
Burgworkcrimsun, there is nothing wrong with feeling good while looking at cute animals12:16
crimsunfeeling good, yes. I don't feel good about them.12:16
crimsunthey're obviously being treated inappropriately. :p12:17
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jjesseis the dvd considered to be the live cd?01:00
Burgworkjjesse, you talking about the book?01:01
jjesseBurgwork: yeah i am01:01
Burgworkjjesse, whiprush is on it, no worries01:01
jjesseok, got an email from deb 11:20 am this morning01:02
Burgworkjjesse, spoke with her a few hours ago01:03
jjessecool then i will ignore01:03
LaserJockjjesse: would 19:00 work?01:04
jjessewold for me01:04
Burgworkfor what, the doc team meeting>01:05
LaserJockI wonder if 21st at 19:00 would be the best01:05
jjesseyeah, anything before 22:00 is good usually01:05
LaserJockthen maybe 20:00 01:05
LaserJocksince mdke__ said 20:00-22:00 seemed good for people01:06
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nixternalhiya jjesse!!01:48
jjessehiya nixternal01:49
nixternalwell, im now a kubuntu member ;)01:49
jjesserock and roll :)01:49
nixternalhehe thanks01:49
crimsunnow we can assign all kde boogs to you.01:49
nixternalhehe...no mo boogs01:49
crimsunoh you'll LOVE boogs01:50
nixternali see enough of um...keep um til boog day01:50
crimsunthat's tomorrow01:50
jsgotangcogood morning01:50
jjessegood morning jsgotangco01:50
nixternalmornin' jsgotangco01:50
jsgotangcohey guys01:51
LaserJockhi jsgotangco 01:51
=== jsgotangco rsyncs today's build
jjessenixternal: do you have too much work on your plate kubuntu wise?01:54
jjessenixternal: hmm gotta run will chat later01:56
jsgotangco2 hours for an rsync sheesshhh01:57
jsgotangcocurse you rsync scum!01:57
LaserJockat least you don't have to bzr it ;-)01:58
crimsundude rsync womps the crap out of everything else01:59
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LaserJockcrimsun: not if I've got a goood connection at the uni02:01
crimsunLaserJock: not sure how that affects rsync's superiority02:02
nixternal_[18:54]  <jjesse> nixternal: do you have too much work on your plate kubuntu wise?02:02
nixternal_[18:57]  <nixternal> can't say that i do jjesse, so if you need something, let me know..and if i can do it, i shall ;)02:02
nixternal_[18:57]  <nixternal> also jjesse, that bug from -devel, really isn't a bug, but more of a wishlist item..i can confirm it, but added a "needs info" status02:02
nixternal_i don't know what i did, but my network didn't like it02:02
LaserJockcrimsun: cause I could get a whole .iso in the time it takes to rsync from Ubuntu's server02:03
crimsunLaserJock: I don't think that's a reflection of rsync but of connectivity.02:03
crimsunand for those of us on dial-up, it's a lifesaver.02:04
LaserJockbut rsync can be awesome, but if the connectivity stinks it's not so much fun02:04
LaserJockfor sure, I use it all the time02:04
LaserJockI just wish more people had rsync servers02:04
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nixternalcrimsun: http://mfrost.typepad.com/cute_overload/horses/index.html07:03
jsgotangcohorses inside the house hrmmm07:11
nixternali wouldn't doubt it..i told you about that kid walking a horse at the local 4th fest here like it was a pet dog07:11
jsgotangcoive never seen such minaturized breeds...is that natural?07:12
nixternalthey are using them as "seeing eye horses" now as well07:12
crimsun17:56 < crimsun> my god, that's pony abuse07:12
nixternaland there is more pony abuse for ya07:13
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nixternalwho is taking over the fridge?  that as to be added ;)07:14
jsgotangcoprobably one of the fridge editors07:14
Madpilot*someone* needs to take of the Fridge, it hasn't been updated in almost six weeks07:17
Madpilottake over, not take of...07:17
nixternalsounds like a job for Madpilot ;)07:18
Madpilotno, I ain't volunteering :)07:18
jsgotangcobug the fridge editors for sure07:18
MadpilotI might be interested in being part of an expaned Fridge-submitters team, otoh07:19
Madpilotexpanded... gah, I really can't spell tonight...07:20
Plugwhat needs to be fridged?  UWNs?07:26
Madpilotthose, and random other stuff07:26
Madpilotvery random, in the case of the URL that nixternal gave above :)07:26
=== nixternal is working on the UWN right now as a matter of fact ;)
PlugI wouldnt mind helping out there.07:27
nixternalwell..im going to finish posting some updates and then you can have at it07:28
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nixternalheh, good story...while waiting for my Ubuntu Membership to get approved by Mako, I got Kubuntu Membership..woohoo!!!07:29
nixternalbtw, this UWN, Feature of the Week is gonna be 'KDE' specific for once ;)07:29
nixternaldoes RSI break come installed by default with Ubuntu?07:30
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jsgotangconixternal: its basically the same honestly, because kubuntu members is under ubuntu-members07:32
jsgotangcoso does edubuntu-members07:32
crimsunnixternal: no.07:32
nixternaldidn't think so crimsun, someone pasted to the uwn requested page with very vague info..07:33
crimsunfor reference, you can check with ``apt-cache rdepends rsibreak''07:33
nixternalhere i go07:36
Madpilotdamn, giant netsplit - look at #u!07:37
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nixternalwhich is odd...because i though i was connected via brown. since it is close to the house07:37
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nixternalok, i updated the UWN #7 a little more..i will get more news and such posted over the next couple of days08:09
Burgundavianixternal: excellent08:10
jsgotangcosince mgalvin has been MIA, i'll look into it tonight as well so we can send earlier 08:10
jsgotangcoprobably saturday/sunday08:10
nixternali was still thinkin' of saturday..since that is the scheduled date ;)08:10
jsgotangcono worries08:10
nixternalthe UWN is a Saturday to Saturday type deal..so we are good08:10
nixternalthere is a spot for new edgy files for each distro...researchin' that info will be fun08:11
jsgotangcodid you fill in for the kubuntu stuff?08:11
Madpilotnixternal, ping #ubuntu-devel or the dev ML08:12
nixternali will work on the distro related stuff more this week08:12
nixternali just hit the 'news" and the "tips of the week" right now..trying to clear out the 'community cache'08:12
jsgotangcoit seems we're covered then and its only tuesday08:13
nixternalbetter to be ahead of schedule ;)08:13
nixternalarg..i gotta be at the uni in 6 hours08:13
nixternalthank god it is just paperwork related08:13
jsgotangcouni you still go to school?08:13
nixternalim gettin' ready to go back08:23
nixternalrefresh the C++ and learn C# and .Net (mono really)08:23
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jsgotangcoenrico: those "basics" blog posts are awesome nice refreshers as well10:13
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jribnixternal: hey, you around?01:56
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nixternalkind of02:14
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jjessemorning :)03:00
jjessenixternal: send me a ping when you are available03:08
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haydenis there a downloadable version of Ubuntu Server Guide by Ubuntu Documentation Team (to buy)?03:18
mdkeyou can download it for free03:22
mdkehayden: see http://help.ubuntu.com and choose the PDF03:22
haydenmdke, ok thanks alot03:22
mdkeif you want to buy a printed copy, see http://lulu.com/ubuntu-doc03:22
haydenok thakns03:23
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nixternaljjesse: ping!!!04:36
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jjessedid you get my email?04:39
nixternalyes sir, i replied as well04:39
jjesseok checking04:40
jjessehmm didn't get it :(04:41
nixternalyou should be gettin' it soon04:41
jjesseanywyas what did it say?04:43
nixternalcan't remember04:44
nixternalim open, i can do the knots, and i got Kubuntu Membership04:44
nixternalpretty much in that order as well04:45
jjessenixternal: did you see this: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20060718/04:46
nixternalgood job Riddell!!!04:47
nixternalis that the release page that you referred to in your email?  but the offical one of course?04:47
jjessekinda http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/flight5 is what mgalvin created04:48
nixternalahh..ok..misread the email04:50
jsgotangcois that kubuntu knot-104:57
nixternalyes sir04:57
jsgotangcowe still don't have edubuntu knot-104:57
jjessei don't know if it is the official flight 104:57
nixternaltisk tisk04:57
nixternalit is a nightly04:57
jjesseor knot04:57
jsgotangcothere's an issue with xorg04:57
jsgotangcoin the post install04:58
jsgotangcoon 1804:58
jsgotangcoi dunno if there's 18.1 or something04:58
jsgotangcowhen you have an iso, you can just rsync from from the daily builds so you don't have to redownload again04:59
jsgotangcoeven from a dapper iso04:59
jsgotangcowe have a nifty script =)04:59
jjessersync and then relaunch vm session04:59
jsgotangcodo yo vm directly from the iso?05:00
jjessei do05:00
jsgotangcohmm i should try that, can vmware player do that?05:00
nixternalmount -loop?05:00
jsgotangcoor regular vmware05:00
jjessevmplayer can, just change the config file to look for a .iso as the cdrom05:00
jjessei think there is a page o nthe wiki05:00
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jjessemgalvin had a posting on his blog about it05:04
nixternali always did a mount -loop on the .iso image05:05
nixternalmount -o loop -t iso9660 edgy-alternate-i386.iso /mnt/iso05:06
nixternaljjesse: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/flight5     that is more of a "Release Information" page, with 3 links at the very bottom to the testing pages on the wiki and what not05:33
nixternalthat is why i am kind of confused as to why it is called /testing05:33
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kgoetzhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToSetupSoundCards has a section "ALSA ISA cards", which has a subcatagory "OSS drivers". should these be two seperate sections ? (i just made isa+pci seperate)05:41
nixternali can think of a sound guru in here that would have the best answer for it...and btw, he loves ponies!!!05:44
nixternalheh, to use an iso in VMware Server, after you create the actual VM portion, prior to powering up the first time...edit the settings for the cd-rom, and select iso..that easy06:05
nixternalinstallin' edgy now06:05
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jjessenixternal: the reason that it is in testing is because they are announcments for testing the different flights06:40
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jjessenixternal: they were created on the wiki and then moved over, but i don't think the ones for kubuntu flights were06:40
nixternalhiya mdke06:40
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jsgotangcohey you06:44
=== jrib pokes nixternal
nixternalwhats up jrib06:49
jribnixternal: I helped a few more people today adding multiverse because it wasn't commented for them today.  Do you think the kubuntu sources would be different than the ubuntu ones?06:51
nixternalonly for desktop specific items..but the sources are exactly the same i thought06:52
jsgotangcoits the same06:52
=== jsgotangco is getting pissed at the news day by day
nixternalheh..news about???06:53
nixternalas long as it isn't UWN06:53
jribnixternal: do you mind pastebinning your default one?06:53
nixternali don't have a default one...mine has more repositories then you can shake a stick at06:53
jribhmm I must have misunderstood you yesterday then06:54
jribalright, I'll boot up a live cd and check it out06:58
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dsasI presume https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Strace and other debugging procedures do belong on w.u.c?07:04
dsasShould https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingProgramCrash be on the same wiki as Strace and Backtrace?07:06
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