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Amaranth@schedule Chicago03:18
UbugtuSchedule for America/Chicago: 13 Jul 02:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 13 Jul 14:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 08:00: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 15:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 15:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 10:00: Ubuntu Development Team03:18
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=== Hawkwind [n=SoS@linuxfordummies/Hawkwind] has joined #Ubuntu-Meeting
jsgotangco@schedule Manila04:02
UbugtuSchedule for Asia/Manila: 13 Jul 15:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 14 Jul 03:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 21:00: Kubuntu | 19 Jul 04:00: Technical Board | 20 Jul 04:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 23:00: Ubuntu Development Team04:02
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bluefoxicy@schedule EDT05:53
bluefoxicyhelp me.05:53
bluefoxicythat's like 3am ok05:54
bluefoxicywell i'm not on the development team so hmm.05:54
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UbugtuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 13 Jul 07:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 13 Jul 19:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 13:00: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 20:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 20:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 15:00: Ubuntu Development Team08:10
robitaille@schedule PDT08:10
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robitaille@schedule America/Vancouver08:12
UbugtuSchedule for America/Vancouver: 13 Jul 00:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 13 Jul 12:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 06:00: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 13:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 13:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 08:00: Ubuntu Development Team08:12
sivang@schedule Israel08:13
UbugtuSchedule for Israel: 13 Jul 10:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 13 Jul 22:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 16:00: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 23:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 23:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 18:00: Ubuntu Development Team08:13
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sharms@schedule America/Detroit08:21
UbugtuSchedule for America/Detroit: 13 Jul 03:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 13 Jul 15:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 09:00: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 16:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 16:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 11:00: Ubuntu Development Team08:21
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pygi@schedule Croatia08:41
neuralis@schedule CEST08:44
neuralisweird; it doesn't know about CEST.08:45
neuralis@schedule Zagreb08:45
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Zagreb: 13 Jul 09:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 13 Jul 21:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 15:00: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 22:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 22:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team08:45
neuralispygi: there.08:46
pygineuralis, eh :)08:46
pygithanks :)08:46
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mdzmorning all08:48
Mithrandirhiya, mdz08:49
mdzKamion,seb128,Keybuk,dholbach,doko,sfllaw,rodarvus,Riddell,iwj,BenC: ping08:49
=== pitti [n=pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Ubuntu Development Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 13 Jul 19:00 UTC: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 13:00 UTC: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 19 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team
BenCmdz: pong08:53
=== Mithrandir sends a "we're frozen" mail to u-d-a
sfllawmdz: I woke up to take my drugs.08:54
sfllawThanks all for merging my packages.08:54
fabbioneBenC: hey dude08:54
sfllawI'm going back to sleep now.  Unless you really need me.08:54
mdzsfllaw: still not feeling well I take it?08:54
Riddellmorning all08:55
sfllawYeah.  Saw the doctor, she prescribed antibiotics.08:55
mdzsfllaw: ugh.  rest up, let us know how you're doing tomorrow08:55
sfllawWill do.08:55
mdzeurope is late this morning08:55
ogranah, that only looks like :)08:56
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=== fschoep [n=franksch@adsl-dc-35cb8.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
mdzfschoep: welcome.  is Ken inbound as well?08:57
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=== Keybuk rubs coffee into his eyes
fschoepI'm not sure, I haven't really spoken to him about this. Didn't he contact you about his attendance?08:57
mdzfschoep: yes, he said he would be here08:57
=== iwj [n=ian@xenophobe.extern.relativity.greenend.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
fschoepOK, then I guess he will be here shortly.08:57
Amaranthwow i made it08:57
ograhey Amaranth :)08:58
pittihi Keybuk, moin iwj08:58
=== rodarvus [n=rodarvus@ubuntu/member/rodarvus] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
mdzrodarvus: good morning08:58
rodarvusmdz: good morning!08:58
fabbionehey rodarvus 08:58
mdzwaiting for seb128, dholbach, doko and kwwii08:58
rodarvushey fabbione08:59
=== fabbione rants towards his wife for not delivering on schedule and being 1 hour late
mdzfabbione: hmm?08:59
ogra1h ?08:59
fabbionemdz: the term was this morning.. same as UVF :)08:59
fabbionemdz: and now she is late ;)08:59
dokomdz: pong09:00
Mithrandirfabbione: tell her she's a slacker?09:00
Mithrandirfabbione: but don't say I said it09:00
ograyou didnt make a clear schedule i guess :)09:00
fabbioneMithrandir: that means asking for divorce ;)09:00
pittifabbione: '1 hour late' means she's delivering *now*??09:00
mdzfabbione: she is more than 1 hour late, or you should not be here ;-)09:00
fabbionemdz: more than one hour.. yeah09:00
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mdzok, time to get started09:00
rodarvusfabbione: that means you're going for cesaria? (is this the correct word in english?)09:01
mdzdholbach: do you know where seb is?09:01
Amarantheveryone just says "c section"09:01
mdzrodarvus: caesarian09:01
fabbionerodarvus: only after 2 weeks delay.09:01
dholbachmdz: no, sorry - but he's aware of the meeting09:01
mdzBenC: you're up first09:01
dholbachah, there he comes09:01
rodarvusmdz: thanks09:02
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ubuntu/member/seb128] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
BenCdo I paste?09:02
=== lloydinho [n=andreas@rosinante.egmont-kol.dk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
fabbioneit's all in the wiki..09:02
mdzBenC: yes, please09:02
pittiwell, we read all our stanzas already, didn't we?09:02
BenC    *09:02
BenC      cfq-by-default: DONE.09:02
BenC    *09:02
BenC      libata-for-all-ata-disks: BLOCKED. Still need to do boot loader stuff.09:02
BenC    *09:02
BenC      linux-kernel-crash-dump: IN PROGRESS. Cleaning up the userspace tools and scripts.09:02
BenC    *09:02
BenC      merges: kernel-wedge and kernel-package finally merged from Debian today.09:02
BenCTo do09:02
BenC    *09:02
BenC      Finish linux-kernel-crash-dump.09:02
BenC    *09:03
BenC      Start on boot loader changes for UUID conversion (libata-for-all-ata-disks)09:03
BenC    *09:03
=== pitti thought the point of the wiki was to avoid large pastes
BenC      Start pushing bug reports from linux-source-2.6.15 to linux-source-2.6.17. Get some testing on whether 2.6.17 fixes any of these.09:03
BenCwow, that was ugly09:03
mdzpitti: no, the point was to make the data available prior to the meeting for review09:03
Keybukerr, I thought we were supposed to read the wiki09:03
Keybuknot paste09:03
BenCI sort of did too :)09:03
mdzit's much more discussion-friendly to have it copied here09:03
mdzbut if you copy from the wiki, copy the raw text and not the HTML :-P09:03
BenCpoint taken :)09:04
mdzKeybuk: scary boot stuff is on your list, right?09:04
fschoepsorry to ask this, but which wiki page are you referring to? (first time)09:04
mdz(for libata-for-all-disks)09:04
KamionI'm happy to do the partman changes09:04
Keybukmdz: yup, migration for base-files are on my list09:04
pittifschoep: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistroTeamMeeting2006071309:04
mdzfschoep: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistroTeamMeeting2006071309:04
ografschoep, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistroTeamMeeting2006071309:04
Keybukinstaller is probably Kamion's list09:04
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Keybukand BenC was going to do boot loaders himself09:04
Kamionit's not on my list, but I'll do it this coming week09:04
Kamion(as soon as the installer works well enough to test)09:05
mdzthanks BenC09:05
mdzMithrandir: next?09:05
Mithrandir* misc: Merges, merges, merges. X is, hopefully, in shape now, lacking apps and mesa (but mesa is being worked on and apps is trivial). Also poked a bit at the uninstallable list so we can end up with a knot not too much delayed.09:05
Mithrandir* Specs: no progress due to abovementioned work.09:05
Mithrandir* Next week: Get knot-1 out, start working on specs, get X completely in shape.09:05
Mithrandir* Blocked on: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/testing/edgy_probs.html shows a few problems.  We need to get the uninstallable count _down_.09:05
mdzmesa seems to be the final blocker for ubuntu-desktop09:05
Mithrandirwe're also in the first knot freeze now, so please don't upload stuff to main without approval from me.09:05
mdzrodarvus was working on it earlier09:05
Mithrandiriirc, rodarvus did that last night.09:05
mdzxorg is still uninstallable though09:06
rodarvusmesa was uploaded last night09:06
rodarvusbut has new dependency on lesstif09:06
rodarvuswhich mdz asked me to remove09:06
KamionMithrandir: seems a little early for knot freeze given that the installer hasn't ever been tried in edgy yet09:06
KamionI expect quite a lot of changes still09:06
fabbionerodarvus: if you want to brief me, i can do it this morning09:06
Kamiondebian-installer built everywhere but amd64; I'll work on that this morning09:07
MithrandirKamion: do you expect any big changes already?  Apart from you having done the merge of doom?09:07
KamionMithrandir: I don't know :-)09:07
mdzMithrandir: you intend to release knot 1 whenever it's ready?09:07
rodarvusfabbione: that would be *very* kind of you, I'll do it right after the meeting then (it was non-obvious to me what to do to completely remove lesstif from mesa)09:07
fabbionerobitaille: let's take that on -x later09:07
Kamionhistory suggests that it takes a few days from first d-i merge to usability09:07
Mithrandirmdz: yes.09:07
mdzMithrandir: is there a list of blockers in the wiki somewhere?09:07
fabbionerodarvus: ^^09:07
Kamionbut we can see how fast we can do it09:07
Mithrandirmdz: edgy_probs is what I'm using so far.09:07
rodarvusfabbione: *nods*09:08
MithrandirKamion: I expect the freeze to last a few days, so that's fine, IMO.09:08
Mithrandirhopefully, we'll be able to release tomorrow, but if we don't, we don't.09:08
ogradreams ...09:08
Mithrandirthe first release is always painful, but we need to get it out.09:08
mdzMithrandir: edgy_probs is a start, but it doesn't account for everything09:08
Mithrandirmdz: I'll create a wiki page, then.09:09
mdzMithrandir: thanks09:09
MithrandirKnot1ReleaseProblems or something like that.09:09
MithrandirReleaseBlockers, maybe.09:09
mdzI was thinking we also ought to get the procedure written up for preparing a milestone09:09
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Mithrandirthere's a spec about that.09:09
mdzlike the one we have for beta and final09:09
mdzboth so that we don't forget things, and so that we can back one another up09:09
mdzI wonder how the livefs builds are doing; does anyone have access to those other than infinity who is ill?09:10
Mithrandirthe logs are public.09:10
Kamionalthough I probably can't do the initial setup09:10
Kamion(I can only trigger them)09:10
MithrandirI can trigger them too09:10
mdzrodarvus: once mesa is fixed and built, please ask someone to trigger livefs builds and see what comes out09:11
Mithrandirwe kinda need infinity (or somebody with equal powers) to get the fakeroot build hand-bootstrapped on amd64 too.09:11
mdzMithrandir: ah yes, MilestoneRhythm09:11
rodarvusmdz: sure09:11
KamionIIRC there was something else that needed bootstrapping too09:11
MithrandirKamion: gcc on ppc?09:11
KeybukMithrandir: nobody has equal powers to infinity, sadly09:11
mdzMithrandir: if anything turns up missing during knot 1, be sure to add it to the spec09:11
Kamionif we can summon lamont, he can probably still do it; although IIRC the machine lockdown meant some of the buildds were out09:11
KamionMithrandir: yep09:11
Mithrandirmdz: yup, will remember that.09:12
fabbioneKamion: no lamont can't afaik. he has no LP access yet09:12
mdzKeybuk: we need to fix that09:12
Kamionmdz: ubiquity totally won't work yet - I'm not sure we'll get it out for knot 109:12
Kamionfabbione: he can log into the boxes though09:12
mdzKamion: what does it need?09:12
mdzfabbione: https://launchpad.net/people/launchpad-buildd-admins09:12
Kamionfabbione: he's in launchpad-buildd-admins too, which IIRC is now sufficient for everything except er I think it's chroot09:12
mdzfabbione: that was only when buildd admins needed LP admin rights, which is no longer true09:13
Kamionmdz: it's sort of like a merge only not09:13
KeybukKamion: buildd admins only grants you UI permissions, not the access to the right boxes09:13
mdzKamion: only knot?09:13
Kamionmdz: needs an update to new d-i source and fixing of whatever breaks as a result09:13
Kamionmdz: that too09:13
Mithrandircan we have this discussion after the meeting?  It's certainly needed, but it'll take too much time now.09:13
mdzedgy milestones will make great pun opportunities09:13
mdzMithrandir: after the meeting is very very early in the morning for some of us ;-)09:13
Kamionlet's move on, anyway09:14
mdzMithrandir: but I think we've covered the basics; please announce your wiki page on -devel-announce when it's up09:14
Mithrandirmdz: willdo.09:14
mdzMithrandir: thanks09:14
mdzdholbach: up next09:14
dholbach * easier-motuing: started off, announced to motu list, started mentor page, wiki categorization - I'd be happy for people to join in on MOTU/Mentors and more importantly MOTU/School/Requests.09:14
dholbach * nearly everything of GNOME 2.15.4 and merges09:14
dholbach * ubuntu-artwork update.09:14
dholbach * bug triage09:14
dholbachTo do09:14
dholbach * more bug triage,09:14
dholbach * GNOME updates for dapper-updates,09:14
dholbach * HUG DAY next week09:14
dholbach * get cracking on Galago and Telepathy.09:14
mdzdholbach: is 2.15.4 complete?09:15
Mithrandirooh, telepathy.  Shiny.09:15
dholbachthere were some new tarballs during the night, but not much09:15
Keybukdholbach: can you get the licences right to telepathy this time? :)09:15
mdzsomeone needs to look into the gnome-applets build failure: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-applets/
dholbachmdz: should be done in a bit09:15
dholbachKeybuk: yes, will spend more time on it09:15
mdzsomething to do with python-gnome2-desktop09:15
Keybukmdz: that's just due to uninstallables, isn't it?09:15
seb128mdz: it built on i386, isn't the other arch an instability from gnome-python-desktop issue?09:15
mdzKeybuk: yes, but I haven't traced it to its root09:16
seb128mdz: right, not a gnome-applets bug ... I'll have a look after meeting09:16
mdzthanks dholbach09:16
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@likes.smoking.more.than.watching.spacenight.dk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
dholbachhow often are mass givebacks done or builds retried?09:16
mdzdoko: next09:16
Keybukthe buildds still have ~3 days of building to do09:16
doko * toolchain-roadmap / gcc-ssp: investigate powerpc problems, rebootstrap a working gnat-4.1, needs a manual build on the buildd. rework the ssp-default patch (only turn on ssp for C, C++, ObjC, ObjC++).09:16
doko * python-roadmap: conversions for packages in main to the updated python policy.09:16
doko * syncs/merges: outstanding python syncs/merges, java syncs needed for eclipse & azureus, various random syncs/merges09:16
doko * openoffice.org: dapper security update09:16
Keybukdholbach: rarely09:16
doko * SoC nagging.09:16
dokoTo do09:16
doko * specs: packaging-hints is next09:16
doko * openoffice.org: breezy security update, openoffice.org 2.0.3 dapper/edgy builds09:16
dholbachKeybuk: that explains a great deal :)09:16
mdzKeybuk: really? the i386 queue seemed quite short the last time I looked09:17
mdzand the last time I checked we could build the entire archive in a few days ;-)09:17
Keybukmdz: i386 didn't have much to build ... 09:17
Keybuksparc can't build more than a package a day ;)09:17
=== fabbione larts Keybuk
Keybukit's slower than the ia64 buildd09:17
fabbionewe have 2 32 cPU sparcs at the DC...09:17
Keybukfabbione: that's nice.  make them build faster09:18
fabbionei wish we could use them properly but LP has no concept of parallel build on one host09:18
fabbioneKeybuk: they are not the buildd unfortunatly09:18
mdzdoko: is main finished for python-roadmap?09:18
dokomdz: I have to check09:18
rodarvusfabbione, Keybuk: is it not possible to install launchpad buildd on same machine, in paralel ports?09:19
neuralisfabbione: i can soon contribute a sparc to be used as a buildd, if it's not a problem that it's not in the dc.09:19
mdzdoko: ok, thanks09:19
mdzogra: next09:19
fabbioneneuralis: no you can't. sorry.09:19
ogra * last-week: g-p-m merge and update, common buildsystem some progress but not finished, voip meeting with scott balneaves about packaging basics, edubuntu-seeds ready for the first milestone CD09:19
ogra * next-week: buildscripts for ltsp-daily-image-tarballs, common buildsystem finishing, knot 1 CD09:19
ogra * specs: 09:19
ogra  - student-control-panel-completion: (drafting)09:19
ogra  - ltsp-daily-image-tarballs: (started)09:19
ogra  - ltsp-convergence: (common buildsystem switch still in progress)09:19
ogra  - ltsp-netboot-enhancement: (mknbi in main, bug fix needed)09:19
ogra  - thinclient-local-devices (started)09:19
mdzpitti: I asked ogra to hold off on g-p-m until the hal stuff was ready; I understand you're aware of it09:19
pittimdz: yes, since yesterday09:20
pittibefore I thought this was all experimental stuff since new hal isn't released yet and policykit is still under discussion09:20
dokopitti: please check "deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~doko/gcc-powerpc/ ./"09:20
mdzspeaking of voip, those of you who haven't set up ekiga with the asterisk server yet, please do.  it'll be awfully convenient for teleconferencing09:20
pittiogra, seb128: if we do need the new hal, then I need to allocate a day to package it and policykit and give it some auditing09:21
mdzpitti: apparently new g-p-m will not do suspend/hibernate at all without it09:21
seb128pitti: my understanding is that g-s-t will use it soon, but not sure if that's mandatory or not09:21
ograpitti, that would be nice, else bigger parts of g-p-m have to be rewritten09:21
pittimdz: ^ this will make it subject to the gnome UVF exception?09:21
=== dsas [n=dean@host86-129-12-232.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
seb128what carlos showed us at GUADEC is that he has some code using policykit to "unlock" the admin features by example09:22
mdzpitti: one way or another it gets an exception because we need it09:22
ograseb128, thats cool :)09:22
Kamionwe sort of had g-p-m in the gnome uvf exception for dapper, though only de facto because Kinnison asked for it lots09:22
pittiseb128: TBH I'm *terribly* scared of sidetracking unix users and implementing a parallel user and permissions infrastructure; I want to take a close look at it09:22
seb128ogra: I thought so before pitti complained about policykit :p09:22
dokoKeybuk, Kamion: do the outdated python2.x packages need manual removal intervention?09:22
ograwell, we have a valid reason for it now :)09:23
Keybukdoko: almost certainly09:23
mdzpitti: if you can mail me some pointers to info about it, I'm interested09:23
seb128Kamion: it was not part of the desktop upstream for 2.14, it'll probably be for 2.1609:23
Kamiondoko: yes, I'll look at that once all the builds have settled down09:23
ogradoko, what about the schooltool stuff on edgy_probs ? 09:23
Keybukdoko: though don't we need transition packages?09:23
pittimdz: yep, will do09:23
KamionKeybuk: no, we have Provides09:23
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mdzogra: ok, thanks09:23
mdzKamion: next09:23
KeybukKamion: provides won't replace them on users desktops09:23
Kamiondone: Basically nothing but merges; continued helping out with X on and off. Fixed installer security bug #48350. Some more oem-config reorganisation (nearly there, just need to make it work in the new world order now).09:23
UbugtuMalone bug 48350 in shadow "Backing up from final installation dialog results in blank root password" [High,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4835009:23
Kamionmerge-status: All done except for installation-guide, due to lack of time. I'd like to request an exception to do this immediately after UVF; it's just documentation and there's nothing it can break.09:23
Kamionnext-week: Get the first round of CD images going and fix installer bugs until it's ready for knot-1; all the pieces are there now so it'll just be iterative debugging. If possible, make ubiquity work in edgy. Start work on ubiquity-advanced-partitioner and/or revive-tasksel.09:23
Kamionplus this partman stuff for libata09:23
KamionKeybuk: there's replaces/conflicts too, and users mostly just install them via dependencies rather than directly so it should be ok09:24
Kamionputting in transitional packages would negate most of our gains, I feel09:24
mdzKamion: no worries about installation-guide09:24
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KamionI'll probably do that between the cracks today09:24
Kamionit tends to take a while, we have a BIG branding patch09:25
mdzI'd consider working ubiquity a blocker for a real milestone09:25
Kamionok, I'll see what I can do - will be hard to get it working until livefses are active though09:25
mdzKamion: even so, I think our big branding patch is insufficient; last I looked there were still bits which were incorrect  for ubuntu09:25
mdzKamion: with any luck we'll have livefses later today09:26
Kamionmdz: that seems likely; please let me know any time you spot any of those09:26
mdzKamion: I suggest submitting it to the doc team for review09:26
Kamionyeah, I guess that makes sense09:26
mdzthanks Kamion09:26
mdzfabbione: next?09:26
fabbione* done: merges, merges and merges.09:26
fabbione* merge-status: miss only redhat cluster suite that has huge infrastructural changes from the version in dapper. I might need a couple of more days before i can upload something sane.09:26
fabbione* todo: complete the redhat-cluster update as top priority. Go on with specs.09:26
KamionI just don't want to end up having the doc team totally rewrite it such that I can never merge it with Debian again :)09:26
mdzKamion: good point, be sure to explain09:27
=== RichEd [n=RichardW@dsl-146-151-185.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
mdzfabbione: sounds good, thanks09:28
ograhey RichEd welcome to the distro team meeting :)09:28
RichEdmorning ...09:28
mdzRiddell: next09:28
Riddelldone: 09:28
Riddell merges: all main Kubuntu merges done. universe pleasingly close too 09:28
Riddell kubuntu-launchpad-integration: implemented 09:28
Riddellnext week: 09:28
Riddell knot 1, kubuntu-easy-zeroconf 09:28
Riddellspecs: mornfall not bountying for adept specs, I plan to break out the commercial repository support and dist-upgrade tool to new specs09:28
Kamionthanks for doing the Kubuntu seed merge09:28
mdzRiddell,ogra: you guys both did your seed merges, right?09:28
Kamionthe supported seed should be a lot more manageable in future09:28
mdzI think I remmeber seeing -meta uploads from both of you09:28
Riddellmdz: yes, and kubuntu-meta update09:28
mdzRiddell: any known blockers for kubuntu knot 1 so far?09:29
Riddellmdz: there's a few packages uninstallable for small reasons, I'll look at those today09:29
mdzok, thanks09:29
mdzpitti: next09:30
pitti * vast amount of merges and sync reviews; I have some updated merges, but I already did those which bring in new upstream versions.09:30
pitti * cups and dovecot fixes for dapper09:30
pitti * security updates09:30
pitti * automated-problem-reports: initial work, now collects all information except stack frame image and list of package dependencies; I'm currently fighting with some weird behaviour (forever-hanging gdb) when then agent is called by the kernel helper, this might need some discussion with BenC09:30
pitti * dug a good way into my bug mail, but did not get through yet09:30
pittiTo do09:30
pitti * remaining merges which do not bring in new upstream versions09:30
pitti * fix automated-problem-reports to be more robust, release initial package to universe09:30
pitti * get OO.o security update for breezy with doko09:30
pitti * grab Adam for PHP security stuff; this has been dragged far too long09:30
pitti * catch up on bug mail09:30
pitti * fix the mysterious apt-ftparchive failure on the daily langpacks09:30
mdzpitti: I'm not sure when adam will be back at 100%; is there anyone else who can help with php?09:31
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pittimdz: I can do it myself probably, but adam already has done a good part of the work09:32
Mithrandirmdz: I thought fabbione did a merge of it?09:32
pittiMithrandir: for stables09:32
mdzpitti: please file a bug about the apt-ftparchive failure if you haven't already; I'll look into it if I have time before mvo gets back09:32
Mithrandiroh, or that was PHP security.  Sorry.09:32
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pittimdz: oh, it's a bit more tricky, I'll tell you in #u-d if you like09:32
fabbionemdz: i did the merge for edgy.....09:32
mdzpitti: ok, thanks09:32
fabbionethat's it09:32
mdzfabbione: yes, thank you09:32
pittimdz: so, php would take me a lot longer than him09:32
mdzfschoep: you're up09:32
fschoepSpecification: art-polish-human-icons09:33
fschoepContacted Michiel Sikma to discuss his vision on the consistency and state of the Human icon set. Trying to figure out who is going to do the actual icon production, contacted Mark. Creating list of icons that need work, scheduled for completion on the 23rd of July.09:33
fschoepSpecifications: ubuntu-art-login-manager, ubuntu-art-login-splash, ubuntu-art-usplash, ubuntu-art-wallpaper09:33
fschoepFinished the Ponder phase this week, collecting texture and material references, Troy James Sobotka provided excellent samples. Kicked-off of the Propose phase, compositional ideas can now roll in. Seemingly slow progress in this phase up until now, will stir up the discussion soon. Contacted Daniel Holbach to start working out packaging details for the Human theme and Theme Team themes.09:33
pittimdz: I'll talk to him, maybe he can send me his current work09:33
fschoepSpecification: ubuntu-art-cd-dvd-artwork09:33
fschoepNo progress yet, need contacts to start this up, all help appreciated.09:33
fschoepSpecification: ubuntu-art-complete-highcontrast-icons09:33
fschoepContacted Henrik Nilsen Omma for startup, will continue drafting and expanding the specification by walking through a default Dapper installation and identifying missing and unusable icons.09:33
fschoepNon-specification: Theme Teams09:33
fschoepThe 13th of July marks the end of the Theme Team application process, up until now three (one man) teams have applied for creating a Dash, Peace and Tropic theme for Edgy. Will now document, kick off and start managing the progress of these teams.09:33
fschoepSpecification: art-polish-human-gtk-theme09:33
fschoepSearched for documentation on creating and editing GTK2 themes on Google, GTK-org and GNOME-org, little found up until now. Any help here is greatly appreciated since the Theme Teams are begging for this information as well. Im going to try apt-sourcing Dapper artwork packages for clues next.09:33
mdzfschoep: that's the list which is scheduled for completion on the 23rd, or the icons themselves?09:33
fschoepSpecification: ubuntu-art-colour-palette-policy09:33
fschoepI think weve made a lot of progress not only defining colors, but also locking down textures and materials for Edgys default artwork during the Ponder phase in the community artwork process. Im not sure if this specification is still useful.09:33
fschoepSpecification: art-sok-layout-colours09:33
fschoepScheduled to start identifying needs on the 7th of August, 2006 and produce layouts shortly afterwards to prevent overlap with the High Contrast icon theme work.09:33
fschoepNon-specification: Dapper Artwork Backport09:33
fschoepThere doesnt seem to be a specification for this. I contacted Colin Watson as suggested by Mark to get a clear view on what were going to accomplish and more importantly, when. Once this gets fleshed out, I think we should make a spec.09:33
fschoepNon-specification: Theme Selector09:33
fschoepWill write a specification on this before the 16th of July and submit it for approval. Basically this is about having the GNOME Theme Preferences panel control more artwork items than currently possible. One thing that comes to mind is the login splash image.09:33
fschoepmdz: the list09:33
mdzfschoep: what kind of contacts do you need for cd-dvd-artwork?09:33
fschoepSorry guys, first time - I'm a bit more verbose than you :)09:34
Kamionfschoep: oh, I haven't replied yet, but that's DapperPointReleaseProcess09:34
fschoepmdz: contacts regarding the technical specs (file format) and who is going to approve designs, what CD sleeve design we want (Dapper-like, or...)09:34
Kamionfschoep: first point release is tentatively first week of August09:34
mdzfschoep: Jane Silber should be your point of contact09:35
fschoepKamion: thanks, I'll look into that.09:35
dholbachfschoep: i started working on example packages and buildsystems for iconsets/... i'll tell you once you can make use of them and i'll reply to your mail after the meeting09:35
fschoepmdz: Right, thanks a bunch.09:35
fschoepdholbach: OK, great.09:35
fschoepBy the way, should I cut the verbosity in my status updates :)?09:36
mdzKamion: I was thinking we may not make that target, depending on how things go with ubiquity09:36
mdzKamion: will we be able to do a fairly clean backport of an edgy-tested ubiquity to dapper, or will it be complicated?09:36
Kamionmdz: the problem is that if we don't make that target then I'm (planning to be) on holiday and then it's edgy release stuff09:36
mdzfschoep: a bit, yes09:36
Kamionmdz: we can backport some bits but it will be more complicated than that; I don't fancy backporting the new partitioner09:36
mdzKamion: hmm, indeed09:36
Kamionmdz: however, I do have a rough idea of the things that need to be fixed09:37
Kamionmdz: they're essentially what's in DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues09:37
fschoepmdz: OK, next time I'll be more in line with the rest of the team, and also update the Wiki beforehand.09:37
Kamionand hacky workarounds for those should be fine09:37
mdzKamion: I am astounded by the number of bug reports filed against ubiquity with identical summaries and no attachments09:37
mdzand often with the security flag set for no good reason ;-)09:38
Kamionmdz: yes, one of the fixes in the dapper point release will be to extract tracebacks from subprocesses to avoid the identical-summaries thing09:38
mdzfschoep: great, thanks09:38
KamionI have that fix tentatively for edgy already but haven't tested it yet09:38
mdzfschoep: talk to Simon (sfllaw) about getting in the loop for having your status update on the wiki in advance as well09:38
mdzKeybuk: next09:38
Keybuk * merges, merges and more merges09:39
Keybuk * much driving of Soyuz by hand ... come back infinity, all is forgiven!09:39
Keybuk * some minor MoM tweaks09:39
KeybukTo do09:39
Keybuk * begin spec work09:39
Keybuk  * find out AutomakeTransition status from Debian maintainer09:39
Keybuk  * write base-files migration code for LibAtaForAtaDisks09:39
Keybuk  * draw up detailed ReplacementInit project plan and begin09:39
Keybuk * examine recent `udev` upstream changes and decide whether UVF execption warranted for them09:39
mdzKeybuk: any soyuz problems which should be on my radar to push for prioritization?09:40
Keybukit doesn't survive a reboot, but elmo now knows the runes to bring it back09:40
mdzsubscribe me to the bug and I'll poke about it09:41
mdzkwwii: next09:41
Keybukalso when cron.daily gets long, you often lose buildd stuff09:41
kwwiiwiki stuff ... added philosophy, etc.09:41
kwwiispec renaming, sorting out -- waiting for a launchpad bug to be fixed to go on with work09:41
kwwiimoving into the next phaze (propose)09:42
kwwii.we have several new people intersted in kbuntu artwork, trying to keep that going09:42
kwwiilooking into new colors and textures (purple)09:42
kwwiibasic ideas for kdm, desktop splash, and wallpapers done.09:42
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kwwiilast but not least, making a UI for bzr :-)09:43
mdz_my desktop just crashed, back on from the laptop09:43
mdz_Keybuk: /msg me what I missed?09:44
ograkwwii, you work on the SoC project ? 09:44
kwwiiogra: only the UI for it, but yes09:44
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ogranice to know :)09:44
kwwiithe kde UI I should say09:44
pygiogra, nop, he did a KDE UI for me ^_^ (I'll be working on KDE edition, the GTK one will be made by student)09:44
pygiyes, I know what you think about KDE =P09:44
ograwhat do i think about KDE ?09:45
mdz_kwwii: Riddell mentioned that you were uncertain about kubuntu-icons and how much could be done for edgy09:45
=== pygi shushes back to shadow ^_^
mdz(back from desktop)09:45
kwwiimdz: yeah, we were thinking about including oxygen in edgy, but not sure if there is enough time for that09:46
mdzkwwii: what's the issue? is oxygen incomplete?09:46
kwwiimdz: exactly, and we would need to make sure it is complete enough to really use first09:47
mdzhmm, ok09:48
kwwiiI guess this is something that should go on a wiki page...so that others could help or at least help decide09:48
mdzplease keep the status whiteboard up to date09:48
mdzkwwii: that's a fine idea too09:48
kwwiiwill do09:48
mdzkwwii: thanks09:48
mdzheno could not be here but provided an update:09:48
kwwiisorry for being late, everyone...won't happen again09:48
mdz * sudo-admin-atspi: I've proposed a config panel change to seb and daniel. I can make the needed Glade changes if they agree.09:48
mdz * sok: alpha14 is looking good with a new default layout09:48
mdz * compiz-mag: My SoC student is ill so this is on hold for this week09:48
mdz * xubuntu-accessibility: XFCE have implemented sticky keys and friends in 4.4 so I want to add my vote to placing 4.4 in Edgy even if it's only an RC09:48
mdzTo do09:48
mdz * edgy-content: start collecting and organising content09:48
mdz * Other: 2 week holiday from Monday09:48
mdzfschoep: if you need things from henrik, be sure to get in touch by the end of the week, since he'll be awway09:49
fschoepmdz: I see, will take this into account.09:49
mdzSimon is ill but sent an update:09:49
mdz * Specs: edgy-testing, drinking-from-the-firehose09:49
mdz * Help dholbach a bit with UbuntuHugDay09:49
mdz * Get sick09:49
mdzTo do09:49
mdz * Thank people for merging WvDial and WvStreams09:49
mdz * Get better09:49
mdz * Convince BugSquad to start with edgy-testing09:49
mdzseb128: next09:50
seb128Done: merges from Debian, GNOME 2.15.409:50
seb128Next week: looking at instability issues and GNOME packages not building, bugs catching up09:50
mdzseb128: instability issues?09:50
mdzor installability?09:50
seb128(might make sense to have dholbach and I next to each other so if you have GNOME questions you don't have to ask them at different times)09:51
mdzmy desktop has become unstable but I can't blame GNOME09:51
seb128installability, sorry09:51
mdzseb128: yes, good idea; I will try to remember to enhance the script ;-)09:51
mdzseb128: thanks09:51
fabbionemdz: yes you can.. or at least... gtk ;)09:51
mdzrodarvus: next09:51
rodarvusDone this week09:51
rodarvus* continued X merging (only missing is messa-lesstif fix + X apps, current status available at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/x-pkgs)09:51
rodarvus* weekly Edubuntu meeting, met Richard Weideman (new Education Programme Manager, started 2006-07-14)09:51
rodarvusPlans for next week09:51
rodarvus* merge X apps09:51
rodarvus* catchup with email (seriously left behind this week)09:51
rodarvus* catchup with X bugs (+ get hold of basic X bug status/triaging with fabbione)09:51
rodarvus* learn all procedures to master future Edubuntu Knot cds (with ogra)09:51
rodarvus* hopefully help Richard catchup with Edubuntu09:51
rodarvus* start working on specs09:51
mdzfabbione: I don't know what's wrong with it; RAM might be going but it is ECC so I'd be surprised not to be warned09:51
mdzcrashed twice today09:52
pittirodarvus: a gold star for taking care of X!09:52
fabbionemdz: heat?09:52
mdzfabbione: happens just as much at night as during the day09:52
rodarvusagain, thanks for fabbione, Mithrandir and Kamion :)09:52
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mdzyes, thanks for helping rodrigo with X09:52
rodarvusand props to the three of them too :)09:52
rodarvuswould be very huge stuff to do all by myself, and I would certainly get (even more) lost :)09:53
mdzrodarvus: can you mail me and richard about setting up a time to talk?  I haven't met him yet09:53
rodarvusmdz: sure09:53
mdziwj: next09:53
ogramdz, RichEd is here :)09:53
iwjSorry this wasn't in the wiki; I didn't read warthogs yesterday.09:53
iwjhave been doing: Breaks and merges09:53
iwjfirefox merge: Done finally09:53
iwjfirefox theme change: Done and no doubt everyone has noticed09:53
iwjautomated-testing-deployment: Still BLOCKED on xen-edgy09:53
iwjxen-edgy: Chuck Short expects to upload a kernel this weekend; the userland tools are apparently still broken09:53
iwjpackage-dependency-field-breaks: Started on the actual implementation.  Well, actually, just reading the existing code to know exactly how to edit it: 4 bugs found and reported to Debian so far ...09:53
iwjsuggest-packages-for-filetypes: no further progress this week09:53
mdzRichEd: hello then. let's set up a conference call with rodrigo sometime soon09:54
pittiiwj: can you give us a quick status wrt. the firefox security backporting?09:54
RichEdLet me know when 09:54
dholbachiwj: will firefox need a rebuild everytime the icons change?09:54
fschoepiwj: theme change - is that my stuff? Do we need to take a look at it in the near future?09:54
mdziwj: please update delivery status for xen-edgy; it's Unknown atm09:54
iwjpitti: Err.  I've not been following it closely but it sounds like it's nearly done from the messages I've been seeing.09:55
dholbachiwj: does firefox copy and ship the icons itself?09:55
iwjdholbach: No.09:55
iwjmdz: Willdo.09:55
pittiiwj: that sounds promising09:55
mdzdholbach: it depends on the theme package, which is a separate source09:55
iwjfschoep: That's making your thing the default, yes.  I don't think you need to do anything since you're probably already using it.09:55
zuliwj: hi i can do a status page in the wiki if that helps09:55
fschoepiwj: it (the Ubuntu package) still needs some updating for the tab-close button.09:56
iwjzul: You mean, add a bit at the bottom of the XenEdgy wiki page ?  That would be nice.09:56
mdzzul: the status whiteboard in blueprint would be better, unless there's a lot to say09:56
zuleither or09:56
dholbachok, so the theme package has to be rebuilt every time the icons change? i'm just trying to figure out whom and when to ping :)09:56
fschoepdholbach: yes, you are correct.09:56
iwjdholbach: Yes, the theme package needs to be rebuilt.09:56
mdzdholbach: yes, firefox-themes-ubuntu build-deps on the artwokr09:57
mdzartwork, even09:57
mdziwj: thanks09:57
fschoepiwj: another thing I want to do with it is adding icons to actions like copy and paste in the menu09:57
ografschoep, btw, gnome-power-manager will need a bunch of new icons ...09:57
mdzdid I miss anyone?  I had to reconstruct the list when my machine crashed09:57
ograupstream added a lot and renamed everything ...09:57
fschoepogra: can you send a list via e-mail?09:57
dholbachogra: let me look into it before everybody is in alarm :)09:57
ogradholbach, oki :)09:57
fschoepI want icon requests in before the 23rd of July.09:58
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mdzheno: good morning; I pasted your update earlier and reminded fschoep to get in touch with you regarding his requests before your holiday09:58
henomdz: great, thanks09:59
mdzany other very brief business before we adjourn?09:59
sivangmdz: I thought I needed to provide and update, but I cna paste it on the wiki09:59
MithrandirI'm very happy we seem to have gotten the meeting down to an hour again.09:59
mdzsivang: <mdz> did I miss anyone?  I had to reconstruct the list when my machine crashed09:59
sivangoh sorry09:59
sivangokay, pastes:09:59
sivangCompleted merges: notification-daemon, moin, dput, bittornado. Requested import of notify-python to be used in clean up tool and home user backup. Investigated libburn and its python bindings: lack of features, pyrex implementation, no upstream. For edgy we'll stick to the cdrecord wrapper, and attempt to polish it as much as we can. Started looking into merging the new home-user-backup GUI design, and also thought about how to enable backup no10:00
zulmdz: i thought so as well but i dont have a paste10:00
mdzzul: ok, in the future please type something up in advance, it really helps us move along faster10:00
zulmdz: will do10:00
mdzsivang: I don't much like the idea of having multiple implementations of cdrecord wrappers10:01
seb128use libnautilus-burn :)10:01
iwjsivang: your message was cut off after "and also thought about how to enable backup no".10:01
sivangmdz: if there's one you know to be stable and would prefer me to use, I can do that, but at the time I couldn't find something that would allow me the flexability in reporting progress ot the frontend as mine does.10:01
sivangiwj: ah, I'll repaste then?10:02
mdzsivang: seb128 suggests libnautilus-burn10:02
iwjNo, just the end.10:02
ograsivang, only the missing bit10:02
sivangmdz: it does not allow multi session cds handling nicely, that's why I implemented my own wrapper10:02
iwjVery long pastes can get truncated.10:02
mdzsivang: we're out of time, let's discuss on ubuntu-devel@lists10:02
sivangmdz: also I'd like to be low on deps, which could be barrier for other derivatives if I depend on it10:02
seb128sivang: why not contribution on libnautilus-burn to get the feature for it rather than starting a new implementation?10:02
mdzthanks everyone10:02
sivangmdz: sure10:02
mdzadjourned, good night/morning10:03
pittithanke everyone10:03
seb128thank you mdz10:03
rodarvusthanks mdz10:03
RichEdbye all ...10:03
ograthanks mdz 10:03
fabbionenight mdz10:03
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RichEdmdz: will send my contact details to yourself & rodarvus & orga re con call10:04
sivangiwj , ogra , mdz : pasting the remaninig bit of my update:10:04
sivang enable backup notifications. SystemCleanUpTool 10:04
sivang                is still in review after I've applied Scott's last comments. I'd like to get it approved if there is no further 10:04
sivang                reservations on it.10:04
rodarvusRichEd: nice, thanks!10:04
rodarvusI was about to send you an email on the subject :)10:04
mdzRichEd: thanks.  voip would be simplest to set up unless one of you can 3-way10:04
rodarvusI'll just wait then10:04
=== rodarvus can't
=== RichEd can't either
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@likes.smoking.more.than.watching.spacenight.dk] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
ogramy voip is broken currently through bug 5281510:05
UbugtuMalone bug 52815 in gst-plugins "logitech usb headset sound output dies after 1 minute" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5281510:05
RichEdbusy building my new Edubuntu notebook over the weekend ... will check out VOIP options ... what about a chatroom meeting tomorrow some time ?10:06
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Keybuksivang: I should have a chance to read that later today10:13
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sivangKeybuk: yay, thanks!10:14
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 13 Jul 19:00 UTC: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 13:00 UTC: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 19 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Jul 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu
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Seveas@config channel plugins.webcal.doTopic True11:08
Seveas@reload Webcal11:08
Seveas@config channel plugins.webcal.doTopic True11:08
Seveas@reload Webcal11:10
Seveas@schedule amsterdam11:10
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Amsterdam: 13 Jul 21:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 15:00: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 22:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 22:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Jul 14:00: Edubuntu11:10
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Klaidas@schedule Vilnius11:55
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Vilnius: 13 Jul 22:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 16:00: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 23:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 23:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 18:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Jul 15:00: Edubuntu11:55
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bimberi@schedule canberra01:37
UbugtuSchedule for Australia/Canberra: 14 Jul 05:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 23:00: Kubuntu | 19 Jul 06:00: Technical Board | 20 Jul 06:00: Edubuntu | 21 Jul 01:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Jul 22:00: Edubuntu01:37
GNAM@schedule rome02:00
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Rome: 13 Jul 21:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 15:00: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 22:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 22:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Jul 14:00: Edubuntu02:00
=== Meyer_ is now known as Meyer\
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simira@schedule Oslo04:15
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Oslo: 13 Jul 21:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 15:00: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 22:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 22:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Jul 14:00: Edubuntu04:15
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FunnyLookinHat@schedule central05:07
UbugtuSchedule for Canada/Central: 13 Jul 14:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 08:00: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 15:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 15:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 10:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Jul 07:00: Edubuntu05:07
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nixternal@schedule chicago05:21
UbugtuSchedule for America/Chicago: 13 Jul 14:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 08:00: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 15:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 15:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 10:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Jul 07:00: Edubuntu05:21
FunnyLookinHatnixternal, you're in the ubuntu chicago promotions group, right?05:27
nixternalyes sir05:27
FunnyLookinHatAwesome.  I'm working in chicago right now but I'm moving out to colorado in about a month05:27
FunnyLookinHatAny events coming up soon that I could get in on/05:28
nixternalwe are having a meeting at the Buffalo Wild Wings on the 27th in Elmhurst05:28
nixternalthat will be our first official meeting, and we will do a few presentations, and then plan a "Chicago Day's" event for an end of summer blowout05:28
FunnyLookinHatOh cool!05:28
nixternalplus i should have a ton of CD's by then to hand out ;)05:28
nixternalwhere are you at in chicago right now?05:29
nixternalint he city itself?05:29
FunnyLookinHatI've got my shipment of 10 CDs on the way...  I'd be more than willing to donate most of them to your group05:29
FunnyLookinHatS. La Salle st. & Congress05:29
FunnyLookinHatWestern Union building near the board of trade05:29
FunnyLookinHatI live in the north suburbs though...05:29
nixternali know exactly05:30
nixternali worked in the loop for many years05:30
nixternalnever again ;)05:30
FunnyLookinHatHaha, good call.05:30
nixternalim out by scumburg...but you say you are going to CO, you need to check out the CO group as well...their fearless leader is doing an amazing job with the group05:30
FunnyLookinHatyea!  I saw him in the CC two days ago presenting05:31
FunnyLookinHatI'm actually really looking forward to getting in on that group.  I've been so busy around here I never even really looked to see if there was a Chicago group  ^_^;;05:31
nixternalya, him and i are still awaiting our official confirmations ;)05:31
FunnyLookinHatI'm working on getting into MOTU myself  : )05:31
sivang@schedule Israel05:31
nixternalthere wasn't a chicago group until this last month05:31
UbugtuSchedule for Israel: 13 Jul 22:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 16:00: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 23:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 23:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 18:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Jul 15:00: Edubuntu05:31
nixternali kind of figured you were heading that way, i see you in -motu all the time05:32
nixternalim just now taking the rust out of my packaging skills...getting ready for edgy+105:32
FunnyLookinHatYea...  I've been learnig how to use pbuilder and all.  I use to do a decent ammount of OSS programming but never built packages so this is all new to me05:33
nixternali haven't packaged in probably 8 years, because that is when i took a turn for the hard/sys admin stuff instead05:34
FunnyLookinHatahh ok, very cool.  Is that what you do for a job right now?05:34
FunnyLookinHat(My dad used to work in Schaumberg for C. Beck and Associates, small medical education company)05:35
nixternalright now i do ubuntu really...i decided at 32, i need a summer vacation ;)05:35
FunnyLookinHatGood call!05:35
FunnyLookinHatToo bad the chicago group didn't start earlier, or I would have totally worked with you all summer to get the chicago group started up  : )05:35
nixternali sold my house in hopes of moving to mexico (cabo), only to find out the house i purchased was used in an insurance scam05:36
FunnyLookinHatOh dang.05:36
nixternalhaha ya05:36
FunnyLookinHatThat stinks.  : (05:36
FunnyLookinHatWanna move out to Colo. with me?  ;)05:36
nixternalso i kind of went homeless, but thank god for the family ;)05:36
nixternalColorado is good to visit for me, thats it05:36
nixternali need warm sun and sandy beaches05:36
FunnyLookinHatyea, I've heard that for a lot of people05:36
FunnyLookinHatVery cool stuff.  Well I should get back to actually working (irc can be so distracting)...  have a good afternoon05:37
nixternalyou too, talk to you later05:38
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stefg@schedule berlin06:22
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Berlin: 13 Jul 21:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 15:00: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 22:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 22:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Jul 14:00: Edubuntu06:22
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troy_s@schedule vancouver06:31
UbugtuSchedule for America/Vancouver: 13 Jul 12:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 06:00: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 13:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 13:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 08:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Jul 05:00: Edubuntu06:31
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Klaidas@schedule Vilnius08:01
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Vilnius: 13 Jul 22:00: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 16:00: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 23:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 23:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 18:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Jul 15:00: Edubuntu08:01
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Marketing Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 17 Jul 13:00 UTC: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 19 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Jul 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu
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kgoetzhm. it be time for the meeting 09:00
UbugtuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: July 13 2006, 19:00:54 - Current meeting: Marketing Team in 0 minute09:00
kgoetzare we expecting jenda?09:00
Seveas@reload Webcal09:00
UbugtuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: July 13 2006, 19:01:04 - Current meeting: Marketing Team in 1 minute09:01
Klaidasjenda, ping :)09:01
kgoetzhm. is Ubugtu's time correct?09:01
Seveaskgoetz, no, It's a bug in the code09:01
kgoetzah ok. :)09:01
kgoetzgive a few more minutes for people to show then we have to start09:02
adamant1988I'm here sorry.09:02
adamant1988Give me a minute and then i'll get all involved and stuff.09:02
kgoetznp. i'll ask us to start in 2-3 minutes09:02
kgoetz(give teh 'fashonably late' people time to arive09:02
=== troy_s from artwork team is sitting in. Watching... learning.
bimberikgoetz: 'morning :)09:03
kgoetzmorning bimberi:)09:03
kgoetzhope your in the west, nto teh east09:04
bimberi5am here09:04
=== a1ecks [n=alecks@pool-141-156-212-113.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
kgoetzouch, easwt :|09:04
Klaidashow did you get up so early? o_O09:04
kgoetzbimberi: can you chair a meeting?09:04
kgoetzKlaidas: i stayed up :| no sleep :|09:05
bimberionly if forced09:05
bimberikgoetz: goodness me09:05
Klaidasnot sleeping is bad 09:05
kgoetzbimberi: i officaly force you to run this meeting, agenda -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/Meetings#head-6baae27adfb4dc945b7a6d79d82a947cc82e49ec09:05
kgoetzwell keep the meeting short and i can be good again09:05
bimberiKlaidas: i usually get up about 06:00 anyway :)09:06
adamant1988ok, I'm here.09:06
kgoetzcould we start nowish mr bimberi? we are a few minutes late already :|09:06
=== _sara [n=sara@pool-70-17-45-241.pskn.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
bimberikgoetz: lets give the others a bit longer09:06
kgoetzhi sara_,09:06
kgoetzbimberi: ok :(09:06
troy_seek... how much longer?09:06
adamant1988sorry, my fiance was heading out for work...09:07
a1ecksgahh i've been busy09:07
=== kgoetz had givent them extra time
kgoetzbimberi: if we start in 3 mintues its 10 minutes late - nice round number :)09:07
bimberikgoetz: ok09:07
=== bimberi even pings jenda on OFTC :)
kgoetz(btw, if jenda shows up you can run the place or hand over to him, your option)09:07
sara_i thogh I was late09:07
kgoetzbrb in < 3 minutes :D09:07
Klaidasjenda, pingz0r :)09:08
a1eckswhat do you all think of this design (not finished) http://www.freemediaresources.com/sitedesigns/jaderabbit/09:10
=== kgoetz thinks jenda is well pingged
bimberialright, item #1 is spreadubuntu09:10
kgoetzbimberi: pls start us?09:10
bimberia bzr archive is up on launchpad - has anyone played with that yet?09:11
kgoetzi have it at home, i dont have the tools avalable atm (on a live cd), read: yes, its posable to aquire it09:11
kgoetzthis might sound silly (with only 4/5 of us here), but should we put peoples items back if tehy arnt here? 09:12
adamant1988kgoetz, I think that's a good idea.09:12
bimberikgoetz: alright, however is there anyone here who has an item on the agenda09:13
kgoetzbimberi: dont know , thats where it becomes a silly question :| ;)09:13
sara_nixternal ahd some stuff up09:13
adamant1988is nixternal paying any attention though?09:13
kgoetznixternal: a1ecks others, anything on teh agenda?09:13
nixternalhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/WikiMockup      &     https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/WikiMockup09:14
nixternalwe need to fill "in between the lines"09:14
nixternali need input, via the ML is fine, i believe jenda likes V2 better for the ToC09:14
nixternalgive me as much info as possible, write small blurbs for certain sections09:14
nixternalthat is what that is all about agenda wise09:15
adamant1988I wouldn't know quite what to fill in.09:15
nixternal== Introducation ==    give me 2 or 3 solid introductional type sentences for the MT09:15
sara_I thought that we had a How you can help section already. Can you just borrow from that09:16
=== bimberi likes the layout of http://www.ubuntu.com/community
nixternalthat is what i am look for...they need to be short and precise...to the point, cutting edge style09:16
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nixternalsure we can borrow from the other pages sara_09:16
nixternalthat is fine, but the main page is currently HORRID09:16
=== adamant1988 concurs.
=== bimberi too
ompaul@now utc09:17
UbugtuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: July 13 2006, 19:17:11 - Current meeting: Marketing Team in 17 minutes09:17
nixternalyou have to run around to find info, so this will be the one stop shop, and will have links to the other major projects going on for the "world to see"09:17
troy_sAs an outsider, I have always found ToCs and Subpages useful.09:17
adamant1988wait, the meeting isn't supposed to start yet?09:17
nixternalthats what we are trying to do troy_s, as if you look at the current wiki, there are subpages and ToC's, just very messy09:17
nixternalthat is saying the meeting has been open for 17 minutes09:18
kgoetzadamant1988: yes, 17 minutes ago, Ubugtu is wrong09:18
adamant1988oh ok.09:18
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ompaul] : Current meeting: Marketing Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 17 Jul 13:00 UTC: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 19 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Jul 12:00 UTC: Edubuntuahh
adamant1988sorry, continue09:18
ompaulwhat 09:18
troy_sthey are also automated on the wiki, which makes maintaining them very easy (aka less work)09:18
ompaulsorry, 09:18
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Marketing Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 17 Jul 13:00 UTC: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 19 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Jul 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu
bimberinixternal: i think your new page looks good, you're just basically looking for content?09:19
nixternalyes bimberi09:19
adamant1988Well, I could try my best to help out with the content.09:20
nixternaltake a look at the FC projects wiki and how clean their layouts are..and they are all the same too...that is what i am striving for here09:20
kgoetzi notice teh image beind the top text - does that mean we are /ubuntu/ only, or do we do derivatives as well? (sorry for sort of OT)09:20
adamant1988While mentioning the wiki, is there a possible way to keep track of all of the different marketing team wikis around on that site?09:20
nixternalUbuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu09:20
sara_FC projects?09:20
nixternalUbuntu is almost generalized now, as every other distro falls in the family09:20
nixternalfedora core09:21
kgoetzcool, thanks nixternal, i just wanted to be clear :)09:21
bimberiadamant1988: how do you find them, Title search for marketing?09:21
adamant1988either that or I know the name I'm looking for09:21
adamant1988the point is that anyone looking for info would have a time of finding them all09:21
bimberihmmk, it would appear we could use a Wiki subteam perhaps?09:22
nixternaladamant1988: yes there is, and it will be implemented soon09:22
bimberi... at least to get it into shape09:22
nixternali am going to create a wiki MT /subpage tracker09:22
kgoetzshouldnt all marketing pages be under /marketijng/?09:22
bimberikgoetz: /Marketing   or  /MarketingTeam ?09:22
adamant1988Yes, I have a page done under marketing but it's not on the marketing team page is what I'm saying, no one would find it without knowing exactly what they're looking for.09:22
=== bimberi thinks /Marketing
=== nixternal agrees with bimberi, but MarketingTeam until we can change it
kgoetzwell currently under /marketingTeam, but idealy under Marketing09:23
nixternalI could create /Marketing and then #redirect Marketing the old page09:23
adamant1988sounds good to me.09:23
bimberialright, we'll put that to the mailing list09:24
bimberiok, we could discuss the contact point item09:24
nixternalhey everyone, if you come across a wiki setup you like elsewhere, also get that into the ML so we can "borrow" ideas ;)09:25
kgoetzjust a tic, i'll look at the agenda09:25
bimberiwhat are people's thoughts regarding the need for a single contact point09:25
nixternalwe need our front page to be "dead on" balls to the wall "bad a$$", if you follow me...marketing has always been the "attractive" portion, and what draws people in...so it would be nice to look good, and be super functional09:26
kgoetzgeneraly not needed. we only really need one if we are in a 'the buck stops here' position, but i still think the buck can stop with the correct person09:26
sara_I think we need one person just for the sake of convinience09:26
=== bimberi wonders if Canonical would like to have a single point of contact
Seveassingle point of contact == single point of failure09:27
ompaulbimberi, ask slibs tomorrow - it does not make sense09:27
kgoetzsara_: why do you think that?09:27
nixternalthe only reason i agree with "1 person" is because the mailing list is open to "everyone" and lord knows who just might respond with bad info or what not09:27
ompaulas Seveas said09:27
bimberialso, what occasionally occurs in forums like CC meeting is that an issue will arise, eg. about documentation, and they will ping someone there and then09:27
bimberiSeveas: true09:27
Seveasompaul, s/li/il/09:28
kgoetzif someones leading a team for the marketing project, tehy should be the contact, imnsho09:28
ompaulSeveas, true09:28
adamant1988I agree with kgoetz on that... the leader of the project should be responsible for it.09:28
bimberialright, no further thoughts - i would say that is a 'no' then09:30
kgoetzsingle point of contact=no (from me)09:30
=== bimberi checks the agenda for any other discussable items
bimberinixternal: task lists ?09:30
kgoetz(if nix is still around)09:31
nixternaloh ya09:31
=== jenda is here, and very sorry
UbugtuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: July 13 2006, 19:32:07 - Current meeting: Marketing Team in 32 minutes09:32
kgoetzjenda: perhaps hear from you after nixternal? :)09:32
nixternalsara_: you are heading up the Magazine Dept...is there anything for the team to do???  can you come up with a task list for the MT?09:32
sara_I am working on it and it would get done this saturday, but I need to know waht are you looking for?09:32
nixternaland some for the PR team, and SU09:32
sara_How specific09:32
nixternaltasks you hand out..doesn't have to be very specific at all..if you need information, create a list that says here is what i need, and this is when it is needed by09:33
sara_ok. as of right now we could do with some research09:33
nixternalright now, there just seems to be a lot of idle time...and the only one keeping buzz is adamant1988, otherwise i know, myself included, it is easy to go OT..would be nice to have a nice work buzz going on09:34
=== adamant1988 blushes
bimberisara_: research? what type?09:34
sara_I definetly some help with the wiki, 09:35
nixternalmatthew needs to do the same, as well as jenda with their projects...09:35
=== bimberi is beavering away on his little project, and will ask for critique when it's ready
adamant1988Sara_ if you need any articles and such written up, etc, I'm willing to help out09:35
=== jenda will write a to do list
nixternali think the team could come up with some flyers, inserts, pamphlets, presentations...stuff like that...so we can create a place for LoCo's and what not to come and use our stuff09:35
sara_I'll write a list ok09:36
jendaMore like a roadmap.09:36
adamant1988My testimonial project needs a spec still in the wiki.. I should probably do that.. but that'll be up for discussion next meeting =\09:36
adamant1988I forgot to add things to this one09:36
jendanixternal, see the DIY page, but in essence, you are right ;)09:36
nixternalwe have an idea of what we want to do, now we just have to start doing it...we have an amazing group of people in here wanting to work...lets get it rolling and the Spread Ubuntu part will fall right into place09:36
sara_yeah a roadmap:)09:36
=== a1ecks [n=alecks@pool-141-156-212-113.res.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Leaving"]
bimberinixternal: there's a lot of stuff about - even ~/Examples on a dapper install09:36
nixternaljenda: exactly what im referring to...there are some new things on there...but updates can be used09:36
nixternaleven stuff other teams have created, we can pull into one location for all...09:37
adamant1988Jenda: On spread ubuntu why not section things off into sub-teams?09:37
nixternalok..enough of me being bossy..someone elses turn ;)09:37
adamant1988I believe the correct number of people that should be working on one thing at a time is 6.  09:37
bimberinixternal: yes, that's essentially what my thing is09:37
jendaadamant1988: unnecessary fragmentation, if you ask me, for the moment. Might be necessary once the site is up.09:37
kgoetzcan someone explain the SU structure to me?: i havent been in touch a lot recnelty09:37
jendanixternal: please continue09:37
nixternali was affraid of that ;)09:38
jendakgoetz: Did you read the wiki, I thought it was quite exhaustive09:38
kgoetzjenda: no, i didnt remember the meeting untill someone meantioned it just beofre09:38
bimberiok, lets' go to SU then ;) - i think the ToDo list idea is a good one09:39
jendakgoetz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SpreadUbuntu <<<09:39
adamant1988a road map is a good idea, it would tell us what order things need to be done in.09:39
jendaOK, we have a few design proposals09:39
jendaAnd a bzr branch09:39
nixternali was thinking, maybe get a list from everyone that has their person "pros" and "cons" about themselves..like I can do graphics, wiki's, and i can talk on the phone...where we can help pinpoint people for certain tasks...future item this could be09:39
kgoetzjenda: cheers, got it09:39
jendaI saw many people had trouble with bzr, I'll write a HOWTO09:40
jendaon the ML09:40
nixternalcreate a MarketingDB with this info, so if someone contacts me and says i need some artwork for blah balh, i can say you can try so and so, or this person09:40
jendanixternal: +109:40
nixternaljenda: put the howto on the bzr and make people work for it09:40
Seveasbzr howto is simple: bzr branch url; bzr commit; bzr push url09:40
bimberinixternal: good idea, can you make a start on a skills list?09:40
jendanixternal: -1 ;)09:40
bimberilol nixternal09:40
kgoetzlol nixternal09:40
jendaSeveas: just the commands to DL the branch09:40
nixternalbzr checkout09:41
jendafor members and non-members09:41
nixternalbzr plugins <- bugged up btw09:41
Seveasjenda, bzr branch url_here09:41
nixternalalso, need to poke mako about membership ;)09:41
jendanixternal: remember, there is http and stcp etc09:41
Seveas(for members: checkout)09:41
nixternalsftp and al lthe good stuff09:41
jendaYou need 'get' for http09:41
jendaafaik, but that is OT09:41
nixternali have the branch here09:41
nixternali am good with the bzr for the time being..except my plugins package is foo09:42
nixternalanyways, back to topic in hand09:42
=== kgoetz zones out untill meeting becomes topical again
nixternalbimberi: i can start something for the skills list sure09:42
nixternalshould we have everyone email the list?  or should i create a wiki template and have everyone fill in their info there?09:42
jendanixternal: do that ;) There's no harm in it and all info is voluntary. I don't think we need to discuss/vote/mailing-list that09:42
bimberinixternal: wiki09:43
nixternalonce we have a big list, we can then move people around and clean  it up so you can follow it09:43
nixternalroger that..wiki it is09:43
nixternali will start that up today09:43
jendaThe subject is SU now?09:43
nixternalgo for it jenda09:43
bimberijenda: yes09:43
nixternalyour turn09:43
jendaI'd like you all to watch either: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/SpreadUbuntu#head-0202bdc0f2e0e5d3cb074109cf42d8a323126c6109:43
jendaor the bzr branch09:44
jendaand comment on what you see on the mailing list or IRC, discuss, improve09:44
jendaI wanted a deadline yesterday, but it wasn't possible, not enough work done yet.09:44
jendaSo I'll delay this to the next meeting.09:44
kgoetzjust a thought - where posable (and i know its not always posable), can we use text for shareing data?09:44
ompauljenda, sorry, deadline which exactly?09:45
jendakgoetz: what do you mean?09:45
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kgoetzjenda: like, plain text (vim+emacs) compatiable, rather then (say ) odt09:45
jendaompaul: for the design proposals - July 12. But let's extend that period09:45
kgoetzods etc of course have to be OO.o files, but text would be nice as... well... text09:45
jendakgoetz: in which context, not sure what you mean...09:45
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kgoetzjenda: $neat proposal, if its in .odt/f i'm not very likely to read it, if its plaintext its abotu 90% better chance of getting viewd09:46
=== jenda hasn't seen an odt used for communication in the team... do you mean the list, the wiki, ... where?
jendakgoetz: were talking graphical proposals ATM09:47
jendathose tend to be html, png or svg09:47
kgoetzjenda: no, i havent eitehr, i'm trying to get in early09:47
ompaulkgoetz, the web and email seem to be the standard :-) 09:47
kgoetz(and hold my brain together at 5.17 am)09:47
kgoetzompaul: :)09:48
jendaI don't understand which medium you are talking about.09:48
ompauljenda, kgoetz groks it now09:48
jendaAnd it seems to be holding up the meeting, so let's agree on using the appropriate formats at all times :)09:48
ompaulkgoetz, bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-marketing/spreadubuntu/spreadubuntu09:48
jendaSo, ATM SpreadUbuntu needs those very proposals09:49
jendaDesign etc.09:49
adamant1988While we're discussing Spread Ubuntu and such, I know that those projects are going to require a lot of files.  Is there anyway we could get a dedicated server to host artwork and such on?09:49
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adamant1988Imageshack and Photobucket frown on text and svg formats09:50
jendaFrom Sunday on, I will start working on restructuring the wiki to allow people to write their own ideas of what should be in the sections09:50
jendaadamant1988: the docteam's servers will host it. It has been discussed on the ML09:50
adamant1988sorry, I can't keep up with the ML well, I apologize09:50
adamant1988back on topic09:50
jendaNow, nixternal, I think it would be nice if we could either use the wiki or specs in launchpad to give out work. 09:51
nixternalwe can do that09:51
jenda(In response to: "What else besides the current 3 projects, is there for members to do?")09:51
nixternalsure, we need to create more, because there are a lot more, we just have to get um rolling...and figure out how to classify them maybe09:51
bimberijenda: any thoughts on jdub's feeling we should stick to the bottom half of the SU diagram09:51
jendaThat idea has been in my head ever since I started advertising the MT, because I saw how the people had nothing to do after joining, so left.09:52
jendabimberi: it is the more important part of SU, for sure09:52
jendabrb, dammit - sorry :( emergency...09:52
nixternali think we can create more projects and should be able to make everyone here pretty much a "Project Leader" in one way or another09:53
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bimberibtw, the 'diagram' is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/SpreadUbuntu#head-7ce3d403bd8929ad030974de84db90f022cde3db09:54
adamant1988sounds good09:54
sara_I agree09:54
nixternali think "marketing specs" is a great idea, that will allow everyone the opportunity to start a project, involve others, manage it, and track the milestones as well09:55
troy_sif it is any interest:09:55
jendaI'd be careful with starting new projects like that, because we still have nothing done.09:56
adamant1988I've got two projects I'm currently brainstorming on, myself... but I'm makign sure to get involved in the larger ones as well.09:56
=== bimberi agrees
troy_screate the spec, then subscribe your team.  that seems to be the best way to get them listed under www.launchpad/people/team/+specs09:56
jendaI'd try to focus on the current three projects till at least one is completed09:56
jendatroy_s: we have a team, and I oppose LP sub-teams.09:56
jendaIt would be a mess.09:56
troy_snot sub teams09:56
troy_syou just subscribe the primary team09:57
troy_sso that it shows up on +specs09:57
jendaah, subscribe, not create ;) sorry, my bad09:57
troy_si chatted with matt zimmerman about it, and we were originally assigning our team to them to get them to show up under +specs09:57
troy_sbut he suggested that subscribing is better because it also frees up the assignee slot09:57
sara_troy how would you do tha t, the link you gave was broken09:57
jendaOK, i'm not entirely sure we will use that method for tiny things like 'create a svg ubuntu logo'09:58
troy_ssara_ it was just a sample...09:58
troy_shere let me show you...09:58
jendaThat should be listed on the wiki as a list.09:58
bimberijenda: yes, i guess it's a matter of scale09:58
troy_severy team has spec areas, and you can get things listed in them various ways...09:58
jendatroy_s: I already created one spec for the team09:59
troy_sthe way we created that list was using the assignee (which automatically sticks it into the spec listing for the team)09:59
troy_sjenda:  did you subscribe?09:59
=== bimberi tries https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-marketing/+specs
jendaI think we should stick to a todo list on the wiki, and specs when the task is big enough to merit it.09:59
jendaprobably not.10:00
troy_swhat is your team name on launch?10:00
troy_sidiot... i just saw the link10:00
troy_sthere... so find your braindump specs or whatever10:00
troy_sand subscribe the ubuntu-marketing team...10:00
nixternali think the SU Project, PR Project, and Magazine Project are large enough and should have their own specs to track10:01
nixternalrefer to https://help.launchpad.net/BlueprintDocumentation10:01
jendatroy_s: OK thx10:01
sara_I think taht we should have our own specs10:01
=== adamant1988 agrees
jendaWe'll make that the starndard procedure for specs10:01
troy_sif you find your spec, you can subscribe teams to them, and people.10:01
bimberii'm going to have a look at the other specs (eg. art teams) and see if my initiative would fit in for that10:01
troy_sthen you get a nice centralized area to track all development10:01
troy_swe are still steep on the learning curve, but making very good learning.10:02
nixternalexactly troy_s, and it makes so easy to track the work people are doing, and you are able to pinpoint stalls and what not10:02
adamant1988so all of our specs are going to be thrown into one?10:02
adamant1988I'm confused...10:02
troy_syes... and it saves wiki hell.10:02
=== bimberi refreshes and voila!
troy_sfurther, launch is designed to work with a wiki10:02
jendaOK, how about a MT small-task spec?10:02
troy_snice work10:02
bimberijenda: ?10:02
jendainstead of the wiki-hell10:02
troy_syour wiki end can hold hte evolving specs which devs can contribute to as well.10:03
jendawith independent specs for larger tasks.10:03
troy_syou get instant notifications of all attached wiki adjustments too10:03
troy_swhich is nice10:03
troy_spersonal opinion -- spec everything, then obsolete the bad ideas -- prevents overlapping.10:03
troy_sthat has been our approach thus far...10:03
jendaOK, anyone opposed to a TODO spec on launchpad, with possible independent specs for the large projects?10:04
bimberiso 'if it's not on the spec tracker, it's not a team initiative'10:04
troy_sby the way, your spec should follow the template for specs10:04
troy_swhich is:10:04
jendatroy_s: I don't think we should try cramming Spreadubuntu and Ubuntu-mag into the same spec as the little things10:04
jendatroy_s: of course ;)10:04
troy_swhen you create a new wiki page click the template link to create it.  pretty quick and simple.10:04
jendaOK, thanks10:04
bimberijenda: i don't know if a ToDo spec works for this but until we do know, why not? :)10:05
=== jenda notes: creating TODO spec ; spec creation howto ;
nixternaljenda: lets spec out SU, PR, and Mag first, then we can create a tasked spec, or create specs for new projects10:05
troy_sand refering to how much into a spec, the dev team is pretty specific with each spec.10:05
troy_swe tried to follow that.10:05
troy_sof course, we too are still learning.10:05
jendanixternal: I'd start with the todo spec, and the project leaders can make their own.10:05
bimberitroy_s: thanks for this :)10:05
jendaWhile, of course, anyone on the team can change that.10:06
troy_sbelieve me, i wish someone had a howto up on launchpad before i had to do the legwork of learning :)10:06
adamant1988so if I want to do a project I need to add the spec to the marketing team?10:06
troy_sI tried to leave a paper trail from my trials and tribulations... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaunchpadHowTo10:06
troy_snot great... perhaps you folks could grow it a little with learning.10:06
nixternalok, we agree on specs, this can probably be worked out further either via the ML or the #*-marketing10:06
jendaadamant1988: you should first propose the project on the mailing list and discuss it.10:07
bimberiok, jenda anything else on SU?10:07
jendaProbably not... any questions?10:07
adamant1988I know Jenda It's just a query10:07
nixternaljenda: btw, you didn't notice me either ;)10:07
jendaI'll only stress once again: if any of you can do webdesign...10:07
nixternal[notice]  that is ;)10:07
bimberiadamant1988: perhaps create the spec, then email the list regarding linking it to the team10:08
jenda...please give SU a shot10:08
nixternaljenda: i might be able to get some webdesign help10:08
troy_shey nixternal, do you know a way to embed attachments into the background image of contents?10:08
=== nixternal checks really quick
adamant1988ok... but I don't know how to create specs =\10:08
jendabimberi: don't create a LP spec before it's been discussed. You can't remove them from LP.10:08
troy_sadamant1988, no one does till they try.  it is a process.10:08
nixternaltroy, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/WikiMockup look at the raw text10:08
troy_sjenda, you can obsolete them though.10:08
troy_sjenda, and they go away.10:08
nixternalbackground: white url(url_of_the_image.png);>10:08
bimberijenda: surely it's a place to canvass ideas10:08
troy_snixternal, yes but that form isn't suggested for attachments as it can change10:09
jendaThey go away? OK10:09
bimberieven if they're immediately killed10:09
troy_snixternal, there must be a way to use a direct attachment.10:09
jendaSure - but I think discussion on the ML comes first.10:09
nixternali have tried the direct attachment for instance ....    attachment:something.png10:09
jendanixternal: was there a second mockup? caught something earlier on.10:10
troy_ssorry... you can private me nix to keep this on track.10:10
bimberijenda: hm, frequently there's no reaction on the list10:10
nixternali will do some more moinmoin hacking here local and find out10:10
jendabimberi: a spec won't help you with that.10:10
nixternalthere it is jenda10:10
jendaAnd I don't think I noticed many of these lately.10:10
bimberijenda: no, i'm not saying that10:10
kgoetzbimberi: i admit i haven been very reactive lately - but i havent been home much either :|\10:10
jendanixternal: yes, i do like that one more :)10:10
nixternalfigured you did..that is the way we shall rock..because i like it also, and it stays with the ubuntu wiki layouts in place10:11
=== bimberi isn't pointing the finger
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bimberii think we need to know more about how Launchpad spec tracking works10:11
kgoetznixternal: could we have the contents /over/ the ubuntu logo?10:12
=== bimberi will read up :)
jendabimberi: someone should take it upon themselves to document and explain that to the team in understandable terms on the ML ;)10:12
nixternalthat is an actual background kgoetz, so text will float over it10:12
nixternalif that is what you mean10:12
jendanixternal: just one idea of a fairly good wikipage: http://wiki.ubuntu.cz/Konferen%C4%8Dn%C3%AD_m%C3%ADstnost_na_Jabberu10:12
jendaIt's czech, though ;)10:13
bimberijenda: troy_s's page might be all that's needed ;)10:13
jendaeveryone read that ;)10:13
nixternalthats nice also jenda10:13
bimberii haven't looked at it yet though10:13
kgoetzis this going to take long? becaues i migth have to crash if it is :|10:13
jendame neither 10:13
troy_si didn't put the damn spec link there yet10:13
nixternaljenda: i have procured an interest in SU web design10:13
jendaYeah, let's close the subject...10:14
nixternali will chat him up after all of this ;)10:14
jendanixternal: eh? :)10:14
troy_sit should tell people how to create a wiki template off of wiki.ubuntu.com/SpecTemplate10:14
nixternala buddy wants to help ubuntu, and he don't know how...he can do web design stuff, so he said he could look at it for me10:14
nixternali will get him in -marketing so we can drill him about it10:14
jendabimberi: that site doesn't document spec creation much...10:15
bimberijenda: kk10:15
jendanixternal: great ;)10:15
bimberijenda: i'll have a look around10:15
bimberi*********** ok, last agenda item is ubuntupeople.com10:15
bimberinixternal ?10:16
jendaIt would be great if someone described spec creation and maintenance in two or three paragraphs just for the team. If no one is up to it - I'll do it.10:16
nixternallets put ubuntupeople to rest10:16
bimberijenda: let me have a go first10:16
gnomefreaknixternal: why?10:16
nixternalits over with, i am sick of the emails about it, and the chat about it...we are new..no more ubuntupeople.com, WE ARE UBUNTUPEOPLE!!!10:16
nixternalthe issues are in past, we are a new team, and don't need the bad publicity that may have caused for some10:17
nixternalin the past10:17
jendaThere probabyl isn't much to say about the UP.com. It disappeared and left behind a rather simple message. I don't rightly understand the message, so I will rather ignore it.10:17
nixternaljenda: it is times like this i just hug my CoC ;)10:17
jendayes indeed. :)10:17
nixternalSpreadUbuntu >>>>>>>>> UP anyways!!!10:18
=== gnomefreak might be mistaken on what ubuntupeople may be than
bimberinixternal: is there any action i that needs to be taken or is this just a message you want to spread10:18
ompaulgnomefreak, it used to be a web site10:18
jendagnomefreak: it was the marketing team forum.10:18
nixternalno action..but people ask about it, and there was never a definate answer10:18
gnomefreakok i thought it was a site idea10:18
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nixternaljenda: i do believe we should have a small communications forum for thos interested in providing info, but not on irc, or the ML10:19
bimberiactually it would be a good place for a map of ubuntu users :)10:19
nixternalmaybe a test one just to see the results10:19
jendaMy answer is that the admin of the forum decided not to offer it anymore. it's gone and we agreed we don't need it.10:19
nixternali notice a lot of my Ubuntu Chicago guys don't do irc, or mailing lists, and like forums...i know it kind of stinks, but i am going to cater to those guys, and i need them for my team to be successfull10:20
bimberinixternal: are you DIY or using ubuntuforums?10:20
jendanixternal: I thought the first meeting was rather straight on that: no forum. But I guess we could, eventually resort to a subforum on the forums.10:20
nixternaljenda: +1 on the subforums10:20
bimberisleep well kgoetz_Away10:20
jendaNO seperate forum is my word. I strongly disagree.10:21
nixternalnothing huge, as it may not generate much traffic, but it may generate traffic we don't get in irc or the ML because people are to new to the community, don't understand IRC or the ml, but can work a forum10:21
gnomefreaka controlled idea wiki/page?10:21
nixternalyou never know, the next "marketer of tomorrow" could be hiding there10:21
nixternalgnomefreak: those work fine, until they become over populated10:22
kgoetz_Awaylater bimberi. (i'm off in 8 minutes, i'll stick aroun dtunill then)10:22
nixternalthen it becomes a pain to controll it...plus the ubuntuforums guys said we can get a subforum with them10:22
jendanixternal: too many MT members don't have time to browse another forum10:22
=== nixternal scours um ;)
gnomefreaknixternal: well between ML wiki/site and irc i think its a good starting point10:23
jendaI'm against it, because I'm afraid it will re-fragment the team10:23
=== bimberi has enough trouble keeping up with the list
nixternali noticed the ubuntu-list is ont he forums10:23
nixternaland hwen you post to the list, it is in the forums...10:23
=== nixternal finds the link to back this one up
=== kgoetz_Away twitches at spam
bimberinixternal: ubuntu-users ?10:23
nixternalis that the one?10:23
bimberithat's the mailing list10:23
nixternalyes..but people can post to it via the forums10:24
bimberinixternal: yes10:24
gnomefreaknixternal: yes10:24
nixternaljust an idea10:24
gnomefreaksadly yes10:24
bimberinixternal: now that is a good idea10:24
jenda+1 if that works10:24
nixternalfor once i have a good idea ;)10:24
jendabut watch the cultural differences ;)10:24
=== gnomefreak concered about that
troy_sby the way folks, i would _really_ like to see docteam/marketing/art all start a symbiotic relationship10:24
=== kgoetz_Away doesnt lik teh gateway
nixternalsee jenda told ya i wasn't totally useless10:25
nixternaltroy_s: +1 +1 +1 +1 +110:25
troy_sso if you have art needs, please feel free to contact via the mailing list etc... 10:25
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troy_shopefully we can roll the good work that doc team has been making into the whole mix10:25
nixternali think i just voted for everyone there10:25
jendanixternal: what do you know - I still don't believe you ;)10:25
jendatroy_s: I think we're working towards that quite OK :)10:25
gnomefreakthe problem witht he forums=ML is it can and has become very anti-coc10:25
troy_sit's one of the reasons i am idling here.10:25
jendaOK, let's defer the forum, ML gateway to the ML10:26
jendaFor pro/con discussing10:26
ompaulWRT mailing lists, they can be mirrored on the forums, if they are correctly spam controlled then great, if not they lead to silly things happening like the people onthe forum replying to spam and the people on the mailing list not getting the spam so there is a disconnect10:26
bimberignomefreak, kgoetz_Away: why? there's the spam responses yes, but that's not too bad10:26
ompaulthen there are rants in both directions and each side get to call the others a clique 10:26
gnomefreakbimberi: im reminded of a post on ubuntu-users a while ago10:26
bimberiyes, but that's ubuntu-users10:27
gnomefreakbimberi: its wide open on forums side10:27
ompaulbimberi, and it will exist anywhere that people don't understand what is happening10:27
=== gnomefreak not worried about the spam itself
ompaulit is the replies to that distract from the core work that gets to me 10:28
ompaulbut that is for another day10:28
gnomefreakit was the whole idea of why should the forums users sign the coc10:28
bimberihm, the marketing audience is smaller10:28
ompaulit is and the mailing list archives are small enough for someone to browse10:28
gnomefreakim not say9ng dont try it im just putting that out there because its been known to happen10:28
=== nixternal points to the mailing list concerning the pro/cons of the ML <> Forums
=== jenda was just gonna
jendalet's close the subject here10:29
bimberithanks for that input there - good stuff :)10:29
ompaulwhat is left to discuss?10:29
kgoetz_Awaywe done? woot10:30
bimberithat is it agenda wise10:30
kgoetz_Awayperfect timing :o10:30
nixternalwho wants to do meeting minutes?10:30
=== nixternal points to jenda
bimberino i will10:30
=== kgoetz_Away pints to bimberi
nixternalpints....send me a pint!!!10:30
=== bimberi drinks his pint
nixternalof milk10:30
jendabimberi: thanks :)10:31
=== kgoetz_Away goes to bed ;P
kgoetz_Awaynight all *hugs*10:31
bimberikgoetz_Away: c'mon that was fare game that time :)10:31
kgoetz_Awaycatch you later10:31
=== jenda apologises for coming late again
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bimberi*fair  even10:31
kgoetz_Awaylatrer bimberi:)10:31
jendaimbrandon: you just missed it ;)10:31
bimberikgoetz_Away: cya :)10:31
jendabimberi: you can have a look at the last one for inspiration :)10:31
nixternal@schedule chicago10:31
kgoetz_Awaylater :)10:31
UbugtuSchedule for America/Chicago: Current meeting: Marketing Team | 17 Jul 08:00: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 15:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 15:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 10:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Jul 07:00: Edubuntu10:31
bimberijenda: joy ;P10:32
nixternal4 more days til the next one10:32
jendaNext meeting?10:32
gnomefreak17th it says10:32
nixternalkubuntu meeting ;)10:32
bimberioh yes, 2 weeks?10:32
jendaNext Marketing Meeting!!!10:32
gnomefreakoh nm10:32
gnomefreak2 weeks sounds good10:32
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nixternalsame time, same bat channel?10:33
jendaWell - I'd love it to be on the 21st really :)10:33
jendabut I guess I can't push that10:33
nixternal21st is good10:33
jendaI can? :)10:33
nixternalthats only 8 days away ;)10:33
bimberijenda: why?10:33
jendaI'll be leaving for three weeks after that, and I'd like to get SU covered10:33
jendaI could make it an SU-specific meeting.10:33
nixternallets do that then jenda10:33
bimberijenda: seems fair to me10:33
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jendaOK. I hope I won't get murdered in a dark alley for it :)10:34
bimberi21st at 19:00 UTC?10:34
nixternaland then hold a meeting when you return?  and if sara needs to, she can hold a meeting for the magazine as well as matthew for PR10:34
jendadon't forget: some team have weekly meetings :)10:34
bimberijenda: will you handle the fridge for that?10:34
jendabimberi: of course :)10:34
bimberigr8 :)10:34
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jendanixternal: we can discuss that next time. i see no reason why not to take a meeting without me :-D10:35
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 17 Jul 13:00 UTC: Kubuntu | 18 Jul 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 19 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Jul 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 27 Jul 23:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team
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