:27
eriksonwonder if denis updated adept when he first logged on07:27
denis_now i have a question. Traditionally if there's a windows media player "plugin" in windows that loads an asx file or smthng inside the webpage07:27
ColonelKernelsamuli: aha.  that's your first problem07:27
denis_what would do that on linux? xmms07:27
Cntryboythe f4l-0.2.1 the one that I tar bz2, but its not in the tar file, just after I compiled07:27
teknoprepCntryboy: if you want help..you are going to have to type much faster then this.. i don't wait around for ppl very long07:27
timonatori want to get more space available on my ext3 filesystem by reducing the amount of reserved space. is tune2fs -m what i want?07:27
h3sp4wnsamuli: Try using dnsmasq its really easy to setup07:27
samuliColonelKernel, I don't need dhcp. I'm happy with static ip's.07:27
teknoprepCntryboy: wtf are you talking about07:27
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teknoprepCntryboy: did you install f4l or not?07:27
CntryboyI compiled it yes07:27
teknoprepCntryboy: can you run it from a terminal window or not?07:27
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Cntryboyand if I click on the exe it works07:28
ColonelKernelsamuli: then your gonna need to look on the hosting box and find all that information, i.e., the masks and DNS and all that07:28
Cntryboybut where did it install it to07:28
teknoprepCntryboy: its an exe ?07:28
MehAdultsamuli: What's your question? I have some networking experience and have been through a year of college on networking.07:28
Cntryboyits an executable file07:28
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Cntryboyblue gear07:28
teknoprepCntryboy: lol ok07:28
Admiral_proFTWdenis_, do you have the multi verse added07:28
Cntryboythat gets the program working07:28
samulih3sp4wn, thanks, but what about the gateway addresses etc. I want to know if I have them set-up right.07:28
teknoprepCntryboy: where is this blue gear at?07:28
Cntryboybut i wanna know where it installed it to07:28
denis_i have no cluse admiral07:28
Cntryboyand where the binary is07:28
teknoprepCntryboy: on your desktop ?07:28
denis_how do i check?07:28
Cntryboyin that f4l-0.2.1 folder07:28
Admiral_proFTWgo to adept07:28
Cntryboythe folder that07:28
Cntryboyi untared the files 207:28
samulih3sp4wn, do they even matter?07:28
teknoprepCntryboy: right click the blue gear and goto properties07:29
Cntryboybut it wasn't there b4 I compiled07:29
denis_ok i'm in adept07:29
ColonelKernelsamuli, how do you get the red ColonelKernel:?  I can't figure it out07:29
Cntryboyits in a bin folder07:29
h3sp4wnsamuli: Set the gateway address to the internal interface of your router (or gateway)07:29
teknoprepCntryboy: put your sentences on one line07:29
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Admiral_proFTWuh from them, go to manage reposetories07:29
Cntryboyjust says f4l07:29
denis_woah admiral i dont see anything saying "manage reposetories07:29
samulih3sp4wn, internal interface? I have ubutun with two ethernet cards and a xbox.07:30
Admiral_proFTWhold on07:30
h3sp4wnsamuli: Presumable one does to a cable modem and one to the xbox ?07:30
samulih3sp4wn, no, I have lan-connection to internet.07:31
Admiral_proFTWdenis_, on dapper?07:31
centyxwhere do you manage your repositories in kde?07:31
centyxi always edit sources.list by hand07:31
centyxbut the gui would be a good thing to know07:31
denis_i'm confused.07:31
samulih3sp4wn, my internet-card is set-up with gateway, should I put the same to the on to local network?07:31
centyxfor when ppl ask07:31
h3sp4wnsamuli: Well the external interface is the one connected to the internet the internal is the other07:32
h3sp4wnsamuli: No the local network card doesn't need a gateway07:32
Admiral_proFTWfrom the teminal07:32
h3sp4wnsamuli: I take it you have net.ipv4.conf.default.forwarding=1 (unhashed in /etc/sysctl.conf)07:32
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Admiral_proFTWdenis_, open up that link07:32
teknoprepCntryboy: ?07:32
Cntryboynm screw it07:33
Cntryboylater all07:33
Admiral_proFTWlet me know if you're having problems07:33
teknoprepCntryboy: put my name at the begging of everything you ask me07:33
centyxback to work07:33
ColonelKernelteknoprep: is there an easier way to do that?07:33
denis_ok 1 sec.07:33
steveireI can get the computer illiterate to connect to freenode through a browser without using java?07:33
teknoprepcntryboy = coutry idiot07:33
teknoprepColonelKernel: ?07:33
ColonelKernelteknoprep: like automatically?07:33
samulih3sp4wn, It's supposed to be, right?07:33
ColonelKerneltaknoprep: in red like you just did ^^07:33
teknoprepColonelKernel: type tek then hit tab07:33
h3sp4wnsamuli: post-up /sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ath0 -j MASQUERADE (you just need a line that in /etc/network/interfaces for the nat)07:33
teknopreptek then tab07:33
ColonelKerneli'm an IRC n00b07:33
ColonelKernelthank you07:33
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teknoprepthen you can hit tab to bring up my name again07:34
ColonelKernelexcellent :D07:34
teknoprepwithout anything ebcuase you are the last person07:34
teknoprepColonelKernel: see07:34
ColonelKernelteknoprep:  thank you07:34
teknoprepColonelKernel: just hit tab07:34
ColonelKernelteknoprep: i likey07:34
teknoprepColonelKernel: its easy07:34
h3sp4wnsamuli: You need that line unhashed or you can't forward packets between interfaces07:34
ColonelKernelteknoprep: lol07:34
teknoprepColonelKernel: you can also use tab completion in linux shell07:34
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage07:34
Admiral_proFTW!seen PyroMithrandir07:34
ColonelKernelteknoprep: i knew that07:34
ubotuI haven't seen PyroMithrandir recently07:34
teknoprepColonelKernel: typ ifco <tab>07:34
ColonelKernelteknoprep: handy :D07:34
teknoprepColonelKernel: yup07:34
ColonelKernelteknoprep: yeah07:34
samulishould ath0 be my external or internal interface?07:34
ColonelKernelteknoprep: can u help me maybe maybe?07:34
ColonelKernelteknoprep: with sound problem?07:34
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h3sp4wnsamuli: external07:35
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h3sp4wnsamuli: Then the xbox should use its gatway as the internal address07:35
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ColonelKernelabattoir: back?07:36
ColonelKernelcrimsun: here?07:36
Admiral_proFTWdenis_, PM me or find me in #kubuntu-offtopic07:36
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ColonelKernelteknoprep: you here?07:37
teknoprepColonelKernel: of course07:37
teknoprepColonelKernel: i never leave07:37
teknoprepColonelKernel: less my power goes out again07:38
ColonelKernelteknoprep: LoL can u help me man?07:38
teknoprepwhy doesn't glxgears give up info on fps anymore?07:38
samulih3sp4wn, you lost me at that.. It's gateway as internal address? so If my external interface is set up 195.148.254 gateway I should make that my xbox ip-address?07:38
teknoprepColonelKernel: sure07:38
ColonelKernelteknoprep: my sound doesn't work at all. hasn't on any Linux distro07:38
teknoprepColonelKernel: i feel bad for you07:38
syniehello ... is it possible to compile a program against a other lib, that is on the current machine ? i got glic 2.3 on my notebook. and i also got a mini-itx with flashcard without gcc/cc or something. so i can't compile a program on it. but there is glibc 2.2.4 on it. i tried to compile microperl on my notebook and run it on the itx-machine, but i'll get the folowing error: /usr/bin/microperl: /lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.3' not found (requir07:39
ColonelKernelteknoprep: lol07:39
ColonelKernelteknoprep: any ideas?07:39
teknoprepColonelKernel: give me root access i'l fix it07:39
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ColonelKernelteknoprep: alrighty i dunno how tho07:39
teknoprepColonelKernel: what you do07:39
ColonelKernelteknoprep: just talk me thorough it :D07:39
teknoprepColonelKernel: or just type... lspci07:39
teknoprepColonelKernel: in konsole07:39
teknoprepColonelKernel: tell me what sound card you have07:39
ColonelKernelSiS 701207:39
ColonelKerneldid that, abattoir and crimsun tried a lotta things already...07:40
h3sp4wnsamuli: I thought you wanted to use nat ? I would have the internal interface set as - xbox as (xbox gateway as leave the ubuntu machine as it is (it already has a default gateway which is working)07:40
ColonelKernelteknoprep: how do I give you root access?07:40
teknoprepyou create a user07:40
teknoprepthen add it to the sudoers list07:40
fre1synie: you can compile in static or install 2.2.4 on the box with gcc and compile on it07:40
teknoprepthen give me the info on the user07:40
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teknoprepuseradd teknoprep07:40
fre1synie: gcc likely have an option to specify the lib c to use07:40
teknoprepfollow the instructions07:40
ColonelKernelteknoprep: k wait07:40
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pygiok, who here demands help?!!07:41
ColonelKernelteknoprep: it said unable to lock password file07:41
synieah, okay, i'll have a look07:41
ColonelKernelpygi: me :D07:41
teknoprepColonelKernel: type this in07:41
teknoprepColonelKernel: sudo useradd teknoprep07:41
teknoprepColonelKernel: then just add my user to the admin group07:41
pygiColonelKernel, you can't demand help07:41
pygithat wont get you nowhere07:41
samulih3sp4wn, Ok, now I got it.07:41
ColonelKernelteknoprep: ok07:41
pygiat least in my book07:41
ColonelKernelpygi: lmao07:41
fre1ColonelKernel: just to be fair, you have to trust teknoprep to give it this root account, as he could easily crack your computer with it07:41
ColonelKernelteknoprep: now how do I add ur user to the admin group07:42
ColonelKerneli know he could07:42
samulih3sp4wn, so, I leave my xbox dns07:42
ColonelKernelnothing good on there anyway :D07:42
teknoprepColonelKernel: sudo nano /etc/group07:42
samulih3sp4wn, dns-settings unconfigured?07:42
fre1ColonelKernel: ok just wanted to make sure07:42
ColonelKernelteknoprep: ok07:42
teknoprepColonelKernel: search for admin on the left hand side07:42
ColonelKernelfre1: preciate it tho07:42
h3sp4wnsamuli: Do you not run a dns server on the ubuntu box ?07:42
teknoprepColonelKernel: should be near the bottom07:42
pygiColonelKernel, do you know who are you talking to? with people who spend their free time to help you...07:42
pygiso be shhhh07:42
samulih3sp4wn, no.07:42
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teknoprepColonelKernel: then just add ,teknoprep07:42
teknoprepColonelKernel: at the end07:42
teknoprepColonelKernel: don't forget the ,07:42
pygiColonelKernel, or you'll have to deal with me ^_^07:42
h3sp4wnsamuli: dnsmasq is just a dns forwarder (really easy to configure) I would (do) use that07:43
ColonelKernelpygi: affirmative07:43
ColonelKernelteknoprep: where do I add it?07:43
teknoprepfind admin on the left hand side of that07:43
teknoprepare you inside the group file?07:43
teknoprepsudo nano /etc/group07:43
ColonelKernelgot it07:43
ColonelKernelhow do I save07:43
teknoprepColonelKernel: then hit... ctrl + c07:43
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teknoprepColonelKernel: hit ctrl + x07:44
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samulih3sp4wn, Ok, I'll look into it. Many thanks.07:44
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ColonelKernelok its done07:44
h3sp4wnMuch safer to just use screen with 2 people attached to it07:44
teknoprepColonelKernel: y then hit enter07:44
ColonelKernelteknoprep: yes done07:44
teknoprepColonelKernel: give me your ip in a pm07:44
ColonelKernelteknoprep: how do I get that :D07:44
ColonelKernelteknoprep: i told u i was a n00b07:44
teknoprepColonelKernel: are you directly connected to the inet?07:44
teknoprepColonelKernel: or is there a router?07:44
ColonelKernelteknoprep: nope, router07:45
ColonelKernelteknoprep: DHCP07:45
TD-Linuxa /whois should do it07:45
teknoprepColonelKernel: yeah you have to forward port 22 to your linux box07:45
teknoprepColonelKernel: inside your router07:45
ColonelKernelteknoprep: hmmm.  what?07:45
teknoprepColonelKernel: yeah you suck07:45
ColonelKernelteknoprep: i'll do it...07:45
ColonelKernelteknoprep: lol07:45
ColonelKernelteknoprep: where do I go inside the router to forward that port?07:45
pygidepends which one you have07:46
pygiand please, o please, don't ever demand help07:46
ColonelKerneli wasn't man jk. u asked :D07:46
teknoprepColonelKernel: do this then07:46
ColonelKernelteknoprep: ok.07:46
teknoprepColonelKernel: in konsole07:46
pygiteknoprep, you asking root password from ColonelKernel ?07:46
teknoprepColonelKernel: lsmod | grep i81007:46
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ColonelKernelteknoprep: nothing happened07:46
teknopreptype modprobe i81007:47
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ColonelKernelteknoprep: error07:47
teknoprepColonelKernel: sudo modprobe i81007:47
abattoirColonelKernel: i'm back... sorry :(07:47
ColonelKernelteknoprep: yes then...07:47
ColonelKernelabattoir: good!07:47
teknoprepanything show up?07:47
pygiColonelKernel, may I suggest you don't give away your root password07:47
ColonelKernelteknoprep: nope07:47
ColonelKernelpygi: yessir07:47
teknoprepColonelKernel: skrew him..07:47
ColonelKernelpygi: good suggestion i'll bet07:47
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teknoprepColonelKernel: i won't jack his crap system up07:47
ColonelKernelteknoprep: w/e just fix it :D07:47
teknoprepColonelKernel: now try sound07:48
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ColonelKernelabattoir: any new ideas?07:48
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pygiteknoprep, right, I just wouldnt07:48
pygitrust first-time-see people07:48
teknopreppygi: neither would i07:48
abattoirColonelKernel: wave entry is there?07:48
h3sp4wnColonelKernel: I wouldn't give him my password either07:48
teknopreppygi: but whatever07:48
ColonelKernelabattoir: what do you mean?07:48
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ColonelKernelpygi: I'd trust abattoir tho07:48
ColonelKernelpygi: lol or you for warning me :D07:48
teknopreppygi: lol07:48
abattoirColonelKernel: you said there wasnt a slider entry in kmix for 'wave'07:48
ColonelKernelabattoir: tha't s true07:49
ColonelKernelabattoir: no entry for WAVE07:49
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fre1ColonelKernel: as you may have understood, your behaviour is perceived as dangerous for yourself by many :)07:49
teknoprepColonelKernel: how about now07:49
ColonelKernelfre1: lol i got that07:49
abattoirColonelKernel: PCM ?07:49
ColonelKernelteknoprep: what?07:49
ColonelKernelabattoir: yes there is one for that07:49
teknoprepColonelKernel: is there an entry for it now?07:49
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pygiColonelKernel, right, abattoir is to be trusted, but still nobody should get your root :P07:49
ColonelKernelteknoprep:  no07:49
ColonelKernelpygi: not even abattoir?07:49
abattoirpygi: lol :)07:49
abattoirColonelKernel: yes, noone07:50
teknoprepColonelKernel: in konsole07:50
ColonelKernelabattoir: affirmative.07:50
teknoprepColonelKernel: type alsamixer07:50
ColonelKernelteknoprep: did that07:50
teknoprepColonelKernel: and?07:50
ColonelKernelteknoprep: got a mixer duh07:50
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pygiColonelKernel, nobody who can't hack your system is not allowed to get your root password :)07:50
teknoprepColonelKernel: anything on mute?07:50
ColonelKernelpygi: LOL07:50
ColonelKernelteknoprep: i do not believe so07:50
teknoprepColonelKernel: it will say MM at the bottom07:50
teknoprepColonelKernel: of each bar07:51
ColonelKernelteknoprep: hmkm one is07:51
teknoprepColonelKernel: or a number07:51
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teknoprepColonelKernel: which one?07:51
ColonelKernelteknoprep: 3D control07:51
teknoprepColonelKernel: hmm i had a 7012 at one time.. unmute that07:51
ColonelKernelteknoprep: for some reason headphone has no number beneaath the 0007:51
ColonelKernelteknoprep: how do I unmute that07:51
teknoprepColonelKernel: that means 10007:51
teknoprepColonelKernel: it doesn't fit 100 so it says 0007:51
ColonelKernelteknoprep: ok07:51
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teknoprepoh nvm07:52
ColonelKernelteknoprep: now how do I actulaly change the volume07:52
teknoprepColonelKernel: hit M07:52
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teknoprepColonelKernel: to unmute07:52
tackathi tsdgeos07:52
teknoprepColonelKernel: then hit up or down to raise or lower07:52
ColonelKernelit's unmuted07:52
teknoprepColonelKernel: take a screen shot07:52
teknoprepColonelKernel: hit printscreen07:52
teknoprepColonelKernel: and host it somewhere so i can see it07:52
ColonelKernelIEC958 is muted07:52
ColonelKerneli hear static!!!!!07:53
ColonelKernelfrom the right channel!!!07:53
teknoprepColonelKernel: lol07:53
teknoprepColonelKernel: blow into the microphone07:53
teknoprepColonelKernel: see if you hear yourself07:53
ColonelKernelteknoprep: no07:53
ColonelKernelteknoprep: but first static in a long while07:54
teknoprepColonelKernel: lol07:54
ColonelKernelaplay didn't work tho07:54
ColonelKerneli was changing the rear jack07:54
ColonelKernelteknoprep: set now to mixer out, and i hear static07:54
abattoirColonelKernel: you have a 'Headphone' entry?07:54
ColonelKernelteknoprep: yes07:54
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ColonelKernelteknoprep: set to Headphone Amp [Rear Jack] 07:55
abattoirColonelKernel: I only have 'Master',"master mono",'PCM',"IEC...." and "PC Speaker"07:55
ColonelKernelabattoir: hmmmmm07:55
ColonelKernelabattoir: i've got loads of stuff here07:55
abattoirColonelKernel: after you are done doing what teknoprep suggests, try muting everything but headphone and wave.. see what happens07:56
fre1alsa should do an effort to simplify the volume stuff07:56
ColonelKernelabattoir: still don't see wave07:56
ColonelKernelabattoir: pretty sure07:56
abattoirColonelKernel: then PCM07:56
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:56
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ColonelKernelabattoir: btw when I clicked on on some of these things in Kmix i hear clicks07:57
ColonelKernelabattoir: if that helps07:57
abattoirColonelKernel:  i think that means the mic works... hence the sound card works07:57
ColonelKernelabattoir: hmmmm07:57
abattoirColonelKernel: chk if it is the mic07:57
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ColonelKernelabattoir: i also have speakers hooked up to the line out/headphone port07:58
abattoirColonelKernel: try making some rhythmic sounds... se if that's what you hear back07:58
ColonelKernelabattoir: no sound from there either07:58
abattoirColonelKernel: then were did the click sounds come from(not the speaker?)?07:58
ColonelKernelabattoir: headphones07:58
ColonelKernelabattoir: ah ha!07:58
ColonelKernelabattoir: i muted mic and static disspapeard07:58
ColonelKernelabattoir: although i never heard myself when I spoke into it07:58
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teknoprepwhat is the ubuntu archive page?07:59
teknoprepto search for .deb's07:59
ColonelKernelabattoir: OMG07:59
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ColonelKernelabattoir: I CAN HEAR MYSELF NOW07:59
Tommy2k4how do i stop sendmail trying to open when i boot up, ive already did apt-get remove sendmail and rm /etc/init.d/sendmail but it still tries07:59
ColonelKernelabattoir: sorry for shouting, but YES!!!07:59
abattoirteknoprep: packages.ubuntu.com07:59
abattoirColonelKernel: hmmm.. try aplay07:59
ColonelKernelabattoir: i changed the mic input jack and it WORKED07:59
ColonelKernellemme check aplay07:59
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bluesceada_hi again..08:00
ColonelKernelunable to load slave aplay: main:544: audio open erro: device or resource busy08:00
ColonelKernelabattoir: cloase aplay?08:00
ColonelKernelabattoir: cloase mixer/08:00
bluesceada_isn't it /exec -o infobash -v3 ?08:00
abattoirColonelKernel: try turning off the mic08:00
ColonelKernelabattoir: in the mixer?08:01
bluesceada_oops again wrong channel now sry08:01
abattoirColonelKernel:  yes08:01
teknoprepwhere do i get xlibs08:01
ColonelKernelabattoir: same error when I muted mic boost08:01
ColonelKernelabattoir: trying mute mic08:01
ColonelKernelabattoir: same error08:01
abattoirColonelKernel: one sec08:01
ColonelKernelabattoir: is it because the alsamixer is open?08:02
samulih3sp4wn, could check this out and see if there's anything wrong with it: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1794208:02
imbrandonteknoprep, sudo apt-get install xlibs-dev08:02
abattoirColonelKernel: i dont think so, but you can try closing it if you want08:02
ColonelKernelabattoir: ok08:02
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ColonelKernelnow it says:08:02
abattoirColonelKernel: so you see 'Headphones' in th kmix output tab?08:02
ColonelKernelabattoir: no08:03
ColonelKernelabattoir: oonly in alsamix08:03
ColonelKernelabattoir: ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c :819: (snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave08:03
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ColonelKernelabattoir: why can I hear my voice but not the WAVE stuff08:07
ColonelKernelabattoir: and why isn't there a wave entry?08:07
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abattoirColonelKernel: wave is PCM, what baffles me is why you get a headphones entry in alsamixer and not in kmix08:09
ColonelKernelabattoir: little odd yes08:09
abattoirColonelKernel: very odd, it works out of the box for me ;)08:10
ColonelKernelabattoir: so what the hell do I do?  seems like i can hear myself ok08:10
ColonelKernelabattoir: probably I did something really really stupid08:10
abattoirColonelKernel:  you have a dekstop?08:10
ColonelKernelabattoir: yes08:10
abattoirColonelKernel: i should have asked this earlier, but only one soundcard right?08:11
abattoirColonelKernel: SiS, i'd guess is internal...08:11
ColonelKernelabattoir: well, I think so.  I have a USB TV Tuner plugged that may be a pseudo soundcard08:11
ColonelKernelabattoir: unplug it?08:11
abattoirColonelKernel: do you have an external SoundBlaster or something?08:11
ColonelKernelabattoir: it's a Pinaccle PCTV Pro USB Analog08:11
abattoirColonelKernel: well, i'm not sure, but anything is worth trying08:11
ColonelKernelabattoir: ok08:11
ColonelKernelabattoir: unplugged08:12
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ColonelKernelabattoir: so before when I had no suond, aplay told me it was playing.  now it doesn't.  how do I fix that?08:12
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abattoirColonelKernel: did you try muting everything and using only headphones and pcm to control volume08:13
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abattoiri suggested that a few times, i dont know if you did it08:14
LynoureWhen I try to play some dvds in kaffeine, I get a notice saying "Audio output unavailable. Device is busy." when the actual movie starts, after the menus and such. Is there some workaround for this? I found't find any with google.08:14
ColonelKernelabattoir: when I muted master all my audio dropped out08:14
ColonelKernelabattoir: yes i tried08:14
abattoirColonelKernel: only headphones and pcm are unmuted and full right?08:14
ColonelKernelabattoir: wait.08:14
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ColonelKernelabattoir: now no static and no voice08:15
ColonelKernelabattoir: aplay yields same error08:15
abattoirColonelKernel: its just weird, cant think of anything else... did you upgrade your kernel?08:16
MrBallZany1 knows when is amarok 1.4.1 going to be in the ubuntu repositories , instead of having to add the ones stated on the webpage ... ?08:16
ColonelKernelabattoir: yes08:16
centyxoh dear. i just realized that i've upgraded to kernel 2.6.15-26 but my vmware-player-kernel-modules are still 2.6.15-25 and there's no update for them. you think those modules will work w/ the new kernel?08:16
ColonelKernelabattoir: crimsun had me do that08:16
centyxguess there's one sure way to find out08:16
abattoirColonelKernel: ok, just to confirm, 'uname -r' ?08:16
ColonelKernelabattoir: affirmative08:16
MrBallZcentyx: just re-run vmware config ... and thats it ...08:16
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centyxMrBallZ: i installed the ubuntu packages for vmware-player08:17
ColonelKernelabattoir: would a fresh installation help?08:17
ColonelKernelabattoir: shudder*08:17
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abattoirColonelKernel: 2.6.15-26 ?08:17
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abattoirColonelKernel: you have the "Desktop" live CD?08:18
KwukkiMrBallz : http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.1.php08:18
ColonelKernelabattoir: yes08:18
abattoirColonelKernel: does audio work w/ that?08:18
ColonelKernelabattoir: no08:18
newbie_can anyone help me with the configuration of dhcp08:18
ColonelKernelabattoir: i've never heard audio with any linux installation/boot08:18
centyxthe source for the modules is available tho, but I really hate messiness08:18
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abattoirColonelKernel: have you tried unmuting there?08:18
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centyxI use a binary distribution for a reason08:18
ColonelKernelabattoir: no08:18
newbie_i can't get it running08:18
ColonelKernelabattoir: why would things be muted there?08:18
abattoirColonelKernel: because i remember it being muted by default when i tried once...08:18
ColonelKernelabattoir: ohh.08:18
abattoirColonelKernel: could you boot up the live cd, and try messing w/ kmix, see any output is there?08:19
ColonelKernelabattoir: hang on.08:19
ColonelKernelabattoir: i have sound in TeamSpeak08:19
newbie_is nobody here that could help me to configure dhcp?08:19
abattoirColonelKernel: because, there was a problem w/ this audio card and linux sometime ago...08:19
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TD-LinuxHello... My HP 932C printer stopped working when I upgraded to Dapper. I uninstalled the printer via System Settings and when I try to re-add it, it says 'Could not create foomatic printer [something] .hpijs. Either the print driver  does not exist or you do not have sufficient priveleges.' System Settings is running in root mode.08:19
abattoirColonelKernel: it has been fixed for a few months now08:19
abattoirColonelKernel: it works?08:19
ColonelKernelabattoir: hmmm. i dunnol. aplay didn't but I hear my friends in TeamSpeak08:20
abattoirColonelKernel: weird, open amarok, try playing files from /usr/share/sounds08:20
ColonelKernelabattoir: k wait08:20
ColonelKernelabattoir: I heard a sound when I quit Alsmixer or w/e08:20
abattoirColonelKernel: what type of sound? a proper system sound or was it some weird beep?08:21
timonatori just installed the macromedia flash player via adept but firefox still complains about a missing plugin needed to display the site (one with a flash plugin, obviously) and the description of the flashplayer packet says it installs a plugin for mozilla based browsers08:21
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abattoirColonelKernel: i'd suggest trying amarok08:21
ColonelKernelabattoir: i did. said media not playable08:21
ColonelKernelabattoir: but i heard an error beepy thing! Very nice08:22
abattoirColonelKernel: for oggs?08:22
ColonelKernelabattoir: yeah08:22
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ColonelKernelabattoir: strange strange08:23
abattoirColonelKernel: indeed :)08:23
ColonelKernelabattoir: aplay works now08:23
ColonelKernelabattoir: i heard teh music08:23
abattoirColonelKernel: phew, finally08:24
abattoirColonelKernel: in the mixer, you have main muted?08:24
ColonelKernelabattoir: lemme check08:24
abattoirand only PCM and headphones on?08:24
ColonelKernelabattoir: no i undid all that08:24
ColonelKernelabattoir: i think08:24
abattoirColonelKernel: just check.. dont change :)08:24
ColonelKernelabattoir: ok08:24
MrBallZKwukki: yes, I saw that page, but should I just ad the repository for this ocassion and what about future updates ? ...08:24
ColonelKernelwhats the mixer in Konsole called again?08:25
abattoirColonelKernel: alsamixer08:25
ColonelKernelabattoir: should my sound driver be /dev/dsp or 8790?08:25
ColonelKernelumm now some stuff is muted and some not08:25
abattoir /dev/dsp is your sound device08:25
ColonelKernelabattoir: kinda random08:25
abattoiris master muted?08:25
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KwukkiMrBallZ : 2 options : Add the line to your sources.list or compile amarok08:25
teknoprepColonelKernel: still having problems?08:25
ColonelKernelteknoprep: makin progress08:26
abattoirColonelKernel: ok, what is muted, what isnt?08:26
abattoirColonelKernel: shouldnt be a very long list ;008:26
ColonelKernelteknoprep: actually is :D08:26
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abattoirColonelKernel: just use shorthand...08:27
abattoirso to speak08:27
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ColonelKernelunmuted: master, master mono, headphone, 3d cont, pcm, front, surround, center, LFE., linein, CD, Mic mic boost,08:27
ColonelKernelphone is muted, so Is PC Speaker, IEC958, exchange, external08:28
abattoirColonelKernel: ok, just remember that for future reference08:28
ColonelKerneland sigmatel something08:28
ColonelKernelabattoir: ok.08:28
abattoirColonelKernel: now enable mp3s in amarok, do a reboot, and see if everything works08:28
ColonelKernelabattoir: odd thing is now, i only heard the sounds when i messed with teamspeak.08:28
ColonelKernelabattoir: and how do I enable mp3s :D08:28
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abattoir!info libxine-extracodecs08:28
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB08:28
sysrplhello ... is there a way to install gtk 2.10 on dapper?08:28
abattoirColonelKernel: install that package ^^^^08:28
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ColonelKernelabattoir: mmkay.  should it be /dev/dsp1 2 3 4 5 or blank08:29
abattoirColonelKernel: which one?08:29
abattoirColonelKernel: where are you asked this?08:29
ColonelKernelabattoir: YES!!! they can hear me :D08:29
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ColonelKernelabattoir: in an app called TeamSpeak.08:30
abattoirColonelKernel: the default audio device is /dev/dsp08:30
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ColonelKernelabattoir: I think I fixed it :D08:30
abattoirColonelKernel: ok, cool :)08:30
ColonelKernelabattoir: now aplay returns old error08:30
abattoirColonelKernel: that's probably because teamspeak is blocking access to the audio device...08:31
ColonelKernelabattoir: when I select /dev/dsp i can hear Teamspeak, not sounds. when i select default network, 8780:L08:31
ColonelKernelabattoir: i hear teh music08:31
ColonelKernelabattoir: how do I stop it! :D08:31
abattoirwell, the latter seems to help, so choose that :)08:32
ColonelKernelabattoir: yes, then how do I get teamspeak to work on the default network setting?08:32
centyxwell, there's no current vmware-player-kernel-modules package out, so I guess i'll compile my own08:32
centyxmight as well compile a custom kernel while i'm at it08:33
abattoirColonelKernel: choose /dev/dsp, try with another audio player,08:33
ColonelKernelabattoir: other than konsole?08:33
centyxi haven't used make-kpkg in a couple years08:33
sysrplhello ... is there a way to install gtk 2.10 on dapper?08:33
abattoirColonelKernel: yes, other than aplay08:33
h3sp4wncentyx: Just use module assistant08:33
centyxh3sp4wn: hm ok08:34
ColonelKerneltried kaffeine08:34
ColonelKernelgot error All Audio Drivers failed to initialize08:34
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h3sp4wncodeine is much more preferable to kaffeine for me08:34
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abattoirColonelKernel: ok, what if you change the option in teamspeak?08:34
ColonelKernelabattoir: testing08:34
abattoirColonelKernel: does that error come up in kaffeine?08:34
ColonelKernelabattoir: no, but it doesn't play either08:35
centyxh3sp4wn: nice, thanks08:35
abattoirColonelKernel: so i guess teamspeak is the culprit08:35
ColonelKernelabattoir: could be.08:35
centyxi'm behind the times08:35
ColonelKernelabattoir: how do I fix it's badness08:35
timonatorteamspeak is evil big time :O08:35
abattoirColonelKernel: i have no clue, havent used it, even though i've heard about it08:35
ColonelKerneltimonator: u know how to fix it?08:35
ColonelKernelabattoir: damn damn.08:35
timonatorit uses OSS, broken by design :P08:36
timonatorand i didnt read what the problem is08:36
ColonelKernelthat sux08:36
h3sp4wnuse alsaoss08:36
h3sp4wn!info alsaoss08:36
ubotuPackage alsaoss does not exist in dapper08:36
timonator!info aoss08:36
ubotuPackage aoss does not exist in dapper08:36
h3sp4wn!info alsa-oss08:36
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ubotualsa-oss: ALSA wrapper for OSS applications. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.0.10-1 (dapper), package size 48 kB, installed size 216 kB08:36
ColonelKerneli am installing08:37
ColonelKernelh3sp4wn: installed08:37
ColonelKernelh3sp4wn: now what :D08:37
h3sp4wnwhat ?08:38
h3sp4wnuse it08:38
ColonelKernelh3sp4wn: i installed also oss. i don't know  how to use it08:38
ColonelKernelh3sp4wn: noob here remember08:38
TD-Linuxthat's odd.... an update on my printer problem: when I went into the CUPS administration panel (localhost:631), and added a printer, the drop-down box for Devices was grayed out. Possibly all my printer drivers dissapeared?08:38
ubotuI know nothing about alsaoss - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com08:39
ubotuI know nothing about alsa-oss - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com08:39
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h3sp4wnGoogle tells you how to use it (never used it myself just know it can do what you want)08:39
ColonelKernelshould i change the mic selection in alsamixer?08:40
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ColonelKernelhmmm aplay cant play oggs08:43
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abattoirColonelKernel: what about wavs?08:44
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ColonelKernelthey play fine08:45
ColonelKernelabattoir: nice sounds too08:45
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ColonelKernelabattoir: kaffeine can play the oggs tho08:46
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TD-LinuxOkay, now something is REALLY weird... ALL of the printer drivers dissapeared from the Add Printers Wizard08:46
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ColonelKernelbtw whats the phoenetic pronunciation of Kubuntu/Ubuntu?08:47
ColonelKerneloo boon too08:47
centyxh3sp4wn: do you happen to know how to make module-assistant build module packages that aren't in its predefined list?08:48
TD-Linuxit sounds like you are a caveman if you pronounce it properly08:48
ColonelKernelgot it08:48
ColonelKernelNelson Mandela video...08:48
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:48
h3sp4wncentyx:  module-assistant a-i modulename (which should be in /usr/src - compressed is ok)08:49
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ColonelKernelabattoir: thank you so much man.  Now I just gotta fix TeamSpeak...08:50
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DaSkreechColonelKernel: Look in Examples Folder08:53
TD-LinuxOkay... I got my HP drivers back, but now there is the same problem I had before. It says that either the driver dosen't exist, or I do not have the required priveleges.08:53
DaSkreechColonelKernel: Oh of course You found it :)08:53
teknoprepColonelKernel: did you fix sound?08:53
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centyxh3sp4wn: looks like i have to use make-kpkg on this one08:56
myloginnamewell hello evry1 :)08:56
myloginnamewhat a neat place to find08:56
h3sp4wncentyx: Why not just use the version you can download from vmware (the tar.gz one)08:56
teknoprepthis place owns08:56
teknoprepbut not for you so go away08:56
myloginname:) you r correct08:57
myloginnamebut very rude08:57
teknopreplol jk08:57
teknoprepcalm your ass08:57
TD-LinuxYAY! My printer works! I just had to select the driver with the hpijs suffix at the end.08:57
abattoirColonelKernel: cool, glad that it works :)08:57
teknoprepabattoir: you help ColonelKernel08:57
cristianoanybody knows the best way to open a iso file in linux? i mean just seeing it without burning08:57
teknoprepmount it08:57
myloginnamezip prog?08:58
abattoirteknoprep: ????08:58
myloginnamewinimage like08:58
teknoprepabattoir: ?08:58
cristianoteknoprep: yep i think i need a program like isobuster or so08:58
TD-Linuxthe mount command supports iso images, I *think*, or is it isomount?08:58
TD-LinuxLinux comes with an iso mounter I think08:58
cristianommm TD-Linux i don't remember08:58
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centyxh3sp4wn: h3sp4wn: that would be even more of a mess than this08:59
abattoirteknoprep: >>[00:27:21]  <teknoprep> abattoir: you help ColonelKernel<< i guess that was just a statement, nevermind :_08:59
centyxh3sp4wn: besides, they'll release a package sooner or later08:59
centyxh3sp4wn: i just need it now08:59
cristianoTD-Linux: i can't find it08:59
teknoprep[14:57]  <teknoprep> abattoir: you help ColonelKernel08:59
teknoprepis all i said08:59
centyxh3sp4wn: a mess meaning, clutter.08:59
teknoprepno that is a question08:59
h3sp4wncentyx: Why it would just install itself cleanly into /usr/local and there is an uninstall script (I don't think commercial software should ever be included in the repos)08:59
TD-LinuxI'm looking...09:00
myloginnameany idea how to make my isp ip's stay in place after reboot? always picks the router as 1st ip for dns09:00
abattoirteknoprep: i guess his problem is solved, he only has to sort out teamspeak, w/ which i cant help much09:00
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abattoirteknoprep: ok, i just guess you were trying to coordinate, i saw it in another context :)09:01
Nightrosehi - i tried to install kdiary - while running the configure skript i got an error09:01
h3sp4wnmyloginname: edit /etc/dhclient.conf (the line you want contains - unhash it and change it to the nameserver you want)09:01
Nightrosechecking for KDE... configure: error:09:01
NightroseI can't find the designer plugins. These are required and should have been installed by kdelibs09:01
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Nightrosebut i have kdelibs installed09:01
teknoprepmount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/isotest -o loop09:02
h3sp4wnmyloginname: prepend domain-name-servers;09:02
Nightroseany idea what might be wrong?09:02
abattoir!info kdiary09:02
h3sp4wnmyloginname: etc ...09:02
ubotuPackage kdiary does not exist in dapper09:02
myloginnamewill this prevent redetection ?09:02
teknoprepmkdir /mnt/isotest09:02
teknoprepmount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/isotest -o loop09:02
TD-Linuxthat's it :)09:02
teknoprepchange /dev/cdrom to the location of the .iso09:02
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Nightrosejea but its less a problem of kdiary i think...09:03
cristianothx guys :D09:03
TD-Linuxif only CD-ROM emulation was that easy under Windows... :P09:03
timonatorin linux you can not only emulate cds that way09:03
timonatoryou can emulate basically any filesystem09:04
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timonatorany filesystem that linux supports, that is09:04
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TD-Linuxyes, the Linux filesystem must be a real pain for the copy-protection software companies... hence my theory why there aren't many commercial games for Linux :)09:04
timonatorpeople should change that09:05
timonatorand make crippled filesystems and filesystem tools09:05
timonatorcrippled like what windows has09:05
TD-LinuxI wasn't suggesting that...09:05
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teknoprepthere are better forms of copy-protection09:06
myloginnamewell thanx h3, no dice but i wasnt sure about this room anyways, just came up by default, crying shame too09:06
teknoprepthen crappy forms of cd copy-protection09:06
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myloginnamei could have had fun09:06
timonatorso you are ssuggesting that the game industries should go back to the really good copyprotections? such as the ones that you need a printed sheet of paper for?09:06
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timonatorlike the incredible machines where you get a number and have to pick a set of symbols that are printed next to the numkber in the manual09:06
timonatorok ok09:07
denis_PEOPLE - what do i need to have installed to play audio streams? i seem to have every software imaginable installed but i cant play a stream.09:07
timonatorwhat 'better ways' are you talking about?09:07
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timonatordenis_: depends on the type of stream i guess09:07
teknoprepdenis_: easyubuntu09:07
SonicChaodenis_: What stream?09:08
TD-Linuxno copy protection whatsoever :)09:08
denis_thats the stream09:08
SonicChaodenis_: What filetype?09:08
denis_its asx i think?09:08
SonicChaodenis_: .m3u ?09:08
teknoprepdenis_: http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/09:08
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SonicChaoteknoprep: That doesnt help w/everything09:08
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denis_can anyone play that stream?09:08
timonatordenis_: asx is some crappy microsoft format... win32codecs, anyone?09:08
cristianommmm guys the command u gave to me isn't working09:09
SonicChaodenis_: Let me try09:09
teknoprepdo this you NOOBS09:09
teknoprepwget http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/files/easyubuntu-3.021.tar.gz09:09
teknopreptar -zxf easyubuntu-3.021.tar.gz09:09
teknoprepcd easyubuntu09:09
teknoprepsudo python easyubuntu.in09:09
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SonicChaoteknoprep: Be nice09:09
teknoprepthere is no such thing as bad words09:09
timonatorteknoprep: YOU NOOB09:09
teknoprepjust the way that ppl take it09:09
teknoprepso in turn09:10
teknoprephow do you know i am not being nice09:10
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SonicChaoteknoprep: OMFG! YOU NOOB! OMGWTFBBQ!09:10
timonatoryou said "oh my fucking god, you are all noobs"09:10
teknoprepno i said09:10
denis_SonicChao - does it work?09:10
SonicChaoNone of you said nothing!09:10
SonicChaoOntopic please09:10
emanuel_hey hey hey.. this isnt looking as a community09:10
SonicChaodenis_: I've been sidetracked09:10
timonatorteknoprep: wanna buy an c?09:10
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denis_lol http://www.avtoradio.ru/?scres=800&an=r_online09:11
teknoprepall you nubcakes out there.. that want the easy to use setup of ubuntu to make it like windows compatible for viewing internet shit09:11
teknoprepwget http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/files/easyubuntu-3.021.tar.gz09:11
teknopreptar -zxf easyubuntu-3.021.tar.gz09:11
teknoprepcd easyubuntu09:11
teknoprepsudo python easyubuntu.in09:11
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:11
teknoprepdo what i just put up there09:11
cristianoguys no success at all trying to mount the iso09:11
denis_are u telling that to me teknoprepp?\09:11
SonicChaodenis_: Let me try again09:11
cristianoit says "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0"09:11
SonicChaodenis_: I have EasyUbuntu, doesnt play09:11
timonatorSonicChao: omgwtfbbq nubkace!09:12
denis_hm :(09:12
=== timonator shuts up
teknoprepdenis_: what are you trying to play?09:12
SonicChaodenis_: It probably wont work on Ubuntu09:12
denis_its this stream.09:12
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teknoprepwha tstream09:12
teknoprepWHAT STREAM09:12
SonicChaoteknoprep: http://www.avtoradio.ru/?scres=800&an=r_online09:12
teknoprephmm hold up09:13
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teknoprepi am doing some really intesive cpu crap and its slowing me down alot09:13
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cristianoah ok guys i think it's the file the prob, even with K3B is impossible to open09:13
teknoprepwhat is imposible to open?09:13
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teknoprephold up cristiano09:15
teknoprepor that guy that wanted that video to open09:15
teknoprephold up09:15
teknoprepand cristiano09:15
denis_its not a video09:15
denis_its an audio09:15
teknoprepyeah its buffering for me now09:15
teknoprepits mad slow09:15
teknopreponly at 14% buffering09:16
cristianoteknoprep: the prob i have is with the iso ;)09:16
teknoprepyeah i know09:16
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centyxsame problem09:16
centyxi think the vmware-player-kernel-source package is defective09:17
denis_FUDGE - i cant play any streams. i dont understnad why there isnt just 1 package that lets u play the BASIC media streams.09:17
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centyxdenis_: kaffeine should play pretty much everything. amarok should play everything audio.09:17
teknoprepcristiano: sudo apt-get install fuseiso09:17
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teknoprepcristiano: man fuseiso09:18
centyxdenis_: you have to install the necessary codecs first.09:18
cristianothx teknoprep :)09:18
denis_where do i get the codecs09:18
centyxdenis_: apt-get install libxine-extracodecs09:18
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:18
teknoprepdenis_: its video and audio09:19
cristianodenis_: check the wiki for all the codecs u need09:19
teknoprepdenis_: and its mad slow09:19
teknoprepdenis_: the streamer doesn't have crap for bandwidth09:19
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teknoprepdenis_: less you gave me the wrong link09:19
denis_ok. i open any link and real player launches and gives me an error this media is not supported or smthng like that09:19
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denis_and its just audio man :\09:20
centyxdenis_: and add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list, do apt-get update, then do apt-get install w32codecs09:20
centyx#deb http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/ dapper free non-free09:20
denis_cntyx, the link gives me an error09:20
denis_could not connect to host packages09:21
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cristianoteknoprep: when i use it it asks for fusermount09:21
cristianodamn :D09:21
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denis_Package w32codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:22
denis_This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:22
denis_thats what it says in root when i type apt-get install w32codecs09:23
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:23
centyxdenis_: you can get them off mplayer's site, and there's a debian/ubuntu package floating around somewhere if you search google09:23
centyxdenis_: go to that link ubotu threw out09:24
ronmoelleryou have to add universe/multiverse repository09:25
denis_i think i added universe/multiverse repository09:26
denis_fudge. this is giving me such a head ache lol.09:26
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ronmoellerapt-get install libxine-extracodecs09:27
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denis_ronmoller, i installed that09:27
ronmoellerthen sry09:27
denis_through adept09:27
ronmoellerok, thats a prob09:28
ronmoelleri couldn't help you09:28
ronmoellerneed help09:28
denis_yeah. hm. im at a loss.09:28
ronmoellerproblems with x-server09:28
denis_i cant even play asf files lol09:29
denis_or asx09:29
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ronmoellertry that09:30
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centyxi was gonna tell him how to get them off mplayer's site, but i can't even get to it at the moment09:31
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centyxi finally got module-assistant to work. whoever packaged the source forgot to rename the files properly09:31
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Guest09289Can someone help me with icecast ?09:33
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svivianWhat media player will allow me to play .au files?09:34
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denis_lol wow a lot of people are having trouble playing audio files on this...09:36
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unix_infidelnot me.09:37
ColonelKernelabattoir: apparantly you were right about TeamSpeak.  It doesn't interface properly with alsa and all that...09:37
unix_infidelaudio works fine here.09:37
denis_oh yeah unix_infidel?09:38
denis_unix_infidel, what must i have installed to play asx/asf files and other streaming files?09:38
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unix_infideldenis_: for proprietary windows media player formats....windows media.09:39
unix_infidelwine, cxoffice, take your pick.09:39
unix_infidelif you feel up to it, reverse engineer the protocol.09:39
trappistunix_infidel: there's almost no media format that can't be played by mplayer with codecs available in ubuntu repositories09:40
trappistparticularly w32codecs09:40
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unix_infideltrappist: that's fine and all, but the formats he mentioned above arent exactly w32codecs friendly.09:40
trappistsure they are09:40
trappistmplayer can play them fine09:40
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trappistwhich probably means xine can to, but I'm an mplayer guy09:41
DaSkreechdenis_: HI09:41
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denis_yeah man hey09:41
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centyxdenis_: did you ever install the w32codecs?09:42
denis_i dont believe so09:42
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denis_it doesnt show up in adept09:43
denis_i'm on kubuntu09:43
denis_i type in w32codecs and get no results09:44
ronmoellersame to me09:44
centyxdenis_: open a konsole window and type this: wget http://www1.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/essential-20060611.tar.bz209:44
gatekeeperdenis_: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories09:45
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h3sp4wneasier to just get the deb from plf or debian-multimedia09:45
centyxh3sp4wn: plf is down09:45
h3sp4wndebian-multimedia then (sid repo)09:45
centyxwhat's the source for debian-multimedia?09:46
DaSkreech!tell denis_ about w32codecs09:46
h3sp4wndeb http://www.debian-multimedia.org sid main (but I would just browse the repo and download the deb manually install with dpkg -i)09:46
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DaSkreechdenis_: Read the wiki page they have a link to the w32codecs deb. Grab it and right click install09:47
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denis_what wikipage dude?09:47
denis_centyx: i typed the wget thing, and it downloaded, now what?09:48
gatekeeperor modify your sources.list then apt-get install w32codecs09:48
DaSkreechthe one that ubotu just sent to you :)09:48
centyxdo what they're telling you, it's neater09:48
denis_i didnt get anything from ubotu heh09:49
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:49
gatekeeperdenis_: update your sources.list with the URL I gave you09:49
denis_gatekeeper how do i do this and with which url?09:49
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gatekeeperdenis_: this one: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories09:50
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gatekeeperwill give you all the repos you want09:50
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centyxor he could do: wget -c http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb ; sudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb09:50
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gatekeeperloads of choices :-)09:51
gatekeepercentyx: probable confusing him :-)09:51
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centyxthat's the linux way ;p09:51
svivianBeen listening in, what formats will the w32codecs give me?09:52
denis_OK STOP FOR A SEConD09:52
DaSkreechdenis_: Follow what centyx just said :)09:52
denis_i go here09:52
denis_and when i type sudo gedit...etc - it says gedit is not a command09:52
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joecoderHow can I change the color of icon text on my destkp?09:53
centyxdenis_: replace gedit w/ kate09:53
joecoderit's currently black against a black background09:53
joecoderwith a faint white anti-aliased border09:53
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gatekeeperdenis_: either do what centyx said or first apt-get install gedit then follow those instructions09:53
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denis_it says cannot connect to x-server09:54
denis_when i do the sudo kate etc thing.09:54
centyxtype  xhost +09:54
centyxthen do it again09:54
joecodernevermind, I found it09:54
denis_when i type xhost +09:54
gatekeeperK -> run command... -> kdesu  kate09:54
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DaSkreechsvivian: The Microsoft formats09:55
DaSkreechdenis_: Can I get second09:55
DaSkreechdenis_: Give me a second let me help you out :)09:55
MukiEXI'm not sure if this is a Kubuntu question or an Ati one.09:55
MukiEXBut I'm still getting Mesa GLX showing up when I check fglrxinfo09:56
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centyxback to work :P09:56
MukiEXIs there an easy way to copy files over? I built the --Ubuntu/6.06 package originally.09:56
centyxdenis_: good luck09:56
denis_thanks centyx09:56
DaSkreechdenis_: The last link that centyx gave09:56
DaSkreech use that09:56
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svivianDaSkreech: Will that include .au?09:56
gatekeeperdenis_: sorry if I was confusing you, let DaSkreech talk you through it09:57
DaSkreechdenis_: wget -c http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb ; sudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb09:57
DaSkreechpaste that into a terminal09:57
DaSkreechsvivian: I think you can play au with kaffine already09:57
MukiEXI followed the BinaryDriverHowto/ATI to a T, but it didn't work.09:57
denis_dpkg: status database area is locked by another process09:58
DaSkreechdenis_: that's what you get?09:58
gatekeeperDaSkreech: I would get him to update his sources to future proof when your done with the codecs09:58
DaSkreechYou have adept open?09:58
denis_yeah man09:58
DaSkreechgatekeeper: Yes I know09:58
DaSkreechdenis_: Close it09:58
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denis_ok its downloading09:59
gatekeepersvivian: what are you after09:59
svivianDaSkreech: I tried. Kaffeine runs through each .au file in less than a second. It acts like it is playing, but it is over instantly with no sound09:59
kernalanyone who has experience with i810 drivers? i am going crazy setting up a widescreen monitor10:00
DaSkreechsvivian: ok Give me a second10:00
sviviangatekeeper: I have a small collection of .au files of chinese folksongs10:01
denis_ok DaSkreech10:02
denis_its done whatever it was doing10:02
denis_now what10:02
DaSkreechsvivian: Have you installed libxine-extracodecs?10:02
DaSkreechTry play the thingy10:02
DaSkreechsvivian: Wow. I'd love to hear those :) I like chinese music10:03
DaSkreechdenis_: try Play the thingy10:03
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Joe1hey, room.10:03
denis_i am using konquerer,and it has mplayer in the window10:03
denis_it says "player xine playing"10:04
DaSkreechdenis_: Ok10:04
denis_but i'm not hearing anything.10:04
denis_and i do have sound.10:04
DaSkreechgimmie the link10:04
DaSkreechlet me see if I can hear it10:04
kernalhow to get gmail working nice in konqueror?10:05
DaSkreechkernal: Lie10:05
gatekeepersvivian: libxine-extracodecs & w32codecs seem to cover most eventuallities but I did some googling and .au seem to be a sun format so not sure10:05
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DaSkreechgatekeeper: Well I just reinstalled last night and the only thing I have installed is extracodecs and my au works ok10:06
gatekeeperDaSkreech: cool :-)10:06
kernalDaSkreech: its impossible?10:07
DaSkreechkernal: Change your Auth string to say Firefox10:07
denis_DaSkreech, is it working for you?10:07
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DaSkreechNope. Let me install w32codecs and see if that makes a difference10:08
Bizzehif i just wanna run from the livecd, is there any way of setting up a usb drive to store my settings?10:08
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MukiEXAnyone? Ati? Mesa bug?10:09
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DaSkreechMukiEX: What's the bug?10:09
gatekeeperBizzeh: there is I don't know how you do it, but I think Damn Small Linux has a setup that does just that10:10
MukiEXDaSkreech : installed Ati driver. Checked it with FGLRXInfo. Shows Mesa still controlling GLX rather than Ati. It's a library issue, but I've NEVER been able to fix it.10:10
samuliMukiEX, what does cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep "ati" say?10:10
MukiEXsamuli : I manually changed the driversetting to fglrx, but lemme check.10:11
DaSkreechsvivian: Still around?10:11
kernalanyone knows how to set the resolution to 1440 x 900?10:11
MukiEXawww sob, it changed back.10:11
MukiEXbrb, samuli/DaSkreech10:11
samuliMukiEX :)10:11
svivianDaSkreech: yep, sorry, on the phone at the moment, brb10:11
MukiEXOh wait, no, it's set correctly.10:12
MukiEXThose were old, depricated Devices.10:12
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DaSkreechOk let me know when you get back10:12
MukiEXNo no, I have it set correctly.10:12
samuliMukiEX, it might be that you need to use older fglrx than that in the dapper repo.10:13
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MukiEXI used buildpkg on the latest Ati driver with the Ubuntu/dapper setting.10:13
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MukiEXIs there a library file I can copy over manually?10:13
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centyxoff-topic, does anyone know if there are any plans for the fglrx driver to ever support the Composite extension and direct rendering simultaneously?10:14
teknoprephow do i disable 3rd button emulation?10:15
centyxand a bottle of10:15
centyxOption          "Emulate3Buttons"       "true"10:16
centyxin /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:16
centyxmake it false10:16
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centyxi'm really tempted to sell my ati card to some kid so i can get a nvidia card just so i can have translucency and shadows :P10:17
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centyxthat's really sad10:18
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gatekeepercentyx: everyone seems to have agro with Ati cards I have noticed10:18
centyxcentyx: yea10:18
MukiEXgatekeeper : agro?10:18
centyxremember Skate or Die on the C64 - Agro Eddie?10:19
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MukiEXI know which libraries they are, but swapping in the ones straight form the Ati diver  doesn't so anything.10:20
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MukiEXAre you supposed to replace libGL AND libGLU?10:21
MukiEX'cause I can't find libGLU in the Ati driver package.10:21
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gilgongoIs anyone having trouble applying the recent update to vim? Adept returns an error every time.10:22
gilgongoI'm on kubuntu dapper BTW10:23
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samuliwhat's the package name for java that comes with dapper?10:25
MukiEXarrggg it still says MESA, and I even followed the tip here :http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18503310:26
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samuliMukiEX, do you get API errors with glxinfo?10:26
svivianDaSkreech: Ok, back. I installed w32codecs, and the libxine-extras and now Kaffeine works (woohoo!). Minor issue, the audio quality is a bit jumpy. Next point, do you have an email where you would like me to send a .tar of these files10:27
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MukiEXsamuli : No, it's just showing this : OpenGL renderer string : Mesa GLX Indirect10:28
MukiEXI've looked up the "mesa" bug before, but none of the fixes they posted work, at all.10:28
DaSkreechsamuli: sun-j2re something10:28
gatekeepersamuli: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre10:28
samuliDaSkreech, I don't think it's sun's java that comes with ubuntu.10:29
samuliI know sun's java is in the repos. That's not what I asked :)10:29
DaSkreechsamuli: First java doesn't ship with java10:29
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samuliDaSKreech, How come I have java then, even though I haven't installed it?10:30
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DaSkreechsamuli: Excellent question :)10:30
svivianMukiEX: my fix for problems with ATI was "install an nVidia card". I fought getting dual screens to work and have hardware accelleration for over a week with no joy, and finally said "screw it". ATI makes nice hardware, but their drivers are awful10:31
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MukiEXsvivian : I BOUGHT an Nvidia card. And followed THAT setup to a T too. No luck.10:31
MukiEXThat gave me even MORE agrivation.10:31
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samuliOk, I found the java. it was j2jre-1.4 blackdowns10:35
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MukiEXYeah, at this point this just looks like a Ubuntu problem. Every time I try to install vender drivers I get fubared. This never even remotely happened on Suse.10:36
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svivianMukiEX: I'm sorry to hear that. When I put the nVidia in, I had to uninstall the fglrx stuff, pull down the nvidia package, re-run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, then it took abotu 3 reboots playing with various settings, but it was all in all far easier than fighting ATI10:36
teknoprephow do i take a .deb that i installed from dpkg.. but in my update program it says it broken10:37
teknoprepi wanna make it NOT broken10:37
teknoprepi know its not broken10:37
teknoprepcan i just remove it from the database?10:37
teknoprepbut keep it installed10:37
MukiEXsvivian : I tried re-installing all of Ubuntu from scratch six times already. This is just bad a packaging system.10:37
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svivianDaSkreech: I can't email you the files after all. It is a 93mb tar10:39
DaSkreechsvivian: Ha :) ok make a nice selection then10:39
svivianDaSkreech: do you have a favorite ftp site?10:39
DaSkreechsvivian: Public I take it.10:39
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svivianDaSkreech: Well, somewhere I can get to. I don't have any ftp accounts anywhere10:40
DaSkreechteknoprep: Take out the programs and the ones it conflicts with. reinstall them from the repos10:40
svivianMukiEX: when you do the install, how are you doing it?10:40
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DaSkreechsvivian: Erm not sure. Not without handing out some keys or passwords10:41
svivianDaSkreech: maybe a torrent site?10:42
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DaSkreechsvivian: That's an interesting idea. If you can seed a torrent I'm pretty sure I can grab it10:43
DaSkreechHi Cntryboy10:43
svivianAll I need is a tracker. I am not that familiar with the torrent world10:43
Cntryboyany programs for kubuntu like photoshop? Real nice paint features.. krita sucks lol10:43
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fiyawerxCntryboy: Gimp10:43
svivianCntryboy: Try GIMP10:44
Cntryboydaskreech: hi10:44
DaSkreechCntryboy: Gimp10:44
DaSkreechElse find WINE :)10:44
svivianDaSkreech: What is a good tracker site10:44
CntryboyI have wine10:44
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Cntryboybut didn't know newest photoshop worked on it good10:45
Cntryboyis gimp just as good as photoshop, I had it with regular ubuntu but never tried it10:45
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fiyawerxdepends on who you ask, but some people say yeah10:45
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DaSkreechsvivian: I would guess mininova10:45
Blv3Watyri would prefer gimp to photoshop10:46
DaSkreechsvivian: Which everone you find you can pm me or mail me the link10:46
Cntryboydo I have to download plugins for gimp or is it all set10:46
CntryboyI do have the digikamimageplugins and kipi plugins I think10:47
Cntryboytaking awhile to dl this gimp with this slow dialup10:47
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Cntryboywell thx gang im going to get off here so dl will speed up some10:48
flakehow do you open a console in quake 410:48
flakei tried alt-~, ~, ctrl-~, ctrl-alt-~, etc10:48
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flakethink i'll just have to pass options to it10:50
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MukiEXsvivian : I literally just followed this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI10:52
svivianDaSkreech: http://www.mininova.org/tor/36595410:53
svivianMukiEX: I found that link to be extraordinarily useless10:53
MukiEXIs there a better guide? =310:53
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svivianMukiEX: no. There isn't anything useful for ATI.10:54
svivianMukiEX: I wish I could help more.10:54
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MukiEXsvivian : Don't worry about it, I'll just switch back to Suse.10:54
svivianDaSkreech: I'll leave it open for a while. I have to step away10:55
DaSkreechIt says i's corrupt10:55
svivianDaSkreech: fark. hang on10:55
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lwizardlhow do i change my clock to 12 hour instead of 2410:56
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eriksonright clickon the clock, date abd time format10:57
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svivianDaSkreech: try this: http://www.mininova.org/tor/36595911:03
jc-dentonubotu: xgl11:04
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems11:04
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DaSkreechsvivian: No Corrupt error :-)11:05
DaSkreechNot starting but we can work something out :)11:06
svivianok. I have your email. I will figure something out and contact you. I have to leave for a bit11:06
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^osh^Anyone know of a very simple good walk-through for creating new packages. Something really dumbed down so even an ex-redhat/mandrake-packager could understand it?11:07
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^osh^The ones I see on the wiki are too much information in one go. I need something simpler to start with.11:07
crimsun^osh^: help.ubuntu.com -> packaging guide.11:08
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Lynoure^osh^: *curious* What are you planning to package?11:09
^osh^crimsun: Just what I was looking for. Thanks a bunch.11:09
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^osh^Lynoure: I'm not planning to package anything. I'm trying to learn. First off I'm going to give a drupal-4.7.2 a go. Let's see where I end up with that.11:10
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^osh^Lynoure: If things work out I might adopt a package or two.11:11
Lynoure^osh^: :)11:11
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=== ^osh^ just found out that VMWare is free so he's in a VM right now.
^osh^Works great. Just what I needed for a devel-machine. :-)11:13
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Lynourefree like open source or free as for no charge? (I haven't been following)11:13
^osh^Lynoure: GPL if I'm not misstaken.11:13
Pupeno_VMWare ? GPL ? where ?11:14
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^osh^Pupeno_: http://www.vmware.com/download/server/11:15
Pupeno_^osh^: I can't download it without providing information, any mirror from where I can download the *sources* ?11:17
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^osh^Pupeno_: Don't know. I do however seem to remember something about GPL in the EULA. I got it from the link I provided. There's also something about "Open Source" on that page.11:18
h3sp4wnVmware is not not opensource11:19
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Pupeno_^osh^: if there's an EULA it is likely that it is not the GPL, mentioning GPL doesn't make it GPL.11:19
h3sp4wn(but there again neither is kqemu - which is needed to make qemu fast enough to use)11:19
eriksonh3sp4wn: do you have qemu working ?11:20
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^osh^Pupeno_: Right. I'm probably mistaken then. I don't really care though. It's a great tool for free.11:20
^osh^Pupeno_: Great for me anyway.11:20
Pupeno_h3sp4wn: that doesn't change anything regarding vmware. Both vmware and kqemu are proprietary. I've read someone is working on a free (as in freedom) replacement for kqemu.11:21
h3sp4wnPupeno_: But qemu is free11:21
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Pupeno_h3sp4wn: I've said nathing about qemu.11:21
h3sp4wnPupeno_: and ?11:22
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Pupeno_h3sp4wn: you said but, but it is not refuting anything.11:22
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^osh^Xen is free as in all meanings of the word isn't it?11:23
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h3sp4wnerikson: Yes but need at least 0.81 for it to work properly with kqemu (as stated in the docs) I took the source from sid and installed the sparc openfirmware etc stuff just as debs11:23
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Pupeno_^osh^: afaik, yes.11:25
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dark_What was the shortcut for paste in terminal11:28
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dark_Ctrl + Insert?11:28
dark_Oh, it was shift insert11:28
bod_Hi! Hey was anyone able to install sun's jdk1.5 with Adept ?11:28
^osh^!tell bod_ about easyubuntu11:29
dark_Hey, guys what do I need to compile stuff11:29
dark_sudo apt-get build-essential and linux-headers?11:29
notamisfitbuild-essential should do it11:30
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dark_I need the headers also11:30
dark_What's the apt-get for the headers?11:31
Pupeno_dark_: click on edit and read the shortcuts.11:31
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Pupeno_dark_: aptitude search linux | grep head11:31
dark_Ok, it found like all of the headers11:32
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lwizardlhow do i get stereo sound to work? all i'm getting is sound from the right speaker11:32
dark_Where are the C header files for my kernel?11:33
DaSkreechbod_: I have11:33
dark_ usr/src/linux/include?11:33
bod_DaSkreech: it seems that the install needs some user interaction (for accepting the licence) but it freezes the text display... Typing keys doesn't do anything11:34
eriksonlwizardl: I have toask the obvious question , have you checked your speaker and soundcard connections ?11:35
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lwizardlerikson, yes11:35
eriksonbalance cntrl?11:35
eriksonin Kmix11:35
lwizardlerikson, if i turn on the 360 and switch to component video i get setero sound11:35
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DaSkreechbod_: Where are you installing it?11:36
lwizardlwhere is balance control in kmix?11:37
dark_C header files that match my kernel..11:37
dark_Where would that be?11:37
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notamisfitlwizardl: it's the slider at the bottom11:37
eriksonslider at the bottom11:37
lwizardlerikson, then yeah its centered11:37
lwizardli have 9 marks and its on the 5th11:38
centyxdark_: apt-cache search linux-headers11:38
bod_DaSkreech: yes Adept11:39
centyxor dark_ or just apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.15-26-686 or whatever kernel you got11:39
eriksonyup, that's it alright ...dunno about 360 ...my souincard is pretty std 2ch11:39
DaSkreechtry it in konsole11:39
DaSkreechIt think it works better :)11:39
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lwizardlhmm any issues known with nforce2 in kmix?11:39
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centyxanybody know a good itunes client for linux?11:40
eriksoncomponent video is strictly video , how can that affect the sound ?11:40
centyxi read about one somewhere a while back11:40
dark_Thanks centyx11:40
centyxdark_: sure11:41
=== dark_ is now known as DarkLegacy
DarkLegacyWhy does my nick always change to just "dark" ;\11:41
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centyxDarkLegacy: using konversation?11:41
DarkLegacyIt's my default username11:41
DarkLegacyI figured that out11:41
DarkLegacyAnyway, I did the command you told me, but where did it install the headers into?11:41
DarkLegacynvm found it11:42
centyxDarkLegacy: in konversation, when the connection list comes up, click Edit, then click Edit again next to default identify11:43
centyxDarkLegacy: you can change ur nicks there11:43
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centyxDarkLegacy: or if you're already connected, click on file/server list to bring it up11:44
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centyxwow. all quiet.11:47
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qwertybobim having some screen problems after mobo upgrade11:48
qwertybobive tried booting from live cd same.. no usable x config11:49
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centyxqwertybob: onboard video?11:49
qwertybobcentyx: nvidia11:49
qwertybobi tried booting safe graphics mode or vesa also11:49
qwertyboberror is .. vesa v bios address 0x3b0 out of ranger11:50
qwertybobrange soory11:50
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qwertybobit always worked before, now im on amd64, so i tried the 64 bit iso11:50
qwertybobits same for live as hard drive installed ubuntu11:51
flakei have a question on users and permissions - I have a /home/gwendell set up, along with the default install - kubuntu.  Where should I be placing programs, files - the /usr/.. or the /home/gwendell/.. ?  what permissions do i need to be wary of giving?11:51
qwertybobkanotix boots fine though11:51
flakei feel like some of my questions should go in a forum11:51
centyxflake: that would probably be a good idea11:51
centyxflake: ubuntuforums.org/kubuntuforums.net11:52
qwertybobmaybe my harware is not supported, but both zenlive, kanotix work11:52
qwertybobtrouble is i got all my files already here in kubuntu, dont want to change distros11:53
qwertybobim going to try ubuntu irc maybe11:54
qwertybobmaybe its my bios setup11:54
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centyxthat's what i was thinking11:55
centyxoh he's gone11:55
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centyxi'm ready to go home11:57
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vltHello. I have installed Kubuntu Dapper and OpenOffice. I added a font (system wide) and it's shown in the system settings list. But when I want to use the font OpenOffice says it wasn't installed.11:57
vltI restarted OpenOffice but the font doesn't appear.11:57
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centyx"Exit OpenOffice and then run the program spadmin and click on the Fonts button."11:58
centyxi don't have that file11:59
drayen_i've attached a sd card via a usb card reader, but kubuntu doesnt auto detect it... i can see it via lsusb, how would i mount it?11:59
seani need someones help on a problem that just started happening yesterday11:59
seanthe pop-up box keeps asking me for the password to my email account11:59
vltcentyx: There's no "spadmin" here. What is it?12:00
lwizardlcan someone point me to a tutorial on how to make a folder shared only with 1 ip?12:00
seanany help?12:00
centyxcentyx: i duno12:01
centyxi'm really tired12:01
centyxvlt: i duno12:01
centyxvlt: that was just something i found on google. i don't have that program either.12:01
DaSkreechcentyx: It's cool man12:02
DaSkreech Head on home12:02
centyxi'm at work waiting for my ride12:02
centyxwife and i share a car12:03
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centyxre teknoprep12:07
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