
=== linuxmonkey [n=linuxmon@unaffiliated/LinuxMonkey] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== RichJ [n=nixterna@unaffiliated/nixternal] has joined #kubuntu-devel
tomaTonio__: fyi, new gwenview is out12:27
Tonio__toma: argh ! I performed the merge 3 days ago ;)12:30
Tonio__I'll do it again then...12:30
tomaTonio__: the good news is that it should be streightforward now ;-)12:30
=== apacheLAGger [n=me@amarok/rokymotion/apachelogger] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== apacheLAGger is now known as apachelogger
=== hunger_ [n=tobias@p54A637F4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio__toma: ping ?01:51
tomaTonio__: pongg01:51
Tonio__just a little question cause I'm a bit embarrassed actually01:51
Tonio__toma: I just discovered there is no /etc/init.d/inetd script in ubuntu....01:52
Tonio__how it inet.d launch managed ?01:52
Tonio__I have one on debian01:52
Tonio__sounds strange........01:52
tomahmm, i dont know actually01:52
tomai seem to have a /etc/init.d/inetd01:53
Tonio__tomahu ?01:53
Tonio__tonio@kubuntu:~$ find /etc/init.d/ | grep inet01:54
Tonio__tonio@kubuntu:~$                 01:54
Tonio__toma: ubuntu dapper too ?01:54
tomait is available in netkit-inetd01:55
Tonio__is it normal that isn't installed by default ?01:56
Tonio__on the desktop I can understand, but on the server............. that's a bit weird01:56
Tonio__imagin you want to install uw-imap for example.......... it will never start01:57
tomafor server you would expect it installed01:57
Tonio__of course........01:57
Tonio__I will post a mail on the server ml concerning this01:57
Tonio__or if you don't, you need to make sure that inetd based apps depend on that package.... at least01:57
tomahmm 01:58
tomayou can use uw-imap as a daemon01:58
tomaso a depend is a bit harsh01:58
tomabut if it is  the  default.....01:58
Tonio__toma: you always can,  but that means you will write the init.d script..........01:58
Tonio__which isn't provided by default01:58
Tonio__and there is a postinst script that configures inetd to use it01:59
Tonio__that's why I feel stupid not to have a dependance on it01:59
tomatehe current amount of packages depending on that packages is very low though01:59
tomalsb-base will install it though02:02
tomauw-imap should depend on that i think02:02
tomahmm no02:03
tomai'm tired02:03
Tonio__night toma02:06
Tonio__thanks for the help02:07
=== apachelogger [n=me@amarok/rokymotion/apachelogger] has joined #kubuntu-devel
seaLneRiddell: what sizes?02:18
RiddellseaLne: me size02:19
Riddelland a couple of other sizes02:19
Riddelland bring one that's Mark Shuttleworth size, we'll see if we can get him to buy one :)02:19
seaLnecool :)02:21
seaLnewould i be able to prise an ubuntu tshirt out of him? :)02:22
Riddelldon't think so, they've only had a couple of batches made and they were both for distro summits02:22
seaLnelarge which is the biggest i have is 44" which should be fine for you, i'm medium02:22
Riddellwhit?  yous saying I'm fat likes?02:23
seaLnei was thinking on bringing about 20 tshirts down with me02:24
seaLnes,m and l02:24
Riddellsounds good02:25
seaLnei think asuming i sell all of the current run, i will do some XL02:25
seaLnepeople ae bigger than i thought :)02:25
seaLnebut then i thought small would have fit me, more dieting i suppose02:26
Riddelldannya should be on the KDE/kubuntu stand too02:28
seaLnecool :)02:28
Riddelland maybe my Krissy will come along for a bit02:28
seaLneshould i bring a laptop?, i personally probably don't have much use for one02:29
seaLnelaxk of interweb etc02:29
Riddellyeah, hadn't thought02:29
RiddellI'll ask Ben Lamb what he's thinking of brining02:29
seaLnejust getting home from the pub may be a bit obvious from my typing :)02:29
Riddell /msg02:33
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=== DaSkreech [n=Me@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechIs there a qt interface to Smart?03:36
abattoirDaSkreech: no03:44
DaSkreechOk didn't think so03:45
abattoirDaSkreech: only the GTK+ one, heard it might be in the works though :)03:45
DaSkreechBy Whom?03:46
abattoirDaSkreech: i'm not sure, just hearsay knowledge :P03:46
DaSkreechThe best kind :)03:47
abattoirSee Outstanding issues :)03:48
DaSkreechIt's used by many other distros?03:56
abattoirnot that i'm aware of :P03:56
DaSkreechHeh 03:57
abattoirafaik, Canonical is it's main 'sponsor'03:58
DaSkreech I like the Riddell comment03:59
abattoirindeed :)04:03
=== Tm_T [i=tm_travo@xob.kapsi.fi] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tm_Thi kids05:23
=== chavo [n=chavo@68-235-253-154.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
abattoirhello uncle :P05:25
abattoirwe haven't been naughty while you  were away ;)05:26
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternalhiya Hobbsee05:30
DaSkreechHobbsee: Welcome!05:31
DaSkreechdamn you nixternal!05:31
Hobbseehi all05:31
Hobbseehi nixternal and DaSkreech!05:31
Hobbseedid kopete 0.12.1 get built for dapper?05:31
DaSkreechI downgraded to 0.11 and it works now05:32
HobbseeDaSkreech: what works now?05:32
DaSkreechYou went ot 0.11 as well?05:32
nixternalon my other system since i use icq05:33
DaSkreechI'm getting the Yahoo beta now05:33
nixternalactually..im getting ready to setup bitlbee and get rid of kopete all together05:33
DaSkreechMan I hate webinstalls05:33
Hobbseenixternal: fix for that is in my kopete edgy packages, or 0.12.105:33
nixternalgood deal Hobbsee05:34
Hobbseeimbrandon: ping?05:34
Hobbseenixternal: want them built for i386 dapper, i take it?05:34
nixternalthey need to be built for all platforms right?05:34
Hobbseenixternal: well, eyah05:35
=== Hobbsee isnt sure what chroots are on imbrandon's machine.
nixternalim a k7/i386 kinda guy...but i am in no hurry either05:35
Hobbseeoh good - the alias does work!05:35
imbrandondchroot -c dapper -d and s/dapper/edgy05:36
imbrandonbrb on the phone05:36
Hobbseeimbrandon: heya05:36
Hobbseeheh, thanks05:36
nixternalwoohoo...cabo san lucas here i come!!!05:37
imbrandonnixternal, do you have05:37
imbrandonvfat partition mounted ?05:37
nixternalheh, i was actually right on that one ;)05:37
Hobbseeimbrandon: no idea, havent looked yet05:37
nixternali don't use no stinkin' fat anything05:37
=== Hobbsee fishes around imbrandon's hard drive.
Hobbseeimbrandon: where'd you put the config files for pbuilder?05:37
Tm_THobbsee <305:37
Hobbseehi Tm_T 05:38
Tm_Tabattoir: hi to you too05:38
abattoirTm_T: :D05:38
imbrandonHobbsee, i dont have it setup on that box, they are just plain chroots05:38
imbrandonset em up if you want05:38
imbrandon( pbuilder )05:39
Hobbseeimbrandon: you've got pbuilder stuff in your home dir, it looks like05:39
=== Hobbsee might just rm -rf them, and start again.
imbrandonyea thats a nfs homedir for all my boxes ;)05:39
Hobbseeimbrandon: ah...right....so i probably shouldnt delete it?05:39
imbrandonyea ;)/home is a nfs share ;)05:39
=== Hobbsee wonders which config file will try to use it
ubotupbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto05:40
imbrandonit wont use one from my /home/brandon thats for sure05:40
ubotuThe Ubuntu Classroom is a project which aims to tutor users about Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu through biweekly sessions in #ubuntu-classroom - For more information visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom05:40
Hobbseeguess it's not named right05:40
nixternalthat ownz05:40
DaSkreechYeah I just saw it05:40
Hobbseeokay, nothing pbuilder related in /usr/local/bin, so i should be able to write to it05:42
nixternalhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuEdgyPackageUpdates   the "karamba" on the list that builds agains gamin, that is superkaramba i am guessing?05:58
Hobbseeyeah it would be05:59
Hobbseeman that's a lot of packages to update05:59
nixternalso i take it none of those are going to be in knot 1 then05:59
Hobbseenixternal: they will be, but they'll still have a dep on libgamin005:59
nixternalor they are, just build agains libgamin005:59
=== Hobbsee think she'll wait for wednesday for that stuff.
nixternalahhh ya05:59
nixternali wanted to play with some simple packaging here for some more exercises..06:00
=== Hobbsee looks.
=== Hobbsee looks again
nixternalone more look and you might have it ;006:01
Hobbseenixternal: go for it - there's plenty of packages to do - just  make sure you're running an up to date edgy pbuilder.06:01
abattoirwould karamba be superkaramba or just plain old karamba?06:01
nixternalpbuilder -update06:01
Hobbseehobbsee@voyager:~$ uname -a06:01
HobbseeLinux voyager 2.6.15-26-686 #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jul 7 19:48:22 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux06:01
Hobbseeno -06:02
nixternali already have an edgy pbuilder done06:02
Hobbseeimbrandon: thought you said you were on amd64?06:02
Hobbseemakes it easier if you're on i386 though06:02
imbrandonnah voyager is i38606:03
imbrandonbirdofprey ( the nfs server ) is amd6406:03
Hobbseeimbrandon: oh nice!  and that's the good building machine?06:03
imbrandonyea your on the good building machine and its i38606:03
=== Hobbsee tries to copy over some settings.
nixternalHobbsee: i didn't even see the - up there...so i was like wth is no -06:04
ubotusuperkaramba is an application that gives you interactive eye-candy on your desktop. To get themes for it, head over to http://kde-look.org06:06
nixternalwaste of cpu06:07
Hobbseedoes anything kde based give you graphical ssh?06:08
chavoHobbsee, konsole :)06:09
Hobbseechavo: note "graphical" :P06:09
Hobbseethat's hwat i had been using06:09
chavoyou can use fish://username@server in konqueror06:09
nixternaloh ya, forgot about that06:09
DaSkreechIsn't that waste of CPU basically going to be built into KDE4?06:09
nixternalthere is so much stuff in konvo06:10
Hobbseeah, is it fish?  i only tried ssh/06:10
nixternalis that what they are going to use for widgets?06:10
chavoyeah fish rocks, you can put shortcuts in the open/save dialog and use it anywhere06:10
Hobbseeexcellent :)06:10
=== nixternal loves the cli ssh'n
Hobbseenixternal: i do, but copying specific files graphically is easier06:13
=== Hobbsee needs to learn to use screen next.
nixternalscreen rox06:13
DaSkreechOhhh screen rocks!06:13
nixternalit is as easy as06:14
=== Hobbsee doesnt usually get to play on other people's machines :P
nixternalscreen -r06:14
nixternalheh, every time i did that, little men in black suits show up ;)06:14
=== Hobbsee will modify these files locally, then upload them, she thinks.
Hobbseethat wasnt quite the plan :P06:21
Hobbseeokay, tha'ts killed off the graphical ssh session.06:22
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeand now we're back to running at normal speed.06:25
DaSkreechHi Hobbsee06:26
DaSkreechGoing to try and get better06:26
Hobbseenight DaSkreech 06:26
abattoirDaSkreech: your partition is free of errors? :)06:26
DaSkreechOh No still screwed06:27
abattoiroh :(06:27
DaSkreechIt works :)06:27
DaSkreechStill worrying though06:27
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== Hobbsee attacks pbuilder with a large pointy stick.
=== rob runs from Hobbsee
Hobbseerob: it's being annoying, and i've forgotten how i got it to work before.07:24
robhehe I know the pain :(07:24
=== Hobbsee is sure she didnt have to blatantly hard code things last time.
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Hobbseenixternal: if you want to do some of those merges, you're welcome - just tell me where you're starting from07:43
Hobbseealthough i may delay till i have upload privs.07:43
Hobbseedepends how long it takes me to get this delightful thing working.07:43
=== nixternal will hold off on that since i am still refreshing my packaging skillz..unless merging is a heck of a lot simpler..but i don't ever remembering it being easier ;)
Hobbseenixternal: removing a build dep/dep?  should be very simple :)07:44
Hobbseenixternal: easier than the dh_iconcache stuff, although i guess you never did that07:44
nixternalmessed with it briefly is all i can say with the iconcache07:45
Hobbseespeaking of which, did someone ever do kvpnc?07:45
nixternalHobbsee: which merges were you referring to??? so i can give them a quick lookover07:47
Hobbseenixternal: not merging, gamin rebuild stuff.07:47
nixternalhmm..the first sentence says "After Knot 1"07:47
nixternalwhich is like now isn't it07:48
Hobbseenixternal: that's true.  i'm not sure when it is07:48
nixternalthis week07:48
nixternali thought the 14th for some reason07:48
Hobbseenixternal: i would assume on monday/tues/wed or so07:48
Hobbseeyeah, it was supposed to be this week07:48
Hobbseei think we might just have success...08:08
Hobbseeyou.  are.  kidding.08:19
Hobbseethis better not be the problem.08:19
Hobbseeno,it isnt.  grr.08:23
=== nixternal documents Hobbsee's passion
Hobbseenixternal: unfortunately, i cant defenstrate this machine.08:24
nixternalHobbsee: it is time to take a break when you start using IRC to express your feeling, your anger, or your passion ;)08:24
Hobbseenixternal: hah.08:24
nixternalalthough, i detected sarcasm from crimsun tonight on irc..08:25
nixternalmaybe i need a break08:25
nixternali actually have the feeling that i am not doing enough to help out, i feel like i have a lot of free time to spare08:26
nixternalmaybe i am just a big looser08:26
Hobbseenixternal: i get that too :P08:26
Hobbseeno you're nto08:26
Hobbseenixternal: you're new at this.  08:26
nixternalnew..i did this with SuSe for a good 5 years b4 i about jumped from a bridge ;)08:26
nixternalbut that was back when i was into programming...that was also the time i totally switched fields in IT08:27
Hobbseenixternal: give that gamin stuff a go - no one around to upload it (yet), but08:28
nixternali will at least grab a package and source and take a look08:29
Hobbseenixternal: make sure you grab it from the right distro - iv'e screwed that before :P08:36
nixternalapt-get source kflickr08:36
nixternalthat is how i am grabbing it from us08:36
nixternalthen i am getting the 0.6 from sourceforge08:36
nixternalthat came out last week08:37
=== Huahua [n=hua_@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseenixternal: i got it!08:44
Hobbseenixternal: yeah, but which distro are you running?  dapper?08:44
Hobbseeyou need the edgy sources to build for edgy (mutter mutter grumble grumble at trying to patch 0.12 with a 0.11 patch!)08:45
nixternalya Hobbsee08:45
nixternalrunning dapper08:45
Hobbseenixternal: you need to either login to a edgy pbuilder, or grab the source from packages.ubuntu.com - again, make sure it's edgy, then run dpkg-source -x foo.dsc08:46
nixternalgot it08:46
nixternalahhh haaaa08:47
nixternali was wondering where all the libgamin was ;)08:47
Hobbseeokay, it's kopete building time!08:47
Hobbseenixternal: wha't sup?08:50
nixternali get a 'File to Patch:' entry after running        cd kflickr-0.5/ && uupdate ../kflickr-0.6.tar.gz08:50
nixternalnever seen this one b408:50
Hobbseebleck, uupdate hey?08:50
nixternalfollowing crims08:51
Hobbseeyou need to check for current patches, and see if they still apply first08:51
Hobbseeyeah yeah.08:51
=== Hobbsee doenst trust uupdate.
Hobbseeit fubar'd my package once.08:51
Hobbseebut it was a nice tool :)08:51
nixternalcurrent patches from upstream?08:51
Hobbseenixternal: yeah, see if ubuntu added anything08:51
Hobbseeuse dch to view the changelog08:51
nixternaleverything is 0.508:52
=== Hobbsee just does upgrades manually. less easy to fubar that way.
=== ajmitch has never used uupdate
Hobbseehey ajmitch 08:53
Hobbseeokay, this is working, i'm happy now.08:53
nixternalHobbsee: fill me in on the manual if it is quick and easy?08:54
=== Hobbsee had to hardcode the edgy directory to make it read the apt-cache.
Hobbseenixternal: have a look at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1805708:55
HobbseeRiddell gave me excellent directions :)08:55
Hobbseenixternal: s/apt-get source/ directions from above w.r.t packages.ubuntu.com and dpkg-source -x08:56
=== nixternal gives that a try
Hobbseeaye, i think i'm in trouble now.08:58
=== Hobbsee inadvertantly killed apachelogger's changes to kopete, as he didnt speak to me, and i'd been doing the last few upgrades.
=== Hobbsee suspects he wont like that.
nixternalHobbsee: for kflickr there is already a debian directory09:00
nixternalshould that get wiped out, and cp over the old...or keep this one09:00
Hobbseenixternal: ouch?09:01
=== Hobbsee checks the packaging guide.
=== nixternal has it open on puter and in lap
Hobbseenixternal: check the section on common mistakes09:02
nixternaldoes it have my picture next to it?09:02
HobbseeDo not repackage it. You can ask the author(s) to delete the debian/ dir and provide a diff.gz instead. This makes it easier to review their work, and it separates packaging from program source.09:02
Hobbseehah - no, we all make them09:02
Hobbseeit's taken  me a few hours to get a simple pbuilder working, cos i didnt make the configuration file quite correct.09:03
Hobbseenixternal: yeah, copy ubuntu's debian dir over.  and whinge at the people who make kflickr09:03
nixternalroger that09:04
Hobbseeman, kopete builds much quicker on imbrandon's machine!09:06
nixternaluse and abuse it09:06
=== Hobbsee has been.
=== Hobbsee has been fighting with pbuilder on it.
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-248-203.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternali fight with everythign..so im used to that09:07
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-248-203.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Leaving"]
=== Hobbsee went around removing all the config files for it, then watched it whinge.
=== Hobbsee then hardcoded bits, until it whinged about what she wanted to whinge about.
=== Hobbsee then put those files back, and it works :)
Hobbseeit's clearly not a good idea to comment out the line about result09:08
nixternalgood when it just happens to work like that09:08
nixternaldebsign doesn't work for me09:09
Hobbseenixternal: do you have a key?09:10
nixternalyes ma'am09:10
Hobbseehwo are you using the debsign?09:10
nixternalwell..pbuilder -S09:10
nixternaland i get the debsign error09:10
=== Hobbsee wonders what -S does.
=== nixternal too
Hobbseewhere are you getting pbuilder -S from?09:11
nixternalpackaging guide09:11
nixternalim on another tangent there09:11
=== Hobbsee thought it had to be "dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa -rfakeroot --autosign -kxxxxxxxx" to build the source of a package. or something
Hobbseeyou can just debsign it afterwards, it doesnt matter09:12
nixternalwhat is that dch -i bit09:12
Hobbseedch -i = increment changelog09:12
Hobbseedo "dch", then exit, then "dch -i" - fairly easy to see09:13
nixternalya..all i had to do was run it to see ;)09:13
Hobbseeand say "New upstream version" and update the version number appropriately09:13
nixternaldone with all that..man that is whicked easy09:14
nixternaltime to build09:14
nixternalshould i build it the way you posted a few lines back?09:15
Hobbseenixternal: use dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa -rfakeroot -k98B2D4F0 <-- but with your key, instead of mine09:15
nixternalissue that in         kflickr-0.6/09:16
nixternalcd ../ from teh debian dir09:16
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-248-203.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
pygiRiddell, poke ^_^09:16
Hobbseepygi: too early09:17
Hobbseepygi: hmm...maybe not.  most likely too early09:17
pygiHobbsee, oki, thanks ^_^ Do you know if we have pykde4?09:17
Hobbseepygi: in edgy?  no, but p.u.c should09:17
pygiHobbsee, please translate the "p" part to me ^_^09:18
Hobbseepygi: ah, sorry.  packages.ubuntu.com09:18
abattoirpygi: good morning :)09:18
Hobbseelike p.d.o - packages.debian.org09:18
Hobbseeplanet.ubuntu.com is usually referred to as planet09:18
pygiHobbsee, well, I haven't found it there, but oh well ^_^09:19
pygimorning abattoir, how are you?09:19
nixternalwo0t Hobbsee it completed09:19
nixternalnext step please ;)09:19
abattoir!info pykdeextensions09:19
ubotupykdeextensions: Python packages to support KDE applications (scripts). In repository main, is optional. Version 0.4.0-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 110 kB, installed size 792 kB09:19
Hobbseenixternal: got somewhere to upload?09:20
pygiabattoir, I saw that already !!!09:20
nixternalHobbsee: buntudot09:20
abattoirpygi: sleepy, bye, btw remember, ^^^ is not pykde4 ;)09:20
pygiabattoir, you havent slept?09:20
abattoirno :(09:20
pyginight night09:20
Hobbseenixternal: nice, upload it, and i'll take alook09:20
abattoirits worse than my computer's uptime :(09:20
nixternalupload =>   .dsc, source.changes, ubuntu1.tar.gz, orig.tar.gz, and tar.gz?09:21
Hobbseenixternal: is there a .diff.gz?09:21
Hobbseenixternal: what's the name of the .orig.tar.gz?09:22
nixternalthat is the one i created prior09:22
Hobbseenixternal: change the - to a _ and run teh dpkg-buildpackage again.09:22
nixternalshould i rm anything prior?09:23
Hobbseenixternal: ah, shouldnt need to09:23
nixternali should have freakin' known that too09:23
nixternalim an idiot there ;)09:23
Hobbseenixternal: not really.  i got caught with that a fair few times09:23
Hobbseenixternal: you're not an idiot at all.09:23
nixternali do it every time though ;)09:23
nixternalwhere is that big pointy stick?09:24
=== Hobbsee hands nixternal the big pointy stick
nixternalthere is the diff ;)09:25
Hobbseeyay :)09:25
Hobbseeokay, upload the .orig.tar.gz, the .diff.gz, and the .dsc09:25
nixternalso now..copy up the .diff, .dsc, and the .orig.tar.gz09:25
Hobbseeand give me the link to them09:25
nixternalroger that09:25
=== Hobbsee will check it out
nixternalthere you go09:28
nixternalthanks Hobbsee for the help09:28
Hobbseenixternal: :)09:28
Hobbseenixternal: were the ubuntu changes anything important?09:29
nixternalubuntu changes were all 0.5 history..the 0.6 just came out and there were a few changes yes09:31
Hobbseenixternal: you only modified stuff in the debian/ dir?09:32
Hobbseenixternal: nixternal@CaboWabo isnt a proper email address09:32
nixternali am sure i did something wrong..as that seemed to easy09:32
nixternali dont' know why it did that09:33
nixternaldch -i might have taken my localhost info??09:33
Hobbseenixternal: run dch, and add it again09:33
Hobbseeyeah, it does09:33
Hobbseeunless you set what email to use09:33
nixternalis that even remotely correct though Hobbsee beside the email issue?09:35
Hobbseenixternal: i'm still looking thru it, and i've yet to build it, but it looks good09:35
nixternalshould i rebuild it after changing the email and post it up?09:36
Hobbseenixternal: yeah, just the dpkg-buildpackage command again09:36
Hobbseeyou dont need to reupload the .orig.tar.gz, just the other09:36
=== Hobbsee wonders what version of kflickr is in sid.
nixternalprobably was .5 until this week09:37
nixternalunless they were grabbing cvs09:37
Hobbseeah, it was in debian, nice09:38
Hobbseeer, wasnt09:38
nixternalk Hobbsee done09:39
Hobbseenixternal: cool :)09:39
nixternalthat way is to easy09:39
=== Hobbsee builds the other copy
Hobbseenixternal: hehe :)09:39
nixternalit seems like i did something wrong ;)09:39
Hobbseenixternal: doesnt look like it to me09:39
nixternalyour way needs to be int he packaging guide as long as i did it correct09:39
Hobbseeyeah, i should make you write it :P09:39
Hobbseeexplain what each step does, etc09:40
nixternali could make a quick .diff for laserjock09:40
Hobbseeand of course, if it breaks, then you have to fix it, but...09:40
Hobbseeusually just fixing the control file or whatever09:40
nixternalim interested in seeing if that worked09:40
Hobbseenixternal: did you test build and install it?09:41
nixternalnope, cuz it is edgy09:41
nixternalshould i have run lintian on it?09:41
Hobbseenixternal: yeah, always useful. 09:42
Hobbseenixternal: tells you if you've screwed anything major up09:42
=== Hobbsee should have run lintian on this, actually.
=== Hobbsee did it the hard way, and debdiff'd it
nixternal2 W's and 1 E09:43
nixternalthe rest N09:43
Hobbseewhat are they?09:43
nixternalE = kflickr source: debian-files-list-in-source09:43
Hobbseeyeah i wondered what that was....09:43
nixternalW = kflickr source: changelog-should-mention-nmu09:44
Hobbseeyeah, ignore that.  that's debian specific09:44
nixternalW = kflickr source: source-nmu-has-incorrect-version-number 0.6-0ubuntu109:44
Hobbseeshoulda given you a headache about unknown distribution edgy, too09:44
Hobbseenixternal: yeah, again, debian specific09:44
nixternalnothign about edgy at all09:44
Hobbseenixternal: what release does it say in the changelog?09:45
Hobbseenixternal: and what distrobution?09:46
=== Hobbsee copies the deb from imbrandon's building machine to his webserver, all from here :)
Hobbseehmmm, interesting09:47
nixternalis that a good or bad interesting?09:48
Hobbseeit's slow09:48
Hobbseebut it's still very cool :)09:48
nixternalif that works, then i want a dapper upgrade to be made ;)09:49
nixternalcuz i use kflickr all the time09:49
nixternalthanks to Riddell09:49
Hobbseenixternal: then you have to request a backport09:49
Hobbseenixternal: but you'll still need an uploader for it09:49
nixternalit isn't possible to build that on a dapper setup is it?09:51
Hobbseeah, it should be.  it'll need to be for a backport09:51
Hobbseenixternal: run it thru a dapper pbuilder, then try to install it, to see.09:51
nixternali only have an edgy pbuilder09:51
Hobbseenixternal: it's not that painful to make 2, unless you scrwe up the config files like i did earlier09:52
nixternali could always place the dapper pbuilder on this system09:53
nixternalbuild from 2 different locals09:53
Hobbseenixternal: in the documentation, there's a section on multiple pbuilders.  they're not that evil.09:53
nixternalalthough both on 1 would be ideal...how would you go about switching between the builds though?09:53
nixternali seen the -base.tgz stuff09:53
Hobbseehave a couple of scripts.09:53
nixternali think i have them on this machine as a matter of fact09:54
nixternalthe pbuilderrc09:54
Hobbseenixternal: do edgy stuff first, then look at dapper's :P09:54
nixternali have an edgy and dapper one that you gave me a while back09:54
Hobbseedont get too complicated09:54
Hobbseewhat, pbuilder-edgy, or edgybuild?09:54
Hobbseeah right09:55
Hobbseeyou probably dont want my script of that09:55
Hobbseeyou probably want the one on !pbuilder09:55
nixternalthat one09:55
ubotupbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto09:55
Hobbseenixternal: think i should build the kde 3.5.3 debs with kscreensaver fix?10:02
Hobbseenixternal: and http://www.buntudot.org/people/~hobbsee/ for kopete debs10:02
nixternalgo for it10:03
nixternalsomething tells me the kde 3.5.3 will take a bit10:03
nixternalkopetes are up to date?10:03
Hobbseeyeah, that's what i built on imbrandon's machine, after fixing the pbuilders10:03
nixternalhey, i should set my 'default_host_main = revu' for my dput.cf file correct?10:05
nixternalsince im not a dev10:05
Hobbseenixternal: yeah10:05
=== Hobbsee always uses dput revu *.changes anyway
=== Hobbsee is getting into a bad habit of doing sudo -s.
nixternalam i ready for a revu upload?10:07
Hobbsee!search libham edgy10:07
ubotuFound nothing10:07
Hobbseestupid libham10:07
Hobbseenixternal: yep10:07
nixternalty Hobbsee10:08
nixternalhere we go10:08
Hobbsee!search ham edgy10:08
ubotuFound nothing10:08
=== nixternal crosses fingers
Hobbseedid you sign it first?10:08
Hobbseedebsign -kyourkeyidhere *.changes10:08
nixternali will now10:08
Hobbseerevu rejects unsigned uploads, iirc10:08
nixternali added the 'allow_unsigned_uploads = 0' to the config..so it would have told me if i didn't10:09
Hobbseenixternal: nice10:09
=== Hobbsee hasnt modified dput in a while.
nixternalit was already signed10:10
Hobbseebut my revubuild auto debsigns, so i dont usually manually remember to, unless i'm merging10:10
Hobbseedput revu *.changes then10:10
nixternalfromt he dpkg-buildpackage10:10
Hobbseeyep, cool10:10
nixternalSuccessfully uploaded packages10:11
nixternalNot running dinstall.10:11
nixternalguess that means i did my first one10:11
Hobbseeyep :)10:11
Hobbseerevu updates every 5 mins, starting on the hour,i think10:12
nixternalyou own Hobbsee, i appreciate the patience10:12
nixternalimbrandon always throws things at me ;)10:12
Hobbseenixternal: :)10:13
=== Hobbsee usually doesnt know where they are in her head. or just hasnt read the doco in a while.
nixternalso, on the kubuntu membership stuff, what do you suggest i do?  i have yet to hear anything back on ubuntu membership, but i am fairly confident mako isn't going to deny it10:14
Hobbseenixternal: well, if mako approves you, then, you're fine10:16
Hobbseeotherwise, we can do it10:16
Hobbseei think10:16
Hobbseei expect10:16
Hobbseejust chop down your intro - the old rules were "give us your three liner" - which was three paragraphs, pretty much.  not the entire wiki page!10:17
nixternal2 days until kubuntu, something tells me i won't hear anything by then10:17
=== Hobbsee makes a mental note to update her wiki page before wednesday
=== nixternal will point to the meeting log from the CC
nixternalalthough, i still have my introduction saved ;)10:17
Hobbseenixternal: you post that long an intro again, and i'll -1 you :P10:19
nixternalmine wasn't long at all10:19
nixternaljoey stanford's was long10:19
nixternalhim and the other guys keep messaging me, have you heard anything yet?10:19
Hobbseenot at all10:19
nixternallol...so i emailed mako on behalf of us all yesterday10:19
Hobbseedid you get a response?10:19
nixternalmako is way to busy to get a 1 day response10:20
nixternalim guessing a good week plus10:20
nixternalthe big thing i want is the Chicago Team to be official10:20
nixternali will be happy with that10:21
Hobbseetrue - emailing devs is often risky10:22
nixternaland usually impossible10:22
Hobbseeno, not impossible.  just that they dont read all mail10:23
=== Hobbsee deletes a lot of mailing list stuff
=== Hobbsee is subscribed to a lot of bug packages too
nixternalim not going through the mailing list...cuz i do the same..unless it is related to my teams10:23
Hobbseeit's useful for people who dont seem to like writing bugs on malone10:23
nixternali need to work on more bug triage too10:24
nixternali have been slacking in the bug department10:24
Hobbseeoh yay!  a sync!10:24
nixternalthey took pretty much all the privs away so not everyone can wishlist a bug and what not10:24
Hobbseenixternal: i wouldnt bother much with bugs, not while we're still merging everything10:24
Hobbseenixternal: true10:24
nixternalnow all i can do is respond like yup..looks good ;)10:24
Hobbseeyou can still move10:24
Hobbseeand a lot of them are filed wrongly10:25
Hobbseeoh, and mark as dupes, and test and confirm10:25
=== Hobbsee does very little changing importance
=== Hobbsee has a brainwave
Hobbsee[18:27]  <Hobbsee> hi all.  i know we've changed the level of people who can set the status for a bug, but can we have a checkbox of "this is a wishlist", just like for security, and that changes the importance of the bug?  10:27
nixternalgood deal10:27
nixternalif not, have them add us the ubuntu-qa team ;)10:27
seaLneyeah thats about the only importance change i ever made10:27
=== Hobbsee is in the ubuntu-qa team
=== Hobbsee poked dholbach and got approved immediately :)
=== Hobbsee ssh's into imbrandon's machine again
seaLneyeah but not many people will get into ubuntu-qa10:28
nixternalvery true10:29
nixternaluntil you get known10:29
seaLneeven then i think it is intended to be very small10:29
Hobbseealso true10:30
Hobbseelike i say - i end up setting that flag very very rarely10:30
nixternalwhich is a problem if you ask me..then you get people complaining people are moving to slow and what not10:30
Hobbseebut i just requested that we get a "this is a wishlist" box on #launchpad, which would make sense.10:30
nixternalit would make a lot of sense10:30
Hobbseeso hopefully it'll happen10:32
seaLnebug submitters used to set it aswell10:34
HobbseeseaLne: yeah, but they always used to mess with the priorities of it.10:35
HobbseeseaLne: which was a darned nuisance10:35
=== Hobbsee plays with the status and whatever for stuff she's about to fix - and usually assigns it to herself as well, so no one touches it
=== chavo [n=chavo@68-235-253-154.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternalalthough truthfully...i think the only thing you should be able to do is create a bug unless you are on the bug team or the ubuntu-qa, as to many people still change the priority or move it upstream, or they subscribe the bug to themselves and get mad when no one fixes it10:36
Hobbseeyeah, true10:37
nixternalif that revu goes good, tomorrow i am going to do a 'dapper' version of that10:38
Hobbseenixternal: you know the policy on backporting?10:39
nixternalnot a 100% no10:39
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports10:39
nixternali know i have requested them in the past for breezy10:39
nixternalok..bed time10:46
nixternalg'nite all...thanks again Hobbsee10:46
Hobbseenight nixternal 10:47
=== Dinofly [n=dinofly@vbo91-1-82-238-217-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== abattoir [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HobbseeseaLne: your'e right, 9 people, + all motus and core devs.  not that many11:13
=== omeow [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Dinofly [n=dinofly@vbo91-1-82-238-217-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
=== pygi_ [n=pygi@83-131-236-132.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellpygi_: hi11:29
pygi_hi Riddell 11:29
pygi_just wanted to ask if we have pykde4 ^_^11:29
pygi_but I already got an answe11:29
Riddellpygi_: pykde4 would require kde 411:30
Riddellbut do go with pyqt 411:30
Hobbseehey Riddell!11:30
Riddellmorning Hobbsee 11:30
HobbseeRiddell: nixternal did a package today, did you want to review and upload it?11:31
=== Hobbsee looks
HobbseeRiddell: dont know what happened to them w.r.t launchpad, but http://www.buntudot.org/people/~nixternal/packages/kflickr-0.6/ is where they are11:33
=== allee [n=ach@dialin-212-144-128-112.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee wonders what to di
Hobbseehi allee 11:38
Riddell"RichJohnson <nixternal@gmail.com>" do I detect someone overusing wikification?11:38
Hobbseenixternal: i think he may have gone to bed..11:39
Hobbseealso, shouldnt that be a real name there?11:40
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-254-16.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellthat's what I was pointing to11:40
HobbseeRiddell: tell me what i should do tonight :P11:40
=== Hobbsee is bored.
omeowFix ark ;)11:42
Hobbseeomeow: ho hum.  how dull.11:43
=== Hobbsee is vaguely tempted to fix that screensaver bug on kde 3.5.3 packages, if she thought Riddell would upload it.
Riddellif you make it on my machines in fresh chroots on all three architectures I'd probably upload it if I ever get access to kubuntu.org again11:44
HobbseeRiddell: you've lost access?11:46
HobbseeRiddell: i got ssh access and set up pbuilder on imbrandon's machine this afternoon :D11:46
=== Hobbsee likes.
Hobbseedoes that count?11:46
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RiddellHobbsee: does he have all three architectures?11:51
Riddellnixternal: kflickr uploaded, thanks11:52
imbrandonRiddell, i have all three but i dident give her access to them11:52
imbrandonactualy my ppc is dead atm11:52
HobbseeRiddell: yeah, but i've only got access to one11:53
imbrandon( not dead just no os on it )11:53
imbrandonHobbsee / Riddell if you want ( and riddell has time to setup me accounts ) i'll upload what you changed and build it on his machines, since its slow for you11:54
Hobbseeyeah, that'd work11:54
=== Hobbsee will probably end up buildign the i386 versions to test, anyway.
Riddellimbrandon: can do11:58
imbrandonHobbsee, your bulding in my machine right ? just tell me the dir its in when you have it done12:00
imbrandonbrb gonna get some milk12:00
Hobbseeimbrandon: not right this second, but yeah.  the final debs will be in /var/cache/pbuilder/dapper/result, until i move them somewhere, and the debdiff will likely be in ~12:01
=== Hobbsee notes that Riddell is subscribed to her wiki page. weird.
imbrandonRiddell, subscribes to all of them i think ;)12:04
RiddellI do yes12:04
imbrandonumm and i mean the *.dsc / *.diff.gz / and orig.tar.gz but i'm sure its in your ~/deve right ? ( when ready obviously not right this minute )12:05
Hobbseeimbrandon: yeah.  finals of them are also in result, too, you know12:06
=== Hobbsee tends to revubuild.sh them.
imbrandonoh thats right you put me some new script / commnda on there12:07
=== imbrandon macke mental note to try them later
Hobbseeimbrandon: yeah, all in /usr/local/bin - go ahead and use them12:08
Hobbseepeople gave them to me when i started packaging mostly anyway :)12:08
=== imbrandon kils pid 6666 ( jk, but it is funny irssi is running on 6666 )
HobbseeRiddell: it's http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-353/pool-dapper/kdebase/kdebase_3.5.3-0ubuntu0.2.dsc etc that i want, isnt it?12:11
HobbseeRiddell: cool :)12:13
=== imbrandon gets to do some l33t php on a.u.c ;)
Riddellyou run that?12:16
imbrandonJUST now ;)12:17
Riddelldoesn't it use thos's stuff?12:17
imbrandonmark and mathew nzum ( sp? )  just handed it off to me12:17
imbrandondunno havent looked at it yet12:18
imbrandonits blank atm12:18
imbrandonsomone took the old down12:18
imbrandonbut i'm gonna lookup the archive12:18
RiddellI'm pretty sure it did use thos' setup from art.gnome.org12:20
Riddellwhich always seems to me to require too much manual work compared to kde-look.org12:20
Riddellmorning toma 12:21
imbrandonahh yea probably, thus why i'm re hacking it to make it more automated12:21
imbrandonand add LP auth etc12:21
imbrandonauto thumnails etc12:21
Hobbseehi toma 12:21
imbrandonheya toma12:21
Hobbseedinner time - and dr who!12:22
imbrandonmark mentioned something about the gnome-look.org codebase ( all the *-look.org codebases arent the same ? )12:22
imbrandonspeaking of i watched chrismas invasion , it was rockin Riddell thanks ;)12:22
Riddellit definately doesn't use the *-look.org codebase12:23
imbrandonerr art.gome.org ( mis read ) yea mark was talkin g about *-look.org but more simple and (k)ubuntu"ized"12:24
=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@pD9E281EB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
tomakmail already crashed twice on me, just reading mail. gosh12:27
imbrandonanyone on i386 with kernel 2.6.15-26-686 on dapper wanna test the installability of a package from universe before i file a bug12:28
tomaRiddell: i'll not try to bring kde-rosetta closer together. I don't see more then one or two translators which would be interested.12:30
tomaRiddell: i'm a bit dissapointed in them12:31
Riddellyeah, fair enough12:31
Riddellthanks for trying so far12:31
=== imbrandon needs to learn spanish better then i would translate more ;)
mornfalltoma: disappointed in whom?12:32
tomamornfall: a couple of kde translators12:33
imbrandonmoins mornfall12:33
mornfalltoma: they don't like rosetta?12:33
mornfallhi imbrandon 12:33
tomamornfall: no, not at all. Look at the list archives of kde-i18n-doc for detaills, but they are almost agressive against it.12:34
tomamornfall: very protective of their own shop in any case.12:34
mornfalli am not surprized :)12:34
mornfalli know at least one person who uses kde specifically because of kbabel12:34
tomamornfall: well, i'm not surprised about that fact, i am surprised that they do not want to try to fix rosetta's issues and be happy12:35
mornfallisn't rosetta like closed-source? how they can fix rosett's issues?12:36
=== pygi [n=chatzill@83-131-254-16.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellby making suggestions to the rosetta kdevelopers12:38
tomamornfall: and it is also about the content... the way of filling it and getting it12:38
RiddellHobbsee: you could start testing stuff for backports if you're looking for something to do12:42
=== abattoir__ [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
omeowHow is that done? Can I just install new packages? Or do I have to compile them from source?12:44
Riddellcompile them from edgy source on dapper and see if they work12:44
omeowHm, is there a potential to get a screwed up system? And is there a list of stuff that needs to be tested?12:44
mornfallmakes me wonder where ubuntu is getting this everybody needs to love us attitude12:45
Riddellmornfall: I'd rather people didn't hate us12:49
Riddellomeow: none if you do it in a pbuilder12:49
omeowRiddell, I'll have to look up what exactly pbuilder is. Currently doing some tests in Opera's new weekly build. 12:50
imbrandonomeow, a chroot that cleans itself each run12:50
ubotupbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto12:51
mornfallRiddell: all the "you should like us more" whining doesn't help with that :p -- like aaron says, people are emotional beings... and as i say, there is no reason in emotion12:51
mornfallRiddell: so there is no point reasoning with someone that they should like ubuntu more, it only makes them unhappy12:51
omeowThanks imbrandon. :)12:51
tomamornfall: that is a pretty negative look at the world12:53
mornfalltoma: not really -- just trying to convince people to change their emotions by reasoning is IMO pointless12:54
mornfalljust don't give them reasons to hate you and they probably won't12:55
tomamornfall: i dont agree. by explaining something and trying to let people understand the other ones position, could lead to more insight and understanding..12:56
omeowok, pbuilder installed, where's the list of stuff to be tested?12:56
mornfalltoma: sure, but that doesn't include "you hate us and you shouldn't" type of whining12:56
Riddellomeow: kaffeine, kopete, dbus12:59
omeowAnd I should just build those from source?01:00
omeowOk, i'll give kaffeine a try.01:01
Riddellfrom edgy source, on dapper01:01
imbrandonRiddell, is the a chance python-* will be backported ?01:01
mornfallha, i rule01:02
mornfall(patch to vncviewer works)01:02
mornfallno matter01:02
Riddellimbrandon: whatever for?01:02
imbrandonnice mornfall01:02
tomamornfall: issue 47181 was reaised btw01:02
tomamornfall: bug 47181 was reaised btw01:02
UbugtuMalone bug 47181 in ept "broken localisation support" [Medium,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4718101:02
imbrandonRiddell, mostly the pykde4 stuff is what i'm interested in01:02
Riddellimbrandon: pykde4 doesn't exist yet, what with kde 4 not existing and aa01:03
mornfalltoma: the general attitude is one of the reasons that pushed me away from (k)ubuntu again, sort of01:03
mornfalltoma: see, adept localisation is currently half-pointless anyway, considering how package descriptions are all in english anyway01:04
=== abattoir__ [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
tomamornfall: most of my mails are in english, but i still like a dutch kmail01:05
mornfalltoma: you are not the primary target group of localisation01:05
imbrandonmornfall, thats not to say the package desc wont be localize SOMEDAY though01:06
mornfallimbrandon: and that's not to say that adept won't be able to be properly localised, hmm?01:06
mornfalli am just saying that *right now* it doesn't work and i won't go and fix it for old versions01:07
mornfallit's actually trivial to01:07
mornfalland anyone could fix it01:07
mornfallbut, well, they would have to think :)01:07
mornfalli don't need nor use localisation, so maybe someone who wants it could fix the (slight) problem01:08
mornfalli already went to the length of making sure all user-visible strings are i18n-wrapped01:09
omeowRiddell, /etc/pbuilder/apt.config/ does not exist, yet I'm expected to rename all instances of dapper from that directory to edgy. I did find one occurence of dapper in /etc/pbuilderrc and changed that.01:10
tomamornfall: i really find it insulting when people over and over tell me that i'm not a target group. It is a lame argument.01:10
imbrandonomeow, we want to know if they work in dapper not edgy ;)01:11
omeowOh darn, I thought I had to get the edgy source that way. 01:11
Riddellomeow: you want a dapper chroot01:11
mornfalltoma: you are not, that's it... noone stops you from fixing issues that affect you though01:12
mornfalltoma: it's not a lame argument either01:12
tomayes it is.01:12
Riddellomeow: get the edgy source with wget from archive.ubuntu.com01:12
mornfalltoma: so you are suggesting that you know better which problems are more important than the person fixing them?01:13
tomamornfall: not at all. I'm saying that people telling me that i'm not the target group are wrong.01:14
mornfalltoma: they aren't, they can't be wrong by definition, if they are the authors of the program in question01:14
mornfalltoma: how can you know better what is my target group than i?01:15
tomaok, so i'm in my third fight for this day. I'll give up and watch some tele for the rest of the day ;-)01:15
mornfallyeah, maybe it's a reason to think about your stance01:15
=== toma is now known as toma_
HobbseeUnpacking bdftopcf (from .../bdftopcf_1.0.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb) ...01:20
Hobbseedpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/bdftopcf_1.0.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb (--unpack):01:20
Hobbsee trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/bdftopcf', which is also in package xfonts-util01:20
RiddellHobbsee: what's that?01:23
HobbseeRiddell: the error when trying to build...01:23
HobbseeRiddell: oh shoot, i'm an idiot.01:23
Hobbseeits' still valid, but it wasnt what i was intending to do anyway.01:24
HobbseeRiddell: where's that dunce cap?  that's twice i've built for edgy what should be for dapper in two days.01:24
HobbseeRiddell: i've got kopete debs, and source.  source is on revu, dapper deb is on buntudot.org/people/~hobbsee01:28
imbrandonHobbsee, i'm gonna be out till 3pm local time , do what ever you need to the system just not my /home/brandon ;) if ya need something leave me a message on jabber ( if i get internet where i'm going i'll have jabber on )01:30
imbrandonsee yall in a few hours01:30
Hobbseeimbrandon: yeah, okay, cool.  i'm just building - on the correct architecture this time.  sheesh.01:30
omeowOk Riddell. I'm building the latest kaffeine now.01:31
omeowShould I save any compiler errors I'm getting?01:31
Hobbseeomeow: yeah, and pastebin them01:32
omeowHm, pbuilder doesn't save the log to a file?01:33
Hobbseeah, i dont think so01:33
omeowOk, so pbuilder just finished, where do the .deb files end up? 01:34
Riddell /var/cache/pbuilder/result01:34
omeowIf I ls -l the directory that I downloaded the files to, just the files I downloaded are there.01:34
Hobbseeyay!  it patched correctly :D01:34
=== Hobbsee will be back in a bit
Hobbseekdebase is doing ./configure01:35
omeow(sorry for asking so many questions, I'm obviously new to this.)01:35
Hobbseeomeow: not a problem, i'll help you more when i get back, if you like01:35
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omeowOk, seems to build and work so far.01:41
Riddellomeow: kaffeine?01:46
Riddelljdong: what's the status of backports?01:47
omeowRiddell, yeah, it just finished building. 01:50
Riddellomeow: did you install and run it?01:50
omeowYes, I think i'll re-build it though. I didn't get a logfile by default.01:50
=== pygi_ [n=pygi@83-131-255-246.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== pygi_ wonders why Kmail isn't in menus
=== Hobbsee is baaaaaaaaaack!
Hobbseepygi_: because it's part of kontact?01:51
Hobbseewhee...still compiling01:52
Riddellomeow: logfile should be in  /var/cache/pbuilder/result as *build01:53
abattoirpygi_: welcome to KDE land! We hope you enjoy your stay!01:53
Hobbseehey abattoir 01:53
pygi_abattoir: lol :)01:53
HobbseeRiddell: oh yeah, that's right.  i forgot about that :P01:53
abattoirhello Hobbsee :)01:53
pygi_abattoir: wish me luck with dist-upgrade, I'll need it :)01:54
=== Hobbsee tries to make sure that the cable doesnt fall out the back of her laptop
omeowRiddell, yes, I'll use --pkgname-logfile this time.01:54
Hobbseepygi_: good luck!  tell me how it goes please :)01:54
abattoirpygi_: so many people here have done it.01:54
=== Hobbsee wants to upgrade this machine at some time.
abattoir(or havent they?) ;)01:54
Hobbseei should have chucked this build in a screen or however that works...so i wouldnt have to leave my computer on all night01:55
Hobbseeabattoir: well, i havent, but i've been busy merging, etc, so have just been using edgy in my pbuilder extensively01:55
pygi_abattoir: joys of bad Konquerer :)01:56
abattoirpygi_: Konq rocks, you are just used to firefox :P01:56
pygi_abattoir: no, I cant open gmail01:57
abattoirHobbsee: oh ok :)01:57
Hobbseeick.   you take away my firefox, and i will stab you with my long pointy stick.01:57
abattoirpygi_: change browser ID01:57
Hobbseekonqi is good for some things though :)01:57
abattoirpygi_: Tools->Change Browser...->Firefox/Mozilla01:58
abattoirsomeone told me dapper shipped w/ default change in ID for google pages...01:58
abattoiri guess that's not true then.01:58
pygi_lemme just make Kmail work with gmail01:59
Hobbseepygi_: it does actually work - download teh pop3 :P01:59
mornfallpop3 sort of defeats the purpose of gmail02:01
mornfalland they don't give imap because that would make it actually useful without the lame web ui :)02:01
Hobbseemornfall: well....depends what the purpose of gmail is, doesnt it?02:02
=== Hobbsee downloads all her gmail - it's what the ubuntu/kubuntu addresses link to
mornfallwhat's the point of webmail when you delete all mail from it anyway? :)02:02
mornfallor of gigabyte quota02:02
pygi_Hobbsee: just using pop02:02
pygi_mornfall: you mean 3GB quota? :)02:03
Hobbseepygi_: yeah02:03
mornfallpygi_: whatever-quota-is-in-effect-today02:03
Hobbseemornfall: well, that is true, and that's why i also have another imap email account - but it does have a bandwidth limit on it, and it is slower.02:03
pygi_I won't delete mail02:04
mornfallahw, 976M    mail02:04
mornfallpop3 is hilariously inefficient for large mailboxes02:04
pyginice, I forgot to backup my irc pass :P02:04
omeowRiddell, Hobbsee if you're interested, here's the log for my kaffeine 0.8.1-3ubuntul build; http://pastebin.ca/8886402:05
mornfalli'm wondering if gmail is increasing quota faster than my mailbox grows :-))02:05
omeowI think i've done it properly.02:05
mornfall(let's note that i *do* delete spam)02:05
Hobbseeomeow: cool, that worked :)02:06
pygithis download will take a while =P02:08
Riddellomeow: cool02:10
Riddellomeow: please report a bug on https://launchpad.net/products/dapper-backports/ asking for a backport of kaffine with the exact version number02:12
Riddellomeow: I'll confirm and subscribe it to ubuntu-archive02:12
pygiRiddell: do we have any serious stability bugs in edgy?02:14
Hobbseepygi: Riddell likely doesnt know, does he?02:15
=== Hobbsee isnt sure if Riddell sees bug reports
Hobbseeoh hang on, we talk about it here too02:15
RiddellI do see bug reports02:16
RiddellI'm not on edgy myself though02:16
HobbseeRiddell: heh, we need you to fix it, not be on it when it breaks :P02:16
Hobbseeor is that my job now?02:19
Hobbseeno, no, my job is to break it, i'm sure.02:20
Hobbseethat's the most fun job.02:20
HobbseeRiddell: when are we doing those libgamin fixes, and where's kvpnc and anythign else that was listed on edgypackageupdates, but isnt anymore?  were they removed for a reason?02:20
RiddellHobbsee: gamin fixes after Knot 102:21
HobbseeRiddell: which is when?02:21
RiddellHobbsee: what's the status of kvpnc?02:21
HobbseeRiddell: well, it fell off the merge list, but apparently there's a newer version somewhere. toma_ mentioned it a while ago02:22
RiddellHobbsee: last thursday (or as soon as we can after that)02:22
HobbseeRiddell: hehe...yeah, that's what i thought.02:22
HobbseeRiddell: any current ETA on it though?02:22
RiddellHobbsee: none that I know of02:22
HobbseeRiddell: right, i hadnt heard of any either.02:22
=== Hobbsee thinks that might be a relatively safe time to upgrade.
=== kubuntutaotao [n=kubuntut@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeanyone know what time i have to be at work tomorrow?02:25
Hobbseehmmm...12...much more reasonable.02:27
=== toma_ is now known as toma
pygio joy, kmail doesnt download all my mail02:41
abattoirpygi: that's good in a way, do you want to download the 100s of MBs of mail? ;)02:43
HobbseeRiddell: sheesh!  binaries of kdebase are 61mb total, it looks like!02:43
Riddell-dbg will be a fair chunk of that02:44
pygiabattoir: I have 1000MB, and yes, I want to download all02:44
HobbseeRiddell: where should i copy it to?  i havent tested if it's installable yet02:45
HobbseeRiddell: copy it to buntudot, and you can grab it off there?  or you want me to scp it to your hard drive?02:45
HobbseeRiddell: also, source or binaries?02:45
Hobbseeguess it'll need to be hosted somewhere till you get ftp back for kubuntu.org.02:45
mornfallpygi: pop3 -- need i say more? :] 02:45
pygimornfall: ofcourse not :)02:45
RiddellHobbsee: this is a rebuild of kdebase with the screensaver patch?02:45
HobbseeRiddell: yep02:46
RiddellHobbsee: copy it to my hard disk somewhere02:46
pygimornfall: make a new format =P02:46
mornfallpygi: no need, it's called imap ;)02:46
HobbseeRiddell: any preferences where?02:46
mornfalland it's a protocol not format02:46
RiddellHobbsee: in /home/hobbsee02:46
pygimornfall: ofcourse, wrong typing, sorry about that :P 02:46
pygiwell, gmail doesnt have imap :)02:46
mornfallthat's right02:46
mornfallthat's also a good reason not to use it :)02:47
pygiheh, get me a better mail :)02:47
=== mornfall got gmail address (back in the invitation craze) and promptly set it to redirect to his normal smtp :)
pygimornfall: bleh :P02:48
HobbseeRiddell: i forgot to sign it.02:49
HobbseeRiddell: guess you'll resign it anyway.02:49
HobbseeRiddell: you'll want the binaries as well, i assume?02:50
omeowRiddell, ok.02:50
RiddellHobbsee: yes02:50
omeow(asking for backport, version number, etc)02:50
omeowRiddell, before I file a report for that to be ported to backports, however, is this all that needs to be done? Shouldn't I check if the program works properly, etc?02:52
omeowOr is that done later?02:52
Hobbseeomeow: yes, you should have done that right after you tested it built02:52
omeowRight. And what happens if a newer version of kaffeine becomes available? Should I build that and ask for a backport? 02:53
Hobbseeomeow: oh, kaffeine.  good, that should fix a lot of the kaffeine bugs!02:53
Riddellomeow: I did say 12:50 < Riddell> omeow: did you install and run it?02:53
Hobbseeomeow: you can if you want02:54
omeowYes, I'm just asking. :)02:54
omeowI did a quick test to see if it worked. But I can be more extensive to see if everything works.02:54
=== ZuZuu [n=ZuZubunt@AVelizy-154-1-42-7.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HobbseeRiddell: do i want to know what happened with kubuntu.org, and why you cant access it?  it'd be cool if we could chuck those kopete debs up for dapper - saves people going to the forum and grabbing crappy ones.03:01
RiddellHobbsee: same thing as happened to *.debian.org, it's being worked on03:02
HobbseeRiddell: ahhh.  right, didnt make the connection.03:02
omeowThat's probably in connection with the recently hacked debian server.03:05
tomasf.net was down for that reason yesterday as well03:06
omeowRiddell; https://launchpad.net/products/dapper-backports/+bug/5305403:14
UbugtuMalone bug 53054 in dapper-backports "Requesting backport for kaffeine_0.8.1-3ubuntu1" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  03:14
=== Hobbsee snorts
omeowWhat? Did I do it wrong? =/03:20
Hobbseea screensaver not working issue is a critical issue in dapper?  right.03:20
omeowIt's not a critical issue, but it does make things look silly.03:20
Hobbseeworried about security?  lock your screen - dont even wait the 1min that you set it to.03:22
omeowThat's probably them trying to come up with reasons to get the issue fixed as soon as possible.03:24
Hobbseeomeow: yeah, they did it on the forums too, so they ranted and raved...03:24
Hobbseeomeow: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=125884703:24
pygi9 more minutes03:35
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Hobbseepygi: until?03:37
pygiHobbsee: until I can reboot, and see what happens :P03:38
Hobbseepygi: ahhh...03:39
Hobbseepygi: what'd you do?  oh, edgy03:39
pygiHobbsee: indeed03:40
=== pygi_ [n=pygi@83-131-239-165.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
pygi_poke all03:53
Hobbseepoke pygi_!03:54
pygi_Riddell: 03:54
pygi_Errors were encountered while processing:03:54
pygi_ /var/cache/apt/archives/adept-common_2.1_all.deb03:54
pygi_ /var/cache/apt/archives/adept-installer_2.1_i386.deb03:54
pygi_ /var/cache/apt/archives/adept-updater_2.1_i386.deb03:54
pygi_ /var/cache/apt/archives/adept-notifier_2.1_i386.deb03:54
pygi_E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)03:54
pygi_what's happeninng around here?03:54
Hobbseepygi_: want to pastebin the entire error?03:55
mornfallmay be missing Replaces: on adept-common03:55
pygi_ergh, I am afraid to reboot03:55
mornfallwhich i can't be bothered to fix, because it means shitload of work03:55
pygi_mornfall: eh, thats bad attitude03:56
mornfallright, well, maybe you could fix and build it then, then catch my sponsor to upload it to debian? :)03:58
mornfallthere are other rc-bugs as well03:58
mornfallwhich need fixing03:58
Hobbseemornfall: does the lack of fix mean it's permanently uninstallable, or what?03:58
mornfallno, it's just not upgradable03:58
mornfallhave to remove adept and then install it again03:58
Hobbseeah right03:58
pygi_Hobsee, just do apt-get -f install03:59
pygi_mornfall: I can't fix all your mistakes :)03:59
HobbseeRiddell: okay, that's all uploaded now03:59
mornfalli can't either04:00
pygi_bleh =P04:00
mornfallhowever, there is a bug i can't seem to be able to fix for some reason04:01
pygi_which one?04:01
Hobbseethe java one?04:01
mornfallthat it crashes as soon as you hit preview changes04:01
mornfallno, a new one in 2.104:01
mornfallwell, i could fix it04:02
mornfallbut i would have to find some motivation first04:02
ubotuI know nothing about !! - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:02
pygi_mornfall: com'on, what kind of attitude is this!!!04:02
Hobbseemornfall: one question - if you hate it so much, why are you doing this?04:03
=== pygi_ nods
mornfalli can't even build it04:03
mornfall*** YOU'RE USING autoconf (GNU Autoconf) 2.60.04:03
mornfall*** KDE requires autoconf 2.53 or newer04:03
mornfallbecause the build tools SUCK04:03
Hobbseemornfall: we've got a patch for that, btw.04:04
pygi_mornfall: no, they dont really04:04
pygi_just relay, and fix your attitude04:04
mornfallyou didn't spend last 20 minutes trying to fix cmake04:04
mornfallcan i have the fix for the build? because without that, there will be no further 2.1 fixes anyway04:05
Hobbseemornfall: isnt that kde 4 based, which wasnt really stable enough to build on yet?  that's what konvi people said04:05
Hobbseemornfall: sure, i'll grab you the link to it04:05
Hobbseemornfall: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kubuntu_00_autoconf2.60.diff04:05
mornfallno, kde3 with cmake04:05
pygi_I wonder how would I do anything if I had yours attitude :-/04:05
Hobbseemornfall: ahh...04:05
mornfallit's a wee bit less broken than autotools04:05
mornfallwell, most of the time, anyway04:06
mornfallright now, it's trying to drive me nuts04:06
Hobbseemornfall: and is it succeeding?04:06
=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@pD9E281EB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
mornfallapparently, yes04:07
=== Hobbsee hands mornfall some chocolate, and a coffee. drink up.
=== mornfall wins
mornfallhmm, or no04:10
pygi_damn , so much errors04:12
mornfall\o/ it builds04:13
Hobbseemornfall: yay!04:14
=== mornfall grabs the autoconf fix
mornfallthat one works too04:16
mornfallafter some mucking with the build script04:17
Hobbseeyay :)04:17
mornfallso after something like 40 minutes, i can do some actual work, instead of fixing the damn build system04:17
mornfallmake that 3004:18
mornfallmore than enough to forget half the things i wanted04:18
Hobbseewrite them down?04:21
mornfallIn Flames -- Come Clarity04:22
mornfallha, i love when things work as i wanted them to04:22
omeowWhere can I opt to remove my account from launchpad and everything associated to it?04:22
Hobbseeomeow: um, why?  no idea, to answer the question04:22
omeowIt's not in the FAQ and it's not in the options.04:22
mornfalli have downloaded first package ever with adept 2.2 branch04:23
pygi_omeow: perhaps #launchpad , but...04:23
mornfallit didn't install correctly, but who cares04:23
mornfallwoho, zsh: segmentation fault  sudo sh -c04:25
mornfallit also took down gdb04:25
pygi_damn, why cant I locate qtdesigner04:27
mornfallhmm, divide by zero04:30
mornfallgreat one :)04:30
Hobbseemornfall: please dont tell me you coded that.04:30
mornfallHobbsee: well, how often it happens that you perform more operations than you actually schedule (when scheduling nothing) :-))04:32
=== pygi [n=chatzill@83-131-239-165.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseemornfall: this is true04:32
pygiOkay, so everyone, I suggest you don't upgrade your system04:32
Hobbseeum, what the heck was that?04:33
pygiHobbsee: what??04:33
=== Hobbsee thinks a possum just fell onto the roof or something
=== Hobbsee just heard a large thump thump thud outside.
Hobbseepygi: why not?04:33
pygiHobbsee: because it's heavily broken04:33
mornfallso it works, i can remove package04:33
mornfallit then crashes, but that's expected :-)04:34
mornfallthhe part that's not completely expected is that gdb freaks out04:34
mornfallbut knowing gdb.............04:34
Hobbseepygi: well, yeah, i knew that, what in particular?  the short version?04:34
Hobbseepygi: do we have X today?04:34
pygiHobbsee: nop :)04:34
mornfallX? who needs X? :-))04:34
Hobbseemornfall: hehe!  i do!04:34
=== Hobbsee hugs X
mornfallbut pygi, watch your attitude!04:34
=== mornfall hides
Hobbseepygi: oh good!04:35
=== Hobbsee thwaps pygi
=== Hobbsee sends mornfall back to coding adept.
pygimornfall: my attitude is just fine :)04:35
mornfalloh but you say it's broken04:35
mornfallthat's a bad attitude :p04:35
pygiwell, it is04:35
pygiwell, if I was its developer, it would be fixed in few minutes :)04:36
mornfallwhen i say it's broken, it's broken too, yet my attitude is bad and yours ok? :P04:36
pygimornfall: no, you got it all wrong :P04:36
mornfalldamn :-)04:36
pygianyway, gotta reinstall some stable system :)04:37
pygibye mornfall :P04:37
mornfallbye bye04:37
OculusAquilaeis somebody working on KubuntuDialupSupport? https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDialupSupport04:37
OculusAquilaefirst hi :)04:37
Hobbseehey OculusAquilae!04:38
=== Hobbsee isnt.
=== Hobbsee doesnt know about anyone else.
=== Hobbsee actually looks at the link.
Hobbseeah yes, that.  and the kppp stuff.  yes.04:39
HobbseeOculusAquilae: were you offering?04:39
OculusAquilaehm, i think so :)04:40
RiddellOculusAquilae: no, but the fix to kppp should be trivial, the alternative to use knet is less trivial04:40
RiddellOculusAquilae: what would you like to see done?04:40
OculusAquilaeRiddell: I think kppp doesn't have support for PPPoE and PPPoA etc. right? So knet would be nice (but it has a bad ui, right)04:42
mornfallthis is so screwed, why is gdb segfaulting on me04:43
RiddellOculusAquilae: have you tried knet?04:44
OculusAquilaedon't have a modem here at the moment04:44
mornfallzsh: segmentation fault  KDE_DEBUG=1 DISPLAY=:0 gdb --args ./_build/default/adept/manager/adept_manage04:45
mornfallso is there some *useful* debugger on linux?04:46
OculusAquilaeRiddell: but it's running here and has to my mind a very bad ui 04:48
RiddellOculusAquilae: I agree04:50
=== Hobbsee beds. night all
HobbseeOculusAquilae: you have a LP account?04:58
OculusAquilaeHobbsee: yes, let me see04:59
HobbseeOculusAquilae: i'll try to remember to forward any of the dialup stuff bugs to you04:59
OculusAquilaehttps://launchpad.net/people/bastianholst -- that's me04:59
HobbseeOculusAquilae: okay, cool.  ooh, you're a katapult dev :)05:00
=== Hobbsee kills off some of the very old bug reports.
Hobbseenight all05:18
nixternalmornin' all ;)05:18
Hobbseehi nixternal 05:18
nixternalhiya Hobbsee05:18
Hobbseenixternal: see Riddell's comments about your package earlier05:18
nixternalhehe...my name is WikiFied i know..that is how i did it on the puter when i set it up, so that is what happens when i dch -i05:19
nixternali will fix that from now on ;)05:19
Hobbseenixternal: then you need to change it :P05:19
=== Hobbsee notes that you can set the name, she thinks.
nixternalyou can05:19
nixternali gotta find it in /etc somewhere05:19
mornfallhmm, is someone else than me ever going to need non-threaded version of adept?05:20
=== fred [n=fred@73.43.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
mornfall(i could go the extra bits to make an --nothreads commandline option)05:20
mornfallright now it's compile-time switch05:20
mornfallohwell, YAGNi05:20
mornfallanyone with an idea how long gdb build takes? :\05:21
mornfallalthough, it's running tests already05:21
mornfallWOW gdb doesn't crash with NOTHREADS version of adept \o/05:27
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nixternalRiddell: http://www.buntudot.org/people/~nixternal/packages/kflickr-0.6/        <- fixed the name issue so it isn't wikified anymore ;)06:20
Riddellnixternal: I've upready uploaded that package06:21
nixternalroger that...in the future then it will be good ;)06:21
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nixternal^^how does that look?07:38
Riddellnixternal: bad e-mail in changelog07:43
nixternali know..the freakin' @CaboWabo again07:43
Riddellnixternal: is this in debian?  07:43
nixternali believe so as the older version was previously merged07:43
=== nixternal double checks
Riddellbut this version isn't, so version number should be -0ubuntu107:44
=== nixternal fixes that now
nixternali have to make a note on changing the email issue..is there a way to set it when i do 'dch -i' that is grabs my email address and now the localhost?07:45
tomanixternal: you can set a env var iirc, see the man page07:47
nixternalty toma07:47
nixternalRiddell: i updated the page with the corrected info in it and the <version>07:49
Riddellnixternal: seems all good, I'll upload if it compiles07:51
nixternalcool Riddell..thanks...Hobbsee got me hooked now after showing me her way07:51
Riddellwhat's her way?07:51
nixternalactually your way...as whe pasted the conversation between you two last year in pastebin07:52
Riddellnixternal: applying patch 02.htlatex_documentation to ./ ... failed07:54
nixternalis that the only issue, or did it fail totally upon that error?08:00
nixternalLyX-Dokumente knen nach HTML konvertiert werden, indem sie zunhst nach08:07
nixternal^^the special characters...would they be a reason for failure?08:07
Riddellpresumably the file that patch touches has changed08:10
Riddellyou'll need to apply the patch by hand and make a diff08:10
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nixternalheh, that one is probably a little bit beyond my no0b packaging skills ;)08:12
Riddellit's not hard08:15
Riddellcopy the file to a backup place08:15
Riddellemacs 02.htlatex_documentation file/to/edit08:15
Riddellapply changes08:15
Riddelldiff -u backup file/to/edit08:15
=== nixternal gives it a try
nixternalfile/to/edit refers to the de_Extended.lyx file?08:27
nixternalemacs 02.htlatex_documentation ../../../lyx-1.4.1/lib/doc/de_Extended.lyx08:32
nixternalim glad the file is huge ;)08:37
nixternalnow with that info, cp/paste it into 02.?08:47
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nixternalthose patches won't work anyways, as they are referring to lyx-1.4.1 and the package is 1.4.208:53
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Riddellnixternal: that's not a problem08:57
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=== apacheLAGger is now known as apachelogger
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nixternalE: lyx_1.4.2-0ubuntu1_source.changes: bad-distribution-in-chages-file edgy09:23
nixternal^^ that is ignorable since im on a dapper setup09:24
Riddellnixternal: yes09:27
nixternalRiddell: in order to create the .orig.tar.gz and the lyx-1.4.2 dir..i did =>    cd lyx-1.4.1/ && uupdate ../lyx-1.4.2.tar.gz09:28
nixternalthen i edited changelog...then did the dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa -rfakeroot -k<mykey>09:28
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nixternal^^ ready to check out10:17
Riddell0.8-1-0ubuntu1 version number is wrong10:20
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nixternal^^ another one 10:56
jjessenixternal: did you get my email ?10:57
=== nixternal checks
nixternalAppendix D?10:57
nixternalgot it 10:57
jjesseyeah i totally forgot about it :)10:57
fred nixternal, the last char after your 'another one' and 'got it'10:58
fredwhat is it ?10:58
fredit appears very strange on my screen, like a " merged with a very large coma10:58
nixternalfred, i copied it from everyone else..and i made a "auto replace"10:58
nixternalit is supposed to be a smiley face10:59
fredok :) so my client doesnt support this :)10:59
=== fred is surprised to see smiley in non ascii :)
fredjsut wanted to knwo10:59
nixternalno fred, look at the image..it looks like a smiley face10:59
nixternalthe way you described it is correct11:00
Riddellhello fred 11:00
fredso *this* is a face :)11:00
nixternalhehe ya11:00
fredRiddell: hello11:00
nixternalRiddell: im not annoying you with the uploads am i??  i know you are busy and i definately understand if im "in the way"...im just trying to learn the packaging during "busy as all heck" times11:01
Riddellnixternal: if you were annoying me I'd ignore you :)11:02
nixternalprobably not the best time to learn 11:02
nixternalgahahah Riddell11:02
Riddellnixternal: looking now11:02
nixternaland tonight when hobbsee gets on, i will annoy her..actually she is the one that started all of this11:02
Riddellnixternal: kvpnc fails to compile on edgy, are you testing these packages first?11:03
nixternalim testing them with lintian -i11:04
nixternali don't have an edgy machine setup just yet to test. as the last time i tried it, it killed everything 11:04
Riddellnixternal: make a chroot11:04
Riddellmkdir edgy; sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd edgy edgy/11:05
nixternalheh, got the packaging guide right here in my lap11:06
nixternalwill create that now11:06
nixternalok Riddell, i will stop bugging ya for the time being..i appreciate everything big time..imbrandon is gonna put me through chroot bootcamp tonight.11:14
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