
abattoirRiddell: free?12:55
Riddellabattoir: sure12:55
abattoirRiddell: i have some doubts...12:56
Riddellwhat about?12:56
abattoirfor ubiquity, you split the UI into two files, liveinstaller and kde-ui12:56
abattoirliveinstaller seems to be the file converted from the UI12:56
abattoirwhile kde-ui is invoked by wizard.py12:56
Riddellliveinstaller.ui is the designer file12:57
abattoirand creates an instance of the class from liveinstaller12:57
Riddelland liveinstaller.py is the file automatically generated from it12:57
abattoirsorry, should have been more clear, i meant liveinstaller.py12:57
abattoirRiddell: just wondering, how did you test ubiquity...12:57
abattoiri mean, w/o installing it12:57
Riddellfrom a live CD12:57
abattoirRiddell: ugh, i need to explain myself better12:58
RiddellI have a minimac that I used for the installs12:58
Riddellwhich doesn't have anything important on the hard disk12:58
abattoirRiddell: i mean, while coding... didnt you run the ui, for eg. to see if the signals/slots worked?12:58
abattoirRiddell: ok, i'm again being vague...12:58
abattoirwhen you were testing the kde-ui....12:59
Riddellliveinstaller.py is made from liveinstaller.ui12:59
Riddellwith kdepyuic12:59
abattoirRiddell: yup, i got that12:59
abattoirbut doesnt kde-ui control, the order of steps, change in pages etc...?12:59
abattoirchange in pages, in the widget stack12:59
Riddellit does yes12:59
abattoirhow did you test it? to see if it was working properly? while coding?01:00
Riddellby running it01:00
abattoirRiddell: that would create two KApplications right?01:00
Riddellno, there's only one, in kde-ui.py01:01
abattoirRiddell: i guess you added 'if __name__=="__main__":' in the kde-ui.py file...01:01
abattoirand then executed it... am i right?01:01
Riddellubiquity is run from a file called "installer" if I remember rightly.  it gets renamed to "ubiquity" in when the package is made01:02
Riddellyes, I do remember right01:03
Riddellso  ./installer kde-ui  to test01:03
Riddelland installer loads kde-ui.py which loads liveinstaller.py and make the KApplication and voila01:03
abattoirRiddell: ok, so you didnt directly load kde-ui.py...01:04
abattoirRiddell: ok, thanks :)01:04
abattoirRiddell: sorry for being a bit vague...01:04
abattoiralso, do you have a clue about how to make qlabels selectable?01:05
Riddellso you can copy the text from them?01:05
abattoiri couldnt seem to find anything on those...  yes, right01:05
Riddellare you using qt3 or 4?01:05
Riddellhmm, good question01:06
abattoirRiddell: because Kamion has made a note in gtk-ui.py about a bug in ubiquity01:07
abattoir # We generally want labels to be selectable so that people can01:07
abattoir            # easily report problems in them01:07
abattoir            # (https://launchpad.net/bugs/41618), but GTK+ likes to put01:07
abattoir            # selectable labels in the focus chain, and I can't seem to turn01:07
abattoir            # this off in glade and have it stick. Accordingly, make sure01:07
abattoir            # labels are unfocusable here.01:07
UbugtuMalone bug 41618 in ubiquity "Installer dialogue boxes have no cut and paste" [Medium,Fix released]  01:07
abattoirsorry for the flood01:07
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Riddellabattoir: I think the way to do it is to have a lineedit that has readonly set to True and frameShape set to NoFrame01:11
abattoirRiddell: oh ok... its funny because i see lots of KDE apps which have that, but then i cant find anything in qt docs01:12
abattoirKonv ^^^^^ for eg. :P01:12
abattoirthe title is selectable01:12
abattoirugh, i mean the topic, channel topic01:13
Riddellso all we need to do it grab the konversation source and find out :)01:13
abattoirRiddell: lol, i'll look into it and get back to you...01:14
abattoirRiddell: there must be an example somewhere online01:14
abattoirthanks again :)01:14
Riddellabattoir: #kde-devel points me to http://developer.kde.org/documentation/library/3.5-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kdeui/html/classKActiveLabel.html01:15
abattoirRiddell: excellent,  thanks a lot :)01:16
Riddellwhich is indeed what konversation uses01:17
abattoirok, i'll ask Kamion where it is needed specifically (if not everywhere), and then put it in.01:18
abattoirbtw, when is Knot 1 expected :P ?01:19
Riddellyesterday :)01:20
abattoirRiddell: oh i saw the date, but no announcement, thought it was delayed... i'll check again...01:20
Riddellit's the first once, nobody's even tested if the installer works yet01:21
RiddellI'll be surprised if it's out this week01:21
abattoirRiddell: oh ok, then i guess its better to install dapper and then upgrade it to edgy :)01:21
Riddelland hope01:22
abattoirlol :D 01:22
nixternalRiddell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuMarketing     I will be doing a "Chicago Days" within the next couple of months, and I am planning on information handouts inside of each CD pack, as well as demos and what not.  I will be creating some Kubuntu specific marketing stuff if you are interested01:26
nixternali am the team lead for Ubuntu Chicago...so i can do the Kubuntu stuff in there, as I am the Kubuntu guy also on the team..if you need help with that spec..let me know01:27
nixternali appologize for posting that in here...as after the fact i realized i should have probably emailed you on it..sorry ;)01:27
RiddellI'm better at irc than e-mail01:29
Riddellnixternal: sounds cool01:29
Riddellthe spec was mostly informational01:29
nixternali will link you to documentation and what not that i create01:29
Riddelltalks to kwwii too, see what he already has01:30
nixternalwell..i am working with the Ubuntu Marketing team as well, so I can always get Kubuntu in there so it isn't all one sided as well01:30
nixternali can do that...kwwii, it is thursday night, boat races at the lake, you know where i will be ;)01:30
kwwiiactually, the kubuntu team put together text for a flyer already...you might be interested in looking at that01:32
nixternalthat i would01:32
kwwiialso, I could help with any graphics needed01:33
nixternaloooh..you know you just messed up ;)01:33
nixternali will keep that away from jenda at the marketing team, otherwise you will never hear the end of it01:33
kwwiihehe, jenda was in the artwork channel earlier, asking for help :p01:34
nixternal#ubuntu-artwork right?01:34
tomaRiddell: the translators are not very friendly, not sure if my wiki idea is still a good plan.01:36
RiddellI am getting especially negative vibes from Jannick Kuhr01:37
tomayes, he was very unfriendly01:39
Riddell"Are there any open source projects which ask you to create an account and login to see source codes?"  that's an interesting question01:39
tomayes, i though about that one as well01:39
tomacould not think of any to be honest01:39
Riddelltotally invalid of course, you can download the language pack source, and launchpad does need a login for a reason01:40
tomaah, true01:40
tomayannick has mail01:50
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Hobbseemorning all03:42
freeflying|awayHobbsee: morning03:49
Hobbseehey freeflying|away 03:49
Hobbseegah.  they updated kid3 again.03:50
=== Hobbsee puts that on her to-do list
=== DaSkreech [n=Me@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechHi All04:00
Hobbseehi DaSkreech 04:04
Hobbseeimbrandon_: ping?04:04
=== Blv3Watyr [n=guest@nc-76-2-44-56.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Blv3Watyr [n=guest@nc-76-2-44-56.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
=== DaSkreech [n=Me@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HobbseeRiddell: bad news about kopete.  http://librarian.launchpad.net/3396140/buildlog_ubuntu-edgy-i386.kopete_4%3A3.5.3%2Bkopete0.12.0-0ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz04:34
=== erov [n=j@c-69-247-101-157.hsd1.ms.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechHi Hobbsee04:35
Hobbseeimbrandon_: unping04:35
DaSkreechha ha :)04:35
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEdgyPackageUpdates | Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings - Next meeting on July 17 at 13:00 UTC
=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by Hobbsee at Sun Jul 9 17:45:23 2006
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=== #kubuntu-devel [freenode-info] why register and identify? your IRC nick is how people know you. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup
=== fabo [i=Arme-X@dra38-2-82-233-106-22.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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jdongRiddell: needed something?05:43
Hobbseejdong: bit early for Riddell yet.05:44
HobbseeRiddell: it's not even 5am there yet05:44
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@cpe-24-94-53-197.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== Hobbsee rebuilds kopete. again.
Hobbseei think i'll have working msn webcam support too.06:04
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Hobbseenixternal: ping?06:13
nixternalhmm..gotta get that fixed..my doorbell is broke06:13
nixternalhow can i help you?06:13
Hobbseenixternal: have you modified your keyboard shortcuts at all?06:14
nixternalit blinks, but it doesn't ding-dong like it should06:14
nixternali think so06:14
=== Hobbsee watches kopete build in the background, seeing as it was rude enough to FTBFS
Hobbseenixternal: ah okay.  what's your alt+space assigned to?06:14
nixternaloh ya i have..my volume keys work..awesome!!!06:14
Hobbsee40MB of ram free - heh.  out of 1gb06:14
nixternalthat is good stuff06:14
Hobbseenixternal: yeah, right, thought it might be.  grumble grumble.06:14
nixternalyou know what...you can't bind just the win key w/o some hacking can you?06:15
=== Hobbsee remembers that something else used to be assigned to alt+space - no idea if it is or isnt anymore. that should be checked.
Hobbseenixternal: lure's going to06:15
nixternalergood..i can't wait for that06:15
nixternalok, whatever that means...06:16
Hobbseewell, i listed the shortcut, and he was addign them all in.06:16
nixternali miss my winkey06:16
nixternalwin key06:16
Hobbseeyeah, same.  it's kinda useful06:16
nixternalyou can bind it with another key, but not on it's own06:16
nixternalfor me, win+e opens konqi, and win+r is the same as alt+f206:16
Hobbseeexcellent, i dont think kopete will ftbfs this time.  yet the same package works in dapper.  weird.06:16
nixternalyou try out vid cam with kopete at all yet?06:17
Hobbseenixternal: only trying to view someone else's msn - doesnt work06:17
nixternalsomeone asked me to get a cam so i can vid conference with them..i can't remember who..maybe my x..06:17
=== Hobbsee will test that again
nixternalgreat..and she uses msn06:17
Hobbseenixternal: which protocol?06:17
=== Hobbsee nods
nixternalshe also uses skype06:18
=== Hobbsee happened to discover the B-D needed for that.
=== nixternal is also trying to get out of buying a webcam
=== Hobbsee knows nothing about skype, apart from the fact that Riddell sometimes calls me with it.
nixternali had a sweet logitech, but i have no clue where it ended up at06:18
nixternalskype is awesome Hobbsee06:18
nixternalfree phone calls, and it is chat..but it isn't OSS or Free06:19
nixternalyou can get the free as in beer aspect, about ti06:19
=== Hobbsee prefers logs of things - like mental to do lists - so you can go back and find out what you were supposed to do
=== nixternal pets kontact
=== Hobbsee makes a mental note to go back and get the p/w for buntudot before it goes out of her history
nixternali use the journal and to-do list for everything06:19
nixternaland i subscribe to everyones iCal's06:19
Hobbseeimbrandon_: hey, can i run a chroot on here, or something?06:23
=== Hobbsee always likes more machines to build on
=== Hobbsee should ask raphink for ssh access again - now that i actually know how to use ssh
crimsunyou learned ssh /after/ pbuilder?06:25
Hobbseehi crimsun, what's up06:25
Hobbseecrimsun: yeah.06:25
crimsunthat's impressive.06:25
Hobbseecrimsun: well, i am in au, so...06:25
Hobbseecrimsun: i never found pbuilder that hard...06:25
Hobbseecrimsun: ssh connection to Riddell's machine is very slow - 3-4 sec lag.  to imbrandon_'s in the US, it's not so bad - about 1 second lag...06:26
Hobbseeso i dont tend to use it that much, unless my pbuilder's borked06:27
crimsunyou're using screen, I hope?06:27
Hobbseecrimsun: er, nope?06:27
=== Hobbsee was just using ordinary console, logging in and out each time
LathiatHobbsee: what connection are you on?06:28
crimsunthat's a lifesaver over lagged connections06:28
=== Lathiat only gets around 300ms lag to the US
Lathiatit just starts to get noticable06:28
HobbseeLathiat: telstra bigpond cable unlimmited (shaped at 10GB)06:29
Lathiathehe unlimited06:29
Lathiathrm wouldnt have thought thatd be anywhere that bda06:29
Lathiatas much as telstra sucks :)06:29
HobbseeLathiat: where are you?06:29
Lathiatmaybe if you were shaped...06:29
LathiatHobbsee: perth06:29
Hobbseeah right06:29
HobbseeLathiat: do tell if you're ever in sydney sometime - you can meet up with some of us crazy devs mabye06:30
Lathiatyeh well i'll probably come to lca next06:30
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-235-188.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Lathiatyou coming?06:30
Hobbseeno idea06:30
Lathiatits worth it :)06:30
HobbseeLathiat: i suspect pia will eat me if i dont :P06:31
Hobbseeand she knows where my uni is, so that's quite likely.06:31
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HobbseeRiddell: kopete got fixed, uploaded, and hopefully even has msn webcam support now :)07:54
HobbseeRiddell: http://buntudot.org/people/~hobbsee/kopete/ has the files (except the .orig.tar.gz - due to my patheticly slow upload bandwitdth)07:55
Hobbseehmmm...guess you cant use that for the dapper packages.07:55
nixternali don't feel safe with that one07:58
Hobbseenixternal: in dapper?  they wouldnt have killed it08:01
nixternalit just popped up as an update08:01
=== nixternal is scared
=== Hobbsee hasnt tried to reboot yet
nixternalyou already installed it?08:02
nixternalsee, this is with an ATI card..and lord knows what happens with those08:02
RichJit seems to highlight nixternal, but not me08:04
=== nixternal tests it on the other machine first
=== nixternal [n=nixterna@unaffiliated/nixternal] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternalya it broke it08:11
Hobbseeoh good08:12
=== Hobbsee hasnt rebooted yet
=== Hobbsee just knows they'd be shot if they broke X in the middle of a stable release
kwwiioh, this will work well on all my macs 08:21
kwwiinow I am afraid to update :p08:21
Hobbseehi kwwii 08:22
kwwiimoin Hobbsee08:22
=== Hobbsee thinks distastefully about work.
kwwiiit is too early for me to think about work yet :-)08:23
Hobbsee@time sydney08:24
Ubug2Current time in Australia/Sydney: July 14 2006, 16:24:0908:24
kwwii@time munich08:24
kwwii@time berlin08:25
Ubug2Current time in Europe/Berlin: July 14 2006, 08:25:0408:25
Hobbseeah yeah, fun08:25
=== kwwii is not usually up this early
=== Hobbsee doesnt know that time normally either.
freeflying|awayTonio_: ping08:30
Tonio_freeflying|away: pong ?08:32
freeflying|awayTonio_: will upgrade ktranslator08:32
Tonio_freeflying: your gonna do it ? good :)08:34
Hobbseehi Tonio_ 08:34
freeflyingTonio_: haven't yet, heh08:35
Hobbseeget going freeflying - make sure you update your pbuilder first 08:35
Hobbseeif you get hit with the autoconf bug, Riddell has patches to fix it08:36
freeflyingHobbsee: you mean ktranslator? I'm not using pbuilder now, just upgrade my notebook to edgy 08:37
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\shRiddell: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ktorrent/+bug/45791 should be fixed in edgy, right?11:24
UbugtuMalone bug 45791 in ktorrent "KTorrent doesn't install its Language-Files" [Medium,Unconfirmed]  11:24
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Riddell\sh: did you do something to change it?12:35
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\shRiddell: the translations should be in the kde langpacks from rosetta...so I hope that they are installed by default 12:56
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pygiimbrandon, poke01:33
imbrandonsup ?01:35
pygiimbrandon, I found iBook (the lower edition)01:36
imbrandonahh very nice, looks like a good deal, might wanna add a bit o ram01:37
imbrandonbut other than that looks good01:37
pygiApple uses usual RAM modules?01:37
imbrandonyea normal notebook DDR01:37
imbrandonyou can get it on crucial.com01:37
pygiimbrandon, interesting ^_^ It's even unused01:39
kwwiiwassup with the "+" ?01:39
pygiwith guarantee01:39
pygikwwii, ? :)01:39
imbrandonkwwii, + ?01:39
kwwii+ :-)01:40
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@vbo91-1-82-238-217-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
pygiimbrandon, mind to tell me what's he talking about ? :)01:41
pygiimbrandon, otherwise it seems nice, just it's not the same as yours !!! :P01:42
=== imbrandon hugs his iBook ;) yea that one is nice too and should work greatr
imbrandonbrb breakfast time01:43
=== verwilst doesn't hug his macbook or he'll burn himself
verwilstmacbook uses DDR2 i think eh01:43
imbrandonyea the older iBooks like that one just use plain DDR though ;)01:44
kwwiiand be carefull not to simply buy the cheapest01:44
verwilstpygi: for 300 eur. more you have a new macbook :p01:44
kwwiiI have seen macs which refuse certain modules01:44
pygiverwilst, in which state? :P01:44
verwilstwhat do you mean?01:44
verwilsti looove minee01:44
pygiwell, in Croatia simple iBook is 1900Euro01:45
verwilstexcept that it gets pretty hot, but nothin a cooling pad can solve01:45
verwilsti'm not an american :p01:45
pygiverwilst, ok, country :P01:45
fre1what is the point of bying mac hardware to run linux ?01:45
verwilstpygi: belgium01:45
pygifre1, Mac's better :)01:45
verwilstnon-apple laptops are ugly01:45
pygiverwilst, buy me one, I send you money, you send it here :)01:46
robwith osx you have to keep paying to get cool things, with foss its free :)01:46
verwilstpygi: you send me the money, i buy one and send it to you01:46
imbrandonfre1, becosue ppc's run so smooth and the notbooks "look good" ;)01:46
Tonio_hey girls01:46
verwilsti am trustworthy, but it's a big risk ofcourse01:46
verwilstTonio_: waddup chick01:46
fre1ok :) me i go for cheap/fast/reliable but not look :)01:47
pygiverwilst, or rather, I come to Belgium :P01:47
=== fre1 imagine a defilee with geek and their ibook :)
imbrandoncheap != fast/reliable ;)01:47
verwilst1100 eur for a macbook 13" isn't too much01:47
imbrandonthat and my iBook can run on battery for hours when my dell lappy is measured in minutes ;)01:48
imbrandondoing the same things with the same os and basicly the same spped proc etc01:49
pygiimbrandon, also found this: http://www.kupiprodaj.net/index.php?a=2&b=3229701:49
pygiverwilst, it isn't, but I have to pay for trip to Belgium as well =P01:49
verwilstpygi: i'm willing to send it to you :)01:49
pygiverwilst, right, right :P01:50
verwilstbut i wouldn't do it too if i were in your place01:50
verwilstcan't you just order through the apple store online?01:51
imbrandonnot an ibook only macbook01:51
verwilstthat's what we're talking about, macbooks ;)01:52
imbrandonverwilst, no me and pygi were talking ibooks ;)01:52
robRiddell, package just finished uploading to revu01:52
verwilstyour conversation has been obsoleted ;)01:52
pygiimbrandon, right, but I was talking with verwilst about macbook :)01:52
imbrandonhhe okie, anyhow food time01:53
pygibon appetit01:53
imbrandonbtw moins rob01:53
=== pygi goes to apple online store
pygiverwilst, link? :P01:53
robhi imbrandon 01:53
robmac hardware is nice, but I'd only buy it for my wife (except laptops)01:54
verwilstpygi: what's your tld?01:54
pygiverwilst, .hr01:55
verwilstand here a buy now link?01:55
verwilstcan't read it :)01:55
pygiverwilst, lemme look then01:56
pygiverwilst, o yes, forgot you have to add a lot to the price01:59
pygitaxes and stuff01:59
verwilstalso when it's in the same country?02:00
verwilsthere it's 1100 eur, taxes included02:00
pygi9.479,00 kn02:00
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
pygithat would be..1361 eur, verwilst 02:01
pygidoesnt this Mac has rechargable battery???02:02
pygiI don't even get a power cable?02:02
verwilstyes you do :p02:03
abattoir__pygi: of course you do, :P i think those are extra :P02:03
pygiverwilst, oh, lucky me :P02:03
verwilstthe power cable and battery are seperate02:03
verwilstthey cost 3500 eur02:03
pygiergh !!!02:04
pygibattery is 200eur02:04
verwilstthere is a battery included eh :p02:04
pygipower cable is 100eur02:04
verwilstand a cable too :p02:04
verwilstpower cable is 80 eur here02:04
pygiyes, yes, I know =P02:04
pygiimbrandon, new iBook is like 25 eur cheaper then the Macbook02:08
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Hobbseehi all02:44
kwwiifor some reason, everything everyone says to me, in all channels is proceeded by a +02:44
robsome script?02:48
Riddellkwwii: like this?02:49
kwwiiRiddell: actually, everything everyone says02:50
kwwiiand /me looks funny too02:51
=== kwwii thinks this is funky
kwwiibut everything I say, comes out right02:51
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Riddellkwwii: using which irc app?02:51
kwwiiit is the gaim lib02:52
kwwiione second, I will try something else02:52
Hobbseegaim's dodgy for irc.  ditto kopete02:53
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Hobbseehi Riddell, kwwii 02:54
=== Hobbsee curses the fact that she has to be at work again in less than 10 hours.
=== Hobbsee left work, having to be back there in just over 10 hours. grr.
kwwiiok, someone say something :p02:56
Hobbseehi kwwii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!02:57
=== Hobbsee throws a few icecubes at kwwii
abattoir+hello kwwii :P02:58
=== kwwii throws a few icecubes at kwwii
kwwiiis what I saw02:58
robyour getting almost the raw output02:58
abattoirkwwii: using adium?02:59
robyour client isn't formatting it properly;02:59
kwwiiyeah, looks like it02:59
kwwiiit is not the client I think, but my bouncer 02:59
kwwiiwhich is a bsd machine sitting in a uni server room 6 hours away and forgotten since a friend left college 6 years ago03:00
kwwiiguess I can't call anyone to fix it :p03:00
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
HobbseeRiddell: did you see my earlier thing, that i uploaded kopete to edgy with some changes?03:03
RiddellHobbsee: I didn't, how did you manage that?03:03
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HobbseeRiddell: asked someone to upload it for me :)03:03
Riddelledgy i386  Successfully built  groovy03:04
=== Hobbsee didnt check - work got in the way
HobbseeRiddell: what about the other architectures?  not yet built?03:04
RiddellAdded build-dep libglib2.0-dev, evil03:04
Riddellamd64 build, powerpc not yet built03:04
HobbseeRiddell: how's that evil?03:05
Riddellwell glib, it's like gnome and stuff03:05
Riddellbut if that's what it takes, fair enough03:05
HobbseeRiddell: well, it's evil anyway, in that it should be used for msn webcam support03:05
Riddellgood point :)03:05
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HobbseeRiddell: i suspect wi03:07
HobbseeRiddell: i suspect we'll end up having libs from all over the place, just to get the protocols supported properly03:07
Riddellseems to be the case03:08
HobbseeRiddell: because at the end of the day, $user will care more about having proper webcam support on all protocols, than having a few gnome-ish libs installed on their kde system.03:08
Hobbseemost people arent that picky03:08
Riddellof course03:10
HobbseeRiddell: mind you, i have seen a couple of users have dual boot ubuntu/kubuntu, so they have only gnome stuff on one system, and only kde stuff on the other.03:11
Riddellnow that really is madness03:13
Hobbseei know!  i couldnt believe it03:14
HobbseeRiddell: mind you, i also find it hard to believe when someone goes and comments out every line in their sources list, and then wonders why nothing will install.03:14
abattoirHobbsee: didnt you patch kopete(w/ the fix for the ICQ bug)? was it for dapper or edgy?03:18
Hobbseeabattoir: edgy.  Riddell never rebuilt those dapper debs.  although if he's going to, he probably doesnt need to add the autoconf1.903:18
abattoirHobbsee: aah, ok, someone @ #kubuntu was asking for something similar... thanks03:19
Hobbseeabattoir: give me a sec03:19
=== Hobbsee looks at her desktop
abattoirnvm, 0.12.1 is out, so better to package that03:19
Riddellit is?03:20
=== Hobbsee mutters and grumbles. people dont tell me this because?
Hobbseeabattoir: seen the changelog, at all?03:20
abattoir>>Kopete 0.12.1 has been released. This release has a fix for the ICQ protocol change. Plenty of other fixes abound in this release as well.<<03:21
abattoirHobbsee: i'll check for a detailed one03:21
Hobbseeabattoir: cool, thanks :)03:21
=== allee [n=ach@dialin-212-144-131-192.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HobbseeRiddell: if i found a patch for an issue in kde svn, then the new version gets released, does that mean that the new version must contain the fix?03:31
abattoirHobbsee: i guess its http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17990 03:33
Hobbseeabattoir: thanks :)03:34
=== Hobbsee takes out her other patch too then.
RiddellHobbsee: yes03:35
Riddellbut it'l need an UVF exception03:35
HobbseeRiddell: it's not in main03:36
Riddellkopete is03:36
Riddellthought that was what you were talking about03:36
HobbseeRiddell: grr.  someone uploaded it to main while i wasnt looking.03:37
HobbseeRiddell: when i looked a couple of days ago, it was still universe.03:37
Hobbseewhy'd they do that?03:37
=== Hobbsee would have thought it logical to say "lets play with this in universe till universe freeze, then promote the thing to main.
Riddellkopete's always been in main03:40
HobbseeRiddell: not when it first got accepted - kopete-3.5.3+kopete-0.12.0 was in universe.03:41
HobbseeRiddell: which was how i got the last upload done, incidently.03:41
=== Hobbsee half wants to say "demote the damn thing while we get it right, then promote to to main"
Hobbseein fact, scrap half, that's really what i'd like to happen, then bump it up to main again after uni freeze.03:42
Riddellthat's kindae cheeting :)03:43
=== Hobbsee can imagine the main inclusion reports. still testing more build deps. still testing. including these bits to allow those to work.
HobbseeRiddell: not really...03:43
Hobbseeah, right, it's not every single fix, it's just new upstream versions.03:49
Riddelloh yes, would be bad if every uploaded needed approved until release03:51
HobbseeRiddell: if it were like that, id' be starting to think that it was like the beaurocracy of work - eek!03:52
Hobbseeidiotic and annoying work03:52
=== Hobbsee gives one of the guys a death stare again.
Riddell0.12.1 will need approval but if it's only bugfixes it won't be a problem at all03:53
HobbseeRiddell: you want to write the report?03:53
RiddellHobbsee: we need abattoir to get us the changelog first :)03:54
HobbseeRiddell: he got it.  stay in the loop :P03:54
Riddelloh? where?03:54
abattoirRiddell: [19:03:23]  <abattoir> Hobbsee: i guess its http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17990  :P03:54
HobbseeRiddell: [23:33]  <abattoir> Hobbsee: i guess its http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1799003:55
HobbseeRiddell: building the new version now03:57
=== imbrandon kicks python
Hobbseehey imbrandon 04:15
imbrandonheya Hobbsee04:15
=== Hobbsee kicks kopete for taking so long to compile
imbrandonkinda had me head in a hole last night working on some cool stuff04:16
imbrandonRiddell, is everyting new that is gonna come from unstable alread over in edgy or are we still waiting on stuff ?04:17
imbrandon!info python2.4-pycurl edgy04:18
Hobbseeimbrandon: should all be there, what in particular were you after?04:18
imbrandon^^ that ;)04:18
imbrandonactualy 2.304:18
imbrandonbut 2.4 would work04:19
Hobbseeimbrandon: this one?  http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/python/python2.4-pycurl04:19
imbrandonahhh ;) /me missed it04:19
imbrandonyup that one ;) thanks04:19
Hobbseeno 2.3 one04:19
imbrandoni can just change the debian/control to 2.4 04:20
imbrandonit should work the same04:20
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Hobbseedodgy connectoin Riddell_?04:27
Hobbseelooks like mine the last couple of days...04:27
Riddell_seem so, except this server is on a very expensive 8MB leased line04:27
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Riddell_silly BT04:27
imbrandonoh man this is a pita04:30
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pygiimbrandon, !!!05:23
HobbseeRiddell_: an untested version of kopete is on revu, for edgy.  i'm assuming it works, but, like i say, it's untested05:30
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Riddell_keyne: kopete 0.12.1?05:31
Hobbseekeyne: ?05:31
Riddell_Hobbsee: kopete 0.12.1?05:32
HobbseeRiddell_: yes.05:32
Hobbseebe gone with the tail!05:32
=== Hobbsee contemplates work. 7 hours.
Riddellstill working at the supermarket?05:33
HobbseeRiddell: yeah.05:34
HobbseeRiddell: havent had any other interesting job offers.05:34
Hobbseenor enough sexual harrassment to make me leave.05:34
HobbseeRiddell: we got really annoying slow customers that meant we all left half an hour late - so it meant i had 10 hours between shifts.  and parts of work were kinda bad and stressful05:35
HobbseeRiddell: kopete 0.12.1 is installable, the version that's on revu05:37
Hobbseenight all05:40
Hobbseein fact, s/other interesting//05:45
imbrandon_Hobbsee, should apply for _K_ubuntu community manager at canonical ;)05:46
Hobbseeimbrandon_: do you know if they ever found a ubuntu one?05:48
imbrandondont think so05:48
imbrandonits still posted05:48
=== Hobbsee goes off into dreamland again.
Hobbseei'm guessing it'd be full time - and i'm still studying, so...that'd be a bit hard.  05:49
imbrandonone of these moons it will happen ;)05:50
Hobbseeyeah, maybe05:51
imbrandonRiddell, how long do packages normaly sit in NEW ?05:54
Hobbseeimbrandon: it's so nice to be able to look and go "hey, i've seen this section of the release cycle before, when i was doing dev stuff for it last time.  cool :) "05:55
=== Hobbsee really beds this time.
imbrandonhahahah exactly05:55
imbrandonme and you picked up packin about the same day05:55
imbrandoni think05:55
Riddellimbrandon: varies considerably05:56
HobbseeRiddell: is there any way to get a listing of *all* kde packages on launchpad?  like k*?05:56
Riddellnot really05:56
imbrandonRiddell, ahh ok was just wondering cuz apt-mirror is still in the NEW que ;)05:56
=== Hobbsee is fixing bugs for packages that she's uploaded, but that's not all of the kde ones.
=== Hobbsee keeps assigning herself to the packages bug lists as she goes :P
Hobbseegotta love non-restricted email :)05:57
imbrandonkubuntu-bugs covers them all dosent it ?05:57
Hobbseeanyway, bedtime.05:57
Hobbseereally, this time05:57
Hobbseeimbrandon: nope05:57
Riddellimbrandon: still there https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/edgy/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=apt05:57
Hobbseeubuntu bugs would, i guess05:57
Hobbseeimbrandon: but i really dont want *that* much email  - most of which would be bug reports i wouldnt have a clue of fixing05:57
imbrandoni just browser all the lp bugs till i find ones i can fix, or fix ones in packages i USE ;)05:58
=== Hobbsee doesnt really use that many packages, so just does the former :P
imbrandonRiddell, hehe yea i knew it was still there, i just dident know how long it would sit there05:58
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nixternalpygi: you needed somthing in the -nun?06:27
pyginixternal, wanted to help with "Multimedia" stuff (Instructor), but nobody seems alive =P06:27
nixternalya, that channel isn't hoppin' quite yet...if you are interested, just add yourself to the wiki page06:28
pyginixternal, done06:29
nixternalgood deal, welcome aboard, and thanks for the help ;)06:29
pygino, thank you :)06:30
pygiI just hope I'll have time that day =P06:30
pygitwo days*06:30
nixternalnice thing, will be that you can probably make the time you want06:30
nixternalwe will have to see with the other guys first06:30
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pyginixternal, joy ^_^06:31
pygiI could also pick the KDE part of Multimedia if you want, or you people have someone else in mind for that?06:31
nixternalKDE would be fine06:32
nixternalas that is what i have been doing06:32
pygioh,oki, then I leave it to you :)06:32
nixternalno no..you do the kde multimedia, not me..i am just saying, the classes that i am helping with, i am doing the kde side of it06:33
pygiah !!! (I wrote the Gnome, that's why I am asking)06:33
nixternalyou can instruct really whatever you want..if you want to do both KDE and Gnome go ahead..if you want to do Xubuntu as well feel free ;)06:35
abattoirsorry to butt in, what 'classes' are these? :P06:36
abattoirthe KDE university thing?06:36
nixternalput on by the NewUserNetwork06:37
pyginixternal, eh ^_^06:37
abattoirnixternal: thanks :)06:37
nixternalno problem06:37
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abattoirnixternal: so can i point new users interested in learning to the wiki?06:38
nixternalyes sir06:39
nixternalplease do, that would be awesome of you06:39
abattoirnixternal: it'd also be nice if info about it makes it into the #kubuntu topic, i'll request for the addition of a ubotu entry(if there isnt one already).06:40
nixternali was just htinking the same thing06:40
nixternalhowever i don't have the powah ;)06:40
abattoirwell, we can certainly request, someone like imbrandon, im sure would help :)06:41
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage06:41
nixternalthat i shall do06:41
abattoirnixternal: >>'The Classroom' is a project which aims to tutor users about Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu through biweekly sessions @ #ubuntu-classroom . For more information visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom<<06:49
abattoirthat's ok for a factoid entry?06:49
nixternalsure..looks awesome!!!06:49
abattoir!classroom is <reply> 'The Classroom' is a project which aims to tutor users about Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu through biweekly sessions @ #ubuntu-classroom . For more information visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom06:51
abattoirnow, to wait for them to approve it ;)06:53
nixternalok..they have to approve it first..was wondering why it wasn't working yet ;)06:53
abattoirwell, imbrandon could help us if he were here :)06:53
ubotuThe Ubuntu Classroom is a project which aims to tutor users about Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu through biweekly sessions in #ubuntu-classroom - For more information visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom06:53
abattoirSeveas: thanks a lot :)06:53
nixternalSeveas is the mastah06:53
nixternalty Seveas ;)06:53
=== toma [n=toma@toma.kovoks.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== imbrandon looks up ?
imbrandonahh sorry abattoir ;) Seveas got it ;)06:56
SeveasBeat ya :06:56
imbrandonbtw you can type %editors and ping anyone of those names to edit factoids ;)06:57
imbrandonhahahah ;)06:57
Seveasbut *please* use %editors only in pm06:57
Seveasotherwise it'll ping them all 06:57
imbrandonyea so it dont ping the whole room ;)06:57
imbrandonSeveas, maybe make %editors pm the person that types it ? unless its like %+editors ?06:58
=== imbrandon thinks Seveas is gonna beat me one day for all the sugestions
SeveasI'm still working on your last suggestion06:59
imbrandonhehehe /me go's back to compiling06:59
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seaLnecould me removing things from my konq location toolbar so i could put the "main" toolbar on the same line really have caused me to loose ^L and alt+arrowkey navigation?07:55
RiddellI don't see how07:59
Tonio_argh !!!!!!!!!08:02
Tonio_that's a HUDGE bug08:02
Tonio_Riddell: is #ubuntu-deve the good place to discuss proftpd issues ?08:03
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RiddellTonio_: depends if someone who knows the topic happens to be around08:04
Riddellubuntu-devel list might be better08:04
Tonio_Riddell: I don't know since it is very specific08:04
Tonio_but for a specific usage, the problem is very important...08:05
RiddellTonio_: is it an ubuntu issue?  if not going upstream might be better08:06
Tonio_I don't know, but I think so... in fact I'm migrating a server from debian to ubuntu08:06
Tonio_I use proftpd-mysql and it always worked correctly with debian, except that now, with ubuntu, I get this :08:06
seaLneweird i have back those key chords after restarting, but annoyingly now location toolbar is full width and won't let me add main to the right of it, ohwell08:07
Tonio_Riddell: 08:08
Tonio_tonio@kubuntu:~$ proftpd -l | grep sql08:09
Tonio_  mod_sql.c08:09
Tonio_  mod_sql_mysql.c08:09
Tonio_  mod_quotatab_sql.c08:09
Tonio_tonio@kubuntu:~$ proftpd08:09
Tonio_ - Fatal: unknown configuration directive 'SQLBackend' on line 109 of '/etc/proftpd.conf'.08:09
Tonio_sorry but pastebin fails here....08:09
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Tonio_that's quite a big issue for people who want to migrate :) the problem is the maintainer is debian DD but the package works on debian....08:09
Tonio_so I'm quite a bit embarrassed ;)08:09
seaLnebuild-deps broken in ubuntu maybe?08:11
seaLnedoes seem strange08:12
Tonio_seaLne: no that's not an issue with deps....08:15
Tonio_the module is compiled IN the binary08:15
Tonio_and proftpd -vv claims the module is there08:15
seaLneah ok08:15
Tonio_but the binary doesn't- recognise any sql parameter........;08:16
Tonio_the point is I tested on 3 dapper machines, same result08:16
Tonio_I'm temporary backporting debian's package08:16
Tonio_because I really need to perform this migration correctly :)08:16
Tonio_seaLne: the goodpoint is that merging the current debian package works :)08:29
Tonio_I'l report that on the devel ml th get a backport eventually08:29
Tonio_the dependancies are compatible with dapper actually08:29
Riddellsomeone just made https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuGTKTheme08:36
abattoirRiddell: doesnt the gtk-qt engine do the same?08:38
Riddellthat's what I thought08:39
Riddellmaybe it's not working for him for some reason08:39
apacheloggerI think firefox just uses gtk in a very odd way08:41
apacheloggerbecause it will look odd08:41
apacheloggereven did for me08:41
apacheloggerthough this might also be related with a download from mozilla.com08:41
apacheloggerso precompiled installer08:42
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=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@pD9509E76.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RiddellseaLne: could you bring me 3 kubuntu t-shirts to lugradio live?  I've got the go ahead from canonical for them (and more as we need them)09:01
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pygiRiddell, poke? :)11:34

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