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=== Topic (#ubuntu-server): set by neuralis at Sat Jun 24 21:41:47 2006
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=== Topic (#ubuntu-server): set by neuralis at Sat Jun 24 21:41:47 2006
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A-Kaserpoy poy10:03
gapzhi A-Kaser10:06
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Stonekeeperhi. Does anyone know how to send bind9 startup debug info to syslog? It's not resolving hostnames and I'd like to check it's reading in the dbs correctly. Thanks.01:14
infinityIt should by default be logging to daemon.log anyway.01:16
infinityUnless you mean you want more verbosity.01:16
infinityIf you want increased verbosity or to run it in the foreground instead of as a daemon, etc, try the manpage... named(8)01:17
Stonekeeperah, i was trying bind(8)01:17
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Stonekeeperok, it seems like it doesn't like my db files in a subdirectory. anyone else have this problem? Or should i just chuck everything at the top level (/etc/bind/) ?01:27
A-Kaserwhat is the error ?01:28
Stonekeeperloading master file master/db.10.7.0: file not found01:28
Stonekeepermaster is in /etc/bind01:28
Stonekeepernamed-checkconf returns nothing01:29
A-Kaseryou use chroot ?01:30
Stonekeeperno i dont think so01:30
Stonekeeperah i see01:30
Stonekeeperthanks. I was transfering old configs over. I see what the problem is now01:30
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infinityStonekeeper: bind's working directory is /var/cache/bind, is it not?  So anything not there needs to be specified as an absolute path.01:40
Stonekeeperinfinity: ah right. I've coded in the path, just like the given dbs01:57
Stonekeeperthe only thing that's foxing me is that named is complaining that it doesn't have permissions to the files, yet, bind owns them. Am checking it out right now01:58
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Riesmorning/afternoon folks03:15
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Kelerionhey guys07:04
Kelerionhas anyone here had any experience installing ubuntu-sparc on the new t2000 niagara servers yet?07:05
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RiesKelerion: I whish :)07:08
Kelerioncan't get the damn thing to install ubuntu-sparc on.. keeps locking up at the partitioner... hmph07:08
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=== Topic (#ubuntu-server): set by neuralis at Sat Jun 24 21:41:47 2006
fabbioneKelerion: i do run it on the t200008:26
fabbioneKelerion: and it works just fine...08:27
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Kelerionfabbione: am trying to install it from the ubuntu-sparc iso.. but it's stopping on the partioner.. I see theres some bugs on the bugs.ubuntu.com site... any suggestions?09:34
RiesHeu guys, I have a question... a client (really true) did a chown on the root of the FS, is there some utility that can restore permission settings on ubuntu server 6?09:36
=== Kelerion [n=craig@cpc1-leed2-0-0-cust808.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-server
fabbioneKelerion: no. works fine here both from iso and netinstall. If you have specific bug numbers please tell them.09:50
Kelerionyeah.. it's this one... identical problem: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/5005609:52
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fabbioneKelerion: never seen anything like that09:55
fabbioneKelerion: i suggest you boot in expert mode09:55
fabbioneand right before the partitioner just to console09:56
fabbionedd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX count=1 bs=102409:56
fabbionedo it for all the disks in system (assuming you can do it)09:56
fabbioneto clean up the partition tables09:56
fabbioneand run the partitioner again09:57
Kelerionok.. good idea... trying it now09:57
fabbioneKelerion: be aware that /dev/sdX will destroy the data in the disk09:57
fabbionein theory you need to clean up all the disks in the system09:57
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Kelerionyeah.. it's alright... theres nothing on there at the moment... have already wiped the drive once to do a gentoo install after I ran into this problem09:58
fabbionehow many drives you have in that box?10:00
fabbionebecause i wonder if the partition table on the other one is making problems10:00
fabbionei guess you have the solaris one and installing on the other10:00
KelerionI did have an idea about taking one out.. in case it was a hardware raid issue.. but wasn't sure if that'd fix things10:00
fabbioneif so instead of wiping solaris10:00
fabbioneraid hw? how did you manage to configure it?10:01
fabbionehw raid hasn't been tested at all10:02
fabbionebecause my ALOM doesn't support it10:02
fabbioneand i couldn't find the fw that does that10:02
KelerionI haven't done anything with it.. was just an idea10:02
fabbioneah ok.. it's not configured by default10:02
Kelerionahh ok10:02
fabbionejust unplug the solaris disk10:02
fabbioneand wipe the boot sector of the other10:02
KelerionI've probably wiped out all partitions on both drives after the amount of messing around I've already done.. lol10:02
Kelerionok.. starting the expert install now10:05
Kelerionok.. done the language, keyboard and cdrom parts of the install..10:14
Keleriondo I want to load the preseed file?10:14
Kelerionok.. this sounds like a dumb question even to me.. but wheres the partitioner option on the install menu gone?10:15
Kelerion*thinks he shouldn't have loaded the preseed file*10:16
Kelerionok.. /proc/partitions is empty10:19
Kelerionmust have been something I did before10:19
Kelerionok.. will try and walk through the expert mode.. see what happens now... if still nothing.. will pull one of the drives10:22
fabbioneyou need to get to load extra installer modules before you can see the disks10:23
fabbioneas i said you need to get to the partitioner step without entering it10:23
=== fabbione -> bed
fabbionegood night10:24
Kelerionthanks for the ideas :)10:24
Kelerionrest well10:24
gapzbye !10:25
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