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nixternalstill reading the book jjesse?12:58
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nixternal<listitem><para>The <application>mkdir</application> (MaKeDIRectory) .....</para></listitem>     <- wouldn't it be clearer to do ->     <listitem><para>The <application>mkdir</application> (<emphasis>m</emphasis>a<emphasis>k</emphasis>e<emphasis>dir</emphasis>ectory</para></listitem>04:24
nixternali think the the M K DIR being bold, it makes it easier to read04:24
=== nixternal notes that it is just his 2 cents
nixternalhrmm..not emphasis either...but <keycap> </keycap> rather04:30
nixternalim all messed up tonight04:39
nixternali need sleep04:39
nixternalheh, i did exactly what i suggested..and let me be the first to say it looks like crap 05:05
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drak0anyone around that knows mysql05:41
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Laser_awaymdke_: ping?08:07
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jribAnyone want to confirm that instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu do not actually enable multiverse?02:46
nixternalchecing now02:48
jribproblem is that afaict the default sources.list on dapper do not include commented dapper multiverse repositories02:48
nixternalhmm..i thought for universe and multiverse, there was more then just clicking a checkbox in the main window..i thought you had to go a little deeper with ubuntu02:49
nixternali do everything CLI...so i am somewhat dumb to the synaptic way..plus i use kubuntu02:49
nixternaljrib: they are commented by default on kubuntu dapper installs02:49
nixternalso they are in the sources.list02:50
nixternaljust commented out with the deb-src as well02:50
nixternalman..that page needs to be CategoryCleanup bad...that is why there needs to be a set standard for screenshot images...there are 2 different looks going on there02:51
nixternali don't think the 'adding universe and multiverse' repositories section is correct02:52
jribok, the pastebins without the commented multiverse must have been from upgrades02:53
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jribgot disconnected03:21
nixternalheh, you didn't miss much03:22
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=== Topic (#ubuntu-doc): set by Madpilot at Mon Jun 5 01:57:55 2006
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nixternalif anyone catches mgalvin at all, find out info concerning the UWN, and if you already know, let me know..as the new one needs editing..and i can help if needed since i started #710:05
Burgworknixternal, just run with it. Assume it is yours until he comes back10:06
nixternalarg, roger that Burgwork10:06
nixternali will go over all the stuff other's have posted that want in and what not10:06
Burgworknobody is going to object to you releasing a UWN10:06
nixternalok..i just wanted to make sure of that10:07
Burgworknixternal, just pass it mdz first10:08
nixternali can do that10:09
Burgworknixternal, ok, the SU and U Magazine people like to talk about a lot of useless stuff10:34
Burgworklike bzr branches, etc.10:34
Burgworknixternal, what is your timeline for UWN?10:34
nixternali want to get out on saturday like it is supposed to10:35
Burgworkcool, ok10:35
nixternalthey started out as being a Saturday-Saturday concept...and #6 didn't make it, so i want to get it back on track10:35
LaserJockso it'll be the edgy version then10:37
nixternaledgy version?10:39
nixternaldid i miss something10:39
nixternalit is going to be the "Doc Team Rulez" version ;)10:40
LaserJockwell, dapper was late so edgy is short to get back on track10:40
nixternali get it10:41
nixternalgotta make the UWN killer too10:41
nixternalthere is a lot of topics people have posted that they want to get implemented..if possible, i would like to knock them out..10:42
LaserJockon #7?10:42
nixternalif possible yes...as people have been posting topics for over 2 weeks that they would like to see in it10:43
nixternallike 'Programs of the Day" and what not10:43
nixternalcrimsun: http://mfrost.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/levitate.jpg11:31
nixternalok Burgwork, next time make sure they aren't in here ;)11:33
Burgworknixternal, right11:33
nixternalyou know exactly what im talking about...i wanted to comment so bad, and not hurt feelings or upset someone11:34
Burgworkit was comment, if they overheard, meh11:34
crimsunnixternal: nope. NOT YOURS.11:51
nixternalthat one was "jumping for crimsun"11:51
nixternalcrimsun: there are more to be found here -> http://cuteoverload.com/11:55
crimsunmy god, that's pony abuse11:56
=== crimsun blacklists that Web site

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