
NthDegreetheapoc ask in #vmware12:00
avalentekeito: thanks12:00
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jmeyeah, I wouldn't really know about that hardware12:01
EnsiferumJack_Smirnoff: had nothing to compare my results with, so didnt know if i was seing normal results12:01
lidoI installed Ubuntu Server without probs - all is working- only prob is that I have to boot in recovery mode because as soon as the non-recovery starts to load (terminal interface - no GUI) the text becomes all unreadable - any idea on this?12:01
theapocNthDegree: nope, nobody in there can tell me.12:01
freeboxSomebody Knows if exist some MSN Messenger Gateway to control my users? (Open or Free). I find messengerpolicy but is $$$$12:01
qwertybobdoes pasting my xorg.conf help?12:01
jmeqwertybob: you could try looking at the xorg.conf that the other live CDs are using, and seeing what they're doing...12:01
qwertybobi get also sometimes a garbled screen if at all12:01
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NthDegreetheapoc it'll be in /etc or /var/local i think12:01
Jack_SmirnoffEnsiferum: Im on a shuuush XP box at the moment so I cound't just run that in term eh?12:01
jmebut I don't know about that particular hardware12:01
qwertybobthats a good idea12:01
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theapocNthDegree: ty I found it12:02
jmeideally, you'd use a Debian-based live CD12:02
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qwertybobjme: im in kanotix right now12:02
=== NthDegree wouldn't use VMWare Server on anything but a server
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=== NthDegree doesn't like the idea of using xinetd
qwertybobhow do i know which is the right xorg.conf?12:02
lidoanyone using ispconfig?12:02
vltHello. I have installed (K)ubuntu Dapper and OpenOffice. I added a font (system wide) and it's shown in the system settings list. But when I want to use the font OpenOffice says it wasn't installed.12:03
vltI restarted OpenOffice but the font doesn't appear.12:03
jmewhat xorg.confs are available, qwertybob?12:03
qwertybobwell im live so the one in /etc is kubuntus12:03
Jack_Smirnoffbrb people.. booting into Ub12:03
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NthDegreevlt i think there is some data to refresh or something12:04
selfharmI am trying to restore lost harddrive space. I have a 300 gig drive that only something like 100 gigs is being recognized. I want to format the entire drive, and wipe everything on it. I tried paritionmagic, which also only saw about 100 gigs. is there a command that i can put in the "boot" parameter of the ubuntu live cd to format the entire disk for ntfs ?12:04
lidoIs there a file (conf file) that needs to be modified in order to tell the system what resolution to boot in to? (non-GUI) - just the text interface...12:04
qwertybobjme: nevermind ill just go by terminal12:04
NthDegreeselfharm, ubuntu doesn't support NTFS (that's a windows piece-o-crap)12:04
neopsychewierd, my gprs seems to time out if i dont immediately connect to a channel!12:04
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jmesorry, don't know which one would be in use12:04
selfharmNthDegree, how about fat32, i just want it formatted.12:05
qwertybobjme: its using the kanotix one now12:05
aboI have a problem with grub not starting (error 17 , which means cannot mount disk) after I moved/resized my disk12:05
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qwertybobjme: i see only xf86config-4 there12:05
vltNthDegree: Which data? I even rebootet ...12:05
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NthDegreewell selfharm my best advice is fdisk (it only recognises 9GB but when you partition and tell it to use all space and then format it recognises it all12:05
jmeqwertybob: do you know if that distro uses X.Org or XFree86?12:06
jmethey're not entirely compatible...12:06
selfharmNth, thanks, ill look at that12:06
qwertybobjme: it must use xorg, but it has XF86config-412:06
DVDxhey guys i get some probs with samba12:06
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qwertybobi found it12:06
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qwertybobjme: one big difference is in kanotix all th emodelines12:07
NthDegreeselfharm a Windows XP CD-ROM should help then simply reformat it as ext3 if or when you install ubuntu12:07
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@ppp-69-236-245-29.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
gatekeeperDVDx: ask your question12:07
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jmeI haven't even heard of kanotix -- not sure how much help I can be!12:07
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NthDegreeif you don't install the windows, i'm sure getting the CD off warez just to help partition your drive won't get you in any trouble12:07
bikinii'm ordering an nvidia geforce 6800 video card, it has dual dvi ports. is it easy to set up a dual monitor display?12:07
bill[1] is there anyway to get subtitles to show up in mplayer32?12:07
bill[1] NthDegree, nice advocation of warez there lol.12:08
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qwertybobjme: thats ok, i need to copy that file and edit ubuntus xorg12:08
selfharmNth, windows installation cd is also only seeing 100 gig of it. I think i lost the other 200g during dapper intallation a couple of days ago12:08
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DVDxjust pated into the paste bin12:08
NthDegreewindows 98 fdisk is wierd but usually partitions correctly so that should work12:08
Jack_SparrowYou dont need warez to partition a drive..  Ultimate Boot CD has all the tools you need.  Free..12:09
=== Sanne [n=Sanne@p548DC3D7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
gatekeeperURL is?12:09
bill[1] NthDegree, does that version have support for that big of harddrives?12:09
zcat[1] ultimatebootcd.com iirc..12:09
jmeqwertybob: just make sure to back up!12:09
jmeit might be more of a matter of merging in changes12:09
NthDegreeit supports my 80GB harddisk and a friend who had to do a 600GB one12:09
qwertybobjme: how can i get modeline output in ubuntu?12:09
jmehaven't heard of modeline, sorry12:10
qwertybobthere is a command, cant remember it12:10
qwertybobits for the monitor12:10
qwertybobi think thats my problem12:10
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DVDxi can't remove or reinstall12:10
=== Wodger [n=wodger@dyn-62-56-95-171.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
=== zcat[1] just installed dapper+XP onto an old machine that can't even recognise drives bigger than 32G ... had to set up a 20G as the first drive and leave the bigger one out of BIOS completely to make it boot.
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PanicFohas anyone of you installed beep media player?12:11
zcat[1] once it's up, both XP and dapper easily find the other drive though..12:11
kaningi have12:11
=== zcat[1] uses beep
PanicFoi keep getting dependency errors :(12:12
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kaninginstalled beep12:12
=== qwertybob [n=knoppix@c-69-180-208-122.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
PanicFoany ideas?12:12
Sanneqwertybob: I don't know if it shows modlines, but do you perhaps mean xvidtune? The "Show" button shows some output if started from the terminal.12:12
zcat[1] sounds like your sources.list needs cleaning up.12:13
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zcat[1] make sure it has the four main repos, from a reliable source, then apt-get update and try again12:13
Wodgerare any setting in xvidtune supposed to stick?12:13
DVDxzcat[1] , me?12:14
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PanicFoi dunno which ones are the right ones :/ <-- total newbie12:14
zcat[1] DVDx: PanicFo, dependency errors installing beep-media-player12:14
DVDxahh kewl ;)12:14
zcat[1] !sourceomatic12:14
ubotuI know nothing about sourceomatic - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:14
epimeri know that to determine what programs start on start-up using the Sessions menu...but is it possible to set a workspace for each program to start on?12:15
SanneWodger: no, I don't think they do, perhaps that's what's the show button is for. Maybe you have to put this line into the xorg config file.12:15
zcat[1] !source-o-matic12:15
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:15
zcat[1] PanicFo: go there, build a nuce clean sources list :)12:15
riddleboxis there any way to tell ubuntu to not update anything with the kernel?12:15
zcat[1] *nice12:15
PanicFoi support windows for a living but im like a fish out of water in this linux area im afraid12:15
javihello, what about nerolinux?12:15
PanicFouh thanks ^^12:15
PanicFowill do12:15
gatekeeperDVDx: looks like a bug - https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-system-tools/+bug/920812:16
zcat[1] PanicFo: you didn't use automatix did you :)12:16
=== jktorres [n=demo@66-53-228-19.red.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu
Wodgeri guessed so shame really as setting video settings is a gui sort of thing really12:16
Jack_SparrowHow did you try to insall Beep Media Player?12:16
PanicFonope ^12:16
DVDxhow can i atleast remove it so it won't display the update icon12:16
=== leveldoc [n=s_fabel@ppp-82-135-82-36.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu
SanneWodger: I think xvidtune is from the old days where gui config tools where not so common.12:17
bikinianyone have a dual monitor display?12:17
PanicFowell all these nifty tutorials mention repositories to add to the sources.list so there are quite a few new ones in there now12:17
zcat[1] PanicFo: good point; how'd you try to install it. apt-get install/synaptic, or downloading a package from somewhere?12:17
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PanicFothe bmpx website has a tutorial that i followed12:18
PanicFoand failed miserably12:18
PanicFoand synaptics failed miserably too12:18
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PanicFomaybe because of too many repositories but i dont know for sure12:18
Jack_SparrowAre you trying to play BMP's....? BAd bad bad12:18
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gatekeeperDVDx: if apt-get remove --purge samba doesn't work then I don't know, may be someone else can help12:18
PanicFolol noo12:18
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Ensiferumhum, how did i close x again?12:18
zcat[1] clean up your sources list, a few of the repos don't play nicely together; then apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade and hopefully everything will be sane again..12:18
bill[1] is there a way to move ctrl alt backspace to some other key combination for x? I've accidently hit it a few times =(12:19
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zcat[1] then apt-get install beep-media-player  should work nicely.12:19
sitoalgun espaol?12:19
zcat[1] !es12:19
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.12:19
void^.. how, can you hit ctrl-alt-del accidentally? .12:19
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johlinIs there a way to write a image of a folder of my harddrive that I can pass qemu to get some stuff I need over there?12:19
Wallyhello. I am just starting with linux and i need some help. Is it possible to install dapper drake on a VIA 8237 motherboard with a SATA HD? The live-cd installer cant find the disk. Thanks in advance.12:19
void^or ctrl-alt-backspace..12:19
Wodgerwell as i can't find a gui way to ajust the postion of the display in ubuntu it what i've been useing,12:19
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Wodgerthe screen is a inch or two shifted to the right12:20
Jack_Sparrowjohlin: FOr use in WIndows?12:20
DVDxno go =\12:20
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johlinJack_Sparrow: yes, I have windows running in qemu12:20
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PanicFowhich ones of the sources mentioned should i pick?12:20
Wodgerso wastbin and logout are cliped12:20
zcat[1] Wodger: just adjust it on the monitor. That's what I do..12:20
PanicFoonly the top ones?12:20
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EnsiferumWally: the hd or the cd-rom?12:20
gatekeeperDVDx: if you read on a bit he explains how he removes broken links, creats new links and gets it going12:21
Wallyensiferum: the hd12:21
zcat[1] PanicFo: whatever you want; probably the main ones + seveas + anything else you really want like aMule or wine...12:21
EnsiferumWally: uhuh, bad12:21
epimeram i missing something, or do you have to do something else to a .png before it can show up in the menu when trying to change an icon?12:21
Jack_Sparrowwally, I am running UB on SATA drives here, but some sata are a problem12:21
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gatekeeper!pastbin > gatekeeper12:21
ubotuI know nothing about pastbin  - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:21
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EnsiferumJack_Sparrow: i would say a BIG problem12:21
zool2005hi all12:21
Wallyi visited the VIA website12:22
Ensiferumor rather12:22
=== lido [n=mharas12@adsl-69-209-229-31.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
DVDxi'm reading now slowly ;)12:22
Ensiferumlinux has a big problem with SATA12:22
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Wallythey say support will be native in 2.6.1812:22
DVDxthanx gatekeeper12:22
Ensiferumsince SATA drives are not a problem12:22
epimerboth my SATA drives work fine12:22
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epimerand i'm pretty clueless :)12:22
Ensiferumepimer: lucky you12:22
bill[1] all of my sata drives includng my sata dvd work fine.12:22
zcat[1] SATA is easy; just configure the bios to treat it as ordinary ATA :)12:22
Ensiferumepimer: it depends on the chipset12:22
lidoCan someone tell me, in the menu.lst for grub.... there is a line that says kernel /boot/kernel root=/dev/hda1 ro single..... what does the 'single' designation mean?12:22
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Wallyhttp://forums.viaarena.com/messageview.aspx?catid=28&threadid=71754&enterthread=y --- there12:22
Jack_SparrowSATA standards are not as tight as they should be,  too many mfg have tweaked sata12:22
Ensiferumlido: single user12:22
PanicFohow about.. the top ones and then "ubuntu supported packages" ?12:23
zool2005I changed the order of HDD drives in my box and now grub points to the wrong place when I install a new kernel, I know how to correct it manually but can I edit the default settings?12:23
PanicFosounds good to a newcomer like myself ^^12:23
lidothank you ensiferum :) - couldn't find that for the life of me12:23
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PanicFothe less shit to break the better i always say12:23
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Ensiferumzool2005: /boot/grub/menu.lst12:23
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Wallyzcat: i cant tell if you are joking or not12:23
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zool2005Ensiferum, but that is altered by the update manager when the new kernel is installed, where does menu.lst read from?12:24
Jack_SparrowSarcasm is wasted on IRC12:24
drummerRunning Breezy and need some help getting it to see and use a flash drive.  Can any of you help/12:24
gatekeeperDVDx: have a look at this section, ask the others if you need more help and good luck :-) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1796112:24
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zcat[1] PanicFo: all those repos are fairly safe, but I tent to avoid cypherfunk 'cos the repo is unreliable and seveas has a lot of the same stuff. Really, just pick what looks usefl.12:24
Ensiferumzool2005: huh?12:24
epimerhow do i change the image used by e.g. the firefox icon in the top panel?12:24
zcat[1] *useful12:24
Ensiferummenu.lst contains your grub settings12:24
Ensiferumthe list that comes up on boot12:24
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epimerright click --> properties has the approprate option, but it doesn't seem to recognise the .png firefox icon i downloaded12:24
zool2005the problem is that when I install a new kernel from update manager, grub points to the wrong place12:25
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Ensiferumzool2005: update-grub12:25
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zool2005Ensiferum, without sounding daft, what does that do?12:25
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shwagproftpd and proftpd-mysql seem to be the exact same package. Cant find any differences.12:26
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Ensiferumzool2005: updates the list automatically by looking at /boot12:26
Ensiferumand now, how do i close X, need to install a driver12:26
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zool2005Ensiferum, will I need to do that after each update?12:26
Ensiferumzool2005: usually it should work automagically12:27
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zool2005Ensiferum, it does work automatically (I think) but grub always points to the old position of the drive and not the new one e.g. hda not hdb12:28
PanicFowhat will "apt-get dist-upgrade" do?12:28
Sanneepimer: there's something here on Firefox's icon, maybe it helps you: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxTipsAndTricks12:28
haroldwhere are the logon themes stored? i want to edit mine...12:28
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zool2005Ensiferum, I assume that update manager and/or reads the /boot location from somewhere?12:29
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Ensiferumno idea12:30
void^zool2005: you need to edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst, modify the `# groot=(hdx,y)` line to reflect the correct device and re-run update-grub12:30
beeblebroxanyone here was able to activate 3d acceleration for the trident cyberblade video card???12:30
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zool2005void^, thanks, I'll have a go12:30
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void^zool2005: as well as `# kopt=root=/dev/hdxx` .. just browse through the file and make sure those settings are all ok12:30
beeblebroxi can't bring dri up using my trident card.12:30
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epimerty, Sanne12:31
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buggzeroif my GRUB is completely wacked, should I reinstall ubuntu or try to fix grub12:31
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void^Ensiferum: sudo /etc/init.d/[g,k,x] dm stop12:31
Jack_Sparrowzool2005: If that fails, get the super grub disk CD it searches all drive partitions combos and tried to rebuild grub for you..12:31
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zool2005void^, thanks again12:31
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buggzeroi tried the Super GRUB disk and it did not work12:32
=== Tommy2k4 [n=Tommy@cpc3-wear3-0-0-cust134.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowbuggzero: same advice  Super Grub DIsk12:32
r3b00they guys12:32
buggzeroJack_Sparrow, I did download and try the Super GRUB Disk, it did not work12:32
r3b00tI finally got my Belkin wireless desktop card installed today12:32
Jack_Sparrowbuggzero: Any idea on how Ubuntu got messed up?12:32
void^y'know, as long as grub runs you can boot anyway using grub's command line, it's fairly simple12:33
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buggzeroJack_Sparrow, new harddrive12:33
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Jack_Sparrowbuggzero: Did you try and copy everything over or just added a new drive12:33
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geeksauceis there a more graphical bootloader i can use instead of grub, or can i make grub look fancy?12:34
buggzeroJack_Sparrow, My linux drive was secondary and the windows primary, I ditched the old windows drive and installed a new drive with windows to slave, the linux drive is now master12:34
Jack_SparrowDOes windows work?12:34
buggzeroJack_Sparrow, so technically I need to wipe the slate clean or something12:35
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Jack_Sparrowgeeksauce: Grub is the Fancy Loader..12:35
ulogiski need some help, i just had my friend set up wlan for me at his place and it worked fine.. but now im home with my laptop and my network connections icon says its disconnected.. but when i open it, it says i have a strong signal. does anyone know how do fix this?12:35
buggzeroJack_Sparrow, It does work, but not since I restored GRUB12:35
TristanT06can anyone help me? when I have a tv connected through s-video the display on my monitor gets really bright.12:35
cjonesdoes anybody know of the wine channels ?12:35
r3b00tI'm not a big fan of GRUB, but it gets the job done.12:35
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r3b00they there12:35
Jack_Sparrowbuggzero:  boot to floppy or cd and run fdisk /mbr to get working windows12:36
sergiolhow can i know in what pacakage comes libgs.so12:36
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Jack_Sparrowthen reinstall Ubuntu12:36
zool2005void^, cheers, that seems to have done the trick. I changed the appropriate values and ran "update-grub" and now all the values have been changed in the list. Thanks again12:36
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buggzeroJack_Sparrow, if I reinstall ubuntu, will it delete my old user data?12:36
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geeksaucejack_sparrow:  it doesn't appear that way.  i remember back when i used mandrake, it used LILO, and it looked halfway decent.  so how is GRUB the fancy one?12:36
Jack_Sparrowbuggzero: Yes a reinstall will knock it out.12:37
void^geeksauce: if you want to waste some time, you can add colours and a picture to grub.12:37
buggzerogeeksauce: you can download and install themes to it12:37
sergiolhow can i know in what pacakage comes libgs.so12:37
Sanneepimer: you're welcome. I also have to thank you, because by looking more closely at the page I referred you to, I just learned about the quick search keyword function of Firefox. Cool! :)12:38
nalioth!apt-file > sergiol12:38
Jack_Sparrowbuggzero: I would fix windows fdisk /mbr the try the grub repai disk again..12:38
naliothsergiol: look at your private messages, please12:38
buggzeroJack_Sparrow, well that doesnt do me any good, I have at least 20gigs worth on my linux drive i need, how can i wiped the slate clean12:38
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sergioli do not have apt-file in my system12:38
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naliothsergiol: then you must install it12:39
naliothread the info ubotu sent you, sergiol, it tells you how to do it12:39
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geeksaucebuggzero, how?12:40
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cjoneswhats the easyest way to chang the grub config ?12:40
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zool2005since I upgraded, the update manager doesn't automatically alert me when updates are available. Does anyone else have this problem?12:41
MikeWDoes Dapper run well inside Virtual PC 2004?12:41
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m0gsiHey guys how do i stop ubuntu scanning my fat32 partition at bootup?12:41
m0gsiMikeW Use Vmware :P12:41
MikeWm0gsi: No. vmware isn't free (the version that allows me to CREATE images), and all vmware editions use a lot of pc resources with their servers, like DCHP server, networking, ...12:41
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zool2005MikeW: a better idea, install Dapper and use MS from wmware!12:42
MikeWm0gsi: I know it has more features, but not being free and being a resource hog on the host computer is a pain12:42
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sergiolsorry pm in Opera opn in backgorund12:42
sergiolapt-file search libgs.so12:42
MikeWSo my question is, Dapper runs ok in VPC?12:42
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Skiriawhat kind of file system does ubuntu use?12:42
sergiolis this command?12:42
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buggzerogeeksauce: http://www.gnome-look.org/12:43
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sergiolSkiria: df12:43
naliothsergiol: if you've installed and updated apt-file, it is12:43
cjonesskiria ext3 by default12:43
sergioltype the comman df12:43
eltechwhats the difference between using vnc and then using vnc over ssh and how can this be done? i have vnc working no problems12:43
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MoosebuntuIs there a way to "tile" windows in Ubuntu/Gnome?12:43
sergiolit returns me nothing12:43
naliotheltech: vnc over ssh is secure (you don't get any of your passwords/cc numbers sniffed during the session)12:43
naliothsergiol: did you read the info? you have to update apt-file after installing it12:44
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Skiriais there a way to have read/write access to a partition with windows/ubuntu both?  the site says that there are some open source tools that allow NTFS writes from linux, but they may not always work12:44
tailsfanAnyone know what the extension is for a WINE Theme12:45
zool2005i had vmware installed when I upgraded but now it's broken, how do I uninstall it?12:45
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tarsier<zool2005> all you have to do is recompile the kernel module12:45
naliothSkiria: it may destroy your NTFS data12:45
eltechnalioth so do you use vnc viewer on the client machine? or an ssh client12:46
zool2005tarsier, how?12:46
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tarsierfrom the command line run vmware and it will tell you which program to run again12:46
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tarsierbut make sure you have the kernel source installed12:46
naliotheltech: you would enable your vnc client to tunnel through an ssh tunnel to the other machine12:46
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Skirianalioth: is that answer for any general shared write access between windows and linux or is that just for the open source tools available?12:46
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eltechnai; can putty be used to achieve this all?12:47
buggzeroHow can I erase all my grub settings and then have it redetect new ones?12:47
tarsierzool2005: ah its vmware-config.pl12:47
sergiolafter update it returns me nothing :(12:47
PupenoHow can I get the config of Ubuntu's Linux to build my own Linux ? (I need a newer version due to newer hardware)12:47
naliothSkiria: all the linux tools you are gonna use for that are pretty much open source.  there have been many obstacles overcome with regard to reading/writing ntfs, but it is still not stable12:48
SimzIhow can i play a .bin ?!!??!?!?12:48
naliotheltech: they make ssh clients/servers for windows12:48
Pupenommhh... then I'll need to recompile fglrx and restricted module... what a pain.12:48
MoosebuntuIs there a way to "tile" windows in Ubuntu/Gnome?12:48
zool2005tarsier, I presume I have to do that after each kernel update?12:48
naliotheltech: i haven't used windows in years, you might ask in ##windows12:48
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Whilsimzi type "bash (name of file.bin) in terminal12:49
ubotuI know nothing about qmail - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:49
eltechvncviewer in windows i dont believe can do this12:49
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eltechthnaks for the help though12:49
tarsierzool: ya12:49
PanicFoguys what will "apt-get dist-upgrade" do?12:49
PanicFonewb walking here12:49
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tarsierat least that is what i have to do, i haven't found a better way around it12:49
gnomefreakPanicFo: give you latest updates for you version of ubuntu12:50
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Whilis there a document somewhere on customizing gnome?12:50
sergiolsergio@ubuntuCopyCenter:~/ghostscript-8.54/doc$ apt-file search libgs.so12:50
sergiolsergio@ubuntuCopyCenter:~/ghostscript-8.54/doc$ apt-file search '*libgs.so*'12:50
sergiolsergio@ubuntuCopyCenter:~/ghostscript-8.54/doc$ apt-file search '.*libgs.so.*'12:50
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gnomefreakPanicFo: as long as you leave /etc/apt/sources.list file alone12:50
sergiolno return12:50
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MoosebuntuIs there any need for a firewall in Linux?12:50
Moosebuntusoftware based12:50
jonas-ircMoosebuntu, not really, but it's nice to have12:50
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SannePanicFo: you might want to read the manpage of apt-get, it will tell you fine things :). Open a terminal, type "man apt-get". Search for a word with "/", quit with "q".12:51
SkiriaSo if i have backups of all my data I'd put on an NTFS partition and something corrupted, is it just the single data that corrupts, or the whole partition12:51
Wodgerdepens what services you have running12:51
naliothMoosebuntu: there is no need in a default install12:51
MoosebuntuWodger> good point12:51
paniqhow do i reload user groups without logging out and back in?12:51
naliothsergiol: type apt-file --help12:51
ulogiski had my wlan settings nice and working when i was out of town. but when i came home wlan wasent working. the network icon says that the wlan connection is disconnected.. but when i dubble click it, it show that i have a strong signal. please help12:51
jonas-ircMoosebuntu, you can install an easy firewall named firestarter12:51
PanicFook thnx12:52
Wodgerif your behind a NAT router with out formwarding or Unup off then none at alll12:52
Moosebuntujonas> is it in synaptic universe?12:52
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jonas-ircMoosebuntu, yes it is12:52
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jonas-irci use it myself12:52
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naliothMoosebuntu: this is not windows, and unless you are running servers on your box, a firewall is really not necessary12:52
SimzIWhil, the .bin is a video file12:52
SimzIand it doesn't play12:52
TristanT06hey people, I finally got extended desktop onto a tv to work. The only problem, when I have the tv connected my monitor displays very bright and I barely could make out anything, how can I fix this?12:52
MoosebuntuWodger> I am behind a nat router, and only use forwarding for Azeurus.12:52
Whilsimzi I have never heard of a bin video file12:53
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jonas-ircWhil, you can open it in VLC player12:53
SimzIit's common12:53
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naliothMoosebuntu: you should not need a firewall at all12:53
zool2005I had almost completed today's update and the updater threw up this error "E: samba: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 102" does anyone have any idea what that means? It told me to run apt-get install -f, which I did and it didn't help12:53
TristanT06SimzI, you can play it with vlc player12:53
Whiljonas-irc really?12:53
Moosebuntunalioth> What services run by default, anything?12:53
SimzIoh shit yeh jonas-irc i forgot about that12:53
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Whilsimzi: okay i apologize12:53
naliothMoosebuntu: there are no listening services by default12:53
Moosebuntunalioth> great! :)12:53
SimzIcheers guys12:53
void^SimzI: mplayer works as well12:53
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MoosebuntuNo need for antivirus either?  I'm curious as to why.12:54
TristanT06can anyone help me with tv-out12:54
Wodgernot windows12:54
naliothMoosebuntu: the user model in *nix is secure.  no user (by default) has access to the core system things12:55
TristanT06when I have the tv connected my monitor displays very bright and I barely could make out anything, how can I fix this?12:55
Wodgerthere are unixy virues12:55
Wodgerbut they are rare12:55
Moosebuntunalioth> so unless you do something really stupid with Sudo, it's fairly safe then.12:55
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naliothMoosebuntu: correct12:55
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nalioththere "ARE" unixy viruses, but they are usually eradicated within hours12:56
naliothmaking the virus writers aim a little lower12:56
Wodgerin terms of os's windows is unneakly plaged shall we say12:56
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MoosebuntuI'm still convinced virus writers are employed by anti-virus vendors. :/12:56
MoosebuntuAnd MS is part of the conspiracy.12:57
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HowitzerMoosebuntu, probably12:57
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Howitzermaybe they offer some freelance work12:57
Howitzerbut i don't think they'll actively try to spread as much damage as possible12:58
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MrLightUseryay.. I'm busy making this laptop and ubuntu be my main system..12:58
MrLightUserI just have to figure out... hehe.. wireless and my touchpad.12:59
MoosebuntuI'm getting the oval Ubuntu sticker for the back of my Honda.  It's purdy!12:59
Howitzer'purdy' N12:59
MoosebuntuMrLightUser> essentials12:59
Wodgerall the windows crud has moved from the teen hacker to folks out to making money12:59
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MrLightUserI think the touchpad is easiest, how do I make it so it doesn't click all the time when I brush it?12:59
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Wodgerhence bot nets for DOS and spam12:59
MoosebuntuWodger> windows crud?12:59
digitalfoxEvolution seems to be crashing upon trying to create the editing pane when I start a new message.12:59
MrLightUserI didn't see an option in the mouse configuration01:00
MoosebuntuMrLightUser> Why are you brushing your touchpad?01:00
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MoosebuntuWodger> ah01:00
MrLightUserMoosebuntu: it's a bit hairy, and I don't want it to get tangled.01:00
gkellyI need some help with ATI and X. I recently applied updates, which included a new linux kernel, and the fglrx driver wasn't updated for the new kernel. The fglrx module doesn't exist in the library path for the new kernel. How can I get an updated fglrx module for my new kernel?01:00
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MrLightUserMoosebuntu: basically it goes off if I touch it wrong.01:00
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javiolois it possible to install ubuntu withouth any x serv like gnome ?01:01
MrLightUserIt'll do crazy things like start child processes when I don't want them01:01
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MrLightUserI can't control it01:01
MoosebuntuIsn't that what Debian is for?01:01
MrLightUserdamn touch pad01:01
sergioli think i can only get it compiling ghoscriot01:01
Dimensionshi ... i want to install ubuntu on my existing RH .. i have downloaded its and burn it to a cd ... but it doesn't auto boot ... and second how can i run it manually when i access the cd in RH01:02
naliothjaviolo: go download the alternative install cd or ubuntu-server install cd01:02
javiolonalioth ubuntu-server comes with server apps installed ?01:02
jonas-ircDimensions, first, make sure that you have enable and set CD-ROOM boot first and HD-Drive second in bios01:03
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naliothjaviolo: yes it does01:03
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Dimensionsyeah i have done that jonas-irc01:03
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naliothjaviolo: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/01:03
javiolonalioth just want a simple ubuntu01:04
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void^gkelly: install the appropriate linux-restricted-modules package01:04
void^gkelly: (hint: use linux-restricted-modules-386 to pull in the latest version automatically)01:05
MrLightUserany help with the touchpad?01:05
naliothjaviolo: then get the alternative install cd and choose the basic install option01:05
javiolonalioth ok thanks!01:05
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georgesny apache expert here?01:06
MrLightUseroh.. and this beast has a rage mobility m3 agp2x is there a graphical tool to properly change the xserver to ati or r128 or rage something?01:06
geeksaucehaving trouble changing the GRUB splash screen...where do i add the line in the menu.lst file?01:06
PanicFoGuys if i may interrupt for a minute: I installed ubuntu last week and i havent booted into WinXP once since! very much thanks to your friendly advice and the ubuntu forums :)01:06
PanicFothe community is amazing01:07
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codecainehow come when ubuntu mounts drive I can't open the hard disk in gui?01:07
codecaineI have no permission always have to sudo the drive01:08
zool2005still on the subject of grub, when I update the kernel I always have a huge list (9-10) of items in the grub menu, can I cut these out automatically or do I have to comment them out in menu.lst each time?01:08
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MoosebuntuPanicFo> yes Ubuntu and it's community/support is amazing thus far.01:08
codecainecomment them out01:09
Stormx2PanicFo: Isn't it just :)01:09
zool2005codecaine, nevermind !!01:09
SannePanicFo: Congrats, you're determined. I didn't do so well when I switched, needing to go back to Windows daily at first :)01:09
PanicFoyup ^^ I even got my beloved games to work in ubuntu01:09
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PanicFoonly thing i need now is to get ie to play nice so i can get to my banking software01:09
cpaek72anyone know where i can get a geforce go 7800gtx driver for my laptop? Ubuntu doesn't seem to recognize my card for 3d with the default nv driver01:10
Stormx2I go back to windows for 1) Webcam 2) Graphics work 3) Soldat01:10
geeksauceonly thing i need is a decent bittorrent client01:10
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PanicFoive been thinking about just running winxp in vmware01:10
Stormx2PanicFo: Internet Explorer?01:10
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PanicFowouldnt that work?01:10
PanicFostorm: aye01:10
Stormx2PanicFo: Yeah, but it would be easier to use something called IEs4Linux01:10
jonas-ircPanicFo, which games do you play, and how did you set them up?01:11
PanicFocan that handle activex and java?01:11
naliothPanicFo: use an IE browser identification string01:11
sponix255Meg of updates aye, guess a lot has changed in the last 4 days ;)01:11
Dimensionsno one seems to answer my question yet ?\01:11
Stormx2PanicFo: Google it, IEs4Linux. it will automaticly configure a new wine config to run IE6 pretty well (as well as possible)01:11
Stormx2Dimensions: What was your question?01:11
cpaek72anyone know where i can get a geforce go 7800gtx driver for my laptop for ubuntu?01:11
naliothStormx2: you only need a browser ID string that says "IE"01:11
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto01:12
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Stormx2nalioth: the user-agent? ah ha ha... why do they block anything but IE then? XD01:12
sponixGet a User Agent Switcher, it will let you toggle the string that identifies your browser, so you can just make firefox appear as IE etc01:12
PanicFojonas: hl2 and wolfenstein: enemy territoy but hl2 still need some tweaking01:12
naliothStormx2: the great conspiracy, i'm sure01:12
PanicFoi cant remember the tutorial but it was on the ubuntu forums01:12
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jonah1980hi could anyone let me know how to force a 32bit .deb file to install on my 64bit? i already have an older version of the application and just want to update it a little... thanks01:12
sponixStormx2:  there are "user agent" switcher plugins for most browsers, to make them identify as whatever is needed01:12
linuxuseri think ill help m$ stamp out piracy, ill use linux01:12
naliothjonah1980: what package is it, that you are after?01:13
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Stormx2linuxuser: lolzorz!01:13
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DimensionsStormx2, ... hi ... i want to install ubuntu on my existing RH .. i have downloaded its and burn it to a cd ... but it doesn't auto boot ... and second how can i run it manually when i access the cd in RH01:14
=== NthDegree [n=NthDegre@194-247-238-171.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Dr4ggrub is pissing me off big time man !!!!!01:14
naliothDimensions: what is a RH ?01:14
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jonah1980i've already got the .deb file, it's a backport someone's made for testing but i've got wrong architecture: https://launchpad.net/products/dapper-backports/+bug/5121201:14
Dr4gRH == RedHat01:14
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Dr4gnalioth:  ^^^01:14
naliothjonah1980: backport of what?01:14
Dimensionsmy first boot in bios is CD and i mounted cd all files folders are there on it01:14
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KnowledgEngii have installed this packages01:14
SannePanicFo: do you use the native linux client for Enemy Territory?01:14
naliothDimensions: why would you want to run ubuntu inside redhat?01:15
KnowledgEngiand mplayer01:15
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KnowledgEngigxine and totem01:15
dunnixhello all01:15
Dr4gKnowledgEngi: specify problem01:15
KnowledgEngibut mplayer show a black video01:15
PanicFosanne: yes01:15
PanicFoit runs like a charm01:15
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Stormx2Dimensions: To make the CD boot, you need to set CD ROM as your first boot device in your BIOS. Usually you can access that sort of thing by pressing del when your box boots. As for running inside red hat... I don't know... maybe possibly chroot but I know nothing about that.01:15
PanicFoonyl prob is that i get a little mouselag ingame01:15
Dr4gdownload the restriced codec..etc01:15
KnowledgEngithere is not video into the mplayer window01:15
jonah1980nalioth, scribus-ng
Stormx2Dimensions: Oh thats wierd...01:15
SannePanicFo: I used to run it on Debian Sid a year ago. Good to know it runs fine on Ubuntu :)01:15
dunnixI have only the "LiveCD" is there a differnce between the that and the "Install CD"? besides install methods?01:15
KnowledgEngii have installed w32codecs01:15
geeksaucecould anyone help me with changing the splash screen for the GRUB bootloader?01:16
PanicFohehe ok01:16
Dr4gdunnix: your OS runs off of HDD, your live CD runs off of CD01:16
Stormx2Dimensions: md5checksum the .iso, and if its ok do another burn at a lower speed01:16
naliothjonah1980: if the user who backported it followed debian policy, there should be a source code repo somewhere, and your machine can build it for you01:16
=== MatthewV [n=MatthewV@CPE-139-168-227-97.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
PanicFomaybe it's rude to ask but where are you from sanne?01:16
dunnixwill i be getting less with the liveCD? in terms of install01:16
Dr4gyou can't d/l files or do much01:16
naliothStormx2: !verify01:16
Dr4gLive Cd is mainly used to recovering or installing ubuntu01:16
SannePanicFo: Close, I'm from Germany :)01:16
Dr4gdunnix:  ^^^^01:16
PanicFohehe ok01:16
PanicFoim from the faroe islands ^^01:16
DimensionsStormx2,  i have downloaded the files from ubuntu website and option was 1 cd for desktop ... is that fine ?01:16
Stormx2Oh sweet01:16
PanicFolive in copenhagen, denmark atm01:16
KnowledgEngiinto the mplayer windows everything is black01:17
dunnixDr4g: But hte livecd gives me option of installing  will i be getting less with the livecd install than with regular installcd?01:17
SannePanicFo: greetings, neighbor :)01:17
fiveironso can anyone recommend a certain brand/model of external usb hdd enclosure?01:17
Stormx2Dimensions: yes thats normal01:17
jonah1980nalioth, well i've just have to wait see what they say then i guess, i've responded asking for 64bit here: https://launchpad.net/products/dapper-backports/+bug/5121201:17
Stormx2Dimensions: Verify the ISO tho.01:17
PanicFolol likewise01:17
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snoopsI'm finding the power saving module isn't, well switching to power saving mode01:17
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Stormx2I must go now, sorry ^_^ missing the news....01:17
naliothjonah1980: ask them where the 64bit pkgs or the source repos are01:17
snoopsis there a way I can check the daemon for it is running?01:17
johlinis there a way to restore an iPod with ubuntu? Apples official one need a little service to run which makes it unable to run in wine.01:17
geeksauceanyone?  help changing splash screen for GRUB?01:17
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Dr4gdunnix: the differences should be obvious...01:18
Dr4g1) install runs from HDD, its faster and you have more functionallity,01:18
Dr4g2) you ca'nt download or install software01:18
Dr4g3) live CD is used to installing linux for above reasons + general use.... Liver CD also used for recovering linux, so to speak.01:18
jonah1980nalioth, thanks will do.01:18
PanicFobb storm01:18
SonicChao!flood > Dr4g01:18
DimensionsStormx2,  .... i used Neroburner it after burning checked the data and said its ok ... how do i checksum it ?01:18
Dr4gi used SHIFT+RETURN01:18
Dr4gto take a new line01:18
Dr4gi didnt paste :P01:18
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nalioth!verify > Dimensions01:19
ubotuI know nothing about verify  - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:19
SonicChaoDr4g: :P in Konversation, it appeared as 4 seperate lines01:19
skavenge2 lines here, make your window bigger heh01:19
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Dr4gSonicChao: lol it should but wasnt a paste01:19
dunnixDr4g: but in terms of end product no change? i will i still be getting the same linux after the install on the liveCD?01:19
naliothDimensions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VerifyIsoHowto01:19
Stormx2Dimensions: Read what ubotu sent you.01:19
Dr4gi took a new line to seperate sentences01:20
SonicChaoDr4g: well...k01:20
naliothStormx2: it's not currently in ubotu01:20
naliothbut i'm fixing that01:20
=== boyilo [i=boyilo@host202.200-82-98.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
Dr4gdunnix: key point is: live CD is for USING linux,... install is for USING linux01:20
Dr4gsee the diff ?01:20
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AgrajagDr4g: no01:20
SonicChaoDr4g: Lol what diff?01:20
Stormx2nalioth: ubotu is sick again? :(01:20
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SonicChaothey're both for Using Linux? XD01:20
dunnixwell liveCD is giving me option of Installing it01:20
boyiloi?m new01:21
skavengethats the only way to install01:21
boyilohelp me01:21
dunnixi want to install it just dont have installcd01:21
SonicChaoboyilo: Whats the problem?01:21
boyilohow to use01:21
skavengeso unless your going to magic it onto your harddrive you use the livecd01:21
Sannegeeksauce: is this the info you need (dunno exactly): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto01:21
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boyiloi neeed to read a pdf file01:21
SonicChao!enter > boyilo01:21
boyiloi?m install ubuntu01:21
=== Blissex [n=Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu
SonicChaoboyilo: Ok...you need to read a PDF. A veiwer comes with linux. Double click the PDF01:22
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sladenboyilo: PDF files should open with Evince autoamtically01:22
boyiloi know that i need xpdf01:22
SonicChaoboyilo: sudo apt-get install xpdf01:22
ZeZujust get acroreader01:22
boyilobut i dont know how to make it hapends01:22
Traveler75Hi guys.01:22
ZeZuthe rest of them suck01:22
ZeZuxpdf included01:22
SonicChaoZeZu: says who?01:22
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ZeZusays me01:22
dunnixskavenge: Im talking about running the full ubuntu install off the LiveCD... Is it the same as installing linux off a InstallCD besides certian install functionality01:22
naliothStormx2: in #ubuntu-offtopic please01:22
ZeZuwho else would i be speaking for?01:22
sladendunnix: yes01:23
Traveler75http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=215265 - anyone got any ideas?01:23
skavengedunnix: the livecd is the install cd, period .. there is no seperate install cd01:23
Traveler75Basically DHCP connection problems.01:23
boyilook i?ll try01:23
SonicChaoZeZu: No one else in the open source world, promoting commercial products, but no matter.01:23
=== Bahamanen [n=user@c83-249-118-172.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
Traveler75Not the first nor the last person apparently.01:23
=== Desh [n=fries@adsl-3-172-103.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ZeZudoesn't handle all images and imbedded crap and it doesn't even bother to anti-alias01:23
Traveler75There should be a troubleshooting website for Linux connection problems.01:23
DeshDoes anyone know how to get fglrx to work on a Mobility Radeon 9700? I keep getting mesa as by OpenGL renderer.01:23
BahamanenDoes anyone in here use EMULE?01:23
geeksauceSanne, not at all.  i want to customize the GRUB bootloader01:23
ZeZuacroreader isn't a commercial product, its freeware, and you are using a "commercial" format01:23
ZeZuso yea01:23
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SonicChao!anyone > Bahamanen01:23
ZeZuif acrobat is commercial, thats another story01:23
dunnixskavenge: oh so there arent 2 cds? only one   didnt there used to be 2 cds a livecd and an installcd?01:23
DeshHow can I compile my own kernel? :)01:24
DeshWhen I = noob01:24
SonicChaoZeZu: let me see the code of it then...if there is no source, it's commercial. And plus there is a pay version.01:24
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void^ZeZu: i've read many pdf ebooks and never felt a need for acroread. i conclude your statement is true only for specific pdfs, probably forms.01:24
ZeZuactually, you obv dont seem to have a clue01:24
ZeZunot OSS doesn't mean its commercial01:24
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skavengedunnix; yes, with breezy and previous versions, now install and livecd is one .. the only other cds come with other window managers (like kubuntu), or there is an alternate cd that uses a text install instead. thats it.01:24
ZeZui release my own softare, its not open source, but its definitely not commercial01:25
ZeZuvoid^, i didn't say every pdf01:25
Sannegeeksauce: oh, I thought you meant the boot splash, sorry. To customize the boot options, you can edit /boot/grub/menu.lst. But make a backup first!01:25
SonicChaoZeZu: #ubuntu-offtopic please01:25
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Bahamanendoes anybody knows what this means:  You have a lowid. Please review your network config and/or your settings.01:25
void^ZeZu: of course it's commercial. they release the reader for free to sell the authoring software.01:25
Bahamanenmsg me01:25
ZeZuvoid^, that doesn't make it commercial01:25
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.01:25
void^ZeZu: right.. let's call it a day.01:25
ZeZufreeware is freeware is freeware, whether or not they make a commercial editing software means nothing01:25
geeksauceSanne, that's the file i'm editing.  i'm just not sure where to add the appropriate line.01:25
SonicChaoZeZu: Yes it DOES, in my book. But I don't care...lets call it a day...i dont want to start debates01:26
Sannegeeksauce: but didn't you say bott splash? The picture that appears while booting?01:26
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Sanneboot even01:26
Bahamanenok Does anyone knows which P2P program is best ???01:26
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skavengewhatever you like01:26
SonicChaoBahamanen: Well....no one is realy *best*01:26
skavengethats an opinion question01:26
ubotuConventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network). BitTorrent: see !torrent Direct connect: try valknut01:26
skavengepick one01:27
SonicChaoBahamanen: Its all about what u need01:27
Sjoerd_anyone using gmail hosted? And knows something about dns setting? I don't know how to put them.. Who can help?01:27
Dr4gI'm having a serious problem with Grub SonicChao.01:27
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SonicChaoDr4g: Yes?01:27
Bahamaneni got a problem with connecting to a big server in Emule01:27
Bahamanenit says  You have a lowid. Please review your network config and/or your settings.01:27
geeksauceSanne, i want to set a splash screen for GRUB boot loader.  not the picture that appears after grubs loads ubuntu.01:27
Dr4gSonicChao: i open grub prompt, and type "root (hd0,0)" and it says unrecognized command01:27
Bahamanenanyone who knows anything plzz msg me01:28
SonicChaoDr4g: Any reason why you singled me out...? I donno to much about grub01:28
AndyCooll_Bahamanen: Apollon. Searches multiple networks at the same time01:28
Dr4gI've spoke to you a few times, you seemed intellegent :o)01:28
Traveler75http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=215265 -- if anyone has any idea how to get the eth0 interface to work I would be ever so grateful.01:28
SonicChaoBahamanen: Follow the rules please, no PMing. Everyone can benefit if it is said in the channel.01:28
=== Willis [i=Willis@68-187-86-157.dhcp.eucl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
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Sannegeeksauce: ah, you mean a picture on the boot menu, where you choose the system to boot? If so, I don't know, I only changed the colors of the menu, not any image.01:28
Dr4gSonicChao: *^^^^01:28
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Bahamanenwhat is pming?01:29
SonicChaoDr4g: ^_^ Wish i could help...but clueless when it comes to grub. sorry01:29
Dr4gPRivate messaging Bahamanen01:29
=== Protostar [n=ubuntu@cpe-066-057-235-071.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
SonicChaoBahamanen: Same thing as messaging. Not aloud.01:29
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Dr4gSonicChao: nps, u know anyone who's active who could help me01:29
SonicChaoDr4g: Not at the moment...have you tried the forums?01:29
ProtostarHello all01:29
AndyCooll_Mahamanen: I've currnetly got it searching Ares, FastTrack, Gnutella and OpenFT01:30
ProtostarI need help01:30
Protostarits Grub01:30
Dr4gYes the commands i'm inptutting are saying unrecognized command01:30
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Dr4gSonicChao: *01:30
Bahamanenwell im not that fast at this01:30
=== NeoChucky [n=NeoChuck@111.Red-81-38-123.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
geeksaucesanne, it's cool.  i found the info i need in the ubuntu community docs01:30
Gar1anyone help with resolution and refresh rate?01:30
Protostarits corrupted and I'm trying to restore it01:30
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Bahamaneneveryone is typing at same time01:30
Sannegeeksauce: cool! Mind if you tell me where? I also would like to know how to do that.01:30
Protostari keep getting the error " Not found or not a block device."01:30
Dr4gBahamanen: 809 ppl in one channel, wat u expect :P01:30
SonicChaoBahamanen: well...this is a good community.01:30
Protostarwhen I try to install grub to /dev/hda01:30
SonicChaoBahamanen: Its better than only you in a room.01:31
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AndyCooll_Bahamanen: Then you got to read fast! :-)01:31
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Bahamanenand why isnt it aloud to PM then01:31
Protostaranyone know how to fix that?01:31
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.01:31
Gar1i'll try later ...too busy01:31
Dr4gSonicChao: i had 60 ppl in my channel, and i thought that was good ! lol01:31
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:31
polpak!resolution > Garl01:31
Bahamanenok then01:31
BahamanenWell can anyone tell me what this is01:31
Bahamanen You have a lowid. Please review your network config and/or your settings.01:31
polpak!resolution > Gar101:31
Protostarubotu, do you know anything about restoring grub?01:31
ubotuI know nothing about do you know anything about restoring grub? - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:31
GStubbs43Can someone help me? I followed all of the  from the Ubuntu Wiki to get Shockwave working, but now when I go to a site with shockwave, it asks if I want to save or open a file. Screenshot:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1796401:32
polpak!grub > Protostar01:32
GStubbs43http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17964 **01:32
NeoChuckyHi! Is somebody having slowness problems with Gnome after upgrading to kernel 2.6.15-26-386?01:32
SonicChaoProtostar: please dont respond to the bot01:32
geeksauceSanne, sure. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:32
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SonicChaoNeoChucky: What do you mean by "Slowness problems"?01:32
Bahamanen800 ppl and no one knows what im looking for01:32
SonicChaoProtostar: Its ok01:32
Bahamanenthis sux01:32
=== taotime [n=taotime@ip24-250-138-46.bc.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Protostarnot used to having bots in the rooms I usually frequent01:32
SonicChaoBahamanen: Well then pay Canonical.01:33
Sannegeeksauce: ah, good to know, I might get me one ;). Thank you.01:33
geeksauceSanne, no problem :)01:33
=== VR__ [i=vr@49-110.200-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
polpakGStubbs43, Flash works, Shockwave does not01:33
polpakGStubbs43, there isn't a shockwave plugin for linux afaik01:33
taotimehi everybody...  is there an equivalent of loadlin.exe in linux01:33
NeoChuckySonicChao, with kernel 2.6.15-25, whet i log into the Gnome session, all runs fine (launching a gnome-terminal is immediate)01:33
Bahamanendoes anyone know a p2p chanel?01:34
GStubbs43I know, but the wiki has instructions on getting shockwave to work: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave01:34
polpakGStubbs43, to see flash, go to www.homestarrunner.com01:34
SonicChao!p2p > Bahamanen01:34
GStubbs43I have flash working fine01:34
polpakGStubbs43, if you read what it says.. It only works when you run it under wine01:34
NeoChuckywith new kernel 2.6.15-26, all the Gnome apps (and *only* the Gnome apps) take many time to render widgets and get responsive01:34
Bahamaneni didnt get that01:34
GStubbs43I tried that too...01:35
GStubbs43same thing happens01:35
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taotimei have the boot floppy but i want to boot the ubuntu cdrom on a usb connection01:35
ProtostarI'm booted using the live CD and it keeps saying "Not found or not a block device" when I try and install Grub01:35
polpakGStubbs43, be more specific.. What did you try?01:35
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NeoChuckyI've an AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2400+ processor and a Radeon 9600 graphics card.01:36
Protostar" sudo grub-install --root-directory=/boot /dev/hda"<---I tried this command and got this error " unable to lookup ubuntu via gethostbyname()"01:36
NeoChucky(just if that information helps...)01:36
benkong2I cannot get my ipforwarding to work on ubuntu-server. I can ssh ping the network and other machines can ping the server however none of them can get to the internet01:36
Ensiferumsigh, whats the trick to make X load nvidia driver?01:36
Protostari'm at a loss here. I really don't want to reinstall ubuntu01:36
nwonknu-you tell me01:36
benkong2been working on this thing better part of the day01:36
DeshNeoChunky: I'd help, but I suck. :(01:36
Ensiferumthe driver is in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/driver/video01:37
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GStubbs43I tried the adobe.com/shockwave/welcome site by running the Windows Firefox in Wine, after installing the shockwave plugin and a screen pops up asking where I want to save something01:37
polpakGStubbs43, how _exactly_ did you run windows firefox in wine?01:37
NeoChuckyDesh, I'll be happy simply knowing if that problem is happening to more people01:37
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benkong2I used www.gentoo.org/doc/en/home-router-howto.xml for iptable rules. can anyone help...please01:37
oezguerhi everyone01:37
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oezguerhello from germany01:38
taotimeoriginal comp has no cdrom, have a usb connected cdrom and ubuntu install cd in it.. but bios won't load it, smb does not see it either anybody know how to use the floppy to boot the usb cdrom01:38
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benkong2I am ssh'd into the box now using irssi and lynx01:38
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oezguercan we get free Suse linux cds ? like ship it Ubuntu???01:38
DeshNeoChunky: Well we have similar video cards, I have a 9700 mobility which is basically a 9600, I use KDE but my gnome apps like Gimp work fine.01:38
GStubbs43Okay, I got it working in Wine... I opened /home/gino/.wine/c_drive/program files/mozilla firefox/Firefox.exe in the terminal and shockwave works. Thanks anyway! ;)01:38
HellDragoncant touch this01:38
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AndyCooll_oezger: Suse doesn't have a shipit equivalent01:39
NeoChuckyok, and are you using  2.6.15-26-386 kernel?01:39
linuxpoetany packagers here?01:39
SonicChaolinuxpoet: Please ask you're question01:39
oezguerAndyCooll: thanx ..  which one is better? Ubuntu or Suse or an anotherelse?01:39
AndyCooll_oezger: Your choices are: pay for it, download and burn it, or get it on a magazine01:39
linuxpoetSonicChao: that is my questions :)01:40
boyilook "sudo atp-get install xpdf" and then pasword ????01:40
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linuxpoetSonicChao: I need an Ubuntu packager for www.mammothpostgresql.org01:40
SonicChaolinuxpoet: More specifically, what pkg do you need?01:40
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AndyCooll_oezguer: pays your money takes your pick!01:40
boyilowhat is the pasword01:40
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linuxpoetFor Breezy and Dapper01:40
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AndyCooll_oezguer: I personally prefer Ubuntu of course01:40
boyiloi?m neweee01:40
Ensiferumsomeone know what trick i need to do so that "insmod foo" works without having to specify the full path :/01:40
mazurskieboyilo: your password01:40
CyberomI'm translating the unoffical ubuntu-guide01:40
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AndyCooll_oezguer: people say Suse is polished though01:41
Cyberomand I want to be sure for synaptics :01:41
oezguerAndyCooll: cool.,  have u tried Suse?01:41
boyiloi?ll try again01:41
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AndyCooll_oezguer: yeah. I've currently made myself a VMware image of it01:41
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wizzlefishfor some reason, when I do "apt-get install kubuntu-desktop," it wants me to remove "ubuntu-desktop" - why is this - I want KDE, without getting rid of GNOME01:42
NeoChuckyEnsiferum, have you tried modprobe instead?01:42
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Cyberomif you want to add custom repositories :01:42
oezguerAndyCooll: upps . i have to go, thanx for infromation, have a good night ... ciaooo01:42
Cyberom*#Click on Add and then Custom01:42
EnsiferumNeoChucky: insmod calls modprobe01:42
AndyCooll_oezguer: I'm not so keen on Yast, but some people say that's the best part of it01:42
Cyberomis it true ?01:42
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Mastastealthhey guys, if grub starts coming up with a command line interface instead of the usual menu of ubuntu, safemode, memtest, did my grub break?01:42
pianoboy3333is there a way to remotly execute a command from linux onto windows?01:42
Cyberomyou have to click add, and then custom ?01:42
AndyCooll_oezguer: yast is like the "control panel", and particularly Suses package installation metod01:43
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KnowledgEngistupid mplayer01:43
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wubrgamerhey guys01:44
boyiloi made it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111101:44
wubrgamerhow do i watch windows media on my system ?01:44
wizzlefishhow do I get KDE on Ubuntu?01:44
boyilothanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!101:44
wubrgameri'm running ubuntu dapper with universe and multiverse and every kind of verse01:44
Ensiferumwubrgamer: you install wmvware and windows01:44
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pianoboy3333is there a way to remotly execute a command from linux onto windows?01:44
wubrgamerare you serious ?01:44
wubrgameri thought there was a wey to get it up01:44
AndyCooll_wizzlefish: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop01:44
Ensiferumwubrgamer: or then you can try your luck with xine or something01:44
wubrgamerhow do i watch windows media01:44
Dimensionslol wubrgamer  @ verse01:44
wizzlefishAndCooll_: when I do that, it tells me I have to remove ubuntu-desktop01:45
skavengewubrgamer: you need to install w32codecs01:45
wubrgamerthank you01:45
NeoChuckypianoboy3333, you can install an openssh server on WIndows01:45
wubrgamerit isn't there01:45
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wubrgamernot in the standard repo's that is01:45
geeksauceSanne, before when you were talking about the loading screen for ubunu...can i change that too?01:45
skavengewubrgamer: instructions on the wiki under RestrictedFormats .. see ubotu's link=01:45
Sleeping_Slothhello - can anyone help me with a folding problem??01:45
wubrgamerwhat is the ubotu link ?01:45
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:45
NeoChuckyor try to make a rdesktop connection and execute the command01:45
wubrgamerthakn oyou01:45
ardchoillewizzlefish: ubuntu-desktop is just a meta package, it pulls in all deps for the ubuntu desktop. the ubuntu-desktop package is safe to remove01:46
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Dimensionshey guys im installing ubuntu on RH .. i have windows on other partitions ... when i install ubuntu will it affect my windows too ?01:46
wheelwhat is the syntax to add uninstalled programs to the installer?01:46
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Sannegeeksauce: that was the screen after the grub menu, before Gnome/Kde etc, I believe. I think it's called usplash, the page I refered to is here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto01:47
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wizzlefishardchoille: when I install, it gives me a list of about 100 dependencies - why doesn't it just install these automatically?01:47
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Mastastealthis there a way to reinstall grub from dapper desktop cd?01:47
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ardchoillewizzlefish: because kubuntu-desktop is also a meta package, it pulls in the deps for a nice kde desktop01:48
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KyleHuntHow can I view a CHM file in ubuntu?01:48
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wizzlefishardchoille: well it is not doing that right now - Synaptic is only installing a few packages that KDE depends on, and won't install the other dependencies01:48
sysrplsudo aptitude install xchm01:48
geeksauceSanne, just to make sure we are talking about the same thing, i mean where it shows the ubuntu logo and underneath that it shows the processes loading, right?01:49
Sannegeeksauce: I *think* it means that, yes. I got the info from the bot, I'll send it to you, sec.01:49
Sanne!usplash > geeksauce01:49
wheeli have an archive folder. how can i make the installer see it?01:49
jojoman02when i start gdmsetup i get a segfault... what do i do?01:49
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pianoboy3333NeoChucky: but no other way on a LAN?01:49
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sysrpldoes anyone here thing gimp like applications are horrid? you know the ones with mutliple floating windows that can hide behind the windows of other open applications ...01:50
Sannegeeksauce: did you get a message from ubotu?01:50
NeoChuckyI think the most convenient method is installing openssh on windows01:50
wheeljojoman02: download mandriva.01:50
geeksaucesanne, yes thanks01:50
mazurskiesysrpl: great on huge monitors, though!01:50
jojoman02wheel, that's not going to happen... lol...01:50
Ensiferumsigh, so noone knows how to load kernel modules?01:51
Dimensionsany one can answer me pls ?01:51
Sannegeeksauce: ah, fine (I'm not that familiar with the bot)01:51
sysrpli run at 1200x800 and its still a problem01:51
wheeljojoman02: ok. all i need is to find out how to add downloads to the installer. oh well. :)01:51
MastastealthEnsiferum: you mean with modprobe?01:51
ardchoillesysrpl: That's what ALT+TAB is for ;)01:51
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mazurskiei run at 1400x105001:51
wizzlefishsysrpl: that's what multiple workspaces are for01:51
mazurskieand my desktop is bigger01:51
geeksaucesanne, do you know of a place where i can get images designed for being a splash screen, i.e. correct dimensions and colors01:51
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MastastealthDimensions, no it shouldnt. If you are just writing over the RH partition, Windows should be untouched01:52
wizzlefisharg I hate Synaptic01:52
sysrplwell i use a tool like glade interface designer, and between the pallet, main window, designer, property window, and widget tree itss WAY too hard to use01:52
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sysrplespecially when tabing to other windows to copy code01:52
AndyCooll_Dimensions: If you mean wiping the RH partition and installing Ubuntu over it, then no it won't touch Windows01:52
EnsiferumMastastealth: modprobe/insmod whatever, it doesnt find the .ko unless i specify the full path. and Xorg doesnt do that so it barfs on "Driver "nvidia""01:52
] grimm[Does anyone know what the best way is for me to access files on a resier partition that is encoded with euc-jp under my utf8 ubuntu environment?01:52
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Ensiferumso is there some kinf of setup where insmod looks for the modules? :/01:52
wheeli'll bet nobody knows how to add downloads to the installer. typical.01:52
Ensiferumi added the path in /etc/modprobe.conf01:53
skavengewheel: are you talking about synaptic or what? if so its not possible01:53
ardchoillewheel: Huh?01:53
Sannegeeksauce: I just found those: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Change_Usplash and http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Serengeti_Usplash_for_Dapper01:53
] grimm[*resier=reiser01:53
SogniXhow do i mount an hfsplus drive with read AND write permissions? I swear I was able to write to it before :/01:53
Dimensionsthanks Mastastealth  i already have a swap and linux partition so which one i will be over writing ? ... and what abt the internet which works smoothly on RH is it going to work and installed there too ?01:53
wheelskag: how do i do it? do you know of a command line syntax? :)01:53
MastastealthEnsiferum: so you are trying to install NVIDIA drivers it seems?01:54
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wizzlefishwhy does "kde" depend on "kde-amusements?"01:54
NeoChuckyEnsiferum, hmmm... but... are you sure if Xorg is responsible for loading the kernel module? I tought that those kernel modules had to be loaded before starting the X server01:54
wizzlefishthat's really sad01:54
wizzlefishSynaptic is screwing up01:54
wheelardchoille: how do i add downloads to the installer? know the syntax? :)01:54
Dimensionsthanks AndyCooll_01:54
EnsiferumNeoChucky: it says in the log so01:54
Ensiferumcant load nvidia01:54
ardchoillewheel: You mean Synaptic?01:54
sysdocSanne, hey how ya doing01:54
wheelwizzlefish: i think that screw up is universal. :)01:55
NeoChuckymaybe it's the X server driver, not the kernel driver01:55
skavengewheel; no one even understands your question, what are you trying to add and what 'installer' are you talking about?01:55
wizzlefishwheel: well how do I install KDE?! ARG!01:55
Sannegeeksauce: oh, and there are some in the repositories, if you search for splash at packages.ubuntu.com: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=splash&searchon=names&subword=1&version=dapper&release=all01:55
NeoChuckyanyway, if you want to configure kernel drivers to be loaded at startup, try "modconf" (apt-get install modconf)01:55
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Sannesysdoc: hey, thanks, fine. You?01:55
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE01:55
wheelardchoille: anyhow!!!! i have an archive folder with uninstalled debs. i need to have the installer acknowledge it, and add it to the install list. any ideas? :)01:55
teknoprepwizzlefish: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop01:55
geeksauceSanne, thanks01:55
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ardchoillewheel: you don't add apps to the installer. You add repos to the list of repos the installer uses. The apps are added in the repos and their server is responsible for that stuff.01:56
sysdocSanne, great here, still hating CSS too, lol01:56
wizzlefishteknoprep: it gives me a list of ~80 dependencies that aren't going to be installed01:56
teknoprepwizzlefish:  too bad01:56
sysdocSanne, actually just hating IE, lol01:56
teknoprepwizzlefish: why not just download kubuntu ?01:56
MrKeunerHi, I have isntalle kubuntu-desktop while still keeping with ubuntu-desktop. I think I should have screwed something playing with settings in KDE system preferences; when I boot into gnome desktop same font same size is now smaller. I can easily compare them since I have two ubuntu-desktop systems here.(one without kubuntu-desktop) What could be the problem? thanks01:56
wizzlefishbecause I want GNOME and KDE01:56
Sannesysdoc: yeah, that's what it boils down to, mostly.01:56
sledmouthtry xfce4 instead ;)01:56
SogniXhow do i mount an hfsplus drive with read AND write permissions? I swear I was able to write to it before, now it mounts as Read-Only.  :/01:56
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ardchoillewizzlefish: I install kde with sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop01:56
wizzlefishadrchoille: I guess it doesn't work for me01:57
teknoprepwizzlefish: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list01:57
wheelwizzlefish: serious. be careful if you download install. go carefully. if you install kbuntu's kdm you coul;d have a problem, i think. start with kdesktop. :)01:57
teknoprepwizzlefish: uncomment the # next to the http crap01:57
AndyCooll_Dimensions: When in RH, use the command line and type df. That should tell you what partition is being used for what01:57
teknoprepwizzlefish: then sudo apt-get update01:57
sysdocSanne, I did get that menu working correctly in IE tho.01:57
teknoprepwizzlefish: then sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop01:57
teknoprepwizzlefish: then ---> buy a better brain01:57
AndyCooll_Dimensions: When you come to install Ubuntu make sure you select the RH partition to overwrite01:58
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wheelardchoille: update list in the installer? it Does_not_Freaking work for archive files.01:58
Sannesysdoc: wow, cool! (But we're hopelessly offtopic here with css stuff... wanna talk about it in #css?)01:58
skavengewheel; you CANT add them to the installer, for the 10th time01:58
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AndyCooll_Dimensions: Usually Windows is on the first partition01:59
ardchoillewheel: you have packages on a disk or something? You can use dpkg to install those.01:59
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oblibany experts on standby problems here?01:59
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sysdocSanne, nah I'm over it... qmail is on the table at this point01:59
skavengedpkg -i blah.deb, start manually installing01:59
Sannesysdoc: heh, ok :)01:59
oblibWhen I come back from standby, I can't get my digital out on my soundcard to turn on01:59
ardchoilleskavenge: :)01:59
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wheelskavenge: i have a cd with a complete kde install upgrade to ubuntu. i should. . . :)01:59
obliband if I go into standby with digital on, it won't come back01:59
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tritiumoblib: best thing is to file a bug02:00
teknoprepwizzlefish: why not just install kubuntu ?02:00
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teknoprepwizzlefish: it starts off with kde02:00
skavengewheel: they dont even make those, if you downloaded 'kubuntu', thats a full install, they dont make a kde add-on disk02:00
Sleeping_Slothdoes anyone in here have stability issues with amarok?02:00
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Sleeping_Slothbecause my amarok keeps crashing :(02:00
wheelardchoille: do you know the dpkg syntax? i tried it before and it failed to see the individual programs because there was no list. i tried to generate a list, and that failed.02:00
tripppyif remote-desktop sharing was working in ubuntu, why would'nt it work in xubuntu?02:01
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Sannesysdoc: I'd love to help you with qmail, but unfortunately don't know anything about it :/02:01
wizzlefishteknoprep: I thought it would be easier to install KDE because I have all my user files. I think I'll try and compile it or something.02:01
La_PaRCaAnyone has used scilab? I am having some trouble with it showing the wrong chars in the console.02:01
snoopsI had a few issues with amarok on amd64.. but that was todo with a codec problem.. in i386 it's perfect no crashes02:01
ardchoillewheel: Yes, it's:  sudo dpkg -i file.deb02:01
snoopsand you're using 1.4.1 right Sleeping_Sloth?02:01
tritiumLa_PaRCa: I prefer octave to scilab02:01
Sleeping_Slothsnoops: repos version on amd6402:01
KnowledgEngii have installed mplayer, w32codecs, totem, xine02:01
KnowledgEngii rebooted02:01
Sleeping_Slothsnoops: 1.3.902:01
KnowledgEngibut mplayer show a window blue02:01
Ensiferumfailed to load module "glx"02:01
DimensionsAndyCooll_,  ... and is my internet going to be configured the same way as it did in RH ?02:02
wheelardchoille: so. i first enter the folder. go, sudo dpkg -i file -- and that's all i need to do?02:02
Ensiferumfailed to load module "nvidia"02:02
Ensiferumfucking shit02:02
snoopsoh, you may as well upgrade to 1.4.1 Sleeping_Sloth02:02
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:02
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Sleeping_Slothsnoops: what is the best way to do that?02:02
snoopsand you've definitely got all the codecs right Sleeping_Sloth?02:02
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tritiumEnsiferum: don't use that kind of language here!02:02
ardchoillewheel: If you have a dir full of .debs and you know you want to install them all, you can do:  sudo dpkg -i /path/dir/*.deb02:02
Sleeping_Slothsnoops: hang on - I've got....02:02
La_PaRCatritium, ok. Is it better?02:02
tritiumLa_PaRCa: yes, I'd say so02:03
KirkWhat is the command line syntex to make a folder, its files, and it's subdirectories into a tgz file?02:03
Sleeping_Slothsnoops: gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly libxine-extracodecs02:03
snoopsgrab all the other xine and gstreamer codecs02:03
La_PaRCatritium, ok. I will give it a whirl. I would like to fix the problem with scilab tho.02:03
wheelardchoille: thank you very much!!! let me give it a shot!!! thanks!!! :)02:03
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AndyCooll_Dimensions: Anything special about your Internet connection, wireless? If it's bog-standard ethernet connection then It should find it yes.02:03
tritiumLa_PaRCa: I understand.  Filing a bug is a good idea, then.02:03
Sleeping_Slothsnoops: when it dies, it just freezes - i can force quit it, but it's a bit annoying. random things seem to set it off02:03
ardchoillewheel: You're welcome :)02:03
wheelardchoille: thanks. :)02:04
Sleeping_Slothsnoops: ok, I'll give it a go02:04
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KnowledgEngithere is some document that show a correct configuration of mplayer02:04
wheeladios. :)02:04
tripppyif remote-desktop sharing was working in ubuntu, why would'nt it work in xubuntu?02:04
Dimensionsnah its ethernet .. connection02:04
La_PaRCatritium, I am not sure if its a bug or something I have to configure.02:04
KnowledgEngichanging mplayer.conf02:04
KnowledgEngio some configuration file ?02:04
tritiumLa_PaRCa: dunno02:04
UKMattdoes anyone know anything about Novell's SLAB?02:04
snoopsSleeping_Sloth oh and http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.1.php for installing the latest version02:04
polpakKnowledgEngi, dunno, I use totem-xine, not mplayer02:04
La_PaRCaits probably something with the config, because the scilab console is using the wrong font02:04
Sleeping_Slothsnoops: thanks02:04
snoopsyeah I had the exact same problem on amd64 Sleeping_Sloth.. it'd freeze and give me an error about some kemail issue.. didn't try it with 1.4.1 though02:05
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La_PaRCatritium, its using some sort of arab font02:05
tritiumLa_PaRCa: oh, okay.  I haven't used it in years, so I'm not one to ask.02:05
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Sleeping_Slothsnoops: synaptic isnt reporting any gstreamer codecs (?)02:05
snoopsSleeping_Sloth got universe and multiverse enabled?02:06
Sleeping_Slothsnoops: yup02:06
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DimensionsAndyCooll_, before i go for installation ... i have a few questions to ask ... first .. we have a software which we install on client pcs we were using MS os till now we migrated to linux .. we want our software to run automatically each time ubuntu starts ... how we do it .. ?02:07
Sleeping_Slothsnoops: on a search for "gstreamer codec"02:07
kb3nnjHi all.02:07
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snoopsoh, just search for gstreamer02:07
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tritiumDimensions: update-rc.d can be used to start services at boot02:07
tritium(well, to install init scripts)02:08
SlackwiseWhat application/package in gnome manages fast user switch in Ubuntu?02:08
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ardchoilleDoes gdm start x or is it the other way around?02:08
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AndyCooll_Dimensions: Is this software Linux compatible?02:08
tritiumSlackwise: fast-user-switch-applet02:08
wizzlefishis there a way to download and install KDE without using Synaptic?02:08
La_PaRCahow can I get a list of all the fonts in my system?02:08
Sleeping_Slothsnops: that throws up *loads* of packages02:08
codecainestartx ardchoille02:08
RaitoHow would I make a scroll wheel on my touchpad? As in, making the right edge of the touchpad a wheel. I know this happened before on the same computer (on kubuntu) and I do not know how it happened. One day I woke up and it was a wheel >_>02:08
Raitowizzlefish: I did it with apt-get02:08
Sleeping_Slothsnoops:got any idea which ones have codecs in - or should I take anything thats lib?02:09
ardchoillecodecaine: That doesn't answer my question02:09
snoopsSleeping_Sloth basically follow this guide02:09
wizzlefishRaito: is there a way to do it without apt-get? Apt-get isn't working02:09
snoops!restricted > Sleeping_Sloth02:09
DimensionsAndyColl_: yes it is ... it is running smoothly ... is there any programme like startup in MS based so we add it and it runs always ?02:09
codecainedo you use gnome02:09
AndyCooll_Dimensions: By default, MS software doesn't run on Linux, not without the help of Wine or such "emulators"02:09
Slackwisetritium: I guess. That does do the trick, but it's not integrated into gnome. I haven't used Ubuntu recently, but GNOME 2.14 has built-in fast-user switching, aside from the applet.02:09
codecaineif so yes it does load gdm02:09
codecaine:)] 02:09
ardchoillewizzlefish: Yes, open a term and do: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:09
Raitowizzlefish: I would try to fix apt-get, did you try to install a debain package or something?02:09
Sleeping_Slothsnoops: thanks, I'll check it out02:09
AndyCooll_Dimensions: System-->Preferences-->Sessions02:10
wizzlefishRaito: no, apt-get is working, but it gives me a giant list of dependencies that didn't happen last time I installed KDE02:10
AndyCooll_You can add stuff to the startup process there02:10
Raitowizzlefish: When I installed KDE I had a giant list of dependancies too, it is prolly because last time you had most of them02:10
BlueEagleraito: xorg-driver-synaptics and/or gsynaptics (notice the s at the end. Has got nothing to do with the synaptic package manager)02:11
BlueEagle!info xorg-driver-synaptics02:11
ubotuPackage xorg-driver-synaptics does not exist in dapper02:11
wizzlefishRaito: is there any way to install all these dependencies without typing them in individually?02:11
Sleeping_Slothsnoops: incidentally, that 1.4.1 is a kubuntu package - will Ihave any issues using it in gnome?02:11
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wizzlefishsomething like "apt-get install kubuntu-desktop --dependencies02:11
snoopsSleeping_Sloth umm.. amarok is a kde app..02:11
BlueEagle!info gsynaptic02:11
ubotuPackage gsynaptic does not exist in dapper02:11
DimensionsAndyCooll_, does it support all executable files ?02:11
ardchoillewizzlefish: That's what the kubuntu-desktop meta package was designed for.. so you wouldn't have to manually type in all the deps02:12
KnowledgEngigxine do not show the video02:12
snoopsSleeping_Sloth since you already had to get the kde libs when you originally installed amarok on gnome.. You can just add the repository and upgrade hopefully.02:12
Raitowizzlefish: what do you mean typing them in individually? apt-get does dependancies for you, and BlueEagle, :/, hmm they aren't in dapper?02:12
wizzlefishhmm, well it doesn't seem to do be working, ardchoille - is there a way to troubleshoot that?02:12
Sleeping_Slothsnoops: I'm not running kde - apt-get seemed perfectly happy to get amarok for me though02:12
KnowledgEngii have installed. mplayer, gxine, totem-xine02:12
Sleeping_Slothsnoops: that's what I was hoping02:12
BlueEagleraito: Well, they are. I use dapper and aptitude search syna lists them.02:13
RaitoBlueEagle: ok, which one would I want? both?02:13
AndyCooll_Dimensions: Sorry, can't answer that. I think so, but II wouldn't like to say that is a definitive answer02:13
BlueEagleraito: Try the xorg-driver-synaptics first02:13
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Raitowhat is the difference between the two?02:13
KnowledgEngii have installed http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/FormatiProprietari too02:13
ardchoillewizzlefish: What happens when you do sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop?02:13
BlueEagleraito: I really would not know.02:13
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wizzlefishThe following packages have unmet dependencies: kubuntu-desktop: Depends: adept but it is not going to be installed02:13
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wizzlefishand a list of about 80 more of those02:14
BlueEagleraito: you would probably also want xserver-xorg-input-synaptics02:14
BlueEagleraito: but the first might install the last. (first one is a viritual pakcage methinks)02:14
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Raitowizzlefish: that is wierd, reinstall kubuntu_desktop, apparantly you have it already02:14
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krismi have multiple monitors set up, each with thier own session. however, in this setup, the "notification-area" applet does not appear to work. (no gaim icon will come up) - does anyone have experience with this?02:15
ardchoillewizzlefish: Are you certain you don't already have kubuntu-desktop?02:15
RaitoBlueEagle: ok, once I got those packages what do I do? does scroll automatically work? or what would I have to edit?02:15
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Sjoerd_what mailform do you guys suggest for a website!?!02:15
junkY_saninsmod: error inserting '/lib/modules/2.6.15-26-686/misc/fglrx.ko': -1 Operation not permitted02:15
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wizzlefishardchoille: positive02:16
wizzlefishI'll look harder though02:16
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KnowledgEngisomebody can help me with mplayer ?02:16
BlueEaglekrism: I have not got experienve with that in ubuntu or gnome.02:16
KnowledgEngii cannot see the video02:17
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snoopsgot all the required codecs installed KnowledgEngi?02:17
KnowledgEngii think that i need to change a configurazione file02:17
sledmouthKnowledgEngi: using the right vo ?02:17
veepster_any asterisk users here?02:17
Sleeping_Slothsnoops: you're getting busy on the codec front tonight :p02:17
snoopsSleeping_Sloth haha, you know it02:17
KnowledgEngii have installed by synaptic: mplayer, gxine, totem, totem-xine02:17
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KnowledgEngiand http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/FormatiProprietari02:18
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BlueEagleraito: I really would not know. You might need sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver or something to set it up.02:18
sledmouthKnowledgEngi: try playin from cli (mplayer) and see if it complains about somethimg02:18
RaitoBlueEagle: ok, thanks for your help, trying now02:18
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KnowledgEngiwhat is ?02:19
tritiumKnowledgEngi: command line interface02:19
gnomefreakKnowledgEngi: comman line interfacve02:19
sledmouthcommand line02:19
BlueEagleraito: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticsTouchpadHowTo02:19
BlueEagleraito: there you go02:19
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Raitogsynaptics doesnt' exist and I already have the other one >_>02:19
godtviskenI know I can compile my own kernal from source by downloading it from kernel.org for example, but is there a better way to do it in ubuntu?02:19
Raitobut I'll check the site02:19
hamhamguys, i found a bug in apache2, tried to recompile the apache from source, but everytime i do a dpkg-buildpackage, it wipes my changes and uses the original source tree -- does anybody know how to override this ?02:20
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polpakgodtvisken, eh.. use the ones in synaptic ?02:20
Riverhow do I run the update that "update-manager" does from a remote command line without using the gui ?02:20
sledmouthuse lighttpd instead ;)02:20
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UKMattif i want to paste in a folder that needs privledges, is there a way to do it without terminal?02:20
godtviskenpolpak, ok, i didn't know you could do that02:20
polpakRiver, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade02:20
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KnowledgEngithis is the output of02:21
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UKMattmeaning.. like through dragging and dropping into a window02:21
KnowledgEngimplayer -v 1.mpg02:21
polpakUKMatt, run nautilus as root02:21
Riverpolpak: thanks for that . can you tell me what the difference between the two is ?02:21
UKMattpolpak, how do I do that?02:21
polpakRiver, one updates your package list, one upgrades all available packages02:21
polpakUKMatt, make a launcher that does gksudo nautilus02:21
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Riverpolpak: thanks for your help, much appreciated !02:22
UKMattwhats the difference between gksudo and sudo02:22
polpakUKMatt, gksudo is the graphical sudo prompt you get when you try to do gui admin stuff02:22
godtviskenpolpak, what is it called in synaptic?02:22
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo, as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using sudo {guiapp}02:22
polpakgodtvisken, linux-image02:22
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UKMattpolpak, oh.. pops up the thing and dims the screen, tahts all?02:23
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polpakUKMatt, yes02:23
Sleeping_Slothsnoops: am I being stupid or something? I've added the 1.4.1 repository to my sources.list, and when I try to install amarok, it tells me I have the most recent version02:23
godtviskenpolpak, thanks02:23
UKMattpolpak, ha simple... ty02:23
fiveironso can anyone recommend a certain brand/model of external usb hdd enclosure?02:23
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Sleeping_Slothsnoops: am I being stupid or something? I've added the 1.4.1 repository to my sources.list, and when I try to install amarok, it tells me I have the most recent version02:23
BlueEagleukmatt: it also sets up the environment for the gui app better than what sudo does.02:23
Sleeping_Slothsnoops: shit, sorry. hamfist02:23
kintarohi guys..how can i play mp3 file on fresh installation?thanks!02:23
BlueEagle!mp3 > kintaro02:23
jmworxIs Martin Pitt or Ben Collins in this chan?02:24
godtviskenpolpak, ah well i guess i can't. not a new enought version for what i need02:24
BlueEagleknowledgengi: is that the I've-got-many-spots-smiley?02:24
ardchoilleBlueEagle: However, doing gksudo nautilus --no-desktop --browser gives error.. so there's no way to run nautilus using gksudo in a way that the root instance of nautilus doesn't "take over" the users desktop.02:24
KnowledgEngii have problem with video02:24
BlueEaglekintaro: ubotu should have sent you a /msg02:24
KnowledgEngii cannot see vedeo in mplayer window02:25
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UKMattpolpak, now when I run gksudo nautilus, i lose all my bookmarks in my file browser, do you know of any way to fix that?02:25
KnowledgEngithe mplayer window contain a black background02:25
andr34Hi all02:25
kintaroBlueEagle..yes.thanks a lot on this02:25
BlueEagleardchoille: A) Do you really want to do that? B) nautilus has got a --root flag, doesn't it?02:25
Riverpolpak: can you tell me what is the command line to get the upgrade running the the background and free up my terminal window  ?02:25
sledmouthKnowledgEngi: see what vo drivers u can specify on your system: mplayer -vo help (i think)02:26
polpakRiver, just do ctrl-shift-t02:26
polpakRiver, to make a new tab02:26
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polpakRiver, or are you in the consol?02:26
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BlueEagleriver: add a & at the end to put something in the background or try screen02:26
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gnomefreakardchoille: gksudo nautilus   should open it normally but with admin permissions02:26
polpakRiver, if you are in the console use ctrl-alt-f2 or ctl-alt-f3 etc02:26
BlueEagleriver: ie. aptitude update && aptitude upgrade &02:26
andr34does anyone know about install squid in ubuntu?02:27
ardchoilleBlueEagle: I don't see one. Using the "--no-desktop --browser" options prohibits nautilus from taking over the desktop. Ig you run gksudo nautilus, then the root instance of nautilkus will take over the users' desktop.. since gksudo doesn't allow the use of options with a command.02:27
BlueEagleandr34: any particular aspect of the installation you're wondering?02:27
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tritiumandr34: beyond sudo apt-get install squid?02:27
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Riverblueagle: Polpak: thank you both. Is there a way to disconnect a remote terminal but leave the update running ?02:28
ardchoillegnomefreak: Yes, it does, my point is that nautilkus manages the desktop and will change the users desktop if root opens nautilkus in a users desktop02:28
jiShdin: thats a nice desktop :O02:28
dinjiSh: thx :p02:28
mazurskieanyone tried 2.6.18-rc1 on ubuntu?02:29
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kintaroyo..guys.is there a web page on ubuntu packages?02:29
tritiumkintaro: packages.ubuntu.com02:29
dinthat's like asking if there's water in the ocean.02:29
kintarothanks tritium02:29
KnowledgEngican you look please ?02:29
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KnowledgEngithis is the output of your command02:30
jmworxBenC: you around?02:30
tritium!enter > KnowledgEngi02:30
andr34i have ubuntu 5.04 hoary hedgehog, and there's no facilities for squid, when i tried to install. it's not running02:30
tritium!info squid hoary02:30
ubotusquid: Internet Object Cache (WWW proxy cache). In repository main, is optional. Version 2.5.8-3ubuntu1.4 (hoary), package size 722 kB, installed size 2076 kB02:30
dinKnowledgEngi: what's the problem?02:30
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BlueEagleandr34: You might have to start it with something like: sudo /etc/init.d/squid start02:30
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BlueEagleandr34: but you probably want to configure squid before you start it.02:31
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tritiumBlueEagle, andr34: sudo invoke-rc.d <service name> start | stop | restart02:31
andr34yeah the problem squid need gcc02:31
tritiumandr34: why would it need that?02:31
andr34doesn't need?02:32
tritiumThe version in dapper doesn't depend on gcc, nor should the one in hoary.02:32
andr34im a new in ubuntu02:32
KnowledgEngithe problem is that every video player show a windows that contain black background02:32
BlueEagletritium: what is the difference between invoke-rc.d and running the scripts directly from /etc/init.d/ ?02:32
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snoopscan I move x window applications between displays? Eg I've got :0 as my main display.. can someone login and say be on display :50 then I can move that window on :0 to :50?02:32
KnowledgEngimplayer, gxine, totem, kaffeine and w32codecs are installed02:32
ardchoilleBlueEagle , gnomefreak You can run gksudo nautilus and gksudo nautilus --no-desktop --browser if you like to see what I am talking about.02:32
tritiumandr34: gcc is a compiler.  squid is already compiled for you in the ubuntu package02:32
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BlueEagleardchoille: No, I can't. I am using xubuntu and kubuntu only now. :)02:33
KnowledgEngithis is my problem din02:33
ardchoilleBlueEagle: Ahh, ok :)02:33
tritiumBlueEagle: it obeys any runlevel constraints, and local policies set02:33
dinKnowledgEngi: what video driver are you using?02:33
andr34so do you have an article how to install & running squid in ubuntu hoary?02:33
dinnvidia, ati, nv ?02:33
BlueEagletritium: I see. Nice.02:33
BlueEagle..and thanks.02:33
=== jasay [n=jasay@c-71-198-189-148.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
KnowledgEngii don know02:33
=== gnomefreak wont tell BlueEagle it will still work :X
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=== Generic [n=ahmed@c-24-16-108-94.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
KnowledgEngihow can i know it ?02:34
Genericsoop, if I were to launch a program in ssh and the close the session02:34
dinKnowledgEngi: sudo cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep -i driver02:34
Genericwould it still be running?02:34
lz1gjdhi, after installing SLED menu, when i start a gtk app as root, it uses the default gtk theme, what should i do to make it use my current user's theme ?02:34
tritiumGeneric: no.  You should use screen for that.02:34
BlueEaglegeneric: only if you start it in the background with `mycommadn &` or run it in a screen session02:35
tritiumGeneric: yes02:35
KnowledgEngidin: http://rafb.net/paste/results/YPPjfc65.html02:35
andr34does anyone know website how to install squid in ubuntu hoary?02:35
GenericI haven't read about screens....02:35
tritiumandr34: I told you:  sudo apt-get install squid02:35
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BlueEaglegeneric: sudo aptitude install screen02:35
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BlueEaglegeneric: screen myapp02:36
tritiumubuntu-desktop depends on screen, so it should be installed02:36
andr34yes blue i'd tried sudo apt-get install squid02:36
BlueEaglegeneric: to disconnect from the screen use CTRL+ALT+D to reconnect to the screen use screen -r02:36
tritiumandr34: and what happens?02:36
=== beerfan [n=beerfan@modemcable104.230-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
wheeli bet nobody knows how to add a directory to the installer.02:36
andr34but there's error message : no pacckage squid install02:36
beerfanwhat is the name of the linux kernel package?02:36
BlueEagleandr34: I see. Have you enabled all the repositories?02:36
BlueEagle!squid hoary02:37
ubotuI know nothing about squid hoary - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:37
tritiumandr34: have you ever updated your package listing?  It's in the main repo, so it _has_ to be there02:37
tritiumBlueEagle: see above for my !info squid hoary02:37
KnowledgEngidin: the driver for my graphic card is i74002:37
BlueEagletritium: that requires scrolling. :)02:37
Genericalso, how difficult is it to set it so typing bt launches bittorrent?02:37
tritiumGeneric: as easy as setting up an alias02:38
andr34blue : how can i check enable all repositories? sorry i really dumb for ubuntu :(02:38
ardchoillewheel: I don't think that would work because normal directories aren't setup with the files needed to make it a repo02:38
BlueEagleandr34: Never mind that. It should be in the main repos. have you tried to search for all packages containing squid with: aptitude search squid02:38
Genericawesome, i'll google it02:38
wheeltritium: i tried copying uninstalled packages into the archive, and then updated the pkg listing. stoopidly, it saw nothing.02:38
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nevynGeneric: alias bt='commandyouwanttorun'02:38
tritiumwheel: why did you do that?02:38
[Wiebel] anyone here with dapper + an ipw2200?02:39
Genericthamls nevyn02:39
dinKnowledgEngi: what version of mplayer are you using?02:39
wheelardchoille: this is soooooo stoooopid. i mean, the whole deal. i'm tiring fast. my god, doesn't debian have a useful syntax? is it applicable for ubuntu?02:39
andr34ok let me try02:39
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tritiumwheel: what are you trying to do?02:39
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wheeltritium: because the basic installer  is too stooopid to recognize and list an archive on my desktop.02:40
tritiumwheel: huh?02:40
BlueEaglewheel: Did you tell the installer that there were archives to be found on your desktop?02:40
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UKMattSo I just realized this, but after I run nautilus as root, if I do it again it doesn't ask for a password, is there something that I need to change so that it does need it again?02:40
jribWhen I run gnome-settings-daemon in fluxbox, my fonts change.  Anyone have any ideas what exactly it sets/unsets when it is run?  Or any suggestions on how to figure it out?  (I am suspecting something with the subpixel smoothing)02:41
wheeltritium: i have a folder on my desktop. /root/Desktop/archives. i want to make these programs available to the installer. to have it be recognized.02:41
KnowledgEngiroot@hostname:/home/user/VIDEO# mplayer --version02:41
KnowledgEngiMPlayer 2:0.99+1.0pre7try2+cvs20060117-0ubuntu8 (C) 2000-2006 MPlayer Team02:41
beerfanI installed linux-image-i686 and my networking doesn't work anymore. Is it possible uninstall that kernel or do I have to manually build a kernel which works now?02:41
ardchoilleuh oh02:41
wheelBlueEagle: which installer, what syntax? :)02:41
tritiumwheel: and why do this during install rather than after?02:41
sysdociptables question- I wanted to deny access from an entire block of ip addys, does anyone have a link explaining how to do that?02:41
BlueEaglewheel: You will need to add that location to your sources.list.02:41
KnowledgEngimplayer686 from synaptic, i have enabled all repository that synaptic show02:42
tritiumbeerfan: you should have installed linux-686, so as to bring in l-r-m, etc.02:42
snoopsanyone? Moving an x window to another display? Eg from :0 to :50?02:42
=== codecaine [n=codecain@cpe-70-125-182-20.sw.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
beerfantritium, no idea what you mean. l-r-m?02:42
wheeltritium: i have a base ubuntu installed. i downloaded the entire kde install. before i installed it, i put it on a cd so i wouldn't lose it.02:42
tritiumbeerfan: linux-restricted-modules02:43
Sannewheel: you need to generate a Packages.gz file in your folder and add your folder with a special syntax to your sources.list02:43
ardchoilleSanne: Thank you!02:43
wheelBlueEagle: thanks. the installer rejects the programs because they don't have a list.02:43
codecainehow can you find your webcam on linux?02:43
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Sanneardchoille: :)02:43
[Wiebel] fff~.02:43
BlueEaglewheel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThirdPartyPackages might apply, but I am not sure it does.02:43
beerfantritium, is that not a dependency? how can I install it now that I no longer have network?02:43
ardchoilleSanne: I have been trying to tell him that.02:44
wheelSanne: cool!!! what is the syntax? :)02:44
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tritiumbeerfan: you have the dependency order reversed.02:44
tritiumbeerfan: linux-686 is what depends on the linux-image, linux-restricted-modules, etc.02:44
wheelBlueEagle: me too. and i'm tiring fast. thanks. :)02:44
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Sannewheel: I'm looking for an easy tutorial for you. If I find none, I will try to walk you through it.02:44
dinKnowledgEngi: one question, do you have composite enabled, transparencies, and shadows and such?02:44
tritiumwheel: kubuntu provides a KDE install.  Why are you going through all that?02:45
wheelSanne: please do!!!! :)02:45
=== phunkalicious [n=phunkali@cpe-66-68-125-239.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
beerfantritium, I just did 'sudo apt-get install linux-image-i686' so if those others were deps then they should have installed no?02:45
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ardchoilleSanne: If you don't find a tutorial, how about writing one for the community ?02:45
KnowledgEngii think no02:45
phunkaliciousHi there, I can't get my volume controls to work. :(02:45
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wheeltritium: i am on dial up. it took two days to ownload what is now unreadable garbage. :)02:45
dinKnowledgEngi: sudo cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep -i composite02:45
BlueEaglewheel: Add your desktop folder to your sources.list (should be in /etc/apt/ folder) and it might help. Follow the template for the cd02:45
Sanneardchoille: I could swear there once was a page about this on the wiki.02:45
tritiumbeerfan: if there were, but they're not.  Again, you have it confused.  linux-686 is the meta package with the dependencies02:45
phunkaliciousThe gnome icon shows the volume adjusting, but nothing actually happens. :(02:45
ardchoilleSanne: I looked, didn't find one :(02:46
garryFOh holy cow, no wonder you wanted to save it to a folder.02:46
KnowledgEngidin: no output returned02:46
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KnowledgEngicat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep -i composite02:46
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wheelBlueEagle: thank you!! but it won't work because you would need to pre-generate a list. :)02:46
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ardchoilleSanne: I would be interested in learning how to generate the files needed for a repo, so I can make a local repo on my hd02:46
phunkaliciousubotu volume02:46
ubotuI know nothing about volume - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:46
dinKnowledgEngi: can you post your /etc/X11/xorg.conf in pastebin for me?02:46
wheelardchoille: :)02:46
beerfantritium, ok. I was just following the suggestion of some "tips for newbs" page and it mentioned no such thing. Is there an easy way to get back to the previous kernel?02:46
wizzlefishardchoille: how would I test if I have kubuntu-desktop or not?02:47
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NthDegree_wizzlefish try putting sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:47
BlueEaglewheel: Well I would assume you would install the base system first and then use something like aptitude to update the system with the new packages.02:48
Sanneardchoille: yeah, just a sec, I try to make sure I won't tell false things (done it a long time ago...). I made a script for konqueror to generate a packages file in a folder, accessible fronm the right click menu. I'm not sure I still understand the syntax...02:48
gmoorei just found an old MSI tv tuner card. i think it's using an ati chipset. i'm still trying to find the model # etc. any chances of it working in ubuntu?02:48
KnowledgEngidin: my xorg.conf is: http://rafb.net/paste/results/7eqARz40.html02:48
ardchoillewizzlefish: That's a good question. I suppose you could log out and see if KDE is in the gdm list of desktops.. I think it is the "Options" button02:48
tritiumardchoille, wheel:  see mini-dinstall for local repositories02:48
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wheeli dunno. i had a problem installing kubuntu right on top of ubuntu. i had dueling display mgrs.02:48
ardchoilletritium: Thank you very much :)02:48
wizzlefishardchoille: nope, not on the list02:49
andr34blue, when i try to run sudo apt-get install squid, here's a message : Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)02:49
beerfantritium, I tried removing the linux-image-i686 package but it says there's no such package, since it's just a metapackage I guess02:49
andr34, do u know what the problem?02:49
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tritiumardchoille: :)02:49
phunkaliciousanyone know why my volume controls wouldn't actually control the volume :/02:49
tritiumbeerfan: dude, just sudo apt-get install linux-68602:49
[Wiebel] hmmz02:49
wheeltritium: i don't understand. mini-dinstall? :)02:50
[Wiebel] it seems that NetworkMnager causes link loss02:50
garryFWheel, I would suggest trying to burn the archive as you call it to a cdrom and then you can add the cdrom to the items searched when using package manager btw, which one of the dueling windows managers won?02:50
tritiumwheel: it's a package you can install for that purpose02:50
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ardchoillewizzlefish: try this: dpkg -l kubuntu-desktop02:50
beerfantritium, I did. That's what broke my machine. Now I have no network so nothing else can be installed :-/02:50
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[Wiebel] anyone else seen this?02:50
tritiumbeerfan: no, you said you installed a linux-image package02:50
[Wiebel] when using default iwconfig, all seems fine02:50
[Wiebel] when using NetworkManager, I'm seeing link loss02:51
phunkaliciousworks for me :/02:51
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[Wiebel] (and packetloss bacause of that)02:51
wizzlefishardchoille: not found02:51
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Sannewheel, ardchoille: if you still need the info, here is a wiki page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PersonalRepositories02:51
beerfantritium, ok right. linux-image-i686 is what I installed. Am I screwed?02:51
wheelgarryF: yeah!!! i installed it initially. then i reinstalled ubuntu, and want to add the kdesktop. but i can't get the installer to recognize the packages. :)02:51
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tritiumbeerfan: please try what I've asked you to do02:51
ardchoillewizzlefish: Then it's not installed.02:51
KnowledgEngidin: have you idea of this problem ?02:52
wheelSanne: you Da Man!!!!!!! thank you!!! (brb). :)02:52
dinKnowledgEngi: i'm looking around02:52
Riverhow do i set up one machine on my network to be the apt-get cache for all other machines. I want to avoid all machines having to download the same updates/upgrades02:52
dinKnowledgEngi: you've tried EVERY video output?02:52
ardchoilleSanne: Thank you sooooo much. I have always been good at resolving deps manually, but this makes things much easier :)02:52
Sannewheel: you're welcome (and me <-- no man :))02:52
dinKnowledgEngi: try mplayer -vo xv file.mpg02:52
wizzlefishardchoille: I tried typing in "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop adept (etc.)" to get all the dependencies, and it still didn't work - a longer list of dependencies02:52
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beerfantritium, just tried it. I have unmet dependencies which it can't download02:52
Sanneardchoille: yeah, it's much easier, and not too much hassle to set up.02:53
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KnowledgEngii use ubuntu not kubuntu02:53
dliRiver, sudo apt-get install apt-proxy02:53
krismanyone know how to hide window decorations in metacity/gnome?02:53
tritiumbeerfan: that's truly odd.  Which ones?02:53
dinKnowledgEngi: this has nothing to do with your wm/desktop02:53
sharkyi need to add an entry to my fstab to mount a new hard drive and make is rw accessible for all users02:53
nevynRiver: there are a number of solutions from the simple... (copy /var/cache/apt/archives after doing the first one)02:53
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nevynto solutions like apt-proxy02:53
zammitI'm having some installation problems - I'm doing a fresh install of ubuntu 6.06 - new 40gig hdd, 233mhz p2, 256mb sdram02:53
sharkyi used the defaults option but normal users still can't write to the new drive02:53
firewhen I run dmesg |grep 1394 I get a current remote IRM is not 1394a-2000 compliant... any idea what I can do about that02:54
wheelSanne: i am. and i am in love!!!!! you helped out so much!!! Thank you!!!! cya later!!! :)02:54
dinkrism: you can install Eterm and run Eterm -x for no decors02:54
nevynRiver: to writing your own (which is what I did)02:54
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krismdin: thanks, will try it out02:54
=== DB2 [n=icebreak@l85-130-147-50.broadband.actcom.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
beerfantritium, extra packages to be installed: linux-restricted-modules-blah linux-restricted-modules-68602:54
DB2any channel for #ubuntu developers?02:54
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zammitanyone willing to help?02:55
fireI am also looking for help!!!!02:55
tritiumbeerfan: is the machine networked now?02:55
FunnyLookinHatDB2, #ubuntu-devel02:55
DB2anybody using gaim-dev package?02:55
FunnyLookinHatDB2, and #ubuntu-motu = masters of the universe02:55
FunnyLookinHatDB2, doubtful...  most people stick to the packages that are officially in the ubuntu repos02:55
tritiumDB2: not unless they're coding02:55
=== ApesMa [n=jejones@12-216-178-59.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
DB2it is in the offical respo02:55
FunnyLookinHatAhh, I see what you meant.02:55
beerfantritium, I wish. Neither ethernet nor wifi work02:56
FunnyLookinHatI thought you meant gaim development beta 202:56
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fireIRM is not 1394a-2000 compliant.. can some one help with this????02:56
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tritiumbeerfan: well, that's the problem.  Reboot, and boot into your old 386 kernel.  Sounds like your interface requires a restricted module.  Which interface do you use?  Is it wireless?02:56
Riverdli: does apt-proxy need to run on all machines ?02:56
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dliRiver, no, one machine only, then, others talk to that one02:57
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KnowledgEngidin: http://rafb.net/paste/results/AA0lV868.html02:57
fireIs there anyone on that can help????02:57
GenericDarn, 4 torrents is puny :(02:57
dli!help > fire02:57
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Riverdli: thanks .. but how do the others know to talk to the proxy mc ?02:57
beerfantritium, is my old kernel in the boot menu? I didn't think to check that. I guess I could just edit the boot config to bypass the new kernel02:58
ApesMaxscreensaver can't run any screensavers; it complains about being unable to open :0.0. I'm not logged in as root (after all, this is Ubuntu!). What might be causing this? (I have xscreensaver starting up at the beginning of the session.)02:58
kb3nnjbeerfan, in my experience, old kernels do, in fact, stay in the boot menu02:58
EnCh4nt3rHello! I have problems with my cd/dvdrw rom... whenever I put cd/dvd in it, I get some weird files with weird names.... I need to umount and then mount the drive again so that I can see the fils that are written on the cd/dvd... anyone knows what might cause this?02:58
dliRiver, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5637502:58
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zammitmy ubuntu installation keeps freezing, can anyone help?02:58
Riverdli: many thanks for your help ... and the link :-)02:59
samulizammit, when does it freeze?02:59
kleeshow can i see my MAC address???02:59
tritiumbeerfan: yes, it is02:59
dlizammit, elaborate02:59
dliklees, sudo ifconfig -a02:59
ApesMaklees: ifconfig02:59
zammitsamuli, when it loads the main kernel (2nd step in installation progress)02:59
zammit(i think)02:59
tritiumbeerfan: you have to remove kernels for them to be removed from you grub menu03:00
beerfantritium, should the 686 kernel have been built with the same modules and settings as the 386 kernel?03:00
kleesthx guys03:00
tritiumbeerfan: yes, but you didn't install the restricted modules.03:00
tritiumbeerfan: what's your primary network interface?03:00
zammitsamuli, id did an md5 checksum on my d/l - that was okay, i'm running a memory test right now, but the RAM and HDD are brand new03:00
beerfantritium, if by primary you mean most often used, wlan03:01
Tom39AwayHey, you know how in Gnome the windows bump into each other and the sides of the screen when you move them around?  I love that, is there a name for that feature?03:01
samulizammit, can you get to bash in recovery mode?03:01
RiverI have a machine on the network that thinks Aptitude or synaptic is already running, but it isn't. How do I fix or get around this ?03:01
ApesMaHmmm. When I kill xscreensaver and run xscreensaver demo, so that it fires xscreensaver up again, all is well. Time to go experiment.03:01
=== MeGaQuArK [n=gary@pool-71-111-178-14.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
zammitsamuli, i'm afraid i don't understand - in recovery mode? this computer never had ubuntu installed03:01
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tritiumbeerfan: that very much sounds like the problem.  You have no restricted modules, so you can't bring up wlan0 with your 686 kernel.  Please reboot into your 386 kernel, and sudo apt-get install linux-68603:02
EnCh4nt3rTom39Away, that's XGL03:02
samulizammit, push esc when grub has it's three second countdown.03:02
Tom39AwayEnCh4nt3r, thanks03:02
fireso if there is anyone on here that knows a bit about getting firewire working that would be great....03:02
samulizammit, do you have another computer you can irc from?03:02
zammitsamuli, yes03:02
EnCh4nt3rTom39Away, you can install it in ubuntu... look on the forums there should be how to do it03:02
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samulizammit, okay, so try to get to bash first with recovery.03:03
Tom39AwayEnCh4nt3r, huh?  No, it's something that's there already in Dapper by default.03:03
zammitsamuli, i'm not on the computer i'm installing ubuntu on =) just fyi - there is no OS on that computer03:03
EnCh4nt3rTom39Away, hmm I don't know then... I haven't seen that... so I don't know what you are talking about :)03:04
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samulizammit, ok. First thing I think you should do is get to bash and update everything to newest version, me thinks.03:04
Tom39AwayEnCh4nt3r, hmm.  Are you using Gnome in Dapper?  Just move a window around and it'll bump into the edge of the screen for a short while, and you have to move the cursor a little bit more than usual to get it to go over.03:05
zammitsamuli, i'm very new to all of this, define bash? =\03:05
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dinKnowledgEngi: ok, what version of Xorg are you running03:05
DB2where can i d/l the source code used for gaim in ubuntu ?03:05
EnCh4nt3rTom39Away, oh, I see what you mean... well... I don't know how's that called... you want to disable it?03:06
ZeZuthe gaim website ?03:06
DB2zezu: no .. it's a special ver03:06
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Tom39AwayEnCh4nt3r, found it, it's called "Edge resistance".  No, I love it, just wondered what it was called.03:06
DB2anybody know ?03:06
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wizzlefishardchoille: KDE is installed - I used aptitude instead of apt-get and it's all good03:06
EnCh4nt3rI see, ok. Great :)03:06
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meherencan you get quake on ubuntu?03:07
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QuaruptedYou can get quake on any linux system03:07
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meherenfor free?03:07
Quaruptedit has a native linux version03:07
krismdin: that worked great. got a bitchx session that looks like its on the desktop now :)03:07
QuaruptedI dunno if its free check apt03:07
ralshebif ssh keeps telling me conenction refused on a comp i can ping that has ssh installed what should i be looking @?03:07
KnowledgEngidin: X Window System Version 7.0.003:07
zammitsamuli, how do i run recovery? i'm so lost...03:07
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dinkrism: cool :)03:08
EnCh4nt3rI have problems with my cd/dvdrw rom... whenever I put cd/dvd in it, I get some weird files with weird names.... I need to umount and then mount the drive again so that I can see the fils that are written on the cd/dvd... anyone knows what might cause this?03:08
krismnow if i could just get xinerama + opengl to play nicely ;)03:08
phunkaliciouscan anyone help me get my volume controls to work in dapper drake? gnome shows them adjusting the volume but it doesn't actually adjust the volume.  I have looked in gstreamer-properties and tried changing it from master to PCM but still, nothing. And thus I am sad. :(03:08
=== tich [n=bradley@MTL-ppp-154789.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Tom39AwayDB2, http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/net/gaim ?03:08
krismit's wierd. no xinerama (3 sep. x sessions), opengl works fine. enable xinerama, *bam* no opengl03:08
KnowledgEngidin: the complete output of: Xorg -version is http://rafb.net/paste/results/Poudf042.html03:08
DB2nm, tx03:08
stwelinQuick question (sorry if this seems rather novice) but i cannot seem to get my apt-get command to find any packages i want to install.  It's like it's connected to a repository with only the essential Ubuntu files on it.03:08
ZeZulike the cdrom ?03:09
dinKnowledgEngi: can you play any other files besides .mpg ?03:09
dinThe selected video_out device is incompatible with this codec.03:09
ZeZuit doesn't just automagically connect to some repos.03:09
dini see that line in your last pastebin03:09
KnowledgEngiall video is black03:09
ZeZuyou have to add them03:09
samulizammit, you should have three second countdown at the very beginning of boot. push esc there and grub should show you a menu with recovery option.03:09
KnowledgEngiusing every video player03:09
dinKnowledgEngi: sounds like an xorg problem to me.03:10
stwelinFor example, the Elinks package exists on packages.ubuntu.com, however 'apt-get install elinks' returns 'package elinks does not exist'03:10
dinbrb, gotta take the dog out.03:10
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KnowledgEngiis possible that a problem is in mplayer.conf ?03:10
krismerr. sorry.03:10
sysdocWhere (in what config file) is the email address used by qmail for messages sent to nonexistent users03:10
krismi've really got to disable middle click for my IRC terminal.03:10
meherenstwelin, sudo apt-get update03:10
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tritiumDB2: did you get your question answered?03:11
nevynstwelin: enable universe and multivers03:11
stwelinmeheren: already tried that.03:11
DB2yeah tnx03:11
tritiumDB2: if not, sudo apt-get source gaim03:11
stwelinnevyn: where can i enable that?03:11
meherenstwelin, that will update all available packages list03:11
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meherenoh...? dunno what to tell you then03:11
nevynstwelin: /etc/apt/sources.list or using synaptic click configure repositories03:11
stwelinnevyn: thank you.03:12
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filemovercan anyone tell me the best version of ubuntu to get03:12
samulizammit, grub is the boot-manager program that then starts ubuntu or other operating systems if you have any.03:12
macgeekhow can I get Ubuntu online with DSL without a router? I have a DSL modem -> ethernet switch -> Ubuntu box, and I can't seem to get it online03:13
meheren filemover, dapper drake03:13
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filemoverok thnx Mehe03:13
filemoveris there any good guides for setting it up03:14
meherenfilemover, it's soooo easy03:14
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burivoySomebody help me with the X autostart&03:14
=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@londonderry-cuda2-68-171-161-230.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
filemoverive got a torrent downloading at the moment03:14
meherenjust burn a livecd/install cd and click install03:14
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macgeekis it even possible?03:15
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meherenIt walks you though (procram assumes your a ignorant noob...03:15
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wheeli'll bet nobody knows how to add a directory to the installer.03:16
stwelinnevyn: i uncommented the 'universe' and 'multiverse' repositories, yet still apt-get does not seem to be able to find simple packages listed on packages.ubuntu.com03:16
nevyndid you update?03:16
zammitsamuli, i currently have no operating systems installed, i'm attempting to install ubuntu, but it freezes during the install03:16
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meherenhttp://pastebin.us/1406 any ideas?03:16
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samulizammit, aa, ok.03:16
wheelmehren: ignorance on parade?03:16
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zammitsamuli, i'm at a screen that says "boot:" i'm unfamiliar w/ paramters to be entered here03:16
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beerfantritium, that did it. I'm back up and working. thanks much.03:16
zammitsamuli, ...after hitting "esc" in the installation menu03:16
samulizammit, oh, ok. If you are just about to install then forget everything I said.03:17
burivoyI've installed some additional packages for  Gnome and after the next restart it occures that I am in atext mode.03:17
wheelnevyn: i have an entire kde distro in a directory. the stooopid instller refuses to se it.03:17
samulizammit, so I take it you have the text-mode install cd?03:17
burivoyHow to switch graphical mode again?03:17
meherenwheel, ?03:17
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wheelmeh: did you call a person new to linux "stupid?"03:18
samuliburivoy, try startx03:18
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burivoyI did co03:18
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meherenwheel, no...?03:18
samuliburivoy, what did it put out?03:18
kintarohi guys..how can i install xchat..not the xchat-gnome?03:18
meherenhttp://pastebin.us/1407 any ideas?03:18
zammitsamuli, no i transferred over to text mode03:19
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phunkalicioussudo apt-get install xchat03:19
burivoysamuli, but how to switch it on on a permanent basis?03:19
stwelinnevyn: okay, got it working now, thanks for the help. :] 03:19
filemoverim getting this image on bittorrent at over 600 kb's a sec03:19
wheelphunk: beautiful!!!!!! :)03:19
meheren filemover, wow!03:19
bubuntuhow to make ubuntu mount a mp3-pendrive as writable? please03:19
burivoyCtr+Alt+7 is empty it just didnot start03:19
filemoverive never seen it so quick03:19
meherenfilemover, that's faster then you get when downloading from a sever03:20
filemoveryeah puts http to shame03:20
filemoverbut thats bittorrent03:20
filemoverif u have lots of seeds u got no worries03:20
meherenAny ideas why quake won't run?  http://pastebin.us/140703:21
wheelfile: that's what they all say. :)03:21
kintarophunkalicious..there is an error.."E: Couldn't find package xchat"03:21
meherenfilemover, it's only when you got no seeds...03:21
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samuliburivoy, startx didn't start or show you a cursor with grayish background?03:21
phunkaliciouskintaro, you will need to enable the universe and multiverse repositories first03:21
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wheelcya. :)03:21
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phunkaliciousubotu tell kintaro about repos03:21
samulizammit, transferred over? what installation cd do you have?03:22
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meheren http://pastebin.us/1407 why won't it work?03:22
phunkaliciousno problem :D03:22
[Wiebel] are there any good gnome frontends for wifi, which support WPA03:22
[Wiebel] besides nm-applet03:22
phunkaliciouswhat's wrong with nm-applet :(03:22
filemoverwhats quake03:22
phunkaliciousi think there is one in the forums though :/03:22
samulifilemover, the game?03:23
[Wiebel] phunkalicious: NetworkManager causes loss overhere03:23
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Dr4g(02:22:52) filemover: whats quake <<<--- wtf ?03:23
meheren filemover, google it03:23
[Wiebel] phunkalicious: once in a while it just drops the connection03:23
phunkaliciousGTK Wifi Project, but I never used it before03:23
passbei need a command line command to mute the system volume ?03:23
phunkaliciouswierd, i've nver had that happen :O03:23
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meherenquake is like an awsome old fps game03:23
[Wiebel] phunkalicious: its weird allright ;)03:23
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nevynmeheren: quake old?03:23
=== nevyn feels over the hill
meherenIm 14...03:24
meherenso for me old.. yes03:24
nevynsigh.. I'm 2703:24
Dasnipa] [14... what kiddies03:24
fiveiron<-- 2603:24
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fiveironi still remember buying the doom demo on 2 floppy disks03:24
nevynquake was like.. The game.. it required a PENTIUM ffs03:24
ColdFyrelol im un banned from here finally...03:25
fiveironfor $503:25
Dasnipa] [hehe03:25
filemoverim just downloading a demo03:25
Dasnipa] [14 man... just growin in the hippie hair eh?03:25
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nevynpentiums were so hot you could cook your breakfast on them03:25
meherenmy dad still has doom on a old 68k mac running debian03:25
nevynthey NEEDED a FAN!!!03:25
filemoverlooks like a game of alien turf wars03:25
fiveironi had an issue of pc magazine with the headline "fastest pc in the world" and it was a p12003:25
nevyneveryone was shocked in the day at the idea of a cpu needing a fan03:25
ColdFyrei remember my 486 SX2503:26
meherenfilemover, if you want to play doom (for free) intsall the packageprboom03:26
ColdFyreduke nukem 3d didnt even run on it03:26
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meherennevyn, woa lol!03:26
meheren*package prboom03:27
samuliColdFyre, liar! Duke Nukem run on my 386.. I think.03:27
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burivoyGuys, could someone tell me, how to switch on graphical interface (X) on system startup?03:27
meherenwhy won't quake run??? http://pastebin.us/140703:27
ColdFyresamuli:  on my system it would not run, it froze every time you loaded a level03:27
pookeyhey all - I presume i can install a desktop from the server disk? is there a package I can install that will set it all up for me as a desktop machine?03:27
meherenburivoy apt-get install gdm03:27
ColdFyrei had to throw a 33mhz in for it to run03:27
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samuliNo, wait. I might've switched over to a pentium at that point.03:27
ColdFyrew/ a math co processor03:28
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ColdFyreeven then it was 10 fps03:28
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meherenColdFyre, 10..03:28
meherenOn my macbook I get 45 running doom03:29
ColdFyredoom is much less over head03:29
ColdFyredoom ran smooth03:29
meherendoom has to more proccesor intonsive03:29
meherenoh!, ok03:29
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meherenhttp://pastebin.us/1407, doesn't anyone have any ideas?03:30
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burivoymeheren, it tells that new sound package will be installed03:30
ColdFyreduke had a veavily modded version of the build engine03:30
burivoyI meant only some configuration files to be fixed-up03:30
meherenburivoy, k03:30
filemoverwell that took the best part of 10 minutes to download ubuntu03:30
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Advant-Is it ok to get help in here?  Or will someone say go read the forums? ;)03:30
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meherenfilemover, wow...03:30
burivoyI've downloaded and installed some packages for Gnome03:31
filemoveryeah ive got a good connection03:31
meherenAdvant-, seek and ye shall recieve (hopefully)03:31
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burivoyAnd after that I found that X doesn't start at system start-up03:31
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burivoyHow to fix it up?03:31
samulimeheren, you probably need to copy over some files from the original quake 2 cd for it to work.03:31
meherenthat's odd03:31
Advant-I just installed the latest ubuntu, and want to get my bcm4306 wireless card working, i've read a bunch of things, but not sure which forum posts were up to date with the latest ubuntu release03:32
meherensamuli, that's a prob03:32
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meherenI don't own quake for linux03:32
samulimehere, read the readme.03:32
Advant-When ubuntu loads, it gives some error about not being able to load some .fw file, and I think I need to update some about the symbolic links?03:32
samulimeheren, it's okay if you own a copy for windows.03:32
meherensamuli, I only own a copy for classic mac (system 5)03:33
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samulimeheren, read the readme file.03:33
meherenor rather mac os 5.503:33
meherenman quake(2) ?03:33
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edjuDoes ubuntu offer a modular KDE, or does one get the whole shebang upon installing?03:34
samulimeheren, I think it's in the /etc/quake203:34
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JemtGreetz. Have this vulnerable http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/18874/info been fixed in Breezy/Dapper ?03:34
samulibut you could try if there's man page for quake :)03:34
meherenedju, whole shabang03:34
meherenok :)03:34
=== newbietolinux [n=nakedwar@24-240-138-084.dhcp.clbh.va.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
newbietolinuxanyone there i am new to this irc chat?03:35
meherenwere here03:35
meherenall 771 of us03:36
meheren(well not really)03:36
newbietolinuxi am trying ubuntu linux and suse 10.1 what are your opinions?03:36
phunkaliciousi'm just here in spirit really :/03:36
edjumeheren, Thanks, Same is true of X too, then?  No modular?03:36
newbietolinuxcool, you guys are great...03:36
samulinewbietolinux, I have to say I find ubuntu better03:36
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newbietolinuxi think this is why ubuntu is better support...03:36
meherenedju, dunno03:36
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newbietolinuxi am having a problem with dual monitors03:37
meherenedju, never goofed with X03:37
samulihehe, who isn't? :)03:37
phunkaliciousunless you are working at a company that runs windows servers or an AD domain, then i would go with suse :|03:37
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meherennewbietolinux, what the bad news?03:37
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newbietolinuxi have 2 different monitors one saids it is out of resolution x and y?03:38
meherentook me a month to figure it out03:38
meherenbut then it didn't work...03:39
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newbietolinuxwell why do i do?03:39
meherenarrg the focus follows mouse thing is annoying03:39
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samulinewbietolinux, what graphics card do you have?03:39
Jemtnewbietolinux: I'm not sure I understand you. Your monitor is using a wrong resolution ?03:39
wheelswitchis there any way of monitering the temperature of a usb hdd?03:39
newbietolinuxi have the 6800 gtx 51203:39
talecan somebody tell me how to prevent software raid devices from being mounted at boot03:39
newbietolinuxno the monitor is at the wrong x and y cords or somthing crazy03:40
Jemtnewbietolinux: The monitor? Then move it by hand ;)03:40
Jemtnewbietolinux: The "image" is not centered ?03:40
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newbietolinuxlet me check that way i don't sound dumb03:40
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Jemtnewbietolinux: Cool :)03:41
samulinewbietolinux, it's probably just that the resolution it tries to reproduce isn't fit for the monitor.03:41
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meherensamuli, yeh Ive had that prob with my mac03:41
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newbietolinuxback; it saids the signal freq is out of range?03:41
Jemtnewbietolinux: Ah, ok03:41
samulinewbietolinux, I don't know for nvidia cards, but you could try and check out /etc/X11/xorg.conf and see if there's entry for second monitor.03:41
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meherenI have a 1280x1024 screen but the mac wants the screen to be 2054x130003:42
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phunkaliciousnvidia has twinview for that kind of stuff03:42
phunkaliciousbut i don't know how to use it for sure :/03:42
Jemtnewbietolinux: Can you start a Terminal from "Applications > Accessories", please03:42
meheren(2054x1300 is the max that the g4 supports)03:42
newbietolinuxwell i tryed ubuntu and suse they both have the dual monitor problem03:42
newbietolinuxyes i can03:43
Jemtnewbietolinux: The type 'sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf' and press enter03:43
JemtThe type = then type03:43
filemoverive burnt the CD what do i do now boot from it03:43
ljloleli love ubutu03:43
meherenfilemover, w32/64 or mac?03:43
newbietolinuxyou want me to type out the type = then type?03:43
Jemtnewbietolinux: Just type 'sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf' in the terminal/console and press enter03:44
meherenput cd into drive03:44
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meherenwhen computers boots hit F203:44
newbietolinuxokay roger, w8 103:44
meherenthat should bring you into bios03:44
Jemtnewbietolinux: Ok :)03:44
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filemoverdont that03:44
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meherenthen set the computer to boot from cd as option 103:45
nosilver4ui need help getting 2 xsessions running on a dual-head card03:45
nosilver4uanyone have any experience with that?03:45
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meherenthen go all the way to exit and hit exit(maybe quit...) and save (BE SURE TO SAVE)03:45
meherenI'll be right back have to bring my dog in for the night03:46
YlanI need some help with ipod / usb issues03:46
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Jemtnewbietolinux: Well ?03:46
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filemoverim at the splash screen03:46
filemoverits going to install03:46
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phaedrus44woot  woot03:46
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filemoverit seems to be loading all this stuff03:47
RafaelMontanoHow do download a file in Ubuntu Server?03:47
RafaelMontanoWhat command?03:47
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samulifilemover, it's not installing. IT's just loading to the desktop03:47
nosilver4uRafael: try wget03:47
pookeyhi all, I presume i can install a desktop from the server disk? is there a package I can install that will set it all up for me as a desktop machine?03:47
filemoveris it loading into ram03:47
samulipookey, ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop03:48
pookeysamuli: that's effectly the same as using the desktop disk ?03:48
samulipookey, yeah. If you want just the core use gnome-core or kde-core03:48
pookeysamuli: thanks :)03:48
samulior xfce4 cor03:48
=== blanky [n=blanky@pool-71-104-117-215.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
edjuNot wanting to start a distro war , truly curious - why choose ubuntu rather than just using debian?03:48
pookeyug ;)03:48
blankyabout how much space does an ubuntu base isntall take? I forget03:48
blankyI remember it takes 2 gigs or less03:48
pookeyedju: it's far more upto date (I'm a fan of neither distro ;) )03:49
blankyedju, cause debian is old and crusty?03:49
filemoverits playing music to me03:49
pookeyedju: and, 6.06 has a 5 year server support promise03:49
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RafaelMontanonosilver4u: Thanks downloading! :)03:49
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filemoverive got a desktop now what do i do03:50
YlanAnyone here well versed in ipod / usb issues?03:50
interfearcan anyone recommend some cool desktop eye candy / toys for 6.06?03:50
blankydid you guys know that Seveas is my brother?03:50
newbietolinuxback and did it03:50
edjuIsn't ubuntu really debian ?03:50
newbietolinuxsorry for the leave03:50
blankyedju, yes...no...03:50
pookeyedju: it shares the package manager03:50
meherenare you in gnome yet?03:50
BHSPitMonkeyedju, based on it03:50
lidoanyone here run 6.06 server with bind9 for dns?03:50
BHSPitMonkeya lot of the rules are the same.03:50
blankythey take sid snapshots and path and make em better, send results back to debdev, and make it better03:50
newbietolinuxi opened the X11/xorg.conf03:50
meherenfilemover, has gnome loaded yet?03:51
filemoveri figured it out03:51
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filemoveri just double clicked on install03:51
meherenok :P03:51
edjuIt installs binaries, no?  Is there a choice to install progs from source?03:51
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Jemtnewbietolinux: Please remember to heighlight me by typing my nick (ie  'Jemt: Here is my message') - otherwise I don't see your messages03:51
filemoveri have to select a time zone03:51
Jemtnewbietolinux: You see a lot of text, right ?03:51
meherenif you have any troubles questions, just ask03:51
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newbietolinuxcan u see me now03:51
meherenyeh, a bunch of stupid things at first03:52
samuliedju, yes, but why would you want to do that?03:52
digitalhav0ccould some on tell what screen my Xgl is running on from this03:52
digitalhav0cdigitalhav0c@zeus-desktop:~/ut$ sudo ps uax | grep Xgl03:52
digitalhav0c1000     11793  3.5 13.1  77100 68020 ?        RL   21:44   0:12 Xgl -fullscreen :1 -ac -accel glx:pbuffer -accel xv:pbuffer03:52
digitalhav0c1000     12053  0.0  0.1   2884   816 pts/1    S+   21:50   0:00 grep Xgl03:52
newbietolinuxi have your name highlighted03:52
Jemtnewbietolinux: Yes, but highlight me by typing my name (that makes the line you type a different color on my screen)03:52
pookeysamuli: to have the latest SVN build of fast moving packges perhaps? amarok and kopete are things i build a lot on my system03:52
Jemtnewbietolinux: Makes it easier for me to track our conversation03:52
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JustinpirateHello everyone03:53
Jemtnewbietolinux: <<==== I also type your nick in the beginning of each line03:53
samulipookey, I think he meant getting the sources from repositories.03:53
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filemoverwell that worked ok it updated my time03:53
Jemtnewbietolinux: Anyways, the file you opened is full of text, right ?03:53
newbietolinuxjemt; i see03:53
Jemtnewbietolinux: There you go! :)03:53
newbietolinuxjemt yes03:53
edjusamuli, Well, I don't mean the configure, make, make install route - I mean like gentoo's emerge. e.g., with its USE flags & all.  Ubuntu offer something like that?03:53
samuliedju, apt-source03:54
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Jemtnewbietolinux: Ok. Now I remember it, we'd better make a backup of the file03:54
pookeysamuli: pretend he meant what I just said, beucase... it's a question I have anyway ;)03:54
BHSPitMonkeynewbietolinux, type BHS and hit [TAB] , see what happens :)03:54
samuliedju, but anyways.. why? :)03:54
newbietolinuxjemt: it states that i have one monitor generic and generic nvidia card03:54
Jemtnewbietolinux: Just close the program (text editor) and type this in the console/terminal03:54
newbietolinuxjemt: okay03:54
YlanWhen I try to copy files from my ipod to the computer, I get Buffer I/O errors on the system log and the process hangs forever.03:54
newbietolinuxjemt: what did you want me to type?03:54
Jemtnewbietolinux: 'cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup' <enter>03:54
pookeysamuli: I needd to upgrade kopete yesterday from SVN, currently I'm a gentoo user so I could just re-emerge from the SVN ebuild... are there provisions in ubuntu to do it easily ?03:54
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Jemtnewbietolinux: Without the pings ( ' )03:54
YlanI have tried a kernel without EFI support, with both a USB and a firewire connection, and the result is still the same.03:55
samulipookey, I don't know. maybe checkinstall has that kind of functionality?03:55
edjusamuli, Wouldn't that be more - uhhh - "molded" to a particular system?03:55
samuliedju, in theory you get better performance but in practise it's negligible.03:56
pookeyedju: (unless I'm wrong) ubuntu is i686 compiled, on a desktop you will see very little different compared to a 'tuned' gentoo system (I'm a gentoo user, it's my OS of choice)03:56
samuliedju, and compiling takes ages :)03:56
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edjusamuli, I know, that's why I'm looking for something other than Gentoo.03:56
Jemtnewbietolinux: I gotta go in a few minutes - You'd better hurry :)03:57
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newbietolinuxjemt: its done03:57
pookeyedju: well, does compiling bother you *that* much? I don't consider it an issue personally.  it's a one off.03:57
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newbietolinuxjemt: i have a back up now of that config03:57
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samulijemt, gedit makes it's own backups by default btw.03:57
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filemoverits making a partition03:58
edjupookey, The problem is, I've made mistakes over time in Gentoo, and it's beginning to show.  Fixing them may be over my head.03:58
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samulithey're called the.file~03:58
pookeyedju: for exmaple ?03:58
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Jemtnewbietolinux: Interesting.. no errors? We forgot 'sudo' in front of the command03:58
newbietolinuxthanks for the info i am learning03:58
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newbietolinuxjemt: no i did sudo03:58
javioloif compiled an app from sources and then installed, later how do I uninstall it _03:58
Jemtnewbietolinux: Good :)03:58
newbietolinuxjemt: i know solaris03:58
meherenfilemover, are you wiping your drive?03:58
filemoverwhats a good size for the partition03:58
Jemtnewbietolinux: Ah, okay :)03:58
meherenBe very carefull03:59
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meherenumm how big is hd?03:59
filemoverit asked me if i wanted to and i said no03:59
Jemtnewbietolinux: Open the xorg.conf file in gedit again (press arrow-up a few times to see the command again)03:59
newbietolinuxjemt: i got it03:59
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samulijaviolo, you need to have the sources on your harddrive and there make uninstall. I think.03:59
Jemtnewbietolinux: Execute it <enter>03:59
newbietolinuxjemt: i am not to much a newb03:59
TuBF2Lo. Anyone able to point me to the most recent LiveCD release of Ubuntu? Can't seem to find anything related on the download page03:59
Jemtnewbietolinux: Ok :)03:59
meherenfilemover, choose resize par and use free space03:59
filemoveri did that04:00
newbietolinuxjemt: got it04:00
javiolosamuli ok thanks04:00
filemoverits doing stuff now04:00
meherenfilemover, ok now how big is th hd?04:00
edjupookey, Well, modular X and nvidia, for one - a messed up world file for another.04:00
meherenah ok...04:00
carneousa normal install of ubuntu server has no sshd?04:00
filemover100 GB04:00
Jemtnewbietolinux: Ok, now let's find 'Section "Monitor"'04:00
meherenfilemover, woa04:00
pookeyedju: yeah.. ok.. you're 'playing' with masked stuff, that's your own fault ;)04:00
newbietolinuxjemt: got it04:00
TuBF2Anyone able to point me to the most recent LiveCD release of Ubuntu? Can't seem to find anything related on the download page04:01
filemoverits my laptop04:01
meherenfilemover, use 50 gigs for ubuntu and 50 for winblows04:01
Jemtnewbietolinux: In that section you will find HorizSync and VertRefresh. Comment these out by placing a # (hash) in front of each line04:01
meheren filemover, my macbook only has 8004:01
peopeI heard of an enterprise version of ubuntu. What is it called?04:01
newbietolinuxjemt: it saids identifier, option, horizsync, and vertrefresh04:01
Jemtnewbietolinux: Do you have 'Option    "DPMS"' in that section ?04:01
edjupookey, Mod X isn't masked now - not for x86, anyway.04:01
Jemtnewbietolinux: Comment out the lines I just told you about then :)04:01
filemoveryeah i talked to the guy at tandy and he said i needed a new hard drive and he sold me this04:02
chotchkihey guys whats the recommended way of rebuilding the ubuntu live cd with updates?04:02
newbietolinuxjemt: roger just DPMS?04:02
pookeyedju: oh? well, I'm not touching it yet, that's for sure ;)  I'll mask that out manually I think04:02
Jemtnewbietolinux: ?04:02
meherenpeope, I know of four kinds of ubuntu, ubuntu (duh) Xubuntu edubuntu and Kubuntu04:02
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Jemtnewbietolinux: "just" ?04:02
newbietolinuxjemt: what did you want me to comment out?04:02
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meherenfilemover, wow04:02
JemtJemt >> newbietolinux: In that section you will find HorizSync and VertRefresh. Comment these out by placing a # (hash) in front of each line04:02
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newbietolinuxjemt: did it04:03
filemoverits still doing stuff im on step 5 of 604:03
Jemtnewbietolinux: Now save the file04:03
samuliJemt, are you sure about that? He's only having problems with the other monitor, right newbietolinux ?04:03
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Jemtnewbietolinux: Oh? You got two monitors ? :-S04:03
Jemtnewbietolinux: Ah, bugger. Wasn't aware of that04:03
newbietolinuxjemt: sorry that is correct04:03
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Jemtnewbietolinux: Sorry, My bad04:03
kleeswas sun-java5-bin taken off from the multiverse???04:03
meherenfilemover, Umm im going to go play doom now so if you have prob ask someone will help you (hopefully)04:04
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kleeshow can i install java??04:04
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samulinewbietolinux, so the problem is that the other monitor is trying to duplicate the others resolution and apparently isn't doing good job at that.04:04
Jemtnewbietolinux: Not sure how you can solve that. In general Ubuntu sucks then it comes to Dual Head04:04
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository04:04
newbietolinuxjemt: i need to add the other monitor and graphics card as 2 of them correct?04:04
mike930does ubuntu have a built in firewall04:04
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FunnyLookinHatklees, I don't know why it isn't in the multiverse anymore  :-/04:04
FunnyLookinHatit should be04:04
filemoverk thnx for all yoru help Meheren it all seems to have gone smoothly04:04
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Jemtnewbietolinux: Sorry, can't help you. Dual Head/Monitor sucks big time in Ubuntu.04:04
kleesis there a repo for me to install it from?04:05
FunnyLookinHatklees, it's stil there for me04:05
FunnyLookinHatin mutliverse04:05
=== Methodeux [n=chatzill@d60-65-3-138.col.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
newbietolinuxjemt: thank you though; i guess i am still asking for help?04:05
Jemtnewbietolinux: I think your best shot is using a resolution that both monitors support04:05
FunnyLookinHatklees, you sure you have multiverse enabled?04:05
ryanakcahow do you make the font bigger on tty1? on ctrl-alt-f1...04:05
kleeseverything is checked04:05
ryanakcahow do you make the font smaller on tty1? on ctrl-alt-f1...04:05
Jemtnewbietolinux: Yes, go ahead. Someone might be able to help you - I doubt it though04:05
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FunnyLookinHatklees, that won't do it04:05
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kleesunder synaptic04:05
ryanakcaignore the first one04:05
samulinewbietolinux, there's a program called twinview to configure nvidia dual-monitors i've heard. Maybe you should try to get a look at that.04:05
mike930can someone tell me if ubuntu has a built in firewall04:05
FunnyLookinHatklees, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file04:05
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:06
newbietolinuxsamuli: where could i find it?04:06
Jemtmike930: You can install Firestarter- great Firewall04:06
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line), firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) or shorewall (web interface)04:06
Jemtmike930: 'sudo apt-get install firestarter'04:06
edjuSo how does at-source work - does one pass flags to it?04:06
samulinewbietolinux, also on the www.ubuntuforums.org there's ought to be good tutorials about dual-heads with nvidia.04:06
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MethodeuxI'm having difficulties with my NVidia driver installation in Dapper Drake.  The provided BinaryDriverHowTo on the Ubuntu site isn't working..04:06
javiolo!tell mike930 about iptables04:06
mike930<Jemt> I'm asking because I keep getting messages saying I'm behind a firewall and I haven't installed one04:07
Jemtmike930: Oh :)04:07
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pppoe_dudeis there a way to create a virtual network device that syncs IP addresses with my routers' IP?04:07
samuliedju, apt-get source04:07
Jemtmike930: Could be that your ISP (service provider) is providing limited access to the internet (some ports has been closed)04:07
MethodeuxWhen I approach the point where I'm to run nvidia-glx-configure enable, it gripes about the xorg.conf file.  I perform the md5sum command it suggested, but the resulting xorg.conf couldn't seem to find the appropriate device to boot X.04:08
kleesFunnyLookinHat, here it is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1796804:08
mike930<Jemt> hum, have to check in on it04:08
Jemtmike930: Yep :)04:08
samulinewbietolinux, there's a package called nvidia-settings - Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver, maybe that is of help.04:08
samulinewbietolinux, you can get it by typing sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings04:08
newbietolinuxsamuli: i will try04:09
samulinewbietolinux, and be sure to check out the forums.04:09
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TuBF2Argh, where can I download the LiveCD?04:09
stephan21_/usr/bin/azureus: line 34: exec: java: not found04:09
newbietolinuxsamuli: it works04:09
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edjuMaybe I'll give kubuntu a shot - about how much space for a default install?04:10
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newbietolinuxsamuli: now what it didn't do anything?04:10
=== lostinc [n=richard@pool-71-121-84-105.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
FunnyLookinHatklees, use this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1796904:10
samulinewbietolinux, check if you have launch icon on the applications menu?04:11
kleesreplace my file with that one??04:11
FunnyLookinHatklees, notice I added multiverse to lines 26,27 and 31,3204:11
FunnyLookinHatklees, ypu04:11
lostincWhat desktop does the Alternate install CD install for under 192meg systems04:11
samulinewbietolinux, I'm sorry, but I really can't help you out much because I don't have an nvidia card.04:11
=== Dagataka [n=mark@dsl-217-155-41-100.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
FunnyLookinHatklees, then sudo apt-get update04:11
kleesk brb04:11
TuBF2Ubuntu LiveCD??04:11
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samulilostinc, gnome with ubuntu and kde with kubuntu04:11
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lostincok I was wondering what set the Alternate install CD apart since it states it is or under 192 meg systems04:12
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newbietolinuxsamuli: I don't see launch?04:12
newbietolinuxsamuli: under applications?04:13
talelostinc, it uses the old ncurses based installer04:13
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samulinewbietolinux, or perhaps system04:13
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lostincOh I see04:13
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talelostinc, instead of the live cd method04:13
kleesthx FunnyLookinHat that seems like it worked04:13
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newbietolinuxsamuli: i don't see launch anywhere?04:13
FunnyLookinHatklees, sweet man04:14
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kleesi'll install it right now04:14
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samulinewbietolinux, ok, then. just type sudo nvidia-settings04:14
stephan21_sudo update-alternatives --config java : shows java but when i try to run azuerurs it doesnt see it04:14
Dagatakawhat does this mean?> in /var/log/messages: localhost kernel: smb_proc_readdir_long: error=-13, breaking, localhost kernel: smb_proc_readdir_long: error=-2, breaking and localhost kernel: SMB connection re-established (-5) this is continious, I guess it has something to do with smbfs as that is how I'm mounting my networked drives manually?04:14
stephan21_/usr/bin/azureus: line 34: exec: java: not found04:14
newbietolinuxsamuli: if i right click i see create launcher?04:14
FunnyLookinHatklees, you may also want to add deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu dapper-commercial main to the lats line of your sources.list04:14
cArNySysinfo for 'linux': Linux 2.6.15-23-386 running KDE 3.5.2, CPU: AMD Athlon XP 1500+ at 1300 MHz (2601 bogomips), HD: 19/109GB, RAM: 375/440MB, 103 proc's, 4.6d up04:15
kleessounds good04:15
samulinewbietolinux, you need to use ala carte menu editor to add launcher to menu.04:15
TuBF2Where can I download the latest Ubuntu LiveCD?04:15
TuBF2Where can I download the latest Ubuntu LiveCD?04:15
TuBF2Where can I download the latest Ubuntu LiveCD?04:15
newbietolinuxsamuli: i got the menu to come up with sudo04:15
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userundefinedon't flood the chat04:15
FunnyLookinHatTuBF2, http://www.ubuntu.com04:15
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ubotuUbuntu Dapper 'Desktop' CD contains a Live CD (Ubuntu that runs straight off the CD and RAM) with an install option. Breezy's Live CD contained no install.04:16
shad0w1eanyone know if I should replace my athlon64 3000+ with an Opteron 146?04:16
newbietolinuxsamuli: shouldn't i download the latest nvidia drivers first?04:16
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dlishad0w1e, why not get a dual core?04:16
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userundefineshad0w1e, no, why would you?  You can overclock the 3000 to Opteron performance if yo uwant04:16
shad0w1eI can get the opteron 146 for like $11004:16
TheRealZorroGrub doesnt install properly with Ubuntu Server edition 6.0604:16
samulinewbietolinux, You really should look into the forums and see how other people have fixed the issue :)04:16
TheRealZorroany ideas?04:17
newbietolinuxsamuli: thank you...04:17
shad0w1ewhats the real difference between opteron and 64?04:17
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shad0w1ewill opteron eat more power?04:17
polpaknewbietolinux: fixed which issue?04:17
kintarohi guys...how can i write a cd?04:17
shad0w1egnomebaker comes with ubuntu04:17
userundefineshad0w1e, basically very little.  probably won't use much more power.04:17
UKMattkintaro, what kind04:17
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dlikintaro, apt-get install k3b04:18
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shad0w1eK3B Is a superior burning program, however it will require you to install qt and a bunch of other stuff...04:18
kintarowrite a iso file..is there a NERO on linux?i'm using gnome...04:18
samulikintaro, easiest way is to open up places --> cd/dvd creator and copy stuff to that directory, then --> write to disc04:18
userundefinekintaro, yes, there is a nerolinux.  costs, however.04:18
shad0w1ekintaro, gnomebaker might already be on gnome04:18
TheRealZorroanyone have problems with grub?  I get "Missing Operating System" when I boot.  How can I fix it?04:18
polpakkintaro: put the blank cd in, it will prompt you for either data or music and open the appropriate program04:18
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kintarook..thanks guys04:19
polpak!grub TheRealZorro04:19
ubotuI know nothing about grub TheRealZorro - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:19
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polpak!grub > TheRealZorro04:19
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samulikintaro, you need to make iso or burn it?04:19
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godtviskenUbuntu doesn't come with gcc by default?04:19
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polpak!build > godtvisken04:19
kintarosamuli..burn it04:19
shad0w1eso.. I guess I keep my athlon 64 3000+ then04:19
javiologodtvisken download buil-essential04:19
shad0w1ethanks people for the suggestions04:19
samulikintaro, right click on the iso file and select burn image to cd04:19
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javiologodtvisken sudo apt-get install build-essential04:20
TheRealZorro*checking out the link*04:20
kintarosamuli..ok..i'll try that one04:20
GeheimnisI have a newbie question, how can I see who's online on a Linux box ? what's the command line ?04:20
lufisAre there any plans to replace ESD with Jack or PulseAudio in Ubuntu?04:20
ranunculoidWhat folder do I put Win32 codecs in in ubuntu so that Totem can use them?04:20
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satafterhhdparm /dev/hda04:20
godtviskenjaviolo, thanks04:20
javiologoftvisken np04:21
Geheimnisshad0w1e: thanks a lot04:21
polpakranunculoid: it should be a .deb file and you sudo dpkg -i w32codecs.deb or whatever.. You probably will want to sudo apt-get install totem-xine also04:21
satafterhanyone know anything about setting hd to ultra dma 5? is it safe?04:21
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jojoman02does gstreamer 0.10 (will all plugins and w32codecs) support aac decoding (from internet stream)??04:21
stephan21_can someone help me get Azuerus to see java04:22
stephan21_i know i have it04:22
stephan21_OOPS, unable to locate java exec in  /usr/java/  hierarchy04:22
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polpakstephan21_: first sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin04:22
polpakstephan21_: then sudo update-alternatives --config java04:22
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ralshebi tried to change my hostname but always getting unable to lookup [myhostname]   via gethostbyname() when i try to do things like change runlevel or modify files04:23
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stephan21_polpak, i did that04:23
polpakstephan21_: and you'll probably want to choose number 3 on the list (the one from the sun package)04:23
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polpakstephan21_: if you do it, it will work04:23
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Samus_Arancan someone explain to me what synaptic means by "These packages will be Unchanged" when I go to install something ?  should these packages be changed ?  there are quite a few of them now, about 2004:24
stephan21_polpak, i only have       1        /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java/..............usr/lib/j2se/1.4/bin/java,04:24
snoopsSamus_Aran pretty sure that means you need to upgrade to the latest versons of them with the update manager04:24
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polpakstephan21_: well you want to choose whichever number has the java-1.5.0-sun04:25
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ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues04:25
stephan21_      1        /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java....i chose this and it still wont see it04:25
stephan21_ls: /usr/java: No such file or directory04:26
stephan21_Java exec not found in PATH, starting auto-search...04:26
fowlduckdoes this apply to dapper as well?  Are the installers the same? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/I38604:26
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ralshebcan someone direct me to correct wayt o change hostname via cmd line,i did and it messed things up04:27
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Samus_Aransnoops: I think so, as I just reloaded the package database and then marked all upgrades, and there were about 20 items on the list04:27
satafterhis setting hd to ultra dma a good idea or is there likly to be issue's?04:27
Samus_Aransatafterh: if your drive supports it, its good to use it04:28
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Geheimnishmm, is there a command for removing non-empty directories, I tried --ignore-on-fail-on-non-empty with rmdir, but that doesn't seem to work04:28
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polpakGeheimnis: rm -r04:28
Samus_Aransatafterh: there are decent IDE drivers for most motherboards, I assume Ubuntu will auto-load any such modules.  there are a few flakey IDE drivers, but mostly it's for very old hardware04:29
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Samus_AranGeheimnis: be extremely careful using rm -r, the slightest typo and you lose your system [if you're root at the time]  or all your files04:29
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GeheimnisI really sound like a newbie tonight.. well I obviously am one, but tonight it's really obvious.. heh04:30
fowlduckdoes anyone know if ubuntu's dapper and breezy text installs are identical? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/I38604:30
GeheimnisSamus_Aran: yeah, I made sure I was in the right directory :)04:30
BHSPitMonkeySamus_Aran, that's a deserved punishment for someone who likes to play root all the time04:30
RafaelMontanoUBUNTU ROX04:30
Samus_AranGeheimnis: after a typo or two over the years, I tend to use a file manager to erase directory structures, as it is less prone to accident (e.g. I use "mc .", select dir with Insert, F8)04:30
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GeheimnisI installed Ubuntu Server Edition on one computer so I have to learn how to work with the command prompt04:31
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Samus_AranBHSPitMonkey: well for me, I'd lose nothing important as root ... I have several hundred thousand files under my user04:31
RafaelMontano Im installing ISP Config right now, I did the Perfect Setup http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_6.0604:31
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ralshebhow can i fix my hostname,i changed it (or so i thought) but messed up ,i cant sudo many things04:33
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Samus_Aranwhile people seem to be listening in here at the moment, I have a question that's been bugging me for a few weeks.  I've tinkered with it for a while, and have come up with absolutely nothing.  I can't get fetchmail to work for the life of me04:33
polpak!hostname > ralsheb04:33
Geheimnisoh by the way, any comments about LAMP server? is it a good thing to install that instead of the "regular" installation?04:33
polpakralsheb: you're going to have to correct the problem after booting into recovery mode04:33
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ubotuI know nothing about vmware-player - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:34
Samus_Aranoops, not fetchmail, postfix04:34
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare04:34
MrLightUserI'm getting a bit frustrated. everything looks like its working.. except the networking tools keep screwing up my network.04:34
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Samus_AranI have a config file from my previous 2 distros, which has worked fine with stock fetchmail, but no matter what I do I can't get the postfix daemon to start.  and I get no errors showing up anywhere, either04:34
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ralshebpolpak i tried using telinit to goto rl1 but gives me that gethostbyname error04:34
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MrLightUserI have to manually enter my dns. this box resets the resolv.conf so frequently that I had to chmod 444 it04:34
Samus_Aran(I use fetchmail to pass my pop3 mail off to postfix)04:34
polpakGeheimnis: nah.. you can install the LAMP stuff in a normal install.. Though LAMP is overrated.. I like LAPR or LAPP04:34
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MrLightUserso that the scripts couldn't touch it, and now it works.04:34
Dimensionshiee again ... normally how much space for swap is good ... (good not jus enuff or needed )04:34
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baconbaconDimensions: 2x the RAM + a bit04:35
Samus_Aranpolpak: what are lapr and lapp ?  postgre I assume for the p04:35
MrLightUser(I am not in control over the dhcp server, and I have to use it)04:35
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Lord_Maynothdoes anyone know why when I download and install a .deb file no desktop or startbar icons are created???04:35
pinkyHi, is there a frontend for FCE Ultra. or a NES emulator with a GUI?04:35
samuliDimensions, two times the ram is recommended unless you have plenty of ram (more than 1 gig)04:35
Geheimnispolpak: oh ok.. I don't need much anyway.. just experimenting hehe04:35
Lord_Maynothseems kinda retarded if you ask me04:35
eric42polpak: I would have to agree lighttpd all the way for me.04:35
Geheimniswhat does LAMP stand for anyway?04:36
MrLightUserI haven't been able to disable the pointerstick. I commented out all of the relevant lines in xorg.conf.. and restarted x.. but it still freaks out and makes the mouse not work.04:36
baconbaconLinux Apache MySQL PHP04:36
Samus_AranDimensions: it depends entirely on your computers usage patterns.  if you have 2GiB of RAM and you only use your web browser, you're never going to touch swap.  on the other hand, if you're crazy like me you can use gigs of swap even with 1.25GiB of RAM04:36
fowlduckLinux Apache MySQL PHP04:36
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MrLightUserI can disable my touchpad.. but that works!04:36
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ralshebif my sudo is all messed up how do i change my /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname?04:40
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(tale/#ubuntu) WTF? Where are all these users coming from?04:40
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polpaka couple of the servers died I think04:41
Milchmannthe server did kick me ;)04:41
polpakSamus_Aran:  as I was about to say LAPR (Linux Apache PostgreSQL Ruby)  or LAPP (Linux Apache, PostgreSQL Python) are superior to LAMP IMO (I prefer Python, but Ruby is ok)04:41
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Lord_Maynothanyone know why .deb files don't create icons on desktop/startbar04:41
KrhisWhere are here to get YOU tale! XD04:41
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FunnyLookinHatthat was pleasant04:41
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sharkywhat is the most gui library for linux?04:41
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duckx0rwelcome back everyone :D04:41
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sharkywhat is the most efficient gui library for linux?04:41
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Krhissharky, I read your first question.04:42
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ralshebhow do i change a file that needs sudo when my sudo is messed up b/c hostnames in hosts and hostname file differ04:42
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sharkyKrhis, yeah sorry forgot an important word...04:42
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SirrushHey guys wondering how you guys feel about Edgy?04:42
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KrhisAh, it's cool then.04:42
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sharkyKrhis,  what is the most efficient gui library?04:42
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Lord_Maynothding ding ding ding04:43
KrhisAny suggestions on how to restore gedit's default?04:43
Samus_Aransharky: "xlib" ... but it's not particularly viable04:43
cpaek72anyone here run the 7800gtx go mobile card from nvidia with ubuntu?04:44
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Samus_AranKrhis: erase or move your ~/.gedit/ folder04:44
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ralshebif my sudo is messed up how can i change a hostname file that requires sudo?04:44
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ljlolelwhy is there no documentation for multiple edit_inline's in my own custom forms?04:45
Samus_Aranralsheb: the easiest way is to boot into your Ubuntu Live Installer CD04:45
polpakSamus_Aran: python is much more clear, extensable, and concise than php IMO04:45
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KrhisSamus_Aran, yes I know that. I searched my home dir and deleted everything with gedit-2 in its name hoping it would restore.04:45
talehas anyone got nxserver desktop edition working with dapper?04:45
KrhisThere in no ~/.gedit/ :(04:45
polpakralsheb: I said already you'll need to boot into recovery mode.. when you restart your computer you hit esc and select it from the menu04:45
KrhisSamus_Aran, and yes, I'm not a noob. ^^04:45
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eric42Here is a tough one.  Does anyone now how to automate module-assistant to auto-install when you install new kernels?04:46
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KrhisSamus_Aran, the problem seems to be with gconf. That's what I'm asking about.04:46
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Lord_Maynothdoes anyone here know why .deb files dont install icons for the program04:46
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Samus_AranKrhis: okay.  I have a ~/.gedit/ directory, I used tab-completion in my IRC client =p04:46
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polpakLord_Maynoth: because the package maintainer didn't include them. you can make some yourself if you like04:47
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eric42Lord_Maynoth: they should if they were prepared properly by the maintainer.04:47
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KrhisLord_Maynoth, if it's package is compiled correctly it will have icons. Are you searching in the right places?04:47
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Lord_Maynothwell they were for ubuntu I have tried several different .deb files04:47
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Lord_Maynothi just download the forstwire deb04:47
Lord_Maynothit installed but no icons04:47
KrhisLoneShadow, again; are you searching in the right places?04:47
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Lord_MaynothI will just stick with automatix i guess04:47
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shwagdoes ubuntu have ntpdate auto running somewhere ?04:48
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Krhisnb then. >.>04:48
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Lord_Maynothfrom the developers site04:48
KrhisSamus_Aran, ah ok ^^.04:48
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LoneShadowKrhis: what do you mean ?04:48
Samus_Aranso does anyone know how I can possibly get postfix to run on Ubuntu ?  if I install the package fresh, it doesn't install /etc/init.d/postfix (even if I delete this file manually, it won't reinstall it) and if I use an old copy of the postfix script it still won't run, and won't produce any error messages04:48
sharky-what is the most efficient gui library for linux?04:48
KrhisLoneShadow, the icons.04:48
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LoneShadowI didnt ask anything about icons :)04:48
Samus_AranI've no idea why postfix is so totally not willing to run for me on Ubuntu04:49
LoneShadow"anyone installed a livecd onto a 1gb usb drive ?"04:49
LoneShadowthis is what I asked04:49
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naliothSamus_Aran: try #postfix04:49
KrhisLoneShadow, sorry, didn't hit tab enough. :P04:49
SirrushSo anyone here running edgy?04:49
dliLoneShadow, I couldn't get it work for ubuntu04:49
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LoneShadowfor a moment I thought someone answered my question :)04:49
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LoneShadowdli: so are using dsl ?04:49
cpaek72guys, i really need some help with my 7800gtx go card. I can't get 3d to work on my ubuntu setup and every time i install the nvidia drivers from automatix, they leave my screen blank. I am running a 64bit amd  machine with the 7800gtx go card. Any ideas where I can get the correct driver?04:50
dliLoneShadow, no, I installed gentoo on it, 500MB, with gnome04:50
sproingiesharky-: most cpu-efficient, probably enlightenment.  as for developer productivity, it depends.  mostly a matter of personal preference04:50
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LoneShadowdli: what problem did you have ?04:50
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dliLoneShadow, with ubuntu livecd, the initrd script seeks only cd-rom, not usb04:50
LoneShadowin my case, I have different embedded system which runs on a 1GB CF card, so trying to load onto it04:51
LoneShadowaah, there is a howto to fix that issue :P04:51
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LoneShadowbut is the gentoo installation very straight forward ?04:51
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Sirrushmmm no04:52
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rjordanloneshadow, no, not really. the folks in #gentoo can assist though.04:52
dliLoneShadow, I can take the ubuntu livecd, use my kernel, recreate the squashfs, it should work04:52
LoneShadowdli: yea04:52
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dliLoneShadow, gentoo has better docs than ubuntu04:52
LoneShadowdli: I am going try ubuntu livecd once04:52
SirrushLoneShadow,  depends on the stage install you do04:52
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Sirrushstage 4 iirc is a regular install04:53
filemoverhi does it generally take a long time to partition a hard drive04:53
dliLoneShadow, you may try, maybe they already fixed the initrd scripts04:53
ralshebhow can i change runlevels without sudo?04:53
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Sirrushothers you compule all your software and can be a pain04:53
sproingiefilemover: resizing a partition can take a while04:53
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rjordanfilemover, no, unless it's reallly big.04:53
LoneShadowSirrush: my box is a msntv box with hacked bios and modified stage2 file04:53
dlifilemover, partitioning is only about partition table, so takes no time04:53
sproingiefilemover: otherwise it's nearly instantaneous04:53
filemoverits about 17 GB04:53
browneggubuntu doesn't include a gui file manager with the base packages?04:53
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dlibrownegg, nautilus04:54
sharky-sproingie, well usually i'd care about usability and portability but I want the gui to be extremely effiecient and take very little memory04:54
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LoneShadowI can load linux, but getting to make the dsl distro is a pain, so will try with ubuntu later04:54
filemoverits resizing i think04:54
SirrushSo I am figuring you know what you are doing LoneShadow04:54
sproingiefilemover: if you're resizing a partition with existing data, it effectively has to defrag that part first04:54
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filemoveri get it04:54
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rjordanCan someone assist me with a udev issue?04:54
filemoverthere seems to be a lot of activity04:54
LoneShadowI kinda know, being a lil lazy to do the extra configs for my setup :P04:54
rjordanMy NIC is consistently renamed to eth0_temp upon reboot. I've deleted my z25persistent-net.rules that told it to do that, rebooted, and still it is renamed. In addition, the MAC addresses for both eth0 and eth1 are reset to the same incorrect numbers everytime. um... help?04:54
dliLoneShadow, the initrd must be able to locate the booting device, that's the problem, you couldn't use " root=/dev/sda1"04:54
browneggdli, where is that?  seems it should be included in the system dropdown menu04:54
sproingiesharky-: qt and gtk both have embedded versions that are leaner on memory than their desktop counterparts04:55
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LoneShadowdli: for my setup, root will be /dev/hda204:55
dlibrownegg, click folders on your desktop, that's nautilus04:55
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SirrushSo any of you guys running Ubuntu Edgy or no?04:55
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brownegghmm ok04:55
dliLoneShadow, then, it won't work, if you plug it in another box04:55
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sharky-sproingie, will the embedded version still run on desktops?04:55
LoneShadowdli: I will be installing on a Compact flash card and it will sit inside the msntv box04:56
LoneShadowso its not problem :D04:56
samuliSirrush, join #ubuntu+104:56
LoneShadowso its not a problem :D04:56
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sproingiesharky-: of course.  interoperating with other gnome or qt apps might be tricky, since they won't link in the full complement of libs04:56
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Sirrushsamuli,  Thanks buddy :)04:57
kintarohi guys..i have a 1400x1050 monitor resolution..but after installing ubuntu..and check on resolution preferences..its just 1280x1024.how to enable my 1400x1050..i have a inte 945GM chipset and integrated vga..04:57
Samus_Arannalioth: this is an Ubuntu package problem.  I've been using the same postfix configuration over 2 distros and 3 installs without issue04:57
sharky-sproingie, i see i'll have to check out how much better the embedded version is04:57
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Samus_Arannalioth: I just can't get Ubuntu's postfix to do anything at all04:57
=== filemover np: Alanis Morissette - All I Really Want [04:44m/255Kbps/44KHz]
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naliothSamus_Aran: have you filed a bug on this?04:58
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sproingiesharky-: you probably wont notice much difference on a desktop, since you're probably rendering it to X anyway04:58
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sproingiesharky-: most of the savings of the embedded toolkits comes from rendering to the framebuffer04:59
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sproingiesharky-: that and they're usually compiled with -Os instead of -O204:59
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rjordanDoesn't anyone have an idea??05:00
nbx909i need to clone an ubuntu hd to and other hd05:00
nbx909gparted won't copy it 1:!05:00
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KrhisAny suggestions on how to restore gedit's defaults?05:00
rjordannbx909: if you need 1:1 you can use 'dd'.05:00
nbx909rjordan, the whole drive?05:01
nbx909and mbr05:01
sharky-sproingie, i'm not sure if rendering to the framebuffer is going to be enough of a saving to warrent using the embedded version05:01
Krhis(hint: gconf issue?)05:01
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rjordannbx909, if you're in a livecd and neither is mounted and the drives are identical you should, in theory, be able to dd one to the other.05:01
kleesis there a way i can change Rythmbox from being a preferred app????05:01
rjordanit would copy every bit05:02
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nbx909rjordan, okay what would be the command?05:02
kleesi would like Amarok instead05:02
sharky-sproingie, also found a few sources on optimizing gtk+ code05:02
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sproingiesharky-: not likely to be much difference if you change the defaults to using typical desktop libs anyway.  mostly compiler flags, leaving out optional features, linking with uclibc instead of glibc, etc05:02
rjordandd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb05:02
[NP] Tangentugh, JACK isn't starting... any ideas why this might be?05:02
sproingiesharky-: something you'd probably want to do in a chroot.  still worth a shot05:02
=== filemover np: Alanis Morissette - You Oughta Know [04:09m/258Kbps/44KHz]
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nbx909rjordan, and that will copy the mbr as well?05:02
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DBOfilemover, remove your now playing script05:03
sproingienp: Culture Club - Karma Chameleon05:03
sproingienp: New Kids on the Block - Hanging Tough05:03
sproingieoh damn05:03
rjordanyes, -> http://www.mcsr.olemiss.edu/cgi-bin/man-cgi?dd05:03
DBOsproingie, same to you05:03
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sproingieDBO: as if that was real 8-/05:04
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nbx909rjordan, okay thank you05:04
DBOsproingie, sorry, but funny detector needs some work =P05:04
rjordannbx909, NP.05:04
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Judas_Himselfsomeone mentioned that with mplayers mozilla plugin you could save streaming video to your hard drive05:04
Judas_Himselfcan anyone help me with that?05:04
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slowz3rHow can i access my other HDD thats runnin windows so i can transfer files oveR?05:05
notamisfitif pmount isn't picking it up, make a fstab entry, type ntfs and mount it05:06
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=== filemover np: Alanis Morissette - Perfect [03:08m/242Kbps/44KHz]
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browneggso i'm going thru synaptic, looking for packages to remove05:07
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DBOfilemover, you can let one of the ops know when you have turned off your script05:07
rjordanHelp please...05:07
browneggand i pick stuff like lao language support and it claims it's going to remove ubuntu desktop too05:07
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browneggthat doesn't seem cool05:07
sproingiebrownegg: ubuntu-desktop is just a meta-package05:07
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sproingiebrownegg: removing it just means you're no longer tracking the standard build.  this shouldn't ever be a problem05:08
browneggahhh ok05:08
ralshebshould i be able to mount my hdd that runs ubuntu from the recovery cd?05:08
browneggi'm like, damn!05:08
DarkElf109Anyone here know hot do get Remote Desktop (vino) working with AIGLX/Compiz? I think I've narrowed it down to xdamage, but I can't figure out a way to disable it05:08
DarkElf109how to*05:09
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tgahey, how can I identify what process has a port open?05:11
tganetstat -p doesn't show anything05:12
DosBubba   -p, --program05:12
DosBubba       Show the PID and name of the program to which each socket belongs.05:12
DosBubbaAdding -p should show something. :/05:12
DarkElf109Anyone here know how to get Remote Desktop (vino) working with AIGLX/Compiz? I think I've narrowed it down to xdamage, but I can't figure out a way to disable it05:12
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tgaDosBubba, it shows "-"05:13
DosBubbatga, What's the full command you're typing?05:13
tgalsof isn't very helpful either05:13
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tgaDosBubba, netstat -apn05:13
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tgatcp        0      0 *               LISTEN     -05:14
DosBubbatga, Are  you running it as root or a normal user?05:15
tgaDosBubba, sudo05:15
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ColdFyre 20:15:56 up 5 days, 20:38,  3 users,  load average: 16.02, 5.63, 2.3505:15
RafaelMontanoHow do I add a mysql database?05:16
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tgaRafaelMontano, read the mysql tutorial in the manual05:16
DosBubbatga, I'm guessing it's listening in kernel space then.05:16
tgaDosBubba, great, so what is it?05:16
tgaoh well, gotta move05:18
tgathanks DosBubba05:18
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nbx909it errors05:18
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.05:19
nbx909ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo dd if=/dev/hda/ of=/dev/hdb/05:19
nbx909dd: opening `/dev/hda/': Not a directory05:19
DarkElf109So...no ideas on how to disable xdamage in vino?05:19
acebothis may be a stupid question, but: is there any official info about xgl and compiz in Ubuntu docs yet? (excluding forums, unless it's from devs)05:19
FunnyLookinHatacebo, kinda sorta...05:19
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:20
DarkElf109nbx909: Remove the trailing slashes05:20
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FunnyLookinHatacebo, check out that link and hangout in #ubuntu-xgl to get it workin if you wish05:20
Samus_Aranassholes all of you05:20
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Samus_Arani hate all of you assholes05:20
Samus_Aranall you die05:20
aceboThanks FunnyLookinHat05:20
FunnyLookinHatSamus_Aran, please don't be vulgar.05:20
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ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:21
aceboWhat are the general results of running on integrated intel? Any good news for a low-end laptop user? :P05:21
FunnyLookinHatacebo, err.. don't try I already did  ^_^;;05:21
Kr0ntabso does anyone know if one can use linux based OBEX tools (or some other method) with the RAZR phone to transfer files back and forth?05:21
DarkElf109acebo: I'm running AIGLX/Compiz. I love it05:21
FunnyLookinHatDarkElf109, with Intel graphics?!05:21
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DarkElf109FunnyLookinHat: i915 =)05:21
Kr0ntabnot really ubuntu specific... but eh...05:21
FunnyLookinHatHoly crap!  I have 915 I should give it another try!05:21
FunnyLookinHatacebo, go for it man!05:21
DarkElf109AIGLX is the key05:22
DarkElf109Can't run on nVidia, but runs like a dream on lower end stuff05:22
ubotuI know nothing about AIGLX - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:22
FunnyLookinHatWhat is AIGLX as opposed to XGL?05:22
DarkElf109Just search in the forums for it...there's a guide with somewhere between 70 and 150 pages...that's the one I followed, word for word05:22
DBOFunnyLookinHat, AIGLX is an extension of Xorg, Xgl runs on top of Xorg, both provide an OpenGL rendering layer for the desktop05:22
DarkElf109No idea how it relates. Just takes its place, somehow05:22
FunnyLookinHatDBO, ahh ok.   Thanks man!05:23
DarkElf109Oh, well, now I'm informed =)05:23
lwizardlhow come it takes hp printers using cups forever to print? just says processing...05:24
FunnyLookinHatDarkElf109, thanks man05:24
DarkElf109Oh, and use the quinn versions, not vanilla. Lots of optimizations05:24
DarkElf109Eh, no problem. I was as surprised as you were when it worked =P05:24
FunnyLookinHatubotu, AIGLX is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145068&highlight=aiglx05:24
notamisfitit has to go through all the hplip crap05:24
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FunnyLookinHat,AIGLX is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145068&highlight=aiglx05:24
FunnyLookinHatDBO, Do you have rights to create an entry for something on the bot?05:24
DBOFunnyLookinHat, I do not05:24
DBOFunnyLookinHat, mostly because I havent asked for it05:25
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FunnyLookinHatDBO,  : )05:25
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DBOFunnyLookinHat, Ill add that to the #ubuntu-xgl topic05:25
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DarkElf109FunnyLookinHat: Only thing not working in AIGLX right now, as far as I know, is that the Water plugin doesn't work05:25
FunnyLookinHatDBO, good call05:26
DarkElf109Probably because it relies on pixel shaders, but, hen again, I haven't peeked at the code, so, just a guess05:26
DarkElf109Bah...can't type tonight05:26
=== [NP] Tangent [n=hyperdev@71-211-213-55.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
DBODarkElf109, Water does use pixel shaders05:26
DBODarkElf109, also the new frag and copacity plugins (not even in quinn yet) use pixel shaders05:26
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DarkElf109DBO: Explains why they're not in quinn yet05:27
DBODarkElf109, they are not in quinn because they are not stable yet, quinn is not opposed to pixel shaders05:27
DBOI mean they are not even close to semi-stable05:27
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phunkalicioussomeone please help me: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1253550&postcount=6 :(05:28
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phunkaliciousi have tried so hard to get this to work :(05:28
DarkElf109DBO: Oh, well, ok then...I've not read much on his philosophies, but it seemed to me to be a viable reason not to include them.05:28
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aceboWell, it'd be cool to play around with the 3D but.. man, I just got Ubuntu tweaked just where I like it.. I don't think I'll mess with it for a little bit :P05:29
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DBODarkElf109, quinn is a she =P  And the pixel shaders will be required for more advanced plugins, somethings like blur will need them05:29
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doughboyWhich is better in everyones opinion if you need to run an microsoft office xp. Codeweaver's Crossover or VMware ?  Which one does the best job?05:29
wizzlefishhow do you force quit an application?05:29
DarkElf109DBO: Well, see? I'm totally uninformed, and now, fairly certain that my advances into the realm of OpenGL rendering on my desktop are at a stand-still05:30
FunnyLookinHatdoughboy, you could try wine  : )05:30
DBOwizzlefish, from terminal killall program05:30
FunnyLookinHatThough I don't know how well it works.05:30
phunkaliciouswell crossover doesn't do outlook i'm pretty sure :|05:30
DarkElf109wizzlefish: From the command line: killall -9 program05:30
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polpakdoughboy: vmware will have fewer issues, but will require you to actually have a windows license05:30
DBODarkElf109, no, compiz does recognize many users do not have pixel shaders, and furthermore lots of effects simply dont call for them05:30
DarkElf109doughboy: VMWare is an outright machine emulator. It'll work flawlessly, yeah, but you need a windows license05:31
sasquatchhey, does anyone know why the single core kernel would work with my wireless card but not the dual core?05:31
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polpakdoughboy: also, I don't see the incentive to using office xp in the first place since theres open office and Evolution05:31
sasquatchthe drivers are there... it just doesn't detect the interface05:31
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cypherdusti need some help with apt-get05:32
cypherdusti tried to install vmware05:32
DarkElf109DBO: True, but at this point, from what I've seen, the modules are moving closer to the gimmicky side than the usability side. The cube setup, if anything, finally got me to use virtual desktops effectively05:32
phunkaliciousbut evolution vs outlook? come on now...05:32
cypherdustand something went wrong05:32
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DarkElf109DBO: Even if the newer ones can run on my system, I'm not even sure if I want to run them =P05:32
cypherdustnow it ask to config everytime i install05:32
cypherdustis there a way to get rid of the config apt is running05:32
FunnyLookinHatdoughboy, you could always use VMWare with ReactOS05:32
FunnyLookinHatdoughboy, that's free & free05:32
DBODarkElf109, some of them are, but a lot of them are moving towards useful things like blurred transparency.  You have to move in baby steps with this kind of thing05:33
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doughboyCool. Thanks FunnyLookinHat05:33
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DarkElf109DBO: Well, I'll see how it progresses...In the meantime, I'll spend another half hour a day playign with the wobbly windows05:33
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DarkElf109FunnyLookinHat: How's ReactOS coming along? I've heard a bit about it, but never really checked it out05:33
wubrgamerhey guys05:34
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whyamicypherdust: I'm not sure I understand the problem but if solving it includes finding an app and killing it, you can always find the app with the command "ps auxw". Then find the process # and do "sudo kill <proc #>"05:34
phunkaliciousone sentence per line plz :/05:34
FunnyLookinHatDarkElf109, It's come VERY fary in the past year.  : )  I think it will be "stable" and usable within the next 1-2 years05:34
FunnyLookinHatDarkElf109, then again, I consider most "unstable" packages and releases good enough for me05:34
DarkElf109FunnyLookinHat: Hrm...I'll have to try it out then...Time to add another CD to the stack of linux disks I need to try =P05:34
phunkaliciousno i think he means everytime he runs apt-get it asks him to keep configuring something with dpkg :|05:34
FunnyLookinHatDarkElf109, it's still safer to use an unstable linux install vs. windoze05:34
wubrgameri tried to connect to an ftp server, and well, i can't get rid of the entry05:34
wubrgamerso i've got these weird icons05:35
DarkElf109FunnyLookinHat: I run my web/smb/time/tor/UT2004 server on Debian unstable...I live for the bleeding edge =)05:35
FunnyLookinHatDarkElf109, hahhaaha (well it's not linux, it's a full re-write of the windows OS)05:35
cypherdustwhyami, the problem is apt-get is tryin to finish installing vmware05:35
wubrgamerin my places menu, that i don't know how to delete05:35
FunnyLookinHatDarkElf109, very nice  :)05:35
cypherdustwhyami, i dont want it to do that05:35
wubrgamerHOW DO I DELETE THEM ?05:35
DarkElf109FunnyLookinHat: Well, open source reverse engineer of Windows done from shoddy developer docs, but yeah, still open source05:35
cypherdustwhyami, but it wont stop config'n it05:35
FunnyLookinHatDarkElf109, heck yes  : )05:35
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whyamicypherdust: I have no idea. Could you try apt-get remove vmware? :-|05:36
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DarkElf109wubrgamer: Right-click the icon and select "Unmount Volume"05:36
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cypherdustwhyami, i tried it but ill try again05:36
wubrgamerthank you !05:36
FunnyLookinHatStoned2daBones, welcome!05:36
wubrgamerstupid me, i'd had forgotten05:36
DarkElf109wubrgamer: =)05:36
whyamicypherdust: and you went to the man page and already looked there?05:36
derrickhhow do you change the default media player?05:36
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cypherdustwhyami, crap forgot the man page05:37
[Ex0r] Guys.. is there a way to get ubuntu installed bare minimal ?05:37
FunnyLookinHat[Ex0r] , Yes.  use ubuntu-server05:37
[Ex0r] meaning, with just the x system, gnome, and the bare essentials to be ubuntu ?05:37
FunnyLookinHat[Ex0r] , it basically installs the kernal and basic drivers.  Everything else is on your own.05:37
FunnyLookinHat[Ex0r] , oh, that sounds like the liveCD install to me.05:37
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Stoned2daBonesI'm a new linux usr and I would like to learn to host my websites in my pc usind a cable connection (DHCP)05:38
DarkElf109FunnyLookinHat: Isn't there an ubuntu-minimal package?05:38
[Ex0r] im looking for something very minimal, so I can install the rest of the stuff myself. (Apache, mysql, php, etc)05:38
passbedoes anyone know how to switch a workplace via console ?05:38
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FunnyLookinHatDarkElf109, I didn't know if there was/wasn't.  And if there is I'm not sure what it iinstalls05:38
DarkElf109Stoned2daBones: Have you checked with your ISp's AUP to make sure that you're allowed to run servers?05:38
phunkaliciousget the ubuntu server cd :/05:38
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FunnyLookinHat[Ex0r] , then you want ubuntu server05:38
whyamiStoned2daBones: you are going to want to check out no-ip.com to deal with DHCP. At least that's one possibility....05:38
sproingiejudging from browsing the packages, ubuntu-server will install a kernel appropriate for servers05:38
slowz3rHow do i access my other harddrive that has windows on it?????05:39
sproingieso it won't be as snappy for X apps05:39
FunnyLookinHat[Ex0r] , I can walk you through getting a GUI interface if you need one05:39
DarkElf109slowz3r: Read only, or read/write?05:39
TalentedChimpslowz3r windows xp?05:39
Stoned2daBonesyeah I checked already05:39
[Ex0r] doesn't that only install ubuntu, without x and gnome ?05:39
aceboWalking through == "Here's the webpage link! Call me in the morning!" :P05:39
[Ex0r] seems like ubuntu would give you the option of what to install at the beginning05:39
FunnyLookinHat[Ex0r] , yea, but it's very easy to get a basic X/Gnome after that..  It's just one or two lines in the console05:39
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slowz3rDarkElf109, i just need to be able to copy files over05:40
TalentedChimpslowz3r: ntfs or fat file system?05:40
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acebo[Ex0r] : Kinda the draw to Ubuntu, I think, almost 0-config05:40
Stoned2daBonesno-ip and dns2go05:40
whyamiDarkElf109, Stoned2daBones: I had no idea some ISP didn't allow this. So what exactly does it mean if they don't allow servers? If they catch you they make you shut it down or what?05:40
Froglegsburnwhat is better ubuntu or suse?05:40
slowz3rTalentedChimp,  NTFS05:40
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slowz3rTalentedChimp, XP pro05:40
FunnyLookinHat[Ex0r] , besides, if you are looking to run a server you probably don't even want X installed (I don't have it on my server )05:40
DarkElf109whyami: Depending on what they put in the AUP, they can cancel your connection. None of them actually do that, though =)05:40
Stoned2daBonesi dont think so05:40
aceboFroglegsburn: Ubuntu, and not just because you're in the channel.05:40
DarkElf109FunnyLookinHat: Ubuntu, of course =)05:40
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[Ex0r] FunnyLookinHat- I'm running a private server for myself, but am also using the system as a desktop.05:40
TalentedChimpslow3er: very difficult, linux doesn't natively support ntfs05:40
FunnyLookinHatwhyami, They usually don't catch/care if you have just a basic server...  but if they do notice or care, they'll just send you a nice letter and you just have to change the port you are hosting on05:40
aceboFroglegsburn: I've tried both of the most recent releases, Ubuntu wins, hands down05:40
[Ex0r] but I am doing a complete re-install, and don't want to deal with stuff already being installed as I try to install other stuff05:41
slowz3rDarkElf109, ?05:41
DarkElf109slowz3r: mount -t ntfs /dev/<hda1> /mnt/whatever05:41
FunnyLookinHat[Ex0r] , then I'd go for ubuntu-server and just install the X/Gnome in console.  It's easy, trust me.  A lot of people in here (myself included) would be willing to help05:41
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TalentedChimpslowz3r: it would be simpler and safer to put a small fat partition in windows05:41
[Ex0r] FunnyLookinHat- Except I have no way of communicating with any of you during that time05:41
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Stoned2daBonesis there any other way rather than no-ip.com to deal with dhcp?05:41
FunnyLookinHat[Ex0r] , oh no second computer?05:41
FunnyLookinHat[Ex0r] , where do you live?05:41
[Ex0r] nope05:41
aceboFroglegsburn: Hrm.. package management is better, general automation is better. Docs and support I've found to be alot easier.. and seems like by sheer popularity, alot of problems have already been solved on 6.06 Ubuntu05:41
[Ex0r] FunnyLookinHat- usa05:42
FunnyLookinHat[Ex0r] , yes, what state?  michigan05:42
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[Ex0r] Isn't x and gnome on the repositories ?05:42
[Ex0r] yeah05:42
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[Ex0r] in the repositories*05:42
sproingieubuntu 6.06 is also damn snappy with the preemptible kernel05:42
slowz3rDarkElf109, hda1 no such file or directory05:42
MrKeunerhi, I am having trouble with the ati hardware I have in my thinkpad. It looks like I have a very sloow 3d. For example when I click on the trashbin the animation is slow. Where should I start checking? thanks05:42
FunnyLookinHatHow close are you to chicago?  : )05:42
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dashcan you update java through apt-get?05:42
[Ex0r] so than once server gets installed, you should just be able to apt-get install gnome05:42
[Ex0r] ?05:42
[Ex0r] FunnyLookinHat- about 4 hours05:42
whyamiStoned2daBones: what's your issue with no-ip.com?05:42
DarkElf109slowz3r: Well, I take that back. That's JUST for copying files FROM Windows TO Ubuntu. And I meant for you to put whatever partition the Windows install was on in there05:42
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polpakdash: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin && sudo update-alternatives --config java05:43
slowz3rDarkElf109, thats all i need to do is copy em over from windows to ubuntu05:43
Stoned2daBonesY wanna hist my websites on my pc using a cablemodem05:43
DarkElf109slowz3r: Ok. Step 1 is to figure out where the Windows partition is05:43
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage05:43
Froglegsburnis all the software i have under suse available on ubuntu or easy to obtain?05:43
FunnyLookinHat[Ex0r] , well if it comes down to it, I'm looking for a reason to drive to michigan in the next week or so to visit some people, I could swing by and walk you through it...   I know it's a long shot but still an offer05:43
Froglegsburnlike cannon smash lol05:43
whyamiStoned2daBones: and you can do that using no-ip.com to forward from its address to your DHCP address.05:44
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DarkElf109Froglegsburn: Probably. Lots of repositories available, official and non05:44
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DarkElf109slowz3r: Do you know your hard drive layout?05:44
slowz3rDarkElf109, and what do u mean by that05:44
[Ex0r] FunnyLookinHat lol whoops, I didn't mean to PM you asking for permission to PM you, that was meant for in the channel :)05:44
Froglegsburndoes mozilla work with ubuntu?05:44
slowz3rDarkElf109, on the drive with windows?05:44
sproingieFroglegsburn: of course05:44
FunnyLookinHat[Ex0r] , no worries, use PM if it helps you05:45
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DarkElf109slowz3r: Well, in general. Which hard drive, which partition.05:45
SurfnKidFinally i got the i8k utiliy running05:45
slowz3rDarkElf109, ya i know where it is..its on its own seperate drive05:45
SurfnKidnow Im completely satisfied with linux05:45
DarkElf109slowz3r: For example, hda1 is first hard drive, first partition. hda2 is 1st drive, 2nd partition. hdb1 is 2nd drive, first partition05:45
DarkElf109slowz3r: Well, actually, another question: Is it IDE, SATA, or USB?05:46
slowz3rDarkElf109, SATA05:46
DarkElf109Ah. There's the key =)05:46
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DarkElf109Which drive/partition is windows installed on?05:46
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slowz3rDarkElf109, it has its own drive but i dont know what it would be like if its hda1 or whatever05:47
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s|kis there an easy way to test ram?05:47
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s|kto see if there are any issues with my ram?05:48
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SurfnKids|k, memtest on boot05:48
s|kI'm sorry?05:48
rredd4I just upgraded my kernel to 2.6.15-26-386, when I open menu.lst, I see 2.6.15-23 and 2.6.15-26.  When I reboot, I only see 2.6.15-26.  What do I need to do to use 2.6.15-26?  grub not updated?05:48
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SurfnKidrredd4, sudo update-grub05:48
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s|kSurfnKid: how do I do that?05:48
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SurfnKidopen up a Virtual Terminal05:48
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rredd4SurfKid ok ty05:48
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slowz3rDarkElf109, ??05:49
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s|kSurfnKid: how do I do a memtest?05:49
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gmooreif i do a server installation of Ubuntu, and i have a windows machine running XWin32, will i be able to run graphical apps on my Ubuntu system and have them display on the windows system (such as ddd)? or do i need some sort of window manager running in Ubuntu, like gnome?05:50
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DarkElf109slowz3r: Sorry bout that05:50
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slowz3rDarkElf109, np05:50
SurfnKidif youre done with updating grub, itll also place a memtest path to test your ram05:50
DarkElf109slowz3r: Go to System>Administration>Disks, then find the hard disk and partition with the NTFS format05:50
SurfnKidclose everything, reboot, and choose memtestx8605:50
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polpakgmoore: you should be able to push the output to your windows box05:50
DarkElf109slowz3r: Err, System > Administration > Gnome partition Editor, sorry05:50
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AlexThreeTwoThreHi guys05:51
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gmooreokay, thanks. also, what is the difference between the ubuntu cd (700mb) and dvd (3.2gb)? what extra is included?05:51
DarkElf109AlexThreeTwoThre: Heya05:51
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AlexThreeTwoThreI'm in ubuntu05:51
AlexThreeTwoThreand this rectangle thing came up05:51
DarkElf109gmoore: Whole lot of packages05:51
DosBubbaAlexThreeTwoThre, What's it look like?05:51
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AlexThreeTwoThreDosBubba: well, it's uh, rectangular, and it has one of those triangle things like /_\ with a ! in the middle05:52
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slowz3rDarkElf109, there is no gnome partition editor05:52
polpakgmoore: there's "less" to download in terms of packages. But really since many things need updates it doesn't matter much05:52
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DosBubbaAlexThreeTwoThre, Oh, I'm not sure what that is. Maybe someone else knows.05:52
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DarkElf109slowz3r: Alright. Go into synaptic and install 'gparted'. It's an awesome partition editor =)05:52
AlexThreeTwoThredoes anybody else know what this box thing is?05:52
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DarkElf109AlexThreeTwoThre: Is there any writing in it?05:53
lucas-what were you doing when you got it?05:53
AlexThreeTwoThreno, it's just a /_\ ! box thing05:53
AlexThreeTwoThreit takes up most the screen05:53
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AlexThreeTwoThreit's rather annoying05:53
DarkElf109AlexThreeTwoThre: Sounds like a bugged error box05:53
AlexThreeTwoThrelucas-: I was um, well I might as well say my friend pasted me a link to goatse, and then firefox opened then this happened05:53
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meishiwanis there everybody can tell me how to install the Debian Menu?05:53
DarkElf109Woohoo! Javascript!05:53
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rredd4SurfKid I meant to say that I only see 2.6.15-23 when I reboot.  I did sudo update-grub, it showed 23 and 26.  I rebooted and I stll only see 2305:53
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nsaschAlexThreeTwoThre: was it from Firefox?05:54
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AlexThreeTwoThreit's separate05:54
AlexThreeTwoThrei cloed firefox now05:54
AlexThreeTwoThreit won't go away05:54
nsaschwhat program is it from?05:54
AlexThreeTwoThreit doesn't show05:54
AlexThreeTwoThreit's just a big blank box with /!\ in it05:54
polpakAlexThreeTwoThre: did you try logging out?05:54
nsaschdid Firefox work? did you see goatse in all its "glory?"05:54
slowz3rDarkElf109, how long should it take for gnome partition editor to scann all devices when i open it up05:54
AlexThreeTwoThrepolpak: yes, I've restarted three times05:54
AlexThreeTwoThrensasch: indeed it did05:54
DarkElf109slowz3r: Just a couple seconds05:54
s|kok how do I test my ram?05:55
slowz3rDarkElf109, well its kinda take a while05:55
DarkElf109s|k: Run memtest05:55
s|kI think I'm having ram issues05:55
AlexThreeTwoThres|k: memtest8605:55
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DarkElf109slowz3r: Just let it do its thing. Should finish up after a bit05:55
s|kjust type 'memtest' ? that didn't work for me05:55
nsaschAlexThreeTwoThre: you said " a big blank box with /!\ in it", did the triangle have a bottom?05:55
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AlexThreeTwoThrensasch: yea, but I don't know how to make bottoms05:55
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nsaschoh okay, just making sure.05:55
slowz3rDarkElf109, well ill get back to u if and when it finishes and if it doesnt05:55
LoneShadowwhich is the most light weight ubuntu breezy distro ?05:56
nsaschAlexThreeTwoThre: when you restart, do you have to visit goatse again or does it just pop up?05:56
DarkElf109slowz3r: If it doesn't, close it and open it again05:56
AlexThreeTwoThrensasch: it just pops up05:56
s|kmemtest isn't workinf for me05:56
AlexThreeTwoThrensasch: it's rather annoying05:56
[Ex0r] what package do you guys recommend for a mail server ?05:56
nsaschwhich version of goatse did you go to?05:56
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AlexThreeTwoThrensasch: um, I think it was saix.be05:56
AlexThreeTwoThreoh also05:56
slowz3rDarkElf109, ok ill try now05:56
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DarkElf109meishiwan: sudo apt-get install menu05:57
DosBubbaAlexThreeTwoThre, I guess try visiting another goatse site might cancel it out.05:57
AlexThreeTwoThreI was in X-Chat, and he kept saying this "DCC SEND HAXHAXHAXHAXALEXISACOCKSUCKER 0 0 0" and it kept disconnecting me05:57
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rredd4I did sudo update-grub, it showed kernel 2.6.15-23 and 26.  I rebooted and I stll only see 23.  how do I fix this so I can use 26?  23 and 26 are in menu.lst.05:57
slowz3rDarkElf109, ya i dont think its gunna work at all05:57
DosBubbaAlexThreeTwoThre, Unless it's lilo's global notices in XChat.05:57
slowz3rDarkElf109, :/05:57
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AlexThreeTwoThreDosBubba: I think that might be it05:57
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DarkElf109slowz3r: Hrm. Alright. Was Windows on the first and/or only partition on the drive?05:57
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brownegganyone know if you can suppress join/part in xchat?05:58
AlexThreeTwoThreDosBubba: does it have anything to do with lilo being a huge noob?05:58
tristilI've seen complaints about this on the web, but no resolution: you create a wheels group, you add the wheel group to /etc/sudoers, you add a user to wheel, you su to that user, you sudo, you fill in the password, then nothing.05:58
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slowz3rDarkElf109, ya it is05:58
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nsaschAlexThreeTwoThre: I read something about spyware in Ubuntu, maybe that's it?05:58
s|kI think I'm just going to start crying05:58
AlexThreeTwoThrensasch: whaT?05:58
lucas-why is that s|k05:59
=== Dr_Willis thinks someone may be finding rumors :)
s|kI can't figure out what is wrong05:59
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DarkElf109slowz3r: Ok. Brute force approach. Make or find an empty folder, and try 'sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sd<x>1 /folder/folder' until it works, starting by replacing <x> with a, and working your way through the alphabet05:59
nsaschAlexThreeTwoThre: yea. there's a problem in Firefox where spyware can get installed in Ubuntu.05:59
s|khow do I run memtest?05:59
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s|kI'm looking at grub05:59
[Ex0r] so nobody here has a recommendation for a mail server (imap, pop3, smtp, webmail), for ubuntu ?05:59
s|khow do I run memtest?05:59
Dr_Williss|k,  its in the boot menu, just select it. and ut should load.05:59
meishiwanis there anybody can tell me how to install the Debian Menu?:-[i checked a thread about Debian Menu on forum ,but now i cant find the thread.05:59
rredd4slk in grub  when you reboot05:59
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s|krredd4: I am looking at grub right now05:59
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tristilmeishiwan, did you try alacarte?06:00
DarkElf109[Ex0r] : Use courier-imap and postfix. Nice and awesome06:00
s|kfound it06:00
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nsaschAlexThreeTwoThre: it gets you banned usually, please refrain from saying that06:00
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rredd4slk look at menu.lst to see if its there06:00
AlexThreeTwoThrensasch: oh, why does it get you banned?06:00
polpakAlexThreeTwoThre: if it starts when you log in it's either in .xsession or something similiar06:00
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[Ex0r] DarkElf109- does it have support for pop3 and smtp as well ?06:00
s|krredd4: I see it, how will I know if I have errors?06:00
DosBubbaAlexThreeTwoThre, Does it also happen when someone says !startkeylogger ?06:00
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tristilWhen I sudo, I enter the password, then nothing.06:01
DarkElf109[Ex0r] : courier-pop for pop3, and postfix is for smtp06:01
[Ex0r] ah, I see06:01
colksudo is supposed to be ran with a command06:01
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rredd4slk someone else will have to answer that ?06:01
DarkElf109[Ex0r] : The couriers are easy to install. Postfix is a bit harder for anything more than local mail06:01
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polpaktristil: if you want to become root use sudo -i otherwise you need to give it a command to run as root06:01
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[Ex0r] I heard some things about courier being buggy and etc06:01
[Ex0r] and instead of postfix, can't I use sendmail ?06:01
tristilcolk, I know. I mean that if I sudo vi blah, I get a password prompt, then nothing happens.06:01
nsaschAlexThreeTwoThre: you might want to consider switching to Gentoo if optimal performance is necessary.06:01
Dr_Willislife  is buggy.06:01
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polpaktristil: did you hit enter after you typed the password?06:02
rredd4I did sudo update-grub, it showed kernel 2.6.15-23 and 26.  I rebooted and I stll only see 23.  how do I fix this so I can use 26?  23 and 26 are in menu.lst.06:02
DarkElf109[Ex0r] : I've been using courier for a long while. I love it. And postfix is the sendmail replacement =P06:02
tristilpolpak, I've seen complaints about this on the web, but no resolution: you create a wheels group, you add the wheel group to /etc/sudoers, you add a user to wheel, you su to that user, you sudo, you fill in the password, then nothing06:02
[Ex0r] guess i'm going to have to install one at a time, and read up on the docs for configuring them, esp. postfix06:02
[Ex0r] because I also heard it's difficult to get it working correctly06:02
prozacim looking for a bt client that lets me set a max upload limit06:02
tristilIt's a new virtual server on vpslink.com06:02
polpaktristil: can you pastebin your sudoers file? You don't need to add a wheel group there is already an admin group for this by default06:02
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tristilmeishiwan, cool?06:03
prozacin Kbps...not by # of connections06:03
[Ex0r] prozac- the default bt client does.06:03
prozacreally, i couldnt find that...06:03
[Ex0r] prozac- click the second tab, check the Cap Upload, and select the KB/sec box06:03
tristilpolpak, is admin the adm group?06:03
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DarkElf109[Ex0r] : Try this: http://workaround.org/articles/ispmail-sarge/ And just ignore the stuff about mysql and virtual users06:04
polpaktristil: yes, it's the admin group06:04
Madpilottristil, no, admin is admin - adm is something else06:04
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[Ex0r] DarkElf109- Hold that url til after I re-install ubuntu please :)06:05
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tristilpolpak, Their default install is pretty bare. adduser: The group `admin' does not exist.06:05
prozacEx0r, i started the bt on windows and saved to a portable HDD...is there a way to get the bt client to realize that the bt needs to be resumed, and not re-started06:05
DarkElf109[Ex0r] : Then you'll like google.com/notebook =P06:05
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polpaktristil: in ubuntu?06:05
prozacits the same .torrent file...just a different OS06:06
[Ex0r] prozac- nope, you would have to copy all the partially downloaded files to the same directory in linux06:06
GStubbs43How do I open BitTorrent? when I click i in the Applications menu, it says "Open Location for BitTorrent meta file" any ideas?06:06
tristilpolpak, vpslink.com's virtual server version of Ubuntu.06:07
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DarkElf109GStubbs43: It's asking for a .torrent file06:07
FunnyLookinHatOk guys, here's a fun one... for some reason liveCD isn't installing GRUB right on my desktop that has a windows install on it too.  Anyone else have issues with GRUB not working w/ SATA and IDE drives both there?06:07
prozacthe partially downloaded files are on a portable HDD recognized by both wondows and Ubuntu06:07
FunnyLookinHat: )06:07
FunnyLookinHatOdd huh?06:07
GStubbs43oh, you can't open it up and search?06:07
prozaci can specify the file where they already exist06:07
MadpilotGStubbs43, find a .torrent file on the web somewhere, and click on it06:07
GStubbs43Like on uTorrent and other programs?06:07
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tristilpolpak, http://paste.plone.org/536206:08
Vikashhow to change default boot operating system06:08
DarkElf109slowz3r: You still there?06:08
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Vikashdo u know06:08
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meishiwantristil,im here. i dont know how to do it06:08
DarkElf109Oh, guess not, never mind...06:08
Vikashcan u tell me06:09
tristilmeishiwan, are you running Dapper?06:09
Vikashhow to change boot settings06:09
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DarkElf109Vikash: Open up /boot/grub/menu.list, and change "default"06:09
deFryskVikash, default=0 is the first06:09
tristilmeishiwan, Does alacarte in Applications suit your purposes?06:09
deFryskdefault=2 is the second etc06:09
deFryskdefault=1 that is sorry06:10
Vikashdefault=1 is not there06:10
gmoore'install to disk' vs 'lamp install' when installing Dapper with the server cd: do i get the same thing either way, just apache/mysql/php set up and ready to go in the second one?06:10
DarkElf109Well, default=1 is the safe option for the first OS06:10
tristilmeishiwan, Applications->Accessories06:10
meishiwani dont know how to install the Debian Menut via apt-get,let me try06:10
DarkElf109It's done by row06:10
rredd4DarkElf109 can you help please?  I did sudo update-grub, it showed kernel 2.6.15-23 and 26.  I rebooted and I stll only see 23.  how do I fix this so I can use 26?  23 and 26 are in menu.lst.06:10
DarkElf109meishiwan: apt-get install menu06:10
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Dr_Willisgrub starts counting at 0 i think.. so default=0 will be the first entry06:10
DarkElf109rredd4: dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-`uname -r` if I remember right06:11
Vikashthere is no graphical menu to select that06:11
deFryskdefault=1 is the second06:11
meishiwani dont know the commend to install the debian menu via apt-get06:11
DarkElf109meishiwan: apt-get install menu06:11
ToHellWithGAi'd like to use libpam-cracklib to check my password for difficult-to-crack-ness.  how can i do that?06:11
rredd4DarkElf109  uname -r returns 2.6.15-2306:11
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DarkElf109rredd4: Then replace it with 2.6.15-26 =)06:12
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DarkElf109Actually, either one would work06:12
GStubbs43Now Synaptic Package Manager won't open at all...06:12
DarkElf109It just has the installer scan the /boot directory for kernels, and updates menu.lst accordingly06:12
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meishiwanlet me try to install it.06:12
polpaktristil: how did you add yourself to the group file?06:12
Ninjacan anyone help me install melisa media center please?????06:12
polpaktristil: I think it's shadowed06:12
polpaktristil: so you need to use vigr06:13
tristilpolpak adduser method wheel06:13
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LoneShadowwhich boot option do you guys choose ? default, generic .. ?06:13
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DarkElf109LoneShadow: Eh? Where?06:13
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LoneShadoweverytime there is a kernel update, it puts like 3-4 new boot options on grub :P06:14
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rredd4DarkElf109  that command says that its not installed.  When I open Synaptic, it shows that it is.?06:14
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GStubbs43and when I use sudo in Terminal, this shows up: sudo: must be setuid root06:14
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LoneShadowI choose the new kernel - default one, not sure what the generic one is meant for06:14
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DarkElf109rredd4: Might wanna do apt-get reinstall linux-image-2.6.15-26 just to be sure06:15
Ninjacan anyone help me install elisa media center?06:15
s|kwow this memtest is going to take 5 hours06:15
DarkElf109LoneShadow: You can remove the old kernel packages once you're sure the new one works06:15
polpaks|k: punishment for having too much ram =p06:15
DarkElf109LoneShadow: I generally keep one old one around for safety06:15
s|kheh 3 gigs06:15
deFrysks|k, better to lt it run for a few days06:15
Dr_Williss|k,  normally you let it run for a day or 2 :P to be sure06:15
DarkElf109s|k: Server or gaming machine? =P06:15
meishiwanDarkElf109,i have installed it ,but i cant find it in Applications->Accessories.O:-)06:15
LoneShadowyea I am doing that at the moment, but wondering whats the diff between default and generic06:16
s|klet it run for a few days? heh06:16
s|kI don't have a few days lol06:16
s|kI have classwork to do06:16
deFrysks|k, its like giving up smoking06:16
DarkElf109meishiwan: Should just be Applications-> Debian06:16
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deFryskhang on in there06:16
s|kwell it seems like 5% in 15 min is about 5 hours06:17
DarkElf109s|k: Public libraries are your friend! And your friends are your friends! Leech off of all of them!06:17
rredd4DarkElf109  Couldn't find package reinstall   I guess I will do it via Synaptic... sounds ok?06:17
s|kwell my data is on this machine06:17
s|kI don't know how to make it run for a few days anyways06:17
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s|kI just run it06:17
DarkElf109LoneShadow: Not sure...never seen it set up like that. I just have Kernel, then Kernel (safe), then Kernel 2, then Kernel 2 (safe)06:17
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meishiwani cant find it .need i reboot GDM?06:17
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DarkElf109rredd4: Yeah06:17
DarkElf109rredd4: I'm a console geek =P06:18
[Ex0r] damn, it's going to take 12 hours to archive up this directory :\06:18
tristilHmm, is the % necessary to signify a group in /etc/sudoers, as in %wheel   All=(ALL) ALL?06:18
DarkElf109meishiwan: killall gnome-panel works too, I think06:18
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DarkElf109meishiwan: You might also wanna check Alacarte to make sure the menu isn;t just disabled06:18
rredd4DarkElf109 lol!06:18
s|kyou know I can't seem to write to dvd on this system without it failing06:18
s|kis that usual?06:18
BoelckeAny suggestions for how to convert an mpg video to DVD format?  I'm struggling to burn my first dvd in ubuntu...06:19
s|kand then the disc is stuck in the drive and I have to use a paper clip to get it out06:19
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DarkElf109s|k: That sounds liek a drive problem more than anything06:19
meishiwannow i cant open the Alacarte06:19
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DarkElf109meishiwan: Ok. Then restart gnome, yeah. Might even wanna just restart the machine06:19
DrBairim picking out a new wifi card... atheros, prism, or intel. Any opinions?06:19
s|kokay well maybe the whole system is shot06:19
DarkElf109DrBair: Prism. Great for wardriving =P06:19
Red_HerringDUDE type in /disco for a LIGHT SHOW!!!06:19
meishiwanill restart the machine06:20
DarkElf109It's short for disconnect06:20
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DrBairDarkElf109: very true...06:20
DarkElf109DrBair: And that's the true test of a WiFi card's value, honestly. Especially considering the relatively small number of cards that can actually get packet injection right06:21
sledmouthxubuntu is cool!06:21
Red_Herringhaha no dont actually do it06:21
stormchas3rI just installed 6.06 and it never asked for me to create a root pw, any  help here?06:21
Red_Herringsledmouth: any better than kubuntu?06:21
sledmouthi'm not a kde fan06:21
DarkElf109stormchas3r: It's not supposed to. Enjoy using 'sudo'06:21
sledmouthso i'm not the one to ask06:21
DarkElf109sledmouth: Or, to get a root shell, 'sudo -s'06:21
DarkElf109Bleh, that was to stormchas3r06:22
Dr_Willisstormchas3r,  faq #1 there man. :P06:22
stormchas3rhow do I use sudo in a shell?06:22
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:22
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DarkElf109stormchas3r: Type 'sudo', followed by the command you want to run as root06:22
stormchas3rnew to ubuntu but love it so far06:22
neon_how can i set the password for connect to my mobile in bluetooth?06:22
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stormchas3rty guys06:22
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sledmouthi use joe's wm on my thin client audio players :)06:23
sledmouththey should make jubuntu ;)06:23
DarkElf109Anyone in here have a CompTIA Linux+ certification? I'm thinking of getting it (work pays if I pass), and wondering how hard it is06:23
fantasynwHello.  I'm a relative n00b to Linux in general (I know a little, but not too much)... I just installed Ubuntu 6.06, and I can't seem to get my wireless working.  Installed on a Gateway 7210GX laptop... I did some research and I know I have to mess with ndiswrapper, but I'm not really sure what to do.  Can anyone point me at some docs that could guide me?06:23
DarkElf109sledmouth: Nah. Might be construed to be racist =P06:23
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notamisfitor flubuntu06:23
ljloleli love ubuntu06:23
DarkElf109notamisfit: They're working on fluxbuntu, actually06:24
Madpilotnotamisfit, "Bird Flubuntu" ;)06:24
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper06:24
notamisfitholy shit. never thought i'd see that one coming06:24
TIHan-Linuxhow do i use the network proxy in ubuntu06:24
spadesnubuntu uses fluxbox iirc06:24
notamisfitis ebuntu still chinese whispers?06:24
fantasynwPerfect, thank you!06:24
BoelckeAny suggestions for how to convert an mpg video to DVD format?06:25
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ljlolelwhen will some django bugs be fixed06:26
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DarkElf109ljlolel: eventually06:26
DrBairBoelcke: theres quite a few dvd authoring tools in the repos. I used one before qdvdauthor or something to that effect...06:26
DarkElf109Boelcke: Might wanna try k3b. Has built-in video transcoding06:27
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n1xt3rljolel: you wouldn't be talking about where some fonts get seem to get squished together?06:28
sledmouthi'm on a fujitsu stylistic 3500 right now (with xubuntu) cuz the damn backlight went out on my ibook :(06:28
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DarkElf109sledmouth: I'm sorry about the ibook, and now I know that fujitsu makes computers =P06:28
sledmouthfujitsu handhelds are awesome06:29
sledmouthi have like 5 of them06:29
DarkElf109Handhelds? As in, PDAs?06:29
sledmouththey make great thin media clients06:29
sledmouthno, tablet pc's06:29
DarkElf109Hrm. Neato06:29
TIHan-Linuxhow do i use the network proxy in ubuntu06:29
WarboCan anybody help me get Beagle to show some meaningful results? For example if I search for "avi" the only thing that comes up is /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache06:29
DBOWarbo, have you excersized the dog?06:30
WarboDBO: Several times06:30
holycowljlolel, why are you asking about django here? isn't that a web app platform?06:30
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DarkElf109sledmouth: Neato. I've just got a Palm T|X...I love it as a PDA, but not the best for media06:30
ljlolelsorry wrong window :)06:30
DarkElf109sledmouth: What's the price on one of those?06:31
holycowljlolel, was just curious :)06:31
damionhey is there a way to stop my ubuntu from freezing when i leave it on all night downloading a torrent06:31
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sledmouthu can ebay fujitsu stylistic 3500's for ~$22506:31
Dr_Willisdamion,  you are saying it dont freeze when you leave it on and DONT download torrents?06:31
DarkElf109damion: Turn of the thing that makes it freeze ;)06:31
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sledmouththey r like laptops with no keyboard06:31
DarkElf109Bah. Typing errors always ruin my witty retorts...06:31
DarkElf109sledmouth: Yeah, I just looked em up...they're neat06:32
holycowdamion, are you sure ubuntu freezes or just the torrent client?  does your entire screen lockoup? if so can you switch to cli via ctrl/alt/f1...f2 ...etc?06:32
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DarkElf109sledmouth: And I've done more than my fair share of working with LTSP...setting it up for a whole school district =)06:32
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holycowDarkElf109, a whole district?06:32
sledmouthi'm actually interested in going LTSP06:32
sledmouthhow is the sound DarkElf109?06:33
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holycowDarkElf109, ever set it up to work over the net?06:33
sledmouthdid u use esd?06:33
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damionno when i live on bittornado client or ktorrent at night it sometimes freezes in the middle of the night06:33
DarkElf109It's kinda odd. The Edubuntu LTSP works on almost every system, but doesn't have support for local media (important). The standard LTSP package from the LTSP project itself has less support, but local media06:33
damionthe whole computer is frozen06:33
damionthe mouse dont move or nothing06:34
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holycowdamion, ah ... you cant even ctrl/alt/f2 to another cli?06:34
Warbodamion: X crashes are often caused by driver problems. Are you using a non-free driver?06:34
DarkElf109Edubuntu plans to have local devices and whatnot working for Edgy, but, can't wait that long, so we're just trying our luckm with vanilla LTSP06:34
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rredd4DarkElf109  I did synaptic install and apt-get install.  I still only see 2.6.15-23.  Any other ideas?06:34
sledmouthDarkElf109: so the clients have sound and Xservers runngin, right/06:34
DarkElf109rredd4: REinstall =)06:35
sledmouththe prob i have with my current system is that i have xmms running natively on the handhelds06:35
hangfirewhich compiler is vanilla LISP? is that an opensource one like cmucl?06:36
sledmouthand have to use cli mplayer for real streams06:36
filemoveranyone want a really good guide on bash scripting06:36
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DarkElf109sledmouth: Well, we've got X working on the machines that matter, but we're still trying to get sound down. I know it works, because it was fine with edubuntu, but getting it going with LSP vanilla is posing some issues06:36
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sledmouthhowever, the other stylistics i have are only like 120mhz machines06:36
sledmouthand can't do nicer players like gxine etc06:36
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sledmouth(to give me all streams in one gui)06:36
hangfirefilemover-where is the guide to bash scripting?06:37
sledmouthi tried xmms with mplayer plugin - couldn't handle that either06:37
DarkElf109sledmouth: Well, you should try out actual LTSP, then. It's neat stuff06:37
sledmouthi want to06:37
sledmouthi'm just hoping sound is fine06:37
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sledmouthi have lots of flac06:37
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DarkElf109It still seems kinda odd to me, though. Booting a computer over a network seems like black magic =P06:37
Hoxzerhow can I take a screenshot from certain window?06:37
[Ex0r] wow06:38
[Ex0r] 67gigs worth of back-ups :\06:38
damionok how do i stop the bittorrent program from locking up my computer06:38
rredd4DarkElf109  I tried this command apt-get install reinstall linux-image-2.6.15-26-386  and I get "Couldn't find package reinstall"06:38
DarkElf109damion: You could try renicing it06:38
holycowHoxzer, /alt/printscreen takes shost of focused windows06:38
DarkElf109rredd4: Are you sure your package lists are updated?06:38
ubotuI know nothing about renice - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:39
damioni am newb to linux man i am just winging it06:39
holycowHoxzer, gimp can screen cap whatever window you want and lets you choose it with a mouse06:39
sledmouthman nice06:39
DarkElf109damion: http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007908799/xcu/renice.html06:39
holycowdamion, most fun way to get started :) welcome06:39
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holycowdamion, well what you do is ditch that piece of garbage and use gtktorrent client :)06:39
holycowit comes built in to gnome?06:40
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rredd4DarkElf109  update-grub shows both kernels..06:40
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DarkElf109I'm surprised I even use Linux today...Slackware ate the partition boundary between it and my windows partition the first time I installed it, and the Warty install CD's partitioner deleted my partition table =P06:40
DarkElf109rredd4: You could manually add it to menu.lst if you want06:40
[Ex0r] alright, now to copy the back-up to another computer and re-install06:40
rredd4DarkElf109  its there now...06:40
sledmouthslackware is what i run on my clients DarkElf10906:41
damionhow do i install06:41
damioni have been using ktorrent06:41
sledmouthon the stylistic 1200s06:41
holycowdamion, are you using kubuntu?06:41
DarkElf109sledmouth: Nice. I won't touch it ever again after that, though =P06:41
damionno ubuntu 6.0606:41
DarkElf109rredd4: Well, then, it worked =)06:41
rredd4DarkElf109  I will paste bin my menu.lst   brb06:41
sledmouthi use a very stripped down slack on cf cards06:41
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holycowdamion, its actually called gnome-btdownload, its installed already for you06:41
holycowdamion, check apps/internet ... its the bittorent client06:41
sledmouth156mb flash06:41
interfearany must have apps for ubuntu?06:42
stormchas3rIf I have a mdf file, how can i mout it in ubuntu?06:42
holycowdamion, you said you were using bittornado right?06:42
rredd4DarkElf109  It still does not show when I reboot, only shows 23 not 2606:42
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DarkElf109rredd4: So, wait, lemme get this straight: It's in menu.lst, but doesn't show up?06:42
holycowdamion, well then just use the torrent client already installed, nothing to worry about06:42
damionthat freezes too if my download spikes too high then it locks06:42
DarkElf109rredd4: Woah...now THAT'S odd...06:42
damionok then06:42
DarkElf109rredd4: Are the files in /boot?06:42
faradayholycow: can you change the port of gnome-btdownload??06:42
holycowdamion, that locks up your system too?06:42
Hoxzerholycow: :P for somereason it captures only botom panel no matter what I select06:42
sledmouthis ur /boot on its own part.? redd4?06:43
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rredd4DarkElf109  kernel files?06:43
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holycowHoxzer, odd, use gnome06:43
rredd4DarkElf109  checking06:43
damionwell no06:43
damioni stopped using it06:43
Hoxzerholycow: actually I do use gnome06:43
SurfnKidwhats the difference between modprobe and insmod?06:43
holycowfaraday, best i can suggest is man gnome-btdownload, or read whatever manuals are available for that project06:43
damionhey where is it located anyway06:43
Hoxzerholycow: is it alright to select window with alt+tab06:44
DarkElf109stormchas3r: I don't know of any files in the repositories that can mount CD images, let alone MDF06:44
holycowHoxzer, sure why not06:44
Hoxzer:E eh panel ... panel ....06:44
DarkElf109SurfnKid: modprobe has a ton more features than insmod06:44
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holycowdamion, applications/internet its just called bittorent06:44
stormchas3rty DarkElf10906:44
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SlyFlyCan anyone please help me with ALSA?  I have a question about ALSA.  I already checked the forums and WIKI.  PLease?06:44
rredd4DarkElf109  initrd.img-2.6.15-26-386   and  config-2.6.15-26-386  and  vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-386  are in /boot06:44
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SurfnKidDarkElf109, i thought so, more like an improved command06:45
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holycowSlyFly, just ask06:45
damionwhere are the programs install on ubuntu06:45
Warbodamion: /usr06:45
SlyFlyI used to have ALSA available to select as an AUDIo device, but it has disappeared...and I don't know where it went06:45
WarboDamn network problems :( I think MLDonkey was screwing up GAIM06:45
Hoxzerwohoo it worked06:45
SlyFlyWhy did ALSA disappear and how can I get it back?06:45
deFryskalsa dissapear ?06:46
deFryskhow ?06:46
DarkElf109rredd4: And you're changing/checking /boot/grub/menu.lst and not some other menu.lst, right?06:46
damionthanks for the hell also06:46
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WarboSlyFly: In what application06:46
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damionwhere in /usr06:46
SlyFlyALSA is no longer showing up as an option in volume control as an audio device...06:46
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holycowdamion, everywhere.  on linux we ddon't do the same crap they do in windows and dump everything in one dir per app06:46
DarkElf109damion: When Ubuntu installs applications, they're split all over the drive. Configs in /etc, apps in /usr/bin, etc.06:46
SlyFlyIt used to be there...I had a selection of two audio devices, one was ALSA...now its not there anymore06:46
Warbodamion: Binaries=/usr/bin, shared files=/usr/share, generic stuff=/usr/lib and so on06:46
rredd4DarkElf109  yes /boot/grub/menu.lst06:46
sledmouthDarkElf109: make sure he doesn't have /boot on sep. part which isn't mounted normally...06:47
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holycowdamion, we split th eapp up into subgroups, binaries, help files, icons, etc.06:47
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damioni can see that06:47
Ignite_hey, i've been trying to use thoggen to rip my DVD, the progress bars say its done... but its still going and has one written 14.3MB, anyone had experience with this? should i leave it or is it likely to just go on forever?06:47
damionhey thanks06:47
rredd4sledmouth boot is not on another partition06:47
Ashexyou know, it's not a very good idea to use Generic for your username in a linux channel06:47
DarkElf109Hrm...this is really, really odd06:47
Ashexlots of false alerts06:47
sledmouthrredd4: so there is not /boot entry in fstab?06:47
damionthis is not over yet06:48
holycowdamion, its harder for novice to find the app, but its easier for long term system maintance, especially for something as complex as linux where you can install litterally 100's of thousands of apps and still have a stable system that wont keel over06:48
rredd4sledmouth  checking06:48
WarboIgnite_: I think it might keep going. It happened to me once, it just kept reencoding the same frame in the middle of a film. I don't know whether it is a disc problem, an application problem or an encryption problem06:48
damionhey i may be a novice but i love a challenge06:48
SlyFlywhy did ALSA disappear and where it did it go?06:48
Ignite_Warbo, alright, thanks for the help06:48
sledmouth( i don't think ubuntu typically does that anyhow - gentoo does tho )06:48
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z2how do I check what my local ip is ?06:49
DarkElf109sledmouth: I do it, just as a precaution...I get rm -f happy sometimes...I've even taken out an entire home partition and all my mail on my mailserver =P06:49
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:49
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holycowDarkElf109, *high five* me too bro06:49
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sledmouthi'm too lazy and just let os install do what it wants lately :(06:49
DarkElf109Hahaha. Glad to see I'm not alone =P06:50
Ignite_Warbo, did you manage to find any other software that got the job done as.. cleanly?06:50
SlyFlyno ALSA for me?  I am a sad panda today without ALSA.06:50
damionquestion how do i set the default bittorrent program06:50
damionquestion how do i set the default bittorrent program06:50
crimsunSlyFly: what's the issue?06:50
DarkElf109That's what I love about Linux. Exemplifies the quote "With great power comes great responsibility"06:50
DarkElf109I can delete whatever I want...but it's my own damn fault =P06:50
SlyFlyALSA is not showing up as an option audio device in voluem control06:50
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DarkElf109Err, sorry about the language ;)06:50
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WarboIgnite_: I don't think I tried that film again, but mencoder and stuff can rip DVDs (I think ffmpeg2theora might be able to make theoras of DVDs too)06:50
SlyFlyALSA used to be available as an option...its not there anymore under voluem control06:51
crimsunSlyFly: what does ``cat /proc/asound/cards show you? Use http://pastebin.ca06:51
DarkElf109rexur: Hello06:51
rredd4sledmouth  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1797506:51
crimsunSlyFly: ``cat /proc/asound/cards'', rather06:51
rexurim new here06:51
IcemanV9damion: update-alternatives06:51
=== kelbizzle [n=kelbizzl@c-68-34-111-206.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ignite_Warbo, ok thanks06:51
kelbizzleHey all.06:51
Warbodamion: Right click a torrent file, Properties, Open With and choose the default06:51
deFryskSlyFly, in volumecontrol File>change device06:51
DarkElf109rexur: Well, then, welcome! If you've got a question, feel free to ask =)06:51
DarkElf109kelbizzle: Heya06:51
kelbizzleWhats going on elf.06:51
deFryskSlyFly, and alsa is always there for its a kernel module06:51
WarboAny idea why Evolution won't come up? It did before...06:52
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DarkElf109kelbizzle: Trying to figure out why rredd4's grub menu isn't showing everything in menu.lst06:52
dicesquirrelQuestion... I'm using the fglrx driver, and when I type fglrxinfo, it gives me Mesa info, and everything 3D runs slowly. How do I fix this? I've tried various things from the forums, but nothing seems to work. Help!06:52
rredd4DarkElf109  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1797506:52
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kelbizzlehmm..I wish I can help.06:52
Warbodicesquirrel: Does "glxinfo | grep direct" say yes or no?06:52
kelbizzleI'm a nix noobie06:52
rredd4DarkElf109  it is in menu.lst  just not there when I reboot06:52
DarkElf109rredd4: Well, you're not booting from a separate partition...I'm really stumped here06:53
DarkElf109rredd4: Dumb question, but is it commented out?06:53
dicesquirrelWarbo: it says no06:53
rredd4i will past it06:53
sledmouthpatebin ur menu.lst06:53
damionhaha sorry for bothering you all i just really want to understand ubuntu the OS is beautiful and stable unlike windows xp or 2000 good work i expect nothing less06:53
Warbodicesquirrel: What model card do you have?06:53
sledmouthrredd4: what is ur /dev/hda2?06:53
dicesquirrelWarbo: Radeon 9000 Mobility06:53
SlyFlycrimsun, /proc/asound/cards shows my audio card...what does this say about ALSA?06:53
rexuranyone hir 17-20 yr old?06:53
SlyFlyrexur, why?06:54
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crimsunSlyFly: it means alsa detected the card just fine. Now test ``aplay /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav''. Is it audible?06:54
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rexurjust askin'06:54
Warbodicesquirrel: I think teh fglrx driver got broken recently for older cards, however the free driver should give 3D on your card (but I don't know the performance comparisons)06:54
z2how do I check which version of ubuntu I am running ?06:54
crimsunz2: lsb_release -r06:54
DarkElf109rexur: No, we won't send you naked pictures. Go away =P06:54
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deFryskrexur, wrong channel ? ;p06:54
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kelbizzleAnyone have a sec to answer a question for me,06:54
Warbodicesquirrel: Fglrx didn't work for me on my radeon 9200, nothing 3D or even framebuffer worked :(06:54
gmooreaww im trying to boot dapper in VMWare to try it out and i get a kernel panic :-(06:55
rexurim not interested w/ a nude picx06:55
kelbizzleI might stump ya.06:55
DarkElf109kelbizzle: That's what we do =)06:55
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:55
dicesquirrelWarbo: can I downgrade to an older fglrx?06:55
DarkElf109rexur: Well, that's a relief06:55
dicesquirrelWarbo: one that works?06:55
kelbizzlelemme get the message again.06:55
kelbizzleit's with wine06:55
Luuuuckycan anyone help me installing nVidia drivers? Actually binutils or somethin' whatever... Help me!06:55
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filemoverwhats the best application to play mp3's in ubuntu06:55
GuitarHeroor listen06:55
Warbodicesquirrel: Maybe, but you would have to build it yourself (or just use radeon like me)06:55
z2how do I translate 6.06 to warty or breezy ?06:55
holycowfilemover, any it doesn't matter06:55
dicesquirrelWarbo: So how do I use radeon?06:55
kelbizzlewine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\qtracker.exe": Module not found06:55
Warbodicesquirrel: Hang on, I wrote a guide somewhere....06:55
kelbizzlewhen I run wine qtracker06:55
snoopsI absolutely love amarok - my favourite linux desktop application06:55
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DarkElf109z2: 6.06 is Dapper Drake06:56
z2DarkElf109: thanks alot06:56
DarkElf109amaroK is KDE's killer app. It's like iTunes, without all the Apple =P06:56
Luuuuckywhen i start installation of nvidia drivers error message appears:  ERROR: Unable to find the system utility `ld`; please make sure you have the06:56
Luuuucky         package 'binutils' installed.  If you do have binutils installed,06:56
Luuuucky         then please check that `ld` is in your PATH.06:56
LuuuuckyPlease help me!06:56
deFryskthere is also xmms rhythmbox banshee etc for mp306:56
filemoverits says i dont have the neccessary decoder to play mp3's06:56
ubotuI know nothing about binutils - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:56
SlyFlycrimsun, my audio is working perfectly fine, but its with OSS MIxer...but I am trying to use ALSA...06:56
filemoverwhat do i do06:56
snoopsDarkElf109 oh mean it's leagues ahead of itunes06:56
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kelbizzledid anyone get that?06:56
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:56
DarkElf109snoops: Well, honestly, I wouldn't know...never used iTunes =P06:56
jbrimbleI'm about to download Ubuntu, should I get the .list or .manifest file?06:57
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jbrimbleoh wait, there's a torrent. nevermind06:57
Warbojbrimble: .iso06:57
DarkElf109jbrimble: You should get the .iso06:57
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sledmouthxfmedia ;)06:57
DarkElf109jbrimble: Or .torrent, if you like bittorrent06:57
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tritiumLuuuucky: calm down, buddy06:57
Warbojbrimble: Ah yes, the torrent (the others are for verifying the download and stuff)06:57
crimsunSlyFly: double-click the volume control icon in the upper right corner, choose File> Change Device>06:57
snoopsDarkElf109 banshee is basically the itunes clone for linux.. similar interface, everything.. amarok has features I've never seen in any other player - such as the covers view, and artist+lyric info just a tab press away06:57
SlyFlycrimsun, that's the problem...there is no other option for audio device...no ALSA06:58
GuitarHeroiwconfig shows that i have a signal strength and its seeing the essid/frequency.  i cant figure out why it sees it but i cant get on the internet06:58
rredd4sledmouth this is part of it, the important part... big file.   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1797606:58
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crimsunSlyFly: what're the options?06:58
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dicesquirrelWarbo: oh well Warbo, don't worry about it. The radeon driver won't run ET well enough, so I'll just wait until they release a fixed fglrx. Usually only takes a day or two06:58
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SlyFlycrimsun, the only option is OSSMIxer06:58
rredd4DarkElf109 this is part of it, the important part... big file.   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1797606:58
crimsunSlyFly: that's not a bad thing06:58
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crimsunSlyFly: as long as your sound works fine, you're ok06:58
tripppyhow do i login via xdmcp?06:58
SlyFlycrimsun, it's not necessarily a bad thing, but ALSA has its benefits...06:59
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SlyFlythat's why I am trying to use ALSA06:59
WarboCan anyone help me get Evolution up?06:59
crimsunSlyFly: does ``alsamixer'' work?06:59
SlyFlycrimsun, alsamixer does work06:59
DarkElf109rredd4: In all honesty, I have no idea anymore...everything's correct!06:59
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crimsunSlyFly: then why are you worried about being able to use ALSA?06:59
GuitarHeroiwconfig shows that i have a signal strength and its seeing the essid/frequency.  i cant figure out why it sees it but i cant get on the internet06:59
rredd4DarkElf109  exactly...06:59
DarkElf109GuitarHero: Try /etc/init.d/networking restart07:00
WarboNever mind, after a couple of days sulking it's decided to work again :)07:00
SlyFlybecause I am trying to listen to different audio players at the same time, and OSS Mixer doesn't provide that functionality...ALSA does...besides, I am also having other problems with OSS07:00
snoopswhat's the most recommended way to share files between two linux boxes? Just samba?07:00
Lukesnoops: nfs07:00
DarkElf109snoops: NFS is faster07:00
rredd4DarkElf109  I used update manager initially to upgrade to 26... and this is what I got07:00
GuitarHeroit says failued to start ifdown and ifup07:01
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GuitarHerofailed to open their statefiles07:01
DarkElf109rredd4: I'm really sorry, but I don't know how to help any more... =/07:01
SlyFlycrimsun, because I am trying to listen to different audio players at the same time, and OSS Mixer doesn't provide that functionality...ALSA does...besides, I am also having other problems with OSS07:01
rredd4sledmouth any other ideas?07:01
DarkElf109GuitarHero: Do it as root07:01
z2snoops: or flash drive07:01
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rredd4DarkElf109  thats ok, ty07:01
tritiumrredd4: what happened after your upgrade?07:01
sledmouthya rredd407:01
crimsunSlyFly: oss mixer does not have anything to do with whether you can listen to different audio players at the same time07:01
snoopsover a network I should have mentioned z2 :) Thanks though.. nfs cool bananas07:01
rredd4sledmouth this is part of it, the important part... big file.   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1797607:01
sledmouthhave u messed with menu.lst b4 on this system?07:02
GuitarHerook its going through a bunch of intervals on eth007:02
sledmouthand did u previously have different linux distro on the drive?07:02
rredd4tritium  I rebooted and 2.6.15-23 shows but not 2607:02
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filemovercan i add the gstreamer pluggins through add/remove programmes07:02
z2snoops: you said easier07:02
z2snoops: *easiest07:02
snoopsnope I said most recommended z207:02
z2ooh shit07:02
sledmouthsome distros set grub to use file other than menu.lst07:02
DarkElf109z2: "what's the most recommended way" =)07:02
tritiumz2: language, please07:02
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:03
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rredd4tritium  2.6.15-26 are in /boot07:03
tritiumrredd4: please try "sudo update-grub"07:03
z2didnt know junior might be awake at 1AM EST07:03
s|kmemtest at 1 hour and only 16% done, it's going to take 7 hours now, man its just getting slower and slower07:03
rredd4tritium did that same results07:03
rredd4tritium http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1797607:03
deFryskz2, over here its 7 am07:03
snoopsheh only 5pm in nz z207:03
DarkElf109z2: Time zones, man. It;s only 10 on the West Coast07:03
DarkElf109z2: The Internet never sleeps07:03
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rredd4sledmouth using dapper07:04
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vakaI have a big problem... My root account hasn't root permisions, and I can't give them to it because i haven't these same permisions07:04
aunesI really like the colors I get with vim syntax highlighting on my ubuntu box, but when I ssh to my redhat server, It's way too dark. How do I copy the color settings over?07:04
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GuitarHerook restarting the networking didnt work, its never worked before i should add that07:04
sledmouthrredd4 , please ' find /boot ' and paste07:04
tritiumrredd4: sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-2.6.15-26.38607:04
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:04
GuitarHeroi used ndiswrapper to install the drivers and it is detecting the hardware07:05
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DarkElf109aunes: Copy /etc/vim/vimrc from Ubuntu to your other computer07:05
SlyFlyI'll just cry myself to sleep since I can't use ALSA...it's out of my life, and I am out of its life...we've parted ways, and I must now find another companion...farewell fellow Ubunturs07:05
aunesDarkElf109: thx07:05
tritiumrredd4: that last one should do the trick07:05
rredd4sledmouth  abi-2.6.15-23-386     config-2.6.15-26-386      initrd.img-2.6.15-26-386  System.map-2.6.15-26-386  abi-2.6.15-26-386     grub                      memtest86+.bin            vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-386 config-2.6.15-23-386  initrd.img-2.6.15-23-386  System.map-2.6.15-23-386  vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-38607:06
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rredd4tritium did that too07:06
tritiumrredd4: what was the result?07:06
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z2under what package category would I find databases ?07:06
filemoverhey wow!07:07
GuitarHeroanyone have any ideas how i can fix my connection?07:07
filemovermp3's work on here07:07
filemoveri got it to work07:07
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z2under what package category would I find databases ?07:07
filemoverit was pretty easy07:07
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filemovernow i gotta work out how to enable usb audio anyone have any clues07:08
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Warboz2: OpenOffice type databases would be in Office stuff. More complex ones may be in system tools, administration, networking, development or anything else. Databases are used for all kinds of things07:08
rredd4tritium Not touching initrd symlinks since we are being reinstalled (2.6.15-26.44)  Not updating image symbolic links since we are being updated (2.6.15-26.44)  Searching for GRUB installation directory ... found: /boot/grub  Testing for an existing GRUB menu.list file ... found: /boot/grub/menu.lst  Searching for splash image ... none found, skipping ...  Found kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-386  Found kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-207:09
rredd43-386  Found kernel: /boot/memtest86+.bin  Updating /boot/grub/menu.lst ... done07:09
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z2Warbo: thanks, turns out it was in MISC07:09
isthisnicktakencan someone help me fix my xorg......I was following http://aaltonen.us/archive/2005/03/02/ubuntu-linux-on-the-ibm-thinkpad-t42/#video and it screwed up, but was able to go back, now with no opengl or anything07:09
z2I was looking for postgresql07:09
GuitarHeroone last try.... anyone know how to fix a connection when it shows up in iwconfig but wont actually connect with firefox or any internet program??07:09
vakahow can i enable the root account?07:09
DarkElf109filemover: Plug in the usb sound device. It'll be picked up, usually07:09
tritiumrredd4: ok, next time don't paste please07:10
DarkElf109vaka: sudo passwd, I think07:10
tritiumrredd4: was it reinstalled?07:10
filemoverthnx DarkElf10907:10
filemoverill give it a go07:10
sledmouthrredd4: so u say ur menu.lst changes don't show up in grub menu at boot? can u specify 26 manually at that point?07:10
tritium!enter > filemover07:10
filemoverthis is the easiet linux distro ive seen yet07:10
isthisnicktaken2nd that07:10
rredd4sledmouth how?07:10
Lynoure2nd easiest for me.07:10
aunesDarkElf109: when I upload it, it breaks my syntax highlighting. Any clues as to why?07:10
GuitarHerowell thanks anyway07:11
sledmouthat boot - u can edit the grub lines07:11
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sledmouththen boot07:11
rredd4sledmouth change 23 to 26?07:11
DarkElf109aunes: Might need to install the syntax package for RedHat07:11
DarkElf109aunes: And THAT I can't help with, sorry07:11
tritiumrredd4: you can edit /boot/grub/menu.list by hand07:11
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DarkElf109aunes: But when you get it installed, it should be enabled07:11
sledmouthtritium he did07:11
aunesDarkElf109: it works perfectly fine if I rename my .vimrc file to vimRC (ie: not recognized)07:12
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rredd4tritium to change what please?07:12
aunesDarkElf109: meaning that I get syntax highlighting normally, its just crappy colors.07:12
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DarkElf109aunes: Oh...hrm. Lemme check something07:12
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tritiumrredd4: to add the kernel info that's not being added07:12
sledmouthhe pasted his menu.lst and it looks fine07:12
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DarkElf109aunes: Might want to delete the first line of the copied vimrc. setting the runtimepath for the debian way of things is probably throwing it off07:13
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horsefeathershello everyone07:13
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DarkElf109Heya horsefeathers07:13
douhi. will the plf repo not support ubuntu anymore? anyone know?07:13
horsefeathershow goes it?07:13
sledmouthrredd4: reboot, hit 'e' on the grub line so u can edit it, u can then edit ea. line relating to change 23 to 2607:13
sledmouththen hit 'B' to boot07:14
aunesDarkElf109: Glorious. thx.07:14
rredd4sledmouth ok07:14
sledmouthit won't be permanent tho07:14
DarkElf109aunes: =)07:14
horsefeathersis anyone new to linux and ubuntu like myself?07:14
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horsefeatherswhoohoo :)07:14
rredd4sledmouth hopefully I will be back... brb07:15
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rredd4if this works07:15
Warbodou: I have found it unresponsive recently. Ubuntu developers are always trying to incorporate the most wanted stuff though07:15
sledmouthu did say the grub menu doesn't include 26, right?07:15
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sledmouthgo for it07:15
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isthisnicktakenI am having Xorg problems.....trying to get better graphics on my laptops mobility 750007:15
isthisnicktakenI screwed up my config and lost openGL support.07:15
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horsefeathersI am a bit new to linux, but i heard I can get wobble windows. Does anyone know where I can look to get that to work?07:15
Warboisthisnicktaken: What driver?07:16
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douWarbo: ftp://ftp.free.fr/pub/Distributions_Linux/plf/ which was the place where ubuntu was isnt there anymore07:16
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems07:16
filemoverI plugged in my usb headphones and enabled the capture device in the main volume settings but the sound is still comming from the PC speakers can anyone help07:16
isthisnicktakenhow can i find it07:16
Warbohorsefeathers: Take a look at XGL ^07:16
fivreWhere does X log errors and such to?07:16
horsefeathersalright, thanks Warbo :)07:16
isthisnicktakenI was trying to folloow that07:16
Warbodou: No wonder it has been giving errors in aptitude :)07:16
isthisnicktakensince I have an R50.....its similar07:16
DarkElf109horsefeathers: And if your graphics card isn't the best, check the link for AIGLX in the #ubuntu-xgl channel07:16
Warbofivre: /var/log/Xorg.0.log I htink07:17
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Warboisthisnicktaken: Are you trying the fglrx driver? (the non-free ATI one)07:17
douyeah thx i'll remove it dont think i use any packages from it anyway. maybe canonical took its place?07:17
z2whats the command to refresh the locate database ?07:17
douor something07:17
gdbz2: updatedb07:17
isthisnicktakenWarbo: i was tyring to......but then it said no monitor or something, had to edit the Xorg.conf to ati again07:18
squidgyHi!  I just upgraded from Breezy to Dapper, and the sound volume is barely audible when everything is turned up to 100%.  Can anyone help?07:18
isthisnicktakenI had CLI only07:18
z2gdb thanks07:18
holycowsquidgy, right click, open up volume control and turn up pcm07:18
Warboisthisnicktaken: Just that I tried the non-free driver and although I got 2D working I never got 3D (on a Radeon 9200). I like to advocate the use of the radeon driver though :)07:18
doubye bye07:19
z2I just installed postgres, whats the usuall commands to get things going on it ?07:19
Warboisthisnicktaken: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver07:19
isthisnicktakenok whats the best way to do that07:19
Warboisthisnicktaken: Still a work in progress, but a few people have improved it for me07:19
squidgyholycow:  yup.  that's at 100%.  So is the master volume.  doing amixer shows everything at 100%07:19
isthisnicktakenlet me try that thanks07:19
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holycowsquidgy, turn up the volume on  your speakers?  >_>07:19
squidgyholycow:  it's a laptop, and there is no external volume.  The volume change buttons on the laptop just modify the master volume.07:20
holycowah!  *hmmm*07:20
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squidgyholycow:  weird, huh?  And it works great in breezy and in winXP.07:21
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sledmouthsquidgy: unmuted?07:22
holycowyeah that is odd, i really don't know what else to suggest actually ... sounds like maybe something has changed in whatever driver is being used for the chipset ....07:22
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aunesin vim, I'm doing :vert split index.html   .... is there a way to flip the two buffer's positions?07:22
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squidgyI vaguely remember reading something somewhere in which someone was advised to change from alsa to oss or some such thing.  Does that make any sense?07:22
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sledmouthdrum roll07:23
squidgysledmouth:  nope, it's not muted.  Tried that...laptop mute button makes it go from barely audible to silent.07:23
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rredd4sledmouth  uname -r is now 2.6.15-2607:23
sledmouthi meant unmuted in alsa mixer07:24
godtviskenI am trying to extract files from a .rar file, but I keep getting the error "Cannot create /home/godtvisken/<archive name>/<file name>" using File Roller07:24
sledmouthnice rredd407:24
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sledmouthso - please ' find /boot/grub '07:24
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squidgynot muted there, either.  The only thing that's muted is Line-In on the Capture panel, but that's of course not relevant.07:24
rredd4sledmouth then?07:24
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dashdash`: pick a better dang nick!@07:24
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sledmouthi'm curious if there is another grub config file in /boot/grub07:25
sledmouthasside from menu.lst07:25
tritiumno, sledmouth07:25
notamisfitsledmouth:grub.conf should be in there, but I think one of 'em is just a symlink07:26
tritiumnotamisfit: there is no grub.conf07:26
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squidgyare oss and alsa two competing linux sound systems?  if so, can I switch without breaking anything?07:26
sledmouthwhat do u have in /boot/grub ?07:26
horsefeathersdoes anyone not reccommend using XGL with a weird video card? I have the ATI 200m.07:26
rredd4menu.lst.save   menu.lst   menu.lst~07:27
crimsunsquidgy: alsa implements oss as well.07:27
rredd4sledmouth only menu.lst files there07:27
tritiumsledmouth: as I said...07:28
squidgycrimsun:  what are their respective functions?  If I'm having trouble with my laptop volume being too low, can I 'switch' to the other to try that?  (i.e., does that question even make sense?)07:28
HereticianI have my cable directly connected to my computer (ethernet) i was wondering if ubuntu is supposed to automatically detect it07:28
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sledmouthrredd4: so what options do u have at grub menu?07:29
sledmouth23, 23 recovery, and memtest?07:29
rredd4sledmouth  2yes07:29
Warbosquidgy: OSS is the older Open Sound System. It was pretty basic and only allowed one program to access the soundcard (/dev/dsp), which is why sound servers like Arts were made (Arts is the only program accessing the soundcard, and everything else accesses Arts). ALSA uses many devices and in a more sophisticated way. ALSA also emulates OSS07:29
rredd4and 2607:29
sledmouththought u said no 2607:30
filemoverhow do i change modes in vim07:30
rredd4sledmouth 23 in boot grub menu07:30
tritiumrredd4: 26 is in there now?  Good, sounds like the dpkg-reconfigure worked07:30
rredd4not 2607:30
rredd4thought u meant menu.lst07:30
sledmouthis there 26 recovery?07:31
sledmouthor no 26 at all07:31
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rredd4no 26 in boot grub  only in menu.lst07:31
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rredd4do not see 26 anything when I reboot07:31
tritiumrredd4: please put your menu.lst on pastebin07:32
rredd4only 2307:32
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cajolehey, i just put in a new motherboard and for some reason GDM wil no longer start07:32
cajoleand the rror message doesn't shed any light on the situation07:32
cajoleany suggestions?07:32
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squidgyWarbo:  I see...thanks.  So given that this is linux, is there a possiblity that I can go poking around somewhere in /dev or /proc to access the volume at a more low level?  (I can't really use the system if it has no sound, and I really don't want to switch back to XP)07:32
tritiumcajole: did you look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log?07:32
rredd4tritium  how do I paste the whole file, its big?07:32
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tritiumrredd4: can you open it in an editor, and copy/paste it all?07:33
rredd4ok, brb07:33
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cajoletritium: it's running Xfree :\07:33
z2how do I configure my ubuntu machine to have a static address ?07:33
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tritiumcajole: what are you running?  Warty?07:34
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ajax4I got a question. Whats the latest news on how the Debian exploit affects Ubuntu users?07:34
Flannelcajole: Warty is actually no longer supported.  You're encouraged to upgrade.07:35
Flannelajax4: it wont07:35
z2why would a exploited debian dev server affect ubuntu?07:35
notamisfitajax4: possible kernel vulnerability. Other than that, not much.07:35
cajolebeing on diaup makes that pretty difficult07:35
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tritiumcajole: are you using onboard video?07:35
ajax4Has Ubuntu put out anything on this?07:35
Flannelcajole: heh, shipit can send you pressed CDs, and, someone may still be able to help, but modern ubuntus use x.org, so things are a bit different07:36
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:36
tritiumcajole: could it be that you disabled onboard video on your old mobo, but not this new one?07:36
ajax4z2: Ubuntu is based on Debian, so its possible.07:36
cajolecould be, never had an onboard video07:36
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Warbosquidgy: Sorry, I was reading something. I don't think OSS is enabled in Ubuntu's kernels, so anything would be ALSA. It really seems like a driver thing to me, rather than a settings problem07:36
z2ajax4: that they share dev servers ?07:37
tritiumcajole: double check your BIOS settings, then07:37
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z2ajax4: dont think so, stop trolling and go read something07:37
Flannelajax4: we don't really share source with debian, Unless something has been inserted, and is still unfound in time for... well, a few months07:37
tritiumcajole: by the way, even XFree has a log file in /var/log07:37
sledmouthcajole: type 'lspci' in terminal and look for vga07:37
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rredd4tritium  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1797707:37
ajax4z2: Who's trolling? I'm asking a question. And what do you recommend I read, since you obviously have no answers?07:37
tritiumz2: I wouldn't call ajax4's question trolling07:38
Phaquihow come I had to  sudo apt-get install traceroute  .. or to ask another way; why isn't it "included by default"?07:38
tritiumsmile, everyone07:38
ajax4tritium: Thanks. I'm just wondering how concerned I should be.07:38
z2ajax4: are you running anything mission critical ?07:38
tritiumajax4: really, there's no need to worry.  It was a debian development server.  Not even debian users are affected07:38
aldoHi. Yesterday I tried the kubuntu desktop, but now I want to restore the original ubuntu orange startup splash screen. How can I do?07:39
ajax4z2: Nah, just my home system.07:39
rredd4tritium  i also have kubuntu, just checking it out07:39
Flannelajax4: not very.  Definately not with dapper, at that.  It'd be edgy (or maybe edgy+1, I dont know if theyre still following the source with edgy)07:39
z2ajax4: so what does it matter?07:39
z2ajax4: http://www.securityfocus.com/brief/25307:39
godtviskenIs there a light/fast bittorrent client like uTorrent for linux?07:39
Flannelz2: you need to lighten up.  He's just asking a question.07:39
pppoe_dudegodtvisken, bittornado07:39
ajax4z2: Right, people's home systems don't matter.07:40
tritiumrredd4: 26 is there now07:40
snoopsktorrent I believe is supposed to be pretty similar godtvisken07:40
pppoe_dudegodtvisken, also check out ktorrent for kde07:40
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z2sorry for being harsh07:40
rredd4yeah but when i reboot??07:40
rredd4I will reboot again.. brb07:40
ajax4z2: I'll check out the securityfocus.com site. Thanks.07:40
snoopsbittornado is still one window per torrent right? Doesn't even have tabs?07:40
interfearhrm.. whats a good movie to dl on torrent07:40
sledmouthrredd4 , u stated on 23 and memtest; what about windoze and debian , do they show up?07:40
ajax4Flannel & Tritium: thanks for the info.07:40
z2but I work at a large corporation and stupid security questions annoy me07:40
rredd4tritium  yes07:40
tritiumajax4: :)07:41
z2cause I get them all day07:41
tritiumrredd4: so what's the problem now, then?07:41
rredd4no 2607:41
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tritiumrredd4: it's there...look for yourself07:41
snoopsinterfear Elephants Dream07:41
squidgyWarbo:  it appears that I'm running a driver called "snd_hda_intel", which I imagine has been tested right into the ground since it's probably on every intel mobo made in the last few years.  Is there something I can do to attack this?  I'm a competent programmer but I'm new to linux and hence just don't know where to start.07:41
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sledmouthrredd4 , u stated on 23 and memtest; what about windoze and debian , do they show up?07:41
rredd4but its not there when i reboot  as a choice07:41
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CntryboyIm wanting to install xgl, but the site im reading says to do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, but I have 2.1KB and its almost 200mb, the site states I need to get the latest mesa packages. Is there away I can upgrade just the latest mesa packages?07:42
rredd4only 23 windoze, memtest, recovery07:42
rredd4no 2607:42
sledmouthno debian either?07:42
rredd4even though its in menu.lst07:42
rredd4thats kubuntu not debian07:42
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rredd4kubuntu is there also07:43
z2whats the default root pass in ubuntu ?07:43
snoopsCntryboy think you're gonna need more free space dude07:43
CntryboyI have the space07:43
rredd4brb  gonna reboot again07:43
Cntryboybut I don't have the bandwith07:43
CntryboyCan I just get the mesa packages, instead of a full distro upgrade?07:43
snoopsshould just be able to apt-get install'them07:43
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Cntryboywhat are the names of the mesa packages?07:44
tritiumCntryboy: often times, packages have dependencies that'll require many, many packages to be upgraded as well07:44
isthisnicktakenWarbo: didnt seem to work and the help wasnt much help :(07:44
Cntryboywell has anyone here got xgl working with out distro upgrade?07:44
snoopsbut at the moment compiz, xgl and the associated mesa packages etc are getting updated every couple of days, if not every day07:44
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snoopsit's still in alpha07:44
isthisnicktakenHow can I tell which driver it is using?07:44
Kirk_Question.  Does anyone know where the bind9 configuration file is?  If not, what is the syntex for some search command in Ubuntu Breezy?07:45
Cntryboysnoop: do I need them though?07:45
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snoopsCntryboy considering it being alpha software.. yeah07:46
isthisnicktakenCan someone tell me how to tell which video driver is being used?07:46
Kirk_Hey, sorry...lol07:46
rredd4tritium  26 is not there only 2307:46
snoopsglxinfo isthisnicktaken?07:46
rredd4sledmouth  26 is not there only 2307:46
Cntryboyokay ill try it07:47
Kirk_Does anyone know where the bind9 configuration file is, or what command I can use to find it?  It's called "named.conf".07:47
Cntryboyif wierd stuff starts happening07:47
Cntryboyhow can I turn off xgl07:47
Cntryboyor uninstall it or what ever07:47
rredd4tritium  and of course other stuff... kubuntu, windoze memtest07:47
FlannelCntryboy: #ubuntu-xgl for xgl support.  And, it depends on how you enable it07:47
z2any idea how to scroll up in irssi ?07:47
sledmouthrredd4 are u certain grub doesn't think /boot is on a different part than that of your ubuntu /07:47
isthisnicktakensnoops: client glx vendor string: ATI does that mean the "ati" not "radeon" driver07:48
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Kirk_Does anyone know where the bind9 configuration file is, or what command I can use to find it?  It's called "named.conf".07:48
Cntryboyflannel: no one is speaking there07:48
sledmouthlike ur kubuntu part perhaps07:48
Cntryboybeen idle there for awhile07:48
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rredd4sledmouth  different partition you mean?07:48
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kelbizzlehey  anyone know why wine will open a window then close before the details can ever load.07:48
rredd4sledmouth  I showed you fstab07:48
scabootsscahow do i mount a linuc harddrive?07:49
scabootsscain live cd07:49
sledmouthboot into kubuntu and change menu.lst there for the heck of it07:49
rredd4ok, brb07:49
Kirk_Does anyone know where the bind9 configuration file is, or what command I can use to find it?  It's called "named.conf".07:49
Cntryboyflannel: Im using kde, do I need to get xserver-xgl also?07:49
kelbizzlehey kirk you can do a seach.07:49
Kirk_kelbizzle: What's the context for a search command?07:50
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notamisfitKirk_:updatedb and slocate <filename>07:50
kelbizzlethere you go.07:50
VirusDotNEThow can i change my screen resolution cause i don't want 1280x 769 or whatever it is07:50
Kirk_notamisfit: thanks, I'll try that.07:50
Kirk_Errored out.07:51
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isthisnicktakenclient glx vendor string: ATI ----does that mean the "ati" not "radeon" driver07:51
Kirk_sudo: slocate: command not found07:51
Kirk_sudo: slocate: command not found07:51
notamisfitscabootssca:make a temporary dir in mnt; then (for example): mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /mnt/ubuntu07:51
sledmouthjust 'locate'07:51
IcemanV9isthisnicktaken: lspci |grep -i vga .. mine is07:51
Cntryboyeh screw it I dont have all night to sit here.. lates all07:51
IcemanV90000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M6 LY07:51
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Kirk_sledmouth: thanks07:51
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godtviskenHow do I get my back/forward buttons on my mouse to work?07:52
VirusDotNEThow can i change my screen resolution cause i don't want 1280x 769 or whatever it is07:52
IcemanV9isthisnicktaken: i used 'radeon' in my xorg.conf07:52
sledmouthVirusDotNET: gnome?07:52
notamisfitgodtvisken: what does "ZAxisMapping" in xorg.conf show?07:52
isthisnicktakendirect rendering is still disabled07:52
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Flannelgodtvisken: help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto07:52
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isthisnicktakenand I cant use "Powerplay" or the dynamic clocking07:53
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VirusDotNETyes gnome i want 1280x1024 but it doesn't give me that open07:53
IcemanV9isthisnicktaken: using 'radeon' ? OR 'ati'?07:53
isthisnicktakenI changed the xorg to radeon07:53
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IcemanV9isthisnicktaken: ok. change it back to 'ati' then07:54
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scabootsscanotamisfit, thanks it worked07:54
notamisfitscabootssca: happy to help07:54
sledmouthVirusDotNET: what video card do u have and what driver is specified in xorg.conf?07:54
Kirk_What context do I use to create a Bind9 ".db." file for a domain?07:54
VirusDotNETATI Radeon X20007:54
scabootsscaok now howe do i uninstall programs from that harddrive?07:54
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isthisnicktakenIcemanV9: restarting x07:55
sledmouthVirusDotNET: and what driver in xorg.conf?07:55
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IcemanV9VirusDotNET: system > preferences > screen resolution07:55
VirusDotNETIcemanV9, i know that but it doesn't give me 1280x102407:55
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VirusDotNETsledmouth, im looking07:55
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scabootsscahow do i uninstall programs from a mounted linux drive07:55
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`Evil`Hey, need help with make and C compiling in Ubuntu, installing mail-notification-3.007:56
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DarkElf109scabootssca: sudo apt-get remove <packagename>07:56
IcemanV9VirusDotNET: gotcha. 07:56
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VirusDotNETATI Technologies, Inc. RV370 5B60 [Radeon X300 (PCIE)] 07:56
sledmouth grep -i drive /etc/X11//xorg.conf07:57
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Kirk_What context do I use to create a Bind9 ".db." file for a domain?07:57
kelbizzleanyone play True Combat Elite.07:57
`Evil`Any help with make and C compiling in Ubuntu? installing mail-notification-3.007:57
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VirusDotNETwhen i was on gentoo it was xorgconfig07:58
Warbo`Evil`: If it is a standard C program you just need "build-essential" installed07:58
sledmouthVirusDotNET: what modelines are included in xorg.conf?07:58
notamisfitVirusDotNET: should be the same with any X version07:58
sledmouther modes07:58
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VirusDotNETiwhen i do xorgconfig it says not there07:58
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notamisfitVirusDotNET: strange07:59
Kirk_What context do I use to create a Bind9 ".db." file for a domain?07:59
`Evil`Warbo, tried everything, when i do sudo apt-get install build-essential, then i get E: Package build-essential has no installation candidate07:59
`Evil`Warbo, it says -> Package build-essential is not available, but is referred to by another package.This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or07:59
`Evil`is only available from another source07:59
Warbo`Evil`: Do you have the standard repos in your sources.list?07:59
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic07:59
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rredd4sledmouth  I am now in kubuntu,  in menu.lst, there is no  only 23... weird08:00
scabootsscaanybody know what the ati drivers are called?08:00
Warbofglrx, ati and radeon08:00
scabootsscaahh i forgot the l08:00
`Evil`Warbo, standard as in? I'm new to linux. I got whats installed by default in Ubuntu Dapper08:00
tritiumWarbo: ati is just a wraper for radeon08:00
rredd4sledmouth and I did update-grub08:01
Warbotritium: Is it? Cool08:01
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tritiumwrapper even08:01
rredd4no change08:01
rredd4tritium  I am now in kubuntu,  in menu.lst, there is no  only 23... weird08:01
Warbo`Evil`: Paste the contents or /etc/apt/sources.list to pastebin so we can have a look08:01
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:01
godtvisken_How do I get my back/forward buttons on my mouse to work?08:01
sledmouth rredd4: add it there and reboot08:01
IcemanV9rredd4: add the entry by hand, then08:01
tritiumrredd4: was your kubuntu install updated?08:01
zer0hourquick question08:02
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rredd4tritium  I did not do that yet08:02
VirusDotNETill brb08:02
sledmouth rredd4: add it while booted in kubuntu08:02
tritiumrredd4: well, that's why08:02
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rredd4what does kubuntu have to do with ubuntu?08:02
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zer0hourim having some problems08:02
tritiumrredd4: same base, different desktop environment08:03
sledmouthi think grub is looking in the partition ur kubuntu is on08:03
spadesgodtvisken https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntellimouseMousemanBackForwardButtons08:03
sledmouthrather than /boot on ubuntu08:03
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sledmouthdifferent partitions08:03
`Evil`Warbo, here -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1797808:03
tritiumrredd4: before you add it by hand, please update it, and see if it updates your menu.lst properly this time08:03
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rredd4slemouth  yup i agree!! thats it!08:03
sledmouthso simply add the ubuntu lines to your kubuntu grub menu.lst08:03
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sledmouththe 26 ubuntu lines08:03
rredd4tritium ok08:03
sledmouththen reboot08:03
rredd4ok,, thats it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ty!!!!!!!!!!!!!08:04
sledmouthhis kubuntu won't know of his ubuntu08:04
sledmouthso it wouldn't help08:04
tritiumsledmouth: they're on the same machine?08:04
sledmouthby hand is only option08:04
rredd4I will get rid of kubuntu08:04
sledmouthdifferent paritions08:04
rredd4that will fix it08:04
Warbo`Evil`: Looks like you have lost the first line08:04
tritiumrredd4: you know you can install both without separate root partitions, right?08:04
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sledmouthmake sure you re-run grub install if u dump kubuntu08:05
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sledmouthhe's right ,yo08:05
Warbo`Evil`: Look at the top one (the "deb-src" one), make a copy of it but in the copy change the "deb-src" to just "deb"08:05
`Evil`Warbo, umm ok, so whats the first line and also where can i get the default source.list if any08:05
sledmouthbut nothing wrong with different partitions08:05
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PFAi have an ipod connected to the computer and i want to disconnect it. i have unmounted it but the icon doesn't disappear from the desktop and it doesn't stop saying do not disconnect. what can i do to disconnect it?08:05
`Evil`Warbo, ok08:05
Warbo`Evil`: You know how to edit files as super user?08:05
tritiumrredd4: that info would have been useful earlier ;)08:06
notamisfitPFA: Yank it. What's it gonna do?08:06
`Evil`Warbo, i know how to get root, but not to open files in command08:06
rredd4tritium kubuntu and ubuntu on the same partition08:06
PFAnotamisfit: i have no idea, but i have had really bad problems with iPods before so i am not willing to find out08:06
neon_nice program to make a dvds with gui?08:06
Warbo`Evil`: "gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" runs the text editor as super user08:06
sledmouthtritium i wondered after he pasted his fstab why hda2 was not accounted for ;)08:06
tritiumrredd4: yes08:06
tritiumsledmouth: good catch :)08:06
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GStubbs43Quick question... Should I use qbittorrent, azureus, or bittornado for downloading a 700mb file?08:07
godtvisken_How do I get my back/forward buttons on my mouse to work?08:07
rredd4tritium  great job!!08:07
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sledmouthugh, i had to wife's friend earlier with bootcamp :((08:08
rredd4sledmouth  great job!!08:08
`Evil`Warbo, so I make it "deb http://" and then run apt-get for build-essentials?08:08
Warbo`Evil`: Also, there are some lines there which begin with "# deb" and "# deb-src". If you get rid of the # (but not in the comments :) ) then you will have access to more stuff (you may also want to create "deb" lines for all of those which are only "deb-src")08:08
tritiumrredd4: no, you and sledmouth did it :)08:08
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rredd4both did it08:08
sledmouthi wanted to tell her to wipe eet and put on xubuntu08:08
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Warbo`Evil`: Yes. You will have to update apt first (apt-get update)08:08
tritiumrredd4: any time, buddy :)08:08
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snoopsGStubbs43 they will all do the job..comes down to preference.. I prefer azureus personally08:08
notamisfitgodtvisken: add the line "ZAxisMapping 4 5 6 7" to /etc/X11/xorg.conf under the mouse section08:08
rredd4sledmouth who was i talking to before you started helping?08:09
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rredd4i want to tell him also08:09
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`Evil`Warbo, Ok, Will update and also should I then remove the # from the cmd lines and also you're telling me to remove -src from every or only 1st line?08:09
GStubbs43I have used azureus, and I did like it, I haven't tried the other ones though and was wondering what you guys thought08:09
sledmouthstarts with an N08:09
thompai changed my agp aperture down to 64M from 128M and i can boot ubuntu08:09
Kirk_Do I have anyone here who knows how to setup a DNS server?  I found the exaample configuration that I can use, but I don't know what file to edit.08:09
rredd4something   elf10908:09
sledmouth rredd4 DarkElf10908:10
thompait should be 128 though08:10
Kirk_The sample configuration is here:  http://www.csd.uwo.ca/~magi/doc/bind9/Bv9ARM.ch03.html#AEN27508:10
rredd4thats it08:10
Kirk_What file do I edit?08:10
Quaruptwhats a efnet server address?08:10
Kirk_irc.efnet.com I think08:10
`Evil`Warbo, or should I create a duplicate line for the ones with deb -src and remove -src from the duplicates?08:11
GStubbs43Another question, will Automatix work with Dapper?08:11
sledmouthso tired but don't want to sleep08:11
rredd4DarkElf109  menu.lst was running off of kubuntu not ubuntu  I have them on different partitions..  that was the problem08:11
GStubbs43or just breezy?08:11
Warbo`Evil`: deb-src gets source code and deb gets binaries. Preferably you want both of them for each source, so copy the deb-src lines and change the copies to deb, then get rid of any # before deb or deb-src entries. After you save the file run apt-get update then apt-get install whatever you need08:11
Kirk_Do I have anyone here who knows how to setup a DNS server?  I found the exaample configuration that I can use, but I don't know what file to edit.  The sample configuration is here:  http://www.csd.uwo.ca/~magi/doc/bind9/Bv9ARM.ch03.html#AEN27508:11
thompaubuntu would get any screens unless i turn aperture settings down in bios, amd64, i think i disabled something else too.08:11
Warbo`Evil`: Exactly what you said :)08:11
`Evil`Warbo, Ok, will try it out, Thanks :)08:11
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GStubbs43Nevermind I got it figured out08:12
Kirk_Do I have anyone here who knows how to setup a DNS server?  I found the exaample configuration that I can use, but I don't know what file to edit.  The sample configuration is here:  http://www.csd.uwo.ca/~magi/doc/bind9/Bv9ARM.ch03.html#AEN27508:12
thompathe problem is if i change any bios settings ubuntu wont boot into graphic mode08:12
tritiumKirk_: please don't repeat08:12
Kirk_tritium: sorry, I'm tired and aggrivated.  I'm not thinking.08:12
thompaanybody? just  a clue?08:12
spadesKirk_ i think that should be in your /etc/named.cond08:12
tritiumKirk_: no problem.  Just have some patience, please.08:12
rredd4see ya!  THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!08:12
Kirk_I'll try that file.08:12
tritiumTake care, rredd408:13
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thompai think maybe i got power supply problems with nvidia 6600gt08:13
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Kirk_Hey squad08:13
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WarboDoes someone mind downloading a file to clarify something for me?08:13
polpakWarbo: depends on what it is08:13
thompaWarbo: i will08:13
thompabut im upgrading, fixing to crash08:14
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WarboI installed a custom LHA archiver, but I'm wondering if Dapper's default can now do the same thing. Basically Breezy's lha package couldn't handle files like those on aminet.net08:14
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thompaanybody having problems with  amd64?08:15
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PFAi have an ipod connected to the computer and i want to disconnect it. i have unmounted it but the icon doesn't disappear from the desktop and it doesn't stop saying do not disconnect. what can i do to disconnect it?08:15
thompafor me it would not even boot, but 32 is working08:15
WarboPFA: Did you unmount with right click, or with a terminal (either way, try the other)08:16
humehi.... i am trying to get a tablet stylus to work, and would need to replace an xorg driver - but in dapper there are no xorg drivers with extension .o, only .so - anyone knos about this?08:16
`Evil`thompa, I did in the sense that I installed Dapper 64 release and not much support there for falsh/java/wine08:16
PFAWarbo: right-click -- how do you unmount with terminal?08:16
polpakWarbo: works fine if I sudo apt-get install lha08:16
thompajust pull the plug out on ipod08:16
WarboPFA: "sudo umount /path/to/device" (so maybe /path/to/device is /media/ipod or something)08:16
thompaim running linux on my ipod08:17
thompadual boot08:17
Warbopolpak: You can open Amiga LHA archives?08:17
rredd4sledmouth  when I delete the kubuntu partition...  will grub still show up before I boot into ubuntu?  since grub is now using the kubuntu menu.lst08:17
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polpakWarbo: I can open the ones on aminet yes08:17
Warbopolpak: Cool, thanks.08:17
polpakWarbo: with file-roller but you have to install the lha package08:17
thompamy ipod will boot pcs with linux if i set bios to usb first08:17
PFAWarbo: didn't work :(08:17
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sledmouthrredd4: before u do anything - do the grub install such that it looks for menu.lst etc on ur ubuntu08:18
notamisfitPFA: error message?08:18
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thompaEvil: hi, ok08:18
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PFAnotamisfit: nope08:18
sledmouthrredd4: make a change in the menu.lst file to verify that it looks in the right place08:18
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sledmouththen dump kubuntu08:18
kholerabbiwhat are the various ways to get gaim to startup on startup??08:18
Warbopolpak: Yeah, but I think there are two types or something. I had to look for ages to find the binary I am currently using (the UNIX source for LHA came out before Linux did, so I couldn't compile it with my limited knowledge)08:18
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sledmouthrredd4: u'll want to go into grub shell yourself08:19
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rredd4sledmouth  how do I make grub install look for menu.lst on ubuntu08:20
kholerabbihow do I get gaim to start on login?08:20
thompaEvil: do you have an idea why my ubuntu wont boot if i have agp aperture set to 128 , when the card is 128?08:20
rredd4sledmouth menu.lst?08:20
tritiumkholerabbi: add it to your session08:20
rredd4sledmouth never been into grub shell don't know how, yet08:20
sledmouthrredd4: read about grub yourself; i don't remember off the top of my head08:20
sledmouthgentoo has good grub documentation on their site tho08:21
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`Evil`thompa, I'm a newbie to Linux too :)  btw whats the error like? I night be able to help cos I did get some errors myself. Guessing you have onboard AGP08:21
godtviskenIf I am used to uTorrent on Windows, what would be a good client?08:21
sledmouthu'll only have to enter like 4 commands to fix it rredd408:21
rredd4boy did I make a mess..08:21
thompagaim is awful, soory dude08:21
thompaget some text problem08:22
godtviskenthompa, what's better?08:22
PFAoh --- is it absolutely necessary that i have every previosu kernel version EVER In my grub menu?! it's getting really long and cumbersom08:22
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rredd4PFA remove them in syanptic08:22
WarboPFA: They are not previous then, you still have them installed :) Get rid of the "linux-image-xxxxxxxx" packages you no longer need08:22
thompagodtvisken: i cant read the text well08:23
notamisfitbitchX rules08:23
IcemanV9PFA: you can remove them via aptitude or apt-get08:23
PFAcan/ should i do that? :|08:23
godtviskenthompa, oh.. for irc. i thought you meant general chat clients08:23
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WarboPFA: As long as you leave the one you are using it is fine08:23
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godtviskenthompa, i just like irssi08:23
PFAOK . . . .08:23
thompaoh i see this works for yahoo08:23
rredd4PFA uname -r don't remove that one08:23
PFAand uh . . . anyone have any ideas why my ipod refuses to unmount?08:24
IcemanV9PFA: fwiw, you might want to leave one old version in case of a newer one doesn't work.08:24
WarboPFA: DRM08:24
_btit has open files?08:24
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notamisfitPFA: It's possessed by Satan. Best just to yank it08:24
PFAIcemanV9: OK, thanks08:25
thompathe other thing says irc i use that too08:25
PFAWarbo: what's that have to do with anything? :S08:25
WarboPFA: It's funny that what :)08:25
Kirk_Everything works08:25
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Kirk_Thanks for everything all of you!08:25
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PFAnotamisfit: i refuse. D: what if it does this every time? i can't just keep yankign it08:25
_btcan anyone help me fix my flash install on dapper? flash is working but lots of things on flash applets don't show08:25
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thompanow it probably will not reboot08:25
Warbo_bt: Did you get the Free one or the non-Free one?08:26
enyc_bt: aah well you want to add extra things for that08:26
PFAoh and . . . which linux-image files do i need? :/08:26
enyc_bt: you need 'flashplayer-nonfree'08:26
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WarboPFA: Run "uname -r" and keep that one08:26
enycPFA: packages... you mean08:26
sledmouthis there a links2 ubuntu package?08:26
PFAenyc: yes, whatever D:08:26
PFAWarbo: OK, thanks08:26
enycsledmouth: not sure... .try 'elinks' ??08:26
_btthanks enyc ill try that08:27
sledmouthelinks doesn't do graphic mode08:27
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sledmouthand probably not javascript either08:27
godtviskenAfter I have edited /etc/X11/xorg.conf, how should I go about restarting X?08:27
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notamisfitgodtvisken: Ctrl-Alt-Bksp08:27
harisundI need some help with samba here (had it working in breezy. installed daper and don't know why the same doesn't work). I install smbfs, and do smbpaswd -a harisund. However, I am not able to access harisund home from a windows machine on hte lan. (and samba isn't even running on Ubuntu). What am I missing?08:28
PFAwhere do i find the grub menu list file?08:28
harisundPFA /boot/grub/menu.lst08:28
odb|rescuePF use locate man :D08:28
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PFAharisund: thanks08:29
renaldohello all.. .i have a question reg the screen resolution08:29
renaldomy only option is 1024x76808:29
renaldohow do i add more08:29
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:29
polpak!resolution > renaldo08:29
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notamisfitrenatofilho: section "Screen" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:30
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renaldopolpak... what do i do !resolution08:30
notamisfitrenaldo section "Screen" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:30
renaldodo i open a terminal window and navigate to that?08:30
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polpakrenaldo: read the message ubotu sent you08:30
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humeanyone knows what to do with a modulle for xorg (wacom_drv.o) - with xorg-7.0.0ubuntu in ubuntu dapper there is no folder /usr/X11R6/lib/modules (or any other xorg .o-modules)...?08:31
kholerabbiAnyone know how to set a keyboard shortcut for the System Monitor - it isn't listed in the Keyboard Shortcuts app?08:31
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renaldothank you polpak08:32
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s|kis this memtest taking 1 hour08:33
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s|kto test 108k of memory?08:33
s|kand it's doing this sequentially until all 3gigs are tested?08:34
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sledmouthmemtest takes a while08:34
s|kwhat's a while?08:34
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polpakkholerabbi: use gconf-editor and go to apps->metacity->keybinding commands  you need to add the command to one of the keybindings there08:34
tritiums|k: hours08:34
s|kit's almost 3 hours already08:34
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`Evil`Warbo, Everythings installed and I also dont get any errors on ./config (i think) but make and make install wont work08:35
renaldonotamisfit ... don't mean to ask too many questions do i edit that file? (xorg.conf)08:35
renaldodo i do a vi xorg.conf???08:35
sledmouthah 'links2 -g'08:35
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s|kmake sure you back it up first08:35
notamisfitrenaldo: uh-huh sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:35
Warbo`Evil`: First of all install "checkinstall" and try to use that instead of "make install" (it makes a package which is nice)08:35
s|krenaldo: back it up first08:35
renaldowhat's sudo for?08:35
`Evil`Warbo, K08:36
s|krenaldo: sudo stands for SuperUser Do08:36
Warbo`Evil`: Next, you may need some packages ending in -dev, anything that looks relevant08:36
notamisfitrenaldo: sudo gives you root priveliges, which you will need to edit the file08:36
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s|krenaldo: back up the file first08:36
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harisundthe package gnump3d doesn't install cleanly on dapper. What do I do?08:36
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s|krenaldo: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup08:37
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`Evil`Warbo, from here -> http://asic-linux.com.mx/~izto/checkinstall/  ? and I install all  -dev packages from Synaptic?08:37
renaldothanks s|k08:37
Warbo`Evil`: You can apt-get install checkinstall08:37
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abhinayi installed gnome-clipboard-daemon , hw to use it ?08:38
Warbo`Evil`: You can also apt-get install mail-notification. But if you still want to build the source then you can do "sudo apt-get build-dep mail-notification"08:38
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s|kabhinay: don't use it :/08:38
s|kabhinay: the linux clipboard is shit08:38
s|kjust something to get used to08:38
`Evil`Warbo, Whoa. Now there's some nice piece of info ;)  I was building it cos I got it from the site and thought that was the only way :)08:39
renaldook im looking at the xorg.conf (the screen section) ... what should i change in there08:39
s|krenaldo: what are you trying to do?08:39
Warbo`Evil`: Normally I would tell people to check apt first, but I forgive you since your sources.list was dodgy :)08:39
`Evil`Warbo, Ok, where do you get, or how do you know these softwares are available.. eg: apt-get install <something>08:39
renaldochange the screen resolution08:39
tritiums|k: watch the language, please08:40
s|krenaldo: why don't you do that in gnome?08:40
s|ktritium: ok, sorry08:40
`Evil`Warbo, hehe.. thanks then08:40
notamisfitrenaldo:add the resolutions you want in double quotes08:40
renaldoi only have one choice in gnome08:40
renaldothe one that the system is currently using08:40
cskhi all i am trying to install wine but i have seriously stuffed up someting in the installation process. is there anyway i can delete all the config files so that i can start fresh. i removed the wine program and reinstalled it but it didnt do the trick. thanks08:40
polpak`Evil`: apt-cache search <stuff>08:40
renaldoi want to go to a higher resolution08:40
polpak`Evil`: will help you find related packages08:40
Warbo`Evil`: Either use a GUI like Synaptic, or "apt-cache search packagename" will see if "packagename" is available08:40
s|krenaldo: that probably means your monitor can't handle any other resolution08:40
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Warbo`Evil`: Or if you are stuck in the command line you can use aptitude08:41
renaldowindows can handle it08:41
s|koh okay08:41
renaldoim sure ubuntu would08:41
s|kno idea then, I have the same problem with this monitor08:41
s|kit's at 640x48008:41
renaldoi have it set at 1024x76808:41
renaldooh wow08:41
s|kI changed the resolution to something else in the xorg.conf08:41
s|kand it didn't change anything08:41
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s|kit's a tiny monitor08:42
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s|kI don't see why it can't work at 800x600 though08:42
polpakrenaldo: if you read the info ubotu sent you would know you need to use sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:42
`Evil`polpak, Warbo: Thanks (btw just checked out aptitude, is nice), so when I do apt-cache search ICQ, will it search only that filename "ICQ" or any package with ICQ mentioned08:43
polpak`Evil`: the latter08:43
`Evil`ah,ok, thanks08:43
renaldoi did polpak... i appreciate the help, but my knowledge of the bash and editing these files is very limited08:43
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`Evil`Umm.. where does it pick up/search these from? any particular site?08:43
polpakrenaldo: the command I mentioned doesn't require editing the file08:43
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Warbopolpak: What is the exact way it searches, since I often see results which are dependant on the search-term package, or somethimes nothing to do with it08:44
polpak`Evil`: from the ubuntu repositories08:44
polpakWarbo: I think it searches package name, description, and possibly dependancies08:44
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Warbo`Evil`: Those lines in sources.list tell it where to get stuff from08:44
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`Evil`Warbo, ok, is this --> http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/  the dapper repository?08:45
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Warbo`Evil`: Yes (don't bother going there in a browser though)08:45
polpak`Evil`: that lists them yes, but it's not the actual repositories08:45
sledmouthk - not a bitchX poser now :)08:45
renaldowhat is the best way to learn the  bash08:45
Warborenaldo: "man bash"08:46
renaldois there a book you all used at first?08:46
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands08:46
`Evil`Warbo, I used to browse through them actually and found them pretty cool, installers for everything :)08:46
polpakrenaldo: start there ^^08:46
`Evil`polpak, Where are they then, the actual ones? and ummm.. what is a universe then?08:46
polpakWarbo: that url isn't the repository, it's the package listing08:46
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maruthibghelp, running with the below error08:47
maruthibgSoftware index is broken08:47
maruthibgIt is impossible to install or remove any software. Please use the package manager "Synaptic" or run "sudo apt-get install -f" in a terminal to fix this issue at first.08:47
brutopia_I use ipython as my terminal08:47
Warbo`Evil`: Packages are better than that, since the installer is called DPkg and lives on your system, so you don't have to download the installer every time, just the actual program data08:47
brutopia_it's the most powerful tool08:47
polpak`Evil`: there are 2 community supported  repositories "universe" and "mulitverse"08:47
revilotanyone know of a mac like dock besides the one that works with gdesklets08:47
notamisfitmaruthibg: so do it08:47
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snoopsis there a file browser for linux which has a similar view to the os x one where you choose a folder, then it opens up a pane to the right of it, you click that pane, another opens to the right..when all the space is used in that window, it scrolls to the right?08:47
geoffP271Hi. Anyone know how to mount a USB external HD in ubuntu 6.06(latest)?08:47
Warbopolpak: Oh, I thought it was a link to the directory structure. They must have put an index.html in there08:48
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`Evil`Warbo, i see, kind of just d/l any updates, not the whole thing08:48
notamisfitgeoffP271: if its plugged in it should do it for you08:48
maruthibgwhen i use the above i run with the error08:48
maruthibgE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)08:48
maruthibgE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:48
Warbo`Evil`: Exactly08:48
aadilhi, anyone can tell me the default root password for Draper Drake?08:48
polpakWarbo: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ is the actual repositories08:48
geoffP271it's plugged, fstab add, won't mount or be recognized08:48
polpak!sudo > aadil08:48
notamisfitmaruthibg: do you have an instance of apt running?08:48
`Evil`polpak, Any good wiki/place for ubuntu terminology and detailed help?08:48
sybecThe Debian people got hacked because of a vulnerable kernel. It seems Ubuntu ["current"]  runs such a vulnerable kernel. When will we see an update?08:48
sybecAnd why hasn't this been done earlier08:49
maruthibgnotamisfit, yes08:49
polpak`Evil`: wiki.ubuntu.com and help.ubuntu.com08:49
Warbomaruthibg: Only one program can access APT at once. Close any synaptic windows, Adept windows, Update Managers and stuff and try again08:49
`Evil`polpak, Thanks08:49
maruthibgWardo: getting the same error even when i closed it08:49
sybecAnd, furthermore, is there a "Securing Ubuntu" guide somewhere ?08:50
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notamisfitgeoffP271:what's the fs type?08:50
geoffP271ist part is vaft, and 2nd ext308:50
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polpaksybec: it was a local kernel exploit, so that limits the risk somewhat08:51
Warbomaruthibg: You are using sudo aren't you?08:51
geoffP271so it's /dev/sdb1, and /dev/sdb508:51
notamisfitgeoffP271:what's the error message from mount?08:51
geoffP271no such device08:51
revilotanyone know of a mac like dock besides the one that works with gdesklets08:51
notamisfitboth of them>08:51
geoffP271had it running in FC3 this AM08:51
sybecpolpak: Oh .. well .. if it's only local then no need to update *rolling eyes*08:51
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notamisfitrevilot:kxdocker, kooldock, engage08:52
geoffP271both, it's one drive,08:52
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verixhey, does anyone remember the apt-get package for the kernel headers?08:52
notamisfitgeoffP271:does it show up in lsusb?08:52
geoffP271two partitions08:52
revilotnotamisfit: gnome?08:52
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geoffP271no such device, again08:52
Warborevilot: adesklets, maybe Karamba/SuperKaramba and I think KDE has a native one which I have seen referenced on KDE-Look.org a lot08:52
renaldopolpak i tried what you sent and it just restarted my os08:53
geoffP271I've unplugged, rebboted, several times, no change08:53
polpaksybec: particularly when you consider that there is no way to remotely access an ubuntu system be default08:53
renaldoi was at the command line again08:53
_smd_I got a new ISP today I can connect in windows but not in ubuntu.  What do i have to change? I went from dsl to broadband.08:53
renaldodidn't know what to do08:53
aadilpolpak, thanks for the help08:53
aadili found what i was looking for08:53
notamisfitgeoffP271: does lsusb recognize the device?08:53
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Warbo_smd_: Do you have an ethernet router or a USB modem?08:53
verixanyone? :<08:53
sybecpolpak: So what? If I want to run OpenSSH Server, I'll have to "pay" for it?08:54
_smd_I have a ethernet modem08:54
Warboverix: linux-headers`uname -r`08:54
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polpaksybec: if you allow remote shell access to your system, then you should take additional steps to secure your system08:54
Warbolinux-headers-`uname -r` sorry08:54
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verixI thought it was $(uname -r)?08:54
verixoh wait they're the same08:54
verixforgot about that08:54
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ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.08:54
sybecpolpak: And such an additional step is running the latest kernel from kernel.org ?08:55
verixsorry, habit08:55
Warbo_smd_: Go into System>Administration>Networking and look for your Ethernet device. Set it to DHCP mode and activate it, and make sure it is the default gateway08:55
geoffP271here is output of cat when uSB plugged in08:55
geoffP271Jul 14 02:54:43 toshiba-A105-S2716 kernel: [4296634.628000]  usb 5-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 808:55
geoffP271Jul 14 02:54:44 toshiba-A105-S2716 kernel: [4296635.136000]  usb 5-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 908:55
geoffP271Jul 14 02:54:44 toshiba-A105-S2716 kernel: [4296635.644000]  usb 5-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 1008:55
geoffP271Jul 14 02:54:45 toshiba-A105-S2716 kernel: [4296636.148000]  usb 5-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 1108:55
verixprobably makes it even worse that I type so damn fast ;P08:55
sybecI can't rely on Ubuntu to give me "up-to-date" security-wise software?08:55
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:55
polpaksybec: the vulnerability exists in 2.6.13 up to versions before and  2.6.16 up to versions before
renaldodoes this mean i can't change my screen resolution?08:55
tritiumgeoffP271: use pastebin!08:55
Flannelsybec: you can.  What makes you think you couldnt?08:56
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renaldomy xorg.conf file doesn't even list my current configuration08:56
sybecpolpak: Yes, and my current kernel is 2.6.15-26-386. Now .. tell me if I'm wrong .. but isn't that "2.6.13 -" ?08:56
_smd_Warbo: i will try that tomorrow when i get back from work thanks.08:56
kintarohi all, i is ok to build a production server on ubuntu server? does it support vmware? is vmware availble on ubuntu?08:57
_smd_I have to wake up tp gp to work in 4 hrs..08:57
polpaksybec: do you run openssh ?08:57
sybecpolpak: Yes.08:57
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Flannelsybec: ubuntu patches security fixes without changing version numbers.08:57
polpaksybec: then either upgrade your kernel or wait until the security update is released08:57
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Flannelsybec: so, once an update is out for ubuntu, you'll get it.  I have no idea if it's currently out or not though.  But ubuntu will patch it.08:58
geoffP271have usbcore and usb_storage both running modules08:58
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geoffP271that is correct, but I can't find an entry for that08:59
notamisfitgeoffP271:disregard. if it's got /dev entries, then the kernel can see it08:59
geoffP271under any device mounter09:00
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blankyhey guys, how can I 'tar.gz' a directory and it's files09:00
Kirk_I have a question.  I am setting up another Ubuntu server, breezy badger 5.10, and my question is... should I set the hostname to the domain name?  The domain is "s1.alphahertz.com".  Should I set the network hostname to that?09:00
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Kirk_blanky: tar --help09:00
notamisfitgeoffP271: it does't show up under storage devices or anything like that?09:00
geoffP271it's in fstab, but not in mtab09:00
furrykefHey guys, I'm having trouble installing ubuntu... I'm using the LiveCD right now09:00
blankyKirk_, thanks, you could've just said the command...09:00
verixLinux is all about rtfm, blanky :>09:00
Kirk_blanky: I don't remember it off the top of my head.09:00
notamisfitgeoffP271: look under the menus (ie where cdrom drives and such are)09:00
Kirk_blanky: I'm a noob too sort of. :P09:00
Kirk_So... my question? :S09:01
blankyverix, that's not the type of attitude to be taken in this channel09:01
blankyKirk_, It's okay09:01
verixI know, I'm kidding09:01
Kirk_I want to get to bed, please answer it as soon as somebody can.09:01
furrykefWhen I try to create my filesystem (ext3), it seems to work for a few minutes, then it balks saying "failed to create filesystem" or something like that.09:01
verixwhat was your question, Kirk?09:01
Kirk_I have a question.  I am setting up another Ubuntu server, breezy badger 5.10, and my question is... should I set the hostname to the domain name?  The domain is "s1.alphahertz.com".  Should I set the network hostname to that?09:01
geoffP271I've made the dir in the /media09:01
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Warbofurrykef: Have you tried doing it from a console?09:01
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verixto alphahertz.com?09:01
furrykefWarbo - not yet09:01
Kirk_No, to s1.alphahertz.com09:01
polpakKirk_: stop spamming. you can set the hostname to anything you like. yes it can be the same as the DNS name.. but it doesn't have to be09:01
Kirk_Alphahertz.com is managed by another server.09:01
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Kirk_polpak: He asked what my question was...09:02
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verixno, I think the hostname should be just "sl," not the whole thing, because the domain would be alphahertz.com09:02
Warbosudo mke2fs -j /dev/device < furrykef09:02
Kirk_verix: OK thanks.09:02
Kirk_Good night all.  I might be back tomorrow for setup.09:02
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verixif you're trying to get it on the network like that anyhow, I'm not so keen on dns and bind and such things09:02
filemoverhi i keep on gettting Authentication failure when trying to change to root in a terminal but I know for certain what my password is can anyone help09:03
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geoffP271do you have access to your fstab, and entry foy any USB drives, if you have them?09:03
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polpakfilemover: how are you "trying to change to a root terminal" ?09:03
Flannelfilemover: using sudo you mean?09:03
filemoverusing su09:03
blankyI know I just asked this, but what's the command to tar.gz a directory and it's files09:03
polpakfilemover: the root account is disabled use sudo09:03
Flannelfilemover: root is disabled in ubuntu.  use sudo.09:03
furrykefAlso in ubuntu's partitioner, I see these /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 (and -LogVol01) things09:03
notamisfitgeoffP271: my usb drive doesn't have an fstab entry. pmount picks it up automatically09:03
furrykefCould they be interfering?09:03
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:03
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furrykefThey were created when I tried to install Fedora Core 5.09:03
Flannelfor more information, filemover.  that url.09:03
filemoverok thnx09:03
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geoffP271filemover, go to users/groups, add root, etc09:04
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FlannelgeoffP271: no reason to add root.09:04
filemoverso i go sudo -u root password09:04
tritiumgeoffP271: please don't advise that09:04
geoffP271I understand, but you can edit it, and change pswd09:04
polpakfilemover: don't do that09:04
Warbofurrykef: I know GParted doesn't understand LVM09:05
Flannelfilemover: there's very few real reasons to add a root account.09:05
polpakfilemover: just use sudo -i if you need a root shell09:05
polpakfilemover: but in general it's advised to just prefix your commands with sudo09:05
filemoveri just want to execute a file that i cant execute as a normal user09:05
narfmasterfurrykef, LVM = what Fedora does by default09:05
furrykefWell... how can I undo it?09:05
polpakfilemover: then type sudo /path/to/priviliged/command09:05
Warbofurrykef: Logical Volume Manager. It's great, and Fedora uses it by default (those device mapper things). The Ubuntu text-installer can use it, but not the graphical one09:06
filemoveri see09:06
polpakfilemover: then type your password09:06
filemovergreat way to do it09:06
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blankyWOW!!! I synchronized my time because it was like 12 hours off, and now I get this error!09:06
blankyhey guys, how can I 'tar.gz' a directory and it's files09:06
blankythis one09:06
filemoverthen just use history to reuse it09:06
narfmasterfurrykef, you'll have to delete those partitions to change them09:06
Warbofurrykef: You have "Physical Volumes" (specially formatted partitions) which are added to "Volume Groups" which then are divided into "Logical Volumes". Probably just removing the physical volumes will get rid of it all09:07
blankysudo: timestamp too far in the future: Jul 14 06:47:13 200609:07
blankywhat to do!09:07
narfmasterblanky, sudo -K09:07
furrykefOK, I'm trying that...09:08
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blankynarfmaster, same message :(09:08
furrykefIt feels weird being able to install an OS and chat at the same time on the same computer... never did that before :)09:08
blankynarfmaster, ?09:08
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polpakblanky: just shutdown your computer and wait 12 hours ;p09:08
narfmasterblanky, you'll have to adjust your time somehow :p09:08
blankythis is stupid because the same thing happens all the time, for some reason my time's way off09:09
blankyshould I 'use UTC' ?09:09
polpakblanky: you should use your timezone09:09
narfmasterblanky, yeah try UTC09:09
Flannelno.  UTC is what your system clock should be set to.09:09
polpakblanky: and you should stay updated with ntpd09:09
blankyI tried UTC and now my time is like 7 AM (it's 12 AM)09:09
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tritiumonly if you don't have dual-boot with windows09:10
blankypolpak, yeah I should09:10
Flannelblanky: you need to set your timezone09:10
=== colk has his clock set to utc and TZ set in each time zone
blankymy timezone is messed up, I chose my timezone and it sets it to -7, when it's in fact -809:10
blankyand still, that's way off09:10
colkblanky, 7am is right for UTC09:10
filemoverim having some trouble enabling usb audio can anyone suggest something09:10
blankycolk, oh really?09:10
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colkwell 1 hour off09:10
colkUTC is GMT +009:10
Flannelblanky: your system clock gets set to UTC, then linux changes the 'local time' for you, per the offset.09:10
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colkwait 7 am is correct09:11
blankyoh, that's not what I want it to be09:11
colkfor UTC09:11
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blankyI want GMT -809:11
Flannelblanky: Where do you live?09:11
renaldocould somebody help me adjust my screen resolution09:11
colkok then TZ=PDT09:11
colki think09:11
blankySouthern California, Los Angeles Area09:11
blankyFlannel, *09:11
Madpilotblanky, PDT is GMT -7 currently, though09:12
Flannelblanky: You want PDT, which is -7.  As you're on DST.09:12
FlannelPST is -809:12
blankyohhhh no wonder09:12
blankyso -7 is in fact right09:12
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s|koh my god, memtest operates indefinetely09:12
blankyThanks guys lol09:12
s|knobody told me this09:12
s|kI had to read it09:12
s|kthis thing could be doing it for years09:12
`Evil`Just curious, how long or how may cmds does terminal store in history? Cos when I press up it goes back till my first cmd (about 3days) and also the list changes in normal and super-user  :?09:13
filemoverare there any fancy terminal programmes for ubuntu09:13
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Flannelfilemover: there are plenty, what you looking for?09:13
colkblanky, you should be able to use the config tools in Ubuntu to set it09:13
filemovercan some one suggest something09:13
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bbrazil`Evil`: 400 is the defaul in bash iirc. See HISTCONTROL in the manpage09:13
colkor tzselect in terminal09:13
filemoversomething similar to what they have in suse09:13
`Evil`bbrazil, thanks :)09:14
renaldoi've seen some users get on the internet right from the terminal window09:14
colk`Evil`, and the history is diffrent in root and user because of the diffrent history files09:14
renaldohow do they do that09:14
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filemoverone that u can customize09:14
TagetI have Ubunto, but it doesn't support my Wireless Linksys Device.  Any Suggestions?09:14
`Evil`colk, Ah, i see09:14
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polpak!wireless > Taget09:14
colkyour history is stored in bash.history09:14
bbrazilcolk: .bash_history09:14
polpakTaget: read the msg ubotu sent you09:15
polpakTaget: particularly the bit about ndiswrapper09:15
Tagettried it. no success.09:15
=== colk had the . in the wrong place:P
No1VikingI installed apache and can get to the site through localhost, how do I change rights so I can reach it with my IP-address?09:16
TagetIt's in the configuration file09:16
FlannelNo1Viking: you should be able to already.  unless you have a router in the way09:16
polpakTaget: then you need to complain to your manufacturer for not providing an open spec or linux drivers and (find supported hardware or wait for kernel updates.)09:16
FlannelNo1Viking: in that case you'll have to setup port forwarding (or something like it) on the router09:16
narfmasterNo1Viking, check your firewall settings09:16
No1VikingFlannel, I can reach the site but have no rights to read th content09:16
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No1VikingYou don't have permission to access /moodle on this server.09:17
TagetApparently Linksys overlooks linux in general09:17
No1VikingThe error I get09:17
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polpakNo1Viking: what are the permissions on the directory/file?09:17
_CeRt_.//join #slug09:18
colkwhich card is it Taget09:18
Tagetwho can I E-Mail about kernel updates?09:18
No1Vikingpolpak, lemme check09:18
polpakNo1Viking: directories need to be world readable and executable, and files need to be world readable09:18
Flannelpolpak: or owned by www-data09:18
No1Vikingpolpak, Ok, thanks09:18
polpakFlannel: indeed09:18
No1VikingI'll try with that09:18
colkI see a few listed in the wiki09:18
No1VikingThanks guys09:19
colkunder ndiswrapper09:19
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IRCMonkeyxhi friends, i am going to install wine (for running win programs in ubuntu), but my windows drive is ntfs, will there be any problem?09:20
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narfmasterIRCMonkeyx, you don't use Wine with a Windows drive09:21
filemoverwhats the closest font to tahoma09:21
filemoverin ubuntu09:21
`Evil`IRCMonkeyx, Wine uses your linux partition only, just creates kind of a virtual drive (i think) :)09:21
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IRCMonkeyxisnt wine for running win programs in linux???09:22
`Evil`IRCMonkeyx, Yes it is09:22
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narfmasterIRCMonkeyx, yes but you install them in a special folder09:22
WarboIRCMonkeyx: You can copy some DLLs across from Windows to WINE which may make it run more stuff though09:22
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IRCMonkeyxso ntfs or fat32 is not matter of subject?09:23
narfmasterIRCMonkeyx, no09:24
LobsterIRCMonkeyx, it will not be a problem, but you ant write on it and may some programs that have to write temp-or-whatever-files onto the ntfs-system will not work09:24
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chavoIRCMonkeyx, if you try to use wine on programs that are on ntfs it won't work09:24
IRCMonkeyxwarbo: what about , if i only have linux in my pc, so, wine has no use??09:24
chavoIRCMonkeyx, no it will create a fake windows drive in your home dir09:25
LarsJHello everybody. I have dumped windows for Ubuntu, I'm just learning, setup apache2, works great. Is there any way to change things so i can edit files in "/var/www" without having to do "sudo" all the time? BTW: im using this for site development, not actual live site hosting. Ubuntu rocks!09:25
IRCMonkeyxchavo: so that, wine is not useful for me at the moment because  windows drive is ntfs09:25
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chavothen you can either install the programs there, or copy them from your ntfs09:26
WarboIRCMonkeyx: WINE replaces Windows functions, but if you legally have access to real Windows functions (ie. You have Windows DLLs installed) then you can use those for better compatibility09:26
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narfmasterIRCMonkeyx, Wine has nothing to do with Windows09:26
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chavoLarsJ, you can take ownership of /var/www or change the http root to a directory that you own09:26
siimohi anyone know a freeware mp3 to 3GP file converter for Ubuntu or any other linux09:26
narfmasterIRCMonkeyx, Wine only runs Windows applications09:27
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Warbosiimo: Try gnomefiles.org09:27
IRCMonkeyxnarfmaster: lets say i am gonna run excel, won't wine call my windows drive/program files ?09:27
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siimoWarbo: no hits mate09:28
siimocept real player09:28
siimobut thats only a player09:28
WarboIRCMonkeyx: No, because you have installed Excel into the virtual WINE drive on your Linux partition09:28
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chavoIRCMonkeyx, you install it into the fake windows drive like I said09:28
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LobsterIRCMonkeyx, wine is able to execute a .exe file and don't cares where it is stored09:29
LarsJchavo, I do that via consol and a sudo command right? i got a bookmark to a cool list of consol commands if thats the case and I'll have a look at that again.09:29
chavoand it will create shortcuts in your menu also09:29
LobsterLarsJ, i think you have to use chown09:29
IRCMonkeyxohh i see, last question is installation win programs to wine (installing dll's etc) difficult??09:29
Lobstermut i'm not sure09:29
chavoLarsJ, chown username.username /var/www will do it but make sure this is local server only09:30
Lobstermay read the mangpages ;)09:30
narfmasterIRCMonkeyx, no more difficult than in Windows09:30
filemovercan anyone help me enable usb audio09:30
chavowoops need a -R on there to get the sub dirs09:30
chavosudo chown username.username /var/www -R09:30
Lobsterbut don't expect wine to run every application you have...09:30
IRCMonkeyxfriends thank you very much  for your interest09:30
chavowith your username of course09:30
Lobsterwhen you have installed wine properly run in the terminal winecfg09:31
chavoIRCMonkeyx, also I haven't tried Office in regualr wine but it does work well with Crossover Office09:31
verixvmware takes forever to make a disc09:31
LarsJi sure do filemover, I just found that out via google heh, thanks09:31
IRCMonkeyxlobster: is there any spesific thing after running winecfg ?09:32
Lobsterthere you can configure yous wine-system...09:32
Lobsteryou'll have to find out what works best for you09:33
LarsJthanks chavo! damn you guys are helpful. thanks again....worked sweet.09:33
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blankyhow can I stop the system from making a beep everytime i backspace into the terminal or something09:34
blankynevermind :D09:34
SurfnKidblanky, wow that seems to annoy everyone09:35
SurfnKidblanky, figure it out?09:35
narfmasterSystem > Preferences > Sound09:35
blankyyeah thanks guys09:35
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SurfnKidfinally mom wont be annoyed by it09:36
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c6rxytx67ranyone there??09:38
notamisfitno. nobody's here09:38
verixanyone alive and familiar with vmware?09:38
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c6rxytx67rya i am09:39
`Evil`When I open gmail.com in Mozilla browser, it says doc cant be displayed unless Personal Security Manager is installed. Whats that?09:39
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verixthere's a way to boot an already-existing copy of XP on a machine that dualboots thru VMware, right?09:39
c6rxytx67ri don't think so09:40
c6rxytx67rhowever u can make a installed machine with screenshot and use it on any no computers09:41
m_0_r_0_nWindows is not able to read my usbdisk (FAT 32) any more, since I ve saved files (mp3, txt) from Ubuntu. Any idea how to fix it???09:41
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c6rxytx67rthis should not happen normally09:42
c6rxytx67runless u had done something09:42
SurfnKidm_0_r_0_n, can you network both machines?09:42
c6rxytx67rdoes light in pen drive glow09:42
m_0_r_0_nI ve just copied files to my usbdisk , nothing else09:43
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SurfnKidor is it one09:43
Lobsterdoesn't it appear anymore in windows or appers it as unformated device?09:43
trabtr_How may I be of service?09:43
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c6rxytx67r does light in  drive glow???09:43
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m_0_r_0_nyes, windows struggles to read the disk09:44
trabtr_c6rxytx67r, if you're asking "do your lights glow while you're in drive" the answer is yes, if you have your lights _on_.....09:44
c6rxytx67rpls give in yes or no09:44
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trabtr_I don't know what you're asking..09:45
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m_0_r_0_ntrabtr_,  [09:56] <c6rxytx67r>  does light in  drive glow???09:45
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trabtr_I can see that, but what the hell does that mean?09:46
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filemoverhow can i tell what devices relate to what files in /dev09:46
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waldekjest tutaj ktos?09:47
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m_0_r_0_nIt s the same as "Is the sun shining? Or does the light in drive glow? :_909:47
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trabtr_Well it's night time here :)09:48
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Matthaione question... to who should I report broken package?09:48
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LobsterMatthai, sure that its broken?09:48
waldekjest tutaj ktos z polski??09:48
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl09:48
Matthaiactually it has dependency problem. apt-get install realplayer09:49
waldeko widze ze jesescie:)09:49
Matthaixlibs is broken09:49
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LobsterMatthai, did you run apt-get update and tryed again?09:49
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m_0_r_0_ntrabtr_, then the answer would be no ;-)09:49
Lobsteri got thar problem too.09:49
c6rxytx67rm_0_r_0_n i am asking that on ur removeable flash disk there must be a led light. does it glow???09:49
trabtr_m_0_r_0_n, k.09:49
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Lobsteri installed the breezy-version and everything is fine ;)09:50
m_0_r_0_nc6rxytx67r, yes09:50
Matthaiand another problem is with vmware09:50
rellimc6rxytx67r: not all flash drives have leds .... just fyi09:50
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waldekmam pytanie jaki jesr adres na  irc PL?/09:50
Matthaiyes, I also installed deb package from breezy, but it is user unfriendly for average user09:50
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl09:51
m_0_r_0_nMy flash drive has got a red light, that is glowing when windows tries to read it09:51
rellimLobster: yeah, i've heard of some issues here and there that pop up in dapper but not in breezy ... its weird09:51
MatthaiLobster, I found it right now09:51
Lobsterhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=xlibs&searchon=names&subword=1&version=all&release=all <-- i used that one09:51
m_0_r_0_nBut it cant and the mounted drive dissappier from the explorer09:51
Matthairealplay is the right package09:51
Matthaibut, I think wiki should be repaired then09:52
Lobstersure... repair it ;)09:52
m_0_r_0_nMay be it has to do something with UTF-8 that is not convenient for FAT32???09:53
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paiednot convenient lol09:53
narfmasterhmm UTF-8 and FAT32 have some relationship?09:54
filemoverwhats the default device file in dev for the sound card is it dsp or dsp109:55
Matthaiwhat about this one: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21489909:55
Matthaiproblem with vmware player09:55
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Madpilotnarfmaster, not as far as I know - why?09:55
narfmasterMadpilot, i was thinking maybe the file names...09:56
narfmasterMatthai, the kernel is ahead of the vmware player kernel module, yes09:56
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Hoxzercan I somehow remove that warning about file type doesn't inform to be same as the contest of the file?09:57
m_0_r_0_nUTF-8 consider upper and lower case, but Windows is not able to distinguish upper and lower case09:57
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Matthainarfmaster, ok, it is possible to compile it from the source?09:58
narfmasterm_0_r_0_n, the problem is that the Linux FAT32 driver should handle all that09:58
verixMatthai: I don't think so, VMware isn't exactly open-source09:58
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nano-Are there any gnome bluetooth device file browser? So that I can easily pull files off my phone to my computer? The only application I can find is obexftp and it has some rough edges.09:58
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narfmasterMatthai, i think it is possible but i'd rather wait for the official VMware maintainers09:59
snoopscan I define in gconf or somewhere else what dimensions the window stretches to when I hit maximise?10:00
narfmasterMatthai, otherwise you might taint your kernel and that would be bad10:00
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Matthaiwhat happens when there is new kernel installed and you already have vmwware?10:00
Matthaisomething gets broken?10:00
m_0_r_0_nmy usbdisk btw :-) http://www.trashfun.de/out.php?id=117010:00
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narfmasterMatthai, you either update your kernel later or don't use vmplayer (or install vmware yourself without the repos)10:01
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Matthaihmm, but my problem is, that vmware installer said there is previous instance of vmware deteceted on the system10:02
Matthaibut i did apt-get remove --purge10:02
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narfmasterMatthai, i have no idea how to fix that10:03
ubotudma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing.  It makes hard disks run faster,  see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA10:03
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Matthaiok, my "last" question: How to display program bars individual bars in the taskbar. By default if there is several copies of one program running, the "bars" are "joined" in the taskbar. How to remove that?10:04
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VoXwhat is dapper-alternate.iso?10:05
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_MR_Hi. Did anyone encounter very slow aptitude 'read/write package states' phase on Edgy?10:05
narfmasterVoX, that is the Dapper Drake with the text and OEM installers10:06
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VoXah ok10:07
narfmasterMatthai, if you right click on the Window List applet, that will let you change the Window Grouping preferences10:07
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Gorlistjust installed Ubuntu 6.06 64 bit from the server download10:07
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Gorlistwhen the computer reboots and goes to load just takes me to a terminal??10:08
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Gorlistfails to load into ubuntu10:08
narfmasterGorlist, server means non-desktop10:08
GorlistI installed this ubuntu through a none gui installer?10:09
narfmasterso terminal is where you start10:09
bruenigGorlist, it loads into ubuntu, just not into gnome10:09
DiaboloXsomebody can help me? jeje :P10:09
narfmasterGorlist, if you want a desktop, you'll need to install one (like "ubuntu-desktop")10:10
bruenigGorlist, if you want the desktop and you have an internet connection just do this: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop10:10
Gorlistthe problem im having with using Ubuntu Desktop10:10
Gorlistis when it loads into Ubuntu from the CD, then you go to install it crashes10:10
Gorlistseems random, computer locks10:11
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Gorlistnow the Ubuntu 6.06 I used to install on this computer (32 bit) only had a text type installer10:11
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Gorlistno gui10:11
Matthainarfmaster, thanks a lot10:11
narfmasterMatthai, no problem10:11
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jimwhimpeyI've just installed Ubuntu, but it keeps booting into windows, I switched the boot drive to D which is the partition I installed Ubuntu on10:12
bruenigGorlist, that was the live cd ubuntu-desktop certainly more volatile than one on the hard disk. if you just do "sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop" all of your woes will be behind you10:12
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GorlistI can do that from the terminal?10:12
Gorlistwill it be the same as a normal install10:12
bruenigjust type that command10:12
Gorlistthis is whats confusing me you see, this computer I install buntu like the server10:12
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Gorlistok thanks10:13
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bruenigjimwhimpey, did you install ubuntu with the live cd?10:14
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jimwhimpeybruenig: yep!10:15
MenZabruenig: is there any other way ;P?10:15
jimwhimpeyMenZa: don't distract him!10:15
MenZajimwhimpey: rofl10:15
bruenigMenZa, well the server cd or the alternate install both use a keyboard based installation10:15
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MenZabruenig: point taken, point taken.10:15
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jimwhimpeylook what you've done MenZa10:16
MenZajimwhimpey: xD10:16
bruenigjimwhimpey, if you installed it with the live cd it should have also installed grub10:16
MenZaI shan't keep posting offtopic stuff--tally ho!10:16
jimwhimpeybruenig: what's that mean?10:16
bruenigwhen you boot your computer it should give you an option to boot into ubuntu or windows10:16
jimwhimpeybruenig: that doesn't happen10:16
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jimwhimpeyis it because I didn't allocate a 'swap' drive?10:17
Gorlistright thanks, its installing10:17
vicfredhi all10:17
bruenigjimwhimpey, probably should have allocated a swap partition but I wouldn't think that would make it impossible to boot into10:17
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bruenigjimwhimpey, did the install go all the way through and them prompted you asking if you wanted to restart now or continue using the live cd?10:18
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jimwhimpeybruenig: that's the thing, I let it install, walked away and came back to the Ubuntu desktop10:18
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jimwhimpeyI was expecting some sort of confirmation10:19
bruenigwhen you came back did it have a little window which gave you two options one saying "Restart Now" and the other saying "Continue using the live cd"10:19
jimwhimpeybruenig: nope, just the desktop10:19
bruenigoh, i know what happened10:19
bruenigjimwhimpey, did you just put the cd in and then turn your computer on and walk away?10:20
moorhHas anyone successfully used an Accton EN1207D with Ubuntu? From a bit of searching it seems to use the Realtek 8139 chipset10:20
jimwhimpeybruenig: haha, no10:20
jimwhimpeyI actually installed it =P10:20
bruenigjimwhimpey, damn would have solved it10:21
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jimwhimpeywent through the whole process10:21
bruenigso you partitioned and did the time zone stuff10:21
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=== MenZa cross out the word 'PEBKAC' on a blackboard
Jsmcan any one help me? iv  sort of forgot how to switch to kde 'cuz gnome is ugly lol10:21
MenZaJsm: log out, when you're in GDM, choose 'Select Session'. Click KDE.10:21
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JsmThanks MenZa10:22
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bruenigjim, did you partition it?10:22
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timalotwhat un-official repositories are there for ubuntu?10:23
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jimwhimpeybruenig: it was already partitioned, I just formatted one of the partitions, and set it as '/'10:23
dragonjust wondering what is the code to install on hoary (installing java...)10:23
bruenigwhat did you format it as? i.e. what was the file system?10:23
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jimwhimpeybruenig: don't know?10:24
jimwhimpeyjust checked the format box10:24
bruenigdid you manually edit the partition table? and then hit forward?10:25
jimwhimpeybruenig: yep10:25
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bruenigbut didn't edit anything?10:25
timalotdragon: its on the wiki... u have to install a package then dload the binaries from sun... then make a package that u can install10:25
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jimwhimpeybruenig: no, hang on10:25
jimwhimpeyI'll do it all over again10:25
jimwhimpeyand make the windows drive the swap10:25
jimwhimpeyand watch it install all the way through10:25
dragoni know10:25
bruenigwell it is very simple, just make sure that you make a / partition that has an ext3 file system and make sure you have a swap partition of about twice your ram that has a file system of linux-swap10:26
dragonsudo -i dpkg install or sumtin10:26
filemoveri just got usb audio to work by creating sym lynks to the devices /dev/audio and /dev/dsp is there somewhere i can put this script so that it will run when i plug in my usb headset so that it switches the soundcard10:26
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jimwhimpeybruenig: can the windows partition be the swap?10:27
bruenigjimwhimpey, how much RAM do you have,10:27
filemoverthe windows partition is ntfs10:28
`Evil`jimwhimpey, how many drives do you have?10:28
jimwhimpey348, something like that10:28
filemoveru cant use it as a swap10:28
bruenigand is entirely too big10:28
bruenigyour swap should only be at most 1 Gig10:28
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bruenighere is what you do10:28
jimwhimpey`Evil`: one drive, 2 partitions10:29
filemoverso can anyone help me with my question about that script for swaping my sound card10:29
brueniggo to manually edit the partition table. Go to the D drive as you call it and right click on it and select Delete. RIght click on it again and hit create, it will bring up a dialog box that gives you some options. Make it 750 MB and where it says file format make it linux-swap and keep it primary10:30
jimwhimpeyhrmm ok10:30
`Evil`jimwhimpey, K, I'd follow bruenig's advice. Re-format and repartition to create swap space and re-install10:30
bruenigthat will bring you back to the previous screen right click on the space you didn't use and hit create. Make this one ext3 file system and primary, Allow it to take up the remaining space and then go forward10:30
jimwhimpeybruenig: so I'll have 3 partitions?10:31
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jimwhimpeydo I set the ext3 one as '/'10:31
bruenigand the other one as swap10:31
bruenigleave whatever the windows one gives you10:31
jimwhimpeyand the original windows one?10:31
jimwhimpeyok cool10:31
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bruenigprobably something like /media/sda110:31
jimwhimpeyI'll go and try that now10:31
_MR_joint #edgy10:31
jimwhimpeyyep, that's what it was10:31
jimwhimpeyok, I'll go do that and let you know how it goes10:32
bruenigthats fine10:32
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_MR_Hi. Did anyone encounter very slow aptitude 'read/write package states' phase on Edgy?10:32
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crazy4ubuntuhi I am having a strange msg over and over again10:34
crazy4ubuntuI get this msg could not10:34
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:34
brueniguse that if it is long10:34
sri_I for got my root password (how to recover it??)i know my admin password10:34
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pvhhi... is there any way to easily get a list of how much space various packages in an ubuntu install are taking up?10:36
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pvhi need to clear up space - delete big packages i dont' need...10:36
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gnubepvh, I am sure there is a way to do that.10:36
gnubepvh, But is that the best way to get more space?10:36
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gnubepvh, You might inadvertantly delete a package you need.10:37
Dynalonhi eb, sb knows where to download dapper restricted repo on DVD?10:37
pvhgnube: well, i know i don't need h323 libraries on this package, for instance10:37
bruenigpvh, sudo apt-get clean deletes all downloaded packages that you have gotten from apt10:37
gnubepvh, Do you have a lot of big files, like music and images?\10:37
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pvhgnube: nope, this is for a live cd10:37
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filemoveris there a music player like foobar for ubuntu10:37
gnubepvh, Oh I see!10:37
crazy4ubuntuhere is the msg, I did what advised but... I didn't help10:37
pvhso what's taking up the extra space is extra scientific packages....10:38
crazy4ubuntucan any1 help with that ?10:38
pvhbruenig: thanks10:38
sri_I for got my root password (how to recover it??)i know my admin password10:38
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sri_sorry i lost10:38
bruenigyeah, crazy4ubuntu, do as it says10:38
bruenigdo this dpkg --configure -a10:38
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gnubecrazy4ubuntu, Did you run the command as root?10:38
pvh'admin' password? you mean a user who is in admin group ?10:38
crazy4ubuntuI ran as root10:39
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bruenigdo dpkg --configure -a in the terminal10:39
crazy4ubuntubut i didn't help10:39
filemoveris there a music player like foobar for ubuntu10:39
bruenigyou probably interrupted a download10:39
crazy4ubuntuit didn't help10:39
crazy4ubuntuit is a long process which does nothing ?10:39
sri_pvh, no i have my admin password but i forgot my root password10:39
gnubefilemover, Sorry, not familiar with foobar10:39
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gnubecrazy4ubuntu, No, did the command line return?10:39
bruenigdid you try to do whatever you were trying to do after that again?10:39
pvhsri_: then you can become root using 'sudo su' i think10:39
pvhand then changed the root password with passwd10:40
crazy4ubuntuit did not come back10:40
crazy4ubuntuit stuck10:40
filemoverwhats the most configurable player for ubuntu with a Graphic equalizer10:40
gnubecrazy4ubuntu, Remember, in UNIX and Linux, Silence == success.10:40
timalotpvh, dpkg --status <package name> gives the install size10:40
gnubecrazy4ubuntu, How long did you wait.10:40
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pvhtimalot: thanks!10:40
sri_pvh, ya,but sudo su logs into admin account,but not in roots account10:40
crazy4ubuntuhmm about 30 min10:40
lavi gnome-terminanl seems having a largme memory while running(4.2 percent in 386M), has any terimale tool else instead?10:40
crazy4ubuntuit is p3 so things take time10:40
pvhsri_: no, it logs in as root...10:40
filemoveris amarok ok to install on ubuntu10:40
brueniglavi, you can use xterm10:40
MenZafilemover: of course it is10:41
MenZasudo apt-get install amarok10:41
crazy4ubuntuit also says fix broken packages10:41
sri_ya ,try by typing su10:41
filemoverso u just add it via add/remove programmes10:41
crazy4ubuntubut I can't when I open synaptic it says there is another process dealing with packages10:41
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sri_pvh, if u type su then u log into roots account10:41
someusernoobtype: sudo aptitude install amarok10:41
gnubecrazy4ubuntu, Yeah, it looks like you quit your package management in the middle of a download.10:41
lavibruenig, I dont know how to profile the xtem, it seems hard to confiugure, has it mulit-tab feature ?10:41
pvhsri_: yes, and then u can change the root password ;)10:41
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fouratanyone can ping this :
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sri_pvh, How??10:42
pvhsri_: passwd10:42
brueniglavi, if you are looking for a light terminal, you are going to have to give up things like menus and tabs10:42
timalotfourat, no10:42
Subhumanfourat, thats down10:42
pvhfourat: no10:42
sri_pvh, if we type that cmd then it asks for old password10:42
crazy4ubuntuI guess, I was in a middle of updating mysystem when the computare completly froze ! I had to reboot10:42
bruenigcrazy4ubuntu, that is what happens when apt is interrupted10:42
sri_pvh, i changed the password before10:42
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bruenigeither during update or installing packages10:42
crazy4ubuntuhmm ... can I solve it somehow ?10:43
lavibruenig, cool :)10:43
pvhsri_: ok, then... do this: 'vipw' - that edits the password file10:43
MenZafilemover: no, just run sudo apt-get install amarok in your terminal.10:43
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fouratthanks all10:43
bruenigthat happened to me when flashplugin-nonfree got pulled from the repos right in the middle of my download10:43
sri_pvh, 1m10:43
someusernoobfilemover: use sudo aptitude install amarok10:43
pvhand remove root's encrypted password - that's the bit between the colons (i.. ':') characters - 2nd field on the line10:43
someusernoobfilemover: it will be easier to remove if you want to10:43
pvhsave and you're done ;)10:43
`Evil`Can I run kopete in gnome?10:43
crazy4ubuntubruenig, so how did you solve it ?10:43
filemoverok ill try it10:43
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filemoveraptitude command not found10:44
bruenigi had just installed the system and was just getting it ready with all of the codecs and plugins and stuff. so i just reinstalled10:44
jimwhimpeybruenig: what do I put for preceeding and following space?10:44
sri_pvh, ya i open it through my admin account then how can i change it??10:45
someusernooband you got ubuntu?10:45
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filemoverill just do it though add/remove will that be ok10:45
bruenigwhen you make your first partition, you just make it 750 MB and whatever it gives you for space just take it10:45
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someusernoobfilemover: do this first: sudo apt-get install aptitude10:45
sri_pvh, what is the process??10:45
neon_somebody knows something to convert .srt to .sub?10:45
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bruenigwhen you make your second partition the following space should be 0, I am not sure how they measure preceeding space so I can't tell you that exactly10:46
sri_neon_, just use mv10:46
XrekcaH** Hey, Im having a really hard time geting the "make" and "make install" commands to work always says "make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop." but there is a makefile in the folder were i am... Any ideas???10:46
someusernoobfilemover: installing applications with aptitude is much cleaner, because it keeps track of the installed dependencies, and since amarok is a kde app, it will install a lot of kde libs, so if you wish to remove it sometime, apt-get wont remove the dependencies10:46
filemoverit just installed itself10:46
neon_sri_, just mv?10:46
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sri_neon_, ya type mv oldfile,newfile10:47
arkygeekhi everyone10:47
bruenigyeah, using kde on gnome gums up the system really badly10:47
someusernoobfilemover: and aptitude does. so always type aptitude instead of apt-get, and yes, its a great way of installing stuff :)10:47
sri_pvh, can u tell about the password changing?10:47
timalotXrekcaH, u can try make -f makefilename10:47
arkygeeki am trying to set my intel i915 to not use the crt as a clone, but not having luck.. any ideas?10:47
filemoveri did that now it still says command not found :(10:47
filemoversorry i spealt it wrong10:47
someusernoobfilemover: what happens when you just type aptitude?10:48
bruenighe spelled it wrong10:48
bruenigor rather spealt it wrong10:48
XrekcaHtimalot, the makefilename is ??? just makefile right?10:48
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someusernoobbrueing, ah, ic10:48
`Evil`bruenig, can i run kopete on gnome w/o any major issues?10:48
timalotXrekcaH, right makefilename is the name of the makefile... i think make looks for Makefile as a default10:48
filemoveramarok is 100 mb is this normal10:48
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XrekcaHtimalot, nope same thing10:49
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someusernoobfilemover: thats probably because of the needed KDE libraries.10:49
zool2005hi all10:49
filemoveri see10:49
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filemoveranyway its downloading it all now10:49
zool2005where is the default location for C header files for the running kernel?10:49
timalotrename your makefile to "Makefile" and give it a go10:49
filemoverand happily installing itself10:49
bruenigi dont think there will be 'issues' it should run. It depends on the strength of your computer. My computer is not that great and so loading it up with a bunch of KDE dependencies doesn't agree much with it. If you have a good computer and a lot of space and stuff, there should be no real noticable difference10:49
someusernoobfilemover: i should work fine when its installed10:49
filemoveryeah thanx for the help10:50
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filemoverits still doing its thing here10:50
OrgulloKmoorek3b is about twice as slow as Nero :(10:50
XrekcaH! make10:50
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for a pre-built package first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)10:50
filemoverits finished10:50
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bruenigOrgulloKmoore, are you using Kubuntu?10:51
OrgulloKmoorebruenig> yeah10:51
filemoverinstalled like a treat10:51
sri_OrgulloKmoore, u can change the speed10:51
timalotXrekcaH, what is it some source u have dloaded and want compile/install?10:51
`Evil`bruenig, Ok. The dependencies for kde that you're saying, do they become a part of gnome and loaded everytime or have to be run kinda like wine?10:51
OrgulloKmoorehow so, sri_?10:51
someusernoobfilemover: yeah, much easier then installing stuff on a windows pc10:51
OrgulloKmooreI have the speed set at 32X an it goes at 10X anyway...10:51
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SubhumanOrgulloKmoore, that means there are problems with your drive, how old is it?10:52
gnube`Evil`, No if you you install KDE and dependencies they will start automatically, it is not like wine at all.10:52
sri_OrgulloKmoore, there is an option like changing the speed10:52
timalotXrekcaH, usually the 1st thing u do is run ./configure --prefix=/usr/local in the source dir... then run make... then make install10:52
bruenigEvil, you just do 'sudo aptitude install kopete' it will have you install a ton of other stuff with it to make it run10:52
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Subhumanburners wear out after a while.10:52
sri_OrgulloKmoore, 1m i will give the link10:52
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OrgulloKmooreSubhuman> about a year old. I already did the hdparm command they specify at k3b.org10:52
OrgulloKmoorein the FAQ10:52
jimwhimpeybruenig: I just made those partitions but they came up with little warning signs and weren't on the next screen10:53
bruenigEvil, it runs like anything else and installs like anything else, but since it is not a native app, it runs a bit slower10:53
`Evil`gnube, Ok but I dont want to install KDE. atleat not yet, i only want to run kopete10:53
SubhumanOrgulloKmoore, if itz forcing 10x when u specified 32x, then it means your drive may have issues which cause it to write errors at 32x.10:53
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bruenigEvil, you wont install KDE, just KDE dependencies10:53
sri_OrgulloKmoore, u can seach in the ubuntu communities there is a discussion between k3b &gnome braker10:53
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someusernoobevil: sudo aptitude install kopete10:53
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deFryskkopete requires qt kdelibs and more kde related they call them "dependencies'10:53
gnube`Evil`, I understand. But to run Kopete you will have to install _some_ KDE stuff. You will not have to leave GNOME though.10:54
someusernoobevil: when you dont like it: sudo aptitude remove kopete10:54
gnube`Evil`, Gnome and KDE can live on the same box.10:54
someusernoobevil: and it wil be like youve never installed it10:54
bruenigjimwhimpey, what does your partitioning scheme look like10:54
deFrysk`Evil`, and if you dont like that use gaim10:54
XrekcaHtimalot, i can never get the "make" command to work10:54
`Evil`someusernoob, gnube, bruening: Thanks for clearing that up10:54
gnube`Evil`, Gnome and KDE are just desktop environments. And while you cannot run both at the same time, you can run programs that use the other desktop environment.10:55
`Evil`deFrysk, I actually dont prefer gaim so much10:55
timalotXrekcaH, are you trying to install something from source?10:55
zool2005how do I install kernel source files, it isn't listed in synaptic?10:55
deFrysk`Evil`, I have xfce4 gnome and kde and useing gnome at the moment with some kde apps10:55
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MadsPhi , this is the first time i ever run linux , i made a mistake by deleting the entire hd , and now im incapeable of running xp-setup . i cant seem to get the fdisk in terminal to work correct , so if one would be so kind to tell me how to format the entire harddrive, so i can start all over by installing xp and THEN linux in a 2nd partion it will be greatly apreciated. Q: how do I get back to absolute scratch again ?10:56
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XrekcaHthe install files says to do ./configure and then make then make install but no dice10:56
bruenigMadsP, just put the XP disk in10:56
bruenigif you have one10:56
`Evil`deFrysk, k thanks :)10:56
SubhumanXappe, "sudo make install"10:56
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bruenigunless by delete you mean completely wiped it as in bios and everything10:56
MadsPi have , but when its finished installing it runs : Error 1710:56
timalotXrekcaH, each step has to suceed.... configure makes sure u have the requirements to install the software10:56
bruenigMadsP, did you format it as ntfs and all of that stuff10:57
filemovercan anyone help me ive got amarok installed but it wont play mp3's it just seems to skim through them really quickly10:57
XrekcaHthat part works10:57
XrekcaHbut make doesnt10:57
jimwhimpeybruenig: I have the Windows one, 10gb, I try to make the linux-swap one, but when it takes me forward it's not on the list there's just the windows partition, so I go back and it has a little warning sign next the the drive and says 'Unknown' under file sytem10:57
bruenigjimwhimpey, that warning sign is nothing10:57
timalotXrekcaH, configure will make a file called "Makefile" in the same directory... if it doesnt it has failed10:57
bruenigJimwhimpey, you need to make both partitions before you hit forward10:57
stefg!codecs > filemover10:57
XrekcaHThe makefile is in there10:58
filemoverive got the gstreamer codecs installed10:58
XrekcaHit made it10:58
jimwhimpeybrunig: that's what I did the first time, they were both warning signs and weren't on the list in the next step10:58
bruenigJimwhimpey, delete both of the warning sign partitions and make the swap partition, hit ok, then make the / partition hit ok and then hit forward10:58
XrekcaHbut make command = no dice10:58
stefgfilemover even 'bad' and 'ugly' ?10:58
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:58
timalotXrekcaH, so when u type "make" it says no makefile found?10:59
bruenigtry it again, perhaps but the / partition first and the swap second, that is How mine looks10:59
GStubbs43Why do 0's have little dots in them like eyes in some fonts?10:59
XrekcaHmake: *** No rule to make target `makefile'.  Stop.10:59
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MadsPwell thing is that it didnt leave me any choice. i have reinstalled xp severa times before installing linux, and back then it gave me several options about partions type of hd etc. now only option is repair (and exit) , and by chosing repair, it says entire drive will be deleted , i have tried to chose that , and follow it to the end , and then when i reboot it comes with (gnome i think) error 1710:59
timalotXrekcaH, u dont type "make makfile" u just type make10:59
bruenigGStubbs43, that is how those fonts are10:59
XrekcaHi know10:59
bruenigWhy does times new roman look like times new roman10:59
bruenigbecause it does10:59
XrekcaHthats what i did10:59
jimwhimpeybruenig: no go, not on the list, both warning signs11:00
arkygeekhow do make keyboard shortcuts to commands?11:00
timalotXrekcaH,  "No rule to make target `makefile' " means u typed make makefile .... u just type make11:00
XrekcaHmake: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.11:00
bruenighow big are these partitions you are making11:00
XrekcaHthat the right one11:00
jimwhimpeybruenig: swap - 1gb, / - about 26gb11:00
timalotXrekcaH, that last error means there is no file called "makefile" or "Makefile" in the dir11:00
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bruenigfomratted linux-swap and ext3 repsectively?11:01
XrekcaHthere is11:01
timalotXrekcaH, well make cant find it11:01
jimwhimpeybruenig: I can't format them, they're not on the list of the next step where it gives you the checkbox to format11:01
XrekcaHso what do i do?11:01
timalotXrekcaH, if its called Makefile.am or Makefile.in it wont work11:01
stefgMadsP: Bad news, i guess your partiton table went haywire... not much to save. If you are experienced you could try a tool like testdisk, if it rebuilds a part-table for you, but messing around without knowing exactly what to do will only worsen the situation11:02
bruenigjimwhimpey, click the blank boxes under where the partitions are11:02
bruenigthere should be an arrow11:02
bruenigand them pick the partition11:02
filemoveris the Xine engine for amarok installed bye default in ubuntu or do u have to do it yourself11:02
jimwhimpeybruenig: ok, brb11:02
XrekcaHtheres .in    .am   and .mingw11:02
XrekcaHthree of them11:02
=== River [n=annie@c211-30-65-244.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
XrekcaHwhat do i do?11:02
timalotXrekcaH, right it has  to be called Makefile not Makefile dot something else11:03
timalotXrekcaH, no dont rename....11:03
MadsPehm , cant i chose a function to format the entire hd from terminal ?11:03
MadsPi read about that on microsoft support page11:03
RiverI have a ATI radeon 9800 pro on dapper. Cant someone point me to instructions to correctly get it working ?11:03
timalotXrekcaH, ./configure has to make a file called "Makefile" .... if it doesnt it wont work11:04
stefgMadsP: of course you can wipe the complete disk and start over... if there's no data on the drive you need11:04
MadsPthere isnt it is on my external hd11:04
MadsPthe data i need*11:04
XrekcaHtimalot, i guess im lost here11:05
MadsPwill you please tell me what to type to get to scratch (format all) ?11:05
timalotXrekcaH, whats the software u want to install?11:05
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bruenigRiver, perhaps this helps? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI11:05
sri_how can i play .swf formats in which player?vlc can't play thos11:05
stefgMadsP: good... so think up a reasonable layout, and then boot a Live CD, erase the partition table and repartition the hd11:06
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:07
sri_stefg, how can i install flash?11:07
stefgsri_: please read it yourself :-)11:08
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MadsPok , i insert ubuntu desktop , chose run live ? (on install it gives me the options of partion) .. sorry im a novice ... does ubunt desktop (live cd) give me an option of just erase partion without further install ?11:08
sri_stefg, thank u11:08
=== Pupeno [n=pupeno@dslb-088-072-223-189.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
timalotXrekcaH, like ubotu says u should look for pre-packaged software 1st.... to get gaim to compile u probably will need a few dev packages.... most likely libgtk+2.0-dev plus some others11:09
SubhumanMadsP, no you can resize the current  partition too11:09
SubhumanXrekcaH, you trying to complile gaim?11:09
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stefgMadsP: the important point is to completly erase the partiton table first, so no broken bits and pieces fly around anymore11:09
bruenighey XrekcaH, just a second, I found a .deb file for gaim 2.0 beta 311:09
brueniglet me check it out and I will give you the link11:09
sri_stefg, can u tell the player name??11:09
MadsPand to that i have to choose?11:09
SubhumanXrekcaH, run "sudo apt-get build-dep gaim" , that will install all the dependencies you need to compile from source.11:10
SubhumanXrekcaH, then try to compile.11:10
SubhumanXrekcaH, and use checkinstall11:10
ubotucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall11:10
XrekcaHok ill give it a shot11:10
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timalotSubhuman, cool i didnt know u could do that11:10
bruenigalright XrekcaH, use this link and download this package it is .deb and will work much more smoothly http://dissociatedpress.net/uploads/gaim-2.0.0beta3_2.0.0beta3-1_i386.deb11:10
stefgMadsP: just boot the live CD, i can walk you thru partitioning  fom there11:12
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bruenigXrekcaH, did you do that?11:12
MadsPlike insetting it now ? ok 2 secs11:12
XrekcaHWell i have to install from the source because i cant compile the plugins im trying to use for the beta with the deb11:13
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timalotSubhuman, does check install only work on package source... or can it work on upstream tarballs aswell11:13
bruenigwhy not?11:13
MadsPok , it is in now ? or did you mean i should reboot from Cd ?11:13
stefg!info flashplugin-nonfree > sri_11:14
ubotuflashplugin-nonfree: Macromedia Flash Player plugin installer. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 16 kB, installed size 136 kB (Only available for i386)11:14
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bruenigXrekcaH, what plugins are you trying to get?11:15
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brueniglet me see if i can get them with the .deb install11:15
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XrekcaHguifications For the beta11:16
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Subhumantimalot, anything that you "make install"11:16
XrekcaHthats the only one i have tryed so far11:16
Subhumantimalot, you just do "sudo checkinstall" instead of "sudo make install"11:16
=== clintsnet is now known as C|int
C|inthey guys, long time no see11:17
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SubhumanXrekcaH, you dont compile the deb.11:17
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bigfoot1how come when I try to "create archive", not all the selected files are in the package?11:17
pvhwell... in case anyone's interested... i got a little bash-ism for listing the sizes of all installed packages...11:17
bruenigSubhuman, he doesn't want to use the deb because apparently it doesn't have a plugin that he wants11:18
bigfoot1(in nautilus).11:18
SubhumanXrekcaH, you jus do "sudo dpkg -i gaim-xxxx.deb" then install the plugins after.11:18
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stefgMadsP: yes... you cant run a system off the hd you are about to erase completly... start the live CD and reconnect from there11:18
C|inthey guys, do you know if the xserver-xgl, xgl in general, would work on an Acer Aspire 3610, I just installed recent ubuntu lately, and from the nice package I got in mail, I was really busy in my 3d cad, and Adobe Software, on windows , also, I did get VMware Workstation latest installed, also an upgrade I did from 5.0 which works really good on ubuntu, however I know that XGL might help a bit :P11:18
Riverbruenig: thanks attempting to follow those11:18
SubhumanXrekcaH, the idea of a "plug in" is that it goes in AFTER the install.11:18
MadsPok, brb11:18
Lichtei'm trying to install from the livecd......I can't understand this horrific disk partitioner.....are there any docs for this thing ?11:18
C|intand also btw, its a sucker for my wireless, but I'f I have too, I am going replace the mini pci, wireless broadcom, with atheros probably :P11:19
SubhumanC|int, what graphics card does it have?11:19
SubhumanC|int, you can use broadcom cards11:19
kfasheldonHi please help, my pc has two hd's, unbuntu boots from slave on ide 0 and the master is an old ntfs drive (no windows on it), I have moved the files I needed from the master and now wish to format it, my question is will the system still boot or will formating remove mbr/boot record from the first drive and thus prevent grub loading linux from drive 211:19
C|intI could help users out, with replacements on laptops .. been working hard lately ,  in the IT :)11:19
C|inthey Subhuman, long time no see11:19
SubhumanC|int, you just have to get the firmware for it, ive done it on two of my machines11:19
jimwhimpeybruenig: there's no arrows or boxes?11:19
C|intdoesn't work bud11:19
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C|intAcer needs a sit down.. scoldin meetin :-)11:20
SubhumanC|int, did for me, did the md5 fail? cuz i have a working link for one.11:20
C|intsomething, with the bcm45xxx or something,11:20
Lichtecan I use this disk partitioner to setup my own partition scheme ??11:20
HajuuHey guys! Anyone know if its possible to manually unlock my cdrom? Having some issues with it.11:20
SubhumanC|int, yes same as mine11:20
C|intmight be hardware problem for me you think eh11:20
stefgLichte: Quite understandable... Id prefer a.) using the text-mode installer (aka 'alternate'-CD) b.) doing the partitoning before the actual install and only tell the installer how to use the already partioned disk11:20
bigfoot1how do i tar all files in a folder (via terminal)?11:21
C|intwireless works great though, has to be , linux system, somethin11:21
Subhumananyways, what card do you have C|int ?11:21
raxipI'll think about it11:21
rsteelethat's a secret11:21
C|int1 sec, let me do a lscpi11:21
HereticianHow long does it usually take Ubuntu CDs to ship?11:21
bruenigjimwhimpey what does the screen look like, is it a place that has your windows partitions beside a thing that says /media/sda1 or is it the graphical representatin of your disk with the partitions11:21
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SubhumanHeretician, 4-5 weeks?11:21
C|intabout , 4 weeks I would say her, maybe 511:21
LichteI agree11:21
jimwhimpeybruenig: the graphical reprsentation11:21
LichteI'd rather use fdisk11:21
timalotkfasheldon, if delete the partition and create a new one ... it should be o11:21
C|intthey been gettin better,and for some reason, my friend in Australia, got his pretty quick :P11:21
Lichtehow can it not let me set the mount points ???11:22
C|intbrb Subhuman11:22
kfasheldontimalot> if I delete the hda1 partition it should leave the boot info alone - i want to be sure anyone as I realy do not want to reintsall and dont think there is anything like the old msdos sys /mbr command11:23
bruenigjimwhimpey, you have to go to the next screen11:23
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jimwhimpeybruenig: the extra partitions aren't on the next screen, just the windows one11:23
C|int-> Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g]   802.11g Wireless LAN Controller11:23
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bruenigunder where it says partitons one there should be other boxes11:23
bruenigthat are blank11:23
kfasheldontimalot> remember I have linux booting from hdb1 so the pc must load grub from where ?11:23
sybecCan you change the color of the cursor of gnome-terminal to .. say .. "blue" with keeping the rest of the text white?11:23
timalotkfasheldon, it should leave the mbr alone.... u could create a bootdisk just be safe tho....11:23
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jimwhimpeybruenig: ok, let me check that out11:24
stefgLichte: I can't help really much... only used the Live-CD installer once, found that it creates a huge vacuum and got back to text-mode install11:24
C|inthopefully, I"m getting a nice positition at best buy too Subhuman, hee people laugh when I said, got the Mac OS X for intel :P, and amd, :) but I don't have the SSE3, and SSE2 only , and that take some configuration power :P11:24
kfasheldon>timalot boot disk idea might work , think I can work that one out done sim b411:24
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timalotkfasheldon, grub will load from the mbr on hda11:24
Lichteit won't let me setup the mount points it seems11:24
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jimwhimpeybruenig: just boxes11:25
Lichteam i missing something ?11:25
C|inthaving the SSE3 more easier for the install, and no passing of SSE2 to enable, which I couldn't find out how to do. :P11:25
jimwhimpeybruenig:  sorry, I mean, there's no boxes11:25
kfasheldontimalot> and changing the patition should not effect mbr correct - can I just format partition from disks in admin11:25
bruenigOn the top it lists your windows partitions yes?11:25
SubhumanC|int, what card do you have then? is it ati or nv? cuz if itz nv > 4200 then your good to go with XGL11:25
bruenigand it has its mount point?11:25
C|intthanks Subhuman btw, 1 thing I can defanately help out, is the VMware Workstation INstalls, on ubuntu, if anyone needs my help, or wine, or Cedega, etc :)11:25
RShadowanybody else suddently experince firefox segfaulting on startup all the time?11:25
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jimwhimpeybruenig: yep11:25
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Subhumanati is slighty diff but basically anything that the drivers support11:26
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C|intoh... 915 gml or something, its integrated,, still hope I can have it11:26
timalotkfasheldon, thats right if u delete hda1 and create a new partition and format it, it should not delete the mbr...11:26
C|intbut I do have my workstatin, which has nvidia :-)11:26
bruenigbelow where it says "Partition One blah blah blah" there should be a little 'box' that looks identical to it but is blank11:26
SubhumanC|int, the intel 915 gma11:26
bruenigclick on that11:26
kfasheldontimalot> thanks i'll go for it !!11:26
timalotkfasheldon, i use fdisk11:26
C|intyea pretty sure :P11:26
timalotkfasheldon, i dont know about disk admin11:26
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SubhumanC|int, i THINK the onboard intels work, no harm in trying, best asking at #ubuntu-xgl tho to be 100% sure11:27
C|intwish I had 1 of those hooked up systems, with 256 mb dedicated video laptops :P11:27
Subhumanthose guys will kni11:27
Lichtewhat is this thing called ?11:27
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C|intsomething you have to do, with enabling it after instal right ?11:27
timalotkfasheldon, wait11:27
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timalotkfasheldon, just run grub-install after doing the partitioning to make sure11:27
Lichteit seems to be barfing on the fact that I have another linux on another HD in the system11:27
C|intClint is my name btw, but ya know, have to use | , because I didnt' want to use, -11:27
jason_any body know why 'gksu -a' dosn't always ask for a password11:27
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C|inthey Lichte, whats up11:28
C|intI'm a Systems Engineer, if that helps, :)11:28
tony_Hi all! can anyone tell me a simple editor with autocompletion for c++ - I am trying (g)vim but i cant seem to find a c++ dictionary/wordlist - any tips?11:28
jimwhimpeybruenig: crap, I did that and the installer crash11:28
stefgLichte: don't trust any automatic partioning... it'll make a mess11:28
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C|intwell, still going to college for it, but, recently commercial I was part of, been on air, and hey Subhuman, check out this work, if you guys don't mind11:28
LichteC|int: I can't get my disks partitioned11:28
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C|int->   http://www.myspace.com/clintsnet11:28
bruenigI am getting tired, You get the idea, click that change the partition number and on the left select the appropriate mount point11:29
bruenigbye all11:29
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LichteC|int: I can't get it to let me set the mount points11:29
osfameroneeek!  my external HD has suddenly decided it's a Readonly filesystem11:29
SubhumanC|int, i dont have myspace dude.11:29
sri_it is possible to get the i/p &mac address of the person who is messaging to me???(or)mail to me?How can i trace it?11:29
kfasheldontimalot> thanks, noticed that something was needed when i just looked at gnome disk part, the boot flag goes missing when i set up the new part, so i escaped grub install should work thats what i was looking for cheers11:29
adicaut cazare11:29
jason_any body know why 'gksu -a' dosn't always ask for a password11:29
Subhumansri_, send them a file and netstat it11:30
LichteI don't want it to do it automatically11:30
C|intwell, hee I"m engineering an IT site with Adobe Macromedia Studio 8 .. *shades on* :-)11:30
Subhumanjason_, if you use sudo , 15 mins after it wont ask for a password.11:30
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pvhwell, my /whois shows the IP address11:30
sri_Subhuman, sorry i did nt get u11:30
jason_Subhuman, yeah i know but i 'want' it to11:30
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Subhumansri_, do you mean in IRC?11:30
stefgjason_: it remembers that you authenticated less than 10 (?) minutes ago11:30
sri_Subhuman, what is netstart ?11:30
C|intreason being, why I put ... VMware Workstation 5.5 on linux :-)11:30
tony_jason_, maybe cause it assumes the password in one session?11:30
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Subhumansri_, is this in IRC?11:30
sri_Samus_Aran, ya11:31
sri_Subhuman, or in the messenger11:31
osfameronhow do I make my external HD not readonly?11:31
Subhumansri_, if it is jus do /WHOIS USERNAME where username is the guy messaging you11:31
osfameron(as it seems to have decided to start being readonly as of this morning)11:31
jason_SO how do i force it(gksu) to ask11:31
stefgosfameron: did you fsck it recently?11:31
C|intthats just something I joined, because my best friend on myspace, I actually part of a secure peer to peer client, programmed in Delphi, and been apart of it for 3 years, or maybe more, were working on , Voice Over Internet Protocol, for the client, multimedia broadcasting, and so much more11:31
sri_Subhuman, in gaim also..?11:31
Subhumanjason_, look in man sudo11:31
Lichtewhy all these super complex gui tools to replace a simple fdisk ??11:31
Subhumanitz in a config file11:31
osfameronstefg: nope, don't even know what that does11:31
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telmichhow can I install libpng3 on standard ubuntu?11:32
stefgosfameron: what filesystem does teh external hd use?11:32
telmichit offers libpng12-0, but an application needs libpng.so.311:32
C|inthey Subhuman,, I'm going get Counter STrike Source on ubuntu :P11:32
someusernoobosfameron, what does the mount lint in fstab tells you? gksudo gedit /etc/fstab11:32
someusernoobosfameron lint = line * typo11:33
C|intI recently didn't knw, how much of online gaming, fps, had effect on a person.. it nice take some fustration out sometime for fun, :-)11:33
Subhumansri_, in gaim, send them a file, then do like a "netstat | less" and one of the "established" will be the user11:33
osfameronstefg: vfat11:33
C|inthey Lichte, what ubuntu build are you on.11:33
stefgosfameron: and it is mounted as /dev/sda1 ?11:33
C|intand you say your having problems.. with partitions mounting, ... automounting.. etc?11:34
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osfameronstefg: yeah, seems to be11:34
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osfameronsomeusernoob: nothing in /etc/fstab about it11:34
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tripppyive got a RTL8029 chipset NIC, ubuntu can't find it.11:34
osfameronbut `mount` on its own says /dev/sda1 on /media/LACIE type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,quiet,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8)11:34
tripppywhats the modprobe command?11:34
someusernoobosfameron: sudo aptitude install pmount11:34
Lichtei can't believe this11:34
C|intwhats up11:34
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stefgosfameron: so i suspect there are problems with the filesystem. For safety reasons it's mounted readonly... you could check 'dmesg' if it contaims hints about that11:35
Lichteit won't let me set the mount point for my install HD, but it's forcing me to set mount points on my sapre HD!11:35
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C|intLichte: , don't trip bud, I had a really difficult time, figuring out how to configure vmware workstation, and I'm an IT Systems Engineer in making, independant , Developer hee11:35
osfameronooo, dmesg | grep sda1 gives me 3 x FAT: Filesystem panic (dev sda1)11:35
stefgsee what i mean :-)11:35
osfameronthat's bad then?11:36
C|intlinux, and open source period can take some patience at time, and thats the fun part about somethings sometimes, is challenging yourself, to defeat the odds.. been linux user for 2004,a nd I still work with windows as well :-)11:36
stefgno, you have a dual boot system?11:36
LichteC|int: I've been using linux since '92, I've never seen anything like this partitioner11:36
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C|intah.. I see11:37
C|intthe gparted?11:37
osfameronright, fsck it is then11:37
C|intI use and manage with Acronis Disk director Suite.. Lichte11:37
C|intwas a big step back in 2004, from using Symantec Partition Magic, to paragon Software, and then Acronis :-)11:37
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LichteC|int: how do I bypass this to install this distro ??11:38
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stefgosfameron: umount /d3ev/sda1 && fsck -t vfat /dev/sda111:38
ubuntuthis is a check11:38
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stefgosfameron: umount /dev/sda1 && fsck -t vfat /dev/sda111:38
C|intwhat are you trying to install11:38
LichteC|int: is this the only install method from the livecd ?11:38
C|intand most time, I'm using custom install Lichte, and not live cd, :)11:38
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timalotLichte, what kernel version was it back in '92?11:39
C|intyou can use the alternative cd11:39
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Lichtetimalot: iirc, it was .98pl811:39
Lichteor was it pl1211:39
Subhumantimalot, like not even version 1.11:39
timalotLichte, damn11:39
C|intthat give you alot more better options, especially for partitioning, and alow more power install, thats just my opinion11:39
osfamerongah, it claims to be too busy to be unmounted11:39
stefgosfameron: then close all windows and shells which might access it11:40
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SubhumanC|int, the alt. install CD only allows you to install grub in an alternative location, apart from that it is basicaly identical to the live install.11:40
C|intLichte: , I manage alot of systems, even was working with getting Mac OS X x86 , on my acer laptop, but I didn't pass some SSE2 enable option, during install, and it hanged after the apple logo, then went blue, then nothing :P11:40
SubhumanC|int, i know as i have done full installs with both, and the server.11:40
Lichteso how do I install ubuntu ?11:40
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C|intwell,  Subhumanm, I use Acronis Disk Director Suite, because I run more than 3 operating systems , on 1 system alone, which I could install to multiple hard drives etc..11:41
stefgise the alternate CD11:41
LichteI can't get past this partitioner unless I let it do auto11:41
SubhumanLichte, use the alternative isntall CD.11:41
osfameronstefg: did that, still claims it's busy11:41
C|intOS SElector, very nice :-)11:41
osfameronnothing in lsof11:41
LichteSubhuman: I don't have a cdburner11:41
k2what do you see at "linux:8002"?11:41
SubhumanC|int, ive ran 5-6 OS's on one machine, and the live partitioner is better.11:41
LichteSubhuman: it's either this or nothing11:41
binfalseI'll think about it11:41
stefgosfameron: hmmm... ok, then you're in for a reboot in recovery mode11:41
C|intI"m trying to find nice deal on.. SCO UnixWare 7.1.4.. dang ebay was charging over 1 grand :P11:41
SubhumanLichte, well why does it lock up?11:41
LichteSubhuman: it doesn't11:41
LichteSubhuman: it won't let me set a mountpoint11:42
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sri_prudhvi, hi11:42
C|intwell Subhuman, thats good, good we don't limit are vision bud, we can work together , if you want hee :P11:42
sri_prudhvi, in gaim, send them a file, then do like a "netstat | less" and one of the "established" will be the user11:42
osfameronstefg: oh, ok.  can I get to that with a shutdown incantation?11:42
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SubhumanLichte, you selected "manually edit partiton table" yes?11:42
C|intif you want ... I'm busy alot though, but be good have open source aqaintance :)11:42
LichteSubhuman: yes11:42
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LichteSubhuman: and then this horrific graphical app pops up11:43
SubhumanLichte, and does it give you an error when you set it?11:43
SubhumanLichte, yes it's gparted.11:43
LichteSubhuman: nope11:43
C|intI got to get that wireless, and xgl going, then I be smilin.. Sub :-)11:43
stefgosfameron: not sure... but the grub boot menu (press [ESC]  to acces it) will offer that option11:43
Lichtethis is the worst thing I've ever seen11:43
SubhumanC|int, ive done both, look on the ubuntu forums11:43
telmichwhich ubuntu release is what state (like testing, experimental, ...) and where can I read about it?11:44
Flanneltelmich: they're all stable.11:44
C|intI was down, because I had installed ubuntu on my buds laptop sub, automatic wireless detectino hee... lucky Ahteros people, but I probably if I need to, just take out my wireless mini pci, and replace with compatible built in .. wireless lan hee :)11:44
Subhumantelmich, dapper is current, edgy is unstable groundhog is experimental.11:44
osfameronstefg: ah, I unplugged and replugged, it's now called sdb1 and it's happy to fsck itself11:44
Flanneltelmich: well, edgy isn't stable yet.  But each "release" (once it gets it's numbers), is stable.11:44
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telmichFlannel: the problem is, I need libpng.so.3, which is not in my currently installed ubuntu11:44
osfameronexcept it's asking which FAT I want, the first or the second...11:44
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telmichFlannel: ok11:44
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SubhumanC|int, you can do it with a broadcom.11:44
stefgsmart *ss :-) bingo!11:44
Lichteit only wants to set mount points on hdb, not hda11:44
tony_Hi all! can anyone tell me a simple editor with autocompletionand how to get it to work for c++?11:45
Lichteand I'm installing to hdaa11:45
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LichteI have Gentoo no hdb11:45
topa_any ubuntu-ppc64 folk here ?11:45
SubhumanLichte, take out hdb for the install then.11:45
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Lichteno way11:45
C|intwell.. what you recommend I do right now :P, because I could never get the dang sucker working with ndiswrapper.. antho someting , he was helping me on breezy, we actually got somewhere, but then I did a dist-upgrade and lost all settings :P11:45
Subhumanand then just instal, put the hdd back, then redo grub.11:45
Flanneltelmich: you can search to see if it'll be in edgy: http://packages.ubuntu.com11:45
topa_I'm not able to use ubuntu-server on IBM's OpenServer11:45
SubhumanLichte, why not?11:45
LichteI'll just build a new gentoo box on hda11:45
telmichFlannel: ok11:45
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r0rztony_ : vim11:45
SubhumanLichte, your only taking it out for the install, so your forcing it to use hda11:45
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C|intlol Lichte11:46
Flanneltelmich: er.  libpng3 is in dapper11:46
siimois it possible to get 1440x900 resolution in ubuntu ? with ati drivers11:46
C|intdarn gentoo, wasn't compatible with my acer :P11:46
telmichFlannel: I am somehow blind11:46
Flanneltelmich: it's in universe11:46
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telmichFlannel: or other way: apt-cache search did not show it11:46
C|intI just need to study, Understanding the linux kernel, heck, configuring drivers, writing my own, hee :)11:46
telmichuniverse is not in sources.list11:46
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Flannelnot by default.  universe is community supported11:46
telmichFlannel: gracias11:46
Subhumansiimo, yes. "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" or if you got an intel then itz "sudo apt-get install 915resolution"11:47
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tony_r0rz, Im trying to get dictionary files for c++ to work. do you know where i could find one for vim? and how to get it to work?11:47
Flannel!tell telmich about repositories11:47
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siimoSubhuman: i have a ati radeon 9250 not intel11:47
prudhvisri_, why do you want to know his IP ?11:47
telmichFlannel: thanks again11:47
r0rzweel I should check the main vim website, tony11:47
tony_r0rz, right now i try crlk-k but i just get a beep11:47
=== C|int is watching, Trance Video - dj_tiesto-_loves_on_fire-svcd-2002-
r0rzor you could join the #vim channel11:48
r0rzhere on freenode11:48
sri_prudhvi, to know from where he is giving this mess..11:48
Lichteoh well. later all11:48
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tony_r0rz, i tried that :) i found a quite helpful faq http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/C-editing-with-VIM-HOWTO.html but i still cant get my hommade dicionary working :)11:48
r0rzoh it's homemade11:49
r0rzanyway I never tried to install a dictionary in vim11:49
Subhumansiimo, in that case run "sudo nano /etc/X!!/xorg.conf", go down to the bottom, look for where all the resolutuons are speciified, just add "1440x990" into each line11:49
telmichis there a possibility of letting the user choose their keyboard layout _before_ logging in (graphical login on X)11:49
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siimoSubhuman: cool thanks dude im not ready for it yet because i was asking this before going out to buy a monitor that has that native resolution - just making sure it will work but ill note that down :)11:50
telmichthe problem is, the users here use many different keyboards (swiss german, german, dvorak, qwerty)11:50
Flanneltelmich: during install you mean? or what?11:50
ccooketelmich: The question for a "default" keyboard layout is asked during installation11:50
ccooketelmich: after that, you can modify it on a per-user basis.11:50
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kakadotelmich, if you mean a terminal without X, then loadkeys [country code] 11:53
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kintarohi guys..i need advice...i want to install ubuntu server as a server on my box for our company.its AMD 64 Athlon X2 4200+ processor, 2G mem and MSI board..I want a setup like this: our developers want a windows box - xp and 2003 server for their QA test. so i plan to install vmware on it. is it posible to run 2 vmware machines [xp and win 2003]  on my ubunto server box?11:55
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salahhow I check if my machine have found my new dvd burner?11:56
deFrysksalah, inser a dvd might help11:56
kakadokintaro, yes11:56
stefgkintaro: why shouldn't it be? This is what vmware is designed to do11:56
salahdeFrysk, then nothing happends, no mather which CD11:57
narfmastersalah, you may need to edit /etc/fstab11:57
salahnarfmaster, ok, but I have no clue about fstab, can you please help me fix it?11:58
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=== narfmaster looks for a decent howto on fstab
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webbenI've been noticing that modal dialogues asking for the root password in kde and gnome have no border around them (they're just rectangles). I can't remember what happened when i first installed. Is this by design, or due to some misconfiguration on my part?12:02
webben(or a bug)12:02
filemovercan anyone help i want to install libxine-extracodecs but it is not in the advanced package list what do i do12:03
Flannelwebben: hmm.  I havent seen one in a while... but, I think thats by design.12:03
webbenFlannel: that's interesting, it seemed consistent behaviour so i did wonder12:03
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webbenseems like an odd decision, i'd like to know the reasoning behind it if anyone knows12:03
osfameronstefg: fsck hasn't fixed it, remounted, still saying readonly12:04
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majteksthi everyone! I can't install ethernet card rtl8139 on PCII (300mhz) and IBM netvista - PIII 600mhz but it doesn't work with DHCP12:05
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majtekstwith static ip addres, I can ping other computer in intranet12:05
Flannelwebben: to have no border?  probably because it's part of the other application or something, and not really a thing in itself.  I dont know why it would seem odd though.12:05
renegade_of_funkcan someone tell me why in ubuntu my cpu fan is louder than in win , and what can i do to keep it quiet12:05
stefgosfameron: bad blocks i assume...12:05
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osfameronguess.  The 2 suggestions my colleagues are mooting are12:06
osfamerona) reformat12:06
osfameronb) plug into a windows machine to see if chkdsk makes a better go at recuperating it12:06
stefgosfameron: man fsck .... there are more options to fsck than the default ones12:06
ompaulosfameron, sorry I seem to have missed the issue what is wrong?12:06
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webbenFlannel: I suppose I think it's odd because windows/dialogs of any sort tend to have borders (at least in desktop OSes). Dialogs are always part of another application, aren't they? Course there may be usability or aesthetic considerations that prompted this choice, I'd just be interested to know what they were. :)12:07
osfameronompaul: my external HDD (vfat) is mounting as readonly, dmesg shows filesystem panics.  fsck (no options)  hasn't fixed12:08
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[Nige] hi all12:09
ompaulosfameron, I see it now, your external drive thinks it is RO, okay mkdir on your local drive and cp what you can from the external direct into the local drive12:09
ompaulosfameron, what size is it?12:09
osfameronompaul: 150 Gb12:09
ompaulosfameron, do you use windows?12:09
osfameronof which 108Gb used12:09
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osfameronnot in general (and not on this laptop)12:10
ompaulosfameron, okay can you copy that data to the local machine?12:10
osfameronnot really...12:10
osfameronI could copy most of what isn't already on the laptop (e.g. that was backed up) if I spend some time12:11
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telmichFlannel: keyboard: I mean when ubuntu is started / the X-server presents the login: then the standard is to use dvorak (from xorg.conf). but I would like to have some kind of chooser to allow different layouts _before_ logging in12:11
ompaulI would be doing that right now to try prevent (further) data loss12:11
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telmichkakado: no, loadkeys is clear, I am just not so familiar with modern desktop login mechanism like gdm/kdm12:12
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ompaulosfameron, does "mount" show it as ro?12:12
telmichccooke: so you mean there's no way to change it dynamically12:12
osfameronompaul: no, oddly "mount" shows it as (rw)12:12
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ompaulosfameron, what is it mounted as and what is its directory permission?12:13
osfameronompaul: and in some directories I was able to touch a file (foo) and now I can't12:13
osfameronompaul: like  drwx------  6 hakim hakim 32768 1970-01-01 01:00 /media/LACIE12:13
stefgosfameron: i'm nearly certain that you've got bad blocks on the disk...12:14
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osfameronstefg: looks like12:14
ompaulosfameron, that is the one12:14
osfameronI'm pondering just reformatting and to hell with the data12:14
ompaulosfameron, kind of agree with stefg12:14
osfameronI have my version-control/backup strategy mapped out after rebuild12:15
stefgosfameron: man badblocks12:15
ompaulosfameron, rescue what you can12:15
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ccooketelmich: no, of course I don't mean that12:15
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osfameron(afk, thanks for help!)12:15
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ccooketelmich: as I said, the installation system asks you for a default when you install Ubuntu. That default can be changed later.12:15
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ccooketelmich: why do you want users to select a keyboard type on login? Are people really going to be changing the kayboard that often?12:17
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renegade_of_funkcan someone tell me why in ubuntu my cpu fan is louder than in win , and what can i do to keep it quiet12:17
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webbenccooke: it's notable that Windows login allows you to select a keyboard layout12:18
stefgrenegade_of_funk: what CPU?12:18
lsuactiafnerrenegade_of_funk, what type of CPU?12:18
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webbenccooke: in fact i think i know a Polish user who actually uses that facility12:18
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renegade_of_funkamd64 300012:18
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lsuactiafnerin linux my pc run around 3C colder, the fan runs so slowly i sometimes get CPU fan warnings from the bios when booting to windows12:18
stefg!info athcool12:18
webbenccookie: presumably anybody logging into an X session _remotely_ would definitely want to be able to select  a layout12:19
ubotuathcool: tool to enable powersaving mode for Athlon/Duron processors. In repository universe, is extra. Version 0.3.11-1 (dapper), package size 15 kB, installed size 104 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386 hurd-i386)12:19
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stefgahh... only 32 bit12:19
lsuactiafnerrenegade_of_funk  apt-get install powernowd powersaved12:19
ccookewebben: good point.12:20
renegade_of_funkok will try12:20
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lsuactiafnerrenegade_of_funk, i dont think you want that athcool if you CPU is 64bit12:21
lsuactiafnerrather follow the command i specified12:21
stefgwon't be installable on a64bit system12:21
lsuactiafnerbut you can bet that linux is colder than windows, since linux doesnt run the CPU at full throttle like windows does12:22
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lsuactiafnerright now my cpu is 36 and if i open the windows it will go down to 34 without any cool cept the default fan12:22
lsuactiafnerand cpu usage is 100%12:22
webbentelmich, what exactly happens with Select Language from the GDM options menu? does that leave the keyboard settings as they are?12:23
lsuactiafnerheh, and my cpu is overclocked 6%12:23
snowblinkDoes anyone know why there is an xserver-xorg-core update on Dapper?12:23
webbenit's weird because it looks like selecting a layout from GDM was supposed to be implemented: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/gdm-keyboard-layout12:23
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Ngsnowblink: it's to fix a bug on some intel chipsets12:23
ompaultelmich, system preferences keyboard right click and put it on the panel12:23
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Ngsnowblink: if you click on it in the update manager it should show you the changelog12:24
Ngsnowblink: (in the "Details" section at the bottom you can expand)12:24
snowblinkNg, cheers. Was just using apt-get...12:24
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webbenompaul: well that isn't selecting a layout at login12:24
telmichwebben: I did not see that menu12:25
ompaulwebben, no but it makes it easy once logged in and it happens on the fly12:25
webbenompaul: you've got to be able to enter your username and password correctly to get there in the first place for instance ... that is it depends on the user not having any funny characters in the name or password12:25
ompaulwebben, which I was about to say back to you :)12:26
filemoveri am having trouble getting hold of the libxine-extracodecs can anyone help12:26
RShadowerrrr.. Firefox just died.. keeps segfaulting with an "Illegal Instruction" even after complete removal and reinstallation12:26
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:26
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NgRShadow: try moving your firefox profile out of the way too (it's in .mozilla/firefox/ in your home directory)12:26
stefgfilemover: ^^^^ might help12:26
ompaulwebben, what if I set up in polish and want to move to english - how does that impact the gdm12:26
RShadowNg, ya.. just toasted that as well12:27
ompaulwebben, with a strange password12:27
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filemoverso all i do is update my sources list stefg12:27
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ompaulwebben, this is a *bug* of sorts12:27
webbenompaul: seemingly so12:27
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stefgfilemover: yes, then apt-get update and see what goodies are installable tehn :-)12:28
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ompaulnow should it be against the installer passwd gdm or login or what?12:28
webbenompaul: what i can't understand, given that launchpad link i posted earlier, is why it still exists12:28
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webbenompaul: sorry?12:28
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ompaulwebben, looking at your link - and thinking out loud at the same time12:28
webbenompaul: it's weird there are various notes e.g. on the wiki that the spec in my link was superseded, but it's not clear by what12:29
webbene.g. here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/DapperDev_2005-11-17?highlight=%28gdm%29%7C%28keyboard%29%7C%28layout%2912:29
webbenompaul: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GdmKeyboardLayout?highlight=%28keyboard%29%7C%28gdm%29%7C%28layout%29 says12:30
webbenit was superseded by gdm-roadmap, pimp-my-language-selector, and ue-gnome-ui12:30
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ompaulwebben, it is in dapper - I just checked on test box 112:31
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ompaulwebben, click on option and language12:31
webbenompaul: language != keyboard layout12:31
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ompaulwebben, point12:31
ompaullet me test12:32
ompaulsee how much it pulls12:32
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RShadowNg, ya.. looks like profile was the problem.. which sucks :( now I have to go get all my plugins back12:34
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Riddellrob: are you the robert stoffers who made the kubuntu package for Dolphin?12:34
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NgRShadow: it was probably a plugin or extension that caused it. you can move over individual files into your new profile (like history, bookmarks, passwords, etc.)12:34
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kwarkballDoes someone know of a search tool which allows to send requests to multiple search engines like copernic can do in the windowsworld?12:35
robRiddell, yes12:35
Riddellrob: could we try and get that into kubuntu?12:35
RShadowNg, what I can't figure out tho was that everything was working fine, and then today .. blah.. I didn't update anything didn't change anything..12:35
robRiddell, sounds good to me!12:35
ompaulwebben, yeap, it is a bug, they kind of failed there :-/12:35
NgRShadow: hmm, strange12:35
webbenkwarkball, for an online tool, how about dogpile?12:36
Riddellrob: ah, I spot it on revu12:36
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Riddellrob: I'll take a look at it12:36
kwarkballwebben: i ve never heard of this. is that some sort of meta websearch engine?12:36
webbenkwarkball: yeah12:36
compengihow to connect to a shell through a terminal12:36
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RShadowNg, very.. only thing I can figure out is perhaps FS didn't shut down correctly or something and something got corrupt.. very strange.. I should have looking in the .mozilla folder before I actualy toasted it tho..12:36
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kwarkballwebben: hm ok have an idea for a piece of software as well? i need my search history12:37
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webbenkwarkball: how much search history? http://www.dogpile.com/_1_2S4GTKV02I6JE5O__info.dogpl/tbar/features.htm12:38
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abhinayhow to queue a URL to wget while wget downloading one ?12:38
webbenkwarkball, scratch that, ie only12:39
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papoabhinay: just run a second wget process?12:39
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filemoveri have discovered information that many may seek about amorak12:39
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kwarkballwebben: ie only ;) funny isnt it?12:39
usamahi all12:39
filemoveris that usama or Osama12:39
abhinaypapo, i want to download it one after the other12:39
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webbenkwarkball, that must mean they've ceased to innovate, they have been around a while dogpile12:39
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usamafilemover: usama12:40
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usamaFiretech: not osama12:40
=== jkp hopes that ubuntu will be the one distro to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them
papoabhinay: ok, then you could make a loop or put all the urls into a file and pass that file with -i ?12:40
filemoveri just hackin at ya usama12:40
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abhinayis there any possiblity without using a file ?12:40
webbenkwarkball: maybe use Beagle with dogpile? http://beagle-project.org/Main_Page12:41
usamafilemover: np12:41
kwarkballwebben: thought beagle is desktop search only? no?12:41
kwarkballwebben: i ll have a look12:41
papoabhinay: do you know all the URLs befor the first wget is run?12:42
martiiI want to resize NTFS partition prior to install12:42
abhinaypapo, Yes12:42
martiiubuntu says minimal size is 70 GB12:42
martiiwhy so big?12:42
papoabhinay: ok, then you could use a for-loop?12:43
compengihow to connect to a shell through the bash terminal12:43
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stefgmartii: this is a box which came with XP preinstalled and only recovery-CDs, right?12:43
martiistefg: yep Compaq12:44
webbenkwarkball: in Gnome on Ubuntu, go to Places > Search, type in something you've recently searched for on the internet (e.g. i typed "ruby") and in addition to your desktop files it searches your web history12:44
martiistefg: should I go for manual ?12:44
webbenkwarkball: but perhaps what you need is something that re-runs the same searches?12:44
martiistefg: this is compaq presario sr100012:45
stefgThe problem is that these preinstalls are made by simply throwing an image on disk... the filesystem can't be shrunk properly, and watch out not to loose the compaq diagnostic partiton12:45
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martiistefg: so what can I do?12:46
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kwarkballwebben: hmm. yeah a rerun would be good. do you know copernic? http://www.copernic.com/en/products/agent/index.html its funky for more complex search projects12:46
martiistefg: I want to resize sda2 partition that is XP sda1 is daignostic12:46
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webbenkwarkball, i've heard of it, but never had to use it12:46
martiistefg: utomated resizing wants to take 70GB that is far too much I want to give linux no more than 5-712:47
stefgmartii: do have a backup application which can image the partition and resize it on restore like Ghost or Disk Director?12:47
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martiistefg: I can try partimage12:47
stefgno partimage can only restore to original size12:48
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martiistefg: yep true12:48
martiistefg: so I'm stuck wind windows :)12:48
martiistefg: as I don't have anything like ghost12:48
stefgmartii can you paste a fdisk -l listing  to pastebin?12:49
usamawhen the x server of my system starts i get this dma error: http://cpp.enisoc.com/pastebin/731212:49
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martiistefg: nope as I install in alternate mode12:49
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martiistefg: livecd ends up with black screen12:49
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Subhumanmarti, in the alt. install it will let you specify how much u want to give ubuntu.12:50
webbenkwarkball: don't know how stable it is (verson 0.50), but development is ongoing and this looks like precisely the sort of app you're looking for: http://pinot.berlios.de/index.html12:50
martiiSubhuman: nope it says 70.6 GB mini12:50
stefgI see... so what's the problem now? That you can't shrink the XP partition or that the installer chooses stupid defaults?12:51
martiiSubhuman: minimal12:51
Subhumanor marti, go to the "Gparted" homepage and download the live cd, and use that to resize how much you want.12:51
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Subhumanmartii, itz talking about how small you want the CURRENT partition to be resized too.12:51
martiiSubhuman: I can try manual but I don't want to loose any data12:51
kwarkballwebben: bingo this looks promising12:51
webbenkwarkball: let us know if it's any good :(12:52
webbensorry, that was meant to be :)12:52
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martiiSubhuman: it says: New Partition size12:52
martiiSubhuman: for me it means how big new partition will be12:52
martiiSubhuman: not old12:52
kwarkballwebben: i ll have a look at it12:52
Subhumanit means "the new size of the current partiton"12:52
kwarkballwebben: thanks for the tip12:53
usamacan anyone help me about that dma error?12:53
salahcan I disable some stuff who are booting up? Ubuntu boots up a lot of stuff I don't even have, like Bluetooth and PCMCIA12:53
webbenkwarkball, any time :)12:53
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Subhumanmartii, if it says minimal 70gb, that means it cant shrink the old partiton any smaller than 70gb.12:53
stefg!info sysv-rc-conf12:53
ubotusysv-rc-conf: SysV init runlevel configuration tool for the terminal. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.99-3 (dapper), package size 23 kB, installed size 104 kB12:53
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martiiSubhuman: OK i take your point12:53
Subhumansalah, yes, look into run time configuration12:53
martiiSubhuman: :) I'll give it a go12:53
ubotuI know nothing about runtime - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:53
Subhumanmartii, k man :D12:54
salahSubhuman, where is that?12:54
ubotudma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing.  It makes hard disks run faster,  see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA12:54
Subhumansalah, theres an app to do it, 2 secs12:54
ubotuDisks store lots of data. Partitioning: try gparted or qtparted  - Formatting: see the manpage for mkfs  - Mounting: system -> administration -> disks12:54
Subhumansalah, search on ubuntuforums.org for "boot configuration"12:54
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salahSubhuman, ok12:55
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pl_icehey, i've changed my xorg to output to my TV , it works, but now my F1 to F6 cli doesn't work ... i think it's outputing to the 2nd screen, ideas??12:55
pl_icehello :)12:55
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frafrahi james_12:58
james_anyone know why i cant install kubuntu-desktop?12:58
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james_i get some error about kfile or something when i try to apt-get install kubuntu-desktop12:58
_RomanI am having a problem with mplayer on Ubunutu 6.06.  When I load a video (from the shell), it starts to play but then just stutters over the last .5 of a sec. The only error that I get is Xlib:  extension "XFree86-VidModeExtension" missing on display ":0.0".  Can anyone help me solve this.  I am running XGL/Compiz not sure if that will affect this.12:58
frafrajames_: could you paste all the error message on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ ?12:58
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james_yeah sure12:58
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kenzihi, anyone is using ATI Radeon Mobility 9000 ?12:59
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto01:00
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filemoverim gonna have to make a player for ubuntu01:00
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ubotuI know nothing about radeon9000 - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:00
james_my kubuntu error > http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1798501:00
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stefg_Roman: it's an xgl problem for sure01:01
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frafrajames_: are you using dapper?01:01
frafratry to do *sudo apt-get update* and then *sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop*01:02
salahSubhuman, I don't find anything01:02
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pl_icehey, i've changed my xorg to output to my TV , it works, but now my F1 to F6 cli doesn't work ... i think it's outputing to the 2nd screen, ideas??01:03
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james_> frafra : I get the same error01:03
_Romanstefg: So is there no way to get mplayre and xgl working together?01:03
BoglizkIs it safe to remove some stuffs in /var/cache/apt/archives ? Its over 1gb01:03
frafrajames_: I think that is a bug01:03
stefgno idea, don't use xgl... may #ubuntu-xgl can help01:03
frafrajames_: you should report it01:04
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frafrajames_: don't worry, they are very fast to set working it01:04
usamado i have to put hdparm in system startup to enable automatic dma to my drives or not?01:04
frafrajames_: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs01:04
james_ok, thanks01:04
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asabilhi all01:06
smorsonyAnybody know if there is something like wmi on linux?01:06
asabili just got ubuntu on my macbook01:06
james_could it be similar to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/51656 ?01:06
smorsonyHi Asabil01:06
Linux-Hyperwmi is what?\01:06
asabiland i have an error that says some stuff about incorrect locale01:06
asabilhi smorsony :)01:06
smorsonyWindows Management Instrumentation01:06
smorsonyIt can be used to query hadrware and a lot of other classes01:07
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smorsonyI would like to be able to query my machine for system model info.01:07
Subhumansmorsony, "lspci"01:08
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smorsonywould lspci give me system model info?01:08
filemoverim impressed01:08
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abhinayis there any messenger wich supports webcam feature ( yahoo messenger otherside )  in ubuntu ?01:08
HiP_Piam trying to remove gnome-bittorrent but it wants to remove gnome-desktop as well is there anyway to just remove gnonme-bittorrent on it own?01:09
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SubhumanHiP_P, gnome-desktop is a meta package, it is safe to remove01:09
HiP_Pah thank you01:09
HiP_Pbut will this effect anything else?01:09
Subhuman!info gnome-desktop01:09
ubotuPackage gnome-desktop does not exist in dapper01:09
SubhumanHiP_P, a meta package contains nothing but a list of other packahes01:10
Subhumanso it will not effect the system.01:10
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HiP_Pthank you again01:10
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WandererAnyone able to give some help with getting ati gl drivers working on a laptop?01:11
HiP_Pthis place is brilliant, come in problem sorted in five seconds flat01:11
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ompaulHiP_P, only for some,01:11
HiP_Phaha true01:11
[Nige] !daul monitors01:11
ubotuI know nothing about daul monitors - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:11
SubhumanHiP_P, not all problems are easily solved01:12
Wanderer!ati drivers01:12
ubotuI know nothing about ati drivers - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:12
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Subhuman[Nige] , try "xinerama"01:12
ubotuxinerama is using multiple monitors as one big monitor. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XineramaHowTo01:12
[Nige] i know i dont like ati anymore :(01:12
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Ng[Nige] : dual monitors are done with something called xinerama, although two monitors on a single nvidia card uses TwinView, if that's relevant01:12
SubhumanWanderer, > !ati01:12
stefgso which linux user does like ati ?01:12
WandererSubhuman: huh?01:12
Subhumannone of them :D01:12
HiP_Pwell I've been answer i get answer or some information that helps towards it01:12
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[Nige] stefg,  thats is interesting....01:13
SubhumanWanderer, if you want ati drivers try "!ati"01:13
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Wandereroh, I can't change it.  it's the onboard card on my ibm laptop01:13
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto01:13
[Nige] my linux growth is being hampered by crappy ati drivers :(01:13
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WandererNvidia in both my desktops and they work great with the ubuntu/linux drivers01:13
ubotuI know nothing about vaio - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:13
r0rz!sony laptop01:14
NgWanderer: www.thinkwiki.org has a huge amount of really helpful information about IBM laptops and linux, which may be worth checking out01:14
ubotuI know nothing about sony laptop - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:14
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Ngr0rz: www.linux-laptop.net has lots of installation reports for different types of laptops, if that's any help?01:14
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r0rzcool thanks01:14
WandererNg: read over that, I've got the ati downloaded drivers, was hoping to find the appropriate ubuntu-native drivers01:14
HiP_Psorry the package was "ubuntu-desktop" is that meta file as well?01:14
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SubhumanHiP_P, yes.01:15
Wandererubuntu is great on this thing, as far as you can with linux on a thinkpad01:15
Subhuman!info ubuntu-desktop01:15
ubotuubuntu-desktop: The Ubuntu desktop system. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.119 (dapper), package size 13 kB, installed size 40 kB01:15
Wanderersomething's f'd up with the suspend to ram though01:15
NgWanderer: they are in the restricted-modules package (plus a few others for support tools). the !ati page should explain01:15
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NgWanderer: I just bought an x40 a few days ago and it seems to be working great so far. unsuspending confuses network manager, but otherwise mostly everything is working :)01:15
SubhumanWanderer, suspend to disc/ram are both sketchy on linux, 100% fine over here (toshiba) but it seems very inconsitent01:15
r0rzNg: a lot of sony laptops, not mine01:15
r0rzI'll keep searching.01:15
Ngr0rz: doh. the ubuntu wiki also has reports from installers, that might have something, otherwise google may01:16
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lz1gjdplease, could anyone help me fix this issue ? http://img132.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot3ok.png01:16
Ngr0rz: unfortuntaely the vaios have a habit of being quite proprietary and unsupported :/01:16
r0rzyep, google is _the_ way :)01:16
r0rzI know that01:16
Ngfair enough :)01:16
Pupenois /otp or /opt ?01:17
filemoveris there any way i can change the dark Blue World icon for Firefox back to the default red fox01:17
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HiP_P /opt01:17
HiP_Pthats what real player ends up in so01:18
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stefgHiP_P: hold on... theres a native ubuntu package available for realplayer01:18
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stefgdon't bypass apt for no reason01:19
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HiP_Phelix but it tells you get real player01:19
HiP_P*to get01:19
stefgthird party repo.... see !easysource01:19
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asabilanyone ?01:20
asabilwhat's that locale error ?01:20
filemoveris there any commandline encoders for Monkeys audio in ubuntu01:20
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asabilit's perl crying because of locale01:20
asabilfilemover, vorbis is cool :p01:20
filemoveryeah i know it is01:20
filemoverbut ive got a shit load of Monkeys audio files here i want to vconvert01:21
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filemoverto ogg if possible01:21
asabilmaybe flac ?01:21
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asabilmokey audio is lossless iirc01:21
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asabilif you wanna keep it lossless convert to flac01:22
HiP_Panyways cheers again ..... back to arsing about with bittorrent01:22
filemoverso linux only supports flac01:22
filemoverthats ok01:22
filemoveri like flac01:22
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filemoverbut its just ive got so much monkeys audio01:22
asabilfilemover, can you read them with mplayer ?01:22
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babodoes anyone use the ekiga voip software for PC->phone calls ?01:22
filemoveri dont even know if ive got mplayer yet01:23
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filemoverill take a look01:23
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filemoveri installed Amarok01:23
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.01:23
filemoverthat seems to be working fine01:23
asabilfilemover, install mplayer and tell me01:24
filemoverill give it a go01:24
filemoverill try mac first01:24
filemoverin amarok01:24
asabilfilemover, i've written a script time ago01:24
filemoverbut i have to put mplayer on here01:24
asabilto convert wma to ogg01:24
asabilit makes use of mapleyer, to convert wma to wav01:25
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lz1gjdwhere do i get wmv v9 codecs to have support in xine/mplayer ?01:26
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filemoverno i cant get it to play in amarok but that doesnt worry me if i can decode it to wav ill be fine01:26
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stefg!codecs > lz1gjd01:26
cobsalut les gens kk1 pourrait me filer un coup de main pour configurer une carte wifi ? j'ai un soucis incomprhensible :p01:27
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:27
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asabilfilemover, mplayer ?01:29
abhinayi want to video chat with ms windows friends , how can i ?01:30
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asabilabhinay, you've got several solutions01:31
asabil1) try amsn01:31
asabil2) try mercury01:31
asabil3) use ekiga and tell him to try the beta ekiga for windows01:31
kenzikenzi@hive:~$ glxinfo | grep rendering01:31
kenziXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".01:31
kenzidirect rendering: No01:31
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asabil4) use ekiga and tell him to use an sip or h323 client01:31
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kenziAti radeon mobility 900001:31
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kenziim using xorg01:32
kenzianyone can help me ?01:32
abhinayasabil, thanku very much lol01:32
papoabhinay: or check http://gaim-vv.sourceforge.net/01:32
asabiland another one abhinay : gyachE01:32
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papoabhinay: did the for-loop thing work?01:33
asabilit's a fully featured buggy yim client01:33
_CoB_someone could help to solve probs with rt2500 wireless card ?01:33
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper01:33
londondavehi I recently built a driver for an adsl modem with kernel 2.6.15-25, after the automatic upgrade to 2.6.15-26 I rebuilt the driver with the linux headers for the new kernel and the driver as symbol errors?01:33
kholerabbiWhich is the best flash for firefox to install from the dapper repos?01:34
abhinayi kept all URLs in a file , & i did  wget -i file01:34
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papokholerabbi: flashplugin-nonfree IMO, though not free01:35
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papoabhinay: Ah ok that's working, too01:35
londondaveany ideas anyone, I did sudo depmod -a and rebooted and the modem won't work with the latest kernel?01:35
kholerabbipapo: you have to pay for it ?01:36
papokholerabbi: No but there is not source01:36
papoand it's not available for other cpu archs01:37
LarsFromMarsI have a small problem: I'm using a multiscreen setup. It works very good. But when I try to start a game (UT99) i've the game on Screen 1 and the Mouse on Screen 2.01:38
kholerabbipapo: ok thanks01:38
kholerabbipapo: but its the best or offical or something?01:38
papoKhisanth: it's the one from macromedia01:38
C|inthey filemover01:39
papoerr, kholerabbi I mean01:39
C|intlinux can support any format you want to really support actually, you are in control over your environment :-)01:39
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kholerabbiok thankyou :)01:40
C|intthats why I installed VMware Workstation , so I could work with all my Adobe Software, Studio 8, Adobe Audition 2.0,  Creative Suite pretty much everything lol, Productino Studio ,  Maxon, and rhino3d etc01:40
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ubotuI know nothing about bittorrent - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:40
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C|intAzureus is a real nice client :-)01:40
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HiP_Pcant run it01:41
MenZano way.01:41
=== tschwinge [n=user@l2.cip.ei.uni-stuttgart.de] has joined #ubuntu
LarsFromMarsAzureus is nice. But the Ubuntu-Paket is very buggy. You should use the nightly-beta01:41
C|intits user option though, I am part of a secure peer to peer client, filetopia, its all denctralized, and secure :-)01:41
fauxhey, how can i enable /etc/shadow from a debootstrap installation?01:41
HiP_Plooking for a one that use the mainline dht01:41
MenZa...a stable nightly?01:41
MenZaLarsFromMars: you must be kidding.01:41
C|intwell, I like to use OPera sometimes, for my torrent handler, if I'm using it,01:41
HiP_P*looking for one that use the mainline dht01:41
tschwingefaux: shadowconfig on01:42
kenaswhen i try to access windows Network it says smb:/// invalid place01:42
LarsFromMarsMenZa: I'm running nightly-beta since a few days. No crashes etc.01:42
C|intI just change the ports, etc01:42
LarsFromMarsMenZa: WAYS better then the "official" packet01:42
HiP_Paint it smb:// ?01:42
fauxtschwinge, thanks!01:42
C|int->    www.myspace.com/clintsnet01:42
C|intcheck it :-)01:42
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C|intyou'll see my vision, what i have on there,01:42
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robrufus is nicer and less resource hungry :)01:43
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tschwingeI want people to be able to use different locale environments on this Ubuntu system.  What's the proper way to configure that?01:43
C|intClint's_Vision_Isolating_The_OS , :-)01:43
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lopzidedwhat do you add to 'glxgears' to make it show you frams per second?01:44
ubotuTo display the FPS in glxgears, run 'glxgears -printfps' in a terminal.01:44
liran1err my bad01:44
C|inthey all, any problems you think with , xgl gettin it on an Acer Aspire 3610, I just have integrated graphics, with that 915 gml, however, I want the VMware to be able to perform alot better, its doing great, and also with Cedega, and other things I"m working on, however, xgl be nice,.. I do have a workstation, that has a nvidia 128 mb, ddr , so no worries there01:44
liran1-printfps is correct01:44
lopzidedwhere does it show fps? i still dont' see it01:44
liran1it takes some time01:45
liran1just be patient01:45
gregg__glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark01:45
stefgtschwinge: each user has it's account and sets its preferred language in gdm at login time... completly straight forward01:45
jkpthe ubuntu installer didnt ask me to choose the kind of install i wanted01:45
lopzidedoh ok01:45
jkpis it just one standard install for all systems?01:45
lopzidedthanks :)01:45
HiP_Pbecause i cant get official bittorrent client to on ubuntu01:45
papook, I'm off, cya01:45
lopzidedis 1198 fps good?01:45
liran1what card do you have ?01:45
jkpdoes it install a base system and let me customize after?01:45
lopzidedliran1, an ati card, 128mb01:45
lopzidedliran1, the xstacy card (can't remember exact model and everything)01:46
jkpor is it one of those distros where it just assumes you are a dektop user moving over from windows?01:46
lz1gjdnice i get 12k ;)01:46
liran1lopzided: which card exactly?01:46
liran1ahh ok01:46
gregg__lopzided: I wouldn't use glxgears for more than checking whether accel works or not01:46
liran1i think its ok01:46
Kibouglxgears is not a benchmark01:46
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liran1lopzided: im getting about 2000fps01:46
lopzidedliran1, how much mem on your graphics card?01:46
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gregg__turn on vsync and you don't get more than, say 85 fps ;)01:46
stefg!server > jkp01:46
liran1lopzided: i have a laptop with X1400 ATI modibility readeon 128mb andcan grow up to 512 with shared ram.01:46
lopzidedliran1, i also only have 256mb ram in my box :P01:47
liran1whats vsync greg?01:47
lopzidedliran1, its that rambus mem that's so expensive to upgrade :P01:47
gregg__liran1: vertical refresh synchronization01:47
jkpits not that i want a server, but when i used debian i installed a very basic system and built up from there01:47
jkpi kinda liked the control, i just dont like loads of stuff being installed that i will never use01:48
jkpim running it in a VM for a very specific purpose01:48
jkpdevelopment work only01:48
gregg__liran1: avoids flickering01:48
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C|intjkp, thats Xandros or Linspire, hee..01:48
liran1i love my xgl what can i say01:48
liran1runs smoothly01:48
=== C|int was formal user, back year and half..
liran1im also on a dual core processor so...yay :P01:48
tschwingestefg: Uh, that easy.  Thanks.  I should just look for more obvious things, it seems.  :-)01:48
jkpC|int: another distro then?01:48
stefgjkp: if not told to do a server install  ubuntu will give you a reasonable default gnome setup..01:48
=== C|int doesn't like the fact.. Xandros is limited to KDE< but can be hacked, but application don't run right .. majority of times.. :-)
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=== jkp hates KDE
=== gregg__ likes KDE :)
=== stefg too
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=== krism is with jkp.
=== stefg hates KDE
jkpi much prefer gnome if im going for an all in environ01:49
gregg__why do you hate it?01:49
stefgOk, flamewar time in #ubuntu-offtopic :-)01:50
C|intyeah, they were formal, Corel Linux, and then Xandros, its a debian based system, I even like it way better than Linspire, because you can work with it better, however, there code is like... eh.. Mac OS X.. so.. really limited to alot of what you can do, but then again.. open source, so. is hackable01:50
jkpthough KDE has some k=nice apps01:50
ThunderStruckguys not the place to be having that conversation please join #ubuntu-offtopic for it01:50
=== krism hates ThunderStruck too. :p
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C|intfrom Canada01:50
C|intxandros is01:50
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C|intand they have an office in New York, however, I like gnome, and my fluxbox, and running VMware Workstation in linux01:50
=== gregg__ likes both KDE and GNOME!
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@earth.evilpen.net] by ThunderStruck
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C|intits really nice to secure Windows environment, hee :-)01:51
C|intlike putting it, in pentagon,01:51
krism*learns his lesson* :)01:51
seamus_iehey all01:51
=== kmel [n=kmel@lns-bzn-37-82-253-54-170.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
seamus_iedoes anyone know of a prog which will tile windows for me alla ion?01:51
jkpanyway, its not really that i have an issue with01:51
jkpi just want a bare bones install that i can customize01:51
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ThunderStruckC|int: continue this with jkp in #ubuntu-offtopic01:52
C|intjkp, depending, hee, I going be someday, taking a kernel, and drivers for the hardware, etc. and then the packages and gui will be entirely up to me01:52
stefgjkp: this is called a 'server'install in ubuntu-speak01:52
=== C|int has work to do , with vmware..
jkpi can do this with debian, am i trying the wrong distro?01:53
jkpstefg: ahhhh01:53
=== pjv [n=pjv@cor8-ppp1487.bur.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
jkpstefg: and it wont install lots of services for me by default though?01:53
C|intjkp, debian can take alot of configuration,.. I Might actually work with etch , when it gets released01:53
rick_how do i install the widget factory?01:53
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=== ganadist [n=ganadist@ganadist.mizi.com] has joined #ubuntu
kwarkballDoes someone know a search tool for gnome which allows to send requests to multiple search engines like copernic can do in the windowsworld? and yeah i know about meta search engines ;)01:53
pjvwhat's a good program that can make flyers or pamphlets?01:53
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MenZapjv: Inkscape.01:53
C|intjkp, you can stop those wth,  bum, and what really can stop them all and edit run levels is with.. sysv-rc-conf01:53
stefgjkp, not sure... but ubuntu is not Suse, it'll be reasonable01:53
C|intjkp, I know because I have01:54
jkpi guess i just want a reasonable dev environ an nothing else01:54
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jkpbut maybe the desktop will be ok01:54
C|intyou have to change services as well, from K to k .. something can't remember off top01:54
jkpmaybe i can strip off the things i dont want01:54
C|int1 min01:54
gregg__jkp: lfs !!!1111one01:54
jkpgregg__: hehehe - been there, done that01:54
C|intwell jkp, in theory, you can rewrite ubuntu, how you want,01:54
C|intthats what ubuntu says, so hee :-)01:55
liran1someone remind me please how to search for a tool through all packages?01:55
C|intopen source, is open source, ;)01:55
jkpliran1: apt-cache ?01:55
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bimberiliran1: apt-cache search whatever01:55
jkpmaybe i want gentoo i dont know01:55
kwarkballliran1 apt-cache search YourToolNameHere01:55
jkpive not tried that yet01:55
jkpbut i like apt based stuff01:56
=== cd_rom [i=cd_rom@user-5771.l4.c5.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
jkpit seems to make sense more than anything else01:56
liran1no apt-cache search is for packages. im talking about searching for a file within all packages01:56
C|intjkp, well, gentoo wasnt' compatible on my acer, meh01:56
liran1its a dpkg command, i just cant remember the syntax01:56
kwarkballliran1: oh dont know. check man dpkg?01:56
C|intjkp, if you want extreme power, with linux software compatible, but its a pesky thing to configure, especially on some hardware, ...01:56
stefgjkp: you might be interested that a preinstalled ubuntu-'server' (read: minimal) default image is already available at the vmware site01:56
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jribliran1: dpkg -S, but that only searches installed packages.  Use apt-file or packages.ubuntu.com if you want to search uninstalled packages too01:56
fauxliran1, auto-apt can do it01:57
C|intI would say FreeBSD,  .. however I"m waiting.. getting .. SCO UnixWare 7.1.4, so I can work with that along side of ubuntu , and Windows,, I use a Disk Director Suite, to manage my systems01:57
cd_romhi all, i installed ubuntu 5.10 in my comp yesterday and after download some updates, today it just randomly crashed01:57
jkpstefg: i would if i was runnign VMWaere01:57
liran1ahh cool01:57
jkpbut im using parallels on OS X01:57
liran1thanks ill check it01:57
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C|intjkp, lol I have the Mac OS X x86.. :P01:57
gregg__SCO? there are still people using it? :)01:57
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cd_romit seems that it crashed as soon as i start web brower or x-irc01:57
C|int10.4.6, but somethign said.. had to , pass option for SSE2 enable at install, couldn't figure that out, it hung after Apple Logo loaded, and went to blue screen, and stopped01:58
cd_romor just click on update message box in the task bar01:58
jkpC|int: it rocks01:58
jkpim running 3 os's this second01:58
stefgjkp: Didn't i read you mentioning this? Maybe i should rather take less of these funy colored pills :-)01:58
C|intjkp, I can do as well, I built, VMware Workstation 5.0, and then 5.5 into linux system,01:58
cd_romand i dual boot with windown xp01:58
cd_romso any advice?01:58
C|intyes gregg01:58
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cd_romcause im very frustrating01:58
jkpok, i think im gonna scrap this and do the server install01:58
C|intwhats up cd-rom01:58
jkpdoes the server install have X-org?01:59
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C|intyou want to take control of all your services, scripts etc.. run levels?01:59
stefgnot by deafualt01:59
cd_romC|int: my ubuntu 5.10 just randomly crashed01:59
jkpC|int: yes01:59
jkpstefg: hard to get on after the fact?01:59
C|intokay will just be patient, and I will show you how lol01:59
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jkpwell, i know how runlevels work :) and i know how to do it manually01:59
cd_romit seems that it crashed as soon as i start web browser or x-irc01:59
C|intit was actually something that was written, for controlling the debian system,01:59
jkpi dont know the ubuntu way :)01:59
londondaveanyone using the new kernel 2.6.15-26 with the sagem fast 800 modem?01:59
kwarkballcd_rom: if you ve set it up yesteray and didnt put too much time into it yet why not reinstall it?02:00
abhinayhow to install X development libraries ...?02:00
stefgjkp: apt-get it... no prob. it's just not set up /by default/... thus the name /server/02:00
C|intwell jkp, I will show you the IT way02:00
jkpstefg: kk02:00
C|int1 sec bud,02:00
jkpfirstly though i need to see if this distro does what i want02:00
jkpwhich is to get directfb working02:00
cd_romkwarkball: i spent the whole day to set up the internet => install the driver02:00
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kwarkballcd_rom: what kind of internet connection do you have?02:01
cd_romand i doubt it cause i installed suse 10.1 before it did crash but less frequently02:01
C|intthis is somthing, that all users can use, and put to use, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8949102:01
cd_romonly centos 4.3 is not crashed at all02:01
cd_romi dual boot with windoze xp02:01
kwarkballcd_rom: yeah me too. no crash yet with ubuntu02:02
C|intSUSE is not even a system worth it to me, just as slow as ever anyways :-)02:02
kwarkballcd_rom: hardware errors maybe?02:02
jkpC|int: looks handy02:02
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cd_rom5.10? kwarkball02:02
C|intjkp, it is..02:02
jkplooks liek chkconfig on redhat02:02
kwarkballcd_rom: no the recent 6.0602:02
cd_romkwarkball: i thought of that but window runs just fine02:02
sledmouthcd_rom u should test your rams02:02
C|intall you really have to do, is if you most want to get the source code for ubuntu, you can rewrite the system how you see fit, for yourself, and friends to use, whatever you want :-)02:02
cd_romsledmouth: i read one thread on the forum but unlikely02:03
=== Matthai [n=Matthai@kovacic-m.fdv.uni-lj.si] has joined #ubuntu
C|intthats with most defanately all of open source systems, hee02:03
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C|intbrb.. turning on AC02:03
jkpwhy is apt-cache turning up nothing for directfb?02:03
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sledmouthu won't know til u test - what does it do when it crashes?02:03
cd_romdoes ubuntu 5.10 got any bug with seagate sata hard drive?02:03
cd_romsledmouth: the whole system just freeze02:04
londondaveanyone know why an updated kernel won't work with a modem driver?02:04
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cd_romand all i got to do is hold the power button02:04
cd_romexperience fews this morning02:04
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stefg!info libdirectfb-bin02:04
ubotulibdirectfb-bin: binaries for libdirectfb. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.9.22-8ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 27 kB, installed size 120 kB02:04
wjp_hi all - have just installed latest ubuntu and love it - have one issue though02:04
cd_romlast night, i used ubuntu for the whole night but it didn't crash for once02:04
C|inthey jkp, .. take a look at that bud, :-)02:04
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kwarkballwjp_: which is?02:05
albackerguys can someone give me the url of the iso of the latest UBUNTU version ?02:05
WarOfAttritionlondondave: because the driver is kernel specific?02:05
cd_romi doubt that because of the update that i donwloaded02:05
wjp_I show 2 smb (windows drive mounts) that show on desktop02:05
jkpstefg: yeah, i can see it on the website  but not in apt-cache02:05
ThunderStruckalbacker: ubuntu.com02:05
jribalbacker: ubuntu.com click on download02:05
wjp_how do i access them from applications02:05
kwarkballalbacker too easy. you know google dont you?02:05
stefg!repos > jkb02:05
stefg!repos > jkp02:05
jkpstefg: do i need to add something to my sources?02:05
kwarkballalbacker:  ;)02:05
cd_romalbacker: you are looking for beta testing of ubuntu?02:05
albackerthnx alll02:05
stefgyup, check ubotus pm02:05
wjp_I usually use smb4k but that is flaky for me at the moment02:05
ThunderStruckcd_rom: there is no ubuntu beta02:06
bengurium. am i insane to install Dapper on a Lenovo 3000 C100? 1.5 Celeron and 256 Ram.....02:06
albackercd_rom, i was thinking getting dapper drake, but my friend told me edge is better. but i think i shouldnt use unstable/testing versions02:06
MenZabenguri: not at all.02:06
cd_romalbacker: cool02:06
londondaveWarOfAttrition: I downloaded the headers for the new kernel, rebuilt the driver and installed all ok, just won't work-symbol errors?02:06
ThunderStruckalbacker: edgy is no better than dapper dapper is working02:06
cd_romalbacker: i just order ubuntu 6.0602:06
bengurii've been running it fine on my desktop which is way more spec....just wondered. Thanks MenZa02:06
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ThunderStruckedgy not really working02:06
C|intI'm actually going to change, my built in wireless lan, to an Atheros, or whatever else, just removing it, its simple. hee, the dang mini pci > :-)02:06
albackerThunderStruck, :) ok.. ill probably use dapper.02:06
bengurithough I understand there are some issues with WPA?02:06
SimzIwhy doesn't this open the file in text editor: gedit /Desktop/wordpress/wp-config-sample.php02:07
MenZabenguri: if it's dodgy, use XFCE.02:07
MenZaOr fluxbox.02:07
Subhumanalbacker, no point using edgy atm really, get dapper.02:07
=== fred_ [n=fred@str90-1-82-238-122-156.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== C|int replaces lcd screens, hard drives, heat sinks, cpu's, in laptops, workstations, batterys, hee, replacing the wireless lan going be sinch :-)
wjp_anyone can help with mounting smb drives in windows xp ? or tell me where the mount point is when mounted on desktop ?02:07
Subhumanalbacker, talk to the guys at #ubuntu+! to get an idea of edgy progress.02:07
albackercd_rom, i ordered 6.06 from shipit too. but my friend is coming in 2 days and he has a 1mbpersecond connection where he is. and told me he can download 700megs for ap. 15minutes so its worth telling him to download it.02:07
cd_romalbacker: lol02:07
SimzIwhy doesn't this open the file in text editor: gedit /Desktop/wordpress/wp-config-sample.php02:07
MenZaSimzI: it should02:08
C|intpeople think working and managing with laptops, you got to be in a clean room. well theoritically yes, but just have air purifier and be careful :-)02:08
cd_romalbacker: that's cool02:08
SimzIcannot open display: (null)02:08
kwarkballSimzI: checked permissions?02:08
MenZaSimzI: why don't you use WordPress' interface for it?02:08
benguriSimzl ~/02:08
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WarOfAttritionlondondave: you're better off getting a prebuilt driver from where you got the last one, updated for the kernel02:08
SimzIThoought you had to edit it on your computer then upload it?02:08
albackercd_rom, ill probably get a kubuntu version while hes there.. altho' i love gnome ;)02:08
SubhumanC|int, noone thinks that, ive opened up laptops on my carpet before with no issues.02:08
C|intalbacker: , you might want to do Aternative, CD, thats nice 1 too :-)02:08
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MenZaSimzI: no, just follow the link on the index.php02:08
C|intlol Subhuman02:08
MenZa2 click setup02:09
C|intwell, more power to you :-)02:09
SubhumanC|int, when my sisters AC plug snapped off inside, i jus ripped it open and soldered it back on.02:09
C|intyep :)02:09
albackerC|int, what does it have mroe02:09
bengurihow do i enable WPA connection...only seems to have WEP for default and I *amnot* going to downgrade my network ;)02:09
C|intyou can do anything you put your midn too, hee I just havn't replaced my mini pci wireless ,02:09
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jkpi always forget this...if im in gnome and i want to drop to the terminal, how do i do it?02:09
londondaveWarOfAttrition: it's the ueagle-atm driver that comes as source code, it's working perfectly with this kernel 2.6.15-25, that's what's so strange02:09
albackerC|int, i dont ahve wireless tho' or things like it.02:09
C|intalbacker: , you could get a pcmcia wireless card02:10
Subhumanbenguri, you need to get "wpa_supplicant"02:10
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper02:10
albackerC|int, here are no wireless :)02:10
C|intbingo, if you got laptop that is, if you got a workstation.. pcmcia pci02:10
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albackeri mean there are wireless on some centers but not in the whole city.02:10
benguriwhy thanks! :)02:10
ThunderStruckjkp: ctrl+alt+F1 or applicationd>accesories>terminal02:10
WarOfAttritionlondondave: you would have to ask the developers02:10
C|inthee, I hi jacked ex place where I live, cable company, modem lines hee :-)02:10
jkpThunderStruck: thanks, and to get back?02:10
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ThunderStruckjkp: ctrl+alt+f702:10
C|intflashed cable gateway with firmware, and other tools :-)02:11
C|intbut thats month ago, adn I just moved,, hee they were onto me anyways :-)02:11
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wjp_when windows drives are linked and "mounted" by nautilus and shown on desktop how do you point to them in a app like amorak ?02:11
londondaveWarOfAttrition: I think thats my next step02:11
ThunderStruckjkp: no need to drop to a tty for normal use though just open a terminal02:11
C|intwell guys, I got VMware to build into my system, and alot of other work to do with Cedega, and etc..02:11
jkpThunderStruck: i need fb access02:11
cd_romlater albacker02:12
cd_romi boot back to ubuntu once more02:12
cd_romif not then i just gonna use windoze xp instead for now02:12
albackerlater cd_rom02:12
cd_romno i meant :( <- this face02:12
cd_romthe first is the wrong one02:12
C|intwhy not even try Windows Vista.. spy system :-)02:12
albackercd_rom, why booting to ubuntu and windows.. ?02:13
albackerany problem ?02:13
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C|intheck, you can even run it for 15 day trial you want too, or.. if you can find patch or hack it yourself.. hee :-)02:13
cd_romalbacker: i dual boot and ubuntu 5.10 randomly crashed02:13
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cd_romthis morning, i could't make it to firefox02:13
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cd_romlast night, it was fine02:13
C|intMicrosoft gold partners, developers.. hee, get Corporate like volumes all the time, :-)02:13
C|intOpera ;)02:13
albackerohh :( i have 5.10 to0 and it have never crashed [but i dual boot too, for photoshop and dreamweaer]  :)02:13
albackercd_rom, just make a back up of your ~/ and than re-install or just stay in windows til 6.06 arrives :)02:14
C|intcd_ROm. want to run Windows inside linux?02:14
cd_romoh man, it said that i will receive the cd in 4-6 weeks02:14
cd_romi got broadband 1mb but capped02:14
cd_romhow sucks02:14
C|intyou can totally isolate it, with virtualization, and secure the entire system, and its more secure than any stand alone windows environment out there02:15
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krismcd_rom where do you live?02:15
C|intcd_rom, you in IL? I'll mail you a brand new, 6.06 cd02:15
cd_romkrism: uk, wanadoo if u r going to ask02:15
cd_romwho is my isp provider02:15
C|intI mean, you in USA02:15
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krismcd_rom : ahh.. just wondering about the cap. :)02:16
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E_Jackyou_Laterhi, can one run dapper from a 1gb usb stick?02:16
albackerC|int, you mean Vmware ?02:16
C|intdo you want to know how to flash yoru ISP servers02:16
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cd_romyes C|int02:16
albackeri want one too i want one too :P02:16
=== albacker was kiddin'
C|intI confidently, hacked cable line before man02:16
cd_romjee, lol02:16
C|intI moved though recently, dad didn't want to live in apartment, or work for apartment complex02:16
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krismclint: dangerous in the US.02:16
C|intyeah, I'm taking Systems Engineering, and supposely, Network Specialist. hee02:17
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albackerC|int, is l33y hax0r :P02:18
cd_romwell, i do it now02:19
krismanybody know of a way to move an xwindow between xsessions?02:19
albackersee FBI caught him :P02:19
krismi have 3 X sessions, one on each monitor. i'd use xinerama, but that kills opengl.02:19
ThunderStruckalbacker: stay on topic in here please02:19
krismThunderStruck is the FBI? ;)02:19
E_Jackyou_Laterdoes some here know of a way to run ubuntu from usb pen?02:20
dyclopsE_Jackyou_Later, search the forums02:21
E_Jackyou_Laterdyclops: ok, thanks02:21
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dyclopsE_Jackyou_Later, I have done it02:21
dyclopsIt's quite simple02:21
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amee2khi all02:22
jkpstefg: how do i do a server install from the live cd?02:22
E_Jackyou_Laterdyclops: cool! this is a way to distribute ubuntu easily and quickly.02:22
amee2kwhat can i use to view network load im MB/s per interface?02:22
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E_Jackyou_Laterwell, to show it to people.02:22
cd_romi just don't believe this02:23
cd_romim in ubuntu now02:23
WarOfAttritionbelieve it, it's real02:23
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bimberijkp: desktop only i'm afraid02:23
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jkpso i need a new disk?02:23
dyclopsE_Jackyou_Later, especially if you go to Thailand and pickup usb drives for nothing (and I mean nothing)02:23
bimberijkp: you could uninstall the gui packages02:23
jkpgoddam it02:23
bimberijkp: otherwise it's the altnerate cd you need02:24
E_Jackyou_Laterdyclops: nothing? I just got a 1gb stick for 21 incl shipping02:24
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E_Jackyou_Laterbut a travel to Thailand is expensive.02:24
dyclopsI paid ~17 AUD for 1gig over there02:25
dyclopsAnd, AUD = better then your pound !!!02:25
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WarOfAttritionI paid near $60USD, well no I didn't, but that's what it costs02:25
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HiP_Pis the any bit torrent clients for Linux that support the mainline DHT?02:26
dyclopsSorry, wrong symbol ;-] 02:26
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WarOfAttritionI got a cheap 256mb one for $20 - that's all I needed02:26
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kOpterYello. Is there a way to resizes png's via the commandline?02:27
NilsykOpter, Im sure there is02:27
Lobstervery helpfully, Nilsy ;P02:27
Nilsylook at gimo02:28
dyclopsI have an external 200gig USB drive. It's my production system. Beats a laptop. Lug it around, boot from USB and look at that02:28
kOpterCan you give me a hint as to which program to use :)?02:28
Nilsygimp even02:28
jribkOpter: imagemagick's convert02:28
NilsyI used to have some script that used gimp to convert stuff02:28
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ddonkyis there an easy way to see if I have sshd running? shouldn't it come up with 'ps -A'?02:28
WarOfAttritionI'd still prefer a laptop02:28
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|kYhow to connect to my bouncer via xchat ?02:30
jribddonky: yes it should02:30
HiP_Pbecause i cant find one anyway02:30
kyncaniddonky: yep, and nmap and ssh to see opened ports on distant hosts02:30
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|kYhow can i add an bnc server to xchat ?02:30
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|kYwith pw and all stuffs02:30
ddonkyjrib - i thought so, is there a gui way to turn it on? Fedora had a menu item called 'Services' where I could turn on diferent things like smbd and ssh.02:31
robumm, just install one on the host you want to bnc on02:31
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|kY.. i got all data02:31
jribddonky: did you install opennssh-server?02:31
|kYbut there's no "Identd" field or something like this like mirc02:31
|kYand i dont know where to set the port02:32
|kYip :port02:32
|kYdoesnt work02:32
|kYip:port too02:32
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ThunderStruck|kY: chat?02:32
ddonkyjrib - not yet. will it be enabled automatically after install?02:32
abhinayis it possible to install gaim-vv with apt-get , if it is , hw can i ?02:32
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|kYmhh ?02:32
ThunderStruck|kY: what are you trying to set port in?02:32
ThunderStruckabhinay: no02:33
|kYServerlist -> Add Network -> Add Server02:33
|kYand then ip :port02:33
ThunderStruckabhinay: rumor has it they stopped building it for time being02:33
jribddonky: yes, and it should start on boot also.  A gui way to manage services is 'bum' which is in the universe repository, by the way02:33
|kYand ip:port tryd02:33
|kYnothing works02:33
ddonkyjrib - thanks02:33
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Gu3ssWho Hello02:35
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|kYhelp pls02:36
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Gu3ssWhoI have a Centrino Duo notebook and I'm thinkink of trying ubuntu on it02:36
Gu3ssWhoDoes Ubuntu work good with Centrino Duo notebooks?02:37
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Mempfi dont see why it would not02:37
Gu3ssWhoAnything special I should think about before installing ?02:37
Mempftry the live cd02:38
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ddonkyI think about Jaime Pressly before I install anything.02:38
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SurfnKidshe's mine02:41
Gu3ssWhoddonky: good advice :p02:41
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Storkmehow come on ubuntu i can't play more then one sound at once? like when i have a music player on and i put a game on, only the music player is playing02:41
richardgreetings, fellow users02:41
richardStorkme: for me it works with xmms02:42
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richardjust tried out and it worked02:42
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Drakesonhow can I enable cgi-bin for userdir in apache202:42
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Storkmeit's a hax02:43
Storkmeno wai02:43
richardStorkme: it probably has something to do with alsa or oss or whatever02:43
Storkmemaybe because the game uses oss?02:43
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rpedroStorkme: go to System >> Preferences >> Multimedia Systems Selector , and choose both options ALSA , maybe that will fix it if not I don't know02:44
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filemoveranyone know the address of the repository for mplayer02:44
Storkmerpedro, the game doesn't work with alsa02:44
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narfmasterfilemover, you need multiverse enabled02:45
jribfilemover: it's in multiverse02:45
filemoveri think ive uncommented the sources list file already02:46
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kintarohi guys...my display did get the 1400x1050 display..my display is 915GM chipset intel..how to work on it?02:46
jribfilemover: multiverse isn't commented, it's not there at all.  You need to add it yourself02:46
jrib!multiverse > filemover02:46
filemoveri see!02:46
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource02:47
ompaul!fixres > kintaro02:47
fyrestrtrkintaro: install 915resolution package from repositories02:47
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Gu3ssWhoI go to www.ubuntu.com/download and click on the mirrors, but none of them are named something with "live" (as in Live CD), am I looking in the wrong place or ?02:47
Gu3ssWho(well I haven't checked ALL mirrors yet)02:47
fyrestrtrGu3ssWho: the 'Desktop CD' is the new live cd.02:47
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jribGu3ssWho: the regular cd is both the live cd and the install cd, just don't get the 'alternate'02:47
Gu3ssWhoAh, thanx02:48
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kintaroops..ompaul fyrestrtr..its 945 chipset02:48
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Zyclopwhat exactly is happening during bootup when it says "configuring network interfaces"?02:48
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ThunderStruckZyclop: trying to configure network card02:48
void^depends on your /etc/network/interfaces02:48
fyrestrtrZyclop: probably fetching a dhcp address02:48
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Gu3ssWhojrib: may I ask what the 'alternate' is (just out of curiousity, if you have a quick answer)02:48
jribGu3ssWho: uses the text based installer02:49
Zyclopyes, but wich script is it running?02:49
reikialternate install?02:49
fyrestrtrGu3ssWho: alternate install cd, for customized installations, etc.02:49
ompaulkintaro, the info I got the bot to tell you is agnostic of chipset02:49
abhinayi hv tried installing gaim-vv with  ./configure ,  it is saying  error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check , wot went wrong ?02:49
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ukplumhi could some help me with setting up a path to kernel sources?02:49
kintaroompaul..ok thanks..02:49
jribabhinay: have you installed build-essential?02:49
fyrestrtrabhinay: did you install build-essential ?02:49
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lz1gjdhow do i optimize ubuntu for my architecture ? is i386 and amd64 the only supported pc archs ?02:49
ompaullz1gjd, what arch have you got?02:50
fyrestrtrlz1gjd: there is 386, 686, amd64 and powerpc.02:50
ompauland sparc02:50
Caldi'm trying to install a rpm, "rpm -i file.rpm", but i have an anwser failed dependencies, while dependencies are present on the system, someone know why plz ?02:50
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lz1gjdathlon64, would like to use 68602:50
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abhinayjrib, no02:50
jribCald: what is it an rpm for?02:50
Caldits dosemu02:50
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jribabhinay: you should :)02:50
abhinayjrib, installing now with apt-get02:50
jrib!info dosemu02:51
ubotudosemu: The Linux DOS Emulator. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2.2-3build1 (dapper), package size 877 kB, installed size 2024 kB02:51
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fyrestrtrCald: install it from the repos02:51
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ompaulCald, we have that02:51
jribCald: enable multiverse and use apt to install dosemu02:51
ompaul!multiverse > Cald02:51
Caldok thx02:51
edjuThe ***i386.iso is actually for 686??02:51
reikiok I think I've discovered something... that I do not use all these extra buttons on my keyboard and I should just get a regular keyboard. Although.... cordless is nice but I never move it anyways02:51
Hexidigital_i'm trying to run a .php script, but it opens Bluefish everytime... any suggestions?02:52
fyrestrtredju: its for all non-64 and non-powerc or spac based architectures. Later, you can just install the 686 kernel or compile your own if you wish.02:52
ZyclopWhere are the init scripts?02:52
ompauledju, yes, and afterward you can choose a more suitable kernel (k7 or whatever 686)02:52
snorreI have this partial source code driver that I'm having issues getting to work with Ubuntu 6.06 Server. Anyone care to help me out?02:52
jribZyclop: /etc/init.d/02:52
fyrestrtrHexidigital_: you want to run it in the browser or the terminal?02:52
reikiHexidigital_, run php script?  open it in your browser02:52
Hexidigital_fyrestrtr::  browser02:52
lz1gjdif i install the i686 kernel will i haev to reinstall all other packages, or they are compatable02:53
Hexidigital_reiki::  it shows me the source code02:53
ukplumhi could some help me with setting up a path to kernel sources so i can compile ndiswrapper02:53
satemplerHexidigital_: you need apache and php apache mod02:53
fyrestrtrHexidigital_: install apache and the appropriate module for your php version.02:53
reikiHexidigital_, you have apache installed?02:53
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reikiok well I was on the right track :)02:53
Hexidigital_reiki::  yes, apache...  no php mod though...02:53
reikineed to install php02:53
Hexidigital_thx satempler02:53
reikiyou need a php interpreter in there as well02:53
MenZaxampp ftw.02:54
edjukernels provided by ubuntu are patched, are they?  not vanilla from kernel.org?02:54
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snorreMore information here: http://pastebin.ca/8690902:54
satempleredju yes02:54
satemplerthey are02:54
lz1gjdif i install the i686 kernel will i need to reinstall all other packages, or they are compatable02:54
satemplerall distros have a patched kernel02:54
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darkowli have a question...02:55
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satemplerlz1gjd: you are fine if you use the i686 kernel02:55
Hexidigital_satempler, reiki:: any ideas for an interpereter?02:55
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lz1gjdic, thx, will do it right away, i guess i will have to recompile fglrx though02:55
darkowlCan I burn my hdd install to a cd so it makes a live cd ?02:55
satemplerHexidigital_: open synaptic and do a search for apache php02:55
Hexidigital_good deal, thx02:56
fyrestrtrdarkowl: no, its not that simple.02:56
reikiHexidigital_, just install php from repos and it'll take care of everything02:56
Hexidigital_thx reiki & satempler02:56
darkowl<fyrestrtr> but how can I make ubuntu live cd with my own programs,documents...02:56
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liran1what is stored in /dev/sda1 bs=512 is the mbr, not the partitions information. right?02:57
Zyclopdarkowl: for Knoppix try this: http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Knoppix_Remastering_Howto02:57
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reikiis there an EASY way to get the programmable buttons on my Logitech Cordless Desktop LX500 keyboard doing something useful? Or do I have to research and edit several files?02:57
darkowlBut i want to make ubuntu02:57
Storkmewhat is esd ;\ ?02:57
satemplerlz1gjd: any time you have a kernel module such as fglrx you will need to recompile it for the new version02:57
hyperstreamhmm why cant i run xsane as a user to get my brother DCP - 115c working... i have to run it as root in a terminal. im in the 'scanner' group as well02:57
fyrestrtrreiki: the media buttons?02:58
ubotuScanning software: XSane, the gimp, Kooka. For instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners02:58
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lz1gjdhyperstream: thx02:58
darkowlI want to make ubuntu live cd wth some preinstalled programs (flash,java,codecs,my documents...02:58
liran1Storkme: relates to the sound system.02:58
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reikifyrestrtr, well... the buttons in general. The email one opens evolution which I don't use... a couple of them do nothing at all. stuff like that02:58
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Storkmeliran1, yeah but what does it do?02:58
Gu3ssWhoDoes the Ubuntu DVD release also work as a 'Live CD' ?02:58
Alexanderrednax  !!!!!!!!!!!02:59
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liran1Storkme: its a sound deamon, like alsa or oss. have fun: http://developer.gnome.org/doc/whitepapers/esd/02:59
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reikipropane truck is here... back in a bit02:59
AlexanderGu3ssWho theres a live and install cd both included02:59
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Alexanderreiki hope it blows u up02:59
narfmasterGu3ssWho, yes DVD is live and other types of installers02:59
Gorlistis their a way to install through the live cd but using text installer like the server version?02:59
fyrestrtrreiki: well I don't know of an easy way to do it, the easiest way I know is to get the media keys working.02:59
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ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT02:59
Zyclopdarkowl: I think I have some link on that topic somewhere...03:00
AlexanderGorlist that doesnt work03:00
darkowl<Zyclop> Please look03:00
SonicChao!caps > rusher03:00
fyrestrtrrusher: fix your caps lock key first.03:00
rushersorry lol03:00
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snoopsrusher login how? - through a network or what?03:00
chikosanchezsomebody knows how to fix it? "failed to initialize HAL!"03:00
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rusherthrought network03:00
rusheri want to login my server from my client03:00
rushernet join is not working03:01
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Storkmehow come on ubuntu i can't play more then one sound at once? like when i have a music player on and i put a game on, only the music player is playing? the music player is alsa, and the game is oss03:01
fyrestrtrrusher: ssh username@server's ip address03:01
StuHi I have burnt ubuntu 6.06 desktop to a disk where can I get a disk label image so  can print it on the disk.03:01
rusherthats is ssh03:01
reikifyrestrtr, if I press the "Media" key... it does nothing at all. Volume up and down work and the search button works, but lots of them don't work at all or they open things I don't use03:01
rushercan i login a domain like windows clients do to windows server03:01
fyrestrtrStorkme: your sound card doesn't support simultaneous streams.03:01
Storkmefyrestrtr, it's onboard03:01
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Gu3ssWhoOkay I guess it's just to let the download finish and try it out then :)03:02
fyrestrtrrusher: no, you need a server backend for that, like a ldap server or other groupware solution.03:02
Storkmefyrestrtr, also, it worked on windows03:02
Zyclopdarkowl: http://wiki.debian.org/?LiveCD or http://ibuild.livecd.net/ or http://www.linux-live.org/03:02
fyrestrtrStorkme: windows != linux03:02
Gu3ssWhoThanks to the ones that answered my questions, allthough basic ones :)03:02
rusheri have bind903:02
fyrestrtrrusher: do you know what bind is?03:02
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Zyclopdarkowl: probably this one, too: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Bootdisk-HOWTO/cd-roms.html03:03
Storkmefyrestrtr, so my soundcard _selectively_ supports similtanueus streams?03:03
rusherip binding ?03:03
fouratmy mouse scrolling button is going very fast and i didnt get where to configure, 'System->Preferences->Mouse' dont get it03:03
fyrestrtrrusher: no, its a dns server.03:03
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darkowl<Zyclop> OK tnx03:03
rusherso just install ldap?03:03
bigfoot1how can i start a program via terimnial without that program hogging the terminal.03:03
bigfoot1say, a program like firfefox03:03
fyrestrtrStorkme: no, the windows *drivers* for your soundcard give it 'soft' channels that allow multiple streams to be played. In linux, you have to configure alsa for the same. There is a wiki entry for it.03:03
snoopsadd a & at the end bigfoot103:03
Zyclopbigfoot1: add an & after the command03:03
lz1gjduse the & suffix03:03
hyperstreamhmm why cant i run xsane as a user to get my brother DCP - 115c working... i have to run it as root in a terminal. im in the 'scanner' group as well03:04
bigfoot1snoops: zybrid lz1gjd Thank you 303:04
deFrysk & nohub03:04
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Storkmefyrestrtr, when i installed my sound card, the sound for quake 4 stopped working03:04
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Zyclopbigfoot1: it's Zyclop, not Zybrid03:05
StuWhere can I get the disk image for ubuntu 6.06 desktop so I can print it on my disk?03:05
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bigfoot1Zyclop: thanks Zyclop03:05
darkowlZyclop: I have a problem installing ibuild...03:05
darkowlThe following packages have unmet dependencies.03:06
darkowl  ibuild: Depends: python (< 2.4) but 2.4.2-0ubuntu3 is to be installed03:06
darkowlE: Broken packages03:06
hyperstreamis there anyway possible to make it so Windoze users on my network can access my samba shares without a login/pass prompt ??03:06
rusherclick remember03:06
czeksitahi. Could you recommend me some bittorent clients using ncurses? i have found only rtorrent. Is there anything else?03:06
Storkmefyrestrtr, any ideas :| ?03:06
rusheryou can make a loging script03:06
rushernet use \\bla03:06
rushermake a bat file that uses net use03:06
rushercan you can automatically login03:06
Zyclopdarkowl: looks, like you need Python 2.403:06
kakadohyperstream, if they use Win XP it will cache login03:06
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rushermost places use a login script03:07
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darkowl<Zyclop> but i have it03:07
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Drakesonhow can I use mod_ruby? I couldn't find an example03:07
Zyclopdarkowl: well, then I have no Idea what's causing the error.03:08
cypher1the apt-get dist-upgrade is downloading from internet eventhough dapper cdrom is mentioned in sources.list.. any one can help me with this03:08
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lz1gjdits /j #channel03:09
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cypher1Stu, is that for me ?03:10
hyperstreamkakado,  ahh so even the first time they wont have to enter a u/p ?03:10
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Zyclopsieg: if you say heil, I'm leaving03:10
hyperstreamor its a 1 time thing they enter my u/p for my ubuntu account03:10
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siegmoin moin for all in this channel03:11
kakadohyperstream, no the first time they need to :)03:12
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SurfnKidg'day all03:12
StuWhere can I get the ubuntu 6.06 desktop disk label so I can print it on my disk?03:12
kakadohyperstream, but you configure your samba to be public / anonymous, read the man03:13
satafterhI read that Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake) has DMA automatically enabled for drives that support it. What about ultra dma?03:13
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hyperstreamkakado,  ive tried that03:13
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hyperstreamguest public  doesnt work03:13
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abhinayhow to install GLib ?03:13
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bertucan any1 tell me a good p2p program to download?03:14
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cypher1abhinay, synaptic package manager03:14
narfmasterbertu, xchat03:14
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kakadohyperstream, try man smb.conf03:14
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Zyclopbertu: Gnutella03:15
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fyrestrtrabhinay: libg++ - The GNU C++ extension library - runtime version -- install that03:15
hyperstreambeen there doen that.03:15
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cypher1abhinay, System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager03:15
hyperstreamthe options you  would think would work03:15
hyperstreamdo not.03:15
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bertu10x looking for them botj03:15
hyperstreamon the other hand in debian it does :)03:15
sorush20I followed the breezy installation method of firefox 1.5 and installed it in breezy now I'm in dapper and want to use dapper repository and to keep my firefox extensions and etc. how do i do this?03:15
kakadohyperstream, read about guest03:16
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tiagoboldtsorush20: just upgrade your firefox with the version in the new repository, it will keep your extensions03:16
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kakadohyperstream, do you know how to search a man doc?03:17
oskudeStu, the only i found was this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Specs/CD-DVD-Artwork03:17
WooDAny of you has been able to sync Windows Mobile 5 with Ubuntu ?03:17
sorush20no it will not the firefox is installed int he /opt03:17
sorush20and my extensions are probebly too03:17
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CokeNCodeoi !03:18
kbrosnansorush20, Just switch over to the dapper version, there is nothing you need to do but switch the command for the default browser03:18
bertuZyclop: when i seached for Gnutella on Synaptic...it gave me 9 packages...whicj one shall i install?03:18
hyperstreamyes i do03:18
bimberiStu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DIYMarketing#head-24e7e28efc73dab6fe7cbbbb0639d9dfad15caa103:18
rpedro!search gnutella03:18
ubotuFound: limewire, p2p03:18
CokeNCoderight, i realised this morning that ubuntu was doing the strangest thing. When I deleted files on my mp3 players, it wasn't actually deleting them, but creating a HIDDEN folder on my mp3 player called '.trash', and putting the files in there :@03:18
CokeNCodeand it had me puzzled as to why i couldn't fit any more songs on03:18
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CokeNCodehow do i stop it from doing that ?03:18
HiP_P!search bittorrent03:19
ubotuFound: torrent, p2p03:19
oskudebimberi, cool, thanx, funny that search "cd art" dont go there...03:19
HiP_P!search torrent03:19
ubotuFound: portforward, torrent, p2p03:19
hyperstreamand ive already stated that guest/ public DO NOT WORK.03:19
snoopsI've been using dapper on my main box for about a month and a half now.. what I'm going to do is also install it on my media pc - in that month a lot of updates have come out.. is there a way to say make my main box into a repository so my media pc grabs all the new packages the main machine has?03:19
ubotuTorrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt) Bittorent faq: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html03:19
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bimberioskude: :)03:20
rpedroCokeNCode: there is an option in the nautilus preferences to displya na option to bypass trash when deleting. select it and then use the option that appears in the right click menu to delete files instantly03:20
bertubut when i seached for limewire on synaptic it didnt find anything :s03:20
ThunderStruckbertu: its not in the repos03:20
CokeNCoderpedro thanks, can i set it so that it only bypasses trash when dealing with usb devices tho03:21
ThunderStruck!limewire > bertu03:21
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snoopsisn't it frostwire or something on linux?03:21
kakadohyperstream, sorry I dont know if there is a difference in how Ubuntu handles samba03:21
ThunderStruckbertu: please read the pm from ubotu03:21
ThunderStrucksnoops: no03:21
CokeNCodei don't mind it using trash normally, but 5.10 never did this with usb devices03:21
hyperstreami wouldnt think so03:21
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hyperstreambut there seems there is.03:21
ThunderStrucksnoops: frostwire isnt in repos either03:21
hyperstreamthanks for your help tho sir :)03:21
CokeNCodesnoops frostwire and limewire ... both work03:21
hyperstreamany ideas on the xsane scanner ?03:21
ThunderStruckamule is in the repos iirc03:21
rpedroCokeNCode: it only shows that option in the right click menu when you click on files, you can choose to use or not, though there maybe another of doing this with gnome03:21
bertulook wheen i nstalled frostwire... when i run it it never ran03:22
CokeNCoderpedro ok, thanks03:22
ThunderStruckbertu: install java first03:22
bertui have java....i think03:22
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ThunderStruckbertu: if you installed it you still have to set it to default03:22
SanketMedhihello fellas03:22
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bigfoot1how come after I crop a jpeg and resave it with 100 percent quality and 100 smoothing, it doesn't look as good03:23
ThunderStruck!javadebs > bertu03:23
ThunderStruckread your pm bertu03:23
bigfoot1i'm using gthumb03:23
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oskudebigbootay, make smoothing 003:23
bigfoot1should i make smoothing 0 percent?03:23
SanketMedhibigfoot1: use Gimp03:23
oskudebigbootay, sorry, ment bigfoot103:23
bigfoot1SanketMedhi:i'll try making smoothing 0 perente. if thad oesn't work, i'll try gimp03:24
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SanketMedhibigfoot1: ok03:24
Zyclopat bootup the "configuring network interfaces" part takes bloody ages. Is there anything I can do?03:24
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SanketMedhiZyclop: dhcp?03:24
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elvirolohi all03:24
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ZyclopSanketMedhi: do you mean "do you have dhcp?" or "how about using dhcp?"03:25
bigfoot1why would anyone want to have smoothing on their pics?03:25
alexblighApologies for the dumb question, but how do I get the system beep (i.e. what happens when I press CTRL-G in a terminal window) to use the sound card instead of the tiny system speaker03:25
SanketMedhiZyclop: wfirst one :)03:25
elviroloi'm using dapper with a radeon 7500 graphics card, and all the 3d games (trackballs, etc.) I have are laggy whereas it worked under breezy and my FPS in glx gears is quite high03:25
AjeeebHow do you force install, via preseed, to not use Internet... and use the local http server... i set mirror to "local" and hostname to the IP of my server but it still manages to find mirrors and use them....03:25
SanketMedhialexbligh: go to System>>Preferences>>Sound03:26
oskudeZyclop, its propably taking long if youre using dhcp, and theres something wrong with connection pc - router...03:26
alexblighSnakeMehdi, yes. What then?03:26
alexblighSanketMedhi, (sorry)03:26
SanketMedhielvirolo: check if you have the drivers installed03:26
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:26
SanketMedhi!tab > alexbligh03:26
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ZyclopSanketMedhi: I did some configuring and I might have activated dhcp. How do I find out?03:27
elviroloSanketMedhi: you mean proprietary ones ? cause there aren't any for my card03:27
SanketMedhialexbligh: do you also have a DNS?03:27
SanketMedhielvirolo: which card?03:27
elviroloSanketMedhi: ATI Radeon 750003:27
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto03:27
SanketMedhi!ati > elvirolo03:27
bigfoot1what are the "optimize" and "progressive" options in file/save in gthumb?03:27
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bigfoot1what are they about?03:27
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ubotuI know nothing about gthumb - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:28
oskudelol ? ati drivers for monitor ? didnt know they make monitors...03:28
alexblighSanketMedhi, sure (typed Sn, not Sa so tab wasn't working). System->Preferences->Sound doesn't help much - I can only enable/disable system beep, or cause a flash instead03:28
SanketMedhioskude: ?03:28
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SanketMedhialexbligh: what do you want then?03:28
abhinayi tried to install libglib2.0-dev in synaptic package manger, the error was could not mark all packages for installation &saying unresolved dependencies  --> libglib2.0-dev:  Depends: libglib2.0-0 (=2.10.2-1ubuntu3) but 2.10.3-0ubuntu1 is to be installed03:28
oskudeSanketMedhi, the answer from ubotu is wrong, ati/nvidia dont have drivers for monitors...03:28
alexblighI want it to play through the soundcard, and out the speakers, not use the tiny speaker03:28
gregg__bigfoot1: progressive mode basically allows the picture to be previewed in lowres while downloading03:28
niddaBonjour j'ai un probleme tres genant au niveau de EASYUBUNTU03:28
SanketMedhioskude: who asked about monitors?03:28
SanketMedhioskude: he said ATI Radeon03:29
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oskudeSanketMedhi, nvm03:29
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elviroloSanketMedhi: my card is not supported03:29
niddaOn, m'a conseill pour ne pas me prendre la tete avec toutes les installations de paquets03:29
bigfoot1gregg__: isn't that something that the browser decides?03:29
gregg__bigfoot1: no03:29
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bigfoot1what are the downsides of making a jpeg progressive?03:29
oskudeSanketMedhi, yeah, but the answer from ubotu is not correct, its a driver for the grapihc chip, not for the monitor...03:29
lassegsanyone got a tip on where to find a good howto on setting up vmware player with windows?03:29
bigfoot1gregg__: whatt about optimize?03:29
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gregg__a progressive jpeg first shows up very blocky and lowres adn then gradually becomes finer03:29
niddamais maintenant j'ai des mesages d'erreur lorsque je tente d'utiliser synaptic, pire l'install de easyubuntu n'a rien chang  mon systerme : pas de java etc03:30
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:30
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elvirolooskude is right03:30
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gregg__bigfoot1: sorry, I don't really know... it usually makes the JPEGs smallr though, and I use it because of that ;)03:30
HowitzerDoes anyone know a good fast trash-metal alike band?03:30
snoopswith nautilus can I add on views? I'd really like to add a mac os x style view to it if that's possible?03:30
Howitzeri'm dying for some adrenaline :D03:30
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elviroloanyway, this doesn't solve my problem03:31
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bigfoot1gregg__: "it" is progressive? or optimize?03:31
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gregg__bigfoot1: optimize03:31
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ThunderStruckHowitzer: #ubuntu-offtopic for that03:32
oskudeelvirolo, your card is not supported by "fglrx" driver ?03:32
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elvirolooskude: nope, it's too oldx03:32
gregg__I guess it uses brute-force to decide on the best compression scheme or something along these lines03:32
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oskudeelvirolo, fglrx driver is from ATI, so you have to talk to them... what card do you have ?03:32
elvirolooskude: Radeon 750003:33
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elvirolooskude: they say on their website that they won't ever support it anyway03:33
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oskudeelvirolo, thats sad :(03:33
elvirolobut the thing is it worked perfectly under breezy03:34
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abhinayproblem installing gaim-vv , i did ./configure,  error i got was...   Could not run GLIB test program, checking why...  The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the exact error that occurred. This usually means GLIB is incorrectly installed. configure: error: GLib 2.0 is required to build Gaim; please make sure you have the GLib development headers installed.03:34
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oskudeelvirolo, with "fglrx" driver ?03:34
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lassegsabhinay: why not just apt-get it?03:34
abhinaycould anybody help ....03:34
gregg__abhinay: install glib/gtk devel packages03:34
elvirolooskude: i don't think so03:34
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fyrestrtrabhinay: install glib, and glib-dev and build-essential03:34
elvirolooskude: it worked fine out of the box03:34
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oskudeelvirolo, ok, then use the opensource driver "ati" (goes to "radeon" automaticly)03:35
elvirolooskude: let me check in xorg.cong03:35
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sieghallo how to connect knuddels.de chat with ubuntu??03:36
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elvirolooskude: it is currently set to "ati"03:36
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abhinayfyrestrtr, problem with installing glib-dev packages  , the error was...   could not mark all packages for installation &saying unresolved dependencies  --> libglib2.0-dev:  Depends: libglib2.0-0 (=2.10.2-1ubuntu3) but 2.10.3-0ubuntu1 is to be installed03:36
fyrestrtrsieg: what protocol does it use?03:36
oskudeelvirolo, and whats the problem ?03:36
HowitzerIs there any way to iconify X-Chat?03:36
lassegssieg: uve gotta explain what you mean?03:36
elhaxxorzGDesklets is acting nuts! Can someone take a look at this??03:37
elviroloelvirolo: 3d games are *very* laggy03:37
SurfnKidHowitzer, xchat-systray03:37
Howitzerelhaxxorz, give me remote desktop access :D03:37
Howitzerty SurfnKid03:37
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oskudeelvirolo, well, AFAIK, ati/radeon doesnt have 3d hardware acceleration...03:37
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SurfnKidyw mate03:37
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siegok cant enter to knuddels because of not complete03:37
lassegssieg: is knuddels.de an irc channel?03:38
elvirolooskude: but it worked under breezy though03:38
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SurfnKidelvirolo, youre saying breezy had fglrx configured but not dapper?03:38
siegi think so because if i go to www.knuddels.de it works with java on some machines03:39
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oskudeelvirolo, hmm... i dont use ati anymore... (and i had 9250...=03:39
elviroloSurfnKid: no, i was using the 'ati' driver too03:39
SurfnKidelvirolo, use fglrx instead, i got a 9600 ATI, can you configure it for fglrx on dapper?03:40
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oskudeelvirolo, and the same 3d game was WAY faster in breezy as it is now in dapper ?03:40
Advant___Where can I get all headers/source files?  I'm a developer, but once I install gcc, I have none of the standard header files or source on the system?03:40
elhaxxorzfor anyone still looking, here's the output to aterm when trying to use gdesklets03:40
elviroloSurfnKid: my card (radeon 7500) is not supported by fglrx03:40
SurfnKidelvirolo, whaat :(03:40
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elvirolooskude: yeah, at least it was playable, now it isn't03:41
rodelrodHi there. Since the latest kernel update (linux-686- on my xubuntu laptop, I can't access the network through my cable modem. When I connect the windows XP laptop, it works fine. Before the kernel update, I just had to do a ipconfig /release on the windows box and power cycle the modem. Can somebody help? am I at the right place?03:41
elvirolooskude: it made a big difference03:41
zm0Advant___: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`03:41
oskudeAdvant___, foo-dev are the header packages, and... there was a command to get source code deb files...03:41
johankj65does anybody know how to remove the minimize trail in gnome?03:41
SurfnKidrodelrod, boot to 15.24 and dont worry about the newest kernel update03:41
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Advant___zm0 and oskude thanks03:42
oskudeelvirolo, sorry, cant help more on that...03:42
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elvirolooskude: no prob, thanks anyway :)03:42
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SurfnKidelvirolo, i thought definitely for sure, on their page that card was supported, but sorry, not sure if you can try the driver anyway03:42
oskudeelvirolo, just a quess, maybe the game is now a never version as it was in breezy, and thats why its slower...03:43
sieglassegs still there ?03:43
elvirolooskude: well, i checked, and it is not the case03:43
pixelfairydoes ubuntu use some form of access control (like selinux)?03:43
elviroloSurfnKid: never mind ... thanks anyway03:43
pixelfairyi sometimes get sendmsg: not permitted03:43
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pixelfairyand have to reboot03:44
rodelrodSurfnKid: I do boot to 15.24. But the network doesn't work anymore. Is there a way to revert to the previous kernel version just to make sure that is the problem? I used Update Manager03:44
pixelfairythis is on ppc (ibook)03:44
SurfnKidelvirolo, yw03:44
pixelfairyfor any kind of network connection03:44
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SurfnKidrodelrod, boot to the previous kernel,  15.23?03:44
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sieglassegs thanks for trying to help03:45
SurfnKidrodelrod, and remove 15.24 from the grub menu03:45
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pixelfairyor just try booting to the old one03:45
pixelfairyand see how it goes03:45
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SurfnKidpixelfairy, right, whichever it is03:45
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Advant___How do I change my console prompt so its just :~$ ?03:46
rodelrodSurfnKid: the previous kernel is gone, Update Manager got rid of it automatically...03:46
SurfnKidsudo update-grub03:46
pixelfairyAdvant___: export PS1=":\w$ "03:46
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Advant___pixelfairy:  thanks03:46
pixelfairyAdvant___: put that in your ~/.bashrc or something03:46
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PyroticShadowGood morning fellow Ubuntuneers *tips hat*03:46
SurfnKidrodelrod, use that..   if not, then you might have to manually edit menu.lst, check your /boot folder to see if the previous kernels are still there. They Should technically be03:47
pixelfairy(or .bash_profile) depending on taste03:47
SurfnKidbrb, breakfast03:47
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rodelrodSurfnKid: thanx, I'll check taht03:47
SurfnKidrodelrod, np03:47
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pixelfairyrodelrod: so your having network problems too?03:47
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pixelfairywhats going on with yours?03:47
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LTjakemorning all. i can't seem to get my windows key to work in dapper. in the keyboard prefs my keyboard model is shown to be "unknown" and i can't seem to change it (no other models are available). any ideas?03:48
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pixelfairyLTjake: does it show up in xev?03:49
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rodelrodpixelfairy: yes. I can't get a working DHCP lease from my cable ISP since the kernel upgrade to 15.24. I'm now checking if the previous kernel is still around to confirm that is the problem03:49
nol13hi, i need help getting the xmms-shn plugin to instal, the ./configure tells me that i need a version of xmms > 1.0.0 and im running like 1.2.11. is there any way i can make this work?03:49
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pixelfairyrodelrod: mines differnt, i can get a dhcp lease (internal dhcp server)03:50
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nol13it say that no version > 1.0.0 was found though03:50
pixelfairybut thats it03:50
pixelfairycant make any network connections when it happens03:50
LTjakepixelfairy: it seems to, yeah.03:50
pixelfairythen i reboot and it works again03:50
oskudenol13, you maybe need the -dev package of xmms03:50
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LTjakekeycode 11503:51
pixelfairyLTjake: that should have a name03:51
fyrestrtrLTjake: have you tried running xmodmap?03:51
LTjakeSuper_L, perhaps?03:51
pixelfairythen you can bind it in xorg.conf03:51
pixelfairyor with xmodmap03:52
pixelfairywhcih is probalby easier03:52
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nol13ok ill give that a try03:52
RopechoborraNeed to add subtitules to a moovie someone can helpme?03:52
Advant___THe only refresh rate available to me is 60Hz, do I need to install some drivers or something to get that to increase?03:52
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pixelfairyAdvant___: what card? and is it a laptop?03:53
Advant___pixelfairy :  yeah laptop, not sure which card is in it03:53
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oskudenol13, if youre compiling things, and they need some librarys or programs, they mostly need the headers of them. and those are in blahblah-dev packages03:53
RopechoborraAdvant___ i think u can modify that from xorg config, put that depends on your monitor03:53
pixelfairyAdvant___: then you probalby dont want more than 60Hz03:53
pixelfairyit doesnt matter on a laptop03:54
Advant___pixelfairy :  60 on lcd is ok?03:54
pixelfairyyea, its what they run at03:54
studprogHi .,.. anybody know where to find a howto about setting up a local Ubuntu mirror03:54
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fyrestrtrstudprog: for apt?03:54
LTjakefyrestrtr: no, sorry. i'm not sure how that app works...03:54
ompaulstudprog, an actual mirror or a apt cache?03:54
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ompaulstudprog, there is a huge difference03:54
RopechoborraNeed to add subtitules to a moovie someone can helpme?03:54
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pixelfairyRopechoborra: i think theres a howto on tldp.org03:55
oskudestudprog, heres what google said as first hit with "local ubuntu mirror" (but i didnt read it) http://mylifeasasoftwaretester.blogspot.com/2006/06/creating-local-ubuntu-mirror.html03:55
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fyrestrtrLTjake: xmodmap /usr/share/xmodmap/xmodmap.xx (where xx is the language of the keyboard mapping you want, try xmodmap.us)03:56
studproglet me put it this way ... i have to deploy ubuntu on 200 machines - and it would be nice if they were updated via a local mirror instead of using a lot of bandwidth "out-of-the-house"03:56
jkpdoes the alternate cd let you do custom installs?03:56
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fyrestrtrstudprog: you want an apt cache, apt-cacher is available in repos, set that up :)03:57
fyrestrtrjkp: yes.03:57
LTjakefyrestrtr: will do, sec.03:57
snowblinkstudprog, apt-proxy is another option03:57
Hexidigital_anyone else getting a "cannot authenticate" error when apt-get 'ting?03:57
studprogfyrestrtr: ok03:57
dr_willisstudprog,  ya could put the /var/apt/cache dir on a NFS share.03:57
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oskudeHexidigital_, only if youre using not official repos that you didnt authenticate...03:58
studprogdr_willis: we were planning on that ... either that or using the intranet03:58
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Hexidigital_oskude::  i never had that happen before, and didn't change my ~/sources.list03:58
LTjakefyrestrtr: didn't seem to help (i'm testing by trying the amarok command to stop the current track, Win+V)03:58
fyrestrtrHexidigital_: there is a wiki entry on it.03:58
oskudeHexidigital_, could you pastebin your sources.list (just to be sure)03:59
Hexidigital_good deal03:59
Hexidigital_oskude::  sure, give me one sec03:59
nol13thanks oskdude, no errors this time03:59
oskudenol13, roger03:59
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fyrestrtrLTjake: is it only in that program that the win key is not working?03:59
RvGaTeIs there a guide on how to install nvidia drivers in ubuntu? or is it listed in the package manager?03:59
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WooDAny of you has been able to sync Windows Mobile 5 with Ubuntu ?03:59
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dregadmesg and /var/log/messages are the best things to track down a random system crash correct/04:00
pixelfairyRvGaTe: its onthe ubuntu wiki04:00
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto04:00
fyrestrtrdrega: or bad ram, weak power supply, overheating, etc. depending on the nature of the crash.04:00
oskudeWooD, hmm, how should that go ? you can maybe copy the files from there, but "sync windows with linux" ?...04:00
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Hexidigital_oskude::  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1799104:01
WooDoskude:  i would like to be able to sync with evolution all contacts i have in my Pocket PC04:01
oskudeHexidigital_, hmm, they are default indeed, very strange that you get authenticaion error :/04:02
Hexidigital_oskude::  i should add, that until now, i hadn't noticed a sources.list.d04:02
LTjakefyrestrtr: no. the fancy water trails from compiz (Ctrl+Win) don't seem to work either :) -- also now it seems i can't switch workspaces with Ctrl+Alt+Arrow... ack.04:02
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oskudeWooD, then ask about syncing the email client with evolution...04:02
chri[s] how come ubuntu i find unrar-free but not unrar and in gnome when i install it it doesnt link it04:02
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oskudeHexidigital_, never heard about such file... mv it to another name and try apt-get again, just for test...04:03
fyrestrtrLTjake: hrmm.04:03
Hexidigital_oskude::  ok04:03
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ubotuI know nothing about unrar - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:03
fyrestrtr!info unrar04:03
ubotuunrar: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.5.4-0.1 (dapper), package size 84 kB, installed size 216 kB04:03
WooDoskude: I dont want to sync with any email but everything i have in my Pocket pc with Evolution.  Windows mobile 2003se is working on Ubuntu that is what I know so far, but maybe someone has been able to sync with the 200504:04
chri[s] how can i repair my key?=04:04
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Hexidigital_oskude::  ~/sources.list.d is a directory...04:04
rodelrod27SurfnKid: (I'm the rodelrod from a while back) I booted from the previous kernel and the network connection works fine. should I assume it is a kernel bug and report it somewhere? I'm a total noob04:04
LTjakefyrestrtr: fyi, this is a laptop keyboard (dell d620)04:04
oskudeWooD, sorry, i got like no idea about windows mobile...04:04
Hexidigital_and it's empty, oskude04:04
fyrestrtrLTjake: try restarting the x server, and debug stuff in non-xgl first.04:05
WooDoskude: np04:05
oskudeHexidigital_, ah it in youre home dir, you may remove it (AFAIK)04:05
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Hexidigital_oskude::  no... /etc/apt/sources.list.d/04:05
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oskudeHexidigital_, then please dont say " ~/sources.list.d"04:06
Hexidigital_oskude::  yeah, i didn't know ~ implied home04:06
fyrestrtr*sigh* 147 hours to download a torrent.04:06
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oskudeHexidigital_, do apt-get and pastebin the error...04:06
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lassegsfyrestrtr: see you next week then :P04:08
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amortvigilhelp after installing the nieuw update  ubuntu gives an error of a broken pakage :  subproces nieuw pre-removal script gaf een foutwaarde 102 terug04:08
amortvigilFouten gevonden tijdens behandelen van:04:08
amortvigil /var/cache/apt/archives/samba_3.0.22-1ubuntu3.1_i386.deb04:08
amortvigilE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) and what ever i try: synaptic or apt-get -f install or updatemager noting fixes the problem , what sould i do??04:08
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Hexidigital_oskude::  can you suggest a small "universe" package? (until i find the php one i need?)04:09
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Hexidigital_i have installed everything i need so far04:10
oskudeHexidigital_, cant compute, please rephrase...04:10
erUSULamortvigil: sudo apt-get -f upgrade ??04:10
amortvigildoesnt work04:10
Hexidigital_nevermind... gimme a sec to paste the error, oskude04:10
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snorreAnyone care to help me with this: http://pastebin.ca/8690904:11
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reikiok I have made a decision.... since I don't USE the stupid extra buttons on this keyboard... I'm not going to BOTHER driving myself nuts trying to get them mapped :)04:12
fyrestrtrsnorre: what about it?04:12
fyrestrtrreiki: lol04:12
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Hexidigital_oskude::  it's a screenshot http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1799404:13
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snorrefyrestrtr: I'm new to this and need expert help to guide me through it04:14
oskudehmm, never used php5-xsl... sad that it doesnt say from where it wants to get it...04:14
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oskudeHexidigital_, or do "sudo apt-get clean" and then again, then it should show where it gets the package04:16
snorrefyrestrtr: I'm still at step 1, I got gcc-3.4 installed04:16
fyrestrtrsnorre: next step is to install the kernel sources for the kernel you are using.04:16
fyrestrtrsnorre: also install build-essential04:16
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snorrefyrestrtr: gcc -v displays gcc version 3.4.6 (Ubuntu 3.4.6-1ubuntu2)04:16
lassegssnorre: you really dont need expert help to do this :P04:17
snorrefyrestrtr: care to be more specific - I'm new to all this?04:17
Hexidigital_oskude::  nope, still not authenticated... .also i noticed something else wierd... when i load a page, sometimes a screen will show up on my desktop... (i'll screenshot that in a second)04:17
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snorrelassegs: I haven't done this before, so anyone with experience is an expert to me :)04:17
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fyrestrtrsnorre: let me see if I can find an easier way to do this.04:17
oskudeHexidigital_, yeah, it will propably show that error again, but atleas i would see from where it gets the package... if its "official" package, you may found a bug... or something else is bad...04:18
kOpterYello. I just installed an icon theme, which resulted in a not working Login window. By removing the /usr/share/icon/theme I got the system back and running again.. anyone got any ideas why this happens?04:18
snorrefyrestrtr: great, just let me know what to do step by step is prefered :)04:18
Hexidigital_oskude::  should it say when i apt-get where it comes from? if so, it dosen't04:19
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=== Hexidigital_ does not want to install bcm43xx again.... :(
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lassegssnorre: save fyrestrtr some time by installing build-essential  now. apt-get install build-essential04:19
oskudeHexidigital_, if you did "sudo apt-get clean" it should donwload the package again, and it should show from where it doeanloads it...04:19
snorrelassegs: ok :)04:20
Hexidigital_oskude::  sudo apt-get clean install php5-xsl? or sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get install blah?04:20
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oskudeHexidigital_, the later04:20
Hexidigital_oskude::  dosen't show where it downloads from04:21
oskudeHexidigital_, hmm...04:21
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=== Hexidigital_ hasn't changed sources.list since ubuntu install....
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snorrelassegs: installed :)04:21
oskudeHexidigital_, well, i get like "Get:1 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main libgtk1.2-dev 1.2.10-18 [1147kB] "04:22
gpledneed a link, for a site, that has high speed download of ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso04:22
Hexidigital_oskude::  stupid question... would this be because i have KDM and GDE on this pc?04:22
oskudeHexidigital_, those shouldnt touch apt-get atall04:22
lassegssnorre: nice04:23
Hexidigital_that's what i thought04:23
Dimensionshie ... i have installed ubuntu ... when the login screen comes i gave my user name and passwd it says Admin can't login from this screen ... ?04:23
snorrelassegs: What's next?04:23
Hexidigital_oskude::  perhaps i've been hacked?04:23
dr_willisAdmin? you mean root?04:23
ssmDimensions: login as yourself, and use "sudo"04:23
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:23
gpledDimensions: whats your user name?04:23
nol13hi, i need help getting my wifi working properly too, ever since the dapper upgrade i cant get above 20kB/s, i was using ndiswrapper but i think it went back to using the OS acx driver. sorry, i'd love to use the open source driver, but it sucks. anyone know how i can get it to use ndiswrapper again?04:23
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oskudeHexidigital_, do "sudo apt-get clean" and then the other apt-get and pastebin the output04:23
Dimensionsgpled:  my user name is root ... which i had set04:24
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dr_willisthis is twice ive heard of a user isntalling their ownly user with the name of 'root'04:24
bertuare you sure that is root?04:24
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snorrelassegs: I also installed linux-headers-2.6.15-23-server and linux-source-2.6.15 (uname -a displays Linux archimedes 2.6.15-23-server #1 SMP Tue May 23 15:10:35 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux)04:24
dr_willisand i think last time - the fix was to reinstall and make a real username. :)04:24
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gpledDimensions:  just wondering.  why would you want that for a user name?04:24
lassegssnorre: wait for fyrestrtr, cause im at work and my computer activity is monitored, so i havent got the time to help you very much :P sorry04:24
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snorrelassegs: Ok, I see04:25
Hexidigital_oskude::  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1799504:25
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Dimensionsso can't i login now as my user name root which i set during installation ?04:25
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hacimwhere can I find w32codecs?04:25
lenswhat's the best way to normalize a folder full of say ... 500 mp3s? (batch)04:26
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snorrefyrestrtr: Still there?04:26
Spaceraverlinux!tell hacim about restrictedformats04:26
bertulook dimensions04:26
oskudeHexidigital_, hmm, very strange... try both commands alone (not with &&)04:26
gpledDimensions: you could maybe boot into single usermode through grub. but what where you thinking, giving your self a username of root.  makes no sense04:26
bertuwhen you boot in the bottom right screen there is your name or hostname...what is it04:26
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Dimensionsbertu:  there is my computer name on the right bottom on login screen04:27
lassegssnorre: if fyrestrtr left, you should get someone else to help you, because this isnt very hard04:27
bertuwhich is...04:27
ctkroekerWhats the best way to get special caracters in ubuntu? i.e.  04:27
Spaceraverlinuxgah, i cant get wakeonlan to work04:27
Hexidigital_oskude::  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1799604:27
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bertutry crpto as a username04:28
Dimensionsi have tried that too04:28
bertuand then use your pass04:28
oskudeHexidigital_, thats very strange, as the "sudo apt-get clean" wouldnt work...04:28
dr_willisDimensions,  you could boot to singleuser mode/rescue mode anbd add a real user name.04:28
snorrelassegs: Ok, I hope so04:28
bertutry to reinstallit eh?04:28
Hexidigital_oskude::  should i be thinking bad things right now? (reinstall?)04:28
oskudeHexidigital_, have you done some "not ubuntu way" things lately ?04:28
Dimensionsokie dr_willis ty i didn't know what u meant by single user mode i got it now ...04:28
=== vito [n=chatzill@c-68-84-25-3.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
snorreCan anyone please help me with this http://pastebin.ca/86909 ?04:29
Hexidigital_oskude::  just dual-booting winxp, nothing else04:29
bertuseeing it snorre04:29
dr_willisDimensions,  maybe much faster to  just do a reinstall and select a good user name.04:29
bertui agree04:29
nol13hacim, add the cipherpunk repositories to your sources.list     http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic04:29
Hexidigital_oskude::  i have been trying to install apache server and mysql server for my non-production env. (this is a laptop)04:29
oskudeHexidigital_, hmm, very strange. sounds like a bug...04:29
E_Jackyou_LaterDoes someone know a nice tutorial to install ubuntu on a usb drive?04:29
bertuit only takes like half an hour maximum04:29
snorreBerge: Good, I'm still stuck at step 1 :P04:30
erUSULsnorre: does the driver that comes with the linux kernel not work for you?04:30
Hexidigital_oskude::  this didn't happen yesterday, but it caught me as wierd04:30
bertuok dimensions?04:30
dr_willisE_Jackyou_Later,  id seen some docs on other sites.. but never did get the usb drive isntalls of any disrto working right.04:30
Dimensionsummm yea when it started it took half and hour though the installation crashed for two hours in step five ... at first04:30
dr_willisE_Jackyou_Later,  this was for other disrtos however.04:30
vitoDoes anyone know a good way to make extremely long text files (eg free ebooks) more readable?04:30
gpledDimensions: are you pulling our leg, or did you realy pick root as your username?04:30
snorreerUSUL: No, and I got this driver source code yesterday04:30
Dimensionshalf an hour*04:30
Hexidigital_oskude::  i do appreciate your help (greatly)04:31
E_Jackyou_Laterdr_willis: yes, dsl at least, does work04:31
dr_willisgpled,  this is like the 3rd time this week - ive heard of a guy doing that.04:31
dregavito convert them to html?04:31
Dimensionslol gpled i did gave that un lol04:31
erUSULsnorre: well.. if you must... where is the problem04:31
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bertuwhat computer do you have dimensions04:31
fyrestrtrsnorre: okay sorry, am busy with something. How far did you get?04:31
oskudeHexidigital_, heres how it looks like here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1799704:31
nostZZZZZhow do i get .net 2.0 support in mono on dapper ?04:31
E_Jackyou_Laterbut my drive's size is 1gb, so i thought about putting something nicer onto it...04:31
gpleddr_willis: this must be some kind of joke :)04:31
snorreerUSUL: see my link04:31
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dr_willisgpled,  sounds more to me like a bug in the Installer thats allowing it.04:32
gpleddr_willis: i am always that last one to be let in on it04:32
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vitodrega...I guess I'm not looking to change the files themselves..but maybe some sort of either app, or firefox plugin, or css/js deal?04:32
SurfnKidrodelrod27, hey04:32
Dimensionswell i had done the same two yrs ago with RH that went fine till today lol04:32
SurfnKidrodelrod27, still there04:32
snorrefyrestrtr: I'm still at step 1, got gcc-3.4 up and running and installed the build-essential04:32
earthenanyone having trouble getting update these past few days04:32
Hexidigital_oskude::  when i allow the install, it shows me where the dl comes from.... (brb)04:32
fyrestrtrsnorre: okay, install the kernel source files for the kernel you are using.04:32
bertulook mine is 4 yrs old and it took me like half an hour to nstall it04:33
erUSULsnorre: i see the instruccions of how to compile the driver yes but what is your problem?04:33
bertutry again...what can i say?04:33
Dimensionswhen i set a u/name and passwd in installation does it also create root / admin beside that user ? or that user is basically the root then ?04:33
kbrosnanvito, for firefox to do anyting you would need to add html data and css styling04:33
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:33
bertulook when installing it04:33
londondavehi, if I compile and install an app with one kernel, the kernel is then updated, build the app again and get bad symbol errors, any ideas what causes that04:33
snorrefyrestrtr: uname -a gives Linux archimedes 2.6.15-23-server #1 SMP Tue May 23 15:10:35 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux so I installed linux-source-2.6.15 and linux-headers-2.6.15-23-server04:33
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fyrestrtrsnorre: okay, you have /usr/src/linux directory now?04:34
Hexidigital_oskude::  i dont know... i will wait before i act rashly, and reinstall... i dont want to b/c i FINALLY have bcm drivers working04:34
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snorreerUSUL: To get it working with Ubuntu 6.06 Server, that's the problem04:34
bertuyou input your name then your nick which will write to the user <nick>-desktop by deafault then write the password04:34
vitowell, right..but i've notice some javascript stuff that can present a file to you differently from how it was written without actually modifying it. Does that make sense?04:34
Dimensionsbertu:  my pc is 1 Ghz04:34
snorrefyrestrtr: Not yet, should I make a symlink?04:34
bertuand 2 yrs old?04:34
oskudeHexidigital_, it could be something wrong with the repo, but i normally get a 404 when that happens...04:34
fyrestrtrsnorre: yeah, most programs expect /usr/src/linux04:35
Dimensionsnah 2 yrs old i was talkin abt RH ...04:35
dr_willisDimensions,  there IS a root user allready made. but direct logging in as root is disabled. Your first user you make  has 'sudo' access. thus full root access.04:35
bertu o04:35
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Hexidigital_oskude::  i see.  well, thank you VERY much for your time :)04:35
bertumine is 1.604:35
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oskudeHexidigital_, np04:35
Dimensionsohh i didn't know that dr_willis otherwise i wudn't have done so ...04:35
snorrefyrestrtr: should I make a symlink to /usr/src/linux of linux-headers-2.6.15-23-server or linux-source-2.6.15 ?04:36
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fyrestrtrsnorre: source04:36
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snorrefyrestrtr: but that is not the kernel I'm using?04:36
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Dimensionstyt bertu04:36
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fyrestrtrsnorre: you are on which kernel?04:37
keizoanybody speak french ?04:37
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.04:37
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gpledanyone using ubuntu server install, in production?04:37
snorrefyrestrtr: Linux archimedes 2.6.15-23-server #1 SMP Tue May 23 15:10:35 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux04:37
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fyrestrtrsnorre: don't think you will have a problem.04:38
=== fyrestrtr digs for notes from the last time he had to compile a module by hand for his server
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bertuhey can you just try to reinstall ubuntu?04:39
juani'm looking for help...04:39
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage04:39
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phunkaliciouswell you've come to the right place! but only sometimes :|04:39
bertutell me04:39
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:39
juani have ubuntu 5.104:39
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.04:40
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snorrefyrestrtr: ok, symlink created04:40
dr_willisjuan,  may want  to look into updating.04:40
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fyrestrtrsnorre: okay, now hit make in the directory of the drivers you downloaded.04:40
bertuyes get dapper04:40
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juanhow to update to version 6.004:40
fyrestrtr!update > juan04:40
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bertudownload the latest version or order the cd from ship-it04:41
chri[s] a complete system restart?04:41
juanummm ok04:41
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bertucan you download with a good spedd juan?04:41
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juani cant update direct from ubuntu instalation?04:42
juan60 kbps04:42
Advant___Can you change the desktop's icon sizes?04:42
azcazandcohi folks, how can I check which kernel I am running, I read something about 900mb ram limit04:42
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fyrestrtrazcazandco: uname -a04:42
sztanpetuname -a04:42
bertui dont know with that speed04:42
SurfnKidrodelrod27, if youre still there04:42
juan256 kbps04:42
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juan384 kbps sorry04:43
oskudejuan, i thought you can update with the ubuntu 6.06 dapper desktop cd... but i may be wrong.. never done that04:43
SurfnKidrodelrod27, the new kernel might not necessarily have a bug, you might have to re-enable the interface, have you tried that?04:43
bertuok that good04:43
phunkaliciouscan anyone help me with my volume issue? here is the background: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1253550&postcount=604:43
fyrestrtrjuan: you don't need the cd -- if you don't mind waiting. Read the update how to entry in the wiki.04:43
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.04:43
rpedroAdvant___: you can , but it will change the icon sizes in nautilus too04:43
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azcazandcoand how do I tell if this is 686 or 38604:43
RopechoborraHow browsse the web in tty?04:43
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bertujuan:  http://www.ubuntu.com/download04:43
phunkaliciouslynx or link204:44
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fyrestrtrRopechoborra: install lynx04:44
Advant___rpedro :  Where do I do it?04:44
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juanok bertu04:44
Ropechoborraty ! :)04:44
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fyrestrtrazcazandco: it should tell you.04:44
UltraMagnushi, can anyone help me please? when i click "check" on the "software updates" menu i get this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1799904:44
bertuor if youre patient....get it from ship it04:44
azcazandcoah doh! so ti does... soz04:44
Dimensionsthank bertu and dr_willis...04:44
rpedroAdvant___: go to nautilus preferences, and there change the 'default zoom level' for the 'Icon view'04:44
oskudeazcazandco, i use "cat /proc/cpuinfo" and the "cpu_family" says the x in x8604:44
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Advant___rpedro :  ok, i'm not sure what nautilus is04:45
arinelhi! can you tell me what 7.1 sound card works well under linux? (by "well", i mean I want to have 7.1 surround sound)04:45
fyrestrtroskude: that's not your kernel version.04:45
juanwhat is kunbutu or edubuntu o exbuduntu04:45
snorrefyrestrtr: http://pastebin.ca/8810604:45
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oskudefyrestrtr, oh my fault. thought it was about which cpu someone has.04:45
bertuultramagnus: check the repositories04:46
rpedroAdvant___: nautilus is the gnome file manager, it's the window that comes up when you chose something from the Places menu04:46
UltraMagnusbertu: thanks for that in depth reply....04:46
juanyou know any channel for assitense in spanich?04:46
Advant___rpedro :  thanks :)04:46
fyrestrtroskude: make clean && make04:46
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:46
juanjajajaa gracias04:46
snorrefyrestrtr: It seems to be using /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.15-23-server even if /usr/src/linux is pointing to /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.1504:47
juanhahaha thx04:47
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bertudid you activate Universe and Multiverse Repositories04:47
arinelcan you tell me what 7.1 sound card works well with ubuntu? (by "well", i mean I want to have 7.1 surround sound)04:47
fyrestrtrsnorre: don't think it will matter, the -server isn't too important. As long as the kernel version numbers are the same.04:47
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oskudesnorre, did you do "./configure" before make ? (if it has configure) and fyrestrtr said "make clean && make"04:48
UltraMagnusbertu: yes04:48
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Toby_Wi need some help please04:48
fyrestrtrsnorre: paste the makefile04:48
juanbertu thx for your help04:48
bertulook about 3 days aho i had the same problem04:48
bertunp juan04:48
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UltraMagnusbertu: i dont think thats the problem, notice its resolving the ubuntu servers as
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bertuand then i waited about a day and they worked ;)04:48
snorrefyrestrtr: ok, what's next?04:48
snorreoskude: No, should I have?04:48
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fyrestrtrsnorre: pastebin the makefile, I want to have a look at it.04:49
bertuprobably the servers are unavailable04:49
UltraMagnusbertu: i have been having this problem for over a week04:49
fyrestrtrUltraMagnus: what problem?04:49
Toby_Wget the following error when i click on volume control: 'No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or device found'04:50
bertui dont know then04:50
oskudesnorre, the "standard" compile procedure is, ./configure, make and make install (but "make install" is not really allways needed, and i would suggest "checkinstall" for newbies instead)04:50
UltraMagnusfyrestrtr: when i click "check" on the "software updates" menu i get this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1799904:50
binfalsenot sure04:50
bertuor you can add new mirrors i think04:50
xhmhello, I'm looking for help with a problem after running automatix04:50
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive04:50
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.04:50
Toby_Whave just installed ubuntu04:50
finalbetaI'm using firestarter. I'm also using azureus using Upnp. How can I make sure upnp forwarded ports are allowed to the system?04:50
xhmah, ok thanx04:50
bertui dont know exactly but04:50
snorrefyrestrtr: http://pastebin.ca/8810904:50
fyrestrtrUltraMagnus: are you having any problems browsing the net?04:51
Toby_Wis anyone able to help?04:51
bertutell me if i can help you toby_w04:52
UltraMagnusfyrestrtr: well, i sometimes have to restart my router to get my net working every so often....04:52
reikiok... let's say I go into Preferences -> keyboards ... I change the keyboard.... now I go into Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts... the available keys stay the same? Do I have to log out and back in after changing the keyboard?04:52
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bertubut fyrestrtr it looks that the servers are unavilable04:52
snorreoskude: ok, I didn't know that.  Please take a look at http://pastebin.ca/86909 and let me know what you think I should do04:52
fyrestrtrsnorre: hrmm, what do you have in cd /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ ?04:52
fyrestrtrUltraMagnus: other than that, no problems, right?04:52
bertuTell me Toby_W04:52
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UltraMagnusfyrestrtr: yeah04:52
fyrestrtrUltraMagnus: just change the servers in your sources.list file.04:53
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snorrefyrestrtr: 2.6.15-23-server04:53
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bertuchange mirrors fyrestrtr eh?04:53
Toby_Wok this is problem - get following error when clicking on volume control: 'No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found'04:53
oskudesnorre, well its all in there what you have to do... doesnt have really something to do with ubuntu, so...04:53
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Turtlewindhi - I have a (probably quite dumb) Wine question04:54
fyrestrtrsnorre: do you have a build/ directory in there?04:54
UltraMagnusfyrestrtr: hmm, ok04:54
thomas_IDENTIFY anerinhof04:54
oskudesnorre, and it says it wants gcc 3.x, ubuntu has 4.x (AFAIK)04:54
Toby_Wbertu problem is above04:54
snorrefyrestrtr: in /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-server/ ?04:54
fyrestrtrthomas_: change your password, quickly.04:54
bertummm let me look at it04:54
UltraMagnusthomas_: lol... time to change password?04:54
fyrestrtrsnorre: yes.04:54
fyrestrtroskude: you can install gcc-3 from repos.04:55
Turtlewindwhen I run a program in Wine, it sits in the top left hand side of the screen at whatever resolution it's supposed to be in, rather than expanding to fill the whole screen04:55
oskudefyrestrtr, yes...04:55
Turtlewindis there a way to make it fill the screen?04:55
bertuso you cont have sound Toby_W eh?04:55
snorrefyrestrtr: yes, build is a symlink that points to /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.15-23-server04:55
fyrestrtrTurtlewind: run winecfg (or whatever it is) and untick the box labeled 'windowed mode'.04:55
Toby_Wdoesn't seem to recognise sound card04:55
snorreoskude: I installed gcc 3.404:55
thomas_how to make this ?04:55
bertuwhat sound card do you have?04:55
fyrestrtrsnorre: okay, type this sudo bash (enter your password) then source /etc/profile04:56
ubotuI know nothing about GStreamer - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:56
thomas_UltraMagnus: How to do this ?04:56
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fyrestrtrsnorre: then, get in the directory of the driver, and make clean && make04:56
Toby_Wnot sure but had Windows 2000 Pro installed and worked fine04:56
Turtlewindfyrestrtr - I don't see one market 'windowed mode'; I unticked the one marked 'emulate a virtual desktop' and it didn't work04:56
fyrestrtrthomas_: /msg nickserv help password04:56
oskudesnorre, sorry i won (cant) help with that... (you need to "link" that, change environment variables)04:56
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bertubut 5.1/7.1 what?04:56
fyrestrtrTurtlewind: is there, somewhere. I forgot the exact text of it.04:56
Turtlewindwell; it did work in that it gave me full-screen with 3/4 of it black, rather than a window on the desktop04:56
snorrefyrestrtr: done04:57
Toby_Winstalled on Compaq Armada 7400 problem doesn't exist on iMac 35004:57
bertulook at this Toby_W https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToSetupSoundCards?highlight=%28sound%2904:57
fyrestrtrokay, now you should have a module in that directory. Check if you have it.04:57
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bertubrb ppl04:58
Toby_Wusing Ubuntu 6.06 LTS - the Dapper Drake release04:58
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Toby_Wok thanks will take look04:58
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snorrefyrestrtr: what should I look for?04:58
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fyrestrtrsnorre: try ls *.ko04:59
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thomas_REGISTER anerinhof04:59
fyrestrtrnot sure what is called04:59
snorrefyrestrtr: napa.ko04:59
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fyrestrtrsnorre: that's it, you have it.04:59
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fyrestrtrnow modprobe -a sd_mod && insmod napa.ko04:59
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fyrestrtrif that works, do this cp napa.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/scsi/05:00
snorrefyrestrtr: insmod: error inserting 'napa.ko': -1 Invalid module format05:00
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snorrefyrestrtr: Promise told me that I should make sure that I had the "SCSI module" loaded as well, whatever that means?05:01
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fyrestrtrsnorre: not sure to be honest.05:01
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Toby_Wbertu where would sound card most likely be05:02
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snorrefyrestrtr: Ok, did anything go wrong?05:02
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fyrestrtrsnorre: that would depend on the output of make.05:03
abhinavcan any one tell me how to install samba?05:04
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eyequeuesudo apt-get install samba05:04
E_Jackyou_Laterabhinav: or, use synaptic05:04
fyrestrtrsnorre: ask in #debian, just don't tell them you use ubuntu.05:05
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oskudefyrestrtr, :)05:05
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eyequeuefyrestrtr, somewhat of a taboo over there?05:05
santa99someone know how to change the language of my ubuntu from german to english ?05:05
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fyrestrtrsnorre: because now you are reaching the limits of my kernel-module-build knowledge with ubuntu (did plenty of it in gentoo, only twice in ubuntu).05:05
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snorrefyrestrtr: I did, but they refused to help since I used ubuntu05:06
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fyrestrtralso, don't crack any password jokes in #debian. Something like '1234 .. amazing, that's the combination on my luggage!' won't be appreciated.05:06
eyequeuesanta99, system > administration > language support05:06
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byenHey guys, my ubuntu does not recognize my usb flash drive and my external HDD05:06
byenwhere do i begin05:06
notamisfitfyrestrtr: gee i wonder why05:06
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santa99eyequeue: so simple thx05:07
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eyequeuesanta99, np05:07
Toby_Wworked out problem thanks bertu05:07
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sproingieglass houses ... nothing keeping the same from happening to ubuntu05:07
fyrestrtrsnorre: I guess you'll have to wait for someone that's got more experience with building modules. You have all the components there, I think you need the correct sources or something. Wrong format generally means you are trying to insert a module in a kernel it wasn't built for.05:07
pierre-hello. how can i make keyboard shortcut for some application/console command in gnome?05:07
fyrestrtrpierre-: system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts05:08
MrPocketshey fellas, i put the GAIM icon up on my top toolbar, and used the GAIM command for it, but when i click it all it does is open a new version of GAIM,  how do i make it launch gaim if its not running, then just bring the gaim window to the front if it IS currently running?05:08
eyequeuelooked into "module-assistant" yet?05:08
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pierre-fyrestrtr: there are only shortcuts for gnome action05:08
pierre-fyrestrtr: *actions05:08
fyrestrtreyequeue: the module is not in repos, that's the problem.05:08
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eyequeuefyrestrtr, ah, bummer05:08
fyrestrtrpierre-: hrmm, I thought I saw somewhere you could create your own shortcuts.05:08
fyrestrtreyequeue: first place I looked ;)05:08
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fyrestrtrsanta99: install the language packs for german.05:09
snorrefyrestrtr: Ok, I see - thanks a lot for your help anyways! :)05:09
MrPocketshey fellas, i put the GAIM icon up on my top toolbar, and used the GAIM command for it, but when i click it all it does is open a new version of GAIM,  how do i make it launch gaim if its not running, then just bring the gaim window to the front if it IS currently running?05:09
Cheticuhm.. is there limewire for linux?05:09
fyrestrtrsnorre: yw, and sorry it didn't work.05:09
fyrestrtrChetic: frostwire.05:10
TARZEAUChetic: yes05:10
Cheticawesome fyrestrtr, thank you05:10
pierre-fyrestrtr: that's why i think xfce is much simplier than gnome :-)05:10
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Advant___rpedro : you still around?05:10
fyrestrtrMrPockets: please don't repeat.05:10
Toby_Wbertu thought i was done but wasn't05:10
bertuhey Toby_W did the wibsite help?05:10
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rpedroAdvant___: yep05:10
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bertulol what happened05:10
Advant___rpedro :  Is there a way to shrink the icon size in the toolbars?05:10
MrPocketsfyrestrtr, my apologies.  accidently hit the arrow key.05:11
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Viper550Hi Everybody!05:11
Toby_Wyes found some answers but it says place name of sound card in modules folder in etc there isn't one...05:11
pdangerEarly use of dapper: is it normal for lots of apps to close without warning?05:11
rpedroAdvant___: dunno, but you can make display icons only I think05:11
fyrestrtrpdanger: ermm, no.05:11
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bertuthat all i know05:11
Advant___rpedro :  ok thanks05:11
bertudoes it give u the same error?05:11
Viper550I've finally switched to Xchat-Gnome05:12
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SubhumanViper550, xchat-gnome has LESS features than xchat.05:12
SurfnKidViper550, hope it doesnt crash05:12
SubhumanViper550, its a crippled version of xchat.05:12
Viper550really? I switched from Konversation05:12
SubhumanViper550, get the normal xchat.05:12
notamisfitgo with BitchX, can't fail there05:12
SurfnKidViper550, it crashed on the first start, never started again, it just hung,  i removed it, but you can try it and see :)05:13
Subhumannotamisfit, BitchX again is like a bad irssi05:13
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Subhumanirssi and xchat ftw :P05:13
pdangerfyrestrtr: I thought (and hoped) not - google earth, totem, VLC all doing it05:13
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Toby_Whave found 'modutils'05:13
disasmor irssi, can't go wrong with irssi ;-)05:13
Toby_Wthat's all though05:13
Viper550I actually used irssi a little when I used Ubuntu 5.1005:13
SurfnKidirrsi rok05:13
notamisfitSubhuman: yeah, but the name is so damn cool05:13
fyrestrtrpdanger: what do you mean exactly closing automatically?05:14
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eyequeuebx is 99% annoying quit messages, 1% skriptkiddie client, imo05:14
sproingiei was seriously put off by gnome-xchat05:14
bertuthat all i can help Toby_W sry05:14
sproingieit doesn't even have a way to identify to nickserv05:14
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SurfnKidsproingie, me too05:14
santa99fyrestrtr: i need the english one do i have to load them with synaptic and how are the language packs are named ?05:14
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Viper550Ahh, yes it does05:15
bertueven i have a problem because i have 5.1 and only from 2 spks sound comes out05:15
fyrestrtrsanta99: what do you want translated? gnome, openoffice, or just want to spell check in german?05:15
Toby_Wi get as far as 'alsamixer' highlighted but am not sure what to do next05:15
afm\colossus_hello all :) - is there a repository for Xgl from CVS for ubuntu dapper?05:15
Viper550I think it's in Universe05:15
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santa99fyrestrtr: i want the whole system in english05:15
fyrestrtrsproingie: /msg nickserv identify passwd <-- what is so difficult about that? :)05:15
bertulets seee05:15
fyrestrtr!xgl > afm\colossus_05:15
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bertudoes the alsa mixer help?05:16
fyrestrtrsanta99: in english, or german?05:16
sproingiefyrestrtr: right, and it would be nice if gnome-xchat supported some way of sending that automatically05:16
azcazandcoanyone know if it is possible to do remote desktop to my server without logging in to it first?05:16
Toby_Waccording to it i have a sound card and it works05:16
Viper550You can do automatic nickserv on xchat-gnome05:16
santa99fyrestrtr: now my system is all in german and i want to change it in english05:16
afm\colossus_fyrestrtr: thx, i'll try my luck there05:16
sproingieViper550: they hid it pretty well05:16
fyrestrtrsanta99: ooooh, I thought you wanted the other way around. lol05:16
Viper550Yeah, server settings05:16
bertubrb again05:16
santa99fyrestrtr: no from german to an english system05:17
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sproingieusing konversation right now, though it still doesn't have one nice feature chatzilla has of all things05:17
sproingienamely conference mode05:17
fyrestrtrsanta99: try sudo apt-get install language-pack-gnome-en language-pack-en05:17
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ubuntuim trying to install ubuntu05:17
ubuntuand it says X server wont work05:18
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ubuntui have PCI-E graphics card05:18
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Dr4gubuntu, i used ubuntu 6.06 and it didnt give me any X issues.05:18
Viper550Just select Freenode in the Networks list in Preferences, click edit, and type in your password. Konversation does it the same way05:18
sproingieUbuntu: pastebin the error you get05:18
azcazandcoany ideas folks?05:18
Ubuntu-installeri once got the X to work?05:18
Viper550But I like xchat-gnome because it has spelling correction dynamically!05:18
pdangerfyrestrtr: Google earth and VLC just close as if I've clicked quit, Totem tells me it's crashed; lets me click ok05:19
Dr4gazcazandco: re-type last msg05:19
azcazandcois doign ym head in having to swicth my monitor over to login first05:19
afflux[dapper] : can't write to CD-R... (command: sudo /usr/bin/cdrecord.mmap -v gracetime=2 dev=/dev/hdd speed=40 -dao driveropts=burnfree -eject -data /home/k/k3b_image.iso) | Error trying to open /dev/hdd exclusively (Device or resource busy)... retrying in 1 second.05:19
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sproingieViper550: so password is to nickserv?  i'm used to that meaning password to log on to a secured irc network05:19
Toby_Wbertu really confused says error but plays music...?!!05:19
affluxused the command from k3b05:19
azcazandcoanyone know if it is possible to do remote desktop to my server without logging in to it first?05:19
Ubuntu-installersproingie: it just says cannot start X05:19
Ubuntu-installerit once worked05:19
Ubuntu-installerwith 386 version05:19
fyrestrtrpdanger: does synaptic report any broken packages?05:19
Ubuntu-installerim now using AMD64 release?05:19
bertuis music playing?05:19
Dr4g!remote desktop05:19
ubotuI know nothing about remote desktop - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:19
sproingieUbuntu: what about what it says in /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:19
bertuso just leave it as it is eh?05:19
fyrestrtrazcazandco: you want remote console (ssh) or remote desktop (gdm + x)?05:19
Viper550sproingie: Enter nickserv password next to "Nickserv Password"05:19
Toby_Wyeah, strange right...#05:19
Ubuntu-installersproingie lemme check05:20
azcazandcoDr4g: is only internally05:20
pdangerfyrestrtr: not that i know of; can i get it to check?05:20
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azcazandcoi have a headless box sitting beside me05:20
snorreHow do I install X on Ubuntu 6.06 Server?05:20
andreasbergi would kde progs looks like a gtk prog05:20
fyrestrtrpdanger: it will tell you at the bottom status screen.05:20
bertuhey does someone know how to boot linux from an external device05:20
eyequeuesanta99, sudo apt-get install language-pack-en-base05:20
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Dr4gwell azcazandco afaik, you need to accept the incoming VNC connection05:20
fyrestrtrsnorre: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:20
Distro^Junkieanyone know of a way to get a microsoft wireless keyboard and mouse to work ?05:20
Ubuntu-installersproingie: LOTS of things?05:20
Dr4gUnless its set ot auto-accept which i don't know how to do05:20
pdangerfyrestrtr: in gnome? no nothing like that05:20
Dr4gazcazandco: ^^#05:20
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notamisfitsnorre: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg?05:20
fyrestrtrsnorre: just X, or the entire thing X+gnome+etc05:20
azcazandcoI have it set to autoaccept05:20
eyequeuesanta99, sudo apt-get install language-pack-en-gnome-base too or kde-base05:20
johlinHow do I stop dhcp3 from updating my nameservers?05:20
santa99fyrestrtr: this packages are installed how can i activate them05:20
azcazandcobut you need to be logged in first05:21
Ubuntu-installerill maybe look for (EE)05:21
sproingieUbuntu-installer: pastebin can handle it.  EE is probably all you need tho05:21
Toby_Wi guess i just leave it if it works fine, hey bertu! :-)05:21
Dr4gazcazandco: then you should be able to do it05:21
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Toby_Wthanks for help05:21
Dr4gI don't see any reason why not.05:21
bertuif i were you i just leave it05:21
Ubuntu-installersproingie: No Devices Detected?05:21
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azcazandcothink i need a user logged in first05:21
azcazandcoI cant just turn the box on then login05:21
Stormx2how good would ubuntu be at, say, connecting to an RM network at a school?05:21
Ubuntu-installer(EE) No devices detected.05:21
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bertuHey does someone know how to boot from  AN external device?05:22
sproingieViper550: ugh, that's embarassing.  oh well, i'm piddling around in kde right now so konversation works for me too05:22
fyrestrtrsanta99: system > administration > language support05:22
eyequeueStormx2, what is rm?05:22
Stormx2its a company05:22
sproingieUbuntu-installer: what kind of card do you have in there?05:22
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bertubooting ubuntu05:22
Stormx2which supplies computers to schools05:22
Ubuntu-installersponix Ati Radeon X800 PCI-E05:22
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Ubuntu-installershould be supported?05:22
Brew-noIf I have a laptop that gets a wireless network and a Desktop that doesn't and an ethernet cable, can I share the internet with the Desktop?05:22
eyequeueStormx2, is it not ethernet, this rm network?05:22
fyrestrtrUbuntu-installer: is it a laptop?05:22
sproingieUbuntu-installer: i'm not sure the free ati driver can handle it.  try fglrx05:23
santa99eyequeue: i have all the packages05:23
Ubuntu-installerfyrestrtr: desktop computer05:23
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Ubuntu-installerok ill try fglrx :I05:23
Stormx2i get the impression i'd need to use samba05:23
santa99fyrestrtr: do i have to restart my machine ?05:23
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snorrenotamisfit: thanks, how do I change the default init level to start X at default?05:23
fyrestrtrsanta99: I'm not sure.05:23
snorrefyrestrtr: the entire thing please :)05:23
Noxmanis there a way to get wmv files to play in 6.06?05:23
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pdangerfyrestrtr: i see now - synaptic bottom status bar = 18843 packages listed, 1441 installed, 0 broken, 0 to install/upgrade, 0 to remove05:23
Noxmanor are the codecs still broken?05:23
santa99fyrestrtr: I will try restart maybe something changes05:23
bertuget restriced drivers Noxman05:23
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fyrestrtrsnorre: then you need ubuntu-desktop for gnome, kubuntu-desktop for kde, and xubuntu-desktop for xfce05:24
eyequeuesanta99, ah, then yes ,that menu command should be your need05:24
sproingiesnorre: ln -s /etc/init.d/gdm /etc/rc2.d/S13gdm05:24
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Noxmanbertu i've installed them05:24
fyrestrtrpdanger: the best suggestion I can give you is to launch the applications from the console and see what messages they give.05:24
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:24
tyler-wylieHow do I double check if my cd-rom is capable of writing CD'd05:24
pdangerfyrestrtr: cool, i'll try - thanx05:24
bertuwhat player do you have Noxman05:25
santa99eyequeue: what menu command ?05:25
fyrestrtrpdanger: also worth a look is /var/log/messages :)05:25
NoxmanVLC and totem05:25
fyrestrtrtyler-wylie: look at the front for symbols.05:25
StAnLeY^tyler-wylie: try to write a cd/read the label of the cd drive05:25
Noxmanhaven't tried mplayer yert05:25
eyequeuesanta99, system > administration > language05:25
sproingieanyone have recommendations on picasa-like photo album apps?05:25
Noxmandamn typos05:25
sproingiei tried picasa for linux, that was a crashfest05:25
bertuIs Toby_W here?05:25
santa99eyequeue: yeah my mistake was that i didnt make a restart05:25
fyrestrtrtyler-wylie: or check what your system detects it as.05:25
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snorrefyrestrtr: ok, thanks05:25
NoxmanI've installed gstreamer plugins05:26
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CaveTrogNewbie here...can someone answer guestions related to local attached printer under linux & how to make visible to windows boxes on network?05:26
santa99eyequeue: after a restart everything worked05:26
tyler-wyliefyrestrtr: hwo do I check that05:26
Ubuntu-installerhow did you enable FLGRX drivers?05:26
santa99eyequeue: thx for your help05:26
fyrestrtrsponix: f-spot05:26
eyequeuesanta99, glad it is working now05:26
Ubuntu-installerwhat was the trick to enable them05:26
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snorresproingie: is that also necessary to set even if I installed ubuntu-desktop?05:26
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s|kif I have ntfs on one drive, and fat32 on another, will the fat32 drive windows installation see the files on the ntfs drive?05:26
fyrestrtrtyler-wylie: system > administration > device manager05:26
azcazandcois there a package to install gimpshop on ubuntu?05:26
Ubuntu-installerdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?05:26
sproingieUbuntu-installer: sudo aptitude install xorg-driver-fglrx05:26
johlins|k: yes, I can't see why not05:26
Ubuntu-installersproingie allready did that05:27
Ubuntu-installernow i need to make it use that05:27
Noxmanhmm.. oh i need some win32 codecs05:27
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sproingieUbuntu-installer: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, look for the string "ati" in there and replace it with "fglrx"05:27
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Ubuntu-installersproingie thanks05:27
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sproingieUbuntu-installer: bear in mind that this doesn't give you 3d accelleration, you need linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) for that05:27
fyrestrtrUbuntu-installer: follow the instructions here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI05:27
Ubuntu-installerlol stupids :-D05:28
Ubuntu-installerim just installing ubuntu05:28
Ubuntu-installeri wanna use the graphic installer ;)05:28
eyequeuewhat does fglrx stand for?05:28
Distro^Junkieanyone know of a way to get a microsoft wireless keyboard and mouse to work ?05:29
sproingieeyequeue: fireGL RX where the X means something like R300 or R35005:29
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eyequeuesproingie, thanks05:29
sproingieeyequeue: ATI's 3d tech comes from when they bought FireGL05:29
eyequeuesproingie, makes more sense now05:29
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bertummm i dont think they're compatible bcos the are only for microsoft stuff *I THINK*05:29
fyrestrtrDistro^Junkie: they work 'out of the box' for me.05:30
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sproingiebertu: of course they work05:30
bertui just gave my opinion ;)05:31
bertuhey does someone know how to boot linux from an external device?05:31
eyequeueDistro^Junkie, i heard they emulate ps2 style kb and mouse05:31
pdangerfyrestrtr: running VLC from terminal results in lots of errors when I try to open a DVD - can i copy them to you somehow?05:31
sproingieDistro^Junkie: it should just work out of the box.  the various extra keys probably won't work though05:31
Ubuntu-installerit works now05:31
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fyrestrtrpdanger: use pastebin05:31
Distro^Junkieok thanx05:31
Distro^Junkieits for a friend05:32
CaveTrogHelp needed: related to local attached printer under linux & how to make visible to windows boxes on network?05:32
bertuhey does someone know how to boot linux from an external device05:32
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sproingiei'm rather impressed by the way the ati drivers are in 6.06.  maybe ati will catch up to nvidia on the crappy-closed-drivers front05:32
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sproingiei kinda wish the r300 drivers were easily available tho05:33
johlinhow do I stop the dhcp client from updating the list of nameservers? please05:33
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eyequeuebertu, first, the bios would need to be capable of booting from this "external device"   configure that05:33
fyrestrtrsproingie: I hope you mean ati's control panel, because nvidia makes far superior drivers than ati for linux.05:33
=== sal [n=s@p549C41F7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
sproingiefyrestrtr: actually no, the driver performance itself.  still isn't there yet, but it's improved a lot05:34
CaveTrogOnly thing left to make final transition to linux..want off windows permanently!!!!05:34
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bertuok its for a friend05:34
pdangerfyrestrtr: #pastebin ? - how do i use pastebin?05:34
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:34
fyrestrtrsproingie: I have found over various linux distros that nvidia's drivers far outperform those from ati, especially for gaming. For example WoW has all kinds of problems with ati (major artifacts) while with nvidia -- no issues at all. Go figure.05:35
notamisfitfyrestrtr: so has nearly everyone else05:35
sproingiefyrestrtr: hm, i don't do games on linux.  just noticing how much zippier blender is now05:35
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sproingiefyrestrtr: tho i guess that may also have to do with the snappier kernel in 6.0605:35
Toma-CaveTrog: look into Samba! not the dance, but the network protocol05:35
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT05:35
fyrestrtrsproingie: I'd say its more to the kernel and less the ati drivers.05:36
sproingiefyrestrtr: i'm just hoping the r300 project can get more momentum, since there's nothing equivalent at all for nvidia cards these days05:36
fyrestrtrCaveTrog: although dancing does help.05:36
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lightstephi. i'm trying to update my system, but "apt-get update" always finds that there were no changes in the main ubuntu repositories05:36
CaveTrogToma...is that required for win boxes to see my prnt under linux.05:36
fyrestrtrlightstep: you need apt-get upgrade05:36
lightstepthis is so for a few months now05:36
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bertuhow do you make it capable of booting from the external device but?05:36
sproingielightstep: which version of ubuntu are you running?05:37
eyequeuelightstep, how do you mean "upgrade"?05:37
notamisfitbertu: change the boot order in BIOS?05:37
Toma-CaveTrog: afaik, (and thats not alot on the subject) yes. keep asking around tho05:37
lightstepfyrestrtr, no, i already did this long ago05:37
CheticWhen I try to run frostwire I get this message: "OOPS, you don't seem to have a valid JRE." but I have installed packages like sun-java5-* and kaffe... Help! :\05:37
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bertui make it first cd rom05:37
lightstepeyequeue, i want all my programs in the newest version05:37
fyrestrtrlightstep: what version of ubuntu are you using?05:37
eyequeuelightstep, are you looking to change from one release to another?05:37
lightstepsproingie, dapper drake05:37
bertu2nd hdd u third external eh?05:37
fyrestrtrChetic: configure java (read the bottom half of the java wiki entry)05:37
Cheticwhich wiki, fyrestrtr?05:38
pdangerfyrestrtr: terminal output in pastebin under pdanger05:38
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository05:38
notamisfitbertu: might want to put external before hdd, else itll never boot05:38
sproingielightstep: huh.  well the main distribution won't have many updates, but the updates and security mirrors should05:38
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fyrestrtrChetic: ^ that wiki entry05:38
CaveTrogOK...is there docs somewhere on how to do it?05:38
eyequeuelightstep, dapper is the current stable release, do you have dapper-upgrades in /etc/apt/sources.list ?05:38
Cheticthanks fyrestrtr :p05:38
lightstepeyequeue, yes, i do05:38
CaveTrogInstall Samba that is.05:38
fyrestrtrpdanger: paste the link in here please.05:38
lightstepwith main, restricted, universe and mutiverse05:38
Toma-ubotu: tell CaveTrog about samba05:39
sproingieknow what i want in an irc client?  a way to write live ignore/exclusive filters as i type, just in a little text widget05:39
eyequeuelightstep, deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates main restricted universe multiverse    o meant05:39
pdangerfyrestrtr: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1800705:39
fyrestrtrsproingie: irssi :)05:39
gmooreanyone ever use XDeep32 as an X client for Windows? my Ubuntu box is headless so i'd like to try something to connect to it with; i was previously using NX but i have a server install of ubuntu now with no windowmanager so i dont think NX will work.05:39
Toma-CaveTrog: did u get a message from ubotu?05:39
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sproingiei could search back for "what did this guy say" by just typing the guy's nick05:39
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lightstepeyequeue, i should say perhaps that i can install new programs successfully05:39
sproingiefyrestrtr: how would one do that in irssi?05:40
eyequeuelightstep, presuming you also have secirity in there, you should be current then05:40
fyrestrtrsproingie: /help ignore05:40
CaveTrogToma/ubotu...I'm new to linux...be gentle...no did not here from ubotu.05:40
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lightstepeyequeue, this isn't reasonable. it's been months05:40
Toma-CaveTrog: watch what ubotu says in this channel05:40
Cheticuhm fyrestrtr, I don't get which part to read... I've already done the install part...05:40
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT05:40
fyrestrtrpdanger: what kind of video card do you have?05:40
eyequeuelightstep, and there have been no security upgrades there?  that is certainly odd05:40
sproingiefyrestrtr: no, that's way too simple.  let's say i want to search for everything you've said by filtering the display for only lines containing "fyrestr".  i just want to start typing that and have my display narrow to show those lines05:40
fyrestrtrChetic: down near the bottom, where it says 'switch to the new vm'05:40
bertunotamisfit: I don't have an option for external hdd or fire wire in the bios? what can i do ?05:41
fyrestrtrsproingie: you are too spoiled by ajax :P05:41
lightstepyes, it is05:41
bertunotamisfit: i mean the boot sequence05:41
sproingiefyrestrtr: maybe i could write it as a plugin.  god knows i hate the irc protocol enough that i don't want to write a new client05:41
eyequeuesproingie, on many irc clients, "/lastlog firestr" would do what you want05:41
santa99where lies the sources.list ?05:41
notamisfitbertu: not really my forte, but you might need a bios upgrade to boot from usb/139405:41
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CheticThank you fyrestrtr!05:41
fyrestrtrsanta99: /etc/apt/sources.list05:41
CaveTrogubotu...is SWAT part of Samba?05:41
ubotuI know nothing about ubotu...is SWAT part of Samba? - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:41
bertummm ok05:42
fyrestrtrCaveTrog: no :)05:42
=== javiolo [n=javier@84-18-25-233.usul.arrakis.es] has joined #ubuntu
bertu10x ill try it05:42
eyequeuesproingie, see if you have the /lastlog commmand before you exert too much effort05:42
sproingieeyequeue: yah, a clicky way of doing lastlog would be neat.  oh well.  and nope, no /lastlog in konversation05:42
colkthen use xchat05:43
javioloI downloaded the alternate ubuntu cd, what installation I need if I want ubuntu withouth gnome ?05:43
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fyrestrtrsproingie: I suspect you'd have to enable logging for lastlog to work.05:43
fyrestrtrjaviolo: server05:43
UltraMagnushi, can anyone help me please? when i click "check" on the "software updates" menu i get this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1799905:43
sproingiefyrestrtr: naw it says no such command05:43
Toma-CaveTrog: ubotu is smart, but its not clever ;) you need to teach it things. (its a robot that spits out handy bit of info)05:43
colksproingie, then use xchat it has it05:43
ubotuI know nothing about info - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:43
javiolofyrestrtr but the server install will come with apache, php and mysql riight ?05:43
lightstepoh, i have only main in dapper-security05:43
tyler-wylieWhat's a good p2p client to intall for ubuntu?05:43
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage05:43
fyrestrtrjaviolo: that's the 'lamp server' install.05:43
javiolotyler-wylie amule, azureus...05:44
ubotuConventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network). BitTorrent: see !torrent Direct connect: try valknut05:44
eyequeuelightstep, aha, that explains it05:44
fyrestrtrtyler-wylie: frostwire, amule, azureus, freeloader05:44
CaveTrogOK....will take off in search of info...thanks for help Toma.05:44
javiolofyrstrtr sorry dont know whats lamp server...05:44
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javiolofyrestrtr sorry dont know whats lamp server...05:44
Toma-CaveTrog: np! only wish i could have a definitive answer :/05:44
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eyequeuelightstep, deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted universe multiverse05:44
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fyrestrtrjaviolo: Linux Apache MySQL PHP = LAMP05:44
ubuntu-installerPCI-E ati card wont work with ubuntu installer by default05:44
sproingieoh hey, i can browse the factoid db on the web?05:44
ubuntu-installeryou guys should fix it05:44
sproingiehow nice.  all this time i've been endlessly /querying the bot05:45
fyrestrtrjaviolo: the alternative disk has an option to set up a server with all those components.05:45
CaveTrogThanks Toma...at least it gives me a place to start.05:45
javiolofyrestrtr but If I dont want LAMP ?05:45
Toma-sproingie: you bet05:45
lightstepeyequeue, hmm, that (unexpectedly) didn't fix it05:45
ubuntu-installeri wonder if its ok to use APT-GET while installing Ubuntu :D05:45
fyrestrtrjaviolo: well if you just do the server install, you will get the minimal packages required for servers. Then you can install apache, mysql and php as you like.05:45
javiolofyrestrtr I just want a clean ubuntu05:45
sproingieubuntu-installer: while the installer is running?  not possible, it won't get the lock.05:45
eyequeuelightstep, after any sources.list changes, sudo apt-get update, and then you should sudo apt-get upgrade for this situation05:45
javiolofyrestrtr I dont want to make a server, jsut dekstop05:46
ubuntu-installersproingie ya but it did :D05:46
ubuntu-installerthe install got paused :o05:46
sproingieubuntu-installer: you get to keep both pieces05:46
Xfuserhow can i change the owner and the permissions of a folder and all its subfolders and files ? using the properties window the changes just apply to the folder itself... im on ubuntu dapper with gnome05:46
ubuntu-installerbut after xmms was installed it continued05:46
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pdangerfyrestrtr: from xorg.conf = Silicon Integrated Systems (SiS) 300/305 PCI/AGP VGA Display Adapter - it an 8mb vga card05:46
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fyrestrtrjaviolo: you want just a desktop, but without gnome?05:46
notamisfitXfuser: man chown, man chmod05:46
ubuntu-installerit was "copying files phase"05:46
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ubuntu-installeri had to install xmms to listen some music :<05:46
javiolofyrestrtr I want to use fluxbox05:46
ubuntu-installerjaviolo good05:46
ubuntu-installerit owns05:47
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fyrestrtrjaviolo: install server, then install xubuntu-desktop05:47
Toma-*sigh* for every kernel update, i have to rebuild my damn drivers, kill links and re-order links. darn ati_agp drivers :|05:47
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notamisfitthat's proprietary crap for ya05:47
ubuntu-installerdoes this have 3d-acceleration?05:47
ubuntu-installerthe fglrx?05:47
Distro^Junkiehmmm friend says the wireless keyboard and mouse won't even work on the live cd05:47
fyrestrtrubuntu-installer: yes05:47
javiolofyrestrtr but I undertood you, server comes with LAMP05:47
azurealhi, what's the command to list all your /dev devices?05:47
ubuntu-installerfyrestrtr THATS COOL! :>05:47
colki actuall had to move my keyboard and mouse to a diffrent usb hub05:48
eyequeuels /dev/05:48
colkfor some reason they didnt work in the live cd at all05:48
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ubuntu-installerlol ubuntus xmms has debian skin ;)05:48
colkon one hub05:48
azurealeyequeue: no, i mean the connected ones05:48
Toma-ls /dev will giove you lots of rubbish05:48
azurealit's not lsusb... but i think it's something similar05:48
fyrestrtrjaviolo: no, you mis-understood me. 'server' is a bare-bones install. Only the critical files needed. 'lamp server' is a special install with apache, mysql and php. For your situation, from the cd, install the 'server' setup, then install xubuntu-desktop to get xfce.05:48
eyequeuelsdev (8)            - display information about installed hardware05:49
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fyrestrtrpdanger: I think your problem is that the video card doesn't have enough ram to do any graphics heavy stuff (like vlc, dvd playing and google earth).05:49
azurealhmm... lsdev doesnt work05:49
javiolofyrestrtr ok I think i will not install xubuntu just fluxbox05:49
eyequeueazureal, as root even?05:49
fyrestrtrjaviolo: xubuntu *is* fluxbox :)05:49
eyequeueazureal, it works as user here though05:50
ubuntu-installerwhy does the Live/Install CD not work with ATI:s?05:50
azurealyes, no such command05:50
ubuntu-installerit wont use fglrx by default05:50
javiolofyrestrtr isnt that xfce ???05:50
fyrestrtrubuntu-installer: because its a restricted driver.05:50
ubuntu-installerunbtu looses lots of users becose of that05:50
javioloIm confused now05:50
ubuntu-installerlike my dad05:50
notamisfitubuntu-installer: take it up with ati05:50
fyrestrtrjaviolo: oh yeah, sorry. I mis-spoke.05:50
eyequeueazureal, procinfo: /usr/bin/lsdev05:50
skavengethank ATI for that, not linux05:50
ubuntu-installerdamn ATI05:50
grogoreoin the apache2 config file it says under UserDir that is's now a module but when looking for it on apt there is only an LDAP one: libapache2-mod-ldap-userdir. How can I get this to work?05:50
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ubuntu-installerim so gonna kill them all >:[05:51
eyequeueazureal, sudo apt-get install procinfo05:51
javiolofyrestrtr ok thanks!05:51
ubuntu-installerATI:s proucts sux ATI:s drivers sux05:51
fyrestrtrgrogoreo: read the README file in /etc/apache05:51
ubuntu-installereverything about ATI SUX05:51
Shakezulaubuntu-installer, Amen to that.05:51
ubuntu-installerATI = SUX05:51
fyrestrtrazureal: lspci ;)05:51
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pdangerfyrestrtr: really? right, Ive got a 2nd vga card in the box that dapper detected but didnt install so il play with that - thanx again05:51
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azurealfyrestrtr: eh, that's not the pretty output05:51
fyrestrtrazureal: "pretty" output?05:52
shriphanihow do i covert mp3 to vorbis ?05:52
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azurealit's supposed to give a bunch of lines such as /dev/sba1 .... device...05:52
fyrestrtrazureal: lspci -vv ;)05:52
snorrehow do I change the default screen resolution in X?05:52
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fyrestrtroh you want *that* kind of output.05:52
eyequeuemp32ogg (1)          - Convert MP3 to Ogg Vorbis05:52
NaradaWhen I start X it says: cannot run in framebuffer mode.  Any idea?05:52
grogoreofyrestrtr, the readme has nothing but descriptions of the files and folders the the directory05:52
fyrestrtrsnorre: edit the xorg.conf file.05:52
fyrestrtrgrogoreo: did you read the entire file?05:53
shriphaniis it there in the repos ?05:53
eyequeueshriphani, yes05:53
grogoreofyrestrtr, it's only 82 lines05:53
NaradaAlso what is the init script to restart X?05:53
fyrestrtrgrogoreo: that's not what I asked.05:53
grogoreofyrestrtr, yes I did05:53
fyrestrtrgrogoreo: it that file, it tells you how to activate the modules, you need to read it.05:53
fyrestrtrNarada: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart05:53
eyequeueshriphani, it's in universe though, Filename: pool/universe/m/mp32ogg/mp32ogg_0.11-6_all.deb05:54
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Naradafyrestrtr: for kde?05:54
shriphaniits downloading now05:54
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource05:54
fyrestrtrNarada: kdm05:54
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dronAnyone knows if broadcom wireless 43xx card works in monitor mode if im using ndiswrapper? btw, bcm43xx module is working fine now in 2.6.15-26 kernel?05:54
shriphanii got univ enabled05:54
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Redman276how would i go about adding KDE desktop  int an already  existing   stable  Gnome  desktop system05:54
eyequeueshriphani, sudo apt-get install mp32ogg, should cover you then05:55
snorrefyrestrtr: under Section "Screen" ?05:55
Redman276i apologize if  my  RH years   are showing through05:55
shriphaniis it mmand line stuff ?05:55
skavengeyes it is05:55
eyequeueRedman276, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop05:55
snorrefyrestrtr: I only get 640x480...05:55
skavengemp34ogg blah.mp3 blah.ogg05:55
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Redman276and that ill allow me to change  session  at   login point05:56
Naradafyrestrtr: doesn't exist05:56
shriphanican it be blah.vorbis ?05:56
eyequeueRedman276, yes05:56
Redman276ty so much05:56
ubuntu-installerubuntu installer should also mount your windows partition and open XMMS and ask "Choose the music you wanna play during installation"05:56
fyrestrtrsnorre: yes, in SubSection "Display" it will have entries for each color depth, check your default color depth (DefaultDepth) and for that entry, add the screen resolution to the Modes line.05:56
ubuntu-installernice idea05:56
skavengeshriphani: uh the vorbis extension is .ogg .. hence 'ogg vorbis'05:56
eyequeueRedman276, it will pull in all the various dependences, etc, expect a huge d/l05:56
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SurfnKiddron, monitor as in to scan APs?05:56
fyrestrtrubuntu-installer: maybe it should make you toast as well?05:57
SurfnKiddron, mine scans sure. with ndiswrapper. using 4306 rev2  adapter miniPCI05:57
dronI suspect that with ndiswrapper it doesnt work05:57
skavengemy wireless is 43xx based, though im not using the kernel driver im using ndiswrapper .. wont go into monitor that i've tried with airsnort05:57
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SurfnKidi have to check airsnort05:57
SurfnKidand snoop05:57
fyrestrtrsnorre: goes without saying, make sure your hardware can support the resolution.05:57
SurfnKidnot tried yet05:58
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shriphaniguys can anyone tell me why y wireless wont work05:58
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azurealfyrestrtr, eyequeue: so you guys have an idea for what I'm looking for?05:58
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@a88-113-127-142.elisa-laajakaista.fi] by ThunderStruck
fyrestrtrazureal: I sure don't.05:58
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fyrestrtrazureal: mainly because I don't know what you asked.05:58
sztanpethow can i send a message to everyone on the console? like how shutdown -t now "msg" does05:59
shriphanii mean no matter how many times i do a sudo iwconfig eth1 set txpower auto it doesnt work05:59
dronskavenge: try to do iwconfig ethX enable monitor05:59
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jribsztanpet: wall05:59
SurfnKidshriphani, what adapter?05:59
dronwhat it says?05:59
azurealfyrestrtr: i want the output to show all the /dev/sd* devices05:59
sztanpetjrib wall says it needs a file :D05:59
eyequeuewall (1)             - write a message to users05:59
SurfnKidmmm let me check05:59
fyrestrtrazureal: what are you trying to do?05:59
finalbetaCan tvtime be used with X11 forwarding (ssh)? :p05:59
jribsztanpet: 'wall' and then type your message and then press ctrl-d05:59
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santa99what driver should i install for a nVidia 5200 FX06:00
sztanpetjrib ahh ty06:00
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azurealfyrestrtr: for now, see where this usb device is connected to...but i also want to remember that command =/06:00
fyrestrtrsanta99: the nvidia driver, nvidia-glx.06:00
SurfnKiddron, what command are you using for iwconfig to enable monitor06:00
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto06:00
snorrefyrestrtr: Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" are defined for default screen, but I can still only select 640x480 ?06:00
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mattwestmcan I install dapper without a bootloader?06:01
fyrestrtrsnorre: check the color depth.06:01
skavengeiwconfig eth0 enable monitor doesnt work06:01
droniwconfig mode monitor06:01
santa99fyrestrtr: ok is this the same like fglrx for ati ?06:01
fyrestrtrsnorre: pastebin your xorg.conf06:01
droniwconfig ethX mode monitor06:01
fyrestrtrsanta99: not quite the same.06:01
mattwestmI already have a bootloader and I don't want it overwriting my other one06:01
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amortvigilhow can i adjust my screen resolution ?? in windows i can go upto 1200*1024 and in ubuntu 1024*700 hwo can i solve this?06:01
skavengestill doesnt work for me06:01
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fyrestrtramortvigil: what video card do you have?06:02
snorrefyrestrtr: DefaultDepth    24, and under SubSection "Display" Depth           24 Modes           "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" are defined06:02
dronthats i have found06:02
amortvigilfyrestrtr: and old ati form 199806:02
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fyrestrtrsnorre: while in X, try ctrl+alt and the plus and minus keys from your numpad to cycle the resolutions.06:03
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sybecCould anyone please explain to me what "hpiod" is ?06:03
fyrestrtrazureal: try usbview if its a usb device.06:03
snorrefyrestrtr: under Section "Monitor" only  Identifier      "Generic Monitor" and Option          "DPMS" are defined?06:03
vieirarHi I am trying to get my USB Printer working this is what I get in the dmesg log.....06:03
dhi, im about to try get a USB adsl modem working over ubuntu that in windows, seems to require its own drives installed which "brings up the adsl" and then you can authenticate by "dialing up" - how would i do this in ubuntu? it is not a adsl router so i have to establish a connection via some form of dialup. will ubuntu reconize the usb modem when i plug it in?06:03
vieirarppdev0: unregistered pardevice06:03
fyrestrtrsnorre: you have a lcd or a crt monitor?06:03
snorrefyrestrtr: lcd06:03
santa99fyrestrtr: is there a similarly program to glx_gears by ati for nvidia to test if the driver installl worked06:03
skavengemy syntax is perfect it still errors for me .. maybe it doesnt work with ndiswrapper. dunno, all i know is my wireless works and finds the network heh06:03
fyrestrtrsanta99: yes, when you install the driver, you will get it.06:04
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dronskavenge: yes mine too, but i want monitor too :)06:04
snorrefyrestrtr: special one capable of up to 75Hz and 1440x900 resolution06:04
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santa99fyrestrtr: ok06:04
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fyrestrtrsnorre: hrmm, what video card?06:04
dronand bcm43xx module seems not to work :(06:04
skavengedron: maybe with the kernel driver .. i played with it, it detects the card but my network settings are foobar'd, works off the bat with ndiswrapper06:05
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SurfnKiddron, maybe this card doesnt support monitoring,06:05
snoopswith nautilus can I add on views? I'd really like to add a mac os x style view to it if that's possible?06:05
fyrestrtramortvigil: try using the accelerated drivers with it, then adjust the resolutions in xorg.conf06:05
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SurfnKidbcm43xx doesnt work for my setup either06:05
skavengedron: you need the firmware for the kernel module to work, if you dont have it ..06:05
SurfnKiddron, i thought it did06:05
azurealfyrestrtr: so how do i know where it's connected to06:05
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fyrestrtrazureal: one way is to tail -f /var/log/messages, unplug the device, plug it in, and watch the kernel messages.06:05
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dronmaybe.. maybe.. ok will try that. thanks06:06
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Stormx2OK um, how do I view cookies from firefox?06:06
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linuxboyfriendhi all06:06
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skavengei kept getting errors in dmesg trying to load the bcm43xx module till i got the firmware off the net and through it in /lib/firmware or wherever it is06:06
jdierdumbass question alert:  What is the apt command to use if I want to remove all Open Office components from my machine06:06
snorrefyrestrtr: ctrl+alt and plus and minus keys didn't do anything06:06
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linuxboyfriendcan anyone tell me that in how much cds redhat 8 released (4 or 5)?06:06
snorrefyrestrtr: Matrox Millenium G45006:06
fyrestrtrStormx2: Edit > Preferences > Privacy tab, then cookies tab, then click view cookies.06:06
sybecAnd could anyone *please* explain why netstat -tunap sais python is listening on port 60424 ?06:06
skavengelinuxboyfriend: probably #redhat06:07
fyrestrtrsnorre: something is wrong with your x configuration.06:07
fyrestrtrsybec: are you running a torrent?06:07
snorrefyrestrtr: ok, how can I fix it then?06:07
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sybecit's a fresh ubuntu install06:07
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fyrestrtrsnorre: well, before you do that, are you saving the file, and restarting X?06:07
linuxboyfriendskavenge: no one is answering there06:08
numb3rsmy krfb crashes everytime, when i am using the same from windows system06:08
akcomHas anyone in here had any trouble getting the alternate CD to boot?06:08
fyrestrtrlinuxboyfriend: look it up on redhat.com06:08
POVaddctsybec: looks like the hpiod06:08
Storkhmm, how do i tell if i have libsdl1.2debian-all on my 32-bit library path?06:08
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Dial_toneis there a way to make certain filetypes appear a given color in ls output?06:08
naliothakcom: did you burn it at 4x or less?06:08
skavengelinuxboyfriend: well i doubt anyone from an entirely different distribution is going to know06:08
jdierany one able to help me out with the apt command to use if I want to remove all Open Office components from my machine06:08
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naliothjdier: use synaptic06:08
linuxboyfriendfyrestrtr: lemme try06:08
akcomnalioth, no06:08
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numb3rsmy krfb crashes everytime, when i am using the same from windows system06:08
numb3rsmy krfb crashes everytime, when i am using the same from windows system06:08
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sztanpetwhy doesnt my messages from wall show up anywhere?06:08
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jribDial_tone: yes, use LS_COLORS06:09
jdiernalioth, I get errors saying that I cannot remove componets because other applications depend on them.06:09
skavengeDial_tone: ls should be colored by default, mine is .. anyway you can alias ls to 'ls --color=auto'06:09
POVaddctsybec: dpkg -s hplip06:09
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numb3rskrfb under ubuntu crashes when i am connected from windows vnc client after some time.. help here...06:09
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naliothakcom: you need to burn at less than 4x and verify your md5 checksums on the iso image06:09
lz1gjdis there a gui to dgen (sega genesis emulator) ?06:09
naliothjdier: are you low on disc space?06:09
akcomnalioth, I verified the md5 checksums but why should I have to burn it at less than 4x?  I burned the livecd just fine06:09
numb3rsits happening frequently06:09
numb3rsany alternate to krfb?06:10
naliothakcom: ubuntu is funny that way, idk why06:10
SurfnKidskavenge, firmware for the kernel to support monitoring on iwconfig interfaces?06:10
numb3rsbtw, krfb is a KDE VNC Server06:10
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skavengeSurfnKid: to support the bcm43xx kernel module period, dont know if monitor works on that either06:10
jdiernalioth, yes, low on diskspace, but I was not using synaptic, I was using the ubuntu add/remove.06:10
akcomnalioth, you wouldn't happen to have an article confirming that it has to be burned at less than 4x would you?  I'd hate to waste another CD-R06:10
Storkhmm, how do i tell if i have a certain lib on my 32-bit library path?06:10
Dial_tonemy ls output is colored but mp3s show white unless they're marked +x then they're green. I'd like them to be blue or green even when not +x06:10
dronSurfnKid: Yes I have seen somthing about on ubuntu forums06:10
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naliothjdier: use synaptic, it is much more featureful than add/remove06:11
naliothakcom: no article, just years of being in here, hearing the same thing over and over06:12
SurfnKiddron, oh ok thx06:12
akcomfair enough06:12
jdiernalioth - I am working on it now.  Thanks for the tip.06:12
akcomnalioth, can I burn it at 4x or only less than 4x?06:12
POVaddctDial_tone: they already told you to use LS_COLORS06:12
SurfnKidskavenge, ok ill have a look at the forums06:12
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naliothakcom: i burn at 4x or less06:12
fyrestrtrDial_tone: edit your LS_COLORS variable06:12
akcomk, well I'll have to go with 4x considering its my lowest option06:12
skavengeall depends on hardware and media imo .. burnt my dapper cd at 16x06:13
InteGastonoOkey.. I'm trying to use this Autopsy-thingie... And it tells me "could not determine the volume system type for the disk image (i.e. the type of partition table)." Autopsy tells me to choose one "Volume System Type (disk image only)". My alternatives are: bsd, dos, gpt, mac and sun. What should I do? (dapper 6.06)06:13
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fyrestrtrwhat tha hell is 'autopsy-thingie'???06:13
Dial_tonePOVaddct, I saw so freakin chill. I was responding to skavenge06:13
Gasten<fyrestrtr>: a program.06:13
numb3rsany alternate to krfb?06:14
numb3rsany alternate to krfb?06:14
asdasdhow do i COMPLETELY remove something from apt-get ?06:14
fyrestrtrnumb3rs: stop repeating.06:14
POVaddct18:09 < jrib> Dial_tone: yes, use LS_COLORS06:14
skavengeDial_tone: heh didnt mean to start a war .. for specific colors i think they're option is better06:14
Dial_toneasdasd apt-get remove --purge or something06:14
numb3rssorry fyrestrtr, i though anyone will notice the same, and reply..06:14
ThunderStruckasdasd: sudo apt-get remove --purge packagename06:14
Xfuseri already tried and read the man of chmod but could'nt figure out how to do what i want ? can someone please point me the command to change the permissions to a folder and all its subfolders and files to the user (owner) read and write and all others only read ?06:14
GastenSo.. do anyone know stuff about Autopsy?06:14
SpecGasten: you cut people open and look inside?06:15
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colkXfuser, you didnt see the recursive option for chmod06:15
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SpecXfuser: easy06:15
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GastenSpec: not exactly...06:15
numb3rsfyrestrtr: could you answer my Q?06:15
lz1gjdcould you tell me if its safe to "sudo rpm -i VMware-player-1.0.1-19317.i386.rpm" ?06:15
SpecXfuser: chmod -R o+rw folder/06:15
SpecXfuser: sorry, no, it's u+rw06:15
skavengelz1gjd: no06:15
AngryElfguys, when I run dpkg --configure -a I get:  dpkg: parse error, in file: /var/lib/dpkg/updates/0008 near line 25  package 'passwd'........can I just delete that file  (0008) and rerun the command?06:16
fyrestrtrnumb3rs: I don't know the answer to your question.06:16
XfuserSpec i see, the recursive is not the problem... the problem is the +-rw stuff...06:16
lz1gjdhow should i install this rpm , use alien maybe ?06:16
Seveaslz1gjd, delete the rpm and install vmware-player from the repos06:16
SpecXfuser: and then chmod -R og+r folder/06:16
snorrefyrestrtr: I didn't save the file, should I make changes to it?06:16
SpecXfuser: and then chmod -R og-w folder/06:16
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skavengelz1gjd: rpm's on a debian based system are highly suggested not to be used .. will break06:16
fyrestrtrsnorre: yes, but open it with sudo otherwise you won't be able to write the changes.06:16
snorrefyrestrtr: Ok, but what should I change?06:17
gmoorei'm trying out an X server for Windows. i tried some single applications (ddd, xclock, dillo) and they all worked. i'd like to load my entire window manager and see a desktop etc though. how can i tell Gnome to start an instance?06:17
snorrefyrestrtr: I don't see any entry about the monitor properties. Isn't that also important?06:17
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fyrestrtrsnorre: well, first think would be to see if ati has drivers for your card and install them.06:17
fyrestrtrsnorre: for lcds its not that important.06:17
Seveasgmoore, dbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-session06:17
SpecXfuser: what do the permissions look like on the folder now? :)06:17
snorrefyrestrtr: You mean Matrox?06:17
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fyrestrtrgmoore: /etc/init.d/gdm start06:17
fyrestrtrsnorre: yes.06:18
gmooreSeveas and fyrestrtr: thanks.06:18
corto_malteseHi, my connection worked properly when I started Ubuntu 6.06 LIVE but started not working after the installation... any idea? eth0 is active the DHCP is configured but the interface doesn't dialog with the router...06:18
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snorrefyrestrtr: how can I check that?06:18
Speccorto_maltese: what does the output of 'mii-tool' say?06:18
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XfuserSpec finally ! :) it worked out great, thanks !06:19
fyrestrtrsnorre: don't know to be honest. I only have experience with ATI and nvidia06:19
corto_malteseSpec: didn' try that don't know this command... i'm a noob :)06:19
SpecXfuser: it's easy, just remember, u = user, g = group, o = others and then + r = read w = write and there's also the sticky bit but that's not used as often06:19
XfuserSpec finally ! :) i was trying to do all in just one command... maybe that's why i couldn't get to do it...06:19
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corto_malteseI only check ipconfig and routing table06:20
SpecXfuser: you can do it all with one command with numbers, but i'm not so good at translating numbers to humanspeak06:20
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto06:20
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Speccorto_maltese: mii-tool will just report link connectivity06:20
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corto_malteseSpec i try to ping the router to test connectivity06:20
Speccorto_maltese: you can have a link connectivity without having an IP ....06:20
Speccorto_maltese: it tests the first layer: ie hardware06:20
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Speccorto_maltese: assuming your cables are connected, try running the program: dhclient eth006:21
corto_maltesedhclient eth0 returns No DHCPOFFERS received06:21
jdier<nalioth> - done, thanks.06:21
XfuserSpec err... im getting some errors here...06:21
corto_maltesei tried that06:21
SpecXfuser: what folder was it you chmodded?06:21
XfuserSpec now i cant open my home folder nor save anything there...06:21
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=== Kristophe [n=tof@lns-bzn-51f-81-56-149-98.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
XfuserSpec /home/myuser06:22
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SpecXfuser: who owns the folder /home/myuser?06:22
XfuserSpec brunno06:22
SpecXfuser: is that your user account?06:22
XfuserSpec yes06:22
SpecXfuser: ls -hal /home06:22
Dial_toneorganizing mp3's is a biatch06:22
snorrefyrestrtr: sudo apt-cache search matrox and found xserver-xorg-driver-mga - X.Org X server -- MGA display driver06:23
=== rem [n=rem@gve-gix-adsl-dynip-155-133.vtx.ch] has joined #ubuntu
SpecXfuser: can you paste just the line with /home/brunno on it06:23
SpecDial_tone: yes06:23
Kristophehi everybody, I have lots of photos, and want to print them easily 2 photos per page... Is there anything simpler than kword/ooffice out there??06:23
SpecDial_tone: just set all the id3tags and then write some script to auto-sort them06:23
XfuserSpec i used chown to change the owner of it too, because i copyed a lot of subfolders to it that had permissions only to root06:23
=== fredbezies [n=fred@ABordeaux-152-1-36-74.w83-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
snorrefyrestrtr: sudo apt-get xserver-xorg-driver-mga gave xserver-xorg-driver-mga is already the newest version. So it is already installed...06:23
fredbeziessalut !06:23
SpecXfuser: chown -R username:username /home/brunno06:24
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Dial_tonethat's what I'm doing now with id3ren, but i have so many dupes06:24
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XfuserSpec drwSr-Sr-- 45 brunno brunno 4,0K 2006-07-14 12:52 brunno06:24
SpecXfuser: why are there 'S's there?06:24
XfuserSpec that was the exact command i used...06:24
=== fresch [n=fresch@p54ADD171.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
SpecXfuser: your chown is fine, your chmod is weird06:24
jrattnerQUESTION: Anyone used luma to configure LDAP before06:24
Naradahow do you install a .deb package06:24
XfuserSpec i have no idea whats this S for...06:24
SpecXfuser: perhaps chmod a-S folder/06:25
SpecXfuser: then show what the folder's permissions are please06:25
XfuserSpec with the -R ?06:25
jribNarada: use synaptic to install 'gdebi' first.  Then you can just double click on the .deb.  But are you sure the .deb is not available through synaptic already?06:25
SpecXfuser: no06:25
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corto_malteseSpec 'mii-tool' returns link OK06:25
SpecXfuser: oh, right, and you need executable access to get 'into' the folder as well, i forgot... so do06:25
SpecXfuser: chmod a+x /home/brunno06:25
yggdrasil_wheres a good place to get a gnome theme.. looking for something black or dark grey06:25
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ubotuFind your themes at: http://art.ubuntu.com - http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEyeCandy06:26
Redman276is ther an example samba  config  ican look at  on the web for  getting   XP machines to see a ubuntu machine ??06:26
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Specyggwork: freshmeat06:26
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT06:26
SpecRedman276: ^^06:26
XfuserSpec the a-S didn't work... it said its a invalid command06:26
yggworkill  give it a shot06:26
Naradajrib: how to install anything using synaptic06:26
sztanpeton my system wall doesnt write anything on the users console, what can be the problem?06:26
Seveas!themes =~ s#http://art.ubuntu.com - ##06:27
ubotuI'll remember that06:27
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jrib!synaptic > Narada06:27
SpecXfuser: chmod -s? :)06:27
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SpecXfuser: yes, it's chmod a-s /home/brunno06:28
SpecXfuser: be sure to set a+x on /home/brunno, and then all will be well :)06:28
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mhikuout of topic, how many country can host illegal sites and software pirates? russia? anything else?06:28
Specmhiku: go to #ubuntu-offtopic06:28
Specmhiku: that subject is not appropriate for this channel06:28
paiedafter installing all the updates06:28
paiedsound is not working =(06:28
corto_malteseshuold i renounce and install mdk .... maybe is better! :D06:28
mhikuaw ok06:28
Specmhiku: and 'illegal' is, of course, relative06:28
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eluxhow can i install java 1.5 jdk and jre?06:29
eluxi just installed the ubuntu desktop iso06:29
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository06:29
XfuserSpec the 'a' dont work here06:29
danycan i get libtool*.deb out from doing an apt-get???06:29
SpecXfuser: chmod a+x /home/brunno doesn't work?06:29
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XfuserSpec i did this, removed all the permissions with the '000' comand and now gave rw to owner and only r to all06:30
SpecXfuser: give x to all :p06:30
salahis there any possibilities to make DVD with Linux?06:30
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SpecXfuser: if you want, you can do: chmod ogu+x /home/brunno06:30
Specsalah: yes06:30
enycsalah: probably yes on all counts.. but 'make DVD' is too vague06:30
drebsHello, friends, I am installing ubuntu on an iMac OldWorld and I've done trhough the OldWorldMacs wiki but I have a problem. When trying to boot on the new system I receive the following messages: "VFS: Cannot open root device "hda8" or unknown-block(0,0) \n Please append a correct "root=" boot option \n Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)"06:30
ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto06:30
enycsalah: what do you mean by 'DVD' exactyly?06:30
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Specsalah: read output of ubotu06:31
salahenyc, I have some mpg files I want to burn as a DVD file06:31
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salahSpec, thanks06:31
Specno problem, i live to serve.06:31
XfuserSpec i used the  'chmod a+x /home/brunno' and it returned no erros, but now nautilus starts to open and then closes instead of returning a permission message...06:31
=== draconius [n=j00@12-226-244-247.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
jrattnerCan anyone help me configure LDAP06:32
SpecXfuser: show me permissions of the folder please?06:32
corto_malteseehm... really there's nothing I can do? It's unbelivable....06:32
XfuserSpec drwx--x--x 45 brunno brunno 4,0K 2006-07-14 12:52 brunno06:32
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SpecXfuser: chmod a+r /home/brunno06:32
theapocHow do I copy a folder from my NTFS drive to my Ubuntu drive using the CP command?06:33
XfuserSpec did it, still the same.. nautilus doesnt open anymore06:33
SpecXfuser: show me permissions06:33
akcomtheapoc, is your ntfs partition already mounted?06:33
paiedoh never mind, ubuntu must hve unplugged my speakers for me upon reboot to install the new kernel.06:33
Spectheapoc: mount the NTFS drive read only, and then do cp /path/to/ntfs/folder /path/to/ubuntu/drive/06:33
theapocakcom, yes06:33
XfuserSpec drwxr-xr-x 45 brunno brunno 4,0K 2006-07-14 12:52 brunno06:33
Spectheapoc: sorry, add a '-R' after the cp06:33
akcomthen Spec is correct, but with -R06:33
akcomerr, now he's just plain correct :)06:33
SpecXfuser: the permissions should look like: drwxr-xr-x :)06:34
theapocSpec: Thanks06:34
SpecXfuser: i don't know why nautilus would crash -- but it's not a permissions problem06:34
danyhow do i get *.deb packages?06:35
XfuserSpec ill '000' everything again, and then what command do i use to get the 'drwxr-xr-x' ?06:35
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sztanpeton my system wall doesnt write anything on the users console, what can be the problem?06:35
Vhatasince my updates this morning, aptitude keeps telling me "WARNING: untrusted versions of the following packages will be installed!06:35
Vhataany reason?06:35
=== Natja [n=Natja@53-112.241.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
drebsHello, friends, I am installing ubuntu on an iMac OldWorld and I've done trhough the OldWorldMacs wiki but I have a problem. When trying to boot on the new system I receive the following messages: "VFS: Cannot open root device "hda8" or unknown-block(0,0) \n Please append a correct "root=" boot option \n Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)". But I am sure the partition address is correct. Someone k06:36
drebsnows something about this?06:36
SpecXfuser: okay, easiness is about to happen06:36
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SpecXfuser: chmod 755 /home/brunno06:36
eluxfor whatever reason i type: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-sdk    and it tells me it cant find the package, what gives06:36
paiedXfuser, to get,  [bob@elenothar bob] $ stat clock-view.png -c "%A"06:36
Spec!tell elux about multiverse06:36
blankyFor the ATI driver installation, is the following change necessary? (in xorg.conf, reading from the howto/wiki)06:36
paied%a to get the numerical form.06:36
blankyIdentifier "aticonfig-Screen[0] "06:36
=== xorian` [i=obbie@d54C0A04C.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
blankyAll I did was change Driver "fglrx"06:37
=== Karius [n=Karius@p5082A027.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
XfuserSpec drwxr-xr-x 45 brunno brunno 4,0K 2006-07-14 12:52 brunno06:37
eluxSpec: ok .. so its under restricted, how do i access it06:37
eluxits annoying06:37
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Specelux: you need to add it to your repository, you can do so via synaptic06:37
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:37
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XfuserSpec and now it seems everything is working ! :)06:38
SpecXfuser: i suppose the numbers win :-/06:38
XfuserSpec how did you fiigured out the 755 thing ?06:38
=== birdmun [n=ubuntu@ppp-70-250-209-118.dsl.spfdmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
SpecXfuser: i mkdir'd a folder, and i knew that 777 is full permissions for everyone06:38
SpecXfuser: so i did 766 ... then 755 ... and it worked :p06:38
=== Spec swears he's not lazy
XfuserSpec hehe, clever ! :)06:39
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birdmunso i got banned from another linux chan for asking about the command du06:39
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XfuserSpec so for people to open a folder everybody must have execution permissions right ?06:40
akcomWhen partitioning my drive for a dual boot system, do I make my "/boot" partition bootable or my "/" partition bootable?06:40
emirhi all, anyone knows why my ubuntu changed into edubuntu after updating06:40
DBOSpec, would you like to learn what those numbers mean really quick?06:40
SpecDBO: i do know what the numbers mean06:40
SpecDBO: and i know how to use umask06:40
SpecDBO: but i'm ultra lazy and don't like to do the thinking behind the numbers06:40
DBOSpec, ok, sorry, misunderstood your meaning06:40
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SpecDBO: :p06:40
=== ke [n=kenneth@port272.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
SpecDBO: if you want you can write a quick factoid for ubuntu for permissions06:41
ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://www.tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html - file permissions are explained at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux06:41
=== polpak [n=polpak@castilian.sb.net] has joined #ubuntu
kalosaurusrexhow can I search the packages and have it tell me what package gives me another package?06:41
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Specakcom: it depends, if you're putting grub in your MBR it doesn't matter06:41
ThunderStruckSpec: why write it its there already ;)06:41
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kalosaurusrexlike I need lp but I need to figure out what package supplies it.06:41
SpecThunderStruck: a link to it is there, it itself is not there :)06:41
Redman276mmmmmmmmmmm shaweeeeet  ,   kde on ubuntu  is kickin :D06:41
naliothkalosaurusrex: /msg ubotu apt-file06:41
Specapt-file is awesome06:42
akcomSpec: if I didn't put grub on the MBR, I would put it on hda2 (my /boot partition) correct?06:42
ThunderStrucki can honestly say ive never used apt-file before but i am gonna look at it tonight ;)06:42
akcomand I would make the /boot partition bootable, right?06:42
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alex___How can I make X listen on a TCP port?06:43
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kalosaurusrexnalioth: wow sweet thatnks.  I usually use apt-cache.06:43
Specakcom: good question, i always put grub in my MBR -- i would assume you would put it on your /boot partition though, and make that one bootable06:43
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naliothkalosaurusrex: they make different size wrenches for a reason :)06:43
alex___I tried setting tcp listening [ Tsukasa   ]  [ astro_-   ]  [ makro     ]  [ mjr       ]  [ Kaja      ] 06:43
alex___god damn it06:43
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Specthat was odd06:44
=== sysdoc [n=sysdoc@pool-71-119-81-191.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
bulioI just installed vnc4viewer06:44
kalosaurusrexnalioth: good point :)06:44
Specbulio: congratulations! what a fine choice!06:44
bulionow I do I use it so I can access my home PC?06:44
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Specbulio: is your homepc running vnc?06:44
=== Tape [n=cephalop@udp035348uds.hawaiiantel.net] has joined #ubuntu
yggworkhow do i put my home directory link on my desktop ?06:44
bulioSpec: Just installed vnc2server on it?06:44
birdmunmy home dir is reporting that it is using roughly 84gig of a 100gig drive yet when i enter it its using only a fraction of that06:44
eluxwhats a good text editor to use in ubuntu? (for coding)06:45
XfuserSpec thanks a lot for the help man, now i can use all my files ! :)06:45
dr_willisit pays to read the vnc docs. its a very complex and flexable syste,06:45
Specbulio: i would use tightvnc, regardless, just open a terminal and run the command: vncviewer x.x.x.x   where x.x.x.x = your home pc's IP06:45
Nilsyelux, a nice small one like emacs ;)06:45
Specelux: vim06:45
bulioSpec: I mean setup my vnc server06:45
Specelux: some people call 'emacs' an editor -- but it's really an operating system06:45
ChousukeOh, it was a joke.06:45
=== need_help [n=lee@ACD8CBDF.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
Specbulio: i would read the documentation06:45
=== pexi [n=pexi@123.Red-81-37-122.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Specneed_help: what sort of help do you need?06:46
Nilsyspec: no it is a nice small editor, you can even talk to it ;)06:46
dr_willisbulio,  in short.. shh to the remote machine. run 'vncserver' , run vncviewer on local machine. giveing it the ip and screen # of remote box.06:46
SpecNilsy: and there are three (3) window managers available for it06:46
ChousukeSpec: You know, Just run emacs as your init script.06:46
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SpecChousuke: gotta get HURD working with emacs :)06:46
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bulioawww great, can't ssh in anymore06:47
bulioI'm not sure why :S06:47
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BLOODIs it possible to convert an external HDD partition from vfat to ext3 and keep all the stuff on the drive?06:47
=== Nilsy hate vi
bulioI can pin it though06:47
PupenoI know there's a cups running on some ip on my network, but I don't remember the ip (and I don't have access to that computer). How can I find it ?06:47
kalosaurusrexnalioth: could you help me really quick?  how do I use apt-file to give me what provides the function "lp"?06:47
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PupenoBLOOD: no, you have to backup, repartition and restore.06:48
gatekeeperBLOOD: you need to back it first06:48
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BLOODhow do you send red text to me and me only like that?06:48
SpecBLOOD: your name is included in the line of text06:48
SpecBLOOD: so your IRC client renders it red so you notice it06:48
BLOODI see06:49
=== qwertybob [n=thom@c-69-180-208-122.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BLOODSpec: HI06:49
Specenter is not punctuation06:49
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.06:49
qwertybobshould i use 64 version of kubuntu or will 32 bit version work about same on amd?06:49
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gfehtis there a way to view windows shares of my local network, apart from Nautilus06:49
Specqwertybob: do you have a wireless card?06:49
cimonfrom the oops file06:49
afm\colossus_qwertybob: use the 32bit version06:49
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naliothkalosaurusrex: apt-file only shows you what files are in what package06:49
Specqwertybob: 32bit is more stable and goodfull06:49
xxporqwertybob, unless u have >4gb of ram, it shouldnt make that much of a diffrence06:49
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Specqwertybob: but if you don't have a wireless card, 64bit might be cool06:49
cimonI am currently updateing my systemmm06:50
qwertybobkonqueror is crashing when i click on links06:50
cimonfor some silly reason, synaptic has remover X-org from my system...06:50
Pupenodoes anybody know off-hand how to map a network and find out all the ips with port 661 open (with nmap or something like that).06:50
qwertybobmostly the cnn links i think06:50
afm\colossus_xxpor: actually, the boundary is at 3gb of ram06:50
kalosaurusrexnalioth: ahh I got it. apt-file list -l *pattern*06:50
cimonwhat do I do if I need it back?06:50
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kalosaurusrexworks great thanks dude!06:50
cimonapt-get something06:50
gatekeeperqwertybob: the problems come with the missing bits, like flash which is only 32 bit06:50
xxporafm\colossus_, o thx, i assumed it was diffrent than windows, but you know what that does ;)06:51
Speccimon: does X work?06:51
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cimonI am updating to dapper, is x-org necessary?06:51
BLOODHow long will Linux take to copy about 10000 files totalling about 20Gb+ from a USB2.0 external vfat HDD?06:51
qwertybobgatekeeper: so even if i am running 32, because my processor is 64 ?06:51
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cimonSpec, it hasn't gone through updating yet, synaptic is still running...06:51
afm\colossus_xxpor: recent kernel let you decide at compile time on how to split up 4gigs opf ram on IA-3206:51
xxporBLOOD, whats the RPM of the hd?06:51
dr_willisBLOOD,  external usb is  nasty slow compared to ide.. i would guess hr or 206:51
SpecBLOOD: 20 gigs ... usb harddrive ... 2 hours probably06:51
afm\colossus_but there are some nasty bios tricks involved, iirc06:51
BLOODHow do I find out the RPM?06:52
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xxporBLOOD, nm06:52
SpecBLOOD: it'll say it on the harddrive06:52
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SpecBLOOD: doesn't matter too much, usb is your bottleneck06:52
BLOODill check later06:52
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xxporBLOOD, dont worry about it06:52
eluxhas anyone here tried install netbeans on ubuntu?06:52
cimonSpec:  I really mean, what is the packagename for x-org06:52
Speccimon: i don't know, but if the upgrade leaves you without X, i believe you should just do: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop06:52
BLOODthe 'Copying Files' dialogue is open but it's doing nothing06:52
fyrestrtror xserver-xorg06:52
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eluxwhich device links to my COM1 port?  /dev/ttyS0  ?06:53
cimonfyrestrtr:  will that bring up all the needed files?06:53
liran1oh my god, im gonna cum06:53
xxporafm\colossus_, thx, but I doubt that he wanted to compile the kernel ;)06:53
liran1check http://tux.crystalxp.net/index.php06:53
BLOODthere is no text and the progress bar is empty06:53
qwertybobdoes flash work on amd 64 if you run 32 bit ubuntu version or?06:53
Specliran1: that's not appropriate language, please do not use it here06:53
Specqwertybob: i believe so06:53
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liran1sorry, was just expressing my enthusiasm06:53
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Specliran1: express it in other ways06:53
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krismqwertybob : yes, flash will work in 32 bit mode.06:53
liran1Spec: you most definitely right. my bad. i got carried away06:54
SpecBLOOD: sorry, i can't help you -- i always use a terminal for things like copy06:54
BLOODah its doing stuff now06:54
qwertybobkrism: im wondering why konqueror is crashing so much06:54
liran1Spec: im excited cause i printed some linux stickers just a week ago, but with all the tuxes there i think im gonna print some more :)06:54
Specqwertybob: are you on sixtyfour bit?06:54
qwertybobkrism: system seems super fast, like its ahead of me06:54
afm\colossus_qwertybob: thing is, konqueror is crashing on kubuntu so much06:54
BLOOD109199 files06:54
qwertybobSpec: im on amd sempron 6406:54
Specliran1: ah, i just looked at the site06:54
BLOOD24:14 remaining06:54
afm\colossus_i'm running kde 3.5.2 on gentoo for ages now, and konqu actually NEVER crashed on me06:54
Specqwertybob: perhaps the 64bit version of konq is unstable?06:55
liran1Spec: those tux are so cute :)06:55
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BLOODliran1: what 'tux'?06:55
fyrestrtrtoo bad the site is in french06:55
qwertybobSpec: im running on 32 bit install06:55
Specqwertybob: hmm, that's unfortunate06:55
liran1BLOOD: here http://tux.crystalxp.net/index.php06:55
Specqwertybob: have you checked the forums?06:55
cimonThanks everybody, <3 ubuntu.06:55
yggworkis there any way to make the menu bars in gnome smaller . the bars at top and bottom06:55
Specliran1: what are those? stickers? things you put on a computer?06:55
qwertybobSpec: i will thanks, i have a small problem with nvidia and aperture size in bios06:56
afm\colossus_yggwork: right-click, Properties - Size06:56
skavengeyggwork: right click on the bar, properties, size06:56
Specqwertybob: i don't know what an aperture is so....i'm of no help :p06:56
liran1Spec: it's just drawings. but im gonna print them as stickers in a printshop :)06:56
qwertybobif i increase any performance in bios i get errors, other than that its fast06:56
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qwertybobSpec: only cnn links are crashing, weird06:57
qwertybobmaybe its pop up blocker06:57
eluxi installed the sun-java5-jdk package, but it also installed the gcj jre, which is a 1.4 implementation06:57
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eluxstupid thing06:57
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liran1Spec: these tuxes are going on my blog!06:58
ritahello, guys, I have a problem with sound on ubuntu, when I login using the first created user sound works, when I login using another user everything works except sound! Any one can help ?06:58
yggwork25 is the minimum ? :(06:58
yggworktoo big still06:58
fyrestrtrrita: add the second user to the sound group06:58
detectiveinspektis it possible to make .avi files use mplayer instead of totem?06:59
ritaok I'll try that jus a sec06:59
Dial_tonerita also make sure the volume isn't too low for the other user06:59
javiolohow do I install the x server ?06:59
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Specqwertybob: perhaps cnn is loading a plugin that makes konq crash06:59
fyrestrtrjaviolo: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg06:59
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javiolofyrestrtr ok thanks!06:59
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Specelux: use the program 'update-alternatives' to specify which java is your machine's "default" java06:59
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birdmundetectiveinspekt, you should be able to right click on the icon and adjust what program opens the file type by default06:59
eluxi just deleted gcj.. to hell with it07:00
Specelux: heh07:00
eluxstrange enough. when i tried to install netbeans, it said it couldnt find a JVM, yet javac is installed07:00
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fyrestrtrjavac != jvm07:00
eluxwell.. true07:00
eluxi wonder if the LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set correctly07:00
gfeht is there a way to view windows shares of my local network, apart from Nautilus?07:01
akcomalthough you would believe that if the java compiler is installed, the jvm would be as well07:01
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eluxright, that was the connection i was trying to make07:01
londondavehi, after a kernel update I recompiled an app with the new headers for the kernel version, but it won't work-complains of symbol errors?07:01
eluxok i think it worked.07:01
CarlFKhow do I make mplayer the app that is used when I double click a .wmv that was e-mailed to me07:02
SpecCarlFK: what's the program that you use for mail?07:02
fyrestrtrgfeht: smbclient07:02
CarlFKSpec: thunderbird07:02
londondaveCarlFK: have you the codecs, mplayer should play anything07:02
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deFryskCarlFK, richtklick it > properties and set it to tour preferred app07:02
fyrestrtrevolution, thunderbird, mutt07:02
javiolofyrestrtr how do I start the xserver ?07:02
eluxi have to say07:03
fyrestrtrjaviolo: you have to configure it first.07:03
eluxive been using linux since 95, and im so impressed with ubuntu07:03
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eluxim actually an osx user, but ubuntu is going to displace osx in no time07:03
javiolofyrestrtr was something like dpkg -reconfigure sxerver-xorg ?07:03
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fyrestrtrjaviolo: yes, something like that07:03
CarlFKlondondave: mplayer won't play it if mplayer doesn't get run :)07:03
eluxbtw guys, how can i communicate with my COM1 serial port?  is the device /dev/ttyS0 ?07:03
qwertybobkonqueror crashes when loading offsite image, so thats the trouble, need to configure07:03
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ritaI added the user to the audio group ... do I need to relogin ? or maybe restart some sound deamon ?07:04
CarlFKdeFrysk: rightclick what?  (the attachment has no Props option)07:04
birdmuncan a person do something like dmesg | grep com1 ?07:04
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fyrestrtrrita: relogin07:04
CarlFKbirdmun: yes07:04
ritaok thx brb07:04
londondaveCarlFK: take deFrysk's advice you just need to set the app that should run when you click a wmv file extension07:04
deFryskCarlFK, rightclick the wav file go to properties click open with and set it to your preferred player07:04
CarlFKbirdmun: but I doubt you will find "com1"07:05
birdmunwhat of /dev/ttyS* ?07:05
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CarlFKdeFrysk: right click the attachment = open, save, save all, delete...  no Props option07:06
ritaThanks! Worked like a charm .... just a last question I noticed the first user is member of a dozen groups ... where can I check what each one is for ?07:06
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deFryskCarlFK, not the attachement the file07:06
londondaveelux: the last time I had a dial-up modem it was ttyS0 or com107:06
deFryskthe .wav file07:06
mneisenhi, is there a way to convert a running Debian installation into Ubuntu?07:06
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fyrestrtrmneisen: psst .. ask in #debian ;)07:07
CarlFKdeFrysk: so save it first?07:07
deFryskCarlFK, dunno its your mail07:07
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mneisenfyrestrtr: Why, i want to leave debian, and I do not think they are so glad to help me ... :-D07:08
filemoverim having trouble changing permissions on some files ive moved from a cdrom can anyone help07:08
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fyrestrtrrita: there is no list, but generally speaking -- admin (this group is allowed to sudo -- run tasks with root privileges) sanner (use of scanners), audio (use sound card), games (play games), etc.07:08
londondavefilemover: what's the problem07:08
filemoverwell i can move folders arround using sudo07:09
deFryskanyway I'm off bye all07:09
CarlFKdeFrysk: what is the difference between "the attachement" and "the file" ?07:09
filemoverfrom a terminal07:09
filemoverbut when it comes to moving them from a gui i cant07:09
filemoverand they have a lock on them07:09
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londondaveyou should be able to use the cdrom and copy files to your harddrive as a normal user07:10
filemoveryeah i know07:10
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skavengefilemover: im not good with permissions which i know is what you want but quick fix you could run 'gksudo nautilus' .. it'll let you move them in the gui then07:10
birdmuni have a fold misreporting its size by 10's of gigs is there anyway i can get it corrected w/o reinstalling?07:10
polpakfilemover, be careful moving things around as root07:10
polpakfilemover, are these files/directories in your home directory?07:11
filemoverbut i made the mistake of moving them from the terminal onto my hard drive as superuser07:11
snoopsis there a way to setup my main box as a ubuntu repository with highest priority? So the other ubuntu boxes on my network will check that first and if that machine has any updated packages grab them>07:11
eluxdo you guys know where the JRE is usually installed on ubuntu?07:11
filemoveryes they are07:11
mneisenelux: Somewhere in /usr/lib/jvm07:11
filemoverin my home directory07:11
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ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto07:11
ubotuNo fonts in flash? Install msttcorefonts, gsfonts, and gsfonts-x11 , No fonts in mplayer? see !mplayer07:11
polpakfilemover, just use chown -R youruser:youruser /home/youruser07:11
birdmunis it not installed in java-1.5. ...?07:11
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polpakfilemover, but put sudo in front of it07:12
dAbReAkAi've got 2 soundcards and kubuntu properly detects them.. my 5.1 subwoofer is connected to the first one, and my microphone is connected to the 2nd one.. when i boot it up i can play music (with the first sound card) but my mic is not working(2nd one)..07:12
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polpakfilemover, that will fix it07:12
filemoveri tried that but i didnt know the group name07:12
filemoverhow do i find my group name07:12
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polpakfilemover, it's the same as your username usually07:12
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mneisenbirdmun: Yes it is, and this is a subdir of /usr/lib/jvm07:12
filemoverso they are both the same07:13
filemoverthanx for the help07:13
filemoverso i use sudo chown -R user:user /home/user07:13
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polpakfilemover, yes07:14
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filemoverno good07:16
eluxive setup a ubuntu server that will be used in an environment where there could be a lot of power failures.  im using an ext3 file system .. could there be room for data corruption?07:16
birdmuni think so07:16
filemoverdont want to budge07:16
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ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.07:17
dAbReAkAi've got 2 soundcards and kubuntu properly detects them.. my 5.1 subwoofer is connected to the first one, and my microphone is connected to the 2nd one.. when i boot it up i can play music (with the first sound card) but my mic is not working(2nd one)..07:17
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birdmunam i asking the wrong question about my bloated folder?07:17
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ompaulelux, it is always possible, ext3 may help some but when a device is in that state I would prefer you to say I have installed a UPS07:18
filemoveru have to create asymlink to the device07:18
[Ex0r] Perfect, I am back :)07:18
polpakfilemover, right click the file and tell me what the permissions are07:18
polpakfilemover, and the owner/group07:18
mneisenok, i dont like to repeat but i didnt et an answer on #debian (they said ask on #ubuntu) ...07:18
mneisenhi, is there a way to convert a running Debian installation into Ubuntu?07:18
dr_willismneisen,  not that i have heard of.07:18
skavengemneisen: not anymore i dont think, there was when ubuntu was in its infancy07:18
eluxompaul: i hear ya.07:18
dAbReAkAis there a way to set the second soundcard as default for input signals?07:19
filemoverread and execute for everyone and write for no one07:19
polpakfilemover, and what directory is the file in ?07:19
Lynouremneisen: but if you don't have anything specialy installed, and a separate /home partition, installing while keeping your home shouldn't be too tough07:19
filemoveri created a directory called My MUsic in my home directory07:19
filemoverand they are in there07:20
polpakfilemover, ok, what are the permissions on the My Music directory?07:20
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gatekeepermneisen: ubuntu although debian based is incompatible with debian, so the answer is no, however you could back your data up then install ubuntu then restore your data07:20
[Ex0r] Does anybody here know a good open-source software package for handling servers all at once? (Like cpanel, or plesk) ?07:20
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filemoverOwner can do everything and Gruop and others can only read and execute07:21
gatekeepermneisen: why do you want to move from debian to ubuntu?07:21
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polpakfilemover,  and your user is the owner/group for the files and directories?07:21
mneisengatekeeper: I want to use ubuntu, but my hoster only offers debian on dedicated servers.07:21
filemoverand the user is me07:22
ompaul!enter > filemover07:22
filemoverive just seen something Polpak07:22
ompaulfilemover, can you please read the message from the bot, thanks ;-)07:22
filemoverone sec07:22
Specompaul: hah07:22
mneisenas an alternative, I have access to an rescue system (booted vai network). Is it possible to install ubuntu without inserting the installation CD?07:22
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[Ex0r] Nobody has any ?07:23
mneisen(Please refrain from saying: "Yes, just enter the installation *DVD*!" :-D)07:23
skavengeive yet to see it installed without it07:23
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polpakfilemover, what did you see?07:23
thegattacaHow does one disable click-on-tap with the Alps touchpad using the synaptec driver?07:23
thegattacaI've tried the following (close to bottom driver version and re-configuration procedure) with no luck.07:23
birdmunso mneisen you are after a nfs install?07:23
ompaul[Ex0r] , please wait 15 minutes before you ask again thanks ] 07:23
jkphow can i put args in menu.lst that dont get blown away each time i upgrade the kernel?07:23
thegattaca(in Dapper)07:24
filemoverwhen i did the install i put my name in and is next to the username i specified in the Music Properties under permissions07:24
skavengethegattaca: good luck, spent about a week on that one with no luck .. its a pain with alps touchpads07:24
=== thegattaca noticed
haakonnmy dapper system totally disregards /etc/hosts and only asks the nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf. i've looked at man hosts and man resolv.conf, but i can't figure out how to make it ask hosts first. any ideas?07:24
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thegattacaperhaps the gentoo dudes know07:24
haakonn(the effect is that localhost doesn't resolve, of course)07:25
[Ex0r] ompaul- I didn't ask again, I said I take it nobody knows :)07:25
stefgjkp: there's tags in the list, read it carefully... what's in between them gets edited, waht's outside is protected07:25
ompauljkp, interesting question, if you don't get an answer ask on, https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users high volume but it would be the the best location to get an answer to that07:25
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ompaul[Ex0r] , almost a point ;-)07:25
gatekeepermneisen: damn small linux (which you could investigate and see if you could use it with ubuntu live cd) I think have a method of using a liveCD but saving your settings to a usb, or something like that07:25
jkpstefg: i saw the stuff in the config, i uncommented the line before, it hink it needs the comment left07:25
gatekeepermneisen: what is it that you feel ubuntu gives you that debian doesn't?07:26
jkpyeah that worked07:26
mattnashhaakonn: I think you need to look at nsswitch.conf07:27
haakonnmattnash:  i even looked at that, but i didn't understand a lot ;)07:27
afm\colossus_"Ubuntu" is an ancient african word meaning "I can't configure Debian".07:27
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stefgsure it did :-)... ubuntu is not SuSe , as i said earlier :-D07:27
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gatekeeperafm\colossus_: :-)07:27
mattnashhaakonn: There should be a line that says hosts: -- change the order to files dns07:27
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haakonncool, i'll try07:27
mattnashhaakonn: http://learnlinux.tsf.org.za/courses/build/net-admin/ch07s03.html07:28
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filemoverive figured it out polpak07:29
filemoveri used chown which changed the permissions07:30
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polpakfilemover, chmod changes permissions chown changes ownership07:30
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filemoverthats it07:30
londondavedo you need tke kernel source to compile apps if you have the linux-headers?07:30
filemoverthe day only dawned on me just then07:31
polpaklondondave, only to compile kernel modules afaik07:31
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londondavepolpak: I don't think I will be doing that, so I may as well remove it07:31
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polpaklondondave, useing apt yes ?07:32
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Fooballondondave: applications should never be compiled against the kernel version specific headers.. that drives Linus Torvalds personally MAD. so yeah, the general kernel line specific headers should do07:32
Thecan someone help me with something.I need to buy an intel pentium 3 cpu and they want to know what socket i have.Where can i found this out if i don't have any motherboard manuals07:32
polpakThe, you have to look it up online07:33
colkis it a card processor07:33
polpakThe, it should have a model number on the motherboard07:33
colkor a socket07:33
haakonnmattnash:  thanks, but there's really no different no matter how i rearrange the "hosts:" line07:33
colkie is the processor a vertical cartrige07:33
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cparkerI'm looking into getting a wifi card for my laptop. What do people recommend?07:33
colkor is it in a socket07:33
polpak!wireless > cparker07:34
londondaveFoobal: so don't bother with the source just use the right headers07:34
polpakcparker, one on the list ubotu sent you07:34
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polpakcparker, if you want to be sure it's compatible07:34
mattnashhaakonn: I'm looking... there may be a process restart required.07:35
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mneisengatekeeper: I think ubuntu gives me fresher software - if this does not hold true, I will go using debian on the server ... :-D07:35
haakonnlooked for that too, but i don't see anything of relevance in /etc/init.d07:35
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colkmneisen, actually debian can give you extremly fresh software07:35
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colkuou just have to be using either sid or testing07:35
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nabil2199hello i'm a newbie07:36
wubrgamerhey guys07:36
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wubrgameri just installed a vanilla "server" install07:36
wubrgamernot the fancy one that sets up LAMP07:36
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.07:36
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wubrgamerpolpal, shut up, if other people were speaking i wouldn't be doing that07:37
londondavesorry to be a pain, but I was using mandake and you had to use the kernel source, so in ubuntu you just need the headers?07:37
polpaklondondave, you don't need the source07:37
wubrgamerwait, you shouldn't need the headers at all07:37
londondavepolpak: thanks, I found that a bit confusing07:37
mnvlhelp i just upgraded to dapper last night, installed all codecs. now rhythmbox is skipping like a cd player when i play mp3's !07:37
gatekeeperlondondave: what are you trying to do?07:38
[Ex0r] So... does anybody here know any free or open-source server management software, like cpanel or plesk ?07:38
wubrgameranyway, how do i get ubuntu to auto install lamp in it's fancy way in an already installed system ?07:38
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mneisencolk: thanks for the advice.07:38
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wubrgamerphpmyadmin will take care of php07:38
wubrgameri mean07:38
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michaelhello all07:39
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krism!rules > krism07:39
gatekeeperhttp://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper lots ofusefull howto including php etc: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper07:39
londondavegatekeeper: I compiled a driver (ueagle-atm) with kernel 2.6.15-25 which was updated to ...15-26, downloaded the headers and recompiled for the new kernel but I get symbol errors-it won't work07:39
michaeldoes anybody here know of a good application to use to make small videos of my screen?07:39
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krismanybody know how to turn OFF the bitchx away alert? (e.g. i dont want it to advertise to channel)07:40
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londondavegatekeeper: yet in works perfectly for 2.6.15-25?07:40
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polpakwubrgamer, sudo apt-get install mysql php apache207:40
wubrgameri know that07:40
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wubrgamerbut what does the fancy new server cd do ?07:40
wubrgamerother than that ?07:40
[Ex0r] nothing07:40
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wubrgamerseriously ? well, alright07:41
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chowellsinstalls a limited number of packages07:41
wubrgamerlike ?07:41
wubrgameris there a package07:41
polpakmysql, php, apache207:41
chowellsno gnome and kde07:41
sledmouthsqlite, php, lighttpd :)07:41
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@ppp-69-233-82-32.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
[Ex0r] wubrgamer- it installs the basics that would be on a server07:41
[Ex0r] no x, no gnome, etc07:41
gatekeeperlondondave: do you know much about c++?07:41
rredd4I want to change which partition grub boots from, can someone help please?  grub is booting from my kubuntu partition now, I want to remove kubuntu and have grub boot off of the ubuntu partition07:42
buliowhats the command to see the current system version in Linux?07:42
sledmouthrredd4 !07:42
polpakbulio, uname -a07:42
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rredd4sledmouth hi07:42
londondavegatekeeper: a little, someone said that my gcc version may be causing the problem?07:42
rredd4sledmouth googled... did not find the answer07:42
Jack_SparrowMy last update didnt see my XP....07:42
wubrgamerre-install grub on the partition you want07:42
asdasdQUESTION: How can I share e-mail contacts WITHOUT using LDAP?07:42
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londondavegatekeeper: I had a router but now I'm stuck with this adsl modem as I don't if the NIC has packed up-it's a laptop07:43
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mattnashhaakonn: also check /etc/host.conf.  Is your only problem that localhost doesn't resolve?  Check your lo interface and make sure it has an address.07:43
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sledmouthrredd4 what is the partition u want to boot ?07:44
[Ex0r] Hmm, how does one install SSLeay ?07:44
rredd4sledmouth hda5  menu.lst says its hd0,407:44
=== EinZteiN [n=einztein@a213-22-54-146.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu
sledmouththen u do the following07:44
sledmouthtype 'grub'07:44
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sledmouththen u will see grub prompt07:45
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gatekeeperlondondave: I doubt it has much to do with gcc although you can get differnces moving from one compiler to the next, my guess is the kernel header have changed, I would need to see the errors, although I am not familiar with linux kernel code07:45
Leafwwhich libs are needed for .mov files to play in totem movie player ?07:45
Leafwlibmpeg ?07:45
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ubotuI know nothing about mov - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:45
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rredd4sledmouth ok07:45
ubotuI know nothing about movies - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:45
sledmouthrredd4 grub> root (hd0,4)07:45
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ubotuI know nothing about movie - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:45
wubrgamersudo grub-update07:45
sledmouthrredd4 grub> setup (hd0)07:45
haakonnmattnash:  host.conf has "order hosts,bind", lo has ip the problem is that anything i put in hosts does not resolve, and host -v says it asks the ISP nameserver (which fails for my local /etc/hosts names) and then gives up. now i want to set up the leafnode program, which requires to be able to resolve localhost07:45
sledmouthrredd4 grub> quit07:45
polpak[Ex0r] , SSLeay the perl module?07:45
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sledmouthrredd4 then reboot07:46
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gatekeeperlondondave: ideally you need the person who did the driver to fix the problem07:46
londondavegatekeeper: i downloaded the headers for the new kernel version, and the driver compiled and installed without errors, just won't work with the new kernel-a bit of a mystery07:46
[Ex0r] polpak- yeah, I found it in apt. Typed in the wrong name :)07:46
polpak[Ex0r] , np07:46
mthizozohey guys if I want to check php version that I'm using on ubuntu, how do I check it?07:47
londondavegatekeeper: maybe they will update ueagle soon as I can't be the only one with the problem-thanks though07:47
gatekeeperlondondave: put the error in pastebin I will take a look not promising anything07:47
polpakdpkg -l php07:47
sledmouthrredd4 ?07:47
londondavewhat's pastebin07:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:47
rredd4sledmouth  ok, ty  how do i verify that it is working on ubuntu?07:47
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mattnashhaakonn: Yes, resolving localhost is very important.  Can you reboot the whole thing?  I can't find anything that suggests you should have to restart anything.07:47
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sledmouthwhat was output after setup (hd0) rredd4 ?07:48
haakonnmattnash:  i could certainly try a reboot. thanks for your time :)07:48
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rredd4sledmouth  I have to reboot into ubuntu  brb07:48
mattnashhaakonn: actually host -v does the same thing to me but localhost resolves on a ping07:48
tahorghi, anyone using flumotion on dapper ?07:48
sledmouthrredd4 , to verify that it is working, put in a bogus line just to check07:48
gorskiwhy i cannot resize the root partition of ubuntu with qtparted?07:49
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haakonnoh interesting07:49
sledmouthin menu.lst07:49
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rredd4sledmouth  ok07:49
stefggorski: because it's mounted07:49
polpakgorski, probably because it's curently mounted?07:49
polpakgorski, try booting off the cd07:49
haakonnmattnash:  ping manages to resolve localhost actually07:49
truz_`24When are we going to start the opensource version of clonecd?07:49
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rredd4sledmouth  should i do the grub shell in kubuntu or ubuntu?07:49
polpakgorski, use gparted from the live cd environment07:49
haakonnmattnash:  is host (or something in that system) using negative name caching or something? hmm07:49
gorskihow will i resize it from the cd?07:49
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gorskithere is a gparted on a live cd?07:50
londondavegatekeeper: thanks I will find the errors in syslog and put in pastebin, thanks polpak07:50
polpakgorski, yes07:50
gorskiok, tnx a lot, bye!07:50
mattnashhaakonn: Not to my knowledge, which is limited.07:50
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haakonnwell, i'll try a reboot07:50
mattnashhaakonn: So does the leafnode install, or the application itself, still not work?07:51
haakonnmattnash:  dpkg-reconfigure exits complaining about not being able to resolve localhost07:51
kakadomthizozo, try php -v07:51
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ompaultruz_`24, me I like gnomebaker or k3b07:51
[Ex0r] something happened to my install..07:51
londondavedisagrees about version of symbol usbatm_usb_probe07:51
londondaveJul 14 12:13:47 david-laptop kernel: [17179925.528000]  ueagle_atm: Unknown symbol usbatm_usb_probe07:51
rredd4sledmouth  do this in ubuntu or kubuntu?  or does it matter?07:52
[Ex0r] i go to open an application, and it puts it at the bottom, says starting, and than goes away07:52
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sledmouthsince it is on ur hda507:52
ubotuI know nothing about ! - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:52
RemillardHas anyone had trouble getting the PLF repository to list properly today?07:52
rredd4sledmouth  thanks!!07:52
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:52
haakonnmattnash:  hmm, hang on, now it says my hostname is not a fqdn (which is right), i'll look into that07:52
stefgPLF seems offline (at least for most of the time)07:52
GastenIf I've lost a couples of files when I switched to Ubuntu from win98 (through deletion), how can I get them back?07:53
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ompaulstefg, true07:53
Remillardstefg: ahh... not all that useful then I suppose07:53
rredd4sledmouth  i will have to do this a little later.... my gf is using the desktop... but many thanks for your great help!!07:53
polpakGasten, restore from your backups07:53
stefgSeveas' repos could provide a couple of needed packages07:53
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sledmouthanytime rredd407:53
mthizozokakado, it says the command not found07:54
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Gastenpolpak: Yes. I know. You have no reson for being a fucker.07:54
Jack_SparrowGasten: Depends on how they were deleted07:54
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ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:54
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Jack_SparrowIf you overwrote that partition during the install chances are slim07:54
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asdasdQUESTION: How can I share e-mail contacts WITHOUT using LDAP?07:54
kakadomthizozo, use synaptics to install or check version07:54
gatekeeperlondondave: Unknown symbol usbatm_usb_probe it's looking for a function called usbatm_usb_probe() which doesn't seem to exist (i.e. no prototype for it in the kernel headers possible) search the old source code for that fuction07:55
skavengetheres no chance if he formatted the same partition 98 was on to ubuntu07:55
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stefgasdasd: what email MUA?07:55
gatekeeperlondondave: make snce to you?07:55
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gatekeepersence even oops07:55
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londondavegatekeeper: yes, but I'm still confused why it complies as it needs the prototype to build?07:56
Jack_SparrowGasten: How did you delete the files is the first question we need to know07:56
asdasdstefg: MUA? MTA?07:56
londondavegatekeeper: compiles even07:56
haakonnmattnash:  fixed that by adding ".mydomain" to my hostname :) host still cannot resolve localhost, but i don't know how critical that is07:56
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stefgMail user agent... thunderbird, evolution, Outlook Express ... errr, no i messed something up :-)07:56
gatekeeperlondondave: you saying it compiles but does not link?07:56
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mattnashhaakonn: host is supposed to use nsswitch.conf if it is using gethostbyname... I don't know what its problem is.07:57
eyequeuehaakonn, want your localhost fixed?07:57
asdasdstefg Thunderbird : )07:57
[Ex0r] err, what the heck. I cannot open ANY of my programs. They all close.07:57
haakonneyequeue:  i guess? :)07:57
londondavegatekeeper: it compiles and installs without any errors, same as it did for the previous kernel and headers-bit weird07:57
ompaul[Ex0r] , have you rebooted since you started getting issues?07:57
haakonna reboot will probably fix it07:57
[Ex0r] ompaul- Nope, but why should I have to? I didn't do anything for the issues to start, they just started.07:58
stefgyou could try to symlink the addressbook of all the users to one common file... as long as not 2 users try to edit at the same time07:58
eyequeuehaakonn, grep localhost /etc/hosts07:58
mthizozoKakado, I'm newbie here so I'm not sure what do you mean if you say "synaptics"07:58
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polpak[Ex0r] , you can check your system memory.. you may have something using it all07:58
gatekeeperlondondave: now I am confused I thought you sais that it did not compile with the new kernel?07:58
eyequeuehaakonn, get a line with in it?07:58
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asdasdstefg the users are on seperate computers07:58
haakonneyequeue:  sure do07:58
kakadomthizozo, the package program in ubuntu07:58
stefgasdasd: so put the adressbook on a fileserver07:58
haakonneyequeue:  ' kozelek kozelek.mydomain localhost.localdomain localhost' (it's a mess, but i've tried "everything") :)07:59
eyequeuehaakonn, okay, the simple fix doesn't apply :) sorry :)07:59
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londondavegatekeeper: sorry for that, no ueagle-atm compiles and installs no problem, but the log gives that error when the laptop boots and the modem will not work07:59
asdasdstefg i dont think it works that way...then i have to use LDAP?07:59
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eyequeuehaakonn, that's the most commomn cause, but you're all set there07:59
mthizozokakado, oh! you mean the package manager, thanks I will check there08:00
londondavegatekeeper: yet excactly the same process worked fine for the previous kernel which I'm using now or no internet08:00
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amy_finger Amy08:00
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=== asdasd slaps amy_ around a bit with a large trout
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stefgasdasd: why shouldn't it work... i access my linux addressbook over samba from a vmware win-install08:00
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ompaul[Ex0r] , to check how your memory is eing used if you can run a single terminal in there run "free" and see what comes back08:01
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asdasdstefg how do you do that? I have an ubuntu server where I would like to keep the "master" e-mail contact list, then I want the other ten computers to have access to the list through thunderbird, and optimally be able to add/remove new contacts08:01
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potatodemonWhat is a good web based network traffic monitoring tool that is easy to setup?08:02
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gatekeeperlondondave: missing dependency probable, i.e. missing library file where it is installed, bit wierd that it linked in the first place unless it has moved the binaries to a new location and the binary doesn't have access to that lib08:02
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ibob63Password protect an archive using the tar command?08:02
amy_I'm having some trouble with my soundcard.  Ubuntu seems to be running drivers for it, but nothing works... thoughts?08:02
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Seveasibob63, use gpg08:03
stefgasdasd: put the addressbook preferrably on a nfs share, and make symlinks from all user profiles to that file... that's it08:03
Seveasgpg --encrypt < foo.tar > foo.tar.gpg08:03
eyequeueibob63, gpg -c it, after you tar it08:03
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ibob63thanks - I have a play :)08:03
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stefgstefg: but be aware that there's not really an access control... could be hazardous08:04
londondavegatekeeper: it just build the *.ko files and puts them in /lib/modules/version/extras why it is failing I'm not sure looks like a bug08:04
Seveasstefg, you're talking to yourself 08:04
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stefgthanks for the hint08:04
jkpstefg: so, how can i install a basic gnome desktop, not OO and shit?08:05
sztanpethow do i add something to the run level so it runs at boot08:05
jkpi looked at ubuntu-desktop but that includes everything08:05
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[Ex0r] !tell jkp about language08:05
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stefgfind the right metapackage ... dpkg -l | grep gnome08:05
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jkpstefg: there are a lot when you grep gnome :)08:05
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cberloHi folks.  Got a question about locking down the Gnome Desktop (okay, maybe several questions).  Can I prevent users from right-clicking to "Create Launcher" on the desktop or anywhere else; also, can I hide the Places menu somehow?08:05
veeranyone experience linux users around and got a few minutes to spare? I require some technical help08:06
gatekeeperlondondave: could be there are some google references to Unknown symbol usbatm_usb_probe08:06
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stefgyou've got 300 lines of buffer haven't you ?08:06
kakadomthizozo, you probably want libapache2-mod-php4/508:06
ompaulSeveas, bug08:06
londondavegatekeeper: good idea and thanks08:06
CrescendoWhat would people recommend for making a flowchart, partcularly tournament brackets?08:06
Seveasompaul, see that08:06
gatekeeperveer ask your question08:06
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:06
Seveaslook at -ops08:06
[Ex0r] Crescendo- word08:06
xulasputos ingleses08:06
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snoopsCrescendo there's dia and um kivio08:07
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veerOk firstly I am new to Ubuntu, i just installed it few hours ago. My question, is how do i go about configuring ubuntu so that I can access my windows files?08:07
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polpak!ntfs > veer08:07
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polpakveer,  read the message from ubotu08:07
eyequeueSeveas, i was wondering if we had any spanish speaking ops ;)08:07
=== tuxtux ciao
Jack_Sparrowveer what type of partition08:07
gatekeeperlondondave: if the older kernel worked unless you have some very pressing need for the newer I would go back to the older one08:07
Seveaseyequeue, I know enough spanish to not want to be a puta08:07
eyequeueSeveas, yeah, i probablu couldn't survive in spain, but i know tha naughty stuff08:08
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wubrgamer[Ex0r] : hey guys08:08
wubrgamer*hey guys08:08
veerPolpak I got the ubotu, i have seen it before08:08
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veerMy partition is ntfs08:08
wubrgamerhave you heard of grub error 15 ?08:09
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polpakveer,  well that page will tell you how to mount your windows partition08:09
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polpakveer, which will give you access to the files08:09
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snoopsveer reading is no problem..writing is.. a problem that is08:09
wubrgamergrub error 1508:09
Jack_Sparrowveer: do you intend to write to the ntfs or just read08:09
stefgjkp: searching synaptic there does not seem to be a good metapackage... maybe start with gnome-panel and nautilus and see what's missing after that08:09
ubotuI know nothing about !! - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:09
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londondavegatekeeper: I am just have to remember not to let it boot with the new kernel :)08:09
jkpstefg: cool...one more quickie08:09
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jkpwhat command can i run to see what a certain deb depends on?08:09
nihilocratwhat's a good GNOME program for taking a screenshot?08:09
veerPolpak I dont mind writing, as long as i can access (read ) basic stuff, like music, videos etc08:10
skavengeregardless of video format or what program its playing in my videos wash out bright white randomly during an x session .. restarting X fixes it. i dunno what on earth is going on ;/ Anyone with any ideas?08:10
Jack_Sparrowveer: I setup a small fat 32 partition to pass files back and forth to and from windows08:10
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ubotuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr]  button or the file -> acquire menu in the Gimp. Screenshots can be posted on the !pastebin08:10
nihilocratoh, okay08:10
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eyequeuejkp, apt-cache show foo | grep Depends (where foo is package name)08:10
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veerJack_sparrow: I intent to read08:10
jkpeyequeue: thanks08:10
eyequeuejkp, np08:10
veerwriting should not be a problem, since most of my downloading and stuff is done in xp08:11
jkpeyequeue: no, thats the wrong way actually08:11
Jack_Sparrowhttp://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter can mount them and place icons on your desktop08:11
jkpi want to see what will be installed if i install package x08:11
[Ex0r] Anyone here familiar with postfix for ubuntu ?08:11
gatekeeperlondondave: if there are very minor version number changes it's probable not worth the hassle dealing with the newer kernel08:11
polpakveer, that's less than advisable. much fewer virii in linux08:11
stefgjkp: very good question... i don't know from memory... use synaptic sissie-style for that... any senior can help?08:11
eyequeuejkp, what did you want to see that the command doesn't provide?08:11
ubotuI know nothing about hibernate - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:11
ubotuI know nothing about suspend - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:11
jkpeyequeue: i want to see what packages are going to be installed if i try install foo08:12
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jkpie what its dependencies are08:12
veerAh a08:12
Jack_Sparrowveer:  USe Linux for the internet, and not XP.  pass files with fat32 that you need in windows08:12
soulflyhi there, do i need the alternate install cd for softwareraid?08:12
eyequeuejkp, okay, some of the dependencieds may have their own dependencies, you'd have to run that command on each of them08:12
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soulflyor is the desktop cd ok?08:12
stefgjkp: you can always use aptitude... ncurses frontend to apt08:12
polpaksoulfly, you mean LVM?08:12
KristopheAnybody knows how to print lots of pictures, 2 per page, without having to do it page per page in oofice?08:12
eyequeuejkp, was that the part that it omitted? if not, let me know what more it needs and maybe i can help better08:12
londondavegatekeeper: I agree it's just this will be a problem now after each kernel update, looking on google I'm not the only one with the prob, it seems ueagle works with some kernels but not others-very strange08:12
jkpstefg: aye08:12
polpaksoulfly, you need the alternate install CD for LVM support afaik08:13
soulflypolpak, i dont know? i want to make a raid 1 install08:13
veerSo how do i go about it, create fresh partitons then, including one fat32?08:13
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johankj65anybody knows how to remove the minimize trails in gnome?08:13
soulflypolpak, over two harddisks,,, do i need LVM then?08:13
rredd4sledmouth  I typed in those commands, rebooted, now I have no grub08:14
gatekeeperlondondave: such is life, you would have to know what is going on the kernel development to really get a handle on the problems08:14
eyequeuejkp, apt-cache show foo <<<< that part tells all about package foo .... and .... that part says "just the dependencies please" >>>>>| grep Depends08:14
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Jack_Sparrowveer:  you can use autocomplete to finish a persons nickname which highlights the test for the person you are talking with08:14
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Chousukeeyequeue: apt-cache depends package?08:14
Jack_Sparrowveer: Use the tab key08:14
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eyequeueChousuke, apt-cache show package08:15
veerJack_Sparrow: I got it, thanks.08:15
londondavegatekeeper: think i'd better find a way to get back to using a router and this nonsense will go away08:15
ChousukeI mean08:15
Jack_Sparrowveer:  is your current drive empty08:15
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Chousukeyou can get dependencies directlu.08:15
veerJack_Sparrow: I am planning to reformat my whole computer and start a fresh08:15
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veerJack_Sparrow: Since I have way to much junk i need to get rid off, and i wish to install linux fresh aswell08:16
mthizozoKakado,thank you I've checked it, it's libapache2-mod-php5, keep well08:16
Jack_Sparrowveer WIfe has breakfast almost ready.  Assuming fresh, make a windows partition and install windows using half you drive.08:16
gatekeeperlondondave: sounds like a good idea. Unless there is a security issue, I go with 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' :-)08:16
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stefgsudo apt-cache depends [package]  seems correct... says man apt-cache08:16
rredd4I have no grub on my desktop, how do I get it back?08:16
veerJack_Sparrow: got it08:16
jkpstefg: ta08:16
eyequeueChousuke, i see that yours was a suggestion now, but i don't like all the extraneous recommends and suggests, nor the preaking onto separate lines ... personal tastes i guess08:16
veerJack_Sparrow: I shall try it otu08:16
veerJack_Sparrow: *out08:17
Jack_SparrowUsing windows create a fat32 partition of 10 gig or whatever you have room for, then run live cd and tell it to use all unpartitioned space08:17
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severoushello people08:17
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polpakveer, then yes, make 4 partitions, 1 nfts (probably the first one (primary), a fat32 (logical), an ext3 (logical), and a linux swap(logical)08:17
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snoopswhy bother using fat32? if you want to access your ext3 shares in windows just use the ext3 driver for windows08:17
finalbetaI'm using vnc viewer to take over a ubuntu desktop from a ubuntu desktop, after I scrol inside a window, like Xchat, all text scrols on top of eachother. Not usable. Help...08:17
severoushow do i get shell scripts working??08:17
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gatekeeperJack_Sparrow: have you shrunk your windows partition to make room for linux partion(s)?08:18
eyequeuesnoops, that's not ficitious?  i'd heard it was08:18
londondavegatekeeper: thats the only drawback with this dell laptop, if the NIC fails u need to use pmcia cards or whetever they are called, at least with a tower you can just change it08:18
veerpolpak: got it, I will try it out, should i create these partitions using the windows partiton?08:18
jkpfinalbeta: use nxserver :)08:18
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Jack_Sparrowpolpak: I prefer to let the Live CD set it up instead of having the user try to point to the right partitions.  Some are very new to this.. gotta go eat..08:18
snoopseyequeue the driver works brilliantly here08:18
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polpakveer, you can use the live CD to create the partitions, then install windows first08:18
Jack_Sparrowgatekeeper: system here is fine08:18
veerJack_Sparrow: Thanks for your help, very much apperecieat it08:18
eyequeueseverous, if you've written one and want it to be be executable, chmod +x foo, is one way., then "./foo"08:18
polpakveer, then you can install ubuntu08:18
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Linux_Boyyo people08:19
polpakveer, when you install ubuntu be sure not to use the "standard" install (will remove all partitions and reformat)08:19
eyequeuesnoops, is there a catch perhaps?  non-free or something?  i'm just wondering why i don't see more using it08:19
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snoopseyequeue well, the driver doesn't have journalling08:19
polpakveer, but it should be fairly automatic from there since you'll have only 1 place ubuntu can install to08:19
finalbetajkp, so this is normal? Why does ubuntu use it by default then?08:19
gatekeeperveer: there is a google video that walks you through the process of dual booting08:19
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Linux_BoyHow I disable shift+backspace from rebooting X server08:19
eyequeuesnoops, ah, so it's ext2 only then?08:19
jkpfinalbeta: nxserver is not opensource08:20
veergatekeeper: really ,can you link it to me please?08:20
polpakLinux_Boy, stop using XGL08:20
jkpbut it is shed loads better than antying else out there08:20
jkpwell worth using08:20
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Linux_BoyHow u knew08:20
polpakLinux_Boy, there may be another way.. but you'll have to ask in #ubuntu-xgl08:20
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veerpolpak: So I reformat my hard disk, install windows, then create partitons, and install via live?08:20
snoopsright eyequeue - but is absolutely perfect for sharing files between08:20
gatekeeperveer: hang on I will see if I can find it again...08:20
polpakLinux_Boy, because XGL is what's making it do that08:20
veergatekeeper: Thank thee08:20
eyequeuesnoops, gotcha :)08:20
[Ex0r] darn wine08:20
Linux_Boyo ok08:20
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finalbetajkp, I only need to use it on a local lan. resources are not the problem.08:21
polpakveer, no, boot with the live CD. and create the partitions. Then reboot and install windows on those partitions, then install ubuntu off the live cd08:21
snoopseyequeue www.fs-driver.org fyi :) - very easy install.. and a whole lot of 'just works' and beats the hell out of fat3208:21
jkpi still think   its worth it08:21
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polpakveer, windows will only see the ntfs and fat32 partitions08:21
veerpolpak: Gotcha. I was just a bit unclear, thanks for clearifying08:21
gatekeeperveer: not sure if this is breezy or dapper but the process one or another is basically the same: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-610449081131189823608:22
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snoopspolpak and ext2/3 if you install the driver I mentioned above08:22
gatekeeperveer: there is load loads of info if you google ubuntu dual boot08:22
eyequeuesnoops, i'll try to recall that to give out later (no personal need here, but i'm sure someone i talk to will have one, thanks))08:22
veergatekeeper: Thank thee, I shall have a look at it now,08:23
gatekeeperveer: yw good luck :-)08:23
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snoopseyequeue most welcome :)08:23
eyequeuesnoops, and i gather it has ext2 write support, unlike ntfs in linux? :)08:23
veergatekeeper: Thanks :)08:23
usulhey I have a problem booting ubuntu (dapper) when NOT connected to the net. I get an error saying Nautilus won't start because of an bonobo error!?! Can anyone help?08:23
Nitefallapparently xchat for ubuntu doesn't log, even thoug I have logging enabled?08:23
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polpakveer, you can always try again if it doesn't work out the way you want08:23
polpakveer, it's good experience08:24
eyequeueNitefall, did you create the log dir?08:24
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Nitefallno, shouldn't xchat have done that?08:24
usulPerhaps there is a way to bypass by not configuring the connection by default?08:24
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Seveasooh fun08:25
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usulhey I have a problem booting ubuntu (dapper) when NOT connected to the net. I get an error saying Nautilus won't start because of an bonobo error!?! Can anyone help?08:25
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veerpolpak: Your very right, this is my first time I am installing ubuntu, and by trial and error hopefully i'll get it sorted08:25
eyequeueNitefall, here i have .xchat2/xchatlogs/* (server and channel named logs)08:25
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Seveaseveryone who was just kicked: read this:08:25
ubotuThere are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. If you are bitten by this, please upgrade your router firmware - see also http://nvd.nist.gov/nvd.cfm?cvename=CVE-2006-106808:25
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skavengeany other way than the firmware? i dont have access to the router ;/08:27
Seveasskavenge, connect to port 8001 on freenode08:27
ompaulskavenge, connect to this server on port 800108:27
skavengethanks guys08:27
eyequeueNitefall, it may be possible xchat only sources its config files on restart?08:27
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ompaulSeveas, amazing the stuff we keep in our heads :)08:28
Seveaseyequeue, parts of the config indeed only work after restart08:28
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eyequeueSeveas, thanks08:28
Nitefallhm, found them08:29
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usulI cant boot into a session on my laptop when im not connected, nautilus wont run, bonobo erro?!? Does anyone know how to fix this? Im on powerpc.08:29
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Seveasusul, pastebin /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/hosts08:29
usulSeveas, where to pastebin?08:30
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:30
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wubrgamerhey guys08:30
wubrgameri really messed up08:30
wubrgamerwhat do i do ?08:30
wubrgamergrub 1508:30
Seveasthe -unregged trick works08:30
Seveasbotflood in -unregged 08:30
[Ex0r] could somebody here be of some assistance with postfix please ?08:31
ChousukeWarOfAttrition: tsu. :p08:31
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WarOfAttritionChousuke: ???08:31
Chousuke"???" ?08:31
ChousukeSeveas seems to think it's a smiley. ;P08:32
ajaycrichiefrich: u dere?08:32
veerpolpak: Haha You won't beleive it I just sovled the problem08:32
=== Goshawk [n=vincenzo@d81-211-255-233.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
veerjust straight away08:32
WarOfAttritionI lost it08:32
ChousukeWarOfAttrition: talking about ""08:32
nihilocratunicode, lads!08:33
akcom is gay as shit08:33
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@71-98.26-24.tampabay.res.rr.com] by Seveas
nihilocratI like the arabic smiley better :P08:33
nihilocratI don't know how to write it though :/08:33
=== jwtodd [n=james@adsl-67-113-25-210.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasguys, this is not #ubuntu-offtopic08:33
polpakveer, which problem ?08:33
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eyequeuewubrgamer, someone addressing your error 15 yet?08:33
veerpolpak: about not being able to access the windows files08:34
polpakveer, ah. yes08:34
polpakveer, the instructions are fairly explicit08:34
veerpolpak: someone linked me a script, i just had to run it via the terminal08:34
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=== WarOfAttrition ????
veerpolpak: But Thanks a lot for your time and help, very much appreciate it. :)08:35
Jack_Sparrowveer: YEa that works well08:35
polpakveer, eh.. ok08:35
Redrosehow do i combine several text files?08:35
polpakveer, remind me to link you a script or two ;p08:35
WarOfAttritionI got it08:35
usulSeveas -- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1801708:35
eyequeueRedrose, you may want cat file1 file2 file3 > bigfile08:36
ChousukeWarOfAttrition: I only see "????"08:36
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ChousukeWarOfAttrition: Are you very confused about something or what?08:36
veerpolpak: Hehe sure thing :)08:36
WarOfAttritionI see the text, I guess we see different things08:36
Seveasusul, that's one, now the other please 08:36
=== mode/#ubuntu [-r] by Seveas
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usulSeveas -- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1801908:37
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:38
Seveasusul, odd... those look ok08:38
PaoloCis there anybody running vanilla kernels? I cannot manange to have HAL auto mounting my usb key.... http://pastebin.com/74817308:38
=== grenegar [n=renegarg@net35.arts.umanitoba.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_SatoStange I somehow got kicked out of unregged but didn't reg myself yet?08:38
Redrosemmk, thanks... also08:38
usulhmm yeah they are by default -- but I dont get why it doestn boo up when disconnected08:38
Dr_SatoAnybody an idea?08:38
Redrosehow do i open something in a console, but not havethe program close when i close the console?08:38
=== rodelrod [n=rodrigo@m47.net81-64-22.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu
usulperhaps there is a way to bypass connecting?08:39
SeveasRedrose, put an & at the end of the command08:39
stefgusul: just an idea.. did you change the /etc/hostname without editing /etc/host to represent a hostname cahnge?08:39
Redrosebut then when i close the window, it closes too08:39
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ThunderStruckRedrose: not if you add th & at the end08:39
ThunderStruckhi JoaoJoao08:40
SeveasRedrose, like this: gedit ~/.bashrc &08:40
usulstefg no, nothing of the kind.08:40
ChousukeWarOfAttrition: Well, I'm using UTF-808:40
JoaoJoaothe current Ubuntu bacula package doesn't support TLS, is there a package somewhere else with TLS support?08:40
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WarOfAttritionUTF-8 can't seem to set it in konversation08:41
usulstefg I checked and localhosts match08:41
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ChousukeWarOfAttrition: That's weird.08:41
stefgrighty... one point to rule out08:41
Seveasusul, did you change your hostname?08:41
usulIm using a powerpc and I always get this error, even when using a default live CD08:42
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Seveasthat is really odd... :/08:42
usulSeveas no, I didn't change the hostname, its been the same since the install08:42
=== tanghus [n=tol@0x50c79c6a.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
WarOfAttritionit seems konversation sucks after all. then again kde / qt seems to be bad at mixing foreign text08:43
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coffeebreakhi, I keep upgrading ubuntu and I get all these new versions in my boot loader. can I just delete the old versions from my boot menu list? and do these updates clutter my system?08:44
usulIs there a way to tell ubuntu that i want to boot without connecting to the web?08:44
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Seveascoffeebreak, you should remove older kernel packages08:44
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=== on-a-5672 [n=gord@toronto-HSE-ppp3975767.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
theapocI'm about to install windows on my machine, on a different partition. I have ubuntu installed on another. How do I go about installing XP w/o killing grub?08:44
Seveasthat'll remove them from the boot menu too08:44
polpakcoffeebreak, if you uninstall the old kernel packages they won't show up in the grub menu08:44
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Seveastheapoc, you don't08:44
eyequeuecoffeebreak, dpkg --purge the old packages08:44
PaoloCis there anybody running vanilla kernels? I cannot manange to have HAL auto mounting my usb key.... http://pastebin.com/74817308:45
=== oblib [n=media@161-131-13-204.erd.cust.wirelessbeehive.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasxp is too autistic to cate about others08:45
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polpaktheapoc, you'll need to reinstall grub after you install windows08:45
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theapocpolpak: How do I get linux booted once I have winders installed? Will I have to add it to the boot record in windows?08:45
oblibI am trying to get a kernel-doc package for me kernel, but can't find kernel-docs-2.6.12 listed in my apt-cache search. Any help? I'm still on Breezy08:45
eyequeuecoffeebreak, the old ones don't hurt anything other than take up space btw, if you're worried08:45
polpaktheapoc, you can boot the live CD08:45
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polpak!grub > theapoc08:46
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:46
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polpaktheapoc, read the msg from ubotu08:46
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coffeebreakok, tnx so i input "sudo dpkg --purge" right?08:46
eyequeueoblib, sudo apt-get install linux-doc-2.6.1208:46
coffeebreakor is there another way to uninstall them08:46
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theapocok thanks polpak08:46
Agiofwshello is there  the executable  xorgconfig in ubuntu ?08:47
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stefgcoffeebreak: synaptic... aptitude08:47
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oblibThanks eyequeue08:47
Seveasbut you should use sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:47
oblibthey're always changing things . . . :)08:47
eyequeueoblib, "sudo apt-get install linux-doc" might even be enough to pull the "current" docs (for your release) in08:47
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Orunitiawhy is it I can't set mount points on the new installer?... or am I missing something obvious08:48
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ubotuI know nothing about routing - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:48
=== beermann [n=beermann@d025224.adsl.hansenet.de] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
ubotuI know nothing about networking - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:48
ubotuI know nothing about dhcp - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:48
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots08:49
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eyequeueor ask the channel a specific question08:49
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Redman276anyone using ubuntu as a router ?08:49
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:50
theapocHey polpak, if you could answer me one more question. How do I find which partition is my ubuntu and which is my will-be xp partition?08:50
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots08:50
=== PyroticShadow [n=pyrotic@24-72-195-37.cm-dynip.usadig.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.08:50
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homerh_linuxhiya ppl synatics is broken keep getting errorThe following packages have unmet dependencies.08:50
homerh_linux  samba: Depends: samba-common (= 3.0.22-1ubuntu3) but 3.0.22-1ubuntu3.1 is to be installed08:50
homerh_linux  swat: Depends: samba (= 3.0.22-1ubuntu3.1) but 3.0.22-1ubuntu3 is to be installed08:50
homerh_linuxE: Unmet dependencies. Try apt-get -f install with no packages (or specify a solution).08:50
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:50
=== polpak [n=polpak@castilian.sb.net] has joined #ubuntu
theapocpolpak, the sizes are similar and in the xp setup it shows one as 76 gig and one as 74, but in ubuntu it shows one as 70 and one as 74 (im assuming its not counting swap?)08:50
Otacon22anyone know how to use gmailfs?08:50
polpakwasn't playing.. that was for Redman276 's benifit08:51
Redman276long day Seveas?08:51
Seveas!anyone > Otacon2208:51
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Redman276i have a 3rd  box that  i want  to turn into a router08:51
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Redman2762 nic cards  and  ubuntu08:51
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ubuntuI installed windows on a seperate HD and I want to restore grub08:52
polpaktheapoc, well if ubuntu is installed on it, it should show up as an unknown partition type in windows, and linux should show the windows one as ntfs08:52
SeveasRedman276, do you plan on installing a gui on it?08:52
JoaoJoaoHm I guess I'll have to install Bacula 1.38 from the source08:52
polpak!grub > ubuntu08:52
homerh_linuxhiya i have unment dependenices but running (sudo apt[get -f install) does not solve problem08:52
IcemanV9i have a laptop with 512Mb ... i have xchat, google earth running the tour AND playing HD trailer (it plays very jerky) at the same time; i thought linux is superb at multitasking?!?08:52
Redman276not reall ( kinda  undecided )08:52
ubuntubut when i do "grub-install /dev/hda" as the guide says, I get "/dev/mapper/casper-snapshot does not have any corresponding BIOS drive.08:52
=== stefg suggests to make up a contest: How long can questions be answered just by triggering the bot? Longest sequence wins, Prize: a night with ubugto :-)
Redman276i can  do consol or  gui it  dont matter , its  just arouter service  with NAT and MASq08:53
Orunitiawhy is it I can't set mount points on the new installer?... or am I missing something obvious08:53
theapocpolpak, in xp setup it shows all of them as unknown (my xp partition got corrupted), in ubuntu it shows the windows one as 74.3 and the other as 76 (but ubuntu is reporting 70gig)08:53
theapocI said that wrong08:53
Redman276GUI might slow it down a touch its only a  900 mhz with 128 mb ram08:53
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ubunturoot@shadow:~# mount /dev/hda /mnt/linux08:53
ubuntumount: you must specify the filesystem type08:53
Seveashomerh_linux, backup your samba config and do this: dpkg -P samba smbclient samba-common ubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop samba smbclient samba-common08:53
theapocin ubuntu it shows windows = 73, ubuntu = 70...08:53
=== ubuntu is now known as not_ubuntu
polpakRedman276, gui is fine.. I run gnome w/ a 750mhz (though I have a gig of ram)08:54
eyequeuestefg, (i always want to call you stegfs, sorry) your idea of an exceiting evening may differ from some of us, ubugto?? :-P08:54
=== chikosanchez [n=sanchez@201-1-66-99.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
usulSo anyone have a clue as to how to fix this boot problem with my ubuntu on powerpc? I'd hate to have to keep switching os whether im connected or not (switching hard drives)... Is there no way to launch ubuntu without connecting to the web? or a way to lauch nautilus some other way?08:54
homerh_linuxthanks seveas :sorry didnt know not to paste08:54
not_ubuntuhow do i mount /dev/hda onto /mnt/linux?08:54
Redman276well its  more  so gonna be put in place  four a  router  and  PFWD  job specific08:54
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Seveasnot_ubuntu, mount /dev/hda /mnt/linux08:54
stefgthis is geek entertainment... that might appear starnge to outsiders :-)08:54
polpaktheapoc, well are you going to format the windows partition?08:55
not_ubuntuseveas: it says i must specify the filesystem type08:55
Seveasnot_ubuntu, sudo fdisk -l08:55
eyequeuenot_ubuntu, you may want hda1 or hda5 or something rather than hda08:55
Seveasand output on the pastebin08:55
theapocpolpak, yes but I want to make sure I format the right one :)08:55
crazy_penguingood evening to all!08:55
ubotuI know nothing about route - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:55
=== DeShark [n=DeShark@cpc4-blac3-0-0-cust308.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
polpaktheapoc, boot into ubuntu, and use gparted to correct the partition table (so the windows one is ntfs) and format the windows partition as an ntfs drive. then windows should have no trouble identifying it08:56
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ubotuI know nothing about fourms - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:56
polpak!fishing > Redman27608:56
ubotuI know nothing about dsfjfkdjsf - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:56
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theapocpolpak, ill give that a try, thank you08:56
=== NKayhan [n=nathan@adsl-69-226-218-133.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
not_ubuntuseveas: i know that it is ext3, so what do i do with that?08:56
NKayhanI need help installing synaptic08:56
stefgRedman276: May i suggest you compose a human readable sentence,  telling what you want to achieve and maybe google for a proper Howto?08:57
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joeyk232does anyone know how i can install the package for using make files?08:57
Seveasnot_ubuntu, eyequeue said it: you most likely need to use /dev/hda1 instead of /dev/hda08:57
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NKayhanI need help installing synapticI uninstalled it accedently08:57
not_ubuntui tried, and it gives the same message08:57
Seveas!compiling > joeyk23208:57
=== matt0440 [n=matt0440@pool-71-122-206-98.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasnot_ubuntu, mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /mnt/linux08:57
matt0440what is the command to install java???08:57
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joeyk232i dont understand >seveas08:57
ThunderStruck!java > matt044008:58
=== __mikem [n=michael@201-106.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
__mikemOk, I don't know who booted me08:58
polpakjoeyk232, read the message ubotu sent you08:58
eyequeue!java > matt044008:58
Seveasjoeyk232, ubotu sent you a message08:58
__mikemSeveas, mind telling me what I did wrong08:58
joeyk232ohhh, ok, thanks08:58
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ThunderStruckNKayhan: cant08:58
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[Ex0r] grr, why does this shit have to be so darn difficult to set up ?08:58
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:58
[Ex0r] i've been trying to configure postfix for over 2 hours.08:58
ThunderStruckNKayhan: might help if we knew what the problem was08:58
not_ubuntu       missing codepage or other error08:59
not_ubuntu       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try08:59
not_ubuntu       dmesg | tail  or so08:59
Seveas__mikem, -offtopic is a family friendly channel 'moron', like any insult, gets you kicked08:59
homerh_linux seveas thats didnt work when i run apt=get -f install i get  old pre-removal script returned error exit status 10208:59
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__mikemSeveas, ok, fair enough, sorry :(08:59
matt0440that doesnt work what is the sudo command???08:59
NKayhanThunderstruck: Synaptic isn't on my system and I need it08:59
=== doughboy [n=paul@245-91.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ThunderStruckmatt0440: read teh link ubotu sent you08:59
polpak[Ex0r] , not familiar w/ postfix sorry08:59
ThunderStruckNKayhan: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop08:59
Seveashomerh_linux, paste the complete session on the pastebin please (the commands you used and their output). pastebin is on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org08:59
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=== Echodrive-Ubuntu [n=brian@CPE-60-225-96-3.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
=== Dr_Sato says that registering is a petty but welllll
not_ubuntuseveas: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda1, missing codepage or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so09:00
ThunderStruckNKayhan: if you have kubuntu synaptic wont install kubuntu uses adept instead09:00
=== Djrom [n=Admin@dau94-4-82-229-166-160.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
BicchiAfter i distro-upgrade i noticed that my usage space whent up by 500 mb. I allready ran the commands apt-get clean, apt-get autoclean. What could it be holding 500 mb more worth of HD space?09:00
=== LinuxJones [n=willy@hlfxns01bbh-142068187253.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
homerh_linuxok seveas will do09:00
IcemanV9not_ubuntu: please paste the output of 'sudo fdisk -l', it would help us a lot09:00
=== adam__ [n=x-fade@host81-132-45-157.range81-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
ThunderStruckin pastebin?09:01
NKayhanThunderstruck:I have Xubuntu09:01
Dr_SatoHow do I open ports on Ubuntu? I need port 21 to be opened. I Installed proFTPd, i configured it but that did not do the trick?09:01
=== McNutella [n=mmmmm@pdpc/supporter/student/McNutella] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeueBicchi, later versions of packages, particularly gui apps, are often more bloated09:01
ThunderStruckNKayhan: im not sure if xubuntu-desktop grabs it or not try sudo apt-get isntall synaptic09:01
IcemanV9!paste > not_ubuntu09:01
Bicchieyequeue: yeah but by that much. that's insane.09:01
=== Redman276 [n=russ@static-66-133-187-98.br1.ctn.pa.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
homerh_linuxseveas all done09:02
eyequeueBicchi, 500 mb didn't surprise me actually09:02
=== joeljkp [n=jjp@ws72-49.walker.dynamic.msstate.edu] has joined #ubuntu
polpakDr_Sato, all ports are "open" by default (i.e. there is not default firewall) . Either you installed a firewall, or the daemon isn't running, or you're not connecting to the right ip09:02
matt0440how do i install the java firefox plugin?09:02
stefgBicchi: what does du /var/cache/apt/archives tell you?09:02
Bicchieyequeue: so you had the same issue going from breezy to dapper?09:02
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository09:02
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ThunderStruck^^^ read that matt044009:02
doughboyI heard there was a new book for ubuntu. Does anyone recall the name of that book?09:03
Seveashomerh_linux, sudo rm /etc/rc*.d/*samba09:03
=== sexcopter8000m [n=james@dslb-082-083-217-093.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeueBicchi, i didn't notice. as i did it gradually rather than in a single command09:03
oblibanyone here use a digital TV tuner? I can't seem to download the firmware I need09:03
Bicchistefg: not much space occupied there09:03
Seveashomerh_linux, and then retry the commands I gave earlier09:03
Dr_Satopolpak: hmmmm, when I port scan my ubuntu based box... it only shows 80 (apache2) and 22 my sshd Daemon09:03
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Dr_Satopolpak: linux is closed out of the box as frar as I remember09:03
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Dr_Satofrar = far09:03
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ThunderStruckdoughboy: the official ubuntu guide and its not been released yet and please take this to #ubuntu-offtopic thank you09:03
NKayhanThunderstruck: Sudo apt-get install synaptic worked.  Tahnx09:04
eyequeueBicchi, you can purge your old kernel packages etc, and see if du /tmp is taking up much (a reboot could release some temp files)09:04
ThunderStruckNKayhan: yw09:04
polpakDr_Sato, if something is listening to a port, and there is no firewall, the port is open09:04
polpakDr_Sato, ubuntu doesn't have a firewall by default, so as long as the program is running it should work09:04
Dr_Satopolpak: okay... i gueass I was wrong... I'll look into my ftp configuration than09:04
polpakDr_Sato, netstat -an | grep tcp | grep LIST09:04
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polpakDr_Sato, should list the open tcp ports09:04
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eyequeueBicchi, /var sometimes holds info from old package versions until a reboot, i'm grasping at straws here to think of freeing some space for you09:05
[Ex0r] grr09:05
Bicchieyequeue: i didn't keep the old kernel; I just have one. I have rebooted several times so /tmp is empty. I think with edgy i am just going to do a fresh install instead.09:05
[Ex0r] screw this crap09:05
adam__when i install packages manually, where should i install them?, in my home dir or /usr/bin/ or maybe somewhere else?09:05
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asdasd2Anyone use LDAP here09:05
Redman276Seveas  what  would ubuntu need  software or  pkg  wise for   router/NAT operation ?09:05
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polpak!anyone > asdasd209:05
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eyequeueadam__, /usr/local/bin and such09:05
ThunderStruck[Ex0r] : please watch your language and i dont just mean from last post09:06
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IcemanV9[Ex0r] : state the problem; maybe someone can help ya09:06
eyequeueadam__, /usr/bin is the "property" of the package manager and shouldn't be messed with09:06
SeveasRedman276, nothing but what's installed by default09:06
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qwertybobim having nvidia problem..kernel module version 7174 bout x module 876209:06
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adam__thanks for the info eyequeue i was not sure09:06
asdasd2Could someone assist me, in an EXTREMELY basic setup of LDAP, all I need is E-mail contact sharing09:06
SeveasRedman276, maybe a dhcp server if you want one09:06
Redman276is there a specific  section  in the  fourms or wikki tht  gives a  description ?09:07
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eyequeueadam__, /usr/local/bin/ for things that everyone can use, ~/bin/ (which you wouldneed to add to $PATH) for just-you apps09:07
homerh_linuxseveas thanks mate worked like a treat :)09:07
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Polly_MorfExcuse me, but should I use utf-8 or something else here?09:07
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ThunderStruckuft-8 = safe bet but whatever you like09:08
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eyequeuePolly_Morf, this channel is an english-only channel, so any of the character sets consistent with that should be safe here09:08
mattnashhaakonn: Did you get it working?09:09
Polly_MorfThunderStruck: In all the swedish channles i usually hang in are stupid. They use iso8859-1.09:09
eyequeuePolly_Morf, you're the first person i've seen that's been considerate enough to ask first though, congratulations :-)09:09
adam__eyequeue i have moved the folder in question "RealPlayer" to /usr/local/bin/ how do i alter the path so i can just launch RealPlayer from anywhere?09:10
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eigenlambdautf-8 is the standard everywhere for everything09:10
Polly_Morfeyequeue: Thank you. In swedish channels thery a bunch of characterset-nazis.09:10
eigenlambdanobody uses iso8859-1 any more09:10
eigenlambdaand if they do, they should be ignored09:10
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Polly_Morfeigenlambda: I couldt agree more09:10
ThunderStruckok guys/ladies please move the char-sets to #ubuntu-offtopic now thank you09:11
Polly_MorfOh. Theres one of those09:11
eyequeueadam__, i'd make a symlink from /usr/local/bin to the app itself, such as "sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/RealPlayer /some/place/you/installed/it/RealPlayer.app"09:11
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qwertybobanyone got a clue? why nvidia error mismatch 7174 module x module 876209:12
adam__thanks eyequeue i will look into that09:12
Seveasqwertybob, you probably messed with manually installing nvidia drivers09:12
eyequeueadam__, as long as the app itself has a "pointer" ("symlink") from /usr/local/bin/ which is already in the default $PATH, then eeryone should be able to invoke it09:12
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kelbizzleis anyone using xchat with Dapper?09:13
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qwertybobSeveas: its a fresh install, did upgrade09:14
Banachguys, im having trouble with my keys layout, it seems every time I reboot i have to rerun 'loadkeys uk' (using sudo) is there a place I can put it to automate this? (does /etc/profile deal with this sort of thing?)09:14
polpakkelbizzle, I use xchat-gnome09:14
SonicChao!anyone > kelbizzle09:14
eyequeuekelbizzle, yes, many09:14
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:14
kelbizzlebecause it uninstalled after I updated.09:14
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kelbizzleI didnt know if it was for a reason.09:14
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: re-install it09:14
kelbizzle How do I get it back?09:14
MalMeni am with problems on init of system, because X, not have anything to reconfigure X again 100% automatic ?09:14
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: its a known issue09:14
SonicChaokelbizzle,  sudo apt-get install xchat09:14
OrgulloKmooremy computer is playing a song and and I don't even have xmms open...09:14
eyequeuekelbizzle, sudo apt-get install xchat09:14
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ThunderStruckkelbizzle: sudo apt-get install xchat09:14
OrgulloKmooreI don't know what program is playing it...09:14
kelbizzleahhh I did that I must of mistyped09:14
OrgulloKmooreany clues?09:14
joeyk232How can i get the root user? i tryed SU, but i dont think i set any password for root09:15
SonicChaoNot 'xchat-gnome', it's completely featureless, as to go with Gnome policies09:15
OrgulloKmoorejoeyk232> you must use "sudo"09:15
kelbizzleThanks all09:15
eyequeuejoeyk232, sudo, instead ... watch the bot09:15
ThunderStruckjoeyk232: sudo not su09:15
BanachOrgulloKmoore, type'ps -ux' into a term and see if you and identify the program then do a 'kill -9 <ID>'09:15
eyequeue!rootsudo > joeyk23209:15
SonicChaojoeljkp, you're user password is you're root pw09:15
Banachjoeyk232, do a 'sudo passwd'09:15
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joeyk232thank you everyone09:15
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Banachguys, im having trouble with my keys layout, it seems every time I reboot i have to rerun 'loadkeys uk' (using sudo) is there a place I can put it to automate this? (does /etc/profile deal with this sort of thing?)09:16
XGasErrrr...... Help?09:16
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OrgulloKmooremy computer is possessed...09:16
Banachi've rerun the gnome setup keys in the preferences submenu of the main menu but it keeps resetting09:16
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XGasI'm running Ubuntu on VMWare Workstation09:16
eyequeuebtw, "sudo passwd" is NOT recommended!09:16
BanachOrgulloKmoore, did ps -ux not work?09:17
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XGasAnd I'm trying to install the VMware package09:17
OrgulloKmooreBanach> I see all the processes, but know multimedia players are there...09:17
Banachtry: ps -aux09:17
XGasThen Where can I get the C complier?09:17
Banachsee if there is one there (means its been run as a user not yourself if its there and not in -ux)09:17
SonicChaoXGas, sudo apt-get install build-essential ?09:17
oblibcan anyone help me install drivers for a Digital TV card I just got? The online guide I found is not working09:18
eyequeueXGas, "sudo apt-get install build-essential" will install gcc, as well as many other things09:18
DaveyJwhat about gcc?09:18
XGasdone it09:18
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XGasit wont work09:18
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JeruvyXGas: what was the error09:18
SonicChaoXGas, Sorry, then, cant help you...X_x09:18
XGasthe C complier is not there09:18
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BanachXGas, have you tried 'sudo apt-cache search gcc' ?09:18
XGasnot yet09:18
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XGaswait I go try09:19
eyequeueXGas, what platform are you on?09:19
Banachits gonna be a big list but im sure itl be on there...09:19
jribanyone know how I can reduce the size of a pdf?  I comverted it from a 6mb jpg and I could increase the comrpession of the jpg and convert again, but I'm wondering if there is a way to directly modify the pdf09:19
XGasWindows XP with VMWare, ROFLMAO09:19
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BanachXGas it says on mine: 'sudo apt-get install gcc'09:19
wikingon Applications>Sound&Video>Volume Control I can find & select my sound card, but when i want play may music CD I can't hear it...09:19
XGasThats one way of doing it......09:19
SpecI was ssh'd into a machine, and ran a command, then i ctrl+z'd and then bg'd two processes, then quit the shell by accident ... it seems the processes are still running though, how can I fg them?09:19
krismsudo apt-get install build-essential09:19
eyequeueBanach, is he on i386?09:20
krism@ xgas09:20
XGasyeah I38609:20
ThunderStruckBanach: sudo apt-get install build-essential09:20
BanachThunderStruck, I don't need it, but he says he tried that09:20
eyequeueXGas, "sudo apt-get install build-essential" will install gcc, as well as many other things, as many have told you to do, in that case09:20
Banachdo you still need to do and apt-get fakeroot???09:20
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OrgulloKmooreah, it was firefox playing the noise!!09:21
Banachguys, im having trouble with my keys layout, it seems every time I reboot i have to rerun 'loadkeys uk' (using sudo) is there a place I can put it to automate this? (does /etc/profile deal with this sort of thing?)09:21
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ThunderStruckBanach: apt-get fakeroot isnt a command09:21
OrgulloKmooreusing the mplayer plugin09:21
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BanachThunderStruck, i mean the oldschool apt-get install fakeroot09:21
Banachas per the old wiki09:21
ThunderStrucki use it for somethings still09:21
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ThunderStruckdepends on what im doing and how i feel atm09:21
Banachmaybe he needs that depending on which version he's on...09:21
oblibcan anyone help me install drivers for a Digital TV card I just got? The online guide I found is not working09:22
XGasok where is the GCC or C Complier installed?09:22
ThunderStruckoblib: what card09:22
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oblibAvermedia A18009:22
BanachXGas, try: 'which gcc'09:22
eyequeueXGas, /usr/bin09:22
ThunderStruckXGas: what do you mean09:22
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lezombii have a question09:22
XGasK thanks09:22
ThunderStruckoblib: oh i never heard of that one09:22
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Banachlezombi, just ask it09:22
ThunderStrucklezombi: ask09:22
XGasI done some stuff in there, looks like I have to start clean again.09:22
oblibThunderStruck, there is a script, get_dvb_firmware, but the script doesn't seem to support the one I want09:22
oblibnxt2002 instead of nxt200409:23
lezombiok.. well i was wondering. if i had ubuntu installed and i wanted to format the hd and then install windows 98.. how would i got about doing that.. would i use the win98 bootdisk?09:23
eyequeueXGas, /usr/bin is NOT "property of the user, only /usr/local/bin, /usr/bin is "owned" by the package manager09:23
ThunderStruckoblib: sorry i didnt write the script and i dont know where you would get drivers for it09:23
Banacheyequeue, but he can still mess with it :P09:23
sri_can any one tell about shell scripting e book links??09:23
[Ex0r] hmm, something is wrong here09:23
eyequeueBanach, if he likes to break his system, sure09:24
ThunderStrucksri_: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic please09:24
Banacheyequeue, looks like he has...09:24
wikingon Applications>Sound&Video>Volume Control I can find & select my sound card, but when i want play may music CD I can't hear it...09:24
sri_ThunderStruck, it is irc?09:24
XGasoh noes, now really have to restart again.09:24
eyequeueBanach, i do wonder where so many get the idea they can mess in /usr/bin though, he's not the only one09:24
Banachusing the new Xgl with compiz it seems to run EXTREMELY slowly, and my system is less than shoddy, how can i tell if the hardware accel is working (seeing as direct rendering isnt there)09:24
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lezombican somone answer my question please09:25
XGasI just started using Linux09:25
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sri_ThunderStruck, then how can i conect?09:25
ThunderStrucksri_: open google and search for abs guide09:25
Banacheyequeue, i know he's not, i don't mess with it, just add to it ;)09:25
ThunderStrucksri_: or install it using synaptic09:25
wikinghello! please help me!09:25
Dial_tonewiking, running gnome-mixer or similiar and see if you can adjust cd volume. I had a similiar issue one09:25
Seveaslezombi, this is not a windows help channel09:25
kakadolezombi, yes09:25
XGasI tried looking in the guides but all messy instuctions09:25
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ubotuFor help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm09:25
BanachXGas, thats not a problem, all you need to know really is that you shouldnt mess with any folders outside of your users home09:25
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XGasshouldn't have messed with the usr/bin folder09:26
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lezombiseveas: i dont need help with windows. i was just asking about a hypothetical situation09:26
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Seveaslezombi, this is not a hypothetical windows support channel...09:26
XGasso its in usr/bin/local I have to place stuff right?09:26
WarOfAttritionwindows 98? *BARF*09:26
eigenlambdalol @ windows09:26
Banachlezombi, win98 lives on fat32 right? you could 'hypotheitcally' format it with a gentoo live cd (the ultimate recovery aide!)09:26
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eigenlambdathere is no reason to use windows >2k nowadays09:27
SeveasBanach, ...09:27
ompaulBanach, that is also offtopic for here09:27
eigenlambdathere was never any reason to use windows >2k either09:27
eyequeueXGas, ls /usr/local/, you'll find /usr/local/bin/ under there, but all the directories there are fair game for you09:27
wikingDial_tone, how to run gnome-mixer?09:27
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ThunderStruckeigenlambda: stay on topic09:27
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WarOfAttritioneigenlambda, just for a lame reason, games09:27
BanachXGas, well yes and no, its better if you have a scripts folder in your home drive and add something like 'export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/my/scripts/folder'09:27
lz1gjdhi, could this issue be resolved ? /dev/video: No space left on device when accessing my usb video camera09:27
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eigenlambdawine works for everything that works in pre-2k, though09:28
eyequeueXGas, are you a coder?  you'll find that useful if so, incidental if not09:28
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XGasok, to recap, I install it in usr/local/bin?09:28
Banachsorry for that guys, but i just want to help. (and yes the gentoo cd is a good recovery aide BUT ubuntu is by far and away the better os)09:28
XGasno, I just need to test something......09:28
SeveasBanach, there is an ubuntu live cd too 09:28
eyequeueXGas, yes /usr/local/bin/whatever09:28
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BanachSeveas, true, but it takes longer to boot ;)09:29
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SeveasBanach, for dapper that already improved a lot and for edgy it'll even be better09:29
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wikingDial_tone, how to run gnome-mixer?09:30
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BanachI thought dapper was gonna be like a rolling distro for the next 5 years or something?! the whole lts thing or whatever?09:30
kelbizzleWehre the GAIM_SRC_DIR/plugins foler?09:30
FlannelBanach: no, it's just supported for longer.  Ubuntu has no rolling distros09:30
SeveasBanach, lts does not mean rolling distro...09:30
Banachah well09:30
kbrooksBanach: you misunderstand lts09:30
Dial_toneyou could start by typing gnome-alsamixer09:30
skavengeRegardless of video format or what player im playing it in, my videos wash out white sporadically and randomly during an X session .. a restart of X fixes this, anyone have any ideas to why or how i can fix this? its quite annoying ..09:30
kbrookslong term support09:30
wikingHow to run gnome-mixer?09:30
garryFWhat is a rolling distro? Firestone or Goodyear linux?09:31
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Banachall it means is updating the sources.list, its hardly brain surgery! =p09:31
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BanachgarryF, gentoo is a prime example09:31
Banachthere are no 'versions' as such, you just install one version and update the software as you go09:32
Banachanyway, thats off subject09:32
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Banachi still need help with my keymaps: it seems that every time i reboot I lose my keymap and have to do a 'sudo loadkeys uk' . I've tried the gnome configurator for keyboard but even the uk one looks a bit funny (keys in the wrong place) if i put 'loadkeys uk' in /etc/profile will it work every time then (until /etc/profile is updated)09:33
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sapotehi!!   i cant connect with a win2k smb and active directory as client, somebody idea about proceed?09:34
Seveas!samba > sapote09:35
unstablesobBanach: I believe that 'dpkg-reconfigure console-data' will let you set the default keymap09:35
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garryFI've seen some gnome logout screens with the "Save settings" box unchecked. Might see that it is checked, maybe its not saving the settings.09:35
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sri_ThunderStruck, u said that u ask the shell pro in ubuntu-offtopic;then i right click on it &join in it...How can i add it as a server??if i simply adding is not working09:35
blankyI'm so frickin pissed, I've done everything in the !ATI wiki for drivers, tried the xorg driver, tried the ati propriatery drivers, and it keeps saying no matter waht I do, in the console once I do 'fglrxinfo', taht I'm using mesa09:36
Banachunstablesob, it seems that my qwerty/uk isnt in the list... :S09:36
eyequeuesri_, it's on the same server, just type "/join #ubuntu-offtopic" in your irc client09:36
blankyIt used to be very simple to install ati drivers09:36
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jribwhat can I use to create multiple page pdf's from multiple jpeg's?  oo writer is a memory hog...09:37
Banachso my question still stands about /etc/profile09:37
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blankyMy xorg.conf already says I'm using fglrx09:37
alexblighjrib, pdftk09:37
sri_eyequeue, thank u09:37
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Banachwhy is qwerty/uk not an option for my keyboard lists?09:38
sri_eyequeue, u know where the python discussion takes place?09:38
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ThunderStruckjrib: abiword maybe (just a guess)09:38
garryFI thought Mesa was just a graphics library. I get the same message with Nvidia but everythign seems tow ork ok.09:38
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unstablesobBanach: would British be the same thing?09:38
kelbizzlewhats the path for gaim?09:38
jribalexbligh, ThunderStruck: thanks09:38
ThunderStruckjrib: yw09:38
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blankygarryF, really? in fglrxinfo it usually would say vendor string ATI etc. etc.09:38
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blankyI know mesa is the opensource opengl supposedly09:38
Seveasblanky: dpkg -l '*fglrx*' && cat /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-comon && uname -a09:38
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Seveasblanky, put the output of that on the pastebin09:38
eyequeuesri_, probably #python, /join #python09:39
sanityxHey, anybody know where grub.conf is located in Ubuntu, or what the equivalent of it is? I don't see it in /boot/grub/09:39
Banachunstablesob, stupid me.. :S its just that we are no long 'great britain' :P09:39
blankySeveas, thanks! :) Will do09:39
garryFblanky I use glxinfo myself.09:39
sri_eyequeue, thank u09:39
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eyequeuesri_, you're welcome09:40
XGasROFL, Ubuntu is so hard to use sometimes, but its better than RedHat, still like Gentoo thou09:40
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Flannelsanityx: he means /boot/grub/menu.lst09:40
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XGasI'm reinstalling it now, so its: sudo apt-get install blah blah blah, right?09:41
blankySeveas, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18029 :)09:41
garryFyeah hehe09:41
BanachXGas, i thought you were reformatting?!09:41
Seveasblanky, mistake from me there09:41
XGasyeah, I am09:41
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Seveasblanky: cat /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common && uname -a09:42
blankySeveas, no problem, will paste the new one09:42
blankyyes I noticed :P09:42
Seveasand retry09:42
eyequeueXGas, sudo apt-get --reinstall install foo bar, for packages foo and bar, if that's what you want09:42
blankyoh okay, I just did the restricted modules thing09:42
XGasits reinstalling it now.09:42
blankybut uname -a as well? okay09:42
Banachwhere in glxinfo does it tell me if my hardware acceleration is working? (im not used to this Xgl lark yet)09:42
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XGasNo, I had to reformat and start over cause its messed up somehow.09:42
eyequeueXGas, but iif you actually hosed /usr/bin/ i would instead suggest a reinstall of ubuntu from scratch09:42
blankyer, Seveas, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1803009:42
Banacheyequeue, looks like he is09:43
XGasits running......09:43
blankySeveas, that only shows the restricted modules and uname -a, the other one (first one) has the dpkg -l fglrx command, should I do that too again?09:43
garryFI tried Gentoo, but due to bad eyes, it is virtually impossible for me to build a gentoo system because I'll skip a line of instructions and never notice and a year ago, the gentoo guide navigator wasn't exactly user friendly to me at least. So easy to get lost on the wrong branch and not know it.09:43
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Seveasblanky, no09:43
wikingHow to run gnome-mixer?09:43
blankyAh okay Seveas09:43
skavengenobody in here cares about gentoo im guessing09:44
BanachgarryF, i tried it and got it to work, but the footprint is really just too big09:44
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kbrooksgarryF: can I pm u09:44
Seveasblanky, did you manually install fglrx or from a repo?09:44
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XGasaha 98% almost done......09:44
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blankySeveas, I did it first from the repos (not yours, but the xorg-fglrx-driver or whatever), then from the ati site, because neither worked09:44
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kbrooksXGas: ubuntu?09:44
BanachXGas, thats way too quick :p09:44
XGasYaha done09:45
byenhey guys, can anyone help me with network-manager.. mine cannot see my wireless , even though the card works out of the box09:45
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XGasI just got extra large ram09:45
Seveasblanky, odd, it seems to be complete... could you try installing ubuntu-fglrx-386 from my repo and reboot09:45
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XGasso its fast09:45
blankySeveas, sure09:45
byenI have tried and cannot seem to get it to work.. I would really appretiate it if someone can direct me here09:46
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trappistanyone know what the second column means in ls -l ?09:46
blankySeveas, it might be working, because xorg.conf shows tha tI'm using fglrx and what not, but like I said, the 'problem', if it even is a problem, is that fglrxinfo keeps saying im using mesa09:46
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NomaD|-fXis it possible to use nvidia-settings with Xgl ? almost all settings are disabled now because of Xgl09:46
jribtrappist: links I believe (easy to test)09:46
XGasBAAAH, Ubuntu boots slower than Windows XP......09:47
trappistjrib: it's not that.  I think by trial and error I just figured out that it's a count of subdirectories (including . and ..)09:47
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pianoboy3333crimsun: you there?09:47
jribtrappist: yeah doesn't seem to be links, something was...09:47
Banachwhat the hell is wrong with my keymap?! i cant find one that actually looks like my british standard keyboard! even the uk/british one has an american setout. where have i gone wrong???09:47
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crimsunpianoboy3333: no09:47
XGaswhats the command to make a dir?09:47
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alexblightrappist, the second column in ls -l is the use count on the inode of the file09:48
skavengeuh mkdir09:48
XGasoh, I tried makedir, stupid me09:48
eyequeueXGas, mkdir09:48
Mersaulthow do I completely disable the screensaver in dapper? In breezy I could deactivate xscreensaver using the preferences pane, but now all I can do is tell it to wait two hours, but I can't disable it completely09:48
BanachXGas, as u said, you are new to linux, its not stupid09:48
alexblighso if you have one file with 2 links to it, it will say 2. Directories are higher as their contents link to it.09:48
Ackeubu_Hey, I my memory (cache) are gradually being filled while I am using ubuntu. after a couple of hours the cache is on 75%, Is there a way to figure out how the cache is being filled like that? If any apps are leaking or what so?09:48
kbrooksXGas: why is booting time a big deal09:48
jribtrappist: no I may be right, make a hard link and check it out09:48
trappistalexbligh: it matches the number of subdirs with suspicious consistency09:48
unstablesobAckeubu_: its a good thing09:48
trappiston directories09:48
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unstablesobunused memory is wasted memory09:49
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serphi how do I cut a file of 4gb into 2 pieces of 2gb each?09:49
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MersaultAckeubu_: linux by default keeps everything it can in memory, so any future operation needing the same data will be faster.09:49
alexblightrappist, yes, because each file within a directory contains (effectively) a link to that directory09:49
jonesieHelp: My system (ubuntu dapper) updated grub before I rebooted last, on reboot the grub menu would not show. I am booted with knoppix live cd. How can I fix grub from this?09:49
Banachhow do i tell if Xgl is using compiz through software or hardware rendering?09:49
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Banachrather with than through*09:49
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Ackeubu_Mersault, oooh o.O, and the cache is being emptied to let other apps use it when needed right. >)09:49
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MersaultAckeubu_: exactly.09:50
garryFkbrooks glxinfo | grep dri if I recall.09:50
Banachhow do i tell if Xgl is using compiz with software or hardware rendering? (or if thats not how it works then if Xgl is using hardware rendering)09:50
trappistalexbligh: ah, I get it.  thanks.09:50
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ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:50
kbrooksgarryF: mixed me up09:50
Ackeubu_unstablesub, you have a too long name. Is there a way to replay to youre name without writing it all? :P09:50
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BanachAckeubu_, you can use tab to autocomplete09:51
Flanneljonesie: grub menu is disabled then?  Or what?09:51
skavengetype the first few letters and hit tab09:51
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Ackeubu_Banach: thansk09:51
jonesieFlannel: I dont know exactly, I guess so09:51
pianoboy3333crimsun: I'm having interesting problems with my new logitech speakers, but it's not new, but I have isolated the problem, it appears that my speakers are crackling under linux, though while in my windows partition, they work fine. I am assuming it's screwy dell drivers, but what else do you think it could be/what should I do?09:51
ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager09:51
kakadoMersault, I have a button called "Activate ..." ie. disables screen saver09:51
kbrooksAckeubu_: use "tab" :-)09:51
Flanneljonesie: you can push esc to get to the grub menu?  your computer boots fine?09:51
Ackeubu_kbrooks: eyah works like a charm09:51
Banachpianoboy3333, it happened to me too, i had to turn the volume down in alsamixer09:51
skavengeRegardless of video format or what player im playing it in, my videos wash out white sporadically and randomly during an X session .. a restart of X fixes this, anyone have any ideas to why or how i can fix this? its quite annoying ..09:52
Banachpianoboy3333, then do an 'alsactl store' and it should sort them out09:52
jonesieFlannel: No, im booted with a knoppix live cd. The grub menu wont show09:52
Ackeubu_Anyone knows if Atlas.ti works for linux, and how to work it?09:52
XGasWow, it said cant find package09:52
Mersaultkakado: so not having 'activate' checked will disable then. I thought I'd tried that and determined that didn't work, but perhaps I'd made a mistake when I tried that. I'll try again, but is there another way?09:52
roostishawis it possible to make my desktop look just like the one on the nUbuntu live cd?09:52
pianoboy3333Banach: is alsamixer a gui prog?09:52
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Banachpianoboy3333, sorry no it command line09:52
XGasWow, it said cant find package, help?09:53
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Flanneljonesie: right, but because the menu won't show doesn't mean it wont boot normally.09:53
XGasbuild essential*09:53
skavengebuild-essential is the name09:53
Banachpianoboy3333, im not sure what de/wm you use so il give command line progs for it :)09:53
karimI am trying to do something with sudo. I would like that when I am logged as root the command $ sudo -u karim echo ~   return /home/karim and not /root/09:53
blankyGuys somone please help me, fglrxinfo keeps telling me I have mesa but I already installed the ati drivers09:53
jonesieFlannel: ok, it probably boots, but the menu is gone.09:53
BanachXGas, what package?09:53
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jonesieFlannel: it just says 'insert diskette press enter' or something to that effect09:53
BanachXGas, have you uncommented the repos in your /etc/apt/sources.list ? and then apt-get update (pretty sure it should be in there though!)09:54
pianoboy3333Banach: well, normally gnome/compiz but I updated the kernel, so I had to rebuild my ati drivers so metacity right this moment09:54
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eyequeuekarim, "logged in as root"???  in ubuntu??09:54
TimothyHello, why is installing JAVA so difficult ? I managed to get java , somehow, now I want to run the SAP client and it's complaining about AWK, have no idea where to get that09:54
Timothyisn't java legal?09:54
Flanneljonesie: in the grub configuration, there's an option fo rit.  /boot/grub/menu.lst, comment out the "hiddenmenu" line09:54
skavenge!info build-essential09:54
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In repository main, is optional. Version 11.1 (dapper), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB09:54
Ackeubu_I have a broken package (samba) in my synaptic, I tried to uninstall it, but it doesnt work, How do I do samba to fix the broken package issue?09:54
skavengeits in main repos shouldnt matter09:54
sproingiei just discovered the deskbar applet in gnome.  why isn't this piece of 198 proof awesomeness turned on by default?09:54
Banachpianoboy3333, then command line is where we go, have you tried turning the pcm and master down in alsamixer?09:54
pianoboy3333Banach: no, how can I go about that?09:54
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karimeyequeue: whatever, it's intented to be run by root through pammount09:54
XGasI forgot to say I run on Dapper Drake09:54
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eyequeuekarim, read the url the bot gives you09:55
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Banachpianoboy3333, open a terminal (your choice of aterm, xterm, gnome-termin, terminal, ...)09:55
eyequeue!rootsudo > karim09:55
pianoboy3333Banach: right...09:55
nooby_godDoes anyone know how I can make .debs or get .debs of the latest and greatest packages for ubunu?09:55
Banachpianoboy3333, then type 'alsamixer' and press enter09:55
karimeyequeue: I don't care of that09:55
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pianoboy3333Banach: ok09:55
=== Timothy is now known as TimothyP
roostishawis it possible to make my desktop look just like the one on the nUbuntu live cd?09:55
skavengeXGas: you either broke your repos because build-essential is in the main repo which is setup by default .. anyway its on the cd as well09:55
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Banachand then use the up and down arrow keys to turn the volume on the channels up and down as required09:55
nooby_godDoes anyone know how I can make .debs or get .debs of the latest and greatest packages for ubunu?09:56
Banach(i think 87 is normally quite a good level)09:56
skavengeroostishaw: how is it different? my base install looked exactly like the livecd09:56
jonesieFlannel: It's saying I cannot save it, read only file system.09:56
karimeyequeue: I know I can do  $ su karim -c echo ~ , this will give /home/karim, but I want to do it with sudo09:56
nooby_godDoes anyone know how I can make .debs or get .debs of the latest and greatest packages for ubunu?09:56
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XGascan I just use the UI packager?09:56
ThunderStrucknooby_god: stop repeating please and give us a package you want thte latest and greatest we might find one09:56
nooby_godsorry for spamming09:56
jonesieFlannel: How can I mount it to read-write?09:56
pianoboy3333Banach: can't gnome-volume-control take care of this? (I don't really care the curses gui is pretty nice)09:56
nooby_godThunderStruck Inkscape 009:56
Banachnooby_god, if you want ultra bleeding edge build them, but ubuntu is about a week behind09:56
adamant1988does anyone know how I can force beagle to start indexing if it's stopped?09:56
Flanneljonesie: You should just boot normally and change it that way.09:56
ubotuI know nothing about broken - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:56
roostishawskavenge, no... i just want my install of fluxbox to have the same theme and style as nubuntu09:56
Flanneljonesie: you can push escape when the grub menu is hidden to see it.09:56
pianoboy3333Banach: so put them all at 87?09:57
roostishawskavenge, how do i do that?09:57
Banachpianoboy3333, it probably can but i prefer using command line, its normally faster and easier09:57
nooby_godI need to get inkscape 0.44 for ubuntu09:57
Banachpianoboy3333, the pcm and master yes09:57
joeyk232I need to modify my /etc/X11/XF86Config file, but i dont have one, does anyone know why that might be?09:57
jonesieFlannel: I tried that, it just says "insert boot disk and press enter"09:57
jonesieFlannel: well ill try again, brb.09:57
Banachnooby_god, build it cvs style09:57
skavengeroostishaw: i dont know what nubuntu is .. if your talking about a standard ubuntu install, thats running gnome09:57
pianoboy3333Banach: I don't see anything for master...09:57
nooby_godok Banach09:57
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nooby_godAlso does anyone know how to create a custom liveCD based on Ubuntu?09:58
pianoboy3333Banach: I have PCM, Front, Surround, Center, and LFE09:58
Banachpianoboy3333, i think its prtty safe to turn them all down to 87 anyway so you can do that. then pres escape to exit and do: 'sudo alsactl store'09:58
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SanketMedhinooby_god: try Slax09:58
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nooby_godSanketMedhi I need it to be based on Ubuntu, it's gonna be a custom install CD09:59
SanketMedhinooby_god: ok09:59
pianoboy3333Banach: then?09:59
nooby_godSanketMedhi I need the Dapper LiveCD plus a few extra drivers and such09:59
Banachnooby_god, then you mean you need it to be based on debian...09:59
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nooby_godhow to I remaster it?09:59
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Banachpianoboy3333, you done the alsactl store? if so then just sit back and have a listen09:59
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pianoboy3333ok... here we go...10:00
kakadojoeyk232, sure its not xorg.conf ?10:00
Banachpianoboy3333, *fingers crossed*10:00
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Otacon22how I have to do for activate wireless interface? i have configured ndiswrapper , and it respond me that hardware and driver is present, but wireless key don't give me signal of life10:00
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javiolohow do I install imlib2 ? whats the package ?10:00
madhuhi this has been a real trick10:00
BanachOtacon22, have you done: ndiswrapper -m and then modprobed it?10:00
yggworkcan somone help me figure out how to get a link to my home folder on desktop .. and a file system link too10:01
pianoboy3333Banach: great... I may turn it down, because I can turn that down more, and my speakers up more correct?10:01
Otacon22yes Banach10:01
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nooby_godOtacon22 wireless is hard as hell in linux10:01
SanketMedhinooby_god: dunno then10:01
Usulhey I tried rebooting my laptop without the eth0 conf'd but instead of solving the problem it sorta made it worst. I can't boot into my laptop anymore. I guess I could ssh into it. So is there a way to reconfigure the eth0 throught the terminal?10:01
Banachpianoboy3333, thats the way i normally work it :)10:01
nooby_godOtacon22 do you know of any native drivers for your device?10:01
jribjaviolo: if you are compiling you need libimlib2-dev (I was in #fluxbox :))10:01
BanachOtacon22, then what does your: iwconfig say?10:01
XGasWTF, I ask again, where can I get GCC and how?10:01
javiolojrib ok libimlib2 and libimlib2-dev ?10:01
Otacon22nooby_god, I have the windows driver for the device10:01
madhuhave anyone had success making java n realplay work in firefox running on linux10:02
Otacon22whait Banach10:02
javiolojrib yo use ubuntu with fluxbox ?10:02
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jribjaviolo: yes two both of those10:02
ThunderStruckXGas: please paste your /etc/apt/sources.list file to pastebin10:02
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madhuif so go to site www.raaga.com (a popular indian music stream site...similar to launchcast)10:02
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pianoboy3333Banach: it's still pretty crackly...10:02
pianoboy3333Banach: damn...10:02
javiolojrib did you uninstalled gnome or you have both running ?10:02
BanachOtacon22, nooby_god wireless isnt that hard if you know what you're doing and if you need ndiswrapper you only stick to i386 (it seems they are a bit slow to offer 64 bit drivers)10:02
XGasdude, I just done a clean install with the so called Live cd Ubuntu 6.0610:02
skavengebuild-essential is one the damn cd10:02
ThunderStruckXGas: we have told you where to get it   go to packages.ubuntu.com than and get it if you dont want to try our ideas10:03
Otacon22Banach, all the interface except eth1 print "no wireless extension"10:03
jribjaviolo: I have both running, only extra thing I did to make it easy was make a .desktop file for fluxbox so I can select it from the options > sessions menu in gdm10:03
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skavengeits in the main repo which should work by default on a fresh install anyway10:03
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Banachpianoboy3333, then it may be the connections...10:03
jribjaviolo: ubuntu has fluxbox in its repositories, just not 1.0rc210:03
Otacon22eth1 print IEEE 802.11b ESSID:off/any ....10:03
Usulanyone know how to configure the eth0 through terminal command?10:03
dronOtacon22: iwlist eth1 scan10:03
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sproingiedamn this deskbar is enough to switch me to gnome for good10:03
coaxis it possible to fiddle with the package db? i need to install an old .deb that depends on "xlibs" witch no longer exists?10:04
javiolojrib I had also fluxbox installed, I tried a clean server installation10:04
nooby_godBanach do you know of the limmitations one can have while using nidswrapper vs. native?10:04
sproingienow if we could get a gnome equivalent to konqeror10:04
BanachUsul, using ifconfig?10:04
jribjaviolo: oh10:04
Otacon22dron, I have do it10:04
javiolojrib but didn?t figure how to configure gdm + xorg10:04
dronwhat it says?10:04
jonesieFlannel: you there?10:04
Banachnooby_god, yes. BUT most people i know have the windows device before switching. and i've never had any trouble with ndiswrapper10:04
Otacon22but there isn't nothing, but i have the acces point! and while i do iwlist... the wireless device don't give me signal life10:05
javiolojrib Im going to install fluxbox using source10:05
pianoboy3333Banach: well, I had this problem with the dell speakers that came with my computer.... but those were crappy.... then I had the creative for a couple days while waiting for these logitech, which I don't think crackled so it can be either the sound card or the connections, but in my opinion, it's the sound card, because the same exact cd in windows at the same level is perfectly fine10:05
Otacon22(when I am on windows always)10:05
Banachsprongie, just use konqueror... =p you can have the kde architecture load at the start of your session10:05
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skavengeor xchat whatever10:05
sproingieBanach: yah, and drag and drop works pretty well between 'em now10:05
UsulBanach, i dont know. i mean to have it preconfigured. My real problem is that i cant boot into ubuntu when disconnected from the web, even using a liveCD6.06 and so i tried turning off eth0 and rebooting and now i cant even boot into it at all10:05
jribjaviolo: yeah I like the new features, I think it's worth it.  I'll pastebin the .desktop file for you so you can use it with gdm more easily10:05
dronOtacon22: what card is it?10:06
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sproingieBanach: still, would be nice if nautilus could kick it up a notch.  image view alone in konq is bloody nice10:06
Banachpianoboy3333, what soundcard do you have? and what drivers do you have?10:06
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rebelfallenI have been told NOT to install Ruby on Rails via apt. Does anyone know if it is advised to install any other way or what do you suggest?10:06
lz1gjdis there a deb package for gimmie ?10:06
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adamant1988how can I reset beagles index so that it will re-index everything?10:07
pianoboy3333Banach: well, in windows, it displayed I had "SigmaTel High Definition Audio CODEC" I'm not sure what driver I had, some big long thing...10:07
Banachsproingie, amen to that! it would be really nice if nautilus could get a MAJOR upgrade, as well as a version of amarok that didnt require qt... that would simply be amazing but will never happen10:07
Otacon22dron, it is a u.s.Robotics usb wireless key.... when i was on ubuntu 5.10 it works perfecctly, but now on 6.06 nothing...10:07
UsulIs there a file i can edit that will turn my eth0 on by default?? I deselected it in the GUI but now i cant boot into GUI (nautils error because of bonobo)10:07
eugmanI'm trying to run a program in wine and would like to record the outputs it makes to the terminal onto a text file. The > operator only records what it says after the program closes.10:07
javiolojrib ok thanks, my main problem was how to make a nice desktop10:07
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teicahwhat is the official(!)/best sofware manager for ubuntu?10:08
Otacon22perhaps I had do others commands10:08
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ubotuI know nothing about ics - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:08
Banachpianoboy3333, i have never even heard of that one :P if it worked under windows then it should work here too. have you tried typing that into google with +linux?10:08
dronOtacon22: have you blacklisted bcm43xx?10:08
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Dial_toneteicah synaptic10:08
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pianoboy3333Banach: yea, that's what I'm doing now, I'm still looking, I'm going to look in ubuntu forums also, cause there could be some random howto there also10:08
Otacon22dron, what???10:08
jribjaviolo: I'm using the Meta theme which is pretty nice and slowly modifying it.  Just go to a theme site and find one you like then tinker a bit10:08
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Otacon22dron, explane me this10:09
dronmy brain got stucked :)10:09
javiolojrib I think I had before on gdm the menu to open fluxbox10:09
CyorxampWhen I use the LiveCD I automatically get net access, when installed to hdd, same networking settings... but no net access - I have tried dozens of things and dozens of reinstalls (tried xubuntu too)... the net comes from ICS on a winxp PC.10:09
XGasCan I just install it tru the Synatic Package Manager?10:09
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jribjaviolo: just create /usr/share/xsessions/fluxbox.desktop and put this inside: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18033 then you should have fluxbox as an option in gdm (options > session)10:09
sproingieyikes, the keyboard shortcuts app is recognizing my win key as Super_L and worse, not a modifier key10:09
javiolojrib just adding a line somewhere10:09
skavengeXGas: yes...10:09
sproingieis there any way to fix that in gnome or do i need to get into x keyboard maps?10:09
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dronOtacon22: sorry cant help you with that, try surching google or ubuntu forums10:09
jribjaviolo: the ubuntu package should set it al up for you, but if you compile now you have to do it manually10:09
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cd_romsince i use a live grub to manual boot ubuntu 5.10, can anyone paste me command to boot in recovery mode from grub, im going for a debug system crashed section10:10
teicahis the app that opens with the top-panel icon synaptic?  I know I can open it from System|Admn10:10
javiolojrib ahh10:10
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Banachpianoboy3333, im sorry i couldnt be any more help10:10
pianoboy3333Banach: no problem10:10
teicahicon w/tooltip 'xx updates'10:10
javiolojrib what do you use to browse files ? nautilus ?10:10
Banachdoes anyone know where i can find the 'proper' uk keyboard layout, even loadkeys uk gives me an american map10:11
sproingieoh there it is.  typing "keyboard" into the search bar.  damn that's so freaking nice10:11
jribjaviolo: yeah, I'm used to it.  If you want something light, there is xfe.  I've alse been meaning to try thunar10:11
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lz1gjdhow do i install a new kernel for my arch and its header/modules etc. ?10:13
Marc1hi everyone  can anyone tell me if my card support 3d ,, http://pastebin.ca/8832610:13
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javiolojrib how about the auto mount volumes in ubuntu ?10:13
Marc1its result of glxinfo10:13
cd_romjust googled for one10:13
Banachsproingie what key problem you having???10:13
javiolojrib do they appear in the "desktop" ??10:13
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jribjaviolo: I don't use it, but I think you can run 'gnome-volume-manager' and run something to show you desktop icons10:14
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sproingieBanach: not having it anymore, i discovered the keyboard reconfigurator thingie now10:14
karimwhen an application looks for the home of the user, does it uses the environment variable $HOME, or does it go through another process like asking /etc/passwd through a system call ?10:14
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gr8nashanyone heard if the PLF repos are down for good?10:14
Banachsproingie, what WAS the problem? I can't find a damn uk keymap anywhere on my system :(10:14
javiolojrib ok you helped me the first stage! thanks!10:14
kbrooksgr8nash: let me see10:14
jribjaviolo: good luck.  One last thing: you know about checkinstall?10:15
sproingieBanach: i just used keyboard preferences.  should be able to switch maps with it10:15
javiolojrib checkinstall? dont know what is10:15
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jrib!checkinstall > javiolo10:15
vdepizzolXChat-GNOME 0.12 is out since june... why ubuntu repositories only have the version 0.11?10:15
sproingieBanach: whether or not it actually works for you, i don't know, i only have a us layout10:15
cassidyvdepizzol: the 0.12 is in Edgy10:16
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javiolojrib ahh to create a deb of the flux sources right ?10:16
jribjaviolo: yeah10:16
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teicahfinger kernel.org shows as latest.. synaptic list 2.6.15 .. correct?  is there a ubuntu updater/repository(?) to get a newer version?10:16
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UsulSo anyone have an idea why bonobo/nautilus wont work at boot on powerpc when disconected from the net ?10:16
RyanAmosWhat's the command for ubuntu's graphical xorg.conf file configuration?10:16
vdepizzolcassidy, so, why dapper don't have?10:17
Banachsproingie, it doesnt. looking at the picture of the keyboard even the uk layout (international not dvorak) has the pipe next to return (on a standard uk kbd its next to z)10:17
javiolojrib btw Ive seen packages of 1.0 on deb10:17
cassidyvdepizzol: because Dapper is freezed10:17
javiolojrib but not for ppc10:17
jribjaviolo: oh10:17
gr8nashkbrooks, any love on the PLF repos?10:17
RyanAmosBanach: nope...10:17
cassidyvdepizzol: i compiled it for Dapper if you want10:17
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cassidyvdepizzol: http://cass.no-ip.com/~cassidy/files/ubuntu/dapper/xchat-gnome_0.12-0ubuntu1_i386.deb10:17
edulixwhen installing a package, i get:10:17
UsulAargh -- I cant even boot the livecd!!10:17
edulixtrying to overwrite `/usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/es/api/kfontdialog.png', which is also in package koffice-i18n-es10:17
BanachRyanAmos, X --configure ?10:18
edulixisn't there a (easy) way to let it overwrite and continue? I really don't mind the icon =)10:18
sproingie  wow, i have a working cmps key :)10:18
vdepizzolthank you, cassidy10:18
javiolojrib did you build fluxbox with imlib2 support ?10:18
jribjaviolo: yes, though I haven't actually used anything to test it yet10:18
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roostishawwhat is the linux equivalent to the python idle editor?10:18
cassidyvdepizzol: np10:18
RyanAmosBanach: Naa, it's a window that pops up where you can go step by step through the setup10:18
javiolojrib didnt you add icons to desktop ?10:18
vdepizzolcassidy ;)10:19
FatalCureroostishaw: idle is available in linux too :)10:19
jribjaviolo: nope, I like a clean desktop10:19
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BanachRyanAmos, just use command line, its probably easier :P10:19
sproingieroostishaw: idle runs fine on linux.  ugly tho.  try SPE (which is pretty heavyweight)10:19
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roostishawsproingie, what is the package for idle?10:19
javiolojrib just terminal ? :P10:19
roostishawor FatalCure10:19
sproingieroostishaw: unsurprisingly, it's idle10:20
ThunderStruckroostishaw: idle? as in python-idle?10:20
roostishawlol, ok. thanks guys (or girls)10:20
sproingieroostishaw: you could also try eric310:20
ThunderStruckroostishaw: python2.4-idle or 2.3 or just python-idle10:20
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sproingiejust plain idle works for me10:21
RyanAmosBanach: I'm trying to setup dual monitors... :(10:21
sproingieeric > idle10:21
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sproingiei'd like SPE if it were more stable10:21
BanachRyanAmos, http://www.granneman.com/techinfo/linux/installation/dualheadhowto.htm10:21
grphxHey, I'm trying to run a startup script, but it says permission denied.  What gives?  I changed the folder to 777 too10:22
RyanAmosBanach: Great, google has been no help... :)10:22
jribgrphx: how are you setting it up?10:22
sproingietho eric starts with the angriest clutter i've ever seen on an interface10:22
BanachRyanAmos, the url i just posted came from google10:22
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sproingiei don't think lightwave was even this bad10:22
grphxIt's a MUD, and I already ran the make file, and now I'm trying to start it up10:22
Usulcant boot into live Dapper CD: "Nautilus can't be used now, due to an unexpected error from Bonobo when attempting to register the file manager view server."10:22
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dbuivietHi every110:23
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teicahshould I adopt 'LVM' when partitioning my upcoming ubuntu installation? 1hdd9250gb).. might add another(160gb)?10:23
gr8nashUsul, i had a sorta similar problem .. turned out to be a bad cdrom10:23
ThunderStruckUsul: join 3ubuntu+110:23
RyanAmosBanach: Yea, I realized I've been there...  It's to no help10:23
Banachwith x now switching to Xgl are we gonna have configs in different places or is it still gonna be /etxc/X11 ?10:23
ThunderStruckjoin #ubuntu+1 Usul10:23
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gr8nashbut a bad disk could do it too10:23
grphxWhat do you mean how did I set it up?10:23
ThunderStruckgrphx: thats not the issue10:23
BanachRyanAmos, how come? i followed that guide for a friend, restarted x and it worked fine10:24
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stormchas3rhow can I connect to my wap when it uses wpa encryption?10:24
ThunderStruckgr8nash: sorry10:24
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RyanAmosBanach: I'm a linux n00b :(10:24
Usulgr8nash only problem is I get the same error on my hard drive install10:24
tritiumstormchas3r: you'll need wpasupplicant10:24
ThunderStruckUsul: your not on dapper if you get that error10:24
devhenanyone here familiar with Image Magick command line tools?10:24
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grphxThunderStruck: What do you mean, how did I set it up?10:24
lz1gjdhow do i install a new kernel for my arch and its headers/modules etc. ?10:25
ThunderStruckUsul: now please join #ubuntu+110:25
jribdevhen: maybe, ask a more specific question :P10:25
stormchas3rtritium: were can i get that?10:25
UsulThunderStruck yes I am10:25
gr8nashThunderStruck, what is ubuntu+1?10:25
ThunderStruckgrphx: i meant someone else10:25
jribgrphx: where did you put your startup script?10:25
skavengelz1gjd: build it from scratch10:25
UsulThunderStruck I upgraded and am trying to reinstall10:25
ThunderStruckUsul: what is lsb_release -a say10:25
BanachRyanAmos, thats ok, everybody has to start somewhere :) do you know what your hardware exactly is? because if you followed that guide to the tee then you would only get it to work if you had the same as he does10:25
snoopsBanach x11 will stay.. because you still use it with xgl.. and then there's aiglx and exgl10:25
devhenwell, using the image magick convert tool the -page option sometimes gives me a 251x251 image when i ask for a 250x250 image10:25
gr8nashis that a support channel?10:25
XGaswhere are the C header files that matches the kernel of Ubuntu 6.06 stored?10:25
UsulThunderStruck hold on i need a term...10:25
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sproingieXGas: linux-headers10:25
lz1gjdim not really interested into this, just whats in the repos10:25
grphxjrib: What do you mean where?  It was already somewhere int he program's folder10:25
tritiumXGas: linux-headers-$(uname -r) matches your running kernel10:26
sproingieXGas: install it and you'll get /usr/src/linux (and it'll only have headers)10:26
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Banachsnoops, do you know how i tell if Xgl/compiz is using hardware accel, it seems a little tardy and my box isnt exactly sloppy10:26
ThunderStruckUsul: the lib was just updated and is causing issues in edgy iirc dapper hasnt gotten that update10:26
tritiumstormchas3r: apt-get install it10:26
godtvisk1nIs there an ubuntu-way to recompile my kernel? I need a 2.6.16 kernel for USB support for my Rio Karma. I only have the 2.6.15-26-386 kernel.10:26
tritium!wpa > stormchas3r10:26
ThunderStruckUsul: and if you reboot it will go away ;)10:26
UsulThunderStruck im on the live cd now... gimme a sec to reboot10:26
skavengelz1gjd: ubuntu automatically updates to the newest kernel in the repos10:26
jribgrphx: oh I thought you meant a startup script as in a script to run at startup.  What program is this?10:26
snoopsI'm assuming you've installed your drivers (nvidia or ati) and had that working before going ahead with installing xgl/compiz Banach?10:26
stormchas3rtritium: ty10:27
lz1gjdbut how do i tell it to update to k7 or i686 ?10:27
tritiumgodtvisk1n: yes, the same as the debian way -- use make-kpkg (part of kernel-package)10:27
Banachsnoops, yes, but it still seems ultra slack10:27
grphxjrib: It'sa  ROM based mud.10:27
dbuivietHello, does any1 here know a good documentation to get Xgl and compiz working in an ATI graphic card (ATI Mobility Radeon 9000) on a Dell laptop (mine is Latitude D600)...I got ATI driver working properly, with 3D hardware accelarated, but couldn't load the plugins of compiz to work on startup :-(10:27
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tritiumlz1gjd: your kernel?  sudo apt-get install linux-686, for example10:27
sproingieBanach: glxinfo | grep direct10:27
snoopsBanach what card?10:27
UsulThunderStruck ive had this prob for weeks10:27
skavengelz1gjd: find it in synaptic and install it10:27
lz1gjdic, thx10:27
Usulsame error10:27
snoopssproingie xgl doesn't use direct rendering10:27
Banachdbuiviet, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper10:27
gr8nashdbuiviet, did you read the XGL thread on ubuntuforums.org?10:27
Banachsproingie, direct rendering is off in Xgl10:27
UsulThunderStruck i cant even log into gnome10:27
skavenge#ubuntu-xgl would be alot better place for this10:28
ThunderStruckUsul: try to install that lib when you boot into ubuntu again10:28
Banachsnoops, nvidia geforce 680010:28
tritiumlz1gjd: be sure to grab the linux-$(arch) packages, and not just the linux-image packages, so you don't miss getting restricted modules, etc.10:28
UsulThunderStruck gonna try using the default xterm10:28
lz1gjdfor athlon64 which arch is more suitable i686 or k710:28
dbuivietyep, I did follow them, and I did visit compiz.net to check the howto, but I just didnt get the luck :-(10:28
snoopsBanach oh so you should be getting good performance.. using the latest releases?10:28
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grphxjrib: It'sa  ROM based mud.10:28
stormchas3rtritium: apt-get wpasupplicant?10:28
Banachsnoops, updated to dapper yesterday10:28
sproingielz1gjd: amd64 actually.  but that's a different distribution10:28
sproingielz1gjd: otherwise it really doesn't matter much10:29
gr8nashdbuiviet, XGL + ATI http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13125310:29
grphxYou run a make file, then go to another directory and do a: ./startup & and it starts the MUd, which will let you connect to it10:29
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snoopsBanach of xgl and compiz that is10:29
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XGaswhere do I get the kernal headers?10:29
Banachsnoops, yeah, i was using hoary until then :P and installed the nvidia driver first10:29
sproingieXGas: sudo apt-get install linux-headers10:29
tritiumstormchas3r: yes10:29
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tritiumXGas: I already told you10:29
stormchas3rdidnt work10:29
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tritiumXGas: linux-headers-$(uname -r) matches your running kernel (to remind you)10:29
lz1gjdthen k7 , but when i try to install them it installs version how do i tell it to install so i could use vmware-player10:30
jribgrphx: it's probably trying to access something your user doesn't have permission for10:30
sproingielinux-headers works if you only have one kernel installed10:30
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kram3rquestion for anyone:  is there a method to configure and swap on the fly between an external monitor and a projector for a laptop10:30
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Adsumdoes anyone know if its safe to install compiz on 64-bit dapper??10:30
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dbuivietgr8nash: I followed the link already, and from that I went to compiz.net howto, but still no luck, I heard that there's an known issue for ATI Mobility series with compiz and XGL, am I right?10:30
ThunderStrucklz1gjd: reboot and choose 2.6.15-25 in the grub list10:30
sproingieAdsum: if it's available it probably works10:30
ompaulsysrpl, way offtopic for here10:30
tritiumsysrpl: that's offtopic.  Please don't paste that here10:30
stormchas3rtritium: it said i have the newest version10:30
tritiumstormchas3r: good10:30
kram3rby moethod I mean other that editing /etc/X11/corg.conf by hand10:30
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Banachdbuiviet, you follow the howto on the wiki?10:30
stormchas3rtritium: so were do i out in my wpa key?10:31
philippehello everyone10:31
grphxjrib: Probably.  I've had it on my windows box and moved it to my linux box to run it, and now it is saying that.  Think it has something to do with it?10:31
Adsumsproingie: i ment more like if there are any known troubles with it10:31
philippehow could i upgrade from warty to dapper.10:31
lz1gjdi need to tell it specifically to install
dbuivietBanach: on the wiki? could you give me the link? I just looked in ubuntuforums.org10:31
sproingieAdsum: only one way to find out, really10:31
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tritiumlz1gjd: then install the package I told you to10:31
Adsumsproingie: yeah but im terrible at error recovery and i've already have had to reinstall everything :P10:31
snoopsdbuiviet http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager/Xgl then http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompoisteManager/InstallingCompiz10:32
Banachdbuiviet, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper select the compiz xgl section ont eh menu and itl send you there10:32
jribgrphx: no idea, there are a few results for MUD in apt.  Maybe you can try those10:32
lz1gjdok, thx10:32
sproingieBanach: that's some erratic spacebar you have10:32
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dbuivietok, great, guys, thanks so much, I will take a look there, hopefully I will get it work :)10:32
mrcoyotexgl & compiz ROXXXXXXXXXXx my desktop and my life10:32
mrcoyoteit is very beautifulll10:32
snoopsBanach - so you're using quinn's repos? eg when you setup xgl/compiz you used the beerorkid + compiz.info repos?10:32
Banachsproingie, nope, im just crap at typing :P (and it doesnt help i dont know where half my keys are mapped to)10:33
mrcoyote3d desktop roxxx10:33
grphxjrib: I had it working and all that, but I changed servers and copied my old source code to my windows machine and now I want to put it back on another linux box.  I think beacuse I had it on a windows machine, it screwed with the permissions10:33
=== Coviti [n=Coviti@pool-71-99-27-176.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
callochi all, Ive just installed ubuntu 5.10 - its found my wireless router and ive provided the relevant details, but i still cant conect to anything and if i try pinging the router i get "DESTINATION HOST UNREACHABLE" - can anyone offer some help with this? All details are correct, thanks10:33
sproingieall this xgl/compiz stuff isn't gonna work with a radeon 9800, is it?10:33
snoopsmrcoyote that it is.. know about ctrl+alt+page down (unless you changed it)?10:33
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jribgrphx: ah, yeah probably10:33
Banachsnoops, the beerorkid repo wasnt working, kept getting 404s, cant remember how i got it working but i did10:33
snoopssproingie yep it'll work if you have the binary ati drivers working10:33
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grphxSo is there a way I can make a copy to where the original owner is my current user?10:33
sproingiesnoops: does it work reasonably well or is it glacial?10:33
UsulThunderStruck What lib do I install? I verified the lib_release and its dapper10:33
snoopsBanach ah you may be using old versions then - hence your lag10:33
grphxjrib:  So is there a way I can make a copy to where the original owner is my current user?10:34
Banachsnoops: did this: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Xgl.2FCompiz_.28Nvidia.2910:34
snoopssproingie it's alpha software..10:34
ThunderStruckUsul: Usul are you on live cd right now?10:34
mrcoyotesnoops, i am decoverring now loool10:34
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mrcoyotei hvae sry10:34
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sproingiesnoops: heh.  i think i'll wait for it to land in edgy release then :)10:34
kelbizzle" libglib2.0-dev: Depends: libglib2.0-0 (= 2.10.2-1ubuntu3) but 2.10.3-0ubuntu1 is to be installed10:34
kelbizzleE: Broken packages10:34
kelbizzlewhats that error mean?10:34
Usulno the live cd doesnt work im on a safe xterm session10:34
ThunderStruckUsul: apt-cache policy libonobo   let me know if it is installed10:34
mrcoyotesnoops, it is beautifulesss than 3d switching10:34
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: sudo apt-get -f isntall10:34
jribgrphx: you can just 'chown -R username:username directory' and everything under there will be owned by your user.  But the actual permissions may be messed up as well10:34
sproingieamazing, edgy will probably make it out before vista.10:34
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: sudo apt-get -f install10:34
kelbizzlety thunder10:34
Banachsnoops, whats the beerorkid repo? is it just a case of adding it to sources.list and updating? got a howto for the beerorkid version?10:35
KnowledgEngiubuntu developers are considering it: http://www.thenetplanet.com/ ???10:35
ThunderStrucksproingie: join #ubuntu-offtopic for that please10:35
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UsulThunderStruck not installed10:35
callochi all, Ive just installed ubuntu 5.10 - its found my wireless router and ive provided the relevant details, but i still cant conect to anything and if i try pinging the router i get "DESTINATION HOST UNREACHABLE" - can anyone offer some help with this? All details are correct, thanks10:35
ThunderStruckUsul: install it please10:35
KnowledgEngiexist some software for ubuntu like this ???10:35
ThunderStruckUsul: sudo apt-get install libonobo10:35
snoopsBanach yeah go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager/Xgl then add the repositories it mentions10:35
snoopsand run an update10:35
Banachsnoops. cheers10:35
LjLcalloc: i'm not familiar with wireless problems, but just thought i'd ask, are you aware the current version of ubuntu is 6.06?10:36
tritiumBanach: your name reminds me too much of mathematics courses10:36
grphxjrib:  My current username is "mud", so wha twould I need to type?10:36
ThunderStruckUsul: but you might have to install it after you boot into ubuntu10:36
tritium(nick, I should say)10:36
Usulcant find package10:36
snoopsas well as adding the gpg key10:36
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UsulThunderStruck cant find paclage10:36
KnowledgEngisome software (IA_Knowledge-management-base) for intelligent searching of document ?10:36
jribgrphx: is the game in your HOME?10:36
ThunderStruckUsul: apt-cache policy  showed what repo?10:36
snoopssproingie I recommend trying it out.. I love it and find it incredibly frustrating when I'm at work and not using it10:36
callocLjL, the only copy i have is 5.1010:36
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Banachtritium: well thats not really a surprise to me, I'm an algebraic geometer and the great man is where i've taken my nick from!!!10:36
MFendoes ubuntu have a better tool for automatically configuring monitors, yet?10:36
sproingiesnoops: probably the mother of all FAQ's, but where's the guide to installing it?10:36
tritiumBanach: :)10:36
MFensomething that probes the monitor capabilities10:37
grphxjrib: Yeh, home/MUD10:37
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ThunderStruckUsul: how did you remove that package without seeing everything drop infront of you?10:37
MFeni have a 1600x1200 monitor that ubuntu is trying to run as 1024 or worse10:37
kelbizzlehey thunder It didnt work10:37
yggworkcan somone help me figure out how to get a link to my home folder on desktop .. and a file system link too10:37
tritiumBanach: well, just consider this channel your "space"10:37
chikosanchezHey all10:37
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Banachtritium, lol10:37
UsulThunderStruck what repo? what info do you want from that last command? im on ppc10:37
LjLyggwork: "man ln"10:37
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: discribe what you are trying to do and what version of ubuntu10:37
yggworkok thats what i thought just wasnt sure if there was a gui method10:37
Banachtritium, if only it satisfied....10:37
jrib!fixres > MFen10:37
UsulThunderStruck never removed it! and nothing does work10:38
LjLyggwork: specifically, you'll want "ln -s <filename> <linkname>"10:38
ThunderStruckUsul: i need to see what repo it showed whne you ran apt-cache policy libonobo10:38
LjLyggwork: i don't know10:38
snoopstwo parts sproingie there's the open gl server layer (xgl) and the compositing manager(uses xgl to gives the nice effects )10:38
jribgrphx: sudo chown mud:mud /home/mud/MUD10:38
kelbizzleI'm trying to $sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev. I'm using
snoopssproingie http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager/Xgl then http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompoisteManager/InstallingCompiz10:38
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems10:38
azcazandcoanyone got advice on getting a webcam working under ubuntu?10:38
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras10:38
Banachanywho peoples it was nice chatting but i must be off. tara rwan (for any welsh amongst you)10:38
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: give me a min10:38
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chikosanchezI need help with a sick error... "failed to initialize HAL!" someone can help?10:38
callochi all, Ive just installed ubuntu 5.10 - its found my wireless router and ive provided the relevant details, but i still cant conect to anything and if i try pinging the router i get "DESTINATION HOST UNREACHABLE" - can anyone offer some help with this? All details are correct, thanks10:38
azcazandcothanks jrib10:39
UsulThunderStruck shit, i appear to be on Breezy!!!!10:39
UsulThunderStruck do i simply switch the breezy for dapper in the repo?10:39
tritiumUsul: language, please10:39
kelbizzleYou guys are soo helpful.10:39
kelbizzleI'm never leaving!10:39
grphxjrib:  What is the MUD part on what you told me?10:39
chikosanchezI need help with a sick error... "failed to initialize HAL!" someone can help?10:39
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: apt-cache policy libglib2.0-dev   <<<run that and let me know what version is avalible10:40
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snoopschikosanchez is that on the latest kernel? 2.6.15-26?10:40
ompaulchikosanchez, wiki.ubuntu.com/BootOptions10:40
ThunderStruckUsul: change all breezy to dapper in the repos and sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:40
kelbizzle  Installed: (none)10:40
kelbizzle  Candidate: 2.10.2-1ubuntu310:40
kelbizzle  Version table:10:40
kelbizzle     2.10.2-1ubuntu3 010:40
kelbizzle        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main Packages10:40
jribgrphx: the lowercase mud is your username, the capital MUD is the folder in your HOME (which I assume to be /home/mud)10:40
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tritiumkelbizzle: use pastebin, dude10:40
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jrib!paste > kelbizzle10:40
Usultritium french canadian10:40
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ThunderStruckkelbizzle: sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev10:40
McNutellawhy does skype take so long to load ?10:40
chikosanchezompaul ill take a look10:41
callocIs there issues with 5.10 and WPA??10:41
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=== LjL laughs
ThunderStruckthat was my fault for not being less general10:41
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grphxjrib: Eh it still says no good10:41
NKayhanDoes anybody know what the URI for the ubuntu packages are10:41
grphxwhat is the mud:mud10:41
ompaulkelbizzle, do not just throw things inoto the channel please use paste.ubuntu-nl.org thanks10:41
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: ok try installing it with the command i gave you10:41
tritiumUsul: no, that's not what I mean.  I mean watch your language.10:41
jribgrphx: your username and groupname10:41
kelbizzlesame issue10:41
MFenjrib: thanks, i'm on the right track now10:41
ompaulNKayhan, packages.ubuntu.com10:41
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Adsumdoes anyone know if there are any 3d-windows-managers available that works more like project looking glass??10:41
chikosanchezsnoops: how can i show my kernel version?10:42
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: can you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list file to pastebin?10:42
tritiumchikosanchez: uname -r10:42
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UsulI cant get a slash!!!!10:42
grphxYeh.. the mud folder is 777, it should let anybody do anything right?10:42
jribgrphx: the actual permissions are messed up, you can try chmod to everything 777 but that may be a security problem10:42
Usulthe keyboard layout isnt really usefull10:42
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ThunderStruckgrphx: yes10:42
jribgrphx: the stuff instide may not be10:42
chikosanchezchikosanchez -r10:42
grphxah, how can I change everything inside?10:42
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ThunderStruck755 is what i use but i cant remember what exactly it is10:43
ThunderStruckgrphx: -r10:43
mabusgrphx: chmod 777 *10:43
tritiumchikosanchez: what the heck was that?10:43
ThunderStrucksorry -R10:43
grphxWhich one?10:43
ThunderStruckgrphx: man chmod10:43
jribgrphx: chmod -R 777 /home/mud/MUD10:43
ThunderStruckits -R10:43
chikosanchezMy Kernel: 2.6.12-10-38610:43
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ThunderStruckand i thought everyone was on dapper10:44
bashta_tican someone help me ... I don't have permision to show my winfdows mounts in apache .... how can I evade this ??10:44
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pietrob71hi to everybody10:45
NKayhanis there a way of installing ubuntu's specialized synaptic?10:45
grphxWell it works now, but it says: bash: ./startup: /bin/csh: bad interpreter: No such file or directory10:45
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Dial_toneNKayhan, ?10:45
chikosanchezsnoops: my kernel 2.6.12-10-38610:45
jaeki want to remove all packages installed from a given repo... is there an easy way to do that?10:45
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kelbizzleHEY thunder http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1803710:45
pietrob71is there someone with dapper+xgl10:45
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ThunderStruckpietrob71: join #ubuntu-xgl10:46
callocdoes 5.10 support WPA encrypt???10:46
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ThunderStruckcalloc: should last i checked10:46
grphxI've seen this error before but can't remember hwpo to fix it10:46
NKayhanDial_tone: yea, I have the generic one, but I want the one with the ubuntu packages10:46
snoopsah okay.. chikosanchez ompaul pasted a url to ubuntu's bootoptions.. might have something to do with it.. not sure10:46
tritiumcalloc: with a package called wpasupplicant, yes10:46
jribgrphx: install csh10:46
jribgrphx: sudo aptitude install csh10:47
kelbizzleHEY thunder http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1803710:47
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: i didnt forget my browser is taking forever10:47
kelbizzleoh ok10:47
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grphxOkay I did that, is it instaled?10:47
kelbizzlehow do you respond to only me10:47
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:47
chikosanchezsnoops: ok, ill try to find out something about that...10:47
UsulThunderStruck i ran the command after changing the sources.list but nothing new was installed or changed10:47
grphxA lot of stuff showed up in my terminal10:47
NKayhanThunderStruck: hey, remember my question10:47
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chikosanchezsnoops: thank you!10:47
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: uncomment all repos except the cdrom one10:47
ThunderStruckNKayhan: no10:47
KnowledgEngii would like that ubuntu offer something like that:10:48
ompaulsnoops, I typed it (I wrote it :)10:48
Dial_toneNKayhan, you need to change the repositories, not synaptic10:48
ThunderStruckUsul: are the repos enabled? or do they still have the # infront of them10:48
NKayhanThunderstruck: about synaptic10:48
ThunderStruckNKayhan: yes10:48
=== roostishaw [n=roostish@c-24-126-92-199.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsah awesome ompaul10:48
roostishawhow can i exit x?10:48
grphxIt still doesn't work10:48
ThunderStruckNKayhan: you installed it10:48
ThunderStruckroostishaw: to restart x?10:48
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NKayhanThunderstruck: Why is the repretory preferances so differant10:48
roostishawso as to use minimal resources10:49
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ThunderStruckNKayhan: i dont know never use that way10:49
grphxSame error message10:49
roostishawwhile playing a game10:49
kelbizzlehey thuinder # #deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_ - Release i386 (20051012)] / breezy main restricted10:49
kelbizzledeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted10:49
kelbizzle? that one?.10:49
NKayhanThunderstruck: OK10:49
UsulThunderStruck problem is that I unconfigured my eth0 how do I activate it?10:49
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ThunderStruckthe first one leave it with the #10:49
roostishawThunderStruck, do u now how10:49
qwertybobapi mismatch, kerenl module 7174 x module 8762?10:49
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ThunderStruckroostishaw: are you playing a texted based game?10:49
FatalCureroostishaw: logout, ctrl-alt-f1, log in 'sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop'10:50
qwertybobive tried changing kernels reinstalling nvidia stuff10:50
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ThunderStruckFatalCure: only if its a texted based game10:50
kelbizzlewas that for me?10:50
ThunderStruckif its a gui game poof game is over10:50
grphxjrib: I did it, and a lot of stuff scrolled by, is it done?10:50
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FatalCureThunderStruck: just answering the question :)10:50
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ThunderStruckkelbizzle: leave the # infront of the cdrom repo get rid of the # from all the other ones10:50
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qwertybobim finding some stuff on the forums,10:50
kelbizzleoh ok10:50
ThunderStruckFatalCure: i know thats why i asked10:50
UsulThunderStruck thats basically why i cant log in to the gui interface, is that i unconfigured the connection. Now I cant boot into the gui at all. How do I activate it by command line?10:51
roostishawFatalCure, but with ctrl+alt+f1, wont that still use resources?10:51
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ThunderStruckUsul: you dont need a network to boot into gui10:51
tritiumqwertybob: what's going on?  For starters, do you have linux-restricted-modules that match your kernel version?10:51
=== FatalCure would answer roostishaw if he gave him more time to
jribgrphx: type 'which csh', what does it say?10:51
UsulThunderStruck thats my problem!!! i cant boo into gui when i dont have a connection!10:51
kelbizzleThunderStruck: It's a read only file.10:51
qwertybobwhy is ubuntu installing driver 8762 when there is no match for it in kernel module version?10:51
qwertybobor am i missing something10:52
grphxjrib: Nothing10:52
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ThunderStruckkelbizzle: close it than type gksudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list    or replace nano with fav text editor10:52
UsulThunderStruck thats why im here ;) so now im trying to update but i cant cause by default im not connected, how do i connect by command line?10:52
grphxjrib: It just goes to another line10:52
ThunderStruckUsul: your networking issues have _nothing_ to do with booting into ubuntu10:52
jribgrphx: apt-cache policy csh10:52
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tritiumqwertybob: the version of the nvidia-glx package has nothing to do with the kernel version number10:53
UsulThunderStruck then why does it not work only when im not connected?10:53
grphxjrib: Unable to locate package10:53
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kelbizzlenow do $sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev?10:53
ThunderStruckUsul: any computer will boot any OS without being connected to internet10:53
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: no10:53
qwertybobtritium: i mean nvidia kernel module version10:53
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: sudo apt-get update10:53
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jrib!universe > grphx10:53
jribgrphx: enable universe10:53
UsulThunderStruck thats nice, but it gives me a bonobo error only when im not connected10:53
tritiumqwertybob: see my above question, and please answer10:53
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Usuland now i unconfigured my eth0 so it wont boot, so how can i reconfigure eth0 by default from command line???? help please!10:54
ThunderStruckUsul: thats 2 seperate issues fix one than the other (since you feel the need to dispute this feel free to fix on own10:54
grphxjrib: What do I type?10:54
tritiumUsul: do you want it up automatically at boot?10:54
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UsulThunderStruck yes, i need to have my eth0 configured or else nothinbg will work10:55
XGasthx, now it works10:55
Usultritium yer10:55
tritiumUsul: your /etc/network/interfaces line needs to list "auto eth0" before the "iface eth0 inet dhcp" line10:55
advant_The network-manager applet is only showing my wired connection, and not my wireless.  How can I fix this?10:55
qwertybobtritium: ok so ill check that, but its a fresh install , dist-upgrade, then problem10:55
ThunderStruckUsul: my point fix network adn ubuntu still shouldnt boot10:55
tritiumqwertybob: which kernel do you have?10:55
ThunderStruckubuntu doesnt depend on a network connection to boot10:55
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ThunderStruckkelbizzle: you are fudged by the looks of things10:56
phunkaliciousadvant_, edit the file /etc/network/interfaces, and comment everything out except auto lo and iface lo inet loopback10:56
kelbizzlehow come :-(10:56
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: uname -r10:56
ThunderStruckwhat does that say10:57
qwertybobtritium: i wnent back to -25, you are right restricted modules are for -2610:57
advant_phunkalicious :  ok will try and reboot.  thanks10:57
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: make that lsb_release -a10:57
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phaedrus44ubuntu is cool10:57
jribgrphx: ubotu sent you a private message10:57
phaedrus44especially comnig from staright deb10:57
qwertybobtritium: i had checked it before and it was the same though and it didnt work, ill try moving to -26 kernel then10:57
kelbizzleNo LSB modules are available.10:57
kelbizzleDistributor ID: Ubuntu10:57
kelbizzleDescription:    Ubuntu 6.06 LTS10:57
kelbizzleRelease:        6.0610:57
kelbizzleCodename:       dapper10:57
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ThunderStruckkelbizzle: ok all you had to do was tell me dapper or breezy10:58
grphxjrib: What do you want me to do?10:58
tritiumqwertybob: that's your problem, then10:58
Usultritium i still get the nautilus bonobo error??? how do i get rid of that?10:58
qwertybobmaybe, i hope10:58
tritiumqwertybob: which arch do you have?10:58
qwertybobamd 6410:58
kelbizzleI did ealier. Sorry I didnt know.10:58
=== Warbo [n=chris@host81-156-41-180.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: get rid of all breezy repos and the plf repo and the wine repo10:58
tritiumUsul: I didn't see your error10:58
tritiumkelbizzle: please don't paste10:58
grphxjrib: I have a feeling it didn't install it right or something10:58
=== ThunderStruck brb
kelbizzleSorry 5 lines of text is inconveint10:59
Usultritium i get a bonono error saying that nautilus wont boot10:59
qwertybobtritium: its amd 64 but i am using 32 bit install and 386 kernel10:59
Usulthats what i always get when im not connected to the web10:59
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yipewhat's the command to make initrd?10:59
jribgrphx: nope, you need universe10:59
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qwertybobtritium: should i go to the -26 kernel for 386?10:59
grphxjrib: What is that?11:00
ipl31Can someone point me to a good site that explains how to get ubuntu kernel source via git?11:00
Seveasyipe, sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-package_version_you_want_initrd_for11:00
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jribgrphx: did you get a private message from ubotu?11:00
yipehi seveas11:00
Usulim still not connected11:00
grphxjrib: Er yeh11:00
tritiumqwertybob: yes.  Easiest way is to make sure you have linux-386 package installed.  you might also want to try linux-686 instead11:00
Usulmy mac CD is worthless.... i reinstalled from breezy and upgraded and i still can boot when not connected to the web11:01
yipeummm, I don't think I'm trying to "reconfigure", I'm making a new one with a new kernel11:01
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grphxjrib: So I need to enable universe?11:01
McNutellahow do I use the mic to talk without it putting my voice through the speakers11:01
jribgrphx: yes, to install csh11:01
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grphxjrib: And that's a matter of editing a file I already haev?11:02
Usulhow do I get my ubuntu to boot?? It wont even boot from liveCD???11:02
mr_mojohi guys. does anyone know how to get ubuntu to log all nat connections to a file?11:02
jribgrphx: yes, or use the gui methods mentioned in the wiki11:02
DerDracleUm, I'm using Dapper, and, for some reason the g++ compiler is 4.0, but gcj is 4.1--- and there doesn't seem to be a g++-4.1 package.11:02
FlannelUsul: You need to make sure your CD is higher in the boot order than your harddrives11:02
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UsulCan anyone help me get my ubunut to boot I have an bonobo error and nautilus wont boot11:02
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: wait11:02
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DerDracleSo, I'm having to specify the 'entire' library path for g++ 4.1 (where gcj4.1 installs the .h files etc) to compile binaries.11:03
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UsulFlannel, thats not the problem--- it boots and  NAUTILUS wont boot!!! that is the same error on my hard drive installed version11:03
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: i got to thinking erase everything in that file and im gonna give you new repos11:03
WarboUsul: Nautilus doesn't boot, Ubuntu boots. Nautilus opens/runs/executes/whatever, but it doesn't boot11:03
DerDracleIs there a repository somewhere with g++-4.1 in it?11:03
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QRZmr_mojo:  Is the Ubuntu box doing the NAT for you, or is something else providing it (such as a router)?11:03
grphxjrib: So I am in the file right now, do you know what I need to edit to enable it/11:03
ipl31Can someone point me to a good site that explains how to get ubuntu kernel source via git?11:03
=== Nitrate [n=nitrate@dsl-165-235-26.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
UsulWarbo, thanks great, how do i get nautilus to open whatever????11:04
kelbizzleI thought you left me. I was gonna do the dapper repos for the ubuntu guide11:04
Usulnautilus won run!!!11:04
jribgrphx: remove the # from the beginning of lines that begin with 'deb'11:04
WarboUsul: I don't know about bonobo problems, but saying "it won't boot" will get you some completely different help than that which you are after :)11:04
philstarwhat do I need to do to make Ubuntu compile things for 686 rather than 286?11:04
philstarsry, 38611:04
grphxI guess I have to sudo pico?11:05
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ThunderStruckkelbizzle: go to the link im gonna give you and look near the bottom you will see a white area with text in it (repos) please copy all test in the white area and past it into your empty file that you have open11:05
grphxIt says I dont have access to write to it11:05
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ThunderStruckkelbizzle: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/666611:05
UsulWarbo, ive had this prob since last6 install of breezy, im a sick of using my laptop only at home, it defeats the purpose11:05
jamesHI, how do i get into root ?11:05
jribgrphx: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:05
Warbophilstar: Try setting "--arch=686" in configure11:05
ThunderStruckjames: sudo -i11:05
jrib!sudo > james11:05
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Warbojames: "cd /root" :)11:05
FatalCureipl31: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelGitGuide11:05
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UsulHow do I get my mac running on ubuntu to work when offline???11:05
=== ThunderStruck has to stop doing 30 things at once
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ipl31FatalCure: Thank You11:06
FatalCureipl31: yw :)11:06
tritiumUsul: it should just work when offline11:06
philstarWarbo: I use debian build script or whatever... apt-get build-dep pkg11:06
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rubsomy monitor won't go into sleep/standby mode, any clue?11:06
ThunderStrucktritium: thats why i gave it up he insistes you need network to boot ubuntu11:06
aujordanhhow do i access the repositories from a web browser?11:06
grphxOKaym, whats the line to install csh again?11:07
=== BoDiUSA [i=BoDi@cpe-24-58-194-194.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
-BoDiUSA:#ubuntu- Duble Click On The Red http://www.speedyshare.com/654868402.html Save Cristina.exe , Then Open And Watch the Best Prono Movie Ever11:07
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grphxjrib:  OKaym, whats the line to install csh again?11:07
FatalCureaujordanh: http://packages.ubuntu.com11:07
tritiumThunderStruck: you don't11:07
kelbizzleok do I save this to the sources.list file.11:07
=== dxdemetriou [n=dxdemetr@217-16-234-161.dyn-pool.spidernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribgrphx: sudo aptitude install csh11:07
kelbizzleall that text.11:07
Usultritium, I know it should but it DOESNT. I get an error from bonobo and nautilus wont run or do whatever it does11:07
-BoDiUSA:#ubuntu- Duble Click On The Red http://www.speedyshare.com/654868402.html Save Cristina.exe , Then Open And Watch the Best Prono Movie Ever11:07
ThunderStruckaujordanh: click open go to /etc/apt/sources.list file11:07
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SanketMedhiBoDiUSA: stop spamming bitch11:07
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!11:07
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ThunderStruck] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@cpe-24-58-194-194.twcny.res.rr.com] by ThunderStruck
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Warbophilstar: Hmm. That may depend on a global dpkg option (just guessing here), but I don't know if 686 is classed as an architecture in itself, since it is a subarchitecture of x8611:07
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aujordanhFatalCure: thank you11:07
=== PanicFo [n=cheraden@0x50a46c0d.virnxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
jribgrphx: make sure you run 'sudo apt-get update' after editing /etc/apt/sources.list11:07
DerDracleThe package I want appears to be in "Edgy."11:07
vasphow can I change the resolution outside of X? Like when in recovery mode (cli ubuntu)11:07
philstarWarbo: since pkgs are explicitly compiled for i386, there must be a way to compile for i68611:07
ThunderStruckDerDracle: good chance its broken11:07
FatalCureaujordanh: np :)11:08
UsulIm trying to start in safemode gnome session but it says i nee to start dbussession service11:08
tritiumThunderStruck: you changed your nick!  I was wondering who this new op was...11:08
rubsomy monitor won't go into sleep/standby mode, any clue?11:08
ThunderStruckyep me ;)11:08
DerDracleThunderStruck, How do I include edgy in my sources.list to find out?11:08
dxdemetriouIs there a good program in apt that can I virtualize another Linux os with native speed?11:08
kelbizzleThunderStruck: do I save all that text to sources.list11:08
ThunderStruckDerDracle: you dont want to do that11:08
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: yes just click save11:08
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grphxNow it says bad interpreter11:08
UsulEven in safemode gnome it doesnt run!!! I cant get ubuntu to boot into its GUI interface!11:09
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: make sure only the repos that i gave you are left11:09
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qwertybobtritium: same error, api mismatch11:09
ThunderStruckUsul: reinstall11:09
callocCan i upgrade to Dapper straight from Breezy??11:09
kelbizzleThunderStruck: Yep. they are. do I do sudo apt-get update now?11:09
rubsomy monitor won't go into sleep/standby mode, any clue?11:09
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ThunderStruckcalloc: yes11:09
UsulI want to reinstall but even my liveCD wont start its NAutilus!11:09
polpak!upgrade > calloc11:09
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ThunderStruckkelbizzle: yes11:09
Warbodxdemetriou: The most elegant solution is XEN, but you would need to compile your kernels for it. VMWare is very fast, but is more of an application rather than a true virtualisation, as is qemu with the kqemu accellerator module11:09
FlannelUsul: get the alternate iso11:09
qwertybobtritium: kernel is -26, restricted modeuls -2611:09
DerDracleThunderStruck, Do you think trying to install the g++-4.1 .deb package would be a good idea?11:09
ThunderStruckDerDracle: no11:09
tritiumqwertybob: good deal11:09
=== simusprime [n=simus@cpe-71-65-65-42.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Usulthunderstruck how do i start my internet conncetion in eth0 from command line??11:09
ThunderStrucknot unless its in dapper (and i think it is)11:10
Usulwith that i could do my dist-upgrade11:10
DerDracleThunderStruck, Then, is there 'no' intelligent way to get g++-4.1 working on Dapper?11:10
tritiumUsul: sudo ifup eth011:10
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qwertybobtritium: but still no nividia due to mismatch error11:10
rubsoDO I FAIL?11:10
tritiumqwertybob: huh?11:10
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: any errors?11:10
rubso my monitor won't go into sleep/standby mode, any clue?\11:10
apocthebumhelp: im trying to reinstall grub. When I do 'find /boot/grub/stage1 it says: file not found, but I can go to that dir and its there.11:10
PaoloCis there anybody running a vanilla kernel?11:10
kelbizzleThunderStruck:No, Do I do the apt-get for libglib2.0-dev?11:10
Warborubso: You need the DPMS option set in xorg.conf11:10
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: first things first please11:10
qwertybobtritium: nvidia kernel version is 7174, x module 876211:10
rubsoWarbo: tell me how to do it !11:10
FlannelDerDracle: correct.11:10
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: did you get any errors?>11:10
calloctritium, Is there WPA support in Dapper??11:11
dxdemetriouWarbo, I know that, but is there future plan for precompiled kernel with Dapper?11:11
DerDracleThunderStruck, Do you know how well g++-4.0 and g++-4.1 produce ABI compatible binaries?11:11
qwertybobtritium: ive been doing this for hours, something else must be wrong11:11
ThunderStruck!info g++11:11
ubotug++: The GNU C++ compiler. In repository main, is optional. Version 4:4.0.3-1 (dapper), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB11:11
tritiumcalloc: yes, with wapsupplicant, as I've said11:11
calloctritium,  is it not native to dapper?11:11
UsulOk im doing the update now11:11
Warborubso: Run this in a terminal "gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"11:11
ThunderStruckDerDracle: they are fine but i dont use g++ anymore thank goodness11:11
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DerDracleThunderStruck, I seem to have been able to compile binaries with gcj-4.1, and link them with g++4.0 binaries.11:12
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: after running sudo apt-get update did you get errors?11:12
DerDracleThunderStruck, And it produced a working program.11:12
kelbizzleThunderStruck: No, No errors,11:12
tritium!wireless > calloc11:12
Warbodxdemetriou: I am pretty sure XEN is scheduled for Edgy, don't know if it will make it's way into Dapper11:12
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: good now do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:12
=== Teancum [n=teancum@dhcp125-pool2.wireless.fiber.dcdi.net] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumcalloc: native?11:12
DerDracleThunderStruck, What are you using instead?11:12
tritiumqwertybob: what do you mean?11:12
=== BioGeek [n=jeroen@d54C52717.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
ThunderStrucki dont write in C++11:12
qwertybobtritium: nvidia-kernel-common is installed is that correct?11:12
advant_phunkalicious :  I tried commenting out everything then nothing work. It seems network manager is trying to use wlan0, where my wireless card is defined by eth111:12
ThunderStrucki left C++ for C and python ;)11:12
Masherhow can i intall stuff i download from sites?11:12
DerDracleThunderStruck, Hm, I'd prefer not to as well :011:13
Masheri know im noob an stuff11:13
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: now install it11:13
calloctritium, is it not built in to dapper??, im on 5.10 should I upgrade to dapper first do you think?11:13
Masherplz tell me anywayz11:13
phunkaliciousadvant_ did you leave lo commented in?11:13
ThunderStruckMasher: what type of file?11:13
WarboMasher: What did you download? An RPM, a shell script, source code, a Deb? We need more info11:13
qwertybobtritium: i mean i have same api mismatch error trying to install nvidia11:13
advant_phunkalicious :  yeah...11:13
tritiumqwertybob: not necessary.  You just need nvidia-glx11:13
gatekeeperMasher: with your package manager11:13
tritiumqwertybob: what did you do, build your own?11:13
kelbizzleThunderStruck:Thank you.11:13
DerDracleThunderStruck, I'd prefer C/Ruby here ;) But Python is quite nice. Unfortunately C++ is still widely used. Well this, sucks :p11:13
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: yw11:13
UsulOk some repositories are not responding but most are11:13
Masherall you: it was a game11:14
phunkalicioushmm...i don't know then, sorry.  that is what it says to do :(11:14
tritiumcalloc: not built it, you need to install the package.  Please read the URLs I've had ubotu send you11:14
advant_phunkalicious :  can I tell network-manager to use eht1 instead of wlan0 ? or do I need to rename eht1 to wlan0 ?11:14
Masherunpacked it an stuff11:14
WarboMasher: What does the filename end in?11:14
qwertybobtritium: ive reinstalled glx, enabled it, went to xorg.cong changed nv to nvidia11:14
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kelbizzleThunderStruck:I'm Curious...Do you do this because you enjoy it. Or because someone is paying you too.11:14
ThunderStrucki enjoy it11:14
phunkaliciousmaybe you can try it? it worked for me just commenting that stuff out :(11:14
qwertybobstill same error11:14
tritiumqwertybob: what version of nvidia-glx do you have installed?11:14
Masher*.sh *.py(lots) and *.txt11:14
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ThunderStruckkelbizzle: we dont get payed to help people11:14
skavengenobody gets paid here for this trust me11:14
tritiumNot even us ops get paid, kelbizzle11:14
kelbizzleThunderStruck:Wow you guys are the $hi#11:14
qwertybobtrilium: 876211:15
=== ThunderStruck gets paid in self satisfation
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qwertybobtritium: 876211:15
polpakI got paid once.... 10 bucks on paypal for helping someone either in here or in #python11:15
WarboMasher: "sh filename.sh" will run the sh files, "python filename.py" will run the python ones, text can't be executed (unless it is a script, which is what sh files are)11:15
tritiumqwertybob: that matches, yes?11:15
polpakhe said it was for beer money11:15
kelbizzleYou guys are great.11:15
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kelbizzlenow to get qtracker working in gaim.11:15
BioGeekHi everybody. My /dev/hda1 keeps filling up mysteriously to 100%. I deleted close to 1Gb half an hour ago, and it's already full again.11:15
kelbizzleI mean wine11:15
kelbizzleI'll stick around.11:15
Masherwarbo: in noob termz plz11:15
qwertybobtritium: the api error says nvidia kernel module is 717411:15
WarboMasher: Run whichever looks appropriate (maybe "install.sh" or something like that)11:15
kelbizzle /away chillin like a villian11:16
enycBioGeek: use df to help you...11:16
enycBioGeek: ?what is /dev/hda1 mounted as?11:16
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Dark_Omen123hey does anybody know if there is a way to change your monitor settings for ubuntu when running the live cd, cause mine is all massive and pixelated, and i had a similar problem when running suse that i changed when installing to a lower setting which worked11:16
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Masherwarbo: ok thanks11:16
yipeugh, I screwed around and now that command has scrolled away too far for me to get it11:16
WarboMasher: In a terminal type "sh filename.sh" to run a file called "filename.sh" and "python filename.py" will run a file called "filename.py"11:16
enycBioGeek: (see 'cat /proc/mounts')11:16
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BioGeekI did, and 'sudo du -ks * | sort -n' to find the directories that were filling up, but I still haven't found the culprit :(11:16
qwertybobtritium: i dont know where the nvidia kernel module is11:17
yipewhat is the command to make a fresh initrd when compiling a new kernel again?11:17
enycBioGeek: what is /dev/hda1 anyway in your case??11:17
enycBioGeek: monted where11:17
tritiumqwertybob: you don't even need nvidia-kernel-common11:17
Warborubso: You haven't replied. Do you have that text file open yet?11:17
skavengeRegardless of video format or what player im playing it in, my videos wash out white sporadically and randomly during an X session .. a restart of X fixes this, anyone have any ideas to why or how i can fix this? its quite annoying ..11:17
tritiumqwertybob: what nvidia packages do you have installed?11:17
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qwertybobtritium: if glx is 8762 where is the 7174 coming from?11:17
rubsoWarbo: xorg.conf?11:17
Warborubso: Yes11:17
tritiumqwertybob: I'm trying to ascertain that11:17
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rubsoWarbo: i've added - Option "Standby"  "20" i don't know if it works or not.11:17
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BioGeekenyc: It gives '/dev/hda1 / ext3 rw 0 011:18
Warborubso: OK, I was going to suggest in the Monitor section to put: Option          "DPMS"11:18
BioGeekenyc: and '/dev/hda1 /dev/.static/dev ext3 rw 0 0'11:18
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Masherwarbo: it isnt working properly, i say run or run in terminal and nothing-nearly nothing happens11:18
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qwertybobtritium: thanks, glx,restricted -26, smartdimmer, xserver for nv, nvidia-kernel-common11:18
Masherwith the sh file that is11:18
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands11:18
rubsoWarbo: yeah "DPMS" was there, but i've added the Option Standby, i'll talk to you later if it works :) thanks anyway11:18
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teimuhi ubuntu. why is it, when i make a new user with useradd, that user is unable to successfully login to gnome. well, actually, i know why. its because all the .[something]  directories like .gnome and such arent created. is there a utility to automate the creation of those files11:19
WarboMasher: Read that to do with navigating in a shell11:19
BioGeekenyc: and /dev/hda1 is like my hard drive, I suppose11:19
james875i am trying to install xubuntu on my machine, i did a CD check with no errors and when i press the install button it freezes up is there a way to install it another way? this is an older machine? the cursor moves but the install window is grey and the cd spins and spins11:19
tritiumqwertybob: please remove nvidia-kernel-common, and make sure you only have nvidia-glx11:19
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Masherwarbo: aye sit11:19
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Warbojames875: Maybe alternate CD (text-based)11:19
Hereticianbackspace ftw teimu11:19
sproingieoh man xgl is such fun11:19
james875any link warbo?11:19
sproingieyay gratuitous eye candy11:19
qwertybobtritium: ok thanks, ill try that, its a fresh install , all i did was upgrade , then install glx11:20
enycBioGeek: did you use default ubuntu partitioning?11:20
ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-installation CD, with no live session. Use this if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an expert install.11:20
SanketMedhisproingie: wait till you see the side-effects :P11:20
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BioGeekenyc: yes11:20
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WarboAA! No link11:20
teimuHeretician, yea yea. that only came to mind after i thought "enter ftw" =)11:20
james875where do i get the alternate cd?11:20
james875for xubuntu11:20
tritiumqwertybob: this is not normal...11:20
HereticianIs it much harder, ubotu?11:20
sproingiei've been using unix for like 15 years and linux since '94 and i've never had this much fun with it11:20
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage11:20
james875ohh i see it11:20
Dark_Omen123hey does anybody know if there is a way to change your monitor settings for ubuntu when running the live cd, cause mine is all massive and pixelated, and i had a similar problem when running suse that i changed when installing to a lower setting which worked (but i dont know if there is anyway to do that as an option when running the cd)11:20
gatekeeperjames875: you using a livecd?11:20
james875thanks ill try that11:20
Hereticianoh haha11:20
sproingiemy computer is fun again.  it's amazing.11:20
Hereticianthanks for that skavenge11:20
skavengenp ;)11:20
qwertybobtritium: removing nvidia-common removes restricted-26 , modules-386, and glx11:21
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james875yeah i am11:21
sproingieSanketMedhi: side effects?11:21
unstablesobDark_Omen123: check the System->Preferences->Resolution11:21
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qwertybobtritium: i guess i can reinstall those11:21
sproingieSanketMedhi: aside from me getting dizzy when i discovered the spinning workspaces...11:21
WarboI have been trying to file a bug on nvidia-glx, but it is not in Launchpad. Anyone know why?11:21
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Dark_Omen123i can't get into that, when I run the live cd it works but everything is really big and i cant navigate to it11:22
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enycBioGeek: kk ...11:22
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enycBioGeek: Id try this:-11:22
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enycBioGeek: "sudo watch --differences=cumulative -n1 du -ks /\*"11:22
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enycBioGeek: "sudo watch --differences=cumulative -n30 du -ks /\*"11:22
SanketMedhisproingie: no, when you uninstall XGL, you will see11:22
andrividHi. Is the 64-bit cd of Ubuntu comptiable with IA64?11:22
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tritiumqwertybob: you've seen the wiki page for a normal nvidia install, right?11:22
qwertybobtritium: now if i want to install restricted modules -26 , it wants to install nvidia-common again11:22
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kelbizzleThunderStrike: Is it possible to install Gaim 2.0.0beta3?11:22
BioGeekenyc: OK, thanks in advance.11:22
enycBioGeek: this mwill show every 30sec the sizes that have chonged of files/dirs in the root (/)11:22
unstablesobDark_Omen123: try ctrl+alt+Key_Pad_Minus a couple times, see if that helps11:23
enycBioGeek: you could try this inside /var or /usr  etc. as you discover where the growing-data is11:23
qwertybobtritium: ive installed nvidia dozens of times , that why im here, its borked11:23
ThunderStruckkelbizzle: not from repos im sure ther eis a .deb out there somewhere but i dont remember where11:23
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enycBioGeek: if its all growing of its own accord..... you should do little-else and watch the space usage crawl up ;-) then you should be ablo to find  (whatever)11:23
BioGeekenyc: Nice trick :-)11:23
salahwhat can I use to make a DVD with MPG files?11:23
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto11:23
tritiumqwertybob: not sure what's going on at the moment...11:24
=== ThunderStruck brbing
kelbizzleThunderStruck: Alright I'll tyr and find it.11:24
qwertybobthats ok11:24
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pequatrehi. I've opened a session on PC1, and now i'm on PC2 (same LAN) and i'd want to redirect the displaying of my session from PC1 to PC2 (the whole stuff: gdm+ opened applications). Is it possible with ssh ? if not, is it possible with Freenx or such ? (it has to be the same session, not opening a new one). Thx.11:24
apheszhi, is there any other way for me to install ubuntu directly w/o going thru the livecd interface first?11:24
BioGeekenyc: OK, I'll report back in say half an hour if I've found something.11:24
enycBioGeek: Notice /\*  which becomes /usr/\*  etc....11:24
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LjLaphesz: use the Alternate CD11:24
Hereticianhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187177 - would this work if my Xserver screws up during the real installation of Ubuntu?11:24
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seamus_iedoes anyone know if it's possible to create a ssh tunnel automatically when an app tries to connect to a particular port?11:24
qwertybobtritium: installing nvidia glx installs -23 versions , i just noticed11:24
gatekeeperjames875: as someone already suggested use the alt CD, another possibility to install a basic server then use the cli to install XFce desktop (using your package manager), might also be a good idea to do the CD self check to make it has burnt ok, and possible badblocks on your HDD if all else fails11:24
apheszLjL: it has that option?11:25
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enycBioGeek: the \* rather than *  means that the '*' will be converted to the list of actual files/arguments every time the 'watch' subcommand is ran (each 30secs) rather than always the same list11:25
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage11:25
godtviskenWhere should I keep kernels? I just got one using 'git'11:25
qwertybobtritium: so my problem is that glx is not installing the proper version11:25
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LjLaphesz: the Alternate CD has *only* that option, since as opposed to the Desktop CD it has *not* "Live" functionality at all, but only the good old text-mode installer.11:25
qwertybobtritium: looks like the package system is broke or something11:25
enycBioGeek: the --differences=cumulative may help you 'see' which values have changed... but will also muck-up if new/old files come/go11:25
tritiumqwertybob: I'll look into it, but I can't do much more right now, sorry...11:26
enycBioGeek: how big is the HDD anyway?11:26
BioGeekenyc: didn't knew that, I'll realy nead to brush up on my shell coding skils )11:26
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qwertybobthanks anyway11:26
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apheszLjL: ahh. thanks alot mate. gonna try that now :D11:26
BioGeekenyc: 18 Gb, If I'm not mistakne11:26
qwertybobtritium: if i go to kernel -23 im ok i think , because thats what glx will install11:26
enycBioGeek: which is fine for running ubuntu.... depends what data you add of courle11:27
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tritiumqwertybob: ok, perhaps that's a good interim plan11:28
WarboDoes anyone know the syntax for nautilus's default zoom level in gconf-editor?11:28
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BioGeekThis morning my HDD was still ca. 45% free. Today I only loaded some multimedia codecs to play the di.fm lifestream, so probably there I've done something wrong.11:29
enycBioGeek: heh11:29
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enycBioGeek: you should learn to use pastebin and show people your  du -ks  'es11:29
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godtviskenWhere should I keep kernel directories? I just got one using 'git'11:30
ccchi there, i am trying to setup a conexant adsl usb modem in linux. i have gotten as far as getting the driver installed and when i plug the adsl cable in, the LNK light stops flashing. the problem that im having is bringing up the connection. ive entered my vpi/vci settings however when i do 'ppp call isp' it doesnt get to the point of authenticating. Any sugguestions?11:30
Warbogodtvisken: /usr/src11:30
Warbogodtvisken: modules and drivers and stuff will be put in /lib/modules when you install the kernel modules ("sudo make modules_install")11:31
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Codythe ubuntu alternate cd froze while choosing country for my friend, any ideas?11:31
compengiis there any linux software for monitoring the fan speed and temperature of intel main boards?11:31
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Warbocompengi: Gdesklets and Gkrellm give nice monitor applets. I'm not sure what commands they are frontends to though11:32
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kmilocompengi, Hardware diagnostics with open source tools: http://software.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=06/06/27/20620911:32
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BioGeekenyc: OK, posted first output of du -ks to pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1804111:33
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furrykefHi, I can't change my video mode for some reason. It's stuck at 1280x1024. If I try to change it to 1024x768, I go back to the login screen, but I'm still at 1280x1024.11:33
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Warbofurrykef: Edit your xorg.conf file and get rid of the 1280x1024 entries11:34
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Warbofurrykef: "gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"11:34
hangfirefurrymkef- I had the exact same thing happen, I took the drastic measure of doing a complete reinstall of ubuntu, and it was ok the next time11:35
Dial_toneI reinstalled about 3-4 times to fix problems I couldn't11:35
furrykefBut why should I have to do that in the first place? Why doesn't System->Preferences->Screen Resolution work?11:35
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Warbofurrykef: That tool is pretty dodgy. DO NOT reinstall though, just tell Xorg to stop using that resolution at all11:36
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kbrooksI have an idea11:36
enycBioGeek: please put  'df' 'du -ks /*' 'du -ks /usr/*' 'du -ks /var'   into a pastebin as above ;-)11:36
enycBio errr /var/*  even11:36
WarboWow, what a fantastic idea :)11:36
furrykefYeah, I don't think a reinstall would change anything11:37
furrykef(Hardly a drastic measure for me, though, since I only installed it this morning)11:37
=== si3g3 [n=no_email@bb-87-81-166-3.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
si3g3Someone think of a title for a satirical album11:37
kbrooksWarbo: okay11:37
james875is there any media player that works well steraming windows media player files in ubuntu?11:37
tritiumsi3g3: sounds offtopic to me...11:37
kbrookshang on, Warbo11:37
si3g3Indeed. But it's a VERY important topic11:37
Warbojames875: Totem11:37
furrykefsi3g3: "fsck you"? Nah, too obvious.11:37
ryanakcafor postfix, "If you setup the firewall as I advised in the configure chapter, then your box is pretty blocked off from the outside. If not then you might have been an open relay for spammers, but hopefully not." - http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/#test_fw         does that mean that if you don't have a firewall... you're a open relay?11:37
james875thanks ill check it out11:37
si3g3and no one suggests something good I feel Ubuntu will be shut down.11:37
si3g3FOR EVER>11:38
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paladinhugojames875: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats11:38
Spec[x] ryanakca: only if you have a mailserver running11:38
james875does totem intgrate with mozilla well?11:38
kbrooksthe idea":  a interactive "tutorial"11:38
hangfiresi3g3- howabout one more cd before we resort to online downloads11:38
kbrooksnot in flash11:38
tritiumsi3g3: enough11:38
kbrooksi mean11:38
Warbojames875: Apparently the plugin is dodgy. MPlayer plugins have more luck usually11:38
si3g3Goddamn you people.11:38
james875ok thanks11:38
BioGeekenyc: OK, compiling information...11:38
ryanakcaSpec[x] : what's the difference... firewall or no firewall?11:38
Spec[x] si3g3: #ubuntu-offtopic11:38
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rubsobye guys11:39
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alex-weejanyone here have serious issues with i810 graphics on u606 (24-bit 1280x1024@60, e.g.). massive green noise line down the screen. goes away in 16 bit mode.11:39
kbrooksSpec[x] : the COC doesnt advocate swearing11:39
rescuecan someone please help me on repairing grub11:39
Warbokbrooks: I've been thinking of something like that, but I can do Flash movies anyway (I have tested them in Gnash and they are fine)11:39
Spec[x] kbrooks: i never suggested it did11:39
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:39
rescueI know, I've read all of that 10x11:39
ubotuI know nothing about xserver - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:39
hangfirejames- totum hasnt worked for me for online videos, there is another KDE app I cant remember the name of11:39
Spec[x] ryanakca: you should have a firewall/iptables...unless you're behind a router, then you don't need one.11:39
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hangfireeasyubuntu used to have it, but they dont now11:40
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yggdrasilhow do i take a screenshot ?11:40
rescueWarbo: My problem persists beyond that wiki's help11:40
callocHow can I tell which version of ubuntu Im using??11:40
ryanakcaSpec[x] : I'm behind a router.. with DMZ...11:40
enycyggdrasil: press PrintScreen11:40
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Spec[x] ryanakca: if your box is in the DMZ, then you're not quite 'behind the router', so you should set up a firewall11:40
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skavengeyggdrasil: print screen , paste it in gimp or something11:40
ccci need to get pppoe.so plugin loaded, or is this the same as rp-pppoe.so in /usr/lib/pppd/2.x.x/?11:40
hangfireapplications>accesorys>take screenshot11:40
yggdrasilahh cool11:40
jribyggdrasil: PrntScrn button11:40
Warboyggdrasil: Look in the Acessories menu, try your screenshot button or you can even use GIMP (file>aquire>screenshot)11:40
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yggdrasilok thanks11:40
yggdrasilthat worked nicely11:40
kmilocalloc, lsb_release11:40
yggdrasiltryign to show off my theme ;)11:40
Spec[x] !firewall11:40
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line), firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) or shorewall (web interface)11:40
ryanakcaSpec[x] : and if I turn off DMZ and manually enter all the ports required?11:40
jribcalloc: lsb_release -a11:40
enycBioGeek: waiting patiently ;-)11:41
Spec[x] ryanakca: then it's not so bad, and you don't quite need a firewall. If you're using that box as a mailserver, do be careful in setting it up to not allow relays from other networks11:41
rescueCan someone help me in repairing grub?11:41
ryanakcaSpec[x] : kk11:41
yggdrasilthanks that works11:41
Spec[x] rescue: there are many documented ways to rescue grub11:41
Spec[x] !grub11:41
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:41
rescueI've read those more than once11:41
Warborescue: I don't have a bootloader on my drive sorry, but I do know a little about GRUB11:41
yggdrasilis there some sort of website that s a pastebin for images ?11:41
Spec[x] what's the problem then?11:42
Spec[x] yggdrasil: imageshack11:42
Warboyggdrasil: Erm....11:42
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:42
ryanakcarescue: just a sec... I know just what you need... Super Grub Boot Disk... You can google it yourself... or wait till I get you the link :)11:42
Warboyggdrasil: There is a screenshot option :)11:42
rescueI cannot get grub to install. I've followed that wiki in detail.11:42
BioGeekenyc: waiting patiently here as well ;-)11:42
jribyggdrasil: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ can do images11:42
XGasThanks for the help, it worked now, see ya around......11:42
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callocIm currently upgrading to dapper, anything to note on the upgrade/anything I should now before rebbot??11:42
=== blank [n=blank@pool-71-104-117-215.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
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enycBioGeek: oh... I was waiting for you to pastebin new info... maybe I missed11:42
blankyhey guys, is there like, a firewall that comes running automatically/default with ubuntu, because I'm running a program and people can't connect11:42
ThunderStruckcalloc: its stable (shouldnt have issues)11:43
ccchello?? i need to get pppoe.so plugin loaded, or is this the same as rp-pppoe.so in /usr/lib/pppd/2.x.x/?11:43
Spec[x] !firewall11:43
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line), firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) or shorewall (web interface)11:43
Warboblanky: IPTables. You can configure it with firestarter11:43
skavengeblanky: yes, iptables, install firestarter for a gui frontend11:43
Spec[x] blanky: ^^11:43
rescueSpec[x] : I booted using the ubuntu cd, did rescue, grub-install /dev/sda2, it said installed no errors, I reboot and I still get nothing11:43
enycBioGeek: I didnt see anything after 'BioGeek> enyc: OK, compiling information...'...11:43
ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto11:43
=== Damn_it [n=Damn_it@c-24-23-155-57.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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ryanakcarescue: http://adrian15.raulete.net/grub/11:44
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blankyhaha, thanks guys, but I didn't mean to ask if there was some type of firewall, rather, I'm having problems with my program, people can't connect, so I was wondering if ubuntu came with a firewall pre-installed that I'd have to configure to let people throguh11:44
blankyor if it's the program's problem11:44
dronrescue: grub-install /dev/sda11:44
=== Viper550 [n=viper550@d57-121-167.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Damn_ithow do i disable ubuntu from going back to login after not being used for a couple of minutes?11:44
Spec[x] rescue: You should run update-grub and then grub-install /dev/sda11:44
Warboblanky: Exactly, it comes with IPTables, and you can open up anything with FireStarter11:44
skavengeblanky: yes, iptables is the firewall, and you need to configure it with firestarter, as stated11:44
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Spec[x] rescue: by putting it in /dev/sda2 you're not putting it in the MBR11:44
Spec[x] rescue: you can do it this way, but be sure to flag that partition as bootable11:44
Viper550My custom implementation of Slab is coming along nicely: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Slab11:45
skavengeblanky: it blocks all incoming by default hence your issue11:45
enycBioGeek: ????? you still there??11:45
BioGeekenyc: I mean, I'm waiting FOR MY PC to compile the information you requested, but s/he is taking a while.11:45
Spec[x] rescue: and that partition better contain /boot11:45
enycBioGeek: aah ok ;-)11:45
blankyohh okay thanks guys i love you all11:45
BioGeekenyc: sorry for the misunderstanding11:45
enycBioGeek: nm ;-)11:45
ccccould somebody please help with this:11:45
WarboBioGeek: Wow, not only does your computer have a sex, but it has TWO :)11:45
rescueSpec[x]  ok trying that11:45
cccpppd: /usr/lib/pppd/2.4.4b1/pppOE: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:45
cccpppd: Couldn't load plugin pppOE11:45
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morrolanCan anyone tell me what would happen if I renamed /etc for about 30 seconds?11:45
enycmorrolan: all sorts wouldnt find configs ;-)11:46
Spec[x] morrolan: i would suggest not doing that in a live environment11:46
enycmorrolan: depenhds whats running/how.... ;-)11:46
Damn_ithow do i disable ubuntu from going back to login after not being used for a couple of minutes?im a super noob11:46
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rescueSpec[x]  That got it, thank you oh so much :)11:46
enycDamn_it: that shouldnt happen anyway ;-).... but maybe you mean  it gous to 'locked screen' ?11:46
Spec[x] rescue: no problem11:46
=== Alethes [n=alethes@unaffiliated/alethes] has joined #ubuntu
BioGeekWarbo: while waiting so long as now for some information, I sometimes seriously doubt the computer isn't female...11:46
ccchi there, i am trying to setup a conexant adsl usb modem in linux. i have gotten as far as getting the driver installed and when i plug the adsl cable in, the LNK light stops flashing. the problem that im having is bringing up the connection. ive entered my vpi/vci settings however when i do 'ppp call isp' it doesnt get to the point of authenticating. Any sugguestions?11:46
WarboDamn_it: What do you mean?11:46
rescueSpec[x]  and to think I've been fighting with this problem for over an hour11:46
Spec[x] rescue: i've spent waaaay more than an hour working with grub ^.^11:46
rescueSpec[x]  I learned from this :)11:47
=== BlattSpinat [i=boelloes@ip237.26.1411G-CUD12K-03.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu
enycBioGeek: odd. ... like you have millions of tiny files somewhere ;-)11:47
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morrolanThat's what I thought.11:47
blankywhat would be the iptables command to open up port 2796011:47
Jeruvyccc what does ifconfig show?11:47
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morrolanWeird idea, but I was going to subversion my /etc directory11:47
Warboblanky: "firestarter" I think :)11:47
BlattSpinatis there a german channel for debian and or ubuntu?11:47
Spec[x] morrolan: i've heard of that being done before11:47
cccJeruvy: it does not authenticate so it wouldnt bring up anything extra in ifconfig, im one step behind that11:47
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BioGeekenyc: yes, that's my thougth also...11:47
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:47
blankyWarbo, yeah I tried firestarter, but it seems like it's starting it's own firewall? or does it also use iptables11:47
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Spec[x] blanky: it uses iptables11:48
Warboblanky: It configures IPTables11:48
=== luxitan [n=luxitan@bl5-128-142.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
morrolanI suppose It would be better if I wrote a script to create a copy of /etc and then subversioned that.11:48
Damn_itI mean how do make it go on screen saver, or just sit here when not it use? cuz when i leave it on it goes back to the login screen and upon login all programs are closed down. My screen saver doesn't work for some reason.11:48
enycBioGeek: let it finish its work ;-)..... ill check if values look sane.....11:48
blankyah thanks guys, thanks for the patience :)11:48
Warboblanky: Once you make changes in Firestarter you don't need to run it anymore, as IPTables is running anyway11:48
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Jeruvyccc: I'm not very familier with PPPoE type neg. sorry11:48
enycDamn_it: I seee. ... so running the screensaver crashes things11:48
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metasjahhhhh, running ubuntu for the first time.11:49
enycmetasj: meep ;-)11:49
WarboDamn_it: Try selecting a simple 2D screensaver (or just "blank screen")11:49
Spec[x] metasj: how'd you hear of it?11:49
morrolanWarbo: One of my enxt questions was: How do I make firestarter start as root (sudo) - but you say that iptables is always running so therefore I don't need to?11:49
blankyWarbo, ah okay, so once I add the rule to allow the service for the certain port for everyone, I just 'accept policy', and close firestarter and it works?11:49
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Damn_ityes. i go to System> Screen Saver ..  then it crashes11:49
enycmetasj: HELO to the land of over-there ;-)11:49
cccJeruvy: where can i find pppoe.so ?11:49
BioGeekenyc: I have the output of 'df' and 'du -ks /*' already, the rest is on its way...11:49
=== deadman [n=lee@ACD8CBDF.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
toph3rany ntp-server experts available?11:49
blankyWarbo, ?11:49
=== veer [n=veer@A-103-120.cust.iol.ie] has joined #ubuntu
enycBioGeek: indeeed... lit it finish ;-)11:50
toph3rwhen i synch against my ntp-server I'm told that 'no available servers found..#11:50
Warbomorrolan: Firestarter may need to be run with gksudo (the menu entry should sort that out), but once you have configured IPTables you don't need to start Firestarter at login or anything11:50
enycdeadman: meep11:50
toph3ryet, i never had a problem in debian sarge or ubuntu 5.10 ..11:50
toph3rany ideas?11:50
Damn_itim looking for a way so ubuntu just sits here and idle11:50
Warboblanky: Yes11:50
blankyah okay thanks Warbo11:50
deadmanenyc: ?11:50
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Warboblanky: Or you can leave it open and have a cool glowing icon :)11:50
morrolanWarbo: thanks for that, as I didn't particularly want to run it all the time, I just thought I had to!11:51
enycdeadman: I wonder if you are the 'deadman' I have seen before // talker-system....11:51
BioGeekenyc: for the last one, did you mean 'du -ks /var' or 'du -ks /var/*' ?11:51
enycDamn_it: you could at least try truning off the screensaver11:51
enycBioGeek: /var/*11:51
deadmanenyc: no. I just chose this username then. Normally I am need_help or something11:51
metasjthx enyc11:51
enycdeadman: ok ;-)11:51
enycmetasj: is the MIT full of linux desktops? ;-)11:51
Damn_itenyc: i cant cuz when i click on screen saver i the whole OS crashes and im booted to the login screen.11:52
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Spec[x] metasj: you work in the media lab?11:52
enycDamn_it: well the X-server crashes.....11:52
WarboI want to make Nautilus display icons at 150% zoom level. I set "zoom level" to 150 in the configuration editor but now they are 25%. What do I need to enter?11:52
metasjI'm in the OLPC offices atm11:52
BioGeekenyc: OK, here they are: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1804511:52
metasjlots of linux machines here11:52
enycBioGeek: reading11:52
Spec[x] metasj: do you do anything for Negroponte perhaps?11:52
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ThunderStruckDamn_it: please file a bug on it (or look for one already on it)11:52
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jimmhello on my PC i have WinXP and Ubuntu.....i want Ubuntu to can read at windowsXP partition root how i can do that?11:53
Spec[x] Damn_it: bug filing can be done at: http://launchpad.net11:53
metasjmainly boards...  spec, after a fashion11:53
salahwhich burner application should I use for burning VCD?11:53
BioGeekenyc: take your time...11:53
Spec[x] metasj: I saw the dev board couple weeks ago, really cool11:53
Flannel!tell jimm about ntfs11:53
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse11:53
enycBioGeek: first you have 18gb approx...  i.e. 20,000,000 sort of disk inscluding the swapspace... what the HDD Mfrs will call a 20gb disk11:53
Warbojimm: It is pretty easy to READ the partition, but very hard/unsafe to WRITE to it11:53
Spec[x] salah: i'd try k3b11:53
Spec[x] done with backups! see ya'll! :) keep up the good support.11:53
gatekeeperjimm: read ubotu ntfs entry above11:54
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Damn_iti tryd installing compiz cuz i thought it was a video driver (royal mess up)... s that have nything to do wd t? how do i unistall compiz?11:54
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salahSpec[x] , no, I get a error, telling me that the MPG files aren't MPG when they are11:54
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BioGeekenyc: (What does Mfrs satnd for?)11:54
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows11:54
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WarboDamn_it: Look for the package (either "compiz" or "compiz-gnome") and uninstall it11:54
salahSpec[x] , *every* other application is telling me that these files are MPG, k3b refuses that11:54
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto11:55
metasjany recs for a good free typing tutor?11:55
BioGeekenyc: s/satnd/stand/11:55
Viper550BioGeek: F-word with mother in front of it...used as an adjective11:55
BioGeekenyc: OK, I see ;-)11:55
crazy_penguinnight all!11:55
Damn_itWarbo: how do i that?11:55
BioGeekViper550: Thanks, now of course it's obvious...11:55
enycBioGeek: errrm it doesnt add-up.....11:56
Warbo!synaptic > Damn_it11:56
BioGeekenyc: there is more info on my disk than physiclly possible?11:57
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enycBioGeek: The 'du' totals.... make-up to 5870159 gb11:58
enycBioGeek: erm kb... about 5.5 gb11:58
WarboNobody can help with my Nautilus question then?11:58
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enycBioGeek: that doesnt make sense given 'df' shown 18gb partition FULL11:58
duriis there a channel for ubuntu-sparc ?11:59
blankyhey guys, I already created the rule/policy where I'm supposedly letting anyone connect to me via a certain port in firestarter, but it seems to not work, would the 'stop firewall' button in firestarter actually stop the firewall, eliminating the need for me to worry about this? Of course this is insecure, but to at least make sure that it's the firewall causing the problem and not something else11:59
enycBioGeek: I've never seen that happen before!!!11:59
Warboblanky: Are you using a router? You may need to forward ports11:59
BioGeekenyc: OK, so know I've succeed to dumbstruck the ubuntu wizards. How do we proceed?11:59
enycBioGeek: I'd be tempted to boot Knoppix or ubuntu-live and 'sudo fsck /dev/hda1' to filesystem-check for bizarre problems12:00
Damn_itjust curious is there a place where instead of repositories having files, there are media files and u just download them through synaptic?12:00
enycBioGeek: erm12:00
enycBioGeek: paste 'dmesg' into a pastebin ;-)12:00
enycBioGeek: so I can see any kernel errors12:00
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skavengeDamn_it: no, synaptic is just for repos12:00

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