
=== Gman [n=gman@nwkea-socks-1.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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diemanholy crap, samsung released amd64 binaries for their printer12:29
Chipzznice :)12:31
jdubdieman: their printer is amd64? ;-)12:32
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wasabi_That was too easy.12:48
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JanCdieman: most samsung printers work OOTB on Ubuntu?12:54
JanCI guess you mean their proprietary GUI installer ?  ;-)12:55
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floamBenC: is there any obvious reason an initrd might fail to be created with no message upon install of the 2.6.17 kernel-image packages?01:47
floamupdate-initramfs -c -k 2.6.17-4-k7 seems to make one (havn't checked to see if it works yet)01:48
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infinityfloam: Because, afaict, the postinst for the -4- kernel just plain doesn't create an initramfs at all.02:05
jdubinfinity: massive!02:05
jsgotangcohey jdub02:08
jdubyo jsgotangco 02:08
tsenghi jsgotangco 02:11
jsgotangcohey tseng how's it going?02:12
tsengfine, you?02:12
jsgotangcopretty good starting the week though *groan*02:12
tsengdoes anyone know the current method of getting a dapper-updates approved?02:15
tsengmail mdz, file bug assigned to foo, ...?02:16
Riddelltseng: send diff to mdz and kamion.  upload when approved02:16
tsengRiddell: cheers.02:16
BenCfloam, infinity: Yeah, the kernel-package used to create the -4 kernel was screwed02:21
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=== labuser [n=labuser@cpe-24-30-158-32.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
labuserI have a fix for a buggy package in ubuntu, where do I send it to? (It's a one-line diff)02:59
Chipzzlabuser: I guess file a bug in launchpad ?02:59
Chipzzyou can mark your attachment as being a patch I think03:00
labuserit's been on launchpad for 2 months but the package is still broken03:00
labusersomeone else filed it here: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/mldonkey/+bug/4263203:01
UbugtuMalone bug 42632 in mldonkey "startup script is broken" [Medium,Confirmed]  03:01
labuserit's not a minor thing either... attempting installation of the package breaks apt alltogether03:02
labuserI pasted the fix there... maybe someone can commit it03:03
FujitsuWhich package? mldonkey-gui03:03
FujitsuWorks fine for me...03:04
FujitsuHow does it break it?03:04
FujitsuIt doesn't actually install the mldonkey binary... But it doesn't break.03:06
labuserInstallation of any other package fails. I forgot the exact message03:06
labuserI did an apt-get source and applied the fix, then did dpkg -i with that, and everything was ok03:07
JanCsounds like a failed install script?03:07
labuseryes that's right03:07
FujitsuWorks fine for me, still.03:07
labuserFujitsu, the installation ?03:07
Fujitsulabuser, yes... I installed both mldonkey-server and mldonkey-gui, and it still works.03:08
labuserdapper right03:08
labuserI don't know then03:09
FujitsuI remove mldonkey-gui, try to remove mldonkey-server and it explodes.03:09
labuserthere you go :)03:09
labuserI guess it really did go BOOM ... :)03:10
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floamBenC: oh, okay04:27
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Hobbseemorning all04:44
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diemanJanC: the ml-2010 driver isn't actually in foomatic yet05:00
diemanml-1710 supposedly works, but margins are off and you can't use the 1200x600 mode05:00
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Hobbseehi Burgundavia 05:17
Burgundaviahey Hobbsee05:17
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bluefoxicywow that's nice, I just typed <tseng> tab and xchat-gnome printed:   tseng tseng tseng05:48
bluefoxicyanyway.  tseng:  If you're still up do you know what glibc detects of corrupted heap elements?05:49
bluefoxicyI'm thinking it's entirely possible to detect double free(), free() of a corrupt heap element, and free() when the next and previous elements in the chain of heap allocations are corrupt; but I'm not sure if glibc detects all of these AND differentiates between double free() and other weird corruption (which is doable simply by marking an entry in a special way when it's free()'d)05:51
bluefoxicyi know it'll catch some level of dirtiness.05:51
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Hobbseehi fabbione!06:47
fabbionehey Hobbsee 06:48
Hobbseefabbione: edgy isnt actually broken that badly :)06:48
fabbioneit's all because we are too cool :)06:49
Hobbseefabbione: of course :)06:49
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fabbionei need more bw06:51
Hobbseefabbione: bw?06:57
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jsgotangcohow cheap/expensive is bw there in dk?07:01
bluefoxicyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomatedSecurityVulnerabilityDetection  This would be awesome, if https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomatedProblemReports ever happens.07:01
Hobbseefabbione: ahhhh...07:01
bluefoxicyActually the double free()/heap corruption/stack smash detection and reporting can be done without the kernel-level facilities07:01
fabbionewell who did activate the libata shit didn't prepare the transition properly07:01
fabbionejsgotangco: not that expensive..07:02
bluefoxicyalso it may be possible to load default signal handlers and modify signal() to unload them when new handlers are installed and load ours when signal handlers are cleared.07:02
bluefoxicyours would have to be able to tell signal() to load no handler *reliably* (ours would be in glibc though so no problem) and then send the signal to self to die though.  Hrm.  Or something creepy like that.07:04
=== bluefoxicy is trying to get AWAY from kernel modification.
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Hobbseedo we  have any current ETA for l-r-m for 2.6.15-5-686?07:36
Hobbseeah, i'ts oddly named, and it FTBFS.  fun.07:40
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floamHobbsee: it already exists07:43
floamit's probably sitting in line to be built07:43
Hobbseefloam: i'm meaning the one that depends on linux-image-2.6.17-5-68607:44
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Hobbseewhich is l-r-m-2.6.17-6-686, which FTBFS, it seems.07:44
Hobbseebluefoxicy: failed to build from source07:44
basantadoes ubuntu use different technique than debian to get flash drives automounted? 07:45
=== bluefoxicy was thinking like 'fucked too bad for ...?' or something
floambasanta: does debian use HAL/pmount?07:45
bluefoxicy.... for signoff?07:45
basantafloam, yes07:46
floamthen they probably do the same thing07:47
Hobbseebluefoxicy: no, those have other acronyms07:47
basantayes, but ubuntu can automount flash drives that debian can't 07:47
bluefoxicyHobbsee:  yes but I assumed you wouldn't say 'fubar' if you intended somebody repair it :P07:48
Hobbseebluefoxicy: well...07:48
Hobbseebluefoxicy: stuff that's counted as fubar'd usually gets fixed, eventually, and after much swearing and cursing07:48
Hobbseewhee!  where's that darned autoconf patch.07:49
bluefoxicyHobbsee:  You guys need your own reality TV, seriously.  Swearing and cursing is amusing.07:49
floambasanta: there's a good chance ubuntu has patched things up a bit or has something newer, but I think they use the same general stuff07:49
bluefoxicyDid you see when Keybuk spent like 15 minutes spouting 'fuck' every other word because he tried to build openoffice.org and it installed over a gigabyte of build deps?07:50
basantafloam, ok07:50
bluefoxicyHe was after poor doko's blood :P07:50
Hobbseei heard about it, yeah07:51
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=== Hobbsee doesnt usually end up swearing and cursing much, unless she's been to work latetly.
basantafloam, do you think ubuntu-developers would share this patch? and do you know where to ask?07:52
fabbioneHobbsee: l-r-m will be sorted once 5.13 is built07:52
Hobbseefabbione: 5.13 of linux-image?  or of l-r-m?07:53
floambasanta: well you can look through the packages yourself or ask in ubuntu-devel07:53
floamI'm sure they would share it07:53
fabbioneHobbsee: the former07:53
Hobbseefloam: everything's GPL'd...it's  likely to be around here somewhere.07:53
floamI assume by share he meant they'd find him for it and hand it over07:54
Hobbseefabbione: right, know off the top of your head if that's about to be built?07:54
floamof course they have to allow him to use it07:54
lifelessfloam: we share all out patches07:54
fabbioneHobbsee: https://launchpad.net/+builds07:55
lifelesserm, I meant basanta: we share all the patches07:55
johanbrbasanta: Try looking at http://patches.ubuntu.com .07:55
basantalifeless, johanbr thank  you .07:55
Hobbseefabbione: ahh :)  that's the page i was looking for :)07:55
bluefoxicy<floam> basanta: well you can look through the packages yourself or ask in ubuntu-devel  <-- uh floam?07:55
floamuh bluefoxicy?07:56
bluefoxicythis IS ubuntu-devel07:56
floambluefoxicy: this is #ubuntu-devel07:56
floamthere is also ubuntu-devel the mailing list07:56
bluefoxicyyou said in, not on ubuntu-devel@07:56
=== bluefoxicy was confused
floamclearly we are here so there is only one other, I thought it made sense07:56
floamI will be sure not to mistake my prepositions in the future though07:57
Hobbseefloam: to be fair, #ubuntu-devel is usually the irc channel, and ubuntu-devel is the mailing list.08:04
Hobbseebluefoxicy: ^08:04
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Ubuntu Development (not support, even with edgy) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | It's Merge Time! http://merges.ubuntu.com/ | Knot-1 freeze in effect - uploads to main frozen, ask Mithrandir for exceptions
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by Mithrandir at Thu Jul 13 08:28:56 2006
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pittiGood morning08:51
Hobbseehi pitti!08:51
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Ubuntu Development (not support, even with edgy) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | It's Merge Time! http://merges.ubuntu.com/ | Knot-1 freeze in effect - uploads to main frozen, ask Mithrandir for exceptions
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by Mithrandir at Thu Jul 13 08:28:56 2006
HobbseeMithrandir: i think britney is confused - that's not the version of amarok in the repositories.  oh.  lovely.  hardcoded dependancy on amarok in amarok-arts, therefore the bugger wont install anyway.09:24
bluefoxicypitti:  not so hot on that idea?09:24
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MithrandirHobbsee: oh well, it's just a first milestone, it's not that important if it's not perfect. :-)09:25
HobbseeMithrandir: hehe that is true.  i'm just merely annoyed that it's taken me this long to notice, and that a few packages which i was told/thought were uploaded werent.  09:26
MithrandirHobbsee: become a core dev and you can fix it yourself. :-)09:26
pittibluefoxicy: when I played with my preloaded-library approach (which is essentially the same thing) I had some problems with it as well, like gdb not being able to cleanly attach and so on; but that might be unrelated to the crashed process' state09:27
HobbseeMithrandir: heh.  yeah.  reckon you can give me dev and core dev in the same meeting?  :P09:27
Hobbsees/you/the TB09:27
pittibluefoxicy: anyway, we can consider modifying glibc later, since it is totally independent from the actual spawned agent which collects data09:27
MithrandirHobbsee: I don't think that's being done, no..  But you're active and seems clueful enough that making core-dev shouldn't take long anyway.09:28
HobbseeMithrandir: hehe.  actually, it was funny.  i was told when i originally started packaging, by two separate people, that they could see me going for core dev soon.09:28
=== Hobbsee has time at the moment. it's good.
bluefoxicypitti:  nod.  At any rate the program will sleep if you SIGSTOP it.09:29
bluefoxicypitti:  i am still looking at this thing for automatically prioritizing things that look like new security vulns, by the way.09:32
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bluefoxicypitti:  do you think you'll have something ready by Edgy?09:33
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pittibluefoxicy: (btw, you can't ptrace() a stopped process)09:37
bluefoxicypitti:  (shit)09:37
=== Hobbsee adds stacks of stuff to our meeting tonight :)
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pittibluefoxicy: yes, that's the goal09:39
pittibluefoxicy: (having something for edgy)09:40
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bluefoxicypitti:  gdb seems to be able to attach to less after I ctrl-z less09:48
pittibluefoxicy: not here, it just hangs indefinitely at 'Attaching to program:'09:49
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pittibluefoxicy: and after fg'ing the target process, gdb suffers a horrible death09:50
bluefoxicyah right, it is hanging.09:50
bluefoxicyI see :o09:50
pittibluefoxicy: it makes sense, since waitpid() on a  stopped process will never return09:53
bluefoxicyit looks like you can attach with ptrace(), just gdb doesn't understand why you would try.09:53
bluefoxicy /build/buildd/gdb-6.4.90.dfsg/gdb/linux-nat.c:1025: internal-error: linux_nat_attach: Assertion `pid == GET_PID (inferior_ptid) && WIFSTOPPED (status) && WSTOPSIG (status) == SIGSTOP' failed.09:53
bluefoxicy^^^ this is gdb bitching that the target process didn't return the status it was expecting09:53
bluefoxicyor that it just couldn't attach I guess.09:53
bluefoxicyit's one of the two, maybe you're right.09:53
bluefoxicypitti:  want me to ping the gdb devs tomorrow on that?09:53
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pittibluefoxicy: if you feel like it, but I'm not sure whether it's merely a gdb restriction or a principal restriction of ptrace()09:53
bluefoxicywell, I'll find out.09:54
=== bluefoxicy asks the kernel devs about ptrace()
Hobbseenight bluefoxicy 09:55
=== Hobbsee frowns. she's just more than doubled the meeting length.
bluefoxicypitti: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomatedSecurityVulnerabilityDetection by the way.10:01
bluefoxicy(this would be the only reason I'm as interested as I am in this :)10:02
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pittibluefoxicy: thanks, will look at it10:06
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Mithrandirogra: you're aware that e-d is installable now?  Do you want me to spin you CDs?10:43
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ograMithrandir, oh, yes please :)11:09
Mithrandirogra: edubuntu livefs-es building.  Do you need new alternate CDs too?11:09
fabbionemdz: i am ready to upload the new redhat-cluster-suite. am I still go or do you want me to send email for UVF exception?11:09
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mdzfabbione: what's in it?11:10
ograMithrandir, if you like :)11:10
Mithrandirogra: alternate cds building.11:11
fabbionemdz: it's the natural upgrade from dapper (gfs1) to edgy (gfs1 and gfs2) userland. gfs2 is already in the kernel11:11
ograMithrandir, thanks ! 11:11
fabbionemdz: i only didn't manage to upload it before becuase of the big changes in the infrastructure11:11
fabbionemdz: (as i reported to the last meeting)11:11
mdzfabbione: backward-compatible?11:12
fabbionemdz: gfs2 no, the userland with gfs1 is modulo one line change in the config11:12
fabbionemdz: there is a proper debconf message for that11:13
fabbionemdz: that points to the wiki where we will build proper upgrade paths and stuff11:13
mdzfabbione: I mean is the package backward-compatible, not the filesystem11:13
mdzi.e., does it still support gfs1?11:13
fabbionemdz: yes it does11:13
fabbioneit does support both11:14
Kamionargh, how do I get rid of the "Slow Keys Alert" without being able to click on it?11:14
fabbionebut i need to merge the new gfs1 in the kernel.11:14
mdzok, go ahead11:14
Kamionmy mouse is already grabbed by vmware11:14
fabbionethe new one uses shared lock manager with gfs2 to avoid code duplication11:14
fabbionemdz: perfect thanks11:14
Kamionand ctrl-alt does not work while the slow keys alert is up, apparently11:14
mdzKamion: kill $random_gnome_component?11:15
Kamionyeah, which one though ...11:16
Kamionah, gnome-settings-daemon maybe11:16
Kamionno, the bastard just comes back and leaves my keyboard screwed11:17
=== Kamion will have to kill vmware :(
RiddellMithrandir: kubuntu-desktop is broken because of koffice which is waiting on ruby1.8 compiling on powerpc11:19
Riddelldoko: any idea what the gcc bug is that's cauing ruby1.8 to fail on powerpc?11:20
bluefoxicymdz:  I'd wanted to bring your attention to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityEdgyIdeas/Install-CD earlier due to the /home directory thing.11:22
infinityRiddell: Are you sure it's a GCC bud and not a ruby bug?11:22
bluefoxicyI think.  I know there was something I wanted to bring your attention to specifically.11:22
bluefoxicyanyway I'm sleeping, it's 5am11:23
Riddellinfinity: look at the build log, seems to be a gcc segfault11:23
infinityI don't see a GCC segfault.11:23
dholbachhey infinity! how are you?11:23
infinity/build/buildd/ruby1.8-1.8.4/build-tree/ruby-1.8.4/lib/mkmf.rb:804: [BUG]  Segmentation fault11:23
infinity^^^ That's ruby segfaulting.11:23
Riddellhmm, right11:24
infinityOf course, it could be GCC miscompiling it still, but I'd like to blame ruby until I know for sure.11:24
ogradoes anyone have experience with fakechroot ? i dont seem to be able to set up an environment ...11:24
Mithrandirogra: your dailies are served.11:26
ograthanks !11:26
=== ogra downloads
mdzbluefoxicy: I reviewed those pages a couple of weeks ago and commented on things where I had an opinion11:27
bluefoxicymdz:  nod, I did it a couple hours ago.11:27
bluefoxicymdz:  short version:  some people I know actually have 500-750 gig hard drives and fill them with questionable content (for example, downloads of anime series they don't own...); that's like 100 DVDs or so.  It'd be nice to be able to nuke everything but /home at install if you're honestly going to make /root a big 500 gig partition just because the disk is 500 gigs wide.11:28
bluefoxicyer. /, not /root11:29
bluefoxicysleep time for me.11:29
Kamionuse manual partitioning then. there's no way for autopartitioning to keep everybody happy here.11:30
Kamionthere's a reason we provide manual partitioning in non-expert mode11:30
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mdzright, I think that's a fairly uncommon use case11:33
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Kamionnot so much uncommon use case as that there are N different common use cases. at least with the present situation it's easy to see that we chose it because it was the simplest alternative.11:35
KamionMithrandir: live CD's buggered - "User not known to the underlying authentication module" all over the place11:36
MithrandirKamion: gnr11:37
Kamionhuh, it worked a second time, without quiet splash - except now my gdm login screen is ENORMOUS11:38
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Kamionlike 2048x1536 or something11:38
Mithrandirmaybe it's a bad CD, then.11:38
Kamionit's vmware11:38
Kamionand autologin fails11:39
Mithrandiruh, ok11:39
MithrandirI'll burn a dvd and see what happens on real hardware.11:39
Mithrandirthis is i386, then?11:39
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KamionMithrandir: since I'm here, anything I can do to debug it? I've forgotten how to debug casper11:40
MithrandirKamion: boot with break=bottom and poke /root to see if the ubuntu user is there.11:41
dokoRiddell: already checked, it's not a gcc bug, rechecked rebuilding with gcc-3.4 and gcc-3.411:44
infinitys/3.4$/4.0/ ?11:44
Kamionbash: line 2: pwck: command not found11:45
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MithrandirKamion: uh.11:45
Kamionit's in /usr/sbin; I suspect $PATH11:45
MithrandirI thought casper set path, but maybe not?11:45
Kamionoh, never mind, I'm running this manually11:45
Mithrandirwe should just make sbin a symlink to bin and get rid of that sillyness. :-P11:46
Kamionwhat's the break= to let me edit casper-bottom scripts before they run?11:46
Mithrandir(surprise!) :-)11:47
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Mithrandirit would also have been nice if udev hadn't suddenly removed udevplug without telling me.11:50
Kamionah yes, try udevtrigger && udevsettle11:50
KamionI thought Scott was going to leave a wrapper :(11:51
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Mithrandirapparently not.11:51
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KamionMithrandir: you need to do 'set passwd/make-user false' too.11:54
Kamioner, true, not false11:54
Kamiondunno why that didn't break dapper11:54
Mithrandirwhy doesn't it default to true?11:54
Kamioner. it does. I haven't had breakfast yet.11:54
Mithrandirmay I suggest eating breakfast and coffee, then? ;-)11:55
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MithrandirKamion: ok, it seems like casper doesn't set the path correctly, somewhere.  I'll just export it at the top of the casper script and let it be with that, I think.12:05
Kamionoh, you saw the same thing then?12:06
Kamion./scripts/casper:301:    PATH=/root/usr/bin:/root/usr/sbin:/root/bin:/root/sbin:$PATH run_scripts /scripts/casper-bottom12:07
=== Kamion would have thought that would be enough ...
Mithrandirwell, it works if I pass PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/sbin on the kernel command line12:07
Kamionthat creates the user for me too, yes12:10
KamionI have no xorg.conf now12:10
KamionI think I didn't on one of my previous boots too, so it's not due to PATH12:10
Mithrandirme neither, but I wonder if that's just X being b0rken.12:10
Mithrandirexport PATH=/root/usr/bin:/root/usr/sbin:/root/bin:/root/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/bin12:11
Mithrandirshould be sane?12:11
Kamionoh, I understand the problem now12:11
Kamion/root/usr/sbin is not useful once you've chrooted12:11
maswanMithrandir: shouldn't you have a /sbin in there btw?12:11
Mithrandirmaswan: thanks, fixed.  The last one should have been /sbin12:12
Kamionjust do PATH=/root/usr/bin:/root/usr/sbin:/root/bin:/root/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:$PATH run_scripts /scripts/casper-bottom12:12
MithrandirKamion: well, no, but if you do break=bottom and echo $PATH it includes sbin12:12
=== Mithrandir reboots to check again
Kamiondpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -> still no xorg.conf12:13
Mithrandiriz X bug, then12:13
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Mithrandiroh, thepthul.  break=top gives me PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin12:14
Kamioninitramfs-tools bug?12:14
Mithrandirit seems it's the PATH coming from the kernel12:15
infinityyeah, initramfs-tools doesn't define a PATH.12:15
infinityProbably should.12:15
infinityThough the kernel shouldn't be broken in this regard either.12:15
=== Kamion will fix xorg, one way or another
MithrandirKamion: if you fix xorg, I'll do casper.12:16
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Kamionyou're on12:17
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Kamionxorg fixed12:30
Kamionwhat's up with the lack of wallpaper in a default edgy install?12:30
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infinityKamion: I'm running the publisher by hand right now to speed up the ABI switch.  Poke me when that xorg is uploaded, so I can publish again.12:32
infinityMithrandir: Ditto, for casper.12:32
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Kamioninfinity: it's already uploadd12:34
Kamionif you mean source12:34
Mithrandirinfinity: cheers.12:35
simiraMithrandir: that was quick12:36
infinityKamion: Kay, you win.12:37
infinityMithrandir: And you?12:37
Mithrandirinfinity: just a sec, I want to test this locally first.12:37
infinity5 minutes of testing, or 30?12:37
Mithrandircloser to 30 than 512:37
Mithrandirso just push Colin's stuff through first.12:37
infinityOkay, I'll publish while I wait, then.12:38
simirado I feel a Knot approaching?12:38
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ograsmells like it12:38
fabbioneMithrandir: mind if i upload openais? it's -server/cluster stuff12:38
Mithrandirfabbione: please do.12:39
fabbioneMithrandir: thanks12:39
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Kamionsimira: ubiquity doesn't work yet, so it'll take a while ...12:46
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pittimdz: what do you think about updating mutt from a cvs snapshot to the stable 1.5.12 version? mainly bug fixes, translation updates, and code cleanup, and two small new features; I can send you the full changelog if you want12:49
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mdzpitti: edgy or dapper?12:52
pittimdz: edgy12:52
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pittihi slomo 12:56
slomohi pitti 12:56
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dokoMithrandir, Kamion: please could you sync dmake (needed to build OOo, doesn't touch the CD's)01:18
pittiwb mdz01:18
pittimdz: in case you sent an answer after '<pitti> mdz: edgy', I didn't get it01:18
Mithrandirdoko: I can't do syncs.01:19
dokoMithrandir: yeah, but you're current the lock holder ;)01:19
Mithrandirdoko: if it doesn't touch the CDs, I have no objection.01:19
Kamionok, I'll start a sync run01:21
Kamiondoko: please assign sync requests for single packages to the relevant package - it makes things slightly easier to find01:21
infinityMithrandir: ETA on the casper upload?01:21
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Mithrandirinfinity: sorry, had to bootstrap a bit here, if stuff works, in ten minutes.01:22
infinityOkay, I'll wait.01:22
infinity(Well, I'll build xorg and massage it through while I'm waiting)01:22
mdzpitti: <mdz> pitti: sure, yes01:22
dokoKamion: 5315801:22
Kamionyes I've found it now, just for the future01:23
Kamionmain reason is that if it's assigned to the right package then launchpad tells us right on the bug page what component it's in01:23
ograi'm trying to bootstrap a fakechrrot here, seems it fails on initscripts installation because its not able to bind mount / to /.root anybody having a hint what i could look for to find ot why mount says "no such file or directory" ? (/.root exists) 01:24
=== Mithrandir points ogra to the first part of the topic.
ogrameh 01:25
ograMithrandir, its developemtn related, i need the fakechroots on the DC machines :P01:26
Kamionfakechroot's probably just broken. I don't think it's ever had any love in Ubuntu.01:27
ogranope, it hadnt01:27
Kamionand it does some invasive things which are likely to break01:27
ograits also in universe ... and we dont have a debootstrap variant (i'm just creating one)01:27
Lathiathey wow thats kinda cool01:27
ograKamion, elmo wants me to use it ...01:28
Kamionfix it, then :)01:28
Kamioner ... debootstrap variant?01:28
ografunnily not even the sarge.fakechroot variant bottstraps cleanly... seems it had not more love in debian 01:28
Kamionplease run that by me before uploading, some of the proposed debootstrap hacks are really nasty01:29
Kamionthat's probably because aj thinks it's horrible crack too01:29
ograKamion, i didnt plan to add it to the package (unless you want fakechroot in main)01:29
Kamionhell no01:29
Kamionif the debootstrap script is in the fakechroot package I guess that's ok01:30
ograbut a review would be appreciated :)01:30
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ogra(i simply took the edgy script and changed device, ldd functions and proc mounting to the fakechroot functions debootstrap provides)01:31
ogra*device creation01:31
Mithrandirok, casper seems to work now.01:32
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Mithrandirinfinity: ok, uploaded, so do your thing.01:34
infinity   72793 | S- | casper               | 1.61                 | 5 seconds01:35
infinityHeh.  Wasn't there when I looked 10 seconds ago.01:35
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Kamionhmm. ubiquity works (ish), gparted --installer doesn't.01:40
KamionI guess that wasn't really a surprise01:41
mdzfabbione: how is sparc looking for a milestone?01:41
mdzKamion: the i386 desktop CD i built on Saturday booted but failed to start X01:41
mdzhad to leave for the airport at that point01:41
mdzdid someone look into powerpc?01:42
Kamionmdz: that's sorted nonw01:42
Kamionxserver-xorg.postinst was broken01:42
mdzKamion: was there anything besides gnome-applets hurting powerpc?01:42
Kamionapparently not01:42
Kamionnot dependency-wise anyway01:43
Kamiondoko: bug 50311 is another reason why you should assign to the proper package; then launchpad will do typo validation for you01:44
UbugtuMalone bug 50311 in wajig "wajig grabs information from debian.org instead of ubuntu.com" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5031101:44
Kamiondoko: er, bug 5301101:44
UbugtuMalone bug 53011 in Ubuntu "sync request" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5301101:44
Kamionspeaking of typos :)01:44
Kamionbuild-bot doesn't exist01:44
dokoKamion: buildbot, yes, I will do so for the future01:44
ograhmm, intresting ... a DD who recompiles his packages for hoary and breezy http://people.debian.org/~dexter/dists/fakechroot/01:44
thomnrrrgh dexter01:45
basantaG0SUB, bg in disguise??01:48
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infinityWe should totally hire dexter and convert the entire archive to yada.01:50
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thominfinity: is that before or after we shift to using rpms?01:52
ograi thought we'd stay with deb but use alien ?01:52
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ograSetting up initscripts (2.86.ds1-14.1ubuntu1) ...01:54
ogramkdir: cannot create directory `/.root': File exists01:55
=== ogra kicks initscripts
ograah, thats the second attempt ...01:56
ograSetting up initscripts (2.86.ds1-14.1ubuntu1) ...01:56
ogramount: No such file or directory01:56
fabbionemdz: no specific sparc work has been done. So whatever is in the other arches is on sparc02:01
MithrandirKamion: what's the state of ubiquity, etc wrt knot-1?02:03
G0SUBKamion: bug 5323802:04
UbugtuMalone bug 53238 in ubiquity "Ubiquity doesn't complain about bootable XFS partitions" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5323802:04
pittiHi G0SUB 02:04
G0SUBpitti: hello :) I came back today02:04
KamionG0SUB: duplicate of about a million other bugs; see DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues02:06
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KamionMithrandir: need to sort out gparted02:08
G0SUBKamion: ok, thanks for the pointer02:08
Kamion12:40 < Kamion> hmm. ubiquity works (ish), gparted --installer doesn't.02:08
Kamion12:41 < Kamion> I guess that wasn't really a surprise02:08
KamionG0SUB: it'll be fixed in my first edgy upload, too02:08
Kamionwell, worked around anyway02:08
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pittiG0SUB: can we meet today?02:13
G0SUBpitti: tomorrow at 14:00 UTC?02:14
pittiG0SUB: ok02:14
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Kamionmdz: have you done the validation for the ubuntu-archive e-mail change?02:24
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KamionHmm. Now gparted at least plugs in correctly but you can't do anything in it.02:35
FujitsuKamion, can I ask you a quick question about the carpaltunnel sync?02:37
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snorreTake a look at this: http://pastebin.ca/9017102:40
HobbseeFujitsu: what's the question?02:40
KamionFujitsu: sure02:40
FujitsuWould it be acceptable to just rebrand carpaltunnel 0.0.9-0.1 as 0.0.9ubuntu2, without putting in the rest of the changelog entries, etc?02:41
FujitsuBecause merging is silly if it increases the delta more than necessary because a sync isn't possible.02:41
KamionFujitsu: yes02:42
FujitsuOK, thanks.02:42
Kamionjust note it in the changelog so that we know to sync it if or 0.0.10 or whatever shows up02:42
FujitsuOK, shall do.02:43
snorreCan someone that's into kernel compiling please look at this issue: http://pastebin.ca/9017102:43
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HobbseeMithrandir: did you ever find out what the problem with ppc kubuntu-desktop was?02:46
Hobbseehi Keybuk 02:46
MithrandirHobbsee: Riddell told me it was koffice.02:46
HobbseeMithrandir: right.  how bizarre02:47
=== Hobbsee checks if koffice is on her system
Hobbseeit's not.02:47
KeybukHobbsee: heyhey02:47
HobbseeKeybuk: i've been breaking things :D02:48
Hobbseewell, not really...02:49
Keybukso have I :)02:49
HobbseeKeybuk: hehe..  what'd you break?02:49
KamionTTOTD: dpkg-genchanges > foo.deb is not very useful02:50
Kamion(meant foo.changes obviously)02:50
HobbseeKamion: TTOTD?02:50
Kamiontop tip of the day02:50
RiddellHobbsee: ruby on powerpc isn't compiling, which is blocking koffice02:51
HobbseeRiddell: ah.  but why's koffice in k-d anyway?02:51
RiddellHobbsee, Mithrandir: I uploaded kubuntu-meta without koffice so once that's in the archive we should be able to start making CDs02:52
RiddellHobbsee: for krita02:52
HobbseeRiddell: ahh.  right02:52
HobbseeRiddell: do we know what happened to wlassistant?02:53
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RiddellHobbsee: looks like it got uploaded to dapper, let me reupload to edgy02:55
=== Hobbsee snorts
HobbseeRiddell: oops?  right.02:55
HobbseeRiddell: why?02:56
Kamionah, gparted is SIGSEGVing; that would explain why it disappears ...02:56
RiddellHobbsee: the changelog had dapper in it not edgy02:56
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HobbseeRiddell: oops.02:56
Kamionit's not in dapper's unapproved queue02:57
Kamionapparently got randomly auto-rejected; I wish soyuz would stop doing that02:57
Kamionoh, there was no .orig.tar.gz in the .changes (which would have been fine for edgy but not for dapper)02:58
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dholbachi'd be so happy if there was a "xgl or whatever" strike force - we get a bunch of bugs just because our versions of xgl/compiz/... are broken and some random packages on the net seem to work03:18
dholbach(apart from that I'd be happy, if I could subscribe an xgl team to a bug to get some input) :)03:18
seb128Mithrandir: is that ok to upload epiphany-extensions (just a rebuild), it's not on the CD03:19
Mithrandirseb128: please do03:19
seb128thank you03:19
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lucasis there a know problem with /usr/include/scsi/sg.h being in both libc6-dev and linux-kernel-headers ?03:39
dholbachGloubiboulga, Riddell: we thought about having a "fix your favourite desktop" hug day on wednesday03:40
Riddelldholbach: sure03:41
dholbachGloubiboulga, Riddell: if you want to add / fix things on wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/Draft - that'd be nice03:41
Gloubiboulgadholbach, would be nice03:41
Riddelldholbach: poke me in half an hour after the kubuntu meeting03:42
dholbachGloubiboulga, Riddell: just look at the pages and add whatever you think might be useful03:42
Hobbseedholbach: that'd be cool :)03:45
sladenKeybuk / infinity: could you represent wxwidgets2.6 to the buildds03:52
Keybuksladen: I'm on holiday today03:52
sladenKeybuk: holiday!   I didn't know Canonical /did/ holiday :)03:53
Hobbseesurely they dont.03:53
Hobbseethere's no such thing as a holyda03:53
jdubsee, no such thing, Hobbsee can't even spell the word03:54
ograKamion, the installer on ppc tells me it finds no kernel modules03:54
Hobbseejdub: hehe!  i cant typing-spell anyway03:54
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simiraMithrandir: hey, time to get home to make pancakes! I am hungry!03:59
^robertjwhat's the correct method for requesting a package from non-free be brought into multiverse?03:59
=== pitti points out that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomatedProblemReports spec is missing the most imprortant thing: what should be the name of that damn thing? :)
pitti^robertj: a sync request, I'd say04:00
Hobbseepitti: heh, surely not...04:00
^robertjpitti: hrmm, where?04:00
fabbionepitti: apr sounds good.. like libapr.. and make it clash with libapr from apache :P04:00
pitti^robertj: file a bug against an unknown package, ask for the sync, give the package name and source and subscribe ubuntu-archive04:01
^robertjpitti: aha, thanks04:01
pittifabbione: the current name is crash-reporter, but that feels like namespace trampling04:01
Mithrandirpitti: call it apport, which means to fetch something (like, a dog which fetches a stick you throw) as well as the description on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apport04:01
pittiMithrandir: hm, I like 'apport'04:02
Mithrandir"Category: Occult"04:02
pittiMithrandir: has some connotation to a watchdog04:02
Mithrandirsimira: yes, dear.04:02
ograKamion, hw-detect: Missing modules 'ide-core, ide-mod, ide-probe-mod, ide-detect, ide-generic'04:02
jsgotangcojdub: do you have the fridge drupal theme handy with you?04:02
Mithrandirpitti: it's also APpoRt so you have the right letters in there. :-P04:02
pittiMithrandir: heh @ asport04:03
fabbionesimira: isn't about time to call Mithrandir when pancakes are ready instead? ;)04:03
pittiMithrandir: now I know a verb for this well-known effect :)04:03
pittifabbione: you have been married for too long already :-P04:03
Mithrandirpitti: haha. :-)04:03
=== Mithrandir decides to go home and make pancakes. The livefs-es will build without me watching them every step along the way.
pittiMithrandir: 'crapport' :)04:04
fabbionepitti: ahaha04:04
^robertjpitti: bug #5324504:05
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UbugtuMalone bug 53245 in Ubuntu "sync request for tremulous" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5324504:05
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pitti^robertj: and now subscribe ubuntu-archive04:05
^robertjlooking for that op[tion now04:06
Kamionogra: not surprising04:06
Kamionogra: probably built against the wrong kernel version or something04:06
pitti^robertj: 'Subscribe someone else'04:06
pitti^robertj: looks good now04:06
^robertjthanks a heap, great game btw :)04:06
^robertjVicious though...04:06
ograKamion, likely... are these modules coming from a udeb or should i see them in /lib/modules somewhere ?04:07
Kamionogra: udebs get unpacked into /lib/modules04:07
Kamionat least those udebs do04:07
Kamionmodprobe does not magically know how to unpack udebs ;-)04:07
ograyes, but thats at the very first screen after selecting the language and scanning the CD04:07
Kamionogra: alt-f2, uname -a04:07
ograso there are no modules with these names at all04:07
Kamionthe initramfs is also built out of udebs04:08
ograwhich matches /lib/modules04:08
Kamionogra: look in /cdrom/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.17; see if there are any udebs there with the right kernel versions04:08
ograah, well04:09
ograall 2.6.17-4.6 04:10
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ograso we'll need a d-i rebuild i bet04:10
Kamionogra: no04:10
Kamionogra: is this edubuntu?04:10
Kamionogra: you need to do a seed merge to pull in my most recent change to the installer seed04:11
ograbuilt some hours ago04:11
ograeek, ok04:11
Kamionif the udebs are out of date, that's never something that needs a d-i rebuild04:11
Kamionbecause the debian-installer source package does not build any udebs - it is strictly a consumer of udebs04:11
ograoh, right they come from the kernel source, i forgot 04:12
Kamionif the kernel/initramfs are out of date, then *that's* due to d-i being out of date04:12
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mxpxpodare the vmware modules for the new dapper kernel scheduled for compile?04:14
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Kamion^robertj: FYI we sync source packages not binaries, so it's best to just give the source package name04:23
^robertjyeah, should have it's just called tremulous so I think if anyone tackles it they will find it without much difficulty :)04:24
Kamions/if/when/, sync requests are processed relatively promptly04:26
^robertjooh, good :)04:26
HobbseeKamion: that they are.  thanks :)04:28
=== Hobbsee wonders if the one she filed last night, but without the stamp of a MOTU got accepted.
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KamionHobbsee: which one was that?04:34
KamionI think I did all of yours so I probably overlooked that04:34
HobbseeKamion: ah, it was a gnome one....camorama04:34
HobbseeKamion: hehe thankyou :)04:35
KamionI didn't process that; I assume ubuntu-archive wasn't subscribed04:35
HobbseeKamion: okay, i'm not sure why.  i'll grab you a link04:36
Kamionoh, it's because you assigned it to ubuntu-archive too04:36
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HobbseeKamion: oh dear.  did i really do that?04:36
Kamionthat causes it not to show up on the list we normally use (probably due to a Malone bug); I suggest you leave syncs unassigned, as a general rule04:36
=== Arbiter [n=arbiter@adsl-ull-58-177.41-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionhttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/camorama/+bug/53153/+activity says so :)04:37
UbugtuMalone bug 53153 in camorama "[Edgy MoM]  Please sync camorama  0.17-5 from Debian Sid" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  04:37
HobbseeKamion: i thought i subscribed it, sorry about that.  i suspect i might have done that with another one too04:37
KamionI'll hunt all other such bugs down now04:38
Kamionjust two04:38
Hobbseeyeah.  i didnt think i'd done it on the one. sorry about that.  i'd only recently started subscribing the archive myself, rather than getting a MOTU to do it.04:39
Kamionno problem04:39
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ograKamion, does the seed tree have a LP page i can subscribe to to getnotified (its not on SeedManagement or i'm blind)04:48
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Kamionogra: I guess that would be https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-core-dev/+branch/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.edgy/+subscribe; I've never tried it, but let me know if notifications work for that and I'll add it to SeedManagement05:04
KamionI think it only pulls every day though05:04
ograKamion, thanks, i'll tell you if it works 05:04
Kamionbut probably better than nothing05:04
ograyep, i wouldnt have missed the last changes that way ...05:05
ograbut i have not gotten any change notifications from the other branches, so tha feature might only be available in gui yet :)05:05
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Kamionok, anyone who understands gtk and window managers around? gparted is creating dialogs that are marked transient for a GtkPlug, and they're appearing behind the window containing the corresponding GtkSocket05:09
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KamionI've tried both raise() and present() (although admittedly not in combination)05:09
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Kamionpresent() has no effect whatsoever here as far as I can tell; raise() does cause the dialog to appear in front of a terminal window that's also on the screen rather than right at the back, but doesn't bring it to the front of the window-containing-the-socket05:10
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Riddellgroovy, kubuntu-desktop installable everywhere, I guess that means we can start making CDs05:12
RiddellKamion: could you kick off a livefs build for kubuntu?05:14
KamionRiddell: running05:14
Kamionyou'll need at least one more before knot-1 of coursse05:14
RiddellKamion: why?05:15
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KamionRiddell: ubiquity's not remotely ready05:16
KamionI have a huge pile of stuff in bzr to upload05:17
Riddellfair enough05:17
Kamionbut only when it works :)05:17
RiddellKamion: how's the alternative installer doing?05:17
Kamiontolerably OK I think05:17
RiddellI'll start an alternative CD build for kubuntu05:17
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elmodpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-kernel-headers_2.6.17-5.13_i386.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite `/usr/include/scsi/scsi.h', which is also in package libc6-dev05:29
elmoso, err, do I need to run away screaming from this box now or what?05:30
tsengi did --force-overwrite and lived happily ever after05:31
Hobbseeelmo: yeah, i got that.  i used --force-overwrite too05:31
tsengignorance is bliss.05:31
elmodid either of you report bugs?05:31
=== Hobbsee lived to tell the tale.
Hobbseeelmo: no, i made a mental note to do it though.05:31
tsengno, I assumed it was so horribly obvious05:31
Hobbseesheesh we're terrible05:32
fabbioneelmo: known bug05:32
fabbioneelmo: we need to get Ben to upload a new kernel05:32
Kamioninfinity noticed it and stuck l-k-h on hold in all the buildds' edgy chroots05:33
=== fabbione & for a bit
dholbachmjg59: hello! i came across bug 49503 and thought that the Power spec had an idea for solving cases like the one mentioned there. or am i wrong?05:36
UbugtuMalone bug 49503 in gnome-session "Hibernate button being displayed and functions on remote connections" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4950305:36
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dokoKeybuk: when are merges manual? is this status dropped again, if unstable has a new upstream?05:58
Keybukdoko: ?05:58
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dokoKeybuk: universe-manual.html05:58
HiddenWolfKeybuk: I have a tv tuner (pci) and a webcam (usb); when both are plugged in it seems random which device is /dev/video0. Is that expected with dapper's udev?05:58
pittizul: ping05:58
Keybukdoko: those are the list of sources for which there is no version in Debian less than the version in Ubuntu05:58
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Keybukie. Ubuntu packages 1.0-0ubuntu1 and Debian packages 1.0-105:58
Keybukthere's no base version for comparison05:58
KeybukHiddenWolf: yes.05:58
dokoahh, thanks05:58
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HiddenWolfKeybuk: right. :(05:58
KeybukHiddenWolf: modern software shouldn't care ... it should present you a list of the available video devices05:58
Keybukand remember them by more useful details05:58
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HiddenWolfKeybuk: so the bug is in tvtime. :)05:58
=== HiddenWolf looks at sfllaw
HiddenWolfKeybuk: thank you05:58
sfllawThe video layer under Linux is just horrible.05:59
sfllawtvtime really can't do much.05:59
Hobbseehi sfllaw :)06:00
sfllawIt's like the bad old days of DOS printers.06:00
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ogradholbach, the simple bug is gnome-session not caring for the /apps/gnome-power-manager/can_{suspend,hibernate} gconf key 06:08
ograif it would do that, the buttons wouldnt be shown06:09
=== mcquaid [i=gkupayc@toronto-hs-216-138-233-79.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mcquaidhello i wanted to backport baobab from edgy to dapper.  however no version of baobab is currently in edgy06:12
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siretart   Removed on 2006-07-05 12:44:06 UTC06:12
mcquaiddoes that happen sometimes when the next version is building up or does that mean a pkg has been dropped?06:12
siretartwhy that?06:13
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mcquaidhmm, no reason listed there..06:13
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ograits included in control-center or gnome-system-tools now you wont be able to backport that right away06:15
mcquaidhuh? sorry not quite getting that. it's become part of gnome-system-tools?06:16
dholbachsiretart: it's in gnome-utils now06:17
ograogra@edubuntu:~/seeds/edubuntu.edgy$ dpkg -S /usr/bin/baobab06:17
ogragnome-utils: /usr/bin/baobab06:17
ograsorry, gnome-utils ... 06:17
dholbachsiretart: and we have a bug report marked as fix committed, which will add it to the packages description06:17
mcquaidoh well, i guess i'll use the swartz06:18
mcquaidbut why do that anyway? baobab has no gnome deps06:18
siretartI assume gnome-utils handles upgrades from baobab users in dapper gracefully.. 06:18
mcquaidseems limiting06:18
siretartthats right. what about xfce users, who want baobab without gnome-utils?06:19
mcquaidfor ex, i use it in xfce06:19
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ograask gnome about it ...06:19
dholbachbad luck... baobab upstream wants to maintain it in gnome-utils and asked me to get rid of the old package06:19
ograit was an upstream decision by the looks of it06:19
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dholbachdebian will do that too once they have gnome 2.1506:20
dholbachas it makes no sense to have the same code in the archive twice06:20
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mcquaidyes, but makes just as little to tie something to a particular de when it's not needed06:21
LaserJockKamion: ping?06:21
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ompaulNo manual entry for pickups <--- this is cos its a real guitar :)06:23
KamionLaserJock: hi06:24
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LaserJockKamion: doh, nvm. I wondered why you unassigned ubuntu-archive from some sync bugs.06:25
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Kamionpitti: sudo 1.6.8p12-4ubuntu2 doesn't seem to have the "keep all environment variables for users with unrestricted sudo" behaviour you added06:28
pittiKamion: oh, indeed06:29
pittiKamion: thanks for spotting, I will fix that06:29
Kamionthanks - it breaks ubiquity06:29
pittiKamion: (it still has the patch, but the Debian fix breaks it)06:29
Kamionwell, slightly. it means that it can't talk to gnome-screensaver06:29
pittiKamion: (I'm in a meeting now, will fix later)06:29
KamionI figure you can fix it faster than I can :-) but if you don't have the time, let me know and I'll switch to that06:29
ograBenC, would it soemhow be possible to change the load order for {e,o}hci_hcd ? seems my laptop only recognizes ohci (USB 1.1) if thats loaded first somehow slowing down my USB disks ...06:34
bluefoxicyogra:  I recommend a bios update as well ;)06:34
mjg59ogra: No06:35
mjg59That's handled by udev06:35
mjg59We should fix the bug06:35
ograKamion, does lithium not publish automatically anymore ? i see no trace of  20060717.106:35
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ogramjg59, yes, i wasnt aware it was udev 06:35
RiddellKamion: where's the place to look for livefs buildlogs?06:35
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BenCogra: It should matter...ehci should work still06:37
KamionRiddell: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/livefs-build-logs/06:37
BenCshouldn't matter06:37
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BenC2.6.7-5.14 coming to a buildd near you...06:37
ograBenC, i have a dmesg entry that the device will only be used at low speed as long as ohci is loaded06:37
Kamionogra: look at the end of the build log and the reason will be clear (i.e. I broke some code); fixing06:37
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Kamionogra: please always look at the build log before asking me :)06:37
ograKamion, will do, sorry06:38
mcquaidbtw, regarding packages, since i went to dapper i've noticed a fair amount of 'orphaned' packages listed in synaptic but can't actually be installed as it's no longer available06:38
BenCmcquaid: python stuff?06:39
Kamiononly edubuntu was affected, so I'll fix it by handd06:39
mcquaidis there any way to clear those up, or is it other avail programs that referenced it in some dep06:39
Kamionmcquaid: deborphan06:39
mcquaidBenC, for example libgtop-2.5 is still listed06:39
Kamionoh, ones you don't have installed?06:39
pittiKamion: for me, I can start fixing it in about 90 minutes; how urgent is it?06:39
KamionI think those are just ones that are referenced in dependencies06:39
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mcquaidok, 06:40
Kamionpitti: I guess that would be OK; do you know the fix already?06:40
pittiKamion: shouldn't be hard to do, I guesstimate 45 minutes for fixing and proper testing06:41
Kamionah, if you don't know the fix immediately I'll leave it to you; I have a lot of other knot-1-critical-path stuff to do06:43
Kamionpitti: could you make sure to roll in the fix in bug 53273? the consequences of that bug are a bit nasty06:43
UbugtuMalone bug 53273 in sudo "prerm doesn't work with dash" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5327306:43
pittioh, another bashism?06:43
ograpitti,  we have tons of them06:44
Kamionargh, can we please at least put command editing into dash? it's really frustrating not having that06:44
Kamionogra: the bulk of them are in scripts that say #!/bin/bash though06:44
Kamionwhich is not ideal but not a bug either06:44
ograwell, *my* scripts didnt until now :)06:44
ograbut i have seem some other incidents ...06:45
ogralike debian/rules failing because of "rm -f /blah/{targetfile1,targetfile2}06:45
=== ogra wasnt aware that was a bashism at all
Kamionyeah, there's not a lot of that left though06:46
Kamionmost of that was dealt with in Debian a long time ago06:46
ograbut debian never switched ...06:46
ograso it might have reappeared 06:47
Kamionthere have been people building stuff with dash as /bin/sh to test for that06:47
Kamionand lintian warns about its use in maintainer scripts06:47
Kamionso it doesn't tend to reappear all that much06:48
Kamionyes, there is the odd exception06:48
Kamiongenerally speaking, though, it's in dodgy upstream shell programs rather than debian/rules or maintainer scripts06:48
Kamionthe bulk of Debian maintainers have been made well aware of the problems by very long mail threads and lots of bug reports06:49
ograyu, i noticed that ... its hard to find info on bashisms since you only get a long list of debian bugs at google :)06:50
Kamionhttp://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/nfindex.html is the POSIX specification, which includes the shell06:51
Kamionavoid things marked [XSI]  in /bin/sh scripts06:52
Kamionand avoid things not listed at all06:52
ograthanks a lot, i'll see if i can get ltsp dash clean ...06:52
Kamionthe dash man page is a reasonable thing to program to, although not perfect06:53
ograltsp-build-client currently relies somewhat on bash stuff ...06:53
Kamionbut it's a lot better than programming to the bash man page06:53
Kamionogra: edubuntu 20060717.1 fixed06:53
ograwell, i'm an old abs-howto user :) i never programmed after manpages06:53
ograKamion, thanks06:53
=== ogra rsyncs
KamionI'd run away from all the howtos06:54
Kamionthey are rarely written with an eye to portable shell, more with an eye to SHINY06:54
ograwell it was what i used to learn bash scripting ages ago ...06:54
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ograbut indeed you see my code isnt bashism free now (in fact i ever cared before i saw dash the first time )06:55
Kamionhttp://www.greenend.org.uk/rjk/2001/04/shell.html is also worth reading, written by a friend of mine; it's not specifically about portability but is generally worthwhile reading for shell programmers06:56
=== ogra bookmarks
Keybukalso get a copy of Blinn07:02
ograblinn ? 07:02
=== ogra googles
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ograugh, dead trees07:08
ograi even read my pratchetts on the laptop nowadays :)07:09
ograbut i'll get a copy ... )07:09
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mjg59iwj: My fonts have changed in Epiphany again07:11
iwjmjg59: Oh ?07:12
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iwj(I have to go soon; it's Monday and if I don't I'll miss my dinner ...)07:14
mjg59iwj: Back to blurry colour madness07:14
mjg59iwj: Sure, no urgency07:14
iwjIs it using Nimbus ?07:14
iwj(Easiest way to tell: select Nimbus from the font preferences and see what it does.)07:14
iwjPerhaps some of my fontconfig-related changes have been undone or not merged properly.07:14
=== iwj makes a mental note to check up on it.
ogramjg59, on a lappie ? i noticed that subpixel rendering was disabled after an upgrade to edgy07:15
ograjust switching it on in the fonts ui solved it here07:15
=== iwj goes. I'll catch up on this conversation tomorrow :-).
mjg59iwj: Hm. Could be. The font preferences don't seem to let me change the main one that's being used07:18
KeybukKamion: your friend wins a "useless use of $@ award"07:18
Keybuksfere$ for x in "$@"; do  echo "[$x] "; done07:18
mjg59ogra: If subpixel rendering was disabled, I don't think I'd be seeing coloured blur07:18
Keybukwhy not just "for x; do" :p07:18
ogramjg59, thats how it looks on my screen ...07:18
ograif i switch on subpixel rendering its crisp again07:19
mjg59ogra: If there's no sub-pixel anti-aliasing, then there is no coloured blurring07:20
mjg59iwj: Interestingly, it's not nimbus. Hrm.07:20
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KamionKeybuk: given that it's in a section entitled "Special Behaviour of $@", I think it's semi-justifiable07:23
ogramjg59, well, then the ption in the font settings gui might be mis-named ... i can just tell waht i see here 07:23
KamionKeybuk: but you could always mail him and suggest he add a note07:23
KeybukKamion: I disagree ... a bad example, even when demonstrating a particular behaviour, is a bad example07:23
Keybukpeople tend to copy and paste examples without reading the surrounding text07:23
Kamionthen I repeat my second comment :)07:23
Keybukcf. the famous "wrong example of wait()" in Stevens which has been copied into many UNIX programs and defended07:23
KeybukI have just mailed him, actually07:23
Keybuk(Stevens gives an example of a SIGCHLD handler that calls wait() as a general example of the kinds of things you do in such handlers ... this handler has been used as the template for many a developer's handler07:24
Keybukthe problem is that it calls wait() only once ... when you in fact need to do it in a loop to consume all child processes, as you may have received more than one signal or had signals dropped as you were beginning processing of one)07:25
Keybukhe fortunately corrected the example in later books (UNP carries a correct one)07:25
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KamionKeybuk: urgh, speaking of dodgy wait code, look at /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/apt/progress.py and search for waitChild07:30
Kamionlet's wait for children by SPINNING07:30
KeybukI can see why they've done that ... but ... eww07:31
Kamionwhat's wrong with read() and a signal handler07:31
KeybukI'd select() on an empty list ;)  but yeah, same thing07:31
mdz_fabbione: that isn't what I mean; for example, is ubuntu-desktop on sparc installable?  are the livefses building?07:33
KamionKeybuk: actually select() is indeed better because the reason it spins is that (in my case) read() is immediately returning EAGAIN07:34
Kamion-> bug 5328207:37
UbugtuMalone bug 53282 in python-apt "InstallProgress.waitChild spins if read fails immediately" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5328207:37
ograhmm, intresting 07:43
ograthat daily iso rsync had only changes on ppc07:44
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ograUnknown terminal: bterm 08:10
ograwhere does that come from in the installer ??? 08:11
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sitontonyi have a suggestion08:12
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sitontonyi have a suggestion for the developement08:14
KeybukKamion: I guess the Debian BTS LDAP gateway is down atm?08:15
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Ubuntu Development (not support, even with edgy) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | It's Merge Time! http://merges.ubuntu.com/ | Knot-1 freeze in effect - uploads to main frozen, ask Mithrandir for exceptions
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by Mithrandir at Thu Jul 13 08:28:56 2006
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pittiKamion: sudo still purges if root once had a password which was then locked with passwd -l root08:24
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pittiKamion: so I'd like to fix the prerm to check whether getent shadow root *starts* with ! instead of checking whether it is equal to !08:25
pittiKamion: are you fine with that?08:25
fabbionemdz_: no i didn't check because it was higher priority to finish other stuff. Also sparc desktop for knot-1 can be broken. It's not a regression and there for not so important08:25
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pittiMithrandir: ok to upload a new sudo with the env hanling fix Kamion needs for ubiquity? I also fixed a bashism and a bug in the prerm08:34
fabbionepitti: openais with your requested changes is up08:34
fabbionepitti: it's only waiting your magic touch to enter main08:35
fabbionepitti: so that i can unleash the new r-h-c-s08:35
pittifabbione: -ENOMAGIC here08:35
fabbionepitti: and transit lvm2 to the new locking manager08:35
pittifabbione: that requires ftpmaster powers (Kamion/Keybuk)08:35
fabbionepitti: well you still need to tell ftp-master to go ahead :)08:35
pittifabbione: anyone can, they'll look at the MIR queue08:35
pittiKamion, Keybuk: for the record, openais is good for main08:36
=== pitti assumes a 'yes' for sudo and uploads
pittigrr, I'm a fool, I just locked myself out of sudo08:37
fabbionepitti: you can use one of the unpatched exploit :P08:38
pittiheh, good idea :) the prctl one should work08:38
=== pitti tries that instead of rescue mode just for the fun of it
fabbioneyeah they actually do.. i think elmo knows :P08:38
pittifabbione: the advantage of the prctl one is that the exploit works fine on all arches; that's pretty rare usually :)08:40
Mithrandirpitti: please08:46
ograxorg postinst fails08:46
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Burgworkajmitch, do you have a blog for your network auth stuff?08:51
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BurgworkPetaris, I just asked him08:52
PetarisBurgwork: Ok08:52
ograJul 17 18:45:04 in-target: Setting up xserver-xorg (7.0.22ubuntu5) ...09:04
ograJul 17 18:45:05 debconf: Obsolete command TITLE Configuring xserver-xorg called09:04
ograJul 17 18:45:08 in-target: xserver-xorg postinst warning: not updating /etc/X11/X; file has been09:04
ograJul 17 18:45:08 in-target:    customized09:04
ograJul 17 18:45:08 in-target: [: 31: 09:04
ograJul 17 18:45:08 in-target: ==: unexpected operator09:04
ograideas anyone ? i have no clue what that should tell me ... but it breaks edubuntu installs 09:04
ografunnily i cant find any == in there09:05
Mithrandirogra: I think Colin fixed that later today.09:05
ogranope, its the recent package09:05
ograit installs fine (even though it shows the error) in the normal system ... but breaks ltsp chroots 09:06
ograi would have sworn there is no == in that file at all .. but i just found it :D09:08
ivokswhy do we have /var/lock and /dev/shm mounted as tmpfs with default size (each is half of RAM), and every user can write in those dirs09:08
=== Zdra_ [n=zdra@49.210-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukivoks: why does it matter?09:10
Keybukany user can malloc() the equivalent size anyway09:10
Keybukit's just page cache09:10
ivoksi know, but...09:11
ivoksdo we really need 256MB for /var/lock? :)09:11
Keybukno, you could always add an appropriate limiting option in /etc/fstab if you needed it09:11
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@f1-pc174.ulb.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ivokssure... well, there's no harm in leaving it like this...09:12
Keybuknote that you can set this in /etc/default/tmpfs09:12
Keybuk(for /dev/shm, that is)09:13
ograMithrandir, o if i upload a bashism free package for xorg ? 09:17
ogra*ok even09:18
Mithrandirogra: can I look at the diff, please?09:18
ograheh, sure09:18
ogra+++ /tmp/GfWNPqHI0J/xorg-7.0.22ubuntu6/debian/xserver-xorg.postinst.in  2006-07-17 21:13:09.000000000 +020009:19
ogra@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@09:19
ogra   # Set a sane monitor id default if probe fails09:19
ogra   if [ -z "$MONITOR_IDENTIFIER" ] ; then09:19
ogra-      MONITOR_IDENTIFIER=="Generic Monitor"09:19
ogra+      MONITOR_IDENTIFIER="Generic Monitor"09:19
ograand a changelog entry09:19
ograMithrandir, ^^09:19
=== yosch [n=yosch@lns-bzn-30-82-253-191-81.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Mithrandirthat's not even a bashism.  It's just illegal shell.  Looks good to me.09:21
=== ogra uploads then
=== Spads [n=crack@host-87-74-89-130.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograi wonder if it finishes before all kernel builds :)09:22
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bluefoxicypitti:  utrace?09:28
bluefoxicypitti:  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-cvs-commits/2005-October/msg00448.html as well.09:28
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pittibluefoxicy: that looks useful, thanks for digging it out09:36
tsengbluefoxicy: i met that jjohnson guy 2 years ago09:37
tsengwith russel09:37
bluefoxicypitti:  yeah, also <drow> you do know other people have written code to automatically attach gdb to things, right?  Last time I looked, gnome and kde could do it. <DannyB> drow: it's not good unless you've written it yourself <DannyB> don't you know anything09:39
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bluefoxicytseng:  interesting.  BTW mdz wants to put the libgcrypt11 update into dapper-backports instead of dapper-updates.09:42
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tsengbluefoxicy: er, ok.09:42
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KamionKeybuk: BTS LDAP> no idea, sorry, I've never really followed that10:12
Kamionogra: export TERM=linux and get on with your life :)10:12
Kamionogra: the installer uses a terminal called 'bterm' and unfortunately not much else really understands that terminal type10:12
ograKamion, hmm, but why does it do that suddenly ? it worked before10:12
Kamionpitti: sudo.prerm> sounds reasonable10:12
KeybukKamion: I did a BeautifulSoup version instead -- cf. ubuntu-archive10:13
MithrandirKamion: what bts ldap thing?10:13
Kamionogra: while that MONITOR_IDENTIFIER fix was correct, it's not what the warning was about10:14
KamionMithrandir: there's an LDAP gateway to bugs.debian.org which aba (IIRC) wrote10:14
MithrandirKamion: oh, that's down pending the cronjobs on merkel being reenabled.10:15
ograKamion, whats it then ? i didnt understand it 10:15
Kamionogra: just some stuff complains about a $TERM it doesn't understand, that's all; various things have warned about it in rescue mode for years10:15
KamionMithrandir: sounds plausible10:15
Kamionogra: well, I don't know yet or I'd have said :)10:15
ograKamion, ok, i'll add a TERM=linux to the top of the ltsp-build-client script, even i find it weird that it always worked until now10:15
Kamionogra: you didn't give me any context about where the "Unknown terminal" message was coming from before now10:17
Kamionyou should check what you're using that's trying to open a terminal; nothing in ltsp-build-client should be trying to talk to the terminal surely10:17
ograKamion, well, from xserver-xorg prostinst ...10:17
Kamionthe unknown terminal message is coming from xserver-xorg.postinst?10:18
ograltsp-build-client is supposed to fail if the second stage install (xorg and ldm) in the chroot fails10:18
KamionI've found the == bashism; it's in xresprobe. fixing10:18
ograi have an error with configuring xorg and xserver-xorg failed10:18
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Kamionworld conspiring against me. now apt is behaving weirdly.11:23
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