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Keybuk01:48:33.099049 > udp 68 (ttl 128, id 15045, len 96)12:35
Keybuk01:48:33.102586 > udp 68 (ttl 128, id 15046, len 96)12:35
Keybukrandom traffic on my network12:35
Keybukmethinks a neighbour wants internet access12:35
tsengKeybuk: bootp, kinda weird12:36
Keybukisn't that part of the link-local discovery protocol?12:38
Keybukcould be a windows machine12:38
BurgworkKeybuk, do you run segmented wireless networks?12:39
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KeybukBurgwork: and in English?12:40
Keybuk01:55:13.382275 arp who-has tell
Keybuk^ that's weird too ... why is it ARPing an IP address that's unused?12:41
BurgworkKeybuk, run two seperate wireless networks, one public and one private12:41
Keybukoh, I know ... I stuck it in the root dns temporarily12:42
KeybukBurgwork: nah12:42
tsengBurgwork: im not that friendly12:42
KeybukI used to, but my neighbours were taking the piss and downloading porn on it12:42
Keybukso I now only run a restricted-mac network12:42
Burgworkwould be nice if the routers could do it ootb12:42
Keybuk"the routers" 12:44
Burgworksorry, end of the day, mind is spacing12:44
KeybukI never run production firmware on a router anyway12:45
Keybukalways replace it with a Linux of some kind12:45
sistpotyopenwrt is nice :)12:46
HrdwrBoBI just run the wireless network seperately12:46
HrdwrBoBand use a vpn over the top of it12:46
Keybukwant to get to the point where I can just run Ubuntu on a WRT12:46
sistpotyyay, that would be great12:47
ChipzzKeybuk: why would you want to do that?12:52
KeybukChipzz: because I can12:53
Keybukwhat better reason is there? :p12:53
Chipzzyou could consider using your better judgement? ;P12:53
Chipzzubuntu is waaaaaaaaaaaay to big in way too many sizes to be usefull in allmost any way on a wrt12:54
Chipzzlet alone that apt would not be a big advantage giving the limited rewritability of flash12:54
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ograKeybuk, that looks very much like my linksys router a minute before it dies :)01:10
Kamionwoo, complete ubiquity installation of edgy01:14
Kamionwhether it boots is another question for another day, I feel01:15
=== ogra applauds
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KeybukChipzz: hmm?  Ubuntu can be as small as you want01:16
Keybuka kernel, initramfs and minimal klibc-based or busybox-based root filesystem01:16
Keybukdoesn't need to use dpkg or apt, etc.01:16
KeybukTo: scott@ubuntu.com01:16
KeybukSubject: Happy Birthday from Ubuntu Forums01:16
KeybukDate: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 00:01:13 +0100 (BST)01:16
Keybukhow tacky01:16
ChipzzKeybuk: then what is the point in using ubuntu anyway?01:17
KeybukChipzz: means it's our code on there, rather than something else01:17
ograKeybuk, H A P P Y  B I R T H D A Y ! ! ! ! ! 01:17
Keybukogra: not officially my birthday until "tomorrow"01:17
=== ogra throws a big bunch of flowers ove Keybuk
ograit starts at 00:00 !01:18
ChipzzKeybuk: happy birthday :)01:18
zulhappy pre-birthday01:18
Keybukogra: but that's 19 hours before I was born01:18
ograpfft, did you never party into your b-day ? did you care then ? 01:18
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lifelessKeybuk: its tomorrow here already, deal. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.01:22
lifelessKeybuk: or do you mean wednesday?01:23
ograno he means in 19h01:23
crimsunKeybuk: so I hope you're going to take a nice break from irc for a bit :-)01:23
crimsun(since you did mention taking the day off)01:24
Keybukyeah, we're going on a day out somewhere01:24
crimsunrock, enjoy :-)01:24
Keybukanyhoo, beer and dvd time01:26
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Kamion ubiquity_1.1.0_source.changes 3.7 kB, ok (0 s, 3.72 kB/s) ] 01:41
Kamionha. right. bed. night.01:41
Kamion(that was almost poetic.)01:41
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jdub"To sum it up - Dapper Drake is Ubuntu's best release to date, where just about everything just works. The massive array of packages, with the user friendliness bolted on, mean that I can recommend Ubuntu to anybody that wants a nice, simple distribution. Just make sure you download the alternate CD."05:30
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BenCwhat's the rule for patching packages in universe?06:07
BenCdo I need to coordinate with motu, or can I just patch and upload?06:07
crimsunthe latter06:10
LaserJockI don't know I think he should have to have a MOTU sponsor it ;-)06:11
LaserJocksorry, that just struck me as funny for some reason06:12
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infinityBenC: As a member of core-dev, you're implicitly also a MOTU.  If it's a package with significant Ubuntu changes and someone who looks like an "Ubuntu maintainer" taking care of it, though, it's always nice to ping them.06:17
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BenCinfinity: it has no changes from the debian version06:35
BenCkexec-tools...so I doubt it has any significance as of yet06:35
BenCI need the kdump patch in it though06:36
infinityBenC: Yeah, just mangle and upload.06:37
infinityBenC: Also, new kernel built everywhere, and the new lkh is good on all arches (I updated the chroots and was much relieved).  Thanks.06:37
BenCerr, just "sweet"06:38
=== infinity snickers.
BenCnow I don't have to worry about Mith killing me for holding up knot-1 any longer than I already have06:39
infinityI may still hurt you. ;)06:39
sladenBenC: Mithrandir is a _nice_ person.  If he's going to kill you, it'll be done in such a nice way that you might never notice...06:40
infinityOr such a nice way that you'll actually appreciate it while it's happening.06:40
infinityMaybe he'll get dholbach to hug you to death.06:41
sladenjdub: that's a good quote.  Perhaps worthy of El Fridge?06:41
sladeninfinity: :)06:42
sladenwow, Mithrandir was fast.06:50
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sladeninfinity: can you kick 'xaralx' out of DEPWAIT please07:42
infinityErm, the depwait is incorrect?07:43
infinityLooks correct to me.07:43
infinityIt'll resolve itself when the right version of wx2.6-headers is published.07:44
infinitysladen: Check the build log to see what I mean.07:45
sladeninfinity: it has been.  wx2.6 failed because of errno.h not being around07:45
infinity^^ That shows published07:46
sladeninfinity: yes finally got built yesterday 07:46
=== sladen goes to investigate
infinityIt may be in the NEW queue, then.  It's definitely not published.07:47
=== infinity goes to look.
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infinityYeah, the binaries are in NEW.07:48
infinitylibwxbase2.6* was NEW.07:48
=== infinity processes.
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sladeninfinity: rocking07:51
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stubLaunchpad will be going down in 15 minutes for its regular code update. Estimated downtime is 25 minutes.08:20
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pittiGood morning08:24
jsgotangcohello pitti08:24
crimsuninfinity: hi, is there a failed upload of kst from 17 minutes ago?08:24
infinitycrimsun: Could just be unprocessed, since stub stopped all the cronjobs on drescher in anticipation of the LP update.08:25
crimsuninfinity: ah, must be. Thanks.08:25
infinitycrimsun: Yeah, it's in incoming.08:26
crimsunah, greta.08:26
Hobbseeoh darn it.  just when i was going to file a whole lot of bugs on it.08:31
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Spadshttp://flickr.com/photos/mbp_/112373573/ <-- he got the shot08:43
Spadsoops, MCM08:43
fabbionemorning guys08:45
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fabbionehey Hobbsee 08:47
Hobbseehi fabbione :)08:47
Hobbseefabbione: i think you're in luck, you're not listed in my "todo" list.08:47
fabbioneHobbsee: i am not sure how i want to read what you just wrote08:47
Hobbseefabbione: um, okay.  while i was out, i made a list of all the stuff i had to tell people, and worked on amarok a bit.08:48
Hobbseefabbione: so now i'm finding those people, and telling them whatever i wrote down to tell them.08:48
fabbioneah ok :)08:48
fabbionewell i don't use kde or amarok08:48
Hobbseefabbione: i figured that.08:49
fabbioneit's unlikely you will ever have to hunt me down08:49
Hobbseefabbione: sure i will - to scream at you for breaking X?08:49
crimsun(quick, acquire a sparc, Hobbsee)08:49
Hobbseecrimsun: heh08:49
fabbioneHobbsee: nope.. i am off X too :)08:50
Hobbseefabbione: oh yeah.  oops. i could scream at you anyway?08:50
fabbioneHobbsee: cluster? sparc?08:50
=== Hobbsee has one i386, that's it
fabbioneHobbsee: sorry.. none of what i do fits in there08:51
Hobbseefabbione: yeah, i figured that out eventually.  08:51
=== Hobbsee looks around for whatever happened to her brain.
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nomedhi all09:17
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Hobbseehi nomed 09:19
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Kamionjdub: URL? I'd like to ensure that his desktop CD problems are fixed in the first point release.10:00
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Kamion(since I believe I've now fixed at least half of the top ubiquity crashers from dapper in edgy)10:01
HobbseeKamion: yay!10:02
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jdubKamion: sorry10:03
jdubKamion: http://www.free-bees.co.uk/articles/ubuntu606/10:03
Kamionok, one system freeze, no idea what that is10:04
Kamionone instance of gparted not embedding properly, hmm10:04
Kamionanother instance of the installer spewing an unspecified error message10:04
=== Kamion goes to send a comment
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MithrandirTheMuso: care to look at https://launchpad.net/bugs/53277 ?10:16
UbugtuMalone bug 53277 in casper "casper's accessibility ubiquity hook shouldn't use log_end_msg" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  10:16
pittiRiddell: pth needs work before main approval, see MIR10:21
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pittiseb128: FYI: cairomm approved for main (gtkmm2.4 b-dep)10:47
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seb128pitti: thank you11:00
Hobbseehi sivang 11:00
=== sivang hugs Hobbsee :)
=== Hobbsee hugs sivang in return :)
Mithrandirseb128: why can't I enable system sounds without enabling software mixing?  My sound card does hardware mixing just fine..11:00
seb128Mithrandir: because libgnome uses the esd API to play them11:01
seb128Mithrandir: switching that code to gstreamer is planned though11:01
Mithrandirseb128: ahkay.  Any good reason for the panel eating 40% cpu here?  up-to-date-edgy11:03
seb128Mithrandir: is the menu "flicking" too?11:03
seb128we have some bugs about it but nobody provided useful enough datas about the issue11:04
=== sivang dist-upgrades
Mithrandirseb128: the applications menu is, the others seem fine.11:04
seb128let me find the bug number11:04
seb128ogra was supposed to get a debug log but he didn't11:04
seb128Mithrandir: bug #5240511:04
UbugtuMalone bug 52405 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel eats 50% cpu for half an hour and flickers" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5240511:04
seb128Mithrandir: gnome-session-remove gnome-panel && MENU_VERBOSE=1 GNOME_PANEL_DEBUG=1 BONOBO_ACTIVATION_DEBUG_OUTPUT=1 gnome-panel ... and try to figure what event make it updates in loop could be useful11:05
seb128Mithrandir: a backtrace (with gnome-panel-dbg install) could be useful too11:06
Mithrandirseb128: I gotta grab some food, but I'll do that once I get back.11:06
seb128thank you11:06
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=== pitti hugs dholbach
=== dholbach hugs pitti
dholbachgood morning11:11
Hobbseehi dholbach, pitti 11:12
dholbachhey Hobbsee11:12
=== Arbiter [n=arbiter@adsl-238-64.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
seb128hi dholbach11:14
seb128they reversed the order of comments to launchpad?11:14
dholbachhey seb12811:14
seb128new comments are on top now11:15
dholbachyeah seems like :/11:15
seb128it's very confusing11:15
thomnot again?11:15
seb128and you don't have the current comment next to the text entry, which is not handy to reply to it11:15
Kamionseb128: apparently a bug, should be fixed soon11:25
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Kamion(already fixed on staging)11:25
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seb128Kamion: ah, cool, thank you11:30
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Hobbseeare uploads to main still frozen?11:44
Mithrandirwe'll hopefully be able to get knot out today, though.11:44
HobbseeMithrandir: okay, i'll put it in the "to do list of packages to either upload myself, or bug people to upload"11:44
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HiddenWolfwhiprush: your blog entry works on your blog, but is horridly broken on planet.ubuntu11:59
dholbachHiddenWolf: known bug :)12:01
HiddenWolfheh, i figured.12:02
ograKamion, in case you are intrested in the precise error from yesterday (i only worked around it in ltsp) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18254 (i also have the full log stored)12:03
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Kamionogra: looks like you're not (correctly) telling debconf to use the noninteractive frontend12:04
Kamionthere is no reason it should be trying whiptail if invoked correctly12:05
Kamionalso a bug that debian-installer/{keymap,language} aren't being copied12:05
ograthats why i always get the resolution question then ...12:05
ograi thought it was an X breakage :)12:05
=== ogra looks why its broken
Kamionok, so do you want the resolution question to be asked in the event that X can't autodetect it?12:06
=== Kamion goes and looks at the code
Kamionoh, I see, very broken12:07
Kamionogra: I'd suggest replacing that whole env -u ... command (including the redirections) with 'in-target /usr/sbin/ltsp-build-client --mirror file:///cdrom'12:08
ograKamion, i dont want any configuration ... that would be the best, but we're missing a debconf key for that :)12:09
Kamionneeds di-utils (>= 1.20)12:09
Kamionyou could probably do 'DEBIAN_PRIORITY=critical in-target ...' to avoid the question12:10
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Kamionit's asked at priority high12:12
ograin-target does all the chroot magic ? 12:12
ograKamion, *all* the redirections ? you mean i shouldnt create a separate logfile ? 12:15
Kamionogra: correct12:17
Kamion/var/log/messages is obsolete12:17
Kamionin-target does the logging for you12:17
Kamionand yes, in-target does all the chroot magic12:18
Kamionof which nowadays there is quite a lot12:18
ograwell, i'd lie to keep a separate log as well, so i dont have to dig for the ltsp stuff in the big one12:18
Kamionyou don't keep a separate log right now though12:19
ograin /var/log/installer/messages in the target system after install12:19
Kamionthat's only by fluke because you're out of date with respect to the rest of the installer code12:20
ogra(i had renamed that in my branch to ltsp-client.log already)12:20
ograah, k12:20
MithrandirKamion: I have a live cd where gfxboot doesn't work, but usplash does.  It worked with my old monitor, though.  Is there a useful way for me to debug this?12:20
Kamionogra: it would really be strongly preferable for you to use in-target, but perhaps you could do:12:21
Kamionin-target sh -c '/usr/sbin/ltsp-build-client --mirror file:///cdrom > /var/log/ltsp-build-client.log 2>&1'12:22
Kamionit will be less convenient for users trying to work out what's going on though12:22
Kamionbecause that log won't appear on tty412:22
KamionMithrandir: hmm. I think there might be some magic keystrokes12:23
KamionMithrandir: I think you can hold down shift at boot to get into a failsafe mode12:23
ograKamion, i'll live with the bigger log, dont worry12:23
Kamionwell, anyway, the above is how to get a separate log12:24
ograyep, thanks :)12:24
Mithrandirseb128: gnome-settings-daemon fails to start on the live cd -- no reply within specified time.12:24
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=== Mithrandir wonders how to debug that.
ograbtw, whats holding us up now ? 12:43
Mithrandirwe need to get all the ISOs tested.12:44
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=== ogra was looking and saw no isos :)
Mithrandirand I have the problem mentioned above which would be nice to debug or check if it's just my system.12:44
ograwell, it works on my installed system from  20060717.112:44
Mithrandirogra: dude, I can surely build you ISOs, but if you want me to, you need to actually ask.  I suck at mind-reading, just ask simira.12:44
ograMithrandir, no, i'm fine building them myself :)12:45
ograi didnt know ubuntu was ready so far 12:45
ograbut livefses would be nice :)12:46
Mithrandirjust a sec, I need to get this kiwi juice off my fingers12:46
ograno hurry :)12:47
Mithrandirok, edubuntu livefs-es building.12:47
MithrandirRiddell: you probably want kubuntu livefs-es too?12:47
RiddellMithrandir: yes please12:58
MithrandirRiddell: I'll build you ones once the edubuntu ones are done, then12:59
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KamionRiddell: there are a lot of qtparted crashes relating to NTFS; see bug 47194 and the zillion duplicates. Is there anything you can do to stop it crashing? If so, getting a fix into the Dapper point release would be nice.01:23
UbugtuMalone bug 47194 in ubiquity "qtparted seems to crash on some setups; deal with this better?" [Medium,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4719401:23
Kamion(I'm not sure if all of those are related to NTFS though)01:23
Kamionunfortunately there's no particularly easy way to get a crash dump from people, and it doesn't seem to output anything on stderr when it crashes01:24
RiddellKamion: is there a way to create NTFS partitions so I could try it out?01:25
Kamioninstall Windows01:25
Riddelltricky, no windows CD here01:26
Kamionntfstools might be able to do it01:26
Kamiondunno - I doubt it happens on all NTFS filesystems01:26
KamionI think only ones that are subtly buggered01:26
=== Hobbsee hopes she doesnt get asked to test.
Kamionis it possible to try to trace through the qtparted code and make sure that it handles NTFS check failures gracefully?01:27
fabbioneKamion: speaking of point release, we left a couple of sparc changes in the middle. I was wondering if after knot1 we can start looking at them and possibly start to push them in the archive. Mainly so that i can build a custom d-i for pre-testing01:27
Kamionfabbione: sure01:27
fabbioneKamion: thanks that would be just awesome.01:28
Kamionremind me afterwards01:28
HobbseeI dont think i found that ntfs bug on the dapper ubuntu cd that i tried, with ubiquity.  i never tested kubuntu cd, so i'm probably not much help.01:29
LathiatRiddell: i could create an ntfs image for you?01:29
RiddellLathiat: on my machine?01:30
Lathiatno but i could dd it off?01:30
Lathiatand send?01:30
Lathiathow large does it need to be?01:30
Lathiataltho fi i zero it first should compress ok01:30
Riddellnot large01:30
Lathiatname a size?01:31
Robot101sladen: daf was packaging it for Debian I think, but then at guadec I heard that dholbach had packaged most of it for Ubuntu anyway01:32
zulpitti: im just uploading breezy/hoary kernels now01:36
pittizul: thanks01:36
pittizul: I already released the dapper one this morning, since this was quite urgent01:36
zuli saw that01:36
RiddellLathiat: 10MB01:38
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KamionLathiat: we have no idea - I'm not sure random NTFS filesystems will help01:38
KamionLathiat: needs to be one that we know the Kubuntu CD crashes on, really01:38
Kamioner Kubuntu ubiquity01:38
Lathiathm right01:38
Lathiatwhen does it crash? resizing?01:38
Lathiator just magically?01:39
Riddellseb128: what's the best way to get a patch into launchpad-integration?01:39
Lathiatcus i can try the iso and see if it crashes?01:39
KamionLathiat: I believe it's when they go into the advanced partitioner, do pretty much anything, and then say Next01:39
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Lathiatwhere do i get the iso?01:39
KamionI don't generally get a whole lot of detail01:39
Lathiatoh dapper?01:39
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Lathiatim pretty sure i've installed kubuntu dapper ..01:39
Lathiatcant remember if it was final01:39
Lathiati'll give it a shot, cant hurt01:40
Mithrandiroh, grrrrrrrr, now it managed to start the daemon.01:40
Mithrandirbut my background is slate, not brown01:41
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=== Mithrandir twiddles his thumbs while vivies finishes the edubuntu image.
RiddellMithrandir: it's still doing edubuntu livefs's?01:43
MithrandirRiddell: yeah.  The sparc is slow as molasses.01:43
MithrandirRiddell: eta ~15 minutes01:44
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Mithrandirogra: edubuntu built.01:49
ograthanks !01:50
KamionRiddell: could you also review the kde-ui changes in r1403 in my ubiquity branch?02:00
KamionI haven't tested them ...02:00
KamionRiddell: of course it's still not perfect - if gparted/qtparted keep crashing, then ubiquity should give up02:02
Kamionand tell the user02:02
Kamionhmm, actually that's relatively easy to do isn't it ...02:03
RiddellKamion: looking..02:03
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Mithrandirogra: the livefs didn't work due to an untested change to the livefs build script.  Sorry; I'll rebuild it once we've tested the change properly.02:08
infinityogra: You can blame me for not testing.  Or blame Mithrandir for having the machines blocked when I wanted to test.  Pick one. :)02:10
infinityI need to clear up some disk space to test livefs changes locally again.02:10
=== lmanul [n=manu@dan75-4-82-239-58-38.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograinfinity, pfft i'll take our best whipping boy and just blame launchpad :P02:11
pittiogra: you mean it's a GTK bug?02:12
Mithrandirit's the bug comment ordering's fault! :-P02:12
infinityI prefer to blame launchpad only when it's actually at fault, so we get heard. :)02:12
infinityBlaming GTK is fair game, though.02:12
ograpitti, yeah ... 02:12
HobbseeMithrandir: everything's the fault of that, yes.  that sends everyone crazy, then they understand nothing. :P02:12
infinityGrr, security really needs to move back to the DC...02:14
pittiOTOH, I mean, it's just *yet* another 45 minutes of delay...02:14
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infinityOh, for the love of.  Options come AFTER the source/dest args?  WHO WROTE THIS TOOL?02:15
=== infinity tries AGAIN.
Mithrandirinfinity: oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that, didn't I?  It's crackful.02:15
infinityWhee, why is it failing there?  I didn't break that part...02:24
=== infinity fiddles MORE.
maswaninfinity: Yes, we're going to do that. We were planning on doing that after this kernel bandwidth peak.02:28
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seb128Riddell: open a bug with it on the launchpad-integration package02:31
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KamionRiddell: another untested patch (r1404) in my branch to stick up crash dialogs if gparted or qtparted crash so that we don't spin repeatedly reinvoking them. (I'll test before release; I just wanted to get the patch out of the way.)02:32
RiddellKamion: it's still branching..02:32
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infinityMithrandir: Okay, I think it's sorted now.02:34
Mithrandirinfinity: I'll build edubuntu and kubuntu livefs-es, then02:36
Mithrandirinfinity: thanks02:36
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=== chuck is now known as zul
ograhmm, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily-live/20060718/ looks a bit weird ...02:38
ograseems i got dapper isos :P02:38
infinityPicky, picky,02:38
Hobbseeogra: hehe...who wants edgy iso's anyway.....02:39
Kamionogra: yeah, easy to fix02:39
Kamionit's a quirk of the CD build system changes done in the dapper cycle02:39
ograi just noted that my rsync script fails ... it looks fo redgy :)02:39
Kamionoh, hang on, you got ONLY dapper ISOs02:40
=== HiddenWolf [n=HiddenWo@136.37.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Hobbseeseb128: Riddell:  assuming you're talking about the browser launchpad-integration opens with, there's a bug listed at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/launchpad-integration/+bug/3810 and i added my comments to it02:40
UbugtuMalone bug 3810 in launchpad-integration "Launching "Get help online" from a browser should launch within that browser" [Medium,Confirmed]  02:40
Kamionogra: so, you know the way I asked you recently to check the build log before talking to me?02:40
Kamionogra: did you listen? :-P02:41
ograKamion, i know that this livefs is broken ... but at some point i need something to rsync on02:41
ograelse it'll take me days to download 02:41
Kamionogra: you need to rm -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts on lithium, because a lot of host keys have changed; and furthermore there was no livefs at all for lithium to fetch from any of the buildds02:41
Kamionit's not so much broken as NOT THERE02:42
Kamionat least not at the time of build02:42
Kamionit might be there now02:42
=== ogra removes the host keys
Kamionlooks like it was a casualty of the livefs build bug that infinity and Mithrandir were discussing above.02:43
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seb128Hobbsee: I rather think he's speaking about lpi for KDE02:50
Hobbseeseb128: huh?02:50
seb128Hobbsee: what?02:52
Mithrandirso, it appears that gnome-settings-daemon will fail to start if it takes more than 25 seconds.  Which can conceivably happen when you're booting a live cd.02:53
Hobbseeseb128: were you originally referring to my comment about the bug report, said above?02:53
seb128Hobbsee: no, replying to "assuming you're talking about the browse"02:55
Hobbseeseb128: yeah, right.  the same thing as what i'm referring to.  i'm a KDE user...02:56
seb128Hobbsee: let me phrase it again, "no we are not speaking about "open with"", but about launchpad-integration (apt-cache show launchpad-integration)02:57
Mithrandirseb128: do you have any ideas what to do about the problem I'm talking about above or should we just ignore it?02:57
Hobbseeseb128: ohh...sorry.  FYI, Riddell's just got a patch about fixing the "use the default browser" patch for kde...02:57
seb128Mithrandir: the flicking menu one? not good to ignore, but if you commented on the bug with bt and log I didn't read it yet02:57
Mithrandirseb128: no, the "I don't get my brown colours" one.02:58
Mithrandirseb128: on the live cd.02:58
seb128Hobbsee: I don't use about KDE and I didn't know he was not using the right browser ... for dapper only Ubuntu had lpi, I think the discussion is rather about getting the feature for kubuntu too no?02:58
seb128Mithrandir: ah, the gnome-settings-daemon, did read enough backlog when coming back :p02:59
seb128Mithrandir: does starting it by hand works fine?02:59
Hobbseeseb128: unless i'm going totally mad, which is quite possible, it came into kubuntu edgy today.02:59
seb128Hobbsee: ok, please stop trying to stop to that conversation, you seem to have better information than me, I don't use KDE03:00
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Mithrandirseb128: it's actually started automatically after the dialog complains about it not starting quickly enough.03:00
seb128Hobbsee: if it landed to KDE it might be a discussion about having that code shipped with the previous launchpad-integration source package03:00
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seb128Mithrandir: weird, now gnome-session starts it over dbus ... I'm wondering if that could be a dbus issue03:01
seb128Mithrandir: like the session bus starting late or something03:01
Mithrandirseb128: it's a timeout.  The default dbus timeout is 25 seconds and I wouldn't be surprised if it could take more than that to start stuff when booting the live cd.03:01
=== Hobbsee disappears in a puff of very confused smoke. I'm using kubuntu edgy, and the only problem so far is that it doesnt use the default browser. Riddell's got a patch listed on LP against it, which fixes the issue. That's all i'm trying to say, seb128
seb128Hobbsee: so, no, that's not what we are speaking about to reply to your first question03:02
seb128Hobbsee: I didn't know that kubuntu got lpi yet and I didn't know about that bug03:02
Hobbseeseb128: okay, i'm sorry.03:02
=== Hobbsee guessed, as Riddell said he was going to talk to you earlier about it. i think i'll go and fix kaffeine. i might win that battle :P
seb128Hobbsee: your comment to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/launchpad-integration/+bug/3810 is confusing too03:04
UbugtuMalone bug 3810 in launchpad-integration "Launching "Get help online" from a browser should launch within that browser" [Medium,Confirmed]  03:04
seb128Hobbsee: the bug is about "if you click on a lpi item from firefox, it opens a new window instead of loading the page to the window you used for the click"03:04
Hobbseeseb128: okay, ignore my comment.03:04
seb128Hobbsee: it's not about what app is started03:05
Hobbseeoh shit, i'm really reading things wrong tonight.03:05
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seb128Mithrandir: is that happening with all the CDs atm? I would need to try ... maybe we can change the timeout as a workaround?03:07
dholbachRobot101: i'll work with daf together to get it done and included in ubuntu03:07
Mithrandirseb128: seems to be all CDs, yes, but it appears gnome-settings-daemon isn't the only problem.  The theme is just wrong too.03:08
Mithrandirseb128: isn't "Human" supposed to be default?03:08
seb128Mithrandir: without gnome-settings-daemon no theme is applied03:09
ograthemes are overrated on alpha quality CDs03:09
seb128Mithrandir: and yes, Human is supposed to be the default one03:09
Mithrandirseb128: but gsd is running now and I still have the seagreen background.03:09
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seb128Mithrandir: the background is not part of the theme03:10
seb128Mithrandir: are the GTK theme and icons correct?03:10
Mithrandirseb128: the icons are wrong too; appears to be clearlooks.03:10
Mithrandiralmost, at least03:10
seb128gconftool-2 --get /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme ?03:11
seb128gconftool-2 --get /desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme ?03:11
MithrandirClearlooks and gnome, respectively.03:11
seb128right, same on my box03:12
Mithrandirthat's wrong, isn't it?03:12
seb128looks loke the .gconf-defaults has been dropped when merging with Debian03:12
seb128should I fix that now?03:12
seb128that's a libgnome update03:12
Mithrandirhmm, let me think a little.03:12
Mithrandirwhat about the background?03:12
seb128probably same reason03:13
KamionMithrandir: partman's unhappy here, on a blank disk03:13
Mithrandireven though artwork isn't crucial for an alpha, I think we should have it in place.03:13
MithrandirKamion: alternate?03:13
seb128Mithrandir: I think too03:13
Mithrandirseb128: ok, go ahead and upload with fixed gconf-defaults.03:14
=== seb128 slaps dholbach
seb128dholbach: you did that merge :p03:14
seb128Mithrandir: ok, fixing that now03:14
Mithrandirseb128: thanks.03:14
infinityMithrandir: Okay, looks better now, you should be on track.  I'm off.03:14
KamionMithrandir: yeah03:14
Kamiontrying to track it down now03:14
Mithrandirinfinity: yay, thanks.  Sleep well, or whatever you're off to.03:15
MithrandirKamion: any idea if it affects ubiquity?03:15
KamionMithrandir: also, I have a gparted crash fix affecting XFS. Upload now or wait?03:15
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KamionMithrandir: no idea yet, will take a while to determine03:15
MithrandirKamion: how big is the diff?03:15
Mithrandirif it's small enough, upload.03:15
Mithrandirif it's big, I'd like to at least eyeball it03:15
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Kamion-               output = output .substr( output .find( "fdblocks" ) ) ;03:17
Kamion-               if ( sscanf( output .c_str(), "fdblocks = %Ld", &N ) != 1 )03:17
Kamion+               index = output .find( "fdblocks" ) ;03:17
Kamion+               if ( index >= output .length() ||03:17
Kamion+                    sscanf( output .substr( index ) .c_str(), "fdblocks = %Ld", &N ) != 1 )03:17
Kamionabout that big03:17
Mithrandirew, evil C++ style.03:17
Kamion(the crash comes when output.find returns "not found" which is (size_t)-1 which when fed to substr() throws an exception03:17
seb128dholbach dropped all the Ubuntu customizations to libgnome03:17
seb128the sound events list too03:17
MithrandirKamion: ah, just upload, then03:17
KamionMithrandir: yeah, gparted isn't fun to hack on due to that style03:18
seb128Mithrandir: I'm fixing the sounds event list with the same upload :p03:18
Mithrandirseb128: please do.03:18
dholbachseb128: sorry03:18
Mithrandirseb128: that's less crucial, though.  I assume it's all just gconf defaults so it's safe anyway.03:18
seb128dholbach: that's fine :)03:18
seb128Mithrandir: no, it's not gconf, that's a file to etc but no issue with it03:18
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Mithrandirogra: do you want a rebuild once we have the new libgnome in or are you overriding the themes etc anyway?03:22
ograMithrandir, my themes on the 17.1 cd were fine ...03:23
ograbut i havent tested 18.1 yet 03:23
Mithrandirogra: let's hope they still are, then. :-)03:23
ograbut i dont really care to be honest ... its alpha ...03:24
Mithrandirogra: ok, that's your choice, obviously.03:24
ograoh, and we're tlaking about the liveCD, right ? i havent had any successfull build yet :)03:24
Mithrandirogra: yeah, live cd.  You manage your install cds yourself.03:25
ograso i guess i'll get it for free anyway ;)03:26
Mithrandirnot if the current livefs-es end up working03:26
Mithrandirogra: you don't care about sparc livecds, do you?03:28
KamionI never build sparc live CDs for Edubuntu03:28
Kamionor live filesystems03:28
Kamionfor projects other than ubuntu|kubuntu|ubuntu-server, I just build on king, terranova, and royal03:29
ograMithrandir, not really, but fabbione might get unhappy :)03:29
MithrandirScrew fabio. ;-P03:29
ograi cant, we share a room at the sprint ... i dont want to have pinhead in the other bed in the room :)03:30
fabbioneMithrandir: tsk :P03:34
=== Mithrandir hugs fabbione
fabbioneMithrandir: we will work on sparc livefs sometimes after knot-103:35
fabbioneMithrandir: so just skip it for now03:36
Mithrandirfabbione: yeah, I know.  No worries.03:36
fabbioneMithrandir: perfect03:36
Mithrandirfabbione: but I suspect you won't do an edubuntu livefs?03:36
Chipzzsomething I wrote recently in case anyone cares: http://chipzz.studentenweb.org/pageant/03:36
Chipzzfeedback is welcome :)03:37
Chipzzand yes it probably also needs a new name ;P03:37
fabbioneMithrandir: as it stands i will be pleased to have ubuntu livecd working and if derivates want livecd, they will have to do it and test it03:38
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Kamionwoo, bug comment ordering back to normal03:49
Kamion... or not03:49
Kamionback to normal *sometimes*. how weird. :)03:49
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Hobbseethat's goign to drive me more insane, i think03:50
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=== Kamion hopes that this partman breakage isn't the change in busybox semantics that he thinks it is ...
Kamionah, no, just parted_devices returning nothing apparently04:21
Kamionhaha, I forgot to add disks to the vmware instance04:21
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Kamionok, fixed the two bugs thusly exposed04:31
Kamionno particular necessity to have them in knot-1 but I've tested them both anyway04:32
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fabbioneKamion: can you please add to the openais UVF exception reasons that it also fix a major failover/fencing loop bug?05:19
=== nomed_ is now known as nomed
=== Kamion rejects lots of bugs. It's very cathartic.
fabbioneKamion: thanks05:21
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sharms2I noticed a new patch for WPA and Prism54 drivers, I am guessing there is no way to get this into edgy, or is there some way I can make like a "module" package that I can include on a personal repository?06:03
slomoare autosyncs from debian for universe still running or is this manual now?06:03
pittislomo: manual06:04
pittislomo: we don't autosync since UVF any more06:04
Kamionsharms2: talk to the kernel maintainers06:05
bluefoxicyI wish someone would write up wifi drivers for everything.06:05
Kamionit should be possible to get new driver patches in at this point06:05
bluefoxicyI hear freebsd has wifi drivers for a lot more than Linux, but nobody's announced effort to port yet; and porting quietly is kind of stupid, then you have 6 people doing duplicate work >/06:06
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mjg59I don't think there are any cards supported in FreeBSD without having a Linux driver06:08
giftnudel_maybe the support is better?06:08
mjg59They're in the kernel, unlike Linux06:09
mjg59Where they're scattered all over the place06:10
mjg59But, to some extent, we support pretty much every wireless card available now06:10
sharms2Kamion: the driver patch itself is very untested right now06:10
mjg59sharms2: Push it to Ben, it'll probably get applied06:10
giftnudel_there is a post on planet.gnome.org about it06:11
sharms2yeah that is what I am referencing06:11
sharms2what is ben's nick?06:11
KamionMithrandir: Ubuntu alternate i386 OK06:14
Kamionapart from starting up without the Human theme of course06:14
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KamionMithrandir: Ubuntu desktop i386 also seems ok for me modulo the theme problem.06:51
KamionMithrandir: I'd suggest not worrying about it too much. For the first milestone, "it sort of works, ship it" is OK ...06:52
=== dsas [n=dean@host86-129-12-68.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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gnomefreakupdate-manager with the -d option should not upgrade to edgy yet right?07:04
Kamion-d => development release, so I'd expect it to07:05
gnomefreakKamion: it hasnt worked yet so i figured maybe it wasnt configured to yet and now im seeing a bug on it07:06
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Kamiongnomefreak: perhaps mvo hasn't set it up yet07:10
Kamionstatus way-too-damn-impatient07:11
Kamionsubscribe mvo to the bug, anyway07:11
gnomefreaki dont think people should use edgy for normal use anyway07:11
sladengnomefreak: correct.  Not yet07:11
=== gnomefreak been using it sice day one
dholbachi doubt he's going to set it up anytime soon (especially given that dapper is supported on the desktop for 3 years) :)07:11
sladengnomefreak: okay, if you're willing to help with the testing, that's very much appreciated07:12
gnomefreaksladen: always love testing07:12
gnomefreakmvo = micheal vogel <<< that mvo07:13
dholbachMichael VOGT07:13
gnomefreakok one down one to go07:14
gnomefreakTonio_: did hobbsee drop off kaffeine issue to you?07:14
Tonio_gnomefreak: yes, I didn't upload the good package....07:14
gnomefreakok cool07:14
Tonio_the new one is just beeing uploaded07:14
Tonio_and this time it works07:14
=== gnomefreak spent a couple hours with her on that one :(
Tonio_gnomefreak: you cannot imagin how stupid it is....07:15
gnomefreakits the .la files07:15
Tonio_I simply uploaded a package without kaffeine-xine.install file :)07:15
gnomefreakit happens07:15
sladengnomefreak: if you're wondering, dholbach is mvo's favourate fanboy :)07:16
zuldholbach: where is the fun in that on not running edgy07:16
Tonio_sometimes yes ;)07:16
Tonio_new gwenview is beeing uploaded actually too :)07:17
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Tonio_Riddell: ping ?07:24
RiddellTonio_: hi07:24
Tonio_hey Riddell07:24
Tonio_Riddell: raphink suggests me to ask toonight at TB concerning coredev (he looks borded uploading my packages ^^)07:25
Tonio_isn't that a bit late to ask ?07:25
raphinkTonio_: I really think you can go for it07:25
RiddellTonio_: do it07:25
Riddellmake sure your wiki page is up to date of course07:26
Tonio_Riddell: okay, I'l try at least07:26
Tonio_Riddell: it won't, I have so many things to do on it...07:26
Tonio_or maybe if I go right now....07:26
raphinkthe TB is in 2 hours and a half07:26
Tonio_okay I can do it... let's go07:27
RiddellTonio_: find some example packages you can use to show your leet skills07:28
Tonio_Riddell: yes, I know the good examples (kds and knetworkmanager for example07:28
Tonio_and the bunch of patches I did for kdebase too07:28
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ToadstoolKamion: hi, Gloubiboulga_ will confirm the gnome-sudoku sync as soon as he gets back to his computer ;)07:45
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pittifabbione, infinity: OO.o2 breezy-security build on vivies (sparc) failed due to 'no space left' :(07:47
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^robertjheya all, where do packages go after they are synced? do they not show in launchpad until they are autobuilt?07:50
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pittiKamion: can you check whether vmware-player kernel modules for dapper-security are still in NEW?07:52
Kamion^robertj: new packages land in the new queue07:58
Kamionpitti: have to go out now, remind me when I'm next around?07:58
bluefoxicyshould I file a bug if I can hit system->administration->time and date; hit the checkbox for automatic synchronization of time; and it says to install NTP support08:04
bluefoxicyso I install ntp, ntp-simple, and ntp-server, and it doesn't fix it... that's a bug, right?08:05
mjg59bluefoxicy: That depends. Did you install ntpdate?08:05
bluefoxicy(yes I'm busy going through the 40 clicks it takes to get into launchpad)08:05
bluefoxicymjg59:  ntpdate can't be removed without removing ubuntu-minimal, so yes it was already installed.08:05
mjg59Then yes, it's probably a bug08:06
bluefoxicythere's no /etc/init.d/ntpdate either, or ntpanything for that matter until ntpserver is installed... that probably the problem?08:06
bluefoxicyfiling.. https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/38610 looks like breakage in dapper but has a work-around, not working for me.  Should I file a separate bug or note the problem is even worse in edgy on same bug?08:09
UbugtuMalone bug 38610 in Ubuntu "Time: no synchronise option" [Medium,Unconfirmed]  08:09
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RiddellKamion: patch for ubiquity at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/5336708:11
UbugtuMalone bug 53367 in ubiquity "Ubiquity crash (Edgy)" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  08:11
pittiKamion: sure08:14
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RiddellKamion: I'm getting "raise InstallStepError("HwDetect failed with code %d" % code)" when installing with ubiquity 1.1.008:27
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bluefoxicyre https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntegratedDesktopSearch has anyone packaged Tracker yet or is working on it?09:04
slomoafaik no (for both questions)09:05
bluefoxicythe upstream author has some debs, I wonder if I could get his source packages09:06
bluefoxicynautilus tracker integration gets a separate package, so I'd assume there's some nautilus debian/ directory hacks going on in that09:06
LaserJockor maybe the author is using checkinstall ;-)09:07
slomoand patching of the nautilus source probably... but just ask him for the source packages ;)09:07
bluefoxicyAFAIK there's no patch to nautilus itself, it's got tracker code right in the official source tree, activates it if tracker is around09:07
bluefoxicyslomo:  nautilus since some version should have it.09:07
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bluefoxicy"Once you have installed Tracker and have some indexed contents, you should now compile Nautilus (ver 2.13.4 or higher) which should auto detect that tracker is installed and automatically compile in tracker support."09:08
LaserJockbut it still requires recompiling after tracker is installed?09:10
slomoseems like it09:10
LaserJockthat's going to be interesting09:10
bluefoxicyLaserJock:  he has a deb for tracker integration into nautilus.  I assume that this would mean 1) tracker (and a lib tracker depends on that's currently in universe) goes into main; 2) nautilus gets a build-dep on tracker-dev; 3) we emit an extra nautilus package.09:11
slomowould mean that we would need to get tracker into main to get nautilus support for it... and as we don't have packages for it anywhere and nobody is working on it i doubt that we get this for edgy09:11
bluefoxicythat being a nautilus plug-in probably.09:11
slomoand i also doubt that tracker is already ready for wide use but well :) we have to see09:11
bluefoxicyit doesn't matter with edgy as much, as long as it works right?  IIRC tracker doesn't have the ability to autoparse as much meta-data as things like beagle, namely e-mail and IM logs.09:12
bluefoxicyaside from that I've heard it's pretty stable09:12
bluefoxicy"The very energetic move would be for Ubuntu/Canonical to sponsor Jamie to work on Tracker. This would be a move that would position Ubuntu/Canonical has bleeding edge technology contributors to the free desktop along side Novell and Red Hat."  <-- very nice but keep dreaming, moving corporate money around means getting corporate big-shots VERY interested09:13
bluefoxicyI would imagine that would happen if sabdfl was a hard-core tracker fan :P09:14
bluefoxicyotherwise no09:14
=== bluefoxicy is reading the comments on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntegratedDesktopSearch btw.
bluefoxicyslomo:  there's been buzz here and there about beagle/tracker/glscube on ubuntu-users@ and ubuntu-devel@ too, might be more information about whether it breaks/works/is lacking things/etc09:15
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tsengbluefoxicy: there is buzz about tracker everywhere09:18
tsengbluefoxicy: alot of it is based on features that arent built yet, certainly not the same level as beagle09:18
mdkegotta love buzz09:18
tsengpretty tiring09:18
slomobluefoxicy: i don't really care about such stuff :) but from what i heard tracker is just not there yet and i don't see a good reason to reimplement the wheel instead of improving beagle here... seems mostly be caused by "C is much faster"...09:18
bluefoxicytseng:  nods, I noticed that too.  "tracker will eventually be able to index .desktop files for gnome" is silly.09:18
slomohmm... "for gnome"? isn't xfce using .desktop files and kde in the future too?09:19
bluefoxicyslomo:  Tracker is much faster, I hear, they just attribute it to C (possibly properly, possibly not, that's not the issue).  I also hear it uses much less memory.  Mine has 8.2 megs resident.09:19
tsengthings with less features often use less memory09:20
bluefoxicytseng:  for me there's also the issue that I've never actually seen beagle live up to any of its claims at all.09:20
tsenglets not get caught up with what tracker might or might not be09:20
bluefoxicytseng:  in fact, the most I've seen beagle do is crash :P09:20
tsengbluefoxicy: i havent crashed it in months.09:21
mjg59bluefoxicy: Ah, but by the same token I've never even seen Tracker start up correctly09:21
slomobluefoxicy: are there bug reports for the crashes? it doesn't crash for me (but likes to use much ram sometimes :) )09:21
mjg59(I've never seen it start up incorrectly either, but that's not the point)09:21
bluefoxicymjg59: I got trackerd loaded, just nothing to use to do a search.  It'd be nice if he had a stand-alone search UI >:|09:21
mjg59Beagle works fine here, but, well.09:21
mjg59The plural of "anecdote" is not "data"09:22
tsengyou should post that to ddl09:22
tsengnext to a comment about phallic objects09:22
bluefoxicytseng:  i'm most interested in that tracker is apparently integrated with gnome tbh, and that it's not mono.  Both of those.  On equal ground.09:23
Burgworkmjg59, damn we need a quote engine. That was good09:23
mjg59Burgwork: Not original, I'm afraid09:23
tsengBurgwork: havent you run into mjg59 in person?09:23
mjg59Results 1 - 10 of about 61,400 for "plural of anecdote".09:23
bluefoxicyor well, integrated with nautilus mainline.09:23
Burgworktseng, I have never met the person09:23
tsengBurgwork: its one a minute09:23
tsengah, thats too bad09:23
mjg59"Not mono" isn't a selling point09:23
mjg59"Well integrated" is09:23
tsengbeagle is integrated in mainline, and a few other places, more in SLED09:24
tseng(mainline nautilus)09:24
bluefoxicymjg59:  "not afflicted with the overhead of loading a virtual machine into memory and having its executable pages actually require physical RAM for each individual instance of the process because runtime generated code cannot be mmap()'d and shared" then.09:24
tsengtracker cant index muhc of anything, and isnt integrated anywhere09:24
tsengwhich would be fine if people werent trying so hard to sell it09:24
bluefoxicytseng:  interesting.09:24
mjg59When tracker is feature-comparable with Beagle, we'll worry about things09:25
bluefoxicyIs it possible to use both, but not make it mandatory?09:25
mjg59What /would/ be worthwhile would be cooperation between the two projects on defining an interface for querying indexing systems09:25
zul./unignore bluefoxicy09:25
bluefoxicyi.e. have integration packages for Nautilus+Tracker/Beagle?09:25
tsengzul: not worth it.09:25
bluefoxicymjg59:  or that.09:25
mjg59So applications don't have to care09:25
slomobluefoxicy: hm, mono is using much shared memory... not sure whether this is for code too ;)09:25
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tsengin beagle especially i hear from alot of people they just stopped using it instead of filing bugs or doing anything at all proactive09:27
tseng"plugged in" people who know better09:28
slomowell, i stopped using it because it always ran in the background but i never actually used it :P09:30
=== mjg59 wonders what DAEMON_RADAR_DETECT means
LaserJockwell, tracker would make a great Universe package if the nautilus recompiling thing was worked out09:33
=== bluefoxicy gets beagled running and tries to figure out how to call up a UI
slomoLaserJock: i don't think that is possible09:35
LaserJockslomo: that's a pretty serious deficiency then, IMO09:36
bluefoxicyhttp://rafb.net/paste/results/7ffomk32.html  so much for that09:37
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slomoLaserJock: why? it integrates very tightly into nautilus afaik... same as beagle does09:37
=== bluefoxicy didn't even find a ui... beagled vanished, beagled-helper replaced it.
slomobluefoxicy: dapper or edgy?09:38
LaserJockslomo: if users have to recompile Nautilus just to use the thing ...09:38
slomobluefoxicy: edgy obviously... ok, i think there is a problem with evolution-sharp right now because of the changed e-d-s API/ABI... should work fine with the evolution stuff disabled (i.e. removing beagle-evolution or how the package was called) until we fixed that ;)09:39
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mjg59eds appears broken there09:39
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slomobluefoxicy: could you please a bug for this (well, look whether there already is one) and assign it to me? i'll look at it when i find some time for it09:40
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:Keybuk] : Ubuntu Development (not support, even with edgy) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Knot-1 freeze in effect - uploads to main frozen, ask Mithrandir for exceptions
tomafabbione: ping09:43
bluefoxicyslomo:  edgy but I've done it with dapper without evolution, normally it spits out memory addresses09:44
=== bluefoxicy tries removing that.
slomobluefoxicy: and then start beagled --fg --debug09:46
slomobluefoxicy: then beagle-search for searching for example... but the wrapper script is broken too right now ;) just change sh to bash in the first line of it...09:47
bluefoxicyI thought beagle had a pretty GUI09:48
slomobeagle-search is a pretty gui :P09:48
bluefoxicybug 5333709:49
UbugtuMalone bug 53337 in gedit "gedit crashes X on large xml file" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5333709:49
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bluefoxicyslomo:  interesting.09:51
slomobluefoxicy: why?09:52
Hobbseemorning all!09:52
gnomefreakmorning Hobbsee 09:54
bluefoxicyslomo:  beagled is running, it's indexed ~/writing/ fully, or so I think.. I searched for 'linker' (optimizing linker load times, the article I'm writing for LWN right now), nothing found.09:54
bluefoxicyDebug: Parsed query 'linker' as text_query09:54
tsenghow long has it been running?09:55
slomotseng: ~2 minutes at most :P09:55
tsengim guessing you just started it, as you claimed before you never saw it do anything but crash09:55
bluefoxicytseng:  it ran for a couple minutes before it crashed last time, I figured it had to get somewhere.09:55
tsengit starts at the begining09:56
bluefoxicybut the --debug output isn't saying "I'm indexing files"09:56
tsengevery time09:56
tsengit uses xattr to know where its already been09:56
bluefoxicy..... oh.  Maybe it doesn't tell me what it's doing.09:56
tsengyou run beagled --fg --debug09:56
bluefoxicyyeah I did09:56
tsengthen it tells you.09:56
bluefoxicy<slomo> bluefoxicy: and then start beagled --fg --debug09:56
slomotseng: what was the env variable to force indexing?09:56
slomothat's what he needs right now to get everything indexed as fast as possible and not only in the background :P09:57
tsengturns off the friendlier scheduling09:57
bluefoxicywhat the jesus.  It just started indexing things.  It's indexing web sites!09:57
tsengfrom rss? or from firefox plugin09:58
bluefoxicyoh THAT explains it, it found an rss feed.09:58
=== bluefoxicy hasn't used liferea in eternity.
tsengit reads blam/lifrea feeds09:58
slomotseng: it indexes epiphany cache/bookmarks too, right?09:58
tsengI have to say this is getting pretty far off topic09:58
=== Amaranth [n=amaranth@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-devel
tsengslomo: i think you need to build-dep on ephy and build a plugin for that09:58
slomotseng: sounds like something we want to do then ;)09:59
slomook... so we have the following for beagle: wv1/gsf-sharp to main, epiphany build-depends, evolution-sharp fixing for the new API/ABI ;) will you do it?10:00
tsengevo-sharp api? no thanks :)10:00
tsengwhere is lukas :)10:01
slomook, i'll do it then ;) i hope it's only soname changing...10:01
KamionRiddell: applied, thanks10:01
=== danny [n=danny@Me397.m.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
KamionRiddell: well, then, hw-detect is failing :) /var/log/syslog may say why10:02
bluefoxicyHey I bet I can search for "new vulnerabilities" with this thing, it'll probably return loads of old stuff from bugtraq and cert10:02
=== bluefoxicy is really, really bored. Needs to find something else to do besides make bad jokes in #-devel.
=== pitti [n=pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Hobbseehi pitti 10:06
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tomaHobbsee: can you upload already?10:16
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Hobbseetoma: no idea, havent tried yet.  in truth, i dont have any uploads for universe this second, i've been workign on main.10:17
tsengslomo: good luck10:17
Hobbseetoma: i might have to bug ogra to upload or something, after this knot 1 freeze stops10:17
slomotseng: thanks :P10:17
tomaHobbsee: time for cake!10:18
Keybukshould be able to10:18
Keybukas far as I know, as soon as I click the approve button, you can upload10:18
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Hobbseetoma: hehe, it's a little too early for that still.  but this is an early birthday present10:19
HobbseeKeybuk: thanks :)10:19
=== Hobbsee just needs something to upload for universe :P
KamionHobbsee: knot-1 freeze is really just main/restricted; don't worry about it for universe10:19
Keybukclicked I should say10:19
Kamionoh, but reading more closely, I think you knew that10:19
bluefoxicycrud, it doesn't spit out a plug-in, it just gets bulit in.  *kicks tracker*10:19
ograKamion, so is there another ubiqity uplad planned ? 10:20
HobbseeKamion: yeah, but i've got uploads for main :P10:20
Kamionogra: probably, given the kde frontend breakage. why?10:20
ograi just iscovered it doesnt suffice what i did to te udeb ... i'll need the full change you gave me for it ... so i'd either wait until ubuntu is done and i dont put anything in danger or i have the luck that you do another uplad 10:21
=== ogra looks at his keyboard if all these keys are really missing ...
Hobbseeogra: hehe.  i ate them.10:23
Hobbseeogra: i was hungry!  what's the problem?10:23
ograwith yur first coffee i guess ;)10:23
ograadd an o where appropriate10:24
=== slomo [n=slomo@ubuntu/member/slomo] has joined #ubuntu-devel
HobbseeThe status of your membership on team "ubuntu-dev" (Ubuntu Development Team)10:24
Hobbseewas changed from Proposed to Approved.10:24
Hobbseeyay, thanks Keybuk 10:25
Kamionogra: well, ubiquity changes only need a desktop CD rebuild, and ltsp changes only need an alternate CD rebuild10:25
Kamionogra: so they're sort of independent really10:25
=== Hobbsee doesnt drink coffee.
=== Kamion prods hopefully at ubiquity
ograhmm, kay10:25
Kamionand ltsp changes would only need an edubuntu install CD rebuild at that, so they're pretty safe10:26
MithrandirKamion: sorry, I've been out laying the foundation for a new fence in our yard.  Have you had a chance of testing ppc too, by any chance?10:26
=== Hobbsee watches ubiquity roll over and play dead for Kamion.
ograKamion, well, th eltsp-server(-standalone) packages are in ubuntu as well, but indeed the udeb changes wont affect ubuntu10:27
KamionMithrandir: no, still haven't got a new CD drive10:27
Kamionto be honest I wouldn't worry much about powerpc10:27
ograedubuntu ppc worked fine apart from the ltsp udeb breakage10:28
Kamionthe Kubuntu desktop CD breakage is a bit more annoying though10:28
ograi just tested it 10:28
Kamionogra: cool, thanks10:28
HobbseeKamion: how'd it break?  i seemed to have missed that bit10:28
ograedubuntu workstation worked completely 10:28
KamionHobbsee: bug 5336710:28
ogra(on ppc)10:28
UbugtuMalone bug 53367 in ubiquity "Ubiquity crash (Edgy)" [Untriaged,Fix committed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5336710:28
KamionI don't know the exact circumstances; may not have been for everyone10:29
tomanasty questions to answer before you can become a motu10:29
ograMithrandir, so given the discussion above, are you ok with an upload of ltsp (doesnt affect ubuntu)10:29
HobbseeKamion: ah.10:29
=== Hobbsee just used dist-upgrade
Mithrandirogra: you're free to change packages which only touch edubuntu, yes.10:29
ograthanks 10:30
tomaHobbsee: what's the diff between ubuntu-dev and core-dev?10:34
Hobbseetoma: ubuntu-dev is universe, core is main10:35
=== Gman [n=gman@nwkea-socks-1.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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=== mhb [n=mhb@64.73.broadband3.iol.cz] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mhbhello everyone, how are the Knot CDs?10:51
mhbogra: smart answer :o)10:52
mhbogra: any wiki page or something like that where I can read more about them?10:53
Kamionit's not really that organised10:53
mhb(the first one, I mean, of course)10:53
Kamionwe're slamming all the bits together until they stick, right now10:53
ograthere will be an announcement that outlines the worst known bugs ...10:54
=== Zomb [n=eb@x118.rhrk.uni-kl.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograapart from that its alpha software 10:54
Zombstupid question10:54
HobbseeKamion: "bang the rocks together guys!"  heh.  glad to see you have such confidence10:54
ZombWTF is loading the ipv6 module all the time?10:54
Zombthere is even "alias ipv6 off" in modprobe.d/aliases10:54
ograZomb, see topic ... please go to #ubuntu for support 10:55
HobbseeZomb: otherwise ogra will get in his miniskirt and pompoms again, and cheer you, telling you to go away :P10:55
Zombthough I doubt they will know it better10:55
KamionI suppose you could try 'blacklist ipv6' in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist10:56
ograHobbsee, haha, honestly that can scare peope ask elmo about paris :)10:56
BenCanyone here able to reproduce a crash easily in edgy (or better yet, have a crash that only happens in X, where the backtrace cannot be seen)?10:56
ZombKamion: that is what I did and rebooting now10:56
Hobbseeogra: hehe....do tell.....10:56
BenCa kernel crash that is10:56
HobbseeBenC: er, what?  I've never managed to get a kernel crash.10:57
BenCI don't care if firefox bombs on your favorite porn site :)10:57
BenCHobbsee: then you cannot help me :)10:57
BenCI need guinea pigs for kexec/kdump10:57
HobbseeBenC: yeah, unless you can tell me a way to make it crash, and i can try it out for you :P10:57
=== seb128_ [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-96-134.w90-6.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
HobbseeBenC: i warn you, my brain istn really here yet.10:57
HobbseeBenC: give it a few hours :P10:58
=== gnomefreak would be guinea pig if i had a clue what you wanted :(
BenCwhat I want is someone who is experiencing a reasonable consistent crash in edgy's kernel11:00
gnomefreaki havent had kernel crash yet in edgy 11:00
BenCso that the person can run the new kexec/kdump kernel set and see if they can get it to work, and capture the crash11:00
gnomefreakjust the booting issues11:00
HobbseeBenC: you didnt make the thing buggy enough that we could crash it!  :P11:01
BenCwell I'm glad everything is so perfect for you ppl :P11:01
ZombKamion: did not help11:01
BenCI don't have any crashes either, I'm just forcing them with Alt+SysRQ+c11:01
Zomboh, no, it did somehow11:01
KamionZomb: ok, sorry, I'm no expert on this, was just an educated guess11:01
Zombnow there are other problems11:01
Kamioner semi-educated11:01
Zombthanks, however11:02
Kamionthere may be something that's doing modprobe without the -b option11:02
KamionMithrandir: ok, I'm doing another ubiquity upload for KDE11:04
Kamionyou can ignore it for Ubuntu if you like11:04
Kamionthough I wouldn't complain if it got in :)11:05
BenCacpi does modprobe without -b, or at least it used to11:05
Kamion(makes the consequences of {g,qt}parted falling over in a heap much less bad)11:05
MithrandirKamion: ok, I'll do livefs builds in the morning, then full testing, then release.  I'm tired of waiting. :-)11:06
=== micahcowan [n=micah@adsl-69-236-102-98.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionok, that's ubiquity uploaded11:17
Kamionnight all11:18
ograsnight Kamion, thanks for all the help again :)11:19
Hobbseenight Kamion 11:19
=== Petrov [n=petrovke@250.51-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Riddellpitti: what's wrong with the soname/package name of libpth?11:28
ograyou cant pronounce it if you are german ? 11:28
Riddellah, version number11:29
pittiRiddell: soname 20 vs. package name 2 (IIRC)11:29
Hobbseeogra: i cant either.  but ubuntu stuff loves unpronouncable names, so it's all good.11:30
=== toma tries unpronouncable ten times in row..
ogratoma, better try libpth11:32
ograbut with a german accent :)11:32
Hobbseeogra: i had to actually learn to say ubuntu and kubuntu when ajmitch was over here, and so we were out talking about it, and then for the podcast.11:32
micahcowanwhat, is there a trick to it?11:33
Hobbseeogra: i've refused to do more podcasts ever since :P11:33
HiddenWolfoeboentoe? :P11:33
pittiogra: unpronouncible???? try libchipcard2-libgwenhywfar38-plugins :)11:33
=== StevenK still needs to hear this podcast that Hobbsee's in.
RiddellHobbsee: what happened to that podcast?11:33
=== Hobbsee works her way thru pitti's satement
tsengtry alan cox's blog11:33
pittithat sounds so Welsh :)11:33
HobbseeRiddell: i think it's still sitting on jdub's hardrive11:33
HobbseeStevenK: you've heard me in person, why do you need a podcast?11:34
tsengHobbsee podcast?11:34
Hobbseetseng: yeah, jdub made ajmitch and myself do one before we could leave.11:34
tsengajmitch podcast!11:34
Hobbseeand i was stuck against the wall, so had to do it :P11:34
StevenKHobbsee: *shrug* because you're embarrased about it? :-P11:34
HobbseeStevenK: yes.  why wouldnt i be?11:35
ograHobbsee, why should you ? 11:36
HobbseeStevenK: it's just one more obvious indication that i'm different from anyone else.  why should i want that?11:36
Hobbseeogra: ^11:36
Hobbseeand it tends to bring more attention, and i really dont like giving out death stares.11:36
StevenKSure you do!11:36
=== Hobbsee makes a mental note to give StevenK a death stare the next time she sees him
=== StevenK may return it.
HobbseeStevenK: no, no, death stares are only reserved for very special people.11:38
HobbseeStevenK: dont you have to be at work by now?11:42
StevenKI start at 9.11:42
HobbseeStevenK: oh nice.11:42
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=== Toadstool is now known as ToadZzZztool
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