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Silver_AdeptNone of the control panel things will let you switch cards?12:09
teknoprepi know there is an app12:09
teknoprepi just cant remember what its called12:10
Silver_AdeptUsing ALSA?12:10
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teknoprepyes i am using alsa12:10
Silver_AdeptHrm. You can probably manually edit the alsa configuration to use the right card.12:11
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teknoprepyeah but i want to be able to doit on the fly12:11
teknoprepits a usb sound card12:11
teknoprepyou can doit on the fly with gnome12:11
teknoprepi am sure you can in KDE12:11
Silver_AdeptYou can probably run the GNOME app in KDE.12:12
teknoprepyou can12:12
KyralYou can12:12
Silver_AdeptActually, I'm sure you can, as I run Synaptic rather than Adept.12:12
teknoprepbut it doesn't change it12:12
teknoprepit still stays the same for most crap12:12
[Relic] is there a program for tweaking the net settings?  or where are the defaults that keep resetting the values I try to use stored?12:12
Kyralonly difference between a "GNOME App" (I HATE that term, same goes for "KDE App")12:12
Kyralis Qt vs. GTK12:12
Silver_AdeptPerhaps there's something that's taking control and refusing to give it up?12:13
notamisfitKyral: not always, sometimes external stuff like printers is affected too12:13
notamisfitie abiword12:13
KyralOkay, one other difference12:13
Kyral(Which is gonna disappear with KDE 4)12:13
KyralDCOP vs. DBus12:13
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Kyralnotamisfit: You know how long its been since I used a Word Processor?12:14
notamisfitKyral: does emacs count?12:15
KyralWord Processors are things like OpenOffice, MS Word, Abiword, etc12:15
KyralEmacs, Vim, Scribes, GEdit, KEdit, etc are text editors12:15
KyralI wanna become good enough with LaTeX to not have to use Word Processors :D12:16
notamisfitthat's what i was referring to12:16
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Silver_AdeptWhile we're thinking about problems, is there any way that I can get the scanner on my HP PSC recognized in Dapper?12:18
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teknoprepwtf is up with dmix12:21
teknoprepnot working12:21
Silver_AdeptNot working in what way?12:22
teknoprepnot mixing12:22
teknoprepjust one audio source12:22
teknoprepalso wtf is up with arts not showing up in the device list?12:22
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Silver_Adept(I'm at the end of my ability. Someone with more knowledge, or knowledge of a HOWTO, you're free to step in.)12:26
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marcus__Need a little network help.12:33
teknoprepask the f'n question?12:35
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ryanakcawhats the difference between,, etc,etc12:35
marcus__sorry. I'm trying to get my linux laptop and my windows laptop on the same network to see each other but have had no success at this oint.12:35
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ryanakcamarcus__: samba?12:38
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marcus__ryanakca: I'm not even sure where to start. I am using kubuntu, and I think Samba is installed by default.12:38
ryanakcago to konqueror, type in smb:/12:38
ryanakcaanything show up?12:39
marcus__just a sec12:39
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marcus__Says unable to find any workgrups.12:40
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jasonlamIs there a hotkey to lock the screen in KDE?12:40
marcus__ryanakca: says no workgroups in my network. Might be caused by a firewall.12:41
ryanakcafirewall on the windows computer?12:41
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marcus__ryanakca: sec im checking12:42
ryanakcajasonlam: look under keyboard shortcuts in kcontrol / System Settings12:42
jasonlamryanakca: THANKS!12:42
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marcus__ryanakca: I disabled the firewall and found the computer, but still no shared folders12:44
ryanakcamarcus__: kk...12:44
ryanakcanow.. what folders do you want to share12:44
ryanakcaon the windows machine that it12:44
marcus__ryanakca: what port needs to be open on the windows machine for Samba?12:45
ryanakcayou can google it... or wait a second while I google it for you...12:45
marcus__ryanakca: I just want to share an image file called "pictures"12:46
ryanakca137 through 139, inclusive.12:46
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ryanakcamarcus__: is it a folder?12:46
marcus__ryanakca: SO if i allow 137 through 139 the firewall can run with samba?12:47
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ryanakcathe windows one? I think so12:47
marcus__ryanakca: yes pictures is a folder12:47
ryanakcaok... right click the folder in My Computer/whatever/12:47
ryanakcaselect sharing... or properties... or something simmilar12:47
marcus__ryanakca: okay12:48
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teknoprepjust kill yourself... lol12:48
teknoprepactually you can limit the ports based on tcp/udp need.. and then ip based as to access12:48
ryanakcafound it?12:48
marcus__ryanakca: Yep. It's all shared12:49
marcus__ryanakca: Should I type smb:/ again?12:49
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DarkAuditwhich firefox media plugin is the one that shows '(no picture)' when it's waiting to play a Quicktime movie?12:50
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Gun_SmokeHi again.. need some help with firefox.12:51
marcus__ryanakca: folder shows up, but now when I try to view a file it asks for authentication12:51
ryanakcaput in windows username & pass12:51
marcus__ryanakca: No way to prevent that?12:52
ryanakcaummm... you could check "remember password" or something of the sort12:52
teknoprepput anonymous access on the shares12:52
teknoprepon the actual share permissions12:52
teknoprepand the file permissions12:52
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marcus__ryanakca: One more question? Is there a way networking wise I can allow someone to run an xsession beside mine over the network?12:53
ryanakcahmmm... anonymous means anybody can see it... I think...12:53
ryanakcamarcus__: vnc?12:54
marcus__ryanakca: Can you help me through that one too please?12:54
teknoprepppl need to like learn " The Basics "12:54
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ryanakcaok... KMenu<12:54
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:54
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ryanakcaKmenu -> Internet -> Krfb.12:55
marcus__ryanakca: Okay. It opened desktop sharing12:55
GarbageHard to install Lipstik 2.2 on Kubuntu :(12:56
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ryanakcaok... whats the other machines who will be connecting to this be running? KDE/Linux? Windows?12:56
marcus__ryanakca: Windows12:57
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ryanakcamarcus__: and will they be connecting at the same time you use it?12:57
ryanakcaconnecting at the same time you use the linux comp?12:57
marcus__ryanakca: Sometimes yes....12:57
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ryanakcafor when they aren't... krfb... Create Personal Invitation....01:00
marcus__ryanakca: Okay got it. Then give them the info? Will that allow them to use thier own account?01:01
ryanakcajot down the information on the paper... you have an hour window between creating the invitation and connecting...01:01
ryanakcamarcus__: if connecting from a windows machine... you will need this software installed... http://www.realvnc.com/01:03
marcus__ryanakca: Okay.01:03
ryanakcamarcus__: I don't know if using multiple accounts with multiple xsessions over the network is possible...01:03
dive-oit is with XDMCP01:04
ryanakcamarcus__: have you created the accounts?01:04
marcus__ryanakca: Yes I have.01:04
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ryanakcamarcus__: xdmcp... never used it... but you could ask around... or look at this: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/XDMCP-HOWTO/   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XDMCP01:07
ryanakcamarcus__: sorry... at least I got one of them fixed... and the other partially fixed...01:07
marcus__ryanakca: I appreciate all your help. Thank you very very much01:07
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samulisiis hei01:08
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intelikeywhat program do you start to start kde  ?01:24
intelikeyi have to connect to a running X server.   ??01:24
abattoirintelikey: startx works?01:25
jacob__If you are running Kubuntu, you should already be in KDE.01:25
h3sp4wn_startkde ?01:25
intelikeyabattoir no startx wont work for users01:25
abattoirintelikey: then sudo startx? or sudo kdm?01:25
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intelikeyabattoir i don't want to run x as root and besides that sudo wont work either01:26
abattoirintelikey: try (sudo) kdm... i remember it working for me once01:26
intelikeyh3sp4wn_ like    startkde --display :0   ???01:26
intelikeyabattoir what part of "sudo wont work"  did you miss?     and X is running.01:27
h3sp4wn_Are you trying to run kde remotely01:27
intelikeyh3sp4wn_ no local01:27
h3sp4wn_But without kdm ?01:27
intelikeytrying to connect to a running X server01:27
abattoirintelikey: jesus!! i'm just trying to help.01:27
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h3sp4wn_intelikey: It is deliberately setup so you can't01:28
intelikeylike with twm it would be    twm -display :001:28
intelikeyh3sp4wn_ kde is setup so you can't connect to a running server ???01:29
h3sp4wn_Can't see why you would ever want to01:29
h3sp4wn_notice how -nolisten is in the X line in ps -ef01:30
intelikeywell seeing why is not the point.   did i read you correctly?   "kde is deliberately setup so you can't connect to a running X server"  ???01:30
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intelikey<h3sp4wn_> notice how -nolisten is in the X line in ps -ef <--- no not here.01:31
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fiyawerxanyone use kdevelop?01:31
h3sp4wn_intelikey: /usr/bin/X -br -nolisten tcp -dpi 100 -br :0 vt7 -auth /var/run/xauth/A:0-clmnEP - or some such01:31
fiyawerxall the tutorials seem to point towards a 'source formatter' setting, but i don't seem to have that when i go to settings-configure kdevelop-01:31
jacob__KDE has Krdc for remote desktop connections. Why not just use that?01:31
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intelikeyjacob__ checking...01:33
intelikeyno man page on that01:34
fiyawerxits like my kdevelop is missing stuff01:34
h3sp4wn_<fiyawerx>: Installed kde-devel (metapackage)01:34
timonatori made a short .py script, set it to +x but if i click on it in konqueror it opens kate, but i want to execute it. how do i do that?01:35
Tallia1Kubuntuahah, i just deleted most of my MP3 by mistake....01:35
Tallia1Kubuntudo you know a way of recover them? VFAT partition.01:35
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fiyawerxh3sp4wn_: will do, thanks01:35
intelikeyjacob__ i don't see how to use krdc locally   what am i missing ?01:36
timonatorTallia1Kubuntu: theres no way to do it. the music industry infiltrated your brains with evil nanobots emitting electronic rays of brain control that will not allow you to run a recovery program on that partition01:37
Tallia1Kubuntutimonator: do you know any recovery program?01:37
timonatoruh, sorry, once had one to recover photos from a digital camera, but forgot its name :(01:37
h3sp4wn_Tallia1Kubuntu:  norton utilities for dos or is it fat32 ?01:38
timonatorbut anyways, that program could also recover other stuff, such as videos, im pretty sure it also could recover mp3s or other files for that mattere01:38
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Tallia1Kubuntutimonator: photorec?01:38
intelikeyTallia1Kubuntu the M$ undelete.exe should work.01:39
timonatori think that was its name01:39
timonatorbut i guarantee for nothing!01:39
fiyawerxintelikey: whatcha tryin to do?01:39
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Tallia1Kubuntuyeah, sure, NP01:39
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intelikeyfiyawerx start kde01:39
timonatorheh, i wonder what a recovery program would do to a fat32 image on an ext3 partition which was deleted and contained files.01:39
fiyawerxwith krdc?01:39
Tallia1Kubuntuintelikey: how am i supposed to run/get that?01:39
Tallia1Kubuntui don't think it is a solution01:40
timonatorhow can i make konqueror correctly start wine on doubleclicking on an .exe file? right-clicking -> open with -> wine works, but ticking the 'always blah blah' checkbox doesnt seem to...01:40
intelikeyTallia1Kubuntu first move is umount the partition that the lost data is on.  so you don't write anything on it.   second you need to search the bootdisk archives for a disk with the utility to do that then dl it and boot with that.01:41
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timonatorintelikey: wow, thats pretty complicated...01:41
intelikeyyour data.  is it worth it ?01:42
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timonatorwell, maybe he could try photorec first, its a native linux utility01:42
Tallia1Kubuntuamarok was organizing my mp3 collection and it decided to delete the symb link in my home that pointed to the vfat partition and start transferring files from vfat toward ext301:42
timonatorso theres no need for extra BS ;)01:42
Tallia1Kubuntui taught it was doing a copy of the compilation, so i simply deleted the ext3 data..01:43
timonatoroh, seems like photorec isnt in the kubuntu deb repositoryx thingie01:43
Tallia1Kubuntureally hope that amarok simply deleted the files after moving, so i can get them back01:43
intelikeytimonator sure.  i wasn't implying that it was the only way or the best way.  just that it will work.01:43
Tallia1Kubuntutimonator: i do have it01:43
timonatorok :)01:43
Tallia1Kubuntutimonator: i am runningn it now :)01:43
h3sp4wn_intelikey: Do you want to run 2 instances of kde is that what you want ?01:43
timonatorTallia1Kubuntu: oh, ok, any success?01:43
timonatoraah ok01:43
Tallia1Kubuntudunno, 2 hours to go :P01:44
h3sp4wn_intelikey: Or one of gnome one of kde ?01:44
timonatorgtgbbl brush teeth etc01:44
h3sp4wn_intelikey: I don't fully understand what you are trying to do01:44
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timonatorv3ctor: remember me? the printer guy?01:44
intelikeyh3sp4wn_ that's the basic idea.  but all that is running is X  i want a user to startkde on that X session.01:44
timonatorv3ctor: write me, ill brb in a few mins if you got problems with the lexmark printer :)01:44
h3sp4wn_intelikey: Are you using kdm ?01:45
intelikeyno *dm at all01:45
h3sp4wn_Booting to console by default ?01:45
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intelikeybooting to console     but that precludes any 'default' when dealing with *ubuntu01:46
Lord_Athurhi all01:46
fiyawerxintelikey: oh, was reading a bit about the security issues since you got me interested, and using a long root password isn't necessarily better for security than using sudo/user password01:47
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intelikeyfiyawerx link ?01:47
fiyawerxany people attempting to brute force their way into your system knows that there is a root account to try to crack, by default, that's disabled01:48
intelikeyand remember we were talking "default" *ubuntu01:48
fiyawerxdefault *kubuntu is root disabled01:48
h3sp4wn_intelikey: see if that is sort of what you want (if it doesn't work Xorg may not be suid01:48
fiyawerxand nothings stopping you from setting up a long user password01:48
fiyawerxto have _both_ securitiy features01:48
intelikeyso if i try brute force on ssh fiyawerx@starburst.dreamhost.com   you are safe cause i don't know your user name ?01:49
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=== fiyawerx chuckles
h3sp4wn_fiyawerx: My machines is now connected using an ipsec tunnel to the router (have a router which and do ipsec in hardware 75mps)01:49
fiyawerxyou can get into dreamhost with my account, and it won't do you any good01:49
fiyawerxas far as their root system goes, since thats not my personal system :)01:50
fazexCan someone help me with a video driver question?01:50
h3sp4wn_fiyawerx: I got a bit concerned about security for a bit01:50
[Relic] is there an ipv4 config file somewhere that overrides local values?01:50
fiyawerxi still just think it's strange your doing all this just because /root is world-readable (and not all files in there are, by the way)01:50
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:51
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ubotuI know nothing about ipsec - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:51
ubotuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD01:51
fazexI install the latest NVIDIA drivers and NVIDIA kernel module then type startx and my KDE loads fine, but after a reboot it wont load KDE and try to load the old NVIDIA kernel.How do i keep it from trying to load old NVIDIA module kernel after a reboot?01:51
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intelikeythe point is by default.  the *ubuntu user comes in here with their %adm user name as their nick or at least visable to the hacker that will then be trying to kick their door down.   so yes a long root passwd is safer than the "default" *ubuntu use of sudo.   and remember these are primarrilary M$ converts on their first linux system...01:52
h3sp4wn_intelikey : try http://pastebin.ca/88461 (if that doesn't work you may not have the xwrapper enabled to start x as a user)01:52
intelikeyh3sp4wn_ k i'm looking.01:53
fiyawerxintelikey : what mode of access would you use to get into soemones 'default' *buntu install01:53
fiyawerxtelnet? web server? ssh? since we're talking "default" here01:53
h3sp4wn_intelikey: Or substite 0 for 1 for the next instance01:53
intelikeyfiy i wouldn't   i'm not a hacker.    but the 'hackers' that i have spoke with, like ubuntu.01:54
h3sp4wn_It seems alot of hackers are starting to use ubuntu01:54
fiyawerxh3sp4wn_ : he means 'hacking' _into_ people with default ubuntu installs01:54
intelikeyit's the flavour of the month01:54
fiyawerxi thnk, anyway01:55
fiyawerxthats why he's so worried about security01:55
h3sp4wn_Not has managed to get into mine01:55
fiyawerxbecause default ubuntu is wide open for people to hack into01:55
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h3sp4wn_(but its behind 3 firewalls - mainly because I like messing with them01:55
fiyawerxthats why he's disabled kdm, removed his /home and /root filesystems01:56
h3sp4wn_Just force all traffic to go thro an ipsec vpn and you will be safe01:56
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intelikeydisabled kdm ?    no i uninstalled it.  :)     but not because of hacker/script kiddies/spies/or anything else you might dream up...01:58
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fiyawerxyou said you removed it because it used /root, which was unsecure because it's world readable01:58
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fiyawerxor because it changed the permissions on /root01:58
intelikeyfiyawerx and ?01:59
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fiyawerx "but not because of hacker/script kiddies/spies/or anything else you might dream up..."01:59
fiyawerxi'd consider that being unsecure01:59
intelikeyyeah.   your point is ?01:59
fiyawerxand your whole reasoning behind _that_ was that you can't store private data in /root01:59
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fiyawerxyou're buying a whole new car instead of fixing the flat (which may not be flat to begin with)02:00
fiyawerxand my kdevelop is still missing configurations i can't figure out why, heh02:01
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fiyawerxTo set up a specific format style, select Settings->Configure KDevelop... from the menubar. The Customize KDevelop dialog will pop up, where you have to select Source Formatter in the left hand tree.02:01
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intelikeyfiyawerx i can't tell you all the information that would quickly set your mind at ease about this, sufice it to say this system will be hacked, it's not a question.  and when we are "playing the game"  there needs to be some element of mistery, some place that can't be seen or the 'victom' quickly looses interest.     (there is a method to the madness)02:03
=== SpAwN [n=wls@pool-70-19-211-72.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
fiyawerxbut you could have easily created that element without all the trouble, couldn't you?02:04
intelikeyfiyawerx i'm not new at this.   :)02:04
fiyawerxi didn't ask if you were02:05
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fiyawerxbut you were sounding yesterday like this was your only option, talking about ubuntu in how unstable it is, and on top of that, not actually wanting to help at all02:06
fiyawerxbecause 'nobody would see it your way'02:06
fiyawerxi'd like to understand02:06
timonatorcan anyone recommend a cute KDE program (in the kubuntu repos. if possible) for managing and downloading photos from a digital camera? in a foolproof kind of way and so on? ;)02:07
abattoirtimonator: digiKam02:08
abattoir!info digikam02:08
ubotudigikam: digital photo management application for KDE. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2~rc1-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 4077 kB, installed size 9724 kB02:08
intelikeyi never used the phrase nor implied "about ubuntu in how unstable it"02:08
fiyawerxmy bad02:08
fiyawerxi meant unsecure02:08
fiyawerxand "default *buntu" for new users02:09
fiyawerxat any rate, didn't mean to interrupt your help session, i'll drop out of this convo now02:09
timonatorgood night all!02:10
ewhiz!info digikam02:11
ubotudigikam: digital photo management application for KDE. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2~rc1-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 4077 kB, installed size 9724 kB02:11
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intelikeyh3sp4wn_ indeed that link answered my question,  thank you.      ffr the short answer is "export DISPLAY=':0' ;startkde "   it seems that startkde doesn't accept -display options.02:14
h3sp4wn_h3sp4wn: I didn't think it did - Originally I thought that you were trying to accept connections over the network (not locally)02:15
intelikeyhmmm i'll just edit my /usr/bin/startkde script to accept -display args02:16
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h3sp4wn_intelikey: That would be fine02:16
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wildehello all am a newbie here and i am recieveing a arts message sound server fatal error i did a echo command that i got off of transgaming forums02:19
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intelikeywilde what echo command ?02:21
wildeecho 'wine 0 0 direct' > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss02:22
wilde echo 'wine 0 0 disable' > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0c/oss02:22
wildeonly put >> inplace of >02:22
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intelikeycat  /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss02:23
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gemidjysay some good DVD creator for *nix, ManDVD is way too lame02:24
hpotterHi, could I get some help to diagnose a problem playing video on Kubuntu 6.06,  please?02:24
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hpotterMy aim is to play video from the BBC News site using  Konqueror. But I'm getting an error  "player mplayer not running" at the bottom of a black screen with no moving video :-(02:25
wildei get a no such file or directory with the cat command the asound directory is no longer there02:26
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intelikeywilde call crimsun sounds like major 'kernel' side issue with your sound.02:27
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intelikeyif that nuked /proc/asound  it's more than i care to dive into02:28
h3sp4wn_I still don't how to restart alsa (forcibly removing the modules always seems to crash the kernel for me)02:29
h3sp4wn_i.e when /dev/dsp is blocked02:29
notamisfitis there not an alsasound daemon?02:30
crimsunand when lsof lists nothing for /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/* ?02:30
crimsunyeah, that means a refcounting probelm02:30
crimsunwhich driver do you use?02:30
intelikeycrimsun see wilde  ^  up about one page.02:31
h3sp4wn_wilde: crimsun is trying to speak to you02:31
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intelikeyor if he wont answer,  sorry i raddeled your cage !!!02:32
crimsun(sorry, I miss everything due to nick incompletion, or my client's inability to do nick highlighting unless the nick is at the beginning of the line, gnarf)02:33
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intelikeyyeah that's kinda annoying isn't it...02:33
crimsunwilde: ping02:34
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angasulewhen will pyqt4 be available on dapper, any idea?02:35
intelikeyi /msg'd him just about the time h3sp4wn_ called him    nothing.   he's either lost on a google loop or hit the panic button, or fell asleep on the keyboard or something....02:35
crimsunangasule: unlikely to in the near future.02:36
crimsunintelikey: ah, ok.02:36
angasulecrimsun: why is that?02:36
crimsunangasule: for starters, we can't upload to dapper-backports yet, and also I think you'd also want a backport of qt4-x1102:37
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angasulehmm? qt4 is already available02:38
h3sp4wn_crimsun: While you are here - can you tell me the correct way to restart alsa when it has crashed -i.e /dev/dsp is blocked is there a safe way to remove all the modules and put them back ?02:38
BarbelosWondering if it's safe to use the graphical installer with Dapper Drake? I remember it was sort of risky in the beta flights02:38
crimsunh3sp4wn_: does lsof disclose anything for /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/* ?02:38
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sloof3Is kdialog a standalone package or is part of another kde package?02:39
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crimsunangasule: you would want a /newer/ version of qt402:39
angasuleBarbelos: worked just fine for me02:39
h3sp4wn_crimsun: Its working fine at this moment in time (but I just want to know incase it happens again) - that dmix issue reared its head once and had to reboot02:39
Barbelosangasule: Did you do any repartitioning? That's what I'm worried about02:40
h3sp4wn_crimsun: I was getting the same error message but no sound was playing at all02:40
crimsunh3sp4wn_: presuming that lsof returns nothing, then modprobe -r, beginning with the top-most output from ``lsmod|grep ^snd'' and working downward02:40
angasuleBarbelos: ah, no, I just reformatted a drive02:40
intelikeyhmm odd.  my kde is to big to fit on the screen....    acts like when you hit [ctrl] +[alt] +[+]     but i cycled through all the ..+'s and that's not the problem02:40
crimsunh3sp4wn_: then all you would need to load is snd_foo where foo is the driver, I think snd_ice1724 for you?02:41
h3sp4wn_crimsun: snd_ice171202:41
crimsunah, ok.02:41
h3sp4wn_crimson: Thanks - I was using rmod02:41
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sotiredhello all02:43
sotiredis there anything like peerguardian that is easy to configure for linux?02:44
sotiredsomething with a gui02:44
h3sp4wn_Why not just download a hosts file ?02:44
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sotiredwouldnt i ahve to keep updating it all the time?02:44
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sotiredid rather just have something that fetches updates all the time and leaves me alone02:45
h3sp4wn_Why does it need a gui then ?02:45
sotiredi have enough things i have to mess with everyday on this machine02:45
fiyawerxi can't see the link from work, firewall blocks it, but that may help02:45
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sotiredthank you02:45
fiyawerxbut yeah, if you just want it to be automatic, why need a gui?02:45
fiyawerxjust set it up once and let it go hehe02:46
fiyawerxgui would just be clutter at that point02:46
sotiredi need some way to see if its working02:47
sotiredlike a tray app or something02:47
sotiredparanoia :)02:47
sotirednot that i download stuff form the internets02:47
fiyawerxwhat about firestarter?02:47
h3sp4wn_Paranoia its all the mind there is no problem02:47
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sotiredzwehat does it mean when i try to run a .deb and it tells me the utility is not installed in its PATH ?02:48
fiyawerxit's not paranoia if they're really out to get you02:48
fiyawerxfor a .deb i think its sudo dpkg -i foo.deb02:48
fiyawerxto install it02:48
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intelikeyyeah or -u for update only... isn't it?02:49
stodgeAny ideas how to fix this:         open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory02:50
stodgeIs there a package I'm missing?02:50
stodgeOr something isn't fully configured?02:50
nrdbCan kubuntu use a computer that has an Intel pentium D 930 Dual Core Preseler 3.0 Ghz CPU?02:50
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fiyawerxstodge: you can try the live cd to find out easily enough :)02:52
intelikeystodge there is an alsa/modprobe command that makes that dir02:52
fiyawerxnrdb: that was for you rather02:52
fiyawerxstodge: what are you trying to use/install?02:52
nrdbfiyawerx: my boss want me to setup a new computer.02:53
intelikeyi don't recall the command atm.02:53
fiyawerxmodprobe snd-seq-oss i think02:54
crimsunwildechild: ok02:54
fiyawerxstodge: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1654.html02:54
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fiyawerxit's old but may help02:54
crimsunwildechild: in a Konsole, test -d /proc/asound && echo "yes"02:55
stodgeAlternaively I get    cannot load driver module alsa02:55
stodgeDepending on what parameters I use to start jackd02:55
sotiredi installed that .deb...but i dont know where it installed to :(02:56
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fiyawerxmodprobe snd-seq might do it also02:56
fiyawerxsotired: did it add a menu?02:56
fiyawerxyou can also try 'locate blah' in a konsole02:57
stodgeI can get rosegarden to run now but I get a dialog when I play "JACK Audio subsystem is losing sample frames."02:57
Gun_Smokewhat's up the the topic?  "www.google.fi"?02:57
sotiredi dont see one02:57
=== robert____ [n=robert@85-124-193-122.work.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu
sotiredits a great topic02:57
wildechildgot yes02:57
fiyawerxstodge: http://jackit.sourceforge.net/docs/faq.php02:57
sotiredjust like www.justfuckinggoogleit.com02:58
fiyawerxthats what i do to answer most peoples questions02:58
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h3sp4wn_STFW - is a nicer way of putting it03:00
stodgethe playback device "hw:0" is already in use.03:00
stodgecannot load driver module alsa03:00
stodgeThe FAQ doesn't really tell me much03:00
stodgeReading more docs...03:00
Gun_Smoke Sisltsi kohdistettua mainontaa, jonka avulla maksimoit mainostulosi?03:00
fiyawerxor giyf03:00
fiyawerxstodge: google that error there's a bunch of responses, its not kubuntu specific03:01
h3sp4wn_stodge: Ah jackd ...03:01
Gun_Smoke     Saat listuloja sivustostasi ja parannat samalla kyttjkokemuksia. Google AdSense -ohjelma nytt sivustoosi ja sen sisltn tarkasti kohdistettuja teksti- ja kuvamainoksia automaattisesti; mainokset ovat niin hyvin kohdistettuja, ett ne ovat sivuston kyttjille hydyksi. Ja kun list sivustoosi Google WebSearchin, AdSense nytt kohdistettuja mainoksia mys hakutulossivuillasi. AdSensen avulla pyst03:01
stodgeYeah I've been googling, but not had a hit yet that really helped03:01
stodgeSome good info03:01
Gun_SmokeLet's talk about that.03:01
h3sp4wn_stodge: Have you followed the ubuntu studio guide ?03:02
h3sp4wn_stodge: To get jackd running properly ?03:02
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stodgestudio guide?03:02
ubotuI know nothing about jackd - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:02
ubotuI know nothing about studio - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:02
h3sp4wn_stodge: http://ubuntustudio.com/wiki/index.php/Dapper:Studio_Preparation03:03
h3sp4wn_stodge: You need a preemptable kernel for jackd to work properly03:03
stodgeOh that sucks03:03
stodgeI dont want to play with kernels03:03
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h3sp4wn_stodge: Do you have alot of drivers that are only in the ubuntu kernel ?03:04
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stodgeI've no idea!03:04
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ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems03:09
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intelikeyhmmm in the xorg.conf  the line that says (   modes "1024x768@85" ... )  is there a structure to the order in which they are listed ?   and could one not just remove all the 'unwanted' modes in that line ?03:14
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DaSkreec1What the heck happened to the topic?03:14
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=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:CheeseBurgerMan] : Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Please take off-topic conversations to #kubuntu-offtopic
=== lamj [n=lamj@dsl-207-112-95-221.tor.primus.ca] has joined #kubuntu
CheeseBurgerManThat's what I was wondering. I just had to search through my logs to find it. :)03:15
DaSkreechBetter :-)03:15
=== lamj is now known as jasonlam
DaSkreechHooray for cheeseburgers03:15
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:CheeseBurgerMan] : Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Please take off-topic conversations to #kubuntu-offtopic | KOffice 1.5.2 Released. http://kubuntu.org/announcements/koffice-152.php
CheeseBurgerManIf no one likes that in the topic, feel free to take it out.03:16
ubotuIntegrated office suite for KDE, including word processing, spreadsheet, flow charting, image manipulation. For more info see: http://koffice.kde.org. Upgraded Kubu packs at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/koffice-151.php03:18
CheeseBurgerManHmm, how does one update the factoid?03:18
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ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.03:19
abattoirCheeseBurgerMan: i think !no factoid is factoid03:19
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage03:19
=== CheeseBurgerMan looks at the page.
=== Palpatine [n=niels@] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeymodprobe: FATAL: Error running install command for sound_slot_203:20
abattoir!no koffice is ntegrated office suite for KDE, including word processing, spreadsheet, flow charting, image manipulation. For more info see: http://koffice.kde.org. Upgraded Kubu packs at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/koffice-152.php03:20
CheeseBurgerManOK, that works. :)03:20
abattoir!no koffice is Integrated office suite for KDE, including word processing, spreadsheet, flow charting, image manipulation. For more info see: http://koffice.kde.org. Upgraded Kubu packs at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/koffice-152.php03:20
abattoirugh Kubu packs?  :(03:21
CheeseBurgerMan!no koffice is Integrated office suite for KDE, including word processing, spreadsheet, flow charting, image manipulation. For more info see: http://koffice.kde.org. Upgraded Kubuntu packs at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/koffice-152.php03:21
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DBOabattoir, CheeseBurgerMan, you guys cant modify ubotu right now, he has been moderated due to missuse in the past03:22
ubotuIntegrated office suite for KDE, including word processing, spreadsheet, flow charting, image manipulation. For more info see: http://koffice.kde.org. Upgraded Kubu packs at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/koffice-151.php03:23
CheeseBurgerManDBO: Yeah, I saw. However, it says that the request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops, hopefully someone there can accept it.03:23
abattoirDBO: oh, ok, anyway our requests will be sent to you guys(@#ubuntu-ops) right?03:23
DBOyes, but please dont spam it, we saw it03:23
abattoirDBO: ok, sorry, we were just trying to correct some mistakes in the entry :)03:24
DBOthats perfectly ok =)03:24
DaSkreechhi DBO03:24
DBOI'll see to it that it gets passed on tot he right people03:25
DBOhi DaSkreech03:25
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o crimsun] by ChanServ
=== mode/#kubuntu [+t] by crimsun
intelikeyhead cheese     :)03:25
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o crimsun] by crimsun
crimsuncheese at least03:25
CheeseBurgerManTalking about me?03:26
crimsunCheeseBurgerMan: thanks.03:26
DaSkreechWhere's the beef?03:26
CheeseBurgerManOh. :P03:26
SpAwNcan anyone help me to get xmms not to hog the whole sound device it would be nice to play enemy territory and listen to my music03:27
crimsunSpAwN: ET doesn't play nicely.03:27
crimsunSpAwN: is XMMS configured to use the "default" device (not "hw:0,0")?03:27
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SpAwNunder the outputr option its alsa....03:28
intelikeyhmmm i don't like this.   kde is larger than X    ;/03:28
SpAwNwhere dyes its deaflu03:28
SpAwN* crimsun  its set to deaflut03:28
crimsunSpAwN: ok, good, then it's configured correctly.03:28
SpAwNso default is good?03:29
SpAwNi read a article sayin to install alsa-oss ...which i did03:29
crimsunyou can try that route, yes03:29
DaSkreechintelikey: Well KDE is like umpteen programs whereas X is like 503:29
crimsunyou'll need to echo 2 values into /proc/asound/03:29
SpAwNbut i start xmms....then i use aoss et and it doesnt realy work03:29
SpAwNcrimsun, what would u recomend i do...u seem to know your stuff03:30
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intelikeyDaSkreech heh yeah not that way.   it doesn't fit in the window.  i can scroll all four directions....03:30
crimsunSpAwN: did you echo those two values into /proc/asound/ ?03:32
CheeseBurgerManAre the Kubuntu repos working slowly for anyone else?03:32
SpAwNcrimsun, i never saw any commands03:32
SpAwNhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449&highlight=saving+sound  <--what i saw03:33
fiyawerxCheeseBurgerMan: seemd fine for me about 20 minutes ago03:34
crimsunSpAwN: echo 'wine 0 0 direct' |sudo tee /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss && echo 'wine 0 0 disable' |sudo tee /proc/asound/card0/pcm0c/oss03:34
CheeseBurgerManfiyawerx: OK, maybe it's just my connection.03:34
SpAwNcrimsun, should i replace wine with the et excecutable03:35
crimsunSpAwN: yes, use et.x8603:36
SpAwNcrimsun, thanks man im gonna give it a shot03:36
crimsunit may freeze your machine, caveat03:37
intelikeyanswer to the screen issue = adjust the 'virtual size' in xorg.conf     ;/03:41
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sotiredhow would i format my slaved hard drive from ntfs to ext3?03:51
sotiredsecond drive...03:52
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rafhello all, someone could help me on installing ruby and rails (I have apache2)?03:56
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DaSkreechraf: Not sure. Is it in the repos?03:57
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rafI've installed ruby 1.8 via adept, it works via command line, bue I don't know how to configure apache2 to make work ruby over apache203:58
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rafDaSkreech: I've installed ruby 1.8 via adept, it works via command line, bue I don't know how to configure apache2 to make work ruby over apache203:59
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DaSkreecherm.. I'm not sure either03:59
DaSkreechHave you searched for rails in apt?04:00
rafDaSkreech: now, I've uninstalled ruby 1.8 because rails says that it is a incorrect ruby version04:00
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rafDaSkreech: yes, but I don't know if the Rails package I see in adept automatically configures apache204:01
CaptainMorganwhat's the new update for OOmath ?04:02
CaptainMorganeq editor?04:02
DaSkreechQuick way to check would be to look at the details see if it mentions apache04:02
DaSkreechCaptainMorgan: Thats what was on the table04:02
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rafDaSkreech: it doesn't mention any apache stuff :-(04:04
DaSkreechHmm in that case we may need an apache ruby plugin04:04
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DaSkreechThis is when you start to google :)04:04
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rafDaSkreech: haha, I'm googling 3 days ago04:10
rafsomeone know ho can I know what version of Kubuntu I have, I mean if it is breezy, hoary, etc?04:10
DaSkreechWell install rubyonrails and then join #rubyonrails and ask there04:11
DaSkreechI think you have a good chance that someone there can walk you through04:11
DaSkreechraf: cat /etc/issue04:11
nrdbI am looking for smoe advise on setting up a email server for a small business, which system should I use?04:12
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sdolnackhow can i view how much space is left on my drive?04:13
nrdbsdolnack: try 'df -h'04:13
sdolnackcoz it's telling me i have no space left when i try to download a torrent fiel :-(  Any good tips on clearing up space in a linux environmetn?04:16
sdolnackand is there any way to list files like in Konqueror similary to Windows Explorer in "Details" view?04:17
DaSkreechsdolnack: Yeah Click oon view -> details :)04:18
sdolnackoh nevermind04:18
sdolnackhaha yeah04:18
=== sdolnack is an airhead
DaSkreechnrdb: Eh?04:18
DaSkreechAs long as it's not hydrogen04:18
sdolnackhow do i view my trash folder?04:19
fiyawerxanyone know if there's a repo for kvim?04:19
DaSkreechClick on the trash in the Lower right corner04:19
fiyawerxi get Package kvim is not available, but is referred to by another package.04:19
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DaSkreechfiyawerx: Try and install it explicitly?04:21
fiyawerxDaSkreech: not sure whatcha mean, manually?04:21
fiyawerxthat was trying to apt-get install kvim04:21
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DaSkreechIs it in the repos?04:22
fiyawerxdon't think so04:22
DaSkreech!info kvim04:22
ubotuPackage kvim does not exist in dapper04:22
fiyawerxoh, thats neat04:22
fiyawerx!info gvim04:22
ubotuPackage gvim does not exist in dapper04:22
fiyawerx!info vim-gtk04:22
ubotuvim-gtk: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GTK2 GUI. In repository universe, is extra. Version 1:6.4-006+2ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 694 kB, installed size 1440 kB04:22
DaSkreechwhat are you trying to install?04:22
fiyawerxwas looking for some graphical vim :)04:22
sdolnackis there a way to sort installed packages by size?04:22
fiyawerxguess i'll have to use gvim04:22
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fiyawerx!info vim-gnome04:23
ubotuvim-gnome: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GNOME2 GUI. In repository main, is extra. Version 1:6.4-006+2ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 695 kB, installed size 1444 kB04:23
nrdbhas anyone got an email server going? I would like to know which to use sendmail or courier etc.04:23
DaSkreechnrdb: postfix I would guess04:24
sdolnacknevermind again04:24
DaSkreechsdolnack: So we have your permission to ignore you?04:24
sdolnackOK what movie should I watch: Naked, Harold and Maude, Blood Simple, Before Night Falls, or My Own Private Idaho?04:27
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DaSkreechHackers and Silicon Valley Pirates04:28
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sdolnackHackers is so oddly amusing04:31
rafDaSkreech: thanks04:32
DaSkreechCause of Angie or the cool graphical way they get across the networks04:32
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DaSkreechraf: Worked out?04:32
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intelikeywasn't the switch konsole tabs hotkey ctrl+pg-up/dn  ?04:34
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intelikey5~5~ <-- is all ctrl+pg-up gives me...   ?04:35
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CaptainMorgannew updates gave me more selections in grub.. how do I delete them?04:38
abattoirCaptainMorgan: you can find those entries in /boot/grub/menu.lst04:39
rafDaSkreech: I have found a very good guide to install ruby on rails over apache2!04:39
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rafDaSkreech: http://fo64.com/articles/2005/10/20/rails-on-breezy, with cat /etc/issue I knew that my Kubuntu it is an Ubuntu breezy badger, so I choose the right guide04:40
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intelikeyraf issue is the message that is issued at the login prompt   lsb-release -a  should tell you the release information.04:42
DaSkreechThats it I was thinking lsb -a but that didn't sound right04:42
rafintelikey: aah, ok, ok, thanks!04:42
rafintelikey: it is lsb_release <- with underscore :D, I wrote lsb then tab and lsb_release appeared04:43
rafintelikey: what means LSB?04:44
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DaSkreechtab is your friend04:44
ubotuI know nothing about lsb - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:44
DaSkreechSilly bot04:44
intelikeyi only mention that because the /etc/issue file is made to be a costumizable message like /etc/modt    the former is displayed before login and the later after login.04:44
DaSkreechLinux Standards base04:44
rafintelikey: OOH LSB means Linux Standar Base!04:44
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Vexmasteri need help please04:44
intelikeylsb=linux standards base04:44
rafDaSkreech: yes, thanks04:44
DaSkreechHI Vexmaster04:44
Vexmasterhi DaSkreech04:45
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage04:45
Vexmastermaybe you can help me?04:45
DaSkreechI have no clue04:45
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:45
DaSkreechHowever I do have a prepaid credit card if you need one :)04:45
DaSkreechVexmaster: Whats up?04:46
intelikeyoops sorry folks04:47
DaSkreechOhhh 3F!!04:47
DaSkreechThat's bad04:47
Vexmasterim using dapper on a IBM t21 laptop and for some reason it wont shutdown properly04:47
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DaSkreechWhat does it do?04:47
Vexmasterit says "will now halt " but nothing happens and the screen is still on04:48
intelikeytrying to switch tabs without the mouse04:48
intelikeyah found it...04:48
Vexmasterreminds me of windows 9804:48
intelikeyi recall a bug on that.  you have to edit a shutdown script iirc   check the forums04:49
DaSkreechVexmaster: I assume that your laptop supports APM04:50
rafDaSkreech: what about the bots? do I need to download some tar ball file? I wrote / msg seveas but it only open a window04:50
Vexmasteri beleive so04:50
Vexmasterno sure really, almost positivew04:50
DaSkreechraf: Umm What?04:51
DaSkreechVexmaster: Have you used another operating system and gotten it to shutdown/standby/hibernate?04:51
DaSkreechWhat bots?04:52
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intelikeyraf /msg ubotu help04:52
rafDaSkreech: hehe, I mean, how can I use the bots?04:52
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DaSkreechYeah that04:52
tony_hola alguien que sepa configurar el sonido04:52
VexmasterDaSkreech yes with winxp04:53
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:53
Vexmasterand suse 9.204:53
DaSkreechVexmaster: Then I guess the forums are your answer04:53
raftony_: siento decir esto, pero no encontrars mucha ayuda en espaol, es mejor tratar de hacerlo en ingls04:54
Vexmasterlol ok04:54
Vexmasterthanks anyways04:54
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tony_Thank you Raf, do you know how to configure the sound04:55
intelikeycat /proc/asound/cards04:56
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tony_i have 2 soundcards, kubuntu takes the integrated by default04:57
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raftony_: you need to give more details, ie. Do you know how to configure th i810 sound card04:57
tony_i have 2 soundcards, kubuntu takes the integrated by default04:57
tony_with cat.... i have:04:57
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tony_0 [I82801BAICH2  and  0 [I82801BAICH204:58
intelikeylol  ((unix_infidel: #kubuntu ("Lost terminal")))04:58
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intelikeyoh sorry, that just struck me funny04:58
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RazorwireAnybody with an Athlon 64 ever had any problems with powernowd giving them repetitious vid/fid write errors?04:59
tony_raf, i dont know how to do that. I just have 2 sound cards  an integrated intel i8280 and a pci CMI8738mc604:59
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intelikeytony_ it doesn't look like the other card is found.   lshw  or lspci  and find the name of the other soundcard.   then   modprobe the apropreate driver.05:00
intelikeytony_ so do    . /etc/bash_completion ; modprobe snd-cmi[tab] 05:01
intelikeyerrr snd-cm[tab]  maybe05:02
intelikeypressing the [tab]  key of course05:02
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tony_intelikey, the 2nd card runs ok with xmms when i select it, so I think it was recognized05:03
intelikeyrather than typing out [tab]      but you knew that.05:03
tony_my problem is hoy to put the integrated card as default05:03
tony_im sorry, i mean, how to put the pci card as default05:03
sdolnackwhat are your guys' preferred linux DVD players?05:04
sdolnacki'm debating between installing ogle and xine05:04
intelikeywant to disable the other or just make alsa default to the one ?05:04
tony_just make default05:04
DaSkreechtony_: You need both soundcards?05:05
intelikeyyou would say that...05:05
tony_no, but in the forums says : disabling from bios05:05
tony_i dont want so05:05
intelikeytony_ myself being a console kinda guy,  i don't know.     but you could black list the module that runs the on board sound and there by disable it in linux05:06
tony_mi pc haves  winxp for my family and kubuntu I am learning05:06
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tony_great, My respects for a Console guy, I just want to set the pci card as default and not the integr.05:08
DaSkreechhi dr_willis05:08
intelikeyls /etc/modprobe.d/   have a look in the blacklist.* files for examples maybe.05:09
dr_willisMoo! to U! :)05:09
tony_here i go05:09
sdolnackanyone use mplayer?05:09
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intelikeytony_ there is an easier (GUI) way to do that.   ask crimsun if he is still around.05:10
unix_infidelhow does irssi map beyond window 10?05:10
unix_infideleg i can switch b/w 1-10 with alt+0-9 but how does it map beyond that?05:10
=== DaSkreech ignores sdolnack
ubotuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/05:11
tony_thanks i ll try05:11
DaSkreechsdolnack:  :-P05:12
sdolnackoh my05:12
intelikeyunix_infidel does it map beyond 0 ?05:12
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ubotuI know nothing about off-topic - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:12
unix_infidelintelikey: i mean with a second modifier maybe...05:12
unix_infidelmaybe i can set it in .irssi/config?05:12
DaSkreechdriz: what?05:12
drizi got it05:13
drizforget it05:13
tony_hi crimsum, are you there still05:13
unix_infidelintelikey: i dont like having to resort to alt+p/n when going beyond window 1005:13
sdolnackDaSkreetch whta are some common causes of choppy video playback?05:13
intelikeyunix_infidel i use bx and it doesn't seem to have an option beyond window 0 ....    so i don't know about irssi   that may be a shared weekness for all i know.05:14
DaSkreechsdolnack: Using the xine backend05:15
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sdolnackDaSkreech: i believe so05:15
unix_infidelintelikey: yea, the configs are basically the same...05:15
unix_infidelmaybe what i'm looking for is a plugin...05:15
unix_infidelthe way i see it....i shouldnt have more than 10 irc channels i'm active in, in the first place...05:16
unix_infidelshouldnt be spending so much time on irc anyway :P05:16
intelikeymaybe,   or add the command to a .ircrc file and /11...20  that way  idk.05:17
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Tm_Thi kids05:17
intelikeyi add short cuts to all kinds of things  and put them in ~/.ircrc05:17
unix_infidelintelikey: hmm, maybe i should take it to #irssi and see if they can offer some config options :)05:18
DaSkreechSilly Tm_T irc isn't for kids05:18
intelikeyhey you old fart.  how are you ?05:18
Tm_TDaSkreech: err, you're here.. ;p05:18
Tm_Tbtw I'm back! \o/05:18
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DaSkreechintelikey: is it more of an honour to be a new fart or an old fart?05:18
unix_infidelintelikey: why are you running as root on IRC?05:19
intelikeyprolly not05:19
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intelikeyunix_infidel i'm not.05:19
intelikeyin fact i think i just locked out all root access.05:20
intelikeyonly way to do anything as root here should now be to [ctrl] +[alt] +[delete]     and boot single   or possably even only as init    i'll have to test it.05:21
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wolfmanzAnyone using superkaramba?05:29
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abattoirwolfmanz: yes, I am.05:30
WhilWhat's going on?05:30
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wolfmanzwhen you use it does it take up about 30 to 40% of your cpu ?05:30
abattoirwolfmanz: i guess that'd depend on the themes that you use05:31
wolfmanzkubuntu_sysinfo is the name of this one its pretty simple05:31
abattoirwolfmanz: a kde-look link?05:32
wolfmanzuhm hold05:32
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wolfmanzactually i'm trying another one now and that to is eatting about 40%05:33
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ErtainHow can I figure out how much data is on a floppy?05:33
intelikeyyep root is totally locked out.05:33
intelikeyErtain mount it and df -h05:34
DaSkreechErtain: Don't use floppys05:34
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intelikeyfloppies are good.  just small.05:34
Whilcan anybody tell me how to change the file browser background please?05:34
DaSkreechintelikey: Spoken like a man who doesn't use floppies05:34
intelikeyright click the background05:35
abattoirWhil: View->Configure Background05:35
intelikeyDaSkreech but i do.05:35
Whilabattoir: thanks] 05:35
sdolnacki'm havin problems w/ dvd playback... if i do a fresh reboot, the dvd will play fine, but right now it's choppy05:35
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intelikeyi still use 5.25 floppies  :)05:35
sdolnackdvd playback seems to get choppy after i've been running kubuntu for a bit and using other progs05:35
Tm_TI have installed several operating systems from floppies, OS2 warp 3 was funniest experience05:35
abattoirWhil: you're welcome :)05:36
wolfmanzabattoir here is the one i'm using http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=3321405:36
kyle_Is it possible to spoof your operating system?05:36
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intelikeyTm_T i installed mandrake 9.0 on a lappy via floppy disks05:36
Tm_Tintelikey: heh05:36
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Tm_Tintelikey: pile of ~40 floppy disks... whoo05:37
intelikeyreally,  a 486    with 16m ram and 225m hdd    i installed win95 and mdk9.0  to compare them... :)05:37
abattoirwolfmanz: give me a sec, i'll try it out05:37
wolfmanzok thanks05:37
intelikeyTm_T only three disks.   just reused them...05:38
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Tm_Tintelikey: mehhehe05:38
Onmitsuah guys i need your help, in the registered area of www.mldesigners.com there's a working gmail exploit, i dont know what to do? should i email gmail with the link and my username and password? or what? is there an email address? ahh, what should i do?05:38
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intelikeywould you believe win95 out preforms a modern linux in that env     on almost every test.     file transfer was the exception.05:39
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abattoirwolfmanz: it shoots up from 15~20 to 354~40 in mine... what CPU?05:41
kyle_Is it possible to spoof your operating system - http://overdrive.mtv.com won't allow my to view their site?05:41
wolfmanzabattoir amd xp 250005:41
OODkyle_: you can get the user agent switcher extension for firefox, and disguise your browser as IE605:43
abattoirwolfmanz: superkaramba themes do take a fair chunk of cpu usage, especially if you use a lot of them(and if they are complicated)...05:43
intelikeykyle_ yes it's possable.05:44
OODkyle_: if that doesn't work then you can try running firefox or IE in wine05:44
kyle_OOD: ahh, i didnt think of wine05:44
wolfmanzabattoir i just have that one activated05:44
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kyle_OOD and intelikey  -- thanks, i will look into the agent switcher05:45
abattoirwolfmanz: you can confirm if superkaramba is the app using most of the cpu by running top in the CLI, or by running ksysguard05:45
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wolfmanzabattoir it is the app i have checked that05:46
beavisdoesn anyone have a copy of the x64 azureus , their new website doesnt have it for download05:46
kyle_OOD: Konq lets me switch it to IE6 on WinXP easily05:46
wolfmanzabattoir i just think its a bit high i had damn small linux running that has alomost the same thing on its desktop and my cpu didnt exceed 5%05:47
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abattoirwolfmanz: does sk take up the same/similar amnt of cpu when no themes are running?05:48
wolfmanzlet me check05:48
intelikeywhere is the setting that stops that stupid mouncing cursor thingy ???05:48
intelikeybouncing even05:48
abattoirwolfmanz: well, kde uses more cpu than fluxbox... and sk themes generally are cpu hungry :)05:48
abattoirintelikey: Kcontrol->Appearance...->Launch Feedback05:49
wolfmanzSK is below 10% without the theme going05:49
abattoirwolfmanz: so as i said, it is the theme05:49
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kyle_where is konqueor installed?05:53
wolfmanzabattoir ya to bad it eats so much cpu it does look good05:54
abattoirwolfmanz: have to sacrifice something for eyecandy ;)05:54
wolfmanzabattoir ya but thats a bit to much05:55
abattoirwolfmanz: you could probably find another theme which strikes the right balance :)05:55
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intelikeykyle_ the executable is in /usr/bin/   but as for the rest of it    dpkg -L packagename05:56
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DaSkreechkyle_: try whereis konqueror05:56
chavoif you want a system monitor/mailchecker/weather thingy that doesn't eat up your cpu, try gkrellm05:57
kyle_i'm trying to install flash player into konq05:57
kyle_but it wont let me05:57
chavokyle_, put it in ~/.mozilla/plugins05:58
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joel_is there a good list of kubuntu hotkeys somewhere?05:59
intelikeynice; in kcontrol > internet... > network settings.    i get an error window that says "your platform is not supported. ....blah blah blah...please choose one."   in the list is ubuntu/dapper     hehhe  wonder what platform i have ???06:00
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OODjoel_: run kcontrol, under Regional & Accesibility :)06:00
joel_ooo ok OOD thanks =)06:00
kyle_chavo: there is no such place as ~/.mozilla/plugins06:01
intelikeyand what information is kcontrol reading anyway ?06:01
chavokyle_, mkdir -p ~/.mozilla/plugins come on man06:01
=== intelikey thinks kyle_ doesn't know that /.blah is hidden....
intelikeyit's de dot man06:03
intelikeyde dot hid it from you06:03
kyle_intelikey: i do06:03
DaSkreechHe doesn't have firefox installed06:03
kyle_Please enter the installation path of the Mozilla, Netscape,06:03
kyle_or Opera browser (i.e., /usr/lib/mozilla): /home/kyle/.mozilla/plugins06:03
kyle_WARNING: Please enter a valid installation path.06:03
intelikeythat maybe06:03
kyle_DaSkreech: yes i do06:03
kyle_that is AFTER i mkdir06:04
kyle_Don't think I'm an idiot - it's Adobe's installer that's retarded06:04
intelikeyno argument there06:04
chavoI've had the same ~/.mozilla/plugins for years man they really need to update that thing06:06
actinicomg, Opteron 144's for $99.99!06:07
OODare those dual-core?06:08
actinicno, single06:08
actinicthey were $170 yesterday06:09
OODthey're great overclockers06:10
actinicyep, i've got 1 running at 2.9 presently06:11
wordare there any good 'get ubuntu' images?06:11
kyle_fuck adobe flash!!06:12
OODkyle_: just let it install in the default location and it should work06:12
kyle_OOD: no, thats not the prob anymore06:12
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:12
kyle_Flash 8 is out for IE06:12
OODactually it's 9 :P06:12
kyle_but not fore firefox, opera, or safari06:13
chavoflash 9 is out already for ie and FF06:13
OODonly windows and mac versions though06:13
chavojust not linux06:13
chavobut it's coming RSN!06:13
kyle_guess i gotta go with wine06:13
intelikeyflash... yuck06:13
kyle_intelikey: trust me, i agree. if it can't be done with CSS and XHTML i dont want anything to do with it06:14
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kyle_but the g/f wants overdrive.mtv.com and i wanna get laid tonight06:14
OODthen install firefox in wine06:15
kyle_about to install wine06:15
intelikeyso that's it.....            it all becomse clear now....06:15
kyle_is wine available with apt-get?06:16
intelikey!info wine06:16
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 8578 kB, installed size 40460 kB06:16
wordare there any good 'get ubuntu' images?06:16
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kyle_word - you have The Gimp, make one :-)06:17
intelikeyoh so now wine=wine is not an emulator is an emulator.... ;.06:17
wordonly if you want stick figures and black white and yellow colors :P06:17
OODdammit, one thing that i don't like about linux is my space magically shrinks all the time06:18
noiesmoHello all I have upgraded from hoary to dapper and have a lvm2 problem from what I can see on net I need to edit a preinst file within the debian package whats the easiest way to do this06:18
OODit's weird06:18
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OODi had 1.5 gb today06:18
OODbut now i have 680,b06:18
chavoOOD, check your logs and maybe apt archive06:19
intelikeycache dirs and tmp space    not to mention logs06:19
OODwhere are the logs? can't remember06:19
chavo/var/log for most logs06:20
intelikey /var/log06:20
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intelikeyalso ~/.kde/something/cache  and ~/.mozilla*/something/cache06:21
intelikeyalthough those generally arent in the 100m range06:22
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OODwell now im back to 93006:22
intelikeywhat did you install ?06:23
intelikeywatch any flicks ?06:24
noiesmoit's all good i fixed it myself thanks for the help :)06:24
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wordOOD: see if there's anything in /home/user/.local/share/Trash/files/06:25
OODword: yea i checked there, files used to get stuck there somehow, doesn't happen anymore06:25
OODsome kde bug06:25
wordheh yah me too06:25
OODi don't trust the trash can anymore, i just rm everything06:26
intelikey~/.local   oh yes,   how do you turn off trash ?06:26
wordintelikey: not sure :-/06:27
intelikeyi could ln -s /dev/null ~/.local     heh but that would prolly break kde06:27
OODintelikey: you can go to konqueror settings and check the "show delete context menu"06:28
OODthen just right click on everything and delete06:28
intelikeythat won't get rid of the ~/.local dir tho06:29
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wordwhat has the ~/.local dir done to you?06:30
intelikeyi deleted it several times, kde just makes a new one. on startup.06:30
OODwhy do you want it gone?06:30
OODif you don't use hte trashcan it won't fill up06:30
intelikeygot in the way of my symlink06:30
intelikeybut i generally access /usr/local via a symlink .local06:31
OODintelikey: you can write a script that starts with kde that deletes the folder every time06:32
OODand put it in ~/.kde/Autostart06:32
intelikeyor find the script that makes it and edit that one.06:33
OODthats like needle in a haystack material, take the easy way out :P06:34
intelikeyno it seems to be in  ".kde/share/config/startupconfigfiles"06:35
intelikeygrep is a nice magnet for finding "needle in a haystack"06:35
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intelikeyactually i spoke too soon.  it's not there  i left the dot out of the search string.06:37
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intelikeyi guess it's hard coded in rather than a config file...06:52
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intelikeythat string doesn't show up any place on the whole system06:52
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intelikeyeeek i can't find my home...06:56
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intelikeyerrr i wish that when it's https the link would reflect that...07:03
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tony_hi everybody do you know how to configure the soundcard?07:06
intelikeyno tony_.  how ?07:07
tony_hi, intelikey, crimsum was gone07:07
tony_i back right now07:08
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OODtony_: get alsamixer (with apt) and try unmuting certain channels to see if you get any sound07:09
intelikeytony_ hmmm sorry to hear that.07:09
OODdoing this while playing a sound would be helpfull07:10
intelikeyOOD he's trying to change the default card07:10
OODwhat do you mean? he's got 2 cards?07:10
intelikeyOOD iirs he has built in and a (good) pci sound card   k defaults to use the built-in.07:11
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tony_yes, OOD, an integrated one and a pci one07:12
OODtony_: then the easiest thing to do is to turn of the integrated in the bios07:12
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OODit's sapping cpu power even when it's not playing07:12
intelikeyor mayge it's arts that defaults to the built-in07:12
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intelikeyOOD that's a no can do.   already been there07:13
tony_i cant do that, it is used in win xp for other  users07:13
dek_aiktony: http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?action=find&find=MultipleCards would help07:14
OODtony_: can't you use that card in xp too? not to mention speaker swapping07:14
dek_aiktony: sorry this one http://alsa.opensrc.org/MultipleCards07:15
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tony_i'm reading now07:16
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tony_in fact, this was solved by a friend, 5 months ago, but i dont remember how was it07:17
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intelikeyabi_normal   :)07:18
Mrono?? nvidia07:18
Mronoer, what was the command?07:19
dek_aiktony: look at the bottom of the http://alsa.opensrc.org/MultipleCards about setting it in dapper07:19
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto07:19
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Mronoah, thanks07:20
_normal1anyone know that repository site07:20
MronoI know I can do transparency, i've got the geforce 7900gt07:20
_normal1that makes up a list of all the stuff you need when you fill out what you need07:20
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic07:20
ubotuI know nothing about dstats - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:20
kuzmaster_normal1, is that what your after07:20
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource07:21
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kuzmastersource-o-matic is better07:21
_normal1cool thanks07:21
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kuzmaster!tell _normal1 about easysource07:21
intelikeybetter than ?07:22
kuzmasterthe source-o-matic is better than making you own, or editing the defult sources.list07:22
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intelikeyi just add universe   to the end of the main restricted       and update07:23
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intelikeydon't know why it would be better than that....07:24
MronoAnyone else running an athlon 64 X@ 4200+?07:25
MronoSorry, X2, not X@07:26
MronoI'm wondering what module I need to install under linux restricted modules.07:26
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OODwhat do you mean exactly?07:30
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MronoI got it figured out I think.07:32
tony_dek_aik ? are you there still?07:32
MronoI'm proceeding very carefully, my last linux install on my laptop was a experience from heck07:32
tony_<tony_> dek_aik ? are you there still?07:33
dek_aiktony: yes07:33
CaptainMorganwhat's a nice ide available?07:34
tony_thank you very much, it works.07:34
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dek_aiktony: ha..ha...u r welcome07:35
tony_this is my firts problem solved "myself"07:35
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tony_dek, i am a novice with linus. thank you again. and everybody. good bye07:36
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dek_aiktony: and do you know that this is only the 2nd time i use irc?..bye also07:37
CaptainMorganIm checking out Anjuta.. is there anything else?07:37
stephansome program is blocking my audio device? how is the eassieest way to find out which? and kill it?07:37
tony_ha haha i cant believe that. you are a genius07:37
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intelikeyhowto scroll the console so that the output is printed on line # each time ??    # might be 12 for instantance.   i.e.  output scrolling text to the middle of the screen.?07:38
intelikeyi guess that's not a kubuntu question...07:39
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kuzmasterhello all, how can i have full sudo rights, so i dont have to enter my password when i have to run things as sudo (e.g. adept)?07:42
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kuzmasterand one at all?07:46
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kuzmaster?me wants to know how to make myself as a sudo account07:47
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dek_aikkuzmaster:  try direction in the http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/07:55
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_normal1i keep on getting errors with apt-get07:58
_normal1Failed to fetch http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-latest/pool-breezy/kdelibs/kdelibs-data_3.5.1-0ubuntu0breezy1_all.deb  404 Not Found07:59
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_normal1anyone know whats up07:59
centyxwhat's the score?!08:01
centyxtry apt-get update08:01
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_normal1thats what i get when i do apt-get update08:02
centyxactually, what's that source you're using08:02
_normal1what do you mean08:02
centyxmaybe you should update your sources.list08:03
_normal1i just did08:03
_normal1from www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic08:03
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource08:05
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centyx_normal1: you meaning to use breezy?08:06
_normal1isn't that what i should be useing ?08:06
_normal1isn't that the best one to use08:06
centyx_normal1: it's a bit outdated... dapper is the current08:07
_normal1oh okay08:07
Lynoure_normal1: but if you have hp lj 1022, by any chance, breezy is better with it...08:07
_normal1i don't but thanks for telling me08:07
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MronoAnyone know what the program that drops down from the top of your screen and gives you a termal is called08:11
MronoIt's something starting with a 'p' or an 's'08:11
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chavoMrono, yakuake08:12
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chavothat's the konsole versdion08:13
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proudfootnewbie question, how do I access synaptic package manager in kubuntu?08:17
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dek_aikproudfoot: if you have it installed it should be at kmenu--system08:22
proudfootis adept installer kubuntus counterpart to synaptic?08:23
proudfootok                                                                      `+--+-+--+--                                                         OK                                                                                       ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````W08:24
proudfootif something in adept is greyed out08:24
proudfootwhat does that mean?08:24
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dek_aikproudfoot: i dont know, maybe because the repos are not active (universe, multiverse) in ur /etc/apt/sources.list08:26
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Lynoureyeah! The recent cups upgrade fixed my printing problems! :)08:31
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wolfmanzAnyone have any idea how i could check and see if a web site is active or down and have it do this checking every so often?08:34
Lynourewolfmanz: There are very many ways for that... ideally you'll prolly want to also check that is it still showing the content you want it to.08:35
Lynourewolfmanz: there is a package called watchdog   for just this kind of things08:36
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Lynourewolfmanz: oops, I misread08:36
veronicaalguien habla espaol?08:37
wolfmanzI need a print out to that tells me what time the site went down at08:37
wolfmanzi want to be able to do this from this computer i'm on now08:37
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Lynourewolfmanz: Anyway, all it takes a tiny shell script in cron. But I might be too morningish to walk you through the stops now08:38
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Lynourewolfmanz: this should get you started, though http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1223606&page=608:40
Tm_TKaiserSuse: err, suse?08:40
KaiserSuseTm_T: yah, old nick from yesteryear08:41
Tm_Tyeah yeah08:41
Tm_Tno excuses! ;)08:41
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MronoQuestion, How do I set the desktops to change when the mouse hits the edge of the screen08:41
KaiserSuseTm_T: c'mon... this has been my nick since 199808:41
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Tm_Tand I have been using windows since 199308:42
Lynourewolfmanz: spong (e.g. spong-www) looks also good, but also like an overkill if it is just one web service you want to monitor08:42
KaiserSuseMrono: System settings -> Deskop -> Window behvior -> Advanced -> Active Desktop Borders08:43
wolfmanzYa i only want to monitor my site we seem to be getting random crashes and untill the guy who runs the VPS can get access to logs i want to know how often my site is down08:45
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MronoKaiserSuse, Thanks08:46
KaiserSuseMrono: np08:46
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_JPhow do i make Konquerors setting "Tools->HTML Settings->Java" retain it's checkstate after restart?08:49
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MilhousePunkRockHello everyone08:59
Goliath23Is it possible to install kubuntu with standard kde settings?08:59
Goliath23and the kcontrol as default instead of the kubuntu settings dialog?08:59
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centyxhey. i'm using the nvidia driver. for some reason when i play media w/ kaffeine it just shows black, and the timer progresses rapidly09:03
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centyxno sound either09:03
centyxdoesn't matter what media type i try09:03
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centyxany ideas?09:04
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MilhousePunkRockDid anyone apply all the new updates already?09:05
jbrouhardwhat new updates ?09:05
wolfmanzLynoure thate example you gave me on that site should that work under this version of kubuntu? i get erros when i try to run that09:06
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centyxi'm trying to use opengl as the video driver for xine09:08
centyxshouldn't that work?09:08
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kakaltocentyx: I"ve had issues with it, myself09:09
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MilhousePunkRockAdept prompted me that there are 36 updated packages available, jbrouhard09:09
jbrouhardAlready ?09:09
jbrouhard*checks myself*09:10
jbrouhardI got no updates09:10
jbrouhard(I update daily)09:10
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MilhousePunkRockThat's weird09:12
kyle_Only update I had today was for Automatix09:12
MilhousePunkRockDid you have any updates lately?09:12
kyle_Few days ago I had a couple09:12
koshno upgrades today for me either09:12
kyle_can't remember what for09:12
koshand I just checked09:12
MilhousePunkRockI use the PC daily, maybe I didn't see that Adept prompted me before...09:13
MilhousePunkRockThe point is, after the initial installation there were a bunch of updates, of course... Including one that wrecked the wireless LAN09:14
MilhousePunkRockThat was a real P.I.T.A. to get it back to life09:14
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MilhousePunkRockI'm gonna try it now anyway09:18
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koshhttp://kubuntu.org/announcements/koffice-152.php    new koffice packages09:19
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centyxi think i have codec issues09:20
centyxanybody have problems w/ the w32codecs package from debian-multimedia?09:21
unix_infidelcentyx: why not use the ubuntu package?09:22
centyxgar and why is unix_infidel: i didn't know there was one?09:22
centyxi was mid sentence09:22
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unix_infidelyes...you were.09:23
Lynourewolfmanz: there were multiple, I assume at least the shell script one would work, once you modify it to point at the right url09:24
centyxthere is no w32codecs ubuntu package that i can see09:24
unix_infidelcentyx: apt-cache search w32codecs.09:24
unix_infidelyou probably need to add a repo.09:24
centyxcentyx: i did09:24
centyxcentyx: which one?09:24
centyxi'm tired09:24
unix_infidel0230 hrs here.'09:24
unix_infidelumm, probably cipherfunk or plf.09:25
wolfmanzLynoure i think i got the first one working it need a library to run der perl so i got that and i think its working not reall shure i'm not getting errors now though09:25
centyxplf was down yesterday09:25
centyxnot familiar w/ cipherfunk09:25
ubotuI know nothing about cipherfunk - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:25
centyxi'll just get the codecs from mplayer's site09:25
unix_infidelqdeb ftp://cipherfunk.org/pub/packages/ubuntu/ dapper main09:25
unix_infidelerm, crap.09:26
unix_infidel$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep funk09:26
unix_infidel# Cipherfunk multimedia packages (packages, GPG key: 33BAC1B3)09:26
unix_infideldeb ftp://cipherfunk.org/pub/packages/ubuntu/ dapper main09:26
centyxk thanks09:26
Lynourewolfmanz: test it by pointing it to a page that does not exist? Or a server that does not exist,09:26
wolfmanzya i just did that and now i got new errors lol09:26
centyxi don't know what the deal is.09:33
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Bunchoanyone around?09:41
Lynourewolfmanz: then there are the heavy duty monitoring systems. e.g. Nagios, plenty of howtos for those. I must admit I'm too lazy today to help with debugging scripts I didn't write...09:41
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:41
unix_infidelBuncho: ^^^^^09:42
Bunchohere's the problem09:42
Bunchoi installed kdesktop09:42
Bunchofrom ubuntu --> kubuntu09:42
Bunchologin screen appears, login, black screen and it goes back to the login screen09:42
wolfmanzLynoure there isnt much to debug i just think the guy is using librarys in that example that dont come as part of kubuntu09:42
Bunchoi tried reconfiguring xserver, but to no avail09:43
Lynourewolfmanz: They'll prolly exist in the repositories.09:43
Bunchoany ideas?09:44
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Bunchoanywhere from getting it to work to how i can roll back the system to when it did work09:45
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wolfmanzLynoure ya i'm sure they do but if i dont know the names of what he used it wont do me any good to go looking for them lol09:48
Lynourewolfmanz:  apt-cache search <something you expect to be in the description>   is a charm, often09:48
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thykofirefox wount automatically install plugins09:52
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thykohow do i fix that?09:52
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Bunchostill no answer09:52
=== Buncho continues sifting through the forums
munui have stranege problems with using CPAN - even install Bundle::CPAN is not going through. is it a known hiccap?09:53
LynoureBuncho: for much of the world it is either early saturday ir very late friday, not the most pleasing times to be volunteering09:53
wolfmanzthyko I had a problem with firefox installing the flash player and i had to manually install that the auto thing didnt work at all09:54
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LynoureBuncho: Yesterday one other person was complaining something similar...09:54
Bunchoit's 1am sat for me... =/09:54
Lynourewhat packages did you install?09:56
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thykowolfmanz: its hapening with jre too :(09:56
LynoureBuncho:if just kdesktop, it might not be enough on it's own to move smoothly to kubuntu09:57
wolfmanzthyko ya i dont get why something like plugins dont install the way they should through the browser09:57
Bunchowhat else do i need?09:58
LynoureBuncho: I'm not sure how uptodate this is, but see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE09:58
LynoureBuncho: good luck and don't work on your system too tired, that way leads to dispair and sadness...09:59
wolfmanzthats what makes ya putr windows back on the drive lol09:59
Bunchobut i also want to run a simulation before i sleep10:00
wolfmanza simulation of what?10:00
Bunchojust some physics models10:00
ubotuI know nothing about cpan - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:00
LynoureBuncho: That might be nice thing to do. Gives you something to think about in your dreams:)10:00
LynoureBuncho: Oh, I though you meant a simulation of the apt-get operation =)10:01
Bunchonah... i think i've gotten used to apt-get, i just need to start parsing the repositories in my brain so i don't have to look programs up on google10:01
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unix_infidelBuncho: why not just use the gui.10:02
unix_infideladept or synaptic.10:02
Gonzois there a way to make the task bar double so there's double space in height to store tasks10:02
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unix_infidelGonzo: right click and configure panel.10:02
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VirusDotNEThey ayone know how to cancel an installation item cause it can't connect to the server10:07
VirusDotNETConnecting to alien.ssl.berkeley.edu||:21... failed: Connection timed out.10:08
unix_infidelVirusDotNET: installation item?10:08
VirusDotNETSetting up setiathome (3.08-4) ...10:08
unix_infidelduring installation?10:09
Bunchounfortunately that didn't fix it10:09
LynoureBuncho: For risky things I often do run the apt-get simulation, to make sure it does not replace/remove too many things.10:09
VirusDotNETit just keeps tryying to connect and the server is down10:09
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BunchoLynoure: is xserver running when the login screen is up?10:10
VirusDotNETis there a way to remove it cause i can't install nothing til this finishes10:10
Bunchobecause i can boot failsafe mode, which just has a single console window10:10
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Bunchoi was looking at the kdm log, and it mentions something about /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc and a refcount =2 when it's supposed to be 1?10:12
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felix_eriddell: is there a reason for the koffice-latest thingy still pointing to koffice 1.5.1? (no complain, really. just asking.)10:12
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LynoureBuncho: take backup of the configuration and try changing it10:17
Bunchosigh... my vi's a bit rusty10:19
VirusDotNETanyone know about mine?10:20
Bunchoi also have something about GLcore failing to load10:21
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mehdii wouldlike help for amarok i can ask here ?10:24
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VirusDotNETor #kde10:25
VirusDotNETDoes anyone know how to make a install that already started cancel?10:25
Bunchowhere can i find xorg.conf?10:25
mehdii would like use amarok with xine extra-plugin but my apt-get don't find it10:26
VirusDotNETor /usr/X11/xorg.conf10:26
mehdicopy first ur xorg.conf10:26
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Bunchothat was done10:29
Bunchois it wise to clear the kdm log?10:30
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thykowolfmanz: doode, i found a way to install it11:01
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centyxdoes anyone know how to trick movies.yahoo.com into letting you watch trailers?11:06
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centyxthey check to see if you have windows media player and quicktime installed11:08
centyxand realplayer11:08
raymond__with what do you wnat to watch it?11:08
centyxbut most of the trailers aren't in real format11:08
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raymond__put the url in a differnt player?11:08
centyxthey don't give you the url till they've verified your player11:08
centyxsome java junk11:08
centyxor something11:08
raymond__there must be a way11:09
centyxyea that's why i'm asking11:09
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository11:09
centyxmy java's fine11:09
centyxman i didn't know multiverse had that11:09
centyxi made my own using java-package11:09
Healot6.06 :011:10
centyxyea, it was habit from the past11:10
Healotwell if you made a package previously... better use the previous rather than download11:10
centyxit works fine so i'm not worried about it11:11
centyxthough i probably should replace it eventually so i'll get updates11:11
raymond__euhm does it work with qiucktime?11:11
centyxraymond__: does what work?11:11
raymond__the trailers?11:12
h3sp4wncentyx: Are you using java 6 ?11:12
centyxgo there yourself and try to watch a trailer, you'll see what i mean11:12
centyxcentyx: no11:12
centyxh3sp4wn: no11:12
centyxraymond__: it tries to detect if i have the quicktime player... yes.11:12
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centyxraymond__: it detects that i don't11:13
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centyxsun-j2re1.4                                1.4.2+1211:13
centyxit detects my realplayer plugin fine11:14
centyxbut most of the trailers aren't in that format11:14
centyxi guess it detects browser plugins?11:14
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centyxnot sure11:14
Healotraymond__: my suggestion, mac or windows :)11:14
centyxi use the media player connectivity in firefox11:15
centyxin konqueror, i'm using the default kmplayer_konq_plugins11:15
centyxHealot: just to watch some trailers?11:15
Healotit's apple-owned anyways11:16
centyxthere's got to be a workaround11:16
centyxmaybe if i knew something about writing mozilla plugins i could write some bogus plugin to make it think i had it11:17
centyxor something11:17
centyxi duno11:17
Healotwell, for well-verse linux users, that maybe easy11:17
Healotfor migrators or try-outs?11:17
centyxi consider myself to be a well-versed linux user :P11:17
centyxi've been using linux as my primary os since 199711:17
centyxdoesn't mean i'm a programmer11:18
centyxi'm a sysadmin by trade11:18
centyxall i ever program in is bash, perl, python or php11:18
centyxi admit it'd help me a lot to learn c and other languages, but i just haven't :P11:19
centyxas far as kde and the gui side of things go, i'm pretty new11:20
centyxfor the longest time i stayed in the console and only used x when i had to11:20
centyxand my wm was fluxbox11:20
centyxthen i finally switched to the beefier xfce11:21
centyxthat was when i decided that woody was just too outdated to use as a workstation anymore11:21
centyxand i was tired of using sid11:21
centyxstuff breaking constantly11:22
centyxso i switched to gentoo11:22
centyxthen i switched to ubuntu, and started using gnome11:22
Bunchowhoo hoo!11:22
centyxthat was a shock11:22
Buncho3 hours later11:22
Bunchoand i'm back on gnome11:22
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.11:22
=== Buncho gives kde the finger
Buncho"enter" key?11:23
centyxLynoure: you talking to me?11:23
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Lynourecentyx: No, I was triggering the bot11:23
centyxthat's obvious...11:23
Lynourecentyx: But yes, most of the flood seemed to be by you.11:23
centyxLynoure: i was talking as i was thinking. not using the enter key as punctuation11:24
centyxjust coz no one else was talking doesn't mean i was flooding11:24
centyxanyway, since no one else is talking, i'll shut up and make you happy11:24
Lynourecentyx: I didn't mean that. But if you feel angry or offended take it to msg, please.11:25
BunchoThx Lynoure for the help... couldn't get to the bottom of it though11:27
thykohow do i add multiverse to sources.lst?11:27
Lynourethyko: just comment out couple of lines from /etc/apt/sources.list  they should be clearly marked11:27
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thykogot it11:28
LynoureBuncho: one thing worth trying is removing gdm and replacing it with kdm / reinstalling kdm11:29
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Bunchohrmmm i'll give it a try11:33
Bunchojust not tonight11:33
Bunchogood night11:33
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fifamasterhow can i set from kubuntu to load as first os windows from grub?11:36
tictricfifamaster: you need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst11:42
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thykoyou know that 'kubuntu' that appears immediately grub loads11:53
thykoand one can see the drivers loading below it?11:54
thykohow do i customize that?11:54
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h3sp4wnI only know to disable it11:54
ubotuusplash is the start-up splash (before GNOME/KDE appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto11:54
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thykoubotu: thanks12:00
ubotuI know nothing about thanks - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:00
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thykoubotu: how do i customize the login screen12:08
ubotuI know nothing about how do i customize the login screen - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:08
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thykoubotu: login12:09
ubotuI know nothing about login - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:09
thykoubotu: kubuntu login screen12:09
ubotuI know nothing about kubuntu login screen - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:09
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NiteCreepAnyone around? I'd really appreciate some help on getting my wireless up and running. I find the network I want to connect to, but all I get is "connection failed" in Wireless Assistant.12:10
NiteCreepubotu: wireless12:10
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper12:10
thykoubotu: login manager12:10
ubotuI know nothing about login manager - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:10
Lynourethyko: there are themes for it at least, and it is called kdm12:10
thykoyeah, found them12:12
thykonice, very nice12:13
thykothis is the best linux distro i've tried so far12:13
thykoin 3 years12:13
Lynourethyko: That's always nice to hear, I'm undecided between debian and ubuntu, but I'm quite gui resistant12:14
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thykoLynoure: then you'll probably wind up with debi12:17
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crazy_penguingood day everyone!12:26
Lynourethyko: I have a vm with debian, and used to have a desktop computer runnign that too. But the jury is still out. And the rumour is Ubuntu is easier to get involved in.12:26
arsontfs driver12:27
arsowonder if its as good as ext3 driver for windows12:27
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Lynourethe writing is still risky, but I'd personally trust it more than letting MS Windows to write on my linux partitions...12:30
LynoureI'd prelly still go for a small frisbee partition in fat3212:30
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kuzmasterhow i i run perl files (.pl)12:34
thykoperl x.pl12:34
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centyxmaybe i'm just delirious, but where do you go in kde to load themes ( .kth )?12:44
centyxseems like i remember there being a theme management section or something12:44
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imbrandoncentyx, run kcontrol, there should be a secton in there12:45
centyximbrandon: ah yes, thank you12:46
thykosystem settings12:46
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centyxthyko: it doesn't show up in system settings12:46
centyxbut kcontrol shows everything12:46
thykommm ... i better install that ..12:46
centyxthyko: it's already installed12:46
imbrandonthyko, its installed by default12:46
imbrandonits part of kde12:46
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centyxshould change in theme be effective immediately, or do you have to log out and back in?12:49
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mayankHello, I am trying to mount my usb hard disk, and i am getting the following error in dmesg :12:57
mayank[4326013.824000]  usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 712:57
mayank[4326014.895000]  usb 2-1: device descriptor read/64, error -7112:57
mayanki am using edgy, What shall i do, ?12:59
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mayankalso /proc/bus/usb/ folder is empty01:00
h3sp4wnmayank: ask in #ubuntu+101:00
mayankok, thanks01:00
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ubuntuhi guys01:01
ubuntua girl?01:01
ubuntuangelina: hi01:01
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ajaychi bimberi01:02
bimberihey ajayc01:02
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ajaycbimberi: sup01:03
ajaychi arso01:04
arsowhere do i set screensaver please?01:04
arsocant believe i forgot01:04
ajaycleft click on desktop01:04
ajaycand select configure desktop01:04
bimberinommuch :)01:04
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arsoi am blind01:04
arsoi went there and didnt see it earlier01:05
ajaycbimberi: arso interested in making a kubuntu based distro?01:05
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bimberinah, difficult to improve on perfection ;)01:06
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ajaycbimberi: see the objectives at ajay.chahar.googlepages.com01:07
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jamardihi there!01:07
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ajaycbimberi: saw the link?01:09
david__I need Latex. I'm familiar with it using Windows. Now I need it for Linux - Ubuntu. Is there a powerfull editor? (I read Emacs should help..)01:09
timonatorheya. i have a problem with amarok (xine engine) playing mp3 files. i installed libmad0 but the website told me to install libxine-extracodecs or something similar. enabling the universe or multiverse package lists doesnt give me that package :(01:10
ajaycdavid__: any editor is powerful man including emacs01:10
ajayctimonator: u wanna play mp3?01:10
timonatorits not always possible to have ogg :(01:10
bimberiajayc: yes i had a look, i like the name a lot - good luck with it :)01:11
jamarditimonator: take a look at your sources.list and uncomment the dapper backports01:11
timonatoror vorbis for that matter01:11
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ajayctimonator: install mp3blaster or xmms01:11
abattoirtimonator: are you sure you have enabled the repos properly?01:11
abattoir!info libxine-extracodecs01:11
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB01:11
ajaycbimberi: thanks man01:11
timonatori think so01:11
abattoirtimonator: then it should be in multiverse... can you make sure it is enabled?01:11
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kuzmastercan somone please tell me how to completly remover vmware player from kubuntu 6.06?01:12
ajayccan we optimise kubuntu kernel?01:12
timonatorde.archive.ubuntu.com /ubuntu dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse01:12
timonatoris enabled01:12
tmdx120Hello all.01:12
tmdx120h3sp4wn: howdy01:12
david__Well, I ment actually the compiler (or whatever it is called for Latex). Is there a package with a editor and a compiler?01:13
h3sp4wntmdx120: How is it going ?01:13
jamarditimonator: i supose you also have an entry like this: de.archive.ubuntu.com /ubuntu dapper main restricted universe multiverse01:13
timonatorhold on01:13
jamarditimonator: (whithout backports)01:13
tmdx120h3sp4wn: ok. Still havent gotten the WLAN working. Hey, can you give me those tutorials one more time?01:13
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ajayccan we optimise kubuntu kernel?01:13
timonatori have two with security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu one with "main restricted" and the other with "universe"01:14
timonatornone like the above, tho01:14
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h3sp4wntmdx120: Do you still have wifi0 and wlan0 ?01:15
abattoirtimonator: can you try 'sudo apt-get update' in the command line?01:15
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timonatori use adept and i refetched the packages list arleady01:15
timonatorah ok01:15
timonatorthere the package is01:15
jamarditimonator: uook!01:16
tmdx120h3sp4wn: how do I check?01:16
timonatori cloned the two dapper-backports thingies and removed the backports bit01:16
h3sp4wntmdx120: /sbin/ifconfig -a01:16
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andreabhi there!01:16
jamarditimonator: i think that's the way (at least it worked for me!) but better try to use mp32ogg script! (ogg rules!)01:17
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timonatorogg does rock01:17
timonatorbut oggs that came from mp3 are even worse than the original mp3s ;(01:17
kuzmasteranyone at all?01:17
tmdx120h3sp4wn:I have eth0, lo, sit0, wlan0, wmaster0-0001:18
jamarditimonator: yeap... its a hard life :p but that's the way to aboid doing all this extra codec installation...01:18
timonatordo i need any packages for that kioslave (i think its audiocd:/) which shows an mp3 and an ogg and an flac directory on audiocds and you can encode the cd by just dragging the 'pseudo-files' to the hard drive?01:19
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h3sp4wntmdx120: Thats sounds about right - I will try and get the package into a bit better shape - and then get someone else to build it on amd6401:19
jamarditimontator: i don't think so... it's automatic... though am not sure...01:20
tmdx120h3sp4wn: that would be great!01:21
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timonatorhmm, whats the correct 'syntax' for the audiocd:/ stuff?01:22
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jamarditimonator: ouch! no idea... try grabbing an audio cd, konquie should pop with the correct location01:24
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=== buz is looking for kubuntu debs of the fixed kopete...
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thykohow do i turn off that 'kubuntu' boot splash?01:25
gemidjybuz: what fixed kopete?01:26
buzwith fixed icq01:26
buzgaim is a seriously broken app01:26
buzcant stand it any longer01:26
buzi rather go and build kopete from svn than dealing with gaim much longer01:26
buzbut of course i'd prefer a deb01:27
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thykoany ideas?01:28
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Hobbseebuz: heya01:28
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grizzlywhich exactly is the 'run command''01:28
Hobbseebuz: here....01:28
gemidjythyko: edit the line in /boot/grub/menu.lst01:29
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Hobbseebuz: www.buntudot.org/people/~hobbsee - grab the kopete deb, not kopete-dev one01:29
gemidjythyko: i.e. here it is splashimage=(hd0,4)/boot/grub/splashimages/ksi.xpm.gz01:29
grizzlyI wa nt obring the run command from the konsole, so what exactly is needed for that?01:29
Hobbseebuz: that lot should get copied over to kubuntu.org soon (and uploaded to edgy repos, too)01:29
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Hobbseebuz: whatever you do, dont get the debs off ubuntuforums or some place random.  stick to the debs that the developers give out.01:31
buzhow do i know that yours are ok? ;)01:31
Hobbseebuz: because i'm a developer.01:31
Hobbseebuz: launchpad.net/people/hobbsee/ - especially see launchpad.net/people/hobbsee/+packages :P01:32
buzmhh that seems sensible enough ;)01:32
Hobbseebuz: hehe.01:32
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Hobbseebuz: the source that that's built from is on revu, search for kopete if you wanted to build it yourself01:33
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buzi just build it myself as last resort01:33
=== Hobbsee rebuilds kdebase in the background.
buzyeah i know01:33
buzwhich is why i dont want01:33
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buzhow about linking to that deb on kopete.kde.org?01:35
buzi presume that would greatly help people01:35
buz(personally i only use icq with kopete for one ;)01:36
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bimberiGee Hobbsee, there's some packages there that don't start with K - Traitor! ;)01:36
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h3sp4wnHobbsee: Does that mean if there is a security problem with any one of those apps then you personally have to fix it ?01:37
rosahello everyone01:38
buzyeah icq works again01:39
buzthanks Hobbsee01:39
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rosai am on kubuntu breezy (5.10) and have a problem with amarok (1.3): when i try to play mp3s with gstreamer engine. it sometimes lags01:40
rosacan anyone help me?01:40
jamardirosa: have you tried to use xine engine?01:41
rosawhen i try to enable xine, it does not work.01:41
rosait says(wait):01:42
thykocan one use normal bootsplash themes from kde-look.org with usplash01:42
thykoi see the default ones are .xpm and the normal ones are just plain jpg01:43
rosa"xine konnte keine Audio-Treiber starten." which roughly translates to "xine could not load audio drivers"01:43
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jamardirosa: humm.. and are you sure you've installed correctly libxine-extracodecs and so on?01:44
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thykoany klues?01:44
rosaplz wait01:45
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iTek|Sleepanyone here know if Kubuntu supports nvidia drivers for dual-monito config.?01:47
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rosajamardi: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1806901:47
rosathere are no extracodecs ?!01:48
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jamardirosa: how do i answer you at paste.ubuntu..?01:50
thykohow do i turn off usplash01:50
Hobbseeh3sp4wn: ah, seeing as it01:51
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Hobbsee's in main, then one of us has to fix it, yeah01:51
jamardirosa: sorry... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1807001:51
Hobbseebimberi: i've done most of the k packages - i've been stealing other people's merges :P01:51
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bimberiHobbsee: :)01:52
rosajamardi: what do you mean? it was just the output of the konsole what i pasted there. and it does not say anything 'bout01:52
rosajamardi: ok01:52
rosajamardi: is that a repository issue ?01:52
Hobbseeh3sp4wn: one of the devs has to fix it yeah - depends who finds it first, and if i'm around.  anyone can actually fix it, but it has to be reviewed/uploaded by a core dev, cos it's in main01:53
jamardirosa: that's what i get when i query for libxine01:53
rosajamardi: can you give me your repo list ?01:53
Hobbseeh3sp4wn: universe the same applies, but it's not said that "we will fix any security holes with this product, count on it"01:53
jamardirosa: yeap, of course01:53
rosajamardi: and can you "review" mine ?01:53
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Philip5arso: so is everything working now?01:54
jamardirosa: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1807101:55
=== Hobbsee looks at it.
rosajamardi: my sources.list: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1807201:56
thykohow do i turn off that 'kubuntu' boot splash?01:56
=== rosa tests stuff
Hobbseerosa: should work well enough01:56
ubotuusplash is the start-up splash (before GNOME/KDE appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto01:56
Hobbseethyko: ^01:56
rosajamardi: but why dont we see extracodecs01:57
thykoits becoming a pain in the ass01:57
thykoi have even #chmod 000 /et/init.d/usplash01:58
thykobut nada01:58
Hobbseerosa: done sudo apt-get update yet?01:58
jamardirosa: sorry if i'm slow (am at work)01:58
rosajamardi: no prob01:58
jamardirosa: i think the stuff is that you have to add a line thats originally marked as dapper-backports as dapper only01:59
rosahobbsee: should i take jamardis list and then apt-get upgrade or what ?01:59
rosajamardi: but i am running breezy?01:59
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jamardirosa: ouch! sorry...  wait a sec i take a look at my old sources02:00
Hobbseerosa: no, you're running dapper, dont use his.  your own are fine.02:00
Hobbseerosa: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade02:00
Hobbseethen try to install the codecs again02:01
rosahobbsee: with my old list ?02:01
Hobbseerosa: with the one you pastebinned02:01
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rosahobbsee: that is the one i use02:02
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rosai will do that02:02
thykowhat does the kernel option 'ro quiet splash' do?02:02
rosasplash == use teh splash02:03
jamardirosa: if it helps i've uploaded my old sources at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1807302:03
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thykowhat if i make it --> 'ro quiet'02:04
thykorosa: will that turn off the splash?02:04
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rosahobbsee & jamardi: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1807402:05
rosaWHAT NOW ?02:06
=== rosa cries
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Hobbseerosa: why are you using http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18071 ?02:07
Hobbseewasnt that just what you pastebinned?02:07
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jamardihobbsee: she's not, is she?  that where mine (the dapper ones) but she uses breezy02:10
Hobbseejamardi: argh, now i'm confused.02:10
Hobbseewho's running what here?02:10
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource02:11
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jamardihobbsee: hehe, she's running breezy but i misunderstood and i gave to her my dapper sources02:11
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Hobbseejamardi: oops?  :P02:11
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jamardihobbsee: yeap! and her xine engine for amarok doesn't work ok, probably some extra libraries are needed02:13
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Hobbseejamardi: yeah, for breezy?  i dont really remember.  i havent run breezy much in almost a year02:13
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abattoirjamardi: sudo apt-get install libmad0 libxine1c2 ?02:15
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jamardiabattoir: i think it should work..02:16
abattoirthat's the extra packages needed for breezy btw...02:16
abattoirdont want to contribute to more confusion :P02:16
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jamardiabattoir, hobbsee and rosa: this is mayhem, i've no played an mp3 since long time ago (ogg!!) but now am willing to download some mp3! ;-)02:18
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abattoirjamardi: you want to enable mp3 support for amarok in dapper?02:18
abattoirjamardi: or are you asking for sites to d'load from :P ?02:19
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:19
jamardiabattoir: no!! hehehe, we (hobbsee and i) where trying to help rosa to use amarok-xine with mp3 in breezy02:19
abattoirif the former ^^^^^^02:19
abattoirthen i guess you02:19
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abattoiryou'd need the packages i mentioned above02:20
abattoirthose are in the universe repository for breezy02:20
jamardiabattoir: yeap, as much as i remember they where02:20
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grizzlyis it possible to disable copy on selecting?02:23
grizzlyselecting text i.e02:23
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rosajamardi: ok but according to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18069 i have teh packages ?02:25
rosai also have libmad0 so i am confused02:25
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prxqkonqueror seems a lot slower when loading pages than firefox (easily a factor of 10). Is this just the way it is or do I have some misconfiguration?02:26
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jamardirosa: let me see.... have you got installed libmad0? w32codecs?02:27
jamardirosa: i dont remember very well which codecs must be installed on breezy...02:28
grizzlyprxq: Een though I don't use konq, I think it is probably a misconfig02:28
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prxqgrizzly: any ideas where to look?02:30
rosajamardi: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1807502:31
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ubotuusplash is the start-up splash (before GNOME/KDE appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto02:32
jamardirosa: i think you've all installed... arg, it might work.....02:32
rosajamardi: hm... then...do you know where there is the lagging problem with gstreamer?02:33
grizzlyprxq: nope, but you can try purgin konq, if you don't have settings stored02:33
ajayguys how can i make usplash resolution to 1024x768x32 ?02:34
prxqgrizzly: what do you mean? clear all history?02:34
abattoirrosa: Which engine are you using? xine or GStreamer?02:36
jamardisorry :-( no idea... all i installed on breezy is multiverse plugins and ffmpeg for gstreamer, libmad0, amarok-xine, kaffeine-xine, w32codecs... can u play mp3 correctly with kaffeine?02:36
jamardihave you tried to purge amarok-xine and reinstall it?02:37
ajayguys when i click add/remove program nothing happens02:37
jamardiajay: what do you mean?02:37
abattoirrosa: if xine, as i said before, please also install libxine1c2 (along w/ libmad0)02:37
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ajayjamardi: its working now! thanks anyways02:37
rosaAbbatoir: as gstreamer lagged I tried xine but it didnt work since xine could not be loaded02:38
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jamardiajay: uok02:38
ajayjamardi: how can i make my usplash res to 1024x768?02:38
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abattoirrosa: do you have libxine1c2 installed?02:38
jamardiajay: no idea! :-(02:38
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ubotuusplash is the start-up splash (before GNOME/KDE appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto02:38
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abattoirrosa: if you want the GStreamer engine to play mp3s, please install gstreamer0.8-mad02:38
rosaabbatoir: yes02:39
newbie_i have still these problems with getting an ip address via dhcp - can anyone help me please?02:39
ubotuI know nothing about clipboard - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:39
grizzlyanybody? disable copy on text selection02:39
rosaabbatoir: my only problem with amarok on mp3 is the lagging played with gstreamer so i tried xine but could not get it to work on xine02:40
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Philip5rosa: there is a fix to that... i think02:41
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ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins02:42
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rosaPhilip5: where do i get?02:42
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ajayrosa: get what?02:42
rosaajay: the fix02:43
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abattoirrosa: what is the exact error message produced by xine-engine? have you posted it somewhere?02:44
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Zooliehello all,hi uniq02:45
newbie_can anybody help me with getting an ip address via dhcp?02:45
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rosaabbatoir: yep (wait)...02:45
Philip5rosa: it's a setting tweak02:45
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:45
Zooliei downloaded kopete-0.12.1.tar.bz2 and then what i need to do? pls help...thx02:46
rosaabbatoir: "xine konnte keine Audio-Treiber starten." which roughly translates to "xine could not load audio drivers"02:46
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rosaphilip5: so how can i make it right02:47
abattoirrosa:  and you are sure you have libxine1c2?02:47
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Zooliei downloaded kopete-0.12.1.tar.bz2 and then what i need to do? pls help...thx pls.....brb in a min02:47
rosaabbatoir: yep, checked it twice that daxy02:47
jamardinewbie: have u tried to run dhcpclient?02:48
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abattoirrosa: could you close amarok and try gst-register?02:49
Philip5rosa: i think ubotu have a link to tweaks that include the mp3 lag tweak02:49
ubotuI know nothing about tweaks - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:49
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment. For more info see http://kubuntu.org ; to install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:49
abattoirrosa: after closing do 'sudo gst-register0.8'02:49
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abattoirsorry its 'sudo gst-register-0.8'02:50
ubotuI know nothing about lag - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:50
ubotuI know nothing about gstreamer - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:50
ubotuI know nothing about xine - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:50
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage02:50
jamardibye guys!02:51
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=== Blv3Watyr waves
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ajayguys i cant hear my audio cd02:54
rosaabbatoir: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1807602:54
ajaydunno what is wrong02:54
ajaykscd wont play02:54
ajaythe bar moves02:54
ajaybut no sound02:54
rosaabbatoir: is it all right thta way?02:54
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ajaydamn kaffiene plays damn fine02:55
ajaykscd sucks!!!02:55
abattoirrosa: now do 'gst-register-0.8'02:55
abattoiri.e. w/o the sudo02:55
abattoiryou dont need to show me the o/p :)02:55
abattoiropen up amarok and see if your problem is solved...02:55
abattoirsorry, i need to go out now :(02:56
abattoiri'm sure if this doesnt work, someone else here will help you02:56
rosatnx bye02:56
abattoiryou're welcome :)02:56
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ajayhi lapinka02:58
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rosadoes not work03:12
rosaeven setting amaroks priority to -15 does not work03:12
pygianyone know how to recover freenode password? :)03:14
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rosaanyone knows how to get an aolconnection on (k)ubuntu? i am noob so plz explain slow...ly.03:17
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benoitsalut tout le monde03:18
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gemidjyrosa: update to dapper, u'll have more benefictions03:19
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zym0ticcan someone tell me if it is possible to tell xorg on which monitor an application should pop-up when I use twinview? Now app X opens at monitor 1 and app Y at monitor 203:28
gemidjyzym0tic: ask on #linuxhelp, u'll get better support03:29
gemidjyor somewhere else03:29
zym0ticok thanx :)03:30
h3sp4wntmdx120: here ?03:30
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mustechI have a request03:46
Hobbseemustech: shoot03:47
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mustechi want a good source list for kubuntu03:47
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ubotuI know nothing about reops - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:47
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource03:47
mustechyes !03:47
mustechand i have another request03:50
Snake[Sleep] hey Hobbsee !03:50
mustechcan i disable dosfsck03:50
Hobbseehi Snake[Sleep] 03:51
mustechbecause it takes too long time in booting03:51
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R1CHARDgood day04:00
nrdbif I download a true type font .ttf how do I install in so its usable?  I found the directory /usr/share/fonts04:05
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KwukkiK>System settings04:08
Kwukkithere you can install fonts04:08
h3sp4wntmdx120: ping04:08
dr_willis:) i wonder if anyone else has ever installed every font they could find.. and eneded up wth like 3000+ fonts04:08
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h3sp4wndr_willis: I would expect quite a few people have04:09
dr_willisIts amazing how Windows STILL has issues whenyou do that. :)04:09
nrdbKwukki: thanks04:11
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Tommy2k4how can i reencode an mp3 to a lower bitrate mp304:11
Kwukkinrdb : np04:12
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dr_willisTommy2k4,  ive done that befor.04:13
dr_willisi forget what program i used.  AUdicity perhaps? Audiocity?04:13
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Tommy2k4ty ill try audacity04:13
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Tommy2k4error initializing audio i/o player o_O04:15
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Tommy2k4ill try perl audio converter04:16
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h3sp4wnTommy2k4: lame04:17
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h3sp4wnTommy2k4: can do it04:17
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timonatoris there a program in the apt-get repos that integrates into kde that makes it possible to safely delete files? (i mean by overwriting them a few times and such)04:20
timonatormaybe an addition to the KDE trash?04:21
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pionirall downloaded packages are in /var/cache/apt/archive/04:22
dr_willischeck that kde-look.org site for extra add one and enhancements pashsps04:23
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crparrI'd like to create one "pot" of Icons for all applications of all window managers. Join me in #icons to discuss.04:27
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crparrthe theme does not matter - its a discussion on how to prepare this...04:29
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charlie5hi ... i've installed a HP (psc 1610) printer and tried to print a pdf with kpdf ... it seemed to work ok, but some of the pages were printed upside down ?04:33
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charlie5... any ideas why that might be ?04:34
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timonatoryou turned them around04:37
timonatormaybe you set your printer to print on the backjside of the paper as well, but the printer isnt able to do that or so04:38
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iBroodI'm having trouble with setting up mysql in kubuntu04:42
iBroodI've installed apache2 and php504:42
crparrsorry, it's #icons04:42
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timonatorhow do i make kde correctly start applications with wine on doubleclick?04:45
charlie5timonator: sorry, afk for a sec ... yep. its probably my printer setup is dodgy ... 1st time i've use one ... got sick of a paperless office :) ... thanks04:48
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timonatorheh, did you fix it?04:52
trispaceare there any precompiled vmware-player-kernel-modules for kernel 2.6.15-26?04:52
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charlie5timonator: nah, too lazy at the moment :) ... got the printer installed and printing (if not 100%) ... and the kooka works well with the scanner ... thats enough for 1st day :)04:54
timonatork :)04:55
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ryanakcaWhy is it that amarok crashes right after it's splash screen? Like I click it... I see the splash screen saying Amarok 1.4 (blue rectangle in middle of screen with logo and all)... and then nothing happens...04:57
JRH3K5You're not trying to play any file?04:58
Hobbseeryanakca: remove the config files for amarok?04:59
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Hobbseeryanakca: including ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok04:59
=== ryanakca sais goodbye to his config :S
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charlie5does the linux-restricted-module lag a few versions behind the latest kernel image version ? ... or maybe my adept settings not right ?05:04
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ryanakcaHobbsee: works now :) ty05:05
Hobbseeryanakca: i got that too, for some reason - no idea why05:06
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__osh__ryanakca: a friendly advice. don't remove the config files if you don't know what you're doing. Just rename them or move it to a different location. Easier to restore if that should be nessecary.05:08
__osh__ryanakca: speaking from experience...05:08
ryanakcahow do you burn .m4a onto a cd from linux? k3b won't burn them05:08
ryanakca__osh__: I've been there as well :)05:09
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gilsterhey i have a question about kpf05:19
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:22
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gilsteryes yes.....relax geeesh05:22
ryanakcalol... sorry05:22
tmdx120Does anyone know how I burn a Viewable DVD from K3B?05:23
gilsterhow do i set up the webserver with security options?05:23
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gilsteri am using the basic kpf...05:23
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jimmy__trying to get my Dell truemobile 1300 wireless network card to work kubuntu05:24
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JRH3K5jimmy__ - you've googled for drivers, yes?05:25
ryanakcagilster: hmmm... dunno... I would suggest apache2... if your looking for a secure webserver05:25
jimmy__I have and seen more than one driver, so I wasnt sure which one I needed05:25
jimmy__I will have to search again to get one05:26
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ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:26
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jimmy__I'm at Broadcom website now05:29
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madsPehm , unable to lock , are you root ? , where do i change that if im not root per startup05:31
jimmy__where do I download the driver on their support page?05:32
jimmy__I dont see it05:32
tmdx120If I have a VIDEO_TS file do I just use the burn DVD video veature in K3B?05:32
fredmaouaoua i do have a bug in my computer :)05:32
hastesavertmdx120, it won't make a DVD out of it, though05:32
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tmdx120hastesaver: then what do I do to get a viewable DVD?05:33
hastesavertmdx120, try qdvdauthor05:33
fredi mean there is a actual living bug inside my screen :)05:33
hastesavertmdx120, Install the package qdvdauthor (using adept, or aptitude, or synaptic, or apt-get, or whatever you use)05:33
fredbetween the outside of it and the lcd belowe05:33
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fredhow sexy is this :)05:33
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fredit is below the colow of the screen05:34
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tmdx120hastesaver: ok, done.05:35
fredlike 2mn long and nothing wide05:35
hastesavertmdx120, now use it! :p05:35
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tmdx120gilster: I can do private IMs het.05:37
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gilstertmdx120: what are you trying to do? Do you have a VIDEO_TS folder with vob files in it/05:38
tmdx120gilster: yes I do05:39
jimmy__anyone here have a dell inspiron 1100 or close to it?05:39
gilsterif you want to make a  standard DVD with k3b, click above on new project and select DVD Video project05:40
gilstercopy all the files from the VIDEO_TS folder you have and copy them into the VIDEO_TS folder that appears in the tree structure of the dvd video project05:41
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gilsterleave the AUDIO_TS folder blank05:41
hastesavergilster, wow, does that work? I could have used that the last time instead of messing around with so many things... thanks :)05:42
gilsterhastsaver: yes it works perfectly.....note: files must always be in the VIDEO_TS folder of the tree structure otherwise some (most) players wont read it05:43
tmdx120gilster: Thats what I did wrong the first time. I didnt copy the INDIVIDUAL files, I copied the entire FOLDER.05:43
jimmy__cant get the network card to work05:44
gilstertmdx120: yes...you cant do that....it will only create a Data dvd disk like that....05:44
gilsterthe standard dvd file system structure that dvd players look for is VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folder at the root of the dvd05:45
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tmdx120gilster: Ok, Ill give it a shot.05:45
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jeff_does anybody know how to set alt+space as the acess key in compiz?05:45
gilsteryou can have other folders in the VIDEO_TS folder, BUT the main IFO and VOB files must be in the original root VIDEO_TS folder05:46
jeff_i mean deskbar05:46
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gilsterok what is everyones opinion on a good e-mail program for kubuntu....i havent used one in a long time and i want to do it now05:48
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tmdx120I tried to use Evolution for my email. It sucked. Im using Thunderbird now and I like it.05:50
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trispacegilster: kmail?05:50
gilsterthunderbird...right...thats the mozilla program?05:50
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tmdx120yeah, Im a newbie and it was just easy to set up and it worked right off the bat. I was able to archive all my email from work and it kept a live connection (no timing out)05:51
gilstertrispace: thats what i used before, yes, i was hoping for something more dynamic...05:51
trispacegilster: what do you mean by dynamic?05:52
tmdx120Evolution was SLOOOOOOOOOOOW.05:52
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fredtmdx120: tried thunderbird ?05:52
tmdx120fred: yup, I LOVE it.05:53
gilsterno dont get me wrong \kmail is good, but very simple05:53
fredtmdx120: cool :)05:53
tmdx120fred: also, I can use it as a portable app so that my workflow is more seemless...  ;)05:53
trispacegilster: i don't know, but for me it has all the features thunderbird has05:54
tmdx120fred: I like the idea of desktop continuity. Im new to Linux, and I want to use my apps as sort of a Demo for other people in my working community.05:54
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madsPtoday i love it =] 05:55
frednice :)05:56
h3sp4wntmdx120: http://www.milkspank.com/h3sp4wn/hostapd-svn.tar.gz - download that and put it in a temporary directory and I will tell you how to compile it05:57
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tmdx120h3sp4wn: Done05:58
h3sp4wntmdx120: I think I have got it so it can be compiled properly05:58
h3sp4wntmdx120: sudo apt-get build-dep hostapd05:58
h3sp4wntmdx120: tar xvzf hostapd-svn.tar.gz (from wherever it is)05:58
h3sp4wntmdx120: cd hostapd-0.5-2006-06-2705:59
h3sp4wntmdx120: debuild -uc -us05:59
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tmdx120h3sp4wn: um I cant find it now. LOL!06:00
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h3sp4wntmdx120: (if debuild lists any missing dependancies just apt-get install libssl-dev (for example)06:01
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_christelhi all need help06:03
JRH3K5Wassup, ChristmasCpp?06:04
_christelsomebody please help adept stopped working and apt-get as well06:04
JRH3K5You've restarted the system, yes?06:04
tmdx120h3sp4wn: I have cd hostapad-svn NOT hostapd-0.5-2006-06-2706:04
tmdx120h3sp4wn: sorry found it!06:05
tmdx120h3sp4wn: my apologies, Im still SLOWLY getting used to the command line.06:05
h3sp4wntmdx120: Do you have the stuff installed for compiling ?06:06
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h3sp4wntmdx120: you need sudo apt-get install build-essential debhelper dpatch libssl-dev06:08
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h3sp4wntmdx120: and sudo apt-get install devscripts06:08
tmdx120h3sp4wn: debuild command not found06:08
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h3sp4wntmdx120: sudo apt-get install build-essential debhelper dpatch libssl-dev devscripts (debuild is in devscripts)06:09
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ubotuI know nothing about wtf - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:09
n2obhi, where do you put themes for dekorator so that it can be found and used?06:10
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tmdx120h3sp4wn: problem using fakeroot!06:11
ubotuI know nothing about cybar? - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:11
h3sp4wntmdx120: run it from sudo -i06:11
_christelplease somebody tell me where to go to solve my apt-get that stopphed working06:11
h3sp4wntmdx120: sudo apt-get install fakeroot (if you don't have it)06:11
h3sp4wntmdx120: (if you just run sudo -i) it should be able to run without having to worry about fakeroot06:12
tmdx120h3sp4wn: Ok, it is giving me a loooooon list of stuff now. I believe it is compiling.06:13
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h3sp4wntmdx120: prey (if this doesn't work then the libc is too old and there is nothing I can do about it)06:13
sspmetalhello there06:14
sspmetali have a problem06:14
tmdx120h3sp4wn: It reached the end06:14
tmdx120h3sp4wn: what now?06:14
sspmetali have a 4 way audio, but i can listen only from the front audio06:14
sspmetalanyone can help^06:14
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tmdx120h3sp4wn: 'finished running lintian'06:15
_christelsspmetal: have a problem too but don't know where to go to get help06:15
timonatorwho can help me with digikam? the camera isnt in the list (its some cheap garbage thingie and getting the photos from it works via the mass storage driver) i want digikam to automagically mount it or want kde to do it06:16
sspmetalanyone know how to use 4 channel audio?06:16
timonatorim using the 'embedded camera` or something model wich just looks in a folder, but it requires the camera to already be mounted06:17
dr_willis sspmetal  ya got a real 4 channel source?06:17
dr_willissspmetal,  i normally just mirror the front to the rear speakers06:17
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sspmetaldr willis06:18
_christelcould anyone direct me to a channel where i could find help for mu broken apt-get? pllllease06:18
h3sp4wntmdx120: cd .. (is there a deb in that directory ?)06:18
sspmetali have 4 audio sound card06:18
sspmetalin windows it work06:18
sspmetalnow under the mixer in linux i have set 4 channel, but i can only enable the front06:18
sspmetalknow a way to resolve this?06:18
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tmdx120h3sp4wn: you mean a deb package?06:18
tmdx120h3sp4wn: yes06:18
h3sp4wn tmdx120: yes06:18
h3sp4wn tmdx120: sudo apt-get remove hostapd06:19
h3sp4wn tmdx120: sudo dpkg -i *.deb06:19
tmdx120h3sp4wn: hostapd-0.5-2006-06_27-1_amd64.deb06:19
bmckeechristel - more info please - what's 'broken' ?06:20
ubuntuHi. Can anyone point me in right direction. I just put the Monitor settings out of range. need to change it back. I'm using boot DVD now.06:20
h3sp4wn tmdx120: (That should install it)06:20
sspmetaldr willis can you help me?06:20
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tmdx120h3sp4wn: last line = Starting advanced IEEE 802.11 management: disabled via /etc/default/hostapd06:21
_christelbmckee: i get za.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu is not known on line 2 in source list06:21
h3sp4wnh3sp4wn: kdesu kate /etc/hostapd.conf06:22
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h3sp4wnh3sp4wn: kdesu kate /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf06:22
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h3sp4wntmdx120: sorry06:22
tmdx120h3sp4wn: s'ok, I have kate open06:23
_christelbmckee: and kate is not working neither so I can't access the source list 'cos I can't remember any other editor06:23
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h3sp4wntmdx120: go to the line which says # driver=hostap and change it to driver=devicescape (remove the # and the space)06:23
Hawkwind_christel: Have you tried commenting out that line in your /etc/apt/sources.list file as root user ?06:24
_christelhawkind: will try right away if i can get kate to work06:25
h3sp4wntmdx120: then save that file06:25
bmckee_christel - For an editor try kwrite - or open a terminal and type pico06:25
Hawkwind_christel: You can use any editor, not just kate06:25
bmckee_christel - in a terminal type head -n 3 /etc/apt/sources.list06:25
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h3sp4wntmdx120: then run sudo hostapd -d (from the konsole)06:25
sspmetalsomeone can help me?06:26
h3sp4wntmdx120: Hopefully it will startup properly from your other machine look and see if you can see a wireless network called test06:26
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kazukisanOkay my amarok wont play .mp3 files nor will it play .asx radio stations ??? it plays ogg good tho lol06:27
tmdx120h3sp4wn: what would that look like?06:27
h3sp4wntmdx120: Has it started and is giving you alot of debug information ?06:27
treefrog2kazukisan: you might need to use teh w32codec do you have that ?06:28
tmdx120h3sp4wn: nope just says it activated the daemon for 802.11 management06:28
treefrog2can you get mp3 to work in anythign else?06:28
kazukisansec let me try06:29
tmdx120h3sp4wn: then a bunch of options06:29
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h3sp4wntmdx120: run sudo hostapd -d /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf06:29
_christelbmckee: with your line, i get deb cdrom:[Kubuntu 5.10 bla bla]  /breezy main restricted then the famous za.archive.ubuntu.com/buntu/06:30
Hawkwind_christel: Paste the entire line06:30
Hawkwind_christel: We need to see it to make sure it's correct or not06:30
kazukisantreefrog2, totem wont play them either06:30
treefrog2can anyone tell me how to reset my display settings file.. I'm booted on the install CD now.06:30
treefrog2kazukisan: then I sugest you look at reinstalling the w32codec... did it ever work?06:31
h3sp4wntmdx120: Can you not scan for networks from your other pc ?06:31
tmdx120h3sp4wn: see post06:31
kazukisanwhat else does it do treefrog2 besides mp3's ?? .wav files work06:31
h3sp4wntmdx120: Which post ?06:31
_christelhawkind: deb cdrom:[Kubuntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_ - Release i386 (20051012)] / breezy main restricted06:31
_christelhawkind: then http://za.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/06:32
treefrog2kazukisan: it sorts out mpeg too. and wma files..06:32
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Hawkwind_christel: Try commenting it out.  Add a # at the very beginning of the line and then save the file06:32
tmdx120h3sp4wn: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1809106:32
kazukisanyea i cant play avi files either treefrog206:33
treefrog2kazukisan: there is the matter of the collection of sound engins too.. have you tried using the diferent ones?06:33
rysiek|plincoming one stupid question: does *anybody* here have Dapper? (nobody on #ubuntu-pl does O_o')06:33
kazukisantreefrog2, i wanted to use gstreamer but its not showing up in my amarok list06:34
bmckee_christel: that's only half a valid line so to speak, so if that's all of it, it's toast.06:34
h3sp4wntmdx120: And driver is definately changed to devicescape ?06:34
kazukisantreefrog2, right now its using xine06:34
bmckeecomment it out, or check and see if it got split on to the next line maybe?06:34
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kazukisantreefrog2, do you know what files i need for the gstreaer engine ?06:35
tmdx120h3sp4wn: yes06:35
treefrog2kazukisan:  that shoudl be ok but try switching it round all the same.. for the different engins the installer will pull the necessary files in with it..06:36
treefrog2NAyone know how to set my display settings back.. please..06:36
ThunderStruckrysiek|pl: what about dapper?06:37
treefrog2oops connection droped.. !!06:37
treefrog2Anyone know how to set my display settings back.. please..06:37
h3sp4wntmdx120: press control C to quit it06:38
bmckeetreefrog2 - can't you boot regularly, switch to console (cntrl-alt-f1) when it launches the GUI, log in and do an sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org - (untested)06:38
rysiek|plThunderStruck: made a typo while updating my usplash and /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-artwork.so went bye-bye.06:38
tmdx120h3sp4wn: Done06:38
h3sp4wntmdx120: iwconfig wlan0 mode master06:38
rysiek|plThunderStruck: cannot locate the package that contains it - could you take a glimpse if it's a symlink on your system for egzample?06:38
ThunderStruckrysiek|pl: sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so06:38
h3sp4wntmdx120: iwconfig wlan0 essid "test"06:39
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h3sp4wntmdx120: iwconfig wlan0 channel 106:39
_christelhawkind & bmckee: I commented out that first line. tried apt-get update, still same error message06:39
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h3sp4wntmdx120: (all those commands should be with sudo sorry(06:39
_christelhawkind & bmckee: I commented out that first line. tried apt-get update, still same error messag06:39
treefrog2bmckee: Ok.ll try that.. suppose I better search the forums for it too.. thanks06:39
h3sp4wntmdx120: ifconfig wlan0 down06:39
h3sp4wntmdx120: ifconfig wlan0 up06:39
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h3sp4wntmdx120: sudo hostapd -dd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf (pastebin the output of that again)06:40
_christelhawkind & bmckee: so if i'm toasted what now? adept not working and how do i install synaptic without apt-get?06:40
kazukisanWhat gstreamer PAckage do i need so that amaroK Will use that one instaid of xine cause its not showing up in the egine list ???06:42
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bmckee_christel - nope - you've just got some bad stuff in your sources list06:43
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bmckeeDid you comment out the SECOND line?  that's the incomplete one...06:44
bmckeeIf so, then where is it saying the problem is now?06:44
tmdx120h3sp4wn:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1809206:44
bmckeeIf it's a stock ubuntu you should be able to get a sources.list file from lots of places to replace it if necessary06:44
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Melchiorr1kazukisan: I'm not sure if you can use gstreamer on the latest version of amarok. I lost it when I upgraded, and haven't been able to put it back...06:46
kazukisanWhat engine do you use06:46
kazukisanMelchiorr1, what package you install to get mp3 working06:46
h3sp4wntmdx120: iwconfig wlan006:46
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:46
kazukisanMelchiorr1, i did that06:47
_christelhawkind & bmckee: commenting out the second one. sorry nubie here06:47
Melchiorr1kazukisan: hmmm...06:47
Melchiorr1kazukisan: tried installing win32codecs?06:47
_christelhawkind & bmckee: Qapla!!!06:47
Melchiorr1and it's it06:47
Melchiorr1still doesn't work?06:47
kazukisandoesnt work06:47
_christelhawkind & bmckee: apt-get seems to be working, willnow try to open adept06:48
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Melchiorr1kazukisan: What error does it give?06:48
kazukisanMelchiorr1, amarok just skips over the files that are .mp306:48
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_christelhawkind & bmckee: btw how can this line beome truncated?06:48
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tmdx120h3sp4wn: the light went on!!! and the output says ESSID"test"06:49
tmdx120h3sp4wn: Mode:Master06:49
kazukisanMelchiorr1, totem plays mp3's06:49
bmckee_christel - other than you doing it you mean :-) ?   Dunno to be honest06:49
tmdx120h3sp4wn: frequency 2.412 Ghz06:49
h3sp4wntmdx120: Try to connect to it with the other client (It will fail on dhcp but just see whether you can see it from suse)06:50
Melchiorr1kazukisan: does amarok play other files?06:50
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thompamy dvd will play fine for maybe 15 minutes then it slows down, frame rate goes down06:50
kazukisanMelchiorr1, ogg06:50
bmckeeThe only question now is do you have a full set of sources?  or did you comment out one you need06:50
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_christelhawkind & bmckee: adept working. forever grateful. will you marry me?06:50
kazukisanMelchiorr1, and i think .wav files06:51
tmdx120h3sp4wn: no wireless networks06:51
h3sp4wntmdx120: It is because hostapd is not started06:51
Melchiorr1kazukisan, that's weird, I've never had a problem... :S06:51
tmdx120h3sp4wn: how do I start it?06:51
Melchiorr1kazukisan: I take it you're using xine?06:52
h3sp4wntmdx120: It seems like it is not working on amd6406:52
tmdx120h3sp4wn: hostapad -d??06:52
kazukisanMelchiorr1, not the play but its set as the engine in armorak06:52
kazukisanarmarok *06:52
kazukisanwhat ever06:52
h3sp4wntmdx120: The normal way to start it is hostapd -B /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf06:52
Melchiorr1yeah ;)06:53
tmdx120h3sp4wn: but the light on my card is on for the first time06:53
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bmckee_christel:  Will you ask my wife if it's ok first? :-)06:53
Melchiorr1kazukisan: you shouldn't need to, but have you restarted just in case?06:53
kazukisanMelchiorr1, that restricted formats said something about xine extra codecs package <-- i cant find that06:53
h3sp4wntmdx120: (with sudo)06:53
h3sp4wntmdx120: then sudo hostapd_cli06:53
tmdx120h3sp4wn: hmmmm. Ok that doesnt work06:54
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bmckeeYou might want to visit http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic or something similar and see if you have everything06:54
h3sp4wntmdx120: What doesn't ?06:54
drbreenkazukisan: you enabled universe/multiverse repos ?06:54
kazukisandrbreen, yes06:54
drbreenkazukisan: u r using breezy or dapper ?06:55
Melchiorr1kazukisan: there's a package called libexine-extracodecs, did you wan the name, or isn't it showing?06:55
bmckeeI think there was info at the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats page too about which sources should be on your list06:55
kazukisandrbreen, dapper06:55
drbreenkazukisan: in dapper there is such a package06:55
_christelbmckee: fair enough. this all started when i tried to find a player for wmv files. any idea? /cos kaffeine-xine doesn't want to play even if i untick gstreamer thingie06:55
drbreenkazukisan: just search for it with synaptic or kynaptic or adept or aptitude or INSERT STUFF HERE (tm)06:56
kazukisandrbreen, i did that06:56
abattoir!info libxine-extracodecs06:56
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB06:56
abattoirdrbreen, kazukisan ^^^^^06:56
drbreennice that ubotu can do that06:57
tmdx120h3sp4wn: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1809306:57
h3sp4wntmdx120: kdesu kate /etc/default/hostapd and unhash #RUN_DAEMON=yes (make it RUN_DAEMON=yes)06:57
drbreenabattoir: my friend rosa had this problem with gstreamer and your fix did not work - i seem to not have this problem06:57
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drbreenabattoir: do you know something that works for sure (tm)06:58
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h3sp4wntmdx120: then sudo /etc/init.d/hostapd-0.5-2006-06 start06:58
drbreen_christel: w32codecs anyone ?06:58
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kazukisanhttp://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ -> main restricted universe multiverse   <-- is what i have in repos06:58
abattoirdrbreen: to be honest, no, she(?) is using breezy, i told her the packages necessary for xine-engine to work, i dont know why it doesnt work for her06:59
h3sp4wndrbreen: www.debian-multimedia.org/pool (is one place you can get them from under w)06:59
kazukisandrbreen, i got it working now06:59
drbreenabattoir: (s)he is a she. yeah.06:59
drbreenkazukisan: how come ?07:00
abattoirdrbreen: as for the gst-engine, i dont know what she meant by a 'lag'... i googled, but couldnt find any info on that, hence i suggested trying gst-register07:00
kazukisandrbreen, it was the backports that had multi universe enabled not just plane dapper07:00
h3sp4wnWhy would anyone use gstreamer over xine ?07:01
_christelall: ok, so if i understand well i must get the extra codecs for xine from the multiverse?07:01
abattoirh3sp4wn: it was default in breezy wasnt it?07:01
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tmdx120h3sp4wn: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1809407:01
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h3sp4wnabattoir: Yes and it didn't work very well07:01
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abattoirh3sp4wn: yes, i know, that's why i suggested she use xine instead, but i guess she couldnt explain it properly :(07:02
drbreenabattoir: the lag is something like - when the music is playing, sometimes it stops for under a second07:02
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abattoirdrbreen: as h3sp4wn said, xine was favoured over the gstreamer engine, because of errors like that...07:03
abattoirdrbreen: hence i'd ask her to try xine, and explain what problems she has with that.07:03
h3sp4wntmdx120: pastebin /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf07:03
drbreenabattoir: the problem is simply gxine and teh like work but amaroK simply refuses to go xine ("xine-engine cannot do stuff. fallback to gstreamer murks")07:04
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jeff_Does anyone know if there's a way to broadcast my music using RSS similar to a podcast for reading on my psp? (In Linux)07:05
scabootsscaafter i installed the ati drivers whenever i run fglrxinfo in the counsle it shows a bunch of errors that is "could not register entrypoint"07:06
dek_aikanyone know the fix for xine-ui menu fonts being too big (dapper)07:06
scabootsscaapi errors07:06
abattoirdrbreen: could you give the exact error message? if you can?07:07
abattoirdrbreen: oh yeah, she was german wasnt she?07:07
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tmdx120h3sp4wn: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1809607:09
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h3sp4wntmdx120: can you run sudo hostapd_cli07:13
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tmdx120h3sp4wn: "Could not connect to hostapd - re-trying"07:14
dek_aikanyone know the fix for xine-ui menu fonts being too big (dapper) ..if u right click settings--menu the fonts are taking too much space it doesnot fit to the place07:14
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Philip5anyone know if there is a history logfile for apt and what installed and removed? and if so which one is it07:15
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jeff_Does anyone know if there's a way to broadcast my music using RSS similar to a podcast for reading on my psp? (In Linux)07:16
cox377Hello there07:16
NickPresta@Philip5: you can check /var/log/dpkg.log07:16
cox377i'm trying to install or boot live cd onto a mid rang laptop, biut it's not loading graphis.. the mouse cursor shows but the rest is scrabled. does anyone know how to manbe boot into safe mode or something./ I'm taking to u from another kubuntu machine07:17
NickPresta@Philip5: and for some reason, I have a /var/log/dpkg.log.1 which contains information too07:17
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Philip5NickPresta: tanks... log.1 is just an older one07:18
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NickPresta@Philip5: or, if you're using aptitude, /var/log/aptitude07:19
h3sp4wntmdx120: I don't know what to suggest - it works for me on x8607:20
tmdx120h3sp4wn: Its tough. I thank you for your commendable efforst though.07:21
h3sp4wntmdx120: If you use the non 64bit version you may be able to use the drivers that come with kubuntu07:21
h3sp4wntmdx120: Other than that atheros definately works07:22
tmdx120h3sp4wn:  is there a way to use the non 64 bit version without going to kubuntu x86?07:23
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h3sp4wntmdx120: No its the kernel that has to be 32bit07:24
tmdx120h3sp4wn: bummer. I know sometimes you can run 32 bit apps in 64 bit os.07:24
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h3sp4wntmdx120: Its the kernel modules though that don't work with 64 bit07:25
tmdx120h3sp4wn: Im learning. LOL!07:25
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h3sp4wntmdx120: ralink has new opensource drivers but I don't think they work with 64 bit either though07:29
tmdx120h3sp4wn: this is the one weakness I have experienced with Linux. Actually the second. Linux has a hard time with wireless and voice recognition.07:31
tmdx120h3sp4wn: although voice recognition is not terribly important now, wireless support is.07:32
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h3sp4wntmdx120: Even madwifi is not perfect07:32
tmdx120h3sp4wn: If I cant get this to work, what do you suggest?07:32
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ninHerhola a tod@s07:33
h3sp4wntmdx120: I would buy an atheros based card (I got one for 20) or use 32bit07:33
JRH3K5I've had problems changing the root password07:33
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JRH3K5sudo passwd root doesn't actually effect the changes07:33
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ninHerJRH3K5: why don't you use passwd once root ?07:34
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JRH3K5Shouldn't sudo log me in as root?07:36
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cox377h3sp4wn: you about mate?07:36
tmdx120h3sp4wn: I will look around. So, the atheros cards are easier right?07:37
cox377i'm trying to install kubuntu07:37
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cox377and it's stopped half way through the "creating ext3 file system etc"07:38
cox377what will happen if i turn off the laptop?07:38
tmdx120h3sp4wn: Can I UNDO all this stuff that we have done?07:38
gatekeepercox377: is this dual boot?07:39
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cox377it's the main install on a laptop07:39
cox377it's got to 97% and just stopped07:39
cox377i think it's crashed even though the cursor is still moving about07:40
tmdx120h3sp4wn: recommend any card in particular?07:40
marvinalonehi ... i'm having a weird problem on my thinkpad t60. on battery, when i log into kde, the keyboard locks up. nothing i type makes a difference. mouse still works. even when i log out the keyboard stays dead. this doesn't happen when i loh into gnome. any hints?07:40
cox377any idea gatekeeper?07:41
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gatekeepercox377: I would give it a chance to see if goes to completeion, if it looks like it's going no where boot up see what you get may need to reinstall, may also need to check your HDD is ok using badblocks07:41
cox377yeh, i'm just worried about killing the hdd gatekeeper as it's in a laptop which isn't mine07:42
cox377will it kill the hdd?07:42
cox377if it does through writting the partition?07:42
tmdx120h3sp4wn: just looked at newegg. no atheros pci cards. Anything else for a ASUS MOBO?07:43
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gatekeepercox377: well if the install has stalled you haven't got any options left, should be ok, probable stalling because all is not right with the HDD already07:44
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gatekeepercox377: at some stage you need to run badblocks to see if you have any HDD issues07:45
cox377is badblocks an application07:45
gatekeepercox377: badblocks is a linux cli command07:46
jimmy__looking for a good motherboard for a AMD 64 bit 3400+ CPU07:46
cox377sorry nebee07:46
cox377is there a command for it?07:47
jimmy__Asus has let me down 2ice in a row07:47
gatekeepercox377: it is a command07:47
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gatekeepercox377: good luck :-)07:48
cox377this laptop has got a netgear wireless usb dongle07:48
jimmy__MSI, DFI, or Gigabyte07:48
cox377whats the support on that sorta thing07:48
cox377i dont have it hear with me so i dont know the model, but are netgear alright for wireless?07:48
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centyxhey. i'm having trouble w/ the sun-java5-* packages and konqueror. the java plugin isn't being found. i've run update-java-alternatives. any ideas?07:49
gatekeepercox377: I use a netgear wireless router but my linux box is wired into it. netgear stuff is usually ok, not sure how linux friendly they are07:49
centyxfirefox picks it up fine07:49
cox377I shall have to give it a go and see what hyappens07:50
cox377gatekeeper: by the way, i'm installing under graphics safe mode07:50
cox377would that make any difference?07:50
tmdx120h3sp4wn: Do you have any idea which manufacturers make cards with atheros chipsets?07:51
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Hawkwindcentyx: There is something you have to do for it to work in konqueror.  It's on the java page on the wiki07:52
centyxHawkwind: ah ok, thanks07:52
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository07:52
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centyxthe wiki in the topic, i see07:53
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gatekeepercox377: don't know never done it that way, just used the standard methods, had a bad maxtor HDD gave me a problem, installed no trouble when replace by a good seagate one, there is always the alt CD, you need to do the 'self CD check' to make sure that it burnt ok07:55
gatekeepercentyx: any use: http://tuxedup.wordpress.com/2006/05/04/using-java-plugin-on-konqueror/07:55
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teknoprepwhat is the name of the default gnome wireless tool that is installed with ubuntu?07:56
jeff_does anyone here use Apache HTTP Server? I have a few newbie questions07:57
gatekeepercox377: by 'self CD Check' I mean that one of the options on the CD allows you to check that it is ok07:57
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gatekeeperjeff_: set on up for myself a while ago, what is the problem?07:58
maudyanyone from Brazil?07:58
h3sp4wntmdx120: Actually maybe just get a cheap wireless router (didn't think of that)07:59
h3sp4wntmdx120: http://madwifi.org/wiki/Compatibility (those are the cards supported by madwifi)08:00
cox377gatekeeper, round 208:00
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centyxgatekeeper: somehow the alternative for java had been set back to gcj. oh well. i set it back to sun and now it works. thanks.08:02
^THE_HAMMER^hey guys whats the commands for getting eggdrops is it sudo apt-get install eggdrop?08:02
kazukisani have libdvdcss2 installd and libdvd read install but totem doesnt play my dvd08:03
centyx^THE_HAMMER^: hey, where'd you get your nick?08:03
^THE_HAMMER^had this nick for many yrs08:03
h3sp4wntmdx120: If you just get a cheap router you will be able to connect both computers to it (probably easiest way(08:03
gatekeepercentyx: gremlins, nasty little critters :-)08:03
centyx^THE_HAMMER^: apt-get install eggdrop will work08:03
teknoprepam i still here?08:03
centyx^THE_HAMMER^: did you ever see that episode of 21 Jump Street called "The Hammer" ?08:04
centyxthat was my favorite episode08:04
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centyxre teknoprep08:04
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teknoprepre re08:05
centyxgar konqueror still crashes08:05
^THE_HAMMER^it doesnt seem to work there was something else i was told to addonto that command and it worked but i forget what it was...i had it on my pc this am but my pc is dead and ussing wifes now08:05
centyxi hate it when something works perfectly on one machine, but doesn't on another08:05
centyxand all the variables seem to be the same08:06
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gatekeepercentyx: what's the difference?08:06
gatekeepercentyx: both clean installs?08:06
centyxgatekeeper: on my wife's box, i can go to movies.yahoo.com and view quicktime trailers in konqueror. the kmplayer plugin launches and uses xine to play them08:07
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centyxgatekeeper: well, mine's not exactly a clean install, but i totally wiped my konqueror settings and started over w/ them08:07
centyxgatekeeper: and i just upgraded to the java5 packages on both of them08:07
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gatekeepercentyx: both same type of hardware?08:08
tmdx120h3sp4wn: I have an old Westell 327 router/modem for a DSL. Could I use that?08:08
centyxgatekeeper: no08:08
centyxgatekeeper: but i think that's irrelevent08:08
centyxgatekeeper: both x8608:08
h3sp4wntmdx120: It needs to be able to act as a wireless accesspoint08:09
centyxgatekeeper: so yes08:09
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teknoprepre me08:09
teknoprepre re08:09
gatekeepercentyx: probable like you say, rename your knoqueror settings and copy from your wifes may be?08:09
centyxgatekeeper: my wife's was a clean install08:10
centyxgatekeeper: mine had been mucked around w/ for a couple weeks08:10
gatekeepercentyx: could check that you both have the same codecs installed08:11
kazukisanxine: cannot find input plugin for MRL [dvd:/] 08:12
kazukisanxine: input plugin cannot open MRL [dvd:/] 08:12
kazukisanxine: found input plugin  : DVD Navigator  <-- anyone know why i have libdvdread and css2 installed08:12
centyxgatekeeper: i think we do, but i'll double check08:12
gatekeepercentyx: don't suppose you have a backup before you updated?08:12
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centyxcentyx: updated to what?08:14
centyxgatekeeper: what do you mean?08:15
centyxi keep doing that08:15
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gatekeepercentyx: you have a backup before this install/update of java?08:16
centyxgatekeeper: ah08:16
gatekeeperand was it working before?08:16
centyxgatekeeper: no, but i could easily put it back the way it was08:16
jeff_gatekeeper: do you know how I can use Alias?08:16
centyxgatekeeper: it wasn't working like hers is, but it was getting further than it is now ;)08:16
jeff_gatekeeper: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_alias.html#alias08:16
centyxgatekeeper: but hers is working w/ this version of java08:16
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centyxgatekeeper: i really don't know what the deal is08:17
centyxgatekeeper: i'm grasping at straws08:17
gatekeeperXen: look at the apache manual and Virtual Host08:18
centyxgatekeeper: it's true, my java was broken on this box. but no, i don't think that was the problem.08:18
gemidjyAfter unpacking 885kB disk space will be freed.08:18
centyxgatekeeper: it was just an unrelated user error.08:18
centyxi should probably take a shower and get some sleep08:19
gatekeepercentyx: I would be tempted to remove/purge java then try a reinstall08:19
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gatekeepercentyx: if you are very tired I would come back to it after a sleep08:20
matyihi room!08:20
centyxgatekeeper: yea, that's probably the wise thing to do. i woke up around 2(am) this morning and started working on my wife's box.08:21
gatekeepercentyx: I find that I am able to fix problem far more quickly, also gives you a chance to have a think about it08:21
gatekeepercentyx: all you are likely to do untill you rest is make things worse08:21
gatekeeperXen: make sence what I said?08:22
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Xengatekeepers: just worked it out, from ubuntu guide08:23
Xengatekeeper: thx though08:23
gatekeeperXen: cool :-)08:23
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gatekeeperXen: have a read up on Virtual Hosts they are very usefull08:24
matyi_hi room!08:24
gatekeepermatyi_: just ask your question08:24
matyi_ok, sorry08:25
matyi_How can I start wine?08:25
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teknoprepwhy is easyununtu not installing sht?08:28
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abhican anyone tell me what are the nonfree repository of kubuntu?08:28
cox377is there anyway to save all the settings from one kubuntu machine and transfer them to another kubuntu machine?08:28
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cox377i mean like everything08:29
gatekeepercox377: use tar to backup /home then restore08:30
abhipls anyone............08:30
gatekeeperabhi: they have certain codecs etc stuff that can not be distributed for legal reasons08:31
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timonatorand also /etc08:31
gatekeepertimonator: what is it you want to install?08:31
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timonatornot me :o08:32
abhino no. what is the address of that non free repository?08:32
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teknoprepnvm i fixed that shit08:33
teknoprepstupid easyubuntu script08:33
gatekeeperabhi: this will give you all the repos you want http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories08:33
gatekeepertimonator: sorry08:34
abhigatekeeper; thanks .08:34
gatekeeperabhi: yw :-) if you don't have gedit I think you can use other editors or apt-get install gedit08:35
gatekeeperteknoprep: what pacakage(s) do you want to install?08:36
teknoprepPackage w32codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.08:36
teknoprepThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or08:36
teknoprepis only available from another source08:36
teknoprepEasyUbuntu is finished. You may copy this log for debugging purposes.08:36
abhigatekeeper: should I replace all the previous repository with this one or to add at the end.08:37
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gatekeeperabhi: as the instructions say, first create a backup, then *replace*08:38
gatekeeperdon't add to the end08:38
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gatekeeperteknoprep: your problem is probable caused by not have all the repos enabled so have a look at this: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories08:40
abhiif i want to download updates from kubuntu, then what i should do.08:40
gatekeeperXen: you winning?08:40
Xengatekeeper: winning?08:41
gatekeeperXen: got things the way you want them08:41
gatekeeperabhi: not sure I understand exactly what you are asking?08:42
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abhigatekeeper: suppose i want to update from official site.08:43
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teknoprepgatekeeper: that didn't fix ti08:43
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gatekeeperabhi: just do an update you using GUI or CLI pacakage management?08:43
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Xengatekeeper: just trying to figure out how to create an RSS audio stream08:44
Xengatekeeper: trying to setup my music into a feed for my psp08:45
BKajDVD::RIP needs rar-2.80 ...googled but can't find it ...anyone know where I can find it ?08:45
teknoprepis deb http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf dapper free non-free ---> down ?08:45
h3sp4wnBKaj: Buy it from rarlab08:45
gatekeeperXen: when you have figured that out you will know more than me, I only used for a bit of Php programming08:46
gatekeeperteknoprep: you just missing one package?08:47
abhigatekeeper: suppose I am using repository from :http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories. I thing it doesn't contain any official sites.If i use cli or gui how can that search for official updates?08:47
h3sp4wnteknoprep: get it from debian-multimedia08:48
teknoprepwtf is debian-multimedia08:48
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gatekeeperabhi: I use synaptic, if there are any updates then the option appears in the list on the left and you can see what needs updating, you could also install the update-manager which will give you the updates when they are ready for download08:50
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gatekeeperteknoprep: apt-get install win32codec08:51
teknoprepi am sure that'll work08:51
gatekeeperteknoprep: if you have updated your repos from that link then that is all you need08:51
teknoprepthat one repo is not working08:51
abhigatekeeper: synaptic is great but I am in kubuntu with adept.08:52
h3sp4wnteknoprep: So get it from debian-multimedia08:52
teknoprep http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf dapper free non-free08:52
teknoprepdeb-src http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf dapper free non-free08:52
gatekeeperteknoprep: which one?08:52
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gatekeeperteknoprep: think it has been like that for a while08:53
h3sp4wnOr get the codecs from windows08:53
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teknopreph3sp4wn: WTF is debian-multimedia08:53
teknoprepi already asked08:53
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gatekeeperabhi: I am also using kubuntu apt-get install synaptic :-)08:53
h3sp4wnteknoprep: The repo which plf gets w32codecs form man are you incapable of using google ?08:54
teknoprepnope already googled debian-multimedia08:54
abhithanks to gatekeeper.08:54
teknoprepcomes up with a shit ton of crap08:54
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h3sp4wnThats the site you need08:55
gatekeeperabhi: yw :-) don't like Adept much and don't really use so I can't tell you much about it08:55
teknoprepyeah too bad i don't know which deb to use.. becase they are all for debian08:55
h3sp4wnw32codecs is just aload of windows dll's08:56
h3sp4wnThey are not even linux programs08:56
abhigatekeeper: i do so. Adept is far behind synaptic.08:56
vlosdevteknoprep: yo!08:56
h3sp4wnSo why would it matter whether it was for debian or not ?08:56
teknoprepvlosdev: yoyo08:56
teknoprepso the idiots in here... are tellling me to follow this faq08:57
teknoprepi follow the faq08:57
teknoprepand teh faq is f'n wrong08:57
teknoprepbeucase shit is down08:57
teknoprepthen they tell me to hey.. use some debian idiot way of doing things08:57
teknoprepoh ok08:57
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:57
teknoprepthen... i am told maby i should just get them from a windows machine08:57
teknoprepeven tho the only f'n problem is a down repo08:57
teknoprepyou idiots08:58
h3sp4wnteknoprep: try thinking ....08:58
teknoprepif i wanted to think i would go back into work08:58
gatekeeperabhi: first job I do after a fresh install of kubuntu is install synaptic, then use that and the cli08:58
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abhiwhy ubuntu is so popular than kubuntu while kde more popular than gnome?09:03
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Kwukkiabhi : because the kubuntu cd's were not avaible at shipit :-)09:07
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h3sp4wnKwukki: You could get either09:07
FlatusFluenscould anyone here tell me page to download a driver for my network-card?09:08
Kwukkiyes, but this is the first time09:08
abhino. today I have recieved my kubuntu cd.09:08
Kwukkithere weren't breezy kubuntu cd's09:08
teknoprepmy ass hurts becuase kubuntu is ****ing me in it with a big fat ****09:09
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gatekeeperh3sp4wn: what is that url again if folkss want w32codecs?09:13
teknoprepwget -c http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb09:13
teknoprepsudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb09:13
teknoprepdo that09:13
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ubotuI know nothing about win32codecs - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:13
ubotuI know nothing about win32codec - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:13
teknoprepstupid bot09:13
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JRH3K5teknoprep - go to ubuntuguide.org/wiki09:14
JRH3K5They've got a list of repositories there09:14
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:15
teknoprepyeah i alrady fixed it09:15
JRH3K5Add them to your list; one of them has the win32 codecs09:15
JRH3K5Oh.  Okay.09:15
gatekeeperthanx :-) teknoprep09:15
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gambixhi to all :)09:15
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jontecI'm having a problem finding the 'libxine-extracodecs' that I need to play mp3s in AmaroK09:16
gambixi need to mount an udf mini dvd disc (sony dvd style), i've installed the udf-tools and my fstab have the udf entry... anysuggestion ? because it don't work for me :(09:17
JRH3K5K-Pax is such a brilliant movie09:17
JRH3K5And yet, so sad.09:17
abattoirjontec: make sure you have enabled the universe and multiverse repositories09:18
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource09:18
teknoprepok easy question09:18
jontecI have, enabled all of the repositories I can09:18
teknoprepwhy does amarok open up a 2nd time? when i click another mp3 ?09:18
abattoirjontec: including universe and multiverse?09:18
jontecI found the libmad0, but the libxine-extracodecs is not there09:18
abattoirjontec: breezy or dapper?09:19
abattoirjontec: if you are using dapper, then it should be there.09:19
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jontecwhen I search libxine....09:20
abattoirjontec: did you refresh the packages list after enabling the repos?09:20
abattoir'Fetch Updates'09:20
jontecI see libxine-dev, libxine-main1, libxinerama1, and libxinerama1-dbg09:20
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jontecsame result, I just fetched them all again, but it's still not in the list09:22
abattoirjontec: which are all 'main' packages, i still am not sure if you have enabled them properly09:22
abattoirjontec: could you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list file ?09:22
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:22
jontecyes, I think09:23
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[GuS] Hi people! i have one problem if i may ask... there is a problem with Booting Kubuntu with the ASUS K8N4-E MB ?09:24
[GuS] i cant boot the system09:24
jontecwhere do I upload it?09:24
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:24
abattoirjontec: after you click submit, it'd give you a url... pls. give that here09:24
jontecokay, one sec09:25
alex_ndchi guys, I have a problem I cannot solve ... my DNS servers configured through DHCP work like shit ... how can configure (K)ubuntu so I can use other DNS servers ?09:25
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_hybrid<<<linux noob09:27
_hybridhow do u upgrade distros09:28
abattoirjontec: ok, could you try 'sudo apt-get update' in the command line?09:28
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abattoirjontec: after running that command, do you see any mention of universe/multiverse?09:29
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jontecyes, it's at the end of almost all of them, if that's what you mean09:29
jontecis this normal? : Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.09:30
abattoirjontec: could you now try 'sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs'09:30
abattoirjontec: nope... the latest package lists are not being downloaded, hence you dont see multiverse/universe packages09:30
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jontecPackage libxine-extracodecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:31
jontecThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:31
jontecis only available from another source09:31
jontecE: Package libxine-extracodecs has no installation candidate09:31
abattoirjontec: could you please paste the output of 'sudo apt-get update' @ pastebin ?09:31
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abattoirjontec: my mistake, you dont seem to have mutliverse enabled, only universe09:32
jontecI have no idea what that means, but okay, how do I fix that?09:33
abattoirjontec: open up adept/ open /etc/apt/sources.list09:34
abattoirjontec: i guess adept is the easier way09:34
jontecDo you mean open the file from inside adept or navigate to the file?09:35
abattoirjontec: Adept->Manage Repositories09:35
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jontecgotcha, okay09:36
abattoirjontec: now double click the first line09:36
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abattoirjontec: in the components section, add multiverse, next to main and restricted09:36
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abattoirjontec: so it should read 'main restricted multiverse'09:37
abattoirw/o the quotes ofcourse09:37
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abattoirjontec: done?09:38
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jontecokay, but whenever I open Konversation or deselect Adept, it disappears, including when I press enter09:39
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abattoirjontec: what disappears? adept?09:39
jontecwhat I typed, sorry09:39
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abattoiroh, ok, so now it is there?09:39
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abhican anyone tell me how assign the window botton of my keyboard to the kde menu?09:40
jontecyeah, I think I just saw what you mean, was it supposed to add multiverse to the end of the us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu?09:40
h3sp4wnHow do you enable composite in kde ? is it worth it ?09:41
abattoirjontec: no, next to 'main restricted'09:41
LjLh3sp4wn: it make it crashier for me. what you can, that i could see, was shadows and transparency09:41
abattoirjontec: in the 'Components' section09:41
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abhipls anyone?09:42
LjLh3sp4wn: to enable it you need to add the relevant option (don't remember it offhand) to xorg.conf, and then go somewhere in the KDE settings. i can try to be a little more specific if you really want to try it09:42
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jontecokay, NOW I see what you mean, not on the very first line but the first line with an address in it09:42
abattoirabhi: Kcontrol->Regional &.....->Keyboard Shortcuts->Global Shortcuts->Panel->Popup launch menu09:43
jontecyes, it's there09:43
h3sp4wnLjL: I have just enabled it in xorg.conf09:43
h3sp4wnLjL: But can't find where it is in kcontrol09:43
abattoirjontec: the first line is not the one w/ the url?09:43
abattoirjontec: ok, anyways, make sure the 'Distribution' is dapper09:43
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LjLh3sp4wn: hold on09:44
jontecokay, it is09:44
abattoirjontec: it should be similar to the entry below for dapper/backports, expect w/o universe..09:44
abattoirjontec: now click apply09:44
abattoirand then close09:44
abattoirjontec: and then Fetch Updates09:44
h3sp4wnLjL: I can never find stuff in gui's09:44
abattoirjontec: you should see libxine-extracodecs09:44
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LjLh3sp4wn: kcontrol / desktop window behavior / transparency09:45
abattoirabhi: got it?09:45
LjLh3sp4wn: you're not alone among KDE users09:45
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h3sp4wnLjL: I didn't think I was09:45
abhiabattorir: thanks can't find the global shortcut.09:45
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LjLh3sp4wn: kcontrol is basically designed to make it near impossible to find stuff :)09:46
abattoirabhi: it would be marked as Alt+F1, just change it to the windows key09:46
jontecyes, it's there09:46
abattoirjontec: cool :)09:46
abhiabattorir: ok. thanks09:46
jontecso from here I just install it as normal?09:47
abattoirjontec: yes09:47
abattoirabhi: Global Shortcuts is a tab09:47
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abattoirshould be selected by default09:47
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teknoprepkick me from here also thunder09:53
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teknoprepis there a good pptp dialer for kde?09:59
wolfmanzis there any reason the the console stops taking input after a certain amount of time idle?09:59
LjLteknoprep: well "apt-cache search pptp" does show up a KDE app that seems to be related to PPTP10:00
LjLthough i'm not really familiar with that protocol at all10:00
LjLteknoprep: oh nevermind10:00
teknoprepyeah thats pppd10:00
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teknoprepi already installed it10:00
LjLteknoprep: the description says that "PPTP [and others]  are planned for a later release"10:00
teknoprepits not what i want10:00
LjLteknoprep: no, i meant KNet10:00
teknoprepknet - The Knet is a frontend to pppd.10:00
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teknopreponly pppd10:00
teknopreppptp is a vpn tunnel10:01
teknoprepover ppp10:01
LjLteknoprep: yeah, but it showed up from a "serach pptp" command10:01
teknoprepusing ip not a dialer10:01
teknoprepyeah becuase ppp and pptp are similar protocols10:01
abhiis there any app. to auto shutdown the kubuntu?10:01
LjLteknoprep: so i assumed it could handle PPTP too. but that's just planned, and not yet implemented10:01
abhican't find any in google.10:01
LjLabhi: "apt-cache show kshutdown"; i think it can do that10:02
abhiLjL :going for it.10:02
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abhithanks LjL. it is.10:04
teknoprephow is it all you guys can be worried about is language?10:05
teknoprepi mean honestly?10:05
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LjLteknoprep: it's part of the ubuntu policy of welcoming people of all ages and cultures. you may find it a bit extreme, and perhaps it is, but at least it conveys a point10:05
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teknoprepwhat point10:05
LjLteknoprep: and since it's not really that hard of a rule to respect, we just respect it10:05
teknoprepthat you are moving backwards in the idea of development10:06
teknoprepby taking an emotion towards a word10:06
LjLteknoprep: the point that ubuntu welcomes people of all ages and cultures10:06
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teknoprepbut still backwards10:06
signum_How can I connect with other Linux maschine by nullmodem cable?10:06
LjLteknoprep: we're still offtopic here anyway. can we discuss this in, well i suppose #kubuntu-offtopic10:06
teknoprepnaw i am banned w0ot10:06
teknopreptrying to get banned here also10:06
LjLteknoprep: not from the #k10:06
teknoprepBAN ME10:06
teknoprepi need to get off irc10:07
teknoprepand i need a reason10:07
teknoprepi have work to do10:07
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LjLteknoprep: you need someone else's goodwill, i'm not an op :)10:07
sergeteknoprep, I recommend the "/quit" command10:07
teknoprepyeah but then i just come back10:07
teknoprepserge not allowed back.. won't come back10:07
LjLteknoprep: can i DoS you? :-P10:08
teknoprepserge: no you can't10:08
LjLok then i'll just DoS my own server10:08
teknoprepi need to reinstall snort on my server with snort-inline10:08
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sergeLjL, wow, have fun with that :P10:09
signum_is there ICQ for Linux?10:09
teknoprepyeah it won't happen10:09
teknoprepi have my server on lockdown10:09
teknoprepmy firewall that is10:09
dr_willisthere are IM clients out for linux that can do ICQ10:10
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dr_willisnot sure if ICQ has an official port for linux.10:10
teknoprepyou could ddos me if you are on freenode and use its server to ddos me.. but i doubt you are10:10
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teknoprepsince i have an open connection with them10:10
wolfmanzif its a big enough DoS attack your firewall wont do anything at all10:10
teknoprepbut not just some random ping10:10
teknoprepwolfmanz ? yeah ok.. try it10:10
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teknoprepwolfmanz: you do realize how a ddos works right?10:11
wolfmanzif i had a bot not of about 10,000 machine i would show you10:11
[GuS] dont be so sure of that wolfmanz10:11
wolfmanznot = net10:11
teknoprepwolfmanz: yeah but if you throw a baseball at a brick wall it doesn nothing10:11
[GuS] lol10:11
teknoprepwolfmanz: throw 1000000 baseballs at a brickwall it does nothing10:11
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BKajhow do I get this to work , trying to install extracted file (tar.gz)10:11
BKajcannot execute binary file10:11
[GuS] even with a gun you will just do little :P10:11
DBOteknoprep, yeah, but you cant get any baseballs out either10:11
LjLBKaj: depends. is it source or binary?10:11
lezombii need help setting up a belkin F5D7000 wireless card10:11
teknoprepwolfmanz: the brickwall needs a whole to get throough or it won't work10:11
LjLBKaj: what is it?10:11
dr_willisBKaj,  what file?10:11
lezombidoes anyone have a link or guide they can give me10:12
wolfmanztell that to all these massive sites that get taken down by DoS attacks all the time10:12
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LjLwolfmanz: but those accept inbound connections, being servers10:12
teknoprepwolfmanz: they are taken down over other ddos' becuase there port 80 is open10:12
teknoprepwolfmanz: and other ports10:12
BKajRAR file10:12
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teknoprepwolfmanz: you ddos the service with overflow of traffic.. you can't just throw a shit ton of bandwidth at an unopen port10:12
LjLBKaj: a RAR file? a RAR file is another archive. you need unrar to extract it before you can do anything else with it10:13
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[GuS] wolfmanz, those site are very bad configured meaning of security.10:13
teknoprep[GuS] : you can use IDS to block DDOS now.10:13
[GuS] yep.10:13
teknoprep[GuS] : i mean IPS10:13
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teknoprep[GuS] : which is just an ids on crack10:13
sergesorry, but what is IPS?10:13
Philip5BKaj: so just: sudo apt-get install unrar10:13
BKajit is RAR , it's in the form of a tar.gz  file (RAR version 3.60)10:13
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LjLBKaj: ooh10:14
Philip5heya arso10:14
LjLbrandon__: sorry i misunderstood you completely :D10:14
=== dr_willis is still conrused
LjLi mean BKaj, not brandon__10:14
arsoPhilip5:  hey10:14
LjLbrandon__: but are you aware there *is* a RAR ready in the repos?10:14
LjL!info unrar10:15
ubotuunrar: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.5.4-0.1 (dapper), package size 84 kB, installed size 216 kB10:15
teknoprepserge: ips = intrusion prevention system10:15
Philip5arso: does everything work as it should?10:15
LjLBKaj: err, i mean you again. sorry brandon__...10:15
BKajoh ok  thx10:15
lezombican someone help me setup my belkin f5d7000 network card10:15
[GuS] http://www.nss.co.uk/WhitePapers/intrusion_prevention_systems.htm10:15
wolfmanzBy the way you would do a DoS attack on a machine that did allow incomming requests thats the whole idea of that10:15
teknoprepserge: it takes an IDS alert per say.. and turns it into a firewall rule... so if an attacker attempts to break in on ports 80 from sed ip... the ids tells the firewall to block port 80 inc when the ip = blah10:15
teknoprepwolfmanz: yeah but we said my machine10:16
teknoprepwolfmanz: i don't have any holes10:16
LjLBKaj: if you can't find it with "apt-cache show unrar", then you need to enabled the Multiverse repository. otherwise, you can just install it with synaptic or "sudo aptitude install unrar" (and "sudo aptitude install rar" if you want the archiver too and not just the extractor)10:16
teknoprepwolfmanz: anything else you wanna add to you flawless idea of DDOS ?10:16
[GuS] lol10:16
BKajok LjL, gotcha10:16
teknoprepwolfmanz: i do this for banks all day long.. you can argue with me all you want.. but you are never going to tell me something about security i don't already know10:16
teknoprepwolfmanz: i have been consulting for banks and law-firms for like 10 years now10:17
teknoprepwolfmanz: comcast ATT verzion10:17
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[GuS] well... dont be to arrogant too... teknoprep ... just the explanationn or send him to STFW will be good.10:17
[GuS] =)10:17
teknoprep[GuS] : w0ot10:17
wolfmanzso your telling me a web server that is setup to take incomming requests if set up properly can not be DoS?10:18
BKajfound it LjL, installed10:18
teknoprepwolfmanz: i never said that10:18
LjLBKaj, remember that....10:18
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, apt-cache, the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com  -  Ubuntu has about 18000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!10:18
teknoprepwolfmanz: you need other security implementations to stop a DDOS but it can be done10:18
teknoprepwolfmanz: there are many forms of DDOS something also.. remember the old SYN attacks10:18
wolfmanzwell its funny you say that i have heard security experts say the exact oppisite of what your saying and that is if its a big enough attack it does not matter how your setup your screwed10:19
teknoprepwolfmanz: becuase of kernel os' now stoping syn floods which you could do from a dial up account.. they used to be just called DOS attacks10:19
teknoprepwolfmanz: once that was fixed they came up with the idea of DDOS10:19
BKajLjL: I've got synaptic setup with the so called unsupported repos10:20
teknoprepwolfmanz: big enough attack?10:20
teknoprepwolfmanz: yeah sounds like a good security expert talking there10:20
wolfmanzya in the order of a few thousand bot machines10:20
LjLteknoprep: well, i'm not into the topic of security, but i can say that technically you can't guarantee that something as big as a firewall (or just any TCP/IP stack configured to accept nothing inbound) is not free from bugs, which could be triggered by specific packets10:20
teknoprepwolfmanz: now your just picking up numbers our of your head10:20
wolfmanzhold let me get you link i believe you know steve gibson from GRC?10:20
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LjLteknoprep: you can go pretty near to guaranteing that, but i don't you actually can guarantee it10:21
teknoprepljl: that is a differnt story.. that is not ddos.. that is bugs... we are talking about DDOS10:21
LjLBKaj: you mean universe and multiverse?10:21
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LjLteknoprep: ok10:21
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teknoprepLjL: now you are just trying to back up your DDOS flaw with another known fact that nothing is really secure10:21
teknoprepLjL: missions impossible 1 taught us that10:21
=== dr_willis powers off his pc.. NOW its secure!
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LjLteknoprep: hey, wait, i just chipped in, i'm not backing up any DDOS flaw of mine :o)10:22
teknoprepdr_willis what about the guy that comes into your home.. turns it back on and steals your info?10:22
teknoprepdr_willis: that is why BANK data sites are secured like fort knox10:22
LjLa secure computer is no computer10:22
dr_willisteknoprep,  thats why i leave a FAKE computer out for him! :)10:22
teknoprepLjL: is correct10:22
abhii have added all the nonfree repository. still can't able to install win32codec.10:22
teknoprepdr_willis: lol10:22
dr_willisthe real one is embeded in the Rottweiler.10:22
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:22
teknoprepwget -c http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb10:23
teknoprepsudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb10:23
lezombii need help with my network card!10:23
wolfmanzok go there and listen to that pod cast he talks about DoS atttacks there10:23
teknoprepLjL: even with all my swearing i help ppl10:23
teknoprepLjL: so go F yourselves... all of you10:23
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=== dr_willis feels the love
abhiteknprep: w32codecs not working10:23
teknoprepabhi: wget -c http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb10:24
ubotuI know nothing about w32codec - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:24
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:24
teknoprepabhi: sudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.10:24
dr_willisdpkg -i w32*10:24
teknoprepabhi: that work?10:24
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abhigoing for it.10:25
teknoprepi was retina scanned to work for bank of new york10:25
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teknoprephelped setup there security for there new replication data center for mainframe and all there other servers in Nashville10:26
LjLteknoprep: still trying to get banned? can't you just make a conscious effort and leave to go back to what you should be doing? :-P10:26
abhiteknoprep: now downloading the file10:26
teknoprephad to be retina scanned just to go from room to room10:26
teknoprepLjL: negative10:26
LjLteknoprep: and again you should not try to irritate *me*, as i said i'm not an op, so no free lunch :-P10:26
teknoprepLjL: gd it10:27
teknoprepLjL: op yourself10:27
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=== teknoprep sets mode +o tekonprep
LjLuh, the w32codecs info seems to have disappeared from ubotu10:28
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:28
Seveasthat links to w32codecs afaik10:28
LjLSeveas: i know but i remembered there was a more direct factoid. perhaps i just remember wrong tho10:28
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timonatorfree formats \o/10:29
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ubotuI know nothing about non-free - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:29
h3sp4wnor wget -c http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb10:29
ubotuHelp! Riddell, uniq, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, or imbrandon10:29
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=== LjL sets +b gnomefreak!*@*
teknoprepdo not install ubuntu-desktop if you use kubuntu10:30
DBOyou can install ubuntu-desktop if you wish to use gnome10:30
=== teknoprep sets mode -b teknoprep!*@*
Riddellgnomefreak: hmm?10:30
teknoprepit really skrews up your mixing10:30
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teknopreplike i can play 3000 sounds at once10:30
teknopreponce i installed ubuntu-desktop that went out the window10:31
gnomefreakteknoprep: being very disruptive and not following coc or guidelines10:31
ubuntuhello, can anybody help me around at HDD install process. Ubuntu amd6.06 only is available.10:31
teknoprepor not10:31
gnomefreakhe already made +b in 2 channels10:31
=== ubuntu is now known as AV1611
teknoprepgnomefreak: no just one10:31
LjLand he actually wants to be banned10:31
AV1611now I'm AV161110:31
teknoprepgnomefreak: you set the other just based on what i did in a different chanel10:31
gnomefreakteknoprep: #ubuntu adn #ubuntu+110:31
teknoprepLjL: well i just finished what i needed to do.. so i don't wanna be banned anymore10:31
teknoprepgnomefreak: i just joined that second one.. not banned10:32
gnomefreaknmot +1 sorry it was offtoic and i unbanned you there10:32
gnomefreakty riddell10:32
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_JPis there any way to make Konqueror's setting "Tools->HTML Settings->Java" retain it's checkstate after restart?10:32
Riddellgnomefreak: I cede judgement :)10:32
LjLteknoprep, in that case, if you don't like the "no swearing" policy, you could probably make an effort to follow it anyway and not be banned, after all it's not such a big sacrifice.10:33
teknoprepLjL: have i swore here?10:33
wolfmanznot yet so start now lol10:33
teknoprepLjL: only a few wtf's and f'n's here10:33
LjLteknoprep: no10:33
teknoprepLjL: no full swears tho10:33
teknoprepLjL:  gotta keep it on the DL10:33
LynoureI think the intent was quite clear in some cases...10:33
teknoprepso i join offtopic and they ban me10:34
teknoprepso retarded10:34
gnomefreakteknoprep: now enough please stay on topic10:34
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teknoprepsee i am loved in the ##linux channel10:37
teknoprepi am off10:37
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BKajLjL: ..yeah, I was away for a few mins ...have the universe and multiuniverse all enabled10:39
BKajautomatix and easyubuntu as well, i think that covers all the bases :)10:40
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LjLBKaj: which is fine, for the record, as long as you know what they are (i.e. why they're not the same thing as "main"). i just wanted to point out that ubuntu has quite a few packages, and often you don't need to hunt and download stuff from sites --- many people don't realize that10:40
LjLargh, automatix10:41
teknoprepyeah gfreak10:41
teknoprepyou can remove my ban now10:41
BKajwell my search was wrong ...looked for RAR instead of unrar10:41
abhiwhat is the package name for mysql?10:42
LjLBKaj: well that will work too (i just tried "apt-cache search rar"), it's just that it shows a *little* too many results to be easily parsable ;-)10:42
LjL!info mysql-server10:42
ubotumysql-server: mysql database server (current version). In repository main, is optional. Version 5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06 (dapper), package size 35 kB, installed size 64 kB10:42
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=== shell is now known as ^THE_HAMMER^
BKajyeah LjL, IC what you mean :)10:43
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abhimysql-server not working10:44
crazy_penguini'm off. i wish to everyone a good night. sleep well! :)10:45
=== dirk_ [n=dirk@port-ip-213-211-212-84.reverse.mdcc-fun.de] has joined #kubuntu
BKaji find dvd:rip somewhat confusing ...looks like it was written by monks in the 1200;s or something :)10:45
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SpAwNdvd:rip works great10:49
SpAwNand is easy to use10:49
BKajfor you maybe ...that doesn't help me10:49
SpAwNBKaj, u put in dvd hit read.....pick tatle u want........then select what codec then it does the rest10:50
^THE_HAMMER^anyone here help  me with over writing a folder in usr/share?10:50
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larson9999linux rocks!10:50
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BKajwell SpAwN, what about making dvds from video files ?10:51
^THE_HAMMER^i wanna replace folder in usr/share how to do this pls?10:51
SpAwNBKaj, afaik it doesnt do that10:51
BKajburning dvd is easy using k3b10:51
SpAwNBKaj, its used to RIP dvds10:52
SkrotenKDE should have a videodvd:/-slave making it as easy as audiocd:/ to rip video ;)10:53
BKajok thx ...I can copy dvds np10:53
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^THE_HAMMER^this is pissin me off i try to drag desktop folder to usr/share and says i dont have permission why not i own the dam thing10:53
SpAwNwhat a good other browser for linux....firefox is acting weird.......i somtimes wont goto google.com and a few other sites.......10:53
SpAwNi  tried to install opera...but didnt find it in a repo10:54
BKajwish there was a proggie like nero express ...decodes and burns all manner of video to play on stand alone dvdplayers10:54
SkrotenI like konqueror10:54
SkrotenNative KDE web browser10:54
SpAwNBKaj, tovid10:54
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SpAwNBKaj, its the best10:54
ubotuI know nothing about tovid - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:55
BKajis it in the repos SpAwN?10:55
SpAwNBKaj, not sure10:55
SpAwNBKaj, just dl from their site10:55
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gnomefreak^THE_HAMMER^: cd Desktop   than sudo cp file /usr/share/wherever you want it just finish the last part of the file palce10:56
SpAwNBKaj, that will take virtualy any video and tunr  it in to what ever u want...vcd/svcd,dvd,kvcd10:56
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SonicChaoproudfoot: Hi10:57
proudfootI'm trying to install a program, but when i run configure, it says that gcc cannot create executables10:57
proudfootchecking for gcc... gcc10:57
proudfootchecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables10:57
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knapperWhat is a decent working panel (ie osx panel, etc) for superkaramba10:59
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^THE_HAMMER^not letting me cd desktop says command not found11:01
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^THE_HAMMER^bash: cd: desktop: No such file or directory11:03
^THE_HAMMER^wtf heh11:03
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for a pre-built package first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)11:03
fredproudfoot: follow the previous link11:03
fredthe_hammer, Desktop not desktop11:04
freddo "cd ~/Desktop"11:04
^THE_HAMMER^ahh ok11:04
fredcut/paste are better not to do typo11:04
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^THE_HAMMER^ok i typed sudo cp file /usr/share/eggdrop and says cp: cannot stat `file': No such file or directory11:06
^THE_HAMMER^but its on desktop eggdrop11:06
fredthe_hammer, ok first, it would be nice not to have ^ at the begining of your nick, it mess with my tab completion :)11:07
larson9999what do you guys this of this: http://captorials.com11:07
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fredthe_hammer, then it is "cp /the/path/to/YOUR/file /usr/share/eggdrop" not file in itself11:07
THE_HAMMERthis better :)11:07
fredthanks for the nick11:07
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fredTHE_HAMMER: i think it would be easier for you to learn how to copy file thru konqueror, no typo or command line to type there:)11:08
fredlarson9999: they did a kde apps very recently11:09
fredlarson9999: have you tryed ?11:09
fredTHE_HAMMER: http://www.eleli.de/knoppix/docs/tutorial/english/konqueror.html <- to learn how to copy file with konqueror11:09
THE_HAMMERim lost its just eggdrop to usr11:10
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fredhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/screenkast <- this apps larson999911:10
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THE_HAMMERwhy does it just not allow me to copy/paste the folder from desktop to location11:11
THE_HAMMERbe a heck of alot easyer11:11
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fredright maangemetn11:12
fredyou need to be root to write in /usr11:12
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THE_HAMMERthis is stupid says this cp: cannot stat `/desktop/eggdrop': No such file or directory11:14
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fredyou should focus more :)11:15
THE_HAMMERis there a work around11:15
fredyour goal will be reached faster :)11:15
fredeven a fix :)11:15
freddo read what people tell you :)11:15
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BKajOk SpAwN, I've got tovid downloaded and extracted to my /home folder..now how do I installit , these tar.gz files are so confusing cuz being used to windows i automaticlly think there's an installer file11:17
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for a pre-built package first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)11:21
fredBKaj: the previous link is for you11:21
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THE_HAMMERwhats the url to the copy/paste link thing11:21
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:22
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THE_HAMMERwhat  am i doing wrong http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1811011:24
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JRH3K5What should I use to set up a streaming audio server?11:24
JRH3K5!streaming audio11:24
ubotuI know nothing about streaming audio - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:24
knapperWhats a good panel replacement for Superkaramba?11:25
LjLJRH3K5: try perhaps "apt-cache search streaming server", seems to give some interesting results11:26
LjLJRH3K5: like say icecast and peercast11:26
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JRH3K5Another question:  if I am the only one streaming music from my machine, do you think my service provider will notice?11:27
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JRH3K5To the point of going "wtf high bandwith"?11:27
fredJRH3K5: do google icecast. it is soft for that11:27
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SkrotenWhy would your ISP care what you use your bandwidth for?11:29
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JRH3K5Because if I use too much of it, they may feel that I need to be charged more.11:29
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SkrotenWell, streaming music is often done in 128kbps, and that's not much :)11:30
fredq. what is the name of the package system in a single click11:30
JRH3K5I haven't yet hit a bandwith cap, but...well, the account isn't under my name.  :)11:30
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JRH3K5All right, I'll give Icecast a try11:31
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knapperHow do I configure lipstik?11:41
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JRH3K5I'm trying to set up Icecast11:45
JRH3K5When I try to load up the stats.xml page as the documentation suggests, I get a forbidden error11:46
JRH3K5Is it possible that Apache is preventing access?11:46
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DeshHi can someone explain to me what the "extended" and "swap" partitions are for?11:54
DeshOh wait, swap is part of extended..11:54
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=== JRH3K5 listens to Something in the Way (Unplugged) by Nirvana for (04:02)
InteliWaspis it posible to recover data on a FUBARed hdd?11:58
JRH3K5What happened to it?11:59
InteliWaspit wont boot due to an error on my part,11:59
InteliWaspknoppix wont mount it11:59
InteliWaspthe boot screen says that it cant find inittab12:00
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RiddellDesh: extended is a type of partition at a lower level, all partitions on a hard disk are either extended or not12:02
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DeshRiddell, thanks.12:02
RiddellDesh: swap is a partition for hard disk based memory12:02
Riddellfor when the computer runs out of real memory12:03
DeshAnyone got a nice howto on installing Windows on a Ubuntu partition?12:03
h3sp4wntry ##windows12:04
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InteliWaspJRH3K5: i take it i'm beyond hope?12:06

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