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mhzcrimsun: r u there05:55
crimsunmhz: barely, what's up?05:55
mhzcrimsun: hey, thx for ponging05:55
mhzcrimsun: are you a freenode people?05:56
crimsunmhz: meaning "am I FN staff member"? No, I'm not.05:56
crimsunnalioth is, as is rob05:57
mhzcrimsun: oh, okis05:57
mhzgood to know05:57
mhzthose are their nicks?05:57
mhzthx, a lot05:58
crimsunnp :-)05:58
mhzcrimsun: know if Seveas is from FN?05:59
Burgundaviamhz: no, he is not05:59
mhzBurgundavia: oh, good. thx, too.06:00
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jsgotangcomhz: you can also look for HedgeMadge06:53
crimsunshe stepped down from staff in the short run06:53
mhzokis, jsgotangco thx06:55
mhzjsgotangco: i wathced ESPN and I thought I would see ya on TV06:56
mhzyeah, XGames in Guadalumpur06:57
mhzor something like that06:57
jsgotangcoKuala Lumpur06:58
jsgotangcothat's like 3 hours away from me by plane06:58
mhzoooh, not that close06:58
jsgotangcobut yeah XGames qualifiers are always done in KL probably beside the Petronas Towers06:58
mhzvery nice guys doing very difficult stuff06:59
jsgotangcoits always humid there06:59
jsgotangcoi sometimes go there for holiday or if i have money to splurge for F106:59
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Burgundaviahey ogra, jsgotangco07:02
=== jsgotangco is pretty idle at work atm
mhzas usual?07:03
mhzjsgotangco: :)07:06
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mhz_zZzZjsgotangco: buona notte07:27
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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | Read before installing: http://www.edubuntu.org/gettingstarted
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by ogra at Sat Jul 8 12:25:38 2006
=== iGotNoTime [n=joshua@cpe-65-189-240-199.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #edubuntu
iGotNoTimehello I have a question about Edubuntu... in multimedia systems selector can both the input and output of the audio tab be set to ALSA?08:48
crimsunyes, but both default to alsa already.08:49
crimsunautoselect -> alsa, oss, null  (in that order)08:49
iGotNoTimewell I adjusted my mixer and both volume and mic input work08:49
iGotNoTimehowever in the systems selector I click test the mic and it freezes08:49
crimsun'it' being...?08:50
iGotNoTimealso in sound recorder when I play a file it is ok but when I record it freezes too08:50
iGotNoTimethe menu08:50
iGotNoTimethe software08:50
iGotNoTimeyet I can hear the mic when I allow mic monitoring08:51
crimsunok, in M.S.S., change the default audio source08:51
crimsunchoose custom08:51
iGotNoTimeok to what?08:51
iGotNoTimeany suggestion?08:51
crimsunthen in the text entry box, type: alsasrc device=plughw:008:52
iGotNoTimesorry for being ok08:52
iGotNoTime :)08:52
crimsunthen click Test08:52
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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | Read before installing: http://www.edubuntu.org/gettingstarted
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by ogra at Sat Jul 8 12:25:38 2006
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #edubuntu
RichEd_question anyone: is it "normal" in an edubuntu install to get a blank screen with just two while blocks []  at about 60% of the way through "select & install software" ... for 5 -> 10 mins before the CD drive ejects and you get the boot menu ?09:40
RichEd_white <- while :P09:40
jsgotangcodid you do the install using the livecd?09:47
jsgotangcono that's not normal btw09:50
RichEd_hi ... installed from 6.06 ...09:50
jsgotangcoits probably your display adapter acting up09:53
RichEd_could be my "unusual" set up ... HP notebook without internal CD ... so I was plugged into docking station with CD and external monitor ...09:53
jsgotangcoit'll just black out for a few seconds when the display adapter is configured if you installed it with the text install09:53
jsgotangcobut the install went fine?09:53
RichEd_was not just a few secs :) at 1:00 am this morning I figured it was a hard hang ... had to hold my power off for 15 secs to get a shutdown09:53
RichEd_90% of the way complete this morning ... now at the GRUB screen ...09:53
RichEd_(was a bit more patient this morning, but almost thought there was a problem again)09:53
jsgotangcodid you burn the cd or used a pressed one?09:53
RichEd_Spanking new Official CD ... from JaneW's store :)09:53
jsgotangcowell either of the two did you check if the cd is good? 09:53
jsgotangcoyeah the pressed one has a higher chance of having a good install09:54
RichEd_I will try that when complete ... the check CD option ...09:54
jsgotangcobut installing from a liveCD shouldn't take more than an hour after partitioning09:54
RichEd_My guess is that the display stuff is configured at around 60%, wasn;t 100% okay for my display setup - and then I did not see any more progress update while the ramining 40% completed09:54
jsgotangcobecause it just copies stuff09:55
jsgotangcooh okay so you mean you reinstalled again when you thought it failed right?09:55
RichEd_yeah ... and seems okay now ... at GRUB09:55
RichEd_but did have a panic after hard reboot ... cannot load operating system ... thought my XP install was gone09:56
RichEd_(new XP no data - but OEM for which I have no CD) but went back into Edubuntu install & fiddled with NTFS partition ... and set to bootable09:57
jsgotangcoyeah that can be hairy09:57
RichEd_may freak out a newbie Windows to Linux convert ... luckily I remembered some partition stuff from my DOS FDisk days ... (about 15 years ago :)09:58
jsgotangcothe graphical installer does need some work on the partitioning part09:58
jsgotangcoits part of the TODO for this cycle09:58
RichEd_and this brought up an issue we must look at ... if someone is relying on online help, and, and has only 1 PC, and then gets it into an unbootable state ... how do they look for forum help ?09:59
jsgotangcoyeah its been brought up before09:59
jsgotangcoi think what would be nce is to have a printable quick install page10:00
jsgotangcothe current one is rater terse since it was taken from upstream10:00
RichEd_yep ... especially one that says: if you have only one PC ... PRINT THIS document before you start :)10:00
RichEd_with the panic issues addressed in easy FAQ style ...10:01
jsgotangcoall appliances do have a simple troubleshooting page10:01
jsgotangcoand the cover sleeve itself needs to have it indicated as well i guess10:01
RichEd_again ... need to encourage the installee to print ... maybe in hitchhikers guide style large friendly letters :)10:02
jsgotangcoit can be available when the user is in windows and inserts the cd10:03
jsgotangcothe winfoss stuff pops up10:03
RichEd_okay ... i only booted clean from CD ... didn't go the insert while running windows route ...10:04
jsgotangcoyeah win32 versions of office, gaim, firefox are also in the cd10:04
RichEd_i did know that but did not intend to run under windows ... so did not bother ...10:05
jsgotangcoi guess its not printed clearly10:05
RichEd_perhaps we should suggest it on the sleeve "If you have an existing windows system insert while running windows to get a quick guide", with an autorun and some print suggestions ...10:07
jsgotangcoi think a 5 page pdf or html would suffice10:07
RichEd_more than enough ... not big issues, but could be a showstopper ... we don't want to lose a potential convert10:08
jsgotangcomaybe i should make a spec10:08
=== jsgotangco digs for old specs that look like such
RichEd_i'll keep a note of this all ... and will bring it up ... also found some good external site guides that helped me in preparing the whole dual boot thing.10:09
jsgotangcoyeah sometimes we're so engrossed in creating a document with all the features that we take for granted one of the biggest showstoppers to most users is actually installing it ;)10:10
RichEd_and as I said to someone yesterday, we are "competing with a pre-installed OS" so we have to make it super easy 10:12
RichEd_or the "Human Beings" may just default back to "path of least resistance10:13
RichEd_will leave you alone for a bit now ... about to finish off at GRUB prompt ... any suggested offical Ubuntu help links on what to do from here (to keep dual boot) ?10:15
jsgotangcohelp.ubuntu.com has all the documents from the distro as well as a "getting there" comprehensive guide from the community to get you started in your desktop10:15
jsgotangcolike codecs, printer setup, sharing, etc.10:16
RichEd_thanks ... just not 100% clear what the GRUB prompt will do from here ... is it just asking me to select a boot option for install purposes, or is it going to set primary boot option ?r10:17
jsgotangcoit just asks you that it detected the OS installed and will add it to GRUB if you just hit enter, it'll just have XP as the 2nd option and Ubuntu will be the default OS to boot10:18
RichEd_okay ... tx ... pressing on10:19
jsgotangcoim just online and a bit idle at the moment just in case10:19
RichEd_thanks ... may ask for some help when i install Ubuntu on the next partition if i get stuck ... (want to have both bootable for demo) ... and may add Kubuntu for the same reason.10:21
=== cbx33 [n=c2df514b@84-45-197-14.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33mornin all10:35
cbx33mornin RichEd__ 10:35
RichEd__'lo cbx33 10:35
cbx33hey jsgotangco 10:35
cbx33RichEd__: gonna get that spreadsheet underway today10:36
cbx33I was thinking although wiki would be good for colab, it's not gonna work for the formulae10:36
cbx33we'll have to exchange files10:36
RichEd__okay ... will be a little busy ... (still setting up) ... but get it going10:37
cbx33no no that's fine10:39
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=== Fujitsu_ is now known as Fujitsu
=== RichEd has a successful edubuntu install :)))
cbx33ogra: can I ask a quick question12:00
cbx33I can't seem to find the copyright holders for some of the human icons I've used12:00
cbx33in the ubuntu-artwork pacakge12:00
ograhuman cons should all be described in the debian/copyright file of the artwork package12:01
cbx33that's what I thought12:01
cbx33they're not12:01
ograif there is still something missing probably dholbach knows who to contact (no idea if he did anything with human)12:01
cbx33ah unless12:02
RichEdmust say it looks very slick :)12:04
jsgotangcoogra: do i smell knot-1 coming?12:09
ograjsgotangco, YES ! :)12:10
jsgotangcois it build already?12:10
ogralooks like i made it :)12:10
jsgotangcowhere do i grab it?12:10
ogralive is broken 12:10
jsgotangcocasper issue?12:10
ograbut install looks very good12:10
jsgotangcoill grab amd5412:11
jsgotangcoerr 6412:11
ograi'm just trying to rsync on top of a dapper iso ...12:11
ogranot really helping ... ETA 2h12:11
jsgotangcoill just see how it goes before dawn12:12
RichEdjsgotangco: ping for a quick question or two ?12:12
RichEddoes my swap partition take care if itself ? i don't see it as a volume ?12:12
ograjsgotangco, thanks for the nes update btw 12:12
jsgotangcoRichEd: nope12:13
jsgotangcoits like a windows scratch disk, you can't see it but its there12:13
jsgotangcoand its being used12:14
jsgotangcowhen needed12:14
jsgotangcoogra: no worries, it seems mgalvin disappeared all of a sudden so i guess Ridell sent it?12:15
RichEdthanks ... and another q: i created a fat32 "common" partition ... which i see as a folder off the root of my File System ... does it not appear as a seperate drive like XP sees it ?12:15
jsgotangcoill try sending it myself next time just in case mgalvin still MIA12:15
jsgotangcothe filesystem has no concept of "drives"12:16
jsgotangcojust files and folders12:16
jsgotangcohence your partition is just a folder12:16
jsgotangcoeven devices are treated as files12:17
RichEd(excuse the language) but i mean as I see my NTFS partition called: hda1 as an icon on my desktop ...12:17
cbx33RichEd: how can you mutter such profanity12:18
=== RichEd washes out my mouth with *strong* soap
cbx33hehe, it's ok, I have to administrate a windows network in my current position12:19
RichEdnote: i ask dumb questions but i usually learn quickly12:20
ograthere are no dumb questions :P12:20
jsgotangcoRichEd: yeah, its normal, we have it as a feature to automatically mount windows partitions12:20
jsgotangcobut yeah hda is you real HD12:21
jsgotangcoits actually mounted in /media12:22
JaneWjsgotangco: hi-dy ho12:23
RichEdwell not really the entire HD ... as i also see hda5 & hda6 icons on the desktop which are just (unformatted) partitions waiting for my Ubuntu & Kubuntu alternate boot installs12:23
jsgotangcoJaneW: boo12:23
JaneWjsgotangco: looks like RichEd wil need to give you some Amarula when he meets you :)12:24
RichEdq: is there a way of seeing the FAT32 partition as a "root level object like hda1"  and not just as a folder \common12:24
jsgotangcoyou mean mount it and see it in your desktop in a different name?12:25
jsgotangcoJaneW: i'll probably not decline that then12:25
RichEdahhh yes (i think that's what i mean)12:25
jsgotangcothe howto is available in the documentation under Desktop Guide12:26
jsgotangcoSystem->Help->System Documentation12:27
=== RichEd rtfm
jsgotangcoUbuntu Desktop Guide -> Configuring Your System -> Partitions and Booting12:27
jsgotangcoyou need to dig into the console though12:27
jsgotangconot sure if Disk Administration will handle it automatically12:28
jsgotangcohmm maybe it does12:28
jsgotangcoSystem -> Administration -> Disks12:28
jsgotangcothen click the Partitions Tab12:28
jsgotangcobbl dinner12:31
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jsgAFKRichEd: i'll just afk for a while and be back in an hour or two12:34
RichEdnot a problem ... i have enough to fiddle around with ... nothing critical ... just questions for understanding ...12:35
=== RichEd buries his head in the manual
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cbx33hey rodarvus 12:39
rodarvusgood morning12:40
rodarvushi cbx33!12:40
cbx33howz it all going12:40
rodarvusgood, still  feeling a bit dizzy, as its still monday early morning in here ;)12:41
rodarvus*garfield effect12:41
ograyou had lasagne yesterday ?12:41
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #edubuntu
JaneWhey ogra :)12:43
ograhey JaneW :)12:44
JaneWogra: how's your house move? All done yet?12:44
ogra'm in the old house to mop up the last furniture this week12:44
=== ogra kicks his ' key ... its way to near to the enter key on that new laptop
JaneWogra: oic. Your pets moved already?12:45
JaneWogra, the ' is notoriously troublesome for me too!12:45
ograthey moved two weeks before paris 12:45
ograi did little tours with a van on the last weekends, but the big truck for the bigger pieces is planned for next weekend ...12:46
JaneWogra: good luck, has been a slog huh!12:48
cbx33ogra if I have a patch for one of the man pages in ltsp that I wrote how do I go about it?12:53
ograyou update your bzr branch to the ltsp-mainline one, add your change, commit it and i merge it12:54
cbx33ok cool12:55
cbx33thanks ogra 12:55
=== rodarvus [n=rodarvus@ubuntu/member/rodarvus] has joined #edubuntu
ogracbx33, btw, the rsyncer script on my people account is updated for edgy01:01
ograi should probably add a --release switch01:03
cbx33oooh good idea01:03
cbx33once you're all done with that let me know and I'll fit grasynco to it01:04
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RichEdquick confirm question please: can multiple boots (Ubuntu & Edubuntu) all safely share the same swap volume ? will they each just mount & use swap at startup without intefereing with each others files (I presume temp swap files are cleared at shutdown) ?01:52
RichEdsorry partition not volume :P01:55
rodarvusRichEd: yes, they can01:57
rodarvusand they should, in fact :)01:58
rodarvusa swap partition (and also a swap file, for that matter) is basically a continued part of the ram memory - in other words, completely volatile between reboots01:58
RichEdrodarvus: hi ... thanks ... just confirming that my understanding translates across worlds :)02:00
rodarvusit sure does :)02:01
RichEdyou'll be glad to know my Edubuntu is up & running ... minor glitches (display went blank 60% of the way through software install phase) prolly due to unusual external monitor ...02:01
RichEdat 1:00 am I thought it was a hang ... but with more patience in daylight ... i waited for it to get through to completion02:02
RichEdnow trying to add Ubuntu boot (converting dual-boot XP - Edubuntu to tri-boot)02:02
rodarvusnice, good to know :)02:04
rodarvusyou'll probably have to manually change stuff on the boot loader to handle ubuntu + edubuntu together02:04
rodarvusas both of them will want to "have control" over the MBR02:04
RichEdinteresting - booted into Ubuntu CD to access GParted and linux-swap partition now has a lock ion ... didn't see this last night on first run of GParted ... is Ubuntu now taking advantage of the partition it did not have before ?02:05
RichEdrodarvus: noted boot loader comments ... will keep this MS xchat session open for necessary words of wisdom :)02:06
rodarvusyes, it is already using the swap partition02:06
rodarvusbut you can order the installer to stop using the swap partition, if necessary (just click with right button on it, I think)02:06
RichEdno need is there ? was just a query from me ... don't see any problems ...02:07
=== RichEd says "ooooh I like the sexy Ubuntu graphic install interface ... sweeter than Edubuntu ASCII"
ograRichEd, we cant put ltsp n the liveCD, else we'd have switched too02:09
RichEdnot knocking anything ... just impressed that's all :)02:10
ograalso the gui installer needs *at least* 256MB02:11
rodarvushow much our text based install needs?02:13
rodarvus256 is a *lot* of space, I didn't knew it needed all that much02:14
ograi think 96MB 02:14
RichEdquick question for my interest: when I built my partition table last night, there are a few unallocated MBs ... is this just disk space on the border of partitions that is unable to be allocated due to cluster / partition size ?02:14
ograbut i'm not sure ... might even be smaller02:15
RichEd(2 unallocated areas = 1.96MB and 5.26MB)02:15
rodarvusRichEd: on the end of the disk, you mean?02:15
rodarvussome times (very little) unallocated space remains on the end of the disk02:15
rodarvusbut I never saw unallocated space between partitions02:15
rodarvusRichEd: I'm just guessing, but if this is the case, it might be a bug in the partitioner (did you created the partitions using the Ubuntu graphical installer?)02:16
RichEdyes ...02:17
RichEdspaces are in the middle - i have 3 primaries (ntfs - swap - ext3 = Edubuntu) and 1 extended02:17
rodarvus(again, just guessing) Kamion mentioned the current partitioning tool of the graphical installer is not as reliable as it could be - he is rewriting it from scratch (?) I think02:18
RichEdextended contains unallocated 1 + ext3 for Ubuntu + unallocated 2 + ext3 for Kubuntu + fat32 02:18
RichEdnote that i've seen NTFS partitioners in Windows Server that leave bits of space unallocated ...02:19
rodarvushere -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubiquity/AdvancedPartitionerRewrite02:19
RichEdalways thought it was irrational divides between selected partition size & cluster size02:19
RichEdwasted space is small ... not too concerned ...02:20
RichEdnote that unallocated space (7.1 MB) is less than windows XP took for my trackpad drivers (8.9 MB) !02:21
rodarvus(just for reference) linux trackpad driver (xserver-xorg-input-synaptics) is has 44kb02:22
RichEd:) that's more like it02:22
rodarvusdrop the "is" pleae02:23
ogragah, fakechroot is a pita02:23
rodarvusogra: just curious - why do you need fakechroot?02:23
rodarvus(just curious)02:23
RichEdrodarvus: drop the what ? i'm confused02:24
ograrodarvus, for the daily ltsp tarballs we want to build from LP fr the ltsp.org guys02:24
rodarvusRichEd: the "is" from my last sentence02:24
rodarvus"is has 44kb"02:24
ograelmo doesnt want to give me rot access for the ltsp-build-client script02:24
RichEdoh ? i read past stuff like that ... autofilter ...02:24
ograwhich otherwise is needed to create the client chroot ...02:24
RichEdanother partition question - when the partitions soace is allocated, a chunk shows immediately as used  ... is that partition format & allocation info ?02:25
RichEdspace <- soace02:25
ograbut i just noticed that if i run ltsp-build-client in a fakechroot environment, it cant mount proc02:25
rodarvusogra: I suppose elmo has a very good reason to force you using fakechroot, then :D02:25
ograrodarvus, i cant really agree with him ...02:25
rodarvusogra: I'm being cynical ;)02:26
rodarvusI don't agree, either02:26
ogragiving my script the opportunity to run ltsp-build-client through sudo would be way easier... 02:26
ograthe chroot gets wiped directly after atrrig it anyway02:26
rodarvusRichEd: sorry, I don't remember from the top of my head how the ubuntu partitioner works in this regard :/02:26
ograi'll have to discuss that with him, i dont think fakechroot is the way to go02:27
rodarvusogra: can't ltsp-build-client be audited by someone else (such as pitti) if elmo doesn't seems comfortable giving you sudo on this machine?02:27
rodarvusits really insane forcing you to lose hours of work mucking with fakechroot just for that.02:28
RichEdokay ... not serious ... will browse to look later ...02:28
ograrodarvus, the point is that it builds a chroot02:28
ograelmo doesnt want that at all02:28
rodarvusogra: if he doesn't wants that on a "production" machine, then we might need to ask for another machine.02:29
ogramultiple other machines then :/02:29
ograi need one for every arch02:29
ogra(only i386 and ppc now, but amd64 will surely follow)02:30
rodarvushmm, yeah, it doesn't scales02:30
ograi'll do the i386 variant loacally for now ...02:30
ograand copy the tarball to the DC in the end ...02:30
ograbut that cant be the final solution02:30
rodarvusogra: any chance for jim and scott to let you build this on one of their ltsp.org servers?02:31
RichEdallocating my Ubuntu partition info now = mount point / ... what do i select for existing Edubuntu partition ... obviously i leave reformat unchecked but do i select a mount point say /media/hda3 or should i unselect the partition totally from any actions and rather manually edit mount points when i am done02:31
RichEddone with the install i mean 02:32
ograrodarvus, sure, but the target is to have that in LP, mark wouldnt be happy if it ran o their servers02:32
RichEdbrb -> coffee02:32
rodarvusRichEd: usually, /media/<somename>, such as /media/edubuntu02:32
rodarvusogra: then bring the issue to Mark02:32
rodarvusor to our new fearless leader02:32
RichEdokay ... makes sense now :)02:32
=== rodarvus winks to RichEd
=== RichEd ducks to avoid any labels
ograrodarvus, dont worry, i'll manage ...02:33
rodarvusogra: well, really up to you02:33
rodarvusI sense problems in the future, with the current approach02:33
rodarvushow are you going to mount /proc, create devices, etc?02:34
ograif i run ltsp-build-client as root that all works fine ...02:35
ograyou cant just run it unprivileged02:35
ograand fakechroot is surely not ready for use at all02:35
rodarvusnow I'm confused :)02:36
ograso i wont even put more time into it ;)02:36
rodarvusdidn' you just said elmo is not going to give you root?02:36
ograbut run it locally for now and ask elmo for another offer ;)02:36
rodarvusand that you were planning to use fakechroot?02:36
rodarvusthis is exactly my point - you *need* to run this script as root, and it needs to be done in DC infrastructure02:37
ograwell, he needs to make it possible, its his job ;) i can only change the code if needed, but he has to give me the requirements ...02:37
rodarvusso sooner or later, we'll need to bring this to Mark, mdz or RichEd02:37
ograyes, but its *his* DC 02:37
ogras he has to make me an offer :)02:37
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #edubuntu
ograi'll discuss it with him. dont worry02:37
rodarvuslets wait :)02:38
ogra have to do enough other stuff on that script anyway )02:38
RichEdso just to confirm my understanding again ... a partition is just a space allocated on a disk, and it is given a working name on boot up by mounting it "against" a named folder in the file system so that it can be accessed ?02:38
=== rodarvus gets back to X 7.1
rodarvusogra: btw, do we have any automatic means of checking for updates on debian packages?02:40
rodarvusmaybe some LP page where I can subscribe to updates of debian packages02:40
=== rodarvus daydreams
=== cbx33 pokes rodarvus
ograrodarvus, mom has ... but i dont know of any further feature like that 02:40
rodarvusogra: but mom won't run for another four months, right?02:41
ograrodarvus, NMSP will bring us al that ... you will only have to suscribe to the bzr branch then :)02:41
rodarvusogra: indeed :)02:41
RichEdthis is much more logical - being able to edit & manipulate reality - rather than giving a MS GUI a once off request and then waiting for it to do it's secret black magic02:41
jsgotangcoRichEd: huh?02:42
cbx33RichEd: ahhh....another one sees the light :p02:42
cbx33I wish everyone here would02:42
cbx33no....at work02:42
RichEdw.r.t my questions about mounting & "naming" volumes rather than windows permanent drive letter allocations etc.02:43
jsgotangcothey are just abstractions02:43
jsgotangcoeven macosx uses them02:43
RichEdi know windows must do a similar thing, but it's all writen away as smily faces and control characters that do not like being messed with02:43
=== ogra wonders if he couldnt abuse the buildds for the daily tarball stuff ...
jsgotangcoogra: is this (today's) build safe?02:44
=== jsgotangco starts burning
ograjsgotangco, no idea, i'm still downloading ... :)02:44
ograyou'll surely know before me 02:44
=== jsgotangco is a bit lazy to go downstairs and trash the desktop
rodarvusjsgotangco: is Filipines far from Indonesia? (sorry for my weak knowledge of asian geography :/)02:45
jsgotangconot really02:46
rodarvusI've just read about a Tsunami on Indonesia02:46
jsgotangcojakarta is around 2 1/2 hours by plane02:46
rodarvushope all is fine there!02:46
jsgotangcowe have a volcano about to explode here02:46
jsgotangcoso the quake in indonesia must be related02:46
jsgotangcothis region is not called the ring of fire for nothing heh02:48
RichEdbetter than being shelled by flying exploding things ... like some other people today :(02:48
jsgotangcoyeah its just not right demolishing a neighbor's house to destroy some rats02:48
RichEdnot prepared to take sides or anything ... but nature is an unavoidable ... the human thing should be something we can work out with less aggression ... UBujtu and all that02:50
RichEdUbuntu P02:50
rodarvusI was already wondering if Ubujtu was yet another african word with big translation :D02:51
jsgotangcomy hometown is infested with insurgents i know the feeling of bullets going above your roof02:52
cbx33jsgotangco: eeek02:53
cbx33that bad?02:53
jsgotangcocbx33: i grew up with an M16 in our house for security reasons02:53
jsgotangcowe never got to use it though, luckily02:54
jsgotangcomy wife doesn't like going to my hometown02:54
jsgotangcobut i just walk there like its the park =)02:54
cbx33I'll bet02:54
jsgotangcoits not like people are shooting each other most of the time02:54
jsgotangcothe last violence i ever seen there was an assassination in front of our church02:55
RichEdshould i be concerned ? ubuntu install can't remember being asked if i wanted server or workstation 03:07
spaceyjsgotangco: religious reasons?03:07
ograthere is no such option in ubuntu03:07
RichEdand now at 88% it said target disk nearly full ... target disk 100% full .... it is a 2GB partition03:07
jsgotangcospacey: nope maoist seperatists03:07
RichEdogra: i thought there was sever / workstation option ? last week you recommended that i did *not* install server03:08
ograRichEd, in edubuntu, yes :)03:09
=== iGotNoTime [n=iGotNoTi@cpe-65-189-240-199.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #edubuntu
ograbut not in ubuntu03:09
iGotNoTimemorning everyone :D03:09
RichEdokay ... any reason why it is filling the (recommended) 2GB ... and will it cause a problem ?03:10
ogravery likely ...03:12
iGotNoTimebecause it is a user rich experience :D:D03:12
ograit wont install all packages if it runs out of space03:12
RichEdi've checked the CD sleeve and it says 2.1 GB ... will make more space and try again.03:13
iGotNoTimeI 'just now' upgraded to Dapper does anyone have a link for instructions on installing the firefox flash player plugin ?03:18
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:28
bimberiiGotNoTime: ^^^^ (the first link)03:30
bimberiRichEd: er ... um ... so, been watching the Tour de France?  ;)03:37
=== RichEd tries to avoid any eye contact ...
RichEderrrrr uhmmmmmm well Nelson Mandela is great03:41
RichEdRichEd -> out 1 hour ... lunch collection03:42
iGotNoTimebimberi: thank you03:57
bimberiiGotNoTime: yw :)04:00
=== juliux [n=juliux@ubuntu/member/juliux] has joined #edubuntu
iGotNoTimeI have a dedicated MS server and need remote desktop access, I didn't think of that before switching to Linux, does anyone have a suggestion?04:17
bimberiiGotNoTime: VNC04:21
rodarvusiGotNoTime: please ask non-edubuntu related questions on #ubuntu (but answering to your question - there is a remote desktop client for linux called 'rdesktop', you can use it)04:21
iGotNoTimesorry will make sure it doesn't happen again04:21
iGotNoTimeI do run Edu though ;)04:22
bimberiiGotNoTime: btw the rdesktop client comes installed.  You can access it via Applications -> Internet -> Terminal Server Client04:25
iGotNoTimeyes just found it :)04:25
iGotNoTimewell using gnome desktop04:25
=== RichEd is back & sets about making some more partition space for Ubuntu
=== dad [n=dad@adsl-68-121-242-121.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #edubuntu
dadis it necessary to use the edubuntu server04:52
dador can I just install ltsp and remove the pre-installed servers04:52
ograedubuntu server *is* essentially ltsp ...04:53
ograwhat preinstalled servers do you mean ? 04:53
dadbecause  ltspconfig command does not work04:53
ograthere is only the schooltool calendar server apart from ltsp 04:53
ogranever ever use ltspconfig in edubuntu !04:54
ogranor install the ltsp-utils package from universe04:54
iGotNoTimehave a great day everyone and thanks again for all the help :D04:54
ograthere is a reason that its in universe04:54
ogra(its incompatible with ubuntu ltsp and breaks everything)04:54
dadthen how can I configure this04:54
ograwhat do you want to configure and what doesnt work ? 04:55
dadltsp server04:55
ograand did you already execute ltspadmin on that machine (which surely broke the install then)04:55
dadno I did not04:55
=== Kozuch [n=jan@159.108.broadband5.iol.cz] has joined #edubuntu
ograwhet exactly ? do you want to configure and what doesnt work ?04:56
dadltsp failed to start last time I tried04:57
ograwhat didnt start ? there is no such ting like ltsp you could start, its build from severeal pieces04:57
dadsubnet netmask {04:57
dad  range;04:57
dad  option domain-name "example.com";04:57
dad  option domain-name-servers;04:57
dad  option broadcast-address;04:57
dad  option routers;04:57
dad  option subnet-mask;04:57
dad  filename "/ltsp/pxelinux.0";04:57
dad  option root-path "/opt/ltsp/i386";04:58
ograplease use a pastebin04:58
ograso what didnt start ? your dhcp server ?04:58
=== Petaris [n=Petaris@] has joined #edubuntu
ograor the nfs server ? or inetd/tftfp ?04:59
dadlet me refresh my mind , can you tell me the command for starting the dhcp.04:59
ograyou need to give an exact error description, else nobody will be able to help :)04:59
ograsudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start05:00
dadI don't know. I just installed edbuntu05:00
ograbut you said something didnt start ...05:00
ograsince we have no such service like "ltsp" it must be soemthing else, what was it ? 05:00
jsgotangcodad! i didn't expect you to be here!05:01
=== jsgotangco sorry i had to say that
=== jsgotangco goes back to work
dadI think it was DHCP.05:01
ogradad, did you follow the install instructions (see channel topic) ?05:01
RichEdjsgotanco: earthquake/tsunami update: 20 fatalities reported05:03
dadI just want to test this the edbuntu server-thin client communication05:06
Petarisogra: After the initial install you should be able to just boot a client correct?05:06
ograPetaris, nope05:07
ograPetaris, unless you picked as your ip05:07
dadI am using etherboot floppy, should I change this line in "/ltsp/pxelinux.005:08
ograelse you need to do the things from the gettingstarted doc05:08
dadsince I am not using pxe05:08
Petarisogra: its a dual nic box (triple actually) eth0 is a static 172.20. address that connects to my network and eth1 is a static that connects to the clients05:09
ograPetaris, then it works out of the box05:09
ogradad, etherboot from rom-o-matic ? 05:09
ograthey have a PXE emulation mode05:09
ogrause that and it should work fine05:09
Petarishrm, I'll go through the getting started doc again but it (the client) doesn't seem to even see the dhcp server05:10
PetarisI've confirmed its running though05:10
dadso I don't need to any changes in the dhscpconf05:10
ogramake sure there is no other dhcp server in that network05:10
ogradad, if you have a static interface with as ip you dont05:11
Petarisogra: no other dhcps on the client side05:11
dadNo I am using the dhcp mode not static, since I Use the same card for internet05:12
ogradad, the interface a dhcp server runs on *must* be static05:12
=== ogra is afk for 30min or so
Petarisogra: nevermind, user error05:13
dadso i need to buy another card05:14
PetarisI had the clients plugged into the wrong nic (into the third nic which is unused)05:14
Petarisogra: Just one of those "Bang head on keyboard to continue.." days05:15
dadDo I need another card??05:15
Petarisdad: no05:15
Petarisyou just need to set a static address05:15
dadthen what?05:16
Petarisunless I've missed something05:16
Petarisdad: What is your network setup?05:16
Petarisserver with two nics?05:17
Petarisone to ltsp the other to the rest of the network?05:17
Petarisor single nic?05:17
dadHow can I connect to both internet and the the intranet at the same time, since When I choose static ip I cnnot conect to internet05:17
dadsingle nic05:17
rodarvusRichEd: do you plan to attend (at least for for one or two days) the developers sprint, next month?05:18
Petarisdad: is there a cable modem or the like on your network?05:18
rodarvusit would be a great chance for me and ogra to meet you there05:18
rodarvusRichEd -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperSprintWiesbaden05:18
RichEdhaven't been asked yet ... but would make sense ... where issit ?05:18
rodarvusin Wiesbaden, Germany05:18
Petarisdad: its running a dhcp server I bet05:19
RichEdwill SABDFL be attedning ?05:19
Petarisand its address is probably
rodarvusRichEd: its really a developers "hands on" summit, but its (probably?) the only chance we'll have to talk in person, before december, january or so05:19
rodarvusRichEd: no idea :/05:19
Petaristhats where your issue is coming from05:19
rodarvusRichEd: probably clan or silbs will be able to tell you if he plans to be there05:20
dadPetraris: that's right05:20
RichEdit makes sense to me: i have to meet Mark in London ... and need to show him a strategy plan (for increasing adoption) ... so it may make sense to come to meet you in Germany, have an sidebar strategy chat & review, and then hop over to London05:20
Petarisdad: So choose an address in that range for the server, like
RichEdafter all if i need to fly from ZA to UK ... germany is a hop, skip & a jump by comparison 05:21
ogradad, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPBootingClientsWithoutPxe05:21
Petaristhen set your server dhcp range to something like to
rodarvusRichEd: that would be great05:21
ograto get PXE emulation in etherboot floppies05:21
RichEdClan is working on the diary dates ... will ask her to factor in some time ... even if it is an afternoon-to-evening-meeting & sleep & jump over05:22
Petarisdad: or set two IP addresses on that nic05:22
Petarisdad: ie, eth0 = eth0:1 =
Petariswith a dhcp range of -
ograrodarvus, well, i think RichEd would rather be bored watching a crowd of hackers hacking silently ... i dont think it makes sense for him to be all the time around (go see somethig of wiesbaden RichEd ;) )05:23
RichEdtoo late for the footie !05:23
dadsubnet netmask {05:23
dad  range;05:23
dad  option domain-name "example.com";05:23
dad  option domain-name-servers;05:23
dad  option broadcast-address;05:23
dad  option routers;05:23
dad  option subnet-mask;05:23
dad  filename "/ltsp/pxelinux.0";05:23
dad  option root-path "/opt/ltsp/i386";05:23
ograrodarvus, the sprint is actually 99% hacking in silence ...05:23
dadyou mean like this05:23
rodarvusogra: yeah, I agree - my point is - it would be great for us to get in touch with RichEd05:24
ogradad, please use a partebot servcie for pastes longer than 5 lines05:24
Petarisdad: please use a paste service for that05:24
rodarvus(as he said, for a few hours, possibly)05:24
RichEdnot much different than my office (are you allowed to have the radio on ?)05:24
ograrodarvus, absolutely05:24
Petarislike http://phpfi.com/05:24
ograRichEd, haha05:24
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rodarvusRichEd: earphones ;)05:24
RichEdeven a chat over dinner would help ... very much talking about how to get humans chosing the s/w ... will be a break from getting devices to communicate ...05:25
rodarvusGeneralkonsulat der Bundesrepublik Deutschland -> /me checking if needs visa to enter germany :D05:25
RichEddrinks would help with former ... not the latter :)05:25
RichEdwill check out link & suggest a plan to you guys ... then on to Clan for approval by Silbs ...05:26
Petarisdad: http://phpfi.com/13231905:26
rodarvusno, I don't need a visa - good05:26
Petarisrodarvus: If not visa then use MasterCard  ;p05:27
dadwould that be the config file the eth0:1 ?05:27
Petarisdad: that would be the dhcp config05:28
dadyes 05:28
dadI mean for tha alias?05:28
Petariswith eth0:1 set to
RichEd[ sprint will take place from 09.00 Monday 21st - 17.30 Friday 25th August 2006 ]  p'raps meet for dinner Sunday evening - because then i could book my flight from Cape Town to London via  Frankfurt & just break the conection for 24 hours05:29
Petarisdad: I am fairly certain this shoule work05:29
Petariser, should05:29
dadwhere do I add this alias card? network tools? or device manager?05:30
Petarisdad: /etc/network/interfaces05:32
rodarvusRichEd: we usually (afaik) have a "welcome dinner" on sunday evening, so that could be good timing for you to show up05:33
dadcould you take me through the process of commnads or link me a page that explains it.05:33
RichEdokay will investig805:34
Petarisdad: login as root05:35
Petarisor sudo this command05:35
Petarissudo nano -w /etc/network/interfaces05:35
Petaristhen use this format05:36
Petarisjsut change the address to match your needs05:36
Petarisyou only need eth0 and eth0:105:36
PetarisI use a few more ;)05:36
dadthis is my setting for eth005:40
PetarisYou can't use dhcp05:40
Petarisyou have to use static05:40
dadso the only think that changes is the ip address, the rest is the same, right?05:41
Petarisno, sec05:41
Petaristhat should work for you05:44
Petarisif you have the ability I would login to your dsl router and exclude the address from its dhcp range05:45
Petarisyou don't have to, but it might be a good idea05:45
dadDHCP Range: -
dadthat's my range05:49
Petarison your dsl router?05:58
Petarisor in your dhcpd.conf file?05:58
daddsl router05:58
Petarisso you currently have a 192.168.1.* address05:58
Petariswhat does ifconfig say?05:58
Petariser, ifconfig eth005:58
RichEdrodarvus: will look at trying to get there for a few hours & discuss tomorrow ... flights in Lufthansa look good on special offer on front page put when you ask for anything, they double in price05:58
RichEdbut <- put05:58
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PetarisHi highvoltage05:58
Petarisdad: ok, just a sec05:58
Petariswe need to adjust a few things05:58
RichEdhi highvoltage: how's dodge city ?05:58
Petarisdad: that is a pretty screwy setup for the dsl box to come with, has this been modified before?05:58
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=== mode/#edubuntu [+o highvoltage] by ChanServ
=== mode/#edubuntu [-o highvoltage] by highvoltage
highvoltagehi Petaris and RichEd :)06:00
highvoltageRichEd: i'm staying in a nice guest house here, the CSIR buildings are also quite nice06:00
=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock
RichEdpretoria ?06:00
rodarvushighvoltage: hello!06:01
highvoltagehello rodarvus!06:01
highvoltagerodarvus: how are things your side?06:01
RichEdmy in-laws live around there Menlyn (... my base when i am up in Johannesburg ) JaneW's dad06:01
rodarvusall fine :)06:01
Petarisdad: is there anything (that you know of) in the 192.168.0. range?06:02
highvoltageI went to Menlyn mall yesterday. also very nice.06:02
dadI just two computers in my house. And I have not set up any networking 06:03
dadI am just testing this system, here06:04
Petaristhen we can assume that the 192.168.0 range is open and can be used06:04
Petarisdad: What is your gateway currently set to?06:05
LaserJockhi highvoltage and rodarvus 06:05
rodarvushi LaserJock!06:05
LaserJockhi jsgotangco 06:06
=== RichEd needs to go play family man ... see y'all tamarra
jsgotangcoubuntu 24/706:07
LaserJockI think I got the smack down last night06:07
LaserJockI'm guessing I won't be on here on weekends from now on ;-)06:08
RichEdwell i might be back to ask how to fix my tri-boot ... 06:09
LaserJocksomething about volunteering for Ubuntu ~40 hrs a week doesn't really appeal to my wife06:09
Petarisdad: thats odd06:10
LaserJockRichEd: oh heah, you're Mr. JaneW?06:10
RichEderrr no, she's Mrs RichEd ;)06:11
Petarisdad: try this http://phpfi.com/13233006:11
Petarisbut you will have to change your dhcp.conf file a little06:11
LaserJockRichEd: hehe, sure06:12
dadthat gateway info was from the netstat routing table06:12
LaserJockRichEd: nice to see you here, welcome aboard06:13
dadhere is the detailed info  from the router interface06:13
=== RichEd goes domestic ... later :)
=== RichEd is now known as RichEd-out
=== RichEd-out [n=RichardW@dsl-146-185-147.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #edubuntu ["~]
=== RichEd_out_now [n=RichardW@dsl-146-185-147.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
RichEd_out_nowthanks LaserJock  ... yes i am really going now :)06:16
Petarisdad: thats for the routers external interface, do you have the info for the internal interface?06:18
dadI see06:19
dadAnyhow the info from the netstat from networl tools, is that valid?06:20
dadI went to administration then network tools then netstat06:20
=== Burgwork [n=corey@d66-183-174-128.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #edubuntu
dadit says:  destination URL and then gateway
=== cbx33 [n=pete@ubuntu/member/cbx33] has joined #edubuntu
Petarisdad: ok06:22
Petarisdad: try making those changes I suggested then we need to change the dhcp.conf file06:23
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dadwhat changes to dhcp.conf file? did you already give me that?06:25
Petarisno, we need to make some changes, post it so I can see what you have06:26
dadyou have gateway in that last post 06:30
dadshould that be changed to
dadhttp://phpfi.com/132330 this post06:31
Petarisdad: yes, it should be changed to
Petarisdad: looks good06:47
Petarisnow lets make the changes to dhcpd.conf, post your config as it is now06:47
Petarisfrom /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf06:48
dadhttp://phpfi.com/132343 like this?06:52
=== highvolt1ge [n=jono@] has joined #edubuntu
Petarisdad: http://phpfi.com/13234406:55
Petaristry that06:55
=== highvoltage [n=jono@wbs-196-2-105-140.wbs.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
dadI don't see eth0:1 in my device list in the network tools!07:13
Petarisdad: did you restart your network and dhcp services?07:15
dadI did this command sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start07:28
dadI did not get any replies whether it did actually start!07:28
Petarisyou would want restart not start07:31
Petarisyou also want /etc/init.d/networking restart07:32
ograheh ...07:39
ograjuliux is nagging for money :)07:39
cbx33ogra, I'm almost there on the gisomount pacakge07:40
jsgotangcociao guys07:43
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juliuxogra, not me ;)07:58
ograwell, the kassenwart in you :)07:59
=== highvoltage [n=jono@wbs-196-2-101-13.wbs.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33ping ogra 08:15
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=== Starting logfile irclogs/edubuntu.log
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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | Read before installing: http://www.edubuntu.org/gettingstarted
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by ogra at Sat Jul 8 12:25:38 2006
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cbx33ogra, gisomount is ready to go08:27
cbx33LaserJock, just advocated it08:27
=== markit86 [n=markit86@80-43-44-86.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #edubuntu
Petarisogra: Who was it that was working on AD integration?08:33
Petarisok, thanks08:34
PetarisDo you know if he has had much luck?08:34
BurgworkPetaris, he is a smart and dedicated person, so I don't doubt he is making good progress08:49
PetarisBurgwork: Ok, you know if hes documenting his progress somewhere?08:49
Burgworkhe should be. Ping hin08:50
Burgworkhim, rather08:50
Petarisajmitch: ping08:50
BurgworkPetaris, I don't he is in here. But he is #ubuntu-devel08:51
PetarisBurgwork: Ahh, ok08:52
PetarisI'll pop over there08:52
LaserJockohh, Wiesbaden09:13
LaserJockthat would be fun09:13
LaserJockis that far from you ogra?09:14
ograor 300, not sure09:14
rodarvusthis summit in gemany must be very un-cool for ogra and the rest of the germans on canonical :)09:15
ograits less travelling09:15
LaserJockI'm sure even the Germans love other parts of Germany ;-)09:16
ograbut i was just considering to go to san francisco the week before 09:16
rodarvuswell, uds paris was not that far for you, too09:16
ograto visit linuxworld09:16
LaserJockogra: really?09:16
ograwell, i wont i guess09:16
ograi need to have some time at home ...09:16
ograand my move will only be done by aug 1st09:16
LaserJockbut that would only be a 4 hr drive for me09:17
rodarvussan francisco would be a, hmm... very long drive for me :)09:17
rodarvus(I guess at least about 4 weeks)09:18
rodarvus(after calculating) 2.5-4 weeks, non-stop09:19
rodarvusbut you have to add a few days if you plan to sleep :)09:20
ogra2.5-3 is -0.5, isnt it ? 09:20
ograthat means you gain half a week by going to sf :)09:21
AmaranthGoogle is starting to seriously piss me off.09:30
ograAmaranth, ?09:30
AmaranthI still haven't gotten the first payment.09:31
ograthey mailed about starting to send out the money one or two weeks ago09:31
AmaranthThey said something was wrong if people didn't have it by July 5th.09:32
ogradid you ping them ? 09:32
AmaranthI've now got $700 charged onto the credit card attached to my bank account because of things going through my empty account.09:32
AmaranthYeah, 3 times.09:33
AmaranthNo update.09:33
AmaranthNothing you can do, this is just me venting.09:33
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LaserJockogra: is pessulus older than sabayon?09:47
ograi dont think so09:48
BurgworkLaserJock, no, newer09:49
LaserJockk, that's what I thought, but pessulus seems to have more activity so I wondered09:49
Burgworksabayon was started as a project within rh and then basically got dropped09:50
ogravuntz is a bored guy :P09:50
Burgworklikely due to seth being reassigned09:50
Burgworkpessulus was pure vuntz, who was bored09:50
LaserJockhmm :/09:50
Burgworkhowever, vuntz just got a comaintainer for pessulus09:51
LaserJockI'm not sure how it's going to work if a student is assigned to more than one group09:54
LaserJockseems like you would have to merge/overlay the profiles09:54
Burgworkhmm, tricky09:56
LaserJockseems like sabayon's code hasn't been touched (with the exception of an Xnest thing) in 8 months09:57
Burgworkthat is likely true09:58
BurgworkI suspect seth was moved elsewhere by rh09:58
LaserJockAlexander Larsson seems to be doing most of the latest work09:58
BurgworkI think he got assigned after, but he also does some other stuff with gnome at rh10:02
rodarvusisn't Seth an interaction designer? (UI architect, etc - whatever be the name you want to give it :) )10:05
Burgworkyes, he is10:05
ograand he holds wonderful talks ;)10:05
Burgworkhence why sabayon has a completely innovative UI, not a rehash of kiosktools10:05
rodarvusso, I don't think he wrote Sabayon himself - he probably designed the way it would work, though10:05
=== ogra remembers the talk where seth explained usability by using a condom as example on stage
LaserJockso now I go back to wonder, would it be better to ship .menu files, extend alacarte to use for editing, and write a small tool that puts the selected menus in the user's ~/10:09
Burgworkyou would still have conflicts10:09
LaserJockyes, but .menu conflicts would be easier than to teach sabayon conflicts10:09
Burgworkbetter to extend sabayon to understand modular profiles10:10
LaserJockthe problem with sabayon would be  you would have confilcts on lots of stuff, not just menus10:10
AmaranthHere is my idea: Set XDG_DATA_DIRS based on the user's group. Alacarte (at least 0.9) should edit that menu instead of the root menu.10:10
AmaranthThe only problem with that is that you have to create the .menu files when you create a new group.10:12
Amaranth(and of course I'd have to add root menu editing back into alacarte)10:12
LaserJockBurgwork: what do you mean by modular profiles?10:12
Burgworkbreaking out menu, etc.10:13
LaserJockoh, yeah10:14
Burgworka sabayon server with a webfront end would rock10:14
Burgworkelminate the issue of having sabayon only useable on linux pcs10:14
ograwe'll get something like that in the future :)10:17
LaserJockso basically I need to: teach sabayon about groups, make it understand modular prfiles, and make sure it handles conflicts10:20
LaserJockhmm, would have been handy if they left doc strings or comments10:39
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cbx33hi all11:45
cbx33ping ogra 11:46
mhzcbx33: hi there11:48
cbx33hi mhz 11:48
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