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lifelessmsw: thank you01:19
KamionThunderStruck: libbonobo wouldn't be able to stop you booting. It might stop the desktop coming up properly.01:20
ThunderStruckKamion: correct well thats what bothered me than he said due to no net connection he couldnt boot i threw up my hands on him01:21
ThunderStrucklibbonobo caused panels to not show up01:21
Kamionthat's certainly possible in edgy01:22
ThunderStruckit did it to me today but only once01:22
Kamion(in the sense that anything's possible in edgy. I don't know anything about this specific issue.)01:22
ThunderStrucki have a feeling its related to a few icons breaking but havent looked into it yet01:23
mdztotem still doesn't build, even with fixed xine-lib01:27
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mdzthe error doesn't make much sense though01:28
mdz/usr/include/i486-linux-gnu/asm/errno.h:4:31: error: asm-generic/errno.h: No such file or directory01:28
mdzthose are both in linux-kernel-headers01:28
mdzwhat's worse, it builds fine for me locally01:35
mdzoh, wait, linux-kernel-headers may have changed since I upgraded01:36
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ThunderStruckthey were updated today01:40
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Seveasmdz, there are other things missing from l-k-h too according to malone01:43
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mdzSeveas: I filed bug #5302801:50
UbugtuMalone bug 53028 in linux-source-2.6.17 "linux-kernel-headers regressions" [High,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5302801:50
mdzmarking bug #51369 as a duplicate even though it's older because mine is more complete ;-)01:51
UbugtuMalone bug 51369 in linux-source-2.6.17 "Changes root device path without migrating fstab" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5136901:51
Seveasmdz: bug 5299001:52
UbugtuMalone bug 52990 in linux-source-2.6.17 "asm-generic missing from linux-kernel-headers" [High,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5299001:52
mdzright I meant bug #5299001:52
UbugtuMalone bug 52990 in linux-source-2.6.17 "asm-generic missing from linux-kernel-headers" [High,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5299001:52
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Kamionmdz: meh, BenC knew the problem from mine anyway ;)02:16
Kamionmdz: he tried to upload to fix it already, but unfortunately since the kernel uses the host compiler for a few userspace programs during the build it needs a manual bootstrap02:16
Kamion(he did try to hack around that requirement but it apparently didn't work)02:16
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Kamioninfinity: you aren't around yet by any chance are you?02:17
mdzit's infinisaturday02:17
mdzmeanwhile, my laptop freezes up hard while loading gdm for some reason02:18
mdzthe X server on its own starts fine02:18
mdznow I know how I'll spend the evening before my next flight02:18
Kamionanyway, until the kernel bootstrap happens, edgy is basically wedged solid02:19
mdzone might even say "fux0red"02:20
mdzoh, good, 2.6.17-5.9 fixes my laptop freeze02:25
mdzhmm, or not.  it fixed it in single-user02:25
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bluefoxicyYou know what would be nice?03:34
bluefoxicyhttp://neosmart.net/gallery/v/os/ROS/Booting.png.html  If we had a boot screen like this03:34
bluefoxicyThe Ubuntu bootsplash theme is very light, simple, easy on the eyes.. I wonder if there's any merit to being a little flashy about it some time down the road.03:35
Burgundaviabluefoxicy: the issue is older machines03:35
bluefoxicyBurgundavia:  well, I'm thinking a static image, not i.e. Xubuntu pops up and there's 6 mice running in hamster wheels and rolling around with eachother on the screen fully 3D accelerated :P03:36
Burgundaviastill run into older machines03:36
bluefoxicynot enough color display?03:36
bluefoxicyBurgundavia:  how old are we talking about btw?03:36
BurgundaviaI don't know03:36
bluefoxicyI've used Ubuntu Dapper on a 350MHz K6-2 with 192 megs of ram03:36
Kamionnew laptops - use anything but vga16fb and you break suspend/resume03:36
Kamionit's not really an old-machines issue at all03:37
bluefoxicyit took about 6 tries to get it installed, it takes it 15 minutes to boot the install livecd, the installation kept failing (I had to kill off all of gnome and then get X to start with just a terminal, kill some startup services), took it about half an hour to copy all files, and about 2 minutes to load openoffice.org once I rebooted into the system.03:38
bluefoxicyKamion:  nods03:38
bluefoxicyso only want to display 16 colors03:38
bluefoxicyKamion:  the current is only vga16fb though right?03:39
bluefoxicymmm.  I miss Kdrive, did that project die?03:40
bluefoxicyKdrive was great for doing little hacks like full X11 boot screens ;)03:41
bluefoxicy(since it fit in ... oh.... 300k, and pushed most everything it could into video memory before XFree86 started doing that)03:41
bluefoxicyMore stuff that'll never happen.03:42
johanbrbluefoxicy: I think the GPE graphical environment for handheld devices still uses Kdrive.03:45
jdubkdrive definitely didn't die03:45
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Viper550Hello everyone03:47
Viper550I've got a great new spec for your examination today!03:48
LathiatViper550: just fire away 03:50
Viper550So, your thoughts?03:58
bluefoxicyjohanbr:  I was thinking of an Ubuntu Kdrive package, with a rescue mode that tries to get gtk+ kdrive Xlibs working04:02
bluefoxicyjohanbr:  in VESA only of course.  I figured compressed all the needed libs come under 2 megs, minus glibc and busybox04:03
johanbrbluefoxicy: Ah, okay. Don't know anything about its current status in ubuntu.04:03
bluefoxicyI do that a lot, there's a lot of neat ideas bouncing around in my head that'll never go anywhere.  And I think Kdrive doesn't even have a Debian proper package in sid, much less Ubuntu universe package.04:04
bluefoxicytseng has recommended numerous times that I get a blog04:05
tsengif only so I could filter it out04:05
bluefoxicytseng:  as noisy as I am, I do try to be quiet when there's actual useful conversation around :)04:06
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zultseng: you need the charlie brown bassoon04:07
tsengzul: im not familiar04:07
zultseng: when peppermint patty always talk to the teacher in peanuts its a basson04:08
tsengoh right04:08
bluefoxicyand they always talk back to her like normal04:10
bluefoxicythat was the first time I got smacked as a child, you know that?04:10
bluefoxicyI said "what the hell?" and my daddy smacked me.04:10
bluefoxicy(no not really)04:10
bluefoxicyanyway /me goes back to trying to do something useful.04:11
bluefoxicy.... unless anyone wants to explain to me why hitting "ok" in network-admin results in a 64-bit Athlon 3000+ with 512 megs of ram, freshly booted, sitting around for over a minute and not actually setting my gateway until the end of that time, just for a default gateway device change.04:15
zulno not really04:15
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whiprushjdub: hey did you get my response to fridge-devel wrt. silbs' email?07:08
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Hobbseehow close is the knot 1 cd?07:48
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orpheushookay, so I've got a question:07:59
orpheussay i have a package07:59
orpheusand i want to play with the source of that package08:00
orpheus'cause there's a thing or two I'd like to chance08:00
anibalbusybox 1:1.1.3-2ubuntu1 and swapspace 1.6-2 FTBFS similarly on ia64 and sparc, I've compared the failed build logs with the i386 one to no avail, could someone have a look at this problem? Alternatively, how can I get access to both sparc and ia64 devel machines?08:00
orpheusand i'd like to play with it the source 'the ubuntu way' ('the debian way' )08:01
orpheuswhat magic do i need to know?08:01
orpheusi'm presented with a source package with 30-some patches08:01
orpheusand as i understand it, the patches are applied .. in order... and thus... depend on being applied only in that order08:02
orpheusso if i play with any of the source before dpkg-buildpackage'ing it, no matter how minor the change, one of those patches is bound to fail08:03
orpheusand then i get a source tree with some patches applied and some not, and it gets rather broken08:04
orpheussoo... what's the right way to play with the source of a package?08:04
Hobbseeanibal: create a chroot with ia64 or sparc architecture?08:07
infinityHobbsee: You should probably re-read what you typed and think about that for a second. :)08:09
infinityanibal: Try not to ask the same question in multiple channels, so I don't have to answer you twice. ;)08:10
Hobbseeinfinity: oh bleh.  yeah, probably.08:10
=== Hobbsee is fighting with pbuilder.
Hobbseedont pick on me :P08:10
anibalinfinity, sorry, ta anyway :)08:10
anibalHobbsee, for the record: from infinity to anibal: It's a known bug in linux-kernel-headers and gcc, it's being sorted, don't worry about it.08:12
Hobbseeanibal: okay then08:12
=== Hobbsee curses pbuilder.
Hobbseewonder why my --update-config parameter doesnt work08:15
Hobbseeer, override-config08:16
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fabbionemorning guys09:11
jdubmdz: ping09:12
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Hobbseehi fabbione, jdub 09:14
Hobbseejdub: isnt it too early for that?09:15
fabbionehey Hobbsee 09:15
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@c211-28-178-169.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Burgundaviavery much so, unless mdz is still up (midnight here)09:16
Hobbseehi Burgundavia 09:18
Burgundaviahey Hobbsee09:18
Hobbseejdub: seems that you lost that interview from your hard drive - yay!09:19
jdubHobbsee: ha ha, no09:19
Hobbseejdub: damn!09:19
Hobbseejdub: whyever not?09:19
jdubfor some reason it was saved as penis.spx09:19
Hobbseeonly because you saved it like that.09:20
StevenKjdub: Will this interview be made public?09:26
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jdubStevenK: probably09:30
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Hobbseeunless you happen to accidently delete it09:43
jdubwho is going to accidentally delete a file called penis.spx?09:43
=== Hobbsee would
=== Hobbsee runs rm -rf * sometimes.
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Tmobany acpi-support devs around?10:39
HobbseeTmob: it's a saturday. most unlikely.10:39
TmobHobbsee, geeks have holidays?10:39
HobbseeTmob: they have weekends sometimes10:40
Tmobheh.. just made a patch for sleep.sh for acpi event jitter.. was curious if anyone can comment10:40
TmobHobbsee, any idea who is the maintainer?10:40
jdubTmob: you're looking for mjg59, pretty much10:40
Hobbseethere you go :P10:40
Tmobanyway.. posted a bug report and on -devel list.. will wait10:41
ograplese dont abuse -devel for bugs10:42
Tmobogra, hm? bug-fixes?10:42
ograwe have a bugtracker10:42
Tmobawww :/10:42
Tmobwell i tought patches are posted on the devel list10:42
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Hobbseehi ogra 10:42
Tmobwhats the devle list for then10:43
ogradevelopment related discussion10:43
ograhey Hobbsee :)10:43
Hobbseeogra: i've been killing things again :)10:44
ograHobbsee, i just saw your kid was accepted ... :)10:45
Hobbseeogra: yeah, finally.10:45
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ograMithrandir, around ? my ltsp fixes would be ready for upload ...10:50
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hunger_ Yeah! kernel 2.6.17-5-686 boots again! Any chance of getting the restricted modules and stuff for that soonish?11:15
ograhunger, its weekend ... 11:16
ogragive us a chance to recover :)11:17
Hobbseeogra: doesnt give you guys the excuse to take a holiday11:17
=== Hobbsee cracks her whip
=== Hobbsee thwaps ogra with it.
Hobbseeogra: how'd you get back out of /dev/null?11:17
ogramore more!11:17
Hobbseeum, scary.11:17
=== ogra is missing JaneW's regular whipping
jsgotangcowould you rather want RichEd to do that to you?11:18
ograHobbsee, i crawled indeed ... holding tight on a stream coming from /dev/zero11:18
Hobbseeogra: hehe11:18
hungerogra: Oh, I thought all those things get rebuild automatically nowadays...11:18
hungerogra: Sorry, I was not implying that you boys (and girl) are lazy:-)11:19
ograjsgotangco, well, lets see :)11:19
ograhunger, i know :)11:19
Hobbseehunger: heh.  the one girl, all alone.11:19
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Hobbseehi lifeless_11:20
hungerHobbsee: Yeap, I was refering to you;-)11:20
Hobbseehunger: i figured that :P11:20
Hobbseehunger: although, does ogra count as vaguely girly with his ponytail?11:20
=== Hobbsee ducks
=== HiddenWolf [n=hc_brugm@212-127-236-81.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityA lot of us have pony tails, not sure that counts for much.11:21
hungerHobbsee: See, this time I remembered you were on of those mysterious other kinds of human beings rumored to exist somewhere.11:21
ograHobbsee, i'm way to beardy to be counted as a girl today :)11:21
Hobbseehunger: heh11:21
Hobbseeogra: haha11:21
Hobbseeinfinity: i know, i was teasing :P11:21
Hobbseeoh shoot - glad i didnt hit y!11:21
HobbseeSure you want to delete all the files in /home/sarah [yn] ? n11:22
infinityThat prompt really needs to be [ynm] 11:22
=== Hobbsee thwacks ogra with the whip again. now get to work!
infinityIndeterminate computing rules.11:22
=== hunger sighs. Now I finally got suspend to ram back with 2.6.17 and then the wlan drivers are not there yet:-(
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sivangre dudes11:25
=== ogra wonders why schooltool still shows up on edgy_probs ... doko uploaded the fixed package on thursday or so ...
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ogra  File "setup.py", line 52, in ?11:27
ogra    from zope.app.locales import extract11:27
ograImportError: No module named zope.app.locales11:27
Hobbseehi sivang 11:27
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sivanghey Hobbsee 11:36
sivangogra: schooltool ? :-)11:36
Kamioninfinity: any chance of a mass give-back now that l-k-h is fixed?11:38
infinityKamion: Define "fixed".11:38
Kamion"it is possible to compile C programs again"11:39
infinityKamion: sparc/ia64 still seem buggered, and linux-source is now FTBFS.11:39
Kamionyeah, but mesa and xine-lib would be worth a shot at least11:39
infinityKamion: doko's uploading yet another lkh fix.  Not sure what that will un-fuck.11:39
Kamionpowerpc should be happier, and it has some serious problems11:39
infinityWell, I can certainly do a mass-give-back.11:40
infinityI'm sure we'll need another this weekend.11:40
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-254-16.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionyeah - just want to see if we can get up to python-gnome-based stuff being installable on powerpc11:40
Kamionwhich should (I think) be possible now and would help matters a lot11:40
dokoKamion, infinity: please wait a bit, it looks like linux-source -5.11 "fixes" the include dir, but our compilers don't know about it11:41
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dokoand working on the ia64 fix now11:41
infinityKamion: Nevermind, can't do a mass-give-back.11:41
Kamiondoko: what's wrong with the current l-k-h on powerpc?11:41
infinityKamion: Requires direct DB access.11:41
=== Kamion doesn't want to wait a bit for ubiquity to be buildable :-P
infinityKamion: But we can cherry-pick a few things you think might be in better shape.11:41
dokoKamion: doesn't have a /usr/include/powerpc64-linux-gnu11:41
Kamionwow, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xine-lib is confused11:42
Kamiondoko: what does that actually break?11:42
infinityKamion: Oh, cool.  Looks like the ACCEPTED clash led to no build records for the upload that won..11:43
dokoKamion: AFAICS linux-source -5.11 changes that from ppc64 to powerpc64, breaking all our compilers11:43
infinityOr, at least, ones I can't get to from the web UI...11:43
=== infinity looks for them another way.
infinityThat'll do.11:44
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Kamiondoko: -5.11 hasn't built anywhere11:44
Kamionso that doesn't matter11:44
Kamioninfinity: mesa/amd64 and mesa/powerpc would be nice, certainly11:46
infinityYeah, working on those.11:46
Kamionnoting doko's concerns but it really can't hurt to try11:46
infinityJust watches xine-lib fail because of those being out of sync.11:46
Kamionif mesa builds, xine-lib then totem then gnome-python-extras, iirc11:46
dokoIn file included from scripts/mod/../../include/linux/input.h:19,11:47
doko                 from scripts/mod/file2alias.c:40:11:47
dokoinclude/asm/types.h:31: error: redefinition of typedef '__u8'11:47
dokoscripts/mod/file2alias.c:34: error: previous declaration of '__u8' was here11:47
dokoinclude/asm/types.h:34: error: redefinition of typedef '__u16'11:47
dokoscripts/mod/file2alias.c:33: error: previous declaration of '__u16' was here11:47
dokoinclude/asm/types.h:37: error: redefinition of typedef '__u32'11:47
dokoscripts/mod/file2alias.c:32: error: previous declaration of '__u32' was here11:47
dokomake[4] : *** [scripts/mod/file2alias.o]  Error 111:47
dokomake[3] : *** [scripts/mod]  Error 211:47
dokomake[2] : *** [scripts]  Error 211:47
dokohmm, powerpc, with Ben's fixed lkh ...11:47
Kamionyeah, but that's in the kernel and IIRC is due to the extra -I he put in as a workaround11:47
=== Kamion wonders if anything new is going to appear on https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-patches/2006-July/thread.html
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infinityKamion: How quickly is mesa expected to fail if it does?11:48
Kamioninfinity: either as soon as it tries to compile something written in C, or about 20 minutes in11:49
infinityOkay, well the former hasn't happened.  Let's sit back and wait for the latter.11:49
Kamionbefore my recent fix, it took 27 minutes to fail11:50
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infinityI'm offended that we have packages that take 27 minutes to build at all.11:50
Kamionit's a hell of a lot slower on my laptop :(11:50
Kamiontook hours to build far enough for me to test the fix11:50
sivangKamion: is this a new mailing list?11:50
Kamionsivang: yes11:51
infinityI'm registering a spec for edgy+1 to remove all sources that can't be built in the space of a publisher run.11:51
Kamionask Keybuk for the details11:51
infinityHopefully that doesn't turn into an LP spec to make the publisher slower.11:51
sivangKamion: cool, thanks11:51
=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-6-109.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityKamion: Which laptop is this that's that slow?  Mine's gnerally faster than the buildds (except on really disk-intensive stuff)11:52
infinityOf course, I specced it to be "faster than a buildd" intentionally, noting what I do for a living.11:53
infinityHunting build failures on slow hardware is teh suck.11:53
Kamionmy G4. I think it mostly needs more RAM.11:53
Kamionits processor may not be brand new but it isn't THAT bad11:53
Kamionand the disk is newish so it's probably not that, though I do give it quite a beating11:55
infinityAlthough, there is something to be said for the skills acquired through using REALLY slow hardware.11:55
dokohmm, no access to chinstrap again?11:55
infinitym68k failure tracing has led me to be able to wrest all sorts of info from build logs that surprises even me.11:55
infinitydoko: /topic in #canonical11:56
Kamionyou mean "no, don't run a full build from scratch when you change one file"?11:56
dokoinfinity: ok, seen11:56
infinityKamion: I mean "don't rebuild at all, just read logs and divine the problem, as if by magic or sheer luck".11:56
infinityKamion: Well, then the "don't rebuild the whole bloody thing, argh" bit follows. :)11:57
Kamionah yeahh11:57
infinityKamion: But the Adam of 3 years ago would look at the Adam of today as if he was some kind of mind-reading wizard.  Necessity may or may not be the mother of invention, but she certainly gives birth to rapid learning of bizarre skillsets.11:57
Kamionyou do have a tendency to glance at build logs and go "oh yeah, it's that bug"11:58
ograKamion, i see the same slowness on my ibook ... pbuilder-satisfydepends takes 45min for gnome-power-manager here11:58
Kamionit's quite distressing until one works out that that's because it's the 175th instance of that problem you've seen11:58
Kamionogra: mine is not that slow11:59
ograwell, yours is a bit more powerfull :)11:59
KamionI would strace it if I were you; 45 minutes is obscene11:59
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ograit only happens on ppc11:59
Kamionthen again strace is my hammer I apply to all problems, regardless of the cause11:59
ograsame build on i386 is done in 4 min11:59
ograwell, i tooke the easier way and bought a new laptop :P12:00
dokohmm, maybe I should use the time until BenC gets awake for the gcc include dir fixes, once and forever ...12:02
Hobbseedoko: or just call him and make him fix the world now, immediately :P12:02
infinityOkay, mesa failes in ia64 due to the known lkh/gcc disagreement.  That's no surprise.  Still going on amd64/i386/sparc (I assume sparc will fail too?)12:03
dokoinfinity: new lkh uploaded, which should fix that12:03
infinitydoko: Oh, keen.  I'll retry it later, then.12:03
dokoI don't know much about the sparc failures12:03
infinityWhere "later" is "when I pass by my laptop again"...12:03
Kamioner - mesa/i386 didn't need rebuilding12:03
infinityErr, amd64/powerpc/sparc12:04
infinityBrain wrong, soyuz right.  Honest.12:04
infinity(This time)12:04
Kamionnot sure about sparc - it hit the same mesa-specific problem as powerpc earlier12:04
infinityAhh, cool.  Then maybe it'll complete too.12:05
Kamiondepends exactly how broken l-k-h is there at the moment12:05
infinityIt had "some breakage", but I'm slipping in my old age and illness.12:05
infinityAnd maybe it's happy with the current version.12:05
infinityamd64 successful.12:06
dokohmm, looking at sparc now ...12:09
siretartKamion: re: launchpad beeing confused by xine-lib, shall I do another upload?12:13
infinitysiretart: No, it's just the UI that's confused.12:13
infinitysiretart: The archive and the queues seem fine.12:13
infinitypowerpc successful12:14
siretartinfinity: i'm a bit confused that it still hasn't been built12:16
infinitysiretart: Working on that now.12:16
Kamionsiretart: build-wise, the whole world has been very confused since then12:21
siretartoh darn..12:22
Kamionbut should be more sorted now12:22
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Kamioninfinity: sparc's got past the previous failure12:27
infinityspiffy, too.12:27
infinityLooks successful even.12:28
infinityNow to go do girly things like dye my hair and shower while I wait for publisher goodness.12:30
dokoinfinity: so sparc looks fine, or does it still need some fixes?12:30
infinitydoko: Looked happy building mesa.  If it needs fixes, I'll let people argue about it on Monday.12:31
Kamionlet's just hope that mesa doesn't hit NEW on those arches12:31
infinityOh, ugh.12:31
Kamionhasn't seemed to on powerpc, anyway12:31
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infinityWe still can't actually manipulate the queue via the web UI, can we?  Only view it?12:31
infinityDang. :)12:31
infinityHere's hoping, then.12:32
=== ogra wonders if Keybuk has booted without "splash quiet" since the switch to dash
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sivanghey jono , what's cracking?12:46
jonosivang, nothing much, just catching up on mail before I run out12:47
sivangjono: planning to do some stuff out and about? :-)12:48
jonosivang, walk dogs, watch superman, have bbq - thats the sum of today :P12:48
jonosivang, you up to much ?12:48
ogradogs ? 12:49
ograyou have multiple ?12:49
sivangogra: he has few of that :)12:49
ogracool 12:49
sivangjono: Watching some DVDs, maybe some walks outside we'll see :-)12:49
=== ogra has only one left
jonoogra, two mini-daschunds :)12:50
sivangogra: I have a boxer mixed with a cocer spinal at my parent's house :)12:50
sivanghe's a mad-dog! was crazy like hell when he was a pupp12:50
ograjono, heh12:51
ograjono, but youre not a secret german, are you ? ;)12:51
jonoogra, not that I am aware of :P12:51
ograin germany the dachshund owners are the guys who mow their lawn with a nail scissor :)12:52
ograi only met sane non german dachhund owners in my life :)12:53
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infinitydoko: Oh, the sparc issue is missing sparc64/asm stuff.  See the build failure for gcj-4.1:01:14
dokoinfinity: yes, that was the old lkh, should be fixed now.01:15
infinitydoko: Fixed as of -5.10.1?01:15
doko-5.10 01:15
infinityThat build used -5.1001:16
dokohmm 01:16
dokostarting a test build. it *should* work01:21
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HobbseeLaunchpad will be going offline for maintenance in nine minutes.02:09
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elmo*.ubuntu.com, launchpad.net etc. are going offline for a couple of minutes for some necessary maintenance03:16
mjg59Would people please stop assigning bugs to "acpi"?03:23
mjg59apt-cache show acpi should give you a clue as to why this is a bad idea03:23
ograhmm, with ohci_hcd loaded my lappie only does usb 1.1 ... with ehci_hcd loaded it does 2.0 ... with both loaded it does 1.1 only and ignores the ehci driver completely ... weird  03:25
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sladenogra: which order did you load them?03:30
ograsladen, the kernel (or udev ?) did03:30
ograi didnt load them at all ... but if i remove both and load ehci it works fine ...03:31
ograseems i'm not alone 03:32
ograsame laptop, same prob03:32
ograintrestingly *everything else* on this laptop works, even the hotkeys etc .. out of the box in edgy... the above actually seems to be the only problem03:34
sladenogra: have you had a peek in the kernel to see if any of the other HP's already have workarounds 03:40
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ogranot yet ... 03:41
ogradoko, any thoughts about http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=27227#c8 ? kino suffers from it ... will it be reverted in gcc or do we have to wait for a kino rewrite ? 03:54
Ubugtugcc.gnu.org bug 27227 in c++ "[4.0 Regression]  rejects valid code with some extern "C"" [Normal,New]  03:54
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ograKeybuk, 04:26
ogragood afternoon :)04:26
ogradid you ever boot with splash and quiet options turned off since the switch to dash ? 04:27
ograi have a ton of "open: failed" messages here04:27
Keybuk"failed" ?04:28
ograhavet dug deeper yet04:28
ograsomething like that04:28
KeybukI fixed the last round of "No such file or directory" errors, I thought04:28
ograi havent got the original message here04:28
ograbut it seems to affect every bootscrpt04:28
Keybukyeah. it'd be usplash_write bitching04:29
ograso i suspect something like the lsb functions that is in every script04:29
ograor usplash :)04:29
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Kamionahh, totem/i386 built finally07:03
Kamionso after this publisher run, gnome-python-extras/powerpc can be given back07:03
ograsigh, and i still dont know what to do about kino07:04
Kamionis it that hard to fix?07:05
Ubugtugcc.gnu.org bug 27227 in c++ "[4.0 Regression]  rejects valid code with some extern "C"" [Normal,New]  07:05
Kamionyes I know07:05
ograits not a kino bug imho07:05
Kamionthat's not my reading of the bug07:05
Kamionthe point being made there is that gcc point releases shouldn't reject previously working code07:06
ograwell, the bug is to introduce breaking changes in a minor version bump07:06
Kamionnobody is suggesting (AIUI) that the rejection is invalid07:06
Kamionso it is BOTH a gcc and a kino bug07:06
ograbut at the moment my reading is that gcc is at fault07:06
infinitySo fixing kino is still worth the effort anyway.07:06
Kamionfastest course of action from your point of view is to fix kino07:06
Kamionand that's also the best long-term action07:06
infinitygcc is not at fault for the code being broken, only for the FTBFS happening a few months sooner than you'd hoped.07:06
Kamionogra: no, BOTH gcc and kino are at fault07:07
ograbut if we use gcc we shouldnt introduce that "feature" 07:07
ograwe reverted stuff in other areas before because of this ... i.e. the next-server option in dhcpd07:07
KamionI'm not arguing that the gcc change shouldn't be reverted - I don't have enough knowledge there really - but you should definitely fix kino, and there should be no harm in just doing it now07:08
infinityErr, even if the change gets reverted in gcc-4.1.2, it WILL land in 4.2.007:08
Kamionogra: there's no excuse for not bothering to fix stuff like this near the start of a release cycle, honestly07:08
infinitySo either way, kino needs to get fixed.07:08
Kamionif it were near the end, I'd agree with you07:08
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ograKamion, i dont say kino should stay buggy :)07:08
Kamionyes you do, repeatedly07:09
Kamionyou keep saying it's gcc's fault, and that it should be reverted, and that you don't know what to do07:09
infinityYou seem to be implying that gcc should get reverted, and you should sitck your head in the sand about the kino bug until upstream deals with it.07:09
infinityI'm saying that both should get fixed.07:09
infinityI'm sure doko will revert the gcc change, but that's no excuse for not fixing kino.07:09
Kamionit's 13 packages according to tbm, that's easy to blitz07:10
Kamionthen no more problem when gcc 4.2 arrives07:10
ograwhat i meant is that i'd prefer upstream to dea with it (kino upstream is usually responsive) instead of introducing a patch we dont need *yet*07:11
ograsure kino should also be fixed07:11
Kamionthe big blocks of code inside extern "C" in kino are a bit weird, I must say07:12
Kamionmy C++ is not what it used to be, but that's not the way I'd have done it ...07:13
Kamionhmm, I wonder what to do about libfam0 showing up in anastacia output07:14
Kamionit's because gamin's shlibs got changed to say libfam0 for linkage against libfam07:14
ogrado any KDE parts still use it ?07:14
Kamionmaybe change the shlibs to say libgamin0 | libfam0?07:14
Kamionit can sort of be worked around in the seeds but not really - fam would still get pulled into main due to build-depends07:16
Kamion(just tried that)07:16
mjg59Oh argh.07:16
mjg59New hal needs new udev = pain07:16
KamionScott's working on new udev07:16
ograoh fun07:16
Kamionbut post-knot-1 I think07:16
mjg59I was sort of planning on doing upstream hal hacking, but that looks awkward right now07:17
ograKamion, wasnt there some corner case with nfs mounted home or something wheer you needed fam for nautilus instead of gamin ?07:17
Kamiondunno ...07:17
mjg59If you want notifications for file alterations over nfs, you need fam07:17
KamionI suppose getting gnome-vfs2 to explicitly use libgamin would work too, maybe, but I don't know enough for that07:17
mjg59On both server and client07:17
ograyep, thats what i remember ... there was a reason for fam in main ...07:18
Kamionfam isn't in main07:18
Kamionit hasn't been in main since warty07:19
mjg59Oh, maybe I can just get away with volumeid07:19
ograthe i remember wrong i guess ...07:19
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Kamionno symbol differences between libfam.so.0 and libgamin-1.so.007:20
KamionI'll wait until seb128 is around and ask him, I guess07:21
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Kamionanyone doing l-r-m for -5?07:32
fabbioneKamion: gamin and fam exports the exact same API/ABI07:33
fabbioneonly the underneath code is different07:33
fabbionei am 100% sure about it07:33
Kamionwell, I've filed a bug, seb128 can look when he's back07:34
Kamion(l-r-m> I just realised it's blocking d-i)07:35
Kamionoh well, sucking down the source package ...07:37
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fabbioneiirc l-r-m only needs one change in the debian/rules for the ABI07:37
fabbionei didn't touch that stuff in ages tho07:38
fabbionethere are some scary things like control.stub control.in and control07:38
Laser_awayhmm, these Debian .pdiffs seem to make update'ing significantly longer if you have updated for a while07:41
Kamionok, l-r-m source uploaded07:46
=== Kamion -> WEEKEND DAMNIT
HiddenWolfKamion, so get offline, like sensible people do07:47
HiddenWolfKamion, check out the sun, you know07:47
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AlinuxOSmjg59, hello08:05
AlinuxOSmjg59, ping (can I disturb you in private?)08:05
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dokohmm, BenC did wake up sooner than I thought ...08:34
dokoogra, infinity, Kamion: 27227 is reverted for the next upload, will wait for the new linux-kernel-headers first08:35
ogradoko, that means before the CD ?08:36
dokowell, Mithrandir is not online, we're technically frozen ... so maybe Kamion could give an opinion ...08:37
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BenCis there a quick fix for the missing "fixed fonts" x problem?08:39
sladenBenC: for breezy->dapper it was just the case of a symlink;  the same should probably work08:39
sladenBenC: I think it's just down to the fonts landing in a different location 08:40
ograBenC, run mkfontdir in /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc/08:40
ograsladen, nope08:40
ograits a missing font.dir file 08:40
sladenogra: ooh, even simpler.08:40
BenCogra: yay, that worked...thanks08:41
ograupdate-font-dir ignores the new paths08:41
BenCtime to switch to X08:42
dokohmm, that was short ...08:42
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dokoBenC: does the linux-source upload include the /usr/include/{ppc64,powerpc64}-linux-gnu directories?08:46
Kamiondoko: go ahead if that's the only change08:46
BenCdoko: no, for ppc there is only asm/08:46
BenCsince it's all the same directory, that's the way hdrinstall creates it08:47
dokoBenC: so there's nothing installed in /usr/include/{ppc64,powerpc64}-linux-gnu ? ok.08:47
dokoand on ia64 and hppa?08:47
BenCthe only arches that have multiple asm is x86_64, i386 and sparc08:48
dokoBenC: and sparc includes all headers this time?08:48
BenChdrinstall actually uses the stub asm files like sparc used to, where asm/foo.h will include asm-sparc/foo.h or asm-sparc64/foo.h depending on a compiler define08:49
BenCsame for x86_64/i38608:49
BenCit builds the files like that and i just copy {asm*,linux} to get everything needed08:50
dokoKamion: there are other changes, I'll test-build the compiler on sparc, ppc64 and amd64 first.08:50
BenC4 arches building, and no failure yet, so I'm hopeful this will be good :)08:51
dokoBenC: not for now, but I would like to see lkh still built as a separate source package, so I don't have a kernel dependency when bootstrapping the toolchain. would that be doable?08:52
BenCdoko: if we split the source, then we should have stuck with the lkh package we had, but I'm not opposed to something build-dep'ing on linux-source-2.6.17 .deb and using that to create it08:54
BenCit's easy to do something like "make -C /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.17 O=build-tmp/ ...", which is how I'm creating the stuff now (you could rip my make rules for linux-kernel-headers and use them standalone)08:56
dokoBenC: ok. not for now, just in the case we want to rebuild the archive with a clean/new toolchain08:57
dokoI thought that the current lkh packages were built not directly from the linux-source package, but were modified08:58
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ThunderStruckBenC: i opened that kernel panic bug up cause its happening on 2.6.17-5 but following the instructions you gave on it worked again ;) ty09:30
ThunderStruckbug 5241609:31
UbugtuMalone bug 52416 in kernel-package "Kernel panic on startup" [Untriaged,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5241609:31
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BenCThunder: ok, thanks09:37
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mdzubuntu-desktop ought to be installable on amd64 again after this publisher run10:15
mdzworking on powerpc now10:15
FjodorHas anything been changed in update-grub lately? It seems to disregard my defaultopts and set it back to quiet and splash. Has a report been filed about that?10:17
mdzFjodor: make sure you've read the comments in the file10:18
mdzbug 2141210:18
UbugtuMalone bug 21412 in grub "Default update-grub behaviour is not intuitive" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2141210:18
FjodorHmmm, this time no foul. Could it be related to the fact that I build edgy kernel packages? As the comments say, I edit #defoptions, which should stay the same, and be applied to all default entries10:22
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FjodorSo, what I gather from the bug reports is, that most (me at first too) edit the entries directly. I don't (anymore)10:25
FjodorAnyway, I'll report back, when  my next kernel build is done and installed, since the problem didn't arise on a random update-grub with no new kernels installed. Thanks so far10:27
FjodorHmmm, seems like the problem disappeared again. How about that, huh. But thanks for your help10:35
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dannyhello how to find the maintainer of a package if the one referenced is the wrong person e.g. the original debian developer10:36
Riddelldanny: we don't have maintainers, the changelog is a good indication of people with experience10:36
dannywhere i find the changelog ?10:37
sladendanny: debian/changelog in the package  or   http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/10:38
sladendid the linux-headers issue get fixed, and if so what's the best way to force a rebuild of a package so that it doesn't FTBFS now?10:39
sladenupload a   ...build1 ?10:39
ograask a ubuntu-archive admin to give it back ?10:40
Riddellsladen: ping keybuk or infinity, or upload build1 if they're not around and you can't wait until monday10:41
ogra(if it doesnt get retried automatically anyway, LP has fancy new features there iirc)10:41
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dannywell the chanlogs also reference allways the debian maintainer and reflect also the new versions which seem not availible through apt10:42
sladendanny: what package are you looking at?10:43
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ograthats only maintined in debian ... its not been touched by any ubuntu deveoper10:48
dannywell but it is in an ubutu repository and only with an old version10:49
ogra0.4.3-2 is the latest we have10:50
crimsunnew version will be synced in. We've been blocked on kernel+libc+lkh issues, so I wouldn't hold my breath for the new version to be available in Edgy quite yet.10:50
ograhttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/grsync shows that it isnt built yet10:50
ograoh, no, i'm wrong it is10:51
dannyI see only 0.1.210:51
ogradapper has only 0.1.x10:52
dannyis there any problem updating this?10:52
ograwhich the above url tells you 10:53
ograwell, we usually dont upgrade packages in a release without a very hard reason ... (i.e., the current versin wipes your HD)10:53
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ograbut you can ask the backports team 10:53
crimsunfile a bug on the source package, subscribe ubuntu-backports10:54
ograor mail them ;)10:54
dannywell if dapper has support for the next 5 years, i don't understand why not the repository is constantly updated... this is what i would expect10:55
crimsunLTS != constantly updated.10:56
dannyand what does the term backport mean? I would expect features which hae exist in older ubuntu versions to be backported to the new... what has this to do with normal software matureing processes?10:58
BenCdanny: You can't keep something stable by constantly updating it10:58
ogradanny, backporting == building a package from a newer version for an older system10:59
BenCdanny: our normal development cycle is for people that want "new features", LTS is for people that want a stable and consistent platform for a long term commitment10:59
dannyhmm... doesn't 0.4.3 sound better than 0.1.3?11:00
BenCwe don't have "sounds good" as a reason in our bug reporting system11:00
dannywhen I install grsync 0.1.3 and want to have 0.4.3 - can i yust try to compile myself (and overwirting the 0.1.3 files with make install)?11:01
BenCyou could get the 0.4.3 package and recompile on your system11:01
BenCthat's basically a backport11:01
ograi'd rather take the source package from edgy and build that11:01
dannyhow to do that?11:02
crimsun#ubuntu-motu can help with that11:02
BenCthere's lots of docs in ubuntu and debian on how to rebuild packages11:02
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dannywhat is this motu channel for?11:02
crimsunpackaging software in universe and multiverse components11:03
dannyok... thanks for now11:03
JanCdanny: there is a manual for (re)building packages on help.ubuntu.com11:09
Kamionhttp://librarian.launchpad.net/3426551/buildlog_ubuntu-edgy-i386.linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17_2.6.17.1-6_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz <-- gar11:10
Kamionsimilarly amd6411:11
BenCwhere did that build come from?11:11
=== BenC didn't upload it
crimsunKamion did11:11
BenCI'll check it out11:11
BenCoh wow, that's an ugly build11:12
KamionI did, but it was just s/4/5/ on the abinum11:12
BenCok, I'll do a build here and see what's up11:12
Kamion/build/buildd/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17- error: asm/page.h: No such file or directory11:12
Kamionis the first failure11:12
KamionI also believe that's the largest number of compiler errors I've ever seen on a single file11:13
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sladen...all from just   #include <linux/module.h>11:24
Kamionogra: re kino, it builds fine if you just stick extern "C" { ... } around the KinoCommon *common declaration in src/kino_common.h; I don't know if that's the best fix and it should certainly go upstream for comments, but that fix should be workable for now11:26
Kamion(oh, you should test that it works too after that - I haven't)11:27
ograKamion, ok, will fix it if i arrive in the old house ... i'll do my weekly drive through the country soon ...11:27
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Kamionmdz: damn, if you'd said, I'm pretty sure I could have resurrected gnome-applets on powerpc11:38
Kamionunfortunately I didn't notice until after your upload, so never mind now11:39
Kamionit's sitting in /srv/launchpad.net/builddmaster/accepted/20060713-160720-227962-183933/11:39
dokoKamion: please requeue gcc-3.4 on powerpc and sparc, xulrunner on amd6411:49
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sladenKamion: and wxwidgets2.6 on all11:51
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mdzKamion: that's odd; locate on drescher didn't find it11:53
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