
=== pombreda [n=pombreda@c-71-198-188-62.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-java
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tmarbledoko: thanks for your help w.r.t. chroots.... have you had a chance to review my -plugin/-nox proposal?04:29
dokotmarble: sorry, no; toolchain problems in edgy04:31
tmarbleno worries04:31
tmarbleby toolchain you mean gcc and friends?04:31
tmarblei see that fabbione is offline now, but would you have a clue where to find Ubuntu SPARC ABI implementation docs?04:32
tmarbleI'm looking for things like the register calling conventions, what registers are declared caller/callee saved, are04:33
tmarbleregister windows used, etc...04:33
dokoyes, gcc and "friends". no clue about sparc ABI stuff04:34
tmarblek.... thanks04:36
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