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=== Topic for #ubuntu-meeting: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 17 Jul 13:00 UTC: Kubuntu | 17 Jul 19:30 UTC: Ubuntu Magazine | 18 Jul 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 19 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 21 Jul 19:00 UTC: Ubuntu Marketing Team
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-meeting: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 17 Jul 13:00 UTC: Kubuntu | 17 Jul 19:30 UTC: Ubuntu Magazine | 18 Jul 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 19 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 21 Jul 19:00 UTC: Ubuntu Marketing Team
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imbrandon_@schedule us/central12:38
UbugtuSchedule for US/Central: 17 Jul 08:00: Kubuntu | 17 Jul 14:30: Ubuntu Magazine | 18 Jul 15:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 15:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 10:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 21 Jul 14:00: Ubuntu Marketing Team12:38
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rraphink@schedule paris01:41
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Paris: 17 Jul 15:00: Kubuntu | 17 Jul 21:30: Ubuntu Magazine | 18 Jul 22:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 22:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 21 Jul 21:00: Ubuntu Marketing Team01:41
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imbrandon@schedule us/central02:17
UbugtuSchedule for US/Central: 17 Jul 08:00: Kubuntu | 17 Jul 14:30: Ubuntu Magazine | 18 Jul 15:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 15:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 10:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 21 Jul 14:00: Ubuntu Marketing Team02:17
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nixternal@schedule chicago02:17
UbugtuSchedule for America/Chicago: 17 Jul 08:00: Kubuntu | 17 Jul 14:30: Ubuntu Magazine | 18 Jul 15:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 15:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 10:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 21 Jul 14:00: Ubuntu Marketing Team02:17
imbrandondodo same timezone ;)02:18
nixternali just popped in knuckle head 02:18
imbrandonoh yea lol02:18
nixternali haven't been up this early in 10 years02:18
=== [Nirvana] [n=marco@CPE0080c8292db5-CM000f9f5158ce.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
[Nirvana] @schedule Toronto02:34
UbugtuSchedule for America/Toronto: 17 Jul 09:00: Kubuntu | 17 Jul 15:30: Ubuntu Magazine | 18 Jul 16:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 16:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 11:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 21 Jul 15:00: Ubuntu Marketing Team02:34
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Kubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 17 Jul 19:30 UTC: Ubuntu Magazine | 18 Jul 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 19 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 21 Jul 19:00 UTC: Ubuntu Marketing Team
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[Nirvana] hello02:56
nixternalhiya Tonio_02:56
Tonio_heya nixternal02:56
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[Nirvana] nixternal: btw: thanks to your /leave msg, I know about #ubuntu-classroom, and I'm going to refer people, I'd just like to say thanks02:57
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nixternalheh [Nirvana] , i appreciate the support on that one. i just did a brief marketing campaign for those guys, and it seemed to work pretty well..we are getting more and more responses each day now02:58
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nixternalhiya kwwii03:00
Tonio_hey kwwii03:00
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kwwiihi all03:01
rraphinkhi guys03:01
imbrandonmoins all03:01
=== rraphink is at work but will try to be there ;)
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Hobbseeokay...hi everyone03:02
=== mindspin [n=mindspin@pD95FFC23.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Riddellhi all03:02
rraphinkhi Riddell03:02
rraphinkhi Hobbsee03:02
imbrandonhey Riddell03:02
Hobbseehi rraphink, Riddell, gnomefreak, imbrandon 03:02
mikixhi everybody03:02
gnomefreakhi Hobbsee ;)03:02
Riddelllets start with names so we know who's here03:03
Hobbseehi mikix 03:03
=== Riddell is Jonathan Riddell
=== Hobbsee is Sarah Hobbs
=== rraphink is Raphael Pinson
=== seaLne is Kenny Duffus
=== gnomefreak John Vivirito
=== nixternal is Rich Johnson
=== OculusAquilae is Bastian Holst
=== mindspin is markus wimmer
=== imbrandon is Brandon Holtsclaw
=== Tonio_ is Anthony Mercatante
=== kwwii is Kenneth Wimer
Riddellgood turnout :)03:04
=== allee is Achim Bohnet
Riddellanyone here for membership?03:04
alleehmm, no toma.  I jabber him03:04
HobbseeRiddell: very, yeah.  i'd liked to have seen lure and jjesse too...03:04
imbrandonRiddell, looks like 03:05
Hobbseewe have quorum, good.03:05
imbrandonRichJohnson aka nixternal03:05
HobbseeRiddell: nixternal's a special case - the first two people on the CC ack'd him, and they were waiting on mako...and waiting...and waiting..03:05
Riddellanyone know Andrej, Jay M. Mapalo, Rafael Proena, or rouzic?03:05
rraphinkah right03:06
rraphinkRiddell: many of them have no wiki page03:06
nixternalheh, sorry, was getting coffee... Hobbsee, i'm always a special case 03:06
HobbseeRiddell: nope03:06
imbrandonRiddell, not i03:06
alleeRiddell: no03:06
gnomefreakme neither03:06
RiddellI should probably e-mail them and ask why they signed up, they could well be involved with something we're not in contact with like translations03:06
Riddellwe should do nixternal then03:06
rraphinktranslations you can see on LP03:07
Riddellnixternal: care to introduce yourself?03:07
nixternalheh, ok...here we go!!!03:07
HobbseeRiddell: yeah, then lets to artwork, and doco if jjesse makes it, then discuss anythign else03:07
=== nixternal is Rich Johnson, 32 years old, Chicago Illinois, US....Sys Admin by trade
Hobbseenixternal: please tell me your intro has been shortened....03:07
nixternali work with the doc team, wiki team, marketing team...do bug triage, support stuff, forums, irc, bug you guys...and just had my first packaged uploaded this week03:08
nixternalshort enough Hobbsee?03:08
Hobbseenixternal: launchpad page link :P03:08
imbrandonwiki page ?03:08
nixternalyou caught me offguard, so i didn't get to c/p my other one 03:08
Riddellnixternal: you're doing the switching from windows doc right?03:08
nixternalyes Riddell03:08
Riddellnixternal: how's that going?03:08
nixternalit is just starting right now...we have the base down, and now we are in the process of gathering content03:09
RiddellI'm looking forward to it03:09
nixternalthere could very well end up being various versions as the community excitement is quite high for the documentation03:09
nixternalas i am03:09
rraphinknixternal: how are you related to Kubuntu in particular?03:10
rraphink(I mean vs. Ubuntu in general)03:10
Hobbseewith the new user config tool, mentioned in your wiki page, may i mention that the way amarok handles mp3 support is *very* clever.  right now, it's broken, but i have a fix that i'm going to test soon on my hard drive.03:10
nixternali support mainly kubuntu since all i have really used is kde for years...i am helping jjesse with all of the kubuntu documentation03:10
nixternali am picking up the packaging aspect with the help of Hobbsee and imbrandon03:11
=== imbrandon notes for everyone nixternal is the founder of the Chicago LoCo team and active in the Bug Squad / Laptop Testing / Documentation and IRC
nixternalim gettin' ready to go back to school to knock the programming rust off, since i decided to change fields about 10 years ago and quit programming03:11
gnomefreakand marketing03:11
=== Hobbsee looks. specs are *way* too high for karma!
mindspinand he is one of the few kubuntu guys in the marketing team03:11
nixternaloooh..gnomefreak, if jenda seen i introduced myself and didn't say i was part of the marketing team i would never hear the end of it  thanks03:12
Riddellwe have a marketing team? cool03:12
nixternalya Riddell 03:12
gnomefreakyw nixternal 03:12
rraphinksounds very nice03:12
Tonio_did knew this ! sounds nice03:12
gnomefreakyep ;)03:12
alleeanyone that worked directly with nixternal?  comments?03:12
nixternalplus the classroom03:12
gnomefreakhes alsoa  big part of NuN03:12
rraphinknixternal: is the classroom related to the MOTU school anyhow?03:12
nixternalin the forums helping out...both ubuntu and kubuntu of course03:12
[Nirvana] He's a member of Kubuntuforums.net, good guy03:13
nixternalno rraphink..it is the NewUserNetwork03:13
imbrandonallee, i work with him alot, he is very active on irc helping and learing packaing 03:13
[Nirvana] and a damn fast typer... jeez03:13
gnomefreaki think hes doing great in every team he is a part in03:13
nixternal150+ wpm03:13
Hobbseeallee: yeah, i've worked with him, sometimes poking him to do various bits of documentation, and helping him out with packaging03:13
nixternaland chasing with the big pointy stick 03:13
Riddellso lets vote03:13
alleeHobbsee: don't steal too much time from him documentation writing time ;)03:14
Hobbseenixternal: well...03:14
Riddelltoma: want to go first? :)03:14
rraphinkTonio_: lol03:14
Tonio_raphink: ^^ I promissed to do it one day :)03:14
rraphinkTonio_: hehe :)03:14
Riddell+1 from me03:14
Tonio_+1 for me based on jjesse feedback, since I discussed a lot with him concerning the docs a few weeks ago03:14
Riddellwelcome to kubuntu membership nixternal 03:14
=== allee +1 for nixternal.
nixternalty very much guys!!!!  you all rock!!!!03:15
Tonio_nixternal: welcome aboard03:15
imbrandoncongrats nixternal ;)03:15
nixternalthank you!!!03:15
gnomefreakcongrats nixternal 03:15
rraphinkwelcome nixternal :)03:15
=== nixternal feels special!!!
[Nirvana] congrats03:15
Riddellnixternal: I'll do the tick box thing after the meeting, poke me if I forget03:15
alleewell that was an easy choice03:15
=== kdw [n=kdw@c-67-164-4-24.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
kwwiiget to work nixternal :-)03:15
nixternalwill do03:15
rraphinkkwwii: haha03:15
alleecongrats nixternal 03:15
Hobbseekwwii: artwork status update?03:15
RiddellHobbsee suggested we go with an artwork update03:15
nixternalafter the meeting of course03:15
Hobbseeseeing as you've just said that?03:15
nixternalthank you everyone03:15
kwwiiok, really quickly:03:15
=== omeow wonders if someone ever got rejected.
Riddellomeow: yes03:15
Hobbseekwwii: i like the current usplash :P03:15
kwwiiuntil now we have specs which say that we are replacing the usplash, KDM, Desktop splash and Wallpaper.03:15
imbrandonomeow, yes03:15
Hobbseeomeow: yeah, last meeting, actually03:15
=== Mithrandir [n=tfheen@c5100BC63.inet.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
nixternalyes omeow, tis why i waited a while 03:16
Hobbseehi Mithrandir 03:16
kwwiiI think we should also think about changing the app-start page for konqi as well as the help center.03:16
rraphinkHobbsee: I think the current usplash is not kwwii's03:16
Mithrandirhi again, Hobbsee 03:16
Hobbseewhoever's it is03:16
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kwwiiHobbsee: no, it is mine03:16
Hobbseeah :)03:16
rraphinkkwwii: like my wallpaper ? :)=03:16
=== Hobbsee only installed edgy today - give her a break!
Riddellkwwii: my slight concern with that is we'd be diverging from the KDE stuff a bit03:16
kwwiiahhh, actually I haven't checked edgy yet03:16
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kwwiiRiddell: so let's change the KDE stuff too03:17
imbrandonand the default window deco , crystal is ugly imo ;)03:17
Riddellkwwii: also the app-start page for konqi should in theory be mirrored in kontact, kmail, kcontrol, akgregator and kbabel03:17
kwwiiimbrandon: good point, I have an update for that too03:17
kwwiiRiddell: yepp, I know03:17
alleeimbrandon: what's ugly is up to the artits to decide ;)03:17
kwwiiwe would need to do them all03:17
imbrandonallee, yea ;)03:17
kwwiithat is why I am asking here instead of just barging ahead as normal03:17
alleeimbrandon: and we tell them if it's usable and acceptable ;)03:18
Hobbseeimbrandon: i didnt think crystal was the current window deco, was it?  i thought that was polyester03:18
kwwiiso what does everyone think about that?03:18
imbrandonRiddell, whats wrong with diverging form kde as far as artwork ( k-d-s ) ?03:18
=== Hobbsee grabs a drink, and tries to make sense of all this.
imbrandonHobbsee, not in edgy03:18
imbrandonleaste not yet03:18
=== kozz [i=kozz@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
alleekwwii: consistent artwork is good to have03:19
Riddellimbrandon: I've always positioned kubuntu a being close to KDE from an artwork view03:19
Riddellbut if kwwii can come up with some rocking design then lets do it03:19
imbrandonallee, consistant with whom though, if we are taketing switchovers from windows or kde ?03:19
alleekwwii: but IMHO comon icons/themes first, then app specific stuff03:19
=== gnomefreak likes the wallpaper (simple and nice) in edgy kubuntu
kwwiihttp://bootsplash.org/snapshot3.png shows my desktop with the changes I have made so far03:19
kwwiiI will still update the buttons03:20
alleeimbrandon: consistent as 'used in Kubuntu'03:20
nixternalheh, and it's purple 03:20
Hobbseekwwii: would you be talking a colour change, etc, or changing the way the buttons are located?03:20
imbrandonallee, ahh yes03:20
Riddellkwwii: which buttons03:20
Hobbseekwwii: pretty :)03:20
imbrandonallee, i agree totaly but i do think the artwork for kubutu shouldent be a clone of every other kde setup out there , i'm not saying the FUNCTION just the artwork03:20
alleekwwii: brown folder icons?03:20
RiddellI think we're onto a winner with the purple03:21
kwwiiHobbsee: check that screenshot and you'll see that I changed the gradients used in the titlebar, the colors, and the window buttons in the titlebar need new pixmaps, as those do not fit03:21
imbrandonRiddell, the min max close03:21
[Nirvana] kubuntu edgy is purple?03:21
=== nixternal admits that is a 'nice' shade of purple kwwii
kwwiiimbrandon: exactly03:21
Hobbseekwwii: right, okay03:21
Hobbsee[Nirvana] : yes03:21
Hobbseekwwii: i'm not great on artwork stuff :)03:21
Tonio_I'm not a fan of purple, but that's probably interesting since this color isn't widely used03:21
HobbseeTonio_: next time suggest pink, mmm kay?03:22
nixternaljust on gentoo03:22
Tonio_and since it is kwwii, I'm of course self confident is the result03:22
=== jeekl [n=crz@h169n1c1o1104.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
kwwiithe good thing is, if I do it right, we could change the purple to blue pretty quickly if things don't work out well03:22
Tonio_nixternal: at least it is more original than blue....03:22
mindspinthe brown folders look stragnge to me03:22
nixternaloh i totally agree03:22
gnomefreakwhile were ont her topic is there any way to intergrate a "themes changer" so new users can do it without compiling themes?03:22
nixternali actually like it...i said as long as it wasn't 'barney purple'03:22
[Nirvana] kinda reminds me of the kubuntu amsn theme03:22
Hobbseekwwii: my personal opinion:  assuming we're discussing colours, etc, i'm fine with it changing to be whatever - but we probably shouldnt change from the kde defaults, unless we have a good reason to03:22
imbrandonyea the brown does look a bit strange against the purple03:22
kwwiiHobbsee: I totally agree03:23
Hobbseegnomefreak: it's there, in system settings.  but system settings is a confusing mess.03:23
gnomefreakah ok03:23
omeowIs the kicker going to stay that size by default too?03:23
Hobbseekwwii: cool :)  in fact, in one of my points i'm wanting to revert a couple of changes03:23
alleeTonio_: that purple is not used often may have a reason that is not originality03:23
kwwiithe brown icons are just a test I did when I made that screenshot03:23
Riddellomeow: no03:23
omeowOk, good. :)03:23
kwwiiHobbsee: like what?03:23
imbrandonHobbsee,  we have a good reason , we;re not kde ;) i do think the artwork for kubutu shouldent be a clone of every other kde setup out there , i'm not saying the FUNCTION just the artwork03:23
Hobbseekwwii: the change to konq that i want to make?03:24
Hobbseeimbrandon: yeah, exactly03:24
[Nirvana] um, this may sound silly, but why is the default k menu the K instead of the kubuntu logo?03:24
kwwiiHobbsee: if we change the kde stuff as well, and simply use a few different pics for kubuntu that is pretty much the same03:24
Hobbseekwwii: cool :)03:25
omeowI don't like the switch user, lock session and log out buttons.03:25
Riddell[Nirvana] : because we don't want to hide our KDE-ness03:25
imbrandon[Nirvana] , becosue kwwii hasent designed us a uber leet kubuntu button ;)03:25
alleeimbrandon: we should take the best from KDE and not preplace it just because we want to be different03:25
omeowThe ones in dapper are nice because they each have a different colour. Making it easy to distinguish.03:25
[Nirvana] I saw one around03:25
[Nirvana] easyubuntu used to be able to change it to the kubuntu logo03:25
=== nixternal wants to see the 'reinhardt' style come back
kwwiiwe could make a crystal kubuntu logo for use there if there is interest03:25
=== Hobbsee reads back to see what kwwii is actually wanting approval over - to play with colours and see what looks good, right?
alleeimbrandon: and if something is not that good, we should try better and give back so next time it's in KDE03:26
imbrandonallee, right, but look at ubuntu branding , they have the logo on the application menu etc i think we should do some of the same 03:26
freeflyingkwwii: nice, some icons like osx's  :)03:26
kwwiioh, and the spinner in konqueror should be improved03:26
RiddellHobbsee: it was the new about:konq and help centre graphics03:26
kwwiifreeflying: that is the oxygen set we are working on03:26
mindspinI agree with omeow concerning the switch user etc. buttons03:26
Riddellkwwii: that's rendered from a 3d model, I'd need to dig up the guy who did it03:27
HobbseeRiddell: right, that's what i thought.  we've just gone veering off somehow.03:27
mindspincolours would be nice03:27
Hobbsee+1 mindspin 03:27
RiddellHobbsee: that happens with artwork03:27
HobbseeRiddell: hehe, true.03:27
kwwiiwell, the dapper release was kinda quick, as I started during the UI sprint03:28
=== Hobbsee just learned a new way to get back to the first konq screen. nice!
Riddellkwwii: so looking good, new about:konq and help centre should be good too03:29
Riddellshall we move on?03:29
Riddellno jjesse, tsk03:29
Hobbsee+1 to moving on03:29
HobbseeRiddell: yeah, he was trying to make it03:29
=== allee agrees with Hobbsee
Riddellwe should go to the agenda then http://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings03:29
Riddell[Nirvana] : you're first03:29
HobbseeRiddell: who's chairing?  i added a lot to the agenda :P03:29
[Nirvana] whoops sorry03:30
imbrandon[Nirvana] , your css stuff03:30
[Nirvana] trying03:30
[Nirvana] msgs aren't being sent03:30
Riddellwe can read you here, please introduce it03:30
[Nirvana] So yeah, I made like 3-4 css changes to the kubuntu page03:30
Riddell[Nirvana] : which one?03:31
Hobbsee[Nirvana] : link to it?03:31
seaLneis there a working version of http://halovids.buildyourforum.com/x/test.html somewhere?03:31
Hobbseethe pastebin link is dead too.03:31
imbrandonwhile we're waiting for [Nirvana]  i think what he is talking aobut can be filed against website-bugs and have the website team change the template if Riddell or whome ever agrees03:31
[Nirvana] change buildyourforum to globalnetworld03:31
[Nirvana] could be ^03:31
[Nirvana] it's a cross, because it's about kubuntu and should use kubuntu colours, but is about the release (http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/kubuntu/6.06/ ) page03:32
Riddell[Nirvana] : the icons needs crystalised :)03:32
[Nirvana] I didn't change any icons03:32
Riddellimbrandon: this isn't the website, it's managed quite differently03:32
[Nirvana] just css03:33
imbrandoncrystal or oxygen ;)03:33
nixternalRiddell: i can make a brief statement about kubuntu docs, however i don't know how detailed jjesse was planning03:33
RiddellKamion: how easy is it to have different CSS and icons for the Kubuntu pages on cdimage?03:33
Hobbseethat page is quite badly laid out for new users - probably needs a section on what .manifest and .torrent, etc, are03:34
imbrandonRiddell, releases no cdimage right ? cdimage is old i think03:34
Hobbseebut anyway, that's not a kubuntu issue03:34
Riddellimbrandon: cdimage is daily, releases is final things, they both come from the same teamplates03:34
Riddell[Nirvana] : I've no idea how easy this is, I'll talk to Kamion when he's around and find out, if it's not hard I'll make the changes03:35
[Nirvana] what I did was go to the release page (where you download the iso) and saved it with firefox, then  open uo nvu and change some css, I didn't touch any text/icons or anything03:35
[Nirvana] the added css is in the source underneath the @imports03:35
kwwiiguess we should use our own icons for that page too, or?03:36
Riddellkwwii: ideally yes03:36
Riddellbut it's not the most important thing in the world, I'll only do it if it's easy03:36
Hobbsee[Nirvana] : the "comment" on your next agenda item is  this?  Burning a VCD from AVI files is even trickier. In very broad strokes, youll need to install K3b, a CD burning program, and a package called VCDimager, and tell K3b where its located. Youll also need a command-line program called FFmpeg to convert AVI files to MPG, which is the format that K3b uses. Sounds complicated? It is, but its doable.03:36
kwwiithen let's dig those up from crystal, if it is technically possible03:36
Hobbsee[Nirvana] : would be good if you'd listed which bit you wanted to talk about in the agenda, FYI03:36
KamionRiddell: not particularly hard, file a bug on /products/ubuntu-cdimage with what you want changed03:38
RiddellKamion: ok, cool03:38
KamionRiddell: would prefer not massively different CSS03:38
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Kamionat the moment I just use that from the Ubuntu website; if I can just use that from the Kubuntu website, that's cool03:38
allee[Nirvana] : as you're an CSS expert. Check kubuntu wiki css why the fonts are different from default font size used in kubuntu03:38
Kamiondon't want to get into maintaining different CSS locally though03:39
=== Nirvana [n=marco@CPE0080c8292db5-CM000f9f5158ce.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
KamionHobbsee: ditto for you, bugs welcome03:39
HobbseeKamion: hehe.  just watch me assign the entire archive to you :P03:40
Riddellwelcome back Nirvana, you have another agenda idem03:40
Nirvanaweird lagged out...03:40
KamionI can reject just as quickly as anyone else :P03:40
nixternalnote weird, but typical03:40
RiddellNirvana: Kamion says it should be possible to get a different stylesheet used for those kubuntu pages so that should be doable03:40
Nirvanacomment: "As an addendum, I tried sharing the printer using Samba, but this task is really more difficult than it should be. Nobody should have to edit configuration files or to scour the mailing lists simply to share a printer on the network."03:41
Kamionas long as it's maintained somewhere other than cdimage03:41
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Hobbseehi Sho_!03:41
HobbseeSho_: welcome to the kubuntu meeting :)03:41
RiddellNirvana: we have a spec to turn on easy printer sharing, I don't know what's required to get that working with samba03:41
Nirvanaahh, so deferred? or should I continue with what he said?03:42
imbrandonmoins Sho_ , Kamion like on kubuntu.org or some such and just linked from the html is cdimage ? sounds like a good plan03:42
RiddellNirvana: does he say what needs done?03:42
Nirvanacomment:  I did try a number of solutions, but so far, no luck. This REALLY should be a matter of right-clicking the printer and opening up a share menu. Unfortunately, this is one of those areas that still needs improvement in making this distro even more user-friendly. Jerome, maybe this is something you can get intoa simple GUI method of sharing a printer on an Ubuntu machine?03:42
KamionI've changed the CSS on http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/dapper/ to be http://www.kubuntu.org/ubuntu.css; does that look better now? (you might have to reload a few times to catch a mirror that's updated)03:43
Kamionobviously the icons still need to be done03:43
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Nirvanathe cd downloads don't have a border bottom of 100% that's blue, they're just links03:44
digitalmousegreetings programs!  just here to listen in on the next meeting... (loggin in case I need to step out)03:44
RiddellKamion: still looks brown to me03:44
KamionRiddell: keep reloading03:44
Nirvanawait... it just turned brown when I refreshed03:44
Riddelloh, it'll need to sync to all the servers of course03:44
seaLneyeah it is working03:44
KamionNirvana: the download list is just apache's fancy directory listing, I can't easily change that03:45
NirvanaI figured03:45
Nirvanabut I didn't mean that03:45
seaLneyou ment the Desktop CD and Alternate install CD section headers?03:46
Riddellhmm, it's missing some underlines on the headers03:46
Kamionoh, that's CSS for <dt>, feel free to change the CSS on the website or provide me a URL on kubuntu.org with CSS that fixes that03:46
RiddellKamion: ok, will do03:46
RiddellNirvana: not much I can do about smb printer sharing frontends without knowing what needs done to the backend, if you could research that it would be cool03:47
seaLneh3 dosen't have border-bottom: 2px solid #6e8ec1;03:48
RiddellseaLne: yeah, it looked bad on kubuntu.org03:48
Riddellimbrandon: firefox themes03:48
imbrandonok this is all pertaining to edgy03:48
imbrandonSuggest creating firefox-kubuntu ( theme ) package to complement the new firefox-ubuntu ( theme ) dep so Kubuntu users who choose firefox don't have to deal with the brown theme ( can this not be a dep of u-d-s and not firefox so k-d-s can add a dep of firefox-kubuntu for the artwork/theme or even add it right to k-d-s )03:48
RiddellI've not looked at the new stuff in ubuntu for this, I've no idea how easy it is to adapt03:48
=== Hobbsee thinks imbrandon should make it.
=== nixternal too
Hobbseeimbrandon: there's a couple of links made on the...oh, where is it...03:49
Riddellimbrandon: we can probably get firefox to depend on one or the other I'm not sure03:49
imbrandonwell my main this is why did they dep it on firefox and not uds , like when i installed edgy yesterday my ff is/was all browish ;)03:49
Riddellogra: what happened in eadubuntu with respect to ubuntu-firefox?03:49
seaLnemaybe if it is left brown they will use konq :)03:50
imbrandonlol seaLne03:50
=== Hobbsee shoots that wiki.kubuntu.org errror.
nixternalhehe Hobbsee03:50
ograRiddell, with regard to what ? the startpage?03:50
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Riddellogra: the new themeing stuff03:50
nixternalwiki.ubuntu.com does the same thing w/o the error 03:50
Hobbseeimbrandon: there's a couple of links made on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Candidates/Kubuntu with respect to that, no idea how easy it is to implement03:50
NrvanaOK, lag out #203:50
Riddellogra: I thought I saw you saying it looked bad in edubuntu03:50
ogranothing yet, i'm not happy about it03:50
imbrandonHobbsee, i know it is, but partialy itss a case of getting ubuntu-dev to dep firefox-ubuntu on uds not firefox its self03:51
ograwe'll either have to ship our own theme or switch to epiphany ...03:51
ograthe latter is very likely sonce we need it for kiosk mode anyway03:51
Hobbseeogra: ooh, i have a screensaver bug to assign to you.03:51
=== kwwii_ [n=kwwii@p5495771B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Hobbseeogra: https://launchpad.net/bugs/4922803:51
UbugtuMalone bug 49228 in kdeartwork "kscreensaver-xsavers installed but screensavers from xscreensaver-gl missing" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  03:51
Nrvanacan someone kick [Nirvana] 03:51
ograHobbsee, go ahead :)03:52
kwwii_erm, my client died03:52
Hobbseekwwii_: ghost it.  /msg nickserv ghost kwwii yourpassword03:52
Riddellimbrandon: I imagine it's just a case of making a kubuntu-firefox package and having firefox depend on ubuntu-firefox | kubuntu-firefox03:52
HobbseeNrvana: same thing03:52
Riddellbut I'm not sure without looking at it03:52
imbrandonRiddell, see what i'm saying about the deps, if it deped on uds it wouldent be an issue at all for kubuntu03:52
imbrandonRiddell, true ( and the creation of kubuntu-firefox )03:53
Hobbseeimbrandon: we cant really have a kubuntu-firefox as a dep of kubuntu-desktop, for the same reason as kscreensaver-xsavers as part of k0d03:53
seaLneexcept wouldn't you get it without having ff?03:53
Riddellimbrandon: actually firefox-themes-ubuntu seemas to have multiple themes, maybe we could just put a crystal theme in there03:53
HobbseeseaLne: exactly03:53
kwwii_Hobbsee: and what does that do exactly? 03:54
imbrandonRiddell, probbly and make it default to that on kubuntu03:54
Hobbseekwwii_: ghosts your deaded client, and lets you /nick kwwii :)03:54
Riddellimbrandon: yep03:54
omeowCan you make firefox/thunderbird stop using the gnome user interface convention?03:54
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imbrandonomeow, sorta03:54
kwwii_Hobbsee: well, that does not seem to work either, but anyway...for another place this conversation is03:55
Riddellimbrandon: could you look at doing that?03:55
imbrandonRiddell, sure i would love to ;)03:55
Riddellimbrandon: you have another agenda item03:55
Hobbseeand then it's my entire section :P03:55
imbrandonriefly ask Riddell to explain what packages Kubuntu wants tested for backporting and if there is a list/wikipage with them listed and what the current status of backports are -- imbrandon 2006-07-17 00:31:3703:55
Sho_One of the bigger problems with FF and TB is the button order in dialog boxes03:55
Sho_But considering they use "KDE button order" on Windows, too, I assume there's a way to get it to use it on Linux, too03:56
imbrandonSho_, yea i know how to fix that i'll see if i can incorp it into ubuntu-firefox-themes03:56
Riddellimbrandon: kaffine has been tested, dbus needs to be done, anything else you can think of too03:56
Sho_imbrandon: That would be nice03:56
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Riddellimbrandon: with infinity back we might even get the backports processed at some point03:57
Hobbseeimbrandon: did you see what crimsun said earlier w.r.t. backports in #kubuntu-devel?03:57
RiddellHobbsee: nope03:57
imbrandonHobbsee, no03:57
Riddellwhat did he say?03:57
HobbseeRiddell: explained the process of backporting something, pointed to the !backports link03:58
Hobbseeif you want to join the team, you join it on LP03:58
Hobbseekwwii: yay :)03:58
imbrandonRiddell, rockin , /me has been waiting on the kbfx backport he filed a while ago03:58
RiddellHobbsee: do you know if they're currently happening?03:58
imbrandongah you got me saing rockin now LOL03:58
Riddell"they're blocked on the buildd admins having the infrastructure" guess not03:59
HobbseeRiddell: not at the moment, buildd people dont know how ot put thru the backports, or something03:59
Riddellit needs soyuz support03:59
imbrandonsoyuz support, yea thats what crimsun said03:59
imbrandonwhat does that mean exatly lol03:59
Riddellsoyuz is the part of launchpad that manages the buildds and archives04:00
Hobbseesoyuz is something strange that i dont really know about, but has something to do with launchpad.04:00
=== imbrandon will look into joining the backport team and learn all of this
Riddellso Hobbsee has some agenda items04:00
imbrandonthat way we have atleaste one kde guy on there ;)04:01
HobbseeRiddell: heh, yes, some.04:01
tomathis is not the first release we do backports for...04:01
HobbseeWho wants to deal with kvpnc? Has it fallen off the edge of the world again?  I see it's off the edgy packages list.04:01
Hobbseedebian and ubuntu digressed a lot, so it probably wont be a simple merge04:01
imbrandontoma are there actualy any backports for breezy ?04:01
Hobbseegnomefreak: yeah, like over half of it04:01
alleeHobbsee: kdelibs-bin is still on my TODO for kde-extras repo04:01
Hobbseeimbrandon: sure there are04:01
gnomefreakHobbsee: i saw ;)04:01
tomaHobbsee: i think someone who did kvpnc before04:01
Hobbseetoma: cool, okay04:02
Hobbseeallee: what about kdelibs-bin?04:02
Hobbseeand which kde-extras repo?04:02
tomaHobbsee: it contains patches and it is hard to guess if they are still needed04:02
imbrandonkde-extras ?04:02
RiddellHobbsee: kde-extras is all the extragear stuff in debian04:02
Hobbseeah, right04:02
Hobbseeallee: so kdelibs-bin needs to be removed from all that as well?  cool04:02
tomaHobbsee: http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=pkg-kde-extras@lists.alioth.debian.org04:03
Hobbseeall of the ubuntu repos have gotten rid of kdelibs-bin, except wlassistant, which seemed to be uploaded to the wrong distro by accident.04:03
HobbseeRiddell: Are amarok-arts packages being put in Edgy, for amarok 1.4.1?04:03
HobbseeRiddell: or are we removing amarok-arts from the archive?04:03
RiddellHobbsee: it should be removed04:04
HobbseeRiddell: ie, are we only distributing amarok-xine?04:04
HobbseeRiddell: and therefore what do we do with the gstreamer reports?04:04
RiddellHobbsee: which gstreamer reports?04:04
RiddellHobbsee: fabo is the man for kvpnc, we should poke him and see what the status is04:04
HobbseeRiddell: lots of bug reports about gstreamer in amarok on launchpad04:04
HobbseeRiddell: ah right, fabo is for that as well.04:05
RiddellHobbsee: gstreamer isn't the supported backend so tough on them, it doesn't even exist in edgy04:05
alleeRiddell, Hobbsee fabo is away until next week AFAIR04:05
Riddelloh yes, fabo's away04:05
HobbseeRiddell: hehe, right, so someone can go do lots of bug closing :)04:05
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alleebut we can add changes nevertheless ;)04:05
HobbseeWho's writing the UVF exception report for kopete? Where's the changelog again?  i'm assuming that's my job, unless Riddell's doing it?04:05
=== Sho_ notes that Konversation won't make the UVF either
Sho_Or hasn't made it, actually04:06
HobbseeSidenote: Anyone who wants to cheer for me for MOTU, on Tuesday's Tech Board meeting is welcome; it's at 2000UTC.04:07
RiddellHobbsee: I'll write it, poke me after the meeting so I don't forget04:07
HobbseeSho_: is konversation in main?  guess it is.04:07
HobbseeRiddell: okay, cool, will do04:07
imbrandonHobbsee, yea its in main04:07
Sho_Hobbsee: It's in the default installation selection, FWIW04:07
RiddellSho_: any estimated release date?04:07
Sho_Riddell: Not before the end of August, I'd say04:07
Sho_Riddell: But it's a less painful migration than 0.18->0.19. While there will be a lot of feature work and many bugfixes, the preferences file format hasn't changed, unlike in 0.19 where extensive conversation scripts needed to run.04:08
Sho_Riddell: I.e. it should be fairly smooth all around.04:08
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RiddellSho_: I don't think it'll be a problem, so long as the release is stable04:09
HobbseeGamin fixes from [WWW]  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEdgyPackageUpdates - any packagers interested in doing these? I think we can start doing these after the Knot 1 freeze. I'm happy to sponsor people's uploads of this after the TB meeting.04:09
Hobbseeouch, dodgy paste.04:09
Hobbseeas the next item04:09
Hobbseenixternal: i think might want to do some of these04:09
Riddellnote that gamin stuff is dependant on not using gamin actually working04:09
imbrandonyea and i'll grab a few as time permits04:09
Sho_Riddell: The development version is more stable than 0.19 at this point, but there's major feature work still pending. We'll do a stabilization period with string freeze in any case, of course.04:09
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HobbseeRiddell: heh, so that's not final yet?04:10
nixternalI'm gam(e)in 04:10
Riddellnixternal: that would be cool, it's entirely trivial just rebuild with build1 or ubuntu2 version numbers04:10
nixternalunless of course it is a new upstream04:11
RiddellHobbsee: not definately final, but I the expectation is we're getting rid of gamin04:11
HobbseeRiddell: right, can you give me confirrmation if/when that actually happens, and i'll poke people to do the fixes?04:11
Sho_Riddell: Let me but it this way, what's the threshold date after which it becomes really inconvenient for Kubuntu to put it in? ;)04:11
HobbseeSho_: universe freeze?  we'd like to get testers using it as much as possible04:12
RiddellHobbsee, nixternal  we might have lots of autoconf 2.60 trouble with the rebuilds04:12
HobbseeRiddell: yeah, kpowersave is bitten with that.04:12
RiddellSho_: September 7th  feature freeze04:12
HobbseeRiddell: make sure you dont take your patch down off kubuntu.org w.r.t autoconf :P04:12
Sho_Riddell: ok04:12
tomaRiddell: autoconf 2.6 in edgy?04:12
RiddellHobbsee: it's staying there for a long time04:12
HobbseeRiddell: good :)04:13
Riddelltoma: yes, breaks lots of KDE stuff with admin/ directories that don't detect it04:13
tomaRiddell: there is a simple patch for that, but i guess you know that04:13
nixternaloh fun04:13
Riddelltoma: yep04:13
HobbseeCan we get the views in konqueror reverted? (ie, be able to click on the button, and detailed list/icons/pictures view is shown, as is standard in KDE? What other changes might make sense to revert?04:13
Hobbseesorry - i dont have a screenshot of what it's like in kde04:14
Kamionimbrandon: my loose plan for backports is to just port the freaking script over from the old archive infrastructure myself04:14
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KamionRiddell: the backports blocker at present is not infinity, it's on the archive side04:15
Sho_Riddell: Regarding the Konqueror menus, one problem I've experienced frequently during end-user support in #kde is that the "Safe View Changes Per Folder" toggle acction seems to be missing from Dapper's Konqueror entirely04:15
imbrandonKamion, cool , as i said i would like to look into joining the backport team too to look more into the k* stuff but i'll tend to that after the meeting04:15
Hobbseebut in standard kde, the view, view mode, options are part of the same toolbar as back, forward, etc.  what was the kubuntu rationale for changing this in the first place, and do we still want it that way?04:15
RiddellHobbsee: rationale is to not have lots of buttons in konqueror04:16
RiddellHobbsee: also it's quite badly implemented, should be a dropdown list not three dropdown buttons04:16
HobbseeRiddell: i'd think that those buttons were fairly obvious, and very useful.  dropdown would be more effective, maybe.04:16
imbrandontoolbar buttons bad, dropdown good04:17
imbrandonif its not in the top 2% of actions it shouldent be a tollbar button04:17
Riddellthere's not really any space on the kubuntu konqueror layout to add them04:17
Hobbseetoolbar buttons are better than no option at all.04:17
Hobbseeyeah, okay, maybe04:17
RiddellHobbsee: the option is there, in the View menu, but I agree it's not very convenient04:17
=== Hobbsee will have to look to see what kde did with it. but that's on dapper
=== Hobbsee tends to swap options a lot.
RiddellSho_: is that a menu item?04:18
HobbseeRiddell: it's not, but lets discuss it anyway.04:18
Sho_Riddell: In KDE's Konq it's in the "Settings" menu, yup04:18
Hobbseeoh, oops04:18
=== Hobbsee misread menu as meeting
RiddellSho_: hmm, sounds like more suited to a configuration dialogue option04:19
Riddellit's not something you change lots04:19
Sho_Riddell: Actually it's two items, "Save View Changes Per Folder" and "Remove Folder Properties". The former is a toggle action that makes Konqueror heed .directory files which contain saved instructions on how to display that folder, and the latter removes such a file if it is clicked.04:19
Sho_Riddell: I've had a number of Dapper users in #kde that couldn't get their view mode to stick, and when I asked them to deactivate "Save View Changes Per Folder" they couldn't04:20
Sho_Riddell: On Windows, it's an Explorer config dialog options04:20
kwwiisorry to interrupt, but http://bootsplash.org/crystal_webicons.tar.bz2 are the crystal equivalents of the icons used on that page from earlier04:21
=== [Nirvana] [n=marco@CPE0080c8292db5-CM000f9f5158ce.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Riddellkwwii: thanks04:21
RiddellSho_: I'm not convinced that adding it back is worth messing up the Settings menu even more04:22
Sho_Riddell: I agree it shouldn't be in the menus either, but being unable to access it is a substantial problem. Perhaps the Kubuntu Konq should at least default to "Save Per Folder = off", so that changing the view mode in one folder changes it everywhere.04:23
RiddellSho_: sure, we could do that04:24
Sho_Riddell: The underlying problem is that users manage to get into a state where they switch the view mode, than navigate to another folder and get a different view mode, and find no way to change the view mode consistently, which drives them up walls04:24
RiddellTonio_: could you look at that?04:24
RiddellHobbsee: having a todo list on the wiki sounds good04:24
Tonio_Riddell: let me read.... I'm lock on a crashed sql server....04:25
Sho_Riddell: This is partly made worse by KDE 3.5.2 in which the media:/ kparts are buggy wrt/ applying the right view mode, which was fixed in 3.5.304:25
Hobbseeimbrandon: voyager's working now, right?04:25
Tonio_Sho_: can you describe a bit more plz ?04:26
Tonio_I don't understand the point where users don't find how to change the view mode....04:26
Tonio_it is not that hard to find is it ?04:26
Sho_Tonio_: The problem is that Konqueror is capable of storing the view mode either as a global default or a per-folder setting, and the menu item to toggle between the two behaviors is unavailable in Kubuntu04:27
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Tonio_Sho_: hum, true04:27
kwwiisuch behavior is typical in win and osx as well04:27
Sho_Tonio_: So as long as that menu item is unavailable, it is my opinion that the Kubuntu Konq should do its best to always use the consistent, global default, because the user cannot switch off per-folder settings04:27
Sho_As for the KDE 3.5.2 media:/ view mode bug fixed in 3.5.3: http://bugs.kde.org/10854204:28
Tonio_Sho_: currently, if you change the view mode, the setting is stored for all folders04:28
Tonio_am I wrong on that point ?*04:28
imbrandonHobbsee, yea voyager is up, its what i'm typing from04:29
Hobbseeimbrandon: okay, i might get some stuff to build on it, maybe.04:29
Sho_Tonio_: I don't know, I've never used a Kubuntu Konq with default settings. But I do quite a bit of end-user support in #kde, and I've helped about half a dozen Dapper users which had the problem of the view mode switching all the time. Either by explaining to them how to delete the Kubuntu rc files to get the menu item, or by modifying the config file. 04:30
Sho_Tonio_: But I can't tell you how they manage to get into that state04:30
Tonio_Sho_: launch konq, change the view mode and save your profile, the setting will be stored for every folder04:30
Tonio_the only thing is that the setting is not stored automatically, they just have to save their profile, which is a consitent and logic way to do, in my view04:31
Sho_Tonio_: That's what I advised as first and what usually didn't work out04:31
Tonio_maybe that should be documented04:31
Tonio_Sho_: strange.... I'l have a look, but I'm testing here and it works...04:32
kwwiisounds like a bug to me04:32
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Tonio_Sho_: it works except with certain protocols, like media:/04:32
Sho_Tonio_: Yeah, I guess there needs to be more research done on how exactly the problem comes about ...04:32
Tonio_it has been corrected in 3.5.304:32
RiddellHobbsee: any more agenda items?04:33
Tonio_but don't forget dapper is 3.5.2 based ;)04:33
Tonio_most users don't have 3.5.304:33
HobbseeRiddell: well, you can see what the next one was, you dont have to discuss it.04:33
Sho_Tonio_: Yes ... considering I just sent you the link to that bug: I know ;)04:33
RiddellHobbsee: todo list, cool04:33
Hobbseei didnt think of anything else mindshattering during work.  only about going for core-dev04:33
RiddellHobbsee: you organising, yay!04:33
HobbseeRiddell: hehe - tha'ts really okay, and not stepping on your toes?04:34
Riddellstep all you want04:34
Hobbseeoh dear.  Riddell's toes got broken.04:34
Tonio_Sho_: if you see some of those people can you send them to me ?04:34
Hobbseeanyone else got problems with me organising things?04:34
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Tonio_I'd like to see what are the problems first to think about a solution ;)04:34
Sho_Tonio_: ok04:34
imbrandonHobbsee, keeps me orginised ;)04:34
gnomefreakHobbsee: go for it04:34
kwwiias long as you do whatever I say, no problem here04:35
Tonio_Sho_: tonio@ubuntu.com if they want to mail me04:35
Hobbseekwwii: hehe!04:35
Sho_Tonio_: noted04:35
Hobbseeokay, if people have stuff to add to kopete, can they please send debdiffs, etc, to me?04:35
Hobbseeseeing as 4 people working on the same thing is damned stupid!04:35
tomaHobbsee: organising is great, but it would be great if the agenda was not filled in the two hours before a meeting04:35
imbrandontoma +104:36
seaLnemaybe an excuse for using bzr for packages?04:36
Hobbseetoma: yeah, sorry about that. i had a "argh i want to get all this stuff fixed so i'm just going to write and write and write"04:36
HobbseeseaLne: i dont know how to use bzr, but yeah04:36
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Hobbseetoma: mostly i'd stick it on the to-do list, and update it that way04:36
Riddelldate and time of next meeting?04:36
nixternalHobbsee: bzr is easy to use ;)04:36
alleetoma: at university doing work 2 hour before the deadline is what we call early :)04:37
HobbseeRiddell: this time is great!  i'm actually awake :D04:37
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tomaallee: hehe. should we discuss allioth btw?04:37
seaLnebut maybe not a holiday monday :)04:37
Riddellit's a holiday?04:37
alleetoma: for Hobbsee ?04:37
tomaallee: for *04:37
seaLneglasgow trades weekend also in france afaik04:37
Hobbseesay what?04:38
alleetoma: your turn.  I'm horrible short of time04:38
=== Hobbsee knows close to nothing about alioth.
alleeHobbsee: know svn?04:38
tomaallee: /me too. next meeting04:38
Hobbseeallee: only vaguely.  tell me in #kubuntu-devel if you want04:38
alleeHobbsee: 'k04:38
Hobbseeallee: or via email, whatever you like04:38
Riddellohw about Monday 31st for next meeting04:38
Riddellwe could swap betwene having them at 21:00 and 13:0004:38
tomathis timeslot is not working for me, btw.04:39
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Riddellis 13:00 troublesome for others too?04:39
Riddellpresumably various europeans are using up their lunch breaks04:39
tomahow about 15utc?04:39
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imbrandon15 would be nicer04:39
alleeRiddell: far fro ideal.  I can never be sure to be able to participate, or get interrupted04:40
imbrandonbut no real objection04:40
=== Hobbsee cant do 15UTC, but whatever others think.
Hobbsee1am start time, 3am possible bed.  hmmm.04:40
Hobbsee1400UTC doable?04:40
tomahow about a shift to the weekend?04:40
seaLneweekends would be bad imho04:41
Hobbseeif its' a problem, then go back to 2100 UTC - i just wont be able to make the meetings.04:41
Riddellweekends are risky, less pradictable to know if you're free04:41
tomaHobbsee: that is unaccepotable04:41
imbrandonwhat bout 2200 or 2300 ?04:41
Hobbseeimbrandon: that just makes it worse, from my end.04:41
toma23 utc?04:41
seaLnethat would be the same problem but for europeans04:41
Hobbseeimbrandon: i'm at uni during those times.  04:41
=== Hobbsee has a simple solution.
seaLnemove to europe?04:42
Hobbseesomeone give me a job offer that includes moving to europe.04:42
imbrandonok lets do this , every kcc member ( the council ) name a time when its good and we'll see who has what in common04:42
imbrandonHobbsee, seaLne toma Riddell allee ?04:43
Riddellright, I'll contact everyone on the council and get good times off them and see if there's any overlap04:43
=== Hobbsee is working it out
=== Hobbsee can do anything (usually, pending work) in the last 5-6 hours.
Riddellwe'll do that out of the meeting, I need my lunch now04:44
Riddellany other business?04:44
Hobbseenope, dont think so.04:44
Riddellthanks everyone04:44
Riddellfingers crossed for Knot 104:44
nixternaland toes04:44
seaLnetime to escape out into the sun :)04:44
nixternalseaLne: +104:44
Tonio_Riddell: I have a binch of things to discuss but I will prepare something for the next meeting since I shouldn't be there actually :)04:44
ograRiddell, make sure you have the seeds merged before building CDs ... so you dont get trapped by outdated kernel stuff like i did04:45
Riddellogra: did that last night04:45
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ograah, fine04:45
ograi didnt :/04:45
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GNAM@schedule rome05:15
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Rome: Current meeting: Kubuntu | 17 Jul 21:30: Ubuntu Magazine | 18 Jul 22:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 22:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 21 Jul 21:00: Ubuntu Marketing Team05:15
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 17 Jul 19:30 UTC: Ubuntu Magazine | 18 Jul 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 19 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 21 Jul 19:00 UTC: Ubuntu Marketing Team | 26 Jul 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-meeting: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 17 Jul 19:30 UTC: Ubuntu Magazine | 18 Jul 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 19 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 21 Jul 19:00 UTC: Ubuntu Marketing Team | 26 Jul 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu
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nixternal@schedule chicago09:09
UbugtuSchedule for America/Chicago: 17 Jul 14:30: Ubuntu Magazine | 18 Jul 15:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 15:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 10:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 21 Jul 14:00: Ubuntu Marketing Team | 26 Jul 07:00: Edubuntu09:09
nixternal20 minutes now...i shall return, shower time!!!09:09
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Ubuntu Magazine | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 18 Jul 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 19 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 21 Jul 19:00 UTC: Ubuntu Marketing Team | 26 Jul 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu
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nixternalUbuntu Magazine Meeting!!!09:30
adamant1988seems that everyone forgot09:32
nixternalOur next meeting is this coming Monday the 17th at 19:30 UTC time.09:33
nixternalthat is the email there09:33
adamant1988well, it's just you and me09:34
adamant1988wanna play tag?09:34
nixternalnot in here..this chan is logged for minutes09:34
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sara_anyone here for the ubuntu magazine meeting09:41
sara_I think there was a confution with the time09:44
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nixternalheh, wasn't paying attention to time..is john going to make it?10:02
sara_should I wait a little bit more10:02
sara_I sure hope so, I received an e-mail form him earleir and he did not say anything about not beign here10:02
sara_but I think that I might want to wait a couple more minutes 10:02
nixternalit seems sara, that you and i are the only ones from any previous meetings still interested in the project...i know joey has been really busy in his personal life, so that is understandable10:02
nixternalwaiting is fine..im gonna grab a drink and brb10:02
sara_ok, I understand that people come and go as long as there is a couple of people that continue the work10:03
nixternalsara, when this meeting is adjourned, i will work on the minutes, as well as put them in the order of /MarketingTeam/Magazine/Meetings/ or the like10:04
nixternalis the mag under /Marketing, or does it have it's own directory?10:04
sara_I think that it is unver is own10:04
nixternalok..then i will put it under /UbuntuMagazine/Meetings/Minutes10:04
nixternali will get to work on the wiki stuff as well10:04
sara_ok, enough wait, let start10:05
sara_is nixternal the only one here for  the meeting10:05
nixternalyou just want to converse in the main channel?10:06
sara_yeah  lets do that10:06
nixternalok..see you there10:06
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sara_ig youa re here for the Ubuntu magazine wiki, pleas ejoin us at #ubuntu-marketing10:08
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sara_Ubuntu magazine meeting at #ubuntu-marketing10:08
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nixternalalrighty..back in here then ;)10:16
sara_ok so we are back10:16
nixternalhehe..we will get it10:17
sara_sorry about the mess10:17
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nixternalwell..also just in case there are others ideling, they might like to hear everything as well and maybe join in on the fun!!!10:17
sara_so we move to the charter10:17
j_baer_Ok ... I'm here!10:17
=== jenda peeks in...
=== jenda runs off
jendasorry :(10:18
sara_ok so let move on to the charter10:18
nixternaljenda: membership baby ;)))10:18
j_baer_Ok, would you like some opening comments?10:18
j_baer_I know this charter business is a bit different from the norm.10:19
j_baer_And if we were building a widget for Efty the current process is ok10:19
=== nixternal makes a note to self, make sure that wiki talk was discussed in #ubuntu-marketing when compiling the meeting minutes
j_baer_But Marketing is different, our deliverables are different.10:20
nixternalj_baer_: edgy eft for clarification10:20
j_baer_Thanks ...10:20
j_baer_So the point of the charter is to describe as best as possible what this is all about.10:20
j_baer_If there is a question down the road everyone needs to know how we got there ....10:21
j_baer_ok ...10:21
j_baer_One more thing ...10:22
j_baer_The magazine in a very big way represents Ubuntu!10:22
j_baer_What we do and how we do it will be very important ....10:22
j_baer_All yours sara10:23
sara_so could you explain a little bit mroe of how we take this charter and make it work10:23
j_baer_I would suggest the next step is presenting it for approval.10:24
j_baer_Canonical needs to buy in on this.10:24
Burgworkj_baer_, what you need from canonical and why?10:24
nixternalj_baer_: you might want to present it first to the Community Council..as that would be the "chain of command" so-to-speak10:24
sara_that was the plan, but with our low attendace today we are probably going to take this to the mailing list10:24
Burgworkthere is no need to get anybody to buy into anything, on an official level10:25
Burgworkat least not yet10:25
Burgworkjust start producing good stuff10:25
sara_I think tha tfor now we probably want to take it to the ubuntu-marketing team 10:25
j_baer_If Canonical has other marketing plans we need to blow to their desire ...10:25
sara_I agre with Butgwork, first we produce something and then we ask for Coc10:26
Burgworkj_baer_, canonical != ubuntu10:26
Burgworkand canonical almost certainly has nothing like this10:26
nixternalas a matter of fact they don't10:26
nixternalUbuntu is community driven in every aspect10:26
sara_They are aware of the marketing team plans and fromt ime to time Jane pops up and gives feedback, so as soon as we have something I am sure we will get some feedback10:27
j_baer_Ok point well made, but who will authorize the use of resources?10:27
Burgworkwhat resources?10:27
j_baer_Servers, bandwidth ...10:27
sara_Canonical provied the marketign team with hosting and servers 10:27
j_baer_Who would purchase the DNS?10:27
Burgworkwhat dns?10:27
Burgworklets have something before we go to that stage10:28
Burgworkcart before the horst10:28
Mithrandirj_baer_: registering domains would not be a problem, I'm sure.10:28
sara_ok I think tahtere might be some confussion. We have the resources like DNS, hosting ans stuff10:28
sara_Canonical have already register spreadubuntu adn I am sure that they could do the same for us as long as we have a product10:29
j_baer_How much of a product do we need?10:29
sara_Evfen though we are not official part of them, They are more thatn willing to help us10:29
Burgworkplease don't get hung up on being official10:29
Burgworkbetter to talk about content10:30
sara_Last time I talke to Jenda it seems that we could probably get a bzr branch as soon as we were ready10:30
sara_I am working on providing the resources, just give me a week or so, so don't worry about that 10:30
j_baer_What would bzr do for us?10:30
sara_for now we could host WIPS as stated on your workflow and 10:31
sara_and the start of the magazine, once we have our first draft we could probably get our site hosted10:32
sara_have you take a look at the bzr repo for spread ubuntu?10:32
j_baer_Yes ... although I need some help learning ...10:33
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j_baer_Unlike the WIKI I didn't see an area to practice.10:33
sara_we could definetly do with something like that, but we ned stuff to put on it10:33
sara_You can practicce if you want and then we can remove it if you want10:33
j_baer_My thoughts are the WBS would go there  ...10:34
j_baer_Tasks to be accomplished.10:34
j_baer_For example we need to decide on a name for the magazine.10:34
j_baer_Why not involve the community and offer a prize.10:35
sara_That is point #3, anyone has any other comment on the charter other thatn the resources10:35
j_baer_Sorry ...10:35
Kamionnixternal: sorry I'm a bit behind, but speaking as a community council member I'd say that if you want to get a position from Canonical about marketing you should talk to Jane Silber in the first instance rather than the CC10:35
sara_it ok, I just want to make sure that Rich has a saying on this10:36
j_baer_Point made.10:36
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nixternalKamion: thanks for the response!!!  Jane is in our line of communications on the MarketingTeam Mailing List10:36
nixternalshe helps the team out tremendously10:36
j_baer_Would it be appropriate to ask for comments on the charter?10:37
sara_so nixternal any  though on the charter and the way it's organized, The milestones?10:37
nixternalj_baer_ and sara_, Jane is 'silbs' when she is online, and she is usually hanging out in the #ubuntu-marketing channel. She is a Canonical employee interested in everything we do10:37
nixternaljenda has more information concerning communications with her as well10:37
Mithrandirnixternal: she's not just an employee, she's the COO.10:37
nixternalheh ya, good point Mithrandir10:37
sara_I know she has sent me some e-mails10:37
nixternalok sara_, i kind of figured you knew who she was10:37
nixternali like the current organization and the path that i see...10:38
sara_I think we need to talk about specs10:38
nixternalmilestones and everything is great...everyone just needs to come ot terms on what is needed "Right Now" so-to-speak10:38
sara_I am going to make it so that the official way to submitt ideas and work on this project is going tob e troughLaunchpad10:39
sara_I feel that some stuff have gotten lost on the mailing list, How mayn of you got my reviced TOC about threee wekks ago10:40
=== nixternal checks
j_baer_Sara, Help me out with that idea ...10:40
sara_well my posint is that I never got any replied and I am usre that to some people it was lost10:41
nixternali have the gobby toc we created originally from june 10th10:41
sara_no it was after that on an e-mail with the thing we had and where we should take it from there10:41
sara_I think that the mailing list is not the most effective way to communictate10:42
j_baer_Good point, sometimes things do get lost on the mailing list ...10:42
nixternalsara_: did you send the email?10:42
sara_yeah I have it on my sent box, but the point is that we need a better way to communicate10:43
=== nixternal checks again
j_baer_Perhaps the WIKI can assist and serve as a white board of things happening?10:44
nixternali do not have that email10:44
nixternalj_baer_: yes it can..and i will make sure to create a "white board" for us as well10:45
j_baer_what else can we do?10:45
sara_Yeah we need to have that plus we neeed to use Lauchpad.I thinkt aht the workflow should be like this. Ubuntu magazine wiki->Launchpad->Spec->Bzr version10:46
sara_ok now that we all now how to submitt things we can move on10:46
nixternalwell..the bzr is good if we are going to be utilizing version control for documentation...which i guess in all reality you probably would version control magazine content among the various editors and such10:47
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sara_yeas that is exactly the point10:47
j_baer_I was thing bzr more to list things in progress and due dates ...10:48
nixternalactually, im still new to the bzr, but what we do on other teams with svn, is we have the main doc, and we make changes locally, the svn diff out to a .xml.diff file..and then a maintainer uploads the patch10:48
nixternalbzr isn't like webhosting at all...bzr is a versioning control system10:48
Riddellnixternal: why not just commit yourself?10:49
j_baer_Ok help me out ... When I go to launchpad and look at ubuntu I see all of the things going on with who, when, what and where.10:49
sara_well, like with the charter, I mad e spec on Lauchpad, draft the spec, the you finish writtign the spec and use bzr to keeps trac of the diff version10:49
j_baer_is this what we are talking about?10:49
nixternali don't have the power yet Riddell ;)10:49
nixternalsoon this young grasshopper will ;)10:50
nixternalj_baer_: the who/what/when/where you see is the "Specification" or spec for short10:50
nixternalbzr is used to keep track of revisions in source code, documentation and such10:51
j_baer_I see real value in the spec.10:51
nixternalspecs are great, because you can take it from the brainstorming session, all the way to implementation10:51
sara_ok, so I want to be use that system to keep thing in order10:52
j_baer_Somehow we have to define what we are going to do and when.10:52
sara_ok so that is next, I just want to make sure that we are in the same place and know the way we will do it10:53
j_baer_Sara can u get us onboard with the spec?10:53
nixternal+1 on that idea whole-heartedly j_baer_10:53
sara_so I guess we can mov eon10:53
sara_move on10:53
sara_First, We need to pick and identity, name etc10:54
j_baer_I have an idea ...10:54
j_baer_Want to hear it?10:54
sara_go ahead10:54
j_baer_Open the name for suggestions via the forums.10:54
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nixternalname for???   i am lost on this one here10:56
sara_The ubuntu forums? Name for the magazine10:56
j_baer_Yes ...10:56
nixternali thought it was "Ubuntu Magazine"10:56
j_baer_Undecided ...10:56
j_baer_It could be ?10:56
sara_I think this is too generic. I feel that we might alienated some users. i was talking to some poeple who never use ubuntu forums or stuff10:56
nixternalUbuntu Magazine ;)10:56
j_baer_I understand your concern ...10:56
sara_They only use kubuntu.org , and the kubuntu forums , so naming it ubuntu magazine might not appeal to them10:56
sara_Maybe we can have ubuntu and sometinh else10:57
nixternali don't see how using "Ubuntu Magazine" would alienate..for one, the magazine would have definition far past that of the Ubuntu Linux Operating System..there is the "real" definition of Ubuntu that goes along with it...that means no matter how you are different (Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Xubuntu), it is all one *Ubuntu*10:57
=== nixternal hopes people don't start finding him corny cuz he takes the whole "Ubuntu" definition to heart
j_baer_We all do!10:58
sara_Maybe we can have something after the ubuntu, like john idea of Ubuntu abanta10:58
nixternalhahah thanks10:58
sara_we all do10:59
nixternalque es eso?10:59
j_baer_The word abanta means people in Zulu10:59
nixternalcomo se dice abanta ?10:59
nixternalok..im just preparing for Cabo ;)10:59
sara_no se10:59
sara_I don't know10:59
sara_but it sounds nice since it stand for people10:59
nixternalit means people..and since Ubuntu, according to Wikipedia has it roots there..it does make since and sounds good10:59
j_baer_Ok, what about a logo?10:59
nixternalthe Ubuntu logo11:00
nixternalit is hard to push me to anything else, since we are in effect marketing "Ubuntu"11:00
sara_First, I'll post a poll on Lauchapd with other names suggested and whoever wins get computer sticker11:00
j_baer_Wait better yet !!!!!!11:00
Burgworka magazine *might* have a use case for a new logo11:00
nixternalnow, implementing something with the Ubuntu logo to identify it as a magazine..i can look past it ;)11:01
j_baer_Ask Mark if he will sign a CD set for give away!!!!11:01
nixternalif he won't, i will ;)11:01
sara_doload this file and open it on inkscape11:01
sara_take a look at the line logo I think is definetly ubuntu, but more generic11:01
j_baer_Point well taken, a new logo would help with Sara's concern.11:02
j_baer_In addition and I know this is out of scope but there is the branding issue.11:02
j_baer_Let's dream big and assume this pub will stand beside Red Hat Mag.11:03
j_baer_Actually it will be better!11:03
Burgworknot red hat magazine has no distinct logo11:04
Burgworkand rh magazine is mostly online11:04
Burgworkin fact, it appears to be entirely online11:04
nixternalit is11:04
j_baer_True and the charters states we will be too ...11:04
nixternalbut it will be published soon from what i have heard11:04
j_baer_One moment while I look ..11:05
sara_yeah give me sec11:05
sara_well, red hat does not has so many branches11:06
nixternali ran acrossed a post somewhere about it becoming official as well11:06
Burgworknixternal, which being official?11:06
nixternalbeing published i meant11:06
j_baer_It easy to start on-line first ...11:07
sara_i think that we talked about eventually having a printable pdf also11:07
j_baer_Ok, what about the name?11:07
sara_I will open a post on ubuntu forums, then make a poll and we actually have pices for the winner, it might encourage poepel to participate11:08
j_baer_Who will decide?11:09
=== nixternal likes the "Ubuntu Abanta"
nixternalyou say potatoe, i say pototoe ;)11:10
sara_I tohugh that Jenda, Me, and any active member of the magzine who did nopt submitt a name11:10
sara_I do like the Ubuntu abanta though11:10
j_baer_Do u want to just go for it?11:11
nixternali think others need to vote, but there is nothting wrong with it being "out favorite" ;)11:11
nixternali can ask around if people like it, since i live here on irc11:11
j_baer_It's that inclusion thing ...11:11
nixternalhehe exactly11:11
sara_yeah, because I know that some poeple could not make it do to time zones11:12
j_baer_Ok sara, are u going to handle this?11:12
j_baer_It's yours!11:12
j_baer_Before we leave this do u want to ask for the CD's?11:13
sara_ok so bedies a name and a logo what else makes a magazine's identity11:13
j_baer_The CD's?11:13
nixternalthe content and the community supporting it11:13
nixternalCD's would be great once it becomes published11:13
j_baer_No as a prize ...11:14
j_baer_U know the ones u will sign!11:14
nixternalneed to come up with teh contest ideas, and maybe submit them to someone and say "we would like to have sabdfl sign some cd's for the winner"11:15
j_baer_Being serious again this kind of prize does not cost and will bring exposure to the effort.11:15
j_baer_I will ask if you would like?11:15
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sara_I guess we could do that, I actually have extra DVD from amazon tha i give away so taht might be more atttractive11:16
j_baer_Something signed has value beyound dollars ...11:16
j_baer_Would u like to place this idea on the parking lot?11:17
nixternalyou can ask for autographed stuff maybe through claire...i don't know how to go about it truthfully, but i could ask around11:17
j_baer_I was thinking Jane11:17
nixternalya, or jane ;)11:17
sara_Yeah lets put in in the parking lot, becasue I don't know if this will work for our first contest11:17
nixternalbut i know to contact sabdfl you go through claire11:18
j_baer_ok, on the parking lot it goes let's move on ...11:18
sara_I think for our first contest a DVD set and and sticerk should be fine11:18
nixternalinvitations, proposals, and requests for sabdfl goes through claire11:18
sara_I have a TOC for you commets wait a second until I foward it to you11:18
nixternalthat is on the hbd page of his11:18
j_baer_Sorry, is it coming here?11:20
sara_ok sent the e-mail with it11:20
j_baer_one moment ...11:20
sara_to the marketing team mailing list I'll wrtite a spce latter11:21
j_baer_ok ...11:22
sara_you got it?11:22
nixternalnot yet11:22
j_baer_not yet ...11:22
j_baer_I'm checking my gmail account {?}11:23
sara_ok, so I just resend it, but I am not getting it either11:23
j_baer_Do u want to move on?11:24
sara_I fowarde from the old e-mail I ahd nixternal so if you have that e-mail you can probaly read it form there, I'll make sure to resend put one up on the wiki today11:25
nixternalroger that11:25
sara_Ok we are actaully running out of time we  have 5 more minutes11:25
j_baer_Would u like to recap the next steps?11:26
sara_so to sumarize we have gone trough milestoen 1, need aproval from 2, and stareted on 3, and 411:26
j_baer_U will handle the Mag Name ...11:27
sara_I will take care o f the resource spart and I think that I am going to swith 5 and 7and 8. We will Indetify content of the firs issue and then establis publication proces and then initiate lauch campain11:28
j_baer_How will we report progress?11:28
sara_yeah, I will dela with the magazine name poll, and start writign more specs11:28
sara_In  Lauchpad, This way I will assign specs and they will move from draft to finalized11:29
j_baer_Ok, I have an account but I was not able to changed anything.11:29
sara_So , give me a few hours and I;ll take care of that. I will also wrtie more specs to cove that name and lofo things11:30
sara_nixternal please contact me with any help you need for the wiki11:30
nixternalwill do11:30
j_baer_Same here ...11:30
sara_I'll wrtie on the charter wiki to chage somthign around concerning the milestones and then after revistion will submitted to the marketing team11:31
sara_ok any thing else11:31
j_baer_sounds good to me ...11:32
sara_ok, thanks for you kind work and let move on. I hope that with the minute we can get otehr involve11:32
nixternalgot the email ;)11:32
sara_talk to you later, please make commetns on the TOC.11:32
nixternalwill do11:32
j_baer_Thank you Sara for your efforts, :)11:33
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nixternalthanks eveyrone11:33
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