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j_baerI'm new to launchpad, is there a good learning resource available?12:58
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j_baerhello ...01:01
DSGI'm downloading ubuntu01:01
j_baerThat's great how is it going?01:02
DSGi don't know how install it01:03
j_baerThe installation is really easy from the live CD.01:03
DSGi ordered01:04
j_baerWhen the download is complete, burn the ISO to CD and then boot.01:04
j_baerI'm sorry, you orderd ...01:05
DSGsorry i don't speak much english01:05
j_baerOk, how may I help u ?01:06
DSGi downloaded gentoo and i burned but don't make nothing01:07
j_baerI'm not familiar with Gentoo ...01:07
DSGgentoo is a linux distributor01:08
DSGthe readme say burn the iso01:09
DSGand i do it01:09
DSGbut don't make nothing01:10
j_baerIs the desktop KDE?01:10
j_baerDid you use K3B?01:11
DSGwhat is K3B ??01:12
j_baerK3B is the CD burning program for KDE.01:12
DSGi use nero01:13
j_baerYou should be able to right click the ISO file and be presented with "Burn To CD" option.01:16
DSGI ordered ubuntu01:17
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DSGi ordered ubuntu in ubuntu.com01:18
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DSGsome motherfucker here ??????01:26
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jameshstub: I guess I'd need another apache redirection to handle librarian.demo.launchpad.net05:06
stubAhh... yes05:08
stubShall I RT it?05:08
stubOr we can just run with http://carbon.ubuntu.com:666 05:08
jameshwould that get through the data centre firewall?05:11
stubMaybe ;)05:11
stubI can't remember if we are using Librarian SSL yet05:12
stubWhat port are you running the librarian on? I'll RT it anyway.05:12
jamesh8000 (same as production)05:13
jameshcron jobs on chinstrap seem to have borked again05:14
jameshlifeless: no cron jobs on chinstrap again, so rocketfuel-built isn't being updated05:25
lifelessjamesh: care to RT it flagged as urgent ?05:26
jameshlifeless: I sent a mail in reply to my previous RT request.  Would it be better to file another?05:26
lifelessI would file a new one, as the old would have been closed.05:27
jameshfair enough05:27
stubI think RT is down again :-(05:29
jameshlooks like chinstrap was restarted over the weekend, which is probably related05:29
lifelesselmo: perchance you are around ? ^^ 05:31
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mptGooooooooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!05:32
jameshlifeless: okay.  sent anotherone05:34
mptWow, 68412 items in the import queue?05:40
mpt(for Rosetta)05:40
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=== Topic for #launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ | developer meeting: Thu 20 July, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
=== Topic (#launchpad): set by mpt_ at Sat Jul 15 11:21:55 2006
=== SteveA [n=steve@81.Red-83-41-129.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad
SteveAlifeless: pqm processed a request of mine from last night.  the merge went through, but I received no "success" message.08:41
lifelessSteveA: I have no idea why.08:43
lifelessSteveA: probably dc glitches - there was a mail outage @ubuntu.com in some manner08:43
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=== Topic for #launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ | developer meeting: Thu 20 July, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
=== Topic (#launchpad): set by mpt_ at Sat Jul 15 11:21:55 2006
jameshstub: cool.  That'll include the branch scanner fixes (I guess there is no point in cherry picking them now)09:24
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carlosstub: hi, did you migrate POSubmission duplicates ?09:49
stubcarlos: no09:50
carlosany chance to get that done today or tomorrow?09:53
stubYes. Tomorrow definitely. Hopefully this evening.09:53
carlosok, thanks09:58
SteveAlifeless: the "success" mail came through eventually10:06
=== mdz [n=mdz@81.Red-83-41-129.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad
SteveAjamesh: hi10:22
jameshhi SteveA 10:22
SteveAjamesh: great work on the python bug imports. 10:22
SteveAI'd like you to put the zope specs on the same server10:22
jameshgood idea10:22
SteveAwe can add the relevant zope people to the mail whitelist too10:23
jameshwe'll need to set up the relevant cron jobs for the demo server10:23
jameshand I guess another POP box if we want the incomming email interface to function10:24
SteveAstub: what have you asked the admins to set up so far for the demo server?10:35
stuboutstanding or everything?10:35
stubI forgot about the POP box10:35
stubrt13853, rt14018, rt1426510:35
jameshI only just thought of the POP box now10:35
stubplus accounts for jamesh and sudo access, for which I've lost the rt job numbers10:36
SteveAwe have two weeks left for the challenge, but it would be good to get this running very soon, so that we can get feedback from the tech committee10:38
SteveAand have an opportunity to respond to it10:38
SteveAbefore the deadline10:38
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jameshSteveA: okay.  So we need to decide which bits are necessary for announcing our entry10:41
jameshSteveA: some of these things could be done after the entry (like the keyword stuff): we just need to give an approximate timeframe10:41
SteveAalthough, we can't expect them to take keywords into account if they aren't available to see before the deadline10:42
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jameshSure.  Are we in a position to get all this stuff done by the deadline?10:44
SteveAthe minimum is to get stuff running on the demo server without keywords10:48
SteveAwe should talk with Znarl about how this can be fitted into the current sysadmin work10:49
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stubThe admins seem fine on this - the only outstanding requests are the email whitelist and the librarian redirect (which was only requested today).10:52
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SteveAstub: there's something odd going on on staging with the spec dependency trees.  I'm looking into it.  The images are rendered, but not included in a page.10:56
SteveAstub: just spoke to mark, and that' show it is meant to work11:00
jameshhttps://blueprint.staging.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/ue-partitioning-tool <- the graph seems to look okay here11:11
SteveAjamesh: yep.  I was confused becuase a  spec with no dependencies/blockers doesn't have a graph11:11
SteveASo, I saw it, and thought "oh, the graphs aren't rendering"11:12
jameshmight be worth doing some tweaking for graphs like https://blueprint.staging.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-express11:19
SteveAtwo things are happening about that11:21
SteveA1. the nodes will be getting smaller with the latest RF, as the node name will be on one line, and the (assignee) on the next11:22
SteveA2. currently with PQM is a patch to add a page to give you the DOT output of the spec graph, so we can take that and experiment doing constraints / partial layouts to try and improve graphs we see in production11:22
jameshif we do end up with performance issues with the graphs, a good approach would be to look at caching the results based on a hash of the dot input file (since identical input should result in identical output)11:25
jameshwhich would probably be faster than having a long running daemon11:26
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SteveAjamesh: that would work, as I was quite careful to give predictably sorted output, for writing the tests11:31
carlosdanilos: hi, around?11:35
mptSteveA, if the diagrams only ever show one level of dependency in each direction, it would be safer to arrange the levels horizontally rather than vertically11:43
mptsince there wouldn't be more than three of them11:44
SteveAthey don't show only one level11:45
SteveAare you proposing that they should?11:45
mptno, but the two I've seen so far do11:45
=== mpt looks for an example of a complex one
SteveAjordi: ping11:46
mptyay, timeout11:47
SteveAmpt: that's kind of opaque.  is it an interseting timeout?11:48
mptOnly in the sense that it's the first two timeouts I've seen in several months11:50
mptbut it's on staging, so maybe matsubara hasn't tweaked the limit yet11:50
mptmatsubara's work has been paying off11:51
daniloscarlos: yeah, back in a min again11:51
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lifelessspiv: jamesh: SteveA: bzr-launchpad meeting time12:04
stubmpt: matsubara has tweaked the timeout12:12
stubIs there a process lock ensuring only one graph renders at a time? It might take a long time to render a graph for a spec with a more complex dependency tree.12:13
SteveAthere is no lock12:13
SteveAwhat would be the point?12:14
SteveAstub: I'd like to get staging updated to RF latest rev12:17
SteveAany objection?12:17
SteveAis there a script to run?12:18
=== SteveA doesn't see anything in launchpad's crontab on asuka
stubIt is triggered from Jubany normally. Instructions are on the wiki...12:25
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spivHmm, there's a /people/$name/+branchlisting at the moment (similar to /product/$name/+branchlisting), but no links to it.12:39
spivI'm tempted to remove it entirely.12:39
lifelessspiv: no links ?12:40
dokospiv: do you know, if the patch for 48301 is already in the 2.4 branch?12:40
lifelessspiv: not even from an authored branch or what have you ?12:40
spivlifeless: not that I can find.12:41
jameshspiv: seems to have been superceded by /people/$name/+branches12:41
lifelessspiv: also, is it a compact list, or a details list ?12:41
spivdoko: not afaik12:41
spivlifeless: it's the details list.12:41
spivlifeless: what you get if you click "Listing View" from /product/$name/+branches12:41
spivExcept there's no "Listing View" link from /people/$name/+branches.12:41
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spivjamesh: Yeah, I guess so.12:42
spivAnyway, I noticed this while updating pagetests/branches to use new-style page tests.12:43
spiv(while fixing those tests for ddaa's branch-ui changes)12:43
spivAny objections to me just removing that?12:43
spivDidn't think so ;)12:44
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lifelessreview meeting in 512:55
lifelessspiv: I'd rather add it as a Listing View link :)12:56
lifelessspiv: predictability ;)12:56
spivlifeless: Hmm.12:56
lifelessor remove the other. 6/1 1/2 of the other12:56
spivlifeless: And then do the same for authored, registered, and subscribed branches?12:56
spivSo have a +authoredbranchlisting, etc?12:57
lifelessseems like something to be datadriven to me12:57
=== spiv nods
spivAt the moment, we have +authoredbranches, etc, though.12:57
jameshlifeless: it is the same view class and page template behind those different branch listing pages12:58
lifelessjamesh: I do realise that12:58
spivI mainly just want to land David's branch-ui branch.12:58
lifelessjust as a user, its kinda weird, and there are namespace issues to fit all the permutations in12:58
lifelessspiv: well, there are not all those permutations on the branches side.12:59
lifelessspiv: I'm just saying keep the two sides - product and people - in sync12:59
spivSo I'm going to take the easy option, and assume that seeing as no-one has missed the lack of a link to +branchlisting that it doesn't really matter.12:59
spivWell, they're already out of sync.12:59
lifelessyour call01:00
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spivThe task of "just land ddaa's simple UI branch" is at risk of massive feature creep if I take that on :)01:00
lifelessdeleting it is not a pre-req to landing01:01
spivSure.  But deleting the tests more-or-less is.01:01
spivI'm unkeen on leaving a mess of half old-style/half new-style pagetests.01:02
spivPerhaps the mistake was letting the scope creep include updating the tests to new-style, instead of merely making them pass ;)01:02
spivAnyway, I'll remove the offending tests, file bugs, and move on.01:03
spivAlso, review meeting!01:03
lifelessI think you have pinpointed the mistake.01:04
lifelessreview meeting.01:04
lifelesswho art here ?01:04
lifelessah cool01:06
lifelessso theres nothing explicit this week01:06
lifelessanyone got stuff to bring up before we look at the queue ?01:06
lifelessnext meeting same bat-time, same bat-channel ?01:07
salgadoI'm here too01:07
spivSounds good.01:08
lifelessqueue status:01:08
lifeless8 items in the queue01:08
lifeless4 of which are > 3 days01:08
spivI think kiko's already reviewed bradb/launchpad/malone-landscape-hack/ -- I saw mail on the review list, so I think he's been slack about updating the status.01:09
lifelessso that makes 3 @ 4 days01:09
salgadoI've already reviewed cprov's archive-tools and danilo's bug-1788, but they need a second review. I'll do them today. and will probably review cprov/repository/launchpad/buildd-ui today too01:10
lifelesshow is the review load ?01:10
lifeless4 days means 2 in actual fact, given the weekend, so its at the upper end of what we aim for as a service level.01:10
lifelesssalgado: ?01:12
spivThe load's been ok, I've had the impression it's been a little higher this last week or so, but then maybe that's just because I spent 2 hours reviewing 447 lines earlier today ;)01:12
salgadooh, sorry. I think the load has been fine01:13
lifelesswell, please keep an eye on the queue - and if you are not going to get something reviewed within 2 days, please be sure to bounce it to someone else01:14
salgadoit took me too long to review danilos' branch, because I reviewed it with him on IRC, explaining lots of things about launchpad that he wasn't aware yet01:14
lifelesswe have plenty of reviewers to share around, though I do think the load is up somewhat.01:14
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lifelessany other business? 01:16
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SteveAno comments from me01:17
lifelessmeeting over, thanks for comin01:18
SteveAjamesh: https://blueprint.staging.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-express/+deptreedotfile01:18
jameshSteveA: cool.01:19
=== salgado heads to the office. brb
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SteveAjamesh: so, I had it set up with the dot file in vim, and a command   cat myfile.dot | dot -Tpng > out.png, and gqview looking at out.png01:23
SteveAgqview is clever enough to notice when the file changes01:23
SteveAand update its image01:23
SteveAhi ivoks 01:23
carlosivoks: hi01:30
carlosivoks: let me check...01:30
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carlosivoks: where did you upload your file?01:35
ivoksin dapper01:35
ivoksi fixed manualy most of the errors searching trough web interface01:36
ivoksso, all needs review can be droped01:36
ivoksbut i'm planing to get some .pos, fix them while on vacation and upload them by the end of this month01:37
carloscould you tell me more or less last time you tried to upload?01:38
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ivoksummm... a week ago?01:38
ivoksi don't rembember exact date :/01:38
carlosok, that's enough01:39
ivoksi can try again...01:44
carlosivoks: your import failed01:46
carlosivoks: and our system was not able to notify you about it (our fault)01:46
carlosivoks: could you execute msgfmt -c -v yourfile.po01:46
ivokseh... but that happens to everything i upload :/01:46
ivokswarning: PO file header fuzzy01:47
ivokswarning: older versions of msgfmt will give an error on this01:47
ivoksthat's it01:47
ivoksand 823 translated messages.01:47
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ivoksso, it failed for ubuntu-docs (both server and desktop guid), gnome-applets, gnome-panel (iirc)...01:48
carloshmm, the last one I see failing is ubuntu-docs01:49
ivoksright, that's the last i tried01:49
carloswith a 'string not terminated' error01:49
ivokson others i gave up and did it manually01:49
carlosplease, try again with the .po file you just validated01:50
carlosand if you don't get any confirmation email today, file a bug with that file attached01:50
carlosivoks: thank you01:50
ivoksthank you01:50
ivoksok, just uploaded01:51
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carlosmdke_: hi, around?01:54
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salgadostub, ping01:57
mdke_carlos: yes02:00
carlosmdke_: never mind, I was talking with danilo and wanted to note you about him working now with me on Rosetta, but he just told me that you already know each other02:01
mdke_carlos: yes vaguely, that's great news!02:02
=== mdke_ hugs danilos
danilosmdke_: hi there :)02:04
=== danilos hugs mdke_ back ;)
mdke_very cool that you are working on rosetta now02:05
=== mdke_ is now known as mdke
danilosmdke: yeah, it's cool, lets just see how it turns out for rosetta as well :)02:05
=== mdke has no doubts
daniloshehe, thanks :)02:06
mdkeok, lunch02:06
danilosenjoy it02:07
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ploumcan someone re-launch staging ?02:13
ploum(I don't remember if I must ping BjornT or someone else about this)02:13
salgadoploum, staging is rebuilt every day, so it's possible that it's being rebuilt right now. has it been down for a long time?02:17
ploumsalgado: oh, I just saw it02:17
ploumbut someone (I don't remember who) told me to tell here if staging is down02:17
salgadoploum, staging is running already. I can access it from here02:19
ploumso it was temporary02:20
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carlosploum: I did02:27
ploumthanks :-)02:27
carlosI mean02:27
carlosI I think I told you I can start it again02:27
carlosI didn't fixed it today02:27
ploumah ok, so it's a bit brighter ;-)02:28
ploumI was not sure02:28
ploum(I'm really bad at remember people on IRC)02:28
carlosploum: me too, that's why I said 'I think I did' ;-)02:31
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=== carlos -> lunch
carlossee you later02:45
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=== BjornT -> post office
=== LarstiQ wonders if bjorn will be pre office when he returns.
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jgihello everyone03:28
jgijordi, hello03:29
jgiI've just uploaded a tarball of WengoPhone's po files for review03:29
jordijgi: okay03:30
jordilet me have a look03:30
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jordijgi: any reason you upload an English file, or is that meant to be the template?03:39
jgijordi, should the template contain only msg ids?03:39
jordiit's typically named ".pot"03:39
jgi ok, is it the same than a .po files but with msg strs empy and a .pot extension?03:40
jordithe t is for template03:40
jgithen I can upload a new tarball with only a .pot file and a fr.po03:40
jordiok, I was just asking because we normally don't import English translations (that is a file with msgstr which are exactly the same as the msgids) because there's no poibnt03:40
jordidon't worry03:40
jordiI can approve this and make rosetta believe it's a pot file03:41
jgiok, that would be good03:41
jgijordi, i'll be right back03:44
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jordijgi: voil! aThey are approved, and should appear soonish as imported03:49
jgijordi: ok, I see there are templates here: https://launchpad.net/products/wengophone/trunk/+pots/qtwengophone/ , but there is no untranslated string. Is it normal?03:49
jgijordi: and filtering translated strings show nothing too03:49
jordijgi: it's being imported still I guess03:57
jordiwow my link is slow right now03:57
jgijordi: how long does it take usually to import translations?04:15
salgadostub, I found a possible issue with that shipit constraint that checks the status and shipment. do you have some time to talk about it?04:18
carlosjgi: it depends on the amount of entries we have in the queue04:19
jordijgi: should be in now04:21
jordiactually, your files failed.04:22
jordiYou should have got an email04:22
jordicarlos: duplicate entries. 04:22
jordiqtwengophone_en.po:124: duplicate message definition04:22
jordiqtwengophone_en.po:65: ...this is the location of the first definition04:22
carlosjordi: with that kind of failures we don't send an email (yet)04:24
jordioh ok04:24
cprovstub: ping04:25
jgijordi, carlos: actually i got an e-mail indeed04:27
jordijgi: that gettext error is fatal04:27
jordihow are you generating your files?04:27
jgijordi: using ts2po04:28
jordihm, carlos, do you know any remedy for this?04:28
jgijordi: which are the duplicate messages?04:30
stubcprov: pong04:30
cprovstub: do you have some minutes to perform the DBA request I did ?04:31
carlosjordi: fixing the duplicates ;-)04:31
jordijgi: msgfmt -cCv yourfile.po04:31
jordicarlos: why does ts2po do this?04:32
jordiit generates unvaild files apparently04:32
carlosjordi: I don't know what's ts2po04:32
danilosjordi: most of the tools for OOo and Firefox do that as well... just pass them through msguniq04:32
jordiconverts from Qt translation files to po04:33
jordidanilos: *nod*. Is tjhere a reason they do this?04:33
danilosjordi: because there might be two differing translations for same strings, and they can't decide which one is better04:33
jordijgi: anyway, see what danilo said, msguniq them and you'll be done.04:33
danilosjordi: that's what I do in "xml2po -r" (reusing translations from XML files) as well04:33
jordidanilos: yuck04:33
danilosI mean, it's easy to simply use the first one, but maybe the second is better (there are options for msguniq for that ;-)04:34
carlosjordi: hmmm I think gettext already supports QT translation files...04:36
jordiwell rosetta chokes on them then04:36
carlosno, it doesn't04:37
carlosgettext supports format strings from qt but from .cpp files04:37
jgicarlos: *only* from .cpp files?04:39
carlosjgi: yeah that's what it says:04:39
carlos      --qt                    recognize Qt format strings04:39
carlos                                (only language C++)04:39
jgiok, but I mean it can also use strings that were written in header files04:40
carlosjgi: sure, sorry, only C++ source code04:40
jgiOur strings are located only in C++ code AFAIK, but there might be some exceptions. I'll run msguniq and upload files again04:41
carlosjgi: if you only use C++ code, I think is much better if you use directly gettext04:43
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jgijordi, should I upload msguniqed files again? If so, where should I do it?05:12
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cprovstub: ping05:17
jgijordi, carlos: i've uploaded new files which went through msuniq, is there any way to know if import has failed?05:20
carlosjgi: https://launchpad.net/rosetta/imports/+index?target=products&status=FAILED&type=all05:21
=== bradb & # last-minute dentist appointment, bbiab
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jgicarlos, on top of this page: https://launchpad.net/rosetta/imports/+index?target=products&status=all&type=all there is the first import of qtwengophone_fr.po and qtwengophone_en.po, but i can't see a trace of my second upload05:24
carlosit's there now05:27
=== carlos needs to finish the per account/product import queue list
carlosso people finds their files05:27
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carlosDSG: hi05:31
DSGdo you speak spanish ??05:32
daniloscarlos does, bad badly ;)05:33
DSGbecause i don't speak much englesh05:34
carlosdanilos: go away!05:34
carlosdanilos: ;-)05:34
carlosDSG: let's move to a private chat then...05:34
jgicarlos, I can see the french translation now, but there is no message to translate apparently. Are they supposed to come later when rosetta finish to process them?05:35
carlosyes, when it moves from 'Approved to Imported'05:37
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jgicarlos, it seems to be the case already05:38
carlosjgi: if Rosetta imported them, you should have a confirmation email05:39
jgicarlos, yes, I got two e-mails, one for the french translation, and one for the english translation05:40
jgicarlos, in the product status, it is also stated that WengoPhone "doesn't use Rosetta", is it ok?05:42
carlosjgi: no, you should note that you are using Rosetta. Once we have all products clean, I guess we should set it on automatically05:43
jgicarlos, ok05:43
carlosjgi: about the empy translations problem05:45
carlosjgi: you lack a .pot file upload05:45
carlosso the system thinks that you have no messages at all05:45
jgicarlos, where could I upload this? If I try to upload a .pot file it says it wants a .po file05:45
jgiI must be looking at the wrong place05:46
jgihmm, maybe I found it: https://launchpad.net/products/wengophone/trunk/+translations-upload , right ?05:46
jgicarlos, done05:47
carlosjgi: next time, upload it to https://launchpad.net/products/wengophone/trunk/+pots/qtwengophone/+upload05:50
carlosand it will be imported automatically05:50
carlos+translations-upload requires that we review it, but don't worry05:50
carlosis not a bit problem ;-)05:58
carlosI will approve it now.05:58
jgicarlos, thanks :-)05:58
carlosjordi: wow, is drupal asking to use us to translate it officially ? there are a bunch of .pot files for drupal pending to be approved05:58
carlosjgi: done05:58
jgicarlos, ok thanks. However, it seems that there is still no message to translate :-(05:58
carlosjgi: it takes a while05:58
carlosI just approved it05:58
carlosnow we need to wait for the import script to process it05:58
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=== carlos -> out
carlossee you later06:01
jgicarlos, see you06:04
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jordicarlos: no, they aren't06:09
jordiit's an upload I need to sort out06:09
jordibut that'll be deleted06:09
jordijgi: ah I see you sorted it out06:11
jordijgi: ah I see you sorted it oui was having some food06:11
jgijordi, yes, that's great06:14
=== jgi is happy :)
jgithank you very much to everyone!06:14
jordijgi: cool!06:18
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elmohow does launchpad send mail?06:47
elmodoes it invoke /usr/sbin/sendmail?06:47
salgadoelmo, I think this is a question for BjornT!06:49
stubelmo: SMTP to localhost06:49
stub(or another SMTP server if you prefer)06:49
elmostub: hum06:50
elmogot an easy way on carbon to try getting launchpad to send mail in the way it does06:51
stubtelnet localhost 2506:51
stubOr I can reconfigure the launchpad instance to turn email on - I don't think it will spam anyone as long as people don't randomly click ;)06:52
elmohmm, ok06:52
elmothe problem is we can't do recipients ACLs on non-SMTP connections in exim06:53
salgadostub, talk to me, dude! kiko thinks we should use a trigger to change the status to shipped, when we update a request's shipment attribute, to avoid possible problems with the updates to status and shipment being performed on separate statements06:54
salgadostub, do you think a trigger is necessary or can we workaround it by issuing a raw SQL update?06:55
stubsalgado: Seperate statements? Why?06:55
stubEven SQLObject should get that right...06:55
salgadostub, because I do request.status = shipped; request.shipment = shipment06:55
salgadoit works fine, but I guess only because we use lazyUpdates06:55
=== flacoste -> lunch
stubsalgado: Lazy updates is good, so that isn't a problem.06:56
stubsalgado: So kiko is tryng to work around problems that don't exist. Hasn't he got enough problems already??06:57
salgadoactually, I raised the problem06:57
salgadoand he suggested using a trigger06:57
stubStick with the way you have it. It will only break if lazy updates gets switched off, and that would be a good thing.06:58
stubelmo: What is the problem then? We are using SMTP, so we can do recipients ACLs. Or did you use one too many negatives in that sentence?06:59
elmostub: I can't guard against the possiblity of launchpad slipping into non-SMTP mode without warning06:59
elmoand non-obvious things like mail(1) use non-SMTP07:00
stubelmo: ok. Launchpad only has one email sending routing (lib/canonical/launchpad/mail/sendmail.py), and it only uses SMTP. Z3 pulled out the sendmail stuff due to a security problem, and from Python we just use smtplib rather than calling mail or sendmail from a subprocess. So it will be safe.07:01
elmohmm, I have a cunning plan07:10
jgihow is it possible for a given project to change its translation group?07:11
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=== Topic for #launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ | developer meeting: Thu 20 July, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
=== Topic (#launchpad): set by mpt_ at Sat Jul 15 11:21:55 2006
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kalosaurusrexanyone know if the email support feature is working yet?08:43
salgadokalosaurusrex, if you mean, answering support requests by email, then yes, it should be working, I think08:54
LarstiQsalgado: the issue is starting support requests by mail08:55
kalosaurusrexhow about sending support requests via email?08:56
kalosaurusrexLarstiQ:  :)08:57
kalosaurusrexactually I want to be able to connect my launchpad stuff to a gmane mailing list.  and have issues emailed from the mailing list, sent to gmane (already happens) and then sent to launchpad for tracking.08:57
salgadoby looking at the code it seems to me that it's only possible to reply to an existing support request by email. :-(09:00
salgadokalosaurusrex, you might want to file a bug, explaining your use case. it shouldn't be hard to implement this09:01
=== LarstiQ has a look to see if there is not such a spec yet
flacosteLarstiQ: there is09:04
flacosteLarstiQ: err, actually, it's not in the specification tracker09:05
kalosaurusrexsalgado: okay I will! great. thanks!09:06
flacosteand the old one https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/TicketTrackerEmailInterface didn't cover creating new tickets by email09:07
LarstiQok, so kalosaurusrex should just file a new one on https://launchpad.net/products/launchpad-support-tracker ?09:09
LarstiQflacoste: that wiki is not accessible for us outsiders09:09
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flacosteLarstiQ: wiki.launchpad.canonical.com should be09:10
radixcan anyone tell me where the "add milestone" button is?09:10
flacosteLarstiQ: it's the old public wiki09:10
LarstiQflacoste: indeed it is09:10
LarstiQradix: good question, I can't find it09:12
salgadoradix, the milestones are tied to productseries, so you have to create one or more productseries if you want to have milestones, I think09:12
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salgadoradix, for instance, on https://launchpad.net/products/launchpad-support-tracker/1.0 you can see the link to add a milestone09:13
radixaha! 09:13
radixok, I found it in my "trunk" series09:13
salgadocool. :)09:14
LarstiQthat isn't easy to find out09:15
niemeyerAnyone with SQL access to  launchpad around09:15
salgadoniemeyer, read or write? does it need to be production or would staging be enough?09:16
niemeyersalgado: read/write on production.. I just did something stupid adding dummy information to a product to try it out.09:16
niemeyerAnd I can't remove now09:16
salgadoniemeyer, you need stub or SteveA, then09:17
niemeyersalgado: Thanks!09:17
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kalosaurusrexsalgado: I entered the ticket.  number 5329209:36
salgadoUbugtu, bug 53292?09:36
UbugtuMalone bug 53292 in launchpad-support-tracker "Email submit support ticket feature" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5329209:36
salgadothanks kalosaurusrex!09:37
kalosaurusrexsalgado: and to you.  I appreciate your help.09:38
bradbsalgado: Can somebody log in to LP without having validated their email address (i.e. it's still NEW), and would LP prompt them to validate at that point?10:09
bradbi'm thinking of things we might see from importing data10:09
bradband if, for example, in a demo instance we can set all email addresses to some not-validated state, to trigger this login-and-validate workflow, if there even is one10:10
salgadobradb, if that happens, we will send an email to the address that person tried to login with, with a link to validate that address and then be able to login.10:12
salgadoso, although it's not possible to login without a preferred email, we catch that and start the validate-your-email process for them10:12
salgado(and we also tell them an email was sent, and that they need to follow the instructions there before logging in, obviously)10:12
bradbsalgado: ok, so, IIUC:10:12
bradblet's say we have a demo instance, and we want to make sure we don't spam people...10:13
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bradbi should be able to update all the emailaddresses in this instance to be NEW, by default10:13
bradbthen, anytime anyone logs in, they will be prompted to validate their email address10:13
bradbso only people who have specifically gone through this login-and-validate workflow will get email from the demo instance10:14
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LarstiQbradb: if you need a guinnea pig for demo instance testing, ping me10:15
bradbLarstiQ: thanks...we're working on an import now, so i'll let you know10:15
salgadobradb, but there may be places in the code that assume .preferredemail is never None10:15
bradbsalgado: right. i think we can consider those bugs, if people do find them10:16
salgadoI'm not sure they're bugs, because they assume that if a person got there, that means this person had a preferredemail at some point10:17
salgadoand once you have one, it's not possible (by normal means) to go back to a no-prefferedemail status10:17
bradbsalgado: one other thing...if my email address is foo@bar.com, and there's an account that was created with that email address and no p/w, how can i "claim" that account?10:18
bradb(again, thinking data import)10:18
salgadoyou have to use the forgotten password form10:19
bradbsalgado: and will this work, even if the email is not yet validated?10:20
bradbsalgado: does it reset the p/w and validate the email all at the same time in this case?10:21
salgadobradb, yes10:21
bradbsalgado: nice! thanks for the info. /me continues replying to jamesh's mail.10:22
salgadobradb, no problem10:22
=== LarstiQ thinks he is not getting bugmail he should
bradbLarstiQ: you aren't10:53
bradbif you file a bug at /distros/$distroname/+filebug and specify a package, you won't get the bugmail10:53
bradbany other variation on filing a bug should send mail though. (i've already landed the fix and asked stub to cherrypick it into production.)10:53
LarstiQbradb: I'm thinking of bzr-email, which should be owned by the bzr devs, yet I just saw it had bugs I've never seen before10:54
LarstiQbradb: the difference with bzr proper is that lifeless is the registrant for the plugin, and bzr devs are the registrant for bzr10:56
bradbLarstiQ: https://launchpad.net/products/bzr-email. lifeless pwns it.10:56
LarstiQok, so this is user error10:56
LarstiQthanks for hitting me over the head with that :)10:57
=== LarstiQ was fooled by the 'Bazaar Version Control System and Supporting Tools' portlet mentioning people/bzr as project maintainer
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bradbah, interesting10:59
=== bradb notes 32C is rather hot
=== LarstiQ fully agrees
LarstiQI'm afraid it is even hotter than that here :/11:04
bradbLarstiQ: wow, where's that?11:06
LarstiQbradb: The Netherlands, flat roof11:06

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