
WarboBioGeek: You can have "sparse files" which don't bother saving huge lenghts of zeros or ones, they just remember the number of them. That lets you have more data than drive space12:00
yipeokay, I'm digging through man-pages, I'm trying to understand, and I don't, I'm trying to compile a new fresh kernel, I'm calling it what command do I need to put in to make the initrd file? Please be specific because obviously I am a retard today12:01
WarboDamn_it: I was thinking of a similar idea (like a Free iTunes)12:01
skavengewhats the point with so many p2p programs12:01
BioGeekenyc: [4359990.639000]  atkbd.c: Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0xaa on isa0060/serio0).12:01
BioGeek[4359990.639000]  atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e02a <keycode>' to make it known.12:01
BioGeekenyc: and that many many times...12:01
WarboDamn_it: You may want to check out Democracy player (getdemocracy.org)12:01
Damn_itWarbo: yup that would entice media heads like me. that would be nirvana12:02
enycBioGeek: ize seen that wany times12:02
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enycBioGeek: thats not entirely ususual12:02
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enycBioGeek: my debian system complains about  too many keys pressed ;-)12:02
enycBioGeek: anyway12:02
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BioGeekenyc: :-)12:02
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enycBioGeek: maybe I type too quickly on my Dvorak-layout IBM 1391406 model M clickykeyboard from 1987... dunno12:03
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Warboskavenge: There is harldy any PD/CC/FLOSS media in p2p networks12:03
blankyWarbo, yeah, I already forwarded the ports. In fact, this program (a dedicated server for a game I'm making), works perfectly in windows12:03
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BioGeekenyc: The Ubuntu 6.06 CD is on it's way in the mail, so I was planning to do a fresh install anyway in a few weeks12:03
Warboblanky: Funny, I can't get my router to forward ports :( (Well, at least I am actually on the Internet now. It was playing up yesterday)12:04
enycBioGeek: kk that may magically cure it''' annoying though12:04
skavengeWarbo: i dont even know what any of that is ... by media i was assuming videos and music which are readily available on any p2p program12:04
enycBioGeek: if you are going to wipe....12:04
BioGeekenyc: but I'm stuck for the moment though12:04
blankyWarbo, haha12:04
blankyWarbo, you tried going to
enycBioGeek: please mail enyc@evtech.org  and let me knom what you found out ;-)....12:04
enycBioGeek: and....12:04
blankyD-Link? Linksys?12:04
BioGeekenyc: can't even open manpages any more..12:04
Warboskavenge: PD=Public Domain, FLOSS=Free/Libre Open Source Software (media under the GPL or FDL) CC-Creative Commons12:04
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BioGeekenyc: OK, thanks anyway, you've been a great help.12:05
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skavenge*shrug* i guess im not that specific with opensource .. im still going to download mp3s regardless12:05
enycBioGeek: BEFORE re-using your harddisk (this will take a while btw), boot KNOPPIX with 'knoppix 2 dma noswap' at the knoppix bootprompt and 'badblocks -wvs /dev/hda'  ***This will ERASE everything permanetnly***12:05
enycBioGeek: and (importantly) check for badsectors12:05
pdc303QRZ: I just installed Ubuntu Server on an old machine and bash/console does not automatically 'scroll' when it should - I must keep pressing 'Return' to make text scroll up. What could be the problem?12:06
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enycBioGeek: and/or cure futnny grown defects on the (potentially suspect) hdd12:06
Warboskavenge: I download MP3s too. From Newgrounds though12:06
pdc303QRZ: oops. I didn't mean to hit tab and auto-complete your nick :)12:06
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godtviskenI just installed ubuntu and have a 2.6.15-26-386 kernel. I need a 2.6.16 or later. Should I compile my own from source or is there an ubuntu-ish way to do this?12:07
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WarboThe -26 kernel is out?12:08
yipegodtvisken, you and I are working on the same thing12:08
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BioGeekenyc: OK, sounds scary but I'll give it a try and mail you the results.12:08
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Warbogodtvisken: Compile your own I would say. It's not too difficult12:08
yipeI've been compliling myself, but the initrd has me completely confused12:08
AngryElfguys, I've tried both libdvdcss2 1.2.9 from seveas and 1.2.5-1 from the repositories?  and xine still tells me  "could not open /dev/dvd with libdvdcss"...ideas?12:08
skavengeWarbo: yes it is12:08
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skavengegot it from updates a few days ago i think12:08
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WarboWell I am on -23 and will be for some time to come (I was annoyed when -18 became unsupported and I had to upgrade)12:09
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gatekeepergodtvisken: there are howto's for kernel compiling in the ubuntu forums if you are interested12:09
Warboyipe: What don't you get with the initrd?12:09
enycBioGeek: its not scary really... its very good practice to haxe KNOPPIX and do 'memtest' boot  and 'knoppix 2 dma noswap'-followed-by-'badblocks -wvs /dev/hda'  before re-use of machine12:09
yipehow to do it12:09
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Warboyipe: You have installed the modules, yes?12:10
yipeI gotta mkinitrd .... but I just don't understand the syntax12:10
yipeyeah, just got done with that looooong bit12:10
enycBioGeek: but you MUST note that badblocks with -w  WILL overwrite (destroy) everything12:10
BioGeekenyc: but for that I'll first have to burn a KNOPPIX CD, no?12:10
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enycBioGeek: well that would make sense... is that a problem?12:10
yipeit's just the initrd that I don't understand,12:10
Warboyipe: I think it is just "mkinitramfs -o initrd.img <version>" Where <version> is the name of the directory in /lib/modules12:10
interfearI have an athlon x2, but im thinking i should stick with 32bit ubuntu right now? Any advice?12:10
interfeari havent installed yet12:11
yipelemme give that a shot12:11
Foobalinterfear: so wasted, if you stick to 32-bit :(12:11
skavengeRegardless of video format or what player im playing it in, my videos wash out white sporadically and randomly during an X session .. a restart of X fixes this, anyone have any ideas to why or how i can fix this? its quite annoying ..12:11
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sproingieinterfear: if you don't know that you need 64-bit for something, probably good to stick with 32 bit.  more stuff just works that way12:11
AngryElfguys, I've tried both libdvdcss2 1.2.9 from seveas and 1.2.5-1 from the repositories?  and xine still tells me  "could not open /dev/dvd with libdvdcss"...ideas?12:11
BioGeekenyc: I don't have a CD burner on this machine, but I'll make it on the Windows box.12:11
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veer j12:11
skavengegstreamer backend, xine does it too ..12:11
SeveasAngryElf, please don't repeat...12:11
Warbointerfear: There is no real reason to use 64bit, but there is no reason not to unless you watch Flash movies, QuickTime and use WINE (although they are still possible to use in 64bit)12:11
notamisfitAngryElf: what are permissions on /dev/dvd?12:12
sproingieinterfear: for a lot of games, you'll need 32bit12:12
interfearWarbo: what about mplayer codecs and stuff12:12
notamisfitlibdvdcss needs write access to it12:12
ardchoilleWhen I create a crontab for myself, where is that crontab info stored? Which file/directory?12:12
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Warbointerfear: You may need a 32bit Mplayer installed, I'm not sure12:12
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compotatojI get an error saying XKB extension not enabled, how do I enable it?12:12
enycBioGeek: its usually worth having a KNOPPIX disk at all times... and keeping the previous-versions you accumilate12:12
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WarboDSL is useful to have12:13
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AngryElfnotamisfit, +rwx same for /dev/hdc12:13
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enycWarbo: inteed ... much smaller12:13
yipeit's doin' somethin'.... it's thinking really hard.... I think we got it:D12:13
sproingiedamn, xgl is pretty.  had to switch back to regular X tho, was getting motion sickness12:13
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ardchoillesproingie: ROFL!12:13
Warboenyc: The one I have uses 2.4 (not sure about latest ones) so no dodgy cdrecord issues12:13
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notamisfitAngryElf: the drive isn't mounted, is it?12:14
yipeYES! That did it, thanks Warbo!12:14
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Warboyipe: Yay12:14
BioGeekenyc: OK, I'm learning all the time here ;-)12:14
AngryElfnotamisfit, nothing for hdc in mtab12:14
WarboCan ANYONE tell me how to make Nautilus's default zoom level 150%?12:14
enycWarbo: heh... iirc the ubuntu-breezy/dapper cdrecord doesnt haze funny issues.....12:15
kakadosproingie, haha, for how long were you watching the screen before you got sick ?12:15
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Warboenyc: Well I boot from a CD, so if I leave it somewhere I have to boot from a LiveCD to write a new one12:15
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NKayhanis there a way to reinstall xubuntu (which I am currently using) without killing all of my files?12:15
interfearanyone here using 32bit on a 64?12:15
sproingieinterfear: yep, me12:15
jiShmake a seperate partition and move your /home12:15
jiShto it12:16
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jiShjust make sure you don't pick install using entire disk when you go to the reinstall, and pick your partitions manually12:16
interfearsproingie: i think im gonna do the same, do you find more items work?12:16
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notamisfiti've got an amd64, but i don't fuck with 64 bit installs, totally useless for < 4gb ram12:16
compotatojI have 1GB of ram and an Athlon 64, but my computer is very laggy when I am accessing the hard drive a lot, is there any way to have Ubuntu use less swap and more ram?12:16
notamisfitand half the software doesn't work12:17
enoI have one question.  Would somebody please let me know how to get a program to run at startup in gnome?  (I am trying to get qonsole to run at startup, because I am really used to having slickrun at work)12:17
ardchoilleI found it. For anyone who is interested, crontabs are kept in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/$USER12:17
godtviskenDo I need to rename my kernel directory? I am reading an install guide and it says the 2.6.16 kernel needs to be renamed to linux-2.6.16ck1212:17
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Warbonotamisfit: If you use half FLOSS and half propriatary then yes12:17
jiSheno: System ->Prefernces -> Session12:17
polpakeno, System->Preferences->Session12:17
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:17
notamisfiteno: try your session12:17
jiShthere's a startup tab12:17
enothanks folks!12:17
bbrazilcompotatoj: there's a swappiness value in /proc somewhere12:18
Warbogodtvisken: Should just call it something sensible like "2.6.16-custom" or something12:18
jiShahhh lagging from this bloody XP install inside vmware12:18
godtviskenWarbo: ok12:18
notamisfitgodtvisken: just make sure you symlink it to /usr/src/linux before compiling any outside modules12:18
bbrazilcompotatoj: with that much ram, you might even consider disabling swap12:18
enothat was easy.  thanks again!12:18
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WarboHow would KDE run in VMWare on an AMD 2000+?12:18
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enyccompotatoj: is DMA access enabled on PATA hard-disk ?12:18
compotatojbbrazil, have you tried that and had it work12:19
bbrazilcompotatoj: which?12:19
NKayhanAny reason why sudo apt-get install synaptic isn't working?12:19
compotatojenyc, i have SATA12:19
enyccompotatoj: kk no matter12:19
compotatojbbrazil, disabling swap12:19
sproingieWarbo: probably just fine.  i wouldnt try watching videos in it12:19
jiShwhy do you have to apt-get it?12:19
ryanakcawhats the difference between,, etc,etc12:19
WarboNKayhan: Check your sources.list (and try to ping the URLs)12:19
steveireI'm confused. I sudo aptitude remove an old linux kernel, and apttude tells me that package is broken and offers a solution. What's going on there?12:19
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bbrazilcompotatoj: did it once I think. Worth a try, but your problem is probably deeper12:19
Warbosproingie: OK, just that KQemu goes horribly slow12:19
NKayhanWarbo: where's the sources.list?12:19
Warbosproingie: And I don't want to bother installing VMWare if it is no better12:20
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:20
sproingieWarbo: qemu is horribly slow, it's a cpu emulator.  vmware is a hypervisor, it's much faster12:20
enyccompotatoj: what does 'sudo hdparm -tT /dev/sda' (hard disk read-timings) say?12:20
ryanakcasteveire: why remove old kernels? they can stay... who knows... you might need to go back on day...12:20
rick-ukWonder if someone can help me?12:20
compotatojbbrazil, do you know what happens if you use more than 1GB if swap is disabled12:20
steveiresorry, actually I remove the -image- it tells me the modules package is broken. Is that normal??12:20
Warbosproingie: KQemu is the accellerator for it12:20
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jiShrick-uk: what's the problem?12:20
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steveireThis one is two kernels old12:20
ryanakcasteveire: I believe so...12:21
bbrazilcompotatoj: if you run out of memory, the OOM killer comes into play12:21
sproingieWarbo: yes, it makes qemu go from tectonically slow to merely glacial12:21
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Warbosteveire: If you remove a linux-image package then get rid of the corresponding linux-restricted-modules and linux-headers as well12:21
cbx33hi all12:21
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NKayhanIT"S BLANK!12:21
Hoxzerand I can see you in the daark12:21
ballmerbrekdanzhas anyone tried ubuntu on a 233mhz ppc?12:21
Warbosproingie: :)12:21
rick-ukI'm new to ubuntu.  I am trying to install real player and both the regular and synaptic app adders come back with error12:21
ballmerbrekdanzwonder whether it can be ok12:21
cbx33what's the command to install the source and headers for my curernt kernel?12:21
compotatojenyc, cache - 1500MB/S, buffer - 25MB/s12:21
ryanakcasteveire: keep them... I have kernels dating back to vmlinuz-2.6.15-15-386... now I'm running vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-68612:21
=== ompaul blinks
sproingieballmerbrekdanz: i wouldnt recommend it12:21
ballmerbrekdanzI've tried Xubuntu on a mmx 233mhx I think and it was kinda crap...12:21
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jiShrick-uk: what's the error?12:21
NKayhanrick-uk: why realplayer?12:22
jiShalso, realplayer is quite terrible12:22
ryanakcasteveire: not that 2.6.15 is old or anything12:22
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enyccompotatoj: that soends normal for a modern disk/system....12:22
Warbocbx33: There is no source for your current kernel, only generic kernels (like 2.5.15). The headers are "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`"12:22
bbrazilcompotatoj: 25MB/s is a bit slow for SATA12:22
ballmerbrekdanzsproingie: what distro would do the job? Puppylinux is awsome but only for x8612:22
ryanakcasteveire: not that 2.6.15-15 is old or anything12:22
enyccompotatoj: have you worked oet what is eating RAM? ;-)12:22
polpakballmerbrekdanz, 233 should work fine, though you should probably tone down the graphical components12:22
cbx33Warbo, oh? why not12:22
bbrazilcompotatoj: but should be quite enough for general usage12:22
rick-ukso I can access the UK BBC audio - has to rP (or WMP - yeuch)12:22
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sproingieballmerbrekdanz: er, what kind of cpu is it?12:22
compotatojenyc, VMWare usually :)12:22
cbx33where can I get it from12:22
cbx33or do I have to patch vanilla12:22
ryanakcawhats the difference between,, etc,etc?12:22
polpakballmerbrekdanz, perhaps use xubuntu rather than ubuntu, etc12:22
steveireWarbo: Are you saying I should apititude remove some linux-headers-<number> package after I do this?12:22
bbrazilcompotatoj: then keep bmware inside your ram12:22
NKayhannick-uk: VLC/Mplayer12:22
compotatojbbrazil, could VMWare be slowing it down12:22
ballmerbrekdanzsproingie: currently this Mac 233mhz has Panther installed which is way TOO much...12:22
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rick-ukI've installer VLC12:23
rick-ukthat went in OK12:23
bbrazilcompotatoj: use at most around 512MB for vmware12:23
ballmerbrekdanzsproingie: it's a ppc 233MHZ12:23
enyccompotatoj: VMWare very-well could be eating loads of ram ;-)12:23
Warborick-uk: Once it is installed I STRONGLY advise the use of totem or something, using the RM codecs. RealPlayer lags a lot, even on a low quality stream on a broadband connection12:23
ryanakcasteveire: do you NEED to remove them?12:23
compotatojbbrazil, that is what i'm doing12:23
NKayhanSo why is my sorces.list empty?12:23
sproingieballmerbrekdanz: dunno much about ppc.  at that age of cpu you might try something like uclinux12:23
Warbosources.list maybe?12:24
steveireryanakca: I don't think so, but I don't see any need to keep all the kernels I have12:24
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sproingieWarbo:  hey, realplayer is just ..BUFFERING... fine for ...BUFFERING... me.  what's ...BUFFERING... your problem ...BUFFERING... with it?12:24
ryanakcasteveire: I keep them all... who knows... you might have some obscure driver and it might break at the next kernel upgrade... you can go back to the old one till it works again :)12:24
Warbo233MHz is fine for PCs with Linux, and PPCs are supposedly faster for the same clock speed12:24
NKayhancan someone pastebin their sources.list?12:25
bbrazilWarbo: PPC is RISC, hence slower for the same clock12:25
godtviskenIf I have an AMD Sempron, what processor family is that in the kernel config?12:25
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:25
bbrazilNKayhan: ^12:25
Warbosproingie: That's not the problem, the problem is that when watching videos the stream is downloaded fine but RealPlayer looks like a webcam slideshow rather than a video player12:25
sproingiebbrazil: it's not that cut and dried.  it's also one-clock per op, which is not the case for intel12:25
rick-ukyes but the \BBC radioplayer won'tlaunch - says I do not have the RP plugin or RP player installed - is there a way to fool it into using VLC?12:25
NKayhanubotu: Oh cool12:25
ubotuI know nothing about Oh cool - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:25
steveireNah, I'm not that bothered. I don't use my computer as a power tool. If I have or have had some obscure driver and I don't know about it now, I don't need it.12:26
Warbobbrazil: But most processors newer than x86 (ie. most processors) can do much more with fewer clock cycles12:26
ryanakcarick-uk: you using firefox? I have bbc radioplayer running...12:26
rick-ukyes I am12:26
bbrazilWarbo: but modern x86 processors are suparscalar12:26
rick-uklisten to R4 or whatever..12:26
ryanakcarick-uk: yeah... I know what your talking about... BBC Radio Oxford :P12:27
sproingieuclinux is probably overkill since that's for systems without MMU's12:27
Warborick-uk: I end up looking in the source to find the stream URL. These days I just use BBCWorld though, since it has direct links to the ram files12:27
aleksanderhow can I install something ? is there any searcher of apps ?12:27
sproingiebut it'd probably run pretty smooth on a 233 mhz ppc12:27
bbrazilaleksander: apt-cache search term12:27
Warbo!synaptic > aleksander12:27
ryanakcarick-uk: I'm trying to think what I had done...12:27
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aleksanderhow to run this :P I`m new on linux12:27
Warboaleksander: Read the guide12:28
rick-ukI guess vlc will open ram files - it seems to open most things!12:28
aleksander... I'm blind12:28
sproingieapt-cache search might be better for CLI12:28
ryanakcarick-uk: what's in "about:plugins"?12:29
polpakaleksander,  https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/index.html12:29
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aleksanderOK, I got it . :)12:29
steveirecan I use aptitude to purge config files from packages that I removed previously?12:29
aleksanderbye !12:29
sproingiesteveire: yep.  select the package and hit underscore12:29
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rick-ukff says additional plugins are required.  There is an option to install plugins, but when I tried that it just took me to the real site - I d/l d the Linux version but I have NO idea what to do with it!!12:30
rick-ukSo much easier on OSX...12:30
ryanakcarick-uk: sudo apt-get install mplayerplug-in12:31
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ryanakcarick-uk: should do it :)12:31
revilotis there anything like ndiswrapper for hardware other than wireless cards?12:31
steveiresproingie: what package? I mean I did aptitude remove on many packages (don't have a list of names), and now I wish I'd used purge12:31
rick-ukis that in the terminal?12:31
sproingierevilot: yes, captive-ntfs works in a similar fashion12:31
godtvisk1nWhat command is used to config my kernel with ncurses? I don't like make xconfig12:31
notamisfitgodtvisken: make menuconfig12:32
sproingierevilot: as for hardware, no idea.  it'd be nice if i could get a printer driver working like that12:32
ryanakcarick-uk: once installed, open up FF, type "about:plugins" into the address bar and tell me if theres anything about RealPlayer in there12:32
ryanakcarick-uk: yes, command line12:32
=== sproingie has his SO's xerox printer that's a complete boat anchor under linux
notamisfitgodtvisk1n: make menuconfig12:32
rick-ukhang on12:32
revilotsproingie: thats just for writing to ntfs partitions right?12:32
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sproingierevilot: reading and writing, yeah.  i've heard it's pretty slow12:32
steveirewould sudo aptitude purge do it?12:33
revilotsproingie: i was looking for something that would allow a piece of hardware to work that there is no native linux driver for12:33
sproingiesteveire: aptitude remove --purge i think12:33
revilotanyone have nay tips on getting a creative prodikeys to work in linux12:34
steveirehmmm, doesn't give any command line output12:34
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sproingierevilot: i imagine there's some experimental stuff, nothing as widely used as ndiswrappers tho12:34
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yipeso close12:35
ryanakcawhats the difference between,, etc,etc12:35
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compotatojDoes anyone know how to manage swap or disable it? (GUI would be nice but not neccesary)12:35
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sproingieheh, i love "aptitude moo".  "There are no Easter Eggs in this program."12:35
yiperyanakca, you can't divide zero12:36
sproingieyeah, other than minesweeper12:36
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NKayhanOK I did the sourceomatic, and saved the new sources.list, but still no synaptic12:36
ryanakcayipe: I know...networking :P12:36
rick-ukOK, its installing mplaYER PLUGIN NOW12:36
godtvisk1nWhat do I do if I get errors when running 'make menuconifg'?12:36
yipeI'm just teasing you because that's way over my head;)12:36
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ryanakcacompotatoj: like just looking at it's usage?12:36
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notamisfitgodtvisk1n: try installing ncurses-dev (or something like that)12:37
ryanakcacompotatoj: top    in the command line should do it12:37
compotatojryanakca, not really, i want to make it not used unless it is neccesary12:37
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shedigodtvisk1n,  libncurses5-dev12:37
ryanakcacompotatoj: ah... sorry... no clue12:38
yipeokay, I'm almost done with my kernel12:38
notamisfitcompotatoj : /sbin/swapoff (read the manpage before you go shooting yourself in the foot)12:38
compotatojnotamisfit, thanks12:38
yipeI try this "sudo ln -s /boot/System.map- /boot/System.map" and I get this error "ln: creating symbolic link `/boot/System.map' to `/boot/System.map-': File exists"12:38
shedifirst shoot yourself in the foot, then read the manpage :)12:38
yipeisn't the file SUPPOSED to exist?12:38
shedibest approach12:39
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notamisfitshedi: enough times to learn yourself at least12:39
sproingiewhy doesn't alt-f2 work anymore?12:39
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sproingiei even reset it in the keyboard shortcuts, and it still won't work12:39
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yipeanyone know what's up with that error?12:40
polpaksproingie, what was it supposed to do?12:40
sproingiepolpak: pop open the 'run' dialog12:40
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trident523My install keeps freezing everytime it starts. Rather, it goes really slow.12:40
polpakyipe, you have the arguments backwards12:40
sproingiepolpak: in fact, whatever i map it to now doesn't work12:40
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james91823I have a running version of xubuntu but i need to configure my wireless adapter it is a Linksys PCMIA G card its basic. It comes up under the System > networking as active.... ive configured my WEP and my IP address subnet mask and gateway. But now when i go to the web nothing loads. How do i check the status of my WIfI connection... Besides Ifconfig12:41
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polpakyipe, is System.map supoosed to be the link, or the file the link points to12:41
yipeI don't know, whichever makes my kernel work:P12:41
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ryanakcarick-uk: installed?12:41
polpakjames91823, iwconfig ?12:41
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james91823iwconfig? ill try it one sec12:41
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james91823ok i did iwconfig what am i looking for?12:42
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compotatojnotamisfit, should i do swapon -p 1 /dev/sda5 or swapoff -p 1 /dev/sda512:42
godtvisk1nWhat Processor Family is an AMD Sempron considered in the kernel config?12:42
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yipewow.... my foot is WHITE, the light just hit it from the window and there's a reflection on the ceiling.... there's glare coming off my foot12:43
trident523Any clue why my installer is really slow? (like, it has taken 10 min to get the list of languages).12:43
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podzaphi all12:43
enyctrident523: bad cd / cd-drive....12:43
cc_could somebody please assist me with the ppp connection problems that im having. i am trying to connect via a usb adsl modem, here is a paste of my ppp.log - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1804712:43
enyctrident523: bizarre incompatibility with system...12:43
podzapcan somebody tell me where to get an ubuntu version of debootstrap as an RPM?12:43
podzapI need it so I can install ubuntu!!!12:43
enyctrident523: I was having woeird slow behaviour deteching hardware and stuff on osee machine untiel I upgraded the BIOS12:44
yipepolpak's idea didn't work I get the same error trying it the other way12:44
samuliubuntu version in rpm = bad, bad oxymoron12:44
james91823OK it says it can see my network and the link quality is fine then why am i not getting TCP traffic?12:44
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podzapif you can use alien to create an rpm for me, I would be much obliged.12:44
ryanakcarick-uk: np... here to help :)12:44
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podzapsamuli: ubuntu version, as in not the debian version.12:44
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rick-ukNow all I need to do is get the volume control to work!!12:45
samulipodzap. yeah.. but rpm?12:45
notamisfittrident523 : ubuntu's first time up using something other than debian-installer?12:45
notamisfitmy guess anyways12:45
rick-ukthe one on the menu bar does nothing12:45
podzapsamuli: need it to install ubuntu as a xen machine on my suse box12:45
trident523Well, I'll go re-download it. I guess. This is the 2nd time bittorrent has given me a bad download.12:45
ThunderStruckpodzap: ubuntu doesnt use rpms12:45
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trident523Oh... I'm using 6.06, the i386 cd...12:45
podzapThunderStruck: no shit12:45
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trident523And, the only thing that I cant do is select english and hit next, as no languages have popped up.12:46
yipecould someone explain this system.map thing to me?12:46
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cc_could somebody please assist me with the ppp connection problems that im having. i am trying to connect via a usb adsl modem, here is a paste of my ppp.log - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1804712:47
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sysdocAnyone have any problem with the update for xserver-xorg-core (1:1.0.2-0ubuntu10) to 1:1.0.2-0ubuntu10.1? I have been crashing X on the screensaver ever since the update yesterday.12:47
sproingieyunno, i may have actually removed the package with the gnome run dialog.  anyone know what it's called, and what package it's in?12:47
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soundrayyipe: I don't know the answer, but if I wanted to, I'd search the web.12:48
yipeI am.....12:48
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soundrayyipe: how about http://dirac.org/linux/system.map/ then?12:49
trident523Well, I think it's a bad CD. Guess I'll wait for my shipit. Although, I was looking forward to getting it installed within 6 weeks.12:49
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Flanneltrident523: did you burn slowly?12:49
trident523Didnt specify it.12:49
trident523I think my standard is 24x.12:49
Flanneltrident523: try burning at a lower speed.12:49
Flannel4x is good12:49
trident523Ok... Will do.12:50
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soundraytrident523: do check the md5sum before you burn again?12:50
trident523M'kay. Know of a good windows checker?12:50
soundraytrident523: I know they exist...12:51
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trident523Oh, I found one.12:52
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trident523*url for anyone paying attention* http://www.fastsum.com/12:52
Flanneltrident523: http://www.openoffice.org/dev_docs/using_md5sums.html  thats linked from the ubuntu wiki12:52
james91823what is the command to figure out your networking preferences for a wireless adapter iwconfig?12:52
yipeokay, I've got these two files, one is called system.map, the other is system.map~, and I'm supposed to make one point to the other, but I get an error that says "file exists"12:52
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:53
Flannelyipe: that's because one already exists.12:53
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yipeof course they both exist, they're supposed ot exist12:53
soundrayyipe: use the -f flag12:53
yipeokay, then what's the solution?12:53
Flannelyipe: Except, not before the linking.12:53
dliyipe, rm System.map ; ln -s system.map~ System.map12:53
compotatojHow do I see what is being used in the swap?12:54
yipehow good of an idea is deleting my system.map? Sounds like trouble to me12:54
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godtviskinWhere is the USB mass storage option in the kernel configuration?12:54
dliyipe, you don't even need the system.map most likely, so, doesn't matter indeed12:54
soundraycompotatoj: cat /proc/meminfo12:54
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yipeokay, did it..... let's hope that solved it, here I go12:55
dligodtviskin, you need sd_mod and sg in scsi , and [euo] hci_hcd, usb-storage under USB12:55
compotatojHas anyone on an AMD64 gotten compiz to work and their numpad to work? Haha.12:55
Meatwadubuntu has suddenly lost the ability to connect to my wireless network :(12:56
james91823yeah tell me about it12:56
Nathan_Can anyone point me in the direction to configure DNS?12:56
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james91823ME TOO PLEASE12:56
godtviskinYou all should use some WRT54G router and put OpenWRT on it12:56
soundraygodtviskin: the option is called CONFIG_USB_STORAGE . Edit /usr/src/linux/.config if you missed it in make menuconfig12:56
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godtviskinThen avoid having to set up a wireless card in linux12:56
soundraygodtviskin: I have12:56
godtviskinsoundray: thanks, and cool. so have i, it saves so much trouble12:57
cc_could somebody please assist me with the ppp connection problems that im having. i am trying to connect via a usb adsl modem, here is a paste of my ppp.log - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1804712:57
soundraygodtviskin: OpenWrt is good stuff12:57
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Warbocc_: What kind of modem?12:57
rellimhello all12:57
godtviskinsoundray: the config file says not to edit it :P12:57
cc_warbo: connexant usb adsl modem12:58
soundraygodtviskin: don't worry about that warning, as long as you're sensible...12:58
WarboOK, I have never used one of them12:58
cc_war: i can get the link light stable and everything going, i just cannot seem to authenticate.12:58
james91823but do you have to use openwrt?12:58
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Meatwadyou don't have to use openwrt12:59
Meatwadi connect to a cheapo linksys router fine...until now12:59
james91823does anyone have  alink to a support page for wireless in ubunut?12:59
cc_warbo: so it isnt a modem issue, the modem is up, its a ppp communication problem12:59
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper12:59
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james91823thank you lol12:59
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Warbocc_: The modems I use handle that anyway. If the modem works then the connection will work01:00
trident523*in my somewhat offtipic continuation* I'm buring the CD at 4x right now. And, will be back with more linux newbie questions.01:00
cc_Warbo:  how do i specify that it must use PPPoE LLC ?01:00
cc_Warbo: because i beleive that is the problem01:00
godtviskinsoundray: it says i need SCSI disk support too, hm01:00
Warbocc_: Is there a guide to your modem on the Wiki (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UsbAdslModem)?01:00
soundraytrident523: you're in the right place, mostly...01:00
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soundraygodtviskin: yes, like someone else said earlier.01:01
Warbocc_: No idea, as I said my eagle-usb one sorts that out itself (it's getting the damn thing installed in the first place which is tricky)01:01
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cc_warbo: and that i got perfect, ubuntu picks it all up no problem01:01
cc_warbo: okay after installing the driver in the firmware folder of course01:01
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cc_Warbo: but fact is, its there, its waiting to be connected using a working isp configuration. i just need to get a proper setup using PPPoE LLC01:02
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Nathan_Once again, can anyone point me in the direction to configure DNS?01:02
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andy-Do I just need libgtk-1.2.so.0 if I get this message?: /home/andy/.setup25495: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:02
cc_Warbo: i used this guide to get my modem working so that it picks up the adsl link etc. http://rajeshjayaprakash.in/conexant.html <- thats all good.01:03
MikeyMike-5speeddoes anyone know if ubuntu's partition creation process will resize windows partitions without damage?01:03
soundrayNathan_: be a more descriptive. What's the problem you're trying to solve?01:03
godtviskinI keep getting the error that " This feature depends on another which has been configured as a module." How do I know which other feature I need to enable?01:03
Warbocc_: If you get it all working then could you write a brief guide on the Ubuntu Wiki please?01:03
sysdocMikeyMike-5speed, yup01:03
soundrayMikeyMike-5speed: yes, it will. Do backup important files nevertheless.01:03
FlannelMikeyMike-5speed: you should defrag first, and it still depends01:04
soundrayMikeyMike-5speed: yes, even ntfs01:04
MikeyMike-5speedthank you muchly01:04
cc_warbo: i would certainly do so but its just the connection part that i cannot get up. that guide i pasted shows how to make ubuntu pick the modem up without any problems when plugging it in etc.01:04
cc_Warbo: i just need assistance making the dial script to work 100%01:04
godtviskinI am trying to configure my kernel and I get the error that "This feature depends on another which has been configured as a module." How do I know which other feature I need to enable?01:04
cc_Warbo: ive been struggling for the past 5 hours or so.01:05
Warbocc_: As I say I don't know that stuff. I use a router on my own box and I type "sudo startadsl" on my Dad's01:05
soundraygodtviskin: does it not say in the help text?01:05
godtviskinsoundray: no01:05
cc_Warbo: lucky :(01:05
AndyCooll_MikeyMike-5speed: This is a good website related to partitioning http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/01:05
MikeyMike-5speedwhats the easiest way to install ubuntu on an hp pavillion laptop without messing up windows (using grub to dual boot)?01:05
MikeyMike-5speedAndyCooll_,  thank you01:05
h6wHello, I'm getting an initscripts error when I upgrade to dapper.   I've tried apt-get install -f but it complains about a mount problem.  Please help!01:06
soundrayMikeyMike-5speed: follow ubuntu's advice01:06
ubotuDual boot instructions for x86/amd64 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo - for mac https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot01:06
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technelIf I just run an "alias" command, will the alias be available on every session, including if I restart, or do I need to add it to a bash config file or something?01:06
MikeyMike-5speedsoundray,  will i have to manually do the partitions?01:06
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HereticianDoes the speed that I burn Ubuntu matter?01:06
soundrayMikeyMike-5speed: there are options... Are you worried about partitioning?01:07
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MikeyMike-5speedsoundray,  im not im capable of doing it im helpin someone over the phone lol01:07
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MadpilotHeretician, slower burning is better, it seems01:07
soundrayHeretician: some burners churn out better CDs when you set a low speed01:07
WarboThere probably needs to be some distinction between PPC and Intel Macs these days. My Ubuntu CDs just say "For Your Mac", but loads of people have Intel Macs now01:07
Nathan_I am trying to configure Virtual hosts for Apache.  I have setup DNS manualy in slackware.  The files are in /etc/named.conf and /var/named/zone etc.  What software do I need to install to get those files.  Do I have to use a GUI or can I do it by hand?01:08
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soundrayMikeyMike-5speed: ubuntu auto-sets up root and swap partitions if you let it. Better to have a separate /home, but not strictly necessary.01:09
soundraytechnel: aliases should be set in $HOME/.bashrc01:09
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godtviskinI am trying to configure my kernel and I get the error that "This feature depends on another which has been configured as a module." How do I know which other feature I need to enable? It doesn't tell me.01:09
MikeyMike-5speedalso /var for fragmentation i know01:09
HereticianSo it would be better to just burn with like.. 2x or 4x?01:09
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MikeyMike-5speedsoundray,  what im worried about is the auto method will it overwrite windows?01:09
technelsoundray, Alright, thanks01:09
MikeyMike-5speedor will it respect the windows installation01:09
Viper550Hello again01:09
jiShauto will erase entire HD01:09
gtrplranyone setup xorg on an ubuntu server?01:09
Warbogodtviskin: Enable anything that you want as a module. The only things to compile in are enough to get an initrd working01:09
=== forrest [n=jirc@edade-bsr-1-68-235-128-173.miamfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayMikeyMike-5speed: the design is to respect Windows and other installations. It can be a bit hairy, if you've got unusual partitioning etc., but the installer deals well with the common setups.01:10
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MikeyMike-5speedsoundray,  its a single partition windows installation on a hp pavillion01:10
sysdocMikeyMike-5speed, read this http://www.pcmech.com/show/os/903/01:10
MikeyMike-5speedthank you sysdoc01:11
baconbaconJust dont "use the entire disc"01:11
MikeyMike-5speedbut the alternative to that is 'manual'01:11
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soundrayHeretician: it can be, with some drives and blank CDs, or combinations thereof. Usually, you're best off with the high burning speed, though, unless you've already found problems.01:12
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forrestWhats "dist-upgrade" do that is different from "upgrade" in aptitude? I have looked everywhere, but I only found it is "intelligent".01:12
montag_Anyone know why mplayer would play video files stretched? I have a 1680x1050 laptop screen (16:10 aspect ratio).01:12
soundrayMikeyMike-5speed: I wouldn't expect any problems, but obviously won't give you a promise or guarantee.01:12
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MikeyMike-5speedsoundray,  of course01:12
Hereticianstops at 66% on one cd, wont even boot up another.. althoug the CDs are pretty scratchy-- i'm going out and buying more though01:12
MikeyMike-5speedthanks i will be right back01:12
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Nathan_soundray: I am trying to configure Virtual hosts for Apache.  I have setup DNS manualy in slackware.  The files are in /etc/named.conf and /var/named/zone etc.  What software do I need to install to get those files.  Do I have to use a GUI or can I do it by hand?01:12
Warboforrest: If new dependencies are needed then dist-upgrade will get them. Regular upgrade will leave the dependant package at it's current version01:13
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soundrayforrest: during years of using Debian and Ubuntu, I've never had a good reason to prefer upgrade over dist-upgrade01:14
soundrayHeretician: your situation warrants an attempt with lower burning speed.01:15
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WarboI want to set icon zooming to 150% by default. How do I do that?01:15
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g-hennahi everyone01:16
g-hennais it correct that there is no file /etc/ld.so.conf in ubuntu?01:16
soundrayNathan_: have you installed the bind package?01:16
Hereticianit was at 48, what would you suggest I change this to, soundray?01:16
Warbog-henna: I can't find it. Pretty annoying since I don't know the alternative01:16
soundrayHeretician: the lowest that the package of your blank suggests.01:17
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Hereticianthey suggest a lowest and highest? :P01:17
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WarboHeretician: 4x is usually the most supported01:17
Hereticianalthough... 2x would be even better? :P01:17
g-hennai have the problem that ld links to the so-files in /usr/local/lib fine, but when running the application, these paths are not known to the program and it crashes saying that the lib was not found01:17
=== trident523 is in the same boat as Hereticia. I'm just waiting for a burn, and will ask some install questions.
WarboHeretician: Many writable discs don't support 2x (I have a set which says 4x-12x)01:18
g-hennaWarbo: you think just adding that file may help?01:18
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Warbog-henna: I don't think so. I obviously isn't there for a reason, but I don't know what that reason is01:18
soundrayg-henna: I've got that file, but I don't know whether that means anything01:18
soundrayHeretician: I mostly use RWs that suggest 4-1201:18
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rubsoWarbo: Standby Option doesn't work..01:19
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Hereticiantrident523, my install questions will come when i get more problems of course :P01:19
forrestsoundray: sorry, my client has a 20 line buffer, and i didn't have enough time. Can you say that again?01:19
Warborubso: Sorry, DPMS was the only thing I could think of01:19
Hereticiani currently also have a problem to deal with xserver.. I'm going to try that fix on the site :)01:19
Hereticianer forums01:19
soundrayforrest: during years of using Debian and Ubuntu, I've never had a good reason to prefer upgrade over dist-upgrade01:19
rubso:( ok thanx01:19
g-hennaman ldconfig shows that this file seems to be actually used01:19
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Nathan_soundray:  Oops.  Thanks.  It is those little things that get ya..   I will see if things look familiar.  Thanks.01:20
forrestsoundray: the line before that01:20
soundrayforrest, sorry I don't think I said anything else to you01:21
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Warboforrest: Dist-upgrade gets dependencies which you don't already have. If a package needs new dependencies then upgrade will leave the package at it's current version01:21
forrestsoundray: about the difference, not your preference01:21
g-hennaok, solved. just created the file and ran sudo ldconfig01:21
g-hennabye then01:21
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h6wSetting up initscripts (2.86.ds1-6ubuntu32) ...01:22
h6wmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on varrun,01:22
h6w       missing codepage or other error01:22
h6w       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try01:22
h6w       dmesg | tail  or so01:22
h6wdpkg: error processing initscripts (--configure):01:22
h6w subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 3201:22
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h6wAny ideas?01:22
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soundrayh6w: yes01:22
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:22
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soundrayh6w: don't flood01:22
h6wSorry, that wasn't supposed to be multiple lines.01:23
ompaulh6w, please read ubotu's last message01:23
soundrayh6w: if you want any sympathetic response, that is.01:23
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montag_Nevermind. mplayer owned.01:23
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage01:23
aleckshey does anybody know where I can find the awards that ubuntu has won?01:23
ubotuI know nothing about awards - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:24
=== alecks is now known as a1ecks
ubotuNo fonts in mplayer? Try " sudo apt-get install mplayer-fonts " ( multiverse must be enabled see !repos ).01:24
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.01:24
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trident523Ok, I got past most of the liveCD bootup. Here comes the moment of truth for my *fairly recent* L25-S1##.01:25
h6wI can't see ubotu's last message. What does it say?01:25
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soundrayh6w: it says, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org if you've got errors to paste.01:25
a1eckssudo apt-get install mplayer-fonts01:26
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h6wok, more info: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1804901:27
trident523Hmm, I'mm still getting a slow responce on the graphical install.01:27
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h6wWas upgrading from breezy to dapper, suddenly crashed with error status 32 on initscripts.  Haven't been able to get past this.01:28
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soundrayh6w: are you mounting something to /varrun in /etc/fstab?01:29
=== trident523 remains mistified why my liveCDS are coming out slow/crashing.
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jriba1ecks: I thought there used to be an award page but I can't find it.  You can grep the http://www.ubuntu.com/news page for 'award' though01:29
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WarboI'm finally making the switch back to spatial mode now :)01:29
malvwhen does umbrello not crash?01:29
tvalladonhow do I get the exact ammount of bites that the CD in the drive uses? I am trying to make a progress bar for making ISO's with with dd and pv01:30
soundrayWarbo: is that the mode where nautilus remembers icon positions?01:30
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Warbosoundray: "manual" remembers icon positions, spatial opens each folder in a new window and remembers their size and position01:30
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soundrayh6w: strange... post your /etc/fstab on the same site pls01:31
trident523Uhh, does the graphcal install take almost 4-5min to load up usually?01:31
h6w^-- fstab01:31
soundrayWarbo: cool, I've been wanting to try that... Still missing the old Mac System 7 Finder sometimes...01:31
Warbosoundray: I've never used a Mac, but the Amiga Workbench does it01:31
soundraytrident523: can do01:31
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h6wCould it be that I have root mounted as xfs?01:32
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soundrayh6w: that looks okay, doesn't explain your problem... xfs as root should be okay, although it's unusual... Can't really tell you what's going on. Is a re-install out of the question?01:33
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trident523soundray: seems like it just took a while to load. All is seemingly fine.01:33
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h6wProbably not.  It would just be a bit of a pain as ndiswrapper took me some time to configure.01:34
soundraytrident523: it can happen with certain hardware, low memory etc.01:34
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light_hey guys, how can i check since when my linux is installed?01:34
raptros-v76light_: ?01:34
soundrayh6w: just backup your /etc/ndiswrapper, or your entire /etc if you prefer01:34
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light_raptros-v76, ?01:35
raptros-v76light_: what do you want to do?01:35
soundraylight_: interesting question... ls -lt /etc might give you a clue if you look at the last line. Could be wrong, though.01:35
light_to check when did i installed my linux01:35
hawkaloogiesoundray, can't be, i didn't have ubuntu in 200301:36
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light_-rw-r--r--  1 root   root      2586 2003-12-04 09:57 locale.alias01:36
light_not likely :P01:36
hawkaloogieand incidentally light_ has the same as i do01:36
trident523!install trident52301:37
ubotuI know nothing about install trident523 - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:37
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a1eckswhere can i find what awards ubuntu has won01:37
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ubotuI know nothing about awards - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:37
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soundraylight_, hawkaloogie, look at the time stamps and/or file contents in /var/log/installer/ -- they should be accurate01:37
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devhena1ecks, what do you need awards for?!01:37
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a1ecksdevhen: i just need to know what awards ubuntu has won01:38
=== sid [n=sid@12-31-252-235.farcpe.i29.net] has joined #ubuntu
hawkaloogiesoundray, that i'll agree with01:38
Warbodevhen: Propaganda? We need some more of that :)01:38
Stoned2daBonescan someone help me to upgrade my amsn?01:38
light_soundray, -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  47017 2006-04-02 00:01 status01:38
light_-rw------- 1 root root 231613 2006-04-02 00:01 syslog01:38
WarboStoned2daBones: Did you install it through APT?01:38
light_could be?01:38
a1ecksdevhen: do you know?01:38
light_the last lines01:38
Stoned2daBonesi really dont know what to do01:38
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Warboa1ecks: Have you checked the fridge?01:39
devhena1ecks, some awards listed here: http://www.ubuntu.com/news01:39
yipeError 8: Kernel must be loaded before booting01:39
Warbo!synaptic > Stoned2daBones01:39
sidif I leave my laptop for a few minutes, when I come back the screen has shut off01:39
ubotufridge is the Ubuntu's Community News website, and can be found at http://fridge.ubuntu.com01:39
trident523Going on 7 min for the 2nd step to load off.01:39
yipeI thought I did! it's right there!01:39
sidbut it won't come back on01:39
dliyipe, what are you trying to do?01:39
sidthe only way to get back on is to use control alt backspace01:39
sproingie /me awards ubuntu the coveted Golden Spork01:39
yipeI've compiled a new kernel, all I'm trying to do is boot it up01:39
soundraylight_: only you will know whether that's plausible or not.01:39
Warboyipe: You copied arch/i386/boot/bzImage to /boot didn't you?01:39
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dliyipe, using kernel-package?01:40
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codecaineanybody know how to add appz to the applications menu on gnome?01:40
light_soundray, i'm guessing you're right :P thx01:40
yipedli, I don't know what you mean, this is only the second time I've compiled a kernel and the first time I basically had my hand held the whole time01:40
notamisfitcodecaine: alacarte01:40
Seveascodecaine, righclick on 'application', select ;edit menus'01:41
ubotudapper is the 4th and latest release of Ubuntu. Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake"01:41
soundraysid: maybe it's your nick -- sid is the guy who breaks toys...01:41
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Warbocodecaine: Application>Accessories>Alacarte Menu Editor01:41
light_!dapper release date01:41
ubotuI know nothing about dapper release date - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:41
Stoned2daBonesthere I am but still dont know what to do!01:41
dliyipe, read about kernel-package01:41
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soundraysid: but it could just be your screensaver. Deactivate in System-Preferences-Screensaver.01:41
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sidthat's how I got my nick, because I used to look like him01:41
dliyipe, no need to support other ways of kernel building in ubuntu01:41
soundraysid: but those times have gone by, lucky you.01:42
Stoned2daBonesI have version 0.94-1 and I want to get 0.9601:42
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sidI do have my screensaver disabled01:42
WarboStoned2daBones: Search for AMSN and click on the little box next to it. Select "Mark for upgrade". If that option is not there then it is already at the newest version01:42
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@adrianDHCP-36.216-254-251.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu
morrolanlight_ dapper was released on the 1st June 200601:42
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deltoyasid: It's the energy savings settings01:42
soundraysid: is it trying to suspend or hibernate? Check your powersave settings01:42
=== Samus_Aran [n=ILL@about/linux/supportwhirlwind/SamusAran] has joined #Ubuntu
dliyipe, after you make menuconfig, do: make-kpkg kernel-image01:43
ScurveyFrogI'm trying to get vmware running as a separate session in ubuntu01:43
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sidwhere are the powersave settings?01:43
digitalhav0canyone know were the compiz start up script is located in ubuntu01:43
trident523Gah. My lack of ability to wait is getting to me.01:43
Stoned2daBonesbut if I go to check for new version I get a message that there is an upgrade01:43
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ScurveyFrogI can get vmware to run as a session, but when I try to open Windows XP, it says that I don't have permission01:43
soundraysid: System-Preferences-Power Management (if you have dapper)01:43
sidnope, still using breezy01:43
raptros-v76digitalhav0c: there isnt one01:43
ScurveyFroghow can I get the right permissions?01:43
yipeis vmlinux not the file I was supposed to copy?01:44
WarboStoned2daBones: If you download a tar.gz archive from their site then you can use build-essential and checkinstall to install it01:44
Samus_AranScurveyFrog: which user are you, and does it work when you log in as that user to KDE, Gnome, ICEWM, etc. ?01:44
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digitalhav0craptros-v76, for me its /usr/bin/startxgl.sh01:44
sidgtsudo "update-manager -d" doesn't update to dapper (I tried)01:44
digitalhav0cthanks anyway01:44
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raptros-v76digitalhav0c: in ubuntu?01:44
Samus_Aranyipe: vmlinux is not the kernel image, if that's what you're after01:44
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ScurveyFrogSamus_Aran: yes, I can normally log in as that user01:44
digitalhav0cyeah im using ubuntu01:44
Warbo-d does development version doesn't it? (Edgy)01:45
ScurveyFrogSamus_Aran: it's my normal user account01:45
Stoned2daBonesthats what I was thinking but I dont know how to do it01:45
raptros-v76digitalhav0c: oh, you already set it up?01:45
digitalhav0cbut install using http://tazforum.thetazzone.com/viewtopic.php?t=218901:45
Samus_AranScurveyFrog: but does VMware run fine under KDE or Gnome, or do you get the permission problem ?01:45
dliyipe, as I said, stop, and read about kernel-package01:45
digitalhav0craptros-v76, yeah01:45
raptros-v76digitalhav0c: so whats the question01:45
soundraysid: you'd have to replace all occurrences of "breezy" in /etc/apt/sources.list with "dapper" first, then it might work01:45
ScurveyFrogSamus_Aran: no, it runs fine normally01:45
=== trident523 can now longer wait. I've hit the 12 min mark now. And, no results.
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Lord_Athurhi all01:45
Samus_AranScurveyFrog: first step, check the VMware log files.  they should be in the directory of the virtual hard drive01:46
soundraysid: if it still doesn't upgrade, upgrade your update-manager separately and try again01:46
lukaswayne9Hey all, I've got an Ubuntu partition that I pretty much wrecked.  I would like to reinstall ubuntu, but have it not touch my /home folder.  Is this possible?01:46
Stoned2daBonesthanks man 4 the link!01:47
Samus_AranScurveyFrog: hopefully it will tell you what it was not having permission to do.  failing that, I recommend running vmware from a script on that session, and having it do an strace (tracks all system calls) and grep for "permission denied" messages in the output01:47
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Samus_AranScurveyFrog: without knowing what file the problem is with, it's hard to guess01:47
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TLElukaswayne9: how large is your home folder can't you back it up ?01:47
ScurveyFrogSamus_Aran: normally I have to use sudo to make vmware work01:47
soundraylukaswayne9: first of all, it's best to back up your /home folder. Having said that, you can probably reinstall, resize the old root and have it be mounted as /home, if you make the right choices in the installer.01:47
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Samus_AranScurveyFrog: okay, then you have not set up VMware properly01:48
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ThunderStrucklukaswayne9: back it up or make a partition for it01:48
ScurveyFrogSamus_Aran: but I don't think sudo is being used to start vmware in the session01:48
ScurveyFrogSamus_Aran: okay, what should I have done?01:48
Samus_AranScurveyFrog: VMware when installed properly will work as any user that has permission to the directory where the virtual hard drive is (which should be owned by your user)01:48
ScurveyFrogSamus_Aran: so the problem is that I used sudo to install it?01:48
soundraylukaswayne9: you might try un-wrecking your root partition, too...01:48
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Samus_AranScurveyFrog: VMware does need to be installed as root, but for running it, it should just be your user, not root (sudo will run it as root)01:49
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Samus_AranScurveyFrog: just chown the directory that has the virtual hard drive to your user, and then try running it as that user again01:49
ScurveyFrogSamus_Aran: I've already done that01:49
lukaswayne9soundray: Yeah, maybe.  I'm running edgy, so things are pretty fubar01:49
Samus_AranScurveyFrog: all the files in the directory ?01:50
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soundraylukaswayne9: oh. Have you tried #ubuntu+1 ?01:50
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ScurveyFrogSamus_Aran: yeah, but let me try it again, sometimes subdirectories escape the recursion01:50
Samus_AranScurveyFrog: as your user, can you cd to the directory and less the files ?01:50
Samus_AranScurveyFrog: it might be a parent directory you do not have permission to01:50
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MikeyMikehey soundray would you just resize /dev/hda1/ in this image to install ubuntu ? http://xs103.xs.to/xs103/06286/Screenshot.png01:50
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lukaswayne9soundray: Eh, I'm not really that concerned in fixing it.  I've got another dapper machine and a live CD.01:51
morrolanHow do I install a Windows game using Wine? Wine in 5.04 had GUI to help get set up - now I just don't know what I'm doing01:51
ScurveyFrogSamus_Aran: yes, I can. all files are owned by my user01:51
lukaswayne9soundray: Stuff will probably get fixed around Knot 1, so I might just wait out01:51
Samus_Arancan someone tell me what package /etc/init.d/postfix comes from ?01:51
ScurveyFrogSamus_Aran: and there are no subdirectories01:51
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eddie_nXi just installed ubunto and i set my username to root oops but i figured on using the default root account now i try to login (after first reboot) and it says cant login admin from this screen01:52
Samus_Aranmorrolan: if you don't get any answers in here, or on the Ubuntu Wiki, try asking in the official WINE channel: #WineHQ01:52
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soundrayMikeyMike: sounds like a reasonable proposition. I would do it differently, though -- I'd back up the contents of hda2 and hda3, then delete them and have the extended partition cover the whole of the disk space beyond the resized hda1.01:53
eddie_nXso how do i login or do i have to re-install... also I tried cnt alt bksp and tried logining in from the other screen01:53
Samus_AranScurveyFrog: when you run "vmware" from the console, as your user, you should see any permission denied messages01:53
Samus_AranScurveyFrog: without using sudo01:53
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MikeyMikesoundray: why? and i dont think hda2 and hda3 can be deleted.. how can i tell whats actually on them?01:53
MikeyMikeif you dont mind me asking that is.......01:54
zcat[1] eddie_nX: if you only just installed, reinstalling is probably easiest..01:54
ScurveyFrogSamus_Aran: ah hah! it's the .vmware directory that escaped my chown01:54
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Samus_AranScurveyFrog: ah, good.  hopefully that's all01:54
soundrayeddie_nX: hmm, interesting... you could try booting in recovery mode, add a new user and add that user to all relevant groups. Might be easier to reinstall, though.01:54
Samus_AranScurveyFrog: once you have it running fine as your user, it should also work under the login session01:55
eddie_nXbut im curious i guess root cant login and run xwindows (or ubuntu)01:55
Tobahow can I tell what linux kernel I'll be running when I reboot01:55
Tobait upgraded my kernel but I don't know what to01:55
Samus_AranScurveyFrog: it's kind of a neat idea to have VMware as a login session, heh01:55
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zcat[1] someone should file a bug, the installer shouldn't let you use 'root' as the first nonroot account name :)01:55
soundrayMikeyMike: the way it is, if you resize hda1 and create new partitions in the space you gain, you get a strange ordering of primary partitions that some systems (not Linux) might have issues with.01:55
ScurveyFrogSamus_Aran: now it doesn't show me errors, but it still doesn't show Windows XP in the list of Virtual Machines01:56
Samus_AranScurveyFrog: are you aware that you can tell VMware to automatically launch a particular session fullscreened ?  then it wouldn't load up the GUI and it would seem just like booting into it01:56
eddie_nXyeah thats odd01:56
eddie_nXif it piled a username onto root01:56
Lord_AthurIs there a channel about partners?01:56
MikeyMikesoundray: would XP have issues with it?01:56
ScurveyFrogSamus_Aran: yes, that's what I'm going for01:56
Samus_AranScurveyFrog: you were running as root before, and now as your user.  probably it has just forgotten the session01:56
eddie_nXlol so normally can you login to console as root and then start x01:56
soundrayMikeyMike: I don't know -- you'd have to ask someone who uses XP...01:56
MikeyMikesoundray:  ha ha :D01:56
Samus_AranScurveyFrog: just go to "File > Open session", or whatever it is called, and go to the virtual hard drive01:56
Samus_AranScurveyFrog: it should add it to the list after that01:57
soundrayeddie_nX: no, normally you can't login as root at all on ubuntu.01:57
zcat[1] I have no idea.. but I'd guess it failed to make a login at all since root is already used, and probably hasn't set a password anywhere01:57
ScurveyFrogSamus_Aran: it said unable to add virtual machine, permission denied01:57
Samus_AranScurveyFrog: what showed up on the console ?01:57
eddie_nXbut ur normal user account would be able to make system changes essentially like a root user would?01:58
zcat[1] !sudo01:58
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:58
ScurveyFrogSamus_Aran: nothing01:58
eddie_nXahh ok01:58
soundrayeddie_nX: yes: the first one you create can run admin programs, and any other user you create and equip with the appropriate privileges after that.01:58
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eddie_nXIm used to more uh linux-like linux lol would kubunto be more like redhat ?01:59
zcat[1] redhat would be more like redhat :)01:59
eddie_nXwith the kde enviroment01:59
zcat[1] kubuntu is more like ubuntu with kde on top.01:59
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soundrayeddie_nX: no, it follows the same sudo philosophy. Do read those web pages, though. It's very easy and advantageous to get used to the Ubuntu way of doing things.01:59
Frankensteinwhats wrong with installing ubuntu and than selecting the kde packages?02:00
eddie_nXand ubunto is essentially linux or is it a different os altogether?02:00
Samus_AranScurveyFrog: I guess try running it through strace so you can see what it is erroring on02:00
notamisfityes ubuntu is linux02:00
ScurveyFrogSamus_Aran: correction, it said no permission to perform this operation02:00
notamisfitgnu/linux that is02:00
Frankensteinubuntu is based of debian hence the apt-get02:00
soundrayeddie_nX: Linux is the kernel at the heart of Ubuntu.02:00
zcat[1] Frankenstein: nothing wrong with it.. apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and you get basically kubuntu.02:00
Samus_AranScurveyFrog: strace -f vmware 2>&1 | grep -i permission02:00
Lord_Athurwhat's the webpage of the contactCode?02:00
Frankensteinanyway, i have a question!02:00
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Samus_Araneddie_nX: Ubuntu is a "distro" (distribution) or "flavour" of GNU/Linux02:01
Frankensteinmy FireFox cant seem to produce sound through any flash objects! like the youtube players etc... im running drapper with latest software etc... my soundcard is onboard and works with XMMS, gaim, and the lot02:01
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Samus_AranFrankenstein: try running firefox through a terminal, and see if any errors appear there02:02
notamisfitp4c0, good to hear02:02
zcat[1] 11:58:04 up 1 day, 56 min,  4 users,  load average: 11.91, 11.71, 9.7302:02
Frankensteinok one seccond Samus_Aran02:02
eddie_nXok well im not discouraged yet I will reinstall and start learnin'02:02
Samus_AranFrankenstein: do you have more than one soundcard ?  it might be trying to use the wrong one02:02
ScurveyFrogSamus_Aran: wow, that slows things down like crazy02:02
eddie_nXthanks ppl02:02
zcat[1] damn java-vm !02:02
FrankensteinSamus_Aran, just one02:02
ThunderStruckits a known issue02:02
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notamisfitdisregard last, wrong channel02:03
Samus_AranScurveyFrog: yes, it will slow it down.  if you didn't use the grep, you would see every system call the program made ... thousands upon thousands02:03
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ScurveyFrogSamus_Aran: yeah, grep is cool like that02:03
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LightyI need some help with xorg configuration. I can't get the Screen Resolution dialog to allow me to change resolutions.02:03
=== ThunderStruck cant recall the command for flash and ff
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edjuTried to install ubuntu off the live cd - but at the first screen, set the time zone, there is no "next" or "continue" or "OK" - so, where to go from there?02:04
Samus_AranScurveyFrog: word of advice, do not ever run "strace" on the terminal app you're currently running, heh.  it goes into a crazy loop trying to display the system calls into the terminal, which produces more system calls .. etc.02:04
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Frankensteinnope, no errors when started from the terminal!02:04
sam_how do you install kde under ubuntu?02:04
Samus_AranScurveyFrog: I actually had it lock up my X server a couple years ago when I tried it, heh02:04
zcat[1] Frankenstein: I think flash uses audio directly, and might be conflicting with esd... kill esd or set it to free up the card quicker (not sure where to do that)02:04
ScurveyFrogSamus_Aran: sounds like fun!02:04
Samus_Aransam_: apt-get install kde02:04
ThunderStruckSamus_Aran: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:04
VirusDotNEThey how can i cancel this thing. it keeps trying to reconnect02:04
soundraysam_: hold on...02:05
Samus_AranThunderStruck: okay.  I just clicked on a couple KDE apps in Synaptic and it did the rest, heh02:05
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id10t'lo... how can i control what device to record sound from? i've got a usb cam (works) with mic  as well as my normal sound card with mic...02:05
zcat[1] there might also be a way to make flash use esd... but not sure02:05
Frankensteinand what DC C thing? :P02:05
soundraysam_: if you want a complete kde environment, install kubuntu-desktop02:05
skavengeif gnome is installed and you run that install kubuntu-desktop does it replace gnome?02:05
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ThunderStruckskavenge: no02:05
Samus_Aranid10t: if you're using ALSA, open up "alsamixer" in a terminal and then press Tab to cycle through the screens.  one is to choose what the input device is for recording02:05
VirusDotNEThow can i cancel this reconnecting installing of this application ?02:06
yipecompiling.... compiling.... still compiling...02:06
ThunderStruckFrankenstein: please join #ubuntu-offtopic for non-ubuntu support02:06
skavengeThunderStruck: is there a way to make it? Can I have a seperate user using kde?02:06
yipesomeday I will have a kernel02:06
id10tSamus_Aran, thanks... its just an apt-get install away :)02:06
zcat[1] skavenge: you get boot and can choose which desktop you want at login02:06
sam_will installing kde under ubuntu not give a 'complete kde' alternative02:06
zcat[1] *both02:06
sam_or will it just be part of kde02:06
FrankensteinThunderStruck, this IS ubuntu support....02:06
soundrayyipe: in the days of 386 CPUs it took a weekend to compile a kernel02:06
ThunderStruckskavenge: dont know about seperate users but that still wouldnt replace gnome02:06
Samus_Aranid10t: in the main screen you can turn on or off whether your speakers will be playing back the audio from the mic.  usually you will want to mute that, otherwise you can get really nasty feedback loops02:06
ThunderStruckFrankenstein: the dcc exploit is not02:06
Frankensteinthat was a joke02:06
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Frankensteinanyway! i killall'd esd and still not working im afraid02:07
s1gnalhi, how do I open a serial port that has a device attached to it? similar to the way I would connect to something using hyperterm in windows for example?02:07
skavengelast time in breezy when i tried installing kde and gnome both window managers apps were in each others menus .. i remember kde apps in gnome menu at least, pretty messy02:07
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sam_How do you get dvd support under ubuntu?02:07
yipeum, am I mistaken or am I ON a 386 machine?02:07
soundrayskavenge: in the gdm login window, you can set a per-user preference for kde or gnome02:07
sam_and mp3 etc02:07
Samus_Aranid10t: one thing to note is that every soundcard has different labels in alsamixer, this is unfortunately due to the fact that they just take the names straight off the soundcard, and don't try to translate them into something sensible (as happens with a Windows soundcard driver), so the mixer items often have very random names02:07
Frankensteinsigh, ill just go to firefox support02:07
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ThunderStruck!mp3 > sam_02:08
zcat[1] yipe: i386 archetecture, probably a 686 chip.02:08
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ThunderStrucksam_ read your pm to find out more02:08
skavengesoundray: ill try that thnx02:08
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yipeI just wanted to be difficult02:08
ScurveyFrogsam_: the only way is illegal, Automatix will do it for you02:08
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Samus_Aranid10t: so for example my soundcard has "IEC958 AC97 1" as one of the mixer items I need to use for microphone (at least I think that was my mic one)02:08
id10tSamus_Aran, anything i can do in /etc to control what gets what?  i'd be happy if i could just explicity assign the mic on my webcam /dev/dsp6 or something "silly" and be done02:08
ThunderStruckScurveyFrog: thats not true02:08
raxorhi all, I am trying to dual-boot with an XP install on hda and ubuntu on hdb. I have modified my boot.ini to add an entry that points to an ubuntu.bin file I created using dd, but it will not run grub-- anyone know about these things?02:08
ScurveyFrogsam_: but it's illegal in the US02:08
soundrayyipe: you've succeeded admirably02:09
ScurveyFrogThunderStruck: what would be the legal way?02:09
raptros-v76yipe: you always want to be difficult02:09
zcat[1] most people are on i386, a few use amd64 and very few use powerPC02:09
dxdemetrioucan I change somehow my xorg.conf to start the x11 in ctrl-alt-f7 for the monitor and in ctrl-alt-f9 for tv?02:09
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yipehey raptros-v76, and yes, yes I do02:09
Samus_Aranid10t: unfortunately, each audio app has its own method of choosing the soundcard it uses for input and/or output, so you'll need to set it in your recording application02:09
ThunderStruckScurveyFrog: there first is _no_ legal way and sencond everything you need is in multiverse repos and can get with apt02:09
sam_why is it illegal to play mp3s?02:09
yipewhich is probably why I'm banned from offtopic AGAIN02:09
ThunderStrucksam_: its not if you pay for them02:10
yipethat and sev has emotional problems:P02:10
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notamisfitsam_ : mp3 is patent-encumbered and requires royalties02:10
Samus_Aranid10t: if the app is using OSS emulation (usually older apps), then it will use /dev/dsp by default, which will be a symlink to the OSS emulation of the first soundcard driver that was loaded02:10
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id10tSamus_Aran, right... be alot easier if i knew webcam was always /dev/dsp602:10
soundraysam_: don't listen. Playing mp3s does not require paying royalties.02:10
Samus_Aranid10t: for ALSA based audio, there are items in /dev/snd/02:10
yipewhen did it become illegal to not like someone?02:10
ThunderStruckyipe: _never_ talk about anyone like that02:10
ScurveyFrogsoundray: I wasn't talking about mp3's, he asked about DVDs02:11
ThunderStruckyipe: to not like and to be offtopic and to talk about people is different02:11
crimsunid10t: you can tell a usb audio device to never be card 0, though.02:11
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LightyI can't get the Screen Resolution dialog to allow me to change resolutions even though /etc/X11/xorg.conf has multiple defined.02:11
soundraysam_: developing an mp3 player does require payments to the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft in some legislatures.02:11
crimsunid10t: where "never" means "prefer any other device before this one"02:11
zcat[1] In NZ, DVDCSS and region coding are an illegal restraint of trade. Bypassing them is completely allowed.02:11
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id10tcrimsun, that would work... of course, i guess i could just pull out the sound card and just have the usb ...02:12
Samus_AranLighty: go to a terminal and type in: xrandr02:12
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Madpilotzcat[1] , damn, I'm moving to NZ :)02:12
crimsunid10t: do you only have those two devices to use?02:12
Samus_AranLighty: that will show you the available modes.  you can try switching them with a command like: xrandr -s 1600x120002:12
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yipeMadpilot, you'll love it in NZ02:13
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ScurveyFrogSamus_Aran: after waiting a long time, it came back with an error: VMWare server is not running02:13
zcat[1] we still have stupid laws about mp3's.. copying your CD's to your ipod is still illegal. Duh!02:13
ScurveyFrogSamus_Aran: that was within vmware02:13
id10tcrimsun, yup. and the pci sound card is optional for what i'm using this machine for...02:13
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crimsunid10t: then you can use: echo "options snd-usb-audio index=-2" |sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/snd-usb-audio02:13
SurfnKidarmagetron yeeea02:13
Szczepan1990do you want sex??????02:13
SurfnKidyes please02:13
ScurveyFrogSamus_Aran: the strace came back with some errors about /dev/mem and /dev/parport002:13
Szczepan1990oral, anal :)02:13
zcat[1] yes, but not with you!02:13
crimsunid10t: that way your pci card will always be 0, and your usb will be 102:13
SurfnKidnevermind ill gget back to my game02:14
Szczepan1990oh, fuck of02:14
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ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:14
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crimsuncan we take the off-topic to ...-offtopic?02:14
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sam_say if i wanted to install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg how would i go about it...im new as!02:14
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SurfnKidsam_, sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg02:14
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soundrayGo again Madpilot, please02:14
sam_I tried that but it cant find it02:14
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zcat[1] open up synaptic, search for the package, click the install checkbog, click the 'just do it' button.. (apply, I think) and wait.02:15
soundrayMadpilot: oh, I've been pawned ;)02:15
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SurfnKidsam_, search gstreamer in Synaptic, itll find it02:15
NthDegreesam_ try gksudo synaptic02:15
NthDegreethen have a look on there02:15
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dash`how do I update java on breezy?02:15
zcat[1] might have to add universe and multiverse first02:15
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ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository02:15
ScurveyFrogSamus_Aran: well, I need to go. it's time to get off work. I'll try again later02:15
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zcat[1] !codecs02:16
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:16
SurfnKidi gotta run02:16
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NthDegreesam_ you may want to enable universe and multiverse repositories to get the full list of software02:16
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damion_how do i mount my sony psp to ubuntu02:16
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TaliskerHow do I get the damn thing to play .rm files?02:16
weakwirehi  i run xgl and when i play video my cpu goes 80 %...also when i get for instance to play glest i get this.:Exception: Your system supports OpenGL version "1.2 (2.0.2 NVIDIA 87.62)"02:16
weakwireGlest needs at least version 1.3 to work02:16
weakwire.what can i do?02:16
zcat[1] Talisker: w32codecs02:16
=== redir [n=robrien@208-58-195-117.c3-0.grg-ubr2.lnh-grg.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
peesquadUbuntu is the worst Linux distro ever02:16
TaliskerI already got them02:16
DBOyay netsplit02:16
soundrayTalisker: not by swearing. Read about restricted formats:02:17
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ThunderStruck] by ChanServ
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:17
zcat[1] then mplayer should handle rm files...02:17
dash`I just was getting an error that a program cannot be used because I have an older version of java02:17
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:17
zcat[1] not all players use w32codecs.. mplayer does though02:17
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yipesomeone please squash peesquad like a bug please02:17
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SurfnKidyea sure peewhacked02:17
=== Mewshi [n=kitty@pool-71-162-34-14.altnpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
TaliskerThis guy was just k-lined for saying Ubuntu sucks?02:17
=== kelbizzle [n=kelbizzl@c-68-34-111-206.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ThunderStruckhe got k-lined02:17
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soundrayTalisker: and consider installing realplayer from the nonstandard repos -- read easysource02:17
SurfnKidi disagree totally02:17
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic02:17
ThunderStruckTalisker: no02:17
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ThunderStruckTalisker: it was for the dcc exploit02:17
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p33squadstill Ubuntu is the worst Linux distro ever and your channel is pwned anyways :)02:18
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ThunderStruck] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b mpkldz!*@*] by ThunderStruck
yipeTalisker, right after he said that he sent out the DCC exploit and knocked a whole bunch of people done, that was an attack not a netsplit02:18
=== raptros-v76 [n=raptros@cpe-74-64-81-120.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidsomeone stop playing with the fiber optic backbone please02:18
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damion_hello is there a way to mount a psp to ubuntu02:18
SurfnKid=] 02:18
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:18
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zcat[1] nice 'sploit!!02:19
Madpilotyipe, please be careful saying "D C C" in channel - thanks02:19
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TaliskerTHe restricted page is not much help02:19
yipeeven the word causes problems? I didn't know that, sorry02:19
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soundrayTalisker: EasyUbuntu is another good one -- not sure if the current version helps you install realplayer, but anyway...02:19
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.02:19
=== Lighty [n=ric@ip68-228-245-30.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
raptros-v76yipe: wtf happened to me?02:19
Lord_Athurhi all, I need some help with openPGP, is there anybody available to help me, please?02:19
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zcat[1] what software is being killed by 'delta charlie charlie' ?02:19
sharms2!tell Lord_Athur about anyone02:19
yiperaptros-v76, peesquad is attacking the channel right now02:20
-lilo:#ubuntu- Hi all. IF you were just disconnected, you were the victim of an exploit for netgear and linksys routers.02:20
=== mode/#ubuntu [+r] by ThunderStruck
=== raptros-v76 [n=raptros@cpe-74-64-81-120.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidi see someone is playing with the server, that sucks02:20
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MadpilotSurfnKid, no, it's a router level thing - some consumer routers are very, very stupid02:20
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yiperaptros-v76, RUN! We're under attack from the D-C See monster!02:20
-lilo:#ubuntu- Please reconnect to freenode via server chat.freenode.net, port 8001 (instead of the default port, 6667), to avoid further problems.02:20
=== userundefine [n=userunde@cpe-065-190-047-105.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== yipe runs from the monster
TaliskerWhat does that mean?02:20
=== redir [n=robrien@208-58-195-117.c3-0.grg-ubr2.lnh-grg.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
naliothyipe: behave please02:20
SurfnKidMadpilot, dont tell me that, i thought this was all behind a big cisco :P02:20
naliothTalisker: what does what mean?02:21
raptros-v76ok where do i change the port in xchat?02:21
Talisker"Your sources.list does not match your system configuration"02:21
naliothraptros-v76: in your server prefs02:21
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raptros-v76nalioth: thanks02:21
MadpilotSurfnKid, not Freenode's routers - the basic consumer ones lots of people have in their houses02:21
zcat[1] Talisker: apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade  perhaps?02:21
liloI'm going to repeat that one02:21
-lilo:#ubuntu- Hi all. If you were just disconnected, you were the victim of an exploit for netgear and linksys routers.02:21
-lilo:#ubuntu- Please reconnect to freenode via server chat.freenode.net, port 8001 (instead of the default port, 6667), to avoid further problems.02:21
SurfnKidMadpilot, that causes all this?02:21
=== zcat[1] is behind a Cisco SOHO... :)
Lord_Athurin the page: https://launchpad.net/people/alejandro-leonvega/+editpgpkeys I could see the command: "gpg --send-key key-id", what does "key-id" meam?02:21
SurfnKidwho's anyones?02:21
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=== SurfnKid is behind a 2621
ubotuThere are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. If you are bitten by this, please upgrade your router firmware - see also http://nvd.nist.gov/nvd.cfm?cvename=CVE-2006-106802:22
SurfnKidand behind a netgear wifi02:22
yipenalioth what did I do NOW? Everyone is on my case today02:22
liloit's also possible that there are Cisco routers with the problem02:22
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naliothyipe: this is a channel for support, please02:22
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SurfnKidlilo, nasty02:22
yipeall I was doing is telling raptros-v76 why he was getting repeatedly kicked, because he asked02:22
NthDegree] ha i have netgear02:22
=== joingmorning makes lilo cum
NthDegreejust update the firmware no problem02:23
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MikeyMikehow do i mount /dev/sda3 for user mikeymike at /mnt/repository ?02:23
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MikeyMikesda3 is ntf02:23
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NthDegreeReceived a malformed DCC request from joingmorning02:23
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raxor_MikeyMike: just once or permanently?02:23
SurfnKidMadpilot, someone's router is sending this automatically then02:24
raptros-v76i cant fix the port settings!02:24
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MikeyMikejust once.. permanently02:24
Madpilotubotu, tell MikeyMike about ntfs02:24
SurfnKidMadpilot, anyway to find out whos02:24
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ThunderStruckhe didnt take the warning02:24
-lilo:#ubuntu- Hi all. If you were just disconnected, you were the victim of an exploit for netgear and linksys routers.02:24
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-lilo:#ubuntu- Please reconnect to freenode via server chat.freenode.net, port 8001 (instead of the default port, 6667), to avoid further problems.02:24
MadpilotSurfnKid, no, this is being done by an idiot, or a bot owned by an idiot02:24
MikeyMikeraxor for the time being i will settle for temporary mount02:24
MikeyMikei can hack my fstab later02:24
=== raptros-v76 [n=raptros@cpe-74-64-81-120.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidwhat a retard02:24
jiShdidnt mess with my router02:24
jiShwoot :P02:24
TaliskerI feel secure02:24
raxor_ntfs in read only mode or do you want to use Fuse?02:24
notamisfitdoes this happen often?02:24
=== gourdin [n=adept@bdv75-2-82-66-242-118.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
MikeyMikeread only mode is fine02:25
=== winXperts_ [n=winXpert@ip70-171-63-240.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
DBOnotamisfit, not too often no02:25
=== Shadowline [n=shadowli@adsl-70-230-235-60.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
lilonotamisfit: not too often, but from time to time02:25
MikeyMikeits like -o username or something but i forgot the commands man02:25
raptros-v76ok this should fix it i guess02:25
=== raxor_ looks for string
jiShstupid little kids and their "cracking" skills02:25
zcat[1] ........02:25
liloraptros-v76: port 8001?02:25
liloraptros-v76: that should do it for now02:25
wenkoim so tired of these cptcc messages02:25
soundrayDBO: even once is too often, don't you think?02:25
raptros-v76lilo: how do i do it in xchat?02:25
LightySamus_Aran: (xorg question, remember?) xrandr only listed one resolution, but I have 5 each for 2 different depths in xorg.conf.02:25
=== NthDegree [n=NthDegre@212-1-147-212.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
liloraptros-v76: you should also look at your router manufacturer's firmware upgrade pages02:25
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b NthDegree!*@*] by nalioth
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liloraptros-v76: hmmm....look at the server list, at the server you're connecting to now....I don't have xchat....wait, maybe I do have it handy02:26
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lilogo to the xchat server list menu item, probably off the File menu02:26
calcdoes libxine no longer play mp3 files?02:26
soundraynalioth: please redo with one less 'e'02:26
raptros-v76lilo i think ive fixed it,02:26
lilothere should be an entry for freenode, you edit it02:26
liloraptros-v76: cool02:26
raptros-v76only one way to find out02:26
LightyNon-standard, it's irc.freenode.net/8001 (instead of a ':') in XChat.02:27
Samus_AranLighty: that means that there was something wrong with those resolutions for your current monitor.  the two most likely causes, which are actually the same: 1) Xorg can't detect your monitor sync rates, or 2) your monitor was off when Xorg was loaded, which causes autodetection to fail, go to 102:27
naliothsoundray: huh?02:27
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Samus_AranLighty: if your monitor was on, and it still is not letting you use modes that you know your monitor is capable of, you may need to enter your monitors horizontal and vertical sync numbers into the /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:27
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LightySamus_Aran: Already done.02:28
soundraynalioth: ignore me. I meant a mutation that Nth... used in the username, but it was irrelevant, apparently.02:28
Samus_AranLighty: then you will need to look in your /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see why it was unable to use the modes in question02:28
=== lilo nods at Lighty
LightySamus_Aran: I've got modelines in there for all five resolutions.02:28
LightySamus_Aran: Darn it! Why do I never remember to check the logs! :-)02:28
Samus_AranLighty: the most common one is "sync out of range", which is what I just described, but there are others02:28
=== SurfnKid [n=klormexo@cpe-66-68-241-20.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
TaliskerErr.. I still get this error02:29
Talisker"Your sources.list does not match your system configuration."02:29
Samus_Arandoes anyone know what package provides /etc/init.d/postfix ?  it is not "postfix", as one would presume02:29
raxor_sorry MikeyMike, one more second02:29
Samus_AranI am unable to install postfix, as it can't find this file02:30
raxor_MikeyMike, one user or all users?02:30
MikeyMikejust me02:30
MikeyMikeuser mikeymike02:30
TaliskerWhere are the system configurations that my sources.list should match?02:30
raxor_I think you have to add a group02:30
TaliskerI always thought that sources.list IS a part of my system configuration02:30
MikeyMikeraxor_: i thought it was like o i username02:31
MikeyMikeor something like that02:31
=== Eleaf [n=ethan@71-208-129-142.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Eleafno exploition02:31
Samus_AranLighty: which video driver are you using for your Xorg server ?02:31
LightySamus_Aran: nvidia (sorry, forgot nick)02:31
Samus_AranLighty: the binary driver or "nv" that comes with Xorg ?  I had a lot of problems using nv for certain modes (e.g. 1280x1024), but they all work for me with the binary driver02:32
raxor_all users is : /dev/sda3 /media/share ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0002 0 002:32
naliothSamus_Aran: use apt-file02:32
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:32
raxor_looking for the other02:32
ubotuapt-file is a program that can tell you in which package you can find the files you look for. sudo apt-get install apt-file && sudo apt-file update02:32
MikeyMikeraxor_: why mask?02:32
Samus_Arannalioth: hm, never heard of that one02:32
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LightySamus_Aran: No. The actual nvidia driver. I play World of Warcraft via Cedega and nv drivers weren't good enough.02:32
=== SurfnKid [n=SurfnKid@cpe-66-68-241-20.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
MikeyMikereplace umask=0002 with umask=022202:32
Samus_Arannalioth: it doesn't exist on my system, is that something that should be installed, or is it an option to apt-cache or something ?02:32
soundraySamus_Aran: that's strange... postfix does provide /etc/init.d/postfix02:33
MikeyMikereplace umask=0002 with umask=0222 ??02:33
SurfnKidok finally02:33
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raxor_I think that is the read only bit02:33
soundraySamus_Aran: sudo apt-get install apt-file ; sudo apt-file update02:33
SonicvanaJrLighty is Cedega a monthly fee ?02:33
raxor_I am looking for the users bit02:33
naliothSamus_Aran: yes, you can install it02:33
HereticianCan I burn an Ubuntu iso to a DVD-R?02:33
raxor_I did this *once* :)02:33
Dark_Knight_209Anyone have experience setting up nvidia drivers?02:33
Heretician*** need this answer quickly so i know if i should take this back02:33
Hereticianthink i got the wrong thing02:33
Hereticianbut i'm not completely sure02:33
=== redir [n=robrien@208-58-195-117.c3-0.grg-ubr2.lnh-grg.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
LightySonicvanaJr: $5 per month but I think they have a trial so you can make sure your game works02:33
Samus_AranLighty: okay, then in your log file it should have a line that says "(II) NVIDIA(0): Validated modes:"02:33
soundraySamus_Aran: do a 'sudo touch /etc/init.d/postfix', then try to install again. Failing that, do a 'sudo apt-get -f install'02:33
DosBubbaHow can I modify my Windows toward Ubuntu?02:33
SurfnKidMadpilot, is this on the entire server? or just this chan02:34
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Samus_AranHeretician: yes02:34
SurfnKidDosBubba, reformat :P hehe jk02:34
MadpilotSurfnKid, no idea - but this channel gets trageted regularly :|02:34
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Samus_AranHeretician: you can even burn a floppy diskette image to a DVD02:34
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b NthDegree!*@*] by nalioth
soundrayDosBubba: do you want to end up with a dual-boot system?02:34
SurfnKidMadpilot, :/02:34
LightySonicvanaJr: Note that Cedega is only a build on top of wine to try to add DirectX routines that wine didn't have. But wine's catching up and it's all free.02:34
DosBubbaSurfnKid, What? I just want to use Ubuntu so I can play my games faster.02:34
Hereticianfrom that site?02:34
Samus_AranHeretician: as far as PC BIOSes are concerned, they are all the same02:34
Hereticianthat link02:34
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ
raxor_MikeyMike: you can sudo mount -a so you don't have to reboot02:34
Hereticianubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso :)02:34
SurfnKidDosBubba, if you have an extra partition spare on your main drive, you can install Ubuntu and keep your exisiting NT partition02:34
MikeyMikeyeah im really trying to do this without rebooting02:35
Samus_AranHeretician: for example, I installed the Ubuntu 6.06 CD image to a 4.37GiB DVD, as I don't own CD-Rs anymore02:35
=== TRoGDoR5050 [n=chatzill@c-71-234-33-3.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayDosBubba: ubuntu is not for playing games faster02:35
Hereticiantime to run ubuntu02:35
DosBubbasoundray, Why would anyone use this then?02:35
ax7tell me02:35
TaliskeroKtosiTe, I did a dist-upgrade, and a fix, I got the newest w32 codecs, and I still can't watch the RM files02:35
raxor_okay MikeyMike: this might work02:35
=== BugenhagenXIII [n=zach@ool-435775dc.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
LightySamus_Aran: Only "1600x1200" is shown on the Validated modes: line. :-(02:35
SurfnKidok bbl02:35
SurfnKidgotta hit the mall02:35
raxor_(1) sudo addgroup ntfs02:35
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raxor_(note the id02:35
Samus_AranLighty: can you send me your xorg.conf file so I can take a quick look ?  might be something obvious02:35
sharms2Talisker: install realplayer02:36
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:36
LightySamus_Aran: I haven't IRC'd in *years*. What's the recommended method to send stuff nowadays. I'm on XChat.02:36
raxor_(2) modify fstab: /dev/sda3 /media/share ntfs nls=utf8,gid=1001,umask=0222 0 002:36
raxor_note that gid=xxxx where xxxx is the group Id for ntfs02:37
MikeyMikeok i got it02:37
grphxHello, I am having some trouble here,02:37
MikeyMikethanks :)02:37
MikeyMikeits mounted02:37
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raxor_(3) sudo adduser username ntfs02:37
Samus_AranTalisker: it seems to me that Ubuntu does not have all the codecs available for MPlayer/Xine that are actually out there.  I ended up just unpacking the codecs from mplayer's web site to play the few remaining ones that wouldn't work, like WMV902:37
raxor_the other steps I was giving just limited it to your "username"02:37
Samus_AranLighty: /dcc send Samus_Aran /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:37
grphxUsing Rom2.4 trying to start up this mud and I get the following error..   bash: ./startup: /bin/csh: bad interpreter: No such file or directory    when i type ./startup &02:37
Samus_AranLighty: and hope that you're not blocked by a firewall02:38
TaliskerSamus_Aran, thanks02:38
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LightySamus_Aran: DCC command entered. Waiting...02:38
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Samus_AranLighty: darn, you're behind an unintelligent firewall02:38
soundraygrphx: try 'sudo apt-get install csh'02:38
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LightySamus_Aran: I can config it.02:39
=== raxor_ away
LightySamus_Aran: Unless it's a dynamic port, I suppose. :-)02:39
TRoGDoR5050I'm having trouble with ndiswrapper, can anybody help me?  I have the Linksys WMP54GS.  I've already followed these directions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper02:39
Samus_AranLighty: it sent me your internal IP address.  do you use a software firewall (iptables, etc.) or do you have a router ?02:39
grphxsoundray: Gave me this..   Reading package lists... Done02:39
grphxBuilding dependency tree... Done02:39
grphxE: Couldn't find package csh02:39
Samus_AranLighty: you'll need to set X-02:39
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LightySamus_Aran: Router. DLink DI-624.02:40
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grphxThis is getting irritating.. heh02:40
TaliskerSamus_Aran, could you maybe send me the pack? Mplayerhq doesn't want to load02:40
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Samus_AranLighty: oops, hit enter. X-Chat to use a particular range of ports, then forward those.  if your router supports transparent DCC's, you can probably just set your external IP address inside X-Chat02:40
soundraygrphx: okay, you need to learn about installing extra packages on Ubuntu. Check out http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonQuestions02:40
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Samus_AranTalisker: I have one from a couple weeks ago.  one sec02:40
grphxsoundray: okay, thanks. I will get back to you in a bit.. =)02:41
zcat[1] Samus_Aran: woudn;t pasetbin be easier ? :-)02:41
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zcat[1] *pastebin02:41
TaliskerDo it using Dee See Sea02:41
soundraygrphx: I won't be here, but there's plenty of helpful people on this channel.02:41
TRoGDoR5050I'm having trouble with ndiswrapper, can anybody help me? I have the Linksys WMP54GS. I've already followed these directions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper02:41
raptros-v76ok has that ****er gone away02:41
linuxusergetting a error msg while trying to start pan newsreader as follows fptools.c:455: _FP_fgets: Assertion `*buf' failed.  any ideas?02:41
LightySamus_Aran: Trying again.02:41
loststar4545to compile something  i do 1. ./configure 2. make 3. Make install02:42
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Samus_AranTalisker: what video player do you use ?  I know these codecs work for all the Xine and MPlayer based players02:42
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Samus_AranLighty: you will probably need to reconnect to FreeNode after changing settings02:42
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Samus_AranLighty: it's still showing me the internal IP, tre reconnecting02:42
LightySamus_Aran: Reconnecting. :-)02:42
grphxAnyone know what all packaged should be needed to run ROM2.4 under ubuntu?02:42
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soundrayTRoGDoR5050: you need to be more specific about your problem.02:43
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TRoGDoR5050Alright, let me try again02:43
linuxusergetting a error msg while trying to start pan newsreader as follows fptools.c:455: _FP_fgets: Assertion `*buf' failed.  any ideas?02:43
linuxuserin dapper drake02:43
darth_gimpwhat is the best way to access a RAR archive?02:43
linuxuserdarth: unrar02:43
Samus_AranTalisker: okay, for MPlayer you can either dump all those codecs into the system codec dir, or you can run the video in MPlayer from a terminal, and it will tell you what codec it is trying to load, then just copy that one individual codec02:43
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darth_gimpI installed "ARK" but it says "unrar is not in your PATH"02:44
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Samus_Arandarth_gimp: Shareware RAR and open source UnRAR support extracting from RAR files, your choice02:44
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression02:44
linuxuserdarth did you install unrar?02:44
pdc303darth_gimp: search for 'unrar' in synaptic02:44
soundraydarth_gimp: ^^02:44
TRoGDoR5050I have installed ndiswrapper perfectly, as far as I can tell, and I can get my driver installed fine.  However, when I do modprobe ndiswrapper it says it can't find it.02:44
darth_gimpon my way02:44
LightySamus_Aran: Any better?02:44
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Samus_AranLighty: that time it has your IP, but I can't connect.  probably the port isn't open02:45
darth_gimpI guess I thought that ARK would have done that..02:45
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linuxuserdapper drake just seems to cause me all sorts of problems02:45
TaliskerWhere is the system codec dir?02:45
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Samus_AranLighty: the way DCC connections work is backware from regular connections.  if you want to send me a file, you send me a DCC Request over the IRC server (like a private message), and if I accept the request, I try to connect directly to your IRC client over the Internet, using the IP provided.  so it is people behind firewalls that can't send, rather than can't receive02:46
LightySamus_Aran: OK. Give me a couple of minutes. I appreciate your patience. I've wanted to get DCC working too for another channel I just started using.02:46
lighow do I find out what versions of PHP are available?  I tried sudo apt-get install php5.1.4 for the latest version but no go.02:46
TRoGDoR5050lig: Use synaptic.02:46
raptros-v76who is sharms?02:47
Samus_Aranlig: perhaps "apt-cache search php | less" or use synaptic02:47
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Samus_Aranlig: the way Ubuntu and Debian normally work is there is one package for "the most current release", and other packages for older versions, which are numbered02:47
darth_gimpok do I need to do a system re-start after getting unrar through synaptic?02:47
soundraydarth_gimp: no02:48
darth_gimpI still get the same error...02:48
TRoGDoR5050darth_gimp: You're using Linux! You don't reboot!02:48
TaliskerSamus_Aran, where is the codec dir?02:48
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darth_gimpunrar not in path02:48
ligSamus_Aran, so just getting php should get me version 5.1.4?02:48
Samus_Aranreboot only for kernel upgrades, and getting past nVIDIA binary driver problems02:48
soundrayTRoGDoR5050: did you use 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper'?02:48
zcat[1] reboots are only for kernel upgrades...02:48
TRoGDoR5050soundray:Yes I did.02:48
Lord_Athurin the launchapad context, what's karma?02:48
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darth_gimpSo how do I get into this archive?02:49
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TraeIf I already have 2 SATA drives and 2 IDE CD drives on a machine would it be a bad idea (power drain wise) to stick say two more SATA drives on the same box?  Also, do most pci SATA cards work out of the box with Ubuntu?02:49
soundrayTRoGDoR5050: strange. Try a 'sudo depmod -a && sudo modprobe ndiswrapper'02:49
zcat[1] pop a terminal and 'rar x foo.rar'  probably02:49
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darth_gimpzcat[1] , I don't understand...02:50
TaliskerSamus_Aran, where should I copy these codecs you sent me to?02:50
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Samus_Aranlig: well apparently php wants to prove me wrong, there is "php4" and "php5", for the two branches.  there is no "php" to install the newest one, heh02:50
grphxis there a command I can type in console to find my ip address?02:50
soundrayTrae: 1) depends on your power supply; 2) yes, most of them do02:50
TRoGDoR5050BRB I'm in Winblows, I gotta reboot to do anything in Linux :(02:50
meherenhow can you bring all the data from a ext 3 partition into a reiserfs part? nd keep the reiserfs partition type?02:50
darth_gimpI tried using ARK which is supposed to work with the RAR format but it says "unrar not in path" how do I get unrar in my path?02:50
Traesoundray, heh02:50
Samus_Aranlig: apt-get install php5 will install the newest v502:50
Traesoundray, okies02:51
zcat[1] grphx: ifconfig02:51
ligk - and thanks Samus_Aran02:51
Traesoundray, what would you think you'd need as far as power supply to hold 6 drives like that?02:51
Trae220 work?02:51
Traeor you need more?02:51
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Jawbreaker27does anyone have any experience with distorted/garbled display when trying to install 6.06?02:52
raxor_Jawbreaker27: only when trying to update the nvidia drivers incorrectly02:52
soundraydarth_gimp: restart ARK if you've installed unrar-nonfree in the meantime02:52
zcat[1] Jawbreaker27: yes, but usually only from trying to use too-old monitors.02:52
darth_gimpSoundray.. I have.. let me try again.02:53
Jawbreaker27i didn't think my monitor was all that old... viewsonic pf79002:53
Samus_AranTalisker: the default directory that MPlayer looks in is: /usr/lib/win3202:53
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Samus_AranTalisker: you can define another directory if you want, or just create that one and stick them there02:53
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darth_gimpExcellent.. it worked.. thanks!02:54
MikeyMikedoes anyone here know how to get hp pavillion wireless adaptor working in ubuntu?02:54
MikeyMikewhere to start?02:54
darth_gimpI've always hated rar for some reason02:54
Samus_AranJawbreaker27: I had problems, but it was because I had 3 video cards in my system02:54
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[Nige] MikeyMike, start by doing a lspci02:54
darth_gimpthanks guys02:54
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Samus_Arandarth_gimp: I love RAR, myself.  excellent compression, extremely secure encryption, very fast decompression ... but slow compression (still faster than bzip2, though)02:54
[Nige] MikeyMike, You need to find out who makes the the chipset for your wireless lan02:55
soundrayTrae: most drives need around 10W, but can draw *much* more during spin-up. It really depends on the rest of your system. You can always try it out, and if you get strange problems, upgrade your PSU to ca. 350 W (if 220 W is what you have now)02:55
MikeyMikehow might i do that?02:55
zcat[1] darth_gimp: me too.. as if the world really neded _yet another_ propriatory compressed archive format.. there's a dozen others already.02:55
LightySamus_Aran: How's that? Blocked still?02:55
Jawbreaker27Samus_Aran: in that case, do you think it might have something to do with having an SLI system (but only one card, and a shadow card installed in the second x16 slot)?02:55
[Nige] MikeyMike, open up terminal sudo lspci02:55
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Traesoundray, ok, thanks for your feedback, I do appreciate it.02:55
MikeyMikethen what02:55
Samus_AranLighty: still hitting your firewall02:56
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Samus_AranLighty: the first port it tried was 45470, now it is trying 1005002:56
=== zcat[1] likes tgz and tbz best.
[Nige] then you will see something then about your chipset02:56
MikeyMikevery helpful02:56
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[Nige] I cant remember what it is excatly, mine comes up as broadcomm02:56
zcat[1] !pastebin02:56
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:56
MikeyMikeyeah this one too02:56
[Nige] ahh okay02:56
MikeyMikecan u install it wihtout going online?02:56
zcat[1] ideal for sharing text config files :)02:56
[Nige] what verision is bcm43xx?02:56
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Samus_AranJawbreaker27: I've never had that setup, so I'm not too sure.  it would be nice if Ubuntu setup CD would give you the option of which card to try to load on ... currently it just guesses, and in my case it ended up in a very weird state02:57
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Samus_AranJawbreaker27: are you able to remove that second card easily, or not ?02:57
[Nige] MikeyMike, the drivers shoudl be native to your linux kernel as of dapper02:57
LightySamus_Aran: Oops. Off by one number. Trying again. (Port 10050 to 10071 are open.)02:57
[Nige] MikeyMike,  I am guessing you are using dapper02:57
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Samus_AranJawbreaker27: I just removed my two PCI cards and it worked fine.  I think there is also a textual install that you could try, though it isn't as nice ... you can't play Tetris as you wait for it to install =p02:57
MikeyMikeok well im helping someone on the phone :)02:58
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MikeyMikeyes dapper02:58
MikeyMikeon the LIVE CD02:58
[Nige] oh02:58
[Nige] :(02:58
MikeyMiketrying to get her self sufficient02:58
MikeyMikeso she can partition her drives on her own02:58
Samus_AranLighty: it is still trying port 10050, and not getting through to your IRC client.  perhaps you need to reconnect again02:58
MikeyMikeall she needs is network accessability02:58
TRoGDoR5050soundray: I just did 'sudo depmod -a && sudo modprobe ndiswrapper' and it came back and said module ndiswrapper not found.02:58
Samus_AranLighty: I always just reconnect after changing anything to do with DCC, seems to often help02:58
LightySamus_Aran: OK.02:58
[Nige] MikeyMike, you will need to the bcm43xx-fwcutter - Utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx firmware02:59
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[Nige] MikeyMike, you can apt-get that :)02:59
MikeyMikeok how do i do that haha02:59
MikeyMikeapt-get bcm4318-fwcutter ??02:59
[Nige] MikeyMike, apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter02:59
Jawbreaker27Samus_Aran: the second card is actually just a dummy "card".  they call it a "shadow card" and i'm not sure if this is something exclusive to the manufacturer or what, but it's aparently necessary when using only one video card that is capable of SLI on an SLI capable motherboard, so I didn't think to try taking it out.  It's not difficult to remove, though, so I guess I'll give that a try.  Thanks.02:59
=== saara [n=saara@213-35-233-73-dsl.end.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu
crogue5what's the website to the list of wireless cards that work and don't?02:59
Samus_AranTalisker: did you get it going ?02:59
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport03:00
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper03:00
ThunderStruckone of those03:00
saarahello. i have a very serious problem with ubuntu install.03:00
saaraextra kernels do not show up on a grub03:00
soundrayTRoGDoR5050: normally, the module ndiswrapper.ko comes with the kernel. It should be in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper . If it's not, you've got a strange installation. Is it breezy or dapper?03:00
Jawbreaker27Samus_Aran: tetris... :) that would be worth the trouble alone.  off to try again, thanks.03:00
=== ThunderStruck gotta go
Samus_AranJawbreaker27: yeah, I don't know much about SLI myself.  but if it is easy to take out, perhaps try03:00
[Nige] MikeyMike, there is a good howto here : http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18517403:00
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nothingmanhi, all03:00
Samus_AranJawbreaker27: the Ubuntu installer is really nice, working from a fully functional LiveCD03:00
zcat[1] no frozen bubble on the live cd?03:00
Samus_Aranoops they're gone.03:01
Samus_AranFrozen Bubble drove me crazy, way too easy03:01
MikeyMikeok i will read from there03:01
Tommy2k4should ubuntu not warn you if you get low on hdd space?03:01
Samus_AranI could beat Puzzle Bobble in the arcade on one quarter, so Frozen Bubble was painfully easy.  played it for over an hour then gave up and never loaded it again03:01
zcat[1] Fish Fillets is cool.. discovered it this morning.03:01
nothingmanbeen having the same trouble with my Xinerama machine for several weeks: the s3virge cards don't work, giving a "Requesting insufficient memory window!" error when I start X03:01
Samus_Aranwhat is Fish Fillets ?03:01
nothingmanall I can get to work is my intel integrated chip, by commenting out those cards03:02
zcat[1] puzzle game like (sokoban)?03:02
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nothingmanno one's offered help, and Google and the forums are devoid of info03:02
zcat[1] two fish have to push objects around to move through a maze/room03:02
nothingmaneven commenting out one doesn't help03:02
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zcat[1] they're smartass fish too :)03:03
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:03
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nothingmanthis is all since upgrading to Dapper03:04
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ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems03:04
nothingmanand X.org 7.0, of course03:05
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Samus_AranI wonder if XGL would work on top of a Multiseat Xorg setup03:05
zcat[1] Samus_Aran: not really.03:05
DBOSamus_Aran, yes03:05
lotwookI'm looking to remove the wobbly effect of XGL. can anyone help?03:05
Samus_AranLighty: port 10051 this time, still can't get through to your IRC client03:05
soundrayTRoGDoR5050: I wonder if your kernel install is incomplete for some reason. Have you upgraded to 2.6.15-26 yet?03:05
DBOlotwook, sure03:05
zcat[1] I have the first screen xgl and everything else xorg. smart compiz.sh script that checks and only loads compiz if it's in xgl.03:06
nothingmanI never had this problem with Breezy, and everyone running an s3 or s3virge driver seems to be doing OK for the most part03:06
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LightySamus_Aran: Then I'll do it the "hard" way. Per-port configuration! Argh! :-)03:06
DBOlotwook, go into gconf-editor, apps -> compiz -> general -> whateverfolder -> options... in the first key is a list of plugins, remove wobbly from that list03:06
Samus_AranLighty: are you sure you forwarded TCP ports 10050-10051 ?03:06
TRoGDoR5050soundray: I've done nothing... I have no internet connection.  Is there a way I could download ndiswrapper.ko?03:06
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Samus_AranLighty: for DCC's, it requires one port per DCC connection (DCC Chats, DCC Sends), so for the moment one is fine03:06
zcat[1] lotwook: gconf-editor is the hardway. there's an easier tool but the name escapes me :)03:07
soundrayTRoGDoR5050: what architecture are you on?03:07
lotwookguess I dont have gconf-editor03:07
DBOzcat[1] , gset-compiz03:07
DBOlotwook, are you a KDE user?03:07
zcat[1] thanks dbo :)03:07
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lotwookno gnome03:07
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DBOlotwook, run gconf-editor from a terminal03:07
lotwookIn fact I dont have apps -> compiz03:07
Samus_AranDBO: have you run XGL on a multiseat setup ?  I'm a bit worried about stability, the nVIDIA drivers aren't particularly stable as it is on multiseat, heh03:07
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LightySamus_Aran: I used the "Applications" feature which lets you forward a range of ports. But, that's not always been reliable for me. This time, I'll do an explicit port forward.03:08
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DBOSamus_Aran, its not stable, but neither is a normal multiseat03:08
soundrayTRoGDoR5050: did you install a pre-release version of dapper?03:08
TRoGDoR5050soundray:Nope, I used my CDs that came in the mail from Shipit03:08
DBOlotwook, the path (apps -> compiz blah blah) is inside gconf-editor03:08
Samus_AranDBO: actually, the biggest annoyance I've found so far is if I run VMware fullscreen from one of the seats, the other one turns off .. and if you change the video mode on it, it wakes up again, but keeps turning off from then on03:08
lotwookok got it thanks.03:08
Samus_AranDBO: some weird power management thing confusing multiseat03:08
zcat[1] Samus_Aran: the way I run it works fine.. only the first user to log in gets xgl. I tried more than one but it crashed immediately.03:08
technelIf you have validates_format_of :username, :with => /[a-zA-Z0-9_] +/i, :message => 'may only contain alphanumerical characters and "_"' in a model, "with space" should NOT pass validation, should it?03:08
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DBOSamus_Aran, it would be REALLY slow, but I have run something close enough to multiseat that I dont see why it wouldnt work03:09
LightySamus_Aran: Yay! Hehe.03:09
Samus_AranLighty: I had that same problem on my sister's firewall, actually.  port ranges did nothing, individual ports worked03:09
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Samus_AranLighty: DCC received file xorg.conf [5kB]  from Lighty in 00:00:00 [4.04kB/s] 03:09
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Samus_AranLighty: good stuff =p03:09
Samus_AranLighty: will take a look now03:09
nothingmanalso, it takes a long time before I'm able to log in via SSH, even if gdm comes up03:09
nothingmanand my hard drive's constantly being accessed03:10
LightySamus_Aran: Thanks. I'll finish adding other ports while you do that.03:10
technelwow, wrong channel, sorry03:10
zcat[1] BTW; xgl/compiz totally breaks the inbuilt vnc remote desktop03:10
agwibowohello..... i was wondering how to edit the menu that popups when i right click on desktop... i want to add an entry "open terminal"03:10
DBOzcat[1] , you need to give it a env variable to get rid of that washed out look03:10
DBOzcat[1] , or are you talking about using VNC server03:10
soundrayTRoGDoR5050: I suggest you boot into ubuntu again and do a 'dpkg -l linux-image*' to find out which kernel version you have available. Then do a 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-2.6.15-22-i386', replacing the version as appropriate to reinstall the kernel.03:10
lotwooksweet wobbly gone. Thanks DBO03:10
filemoverIm having a problem yesterday i tired to set the permissions on some folders I had transfered from a CD using the terminal to a directory I created called My music anyway the upshot of the situation is that after using chown to change ownership my whole installation went haywire and now i cant boot into the system because there are not enough permisions to start it03:10
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zcat[1] vnc server. Completely fails to start under compiz03:10
TRoGDoR5050soundray:Will that install ndiswrapper.ko as well?03:11
Samus_AranDBO: my :0 seat is running on a Geforce FX5700LE 128MB DDR SDRAM AGP 8x and the seat :1 is running on a Geforce MX-4000 64MB DDR SDRAM PCI card03:11
filemovercan anyone help03:11
DBOzcat[1] , try freenx instead, I have never tried to VNC to Xgl, but I imagine you wouldnt have much luck03:11
Samus_AranDBO: so in theory they could both handle it, I can run 3D apps on both ... though if I do that, it tends to slow to a crawl.  I am so looking forward to getting a dual-core Athlon 64 in the future03:11
Samus_AranI'm on an Athlon XP 3000+ at the moment03:12
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DBOSamus_Aran, thats my general experience, it would be too processor intensive03:12
zcat[1] It''s really easy in a vanilla login, there's a remote desktop menu option. swich it on, use VNC from elsewhere.03:12
zcat[1] it shares the desktop windows-vnc-style03:12
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soundrayTRoGDoR5050: if it still doesn't find the module after that, it might help to force it with 'sudo insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko'.03:12
soundrayTRoGDoR5050: note any error messages to that command and paste them on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for people here to review.03:12
DBOzcat[1] , the arch of Xgl provides an extra layer of complexity, Im not sure that will work too well03:12
soundrayTRoGDoR5050: it normally would.03:12
Samus_AranDBO: one real problem I've found with Ubuntu and multiseat is that if I use the K7 kernel, when one person moves the mouse, it almost stops the other desktop03:12
TRoGDoR5050Alright, thanks!03:12
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kazukisan-> i installed the latest FGLRX Drivers with the downloaded ati installer and then i edited xorg.conf to use the fglrx driver, x starts fine with it but direct rendering is no ?? any help on getting direct rendering working ???03:13
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filemoverIm having a problem yesterday i tired to set the permissions on some folders I had transfered from a CD using the terminal to a directory I created called My music anyway the upshot of the situation is that after using chown to change ownership my whole installation went haywire and now i cant boot into the system because there are not enough permisions to start it03:13
Samus_AranDBO: I am presently downgraded to the stock i386 kernel, as it isn't using the preempt options03:13
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Samus_AranDBO: or whatever it is that is causing it03:13
spoilany chance someone here has some experience with intel hub?03:13
zcat[1] DBO: yeah, I found that oht the other day. It works on a regular login but compiz totally kills it.03:13
Samus_AranDBO: I assume it is the preemption03:13
Samus_Aranspoil: what in particular ?03:13
dracflamlochi there windows overwrote my grub boot sector. using the bootcd how can i reinstall it? i used rescue, and chose the right partition, but when i run "grub" it says bterm is not there03:13
spoilthe ip of the admin panel :)03:14
DBOSamus_Aran, I have no idea what would cause that03:14
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:14
soundraydracflamloc: ^^03:14
dracflamlochda1 isnt found?03:14
Samus_AranDBO: also, I can't for the life of me get GDM to work multiseat.  I get the login screens on both desktops fine, but when I log in, it always tells me it can't load the window manager, falling back to the terminal03:14
Samus_AranDBO: and once in that terminal, I can load KDE or ICEWM or whatever.  it's quite fishy03:15
Samus_AranDBO: without multiseat, GDM works as expected03:15
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Samus_AranDBO: so currently I have a script to launch multiseat which I run from TTY1 as root03:15
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spoilSamus_Aran, you know the ip of the hub?03:16
dracflamloci dont have any hdxx in /dev using rescue....03:16
filemoverIm having a problem yesterday i tired to set the permissions on some folders I had transfered from a CD using the terminal to a directory I created called My music anyway the upshot of the situation is that after using chown to change ownership my whole installation went haywire and now i cant boot into the system because there are not enough permisions to start it03:16
spoili searched google for 30 mins, and nothing there :\03:16
Samus_Arananyone know how to use apt-file to find "etc/init.d/postfix" ?03:17
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DBOapt-file update, apt-file search /etc/init.d/postfix03:17
Samus_Aranspoil: hubs just pass the connections directly through, to all ethernet cables, they have no IP themselves.  if you mean a router, then it will have an IP03:17
dracflamloccan any one help? for some reason i cant just do the grub-install /dev/hda because it sys there is no /dev/hda03:18
bikinii just booted into ubuntu again.. how do i make sure my system will boot to my linux partition, instead of the windows partition?03:18
Samus_AranDBO: thank you.  I'd never heard of apt-file before today.  it looks useful03:18
filemovercan someone help me please03:18
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Samus_Aranfilemover: you apparently chmod'ed over part of your system, which is almost as bad as erasing all the files on the system03:19
LightySamus_Aran: I hadn't heard of apt-file either and I've been using Ubuntu for a year and a half. :-)03:19
filemoveryeah i gathered that :(03:19
Samus_AranLighty: heh.  I've been using Ubuntu for about a month now.  years ago I used Debian at work for around 2 years03:20
filemoverso what do i do a reinstall03:20
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Jawbreaker27does anyone know if there is an easy way for me to preload nvidia drivers into the installation for ubuntu?  i'm having a hell of a time getting the graphical installer to display properly :(03:20
Samus_Aranfilemover: I think Ubuntu supports an upgrade install, where it will install over the current one.  if it does, then that would probably fix the files that got repermissioned, but there's no guarantee.  it really depends on what was changed03:20
a2xmhi all, pls help. since I installed 6.06 I can't use my DVDROM, but my CDRW is OK. what might be happened?03:21
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Samus_Aranfilemover: I would boot in on the Live CD, check out the partition to see what happened to the files03:21
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NthDegreedracflamloc try /dev/sda if /dev/hda doesn't exist03:21
filemoverwhat should i be loooking for03:21
Samus_Aranfilemover: do you know what the specific error is it gives you when it boots ?03:21
filemoveri do03:21
dracflamlocNthDegree, no luck. i know its hda. i type df and it lists it03:21
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Samus_Aranfilemover: what is it ?03:22
dracflamlocbut if i ls /dev it isnt there03:22
krismanyone know how to change xemacs menubar font? ideally i'd just like to get RID of the stinking menu03:22
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filemoverlibgnomevfs-Warning  **: Unable to create ~/. gnome2 directory: Permission denied03:23
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filemoverthere are a couple of other warning on the same lines03:23
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dracflamlocdoes nobody knwo wtf is going on here? =(03:23
NthDegreeyou using the gpt partition table type?03:23
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dracflamlocon a 100gb laptop ide drive03:24
NthDegreeno i mean the partition table03:24
Dark_Knight_209anyone know about setting up  dual monitors?03:24
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dracflamlocdunno, its using whatever is default for ubuntu03:24
Samus_Aranfilemover: okay, so it looks like you just changed permissions on your own users files03:24
NthDegreeok that'll be msdos more than likely03:24
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NthDegreetry grub-install (hd0)03:25
filemoverive tried to change them back using failsafe but its no good03:25
dracflamlocfdisk -l says 'cannot open /proc/partitions'03:25
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bikini_whats the command to re install grub?03:25
dracflamloc'unexpected syntax error near 'hd0'03:25
bikini_NthDegree: what after that?03:25
NthDegreeit can't find hd0 either then03:25
Samus_Aranfilemover: use the Live CD to boot, and then load up the hard drive where your home directory is, and then change the permissions recursively on it so that your user has write permission on everything03:25
LightySamus_Aran: I just did what DBO suggested for you and it identified the /etc/init.d/postfix file as being *in* the postfix package.03:26
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bikini_install device?03:26
bikini_like.. hd0?03:26
NthDegreebikini normally it would either be /dev/sda or /dev/hda03:26
filemoverwhat command do i use chown03:26
interfearVLC or Mplayer?03:26
filemoveror chmod03:26
dracflamlocdf shows /dev/hda1 as mounted on /03:26
dracflamloc(this is using the 5.10 rescue cd mode)03:26
Samus_AranLighty: when I try to install postfix, it informs me that /etc/init.d/postfix does not exist, and stops03:26
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Samus_AranLighty: and yes, I got the same search results from apt-file  =/03:27
NthDegreetry grub-install /dev/hda1 then03:27
Lichtehello, I'm trying to install from the livecd, can someone help ?03:27
NthDegreeyou can install to partition superblock as opposed to all loaded in mbr03:27
WarboLichte: What is the problem?03:27
Lichtehow do I get the intaller to leave hdb alone ?03:27
LightySamus_Aran: I haven't answered yes, yet, but it's wanting to install several packages for me when I try to apt-get postfix.03:27
LichteI'm installing to hda03:27
NthDegreeLichte, manually do the partitioning03:28
WarboLichte: Set up the partitions manually, then just don't tell it to use hdb03:28
dracflamlocNthDegree, nope, it says 'not found'03:28
Lichtethat doesn't work03:28
LightySamus_Aran: It also wants to remove hula-manager.03:28
DBOLighty, what are you needing to accomplish?03:28
NthDegreeit does03:28
Lichteit keeps popping up an error message about /dev/hdb203:28
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WarboLichte: What is it trying to do to hdb?03:28
LichteNthDegree: no, it doesn't03:28
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LichteWarbo: that's what I'd like to know03:28
Ignite__Lichte, whats the error?03:28
WarboLichte: OK, so it is not putting / on there or anything then03:28
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dracflamlocNthDegree, i knwo it does, but i'm telling you it says it doesnt, plus in /dev/ it isnt listed =((03:29
LichteIgnite__: something about a ext2 error03:29
LightyDBO: I don't need anything with postfix, that's Samus_Aran's thing. He's looking at my xorg.conf for me to see why I can't change resolutions. While he's doing that, I thought I'd look ath the problem he's having.03:29
NthDegreeLichte, you want manually edit the partition table then set the /dev/hdb2 to "do not use this partition" then it will have no errors (hopefully)03:29
Ignite__Lichte, sounds like its trying to format it, so its been told to use it03:29
DBOok, Samus_Aran, whats your issue with postfix? =P03:29
LichteNthDegree: I didn't see any such option as do not use03:29
LichteIgnite__: but I removed all hdb stuff03:29
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LichteI only clicked on the hda partitions that I setup03:30
LightySamus_Aran: I'm guessing you need another repository in your sources.list file since I can seem to install postfix and you can't? DBO: Any comments?03:30
Samus_AranLighty: for me it lists some recommended packages, then tries to install and spews an error about the file being missing03:30
WarboI am not actually familiar with the graphical installer. I installed Breezy and upgraded :)03:30
Ignite__Lichte, manually do the partitioning with the installer, you can tell it not to use it, at the final stage of the installer you will have a screen that has options asking where to mount partitions etc.. just make sure it isn't using it there03:30
Samus_Aranhttp://rafb.net/paste/results/LEsTGy65.html  << that is the complete output of apt-get03:30
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NthDegreeyou have to select "manually edit the partition table" then edit /dev/hdb2 and then put "do not use this partition"  - if that isn;t there then the live installer is retarded03:30
LichteIgnite__: that's exactly what I did03:30
Jawbreaker27Has anyone here clean installed the new ubuntu with an SLI system (not necessarily using 2 cards)?  If so, were there any problems viewing the graphical interface during install?03:30
Samus_AranI've been fighting with postfix for weeks now, since I installed Ubuntu03:30
Samus_Aranit just won't install.03:31
LichteIgnite__: the screen that shows you what it's going to do only shows hda stuff happening03:31
Samus_AranI had it installed before, but it would not run and would not produce any erorr logs to tell me why not03:31
NthDegreeLichte use the alternate CD if this is causing issues03:31
DBOSamus_Aran, sudo dpkg -P postfix, Samus_Aran then do "sudo apt-get install postfix"03:31
LightySamus_Aran: It installed fine for me. Want my sources.list file?03:31
WarboNthDegree: Well the live installer can't handle LVM I don't think, so a few months ago I would have needed the alternate disc03:31
LichteIgnite__: then it starts doing it's thing and i get hda errors03:31
Ignite__Lichte, what errors?03:31
NthDegreei never use the live CD it doesn't boot03:31
Samus_AranDBO: trying03:31
LightySamus_Aran: Do DBO's thing first. :-)03:31
LichteIgnite__: I don't know, something about ext2 error03:31
WarboNthDegree: Well that always helps :)03:32
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Ignite__Lichte, sounds alien to me, can you try and find the exact error? i will be able to help more03:32
LichteI have Gentoo on hdb, I want that left alone03:32
LichteIgnite__: ok, I'll start the install again03:32
Samus_AranDBO: same error, no /etc/init.d/postfix03:33
Lichteit shouldn't even be looking at hdb03:33
WarboLichte: If you want two Linuces installed together make sure you install GRUB to a partition for one of them. Both on the MBR will create conflicts03:33
LichteWarbo: it's already taken care of03:33
dracflamlocugh super grub disk appears to be down03:33
WarboLichte: Just making sure :)03:33
Warbodracflamloc: Not so super then is it?03:33
LichteWarbo: I use darik's boot and nuke on a drive before I install anything03:33
dracflamloc5.10 rescue mode is broken03:34
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WarboLichte: OK, I have no idea what that is03:34
DBOSamus_Aran, sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/postfi(tab complete)03:34
LightySamus_Aran: By the way, I'm using 6.06, so those are Dapper repos I gave you. :-)03:34
Samus_AranDBO: three possibilities03:34
DBOSamus_Aran, pick the one with the highest number03:35
Samus_Araner, it is postfix, postfix_dev and postfix_doc03:35
Samus_AranI assume you want the postfix03:35
LightySamus_Aran: We assume *you* want it. :-)03:35
bikiniNthDegree: can i message you with an error message i'm getting with grub-install?03:36
Samus_AranDBO: http://rafb.net/paste/results/EpXcsi67.html  << most recent set of errors03:36
Samus_AranLighty: heh03:36
NthDegreeyou may PM me if you like :)03:36
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DBOSamus_Aran, lets try again, sudo dpkg -P postfix, then do the sudo dpkg -i /var/blahblahblah command we just did03:37
WarboIs it sending or receiving PMs which needs to be registered?03:37
dracflamlocanyone know a bootcd with grub on it?03:37
Samus_AranDBO: to clarify when this problem showed up: postfix would not work no matter what I was trying, so I uninstalled it (or tried to) and removed /etc/init.d/postfix and /etc/postfix and tried to start fresh.  but it hasn't been able to install or remove itself properly all along =/03:38
dracflamlocdoes damnsmall have it?03:38
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Warbodracflamloc: Ubuntu's LiveCD has it I think03:38
NthDegreeknoppix might03:38
DBOSamus_Aran, did you do that manually?03:38
dracflamloci dont want to download and burn a 700mb cd03:38
NthDegreeand knoppix is a very reliable live distro03:38
dracflamlocjust for grub03:38
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Warbodracflamloc: I have some custom ones03:38
DBOSamus_Aran, is the dpkg -P command giving errors?03:38
Samus_AranDBO: http://rafb.net/paste/results/20H3E365.html  << yes03:39
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dracflamloci'll see what dsl has03:39
Warbodracflamloc: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Making-a-GRUB-bootable-CD-ROM.html Maybe that wil help03:39
dracflamlocthis is ridiculus03:39
Samus_AranDBO: can I just force the install of the package, then remove it again ?03:39
DBOSamus_Aran, hold please03:40
Samus_Arandracflamloc: what is wrong with the Ubuntu Live CD / Installer ?03:40
dracflamlocread up. my grub loader was overwritten by windows, i need to reinstall grub03:40
DBOSamus_Aran, this is a bit dangerous, dont go about using this all the time, sudo dpkg -P --force-all  postfix03:40
dracflamlocshould be easy using the recue mode03:40
dracflamlocon the ubuntu cd03:40
dracflamlocbut no03:40
dracflamlocit says /dev/hda doesnt exist03:40
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Samus_AranDBO: thanks a lot for your help, by the way.  I've been without downloading e-mail to my computer for weeks now .. getting a fair bit annoying =p03:41
dracflamlocbut i type df and voila it says /dev/hda1 is mounted on /03:41
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thejoeHow do I install PHP on ubuntu?03:41
Viper550Are there any Ubuntu Drivers in here?03:41
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Samus_AranDBO: http://rafb.net/paste/results/H2mo3O24.html  << no joy  =/03:41
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Samus_Aranthejoe: apt-get install php503:41
tanlaancould anyone help me get realplayer installed03:41
Samus_Aranthejoe: or just fire up synaptic03:41
browneggman wifi on my thinkpad is total ass03:42
DBOSamus_Aran, do the install command with the --force-all03:42
Warbodracflamloc: Just because the partition is mounted, you automatically assume that the drive has been recognised? :)03:42
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Samus_AranDBO: okay03:42
dracflamlocWarbo, you would think so03:42
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:42
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thejoeOk, thanks.03:42
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brownegganyone have any ideas why my pings would be ok but my http performance *horrible*03:42
browneggthis is the only wifi box on my linksys network03:42
browneggdns is ok, ethernet is ok03:43
Lichtehow do I set a boot flag with this graphical thingy ?03:43
Samus_AranDBO: http://rafb.net/paste/results/wBRSD826.html  << that seems to have done it03:43
Lichteon the partition ?03:43
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LightySamus_Aran: Yay!03:43
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Glassiusi'm trying to install from a source repository using "apt-get --build source" but need to apply a patch to the source before it gets compiled, how would i do that?03:44
Samus_Arannow I just apt-get remove'd it and install'd it without any errors, phew.03:44
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Samus_Arannow I need to find out how to properly import my main.cf and other files from my previous two distros to Ubuntu, without it exploding on me again03:44
LightySamus_Aran: Now that that's solved, did you decipher my xorg problem?03:45
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:45
Samus_AranLighty: oh yeah, will go look now.  was so excited to be getting somewhere with my postfix problem =p03:45
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LightySamus_Aran: I can imagine. It's fun to get a really "stuck" problem unstuck.03:46
Viper550Are there anyone part of the Ubuntu Drivers team here right now?03:46
MadpilotViper550, which team?03:46
Viper550Technical Board03:47
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MadpilotViper550, like device drivers? Try #ubuntu-devel03:47
Viper550No, the Ubuntu Drivers, a TEAM03:47
dracflamlocok i'm in damnsmall linux03:47
dracflamloci can mount /dev/hda103:47
dracflamlocbut i try grub-install /dev/hda and i get '/dev/cloop does not have any corresponding bios drive)03:48
Lichteok, it's starting up the partitioner03:48
Samus_AranLighty: okay.  your problem is that you haven't entered the modes in the bottom section.  you provided the modelines, which tells it how to run the modes, but you didn't provide any modes afterward for it to try using03:48
Lichteat this point the thing shouldn't be scanning for media03:48
Lichteit's been told what to do03:49
Lichteyet, away it scans03:49
Samus_AranLighty: and by default, when there are no modes set to try out, it uses the maximum resolution supported by your monitor (in this case, 1600x1200)03:49
LightySamus_Aran: Can you give me one example to put in?03:49
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Samus_AranLighty: that's my xorg.conf file.  it is far from normal looking, but just go to the bottom sections that have the resolutions listed03:50
Samus_AranLighty: you have one for each bitdepth you want to support03:50
Samus_AranLighty: SubSection "Display"03:50
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Samus_AranLighty: and don't forget to put in a DefaultColorDepth if you have more than one possible bitdepth03:51
LichteIgnite__: there's no way to keep it from using my swap on /dev/hdb03:51
LightySamus_Aran: Holy cow! That's a big xorg.conf file! :-)03:51
Samus_AranLighty: the modelines you have may or may not be needed at all, I would just comment them out and see if they work through autodetection (they should)03:51
LichteIgnite__: the final screen says it's going to do both swap partitions03:51
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KrhisHow does one echo a new line in bash? The man page (man echo) says \n will work but it dosn't.03:51
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Samus_AranLighty: I haven't needed a modeline since XFree86 3.3.603:51
LichteIgnite__: it also says it's going to only use /dev/hda partitions that I've setup03:52
LightySamus_Aran: Can I ask what the Seat_# feature does?03:52
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Samus_AranLighty: so long as you provide the monitor's horizontal and vertical syncs, the video card driver should have no troubles producing valid modes03:52
LichteIgnite__: I'm now going to click the install button03:52
Samus_AranLighty: I use multiseat Xorg, meaning more than one simultaneous monitor+mouse+keyboard on the same PC03:52
=== Lichte does the mystical install dance
nikosapican someone help me with ubuntu to ubuntu NFS?03:52
Samus_AranLighty: my spouse and I can then use the computer at the same time03:52
=== Ignite__ dances with Lichte
LightySamus_Aran: Oh. OK. "Traditional" X11-style stuff, then. :-) I've just never done it, so didn't know that's how it was done.03:53
Samus_AranLighty: the Seat_1 and Seat_2 are just the names I used for the different "server layouts"03:53
Samus_AranLighty: multiseat used to involve patching the linux kernel and the X server, but as of Xorg 7.x.x, it is much easier to do03:54
Samus_Aranstill kind of unstable, but at least easier to try out03:54
crogue5anyone familiar with xgl ?03:55
Samus_AranLighty: it should be really stable in a year or two.  I hope Ubuntu adopts multiseat then, would be cool to have it as an option during install: 1) use one monitor only, 2) use two monitors with xinerama, 3) use each monitor separately as multiseat03:55
Madpilotcrogue5, try #ubuntu-xgl03:55
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HereticianIs Ubuntu supposed to automatically detect an ethernet card?03:56
LichteThe test of the file system with type ext2 in partition #1 of IDE1 slave (hdb) found uncorrected errors.03:56
LightySamus_Aran: OK. My specific need is that I want to run Gnome in my default 24-bit 1600x1200. But, I'd like to switch to 32-bit 1024x768 to run a certain game (SecondLife) under Cedega. My config doesn't let me change, though.03:56
Hereticianor at that, an internet connection03:56
Lichtethat's the error03:56
Hereticianim pulling for an IP .. :/03:56
ben__but you can go to system administration networking and change it03:56
Lichtenow what03:56
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Hereticianyeah Applications -> Networking?03:56
ben__Heretician, do you have a wireless or wired03:57
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Lichtewhy the hell is this thing even looking at my hdb !!03:57
Hereticianwindows automatically detects it... :P03:57
ben__does it show up in system -> administration -> networking03:57
Samus_AranLighty: the basic method in Xorg 7.x.x to do multiseat is to not use the "kbd" and "mouse" drivers, as they can't distinguish themselves for only one X server (you need to use the newer "evdev" universal input driver), and then you run the X server with an option telling it to not bind itself to a VT (like TTY7 being the default)03:57
Lichtedo I click "Continue" or "Go back" button ?03:57
ben__thats it03:57
Hereticianits activated03:57
LichteIgnite__: The test of the file system with type ext2 in partition #1 of IDE1 slave (hdb) found uncorrected errors.03:58
ben__click on it and then click configure03:58
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Hereticianits uh03:58
Samus_AranLighty: I missed your question when ranting about multiseat, hang on, lemme read it now =p03:58
technelIs sendmail going to be a nightmare to set up on Ubuntu? There are no wiki articles, I downloaded the package, but I want to test the default configuration (crossing my fingers, don't really want to get messy with this tonight)03:58
Hereticiannot up though, i can only run one box at a time03:58
Hereticianno kvm switch or anything03:58
LightySamus_Aran: Whew! I was worried! I thought you were saying I needed multi-seat! :-)03:58
ben__if you are automatically assigned an ip via a router or somethin select dhcp03:58
Hereticianbut I remember its set to DHCP.. I'm running on cable internet and i'm pretty sure the IP is static03:58
Lichtewhy is this thing checking other filesystems ?!?03:58
Hereticianand its going in directly03:59
Hereticianno router03:59
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Samus_AranLighty: okay, so just add in the two things like I said (there is no 32bit mode, only 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 24bits, add any of them you want to have available, and set the default) and the list of resolutions (like in mine)03:59
Ignite__Lichte, you need to boot into Gentoo and check your hdb1 partition for errors, correct them, and reboot and install03:59
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HereticianI think my IP resets like every month or something (just a guess)03:59
LichteIgnite__: there are no errors on those filesystems03:59
LichteIgnite__: and why is this thing even checking them ?!?04:00
Samus_AranLighty: then you'll need to log out of your desktop and Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to restart your GDM/Xorg04:00
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HereticianShould I select Static IP, ben__?04:00
Samus_AranLighty: or do it properly, log in on a TTY and do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:00
Ignite__Lichte, no idea, to stop later problems maybe? its worth checking04:00
LichteIgnite__: it's been checked, as I said, there are no errors on those filesystems04:00
Samus_AranLighty: once you're back in, confirm that you are in the mode you want as default (xwininfo -root)04:00
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LichteIgnite__: what later problems, it's not even supposed to know there's an hdb in this box04:01
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Eclipse_GSXso im installing ubuntu on an old P3 450...04:01
Eclipse_GSXim having some probs...04:01
LichteIgnite__: I told it to use hda04:01
ben__if you know your ip information go ahead and select static04:01
Samus_AranLighty: and then run "xrandr" to confirm it has all the other modes you want available.  WINE or Cedega are capable of switching to fullscreen modes by itself, so your game should "just work"04:01
Hereticianbut if it changes04:01
LichteIgnite__: it even checked my fat32 hdd drive!04:01
Ignite__Lichte, incase you want to mount it and use it at some later point04:01
Hereticianit will just go back to not working again correct?04:01
LightySamus_Aran: OK! Thanks. I'll work on it. I have an online appointment at the top  of the hour, 2 minutes ago! Hehe.04:01
Samus_AranLighty: if it doesn't, you can use "xrandr -s <mode you want>" before loading the game04:01
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Ignite__Lichte, try the alternate install, you will have more control over the install04:01
LichteIgnite__: I turned that off during install04:02
LichteIgnite__: I purposely clicked all the stuff with hdb to the blank space04:02
b00gz1When I type startx I get a message error04:02
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Samus_AranLighty: good luck04:02
Ignite__Lichte, its better to be safe than sorry :)04:02
LightySamus_Aran: Thanks!04:02
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Samus_AranLighty: welcome04:02
Samus_Arannow to see about getting my postfix to work with my config file04:03
LichteIgnite__: no, this thing shouldn't even be checking for stuff that I turned off04:03
b00gz1When I type startx I get a message error in locking authority file /home/b00gz/.Xauthority04:03
vice-versaany suggestions for booting with 5.10 livecd on a Compaq R4000 (AMD64 3500 w/ATI)?04:03
vice-versaso far I've used noacpi acpi=off debian-installer/framebuffer=false and I'm thinking it's hanging loading X04:03
Ignite__Lichte, use the alternate install04:03
Ignite__Lichte, you will have more control, the desktop install is simpler, more automated04:04
Lichtewhat kind of software just decides it's going to whatever it wants with other drives ?04:04
Madpilotb00gz1, type "sudo rm /home/b00gz/.Xauthority" then try startx again04:04
LichteIgnite__: is that on the livecd ?04:04
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Ignite__Lichte, its a seperate disc04:04
ben__Heretician, were you given a sheet from your isp with network information?04:04
LichteIgnite__: I have no burner, so that's out04:04
Ignite__Lichte, ah04:04
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Hereticiani dont think hold on04:04
=== SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Hereticianwill the work order work?04:05
Ignite__Lichte, do you maybe have a friend with a burner?04:05
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HereticianI'm using Adelphia ;)04:05
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Ignite__Lichte, also, maybe ship it has free alternate CDs?04:06
b00gz1Madpilot now I get creating new authority file /home/b00gz/.serverauth.10864 then a server error04:06
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Madpilotb00gz1, meh... just killing .Xauthority usually works...04:06
LichteIgnite__: last time I used shipit, it took a few months04:06
b00gz1Madpilot now I get error in locking authority file /home/b00gz/.Xauthority04:06
b00gz1then Server Error04:07
Ignite__Lichte, that is true, but its free, and it gets you the discs eventually04:07
LichteIgnite__: I just wanted to try this out, I'm going to use extraordinary measures04:07
Madpilotb00gz1, type "ls /home/b00gz/.Xauthority" and paste the line it gives you04:07
LichteIgnite__: if this doesn't work, I'll just throw the livecd away and be done with it04:07
hyperstreamhmm why cant i run xsane as a user to get my brother DCP - 115c working... i have to run it as root in a terminal. im in the 'scanner' group as well04:07
Ignite__Lichte, maybe disconnect the drive phisically, install and then reconnect?04:07
b00gz1Madpilot it just repeats /home/b00gz/.Xauthority04:08
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LichteIgnite__: that would fall under extraordinay measures ;)04:08
LichteIgnite__: it seems to be copying software over now.........what are the odds that it didn't actually over write my hdb ?04:09
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Madpilotb00gz1, sorry, do "ls -l /home/b00gz/.Xauthority" - that's -L04:09
Ignite__Lichte, it should leave any partitions alone you didn't tell it to modify, i guess the checking for errors could be classes as a precaution, if its carrying on i doubt you will have any issues :)04:10
b00gz1Madpilot rw 1 root root 0 2006-07-14 22:05 /home/b00gz/.Xauthoirty04:10
LichteIgnite__: I'll just modify my /etc/fstab when it's finished04:10
Lichteit really shouldn't be doing this though04:11
Madpilotb00gz1, ok, you need to do "sudo chown b00gz:b00gz /home/b00gz/.Xauthority" - then try startx04:11
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NthDegreethere's a glitch in the live installer regarding partitioning04:11
NthDegreenot sure if it was ever fixed04:11
KrhisThe swap space thing?04:12
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b00gz1Madpilot "Creating new authority file /home/b00gz/.serverauth.11058 error in locking .Xauthority04:13
Lichtethe installer is configuring stuff now04:13
Ignite__Lichte, there are the "Desktop Install CD" for simpler installations, most things are automated so you don't have that much control over the install, there is the "Alternate Install CD" for when you need a lot of control over the installation, its just doing its automated stuff so... it _should_ be doing it :P04:13
Madpilotb00gz1, there's something badly wrong with your Ubuntu install... did you do a standard install of Ubuntu?04:13
b00gz1yes sir.  I was in it and rebooted it I didn't change anything (that I am aware of) and this happened04:13
technelIs sendmail going to be a nightmare to set up on Ubuntu? There are no wiki articles, I downloaded the package, but I want to test the default configuration (crossing my fingers, don't really want to get messy with this tonight)04:13
LichteIgnite__: I"m sorry, it should NEVER scan disks after it's been told not to, I don't care how automated it is04:14
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b00gz1Madpilot.  I was in it and rebooted it I didn't change anything (that I am aware of) and this happened04:14
LichteIgnite__: install methods should have nothing to do with that04:14
b00gz1Madpilot after serveral weeks of use04:14
Ignite__Lichte, but you didn't tell it not to.. you told it not to mount them, not to format them and not to use them, the checking is just an automated part of the installer04:15
LichteIgnite__: and after it's been told to not mount of modify them, it shouldn't be checking them either04:15
Lichtethe only reason to check them is if you're going to mount them04:16
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claferrii've just installed ubuntu and i was wondering if i could have more "details" during the boot process (like a debian does) ?04:16
claferrii already search a bit on google, nothing found yet04:17
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Ignite__Lichte, if you want such a fine degree of control over the installer then thats what the alternate install is for, i have to help my mum, she is ill so i will talk later, best of luck with ubuntu04:17
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interfearubuntu is so dam cool04:17
Lichteinterfear: so far, it sucks04:17
interfearLichte: problems?04:18
Madpilotb00gz1, do the chown command I showed you, then the ls -l command - is .Xauthority still owned by root?04:18
interfearI coudlnt even get ubuntu to boot last version.. for some reason this version works04:18
b00gz1Madpilot nope by b00gz04:18
Lichteinterfear: yeah, last version would lock up on me after a few minutes of operation04:18
Madpilotb00gz1, and startx still doesn't work?04:19
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Lichteinterfear: it seem to at least be running this version04:19
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dfgaswhat do i install to view mac shares on my computer04:19
interfearI havent had any problems really so far, the 64bit version was giving some problems04:19
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ben__claferri, im not sure but if you try removing usplash it might show like debian04:19
b00gz1Madpilot correct same error about creating new random serverauth file and then Server Error04:20
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claferriben__: sorry i forgot to tell, i've just remove usplash of course, i dont have the splash screen with ubuntu logo04:20
inthemediumthe installer keeps crashing on me. md5sum is segfaulting, then apt, then local-gen. any ideas?04:20
claferribut still the same info04:20
Madpilotb00gz1, fun... this usually isn't needed, but do "sudo shutdown -r now" to restart the whole damn box, and see what happens04:20
tanlaanwhat can i use to play .rm video files?04:20
claferribut i've just read that i have to remove "splash" from the menu.lst grub04:21
claferrion the boot line04:21
claferrii'm gonna test, i think it could make it04:21
phlexycould anyone tell me what program I use to read/write to the ext3 filesystem off windows?04:21
b00gz1ok brb04:21
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Lichtetime to reboot.......later all04:21
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DBOphlexy, http://e2fsprogs.sourceforge.net/ext2.html04:22
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hyperstreamhmm why cant i run xsane as a user to get my brother DCP - 115c working... i have to run it as root in a terminal. im in the 'scanner' group as well04:23
tanlaani need help getting realplayer installed. I used "sudo apt-get install realplay" and ive also tried realplayer instead of realplay. But it cant find the package. I attempted to get the multiverse thing to work, but apparently it didnt04:24
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Shadowpillarokay, I'm doing a dist-upgrade to dapper from breezy04:24
Shadowpillarand I get this lovely message:04:24
ShadowpillarReading package lists... Done04:24
ShadowpillarBuilding dependency tree... Done04:24
ShadowpillarCalculating upgrade... Done04:24
ShadowpillarThe following packages will be REMOVED:04:24
Shadowpillar  gimp gimp-svg gimp-texturize gimp-ufraw ubuntu-desktop04:24
Shadowpillarwhat's the deal?04:25
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Shadowpillaralso, it shows like only 20 updates04:25
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Shadowpillarare there hardly any actual packages on disk anymore?04:25
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:26
Shadowpillaraahh hell.04:26
b00gz1Madpilot here is the error at bootup creating new serverauth.#, X: warning: process set to priority -1 instead of requested priority 0 giving up, Connection refused errno 111 unable to connect to X server, no such process errno 3 Server Error04:26
Shadowpillarno wonder it was taking forever to upgrade04:26
Shadowpillarthere arent many packages on the disk anymore04:26
Shadowpillarwell, aint that just lovely?04:26
javioloan app needs xlib support, how do I know if I have the libs _04:26
DBOShadowline, the disks only have so much room04:26
regeyaquite lovely Shadowpillar04:27
ShadowpillarI know04:27
Shadowpillarand now that they've put both the livecd and the normal disk together04:27
Madpilotb00gz1, I really have no idea what's wrong with your Ubuntu install - sorry. Usually that .Xauthority error is easy to fix...04:27
b00gz1Madpilot ok thanks!04:27
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ubotuI know nothing about xlib - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:28
Shadowpillarwhy did they do that anyway?04:28
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Shadowpillarthat's why I liked ubuntu, I could just install from the disk04:28
DBO!info xlibx > javiolo04:28
ubotuPackage xlibx does not exist in dapper04:28
DBO!info xlibs > javiolo04:28
ubotuPackage xlibs does not exist in dapper04:28
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DBOyes it does!04:28
regeyaShadowpillar: are you on dialup?  if so, do you have a friend/library/school/work workstation that allows you to plug in a usb disk?  if all this is true, look into apt-zip.  I use it; run apt-get update, plug in my disk, run apt-zip-list, unmount and go to work, run the bash script written by apt-zip, take the disk home at the end of the day, and run apt-zip-inst there.04:28
NthDegree!info libx04:29
ubotuPackage libx does not exist in dapper04:29
NthDegree!info libgtk04:29
ubotuPackage libgtk does not exist in dapper04:29
javioloDBO maybe it has another name04:29
DBOno, I am looking at it in apt-cache right now04:29
NthDegree!info libsepol04:29
ubotuPackage libsepol does not exist in dapper04:29
ShadowpillarI'd prolly be better off hauling my comp down to my friend's place04:29
kennytanyone know what it means when a mac's target disk mode fails silently and the openfirmware-based manual command errors "can't OPEN FIREWIRE\n\nTARGET-MODE init failed" ?04:29
DBOjaviolo, sudo apt-get install xlibs04:29
javiolodbo thanks04:29
dfgasanyone know how to mount a mac share?04:29
tanlaanthink anyone could help me install real player?04:30
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DBOdfgas, is it a samba share or NFS?04:30
javiolodbo it doesnt appear, I have all the repos activated...04:30
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DBOjaviolo, get libx11-604:31
Shadowpillaralso, I may be purchasing a 64 bit system soon04:31
Shadowpillarhow do I run apps like wine?04:31
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Shadowpillarand are there 64 bit nvidia drivers for ubuntu?04:31
torrentwoescan i chat using a mike with MSN/GAIM?04:31
javiolodbo already installed! I dont know now why the make fails, it says error 204:32
DBOjaviolo, maybe if you gave me the error in pastebin04:32
DBOjaviolo, install libx11-dev, I didnt know you were compiling either04:32
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inthemediumMy installer keeps on crashing check out my syslog file: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1805304:32
javiolodbo also installed04:33
DBOjaviolo, ok, lemme see the errors04:33
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inthemediumany ideas?04:33
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DBOShadowline, there are 64 bit drivers, but running a 32 bit system, even on a 64bit CPU, is probably easier right now04:34
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phpErrorCould any one point me in the right direction to creating a GRUB boot disk, for a floppy?04:35
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DBO!grub > phpError04:35
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phpErrorThanks DBO,04:36
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torrentwoesis there anyway to get voice chat on MSN in ubuntu?04:36
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javiolodbo pastebin.ca/8856404:36
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:36
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DBOjaviolo, are you sure that link is right?04:37
technelIs sendmail going to be a nightmare to set up on Ubuntu? There are no wiki articles, I downloaded the package, but I want to test the default configuration (crossing my fingers, don't really want to get messy with this tonight)04:37
javiolotorrentwoes try mercury04:37
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whitesuittorrentwoes: it seems not , you can use a webcam though04:38
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javiolodbo it was wrong pastebin.ca/8854604:38
DBOtechnel, sendmail is ALWAYS a nightmare to setup, but its no more difficult in ubuntu than any other distro04:38
whitesuiti've already tried all clients, never found one with voice support04:38
torrentwoesi would have thought voice and web chats would be integral to establishing oneself04:39
whitesuiti dont know, but just voice chat isnt possible04:39
DBOjaviolo, sudo apt-get install libxft-dev04:39
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Shadowpillarand are there 64 bit nvidia drivers for ubuntu?04:39
DBOShadowpillar, yes04:40
whitesuittorrentwoes: you're better off using skype..04:40
KrhisI'm running it right now.04:40
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Hereticianstill no ethernet04:40
Hereticianand/or internet04:40
=== Samus_Ar1n [n=ILL@S0106000c763cfa27.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Hereticianben__, it didnt even read my static IP04:41
ShadowpillarI found out wine doesn't play nice.04:41
Shadowpillarand yes I do use wine for misc apps04:41
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Vexmasteris there any support for Kubuntu on this channel?04:41
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Shadowpillarmostly opencanvas and games04:41
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wheels3572How do I find out the password for su - or su -- ?04:41
Samus_Aranwell my net connection just died.  I was asking: how can I install PINE on an Ubuntu system ?  I am quite surprised to not find it in any of the package repositories, including multiverse and universe, though I don't see why it would not be in the base one04:42
DBO!root > wheels357204:42
Vexmastertype "sudo passwd su"04:42
Shadowpillaris there a way to upgrade everything from a 32 bit system to a 64 bit system?04:42
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wheels3572thank you04:42
DBOVexmaster, please dont give that command out, sudo is more secure =)04:42
Shadowpillaraka 32 bit ubuntu to 64 bit04:42
Samus_Aranwheels3572: there is no logging in as root user by default on ubuntu, though you can get to a root shell if you like04:42
DBOShadowpillar, no04:43
Vexmastersrry DBO04:43
ubotuI know nothing about pine - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:43
ShadowpillarVexmaster: and sudo passwd su wouldnt work04:43
Samus_Aranwheels3572: sudo <command> is the normal method for running root commands on Ubuntu04:43
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ShadowpillarDBO: so you couldnt do a dist-upgrade?04:43
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ShadowpillarDBO: luckily 32 bit will still work for the time being04:43
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Samus_Aranjaviolo: I was thinking to try asking the bot, heh.  alas, it knows not04:43
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duryanhi all, anyone knows how to make gnome-terminal maximised everytime I launch it?04:44
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wheels3572so the su -- command under 5.10 has been locked out and Sudo is now used instead with the username password?04:45
Samus_Aranhm, "Eric Dunbar asked is Pine was available in any version of Ubuntu. Unfortunately, the answer is no because Pine is not free or open source and Ubuntu cannot support it."04:45
javiolodbo I dont know if worked or not it makes a make errors...04:45
ben__sudo passwd if you want to use su04:45
DBOjaviolo, let me see the new errors04:45
Samus_Aranbut PINE is open source, just not under the GPL.04:45
kwtmHow can I run "gpg-agent" in Ubuntu?  It doesn't seem to be installed (even though I've installed GnuPG and kgpg), and I can't figure out which package it's in.04:45
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Madpilotubotu, tell kwtm about gpg04:46
wheels3572ok ty04:46
kwtmSamus_Aran: Are you sure?  I didn't realize PINE was open source.  Do you just mean that the source is available?  It's by university of washington, right?04:46
hyperstreamhello im just wondering ive got ndiswrapper and wpa_supplicant (for wpa encryption) all goes fine and runs but the signal is on 0% and the net is dead slow. yet in windows my netgear wg111t works rather nicely. ive tried adding my usb extention cable and moving it round high lower etc nothing changes.04:46
javiolodbo one sec please I created the deb and seems its working...04:46
DBOjaviolo, ok, sounds good04:47
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Samus_Arankwtm: the source is available for anyone to build, but it is released under a license by the university of washington04:47
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hyperstreamhello im just wondering ive got ndiswrapper and wpa_supplicant (for wpa encryption) all goes fine and runs but the signal is on 0% and the net is dead slow. yet in windows my netgear wg111t works rather nicely. ive tried adding my usb extention cable and moving it round high lower etc nothing changes.04:47
wheels3572Secondly:  I am confused on how to automatically mount an Fat32 Partition on Bootup in Dapper.  Do I have to make a directory for it first THEN add it to the fstab as stated?04:47
Hereticiananyone know how to find out if I have a  PPPoE Cable modem? I Dont think I do...04:47
kwtmMadpilot: Do you know why it can't find the command when I try to run "gpg-agent"?  I guess that's my real question.04:47
DBOHeretician, you have cable right, not DSL04:48
DBOHeretician, its not pppoe04:48
Hereticianoh ..04:48
DBOpppoe is DSL04:48
Hereticianwell then i cant find a guide on how to get my internet working04:48
Samus_Aranwheels3572: yes, create the mount point first, add it to /etc/fstab, set the option "auto" if you want it to mount itself on bootup.  also set it to check for errors after a crash, unless you use Win32 ScanDisk or similar already04:48
Hereticianfrom what ive gathered from the wiki, i need PPPoE :P04:48
Madpilotkwtm, not sure - are you certain that's the name of the app? I've got GPG working fine on this box, but "which gpg-agent" returns nothing at all...04:48
DBOHeretician, naw, it should be just a matter of plugging the cable in04:49
HereticianIts not.04:49
kwtmSamus_Aran: Okay.  But if you're not allowed to modify the source and redistribute, that means it's still not Open Source, right?  (I don't know whether the license is or not; I'm just saying that "source available" != "Open Source")04:49
IcemanV9Heretician: just plug the cable in and you're on the net04:49
Hereticiannope nope04:49
Hereticianhaving problems :(04:49
Hereticiani usually needed drivers to be installed to get on the internet04:49
DBOHeretician, is your device showing up when you type ifconfig?04:49
Hereticianif i was to format my pc and put wxp back on04:49
rock-lobsterHeretician, what kind of internet do you have04:49
Hereticianeth0 :)04:49
HereticianAdelphia Cable Internet04:49
rock-lobsterHeretician, cable/dsl04:49
kwtmMadpilot: you told ubotu to tell me about gpg.  Ubotu told me.  I checked out the reply.  It says to use "gpg-agent", which is what I had been doing.  There is no such command.  Which is why I asked the question in the first place.04:49
DBOHeretician, is your modem USB?04:50
rock-lobsterHeretician, is it connected with an ethernet cable?04:50
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=== DBO will let rock-lobster finish up
Heretician=) keep the questions coming, i usually dont get anyone answering me around here04:50
rock-lobsterHeretician, and do you have dhcp set up?04:50
Hereticiannooo lol04:50
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Madpilotkwtm, that wiki page might not be up to date anymore - just a minute, I'll have a look at it04:50
goggleBOXI have an HP v2418AU laptop but I can not get the wireless to work. Has anyone has experience with this laptop?04:50
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rock-lobsterHeretician, paste output of 'cat /etc/network/interfaces' in a pastebin04:51
HereticianDHCP doesn't connect, and when i try Static IP with the same ip and stuff that is on this computer (Not using a KVM Switch or anything, simply switching everything from one computer to the other) it doesnt work04:51
hyperstreamDBO,  you have any experience with wireless adapters? (usb)04:51
wheels3572Ok Samus but I am VERy new to Ubuntu so Where would I set auto in this line here as follows?04:51
wheels3572/dev/hda1       /media/partitionname  vfat    iocharset=utf8,umask=000   0       004:51
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rock-lobsterHeretician, do you get an error with dhcp?04:51
DBOhyperstream, i use one, but it just kinda worked04:51
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Hereticianthat would take a bit of writing and/or copying to a CD :P04:51
kwtmMadpilot: in fact, I was using not that page but another page, http://kmail.kde.org/kmail-pgpmime-howto.html, to figure out how to configure kmail so that I wouldn't have to keep typing in my gpg password.04:51
DBOhyperstream, what issue you having?04:51
hyperstreamive got ndiswrapper and wpa_supplicant (for wpa encryption) all goes fine and runs but the signal is on 0% and the net is dead slow. yet in windows my netgear wg111t works rather nicely. ive tried adding my usb extention cable and moving it round high lower etc nothing changes.04:51
Samus_Arankwtm: I am not sure what the license allows, but yes, it is at least "source available"04:51
Madpilotkwtm, gpg-agent is a seperate package - you sure you've got it installed?04:51
rock-lobsterHeretician, type 'sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth004:51
Hereticiannot that i know of, in Networking Tools it looks like its connected to although I dont know much about networking at all04:51
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hyperstreamit bearly communicates with the router04:52
Samus_Arankwtm: anyhow, I have found ftp://ftp.cac.washington.edu/pine/pine_4.64_i386.deb which should do the trick04:52
rock-lobsterHeretician, see if you get an error04:52
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Hereticianwell ill be backi n like 5-10 mins04:52
Hereticianlet me write that down hehe04:52
rock-lobsterno quote04:52
hyperstreami get 99% signal in windows04:52
kwtmMadpilot: I can't find the package named "gpg-agent"; do you know if that's the correct name?  It's not listed under Adept.04:52
DBOhyperstream, hmmm, sounds like somewhere along the line the tx power is getting turned down...04:52
kwtmSamus_Aran: Ah.  Okay, well, best of luck!04:52
Madpilotkwtm, actually, it's not... my mistake04:52
rock-lobstergnupg-agent, kwtm04:53
DBOhyperstream, if you type iwconfig what is you signal strength?04:53
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rock-lobsterkwtm, iirc04:53
Glassiuswhen running apt-get build-dep for a package i get an "E: Build-dependencies for <package> could not be satisfied.", is there any way to fix this?04:53
kwtmrock-lobster: Ah!  Is that what it is!  Thanks, I'll try that.04:53
DBOhyperstream, Signal level I mean04:53
Samus_Arankwtm: I prefer using open source applications, but I use whatever is most efficient for a given task .. and being that I've used PINE for 6 years now ... it kinda takes precedence over other e-mail apps04:53
kwtmrock-lobster: bingo!04:53
hyperstreamive read online that i need to load the athewmdl.inf(spelling) (firmware) but when i load that into ndiswrapper it states that the hardware isnt present for it. and if i remove and plug it back into the usb the netgear .inf hardware isnt present but the firmware drive says hardware is present and then i dont have a wlan004:54
haasteemhello, i am having trouble playing dvd's in any application... i checked in windows and there all is fine so it is not the disks... can anyone give a hint where to look as to what might be wrong?04:54
hyperstreamDBO,  ill just reenable my wireless i might have to reconnect tho as it cuts the irc etc. brb04:54
rock-lobsterhaasteem, do you have libdvdcss2 installed?04:54
wheels3572Samus would you mind if I private messaged you?04:54
kwtmSamus_Aran: likewise.  I personally have used Pine over Mutt (I tried really hard to like Mutt, but I just couldn't).  I used to use Pico, until Nano came along.  I am all gung ho for GPL and OpenSource(tm) as long as I have the tools to get the work done and I don't have to spend 2 hours tinkering just to get a little work done.04:55
Samus_AranDBO: thanks again, I think I have postfix running with my custom config now.  not sure why it exploded the first time I installed it a few weeks ago04:55
DBOSamus_Aran, well, best of luck to you04:55
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Samus_Arankwtm: I also tried to like Mutt.  it's feature list was impressive.  it's user interface and setup methods, however, was beyond cryptic04:56
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hyperstreamDBO,  Link Quality:0/100  Signal level:-37 dBm  Noise level:-256 dBm04:56
DBOhmmm, that should be working ok04:56
duryananyone know how to make gnome-terminal maximised everytime I launch it?04:57
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DBOwhat Rate is it at hyperstream?04:57
haasteemrock-lobster: yes04:57
wheels3572Is this command suitable enough to auto mount on bootup?  /dev/hda1       /media/partitionname  vfat    iocharset=utf8,umask=000   0       004:57
hyperstreamBit Rate:11 Mb/s04:57
DBOhyperstream, and the tx-power?04:57
kwtmpppoe_dude: Hey, please thank rock-lobster for the "gnupg-agent, not gpg-agent" tip!04:57
kwtmBye, all!04:57
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pppoe_dudelater kwtm04:57
hyperstreamhow do i display tx-power?04:57
Dattasmoonis there a way to force a gigabit card to stay at gigabit speed?04:57
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pppoe_dudehyperstream, iwconfig04:58
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hyperstreamdoesnt say anything about tx power04:58
hyperstream Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:004:58
hyperstreamkeeping in mind that04:58
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pppoe_dude          Bit Rate=0 kb/s   Tx-Power=off   Sensitivity=8/004:58
hyperstreamim still using my eth0 as my connection and not the wlan0 atm(its active and assigned a ip)04:58
pppoe_dudehyperstream, thats my output04:58
pppoe_dudeand my card is off.. when its on it gives a number04:59
hyperstreammine doesnt say anything about tx-power and sensitivity04:59
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DBOthat all depends on the drivers04:59
Smeggycan anyone help me make my monitor stop setting fire to my eyes with its hideous refresh rate lol04:59
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Dattasmoonthe driver is r8169.ko05:00
DBOSmeggy, do you get any output from the command "sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange"05:00
hyperstreamDBO, hmm so is there anyother way to see what my Tx-Power is ?05:00
kairu0Smeggy, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397305:00
DBOhyperstream, it appears your drivers dont support it05:00
SmeggyDBO, no i don't05:00
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hyperstreamhmm maybe thats why sites are saying i need to load the firmware driver as well into ndiswrapper ?05:01
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Smeggyit's a 22" crt... supports 1600x1200 at 100hz05:01
Hereticianforgot the persons name who was helping me.. Are you thereee?05:01
DBOSmeggy, who made it?05:01
Smeggyand i get that just fine in osx and windows... but ubuntu only wants to go to 85hz05:01
kabobuntuHeretician, yes05:01
SmeggyDBO, Philips05:01
Smeggythe modelines are correct05:02
DBOSmeggy, 85hz hurts your eyes???05:02
Smeggythanks kairu005:02
SmeggyDBO, I have very poor eyesight.. yeah05:02
Hereticianifup: failed to open statefile /var/run/network/ifstate: Permission denied05:02
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freakzoid0223get an lcd panel05:02
DBOSmeggy, if the modelines are right it should work...05:02
hyperstreamHeretician,  SUDO05:02
Hereticiani did05:02
Hereticiansudo ifdown eth0 && ifup eth005:02
kabobuntuHeretician, did u do 'sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0'?05:02
SmeggyDBO, it's only going to 85hz... and the only refresh rate that appears in the graphical res changer is 85hz05:02
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HereticianCRAP :(05:02
Samus_Arancan someone tell me what is ?  Ubuntu has it in /etc/hosts, I've never seen a distro use something other than
Hereticianwell no error with ifdown!05:03
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Hereticianbe back ;/05:03
SmeggyDBO, I actually tried to force it at one point by setting the resolution to "1600x1200_100" as i've heard you can do05:03
kabobuntuyou can also try /etc/init.d/networking restart05:03
SmeggyBut that didn't work05:03
kabobuntuas sudo05:03
Dattasmoon127.0.0.1 = home, loopback connection05:03
Samus_AranDattasmoon: read my question a bit closer05:03
Dattasmoonoh 1.105:04
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Dattasmoonthought was typo05:04
olrrai_1i mount a vfat partition but cant write on it with a smb client05:04
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polpakSamus_Aran: it's also loopback. I don't know why there's the distinction however05:04
Samus_AranUbuntu added for me: "  localhost" and "  atu"05:04
Samus_AranI've always just stuck my hostnames as
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IcemanV9Samus_Aran: i have same thing in mine as well - 0.1 & 1.1; these are just loop connections05:05
=== Smeggy eyes begin to bleed
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olrrai_1anyone knows how to mount a local vfat partition as rw for smb clients ?05:08
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jiShany ideas why all of my torrents randomly shoot up to 60kb/s or more and drp back down to 0kb/s ,..in multiple clients05:09
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jiShports are forwarded on router05:09
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jiShno firewall software installed05:09
jiShsomething else ubuntu hates? :O05:10
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Hereticianno errors05:10
olrraianyone knows how to mount a local vfat partition as rw for smb clients ? I can do it only for ext3 partitions05:10
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WarbojiSh: You disabled IPTables?05:11
jiShwhats that05:11
WarbojiSh: The firewall that comes with Ubuntu05:11
Eclipse_GSXjust got ubuntu installed...looks good so far...05:11
jiShreally eh05:11
IcemanV9iptables = firewall05:11
jiShhow do i disable this05:11
Samus_Aranolrrai: just mount the FAT32 partition as rw, and then set Samba to use the share as read/write05:11
WarbojiSh: You can configure it with firestarter05:11
Hereticianlucky you Eclipse_GSX.. You got the internet workin!05:11
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line), firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) or shorewall (web interface)05:11
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Samus_Aranolrrai: read/write is default for FAT32 mounts05:12
kabobuntuHeretician, no errors?05:12
jiShi dont have firestarted installed though05:12
kabobuntuHeretician, did it give you "bound to ip <ip>?05:12
Hereticianit was sending and receiving with eth0 ?05:12
Samus_Aranolrrai: or just add "rw" in the options for the mount in /etc/fstab05:12
olrraiSamus_Aran: how to do is when linux start?05:12
Hereticiandont think so05:12
Hereticianit did give me alot of stuff though05:12
Eclipse_GSXHeretician: lol im using my laptop for irc....so no not yet...05:12
Heretician15-20 lines05:12
olrraiSamus_Aran: how to do it when linux starts?05:12
Samus_Aranolrrai: add the option "auto" and it will auto-mount on bootup05:12
WarbojiSh: Then you can install it "sudo apt-get install firestarter" or use IPTables config files (shudder)05:12
Samus_Aranolrrai: so together they would be: auto,rw05:12
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polpakWarbo: they're really not that bad for most things05:13
jiShalright thanks05:13
olrraiSamus_Aran: thanks!05:13
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Warbopolpak: I haven't got my head around IPTables one05:13
HereticianI am used to installing drivers though, kabobuntu ;/05:13
brownegganyone installed ubuntu on a mac mini?05:13
Warbobrownegg: Are Mac Minis all Intel based?05:13
thmaI just installed off of DVD, I would like to say i appreciated it finding my existing grub info and loading that. but why isnt anything good installed the dvd wag over 3 Gb05:13
Samus_Aranolrrai: it should look something like this in your fstab file: /dev/whatever  /  vfat  auto,rw  0  205:13
reverHi I have bittorrent installed and it says it is version 3.4.2-6ubuntu2 the latest on the bittorrent website is 4.20.4 is this really that old?05:14
Eclipse_GSXWarbo: yea05:14
WarboJust curious05:14
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kabobuntuHeretician, u sure the cable is good?05:14
polpakWarbo: I haven't found a gui configuration tool that had anywhere near the features I need from iptables (when I use it)05:14
Hereticianits working right now, kabobuntu05:14
olrraiSamus_Aran: perfect!05:14
browneggthe new ones are05:14
Jamowhat do I do if a machine refuses to boot off the CDRom?05:14
jiShseems weird you haev to install a firewall to turn it off ;D05:14
browneggi have one that's power c05:14
Hereticianon this pc :P05:14
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Dattasmoonis there a way to force a gigabit card to only use gigabit?05:15
Hereticiani switch all the cables over from one pc to another hehe05:15
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Samus_Aranrever: http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/universe azureus [5817kB] 05:15
kabobuntuDattasmoon, try ethtool05:15
Samus_Aranrever: that is what my apt has05:15
Warbobrownegg: Ah, I was just wondering when they came out. If they are PowerPC I may get one :)05:15
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jbxyowhere is the directory of apache i forget :P05:15
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reverSamus_Aran, Azureus is not working on my dapper install05:15
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thmais there a way to install more content straight from dvd05:15
Samus_Aranolrrai: if you want to test the new entry in /etc/fstab, you can use this command: sudo mount -a05:16
Warbo /var/www I think05:16
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hyperstreamis it possible to extract the files from a setup.exe ?05:16
hyperstreamsay some drivers05:16
Samus_Aranolrrai: that will attemp to mount all entries listed in /etc/fstab that aren't already mounted, and are not set "noauto"05:16
thma/var/www is default apache but i have seen it all over the place05:16
Flanneljbxyo: which directory do you want? config?  web files? what?05:16
kabobuntuhyperstream, wine05:16
Dial_tonewhat apps can converet aac to mp3?05:16
jbxyothe server file that appear on my server05:16
HereticianSo, you dont know whats wrong then kabobuntu?05:16
Samus_AranDial_tone: mencoder05:16
Flanneljbxyo: yeah, /var/www by default.  You can check in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/05:16
Warbothma: The DVD should be a repository in your APT configuration. If so then just fire up a package manager. If not then add it, or go in the "pool" directory and install the .deb files manually05:16
jiShalright this firewall business made no difference05:16
Jamois there a boot floppy that will assist in booting off a CD? *the machine won't boot directly off the CD05:16
jbxyook thx05:17
kabobuntuHeretician, not at the moment no05:17
Dattasmooni just did, "sudo ethttol -s eth1 speed 1000" but when i do ethtool eth1, it still says speed is 100mb/s does that mean that i cannot force it into gigabit mode?05:17
reverSamus_Aran, I have always like azureus but I get a blank screen when I start it05:17
FlannelJamo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation05:17
thmaWarbo: is there an option to select during install?05:17
Samus_AranDial_tone: alternatively you can dump the aac to wav and then use any conversion utility you like, such as oggenc or lame05:17
IcemanV9Heretician: does your network card LED is blinking or not?05:17
browneggi'm pretty sure the current ones are intel05:17
Samus_Aranrever: what sort of blank screen ?05:17
kabobuntuDattasmoon, that seems like there another interface on the network that is forcing it to 100 mode05:17
Dial_toneahh, forgot about wav05:18
Samus_Aranrever: do you get the splash screen (a small window that gives information about what is being loaded)05:18
jbxyoYou know a good html editor ?05:18
FlannelJamo: first thing on that page under advanced, Smart Boot Manager05:18
Warbothma: No. There is only the choice of k/x/ubuntu (depending on the disc) and server or regular (that may only be on the text one though)05:18
Warbojbxyo: Bluefish=non-wysiwig nvu=wysiwyg05:18
Flanneljbxyo: nvu is a WYSIWYG, but almost any text editor is a good webeditor05:18
couchoi'm wondering if i can update to dapper without having to reconfigure everything, is that possible?05:18
Dattasmoonkabobuntu, thanks for the info05:18
reverSamus_Aran, Yes I get the splash with the frog. THen a box pops up and nothing shows . I cannot do anything05:18
thmako ty05:18
JamoFLannel: thanks05:18
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kabobuntujbxyo, mozilla composer05:18
Samus_Aranjbxyo: http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/ and http://www.nvu.com/ are the most popular05:18
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kabobuntujbxyo, nvu is a more complicated version of mc05:18
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jbxyo...yah but nvu is look like mozzila composer05:19
Samus_Aranjbxyo: Mozilla or Netscape Composer are decent for small jobs as well05:19
Warbokabobuntu: Mozilla Composer is just Nvu but without decent widgets05:19
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kabobuntufrom my experience nvu is bloated05:19
kabobuntumc is a bit faster and crashes less often05:19
Warbokabobuntu: And you recommend MOZILLA? :)05:19
Flannelkabobuntu: I think bloat is a prerequisite of WYSIWYG ;)05:19
Samus_Aranif you're in any way concerned about bloat, you shouldn't be using any HTML editor, heh05:19
kabobuntuand is really good for small jobs like Samus_Aran said05:20
Samus_Aranuse Vim or EMACS or any of the 3000 other text editors05:20
Heretician<IcemanV9> Heretician: does your network card LED is blinking or not? - Yeah, it is05:20
kabobuntuWarbo, mozilla composer is less bloated than nvu05:20
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Samus_Arankabobuntu: most people these days have heaps of RAM and CPU to spend05:20
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kabobuntuSamus_Aran, not me05:21
RunsWithScissorsDoes anyone know if chown & chgrp follow symlinks in Ubuntu?05:21
IcemanV9Heretician: sudo dhclient eth0 (basically the same as "sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0"05:21
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Warbokabobuntu: Mozilla composer is part of mozilla. Therefore it is in itself bloat, since Mozilla is supposed to be a web brwoser. Thankfully they now have Thunderbird, Firefox and Nvu seperate (Nvu is basically GTK Mozilla Composer)05:21
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kabobuntuWarbo, i am quite familiar with nvu... im just saying it has some unnecessary extra features05:21
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Hereticianand come back to you if there are errors? Because I have to turn off this pc and switch everything back05:21
Eclipse_GSXinternet works fine...05:21
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HereticianGood for you Eclipse_GSX :P Seems to be hating me05:22
IcemanV9Heretician: i'll be here for a while 05:22
Samus_Arankabobuntu: I am currently using 778MiB of 1264MiB RAM and 71MiB of 5773MiB swap, you ?05:22
Warbokabobuntu: As far as I can see Netscape had to add loads of features to justify a price tag, but when it became open source these were just bloat and now they are being seperated out (1 program for 1 task)05:22
kabobuntuWarbo, for the average person who wants a wysiwyg html editor, composer is usually good enough... but i guess youd have to install mozilla with it too05:22
Samus_AranRunsWithScissors: that isn't specific to Ubuntu05:22
kabobuntuWarbo, nvu is not mozilla05:22
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nothingmanhi, all05:22
Warbokabobuntu: Yes but the interfaces are virtually identical05:23
kabobuntuSamus_Aran, i have 512mb ram, 72% in use05:23
nothingmanhas anyone here had experience with a Xinerama setup or an S3 card not working after upgrading to Dapper?05:23
Samus_AranRunsWithScissors: they will change the permissions of the symlinks themselves, which will have no effect.  you can probably use --dereference if you want05:23
polpakkabobuntu: the Scream HTML editor seems to work pretty well also for a wysiwyg05:23
kabobuntuquanta is good too05:23
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Shadowpillarevery time I see quanta, I think quantas or quantum05:24
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pojeOkay: I plugged in this external HDD I am trying to fix for my friend and under dmesg I see references to sda, sda1, and sg0 - how do I know which one to reference when using gpart?05:24
WarboOne problem I have with Nvu is that I can't set up a site locally, it insists on having an FTP address which I don't have :(05:24
kabobuntupoje, sda05:24
kabobuntupoje, sda1 is just a partition probably05:24
RunsWithScissorsSamus_Aran: But setting permissions on the symlinks will prevent access to the files from that particular folder, correct?05:24
Samus_Aranthose are at http://www.screem.org/ and http://quanta.sourceforge.net/ respectively05:24
jbxyoWhy I can't modify /var/www/ (apache)05:24
Shadowpillarkabobuntu: how much swap are you using?05:24
ShadowpillarMetroid Ftw05:24
Warbojbxyo: They are not owned by your user05:24
reverHow can I add suns java to my eviroment variable. I have downloaded the latest but the old one keeps getting pivked up05:24
pojekabobuntu: I think it hasn't been touched and should just be one partition (120GB); there are also refs to all three in /dev05:25
kabobuntuShadowpillar, Swap:  2048276k total,   247972k used,  1800304k free,05:25
Samus_AranRunsWithScissors: symlinks can't have permissions of their own, they are just pointers to another location, the permissions depend on that other location05:25
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Warbojbxyo: Use sudo before doing anything to them05:25
kabobuntupoje, /sda1 can be a partition using the whole disk05:25
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:25
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Shadowpillarkabobuntu: because with linux, what you should watch is how much you're swapping05:25
WarboShadowpillar: Speaking of which, did I delete that 20GB swap file?........05:25
kabobuntuShadowpillar, i usually dont swap a lot unless i open up windows that have been minimised for a week05:26
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RunsWithScissorsSamus_Aran: So I'll have to track down the links and set the permissions individually?05:26
ShadowpillarWarbo: what 20 gb swap file?05:26
pojekabobuntu: kay, so when I run gpart I use /dev/sda?05:26
Rewbinthe graphics are pretty slow05:26
Shadowpillarkabobuntu: that's good05:26
Shadowpillarkabobuntu: it's when you're swapping is when it's bad05:26
kabobuntupoje, /dev/sda is the device itself05:26
WarboShadowpillar: The one I temporarily created so I could compress a filesystem with 7zip for a LiveCD05:26
Samus_AranRunsWithScissors: the --dereference switch is used to treat symlinks as if they were the file they point to05:26
Rewbinoops wrong channel05:26
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pojekabobuntu: awesome, thank you05:26
ShadowpillarWarbo: I have no clue, I wasnt in here05:26
Kirk_I'm having a problem.05:26
kabobuntupoje, like how hda is your harddisk device05:26
Samus_AranRunsWithScissors: it is available for most commands that deal with symlinks05:26
kabobuntupoje, and hda1, hda3, etc are the partitions05:26
pojekabobuntu: right05:26
WarboShadowpillar: Took ages but it was worth it05:26
Samus_AranRunsWithScissors: e.g. cp, tar, etc.05:27
Kirk_Does anyone know how to configure Bind9?  I need to make subdomains off of "s1.alphahertz.com" work.05:27
ShadowpillarWarbo: ...dude.. I have no idea what you're talking about05:27
RunsWithScissorsSamus_Aran: Ok, that sounds good to me. Thank You for your time05:27
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP05:27
Samus_AranRunsWithScissors: welcome05:27
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ShadowpillarWarbo: you're talking to the wrong person, unless you're just being a troll05:27
Samus_AranRunsWithScissors: just be careful if it is a symlink to a directory05:27
RunsWithScissorsSamus_Aran: Why?05:27
Samus_AranRunsWithScissors: you could inadvertantly end up changing permissions of a whole section of your filesystem you didn't mean to05:27
RunsWithScissorsSamus_Aran: Ah...05:28
Shadowpillarls -l05:28
Shadowpillarls -l | grep www in /var05:28
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Shadowpillarif it's bright blue then it's a sym05:28
Shadowpillarand it'll show where it links to05:28
phunkaliciouscan someone help me with my problem here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21234105:28
WarboShadowpillar: You were talking about minimising swap usage, so I htought I'd let you know some of the stupid stuff I do to my system :)05:29
Samus_AranRunsWithScissors: apparently chmod doesn't have this option, my guess is that is to prevent mistakes like what I just suggested.  you could use find05:29
RunsWithScissorsNote to self: Careful with the --dereference switch on directories05:29
RunsWithScissorsNote to self: Scratch that05:29
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reverSamus_Aran, Sorry I got it working issue with java version.05:30
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Samus_Aranrever: ah, good05:30
couchocan anyone tell me if i have to reconfigure everything if i upgrade to dapper?05:30
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Warbocoucho: Not usually05:30
nothingmanI can't seem to get my s3virge cards working; this is only since upgrading to Dapper and Xorg 7.005:30
Constycoucho: you mean like user preferences and such?05:30
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nothingmancoucho: do you have a Xinerama setup?05:31
couchoConsty: it's my server, i don't wanna lose anything05:31
Warbocoucho: Unless you format your drive and reinstall05:31
couchonothingman: what is that?05:31
nothingmancoucho: what are you serving?05:31
nothingmancoucho: if you don't know, you don't have it :-P05:31
Constycoucho: ah.  just upgrade then.. I was going to say user preferences can be saved if your /home partition is a seperate partition.. then reinstall from scratch with dapper but dont format your /home and just have the installer remount it05:31
couchonothingman: pretty much your basic lamp server05:31
Constycoucho: nice thing to do for desktop systems.05:31
Samus_AranRunsWithScissors: find -L will dereference symlinks, so you could do a command line like: find . -L -exec echo chmod a+rwX {} ';'05:31
Samus_AranRunsWithScissors: remove the echo if the commands look correct05:32
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nothingmancoucho: I had a small problem with MySQL because of my Mythbackend running on the first machine I upgraded05:32
nothingmancoucho: got it resolved; don't even remember what it was at this point05:32
couchoi don't use mythbackend05:33
RunsWithScissorsSamus_Aran: Is it true that if i want to prevent arbitrary deletions in a directory but still make it public I should change the "sticky bit" of the directory so users can only delete their own files?05:33
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couchoConsty: /var/www is safe?05:33
mehdihello can anyone tell me how i cam write on a ntfs drive frome my ubuntu05:33
Constycoucho: not if you're reinstalling no05:33
Hereticianthat look faulty iceman?05:33
couchoConsty: but if i just use the update manager?05:33
Samus_AranRunsWithScissors: the sticky bit on directories allows anyone to create files, delete their own files, but not delete anyone elses files05:33
acebocoucho: when in doubt, back it up05:34
ShadowpillarRunsWithScissors: okay, what's the entire problem?05:34
Samus_AranRunsWithScissors: this is how /tmp folders work05:34
Samus_AranRunsWithScissors: what is the situation you are trying to solve ?05:34
mehdi  05:34
Shadowpillarmehdi: english only05:34
couchoacebo: what about php, mysql and such05:34
=== Samus_Aran glances at mehdi
RunsWithScissorsSamus_Aran: I want to prevent the socket file in MySql from being deleted05:34
Samus_AranRunsWithScissors: deleted by who ?05:34
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mehdihelp me please05:35
acebocoucho: I would think that unless you run into a versioning problem with php or something, all should be good, as long as you have /var/www backed up somewhere05:35
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ShadowpillarRunsWithScissors:  what's the socket file for mysql doing in /var/www ?05:35
couchoacebo: ok thanks05:35
RunsWithScissorsSamus_Aran: I've read the socket file is publically accesible so client programs can use it05:35
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couchowish me luck :P05:35
dek_aikphunkalicious: i had similar problem, but its a via sound driver motherboard...u need the quirk options...try google you find it05:35
acebocoucho: good luck :)05:35
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ShadowpillarRunsWithScissors: ....05:36
Shadowpillarwell screw this05:36
ShadowpillarI'm out kids05:36
dreamcatcher5172when editing a configuration document and directions say "comment out" does that mean delete or something else05:36
phunkaliciousquirk options for gnome or what?05:36
spadesdreamcatcher5172 add a # to the beginning of the line05:36
clarknovacan someone tell me what the command sequence for upgrading ubuntu 5.x to 6 is? i know it's very simple, but i can't seem to find it.05:36
dreamcatcher5172oh ok so to add a # to the beginning of a line is to disable that setting?05:37
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.05:37
spadesdreamcatcher5172 depending on what youre editing, a comment makes the line not be read by the script or whatever05:37
dreamcatcher5172ah ok thanks i appreciate the help05:37
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spadesdreamcatcher5172 what are you editing?05:37
clarknovathanks Warbo & bot :)05:37
dreamcatcher5172inittab to delete some virtual terminals05:37
IcemanV9Heretician: it looked fine. something is not right.05:37
mehdihow to write on a NTFS drive05:37
dreamcatcher5172or virtual consoles05:37
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HereticianUbuntu is my only OS on that PC05:37
dreamcatcher5172little tweak05:37
Hereticianwould that change anything05:37
tanlaanwhere can i download the codec for mplayer to play realmedia?05:38
chifladomehdi: look into captive-ntfs05:38
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spadesdreamcatcher5172 yea, adding a # to the beginning will have it skip it05:38
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IcemanV9no, Heretician  ... let me backtrack05:38
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Hereticianno internet drivers that are not preinstalled?05:38
dek_aikphunkalicious: in file /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base05:38
Onmitsuah guys i need your help, in the registered area of www.mldesigners.com there's a working gmail exploit, i dont know what to do? should i email gmail with the link and my username and password? or what? is there an email address? ahh, what should i do?05:38
IcemanV9Heretician: ifconfig shows you two devices - eth0 and lo, correct?05:38
RunsWithScissorsSamus_Aran: Do you know if MySql5 places the socket file in the tmp directory (I'm going to upgrade)05:39
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IcemanV9Heretician: net drivers are installed by default unless there are special ones05:39
Hereticiandont think its too special05:39
Onmitsuwhat should i do?05:40
Onmitsuah guys i need your help, in the registered area of www.mldesigners.com there's a working gmail exploit, i dont know what to do? should i email gmail with the link and my username and password? or what? is there an email address? ahh, what should i do?05:40
mehdichiflado:i dont know how tell me more05:40
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dreamcatcher5172ok its done..thanks for the help...are there some good ubuntu speed tweak guides out there you guys can tell me about?05:40
spadesOnmitsu screenshot and edit out whatever pertitent info you dont want seen and find an abuse addy for gmail and send it ?05:40
HereticianOnmitsu: Nothing???05:40
dreamcatcher5172im a power monger05:40
IcemanV9Heretician: ok. sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0 does NOT do the trick (it should!)05:40
xarqdreamcatcher5172: yeah, switch to a lightweight WM like fluxbox05:40
ben__Heretician, your ethernet card is configured correctly, you have a problem with your ip05:40
Dr_Willistesting out XFCE4 right now. :)05:41
xarqdreamcatcher5172: or ratpoison or wmii or ion305:41
HereticianOr my IP has a problem with linux heh05:41
dreamcatcher5172i like the look of gnome though...and its not too needy for system resources05:41
ben__have you tried setting it to dhcp05:41
Hereticianbecause its working fine with the same directly connected cable box onto this computer05:41
xarqHeretician: your internet protocol?  0_o05:41
Hereticianit was default at dhcp05:41
dreamcatcher5172I freakin love gnome05:41
Hereticiansure why not lol05:41
ttyfsckerdreamcatcher5172, get xubuntu-desktop05:41
Hereticianxarq, its the same as it is on this pc, and i'm online05:41
BicchiBreezy used to take 3.2 GB of space and when i upgrade to dapper 3.7 GB even after clearing apt cache with: (clean and autoclean.) Does that seem logical?05:41
ttyfsckerxfce is faster than gnome.. and it looks better i think05:42
RunsWithScissorsUbutu server has the best inteface...05:42
ben__if you open a terminal and type 'sudo ifconfig' does eth0 show up05:42
HereticianIf I cant find help for this ill just try and blame gnome and get KDE or something :P05:42
phunkaliciousdek_aik, do i gotta reboot for this to work?05:42
Kirk_What is the name of the system installation utility?  The equivilant of sysinstall in FreeBSD... I want to edit the network domain name.  Where do I do that?05:42
Hereticianit sure does ben05:42
Dr_Willisi still go ta few issues with xfce4 however.05:42
Dr_Willisbut its improveing.05:42
phunkaliciousi put this in alsa-base: options snd-intel8x0 ac97_quirk=swap_hp05:42
stpereHeretician: verify your gateway05:42
wastrelHeretician:  ifconfig doesn't require sudo05:42
tanlaanwhere can i download the codec for mplayer to play realmedia?05:42
ben__did you have to install any software on your windows machine to be able to connect to the internet05:42
wastreler, ben__05:42
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ben__like road runner stuff05:42
Hereticiani never used sudo when i did ifconfig hehe05:42
ttyfsckeri havent had any with it Dr_Willis05:42
Hereticianjust drivers05:42
ben__that doesnt matter05:42
dek_aikphunkalicious: no just reinsert the modules...modprobe -a i guess05:42
Hereticianand sometimes i wouldnt need those05:43
Hereticianstpere: how do i do that05:43
ben__what isp do you use05:43
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stpereHeretician: type "route"05:43
Hereticianowned by comcast i think05:43
dreamcatcher5172xfce still looks a bit basic for me though05:43
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Dr_Willisttyfscker,  just little oddities in how it does some things.05:43
ben__try pinging www.yahoo.com05:43
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ttyfsckerdid you install 4.4 b2?05:43
mehdisome one tell me how to write on ntfs from gnome05:43
Dr_Willisits very functional. but  im just used to other file managers and so forth i ugess.. and i am missing a few features from gnome/kde. :)05:44
Kirk_Where do I change the overall server domain?05:44
aceboI prefer pinging www.google.com.. it provides better.. er.. pingage.05:44
Kirk_What file?05:44
nosklo!tell tanlaan about codecs05:44
HereticianOkies, list of things to do: route / ping www.yahoo.com05:44
Hereticianill be back05:44
ben__and check how your interface is configured on the windows pc whether its dhcp or static05:45
dek_aikphunkalicious: your problem is similar to this  https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/38546 but its for via-82xx05:45
HereticianAddress type: Assigned by DHCP05:45
ttyfsckerDr_Willis, i usually dont use file managers in the gui.. i find it easier to just switch to a virtual terminal and do what i have to do, instead of loading up a GUI that takes forever to click here and click there.05:45
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SonicDHanybody alive in here?05:45
ttyfsckerbut i like Rox-filer if i am going to do it that way.. it is pretty quick for a graphical file manager05:45
Hereticiantons, Sonic05:45
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Hereticianben__, it is DHCP :)05:46
Dr_Willisttyfscker,  so you dont use one of the main tools of the Desktop enviroment. :P lol.05:46
phunkaliciousdek_aik, can i pm you something :/05:46
Dial_tonewell, crappers. soundjuicer doesn't grab id3 tag info when you rip. is there something else that does?05:46
Dr_Willisim old-skool and tekd to use mc in a terminal05:46
SonicDHi guess so05:46
=== SonicDH prepares to be shot.
ttyfsckerDr_Willis,  i dont use the desktop environment for much except for GUI apps to be placed on05:46
SonicDHi actuallly like command prompt05:46
=== SonicDH puts on kebvlar
DBOok ladies and gentlemen05:47
DBODBO is out05:47
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Hereticianbrb then ben05:47
dek_aikphunkalicious: ok..this is the 2nd time i use irc..i hope i know what om is..lol05:47
=== SonicDH peers around
beavisdoes anyone have a copy of the x64 azureus , their new website doesnt have it for download05:47
dek_aikphunkalicious: ok..this is the 2nd time i use irc..i hope i know what pm is..lol05:47
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ben__were you able to ping any sites05:47
SonicDHPhew, i thought yall were hostile linux users like the last group i ran into...05:47
=== acebo shoots SonicDH.
SonicDHso how goes it?05:48
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MadpilotSonicDH, people who act hostile here have hostile things done to them ;)05:48
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aceboDelayed response, Sonic.. sorru05:48
acebosorry, even05:48
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Kirk_When I login to root using sudo, I get this error. (sudo: unable to lookup server via gethostbyname()05:48
Kirk_).  What is the problem?sudo: unable to lookup server via gethostbyname()05:48
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=== Sonic[Sleep is now known as Sonic[Sleep]
Kirk_Sorry, lol.  I meant to ask, what is the problem.  I get this error when logging into sudo.  "When I login to root using sudo, I get this error. (sudo: unable to lookup server via gethostbyname()05:49
Kirk_).  What is the problem?sudo: unable to lookup server via gethostbyname()05:49
Sonic[Sleep] ugh, too late to ask question05:49
Sonic[Sleep] i'll be back...05:49
xarqSonic[Sleep] : did you have a question, or just looking fer trubbel?05:49
wastrelKirk_:  you need to reboot into recovery mode and fix your /etc/hosts   and/or  your  /etc/hostname  :] 05:49
Sonic[Sleep] question05:49
wastrelKirk_:  they need to match05:49
Puphi, i have a problem.  when i launch the "software updates" program, it says, "software index is broken; run synaptic or sudo apt-get install -f to fix this issue.  When I run sudo apt-get install -f, it says: samba will be installed.  samba will be upgraded.  i tell it to continue, and it says, "dangling symlink: /etc/rc2.d/K09samba", error processing samba_3.0....deb, errors were encountered, etc.05:50
Kirk_wastrel: My hostname is currently server... should I make it "s1.alphahertz.com"?05:50
Kirk_Since that is my domain name?05:50
olrraisee u05:50
spadesKirk_ if you got the dns and possibly ptr on it, it wont hurt to05:50
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FunnyLookinHatPup, hmm.  Try sudo apt-get remove samba     then    sudo apt-get install -f05:50
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Kirk_spades: I never setup any DNS stuff.05:50
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Kirk_Should still be localhost?  Or should it be s1.alphahertz.com?05:51
spadesKirk_ if you're serving mail from it, you would need a ptr for it to get to most mailservers, especially aol05:51
Sonic[Sleep] how easy is it to install ubbuntu on a drive with an exsisting window spatition05:51
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spadesKirk_ is this local only? if so, dont bother05:51
Sonic[Sleep] *windows partition05:51
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noskloSonic[Sleep] , very easy05:51
ben__very easy05:51
Kirk_spades: It's an internet server, and I want email.  How do I do whatever it is you said I need to do?05:51
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Sonic[Sleep] safe? because i have alot of mp3s and will kill myself ifi i loes them05:52
dek_aikphunkalicious: i am not registered...i can't send messages05:52
sidusahibdoes anyone know a program for windows so that i can view ubuntu partition?05:52
spadesKirk_ if youre serving outgoing mail from it, contact your isp regarding ptr, not sure if most isps allow it tho, doesnt hurt to ask05:52
ben__yes, if you know what youre doin05:52
phunkaliciousoh ok, let me pastebin it then dek_aik05:52
Sonic[Sleep] can ubuntu read/write to ntfs?05:52
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wastrelif you have a static IP they should put in a ptr, aka a reverse05:52
noskloSonic[Sleep] , you may loose your data using the installer, if you choose the wrong options05:53
Sonic[Sleep] no write huh...05:53
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Kirk_spades: My ISP allows any server activities as long as they are not illegal.  Believe me, my ISP is a four-person company.  :P  It's not Comcast or anything.  I doubt they know what that is, much less disallow it.05:53
phunkaliciousdek_aik, http://pastebin.ca/8857405:53
Smeggywhich package gets me gstreamer mp3 support and nothing more?05:53
tanlaanneed help installing real player, using a ppc version of ubuntu05:53
wastreli'd be worried if your isp doesn't know what a ptr record is :] 05:53
sidusahibhow do i view ubuntu partition in windows xp?05:53
ben__i dont think that linux in general has safe writing to ntfs05:53
Sonic[Sleep] xandrox or something can...05:53
ben__you need to install ext2fs driver05:53
mehdisome one tell me how to write on ntfs from gnome05:53
mehdisome one tell me how to write on ntfs from gnome05:53
mehdisome one tell me how to write on ntfs from gnome05:53
Kirk_spades again: At any rate, it's not even my server I'm configuring, it's my neighbors. :P05:53
mehdisome one tell me how to write on ntfs from gnome05:53
mehdisome one tell me how to write on ntfs from gnome05:53
phunkaliciousjust because it can doesn't mean it is safe :/05:53
Kirk_mehdi... Be patient.05:53
FlegmThere is a driver called the Captive NTFS driver.  I've tried it and it works great, even supports reading compressed files, but it's hard to come by.05:54
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ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:54
FlegmLet me try to find a link.05:54
sidusahibmehdi, good way to get kicked...05:54
FlegmMehdi, asking the same question five times is not any better than asking once.05:54
FlegmThat works for me on my Debian.05:54
mehdii have asked several times befor but noone pay attention05:55
baboI'm sending some emails to a yahoo account and including \r\n in the text, but they don't show up as newlines .. ? help ..05:55
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FlegmIf you spam, people will just block you.05:55
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Madpilotmehdi, guess what? After that little outburst, people are going to keep ignoring you.05:55
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FlegmAsk once every, say, five minutes until you get an answer.05:55
spadesKirk_ you need to get dns running on the machine and set a hostname with a static ip, contact the isp to set a ptr record for the hostname05:55
dek_aikphunkalicious: where do you get the hp_only option? ...don't forget to sudo update-modules..if not the changes will be forgotten05:55
Kirk_spades: Well, do you know how I can set whatever that is up?  Also note, I have a control panel setup that isn't working properly, I think because of the domain misconfugiration.05:55
b00gz1Hey guys I am using Bind9 for DNS I can use my local IP and get responses back just fine but if I go outside of the network and do nslookup IP it connects but when I ask about a domain it gives me DNS request timed out can someone please help!05:55
kelbizzleI need help again.05:55
baboI'm sending some emails to a yahoo account and including \r\n in the text, but they don't show up as newlines .. ? help ..05:56
Kirk_spades: Is it impossible without that?05:56
Sonic[Sleep] Whats the Min. Reqs. for Ubuntu?05:56
wldkoshas anyone had any luck installing a linksys wireless 54g card here?05:56
phunkaliciousdek_aik, i got the hp_only option from the launchpad page you posted and from here http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=679010&postcount=505:56
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mehdii'm sorry05:56
spadesKirk_ if youre able to get pms, check them05:56
phunkaliciousdek_aik, but I don't know which one I am supposed to pick for sure though :/05:56
FlegmI am pretty sure that Ubuntu will work on anything remotely modern, because most Linux does.05:56
Kirk_spades: done05:56
jiShhow come i can't login to my own router from ubuntu05:56
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Sonic[Sleep] p3 733, 128mb ram?05:57
wldkoscan anyone help with wireless cards here?05:57
Sonic[Sleep] 733 mhz...05:57
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tanlaanis it possible to install realplayer onto a ppc using ubuntu?05:57
ben__wldkos, have you checked https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported05:57
FlegmAlthough if it's a weird processor, like your favorite mp3 player, you might have to compile it yourself.05:57
Kirk_spades: Don't you see my responses in PM?05:57
spadesKirk_ I dont05:57
Kirk_spades: Why do you keep putting an underscore after my nick?05:57
Kirk_spades: I don't have one on my end...05:57
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jiShKirk_: you do05:58
spadeswell you do in my window05:58
FlegmDon't ELF binaries run on any processor if it's running the Linux kernel?05:58
baboanyone know why my newlines aren't showing up ?05:58
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baboI'm sending some emails to a yahoo account and including \r\n in the text, but they don't show up as newlines .. ? help ..05:58
Kirk_spades: IMs?05:58
wldkosben_ hey05:58
Kirk_spades: I have AIM, MSN, and YIM... Also Google Talk.05:58
spadesKirk_ irc private messages05:58
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interfearcan't i just install compiz with synpatic?05:58
[Ex0r] Kirk_- you must be registered on freenode to private message people05:58
Kirk_ex0r: Ah05:58
spadesKirk_ get me on iam3spades on aim05:58
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ben__wldkos, did you find what you were looking for?05:59
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interfearanyone here use compiz?05:59
wldkosI found this link http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?s=f09d6693b71ff0718e44d92da7296084&p=113584&postcount=705:59
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wldkoswould you mind telling me if that's pretty much the only way it's going to work?05:59
IcemanV9babo: maybe yahoo acct does not understand \r\n05:59
jiShhow come i can't login to my own router from ubuntu. i put in login/password and it just asks again and again and wont let me connect06:00
jiSheven tried it in windows xp installed in vmware06:00
ben__wldkos, do 'sudo apt-get install ndisgtk'06:00
b00gz1Hey guys I am using Bind9 for DNS I can use my local IP and get responses back just fine but if I go outside of the network and do nslookup IP it connects but when I ask about a domain it gives me DNS request timed out can someone please help!06:00
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phunkaliciousmaybe it doesn't like firefox :|06:00
FlegmI looked at the wikipedia page for Compiz.  No offense, but people who need that much eye candy tend to avoid Linux.06:00
baboIcemanV9: well it has newlines in it ... I can send a mail with newlines and it'll show up. So what must my computer be using as newlines then ? ... I've tried everything I can think of ...06:00
jiShi used opera and IE in winx06:00
dli_jiSh, can you try konqueror ?06:00
david__is it possible to have web cam chat on ubuntu? i havent found the right program for it?06:00
ben__you will basically do what the guide says but using a gui06:01
jiShdont have konq06:01
jiShon gnome here06:01
david__konq chat?06:01
ben__wldkos, what model card is it?06:01
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wldkosben_ that helped a lot06:01
FlegmIf you can find a webcam with a Linux driver, than you should be fine.06:01
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FlegmTrouble is, hardware manufacturers love to use nonstandard interfaces and not write drivers for anything except the latest Windoze.06:01
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dli_david__,  kopete has webcam support06:02
Eduardo25people speak spanish ?06:02
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.06:02
dek_aikphunkalicious: u can read this http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Debian/2005-07/1147.html also..at the bottom of the page it said that the quirk option can be found at alsa configuration.txt in the kernel source06:02
IcemanV9babo: i don't know .. maybe options in Yahoo account might disallow it?06:02
david__owe great i will get that... not sure if my cam is set up for linux thouygh, should be06:02
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phunkaliciousthank you dek_aik, I will study it now06:02
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david__does kopote work with aim users?06:03
wheels3572What permission do I need to mount a create a directory?06:03
wheels3572sorry let me rephrase that06:03
wheels3572I am trying to create a directory so I can mount a partition06:04
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haaryI have here a Labtec webcam for 11 Euro, works fine in Linux with the spca5xx driver06:04
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IcemanV9wheels3572: sudo mkdir <new dir>06:05
wheels3572Iceman I have to goto this directory /media06:05
dek_aikphunkalicious: in ubuntu/kubuntu it is here /usr/share/doc/alsa-base/driver/ALSA-Configuration.txt.gz06:05
wldkosis there a program that let's you browse available wireless networks?06:05
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dli_wldkos, iwlist eth0 scan06:05
wheels3572cd to the directory then do that?06:06
dm_Hey guys, i installed my Nvidia Propetary drivers and some how Ubuntu doesnt see my wireless card anymore, can anyone helop ?06:06
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wldkosdli_ a gui version?06:06
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dli_dm_, what's your card chipset? lspci?06:06
IcemanV9wheels3572: no. just sudo mkdir media/<new dir>06:06
pippeusi would like to get some infos about initng-usplash06:06
HereticianGet an error when trying to ping www.yahoo.com (instantly)06:07
dm_dli_ 394506:07
Hereticianand when i type in route nothing shows up but what i think are categories06:07
chifladoHeretician: which error?06:07
xarqwldkos: network-manager06:07
chifladodestination host unreachable?06:07
pippeusanyone tried?06:07
dli_dm_, can you : sudo modprobe ipw3945 ?06:07
IcemanV9wheels3572: to check if it exists - ls /media06:07
pippeusi`ll wait06:07
dli_dm_, and dmesg|tail06:07
Hereticianthink so chif, its the normal old "your not connected to the internet" kind of error06:07
wldkosxarq: simple as that?06:07
wldkosdoes it resemble anything like the windows version of it?06:07
chifladoHeretician: there are serveral such errors06:07
dm_dli_ modprobe came up with nothing, and dmesg didnt come up with any wireless06:08
Hereticiandestination host unreachable is probably it :P06:08
xarqwldkos: there is a windows version of network manager?06:08
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chifladoeach one is designed to tell you something specific about why something didn't work06:08
Hereticianit instantly comes up06:08
wastrelHeretician:  route should show your default gateway and your local network address06:08
wldkosxarq: funny06:08
Hereticianroute shows Destination / Gateway / and stuff in one line06:08
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Hereticianbut nothing under it06:08
Tmobanyone here know how to turn off acpi notificatins when the laptop lid opens?06:08
Tmobi dont want my laptop to restart when i open the lid06:08
xarqwldkos: I was being serious06:08
=== Heretician hopes this is the diagnostic
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aceboTmob: do you see the battery icon in Gnome?06:09
wheels3572Iceman:  Complete Newbie here how do I find out what my 2nd hard drive is under Linux so I mount the right partition?06:09
wldkosxarq: I wanted to know if there is a gui that shows you a list of them06:09
wastrelHeretician:  did you try to take the interface down and bring it up again?06:09
dli_dm_,  rmmod ipw3945 ; modprobe ipw3945; dmesg06:09
wastrelHeretician:  is it wifi or ethernet?06:09
xarqwldkos: network-manager has a GUI06:09
Hereticianand no but i did try it several times06:09
Tmobacebo, i use xfce06:09
dli_dm_, of course, add sudo, ubuntu sucks with that :(06:09
IcemanV9wheels3572: sudo fdisk -l06:09
Tmobacebo, xubuntu06:09
Hereticiani mean06:09
Hereticianit ended06:09
xarqwldkos: it is a GUI app06:09
Hereticianit showed the command line bar thing06:09
wldkosin the terminal, how would I connect to a network?06:09
Hereticianyou know where i type more commands after it06:09
Hereticianthat thinger06:09
wastrelHeretician:  sudo ifdown eth0  then  sudo ifup eth006:09
aceboTmob: Hrm, I won't be of much help then. Shutting up :P06:09
Hereticianthat doesnt help06:10
olrrai_1I use: mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/d # but it mount as rro for users, how to give the rw access?06:10
dm_dli_ fatal errors06:10
Hereticianothers have suggested that :P06:10
Hereticianno errors doing that06:10
b00gz1Hey guys I am using Bind9 for DNS I can use my local IP and get responses back just fine but if I go outside of the network and do nslookup IP it connects but when I ask about a domain it gives me DNS request timed out can someone please help!06:10
wheels3572Iceman:  Thanks06:10
Tmobproblem is sometimes when i close the lid (which is hooked to sleep.sh) i get multiple events.. so next time i power-on the laptop does into sleep immediately again06:10
aceboTmob: There is a #Xubuntu, though, if noone here can help06:10
wastrelHeretician:  try   sudo route -add default gw <ip of your gateway>06:10
Hereticianjust the DHCPDISCOVER from eth0 to ( off the top of my head)06:10
ben__wldkos, type ndisgtk06:10
dm_dli_ lemme paste bin it06:10
IcemanV9wheels3572: yw 06:10
RaCarteris there a way to add more radio stations to rhythmbox?06:10
Tmobacebo, yea.. its mostly a kernel prob i guess06:10
wastrelHeretician:  er,  sudo route add default gw <ip...>      add, not -add06:10
Hereticianwould the default gateway be the same on here as on the other pc?06:11
Hereticiansame cable06:11
Hereticiansame cord :)06:11
dli_b00gz1, add an outside nameserver to your resolv.conf06:11
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Heretician"sudo route add default gw
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dm_dli_ http://pastebin.ca/8858606:11
b00gz1dli_ where is resolv.conf located?06:11
hyperstreamDBO, well all along its been working fine06:11
dli_b00gz1, /etc/06:12
hyperstreamim just doing ubuntu updates and its flawless.06:12
IcemanV9Heretician: does this file, resolv.conf, exists in /etc ??06:12
Tmobanyone good with ACPI stuff? trying to solve event jitter problem here.. i'm getting multiple events sometimes (i think) when i close the laptop lid which cases sleep mode to be activated back to back..06:12
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hyperstreamDBO,  but when it comes to loading pages in mozilla over the wireless adapter it seems to time out and not fully download some files like images and half loading pages06:12
Hereticianhow do i get to /etc06:12
Hereticianoh its just06:12
hyperstreamirc and downloading is very very good06:12
Heretician./ etc06:12
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TmobHeartsbane, cd /etc06:12
technelI wanted to uninstall sendmail so I did "sudo aptitude remove --purge sendmail", it completed, but when I restart now it gives an error about /etc/init.d/sendmail, how do I get this to go away?06:13
IcemanV9Heretician: ls /etc - it'll give you the list of files06:13
DBOhyperstream, try a different browser maybe06:13
wastrelHeretician:  that looks right.  that should set the routing table to get to the internet.06:13
olrrai_1I use: mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/d # but it mount as ro for users, how to give the rw access?06:13
wastrelHeretician:  your eth0 is being assigned the correct IP?06:13
Tmobtechnel, remove /etc/init.d/sendmail?06:13
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wastrelHeretician:  and can you ping that ip?06:13
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Tmobtechnel, look which script is starting sendmail..06:13
technelTmob, Removed it already...how do I know which script is starting sendmail?06:13
b00gz1dli_ resolv.conf looks like dns forwarders ... I am actaully hosting the domains I just need it to respond when it is asked on the WAN address and not the LAN...06:13
pippeusok i tried initng-usplash stuff from the help. It runs great and fast.. Get the same time boot of my normal 2ghz init boot on a 500 mhz. But i still get a gap betwn usplash kill and gdm start, initng lines and stuff unnice to see.. Any idea?06:14
dli_dm_, install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-22-68606:14
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hyperstreamDBO,  Awww :/06:14
xarqollrai: add it to your fstab with r/w privs for users06:14
wheels3572Iceman:  I was told if I want to Automount on bootup to use Auto in /etc/fstab but my question is this.  Where in this line do I put Auto or do I even have to?06:14
wheels3572/dev/hda1       /media/partitionname  vfat    iocharset=utf8,umask=000   0       006:14
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Tmobtechnel, when do you get this error?06:14
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DBOhyperstream, just for testing, sorry Im kinda distracted so Im not giving great advice06:14
olrraixarq: ok06:14
Hereticianwastrel, no06:14
technelTmob, At the bootup before it loads the drivers06:14
Hereticianits not detecting my ip06:14
dli_b00gz1, yes, it needs a nameserver for WAN06:14
Hereticianiceman, i'll check for the resolve.conf06:15
b00gz1dli_ so I put my WAN address there?06:15
jiShwhats a terminal command to see which network your connected to06:15
dli_b00gz1, add (for LAN) also06:15
technelTmob, It shows the pretty Ubuntu loading screen and then it exits it and goes to the standard "Blah... [ok] " screen with the error telling me to run some type of "/etc/init.d/sendmail" command06:15
Hereticianwastrel, could this gateway thing be the problem?06:15
dm_dli_ i thought i did that06:15
dm_dli_ wait 686?06:15
Tmobtechnel, find /etc/rc* -name *send*06:15
HereticianI mean, people who dont have the LAN and things after the route command definitely dont have an active connection to the internet :P06:15
Tmobtechnel, tell me what it says06:15
dli_dm_, whatever suitable for you06:15
Tmobtechnel, pm06:15
dli_dm_, uname -a06:16
hyperstreamDBO,  no its ok , thanks alot for all your help :) its much appriceated WHERE WOULD #ubuntu  be with out you :P06:16
ubotuI know nothing about win32codec - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:16
ubotuI know nothing about win32codecs - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:16
dli_b00gz1, just make sure you understand how it works06:16
ubotuI know nothing about movies - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:16
b00gz1dli_ Same problem06:16
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:16
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages06:16
wastrelHeretician:  for some reason your routing table isn't getting set up ... if the route add command works, then that's the problem.06:16
hyperstreamanyone know the link to all the codecs and gstreamer etc to get videos working06:16
dli_b00gz1, how it fails? elaborate06:16
noiesmoHello all I have upgraded from hoary to dapper and have a lvm2 problem from what I can see on net I need to edit a preinst file within the debian package whats the easiest way to do this06:16
xarqhyperstream: look up06:16
Hereticianalrighty, well ill be back wastrel06:17
dm_dli_ sudo  apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-22-38606:17
dm_ could not find packack06:17
IcemanV9wheels3572: i am not familiar with fstab since i don't mount other partition automatically.06:17
jbxyoHow I make apache on world wide web06:17
b00gz1dli_ I don't want it to respond if it is asked about google.com I only want it to respond if it is asked about local websites that are there.  Which is does respond if I ask it on the LAN interface but if I ask it form the WAN I get DNS Request Timed Out.06:17
IcemanV9wheels3572:  let me find the link ...06:17
wheels3572Iceman:  Ok thanks06:17
xarqjbxyo: install it with synaptic and read the manual06:17
wheels3572Iceman:   Ok thanks again06:17
xarqjbxyo: or apt-get06:17
IcemanV9!fstab > wheels357206:17
jbxyoi got apache06:17
dli_b00gz1, sorry, english is not my language :(06:17
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jbxyoi want to make my repertory online06:18
IcemanV9wheels3572: look at the private message from ubotu on fstab06:18
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pippeusdli_: learn it06:18
xarqjbxyo: get a public IP address06:18
wheels3572Iceman:  Thanks alot :)06:18
dli_pippeus, this is ubuntu :(06:18
IcemanV9wheels3572: good luck 06:18
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jbxyoi want to make my apache server online (from my pc) <<06:19
Samus_Arandarn net be b0rked out tonight06:19
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b00gz1Can someone please help me with a really simple Bind issue.   I am using Bind9 and I am hosting ibxsecurity.com ... If I ask (Local Private IP) about ibxsecurity.com it will respond with my WAN IP (Which it should do) now if I ask my Wan IP about ibxsecurity.com it gives me DNS requested timed out.  I do have the ports forwarded and it does not fail until I ask about the domain.  PLEASE HELP!06:19
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository06:19
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pippeuskklja....ok klsflskdfjalsdkfjalsdkjflkasdjfoooaman06:20
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dm_dli_ -22 is not available, i have as late as 2306:21
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dli_dm_, now, you understand the problem06:21
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xarqjbxyo: use a felt-tip marker, and a ruler, and06:21
xarq         carefully draw the line under the pedestal06:21
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dm_dli_ why would this happen though? shouldnt ipw3945 be up to date since it is the most current chipset06:22
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jbxyodraw a smile06:22
dli_dm_, get the right packages06:22
musicmanI've just used the http://www.howtoforge.com/samba_setup_ubuntu_5.10_p4 to set up an ubuntu samba PDC, ceptin I used a brand new dapper install06:22
Tmobanyone good with ACPI stuff? trying to solve event jitter problem here.. i'm getting multiple events sometimes (i think) when i close the laptop lid which cases sleep mode to be activated back to back..06:22
dm_dli_ any suggestion on what packages i should add?06:22
musicmaneverything seems fine, except the workstations wont find the domain? My dhcp is on another (debian/firewall) machine06:23
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dli_dm_,  linux-restricted-modules , linux-image , of the same kernel version (exactly)06:23
musicmanbut apart from that, I can't understand why they wont recognise it's existance? I can log into workstations (XP) and view the shares on teh samba server06:24
noiesmoit's all good i fixed it myself thanks for the help :)06:24
musicmanbut not login as a domain member?06:24
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dm_dli_ so this will fix my wireless ? lols06:24
dm_dli_ i been away from linux too long.. been playing too much WoW06:24
KidVulcancould someone here tell me what file system i should format the partition to before installing?06:25
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musicmankidVulcan, you can take your pick, but ext3 is a fine choice06:25
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xarqKidVulcan: if you don't know which and have no reason otherwise, use ext306:25
hyperstreamdm_, i know how that is06:25
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HereticianWhen i try routing: SI0ADDRT: .. ugh06:26
hyperstreamtook me a week to pick up on the basics:x06:26
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b00gz1Can someone please help me with a really simple Bind issue.   I am using Bind9 and I am hosting ibxsecurity.com ... If I ask (Local Private IP) about ibxsecurity.com it will respond with my WAN IP (Which it should do) now if I ask my Wan IP about ibxsecurity.com it gives me DNS requested timed out.  I do have the ports forwarded and it does not fail until I ask about the domain.  PLEASE HELP!06:26
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HereticianWell I forgot what it said after SI0ADDRT:, but it was something to do with it not recognizing the default gw06:26
KidVulcanwhat would encourage someone to choose otherwise..?06:26
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dm_AHH CRAP , i moved my grub selection for windows up on the list and now that i updated kernel images it got rid of the entry , did Apt back up the fiel ?06:26
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xarqKidVulcan: yes?06:27
hyperstreamDBO, woah there it goes again its dropping like nuts. the updates have stalled over and over and im getting screen spam(from lagging) :P06:27
KidVulcan<KidVulcan> what would encourage someone to choose otherwise..?06:27
sproingiehow do i get rid of a dead app's icon in the tray (notification area)?06:27
sproingiein windows they go away when i mouse over them.  no such luck here06:28
dm_Anyone paste their grub menu list ?06:28
dm_my Windows entry is gone06:28
IcemanV9sproingie: killall gnome-panel06:28
xarqKidVulcan: there would be too many things to consider without flooding #ubuntu, but there's plenty of material online06:28
devhen!grub > dm_06:28
devhendm_: try the tips on reinstalling grub after windows erases it. maybe thatll work06:28
xarqKidVulcan: in the meantime feel free to use ext3, it is an excellent format06:29
sproingieoh nevermind there's actually a process behind it06:29
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Hereticianwastrel, do you know what SI0ADDRT is?06:29
dli_dm_, sudo update-grub06:29
sproingiePicasaMediaDetector.. and i just found that bash tab-completes processes for killall06:29
sproingieyet another freakin-neat thing about ubuntu06:29
devhenthanks dli_, that easier ;)06:29
xarqKidVulcan: or you could read a bit about the reasons to choose differently, it's your choice06:29
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sproingiegood lord, picasa2 for linux is horrendous06:29
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dm_dli_ it didnt put Windows in there06:30
xarqsproingie: well what did you expect?06:30
sproingiexarq: it runs like a dream in windos06:30
dli_dm_, edit it manually, update-grub doesn't touch it06:30
xarqsproingie: oh, really?  but the GIMP has so many more features06:30
HereticianIcemanV9, resolve.conf is in /etc06:30
Hereticianwastrel, i'm pretty sure it says SI0ADDRT: Network is unreachable06:30
dm_dli_ k thanks, i hate grub sometimes.06:31
sproingiexarq: the gimp is a different app.  i want something that manages albums, with easy browsing, categorizing, photo print ordering, etc06:31
wastrelHeretician:  hi, ok i guess there's some other problem with your networking.06:31
sproingiexarq: digikam is about as good as it gets, but it has its own problems06:31
IcemanV9Heretician: ok. it SHOULD work. *sigh*06:31
sproingienot to mention that i still can't order from shutterfly with it06:31
nmyoDuhsproingie, Galllery2 will do that06:31
wastrelHeretician:  i'd check your dmesg for any errors related to bringing up eth006:31
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dli_sproingie, gphoto2, gqview06:31
sproingienmyoDuh: do those do print ordering?06:32
nmyoDuhbut it requires mysql, php and apache running06:32
ben__anyone know how to add a system try in gnome, i accidentally deleted mine06:32
HereticianHow do I do that wastrel06:32
sproingienmyoDuh: blech.  no thanks06:32
ben__system tray06:32
nmyoDuhit will do the ordering stuff06:32
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wastrelHeretician:  dmesg | grep eth0  for a start06:32
sproingiewell if it does print orders, i might tolerate it06:32
sproingienmyoDuh: got a url for those apps?06:33
wastrelHeretician:  does your nic work if you boot from the livecd?06:33
benjkhi, I am just trying out Ubuntu for the first time, installed from the minimal/server CD ... how do I install the kernel-sources matching my installed kernel?06:33
nmyoDuhsproingie, just a sec06:33
wastrelHeretician:  ethrenet card.  "Network Interface Card"06:33
Hereticianill give that a try too.06:33
Hereticiananything to do after dmsg | grep eth0?06:34
wastrelHeretician:  write down any errors you see06:34
b00gz1Can someone please help me with a really simple Bind issue.   I am using Bind9 and I am hosting ibxsecurity.com ... If I ask (Local Private IP) about ibxsecurity.com it will respond with my WAN IP (Which it should do) now if I ask my Wan IP about ibxsecurity.com it gives me DNS requested timed out.  I do have the ports forwarded and it does not fail until I ask about the domain.  PLEASE HELP!06:34
Hereticianalrighty ill be back then.06:34
sproingienmyoDuh: i was looking at f-spot, which had potential ... but also fails to do simple things like actually delete files when asked.06:34
phunkaliciousbenjk, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`06:34
phunkaliciousi think that should do it :|06:34
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benjkah, ok, thx06:35
dm_dli_ wireless still not working06:35
dli_dm_, check your packages, and kernel, " uname -a "06:35
dm_dli_ wait06:35
nmyoDuhsproingie, better is the one for kde...06:35
phunkaliciousyou should install build-essential too if you are going to be compiling stuff too :|06:35
sproingienmyoDuh: digikam is chock full of features, but photo print ordering ain't one06:35
benjkI was guessing kernel-sources-...06:35
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sproingienmyoDuh: i guess i'll have to get used to manually uploading 'em06:36
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dli_benjk, the name is now linux-source06:36
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luisitoanyone here have a macbook?06:36
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ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:36
nmyoDuhhttp://gallery.menalto.com/ sproingie06:36
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nmyoDuhexamples of what that can do...06:37
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filemoverhi whats the apt-get command to install aptitude is it sudo apt-get install aptitude06:37
sproingienmyoDuh: if you've ordered prints before ... are flickr's prints any good?  yahoo has awesome prints, and i'm pretty sure they use shutterfly ... not sure if flickr is the same06:37
nmyoDuhsproingie, that depends on the resolution06:37
kairu0is it normal for Xorg to use 40% or more of system memory?06:37
userundefinekairu0, how much memory do you have ?06:38
nmyoDuhwhich is lower than what you would see if you uploaded yourself i would guess.06:38
xarqfilemover: apt-get *is* aptitude last time I checked06:38
sproingienmyoDuh: last time i used picasa i ordered from ritz.  wow, what a mistake, they do NO color balancing, and they don't even print full-bleed06:38
xarqfilemover: yes, that looks correct except that you should already have aptitude06:38
filemoverhow do i install aptitude then from the prompt06:39
xarqfilemover: aptitude ~= apt-get06:39
sproingiei'm  probably veering way off topic here tho ... will check out gallery06:39
userundefinesudo aptitude *package*06:39
deimos_use aptitude install instead of apt-get install. it should work06:39
userundefine*sudo aptitude install *package*06:39
kairu0userundefine, 512mb06:39
filemoverill try it06:39
MikeyMikecan anyone tell me how to make mp3's repeat over and over in firefox06:39
MikeyMikeim not sure which method im using to make them playin in firefox but they do but only once06:40
nmyoDuhsproingie, its in the apt repos06:40
bluefoxicyI can't read /dev/mem?!06:40
dm_dli_ i wish linux had WPA2 support built in, its working now but its labeled eth3  : (06:40
dm_dli_ nm its not working... lol06:40
bluefoxicyeven as root!?06:40
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b00gz1Can someone please help me with a really simple Bind issue.   I am using Bind9 and I am hosting ibxsecurity.com ... If I ask (Local Private IP) about ibxsecurity.com it will respond with my WAN IP (Which it should do) now if I ask my Wan IP about ibxsecurity.com it gives me DNS requested timed out.  I do have the ports forwarded and it does not fail until I ask about the domain.  PLEASE HELP!06:40
userundefinekairu0, doesn't seem normal.  XGL uses only 98MB of real memory here06:40
bluefoxicyoh holy shit06:40
benjkI tried aptitude, but it confused me06:40
bluefoxicyit can't be piped06:40
dm_dli_ ok now it is. awesome06:41
dm_dli_ thanks06:41
bluefoxicybluefox@icebox:~/programming/ssp$ sudo cat /dev/mem > stuff06:41
bluefoxicycat: /dev/mem: Operation not permitted06:41
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benjkit shows lots of stuff but I couldn't figure out how to select a package and then install it06:41
nosklobluefoxicy, it is not this kind of device, you need to mmap it i think06:41
bluefoxicywhat the hell.06:41
bluefoxicynosklo:  no I can cat it06:41
benjkit would just give me more and more help or info on the package06:41
bluefoxicybut I can't pipe or redirect it.06:41
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bluefoxicyif I cat it > something or | something it says operation not permitted06:41
bluefoxicyif I just cat it fucks my terminal hard.06:42
fivredoes anyone know how to get firefox to close a window when closing the last tab?06:42
bluefoxicythis sucks I just lost a big document06:42
bluefoxicyhi fivre06:42
sproingiebluefoxicy: please watch your language06:42
xarqbluefoxicy: from which editor?06:42
stephenwzup people06:42
bluefoxicyxarq:  firefox.06:42
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xarqbluefoxicy: well there's your problem06:43
kairu0userundefine, i think java is also being a hog but i cant find anything better to replace azureus06:43
bluefoxicyxarq:  This is not funny.06:43
sproingieand you don't want to cat /dev/mem ... that's a sure-fire way to create a runaway process06:43
xarqbluefoxicy: I'm being serious06:43
paiedare there drivers for ati cards ati refuses to support (older ones) to enable opengl?06:43
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sproingiepaied: what model of ati card?06:43
paiedbuddy of mine has a laptop with a 7200.06:43
bluefoxicysproingie: I want to cat /dev/mem|grep -Hnr -n10 "License" > somefile.txt06:43
wheels3572what's the command to Save and write to VIM?06:43
kairu0wheels3572, :w06:44
dark^ngelwheels3572,either ZZ or :wq06:44
xarqwheels3572: <esc> :w <ret>06:44
notamisfitpaied: try the in-kernel radeon driver06:44
sproingiebluefoxicy: that probably just isn't going to work.  cat is going to try to copy /dev/mem into a buffer ... which will appear in /dev/mem itself06:44
paied`radeon` ?06:44
wheels3572dark^ngel thanks06:44
bluefoxicysproingie:  yes but the buffer will only exist in one place, so it'll spit that out too.06:44
paiedah he says 750006:45
hyperstreamanyone here use xsane for there scanner?, i can only run xsane as root other wise i get a I/O error06:45
bluefoxicysproingie:  the stuff is volatile, it's not a constant stream of information.  It's like reading a constantly changing file06:45
notamisfitpaied: modprobe radeon and switch the driver in /etc/X11/xorg.conf to radeon06:45
fivrehey bluefox06:45
wastrelhyperstream:   what does the groups command give you ?   xsane runs fine for me but i'm in the scanner group.06:45
fivrenow how do I tell firefox to do what I want?06:45
paiedalright notamisfit will give that  try. thx.06:45
bluefoxicyso much for being able to grep memory06:45
hyperstreamim also in the scanner group06:45
bluefoxicyfivre:  I dunno.06:45
hyperstreamill type it out brb06:45
notamisfitset up a laptop for a buddy with an older radeon, and that did the trick06:46
xarqbluefoxicy: the problem with trying to grep memory is grep will also start writing its stream into memory06:46
sproingiebluefoxicy: isn't /dev/mem an image of the entire virtual address space of the current process though?  meaning it's always 2 gigs?06:46
xarqbluefoxicy: as will the terminal06:46
hyperstreamFailed to open device `brother2:bus2:dev206:46
bluefoxicyxarq: think about it for a second.06:46
wheels3572Hmmmmmm something isn't working right I cant get out of insert mode and save it lol06:46
bluefoxicyxarq:  do you honestly think that matters?06:46
bluefoxicysproingie:  that's kmem06:46
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sproingiebluefoxicy: i thought kmem was an image of the kernel's address space06:46
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dark^ngelIs there any hope for GLX for AMD64 yet?06:46
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acebowheels3572: hitting ESC first?06:47
sysrplhow cna i add a trash bin icon to my gnome desktop?06:47
bluefoxicyxarq: It will write its stream into a fixed position in memory, which it will run over top of, then run past.06:47
hyperstreamFailed to open device `brother2:bus2:dev2': error during device I/O06:47
hyperstreamif i run  sudo xsane it runs fine06:47
josesitoHELP!! please someone... i've got a corrupted folder which i can't erease...and it doesn't let me boot into xubuntu06:47
notamisfitdark^ngel : I've been using GLX w/ AMD64 about as long as i've been running linux06:47
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acebowheels3572: assuming you're in vi (I haven't been watching) hit ESC to exit edit mode and then :wq06:47
josesitoplease can someone help me??06:47
paiedhis laptop plays q3 decent in windows xp on that machine06:47
xarqbluefoxicy: which may be where your data was06:47
paiedwould be neat to do so in linux too.06:47
bluefoxicyxarq:  In other words, you're reading a file that's changing underneath you.  Pure and simple.  You get strange results but we're not trying to do anything that requires consistencey here.06:47
hyperstreamwastrel, any idea's ?06:47
bluefoxicyxarq:  I HAVE recovered 10-15 paragraph documents this way before mind you.06:47
sysrpljose: did you try sudo rm -rf foldername?06:48
wheels3572Acebo:  I am using VIM and it's telling me this E45: 'readonly' option is set (add ! to override)06:48
gmoorehello. i'm installing Dapper Server. do "Install to the Hard Disk" and "Install a LAMP server" give me the same thing with the only exception being LAMP option gives me php5+apache2+mysql5?06:48
bluefoxicyxarq:  the kernel does not want to play with me this way anymore, it wants to flat deny root access to scan all of memory.06:48
sysrplhow can i add a trash bin icon to my gnome desktop?06:48
acebowheels3572: what file are you editing? may be bad to overwrite06:48
dark^ngelwheels3572, save as another filename then sudo to move it06:48
wastrelhyperstream:  i'm guessing it has something to do with udev  - maybe not recognizing your scanner and setting appropriate permissions on the usb device that's created when your scanner is plugged in.06:48
wheels3572Acebo:  fstab file  I am automounting06:48
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bluefoxicydamnit same for /proc/kcore06:48
josesitosomeone please??06:48
wastrelhyperstream:  i loaned my scanner to a friend so I can't play around with it right now...06:49
sysrpljose: sudo rm -rf foldername?06:49
hyperstreamwastrel,  that would sound right.06:49
dark^ngelYou need to edit fstab with sudo vi06:49
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wheels3572Dark:  Ok06:49
acebowheels3572: are you su? if not, you need to :q!, (you'll lose your changes) then su and try again to do :wq06:49
dark^ngelor vim06:49
sysrplhow can i add a trash bin icon to my gnome desktop?06:49
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hyperstreamno way i can play with hotplug usb list or something ?06:49
sproingiebluefoxicy: i have no such problem with root being denied /dev/mem ... you running selinux or something?06:50
aceboEr, sorry, this is #ubuntu, I meant sudo :P06:50
david__im looking for a program much like limewire or other programs that will let me download music and other stuff... anything?06:50
bluefoxicysproingie:  I'm on edgy..06:50
dark^ngelacebo, LOL06:50
fivredavid_: frostwire06:50
david__ill try to apt-get it06:50
xarqbluefoxicy: the kernel doesn't "want" to deny you access to /dev/mem.. it's not a stubborn child06:50
[Ex0r] anyone about ?06:50
tanlaanhey everyone, having problems with real player, i cant get it to play a .rm file i have, every time i run it it freezes up and the only way i can exit it is to force quit it06:50
sproingiethe concept of root needs to die anyway06:50
xarqbluefoxicy: I've recovered files from memory before too06:51
sproingieplan9 has no root06:51
bluefoxicysproingie:  I get 2048 bytes out and then operation not permitted.06:51
wastrelsysrpl:   type  gconf-editor  then go to  apps > nautilus > desktop   and check  trash_icon_visible06:51
=== dark^ngel has no root
sproingiebluefoxicy: huh now that's odd06:51
notamisfitdoes plan9 have any users?06:51
sproingiedark^ngel: disabling a root login is not the same as not having root06:51
dark^ngelnot quite06:51
=== dark^ngel has no user 0 == root
sproingienotamisfit: of course.  it just doesn't have a single superuser.  it has a user that can switch to any other user's permission, but do just about nothing else.06:52
josesitosysrpl: nope06:52
[Ex0r] Alrighty, let me rephrase. Anyone about that is familiar with sendmail or postfix ?06:52
wastrelhyperstream:  you can check the scanner database in /etc/udev/rules.d/45-libsane.rules  and see if your scanner is there.06:52
sproingienotamisfit: it's like having root that can only call seteuid06:52
josesitosysrpl: didn't work beacuse the partition is mounted as read only06:52
notamisfitsproingle: I meant that the other way ;)06:52
wheels3572Acebo:  Thanks that worked perfectly06:52
bluefoxicy1052672 bytes (1.1 MB) copied, 0.13162 seconds, 8.0 MB/s06:52
dark^ngel[Ex0r] , what of it?06:52
acebowheels3572: np06:53
wastrelhyperstream:  check the scanner's device ID and vendor ID with  lsusb  or just watch the logs when you plug it in.06:53
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[Ex0r] dark^ngel- having some troubles getting them configured correctly06:53
dark^ngelThat's a vague statement06:53
[Ex0r] I can't get the virtual users to work on either of them06:53
sproingiedark^ngel: linux doesn't care if you have a user named root or not, it just looks for uid == 006:53
dark^ngelI didn't say no superuser. :P06:53
sproingiemaking root's uid 0 has been the source of so many security problems in unix06:54
dark^ngel[Ex0r] , are you, perchance using vhcs2?06:54
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[Ex0r] sendmail gives an error when trying to refresh m4, and postfix doesn't let me create a domain name table06:54
benjkhow do I query if a package is installed06:54
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sproingieif it were 12345 at least random typos or uninitialized memory couldn't trigger privelege escalation06:54
wastrelbenjk:  apt-cache policy <packagename>  will work.06:55
kazukisanWhy arnt the flashplayer plugin in the repos any more ???06:55
[Ex0r] sproingie- that's why it's the admins job to prevent security risks06:55
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sproingie[Ex0r] : part of preventing security risks is selecting a system that doesn't facilitate them06:55
wastrelmmm facilitate06:56
wastreli will have to use that in my paper06:56
[Ex0r] sproingie- You mean one that is non-existant? Every operating system has security holes.06:56
dark^ngelsproingie, that would mean pulling the plug on my 'puter06:56
tanlaanhey everyone, having problems with real player, i cant get it to play a .rm file i have, every time i run it it freezes up and the only way i can exit it is to force quit it. Does anyone have any input?06:56
sproingie[Ex0r] : yes, and some are in the design06:56
xarqbluefoxicy: still there?06:56
dark^ngelor at least throwing away the keyboard and pipe.06:56
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wheels3572Acebo:  Can I bug you 1 more time please.  My Linux Guru isn't on lol ummm there is the file that shows the grub bootup manager and shows you what OS's are on the system and the time you have to select what is that file name I need to change the startup time to a bit higher lol and do I need Sudo for that as well?06:57
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sproingie[Ex0r] : i'll grant that the biggest security hole on any system is its users06:57
[Ex0r] sproingie- you mean windows ?06:57
enoHello folks?06:57
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acebowheels3572: most likely. any system config file will require sudo. and editing in sudo isn't terribly insecure if you're in doubt, however, don't make files in sudo unless you don't want to be able to edit them withouth sudo06:58
sproingie[Ex0r] : the windows kernel has great security.  it'd be nice if windows actually used it06:58
dark^ngel[Ex0r] , not sure why you can't create domain tables unless you have something like VHCS2 wresting control.06:58
hyperstreamwastrel,  its not in there should i add it ?06:58
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enohow do I run a gui application from the console without it taking over my console unti it is closed?  I bet there is no way to do this due to some obscure security reason06:58
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[Ex0r] dark^ngel- I couldn't find HOW to make them06:58
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wastrelhyperstream:  yes, just copy a line and change the vendor id and device id to match yours.06:59
wheels3572Acebo:  Ok but the GRUB boot manager is already there and there is a file on there that has the Boot manager config in there I need to edit that config file to change the startup time06:59
Flanneleno: &06:59
Flanneleno: [command]  &06:59
enowow that is simple.  Thanks Flanel!06:59
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hyperstreamthen replugin the scanner ?06:59
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acebowheels3572: Oh, sorry, I didn't notice you also asked where that file was :P One sec07:00
[Ex0r] dark^ngel- and the #postfix team is pointless07:00
sproingiei guess containment-based security like zones and selinux is probably best.  assume any process can escalate to maximum privilege, so limit the breadth of what it can damage instead of creating barriers to its depth07:00
wheels3572Acebo:  NP I understand it's late lol07:00
hyperstreamwastrel, that worked07:00
wastreleno keep in mind if you close the terminal, the gui app may crash.  use  exit  at the terminal instead07:00
wastrelhyperstream:  np :] 07:00
dark^ngel[Ex0r] ,  If you are using postfix, the file to edit is virtual07:00
sproingienot that selinux does seriously good containment normally, but it can07:00
enooh, thanks!07:00
dark^ngeltwo elements per line entry07:00
benjkwhats the difference between packages linux-headers and linux-kernel-headers07:01
verixwait, is selinux anything like chroot or is it something different?07:01
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dark^ngelfirst element is the virtual ([user] @domain)07:01
acebowheels3572: I believe it's /boot/grub/grub.conf that you're looking for.. lemme know if that's not it07:01
[Ex0r] dark^ngel- the virtual file doesn't exist07:01
dark^ngelsecond element is [suer@] destination07:01
wheels3572Acebo:  Ok07:01
dark^ngelit will if you create it in /etc/postfix07:02
sproingieverix: selinux is a framework for enforcing complex security models07:02
benjkI am confused now07:02
[Ex0r] dark^ngel- I used nano to create a /etc/postfix/virtual file07:02
[Ex0r] and inside it says07:02
dark^ngelthen you'll need to map it to a db07:02
[Ex0r] aztec-designs.net justin07:02
benjkI installed linux-headers-`uname -r`07:02
benjknow I am installing libreadline5 and it says it will also install linux-kernel-headers07:02
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benjkbut that was what I had intended and thought to have installed with linux-headers07:03
dark^ngelgrep virtual /etc/postfix/*07:03
=== xarq browses his machine's memory
dark^ngelmain.cf:virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual07:03
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benjkare the linux-headers the kernel sources or not?07:04
wheels3572Acebo:  Yes thanks it looks like it :)07:04
acebowheels3572: awesome07:04
sproingiebenjk: no, it's just the headers.  for the full source, you want linux-source07:04
kazukisanI install flash works on you tube and everything but on this site the flash area is just a white screen -> it work for anyone else ?? i hear sound but no picture -> http://www.iklipz.com/Movies.aspx?MovieID=22FAA477-E9E0-41E4-B790-B020023CF3A507:04
[Ex0r] I don't have a main.cf07:04
ghostcould someone help me out with getting a smartlink modem working on ubuntu? i've looked at the wiki and installed the smartlink package, but there are errors on starting the modem daemon07:04
benjklinux-source or linux-kernel-source ?07:04
sproingiebenjk: linux-source07:05
benjkbasically I need to build a device driver from sources and that has so far required the kernel-sources of the current kernel to be present07:05
dark^ngelslocate main.cf07:05
[Ex0r] perfect, that worked, dark^ngel :)07:06
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acebokazukisan: Er.. the site works for me, but I'm in OSX using FF :P07:06
wheels3572Acebo:  actually menu.lst is the file name lol but thanks alot you got me in the right area :) thanks so much for your help greatly!!!!! appreciated07:06
kazukisanAny one in LINUX :P does this work for you -> http://www.iklipz.com/Movies.aspx?MovieID=22FAA477-E9E0-41E4-B790-B020023CF3A5 ???07:06
acebowheels3572: no problem07:06
benjkcouldn't find package linux-source-2.6.15-23-server :(07:07
[Ex0r] now to work with bind some :)07:07
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dark^ngeland what is that not doing, [Ex0r]  ?07:07
benjkso how does one get the kernel sources installed?07:07
[Ex0r] dark^ngel- nothing, i'm configuring it :)07:08
olrrai_Xfstab: /dev/hda1 /media/hda1 vfat gid=1000,umask=0007,fmask=0117,utf8 0 007:08
dark^ngelbind9, I hope?07:08
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olrrai_Xu can write as user with it07:08
[Ex0r] yes'sir07:08
[Ex0r] haven't used it in a while, gotta read the docs on it :)07:08
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dark^ngelOne word of advice ...07:09
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dark^ngelrather, forwarders07:09
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ghostno one can help with the smartlink stuff? i really wish I could get broadband, ubuntu works with my ethernet out of the box :|07:09
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benjkdo you people never have to build kernel modules?07:09
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sproingiebenjk: apt-get install linux-source-$(uname -r)07:09
benjkI did that and it said it can't find them07:10
[Ex0r] hm07:10
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wastreli haven't built a kernel in a few years07:10
dark^ngelsproingie,  Oh! That was neat!07:10
[Ex0r] !ati07:10
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto07:10
wastrelor modules...07:10
wastrelthe joys of using vanilla hardware :] 07:10
sproingiebenjk: try just linux-source and see what it tries to download07:10
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bll3rwhats up everyoen07:10
Gonzohow can i create an icon ,bin?07:10
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aceboBack in my day, we had to build kernels with our BARE HANDS.. we didn't have compilers.. we just used dd and a large stack of punch cards!07:10
dark^ngelacebo, I have a horror story about holerith07:11
sproingiedd, eh?  lazy git.07:11
benjkit suggests linux-source-2.5.15, but my running kernel is 2.6.15-23-server07:11
benjker 2.607:11
sproingiefarm it out to an army of keyops07:11
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benjkif the sources don't match the running kernel then the build of the driver will fail07:12
poison_quite alot of people here07:12
poison_whats everyone doing07:12
dark^ngel27420 cards in a batch that went flying after a trip over the threshold07:12
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acebodark^ngel: haha, you must actually be old-school, I was just making a joke :P07:12
IcemanV9benjk: apt-cache policy linux-source-2.6.1507:12
sproingiebenjk: hmm that's probably true.  so find the kernel version you need in aptitude.  hit / and type linux-headers07:12
couchowaiting for ubuntu to be done upgrading07:13
sproingieooh policy, that's a neat command07:13
acebodark^ngel: Yeah.. I'm younger than "1972" >=/07:13
IcemanV92.6.15-23.39 is available from what apt-cache policy tells me07:13
benjkapt cache returns "Unable to locate package"07:13
sproingieacebo: all right, someone older than me at last07:14
dark^ngelMy first computer was already 9 years old then.07:14
benjkah no typo, sorry07:14
benjkcandidate 2.6.15.-26.4407:14
b166erCPU Temp:    +62C  (low  =   +15C, high =   +45C)  , dang07:14
acebosproingie: You might be misunderstanding.. I meant I wasn't even born when he was talking about using punch cards..07:14
xarqbluefoxicy: you will need to figure out how to get around pages stored as write-only. but the safest way it seems to do it is with dd07:14
benjknot the one matching the running kernel07:14
acebosproingie: Unless you meant dark07:14
sproingieacebo: oh, YOUNGER07:14
bluefoxicyxarq:  I just did everytihng from scratch http://bluefox.kicks-ass.org/blog/07:15
acebosproingie: yeah :P07:15
sproingieacebo: too much coffee and alcohol both in my system07:15
IcemanV9benjk: look down more  .. under version table:07:15
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:15
xarqbluefoxicy: you were getting those errors because some pages are marked write-only07:15
benjkversion table?07:15
=== sproingie should be reading his CS books, but cant concentrate enough to do more than irc
Geoffrey2trying to figure out the best way to get restricted media formats to play on Ububtu without having to resort to patent and copyright violations.... :/07:15
IcemanV9from apt-cache07:15
benjkah, ok, there are two entries 39 and 4407:15
=== xarq points sproingie to his books
benjknone are matching the running kernel07:16
wastreli should be writing my paper07:16
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sproingiereading CTM right now.  somewhat easier read than TAPL07:16
dark^ngelGeoffrey2, write your own codec?07:16
=== xarq points wastrel to his paper
IcemanV9yes, -23.39!07:16
=== userundefine points sproingie to /.
xarqanyone else?07:16
sproingieuserundefine: that's for wasting time at work07:16
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Geoffrey2dark^ngel, I wouldn't have the foggiest clue where to begin :)07:17
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david___how come i can't right to my fat32 fs?07:17
dark^ngelThat's why copyrights and patents exist.07:17
sproingiepatents anyway07:17
p47is someone using compiz and xgl ? I have a question !07:18
sproingieof course not like patents serve their purpose anymore.  they grant the monopoly now without actually exposing the invention07:18
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LoneShadowdavid__: mount it as -t vfat or -t msdos07:18
acebopatent pretty much full-out explain the technology, so.. they're not really for hiding stuff07:18
dark^ngelgranted on concept. forget implementation07:18
sproingieacebo: you'd think that.  but they're deliberately written not to now07:18
LoneShadowor maybe you have it defined in your /etc/fstab as ro, or your floppy disk has a write protect enabled :D07:19
david___its alreadt mounted07:19
david___should i mount it aghaain?07:19
xarqGeoffrey2: there isn't an easy way. it will always be illegal until the MPAA takes back their licensing, or the law is reversed07:19
LoneShadowis it a partition or a floppy disk ?07:19
acebosproingie: yeah, they're written in confusing legalese, but, originally, they were meant to be clear on what they were patenting :P07:19
xarqGeoffrey2: you can lobby congress or send them lots of emails or start more petitioning07:19
dark^ngelYou could start with the file header and extrapolate.07:19
xarqGeoffrey2: or look for a commercial sponsor07:19
=== Generic [n=ahmed@c-24-16-108-94.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
david___i can read it but can't write07:20
LoneShadowif it was mounted by default, check your /etc/fstab07:20
Genericwhat's the command to check disk space?07:20
sproingieacebo: back then most patents were on tangible physical things, and the patent office insisted on diagrams07:20
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LoneShadowGeneric: df07:20
sproingiei think patents should require a reference implementation now07:20
Genericthanks :)07:20
dark^ngelur du -s /.07:20
dark^ngelor ... stupid fingers07:20
p47dark^ngel, lol07:21
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acebohaha.. that's a backwards way of checking disk space.. checking how much you've used instead of how much is left07:21
LoneShadowI wonder if "rm -rf / && du" would work :D07:21
sproingiedu would run awful quick07:21
aceboYes, 0.07:21
sproingiewell actually it wouldnt run at all come to think07:21
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acebo"du / | rm -rf"07:22
sproingieacebo: i think you mean xargs rm -rf07:22
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sproingieit'd still fail once you rm'd rm07:22
pojeOkay, so I went through this guide at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1071920&mode=linear to install the junk for my friend's wifi card in his laptop; everything looks all right, wifi networks show up in the network-manager, but trying to connect to them fails - dmesg gives a bunch of the following two messages07:23
sproingieor at least on the next chunk of args07:23
poje[17179692.768000]  SoftMAC: Open Authentication completed with 00:90:4c:7e:00:6407:23
poje[17179710.460000]  bcm43xx: TODO: Incomplete code in keymac_write() at drivers/net/wireless/bcm43xx/bcm43xx_main.c:113207:23
dark^ngelsu - nobody -s /bin/bash -c "rm -rf /*"07:23
david___this is the line thqt mounts my fat32 partition " /dev/hdb1       /media/hdb1     vfat    defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       1"07:23
david___is there something i can change to make it writeable?07:24
LoneShadowC:\>su - nobody -s /bin/bash -c "rm -rf /*"07:24
LoneShadow'su' is not recognized as an internal or external command,07:24
LoneShadowoperable program or batch file.07:24
LoneShadownot working =/07:24
dlidavid__, better to add uid=07:24
sproingiei actually have a working su on my windows box07:25
sproingietho there's no 'nobody' user07:25
dark^ngelYou have a working Windows box?07:25
MTecknologyHow do I recompile my kernel with joy-console support??07:25
LoneShadowdont we all  ? :D07:25
sproingiedark^ngel: at work, yes07:25
=== userundefine claps
dark^ngelMicrosoft broke all of mine.07:25
acebowhat does su do on your Winbox? upgrade a user account to admin?07:25
LoneShadowI am happy MS and Apple exist :D07:26
Warbodark^ngel: I broke all of mine :)07:26
LoneShadowthey are just making linux stronger day by day07:26
sproingieacebo: exactly what unix su does.  basically it's an alternate syntax for runas07:26
FunnyLookinHatLoneShadow, me too, it gives me something to laugh at07:26
xarqLoneShadow: I'm not, there would be plenty of good oses without them07:26
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LoneShadowxarg: they killed the good os'es :D07:26
dark^ngelI finally broke my last client of the MS habit07:26
Lukewhats the KDE control center package called?07:26
xarqLoneShadow: no, good OSes never die07:26
LukeWarbo: thanks07:26
meenalwats that07:27
dark^ngelbut I still have DOS 3.3 squirreled away07:27
acebosproingie: I didn't know there was a "runas".. not that I'll ever use it.. I just sold my Windows box for a 20" iMac :P07:27
xarqLoneShadow: with the exception of OS/2, which is almost dead07:27
Warboxarq: They do if they are proprietary (which doesn't mean they are bad OSs, just that you shouldn't use them)07:27
meenali updated ubuntu and my xserver config file got corrupted07:27
LoneShadowdos 3.3 was a pretty good os :D07:27
userundefine20"... mmm07:27
sproingieacebo: it's de rigeur for anyone not running as admin07:27
dark^ngelThat's why I kept it07:27
Lukeis there a kde theme selector that doesnt use all the KDE core stuff?07:27
Lukejust like a stand alone selector07:27
aceboEven DOS 6.2 was good, for that matter07:27
Warboqtconfig I think07:27
meenalhi all07:28
LoneShadowyea I like 5.0 and 6.207:28
sproingieacebo: not that i use it, i just have admin on my windows box.  i consider it a single-user os as far as security goes.07:28
LoneShadowOS/2 wouldnt install properly on my 28607:28
LukeWarbo: thanks again mate =)07:28
acebosproingie: And rightly so07:28
WarboHang on a sec, did I do /join #ubuntu-offtopic by mistake?07:28
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dark^ngelUse PCMOS instead07:28
xarqWarbo: no, but you might as well have07:28
userundefineWarbo, yes07:28
LoneShadowany of you folks installed ubuntu on a usb flash memory?07:29
sproingieacebo: it makes thinking about security better.  secure the network against the node, not the node against the network and users07:29
dark^ngelLoneShadow, yes07:29
Lukedoes anyone know how to get the SUDOed apps to be themed as well?07:29
WarboLoneShadow: I have it on a USB HD (non-bootable)07:29
acebosproingie: haha.. I like it.07:29
LoneShadowdark^ngel: livecd or debootstrap ?07:29
WarboLuke: "sudo ln -s /home/username/.themes /root/.themes"07:29
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Warbo(username is your username)07:30
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userundefine^^ in addition to Warbo, sudo ln -s /home/*user*/.icons /root/.icons07:30
dark^ngelI honestly cannot recall. The script does it for me now.07:30
bluefoxicyxarq:  dd dies too.  And that's strange.  Hm.07:30
WarboLuke: You may also have to "gksudo gnome-theme-manager" after that07:30
LoneShadowI need to install minimum version of breezy (probably livecd) on a 800MB /dev/hda2 (2nd partition of my CF card)07:30
LukeWarbo: damn you are on top of this... how do you know all this stuff?07:30
aceboObviously he's done it once or twice :P07:31
LoneShadowwhich script did you use ?07:31
xarqbluefoxicy: not really, since the pages are flagged as write-only.. maybe check out how software suspend does it07:31
Lukethese are obscure questions that i have been asking in here for about a year07:31
WarboLuke: I have been running Linux for 2 years, you kind of pick it up (also I am a graphicy guy, so I am constantly theming)07:31
Lukeno one ever answers07:31
LukeWarbo: well thanks a ton!07:31
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dark^ngelI wrote it when I first did the server in a pocket project07:31
LukeWarbo: you've answered questions i've been trying to find answers for for a while07:31
dark^ngelnever did it manually the second time.07:31
kairu0anyone think the benchwarmers was funny?07:32
=== MrBrizzio [n=brizz@c-71-199-41-2.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sproingiehere's something bugging me: my text consoles are in a video mode that my monitor doesn't like.  how do i fix that?07:32
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LoneShadowso what kind of usb device is yours ?07:32
=== colk [i=colk@13-237.35-65.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
xarqsproingie: do you mean your virtual terminals?07:32
WarboLuke: There are probably posts in the forums for that, people in there tend to like stuff like theming07:32
bluefoxicyxarq:  suspend seems to you know, be in the kernel.07:32
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sproingiexarq: yes07:32
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LoneShadowusb flash drive ?07:33
xarqsproingie: you need to look at your kernel parameter list in grub's menu.lst07:33
LukeWarbo: there are but people are so n00b about it. a simple symlink was all I was looking for. People were giving all these weird files to config and stuff. its a pain07:33
LoneShadowso X loads up on it ?07:33
LukeWarbo: haha there is a lot of crap to sort through when it comes sto questions like these07:33
couchoi can't access my ftp server anymore07:33
couchohelp pls!07:33
xarqsproingie: you would set as an extra parameter vga=xxx where xxx is the number of the resolution you want07:33
kairu0Luke, i was wondering the same thing for the longest time. too easy huh?07:33
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acebocoucho: finish updating?07:34
LoneShadowthen you probably debootstraped the base system :D07:34
couchoacebo: yeah07:34
xarqsproingie: the number is an ID for different resolutions, you have to look up the one you want online07:34
CaptainMorganwhat's a nice IDE available?07:34
acebocoucho: now you're having service problems?07:34
dark^ngelI could do X, but on lethargic P60 it doesn't warm my heart.07:34
WarboLuke: I found a post about a theme someone made and a reply was "This theme looks really bad in Synaptic, just a dark blue progress bar and grey buttons". That was funny07:34
sproingiexarq: ugh ... where do i find a table of the mode numbers to resolutions?07:34
couchoacebo: afaik just vsftpd07:34
xarqsproingie: not sure, to get mine I tried googling for menu.lst vga 1400x105007:35
acebocoucho: what's the problem? not starting at all?07:35
FunnyLookinHatLuke is a n00b.07:35
couchoacebo: vino works, apache works, php works07:35
xarqsproingie: 1400x1050 was my resolution07:35
couchoacebo: not able to connect07:35
acebocoucho: Do you know that it is actually running, though?07:35
sproingiexarq: ah found it07:35
LukeFunnyLookinHat: hey =)07:35
couchoacebo: yes, ps -A|grep vsftpd07:35
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LukeWarbo: hahha thats exactly what i'm talking about07:36
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acebocoucho: You're not trying to login as root, are you?07:36
WarboLuke: I still think using blender for this icon I'm doing is overkill......07:36
couchoacebo: hell no :P07:36
acebocoucho: Or do you even get that far?07:36
dark^ngelWell, I guess there's no hope of getting 3D on this box tonight.07:36
kairu0Warbo, what icon is that07:36
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WarboI wanted a GANT like icon of a filmstrip, but couldn't really draw it with a mouse07:37
CaptainMorganIm testing Anjuta out... anything better?07:37
gmooreim setting up ubuntu server. 2 hdds, 80gb and 30gb. the 80gb is set as a single primary ext3 partition. the 30gb is set as a 2gb primary swap partition and 28gb logical partition ext3. does that sound right? or should swap be logical too?07:37
couchoacebo: i try to login, but filezilla (on windows) says "500 OOPS anonymous and local disabled" or something like that07:37
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couchoacebo: and no, i'm not trying to login anonymously :P07:37
MadpilotWarbo, try Inkscape07:38
acebocoucho: hrm. why would local be disabled..07:38
WarboMadpilot: Same problem really, but I am using inkscape for some dotted lines :)07:38
farkygmoore: yeah07:38
couchoacebo: cause i don't want to login locally07:38
FunnyLookinHatAnyone here ever have an issue with GRUB not seeming to install on machines with multiple hard drives (dual boot windoze and windows just comes right up, no GRUB)07:38
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couchoacebo: so i didn't enable it in vsftpd.conf07:38
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FunnyLookinHatI haven't done too much debugging, but I'd rather not have to remove the harddrives to start messing with it07:39
WarboFunnyLookinHat: You sure you put it on the MBR?07:39
FunnyLookinHatWarbo, lol, liveCD doesn't give you a choice07:39
dark^ngelFunnyLookinHat, of the first drive?07:39
FunnyLookinHatBy default I thought it did07:39
farkyFunnyLookinHat: which harddrive did you install grub to? Primary IDE or Secondary?07:39
WarboFunnyLookinHat: That's pretty bad then. I hope there's a bug filed.....07:39
FunnyLookinHatOk ok, Have you all used the dapper live CD?07:39
FunnyLookinHatIt doesn't give you an option!07:39
acebocoucho: I'm a little confused then.. why are you getting the warning about anon and local if you're neither? Or perhaps that's your question too..07:39
FunnyLookinHatI'll probably have to boot up the livecD< mount the hard drive, and manually install grub.  but that's just a pain07:40
couchoacebo: exactly what i want to know XD07:40
farkyFunnyLookinHat, I did, but it is pretty much the same as the alternate install disc minus the live CD part07:40
filemoverhow do i copy all of the directorys contained on a cdrom to another directory on my hard drive from the prompt Ive been using cp -R /cdrom/ /home/user/directory but i always end up with the directory cdrom inside this one id rather just have the directories contained on the cdrom moved and nothing else07:40
FunnyLookinHatfarky, I installed on primary SATA drive, I have another IDE channel with a master and slave tho07:40
Warbofilemover: Use /cdrom/*07:40
dark^ngelcp -a /cdrom/* destination07:40
filemovercp -a07:41
filemoverok thnx warbo07:41
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farkyFunnyLookinHat: hmmm tricky..... the installation went correctly all the way through?07:41
Warbofilemover: Are there any files beginning with a dot on the CD (like ".music" or something)?07:41
kairu0has anyone experienced a bug where X crashes when you have compositing on and you drag a video partially off screen?07:41
FunnyLookinHatfarky, yup.  Weird thing is for kicks I tried a SUSE 10.1 install, and it did the same thing.07:42
=== dark^ngel uses dd if=/dev/hdb of=/some.iso
FunnyLookinHatfarky, I have a feeling the computer is installing to hda1 MBR rather than sda1 MBR07:42
farkyFunnyLookinHat: you have a SATA and PATA drive in the system?07:42
couchoacebo: any idea how to get it working?07:43
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FunnyLookinHatfarky, yup.07:43
acebocoucho: I dunno.. I'm looking through docs and stuff, I don't really see a mention of a problem like yours07:43
FunnyLookinHatfarky, different channels of course, and the SATA is set to primary boot device via bios07:43
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Kibbled_bitshi all07:43
farkyFunnyLookinHat: ok good, try setting it secondary, boot off hda07:43
couchoacebo: i'm connecting throught my network, that's not local is it?07:43
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farkyFunnyLookinHat: just to see if it works07:43
FunnyLookinHatfarky, ooh good idea.  I'll try that quick07:44
acebocoucho: I'm not sure if local is defined as loopback or LAN..07:44
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FunnyLookinHatfarky, if that does work however I'll just have to go in and install to the right drive because that will bug the crap out of me, booting MBR and OS from different drives07:44
acebocoucho: might try enabling local login and see what happens07:44
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dark^ngelFunnyLookinHat, you can always tell GRUB to list sda as boot option07:45
farkyFunnyLookinHat: yeah that too, didn't think of that07:45
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couchoacebo: WTF, it works now07:46
FunnyLookinHatdark^ngel, not really, because it isn't even going to grub  : )07:46
acebocoucho: Lemme look up what local login is defined as..07:46
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couchoacebo: k07:46
dark^ngelIt will if grub is on MBR of hda07:46
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godtviskenHow can I change my system's name?07:46
=== mikeymike-linux [n=mikeymik@ip70-179-218-46.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
mikeymike-linuxwould someone like to help me install windowmaker on my dapper?07:46
FunnyLookinHatdark^ngel, im booting hda now07:46
FunnyLookinHatoohh woot07:46
FunnyLookinHatit worked07:47
filemoverim trying to remove a directory with sudo rmdir -R directory and it wont budge07:47
mikeymike-linuxis it as easy as getting the package from synaptic?07:47
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FunnyLookinHatWell poopz.  now I have to go and install GRUB to the right drive to get that all fixed.07:47
FunnyLookinHatAnd bug report it07:47
Warbomikeymike-linux: Usually. On the login screen choose it in the "sessioN" options07:47
kramericamikeymike-linux: I think it has a package yes07:47
southerngreyhow do I update my wireless acx-111 chipset driver so the card will work on a AMD-K7 kernel?  Any ideas07:47
dark^ngelgodtvisken,  edit /etc/network/options07:47
godtviskenFor example, currently when in the terminal it says "godtvisken@densvartadoeden" I want to change the `densvartadoeden' part07:47
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farkyFunnyLookinHat: thats good, no, wait. you can just edit the menu on grub to list sda07:47
mikeymike-linuxWarbo, and?07:47
Warbofilemover: rm -r07:47
farkyor hda or whatever07:47
FunnyLookinHatfarky, well i have to install GRUB to the MBR of the right drive still07:48
=== richard [n=richard@81-179-127-164.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
ickyb0dhello all, i'm having the whole dual-boot "filesystem type uknown" partition type 0x7 error thing.  any suggestions? i've looked around but nothing's worked so far07:48
filemoverthnx again07:48
Warbofilemover: rmdir only removes directories, and only when they are empty07:48
FunnyLookinHatfarky, it has to physically be installed on the SATA drive so I can remove th eother drives and still boot into linux07:48
richardDoes an FTP prog come with the Ubuntu DVD?07:48
farkyFunnyLookingHat: yeah thats true, ok try that and tell me if it works07:48
dark^ngelrm -rf will take the subdir out with files in it07:48
richardIf not could you recommend one?07:48
FunnyLookinHatfarky, will do   : )07:49
Warbodark^ngel: I don't like -f. I prefer to chmod the files, then I know that I am not deleting something I forgot was there07:49
dark^ngelI hate rm -rf07:49
acebocoucho: local_enable: Controls whether local logins are permitted or not. If enabled, normal user accounts in /etc/passwd may be used to log in. Default: NO07:49
=== feryana [n=feryana@24-148-10-151.snb-bsr1.chi-snb.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #Ubuntu
acebocoucho: So.. looks like it refers to users, not where you're connecting from07:49
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dark^ngelThat's why I kid about it so07:50
[Ex0r] hmm07:50
couchoacebo: thanks man07:50
[Ex0r] how does one setup the Maildir directory ?07:50
[Ex0r] Where does it default to ?07:50
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acebocoucho: no problem.. the rest of the update go well?07:50
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dark^ngelmkdir ~/Maildir07:50
FunnyLookinHatfarky, yea looks like all I do is run grub-install /dev/sda   : )07:50
sysKinhello ~07:50
couchoacebo: think so, up till now no problems encountered07:50
dark^ngelmkdir -p ~/Maildir/{cur,new,tmp}07:50
acebocoucho: awesome07:50
couchoyeah XD07:50
couchodapper looks a lot better07:51
[Ex0r] I used mkdir ~/Maildir07:51
dark^ngelI set up my /etc/default/skel07:51
farkyFunnyLookinHat: nice, did it work?07:51
aceboI didn't start using Ubuntu until a couple of days ago.. finally decided to find out if the hype was worth it07:51
dark^ngelusers get Maildir by default07:51
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FunnyLookinHatfarky, waiting for the first 130MB of updates to install, then I'm gonna try it07:51
farkyFunnyLookinHat: alrighty07:51
[Ex0r] didn't get one07:51
dark^ngelhang on ...07:52
couchoacebo: what'd you use before ubuntu?07:52
godtviskendark^ngel: i don't have that file07:52
aceboI quit and installed SuSE after Ubuntu wouldn't work "out-of-the-box" so to speak, with WPA. SuSE gave me more problems so I went back to Ubuntu and just dinked with it until I got WPA working, and I'm much happier for it07:52
pppoe_dudeany ideas on why my dsl connection is 1.7mbps when it should be max 3mbps?07:52
godtviskenFor example, currently when in the terminal it says "godtvisken@densvartadoeden" I want to change the `densvartadoeden' part. How can I?07:52
farkypppoe_dude: old phone line?07:53
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pppoe_dudegodtvisken, hostname07:53
farkypppoe_dude: happened to me, the one in the wall07:53
FunnyLookinHatpppoe_dude, it's burstable to 3mbps, and that depends on how fast the pipe is for the server you are connecting to07:53
pppoe_dudebut you have to restart and read man pahe first07:53
acebocoucho: Umm.. I used to run RH8.. then SuSE on my desktop for awhile.. then a friend of mine made his own distro that I ran for awhile.. but I got back into gaming after that and ran XP for a long time07:53
hyperstreamhmm after doing a update and rebooting. my wireless card wont assign a ip from my dhcp router ?07:53
pppoe_dudefarky, its connected in the basement as close as posible07:53
filemoverim using cp -a /cdrom /directory to try to move the contents of the cdrom to the directory and its not working07:53
dark^ngelgodtvisken, sudo hostname someotherhost07:53
pppoe_dudeFunnyLookinHat, the router shows the current speeds as 1.707:53
couchoacebo: yeah i'm still using windows too cause of the gaming07:53
pppoe_dudeand a speed test online shows 1.407:53
richardany reason why linux seems to not get the speed with bittorrent that i use to have with XP?07:53
FunnyLookinHatpppoe_dude, Hmm strange.  I wonder how the router is getting that speed.07:54
acebocoucho: Just recently got into OSX, which I had used a work for video editing.. so I got an iMac and then I decided to nuke my lappy with Ubuntu and go completely Window-less again :P07:54
godtviskendark^ngel: thank you07:54
FunnyLookinHatacebo, Luke did that too.  got a macbook and threw ubuntu on it07:54
FlegmProbably because you didn't configure the Linux firewall.07:54
pppoe_dudei just wonder if theres anything i can try07:54
farkypppoe_dude: oh, no clue then, mine is 3MBps but it sometimes has slow downs and it is really annoying07:54
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dark^ngel[Ex0r] , What doesn't work about the Maildir?07:55
aceboFunnyLookinHat: I would never put Ubuntu on a Mac :P If it'll run OSX, then leave it. My lappy is a Dell Inspiron 110007:55
couchoacebo: so no gaming anymore?07:55
richardso no FTP program recommendations?07:55
jackrazzcan autopackage be installed on ubuntu?07:55
FunnyLookinHatacebo, OS X sucks compared to ubuntu.  : )07:55
SurfnKidefnet is the sickest server on this universe07:55
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FunnyLookinHatrichard, sorry, gFTP is good07:55
pppoe_dudedoes it matter if the phone connections arent too neat?07:55
acebocoucho: Not at the moment, no.. I'm thinking of maybe building a small shuttle system for gaming again.. but that's only if I get "the itch"07:55
pppoe_dudei mean the wires are exposed in the basement and they're hooked up make-shiftedly07:55
sysKinok faq doesn't seem to cover that: I have a computer without a cdrom drive, but capable of booting from usb stick and connected via ethernet to a windoze machine. is there any nice set of steps that would let me install ubuntu :)07:55
FunnyLookinHatrichard, you can also just open a new network connection in Places - Connect to Server - select FTP (with login)07:56
acebocoucho: I'd have to buy another LCD since I sold mine.. not really worth it at the moment07:56
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filemoverim using cp -a /cdrom /directory to try to move the contents of the cdrom to the directory and its not working07:56
filemovercan anyone help07:56
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pppoe_dudefilemover, cp -R07:56
pppoe_dudefilemover, are you new?07:56
couchoacebo: yeah i can imagine07:57
FunnyLookinHatsysKin, you should technically be able to throw all the contents of the ubuntu DISC onto that flash drive and give it a try...  you might have issues with the installer though07:57
filemoveri am but ive done this b407:57
pppoe_dudefilemover, my nickname started with my problem07:57
dark^ngelfilemover, /media/cdrom/*07:57
FunnyLookinHatsysKin, and your motherboard/bios has to support booting from flash devices07:57
pppoe_dudefilemover, like 4 years ago ;)07:57
verbosefilemover: what is not working? how is it not working? is there an error message?07:57
filemoversorry to hear that pppoe_dude07:57
pppoe_dudefilemover, just try cp -R /media/cdrom /dir07:57
sysKinFunnyLookinHat: I'm afraid that's a 128MB stick. and yeah, it does support it (it's not very old at all07:57
FunnyLookinHatfilemover, try cp -R /media/cdrom/* /direcorty07:57
FunnyLookinHatfilemover, the -R makes it recurse directories07:57
filemoverit just wasnt recognizing it07:57
acebocoucho: I'm doing more productive things since I ditched Windows and gaming anyhow.. compare playing WoW all day to tinkering with *nix again and offering help in #Ubuntu :P07:58
=== ArthurBrazil [n=Arthur@c-66-229-214-252.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
couchoacebo: i'm still hooked on CS:S, otherwise i'd just play ut2k4 or something, then i could just use linux07:58
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filemoveri wasnt using the full path07:58
couchoacebo: hahahah07:58
acebocoucho: Ack. Shh. :P07:58
filemoveri thought being in the directory i could ommit using the path07:58
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=== acebo plugs his ears.
ArthurBrazilQuick Question: I ahve a server install curently and would like to ionstall xubuntu over it, Any simple way to do this?07:58
FunnyLookinHatsysKin, ooh yea, that disc is a bit small.  You coudl download the ubuntu-server image (it's quite a bit smaller) and try with that.  but you'll have to install X/Gnome/etc. from console (it's not hard I can walk you through it)07:58
couchoacebo: they're not big on CS here or something?07:58
dark^ngel[Ex0r] , Did I miss your reply? What fails with Maildir?07:58
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acebocoucho: I played CS:S for a good year and a half07:59
FunnyLookinHatArthurBrazil, well you can install the X window system and a window manager on it with a few apt-get lines and dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:59
verboseArthurBrazil: you can apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:59
pppoe_dudedoes the MTU setting affect speed?07:59
pppoe_dudein a dsl connection (pppoe)07:59
acebocoucho: UT2k4 for awhile too07:59
FunnyLookinHatArthurBrazil,  yea do waht verbose said.07:59
ArthurBrazilthanks guys07:59
verbosewhat's the difference between xubuntu- and ubuntu-desktop07:59
pppoe_dudeArthurBrazil, apt-get install xubuntu-desktop07:59
aceboGnome and XFCE08:00
gmoorei'm trying to install ubuntu server, but my cdrom drive (only one i could find, old 24x pos) is toast. halfway through 'installation base system', every time, it picks a random .deb to corrupt and the install fails.08:00
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ArthurBrazilpppoe_dude, thanks man08:00
couchoacebo: another problem would be syncing my ipod08:00
gmooreis there another way i can install the base system, like over the network?08:00
sysKinFunnyLookinHat: heh OK thanks, but in that case I;'ll just open my computer and borrow cdrom for a moment... easier ;)08:00
FunnyLookinHatsysKin, yea, much easier  : )08:00
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acebocoucho: That's what the Mac is for :P w00t08:00
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FunnyLookinHatcoucho, try using Banshee, it has GREAT iPod support08:00
alnoktahello people08:01
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couchoFunnyLookinHat: k will do, but that still leaves the CS problem08:01
phunkaliciousit's also real slow :D08:01
farkyhow can I create a new enviroment variable?08:01
richardwhich is better Gnome or X?08:01
dark^ngelexport ENVVARIABLE=...08:01
FunnyLookinHatcoucho, what is the CS problem (sorry wasn't reading all of your messages)08:01
Kibbled_bitsdo you mean Gnome or KDE?08:01
farkyrichard, you need X to use gnome08:01
ArthurBrazilI am having a problem it is asking me to insert the Dapper cd but i do not have it?08:01
phunkaliciousyou can't have gnome without x :/08:01
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xarqphunkalicious: or much else for that matter08:02
richardI got the Dapper install so im sorted i guess08:02
FunnyLookinHatArthurBrazil, in your file /etc/apt/sources.list remove the first line that refers to the CD08:02
aceboKibbled_bits: No, he means Gnome and XFCE, I think. He's deciding between Xu and Ubuntu08:02
couchoFunnyLookinHat: it's not playable in linux :P08:02
dark^ngelArthurBrazil, have you edited /etc/sources.list08:02
FunnyLookinHatArthurBrazil, then do sudo apt-get update08:02
ArthurBrazilnope will do08:02
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FunnyLookinHatfarky, ahh ballz.  it seems my hack to install grub didn't quite work.    have to tweak the menu.list i think08:02
andrividHi. I haev an IA64 machine. Is the 64-bit cd of Dapper compatible with ANYTHING Intel, or just amd64 type stuff?08:02
Kibbled_bitsUbuntu (with Gnome) will give you a rich but simple interface08:02
richardbut acebo has it right ..... which is better Gnome or XFCE?08:02
Kibbled_bitsXUbuntu will give you a simpler faster interface, to my knowledge08:03
aceboXFCE is a lightweight WM08:03
richardok well im cool with dapper08:03
Kibbled_bitsbut I haven't used Xubuntu yet08:03
aceboGnome, not-so-lightweight08:03
FunnyLookinHatrichard, none is better.  It's all whichever is best for you personally08:03
alnoktacan i ask a question about easyubuntu?08:03
Kibbled_bitsI'd start with Ubuntu08:03
farkyFunnyLookinHat: that sucks, the list is in: /boot/grub/menu.lst08:03
FunnyLookinHatcoucho, what's not playable in linux?   mp3?08:03
aceboShoot, alnokta08:03
Kibbled_bitsthen take it from there if you like it, if not try Kubuntu08:03
aceboFunnyLookinHat: Counterstrike: Source08:03
couchoFunnyLookinHat: counter strike source08:03
Kibbled_bitsor if you need faster and lighter Xubuntu08:03
FunnyLookinHatfarky, right.  It's just referring to the wrong location for the kernel image  : )08:03
FunnyLookinHatOOH yes it will!08:03
FunnyLookinHatuse cedega if you want08:03
FunnyLookinHatand use nvidia graphics08:04
couchocosts money08:04
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andrividis the 64-bit cd for anything intel or just amd64?08:04
couchoand i have an ati card08:04
=== acebo hides as the conversation moves to Wine-derivs..
farkyFunnyLookingHat: that stops it from working huh?08:04
PwcrLinuxHi all08:04
alnoktathanks ...when i try to install it ... it tells me that i have no suitable frontend ... and exits08:04
Kibbled_bitsintel too I think08:04
FunnyLookinHatfarky, well, it's trying to boot a kernel that doesn't exist basically for grub, heh08:04
=== coucho keeps a shield in reach
aceboalnokta: what Ubuntu are you using? Desktop with Gnome?08:04
andrividwell what would happen if i tried installing it, and it wasnt compatible, would i lose my current install of redhat, or would i have redhat still?08:05
FunnyLookinHatcoucho, ahh.  Well imho stick to windows for gaming.  Linux isn't there yet (tho I wish it was)08:05
farkyFunnyLookinHat: just imagine it was there, then maybe it would work08:05
alnoktanope ... xubuntu breezy08:05
FunnyLookinHatfarky, hahahaha08:05
Kibbled_bitsalno... how do you like Xubuntu?08:05
aceboalnokta: I think easyubuntu probably needs Gnome or KDE08:05
farkyFunnyLookinHat: worked once. only once08:05
couchoFunnyLookinHat: i'm wishing too, i want to stop using windows so bad i can taste it08:05
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andrividlol coucho08:05
farkydoes cedega work good though?08:05
alnoktais it a must or i can just install some libs?08:06
FunnyLookinHatfarky, it worked fairly well with my nvidia GeForce 7900 GT  : )08:06
farkyi tried building the CVS but too many problems08:06
aceboalnokta: I take that back.. the site says easyubuntu works on Xubuntu as well.08:06
chavoHl2 and CSS work great with cedega08:06
FunnyLookinHatfarky, but it was too much of a pain with some programs working and others not when I could just set aside 10GB and throw windows in there08:06
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andrividif i install dapper on a non-compatible machine, would i lose the current OS on that machine?08:06
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couchoandrivid: what do you mean by non-compatible?08:07
farkyFunnyLookinHat: yeah im doing the same right now. But I heard that wine is going to get great gaming support08:07
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farkycoucho: yeah, but not sure when08:07
aceboalnokta: have you checked forums and google for a problem similar to yours?08:07
dark^ngelAs of today I have no remaining winows dependent clients. I broke down and adopted Wine08:07
filemovereverytime i move files from the cdrom the permissions on the folders and sub directorys are always for the su is there a way to get arround this thanx08:07
FunnyLookinHatfarky, it's heading that way.  Apparently world of warcraft now runs GREAT on wine08:08
andrividcoucho this is an IA64..im trying to find out if Dapper 64-bit will work on all intel or only  amd64, ect..08:08
acebocoucho: Yeah, they'll master DX8/9 just as DX10 comes out.. *sigh*08:08
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:08
couchoacebo: hahahahah indeed08:08
farkyFunnyLookinHat: thats awesome, but all i play is HL2 and Battlefield 208:08
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couchoalways one step behind08:08
WarboAre there any vmware-kernel-modules for 2.6.15-23? It is trying to install -2508:08
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=== PwcrLinux grabbed the url brb
couchofarky: me too08:08
farkyFunnyLookinHat: i hate RPG's :P08:08
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couchome too XD08:09
jeff_hey gusy08:09
couchoFPS FTW \o/08:09
farkycoucho: we are the few and the proud08:09
andrividIs anyone positive that Dapper 64-bit would work with IA64? or positive it wont?08:09
=== phaedrus44 [n=phaedrus@c-68-54-228-242.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
couchofarky: hell yeah08:09
andrew_sfgreetings, ive been having a problem with tftpd that i havent found any answer for on the forums, can someone give me a pointer on why a connecting to with tftp fails? tftpd is running, nfs is mounted and exporting, file permissions are okay and i dont have any firewall rules in place08:09
aceboI'm positive I don't know..08:09
jeff_does anybody know of anything like katapult for kde but for gnome?08:09
chavomy favorite game though is Enemy Territory which is Linux native anyway08:09
FunnyLookinHatfarky, same here.  I played WOW for a short while.  Now I'm all DOD:S and a bit of warcraft 308:09
=== abu_ama3ma [n=frederic@CPE-124-178-146-6.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
farkychavo: where do you get that at?08:10
hereticianXCHat is going to take some getting used to08:10
andrew_sfoh, and im running tftpd as a daemon08:10
Warboandrew_sf: Maybe you don't have a cable going to (Yes, I do know what it is :) )08:10
farkyFunnyLookinHat: nice, have you tried BF2?08:10
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dark^ngelI'm thinking (stand back) that I have a working Intel on Dapper6408:10
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NickGarveywill a debian deb work on ubuntu?08:10
aceboandrew_sf: are there any config's on who can connect to tftpd?08:10
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couchooh fawk, i almost forgot i have to convert >700 GB to ext3 without losing anything08:10
FunnyLookinHatfarky, i can't stand the unrealism of BF and BF2.  Especially with the idiots that just fly planes straight into the ground.  I will DEFINITELY play BF-2042 or whatever that is ocmin out08:10
farkyNickGarvey: yes08:10
=== xris__ [n=xris@ppp4-181.lns1.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
epshow do I add rar support to the gnome file unzipper?08:10
chavofarky, I got it from http://enemy-territory.4players.de:1041 here, but it's available everywhere08:10
jeff_NickGarvey: yeah .debs work with ubuntu08:11
chavofarky, never played Enemy Territory?08:11
farkyFunnyLookinHat: cant wait for it :)08:11
NickGarveythank you :)08:11
aceboeps: easyubuntu.freecontrib.org08:11
andrew_sfhmm, not that i know of, the config is really simple in /etc/defaults/tftpd-hpa08:11
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression08:11
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farkychavo: nope08:11
abu_ama3maI have a problem with Azureus whenever I get a message about something I can't hide it away to the system tray. Also Azureus doesn't go onto the system tray? Anybody know what i can do?08:11
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chavoah it's an old game supposed to be an extension to RTCW, but they ended up giving it away for free08:12
couchodoes anyone know how i can convert >700 GB in ntfs disks to ext3 without losing anything?08:12
FunnyLookinHatfarky, woot got it to work.  Had to just change the references to the file systems and hard drives in menu.lst because they're relative to the HD that MBR is on08:12
chavobut it is so much fun08:12
andrew_sfheres my tftp output (sorry for the multiple lines!):08:12
andrew_sfroot@xoetia:/home/andy/test# tftp -vvv
andrew_sfConnected to (, port 6908:12
andrew_sftftp> get08:12
andrew_sf(files) tftpboot/pxelinux.008:12
andrew_sfgetting from to pxelinux.0 [netascii] 08:12
andrew_sfError code 1: File not found08:12
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:12
FunnyLookinHatandrew_sf, please ues that in the future  : )08:12
jeff_does anybody know of an app like katapult but for gnome?08:12
farkyFunnyLookinHat: congrats!08:13
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dark^ngelcoucho,  Burn it to a DVD first?08:13
farkychavo: which file should i download?08:13
couchodark^ngel: hahah that's a good one :P08:13
WarboOK, vmware-player needs vmware-kernel-modules. I have told it to get vmware-kernel-modules-2.6.15-23, but it insists on getting vmware-kernel-modules-2.6.15-25 as well (along with linux-image-2.6.15-25 and stuff)08:13
chavofarky, get the Linux 2.60 full install08:13
acebocoucho: Why do you need to convert that much data over anyhow?08:13
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couchoacebo: my movies and tv shows n stuff08:14
farkychavo: k thanks08:14
hereticianHow do you view seperate repositories on the Live CD?08:14
acebocoucho: What FS is it right now?08:14
couchoi don't exactly trust dvd's08:14
andrew_sfive been having this error for over a week trying to get ltsp working08:14
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto08:14
couchoacebo: ntfs08:14
Warbocoucho: They are not yours, you have a licence to view them :)08:14
couchoWarbo: sure :P08:14
hereticianheretician: test08:14
dark^ngelHave a spare GB of storage on another networked box?08:14
aceboMaybe coucho's a director, you don't know :P08:14
couchodark^ngel talking to me?08:15
dark^ngelcoucho, sure, why not?08:15
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Warboacebo: 700GB? How come I've never heard of him?08:15
acebocoucho: Yeah, best suggestion I can think of is additional storage to use as a staging area, even if you have to do it in chunks08:15
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aceboWarbo: Never heard of Tim Burton, eh?08:15
WarboCan anybody sort out this vmware package thing?08:16
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WarboWill I have to compile the modules myself?08:16
hereticianHow do you view seperate repositories on the Live CD?08:16
couchodark^ngel/acebo: i have like 15 GBs of free space on my server, but that's it08:16
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PwcrLinuxAnyone, I need to fix the update manager for security and upgrade some of them, the file not found in repos.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1805508:17
farkyback :/08:17
dark^ngelcoucho, is it mostly binary or text?08:17
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couchodark^ngel: it's avis n such, so i'm guessing binary?08:17
farkyFunnyLookinHat: you know how to add an enviroment variable?08:17
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acebodark^ngel: thinking of compression?08:17
couchoouch indeed08:18
FunnyLookinHatfarky, sort of...   not really.08:18
FunnyLookinHatfarky, it's been a while, i'd have to remember the syntax08:18
dark^ngelThere aren't any guarantees of data safety when converting FS08:18
dark^ngeland yes, thinking compression08:18
couchodark^ngel: were you thinking of converting with the files still on it?08:18
dark^ngelIn the old days, I would have used partition magic08:18
Warbofarky: "export VARIABLE=value", but I don't know about globally or constant08:19
couchodark^ngel, i still do :P08:19
dark^ngelcoucho, no08:19
farkyWarbo: thanks ill try that08:19
aceboOver DVD-sized amounts of data, I don't even see a reason to use compression.. you're going to be dinking with the compression part more than the transfer part08:19
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couchoacebo: yeah that doesn't sound like something i wanna do08:19
snoopswhat's the max filesize for ext3?08:19
dark^ngel4.2 terabytes, I think08:20
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aceboEspecially where you're moving -already- compressed media..08:20
verboseif it's ascii just running it through a huffman filter costs very little time and gains a lot in compression08:20
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richardum .... no desktop link was created when i installed gftp - how do i run it?08:20
=== angel2 [n=ds9@ASt-Lambert-112-1-1-174.w80-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsjust barely enough then dark^ngel.. thanks :)08:20
Ribsrichard: How did you install it?08:20
richardvia synaptic08:20
Ribsa link really should be created08:20
aceboNot to the desktop, though.. look in Apps->Internet08:21
richardnot there08:21
Ribshrmm... it worked here :/08:21
Warborichard: Have you checked in Alacarte to see if it is just turned off?08:21
dark^ngelcoucho, you really need a miracle08:21
Ribsmaybe you'll have to log out and back in again08:21
Warbo"killall gnome-panel" maybe08:21
couchodark^ngel: that's what i was afraid of08:21
acebowell, then just make your own.. right click on a gnome tool bar, add+, and do "custom app launcher", "gftp" is the command name08:21
dark^ngeland 700 GB is asking for a lot of miracle08:21
richardAlarcarte ...... no08:21
couchoindeed it is08:22
dark^ngelYou run about an 85 percent chance of success with PM08:22
FunnyLookinHatWell, good night all  : )08:22
dark^ngelPartition Magic08:22
coucholater FunnyLookinHAt08:22
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couchobut what do you mean by that?08:22
couchoif i do what?08:23
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aceboFirst off, you're nuts that you have 700GB of data to convert over..08:23
dark^ngelChances are good for a successful conversion, but the risk is dinite.08:23
PwcrLinuxoh well, I'll be back later08:23
=== ubotu_ [n=ubotu@pool-71-104-117-215.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
AhabI have a wifi question if someone can help me.  Actually it's more of a WPA question.  I finished the hard part of getting my card to work and now am trying to get connected to my network.  I'm following the steps here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo  however, when ever I put in my key it fails to connect.  I know the key is correct, and my I can connect without wpa on, so I know the access point is fine.  Any sugge08:23
couchoacebo: i know, i can't help my love for tv shows08:23
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ubotu_how do you rename a folder to something else through the command line08:24
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aceboBut you never answered, what FS is all this data on right now? NTFS?08:24
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aceboubotu_: mv08:24
ubotuI know nothing about ubotu_: mv - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:24
couchoacebo: actually i did answer, and yes, ntfs08:24
blankyacebo: will that work with a directory08:24
acebocoucho: Sorry, missed it :P08:24
dark^ngelyou said vfat08:24
aceboblanky: yes08:24
dark^ngelor I disremembered (old-timers disease here)08:25
hereticianWhat is the package called that will automatically install all packages needed for packaging?08:25
couchoacebo: that's ok :P08:25
Shadowpillardoes the ubuntu DVD have all the software installed on it?08:25
david__i asked a long time ago about a progrom to download music and other files for ubuntu... the answer i got was frostwire... is there anything that would be free to download and use?08:25
Shadowpillarso you dont have to install from a repo?08:25
acebocoucho: Here's what I would do.. if you really really need this done08:25
rellimanyone had success with dual monitors on a nVidia gfx card? i was thinking about buying a second lcd panel, but i don't want to waste the money if the support isn't there08:25
KidVulcanwhen the os finishes the boot sequence, all i get is a screen full of random colors that basically locks my system..??08:25
phunkaliciouslook up twinview rellim08:25
acebocoucho: First, groom your selection.. try to trim anything you really don't need. Get it to maybe 500gb? To give yourself some room08:26
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rellimphunkalicious: thanks08:26
couchodark^ngel: i really said ntfs :P08:26
Shadowpillardoes the ubuntu DVD have all the software installed on it?08:26
Shadowpillarso you dont have to install from a repo?08:26
couchoacebo: ok, what next?08:26
=== dark^ngel hates getting old, but it beats the alternative
couchodark^ngel: dying?08:26
acebocoucho: Then make a space where you can convert data over in 1-2GB chunks to another partition that is ext3 or FAT32.. basically, something Ubuntu-readable08:26
dark^ngelcoucho, that's the option08:26
acebocoucho: From there.. spend a few nights moving it all over in those chunks08:27
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acebocoucho: Sorry, 1-200GB chunks08:27
couchoacebo: should be doable, they're mostly like 350 megs big08:27
KidVulcancould someone explain why i get a screenfull of random colors when ubuntu finishes loading?08:27
snoopsfat32 doesn't allow files over 4gb as far as I'm aware08:27
david__anybody know of a free program that is used for downloading music?08:27
acebosnoops: No single file is that big08:28
couchoacebo: i'm already burning all my movies to dvd08:28
andrew_sfdavid_, my momma08:28
affluxdavid__, you're talking about an ed2k client?08:28
couchoacebo: if you rip a dvd with dvd shrink, you have that option08:28
affluxthen it would be amule08:28
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snoopsacebo I've got plently of files over 4gb on my network.. quite a few dvd backups.. they're 7GB each08:29
david__lol... a P2P progrom is what i would need... like limewire on windows08:29
=== satafterh [n=satafter@fctnnbsc15w-156034077010.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
torrentwoeswhat does this mean - create a wrapper script: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/<your_user>/.32bitLibs/";skype?08:29
snoopsthen there's huge rars of old stuff.. and of course don't forget vmware images08:29
acebosnoops: I meant no file that we're dealing with on coucho's HDD08:29
=== No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-30.ip.rixbredband.se] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsdavid__  there's umm frostwire I believe which is an opensource implementation of limewire (at least I think that's correct)08:30
affluxdavid__, ed2k *is* a p2p protocoll -> amule is a p2p program08:30
snoopsthen you ahve things like azureus etc08:30
=== satafterh [n=satafter@fctnnbsc15w-156034077010.nb.aliant.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
snoopsamule is another option yeah08:30
affluxbut stealing music is illegal. ;)08:30
couchoacebo: how good is ubuntu's sata support?08:30
david__oh yea, i forgot all about amule thanks08:30
aceboacebo: no clue, honestly. not qualified to answer08:30
snoopscoucho absolutely beautiful sata support for nforce4 I've found08:30
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acebohaha.. I did my own name.08:31
acebocoucho: *08:31
XiXaQdavid__, limewire runs perfectly on ubuntu. It's included runLime.sh in the package.08:31
couchosnoops: excellent, i have a asus a8n-e mobo08:31
david__really? sweet i didnt know that08:31
=== holycow [n=start@S010600e07db9f5a6.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
KidVulcancould someone explain why i get a screenfull of random colors when ubuntu finishes loading?08:31
couchoacebo: got it08:31
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=== ^WINBLOWS^ [n=oem@S01060014858fa523.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
holycowcool nick08:32
dark^ngelKidVulcan, is that supposed to be your desktop background (j/k)08:32
=== richard [n=richard@81-179-127-164.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
richardis ktorrent good?08:32
aceboWell.. I think it's bedtime, now that I'm talking to myself with acebo:08:32
holycowrichard, try it and see08:32
couchog'night, thanks again acebo08:33
^WINBLOWS^anyone know if its possible to run egg drop bots with ubuntu?08:33
acebocoucho: anytime08:33
dark^ngel^WINBLOWS^, yes08:33
XiXaQ^WINBLOWS^, very possible.08:33
=== Hyper [n=hyperstr@static-203-87-30-137.qld.chariot.net.au] has joined #Ubuntu
=== dark^ngel runs 4 eggys
acebo^WINBLOWS^: Nope, can't do it.08:33
^WINBLOWS^cool how and where to get them08:33
Shadowpillar<-- ogra (n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))08:33
Shadowpillaris that a result of the GNAA/Bantown hackings?08:33
couchodark^ngel: thanks to you too08:34
XiXaQ^WINBLOWS^, synaptic maybe?08:34
Lynoureyeah! The recent cups upgrade fixed my printing problems with hp lj 1022! :)08:34
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dark^ngel apt-cache search eggdrop08:34
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository08:35
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KidVulcanokay.. can anyone help me 'fix' this colored block stuff i get after ubuntu loads.. please??08:35
dark^ngeleggdrop - Advanced IRC Robot08:36
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couchoimma call it a day, thanks again anyone who helped me08:37
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vookerg, anyone know off hand how to mount and sftp filesystem?  is there an sftpfs package out there?08:38
godtviskenHow can I edit the Applications menu? I want to add a program to it.08:38
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dark^ngelgodtvisken, are you using a gnome GUI?08:38
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godtviskendark^ngel: yes08:38
godtviskendark^ngel: the default ubuntu setup08:39
vookhmmm, does sftpfs exists I wonder?  Maybe I have a project.08:39
keebgood evening08:39
=== Khisanth [n=Khisanth@pool-71-247-27-130.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
KidVulcanokay.. can anyone help me 'fix' this colored block stuff i get after ubuntu loads?08:39
vookah, of course it does08:39
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^WINBLOWS^sweet shows it installed how to run it?08:39
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godtviskenKidVulcan: what is the problem?08:40
^WINBLOWS^how do i run the egg now that its installed08:40
XrekcaH^^^ Hey, My YouTube Videos are out of sync the audio is ahead of the video what should do is there a differnt codec or somthing i need??? ^^^08:40
KidVulcanwhen the load screen finishes, all i get is a garbled screen08:40
XiXaQ^WINBLOWS^, perhaps you should read the manual now?08:40
=== Felos [n=esenthie@ip68-97-154-143.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
^WINBLOWS^lol good idea08:40
dark^ngelgodtvisken, apt-get install alacarte08:40
godtviskendark^ngel: thanks08:41
Kibbled_bitsEasyUbuntu just screwed up my system08:41
^WINBLOWS^shows it installed but not sure where to go08:41
Kibbled_bitsI don't know if I'd recommend it08:41
vooktalking outloud now.  SFTPFS does exist, and it doesn't.  Let's get it going!  I'm gonna join. http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=7739708:41
Kibbled_bitsI think I easily fixed it though08:41
godtviskenXrekcaH: I think that can happen simply when a system is running slow.. but maybe there is another problem08:41
dark^ngel^WINBLOWS^, sudo updatedb08:41
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XrekcaHgodvisken, i have a 1.5GGhz with 512 ram and it does it even when that the only thing running08:42
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XiXaQvook, what exactly is a ssh ftp filesystem?08:42
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=== Dasnipa` [n=Dasnipa@c-67-162-122-72.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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paiedfilesystem? just a protocol.08:43
paiedlufs can do sftp i think08:43
paiedi used it for a while to mount normal ftp.08:44
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XiXaQthe Connect to... feature in Places is nice.08:44
dark^ngel^WINBLOWS^, after updatedb finishes ... slocate eggdrop.conf08:45
godtviskenI just changed my hostname using 'sudo hostname moksha' and now I get "sudo: unable to lookup moksha via gethostbyname()"08:45
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^WINBLOWS^whats the telnet prog for ubuntu?08:45
XiXaQ^WINBLOWS^, telnet?08:45
ubotu_hey hey guys, what's the iptables command to allow a connection from anyone anytime at a certain port, say 133708:45
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ubotu_^WINBLOWS^: you're so leet08:46
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dark^ngelubotu_, for which chain?08:46
ubotuI know nothing about ubotu_, for which chain? - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:46
ubotu_dark^ngel: I'm sorry, I'm not really experienced at all with iptables, I used firestarter back in GNOME, but I'm at the command line so...08:46
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ubotu_dark^ngel: basically just I want to allow anyone to connect to a certain port08:47
XrekcaH*** YouTube Videos Are Out of Sync What Can I Do To Fix it??? ***08:47
ubotu_XrekcaH: all of the videos or just some08:47
^WINBLOWS^Setting up eggdrop (1.6.17-3) ...last thing said in terminal08:48
^WINBLOWS^now how to acess/run it heh08:48
paiedflash in linux has alays been out of sync for me08:48
paiedaudio lagged08:48
XrekcaHanything i can do to fix it?08:48
ubotu_^WINBLOWS^: ... the command line ... type telnet08:48
XiXaQ^WINBLOWS^, it's probably running then. Just connect to it.08:49
paiedwe can raze macromedia headquarters08:49
ubotu_dark^ngel: give up?08:49
dark^ngel/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i $EXTIF -p tcp -m tcp --dport 1337 --syn -j ACCEPT08:49
paiedtell them to hurry the crap up with flash908:49
ubotu_thanks dark^ngel I love you08:49
XrekcaHbut really there is no fix?08:49
paiedi have never found one =\08:49
XrekcaHit really annoys me08:49
paiedi know08:49
dark^ngelthe $EXTIF is left to you for definition08:50
paiedan dthe longer the video is, the farther it goes out of sync.08:50
XrekcaHyea i know its just not right08:50
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ubotu_dark^ngel: ah okay, what's it supposed to be08:50
torrentwoeswhats the command to copy a dir?08:50
ubotu_dark^ngel: the output-port? if that even makes sense08:50
paiedcp -r old new08:50
dark^ngelYour world-reachable IP address08:50
^WINBLOWS^ok says telnet> how do i connect i have nmo clue08:50
ubotu_dark^ngel: ah really? I have to put that? I can't just put my LAN address?08:51
dark^ngelyour /dev/eth0 probably08:51
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ubotu_dark^ngel: ah okay, so my LAN addres :)08:51
ubotu_thanks dark^ngel08:51
dark^ngelno your LAN I/F08:51
ubotu_dark^ngel: what? oh so in place of $EXITF I put /dev/eth0 (yes, that's what my adapter is)08:52
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dark^ngelmy $EXTIF epands to eth008:52
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godtviskendark^ngel: could you give me the name of that menu-editer program again? :s ..and after i have restarted my hostname is back to the old one08:53
dark^ngeleither should work, though08:53
dark^ngelgodtvisken, what distro are you running?08:53
^WINBLOWS^hey dark says telnet in terminal is there a command to open eggy in it?08:53
col-panicS3 ProSavage DRI on Dapper. anyone know?08:53
godtviskendark^ngel: ubuntu 6.0608:53
ubotu_dark^ngel: thanks :) by the way, how can I make it accept udp as well, just re-run the same command but replace tcp with udp? or is there a way to do it all in one go08:53
dark^ngel^WINBLOWS^, you have to telnet to the eggdrop port08:54
dark^ngelubotu_: correct08:54
ubotuI know nothing about ubotu_: correct - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:54
^WINBLOWS^i dunno how never done this before08:54
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torrentwoeshow do i copy all the files in a dir to another dir of the same name?08:54
dark^ngeldid you do the updatedb as I suggested?08:54
^WINBLOWS^i typed that ya08:54
dark^ngeldid you do the slocate eggdrop.conf?08:55
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ubotu_dark^ngel: 'bad argument 'tcp''08:56
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dark^ngelI am not sure, ubotu_, how that can be done in one command.08:56
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^WINBLOWS^says this /usr/share/doc/eggdrop-data/examples/eggdrop.conf.gz08:56
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dark^ngel/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i $EXTIF -p tcp -m tcp --dport 1337 --syn -j ACCEPT08:56
ubotu_dark^ngel: nah not that, the command you gave me08:57
ubotu_dark^ngel: yes that, I got a bad argument tcp, sure it works? might be my problem let me check08:57
^WINBLOWS^that for me dark08:57
dark^ngelcheck for completeness08:57
rixthubotu_, please change your nick.08:57
ubotuI know nothing about ubotu_, please change your nick. - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:57
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godtviskenWhat could I install to modify my Gnome Applications menu?08:57
rixthgodtvisken, alacarte08:58
BPC_IT_GUYanybody in here use xubuntu?08:58
^WINBLOWS^dark says this /usr/share/doc/eggdrop-data/examples/eggdrop.conf.gz08:58
dark^ngelok, ^WINBLOWS^, you have not finished editing your conf file.08:58
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XiXaQ^WINBLOWS^,   <XiXaQ> ^WINBLOWS^, perhaps you should read the manual now? <^WINBLOWS^> lol good idea08:58
ic56torrentwoes: cp -Rp <path to source directory> <path to target directory>08:58
dark^ngelplease edit the conf file, and read the comments08:58
godtviskenrixth: thank you08:58
Dusty_Working on this mud, had it working whallago.. now it quit on me again.08:58
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Dusty_I am using Rom2.4 codebase.. and when I stype ./startup & to run the startup file I get this: bash: ./startup: Permission denied08:59
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XiXaQ^WINBLOWS^, is _is_ a good idea.08:59
dark^ngelgodtvisken, 6.06 ...08:59
godtviskendark^ngel: ?09:00
godtviskenI am using alacarte, but the program I want to add isn't listed.09:00
godtviskenI see now09:00
dark^ngeledit /etc/hostname09:01
godtviskendark^ngel: thanks09:01
godtviskendark^ngel: you're very helpful09:01
dark^ngelI try09:01
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ic56Dusty: that's because you haven't file "startup" executable.  You can either do so or you can work around it like so: "sh startup &"09:02
dark^ngelI hated being told RTFM when I was learning Unix09:02
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dark^ngel ... cuz I had already read the stuff and that's why I was asking09:02
godtviskenIt's discouraging09:02
Dusty_Anyone?  bash: ./startup: Permission denied09:02
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bill[1] What would be the best way to sort a couple hundred gig of files by extension?09:03
dark^ngelDusty_, ls -l ./startup09:03
alnoktaanyone installed vhcs before?09:04
Dusty_dark^angle: nope, still perm denied ;(09:04
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dark^ngelWow ... most definitely (five or six times) alnokta09:04
dark^ngelok ... pwd09:04
alnoktagood cause i am stuck09:05
dark^ngelDusty_, pwd ; whoami09:05
dark^ngelGet the install script09:05
ic56bill[1] : use: find <root of tree to sort> |sed 's/.([^.] *)0 /' |sort +109:05
dark^ngelalnokta, there is an excellent installation script for vhcs209:06
alnoktai already got and everything went fine ... until09:06
ic56bill[1] : use: find <root of tree to sort> |sed 's/.([^.] *)$/ /' |sort +109:06
alnoktai entered administrator's email09:06
alnoktathen it stopped09:06
bill[1] ic56: and if I wanted to have it seperate them out into directories based on the extension?09:06
ic56duh, mistake again09:06
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ic56bill[1] : use: find <root of tree to sort> |sed 's/.([^.] *)$/ \1/' |sort +109:06
Dusty_dark^ngel: mud@mud-desktop:~/Rom24/area$ pwd ; whoami09:06
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ic56bill[1] : ok, that one was right.09:07
ic56bill[1] : you mean, you want to sort each directory separately?09:07
dark^ngelDusty_, ls -ld09:07
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alnoktawould you like to see the error log?09:07
bill[1] ic56: right now I have about 8 years of files built up on several harddrives, and I'd like to attempt to delete stuff that I don't need.  Sorting them by extension seems like a good way to go about this09:07
dark^ngelActually, I'm not familiar with pastebin09:08
dark^ngeland certainly the error log will flood you out of here09:08
Dusty_dark^ngel:drwxr-xr-x 2 mud mud 4096 2006-07-11 18:01 .09:08
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alnoktanope its small ... thats what teases me09:08
pepsi_how can i make a local copy of the repositories? so i dont have to download stuff multiple times.. like setup a server on one computer that has a copy of all the packages ive downloaded09:09
ic56bill[1] : if your criterion for deletion is the extension, why would you care in which directory the file is located?09:09
XiXaQdark^ngel, just use rafb.net/paste or something. Nothing to understand.09:09
sidtwo questions, How do I get out of OEM mode (I know there's a code, i just don't remember it)09:09
bill[1] ic56, because I don't know all the extensions I need to delete (and I want to check thats nothing been misnamed before running deletes)09:09
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sidand how do I gain access to my windows xp partition?, it won't mount09:09
dark^ngelWill that work with Lynx?09:09
hereticianIm loving Ubuntu, and the Workspace thing is great.09:10
XiXaQdark^ngel, never tried. I guess, if Lynx support posting with forms, then, yes, it should. Don't hang me if I'm right though. :)09:10
Dusty_I'm trying to learn stuff.. its just taking time ;(09:10
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ic56bill[1] : Anyway, to sort each directory separately, put the sed ...|sort part of the previous command in a file, then use: find <root of tree to sort> -type d |xargs -n1 sh <scriptname>09:10
dark^ngelLynx doesn't do tables and forms very pretty09:11
Andyhi there, anyone in South Africa09:11
alnoktahold on .. i will upload it09:11
dark^ngeland I'm not needing to post, just view09:11
ic56bill[1] : and replace the original "find" in teh scriptfile with "ls"09:11
bill[1] ic56: no, I was hoping to sort the files by moving them to different directories based on the extension.09:11
sidhow do I get out of OEM mode in dapper?09:12
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Dusty_dark^ngel, did I stump ya? heh09:12
torrentwoescan anybody here help me install skype for amd 64?09:12
hereticianDusty_: Same here :P09:12
ic56bill[1] : dude, this is getting tiring.  decide what you want to do, then I'll tell you how to do it.09:12
alnoktahere is a plain .... http://alnokta.ignorelist.com/log09:12
dark^ngelI'm puzzling over it, Dusty_09:13
bill[1] ic56: My appologies, thats what I meant =(09:13
Andygo to system, administration Users09:13
Dusty_me too ;-(09:13
dark^ngeldef: multitasking -- the ability to screw many things up at the same time.09:13
ic56$u10: give a complete spec of what you want.  If you're going to be lazy about typing what you want, I'll be lazy about typing a solution09:13
sidI thought there was something to run in the terminal09:14
ic56bill[1] : give a complete spec of what you want.  If you're going to be lazy about typing what you want, I'll be lazy about typing a solution09:14
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bill[1] ic56: I want to take everything in directory a, the for a file a.ext, move it to directory b/ext/a.ext09:14
alnoktagot it dark^ngel?09:14
XiXaQdark^ngel, it works just fine.. I didn't see the url to the paste, but it's available in Recent pastes on the site.09:14
bill[1] for all extensions and all files09:14
BPC_IT_GUYi just found an old G3 i had laying around.... gonna try to run a webserver off of it... anybody have any advice????09:14
XiXaQdark^ngel, it displays pastes just fine.09:15
dark^ngelXiXaQ, what url again (please)?09:15
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ic56$u10: ok. but you don't know what all the extensions are, so you want to discover that automatically...  Or are you willing to do that part manually?09:15
ic56bill[1] : ok. but you don't know what all the extensions are, so you want to discover that automatically...  Or are you willing to do that part manually?09:15
XiXaQdark^ngel, http://rafb.net/paste to paste or http://www.rafb.net/paste/results.html to view recent pastes.09:15
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bill[1] ic56: I don't know what the extensions are.  Thats the part I don't know how to do.  Doing it manually is easy09:16
fivrehow would I bind LeftWinKey to Meta in xbindkeys?09:16
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kakadohow to go if I want to compile a new kernel ?09:16
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ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild09:16
ic56bill[1] : ok, I can give you a solution to discover all the extensions.  BTW, what about files without extensions?  how do you want them handled?09:16
bill[1] ic56: move them to a b/noext folder09:17
Dusty_Anyone ever run or try to run a Mud through ubuntu?09:18
dark^ngelalnokta, I don't see your paste09:18
dark^ngelwhat is your user login?09:18
andrew_sfanyone got a fix for a pxe boot problem, "Cannot load a ramdisk with an old kernel image."?09:18
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bill[1] Dusty_, what do you mean run a mud through ubuntu?09:18
ic56bill[1] : find <source root> |sed 's/.*\.\([^.] *\)$/\1/' |sort |uniq |xargs mkdir -n1 b/{}09:19
alnoktaits not a paste09:19
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alnoktai uploaded it..09:19
bill[1] ic56: thankyou.09:19
ic56bill[1] : the above will create a directory b/<extension> for each extension of any file under <source root>09:19
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ic56$u10: you ok with the rest on your own?09:19
Dusty_a mud.. its a game using Rom2.4 code base.. an online rpg09:19
dark^ngelOk ... I'm new to this format... help me out by telling where it was uploaded09:19
ic56bill[1] : you ok with the rest on your own?09:19
bill[1] ic56, yeah, with the directories existing I can get the move code working I think.09:20
Dusty_I had it working whallago, then had to restore the computer and had a problem.. I try and run the startup file.. I type ./startup and get this error...  bash: ./startup: Permission denied09:20
Dusty_cant figure it out09:20
dark^ngelDusty_, startup seems to be lacking +x for your user09:20
alnoktaits not a new format ....its just a plain text document i uploaded to my homepage... just open it with whatever browser you use....09:21
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Dusty_I am fairly new to all of this, how would I correct that?09:21
dark^ngelalnokta, what is your homepage.09:21
FelosWould it present any problems for me to set /home on a different drive than / ?09:21
dark^ngelDusty_, first, you have to be the file owner09:21
ic56bill[1] : cd b; for j in *; do find <source root> -type f -name "*.$j" |xargs -i mv {} $j09:21
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alnoktahere is the URL : http://alnokta.ignorelist.com/log09:22
dark^ngelnext, Dusty_, chmod +x ./startup09:22
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ic56bill[1] : that'll move all the files into the new directories.  Watch out for duplicate filenames! Use mv -i to avoid overwriting files09:22
XiXaQFelos, actually, that's a very good idea.  I wish I'd done that when I installed the system.09:22
Dusty_dark^angel, I still get the permisson denied ;(09:23
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ic56bill[1] : oh, forgot "09:23
ic56 done" at the end of the last one-liner09:23
floppyearshow can I setup my ubuntu box so that I can use it as a network drive09:24
ic56bill[1] : oh, forgot "; done" at teh end of the last one-liner09:24
Dusty_and I am the file owner.09:24
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bill[1] ah09:24
dark^ngelalnokta, have you installed openssl09:24
floppyearsso that in my mac I can save stuff to my linux box as it was mounted locally in my mac09:24
floppyearsis this possible with ubuntu ?09:24
dark^ngelDusty_, is it a script that you have edited?09:24
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cimonHello, anybody near helsinki or finland in general, in the channel09:25
BPC_IT_GUYfloppyears: I'm sure it is09:25
alnoktai don't know .. i just let that script install whatever it wanted ..... it downloaded and installed a lot of packages09:25
BPC_IT_GUYwhat version of OSX are you running on your mac?09:25
XiXaQFelos, you probably _should_ make /home have its own partition. Wether it's on the same drive or another, is of no concern.09:25
ic56bill[1] : if I was you, I'd create symbolic links to teh files, rather than moving them.  This way, if the dir hierarchy conveys anything, it'll still be tehre while I'm figuring out what to delete09:25
Dusty_dark^angle: it is a script yes, it came pre loaded with the mud codebase, I have not edited it09:25
floppyearsBPC_IT_GUY: the newest09:26
ic56bill[1] : i.e. use "ln -s" instead of "mv -i"09:26
cimonI just erased my hard disk, to find out that my bootable ubuntu 5.04 breezy badger CD/rom has a scratch on it bad enough to make it unreadable, but not before erasing my partitions...09:26
bill[1] ic56: the find origonal command returns subdirectories as extensions?09:26
jenda-lappyHello. I have a Agere 97 winmodem, and I installed it successfully. When dialing, however, it gets a busy tone, or something like that. Is there a tool to use that would give me the exact error?09:26
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FelosXiXaQ, all right, thanks. I remember hearing that certain mount points shouldn't be in separate partitions/drives, I don't recall which atm though.09:26
BPC_IT_GUYfloppyears: then i'm sure it will work as long as you have SMB or SAMBA running on your MAC09:26
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dark^ngelDusty_, sh ./startup09:26
BPC_IT_GUYthere's prolly other ways to do it, but that is what i'm most fam. with09:26
jenda-lappyFor example, if the username/password were wrong.09:26
ic56bill[1] : which command are you considering teh "original" one?09:27
bill[1] ic56: the find . | sed '...' | sort | uniq | xargs09:27
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dark^ngelalnokta, it appears the script failed installing some component09:27
ic56bill[1] : it *creates* subdirectories named after extensions09:27
floppyearsBPC_IT_GUY: so will samba allow me to save stuff to my linux box from my mac as if it were a local drive ?09:27
dark^ngelalnokta, is this an addition to a relatively matured server?09:28
Dusty_dark^ngel: ./startup: line 7: syntax error near unexpected token `set'09:28
Dusty_./startup: line 7: `if ( "$1" != "" ) set port="$1"'09:28
cimonis there any place one can FTP an installation of ubuntu, from scratch_09:28
BPC_IT_GUYi'm sure you could mount the linux server to a folder, much like you mount a CD for floppy drive, and save to it that way09:28
BPC_IT_GUYyou'll have to do a SMB mount from your MAC09:29
dark^ngelalnokta, IOW: is this a server that has been built and added to for more than a week?09:29
alnoktano ... how to identify the missing component?09:29
BPC_IT_GUYI've done it from linux to linux, but never from w/in a Mac OS09:29
BPC_IT_GUYbut i bet it's very similar09:29
ic56Dusty_: what does the first line in that script say?  That code doesn't look like bash code.  Maybe it's C shell...09:29
bill[1] ic56: its also complains that -n isn't an extension for mkdir09:29
floppyearsBPC_IT_GUY: but will it act as a local drive ?09:29
BPC_IT_GUYb/c the Mac is really running on a version of linux anyway09:29
dark^ngelalnokta, remove the temporary directory and restart the install09:29
jenda-lappyHello. I have a Agere 97 winmodem, and I installed it successfully. When dialing, however, it gets a busy tone, or something like that. Is there a tool to use that would give me the exact error?09:30
BPC_IT_GUYyou want it to have a seperate drive letter?09:30
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BPC_IT_GUYyeah, i'm sure you can do that09:30
ic56bill[1] : do you have "-n" extensions?!09:30
bill[1] ic56: it would seem the answer is no.09:30
Dusty_ic56: #!/bin/csh09:30
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BPC_IT_GUYyour "drives" in mac world are similar to mounting media in linux09:30
dark^ngelDusty_, head -1 ./startup09:31
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ic56Dusty_: that means that this script is meant to be executed by /bin/csh -- not by /bin/bash.  So use: "csh startup" instead of "sh startup"09:31
dark^ngelthank you ic5609:31
=== dark^ngel doesn't do csh
floppyearsthanks BPC_IT_GUY09:31
ic56Dusty_: yw!09:32
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alnokta'ahem' where is the temp directory?09:32
Constyhow do I install xfce desktop?  Isn't there some like xfce-desktop package or similar if I remember correctly?09:32
dark^ngelalnokta, I'm not sure09:32
billheadI'm trying to compile MPlayer 1.0 pre8 from source, and for the life of me I can't get xv working. I installed libxv-dev, I've even used ./configure --enable-xv, and it says that xv is an enabled video output, but once I compile and install it, mplayer -vo help doesn't show xv listed.09:32
bill[1] ic56: I'll figure it out, thanks for your help09:33
ic56bill[1] : well, assuming you typed the command correctly, that error message could only have come up if you have a file that ends in .-n  To work around it use --09:33
dark^ngelalnokta, it should be in the same directory where you execute the vhcs2 script09:33
ic56bill[1] : eg: xargs -n1 mkdir -- b/{}09:33
Constybillhead: are you using xgl?09:33
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mwright1hi, when I change teh "network proxy" the change isn't reflected straight away in apt. what do I have to do to get it reflected straight away09:33
billheadConsty: no.09:33
Constyah ok09:33
ic56bill[1] : no, wait, there is *no* wait that -n error message came from mkdir, given that b/ prefix.  What exactly did you type?09:34
Dusty_ic56: thanks for the help, but I still dont think it is working properly09:34
ic56Dusty_: what's the error message?09:34
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bill[1] |xargs mkdir -n1 b/{}09:34
Dusty_ic56: there is none, its just not acting right.. hangon a second, let me try something09:34
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alnoktait is not in the same dir ... i will look in the script .. may be i could find the path09:35
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dark^ngelWow ... lots of hungry ubuntites09:35
mwright1Ok I worked it out, you just need to create a new console09:35
ic56bill[1] : that command is wrong.  the -n1 is meant to be a flag to xargs -- not to mkdir.  Look at what I've given you more carefully09:35
mwright1and it is read in as a system variable09:35
bill[1] ic56: that was a cp of what you wrote =(09:36
bill[1] ic56: ok, that works now, but it puts all the files in the current directory, not in b.09:36
bill[1] I guess I'll just move the current directory =)09:36
Dusty_what was the command to dig up my ip address?09:37
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bill[1] Dusty_, ifconfig09:37
XiXaQDusty_, ifconfig ?09:37
ic56bill[1] : hang on, there's an error in the xargs flags.09:37
dark^ngelDusty_, ifconfig09:37
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Dusty_wow.. thanks guys ;)09:38
XiXaQDusty_, you can also use http://www.minip.no which will give you your external ip :)09:38
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ic56bill[1] : yea, I see the error09:39
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mwright1i'm getting a post install error on apt-get install apache09:40
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Dusty_ic56: Well, the csh ./startup did something different.. but not what i neede.. It used to work before I had to reformat, my friend went thrut his and got it working.. but he is gone now09:40
faddatIs there a way to set all my Gnome settings back to default?09:40
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mwright1which is really a pretty bad thing to be getting given the popularity of apache and how core it is to users of linux distros09:40
faddatGnome crashes on startup right now unless I use failsafe09:40
Dusty_ic56: This is what happens when I type ./starup &09:40
Dusty_mud@mud-desktop:~/mud/area$ ./startup &09:40
Dusty_[1]  1045909:40
Dusty_bash: ./startup: Permission denied09:40
ic56bill[1] : instead of -n1, use -i.  Sorry about that, xargs is one of those commands whose interface changed over time and I never remember which is the latest version09:40
mwright1has anyone else experienced this post install config error?09:40
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jenda-lappyIs ubuntulinux.nl down or is it just meL09:40
Dusty_the ./startup & is suposed to work, it did before.. I think I broke it09:41
bill[1] ic56: how do I stop it from trying to create folders for files in subdirectories that don't have extensions?09:41
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dark^ngelProbably /bin/sh is a link to /bin/bash and it used to be a link to /bin.csh09:41
dark^ngelDusty_, ls -l /bin/sh09:42
ic56Dusty_: the "csh startup &" is *correct*.  However, if you want to avoid specifying csh, then you must make the file executable.  Like so: "chmod 755 startup"  Then, "./startup &" will work09:42
jenda-lappyHello? Can someone please try ubuntulinux.nl for me?09:43
jenda-lappyI'm trying to resolve internet connection trouble.09:43
dark^ngelDusty_, head -1 ./startup09:43
ic56bill[1] : now you're confusing me.  Were you looking for extensions if directory filenames or extensions of filenames of ordinary (non-directory) files?09:43
Flanneljenda-lappy: works for me09:43
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bill[1] ic56: ordinary non directory files.  Problem is that say I have a/cvs/root it tries to create b/a/cvs/root09:44
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ic56dark^ngel: pay attention.  Dusty_ has already told us that file startup begins with #!/bin/csh09:44
Administratorjenda-lappy: works for me too09:44
jenda-lappyHow is it possible that xchat works, I can get google.com to search... but just about anything else is offline? Including apt.09:44
alnoktafound it .... its in /tmp09:44
dark^ngelOk, I missed that09:44
bhballerdoes anyone know if there are plans for wireless internet card support in linux? (like a sprint broadband card)09:44
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dark^ngelI was off with alnokta's paste09:44
dark^ngelthen 755 is the magic key09:45
ic56dark^ngel: when butting in to an existing conversation, use /last <nickname> to find out what was previously said09:45
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dark^ngelcool! thanks09:45
ic56dark^ngel: yw09:46
alnoktawhat is the delete command ... that deletes all sub dirs and files without annoying me?09:46
Felosbhballer, wireless driver support is largely dependent upon device manufacturers...09:46
billheadbnballer: I remember seing a page somewhere that told you how to get a Verizon broadband card working with Linux, but it was a few months ago so I can't remember where I saw it.09:46
dark^ngelalnokta, rm -rf disturbing_directory09:46
bhballeri suppose i should search before i ask. but thanks09:46
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billheadI'm trying to compile MPlayer 1.0 pre8 from source, and for the life of me I can't get xv working. I installed libxv-dev, I've even used ./configure --enable-xv, and it says that xv is an enabled video output, but once I compile and install it, mplayer -vo help doesn't show xv listed.09:47
ic56alnokta: /bin/rm -rf <target directory>  Careful that you don't accidentally specify something you want to keep -- like your entire Ubuntu system!09:47
rambo3bhballer, search forums09:47
alnoktado you know what i just did09:48
bill[1] please don't say...09:48
=== Hyper [n=hyperstr@static-203-87-30-137.qld.chariot.net.au] has joined #Ubuntu
=== dark^ngel cringes
alnoktai threw the command without sudo09:48
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dark^ngelalnokta, that's a safety valve so the fs doesn't poof09:49
nasty_bHey guys. I'm a complete newb when it comes to linux. I have ubuntu 6.06 desktop-amd62 installed (because I dont know linux at all). I noticed that there is a "add/remove software" (and also another one for more complex installations), which is great if what I'm looking for is in the list. However what I want to install is not on the list. I download the .tar file, and I then extract it, but I don't know what to do from there. Can any09:49
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ic56bill[1] : your description of what the command is doing doesn't match what the command I gave you should be doing.  Please paste the *exact* command you used.  Don't type it!  *paste* it09:49
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alnoktaall right .. done with the temp files... going to repeat the tragedy again ...09:50
Dusty_ic56: sorry, I had to run downstairs..  the permission denied went away but it is not doing what it should.. ;(09:50
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Administratornasty_b: do you know synaptic09:50
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Dusty_ic56: I guess this ver of linux is not a very good choice for this Rom codebase09:51
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nasty_bAdmin: yeah thats the one for the more complex installations, right?09:51
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dark^ngelHi tarvid09:51
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billfurfind /media/sdd1/old\ files/desktop2/ | sed 's/.*\.\([^.] *\)$/\1/' | sort | uniq | xargs -i mkdir -- /media/sdd1/new/test/{}09:52
tarvidhi dark09:52
santa99nasty_b: not exactly09:52
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ic56Dusty_: the script will do what it's code says it will do.  If that doesn't work for you, well... you need a different script.  If you know what it should be doing and what it isn't doing, then I can help you.  If you can't be more specific, then I can't09:52
santa99nasty_b: trough synaptic you can get everything09:52
nasty_bI know how to open it, though, if thats what you're asking.09:52
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faddatIs there a way that I can reset all of my GNOME settings?  Right now I can only start using failsafe mode, and I'm not really sure what the problem is, so I was just thinking hey, why not just redo the whole thing.  It stops where it's normally showing the load screen for various components09:52
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santa99nasty_b: what are you searching for ?09:52
ic56bill[1] : is billfur an alias of yours?09:52
bill[1] yeah09:52
bbrazilfaddat: delete your .gnome and .gnome2 directories09:53
rambo3deleting  .gnome2 maby09:53
coffeebreakHi, how do I install flash plugin for firefox? I tried the instructions on ubuntuguide but the package couldnt be found09:53
bbrazilfaddat: and .gconf{,.2} too09:53
nasty_bMythTV. I downloaded it (to desktop by default), and then I extracted it (the folder is on the desktop). And I don't know where to go from there.09:53
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vookHere you go folks, go to /etc/apt/sources.list, and uncomment universe and everything else (except src).  then apt-get update, then apt-get install away.09:53
faddatbbrazil:  One more quick question.... so that'll just bring gone back to default, right?09:53
vookunless you want the src.09:53
bbrazilfaddat: should do09:53
santa99nasty_b: what is in the folder on the desktop09:53
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faddatbbrazil:  where are my .gnome and .gnome2 directories?09:54
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bbrazilfaddat: in your home directory09:54
nasty_ball the contents of the tar file09:54
faddatoh, sweet!09:54
nasty_bthe whole software09:54
faddatbbrazil:  Thanks a ton :)09:54
santa99nasty_b: what files are in there ? .deb or something else09:54
Dusty_ic56: When I type ./startup & it is suposed to run a program named "rom" in another folder.. then when I type ps ux to see if it is running.. I see  mud/src/rom 9000 on the list09:54
VirusDotNEThow can i cancel this damn download all together?09:54
ic56bill[1] : hmmm, yes, looks like I missed some issues.  Modify the command as follows:09:54
bbrazilfaddat: generally all personal config files are /home/username/.something09:54
alnoktais it a problem to use Dapper's repos instead of Breezy's repos while i am using breezy?09:54
nasty_bsanta99: I'll look...give me a second...09:54
faddatbbrazil: how about .gonme2_private?09:55
Dusty_ic56: when I do it now, all I see is bin/csh ./statup on the list09:55
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bbrazilalnokta: you should upgrade before09:55
bbrazilfaddat: it can go too09:55
dark^ngelalnokta, you should upgrade09:55
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alnoktacould it be the problem?09:55
rambo3faddat gonme ?09:55
dark^ngelalnokta, quite possibly09:55
bbrazilalnokta: yes, stuff mighn't install or work09:55
rambo3rm -rf .gnom*09:55
sidanyone know the command for the terminal to kill the OEM account and create a new one?09:55
bbrazilsid: adduser + deluser?09:56
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bbrazilBlue-Omega: make sure to add the new account to the admin group, or you won't be able to sudo09:56
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alnoktai say no when the script asks to upgrade ....09:56
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dark^ngelalnokta, upgrade09:56
Ancalgoni have a prob with ubuntu........can anyone here hlp me?09:57
ic56bill[1] : change "sed" to "sed -n" change \1/' to \1/p'.  Test the output by omitting everything after the |xargs09:57
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:57
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:57
bbrazilalnokta: only if you tell us the question09:57
alnoktathe bastard wants to download 400MB...09:57
Ancalgoni just installed ubuntu09:57
Hyperhmm i have enabled all respertories and sun-java isnt there ??09:57
vookdo it then09:57
bbrazilalnokta: that's to be expected09:57
vookdownload that 400mb09:57
Ancalgon...and its not detecting my mouse09:57
bbrazilHyper: java is non-free09:57
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bbrazilalnokta: ps/2 or usb?09:57
Ancalgonan old serial port09:58
icevidI want to upgrade my bios. I have the new bios file but don't know how to upgrade. Does anyone know how ?09:58
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bbrazilalnokta: wrong person :)09:58
bbrazilAncalgon: what is it then?09:58
rambo3Ancalgon, dpkg-reconfigured it to resial ?09:58
Ancalgonthe one with 7 pins and 2 screws on either side09:58
bbrazilAncalgon: serial09:58
VirusDotNETwheres sources.list?09:58
Ancalgoni dont thing thats ps/209:58
bbrazilVirusDotNET: /etc/apt09:58
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VirusDotNETthank you09:58
noiesmoAncalgon, check /etc/X11/xorg.conf see if set to /dev/mouse09:58
bbrazilAncalgon: you can get adaptors (or is that for the other way round?)09:59
Ancalgoni'm a noob,ppl....gently09:59
bertuHEY, does someone know how to update the bios?????????????09:59
rambo3Ancalgon, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:59
ic56$u1: Your description of the problem doesn't sound like a problem.  Even though the process name may be different, it may still be working correctly.  Pastebin that script for me and I'll take a look09:59
ic56Dusty_: Your description of the problem doesn't sound like a problem.  Even though the process name may be different, it may still be working correctly.  Pastebin that script for me and I'll take a look09:59
Ancalgonbut how do i open terminal?09:59
bill[1] ic56, Your a miracle worker.09:59
Ancalgonw/o the mouse?09:59
Dusty_ic56.. alright hangon a second.. thank you for your help09:59
bbrazilAncalgon: crtl-alt-f109:59
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vookicevid, what is the make and model of the pc (this kinda isn't the channel for that, but go on,  you need to make a floppy of the new bios).10:00
Ancalgonok....then i do what?10:00
bbrazilAncalgon: crtl-alt-f7 to undo10:00
Ancalgonf1 or f2?10:00
bbrazilAncalgon: now login10:00
bbrazilAncalgon: doesn't matter10:00
icevidthe model is  via technologies p4x 26610:00
alnoktai guess i will ... but after the running process fails as usual10:00
bbrazilicevid: have you checked the manufacturers website?10:01
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vookicevid, at the via website there should be some sort of floppy creator.  Otherwise, you could do this after extracting the image.  dd if=imagefile of=/dev/fd010:01
dark^ngelalnokta, vhcs is really picky about versions10:01
icevidit has the bios and a bios flasher but the flasher isn't working10:01
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rambo3Ancalgon, do you have terminal infront of you10:02
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bbrazilAncalgon: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:02
Ancalgonno.......im chatting in windows ,man10:02
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Ancalgoni'll note all this down10:02
bbrazilAncalgon: do you know if your network is working under ubuntu?10:02
rambo3you can just login safe mode and type that bbrazil told you10:02
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ic56bill[1] : Since you're working with windows files, when you get to running the script that will move all the files, you have to be careful: such files often contain spaces.  Spaces in a script are used to separate arguments.  To ensure spaces are seen as part of a filename, you must quote the filename.  Show me what you have when you get there, and I'll tell you how to adjust it for spaces10:03
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faddatHey just wanted to say thanks-- That took care of all my troubles :)!10:03
nicholasHow do you get to the gnome configuration edior in dapper?10:03
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nicholasTheres no system tools menu.10:03
philstarwhat is happening to grumpy? is it available to use yet? I couldn't find any details about how to get access to repos10:03
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VirusDotNEThow can i call this update cause this server is not online and won't let me update anything cause of this10:03
ic56nicholas: the CLI solution is: gconf-editor10:04
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rambo3nicholas, do you mean application menu editor10:04
bbrazilAncalgon: wirelass card or wired? Will be easier to fix this if you IRC from ubuntu10:04
Ancalgondialup connection10:04
bill[1] ic56, I'll test it first with just symlinks.10:04
ic56bill[1] : same issue applies to symlinking10:04
bbrazilAncalgon: this'll be fun then10:05
bill[1] ic56, sure.  But symlinking won't cause dataloss.10:05
Ancalgonlets see10:05
nicholasthanks ic56, rambo3 how do you get to the application menu editor?10:05
ic56bill[1] : fair enough10:05
rambo3you install it10:05
Ancalgoncould u tell me a possible fix?10:05
bbrazilAncalgon: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/906810:05
nicholasWhere is the "system tools" menu that was in 5.10?10:06
Ancalgonok.....and while were at it......how to log off using terminal?10:06
alnokta.................... the same error .... i will download the needed upgrade packs10:06
bbrazilAncalgon: logout is 'exit', shutdown is 'sudo poweroff'10:06
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rambo3Ancalgon, logoff or reboot?10:07
Ancalgonreboot actually10:07
rambo3sudo reboot10:07
bbrazilAncalgon: sudo reboot10:07
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Ancalgonso i can still reboot in any case10:07
bill[1] ic56: I think I can acutally do an easier way and use the same sed command to get all the file extensions, then just symlink based on *.{}10:07
bbrazilAncalgon: follow the instructions in that bug, it looks like what you want10:07
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ic56bill[1] : ok10:08
bill[1] that avoids space all togther10:08
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ic56bill[1] : the {} expands to the filename and teh space.  Thus, the space isn't avoided10:08
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Hyperbbrazil, and ?10:09
bill[1] ic56: no, the {} expands to the extension.10:09
sysKinhmmm ubuntu installewr was just kind enought to freeze on me when sacanning hard disk partitions.... do you think it's just temporary?10:09
sysKinugh typos10:09
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alnoktai will let my box cools down for a while ... its burning hot...10:09
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alnoktalater ... you are fine people...10:10
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-102-46.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
michelehi, I am upgrading from breezy and I am having problems with --configure of debconf. Any idea how to fix?10:10
ic56bill[1] : oh, I thought we'd moved on from there.  ok, I don't see you'll link using just an extension but you probably meant something more complicated than that10:10
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Ancalgonbbrazil:this is the fix thats given on ur link10:10
AncalgonI solve the problem. I change this (/etc/X11/xorg.org):10:10
AncalgonSection "InputDevice"10:10
Ancalgon        Identifier "Configured Mouse"10:10
Ancalgon        Driver "mouse"10:10
Ancalgon        Option "CorePointer"10:10
Ancalgon        Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"10:10
Ancalgon        Option "Protocol" "ImPS/2"10:10
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Ancalgonfor this:10:10
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bbrazilAncalgon: don't paste10:10
AncalgonSection "InputDevice"10:10
Ancalgon        Identifier "Configured Mouse"10:10
Ancalgon        Driver "mouse"10:10
zcat[1] !pastebin10:10
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:10
Ancalgon        Option "Device" "/dev/ttyS0"10:10
Ancalgon        Option "Protocol" "Microsoft"10:10
joel324879023483Hey can someone help me get GLX working? i just installed fglrx drivers with dual display but cant run glxgears10:10
Ancalgonsorry 4 floodin10:10
Ancalgoni mean....could u guide me thru how to do thta?10:10
bbrazilAncalgon: add the new inputdevice stanza to that file10:11
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Ancalgonjust go to terminal and type /etc/x11/xorg.org?10:11
bbrazilAncalgon: with the other inputdevice stanzas10:11
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morphixerm.. i installed a new NIC into my ubuntu server.. but it seems ubuntu either doesnt have the driver or hasnt detected it, i cant remember the command to probe for new hardware, anyone know what it is?10:11
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bbrazilAncalgon: no, you'll need an editor. 'editor /etc/x11/xorg.org' should do it10:11
santa99joel: got to #xgl10:11
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patrickkiddso what's the deal with playing mp3's on 6.06?10:11
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:11
bbrazilpatrickkidd: ^10:11
=== godtvisken [n=godtvisk@ip-69-10-108-80.cableaz.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ancalgon'editor/etc/x11/xorg.org.....in terminal...ok10:12
joel324879023483santa99: ok thnx10:12
santa99joel324879023483: go to #xgl10:12
Ancalgonand dat shd give those parameters10:12
godtviskenHow come my sound stops working on Youtube after I open a program that plays music?10:12
Hyperjava 1.5 seems to be lagging my limewire out :/10:12
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Hyper100% cpu useage when ever i search for something10:12
bbrazilAncalgon: you're much better doing the inputattach stuff I think10:12
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Ancalgonwats inputattach?10:13
bbrazilgodtvisken: your soundcard must only have one channel10:13
bbrazilAncalgon: read the start of the bug10:13
godtviskenbbrazil: but in windows it works10:13
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bbrazilgodtvisken: the windows driver probably does multiplexing10:13
godtviskenand i can't do that in linux?10:13
morphixhow do i probe for new hardware?10:13
bbrazilgodtvisken: yes you can. Gnome?10:14
godtviskenbbrazil: yes10:14
bbrazilmorphix: what sort of hardware?10:14
morphixbbrazil: a NIC10:14
bbrazilmorphix: pci?10:14
morphixbbrazil: yep10:14
bbrazilgodtvisken: should just work, there's a sound daemon to do that, forget the name10:14
bbrazilmorphix: ifconfig -a, is it listed?10:14
morphixthe nic?10:15
bbrazilmorphix: well, an unconfigured ethX10:15
Ancalgonbut i have breezybadger.....how do i install the joystick package?10:15
morphixwhen i try to bring eth0 interface up.. it says cannot find device10:15
bbrazilAncalgon: sudo ap-get install joystick10:15
XiXaQHyper, Sun JRE?10:15
bbrazilAncalgon: although your lack of network will be fun10:15
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morphixbbrazil: so what could i use to probe for a PCI NIC?10:16
bbrazilAncalgon: I suggest downloading the .deb from windows and saving it somewhere you can get to it from ubuntu (any fat32 drive)10:16
bbrazilmorphix: it's done on bootup10:16
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pojeOkay so now I put myself in a corner: installed dapper on the desktop finally and now I don't know how to get the wifi card working so I can get all the stuff I need for it10:16
Ancalgonbbrazil:wat .deb?10:16
bbrazilAncalgon: the .geb for breezy joystick10:16
Ancalgonall my drives are far3210:16
Ancalgonoh...where might i get it?10:16
kroghmorphix: try ls -ld /sys/class/net/eth*10:16
bbrazilmorphix: what model card is it?10:16
pojeActually, is there a way I can share my net connection through this laptop? Like pipe net from the wifi card in the laptop through the eth card10:17
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morphixbbrazil: hmm.. ok, according to the NIC's website, it uses a realtek chip10:17
bbrazilmorphix: and does it come up in 'lspci'?10:17
bbrazilmorphix: rtl8xxx are well supported10:17
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morphixit uses. erm, RTL8169s/8110s10:17
bbrazilmorphix: gigabit, right?10:18
munui have a problem using CPAN on kubuntu. even install Bundle::CPAN does not work. anybody knows anyhting about thta issue?10:18
Xyc0I am having issues connecting my wireless, anyone have any insight?10:18
bbrazilmorphix: you might have to load a  module for that. Does it show in ifconfig -a?10:18
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morphixbbrazil: not sure.. i10:18
morphixi'll go and check10:18
bbrazilmorphix: can you pastebin the output of ifconfig -a and lspci?10:19
dupondjehi guys :) i've got a problem, i just bought me a new pc :)) and AMD AM2 with nForce 590 SLI chipset, now i have 2x320gb in RAID0 for OS, but when i try to install ubuntu, the RAID0 is seen as 2 hdd's :s how can i make its seen as a array ?10:20
bbrazildupondje: how is the raid0 setup?10:20
BazziRdupondje: I think you need to install from text mode then, but I'm not sure10:20
kakadopojo, yes it is possible10:21
dupondjebbrazil: how u mean ?10:21
bbrazildupondje: is it on a chip or in software?10:21
dupondjeBazziR: so download the alternate cdrom ?10:21
dupondjebbrazil: on the chip10:21
dupondjethe chip bios gives array info @ boot, and says its Healty :)10:22
ic56dupondje: if the diskarray is being seen as individual disks, then its BIOS must be configured to disable teh RAID functionality.10:22
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Xyc0When I installed Dapper, it detected my wireless card, I activated it, but then I could not detect the AP and would not connect even if I typed in the eesd myself.  Where can I go from here?10:22
bbrazildupondje: do you also have windows installed?10:22
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dupondjei just put it together :) so :D10:23
bbrazildupondje: thats easy then, just do your raid in software10:23
Ancalgonbbrazil:hey......sorry for repetition.....but how do i get the joystick .geb file for breezy10:23
ic56dupondje: you must either figure out how to change the hw configuration (perhaps a jumper?) or else you'll have to forget about hw raid and do it in sw10:23
bbrazilAncalgon: packages.ubuntu.com10:23
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bbrazildupondje: ah, it's fakeraid10:23
bbrazildupondje: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=7173510:24
bbrazildupondje: I suggest using just LVM10:24
bbrazildupondje: or infact a raid1 setup, for redundancy10:24
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Xyc0Am I asking in the wrong IRC channel?10:25
bbrazilXyc0: it's the right channel, wait a bit for someone who knows wireless to come along10:25
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Xyc0bbrazil: thanks10:25
pojeYeah, a wifi guru would help me tremendously right now10:25
pojeI have a laptop and desktop that refuse to cooperate10:25
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spadesXyc0 can you open up a terminal and do an iwlist eth1/wlan0 scanning  and see if it finds your ap, replace eth1/wlan0 with your actual device10:26
Ancalgonbbrazil:......got the deb files....put them inall my disks..i think they appear as hda 1,5,6..etc10:26
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Xyc0spades: sudo iwlist eth110:26
Xyc0spades: ?10:27
spadesXyc0 just iwlist eth1 scanning10:27
roxluhi all10:27
VirusDotNETDoes anyone know how to make a install that already started cancel?10:27
Xyc0spades: no scan results10:27
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Ancalgonthen can i just use the command sudo ap-get install joystick?10:27
roxluis there a standalone flash player for ubuntu? so I can play .swf file w/o a browser?10:27
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spadesXyc0 what kind of card you have? lspci should say the pertinent info10:28
Xyc0Broadcom 430610:28
VirusDotNETthis fucking sucks balls10:28
need_helpHow do I install a (True type) font in Ubuntu 5.10?10:28
spadesneed_help copy it to /usr/share/fonts10:28
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto10:28
ubotuNo fonts in flash? Install msttcorefonts, gsfonts, and gsfonts-x11 , No fonts in mplayer? see !mplayer10:28
bbrazilAncalgon: no, use dpkg-i joystick-versionnumber.deb10:28
bbrazilAncalgon: *dpkg -i10:28
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need_helpspades: Thanks10:28
spadesSurfnKid alive?10:29
Ancalgonversionnumber??-----thats 5.10 rite?10:29
bbrazilVirusDotNET: watch your language please10:29
NthDegreehow on earth do people get that @ubuntu/member bit?10:29
bbrazilAncalgon: you'll knwo when you download it10:29
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Xyc0spades: Broadcom Corporation BCM4309 802.11a/b/g (rev 03)10:29
bbrazilNthDegree: by being elected and asking10:29
VirusDotNETim pissed cuase no one wants to help me i been sitting here trying to get help for the past 20 minutes and everyone ignores me cause the support for ubuntu sucks10:30
spadesXyc0 do you have the drivers for it, might have some luck with ndiswrapper10:30
NthDegreeVirusDotNET what is the problem?10:30
VirusDotNETDoes anyone know how to make a install that already started cancel?10:30
pojeI just installed dapper on my desktop and when I try to put ndiswrapper-utils on from the CD a) it fails and gives a md5 mismatch error and b) has some crazy i/o error messages in dmesg about hda (probably the cd drive)10:30
Ancalgonthe filename doesnt give a versionnumber10:30
pojeSo my question is wtf?10:30
Xyc0spades: Dapper identified it and assigned it as eth1, is that not drivers?10:30
nooseislooseso I have one of these nifty wireless (pci) cards that doesn't configure itself.  I have mixed success getting it to work and would like someone to help me understand more clearly how and when during boot ubuntu installs teh driver10:30
Ancalgondo u mean i sould just dpkg -i filename10:30
TARZEAUVirusDotNET: sure, remove the power cable10:30
VirusDotNETim trying to cancel this install that won't stop trying to connect to a broken server10:30
spadesXyc0 sometimes the dapper drivers dont do the trick unfortunately10:30
bbrazilAncalgon: yes10:30
NthDegreeoh i know what you mean VirusDotNET10:31
VirusDotNETTARZEAU, i have reboot my pc and it told me not to do anymore installs til this install finishes10:31
roxlubbrazil: do you know if there is a standalone flash player for ubuntu?10:31
NthDegreeyou are stuck at the scanning mirror bit i presume10:31
bbrazil!restricted > roxlu10:31
VirusDotNETConnecting to alien.ssl.berkeley.edu||:21... failed: Connection timed out.10:31
bbrazilroxlu: might be something in that pm10:31
Ancalgonok......and the protocol will be.....microsoft?10:31
morphixbbrazil: yeh its in ifconfig -a.. its under eth1 :)10:31
ic56VirusDotNET: either you are being ignored because you are rude (which you are), or you are receiving no answer because no one has the answer.  Did you start that install from teh command line or the GUI?10:31
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bbrazilmorphix: then you just have to configure it10:31
Xyc0spades: will I need to deactivate the dapper drivers to use ndiswrapper?10:32
bbrazilAncalgon: serial I guess10:32
spadesXyc0 just the bcm one, have you checked the forum to see if anyone had the same card and got any info?10:32
need_helpMy wastebasket won't empty when I tell it to10:32
VirusDotNETic56, if they don't have the answerswouldn't it be more better to say we don't know how to help you with it instead of being ignored?10:32
morphixbbrazil: is "TXQUEUELEN" the card speed?10:32
Ancalgonok...............bbrazil and others........thanx for ur help!!!!!!!! see u later on irc using ubuntu if i can get my comp to work.......10:32
bbrazilmorphix: no, the transmission queue size10:32
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Xyc0spades: I have always used NDISWRAPPER on older releases, this is the first that actually identified it10:33
spadesVirusDotNET theres just under 800 people here, even with 10% active, thats 80 dont knows scrolling10:33
bbrazilAncalgon: try them all :) '/etc/init.d/gdm restart' will restart gnome10:33
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winmanmy rhythmbox on dapper doesn't recognize MP3s .. what needs to be done to fix this?10:33
need_helpMy wastebasket doesn't empty when I tell it to!10:33
bbrazil!restricted > winman10:33
NthDegreewinman, you need to install extra codecs10:33
ic56VirusDotNET: when answering, please remember to specify whom you are addressing.  I almost missed your answer.  Anyway. I have little knowledge of GUI so I can't help you with that.  As for people saying they don't know, there are over a hundred people in this channel.  Do you really want to be flooded with a hundred "I don't know"s?!10:33
bbrazilwinman: see the pm from ubotu10:33
pojeHow can I use apt-get to get a package off the net but save it locally as a .deb so I can plop it on a usb key?10:34
morphixbbrazil: ok.. it seems even tho i configured the card.. it cant connect on my network, the only thing i can think of.. if the card is trying to do gigabit.. as i currently dont have a gigabit switch. getting one next week.10:34
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winmanthanks bbrazil, NthDegree :)10:34
bbrazilpoje: apt-zip10:34
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bbrazilpoje: or apt-get download10:34
pojebbrazil: awesome, thanks very much10:34
ajax4need_help: The trash icon doesn't change?10:34
bbrazilpoje: sorry, that's the wron apt-get option10:34
Xyc0spades: how can I deactivate the dapper drivers, I know NDISwrapper10:34
pojebbrazil: I was about to say ;)10:35
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pojebbrazil: apt-zip then?10:35
need_helpno and there is 2 things in there all the time10:35
z3r0xhi @ app10:35
bbrazilpoje: yeah, it'll get all the dependancies too10:35
pojebbrazil: awesome, thanks :D10:35
spadesXyc0 sudo modprobe -r bmc43xx  or lsmod | grep bcm to see the exact driver, maybe needs to be blacklisted too10:35
bbrazilpoje: you could just goto packages.ubuntu.com and grab the file10:35
VirusDotNETic56, well atleast im better off with a different one or plain better off with windows since i can just call them and get support cause they know how to do the operating system. Hell I taught my own self everything about the windows system.10:35
need_helpajax4: yeah it wont; and there is 2 icons in there that wont delete10:35
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Tmob_can someone send me their /etc/acpi/sleep.sh file? i would like to put up a patch for bug 53042.. i forgot to keep an old copy around :/10:36
z3r0xis it possible to boot a partition without shuting down linux? like vmware or something like this?10:36
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ajax4need_help: Have you tried deleting them as root?10:36
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need_helpwhere are they located10:36
morphixbbrazil: how do i configure the card to run in 100mbit instead of gigabit for now?10:36
ajax4need_help: Hang on10:36
Xyc0spades: am I looking for the name or the number?10:36
bbrazilmorphix: mii-tool/ethtool will tell you the link status. it should auto-negotiate10:36
Tmobmorphix, its automatic based on signalling10:36
Tmobyou dont choose afiak10:37
morphixah ok..10:37
bbrazilTmob: you cna force it actually10:37
spadesXyc0 the module should be bcm43xx but look for the driver name, im almost certain its bcm43xx though10:37
VirusDotNETfuck this bullshit10:37
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need_helpwhat a faggot10:37
bbrazilneed_help: language...10:37
Tmobbbrazil, ok.. never had to do that.. if the router supports it it automatically escales to 100mbps for me10:37
need_helpwhat a ********10:37
morphixwell the card doesnt seem to be talking to anything on my network :(.. dhcp gives nothing. and static assigning doesnt give any network activity either10:37
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bbrazilTmob: yip, thats the auto-mdi10:38
Tmobnooseisloose, not working.. i believe dCC wont work here :(10:38
need_helpwho was VirusDotNET?10:38
ic56VirusDotNET: good luck with windows.  My own experience with it was very disappointing.  Their support people are personable but they can't make the OS do things of which it's incapable.  I.e. they can't make it work10:38
Xyc0spades: yes, you are correct10:38
Tmobnooseisloose, sure10:38
need_helpic56: VirusDotNET left10:38
spadesic56 clear cut example of ymmv :)10:38
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Tmobnooseisloose, as long as its not modified and from dapper 6.0610:38
bbrazilmorphix: what do mii-tol and ethtool say?10:38
bbrazilmorphix: and is the link light on?10:38
nooseisloosetmob: stock, afaik10:38
ic56need_help: thanks.10:39
Tmobnooseisloose, ok cool10:39
morphixbbrazil: the link light is on, havent tried mii-tool or ethtool yet.. brb..10:39
need_helpic56: ;)10:39
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holycowpoor fella is going to call support for windows10:39
holycowthats damned funny10:39
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bbrazilmorphix: generall one of them will work, depending on the card10:39
need_help>holycow poor fella is going to call support for windows: haha10:39
need_helpwhere is the trash folder located, I need to delete some stuff as root10:40
bbrazilneed_help: ~/Desktop/.Trash I think10:40
bbrazilneed_help: ah, ~/.Trash10:41
holycowalso man locate10:41
bbrazilI tpyically use /dev/null :)10:41
need_helptheres nothing in there? but theres 2 things in my wastebasked? :/10:41
bbrazilholycow: updatedb runs as root on ubuntu?10:41
Xyc0spades: how do I deactivate the bcm43xx drivers?10:41
ajax4need_help: yeah, its ~/.Trash10:42
ajax4need_help: What are the two filenames in your wastebasket?10:42
holycowwell it will run as user but of course then it will only index what the user has access to10:42
spadesXyc0 sudo modprobe -r bcm43xx should unload it10:42
bbrazilholycow: updatedb usually runs as either nobody or root10:42
need_helpajax4: (folder) ttf-telgu-fonts and (file) fonts.cache-1 [they are copies not the originals in /usr/share/fonts] 10:43
NthDegreeXyc0 try sudo modprobe -r bcm43xx10:43
holycownot in my experience, although really i've only run debian10:43
NthDegreeoops i forgot to read again :$10:43
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bbrazilholycow: ah, it's slocate on ubntu10:43
ajax4need_help: type this: cd ~/.Trash10:43
Xyc0spades: will that prevent it from reactivating on bootup?10:43
spadesNthDegree double help is better than none10:43
ajax4need_help: then type: sudo rm *10:43
need_helpajax4: the folder just disapeared when I tried to view its contents - said it dont exist (yay)10:43
spadesXyc0 there is a way to blacklist it, gimme a min to find iut10:43
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pojebbrazil: ugh, sorry to keep bothering you but the man page is not being terribly helpful - I came up with apt-zip-list -m /media/usbstick -p ndiswrapper-utils and I got a "no non-option arguments allowed" error - what am I missing here?10:44
ajax4need_help: cd ~/.Trash to make sure10:44
need_helpThere is nothing in the ~/.Trash10:44
spadesXyc0 i think adding it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist should do it10:44
bbrazilpoje: sorry, I've never used it10:44
need_helpajax4: rm: cannot remove `*': No such file or directory10:44
pojebbrazil: haha no problem, I'll figure it out eventually10:44
bbrazilneed_help: la -la10:44
need_helpbbrazil: ???10:44
nooseisloosetmob: http://pastebin.ca/8874810:45
bbrazilneed_help: *ls -la10:45
ic56need_help: perhaps the files are hidden (i.e. they begin with a dot).  Use ls -la to show hidden files10:45
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Xyc0spades: add blacklist bcm43xx to the end?10:45
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spadesXyc0 yes10:46
need_helpWell there is the . and .., but we all know what they are10:46
bbrazilneed_help: not even . and ..?10:46
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spadesXyc0 just bcm43xx in the file named blacklist, create if needed10:46
need_helpbbrazil: Well there is the . and .., but we all know what they are10:46
Xyc0spades: ok thanks, now I can wrestle with ndiswrapper properly10:46
Tmobnooseisloose, tanks10:46
morphixbbrazil: ethtool gave back, autonegotiation on, speed, 100base & and found a link10:46
need_helpajax4: Well there is the . and .., but we all know what they are10:46
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spadesXyc0 no prob, good luck :)10:46
nooseisloosetmob: sure10:46
morphixbbrazil: but still its unable to get a IP from dhcp :(10:46
ajax4need_help: If the .Trash directory is empty then your trash is empty. Is the icon changed now?10:47
bbrazilmorphix: how are you turning on dhcp?10:47
Xyc0be back later, gonna try to mess with ndiswrapper10:47
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morphixbbrazil: turning on??10:47
need_helpajax4: No still says theres something in it10:47
bbrazilmorphix: it doesn't just happen10:47
winmanbbrazil, I installed the packages mentioned in the links you gave me, gstreamer0.10-xxxx, but still rhythmbox fails to recognize my mp3s10:47
need_helpajax4: fonts.cache-110:47
bbrazilmorphix: do you want the now solution or the permament solution?10:47
bbrazilwinman: did you restart rythmbox?10:48
ic56this is hillarious.  I PM'd VirusDotNET with my response when he left teh channel.  We exchanged a couple of messages where I pointed out useful solutions, like paying for a support contract.  Then he stopped saying anything meritting a response so I didn't respond and let him have teh last word.  Apparently that annoyed him too -- now he's messaging me to stop messaging him! "or else"10:48
need_helpajax4: BUT - Couldn't display "/home/lee/.Trash/fonts.cache-1". when I try to open it10:48
morphixbbrazil: i just have eth1 inet dhcp set in config10:48
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need_helpshall I just reboot and see what happens?10:48
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winmanbbrazil, yes10:48
ajax4need_help: Its possible that your trash is actually empty but the icon hasn't reflected the changes.10:48
ajax4need_help: Yeah you could try that.10:48
morphixbbrazil: what are the solutions then?10:48
bbrazilwinman: odd, it worked fine for me10:48
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need_helpkk cya in a bit10:48
winmanbbrazil, it wasn't running when I installed the packages..10:48
winmanbbrazil, oh .. too bad10:48
bbrazilmorphix: that's the pernamnet solution ;)10:48
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bbrazilmorphix: ifup eth110:48
holycowyou should of told him to just restart x to check10:49
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morphixbbrazil, i do that.. dhcpdiscover says it cant find any dhcp leases10:49
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ajax4holycow: True but that is simpler. Takes longer, but simpler.10:49
winmanbbrazil, oh lol, I tried again, and it works now .. thanks :)10:49
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J-_how do i change default program to open up different formats?10:50
bbrazilmorphix: can you run tcpdump from another system?10:50
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morphixbbrazil, erm?10:51
bbrazilmorphix: what other systems do you have?10:51
bbrazilmorphix: that are on the same switch10:51
morphixwell on this machine i have ubuntu & winxp.. but booted into winxp atm10:52
ajax4J-_:  What is it you are trying to do?10:52
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bbrazilmorphix: better go the other route then. ifdown eth110:52
J-_when i open up an mp3(double click) it opens up in mplayer10:53
wikingon volume control i can find my sound device and select it, but i can't hear any sound from computer. (i can hear what i say in mic)10:53
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morphixbbrazil: i have no clue why it isnt working :(10:53
ajax4J-_: Double in from Nautilus/Desktop?10:53
holycowJ-_, right clik on file, properties, go to open with tab10:53
bbrazilmorphix: if you could go into ubuntu on this system, there's a lot of debugging tools that'll be useful10:53
=== NthDegree [n=NthDegre@212-1-144-196.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
winmanis there an equilizer available in rhythmbox, the music sounds pretty terrible10:53
J-_ah ok, makes sense... stupid question i guess... should of researched more -.-10:54
morphixbbrazil, brb then10:54
NthDegreewinman xmms is older but nicer with those things10:54
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NthDegreexmms also is a little bit like winamp10:55
winmanNthDegree, I agree :)10:55
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J-_yeah i like the skinning future10:55
=== NthDegree hax0rs the root :p *jokes*
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winmanNthDegree, I used to use it before, but then thought probably the world has moved on :)10:55
Avivhey all10:55
NthDegreexmms is still what i use on some of the other distros10:55
winmaninstalling it ...10:56
J-_i use it cuz it doesn't hog the resources on my pc10:56
root_Hiya, can anyone tell me where the Xfce user configuration file is so I can change the resolution?10:56
=== root_ is now known as serge
NthDegreeserge why are you logged in as root?10:56
wikingon volume control i can find my sound device and select it, but i can't hear any sound from computer. (i can hear what i say in mic)10:56
wikingcan anybody help me???10:56
sergebecause my other useraccount resolution is screwed and it's like <---> that big and i cant see anything to click lol10:57
ajax4wiking: Won't know til you ask your question10:57
bbrazilserge: that's an xorg thing. dpkg-reconfigure xserver-corg10:57
bbrazilserge: if you just want to decreae resolution, crtl-alt-numpad-10:58
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sergeyeah, doesn't work with artl+alt+ "-" "+"10:58
morphixbbrazil, ok ubuntu now :)10:58
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J-_i've installed codecs for mplayer and it seems that it can't play wma's, any suggestions?10:58
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bbrazilmorphix: right, is it a dsl router providing the dhcp?10:58
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wikingon volume control i can find my sound device and select it, but i can't hear any sound from computer. (i can hear what i say in mic)10:59
morphixbbrazil, yeh10:59
=== magical_trevsky [n=magical@80-45-41-53.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
wikingajax4, on volume control i can find my sound device and select it, but i can't hear any sound from computer. (i can hear what i say in mic)10:59
bbrazilmorphix: and the computers are plugged into different ports of it?10:59
morphixbbrazil, yup10:59
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bbrazilmorphix: what's your current ip address?10:59
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morphix..why would u need that11:00
ajax4wiking: What program are you playing sound in?11:00
bbrazilmorphix: because we're going to setup the other one statically11:00
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morphixbbrazil, i already tried.. and i still get no network traffic11:01
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wikingajax4, cd player11:01
bbrazilmorphix: did lights flash?11:01
nooseislooseanyone here have a working hostap.conf they'd like to share?11:01
nooseislooseI have a prism2.5 pci card11:02
morphixbbrazil, yeh11:02
ajax4wiking: So you're trying to play an audio CD thru CD Player?11:02
hereticianif i was to install Windows XP on a partitioned drive in my harddrive AFTER ubuntu, would I still be able to use the boot screen that ubuntu has?11:02
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nooseislooseheretician: that's the way I have it at work11:02
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bbrazilmorphix: then presumably the hardware works, it must be a config problem somewhere11:02
holycowheretician, no, you would need to reinstall grub to get ubuntu back11:02
wikingajax4, but i can't hear any sound, not just CD11:02
hereticianer whoa11:03
nooseislooseheretician: oops mybad11:03
bbrazilmorphix: set it up statically again and we'll use tcpdump to see what's happening11:03
ajax4wiking: You said you could hear what you said in the mic?11:03
hereticianso now that I have ubuntu on my pc and ONLY ubuntu, i cant install WXP without having to reinstall ubuntu for ubuntu to work?11:03
hereticiannothing other than GRUB i could use that would recognize it?11:04
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wikingajax4, yes11:04
holycowheretician, you don't haveto reinstall ubuntu, just grub11:04
ajax4heretician: Its much easier if you install Windows first. Plus Windows XP wouldn't install for me unless it was in the first parition.11:04
edgyHi, can any one recommend a commercial email hosting service? better to be related/supporter to open source.11:04
holycowheretician, technically you should have xp on first, then just drop ubuntu cd in and it will help you setup dual boot properly11:04
morphixheretician, just have to reinstall grub. because win xp will overwrite the MBR.. which contains grub11:04
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ajax4wiking: Do you have a digital sound cable connecting your cd-rom drive to your soundcard/motherboard?11:04
holycowheretician, microsoft is of the opinion that only windows is a valid os, thus they really aren't too happy to make your life easy11:05
hereticianso many replies11:05
mikeymike-linuxubuntu is awesome11:05
hereticianyesh it is11:05
holycowheretician, that is to say, complain to bill gates, this has nothing to do with ubuntu or linux :)11:05
ajax4mikeymike-linux: I agree.11:05
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mikeymike-linuxyou know what the last time i used linux for a long period of time was slackware 811:05
hereticianholycow, ill call him up right now infact11:05
mikeymike-linuxit was a HUGE adjustment for me coming to ubuntu11:05
mikeymike-linuxbut i think i like it11:05
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holycowheretician, cool, tell him i said hi11:05
morphixbbrazil, erm.. can u tell me what i need to do for tcp because the machine is on the other side of the house.. so i can keep coming back here.11:06
J-_i like the audio recording approach in teh near future for linux =D11:06
=== hele [n=hele@217-140-221-150.adsl-net.finnetcom.net] has joined #ubuntu
hereticianyou and him good friends too?11:06
ajax4heretician: Seriously, I doubt Windows will even install unless its onto the very first partition on the drive.11:06
hereticianhas anyone tested this?11:06
mikechmlajax4: it did for me on my laptop11:06
bbrazilmorphix: ifconfig eth0 netmask up11:06
hereticiantheres one!11:06
holycowmikeymike-linux, yeah, the huge adjustment to freedom is jarring sometimes ... most people think they just want to be simple consumers but once they realize they can actually expand their skills and learn to do more with a sytem they just don't look back11:06
bbrazilmorphix: syntax might be a tad off11:06
morphixbbrazil, i know how to static assign.. i mean what i need to do with tcpdump11:06
mikeymike-linuxholycow, im loving the packaging11:06
bbrazilmorphix: oh, tcpdump -i eth111:07
morphixbbrazil, because i dont want to have to run back and forth between here and there11:07
mikeymike-linuxi didnt have any kind of packaging in slackware.. dependencies were hell11:07
ajax4mikechml: I could not get either XP or 2000 to install unless they were the very first partition. The Windows installer refused. YMMV of course.11:07
bbrazilmorphix: and get it to try pinging the router and the pc11:07
hereticianholycow, thats exactly how it went for me11:07
J-_suse packaging sucks compared to ubuntu11:07
holycowheretician, stop asking about testing.  the answer is windows wants to be on the first partition and there is nothing you can do about it.  second microsoft doesn't recognize any other os and won't make your life easy ... so work around the bozos if you want to keep on using their dippy product :)11:07
hereticianholycow: only asked once? :/11:08
ajax4mikeymike-linux: I came from Mandrake/Mandriva...will never go back :)11:08
holycow:) a ya, didn't mean to sound like a jerk :)11:08
mikeymike-linuxajax4, oh you know what i love mandrake11:08
hereticiannp hehe11:08
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holycowhehe that came off wrong, sorry :)11:08
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mikechmli installed windows on the 4th partition :/11:08
mikeymike-linuxmandrake was probably the most impressionable on me.. they really had their shit together in my opinion11:08
ajax4mikechml: What version?11:08
mikeymike-linuxi really dug the import windows fonts11:08
mikeymike-linuxcan you do that in ubuntu?11:08
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ajax4mikeymike-linux: really HAD it together...past tense.11:08
mikeymike-linuxnow its just crap11:08
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto11:09
ubotuNo fonts in flash? Install msttcorefonts, gsfonts, and gsfonts-x11 , No fonts in mplayer? see !mplayer11:09
mikeymike-linuxim saddened to see all these different distros leave man11:09
mikeymike-linuxRed Hat was king11:09
hereticianholycow, well in that case, i'll have to reinstall ubuntu -- i have to keep using their dippy product because the only thing dippy about linux is that it doesn't run what is 50% of my time on the internet, gaming.11:09
mikeymike-linuxMandrake had a GREAT hold on the market11:09
ubotuI know nothing about life - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:09
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: some distros leave? where?11:09
heretician^ hehe11:09
holycowheretician, hey all cool :)11:09
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, lol well you know.. kinda fall outa the loop11:09
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: but that's great11:09
mikeymike-linuxis it?11:09
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: yes11:09
holycownone of the distros before debian did it right imho11:10
mikeymike-linuxenlighten me11:10
mikeymike-linuxi never used debian11:10
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: consistency11:10
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, ah yes.. consistency.. the bane of linux existance.haha11:10
holycowdebian did it right, ubuntu is just polishing up debian every 6 months for the desktop experience11:10
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: the more people do thing A, the more variations how it's done (wrong or right or ugly)11:10
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: you laugh, but this is a very important thing11:10
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, very true.. good point my friend11:10
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Sionideurgh.. a samba update just broke my synaptic.. anyone know anything about this?11:10
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, oh no i agree with you.. consistency is a big issue with linux11:10
TARZEAUholycow: debian is still doing alot of things not right11:11
holycowTARZEAU, for example?11:11
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: not just with linux, but more generally with free software11:11
mikeymike-linuxopen source in general11:11
TARZEAUholycow: update-grub is a fucktard, kernels are crap11:11
TARZEAUholycow: policy for kernels sucks11:11
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: no, free software11:11
holycowi disagree11:11
mikeymike-linuxim amazed at the kernel releases now11:11
holycowi like debian kernel, i don't see a problem with grub11:11
mikeymike-linuxits like every few days11:11
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holycowand i don't see a problem with consistency really11:11
mikeymike-linuxi wont lie.. i truly miss slackware... times were simpler then........11:12
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TARZEAUholycow: update-grub is a piece of shit (the script)11:12
TARZEAUholycow: tried setting a password (locks)?11:12
holycowpeople that have a problem with consistency really want a mac, not a free os imho11:12
TARZEAUholycow: or having bsd partitions?11:12
TARZEAUholycow: or used d-i with nextstep paritionts?11:12
mikeymike-linuxholycow, i just bought a mac :)11:12
mikeymike-linuxmac mini intel solo core11:12
nooseisloosehas a mac11:12
mikeymike-linuxwireless kb and mouse (bluetooth)11:12
TARZEAUholycow: debian support of hardware is very bad11:12
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, how do you like it? what can i expect from it?11:12
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holycowTARZEAU, 1. update-grub ... okay so what, lots of free software sucks, so whats your point?11:13
mikeymike-linuxthis is my very first mac.11:13
TARZEAUholycow: i backport libsane, i backport kernels, i import intel.com drivers into current latest kernels11:13
ajax4Yeah there's inconsistencies but its getting better all the time. Lots of inconsistencies with the different versions of Windows over the years too.11:13
holycow2. d-i, no not used next step, never needed to, if it sucks i'll hire someone to fix it11:13
TARZEAUholycow: that alot of software is not tested well, nor being fixed for issues that are reported11:13
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, what does that mean you backport all those things?11:13
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TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: yes, we run 150 workstations11:13
holycow2. debian support for hardware? yhour joking? best support of most distros bar none11:13
LynoureTARZEAU: without having corporate money to throw at it, and without companies releasing specs, not much can be done about the hw support.11:13
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: with debian. and we have hardware, 20 machines of last week11:13
bbrazilTARZEAU: aren't/weren't you a #debian regular?11:13
holycow3. backporting? for real? who does something that insane?11:13
TARZEAULynoure: intel.com drivers work, and they come with full source11:13
mikeymike-linuxwhat is backporting?11:13
TARZEAULynoure: really THAT is not the point with intel nics11:14
TARZEAULynoure: it's just kernel.org are too slow, so are distributions with kernels11:14
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holycow4. testing, well you see its a community distro, feel free to chip in or start a company that offers paid support contracts and has staff for testing11:14
ra7eeelhi there11:14
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ra7eeelany one can help me11:14
TARZEAUholycow: ? we have scanners that are half a year old, that are not supported since one year in debian stable11:14
ajax4mikeymike-linux: Backporting = putting changes from newer releases back into older ones.11:14
LynoureTARZEAU: So, what's your plan for fixing it?11:14
TARZEAULynoure: we fix it for ourselves.11:14
holycowTARZEAU, your poitns are completely valid, but ONLY for you ... it's kinda important that you properly qualify your statement11:14
ra7eeelplz send me private messege11:14
holycowas probably should i :)11:14
TARZEAULynoure: reporting to the people that can fix it in the real place, they just ignore me11:15
ajax4ra7eeel: Ask your question in the main channel window.11:15
holycowTARZEAU, so what?11:15
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: mine's an older 68k, love it, for what it does, it just works, first thing I did was put 1G of ram in it, and after that no complaints (keeping in mind that it's basically a laptop)  It's quiet, and just works.  I guess only complaint is the DVD drive sometimes won't read a disc that my sony dvd writer will11:15
mikeymike-linuxajax4, can you get a little more in detail11:15
TARZEAULynoure: you can't update packages that are maintained by others in debian11:15
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mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, 68k?11:15
TARZEAUholycow: so linux is a problem, and it's not perfectly suitable for workstations11:15
LynoureTARZEAU: So, are you publishing the fixes, too?11:15
holycowTARZEAU, for you, it is for me11:15
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: sorry PPC11:15
TARZEAUthere's another funny inconsistency in uhci/ohci usb drivers11:15
TARZEAULynoure: yes i am11:15
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, oh okay power pc11:15
holycowTARZEAU, it is for about 6 regular users i support from whom i get 0 phone calls11:15
TARZEAUholycow: that's nice for you11:16
holycowTARZEAU, and i'm in the process of switching 200 corporate desktops to ubuntu11:16
TARZEAUholycow: i want to see you with 600 users, and a WIDE variety of hardware11:16
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, i hope im not disappointed in this little mac :)11:16
holycowTARZEAU, no problem at all, infact its a cinch11:16
TARZEAUholycow: and they need what software? our installs have 14 GB software11:16
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holycowTARZEAU, infact i don't even haveto test, i install on hd, send hd's out11:16
holycowits that simple11:16
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TARZEAUholycow: so you just sell hardware, and don't support software11:16
TARZEAUholycow: that's completely a different thing11:16
holycowno, support software, train users11:16
holycownot at all11:16
J-_are SoC projects/updates finished yet?11:17
=== ZorK [i=MEM0SERV@d40ab1c4.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: I like it because it is small and quiet, and goes well with my Klipsch Cornwalls, and 100W JVC11:17
TARZEAUholycow: i wonder for how long they'll be using free software11:17
holycowyou have an opinion that is simply only valid for you, just qualify it as that11:17
ZorKI need help installing ubuntu, if anyone is up for it ..11:17
TARZEAUopenoffice is another big issue11:17
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, is this a mac mini we're talking about or a laptop?11:17
mikeymike-linuxor what?11:17
holycowTARZEAU, process is alread going for 2 years, great success for us11:17
=== Fry3001 [n=Fry@p5486B336.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
TARZEAUk3b autoconfiguration11:17
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: but I even played Warcraft on it for about a year, PVP was a blit slow in big raids the mac mini11:17
holycowopenoffice is one of the big successes, it has saved us a lot of problems on super large documents11:17
=== J-_ ponders
TARZEAUholycow: nice to hear. it's not like we are not successfull, we are, but still many problems can't be fixed by system admins/software experts11:18
TARZEAUholycow: 1 or 2?11:18
ZorKCan anyone help me please? please PM me11:18
ajax4mikeymike-linux: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backporting11:18
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, ah okay...11:18
holycowTARZEAU, 211:18
mikeymike-linuxajax4, thanks i will read that11:18
ajax4ZorK: Ask your question in main channel.11:18
TARZEAUholycow: you don't use NFS i guess11:18
bbrazilZorK: just ask your question11:18
TARZEAUholycow: they've got some broken lock handling11:18
ra7eeelhay friends. i am new to linux environment, need your help and support11:18
holycowTARZEAU, no, why would i using something like that?11:18
J-_abiword is a good word processor =D11:18
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: I was comparing it's hardware is roughly == a laptops specs, at the time11:18
ajax4ra7eeel: What is your question?11:18
TARZEAUholycow: oh well, no comment here11:18
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, gotcha11:18
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TARZEAUand cups gnome browsing is one issue too11:18
holycownfs isn't really designed for our company, we are very highly geographically distributed11:19
TARZEAUholycow: you've got printers?11:19
Sionidesee http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214848 to fix recent samba update issues11:19
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, this intel core is supposed to be like 40% faster than your g4 mini right?11:19
holycowno problem there either, all hp11:19
TARZEAUholycow: more than one city?11:19
holycowscanners, no prob11:19
ra7eeelany one can give me an advise ??11:19
holycowmore than one city?11:19
holycow70 cities11:19
TARZEAUholycow: i see11:19
holycowerrr 70 offices11:19
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: I never believe that crap, until I see it11:19
TARZEAUholycow: we're distributed too, in one city, and workers worldwide11:19
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, supposedly it is better though?11:19
holycowmore like 45 cities or so11:19
TARZEAUholycow: afs for worldwide and ssh11:19
TARZEAUholycow: nfs for the same city11:19
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, i can also install windows on it if i wanted to :011:19
ra7eeellisten my friend11:19
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J-_SoC projects/updates finsihed for the year?11:20
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TARZEAUholycow: i miss OPENSTEP11:20
mikeymike-linuxi kinda want to install windows on my mini .. that would be cool11:20
holycowTARZEAU, i'm not happy with either of those options, i'm looking at ifolder a little more closely for the next stage11:20
ra7eeeli want to migrate from windows environment11:20
ra7eeelto linux11:20
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, have you ever used a NEXT computer?11:20
TARZEAUholycow: it's not like i'm happy with afs etc either ;)11:20
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: yes, i still do11:20
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: have you?11:20
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, how is it? i want to use one11:20
mgs2980ra7 linux is ok but has its downfals:P11:20
ra7eeeland i am very confused ....... there is alot of distro in linux...11:20
mikeymike-linuxnever in my life have i11:20
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: it's fantastic11:20
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: not even osx beats it, if you ask me11:20
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: I am over windows, not gonna bash, but I am so over it11:20
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, can i ahve yours? :)11:20
ZorKwell.. I've downloaded Ubuntu Live CD, and now I run it, and I clicked the install thingy on the desktop .. I filled in the 4 parts, but the 6th, the one where you need to prepare mount points, is going wrong for me .. I have 6  harddiscs, I got a new one, with 15gb to install Ubunto on. It finds them all. But if i just choose / for the 15gb hdd, it says that it needs the mount points for the other harddrives .. but i dont want ubuntu to touch the11:21
ra7eeeland i really dont know anything abut the new O.S11:21
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: you can find openstep iso images that work on i386/sparc hardware11:21
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, im way too dependant on windows still....... i play games like CounterStrike Source11:21
holycowTARZEAU, our approach is a distributed botnet ... long term anyway, short term we hack in solutions as we bring ubuntu to the desktop11:21
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: that should be no problem to install on. look for version 4.211:21
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: or check out gnustep11:21
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, this would be almost exactly the same as NEXT?11:21
mgs2980im using ubuntu atm ve found sertain bugs with it but its ok for a back up when windows screws over :P11:21
dbera7eeel, It's GNU/Linux distributions not Linux distributions11:21
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TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: OPENSTEP IS software from NeXT11:21
ajax4dbe: Don't be pedantic11:21
ic56ta7eeel: Ubuntu is a good choice for a Linux novie looking for a GUI desktop system on reasonably (P-III or better) hardware11:21
dbeajax4, I'm not.11:22
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: gnustep is NOT exactly as NeXT, but it's a clone, and it's getting better11:22
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, nice... its installation is similar to unix/linux?11:22
ic56ra7eeel: Ubuntu is a good choice for a Linux novie looking for a GUI desktop system on reasonably (P-III or better) hardware11:22
laniHi, I hope someone can help me: I'm running ubuntu on my laptop right now (Dapper), but I'd like to do a clean install of Dapper from scratch. I've got a liveCD, but it won't boot off it on startup just goes on to load my current install. Can you help?11:22
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mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, are you referring to windowmaker?11:22
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TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: development wise, yes there's several project that have been ported to GNUstep11:22
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: no windowmaker is just the same look11:22
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: with some inconsistencies and bugs11:22
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: i'm talking TimeMon.app for example11:22
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, hmm11:22
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: TextEdit.app11:22
mikeymike-linuxi would like to check that out11:22
mikeymike-linuxi've always wanted to use a NEXT box11:22
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: go ahead do it11:22
nooseislooselani: is your bios set to boot from CD?11:23
mikeymike-linux:) i think i will11:23
mikeymike-linux4.2 eh?11:23
ZorKCould anyone help me?11:23
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: yeah, the mirrors i had, went offline11:23
mikeymike-linuxit installs similar to linux?11:23
laninooseisloose: I can't figure out how to get into BIOS11:23
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: no the install is much better11:23
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: more like mac os x install11:23
ic56ZorK: ask your question11:23
ZorKwell.. I've downloaded Ubuntu Live CD, and now I run it, and I clicked the install thingy on the desktop .. I filled in the 4 parts, but the 6th, the one where you need to prepare mount points, is going wrong for me .. I have 6  harddiscs, I got a new one, with 15gb to install Ubunto on. It finds them all. But if i just choose / for the 15gb hdd, it says that it needs the mount points for the other harddrives .. but i dont want ubuntu to touch the11:23
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TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: there's a few tricks you need to know, and floppies for i38611:23
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, never installed mac osx before :( however i imagine it to be easy11:23
ra7eeelcan we talk in private IC5611:23
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: there's two iso images (all fat binaries)11:23
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: check out the next step steve jobs video (google)11:23
ra7eeelif you dont mind ??11:23
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, okay11:23
laninooseisloose: it's a laptop and it doesn't give me an option to go into bios11:23
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: feel free to ask me when you got the iso images11:23
dbera7eeel, I can aswer many of your questions.11:23
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, so once i get these iso's i'll have to put them on floppies?11:24
nooseislooselani: what kind of laptop?11:24
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: no11:24
holycowi never really got the whole 'consistency' argument ever.  there is no such thing as consistency, software isn't a product its a process11:24
pojeOkay, after using ndiswrapper to install the drivers for my wifi card but scanning is still turning up jack11:24
ra7eeelthank you11:24
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: if you want to install it on a i386 computer, you need two floppy boot+driver images that i can give you11:24
laninooseisloose: Asus z33a with Intel processort11:24
holycowthere are degrees towards whatever nazi like system might be called consistency11:24
ra7eeelbut could you plz talk in private11:24
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: for sparc,hppa,m68k they can boot from cd11:24
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, ah ok11:24
holycowi really like linux and its freewheeling ways ... lets lots of ideas be tested11:24
nooseislooselani: give me a few sec, I don't have one here11:24
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: bear in mind, this is software from 1989-199411:24
mikeymike-linuxi386 = any intel up to current?11:24
TARZEAUthere were also openstep ports for on solaris and windows nt/2k/xp11:25
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: no, the drivers don't work for after p3/p411:25
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, so i need an old box lol to install this on... haha11:25
=== mikeymike-linux digs around for his k6 300mhz
mikeymike-linuxoh wait i gave that away11:25
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: yes and it'll run MUCH better than linux on a computer with 32mb memory11:25
holycowi personally wanna find an ancient lisp box to play with, just for th ehell of it11:25
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: it's got a mach microkernel and display postscript11:25
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, nice11:25
mikeymike-linuxfor early 90's thats pretty good11:26
TARZEAUyou can get some old sparc hardware maybe?11:26
mikeymike-linuxlate 80's11:26
mikeymike-linuxyou know what11:26
holycowmikeymike-linux, hehehe, its probably a better idea to take tarzeaus opinion with a grain of salt.  its not wrong but its not exactly right either11:26
mikeymike-linuxanother peculiar system that interests me are the SGI's11:26
mikeymike-linuxmy first and only encounter was a Indigo 211:26
pojeHow can I disable the acx driver that's going by default?11:26
mikeymike-linuxholycow, :)11:26
ZorKwell.. I've downloaded Ubuntu Live CD, and now I run it, and I clicked the install thingy on the desktop .. I filled in the 4 parts, but the 6th, the one where you need to prepare mount points, is going wrong for me .. I have 6  harddiscs, I got a new one, with 15gb to install Ubunto on. It finds them all. But if i just choose / for the 15gb hdd, it says that it needs the mount points for the other harddrives .. but i dont want ubuntu to touch the11:26
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: i've got a few sgi's here, you can have one (europe/switzerland)11:26
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, ??11:27
TARZEAUif you want to try sgi+irix11:27
mikeymike-linuxim not sure i udnerstand what u mean i can have one europe switzerland?11:27
TARZEAUi don't like them11:27
TARZEAUyou can have a box11:27
mikeymike-linuxwhat boxes are they?11:27
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mikeymike-linuxoh ur in SWITZERLAND11:27
mikeymike-linuxi get it11:27
NthDegreeZorK you tell it not to touch the other hard drives and their partitions specifically11:27
TARZEAUi've also got sparc,alpha,hppa and powerpc11:27
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holycowtarsier, l33t11:27
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, indigo's?/2?11:27
NthDegreeyou must explicitly tell the installer11:27
holycowTARZEAU, even11:27
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: mips o2 r10k and iris indigo11:27
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, what was the SGI with the case that opens in the front a black case11:27
mikeymike-linuxa door on the front11:28
mikeymike-linuxit was superior to the indigo 211:28
ZorKCan anyone, who have spare time, PM me please. I need help!11:28
holycowTARZEAU, those alphas back in the day were wicked11:28
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TARZEAUholycow: at least they were 64bit since ever11:28
TARZEAUholycow: as like mips11:28
ajax4ZorK: I am11:28
holycowback when everyone was 16 bit too11:28
ic56ZorK: if you don't supply mountpoints for the other drives, then Ubuntu won't be able to *see* them.  Specifying the mountpoints won't cause Ubuntu to touch the drives -- only to configure itself so you can see the drives from within Ubuntu (thus giving you the option to read files from them)11:28
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, can i have the o2 :)11:28
holycowjust turning 32 bit11:29
TARZEAUholycow: not that 16 bit was bad. amiga was fantastic too11:29
holycowTARZEAU, ah now i see where you are coming from, lol that makes sense :)11:29
holycowyes indeed11:29
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: hehe no i'm hoping for it to run linux on the local hd (incld. booting) one day11:29
TARZEAUholycow: hm? from where?11:29
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, besides the o2 you have an indigo and what else?11:29
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nooseislooselani: did you ever get to see the bios version as it went by?11:29
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: these two. and a bunch of sparc pizza boxen11:29
ZorKic56: So what should i call them? swap, /, /home, /boot, /usr, /var ?11:30
holycowTARZEAU, well i'm thinking that as an amiga user you have a certain perspective onthings :)11:30
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: and a bunch of compaq desktops that can run OPENSTEP11:30
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, find me an indigo211:30
TARZEAUholycow: sure ;)11:30
mikeymike-linuxand that mysterious black SGI with the door front that opens up11:30
mikeymike-linuxi was really young11:30
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mikeymike-linuxwhen i encountered these11:30
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ra7eeelso , how could i replace the windows 2003 with all the services on it and go to ubuntu ?11:30
mikeymike-linuxin a room there was an indigo 2 and that black sgi box11:30
ra7eeeland is this distro is the best ?11:30
mikeymike-linuxthey were netowrked and playing doom 2 lol11:30
morphixbbrazil, i did tcpdump.. didnt tell anything unusual for pings11:30
NthDegreeZorK you mount drives you DONT want it to touch under things like /mnt/personal or /mnt/borkeddisk111:31
morphixbbrazil, i still cant get an IP tho :(11:31
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: how about two indigo ones?11:31
laninooseisloose: I don't think I saw it though I might have missed it, I can check if it's important11:31
holycowra7eeel, the answer to that question is probably not best answered here, it requires a good amount of system and needs analysis to properly answer11:31
ra7eeelwhat about the business environment ?11:31
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, you have?11:31
orangoshello...can anyone help with a USB wireless problem please?11:31
ic56ZorK: /home /boot /var and those others are filesystems that are *used* by Ubuntu (though you've chosen to have all of Ubuntu as a single filesystem, so these will be ordinary directories rather tahn separate filesystems)11:31
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: yes11:31
TARZEAUthese sgi are fun....11:31
bbrazilmorphix: run 'arp' on the current system. Does it show anything for the other?11:31
TARZEAUwith rear-warming seats11:31
dbera7eeel, It's even better in GNOME.11:31
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, those look like the towers from ANTI-TRUST11:31
mikeymike-linuxhave you seen that movie?11:31
ra7eeelplz advise11:31
ra7eeeland give me a hint11:31
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: not the movie, but i've sat on such sgi boxes11:31
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, you want to give them away to me ? :)11:31
ra7eeelwhere from i must start11:32
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, what are those anyway?11:32
dbera7eeel, Did you see that I just sended you a PM?11:32
ra7eeeli am very confused ?11:32
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: computers?11:32
holycowra7eeel, there really is no 'best' distro, there is however research, your needs, the skills in  your organization, future planning and provisioning to take into account ....11:32
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, lol yes what are they?11:32
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: how far will I have to ship em?11:32
ra7eeelno sorry i didnt see11:32
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: sgi11:32
ajax4ZorK: I have been PMing you11:32
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, where do you live?11:32
Lynourera7eeel: Just try one, and see what you think11:32
holycowra7eeel, well you first start with a) why are you running win2k311:32
mikeymike-linuxTARZEAU, i gather they were SGI11:32
ZorKic56: Yes, but if i dont have anything in the checkbox, and just choose / with the 15gb, it says: "No mount point selected for ....." <- and then come all the drives11:32
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holycowthen b) what services it is offering your clients11:32
laninooseisloose: I installed ubuntu straight away when I bought the computer and it had no trouble booting off cd then11:32
holycowc) what are your future it plans roughly11:32
holycowd) then you map those needs onto linux and work the solution backwards to the software11:33
ic56ZorK: NthDegree's advice to you also applies.11:33
holycowthat will give you a rought idea11:33
nooseislooselani: oh so you have got it to boot from CD?11:33
mikeymike-linuxSGI has the neatest logo11:33
ra7eeeloka i an runnung win2003 coz i have knowledge in this field11:33
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: i like NeXT one better11:33
nooseislooselani: have you made sure you have a good boot cd?11:33
TARZEAUmikeymike-linux: and amiga one too11:33
mikeymike-linuxNEXT is cool too11:33
ra7eeeli can handel problem11:33
laninooseisloose: when I installed OS originally11:33
holycowideally you want to have the skills to do this, or if you are using this to gain the analytical skills prepare to invest time to upgrade your skills11:33
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mikeymike-linuxSGI is much more clean to me though...11:33
mikeymike-linuxno words.. no letters.. just a shape11:33
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nooseislooselani: do you still have that cd?11:34
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ra7eeelbuild network services  from scratch11:34
ra7eeelthis is why11:34
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mikeymike-linuxthank god for SGI we have one thing good from them....... OPEN GL11:34
laninooseisloose: It seems ok, when I login it mounts automatically and asks me if I want to run package manager11:34
vakaI get the error "Gdk-CRITICAL **:gdk_window_show: assertion `GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed" when I run my ruby script using the GTK11:34
holycowra7eeel, generally speaking all linuxes are the same because basically all packages are available on all distros11:34
ic56ZorK: you need to specify a mountpoint that *isn't* in the menu -- just type it in.  A good choice is things like: /media/music-drive or /media/drive111:34
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laninooseisloose: hmm, now that I think of it, I might, I'll go try boot off it11:34
nooseislooselani: so what's the problem?11:34
dbera7eeel, Define `best'? Freedom? That it is technical superior?11:35
holycowra7eeel, whether or not ubuntu or debian or redhat or suse or whatever is right for your needs requires quite a bit of research11:35
laninooseisloose: I want a fresh system install11:35
mikeymike-linuxisn't it wild that SGI purchased cray...11:35
laninooseisloose: instead it boots into current installation and offers to run package manager11:35
holycowthere is too much to consider for a simple answer, i think the steps i gave you will point to the rest of the steps you need to take to find a satisfactory solution11:35
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=== ZorK [i=MEM0SERV@d40ab1c4.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
nooseislooselani: ok, lets please make sure the thing boots to a known good boot cd, even a windows one11:36
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ic56ra7eel: which network services do you need anyway?11:36
ZorKPM me againg11:36
dbera7eeel, http://sovix.org/dbe/comparsion_of_free_software_operating_systems might give you a hit.11:36
holycowra7eeel, i will only offer one guiding idea:  software is not a product it is a process.  never expect a solution, only expect a step in th eprocess of finding a better solution11:36
mikeymike-linuxhey nooseisloose you never told me where doy ou live? united states?11:36
mikeymike-linuxi'm in the U.S.11:36
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: SGI have the best looking cases11:36
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, yes they do11:36
a2xmhi, can someone help me with fstab?11:36
mikeymike-linuxwow texas eh?11:36
mikeymike-linuxi am in Louisiana :)11:36
mikeymike-linuxhello neighbor11:36
laninooseisloose: be back in a few11:36
ajax4a2xm: Whats your fstab question?11:36
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: howdy neighbor,11:36
ra7eeelholycow> what i need to replace for example the mail server ??11:36
R1ckywhat's up?11:36
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, DFW area?11:36
mikeymike-linuxharris county?11:37
nooseislooseeveryone else: I will shoot you in  the face11:37
ra7eeeland what is the first step should i do11:37
holycowra7eeel, lots of options, you can check out zimbra, openxchange, tons and tons of projects out there11:37
vakaI get the error "Gdk-CRITICAL **:gdk_window_show: assertion `GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed" when I run my ruby that uses GTK, how can I fix it?11:37
mikeymike-linuxoh now what are the chances of you being in houston.......11:37
mikeymike-linuxthats great!11:37
R1ckyhoustin we have a problem11:37
mikeymike-linuxi live in southwest louisiana11:37
mikeymike-linuxnear lake charles11:37
mikeymike-linuxhow sweet is that11:37
holycowra7eeel, you can build your own smtp/imap solution from scratch and each of those has dozens of options11:37
a2xmajax4: my dvdrom can't auto mount like in 5.1011:37
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: come and get em, I don't know if the boot, havent tried in years11:37
holycowra7eeel, you can setup your own frontend for your own smtp/imap solution as well ...11:37
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, are they indigo? or indigo2's?11:38
a2xmajax4: also my others partisions11:38
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mikeymike-linuxdo you know the difference between the 2 because i surely dont11:38
a2xmajax4: before when using 5.10 was no problems11:38
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ajax4a2xm: Put a copy of your fstab on pastebin and give the URL11:38
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:38
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: yeah one sec11:38
holycowra7eeel, sorry that i cant give you 1 solution, this is i.t. ... processes do not easily lend them selves to single solution products, you need to think about building modular systems that you can grow as your needs grow11:39
ic56ra7eeel: are you looking for a free OS to run on your server or one to use as your desktop?  You don't need the overhead of a GUI to run a mail server.11:39
a2xmajax4: ok, just seconds11:39
vakahow can I set the screen for GtkWindow in a Ruby script?11:39
holycowvaka, #ruby should know11:39
ic56Yes, ZorK?11:39
ZorKdid you answer to my pm?11:39
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: Indy 2 were ugly green and lay on their side, but were awesome back in the day Indigo are short and fat, and stand up11:39
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ra7eeelmy friends why you treat me like an expert with linux ?? i never used it befor11:40
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, oh ok11:40
mikeymike-linuxah okay11:40
ic56ZorK: I thought I did.  Which PM?11:40
ZorKic56: because i think i can recieve :/11:40
mikeymike-linuxthe one i recall was a teal colored skinny workstation that stood on its side11:40
ZorK<ic56> NthDegree's advice to you also applies.11:40
ZorK<ZorK> can you copy it in?11:40
ZorK<ZorK> u there?11:40
ZorK<ZorK> i did it all now, entered the drives manually ..11:40
holycowra7eeel, i'm not treating you like an expert, your asking a specific question, i'm telling you you are asking the wrong question and giving you a process to find your answer11:40
nooseislooseDon't DONT buy an O2 unless you find onet someone got them working11:40
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mikeymike-linuxand i dont know what the other one was.. but it had a door for the front of the case11:40
mikeymike-linuxand it was dark11:41
mikeymike-linuxalmost black maybe11:41
holycowra7eeel, i would recommend perhaps writing down the steps i gave you and starting with google?11:41
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holycowi.t. is a big world11:41
mikeymike-linuxas a joke someone put the HAL 9000 RED EYE on the door11:41
mikeymike-linuxit was cool11:41
nooseisloosemine are dark blue11:41
ra7eeeloka dear holycow11:41
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a2xmajax4: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1806111:41
ra7eeelwhat is the right questions for a beginner11:41
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, http://retrotechnology.com/herbs_stuff/indigo2.jpg thats the one11:41
nooseislooseha ha at hal,  some indy 2 were purple too11:41
dbera7eeel, What do you want to do?11:41
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, that is the one i first ever encountered11:41
a2xmajax4: it seems there's a connection with mtab too eh?11:41
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mikeymike-linuxfirst and last actually..........11:41
ic56ZorK: NthDegree's advice was: <NthDegree> ZorK you mount drives you DONT want it to touch under things like   /mnt/personal or /mnt/borkeddisk111:42
mikeymike-linuxwhat i wouldn't give to go back in time11:42
holycowra7eeel, never mind the question any more, you asked it, i gave you the way ... now go and google :)11:42
mikeymike-linuxi was like maybe 15 then11:42
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nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: yeah r10000 I think11:42
ra7eeelall i am dearm with , migrat the existing services with linux service11:42
ZorKic56: So i make it up, with the drives that it shouldnt touch .. i just write something, like /windows-drive  ??11:42
holycowright, i told you how to figure that out11:42
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, woah i think you're right11:42
mikeymike-linuxr1000 looks like it11:43
a2xmajax4: i'll give u the mtab too11:43
mikeymike-linuxare those good boxes?11:43
ra7eeellike change domino mail server to qmail,postfix ,....11:43
nooseisloosethey were11:43
vakahow can I set the screen for GtkWindow in a Ruby script that uses GTK?11:43
mikeymike-linuxi got to play doom2 on one with the indigo 211:43
dbera7eeel, Which softwares are you using in Windows?11:43
ra7eeeli have no firewall11:43
a2xmajax4: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1806211:43
holycowra7eeel, domino is also an ldap server, an application server and many other servers11:43
nooseisloose mikeymike-linux: what about bzflag?11:43
ra7eeeli wanna build a firewall till i get a cisco PIX11:43
mikeymike-linuxhaha yes!11:43
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, what about that tank game11:43
mikeymike-linuxi forget the name11:43
ic56ZorK: exactly.  You make up something meaningful to you.  A good choice is /media/windows-drive  That's because things under /media will appear directly under the "computer" menu entry which most people coming from Windows seem to like11:43
holycowra7eeel, you cannot just replace domino server, i gave you the steps to research, why arent you googling laredy?11:43
nooseisloose mikeymike-linux: BZFLAG!11:44
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mikeymike-linuxis that bzflag?11:44
ZorKic56: Great thanks, now i understand it :D Will see if it works!11:44
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nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: I still play sometiems11:44
ic56ZorK: yw!11:44
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, haha on what11:44
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dbera7eeel, You mean that you want to set rules for the firewall.11:44
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: mac, anything11:44
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mikeymike-linuxhey is there a shortcut key to open a new tab in firefox?11:45
mikeymike-linuxlike CTRL N or something of that nature11:45
nooseisloosectrl T11:45
mikeymike-linuxyou know how long its been since i played bzflag11:45
dbera7eeel, If Ubuntu using iptables I might can help you.11:45
mikeymike-linuxi could NOT remember the name of it11:45
holycowra7eeel, if you want a firewall i strongly urge you to actually buy one ... something like astaro is pretty good, lots of debian based ones too11:45
mikeymike-linuxthat was over 10 years ago11:45
mikeymike-linuxwell maybe almost 10 years11:45
mikeymike-linuxim 24 now11:45
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holycowra7eeel, building your own firewall to get to something like pix will require millions of dollars and lots an dlots of engineering11:45
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: first 3d game multiplayer ever probably11:46
mikeymike-linuxno doubt11:46
mikeymike-linuxdoom 2 was more fun on them though11:46
ic56dbe: you missed teh beginning: ra7eeel doesn't have any Linux installed -- just considering options11:46
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dbeic56, Ok.11:46
mikeymike-linuxgosh its bringing back memories haha11:46
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ompaulmikeymike-linux, please put all your comments on one line, using the enter key in place of a comma in not good, cheers11:47
ra7eeelwhat r this options ?11:47
ajax4a2xm: Are you having problems with cdrom? Or just the dvdrom?11:47
dbeic56, I'm not using Ubuntu, does it use iptables?11:47
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a2xmajax4: right now is just dvdrom11:47
laninooseisloose: it didn't load off this CD either11:48
laninooseisloose: and doesn't print any BIOS into11:48
laninooseisloose: info*11:48
nitrtwhat /dev/xxxx would a usb adsl modem be assigned when plugged in?11:48
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ajax4a2xm: Type this and send me the results in PM: ls -l /dev/hd*11:48
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TyeDyei've installed quake4 and can run the game if I click on the file and tell it to run but I can't run it from the command line,it says bash: quake4: command not found,any ideas why I can't run from terminal??11:49
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ic56dbe: yes, Ubuntu has /sbin/iptables , from which I presume that the rest of the functionality is there.  However, I have not used it -- the ubuntu box doesn't act as my firewall11:49
ompaul waky there is a pm there for you cheers (d'oh ;-))11:49
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nitrthi, id like to know what /dev/xxxx (folder) would a usb adsl modem be assigned when plugged in?11:49
msyg|sleepyompaul  and you have the answer11:50
filemoverwhats the best irc client for ubuntu Ive just had a look at xchat but is there anything else available11:50
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=== ketsugi likes and uses xchat-gnome
mikeymike-linuxketsugi, omg that one bites so bad11:50
mikeymike-linuxketsugi, thats like xchat-lite-for-losers11:50
ketsugiyeah I know11:50
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ketsugibut it serves my needs11:50
ra7eeelso...do i have to get a training for linux and get certificate like RHCE to save time ?11:50
pojeUgh, is there anyone willing to help me with this BS wifi for a second?11:50
filemoveris there anything else11:50
mikeymike-linuxketsugi, haha11:50
nitrthello? you please help me?11:51
holycowxchat now has hierarchical view, its finally useablefor me :)11:51
=== filemover np: AC DC - Let There Be Rock [06:07m/320Kbps/44KHz]
nooseislooselaniL that's strange you could try pushing del esc f5 and so forth during many boots tries, or you could maybe edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and make it show you a menu, by making a long timeout, then giving boot options from command line. OR you might try a USB boot11:51
ajax4nitrt: Ask your question11:51
pojeketsugi: real men use irssi11:51
mikeymike-linuxholycow, i prefer tabbed any day11:51
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nitrthi, id like to know what /dev/xxxx (folder) would a usb adsl modem be assigned when plugged in?11:51
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filemoverirssi is good if u dont mind the teminal11:51
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holycowmikeymike-linux, *nod*11:51
ompaul!wifi > poje11:51
filemoverbut i like pretty colors and being able to change stuff arround11:51
mikeymike-linuxgood reasoning :)11:52
ic56ra7eeel: training works for some people, learning by doing works better for others.  It all depends on how you prefer to learn11:52
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laninooseisloose: I can get into the grub boot menu, what command do I give it to boot off CD?11:52
mikeymike-linuxnothing wrong with liking flash :)11:52
filemoverim a learner11:52
nitrthi, id like to know what /dev/xxxx what be assigned to a usb adsl modem when plugged in?11:52
filemovernot a monkey11:52
nitrtcan you help me?11:52
pojeompaul: I have a netgear card with an acx chipset, I don't know if that will help (I'm trying to get ndiswrapper to work)11:52
ic56ra7eeel: Most people in the unix/linux world, learn the craft by reading the documentation.11:52
nooseislooselani: I'd be lying to you, give google a try, I will also look11:53
laninooseisloose: googling in progress11:53
bbrazilmorphix: I'm heading off to the shop11:53
nitrthi, id like to know what /dev/xxxx what be assigned to a usb adsl modem when plugged in?11:53
ompaulpoje, have a look on launchpad.net I think there have been several issues in that space you may see a solutin for yours11:53
mikeymike-linuxso those indigo's you ahve they're the flat kind? teal colored? and u say you dont know if they work or not?11:53
filemoveri dont learn any craft i just get bitten so often that i learn not to do the same stupid thing again11:53
pojeompaul: thanks, I'm lookin now11:53
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crazy4ubuntuhi all11:54
TyeDyei've installed quake4 and can run the game if I click on the file and tell it to run but I can't run it from the command line,it says bash: quake4: command not found,any ideas why I can't run from terminal??11:54
crazy4ubuntua question about automatix gui11:54
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Flannelcrazy4ubuntu: this wouldn't be the place for it then.11:54
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holycownot only that, youshouldn't be using automatix11:54
junkY_sanwhat fstype must i configure in fstab with fuse and ntfs?11:54
crazy4ubuntuhmm... Flannel, you're not fans of it ?11:54
ra7eeelso i have to read first of all the documentation of any distroo11:54
holycowif you use automatix you may as well just reinstall your entire os11:55
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.11:55
Flannelcrazy4ubuntu: no.  Its dangerous and bad.11:55
crazy4ubuntuhmm... why dangerous ?11:55
ic56lani: do you know what drive number the CD is?  You'll need to know that in order to instruct grub to boot from the CD11:55
holycowra7eeel, i would say a combination of reading and experimenting is usually most fruitfull11:55
crazy4ubuntuwhat are the risks ?11:55
Flannelcrazy4ubuntu: because it makes ubuntu installs explode.11:55
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holycowcrazy4ubuntu, it bypasses the packaging system of ubuntu and the community, plus the guy that created it is a wacko11:55
ZorKic56: Can you explain to me, what a Swap-area is?11:56
morrolanDoes anyone know how to install a multi-cd program (game in Wine)?  I know how to install and use wine, but ive never done anything which uses more than 1 CD - it's asking me to change CD, but I can't open my CD drive, and "eject" won't work either11:56
ra7eeelthank you holycow11:56
nitrthi, id like to know what /dev/xxxx what be assigned to a usb adsl modem when plugged in?11:56
laniic56: like /dev/xxx?11:56
laniic56: or something else?11:56
ra7eeelso i need from you to let me know what exactly i need to get start learning?11:56
=== Hyper [n=hyperstr@static-203-87-30-137.qld.chariot.net.au] has joined #Ubuntu
filemoverwell XchaT it is11:56
ompaulcrazy4ubuntu, take it to #automatix - if it trashes your system please don't ask for help here - the risks are trashed systems - overwriting default configuration files - does not break sweetly - i.e. can leave your machine in a mess, it might be an okay way for software on windows but is not for linux11:56
ra7eeelshould i make a samll lab11:56
ic56lani: like "root (hd0,0)"11:56
ra7eeelgive me steps11:56
PwcrLinuxhi there11:56
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PwcrLinuxAnyone, I need to fix the update manager for security and upgrade some of them, the file not found in repos.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1805511:56
crazy4ubuntuholycow - then what is the easiest way to install w32codects ?11:57
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laniic56: any idea where I could find that info?11:57
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=== filemover np: AC DC - Bad Boy Boogie [04:27m/320Kbps/44KHz]
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ubuntu01hello all11:57
holycowra7eeel, well actually the steps i outlined for you.  the reason you need those steps is because you need to know and identify the problem you ar etrying to solve.11:57
ra7eeeleven you can let me make a samll lab and start reading the documentation and we can review the problems i faced together if u dont mind11:57
Flannelfilemover: that'll get you kicked, just letting you know.11:57
holycowra7eeel, no one ever knows all of linux/opensource/gnu ...11:57
ompaul!restricted > crazy4ubuntu11:58
ompaulcrazy4ubuntu, check the message from the channel bot11:58
holycowra7eeel, all we ever manage to do is learn enough to solve particular problems, and hire specialists in certain areas say like programming to help us out where we lack those skills11:58
crazy4ubuntuok 10x.11:58
morrolan!wine faq11:58
PwcrLinuxGxine works codecs11:58
ubotuI know nothing about wine faq - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:58
ic56ra7eeel: since you know nothing about Linux, start by installing Linux on a single desktop computer.  Put it next to your windows computer and hook it up to your network.  Then spend some time learning how to use basic things.  Then, you'll be able to ask more intelligent questions11:58
ubotuI know nothing about winbe - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:58
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.11:58
holycowra7eeel, if you start reading without KNOWING WHY you are reading up on that ... you will spend the rest of your life reading, there is just too much to know11:58
nitrthi, id like to know what /dev/xxxx what be assigned to a usb adsl modem when plugged in?11:58
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, you would seriously send those indigos to me? do they use special hardware?11:58
nitrt!dialing with usb modem11:58
ubotuI know nothing about dialing with usb modem - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:58
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holycow!restricted formats11:59
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:59
=== jsm [n=james@spc1-epso1-0-0-cust1017.asfd.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
holycowcrazy4ubuntu, there is zero reason to use automatix11:59
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holycowcrazy4ubuntu, there is also11:59
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.11:59
paranoid_ndroidhi, I have a alcatel USB modem with ADSL, and sometimes the connection goes down and stays down, I get the followin11:59
paranoid_ndroidpppd[5016] : No response to 4 echo-requests11:59
paranoid_ndroid pppd[5016] : Serial link appears to be disconne$11:59
paranoid_ndroid pppd[5016] : Connect time 317.1 minutes.11:59
paranoid_ndroid pppd[5016] : Sent 4335756 bytes, received 86075$Jul 14 21:02:5211:59
paranoid_ndroid pppd[5016] : Connection terminated.11:59
ic56ZorK: a swap area is a disk partition that is used by the OS in lieu of RAM.  Windows has a similar thing but I forget what it's called. (pagefile?)11:59
paranoid_ndroid pppd[5016] : Exit.11:59
jsmHi i need some help installing KDE i sort of forgot (i did it before lol)11:59
holycowwhich by they way is very coshure and doesn't bypass ubuntus packaging ... youshould be using that instead11:59
ra7eeelIC56, this is the point12:00
ra7eeelthank you12:00
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: I could be talked out of them real easy, but they aren't worth much, I checked, the HDD are missing12:00
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: I do have one monitor for em though12:00
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, what type of HDD do they use?12:00
nitrthi, id like to know what /dev/xxxx what be assigned to a usb adsl modem when plugged in?12:00
PwcrLinuxGood Morning Ompaul12:00
ompaulparanoid_ndroid, DO NOT paste in the channel, thanks, use paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:00
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: older scsi12:00
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, they use a specific monitor as well? ( i dont know anything about them )12:00
jsmHi i need some help installing KDE i sort of forgot (i did it before lol)12:00
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, is the monitor you have crt?12:00
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=== linav [n=chatzill@222-152-5-125.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
crazy4ubuntuholycow, apt has got super cow powers ;-) 10x man12:01
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: yes 17 or 19 in SGI12:01
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, i'd love to toy with these12:01
holycowcrazy4ubuntu, it puts everything else to shame indeed12:01
=== filemover np: AC DC - Overdose [06:09m/320Kbps/44KHz]
mikeymike-linuxneither have a hard drive though? :(12:01
linavi cant run xmms from streamtuner12:01
linavcan anyone help me out please?12:02
ic56lani: you'd need to check the laptop's documentation (but if you do that, you'll also learn how to boot into the BIOS config, which will solve your original problem too :-) ).  OTOH, assuming the laptop uses an IDE bus, there would only be 4 possibilities: hd0,0 hd1,0 hd2,0 hd3,012:02
crazy4ubuntuLOL, I  so much into apt super cow powers12:02
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: no, I might be able to scratch one up12:02
ra7eeelwhat distro you advise to start to install and trying the basics12:02
filemoveris it safe to install one of the unsupported DC clients in ubuntu like valknut or dc_gui12:02
holycowra7eeel, ubuntu is by far the easiest of all to start off with ... try ubuntu for desktop, them move on to debian for server (its almost identical), then try whatever else you want after that12:03
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morrolancan anyone tell me how to open my CD drive when Wine is asking for the next CD?12:03
crazy4ubuntuholycow, do you think I can safely use 'apt-get install bring-peace-2-world' or this just a fantasie of super cow powers ?12:03
ompaulPwcrLinux, have we had "issues" in the last couple of hours?12:03
linavcan anyone know why even after installing xmms, cant play live streams12:03
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linavin streamtuner12:03
holycowcrazy4ubuntu, ehe, if it were only that easy, eh?12:03
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: I am going to PM you ok12:03
mikeymike-linuxsure thing12:03
mikeymike-linuxim already typing to you haha12:03
ic56ra7eeel: Ubuntu is a good beginner's distro.  More importantly, it is popular and well supported in this channel.  Chances are you won't use it for your server but it's nevertheless a good way to start learning.12:04
morrolan'apt-get install beer' is my favourite12:04
PwcrLinuxompaul: Yep, I have to wait till they fixed.12:04
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filemoveris it safe to install one of the unsupported DC clients in ubuntu like valknut or dc_gui12:04
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jsmCan anuy one help me install kde?12:04
crazy4ubuntuholycow, 10x, I am off to read the stuff you sent me. if any problems I'll be back. Hope not.12:04
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: you get my email addy?12:04
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crazy4ubuntuPeace and Love 2 all12:04
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, yes12:04
morrolanjsm:  apt-get install kubuntu-desktop12:04
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paranoid_ndroidjsm, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop12:04
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paranoid_ndroidplease help?12:05
mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, would you like a gmail invite? :)12:05
morrolanparanoid: won't he need the kubuntu repo's?12:05
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RvGaTeFor some reason, i am unable to start the installation of ubuntu, when booting and settings things up (with the ubuntu logo and scrolling text benieth it) it hangs at "Setting up keyboard", then goes to a black screen all with I/O errors.... any ideas ?12:05
paranoid_ndroidI think not12:05
paranoid_ndroidhe checks for all dependencies12:05
morrolanI have hundreds of gmail invites if people want them12:06
CarNagEHow can I get the package information of a package from a repository with apt or dpkg?12:06
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: sure thing12:06
paranoid_ndroidI've installed xubuntu with that command and all worked great12:06
sysKinmy freshly installed ubuntu seems to have trouble connecting to internet - ping works, firefox somethimes work, add/remove timesout downloading anything12:06
morrolanthat's cool.12:06
PwcrLinuxompaul: I alway check before do upgrades for security fixes.. 2 of them not fetched it (missed file or server downed)12:06
morrolansysKin, are you using ethernet?12:06
jsmisnt xubuntu the one that looks like mac?12:07
sysKinmorrolan: ethernet to router, statically configured ip/gateway12:07
morrolanDoes anyone know how I can eject my CD drive - wine needs the second disk but it won't let me open my drive12:07
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sysKinmorrolan: firefox seems to connects fine to my isp's website but times out *often* (not always) going further12:07
ra7eeelthank you , my last question which one i have to download ftp://ftp.proxad.net/mirrors/ftp.ubuntu.com/releases/6.06/12:07
=== filemover np: AC DC - Crabsody In Blue [04:43m/320Kbps/44KHz]
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Flannelmorrolan: you need to unmount it first, right click and unmount, if its mounted to your desktop12:08
ic56sysKin: sounds like short packets are getting through but longer ones aren't.  Maybe bad hardware?  Bad cabling?  If wireless, maybe intefference from another device?12:08
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debuggercan I upgrade my ubuntu install using the livecd packages?  or do I have to download everything from the net?12:08
ic56ra7eeel: do you have access to the web?12:08
TyeDyei've installed quake4 and can run the game if I click on the file and tell it to run but I can't run it from the command line,it says bash: quake4: command not found,any ideas why I can't run from terminal??12:08
Samus_Arandoes someone know why Ubuntu is using GNU CoreUtils 5.93 from 2005, when it is up to 5.97 already ?  the most recent one being June 24th of this year12:09
sysKinic56: hmmmmm any idea how to check all that. two other windows computers are in the network and they're fine so it must be something in that box12:09
ra7eeelic56, yes sure12:09
ompaulPwcrLinux, so choices are use synaptic (I guess you used apt-get) - do dist-upgrade to force the issue12:09
nooseislooseTyeDye: look and see if the full path is given in the shortcut12:09
Samus_AranTyeDye: because it isn't in your path12:09
ic56sysKin: sorry, not an expert with flaky networking12:10
nitrthi, id like to know what /dev/xxxx what be assigned to a usb adsl modem when plugged in?12:10
Samus_AranTyeDye: if you type the full path into the terminal, it will run it the same as your shortcut icon12:10
PwcrLinuxompaul: Yea, I am using breezy, I rather wait month will get full LTS upgrades, still need to finish up the security fixes before goes full upgrade to LTS.12:10
Samus_AranTyeDye: otherwise you need to add a launcher script for it somewhere in your path (or symlink it)12:10
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nitrthi, id like to know what /dev/xxxx (folder) would a usb adsl modem be assigned when plugged in?12:11
filemoveranyone got an opinion about azureus in ubuntu12:11
holycowra7eeel, whats yhour last question, missed it12:11
ic56ra7eeel: go to ubuntu.com and read the instructions.12:11
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filemoverdoes it work well12:11
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Samus_Aranfilemover: same as Azureus in any other distro: most features, but eats RAM and CPU12:11
ic56ra7eeel: depending on teh hardware, you'll want to pick a different CD image to download.12:11
filemoverit does that to in windows12:12
filemoverso its no different12:12
filemoverdoes it need java12:12
Samus_Aranit is just a RAM-hungry Java app, unfortunately12:12
filemoverin ubuntu12:12
ic56ra7eeel: also, there are 3 variations on the software: Ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu.  Get the first one -- it's the most widely used12:12
=== filemover np: AC DC - Hell Ain't A Bad Place To Be [04:13m/320Kbps/44KHz]
dprrCould somebody please tell me when I plug a USB ADSL modem in and Linux identifies it in /var/log/messages - to what /dev/XXXX would it be assigned?12:12
Samus_Aranjust make sure you always use the most recent version of Azureus and Sun Java Runtime12:12
nooseislooseanyoen here have a working hostapd.conf for prism2_pci ?12:12
nooseislooseI know all about flaky networking12:12
Samus_Arandprr: does anything show up in 'dmesg' ?12:12
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mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, did you get my query?12:13
filemoverive got all the latest updates12:13
filemoverso i should be safe12:13
dprrSamus_Aran: yep, it detects it but it doesnt show exactly what /dev/ its been assigned12:13
mikeymike-linuxwhy do i see alot of SGI's with NO hardrives? haha.. must be a good part........12:13
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Samus_Arandprr: I suppose you could go: diff <(find /dev) <(sleep 10s; find /dev)12:14
dprrSamus_Aran: and the LNK light stops flickering after about 20seconds, so its all perfect. I'm just having endless trouble actuallying brining up the ADSL connection to my ISP. We use PPPoE and need to specify a VCI/VPI - I understand I need to use the plugin rp-pppoe.so in my config?12:14
Samus_Arandprr: and plug it in during those ten seconds.  that will show you any changes to the files in /dev12:14
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ra7eeelic56, thank you fro your kind help , peace upon you12:15
morrolanDoes anyone know how to change CD during a Wine install of a game?12:15
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Samus_Aranmorrolan: I had that same problem ...12:15
nooseisloosemikeymike-linux: hard drives wear out12:15
ic56ra7eeel: yw12:15
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mikeymike-linuxnooseisloose, but are they special HD's why cant they just be replaced or something?12:16
Samus_Aranmorrolan: I ended up just copying the files to the drive first  =/12:16
dprrSamus_Aran: it does not seem to display anything but it picks it up fine12:16
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filemoverwhats bittornado like Samus_Aran12:16
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filemoveris that any good12:16
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=== filemover np: AC DC - Whole Lotta Rosie [05:24m/320Kbps/44KHz]
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Samus_Aranfilemover: I have been using Azureus for a long time now, haven't tried any other clients in years.  I know BitTornado is popular, but know nothing about it12:16
pojeOkay, so now when I boot up there's no wlan012:17
filemoverim in the same boat12:17
ic56ra7eeel: are you still there?12:17
pojeBut all the hw is there and ndiswrapper says the hw is present12:17
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pojeWhat the crap happened?12:17
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neoscjust installed dapper.. in breezy there was this utility (dialog box) to view how much has been uploaded/downloaded from the internet.. where can i find this utility in dapper?12:18
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fateminasabHow can i see dat files on ubuntu?12:19
Samus_Aranfateminasab: what is in the dat file ?  (there are many types of dat files)12:19
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nooseisloosefateminasab: cat ?12:19
TARZEAUfateminasab: what says file the.dat ?12:19
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onorinhello, when I plug out my laptop's adapter battery manager is telling me Power critically low with 100% full charge , Is there a fix for that ?12:20
ZorKWhy does the install just close when i press "install" after the 6th step? It thinks a bit, then just closes.12:20
Samus_Aranfateminasab: if you're not sure, "file" is a great utility, as TARZEAU suggested12:20
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neoscjust installed dapper.. in breezy there was this utility (dialog box) to view how much has been uploaded/downloaded from the internet.. where can i find this utility in dapper?12:20
ra7eeelic56, what your opinion start with the desktop then after well know go to the server version then start replace the services on my work ?? or the better is going to a company make the migration and gives me Support packag12:20
ra7eeelTraining packag12:20
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ic56anyone know where the instructions on choosing which CD image to download went?  I just instructed someone to "just read the instructions at Ubuntu.com" but upon looking there myself, I find nothing that would guide a complete novice12:20
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nooseislooseI am out y'all12:20
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ubuntuHow do i know what Ethernet i got?12:20
rpedrocan someone please send me this file from your /var/cache/apt/archive directory : libgl1-mesa-dri_6.4.1-0ubuntu8_i386.deb , thanks!12:20
dprrSamus_Aran: any other assistance for me perhaps? ive been strugglying for the past 24 hours :(12:20
Flannelic56: it's on the donwnload page12:20
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fateminasabI mean Movie dat file12:21
Samus_Aranfateminasab: mplayer12:21
ic56Flannel: I looked but I don't see it.  Is it a hidden link or something?12:21
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pojeIs there any reason my wifi card should not be bound to wlan0 all of a sudden? ndiswrapper says the hw is there, so I don't know what happened12:21
Samus_Aranfateminasab: mplayer can play everything12:21
PwcrLinuxompaul: should I close the sypantic notification or just reboot to clear notification?12:21
neoscin breezy there was this utility (dialog box) to view how much has been uploaded/downloaded from the internet.. where can i find this utility in dapper?? It has a icon like 2 monitors12:21
Genericwhat's the command to check cpu load?12:21
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rpedroGeneric: top12:22
ZorKic56: Why does the install just close when i press "install" after the 6th step? It thinks a bit, then just closes.12:22
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Samus_AranGeneric: if you want a running total, try "top".  if you want just the load averages, try cat /proc/loadavg12:22
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Flannelic56: it's on the download pages (after you select the mirror) for instance: http://mirror.cs.umn.edu/ubuntu-releases/6.06/12:22
piwihi, I am having a bizarre thing with ubuntu 6.06LTS12:22
ic56ZorK: sorry, I don't know.12:22
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rpedroGeneric: or 'uptime'12:22
onorinhello, when I plug out my laptop's adapter, battery manager is telling me  "Power critically low" with a baloon , although it is 100% full charge , Is there a fix for that ?12:22
ompaulPwcrLinux, I would close synaptic12:22
Samus_AranGeneric: "w" and "uptime" also display the load average12:22
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holycowneosc, right click on panel and add applet ... its in there12:22
Samus_Aranonorin: have you searched in the wiki ?12:23
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Samus_Aranonorin: I haven't used a laptop for GNU/Linux before, myself12:23
fateminasabI have a low speed connection an mplayer is too heavy for me. Is there any decoder for example?12:23
PwcrLinuxompaul: okay where's the "Close" or "Exit" on the notification (Gray ! over the counterwise icon)?12:23
cd_romis there a ubuntu dvd iso?12:23
ic56Flannel: thank you!  Somehow following the links I thought reasonable wasn't taking to that page.12:23
morphixbbrazil, i know WHY the card isnt working properly.. dunno how to fix it though.12:23
Genericwhat exactly is the load average out of? 10?12:23
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Flannelcd_rom: there is12:23
Samus_Aranfateminasab: mplayer is the lightest video player out there, what do you mean by heavy ?12:23
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onorinSamus_Aran, yeah, I also posted this issue to forums. Moreover this was never  a problem in breezy12:24
piwihello, I would like to chmod /boot/grub/menu.lst as it was before (I tried to edit it and did chmod 777 but now I cant revert) and also I dont have anymore icons on my desktop... What can I do?12:24
neoscthanks holycow12:24
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Samus_Aranfateminasab: it uses substantially less CPU/RAM than any other players12:24
cd_romFlannel:what it contains?12:24
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ompaulPwcrLinux, what app are you specifically talking about synaptic? have you a "sub window" open or something?12:24
Flannelpiwi: use sudo [editor]  instead of chmod/chowning12:24
timalotGeneric, its avg of how many process want to use the cpu over the last 5 minutes12:24
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cd_romFlannel: i meant what the difference? more packages etc...?12:24
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Generictimalot, makes sense now :)12:25
piwiFlannel: ok thanks I will do so but what is the original chmod for menu.lst, I dont know it...12:25
rpedrowhat's the command line command to downgrade a package, I need to because a package from a repository for aiglx is giving me problems, and the force version function from synaptic tries to uninstall a load of other packages !12:25
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Samus_Aranpiwi: sudo chmod u=rw,go=r /boot/grub/menu.lst12:25
Flannelcd_rom: http://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/DVDs/ubuntu/6.06/release/  yeah, more packages12:25
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PwcrLinuxompaul: It's on taskbar next to the battery meter or clock.12:25
Samus_Aranpiwi: and make sure it is owned by root, not your user12:25
cd_romthanks Flannel, you are very helpful12:25
ZorKWhy does the install just close when i press "install" after the 6th step? It thinks a bit, then just closes.12:25
timalotGeneric, on the uptime command it shows the avg over the last 1, 5, 15 minutes12:25
onorinOK one last time : when I plug out my laptop's adapter, battery manager is telling me  "Power critically low" with a baloon , although it is 100% full charge , Is there a fix for that ?12:25
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onorinAnyone knows about power managment of ubuntu here ?12:26
Samus_Arandprr: so did you do that command and unplug (or plug in) the USB device during the 10 second pause ?12:26
ompaulPwcrLinux, you seem to be having some issues - that is usually a sign that it is running, log out and back in12:26
crazy_penguingood day everyone!12:26
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ic56ra7eeel: I recommend installing desktop and just using it to do basic things like editing files, sending email, saving and renaming files in directories, etc.  After you've done that for a few full days, you can decide whether you'd like to proceed.  Purchasing support is indeed an option but, if your company doesn't have a mandate to move specifically to Ubuntu, then you'll have to spend more time researching teh web to f12:26
Samus_Arandprr: I don't know USB PPPoE modems, but that command will show you any and all files being added or removed from /dev in those ten seconds12:26
PwcrLinuxompaul: okay should I reboot it to clear the notification?12:27
dprrsamus: i did try it but it didnt show anything12:27
Samus_Arandprr: and you unplugged/or plugged in during the 10 seconds ?  (but only one, not both)12:27
ic56ra7eeel: ...distro and support package is best for you (price, contract terms, functionality, etc)12:27
ompaulPwcrLinux, as I said log out, try the complete reboot and then start the updates from the icon12:27
Samus_Arandprr: it will probably create an entry in /dev/bus/usb/, if nowhere else12:28
PwcrLinuxompaul: okay let me try brb12:28
dprrSamus_Aran: trying something else now, will let you know in a moment12:28
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morphixIs there anyway in linux to change an IRQ for a device?12:29
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michaelswhat's the easiest way to burn a cue+bin image?12:29
ubotuI know nothing about ! - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:29
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pojeDoes _anyone_ know what would make my wlan0 disappear while ndiswrapper still says hw is present - I removed the acx drivers and put in ndiswrapper, looked all right, then rebooted; now wlan0 is gone12:29
sam_ubuntu wont let me install kde....with the sudo apt-get install command12:30
Flannelsam_: what error do you get?12:30
Samus_Aranmorphix: yes12:30
sam_how do you enable the sources i try to tick those boxes but they untick12:30
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holycowthats just poor ui design sam ... if you check the main window you will see the sources added12:31
sam_E: Couldn't find package kubuntu-desktop12:31
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morphixSamus_Aran, how?12:31
Flannelsam_: yeah, you need to add the online sources12:31
ic56poje: did you set it up so that ndiswrapper would get loaded everytime you boot?  If not, that's probably the cause of your problem12:31
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a2xmhi, can someone help me with fstab pls?12:31
Samus_Aranmorphix: you generally do this when you load the module for the device.  you can automate this by adding the option to a file in /etc/modprobe.d/12:31
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ic56a2xm: ask your question12:32
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piwihello back12:32
syndicate47OT: hi. i want to auto-login to freenode. if I enter /ignore nickserv the server tells me IGNORE Unkown command. anybody know what the ignore command for freenode is?12:32
sam_How do I enable online sources?12:32
morphixSamus_Aran, the NIC seems to have IRQ 11.. which i keep getting IRQ error.. then disabled12:32
sysKinok my network situation ius now different - ping works fine, firefox works fine, but package manager can't connect to anything at all12:32
piwiFlannel: do you mind telling me again how to revert the chmod of /boot/grub/menu.lst?12:32
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Samus_Aranmorphix: modprobe <name of module> <options go here>12:32
pojeic56: I did do ndiswrapper -m which should have put it in, and I see stuff in lsmod about ndiswrapper, but /etc/modules is blank of any reference12:32
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=== filemover np: AC DC - Rock'N'Roll Damnation [03:37m/320Kbps/44KHz]
Flannel!tell sam_ about sources12:33
a2xmic56: I can't auto mount my dvdrom anymore.12:33
Samus_Aranmorphix: it is often as simple as: modprobe foo irq=1212:33
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sam_thanks mate {die microsoft}12:33
ic56a2xm: why do you think the problem is in fstab?  Did you mess it up yourself?12:33
Samus_Aranmorphix: but each module has its own parameters, which you generally need to check out in the Linux Documentation folder12:33
yacek19is there any way I can install snapshot version of ubuntu?12:33
Flannelpiwi: I didn't in the first place, but here:  Samus_Aran> piwi: sudo chmod u=rw,go=r /boot/grub/menu.lst12:33
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Flannelyacek19: what do you mean?12:34
rpedrowhat's the command line to downgrade a package version that's no longer available to the current version from the repositories?12:34
onorinAnyone knows about power managment of ubuntu here ?12:34
morphixSamus_Aran, well how could i change a module IRQ permanetly12:34
lezouave# fr-ubuntu12:34
yacek19there is development version of ubuntu named snapshot, I would like to have it12:34
Samus_Aranmorphix: I don't know the exact syntax, but Ubuntu seems to have all such options in /etc/modprobe.d/12:34
Samus_Aranmorphix: check out the files there for guidance12:34
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule12:34
onorinwhen I plug out my laptop's adapter, battery manager is telling me  "Power critically low" with a baloon , although it is 100% full charge , Is there a fix for that ?12:34
frogzoorpedro: doesn't exist I'm afraid12:35
piwithans Flannel and Samus_Aran!!12:35
ic56poje: sorry, I can't provide more specific advice in that area.  Your question sounded like you had missed the obvious... :-(12:35
rpedrofrogzoo: :(12:35
Flannelyacek19: you mean edgy?  there are edgy repositories, yes.12:35
Samus_Aranmorphix: but you should also be aware that modprobe options are very, very rarely needed.  there is more likely something else that is not directly related that is the problem12:35
a2xmic56: because I've many partisions that i want to auto mount as well. I use winmac_fstab on 5.10 before and it was OK.12:35
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Samus_Aranpiwi: welcome12:35
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frogzoorpedro: only way out, I'm guessing, might be source from CVS or in the repos12:35
yacek19how can I have it?12:35
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a2xmic56: so I just copy my old fstab to 6.0612:36
rpedrofrogzoo: I'm trying to use the 'force version' function in synaptic, but it tries to uninstall a *lot* of other packages...12:36
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piwiI now have two other things to fix if you guys dont mind. First is: when i log on, I dont have any icons on my desktop (before I had my computer CDROM etc) and Second: GAIM autocloses when I start it... Thanks for your help and sorry about that I am total newbie or almost with unix12:36
Flannelyacek19: there are repositories, #ubuntu+1 will get you more information12:36
frogzooonorin: which ubuntu?12:36
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onorinfrogzoo, dapper12:36
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rpedrofrogzoo: and I'm trying to force to the version available in the official ubuntu repositories12:36
frogzooonorin: & what make/model lappie?12:36
onorinfrogzoo, there  were no problems in breezy,12:36
onorinfrogzoo, also there is no such problem with kubuntu dapper12:37
Samus_Aranpiwi: when you changed the permissions of your GRUB config file, what else did you mess with ?12:37
ic56a2xm: you might be better off using the new version of that script to re-create teh mac and windows entries using teh latest flags. hang on12:37
onorinfrogzoo, , hp nx 701012:37
frogzooonorin: there's a few irksome issues with dapper, which worked in breezy12:37
a2xmic56: but now is only the cdrom that can auto mount12:37
Samus_Aranpiwi: it's probably related to the missing icons and lack of GAIM working12:37
fateminasabMplayer is 8 MB and its codecs are 10 MB, Is there any codec just for Movie dat files?12:37
a2xmic56: yes, i just wondering if there's a new version of that12:37
onorinfrogzoo, any ideas to diagnose the problem ? I have both ubuntu and kubuntu  dapper installed. There's no such problem in kubuntu12:38
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ic56a2xm: wait, so don't have a problem with the windows filesystems?12:38
piwiSamus_Aran: but how come, I didnt remove any icons or whatsoever :( I just did chmod menu.lst to change default boot system and all of this happened... my system was working perfectly fine before12:38
frogzooonorin:  cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state12:38
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piwiSamus_Aran: I also changed my wlan interface properties as internet when back and I changed the WEP key using the wizard and tahts it... im not guilty sir1!12:39
onorinfrogzoo, no such file or dir12:39
ic56a2xm: and, I suppose you didn't have the foresight to make a backup copy of /etc/fstab before you blindly overwrote it with your old one?12:39
frogzooonorin: surprise surpise ...12:39
a2xmic56: windows fs is ok. but i just need the auto mount of my partisions and my dvdrom12:39
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sysKinhelp, my package manager can't connect to any repository at all, while firefox and ping connect to these servers fine :/12:39
frogzooonorin: acpi's not running, for some reason12:39
freaker2k4hello everyone.12:39
onorinfrogzoo, there is a folder called C11F in12:39
morphixSamus_Aran, well i get a "IRQ 11: nobody cared, handlers: [<e0a09e50>]  (rtl8169_interrupt+0x0/0x190 [r8169] ), Disabling IRQ #11"12:39
a2xmic56: i can't use my dvdrom12:39
onorinfrogzoo, in that path12:40
a2xmic56: eventhough i manualy mount it12:40
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frogzooonorin: what's that file say? battery type info?12:40
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onorinfrogzoo, in /proc/acpi/battery/C11F/ ther are 3 files12:40
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ic56a2xm: are you saying you are successful in manually mount your dvdrom?12:40
ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo12:41
onorinfrogzoo,  they are : alarm  info  state12:41
a2xmic56: no, i can not mount my dvdrom12:41
affluxis there any way to avoid that UT2004 captures all keystrokes? following problems: | a) i can't use my hotkeys to control amaroK, while i'm playing ut. | b) if ut2004 crashes, i need to reboot...12:42
lz1gjdcould you tell me if 6000fps in glxgears is normal for an x800gto vcard12:42
a2xmic56: and yes i dont have the original new fstab from 6.0612:42
sysKinok, I *think* package manager resolves all repository names to
onorinfrogzoo, do you also have that folder  ? I mean C11F12:42
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fateminasabIs there any codec just for Movie "DAT" files?12:42
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ic56a2xm: do you know what type of hardware that DVDROM is?  IDE?  SATA?12:43
piwiSamus_Aran: are you busy?12:43
lz1gjdfateminasab: isn't .dat a normal mpeg2 video ?mplayer , whatever should be able to play it fine12:43
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a2xmic56: IDE12:43
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ic56Anyone know what device names for IDE DVDROMs look like?  a2xm deleted his /etc/fstab and needs to recreate it...12:44
a2xmic56: do you wanna see my ls -l /dev/hd* ?12:44
fateminasabIt's too heavy for me to download.12:45
frogzooonorin: no I don't - I only have BAT112:45
onorinI got this one: /proc/acpi/battery/C11F/state12:45
freaker2k4i have a conflict installing my cable to the, the "router"( which also connects the phone line...(which is not active for this device)..[i've got it from my provider (012 in Israel...)] ) to eth0 (which is already configured in /etc/network/interfaces); i have Xubuntu 6.06 (Xfce 4.2); Please help me with a link or a sny othe solution.12:45
onorinfrogzoo, may be same file ?12:45
sysKinhelp? every host name is resolved to, excepet in firefox where I disabled ipv612:45
frogzooonorin: except /proc isn't a "real" file system...12:45
onorinfrogzoo, the file starts like : present:                 yes12:46
onorincapacity state:          ok12:46
a2xmic56: isn't there a new version of winmac_fstab?12:46
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ic56a2xm: yeah, ok.  ls -l /dev/hd* is worth a shot.  pastebin the output12:47
frogzooonorin: looks to be the same - I'm thinking the power applet has maybe a wrong path12:47
PwcrLinuxI'm off to sleep :) have good night :)12:47
frogzooonorin: you might try running the power applet from a command line & see if there's warnings12:47
shukhrathow update from Breezy Badger to Dapper Drake ?12:47
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onorinfrogzoo, when it is plugged in the file continues : charging state:          charged "new line" present rate:            0 mA12:47
Togedo you know what I have to install to use divx codecs in Avidemux?12:47
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onorinfrogzoo, and what is the command line for that ?12:47
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ic56a2xm: yes, there's a new version of winmac_fstab but it won't help you.  Neither the original nor the new version (which I wrote) is capable of generating entries for removable media12:48
shukhrathow update from Breezy Badger to Dapper Drake ?12:48
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP12:49
a2xmic56: why?12:49
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ic56a2xm: why what?12:49
prxqi'm impressed how well ubuntu can deal with my laptop.12:49
prxqin-built wlan just working. whoa.12:49
a2xmic56: why I can't use the winmac_fstab..? just let me try it..?12:49
shukhrat!Dapper Drake12:50
ubotuI know nothing about Dapper Drake - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:50
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a2xmic56: i PM u the ls -l12:50
RvGaTeFor some reason, i am unable to start the installation of ubuntu, when booting and settings things up (with the ubuntu logo and scrolling text benieth it) it hangs at "Setting up keyboard", then goes to a black screen all with I/O errors.... any ideas ?12:50
frogzooonorin: try: gnome-power-manager --verbose --no-daemon12:50
sysKinis there a way to completely disable ipv6? it b0rks DNS, somehow12:50
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ic56a2xm: I'll say it again: winmac does *not* generate fstab entries for DVDROMs.  I should know -- I've worked with that code.12:51
frogzoo!upgrade > shukhrat12:51
ic56a2xm: haven't seen your PM yet...12:51
a2xmic56: oh.. but it was ok on ubuntu 5.0512:51
onorinfrogzoo, Power Manager is already running in this session. It says12:51
onorinwhich is true I suppose12:52
=== poje fist pumps
onorinhow ubuntu decides my power level is critical or not ?12:52
piwiexcuse me, could anyone help me with my broken desktop and non working GAIM please?12:52
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shukhratfrogzoo: Thanks !12:53
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ic56a2xm: no, htat script didn't generte entries for DVDROMs on 5.10 either.  You can't just overwrite one config file with another without checking to see the contents of the files.  In your case, presumably the old and new files were different -- and you deleted teh new one.12:54
morphixIs there anyway for MPlayer to automatically choose Ac3 via SPDIF on DD vids only.. and when selecting normal vids (such as mp3 audio) it just defaults to normal (so non ac3 via spdif).. because it whinges if it gets a file with anything lower than 48000khz.. so i have to manually choose the audio output and restart mplayer everytime i wanna play something differnet.12:54
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ic56a2xm: is that ls -l coming?12:54
krazykirkI have a problem, You know when you start a program, a outline grows to fill the screen, well in xgl, which i'm running, it grows pretty slowly. not slow enough to slow down my computer, but slow enough to be annoying. any ideas/fixes?12:54
aboafter resizing/moving my partition GRUB doesn't start any more (it says stage 1.5, error 17) can anyone help?12:55
fiveironholy cow this is ridiculous... i can tune my ATI TV-Wonder Pro with like 5 different apps, but I can't seem to get anything to record the video that I am seeing...12:55
v33hello all...  i plan to run a shell server at home ... since i won't be here to administer the thing can i have the system automatically boot in without a password being required after a power failure ?12:55
v33where do i find the relevent details ?12:55
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krazykirkabo: check out http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm#Re-install_Grub_with_Live_CD12:56
a2xmic56: did you get it?12:56
v33fiveiron: tried changing overlay to ... ?12:56
ic56abo: do you, perhance, know what "error 17" is?12:56
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ic56a2xm: no, I didn't get it.12:56
v33fiveiron: you might want to try #v4l12:56
ic56a2xm: messaging myself seems to work.12:57
aboic56, it says on internet error 17 means it cannot mount the partition, but I can't understand why12:57
XiXaQI use ddclient for DynDNS services. However, ddclient only gets my local network ip, so my xixaq.homelinux.net domain points to How do I fix this?12:57
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frogzooonorin: I'd suggest at this stage u check the ubuntu laptop docs for the same/similiar model12:57
ubotuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org12:57
a2xmic56: how do you PM someone: ;-)12:57
xzzXiXaQ: Check your DynDNS settings ..12:57
ic56a2xm: if you can't get PM to work, how about you pastebin?12:57
a2xmic56: private chat right?12:58
a2xmic56: ok.. coming12:58
ic56a2xm: private chat fine too12:58
bagpuss_thecatI've had this before, and fixed it beore, but I can't for the life of me remember how to fix the "could not open default font 'fixed'" error when starting X12:58
ic56abo: sounds like the cause is that the partition number changed12:58
bagpuss_thecatany ideas? :-)12:58
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krazykirkabo: i sent you a private message explaining how to fix it12:58
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a2xmic56: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1806612:58
piwiexcuse me, could anyone help me with my broken desktop and non working GAIM please?12:59
a2xmic56: i did sent you private chat..12:59
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abokrazykirk, I didnt' get any private message,  I'm checking the website you sent in public, thank you.. I'll get back if I need more help12:59
krazykirklol ok01:00
XiXaQxzz, for ddclient? It's updating the wrong ip... I can't update DynDNS every fifteen minutes or whatever.01:00
ic56abo: look at /boot/grub/menu.lst .  There's probably a discrepancy between the scecond number in one of the (hd0,0) -like enties and the partition number you have as a result of having moved01:00
=== paranoid_ndroid stone temple pilots - plush
pojeDoes dapper have some crazy selinux stuff in it by default?01:00
prxqXiXaQ: you can use a myip service like ipid.shat.net01:00
ompaulparanoid_ndroid, turn off that now01:00
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frogzooabo: also check /boot/grub/device.map01:01
prxqXiXaQ: that returns the ip that faces the world, not the one behind your nat router01:01
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XiXaQprxq, without running a program here?01:01
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prxqXiXaQ: dclient asks s site like that what the ip is that it is seeing.01:01
prxqin the ddclient conf file there is an example.01:02
aboic56, hwat does hd0,0 exactly refer to?01:02
onorinfrogzoo, I dont think there's an entry for dapper01:02
XiXaQprxq, ddclient _tells_ a site when to update my domain name.01:02
xzzabo: /dev/hda101:02
efuzzyonei am trying to load ntfs file system ith rite access, my fstab entry is01:02
efuzzyone/dev/sda1       /media/sda1     ntfs-fuse auto,gid=1002,umask=0002   0       001:02
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poje!xgl > poison_01:03
poje!xgl > poje01:03
frogzooonorin: file a bug01:03
pojeoops, sorry poison_ ;(01:03
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abokrazykirk, I did the commands in the website, it says succeede, does it mean I can reboot normally now?01:03
efuzzyonebut the drive is still shon belonging to the root group, ho do I change the group for the drive?01:03
ic56a2xm: looks like you have two cdrom-like devices, both on the 2nd IDE channel. Do you know which is which?  BTW, that's probably causing sub-optimal performance.01:03
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lsuactiafneris there a free windows nfs client?01:03
ic56abo: hd0,1 means first harddisk, 2nd partition.  All numbers are zero-based01:04
aboxzz, I don't have /dev/hda1... I have /dev/sda1 .. is it the same? I thinkt that's because I have SATA drives not hde..01:04
prxqXiXaQ: yes, but you want to send the addr of the router, and that you find out by asking somewhere else. Although dyndns also has a my ip thing.01:04
a2xmic56: do you wanna see my fstab? and btw, there's mtab. what is it? it seems a connection both of them?01:04
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XiXaQprxq, I'm asking how I can make ddclient send the correct ip.01:04
krazykirkabo: Yeah you can reboot, and it should work!01:05
a2xmic56: because when i type mount it show of the mtab01:05
abokrazykirk, thank you.. I'll do now01:05
krazykirkabo: no problem =)01:05
piwiexcuse me, could anyone help me with my broken desktop and non working GAIM please?01:05
XiXaQprxq, If I have to check my ip manually ten times a day and update normally, then I could save some resources and kill ddclient completely.01:05
v33XiXaQ: i think dyndns has a model config file ...01:06
prxqXiXaQ: check the config file. It is there.01:06
onorinfrogzoo, oh no thanks, last time I filed a bug, it remained unconfirmed for  8 months01:06
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onorinthought this is still better than Sun01:06
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ic56a2xm: mtab is a list of things currently mounted. fstab is a list of all things installed on your system.  Seeing your broken fstab probably won't answer the question of which drive is which, but I might as well.  Please append hte contetnts of /etc/fstab to the existing pastebin entry (#18066)01:07
a2xmic56: this's my fstab: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1806101:07
XiXaQprxq, I must be blind or stupid. Could you show me where that is? http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/dPXQ5f76.html01:07
a2xmic56: what do you mean?01:08
RvGaTeIs it just me, or is my question being ignored for some unexplained reason?01:08
piwiRvGaTe: just like mine. maybe nobody has the answer atm01:09
v33XiXaQ: http://www.dyndns.com/support/kb/archives/using_ddclient_with_dyndns_services.html01:09
ic56a2xm: what do you mean, what do I mean?   Anyway, I saw your fstab and it doesn't help much.  Let's take a stab in the darK: try "ls -ld /media/devdrom" do you get an error?01:09
RvGaTepiwi, you having the same problem?01:09
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ic56a2xm: oops, devdrom --> dvdrom01:10
hereticianAfter the installation of gnus, where is it located?01:10
v33XiXaQ: #use=web, web=checkip.dyndns.org/, web-skip='IP Address'01:10
v33XiXaQ: just need to use that ... and i think everything should be fine ...01:11
RvGaTe(for the third time today): For some reason, i am unable to start the installation of ubuntu, when booting and settings things up (with the ubuntu logo and scrolling text benieth it) it hangs at "Setting up keyboard", then goes to a black screen all with I/O errors.... any ideas ?01:11
prxqXiXaQ: your config: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/J8ssnB27.html01:11
a2xmic56: ok01:11
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XiXaQGreat.. Thank you.01:12
a2xmic56: andre@ubuntu:~$ ls -ld /media/dvdrom01:12
a2xmlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 2006-07-10 21:37 /media/dvdrom -> cdrom001:12
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sysKinYESSSS disabling ipv6 solved all my dns problems \o/01:13
ic56a2xm: now that I think about it, there's gonna be plenty more wrong with your old fstab.  I haven't switched to 6.06 yet but from what I've seen, teh new setup uses several pseudo-filesystems that your fstab lacks.01:13
ic56a2xm: ok, let's try this: ls -ld /media/cdrom001:13
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ic56a2xm: and also: ls -ld /media/cdrom*01:14
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a2xmic56: andre@ubuntu:~$ ls -ld /media/cdrom001:15
a2xmls: /media/cdrom0: No such file or directory01:15
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a2xmic56: I've changed manually the name on /media01:15
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finalbetaIs is possible to get crossfading in Rhythmbox? (if not I need a descent player)01:15
frogzooonorin: the other alternative is to find a fix & then submit a patch01:15
a2xmic56: andre@ubuntu:~$ ls -ld /media/cdrom*01:15
a2xmdr-xr-xr-x 13 root root 4096 2006-05-31 10:16 /media/cdrom01:15
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ic56a2xm: what did you change?  What was it before and what is it now?01:16
onorinfrogzoo, check this out, same here https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/4270501:16
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a2xmic56: cdrom0 --> cdrom and cdrom1 --> dvdrom01:16
a2xmic56: the directory right?01:17
a2xmic56: on /media01:17
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piwiRvGaTe: yes I am also having an unanswered question01:17
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xarqpiwi: maybe if it was more specific you'd get an answer01:18
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Sonicdhhey, i'm back01:18
piwixarq: I did my best but Im not very litterate with ubuntu :S01:18
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acusterdoes the ubuntu installer resize existing HFS+ partitions?01:19
piwixarq: basically the icons such as CDROM My Computer etc have all disappeared off my desktop with no reason... and GAIM doesn't work, it closes at launch01:19
xarqpiwi: is the gaim process still running after it closes?01:20
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xarqpiwi: also, it nautilus still running?01:20
ic56a2xm: this doesn't make sense. You say you renamed cdrom1 to dvdrom.  Yet, dvdrom is a symlink pointint to cdrom0.  I find it unlikely that the installer would have created an /media/cdrom1 entry that would be a symlink to a /media/cdrom0 directory.  You must have changed other stuff too01:20
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RvGaTepiwi, if i dont get an answer today, ill be switching to debian, becouse i can't install ubuntu01:21
bagpuss_thecatany takes on how to fix this fixed font error? :-p01:21
a2xmic56: ok ok ... so how is it? i just don't understand ;-)01:21
a2xmic56: just try to make it seem nice to read ;-)01:21
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XVampireXRvGaTe, no one is forcing you to use ubuntu01:22
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a2xmic56: how to fix the symlink?01:22
Sonicdhyou ubuntu seems a tad on the graphics heavy side.01:22
cypher1RvGaTe, what are the I/O errors ? can you paste it..01:22
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Sonicdhanyone know the sys reqs for it?01:23
xarqRvGaTe: yay, more users for debian01:23
RvGaTeXVampireX, well, without being able to install ubuntu and getting any support, there isn't really a choice is there?01:23
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cypher1a2xm, fix the symlink ?01:23
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XVampireXRvGaTe, I guess :-/01:23
SonicdhDoes anyone know the System requirements for ubuntu?01:24
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orn72My ATI card won't let me start the dappy installer, any ideas?01:24
ic56a2xm: Let's try a shot in the dark: sudo rm -f /media/dvdrom ; sudo mkdir /media/dvdrom01:24
Sonicdhbecause it seems a bit graphics heavy01:24
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XVampireXRvGaTe, someone just asked you something trying to help...01:24
XiXaQRvGaTe, 6.06 lts graphical installation?01:24
RvGaTeXiXaQ, yes01:24
ic56a2xm: this sets you up with mount points that match your fstab entries.  Nevertheless, these are non-standard and other things in Ubuntu may end up being broken.01:25
RvGaTecypher1, cant recall the error, but it hangs at "setting up keyboard"01:25
XiXaQRvGaTe, what kind of keyboard do you have then?01:25
RvGaTecypher1, after hanging for 2minutes, it gives me a black screen, where every xxseconds gives me i/o errors01:26
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RvGaTeXiXaQ, basic logitec one01:26
bbrazilmorphix: oh?01:26
a2xmic56: ok.. and then..?01:26
syndicate47i'm using gnome and my conky works fine if i run it manually. however, if i run it using "Sessions" it gets drawn to some part of the desktop that is behind the wallpaper. can anyone help me?01:26
cypher1RvGaTe, sorry to me it looks vague..01:26
RvGaTeXiXaQ, Logitech Internet Pro keyboard01:26
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:26
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RvGaTecypher1, same here really...01:27
a2xmic56: i've try to rm /media/dvdrom before but always failed01:27
cypher1RvGaTe, search in forums/google.. you may find some solutions if somebody has already hit it01:27
ic56a2xm: try putting a disk in your DVDROM.  Does it automount?01:27
XiXaQRvGaTe, have any screenshots or logs?01:27
ic56a2xm: but this time you succeeded in removing /media/dvdrom, right?01:27
a2xmic56: do i've to logout first? i just try it, and nothing...01:27
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RvGaTeXiXaQ, its at the installation, no logs are created and i cant do a screencap01:28
ic56a2xm: no logout, no reboot needed.01:28
XiXaQRvGaTe, why?01:28
bbrazilmorphix: PCI is setup so you don't have to/can't change IRQs01:28
RvGaTeXiXaQ, becouse its trying to initiate the installation01:28
a2xmic56: yes, it was remove and make the new one successfuly01:28
bbrazilmorphix: go into your BIOS, there should be something to clear that inofrmation01:28
ic56a2xm: yea, so the auto-mounting isn't working.  Let's try manually mounting.  Like so:01:28
XiXaQRvGaTe, yes, and? You have the system up and running from the cd, right?01:28
ic56a2xm: sudo mount /media/dvdrom01:28
RvGaTeXiXaQ, no, its not up and running, its giving me i/o errors01:29
ic56a2xm: did the disk become visible now?01:29
RvGaTeXiXaQ, before it starts the installation01:29
XiXaQRvGaTe, I thought you said the installation gave you the errors?01:29
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a2xmic56: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdd,01:29
a2xm       missing codepage or other error01:29
a2xm       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try01:29
a2xm       dmesg | tail  or so01:29
RvGaTeXiXaQ, original question started of with:  "I cant start the installation ...."01:30
cypher1RvGaTe, is the same errors happening while using a live cd environment ?01:30
RvGaTecypher1, cant boot the livecd version either01:30
cypher1RvGaTe, same error ?01:30
XiXaQRvGaTe, I asked you if you were using the graphical installation, and you said yes. that means you have ubuntu up and running from the live cd.01:30
XiXaQRvGaTe, tell me. Where from did you get the cd? What's it name and creation date?01:31
a2xmic56:  when i try it w/o sudo, it said: mount: according to mtab, /dev/hdd is already mounted on /media/dvdrom01:31
a2xmmount failed01:31
ic56a2xm: mmm, and you inserted a normal ISO disk, right?  Not a music CD, right?01:31
xarqXiXaQ: I guess in his case it means he *wants* to use the graphical installation01:31
RvGaTecypher1, i dont know, it stopped loading (loading bar + logo), took to long imo, and i rebooted into windows01:31
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XiXaQRvGaTe, booting from the cd may take a while..01:31
a2xmic56: i inserted a dvd-rw disc01:31
RvGaTeXiXaQ, not 15min... :)01:32
ic56a2xm: a blank one or one with a burned image?01:32
XiXaQRvGaTe, depends. Takes 5-10 here I think.01:32
XiXaQRvGaTe, have you checked the cd for errors?01:32
xarqRvGaTe: what is the processor speed of your machine?01:32
RvGaTeXiXaQ, yes i check it, no errors found01:33
cypher1RvGaTe, where did it get stuck.. sometimes you may need to do ctrl-c.. like while syncing clock with ntp server etc01:33
sysKin;_; dns still resolves all hosts to ;_;01:33
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RvGaTexarq, amd 2400+, running at 2.2 ghz01:33
cypher1RvGaTe, which may take sometime if your network is not fast or reliable01:33
RvGaTecypher1, i tried, but didn't do anthing01:33
RvGaTecypher1, no problems with the network here01:34
cypher1RvGaTe, is it a dapper cd ?01:34
a2xmic56: can not... dvd-rw with data & dvd-r with data on it01:34
RvGaTecypher1, let me check01:34
RvGaTecypher1, yes, dapper01:35
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cypher1RvGaTe, it would be great if the message was captured01:36
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RvGaTecypher1, i could try it again and write it down01:37
RvGaTecypher1, itl take a few mnutes01:37
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a2xmic56: wait01:38
ic56a2xm: this is messy. The reasonable choice didn't work.  It will take hours to figure out over IRC what your fstab was before you deleted it and to guide you through reconstructing it and restoring the filesystem to what it was before you started messing with it.  Sorry, but I've already spent an hour on this and I'm tired.  I recommend re-installing or finding someone else with lots of time.  Good luck!01:38
finalbetaIs is possible to get crossfading in Rhythmbox? (if not I need a descent player)01:39
SDwolfcodygood morning -- how do i make the update manager upgrade me from breezy to dapper?01:39
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cypher1SDwolfcody, i guess 'sudo update-manager -d' should do01:40
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a2xmic56: wait.. i forgot to copy back the fstab01:40
SDwolfcodycool - -it had a button on it last night but i didnt want to do it then and now the button is gone :)01:40
a2xmic56: so now how to refresh it01:40
ic56a2xm: copy back?01:40
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piwixarq: sorry incoming phone call01:40
bbrazilfinalbeta: xmms has that feature01:40
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piwixarq:  I dont know how to check if nautilus is running nor if gaim process exited or not01:41
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tufsyi am new to linux, can someone tell me how i get my bluetooth headset to work with my laptop?01:41
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tufsyand how do i know if ubuntu has installed the correct sound drivers for my laptop?01:42
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ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup01:42
bimberitufsy: hopefully something there will get you going :)01:42
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Mofoim installing ubuntu 601:43
XiXaQMofo, good for you. :)01:43
finalbetabbrazil, thnx. I'll try, hopefully I can make it look a little like Rhythmbox, don't like the winamp look, not handy01:44
Mofobut when it comes on 2nd step, setting time my pc hang on this step01:44
tufsyhow do i confirm my speakers are being fully utilised? cos i got a dell inspiron 9400 and its got a sub-woofer speaker - which i dont think is being used properly, how can i check?01:44
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a2xmic56: ha ha ha... it works just fine now01:44
a2xmic56: thanks very much01:44
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Mofobut when it comes on 2nd step, setting time my pc hang on this step01:44
a2xmic56: i'm sorry, i forgot to copy back the last fstab ;-)01:45
ic56a2xm: ok, if it works, then it's time to update your entries for your windows filesystems.01:45
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GastenDo anyone know how to open a *.run file?01:45
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Mofoso any one helping me out01:46
a2xmic56: yes, i just wanna auto mount 3 of them01:46
XiXaQGasten, what is it supposed to contain?01:46
GastenXiXaQ: An installer.01:46
Mofoi having problem to install ubuntu 6, i stuck on 2nd step (time setting)01:46
bbrazilGasten: I imagine you're meant to execute it ./name.run01:46
GastenXiXaQ: Of a game.01:46
XiXaQGasten, perhaps you should try ./file.run ?01:46
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TARZEAUGasten: sh the.run01:47
ic56a2xm: oops, forget that sudo sfdisk I posted -- that was an accident01:47
a2xmic56: actualy it works already, but the name wasn't the same with in the fstab01:47
gharzis there a chinese input support in ubuntu?01:47
gharzi'm using gnome01:47
XiXaQgharz, check System > Preferences > keyboard01:47
a2xmic56: sudo fdisk? which one? i didn't see it01:47
ic56a2xm: use the -b option when running the script.  It will create a backup of your current fstab01:47
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a2xmic56: sorry, what was that? -b option for what?01:48
lasseawMofo: have you tryied skipping the install from Live?01:48
Mofohello, im having problem to install ubuntu01:48
GastenWow TARZEAU!! Thanks!01:48
GastenIt worked!01:48
gharztoo bad there's none :(01:48
lasseawMofo: installing from none-live?01:48
[rick] hm01:48
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[rick] anyone having repository issues?01:48
ic56a2xm: you didn't seem my posts about diskmounter?!01:49
[rick] its only the last few for me01:49
Mofolasseaw , im installing from the cds i got from ubuntu01:49
TARZEAUGasten: you're welcome01:49
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XiXaQMofo, version?01:49
lasseawi gotta go now but i think someone will find an easy solution to your problem.01:49
Mofolasseaw , installing from live and when it comes to 2nd step (time setting) it just stuck there and my cd rom keep reading01:49
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Mofo6.06 lts01:50
XiXaQMofo, then let it run. It may take a while.01:50
a2xmic56: nope, just now or long time ago?01:50
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kakashi4523can somebody please tell me how to disable SHIFT+BACKSPACE restating X ?01:50
ic56a2xm: 5 secs ago now.  Ok, here goes again:01:50
Mofoi tried many time, but stop on 2nd step and my cd rom keep reading the cd01:50
XiXaQMofo, it's probably trying to connect to a ntp service. Is your network up and running?01:50
Mofobut no movement.01:50
draconiuskakashi4523: i dont know off the top of my head, but you can look on the Xorg website FAQ and they tell you how01:51
ic56a2xm: see them now?01:51
bbrazilkakashi4523: "dontzap" setting or something in the x config01:51
dpnkakashi its: xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace BackSpace Terminate_Server"01:51
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Mofoi dont have network, i use dialup01:51
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winmanis there a world time applet sort of thing, which could sit on one of my panels and tell time about places I choose?01:51
a2xmic56: what was that? didn't see anyting01:51
a2xmic56: try PM?01:52
wendelJust insatalled ubuntu 6.06, wireless nice etc using WEP, Im getting really long ping response times, they are very sporadic, any ideas how I can sort this or is it network dependant??01:52
Mofois there anyway to install ubuntu from none live cd01:52
XiXaQMofo, how long have you waited?01:52
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ic56a2xm: your irc client might be blocking long messages.  Here goes PM01:52
MofoXiXaQ i have waited about 20 mins and 30 mins01:52
ic56a2xm: point your browser to http://ca.geocities.com/ic56@rogers.com/65/diskmounter-latest.txt Page down to "Instructions", and read till the next blank line.  Follow the instructions to save and run the file.  It will setup your /etc/fstab and mountpoints in /media so you can see your NTFS filesystems in Places> Computer.01:52
ic56a2xm: The script will ask you if you want to enable NTFS write.  Answer no.  If you already tried unsuccessfully to add your Windows filesystems to /etc/fstab , add a -b flag to the script invocation.  I authored this version, so I can help if anything goes wrong.01:53
bbrazilic56: freenode blocks pms from unregisterd users by default01:53
pojeDoes anyone have an opinion on xgl vs aiglx?01:53
ic56a2xm: oh, never mind, I forgot the -out flag to exec.  presumably you saw teh posts now01:53
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wendelon ubuntu, firefox takes ages to load any page! when i try a big dload im getting 360Kbs+, whats up with that??01:53
ic56bbrazil: thx, I know.  I'm registered01:53
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dpnfirefox never works good for me01:54
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XiXaQwendel, is that good or bad?01:54
wendeldpn, what you use as alternative??01:54
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dpnOpera is what I use01:54
a2xmic56:  ok, let me try01:54
ompaulwendel, dpn type in the address bar "about:config"  tell me when that is done01:54
wendelXiXaQ, its ok for 3MB line, firefox is really Sloooooooow!01:54
Mofoso what i have to do now, i want to avoid this 2nd step and want to jump on another step so i can install ubuntu01:54
bbrazilwendel: have you tried disabling ipv6?01:54
wendelompaul, done01:55
hereticianAfter I.. uninstall ubuntu, install wxp, reinstall ubuntu... will GIMP boot up automatically everytime i restart my computer?01:55
kakashi4523@dpn. do i just type xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace BackSpace Terminate_Server into the console or do i add it into the xorg.conf ?01:55
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wendelbbrazil, no how do i do that?01:55
ompaulbbrazil, I will talk him though that now01:55
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bbrazilwendel: ompaul will explain to you01:55
ic56a2xm: DON'T FORGET: use the -b option when running the script.  It will create a backup of your current fstab.  NEVER just blindly delete config files when you don't know what you're doing.  Make a backup, so you can restore things if you break them01:55
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ompaulwendel, dpn type "ipv6" in the filter bar01:55
ompaulthen click on the word true01:56
wendeldefault boolean false01:56
wendelis what i have01:56
ompaulwendel,  it will change to false, close it01:56
wendelit is false01:56
[rick] has anyone experienced problems with airsnort crashing after it has been running for about 2+ days?01:56
ompaulwendel, then you have some other issue01:56
wendelompaul, sorry, do i want to make it true?01:56
ompaulwendel, no you need it to be false01:57
XiXaQa2xm, or, if you're just curious and trying things out, you can use the live-cd :)01:57
dpnFirefox just generally feels unresponsive and bloaty to me, I've never liked it01:57
wendelompaul, ok01:57
ompaulwendel, sorry make it true01:57
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dpnAnd it tries to emulate operas default UI, whats that tell you01:57
XiXaQdpn, what?01:57
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tufsy<bimberi> is there a non-command line way of logging on a bluetooth device?01:57
Mofoanyone helping me, i stuck on 2nd step01:57
ompaulwendel, then you put in a web page it should improve speed01:58
bimberitufsy: sorry, no idea, i only knew about the wikipage :|01:58
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XiXaQdpn, firefox doesn't even vaguely resemble operas gui.01:58
tufsyok, anyone else know01:58
hereticianHow do you set the homepage for Firefox? I swear there is something missing from the "Tools" tab01:58
dpnYes it does01:58
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dpnDefault isntalltion is identical01:58
XiXaQdpn, what a load of rubbish.01:58
fmI have a samba share on my ubuntu box. Windows XP sees it perfectly, but some file names are truncated, I don't know why. This is not due to special characters, as they all appear correctly. Do you know where my problem could come from?01:58
wendelompaul, ok I have: user set boolean true01:59
dpnI just installed firefox want a screenshot01:59
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XiXaQdpn, sure.01:59
ompaulwendel, put in a different url - www.bbc.co.uk ?01:59
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dpnThe only difference is the tab and navigation controls are in reveresed positions01:59
hereticianGraphical-wise it is identical01:59
RvGaTecypher1, back, i waited untill i thought it stopped doing anything, took my camera, and took a picture... (uploading it)01:59
ionguys how can I remove the new version of unbuntu because my pc used work fine is awful...01:59
hereticianCept for the color and some icons01:59
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Mofohello im here for long time no one is helping me what fuck is goin on?02:00
XiXaQMofo, don't curse.02:00
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:00
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poje!ati >poje02:00
Mofoso in good manners, please help me out or say something we can't help you.02:00
a2xmic56:  but some of my windows partisions already mounted just and on fstab already.. this script doesn't ruin it?02:00
ompaulMofo, mind your language you are not expressing your quesiton in a fashion - Second step define second step I told you that in another channel expalin what you ant02:00
RvGaTecypher1, http://www.rvgate.nl/fotos/100_3011.JPG02:00
wendelompaul, still slow..im getting long response times when pinging, what can I do to sort that?02:00
Sputn1khello, how to change character encoding in gnome terminal not for once?02:00
Mofoompaul i told my question to XiXaQ,02:01
Mofoompaul let me tell you as well.02:01
XiXaQMofo, there are 796 clients connected to this channel right now. Do you want everyone who don't have anything to say to send you a pm Sorry, can't help you?02:01
PolarinaWhat install system does Ubuntu use? emerge, yum, apt-get.......02:01
kakashii typed   xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace BackSpace Terminate_Server" but it did not stop  shift+backspace from killing X. what am i doing wrong?02:01
ic56a2xm: yes, it ruins it. But if you use the -b flag, it will first make a backup copy of your /etc/fstab .  So, if the new setup proves problematic, you can just go back to the old one.02:01
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hereticianI was too slow ;/02:01
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ompaulwendel, that is not good - but that seems to be not a firefox issue02:01
Mofoompaul, im installing ubuntu from the live cd but unfortunately on the 2nd step (time setting) my cd rom keep reading the cd but no movement02:01
RvGaTeXiXaQ, in case you didn't notice: http://www.rvgate.nl/fotos/100_3011.JPG02:01
ionguys please how can I came back again to my old version...02:02
wendelompaul, whos your ISP?02:02
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ompaulMofo, as I have to do an install let me catch up with you02:02
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nemesisthis is REALLY annoying, a gigabit nic i installed.. under ubuntu.. it detects installs, etc.. but there are IRQ 11 problems02:02
ompaulwendel, not eircom that is for sure :-)02:02
XiXaQRvGaTe, hdc is a harddrive or a cdrom...02:02
nemesisBUT i am in knoppix atm (with a 2.4.x kernel) and the NIC is working perfect02:02
ompaulwendel, (shhh btinternet)02:03
Mofoompaul, some body told me your pc hangs because 2nd step connecting to ntp etc..02:03
wendelompaul, scumbag..British Telecom02:03
PolarinaWhat install system does Ubuntu use? emerge, yum, apt-get.......02:03
nemesisPolarina, apt-get02:03
bbrazilPolarina: apt02:03
hereticianDisconnect it from the internet maybe, Mofo?02:03
RvGaTeXiXaQ, gotta be a cdrom then, i only have 2 hd's02:03
XiXaQRvGaTe, I suggest you get another cd. It looks like its faulty.02:03
wendelis opera available in the repos??02:03
wendelcant seem to see it..02:03
ompaulwendel, ehh cheaper telecom  I spent 20 years working for that other crowd - and less of the language thanks02:03
joycetickIf i install the XFCE desktop is it easy to switch back to gnome?02:04
Mofoheretician look i dont have internet, when im installing ubuntu02:04
XiXaQwendel, it's available in .deb for Ubuntu from www.opera.no02:04
dpnYeah let me get the repo for you wendel02:04
bbraziljoycetick: yes02:04
Mofoheretician, my pc hangs on the installing 2nd step (time setting, country setting)02:04
wendelompaul, eircomedy02:04
ompaulwendel, we chat in #ubuntu-offotpic this one is strictly (supposedly) support02:05
hereticianMofo: Iunno.. I'm still a newb at Ubuntu aswell :P02:05
wendelis opera in the repos??02:05
joycetickbbrazil: so like none of my settings will change my installing XFCE02:05
nemesiswendel, yes02:05
PolarinaIs it possible to manually partition my harddrive during Ubuntu installation?02:05
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ompaulMofo, did you check the CD for defects?02:05
Mofoheretician, Okay bro. im not new user of ubuntu but this version really create a problem for me.02:05
bbraziljoycetick: they settings should be kept seperate02:05
ioncome on guys how can I do that....I wanna my old breezy back....02:05
Mofoompaul , yea i check but 0 defects found.02:05
bbrazilPolarina: yes02:05
joycetickbbrazil: ahh cool, thanks02:05
wendelis opera in the repos??02:06
XiXaQwendel, yes!02:06
Polarinabbrazil, could you tell me how?02:06
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wendelXiXaQ, under what :-)02:06
bbrazilPolarina: its' the 5th or 6th step iirc02:06
XiXaQwendel, how many times do you need an answer to that question? It's named 'opera'.02:06
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ompaulMofo, are you going to answer my question, what way did you try to install?02:06
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Polarinabbrazil, thanks alot. Going to change to ubuntu from gentoo. :)02:07
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a2xmic56:  should I try the NTFS writing?02:07
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Mofoompaul, i just boot cd and follow the 1 option02:07
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ompaulMofo, thank you one moment02:07
ionnow I understand why Mofo was so upset...02:07
XiXaQion, why is that+02:08
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Hoxzer:( me too he just wanted to get girl ONLY a giirl but was not given it02:08
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ic56a2xm: no to NTFS writing.  You didn't have it enabled in your old fstab and we've discovered, since writting this version of the script, that it's still broken.  The version after this one will remove the option again.02:08
tom12519Hey guys, I have a USB mass storage device not being detected, any help?02:08
Mofoion how..02:08
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ionXiXaQ: I just wanna go bacck to my old system...breezy...02:08
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Mofoompaul, when prompted to configure time zone. my pc stop here on this 2nd  step.02:09
sysKinok question: I'd like a desktop "shortcut" to a folder in SMB drive, but I don't seem to find the way02:09
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ompaultom12519, plug it out and and plug it in again and check on your desktop for an icon relating to it02:09
someothernickion: why? whats wrong? explain the problem.02:09
ionXiXaQ: I'd done upgrade and nothing works properly now...is nightmare02:09
lucaswhats scrollkeeper-up, and why is it using lots of cpu, and is it safe to kill it?02:09
ompaulMofo, I an waiting on this box beside me02:09
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tom12519ompaul, that did nothing02:09
Mofodid you read my another msg02:10
Mofoompaul, when prompted to configure time zone. my pc stop here on this 2nd  step.02:10
ompaulMofo, yes I have just booted this machine I am going to install on - please await02:10
Mofoompaul, ok.02:10
wendelXiXaQ, What repo is opera in, I cant find it in synaptic02:11
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ompaulMofo, so click on the map whereever you are close to02:11
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PolarinaKubuntu or ubuntu. What should I get? :)02:11
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ompaulMofo,  get your timezone right and then click on forward02:11
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ionXiXaQ: please help me...02:11
Mofoompaul, i can't click because the computer loading files. the mouse move very slowly02:11
ompaultom12519, it is usb try every usb port on the machine02:11
Mofoompaul, my cd rom keep reading data from disk.02:12
dpnwendel its deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ etch non-free02:12
XiXaQwendel, probably in restricted.02:12
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ompaulMofo, what speed is the cpu machine, what type is it, what size is the ram, and the hard drive?02:12
XiXaQion, will if I can.02:12
bimberi!info opera02:12
ubotuPackage opera does not exist in dapper02:12
pojeCould anyone help troubleshoot why installation of the ati driver got botched?02:12
PolarinaKubuntu or ubuntu. What should I get? :)02:12
ionPolarina: come this is easy one is kde and other is gnome02:12
nlindbladPolarina: Kubuntu02:12
BaouPolarina : It depends on your kind of use02:13
dpnJust download it from opera.com if you can't find it in the repos02:13
Mofoompaul, its Dell Optiplex GX1. 600 Mhz Processor, 192mb of ram , 40 gb hard. Sony Dvd rom02:13
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atroposhi all02:13
ompaulMofo, okay the bad news is this it will take a long time for ubuntu to install on that02:13
PolarinaI know that, I like KDE, but I like GNOME too..... I just cant decide myself what to get.02:13
bbrazilhmm, thats a heavily upgraded GX102:13
atroposhow to install a bin file?02:13
BaouPolarina : Gnome is not as heavy as KDE02:14
tom12519atropos, chmod +x it, then jsut ./filename02:14
atroposthanks tom1251902:14
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ionPolarina: so the only one system which I sure you can get both in the same desktop is FreeBSD.02:14
Mofoompaul, its okay it can take long time to install i dont mind, but why its going very slow on the 2nd step where we set timezone.02:14
tom12519ompaul, still nothing, the gp2x just won't register02:14
PolarinaI have a good computer here...02:14
need_helpIs there any reason why my web browser won't upload a 29kb png image to my site (with a http upload form)?02:14
XiXaQPolarina, I think KDE (Kubuntu) is prettier than Gnome (Ubuntu). I like Gnome better though. download both cds and run them in live mode for a while. See which you prefer. All software is available in both distros.02:15
Mofoompaul, will you tell me the system requirements for the ubuntu.02:15
nlindbladmy workflow is like 300% higher in KDE02:15
ompaultom12519, then I suggest that you try a reboot - the USB bus may have trashed itself (it happens in rare cases now and again) start02:15
a2xmic56: maybe i've to delete all the naming partitions on my /media first eh?02:15
ompaulMofo, is that a P1 ?02:15
tom12519ompaul, tried a restart already, with the device connected, too, nothing.02:15
Mofoompaul, no man com'on its p3 :)02:15
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need_helptim12519: What's the problem?02:16
ic56a2xm: no deletion necessary.  We'll rename things to what you had in your fstab after.02:16
a2xmic56:  and run the script again?02:16
need_helptom12519: What's the problem?02:16
Mofoompaul, 5.10 breezy was working fine on it.02:16
ic56a2xm: only run the script once, then we'll manually adjust02:16
a2xmic56:  in my fstab after?02:16
tom12519need_help, I connect my GP2X on USB mode, and *nothin* is registered, no storage device or anything02:16
ic56a2xm: yes02:16
PolarinaOk, thanks for all the help! :D02:16
need_helpI had that problem02:16
Mofoompaul, i used suse 9.2 on the same computer. it work fine02:16
ompaulMofo, there is an option to check the media on boot up for dapper try that and check that the cd is okay02:17
need_helpLinux wouldn't auto mount my USB hard drive - I ended up re-installing Linux02:17
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a2xmic56:  i've run it02:17
someothernickion: no. Polarina you can install ubuntu then install kde from repos then you will be able to pick from gnome or kde at login screen02:17
bimberiwendel: Applications -> Add/Remove,  you'll find Opera there if "Show commercial applications" is checked02:17
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ionguys how can I have my breezy again how can I get red of LTS or whatever....02:17
a2xmic56:  and some of my min partisions are gone now02:17
a2xmic56:  my win02:17
Mofoompaul, cd is okay even i downloaded from ubuntu website for making sure i got the correct cds but same problem. maybe i need to upgrade my pc02:17
bimberiion: downgrading means reinstalling i'm afraid02:17
bbrazilion: apt doesn't support downgrading. you'd have to reinstall practically speaking02:17
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ic56a2xm: ok, which editor do you normally use in Ubuntu?02:18
ompaulMofo,  if you can it will help - try the xubuntu CD first02:18
a2xmic56:  and i wanna change the name from ie. hdb7 to windows02:18
ionsomeothernick: really I didn't know that....02:18
ompaulMofo,  #xubuntu is its channel02:18
ic56a2xm: sudo gedit /etc/fstab02:18
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ionsomeothernick: so you think you can help ?02:18
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someothernickion: reinstall breezy02:19
ic56a2xm: now change /media/hda1 to /media/windows  Similarly hda2-->data and hdb7-->riyanto202:19
ionsomeothernick: what how about my foles ?02:19
someothernickion: back up02:19
ionsomeothernick: I mean my files...02:19
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ic56a2xm: I assume all 3 of these were a moment ago mounted under these names.  Right?02:20
ionsomeothernick: oh no too much hastle.....02:20
bimberiback them up too02:20
tom12519need_help so nothign else solved it?02:20
need_helptom12519: I never found an answer02:20
someothernickion: why not try to fix the problen02:20
nikolasI have a bit of a problem... Ubuntu says that my hdd is read-only and I can't change that...02:20
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bbrazilnikolas: which hdd?02:21
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a2xmic56:  right.. wait02:21
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ionsomeothernick: good idea ever my shell doesn't work well....02:21
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bbrazilnikolas: what fielsystem is it?02:21
XiXaQnikolas, what kind of filesystem?02:21
ionsomeothernick: how can I do that...02:21
bbrazilnikolas: check dmseg - why did it become read-only?02:21
bbrazilnikolas: *dmesg02:21
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someothernickion: i would just backup and do a clean install of breezy02:22
sijmenI've got a strange problem: to install mediawiki, I had to install php5 and php5-mysql. I did so, and mediawiki works great. However, my Wordpress blog stopped working, telling me it mysql for PHP isn't there02:22
a2xmic56:  how about the partitions that i dont wanna mount it?02:22
sijmenAlso, I can't find any mysql info in phpinfo(), so that makes me wonder how mediawiki still works02:22
sijmenSee for yourself: http://a404.net/blog http://a404.net/europae/mediawiki02:22
sijmenHow can this be?02:22
tom12519Does anybody here *have* a GP2X?02:22
nikolasdmesg says something about ETX3-fs errors...02:22
bbrazilsijmen: php5 does have sqlite, but I doubt it's that02:23
bbrazilsijmen: try installing php4 and php4-mysql02:23
ionsomeothernick:you mean format my HD and to it again ... ? :(02:23
ic56a2xm: why would you not want to mount fixed disk partitions?  There are valid reasons but a newbie doesn't usually have these reasons.02:23
nikolasUnable to read inode block02:23
nikolasand stuff02:23
sijmenbbrazil: mediawiki requires php5 :|02:23
bbrazilnikolas: lots of errors?02:23
sijmenAnd it does use the MySQL database02:23
bbrazilsijmen: it runs fine on php402:23
DaveyJare there drivers for quickcams?02:23
someothernickion: did you do a dist upgrade?02:23
bbrazilsijmen: in fact I'm running 3 mediawikis on php402:24
ompaulbbrazil, and one of them is on ubuntu that I know of :-)02:24
sijmenThe Mediawiki installation aborted telling me to upgrade to PHP 5, which I then did02:24
bbrazilompaul: one breezy, one dapper and one soalris802:24
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nikolasA couple... two that start with ETX3-fs error, one that says Uncorrectable error, and one with DriveReady SeekComplete Error02:24
bbrazilsijmen: what version of mediawiki?02:24
bbrazilnikolas: your hard drive is dying02:25
sijmenThe latest stable version, let me see02:25
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ionsomeothernick:yeah that's what I'm seeing doesn't work properly at the end I got some stupid error02:25
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nikolasbbrazil, :/02:25
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bbrazilnikolas: get all your data off it and replace it02:25
brrrthello all02:25
a2xmic56:  because that partitions are on different phisical disk. and i just dont wanna mount it ;-)02:25
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sijmenbbrazil: 1.7.402:26
nikolasbbrazil, okay, I guess that's what I'll have to do then... Thanks for your help02:26
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ic56a2xm: not a good reason.  But if that is what you really want, remove the "auto" flag from the corresponding entries in /etc/fstab02:26
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bbrazilnikolas: I've got 1.6.7 on 4.4.1 anyway02:27
ic56a2xm: are you done playing?  I need to wrap this up02:27
a2xmic56: yes yes... and then what02:27
ic56a2xm: you didn't answer my question:02:28
nikolasbbrazil: Huh? 1.6.7? 4.4.1?02:28
ic56a2xm: I assume all 3 of these were a moment ago mounted under these names.  Right?02:28
sijmenbbrazil: got it working02:28
a2xmic56:  yes, i did answer it02:28
RvGaTeXiXaQ, looks like my dvd-burner died...02:28
RvGaTeXiXaQ, cant burn a cd anymore... :S02:28
ionsomeothernick:right I gonna see what I can do thanks for you help....02:28
sijmenThe installation of php5 or php5-mysql did something to /etc/php/php4/php.ini, mysql was commented out.02:28
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bbrazilnikolas: sorry, meant for sijmen02:29
XiXaQRvGaTe, well then, there's your problem. :)02:29
nikolasI see02:29
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nikolasAnyway... I'll go hunt down a new hdd02:29
ic56a2xm: if you did answer it, you didn't do so with sufficient clarity for me to recognize it as an answer to that question.  Please answer again and do so unambiguously.02:30
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dpnAnyone tried this yet?02:32
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sysKinhey it's a bit more silent :]  lemme ask my n00b question again:02:33
sysKinI'd like a desktop "shortcut" to a folder in SMB drive, but I don't seem to find a way02:33
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Seveasdpn, let's wait for a month or two so the author can return from his vacation and fix bugs02:34
dpnI hope its as good as it sounds02:34
longkerdandyhi guys, what does "lrm" means from df command02:34
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a2xmic56:  yes, you're right. all 3 of those were mounted under those names.02:34
Seveasdpn, lrm is a filesystem type02:35
a2xmic56:  i've save it and..02:35
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dpnlongkerdandy you mean :o02:35
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Seveaslongkerdandy, lrm/varrun/varlock/udev/devshm are all in-memory filesystems02:35
brrrti have problem getting a brandnew via_rhine nw-card to work02:35
Seveasdpn, yes indeed02:35
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brrrtit works with the live cd but not with installed ubuntu02:36
ic56a2xm: good.  Now: sudo umount /dev/hda1 /dev/hda2 /dev/hdb7; sudo mount -a  Any errors?02:36
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longkerdandyin-memory , ah, i see02:36
longkerdandythanks guys02:36
void^lrm = linux-restricted-modules02:36
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void^personally i think it's a way to prove swap space is useful ;)02:37
LMJhello the chan02:37
brrrtthe modules which are loaded are the same with live or installed version, but on the installed system the network card doesnt work, how can this be?02:37
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a2xmic56:  wait, after i run the script, i got these: Backup copy '/etc/fstab.old.1152965132' created.02:40
a2xmCannot create link /etc/mtab~02:40
a2xmPerhaps there is a stale lock file?02:40
a2xmic56: Added /dev/hda1 as '/media/hda1'.02:40
a2xmNTFS partitions will be mounted read-only!02:40
a2xmCannot create link /etc/mtab~02:40
a2xmPerhaps there is a stale lock file?02:40
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a2xmic56:  to all of them02:40
a2xmic56: hdb702:40
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ic56a2xm: ok, don't worry about that error.  Now, sudo rmdir /dev/hd{a2,a2,b7}  Any errors?02:41
a2xmic56:  and just now i run the: sudo umount /dev/hda1 /dev/hda2 /dev/hdb7, i got: Cannot create link /etc/mtab~02:41
a2xmPerhaps there is a stale lock file?02:41
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fmWhen I use "?" or ":" in filenames of files that I share through samba, these names appear truncated.. can I do something?02:41
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LMJi'm Linux sysadmin in a company and i'm asking to myself a question. I have to run "apt-get update" by hand on each machine to update them and maybe upgrade them. Each time, i dowload all XML packages definition from internet for each computers. Have you ever seems a kind of "proxy" who store all fresh "XML packages lists"  in local and share them on the LAN . Then, i can do the "apt-get update" from all others computers of the LAN to this local machine with02:42
LMJout re-download them from internet ?02:42
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BazziRLMJ, you could setup a local mirror02:43
tufsyi am new at linux, i went to this site to install a bluetooth headset on ubuntu: http://bluetooth-alsa.sourceforge.net/02:43
ic56a2xm: what do you mean you just ran the sudo umount?!  You've already told me the error messages!  Are you running it again?  Why?02:43
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a2xmic56:  sudo rmdir /dev/hd{a2,a2,b7} ? what's a2,a2,b7? is it not a1,a2,b7 ?02:43
tufsyi have some problems in compiling02:43
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tufsyconfigure.in: installing `./mkinstalldirs'02:44
tufsyalsa-plugins/Makefile.am:7: LIBS was already defined in condition TRUE, which implies condition ALSAPLUGIN_TRUE ...02:44
tufsyconfigure.in:6: ... `LIBS' previously defined here.02:44
tufsyalsa-plugins/Makefile.am:11: Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined02:44
LMJyes BazziR , any ideas where i could find informations to setup this local mirror ?02:44
tufsyalsa-plugins/Makefile.am:11: The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL'02:44
tufsyalsa-plugins/Makefile.am:11: to `configure.in' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' again.02:44
tufsyhow do i define this LIBTOOL thingie?02:44
ic56a2xm: you are right: the first a2 should be a1.  BTW, notice how I answered that question unambiguously.  Had I just said "yes" you would wonder whether I'm answer this question or a previous one I had not yet answered02:44
tufsycos later on it says something when i do autoconf02:44
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BazziRLMJ: just use rsync02:45
fmu're probbly lacking the libtool library tufsy02:45
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tufsyfm: i am just following these instructions manually02:45
tufsyand so i dont know what is going on02:45
a2xmic56: sorry for my lack of English02:46
tufsyi mean, not manually mechanically02:46
tufsyi mean, not manually, i mean mechanically02:46
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tufsyconfigure.in:25: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL02:46
tufsy      If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow.02:46
tufsy      See the Autoconf documentation.02:46
ic56a2xm: the practice is teh same regardless of language: specify what you are answering.  Don't be lazy.02:46
patteris anyone else having problems updating package lists from the gb.ubuntu site?02:46
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:46
tufsyi guess the 2 are related right?02:46
ic56a2xm: so, are you done with the rmdir already?02:47
a2xmic56:  i got errors here02:47
a2xmic56: rmdir: /dev/hda1: Not a directory02:47
ic56a2xm: my mistake.02:47
hanumahello anybody knew modpython02:47
fmtufsy: did u try to do a "sudo apt-get install libtool" before ?02:48
hanumacan anyone help me in modpython02:48
ic56a2xm: I should have said: sudo rmdir /media/hd{a1,a2,b7}  Any errors?02:48
PaladineThe following packages have been kept back:02:48
Paladine  linux-image-amd64-generic linux-restricted-modules-amd64-generic02:48
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Paladineanyone know why the new kernel image is being kept back?02:48
cypher1Paladine, enable apt debugging02:49
a2xmic56: rmdir: /media/hda1: Device or resource busy02:49
a2xmrmdir: /media/hda2: Directory not empty02:49
a2xmrmdir: /media/hdb7: Directory not empty02:49
tufsyfm: cool02:49
ic56a2xm: ah. bummer.  The umount didn't take.  hmmm.02:49
Paladinecypher, eh how do i do that?02:49
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a2xmic56:  i got this error:  Cannot create link /etc/mtab~02:50
a2xmPerhaps there is a stale lock file? when run "sudo mount -a"02:50
tufsyme ez happy now02:50
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fmcool :)02:50
cypher1Paladine, apt-get -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes02:50
ic56a2xm: ok.  No need to umount and mount -a.  Instead, reboot.  Then repeat the rmdir.  When shutting down, you'll get errors about being unable to umount.  Don't worry about them.02:50
czekistai have download partialy file from ftp. Now i would like to continue that downlad, however i don't know how. When i type "wget --continue <myfile" it starts downloading from beginning :/02:51
czekistashould i user some morec advanced ftp clients?02:51
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czekistais it becuase of server?02:51
a2xmic56:  ok, just a moment02:51
ic56a2xm: pick up the pace.  We've been here over 2 hours.02:51
Paladinecypher that command just came back with apt-get --help output02:51
cypher1Paladine, which version you are on ?02:52
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Paladinedapper amd6402:52
=== MalMen [i=Elite@bl8-121-53.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
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MalMenhow can i reconfigure xorg.conf02:52
cypher1Paladine, i am on breezy..  hold on.. let me see02:52
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MalMengive me a cool and good tool from ati :X02:52
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compengican anybody teach me how to make dns vhosts work on psybnc?02:53
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cypher1Paladine, what is the original command you were trying ?02:54
Paladinethe on eyou gave me?02:54
Paladineapt-get -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes02:54
=== theBeno [n=thebeno@CPE000d3a2912a6-CM00111ae70f1a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
cypher1Paladine, no the original one02:54
PaladineI did sudo apt-get update followed by sudo apt-get upgrade02:55
Paladineand it told me it is holding back the new kernel and the restricted modules02:55
PaladineThe following packages have been kept back:02:55
Paladine  linux-image-amd64-generic linux-restricted-modules-amd64-generic02:55
Bountysorry to disrupt but i am looking for the proper channel for yahoo information. anything would be healpful.02:56
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Zooliei downloaded kopete-0.12.1.tar.bz2 and then what i need to do? pls help...thx02:56
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someothernickPaladine: maybe its your source list?02:56
Zooliejust extract it?02:56
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Paladinesomeothernick, I don't see what my source list would have to do with it, if it is listed as an available update then it must have already been able to access the relevant repo02:57
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:58
someothernickPaladine: try this one http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18575802:58
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ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:58
HobbseeZoolie: no, grab it from www.buntudot.org/people/~hobbsee/kopete, and run sudo dpkg -i kopete*.deb02:58
cypher1Paladine, try `apt-get -u install linux-image-amd64-generic` and see what is the output02:58
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a2xmic56: i think it works02:58
MalMen!reconfigure xorg02:58
ubotuI know nothing about reconfigure xorg - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:58
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a2xmic56:  wait, but not the name i've change.02:59
Jeff_should I go Ubuntu or Kubuntu?02:59
Paladinecypher, that is letting me install02:59
PaladineI wonder why apt-get upgrade isn't letting me do it then02:59
moogmanHey. I'm in the process of converting a die hard windows fan/administrator to Ubuntu. He's really impressesd with how easy it is to use, and I'm almost there, except... He can't access his networked machines, via samba.02:59
ic56a2xm: did you reboot and run the sudo rmdir?03:00
cypher1Paladine, what was the output ?03:00
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moogmanI've gone into gconf-editor, and changed the workgroup to the correct one, and we now get a list of machines via "windows network", which is a good start - except we cant connect to one machine in particular. Is there anything else we need to do to get it working correctly/03:00
Smeggyholy wow Tracker is nice03:00
a2xmic56:  sorry, i forgot the rmdir...03:00
=== DrData [n=michael@pD95FFB97.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.03:01
=== DaveyJ [n=daveyj@ool-44c24ab5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
DrDataHow do I make XF86BACK work with firefox?03:01
ic56a2xm: sudo rmdir /media/hd{a1,a2,b7}  Any errors?03:01
a2xmic56:  rmdir: /media/hda1: No such file or directory03:01
a2xmrmdir: /media/hda2: Directory not empty03:01
a2xmrmdir: /media/hdb7: Directory not empty03:01
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a2xmic56:  but all the partitions are here on the desktop03:02
theBenoOn the new ubuntu installer, when do I set the root password?03:02
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moogmantheBeno: The root password is unset (therefore disabled) by default, for security reasons.03:02
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ic56a2xm: these errors tell me that you didn't correctly edit /etc/fstab . Under what names are the partitions on the desktop?03:02
moogmantheBeno: We would encourage you to use "sudo" when you need root functionality:)03:02
DrDatatheBeno: when the installation is complete03:02
Paladinecypher sec03:02
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:03
skavengeis there an easy way to remove gnome after installing kde?03:03
a2xmic56:  /dev/hda2 /media/data --> this works correct03:03
theBenomoogman, That's pretty good I guess, but doesn't sudo have security risks?03:03
moogmantheBeno: Like what?03:03
Jeff_why use kde on ubuntu, just use kubuntu03:03
a2xmic56: /dev/hda1 /media/windows --> this also correct03:03
ChousukeJeff_: it's the same thing.03:03
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Paladinecypher http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1807703:03
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skavengeive had this ubuntu install up for ages just want to change WMs03:04
theBenomoogman, Not sure myself, but I've read some things on it.03:04
ChousukeJeff_: install kubuntu-desktop and you get Kubuntu. :)03:04
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theBenoI've never used sudo, also had it disabled.03:04
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moogmantheBeno: I think the idea for Ubuntu, is to stop users from running as root for their normal user.03:04
moogmantheBeno: root user is disabled, so you cannot ssh in as root, etc. etc.03:04
Chousukesudo is IMHO superior to other methods of accessing root power.03:04
a2xmic56:  and there are some partisions thet using their own name.. i confuse here03:05
=== MenZa [n=chatzill@0x535de891.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Bountydoes anybody have any clue to how i can still access yahoo through ubuntu ?03:05
skavengebut if your running gnome and install kde both WMs apps are in the menus and stuff really annoying03:05
ompaul!rootsudo > theBeno03:05
moogmantheBeno: Which leaves sudo as the only option to perform admin options. That's the way I see it anyway.03:05
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moogman!rootsudo > moogman03:05
dark_lightChousuke, why?03:05
theBenomoogman, Yeah, that's good for the average joe who will never use ssh, but I like my advanced features.03:05
Chousukedark_light: because it's convenient, fast, secure and I just love it. <403:05
a2xmic56: /dev/hdb7 /media/riyanto --> this doesnt works03:05
Chousukedark_light: it also allows for more fine-grained control of root rights.03:06
Deanodriverhey all03:06
moogmantheBeno: If you do "sudo passwd", you can set the root password, which means you'll be able to login directly, or using su etc.03:07
=== Echodrive-Ubuntu [n=brian@CPE-60-225-99-117.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Chousukethat's not recommended though.03:07
Echodrive-Ubuntuheylo people03:07
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Deanodriveri'm having a small problem with my samba shares, I can read and write to them from my windows box (on my server), but on my desktop, it's read-only03:07
dark_lightChousuke, i think that or you have root or don't have. and.. yes, it's sometimes convenient03:07
moogmanAgreed Chousuke03:07
cypher1Paladine, please repeat the same for the other package also and see the output03:07
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piwican you guys explain me how to install a tar.gz application? flash player doesnt want to install automatically using firefox automated wizard03:07
ic56a2xm: shouldn't that be riyanto2 ? That's how it was in your old fstab from Ubuntu 5.1003:07
Echodrive-Ubuntuanyone know a good place to play chess online?? i cant get into zone.com cuz of no IE,, so any places would be great!03:08
Hobbsee!flash > piwi03:08
=== syndicate47 [n=opera@dsl-145-223-243.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
theBenomoogman, Yeah, and I'll probably remove sudo.03:08
a2xmic56: /dev/hdb7 /media/riyanto --> this works anly on nautilus, not on desktop03:08
theBenoOr disable it.03:08
dark_lightChousuke, but login as root is so more simple when you want type many commands..03:08
Deanodrivermy entry in fstab for the shares is:03:08
MalMenhttp://rafb.net/paste/results/vKB52d91.html <- what is wrong here ?03:08
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ChousuketheBeno: that could break things in Ubuntu03:08
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Chousukedark_light: no it isn't03:08
Chousukedark_light: sudo -s :)03:08
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ompaultheBeno, well sudo is advanced03:08
piwithanks Hobbsee03:08
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a2xmic56: /dev/hdb7 /media/riyanto --> this works on nautilus, not on desktop03:08
gonnhello. how can i change my laptop monitor brightness if there are no buttons on monitor?03:09
Deanodriver/shareonserver /mountpoint smbfs defaults,uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=777,user   0   003:09
dark_lightChousuke, hmm yeah but *i* love to go to a tty and login as root :P03:09
ompaultheBeno, I had the bot send you a url read its contents it will tell you all you want to know03:09
Deanodriver(two // on the share on server)03:09
Deanodriverhave i missed out something in order to have read/write?03:09
Chousukedark_light: well, login as your normal user instead and do sudo -s :P03:09
moogmantheBeno: As Chousuke, you can use "sudo -s" to perform the same thing as "su". But, if you know plenty about Linux, you'd have already made up your mind about sudo vs su :)03:09
bbrazilDeanodriver: you need a umask too03:09
b00gz1Can someone please help me with a really simple Bind issue.   I am using Bind9 and I am hosting ibxsecurity.com ... If I ask (Local Private IP) about ibxsecurity.com it will respond with my WAN IP (Which it should do) now if I ask my Wan IP about ibxsecurity.com it gives me DNS requested timed out.  I do have the ports forwarded and it does not fail until I ask about the domain.  PLEASE HELP!03:09
Chousukemoogman: I knew plenty about Linux before I found sudo. :D03:09
Chousukethen I converted.03:10
a2xmic56: ah, wait.. /dev/hdb7 /media/riyanto --> this works on desktop but with the name OTHERS03:10
=== toor [n=jon@user-4495.l2.c5.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Deanodriverreally? thanks, i'll give that a try03:10
ic56a2xm: by "works", I assume you mean that you see an icon named "windows" which, when you open, you see your files.  Correct?03:10
Deanodriver777 as well?03:10
Paladinecypher1, same thing sudo apt-get -u install will let me do it, but the sudo apt-get upgrade still marks it as kept back03:10
a2xmic56: yes, for windows & data03:10
moogmanChousuke: Me too. I nuked my boxes too many times running as root, and using su, and leaving root wide open to ssh ;)03:10
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ic56a2xm: shouldn't that be riyanto2 ? That's how it was in your old fstab from Ubuntu 5.1003:10
theBenoompaul, I'm reading the page right now.03:10
cypher1b00gz1, please join #dns03:10
ubotuNo fonts in mplayer? Try " sudo apt-get install mplayer-fonts " ( multiverse must be enabled see !repos ).03:11
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.03:11
theBenomoogman, And I don't like su. ^_^03:11
theBenomoogman, sudo*03:11
cypher1Paladine, can you please paste03:11
MalMenhttp://rafb.net/paste/results/vKB52d91.html <- what is wrong here ? plz help me, my X dont want start :X03:11
=== Curator [n=delta9@delta9.0xf050.org] has joined #ubuntu
a2xmic56: yes, you're right... but i dont know where the name OTHERS come from03:11
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moogmantheBeno: Hehe fair enough, then you can use "sudo passwd" to re-enable it.03:11
Curatorhow do I install a USB ADSL modem in ubuntu?03:11
Curatorit DOESNT have ethernet03:12
ChousukeCurator: Those are always a bit difficult.03:12
=== ueli [n=ueli@orb-rem-catv-c100-p227.vtx.ch] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
moogmanAny ideas about my samba/windows network problem, guys? (See original question above)03:12
frogzooCurator: get a linux driver (maybe) or you're sol03:12
a2xmic56:  and the partitions that i dont want, are there works fine03:12
Deanodriverdo i set umask as 0777 or 777?03:12
dark_lightChousuke, well. maybe it's better to avoid one step if i don't plan to do any work with the regular user. :P03:12
cypher1hi frogzoo03:12
=== frogzoo waves to cypher1
a2xmic56: with their own name03:13
Chousukedark_light: ;P03:13
=== steveeeeee [n=steve@c211-30-106-95.carlnfd1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
dark_lightwell, bye-bye :P03:13
Chousukea few years ago when I installed Debian I had a USB ADSL Modem.03:13
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gonnhow can i change my laptop monitor brightness if there are no buttons on monitor?03:13
ChousukeAfter a while, I gave up and bought a real one. :P03:13
sysKinanyone knows what liblarne0 packet is03:13
MalMenthats the error03:13
ChousukeThings may have improved since.03:13
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (gnome) or ark (kde)03:13
piwi!install tar.gz03:14
ubotuI know nothing about install tar.gz - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:14
Chousukepiwi: install flashplayer-nonfree03:14
frogzoo!fishing > piwi03:14
Paladinecypher1, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1807803:14
ic56a2xm: Let me clarify, since you failed to answer the original question and you are now confusing it with a different context: shouldn't that be riyanto2 instead of riyanto on the desktop and in /etc/fstab? That's how it was in your old fstab from Ubuntu 5.1003:14
lotwookAnyone able to help me with the mplayer plugin? When I got to watch video at cnn.com for example, I get just a white screen where the video should play.03:14
ompaultheBeno, a minor note, never tell someone in this channel how to do what you asked, point them to that page please, the reason is as we help new users we expect them to start from the same point03:15
Smeggyanyone recommend an encypted dvd ripper?03:15
theBenomoogman, I run FreeBSD and gentoo systems, but just trying Ubuntu because it's the latest big thing.  Especially with LTS support etc.03:15
Smeggyone of my dvds has a crack in the inner circle and i want to rip it before it shatters03:15
a2xmic56: yes, it should be riyanto2 just like in the old fstab03:15
xophErDo you guys know of an app that lets me convert my movies (xvid) to mp4-format? (cell phone)03:15
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rpedrogonn: try 'man xgamma' , it's for adjusting screen gamma color, but might work as an workaround until you find out a real solution, as I can't think of anything else03:15
theBenoompaul, alright03:15
frogzoocypher1: yep, don't think suspend works the way you think - by default all network drivers are removed, so there's no state to restore, but from the interfaces file03:15
gonnthanks rpedro03:16
ompaultheBeno, if they have root - it is not fair on the people here who are expecting them not to have it and 10 minutes later you find they have been touching all the stuff in their home dir with root what a mess :-)03:16
=== mr_lampe [n=tho@dslb-084-056-174-118.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaultheBeno, I came to linux from FreeBSD and I can say I prefer it, if you do it for a week you tend to implement it on other boxes :-)03:16
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ompaultheBeno, was doing linux long before I got into ubuntu03:17
moogmantheBeno: Ah, nice to see the support having effect. You'll find Ubuntu "easier" than most other Linux/UNIX IMHO, if you stick with the way they want to do things03:17
rosaanyone knows how to get an aolconnection on (k)ubuntu? i am noob so plz explain slow...ly.03:17
cypher1frogzoo, but it can remember which are the network drivers loaded right03:17
rpedrogonn: np, I never used any under linux but someone else might know of a real control panel for such things03:17
ic56a2xm: so, did you mistype it when you changed /etc/fstab ? Does your fstab say riyanto or riyanto2 ?  Does your /media directory contain a subdirectory named riyanto or riyanto2?03:17
cypher1Paladine, sorry i could not root cause it... but if you notice the package names are different..03:18
frogzoocypher1: I think it just reloads whatever drivers are needed to bring up the interfaces03:18
=== etaoin [n=user@c-24-3-102-100.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsI'm after a powerful password management program - which allows me to set passwords which expire after x time etc?03:18
gonni was hoping to find that in the internet03:18
gonnbut none so far...03:18
TARZEAUsnoops: for linux logins?03:18
theBenoYeah, it's a good system, but I'm not a fan of someone making me "stick with the way they want to do things".  That's why I use linux in the first place. ^_^03:18
cypher1frogzoo, no i dont agree to that way03:18
frogzoosnoops: stock passwd supports expiration03:18
TARZEAUsnoops: you already have it ;)03:18
frogzoosnoops: just need a gui mebbe03:18
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frogzoocypher1: so submit a patch03:18
moogmansnoops: passwd -x03:18
cypher1frogzoo, if i have a dummy entry in interfaces will it load a driver for that also ?03:18
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cypher1frogzoo, did thought of going into hibernate code.. ;)03:19
b00gz1cypher1 ok Thanks!03:19
snoopsnot for logins03:19
cypher1b00gz1, welcome03:19
snoopsfor websites, bank account stuff etc03:19
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gonni just found out that default keys work for brightness setting03:19
vice-versaany suggestions for booting with 5.10 livecd on a Compaq R4000 (AMD64 3500 w/ATI)?03:20
vice-versaso far I've used noacpi acpi=off debian-installer/framebuffer=false and I'm thinking it's hanging loading X03:20
gonni could not ever dream of that!03:20
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gonnbut it is just my monitor is't too good :(03:20
gonnthanks anyway ;)03:20
ompaulvice-versa, if your using 5.10 then do this, wiki.ubuntu.com/PaulsKludge just try it out03:20
pojeI wish I could whip the ATI devs until they made a functioning linux driver03:21
vice-versaompaul: ok, ty looking....03:21
rpedrogonn: great ;-)03:21
Deanodriveri'm still having no luck, i changed umask and dmask, and still cannot write03:21
Deanodriverstupid dmask03:22
Deanodriverand fstab03:22
cypher1frogzoo, that is the reason i reopened the defect03:22
frogzoocypher1: all the hotplug code's in a state of flux atm, so I'm pretty much assuming these little niggles will sort themselves out over time03:23
snoopsTARZEAU you assumed I meant for logins - any idea for a password manager which has expirations etc for bank account details/web site logins/all personal passwords really03:23
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Deanodriverthis is my current fstab entry:03:23
cypher1frogzoo, can we discuss in #ubuntu-bugs ?03:23
vice-versaompaul: that's for doing a full install is it not?03:23
Deanodriveri can read to it with this03:23
Deanodriverand read and write with my windows box03:23
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frogzoocypher1: I'm kind of busy atm03:24
Deanodriverand i'm pretty sure the problem is on this end if i can read/write on the windows box03:24
Deanodriverno user/pass set03:24
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=== Ropechoborra Buenas Sres.
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Deanodriverdoes anyone know what i'm doing wrong?03:25
Deanodriveri don't like copying 45GB over SSH :)03:25
TARZEAUDeanodriver: why not?03:25
Deanodriverfar too slow03:25
TARZEAUDeanodriver: i've copied 450 GB over SSH03:25
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vice-versaompaul: I just want to boot with the LiveCD for now, is there anyway to pass a parameter to not load X?03:26
sysKinis there a way to play music with xmms from smb:// drive?03:26
Deanodriverso just continue doing it?03:26
sysKinit doesn't seem to be doing anything when I try03:26
TARZEAUDeanodriver: i assume you have 100mbit?03:26
TARZEAUDeanodriver: and use rsync?03:26
TARZEAUsure, just keep it running in a screen03:27
Deanodriver(copying in nautilus)03:27
TARZEAUi wouldn't trust nautilus to not segfault for so long03:27
Deanodriveri spose i could boot up with a livecd and copy it over03:27
Deanodriveri'm wiping this machine anyway03:27
ompaulvice-versa, I guess there is I don't know it03:28
Deanodriverit took about an hour and a half to copy 13GB, is all03:28
moogmanHey. I'm in the process of converting a die hard windows fan/administrator to Ubuntu. He's really impressesd with how easy it is to use, and I'm almost there, except... He can't access his networked machines, via samba. I've gone into gconf-editor, and changed the workgroup to the correct one, and we now get a list of machines via "windows network", which is a good start - except we cant connect to one machine in particular. Is t03:28
Deanodriverstill got another 28GB to go :)03:28
ompaul!samba > moogman03:29
moogmanDeanodriver: You could try using ssh -C, to compress the connection - if you have lots of compressible data (i.e. not movies or mp3s)03:29
Deanodriverafraid not03:29
Deanodriveri'll just boot up with a livecd, and copy it in that03:29
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vice-versais there anyway to pass a parameter when booting 5.10 LiveCD 64bit to not load X?03:29
Deanodriveras i said, i'm wiping the hdd soon anyway03:29
Deanodriveri've got 1GB of RAM, but rarely use the swap atm, how big should my swap partition be?03:30
Deanodriverit's 1GB atm03:30
Zooliethx Hobbsee,what .deb i need from there? and this tar.bz2 is what? couse maybe one day i find a program in *.tar.bz2 and i want to use it...pls tell me03:30
pianoboy3333How do you mount a firewire (1394) drive? What device does it show up under?03:31
moogmanThanks ompaul, that doesn't seem to help - Samba client is installed, and we're just trying to connect to a remote (Windows) share, via Nautilus03:31
erUSULZoolie: is a zip like file with a tre of source files to compile the program yourself03:31
ompaulmoogman, read that page if you want to browse there is smbclient03:32
Zooliehow to compile?03:32
ompaul!compile > Zoolie03:32
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for a pre-built package first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)03:32
moogmanompaul: Des Nautilus and gnome VFS use smbclient as it's backend then?03:32
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Zooliethx guys03:33
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ompaulmoogman, no idea03:33
Zooliethe link is empty03:33
erUSULZoolie: make sure that the program is not in repositories. compiling from source is not a wise thing to do unless you know what you are doing03:33
ompaulmoogman, I will know in three hours03:33
Zoolienothing there03:33
ompaulmoogman, going to do some samba work here03:33
moogmanompaul: Ok, I guess would be useful to try connecting with smbclient, to see where the problem lies.03:34
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ompaulmoogman, hopefully all done by then03:34
ZoolieerUSUL,ok but kopete is only in 0.11 at ubuntu reps.....03:34
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moogmanompaul: Ok, I'll stick around :)03:34
HobbseeZoolie: you want http://www.buntudot.org/people/~hobbsee/kopete/kopete_3.5.3+kopete0.12.1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb (assuming you're on i386)03:34
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Hobbsee!compile > Zoolie03:34
Echodrive-Ubuntuanyone know if they have a shockwave for linux yet??!?!03:34
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erUSULEchodrive-Ubuntu: no afaik03:35
sj``hi there, i upgraded from breezy to dapper but my sound no longer works. I get "/dev/dsp: no such device" when trying to run alsamixer or aumix, my sound card is 0000:00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)03:35
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bigfoot1what's the fastest way to convert a wav to mp3?03:35
bigfoot1sound converter?03:35
ZoolieHobbsee: !compile's link is empty03:35
Paladinek time to reboot and try out -2603:35
Echodrive-Ubuntuwhy cant companies realise that linux users are are large in amount and only growing03:35
Paladinebrb hopefully03:35
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sj``any ideas?03:35
moogmanompaul: I had to use gconf-editor to allow Nautilus to "see" my workgroup/domain03:35
erUSUL!sound > sj``03:36
snoopsEchodrive-Ubuntu because it's still the absolute minority03:36
Echodrive-Ubuntulol,,, i know no-one,, not one person that uses a mac03:36
HobbseeZoolie: wait for it to come up03:36
sj``thank you03:36
ompaulZoolie, na it is there I sent it to you click again03:36
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erUSULsj``: run gstreamer-properties and choose alsa as backend03:36
Paladineanyone know if there is a way to make firefox save the tabs you have open and then relaunch them when firefox starts?03:36
Echodrive-Ubuntupaladine are you talking about a homepage?03:37
erUSULPaladine: there are extensions to do that03:37
Echodrive-Ubuntuoh ok03:37
Echodrive-Ubuntunvm me03:37
Paladineno I am talking about several tabs Ialways have open with different sites in03:37
PaladineerUSUL, you know which extension?03:37
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Sh4d0wanyone who can help me (i am new to linux) with seahorse and gnu pg? want to use it with gajim but i have no idea how to install everything i need03:37
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sj``erUSUL: same problem when i did that.03:38
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erUSULsj``: does 'aplay /usr/share/sounds/phone.wav' work?03:39
erUSULSh4d0w: what is the problem?03:39
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a2xmic56: hello...03:40
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Sh4d0wi wanted to know what i need to manage gnu pg in ubuntu, i have my keys in .asc here but i dont know how tu import them in any keymanager03:40
|kYhow can i make a new partition if the system is installed ???03:40
ic56a2xm: hello03:40
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a2xmic56: my connection went down03:41
ic56a2xm: so, did you mistype it when you changed /etc/fstab ? Does your fstab say riyanto or riyanto2 ?  Does your /media directory contain a subdirectory named riyanto or riyanto2?03:41
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|kYhow can i make a new partition without installing the system new ???03:41
jersymikene one here willing to help me with going through linux for my first time?03:41
a2xmic56: wrote many of those answer already, man... ;-)03:41
erUSULSh4d0w: gpg --import *.asc03:41
ubuntu_Izncan anyone help with samba?03:41
erUSUL|kY: gparted03:41
Sh4d0wah so i just need to install gpg with synaptic and then use the console?03:42
erUSUL|kY: gparted and btw do not repeat please03:42
|kYok sorry ;)03:42
erUSULSh4d0w: gpg should be instaled by default03:42
sj``erUSUL: nope, i get the following errors: http://rafb.net/paste/results/m0pJY672.html03:42
Sh4d0wok i try, thx, are my first steps at linux, want to come away from windows03:43
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erUSULSh4d0w: seahorse does have a import function (Keys>Import)03:43
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ubuntu_Izis anyone good with samba?03:43
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moogmanubuntu_Iz: Possibly. What's up?03:43
DBOubuntu_Iz, what do you need?03:43
Sh4d0wyes but my problem is, how can i install seahores03:43
a2xmic56:  i didn't mistype, i just remember its what should be, sorry... my fstab contain riyanto. and my /media has both riyanto and riyanto2. but the riyanto2 has nothing in it03:44
sj``erUSUL: i will try building alsa-driver from source with intel8x0 drivers and see if that works03:44
ubuntu_Izwell i set up samba on two ubuntu 6.06 computers, and when i try to access either from the other, it goes into an eternal loop of asking for a username and password03:44
a2xmic56: and i dont want riyanto203:44
erUSULsj``: try modprobe snd-intel8x003:44
ubuntu_Izi was told to use smppasswd and set a password on both machines, which i have done03:44
erUSULSh4d0w: with synaptic03:44
ic56a2xm: ok. sudo rmdir /media/riyanto203:44
erUSUL!synaptic > Sh4d0w03:44
riddleboxif I create a deb file, do I have to do anything to it so apt will resolve dependencies for it?03:44
sj``FATAL: Error inserting snd_intel8x0 (/lib/modules/2.6.12-10-386/kernel/sound/pci/snd-intel8x0.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)03:45
erUSUL!repositories > Sh4d0w03:45
Sh4d0wok thx03:45
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jersymikehow do i gt to some sort of destop the boot login?03:45
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|kYerUSUL: i can't change anything with gparted03:45
Sh4d0wah well i have done this, but i dont find a file with that i can start seahorse, there are only glade files03:45
a2xmic56: done03:45
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v3Hello all, I just want ubuntu to login to the default user and keep the system up and running, ready to accept remote login how do i do that ? after a power failure the system will not login to the user account ...03:46
v3how do i fix this ?03:46
=== Psychobudgie [n=klaatu@82-71-44-108.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu
jersymikei9 must be retarted or something i cant figure this crp out for my life03:47
riddleboxv3, System-->Administration--->Login03:47
a2xmic56: /media/riyanto works ok on nautilus, but its become others on desktop. weird?03:47
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erUSUL|kY: you con't change mounted partitions and there are restricitions on what can be done. is better to edit parts from a livecd. also *make backups* messing with harddrives is risky business03:48
ubuntu_Izso erm03:48
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riddleboxjersymike, I have missed what your problem is, do you mind saying it again?03:48
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Sh4d0wwell first good thing, i imported the keys with gpg itself :)03:48
erUSULSh4d0w: Apps>Acces.>03:48
pianoboy3333I'd like to know if I can get some help with a sound issue at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=125889203:48
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jersymikeim new at linux.. how would i log on for the first time after instaling it?03:48
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erUSULjersymike: with the user and password you set during intalation03:49
v3riddlebox: hmmz ok ..03:49
Sh4d0werUSUL: there is no seahorse :/ but in synaptic it says seahrose is installed03:49
riddleboxjersymike, when you installed your system, you created a user account with a password03:49
ic56a2xm: good. I don't know why riyanto doesn't appear on your desktop while data does.  They're configured identically, AFAIK, and the reboot should have cleared any discrepancy.  So that's as far as I can help you.  If you like this setup, keep it.  If you prefer the one you had before, rename /etc/fstab and replace it with the backup (/etc/fstab.back...).  Either way, you will still have problems with other stuff:03:49
jersymikei instaled it then removed the disk but when i load up it says put a boot disk in03:49
v3can a box without anybody logged in accept ssh connections ?03:49
ubuntu_Izi guess i'll just post on the forums03:50
dmsantamjersymike, did you install a boot loader?03:50
dmsantamv3, yes03:50
jersymikei dont think i did03:50
Sh4d0wi will try gpa03:50
erUSULv3: yes whay not?03:50
dmsantamjersymike, it asked you to install grub03:50
jersymikehow would i do that?03:50
dmsantamjersymike, do you remember accepting that?03:50
jersymikeumm no03:50
dmsantamthe installer asks you to install grub (a boot loader)03:50
jersymikei instaled the server03:50
a2xmic56:  and how about the partisions that i dont want. all aff them are in the desktop03:50
ic56a2xm: tehre are virtual filesystems that aren't in the old fstab and which are needed in 6.06 and your cdrom and dvdrom mountpoints aren't setup quite right -- nonstandard.  Eventually, you may want to reinstall03:51
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ic56a2xm: which partitions?03:51
riddleboxjersymike,  then you did not complete the install, your system will reboot once during an install if I remember correctly but it will tell you when you are done03:51
jersymikei was instaling mandrivia but someone told me to go this way because its alot more freindly03:51
v3dmsantam,erUSUL cool tnx. do i need to do anything special to enable root login to that box ?03:51
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Sh4d0wah i found seahorse sry i was blind03:51
a2xmic56: hdb1, hdb5, hdb603:51
TazaWhat kind of install should I pick if I want both Xubuntu and a LAMP server for a p2?03:52
riddleboxjersymike, I used to use mandriva, ubuntu is faster and it seems that it is friendly toward everyone03:52
v3 oh and i need to have a dyndns attached to the box ... will that requrie a login ?03:52
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a2xmic56:  all of them are on the desktop with their own name.03:52
TazaBoth Gnome and KDE are too heavy for that computer.03:52
jersymikeyeah thats what i was told and i was having problem with mandrivia not comming out of failsafe mode03:52
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riddleboxv3, you can use dyndns on the router if you have one and point ssh or web to the pc through the router as well03:53
=== falfaro Hello
ic56a2xm: do you want them to not be mounted or to be mounted but not visible on the desktop?03:53
jersymikeok well how would i install the boot loader now?03:53
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erUSULv3: yes edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config03:53
riddleboxjersymike, I suggest going through the install again03:53
hawkaloogieTaza, I'd start with the ubuntu server install, and then apt-get install xubuntu-desktop (iirc)03:53
a2xmic56: i want them not to be mounted03:53
jersymikecould u step me through the instal so i dont mess up this time if i have questions on somethinh?03:53
riddleboxcan anyone tell me how to find out who is packaging certain apps in the repositories?03:54
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riddleboxjersymike, sure03:54
ic56a2xm: ok.  Could you verify what exists under them in the desktop?  They should appear to be empty, given the fstab you showed me03:54
Tazahawkaloogie: Thanks. I got the server CD and am atm installing the LAMP version of the install.03:54
jersymikety umm first question is should i be using the server cd to instal it or the destop one?03:54
riddleboxis this for a server or for your desktop?03:55
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a2xmic56:  sorry, i dont get what u mean03:55
jersymikeumm its for a home computer03:55
jersymikebut it has no os on it because windows got whiped out03:55
riddleboxjersymike, then use the desktop cd03:55
falfaroUsually, for a home computer, you would choose the desktop CD.03:55
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jersymikeoh ok03:56
v3riddlebox, erUSUL tnx.03:56
ic56a2xm: when you open the icons for those partitions on the desktop, do you see any files inside?03:56
erUSULv3: no problem03:56
riddleboxv3, no prob03:56
jersymikewell it has no os at all atm03:56
TazaIf I want a light install (seeing the bit under 2gb hdd), server cd would be preferable?03:56
riddleboxjersymike,  thats great03:56
falfaroHowever, if you intend the machine to act as a network server, like running Apache, file server or print server, the Server CD could be best suited.03:56
Tazajersymike: Doesn't matter03:56
a2xmic56: yes, it works just fine03:56
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jersymikenah atm im jus gonna try to getused to linux and ill make this computer a server after im firmilar with it03:57
ic56a2xm: did you mount them manually since you last rebooted?03:57
Tazajersymike: The desktop install has it's own desktop IIRC. It doesn't need windows, and it doesn't need even the HDD to work.03:57
a2xmic56: nope03:57
riddleboxv3, there is another cool thing you can do, if you want that user to start certain apps when it logs in, you can go the sessions option and enter commands to run when it logs in03:57
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ic56a2xm: please pastebin your /etc/fstab for me again -- I want to see the latest version03:58
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jersymikeoh realy03:58
riddleboxjersymike, once you get the desktop running, its really not much to get the server apps on it, through synaptic or apt-get03:58
jersymikew8 go back to that doesnt need a hdd to work03:58
jersymikecuz i have a laptop with a fryed hdd03:58
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riddleboxjersymike, the ubuntu install disc is a livecd, it will run off of your cdrom03:59
jersymikeok but i still need a hdd to store things tho right?03:59
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riddleboxjersymike, yes you will03:59
riddleboxjersymike, or a flash drive or something04:00
jersymikelol i was getting happy for a moment04:00
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jersymikeyeah i was thinking about going external but its not worth it to put that on it04:00
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jersymikecuz the laptop is junk04:00
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Paladineanyone know how I re-enable linux console colors in terminals?04:00
sj``erUSUL: i recompiled the alsa driver to use snd-intel8x0, which is loaded, still having the same problem04:01
ic56Paladine: by terminals, do you mean the gnome-terminal application?04:01
falfaroPaladine, what is you TERM variable set to?04:01
a2xmic56: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1807904:01
Tazajersymike: If you want a system to run without a HDD, I suggest knoppix over ubuntu. With a 64mb usb drive, for example.04:01
falfaroOr you could also use DSL (Damn Small Linux)04:01
Paladineyeah gnome terminal04:02
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jersymikeok lol04:02
falfaroPaladine, I mean what's the output when running "echo $TERM"04:02
TazaI've found the knoppix CD + usb drive for saving files/config work like a charm04:02
falfaroOK, so the terminal is set up correctly04:02
erUSULsj``: i'm afraid i can not help you further... check the output of lsmod to see if all nec. modules are loaded etc04:02
falfaroWhat's missing the colors?04:02
lowfiPaladine, uncomment the color section in ~/.bashrc04:02
sj``erUSUL: ok no worries. thanks for your help (:04:03
jersymikeby a usb drive u mean like a portable hdd or like a memory stick?04:03
Tazajersymike: memory stick.04:03
Paladinelowfi, ah that would explain it, I think I must have rm'd .bashrc by mistake04:03
ic56Paladine: what does "alias ls" report?04:03
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jersymikeoh ok i have a few of them from my little bros psp04:03
falfarorun "alias" and make sure you've got an alias defined for ls like "alias ls='ls --color=auto'"04:03
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Tazajersymike: I doubt. Not a memory card, an USB drive.04:04
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Paladinepaladine@main:~$ alias ls04:04
Paladinebash: alias: ls: not found04:04
vivekubuntu has no root login by default ? everything is via sudo ?04:04
ic56Paladine: please address the person to whom you are speaking so we know whose question you are answering04:04
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falfarotry running "ls --color=auto"04:04
vivekcan i have a root login ?04:04
jersymikeno i kno psp uses a memory stick there like 1gb04:04
Paladinefalfaro, that worked, I need to get a new bashrc04:04
Taza*shrugs* Never used a psp, but if it's got an USB connector, it prob fits.04:05
falfaroyou can add the following line to ~/.bashrc: alias ls='ls --color=auto'04:05
IcemanV9!root > vivek04:05
ic56Paladine: edit your ~/.bashrc  Inside add a line like this: alias ls='/bin/ls --color=auto'.  This will fix your problem permanently04:05
sysKincan I define my shortcut keys to run applications/commands I want04:05
Paladineyeah thanks man04:05
falfaroand also, add "eval `dircolors -b`"04:05
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PaladineI made a boo boo the other day and rm'd /var/sid-i386-chroot/ without unmounting /home and /tmp first04:06
Paladineso I ended up rm'ing half my homedir before I realised04:06
Tazajersymike: Here's some examples: http://images.google.com/images?q=usb+memory+stick04:06
jersymiketaza: can u give me the link for the knoppix image that would work with the non hdd set up?04:06
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jersymikeyeah thats them04:07
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ic56a2xm: Paladine: that's what backups are for!04:07
Tazajersymike: I don't know of a knoppix image that wouldn't. ( http://www.knoppix.org/ )04:07
Paladineic56, backups pffft, where's the fun in backups?04:07
ic56Paladine: that's what backups are for!  You should do them daily04:07
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dr_willisBackup all your Porn!04:07
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Tazajersymike: However, there's also #knoppix on freenode, I doubt #ubuntu is the place for discussion about knoppix. :p04:08
dv_anyone knows a good UML modeling package for linux?04:08
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ic56Paladine: backups are fun! floppy after hundredth floppy you can hear your little drive spin up, whish-whish-whish.... then spin down!04:08
jersymikewow now im downloading fast04:09
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jersymikelas night i was slow as heck now im at 440kb/sec04:09
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Giorgos[a] can i ask sth cause noone is there ton answer in the kvirc room04:11
Giorgos[a] anyone using kvirc?04:11
jersymiketaza: what one should i chose on this site? ftp://ftp.cise.ufl.edu/pub/mirrors/knoppix/04:11
Tommy2k4how can i reencode an mp3 to a lower bitrate mp304:12
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ic56a2xm: ok sudo gedit /etc/fstab  and comment out the entries for the 3 unwanted filesystems, by putting a sharp in from of each line. Eg: # /dev/hdb1 ...04:13
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tom12519Does anybody have a GP2X/04:13
Giorgos[a] anyone knows how i can change the BAN MASK in kvirc.it bans *!ident@*.host and this is not helpfull04:13
ic56a2xm: while you're there, delete the comments about "winmac_fstab" -- they're junk and annoying to anyone else you might call upon for help04:13
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jersymiketaza: or should i use this? http://torrent.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/04:13
viveki have ubuntu up and runnig on my system now .. but it can't seem to resolve outside urls... it can ping the internal routers. ... ( i have two routers ... Internet--router/modem/----router ----wired --- ubuntu ... how do i get it to resolve dns ?04:14
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erUSULvivek: are you using dhcp? or static ip?04:14
vivekerUSUL: dhcp on both the routers ...04:14
livingdaylightHi Guys!!! i just got back from a successful hunt. I got an INVIDIA 6600gt graphics card. NOW, errrhum....how do i install it?  :o04:14
viveklivingdaylight: cool04:15
Giorgos[a] anyone knows how i can change the BAN MASK in kvirc.it bans *!ident@*.host and this is not helpfull04:15
viveklivingdaylight: nvidia drivers are not that bad compared to the ati drivers ;)04:15
livingdaylightMy motherboard has onboard integrated graphics card and i was told to go  into the bios to switch it off, but i see nothing nowhere in the bios to do this, any help?04:15
erUSULvivek: post the contents of /etc/resolv.conf in a pastebin04:15
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto04:15
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forrestis it true that if you use aptitude, you cant use apt-get?04:16
riddleboxlivingdaylight, I believe its just apt-get install nvidia-glx or something like that04:16
Paladineanyone know what .rnd is in my home dir? it is a root owned file looks like it is a binary too04:16
morrolanforrest: not at all04:16
livingdaylightriddlebox: just slot the agp graphics card install the nvidia drivers and ubuntu will pick it up?04:16
morrolanforrest: of course you can use both together - that's\ the beauty of linux, using 1 program usually doesn't prohibit ot mess-up another04:16
forrestmorrolan: where does aptitude record which pakages were automaticly installed and which manually?04:16
frogzoovivek: your problem is that your ubuntu's dns server comes from dhcp -> dhcp router #2 -> dhcp router #1      I'm thinking router #2 has the wrong dns setting04:16
Giorgos[a] anyone using KVIRC?04:17
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Tazajersymike: KNOPPIX_V4.0.2CD-2005-09-23-EN.iso , I believe.04:17
ic56Paladine: no .rnd in my ubuntu 5.10 homedird04:17
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riddleboxlivingdaylight, yeah put it in the pc, then you will install the drivers, and do a command like nvidia-glx enable or something like that then restart and you should see the nvidia logo04:17
livingdaylightriddlebox: ok, i'll give that a go04:18
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jersymiketaza: what site is that off of?04:18
morrolanforrest: I think it's /etc/aptitude04:18
riddleboxlivingdaylight, there was a link put up by erUSUL that will help you as well04:18
Giorgos[a] anyone using KVIRC?04:19
Deanodriver'you do not have permissions to write to this folder'04:19
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Deanodriverstupid thing04:19
Tazajersymike: Do join #knoppix and ask there.04:19
livingdaylightriddlebox: where's that?04:19
Deanodriver(this is just using mount -t smbfs, not fstab)04:19
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jersymiketaza: ok04:20
riddleboxTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto04:20
riddleboxlivingdaylight, there04:20
vivekerUSUL: i have nameserver set to the second router ip there ... just looking for a paste bin ...04:20
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livingdaylightriddlebox: ok, thx04:20
vivekfrogzoo: how do i check that ?04:20
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miLhi people04:21
miLdo you know if www.goear.com it has something to see with youtube?04:21
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:21
erUSULvivek: and there is a nameserver running in that router?04:22
Deanodriverif i change the permissions of a directory, it says permission denied, even if i'm using sudo, why could that be?04:22
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vivekerUSUL: yes i have dropped in the nameserver settings on the router04:22
livingdaylightnot sure i know where to connect the graphics power to on the motherboard?  :|04:23
vivekerUSUL: if i change the nameserver settings on ubuntu it works ... (ie i drop in the dns of my isp in resolv.conf ...04:23
Giorgos[a] anyone using KVIRC?04:23
vivekthat's not the right way to go about it is it ? ...04:23
shukhratcompliler C/C++ fo Ubuntu ?04:23
bbrazilshukhrat: build-essential04:24
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erUSULvivek: yes but the router assings its ip as the nameserver not the ips of the nameservers you configured if i understand correctly?04:24
vivekthe other equipment connected to router 2 are happy with the dns settings .. (my voip box and this laptop ...) not sure why ubuntu is not happy04:24
shukhratbuild_essential ?04:24
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Giorgos[a] anyone using KVIRC?i need help04:24
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shukhratis Ubuntu have compiler for C/C++ ?04:25
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vivekerUSUL: not sure i get you .. how do i check what ip the router has assigned ?04:25
vivekerUSUL: resolv.conf by default had
snoopsshukhrat as bbrazil said, install build-essential for compilers such as gcc04:25
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vivekerUSUL: http://pastebin.com/74870304:26
bbrazilsnoops: well, build-esssential only has gcc really04:26
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Deanodrivernothing i do can get it working04:26
snoopsthought it came with more bbrazil.. thanks04:26
Deanodriverall the time, when i try to write, it says that i don't have permissions to write to it04:26
Giorgos[a] erUSUL r u familiar with kvirc?04:26
erUSULvivek: but does the router has a nameserver running04:26
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knownoti'm having problems with ubuntu on a dual core 805, specifically only one core is working, I can boot into linux-image-i386 fine, but when i ty linux-image-686 it hangs just after the grub screen. If I disable apic in my bois, the 686 image will boot, but with only one cpu04:27
erUSULGiorgos[a] : sorry no irssi and xchat here04:27
ThunderStruckbbrazil: build-essential has alot fo stuff including make and gcc04:27
bbrazilsnoops: make, gcc, g++ and libc-dev04:27
bbraziland dpkg-dev04:27
Giorgos[a] well i will need ur help with irssi04:27
Giorgos[a] let me tell ya what error i get04:27
vivekerUSUL: i have an openwrt router and i have dropped in the dns addresses in there ...04:27
Giorgos[a] erUSUL i run ./configure and i get this04:28
Giorgos[a] configure: error: Terminfo/termcap not found - install ncurses-devel package04:28
Giorgos[a] and i cannot find that with apt-cache04:28
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Giorgos[a] or synaptic04:28
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erUSULGiorgos[a] : the version in repos does not work for you?04:28
erUSUL!repositories > Giorgos[a] 04:29
knownotGiorgos[a] : sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev04:29
Deanodriveri give up04:29
skavengeprobably a simple question but konquerer isnt previewing my videos, do i have to turn this on/set this up?04:29
Deanodriveri'll take the hdd out of my server, put it in this, and copy the files over that way04:29
erUSULvivek: the router should give you those adresses and not its adress as nameserver afaics04:30
Deanodriveri'm loath to do it, though04:30
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vivekerUSUL: maybe i need to restart my router or something let me try that ..04:30
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bbrazilGiorgos[a] : libncurses5-dev maybe?04:30
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knownotskavenge: did you read the wiki entry on codecs?04:31
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knownotno-one can help with my problem?04:32
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skavengeknownot: uh yeah, i installed the lib i cant find that option to turn iton though04:32
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knownotno one?04:34
Giorgos[a] knownot it worked.after i run make and make install what do i type to start irssi?04:34
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sri_Knonot what is ur problem?04:35
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bbrazilGiorgos[a] : eh, irssi is in ubuntu04:35
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Giorgos[a] not the terminal one;)04:35
Giorgos[a] the one i downloaded from the site the graphical one04:35
knownoti'm having problems with ubuntu on a dual core 805, specifically only one core is working, I can boot into linux-image-i386 fine, but when i ty linux-image-686 it hangs just after the grub screen. If I disable apic in my bois, the 686 image will boot, but with only one cpu04:35
hastesaverHelp! I just destroyed my /mnt directory... what do I do?04:35
vivekerUSUL: tnx it worked after the reboot04:35
knownothastesaver: try sudo mkdir /mnt04:36
erUSULknownot: you need a smp version of the kernel04:36
erUSULvivek: no problem04:36
bbrazilGiorgos[a] : it's the text one for me on dapper04:36
knownoterUSUL: I have one04:36
hastesaver"mkdir: cannot create directory `mnt': File exists". Should I remove it and try again?04:36
knownotthe linux-image-2.6.15-26-686 is SMP04:36
knownothastesaver: no04:36
Giorgos[a] erUSUL i downloaded the graphical ver of irssi.configured it make and make install done04:37
Giorgos[a] now what?:P04:37
knownothastesaver: what do you mean destroyed?04:37
Giorgos[a] when i type irssi it starts the text one04:37
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knownotGiorgos[a] : type irissiTABTAB and see what comes up04:37
erUSULknownot: linux-686-smp04:37
knownotGiorgos[a] : should be something like irissi-gnome04:38
erUSULGiorgos[a] : run it from a terminal 'irssi'04:38
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hastesaverI installed "gmailfs", and I executed this: (sudo mount.gmailfs none /mnt -o username=gmailuser@gmail.com,fsname=zOlRRa -p) as given in the doc. That was stupid, I guess... :(04:38
erUSULGiorgos[a] : irssi is curses mode only afaik04:38
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bbrazilGiorgos[a] : The GTK and GNOME versions of irssi haven't been developed since early 2000, and currently lack much of irssi-text's functionality.04:38
hastesaverIt tried to make /mnt the mountpoint of something, I think04:38
bbrazilGiorgos[a] : from description in sarge04:38
a2xmic56: sorry, i was on the phone04:39
ic56a2xm: ok sudo gedit /etc/fstab  and comment out the entries for the 3 unwanted filesystems, by putting a sharp in from of each line. Eg: # /dev/hdb1 ...04:39
a2xmic56: ok, i commented out04:39
rowanjlHey, does anyone know if there is a repo with Mono 1.1.16? I need to upgrade, but don't want to use the installer, because it tends to make a mess.04:39
ic56a2xm: while you're there, delete the comments about "winmac_fstab" -- they're junk and annoying to anyone else you might call upon for help04:39
a2xmic56: i did it too04:39
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Giorgos[a] erUSUL i runned it from terminal but is starts the non-graphic mode04:39
hastesaverknownot, can you help?04:39
a2xmic56: save it and exit... and then..04:40
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iBroodcan someone help a newbie set up mysql?04:40
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iBroodI installed apache and php5 successfully04:40
knownoterUSUL: there is no smp linux-image in my repos04:40
erUSULGiorgos[a] : this is what i use the text version04:40
iBroodusing apt-get04:40
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iBroodthen as per ubuntuguide.org I also installed mysql04:40
ic56a2xm: ok. now: sudo umount /dev/hdb[156] 04:40
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iBroodbut how do I configure the path and all?04:41
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knownothastesaver: know why my box wont work with smp04:41
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erUSULknownot: my mistake sorry the 686 kernel should work in smp hardware04:41
tufsyhi is there an equivalent program in linux for adobe audition/cool edit pro?04:41
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ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems04:41
erUSULtufsy: audacity?04:41
hastesaverknownot, sorry, I'm too poor for this barter system to work :(04:41
a2xmic56: cool... ;-)04:42
bbraziliBrood: why not just use the ubuntu package?04:42
a2xmic56:  that's it?04:42
knownothastesaver: lol04:42
ic56a2xm: yes, that's it04:42
iBroodbbrazil:which package?04:42
hastesaverknownot, but do you have an idea what will happen now? I'm afraid of rebooting...04:42
knownotthe linux-image-2.6.15-26-686 is labeled by apt as " Linux kernel image for version 2.6.15 on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV SMP/UP"04:43
bbraziliBrood: mysql-server04:43
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iBroodI used the apt-get command in ubuntu. doesnt that have the same effect?04:43
iBroodwill it auto-configure?04:43
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a2xmic56: btw, what is the best way to upgrade from 5.10 to 6.06?04:43
bbraziliBrood: it's just the binaries04:43
knownothastesaver: what is mounted under /mnt usually?04:43
ic56a2xm: aren't you already on 6.06?04:43
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iBroodI'll try04:43
knownothastesaver:  nothing of importance to system booting usually04:43
bbrazilknownot: whatever you've currently got temporarily mounted04:43
rowanjlNobody uses 1.1.16?04:44
rowanjlmono 1.1.1604:44
knownotbbrazil: was a specific question to hastesaver04:44
a2xmic56: yes, i just curious, because i did it using the install icon from the desktop.. i heard it should be using apt-get upgrade?04:44
jersymikeomg i havea mouse04:44
miLdo you know if www.goear.com it has something to see with youtube?04:44
knownoterUSUL: any other ideas?04:44
jersymikebut thats all so far lmao04:44
=== AndyCooll [n=AndyCool@spc1-stkp2-0-0-cust137.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
bbraziliBrood: if you already apt-got it then it should all just work (tm)04:45
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.04:45
knownotjersymike: thats very observant04:45
hastesaverknownot, nothing in my /etc/fstab, and nothing listed by "mount". Does this mean it's safe??04:45
DaveyJi messed up my volume control and i dont know how to fix it :(04:45
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:45
knownothastesaver: most probably04:45
ic56a2xm: got that?04:45
erUSULknownot: sorry mo, maybe you should consider compiling your own?04:45
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild04:45
jersymikeahhhhh i have something besides text on my screen04:45
hastesaverWhat do you get if you do "ls /mnt"? What's supposed to be in there?04:46
RopechoborraCan anyone help me installing a program?? plz see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1808404:46
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knownoterUSUL: compiling a kernel is easy enough, I would prefer to stay with the packaged version though, this may become a production machine04:46
knownothastesaver: nothing04:46
knownothastesaver: ubuntu seems to use /media for most stuff04:46
hastesaverknownot, yes, thankfully. Nothing at all in your /mnt? That's a relief :)04:47
squidgyHi!  How does one make TAB-completion in bash successively fill in the completion possibilities rather than just printing a list of possible completions?04:47
knownoterUSUL: and I sleep easier knowing I havn't missed something04:47
a2xmic56: i see04:47
erUSULknownot: maybe booting with acpi=off help04:47
hastesaversquidgy, you want it to fill *all* the completions?04:48
vivekcan dyndns help me get access to my pc which is configured (Internet--AdslModem/Router---Openwrtrouter--pc ... the basic objective is to ssh into my PC and edit the Openwrt router to end up with a Openwrt(running openvpn)--School(web proxy)--Internet---(HomeAdsl/router)--(openwrt router running openvpn) .... but i can't get back home untill the end of this semester ...04:48
erUSULknownot: acpi is known to bo not reliable enough04:48
jersymikeriddlebox: i put in the destop live cd and it went straight for loading something now im at a blank screen with a mouse.. did i do something wrong?04:48
a2xmic56: what's this:  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d"04:48
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knownoterUSUL: I have tried that, but the funny thing is, that dapper amd64/em64t works properly04:48
hawkaloogiesquidgy, it fills in the rest of the possibility when there's only one possibility left04:48
RopechoborraCan anyone help me installing a program?? plz see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18084 dont know what to do04:48
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squidgyhastesaver:  no, just the next one alphabetically each time I press TAB, replacing the last candidate it inserted each time.04:48
a2xmic56: gksudo?04:48
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knownoterUSUL: but I don't want the hassle of beta testing x64 system04:49
riddleboxjersymike, reboot it, then when the cd asks you which to start arrow down to the second choice04:49
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ic56a2xm: man is your friend.  Do you know man?04:49
jersymikesafe grafics mode?04:50
knownotvivek: most probably not, the firewall wont know what to do with the incomming ssh attempt, unless you have already set it up04:50
squidgyhawkaloogie:  yes...on some system (maybe a different shell?), I could just press TAB and it would cycle through the remainint possibilities one at a time, so that I didn't have to disambiguate by typing then next differentiating letter.  Much faster than how it's setup here.04:50
jersymikeriddlebox: start in safe grafics mode?04:50
vivekknownot: the firewall @ school ? i need to tunnel out .. so what's the other alternative ?04:50
=== nowell [n=hxcjake@121-57.34-65.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rowanjlhmm, what is the best way to find out if there is a repo for Ubuntu with newer versions of Mono? Are there any lists of alternative repos?04:50
knownotsquidgy: you mean microsoft windows? :(04:50
nowellhi all04:50
knownotnowell: hi04:51
nowellif anyone has a second, I just installed ubuntu for the first time, and I can't seem to get it to let me use my second HDD04:51
a2xmic56: yes, i know man ;-)04:51
=== Jamo [n=jamo@68-184-225-236.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
nowelli keep getting unable to execute pmount04:51
knownotnowell: what is the error msg04:51
squidgyknownot:  windows might do that, yeah, but bash completion blows it out of the water.  I think maybe it was tcsh back in the day.04:51
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ardchoilleI find it both humourous and annoying that people come onto an irc network for no other reason than to run exploits and knock others off the network. I feel sorry for those sick people.04:51
nowelland that i don't have the permissions to browse that volume04:51
knownotsquidgy: google bash complition04:52
hastesaversquidgy, It's possible in bash04:52
Jamohow do I add ssh security to cvsd?04:52
ic56a2xm: then man gksudo.  The answer is on the first line.04:52
hastesaversquidgy, you have to set up your .inputrc ...04:52
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knownotnowell: you know how to use sudo ?04:52
nowellnope, unfortunately heh04:52
nowelli'm pretty new to linux04:52
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nowelland I'm loving ubuntu, except for this one problem04:52
jersymikeriddlebox: what is it doing now? it says oading hardwaredrivers and is stoped04:52
nowellsince the second hdd has all my media on it04:53
squidgyhastesaver:  thanks for the tip.  I'll google it.  is .inputrc specific to bash completion, or is it used for other things?  (rather unspecific file name)04:53
knownotnowell: try typeing this at the terminal -> sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt04:53
jersymikecough all his porn04:53
=== Karius [n=Karius@p5082B7DD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
dek_aikRopechoborra: maybe you should "cd .." to get back to LMNE 1.0 folder..then do ./configure , make, sudo make install04:53
nowellnow that you said that04:53
hastesaversquidgy, see http://www.ukuug.org/events/linux2003/papers/bash_tips/04:53
knownotsquidgy: other things/all things bash04:53
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nowelli just realized i formatted all my porn...04:53
nowellnow I'm sad04:53
riddleboxjersymike, just give it a minute04:53
joycetickhi, when trying to access my ubuntu computer from a windows computer i get "The account is not authorised to log in from this station", any ideas?04:53
knownotnowell: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!04:53
Ropechoborradek_aik Thanks!04:54
Jamowhat is a chroot jail?04:54
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knownotjoycetick: google samba permissions04:54
jersymikeok now im back at that blank screen with jus a mouse04:54
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hastesaversquidgy, better solution04:54
hastesaversquidgy, you just have to do: bind '"\t":menu-complete'04:54
knownotJamo: it's a method of containing a app to only have access to what it needs to operate, no more04:54
Ropechoborradek_aik when ./configure  File or Dir dont exist04:55
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squidgyhastesaver:  sweet.  thanks.04:55
=== rowanjl feels ignored
nowellit says can't find /dev/hdb1/mnt in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab04:55
syndicate47hi. i'm trying to replace "Remote Desktop" (vino-server) with vnc4server. while Remote Desktop shows the desktop, vnc4server opens a new session with only a terminal and does not show the panels or the background. can i change vncserver to show what is on the server's desktop instead?04:55
squidgyhastesaver:  oh yeah, that's the stuff.  Did you find that in the link you pasted?04:56
hastesaverOk, I'll just delete my /mnt and restore it, what the heck... the file doesn't even exit for me to move it away04:56
nowelland the bad part about the porn format..is that I had pics of a lady friend of mine..that will either be impossible or really hard to get again04:56
dek_aikRopechoborra: usually there's a README or INSTALL,  read that first04:56
RopechoborraTheres nothing04:56
knownotnowell: type it as I wrote it --> sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt <-- without the "-->"04:56
RopechoborraAlready checked04:56
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knownotnowell: think of the opertunities presented in getting them back04:57
jersymikeriddlebox: now im at a screen where it says mindow mannager at the bottom and ubuntu at the top right04:57
knownotrowanjl:  what is the problem?04:57
hastesaverknownot, It's worse than that. I can't remove it, or move it, or anything. "cannot lstat `mnt': Input/output error". Do you know what to do now? :)04:57
nowellmount: you must specify the filesystem type04:57
dek_aikRopechoborra: try ls what do you have there04:58
jersymikeshould i be clicking something on this screen?04:58
amgadguys, can i copy the apt cache from one machine to another to say skip downloading updates and installed programs?04:58
knownothastesaver: it is a IDE drive, not SATA/scsi?04:58
rowanjlwell, you see I need Mono 1.1.16, but I can't download the Mono Installer, and I can't find a repo with Mono 1.1.1604:58
dek_aikRopechoborra: what files do you have there in LMME 1.0 folder04:58
knownotmost filesystems are autodetected04:59
Jamodoes anyone have experience setting up cvsd with ssh?04:59
RopechoborraREADME (but its nothing important) and src04:59
rowanjlIt takes a long time to download the Installer, and considering I have many of the things included in it already installed.04:59
knownotrowanjl: mono as in from the monowall project?04:59
rowanjlEr, the Mono project04:59
nowellhmm, what should i do now Knownot. It's asking to specify the filesystem type04:59
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n9urkCan anyone in here help me with Audacity?05:00
rowanjlI have no idea what Monowall is05:00
dek_aikRopechoborra: does it says anything about install step in README?05:00
knownotnowell: what type of filesystem is it? ntfs/fat/fat32/ext ???05:00
rowanjlMono == .NET Framework05:00
Ropechoborradek_aik no. just the author and his webpage..05:00
shriphaniguys i am installing xfce will i then be able to use apps like skype etc. that i used in gnome ?05:00
bbrazilshriphani: everythign should work as it did in gnome05:00
nowellok, ntfs, just add that to the end of the sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt?05:00
knownotrowanjl: soz no idea05:01
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=== CaptainChris [n=chris@ANice-151-1-67-239.w83-205.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
knownotnowell: type it as I wrote it --> sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt -t ntfs<--05:01
shriphaniwill i then lose access to gnome ?05:01
CaptainChrishi all05:01
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XiXaQwhat is the quickest way to set up an ftp?05:01
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syndicate47hi. i'm trying to replace "Remote Desktop" (vino-server) with vnc4server. while Remote Desktop shows the desktop, vnc4server opens a new session with only a terminal and does not show the panels or the background. can i change vncserver to show what is on the server's desktop instead?05:02
knownotXiXaQ: sudo apt-get install proftpd05:02
bbrazilrowanjl: monowall is a firewall distrobution05:02
livingdaylighthi! ok, i installed nvidia glx but i get a blank screen upon reboot,so i had to take graphics card out. Any ideas?05:02
rowanjlbbrazil: just googled it ;)05:02
FunnyLookinHatXiXaQ, sudo apt-get install vsftpd05:02
FunnyLookinHatXiXaQ, sudo reboot05:02
nowellknownot: Special device does not exist05:02
shriphanibbrazil, will i then be able to use gnome ?05:02
bbrazilrowanjl: my isp decided that 1 hour was enough time to have an ip address :)05:02
knownotFunnyLookinHat: you don't need to reboot05:02
dek_aikRopechoborra: sorry i dont know what to do next...maybe just a simple compilation of C program...i dont remember how to do that, only done it once05:02
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FunnyLookinHatknownot, it's easier than explaining to someone how to start a service.05:02
Jamohow do I change the root's password, err sudo's password, so it isn't the same as my user account? *hasn't this occurred to anyone as being a stupid idea?05:02
Ropechoborradek_aik ok ty05:03
hastesaverknownot, I fixed my system, and all it took was a "umount /mnt". Thanks for the hints, and sorry I can't help you with smp :)05:03
bbrazilJamo: that's not how sudo works - you give it your password05:03
nowellhmmm. it looks like it's mounted the HDD but it keeps telling me i don't have the permissions to access it05:03
knownotFunnyLookinHat: v/pro ftpd is started by dpkg isn't it?05:03
dpnWhats the best mp3 player?  Xmms isn't playing out of my rear speakers and theres no option to enable them in the settings05:03
bbrazilJamo: root doesn't have a password in ubuntu05:03
Jamobbrazil, yes but my jamo user shouldn't have all that power05:03
knownothastesaver: np05:03
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shriphanidpn banshee is good05:03
FunnyLookinHatknownot, not sure.  can't remember, it's been a while since I installed it on my server05:03
CaptainChrisi'm french and i speak not very english05:03
linuxuserhow would i view klogd files?05:03
bbrazilJamo: any account you use to acces root is equivilent from a security perspective05:04
rowanjlbbrazil: my ISP decided that it likes the idea of corrupting downloads... hence why I can't download the mono Installer :(05:04
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dpnThanks, I'll try it05:04
hastesaverJamo, then make a new user who is not in "admin" group05:04
knownotlinuxuser: tail -f /var/log/klogd05:04
Jamobbrazil: this is a fundamental security flaw in sudo?05:04
bbrazilrowanjl: you must have dodgy hardware, TCP allows for that05:04
linuxuserthank you05:04
RopechoborraCaptainChris #ubuntu-fr05:04
bbrazilJamo: no, a general security principle05:04
knownotlinuxuser: or cat  /var/log/klogd | less05:04
shriphanierm will i be able to use gnome after i install xfce ?05:04
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bbrazilrowanjl: unless they're *really* out to get you05:04
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bbrazilshriphani: yes05:05
Giorgos[a] anyone knows what to do05:05
Giorgos[a] with this: ### Can not find the X libraries.05:05
linuxusercommand not found05:05
hastesaverJamo, no, this is how it's supposed to work --- you're admin, and can do root-y things with sudo. How's it different from knowing the root password? ;)05:05
shriphanioh so i should select at boottime ?05:05
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rowanjlbbrazil: by corrupting I mean sending me the wrong packet every so often05:05
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FunnyLookinHatrowanjl, tcp is supposed to account for that.05:05
bbrazilrowanjl: that happens, tcp has stuff to handle that05:05
rowanjlsometimes large files will download, other times not05:05
knownotGiorgos[a] : apt-get install xorg*-dev05:05
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rowanjlbbrazil: but it doesn't :P05:05
linuxuserknownot: file not found message05:05
bbrazilrowanjl: are they sending RSTs?05:06
Jamoso I should create a psuedoroot user who has a root quality password, then use him to do admin level stuff?05:06
FunnyLookinHatrowanjl, try downloading it via a torrent, because that has a second line of error checking on bad downloads.05:06
linuxuserdapper runs like crap05:06
bbrazilJamo: you can if you want05:06
rowanjlbbrazil: no idea05:06
bbrazilrowanjl: anything else, it should handle05:06
knownotlinuxuser: if your using ubuntu, try the menu at the top of your screen--> system, administration, log viewer05:06
rowanjlFunnyLookinHat: yeah, thats a good idea, but it will still take me 12 hours05:06
bbrazilJamo: at that point, just set a root password and only use root from the console05:06
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FunnyLookinHatrowanjl, either way, it will work.  : )05:07
nowellknownot: It looks like the problem is somewhere in my permissions, not mounting the hdd05:07
bbrazilrowanjl: rsync?05:07
CaptainChrisi have a problem with my locales on dapper drake ( system in english) UTF-8 but GNU solfege and azureus said locales: unsorpported locales.05:07
hastesaverJamo, that's how it's set up by default, but if you're uncomfortable with it, just enable the root account (sudo passwd) and make a new powerless user :)05:07
FunnyLookinHatrowanjl, sounds like you should complain to your iSP05:07
knownotnowell: when you use sudo you are root. root = god05:07
rowanjlFunnyLookinHat: I did, and they said I was using the wrong browser...05:07
Jamomeh, clearly this is highly discouraged, the documentation doesn't do a good job of explaining why05:07
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CaptainChrisRopechoborra, i come here to maitain my english05:07
rowanjlSupposedly it IE or its nothing05:07
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fourathello all05:08
nowellyea, heh but when i try to browse it from my places>computer it tells me i don't have permission for it05:08
CaptainChrisanyone know the probleme05:08
rowanjlbbrazil: what is rsync?05:08
fourati've got a very very bad experience with Ubuntu :( :( :(05:08
dpnWhere do I configure audio options in Ubuntu05:08
XiXaQI installed proftpd. Will it use my system accounts?05:08
fourati saw that there were a 'hibernate' button, clicked on it and all went down05:08
knownotXiXaQ: yes.05:08
fouratfsck thrown 10000 errors05:09
fouratand my inodes are deleted :(05:09
hastesaver!sudo > Jamo05:09
knownotXiXaQ: might pay to do a quick google search for "ubuntu proftpd"05:09
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XiXaQwhat are the ports for ftp and ssh?05:09
fouratXiXaQ, 21 ftp 22 ssh05:09
knownotftp 20/21 ssh 2205:09
dpnAnyone here able to get xmms to output to all 4 speakers with 5.1 speakers?05:09
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fouratXiXaQ, grep ftp /etc/services05:09
CaptainChrisanyone understand ?05:09
dash`can I update java via aptitude or synaptic?05:09
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knownotfourat: ftp uses 20 as well05:09
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dpnwell, all 505:09
fouratknownot, ftp-data05:09
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knownotCaptainChris: mabe you should try the C locale05:10
jersymikedoes ne one know a way to format my hdd? if it has no os on it05:10
rockzhow i change the color of slab control center ?05:10
Giorgos[a] knownot next error : ### Can not find the qt .. header files.05:10
Giorgos[a] LooooooooooooooooL05:10
fouratis there a netinstall ISO for Ubuntu ?05:10
fourator Kubuntu05:10
CaptainChrishow ?05:10
CaptainChrisby sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales ?05:10
knownotjersymike: sudo mkfs.(FSTYPE) /dev/(HDD)05:10
knownotGiorgos[a] : what are you building?05:11
Giorgos[a] kvirc 3.2.305:11
Giorgos[a] LooooooooooooooooL05:11
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knownotGiorgos[a] : you can't use apt?05:11
bbrazilrowanjl: its for transfering files. it has various algorithms to only transfer the bits that need to be transfered.05:11
Giorgos[a] it wont find it;)05:11
ThunderStruckGiorgos[a] : no need for all the o's05:11
hastesaver!netinstall > fourat05:12
bbrazilrowanjl: so you could run it on a bad downlaod and use whaterver of it is valid05:12
Giorgos[a] yeah soz05:12
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rowanjlbbrazil: interesting, could you suggest how I might use it?05:12
bbrazilrowanjl: first find a mirror that supports rsync05:12
rowanjlahh :/05:12
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XGasErrr, how do I install the C headers data for my release(any)05:12
knownotGiorgos[a] : pastbin you sources.list05:13
fouratwich is suiter to use ? KDE Kubuntu or GNOME Ubuntu ?05:13
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:13
bbrazilrowanjl: then rsync local.file rsync://server/path/to/file05:13
ThunderStruckGiorgos[a] : to maek it more clear please sont use multiple letters like that thank you05:13
rowanjlbbrazil: is there a simple way to check?05:13
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ubotuI know nothing about ltsp - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:13
XGasErrr, how do I install the C headers data for my release(any)?05:13
Giorgos[a] ThunderStruck i turned it off05:13
bbrazilrowanjl: if it's a ubuntu file, ftp.heanet.ie should have it05:13
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hastesaverfourat, Gnome is simpler to use. If you get sick of its simplicity and ease-of-use, try KDE05:13
bbrazilnosklo: not fully sure though, you could check the ubuntu mirrors list05:13
rowanjlbbrazil: I think the Ubuntu version is out of date05:14
dmsantamevery now and then, my mouse pointer disapears. if i go to a virtual terminal (ctrl-alt-F5 for example) and then back to X, its back.05:14
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knownothastesaver: so you can spend countless hours configuring KDE to you likeing, I switched back to gnome :P05:14
bbrazilrowanjl: what do you mean?05:14
dmsantamthe mouse can still click on things, i just can't see the pointer. why might that be05:14
Giorgos[a] knownot  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1808905:14
jersymikethis is makeing me madded and madded05:14
CaptainChrisknownot ??05:14
XGasWhere do I get the C header files?05:14
bbrazilGiorgos[a] : kvirc is in dapper05:14
jersymikemader and mader*05:14
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bbrazilXGas: sudo apt-get install build-essential05:14
rowanjlbbrazil: well, I want Mono, but Ubuntu only has version 1.1.1305:14
XGasI just need the package name05:15
Giorgos[a] bbrazil it has the 3.2.0 i need the 3.2.3 ;)05:15
XGasno, the C header files for the kernel05:15
knownotCaptainChris: ?05:15
XGasnot package05:15
bbrazilXGas: there's kernel headers packages05:15
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CaptainChrisi reconfigure local in C with sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales or sudo dpkg-reconfigure localeconf ?05:15
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dash`can I update java via aptitude or synaptic?05:16
Astinus-Where do i put a process to always start when ubuntu starts?05:16
XGaswhats the command, someone gave it to me yesterday, and I didn't write it dowm, and now cause I'm testing some software, its messed up, so I reinstall, so now I neeed the files again.05:16
ThunderStruckdash`: yes if there are upgrades for it05:16
bbrazilCaptainChris: locales05:16
knownotGiorgos[a] : does it need to be that specific version?05:16
ubotuTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages05:16
ThunderStruckXGas: ^^^05:17
bbrazilrowanjl: grab the source and build then I guess05:17
dash`I was having troubles with Azureus, I have java 1.4.2 or something, and need 1.5.0_7 or something for it to work05:17
CaptainChrisok , i try05:17
XGasits goes like Linux-header-$(uname -r) <<<<-------Is this wrong?05:17
dash`but I do not really know where to look for those packages05:17
Giorgos[a] knownot yes cause 3.2.0 i cannot change banmasks05:17
ThunderStruckXGas: type uname -r in terminal tell me the output05:17
phunkaliciousyou can change it somehow05:17
Giorgos[a] and other staff that can be changed in 3.2.305:17
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carthikAstinus-, http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/05:18
XGasHeh, its reinstalling now, so I'm just asking, I know what package its is, I just need the package files for the Ubuntu 6.06 release.05:18
Jamohow do I modify user's groups from command line?05:18
Giorgos[a] so knownot how can i install the  qt .. header files.05:18
ThunderStruckXGas: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.whatever kernel version05:18
XGasso is the command: Linux-header-$(uname -r) ?05:18
DoatJamo: gpasswd05:18
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knownotGiorgos[a] : try apt-get install qt-dev05:18
nordleIs there an _easy_ way to obtain the FULL list of updates since 6.0.6 was released?  I ask becuase suse has a seperate repo called updates, so its easy, but last time I checked ubuntu appeared to require downloading the full 4GB repo or..... thanks.05:19
XGasI skiped the sudo apt-get install05:19
Jamodoat: thx05:19
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knownotGiorgos[a] : can it be 3.2.0?05:19
XGasThanks for the help.05:19
XGassee ya.05:19
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Giorgos[a] knownot i have 3.2.0 but it doesnt have many options that i need05:19
ThunderStruckXGas: the $(uname -r) means to put the output of uname -r there05:19
CaptainChristhat goes, i speak well english ? you understand me ?05:19
carthikJame, adduser is what you want... add a user to a group05:19
knownotGiorgos[a] : k05:19
carthikJamo, adduser is what you want... add a user to a group05:19
dash`can anybody tell me where to look to find a newer version of java for Ubuntu?05:20
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ThunderStruckdash`: in synaptic its 1.505:20
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ThunderStruckdash`: its in the multiverse repo05:21
FunnyLookinHatdash`, are you using sun-java5-jre ?  that's the best u can get technically b/c it's from sun05:21
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nowellknownot: new problem..I got in to browse the hdd..but nothing is showing up05:21
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Jamo!java dash'05:21
ubotuI know nothing about java dash' - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:21
knownotnowell: ?05:21
dash`I don't know what I have atm05:21
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Jamo!dash' java05:21
ubotuI know nothing about dash' java - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:21
trispaceis there a vmware-player-kernel-modules package for kernel 2.6.15-26?05:21
carthikJamo !tell dash` about java05:21
UKMattI know windows uses NTFS, and ubuntu uses ext3, but why is that?  why doesn't linux or osx use ntfs?05:21
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dash`Jamo :: its a ` not a ' :P05:21
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository05:21
Jamodash': there is a java page on help.ubuntu.com that somewhat explains it, I just dealt with it let me know if you have any problems05:22
nowellknownot: I'm no longer getting an error when i browse the HDD, but it's showing 0 files, but over 140gigs used05:22
carthikUKMatt, it is rather like why Germany does'nt adopt English05:22
lopzidedwhat file do i edit to add an event to cron?05:22
knownotnowell: soz, battery flat, will be dc'd soon05:22
carthiklopzided, use crontab -e05:22
phaedrus44trispace: isnt called vmplayer?05:22
trispacelopzided: add one in /etc/cron.d05:22
carthikthat's the command, lopzided05:22
knownotnowell: are you sure it's ntfs?05:23
UKMattcarthik, but isn't one of the major problems for linux the fact that it has a hard time interacting with windows?  wouldn't it make sense to "adopt english" to help more people convert?05:23
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lopzidedtjamls carthik, trispace05:23
trispacephaedrus44: ?05:23
nowelli've been using this hdd for a year now05:23
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knownotnowell: and nothing is showing up in /mnt ?05:23
lopzideduhh....i mean 'thanks', carthik, Trinisan05:23
carthikUKMatt, would help if the filesystems (NTFS) didn't suck so bad... a lot of what Unix is about (permissions etc) is not supported by win filesystems05:23
void^UKMatt: sure, just ask microsoft if they're willing to give ntfs away for free05:23
bbrazilcarthik: eh, ntfs has permissions05:24
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UKMattvoid^, ah thats what i thought it might be05:24
riddleboxknownot, wouldnt it be /media05:24
UKMattwhat does OSX use?05:24
bbrazilUKMatt: hfs+ I think05:24
phaedrus44trispace: soory nevermind05:24
void^UKMatt: besides ntfs isn't better than ext3, reiser4 etc. or any other decent journaling fs05:24
dash`Jamo :: on this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java#head-12dfa90d1580b2a1d946cc628a1c0d2bdaa5b259 ?05:24
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Jamodash' yeah05:25
UKMatthow are they all different05:25
carthikbbrazil, yes, but they are different.05:25
lopzidedwhat is the difference in cron.d, ccron.daily, cron.hourly, cron.monthly, crontab, and cron.weekly?  if i add an event to cron.monthly, does it run monthly?  in that case, what is cron.d?05:25
bbrazilcarthik: they're ACLs05:25
carthikUKMatt, refer tot he wikipedia.05:25
bbrazillopzided: cron.d is like extra crontabs05:25
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ddonkywhat's the name of the ubuntu forums irc room?05:26
bbrazilddonky: #ubuntuforums05:26
carthikUKMatt, but a simple answer to your question is that the creators of NTFS haven't made available all the information and permission for it to be used freely. Linux offers you a range of filesystems (I swear by jfs), any of which you can use to build your system.05:27
vivekknownot: er tunneling out of the school is not a big problem. ... i just need the config to let my pc accept ssh connections ... i am a bit confused as the pc is behind two routers ...05:27
gimmulfHmm cant mount some partitions it just says: ount: you must specify the filesystem type   when doing:   sudo mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/hdb305:27
ddonkybbrazil - thanks, for some reason I thought it had a - in the name05:27
trispacegimmulf: try mount -t auto /dev/hda3 /mnt/hdb305:28
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UKMattcarthik, what do you like about jfs, i have ext3 on ubuntu and I really don't see any difference in the way it runs from ntfs, except that like you said permissons and all05:28
gimmulftrispace:  same error05:28
trispacegimmulf: or specify the filesystem you're using05:28
bbrazilddonky: it's not an official channel, so it's lacking the -05:28
carthikgimmulf, or if you know the FS use -t ext3 or -t vfat for example05:28
dash`ok, I think I have it all tworking05:29
dash`how can I check it?05:29
riddleboxjersymike, hows that install going?05:29
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carthikUKMatt, http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/388 and a few other things that are probably just subjective05:29
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Jamohow do I chage a user's group?05:30
carthikJamo, read man useradd05:31
carthikJamo, or use System->administration->users graphically05:31
Jamowasn't helpful, nvm it was gpasswd I needed05:31
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sg1 hello how do i open rar files, when i click them it says archive type not supported and i cannot find linuxrar deb anywhere?05:32
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UKMattcarthik, to get the fs of your chosing, do you have to choose the distro that uses it or is there a way to change from within your own distro to another05:32
santa99sgl: there should be a package named rar05:33
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Jamothere are soooo many obscure group names05:33
carthikUKMatt, initially, during install, you can manually choose the FS for your partitions05:33
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dash`how do I check what version of java I have?05:33
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Jamojava -version05:34
jmac__I am dual booting XP/NTFS and Ubuntu. I resized the NTFS volume but qtpart doesn't allow me to increase the size of the Ubuntu partition. Anyone know how this can be accomplished?05:34
miLdo you know if www.goear.com it has something to see with youtube?05:34
UKMattcarthik, now i heard ext4 is out, any idea when that will be adopted?05:34
rysiek|plis there an usplash-guru in the house?05:34
dmsantamjmac__, you have to not be using the partition05:34
dmsantamjmac__, this means use a livecd05:34
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dash`I have tried to update java via the help page on ubuntu.com, but it apparently didn't upgrade05:35
dpnSigh, why does everything in linux have to be a battle05:35
sladenrysiek|pl: just ask05:35
jmac__I tried it with gpart bottable disk and it wouldn't work05:35
sladenjmac__: gparted bootable disk? (?!)05:35
JDStonejmac__: boot a knoppix disc and use qtpart05:35
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dpnDoes anyone have any experience with xmms and getting 5.1 sound working without it being shitty sounding05:35
sg1R hello how do i open rar files, when i click them it says archive type not supported and i cannot find linUXRAR DEB anywhere?05:35
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zammitHello, i'm attempting to install ubuntu on a system with no current OS, the desktop install keeps freezing at "Mounting root file system" - i'm new to linux in general, could anyone help me troubleshoot?05:36
ompauldpn, please mind the langauge05:36
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rysiek|plI was trying to set my own usplash on Dapper (following the how-to from help.ubuntu.com, which - o, the irony! - I have written by myself for Breezy), made a typo somewhere and now I haven't got an usplash neither at boot nor at halttime05:36
sladendpn: do you have your volume turned up too high, turn them all down to below 80%05:36
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression05:36
[Ex0r] hmm05:36
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[Ex0r] anyone here care to help me setup postfix so I can send outgoing mail ?05:36
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.05:36
Jamozammit: which partitioning option did you use?05:36
UKMattcarthik, have you seen this http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=23836054&forum_id=269705:36
trispace[Ex0r] : go ahead05:36
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zammitjamo, i never got to specify any partitions.05:37
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sladenrysiek|pl: check that you have an image that is exactly 640x400 and then run   sudo update-initramfs -u `uname -r`  at the end05:37
rysiek|plupdate-a;ternatives --config usplash-artwork.so gives the choice as it should, dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-`uname -r` goes well, but no usplash on reboot05:37
[Ex0r] trispace- i've got postfix running, but I can't send outgoing mail. I tried emailing my yahoo account last night and never got the message05:37
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trispace[Ex0r] : what do the logs say?05:37
Jamozammit: you didn't get as far to even select which harddrive or partition to install on?05:37
rysiek|plsladen: the image should be 640x480 IMHO. I have checked this while usplash was working AOK05:37
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[Ex0r] trispace- nothing at all05:37
zammitjamo, no i did not05:37
Jamozammit: are you sure the harddrive works?05:38
zammitjamo, i inserted the cd - got the install screen, chose the first option - that was pretty much it05:38
rysiek|plsladen: ok, trying with update-initramfs05:38
trispace[Ex0r] : postfix always logs something05:38
[Ex0r] trispace- it did but didn't log any errors05:38
zammitjamo, i just bought the harddrive, wd 40gig, my motherboard detects it properly05:38
trispace[Ex0r] : just look again05:38
dash`I tried to upgrade java on my machine via the help page on ubuntu.com, but it apparently didn't upgrade, am I missing something?05:38
Jamodash`: what error are you receiving?05:39
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dash`no error, but when I check the version, its the same as it was05:39
johsohiya ppl. I just did a "rm -r *" in the wrong directory. now, on a ext3 partition, this is usually the end of things. but I'm hoping that it would be possible to recover files on a fat32 drive? I've unmounted the drive, so that I wont accidentally destroy my chances to restore.05:39
Jamozammit: perhaps try to find a disc you can boot into and check out the hard drive05:39
sg1R hello how do i open rar files, when i click them it says archive type not supported and i cannot find linUXRAR DEB anywhere?05:39
trispace[Ex0r] : is there a "status=sent" message for the specific mail?05:39
ardchoille!rar > sg1R05:40
Jamodash`: what version of java is it telling you that you have?05:40
joycetickyou need to install the archive manager (i think), sudo apt-get install rar05:40
sladenrysiek|pl: no.  the image should be 640x400.05:40
zammitjamo, okay i'll look into that, thanks for the help!05:40
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rysiek|plsladen: hmmm... cpio: ./usr/lib/usplash/usplash-artwork.so: No such file or directory05:41
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trispace[Ex0r] : the postfix/smtp should log something like: to=<foo@bar>, relay=foo.bar[xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] , delay=yy, status=sent05:41
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Jamodash`: someone else is going to have to help you, I noticed this same problem when I tried to get java5 going on the desktop installation05:41
dash`for all the info05:41
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sladenrysiek|pl: check that the image is exactly 640x400 and 16 colours05:41
Sannejohso: I once restored files on a fat32 partition I had deleted in Windows, and restored from within Windows. I don't know if this is an option for you.05:41
sg1Rthank you05:41
tom1502does anyone knows which software ubuntu uses to realise Hibernation, and in which file i can set logfile and increase verbosity?05:41
Jamodash`: it has java5 installed, it just also have 1.4.2 installed05:41
trispace[Ex0r] : grep your mail-log for the mailaddress05:41
bbraziltom1502: it's in the kernel.05:42
rysiek|plsladen: m'kay, creating a test image, 640x480, 16 colours05:42
sg1Ranother question about applications, is there any program like x netstat that shows active anv listening connections in a GUI interface?05:42
dash`Jamo :: shouldn't it default to the newer one then?05:42
rysiek|plsladen: sorry, ...x40005:42
tom1502bbrazil, so no swsusp or suspen2?05:42
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[Ex0r] damn I can't even remember where it's at :\05:42
Jamodash`: I think someone made a mistake :(05:42
fouratwhy shipit.ubuntu.org does not ship dvds ?05:42
bbraziltom1502: I'm not up in this area05:42
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trispace[Ex0r] : look at your syslog configuration05:42
ZorK-Anyone got free time to help me, please PM me! My problem: When I <try> to install Ubuntu from LiveCD (pressing the install on desktop) all the 6 steps go through fine, i find the harddrive i want to install it on, i made a new harddrive to swap. But when i press finish and such, it says "openeing the partitioning program" and loads. but then it just closes and goes back to the desktop like nothing ever happened :/ Anyone know what the problem is05:42
joyceticksg1R: do this http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_RAR_Archiver_.28rar.2905:42
tom1502bbrazil, do u know anyone i could ask?05:43
Jamodash`: you probably no more about linux than me, maybe you can figure out how to uninstall 1.405:43
bbraziltom1502: acpi is probably what you should poke into, especially in /proc05:43
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johsoSanne: Actually, I deleted Windows just yesterday, but I haven't installed anything on the partitiion yet. I could possibly install it again, but I was wondering if this would ruin my chances to restore things on the fat32 drive (in some weird way)?05:43
dash`Jamo ::  I doubt that05:43
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dash`I have used it for 5 days now05:43
trispace[Ex0r] : syslogd-listfiles --weekly05:43
tom1502bbrazil, well i've found the file /etc/default/acpi-support, but i dunno the syntax to control log and verbosity...05:43
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tom1502bbrazil, coz hibernation works... sometimes05:44
wheelswitchim trying to use crontab to schedual rhythmbox to open, but it isnt working05:44
tom1502bbrazil, and i want to find out what causes errors05:44
JamoI wanna say 4 days for me :p I gave up on using ubuntu for my desktop somewhat because of the same problem you're running into now.  I'm using the server now which didn't come with 1.4 by default so 5 installed fine05:44
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bbraziltom1502: I imagine errros will be in dmesg05:44
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tom1502bbrazil, not really05:44
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Sannejohso: do you plan to install Windows to the same partition where you want to restore files on? If so, it would highly reduce your chances. You must not touch the partition, because the recoverable files could be overwritten.05:44
wheelswitch43 * * * * /usr/bin/rhythmbox is the command im using, also tried 43 * * * * rhythmbox but that doesnt seem to work either, this ofcourse is displayed when i type crontab -l05:44
[Ex0r] ah, I think that's why05:44
tom1502bbrazil, well nothing i can really use05:44
dek_aiktom1502: maybe /etc/hibernation/hibernation.conf ?05:44
ubotuI know nothing about microphone - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:44
[Ex0r] no virtual.db table05:44
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bbraziltom1502: ton of stuff in /etc/acpi05:45
tom1502dek_aik, nope, i dont have this folder05:45
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ubotuI know nothing about crontab - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:45
Redman276i know  with  redhat there is  kudzu  , is ther a similar  autodetece / configur  program  to detect  new  hardware ?05:45
tom1502bbrail, mh good idea :-)05:45
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UltraMagnushi, could anyone help me with a problem please, when i suspend my laptop with ubuntu, when i resume and the password box comes up, neither my keyboard or touchpad works (laptop) however my external trackball works fine05:45
dek_aiktom1502: sorrry /etc/hibernate/hibernate.conf ?05:45
[Ex0r] trispace- isn't it makemap hash /map file ?05:45
bbrazilwheelswitch: that won't work, DISPLAY isn't set05:45
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johsoSanne: No, on the same partition I used before. But I just want to make 100% sure that the fat32 drive is not affected in some weir way (by swapping empty space, what do I know) when I install Windows on the empty partition?05:45
bbrazilwheelswitch: what are you trying to do?05:46
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KeithWeissharwhy does the desktop cd install to the mbr without asking05:46
trispace[Ex0r] : no, postmap hashtype:filename05:46
hastesaverHas anyone got gmailfs working?05:46
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tom1502thomas@toshiba:~$ ls /etc | grep hibern05:46
wheelswitchbbrazil:  set up an alarm clock05:46
KeithWeisshari have a new windows pc with a recovery partition and have created the recovery dvd05:46
bbrazilwheelswitch: use mpg321, doesn't need X05:46
ZorK-Anyone got free time to help me, please PM me! My problem: When I <try> to install Ubuntu from LiveCD (pressing the install on desktop) all the 6 steps go through fine, i find the harddrive i want to install it on, i made a new harddrive to swap. But when i press finish and such, it says "openeing the partitioning program" and loads. but then it just closes and goes back to the desktop like nothing ever happened :/ Anyone know what the problem is05:46
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bbrazilwheelswitch: assuming an mp3 file05:46
vookhere's an idea that is going to save me a lot of time in the future.  I've added this as the last line of my .bashrc     sudo chown myuser.myuser /home/myuser  It also adds an extra layer of shell security.05:47
KeithWeisshari don't have fixmbr need to restore the windows mbr05:47
wheelswitchno easy way of getting rhythmbox to work?05:47
vookooop, forgot the -r05:47
zool2005hi all05:47
colkKeithWeisshar, its in the windows recovery console05:47
yabbaZorK-, I also had problems with the live-CD install. its really no good solution, if everything fails you might want to try the alternative install cd05:47
colkyou have to boot to that05:47
bbrazilwheelswitch: there is, but it depends on a pile of other stuff - like you being logged in05:47
jeff_does anybody know how to set alt+space as the access key for deskbar?05:47
Sannejohso: I don't know what Windows may do :). You will have to take your chances, I think. Isn't there some Windows live CD wioth recover tools? Would be handy for such cases.05:47
hastesavervook, why do you need that? Those ownerships should be so by default. Why would they be different?05:47
KeithWeisshari don't have a real windows cd05:47
zool2005can anyone tell me how to change the background behind the splash screen after login please?05:48
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KeithWeissharall i have is a burned recovery dvd from the recovery partition05:48
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wheelswitchcomputer is always logged in, never sleeps. bbrazil05:48
[Ex0r] there, I got it to send mail out, now to get it to receive mail05:48
Viper550Guess what, USlab is getting closer to being a part of Ubuntu!05:48
brrrthow can i find out which kernel boot parameters are used at live-cd boot?05:48
trispacebrrrt: cat /proc/cmdline05:48
ZorK-yabba: Thanks . going to download now :P05:48
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KeithWeissharwhen it boots it asks if i want to restore my system05:48
Sannejohso: wait!05:48
bbrazilwheelswitch: you can try adding DISPLAY=:0 to start of the crontab05:48
KeithWeissharthere is no recovery console on the dvd05:48
vookhastesaver, because the constant sudoing creates root ownership at times in home, plus, why not have another layer of security?  anyway...whatever :)05:49
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bbrazilwheelswitch: *:0.005:49
johsoSanne: Oh, yeah, you're reminding me of something - I once used Ultimate Boot CD to reformat a harddisk that was totally broken. I think there were some recovery tools on it too. I must try it out...05:49
Sannejohso: read this: http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/ it seems to have a recover tool, here: http://www.partition-recovery.com/05:49
sg1Rhey does anyone know where i can get cdemu, Or any such application that is equivilant to Daemon Tools, THanks05:49
Sannejohso: lol, that's what it seems to be :)05:49
johsoSanne: lol, same conclusion ;)05:49
bbrazilsg1R: sudo mount /path/to/image /mnt -o loop05:49
vookhastesaver, it also sets up the shell for further sudoing...05:49
Sannejohso: so then, good luck!05:49
dek_aiktom1502: i control my hibernate from that conf but i think you should apt-get install hibernate..the config present the choice of suspend2, acpi and sys_fs_power_state05:49
tom1502sg1R, what do u want to do05:50
johsoSanne: thanks for the help, much appreciated. gonna take my chances now :P05:50
wheelswitchso the crontab file would read "DISPLAY=:0 \n 08 08 * * * runwhateverblah"  bbrazil ?05:50
[Ex0r] Why not just use Hiren's BootCD?05:50
sg1Rtom mount cd images05:50
Sannejohso: :)05:50
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tom1502dek_aik, do u use binary video drivers?05:50
tom1502sg1R, which type?05:50
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bbrazilwheelswitch: It's ":0.0", I'm not fully sure this'll work05:50
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marcus__can anybody tell me how to configure ubuntu so i can use my usb-modem avm fritz!box fon? Its a new dapper installation, kernel 2.6.15-23, modules cdc_ether and usbnet are loaded. booting knoppix, it orks out of the box...05:50
KeithWeissharfixmbr isn't included with the gateway05:50
sg1Rtom1502, iso,bin,cue,ccd etc05:50
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tom1502sg1R if it is VCD/SVCD, u can open the .bin direcly with VLC05:51
trispacesg1R: you cannot mount cuesheets05:51
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[Ex0r] wow.. that completely didn't work05:51
tom1502.cues do not work under unix05:51
tom1502trispace, thx :-)05:51
sg1Rwell tom1502, its more ISO and BIN than anything05:51
tom1502well, which CONTENT?05:51
wheelswitchbbrazil:  20 secs till we find out...05:51
bbrazilsg1R: for iso and bin, use the commadn I gave05:51
dek_aiktom1502: i dont know..lol..newb..but my card is nvidia-legacy from ubuntu repo..hibernate works very well with suspend2 or acpi05:51
sg1RThanks I never knew VLCPLayer could do that, damn that things can do everything05:51
morrolanSince upgrading to Dapper, I cannot see colour when navigating files in Gnome Terminal (irc is fine)05:51
[Ex0r] postfix won't send the messages to the appropriate users05:52
UltraMagnushi, could anyone help me with a problem please, when i suspend my laptop with ubuntu, when i resume and the password box comes up, neither my keyboard or touchpad works (laptop) however my external trackball works fine05:52
sg1Rive wrote it down bbrazil thanks, what exactly does that do make a fake drive or what?05:52
wheelswitchbbrazil:  genious, thanks heaps.05:52
brrrtwhat is the difference between live-cd and installations hardeware detection?05:52
ardchoillemorrolan: Did you change the colours in your ~/.bashrc?05:52
bbrazilsg1R: makes the cd part image of the filesystem05:52
tom1502dek_aik, with sudo hibernate?05:52
trispace[Ex0r] : without showing some log information we can't help you05:52
sg1Rok thanks alot05:52
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bbrazilwheelswitch: I don't think it's the right solution, but if it works...05:52
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tom1502dek_aik, or do u use the GNOME GUI button "hibernate"?05:53
[Ex0r] trispace- It puts the messages on the server, but doesn't deliver them to the addresses05:53
morrolanardchoille:  No I haven't, and I didn't before.05:53
bbrazilsg1R: linux doesn't have 'fave drives', just one big filesystem05:53
bbrazilsg1R: *fake05:53
trispace[Ex0r] : once again: show the logs and postfix configuration05:53
sg1Rone of my last questions is, as asked before, MOnitoring software, Netstat related a GUI like X Netstat, and a app for monitoring everything processes etc,05:53
ardchoillemorrolan: ok, I was just asking because I learned how to turn colours off in bash just yesterday05:53
brrrtmy via-rhine works fine with the live-cd but not on the installation   :(   ...   any hints?05:54
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tom1502sg1R, a task manager?05:54
morrolanardchoille: ahh, ok.  I don't suppose you have a copy of your old .bashrc do you?05:54
bbrazilsg1R: top for processes, for network there's many options inculding ntop, iptraf, bmon, etherapr05:54
morrolanadrchoille: that's probably exactly what I need05:54
dek_aiktom1502: sorry, i use kubuntu..but for hibernate i make a script (the battery button is not showing)...hibernate is a symlink to /usr/share/hal/scripts/hal-system-power-hibernate05:54
ardchoillemorrolan: I have a copy of the one that was shipped with Dapper. Want me to pastebin it?05:54
tom1502dek_aik, k05:54
rysiek|plsladen: created a 640x400 16-colour image, update-initramfs -u `uname -r` still gives me this error05:54
dek_aiktom1502: yes sudo hibernate05:54
tom1502dek_aik, thx anyway05:54
morrolanardchoille: please, but I don't know how to get it, new to irc05:55
tom1502dek_aik, ill try the hibernate script!05:55
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rysiek|plsladen: cpio: ./usr/lib/usplash/usplash-artwork.so: No such file or directory (and in fact this file does not exist O_o`)05:55
ardchoillemorrolan: hold on :)05:55
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brrrtis it possible to use the live-cd kernel with the installation?05:56
wheelswitchbbrazil:  perhaps it isnt, the command i really want to use is rhythmbox --play, but that brings up "The Application "rhythmbox" has quit unexpectedly." however it doesnt actually quit :S05:56
JamoI just removed my jamo user from the admin group and added the admin user, then went to switch to the admin user but I had forgotten to set the admin password? now what? reinstall?05:57
zool2005can I change the background behind the splash screen after loginN05:57
bbrazilwheelswitch: something commandline based should work05:57
ardchoillemorrolan: do: cp ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc.bak  Then see http://ardchoille.pastebin.com/05:57
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UltraMagnushi, could anyone help me with a problem please, when i suspend my laptop with ubuntu, when i resume and the password box comes up, neither my keyboard or touchpad works (laptop) however my external trackball works fine05:57
bbrazilJamo: bott with the 'single' option05:57
sg1Rthere are alot of local exploits for linux lately i see :s05:57
Jamoboot you mean?05:57
bbrazilsg1R: mostly stcp which most people don't use05:58
wheelswitchbbrazil:  if i make a shell script to do it would that work, then run the shell script with crontab?05:58
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bbrazilwheelswitch: should do05:58
bbrazilwheelswitch: to test, run it as 'env -i script.sh'05:58
sladendek_aik: no.  sudo pmi action hibernate05:58
tom1502general question, is it normal, that with the recovery mode i am always root without any password?!05:59
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tom1502well while booting05:59
bbraziltom1502: yes05:59
sladentom1502: well, of course05:59
ardchoilletom1502: yes05:59
tom1502bbrazil, that sucks05:59
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morrolanardchoille:  thanks for that, I'll have a look05:59
livingdaylightcan't install nivida on asus motherboard05:59
sladentom1502: urm.  why?05:59
bbraziltom1502: if you have physical access, you can do anything anyway05:59
ardchoillemorrolan: You're welcome :)05:59
tom1502isnt that a sec.lack?05:59
bbraziltom1502: no05:59
sladentom1502: no.05:59
tom1502it eases access to my laptop05:59
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sladentom1502: remember, that the way people 'used' to have to do recovery was by booting with   linux init=/bin/sh06:00
ZorK-the alternate install cd downloadable from ubuntu.com, is that a non-live-cd? Because i need to install without the live cd06:00
bbrazilZorK-: it's a non-graphical live cd06:00
sladentom1502: give that you can do that anyway, we're about making it easier and safer when people truely do need recovery mode06:00
yabbathats a live cd, too?06:00
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dash`how do I set file associations?06:00
tom1502sladen... well livecd and chroot?06:00
bbraziltom1502: if someone has their hands on your laptop, it's already too late06:00
Jamobrazzil: how do I boot into single mode w/out grub(I'm assuming it isn't there since I only have 1 partition)06:00
sladentom1502: alternatively, boot with a liveCD and you won't have to enter a password either06:00
yabbadamn, they should really stop making live cds when people just want to install the system06:01
ZorK-Hmm.. But how do i get it, so its not live? Cause the live dont seem to work06:01
sladentom1502: yes, and that requires having a CD doesn't it.  And extra knowledge.06:01
bbrazilJamo: grub is there, it's at the very start of the disk before the partition06:01
yabbazork have another try with much of patience06:01
yabbaand then do 1345 prayers if its done06:01
Jamobbrazil: is there a key I can hold?06:01
ZorK-yabba: I did it more then 4 times now06:01
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ardchoilledash`: You in gnome?06:01
livingdaylightplease, i am about to cry06:01
ZorK-does the same again and again06:01
yabbaoh darn06:01
wheels3572Good afternoon All is there a keyboard shortcut to open a terminal window instead of always going into the GUI under applications?06:01
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livingdaylight :'(06:01
sladentom1502: if you want to stop people selecting recovery mode, then set (1) a BIOS password to stop them booting of anything except the harddisk and (2) a grub password to only allow the first boot option06:01
bbrazilJamo: I don't know for grub - tab at the right time?06:01
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yabbazork, just try with this other alternative install06:02
bbrazilJamo: if you have an install CD you can use that06:02
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ZorK-okay, i will!06:02
Jamowheels3572: go to system-> *or something* and go to shortcuts, and make one06:02
ardchoilledash`: http://natsci.eckerd.edu/~bordelsr/gnomehelp/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Gnome212.FileAssociation06:02
tom1502sladen... well but will anyone without knowledge about chroot be able to recover in console??06:02
Jamobbrazil: thx I'll try that06:02
sladenwheels3572: you can set a keyboard shortcut with  System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts06:02
AV1611sirs, can ahybody help me around with ubuntu graphical installer, please.....06:02
wheels3572Thanks Sladen and Jamo06:02
sladentom1502: many people have simply forgotten their password will not have that knowledge, but will be able to follow the instructions to "run passwd in recovery mode"06:03
AV1611is there a way to define the mount point (within that installer; I can't set even / point)?06:03
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tom1502well thats right, but forgetting the password is . *well other topic06:04
AV16112. why kubuntu's installer doesn't know anything about reiserfs?06:04
sladenAV1611: yes, the interface used is gparted or qtparted06:04
AV16113. is there a text-mode installer (at livecd)?06:04
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sladenAV1611: the installer does know about reiserfs06:04
sladenAV1611: yes, the Alternate CD.06:04
AV1611kubuntu's one doesn't...06:04
sladenAV1611: we'll have to disagree about that then :)06:05
AV1611I;m sorry, but live-cd is the only one i have got here at the moment....06:05
tom1502can anyone could tell me why loading hw-drivers on bootup takes horribly long ~+2min06:05
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sladentom1502: if it's taking 2 minutes, you probably have some particularly funky hardware and requries workarounds, please file a bug in on launchpad06:05
wheels3572Can someone point me to the right area on how to be able to see my laptop on my home  network?06:06
tom1502sladen, which log tells me about?06:06
sladenwheels3572: plug in ethernet cable, assume that the network DHCP's06:06
sri_Hi!i am new to linux;and i exicute a C program by typing "cc filename .c-o filename "But how to see the out put?I tried "a.out"....06:06
sladenwheels3572: System->Administration->Networking will help you configure anything more complicated06:06
AV1611no alternate cd is available here at my library....06:06
wheels3572Ok that's right cuz I cant get my wireless card to work Stupid BCM card GRRRRR06:06
tom1502sri_ gotta make the file executable06:06
tom1502so chmod u+x yourfile06:07
ardchoillesri_: the compiler should have written a file called a.out, which is the output of the assembler06:07
wheelswitchbbrazil:  doesnt seem to like it :(. Oh well ill go with mpg32106:07
sri_tom1502, how?06:07
sladenAV1611: the Alernate CD is not shipped by default anymore, now that we have the Desktop CD06:07
tom1502sri_ chmod u+x yourfile06:07
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crazy4ubuntuhi all06:07
sri_tom1502, i will try it....1m06:07
livingdaylightdoes someoen want to help me?06:07
tom1502ardchoille, well the c compiler still defaultly names the files a.out...06:08
crazy4ubuntudoes any1 know what happend to the pfl repositories ?06:08
tom1502comin from the ancient A language :-)06:08
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ardchoilletom1502: true06:08
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crazy4ubuntuI get an error msg all day trying to conect them, are they off ?06:08
gmoorewhat is the command line name of the administration apps like users & groups, etc? im using putty+an xwin server on windows to connect to my ubuntu machine.06:08
AV1611Yes, i Know that....:((06:08
livingdaylighti am stumped guys - need help with nvidia installation06:08
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sri_tom1502, i changed the properties..then?06:08
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crazy4ubuntusorry, does any1 know what happend to the plf repositories ?06:09
RondoI can't get internet on ubuntu for some reason (but it worked before), when I do 'ifup eth0' it says DHCP DISCOVER and all that but it also says, how would I change that to
tom1502then it should run06:09
tom1502sri_ ./a.out06:09
sladentom1502: /var/log/{syslog,daemon}.log06:09
tom1502sladen, thx06:09
sri_tom1502, ok 1m06:09
ardchoillecrazy4ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf  <-- does that help?06:09
tailsfanIs it possible to get the Nintendo WiFi USB Connector with Ubuntu?\06:09
sladenwheels3572: BCM43xx cards sometimes work, but only currently at 11M06:09
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crazy4ubuntuardchoille, will see06:10
bbrazilgmoore: adduser, groupadd06:10
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sladenRondo: is the local broadcast address.  (eg.  "Hello all the computers on the local network, do any of you have an IP address for me")06:10
sri_tom1502, Hi! i got the out put but it is in the shell promt......then i typed cd "Is there any process to print the output ceperately?06:11
cpaek72anyone here get a 7800gtx go mobile card to work on ubuntu on a laptop? i need help. Ii've installed the nviidia drivers and all i get is a blank screen after enabling the glx-enable command06:11
wheels3572Sladen:  only at 11mbps well better then nothing for my wireless connection right now lol.  Yes it's a BCM43xx come in my laptop.06:11
gmoorebbrazil: i'm looking for a non-command line version. ie 'synaptic' launches the graphical interface for synaptic. how can i invoke Users & Groups from command line?06:11
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Rondosladen: ok, but when I am on windows and I go ipconfig, it shows me
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bbrazilgmoore: there's no equivilent interface for that on ubuntu. You just use the 'raw' commands06:11
tom1502sladen, sri_ u want to have the output in a file?06:11
gmoorebbrazil: ah ok. thanks.06:11
sladenRondo: that is the netmask for the address after you have been given it.  that is not the same as the person you are /asking/ to give you an address06:12
tom1502sri_ instead of in the shell?06:12
tom1502sladen, sry06:12
sladenRondo: you can see the same information under Ubuntu with  ifconfig06:12
sri_tom1502, ya06:12
ardchoillegmoore: gksu users-admin06:12
Rondosladen: alright, I don't understand much of it, but what might be the problem that makes me unable to connect with ubuntu?06:12
tom1502sri_ ./a.out > /path/to/file06:12
crazy4ubuntuardchoille, it says in the link the server is back ... But I still can't connect06:12
sladengmoore: System->Adminstration->Users and Groups06:13
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UltraMagnushi, could anyone help me with a problem please, when i suspend my laptop with ubuntu, when i resume and the password box comes up, neither my keyboard or touchpad works (laptop) however my external trackball works fine06:13
sri_tom1502, ok thank u 1min i will check it06:13
gmooresladen: using an xwin server, don't have a desktop, only individual windows06:13
sladenRondo: what sort of network are you trying to connect to?06:13
ardchoillecrazy4ubuntu: I can't seem to establish a link to http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/ either :(06:13
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ardchoillelivingdaylight: If no one here has an answer to your problem, what do you want them to say?06:14
crazy4ubuntulet's hope it is temp... I want my w32codecs06:14
Rondosladen: home network, for internet, using a DHCP server, with a network card, broadband06:14
ardchoillecrazy4ubuntu: Yes, let's hope.06:14
crazy4ubuntuardchoille, do we need to inform some1 ?06:14
sri_tom1502, ya!thank u it is working06:14
livingdaylightardchoille: someone has to have an answer, please, common!06:14
tom1502sri_ for sure :-) ur welcome06:14
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RondoI should note that it works half the time, but the other time it doesn't work, and it only works when all the other comps are turned off06:15
crazy4ubuntulivingdaylight what is the prob ?06:15
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ardchoillecrazy4ubuntu: I wouldn't kow whom to inform :(06:15
livingdaylightcrazy4ubuntu: can't isntall nvidia06:15
livingdaylightcrazy4ubuntu: i followed the how to link06:15
crazy4ubuntuardchoille, ok, i'll search their wiki.06:15
livingdaylightcrazy4ubuntu: problem is the motherboard had onboard graphics06:15
crazy4ubuntulivingdaylight, I am sorry, but I never done this before06:15
crazy4ubuntuwhat type ?06:16
livingdaylightcrazy4ubuntu: ugh...that is such a shame06:16
crazy4ubuntulivingdaylight, what is the type ?06:16
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, what is your issue specifically?06:16
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FunnyLookinHatNvidia right?06:16
livingdaylightcrazy4ubuntu: asus v106:16
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: yea06:16
sladenRondo: by default there is a dhclient already running in the background on Ubuntu06:16
ardchoille!nvidia > ardchoille06:16
crazy4ubuntulivingdaylight, hmm, so why do you insist on installing nvidia drivers ?06:16
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Rondosladen: yea, but how come I don't get internet?06:17
sri_tom1502, i have another problem if i tried to exicute the program in gcc compiler by typing "gcc filename.cpp"then it is showing a error that "installation error"06:17
sladenRondo: if you are trying to manually start one from the commandline, check that you've killed the first copy first06:17
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, how do you know it isn't installing the driver right?06:17
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: i got an Nvidia graphics card06:17
sladenRondo: just booting with the network cable in should be sufficient06:17
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livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: when i reboot, i get a blank screen06:17
sladenRondo: check your DNS servers by looking in   /etc/resolv.conf06:17
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, Ahhhh, right.06:17
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: i have to take the card out to get a screen again06:17
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tom1502sri_ sry am not fit with c and gcc, just knew how to solve ur former problem...06:17
Rondosladen: yea well it doesn't work every time, it only worked the first time and when I rebooted then the internet just didn't work06:17
sladenRondo: and you IP address with   /sbin/ifconfig    and default route with   /sbin/route -n06:17
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FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, Here is what you have to do.  When you get that blank screen, do control+alt+F106:18
ardchoillelivingdaylight: I have installed the nvidia drivers on a number of asus boxes that had inboard graphics and all went fine using that tutorial. Are you sure you aren't missing a step or something?06:18
Spideri have got a problem installing 6.06 LTs with the CD06:18
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, you will be brought to a console06:18
a2xmhi all,... what happend if I type: sudo mv /var/cache/apt/archives/opera_9.0-20060616.6-shared-qt_en_i386.deb /Downloaded06:18
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FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, start writing this down06:18
sri_tom1502, ok;thank u06:18
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, login with your user info06:18
Rondosladen: I don't understand that, explain more clearly?06:18
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, then do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:18
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Spiderit gets to load the hardware devices then takes ages. when x finally starts with the curser nothing more happens, can anyone help plz06:18
ardchoillea2xm: Is that package installed already?06:18
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, accept all the default values EXCEPT for the video driver, it will try ot have you use nv, but choose VESA06:18
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, then keep accepting default values (hitting enter basically)06:19
sladenRondo: please can you reboot to Ubuntu and look what IP address you are getting by running   /sbin/ifconfig06:19
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sladenRondo: then we will have some solid information, rather than guessing06:19
a2xmardchoille: not yet.. and now i couldnt find it06:19
RondoI have ubuntu on now (different comp), checking now06:19
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, then reboot your computer, you should have a screen.  You can then go through the full driver install process06:19
Spiderit gets to load the hardware devices then takes ages. when x finally starts with the curser nothing more happens, can anyone help plz06:19
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section31anyone know what ports i need to open for me to get samba working with my windows machine06:19
ic56a2xm: I think apt-get will later be confused because its databases won't match the contents of it's cache.  There's a way to correct that but I don't know it.06:19
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FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, does that make sense?06:20
sladenSpider: switch to a console (Alt-Ctrl-F1) and then try   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:20
DBOsection31, 137-139 for the connections, netBIOS uses 445 i think06:20
Spider problem installing Ubuntu off a cd it goes to load the hardware devices then takes ages. when x finally starts with the curser nothing more happens, can anyone help plz06:20
sladenSpider: and select the VESA driver06:20
a2xmic56: it should be moved the file to /Downloade right?06:20
sladenSpider: see ^^06:20
DBOsection31, but you only need 137 through 139 if you are planning on using IP's06:20
DBOsection31, TCP yes06:20
section31DBO,ok i'll try that thanks06:20
Spideri will try that06:20
Rondosladen: ifconfig doesn't give an ipaddress, I guess it is because I don't have internet working06:21
a2xmright now i just need the file back06:21
sladenDBO: Samba uses 137 and 13906:21
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: so you sure cntl+alt+F1 will give me screen?06:21
Spiderlet me switch a differnt comp on to chat here06:21
sladenRondo: use   /sbin/ifconfig -a06:21
ardchoillea2xm: You tried to install Opera using apt-get or synaptic. Are you sure it isn't installed?06:21
sladenRondo: how many network interfaces do you see?06:21
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, yes, it will give you a console (text only) screen06:21
FaTaL_Xhow  install gnoppix-ubuntu06:21
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: maybe i should reconfigure xserver-xorg before installing card?06:21
ic56a2xm: huh?!  You appear to not have read a word I read.  What are you trying to do?  and why?06:21
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, you have to do it after you install the card06:21
DBOsladen, yes I know there is a spare port in there, but I figured the range would be one entry instead of two seperate ones06:21
ic56a2xm "I read" -> "I wrote"06:21
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seamus_iehey does anyone know of a good linux app for task managment like a todo list06:22
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: ok, so switch off, put card in then reboot, then when the screen blank press controlalt f106:22
Rondosladen: no ip address, and I have 3 interfaces pop up06:22
sladenlivingdaylight: you can get back to the graphical display with  alt-F706:22
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FunnyLookinHatseamus_ie, Evolution is a lot like MS Outlook, if you are looking for an interface like that including calendar and whatnot06:22
tom1502seamus_ie, calendar app with task planner?06:22
ardchoilleseamus_ie: I use gjots for that.. nice app :)06:22
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sladenRondo: sudo killall -9 dhclient<tab>06:22
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: is there something i need to do in BIOs06:23
tom1502seamus_ie, Evolution06:23
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, right, and do the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and set driver to VESA06:23
sladenRondo: sudo dhclient eth0     and what does that give you?06:23
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, make sure the primary display adapter is your AGP slot or whatever in bios06:23
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dek_aika2xm: if you have the file in /var/cache/apt/archieves then problly you have use apt-get or aptitude..but looking at it as opera (it is not yet in ubuntu repo)..well...06:23
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Rondosladen: same problem as ifup eth006:23
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seamus_iei'm looking for something a little more lightweight than evolution and gjots interface is way too confusing and cluttered for me06:23
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: ok, so where is that? where is primary display adapter? couldn't find anything relvant in BIOS06:24
sladenRondo: what error message does it give?06:24
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FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, then you don't have to worry about it because your bios probably auto-detects it06:24
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: if i haven't don't that even if i recongifure xserver-xorg file it s not going to work06:24
gmoorei just snagged a TVTuner card. what are some good options for turning my ubuntu system into a PVR?06:24
amar-zeanyone familiar with firestarter?06:24
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: ok06:24
RondoDHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port67 interval<random nubmer>06:24
a2xmic56: yeah.. so it should be /filename.deb /Downloaded ... in the /Downloaded directory right?06:24
DBOgmoore, MythTV is the best06:24
dek_aika2xm: no you dont have to06:25
livingdaylightcrazy4ubuntu: i am so happy for you06:25
Rondono DHCP offers recieved, No working leases in 10 persistent databases - sleeping06:25
FunnyLookinHatgmoore, If you want to install the LATEST myth TV it isn't currently in the repositories...  check out http://mythtv.beirdo.ca/wiki/index.php/FAQ06:25
a2xmdek_aik: actualy it was my mistake.. just now i forgot the command sudo dpkg -i package_file.deb06:25
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crazy4ubuntulivingdaylight, hmm, 10x, but why ?06:25
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dek_aika2xm: you can just cd to /var/cache/apt/archieve then dpkg -i opera.xxxxx.deb06:25
sladengmoore: mythtv06:25
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FunnyLookinHatgmoore, and I do suggest using the latest version, .19 has a lot of improvments over .1806:25
nvezim the 800th user in this channel06:26
a2xmdek_aik: so i moved the file to the archives manualy :-(06:26
ic56a2xm: My 5.10 doesn't have a /Downloaded directory.  You're making it sound as if it's a standard place used by installers.  Is it?!06:26
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FunnyLookinHatnvez, : )06:26
sladendek_aik: you don't even need to copy it.  just double-click the .deb on your desktop06:26
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gmoorefor MythTV, do i need a mouse/keyboard? or is the remote control for my tvtuner enough? i have a wireless mouse/kb in storage i'd use if you need m/kb for mythtv06:26
sladenic56: Desktop  is the standard place06:26
nvezim not it anymore =P06:26
DBOgmoore, what FunnyLookinHat said is especially true with Xgl, MythTV doesnt play nice unless you have .1906:26
crazy4ubuntulivingdaylight, still need help ?06:26
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livingdaylightcrazy4ubuntu: i'm telling you i ca't install nvidia graphics card on asus integrated graphics motherboard, and you tell me that you had no problems; how does that help me?06:26
DBOgmoore, you can use a remote control in combination with LIRC06:26
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dek_aika2xm: you can do dpkg from there..06:26
FunnyLookinHatDBO, I'm currently porting / compiling the new mythTV code into packages for the repos  : )06:27
DBOFunnyLookinHat, my hero06:27
sladengmoore: that will depend on actually what remote you have.  Alot of people find a remote good enough06:27
Rondosladen: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port67 interval<random nubmer> <next line>>no DHCP offers recieved<nextline> No working leases in 10 persistent databases - sleeping06:27
a2xmic56: /Downloaded is just my directory for downloded files06:27
dek_aiksladen: i rarely use gui to install .deb...06:27
ic56sladen: which installer depends on teh existence of ~/Desktop ?06:27
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DBOFunnyLookinHat, EE I assume, or you gonna give me backport lovin?06:27
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a2xmdek_aik: the file gone now06:27
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sladenRondo: sudo mii-tool eth006:27
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crazy4ubuntulivingdaylight, I said I never done this b4 ! what are you trying to do ? to install the card or it's driver ?06:27
ardchoilledek_aik: I rarely use gui for much of anything anymore :)06:27
=== aaron__ is now known as Livemode
kazukisanOkay my amarok wont play .mp3 files nor will it play .asx radio stations ??? it plays ogg good tho lol06:27
unmoldableanyone know why mplayer is not showing up in any apt-cache search?  I have multiverse and universe enabled06:28
crazy4ubuntulivingdaylight, I mean the hardware or it's software ?06:28
gmooreok also, for Mythtv, how big are the files if you record shows? will it compress on the fly? i have a 2800+ barton with 512mb of ram.06:28
sladenkazukisan: you need the dodgey stuff from multiverse06:28
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kazukisansladen is that a package ?06:28
ic56a2xm: so why do you want to move a file from /var/cache/apt to /Downloaded?  The file belongs in /var/cache/apt !06:28
ardchoilleunmoldable: did you just recently enable universe and multiverse?06:28
gmoorelast thing: what does MythTV need that Ubuntu dapper Server install won't have? will I need to install X, Xgl, etc? i assume the server install doesnt have any of those06:28
Rondosladen:eth0: nefotiated 100baseTx-FD, link ok06:28
dek_aikardchoille: not me..still need some times..:)06:28
unmoldableardchoille: yes06:28
sladenkazukisan: multiverse is a repositary containing 'interesting' software.  You can enable the archive via Synaptic06:29
DBOgmoore, you will need an X server06:29
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:29
unmoldableardchoille: (new install)06:29
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ardchoilleunmoldable: do:  sudo apt-get update  .. then do your apt-cache search06:29
crazy4ubuntulivingdaylight, are you still there ? I am trying to help. provide more info pls06:29
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bdoinwhat is the package to get sndconfig utility for old soundcards on dapper ?06:29
unmoldableardchoille: did that, but I'll try again06:29
dek_aika2xm: try sudo updatedb then "locate opera"06:29
gmooreDBO: hmm. could i have ANY system run an X server (Even a windows system) and have it connect to the ubuntu system and run mythtv?06:29
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sladengmoore: yes.06:30
gmooreahhh awesome06:30
ardchoilledek_aik: It might be "locate Opera" instead of "locate opera"06:30
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sladengmoore: but you'll need a fast, fast network;  a more efficient way is to use a Windows-based frontend to Mythtv, or the web-interface06:30
sladengmoore: which means the decoding would be done on your MS Windows machine06:31
gmoore100mbit ethernet fast enough? or too slow?06:31
syndicate47does anyone know how to increase the number of lines that the mousewheel scrolls?06:31
dek_aikardchoille: the file was opera.xxx06:31
a2xmic56: first, i moved it from /downloaded to /var/.../archives and then I moved it back to /downloaded --> sure you'll confuse06:31
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a2xmdek_aik: nothing06:32
ic56a2xm: ah, ok.06:32
gmooresladen: basically, if i want to watch mythtv on my TV, do i need to have the system which is running mythtv to be outputting the video to the tv directly, or can i have (ubuntu system with mythtv) -> (any system with a tv-out card on a LAN) -> TV ?06:32
=== Kibbled_bits [n=kibbled@cpe-24-27-98-167.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Livemodei have a 6.06+ live cd and i want to install ubuntu with out haveing to boot up through the live cd. is there a way please06:33
Rondosladen: what do I do after the 'sudo mii-tool eth0'? What does it do?06:33
Livemodei have a 6.06+ live cd and i want to install ubuntu with out haveing to boot up through the live cd. is there a way please06:33
ic56a2xm: presumably you downloaded this file directly rather than obtaining it through apt-get.  To install it, use dpkg -i /downloaded/<package filename>  Like the other guys already said06:33
a2xmic56: actually, what happen when: "mv /filename /filename" ?06:33
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sladengmoore: you need a TV connection -> mythtv.  And somewhere else you need   a TV/VGA/S-video output-> your TV set.   Frequently they are the same machine, but they wouldn't have to be06:33
ConstyOh wow.. finally reliable NTFS write support.. o.O http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=23836054&forum_id=269706:33
a2xmic56: that what i'm gonna do before i remember it06:34
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gmooresladen: and since you seem to know a lot :)  how big are shows in general if you record them? say, 30 minutes of family guy. a cartoon, so only 'low-medium' quality would be needed.06:34
ardchoilledek_aik: I have seen some packages begin with a lower-case letter, but once installed, the binary begins with an upper-case letter ;)06:34
snoopsgmoore mythtv uses a client/server architecture.. so you can run the server on one machine with the tv card.. then have another pc which runs the client and connects to the server one.. pretty nifty06:34
=== elijah_snow [n=pearsw@user-0cceoq3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
ic56a2xm: mv /filename /filename will give an error ("x and x are teh same filename") and refuse to execute06:34
gmooresnoops: very nifty06:34
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unmoldableardchoille: still nothing, onlything close is kmplayer06:34
gmooresladen: i see06:34
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sladengmoore: I don't have a clue.  I know of people who just shove 400GB of disk in and stream the DVB muxes straight to disk.  The mythtv site will likely give you a guide to diskspace06:35
cpaek72anyway to disable x and boot into the command line?06:35
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a2xmic56: sorry, "mv /directory/filename /filename2" ?06:35
Livemodei have a 6.06+ live cd and i want to install ubuntu with out haveing to boot up through the live cd. is there a way please06:35
snoopsgmoore so I guess you can use tv out on the client machine show up on tv06:35
gmooresladen: alright, i'll take my questions there ;)   thanks a lot for the information06:35
=== techrush [n=techrush@ip72-193-120-38.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
dek_aika2xm: guess you have to download again then..:(06:35
snoopsand have the server tucked away somewhere06:35
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gmooresnoops: yeah i think i might see if i can find a really cheap mini-atx POS with tv-out06:35
a2xmdek_aik: that's the only thing i dont want.. hix hix... ;-(06:36
=== Zarephath [n=zarephat@cpe-72-181-22-100.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ic56a2xm: it moves filename from /directory to / and renames it into filename2.  Does that answer your question?06:36
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Livemodei have a 6.06+ live cd and i want to install ubuntu with out haveing to boot up through the live cd. is there a way please06:36
dek_aika2xm: filename are moved to / (root) as filename206:36
a2xmic56: i'm trying to find that file here.. and rename it again06:36
Centaur5Is there a way to make it so you're never offered a certain update?06:36
sladenLivemode: you need the Alternate CD for a text-mode install06:36
dek_aika2xm: try "sudo locate opera"06:37
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sladenLivemode: the Desktop CD only does graphical install06:37
ic56a2xm: so, you've lost a file somewhere in your filesystem.  You're not sure where it is or what name it now has but you're hoping it wasn't accidentally deleted.  Is this a correct description of your situation?06:37
Livemodesladen, i tryed what u said earlier sudo dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg06:37
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sladenLivemode: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:38
Livemodeit gave a responce with actions06:38
a2xmic56: you are absolutly right my friend ;-(06:38
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Livemodesaying do --help06:38
Livemodedeb sorry06:38
sladenLivemode: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:38
ardchoilleLivemode: It's dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  (no space between dpkg and -reconfigure)06:38
FunnyLookinHatDBO, Actually multiverse I think... I have to talk with the MOTUmedia team (sorry, was afk)06:38
Livemodei will try in 2min as it attempts to boot] 06:39
ic56dek_aik: locate only looks in specific places where things are supposed to be.  a2xm move his file to a place of his own devising.  Thus, locate is not the right tool to find the file.  The right tool is "find".  You can learn about about find by reading its manpage.06:39
syndicate47does anyone know how to increase the number of lines that the mousewheel scrolls?06:39
Rondouhh does anyone know why I can't have internet in ubuntu? When I first installed it worked for some reason but when I rebooted it didn't. What could be causing this?06:39
FunnyLookinHatand I'm gone agian..   : )06:39
welshi i need help installing ubuntu... i want to make a software raid installation, so i downloaded the alternate install cd. i then configured an md-device over the two harddisks, and now i got an RAID0 device with the full size... but when i now want to create partitions on it, he tells me that the file systems could not be created on it... :(06:39
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sladenic56: locate works from a database that is recreated each day.  If you've only just downloaded something, it will not appear06:39
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ubuntuserver irc.cl06:39
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ic56a2xm: our first bet is search your command history.  What was the original filename?  Did it contain "opera" in it, like people are saying?06:40
sladenic56: use   find /tmp ~/ -iname \*opera\*   or something06:40
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dek_aikic56: i though if you updatedb then its there in the database so you can do locate...well i was wrong then06:40
ic56sladen: thanks, I wasn't asking06:40
StriderZThe ubuntu rox-filer package does not include /etc/menu-methods/rox. Anyone know where I can get this script?06:40
a2xmic56: yeah but it was mv to downloaded right.. wait, seems i've found the file06:40
ardchoilledek_aik: No, you were right. updatedb updates the db and you should be able to use locate to locate it06:41
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a2xmic56: try to rename it back to opera-bal-bal.deb06:41
Livemodeloading manual drivers       mount : function not implemented06:41
sladenic56: perhaps you can pass it onto the person that you were telling =-)06:41
ic56dek_aik: you were correct about things like binaries and manpages.  Not about random files strewn around by a user.  Also take note of sladen's comments06:41
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chrisbudden14is anyone having a problem with weather desklets updating?06:42
dek_aikic56: yes boss06:42
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sladenchrisbudden14: do you have a network connection?06:42
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chrisbudden14my gdesklets sidecandy weather has decided to stop updating sladen06:42
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ic56dek_aik: apologies, didn't mean to patronize.06:42
dek_aikic56: accepted,,just want to be a good samaritan06:43
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ic56a2xm: if you have yet to find teh file, you need to *stop*.  Every command you issue is shifting older commands out of your cache and decreasing your chances of success.06:43
Rondosladen: what do I do after the 'sudo mii-tool eth0'? What does it do? Do you know?06:44
ic56a2xm: do this: history |grep -i opera06:44
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sladenchrisbudden14: try another airport location.  If a particularl airport is not updating06:44
sladenRondo: it will tell if you have 'link' on that internface06:44
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sladenRondo: what output does it give you?06:44
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: no joy06:45
chrisbudden14airport? its not airports.  I use London United Kingdom, and have tried changing it06:45
Rondosladen:eth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD, link ok06:45
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ic56a2xm: does it output the original mv command you used?  If so, then that should tell you where you put the file.  If the command isn't output, we can consider other options06:45
sladenchrisbudden14: yes, which is Heathrow (LHR/EGLL)06:45
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kazukisanWhat gstreamer PAckage do i need so that amaroK Will use that one instaid of xine cause its not showing up in the egine list ???06:45
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chrisbudden14really? i didnt know06:45
a2xmic56: done.. found the file, rename it back to the original name, and installing now... :-D06:45
dadgumithi all, SMP not working, installed linux-686-smp but still no dice, ideas?06:46
XordanHi. I've installed realplayer on amd64 dapper and there seems to be no sound... I just ran the realplayer installer, is there something else I need to do?06:46
ic56a2xm: good.  Did you learn anything at least?06:46
sladenchrisbudden14: OTOH, that one is working for me  (all four of my weather applets are updating fine and show sunshine)06:46
chrisbudden14for London ?06:46
sladenchrisbudden14: ...even Helsinki   (Vantaa, HEL/EFHK)06:46
chrisbudden14lol sladen06:47
dadgumitlooking for ideas on getting SMP working06:47
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birdmunwhen i du -s * /home/ it reports that /birdmun is using 84gig when i enter /birdmun and du -s * it reports maybe 8gig and prolly less06:47
a2xmic56:  and my opera is running now.. *phuif* ... i was in a hurry before the horrible mistake ;-)06:47
chrisbudden14ill mess about with them and see what happens06:47
Rondosladen: so I guess that means it has a link, what would I do now? How come I can't get an ip address?06:47
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chrisbudden14thanks sladen06:47
birdmunis there something i can do to repair the misrepresentation?06:47
XGasRealplayer sucks, there are other altenative that I can't name.06:47
dadgumitFunnyLookinHat: you here?06:47
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XordanI know it sucks :P06:47
a2xmic56: plus forgot the command dpkg06:48
XordanI can't find anything else which will run the rm files though.06:48
dadgumitXGas: in windows it is real alternative, same in linux?06:48
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livingdaylightcrazy4ubuntu: damn, cant get it to work06:48
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dadgumitLooking for some help on SMP please06:48
a2xmic56: thanks man... ;-)06:48
ic56a2xm: did you learn how to search your history to review what went wrong?06:48
fraggstaI know this is not a directly Ubuntu-related question, but..Should I be overly concerned about power consumption if my 2 PCs and a monitor are consuming somewhere around 130 - 140 Watts (looks like the firewall PC is about 50 Watts, dropping to 45 or so when it's HDD powers down).  I mean, does anyone have any idea what's normal?06:49
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dadgumithowdy Merras06:49
syndicate47does anyone know how to increase the number of lines that the mousewheel scrolls?06:50
a2xmic56: i didnt search.. i just need to figure it out what the result of my mistake (the mv-ing)... and i can solve it from there.06:50
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livingdaylightok, i can't get nvidia card to run06:50
dadgumitLooking for some help on getting SMP running, I have tried installing linux-686-SMP but that doesnt' do teh trick06:50
birdmunwhat nvidia card?06:50
a2xmic56:  'coz i believe the file is still here06:50
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livingdaylightbirdmun: 6600gt agp card06:50
kdean06Does anyone here have a working webcam setup?06:50
Livemodesladen, i tryed dpkg and went through the process and got this message xserver-xorg postinst warning :overwriting possible customised configuration file ; backup in /etc/x11/xorg.conf.2006071517485506:50
Merrashey, guys, I have a problem with ubuntu install... my notebook is very slow, and from the graphic interface, i can't start the install program. how can i start the installing from the command line?06:50
livingdaylightbirdmun: GeForce06:50
speelkdean06, yea i do06:51
ic56a2xm: do your self a favour and try this command: "history".  It's useful.06:51
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birdmunand d/ling the drivers from nvidia and following the install didnt work for you?06:51
kdean06speel, Do you use it to chat with Windows users?06:51
speelkdean06, nah06:51
dadgumitMerras: hit escape at the installer prompt, it iwll bring you into a command line06:51
kdean06speel, Okay, thanks.06:51
Livemodestart x06:51
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livingdaylightbirdmun: folloed this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia06:51
Xordanso... nobody knows how to run rm files on amd64 dapper without using a chroot?06:52
birdmunno space in startx Livemode06:52
speelkdean06, if your looking for a program to webchat with windows users check out gnome meeting06:52
Rondosladen: so I guess that means it has a link, what would I do now? How come I can't get an ip address?06:52
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a2xmic56:  wow... that really good06:52
dadgumitLooking for help on SMP, namely getting it running, have installed the linux-686-SMP but no workey yet, anything else I need to do?06:52
Merrasdadgumit: done06:52
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a2xmic56: yeah06:52
Merrasso, what should i type to the command line?06:52
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ic56a2xm: do you know the "grep" command?06:52
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livingdaylightbirdmun: went into synaptic, installed nvidia glx, next i searched for; linux-restricted-modules. Then i opened terminal and did: sudo nvidia-glx-config enable06:53
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Livemodethe live CD logs in but then does nothing06:53
ardchoilleic56: grep is my favourite06:53
a2xmic56: yes06:53
dadgumitMerras: I think just type install, hit enter, and you are off06:53
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kdean06speel, I've used GnomeMeeting and Ekiga. Perhaps I'm retarded, but I can't figure out how to do it. What Windows programs can it work with?06:53
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thompamy dvd plays fine for maybe 15 minutes then it slows to crawl?06:53
sri_Hi! i am new to linux i am downloading a movie in .rar format it is open with archive manager?06:53
ubotuI know nothing about ekiga - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:53
speelkdean06, for a fact i know gnome meeting works with windows netmeeting06:53
birdmunlivingdaylight, i just got the drivers from nvidia and followed the install that they post ... its really not complicated at all06:53
ic56a2xm: so you see how you can use "history |grep <some text>" to look for things you did in the past?06:53
ardchoille!rar > sri_06:54
ubotuI know nothing about gnomemeeting - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:54
Livemodethe live CD logs in but then does nothing06:54
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Merrasdadgumit: "could not find kernel image: install"06:54
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dadgumitLooking for help on getting SMP up and running06:54
sri_ardchoille, i did n't get u06:54
kdean06speel, And NetMeeting is free for Doze users?06:54
birdmunLivemode, is this a Mac per chance?06:54
livingdaylightbirdmun: i folled the link which isn't complicated either. But it still isn't working06:54
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livingdaylightbirdmun: but i'm very happy for you06:54
Livemodenope birdmun06:54
sri_ardchoille, not exicutable??06:54
dadgumitMerras: which CD are you on? the live Dapper?06:54
speelkdean06, netmeeting comes with every windows version06:54
ardchoilleubotu: tell sri_ about !rar06:54
ubotuI know nothing about !rar - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:54
Livemodeits an AMD06:54
kdean06speel, Cool.06:54
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uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression06:55
welsdo i have to reboot when i create software raid devices in alternate installation?06:55
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unityany rtorrent users noticing that filenames with non-english characters are being created with incorrect names?06:55
sri_ubotu, ok 1m thank u06:55
ubotuI know nothing about ok 1m thank u - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:55
ardchoillesri_: Did you see the output by ubotu ?06:55
SonicChao!anyone > unity06:55
dadgumitHelp with SMP, installed the linux-686-smp package in the package manager, anything else should do06:55
dadgumitHelp with SMP, installed the linux-686-smp package in the package manager, anything else should do06:55
sri_ardchoille, ya06:55
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birdmunonly reason i asked is i installed ubuntu on my gf's son's imac and there was the possiblity for issues installing from a gui livecd because of monitor settings not being correct in xorg.conf06:56
livingdaylightbirdmun: in Synaptic i ticked nvidia-kernel-source06:56
fraggsta!synaptic porn-get06:56
ubotuI know nothing about synaptic porn-get - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:56
Merrasdadgumit: ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso what i have06:56
unitySonicChao: ok then are you noticng that rtorrent creates filenames with non-english characters incorrectly?06:56
Livemodewell i got the login screen birdmun  and it auto logged in then does nothing06:56
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sri_ardchoille, what this site aout?06:56
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ardchoillesri_: Which site?06:57
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birdmunLivemode, i suppose you could try d/ling the alternate dapper cd it will allow you to do a text install06:57
SonicChaounity: No...I dont use RTorrent, I was just making u aware of the rules06:57
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livingdaylightbirdmun: so you can't help either?06:57
dadgumitMerras: try rebooting from CD and hit F3 at the prompt, it will give you some information concerning how to boot, I maybe telling you the wrong command (it might be linux instead of install)06:57
sri_ardchoille, sorry ubotu  give it06:57
dadgumitHelp with SMP, installed the linux-686-smp package in the package manager, anything else should do?06:57
birdmunim sorry livingdaylight i can not06:57
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ardchoillesri_: Do you mean http://wiki.ubuntu.com ?06:57
Livemodebirdmun,  i try installing the breezy and it freezes on the partitioner06:57
Livemodei had breezy and dapper running on this box b406:58
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birdmuni can only suggest trying to do it from nvidia06:58
sri_ardchoille, http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:58
unitydoes anyone know a trivial workaround to make rtorrent correctly create files with wide chars in their filename? currently, i get filenames that are composed of a bunch of squares (and yes i have nls support built into my kernel)06:58
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ardchoillesri_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com is the Ubuntu wiki. It's a very good site for information about the Ubuntu distro. I recommend you bookmark it.. it'll come in handy :)06:58
navynhey guys i've got a dumb question, but its real annoying.  i'm running XGL, and all of my windows whenever i open them open up about a half inch from the bottom, and i have to hit maximize every time to get them to full screen06:59
ardchoillesri_: That is the bot info site, that will be handy also06:59
sri_ardchoille, thank u06:59
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chaitujoin #ubuntu06:59
morrolanCan someone please tell me how to get colour in gnome terminal when browsing files (coloured directories etc) - irc (irssi) is working fine in gnome terminal WITH colour, so colour IS working06:59
dfgasok i have ubuntu installed on my mac, how do i move the screen. it doesn't have controls. its and aio computer and i know there is a way to do it software wise06:59
ardchoillechaitu: Wow07:00
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ardchoillechaitu: That was cool, your client joined it before you told it to, lol07:00
dadgumitactually, should I even be using the 686 kernel with an AMD64? I mean if I want to use it as a 32 bit proc07:00
dadgumitanyone know?07:00
kdean06morrolan, That setting is in .bashrc in your home folder, I believe. There is a commented line that says something like "Use colors". Just remove the # in front of it and it should work fine.07:00
morrolankdean06: thanks, I'll take a look07:01
Merrasdadgumit: the help says only 2 options: live - start the live system, memtest - perform a memory test07:01
kdean06morrolan, Maybe not, hang on... I'll find it for you. :-)07:01
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dommaHi, I have installed the ati drivers for my radeon 9700 like this: http://wiki.unixboard.de/index.php/ATI_Radeon_Karten_unter_Ubuntu-Linux_installieren07:02
morrolanhmmm, I don't have .bashrc07:02
dadgumitMerras: you probably need to download and burn the alternative CD I haven't much experience with the Live CD. I don't believe there is a there is teh capability to do a non graphical install on it.07:02
ardchoillemorrolan: There's your problem07:02
nepalimany ubuntu users know a lot on hacking07:02
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Merrasdadgumit: ok, thanks, I'll try07:02
morrolanardchoille: I kinda guessed!  :op07:02
nepalican u here anyone make me clear about that07:02
dommafglrxinfo shows teh correct gfx card and fgl_glxgears works fine ... but if I logout, the computer freezes and I have to shut it down manualy07:02
ardchoillemorrolan: Do you have a .bashrc.bak?07:02
dommaany hint how to debug this?07:02
morrolanardchoille: no07:03
dommait works fine if I dont' load "dri"07:03
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morrolan.bash_history and .bash_logout is all I have07:03
ardchoillemorrolan: Didn't you use the bashrc I pastebin'd for you?07:03
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morrolanI appeared blank for some reason07:03
ardchoillemorrolan: I'll pastebin it again, hold on07:04
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morrolanardchoille: thanks.  btw, is there an easy way to choose someones name when replying without typing it each time?07:04
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dadgumitLittle help with SMP please?07:05
ardchoillemorrolan: type ard and then press the tab key07:05
kdean06morrolan, Add this to .bashrc and your stuff will be colorized. http://www.pastebin.us/149907:05
jeff_Does anyone know if there's a way to broadcast my music using RSS similar to a podcast for reading on my psp? (In Linux)07:05
kdean06morrolan, If you haven't gotten it yet. :)07:05
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Merrasthanks the help, bye all07:05
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morrolankdean06: my problem is: I don't have a .bashrc!07:05
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ardchoillemorrolan: This is the .bashrc that was shipped with my Ubuntu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1809507:06
ardchoillemorrolan: That was for Ubuntu Dapper Drake07:06
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kdean06morrolan, That's cool, just create it.07:06
ardchoillemorrolan: Paste that into .bashrc, then save, then re-open a term and it should be fixed.07:06
morrolanardchoille:  thanks, i'll try that now07:07
dek_aikanyone has the fix for xine-ui menu fonts being too big (latest dapper)?07:07
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kdean06ardchoille, LOL The Ubuntu .bashrc has a hell of a lot more than hte Mepis. :-)07:07
ardchoillekdean06: :)07:07
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kdean06Mines all of 6 lines now, with color enabled.07:08
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ardchoillekdean06: And my current .bashrc has 14 aliases too, thanks to gnomefreak for teaching me how to do that07:08
morrolanbrb, i'll have to close my irc term to test it07:08
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ardchoillemorrolan: wait07:08
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morrolanI use aliases a lot, but I lose track of some of them07:08
morrolanstill here07:09
ardchoillemorrolan: Are you using screen?07:09
morrolanardchoille: screen?07:09
kdean06ardchoille, Ha ha. It's possible to set that as a global feature, as opposed to having to do it for each user, but user configs are quite handy.07:09
morrolanardchoille: I'm using Gnome Terminal07:09
ardchoillemorrolan: Learn about screen.. you can use irssi, elinks, most cli apps in a screen session and you don't have to close those apps to log out/in07:09
ardchoillemorrolan: You can use screen in any term07:10
morrolanardchoille:  I have heard of that, but never used it07:10
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morrolanI'll be back soon07:10
ardchoillemorrolan: Feel free to pm my and I can teach you about it07:10
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ardchoillescreen + irssi + elinks + mutt ROCKS!07:11
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rysiek|plsladen: got usplash to work (a symlink was missing, re-created by hand) and in fact, it really is 640x480 (no typo here).07:14
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morrolanardchoille:  Still no luck, but I'm using X-Chat now07:14
PacketScani love screen could work with out it now.07:15
morrolanit's horrible :(07:15
PacketScanxchat isn't so back..  well unless your in love with irssi . :d07:15
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=== ardchoille loves irssi
PacketScancouldn't even.07:15
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ardchoillePacketScan: same here07:15
morrolanyes I do love irssi, I just don't know how to use it besides joining, quitting, and leaving parting messages07:15
PacketScananyone got a spare brain? the spelling logic in this one is all messed up.07:15
[DiffZ] hi people :)07:16
jeff_Does anyone know if there's a way to broadcast my music using RSS similar to a podcast for reading on my psp? (In Linux)07:16
ardchoillemorrolan: There are some good folks that can answer questions in #irssi :)07:16
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morrolanardchoille:  thanks for that07:16
ardchoillePacketScan: HAHAHAHAHA07:16
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dek_aikanyone has try xine-ui? why the menu fonts too big?07:16
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morrolanardchoille:  I still have no colour in Gnome Terminal though07:16
Subhumandek_aik, fine for me07:16
ardchoillemorrolan: hmm.. my gnome-terminal has colour, but I don't often use gnome-terminal07:17
morrolanardchoille:  Do you have it set as a login shell?07:17
fernandoalguem pode me ajuda a configurar07:17
Subhumanmorrolan, irssi you have to enable colour in the config.07:18
squidgyhi.  I have a 5-button MS Intellimouse 2.0 (USB), and while ubuntu does allow me to point and to use the scroll wheel, it doesn't seem to know that I have more than 2 buttons.  Does anyone know how to configure this?07:18
dek_aikSubhuman: my case, you right click on the screen, settings--menu then u see the fonts are taking too much space07:18
ardchoillemorrolan: No idea, I use tty1 for internet stuff07:18
Subhumandek_aik, must be you have a custom dpi setting, its just poor programming on the xine end.07:18
UltraMagnuswhat is a good PCB editor for linux?07:18
morrolanSubhuman: I have colour in irssi, just not in normal file browsing in gnome-terminal07:18
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sladenrysiek|pl|brb: no, really.  it is 640x40007:18
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Subhumanmorrolan, and what does "ls --color" produce?07:18
sladenrysiek|pl|brb: please, read the source-code if you're in doubt07:18
[DiffZ] is there a bootdisk with usb-cdrom device for ubuntu? I've got a laptop with usb cdrom drive and the bios with no usb boot support :|07:18
morrolanSubhuman - dude, it produces colour07:19
dek_aikSubhuman: sorry right click on the screen, settings--setup07:19
ardchoillemorrolan: good, you can add an alias for that07:19
morrolanshall I just alias "ls"07:19
Subhumandek_aik, i know the screen07:19
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Subhumanmorrolan, open ~/.bash_profile07:19
dfgasfound my answer07:19
FunnyLookinHatdadgumit, I'm here now07:19
Subhumanmorrolan, then type " alias ls=ls --color"07:20
roostishaware there any free games like 'rise of nations' for linux?07:20
fernandoalguem do brasil07:20
Subhumanmorrolan, " alias ls="ls --color" " sorry.07:20
phunkaliciousdoes anyone know how i can raise the sound in my xvids?07:20
dek_aikSubhuman: i didnt change the dpi, its default install...you know where the config/fix to the xine poor programming?07:20
phunkaliciousits really really quiet07:20
Subhumandek_aik, no idea sorry.07:20
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squidgyphunkalicious: I have the same problem.  I gave up after several days of asking/searching.07:21
roostishaware there any free games like 'rise of nations' for linux?07:21
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dek_aikSubhuman: ok, no problem..but are your xine-ui fonts ok?07:21
FunnyLookinHatroostishaw, not really...  I mean there are some decent free games, but not of the same quality07:21
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IseeIseeI did an expert installation of ubuntu07:21
phunkaliciousyeah everything else is fine for me except the xvids07:21
FunnyLookinHatroostishaw, You could try asking in #cedega, a lot of linux gamers hang out in there07:22
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IseeIseehow can I install packages ?07:22
morrolanIseeIsee:  What are you trying to install?07:22
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Subhumandek_aik, fine here, try using "gxine" - its just a gnome'd version of xine, it may work better for you. ( i prefer gxine to xine tbh)07:22
squidgyphunkalicious:  I think where I left off, I was about to try using an audio filter from mplayer to scale-up the volume.07:22
SubhumanIseeIsee, that youve downloaded? or07:22
SubhumanIseeIsee, use Synaptic07:23
morrolandpkg -i <path to file>.deb ?07:23
SubhumanIseeIsee, or if you downloaded them "sudo dpkg -i packname.deb"07:23
XGasI got the new kernel downloaded, how do I install it?07:23
phunkalicioussquidgy, what's odd is that the sound works great in VLC, only not in totem ;)07:23
phunkaliciousmaybe you can try that07:23
morrolanXGas, did you use apt-get or Synaptic?07:23
IseeIseeok first of all I've an old version of Ubunti, its the one which used to ship in light brown & orange colored Cd Cover07:23
dadgumitwhich kernel should be used for AMD64 in 32 bit mode?07:24
SubhumanIseeIsee, makes no difference.07:24
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto07:24
IseeIseeits 4.1007:24
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ardchoilleIs that Warty?07:25
XylocHi everyone07:25
ardchoilleIt's been so long07:25
IseeIseeright now after booting the OS I just get a login screen and when I log in I have the shell, I guess I need to install packages now07:25
IseeIseeyeah its Warty07:25
squidgyphunkalicious:  thanks, I'll give it a go.  Totem seems rather flakey.  I have another problem on 3 of my systems, all different, where videos in totem started showing completely wrong colors for everything.  Nobody could help with that, either.07:25
IseeIseeso basically how can I install packages ?07:25
Subhumansquidgy, itz totem handles codecs badlu07:25
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XylocI just screwed up my boot environment by moving the partitions.07:25
Subhumansquidgy, i have videos that are all skewed and lame in totem, but in gxine are crystal07:26
SubhumanXyloc, edit your /etc/fstab to fix it then07:26
XylocDoes anyone know how to reconfigure GRUB so that it can find my partitions and images again?07:26
gavagaiIseeIsee, from the shell you can:  apt-get install <packagename>07:26
dek_aikSubhuman: its not that i have problem with the video program (i use kplayer and kaffeine, btw), but the the fonts thing is just silly..thank you anyway07:26
squidgySubhuman:  my color problem is for all videos in totem, not just ones with particular codecs.  I'll give gxine a try, thanks.07:26
SubhumanXyloc, just put in the correct /dev/ points07:26
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phunkaliciousmaybe try installing totem-xine07:26
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Subhumansquidgy, if you get w32codecs & gxine then they work great together.07:27
usr13where do we get the make command?07:27
sladenusr13: sudo apt-get install build-essential07:27
Subhumanusr13,  "sudo apt-get install build-essential "07:27
usr13What application do I need to install to get the make command?07:27
Subhumanin a terminal.07:27
Subhumanusr13, or just "sudo apt-get install make" but you will prob need all the other stuff in build essential anyway :P07:27
IseeIseegavagai so I tried doing apt-get install xubuntu-desktop but it says "couldn't find package xubuntu-desktop"07:27
dadgumitWhich 32bit kernel do you use for AMD64?07:27
XylocSubhuman, my fstab seems to be OK.07:28
Subhumandadgumit, k7 or i68607:28
IseeIseealso I need to know is there a place where I can get a list of what package does what ?07:28
SubhumanXyloc, but you said you moved the partitions.07:28
squidgyDoes anyone know how to specify that I have a 5-button mouse?  I tried 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg', but no dice.07:28
SubhumanXyloc, do you get to the grub meny?07:28
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XylocSubh: yes, I do07:28
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dadgumitSubhuman: I am using i686 now, but can't get smp working (have added linux-686-smp) any ideas?07:28
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Subhumandadgumit, well k7 might work, no harm in downloading it and trying.07:29
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morrolanardchoille:  weirdest thing - I don't have a .bash_profile either07:29
Subhumank7 is for athlon cpu's/07:29
ardchoilleWhat is "smp"? What are the advantages?07:29
Subhumanmorrolan, you dont HAVE o have one07:29
XylocSubh: somehow Grub can't find my image07:29
ardchoillemorrolan: You can put aliases in .bashrc.. that's what I do07:29
dadgumitSubhuman: I supose you are correct, but I hate to cripple my processor with older optimizations if there is another way to get smp working07:29
morrolanSubhuman:  Yes I know, but .bashrc is called BY .bash_profile07:30
Subhumanardchoille, "sythetic mutliprocessor support", lets multiple threads run at once.07:30
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dadgumitardchoille: multiplu proce07:30
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Subhumandadgumit, k7 isnt older, and it supports smp07:30
ardchoilleAhh, that does sound nice07:30
XylocSubh: That's why I'm using Knoppix as a restore07:30
Subhumandadgumit,  Linux ubdesktop 2.6.15-26-k7 #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jul 7 20:10:15 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux07:30
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dadgumitardchoillie: you need a dual core or multi proc board to run it07:30
Subhumanmy current kernel07:30
Subhumansee, smp support.07:30
dadgumitSubhuman:  :)07:31
ardchoillemorrolan: If you look at the .bashrc that I pasted for you, you'll see some aliases that are commented out07:31
IseeIseeso basically I want to install all the basic packages, but for that I need a list of basic packages07:31
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ardchoilledadgumit: I do? Ok, looks like I need to go shopping :)07:31
FunnyLookinHatIseeIsee, a good one to try is sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:31
morrolanardchoille:  I know, but when I login, .bashrc isn't read, because it is normally run by .bash_profile07:31
SubhumanIseeIsee, just do "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" if your using 4.1007:31
dadgumitardchoille: or a hyperthreaded pc if you are intel based07:31
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=== dadgumit waves at funnylookinhat
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FunnyLookinHathey dadgumit07:32
FunnyLookinHatwhat's up07:32
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ardchoillemorrolan: Did you install LFS or something? lol07:32
dadgumitnota lota, just trying to get the computer to bow to my will07:32
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morrolanardchoille: no, everything else works spankingly well after a fresh install (was on 5.04)07:32
ardchoilledadgumit: Then you're gonna need patience-0.6.so.0 lol07:32
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FunnyLookinHatdadgumit, hjahahaa07:33
IseeIseeSubhuman, it said "Reading Package Lists... Done" && "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded"07:33
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ardchoillemorrolan: Wow, I installed from the desktop CD and the only thing I really needed to do was install irssi and I was good07:33
dadgumitardchoille: unfortunatly the upgrade path is brutal on that one07:33
XGasnice, 381 updates for 6.06 on clean install.07:33
SubhumanIseeIsee, well do a "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"07:33
ardchoilledadgumit: ROFL!07:33
XylocSubhuman: Yes, I get to the GRUB prompt and my Windows partition still works, but GRUB can't find my linux image07:33
morrolanardchoille:  Could you pastebin me your .bash_profile please?07:34
SubhumanXyloc, im guessing you only have one linux partiton?07:34
ardchoille!! dadgumit!! ardchoille: unfortunatly the upgrade path is brutal on that one07:34
XylocNo, actually I have three, namely: /boot, /usr and /home07:34
IseeIseesubhuman I have an old machine, I don't want to install the full ubuntu, I want xubuntu07:35
SubhumanXyloc, if so, in /etc/fstab ( use a live cd or do it in windows ) edit the line / and probably the hdaX has changed, so rename them.07:35
dadgumitbrb, reboot07:35
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ardchoille<ubotu> Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops. Thank you for your attention to detail  <-- what edit request? Did ubotu screw up?07:35
SubhumanIseeIsee, I dont think 4.10 xubuntu was even about.07:35
morrolanxubuntu started at 5.10 I think07:35
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XylocSubhuman: Yes, my / has swapped with my /boot...07:36
IseeIseeoh I'm using linux for the first time, so my knowledge is limited, thanks for informing :)07:36
Subhumanardchoille, no, a double !! thought you wanted to edit dadgummit07:36
IseeIseeso basically what should I do to get something like xubuntu from ubuntu 4.10 ?07:36
morrolanIseeIsee:  a fresh install I think07:36
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SubhumanXyloc, so reflect that change in fstab, if boot was hda1 and / was hda2, make /boot hda2 and / hda1 for example07:36
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dek_aikIseeIsee: maybe just try sudo apt-get ubuntu-minimal first, ubuntu-standard, then xserver-xorg and xfce07:36
epimerhi guys07:36
SubhumanIseeIsee, goto xubuntu.org and download the cd.07:37
ardchoilleSubhuman: Oh, ok, a !! nick !! is in my irssi theme to show me that someone said my nick.07:37
epimeri have a problem with devil's pie - should the set_workspace function still work with compiz?07:37
Jugdoes ubuntu dapper install provide necessary drivers to get my usb wlan adapter(orinoco) to work in install?07:37
IseeIseeyeah I've put the linux to download, but internet is very slow here, its gonna take 2 days atleast07:37
XylocSubhuman: Rather funny actually, I'll give it a try and reboot.07:37
FunnyLookinHatJug, yes, it should work fine with orinoco07:37
Subhumanepimer, im not sure if devilspie works with xgl, i cant see why not.07:37
JugFunnyLookinHat: but I mean does it detect it?07:37
XylocSubhuman: If this works you have just spared me approx. 6 hours work.07:38
SubhumanIseeIsee, well if you only have a 4.10 machine itz about the only option you got.07:38
SubhumanXyloc, lets hope so then :D07:38
IseeIseealso another thing initially I installed the full ubuntu-desktop but it was not detecting my network connection07:38
XylocSubhuman: I keep my fingers crossed, but thx inadvance!07:38
FunnyLookinHatJug, yup!   Try the liveCD installer, it should allow you to access wireless from the LiveCD before you even install07:38
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JugFunnyLookinHat: at least when I tried it didn't find it..so I'm wondering if I need to do something to get that usb wlan to work..07:38
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epimerSubhuman, that's what i thought, but running devilspie -d says it's changing to workspace 1, and it doesn't07:38
JugFunnyLookinHat: well I have alternative install cd only..07:38
roostishawanyone, how can i copy files off a live cd to my real hard drive?07:38
dek_aikIseeIsee: try apt-cache show ubuntu-minimal07:39
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Subhumanepimer, best thing to do is ask at #ubuntu-xgl , they will now.07:39
FunnyLookinHatJug, ooh.  Hmm....07:39
epimerit centers and maximises like i wanted, but not the workspace switching (which is why i want devilspie in the first place)07:39
epimerSubhuman, ty, i'll try there07:39
Subhumanroostishaw, mount your real hard drive and then just copy from the filesystem.07:39
FunnyLookinHatJug, try searching ubuntuforums.org quickly, it should tell you if osmoene has had a similiar situation to yours07:39
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IseeIseedek_aik it says no packages found07:39
Subhumanroostishaw, if you have an ntfs partiton though your out of luck.07:39
roostishawSubhuman, :(07:40
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Subhumanroostishaw, why do you need to copy live cd files over though?07:40
roostishawSubhuman, there is no way then? i cant mount the iso as a disk, then copy them over?07:40
IseeIseedek_aik I tried ubuntu-minimal it says "Invalid operation ubuntu-minimal"07:40
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dek_aikIseeIsee: you must edit your /etc/apt/source.list to include dapper repo07:40
roostishawSubhuman, i want some config files from nubuntu for fluxbox07:40
Subhumanroostishaw, you can mount the iso, but all the files are in compressed form.07:40
dek_aikIseeIsee: "apt-cache show ubuntu-minimal"07:40
Subhumanroostishaw, ask Tomb for them at nubuntu.org then.07:41
roostishawSubhuman, i want to copy that look on the live cd to my fluxbox desktop07:41
IseeIseedek_aik that did not worked either07:41
Subhumanroostishaw, if itz still how i used to use it, itz just the "choke" theme.07:41
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roostishawSubhuman, who is this Tomb?07:41
Subhumanroostishaw, the developer of nubuntu, hes a decent guy, he should send them over07:42
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dek_aikIseeIsee: ubuntu-minimal is the minimal core of ubuntu..do you have dapper repo in you /etc/apt/sources.list07:42
Subhumanroostishaw, an EASIER way actrually07:42
XylocBye everyone, thx for the help07:42
Subhumanroostishaw, is just to email them to yourself.07:42
sysdocHas anyone had any trouble with xserver-xorg-core when upgrading from 10.0 to 10.1? X crashes and restarts when the screensaver kicks in. Can't even go into the screensaver settings to turn it off without X doing the face plant...07:42
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roostishawSubhuman, from within the live cd?07:42
IseeIseehow do I open sources.list ?07:42
Subhumanroostishaw, yes.07:42
FunnyLookinHatsysdoc, weird.   try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:43
roostishawIseeIsee, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list07:43
IRCMonkeyxcould anyone help me ? when i try to open disk manager, i get error as "the configration could not be loadded" there was an error at backend script"07:43
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Subhumanroostishaw, if you join irc.hak5.org #hak5 , tomb is pretty active there and he might be able to send you them somehow?07:43
IseeIseeroostishaw I'm on the shell, there is no gedit yet07:43
SubhumanIseeIsee, use nano then07:43
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dek_aikIseeIsee: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list (in gui)...or use nano (my fav also)07:43
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Subhumani prefer vim but nano is more friendly.07:44
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sri_hi is there a operation like defragmentation like in windows?07:44
sri_in linuxx07:44
Subhumansri_, not nesscearry07:44
Subhumansri_, linux filesystems dont get fragmented.07:44
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sri_Subhuman, why?07:44
IseeIseedek_aik I guess you missed my initial post, I don't have a GUI loaded yet07:44
roostishawIseeIsee, nano /etc/apt/sources.list07:44
IseeIseeI get a shell after i reboot the PC, I did an expert installation07:44
phunkalicioushttp://developers.slashdot.org/developers/06/07/15/1346250.shtml :o07:45
sri_Subhuman, why?07:45
IseeIseeyeah it opened07:45
UltraMagnushas anyone here used electric, gnu eda, xcircuit or pcb? i want to know what the best one is for designing PCBs?07:45
epimerwhat does Segmentation fault mean? (again, from running devilspie -d)07:45
IRCMonkeyxcould anyone help me ? when i try to open disk manager, i get error as "the configration could not be loadded" there was an error at backend script"07:45
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sysdocFunnyLookinHat, I have the nvidia driver installed, not liking the looks of dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg...07:45
Subhumansri_, because there journalled and because they just handle free space better really.07:45
dek_aikIseeIsee: yes sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list..its control-x to save07:45
pharcvdeseg fault means u tried to access memory outside of ur user defined page07:45
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FunnyLookinHatsysdoc, that works fine, all you do is choose nvidia as your driver in the selection screen, I did it and worked fine for me07:45
Subhumansysdoc, itz easy to config, jus questions.07:45
pharcvdeseg fault means u tried to access memory outside your assigned page07:45
IseeIseeso dek-aik whats with the dapper repo, also can I get all the info you are telling somewhere online ?07:46
NinjaIs there a way to format my windows harddrive from Ubuntu ??07:46
debizNinja use gparted07:46
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epimerpharcvde, i have no idea what you just said, but ty anyway: )07:47
IseeIseesources.list is opened, what should I do ?07:47
sysdocSubhuman, yea, looks easy, but this xorg.conf isn't your basic setup.07:47
Ninjadebiz, when i start up gparted it just stays at the whole scanning all devices crap07:47
sri_Subhuman, i am downloading a movie antitrust by torrent can i stop & restat my computer?what is the upload mechanism in it?And what is ment by cap uploads?07:47
dek_aikIseeIsee: its just my guess..that your current os (warty?) dont have yet the ubuntu-minimal meta packages..dapper does07:47
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IseeIseeyeah its warty Ubuntu 4.1007:47
FunnyLookinHatsri_, l o l.    yes you can stop and restart.  but avoid telling htis channel what illegal things you are downloading07:47
pharcvde epimer, the os assigns a program to run in a specified block of memory07:48
Ninjadebiz, any ideas07:48
pharcvdeif the program tries to run outside of that then you get a segmentation fault07:48
Subhumansri_, yes sure it will just pause, and the upload , in bittorrent you "share", so the more of the file "in this case antitrust" that you upload to others, the faster your downloads, but obv, some people do not want that so they cap it ( give a maximum upload speed) but it also means your download is slower.07:48
roostishawSubhuman, how can i get to irc.hak5.org #hak5?07:48
epimerwhy would it do that. and how would it be fixed?07:48
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pharcvdeepimer, the program could ahve a bug in it07:48
dek_aikIseeIsee: change every "warty" to "dapper" then save (control-x)07:49
Subhumanroostishaw, depends on your irc client really.07:49
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pharcvdewhere it is gettign a buffer overlflow of some sort07:49
roostishawSubhuman, xchat07:49
setuidCan someone tell me how I can force the default Ubuntu UP/SMP kernel to be UP, and *NOT* SMP?07:49
setuidThere doesn't appear to be a UP-only kernel for Ubuntu07:49
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: hey07:49
dek_aikIseeIsee: sudo apt-get update, apt-cache show ubuntu-minimal07:49
IRCMonkeyxcould anyone help me ? when i try to open disk manager, i get error as "the configration could not be loadded" there was an error at backend script"07:49
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, hey whats up07:49
epimerpharcvde, given that it's devilspie, is it likely that i'm screwing up the .ds files and that's doing it?07:49
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, did you get it all working?07:49
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livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: nope  :(07:50
NinjaAnyone know why my gparted gets stuck at "scanning all devices""????07:50
bbrazilsetuid: try maxcpus=107:50
pharcvdeepimer, i've actually never used that program before...07:50
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, dang...  what happened.07:50
setuidbbrazil, grub line?07:50
bbrazilsetuid: technically it's a kernal boot option07:50
setuidbbrazil, right07:50
pharcvdeepimer, i'm not even sure what it is for07:50
setuidbbrazil, We're having some trouble debugging a udev issue, and we think the kernel being SMP is the issue.07:50
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roostishawSubhuman, where are all the files? i just put in the nubuntu live cd07:50
sri_Subhuman, if i share it then my downloading speed decreased?07:50
setuidWould maxcpus=1 really matter there?07:50
Subhumanroostishaw, for fbox?07:51
IseeIseeas I asked earlier, can I get all this stuff online ? I basically wanna learn the ins & outs of setting up linux & all that07:51
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bbrazilsetuid: If it's a race condition, yes07:51
epimerpharcvde, oh, ok. it involves writing little scripts to tell different windows what to do (e.g. center, maximise, set workspace), etc.07:51
Subhumanroostishaw,  itz been a long time but  ~/.fluxbox/ i think.07:51
setuidbbrazil, Ok, testing that now...07:51
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: the monitor light stays swithched off; the screen is blank. I can hear the os booting up and it gets to the login page. i blindly put that and password and i can hear the system login with the sounds . Cnt+alt+F1 does nothing07:51
Subhumansri_, if you share it INCREASES.07:51
NinjaCansomeone tell me why Gparted gets stuck on "scanning all deivces"?? please07:51
roostishawSubhuman, no, like... on the cd.07:51
Subhumanso itz good to have upload speeds.07:51
pharcvdeepimer, oh07:51
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epimerand given that i'm grossly incompetent, i'd be willing to bet it's my terrible scripting files that are causing problems07:51
Subhumanroostishaw, i think itz all compressed so no idea.07:51
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, wait, so you don't see ANY output to the screen?  Then the graphics card is dead07:51
roostishawSubhuman, im in regular ubuntu. i havn't booted from the live cd yet07:51
Subhumananywyas im out07:51
pharcvdeepimer its possible07:51
LivemodeUbuntu still wont freggin install07:51
bbrazilsetuid: you would have to recompile for single processor for proper testing though. There's extra locking code on SMP stuff07:51
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, do you at least see the BIOS throw some stuff out?07:51
Livemodenothin happens after the live cd login07:52
pharcvdeepimer, sorry i couldnt be of more help07:52
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: no, nothing07:52
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epimerpharcvde, thing is, it was working fine until i wrote a new one for amarok. so i deleted that script, and tried it again, and it's still broken :-/07:52
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, ok, then it's one of two options.  1 - the graphics card is dead07:52
debizNinja be patient...07:52
epimerpharcvde, no problem, you've been helpful all the same :)07:52
setuidbbrazil, Right, and I can't seem to find a stable way to build a default Ubuntu kernel. I've been building kernels for > 12 years here on Linux (I even wrote the HOWTO on it), but when I do that on Ubuntu, things don't build right and won't boot.07:52
debizit can take long time07:52
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, 2 - there is an option in the bios to use the graphics card as your primary video output...07:52
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livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: when i startup the fan on the graphics card works, which is the only sign of life07:52
Ninjadebiz, i know but like its not suposed to take 5 minutes is it ?07:52
wwallace_lapis ubuntu better than kanotix?07:52
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, then it's probably a setting in the bios, sorry I dont know specifically which one it is07:53
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: option 2 may be the case but i wouldn't know where.07:53
debizdepending on your machine, hd, etc, it could...07:53
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tylersmithI've got an AMD64 with Dapper. I had a P-IV with Breezy and remember that I could prelink and compile the linux kernel... those operations sped things up considerably. Can I prelink and compile the kernel in Dapper?07:53
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bbrazilsetuid: there's a page on the wiki about it I think07:53
teknoprepwhat is the gnome package for the wireless configurator?07:53
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teknoprepi want to install it for kde07:53
teknoprepthe kde one blows horribly07:53
wwallace_lapis there a bot here?07:54
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: even if the graphics card isn't working, are you suggesting i should get bios output?07:54
tomveensmy X is dead07:54
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sri_Subhuman, Now at present my cap uploads are 20 & my cap uploading speed is 20 kbps.....if i increase more no of caps then the download rate increases??at present my downloading speed is 1.5kbps;My actual downloading speed is 15kbps07:54
ubotuI know nothing about factoids - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:54
IseeIseedek_aik it says permission denied for writing on file07:54
Livemodestill  nothin happens after the live cd login. the live CD doesnt seem to load07:54
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, well if you dont see any output on the graphics card it could be one or the other, only way to findout is to find that setting in bios and set it07:54
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mokohi folks! anyone knows a channel for support in xgl/compiz?07:54
picket #xgl07:54
veerhi, does anyone know how I can get rid of the Grub boot loader time limit (i.e 10 seconds) ?07:55
mokowow! thanks...07:55
teknoprepwhat is the name of the gnome wireless tool?07:55
setuidbbrazil, any citation on that?07:55
FunnyLookinHatveer, you can edit /boot/grub/menu.lst07:55
wwallace_lapubuntu uses gnome or kde?07:55
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veerFunnyLookinHat: Ah, and then?07:55
wwallace_lapbut if i want i vcan change to kde?07:55
pharcvdeubuntu is default gnome07:55
tylersmithHi! Can I prelink in Dapper?07:55
pharcvdekubuntu is default kde07:55
pharcvdei'm running ubuntu without gnome07:56
teknoprepi know someone knows... wtf is the name of the gnome wireless tool?07:56
IseeIseedek_aik u there ?07:56
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FunnyLookinHatveer, should fix it07:56
FunnyLookinHatveer, look for a timelimit setting07:56
wwallace_lapid like to try kubuntu and see if is as easy as kanotix07:56
picketthe wireless-thingie is called ndiswraper07:56
tomveensMy X gives a black screen and when I shut it down <Ctrl><Alt><Backspace> then it says : FreeFontPath: FPE "/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc" refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing07:56
teknoprepthis channel is f'n worthless07:56
tomveenswhat do I have to do?07:56
=== jeff_ [n=jeff@modemcable250.77-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #Ubuntu
sysdocFunnyLookinHat, anyother ideas? Screensaver still brings down X.07:56
IseeIseeguys how can I format my drive to FAT32 ? currently is ext3 and I've the shell opened in front of me07:56
FunnyLookinHatteknoprep, Sorry ,what is your question?07:56
pharcvdeteknoprep why is that?07:56
LivemodeUbuntu still wont freggin install07:57
morrolanIseeIsee:  cfdisk07:57
teknoprepi know someone knows... wtf is the name of the gnome wireless tool?07:57
Livemodestill  nothin happens after the live cd login. the live CD doesnt seem to load07:57
jeff_does anyone here use Apache HTTP Server? I have a few newbie questions07:57
LivemodeUbuntu still wont freggin install07:57
Livemodestill  nothin happens after the live cd login. the live CD doesnt seem to load07:57
teknoprepthat is my 4th time asking07:57
FunnyLookinHatsysdoc, dang weird.  I have no idea, I would either kill your screensaver (your graphics may not support it) or just revert to older x07:57
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FunnyLookinHatteknoprep, network-manager-gnome is a good tool07:57
teknoprepi am running kubuntu and the kde wireless tool blows..07:57
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veerFunnyLookinHat:  What should i set it to, if i don't want the timelimit?07:57
IseeIseemorrolan from where should I run cfdisk ?07:57
teknoprepFunnyLookinHat: i installed that.. but don't have a program called network-manager-gnome07:57
veerFunnyLookinHat: ie. should i just delete 10 seconds?07:57
ubotuI know nothing about kernal - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:57
FunnyLookinHatteknoprep, you could also try network-manager-kde for KDE07:57
picketteknoprep ive told you allready07:57
tomveensI have no screensavers and no gdm07:57
teknoprepFunnyLookinHat: how do i start it?07:57
veerFunnyLookinHat: and leave it blank?07:57
Ninjadebiz, so how long should this take to scan all devices07:57
FunnyLookinHatveer, set it to 1 sec07:58
bbrazilbah, he's gone07:58
teknopreppicket: i didn't say drivers fool07:58
sysdocFunnyLookinHat, I would like to revert back to the older X, what would be the easiest way to accomplish that?07:58
picketah crap07:58
teknopreppicket: why would i wanna use windows drivers?07:58
picketmy bad :>07:58
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tomveensit is a server installation where I want to put on mythtv07:58
sri_Subhuman, Now at present my cap uploads are 20 & my cap uploading speed is 20 kbps.....if i increase more no of caps then the download rate increases??at present my downloading speed is 1.5kbps;My actual downloading speed is 15kbps07:58
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FunnyLookinHatsysdoc, Through synaptic,  Find the package you installed to upgrade and remove it, that should work.07:58
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picketteknoprep why? to get your card runing07:58
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sri_Subhuman, please solve my prob...07:58
teknopreppicket: NOO leave me alone picket07:58
IseeIseefrom where should I run cfdisk ?07:58
soazdoes anyone here use ubuntu 6.06 on a thinkpad ?07:58
veerFunnyLookinHat: if i set it to 1second would do not automatically start up linux? I want to set it in such a way that there is no timelimt and i can choose which operating system i want07:58
FunnyLookinHatsysdoc, that's a shot in the dark though, so I would try looking on ubuntuforums.org first07:59
Livemodestill  nothin happens after the live cd login. the live CD doesnt seem to load07:59
teknoprepback to a gui config for ubuntu.. i installed network-config-gnome... now how do i start it?07:59
hakani gone away07:59
FunnyLookinHatveer, oooooh, you want NO  time limit.  Sorry!   Yes you could try removing it07:59
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FunnyLookinHatveer, if not just set it to a ridiculously large value07:59
sysdocFunnyLookinHat, Yea thought of that already and if I want to remove xorg I'm left with it ripping out GDM and KDM. Not really wanting that option. Should be a way to just role back the update07:59
[Grendel] Hi, how can ic find out if something is in the kernel, e.g support for a martox card. A friend wants to know if the driver for the g450 is in his Suse kernel07:59
veerFunnyLookinHat: Hah. Thanks for the help, i appreceaite it :)07:59
dek_aikIseeIsee: if you want to know the contain of the packages in ubuntu just download it in the repo file Packages.gz it contain all file in specific08:00
soazi have a little problem. the 6.06 does make use of the notebook's volume control buttons - they are controling the master volume. how do i switch this off ? to make this independent ? does anybody know, please ?08:00
FunnyLookinHatsysdoc, yea I'm not aware of one.  Sorry    : (08:00
computergeeCould anybody here help me setup my 5.1 speakers? I can't get them to work, I have an nForce3 board, and I'm using the onboard sound.08:00
FunnyLookinHatveer, no problem dude08:00
Ackeubu_is there any safe graphical partition manager that can be run within ubuntu to format a 80gb usb disc?08:00
FunnyLookinHatsysdoc, For now I would just disable your screensave08:00
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dek_aiklseelsee: for example http://kambing.vlsm.org/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz08:01
FunnyLookinHatAckeubu_, gparted I believe08:01
Ackeubu_need to set it up to install ubuntu on the disk08:01
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FunnyLookinHatAckeubu_, actually08:01
Ninjahow long should it take Gparted to scan all devices cuz its beein doin it for like 10 minutes ????08:01
sysdocFunnyLookinHat, Can't, just going to the screensaver settings bring down the X server08:01
ddonkyanyone know the sys requirments to run 'Tremulous'?08:01
Ackeubu_FunnyLookinHat: ?08:01
FunnyLookinHatAckeubu_, if you want to install ubuntu to the disk why don't you just run the LiveCD installer?08:01
FunnyLookinHatsysdoc, oh LOL08:01
FunnyLookinHatsysdoc, : (08:01
Livemodethe liveCD installer dont work for me!08:02
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sysdocFunnyLookinHat, yea, Ubuntu es borked!08:02
stinkballHi, i have a soundblaster audigy2 zs and i cannot get the sound to work. can anyone help me?08:02
Livemodexserver starts but doesnt do anything08:02
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FunnyLookinHatsysdoc, i guess... I've never heard of that issue.  nobody else is reporting that error so it oculd be specific to your setup08:02
Ackeubu_FunnyLookinHat:  because it doesnt work when i try to install and the drive is on my laptop08:02
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IseeIseedek_aik right, can you tell me from where can I run cfdisk, I wanna partition my drive as FAT3208:02
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FunnyLookinHatLivemode, arg.  The newest one (dapper drake)?  If that isn't working, try the alternate install CD that is text based08:02
epimeri tried devilspie with metacity rather than compiz...and the workspace switching worked fine08:03
ddonkystinkball - is your card detected?08:03
Livemodewhere can i get the text based install08:03
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Livemodei ahev tryed installing breezy and it dont work08:03
Livemodeit just freezes08:03
neosclo all. Synaptic asks me to insert cd, while i have inserted the dvd in the dvdrom. Synaptic isnt looking into my dvdrom. how do i set it to look there and not the dvd ?08:03
stinkballyeah, it shows up in the device manager08:03
sri_FunnyLookinHat, hi!if i increase the no of cap uploads then the downlodaing speed increases?08:03
Ackeubu_FunnyLookinHat: my drive is completely fuc*ed up, i tried to upgrade my dual boot win/ubu 5.10 to 6.06 now i cant even install win, with the setup cds from my laptop. i have tried everything.. its really badly scr*wed up.08:03
sysdocFunnyLookinHat, ya know it might be a glx thang, cause the screensaver applet loads and then crashes just as the example screen wants to display the sample screen saver08:04
sri_FunnyLookinHat, what is the fun of cap uploads?08:04
dek_aiklseelsee: from prompt: sudo cfdisk /dev/hdx.. x is your drive mine is /dev/hda08:04
FunnyLookinHatsri_, cap uploads limits the ammount of users who can download from you, should not affect your download speed08:04
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Ninjahow long should it take for Gparted to scann all evices?? comeone not that hard of a question..08:04
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FunnyLookinHatAckeubu_, if you can't even install windows on the drive then the drive is probably crashed because windoze can format the etnire drive to fix it08:04
IseeIseecan we install 6.06 on home PC's ?08:04
teknoprepnetwork-manager-kde OWNS08:04
teknoprepvery nice stuff08:04
XGasUse Microsofts Virtual PC, and try first, its FREE now, go check their webpage, when installing Ubuntu 6.06 select "Safe VGA mode" or you won't be able to see anything.08:04
vdepizzolhow I start ubuntu linux with the windows boot starter (NTLDR)?08:05
FunnyLookinHatsysdoc, You could try reverting to the VESA driver  :-/08:05
teknoprephas a wpa_supplicant setup too.. but didn't get it to work yet08:05
neoscupon applying changes, Synaptic asks me to insert cd, while i have inserted the dvd in the dvdrom. Synaptic isnt looking into my dvdrom. how do i set it to look there and not the dvd ?08:05
neoscnot hte cd*08:05
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sysdocFunnyLookinHat, lol, ummm I'm thinking NOT!08:05
NthDegreeuse VMWare Server08:05
NthDegreeit is free and faster08:05
Ackeubu_FunnyLookinHat: yeah.. ;o but i will not give up on it quite yet..08:05
FunnyLookinHatsysdoc, just a suggestion  : P08:05
FunnyLookinHatsysdoc, ; )08:05
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dek_aiklseelsee: basically yes, depends on the specs..i installed it inmy PC and laptop08:06
XGasMicrosoft Virtual PC 2004 is better08:06
cypher1neosc, "sudo apt-cdrom add" is not helpful ?08:06
NthDegreeno it isn't08:06
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XGasor you do clean install with just Ubuntu.08:06
sri_FunnyLookinHat, Sorry i have another dout that is my actual downloading speed is 15kbps but now i am getting 1.5kbps only ?why?08:06
NthDegreeit was made primarily to run windows Virtual PC was08:06
XGasyeah, so?08:06
IseeIseedek-aik its giving me an error on cfdisk08:06
NthDegreeVMWare Player is 10x quicker and VMWare server is about 4x quicker08:06
XGasIt can work if you do the easy work around.08:06
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dek_aiklseelsee: my wild guess is that if you have warty then you could have dapper...the difference is just in the packages08:06
damotoris there anyway to use a camcorder with amsn?08:07
NthDegreeXGas why do workarounds when VMWare has a superior free product?08:07
IseeIseewell I tried saving that sources.list file but it said write permission denied08:07
FunnyLookinHatsri_, that's based on the health of the torrent, also you have to forward ports 6881-6889 if you are behind a router08:07
XGasDude, you can't make your own stuff with VMware server.08:07
NthDegreeYou can08:07
neosccypher1 : no. thats the problem, its identifuing the cdrom, and looking in it, while i want it to look into /media/dvdrecorder cause thats where my dvd is mounted08:07
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NthDegreehow long have you been in a coma for?08:08
XGasNot like VMware Workstation.08:08
dek_aiklseelsee: what kind?08:08
NthDegreeyes you can08:08
NthDegreeI use it08:08
XGasbut needs money08:08
NthDegreeno it doesn't08:08
NthDegreeI use it08:08
sri_FunnyLookinHat, can u tell the process plz08:08
=== ^THE_HAMMER^ [n=shell@S01060014858fa523.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== IcemanV9 scratches his head wondering why lock screen does not work?? :/
XGasVMware smallest download size is 20 megs, biggest is 100mb, Virtual PC is ownly 1808:08
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usr13Can't find kernel build files in /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-386/build;08:08
usr13Can't find kernel build files in /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-386/build;08:09
dek_aiklseelsee: you should use sudo.."sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"08:09
stinkballHi, i have a soundblaster audigy2 zs and i cannot get the sound to work. the card is detected and shows up in the device manager.  can anyone help me?08:09
J-_how can i convert a .rpm into a .deb?08:09
NinjaCan someone help me my gparted wont get past the whole scanning all devices crap08:09
neosccypher1 : no. thats the problem, its identifuing the cdrom, and looking in it, while i want it to look into /media/dvdrecorder cause thats where my dvd is mounted08:09
NthDegreeXGas is that a real argument when VMWare can run with Linux or Windows as the host OS08:09
usr13Can't find kernel build files in /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-386/build;08:09
XGasJ- you can, but the really hard way.08:09
jpjacobsJ-_, use alien08:09
IseeIseedek_aik on cfdisk it says "FATAL ERROR cannot open disk drive"08:09
^THE_HAMMER^hey all anyone know another command OTHER THEN sudo apt-get eggdrop08:09
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FunnyLookinHatsri_, are you behind a router?08:09
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usr13(Just installed "linux-headers" and tring to run make against ndiswrapper)08:10
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dek_aiklseelsee: you should use sudo.."sudo cfdisk /dev/hdx"08:10
XGasIs RedHat Fedora any good?08:10
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RibsXGas: Fedora is more of a rolling beta08:10
Ribsbut's a nice distro in it's own right08:10
sri_FunnyLookinHat, no;I am using brod band ;How can u say whether u r behind a router?08:10
FunnyLookinHatXGas, it's a pretty stable release.08:10
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XGasI'm going to test it......08:10
FunnyLookinHatsri_, do you have more than one computer at your location?08:11
cypher1neosc, did you try adding manually ?08:11
XGasI'm downloading it now.08:11
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Ninjacan someone help me get gparted started cuz its getting stuck at the whole scanning for devices thing08:11
usr13Running make for first time, and it's not working.08:11
neosccypher1 : how do i do that?08:11
NthDegreeFedora Core 5 has outstanding security in comparison, but slower download speeds for updates and not quite as large community08:11
neoscanything in preferences?08:11
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IseeIseedek_aik how much time it took you to gain good familiarity with ubuntu ?08:11
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sri_FunnyLookinHat, not at this time......But at ground floor there is a computer(my friend)08:11
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cypher1neosc, manually editing sources.list08:12
XGasYeah, I'm downloading 5.90 or its known as RC6 test 108:12
IseeIseealso is this structure same for all linux distro, like sudo and installing packages ?08:12
^THE_HAMMER^anyone here help me with getting eggdrop?08:12
BazziRNthDegree: do you use FC5 regularly?08:12
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FunnyLookinHatsri_, ok try opening firefox and going to this address:
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dek_aiklseelsee: try it everyday...let say a month? and keep learning08:12
FunnyLookinHatsri_, enter admin for username and admin for password08:12
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XGasNo, the 1st I ever use is 6.008:12
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IseeIseedek_aik learn where ?08:12
XGasRedHat 6.008:12
cypher1neosc, something like "deb file:/media/dvd dapper main restricted"08:12
sri_FunnyLookinHat, ok 1min08:12
Sakirethi need help with my video card. ATI Radeon 9600 XT08:12
IseeIseeand try what ?08:12
Ninjacan someone help me format my windows hardrive from ubuntu08:12
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NthDegreeBazziR, Indeed I do I use Ubuntu, Fedora and CentOS regularly08:12
dadgumitmy name is perfect for this08:12
XGasATI has bad driver support even in Windows08:12
Sakirethi need help with my video card. ATI Radeon 9600 XT, i did everything from the howto but i get SGI as device string when i do glxinfo.08:12
XGasATI has bad driver support even in Windows!!!!!08:13
dek_aiklseelsee: my pc of course at home08:13
BazziRNthDegree: have you recently had severe problems updating FC? I cannot get the software update to work, neither gui nor console wise :(08:13
Sakirethso i should do the original drivers?08:13
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FunnyLookinHatSakireth, that could just be due to the faulty driver   it's not very good for ati on linux08:13
Ninjacan someone help me format my windows hardrive from ubuntu08:13
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^THE_HAMMER^indeed lol he running into same probs/headaces as i did08:13
dadgumitfor instance, it saves, me typing as in I don't have to type: dadgumit, I still haven't gotten SMP running, I can just type: I still haven't gotten SMP running08:13
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Sakirethjust use the normal driver?08:13
FunnyLookinHatNinja, go to System - Administration - Disks08:13
XGasMaybe redirect the update server to a mirro near you?08:13
NthDegreeBazziR, in FC 5 pup is the slowest thing on earth use yum update08:13
XGasMaybe redirect the update server to a mirror* near you?08:13
dadgumitso anyways, no SMP, anyone got any ideas?08:13
Sakirethhow to reset it to the config you had when you installed?08:13
IseeIseedek_aik I mean to say, learn stuff like what, there should be a starting point where you go & mess around with things or any starter documentation ?08:13
FunnyLookinHatNinja, Try using that window08:13
LoneShadowanyone good at remastering livecds ?08:14
BazziRNthDegree, I did, had some wird dependency problems08:14
IseeIseedek_aik I've replaced warty with dapper in the sources.list, now what ?08:14
NinjaFunnyLookinHat, that wont open up well it does it jsut kinda hangs there greyish08:14
BazziRleft me dead in the water :(08:14
tulku_hello. I'm having problems with an automatic update, when installing samba_3.0.22-1ubuntu3.1_i386 . It tells me to sun apt-get -f install, which gives me and error during the pre-removal script08:14
NinjaFunnyLookinHat, and gparted gets stuck at the whole scanning deivces crap08:14
tulku_any ideas how can I fix this?08:14
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^THE_HAMMER^theres only 2 version of linux that ive found that works for my ati card and thats ubuntu and mandriva if ya install anything else dont say ya wasnt warned08:14
NinjaFunnyLookinHat, i let it do that for 10 minutes and still nothing08:14
roostishawanyone, how do i use new themes in fluxbox?08:14
dek_aiklseelsee: sudo apt-get update08:14
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FunnyLookinHatNinja, then you have a problem with one of the drives, it's probably crashed or has a bad partition table08:14
FunnyLookinHatNinja, you should try using cfdisk in the console08:14
Sakirethhow to reset my Xorg configs to the one i had after my install?08:15
FunnyLookinHatNinja, that is your last hope pretty much  : (08:15
NthDegree:| BazziR, grab a fedora unity respin as they call them - that is a fedora install DVD preloaded with all the latest updates08:15
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roostishawanyone, how do i use new themes in fluxbox?08:15
ardchoilleroostishaw: #fluxbox ?08:15
NinjaFunnyLookinHat, i dunno how it could be a bad partition or drive..i just booted into windows this morning..08:15
need_helpCan I have some help compiling gFTP?08:15
XGaslol, unity respin, nice name.08:15
roostishawardchoille, they're all like "rtfm"08:15
NinjaFunnyLookinHat, and windows is on a totaly seperate drive08:15
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BazziRNthDegree, heh I did that with rollup 1 but there were a shitload of updates since. I ended up killing FC completely form my harddrive :(08:15
FunnyLookinHatNinja, oh very strange.08:15
IseeIseedek_aik well there is a list of problems, like "Couldn't start source package list cdrom://Ubunt 4.10 _dapper Warthog_08:15
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FunnyLookinHatNinja, well try to do it with cfdisk then in the console08:15
dek_aiklseelsee: rule number 1--dont be afraid to mess with your comp..its just a machine08:15
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XGaswhat about RedHat Enterprize?08:16
NinjaFunnyLookinHat, cfdisk isnt gunna F up my ubuntu drive is it?08:16
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^THE_HAMMER^i wish someone could help me with an eggdrop bot :(08:16
IseeIseewell dek_aik my machine is p2 233 Mhz 64 mb ibm thinkpad, I guess good enough to mess with ? :)08:16
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dadgumitLooking for ideas to get SMP running08:16
dek_aiklseelsee: edit sources again, put a "#" in front of the cdrom://Ubuntu08:16
dadgumitis there any way I can find out if my system is at least trying to fire up with SMP?08:16
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FunnyLookinHatNinja, only if you use it to change your ubuntu drive, lol08:16
dadgumitall iknow how to do is the systems monitor08:16
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XGasWell, Linux has really small amount of cemercial PC games08:16
NinjaFunnyLookinHat, just wanna make sure befor i do somthng dum08:17
XGasBut thats not what affect it, really.08:17
tulku_hi, nobody has the same problem with the security update for samba?08:17
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sri_FunnyLookinHat, i opened u r url but error occoured08:17
compengidek_aik, and what about important data08:17
IcemanV9is it possible to reduce the number of ttys?? if so, which file can i edit?08:17
NinjaFunnyLookinHat, wow so much BS  fatal error cannot open disk drive08:17
XGasMost Linux proggies, and installies are hard to understand08:17
IseeIseeok on sudo apt-get update, it says "Reading Package List... Done"08:17
compengidek_aik, and the money you spent on you pc, if it's very expensive08:17
XGasI think thats why Debian made the .deb package format.08:17
sri_FunnyLookinHat, how can u say whether u r behind a rotour?08:17
dadgumitAnyone know how to check if I have SMP running?08:17
=== Gas is now known as Gassed
usr13where do I find the log of updates done by apt-get?08:18
NinjaFunnyLookinHat, if i formated my windows partition with the XP bootdisk am i gunna be able to acces the formatted drive in ubuntu evo tho it will be NTFS08:18
^THE_HAMMER^Ninja sounds like partition errors ive had those to08:18
compengidek_aik, what you think08:18
dek_aiklseelsee: rele number 2--put important data somewhere else of course08:18
NthDegreeBazziR, Fedora 5 is quite stable now but Ubuntu will always have one thing better than it - Ubuntu is made for the community, for everyday production use and is considered stable enough to do so, fedora doesn't even have official support available like Ubuntu08:18
sri_FunnyLookinHat, router08:18
FunnyLookinHatsri_, it depends on your IP address and how your network is setup.08:18
FunnyLookinHatNinja, yes, but you won't be able to write data to it, only read08:18
dek_aiklseelsee: at least have a backup08:18
FunnyLookinHatNinja, that drive is pwnd.08:18
GassedCan I have some help compiling  gFTP?08:18
IseeIseedek_aik there is no data inside, its just a test PC08:18
XGasHeh, Ubuntu is ONE CD, and OWNS RH Fedora, and Fedora cna fill a DVD, ROFL.08:18
IseeIseeyeah so whats next ?08:19
NinjaFunnyLookinHat, that is some B^llSh!t08:19
sri_FunnyLookinHat, my local server address is
FunnyLookinHatGassed, don't compile it!08:19
=== Rondo [n=sokuban@HSE-Toronto-ppp286257.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
dek_aikcompengi: rule number 2--put important data somewhere else of course08:19
GassedFunnyLookinHat: Why?08:19
NinjaFunnyLookinHat, 200 dollar 10k RPM drive wont even work with linux ...ARG!!!!!!08:19
RondoHow come I can't download kernel <nubers I don't remember> 26? I have <nubers I don't remember>23 right now (which came with xubuntu) but normally an updates button pops up. I do not know how to use Synaptic, and apt-get can't download kernels for some reason08:19
FunnyLookinHatGassed, just open up synaptic from System - Administration - Synaptic and search for gFTP08:19
BazziRNthDegree: if there wouldn't be the software issue for Fedora I'd call it the 2nd best choice after ubuntu for me... but it's just so much pain. nothing gets worse than SuSE when it comes to pain, though.08:19
FunnyLookinHatNinja, return it on warranty08:19
morrolancould someone please pastebin me a default dapper .bash_profile please?  My has gone for a walk...08:19
XGasWhat about Mandriva(Formally known as Mandrake)?08:19
dadgumitlooking for some help on SMP, have thus far been unable to get itrunning08:19
IseeIseeso dek-aik whats next ?08:19
dek_aikcompengi: price is relative, my laptop is less than $18008:20
FunnyLookinHatGassed, avoid compiling in a debian based distribution at all costs, because the distro is built to work more easily if you use the packages that are "certified and released" already08:20
Ackeubu_FunnyLookinHat: i tried to install 6.06 on my old 40gb hd. but the comp froze up. What can I do? Dont think the comp listens to keys anymore.. >P08:20
usr13can someone tell me where to find list of updated apps08:20
XGasMandrake was good, now they turned into a bunch of greedy money makers.08:20
NthDegreeha too true :~) SuSE was a lot of polish and a broken underneath08:20
usr13(that have been updated by apt-get)08:20
FunnyLookinHatAckeubu_, Try it two times?08:20
morrolancould someone please pastebin me a default dapper .bash_profile please?  My has gone for a walk...08:20
Ackeubu_FunnyLookinHat: just kill the power?08:20
NinjaFunnyLookinHat, but i dunno why it wouldnt work qwindows is on it fine....... and i sent in my second raptor already cuz that got blown toi hell..so that means when it gets back im gunn have 2 raptors and a 80 gig runnin linux and nothing to do with raptors08:20
dek_aikcompengi: i boldly mess around with it..:)08:20
IseeIseeI did sudo apt-cache show ubuntu-minimal it says "W: Unable to create package ubuntu-minimal, E: No packages found"08:20
compengidek_aik, and if someone's pc is 2000$ while you suggest to mess with his pc then08:20
FunnyLookinHatAckeubu_, yea, hold down the power button08:20
NthDegreei think we had better talk about this in #ubuntu-offtopic though08:20
dadgumitsomeone help me with getting SMP running on my machine please?08:21
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XGas"Avoid converting RPM to deb package at all cost" At what cost really?08:21
FunnyLookinHatNinja, no clue what to tell you man.  That's weird.  I have a fried that uses those drives all the time with linux fine08:21
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: hey08:21
pharcvdedadgumit what build of the kernel are you using08:21
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dek_aikcompengi: 2000 is very expensive!08:21
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FunnyLookinHatXGas, the cost of the RPM not being built for ubuntu, thus it'll install funky packages or weird binaries08:21
NthDegreeXGas at the cost of "poisoning" your system with RH many say08:21
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, hey08:21
dek_aiklseelsee: sudo apt-get update08:21
XGasAnyway, Mozilla FireFox sucks08:21
IseeIseeI did that already08:21
NinjaFunnyLookinHat, could i pop in my ubuntu disk and just format that drive and be done with it..ill just format not even install linux on it08:21
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: you'll never guess- i had never taken the monitor cable off the network card and attached it to the new graphics card!08:21
=== PooPsTech [n=PooPs@modemcable212.61-56-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
dadgumitpharcvde: I believe I am using 2.6.15-26-k708:22
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, L O L!!08:22
NinjaGassed, ZOMG who said firefox sucks!!!08:22
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, so did you get it working?   : )08:22
eyequeuewhy all the non9ubuntu discussion here?08:22
GassedNinja: XGas did08:22
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: so, now i do have graphics and i'm talking to you with the monitor connected to the graphics card08:22
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XGasPlus any Linux distro has 3000++++ holes, more than any standard size cheese08:22
NinjaGassed, ZOMG *heartattack*08:22
XGasWindows has 800++08:22
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: im so embarrassed08:22
sri_FunnyLookinHat, hi!i have a prob how can i play .swf format?What is the name of the flash player to be installed???08:22
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, sweet, now go through the nvidia graphics install process08:22
dadgumitpharcvde: I couldn't find a smp specific kernel in the package manager, but I did install the linux-k7-smp package08:22
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto08:22
GassedNinja: XGas|Anyway, Mozilla FireFox sucks08:22
IseeIseeafter doing sudo apt-get update, I did sudo apt-cache show ubuntu-minimal it says "W: Unable to create package ubuntu-minimal, E: No packages found"08:23
dek_aikcompengi: my point is that if you want to know, than sometimes you should make mistakes, that is the path to understanding08:23
NinjaFunnyLookinHat, so u think that might work .08:23
FunnyLookinHatsri_, sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree08:23
Ackeubu_FunnyLookinHat: Im trying 5.1008:23
ChousukeXGas: Take that elsewhere.08:23
PooPsTechI have just D/L the 6.06 version of the PowerPC and tried to boot my Mac G3 with it, and after a couple of minutes of waiting the G3 gives up on the CD and starts booting from the HD.  Any ideas?08:23
pharcvdedadgumit make sure u are booting that kernel in grub08:23
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: do you suggest i do it again, from the top?08:23
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto08:23
pharcvdeonce it is installed08:23
NinjaGassed, *pulls out vurtial shotgun*08:23
sri_FunnyLookinHat, thank u08:23
FunnyLookinHatNinja, i suppose08:23
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, yup08:23
dadgumitpharcvde: am, but shouldn't the kernel say SMP in it somewhere?08:23
=== Gassed is away
NinjaFunnyLookinHat, hmm ...ill try askin one more person08:23
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, it'll probably say you already have the packages so then just keep proceeding08:23
FunnyLookinHatNinja, go for it, sucks if that drive is pwned.08:23
livingdaylightbut everything will still be ticked in synaptic? as i had installed 'em08:23
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: oh, ok08:23
NinjaIf i format a windows heardrive with ubuntu ..jsut format not install will i be able to read and right to that drive with ubuntu ?!?!?08:24
sri_FunnyLookinHat, could not find the package flashplayer-nonfree08:24
pharcvdedadgumit usually if u are using 32-bit kernels08:24
dadgumitpharcvde: I haven't been able to get it runing under the 686 kernel either08:24
tulku_well, I had to  "sudo rm /etc/rc2.d/S91samba" to fix the problem. I think this is a bug in the package.08:24
pharcvdefrom what i understand dapper amd64 bit based kernels are al smp by default08:24
pharcvdeu can do a cat /proc/cpuinfo08:24
dek_aiklseelsee: strange,,it should be there..what happen if you "sudo apt-get upgrade"?08:24
pharcvdeand if u see two cpus ur good to go08:24
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, you could probably get away with just doing a nvidia-glx-whatever that is --enable step, and then sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:24
NthDegreeNinja, you can use mkfs.ext3 on a drive and ubuntu will be able to read it08:25
GassedWhat does this mean? (gFTP message) Sent 7,167 of 7,167, transfer stalled, unknown time remaining08:25
PooPsTechI have just D/L the 6.06 version of the PowerPC and tried to boot my Mac G3 with it, and after a couple of minutes of waiting the G3 gives up on the CD and starts booting from the HD.  Any ideas?  Help Please!08:25
FunnyLookinHatubotu, tell sri_ about multiverse08:25
ChousukeNinja: formatting a drive will delete all the data on it.08:25
NinjaNthDegree,  ive tried08:25
ChousukeNinja: or a partition.08:25
IseeIseeit says "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded"08:25
FunnyLookinHatsri_, you need to enable universe and multiverse08:25
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GassedWhat does this mean? (gFTP message) Sent 7,167 of 7,167, transfer stalled, unknown time remaining08:25
dadgumitpharcvde: can you describe that command to me, it didn't work when I tried to run it on the terminal08:25
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NinjaChousuke, ya i know its my windows ..its on a COMPLETLY different harddrive08:25
ubotuAn advanced and free (only as in price) Web browser. Howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser - Latest Ubuntu packages always at: http://opera.com/download08:25
=== alex-weej [n=alex@cpc1-darl3-0-0-cust850.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
NinjaChousuke, so u think it would work if i format it..will i be able to read and right ounce i format it with ubuntu and not install08:26
pharcvdecat just atkes a file and displays it to the stdout of the terminal08:26
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GassedWhat does this mean? (gFTP message) Sent 7,167 of 7,167, transfer stalled, unknown time remaining08:26
NthDegreeNinja you will want to know what hard disk (e.g. /dev/sdb) and partition (e.g. /dev/sdb2) 1st08:26
=== ^THE_HAMMER^ [n=shell@S01060014858fa523.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
NinjaNthDegree, so u think it will work..i already tried that..08:26
Ackeubu_FunnyLookinHat: yesterday, when i tried to install ubuntu, i got it to format the entire hd. But it froze up in 17 % today on the other drive it freezes up on 2008:26
ChousukeNinja: if you format it, ubuntu will be able to use the space.08:26
ubotuI know nothing about repeating - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:26
ChousukeNinja: but your windows will be gone. :)08:26
FunnyLookinHatGassed, gmm...  that the ftp server is not working properly probably08:26
GassedThats an ass08:26
Ackeubu_FunnyLookinHat: % when ccreating ext3 file system..08:26
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FunnyLookinHatAckeubu_, that's strange,  How oldare the hard drives08:26
Gassedit keeps doing that when I use linux and connect to it08:26
sri_FunnyLookinHat, sorry i did not know what is universe and multiverse....plz tell it to me08:26
NthDegreeyes just format with mkfs.ext3 or mkfs.xfs and ubuntu can read it08:27
IseeIseedek_aik I replied above08:27
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:27
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic08:27
NinjaChousuke, i dont care about windows i dont use it ever ...ill just find somthng else to put on my other 2 10k RPM drives..08:27
FunnyLookinHatsri_, go to that source o matic page08:27
Ackeubu_FunnyLookinHat: the old one is 3 years. the new one is 1 year08:27
dadgumitpharcvde: oh i see, was running it as cat /proc/ cpuinfo with a space08:27
dek_aiklseelsee: no it cant be..i really think that that somewhere in the sources not right08:27
FunnyLookinHatsri_, and enable everything it offers08:27
NthDegreeass is a safe word I believe08:27
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource08:27
ChousukeNinja: you could probably use gparted to format the drive.08:27
eyequeueNthDegree, it's offensive08:27
ChousukeNinja: it has a gui, and should be easy to use. :)08:27
FunnyLookinHatsri_, you could also visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories for more help08:27
IseeIseeoh let me check sources again, every warty is to be replaced by dapper, thats it right, no ## should be removed or anything ?08:28
ChousukeNinja: install it with apt-get08:28
NinjaChouse, i tried Gparted it gets stuck on the whole scannin devices08:28
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Chousukeoh. :/08:28
LoneShadowhow much space is required for a minimal ubuntu breezy install with X ?08:28
RondoHow come I can't download kernel <nubers I don't remember> 26? I have <nubers I don't remember>23 right now (which came with xubuntu) but normally an updates button pops up. I do not know how to use Synaptic, and apt-get can't download kernels for some reason08:28
sri_FunnyLookinHat, thank u  very much08:28
NthDegreeeyequeue, well in Britain we say ass and arse all the time - it isn't considered offensive in any european country08:28
dek_aiklseelsee: r you certain that you changed every warty to dapper and saved the file?08:28
FunnyLookinHatB R B08:28
dadgumitpharcvde: no, it has the description of dual core, but cpu cores: 108:28
NinjaChousuke, so this will forsure let my ubuntu read and right on the drive if i format it using the ubuntu CD?08:28
dadgumitpharcvde: any ideas?08:28
ChousukeNinja: why would you use the ubuntu CD? :/08:29
ChousukeNinja: you can do it from within ubuntu08:29
=== AxY [n=axyz@adsl-149-148.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
NthDegreeyou dont use the ubuntu CD08:29
pharcvdedadgumit what does uname -a say?08:29
IseeIseeyes every warty is to dapper except a word Warthog08:29
XGasVMware server can create VMs from scratch?08:29
NthDegreeyes it can08:29
ChousukeXGas: yes.08:29
NinjaChousuke, Gparted wILL NOT START it hangs on the whole scannin devices crap08:29
=== N3o21 [n=n3o21@194.2.broadband5.iol.cz] has joined #ubuntu
ChousukeNinja: well, then do it manually.08:29
NthDegreeit is also 100% free of charge too08:29
XGasDoes it do Network sh*t?08:29
NinjaChousuke, how08:29
PooPsTechanyone installed the ubuntu on a powerPC?08:29
XGasI need network stuff......08:29
ChousukeNinja: do you know which partitions they are?08:30
ubotuppc is PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers, and now a fully supported Ubuntu architecture.08:30
Chousukeas in under /dev/ ?08:30
AxYsry how can i get a bin file run?08:30
jiShvmware does network just fine08:30
NinjaChousuke, its just a second HD08:30
NthDegreeXGas it does more networking stuff than VMWare Workstation does08:30
jiShin fact, i installed windows media center 2005 inside vmware08:30
ChousukeNinja: hm08:30
jiShand it can connect to my 36008:30
IseeIseewhat is vmware ? if I've dual boot I can access ubuntu from inside windows and do stuff like java development on ubuntu ?08:30
jiShand stream sstuff08:30
XGasDamn, almost buy it08:30
jiShno difficulties making it work either08:30
NinjaChousuke, ok just tell me if what i said will work ???08:30
ChousukeNinja: Well, if you think using th CD is easier, then go ahead and use it.08:30
PooPsTechPowerPC version of ubuntu fails boot on my machine08:30
dadgumitpharcvde: Linux Vader 2.6.15-26-k7 #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jul 7 20:10:15 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux08:30
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:30
NthDegreeIseeIsee, you can use VMWare to run Ubuntu inside windows yes08:31
ChousukeNinja: Ubuntu will be able to use the space.08:31
Ackeubu_FunnyLookinHat: i did reformat with LVM. But what is LVM?08:31
IseeIseedek_aik the sources.list is correct ?08:31
XGasSO I ask again, VMware Server can create VMs?08:31
dek_aiklseelsee: wartog is warty... so it should look like this "deb http://xxx.xxx.xxx/ubuntu dapper main"08:31
NinjaChousuke, ok thanks08:31
ChousukeXGas: Yes.08:31
jiShXGas: yes08:31
=== roostishaw [n=roostish@c-24-126-92-199.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
XGascause I almost bought it.08:31
ubotuI know nothing about lvm - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:31
NinjaChousuke, be back if it dont work :/08:31
jiShit's free08:31
XGasWell, thanks guys08:31
dadgumitcan I pipe output of commands to my clipboard?08:31
Ackeubu_FunnyLookinHat: And I think i got further this time.08:31
jiShyou don't have to buy it08:31
ChousukeNinja: you may need to tell Ubuntu to make use of the space though.08:31
=== Razumikhin [n=FMD@cpe-24-175-253-67.gt.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
NthDegreeXGas, I use it and it is free and can do almost everything Workstation can08:31
FunnyLookinHatAckeubu_, LVM = a volume manager. I don't think you should use it unless you really want to08:31
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:31
dek_aiklseelsee: please type one line of your sources08:31
skavengeanyone know how to change active window with mouse-over in kde?08:31
dadgumitpharcvde: it says that it has SMP enabled in the uname -a08:32
XGasDoes it include the drivers too?08:32
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zammitjamo, you here?08:32
jiShXGas: it emulates hardware08:32
pharcvdedadgumit yes that is strange08:32
XGasok, thanks,08:32
Ackeubu_FunnyLookinHat: it didnt work when i didnt use it.. >P but if it works now... maybe i should try installing with 6.06 and LVM too...08:32
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XGasI know its emulated hardware.08:32
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ddonkyanyone else haveing problems with Serpentine creating audio discs? I get this error ' cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize!' in dmesg.08:32
jiShXGas: anything that works in ubuntu can work in vmware as long as the guest OS supports it08:32
FunnyLookinHatAckeubu_, it's worth a try.08:32
IseeIseedek_aik #deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 4.10 _dapper Warthog_ - Preview i386 Binary-1 (20041020)] /u$08:32
Ackeubu_FunnyLookinHat: aye08:32
NthDegreeXGas if you want a good trick, install VMWare Server and VMWare Player then you get the abilities that Server has with the ability that Player has too08:32
dadgumitpharcvde: think it might help to completely remove linux-k7-smp and reenable it?08:32
gemidjywhoever's using Beagle, do I have to add 'user_xattr' in fstab for each FS i want to be indexed?08:33
pharcvdetry usign a generic smp kernel08:33
pharcvdeand see what happens08:33
XGasWhat the player does anyway? I used it, and it can only do images.08:33
pharcvdebasicalyl cat /proc/cpuinfo should show information per logical cpu installed08:33
dadgumitwhat does that mean?08:33
jiShit just runs pre-made virtual machines08:33
zammiti'm attempting to install ubuntu 6.06 - the desktop install freezes at "mounting root file system", i'm fairly new to linux, anyone care to help?08:33
NthDegreeXGas the player allows you to use VMs you have created or downloaded with a minimalist interface08:33
XGasok, does the VMware Server too?08:34
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dek_aiklseelsee: other line please which ends with main08:34
NthDegreeit can run things you have made in VMWare Server and VMWare Workstation08:34
XGascan use VMs?08:34
jiShVMWare server obth creates and runs VMS08:34
=== whadar [n=hadar@bzq-88-153-66-110.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
XGasThnks, for the info08:34
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dadgumitpharcvde: what would a generic kernel be?08:34
emeraldI need someone who speaks german for a sec08:34
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IseeIsee#deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted08:34
NthDegreeXGas Server can create and run VMs, it has advanced networking and unlike Workstation is built to be able to run daemons inside it08:34
=== xolot1 [n=willi@pool-71-245-232-21.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
gemidjywhoever's using Beagle, do I have to add 'user_xattr' in fstab for each FS i want to be indexed?08:35
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de08:35
pharcvdedadgumit what kind of processor do you have?08:35
IseeIseebtw I don't have a connection to the internet on the ubuntu machine08:35
=== tuopppi [n=tuomas@bb-81-175-154-61.dsl.phnet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se08:35
taotimeanybody know here about installing from a ubuntu cdrom08:35
ubotuCanadian Ubuntu users can be found in #ubuntu-ca08:35
taotimei meant usb ubuntu cdrom08:35
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ubotuI know nothing about nz - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:35
dadgumitpharcvde: amd64 3800+08:35
=== Asymmetry [n=Justin@ip72-198-32-122.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
NthDegreeXGas a word of caution, ubuntu by default has no firewall enabled AFAIK, so unless you enable it using bastille or something someone knowing your username and password could connect to your VMWare Server and control your VMs08:36
pharcvdedadgumit is that an x2?08:36
pharcvdeor just a regular?08:36
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Ackeubu_Uups darn it got stuck on installing base system 53%...08:36
morrolanhas anyone ever used "filelight"?08:36
dadgumitpharcvde: x208:36
xolot1i want to use ssh to start a folding@home session on a different computer without keeping the connection open the entire time folding is running, how might i do this?08:36
morrolanpharcvde, fancy seeing you here08:36
pharcvdemorrolan :)08:37
XGasI dont care, I'm behind nat and router08:37
dek_aiklseelsee: you get that one right..the second line should look like this: deb http://xxx.xxx.xxx/ubuntu dapper main .....remove the "#"08:37
XGasthen my router has nat08:37
NthDegreewell bastille is a recommendation i give to anyone who wants to use ubuntu08:37
morrolanxolot1: check man ssh -there is a way to keep the processes running when an ssh session is terminated08:37
IseeIseebut I don't have an internet connection08:37
xolot1morrolan: thanks08:37
XGaswhere download linky for bastille?08:37
zammithello, i'm attempting to install ubuntu on a clean system, the install freezes on "mounting root file system"; anyone care to help?08:37
dadgumitpharcvde: so on the "generic kernel" what does that mean?08:37
=== XGas is now known as XenonG
ardchoille!info bastille08:38
ubotubastille: Security hardening tool. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1:2.1.1-12 (dapper), package size 358 kB, installed size 1508 kB08:38
eyequeuedownload?  apt-get it08:38
NthDegreeXGas Bastille is in Universe Repository08:38
pharcvdedadgumit i meany try one of the i686 smp kernels08:38
gemidjywhoever's using Beagle, do I have to add 'user_xattr' in fstab for each FS i want to be indexed?08:38
pharcvdeinstead of the k708:38
=== skavenge [n=skavenge@12-207-61-84.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
pharcvdedadgumit i ahve an x2 as well08:38
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pharcvdebut i runt eh amd64bit kernel08:38
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morrolanfor anyone who struggles to see where all there HDD space is going "sudo apt-get install filelight" - lovely small GUI program which shows file size using concentric rings08:38
=== Sputn1k [n=jurgis@ip-195-14-191-72.bnk.lt] has joined #ubuntu
dadgumitpharcvde: have on installed now, I installed the k7 to see if it would work, cause th 686 wasn't working08:39
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ardchoillemorrolan: Thanks, that is good to know :)08:39
morrolangemidjy - I have beagle running and I've never had to do that08:39
dadgumitpharcvde: do you run into many problems with compatibility?08:39
NthDegreebastille is something I recommend *EVERY* ubuntu user uses, because without iptables enable to fully block everything inbound a user could be at risk if he/she installs either WINE or VMWare Server08:39
dadgumitpharcvde: on the 64bit build?08:39
pharcvdenot really08:39
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IseeIseeit says "Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/......................"08:39
morrolangemidjy:  have you looked at the options of beagled? thats the daemon08:39
pharcvdemost 32bit apps run fine in 64bit08:39
DBOmorrolan, he left =P08:39
Sputn1khow to set default gnome terminal character encoding?08:39
=== zool2005 [n=zool@ARennes-251-1-102-93.w86-199.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
morrolanoh well08:40
NthDegreebut most apps are 64 bit that run on 64 bit08:40
dadgumitpharcvde: do you use ATI or nvdia, afraid I would have to jump through driver hoops again08:40
NthDegreevery few need 32 bit08:40
=== Viper550 [n=Viper550@d57-121-167.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
morrolancan someone please pastebin me a default dapper .bash_profile?  Mine seems to be missing...08:40
pharcvdeati is teh sux for linux unfortunately08:40
dek_aiklseelsee: you can only update your sources if you are connected to internet...08:40
NthDegreedadgumit, ATI is poorly supported anywhere you go :p08:40
ardchoillemorrolan: YEs, hold on..08:40
zool2005evenin all08:40
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dadgumitpharcvde: yeah, realized that after installing, was planning on nvidia last time anyways08:40
morrolandek_aik - how do you think he's talking to you...08:41
dadgumitpharcvde: *next time08:41
NthDegreegood evening zool2005 :)08:41
lenswhat is the bash command that shows mac addy and IP and stuff, it's simple, I just forgot.08:41
pharcvdeati is pretty piss poor on the driver front08:41
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DBOifconfig lens08:41
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dadgumitlens: ifconfig08:41
IseeIseedek_aik but the problem was that Ubuntu failed to detect my ethernet card08:41
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lensDBO, thanks you!08:41
Sputn1knobody knows? :)08:41
kirk_please, I need help to install my video car GeForce FX5200 Winfast. Someone install it?08:41
lensdadgumit thanks too. :)08:41
dek_aikmorrolan: ...08:41
ardchoillemorrolan: This is the one that shipped with my Dapper: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1810108:42
skavengeanyone know how to turn on switching active window with mouse-over in kde?08:42
bilss_have a exteral dvd /cd writer ubuntu will not detect it should i change something in BIOS08:42
zool2005i want to put a shutdown (poweroff) button on the desktop but how can i give it relevant priviledges?08:42
eyequeuemorrolan, /etc/skel/.bash_profile08:42
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zammitHello, i'm beginning to lose faith in the linux world, i'm attempting to install ubuntu, but it is not cooperating, anyone care to help troubleshoot?08:42
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bilss_DBO: which brand of coffee mountain-yellow?08:42
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DBObilss_, sounds fine08:43
DBOzammit, can you be more specific about what is going wrong?08:43
IseeIseedek_aik what do you think if I put my network cable into the lan card & restart the machine Ubuntu should be able to pick up the internet ?08:43
XenonGzammit, work with VMware server 1st.08:43
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livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: what do i need to do in dpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg?#08:43
zammitxenong, vmware?08:43
dek_aiklseelsee: i think we can only try08:43
XenonGVMware Server, its FREE08:43
ardchoillezammit: Keep in mind that if one Linux distro doesn't meet your needs, a different distro might :)08:43
dadgumitpharcvde: do you need to do a whole new install for 64bit?08:43
bilss_DBO: its from north caroilna is that possible08:43
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, just select nvidia as your driver, the rest is defaults08:43
XenonGVirtual Machine08:43
Raskallabout 3gp files (video files from my cell phone): I can play video, but all programs complains that audio-format "AMR" is unknown.08:44
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zammitdbo, the desktop installation freezes at mounting root file system, that's all i get.08:44
pharcvdedadgumit i dont think so08:44
IseeIseewhat if it does not ?08:44
RaskallHow do I get AMR support in ubuntu?08:44
eyequeueXenonG, the source xode is available?08:44
J-_woo hoo think i converted the rpm to deb =D08:44
XenonGIt may have a WEEEEEE bit performance lost, but hey, its damn nice.08:44
pharcvdebut  u will ahve to install a lot of stuff to do 32->6408:44
DBOzammit, after the install or while booting the live CD?08:44
pharcvdei did a straight install08:44
=== malmen [i=Elite@bl8-121-53.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
NthDegreezammit, VMWare allows you to run Linux inside windows or Windows inside Linux08:44
XenonGInstall while you surf the web.08:44
zammitdbo, during the install08:44
ardchoillezammit: From what I have seen lately, the Desktop CD installer has some problems. Try to install using the Alternate CD, it is text-based and worked fine for me.08:44
zammitnthdegree, i would like to install ubuntu on a fresh system with no os08:45
=== Rondo_ [n=sokuban@HSE-Toronto-ppp286953.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
bilss_have a exteral dvd /cd writer ubuntu will not detect it should i change something in BIOS08:45
DBOzammit, ok, get the alternative install CD, I will go get you a link08:45
NthDegreezammit, consider using the alternate install CD as the desktop CD installer is cr@p on a stick right now IMHO08:45
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: don't know the cards bus's identifier?08:45
zammitardchoille, i've tried the alternate install as well08:45
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: just hit 'enter'?08:45
XenonGyeah, have to boot in to install08:45
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, just take default, keep hitting etner08:45
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, should work  : )08:45
dek_aiklseelsee: you really should the easy way out..order cd instead, but only install for server08:45
XenonGI rather have it directly in08:45
haydreI need help configuring a wireless card in my laptop, I try to activate it in the Networking window, but as soon as it's done, and I click ok, it deactivates it. What could cause this and how can I fix it?08:45
=== robertj [n=robertj@66-188-77-153.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
NthDegreehmmmm zammit, is your PC considered to be "Windows Vista Ready"08:45
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FunnyLookinHathaydre, try using network-manager-gnome08:46
zammitto anyone, what are some hardware limitations? i'm attempting on an old machine08:46
XenonGMine is.08:46
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: the amount of memory used by card?08:46
XenonGMine is Vista ready08:46
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: can't believe i should just leave that blank?08:46
IseeIseedek_aik as I told earlier I'm downloadin the latest Ubuntu, its 54% done, after that I'm gonna install Xubunto from it, I guess that would be ideal, but what if my network card is not detected even on the xubuntu ?08:46
NthDegreezammit, the hardware limitations are about equal to that of XP or Server 200308:46
zammitnthdegree, no: p2 233mhz, 256mb ram, big enough harddrive08:46
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XenonGoh noes.08:46
=== olrrai [n=olrrai@host37.201-252-96.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
J-_how can i get root permissions to a file, or change the permissions rather?08:47
XenonGdude Pentium 2 233?08:47
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: should i put a value?08:47
IseeIseeJ- write sudo08:47
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, it'll work either way08:47
zool2005/sbin/powerofff and /sbin/halt have read & exec privileges for user, group and others but I can't poweroff from the commandl line08:47
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, its up to you08:47
DBOJ-_, sudo chown and sudo chmod are the commands you want08:47
zammitxenong: yea, the computer was manufactured in '97 =P08:47
NthDegree233mhz is nowhere near any good for a modern system like ubuntu, you may want a system like Damn Small Linux or Vector Linux08:47
ardchoillezammit: I installed Ubuntu on a simialr system and it worked fine. The only thing is that gnome was a bit slow, I installed fluxbox and that took care of the slowness.08:47
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: well, the card has 128, should i put that in?08:47
haydreFunnyLookinHat: Do I simply need to install it, or do I need to do something special to run it?08:47
dek_aiklseelsee: what kind of card you have..around 90% are automatically detected, i guess08:47
XenonGMan, I had a P2 400MHz, an its SLOOOOOW even installing a console/server version of Ubuntu.08:47
=== spacefinn [n=nick@pool-71-120-192-234.rlghnc.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
XenonGinfinite agorithems?08:48
ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager08:48
olrraihi executors08:48
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: use kerner buffer interface? geez08:48
zammitardchoille, any tips? i'm really gettin frusterated, is there a way to show/log errors during install, possibly so i can google or relay them back?08:48
dek_aiklseelsee: considering that you laptop is wuiete old, its a good chance that it is ubuntu compliance08:48
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, no08:48
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fiveironanyone do video editing in here?08:48
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zool2005can I poweroff from the command line without sudo?08:49
IseeIseewhat is fluxbox ?08:49
ardchoillezammit: No tips, sorry. I used the Alternate CD and I had no problems.08:49
XenonGthere are rumors that someone figure out how to make "infinite state machine" posible?08:49
ardchoilleIseeIsee: fluxbox is a window manager08:49
[DiffZ] zool2005: sudo shutdown -h now ?08:49
zammitardchoille, okay i'll try alternate cd again - blah this thing is drivin me nuts, the hardware works fine! thanks for giving me hope though!08:49
IseeIseeardchoille: its targetted for low end PC's ?08:50
ardchoilleIseeIsee: http://xwinman.org/  There are lots of good window managers. fluxbox and Window Maker are my favourites08:50
zool2005DiffZ, but that asks for the pwd surely?08:50
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ardchoillezammit: You're welcome :)08:50
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: now its reboot08:50
XenonGRPG games dont stuck me as UT does, anyone play UT series?08:50
zool2005I want to use the command to make a poweroff button for the desktop08:50
[DiffZ] zool2005 yes08:50
IseeIseeI'll be installing xubunto, so xfce or something is similar to fluxbox in performance ?08:50
J-_so to use the sudo chown or sudo chmod, i have to cd to the directory, sudo chown or sudo chmod <filename>?08:50
ardchoilleIseeIsee: fluxbox, openbox and Window Maker are all light window managers and can be used for old machines.08:50
XenonGUT is on of those rare box title games that can run cross platform......08:50
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IseeIseehow can I install fluxbox in Ubuntu ?08:51
XenonGLove Epic Games Inc.08:51
ardchoilleIseeIsee: fluxbox is in the repos08:51
zool2005IseeIsee, synaptic08:51
ardchoille!info fluxbox08:51
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ubotufluxbox: Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.9.14-2 (dapper), package size 720 kB, installed size 2288 kB08:51
IRCMonkeyxhi to all, i installed wine to my system, and i installed acdsee software by using wine, but it is not at menus, and i dont know how to run it??08:51
zammitardchoille, should i install in text or oem mode?08:51
IseeIseeso what should be the procedure08:51
ddonkyI can mount audio CDs fine, but when I try to open them with Totem I get an error. 'error accessing 'cdda:///dev/hdc': Invalid URI'08:51
IseeIseeI install the full Ubuntu initially and then install the Window Manager ?08:51
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ardchoillezammit: I did text mode08:51
=== Venky [n=venky@pool-71-245-106-143.ptldor.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
zammitardchoille, thnx08:52
XenonGOEM---> Original Equiment(did I spell it wrong?) Manufacturer08:52
ardchoilleIseeIsee: That's what I did08:52
=== buzzed_ [n=james@adsl-75-26-180-118.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
skavengeanyone know how to turn on switching active window with mouse-over in kde?08:52
[Ex0r] Equipment*08:52
IseeIseebut does not that means you wasted alot of hdd space on initially installing the full ubuntu window manager which is still there but you are not using it?08:52
XenonGWindows XP Pro Box Version 199 bucks, OEM 99bucks, almost half price.08:52
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=== looksaus [n=mark@d54C44CCF.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Venkymy package manager says it has a "broken count error"08:53
XenonGNow that does not really apply to hardware08:53
IRCMonkeyxhi to all, i installed wine to my system, and i installed acdsee software by using wine, but it is not at menus, and i dont know how to run it??08:53
buzzed_any good screen sharing application...08:53
Venkywhat should i do08:53
buzzed_like gotomeeting08:53
XenonGmore 2/3 of box price, newegg.com shippeds OEM stuff.08:53
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xolot1ircmonkey: find where acdsee.exe or w/e and run wine acdsee.exe?08:54
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roostishawwhere can i find the theme choke for fluxbox?08:54
deimos_IRCMonkeyx: wine acdsee.exe with path should work08:54
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lassegsbuzzed_: frostwire is limewire. sudo apt-get install frostwire08:54
dek_aiklseelsee: better choode a minimal install first (server), after install is finished sudo apt-get xubuntu-desktop08:54
Venkyi haqve a broken packafe manager can anyone help me08:54
ardchoilleIseeIsee: I have a 160Gb hd, using about 8 Gb of it, so it's not a problem for me.08:54
haydreFunnyLookinHat: I installed the network manager, and logged out and back in, but it only recognizes that there is a wired network, the wireless network is ignored. Do you have any other possible soloutions?08:54
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XenonGlol, you have to pay for LimeWire.08:55
lassegsbuzzed_: didnt see the comment about gnomemeeting08:55
jendaHow can I link an empty directory to a 'full' one?08:55
IRCMonkeyxdeimos_: i dont know the path?? i installed from my desktop08:55
roostishawwhere can i find the theme choke for fluxbox?08:55
IRCMonkeyxdeimos_: i am very new linux user, sorry08:55
J-_so to use the sudo chown or sudo chmod, i have to cd to the directory, sudo chown or sudo chmod <filename>?08:55
xolot1ircmockeyx: you could try sudo updatedb08:55
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper08:55
xolot1then locate acdsee.exe08:55
looksausany idea of a good free ERD (entity relationship diagram) tool ?08:55
XenonGI'm a really new Linux user too, just started 2 days ago.08:55
FunnyLookinHathaydre, try searching through those docs.  That's all i can really offer at this moment (sorry I am trying to get some other stuff done)  : (08:56
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands08:56
[Ex0r] Anyone here familiar with postfix? I can't get it to deliver the incoming mail to the correct addresses08:56
haydreFunnyLookinHat: ok, thanks, I've looked thorough those already, but perhaps I've missed something. Thanks for your time.08:56
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buzzed_more like something to share a screen...08:56
IseeIseeyeah so ardchoille what should be my approach, this approach of first fully installing ubuntu & then going for fluxbox, does suits to me, my machine is old, 10 GB total HDD08:57
Venkyubotu maybe u can help my package update manager is broken can u help me08:57
=== nnnamenn [n=nnamen@ip68-226-88-125.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
XenonGAnyone tried MineField(Mozilla FireFox 3.0 Alpha108:57
Marsmensch!help static ip08:57
tomcatt!ubotu server08:57
ubotuI know nothing about help static ip - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:57
ubotuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments. The default install includes a server kernel and no GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current stable version is 6.06 LTS. For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerFaq/08:57
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kbrosnanXenonG, it is pre alpha, and very unstable08:57
IRCMonkeyxxolot1: thanks ,let me try08:57
xolot1updatedb may take a few minutes08:58
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xolot1just be warned08:58
xolot1and dont freak out08:58
zammitxenong: there was a digg on minefield a week ago, if you're interested in learning more08:58
XenonGYeah, I ran it around for a few hour without crashing, a FEW hour, but it did crash.08:58
kbrosnanXenonG, last I looked there were serious grapics issues with it08:58
IRCMonkeyxxolot1: is it important where i gave the command?08:58
XenonGI installed it.08:58
XenonGMineField, in my backyard08:59
IRCMonkeyxi mean from desktop path or anyother path?08:59
xolot1no, just go to your terminal, type 'sudo updatedb'08:59
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IRCMonkeyxok thanx08:59
xolot1doesnt matter what directory08:59
kbrosnanXenonG, I use it regularly on windows, but on linux there is still a lot of work to be done08:59
digitalI'm trying to setup software raid in Dapper. I've done it in CentOS and Fedora. Dapper doesn't want to to do it though. It can't get past partitioning the drive.09:00
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gmooreif i have Ubuntu installed and working, and i'm going to put in a TVTuner card to use with mythtv, do i need to do anything once the OS loads to make it see the card?09:00
frogzoogmoore: make sure the tv card is supported & then find an appropriate driver09:01
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport09:01
gmooreapparently it uses bttv which should be compiled into the kernel by default09:01
olrraiwhats recomended space for boot and root partitions?09:02
paiedsupported hardware >_<09:02
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paied!kernel recompilation09:02
ubotuI know nothing about kernel recompilation - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:03
ardchoilleolrrai: I've always done boot=200mb and /=remaining space.. but that is a personal preferrence thing I think09:03
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[Ex0r] stupid wine09:04
olrraibut u say "/" contains var,usr,home,... ?09:04
=== Ayabara [n=nowonder@ti112210a080-0712.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
olrraiand tmp09:05
olrraiwhat about fragmentation?09:05
ardchoilleolrrai: yes, that's my wayof doing it09:05
zammitardchoille, the alternative install keeps freezing after hardware detection =(09:05
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ardchoilleolrrai: You don't need to worry about fragmentation in Linux09:05
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ardchoillezammit: Got some funky hardware in that box?09:06
=== eholly [n=eholly@mnpl-00-0223.dsl.iowatelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
CrippsFXwow. having a slight problem here ... I followed the directions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  for getting encrypted dvds to play in ubuntu, but, totem doesn't want to see that I have libdvdcss installed. are there any hacks for this?09:06
FlatusFluenskann mir hier jemand eine homepage sagen, auf der ich den treiber fr meine netzwerkkarte finden knnte? auf der herstellerseite gibt es keinen fr linux.09:06
olrraican u explain me it?09:06
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:06
stephan21_can someone help me : i started quake3 with the aoss wrapper and theirs sound but its real choppy and goes in and out09:06
ddonkyI see a recomendation to install 'gstreamer-alsa' to fix my audio cd problem, is doing that going to mess up my system, and how do reverse it if it does?09:06
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ardchoilleolrrai: I have used Linux for years and have never seen it become fragmented to the point of worry09:07
=== deep_ [n=deep@c-b42a71d5.017-19-626c671.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
deep_Hello there.09:07
AyabaraI have a wlan with wep encryption at home. now I'm at my parents house, and try to make a network profile for using their wlan. I create a new location in the network manager, but when I try to switch to the new location to configure it it hangs on a "changing location" message.09:07
Venkyi have a broken count error in my package update manager can anyone tell me how to fix it09:07
stephan21_ardchoille, then maybe you can help me :)09:07
=== Jops [n=jukka@213-216-235-82-Karjasilta-TR10.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu
zammitardchoille, not to my knowledge. the hardware seems to be okay, i've got another video card i could swap out, just bought 2x128mb@100mhz kingston ram, hdd is new; the computer worked fine when it had win98 on it09:07
Ackeubu_What is the device sr0?09:07
=== tombs [n=tombs@ip5650dcfa.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu
stephan21_can someone help me : i started quake3 with the aoss wrapper and theirs sound but its real choppy and goes in and out09:08
ardchoillezammit: try swapping out the vid card and see how the install goes09:08
zammitardchoille, yea i'll give that a show09:08
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=== cassidy [n=cassidy@f1-pc174.ulb.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu
deep_I'm getting kinda moody at my computer right now, since i cant do ANYTHING.. Can you please check out http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=216375.09:09
zeeeeehi all, i installed win xp and ubuntu next to it, then reinstalled win xp again, so now i can't see the boot manager to access ubuntu. how do i restore the boot manager?09:09
ardchoillestephan21_: I'll try my best. What's up?09:09
deep_Noone seems to have a solution.09:09
Flannelzeeeee: help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows09:09
zeeeeeFlannel: thanks09:09
=== crazym_ [n=crazym@modemcable131.125-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
stephan21_ardchoille, well im trying to get quake3 and music to work....im using the aoss alsa wrapper but now the sound is really choppy09:10
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Flanneldeep_: removing kubuntu-desktop won't delete everything, if that's what you're worried about09:10
teknoprepthe idiots in kubuntu couldn't answer thi09:10
ardchoillestephan21_: Sorry, I don't use any sound :(09:10
Ayabarais there a way to make a new location in the network manager, and configure it _before_ ubuntu tries to use it?09:10
teknoprepwtf is up with easyubuntu not being able to get win32codecs09:10
teknoprepi believe the packages.freecontrib.org deb is down09:10
stephan21_ardchoille, oh ok09:10
deep_Flannel: What is deleted with that then?09:10
Flanneldeep_: just the meta package09:11
liran1teknoprep: just get them manually from mplayer.hq09:11
deep_And i guess i can just install it later on?09:11
ThunderStruckteknoprep: first off join #easyubuntu for that answer second dont call people names third watch your langauge09:11
bbrazilteknoprep: Try #easyubuntu09:11
deep_Flannel: Sry. Forgot to write your name :P09:11
Flanneldeep_: you don't need to reinstall it, but yeah.09:11
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:11
ardchoilledeep_: Are you using unstable debian repos in dapper?09:11
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ardchoilleteknoprep: Yes, I think PLF is down atm09:12
deep_ardchoille: Hum. I dunno. My sources.list are posted at that link :O09:12
ThunderStruckit has been for a couple days09:12
teknoprepsomeone actually satified me09:12
ashzillaWhat is the easiest way to rip a CD to mp3?09:12
ardchoilledeep_: I think you are using unstable debian repos.09:12
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ardchoilleashzilla: I use grip for that and easytag to tag the files09:12
deep_ardchoille: Ill comment out everything i have put there myself. :P09:12
Ayabaraanyone? is there a text file where I can edit the different network profiles/locations?09:13
IseeIseedek_aik left ?09:13
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frogzoodeep_: you shouldn't be using ANY debian repos, never mind unstable ones09:13
Flanneldeep_: Yeah, you're using debian unstable, that's bad ;)09:13
Venkycan someone helpme to fix my broken package maager...09:13
ardchoillefrogzoo: Thank you09:13
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Venkyi dont know how to remove my broken samba package09:13
`daffodildoes anyone know how you might enable remote desktop within xubuntu?09:13
IseeIseeso I did a sudo apt-get update on shell but Ubuntu fails to fetch it from the internet, I'm getting ethernet from a windows machine, what should I do ?09:13
=== Flatus [i=FlatusFl@dslb-084-062-022-049.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelashzilla: there are programs, Grip is one, to rip it to mp3 you need the codecs, but even without that, you can rip to ogg09:14
deep_frogzoo: And how should i install stuff then? :P09:14
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Flannelfrogzoo: the ubuntu repositories09:14
Flanneler, deep_09:14
ardchoilleashzilla: If you use grip, you'll need lame to rip to mp309:14
ardchoilleFlannel: Thank you fro reminding me about that :)09:14
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stephan21_can someone help me : i started quake3 with the aoss wrapper and theirs sound but its real choppy and goes in and out09:15
deep_Oooohw, Sorry. My bad, my bad. Just confused debian and ubuntu together. :P09:15
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andy-Has anyone installed Quake 2 using Loki installer?09:15
IseeIseeI can't see FAT32 code in cfdisk ?09:15
frogzoodeep_: only use ubuntu repos if you're running ubuntu09:15
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morrolanardchoille:  restoring the default .bash_profile and .bashrc solved my colour problem :)09:16
olrraiardchoille: how many years u use linux, and u do music edition, a lot of install and uninstall packets, record cdrom or dvd....?09:16
deep_frogzoo: Actually, im on kubuntu. :)09:16
ardchoillemorrolan: I thought it would. Glad it's working now :)09:16
olrraino fragment?09:16
Flanneldeep_: same thing.  kubuntu is a flavor of ubuntu09:16
deep_Flannel: I know, i know. :D09:16
frogzoodeep_: kubuntu is compatible with ubuntu - debian isn't & things will get ugly09:16
ardchoilleolrrai: I build computers and donate them. I have used Linux for 5+ years and installed it on 117 boxes for friends and family.09:17
ardchoilleolrrai: Ubuntu is the best distro on the planet, IMHO :)09:17
olrraiardchoille: the speed still fast as installation days?09:18
frogzoodeep_: any unexplained crashes from here, & I'd say reinstall might be your best bet09:18
deep_Okay, one more thing. In sources.list, i have two security.ubuntu.com repos. Just that one has "main restrided" after, and the other "universe multiverse". Can i put that together?09:18
IseeIseewhat can be done if Ubuntu is not detecting ethernet card ?09:18
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ardchoilleolrrai: yes09:18
olrraiI cant believe it09:18
=== fl [i=FlatusFl@dslb-084-062-022-049.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
deep_frogzoo: Yeah. And stop installing stuff i dont need (witch ive done alot. :) )09:18
zammitardchoille, the video card sawp didn't do any good, any more ideas? i could upgrade to a 333mhz processor like 7 bucks - but that'll take a week =( anything as far as installation parameters or something? logging?09:19
flcould anyone here tell me a page to download a linux-driver for my network-card?09:19
stephan21_can someone tell me y this command suer permission denied :  > echo "quake3.x86 0 0 direct">/proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss09:19
IseeIseef1 i'm stuck in the same problem09:19
frogzooIseeIsee: you need to find a driver somehow09:19
olrraiardchoille: linux has an autodefrag system or what?09:19
IseeIseehow ? :)09:19
Flanneldeep_: yes, but you don't lose anything by having them on two lines09:19
ardchoilleolrrai: Linux takes care of "housekeeping" for you ;)09:20
frogzooIseeIsee: if ubuntu won't supply a driver, google 'linux driver' + make/model - download & compile09:20
deep_Flannel: No, but its complaining about it, it sais "DUPLICATE OF..." blahblah. And its just getting a little annoying. :)09:20
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ardchoillezammit: I haven't ever had a problem installing Ubuntu, so I don't know what troubleshooting tricks are out there.09:20
IseeIseefrogzoo: I don't have the full ubuntu desktop yet, I'm on shell09:20
Flanneldeep_: that's something else then.09:20
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ardchoillezammit: I guess I have just been lucky09:20
frogzooIseeIsee: lynx09:21
IseeIseelynx ?09:21
deep_No, "dapper-security" is on both lines. Thats that. : P09:21
ardchoille!info lynx09:21
ubotulynx: Text-mode WWW Browser. In repository main, is optional. Version 2.8.5-2ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 1074 kB, installed size 4552 kB09:21
frogzooIseeIsee: term based web browser09:21
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ardchoille!info elinks09:21
ubotuelinks: advanced text-mode WWW browser. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.10.6-1ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 825 kB, installed size 3292 kB09:21
zammitardchoille, i wish i was just as lucky. i'll attempt to install vector linux i suppose, before i throw the pc out the window09:21
IseeIseefrogzoo: what should I do with lynx ?09:22
ardchoilleIseeIsee: I rarely ever use X. I normally log into a tty and use irssi (IRC), elinks (web browser) and mutt (email) without having a desktop09:22
IseeIseecan one do java development on vector linux ?09:22
deep_ubotu: lynx. (L)09:22
ubotuI know nothing about lynx. (L) - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:22
AsymmetryI need some help. I'm trying to fix a farked up installation, but /dev only has null in it. What should I do/09:22
zammitit just sucks, all the components are good, just not very "modern" - i'd hate to say "no" to hardware, even if it is old09:22
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ardchoillezammit: Oh, don't throw it away.. there is a Linux distro for you out there somewhere. Try searching at http://distrowatch.com09:22
IseeIseeardchoille: you do all this on 1 shell window ?09:23
zammitardchoille, thanks for the link =)09:23
ardchoilleIseeIsee: yes09:23
ardchoillezammit: You're welcome :)09:23
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jpjacobszammit, have a look at http://featherlinux.berlios.de09:24
olrraii am using ubuntu for abut 2 weeks with a winXP virtual machi installed, and I am very surprised with ubuntu and I decide to use ubuntu as main box, but I am thinkig to reinstall it with a good mount partition09:24
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ubotuI know nothing about transparencies - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:25
olrraiardchoille: but u say I need to mount all in /09:25
zammitjpjacobs, this sound good; thanks for the link09:25
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:25
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teknoprepnow with KDE is it better to use XGL+compiz org the KDE trans that is built in09:25
ardchoilleolrrai: Having a /boot and a / partitions is only *one* way of doing it.09:26
=== VelcroSHOOZE [n=skavenge@12-207-61-84.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
Ayabaracan anyone help me with my network manager problems?09:26
jpjacobszammit, np09:26
Flannelteknoprep: built in, XGL isn't supported yet, not until edgy09:26
teknoprepis XGL going to be nice?09:26
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ardchoilleFlannel: Hopefully, Edgy will have an option to turn XGL and the like off09:26
fli can only find windows versions of the driver. isn't there a page that has a list of linux drivers?09:26
[GuS] Hi people! i have one problem if i may ask... there is a problem with Booting Kubuntu with the ASUS K8N4-E MB ?09:26
[GuS] i can't boot the system09:26
Flannelardchoille: of course it will.  I don't believe it'll be enabled  by default to begin with09:27
teknoprepboot from what medium GuS ?09:27
ardchoilleFlannel: :)09:27
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mrcleanI am getting an error running modprobe against ndiswrapper09:27
mrcleanand searching for info about the eror, I find "using GCC 3.4 and the kernel was built using GCC 3.3" and wondering how I can find out what compiler my kernel was built on.09:27
[GuS] from HD and from install CD09:27
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[GuS] some PCI: errors and hangs there09:27
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pozdiywhat is the best viewer for emf files?09:27
teknoprep[GuS] : where you able to boot up from the CD or not?09:27
bbrazilmrclean: cat /proc/version09:27
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[GuS] Nop... just boot and hangs.09:27
teknoprep[GuS] : sounds like a pebkac.. but try turning off ACPI when you boot09:28
[GuS] Ok09:28
[GuS] let me check09:28
teknoprep[GuS] : i think there is an option when you boot up off cd09:28
=== ReverendTrevore [n=tslocum@c-67-183-68-252.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
teknoprep[GuS] : or apic ..i forget what it is.. i think its acpi tho09:28
mrcleangetting error:  Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid argument09:28
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teknoprepmrclean: what card do you have that you need ndiswrapper for?09:28
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ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE09:28
zukalkGaim 2 Beta's ./configure script requires XML::Parser perl module, but sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install XML::Parser' returns an error09:29
=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu
mrcleanLinux version 2.6.15-26-386 (buildd@terranova) (gcc version 4.0.309:29
[GuS] it works!09:29
[GuS] thans teknoprep09:29
mrcleanso, I need to compare that against ______?09:29
ubotuI know nothing about apic - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:29
VelcroSHOOZEis there a terminal encoding that shows EVERY character?09:29
[GuS] i tought was that... just want to be sure09:29
ubotuI know nothing about acpi - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:29
=== morrolan [n=morrolan@85-210-7-186.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelVelcroSHOOZE: utf-809:29
[GuS] is a problem with that mobo?09:30
penguin42What during install decides what modules to put in the generated initrd?  I've got a case where it didn't and wanted to look at the code (on a side note, are there any tools for manipulating an ubuntu created initrd - e.g. adding modules etc; hell I hate cpio....)09:30
IseeIseefrogzoo, no luck, no driver available for Ubuntu09:30
VelcroSHOOZEflannel; not in a terminal window it doesnt09:30
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FlannelVelcroSHOOZE: it should.  If not, it's the terminal window font not having the glyphs09:30
mrcleangcc --version reports gcc (GCC) 4.0.3 (Ubuntu 4.0.3-1ubuntu5)09:30
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mrcleanSo, I need to look for another problem?09:30
Venkycan someone help me how to xorrect the broken count error in my package manager...i have a broken samba installation..how shud i wipe it clean...09:31
ardchoilleteknoprep: I think it's apic=off that you want. I think apci is for battery stuff09:31
VelcroSHOOZEflannel; hm okay thats something to go on09:31
teknoprepyeah its apic then09:31
penguin42Venky: what happens if you just uninstall the package?09:31
teknoprepi don't want it09:31
papois there a way to install dapper step by step? I installed it on a hp pavilion dv1400 and if hung up, probably during the detection of the graphics card. I want to skip that part.09:31
erUSULVenky: 'sudo apt-get -f upgrade' could help09:31
papoI am using the alt. installer09:31
teknoprepi have proper apic working mobo and chipset and all that09:31
mrclean teknoprep: I have linksys w/broadcom chip09:31
FlannelVelcroSHOOZE: you might need to make sure irssi (or bitchX) is set to UTF, as well, and screen if youre using it, etc.09:31
olrraiardchoille: what about if I need to move i.e /sda6 (with /) to /sda6, need change fstab and the kernel parameters only?09:31
olrraiardchoille: what about if I need to move i.e /sda6 (with /) to /sda5, need change fstab and the kernel parameters only?09:32
teknoprepmrclean: do this... lspci .. then past results on rafb.net/paste09:32
blankyHey guys what's the program in GNOME that lets me right click on a folder and add it to an archive like a tar.gz09:32
Ayabaralast try: does anyone know how I can make a network location and configure it _before_ trying to switch to it?09:32
blankyis it fireroller or whatever?09:32
VelcroSHOOZEFlannel; exactly what i was working on heh, do you know how i 'set' the client to UTF?09:32
FlannelVelcroSHOOZE: which client?09:32
VelcroSHOOZEFlannel; epic atm but i could use irsii or bx or anything if it will work right heh09:33
ardchoilleolrrai: I don't know, I don't use external or USB drives09:33
VelcroSHOOZEjust like the cli09:33
ardchoilleblanky: file-roller09:34
IseeIseei'm looking for 3Com 3CXFE575BT Lan linux driver09:34
Flannelepic?  no idea, in irssi its term_charset09:34
blankyardchoille, thanks09:34
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FlannelVelcroSHOOZE: you'll need to check the epic documentation, and with screen, start it with a -U flag09:34
Ackeubu_FunnyLookinHat: hehehe, I changed positions of the ram memory, formated the drive to fat fat ext32 and swap and now my lappy work.. >D09:34
penguin42IseeIsee: Is the standard install not spotting it? What speed/bus is it?09:34
mrclean teknoprep: done:  http://rafb.net/paste/results/DPeYKj63.html09:34
teknoprepmrclean: you do that?09:34
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teknoprepmrclean: did you do... sudo apt-get install ndiswrappter09:35
teknoprepmrclean: did you do... sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper09:35
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roostishawanyone, where can i get a copy of the menu file used in nubuntu? or could someone send it to me?09:36
teknoprephold up09:36
dr_willisroostishaw,  what menu file?09:36
=== Jimmey [n=james@user-6221.l1.c6.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoilleroostishaw: nubuntu?09:36
Stormx2and what is nubuntu?09:36
IseeIseei'm a new user to linux and I heard people talking about poor software installation & driver support in the linux world, so here I am experiencing it :) don't know why are open-source operating system still famous09:36
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ubotuI know nothing about nubuntu - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:36
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=== dr_willis wants a Matchbox-default Ubuntu. :) Matubuntu
=== Skaven [n=Henner@i577A639B.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
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JimmeyI've plugged my brother's mobile phone into my USB port, and lsusb outputs: "Bus 002 Device 004: ID 0fce:d017 Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB K608i Ph on" - Any idea how I can mount it?09:37
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olrraianyone use partimage or somesing to do bkps?09:37
mrclean teknoprep: may have missed some of it:  http://rafb.net/paste/results/EY89kV23.html09:37
Ayabaraanyone using another network manager than the default one in ubuntu?09:37
=== Thewyzewun [n=ubuntu@82-69-116-254.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoilleolrrai: I use partimage.09:37
penguin42IseeIsee: Is the standard install not spotting it? What speed/bus is it?09:37
teknoprep0000:00:0b.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4303 802.11b Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)09:37
dr_willisJimmey,  may not even be doable - USB is just reporting what it sees.. dont mean theres drivers for it.09:37
teknoprepis what i wanted to see09:37
hangfireIseelsee- I dont know how you can say linux has poor driver support when I can install ubuntu and have everything run automatically without ever instaling one driver myself09:37
IseeIseepenguin42 10/10009:37
mrcleanNo, did not do udo apt-get install ndiswrapper09:37
penguin42IseeIsee: PCI?09:37
mrcleanI downloaded and used make and make install09:38
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teknoprepsudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils09:38
teknoprepmrclean: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils09:38
IseeIseepenguin42 you can do a google on it to get the details model 3cxfe575bt 3com09:38
Jimmeydr_willis, I'll just Google it09:38
dr_willisDriver support for windows is lacking at times.. and samw with Linux.. but ive had more hassle finding drivers for windows - that i KNOW exist. :P due to Windows -being dumb at times.09:38
mrclean teknoprep: just on top of what I have now?09:38
=== stinkball [n=chatzill@24-180-126-144.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoilleolrrai: You can get partimage on the System Rescue CD: http://sysresccd.org/Main_Page09:38
dr_willisJimmey,  always a good answer - i just use bluetooth for my phones/files09:38
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teknoprepsudo modprobe -l | grep ndiswrapper09:39
teknoprepshould show09:39
stinkballcan someone tell me how to tell if i'm running xgl?09:39
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ThewyzewunExcellent, I was expecting this to be pretty empty! I'm trying to get Rhythmbox to play MP3s on a clean install on Dapper09:39
mrclean teknoprep:  actually, I tried to apt-get ndisrwapper first, but did not go, I just figured it wasn't in the repositories09:39
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IseeIseeso penguin42 ?09:39
teknoprepmrclean: nono i forgot its a module compiled form the kernel09:39
ThewyzewunI've installed the gstreamer0.8-mad, but it still isn't recognizing any MP3s09:40
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penguin42IseeIsee: Hang on a sec - I'm looking - my braind oesn't have a database of all obscure cardbus ether cards - I'm doing your googling for you09:40
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penguin42IseeIsee: What laptop is it in?09:40
stinkballcan someone tell me how to tell if i'm running xgl?09:40
IseeIseeibm thinkpad 380z09:40
mikeymike-linuxdoes anyone know of any programs to calibrate your LCD brightness and color swatches and the sort for gnome?09:40
ardchoilleGotta run, bbiab09:40
mikeymike-linuxi have an HP LP206509:41
IseeIseebtw how do you know when Ubuntu has picked up say an Ethernet card ?09:41
roostishawdr_willis, the file that determines what appears when i right click09:41
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=== dbernar1 [n=dbernar1@89-172-16-183.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
olrraiardchoille: u try to restore a partitition with partimge bigger than origilal partition, it works?09:41
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mrclean teknoprep:  http://rafb.net/paste/results/13LKWv74.html09:41
dabaRHi. My nephew plays a flash game that used to run sound, and no it no longer plays sound. I tried checking the alsamixer, and muting/unmuting several things, to no avail. I also looked at what packages are installed relating to mozilla firefox, but nothing seems familiar. I tried in firefox and epiphany. Clues?09:41
penguin42IseeIsee: You should find the 3c59x.ko driver works for it, however there is a bug on some thinkpads (390E - see http://loke.as.arizona.edu/~ckulesa/tp390e/pcmcia.html)09:41
stinkballcan anyone tell me how to tell if i'm running xgl?09:41
malmenmy alt + 2 supostly should be AT09:41
malmenhow can i fix it ?09:41
teknoprepmrclean: ok09:41
bilss_DBO: can you please look at this thread to see if my external dvd/cd has been detected http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21646609:42
teknoprepmrclean: do you have your driver?09:42
Ackeubu_my gonme panels are so ugly. are there any alternative panels to install?09:42
penguin42IseeIsee: do an ifconfig eth0    if it shows you the card details it has already picked it up - if its working properly you shouldn't need to do anything09:42
teknoprepmrclean: your windows .sys driver for your card?09:42
ThewyzewunHi, I can see there's a lot of questions being asked already, looks a bit confusing actually hehe... I'm trying to get Rhythmbox to play MP3s on a clean install on Dapper, I've installed the gstreamer0.8-mad, but it still isn't recognizing any MP3s (only OGG files)09:42
[GuS] teknoprep, the system boot with acpi=off, but the PS/2 mouse do  not work now :S09:42
bbrazil!restricted > Thewyzewun09:42
mrclean teknoprep: Should I do  sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils ?09:42
DBObillytwowilly, it looks like it found it09:42
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:42
bbrazilThewyzewun: check what ubotu just sent you09:42
olrraianyone try to restore a partitition with partimge bigger than origilal partition, it works?09:43
ThewyzewunThanks :)09:43
DBOargh...  bilss_ it looks like it found it09:43
bbrazilThewyzewun: follow that, restart rhythmbox09:43
mrcleanYes, I have the correct driver on disk09:43
ThewyzewunThanks very much :D09:43
penguin42olrrai: It should work but not use the extra space09:43
bbrazilolrrai: extra space is no problem - you just waste space09:43
=== serge [n=serge@user-1398.lns6-c11.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
stinkballcan someone tell me how to correctly install ATI drivers?09:43
mrclean teknoprep>  it's on the CD that came with the card09:43
IseeIseeI did an "expert" install & on first book I saw the shell, if I want to do full Ubuntu install what should I do from here ?09:43
teknoprepmrclean: hold up09:43
teknoprepmrclean: then copy it to a location you can read09:44
penguin42IseeIsee: Don't use an expert install unless you are an expert09:44
bilss_DBO: ok thanks on the cd that comes with  externel dvd/cd writer how to install the drivers from the cd whats the command please09:44
teknoprepmrclean: like your home directory09:44
=== pbuchan [n=pbuchan@ip72-192-206-206.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
pbuchanhey guys is there anyway to revert back on updates?09:44
ThunderStruckIseeIsee: try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:44
=== SabineCretella [n=chatzill@host108-152.pool8716.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
mrclean teknoprep>  I copied it to a dir and did chmod 2777 /usr/share/drivers09:44
DBObilss_, you dont need to install the drivers that came with it, it should work09:44
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dabaRpbuchan: of packages?09:44
teknoprepok try this09:45
pbuchani installed the latest x.org updates and now whenever i open world of warcraft my x crashes09:45
Meatwadmy wireless connection suddenly stopped working after coming out of hibernation  :(09:45
pozdiywhat is the viewer for emf files?09:45
dabaRubotu: tell pbuchan about pinning09:45
teknoprepmrclean: sudo ndiswrapper -i mrv8ka51.inf09:45
penguin42pozdiy: You might be able to do that with openoffice09:45
IseeIseepenguin42: I was just trying to experiment/learn, anywayz so can I do from here or should I start all over again ?09:45
pozdiypenguin42, tnx09:45
teknoprepmrclean: change the mrv8ka51.inf to your .inf file09:45
olrraibbrazil: but if is an undefined fs, the restoration works (partimage)?09:45
bilss_DBO: ok  i though it said in the instructions to install the cd to install the drivers maybe thats just for a windows machine09:46
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SabineCretellaHi, I just installed Ubuntu - and I have a problem with the keyboard - is there anyone who can help with accents + char on the German keyboard?09:46
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roostishawdr_willis, do you know what i mean?09:46
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DBObilss_, thats just for windows09:46
pbuchandabaR: what is pinning?09:46
bbrazilolrrai: what do you mean by undefined?09:46
mrclean teknoprep:  couldn't copy mrv8ka51.inf at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper line 144.09:46
NgSabineCretella: if nobody here replies, you might want to try #ubuntu-de for german speakers09:46
NgSabineCretella: one would assume they have done such things ;)09:46
=== sean13 [n=sean13@82-41-80-10.cable.ubr01.dund.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
SabineCretellathank you Ng09:46
penguin42IseeIsee: As ThunderStruck said, installing ubuntu-desktop should get you a long way - and you can install whatever you need with apt-get09:47
SabineCretellagoing there Ng09:47
sean13can someone help me with my strange problem09:47
sean13I restarted my computer and then the xserver broke09:47
dabaRpbuchan: they changed the ubotu commands since I was last here, so you will wait for a sec, or simply, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PinningHowto09:47
teknoprepmrclean: sudo ndiswrapper -i /usr/share/my.file.inf09:47
mrclean teknoprep where is mrv8ka51.inf ?09:47
bilss_DBO: at the moment in my labtop the BIOS says boot from cd so if i put an linux os in there it should boot09:47
teknoprepmrclean: its your .inf file09:47
=== aldudturn [n=aldudtur@host81-156-193-191.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
sean13then I restarted it again and now it just says segmentation fault hda1 doesn't exist09:47
teknoprepmrclean: not the fucking mrv8ka51.inf09:47
teknoprepmrclean: find your inf file09:47
IseeIseepenguin42: did you notice that my ethernet card is listed as exception ? how can I solve it, I don't know how to change power management bios09:47
bbrazilteknoprep: watch your language please09:48
mrclean teknoprep: ok, yes I did all that.09:48
teknoprepbbrazil: its english09:48
DBObilss_, you bios would have to support booting form an external CD, it probably does not09:48
Ackeubu_Uuups 130 updates for dapper...09:48
aldudturnDoes anyone know if it is possible to fit a PC Card, in a desktop PC rather than a laptop without an adapter? I have no other ethernet card available to connect to the internet :-(09:48
penguin42IseeIsee: Does an ifconfig eth0 show anything - Ubuntu should pick it up by default09:48
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teknoprepbbrazil: a little acid i could probably watch more then just my language09:48
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penguin42aldudturn: It has the wrong connector, you need an adapter09:48
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bilss_DBO: so how to install a debian os from the external cd/dvd writer?09:49
teknoprepbbrazil: lol you guys are complete morons... watch your language... there are so many things wrong with that statement.. and also the idea that ther are bad words.. omfg... yeah09:49
Snakewhats thatcommand to let you tweak gnome settings? conf-gnome or something like that..09:49
IseeIseepenguin42: it says command not found09:49
teknoprepbbrazil: keep believing that09:49
aldudturnpenguin42: there is no way whatsoever?09:49
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penguin42IseeIsee: /sbin/ifconfig09:49
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LjL!tell teknoprep about behavior09:49
DBObilss_, you dont have an internal drive!?09:49
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dabaRaldudturn: your question sucks for readability. Are you aasking whether you can plug in your pc eth card into your l;aptop?09:49
penguin42aldudturn: It physically won't fit09:49
IseeIseepenguin42: again command not found09:49
pbuchandabaR: how do i know which version to downgrade to?09:49
bilss_DBO: yes its not working thats why i have an external one09:49
=== teknoprep doesn't care about too many things except the first admendment as it was given to us by what were almost gods of there time
pbuchanall i want to do is revert back from the last update this sucks09:49
sergeteknoprep, note he's actauly noticing you.09:50
pbuchani just want to play my game09:50
teknoprepserge: whom?09:50
dabaRpbuchan: that you look up somewhere, the version before the latest update, I suppose.09:50
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LjLteknoprep: that kind of topic should be discussed in #ubuntu-offtopic09:50
Snake.... Someone?09:50
dabaRpbuchan: not very simple./09:50
penguin42IseeIsee: If your install is missing even /sbin/ifconfig then I think it is probably best to start your install again - try the expert stuff after you've got a working one using the normal route09:50
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aldudturnthanks penguin, and dabar, sorry. I was asking whether it was possible to fit a PC card into a desktop computer, rather than the laptop which it is designed for.09:50
teknoprepLjL: i didn't bring this topic up09:50
DBObilss_, you will have to check with your motherboard documentation to figure out if it can boot from an external CD-ROM or not09:50
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sergeteknoprep, bbrazill.09:50
teknoprepLjL: i am helping ppl.. leave me alone lol.. omfg09:50
dabaRaldudturn: what connections does it have?09:50
ThunderStruckteknoprep: watch your language09:51
IseeIseepenguin42 what should I install the full Ubuntu with normal boot, that takes too long, it install so many packages09:51
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nasty_bHey guys I just installed MySQL-server and MySQL-client through Synaptic. It says everything has been installed. Now I'm wondering how to make sure it's been installed, and how to configure everything. Also, I'm wondering how to locate the client so I can start using it.09:51
LjLteknoprep: and you're swearing again, even if by acronym. please just stop09:51
LjLteknoprep: and read the guidelines09:51
dr_willisaldudturn,  you mean a Laptop - 'pcmcia' card ?09:51
Meatwadis there a way to release & renew IP? (like ipconfig /release etc.)  and flush dns?09:51
sergeteknoprep, feel free to help people, but also follow the rules of this channel, a little etiquette goes a long way.09:51
=== tuxmaniac is now known as G0SUB
penguin42IseeIsee: Because you don't know which ones you need yet09:51
aldudturndabaR: don't worry, I'm pretty sure it won't fit09:51
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aldudturnthanks for the help09:51
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penguin42IseeIsee: Try a normal install - once you get used to which packages do what then you can do a small install09:51
mrclean teknoprep New paste:  http://rafb.net/paste/results/XeOpZv73.html09:51
teknoprepserge: Ljl: ThunderStruck are you guys crazy?09:51
IseeIseeI have a live CD as well09:52
olrraihow to skip the free space with partimage?09:52
teknoprepmrclean: you guys are all republicans eh?09:52
dabaRmove over it09:52
bbrazilnasty_b: the client can be accessed by 'mysql' username is root, password is blank09:52
IseeIseeI can try that to check whether it picks the driver or not ?09:52
sergeteknoprep, I don't believe so, no.09:52
SnakeAnybody: What is the command to edit most of gnomes settings?? Conf-gnome is the closest I could remember.09:52
LjLteknoprep: no, i'm just telling you to *please* stick to the official guidelines of this channel, and to discuss offtopic topics in #ubuntu-offtopic09:52
IseeIseepenguin42 btw my ubuntu is 4.0109:52
SnakeIts sometihng like that though09:52
ThunderStruckteknoprep: i said watch your langauge i will not warn you again ive already warned you a few times in last hour09:52
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olrraihow to skip the free space with partimage making an image?09:52
pbuchanwhere do i get a list of ubuntu's errata?09:52
stinkballcan someone help me install ATI drivers properly?09:52
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bilss_DBO: ok the settins in BIOS are cd -drive,floppy network boot, and harddrive09:52
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ThunderStruck!coc > teknoprep09:52
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ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu, please report it at http://bugs.ubuntu.com09:52
ThunderStruck!guidelines > teknoprep09:52
SnakeThunderStruck: the CoC Mentions nothing about swearing however, (not being smart, just telling you)09:52
ThunderStruckteknoprep: read and follow them09:53
nasty_bbbrazil: I'm not sure exactly what you mean. I'm using desktop version...09:53
DBObilss_, just try it I guess09:53
paiedwut the09:53
teknoprepThunderStruck: i prefer not to09:53
paied!coc > paied09:53
ThunderStruckSnake: read teh guidelines09:53
bilss_DBO: ok09:53
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LjLSnake: the guidelines do, though09:53
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bbrazilnasty_b: open a terminal, you can use the baisc client from there09:53
SnakeThunderStruck: havnt see guidlines :)09:53
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ThunderStruckSnake: read them they are good09:53
bbrazilnasty_b: you might also want to check out phpmyadmin for a web interface09:53
serge!guidelines > serge09:53
paied!guidelines > paied09:54
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ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots09:54
dabaRThunderStruck: /j #ubuntu-offtopic if you are not already there/09:54
ThunderStruckdabaR: issue?09:54
IseeIseepenguin42: will live CD do the job for testing ?09:54
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penguin42IseeIsee: Yeh probably09:54
SnakeSomeone please, what is the command to edit most of gnome and its programs, the closest I can remeber is gnome-conf (but thats not it)09:54
IseeIseepenguin42 my ver is 4.10 btw09:55
nasty_bbbrazil: I open up the terminal server client but I'm still unsure of what you mean.... sorry, but I really don't know much of what I'm doing09:55
penguin42IseeIsee: That's *ancient*09:55
jribSnake: gconf-editor09:55
DBOSnake, gconf-editor09:55
SnakeThanks guys09:55
pbuchanwhere can i get the list of the updates pushed down?09:55
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bbrazilnasty_b: just to be surew - you're trying to run mysql commands?09:55
=== Snake returns to messing with XGL
IseeIseepenguin42: I know, i'm downloading the latest, its gonna take some time, its 58% done09:55
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IseeIseebut having the latest or old can make a difference on the driver ?09:56
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nasty_bbbrazil: Well I'd like to first create users for the database. I'm not sure if that would fall under that category?09:56
mrclean teknoprep: Dont understand the politicla comment09:56
dabaRHi. My nephew plays a flash game that used to run sound, and no it no longer plays sound. I tried checking the alsamixer, and muting/unmuting several things, to no avail. I also looked at what packages are installed relating to mozilla firefox, but nothing seems familiar. I tried in firefox and epiphany. Clues?09:56
mrcleancan you elaborate on that?09:56
penguin42IseeIsee: I doubt it - I'd be surprised if 4.10 doesn't pick up that card - the 3c5xx series 3com are pretty old and they've worked fine for ages; PC Cards are always a bit more touchy09:56
dabaRIs "Clues?" the last word in my post?09:56
bbrazilnasty_b: it would. Would you like a command line interface, or a web interface?09:57
penguin42dabaR: Have you got something else using sound at the same time?09:57
bbrazildabaR: yes09:57
dabaRpenguin42: Yes.09:57
dabaRbbrazil: thanks09:57
jribdabaR: have you setup firefox/flash to use aoss?09:57
pbuchandoes anyone know where to get a list of packages for ubuntu?09:57
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, apt-cache, the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com  -  Ubuntu has about 18000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!09:57
penguin42jrib: I was about to suggest using the FIREFOX_DSP env variable - do you know a better way?09:58
nasty_bbbrazil: I wont be needing to run any commands from any other computer so I don't feel the need to install phpmyadmin. I just need to do a few things from this machine (the one mysql is installed on) so I think command line would be ok09:58
dabaRjrib: what was that URL to do that afain?09:58
jribpenguin42: nope, I was going to suggest the same09:58
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penguin42jrib: It's a mess isn't it - what was wrong with a menu item.....09:58
bbrazilnasty_b: okay then, first open a terminal (should be under the application menu)09:58
nasty_bbbrazil: yeah I have that open09:58
jribdabaR: it's in the restricted formats wiki page09:58
jrib!restricted > dabar09:58
jofflehey folks, is there anyone who could help me get my ethernet or wireless card working?  i recently installed ubuntu dapper...both seem to be detected but neither works09:58
=== Ayabara want to know about a good network manager for ubuntu, and won't stop bothering people until he does ;-)
=== lightdifference [n=lightdif@c-67-161-6-14.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about updates - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:59
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bbrazilnasty_b: type 'mysql -u root -p ""'09:59
pbuchanwhere can i get a list of updates?09:59
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lightdifferencehey, could someone possibly do me a favor? this has NOTHING to do with linux, but there's a troll in #wordpress and #9rules who calls himself the GNAA>09:59
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lightdifferencehe's taking over.10:00
=== tuxtux_ ciao
bbrazillightdifference: contact a freenode staffer10:00
lightdifferencethe only one avaliable is idle.10:00
nasty_bbbrazil: ok10:00
mrclean teknoprep: I think we've just hit a brick wall here/10:00
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bbrazillightdifference: alindeman is the current one10:00
penguin42jrib: Hmm it seems you can actually put that in a config file: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/2709310:00
lightdifferencehe's  been idle for a while.10:00
mrclean teknoprep:  (By the way, I am a democrat)10:00
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jribpenguin42: yeah, I believe that's the way the wiki recommends10:01
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bilss_DBO: it works ok10:01
gnomefreaklightdifference: join #ubuntu-offtopic10:01
DBObilss_, alright, sounds good10:01
bilss_DBO: if i need to mount a cd from the external drive whats the command please10:02
Venkycan someone help me how to fix my package manager error...i have a broken samba installation now iam not able to run the update manager10:02
Venkyplease help10:02
nasty_bbbrazil: ok thanks a lot. I "Terminal server client" open instead of "terminal". Thanks again!10:02
IseeIseeits a general question, I got a HDD which is password set, how can I remove the password on it ? I know the password10:02
DBO!mount > bilss_10:02
bbrazilnasty_b: tsc is for connecting to windows systems I think10:02
DBObilss_, that link contains information on mounting drives10:02
Thewyzewunbbrazil: one of the packages cannot install 'cos it's dependency liblame0 isn't available, I've looked up liblame0 and found it here: http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/hoary/libs/liblame0, but I'd rather install it inside Synaptic, is this possible? - I haven't installed a tar file before ( !!)10:02
DBObilss_, but most likely it will mount automagically10:02
nasty_bbbrazil: yeah VNC and stuff10:03
bbrazilnasty_b: something like that10:03
Venkyit doesnt let me uninstall it10:03
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bilss_DBO: yep i thought so -automatcally10:03
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Venkythere is a red box in front of the package10:03
bbrazilThewyzewun: what are you trying to do?10:03
[GuS] Guys... is someone have Asus K8N4-E MB, you must add pci=nommconf at the boot line... in other case will never boot! i've fixed10:03
Thewyzewunplay MP3s10:03
[GuS] thanks!10:03
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bbrazilThewyzewun: have you added restricted to your sources?10:04
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Thewyzewunrythmbox recognizes most but not all of my files now - some it just says: gstreamer error: failed to change state10:04
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bilss_DBO: i am in fluxbox is a bit restictive not as flexible as gnome10:05
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Thewyzewunbbrazil: Added restricted to my sources? Sorry I don't follow. I've grabbed most of the files on the restricted file list using Synaptic, but not all (because one of them generated an error as mentioned above, I'll just check which one it is that failed to install...)10:05
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Thewyzewunbbrazil: gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse10:05
=== penguin42 adds bug 53092 - 'FIREFOX_DSP' should be settable from a menu
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bbrazilThewyzewun: hmm, add multiverse to your sources10:07
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Thewyzewunhow do I add it to my sources? (what are my sources) should I do a search for multiverse in synaptic and add it for installation?10:07
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ubotuI know nothing about easy-source - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:07
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic10:08
dr_willisThewyzewun,  it is worth while to read up on the apt-get system10:08
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowto - also see !synaptic (gnome) or !adept (kde)10:08
meekishis there a web searchable database of the stable package builds for debian10:08
Flannelmeekish: debian?10:08
ThewyzewunThanks dr_willis :)10:08
meekishsorry, ubuntu :)10:08
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meekishi mean10:08
dr_willisdebian has a site like that.. not sure if ubuntu has a similer site.10:08
Flannelmeekish: packages.ubuntu.com10:08
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Thewyzewundaft thing is I taught myself how to use CLI to quite a good extent a few years ago, but then slipped back into windows and now I'm having trouble remembering10:09
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IseeIseedo all linux distri work the same way, installing packages ?10:10
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meekishi am going to be deploying a server in a couple of months and am trying to choose between ubuntu and gentoo. i'm fairly new to *nix, and would like to have a good package manager with up-to-date software. i tried debian, but the apt-get packages are way out of date. i've been playing around with gentoo a little bit and love the fact that all the latest software is already available through emerge. how does ubunutu's package release cycle c10:10
papoIseeIsee: no10:10
dr_willisIseeIsee,  no - thats a major diff -10:10
penguin42IseeIsee: No, package management is what differentiates most of them10:10
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penguin42IseeIsee: Many of us find the ubuntu/debian apt system to be the best around and is what makes us prefer it10:11
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papowhat can I do if the alt. dapper installer freezes during graphics card detection?10:11
bbrazilmeekish: for stability, you don't want the latest versions10:11
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IseeIseeok penguin42 I've opened the terminal after booting from a live CD10:11
chowellsmeekish: if you are deploying a server, then having the latest versions of everything tends to be bad10:11
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penguin42papo: You could try doing a server install and when its happy add X later10:12
stinkballcan someone help me install ATI drivers? i followed instructions on a forum and i'm still having problems10:12
IseeIseeI should do ipconfig eth0 ?10:12
penguin42IseeIsee: so now do /sbin/ifconfig eth010:12
papopenguin42: what metapackage(s) do I have to install to make a desktop ubuntu out of a server ubuntu?10:12
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penguin42papo: I don't know - I believe there is an ubuntu-desktop or something like that10:12
dr_willispapo,  ubuntu-desktop for a strt10:12
IseeIseeit says no such file or directory ?10:12
penguin42IseeIsee: Hmm /sbin/ifconfig   please make sure you've typed that correctly10:13
=== lezombi [n=dfsdf@cpe-67-10-7-245.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
papodr_willis: does that mean that ubuntu-desktop isn't installing everyting?10:13
penguin42(Anyone got a live CD up - I assume it has ifconfig in /sbin like the install?)10:13
lezombii need help setting up a Belkin F5D7000 card10:13
Thewyzewunbbrazil: I tried apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse and it said :10:13
ThewyzewunSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have10:13
Thewyzewunrequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable10:13
Thewyzewundistribution that some required packages have not yet been created10:13
Thewyzewunor been moved out of Incoming.10:13
ThewyzewunSince you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that10:13
Thewyzewunthe package is simply not installable and a bug report against10:13
Thewyzewunthat package should be filed.10:13
gnomefreakThewyzewun: dont paste in here10:13
ThewyzewunThe following information may help to resolve the situation:10:13
ThewyzewunThe following packages have unmet dependencies.10:13
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:13
penguin42lezombi: What type of card is it?10:13
Thewyzewun  gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse: Depends: liblame0 (>= 3.96.1-1) but it is not installable10:13
IseeIseepenguin42 would ipconfig require a full live CD Boot ?10:13
ThewyzewunE: Broken packages10:13
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penguin42IseeIsee: that is I***f***config - f not p10:14
gnomefreaktry that one again when he gets back10:14
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lezombipenguin42: it is for wireless internet10:14
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jofflecan anyone help with getting my network card working?  i can't get online at all in ubuntu.  the card is a via rhine ii.10:14
penguin42lezombi: Ah - I don't know wireless10:14
Ins|dehi there, i'm with a little problem in my ubuntu 6.06 LTS and i've no sound!! the alsa modules are loaded and i can run xmms without any error (and of course the cables are plugged :)).. any idea?10:14
meekishis ubuntu better for *nix noobs than gentoo is?10:14
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IseeIseeoops lets try that :)10:14
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meekishall i will be using is an ssh command line10:14
dr_willismeekish,  vastly better10:15
papojoffle: does the card appear in ifconfig -a ?10:15
penguin42meekish: well, gentoo is kind of like being flown to a foreign country of which you don't know the language10:15
FjodorHi. Does anyone know, why update-grub seems to forget my defaultopts, and set them back to standard quiet splash?10:15
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penguin42meekish: without food or water10:15
IseeIseepenguin42, there are some details shown10:15
penguin42IseeIsee: Good - if its showing things like hwaddr and Link encap etc  its found the card10:15
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IseeIseeyeah it is showing that stuff10:16
stinkballcan someone help me install ati drivers for my x800gto, i tried installing the latest from ATI and games still run sluggish10:16
jofflepapo: yes, i think so.  it shows up in the network settings as well as eth0, but no connection.10:16
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penguin42IseeIsee: Congratulations - you see Linux DOES support your card....10:16
meekishyeah, my impression has been the gentoo is really intended for *nix ubergeeks. why do i care what version of linux kernel my distro uses? i just want a working OS install!10:16
papojoffle: do the LEDs on the NIC glow or blink?10:16
halleyOkay, in what file can I erase the new idiot-must-use-sudo message on every new terminal?10:16
penguin42meekish: It is good for people who really want to hyper optimise everything - but nothing stops you rebuilding packages on ubuntu either10:17
meekishare there any web control panels available that run on ubuntu yet?10:17
Thewyzewungnomefreak: apologies, didn't know about the pastebin (i'm an IRC newb)10:17
lezombii have my network card actually saying it is there but i dont know how to get it to actually connect to the internet10:17
IseeIseepenguin42 but it doesn't picks up my internet10:17
jofflepapo: hmm...it's in a laptop, no LEDs.  the card worked on the breezy livecd, and works now in windows.10:17
gnomefreakThewyzewun: no worries i figured it was going no you so i stopped it10:18
papojoffle: Hm ok... can you manually configure an IP address?10:18
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Thewyzewunhere's the error message that package chucked at me (again). It recommended I report it as a bug actually. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1810710:19
penguin42is that like a Question Mark?10:19
Centaur5Could anybody recommend a good book for setting up a server in ubuntu using domain logins, file shares, dhcp server, ssh, etc.?10:19
Mystery_Markpenguin42, nope.10:19
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dr_willisthat would be several books.10:19
Sakirethjoin #ubuntu-offtopic10:19
Sakirethshould have had a /10:19
Centaur5dr_willis: Not just one would have it all?10:19
dr_willisssh and samba are well documented online.  Centaur510:19
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jofflepapo: i'm afraid i don't know how.  another problem is i've only got this one computer, so trying anything will require rebooting. :|10:20
IseeIseecan one do java development on vector-linux ?10:20
dr_willisas for dhcp - thats can be trivial.. or very detailed.. dependong on your needs.10:20
papojoffle: Uhm that's not very comfortable to debug :(10:20
dr_willisIseeIsee,  i dont see why any disrto would not allow java debvelopment10:20
IseeIseei mean efficient development or would it be very slow ?10:20
Centaur5dr_willis: Well I'm having a hard time finding a howto about a domain server.10:20
joffleyeah...i agree..10:21
papojoffle: for the how: open a terminal, run sudo su and then ifconfig <iface> <ip>10:21
penguin42Centaur5: I suggest starting at www.samba.org ?10:21
dr_willisIseeIsee,  i dont see why speed would be different either.10:21
halleyHow can I get rid of this message?10:21
halleyTo run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>". / See "man sudo_root" for details.10:21
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dr_willisUsing Samba  - older vbersions is avail for a free download from the Orieally site.10:21
papojoffle: iface is eth0 or whatever interface your NIC is, and IP is a free IP10:21
speevesIseeIsee: that is probably a question for the vector-linux room :)10:21
Centaur5penguin42: Okay, thanks.10:21
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse10:21
papojoffle: And then you can try to ping your default gw. with 'ping <defaultgwip>10:21
ThewyzewunI'm going to leave this bug for today; I'll post on the forums later maybe, thanks for all the help Dr_Willis, bbrazil (I can listen to Alanis Morissette now hehe)10:22
pianoboy3333Can anyone help me with a sound issue? It appears with my onboard SigmaTel sound card the left audio crackles. Does anyone know of drivers or a way of fixing this?10:22
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dr_willispianoboy3333,  try jiggling the cables? :)10:22
jribhalley: take a look at /etc/bash.bashrc10:22
Dial_toneany gtkpod users about? I don't see which option writes new files TO the ipod10:22
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pianoboy3333dr_willis: well, it's not a hardware problem, becuase they work amazingly perfect in windows10:22
pianoboy3333My whole problem is at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=125889210:23
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penguin42pianoboy3333: Have you tried fiddling with some of the flags?10:23
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halleyjrib, ah, thanks.  Looks like it looks for a flag file in ~/ -- how quaint.10:23
VelcroSHOOZEDial_tone: 'Sync'10:23
papojoffle: do you know your default GW's IP?10:23
pianoboy3333penguin42: flags where?10:23
IseeIseepenguin42, when I was in expert mode, I ran apt-get update but it was failing to make connection to http://security.ubuntu...............10:23
penguin42pianoboy3333: Bring up a mixer that shows you *all* of the settings and I'd try flipping IEC958 and External amplifier; alsamixer should be able to do that10:24
Dial_toneI've tried sync. it seems to be syncing the local disk only10:24
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pianoboy3333penguin42: like gnome-volume-control?10:24
IseeIseemy network cable is coming from a windows machine and it picks up internet nicely when I connect it to another windows machine but not when I connect it to this linux machine, although it has detected the ethernet card10:24
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VelcroSHOOZEDial_tone: when i use it i open it, hit 'read', go to local, drag my files to the ipod, and hit 'sync'10:24
penguin42pianoboy3333: Yeh - you might be able to do it on that, but it probably hides all the more obscure flags like that10:24
VelcroSHOOZEunplug and go10:25
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pianoboy3333penguin42: I think it does, what else can I use?10:25
penguin42IseeIsee: Check you can ping the windows machine10:25
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penguin42pianoboy3333: alsamixer10:25
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sys8976lseelsee what ip do you get when you type in ifconfig?10:25
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h3sp4wnEdgy cd's are avaliable daily builds anyway !!10:25
penguin42pianoboy3333: Move the cursor with the right arrow button and keep going - it will scroll10:25
jofflepapo: i think it's
IseeIseesys8975 you mean when I type ifcongif etho ?10:25
pianoboy3333penguin42: ok, thanks10:25
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papojoffle: you'd better make sure it is, because if it's not you won't get any ping replys anyway10:26
penguin42pianoboy3333: I've seen a couple of sound cards just work a bit weird with those settings so just try flipping them individually10:26
Nekromaangood evening, i compiled a new kernel in ubuntu, it works fine but it gives me 6-8 errors of the same: modprobe: FATAL: couldn load /lib/modules/ :no such file or directory; but that file exists; where is the error?10:26
frogzooIseeIsee: you might want to install 'net-tool' & check your hd/fd + 100btx/10bt settings10:26
jona1can somebody help me with the xserver? i can only set the 3 default resoultions although i changed my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file10:27
mikeymike-linuxhow do i adjust my recording source10:27
mikeymike-linuxi want to set it to record from microphone10:27
pianoboy3333penguin42: well, I tried using a pci sound card from a really old dell, but it didn't even work...10:27
penguin42IseeIsee: You are using a cross over cable aren't you?10:27
dash`anybody know of a good batch mp3 tagger for Ubuntu?10:27
jofflepapo: alright.  many thanks...i think i'll write this down and try it out, but then i'd better try to get on irc from another computer.10:27
frogzoopianoboy3333: you probly net to set irq + io addresses10:27
IseeIseeits connected on both sides with Lan cards, that would be crossover cable I guess ?10:27
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papojoffle: ok, good luck10:27
penguin42frogzoo: Unlikely on a pci card10:27
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frogzoopenguin42: depends how old10:28
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IseeIseeso how can I ping my windows machine ?10:28
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IseeIseeping ?10:28
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ljlolelcan i dump a sql lite table so that it dumps insert statements with column names???10:28
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strumeris the plf repo gone ?  I tried freecontrib and ftp.free.fr neither seam to be working.10:29
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baconbaconindee easyubuntu seems broken by this atm10:29
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Nightattackhello, is there a way to speed up my pc while using XGL(without buying new stuff ^^)? it runs too slow atm :(10:30
pianoboy3333frogzoo: the card was from... 2000? maybe one or two years earlier?10:30
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Sapotehi all... have a DVD burner LG HSA, cannot burn in ubuntu dapper, cannot burn in kubuntu breezy, burn ok in knoppix 3.710:31
halleyhello, is there a way to make my computer as good as that famous deep blue i.b.m. supercomputer that beat kasparov (without buying new stuff^^)? it runs too slow :(10:31
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XVampireXhalley, troll10:31
papohalley: I'm sorry, no10:31
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halleyNo, I'm responding to someone else's odd sense of expectations.10:32
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pepsi_ive installed ubuntu, including dapper, a number of times, but this time i used text mode from the dvd..10:32
halleyBut anyway, I had my earlier question answered, so away I go.10:32
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pepsi_but on this install, i dont have colors in ls10:32
Travelerhalley yes, go steal deep blue10:32
tedhhiHello.... is anyone here familiar with NTFS resizing during install of ver 6?10:32
XVampireXhalley, I know, I told this someone to come here into IRC and ask why XGL is crawling10:32
Sapotehalley, buy a new machine10:32
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eugmanI have a drm free dvd movie and I'd like to make a copy. How can I do that? Gnomebaker only seems to copy cd's10:33
pepsi_i tried running `dircolors` but it doesnt seem to do anything10:33
XVampireXMust be something with the setup I'm guessing10:33
papopepsi_: is ls --color working?10:33
pepsi_if i login as root on the console, i get colors in ls, but not as my normal user10:33
unstablesobpepsi_: if you run it with the backticks, you wont see anything, its setting up some environment varaibles for you10:33
pepsi_papo, yes10:33
pianoboy3333penguin42: I only get PCM, Front, Surround, Center, and LFE controls...10:33
=== bob [n=bob@lns-bzn-61-82-250-69-204.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Travelerpepsi alias10:33
pepsi_unstablesob, no backticks10:33
bobcomo vay10:34
penguin42pianoboy3333: even if you keep moving right - doesn't it scroll?10:34
h3sp4wnEdgy seems to be quite stable at the moment10:34
bobexcuse me10:34
pianoboy3333penguin42: nope...10:34
bobi'm a new linux user10:34
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pepsi_Traveler, but why would it be different on this install? isnt that setup in /etc/profile or one of those things?10:34
penguin42pianoboy3333: Ah - I'm out of ideas for that then10:34
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pepsi_its like im missing one of the bash profile scripts10:35
eugmanHow do i copy a dvd movie on the fly10:35
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tedhhipepsi_: perhaps try copying your root user's ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile scripts to your home directory (and do the necessary chown)?10:35
penguin42(repeat) Does anyone know what in the installer decides what to put in the installation initrd? Is it just mkinitrd - what calls it?10:35
Seveaspenguin42, mkinitramfs10:36
Travelerthe new one10:36
pianoboy3333crimsun: can you help with a sound issue? I know you work on alsa, my left audio crackles with my integrated SigmaTel... but it's not hardware becuase they work beautifully in Windows XP, so it must be some driver issue, can you help me? I posted the rest of my problem at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=125889210:36
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pepsi_tedhhi, i thought about that, but is there anything different between root's and a normal users?.. indeed i am missing .bashrc and .bash_profile in my home dir, but where do those scripts get copied from when a new user is made?10:36
penguin42Seveas: So it had some list of hardware and what corresponds to what modules?10:36
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pepsi_id like to fix it at the correct point instead of a per-user fix, i guss10:37
Seveaspenguin42, sort of see /etc/mkinitramfs/10:37
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tedhhipepsi_: normally, when you add a user, the contents of /etc/skel are copied to the new homedir.  If you didn't use the normal system tool for this (useradd or adduser), that could explain why you didn't get those files10:37
naknomikIs there a way to switch the Login Manager from GDM to KDM? How to do it?10:37
penguin42Seveas: Hmm - those look pretty close to the files inside the initrd that is created; what creates those etc files and knows which modules to select at boot time?10:38
gmlionhi...what is the command to see the chat list?10:38
pepsi_tedhhi, this user was setup on install, which is why im confused.. checking on /etc/skel now10:38
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penguin42Seveas: It's just I have a machine that works fine on the live boot, but the initrd that it installs is missing the modules for the disc controller10:38
crimsunpianoboy3333: I'll look in a bit, kinda busy atm10:38
frogzootedhhi: yes - don't do it - there's a bug10:38
pianoboy3333crimsun: ok, thanks, no problem10:38
Seveaspenguin42, you might want to file a bug about that10:38
naknomikHow do I change my login manager from GDM to KDM?10:38
penguin42Seveas: Nod - I was going to see if I could find the appropriate package10:38
Seveasnaknomik, sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm10:39
pepsi_tedhhi, one thing that i did differently this time was that i created a /home partition as well as a seperate one for /home/pepsi and i think that might be the real cause10:39
eugmanI need help copying and unencrypted dvd10:39
pepsi_/etc/skel does indeed exist and is populated10:39
pepsi_ill copy those to my home.. thanks tedhhi10:39
eugmanWhoops. I need help coping a drm free dvd movie10:39
tedhhifrogzoo: thanks for the response -- is there just a chance of a problem or will resizing ntfs really break that partition?10:39
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tedhhipepsi_: welcome, glad I could help10:39
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Seveaspenguin42, initramfs-tools perhaps10:39
frogzootedhhi: yes - you can cause serious data loss with v1 of qparted - see launchpad if you want the bug info10:40
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Swianis there a way to get your hardware config in ubuntu?10:40
penguin42Seveas: OK, I'll have a look10:40
SubhumanSwian, to do what?10:40
tedhhifrogzoo: OK, thanks.  Is there a recommended tool (windows or linux) for shrinking NTFS?10:40
SubhumanSwian, try "lspci"10:40
psyke83hey has anyone here got an nvidia card? I just installed & ran their Dawn Fairy app through wine and she's missing a leaf on one of her breasts ;)10:40
SwianI want to see processor and bus speed10:40
bbraziltedhhi: gparted10:40
naknomikSeveas: Thanks, that was easy.10:40
penguin42Swian: You can see processor details in /proc/cpuinfo - but bus speed, I'm not sure where I'd find that10:40
penguin42Swian: x86info might be able to figure that out10:41
mike1can anyone tell me hoe to view this page http://www.pepsico.com/PEP_Careers/JobOpportunities/index.cfm10:41
mike1it wants IE or mozilla10:41
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Seveasmike1, mail them so they fix their page10:41
pepsi_you can change the client ID in about:config i think10:41
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penguin42mike1: Perhaps you should go and work for coca-cola instead?10:42
tedhhibbrazil: OK, thanks, I'll check that out10:42
penguin42mike1: Have you tried telling firefox to lie about the useragent?10:42
Revelationmike1: im actually using mozilla, but still not working though10:42
mike1penguin42: can you fond me a job in chicago ??  :)10:42
frogzoobbrazil: tedhhi NO qparted is broken for NTFS10:43
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^THE_HAMMER^hi all10:43
bbrazilfrogzoo: gparted works fine to the best of my knowledge10:43
Swianurl opens fine in firefox for me mike110:43
frogzoobbrazil: nope - there's an open bug against v1 which results in major data loss10:44
Swiancold fusion is crap anyway10:44
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^THE_HAMMER^how can i copy/paste from desktop folder to the user/share/folder i want here?10:44
pepsi_mike1, general.useragent in about:config10:44
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^THE_HAMMER^wont let me :(10:44
bbrazilfrogzoo: link?10:44
penguin42mike1: I'd try konqueror - it has a very easy mechanism for selecting what to tell each site it is - or opera10:44
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mike1Swian: can you search for jobs?  URL open put the search tool doesn't10:44
bbrazil^THE_HAMMER^: that requires root. what are you trying to do?10:44
Seveas^THE_HAMMER^, why? /usr/share is not for sharing things in10:44
crazy_penguini'm off. i wish to everyone a good night. sleep well! :)10:44
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frogzoobbrazil: what, no please?10:45
^THE_HAMMER^the eggdrop folder there isnt full10:45
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CrazyMonkeyis anyone familiar with pure-ftpd ?10:45
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tedhhifrogzoo & bbrazil: is there a way to use gparted within the Ubuntu installation?  Google shows there's a gparted live CD, which I might use... might end up just installing Partitionmagic in windows if there's no known-reliable way to do this in the Ubuntu installer10:45
Seveas!anyone > CrazyMonkey10:46
Meatwadi need to restore my network settings back to how they are upon first boot, any suggestions?10:46
XenonGdownloading RedHat Fedora......10:46
HLMmike1: i went to that site and it works just fine with firefox10:46
tedhhiMeatwad: perhaps "ifdown eth0; ifup eth0"?  <-- guess10:46
XenonGFireFox stink10:46
XenonGlike coal10:46
Dial_toneVelcroSHOOZE:  Thanks. is drag n drop the only way to transfer or is there an option to copy all the songs I have checkmarked?10:46
ompaulXenonG, way off topic for a ubuntu support channel10:46
nicholasDoes anyone else have trouble with that SysTray plugin for xchat?10:46
^THE_HAMMER^i used the sudo apt-get install eggdrop and it did its thing BUT when i goto run it says config is missing so i d/l a copy of eggdrop manually from a site and its got alot more inclussind the files missing and would like to replace it so it works10:46
CrazyMonkeyI created a user using the pure-pw command and i keep getting authentication failed when i try to log to the server10:46
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mike1I still can't get it, I'm trying Konq10:47
nicholasWhenever i right click on it and goto webbrowser, it just exits xchat/10:47
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zukalkGaim 2 Beta's ./configure script requires XML::Parser perl module, but sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install XML::Parser' returns an error10:47
VelcroSHOOZEDial_tone: i would think there would be but i've never done it that way10:47
Meatwadtedhhi:  is that a terminal command type thing?10:47
sidI can read my windows xp partition, but is there a way I can write to it?10:47
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tedhhiMeatwad: yes, run that at a command line as root10:48
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paniqhey folks10:48
LoneShadow_whats wrong with this cmd  "debootstrap --arch i386 breezy /root/breezy/ http://archive.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu"10:48
paniqcare to vote this up? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/pmount/+bug/1807810:48
bbrazilsid: not safely10:48
gatekeeperhiya paniq10:48
paniqhey gk10:48
LoneShadow_I am trying to install a base system under /root/breezy folder, not a new partition10:48
^THE_HAMMER^seeing how as i cant change it is there a command i can use in terminal to run from desktop?10:48
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sidthat hard eh?10:48
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bbrazilsid: can't do much without specs10:48
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Seveaswho had that xchat-systeay problem?10:49
sidyou want my laptop's specs?10:49
bbrazilsid: no, the ntfs specs10:49
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gnomefreak^THE_HAMMER^: what are you wanting to run?10:49
morrolanCan anyone tell me how to turn off the "tapping" feature on my laptop?10:49
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SeveasI just tested it - it crashes xchat here too =)10:49
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sidi've never heard of ntfs specs10:49
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bbrazilsid: that's the problem :)10:50
sidyeah, probably10:50
morrolanCan anyone tell me how to turn off the "tapping" feature on my laptop touchpad - I just want to be able to left-click and not tap-to-click10:50
tedhhisid: bbrazil is just commenting that Microsoft does not provide the world with documentation about NTFS, so it's not possible to reliably write a driver for it10:50
ubotuI know nothing about touchpad - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:50
Meatwadtedhhi:  thanks alot; that worked10:50
ubotuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticsTouchpadHowTo10:50
malachiIs there a way I can have multiple desktop sessions? Sort of like themes, but I want it where each session has a certain wallpaper, toolbar, icons, etc.10:50
tedhhiMeatwad: you're welcome10:50
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sidic, that's not cool10:51
morrolanthis bot is good at what it does!10:51
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ompaulsid, no probably, ntfs is closed, and that is why MS are paying the EU 3million euros a day, this is how they keep their users (or not as this channel may proove)10:51
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LoneShadow_is server down for debootstrap ?10:51
sidyeah, I don't like MS10:52
st4n`can anybody help me with my xserver? only having blank screen with 1280x80 (1024 is working properly) but can access console (alt+f1)10:52
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jason^what's the difference between a desktop and a server install?10:53
Revelationsid: well who does ;P10:53
Subhumanst4n`, the correct reso is "1280x1024" yes?10:53
gatekeepersid: Xandos linux distro reckon that they can write to a ntfs partition 'out of the box'10:53
Subhumanjason^, the server has no desktop, jus runs services.10:53
frogzoo!fixres > st4n`10:53
Subhumangatekeeper, ntfs-3g can read/write perfect atm10:53
st4n`i tried this10:53
jason^Subhuman: yeah i figured that, so theres no x?  any other differences?10:53
sidyeah, I think SUSE  can as well10:53
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st4n`the problem is following:10:53
sidI used to use Suse, but I'm liking ubuntu better10:53
st4n`booting the livecd i only get a blank screen but can hear the logon sound10:54
st4n`so i guess my monitor (notebook acer 1694) does not support it, does it?10:54
Subhumanjason^, no x, nothing really. if you select the LAMP install it'll install Apache2, Mysql and php 4 and all the trimmings really.10:54
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malachiIs there a way I can have multiple desktop sessions? Sort of like themes, but I want it where each session has a certain wallpaper, toolbar, icons, etc.10:54
^THE_HAMMER^someone here help me pls10:54
frogzoost4n`: so you tried 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' ?10:54
st4n`yes i did so10:54
^THE_HAMMER^i wanna over right flder in usr/share10:54
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st4n`as written in the faq10:54
gatekeeperSubhuman: where would you get ntfs-3gif you wanted to install it (only curious)10:54
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Subhumanjason^, i mean nothing installed, no no other differences, jason^ unless you want a server explictly you may as well just install the desktop version, and add the packages.10:55
frogzoost4n`: the next step would be to set horizsync & vertrefresh in xorg.conf10:55
st4n`was sth like 40-62 and 6010:55
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st4n`think is okay10:55
Subhumangatekeeper,  http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=23836054&forum_id=269710:55
morrolanWhat is the apt-get command to clean-up now-unused downloaded package files?10:56
dxdemetriouwhen i change my pc to 64bit, can i move my existing installation of dapper and change the kernel to 64bit?10:56
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mike1Konquror will not even load the page.....  (I think I have to install all the plugins first before I can tell) thanks for the help I'll see if I can get it....10:56
gatekeeperthanx Subhuman :-)10:56
baconbacon^THE_HAMMER^: if you want to install it manually you should apt-get remove first10:56
frogzoost4n`: u did say you can get a console though?10:56
gregg__dxdemetriou: that's not enough10:56
st4n`yes i can10:56
farkygatekeeper: hey man10:56
gregg__dxdemetriou: all the application/libaries/etc have to be 64 bit, too10:57
LoneShadow_can some verify if debootstrap is failing ?10:57
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baconbacon^THE_HAMMER^: ok i read you problem, if you want to replace the config file10:57
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DRW-Nemesishey, I have a little trouble choosing a good distrib, can someone help me pls?10:57
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dxdemetriougregg__, neither upgrade works/10:57
hawkaloogieDRW-Nemesis, xubuntu10:57
DRW-NemesisI had kubuntu amd64 running, but nothing works on it10:57
baconbacon^THE_HAMMER^: you should use sudo to write in folders such as /usr/share10:58
roostishawanyone, how would i mount my usb pendrive in the nubuntu live cd?10:58
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SonicChaoroostishaw: Nubuntu?10:58
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roostishawSonicChao, yes10:58
frogzoost4n`: /var/log/Xorg.0.log should give an indication10:58
^THE_HAMMER^ok now is there away to install a file from desktop to the usr/share?10:59
DRW-Nemesishawkaloogie, does kubuntu amd64 have incompatibility issues? - I had trouble installing firefox, getting azureus to work, or even installing ati drivers10:59
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sidroostishaw, mkdir /tmp/sda1 mount /dev/sda1 /tmp/sda110:59
sidat least that's what I'd try10:59
hawkaloogieDRW-Nemesis, couldn't tell you, i've yet to install ubuntu on my amd6410:59
gregg__dxdemetriou: just backup your home and maybe /etc and reinstall the 64 bit version10:59
DRW-Nemesiswhat do you run on your 64bit then?10:59
roostishawsid, thanks10:59
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frogzooDRW-Nemesis: 64bit isn't as full featured as 32 - you might be best to use 32bit instead11:00
halleyOkay, so what secret flag do I need to turn on to get useful ft hinting?  Check out the bold 's' letters!  http://halley.cc/Screenshot.png11:00
DRW-NemesisI should've asked my question differently, I need a good 64 bit ditribution11:00
SonicChaoDRW-Nemesis: You should probably use i386 version...11:00
dxdemetriougregg__, thanks. i'll try11:00
DRW-Nemesis:( I see11:00
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frogzooSonicChao: 686 is good for a64's11:00
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems11:01
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SonicChaofrogzoo: i686? ok, didn't know about that...11:01
frogzooSonicChao: it's the 386 distro, just upgrade kernel to 68611:01
DRW-Nemesiscan you even put xgl on the 64bit kubuntu?11:01
Muchi, I have a problem with usb devices, can anybody help me?11:01
olrraihow to resize an ext3 partition? partimage + fsck works?11:01
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frogzooolrrai: gparted11:02
sidI compare 64bit to linux, just not quite widely used to make everything run on it...yet11:02
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IIIEarsxgl/compiz for ubuntu  IRC channel?11:02
olrraiknopyx has gparted to boot out of main os11:02
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frogzooolrrai: is this your / partition?11:03
IIIEarsI havew compiz installed it works then locks up. - Thanks phunkalicious11:03
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olrraifrogzoo not only /11:04
malachiIs there a way I can have multiple desktop sessions? Sort of like themes, but I want it where each session has a certain wallpaper, toolbar, icons, etc.11:04
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frogzooolrrai: you can't resize a mounted partition - so you'll need a live cd11:04
phunkaliciousyou can just make separate sessions and be able to choose them through gdm11:04
frogzoomalachi: please, we can read11:05
olrraiyes or pxe boot11:05
skavengeanyone know how to turn on switching active window with a mouse-over? i had it setup in gnome cant find the setting in kde ..11:05
gatekeepermalachi: you can decide which desktop window manager you want to log into at login time11:05
sidmalachi, make separate users and give each one a different desktop11:05
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malachiSorry, frogzoo...I have to leave pretty soon and I was trying to get an answer before I had to go offline. Forgive me.11:05
olrraimounted is not my problem, the problem is what program can i use11:05
DRW-Nemesisthanks folks, I'll give xubuntu 32bit a try :P11:05
frogzoomalachi: :)11:05
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LoneShadow_can someone create a /tmp/dapper folder and run "debootstrap --arch i386 dapper /tmp/dapper/ http://archive.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu"11:07
sidI'm feeling a little crazy, is there a way to run windows XP and linux simultaneously (like on macs you supposedly can switch by pressing F10 or something)11:07
LoneShadow_I need to verify if its working for others =/11:07
hawkaloogiesid, vmware could do it11:07
Meatwadhawkaloogie: is vmware free?11:08
hawkaloogieMeatwad, it wasn't last i checked11:08
sidyeah, and it looks like it might be a pain to get working right11:09
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hawkaloogieand it's not a very good solution at any rate. why do you want to run XP sid?11:09
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Mucanyone can help me about the usb?11:09
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sidI don't want to run XP, I just have to from time time (then I get back into linux ASAP)11:10
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hawkaloogiesid, you "have" to, so you "want" to, but for WHAT?11:10
baconbaconi created a win2000 vm recently11:10
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lassegsmaybe you really dont have to sid?11:11
tedhhisid: would it be acceptable to dual-boot, or do you really want one OS running within the other?11:11
sidno, I do dual-boot11:11
LoneShadow_no has few mins to help me verify the debootstrap problem ? :(11:11
sidI'm still transitioning from windows to linux11:11
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h3sp4wnLoneShadow_: What are you trying to debootstrap ? edgy ?11:12
LoneShadow_no one*11:12
sidthe main program I'm missing from windows is macromedia studio11:12
sidmost the flash editor11:12
LoneShadow_trying to install breezy, its hanging on me11:12
halleyOkay, so what secret flag do I need to turn on to get useful ft hinting?  Check out the bold 's' letters!  http://halley.cc/Screenshot.png11:12
LoneShadow_so not sure if it ubuntu server is down11:12
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LoneShadow_its hung at "I: Retrieving Release" for more than 10mins11:12
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hawkaloogiesid, for alternatives to anything except flash, Inkscape and Gimp,11:13
h3sp4wnLoneShadow_: Why do you want breezy ?11:13
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LoneShadow_I need older X :P11:13
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sam_how do you install desktop widgets etc...11:13
LoneShadow_but even debootstrap dapper dosnt work11:13
h3sp4wnLoneShadow_: just control C it and start again11:13
LoneShadow_I tried it 3 times on two different machines11:14
h3sp4wnLoneShadow_: (or try a different mirror)11:14
morrolansam_: install GDesklets11:14
LoneShadow_where do I get the list of mirrors >11:14
LoneShadow_never mind, found it11:14
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floydis there anybody here who feels comfortable helping me with a screen resolution problem on my laptop with a brand new dapper installation?11:16
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LoneShadow_h3sp4wn: yup archive.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu is down, the mirror sites are working11:17
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LoneShadow_thanks :)11:17
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h3sp4wnLoneShadow_: You can deboostrap edgy as well as of today11:17
LoneShadow_I need an older version of X, not sure if I can install those on edgy or dapper11:18
LoneShadow_unless I compile it11:18
floydbasically, its one of those widescreen laptops and windows uses 1400x900 as a screen resolution. linux uses 1024x768 and theres so many different sollutions on the internet that i am confused by now11:18
HereticianIs there something else I can use other than "sudo dpkg xserver-xorg" that does the same thing? It doesnt seem to be working11:18
olrraiwhat s happen if I copy with cp the sda6 to a greater free sda7 (both ext3) and then remove sda6 (all this with a live cd) ? it works?11:18
SubhumanLoneShadow, why do you need an older version?11:18
SubhumanLoneShadow, and you can force apt-get to install an older version from the repos11:18
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frogzoo!fixres > Heretician11:19
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FingerPiewhat does dapper drake mean?11:19
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olrraiwhat s happen if I copy with cp the sda6 to a greater free sda7 (both ext3) and then remove sda6 (all this with a live cd) ? it works?11:20
frogzoo!fixres > floyd11:20
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LoneShadow_Subhuman: isnt it a bit messy with the dependencies11:20
Hereticianthat uh11:20
Hereticianisnt helpful hehe11:20
bethkois there an openoffice.org 2.3 on the repositories yet?11:20
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SubhumanLoneShadow, oh yeah of course, im jus saying apt-get can do it for ya :P11:20
HereticianI just want an alternative to reconfiguring xserver-xorg ;(11:20
Hereticianoh and, a way to format the computer from command line?11:21
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frogzooHeretician: try setting horizsync/vertrefresh in xorg.conf, & live cd for the format11:22
GodFatherwhere do I configure ubuntu to automatically enable IP port forwarding11:22
floydfrogzoo: i went through that wiki page advice and it wasnt too big a help. i had to install ubuntu again then for another reason and this time i want to get it right11:22
LoneShadow_my requirements are to get X working on a 800MB partition also it has to be Xorg version 6.911:22
GodFatherdebian had an options file in /etc/network/11:22
LoneShadow_will see how much space breezy base + icewm will be11:22
Hereticianfrogzoo: where at in the live cd hehe.. I cant boot up other than to the recov-- i'm talking about completely uninstalling, not reinstalling.. I'm sure theres a way :P11:23
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gnutunhey all; i'm very new to ubuntu, and im having apt-get problems. i want to install the package 'trac' which is listed on packages.ubuntu.com, but apt-get cant find it; am i missing something?11:23
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource11:23
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SonicChaognutun: It's because you don't have multiverse and universe enabled, I can help you enable them if you want.11:24
gnutunSonicChao: that'd be great, thanks; or, if theres a tutorial somewhere, i could do that too11:24
olrraiwhat s happen if I copy with cp the sda6 to a greater free sda7 (both ext3) and then remove sda6 (all this with a live cd) ? it works?11:24
SonicChaognutun: Nah, i've got time...open Synaptic Package Manager...11:24
=== Gort [i=ircap751@84-122-20-191.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
roostishawsid, what was that command again?11:25
gnutunSonicChao: btw this is a server, so there's no gui11:25
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SonicChaognutun: Oh, dang...11:25
gnutunSonicChao: not so easy?11:25
SonicChaognutun: I work with desktops, so now I'm not entirely sure either.11:25
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gnutunSonicChao: np, i should be able to figure it out. multiverse and universe are like, classes of packages that i need to enable in apt-get somewhere?11:26
gnutunSonicChao: i can google it now that i know whats up11:26
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SonicChaognutun: Yes...and ok.11:26
mahihow do i install the smp kernel for intel duo core processors?11:26
=== fowlduck [n=duck@68-190-90-101.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about repositorties - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:26
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource11:26
kbrooksgnutun: see above11:26
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource11:27
gnutunok great11:27
SonicChaoOh, they are the same...ok.11:27
ubotuI know nothing about smp - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:27
zunoanyone know how to configure SIS AC'97 modem?11:27
SonicChao!anyone > zuno11:27
kbrooksSonicChao: disambiguate ;)11:27
zunoslmodemd not working11:27
SonicChaokbrooks: Ok ;)11:27
kbrooksSonicChao: universe and multiverse (the repos) arent the same11:27
SonicChaozuno: Please say the entire question, not just 3 works.11:28
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LjLkbrooks: they were made into one, they used to be different11:28
kbrooksljl: I said "the repos"11:28
kbrooksljl: not "the factoids"11:28
gnutunkbrooks, SonicChao, et al: thx, i got it11:28
zunoMy question is, does anyone know how to get a SIS AC'97 modem working?11:28
SonicChaognutun: Ok...11:28
=== naranha [n=naranha@cable-191-253.iesy.net] has joined #ubuntu
roostishawanyone, how would i mount my usb pendrive within the nubuntu live cd?11:28
LjLkbrooks: i was replying to the "SonicChao: disambiguate"11:28
kbrooksljl: oh ok11:29
SonicChaozuno: Stop saying 'anyone', I already sent you ubotu's message,11:29
=== soundray [n=soundray@dsl-217-155-44-246.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
mahismp installation help required:(11:29
kbrooksljl: are you sure multiverse and universe (the repos) were merged?11:29
THE_HAMMERanyone here help me with moving a file have a look at this and tell me what im doing wrong (im wanting to move eggdrop folder from desktop and move it into usr/share/eggdrop)http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1811011:29
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zunomy apologies... I'm new11:29
gnutunanother question: again i'm very new to ubuntu, but i've used gentoo a lot; a package i want to install has options (trac can use sqlite or mysql) and the default is sqlite, which i'm not going to use. can i configure the package so that it doesnt have to download the sqlite dependencies?11:29
LjLzuno, we tend to appreciate more questions like "i've tried this, and it gives me the following error (http://url-to-the-pastebin-where-the-error-is)."11:30
LjLkbrooks: no, no, they weren't! *i* was talking about the factoids11:30
kbrooksLjL: Its not a error, god ...11:30
flixilgnutun: i don't think so11:30
zunook thank you LjL11:30
roostishawanyone, how would i mount my usb pendrive within the nubuntu live cd?11:30
gnutunflixil: arright11:30
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:30
flixilgnutun: if u compile it u can configure it to don't compile it with sqlite, but i think that u have to download it anyway11:31
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dash`how would I change the permissions of a bunch of files inside folders so that they are all writeable by the owner?11:31
kbrooksljl: won't you please tell him at least "I dont know"?11:31
flixilgnutun: thas a think that i like of emerge11:31
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zukalkGaim 2 Beta's ./configure script requires XML::Parser perl module, but sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install XML::Parser' returns an error11:31
fhqHi, can anyone help me with wireless security settings? Here's a thread I started with all the info: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21648411:31
gnutunflixil: yeah11:31
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pianoboy3333Where do applications usually keep their icons? I want to edit the ones for checkgmail.11:31
frogzooubotu - no shouting11:31
ubotuI know nothing about no shouting - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:31
soundrayTHE_HAMMER: the command you want is probably 'sudo cp ~/Desktop/eggdrop /usr/share/eggdrop'. Read about cli as recommended by ubotu:11:32
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands11:32
SonicChaoTHE_HAMMER: just reviewed you're pastebin, and would like you to try "cp ~/Desktop/eggdrop /usr/share/eggdrop"11:32
siddid you  get the command roostishaw?11:32
=== southerngrey [n=southern@203-173-179-155.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
roostishawanyone, how would i mount my usb pendrive within the nubuntu live cd?11:32
roostishawsid, no...11:32
soundraySonicChao: glad to see we are in agreement ;)11:32
siddid you try it?11:32
roostishawsid, do you still remember it?11:32
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SonicChaoroostishaw: This is Ubuntu help, not Nubuntu help....11:32
SonicChaosoundray: :)11:33
roostishawsid, can you tell me please11:33
dash`is there a way to change the file permissions of all files inside a folder?11:33
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kbrooksroostishaw: pm me11:33
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.11:33
AlpvNEED HELP -- install spanish localization in Ubuntu breezy11:33
sidmkdir /tmp/sda1 mount /dev/sda1 /tmp/sda111:33
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soundraydash`: chmod 644 folder/*11:33
frogzoodash`: chmod -R11:33
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kbrooksSonicChao: no, I need to tell him something - i dont want to clutter11:33
SonicChaokbrooks: Oh, ok.11:34
HereticianIs there any alternative to rpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg? :/11:34
AlpvNEED HELP -- install spanish localization in Ubuntu breezy11:34
southerngreyHow do I give my user profile root or superuser rights in Dapper Drake please?11:34
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:34
HereticianOr any reason why it isn't working, I cannot configure it either11:34
LjLHeretician: an alternative like what?11:34
h3sp4wnHeretician: You can write an xorg.conf manually11:34
Hereticianlike it does the exact same command11:34
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.11:34
h3sp4wnHeretician: sudo dpkg-reconfigure server-xorg (is the command)11:34
AlpvI speak english.11:34
soundrayAlpv: System-Administration-Language Support11:34
Hereticianstupid guide had it wrong11:34
Hereticianthanks h3sp4wn11:35
h3sp4wnHeretician: If you are using ati or nvidia you can use there setup tools11:35
sidwhat's a good web editor? the only one I know of is NVU11:35
THE_HAMMERok sonic says this here cp: omitting directory `/home/shell/Desktop/eggdrop' does this mean i did it?11:35
kbrookshe /quit :/11:35
soundraysid: screem, bluefish11:35
HereticianI don't think its a problem with my video card11:35
abhaysid: emacs ;-)11:35
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h3sp4wnHeretician: nvidiaxconfig for example11:35
soundrayTHE_HAMMER: no11:35
AlpvActually, I only need to install the spanish localization for OpenOffice, in Ubuntu11:35
HereticianMoreso just xserver having a problem with my video card ;? -- It worked the first day although not the second11:35
SonicChaoTHE_HAMMER: I think so.11:35
Alpvsorry I missed that detail.11:35
Heretician(Today being the second) I havent got to get on Ubuntu yet11:36
abhaybut what you're probably asking for is bluefish or something like that11:36
THE_HAMMERdidnt look like it ither i just looked11:36
soundrayTHE_HAMMER: if /home/shell/Desktop/eggdrop is a directory, the command should be different like so:11:36
SonicChaosoundray: Ok, no....11:36
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LjLAlpv: then try "apt-cache search openoffice spanish"11:36
SonicChaoTHE_HAMMER: soundray is probably right...11:36
Alpvapt-cache search openoffice spanish11:36
bimberisid: there's also bluefish and screem11:36
soundrayTHE_HAMMER: 'sudo cp -r ~/Desktop/eggdrop /usr/share/'11:36
LjLAlpv: in a shell, not here :)11:36
lassegssid: quanta is alright11:36
AlpvI knew i did something wrong! :)11:36
UserZGood evening, I too have X problem after installing "easy ubuntu" with the nVida messing up my.  I did not write down the command line to REVERT back to the old config.  Anyone help with what it may be/where to find it?  Many thanks11:36
LjLAlpv: you should probably install the openoffice.org-l10n-es package and the openoffice.org-help-es package11:37
deep_Im downloading eclipse now, they say thats quite good. Thats for PHP-programming though.11:37
sidnow, does anyone know of any flash editors?11:37
abhaydeep_ eclipse is nice but it's really heavy.11:37
FlannelUserZ: #easyubuntu would be the place to ask11:37
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sidthere was something called F4L (flash 4 linux) but that kind of died I think11:37
UserZFlannel, thank you!  I din not see that one...  :-)11:37
THE_HAMMERcan i msg ya sonic im lossing ya in channel here11:38
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abhaytry f4l, sid11:38
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lassegssid: im not sure but i dont think linux is the OS you would want to make flash in11:38
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soundrayUserZ: backups of your xorg.conf can be listed with 'ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf.*'11:38
deep_abhay: Well, if i dont like it, i have scintilla as a backup :)11:38
sidwhy's that lassegs?11:39
abhaydeep_ scite++ :-)11:39
THE_HAMMERsoundray can ya msg me?11:39
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
kbrookslassegs: theres a way to create screencasts from your screen11:39
soundrayTHE_HAMMER: is your nick registered?11:39
kbrooksw/ flash11:39
deep_abhay: Yeah, yeah. ;D11:39
THE_HAMMERno not sure how to11:39
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration11:39
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lassegssid: i havent even seen a descent .swf player...11:40
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lassegskbrooks: thats lovely, but why do i need to know that11:40
h3sp4wnlassegs: rofl11:40
soundraysid: Flash is a proprietary format, and is therefore naturally in disharmony with free OSs like Linux11:41
kbrooksi wonder who h3sp4wn is11:41
abhaysid: http://sourceforge.net/projects/f4l/ looks like development is dead.11:41
kbrooksabhay: gnash11:41
deep_abhay: YOu were kinda right. Im downloading 105 megs of stuff now, just to get that eclipse working. :P11:41
kbrooksis alive11:41
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Flanneldeep_: there are better editors for PHP (and theyre all more lightweight)11:41
abhaythat's a movie player, isn't it, kbrooks? f4l is an editor11:42
abhayi could be wrong11:42
deep_Flannel: Yeah, but now its allready started. I guess i could just "apt-get remove eclipse*" later on, and install something else :p11:42
abhayand i disagree soundray. openlaszlo is an example of how11:42
abhay... how flash and open source can live in harmony11:42
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deep_Flannel: But its alot of javastuff there to, But... they can stay. :P11:42
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gnomefreakabhay: gplflash is open source flash11:43
xoredanybody got experiance with ISPconfig or vhffs ( free confixx "brothers")11:43
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knapperHow do I configure lipstik?11:43
soundrayabhay: a web developer who is serious about Linux and open source will prefer something other than Flash.11:43
=== auk [n=scott@h-69-3-135-2.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
THE_HAMMERreg'd now just waiting for u to get back to me11:44
SonicChaoI know of a open source Flash project, but it isn't close to being finished.11:44
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SonicChaoOr even ported to Linux.11:44
abhaysoundray: i don't disagree. i just think that flash is still an option.11:44
lassegssoundray: thats not entirely true, flash offers some functionality you dont get elsewhere11:44
gatekeepersoundray: abhay it's on the way Gnash11:44
SonicChaogatekeeper: Gnash??11:44
SonicChaogatekeeper: Can you tell me what that is?11:45
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abhaygatekeeper: yes. gnash is a flash movie player but not something that you can use to create content, if i remember correctly. it was a savannah project right?11:45
gatekeeperSonicChao: This explains it: http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/11:45
mjrlassegs, dunno about that, but if you're serious about FOSS, you'll rather forego the functionality if indeed there is some unique bits in it11:45
=== jewel1212 [n=jewel@S010600138f88cd95.br.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
SonicChaogatekeeper: Ok, thanks.11:46
soundraylassegs: that's beside the point11:46
SubhumanSonicChao, f4l is open source linux fflash project, but it has no AS support.11:46
lassegsi give up. you win11:46
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SonicChaoSubhuman: AS?11:46
gatekeeperabhay: I guess that will come with time11:46
abhayactionscript, SonicChao11:46
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abhaygatekeeper: we can only hope :)11:46
abhayi'm still waiting for some free time to play with Laszlo11:47
SonicChaoabhay: Ah...I need (not urgently) to make flash to, I currently use a Wine LiveSwif 2.211:47
SubhumanSonicChao, ActionScript11:47
zool2005can anyone tell me how to give user permission to poweroff from the command line without using sudo please?11:47
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sidhas anyone ever heard of "the flame project"?11:48
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gatekeeperabhay: if there is demand, and it seeems there is I am fairly sure it will happen, I have noticed that is the 'open source way'11:48
abhaysid: link?11:48
mahigreetings... could someone help me install the restricted 686 kernel11:48
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soundrayThanks lassegs. That's the way I like it ;)11:48
=== crazy4ubuntu [n=oz2@89-138-17-195.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
abhaygatekeeper: very true. that's the beauty of it.11:49
FooAtariComplete ubuntu noob here, on my third install but so far have done nothing except screw things up.  Trying to get my wirelss card working, can anyone help? it's driving me mad! :D11:49
abhayand before i run into evangelism ... i'll stop there :)11:49
=== zocky [n=zocky@BSN-77-78-187.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
pickethi, how do I do a # with an us-keyboard ?11:49
gatekeeperabhay: see sid's url above11:49
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:49
FooAtariIm pretty new to linux too by the way...11:50
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zockyhi. I just installed dapper and it all works, but other machines fail to find it by hostname11:50
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abhayboo .. captivate != flash11:50
abhayi will admit, captivate rocks my world.. and i use it all the time11:50
abhayit's great to show HOWTO movies.11:51
mahizocky: if you are using windows shared networks u'll have to use samba i guess11:51
zockysend host-name in dhcpclient.conf is not enough?11:51
gatekeepernot something I have got into yet11:51
mahizocky: just my noob viewpoint.. don't know the details though..11:52
zockybah, I'll want samba anyway11:52
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abonillahi, this channel is for Dapper too?11:53
abonillaor +1?11:53
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gatekeeperabonilla: #ubuntu dapper #ubuntu+1 Edgy11:54
picketanyone using a US-keayboard ?11:54
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nonamehi all11:54
linuxgooberim using a us keyboard11:54
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abonillagatekeeper: oko11:54
=== Desh [n=fries@adsl-145-41-184.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
picketwhats the combo for " #  "11:54
DeshFor an 80gig drive, how much should the swap be?11:55
bbrazilpicket: shift-311:55
bbrazilDesh: how much RAM?11:55
pickethmm ..11:55
spadesDesh swap is usually 2xram11:55
abhayDesh, it's 2x of your ram not your HD11:55
picketwierd, but thx :>11:55
IIIEarsDid you want to reassign multimedia keys? or is it something less exotic11:55
abhayso 204811:55
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=== MenZa wonders what the SWAP is D:
DeshAh, :(, Ubuntu made my swap 2.89GB11:55
lassegsi cant find my .screenrc file. i thought it was supposed to be in /home/user/ ?11:55
DeshSwap is like the diskspace left for the OS to use when RAM is running low, no?11:56
abonillahey, I installed dapper with Flight 5 CD and I can't get grub to be correctly installed... I think it is in the mbr or /boot but the system is not booting. I can't even see the grub screen. But If i boot with the CD and choose the last option, boot from primary HD, it works.11:56
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abhayMenza: swap space is virtual memory11:56
abonillaI already apt-get update -dist upgrade.. etc11:56
DeshHow do I use gparted to resize my partitions?11:56
_chaOS_hi all11:56
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IIIEarsDesh,  Give a google foe linux "swappiness" for some nice tips and info.11:56
jewel1212does anyone here have the game tremulous working? cause when I run it, the game can't find my "libSDL-1.2.so.0", any suggestions?11:56
deep_hello _chaOS_11:57
soundraylassegs: it doesn't exist by default. You have to create it.11:57
DeshI wanted to take a few mb's from swap and divide up hda1 for Linux and Windows.11:57
bimberiabonilla: is your bios set to boot off HDD at all?11:57
MenZaah abhay.11:57
lassegssoundray: well thats stupid. thx11:57
_chaOS_ having a multi-boot  (WinXP + Fedora) system, what caution do i need to excercise while installing UBUNTU..11:57
abhaypong MenZa11:57
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:57
abonillabimberi: yeah, CDROM then HDD i disabled PXE etc11:57
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ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages11:57
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Seveas] by ChanServ
Dial_toneDesh: It should be self explanatory but it probably doesn't work with partitions that are in use11:57
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bbrazillassegs: you don't have one by default11:57
DeshDial_tone, yeah, thought so, :-/.11:58
IIIEars!ubotu seveas11:58
ubotuSeveas has a semi-popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages11:58
bimberiabonilla: hm, not sure then if it boots via the cd you'd think it would boot directly :/11:58
soundraylassegs: it's not stupid at all. You can 'cp /etc/screenrc /home/user/.screenrc' and make your user-personal adjustments there.11:58
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:58
DeshIs there some type of partion editor that I can use from CD?11:58
sidI have a logitech marble 4 button mouse, how do I change what the two little buttons do?11:58
lassegssoundray: then it makes sense11:58
abonillabimberi: exactly. I'm lost too. I did grub-install /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda and same thing...11:58
bimberiDesh: the LiveCD has gparted on it11:58
ubotuI know nothing about logitech - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:58
deep__chaOS_: Check in at ubuntuforums.11:58
bimberi*Desktop CD11:58
_chaOS_deep_: thanks..11:59
spadesdesh ultimatebootcd.com or something like that if you want a no frills cd11:59
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deep__chaOS_: noproblems. :)11:59
DeshThanks peoples/12:00
IIIEarshttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=188302 - logitech mice12:00
crazy4ubuntuhi all12:00
nonameI've a question. I've installed ubuntu for the first time and I'm trying to use apt-get but everytime I wrote exemple apt-get install unrar it gives me this noname@noname-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install unrar12:00
nonameReading package lists... Done12:00
nonameBuilding dependency tree... Done12:00
nonamePackage unrar is not available, but is referred to by another package.12:00
nonameThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or12:00
nonameis only available from another source12:00
nonameE: Package unrar has no installation candidate12:00
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:00

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