
=== arkan0x [n=arkan0x@pc-6-76-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33what's the command to install the kernel source for my kernel?12:15
crimsunwhat do you intend to do?12:30
crimsunapt-get install linux-source-2.6.15 if you just want to poke12:32
crimsunif you want to compile external drivers, apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential12:32
crimsunif you want to compile the kernel, apt-get build-dep linux-image-$(uname -r) && apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r) && apt-get install build-essential devscripts fakeroot12:33
cbx33apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential12:34
cbx33i did that12:34
cbx33but it moaned about something12:35
cbx33it's not important now12:35
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=== Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-110-99-241-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
Lord_AthurHi all!!!!!!!!!!01:42
Lord_AthurI've got a question01:43
Lord_AthurI got some Ubuntu CDs01:44
Lord_AthurI installed kubuntu drapper on a computer,01:44
Lord_Athurbut when I tried to install edubuntu on that computer, it didn't detect when network automatically01:45
Sergi0Lord_Athur: weird, should be same as normal 01:46
Sergi0or u have selected some other setting at install?01:46
Lord_Athurat the starting the install program asked me for the ip address01:48
Lord_AthurI've had some bad experiences with the use of a distribution which doesn't detect internet.01:50
Lord_AthurIf I imput my ip address, will the install became normal?01:51
Lord_AthurI mean, If I contunue, will it have internet?01:51
Sergi0Lord_Athur: if u enter the correct value's it should be working, but i've had some little trouble with network too and edubuntu01:53
Sergi0maybe that was because it set up a dhcp server and other stuff with install, but normaly a basic install should work with ur networkcar01:53
Lord_Athurok thanks, I'm having the kubuntu distro in order, so I'll only upgrade to the edubuntu desktop01:54
Sergi0u got any experience other then ubuntu linux?01:56
Lord_AthurI'm sorry, what do you want to mean with the last sentence?01:57
Lord_AthurWell I installed kubuntu correctly01:58
Sergi0have u been using other linux disto's or experience with linux01:58
Lord_Athuryes, many01:58
Lord_AthurUbuntu, kubuntu..... debian red.. fedora.01:59
Lord_AthurBut all were working01:59
Lord_AthurI tried the last version of edubuntu, and then I couldn't be installed with internet :(02:00
Sergi0try again, could be alot of things, but if others work it should be okay02:01
Lord_Athurthanks Sergio, I'll do it02:02
=== LaserJock is now known as Laser_away
=== Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-110-99-241-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
Lord_AthurI need some help with openPGP02:13
Lord_Athuris there anybody available to help me, please?02:13
Sergi0try #ubuntu , there more folks over there02:15
lucasvoLord_Athur: you mean gnuPGP or openpgp?02:26
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Lord_Athurlucasvo, Importing an OpenPGP key02:38
lucasvoLord_Athur: into what?02:38
lucasvoLord_Athur: in what form do you have it?02:38
lucasvoas text?02:38
Lord_AthurI'm trying to import an OpenPGP key from https://launchpad.net/people/alejandro-leonvega/+editpgpkeys02:39
Lord_Athuror following the instructions of that page02:39
Lord_Athurin the page: https://launchpad.net/people/alejandro-leonvega/+editpgpkeys I could see the command: "gpg --send-key key-id", what does "key-id" meam?02:41
=== mdz [n=mdz@studiocity-motorola-bsr1-70-36-194-85.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #edubuntu
Lord_Athurmm, I met to a friend here, his nick was mhz, dows anyone know about him?03:02
crimsun!seen mhz03:03
ubotuI last saw mhz (n=mhz@moinmoin/fan/mhz) 5h 41m 41s ago, quiting: "Leaving"03:03
crimsunLord_Athur: there you go.03:03
Lord_Athuri'm spanish, I don't understand the meaning of the expresion "there you go." :(03:04
crimsunLord_Athur: ubotu displayed some information regarding his latest presence03:05
Lord_AthurOK. thanks03:06
Lord_Athurin the context of a  launchapad webpage, what's karma?03:08
crimsunit's a numerical weight to the activity you've done via Launchpad03:10
crimsunthe more stuff you do (translations, bug triaging, spec-tracking, commenting, package-uploading, etc.) recently, it increases03:11
crimsunin other words, "the more active you are in Ubuntu" (outside of the mailing lists, irc, and forums), you get ego boost points03:12
crimsun[or something like that] 03:12
Lord_Athurthanks :)03:13
Lord_Athurhi arkan0x 03:14
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RichEd_hello ...10:21
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RichEd_hello spacey10:32
ograhey RichEd_, how is the install going ?10:32
RichEd_just finished unpacked everything & setting up docking etc. -> charging the battery first time around ...10:33
RichEd_am going to get going with install in a hour or so10:34
RichEd_found some good news while browsing: from: WWW.LINUX- MAGAZINE.COM10:35
RichEd_The HP Compaq NC4200 with Ubuntu Linux: DESIGNED TO FIT10:35
RichEd_From the widely used Centrino compo-nents to lovely details like the program-mable special keys, the hardware of the HP Compaq NC4200 is well supported by >>> Ubuntu Linux <<< 10:36
ograindeed, we even produced a special edition iso of breezy for HP 10:37
RichEd_now i'm browsing to find out how i use my external CD without the docking station ... trying to see if there is some sort of USB to IDE adaptor ... or if i should just buy a cheap & nasty USB external CD for travelling10:39
ogramight be helpful anyway (not sure since i look from a develper POV where is need it from time to time)10:40
RichEd_install question ... if i want to put kubuntu on for demo ... what is the smallest partition i could could get away with, and what options should i select to minimize HDD storage (assuming i will not do more with it than boot it up and show people)10:42
pygiRichEd_, 2GB10:42
RichEd_pygi: tx ...10:43
pygiRichEd_, you could run it off qemu with kqemu10:43
pygiyou don't have to install it really10:43
RichEd_qemu with kqemu <- not familiar with this ? where can i read more10:44
RichEd_or for demo i 'spose i can always show the live CD10:45
pygiRichEd_, that is true ^_^10:45
RichEd_if i find out how to use my external CD drive without carrying the docking station to clients ;)10:45
RichEd_tx for da linx ... will read up ...10:46
pygiRichEd_, don't thank me all the time, I did nothing really :P10:46
ograisnt there a image for vmware player as well ?10:48
ogravmware runs a lot smoother than qemu10:48
pygiogra, well, kqemu is very nice10:49
ograsure, but harder to set up than just clicking vmware in gnome-app-install :)10:49
pygiRichEd_, ok, then install vmware player as ogra suggested and...10:50
pygiogra, agreed^_^10:50
RichEd_bye 4 now ... off to start install & watch ZA Rugby team take on the Aussies10:59
ogragood luck :)10:59
RichEd_may need more luck for the rugby than the install ;)11:00
pygiRichEd_, :)11:00
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=== pygi wonders if he will survive dist-upgrade
ograi did ...03:38
ograyesterday when i installed a new laptop03:39
ograshouldnt have regressed03:39
pygiwell, 4 more minutes until I can see ogra :)03:39
ograhave a look at grub and menu.lst ... it didnt add an entry for the new kernel03:40
ograbut that was the only glitch i found03:40
pygihm,oki, so I have to add that manually?03:40
ograwell, it booted me into the dapper kernel ... and i didnt notice for some hours :)03:41
ograyou have to add an entry to menu.lst03:41
=== pygi_ [n=pygi@83-131-239-165.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
ograso you survived ?03:57
pygi_ogra: havent reboot the edubuntu machine just yet03:57
pygi_ogra: :)03:57
pygi_will do so now03:57
pygi_ogra: rebooted, waiting to see :)03:59
pygi_ogra: booted04:01
ograi wouldnt have expected anything different :)04:02
pygi_ogra: hehe :)04:02
ograbt which kernel did it boot ? :)04:02
pygi_ogra: seems older one04:03
pygi_ogra: the fix to this should be rather trivial?04:13
ogracopy the block with the old kernel in menu.lst and change the version number in the newly copied entry04:15
ograalso run depmod -a after the first boot of the new kernel in case you use any of the restricted modules 04:15
ograseems thats not run either 04:15
Seveasogra, 06:35
ograSeveas, 06:36
Seveasdon't falsely accuse me of breaking peoples systems kthxbye06:36
SeveasI have NOTHING to do with easyubuntu06:36
ograoh, i thought it was from you ...06:36
ogratotally sorry then 06:36
lucasvoogra: seen the mail on the user list from the ntfs problem?06:51
ogralucasvo, what about it ?06:57
lucasvothe exact same error I had06:58
ograerror ?07:01
ograi dont see any error mentioned in that thread wrt ntfs07:01
lucasvoit's the error you get when ntfs mounting fails07:02
ograthere is no error in the thread ... unless i07:03
ogra'm missing mails07:03
ograwhich i doubt07:03
lucasvo"/bin/sh can-t access tty; job control turned off "07:03
ograone guy asks about windows partitiona and gets two references to help docs07:03
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=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock
LaserJockhmm, I think I'd be confused with grsync and grasynco11:06
LaserJockdarn Gnome people ;-)11:06
ograif they only had choosen to put something else as prefix ...11:07
ograi.e. a K 11:07
ograah, darn thats taken :P11:07
=== lecaros [n=JoseLeca@145-13-223-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #edubuntu
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #edubuntu
Burgundaviadoes anybody know who this is? http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=156111:48
crimsunno idea11:49
ograeek, if i would add refresh buttons in my UI i wouldnt expose them to the user as the first thing i demo :)11:49
Burgundaviaapparently there tcos is something new as well11:50
ogramight be from guadalinex ...11:51
ograi'm not sure though11:51
LaserJockhmm, the screencast would be more fun if I knew Spanish (or whatever that is)11:52
BurgundaviaOficina de Software Libre de la Escuela Universitaria Politcnica, Valladolid11:53

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