
BenC_kylem: Yeah, only patch to sym53c8xx_2/ is the pa6 patch (just checked it)12:15
_kylemi'll spend some time trying to find the cause on my workstation12:16
_kylemsince it has a front panel lcd to tell me what the erorr is12:16
BenCI'll try to find out why console isn't working on the ubuntu configs12:18
_kylemi read through the config you told me to generate but couldn't find anythign that looked suspicious12:18
BenCobviously it's the config, since a500_defconfig has working console12:19
_kylemhmm true.12:19
BenCI don't know enough about the parisc console settings to make since of it though12:19
BenC_kylem: FYI, I was having this problem before applying the pa6 patch12:23
_kylemthere's nothign of consequence in the parisc patchset in the last litle while, iirc12:24
BenCallocation failed: out of vmalloc space - use vmalloc=<size> to increase size.01:22
BenCSCSI subsystem initialized01:22
BenC_kylem: hmm...maybe found something there01:23
_kylemthe vmalloc thing shouldn't be a problem.01:23
_kylemthat's just because a500 have really really big DAC regions01:23
_kylem(dual address cycle, >4G)01:23
_kylemis SYM53c8XX using MMIO?01:23
BenCLinux hippo #3 SMP Fri Jul 14 23:16:58 UTC 2006 parisc64 GNU/Linux01:23
BenCinteresting...sym2 and sd as modules works01:24
_kylemer. how'd you manage that? :)01:24
BenCI think the problem is that sym2 2.2.3 doesn't block during the scsi bus reset01:24
_kylemok. i'll look through the patch set. i'm beginning to think it's async scanning.01:24
BenCand it's not ready when the kernel tries to mount the rootfs01:24
BenCis that async related?01:24
_kylemif async scanning is enabled, you'll see soemthing like this01:24
BenCmakes sense01:25
_kylemIPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver01:25
_kylemNET: Registered protocol family 1701:25
_kylemscsi: waiting for bus probes to complete ...01:25
_kylem  Vendor: HP 18.2G  Model: MAN3184MC         Rev: HP0401:25
_kylem  Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 0201:25
_kylem[..] 01:25
_kylemactually. that looks /exactly/ like what's happening.01:25
BenCdoesn't explain the brokeness using the ubuntu config, but atleast I know things should work now01:25
_kylemsym0: <896> rev 0x7 at pci 0000:00:01.0 irq 1901:25
_kylemsym0: PA-RISC Firmware, ID 7, Fast-40, LVD, parity checking01:25
_kylemsym0: SCSI BUS has been reset.01:25
_kylemscsi0 : sym-2.2.301:25
_kylemsym1: <896> rev 0x7 at pci 0000:00:01.1 irq 2001:25
_kylemsym1: PA-RISC Firmware, ID 7, Fast-40, SE, parity checking01:25
_kylemsym1: SCSI BUS has been reset.01:25
_kylemsym1: SCSI BUS mode change from SE to SE.01:25
_kylemsym1: SCSI BUS has been reset.01:25
_kylemscsi1 : sym-2.2.301:25
_kylem^-- from a /working/ boot.01:25
_kylemthat's a big hint that something is wrong in drivers/scsi.01:26
BenCthe async problem isn't a big deal for us because our initramfs scripts will wait01:27
BenCI really need to figure out what's up with the config now01:28
_kylemgimme a while to grab some food and i'll take a look with you01:29
mdzBenC: do I understand correctly that linux-source started building linux-kernel-headers just recently?01:37
mdzBenC: I think the l-k-h produced thereby may be somewhat sub-optimal01:37
mdzBenC: filed bug #5302801:40
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BenCmdz: Yeah, that's the issue that I'm trying to get infinity to help me with03:08
BenClinux-source needs lkh to build, so I need some sort of overrider to use the old lkh so I can produce new ones03:08
mdzBenC: how about re-uploading the old l-k-h source package with a  higher version number, then overriding it?03:09
mdzit's saturday for infinity03:09
BenChmm, I could try that03:09
BenCit doesn't use anything in the toolchain to build the package03:09
BenCmdz: done03:14
mdzBenC: cool, thanks03:15
mdzBenC: by the way, the VIA workaround seems to have taken03:15
mdzI closed the bug accordingly03:15
BenCgood deal, thanks03:15
BenCI need to get this kernel squared away before the weekend is over so I don't hold up Mith any longer than I already have03:16
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:BenC] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel GIT tree info (updated): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelGitGuide | 2.6.17-5.12 uploaded, fixes linux-kernel-headers debacle | Daily kernel builds (for debug and testing purposes only) http://people.ubuntu.com/~bcollins/kernels-daily/ | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CategoryKernel
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crimsunguh, 34831 strikes again?09:47
BenCyeah, I saw that10:56
crimsunman, this one's ugly. Gonna have to look at it in Edgy with the dump mechanism10:56
BenCnext upload In do in edgy will have the kexec/kdump stuff...I hope10:57
crimsunI'm not entirely convinced it's not a hardware issue10:58

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