
kikoLarstiQ, you know you can use ?batch=300 and then search using firefox?12:14
matsubarakalosaurusrex: did you receive any error message for the email you've sent to test? 12:14
kalosaurusrexno I didn't.12:21
LarstiQkiko: ah, that does help12:29
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=== Topic for #launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ | developer meeting: Thu 20 July, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
=== Topic (#launchpad): set by SteveA at Thu Jul 13 14:08:28 2006
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pulaskihello l05:16
pulaskihello launchpad05:16
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jameshhi stub05:20
jameshI tried using sudo on carbon.ubuntu.com, but it says I don't have permission to change users to launchpad05:21
stubHmm... my rt job explicitly requested it along with setting up the user. I can setup a workaround using ssh keys. Can you paste your public ssh key somewhere?05:38
stubUnless elmo is alive05:38
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spivstub: https://launchpad.net/people/jamesh/+sshkeys ;)05:45
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jameshstub: the one spiv mentioned above will do (it is the one I have in LDAP)05:47
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stubjamesh: Try ssh launchpad@carbon05:55
jameshstub: that worked, thanks.05:55
stubAnyone else need me? I need to bugger off for a few hours (friends of the wife in town)05:56
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jameshwell, I can parse all the Python tracker data, which is a start ...06:51
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mptGooooooooooooooooood evening Launchpadders!07:31
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=== danilos is away: Away
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jameshhi danilos 09:01
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danilosjamesh: hi jamesh 09:04
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SteveAjamesh: I'm going to change that specs display branch to use dot.  With that and the replies in my review, do you want to see the branch again before I merge it?09:13
jameshSteveA: that would be fine to merge r=jamesh09:14
jameshSteveA: as for the possible performance side, the graphviz bindings probably expose the dot file reader09:15
jameshSteveA: although I wonder if it would be better to work out when the PNG and image map can be cached09:16
jameshif the graphs get too big, the layout process starts to cost a bit09:17
danilosif "make check" hangs on pagetests/standTests for 600 seconds, what does that mean? (I can't find referenced "standTests" file at all)09:29
danilos(and all the standalone tests seem to have passed)09:30
jameshSF tracker importer seems to be working with the Python dataset09:33
sivangSteveA: is there anything to see of the python specs import on staging already ?09:41
SteveAsivang: no.  we're not importing PEPs yet09:42
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sivangSteveA: ah, okay.09:43
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sivangmorning carlos 09:50
danilosmorning carlos09:55
jameshbug comment ordering appears to be screwed up in rocketfuel head09:57
carlosdanilos: so, are your changes working?09:58
daniloscarlos: yeah, but I am having some problems with "make check"09:58
carloswhich kind of problems?09:59
danilos<danilos> if "make check" hangs on pagetests/standTests for 600 seconds, what does that mean? (I can't find referenced "standTests" file at all)09:59
danilos<danilos> (and all the standalone tests seem to have passed)09:59
carlosdanilos: execute ./test.py -vvv09:59
carlosthat should increase the verbosity of the tests10:00
danilosbtw, I've pushed my branch to sftp://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/home/warthogs/archives/danilo/bug-2237/ as well10:01
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jameshdanilos: if your changes are fairly self contained, you can restrict which tests get run by using test.py directly10:03
spivdanilos: you mean sftp://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/home/warthogs/archives/danilo/launchpad/bug-2237/, I presume10:03
danilosspiv: yeah :)10:04
spivdanilos: Also, you ought to add it as a work-in-progress branch to the PendingReviews page.10:04
danilosspiv: I will, but I wanted all the tests to pass first10:04
carlosdanilos: work-in-progress is just a way to point to others to your work, no one will review it until you change it to needs-review10:05
danilosI mean, it's "complete" if it works :)10:05
daniloscarlos: yeah, that's ok, I didn't expect this many problems with tests, so I'll add it right away10:05
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SteveAjamesh: got a minute to help me understand some DOT issue?10:31
jameshSteveA: sure.10:32
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elmolifeless: ping?11:08
lifelesselmo: pong12:06
elmolifeless: sent mail - just asking about postgres on chinstrap, not urgent12:07
lifelesstheres a postgres on chinstrap ?12:07
KinnisonI imagine it used to be there for the test suite12:07
carloswow SQL sucks sooo much...12:11
lifelesselmo: PURGE away12:11
carlosso foo1.bar = foo2.bar is false if both are NULL...12:11
KinnisonNULL <=> ANYTHING == False12:12
carlosthat sucks12:12
Kinnisoncarlos: otherwise a UNIQUE column which is NULLable wouldn't work12:12
Kinnisonand those are *really* useful12:12
elmolifeless: thanks12:13
spivcarlos: it's by design.  Operations involving nulls generally produce more nulls.12:14
malccIf you like concepts, you can think of SQL null meaning "unknown"12:14
spivcarlos: they aren't like None in Python, tempting though it is to pretend they are.12:14
carlosspiv: yeah, I was confused by C and Python programming12:15
carlosIt took me a while until I figured that....12:15
carlostest pass now ;-)12:23
lifelessspiv: well, if None meant undefined, rather than pointer to 0x0, then they would be the same, its really just the NULL != NULL that makes them different12:24
spivlifeless: sure, but behaving differently when used in comparisons is a huge practical difference.12:28
Kinnisoncarlos: I got my assertion wrong earlier12:30
KinnisonNULL <=> NULL yields NULL, not false12:30
lifelessKinnison: which is 'is one unknown equal to another?' well the answer myfriend, is unknown.12:31
KinnisonIf I wasn't so used to undef() in perl, I'd be damned confused by NULL12:31
carlosKinnison: ok12:33
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lifelesssalgado: ping, your review queue is getting kinda long01:22
salgadohey lifeless.  it wasn't long until this morning, when you added two new ones. ;)01:25
lifelesssalgado: well, it had one entry, but that entry was 3 days old at my morning :)01:26
salgadoanyway, I have to admin I didn't do very good on managing it this week... I'll do some code review now!01:26
lifelessnp, thanks.01:26
lifelesssee y'all monday01:26
salgadolifeless, have you seen stub today?01:26
lifelesssalgado: nag kiko about his outstanding review too ;)01:26
lifelessstub? nmope01:27
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carlosHmm, I'm getting an error and I don't understand why....:02:02
carlos        assert output == u'', output02:02
carlos    AssertionError: <unprintable instance object>02:02
carlos        assert output == u'', type(output)02:03
carlos    AssertionError: <type 'unicode'>02:03
carlosif it's a unicode object, shouldn't it be printable?02:03
jameshcarlos: the unicode string can not be printed02:03
jameshe.g. if it is not ascii02:04
carlosjamesh: that concrete unicode string ?02:04
carloshmmm, should I recode it as UTF-8 ?02:04
jameshcarlos: repr(output) might give more useful output02:04
carloslet's try...02:05
jameshif it is that important, then perhaps an assertion isn't appropriate02:05
SteveAmpt: ping02:07
carlosjamesh: well, it's part of a test02:07
carlosI'm checking that a diff output is empty02:08
jameshyou can't do self.assertEqual(output, u'')?02:08
mptSteveA, yes?02:08
carlosjamesh: it's a doctest02:09
jameshcarlos: in that case, just do:02:09
jamesh>>> output02:09
carlosIt's part of a loop02:09
carlosso I would need to put some u'' after it02:10
carlosis that ok?02:10
jameshif it is in a loop, then it would be good to give some context about which iteration of the loop the test failed in02:10
jameshe.g. putting "print i, repr(output)" in the loop to show the output from each iteration02:11
carlosyeah, I had it, but I was not able to show the 'output' content so I was playing with output directly02:11
carlosso instead of using an assert, I should use an 'if'02:12
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salgadoyesterday, after you left, I realized there was a problem with using that table you suggested, that could possibly make it as slow as the view02:28
salgadostub, https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileFAD0lJ.html02:29
stubI doubt it will be as slow as the view using the OUTER JOIN, and we can use a trigger to populate a value in the table if we want to avoid it altogether.02:31
stubGood catch.02:31
salgadoafter that I discussed with kiko and we decided to do something that took longer to implement, but allowed me to simplify the code in lots of places02:32
salgadoactually, it took longer because I had to change lots of places02:32
salgadobasically, what we decided to do was to drop the cancelled and approved columns and create a new status column02:33
salgadothis way we can have a new status to flag the requests that we'd be flagging by counting the previous requests02:35
stubOk. This sounds like a good plan.02:36
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salgadocool. the only drawback is that it now has to inlcude lots of db changes02:36
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salgadostub, https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filecw2bUh.html is the whole patch. it'd be great if you could review the db patch02:37
=== SteveA --> lunch
salgado(assuming I'll add a "drop cancelled", which I just realized I forgot)02:38
stubsalgado: We can simplify the constraints too if you have a status for 'admin request'02:42
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stubcarlos: have you landed your rosetta duplicate fixup patch yet?03:07
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ondrejhi, there seems to be an error in adding attachments to bugs, it ends with OOPS-195B31303:18
matsubaraondrej: that oops isn't available yet. In about 10 min I'll check that03:20
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carlosstub: no, I'm waiting for your approval03:31
carlosstub: ok, thanks03:44
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salgadostub, did you have a look at the new shipit db patch?03:48
stubsalgado: reworking it now with data migration and improved indexes03:50
salgadocool! did I miss too many things?03:50
stubsalgado: Why don't we have a 'SHIPPED' status? It seems silly to have requests stay as PENDING after they are shipped03:52
salgadoI guess you're right. I haven't thought about that, but it sounds like a good idea03:52
ondrejmatsubara: ping? did you find anything interesting?03:54
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=== matsubara checks
matsubarabradb_: the +addattachment is 404ing03:56
matsubaraondrej: you can try to add and attachment while adding a new comment.03:57
bradb_matsubara: yup03:57
bradb_it's +addcomment now03:57
bradb_if there's a link hanging around to +addattachment, it should be fixed03:57
matsubarabradb_: hmm there's one on the portlet.03:57
salgadostub, if you want to use this new status on a constraint, please assume it's the dbschema item with id 4. I'm adding it now03:58
kikobradb_, next time you change a page, USE GREP.03:58
matsubaraondrej: try this page https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/52546/+addcomment03:58
UbugtuMalone bug 52546 in linux-source-2.6.15 "original HP keybord bundled with HP dc7600 doesn't work" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  03:58
bradb_hrmph, i guess i didn't change the attachments portlet03:58
bradb_my bad03:58
matsubaraondrej: if that is the bug you'd like to add an attachment on. :)03:59
ondrejmatsubara: ah, ok...  thanks, I would forgot about that if I left it to some other time... you know :-)04:03
bradb_flacoste: did you get my reply? j't'au bureau en ce moment.04:04
flacostebradb_: non, j'ai pas eu ton reply, mais whois me l'a dit ;-)04:04
flacostebradb_: I'm leaving for the office about now, should be there in about 30mins04:05
bradb_sounds good04:05
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salgadodanilos, around?04:10
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stubsalgado: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileocA571.html04:27
salgadostub, great, thanks!04:28
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jameshbradb_: https://demo.launchpad.net/projects/python/+bugs04:55
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bradb_jamesh: cool! i'll have a closer look later today.04:55
riccardomurrii'm having trouble pushing my first branch in launchpad bzr space04:57
riccardomurribzr push sftp://.... does apparently nothing04:58
jameshriccardomurri: do you have paramiko installed?04:58
riccardomurrijamesh: yes04:58
riccardomurrijamesh: paramiko-1.504:58
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jameshriccardomurri: why do you think it did nothing?  Was there an error message?04:59
riccardomurrijamesh: "0 revision(s) pushed." where the branch actually has 2...04:59
jameshriccardomurri: what branch name did you use?05:00
matsubarajamesh: more details about what riccardomurri has tried here: https://launchpad.net/products/launchpad/+ticket/119705:00
riccardomurrimatsubara: thanks05:00
jameshriccardomurri: and there is no directory called "sftp:" created after your push?05:02
jameshlocally, that is05:02
riccardomurriyes, there is one05:03
jameshriccardomurri: with bzr 0.8, if it can't find paramiko, sftp paths get treated like local filesystem paths05:03
jameshriccardomurri: so for some reason bzr can't initialise paramiko05:04
riccardomurrijamesh: oh, thanks, i'll look into that, then05:04
jameshriccardomurri: the "0 revisions pushed" message would be because the branch you were pushing to (which turns out to be another one on your local disk) already contained the two revisions05:05
riccardomurrijamesh: found - the python-crypto is installed for python-2.3 and not for python-2.405:06
riccardomurrijamesh: so paramiko does'nt work in py2.405:06
riccardomurrijamesh: thank you very much!05:06
jameshno problem05:06
=== glatzor [n=sebi@ppp-82-135-83-247.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #launchpad
matsubarariccardomurri: would you summarize the answer (so others can find the solution later) and mark the ticket 1197 as anwsered?05:08
riccardomurrijamesh: yes, but...05:08
riccardomurrijamesh: ...now i get another error:05:08
riccardomurrijamesh: bzr: ERROR: exceptions.IOError: .bzr \n at /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/bzrlib/transport/sftp.py line 540 \n in _translate_io_exception05:09
jameshriccardomurri: did you happen to create the ~riccardo-murri/vc-bzr/current directory on the sftp server before?05:12
riccardomurribut i;ve tried changing to bzr push sftp://..../devel and the error is the same05:13
jameshriccardomurri: okay.  That is probably the problem05:13
jameshriccardomurri: can you try running the following Python commands:05:13
jameshimport bzrlib.branch05:13
riccardomurrijamesh: a long stack trace...05:15
jameshoops.  Did that give a NotLocalUrl error?05:15
jameshtry this instead:05:16
jameshimport bzrlib.bzrdir05:16
riccardomurrijamesh: oops... i changed my username from that reported in ticket119705:16
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riccardomurrijamesh: i'll retry the python code with the new username05:16
riccardomurrijamesh: yes, raise errors.NotLocalUrl(base)05:17
jameshtry the create_branch_and_repo() one instead05:17
riccardomurrijamesh: full stack trace at http://no-paste.it/?21705:18
jameshriccardomurri: yeah.  I was wrong about that command.  I think the BzrDir one above should work.05:19
riccardomurrijamesh: with create_branch_and_repo() did another stack trace, see http://no-paste.it/?21805:20
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jameshriccardomurri: this is a weird one.  What is in that directory, if you just look at it with sftp?05:21
riccardomurrijamesh: now there's a .bzr directory with some content... but not all, apparently (see http://no-paste.it/?219)05:23
kalosaurusrexany dba's on?05:23
jameshriccardomurri: okay.  Could you try deleting the files in .bzr/ and the .bzr/ directory itself with sftp05:24
jameshand then run bzrlib.bzrdir.BzrDir.create_branch_and_repo('sftp://rmurri@bazaar.launchpad.net/~riccardo-murri/vc-bzr/current', True)05:24
riccardomurrijamesh: i get an error trying to delete .bzr/branch-lock05:25
jameshriccardomurri: branch-lock is a directory05:25
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riccardomurrijamesh: IOError: /~rmurri/vc-bzr/current/.bzr/repository/inventory.kndx05:27
riccardomurrijamesh: full backtrace at http://no-paste.it/?22005:27
jameshriccardomurri: okay.  This is getting a bit beyond the scope of my knowledge.  I'm not sure how to fix this05:29
riccardomurrijamesh: thank you very much for your help, anyway05:30
danilossalgado: ping05:40
salgadohi danilos. I've been assigned to review your first branch (you can see review assignments on https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~jamesh/pending-reviews/), and I was thinking that maybe it'd be better to review that together with you, on IRC05:44
salgadowhat do you think?05:44
danilossalgado: sure05:47
salgadodanilos, is now a good time to do it?05:49
danilossalgado: yeah, if it suits you05:49
glatzorcarlos: ping05:50
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SteveAmatsubara: do you know who maintains the launchpad-dependencies package?06:34
matsubaraSteveA: lifeless I think06:34
SteveAokay, thanks06:34
matsubarafwiw, https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/private/launchpad/2006-April/008621.html SteveA 06:39
SteveAthanks matsubara-lunch 06:44
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LaibschOK, you asked for feedback.06:46
LaibschI would like to see a console app to access or at least report bugs for launchpad.06:46
LaibschI always enjoyed reportbug (Except that mails were not masked on the web interface)06:46
kikoLaibsch, planned and will be delivered for edgy.06:47
SteveAyou can report bugs by email too, btw06:47
Laibschkiko: glad to hear that.06:47
LaibschSteveA: Where?  But I guess not with the sleekness of reportbug.06:48
=== Laibsch wonders what edgy is and when it will be here.
Laibschbug 7839 is not so good-looking as far as a schedule for improving bug reporting in ubuntu goes.06:49
UbugtuMalone bug 7839 in Ubuntu "Ubuntu bug reporting tools need to point to Ubuntu bug systems" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/783906:49
LaibschUbugtu: I like bots ;-)06:49
carlosglatzor: pong06:52
flacostekiko: got any new opinions on the single/multiple best answers in SupportTrackerWorkflowSpec?06:52
glatzorHi carlos, have you read the mail on launchpad-users from the KDE guy?06:53
glatzorThere is really a lack of communication.06:53
carlosyeah, I talked with Riddell about it06:53
carlosI will send an answer next Monday06:53
carlosI think so, yes06:53
glatzorcarlos: I also answered on some issues06:53
carlosok, thanks06:54
glatzorI hope that I haven't written something wrong :)06:54
carlosdon't worry, If I detect something wrong I will clarify it ;-)06:55
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glatzorcarlos: by the way I can confirm that koffice, especially klexi, the database tool that was largely rewritten, isn't 100% translated in Ubuntu dapper only using language-pack-de-kde06:58
glatzoralthough the upstream translation is 100%06:59
carlosglatzor: Riddell told me yesterday that it could be a bug on koffice, he has a patch that should fix that07:00
glatzorcarlos: fine.07:02
glatzorthanks a lot.07:03
salgadokiko, ready for another review? ;)07:08
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bradb_kiko: fwiw, i updated my landscape hack now that the branch it depends on landed07:21
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kikobradb_, thanks.07:26
kikosalgado, yes, shortly, need to finish fixing my regression.07:26
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mdzKinnison,cprov: the display at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xine-lib is a bit weird; can you explain it?09:02
mdzit lists the same version twice, once as Published and once as PendingRemoval09:02
Kinnisonoverride change?09:02
elmono, it was uploaded at the same time by two people and accepted twice09:03
elmoO  [  48: Tollef Fog Heen     ]  Accepted xine-lib 1.1.2-2ubuntu2 (source)09:03
elmoO      <  52: Reinhard Tartler    >09:03
cprovwe can't be sure about which one survived ...09:04
elmothere use to be a bug about this, but I can't find it anymore09:07
mdzthat bug is still unfixed? argh09:08
elmoyes, definitely still there, there was several this week09:09
elmo(I see them so easily because the way gnus sorts my mail makes them jump out)09:09
elmoO  [ 138: Scott James Remnant ]  Accepted dhcdbd 1.14-2ubuntu1 (source)09:09
elmoO      < 138: Scott James Remnant >09:09
elmowas another recent one09:10
elmo(tho that may have been a crash and dupe mail since it was the same uploader, so err, ignore that)09:10
mdzI think it's https://launchpad.net/products/qprocd/+bug/3421009:11
UbugtuMalone bug 34210 in qprocd "should reject uploads whose versions already exist in other distroreleases" [High,Confirmed]  09:11
mdzhowever there is also https://launchpad.net/products/qprocd/+bug/31038 which is supposed to have been fixed09:11
UbugtuMalone bug 31038 in qprocd "two accept messages for different udev 079-0ubuntu9 uploads" [Critical,Fix released]  09:11
mdzcprov: is the fix for 31038 rolled out to drescher?09:12
cprovmdz: yes, it is 09:13
kikopqm don't love me09:15
salgadobut I do09:15
salgadohow about some code review?09:15
kiko["PQM Cannot merge between different VCSsystems.09:16
kiko+ler) and '/home/pqm/archives/rocketfuel/launchpad/devel'(pqm.Bazaar2Handler) are different."] 09:16
kikohas anyone ever seen that?09:16
salgadoyou lack an chinstrap.ubuntu.com: there, no?09:16
salgadomaybe not09:16
salgadowhere does that /home/pqm comes from?09:16
kikothat's where pqm commits to.09:17
kikoI think I'm going to start a new branch and @#!@$! this09:17
mdzcprov: then it would appear that the fix hasn't corrected the problem09:25
cprovmdz: yes, I will investigate why, can you reopen it ?09:27
mdzcprov: already done09:31
cprovmdz: okay, thanks09:31
mdzcprov: perhaps in this case the uploads were processed in the same batch?09:32
cprovmdz: indeed09:32
kikosalgado, where's the patch?09:38
salgadokiko, https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileE32IrK.html09:39
salgadokiko, stub suggested adding a SHIPPED status, and I did that because it seemed to be a good idea09:39
salgadobut it has one caveat, marked with an XXX that you'll see09:39
kikosure thing09:42
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Keybukelmo: no that was just me being naughty09:46
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carlosenjoy your weekend!!09:50
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danilosout guys, enjoy it :)09:55
kikobradb_, review coming up.09:56
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bradb_kiko: cool, looking now. (i'd been pairing with flacoste)10:36
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bradb_BjornT: around?11:13
bradb_kiko: tbh, that notify() thing has me friggin' confused11:28
bradb_kiko: I can't figure out how newbug mails are even being sent right now, because it looks like the necessary event is not getting published.11:30
bradb_but, it doesn't look like that bit has changed since the last rollout11:31
bradb_ugh, i think i know why11:34
kikobradb_, oy?11:49
bradb_kiko: dude, I think i understand what's going on11:49
bradb_it is teh suck11:49
kikoai ai11:50
kikoon a friday evening11:50
bradb_kiko: basically, i think that if you file a bug at /distros/ubuntu/+filebug and specify a packagename, no bugmail gets sent out11:50
kikohow did the distro guys not detect this?!11:50
kikothat can't be 11:50
bradb_yes, it can :/11:50
bradb_it's not too too hard to overlook, because it'll often work11:51
kikobradb_, is this underlining my argument that the database classes should trigger events, not the browser?11:51
kikothe browser /code/ sorry11:51
bradb_i.e. +package, the package-specific +filebug, and +filebug /without/ a packagename should all be sending mail11:51
bradb_kiko: possibly. either way, the point was that the event publishing was not tested.11:51
kikoif it was done in the database code11:52
kikoit would have been well tested. :)11:52
bradb_kiko: i think the quickest way to fix this right now is to fix it in the browser code. because all the tests manually publish the events.11:54
kikois the quick fix the correct one in this case?11:55
bradb_kiko: i think so.11:56
bradb_afterall, browser:addform and browser:editform published events for us, so publishing events from browser code is somewhat ubiquitous11:57
kikoI think that's just bad design11:57
bradb_it might be, but i don't feel like this is the right moment to consider an alternative.11:58
bradb_it will be a huge change to move it into the db code11:58
kikoI guess.11:59
kikoyou need to understand my reluctance to go with band-aiding this11:59
kikobecause it's a band-aid that will bite us again11:59
kikoas soon as we add a different interface11:59
bradb_i understand that the db code might be the right place for this11:59
bradb_i'm not disputing that12:00
bradb_but it's not "band-aiding", i'm just fixing something that somehow got indented when it shouldn't have.12:00
bradb_a "band-aid" implies coming in with some gross hack to make something work12:01
kikoyeah, yeah.12:01
kikojust unhappy at this turn of events.12:01
bradb_me too12:04
bradb_kiko: I can have a patch ready in about 15 mins if you want to review12:05
kikowith the test you mean?12:05
bradb_kiko: yeah, that's what i need the other 14m59s for :)12:06
bradb_I'm writing it now12:06

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