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jameshlifeless: fyi: my cron jobs on chinstrap aren't firing so the pending-reviews page will only update when I do it manually05:02
lifelessjamesh: oh :(05:22
lifelessis crond running ?05:22
jameshseems to be05:23
lifelesscan you add 'ssh chinstrap run-pending-merge' to a cron job on your desktop ?05:24
jameshI've submitted an RT request about the problem but haven't received the auto-reply yet05:25
jameshI did an update of the page this morning, and am doing another now05:26
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stubLaunchpad will be going down in 15 minutes for its regular code update. Estimated down time is 10 minutes.06:58
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raphinkhi there07:28
raphinkI need to request the sync of the clucene-core package from Debian to Ubuntu07:28
raphinkbut this package is not in Ubuntu yet07:28
raphinkis it possible to add the package to Ubuntu so I can request sync?07:28
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stubNo idea - this is the Launchpad channel. Sounds like you need to talk to an Ubuntu developer.07:34
lifelessraphink: how do you normally request a sync - a bug on the package ?07:39
raphinkyes lifeless07:39
raphinkwell now I've requested a bug on ubuntu in general07:39
raphinkso it should work07:39
lifelessraphink: can you please file a wishlist bug, OR, a specification, on the product 'malone' describing your use case ('request a sync of a package not in ubuntu') so that we can get someone to make it easier in the future ?07:40
raphinkI don't have time for that right now07:40
raphinkbut I'll try to do that today07:41
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mptyay, Internet07:49
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jendaajmitch: wtf, how did you get a cloak like that? :-D08:34
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sivangjenda: ties in the right places :)08:43
jendahehe ;)08:44
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SteveAjamesh: I've almost finished work on that specs branch.  Will you be able to review it a bit later today?08:49
SteveAI think it's about 400 lines of dif, inc tests08:49
jameshSteveA: okay.08:50
jameshSteveA: my cron jobs aren't running on chinstrap at the moment, so if you need pending-reviews updated ping me08:50
jameshI guess it has something to do with the login problems from yesterday08:51
jendaCan I access stuff put in launchpad/bzr through http/https?08:52
jameshjenda: details for accessing your branch should be on the your branch's page on Launchpad08:53
jameshjenda: branches are published with URLs like http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~userid/product/branchname08:54
jendaYes, I have that URL08:54
jendabut when I open it in my browser, it shows empty08:54
jameshjenda: the URL is intended for use with bzr, which stores all the data in a ".bzr" dir08:55
jendaSo will only bazaar be able to check that out...08:55
jameshsee http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-marketing/spreadubuntu/spreadubuntu/.bzr/08:55
jendaAh ;)08:55
jendaThanks. Now, BTW, is anyone able to checkout that branch, or only the people of ubuntu-marketing?08:56
jameshanyone can grab the branch by HTTP08:56
stubAnyone - this is for open source development.08:56
jameshonly people in the ubuntu-marketing team can get it via SFTP08:56
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jameshand you can only make commits by sftp08:57
jendayes, OK08:57
jendahow does 'grabbing by http' work?08:57
jendabzr checkout http...?08:57
jamesh"bzr get http://bazaar.launchpad.net/..."08:58
jendaOK, thanks08:58
jameshI don't think checkout will work (it doesn't work with readonly repos)08:58
jameshit might work with a future version of bzr though ...08:58
jendaThanks 08:58
stubget and checkout doing different things is confusing, as other systems consider them aliases :-/09:00
spivYeah, "get" is an alias of "branch" for bzr.09:00
stubMmm... I'd call that a wart. I can understand how it happened though.09:01
jameshwell, svn doesn't have get, iirc09:03
SteveAI always find get vs pull confusing when I want a new tree in my filesystem09:03
SteveAif I just want to track someone's branch, the sequence of commands goes:09:03
SteveA - first get (or branch)09:03
SteveA - next, don't change anything09:03
SteveA - next, pull to get changes09:03
jameshthe other annoying thing is pull vs. update09:04
SteveA - thereafter, pull to get changes09:04
jameshif you created your local branch with get/branch you need to pull09:04
jameshif you created it with checkout you need update09:04
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SteveAjamesh: what happens if you get them the wrong way around?09:05
jameshSteveA: "update" means make the working tree match the head of the branch09:05
SteveAjenda: iirc, "jenda" is mandarin for "really?!"09:05
SteveAisn't that what "pull" means?09:06
jameshSteveA: a local branch created with "bzr get" will always be up to date though (unless you push to it via sftp from some other box) so is generally a no-op09:06
jameshpull means "grab any changes from the parent branch"09:06
jameshfor a checkout, that would be the parent of the remote branch09:07
jendaSteveA: iirc, it's my name... but I might be wrong... 09:10
jendaYes, really ;) And it has nothing to do with mandarin, either. I'm Czech, and the name is Jan == Jenda09:11
=== carlos [n=carlos@35.Red-88-15-199.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad
carlosstub: hi, did you have time to check the fix to the posubmission migration script ?09:18
stubcarlos: Not yet09:24
stublifeless: rocketfuel-built is several revisions out of date. Commits are landing in the branches on balleny and chinstrap though.09:33
jameshSteveA: have you had a chance to look at my move-bzrsync branch?09:33
SteveAjamesh: no09:34
=== SteveA looks
SteveA         randomownerid = 1   <--- should be "arbitraryownerid"09:36
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SteveAeither that, or use: random.choice([1] )09:37
jameshI'll change it to arbitraryownerid09:38
SteveAone other comment:09:39
SteveA     def parent_ids(self):09:39
SteveAthis method gives you ids in response to querying on a revision id09:40
SteveAin between, it loads objects for all the parent revisions09:40
SteveAand then iterates over them to get their ids09:40
SteveAI wonder if there's a way to do it that doesn't involve actually making revision objects for all the parents, and isn't icky in the code09:40
SteveAother than all that, looks great. r=me09:41
jameshI don't think there is an obvious way to do it with sqlobject09:41
jamesha revisionparent object is not particularly heavyweight though09:42
jamesh4 fields09:42
jameshand most revisions in bzr only have 1 or 2 parents09:43
jamesh(most have 1)09:43
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SteveAdoes close() imply flush() for a stream?09:46
jameshit should.09:49
lifelessstub: its updated by cron10:12
lifelessstub: there is something wrong with cron. jamesh has filed an RT request.10:12
jameshI don't know if the RT request got through though.  I haven't gotten the auto-reply giving the number10:13
lifelesselmo: Znarl: ^^ is mail having trouble too?10:13
elmocron is already fixed, and I've just fixed RT mail, thanks10:17
lifelessthank you10:19
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jameshelmo: thanks for fixing the cron problem10:30
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SteveAjamesh: I /msg-ed you details of the branch to review10:52
jameshSteveA: yeah.  I'll look at it in a sec (just fixing a test failure in my branch)10:52
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SteveAjamesh: thanks.  With freenode, I'm never sure whether priv messages get through10:55
SteveAfor that reason, I always respond with an "ok" or something, to show I received the message10:55
jameshSteveA: yeah.  I turned off the privmsg filtering because of that (never really suffered from privmsg spam)10:57
carlosjamesh: oh, are we able to disable it?11:00
SteveAmalcc: hi11:00
jameshcarlos: yep.  You can send some command to NickServ to do it11:00
SteveAmalcc: just noticed on your activity report that you've been having trouble landing the trivial change to __all__.11:01
SteveAmalcc: is that the same pqm issues kiko has been having?11:01
malccSteveA: I got an error from sourcecode/bzr/bzrlib/tests/workingtree_implementations/test_workingtree.py, AssertionError: 'a test\n' == 'a test\n'11:02
malccSteveA: I wasn't following closely enough the exact details of kiko's issue to know if that's the same11:02
SteveAmpool / lifeless: do you know about this particular issue?11:02
SteveAmalcc: did you mail the launchpad list about it?11:03
stubI'll disable the bzr and cscvs tests on launchpad merge right now - kiko has landed the relevant makefile changes.11:03
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SteveAmalcc: when you get unrelated pqm failures, always email the launchpad list11:04
malccSteveA: Ok11:04
SteveAmalcc: otherwise, I and others don't know that it's a general problem11:04
SteveAmpool: I'm available for a call, if you still want one11:05
jameshlooks like spiv did a merge to our copy of bzr today to fix the hashcache failures11:12
jameshthat would have been after malcc's failure though11:13
SteveAcarlos: does danilo know about the meeting today?11:17
carlosSteveA: yes11:17
carloshe told me that he would start early today... not sure if he had any problem...11:17
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stublaunchpad commits should no longer run cscvs and bzr tests. Ping me if you get a pqm bounce - the new config is yet to be tested.11:20
stubJames' should be the first branch to use it11:21
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carlosdanilos: good morning11:29
daniloscarlos: yeah, g'day actually :)11:29
carlosdanilos: did you push your branch?11:37
daniloscarlos: yeah, I think I did11:38
carlosdanilos: the Pending reviews page shows it as already merged...11:38
danilosunless I messed something up11:38
lifelessyou have not pushed it after doing your commits most probably.11:38
carlosdanilos: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~jamesh/pending-reviews/11:38
lifelessI assumed it was merged, but is it in fact not ?11:38
carloslifeless: he copied another branch that I guess is already merged to initialize that new branch11:39
jameshdanilos: the head revision of that branch on chinstrap is a pqm commit11:39
danilosjamesh: you're already loosing me :) I am all too new to bzr stuff and our pqm procedure :)11:39
jameshdanilos: okay.  The copy of the branch on chinstrap.ubuntu.com does not contain any commits by you (only commits from the mainline)11:40
carlosdanilos: it's just that latest commit on your branch is already merged into our development tree11:40
danilosah, ok, got it11:40
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carlosdanilos: check that you don't have any pending change to commit (bzr status)11:41
danilosok, will do that11:41
carlosdanilos: and that bzr push says that you need to push 0 revisions11:41
carlosin which case, I think you are in the wrong directory ;-)11:42
carlosor that you lose your fix11:42
danilosok :)11:42
jameshcarlos: btw, "/msg NickServ set unfiltered on" should allow unregistered users to /msg you again11:47
carlosjamesh: yeah, I saw it, but thanks ;-)11:48
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carloslifeless, SteveA, kiko-afk: Shouldn't you start approving/rejecting specs for the London sprint?12:10
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mdkeI'm trying to get a branch from launchpad, i get this message from bzr checkout - bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: /home/matt/sftp:/bazaar.launchpad.net/~etc, any ideas?01:12
jsgotangcodo you have paramiko installed?01:13
carlosmdke: I think you miss one '/' after sftp:/01:14
mdkehaha, thanks carlos 01:17
mdkeoh no01:17
mdkethe command is alright01:17
mdkebzr checkout sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-marketing/spreadubuntu/spreadubuntu01:17
mdkejust the error message is missing a slash >_<01:17
mdkeworks with http://01:18
spivmdke: you need paramiko installed (python2.4-paramiko)01:19
carloshmm I don't know then...01:19
spivmdke: the confusing error message is a bug in that version of bzr01:19
mdkespiv: trying, thanks01:20
mdkeaha, another error01:22
=== mdke pastebins
spivmdke: It failed to authenticate01:24
=== spiv investigates
mdkedo I need to be in a particular team to get a branch like that?01:25
spivYes, but that's not the cause of that error.01:25
spivAh, I bet I know.01:25
spivGive me a sec to check the logs01:25
mdkewell, I'm not in ubuntu-marketing01:26
spivmdke: You're trying to log in as the user 'matt', I think, but your launchpad name is 'mdke'.01:26
mdkeah, k01:27
spivEither use "sftp://mdke@bazaar.launchpad.net/..." as your URL, or adjust your .ssh/config01:27
spiv(adding "Host bazaar.launchpad.net\n    User mdke" would do it.)01:27
mdkeright, another error01:28
spivIt'd be good if bzr reported the user name it's trying in the error.01:28
=== spiv files a bug about that.
jameshspiv: if using openssh, it won't know the username being tried01:29
SteveAbradb, BjornT: 01:29
SteveAYou should not import build_comments_from_chunks from canonical.launchpad.browser.bugcomment:01:29
SteveA    canonical.launchpad.browser.bugtask01:29
spivjamesh: That's true I guess.  Still a shame, and worth filing a bug about, even if it can't be fixed easily atm.01:29
jameshspiv: if no username is in the URL, it doesn't pass one to openssh, leaving it to pick the username01:29
jameshspiv: it could be fixed, but it'd be in openssh01:29
spivjamesh: Exactly.01:29
BjornTSteveA: it was kiko that added that function01:30
bradbSteveA: that would be kiko01:30
spivjamesh: But it's enough of a usability issue to be worth a bug report anyway :)01:30
mdkeso is the new error due to me not being in the right team?01:30
SteveABjornT, bradb: so, kiko caused the problem.  However, it is a problem in malone code. 01:30
spivmdke: Right, you cannot access that branch over sftp, because you're not in that team.01:30
SteveAwho will fix it?01:30
spivmdke: If you login with the openssh sftp client and look around interactively, you'll see you can only access directories for yourself and the teams you're a member of.01:31
mdkespiv: that error message could be a bit more userfriendly too :)01:31
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mdkestrange tho that I can't grab a branch without being in that team01:31
BjornTSteveA: i can fix it.01:31
jameshmdke: you can grab it via http01:31
SteveAthanks BjornT 01:31
spivmdke: Yeah, I think I'd expect something like "directory not found: ...", rather than the rather vague "not a branch" message.01:32
spivmdke: "not a branch" makes it sound like there's something there that's not a branch, rather than there's nothing there at all.01:32
mdkejamesh: I had some errors from that too :)01:33
mdkeI ought to get a more recent version maybe01:34
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jameshmdke: ah.  you can't use "bzr checkout" on readonly branches (as the error says)01:35
jameshmdke: you can do "bzr get http://bazaar.launchpad.net/..." though01:35
jameshmdke: there has been talk about supporting read-only bound branches (which would allow "bzr checkout" over http), but it isn't in 0.801:36
mdkeah, ok01:36
mdkethat's worked, thanks jamesh 01:37
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jsgotangcoif in doubt, the product homepage has the http branch and should work01:41
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=== Kinnison takes a rest break before the meetng
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Kinnisonkiko: pardon?02:01
mptkiko needs to tweak his "pretend you're at the meeting" macros too02:01
carloskiko: the meeting didn't start yet ;-)02:02
=== Kinnison snerks
kikothen we're late.02:02
Kinnisonwho is meant to be running the meeting today? kiko or stevea?02:02
kikoSteveA AFAIK02:02
kikobut perhaps we should start without him02:02
Kinnisonmaybe he got caught by a workrave02:02
jameshwait for someone to say "meeting" and then send a "me" message a random interval later02:02
carlosI think Steve is dealing with some changes in the meeting agenda02:02
SteveAwelcome to the launchpad meeting02:03
SteveAwho's here02:03
SteveA== Agenda ==02:04
SteveA * Next meeting02:04
SteveA * Activity reports02:04
SteveA * Actions from last meeting02:04
SteveA * Oops report (Matsubara)02:04
SteveA * Bug report report (mpt)02:04
SteveA * Sysadmin requests02:04
SteveA * Production and staging (Stuart)02:04
SteveA * browser unit tests (ddaa/salgado)02:04
SteveA * (other items)02:04
SteveA * Keep, Bag, Change02:04
SteveA * Three sentences02:04
SteveAthe roll call is missing from the agenda02:04
SteveAhow did that happen?02:04
SteveAmpt: any ideas?02:05
SteveAoh, it was moved above the heading02:05
=== SteveA adds a note for people to ask before fucking with the format of that page
SteveA== Agenda ==02:06
SteveA * Roll call02:06
SteveA * Agenda02:06
SteveA * Next meeting02:06
SteveA * Activity reports02:06
SteveA * Actions from last meeting02:06
SteveA * Oops report (Matsubara)02:06
SteveA * Bug report report (mpt)02:06
SteveA * Sysadmin requests02:06
SteveA * Production and staging (Stuart)02:06
SteveA * browser unit tests (ddaa/salgado)02:06
SteveA * (other items)02:06
SteveA * Keep, Bag, Change02:06
SteveA * Three sentences02:06
SteveAthat's better02:06
mptSteveA, I did that because you always cover those two before reading the agenda anyway02:06
SteveAnext meeting...02:06
SteveAkiko and I will be at management meetings02:06
SteveAnext thursday02:06
SteveAkiko: what do you think... do you think we'll be able to have a meeting?02:07
kikoyes, I think so.02:07
=== danilos is lurking to see what's what from the agenda :)
SteveAso, same time next week02:08
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:SteveA] : https://launchpad.net/ | developer meeting: Thu 20 July, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
SteveA * Activity reports02:08
matsubaraup to date02:08
SteveAI sent some this week.02:08
mptup to date02:08
danilosup to date02:08
bradbup to date02:08
BjornTup to date02:08
jameshnot up to date02:09
=== malcc -> Guilty of summarizing
=== flacoste is up to date
danilos(even if I was late with a couple)02:09
KinnisonI am not up to date.02:09
cprovup to date02:09
salgadoI lost track. not up to date02:09
carlosStarted again this week02:09
kikoI am up to date, but have a report to send off for yesterday02:09
stubup to date02:09
carlosI will try to send previous reports and keep sending the new ones02:09
spivI'm up to date for this last week, but haven't filled in the missing weeks before that.02:09
SteveA  * Actions from last meeting02:11
SteveAthere were none02:11
SteveA  * Oops report (Matsubara)02:11
matsubaraToday's oops report is about bugs 44860, 40494, OOPS-186D559, OOPS-186D560 and staging timeout limit.02:11
UbugtuMalone bug 44860 in rosetta "Crash when we try to pass a query string to a POFile that doesn't exist yet." [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4486002:11
UbugtuMalone bug 40494 in launchpad "Launchpad crashes badly if the client says it doesn't accept 'utf-8'" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4049402:11
matsubaraCarlos, how's 44860 going?02:11
matsubaraBjornT, could you prioritize bug 40494? It was triggered quite a few times this week.02:11
UbugtuMalone bug 40494 in launchpad "Launchpad crashes badly if the client says it doesn't accept 'utf-8'" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4049402:11
carlosmatsubara: not started yet02:11
BjornTmatsubara: sure, i'll fix it either today or tomorrow.02:12
matsubaracarlos: any chance of working on that one this week?02:12
kikomatsubara, carlos: I have some extra work to do but I plan on working on the rosetta views again soon.02:12
matsubarathanks BjornT 02:12
matsubaraOn oops report (2006-07-05) I wrote about an possible bug on the oops infrastructure. The two oopses were recorded because one AssertionError (OOPS-186D559) was triggered on the xmlrpc server. Could someone comment on that?02:12
carloskiko: feel free to give me the branch and I will take a look and try to finish it, if you want02:12
carlosmatsubara: well, kiko's patch already fixes that one....02:13
carlosmatsubara: not sure if we should fix it twice02:13
carlosat least I think I saw a way to fix it with the diff that kiko show me a couple of weeks ago02:13
kikocarlos, I don't quite see how my patch solved that!02:14
matsubarawell, kiko's going for the mgmt meeting next week02:14
SteveAmatsubara: that's an interesting xmlrpc OOPS report02:14
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carloskiko: the way the views work02:14
matsubaracarlos: if you could take that one and land it would be great02:14
carlosmatsubara: ok, I will try to work on it either on Friday or Monday02:15
kikomatsubara, it's not even close to ready to be landed.02:15
carlos(I need to finish Edgy translations opening)02:15
kikoI can work on it over the trip.02:15
matsubaraSteveA: indeed, I wrote about it on the daily oops report, but no answer so far. That's  why I'm bring the subject here.02:15
SteveAmatsubara: so, the code in question does this:02:15
SteveA        return canonical_url(branch)02:15
SteveAthat would appear to be the problem02:16
matsubarathanks carlos 02:16
SteveAbut I'm confused as to why that doesn't work02:16
SteveAmatsubara: let's talk about this after the meeting02:17
matsubaraSteveA: ok02:17
matsubaralast topic: Why staging has a so low time out limit?02:17
SteveAso that we bump into timeouts there, rather than in production02:17
matsubarasometimes it's impossible to test things there because of this low time out limit02:17
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jameshto catch slow pages there before they become a problem on production02:18
carlosSteveA: that timeout limit makes staging useless for Rosetta testing02:18
stubmatsubara: To provoke trouble. I can increase it if you want - suggest a value.02:18
carlosSteveA: the translation form timeouts always02:18
matsubaraSteveA, carlos that's exactly my point02:18
spivPerhaps staging should only have a lower soft timeout?02:18
carlosmatsubara: when I do debugging tasks on Rosetta I increase the timeout, but that's tricky02:19
stub(In fact anyone can increase the staging timeouts - just change staging/launchpad.conf and wait until the next update)02:19
matsubaraI like spiv's suggestion02:21
carlosme too02:21
matsubaracould that cause any trouble?02:21
SteveAabout oops reports for xmlrpc... what do you think about using xmlrpclib.loads() on the POSTed value and adding that to oops reports?02:21
SteveApprinting it too02:21
stubmatsubara: I'm happy for you to tweak the values. You are probably the most qualified now to make the educated guesses required.02:21
SteveAI suspect the issue with https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~jamesh/oops.cgi/2006-07-05/D559 is the fault instance being returned.  It may be security proxied, or something.02:22
SteveABjornT: I recall you said something about this a while back.  Any ideas?02:22
matsubarastub: ok. the most annonying pages are the rosetta ones. I'll talk to carlos and find out a good value.02:22
jameshSteveA: I think having unparsed data would be useful forr the OOPS reports -- e.g. we won't be able to parse an invalid XML-RPC request but might want to diagnose it02:22
kiko(stub, did you finish the PQM config change, btw?)02:23
stub(kiko: yes)02:23
SteveAjamesh: well, that depends.  I mean, if the data can be parsed, I'd rather have the python pprinted data.02:23
carlosmatsubara: I can change it directly on asuka so we can try to find a good value without wait until next code update02:23
BjornTSteveA: yeah, there's a bug open on it. it has partly been fixed upstream, and i'll try to fix it in launchpad soon.02:23
SteveAjamesh: if it can't then sure, I'd like the raw data.  Although POST data can get pretty large02:23
SteveABjornT: okay, then please talk with matsubara about getting a suitable bug filed02:23
matsubaracarlos: ok, let's talk about it after the meeting then.02:23
SteveABjornT: or point matsubara to the bug02:24
jameshSteveA: okay.  This would be a lot easier to implement with a new OOPS format (using multiple files)02:24
carlosmatsubara: I would prefer to delay it after I have lunch... ;-)02:24
jamesh(and does sound useful)02:24
spivSteveA: It wouldn't be hard to copy and paste the raw data into a local python and run it through pprint(xmlrpclib.loads(...)) as needed.02:24
matsubaracarlos: np, just ping me when you're ready.02:24
SteveAmeanwhile, maybe we should be replacing the Fault instances by factories that return just a plain Fault 02:24
SteveAseeing as things plainly don't work now02:25
carlosmatsubara: ok02:25
SteveAmatsubara: anything else?02:26
matsubaraSteveA: I'm done. thanks.02:26
matsubarathanks guys02:26
SteveAthanks matsubara.  well delivered report.02:26
SteveA * Bug report report (mpt)02:26
mptToday's oldest open important bugs:02:26
mptBug 1294 (Filing a private bug requires the ability to Cc the maintainer), confirmed, critical, bradb02:26
UbugtuMalone bug 1294 in malone "Filing a private bug requires the ability to Cc the maintainer" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/129402:26
mptBug 2497 (/people/*/+translations times out for prolific translators), confirmed, critical, kiko02:26
UbugtuMalone bug 2497 in rosetta "/people/*/+translations times out for prolific translators" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/249702:27
mptBug 31609 (buildd maintainers need to be informed of build failures), confirmed, critical, cprov02:27
UbugtuMalone bug 31609 in soyuz "buildd maintainers need to be informed of build failures" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3160902:27
mptBug 35965 (exceptions in process-upload not communicated to uploader), confirmed, critical, cprov02:27
UbugtuMalone bug 35965 in qprocd "exceptions in process-upload not communicated to uploader" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3596502:27
mptBug 37897 (renaming project, product or series breaks vcs imports), confirmed, critical, ddaa, who's not here02:27
UbugtuMalone bug 37897 in launchpad-bazaar "renaming project, product or series breaks vcs imports" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3789702:27
mptBug 42573 (Look in the debbugs archive when syncing bug watches), confirmed, critical, kiko02:27
UbugtuMalone bug 42573 in malone "Look in the debbugs archive when syncing bug watches" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4257302:27
BjornTSteveA: i think hanging it to return plain Fault instances will be just as much work as fixing it properly.02:27
SteveAyay.... only two four-digit critical bugs02:27
mptIs that last one really critical, BjornT/bradb?02:27
bradbkiko started reviewing my patch for bug 1294 yesterday02:27
UbugtuMalone bug 1294 in malone "Filing a private bug requires the ability to Cc the maintainer" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/129402:27
kikompt, not really really critical.02:27
mptbradb, great02:28
mptcprov, should malcc take one of yours?02:28
mptAnd kiko, do you need to give either of yours to someone else?02:28
stubI suspect bugwatches to debbugs are not being updated due to it (?). And the cron output is annoying ;)02:28
kikompt, I'm going to work on them shortly02:28
cprovmpt: not really, he is already busy02:28
mptok, then that's all, except to remind you to verify your Fix Committed bugs after stub announces the rollout02:29
mptSteveA, done02:29
SteveAthanks mpt.   I think we can cope with checking a few more important bugs next time too.02:30
SteveA * Sysadmin requests02:30
SteveAthat's an RT number?02:31
SteveAseems kinda high02:31
stubOnly opened today, but it the rt job requesting the outbound email whitelist02:31
stubYes, it is an rt job number02:31
danilos13966 (from today as well)02:31
SteveAwhat's the danilo?02:31
danilosit's about being added to rosetta@launchpad.net alias02:31
SteveAstub: what machine is that for?  the competition demo machine... ?02:31
stubSteveA: Yes02:31
BjornTstub: if the bugwatch points to an old, closed, debbugs bug it won't get updated. if the bug is open (or closed but not moved to the archive yet) we will sync the status properly.02:32
SteveA * Production and staging (Stuart)02:32
stubProduction was updated this morning (r3766). The update was delayed two days, firstly because I got distracted on other things and yesterday due to problems on the LAN.02:32
stubStaging is running as normal. The staging server will hopefully be getting a hardware boost soon.02:32
stubThe test environment for the Python community is slowly going up. Various small sysadmin stuff to do but I think I'm on top of everything there. I need to know the domain name we want to use for it to organize redirects (test.launchpad.net?)02:32
kiko(mpt, what happened to the description of bug 1188?)02:33
mpt(kiko, nothing, why?)02:34
kiko(mpt, read it)02:34
mpt(kiko, I did that before answering)02:35
SteveAstub: the important features of it are: it is staging data, and it's for invited people to try email out (although others can use the web too)02:35
kiko(mpt, why is it stuttering?)02:35
SteveAby "staging data" I mean "not production data"02:35
SteveAhow about demo.launchpad.net ?02:35
stubSounds fine02:35
stubI'll run with that.02:36
SteveA * browser unit tests (ddaa/salgado)02:36
SteveAddaa isn't here02:36
SteveAso, salgado 02:36
salgadoso, ddaa asked yesterday why we don't have any unit tests for browser code and if it'd be reasonable to have them. he asked that because he has some hairy view code that he wanted to thoroughly test, and for that it'd be better to write unit tests than to have a pagetest for each possible case.02:36
salgadoI agreed with him that unit tests would probably be better in this case and told him that we didn't make any explicit choice for not writing unit tests for browser code; instead, what I think that happened is that because it's a lot easier to write pagetests than unit tests, we've been using the former in some cases that we should be using the latter.02:36
salgadoso, we (me and ddaa) would like to have a policy saying whether it's desirable or not to have unit tests for browser code and, if desirable, in which cases we should be using them instead of pagetests.02:36
SteveAwe do have some system doc tests for view classes in browser code02:36
kikoI was about to say that.02:37
SteveAwe even have a naming convention for them02:37
salgadoright, the <foo>-pages.txt02:37
spivAlso, see https://launchpad.canonical.com/BasicTestCoverage -- it briefly discusses testing of view classes.02:37
SteveAthe thing is that these are generally not "unit tests"02:37
salgadobut those are doctests. ddaa said he'd like doctests to be used mainly for documentation02:38
SteveAthese are functional tests, with the entry-point being the view code02:38
SteveAddaa would like a lot of things02:38
SteveAand, I think we should document our browser view classes02:38
salgadoalthough I'm not sure I agree with him about the doctests, I think we're overusing them in some cases02:38
salgado(a lot of cases, actually)02:38
salgadothey're becoming very hard to maintain02:38
stubOut doc directory has grown too much, making it useless for documentation02:39
SteveAso I see a couple of different points here02:39
salgadoand a lot of them don't make sense anymore, when read as a document02:39
SteveA1. we use doc tests for API documentation and also for other functional and unit tests, all in the same place02:39
SteveA2. we use doc tests format in preference to other formats because experience showed that people wrote opaque python-code-only tests before (if they wrote tests at all).02:40
SteveA3. we should test view code02:40
SteveAto address these...02:40
SteveA3. yes, we should02:40
SteveA1. we should split API and use documentation from "I'm documenting how this fits together and its edge cases" documentation02:40
kikoI much prefer the doc test format to any other.02:41
flacostekiko: the problem with doc test is that it's not reusable02:41
spivkiko: It really depends on the tests.02:41
stubI find it depends on what you are testing02:41
flacostekiko: for example, to write an Interface test02:41
SteveA2. people should discuss with their reviewers using other forms of tests02:41
SteveAfor interface tests, I'd like to see a mechanism for testing the interface with a .txt file02:42
SteveAand having instances constructed and run through that txt file02:42
SteveAthat provides an interface documentation and test02:42
SteveAwe are out of time for this discussion.  thank you salgado (and ddaa in absence) for bringing this up, and preparing the text beforehand02:42
flacosteSteveA: i thought about that, but what when some cases needs modification for a particular implementation02:42
mpt(kiko, it's from before autogeneration of shortdesc from description ceased, which was before description and shortdesc merged. The resulting stuttering in old almost-entirely-Launchpad bug reports is what I referred to in MaloneSimplifications as "taking one for the team".)02:42
SteveA * Keep, Bag, Change02:42
jameshkiko: with doctests you often end up concatenating a bunch of tests that should be independent, which can be a problem02:43
kiko(mpt, ah, I thought it was that. thanks!)02:43
SteveA * Three sentences02:43
SteveAplease paste them now02:43
mptDONE: landed Rosetta fixes; LaunchpadLoginService; bug fixes02:43
mptTODO: Internet Explorer debugging; MaloneSimplifications; bug fixes02:43
mptBLOCKED: no02:43
malccDONE: Peer review of process-upload-tidy, initial completion and testing of publish-distro-optimization. Working towards clear decks for PPA.02:43
malccTODO: Land both these branches and hence finish clearing decks for PPA.02:43
malccBLOCKED: No02:43
flacosteDONE: Specs writing, searchTickets() method, improved ITicketTarget test coverage02:43
flacosteTODO: Added UI for searchTickets, implement SupportTrackerWorkflowSpec02:43
flacosteBLOCKED: no02:43
spivDONE: Reviews, work on spurious merge failures, work on "bzr webserve" for branches in launchpad (bug 49991), muck about with voip.02:43
UbugtuMalone bug 49991 in launchpad-bazaar "browse supermirror branches with bzr server" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4999102:43
cprovDONE: soyuz bug fixing, PPA discussion, drescher madness troubleshooting02:43
cprovTODO: high priority bug triage/fixing, review/merging pending branches and PPA real world02:43
cprovBLOCKED: None02:43
spivTODO: bug 49991, land david/launchpad/bazaar-ui02:43
UbugtuMalone bug 49991 in launchpad-bazaar "browse supermirror branches with bzr server" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4999102:43
BjornTDONE: made it possible to search bugs depending on their upstream status. started with SimpleBugKeywords, finishing the spec, start implementing. reviews.02:43
spivBLOCKED: no02:43
KinnisonDONE: Lots of discussion with malcc and cprov about PPA including a skype call or two. Helped resolve some other bits and bobs with builds etc. Preparing real specification for PPA02:43
BjornTTODO: Finish the first phase of SimpleBugKeywords. reviews.02:43
danilosDONE: Started with accounts and docs, visa and travel arrangements, fix for bug #1788, commented on others.02:43
bradbDONE: Put security/privacy cb collapse up for review. The Landscape Hack (TM). A whack of discussion. Fixing xmlrpc API based on updates from the Paris sprint.02:43
danilosTODO: Fix remaining bugs from initial Carlos list and select/evaluate other specs/features/bugs to work on.02:43
danilosBLOCKED: By my learning better self-organization.02:43
BjornTBLOCKED: no02:43
UbugtuMalone bug 1788 in rosetta "Saving preferred languages looks like it does nothing" [Medium,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/178802:43
KinnisonTODO: Have pre-impl PPA meeting with malcc/cprov. Begin implementation of PPA and delegate tasks to malcc/cprov as discussed in our meeting.02:43
bradbTODO: Nag reviewers. Wrap up filebug xmlrpc, then go more into release management.02:43
kikoDONE: performance improvements, spec reviewing, code reviewing, management02:43
KinnisonBLOCKED: None.02:43
salgadoDONE: Finished implementation of KarmaContext, lots of small bug fixes/tweaks, code review02:43
salgadoTODO: More random fixes, code review02:43
salgadoBLOCKED: No02:43
bradbBLOCKED: No.02:43
jameshDONE: code review, get a few branches merged, implement SF tracker import for Py02:43
jameshthon CallForTrackers competition02:43
jameshTODO: code reviews, finnish off Dyson robustness fixes, hopefully get a live Pyt02:43
jameshhon SF tracker import going.02:43
jameshBLOCKED: Python tracker stuff is blocked, but I have other stuff to work on.02:43
carlosDONE: vacation, bug #6459 review comments and merge, POSubmission duplicates debugging and fix, Translation migrations between distroreleases, introduce danilo to Canonical/Launchpad development, Help XaraXL maintainers to contact their translations to ask them to sign a copyright assignment02:44
UbugtuMalone bug 6459 in rosetta "Timeout error on distribution release language page" [Critical,Fix committed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/645902:44
carlosTODO: Finish translation migration, keep helping danilo, fix bug #44860, Open Edgy for translations and implement new automatic ways to import .po files for Edgy.02:44
carlosBLOCKED: No02:44
UbugtuMalone bug 44860 in rosetta "Crash when we try to pass a query string to a POFile that doesn't exist yet." [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4486002:44
matsubaraDONE: oops report analysis, fixed oops bugs, ownership reassignment bug.02:44
matsubaraTODO: more oops bugs and triage02:44
matsubaraBLOCKED: no02:44
kikoTODO: rosetta browser code work. potentially debbugs and +translations fix.02:44
kikoBLOCKED: no02:44
stubTODO: Land test suite updates, PillarNames, test server setup02:44
stubDONE: test suite work, pillarnames work02:44
stubBLOCKED: No02:44
SteveADONE: preparing mark's spec code for landing02:44
SteveATODO: finish landing it, management meetings02:44
SteveABLOCKED: on graphviz packages from the distro team02:44
SteveAjamesh: how is the python tracker stuff blocked?02:45
mptimplementation of keywords?02:45
jameshSteveA: getting the live import up is blocked on having the demo environment sorted.02:45
SteveAI think that's it02:45
SteveAthanks everyone!02:46
bradbjamesh: who's need to unblock that, and are they working on it?02:46
danilosok, a nice first timer, thank you SteveA as well ;)02:46
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SteveAoh, welcome to danilo02:46
jameshbradb: sounds like stub is on top of it02:46
SteveAdanilo is working with carlos on rosetta, in case anyone didn't know02:47
=== carlos -> lunch
carlossee you later!02:47
stubjamesh: Once I get the DB setup are you able to take it from there? I'll request the HTTP redirects, but we can work without them for a little while.02:47
jameshbradb: as far as code goes, the only bit missing is the keywords02:47
jameshstub: I suppose so.  Is there much to do different to running LP locally?02:48
stubjamesh: Nope.02:49
flacostekiko: did you read mpt comments on SupportTrackerWorkflow?02:49
jameshstub: okay.  cool02:49
bradbjamesh: It may be best to proceed in lieu of keywords, since we've only got a few weeks left (technically about 3, but mythical-man-monthly, about 1.5)02:49
jameshbradb: there may be some issues that turn up when running the importer on the full Python dataset, but I don't think they'll pose much of a problem.02:50
stubmpt: Is there a reason you are maintaining the spec -> bug mapping in the wiki when we can do this on the Launchpad side of things?02:50
kikoflacoste, I did. I am musing about the checkboxes.. I don't quite know if I agree with that.02:50
jameshI should be able to start testing some aspects of that before the DB is ready02:50
flacostekiko: the major changes is that we would need to track multiple best answers02:51
stubjamesh: db will be ready in an hour or two02:51
flacostekiko: whereas we only track one now02:51
BjornTjamesh, bradb: i plan to have the first phase of the keywords implementation ready for review tomorrow or on monday.02:51
jameshstub: cool!02:51
kikoflacoste, yeah, I realized that. I don't like that idea very much02:51
bradbBjornT: cool02:51
=== jamesh goes to get some food
stubjamesh: and you have sudo access to the 'launchpad' user.02:52
flacostekiko: me neither02:52
flacostekiko: what do you think of Satisfied instead of Answered_confirmed?02:53
kikoflacoste, were you suggesting /displaying/ Answered_confirmed?!02:53
mptstub, that way (a) it's much easier to check that a spec is designed to resolve a bug, (b) I can say why a particular bug should be rejected rather than fixed, (c) it's faster, and (d) I can do it for specs whether or not they're on software entities that are registered in Launchpad02:53
mptstub, reasons (c) and (d) probably will go away once specs are edited in LP itself02:54
flacostekiko: not necessarly, in fact, if you look at the new mockups, you'll see the label 'The user confirmed this answer solved his problem' around the answer02:54
bradbBjornT: what's the status of the TestTransport and all that?02:54
flacostekiko: so probably something along that in listings02:54
mptBugs are just use cases with added realism02:55
stubmpt: Ta. So it looks like spec tracker features were implemented in the wrong order, as edit-within-launchpad would have been more useful than all the other knobs.02:55
mptstub, definitely02:56
BjornTbradb: i plan to take a look at it again when i'm finished with the keywords stuff.02:56
bradbBjornT: ok, thanks02:56
mptstub, I may have forgotten to hit the "Trivial" checkbox for a couple of bug reports added to specs today, sorry about that.02:57
stubmpt: I'm not worried about that. Its just frustrating when we can't dogfood our own product ;)02:58
stubIt happens too often02:59
kikoflacoste, I'm unsure about Satisfied, too02:59
flacostekiko: in a listing, probably Confirmed Answer would be ok02:59
flacostekiko: we would have 'Answered' and 'Confirmed Answer'03:00
kikoflacoste, other ideas are: Fulfilled, Responded, Endorsed, Ratified..03:00
kikoyeah, Confirmed Answer sound ok to me.03:00
SteveABjornT: 03:01
SteveA    def __new__(cls, *args, **kw):03:01
SteveA        obj = super(LaunchpadFault, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kw)03:01
SteveA        obj.__init__(*args, **kw)03:01
SteveA        return xmlrpclib.Fault(obj.faultCode, obj.faultString)03:01
SteveAadd that to LaunchpadFault for a quick fix03:02
SteveAalong with a docstring saying "XXX: ensure all launchpad faults are of type xmlrpc.Fault"03:03
BjornTSteveA: do you think it's important enough to fix it ASAP? i was planning to fix it properly next week.03:05
SteveAflacoste: you said "i thought about that, but what when some cases needs modification for a particular implementation"03:05
flacosteSteveA: yes, Monday I wrote an Interface test for ITicketTarget03:05
SteveAthat's an interesting point.  I think that for an interface test, the .txt file portion should remain the same always -- it is the part that is testing the interface.  The "harness" part should provide implementations of the interface, and also individual "harnesses" for each implementation03:06
flacosteSteveA: I agree in theory03:06
SteveAI think something like that would allow us to retain the benefits of documenting what an interface does, and account for differences in how implementations need to be set up03:06
SteveAif you want to experiment with these ideas sometime, please do so.  maybe in one of those 1-2 hour slots for quick experiements and fixes.03:07
SteveABjornT: I think a quick fix would be nice to get in next week's rollout.03:08
SteveAa full fix would be even better.03:08
SteveApeople are starting to use the xmlrpc stuff, and I'd like to greet them with nice faults rather than crashes03:09
SteveABjornT: I can add this code as a [trivial]  if you'll r= it03:09
SteveAor even as r=you... no need for [trivial]  in that case03:09
kikobradb, can you give me a URL to your patch again?03:10
flacosteSteveA: the problem I had with ITicketTarget is that the semantics of the interface are somewhat different in SourcePackage than Product and Distribution03:10
SteveAhow do you mean?03:11
SteveAcan you give an example of what is different?03:11
flacosteSteveA: yes...03:11
bradbkiko: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~jamesh/pending-reviews/bradb/launchpad/malone-smallfixes/full-diff03:12
flacosteSteveA: I had to override two tests (on the 8 found in TicketTargetInterfaceTest) in the SourcePackage case03:12
SteveAI mean, please explain in english what the semantic difference between a SP ticket target and a Product ticket target is03:13
SteveAif there's a semantic difference, then perhaps one interface definition is not sufficient to cover both cases03:13
BjornTSteveA: sure, r=me03:13
=== bradb notes the sabster has a 5000-line WIP branch!
SteveAthanks BjornT 03:13
flacosteSteveA: in the SourcePackage case, for example, ticket.target = sourcepackage.distribution.target03:14
bradbwe need an [airplane]  tag03:14
LarstiQbradb: ooh that will be fun to review03:14
flacosteSteveA: and the initial subscription list is ITicketTarget(sourcepackage).support_contact + ITicketTarget(sourcepackage.distribution).support_contacts03:14
SteveAthat's a difference in the implementation, not a semantic difference03:14
=== msemtd [n=michael@host217-35-84-156.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #launchpad
flacosteSteveA: I agree, but these differences in implementation would make the base interface test fails03:15
SteveAthe plan I sketched about having a harness for each implementation yet the same .txt test would still work03:15
flacostefor me the harness would only create an instance and make it available in the globs of the *.txt doctest03:16
flacosteto solve the ITicketTarget case, some checks would also needed to be made by the harness03:17
flacosteso that different implementations can have different checks in some cases03:17
flacostethat would be feasible, but I'm not sure it would look pretty03:18
SteveAI agree.  It would take some work to get such a system working elegantly.03:19
SteveAbut then again, that's not really an interface test03:20
SteveAwhat I mean is this03:20
SteveAan interface test is something you can run against any valid implementation of the interface03:20
flacostei agree, that I'm mixing a little bit unit test and interface test here, but not that much03:21
SteveAin this case, the test would be that the target is some valid database object, or that the subscription list contains some team or something like that03:21
SteveAthe other more specific things are tests of that particular implementation of the interface03:21
SteveAand I think it is best to keep these separate03:21
SteveAin the sense that one is an interface test that applies all over and it "bound" to that interface03:21
SteveAand the other is "bound" to a particular implementation03:22
SteveAso, no special harness needed for each implementation03:22
SteveAjust an interface test .txt file, and something that sets up the instances for being tested03:22
SteveAmaybe a harness to put the instances into particular states for testing03:22
flacosteSteveA: i can agree with that rationale03:24
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bradbBjornT: Any idea about this error? https://chinstrap.canonical.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileeVO0BP.html03:36
bradbI was trying a basic sanity check from the cmd line.03:37
bradbI don't understand why that AttributeError is being raised, since I assume that xmlrpc requests are working fine for bzr.03:37
SteveAbradb: the answer is simple03:37
BjornTbradb: you're trying to access the web interface, not the xmlrpc one03:37
SteveAbradb: xmlrpc.launchpad.whatever03:37
SteveAwe only enable the xmlrpc service on specific hosts03:38
SteveAit isn't available on the same host as for normal web requests03:38
SteveAwhen you use xmlrpclib.Server()03:38
SteveAmake sure the URL ends in a /03:38
SteveAotherwise you get different xmlrpc behaviour03:38
BjornTbradb, SteveA: the xmlrpc server is still running on a separate port, though.03:39
SteveAyeah, the default zope one is03:39
SteveAwhich is why it doesn't have an oops id03:39
SteveAan oopsid attribute03:39
bradbah, /that/ explains it03:40
SteveAthat'll be something we should turn off03:40
=== SteveA files a bug
bradbSteveA: I have some xmlrpc code that I think is ready for review, except that I don't know if it works, because I've only been able to test the view, not the xmlrpenis. What should I do with this code?03:41
=== danilos is away: Away
SteveA1. test it manually to see if it works03:42
SteveA2. ask bjorn for advice03:42
SteveAI'm not going to be able to look at this for a while, as I'm busy with other stuff right now03:42
=== bradb just tried to do 1
bradbBjornT: is there a simple fix to make this manually testable?03:42
SteveAhere's how it goes03:44
SteveAon your development setup03:44
SteveAthe xmlrpc server is running on some port03:44
=== SteveA looks it up
=== carlos [n=carlos@7.Red-88-3-204.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad
SteveAso, use xmlrpclib.Server('http://localhost:8081/')03:44
bradbi assumed that was the default zope one that wouldn't work, but i guess not03:45
SteveAthis will be changing to xmlrpc.launchpad.dev when we include the xmlrpc stuff into the rest of the vhosting configuration03:45
SteveAthat's our special one03:45
carlosmatsubara: ping03:45
SteveAbradb: btw, you said "xmlrpenis" earlier.  That's a unique invention according to google.03:45
matsubarahey carlos 03:46
bradbSteveA: that might be good news03:46
carlosmatsubara: hey03:46
carlosdo you have time now to play with staging?03:46
kikoI hope xmlrpenis does not become a real word03:47
SteveAit's in public irc logs now03:47
SteveAso, it'll be on google soon03:47
matsubaracarlos: sure03:47
BjornTSteveA: speaking of which, do you see any problems with adding the xmlrpc stuff to the vhosting configuration? i have a branch which is half-way there (for testing xmlrpc properly)03:47
malccI think it's surprising the internet has come this far without any kind of remote penis protocol03:47
carlosmalcc: ;-)03:47
matsubaracarlos: so, usually what are the values that you use when debugging rosetta pages there?03:47
malccAnother victory for xml03:47
SteveABjornT: I don't see a problem.  We just need to be careful when rolling it out, to change the apache config, and also to tell people what local config needs amending.03:48
carlosmatsubara: those values are not useful at all because I use to put there an extra zero of what we have on production....03:48
SteveABjornT: it will be a good thing, as we'll be able to test xmlrpc views using a server transport implementation that talks to the publisher.03:48
carlosmatsubara: my debugging is not for timeouts but for functionality03:48
SteveAor something like that03:48
SteveAi think you know it better than me :-)03:48
matsubaracarlos: I see.03:48
carlosmatsubara: staging is slower than production so we need something higher than on production03:49
BjornTSteveA: right. i'll try to land that branch next week then.03:49
=== bradb runs to the grocery store. back in 10.
danilosoff to lunch03:54
salgadostub, ping?04:04
stubsalgado: pong04:04
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KeybukSteveA: you will be appalled to know that Dragostea Din Tei was voted #5 in the "Worst Ever Pop Song" chart on TV just now :-/04:12
SteveAKeybuk: obviously the voters don't appreciate camp moldovan airplane dancing04:16
KeybukSteveA: did you know one of the former members of O-Zone sung at the Eurovision this year?04:18
SteveAI did not know that.  But I can believe it.04:18
SteveAKeybuk: what were the four worse songs?04:21
KeybukSteveA: I didn't stay around to watch ;)04:22
=== SteveA --> lunch
SteveA(a late late lunch)04:23
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stubDon't worry - that song is really popular with the bargirls over here.05:24
sivangstub: where you are currently? :)05:31
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=== kalosaurusrex [n=aaron@dhcp59190.vcd.hp.com] has joined #launchpad
kalosaurusrexany admins on?  need some assistance..05:54
SteveAhi kalosaurusrex 05:55
SteveAwhat's up?05:55
kalosaurusrexSteveA: hey sorry.  I'm trying to figure out why my project isn't showing up under my "member of projects page..05:56
kalosaurusrexSteveA: and I can't change the project maintainer, says I don't have access.05:57
kalosaurusrexsure I'm just doing something wrong.05:57
kalosaurusrexas well I want people to be able to join the project.05:57
=== BjornT [n=bjorn@clt-84-32-240-183.dtiltas.lt] has joined #launchpad
SteveAwhat's your username in launchpad?05:58
SteveABjornT: enjoying the storm? :-)05:58
SteveAthat project was registered by ke7ezt05:59
kalosaurusrexno sorry I'm wrong it's ke7ezt05:59
kalosaurusrexSteveA: any thoughts?06:02
kalosaurusrexbrb afk 5 min06:02
=== bradb heads for lunch and bank, might stop by from a cafe in a bit. bbl.
BjornTSteveA: nah, i'm just trying to get asterisk running on my router06:04
SteveAactually, I meant "are you enjoying the storm", not "did the storm kick you offline" :-)   but I can see how it could be read both ways06:07
kalosaurusrexany ideas on what I'm doing wrong here?06:15
kalosaurusrexI want to pitch to the team to use launchpad as our support entry point, but I need to fix this..06:16
mptkalosaurusrex, a product isn't something that people join06:19
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kalosaurusrexhmm okay.  06:19
mptkalosaurusrex, there are already support requests for it06:20
mptwhich ... all appear to be Aaron Albright talking to himself06:21
kalosaurusrexmpt:  yes but they are old, and I had to enter them manually.  06:21
kalosaurusrexI wanted to use them to track our email support requests.  but I'd rather just have the team use launchpad as our support forum.  instead of the mailing lists.06:21
kalosaurusrexwhich are really hard to keep track of.06:21
kalosaurusrexI'd rather like to clear all those out and start clean if possible.06:22
mptSo, our UI for deleting stuff is "find the DBA on IRC"06:22
matsubara-lunchkalosaurusrex: about the "can't change product maintainer" that's bug 41639, it's already fixed and will be rolled out on the next production update06:22
UbugtuMalone bug 41639 in launchpad "Product owner should be able to reassign ownership to another user." [High,Fix committed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4163906:22
kalosaurusrexahh okay06:23
mptkalosaurusrex, either talk to stub when he wakes up, or e-mail launchpad-users@ with your request for deletion06:23
kalosaurusrexmpt: okay will do.  thanks.  so sorry if I'm being dense here, there are other developers that would use it for the HPLIP project.  how do they associate with the product?06:24
kalosaurusrexI'm used to using sourceforge and it's a tad different.  better..mind you.06:24
kalosaurusrexlaunchpad is better I mean06:24
mptkalosaurusrex, they don't need to really, but if you want to you could make a team to be the "driver" of the product06:25
=== jd_ is now known as jd_zZz
mptthen https://launchpad.net/products/hplip/+driver06:26
=== mpt goes back to sleep
=== mpt [n=mpt@203-173-177-223.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #launchpad
SteveABjornT / matsubara-lunch: what is the xmlrpc "faults must be Faults" bug?06:35
SteveAI can't find it in malone06:36
BjornTSteveA: bug 52033 (the summary and description could be better...)06:39
UbugtuMalone bug 52033 in launchpad-bazaar "register-branch --author without email address" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5203306:39
=== bradb [n=bradb@modemcable033.130-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #launchpad
kalosaurusrexmpt: sorry what's the full email address for the launchpad-users@..06:49
bradbkalosaurusrex: See the channel topic.06:52
kalosaurusrexeh dur06:54
kalosaurusrexthanks 06:54
=== bradb works from Starbucks. God, there is like a WORLDWIDE SOUNDTRACK for cafes with free internet.
bradband it includes snippets of the Jackson Five06:57
SteveAkiko: hi07:20
=== bradb heads to the bank, bbl
flacosteSteveA: I rewrote my interface test as a doctestfile, it works nicely!07:43
=== flacoste is now going to eat lunch
kikowhat's up stever07:44
salgadokiko, https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileFAD0lJ.html07:44
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salgadokiko, https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filedfENS5.html09:19
salgadowould you review it for me, or should I use pending-reviews?09:19
kikosalgado, I'll review it.09:20
=== danilos is away: Away
=== bradb [n=bradb@modemcable048.58-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #launchpad
kalosaurusrexI need to pitch launchpad to my management--and I was hoping that you guys may be able to give me some good pointers to hit on..10:28
LarstiQkalosaurusrex: well, why do you need to pitch it?10:28
kalosaurusrexLarstiQ: because we just recently switched from using the sourceforge forums to a mailing list for support.  but it's a HUGE pain to keep track of the status of each support request.10:29
kalosaurusrexso they may hesitate on doing another change so recently.10:29
LarstiQah, I'm not familiar with the support tracker side of launchpad10:30
=== LarstiQ deals mostly with bug tracking and the bazaar
kalosaurusrexahh that's cool.10:32
kalosaurusrexI wish we could just move away from sourceforge all together.10:32
kalosaurusrexand just use launchpad. but that won't happen.10:32
LarstiQhow so?10:37
kalosaurusrexour website is hosted by them, at least currently.  I figured the first step would be to use launchpad as our support forum.  and slowly try and convert everyone :)10:39
LarstiQwhat is that you do?10:44
=== LarstiQ has heard about support and a website, but doesn't know what it is about.
kalosaurusrexoh, http://hplip.sourceforge.net10:45
LarstiQoooh, hplip10:48
kalosaurusrexyes sir10:49
LarstiQWhere does development of that live?10:49
kalosaurusrexwhat do you mean?10:49
LarstiQon sourceforge?10:50
kalosaurusrexoh.  it's on sourceforge.10:50
kalosaurusrexbut the dev side isn't open.  all in house until we release.10:51
LarstiQI guess most of the expertise is in house anyway.10:52
kalosaurusrexyeah.  it's not the most interesting project. but I get a lot of linux experience!10:56
kikobradb, mpt: care to review: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileMZiYZj.html -- ?10:58
=== bradb looks
flacostekalosaurusrex: expect some changes in the support request forum in the coming months11:00
flacostekalosaurusrex: you might want to look at https://launchpad.net/products/launchpad-support-tracker/+specs to see what is coming up11:00
flacostekalosaurusrex: the 1.0 milestone11:01
flacostekalosaurusrex: and btw, thanks! I'm a happy hplip user :-)11:03
bradbkiko: the lateste bugs portlet should probably be updated then too, right?11:03
kikobradb, how would I do that?11:04
kikoI don't think so...11:04
kikoand if so, then I should probably change the bug's fmt:icon11:05
kalosaurusrexflacoste: thank you!  I'll look over it.  and your welcome lol :)11:05
kalosaurusrexI really only do the primary testing and support.  as well as other side projects and such.  good fun11:06
bradbkiko: hm, maybe updating the portlet is unnecessary11:06
kikoyeah, was thinking so too11:07
bradbkiko: the patch looks good to me.11:08
bradboh, one thing11:08
bradbhiding this behind a bug/fmt:icon might be nice, because it's easy to test11:09
bradbif that's doable11:09
kikowhere is that used?11:09
bradbi don't know that there is a fmt:icon for bug atm. it doesn't look like there is.11:10
kikothere's one for bugtask though11:10
kikothat should be enough11:10
kikoI'll do that11:11
bradbanother option is to put it behind bugtask's11:11
kikodoing so now..11:13
kikobradb, are the bugtask-macros-tableview unused now?11:13
bradbkiko: that stuff should be being used, but i'm not sure that the whole file is used. your asking makes me want to verify though...11:16
bradbkiko: at least the advanced search form is used from there11:17
bradbit could be that that's the only thing being used from that file.11:19
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bradbi should context switch back to responding to the security/privacy code review11:19
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kalosaurusrexhey can I have users submit support requests via emial?11:31
kalosaurusrexeh email11:31
kikokalosaurusrex, yes, you certainly can.11:33
LarstiQkalosaurusrex: it is possible with bugs, so I'd think with support requests too11:33
kikoIIRC you have them write to new@support.launchpad.net11:33
kikoor hmm, flacoste or BjornT will tell you :)11:33
kalosaurusrexhmm awesome!11:34
kalosaurusrexkiko: not clear on that, I just have them email new@support.launchpad.net and it will go to my project support db?11:34
kikokalosaurusrex, yes, but I don't know the exact address. hang on.11:34
kalosaurusrexkiko: thank you so much!!11:35
=== mholthaus_ [n=mholthau@] has joined #launchpad
kikokalosaurusrex, okay, so far I can confirm you can reply to support requests via email.11:35
kikokalosaurusrex, and I believe new@support.launchpad.net also works.11:37
kikokalosaurusrex, just remember to include an affects line11:37
matsubarakiko: I don't think that works atm11:39
kikomatsubara, awwwwa11:41
kalosaurusrexwell that sucks lol11:41
LarstiQmatsubara: how far is it from working/11:42
matsubarawell you can use the email interface11:42
matsubarabut AFAICS it doesn't support commands in the same way malone does11:42
matsubaraLarstiQ: flacoste or BjornT could answer that.11:43
kikoyou mean you can't file new bugs, matsubara?11:43
matsubarabugs? of course you can11:44
matsubaraI think we're talking about tickets11:44
matsubarakiko: I just glance at the code but it doesn't look like, the ticket email interface supports any kind of commands.11:46
LarstiQmatsubara: soo, how would you get the support ticket to the right place? Not at all?11:46
matsubara$ticket_number@support.launchpad.net does work11:47
matsubaraLarstiQ: what doesn't work is the new@support.launchpad.net thing11:47
LarstiQmatsubara: right, which is important for kalosaurusrex 11:48
kikoI meant tickets.11:49
LarstiQis there a way for the bugs search to restrict to the summary?11:50
kikoLarstiQ, not currently.11:51
kiko(but it's planned)11:51
LarstiQkiko: I hope so, trying to see if a debian bug is already present in lp is driving me crazy atm11:51
=== flacoste [n=francis@modemcable207.210-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has left #launchpad ["Bye"]
kikoLarstiQ, what bug?11:53
LarstiQ kiko: if the issue is already known I'd like to link the debian bug to it, otherwise report a new one11:55
LarstiQwell, known to lp at least11:55
kikohow are you searching?11:55
=== marcin_ant [n=marcin@] has joined #launchpad
LarstiQjust plugging variations of 'read only' into https://launchpad.net/products/bzr/+bugs11:57
kalosaurusrexLarstiQ: thanks for trying to work something out.  I really do appreciate it.12:08
LarstiQnp, one day I might need the functionality myself :)12:10

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