
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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bddebianCatch you later gang12:26
LaserJockcya bddebian12:26
crimsunmm I suck, forgot to adjust the e-mail address12:32
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LaserJockcrimsun: on an upload?12:38
crimsunyes, vlc.12:38
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LaserJockwow, I can't believe it's UVF already01:04
LaserJockseems like just yesterday the edgy repos opened01:05
raphinkyes indeed01:06
raphinkedgy ;)01:06
LaserJockhow's kubuntu doing? does the UVF apply as well to it?01:06
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LaserJockhi ajmitch!01:38
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sladenLaser_away: yup, UVF is for the archive01:57
crimsunfor everyone not following in -devel, universe UVF is in late September, so we still have a bit of time.02:21
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crimsun'lo zul02:21
zulhey crimsun how goes the battle?02:21
crimsundefinitely battling02:22
zulsame here02:22
zuland reading email02:22
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bddebianHeya gang03:18
HawkwindHey there bddebian03:19
bddebianHello Hawkwind03:19
bddebianHeya ajmitch, what's happening?03:20
bddebianAlrighty then :)03:20
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Hobbseemorning all03:35
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Amaranthwhat does it mean when dh_install gives cp: cannot stat `./usr/bin/': No such file or directory?03:41
Amaranthit's supposed to be ./debian/tmp/usr/bin/03:42
Amaranthwhich is odd03:42
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Amaranthtrying to outrun UVF here :)03:45
crimsunyou have until Sept03:46
bddebianAmaranth: What's rules look like?03:46
crimsunmain UVF was today; universe/multiverse UVF is in late Sept.03:46
Amaranthcrimsun: it's a package for main, i guess03:47
Amaranthogra told me to get it done today03:47
Amaranthbddebian: it's cdbs :)03:47
crimsunyeah, you have negative time03:47
FunnyLookinHatAnyone here on the motu-media team?03:47
HobbseeAmaranth: yeah, me too.  it's nasty03:48
bddebianAmaranth: Ah, hmm03:48
HobbseeAmaranth: you know that UVF only applies to main, right?03:48
AmaranthHobbsee: yep03:48
Amaranthi also know i have an exception03:48
Hobbseecrimsun: feel like uploading something for me?03:48
HobbseeAmaranth: nice :)03:48
Amaranthbut apparently it's harder if i don't have this in before UVF03:48
crimsunHobbsee: URL?03:48
Amaranthwhich i missed?03:48
crimsunAmaranth: ask mdz for an exception03:48
Amaranthcrimsun: need a working package first :)03:48
crimsunbah, details.03:49
Hobbseecrimsun: http://rafb.net/paste/results/vOo8HI63.html needs to be applied to kopete, in edgy main.03:49
crimsunHobbsee: build- and install-tested?03:49
Amaranthbddebian: http://rafb.net/paste/results/SOqlOg42.html03:49
Hobbseecrimsun: not install tested.  shoulda checked that.  built accidently tested, yes.03:50
Hobbseegive me a sec.03:50
crimsunHobbsee: please install-test, thanks.03:50
Amaranthit's just getting called with dh_install -pwillowng-config03:50
Hobbseecrimsun: just doing it now.  i'd forgotten that there'd be a few hours before UVF anyway - so i was expecting to wait03:50
Amaranthperhaps my cd po is doing it...03:50
Amaranthnope, that's not it03:51
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bddebianDo you have a dirs or .files file?03:52
Amaranthi have .install files03:52
bddebianWhat's it look like?03:53
crimsunHobbsee: where's the srcpkg for -0ubuntu2?03:55
crimsunit hasn't been NEWed yet, so it's not readily available03:55
Hobbseecrimsun: on my hard drive.  i've got a really slow ftp connection, hence the debdiff.03:55
Hobbsee0ubuntu1 is...03:55
Hobbseecrimsun: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/source/kopete03:55
=== Hawkwind [n=SoS@linuxfordummies/Hawkwind] has joined #Ubuntu-MOTU
Hobbsee0ubuntu2 is my revision, the patch goes against 0ubuntu1 doesnt it, making it 0ubuntu2?  or have i missed something?03:55
crimsunah crap, I was looking in main03:55
Hobbseecrimsun: oh, i'ts in universe, that's interesting03:56
=== Hobbsee expects that'll be later promoted into main then.
crimsunyes, they NEW into universe by default03:56
Hobbseeguess it makes sense for us to be able to modify it more first though03:56
=== crimsun pushes bddebian
bddebianWhat'd I do now?03:57
=== Amaranth sighs
Amaranththis bug makes no sense :)03:57
Amaranthbut i'll remove things until it unfucks itself03:57
crimsunbeware the crazy stray characters03:57
crimsunI spent an hour over a stray '\'03:58
bddebianAmaranth: Sorry, I missed your paste03:58
Amaranthif i remove the .install files it works03:59
Amaranthbut of course i end up with two packages with the same contents03:59
crimsunHobbsee: erm03:59
crimsunHobbsee: how is this different from https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edgy-changes/2006-July/002073.html ?04:00
Amaranth.install files are supposed to start with debian/, aren't they?>04:01
Hobbseecrimsun: ack, okay, so Riddell must have uploaded it last night, yet p.u.c hasnt updated yet.  it's right, dont worry.04:01
crimsunHobbsee: ok. I noticed the rejects upon applying it against extracted -0ubuntu2.04:01
fowlducksomeone update inkscape04:01
bddebianW00t maxima built04:02
crimsunbddebian: and crashes on startup!04:02
Hobbseecrimsun: heh, what, trying to reapply patches that are already applied?04:02
crimsunHobbsee: yeah04:02
Hobbseecrimsun: clearly, i shouldnt sleep, so i dont miss things.04:02
=== Hobbsee checks for wvthing that she did yesterday.
crimsunHobbsee: nah, you should just paste edgy-changes/2006-July/thread.html to your desktop like I do. :)04:03
Hobbseecrimsun: hah!04:03
Hobbseeor just rss feed it.04:04
crimsunor that04:04
Hobbseeexcellent, wvstreams went thru, and that's defintely in main!04:04
bddebianAmaranth: You should be able to do it like:  foo usr/bin04:04
HawkwindIs it true that there aren't xen kernels for Kubuntu ?  Xen is a huge thing in Debian so I figured surely Kubuntu would have it too04:05
bddebian libbar usr/lib04:05
Amaranthdebian/tmp/usr/bin/ works for me04:05
bddebianThat should work too04:05
crimsunthere is work being done for Xen+Ubuntu04:05
Amaranthof course starting with ogra's install file i left some junk in that i keep forgetting to remove :)04:05
Hawkwindcrimsun: So nothing yet then ?04:06
crimsunHawkwind: meaning in-archive or...?04:06
Hawkwindcrimsun: Right.  I don't want to compile it if I don't have to04:06
crimsunnot in-archive yet04:07
HawkwindStrange that Kubuntu has xen-tools, but not the kernels04:07
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crimsunoffline coffee.04:07
Amaranthack my init.d went to the wrong pacakge04:08
Amaranthdo i name it <package>.init.d to choose what package it should be for?04:08
Hawkwindcrimsun: Do you know by chance if we could use the debian deb packages in Kubuntu and it work ?04:08
=== jaldhar_ is now known as jaldhar
bddebiancrimsun: Oh, well if you return, how does maxima crash?04:11
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HobbseeHawkwind: that's a rather silly question, and there are many answers for it.04:14
HawkwindHobbsee: I ask because it's a kernel package so I'm not sure how well it would work on Kubuntu, or if even would04:15
HobbseeHawkwind: well, it might.  the answers are either: 1)  it's not recommended 2) no 3) which debian version?  4) what are the changes?04:16
HawkwindI don't think I'm going to try it.  I think since it's kernel stuff I'll wait til Kubuntu gets it04:16
Hobbseeoh, and 5) if it's in debian unstable, why havent they synced it in anyway04:17
Amaranthok, i appear to have the contents of the packages right, yay04:17
HawkwindHobbsee: Yeah I don't know what version of Debian it's available for.  I'll have to look04:17
HobbseeAmaranth: yay!04:29
bddebianYeah Amaranth04:32
Amaranthnow for a quick run through pbuilder before i give it to ogra04:36
=== FunnyLookinHat is still trying to get the hang of pbuilder and whatnot.
=== sharms [n=mindwarp@cpe-24-208-242-169.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
HobbseeFunnyLookinHat: which bits are you having trouble with?05:08
FunnyLookinHatHobbsee, getting started  : )05:09
FunnyLookinHatHobbsee, I'm trying to evaluate creating new and updated packages for mythTV for ubuntu repos.05:09
FunnyLookinHatIt's a bit of a difficult one to start with  : )05:09
HobbseeFunnyLookinHat: ah, yes.05:09
Hobbseeplease tell me you're doing it for edgy, not dapper05:09
FunnyLookinHatHobbsee, that's where I think I'm heading.05:10
bddebianHave fun with the myth plugins05:10
tritium0.19 FunnyLookinHat ?05:10
Hobbseeheh, yeah, that's what i thought when i looked at it05:10
FunnyLookinHattritium, rgr that.05:10
FunnyLookinHattritium, I found a guy who actually created them05:10
FunnyLookinHatI am trying to see if he is willing to submit them to REPU05:10
FunnyLookinHaterr REVU05:10
FunnyLookinHat; )05:10
tritiumI'm building a myth box right now, FunnyLookinHat05:12
bddebianHeya tritium05:12
FunnyLookinHattritium, ooh nice.  would you like the link to where I found the .19 packages for dapper?05:12
tritiumhey there, bddebian05:12
tritiumsure, FunnyLookinHat.  Thanks!05:12
FunnyLookinHattritium, http://mythtv.beirdo.ca/wiki/index.php/FAQ#Ubuntu05:13
tritiumthanks, FunnyLookinHat05:13
FunnyLookinHatI emailed the guy in the changelog, hopefully he gets back to me soon, I need to submit the .19 for edgy by the 13th, right?05:13
tritiumthat soon?05:13
FunnyLookinHatthat's when um.. what's it called, some sort of freeze occurs05:13
HobbseeFunnyLookinHat: no, it's not in main05:13
HobbseeUVF is for main only, universe freeze is much later05:14
FunnyLookinHatHobbsee, know when universe freeze is?05:14
Hobbseewell, i'm assuming it's not in main05:14
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule05:14
HobbseeFunnyLookinHat: no, but !schedule does05:14
bddebianmultiverse I believe05:14
FunnyLookinHat; )05:14
FunnyLookinHathow do I find out which repo (universe or multiverse) the myth packages are in?  I found them with apt-cache05:15
FunnyLookinHatsorry wow, this is turning into #ubuntu support05:15
bddebianbdefreese@bdubuntu1:~/edgy/xdrawchem/dapper/xdrawchem-1.9.8/debian$ apt-cache madison mythtv05:15
bddebian    mythtv | 0.18.1-5ubuntu3 | http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/multiverse Packages05:15
bddebian    mythtv | 0.18.1-5ubuntu3 | http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/multiverse Sources05:15
FunnyLookinHatmadison eh?05:15
Hobbseedidnt know madison could be used for that05:16
FunnyLookinHatafaik there is no "freeze" for multiverse05:16
Hobbseeguess it can05:16
bddebianYou could also do an apt-cache showsrc and look at the Directory: entry I suppose05:17
bddebianOr apt-cache policy05:17
FunnyLookinHatbddebian is uber-|33705:18
bddebianNot hardly05:18
crimsun-> google://BdDebianIsAGod05:31
crimsunFunnyHat_Away: I don't know offhand05:31
FunnyHat_Awaycrimsun, that is in reply to...?05:31
FunnyHat_Away: )05:31
crimsunFunnyHat_Away: misdirected.05:34
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crimsunHawkwind: I don't know offhand05:34
fowlducksomeone package Gnome Iconset Builder, thats so nice05:34
crimsunfowlduck: you can.05:34
=== bddebian pokes crimsun in the eye
fowlduckcrimsun, it's not what we call stable05:34
bddebiancrimsun: How does maxima die?05:35
crimsunbddebian: no access to the machine currently (down)05:35
bddebianAh, OK05:35
crimsunif/when I can reproduce, I'll file a bug w/ detalis05:35
crimsundetails ^05:35
fowlduckcrimsun, I could, but then I'd have to put it up for revu...and I have a few more that I'd like to do....maybe in a could weeks05:35
fowlducki know you care, heh, i'll be quiet05:36
crimsunfowlduck: putting on them revu is a start05:40
bddebianIs dh_iconcache still needed?05:42
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crimsunbddebian: yes05:43
crimsunif the app is cdbs-based and uses kde.mk (system, not in debian/), then the call to it can be removed05:43
crimsunotherwise it needs to be retained05:44
fowlduckwhere would I ask about how to make themes?  Anyone know a link or something?05:59
crimsunfor what DE?06:00
fowlducksorry, icon themes specifically06:00
crimsunlook on art.gnome.org and gnome-look.org for tutorial links06:01
fowlduckok, thx06:01
Hobbseeajmitch, siretart?  ping?06:16
Hobbseeor any other revu admin?06:16
Hobbseeajmitch: i've uploaded polyxmass-bin to revu, and it's died midupload.  can you delete it please?06:19
bddebianHobbsee: What'd you have to change?06:21
bddebianHeya chillywilly06:21
Hobbseeajmitch: thanks06:21
=== Hobbsee looks again
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Hobbseehey imbrandon06:22
HawkwindHeya imbrandon_06:23
bddebianHeya imbrandon06:24
imbrandon_heya bddebian06:24
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bddebianOK, well all the syncs I can do are done so I guess it's bed time06:42
=== crimsun pushes ivtools toward bddebian
crimsunit's your birthday.06:42
Hobbseego on bddebian :P06:42
bddebiancrimsun: Does it ftbfs?06:45
crimsunbddebian: yep06:46
crimsunshould be a straightforward dh_install tweak06:46
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bddebiancrimsun: Yep it blew up.  I'll check on it while I'm on vacation07:04
crimsunbddebian: no need, take a good vacation07:05
Hobbseebddebian: boo.  want to ack the sync?07:05
Hobbseebug 5283807:05
UbugtuMalone bug 52838 in polyxmass-bin "[Edgy MoM]  Please sync polyxmass-bin 0.9.7-1 from Debian Sid" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5283807:05
crimsunI'll punch ivtools til it cooperates or my hand hurts.07:05
bddebianDid you see the BTS bug about it?07:05
bddebianMade no sense :-)07:06
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bddebianWell hell, I had better get to bed.  Catch you all in a day or two07:07
bddebianHobbsee: ack'd07:08
Hobbseebddebian: thanks07:08
bddebianNo, THANK YOU ;-)07:08
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sharmsanyone read my -devel message?07:15
lifelessno need to spam multiple channels07:15
sharmsdidn't know if anyone was awake in -devel, its always much more quiet07:15
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crimsunthat cloak rules07:29
imbrandon_crimsun, ?07:31
Hobbseeimbrandon_: ajmitch's, i expect07:32
Hobbsee /ubuntu/butnotamember/ajmitch07:32
imbrandon_ahh ;) yea heheh thanks to rob ;)07:32
imbrandon_for a half sec i thought he ment mine, and i was like wth is so special aobut mine LOL07:33
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imbrandon_crimsun, ping07:48
crimsunimbrandon_: pong07:49
imbrandon_hey got time to re-revu a packe and upload ( new package to ubuntu universe but riddell said uvf dident apply ) and you looked once , i made all the changes you and him proposed and he advocated it07:50
crimsunsure, upid?07:50
crimsun(right, UVF for universe is in late Sept.)07:50
crimsungive me ~3 mins to catch up on e-mail, please07:51
crimsunimbrandon_: ok, couple more comments: 1) There are some changes that seem unnecessary, like the addition of a trailing empty line in debian/dirs and the debian/postinst that does nothing; 2) don't strip the original debianisation in debian/copyright; Dmitry is the rightful person, but you certainly should add your work: "...and modified for Ubuntu by ..."07:59
crimsunimbrandon_: other than that, it looks suitable for uploading08:00
imbrandon_sure, gimme a few to make the mods08:01
imbrandon_crimsun, something like .... ( sorry for the paste its only 4 lines )08:06
imbrandon_This package was debianized by Dmitry N. Hramtsov <hdn@nsu.ru> on08:07
imbrandon_Sat, 27 Jul 2002 12:44:33 +0700.08:07
imbrandon_And modified for Ubuntu by Brandon Holtsclaw <imbrandon@kubuntu.org> on08:07
imbrandon_Mon, 10 Jul 2006 12:44:33 -0500.08:07
imbrandon_is what ya mean ?08:07
crimsunyep, save without the full stop before "And" (which should be lowercase)08:07
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imbrandon_ok re-uploaded, i'll ping ya when it shows on revu ( 5 min cycles )08:13
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imbrandon_crimsun, http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=269508:17
crimsunimbrandon_: noted.08:20
Hobbseebug 340608:20
UbugtuMalone bug 3406 in ksynaptics "ksynaptics not working in dapper/breezy" [Medium,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/340608:20
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pygiergh :P08:41
ivokspygi: lol08:45
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pygiivoks, just you laugh :P08:46
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HobbseeMithrandir: you mean i cant get an upload in that will break main now?  darn!!! :P09:14
MithrandirHobbsee: you can, but I might pay StevenK to pay a visit to your house to jump on you in person. :-P09:14
HobbseeMithrandir: haha.09:15
StevenKNow that would be cool.09:15
crimsunoh man, I'd pay-per-view09:15
Hobbseeoh yeah, guess he does know where i am, hey...09:15
=== StevenK whispers, "I know where you live."
Hobbseethis of course depends in the definition of jumped on.09:15
HobbseeMithrandir: you'd also have to find a key to let StevenK in...09:17
MithrandirHobbsee: or I could just be mean and have your upload rights revoked. :-P09:18
HobbseeMithrandir: what, the non-existant ones?  go for it1q09:18
MithrandirHobbsee: hmm, I always think you're a motu.  Well, then you can't break main anyway.09:18
HobbseeMithrandir: after wednesday, hopefully i will be.  unless they give me core-dev righs that day too :P09:19
Mithrandiryou're clearly not that trustworthy. ;-P09:19
HobbseeMithrandir: and i can still get people to sponsor stuff - although probably not stuff that will break09:19
Mithrandirlet's hope so, yes.09:19
HobbseeMithrandir: they trust me with excessively large amounts of money at work, yet you dont with repos?09:19
Mithrandirwhat's excessively large?  >1M AUD?09:20
HobbseeMithrandir: nah, not quite htat much - only an entire supermarket full of money.09:20
Hobbseethat's out on the floor09:20
Mithrandirand also, no I wouldn't necessarily trust you just because you handle loads of money.  That's not my money.09:20
crimsuncool, more motus? /me pushes some work toward Hobbsee ;)09:21
HobbseeMithrandir: haha09:21
zakamehi all09:21
=== dsas [n=dean@host86-129-12-232.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseehey zakame09:22
zakameheya Hobbsee how are your merges?09:22
HobbseeMithrandir: no, i dont have upload rights.  i usually end up persuading people to upload my many things for me.09:22
Hobbseehey zakame.  not doing many at the moment, i was fighting with kopete last night, and doing bits of bugfixing today, before i saw autoconf breaking.09:22
zakameawww autotools09:23
imbrandon_moins zakame09:23
zakameheya imbrandon_09:23
zakamehow's kubuntu hacking? =)09:23
Hobbseezakame: imbrandon_ 's been lazy, and left it all to me :P09:23
imbrandon_good good ;)09:24
imbrandon_Hobbsee, not quite but most ;)09:24
zakameI see we're UVF now09:24
Hobbseezakame: for main,yeha.09:24
Hobbseezakame: break things anyway.09:24
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imbrandon_hrm Hobbsee i dident get that patch to apply corerect, erm hold on i might not have the latest source *looks*09:25
imbrandon_crimsun, so laterish your gonna upload the apt-mirror ? just wondering so we're all on the same page no hurries or anything09:25
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crimsunimbrandon_: I'd like to have another MOTU advocate first09:28
crimsunjust a formality, but it's important as we dive into easier-motuing.09:29
imbrandon_ahh well Riddell advocated too and i thought you would be #2 ;) but no worries i'll grab second if wanted09:30
imbrandon_erm 3rd i guess09:30
Riddellhuh?  we need 3 advocates now?09:30
Riddellthat's not easier motuing :)09:31
imbrandon_i thought it was 2 but ummm09:31
crimsunRiddell: no, per-upload09:31
imbrandon_ahh ok so Riddell news to relook again since it was changed a bit09:31
crimsunimbrandon_: per-paranoia I don't carry over advocates.09:31
imbrandon_ahh ok /me pokes riddell if he has time09:31
imbrandon_need a url ?09:31
crimsun(zakame is also a MOTU)09:32
imbrandon_or zakeme09:32
Riddellimbrandon_: after the meeting09:32
imbrandon_ok no worries09:32
HobbseeRiddell: what meeting?09:32
crimsunUbuntu dev team meeting09:32
imbrandon_ahh ok09:32
Hobbseedarn - pity work gets in the way09:32
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lucascopy/paste from #ubuntu-devel:10:03
lucas[09:37:34]  <lucas> I'm preparing an announcement to ask users to participate in popcon10:03
lucas[09:37:42]  <lucas> can somebody review https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucasNussbaum/PopconDraft ?10:03
lucas[09:37:46]  <lucas> (feel free to edit it)10:03
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ogralucas, its in the default install, no need to apt-get it10:07
lucasthat's why I say that "(changes are very high that you have it already) :"10:07
lucasok, I'll change it to a note saying that it's in the default install10:07
lucasany other comments ?10:10
ogralooks good10:11
lucasI'll send it to ubuntu-d-a. Do you think it's worth sending to ubuntu-users ?10:12
lucasor any other mailing list I'm unaware of ? :-)10:12
lucas(/me not a big fan of ubuntu mailing lists)10:12
ogra-user sounds good to get a wide audience10:12
lucasI imagine I have to subscribe before posting ?10:12
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imbrandon_heh i had to read that twice, i was thinking , man who would name a package "popcorn"10:27
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crimsunahh, much better. Now it feels like a development branch again.12:38
lifelesswhat, you mean 'fucked' ?12:40
Toadstoolnow that everything is broken again I can dist-upgrade :)12:40
=== rob runs away like a girl
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imbrandonanyone know whats going on with gluck.debian.org ? and if it affects our servers/repos at all ?01:02
imbrandon( not much infor on the mailing list or new articles )01:02
imbrandon /msg dpkg guidelines01:04
Toadstoolimbrandon: gluck.d.o has been compromised and it doesn't affect Ubuntu at all01:07
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imbrandonToadstool, ok , yea i knew it had been just dident know if we needed to check syncs etc ;) np was just curious01:09
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Toadstoolimbrandon: gluck "only" hosts the primary webserver and planet.d.o (see http://db.debian.org/machines.cgi?host=gluck)01:10
imbrandonahh nice , ok good ;)01:10
imbrandonthanks Toadstool for clearing that up for me ;)01:10
Toadstoolnp :)01:10
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faboa pbuilder create gives me dpkg-parsechangelog: error: cannot open debian/changelog to find format ... Cannot understand package version/source01:34
faboany idea ?01:35
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imbrandon!info kdissert edgy01:37
ubotukdissert: mindmapping tool. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.0.6-waf-b-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 855 kB, installed size 2584 kB01:37
imbrandonajmitch, ping01:38
imbrandoncrimsun, ping also01:39
dholbachI start MOTU/FAQ now (in order to answer the latest mail on ubuntu-devel@)01:40
imbrandondholbach, nice01:41
dholbachwould be nice, if you could add stuff there as well01:41
imbrandonwanna sponsor an upload for me real fast ?? hehe i'll trade for some wiki work01:41
dholbachso we don't have it only in the bot01:41
dholbachbut somewhere else as well01:41
dholbachimbrandon: ok01:41
imbrandondholbach, sure thing01:41
dholbachwhat do you want to get sponsored?01:42
imbrandonhttp://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2695  <-- the upload , its a new package i have two advocates ( crimsun and riddell )01:42
imbrandonfor universe01:42
imbrandonalso i need to find out how to mark a package ( kdissert ) as uploaded on revu, the version i posted on revu has been uploaded to edgy already01:43
imbrandonhrm /MOTU/FAQ and /MOTU/Faq neither are there, have you saved yet ?01:45
imbrandonahh nvm01:45
imbrandonjust showed01:45
imbrandon!packageversions > imbrandon01:45
dholbachi wondered why they didn't upload it01:46
imbrandonthanks, and i just asked riddell to advocate becouse he was busy and told him i would find an uploader01:49
imbrandonanyone have experince with dpkg-cross or building packages for another arch on an x86 ?02:02
imbrandondholbach, think maybe MOTU/School and /Classrom could work togather? or should we keep user and motu/dev seperate ?02:04
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dholbachwhat was classroom intended to be?02:05
imbrandonits part of the NUN02:05
imbrandonnew user network02:05
imbrandonbi-weekly classes or a wide range of things02:06
imbrandon( irc style )02:06
dholbachseems to be a different audience, no?02:06
tolonugahi. is anyone here willing to create an updated package of openct for dapper-updates? if so I will create a patch relative to the current package for you fixing two open bugs rendering the package unusable.02:06
dholbachi dunno - how do others feel about it?02:06
dholbachhi tolonuga02:06
imbrandondholbach, yea , new user & motu/dev02:06
imbrandontwo diff aud02:06
imbrandonbut same idea02:06
dholbachtolonuga: did you write the mail to ubuntu-devel@?02:06
dholbachtolonuga: did you assign the bugs to the 'motu-reviewers' team?02:06
imbrandonand attach the pacth to the bug ?02:07
tolonugaassign? need to check.02:07
dholbachtolonuga: i answered to your mail (in case you didn't read it) - the answer is on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/FAQ02:08
tolonugahow do I assign someone? In launchpad I see no such bug. maybe "Subscribe Someone Else"?02:11
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tolonugahow do I open an dapper-updates tasks?02:16
imbrandonnot sure on that one02:17
dholbachtolonuga: just mention it in the bug report - that should be fine02:23
tolonugaah, ok thanks.02:24
imbrandondholbach, just curious shouldt that apt-mirror have come accross edgy-changes ?02:25
tolonugaare launchpad bugs usualy closed via the lines in debian/changelog too? what is the proper notion? "(closes 5299)"?02:25
dholbachimbrandon: it sits in NEW02:25
imbrandonahh ok02:25
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imbrandontill ?02:25
dholbachimbrandon: it will have to be briefly reviewed by the archive admins, then it'll be on edgy changes02:25
imbrandonahh ok np, just never had a NEW package yet ;)02:26
dholbachah ok02:26
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imbrandontolonuga, no , most of the time the uploader that uploads ( and changes the changelog , will mark the bug as "fix released" ) etc02:26
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imbrandonIE its not automated02:27
dholbachtolonuga: there is no automatism yet02:27
dholbachit's being worked on, afaik02:27
=== dholbach goes for a walk and lunch
imbrandon;) have a good lunch ;)02:28
pygihey NFS ^_^02:29
tolonugathanks a lot, have a good lunch02:31
imbrandonheya pygi ;)02:33
pygiimbrandon, yay, you know who you are ^_^02:33
imbrandonhahah yea i think i'02:33
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pygiimbrandon, :)02:33
imbrandoni'll have that nickname for a long time from you ;)02:34
imbrandonwb Hobbsee_02:34
pyginot really, I promise this is the last time ^_^02:34
imbrandonhahah np ;)02:34
pygiso what's up??02:34
Hobbseehey all02:34
=== Hobbsee wasnt here the first time
Hobbseesomeone want to say what went on?02:34
imbrandonnadda finding stuff on LP to work on02:35
imbrandonHobbsee, went on where ?02:35
Hobbseeimbrandon: when i just connected - i've got no idea what anyone said02:35
imbrandonohh nothing, i just said "hi"02:36
Hobbseeah :)02:36
Hobbseehey imbrandon :)02:36
imbrandonyou konw my xp clone theme ? i got my iBook to look exactly like osx jaguar02:36
=== imbrandon is getting good at cloning
pygiimbrandon, I haven't found any cheaper iBook02:37
imbrandonpygi, that still a good deal for that one02:37
pygiimbrandon, yes, probably02:38
tolonugaHi again. I have a patch against openct which fixes two bugs in the dapper package. could anyone look at the patch and maybe upload the new openct package with it into dapper-updates? or what would be the best way to proceed?02:42
tolonugaattached it to bug 50299 and bug 50393 in hope that someone can have a look.02:47
UbugtuMalone bug 50299 in openct "openct sometimes fails" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5029902:47
UbugtuMalone bug 50393 in openct "openct doesn't work in dapper (after first reboot)" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5039302:47
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Seveas!pbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment at, you can read more about setting it up on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto03:07
ubotupbuilder is already known...03:07
ubotupbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto03:07
ubotupbuilder has no aliases - Added by Hobbsee on 2006-06-18 15:48:2903:07
Hobbseesay what?03:08
Seveasjust wanted to know when it was added 03:08
StevenKSeveas: Can't ubotu say "I already know about <>, dummy."03:10
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YagisanSeveas: that looks like a useful bot. Could I set one up on another channel03:21
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SeveasYagisan, it's open source 03:31
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YagisanSeveas: as I'm a bit slow today would you kindly point me towards where I could find it.03:35
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SeveasYagisan, launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots/03:37
YagisanSeveas: Thank You03:37
YagisanSeveas: I'm getting a 403 on https://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/tarballs/03:41
SeveasYagisan, then use bzr 03:42
YagisanI'll add that to my todo list then.03:42
=== Yagisan hasn't used bzr before
Seveasbzr branch http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/03:44
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raphinkthis Dan is cute ;)03:58
raphinkI mean what he said on the ubuntu-motu list03:58
raphinkI have about four computers and am trying to set up a big03:58
raphinkfat network.03:58
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raphinkreminds me of how big a deal it was to me to set 4 machines in network with tcp-ip when I was his age03:59
raphinkthat was fun03:59
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FunnyLookinHatraphink, Where can I get my email address on the motu mailing list?  i can't seem to find it on the wiki page04:07
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FunnyLookinHatawesome thanks04:08
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kelmo_lapmoin siretart05:17
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kelmo_lapsiretart, will be afk for a few days, thought you ought to know05:28
cbx33is it easy to run install fulxbox and gnome on the same ubuntu machine05:29
cbx33and switch between them on logon?05:29
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gorskihow to create .deb files?05:31
jpatrickgorski: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html05:32
FunnyLookinHatgorski, good luck...  it's a bit confusing  : )05:34
gorskitnx, i'll give it a try05:34
gorskiit is like a crusader's task, you know.05:35
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Yagisancbx33: should be. btw #ubuntu or #edubuntu next time05:40
cbx33sorry Yagisan05:40
Yagisancbx33: no worries, just passing on the advice I get for being to off topic05:40
bluefoxicywtf boobs?05:50
bluefoxicyNew in repository: liboobs-1-005:50
Hobbseebluefoxicy: the joke wasnt great the last few days in -devel and it's not funny today either.05:51
bluefoxicyHobbsee:  Funny or not, what I want to know is if some dev did it intentionally or if they thought it'd be funny05:52
bluefoxicyerr.  did intentionally/didn't really notice05:52
jpatrickbluefoxicy: don't forgot your libsexy-doc05:52
bluefoxicyjpatrick:  I'm sure that one wasn't really intentional :p05:54
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bluefoxicyhmm.  Upgrading ubuntu-desktop removes gnucash05:58
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phanatichi people06:43
Gloubiboulgahey phanatic06:45
phanatichey Gloubiboulga06:45
bluefoxicyhttp://lwn.net/Articles/190139/ is now open content :D06:48
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Specthe article or prelink?06:57
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LaserJockdholbach: ping?07:34
dholbachLaserJock: pong07:34
LaserJockdholbach: did you see my comment on Mentors/Discussion?07:35
dholbachLaserJock: yes, I did07:36
dholbachLaserJock: I think we should add a more inviting text above the list07:36
LaserJockdholbach: also, I think I got my first catch from Mentors07:36
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dholbachLaserJock: the list just reflects reality - we can't maintain something like "office hours" in there or something07:37
dholbachhey Ramunas07:37
dholbachLaserJock: WOW!07:37
Ramunasany ideas when new amarok will be added to repos?07:37
dholbachRamunas: we as the MOTUs don't take care of 'main' applications - you might want to ask in #kubuntu-devel about the plans07:38
Ramunasah, thanks07:38
LaserJockdholbach: yeah, but maybe we can put it in a less negative way. Maybe we should give TZ and have text on the top that says something along the lines of "MOTU mentors have many responsibilites besides mentoring so please be patient, they will get back to you"07:38
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dholbachLaserJock: ok - if you find another way, I'm happy with it07:39
dholbachLaserJock: I understand your concern, I'm quite sure nobody would write somebody who is "very busy" :)07:39
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LaserJockbut we do need a way to say that we "are" busy so it might take some time, and some people are less busy than others07:40
dholbachmaybe say something like "I'd like to take one or two motu hopefuls" and somebody else can say "I'm fine with 3-4"07:41
dholbachand another column with how many you actually have?07:41
LaserJockyeah, maybe a column with how many more you are currently willing to take07:41
LaserJockI'm guessing we'll need to "feel" our way through this for a while since I have no idea what I'm doing at least :-)07:42
dholbachyeah :)07:42
LaserJockI guess with this person I got today I'd be up to 307:43
LaserJocknot sure how much time this is going to take07:43
dholbachi think it's going to take until they are comfortable with asking their own questions on the list or the channel07:44
LaserJockI'm going to have to come up with a list of items to take them through, just so I can remember and be consistent07:44
LaserJockI think the FAQ is going to rock07:45
LaserJockbtw :-)07:45
dholbachit will be good 'market research' for us to find out which problems we have and what could be made easier07:45
LaserJockmuch easier to fix things and create documentation when you know what the issues are ;-)07:46
ubotuI know nothing about ! - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com07:46
ograubotu, are you a bot ?07:47
ubotuI know nothing about are you a bot ? - try searching bots.ubuntulinux.nl, help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com07:47
LaserJockogra: not as friendly as our girl :-)07:47
ograwhy the heck does nobody program a sane answer to that in their bots ?07:48
ograyeah, she's still the most lovely bot07:48
siretartslomo: concratulation for your finished NM questionaire! :)07:51
slomosiretart: thanks :) i didn't notice that he set it to finished already...07:52
slomosiretart: oh lol, he wrote me in irc at this very moment :)07:52
siretartslomo: I just read the report on the mailinglist07:52
LaserJockman, #ubuntu-xgl has a lot of factoids for the bot07:52
siretartLaserJock: add them! :)07:53
LaserJockazeem: hi!07:53
azeemhi Jordan07:53
LaserJockazeem: seems ghemical is a bit sick :/07:53
azeemoh :(07:54
ubotuREVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU07:54
LaserJockazeem: it's FTBS in edgy07:54
LaserJockazeem: somebody said it wasn't compiling well in unstable either but I haven't checked07:55
LaserJockazeem: is it compiling fine for you?07:56
azeemit FTBFS on ia6407:57
LaserJockI'm on x8607:57
LaserJockazeem: want the pbuilder output?07:58
LaserJockcould be something I'm doing wrong07:58
azeemhowever, I'm off now, either mail me or highlight an URL07:58
LaserJockazeem: alright, thanks07:59
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ubotuREVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there"08:26
ubotufor other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU08:26
imbrandonlittle more readable LaserJock ^^ ;)08:27
LaserJockimbrandon: are you able to add factoids?08:27
ubotuSeveas, gnomefreak, apokryphos, ompaul, thoreauputic, Hobbsee, Amaranth, bimberi, nalioth, Madpilot, LjL, Riddell, imbrandon, uniq08:28
imbrandonLaserJock, need some done ?08:28
Seveasimbrandon, don't abuse the also thing if you can put it in one line08:28
imbrandonok Seveas08:28
Seveas!forget revu-also08:29
ubotuI've forgotten it08:29
Seveas!revu =~ s/$/ for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU/08:29
ubotuYou used the delimiter too often. Maybe try another one?08:29
Seveas!revu =~ s#$# for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU#08:29
ubotuI'll remember that08:29
LaserJockSeveas: so can you make factoids channel specific?08:29
imbrandonyea !ops is chan specific08:30
Seveasall xgl factoids are channel specific 08:30
LaserJockyeah, I saw that08:30
LaserJockthat's why I asked08:30
LaserJockit looked like it was possible08:30
Seveas(channel specific factoids can still be accessed from other channels though)08:31
LaserJockI was just thinking there might be some items that might overlap a bit and I'd like to have a -motu specific version08:32
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sharms2if I update a control file do I need to increment the version #?08:53
LaserJockwell, you can't reupload the same package with changes08:54
LaserJocksharms2: are you talking about for REVU?08:54
LaserJockor just in general?08:54
sharms2LaserJock: in general, you just answered it08:54
LaserJockfor REVU you can override your package and it's ok because it seperates each upload08:55
LaserJockbut the archives don't do that08:55
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sharms2I don't have my gpg key with me (on a laptop at school) so if I want to test a package and am getting: Failed to sign .dsc and .changes file    what can I do?09:22
sharms2using: dpkg-buildpackage -S -rfakeroot09:23
tsengthats a warning, not an error09:23
tsengit builds the package09:23
tsengnow, without the gpg key and a valid signature, dont expect to upload it to revu or ubuntu09:23
tsengbut it built it.09:23
sharms2tseng: I didnt see the normal gcc stuff fly by, shouldnt I have?09:25
tseng-S = source09:25
=== CarlFK [n=carl@c-67-163-39-124.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bluefoxicyGdk-CRITICAL **: file gdkfont.c: line 335 (gdk_string_width): assertion `font != NULL' failed.09:26
bluefoxicyso much for audacity.09:26
sharms2I figured it out, I believe I am retarded09:28
ubotufoo is LaserJock09:29
tseng I don't get it09:29
ubotufoo is LaserJock09:29
tsengok then.09:29
LaserJocktseng: bot testing :-)09:30
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fowlduckhow do i get the debian/ contents out of an existing package?09:48
LaserJockfowlduck: grab the source package09:49
fowlduckheh, I didn't make one? :/09:49
fowlduckis there another way?09:49
LaserJockok, I don't understand09:50
fowlducki made one, but i don't know where it is09:50
fowlducki just have the binary now09:50
slomoit's lost in the binary09:50
LaserJockyou can sort of get bits and pieces, but the binary doesn't have the debian/, I dont' think09:51
=== fowlduck hunts for the source package...
LaserJockgood idea :-)09:51
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ubotufor initial mentoring to introduce you to the MOTU world check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Mentors09:55
tsengthats useful09:56
tsengif i can remember it09:56
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sharms2++ for mentors10:12
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crimsunimbrandon: pong, but in n' out for the next 6 hours10:18
LaserJock!seen dholbach10:21
ubotuI last saw dholbach (n=daniel@ubuntu/member/dholbach) 54m 25s ago, quiting: "Ex-Chat"10:21
_ionajmitch: I posted a patch to bug #3653110:26
UbugtuMalone bug 36531 in f-spot "f-spot-screensaver and gnome-screensaver don't mix" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3653110:26
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LaserJock!info plotdrop10:33
ubotuplotdrop: A minimal GNOME frontend to GNUPlot. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.5-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 25 kB, installed size 184 kB10:33
LaserJockextra coolness10:34
crimsun!info plotdrop edgy10:34
ubotuplotdrop: A minimal GNOME frontend to GNUPlot. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 25 kB, installed size 184 kB10:34
LaserJockhmm, I wonder if it works with Debian10:35
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LaserJock!info plotdrop unstable10:35
ubotuplotdrop: A minimal GNOME frontend to GNUPlot. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.5-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 25 kB, installed size 184 kB10:35
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bluefoxicyIs anyone else getting hit on?  o_o11:33
=== bluefoxicy closes query with random person who decided to /msg him
tsengthanks for sharing that.11:34
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LaserJockbluefoxicy: hmm, how come I never get hit on :(11:51
LaserJockthey must be afraid of the lasers11:52
cbx33hi LaserJock11:53
LaserJockhi cbx33, no I haven't reviewed it yet11:53
cbx33I wasn't goign to ask11:53
LaserJockyou were thinking it though :-)11:53
cbx33I know you're busy, bud, you'll get to it when you have time11:53
LaserJockI'm buying >$2000 worth of optics today11:54
cbx33actually no, I was thinking why is my f***ing computer giving so much lag in Jack11:54
cbx33and why does zsynaddfx crash my machine11:54
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LaserJockI'm struggling with how in the heck I ended up doing so many things11:58
cbx33:D it works11:59
LaserJockI need to figure out how to administer a mediawiki wiki today :-)11:59
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