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jendaAny pointers towards the ubuntu logo?12:55
lapojenda: do you need ubuntu logo svgs?01:00
jendaI just managed with a png01:01
jendabut an svg would be great01:01
lapojenda: there's the svgs on the ubuntu site01:02
jendaah, thanks, lapo01:04
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newz2000I need some graphic design help...04:51
newz2000I sent a msg to the maliing list, but here's the URL:04:51
kwwiiI'll take a look, one second05:09
kwwiinewz2000: so your idea was to either use the merge sign *or* the branches on top of the blue stipe, etc.?05:12
newz2000Yeah, I'm going to use the blue strip05:12
kwwiiso only one of the graphics will be used05:13
kwwiiwhen I look at the merge sign, I see a chinese man taking a piss05:13
kwwiicorrection: a well hung chinese man05:13
newz2000That's ok, I'm still laughing about the glasgow handshake05:14
kwwiihow did you make the branches?05:17
newz2000I didn't make them05:18
newz2000I think they were traced05:18
kwwiihrm, I cannot edit them in inkscape05:18
newz2000you're right05:19
newz2000All I did was try and resize them05:19
newz2000Even the xml isn't very revealing05:21
troy_syou getting any support for help?05:21
troy_si also noticed that henrik adjusted some sok specs05:22
troy_skwwii move05:22
troy_syou in my german friend?05:22
kwwiitroy_s: yeah, we've been emailing each other05:22
newz2000kwwii is looking at the logos... I don't know what henrick's doing05:22
troy_skwwii is a good guy to get if you can get a few minutes of his time.05:23
troy_sthere is the stinker now... quick sit on him05:23
kwwiitroy_s: you saw the philosophy I assume?05:23
troy_sno... got in damn late last night05:23
troy_syou got a link?05:23
troy_sferget it... i'll scroll if it is here.05:23
troy_sgot it.05:24
newz2000Glasgow handshake?05:25
newz2000kwwii, even the xml editor doesn't reveal much about that branch05:27
troy_skwwii -- you and frank in on the weekly meetings yet?05:27
kwwiitroy_s: hehe, we had one this morning05:27
=== kwwii didn't know that until I got a phone call
troy_sfrank there?05:28
troy_show did it go?05:28
kwwiihe went a little too far into detail05:29
kwwiiit wasn't new for me, so it wasn't that amazing :-)05:29
kwwiinewz2000: that branch is funky05:30
newz2000I agree05:30
troy_swho is he?05:32
troy_sand what do you mean too far into detail?05:32
kwwiiI meant that frank prepared too well :-)05:32
troy_she is very good.05:33
kwwiiyeah, no shit05:33
troy_si have high hopes once we can get more support team05:33
kwwiiit was very prodcutive I think05:33
troy_swhat did you guys go over?05:33
kwwiiwell, you basically give a quick report over what you have done in the last week, and where you are going in the next week05:33
troy_sand did frank have a good selection of what has been done etc?  was sabdfl there or just ben and matt etc?05:34
kwwiinot sure if Mark was in the channel or not, but Matt led it (and normally leads them)05:35
kwwiiquite a few people are there, so it has to go quickly and smoothly05:36
troy_sgood stuff.  sounds like a great step towards integrating into the existing structure!05:36
troy_sdid you have some update details?05:36
kwwiinot sure I understand what you mean by "update details"05:37
kwwiinewz2000: I found the branch05:37
kwwiifunky, really funky05:38
newz2000Did you have to go into the xml?05:38
troy_swell you had to offer up how kubuntu side was progressing too no?05:38
kwwiinewz2000: I tried that but didn't take time to figure it out, so I opened it in AI :p05:38
newz2000kwwii: cheater. ;)05:38
troy_ssomeone got a sample?05:39
kwwiitroy_s: yepp, I mentioned that we have several people starting to take interest in the artwork side of kubuntu, that we now have more presence on the wikis, and that colors, and textures have been discussed05:39
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troy_sgood stuffs.05:40
kwwiimentioned that basic ideas are coming in for the stuff included in the spec for edgy as well05:40
kwwiiyeah, if only I had known about it in advance05:40
troy_sdid frank pass on what he is working on behind the scenes?  i know we talked about sniping the gtk palette into spectrum etc.05:41
kwwiiI looked on the fridge last night and didn't see the notice, somehow05:41
kwwiiyeah, he did05:41
kwwiihe wrote a full report :-) I was amazed05:41
troy_sis this available anywhere?05:45
=== waky|off is now known as waky
kwwiiI guess that the mintues are available somewhere05:46
newz2000crud. My brain just exploded. :-P05:48
troy_show the feck do you do rss in epiphany?05:51
newz2000sudo apt-get install firefox05:52
=== newz2000 is embarrased for the cheeky answer
newz2000:-] 05:53
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troy_syou have a linky for the minutes?05:57
kwwiino idea where they would be05:58
kwwiinewz2000: I played around with it a bit: http://bootsplash.org/bzr_idea.svg05:58
kwwiinot sure if it is any better though05:58
kwwiinow it looks like a chinese guy with his legs but off05:59
kwwiianway...time for dinner05:59
newz2000I wish you'd not told me that thing about the chinese guy. :-)05:59
newz2000Thanks for the help, enjoy your dinner05:59
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newz2000Yes, by the way, I like you're work. Its much smoother than mine.05:59
kwwiino problem :-) be back later06:00
kwwiicool :-)06:00
troy_swhen do you need those newz2000, weekend?06:01
newz2000Yeah, that'd be good.06:01
newz2000I'm going to start teh moin 1.5 upgrade today (on a test server)06:01
newz2000And htmlize the template today/tomorrow.06:02
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fschoeptroy_s: ping08:21
troy_sgreets franko08:21
troy_sget that jabber account activated yet :)08:21
troy_show you been frank?08:21
fschoepBusy, kind of.08:21
troy_sgood.  you should be.08:21
fschoepYeah 24 hours a week.08:21
fschoepCurrently it's more like 24 hours a day.08:21
fschoepSo what are / were you doing??08:22
troy_syou can always go fulltime i imagine :)08:22
troy_swhat does that mean?08:22
troy_sam i doing?08:22
troy_sprepping a show08:22
fschoepYeah, like working or just chlling out?08:22
troy_sand trying to keep my commitment to ubuntu up08:22
troy_swhich is tough08:23
fschoepOK, how many minutes have you got to spare?08:23
troy_splenty right now08:23
troy_si have a meeting at 5pm here... in five hours.08:23
troy_splus a walkabout in a couple of hours.08:23
fschoepDid you have a specific plan in mind for something to do now?08:23
troy_smight sit in on the marketing meeting08:23
troy_snot entirely... wouldn't mind getting a status update on your end08:23
troy_sto see if i can pull in some more resources etc08:23
troy_sniklas has a great 16 colour glossy sample as you can see.08:24
fschoepI sent you a short reply on your mail, did you read that one yet?08:24
troy_sand if you check the contact sheet niel is starting to get the idea of pop (proof of principle) and mock ups down great with the logo08:24
troy_seven has compositional transparency08:24
troy_sa few anomalies in the model that perhaps you can help him out with.08:24
troy_slooks like something to do with extrusion, but i don't know blender too well yet.08:25
fschoepI understand, should I just get in touch with Neil?08:25
troy_si started the sketching08:25
troy_si started th sketching based on the lsplash08:25
fschoepSorry, Niel.08:25
troy_sbecause that has the most constraints on it.08:25
fschoepThe usplash you mean?08:25
fschoepOr the login splash?08:25
troy_s(i mispell his damn name every time i send him mail :( )08:26
fschoepI was thinking it was a typo, sorry.08:26
troy_smainly because08:26
troy_sthe lsplash has the most constraints, and the basic look is extrapolated across the logon and wallpaper08:26
kwwiihi frank!08:26
fschoepHi Kenneth, how are you doing?08:26
troy_si very much like the idea of exceeding the parameters of the pillbox for the logo or something08:27
troy_shopefully we can work with it...08:27
fschoepYeah, that is kind of neat.08:27
troy_sfurther, i was pondering08:27
troy_stalking to the devs to see if we can get true png translucency in there08:27
fschoepI'm not sure if it imposes technical difficulties on certain setups.08:27
fschoepYeah that idea crossed my mind as well.08:27
troy_sneither... we need to look into it.08:27
kwwiifschoep: good, you?08:27
troy_sthe transparency i know doesn't because they already do it on the default pill for dapper08:28
fschoepFine, a bit busy perhaps.08:28
troy_s(with the corners)08:28
fschoepYeah, the burnt corners to have it kind of blend in with the wallpaper.08:28
troy_sfschoep, can you adjust the light size in blender?08:28
kwwiiI wonder how that 16 color logo will look on black08:28
fschoep"the light size" what do you mean by that? Spotlight radius, intensity, halo size, blending?08:28
troy_sas in is it possible to create a kino like fixture (basically a long fluorescent tube light)08:29
troy_skwwii -- pretty good if it is anti'd against it i imagine.08:29
troy_sits more of a pop08:29
troy_swhich is important at this point08:29
kwwiiit is very interesting08:29
fschoepkwwii: possibly not so hot because of antialiasing to black08:29
troy_sif people go and polish the hell out of crap it is a complete waste of time08:29
troy_sas a pop, it is terrific08:29
troy_sproved to me that it can indeed be done08:29
troy_sand done rather pro08:29
newz2000Are you guys sure youre allowed 16 colors? Grub bootsplashes are only allowed 14.08:30
troy_shopefully who_ will show up at some point... i would like a comp version of that gloss logo he had done08:30
troy_syes certain :)08:30
troy_sthey are 16, with black occupying one08:30
kwwiinewz2000: as long as the colors are correct, even grub can use 1608:30
troy_splus a bunch of other constraints08:30
troy_sbut it is all changing.08:30
newz2000ok, just making sure08:31
kwwii(only two of the colors grub uses has to be in the palette)08:31
fschoepnewz2000: we need to reserve some colors for text but those can be reused08:31
newz2000with that few colors, loosing 2 could be rough08:31
troy_sfschoep, speaking of which, you got some formal docs from scott on that blasted usplash?08:31
kwwiiyou can use all those colors in the pic as well, but beware that the programs (grub of usplash) print text using those colors on top of the pic08:31
fschoepWorking on that08:31
troy_si suppose i could vmware, but it is kind of after the fact when you can tap right into the dev's head.08:31
troy_sfschoep, awsome.08:32
newz2000kwwii: Thanks again for that log. I dropped the orange down one shade which makes it look a little nicer with the rest of design08:32
newz2000I mean logo08:32
troy_si suggest that if anyone is available, the marketing team meeting is in 30 mins08:32
troy_smight be worth liasing.08:32
kwwiinewz2000: cool, sounds nice08:32
fschoepI've got a boatload of stuff yet to do today, if you don't mind I'd rather get that kind of done.08:32
troy_sfschoep, regarding blender light - i mean the actual dimensions of the light source08:33
troy_sbecause 3d lights are generally quite limited08:33
troy_sspecular where you only control the size of the spot etc.08:33
newz2000fschoep wants to get work done? Crazy talk.08:33
fschoepYou can change those, but maybe you are confusing "light" with an emitting mesh?08:33
fschoepnewz2000: Sorry :)08:33
troy_swhere the light size actually dictates the degree of diffusion (in conjunction with density)08:33
troy_semitting mesh would be exactly what08:33
troy_si would be talking about i believe.08:33
troy_si'll idle in marketing and see if i can keyword anythin08:34
fschoepOK, too bad you have limited Blender knowledge 'cause it's kind of hard to explain and compare what you mean by just talking into thin air.08:34
troy_swell i had plenty of 3d studio experience from the earlier regime08:34
fschoepIf you can get a general picture of what you mean, Niel and I can get that done.08:35
kwwiiI understand what he means, but don't know blender either :p08:35
troy_sand i can speak the language well... but blender implementation is limited.08:35
kwwiiI would know how to do it with c4d though08:35
troy_skwwii -- blender is top notch08:35
kwwiifschoep: an emitting mesh with the right shape would probably do it08:35
troy_sfschoep, i sent niel a good summary of the tweaks for the pops08:35
kwwiitroy_s: yeah, but the interface is kinda hard to learn08:35
troy_skwwii -- laf... seen 3ds or maya?08:35
troy_sits the nature of the beast... pro level 3d is just complicated to the first glance.08:36
fschoepLike UNIX, Blender is user-friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are.08:36
troy_sfschoep, LOL08:36
troy_sactually i found blender very simple compared to maya or 3ds08:36
troy_sbut still... i don't know the interface nuances yet.08:36
troy_sand i have been focusing on pops... not production08:37
fschoepThere's something to say about both - I find Blender usable but can't get anything done in 3DS.08:37
fschoepAnyway, is there something we can do interactively?08:37
troy_swasting time on churning out work is silly at this point.08:37
troy_swell interactive sketching would rock08:37
troy_sfschoep, i think niel would be a good guy to show the mesh tech to -- he started scripting for the lighting rotations08:38
troy_si was hoping for 8 angles (12, 130, 3, 430, 6, etc)08:38
troy_sfrom three vantages top/side/bottom, chirocuso, and rim/back08:38
troy_sthen combine based on promising looks08:39
kwwiitroy_s: I've done quit a bit of work with both of those, as well as others08:39
troy_sboth of what?08:39
kwwii3ds, maya08:39
fschoepOK, I don't know how Niel's going to automate that, but simply using keyframes would be easier than "scripting".08:39
troy_skwwii, yah i usually just go to folks for 3d related things... never had to be a heavy tool guy.08:39
troy_sfschoep, certainly08:40
troy_sand pull the proper keys08:40
fschoepThe "best" thing I did publicly with Blender were those ice cubes but I know my way around.08:40
troy_sfschoep, the other limiter is the fact with a fixed logo, the various positions tend to be non uniform, but i suspect the mesh will solve that... (mesh the length of the logo for example to distribute the sheen accordingly and uniformly)08:40
troy_syes... funny that..08:41
troy_sthere is a new samsung (?) campaign08:41
troy_swith nothing more than an ice cube on it.08:41
troy_svery funny... i was going to tell you08:41
troy_sbig massive ice cube centrepunched08:41
fschoepHehe, that's kind of weird indeed.08:41
fschoepBut to be honest, I've always been a trendsetter.08:41
fschoepJ/K :)08:41
troy_syou know what i mean by CHIARUSCO correct?08:42
troy_s(god looked at my spelling from before and almost puked...)08:43
fschoepNo, I'm sorry.08:43
troy_slearn it... very useful term08:43
troy_sit is an italian word for a style of lighting popularized during the ren08:43
troy_sit basically means 'light to dark' but08:43
troy_sis typified by steep anglular lighting08:44
troy_soften people mistake chiarusco for hard light, but if you look to many of the classic painters,08:44
troy_syou will see that it is indeed steep, but heavily diffused with near lighting source for great falloff08:44
troy_sok must lunch... back in 15.08:44
fschoepI'm not sure if I'm around here much longer, going to do some behind the scenes work now I guess.08:45
fschoepThanks for the explanation btw.08:45
fschoepkwwii: sorry you got CC'ed by third parties on two occasions today.08:46
kwwiifschoep: actually it was kinda nice to know what was going on :-)08:46
fschoepkwwii: that's the point08:46
kwwiiyou can Cc me more often, if you'd like08:47
kwwiiI have now realized that you do not like irc very much :p08:47
fschoepkwwii: I should've CC'ed you myself from the start...08:47
kwwiifschoep: don't worry about it, I still love you :-)08:47
fschoepI'm not going to comment on IRC :-)08:48
fschoepI love U2 (the band that is)08:48
kwwiiwell, we should probably somehow keep in touch more often08:49
kwwiiso that we both know what the other is doing08:49
fschoepYeah, indeed.08:49
troy_sfschoep, idle here damn you08:49
fschoepThe problem is that I'm already having a hard time getting the right information to the right people and on top of that I actually need to do something.08:49
fschoepWell, that's kind of exaggerated.08:50
kwwiiwell, I might be able to help with finding the right people, since I've hung around the devels a bit more08:51
troy_spaper trail08:51
troy_smake sure you document the stuff so that others can pick up where you leave08:51
troy_sand also, remember that the 'team' has existed for a very short time really08:51
troy_sin terms of actually getting stuff done08:51
troy_sso the progress has been remarkable.08:51
fschoepOK, if you look at it that way.08:52
fschoepkwwii: that's great, if I need someone I'll get in touch.08:52
troy_sit will get easier, trust me...08:52
troy_sfirst guy through the bush has a rough time because he needs to cut down a bunch of brambles and such08:53
troy_seventually, you get a road built and it is far easier08:53
fschoepThat sounds about correct I guess.08:53
troy_sbut you need to tell people about the work, or else they will never find the path08:53
fschoepTalking about which, I might now get started on the theme team stuff and get it Wiki'ized.08:54
=== kwwii mails the list about the kubuntuPhilosophy wiki page
fschoepI might be back later on.08:55
kwwiisee youu08:56
fschoepi'll idle for once :)08:56
troy_sbugger themes08:58
troy_shas anyone submitted yet?08:58
troy_sand make sure that you are clear that themes are more than bloody gnome/kde term themes08:58
kwwiiwhat do you mean by theme then?08:59
kwwiiyou mean the whole artwork, in one style, for the entire system, from boot to shutdown?08:59
kwwiiie. one "look" for whichever artwork?08:59
troy_skwwii yeppers09:01
troy_sbecause as soon as you say 'theme', people get so damn focused that it becomes uselses.09:02
kwwiivery true09:02
troy_sso much for fschoep idling... bugger09:05
kwwiihey, he was idle for 5 minutes!09:06
kwwiiit is probably his chat client that does it09:08
kwwiior he really dislikes irc09:08
=== kwwii moves over to another computer...brb
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troy_sthere he is09:25
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troy_sfschoep what is up with all your quts?09:57
troy_sfschoep, you using xchat?09:58
fschoeptroy_s: I think my MB's sleep is interfering with IRC09:58
fschoepI just close the lid and walk off, probably not the best way to do this.09:58
troy_ssleep shutting down the lan09:59
fschoepIt's wireless, I can imagine it shutting off when closing the lid.10:00
kwwiifrank, are you coming to the U Sprint in Wiesbaden?10:00
kwwiiUI Sprint10:01
kwwiiit is planned during my vacation in america, so I am looking at changing my flights10:01
kwwiinot sure how that will work, though10:01
kwwiiit would be really good for at least one of us to be there :-)10:01
fschoepkwwii: Wiesbaden, which country is that?10:02
fschoepSounds German...10:02
fschoepIt is in Germany, that's doable.10:03
fschoepkwwii: If I can get approval for the trip I'd do it.10:03
fschoepkwwii: is UISprint the same as the DistroSprint, on the 24th of August?10:04
kwwiigermany it is10:07
kwwiiright by frankfurt10:07
kwwiiyepp, they are the same10:07
troy_swtf is ui sprint?10:07
troy_swhere's the wiki page?10:07
kwwiiwell, it was called that like that last time, that is where I got the name10:08
kwwiiit is only a few people sitting together and really working out problems10:09
kwwiimuch more fun and intensive than Paris10:09
fschoepMore fun than Paris, I'm already looking forward to it :)10:11
fschoepkwwii: Who is the contact for arranging attendance?10:13
fschoepCouldn't read that on the Wiki page...10:13
kwwiifschoep: send Jane an email...she sent me one today in response to a question I had about my contract and mentioned she wants you to attend as well10:14
fschoepkwwii: Jane Silber?10:15
fschoepSorry for asking, I thought there were multiple Janes.10:15
kwwiifschoep: yepp10:15
kwwiiyeah, there are10:15
fschoepkwwii: I'll get on it right away then, I'll let you know.10:15
kwwiihopefully I will be able to change my flights10:16
troy_swho all attends?10:16
fschoeptroy_s: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperSprintWiesbaden10:17
fschoepkwwii: Do you enjoy a DS more than a holiday :) ?10:17
troy_sno, but i consider ubuntu 'business' related10:18
troy_sso i tend to make exceptions if it doesn't bone me too much10:18
fschoepTroy, I was asking Kenneth, I didn't mean to offend you...10:18
kwwiifschoep: it is in our contracts that we have to attend :p10:19
fschoepkwwii: right, I kind of forgot that10:19
kwwiiwell, I actually had these tickets before the contract started, and I guess they would understand, but I think i will change my fights anyway :p10:21
fschoepOK, wouldn't your wife mind?10:22
fschoepSorry, that's none of my business...10:22
kwwiidon't worry so much :-)10:22
fschoepThat's kind of tough :)10:23
kwwiishe is not coming anyway...her mother is really sick and is already in a hospice, they do not know how long she has left to live10:23
kwwiithings here are tough all around10:23
kwwiinow, I shut everyone up10:25
fschoepThat's unfortunate to hear Kenneth, best wishes and strength (I'm not sure if those are the words I was looking for) from my side of the universe to you.10:25
fschoepAnd your family, of course.10:25
kwwiifschoep: thanks man, it is a tough time but we wil get through it10:25
kwwiithat is what being a family is all about :-)10:25
fschoepI think it is, yeah. I hope you get through this and have some good times again.10:26
troy_sfschoep, you can't offend me frank.10:27
troy_sand none was taken10:27
fschoepOK, that's cool.10:27
troy_slaf... dare i say it is impossible.10:27
troy_si have thick skin... pretty production driven.10:28
fschoepBy the way. what does "laf" mean, is it shorthand for "laugh"?10:28
fschoepOK, that's at least one thing I understand.10:29
kwwiiI bet I can offend you :-)10:29
kwwiiI am really good at that!10:29
troy_skwwii:  i doubt it.10:29
fschoepMaybe you should try it in a private conversation so that we don't need to collectively see you in action, Kenneth :)10:30
troy_sso perhaps pin niklas with some10:30
troy_scompositions for logo10:30
troy_spretty sure he can adopt the PoP approach there frank, if you push him in the right direction10:31
troy_sfschoep, by the way, do you know how to smooth that extrusion issue in niels pops?10:31
fschoepI'd have to see what the mesh looks like in Blender, maybe the normals are facing incorrect, maybe there are duplicate vertices and maybe it's a matter of setting subsurf to something higher.10:32
troy_shave you mailed niel yet fschoep?10:45
troy_she is quite accessible10:45
fschoeptroy_s: Not yet. I'll do it right away.10:46
fschoeptroy_s: Most important things are getting his mesh OK and adjusting the lighting?10:46
troy_sactually, yes... getting the keyframes down for the 8 looks per style (rim/back, chiarusco, and top/side/bottom10:47
troy_si think if we get the model in shape10:48
troy_sthen banging out the samplings are very easy, especially when someone like sabdfl steps up and says 'try this...'10:48
troy_sthen it is damn easy to knock off variants.10:48
fschoepOK, so basically we need a scene with the Ubuntu logo and animation settings set up so that rendering the animation will create eight frames each with different lighting10:49
fschoepSounds doable.10:49
troy_seasy enough in a 3d prog if you have the knowledge.10:49
troy_sthen we can perhaps bang out a logo model10:49
fschoepWhen that is done we can easily adjust material properties to fiddle around.10:49
troy_sthe reason being is that getting 'looks' is far easier when they are automated10:49
fschoepSure. I understand.10:50
troy_sthen niklas or someone has a reference to build on or something10:50
fschoepI'll contact Niel to work this out right now.10:50
troy_swhats the screenshot hotkey in gnome?10:51
fschoeptroy_s: ctrl + prscr do anything?10:51
troy_sno ;)10:52
fschoepUse GIMP then :)10:52
fschoepFile -> Acquire -> Screenshot10:52
troy_ssupposed to be print screen... hrm10:53
kwwiistep 1) get your digicam10:53
troy_sgot it... fecking "F" enable key crap10:53
troy_sthere is one fschoep  with the background10:54
troy_svery very very very very rough...10:54
troy_sbut you will get the idea.10:54
fschoepOK, I'm excited already.10:54
troy_sselective blur is a very interesting tool.10:54
troy_syou get a strange sort of oil feel to images.10:55
troy_ssurreal, generated, yet natural.10:55
fschoepIndeed, you can also use it for a "cartoony" feel with smooth solid areas.10:55
troy_sas you can see from my damn desktop, my workarea is centered around one topic10:55
troy_swell two if you count the film crap on there.10:55
troy_si spent quite a bit of time examining the osx thematics...10:56
fschoepMe too, by using it :)10:56
troy_sit is interesting that they went with the tiger motif for some of their things.10:56
troy_snot the way i would have implemented it, but interesting none the less.10:56
fschoepThey did?10:56
troy_suh jag, tiger, yeah10:56
troy_swallpapers and such10:56
troy_sin fact, some of their marketing used it.10:56
fschoepThat's something I remember, with the furry X.10:57
troy_sfschoep, do you think honey234 has enough gloss to it?10:57
troy_sor 240 for that matter.10:57
fschoepIt's kind of hard to see on the screenshot but they look like a caramel like substance, with gloss, yes.10:58
troy_sthe ripple conch is interesting because it very boldly takes a mystical feel /interesting11:00
kwwiiconch144 made me think of a dildo11:01
kwwiisorry, but it is true11:01
kwwiicause of that I spent the night taking photos of my wifes sex toys :p11:01
fschoepHold on, I'm going to look at it :)11:01
troy_si noticed the vaguely cthulian / vaginal sets11:02
troy_sthere are some in there that are definitely pretty hilarious...11:02
kwwiiactually there is some really neat stuff there11:02
troy_sits bloody funny you should say that...11:03
troy_scuz i swear i was laughing out loud11:03
troy_sripple-shell54 is totally vaginal without any tweaks.11:03
fschoepI can't seem to find the resemblance conch144 or maybe I'm just tired.11:03
kwwiitroy_s: did you remove the bubbles?11:03
troy_sthat's all of them there.11:04
troy_sthe beads are there11:04
troy_severything is there.11:04
troy_swell last imagemagick dump...11:04
kwwiiahhh, now I see them11:04
troy_si know which ones i am probably going to head towards, so the only new photography i am going to mock up will be for the cd inserts.11:04
troy_sfschoep, look-small3 is basically the wallpaper on that deskshot i showed you11:04
kwwiiwhich is a good subject to talk about11:05
kwwiifschoep: do you want to make the entire layout of the CDs, or just work on parts of it?11:05
troy_si think we really need to try and at least liason with the marketing/doc guys11:05
troy_sbecause it should involve them.11:05
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fschoepkwwii: well, I haven't got *any* CMYK capable software yet so I'm pretty much out of the league anyway11:06
troy_swe could easily submit mockups11:06
troy_sfschoep -- gimp has cmyk plugins11:06
kwwiias for me, the only real problem I had with the kubuntu layout was the picture of the gear, as well as the relation of that to the greyed out ones on the inside and back11:06
mhbgood evening everyone11:06
kwwiievening mhb11:06
troy_sfschoep and there is good cmyk support in a few tools.11:06
troy_simagemagick to name at least one :)11:06
troy_sneedless to say, that is not worth worrying about...11:06
fschoepkwwii: I understand, d'you think we need to step back and only judge the artwork done by the third party?11:07
troy_sjust provide a macbeth with the image and poof11:07
troy_sgood to go.11:07
jendaCan anyone help me? I have a .svg and want a prof. printer to print it for me. Saving to eps doesn't work. Are there any solutions available? (I can email the file, it's tiny)11:07
kwwiifschoep: well, I think we should at least do that, if not more11:07
troy_skwwii:  mock ups are certainly worthwhile to showing to the marketing folks etc.11:07
troy_sbut that takes sketching11:07
kwwiitroy_s: yepp11:07
troy_sand people get too carried away with 'producing' right now.11:08
troy_spops are critical long before production.11:08
kwwiiI just wanted us all to be on the same page with this11:08
troy_si think we can contact sheet a good selection of11:08
troy_spops for the marketers11:08
troy_sjenda:  what target does he/she want?11:08
kwwiijenda: to be honest, I would open it in adobe and save it with that11:08
jendatroy_s: eps, preferably.11:08
troy_sjenda:  just provide a macbeth then use imagemagick to vert it.11:08
jendakwwii: to be honest, I don't have adobe :)11:08
troy_sand compare11:08
kwwiiI have had little luck with the eps export functionality of inkscape11:08
=== jenda too
troy_simagemagick does it well i believe11:09
jendaI'll try that.11:09
kwwiiyeah, try imagemagick, good point troy_s11:09
troy_sbut again, you never know what calibration they have their mons set to11:09
troy_sso always do a comparison against a macbeth or something akin to it11:09
troy_sand ship both11:09
troy_swith me?11:09
jendaNot really :)11:09
jendanever heard of macbeth11:09
troy_sa macbeth is a colour chart11:09
troy_swith pre-defined colours on it11:09
jendaI'm not sure if they'd know how to use that11:10
troy_syou can 'assume' that everyone is in blah land with calibrated monitors, but i would NEVER bet on it.11:10
kwwiiyeah, and it won't do cmyk anyway (as svg does not do cmyk)11:10
troy_sit is simply a colour chart with cmyk etc.11:10
troy_sit has 'blue' red etc11:10
troy_sso they can simply compare against whatever they are using for their reffing11:10
jendaWouldn't it be easier to find someone with adobe and have them convert it? ;)11:11
troy_sand you can be relatively sure that if your colours spec against whatever sample chart you provide11:11
troy_sthat it will print the way you see it on your monitor11:11
troy_swith me?11:11
jendawith you, es11:11
troy_sbecause you still aren't guaranteed reproduction11:11
troy_syou need a constant really...11:11
troy_sand even though everyone thinks that using adobe or whatever will give you results, it won't.11:11
jendaI'm happy with approximate colors11:11
troy_sit ultimately depends on the inks, the papers11:11
troy_sso just ship them a simple colour ref11:11
troy_swith your image11:11
troy_sand you shouldn't have too many problems11:12
troy_s(as it is damn hard to see relative colour spectrums once your cones and rods get tired of looking at an image)11:12
jendaI'm not with you again :)11:12
jenda simple colour ref = png?11:12
troy_swell colour management attempts to handle all this11:12
jendagood enough? OK11:13
jendaI have those done.11:13
troy_sbut the problem is that colour management would only work with an established11:13
jendano idea what you mean11:13
troy_sif you take your stuff to someone that you don't know, you will want to say 'here is my blue here is my red etc'11:13
troy_shere is my picture... print11:13
kwwiicolor management is soo hard..for instance have you calibrated your monitor today? do you have the profile for the printer? etc.11:13
jendabtw: http://www.tikal26.net/ubuntu/Samolepka-NC.png11:14
troy_sso simply using a reference image with your final product is probably the easiest way to make sure you get something close to what you want.11:14
jendaOK - that's good. I'll just give them the png with that, but...11:14
troy_syep... so compare that against a standard colour test11:14
jendahow do I get the eps?11:14
troy_sand make sure that the brown looks decent11:14
jendano idea...11:14
troy_simagemagick should do eps11:15
troy_sconvert blah.in blah.out11:15
kwwiijenda: command line: "convert yoursvg.svg name.eps11:15
troy_swith all of its nuances... www.imagemagick.org11:15
troy_sit is a very amazing tool.11:15
kwwiiyeah, I feel stupid for not mentioning it first :-(11:16
troy_snow i must go wander through a studio for a few hours... be good folks11:16
=== troy_s is out for a bit.
jendalaters, and thanks11:16
kwwiihehe, I gotta run to the gas station....brb11:17
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jendaimagemagick doesn't work for me.11:22
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troy_sjenda you get it working?11:23
troy_sit is a bit tricky at first, but imagemagick is damn powerful (even with 16 bits per channel colour depths)11:24
jendaNo. I'll try them with svg :)11:24
jendathe file doesn't open, and i currently have too much to work on to spend more time on it. Thanks, troy_s.11:24
troy_sif you don't have eps enabled ware11:25
troy_sit probably won' topen11:25
troy_sbut you can take both11:26
troy_spretty sure that imagemagick will create a valid eps :)11:26
jendaI have no way of checking...11:26
troy_sjenda you will also need ghostscript :11:26
troy_sto view it.11:26
troy_sif you read that page11:26
troy_sbecause only gv handles eps properly11:27
troy_si believe11:27
troy_sjenda:  sudo apt-get install gv11:30
troy_sshould suffice11:30
jendaNo, it doesn't open.11:31
jendaI'll send the the svg11:31
fschoepI'm going to sleep. Goodnight Ken, Troy and everyone else.11:54
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