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mjg59Kamion: I don't think I have access to the seeds, or has that changed?12:22
crimsunall core-dev have access to the seeds12:23
mjg59Ah, right12:23
Keybukmjg59: bzr checkout sftp://mjg59@bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.edgy12:23
Keybukyou'll need to give launchpad your ssh public keys using the link at /people/mjg5912:24
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bddebianBye folks12:26
mjg59Ok, the change looks like crack12:27
mjg59I'll talk to the debian maintainer12:27
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Keybukmdz: ok, that Debian day brought us no new merges12:43
mdzKeybuk: unsurprising considering the day12:54
Keybukthat's why I thought today would be a good day to declare UVF :p12:55
sladenKeybuk: is that in 65minutes, or 1505 minutes?12:56
Keybuksladen: eh?12:56
KeybukDebian's days are 1440 minutes12:56
Keybukours are 60 minutes12:56
sladenKeybuk: when does UVF actually kick in given I've been off-net with weddings and et al and still need to do merges12:56
Keybuksladen: which merges do you still need to do? :p12:57
=== sladen thought ours were 30minutes, or did that change
sladenKeybuk: I haven't even looked ;-)12:57
Keybukno Paul Sladen there12:57
Keybuk(I did several of yours myself)12:57
sladenoooh, excellent, 12:57
Keybukours haven't been 30 minutes since LP12:57
=== sladen hands Keybuk a bunch of pweety flowers
KeybukLP is slower than Katie12:57
=== sladen thinks about applying grease to launchpad and katie
Keybukmdz: so the only two outstanding merges we don't know what's happening with are gdebi and enigmail12:58
sladen...think katie would be more fun12:58
Keybukmdz: shall we declare UVF?12:59
mdzKeybuk: gdebi is of ubuntu origins so I'm not concerned01:00
mdzand enigmail only has packaging changes, I'll have a look at it01:00
mdzthe only interesting thing in the enigmail changelog is a build failure fix for amd64/powerpc01:01
mdzif it fails, we'll fix it then01:01
mdzKeybuk: so yes01:02
Keybukok, you want to send the mail to u-d-a, or should I?01:02
mdzKeybuk: I shall01:02
mdzubuntu-desktop still isn't installabe but I think the two remaining fixes are in the pipeline01:03
mdzgnome-applets and xorg01:03
Keybuk*nods* gnome-applets is from GNOME not Debian, and xorg is at least sync'd01:03
mdzgnome-applets built on i386 but nowhere else01:05
mdzlooks like it might need retries01:05
Keybukgnome-applets - powerpc ia64 sparc amd6401:07
=== Keybuk -> food -- bbiab
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jdub09:12  * mclasen already has libdbus in /lib01:15
jdub09:12 < mclasen> fedora leads the way...01:15
jdub09:13 < mclasen> I also have glib in /lib...01:15
mdzthe new jabber icon in gaim looks a little bit like a Debian swirl01:17
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@cpe-24-94-53-197.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzmesa is dep-waiting on lesstif2-dev01:21
mdzwhich is in universe01:22
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mdzrodarvus: it looks like your merge reintroduced that dependency; it had been dropped01:24
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Keybukjdub: and this is considered a good thing because ... ?02:03
rodarvusmdz: yes, debian mesa has libGLW built in02:04
rodarvusmdz: should I rebuilt mesa with this disabled? (but this way we would diverge from them)02:04
Keybukmdz: "With the With the upstream churn in Edgy settling down, we can start to introduce our own breakage."02:05
Keybukbeen on the red wine, have we? :)02:05
rodarvusmdz: regarding xserver-xorg-input-elographics, I'm afraid I'm not in position of saying if it should be promoted to main (and be included in xserver-xorg-input-all) or just stay in universe02:07
rodarvusthere are other X input drivers already in universe so I'd leave it there02:08
mdzKeybuk: vi failure02:16
mdzrodarvus: it's already in main02:16
mdzrodarvus: regarding mesa, we made a decision some time ago to not support lesstif, and did some work to eliminate dependencies on it (including mesa)02:17
mdzrodarvus: one way or another, we want the core to be installable tomorrow so that we can roll a milestone.  disabling the lesstif support seems the most expedient way to do that02:18
rodarvusmdz: it shouldn't be much trouble to remove lesstiff support again, I just need your approval to go ahead, then02:18
mdzrodarvus: please do02:19
rodarvusdoing it now02:19
crimsunmdz: does universe have the same UVF date (today), or is it in late Sept as noted on the schedule?02:20
mdzcrimsun: the latter02:20
crimsunmdz: thanks02:20
mdzI should have qualified the announcement02:20
mdzhmm, gnome-applets still failing on !i38602:21
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ogramdz, ok to upload g-p-m ?02:27
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mdzogra: merge?02:27
mdzdoes it install and work?02:27
ogramerge and new upstream version 02:28
ograwont suspend and hibernate without polkitd from hal, pitti is aware02:28
ogra(policy kit is also used in control center now according to seb)02:29
ograbut the rest works ... (lock on lid close, battery state changes etc)02:29
ogramdz, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/g-p-m-changelog.txt02:33
mdzogra: I think breaking suspend and hibernate entirely will get us a lot of unnecessary bug reports from knot 102:35
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mdzogra: better to land it with the necessary hal changes02:35
ogramdz, so shall i keep it back02:36
ograi can forward it to dholbach then, he wanted to care for the icon stuff anyway02:36
mdzogra: ok, go to sleep :-P02:36
ograheh, i just opened a bottle of merlot ... its nice and quiet here in the garden in the dark :) but i'll go soon, promised :)02:37
mjg59Any alsa-type people around?02:44
=== ogra points mjg59 to crimsun
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zuli think crimsun might be around02:47
Keybukogra: heh, I have a bottle of cabernet here :)  a toast ? :p02:48
ograsure :)02:49
Keybukdunno what to02:50
ogramay we still see many UVFs together :)02:50
ogra(nut the next ones later in the cycle please)02:51
Keybukhehe :)02:53
Keybukmay they all be as easy as this one was02:53
Keybukright, bed or I shall miss the meeting02:54
ograyeah !02:54
ograwow, initramfs-tools changelog has an impressive length02:55
jdubyeah, i can almost taste the sweat dripping off it02:57
crimsunmjg59: hi02:57
mjg59crimsun: So, bluetooth headphones are driven with a userspace plugin02:59
mjg59crimsun: What's the right way to configure this? Have a bluetooth configuration program fiddle with .asoundrc?03:00
crimsunmjg59: aside from the hciconfig/btsco stuff, it's probably best to invoke asoundconf to alter ~/.asoundrc.asoundconf03:01
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mjg59crimsun: The setup stuff will be dealt with via hal03:02
Lathiatmmm http://lists.grok.org.uk/pipermail/full-disclosure/2006-July/047831.html03:02
mjg59So the UI should call asoundconf when the user chooses to connect?03:02
Lathiatis that what th ekernel update from yesterday was for?03:03
crimsunmjg59: referring to the equiv of a2play/a2recv?03:03
Lathiatah yeh, was03:03
mjg59crimsun: Not exactly03:03
mjg59crimsun: So there'll be a GTK application which will show available bluetooth devices03:04
crimsunif the app has facilities to connect, etc., it shouldn't touch asoundrc03:05
mjg59If a user chooses to bind to an a2dp device, we should just pair and then call asoundconf?03:05
mjg59This is for session-wide setup03:05
mjg59Rather than per-application setup03:05
crimsunlet me read the parameters for a2*03:06
mjg59pcm_a2dp.c is the appropriate code in the btsco tree03:07
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crimsunI love sf.net03:09
=== crimsun tries another method
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crimsunmjg59: ok, does this session-wide setup involve setting a default device?03:16
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crimsunmjg59: default -> system-wide, which would affect all sound03:17
bddebianHowdy folks03:18
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mjg59crimsun: Nope03:19
crimsunmjg59: if not (and I don't see why it would need to set default for the system), no setting of ~/.asoundrc* is necessary. At the most you'd need to pull the necessary info from ``asoundconf list'' to pass to whatever alsa app is handling the playback (aplay, gst, etc.)03:19
mjg59crimsun: How does asoundconf know about the bluetooth device?03:20
crimsunmjg59: it doesn't, it only parses /proc/asound/cards03:20
mjg59crimsun: Right. So, how does that help? :)03:20
crimsunmjg59: I'm just saying it doesn't have to touch ~/.asoundrc* at all :)03:21
mjg59crimsun: But if it doesn't touch .asoundrc, nothing knows about the bluetooth device03:21
crimsunmjg59: it doesn't need to touch .asoundrc to be available to other apps03:22
mjg59crimsun: How do other apps know about it?03:22
crimsunmjg59: the same way gst would handle it03:22
mjg59crimsun: I'm afraid I don't understand03:23
mjg59crimsun: I'm trying to work out how to pass this information to other applications03:23
crimsunmjg59: ok. ``asoundconf list'' will enumerate the alsa device name strings, and you could pass one of them to whatever alsa-native app/lib is handling the connect03:24
mjg59crimsun: But it gets device name strings from /proc/asound/cards?03:24
mjg59If so, the bluetooth device isn't going to be in there03:24
crimsunerr, why not? It's an alsa device...03:25
mjg59It's a userspace device03:25
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mjg59libalsa calls the plugin, it doesn't go through any kernel driver03:26
crimsunso you want to know how to enumerate the addresses?03:26
mjg59I have a bluetooth address that I know corresponds to a device that can be driven via alsa.03:27
mjg59By putting something like:03:27
mjg59pcm.headphone { type a2dp bdaddr 00:0D:44:2A:14:6603:27
=== asac_ is now known as asac
mjg59in .asoundrc, pcm.headphone is a valid alsa output03:27
crimsunah, and then you'd use headphone.03:27
mjg59So, should my application be doing that?03:28
crimsunwell, ideally it should be calling asoundconf, which means we need to extend asoundconf03:28
mjg59Effectively, I just want to be able to add and remove headphone devices as necessary03:28
mjg59And get the list of currently defined ones03:29
crimsunok, the caveat is that .asoundrc is only parsed per-startup03:29
mjg59Application startup?03:29
crimsunso I'm not sure how to handle the dynamic case03:29
mjg59Right. We'll worry about that later.03:30
mjg59The docs seem to suggest that there's a different API for applications to get a list of asoundrc defined devies03:30
mjg59So are any applications actually going to list the headphones?03:30
mjg59Ok, that's good03:32
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bddebianHeya Hobbsee03:34
Hobbseemorning all03:35
Hobbseebddebian: :)03:35
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Hobbseehey zul :)03:36
bluefoxicyHobbsee:  wb.03:37
Hobbseehey bluefoxicy 03:37
Hobbseebluefoxicy: see, i'm awake!  and it's still before noon!03:37
bluefoxicyI wouldn't know, it's 9pm here now :P03:37
bluefoxicyI am still fishing around for gcc developers trying to get one to walk me through altering this stack smash protection code03:38
Hobbseebluefoxicy: are they likely to be here?03:38
zulgood luck :)03:38
bluefoxicyHobbsee:  I have no idea, I've tried #gcc on oftc03:38
zuli though there was a conference going on?03:40
bluefoxicyI dunno.  What's a conference?03:40
bluefoxicyLike when your teacher calls your parents and then you get a spanking later?03:40
zulgcc developers summit03:41
bluefoxicyoh.  Crud.  That means they're all too busy.03:41
zuloops nope that was on the 30th never mind03:41
crimsunerr, d'oh, the [Ubuntu] Patches link on http://packages.qa.debian.org/$srcpkg is invalid. Need to ping keybuk about that.03:42
bddebianbluefoxicy: Talk to drepper, I'm sure he'd be helpful :-)03:43
bluefoxicybddebian:  Ulrich?  I'm afraid he'll bite me.  He's from redhat, the thing I'm trying to put in they took out in the first place >:O03:43
bddebianThat was sarcasm :-)03:44
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bluefoxicyoh o.o03:44
=== Hobbsee notes that there's a patch she wants to get into main now, but UVF is in a few hours. damn.
Hobbseei wonder if the package got thru NEW anyway03:46
Hobbseeah, it has.  i have no sponsor.  dammit.03:47
bddebianWe have sponsors?03:48
Hobbseebddebian: to upload to main?  well, last i knew, i couldnt do it03:48
rodarvusHobbsee: what package and patch do you need sponsored?03:51
Hobbseerodarvus: looks like crimsun is sponsoring it.  thanks :)03:52
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=== Hobbsee waves to rodarvus
crimsunrodarvus: thanks for kicking ass with X.Org03:52
Hobbseecrimsun: it's installable, go for it :)03:52
rodarvuscrimsun: believe it or not, I'm actually enjoying it :)03:53
Hobbseerodarvus: are you insane then?03:53
=== bddebian doesn't mention fabbione 's sodomotron
rodarvusthe sodomotron is passed from generation to generation03:54
bddebianGah, mesa hasn't built yet :-(03:56
=== jsgotangco imagines rodarvus in leather with sodomotron in hand
bddebian"Bring out the gimp"03:57
Hobbseerodarvus: didnt notice that'd it'd been NEW'd to universe, and wasnt in main yet.  i should put my glasses on :P03:58
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rodarvusbddebian: mesa will start being built in the next few minutes (in some of the archs, at least)04:00
bddebianrodarvus: thx04:00
rodarvusbad news is that it takes 25 minutes to build mesa on i38604:00
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stubLaunchpad will be going down in 15 minutes for its regular code update (delayed two days). Estimated down time is 10 minutes.06:58
bluefoxicyrefueling the oxygen tanks?07:01
Hobbseeah, just when i was going to request a sync.07:02
=== Hobbsee requests it anyway - it's not down yet.
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sharmsanyone read me -devel message?07:14
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raphinkmdz: hi mdz07:23
raphinkif I'd like to request the sync of a package that is not in Ubuntu yet, how should I do it?07:24
raphink(given that the package doesn't exist on LP yet)07:24
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Hobbseeraphink: where's it from?  debian experimental?07:26
raphinknope, unstable07:26
raphinkbut it was added only recently07:26
raphinkand I'm wondering if the automatic syncer is still on07:26
Hobbseeraphink: it didnt autosync?  is it going into main, or what?07:26
Hobbseeraphink: a few days ago i had that too - just request  a sync as normal, and subscribe the archive07:27
raphinkHobbsee: we are in UVF, so the autosync shouldn't be on07:27
raphinkHobbsee: and how do I request a sync on a package that is not in ubuntu yet?07:27
Hobbseeraphink: yeah, just....07:27
crimsunraphink: /j #launchpad, ask for the source package name to be added, then file the bug as usual07:27
Hobbseesay please sync version this from here, it builds and installs fine on ubuntu, etc.07:27
raphinkcrimsun: ok07:28
Hobbsee(like in the developer docs)07:28
raphinkHobbsee: you don't get the problem... there's no entry for this package on LP ;)07:28
Hobbseeah, yeah, that would work too07:28
Hobbseehehe - that's why i used "file a bug" link, and did it under generic ubuntu07:28
raphinkHobbsee: and what package did you put it on?07:29
Hobbseeraphink: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+filebug from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources07:30
raphinkok thank you 07:32
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Mithrandirmorning, Fabio07:45
Hobbseehey fabbione, Mithrandir 07:47
mdzraphink: automatic syncs were happening daily until today07:47
mdzraphink: so unless it landed today, it's probably in the queue07:47
Mithrandirmorning, Hobbsee07:47
raphinkmdz: is there a place where we can see the autosyncs queue?08:07
raphinkshalom sivang08:07
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@c211-28-181-26.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Hobbseehi sivang 08:09
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sivangboker tov raphink 08:10
sivanghey Hobbsee 08:10
=== sivang goes to dist-upgrade
Hobbseesivang: good luck!08:11
sivangHobbsee: luck has nothing to do with it :)08:11
sivangmorning pygi 08:11
Hobbseeheh, true08:11
sharmsWill the compromise of the debian core dev server gluck (http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2006/07/msg00003.html) put a hold on syncs until damage is researched?08:13
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Mithrandirsharms: gluck is not part of the archive infrastructure in Debian, so I would be very surprised if so.08:16
StevenKThe archive has never been on gluck, from memory.08:18
StevenKIt's been auric, raff and merkel, right?08:18
sharmsJust was curious since if they compromised that machine if the collateral could reach out to archive08:19
MithrandirStevenK: not merkel, afaik.08:19
StevenKThe copy is on merkel08:19
MithrandirStevenK: there are copies all over the place, but that's hardly relevant. :-P08:20
=== StevenK nods.
Mithrandirthere's a mirror on gluck too, afaik.08:20
StevenKI certainly don't usually keep track as to what's on the d.o machines.08:20
StevenKThat's what we don't pay the DSA for.08:20
Mithrandirsharms: most debian developers can't log in to spohr, aka ftp-master.debian.org so the chance of said machine being compromised is slim.08:21
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:Mithrandir] : Ubuntu Development (not support, even with edgy) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | It's Merge Time! http://merges.ubuntu.com/ | Knot-1 freeze in effect - uploads to main frozen, ask Mithrandir for exceptions
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crimsunMithrandir: may I upload alsa-lib with the following patch applied?  http://tinyurl.com/qx92k08:34
crimsun(it's used now that we have snd-aoa in the Edgy kernel)08:34
Mithrandircrimsun: looks good, feel free to upload.08:35
crimsunMithrandir: thank you08:35
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sivangSetting up xfonts-scalable (1.0.0-4) ...08:36
sivangwarning: /usr/lib/X11/fonts/Type1 does not exist or is not a directory08:36
fabbionesivang: what's the first word?08:37
sivangfabbione: /me checks08:41
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sivangfabbione: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1789408:41
fabbionesivang: in the message you did paste here in the channel.. what's the first word :)08:42
sivangfabbione: "Setting" ? :-)08:43
=== sivang is not sure he follows
Mithrandirsivang: next line.  First word. :-P08:44
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sivangfabbione: "warning:" 08:44
pittiGood morning08:44
fabbionesivang: score....08:44
ivokspitti: 'morning08:44
sivangfabbione: heh08:44
fabbionesivang: warning != error...08:44
pittihey sivang 08:45
sivangfabbione: indeed, you have a way of prooving people like the army here commanders here do :p08:45
sivangHi pitti !08:46
Hobbseehey pitti!08:46
fabbionesivang: it's an effect of 3 years of air force08:46
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sivangfabbione: hehe08:47
mdzraphink: there isn't a separate queue for it; they go into the normal upload queue(s)08:47
mdzraphink: and no, those are not publicly viewable at present08:48
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Kamionmdz: my germinate output on rookery runs every hour at :02 based on the archive mirror on rookery (which IIRC updates every six hours); cron.germinate runs on drescher at :30 and anastacia updates at :3508:58
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Kamionmdz: so they can get sufficiently out of sync to be confusing, certainly08:58
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pittihey dholbach 09:00
ograyo dholbach 09:00
dholbachhey pitti - good morning09:00
dholbachhey ogra09:01
jdubmdz: interesting initramfs discussion in lwn this week09:01
mdzjdub: interesting but inaccurate09:01
mdztalk about it after the meeting09:01
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ogradholbach, g-p-m will not be uploaded before polkit is in hal (mdz request), so there is plenty of time to fix the icons ... i'll move the package to rookery after the meeting09:02
jdubmdz: cool09:02
dholbachah ok - cool09:02
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Mithrandirogra: note that main is frozen ATM.09:02
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ograMithrandir, yes, i know ... adding plicy kit will take some days i guess 09:03
ograso dont worry about the knot :)09:03
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seb128fabbione: 09:07
seb128$ xvfb-run echo09:07
seb128kill: 158: No such process09:07
seb128fabbione: is that you I should bug about that? It breaks pygobject build by example ...09:07
fabbioneseb128: on what arch?09:08
fabbioneonly? or is it everywhere?09:08
seb128I don't have any one arch to try on09:09
seb128that's on my desktop09:09
fabbioneit's probably due to the fonts breakage but please file a bug.. i will look at it either tomorrow or monday09:09
seb128ok, thank you09:09
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fabbioneseb128: that assume that i will still be around.. so please just subscribe the X SWAT to it09:09
fabbioneso that somebody else can look at it if my wife decides to give birth all of a sudden09:10
seb128fabbione: ok, I might have a look myself on it after meeting, I'll let you know09:10
fabbioneseb128: xvfb-run is a perl wrapper script that passes some args and opts to the real xvfb09:10
fabbioneseb128: i suggest you just unroll what you are trying to do09:10
fabbioneand get to the real cmd line call to see09:11
seb128ok, will do that, thank you09:11
fabbioneand from there get the error09:11
fabbionealso.. iirc xvfb expects an X client.. echo isn't09:11
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pittimoin carlos 09:14
seb128fabbione: 09:14
seb128"# Kill Xvfb now that the command has exited.09:14
seb128kill $XVFBPID"09:14
seb128that is the issue09:14
seb128the Xvfb it tries to kill is not running09:14
fabbioneseb128: that's why you need to understand why it's not running09:15
KamionKeybuk: OOH queue has been fixed to tell us which items are new!09:16
Kamion   70752 | -B | gfxboot (i386)       | 3.2.23-2ubuntu1      | 14 hours09:16
Kamion         | * gfxboot/3.2.23-2ubuntu1/i386 Component: main Section: utils Priority: OPTIONAL09:16
Kamion         | N gfxboot-theme-nld/3.2.23-2ubuntu1/i386 Component: main Section: utils Priority: OPTIONAL09:16
Kamion         | N gfxboot-theme-sles/3.2.23-2ubuntu1/i386 Component: main Section: utils Priority: OPTIONAL09:16
Kamion         | N gfxboot-theme-suse/3.2.23-2ubuntu1/i386 Component: main Section: utils Priority: OPTIONAL09:16
Kamion         | * gfxboot_3.2.23-2ubuntu1_i386_translations.tar.gz Format: ROSETTA_TRANSLATIONS09:16
KeybukKamion: they changed their rollout day?09:17
Kamiondunno, but there it is09:17
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fabbionerodarvus: no you can't install parallel LP instances for other reasons. it's not just a matter of ports09:19
rodarvuslocking, I guess?09:20
KeybukI don't really see why you can't09:20
Keybukbuildd slave isn't big09:20
rodarvusall that should be configurable somewhere inside buildd (but of course I might be missing something obvious here)09:21
fabbioneKeybuk: different running users? path to chroots?09:21
Keybukfabbione: you could use the same chroots09:21
fabbioneKeybuk: the sbuild chroot inherits some stuff from the running user09:21
Keybukprobably even run as the same user09:21
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fabbioneKeybuk: no you can't. sbuildd will go nuts09:22
Keybukno it won't09:22
Keybukchroots are unpacked anew for each build in LP09:22
Keybuknot reused09:22
fabbioneif you want to run 32 instances of sbuild as the same user in LP, you will have issues09:22
fabbionestuff needs to be designed to do so09:22
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pittidoko: that's the fixed gcc for powerpc? :)09:23
dokopitti: yes, so slomo__ could check as well09:24
pittislomo__: ^ this could interest you as well (deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~doko/gcc-powerpc/ ./)09:24
pittidoko: so this is just blocked on infinity now09:24
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lucasI'm preparing an announcement to ask users to participate in popcon09:37
lucascan somebody review https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucasNussbaum/PopconDraft ?09:37
lucas(feel free to edit it)09:37
ograseb128, can you tell me what to do to debug gstreamer stuff (bug 52815)09:38
UbugtuMalone bug 52815 in gst-plugins "logitech usb headset sound output dies after 1 minute" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5281509:38
ograseems the documented way doesnt work09:38
seb128ogra: GST_DEBUG_NO_COLOR=1 GST_DEBUG=*:5 app ?09:38
seb128maybe try with DEBUG to 3 first if that's enough09:39
seb1285 tends to be really verbose09:39
ograah, env vars ... didnt think of that :) will try, thanks09:39
pittiogra: I use something like: gst-launch-0.10 --gst-debug=autodetect:5 filesrc location=/usr/share/sounds/generic.wav ! wavparse ! autoaudiosink09:39
pittiPausiere Leitung ...09:39
ograpausiere ?09:39
pittiogra: --gst-debug and its help are pretty helpful09:39
pittiogra: (sorry, too much pasted)09:39
ograi laughed about the translation :)09:40
seb128pitti: GST_DEBUG=*:5 does the same ...09:40
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pittiMithrandir: sorry for the squid upload 10 minutes after the freeze begun, I saw it too late; however, it doesn't affect the CDs09:47
Mithrandirpitti: np.09:48
KamionSelecting previously deselected package initramfs-tools.09:50
KamionUnpacking initramfs-tools (from .../initramfs-tools_0.69ubuntu1_all.deb) ...09:50
Kamioncp: target `/etc/initramfs-tools/' is not a directory: No such file or directory09:50
Kamiondpkg: error processing var/cache/apt/archives/initramfs-tools_0.69ubuntu1_all.deb (--unpack):09:50
Kamion subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 109:50
Kamioncan somebody fix that please? affects edgy debootstrap09:50
Kamion(so that's on fresh install)09:50
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KeybukKamion: I'll fix it in a little bit09:53
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hendryis it possible to downgrade from edgy to dapper?09:53
Mithrandirhendry: not supported.  Might work.  But this is not a support channel, sorry.09:54
Kamionpitti: I've promoted libpci2 to main because pciutils depends on it; it was just split out from pciutils so I didn't think it needed a MIR09:54
pittiKamion: agreed09:55
\shhmm..bugfixes don't need an upload approval, right?09:55
hendryMithrandir: sorry, wrong channel.09:55
pitti\sh: right now they do09:55
Mithrandir\sh: uploads to main need approval.09:55
\shMithrandir: ok..I need to upload a fix to ktorrent09:56
Mithrandir\sh: well, I need to see the diff to evaluate it.09:56
\shMithrandir: I'll send an email or should I file a bug report to LP for it?09:57
Mithrandirjust putting the diff somewhere and asking me is the, by far, quickest way.09:57
rodarvusiwj: gmail (and other sites) won't recognize current firefox - is this a known issue, or is happening only to me?09:57
\shMithrandir: cool...09:58
iwjrodarvus: I don't know.09:58
iwjI don't use any sites that do any of that kind of nonsense.09:59
iwjrodarvus: But I wouldn't rule out having broken it; there was some tangle in merge in the area of the browser id string.10:00
KamionKeybuk: actually I'll do it now unless you've already started it10:00
Kamionit's blocking me and I see the fix10:00
rodarvusiwj: how do I check the browser id string locally? (and if it is "valid"?)10:01
pittirodarvus: try 'about:'10:01
iwjIn the help menu.10:02
pittior that10:02
rodarvusMozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Ubuntu/edgy Firefox/
rodarvusI suppose its correct?10:02
rodarvuscan't find anything strange there10:02
Mithrandirmdz: so, what do we do about infinity being ill and fakeroot/gcc needing manual bootstrapping?10:03
=== dholbach has Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060608 Ubuntu/dapper-security Firefox/
iwjHmm.  Lack of Gecko.10:03
mdzMithrandir: we create a backup for him, which we needed to do anyway10:03
iwjrodarvus: I'll look into it.10:04
rodarvusiwj: thanks!10:04
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Kamionso where did initramfs-tools 0.69 come from?10:04
ograjbailey ?10:05
mdzKamion: from jbailey10:05
Kamionit's not in Debian or Debian incoming, and I can't see it anywhere on spohr10:05
Kamionno, 0.69ubuntu1 came from jbailey10:05
mdzoh, maybe from revision control then10:05
Kamionmust've been10:05
lucasWhat's the procedure for sending stuff to ubuntu-devel-announce ?10:05
=== Kamion trudges off to svn.d.o
Kamionlucas: it's a moderated list, just mail it; it should be relevant to a fairly wide swathe of the development community10:06
lucascan you have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucasNussbaum/PopconDraft ?10:06
=== ToadZzZztool is now known as Toadstool
Kamionlooks reasonable for u-d-a to me10:07
sivangKeybuk: any chance you might have time to read my fixes to the system clean up tool and see if you're happy with it today?10:08
sivangKeybuk: (to the spec, that is(10:08
Kamionah, initramfs-tools is in bzr, good10:11
mdzdoko: do you know what's going on here? http://librarian.launchpad.net/3376004/buildlog_ubuntu-edgy-i386.gnucash_2.0.0-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz10:13
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Keybuksivang: yes, I will have time today10:14
pittifunny, with every dist-upgrade my fonts look a magnitude worse10:14
sivangKeybuk: thanks again :)10:14
pittinow I get a 6 pt Courier font in gnome-terminal10:15
lucassomebody know something about planet.ubuntu.com ? the website says jdub is responsible for it, but he didn't answer my email. is he still the one in charge ?10:17
dokomdz: hmm, the build-deps install fine for me at the moment, maybe the hardcoded python2.3-dev b-d? hmm, universe anyway10:18
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jdublucas: sorry for not replying straight away - i've added you to my local config, but not updated the site (i'm upgrading it atm)10:18
lucasjdub: oh ok10:19
lucasjdub: (I mailed you 3 weeks ago, that's why I wondered)10:19
henojdub: is that planet you're referring to?10:20
jdubheno: yeah - same for you :-)10:20
=== heno is lined up too :)
henojdub: ok, thanks :)10:20
fabbioneKeybuk: dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: unable to find dependency information for shared library libvolume_id (soname 0, path libvolume_id.so.0, dependency field Depends)10:22
lucasKamion: popcon message sent to u-d-a ; held waiting for approval10:23
=== fabbione will bbl
MithrandirKamion: if a distrorelease is set to frozen as per MilestoneRhythm, what happens with uploads?  Have to be processed manually by you or scott?10:24
KeybukMithrandir: right10:24
seb128Keybuk: could you give a build retry to  gnome-python-desktop 2.15.4-0ubuntu1 on !i386?10:26
Mithrandirbut how do I (or somebody else) mark it as frozen?10:26
KeybukMithrandir: only TB can mark it frozen10:27
Keybukand, frankly, right now, I'd rather we didn't10:28
Keybukafaik, frozen means even binaries have to be approved10:28
Keybukand the buildds are still doing the last mass give-back10:28
Mithrandirwe should, according to milestonerhythm.10:28
Mithrandirew, ok.10:28
Keybukseb128: gnome-python-desktop 2.15.4-0ubuntu1 - powerpc ia64 sparc amd6410:28
seb128Keybuk: thank you10:28
KeybukMithrandir: tbh, if you ask me, now is not a good time to be trying to do a milestone ;)10:30
MithrandirKeybuk: it's never a good time to do a milestone.  We still need to do them.10:30
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KamionKeybuk: for the record I'm pretty sure binaries go through despite frozen status10:35
seb128Mithrandir: not really true, we don't always have that many changes running and installability issues on the same time10:35
KamionI believe it only affects sourceful uploads10:36
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dholbachMithrandir: sorry, I didn't ask. I just uploaded metacity to fix an upgrade issue and liboobs, which will make the new gnome-system-tools stack installable10:36
Mithrandirdholbach: ok, that's good, but please ask next time. :-)10:37
Mithrandirseb128: there are bad and very bad times, agreed. :-)10:37
pittiMithrandir: if you need a hand with fixing edgy_probs, feel free to ping me10:39
pittiMithrandir: I do some security updates now, but they aren't particularly urgent, so I can help a bit with fixing installability issues if needed10:39
KeybukKamion: actually, that would make sense ... we don't need to manually approve dapper's binaries, do we?10:39
KeybukI can't find where to mark it frozen anyway10:41
Keybukmaybe it's an lp_admin thing10:41
pitticrimsun: did you ever reupload openvpn for -security? it's not in the queue10:41
crimsunpitti: I did, and it was failed10:41
pitticrimsun: oh, ok; let me upload it then to get this out10:42
crimsunpitti: same key issue, waiting for key to be refreshed (same key that I use for Edgy uploads)10:42
fabbioneMithrandir, Kamion: FYI: i am looking at mesa fix right now for Knot-110:42
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KamionMithrandir: need a base-installer fix for the moved initramfs-tools configuration directory; ok to upload?10:42
pitticrimsun: ok, uploaded; I'll release it later today when it's built10:44
crimsunpitti: many thanks.10:44
=== dholbach hugs crimsun and pitti
MithrandirKamion: please.10:46
Mithrandirfabbione: coolie.10:47
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slomo__doko: fixes the mono breakage for me :)10:54
Keybukdoko: so, 64-bit OO.o for edgy?10:55
dokoslomo__: just by installing libgcc1, or by rebuilding?10:55
dokoKeybuk: are you volunteering?10:55
slomo__doko: installing... but rebuilding against it works too (but mono has to be give-back nontheless on ppc)10:56
dokoKeybuk: it currently builds, but without java support10:56
Keybukdoko: FC are allegedly shipping it10:56
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pittihi janimo 11:00
janimopitti hi11:01
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janimopitti, thanks for merge of pcre311:01
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pittijanimo: no problem11:02
janimoKamion: can you move thunar-archive-plugin to main? I put it in the xubuntu desktop seed yesterday, but does  not show up in anastacia. thanks11:03
crimsunjanimo: darren salt released 0.5.7 and advised us to use that with additional patches from hg; I prefer to wait until he NMUs 0.5.7 into Debian so we can avoid the mismatched orig.tar.gz issue11:04
crimsunjanimo: (RE: gxine)11:04
janimocrimsun: I agree. thanks for taking care of this :)11:04
janimoxfmedia has seen some patches today, but still better to bet on gxine for now11:05
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Kamionjanimo: done11:06
ograseb128, g-s-t doesnt find its dbus service, known bug ? 11:06
seb128ogra: g-s-t?11:06
seb128what version do you have? what -admin are you running?11:07
ogra-admin ?11:07
seb128g-s-t = gnome-system-tools for me11:07
seb128g-s-d = gnome-settings-daemon11:07
ograeek, sorry, indeed11:07
ograg-s-d is in gnome-session, right ? 11:08
seb128ogra: do you have a /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.service ?11:08
seb128ogra: no gnome-control-center11:08
seb128capplets-data should ship /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.service11:08
ogranope, its missing11:08
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seb128ogra: what version of capplets-data do you have?11:08
seb128lu Kagou11:09
Kagoulu seb128 11:09
ograseb128, 2.14.2-0ubuntu111:09
seb128ogra: upgrade to 2.15.4 ?11:09
ograwasnt offered, i just upgraded11:09
seb128ogra: what version of gnome-control-center do you have?11:09
ogra(ppc here)11:10
ograthe matching version11:10
seb128interesting 11:10
seb128that version doesn't use dbus :p11:10
seb128the message might be from gnome-session11:10
seb128what version of gnome-session do you have?11:10
seb128gnome-session and gnome-control-center should be updated together11:11
ograthat was updated ... one sec11:11
seb128ok, that's the issue then11:11
ograthen i'll just wait for LP :)11:11
seb128we really need that Breaks dpkg feature :p11:11
ograheh, yes11:11
seb128new gnome-session run gnome-settings-daemon by dbus instead of using libbobono for it11:11
Mithrandirdoko: did you see my msg?11:11
pittiMithrandir: ok to upload a libtunepimp security update? (no api changes, just fixing array size)11:11
ograseb128, wow, cool11:12
seb128atm you have a gnome-session speaking dbus and gnome-control-center not11:12
Mithrandirpitti: please go ahead11:12
seb128will be fixed when you upgrade g-c-c11:12
seb128note that gnome-vfs speaks over dbus now too ;)11:12
Kamionok, most painful debootstrap ever, but I think it's working now11:12
ograoh, intresting ... i can upgrade g-c-c ... its just not in apt-get upgrade 11:13
seb128what does it want to break?11:13
ogranothing, it adds three new packages11:13
KamionE: Tree walking failed - ftw (38 Function not implemented)11:13
ogralibgnome-window-settings1 libxklavier11 metacity-common11:13
seb128ogra: upgrade should not stop due to new packages to install, no?11:14
Amaranthapt-get upgrade won't install new things11:14
seb128ogra: ah, libxklavier11 will remove libklavier10 no?11:14
ograseb128, as Amaranth says11:14
seb128Amaranth: are you sure?11:14
ogradunno, i didnt get that far :P11:14
ogrametacity-common is missing a conflicts11:15
dokoMithrandir: no?11:15
seb128I thought it would not remove things, no reason to not install a new -common11:15
Kamionseb128: he's right11:15
Kamionread the docs11:15
seb128ogra: already fixed11:15
ograseb128, /usr/share/man/man1/metacity-theme-viewer.1.gz ?11:17
Kamion"under no circumstances are currently installed packages removed, or packages not already installed retrieved and installed"11:17
Amaranthupgrade is "safe" :)11:17
seb128Amaranth: installing a new -common is something I consider as "safe"11:17
ografor some (very small) value of safe11:17
seb128Kamion: right, thank you for pointing it ;)11:17
Kamionyou want apt to special case strstr(package_name, "common")? :-P11:17
seb128ogra: 11:17
seb128 metacity (1:2.15.8-0ubuntu3) edgy; urgency=low11:17
seb128 .11:17
seb128   * debian/control.in:11:17
seb128     - fixed upgradeability again.11:17
ograoki :)11:17
AmaranthDo It:)11:17
seb128Kamion: no no, I just use dist-upgrade and I'm fine with it ;)11:17
ograseb128, a "yes" would suffice, no need for a whole copy/paste and digging in changelogs :)11:17
seb128ogra: thanks to dholbach who fixed it ;)11:17
dholbach(and broked it in the first place) :-p11:17
seb128ogra: it was not really "digging", it's on the first screen of edgy-changes mails atm :p11:17
ogratrhats what edgy is for :)11:17
Kamionoh, apt-ftparchive needs /proc mounted11:18
seb128it was to indicate the fixed version too ;)11:18
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seb128dholbach: gnome-python-desktop built on amd64 now ;)11:18
ograKamion, everything seems to need proc mounted nowadays ...11:18
dholbachseb128: nice11:18
ograchroots, pbuilder ...11:18
seb128Keybuk: could you give a retry gnome-applets and gedit on !i386 when  gnome-python-desktop 2.15.4-0ubuntu1 is available for them?11:19
dholbachhum, lp says that the new system-tools-backends is published, but it's not up for grabs, making liboobs wait on it, which is needed for gnome-system-tools11:20
Kamionjanimo: anastacia not listing thunar-archive-plugin was my fault; I'd forgotten to add it to the list of stuff pulled to ~cjwatson/seeds/11:22
Kamion(ok, so that's not quite entirely informational - germinate still defaults to pulling stuff from there)11:22
Kamionfixed now11:22
ogradid anybody elses pbuilder break with the last upgrade ? 11:24
ograE: failed to find /var/cache/pbuilder/base.tgz, have you done <pbuilder create> to create your base tarball yet?11:25
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ograand its right, apparently base.tgz is gone :(11:25
pittime, dchroot broke after current update11:25
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crimsunare ia64 and sparc known to be failing to build stuff currently?11:29
janimoMithrandir: exception request for two xfce upload to main (a bugfix and including a new app in the default desktop)11:30
ogragrumble, grumble ... it apparently ignored that /var/cache/pbuilder is a symlink on my system and just overwrote the dir 11:30
Mithrandirjanimo: diff?11:30
janimoMithrandir: a second11:30
janimoMithrandir: http://bugzilla.xfce.org/attachment.cgi?id=661&action=view this is against the xfce wm from upstream11:31
KamionMithrandir: ok to upload d-i amd64 build fix, I assume?11:31
janimothe diff for xubutu-desktop is adding thunar-archive-plugin11:31
Kamionis just s/8000/16000/ on the netboot boot.img size11:31
Mithrandirjanimo: ok, go ahead.11:32
MithrandirKamion: absolutely, go ahead.11:32
dokoMithrandir: prepared schoolbell/schooltool to make them installable again (needed for edubuntu main). ok to upload?11:32
Mithrandirdoko: please11:32
janimoMithrandir: ok, uploading the fix now, the xubuntu-desktop will take a while11:32
ograyay !!11:32
ogradoko, thanks so much :)11:32
MithrandirI need to go out for a little bit to pick up a new monitor.  The postal service was unable to deliver it yesterday 'cause of "address not found".11:32
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pittiMithrandir: stop writing your IP address on parcels then :)11:33
ograpitti, they would probably find the ipv4 one, but he always uses v6  :)11:33
pittiogra: PLZv6?11:34
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pitti(for the non-German ones: PLZ = postal code)11:34
ograI: Unpacking wpasupplicant...11:35
ograW: Failure while installing base packages.  This will be re-attempted up to five11:35
=== ogra cries
\shMithrandir: http://archive.linux-server.org/ktorrent_1.2-1ubuntu2-to-1.2-1ubuntu3.debdiff can you have a look for ktorrent debdiff? thx :)11:37
ograpbuilder wipes itself ... and is not able to create a new chroot ... oooohhh fun11:37
Kamionogra: I've uploaded fixes for all the problems I'm aware of; I suggest waiting a bit11:37
Kamionif that's edgy11:37
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ograKagou, yep, thanks11:37
Kamionit's not pbuilder's fault11:37
ograKamion, that my base.tgz disappeared after an upgrade ? 11:37
Kamion"and is not able to create a new chroot"11:37
Kagouogra: you'r welcome :)11:38
ograKagou, heh, sorry :)11:38
ograKamion, btw it complained about aptitude (missing libapt-pkg-libc6.3-6-3.11), ubuntu-minimal (initramfs-tools) and udev (initramfs-tools (>= 0.40ubuntu30)) in case anything of these isnt on your radar yet11:41
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fabbioneMithrandir: ping?11:52
pittiiwj: ping11:52
fabbioneoh he went out11:52
fabbioneKamion: perhaps you can help me instead.. other than the lesstif B-D in mesa.. is there anything else that needs to be done for it?11:53
fabbioneKamion: if not, i am ready to upload ubuntu2 with the lesstiff fix11:53
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ograhmm, looks like i have sivangs bug ... no ALT key combos seem to work ...11:54
janimoKamion: could the update scripts in the ubuntu-meta packages not use the http instead of the sftp url? asking for passwd is I minor annoyance :)11:54
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tsengjanimo: ssh keys are the way of the future.11:58
sivangogra: sudo gconf-schemas --register /usr/share/gconf/schemas/metacity.schemas11:58
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sivangogra: just when I thought I was going crazy :)12:00
Mithrandir\sh: looks innocent enough to me, feel free to upload12:00
\shMithrandir: thx12:00
fabbioneMithrandir: ah here you are12:00
fabbioneMithrandir: ^^^ about mesa12:00
Mithrandirfabbione: what's the lesstif fix?12:01
Keybukseb128: gnome-python-desktop still FTBFS on ia6412:01
fabbioneMithrandir: it's removing the B-D and Depends: and one line that tells debian/rules to build the libGLw target. Ported from the dapper package12:01
fabbione3 lines change12:01
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Kamionogra: aptitude is powerpc-specific, and I'm guessing it's due to the gcc breakage which needs manual bootstrap by a buildd admin12:02
seb128Keybuk: looks like lot of things are not happy on ia6412:02
Mithrandirfabbione: ok, go ahead.12:02
fabbioneMithrandir: oh well to drop B-D on lesstif-dev basically.. as required by mdz and policy to not have lesstif in main12:02
ograKamion, ok12:02
Kamionfabbione: not to my knowledge, but I don't know much in this case12:02
fabbioneKamion: ok.. just making sure.12:02
Keybukif only APT gave useful output, instead of it's "oh, I give up" style12:02
fabbionethanks 12:02
Kamionjanimo: not until the 15/20-minute delay on sftp->http propagation on bazaar.launchpad.net is fixed12:02
Kamionjanimo: in the meantime, use an ssh-agent12:02
Kamionssh-agent is probably already running for you, so just type 'ssh-add'12:03
lifelessKamion: it may get reduced, will never be eliminated12:03
seb128"checking for /usr/bin/python2.4 extension module directory... ${exec_prefix}/lib/python2.4/site-packages12:03
seb128checking for headers required to compile python extensions... not found12:03
seb128configure: error: could not find Python headers12:03
seb128make: *** [build-2.4/configure-stamp]  Error 1"12:03
seb128weird, it does that only on ia6412:03
Kamionlifeless: I see no reason why it couldn't notice a push and do the propagation straight away12:04
Kamionin principle12:04
seb128any chance that's python being bugged on ia64? :p12:04
seb128python-dev is installed12:04
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Keybukseb128: gnome-python FTBS on ia64 too?12:04
seb128Keybuk: pygtk12:04
seb128looking at gnome-python, sec12:05
lifelessKamion: that would still be a delay ;)12:05
seb128  python-gtk2-dev: Depends: python-gtk2 (>= 2.9.3-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed12:05
=== Keybuk looks on hooker
dholbachMithrandir: ok to upload liboobs (added build-dep)?12:05
seb128pygtk not building breaks gnome-python12:05
seb128and gnome-python-desktop12:05
Keybukpygtk failed too12:05
Kamionlifeless: negligible, though12:05
seb128Keybuk: what I copied 10 lines up12:05
KeybukSetting up python-dev (2.4.3-5ubuntu1) ...12:06
Kamionlifeless: (and, in theory, bzr push could be made to block until it's finished, if it were happening immediately)12:06
seb128python-dev is being installed12:06
seb128I blame python12:06
lifelessKamion: well, for concurrency sanity, and also security, the http mirror pulls into it12:06
seb128Keybuk: having the config.log from an ia64 build could be useful12:06
seb128or an ia64 chroot with the Build-Depends for pygtk installed to try12:07
Keybukseb128: I don't have access to the buildds12:07
lifelessso you have record the commit on the sftp side, queue a pull, wait for the next cron instance, then pull, record the pull, then notice the pull and unblock the client12:07
lifelessI think thats a bad thing12:07
lifelessoverly complex.12:07
Mithrandirdholbach: didn't you do that three hours ago?12:07
dholbachMithrandir: no, i didn't add the build-dependency that time.12:08
seb128Keybuk: I'll mail rt@admin.canonical.com then12:08
Mithrandirdholbach: ok, please upload.12:08
Kamionlifeless: I was not aware you were doing the http pull as two different users, but you could use something like userv to request that the pull happen immediately rather than doing silly cron tricks12:08
Kamionas a different user, I mean12:08
lifelessKamion: two different machines12:08
=== Kamion introduces lifeless to ssh
dholbachMithrandir: gracias. done.12:09
Keybukseb128: what headers does that look for?12:09
lifelessKamion: meet the separation of concerns I raised.12:09
Kamioneven easier12:09
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dholbachwhen it has built, we need to give back gnome-system-tools and should be fine then12:09
Kamionlifeless: xmlrpc or whatever. anyway, you're raising implementation details. it doesn't seem fundamentally impossible.12:09
seb128Keybuk: configure.in uses "AM_CHECK_PYTHON_HEADERS(,[AC_MSG_ERROR(could not find Python headers)] )"12:10
Keybukseb128: right, but what does AM_CHECK_PYTHON_HEADERS do?12:10
janimotseng ssh keys need passwords (and I know about ssh-agent too), but still plain http is easier, not to mention non-core devs can play with their own versions of the metapackages12:10
lifelessKamion: its a non trivial thing to balance all the considerations.12:10
seb128Keybuk: #include <Python.h> apparently12:10
Keybuk-rw-r--r-- root/root      4178 2006-07-04 21:22:40 ./usr/include/python2.4/Python.h12:10
Keybukthat's in the ia64 python2.4-dev12:10
lifelessKamion: unless/until we rate the latency problem as hugely higher priority than it is now, its not going to happen.12:11
seb128we need the config.log12:11
Keybukwhere does it get the -I from?12:11
Kamionjanimo: that would be why seed_base is configurable in update.cfg12:11
Keybukseb128: I don't know of any way of getting the config.log, except trying it on an ia6412:11
Kamionso that non-core-devs can play with local versions12:11
janimoKamion: ok, must have missed that12:11
Kamionlifeless: and therefore we will continue to use the sftp url for the foreseeable future12:11
lifelessKamion: sure, thats completely fine by me. I never suggested that you should not.12:11
seb128Keybuk: right, that's why I want to mail rt@admin.canonical.com to get the Build-Depends on ia64 dchroot to try it :)12:12
seb128Keybuk: configure does that12:12
seb128py_prefix=`$PYTHON -c "import sys; print sys.prefix"`12:12
seb128py_exec_prefix=`$PYTHON -c "import sys; print sys.exec_prefix"`12:12
Kamionjanimo: but I recommend you leave it at sftp by default, otherwise we'll have weird issues of the form "but I already made that seed commit, why doesn't update notice it?"12:12
Kamionup to you though12:12
Keybukseb128: where does it get PYTHON_VERSION from?12:14
Keybukoh, NM, it says 2.4 in the build log anyway12:14
seb128Keybuk:   am_cv_python_version=`$PYTHON -c "import sys; print sys.version[:3] "`12:15
KamionKeybuk: please give-back xfonts-base, xfonts-75dpi, xfonts-100dpi - they should build now that we have the newer xfonts-utils12:15
janimoKamion: well commits are from a seed checkout while update runs form a package souyrce, they should not be easily mixable12:15
iwjpitti: pong12:15
seb128Keybuk: ah, nice, halley has the required Build-Depends, no need to mail :)12:15
janimoassuming the 15 minutre lag is fixed of course12:15
Keybukseb128: could that they've been found, but fail to #include, of course12:15
Kamionjanimo: sounds like the lag won't be fixed though12:16
seb128Keybuk: /usr/include/linux/errno.h:4:23: error: asm/errno.h: No such file or directory12:16
Keybukseb128: yup12:16
seb128breaks on that12:16
Keybukjust noticed that myself12:16
Keybukand I've seen that error before earlier12:16
Keybukit's why most builds are failing on ia64 atm12:16
Kamionjanimo: it's common enough to do a commit and then almost immediately go and do a metapackage update12:16
seb128I've noticed that on some other GNOME buids too12:16
Keybukxfonts-base 1:1.0.0-3 - i38612:16
Keybukxfonts-75dpi 1:1.0.0-2 - i38612:16
Keybukxfonts-100dpi 1:1.0.0-2 - i38612:16
KeybukKamion: ^12:16
KamionKeybuk: yes, also unifont 1:1.0-3 i38612:18
Keybukseb128: I blame jbailey12:18
Keybukunifont 1:1.0-3 - i38612:18
janimowell in that case it's an improvement over dapper when I was used to wait until the seeds got mirrored on rookery. It's just that got used to running update and going away until it finishes and now it asks for pwd. I'll get used to it or use the agent.12:18
seb128Keybuk: me too12:19
Kamionusing an agent does generally make my life enormously easier I find12:19
Keybukseb128: all of /usr/include/asm is missing12:19
Kamionbut if you don't mind waiting, change the seed_base in the edgy/bzr section12:19
seb128Keybuk: you are going to fix it or should we wait for jbailey?12:19
Kamionthe supermirror sftp->http delay is approximately the same as the commit->rookery-mirror delay12:20
seb128I would prefer not to touch that package if not required :p12:20
Kamionnot the same cron job, but similar frequencies12:20
Keybukseb128: jbailey did very nasty things with this l-k-h release12:20
Keybukhe basically dropped all our patches12:20
KeybukI elect to wait for him to wake up, which won't be too long12:20
seb128works for me :)12:20
crimsunah, that explains the ftbfs on sparc and ia64 for alsa-lib12:20
seb128I'll have lunch for now then12:21
Keybukcrimsun: yeah, it's broken on sparc too12:21
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Keybukcrimsun: I actually don't understand why it's not broken on i38612:22
pittiiwj: got my /msg? (no hurry, just want to make sure that /msg works)12:23
iwjpitti: Yes.12:23
fabbionecrimsun: what package is failing?12:23
fabbione(on sparc)12:24
Keybukit is broken on i38612:24
Keybukfabbione: all.12:24
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fabbioneKeybuk: is it at the -m64 stage that breaks?12:24
fabbionebecause i noticed something strange building libcman 64bit on sparc that includes where missing or broken12:25
Keybukfabbione: /usr/include/asm is missing12:25
KeybukI think this isn't l-k-h related though12:25
Keybukbut toolchain12:25
Keybukthe l-k-h packages look correct12:25
fabbionejbailey will be around soon enough to ask12:26
Keybuk/usr/include/ia64-linux-gnu/asm exists12:26
fabbioneiirc there should be a symlink from usr/include12:27
Keybukno, there shouldn't12:27
Keybukmulti-arch, innit12:27
fabbionethan something else is wrong12:27
Keybuklike I said, toolchain12:27
=== Keybuk tries to remember how to get gcc to reveal the default -I path
Kamionis ia64-linux-gnu actually the triplet?12:27
fabbioneprobably gcc default -I paths?12:27
Kamionjust checking ...12:28
KeybukKamion: that's what gcc is using for the lib search path12:28
KamionKeybuk: gcc -v12:28
Kamionexcept not12:28
KeybukKamion: right, it's not there :p12:28
KeybukTarget: ia64-linux-gnu12:28
Keybukit's not in -print-search-dirs either12:29
Kamiongcc -v -xc -E /dev/null12:29
Kamionoh ok12:29
Keybukcpp -v obviously12:29
Keybuk /usr/local/include12:29
Keybuk /usr/lib/gcc/ia64-linux-gnu/4.1.2/include12:29
Keybuk /usr/include12:29
Keybukignoring nonexistent directory "/usr/lib/gcc/ia64-linux-gnu/4.1.2/../../../../ia64-linux-gnu/include"12:29
Keybukit's missing /usr/include/$triplet12:29
Kamionwas that ever in there?12:30
KinnisonNot on dapper i386 it's not12:30
fabbioneit is on i38612:30
fabbione /usr/include/i486-linux-gnu12:30
MithrandirKeybuk: can you give-back gcj-4.1 on sparc and amd64, please?12:30
KeybukMithrandir: this is all your fault :p12:31
Kamionpowerpc has:12:31
Kamionlrwxrwxrwx root/root         0 2006-07-12 04:27:48 ./usr/include/ppc64-linux-gnu/asm -> ../powerpc-linux-gnu/asm12:31
KeybukKamion: right, that's fine12:31
Kamionoh no that's just powerpc/ppc6412:31
KeybukKamion: amd64 looks fine too12:31
KeybukI can't login to faure for some reason12:31
MithrandirRiddell: you might want to do a MIR for apt-index-watcher so debtags becomes installable again.12:32
RiddellMithrandir: I actually had this in my irssi edit line ready to press enter   Kamion: could you move apt-index-watcher to main?  source is already in main, needed for debtags/adept12:32
MithrandirRiddell: heh, ok12:33
pittiMithrandir: permission to upload a new l-r-m to add the missing /usr/lib32/nvidia directory to the nvidia-glx package? that will fix the ia32-libs uninstallability if nvidia-glx is installed12:33
Kamionsure, after this publisher run12:33
Mithrandirpitti: please.12:34
MithrandirKeybuk: please give-back epiphany-browser on amd64 and sparc (and maybe ia64, but ia64 seems busticated)12:35
Keybukactually, I'm not sure about amd6412:35
Keybukgcj-4.1 4.1.1-8ubuntu1 - powerpc amd6412:35
KeybukMithrandir: YES, AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT12:35
Keybukyou and your oh-so-shiny "multi-arch" :p12:35
Keybukepiphany-browser 2.15.4-0ubuntu1 - ia64 sparc amd6412:35
MithrandirKeybuk: how is fakeroot being broken on amd64 some days ago my fault?12:36
KeybukMithrandir: linux-kernel-headers being broken => your fault12:36
Kamionhe means ia6412:36
Keybuk"ia64 being busticated"12:36
MithrandirKeybuk: *shrug*; I don't care much about ia64 ATM.12:36
KeybukMithrandir: do you care about amd64? :p12:36
Mithrandirit's a port architecture which nobody seems to care much about.12:36
MithrandirKeybuk: yes, I do.12:36
KeybukMithrandir: that one's broken too12:36
RiddellKamion: why would kdelibs-bin appear in edgy_probs.html?  it's a package that no longer exists in edgy and kdelibs4c2a Provides it12:37
MithrandirKeybuk: it seems to build most stuff fine, thoug.12:37
KeybukMithrandir: do you have an up to date edgy chroot?  if so, can you run cpp -v and give the include search path?12:37
Mithrandir /usr/local/include12:37
Mithrandir /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.1.2/include12:37
Mithrandir /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu12:37
Mithrandir /usr/include12:37
Mithrandirlooks fine to me?12:38
Keybukok, the "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu" must have been added recently?12:38
Mithrandirno idea; ask doko?12:38
Keybukdoko appears to be hiding <g>12:38
MithrandirKeybuk: please give-back evolution-exchange on amd64, sparc12:38
Keybukoh, interesting12:39
=== Keybuk wonders what the last version of gcc that actually _built_ on ia64 and sparc was
Keybuk../../../src/libiberty/cplus-dem.c:1: warning: -fstack-protector not supported for this target12:39
dokoMithrandir: won't help, we really need to fix fakeroot first.12:39
fabbioneKeybuk: sparc is the same as all the others.. 12:40
Keybuk../../../src/libiberty/cplus-dem.c:55: error: conflicting types for 'malloc'12:40
dokoKeybuk: yes, warnings only12:40
Keybukdoko: gcc-4.1 FTBFS on ia64 and sparc12:40
dokofabbione: but you did test ssp on sparc?12:40
Mithrandirdoko: infinity claimed that he fixed that?12:40
fabbionedoko: i am running edgy on one machine...12:40
elmowhat the hell did someone do to apt?12:41
Keybukpowerpc buildd aborted12:41
fabbioneelmo: dselect update is borked.. 12:41
elmofabbione: so I'm discovering :-/12:41
Keybukdoko: there actually seems to be a physical compilation failure here12:41
fabbioneelmo: i noticed only yesterday evening. all other apt stuff are ok or so it seems12:42
fabbioneelmo: and without mvo there isn't much to do..12:42
dokoKeybuk: right, turned off ssp on ia64 in -8ubuntu212:42
dokoMithrandir: fixed what?12:43
Mithrandirdoko: fakeroot12:43
Keybukdoko: if you could upload that, that'd be nice12:46
Mithrandiruh, please not a new gcc for a ports architecture, no.12:47
dokoKeybuk: I'll recheck if it's buildable using the current gcc12:47
Mithrandirafter knot-1, sure.12:47
KeybukMithrandir: I thought we pretended to officially support ia64?12:48
dokoMithrandir: IMO it doesn't make sense to release knot-1 with a broken libgcc1 on powerpc12:48
elmoKeybuk: no12:48
MithrandirKeybuk: not according to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/edgy12:49
elmoKeybuk: it's on ports.ubuntu.com => it's not supported12:49
KamionRiddell: because I haven't done a removals pass12:49
Mithrandirdoko: that'll be fixed when gcc is by-hand bootstrapped on ppc, won't it?12:49
dokoMithrandir: yes12:49
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Mithrandirdoko: good, that means we just have to make sure that happens before we release.12:50
Kamion../../../src/libiberty/cplus-dem.c: In function 'squangle_mop_up':12:50
Kamionthat's the best function name ever12:50
Keybukmmm, squangles12:50
KamionI think I shall start using squangle as a metasyntactic variable12:50
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pittiKeybuk: what the heck is a squangle? dict.leo.org doesn't know it12:52
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Kamionpitti: I think you're making the mistake of assuming it's actually an English word12:52
RiddellKamion: who does?12:52
ograpitti, a square angle ? 12:53
KamionRiddell: who does what?12:53
Keybukpitti: compressed identifiers for gcc12:53
Keybuk(according to the docs for -fsquangle)12:53
RiddellKamion: you said you didn't have a removals pass12:53
KamionRiddell: no, I said I *haven't done* a removals pass12:54
ograpitti, or a squished triangle :)12:54
pittiKeybuk: thanks :)12:54
KeybukKamion: there should be an entire family12:54
KamionRiddell: I will, I just haven't yet12:54
Keybuksquangle, squengle, squingle, squongle12:54
ograwhat do you want to you squongle today ?12:54
KamionRiddell: in the meantime, just ignore stuff that you know is removed12:54
RiddellKamion: right, my mistake, thanks12:54
KamionRiddell: apt-index-watcher promoted12:54
MithrandirKeybuk: actually, the amd64 chroots seem to be fucked. :-/  Can you update them?12:55
MithrandirKeybuk: the fakeroot in them is old and br0ken.12:55
fabbioneoh btw..12:55
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fabbionedid we actually get to remove -drivers- from edgy?12:56
Kamionfabbione: not yet, but I noticed it and it's on my list; is it safe to do it now?12:56
KeybukMithrandir: no, I have no access12:56
fabbioneKamion: it should be safe..12:56
MithrandirKeybuk: grr, ok.  Do you know who is able to?12:56
KeybukMithrandir: infinity12:56
MithrandirKeybuk: apart from him?  cprov?12:56
fabbioneKamion: all pkgs have been converted to video and dependencies updated12:56
fabbioneMithrandir: no, only infinity is12:57
KeybukMithrandir: I don't think so...  we've generally preferred LP people *not* to muck around in there12:57
Kamionfabbione: done12:57
fabbioneKamion: thanks12:57
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fabbionehey robertj 12:58
fabbionehey rodarvus 12:58
fabbionerodarvus: did you sleep well?12:58
pittimoin rodarvus 12:58
rodarvusfabbione: I didn't :)12:58
rodarvuswas taking care of wife and daughter12:58
Mithrandirwhat will sbuild do if we make lib32gcc1 1:4.1.1-8ubuntu1 conflict with fakeroot (< some version) and it's told that it should keep fakeroot installed?12:58
fabbionerodarvus: ok :)...12:58
rodarvusits amazing how hard/tiring it can be to dress a little girl :)12:58
fabbionerodarvus: mesa is done.. just waiting for propagation12:58
rodarvusfabbione: nice, thanks!12:59
ograiwj, will it be possible to not use the new firefox icontheme ? i.e. it wouldnt look well with edubuntus default theme12:59
fabbionerodarvus: that's because you are dressing her ... that's a mother's task ;)12:59
rodarvusfabbione: tell that to my wife :D12:59
fabbionerodarvus's wife: that's your job12:59
rodarvusI also either shower her, most of the days01:00
rodarvusmy wife prepares her school bag, check agenda, etc01:00
rodarvuswe mostly divide all baby-related tasks01:00
Kamion * casper_1.59+debian-1 builds: casper01:02
Kamion      but no longer builds:01:02
Kamion        o 1.57: ubiquity-casper01:02
KamionMithrandir: please put ubiquity-casper back01:02
Kamionyou might want to see what else we lost in that sync ...01:02
rodarvusis mdz still online?01:02
sivangrodarvus: make sure to distribute them equally, that way she won't tend to prepfer any of you on the other :)01:02
dholbachogra: maybe you can modify the script to ship edubuntu icons01:02
dholbachrodarvus: he went to bed a while ago01:02
MithrandirKamion: can you add it to the blacklist too?01:02
dholbachrodarvus: ~1h30m ago01:03
rodarvusKamion: are we still able to (manually) merge X apps, or UVF is already in practice?01:03
dokoMithrandir: fakeroot already was fixed, as long as the chroot doesn't have an /emul anymore, everything should be fine01:03
ogradholbach, meh, that means i'd need icons first 01:03
rodarvusdholbach: he deserved it - it was quite late on his timezone by then :)01:03
dholbachogra: it could build-depend on gartoon something01:03
Mithrandirdoko: fakeroot in the chroots is old so we need to force it to be upgraded or something.01:03
fabbionerodarvus: UVF is in place. i think we can have exceptions fro X apps.01:03
rodarvusfabbione: *nods* good01:04
fabbionerodarvus: at least that's the feeling i had when talking with mdz yesterday evening01:04
ogradholbach, sure, but i'm not sure gartoon has everything needed for a firefox theme01:04
Mithrandirdoko: I'm pondering evilness like making lib32gcc1 conflict with the broken fakeroot or depending on the newer fakeroot..01:04
dholbachogra: it could then use gartoon's fallback01:04
fabbionerodarvus: i suggest you start on that, and pile them up for a day. Once mdz is back we can discuss it properly01:04
dokoMithrandir: sure, lib32gcc1 could be used for that01:04
ogradholbach, also i dont think its a good idea to ship a hardcoded theme01:04
Kamionrodarvus: what fabbione said01:05
rodarvusfabbione, Kamion: sure, thanks!01:05
KamionMithrandir: no, Keybuk has it open01:05
KamionKeybuk: please blacklist casper01:05
dholbachogra: i can change the theme in my firefox01:06
ogradholbach, hmm01:06
Mithrandirdoko: another alternative is to make gcj-4.1 build-depend on fixed fakeroot or build-conflict broken fakeroot.01:06
ogradholbach, anyway, i think thats another reasoin to switch edubuntu to epiphany ;)01:06
ogra*reason too01:06
KeybukKamion, Mithrandir: done01:07
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iwjogra: In principle you can change the theme but we don't have any sane way of having other packages change the ff default profile.01:07
Keybukis the Debian version that crackful?01:08
dokoMithrandir: yes, a b-d sounds nicer01:08
ograiwj, well, currently it removes the world if i try to remove firefox-themes-ubuntu ... is that hard dep needed ?01:08
Keybukwhy did we sync casper, anyway?01:08
Mithrandirdoko: ok, can you add a build-depends on a fixed version of fakeroot and upload gcj-4.1?01:09
iwjogra: If our stuff supports Recommends then it could be a Recommends instead but removing the package won't help.01:09
dokoMithrandir: but why gcj-4.1, not gcc-4.1?01:09
iwjUnless again you're just trying to save disk space.01:09
KamionKeybuk: our version didn't have *ubuntu* so we didn't notice01:09
Mithrandirdoko: because it's gcj that ftbfs?01:09
KeybukKamion: oops01:10
Kamion(we're upstream ...)01:10
Keybuksee, this is why it's generally a good idea to leave "ubuntu" in *anyway*01:10
Keybukso we don't get fucked by Debian01:10
dokoMithrandir: I would suggest to make the b-d hack with a package, that doesn't install anything in /usr/lib3201:10
ograiwj, well, we will need to ship epiphany as default browser in edubuntu, so that dep is a bit of wasted diskspace ... 01:10
StevenKKeybuk: That statement makes for disturbing mental images.01:10
iwjOIC.  Without that if you launch firefox it will fail to start.01:10
Mithrandirdoko: lp doesn't save the chroot afterwards, so we can't play the same tricks as in Debian where we then wouldn't have the problem again.01:11
iwjIn the default setup.01:11
KeybukStevenK: depends which members of Debian, really;  there are some I wouldn't object to01:11
iwjI can't remember whether it actually tries to start and gives you a totally dysfunctional thing or whether it doesn't do anything at all.01:11
dokoMithrandir: or can we assure that fakeroot is upgraded before some ia32 / libc6-i386 stuff uis unpacked?01:11
StevenKKeybuk: Me either, but I suspect my wife will.01:11
ograiwj, hmm, k, xulrunner would be really helpful ... sad we dont have it :)01:12
dokoMithrandir: ok, so we do need the b-d on fakeroot _and_ the dependency on fakeroot in lib32gcc1.01:12
iwjogra: I don't think we'll have it until upstream ff uses it.01:12
Mithrandirdoko: if so, we just need the dependency in lib32gcc1.01:12
ograiwj, yes, sadly ... 01:12
KeybukMithrandir: that's EVIL01:14
fabbioneMithrandir: 01:14
MithrandirKeybuk: no shit.01:14
fabbioneChanges: 01:14
fabbione linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17 ( edgy; urgency=low01:14
fabbione .01:14
fabbione   * Provides: xserver-xorg-video instead of xserver-xorg-driver.01:14
Mithrandirfabbione: go ahead.01:14
fabbione^^ it's a 3 lines change to debian/control01:15
KeybukMithrandir: why do we need the dependency there?01:15
mjg59pitti: Why is my "Default sound card" greyed out in dapper?01:15
MithrandirKeybuk: we want fakeroot to continue being installed, but we want to force an upgrade.01:15
KeybukMithrandir: it gets upgraded anyway, no?01:16
MithrandirKeybuk: apparently not.01:16
KeybukMithrandir: it so does01:16
KeybukThe following packages will be upgraded:01:16
Keybuk  apt base-files bash bsdutils build-essential cpio cpp cpp-4.1 debconf01:16
Keybuk  debconf-english debianutils dpkg dpkg-dev e2fslibs e2fsprogs fakeroot01:16
fabbioneMithrandir: because the new version of fakeroot is FTBFS due to the old being broken?01:16
MithrandirKeybuk: can you point to that on http://librarian.launchpad.net/3374978/buildlog_ubuntu-edgy-amd64.gcj-4.1_4.1.1-8ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ?01:16
Mithrandirfabbione: no?01:17
Mithrandir: tfheen@golem ~ > (apt-cache showsrc fakeroot ; apt-cache show fakeroot )| grep ^Vers01:17
MithrandirVersion: 1.5.9ubuntu101:18
MithrandirVersion: 1.5.9ubuntu101:18
fabbionehmm weird..01:18
fabbioneinfinity must have fixed that01:18
KeybukMithrandir: probably means it was already up to date in the chroot01:18
fabbionepitti: !!!!!01:19
fabbionepitti: you beated my -4 upload for l-r-m01:19
dokoMithrandir, Keybuk: could you check, if /emul still exists in the chroot?01:20
fabbionepitti: can you please do a -5 upload with a 3 lines change to debian/control?01:20
RiddellKeybuk: could you give back kdeaddons and kdesdk please01:20
Mithrandirdoko: I don't have access to the chroots, sorry.01:20
MithrandirKeybuk: well, it works splendidly in a pbuilder chroot for me.01:20
Keybukdoko: that's what I suspect ... fakeroot is up to date but /usr/lib32 is still a symlink01:20
Keybuknot-quite-updated-hard-enough chroot01:20
Keybukbut I can't tell myself01:21
Mithrandirprobably needs to be rebuilt rather than updated due to dpkg not changing symlink to dirs?01:21
Kamionfakeroot.postinst could clean that up01:21
Kamionand probably should01:21
Kamionor whatever.postinst of the package that had /emul01:21
KeybukKamion: nothing in there01:21
dokook, I'll prepare a fakeroot upload01:22
fabbioneMithrandir: i need to delay the l-r-m upload. pitti and i clashed on versions and i need to get his changes here01:22
Mithrandirfabbione: ok.01:22
Mithrandirdoko: thanks.01:23
ograMithrandir, i'll upload a new edubuntu-meta soon to pick up the ubuntu changes, ok with you ?01:23
Mithrandirit'd be the preinst that would need to fix it, no?01:23
fabbionethat is hopefully in the next publisher run01:23
Mithrandirogra: upload away.01:23
KamionMithrandir: one of them :)01:23
Kamionyeah, probably preinst01:23
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sivangKeybuk: hah01:28
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dokoif [ "$1" = configure ]  && [ -d /emul ]  && [ -h /usr/lib32 ]  && [ $(uname -m) = x86_64 ] ; then01:30
doko        rm -f /usr/lib3201:30
doko        mkdir /usr/lib3201:30
doko        mv /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib/* /usr/lib32/ || true01:30
doko        rm -rf /emul01:30
dholbachbug 39846: "if you fill up your free space from behind, ..."01:30
UbugtuMalone bug 39846 in gparted "creates partitions in wrong order" [Medium,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3984601:30
dokoMithrandir, Kamion: does the look ok for the fakeroot.postinst?01:30
Kamionas Mithrandir says, probably needs to be preinst01:30
MithrandirI'm slightly worried about the rm -rf /emul01:31
Kamionand then it would be "$1" = upgrade rather than configure01:31
StevenKShouldn't "upgrade" be quoted?01:32
Mithrandirdoesn't matter.01:32
KamionStevenK: no01:32
Mithrandirbut it often is, for stylistic reasons.01:32
dokoMithrandir: find /emul ! -type d || rm -rf /emul01:33
Kamionthe comedy thing I see is people doing stuff like $1 = "upgrade"01:33
Kamionwhich betrays a total lack of understanding of shell quoting01:33
StevenKHeh, ouch01:33
Kamionquote precisely what doesn't need to be quoted :P01:33
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dokoKamion: upgrade in postinst?01:36
Kamiondoko: 12:30 < Kamion> as Mithrandir says, probably needs to be preinst01:37
KeybukMithrandir: \o/01:37
Kamionif preinst is definitely wrong then ignore my upgrade comment01:37
Mithrandirdoko: why not find /emul -type -d -empty -delete ?01:38
dokofind /emul -depth -type -d -empty -delete01:38
dokotrying to find a reason, why it needs to be in the preinst01:39
Mithrandir-delete turns on -depth automatically01:39
dokoahh, didn't know01:39
KeybukPackage: fakeroot01:39
KeybukVersion: 1.5.9ubuntu101:39
Kamionmy preinst comment was based on the feeling that it's usually best to fix up the filesystem before you unpack the new filesystem archive01:39
KeybukMithrandir: the amd64 chroot has the updated fakeroot01:39
MithrandirKamion: yeah, mine too.01:40
Keybukthat's why it doesn't get updated01:40
MithrandirKeybuk: ok.01:40
pittifabbione: lrm clash> oh, sorry01:40
pittifabbione: want my debdiff?01:40
Kamionin case dpkg unpacks through the symlink01:40
KeybukMithrandir: it also does NOT have /emul01:40
Keybukso we're barking up the wrong tree, here01:40
fabbionepitti: it's easier if you just change the 3 lines in debian/control01:40
pittioh, the package is already in LP01:40
fabbionepitti: search for xsrever-xorg-driver and change that to xserver-xorg-video in 3 Provides01:41
StevenKHeh, xsrever-xorg01:41
dokoKeybuk: so just try to build it again?01:41
MithrandirKeybuk: do you have a copy of the chroot?01:41
fabbionepitti: never mind i will do it01:41
MithrandirKeybuk: or are you looking at the package?01:41
KeybukMithrandir: I have a copy of the chroot01:41
fabbioneStevenK: that's just my typo here01:41
MithrandirKeybuk: what does ls -ld  /usr/lib32 look like?01:42
StevenKfabbione: I know, I was chuckling over it.01:42
pittifabbione: hm, but I shall not rename the -driver-fglrx etc. packages themselves?01:42
Keybukdrwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2006-01-26 14:46:57 chroot-autobuild/usr/lib32/01:42
Keybukdrwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2006-07-10 16:50:21 chroot-autobuild/usr/lib32/libfakeroot/01:42
Keybuk-rwxr-xr-x root/root     22728 2006-07-10 15:29:10 chroot-autobuild/usr/lib32/libfakeroot/libfakeroot-sysv.so01:42
Keybuk-rwxr-xr-x root/root     23580 2006-07-10 15:29:10 chroot-autobuild/usr/lib32/libfakeroot/libfakeroot-tcp.so01:42
Mithrandirthen why does it end up with a file conflict?01:42
Keybukbecause dpkg is special01:42
Keybuksomething ELSE must think that /usr/lib32 is supposed to be a symlink to /emul01:42
fabbionepitti: don't worry.. i will take care of that..01:42
pittifabbione: ok, as you wish; thanks01:42
fabbionepitti: it's in LP i can grab it01:42
fabbionepitti: no there is no need to rename because Debian doesn't have/will never have that package01:43
MithrandirKeybuk: can you give me the url to it so I can poke it too?01:43
fabbioneal lthe -driver -> -video rename was to be able to sync easily01:43
KeybukMithrandir: the chroot?01:43
pittifabbione: ok; just for the sake of consistency, but now is not the right time to break names again :)01:43
MithrandirKeybuk: yes, please.01:43
StevenKKeybuk: And figure that out how? Grep dpkg -c of every deb?01:43
fabbionepitti: exactly01:43
MithrandirKeybuk: I know it's in the librarian somewhere, but I don't have the URL01:44
Keybukare the middle bits alias or content?01:44
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fabbioneStevenK: a chroot doens't have that many package.. it's easier to do a grep on dpkg -c01:44
Keybuk^ try that01:44
MithrandirKeybuk: thanks01:45
fabbioneKeybuk: is the publisher in manual mode?01:45
Keybukfabbione: no01:45
fabbioneis it just slower than usual?01:45
Keybukfabbione: no01:45
=== pitti misses libtunepimp security updates on archive.u.c, too
Keybukfabbione: perhaps we should start with a question that involves package names and version numbers? :)01:46
fabbionel-r-m-2.6.17 -4 accepted at 13:0001:46
fabbioneit should have made this run01:46
fabbioneand according to LP is done01:47
Keybukfabbione: not in accepted01:47
Keybuk   71675 | S- | linux-restricted-mod |           | 48 minutes01:47
Keybuk         | * linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17/ Component: restricted Section: misc01:47
Keybukit's in DONE01:47
KeybukLP says it's published01:48
Keybukso, dude, WTF?! :)01:48
Kamionfabbione: archive.u.c is in .se at the moment - takes a while to mirror01:48
Kamionoh, hang on, that was yesterday, it's back in the DC today apparently01:48
Kamioncheck DNS though01:48
Keybukand it's bloody well on archive.uc :)01:48
fabbioneit's not on the mirror yet01:48
fabbioneit's appearing now01:49
Keybukit's not "appearing now"01:49
Kamionat :45, when you asked, it was probably still mirrorinng01:49
Keybukit appeared about 10 minutes ago01:49
fabbioneKamion: yeah01:49
Kamionthese days, wait until :50 before wondering if something is wrong :)01:49
Keybuk30-45 is pretty much "mirror"01:49
fabbioneKeybuk: no, because i did trigger an rsync 5 minutes ago and it was not there01:49
Keybukfabbione: dude, AYT!01:49
KeybukAWTY even01:49
KeybukI tend to do anything involving a published day at :0501:50
fabbioneKeybuk: dude.. usually at :45 the mirror is finished and since it's not the first time that the mirroring breaks down, i was wondering where the hell the package was.01:50
Keybukyou're lucky if the publisher has finished at :45 some days01:51
fabbioneKeybuk: that's why i was also asking if it was slower than usual01:51
Keybuk"slower than usual" => "taking more than an hour"01:51
Keybukas long as the publisher finishes before :50 or so, I figure it's fine01:51
janimoMithrandir: another exception fort xarchiver. Install a bash script in /usr/lib/thunar-archive-plugin/ instead of /usr/libexec so it is found by thunar.01:51
KamionKeybuk: can you get at the livefs buildds?01:52
Mithrandirjanimo: go ahead.01:52
Kamionas in log into them01:52
KeybukKamion: no, elmo won't let me01:52
sivanghas anyone else noticed a slow down downloading from archive.ubuntu.com ?01:53
Kamionelmo: could you change STE=dapper to STE=edgy in /usr/sbin/livecd.sh on the livefs buildds please?01:53
sivangdropped to 13kb for me comapred to 160kb last night01:53
Kamionelmo: or tell me if /home/buildd/bin/BuildLiveCD will let me override it (livecd.sh has a -d switch, if I can get at it from the trigger)01:53
Mithrandirdoko: I'm not sure why this blows up on the buildd, but installing the build-deps in the chroot gives:02:00
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Mithrandirsh-3.1# dpkg -S /emul02:00
Mithrandirlib32asound2, lib32asound2-dev: /emul02:00
Mithrandirbut I have no idea why that should break anythin02:00
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KeybukMithrandir: found it!02:01
MithrandirKeybuk: hum?02:01
KeybukI found it almost exactly the same time you did :p02:01
Keybukdrwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2006-07-03 13:57:15 ./emul/02:01
Keybukdrwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2006-07-03 13:57:15 ./emul/ia32-linux/02:01
Keybukdrwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2006-07-03 13:57:15 ./emul/ia32-linux/usr/02:01
Keybukdrwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2006-07-03 13:57:18 ./emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib/02:01
Keybuk-rw-r--r-- root/root    778500 2006-07-03 13:57:18 ./emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib/libasound.so.2.0.002:01
Keybuklrwxrwxrwx root/root         0 2006-07-03 13:57:18 ./emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib/libasound.so.2 -> libasound.so.2.0.002:01
Keybuklrwxrwxrwx root/root         0 2006-07-03 13:57:19 ./usr/share/doc/lib32asound2 -> libasound202:01
Keybukdrwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2006-07-03 13:57:15 ./emul/02:01
Keybukdrwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2006-07-03 13:57:15 ./emul/ia32-linux/02:01
Keybukdrwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2006-07-03 13:57:15 ./emul/ia32-linux/usr/02:01
Keybukdrwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2006-07-03 13:57:19 ./emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib/02:01
Keybuk-rw-r--r-- root/root   1317808 2006-07-03 13:57:18 ./emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib/libasound.a02:01
Keybuk-rw-r--r-- root/root       851 2006-07-03 13:57:15 ./emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib/libasound.la02:01
Keybuklrwxrwxrwx root/root         0 2006-07-03 13:57:19 ./emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib/libasound.so -> libasound.so.2.0.002:01
Keybuklrwxrwxrwx root/root         0 2006-07-03 13:57:19 ./usr/share/doc/lib32asound2-dev -> libasound2-dev02:01
dokoMithrandir, Keybuk: wrong merge, will fix it ...02:01
KamionMithrandir put it considerably more concisely :P02:01
Keybukhe did02:01
MithrandirKeybuk: well, but do you have any idea why it breaks stuff?02:01
Keybukbut I don't understand why that breaks it yet02:01
Mithrandirdoko: thanks.02:01
Mithrandirme neither; I can't break it in the chroot02:02
dokocrimsun: ^^^02:02
KeybukMithrandir: did you compare the versions of everything against those in the log?02:04
MithrandirKeybuk: doing so now02:05
Keybukif [ ! -h /usr/lib32 -a -d /usr/lib32 -a -d /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib ] ; then02:06
Keybuk  rm -rf /usr/lib3202:06
Keybuk  ln -s /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib /usr/lib3202:06
=== Keybuk looks at doko pointedly
Keybukwould sir care to revise sir's bullshit preinst? :p02:06
Keybukdpkg-deb -I ubuntu/pool/main/*/*/lib32gcc1_4.1.1-8ubuntu1_amd64.deb preinst02:07
dokoKeybuk: yes, that crept in from unstable, didn't hurt as long as we had not an /emul ... it's removed in -8ubuntu202:08
Riddelldoko: has the gcc bug that caused ruby1.8 to fail on powerpc been fixed?  it seems to compile fine for me locally (http://librarian.launchpad.net/3371361/buildlog_ubuntu-edgy-powerpc.ruby1.8_1.8.4-5ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz)02:08
Keybukdoko: right, so asound's bad merge gave us an emul, and your preinst of death wiped /usr/lib32 and replaced it with a symlink, leading to the package breaking02:08
Mithrandiroh, joy.02:08
Keybukso we need a new asound and a new gcc02:09
dokoMithrandir: please let me upload gcc-4.1 4.1.1-8ubuntu2 ...02:09
Keybukthe chroot itself is fine, so that doesn't need updating02:09
Mithrandirdoko: go ahead.02:09
Mithrandirdoko: is this the only change or is there more in there?02:09
dokoalsa-lib already uploaded02:09
dokoI don't know, but lib32z1 is fine.02:10
Mithrandirdoko: as in, are there any other changes in gcc-4.1?02:11
dokoMithrandir: yes, but bootstrapped on powerpc several times02:11
Mithrandirdoko: ok, let's cross our fingers, then.02:11
dokoMithrandir: will wait for an ia64 build, at least until the stage3 compiler is built02:12
Keybukwill any chroots need updating/02:12
dholbachcan somebody please give back gnome-system-tools?02:12
Keybukdholbach: eh?  no failed build02:13
dholbachKeybuk: it was waiting on liboobs02:13
Keybukdholbach: yes, so?  that means the buildd has it ... it doesn't need giving back02:13
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Mithrandirdoko: before uploading the source, you mean?  Any idea when that is?02:13
Riddellthe names of these gnome libraries are getting worse...02:13
dholbachKeybuk: will it automatically retry?02:13
Keybukdholbach: yes02:13
dholbachKeybuk: ok cool :)02:14
KeybukRiddell: the inevitable liboom hasn't happened yet :p02:14
Keybukdholbach: a give back is when the buildd has failed a build and isn't going to attempt it again ... you give it back to try again02:14
Keybukdholbach: if the build is in needs building, dependency wait, etc. it means the buildd will get around to it02:14
dholbachok, super02:15
RiddellKeybuk: did you see my request to give back kdeaddons and kdesdk?02:15
KeybukRiddell: no02:15
RiddellKeybuk: please give them back02:15
Keybukkdeaddons 4:3.5.3-0ubuntu2 - powerpc ia64 sparc i386 amd6402:16
Keybukkdesdk 4:3.5.3-1ubuntu2 - powerpc ia64 sparc i386 amd6402:16
dokoMithrandir: 2h?02:16
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dokohmm, can upload it now as well, it's a community arch anyway02:16
Keybukdoko: will we want a chroot update for the new gcc, or is it ok for it go be updated the old fashioned way each time?02:17
KamionMithrandir: ok for ubuntu-meta upload to make pbbuttonsd powerpc-specific?02:17
RiddellKeybuk: could you give back ruby1.8 on powerpc too?02:17
MithrandirKeybuk: the regular update should be fine.02:18
dokoKeybuk: just make sure that /emul doesn't exist.02:18
Keybukruby1.8 1.8.4-5ubuntu1 - powerpc02:18
Mithrandirdoko: hmm, ok.02:18
Riddellthanks Keybuk 02:18
dokoKeybuk: could you hand-bootstrap the powerpc build?02:18
Keybukdoko: possibly, do we need to then?02:18
dokoKeybuk: yes, it's definitely broken02:19
sivangogra: did you manage to sort out the ALT keys combos ?02:19
Keybukdoko: what needs to be done?02:19
ograsivang, the gconf command you gave me solved it02:20
sivangogra: I am thankful to seb128 who told me it in the first place, I just wonder if this is a bug or normal dist-upgrade stuff while merging stuff..I couldn't find in the metacity package where it registers it schems after shipping them there.02:20
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KamionRiddell,ogra,janimo: could you merge/upload-meta my recent seed change?02:36
RiddellKamion: ok02:36
janimoKamion: ok02:37
Kamionoh, hell, xfonts-{75,100}dpi need NEWed02:38
Kamionme prods02:38
Kamiondholbach: liboobs isn't through NEW yet, I'm checking that now02:42
MithrandirKamion: any idea why memtester now seems to be in universe?  It used to be in main and sysutils depends on it.02:43
KamionMithrandir: no - re-promoted02:44
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pittihi ivoks 02:52
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ivokspitti: hi02:52
ivokspitti: i'm just working on a fix for pnm2ppa02:53
ivokspitti: adding # won't be enough, and it would be wrong02:53
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pittiivoks: oh, the file format doesn't understand comments?02:53
ivokspitti: that would mean that when someone configures it trough debconf, he's configs wouldn't reflect his choice :)02:54
ivokspitti: so if RET is empty then sed version with #version02:54
ivokspitti: otherwise version = RET :)02:54
ivokspitti: you'll see whent i finish :)02:55
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Hobbseesivang: ping?02:59
dokojbailey, fabbione: linux-kernel-headers are probably broken on ia64 and sparc03:04
Keybukdoko: why do you say that?03:05
Keybukdoko: they look fine to me03:05
dokoKeybuk: alsa-lib build failures03:06
dokoand gcc-4.1 build failure03:06
dokogcc-4.1 -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -I. -I../../../src/libiberty/../include  -W -Wall -pedantic -Wwrite-strings -Wstrict-prototypes ../../../src/libiberty/fnmatch.c -o fnmatch.o03:06
dokoIn file included from /usr/include/bits/errno.h:25,03:06
doko                 from /usr/include/errno.h:36,03:06
doko                 from ../../../src/libiberty/fnmatch.c:46:03:06
doko/usr/include/linux/errno.h:4:23: error: asm/errno.h: No such file or directory03:06
dokomake[3] : *** [fnmatch.o]  Error 103:06
Keybukdoko: that's because /usr/include/ia64-linux-gnu is not in cpp's search path03:07
Keybukwhich is because the toolchain failed to build03:07
Keybukwhich is because you had stack protector turned on for ia6403:07
sivangHobbsee: pong03:10
Hobbseesivang: i'm just reading the CC meeting - you should be able to set to auto identify yourself in your client, if you wanted to.03:10
Keybukdoko: there does, however, appear to be a bug for sparc03:11
Keybuk/usr/include/sparc64-linux-gnu contains an asm directory without all of the headers03:12
dokoKeybuk: hmm, however I cannot find a relation between ssp and the include path for ia6403:12
Keybukdoko: ssp was added at the same time the include path was added03:12
Keybukso ia64 never got a compiler that had the include path03:12
sivangHobbsee: sure, I Know, I just never bothered to do so :)03:12
Hobbseesivang: ah, irssi.  shouldnt be that hard03:13
dokoKeybuk: we had this include already in dapper03:14
sivangHobbsee: should save some keystrokes.03:14
Keybukdoko: well, the gcc installed on halley doesn't have it03:15
Keybukyou may have dropped it, of course03:15
Keybukin which case there's a gcc bug03:15
Keybukhalley% gcc test.c03:15
KeybukIn file included from /usr/include/bits/errno.h:25,03:15
Keybuk                 from /usr/include/errno.h:36,03:15
Keybuk                 from test.c:1:03:15
Keybuk/usr/include/linux/errno.h:4:23: error: asm/errno.h: No such file or directory03:15
Keybukhalley% gcc -I/usr/include/ia64-linux-gnu test.c03:15
Keybukhalley% cpp -v03:16
Keybuk  :03:16
Keybuk#include <...> search starts here:03:16
Keybuk /usr/local/include03:16
Keybuk /usr/lib/gcc/ia64-linux-gnu/4.1.2/include03:16
Keybuk /usr/include03:16
KeybukEnd of search list.03:16
doko$ gcc -v -E - </dev/null Using built-in specs. Target: ia64-linux-gnu03:16
dokoConfigured with: ../src/configure -v --enable-languages=c,c++,java,fortran,objc,obj-c++,ada,treelang --prefix=/usr --enable-shared --with-system-zlib --libexecdir=/usr/lib --without-included-gettext --enable-threads=posix --enable-nls --program-suffix=-4.1 --enable-__cxa_atexit --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-libstdcxx-debug --enable-java-awt=gtk --enable-gtk-cairo --with-java-home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.4.2-gcj-4.1- --ena03:16
dokoble-mpfr --with-system-libunwind --enable-checking=release ia64-linux-gnu03:16
dokoThread model: posix03:16
dokogcc version 4.1.2 20060613 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.1-2ubuntu4)03:16
doko /usr/lib/gcc/ia64-linux-gnu/4.1.2/cc1 -E -quiet -v -03:16
dokoignoring nonexistent directory "/usr/lib/gcc/ia64-linux-gnu/4.1.2/../../../../ia64-linux-gnu/include"03:16
doko#include "..." search starts here:03:16
doko#include <...> search starts here:03:16
doko /usr/local/include03:16
doko /usr/lib/gcc/ia64-linux-gnu/4.1.2/include03:16
doko /usr/include03:16
dokoEnd of search list.03:16
doko# 1 "<stdin>"03:16
doko# 1 "<built-in>"03:16
doko# 1 "<command line>"03:16
doko# 1 "<stdin>"03:17
dokoso it does have it03:17
Keybukno, it doesn't03:17
Keybukyour paste proves it doesn't :p03:17
Keybukno /usr/include/ia64-linux-gnu there03:17
Keybukiz gcc bug03:20
=== Keybuk goes for lunch, really this time
StevenKKeybuk: Convince us. :-)03:20
Kamiongetting there ...03:21
pittiKamion: rock!03:21
=== Kamion will update bzr for the new python policy
dokoouch, the multiarch include patch is only applied for biarch architectures ... so it will ftbfs with on ia64 and hppa03:23
sivanghmm, that's okay for initrafms-tools ? update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.17-4-68603:23
sivangcpio: ./lib/udev/path_id: No such file or directory03:23
Kamionudev bug iirc03:24
sivangKamion: what could be it's effect? some devices not operating ? (/me goes to serch for a bug and file one if not already filed in the meanwhile)03:25
Kamionno idea03:27
Kamionask Keybuk03:27
=== dredg [n=niall@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== sivang finds the bug report and confirms.
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Kamionwow, UTF-8 display in the installer is excitingly hosed03:32
Kamionbut only some characters, weirdly03:32
Mithrandirborken font?03:32
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KamionMithrandir: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/d-i-weird.png - you tell me03:40
Mithrandirfreaky, but I'd think it's missing fonts.03:41
Kamion/lib/unifont.bgf is there though03:41
Mithrandirdoes it have  for instance?03:42
KamionI have a feeling installation-locale needs to be rebuilt03:43
Kamionnote the extra "locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory" in http://librarian.launchpad.net/3404510/buildlog_ubuntu-edgy-i386.debian-installer_20060711ubuntu2_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz versus http://librarian.launchpad.net/3003995/buildlog_ubuntu-dapper-i386.debian-installer_20051026ubuntu36_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz03:44
ivokspitti: ping03:44
=== carlos [n=carlos@7.Red-88-3-204.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittihey ivoks 03:46
ivokspitti: i'm kind of confused atm :)03:46
=== Kamion tries to verify
ivokspitti: grep ^version /etc/pnm2ppa.conf, please? :)03:47
pittiivoks: 'version  710'03:48
Kamionhmm, no, must be more complicated than that03:49
ivokswhy does someone has 710, and someone ""03:49
pittiivoks: hm, that file has lots of '#foo' comments, btw03:49
ivokspitti: that file is different from one computer to other..03:49
ivokspitti: and debconf defaults hould be version 71003:50
ivokspitti: but this morning i had just version, wihtout 71003:50
ivokspitti: now, after reinstall of package, it's version 71003:50
ivoksand i didn't touch debconf :/03:50
dholbachKamion: gracias03:51
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pittiivoks: so sometimes there is an uninit'ed variable apparently03:51
ivokspitti: could be03:52
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Keybuksivang: means /dev/disk/by-path doesn't exist in the initramfs04:13
Keybukbut that's ok, we don't use that04:13
sivangKeybuk: so that's not a bug then?04:14
Keybukyeah, it's a bug04:15
Keybukjust a little one04:16
Keybukthere were more important things to do04:16
Keybukand udev will need another upstream update anyway for the sysfs change04:16
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fabbioneKamion, Keybuk: could you be so kind to check if mesa binaries are still sitting in NEW?04:17
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Keybukfabbione: i386 and amd64 are04:18
seb128Keybuk: could you give a build retry to gnome-applets and gedit?04:18
Keybukseb128: ANOTHER retry?!04:18
fabbioneKeybuk: could you please let them in04:19
seb128Keybuk: looks like the new gnome-python-desktop was not available when you retried this morning04:19
Keybukgnome-applets - powerpc ia64 sparc amd6404:19
Keybukgedit 2.15.4-0ubuntu1 - powerpc ia64 sparc amd6404:19
seb128Keybuk: or it's not installable for another reason ... but the log looks like arch any,all not in sync04:19
seb128thank you04:19
Keybukfabbione: ok04:19
dholbachahh another new network-manager04:19
fabbioneKeybuk: thanks04:20
fabbioneKeybuk: sparc/ppc/ia64 are FTBFS... so it might take another upload to get them there04:20
sivangKeybuk: k, noted04:21
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Kamionlocaledef is generating an LC_COLLATE locale that glibc doesn't like04:30
janimoGloubiboulga: hi04:30
Kamionmethinks belocs-locales-bin needs an update04:30
janimoGloubiboulga: I don;t get the thunar crash04:31
dholbachMithrandir: i'm sorry to pester you again. I forgot the depends of the liboobs-1-dev package, that's why gnome-sytem-tools ftbfs - if that's ok, I'd proceed with the upload now.04:39
seb128Keybuk: do you know what happened to libbonobo 2.15.0-0ubuntu1 binaries on i386? it built yesterday but no sign of the debs for it (where amd64, sparc  and powerpc are published)04:46
Keybukseb128: yeah, we've seen that before04:47
Kamionso are people still having locale problems in edgy, with specific reference to collation order?04:48
Kamion'cos I'm pretty sure I know why04:48
seb128Keybuk: and you can fix it? :)04:48
=== Keybuk performs the rite of AshkEnte and summons a Soyuz developer into the circle
KeybukHobbsee: ?04:54
HobbseeKeybuk: the idea of you performing an AshkEnte rite :P04:54
Kamionactually, bizarrely, I can't get it to affect a real system, but it affects installation-locale, so go figure04:54
=== Hobbsee ducks
KeybukHobbsee: I'm running low on mouse blood though, and the buggers haven't come back since I last thwarted their squatting attempts04:55
HobbseeKeybuk: ahh.  hehe04:55
Gloubiboulgajanimo, it happens every time I use it here04:56
janimoGloubiboulga: weird04:56
=== Hobbsee sends Keybuk many dead mice, thru his letterbox.
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HobbseeKeybuk: well, it would mean that you werent running low on mouse blood anymore :P04:59
Keybukthey'd dry up in the post04:59
Hobbseemdz: ping?04:59
KeybukHobbsee: slightly too early for mdz04:59
HobbseeKeybuk: i realise that, i may end up having to pass on a message.  it's 1am here now.05:00
Hobbseehi dholbach 05:01
dholbachhi Hobbsee05:01
Keybuk"It would also install a step-by-step "setup wizard" that autodetect your processor type based on CPUID function, and let you confirm your processor type, and recommend optimizations that will benefit you."05:01
Keybukyeah, because /proc/cpuinfo is TOO EASY05:01
seb128Mithrandir: ok to upload a gnome-vfs2 which makes libgnomevfs2-dev Depends on libdbus-glib-1-dev? gedit ftbfs due to that at the moment05:03
HobbseeKeybuk: mdz is really the one i need to talk to about getting a fix into dapper updates?  it's just a rebuild, universe package05:03
KeybukHobbsee: kamion would be just as good05:04
Hobbseeright, i was told mdz05:04
zuldholbach: yeah GenBunToo is crack05:04
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Hobbsee09:49mdzTo do05:04
Hobbsee09:49mdz* Thank people for merging WvDial and WvStreams05:04
Hobbseehaha.  not a problem :)05:04
ograzul, but a funny read :)05:04
zulogra: makes me all feel tingly then i want to run away05:05
RiddellMithrandir: can I rebuild some kde packages?  there's no changes05:05
pitti$ gdb /usr/bin/gdb `pidof gdb`   ... meta-debugging at its finest05:06
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fabbioneKamion: not too long ago i did ask mdz permission to upload a xorg-server to dapper-updates and he did agree to it but i haven't seen it unleashed in the archive... 05:09
fabbioneKamion: do you think you can give it some love?05:09
Keybukfabbione: cc response to ubuntu-archive05:10
fabbioneKeybuk: ubuntu-archive@lists. ?05:10
=== ogra wonders why libkiten1 can trigger anything for main inclusion ... on anasatcia ...
ograit was never in main afaik ...05:11
fabbione<minirant>this stuff is becoming too burocratic</minirant>05:11
ografabbione++ 05:11
Keybukit's a released distro, you need to get the RM's permission05:12
HobbseeKamion: ping?05:12
Keybukthis has never changed05:12
Kamionfabbione: I may just not have got round to processing it; I'll see if I have the mail05:12
KamionHobbsee: yes?05:12
ograKeybuk, but the communication channels change 05:12
fabbioneKamion: thanks dude05:13
ograthere is less and less personal interaction ...05:13
Kamion o libkiten-dev libkiten1                                             {kdeedu}05:13
Kamion   [Reverse-Depends: Rescued from kdeedu, libkiten-dev] 05:13
HobbseeKamion: can i get http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2699 uploaded to dapper-changes please?  it's just a rebuild, which allows kcemirror to be removed without breaking05:13
ograKamion, ah, damned, i always forget about supported 05:13
Riddellogra: it's the new magic that ucks in -dev packages05:13
Kamionogra: you need an Extra-Exclude: libkiten-dev in your seeds (and/or maybe kubuntu seeds as well) to avoid that getting sucked in by the general "include all *-dev" rule, if you don't want it.05:13
Keybukogra: that's only because we have more people in roles to avoid the "kamion would love to answer you, but he's currently got 1,500,000 things on his TODO list since this morning" problem05:14
Keybukso it's a mailing list, not a person05:14
ograKamion, no, its fine edubuntu has kdeedu in supported, but only very less of it in ship/desktop05:14
ograi just forgot to look in there :)05:14
KamionHobbsee: sure; please get somebody to upload it, and mail this IRC snippet to ubuntu-archive@lists.ubuntu.com so we have a record05:15
=== Hobbsee looks around. okay then.
Kamionogra: kdeedu yes, but did you definitely intend to have libkiten-dev there? it's currently in universe05:15
ograKeybuk, i know *why* it is this way ...05:15
ograKamion, no, not really 05:15
Kamionfabbione: do you happen to know the subject line?05:15
ograi'll add the exclude05:15
Keybukogra: and it's not a major change, really;  and means that you have grounds to complain a few days later when things haven't been done ... there's a mail in a list archive recording the approval05:16
ograKeybuk, yes, i dont say its all bad ... but it has its disadvantages ... it keeps people more distant than before05:16
fabbioneKamion: xorg-server update for dapper05:16
fabbioneKamion: i did send it a couple of days ago or so05:17
fabbioneprobably more05:17
Kamionok, I don't have it, please forward05:17
Keybukogra: I don't necessarily disagree with you ... I don't think things like Malone are a substitute for inter-personal communication05:17
fabbioneKamion: sure thanks05:18
Keybukmailing lists are inter-personal communication though, it just lets you send to a group of people05:18
Keybuk'tis one of the reasons we dropped using Malone for MoM, works better if you just /msg the guy who did it last and see whether they want a lock, or have useful information05:18
ograwe should be careful to not slip into to much "tooleritis" and keep up good communication in areas where its possible05:19
Kamionfabbione: I'm particularly impressed that every single file touched in that diff needs a different error handling function :-)05:20
Kamionoh, huh, that was cced to me05:21
KamionI wonder where I put it05:21
fabbioneKamion: that's from upstream.. don't ask me.. i don't want to know :D05:21
Kamionanyway, accepted, thanks for the nudge05:22
Kamionexcept for the way somebody apparently beat me to it05:22
KeybukYOU TOO SLOW05:23
Kamionunless queue has started lying in its accept messages, which is always possible05:23
KamionKeybuk: you're just trying to make me paranoid. you and the men in black lurking outside my house05:23
KeybukKamion: I told them to wear different colours, grr05:23
HobbseeKamion: metho and firelighters in hand, yes.05:23
fabbioneKamion, Keybuk: thanks05:24
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janimoKamion: is it enough if pbbuttons is removed from the i386-desktop? the other non-PPC ones seem not to be touched05:27
janimoafter running update I mean05:28
mxpxpodare the vmware modules on the queue to be compiled for the new kernel in dapper?05:28
Kamionjanimo: yes, pbbuttonsd is built for i386 and powerpc05:28
Kamions/built/only built/05:28
=== fabbione commits suicide
fabbionewho did subscribe me to ubuntu-bugs without telling me?05:32
fabbionespecially.... keeping the same list headers of the old bug list for bugzilla05:33
=== Hobbsee revives fabbione. none of that is allowed until X is all fixed. :P
fabbionemy imap server does time out to open a 1.5GB IMAP FILE!05:33
fabbioneI HATE YOU ALL05:33
zulnow now fabbione calm blue ocean05:34
=== fabbione sighs
fabbioneok ok...05:34
=== fabbione adopts drastic solution
fabbionedoesn't help... 05:35
fabbionedovecot is too good05:35
seb128Mithrandir: I've uploaded it05:36
Kamionok, I think that'll be the installer's locale fixed, after a couple of publisher runs and a d-i rebuild05:38
fabbioneHobbsee: anyway X is good as a couple of hours ago for at least x86*05:38
Kamiontwo hours for THREE LINES of changes05:38
Hobbseefabbione: ah, fair enough, i've not tried it yet.05:38
Kamionhell, an alternate CD installer run even finished!05:38
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gnomefreakfabbione: x is fine atm just libgl1-mesa-glx is non-existent05:39
dholbachis it safe to do liboobs upload now, which adds depends to the -dev package?05:40
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pittiBenC: do you have a minute to discuss the kernel crash helper?05:41
seb128dholbach: go for it05:41
seb128dholbach: Mithrandir seems to no be around and we still have many installability issues atm so I don't think it'll stop CD building05:42
seb128dholbach: and we need to get g-s-t working anyway05:42
dholbachwhat I thought05:43
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Hobbseenight all05:45
sivangnight Hobbsee 05:52
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-devel
janimo<OT: does anyone know about a newsreader that can use folders to groups various lists (t-bird does this for mail but apparently not for nntp) /OT>05:54
=== hunger waits for a new kernel image.
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jpatrickjanimo: akregator05:55
janimojpatrick: thanks05:55
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BenCpitti: yeah06:16
pittiBenC: I'm currently typing an email with the details, that will be better06:17
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hungerAny estimation on when a kernel with fixed libata will be available in edgy?06:17
BenCdepends on what you mean by fixed06:19
seb128Keybuk: did you figure about libbonobo 2.15.0-0ubuntu1 binaries for i386? do you know when it'll be fixed?06:20
Keybukseb128: -v06:20
seb128Keybuk: 06:20
seb128<seb128> Keybuk: do you know what happened to libbonobo 2.15.0-0ubuntu1 binaries on i386? it built yesterday but no sign of the debs for it (where amd64, sparc  and powerpc are published)06:20
seb128<Keybuk> seb128: yeah, we've seen that before06:20
Keybukoh, that06:21
Keybukdid they not turn up yet?06:21
seb128and that break gnome-python atm06:21
Keybukprobably in this publish run06:21
seb128ok, cool06:21
seb128thank you06:21
KeybukI have a recipie for rescuing those now06:21
seb128what is happening to them in the first place?06:22
Keybukvarious failures between them being built and reaching the archive06:22
Keybukthey're not lost, they just get stuck06:22
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seb128is there some sort of notifications of that issues happening or should you ping somebody to get it fixed when that happens like that? :)06:24
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pittiBenC: I mailed you about the problem06:27
BenCpitti: ok, thanks06:27
Keybukseb128: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA06:27
pittiBenC: I hope it's not too hard to fix, would be unfortunate to drop the idea with the kernel hook06:28
seb128hum, ok, I'll keep pinging people when something not normal happens then ;)06:28
seb128driving soyuz seems to be a lot of fun :p06:28
=== KOnsumer [n=KOnsumer@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionok, who buggered grub? or initramfs. or whatever it i.06:29
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BenCKamion: edgy kernel?06:30
KeybukKamion: hmm?06:30
KamionBenC: fresh edgy install06:30
Kamiondisnae boot06:30
BenCKamion: kernel-package was buggered, and latest edgy kernel doesn't create an initramfss06:30
KeybukKamion: I'm frankly not surprised06:30
Keybukthough, a little more -v please :)06:30
BenCuploading a new kernel in an hour or so06:31
Kamionyeah, my wife just nicked that machine so it'll be a moment06:31
=== mjg59 misreads kamion as keybuk there, and gets very confused
Keybukthough, given what BenC says, I suspect that's the problem06:33
Keybukwhich reminds me, must read up on what this kinit thing is06:33
BenCpitti: you're going to have to get snazzy with this thing06:34
BenCpitti: the oddness is that basically the crash dump helper is being called in a kernel context where the program is on it's way down the tubes, and it stops that process to call this program06:35
BenCpitti: you really need to fork(), start gdb, detach from the dump helper, and let the dump helper die06:36
Amaranthwould the kernel have anything to do with my multimedia keys suddenly breaking?06:36
Amaranthi can't think of anything else that changed in dapper recently that would do it06:37
=== Amaranth will boot in old kernel to find out
ograAmaranth, for me the right/middle mousebutton emulation on the keyboard stopped 06:38
ograbah, to slow06:38
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KamionKeybuk: I guess you probably don't care, but the devfs rules in udev are well buggered06:46
ograAmaranth, for me the right/middle mousebutton emulation on the keyboard stopped on my ibook ...06:46
KeybukKamion: really?  I didn't change them06:46
Amaranthogra: my play/pause, stop, prev, and next buttons died06:46
ograi suspect the kernel but have fond no evidence yet :)06:46
Amaranthogra: they worked fine once i rebooted with -2506:46
KamionI have /dev/discs/disc0 -> ../sda1, /dev/discs/disc14/disc -> ../../sdb, /dev/discs/disc15/disc -> ../../sda, /dev/disc{3,5,7,9} -> sda106:47
KamionI hadn't been planning to move implementation of no-more-devfs quite far enough forward to be there for knot-1, so a fix would be nice ;-)06:47
Kamionwhat do you need?06:47
Keybuktbh, I have absolutely no idea06:48
KeybukKamion: could be worth changing storage_enum.sh to be #!/bin/bash and seeing whether that helps06:49
Kamionthis is in d-i rescue mode06:49
Keybukgood point, won't be that then06:49
Keybukyou really have /dev/discs/disc0 -> ../sda1 ?!06:49
Keybukwith the "../sda1" as the real symlink target06:49
Kamionyeah - /dev/sda1 does exist06:50
Keybukno, I mean that's what readlink() returns?06:50
Keybukls -l /dev/discs06:50
Kamiondisc0 -> ../sda106:51
Kamionthe latter two being directories06:51
Keybukand no disc3,5,7,9 ?06:51
Kamionthose are directly in /dev06:51
Kamionoh also /dev/disc{11,13} -> sda106:51
Keybukudevinfo -q symlink -n sda106:51
Kamiondiscs/disc0 disc3 disc5 disc7 disc9 disc11 disc13 disc15/part1 disk/by-uuid/eb48b2bb-5c67-4925-bbdf-d21b18f728dc06:52
Kamion/dev/disc15 has part1 -> ../sda1, part2 -> ../sda2, part5 -> ../sda506:53
Keybuksh -x /lib/udev/storage_enum sda06:54
KamionBTW, is udev supposed to be a native package?06:54
KeybukKamion: no, that was an accident06:54
KeybukI couldn't spell orig right that day06:54
Kamionaiee libnss-*-udeb must be funted too06:56
Kamioncan't scp06:56
Keybukis the last line an echo ?06:56
Keybukor an each near the last line, anyway06:56
Keybukwhat's that say?06:56
Kamionhang on, trying to extract the full trace for you06:56
KamionKeybuk: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1793506:59
Kamionhad to copy/type that but I think it's accurate06:59
Keybukcan you do the same with sda1 ?06:59
=== Kamion notes [ disk = disc ] there, maybe some confusion?
Keybukyeah that might be the bug07:00
Keybukbut it doesn't explain the really wacky symlink names07:00
KamionKeybuk: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1793607:02
Keybukoh, now that does explain the wacky names07:02
Keybukit's the disk = disc thing07:03
Keybukthat must be a bug in dapper too :p07:03
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Kamioncertainly never showed up in the same way07:03
Kamionthe installer totally wouldn't have worked07:04
KamionKeybuk: anything else you need from me? I'm being called away07:06
Keybukjust approval for a new udev upstream version that fixes a few bugs07:07
Keybuknotably that path_id one07:07
KeybukI can bundle this in with that07:07
Kamionmail the changelog to me and mdz?07:07
KamionI'll look at it tonight if he doesn't beat me to it07:07
Keybukthis is udev07:08
Keybukit doesn't have useful changelogs07:08
KeybukI can mail you the diff07:08
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KamionKeybuk: ok07:11
KamionI thought udev had RELEASE-NOTES07:11
Kamionbut the diff is fine07:11
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Keybukactually, I'll just upload a fixed 093 for now07:12
Keybukthis drags in a messy change which might break out network device renaming07:13
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LaserJockdid the development team meeting already happen?07:32
KeybukLaserJock: this morning, yes07:32
LaserJockKeybuk: darn07:33
Keybuk0700 UTC07:33
LaserJockyeah, it was midnight last night for me :/07:33
LaserJockgot confused07:33
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AlinuxOSmjg59, hi.07:34
AlinuxOSmjg59, have got some time ?07:35
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pittiBenC: fork() the crashed program, you mean?07:53
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pittiBenC: ah, I see; fork() the crash-helper, setsid(), and quit the original instance07:53
pittiBenC: and take care that the forked crash-helper calls gdb before the orginal crash-helper quits?07:54
mdzseb128: I find the new gaim message received sound much more pleasing07:55
pitti(it's a bit like lifting yourself out of a marsh by pulling on your hair :) )07:56
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seb128mdz: yeah, new sounds are nice :)07:59
mdzwoo, ubuntu-meta all installable on i38608:00
mdzdo we have livefs builds then?08:01
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pittiBenC, zul: do you have some minutes to join #debian-security on OFTC?08:07
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zuli think i can08:11
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Kamionmdz: I've just kicked some off, although they so much won't work sanely :)08:17
KamionI think Mithrandir needs to put our casper back together first08:18
ChipzzKeybuk: I doubt this is in the right context, but kinit is the kerberos 'login' program08:19
ograargh ... bashism in ltsp-build-client ...08:19
KeybukChipzz: nah, wrong context08:20
pittidoko: your gcc upload almost sounds like if it would avoid the manual bootstrapping08:21
mdzKamion: which machine does CD builds now?08:21
Keybukkinit is the things that are in the kernel at the moment, but are become a initrdspace utility that you run instead08:21
KeybukI don't yet understand why it's referred to as a single binary, and not just a collection of useful things08:21
Kamionmdz: lithium08:22
Kamionmost of the livefs build attempts failed quickly; logs should be available soon08:22
Kamionterranova (i386) is still running08:22
mdzdo we still have that python-gnome2-desktop installability issue?08:22
dokopitti: no08:22
Kamionand is managing to install the desktop08:23
mdzthat would kill non-i386 pretty quickly08:23
Kamion  ubuntu-desktop: Depends: deskbar-applet but it is not going to be installed08:23
Kamion                  Depends: evolution-exchange but it is not going to be installed08:23
Kamion                  Depends: gedit but it is not going to be installed08:23
Kamion                  Depends: gnome-app-install but it is not going to be installed08:23
Kamion                  Depends: gnome-applets but it is not going to be installed08:23
Kamion                  Depends: openoffice.org but it is not going to be installed08:23
Kamion                  Depends: serpentine but it is not going to be installed08:23
Kamion                  Depends: totem but it is not going to be installed08:23
Kamionthat's amd6408:23
Kamionpowerpc is more spectacular, but we know it's bust due to needing a gcc bootstrap (which infinity has started)08:24
Kamiondamn, can't upload glibc until I get that gcc bootstrap, I think08:25
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bluefoxicyKamion:  personally I get annoyed with "upgrade will remove gnome-something-perl, ubuntu-desktop" because ubuntu desktop depends on a perl module for unknown reasons08:26
Kamionbluefoxicy: unknown to you08:27
bluefoxicyyes that's generally what 'unknown' means when someone says it08:27
Kamionthe comment in the seeds explains it perfectly well08:27
bluefoxicythere's comments in the seeds?08:27
Kamionand I don't know why you suddenly brought this up, it's irrelevant here08:27
Kamiondesktop: * libgnome2-perl          # for synaptic08:28
bluefoxicyah -- ..... why does removing that not remove synaptic?08:28
dholbachbluefoxicy: because ubuntu-desktop depends on it, not synaptic08:28
Kamionit's not a dependency, but if you don't have it then debconf doesn't display its GNOME frontend which means that synaptic would have to open a terminal08:28
=== Kamion improves the comment
bluefoxicyChangeLog:  * Improve the comment for libgnome2-perl -- Kamion08:30
KeybukI now have a task-by-task project plan08:30
pittiKeybuk: for init-goes-on-crack?08:31
bluefoxicythis reminds me, I would immensely enjoy no-op upgrades in dpkg, re those times when I gotta download say 100 megs of OpenOffice.org because somebody fixed a typo in the description in debian/control or something silly like that08:31
bluefoxicyone of the ChangeLogs I saw was in its entirity fixing debian/watch or something silly like that, warranting an entire new binary package download and install08:32
bluefoxicyand I was like, "Wait... the program is the same.. some of the irrelavent meta-data in the package changed... this won't affect anyone's system... why the hell am I downloading this?"08:32
=== bluefoxicy guesses that can be ignored until Edgy+5 or something
mswbluefoxicy: that's one conary feature I love - the upstream sources aren't downloaded when you're editing the build control files (maybe no more source packages can get there in the future)08:37
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ograsigh 08:42
ogradash bites back ...08:42
bluefoxicymsw: Yes but do you get to notice a new updated package that has only build-deps changed, and not download and install the upgrade?  :>08:43
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ograthe replacement for x-window-system-core is just xorg ?08:48
Kamionbluefoxicy: 'cos build-deps NEVER influence the content of the package :-P08:48
bluefoxicyKamion:  do they ever?  :P08:48
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dholbachcan gnome-system-tools please be given back?08:59
tsengdholbach: keybuk is gone.09:00
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MithrandirRiddell: you're free to rebuild KDE as much as you like, yes.  If you break the rest of the distro, I might be angry with you, but as long as you only change KDE, it should be safe enough. :-)09:03
mdzoh NO, text selection in gnome-terminal is completely broken09:04
dholbachhmm, somebody else with give-back supahpowah? if not... Mithrandir: can I do a rebuild-only-upload of gnome-system-tools?09:05
tsengdholbach: ive been told only keybuk, infinity can give back, i think you are talking to yourself09:05
=== dholbach thinks tseng is making fun of him
tsengI'm serious!09:06
dholbachi'm just kidding - i guess i'll have to do a no-changes upload then09:07
=== tseng hugs dholbach
=== dholbach hugs tseng back
Mithrandirdholbach: I can't give-back, but feel free to upload a no-change.09:09
tsengdholbach: did anyone fix up gnome-power-manager?09:09
dholbachMithrandir: gracias09:09
dholbachtseng: ogra is still working on it09:09
tsengok, cool09:09
dholbachand on gnome-screensaver09:09
tsengim not sure what is up with 2.1509:10
tsengit wont let me suspend09:10
seb128needs hal policekit?09:13
tsengi definately saw it think it was available in configure09:15
tsenggood guess.09:16
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profoX`Does anyone know what program is in charge for displaying the OnScreenDisplay and changing the volume, when you press volume keys on your media keyboard / laptop ?09:41
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smorsonyCan I ask questions about wmi here?09:42
jdubprofoX`: gnome-settings-daemon09:42
jdubsmorsony: wmi?09:42
profoX`jdub: thank you :) was looking for ages09:42
smorsonyLooking for a way to get the system model info as I can with wmi on windows.09:42
HWolfsmorsony, please try #ubuntu or your local ubuntu channel09:43
jdubsmorsony: dmidecode might help09:44
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profoX`jdub: is it part of gnome-control-center ? i have to download the source package09:44
smorsonyThanks jdub :)09:45
jdubprofoX`: yes (btw, dpkg -S is handy for working that stuff out)09:45
profoX`jdub: oh yes thanks for the tip09:45
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profoX`when i apt-get source, do i need to patch with the included diff to get the ubuntu package? or is that already done?09:50
profoX`ubuntu sources *09:50
ogra  ldm: Depends: openssh-client but it is not going to be installed or09:51
ogra                ssh but it is not going to be installed09:51
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ograthat doesnt look like we'll have a working ltsp soon ... all deps for ltsp-cliennt fail :(09:52
LaserJockprofoX`: apt-get source unpacks and applies the diff09:53
profoX`LaserJock: ok thanks09:53
mdzrodarvus: did you find out about xserver-xorg-input-elographics?09:54
mdzrodarvus: it's been in main since it first existed in breezy09:54
mdzrodarvus: so unless it's been deprecated upstream, I think it should probably be depended upon or seeded09:55
stratusogra: hi. something wrong with the ltsp packaging or the deps?09:55
ogra aptitude: Depends: libapt-pkg-libc6.3-6-3.11 but it is not installable09:55
ogra  discover1: Depends: libdiscover1 but it is not going to be installed09:55
ogra             Depends: discover1-data (>= 1.2004.09.24) but it is not going to be09:55
ograGRUMBLE !!!09:55
ograstratus, we just changed to debians xorg ... ltsp will need adjustment there and i only have ppc here, my amd64 work machine dies yesterday 09:56
ogracurrently ppc is the worst you can use for development 09:57
ogra(in ubuntu)09:57
stratusogra: hmm, but the ltsp (in debian) works with our xorg. i only have ppc here now too and without hard disk atm.09:57
ograi'm happy i can type at least ... 09:57
jdubcan we still do sync requests for universe stuff, or should we just upload?09:57
ograjdub, universe is open until sept ...09:58
tsengjdub: request a sync09:58
tsengfile a bug09:58
tseng*subscribe* ubuntu-archive09:58
tsengnot assign09:58
ograstratus, but debian didnt just break half the world deliberately ... and debian doesnt want to release a milestone CD the next days ...09:58
jdubrad, 'cos one of my mission critical apps needs some love :-)09:58
jdubtseng: i jsut use pitti's script ;)09:59
ograi fear edubuntu has to skip that one, i wont be able to fix that in time :/09:59
=== ogra will buy a new amd64 laptop tomorrow and we'll see ...
stratusogra: heh ok then.10:00
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mswbluefoxicy: if the user asks to update something, we'll calculate differences between what they have installed and the new version.  in cases of build deps changed, normally the actual changes are very small.  don't know if that addresses the question, though...10:09
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bluefoxicymsw: so if you ship openoffice.org-writer 2.0.2-ubuntu17 to fix a build-dep inaccuracy in -ubuntu16 it won't redownload a 36 megabyte package and the other 15 10-20 meg packages that got rebuilt with it and install it?10:12
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crimsundoko: sorry about that, thanks for fixing10:14
mswbluefoxicy: it would download the new (hopefully smaller than 36 MiB) -ubuntu17 package.  As for the other packages, it depends on what the user asked to do.  One important thing about what we do with our distro is how we control the individual package versions through groups.  "update everything" usually means "update group-os".  If group-os doesn't include OOo-2.0.2-ubuntu17, it won't get updated.  Once the new group is updated, everything gets updated (th10:18
mswbluefoxicy: (I'm not explaining it well at the moment)10:18
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bluefoxicymsw:  okay, well whatever.  I'm going to McDonalds.  I'm rather sure I don't understand how this works.10:23
mswbluefoxicy: enjoy.10:23
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rodarvusmdz: xserver-xorg-input-elographics is not deprecated upstream, lets fix it, then10:37
Kamionogra: can you please quit complaining about the powerpc situation? :-) we know what it is, it needs the gcc bootstrap which infinity is doing10:37
rodarvusmdz: I'm working on it, now10:38
mdzrodarvus: thanks10:39
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rodarvusmdz: who do I ask to seed -elographics? (I suppose either you or Kamion?)10:50
mdzrodarvus: if it shouldn't be a dependency of -input-all, you can seed it yourself10:51
mdzrodarvus: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeedManagement explains how10:51
=== rodarvus reads it
siretartMithrandir: I have a quite big update for lib-xine. is it okay to upload, or shall I wait until after knot 1 release?10:55
fabbionemdz: -elographics is not deprecated. it was moved to main in dapper for some IBM hw. There was a specific Depends: in xorg10:56
fabbionemdz: it might happen that it got lost in the merge10:56
Kamionanyone who cares to figure out why glibc won't build any more on powerpc would be welcome ...11:03
mdzfabbione: it was in main in breezy too11:08
mdzfabbione: but it was never seeded before11:08
mdzKamion: I'm puzzling out amd64 at the moment11:08
mdzit's in pretty bad shape from the look of it11:09
fabbionemdz: we did demote -input- stuff only in dapper11:09
fabbionebefore it was all in main11:09
mdzfabbione: it's not seeded in dapper either; something must have depended on it11:09
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fabbionemdz: yes i did add the Depends: in source xorg 11:09
fabbionemdz: it might have been lost in the merge (that i did not do or check)11:09
mdzrodarvus: ^^11:09
fabbionemdz: i alreayd told him11:09
fabbionehe is checking11:10
mdzok then11:10
fabbionenothing to panic about. it's a quite special piece of equipment anyway11:10
=== fabbione heads towards bed for real now
mdzthere is no panic11:11
fabbionethere is no cabal11:11
fabbionegood night fellas11:11
=== jbailey_ [n=jbailey@modemcable139.249-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
rodarvusxorg is updated - I'm just testing it locally before upload11:12
=== sivang is looking forward for the xorg upgrade
jbailey_sivang: Why, your internet connection too speedy these days?11:13
sivangjbailey_: Jeff! :-)11:14
sivangjbailey_: actually the cable guy was here the afternoon, and net seems to be quite fast. almost utilizing my whole bandwidth11:15
rodarvusmdz: done11:15
rodarvusI checked the seeds, and no -input driver is mentioned manually (with exception of -synaptics)11:16
rodarvusthe others are included via xserver-xorg-input-all->xserver-xorg->xorg11:16
rodarvusalso, I have just uploaded xorg_7.0.22ubuntu4, with xserver-xorg-input-all depending on -elographics (for i386 only, though)11:17
Chipzzrodarvus: local upgrade here didn't work11:17
Chipzzare not like intended11:18
rodarvusChipzz: what didn't work?11:18
ChipzzI had xserver-xorg-driver-i810 installed11:18
Chipzzthat and only that11:18
Chipzzwell no11:18
rodarvusChipzz: when did you upgraded?11:19
Chipzzxserver-xorg-driver-i810 and xserver-xorg-driver-vmware11:19
Chipzzbut for all intents and purposes, that's the same11:19
rodarvusxserverx-xorg requires xserver-xorg-video-all | xserver-xorg-video (the second one is provided by all -video drivers)11:19
Chipzzie I did not have xserver-xorg-driver-all11:19
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Chipzzit pulled all the *-video-* packages11:19
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rodarvusChipzz: anyhow, later today I'll hack a local installation just to have -i810 here, and test the upgrade path11:21
Chipzzrodarvus: lemme copy/paste11:22
Chipzzjust a sec11:22
rodarvusChipzz: note that the upgrade is only supposed to happen if you have xorg 7.0.22 >= ubuntu311:22
Chipzzthis should *not* have pulled in xserver-xorg-video-all11:23
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mdzrodarvus: does -synaptics need to be explicitly seeded, or is it an indirect dependency of -desktop now?11:25
rodarvusmdz: I don't know why it is explicitly seeded - as it is included as an indirect dependency11:25
mdzrodarvus: ok, then please remove it11:26
mdzrodarvus: it probably wasn't at the time11:26
rodarvuswill do11:26
rodarvusxorg is accepted11:26
rodarvusmdz: desktop seed is updated11:36
rodarvusI'll need to leave for 2-3 hours, but will be back later today to check if everything is ok, or if there is any extra interaction needed urgently11:37
rodarvusChipzz: also as soon as I get back I'll make sure everything is ok WRT drivers upgrade (should be)11:37
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mdzvcdimager promotion is blocking xine, which is blocking totem, which is blocking gnome-python-extras which blocks THE WORLD11:53
KamionChipzz: looks like you had removed stuff with --force-depends, or had a locally rebuilt version of xserver-xorg11:53
KamionChipzz: in the first case, that's not supported, sorry; in the latter case, rebuild it again based on the new version11:54
siretartmdz: err, how can vcdimager (universe) block xine (main)?11:54
mdzsiretart: exactly11:54
mdzxine grew a build-dep on vcdimager11:54
KamionChipzz: but honestly, being able to remove drivers was never a particularly important goal of modularisation; the important goal was being able to update them and hack on them separately11:54
siretartright.. hrmpf11:54
mdzKamion: the dependencies do allow it, though I"m not convinced they should11:55
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ChipzzKamion: I have neither11:55
ChipzzKamion: the command I issued should have upgraded fine11:56
Kamionoh, as mdz points out the dependencies do allow it11:56
Kamionbut you will have to tweak it with a package manager more sophisticated than apt-get, probably11:56
KamionI do not expect that the dependencies can/will easily be fixed for your situation11:57
Kamionthe logic is not something that we can really express11:57
Kamionand you can always go and remove the ones you don't want again, so no big deal11:57
ChipzzKamion: the command I issued should not have pulled in xserver-xorg-video-all11:57
Chipzzthe upgrade path should have worked (I think)11:58
Kamionthere's nothing wrong with the dependencies; it would require an apt change11:58
Kamion(retroactively, in dapper)11:58
jdubKamion: you got latest edgy apt?12:00
jdubor anyone else12:00
jdubdeb http://people.ubuntu.com/~jdub/edgy /12:00
siretartmdz: I think I could disable vcd support in xine, in order to work around the vcdimager dependency12:00
jdubadd this guy, see if you get a 404 on Packages.gz when doing update12:01
siretarttemporarily, that is12:01
jdub(the source only has bz2)12:01
Kamionjdub: no, can't upgrade it on powerpc yet without removing aptitude12:01
mdzsiretart: I'm doing a review of vcdimager, seems fairly sane so far12:02
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mdzsiretart: hmm, hasn't had an upload since November12:04
mdzno new upstream releases since then either12:06
mdzsiretart: is it easy to disable?12:06
mdzif so, please go ahead; it's blocking a lot of builds12:06

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