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imbrandon@schedule us/central06:27
UbugtuSchedule for US/Central: 18 Jul 15:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 15:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 10:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 21 Jul 14:00: Ubuntu Marketing Team | 26 Jul 07:00: Edubuntu | 27 Jul 18:00: Ubuntu Development Team06:27
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GNAM@schedule rome07:36
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Rome: 18 Jul 22:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 22:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 21 Jul 21:00: Ubuntu Marketing Team | 26 Jul 14:00: Edubuntu | 28 Jul 01:00: Ubuntu Development Team07:36
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zul@schedule montreal07:39
UbugtuSchedule for America/Montreal: 18 Jul 16:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 16:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 11:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 21 Jul 15:00: Ubuntu Marketing Team | 26 Jul 08:00: Edubuntu | 27 Jul 19:00: Ubuntu Development Team07:39
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jjesse@schedule detroit07:53
UbugtuSchedule for America/Detroit: 18 Jul 16:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 16:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 11:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 21 Jul 15:00: Ubuntu Marketing Team | 26 Jul 08:00: Edubuntu | 27 Jul 19:00: Ubuntu Development Team07:53
lucas@schedule paris07:57
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Paris: 18 Jul 22:00: Technical Board | 19 Jul 22:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 21 Jul 21:00: Ubuntu Marketing Team | 26 Jul 14:00: Edubuntu | 28 Jul 01:00: Ubuntu Development Team07:57
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ogramumble ...09:40
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Technical Board | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 19 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 21 Jul 19:00 UTC: Ubuntu Marketing Team | 26 Jul 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 27 Jul 23:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team
=== Keybuk looks at Ubugtu ... you're 10 minutes fast there
ograthats intentional09:51
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HobbseeMorning All!09:55
ToadstoolHi everybody!09:55
ograhey Hobbsee !!!09:55
Hobbseeogra: :)09:55
Hobbseehey ogra - most of kscreensavers (all but two) work completely out of the box in edgy!09:56
=== Hobbsee was most surprised
ograi didt change much in the package ... 09:56
ogracant have been me :)09:57
zulhi Hobbsee 09:57
Hobbseeh zul 09:57
Hobbseeogra: hehe sure...09:57
Tonio_hi everyone09:57
Tonio_Hobbsee: the kaffeine bug is closed...09:58
Gloubiboulga_hi Tonio_, hi all09:58
Tonio_hey Gloubiboulga_09:58
HobbseeTonio_: cool!  you fixed it?09:58
Tonio_Hobbsee: yes, the bug was due to an error of mine in the debian folder structure...09:59
=== gnomefreak hasnt gottent he update on that yet :(
Tonio_I had an "in progress" version on my HD and a working one09:59
HobbseeTonio_: yeah, thought it might be...09:59
Tonio_I uploaded the bad one ;)09:59
Hobbseeoops :P09:59
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HobbseeTonio_: i just looked at it and went "sheesh this is screwed.  what's he done now?"09:59
ograhmm, another extremely filled agenda :P10:00
Hobbseehiya StevenK!10:00
Hobbseeogra: where is said agenda?10:00
StevenKOn the wiki10:00
Keybukogra: I don't know if we'll get Q tonight10:00
ograwell, depends on mdz i guess10:00
Keybukmdz and sabdfl are at the management love-in in Barcelona10:00
ograwasnt that mallorca ? 10:00
Keybuksomewhere in Spain10:00
ograwhere the sangria flows 10:01
HobbseeKeybuk: cant they find someone else to step in and vote if we dont have quorum?10:01
ograwell, mjg59 is here i think 10:01
ograis two quorum for the TB ?10:01
Keybuktwo, yes10:02
Hobbseehi mjg59 10:02
Tonio_hi mjg5910:02
=== StevenK waves to mjg59.
Keybukso let's get the party started10:02
=== StevenK tries and fails to rub the sleep out of his eyes.
Toadstoolhey mjg59 10:02
ograwuld be a shame if Hobbsee woudnt get approved :P10:02
=== Hobbsee heads for the coke to wake up
KeybukHobbsee: off you go10:03
mjg59Shall we get on with things, then?10:03
Hobbseeogra: if that happened, whoever *didnt* do the approving would get me bugging them for all future uploads10:03
KeybukHobbsee: so you want to be an uploader?10:03
HobbseeKeybuk: sorry, what do you want?10:03
HobbseeKeybuk: yes10:03
ograHobbsee, three liner intro10:03
Hobbseehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hobbsee is the wiki page10:03
Hobbseeshoot, sorry, i dotn have a three liner today...10:03
KeybukHobbsee: well, introduce yourself10:04
=== gnomefreak kept her up late with kaffeine
=== Hobbsee meant to write that, but got sidetracked fixing amarok, and then dealing with kaffeine
Keybuk"I don't have an introduction, I've been too busy fixing bugs" ... yup, that suffices as an introduction for me <g>10:04
Hobbseeright, well, i'm Sarah Hobbs, in sydney, and i do a lot of kubuntu stuff10:04
HobbseeKeybuk: :P10:04
=== ogra puts on miniskirt and pompoms
=== Hobbsee runs at that thought
=== imbrandon joins ogra
KeybukHobbsee: so you'd be doing more Kubuntu work if you had upload privileges?10:05
Hobbseei'm on the Kubuntu Community Council, and i pretty much end up organising a lot of kubuntu10:05
HobbseeKeybuk: well, likely, but i also do run out of time, being a full time student, and working as well10:05
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HobbseeKeybuk: it's more that i wouldnt have to bug a few million people to have to upload my fixes10:05
Hobbseein the future i'll likely go for core dev10:05
Keybukare any of those people who have sponsored you so far here today?10:06
Hobbseein fact, you could give me those rights today to :P10:06
StevenKYes, I'm here.10:06
HobbseeKeybuk: sure, StevenK, Riddell, raphink, 10:06
KeybukStevenK: how have you found Hobbsee's work?10:06
Hobbseethere are more...brain's not quite here yet10:06
RiddellI support Hobbsee as MOTU (and main before too long I expect) uploader, she's done great stuff with a lot of kubuntu packages10:06
StevenKKeybuk: She knows what she's doing.10:07
=== ogra cheers loudly ...
HobbseeRiddell actually approves of me organising and bossing everyone around, which is surprising10:07
Keybukmjg59: any questions from you?10:07
imbrandonand helps other motu hopefulls like myself tremendusly 10:07
Hobbseeajmitch, bddebian, both of whom arent here10:07
Tonio_I can confirm she is extremly active, tracking bugs, providing patches10:07
mjg59Sorry, just getting through the wiki page10:07
Hobbseezakame too, who also istn here10:07
Tonio_and it is a long time effort10:07
LaserJockHobbsee's definately an asset to MOTU10:07
jjesseand those that aren't even motu she is great10:07
Hobbsee(where is everyone this morning!)10:07
StevenKSleeping, duh.10:08
=== ogra waves with the pompoms
mjg59Hobbsee: How do you think Kubuntu can be improved, other than simply by adding new packages and fixing bugs?10:08
=== LaserJock lifts ogra on his shoulders
=== imbrandon steals ogra's pompoms to wave them too
Hobbseemjg59: well, that's certainly a part of it10:08
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Hobbseemjg59: since dapper, we've been getting more people interested in development, both me, and then other people as well10:09
Hobbseeof course, these people have different levels of skills, and are looking for things to do10:09
mjg59Hobbsee: So what sort of integration issues do you see as important?10:09
Hobbsee(sorry for bad spelling, i cant see the keyboard)10:09
Hobbseei'm looking at finding things for them to do, and making lists, so that we can put all of our developers to good use, as there's a severe lack of manpower in kubuntu10:10
HobbseeRiddell's awesome, but he is only one man.10:10
=== crimsun [n=crimsun@pdpc/supporter/silver/crimsun] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Hobbseemjg59: well, stuff like the fact that kubuntu-desktop got removed during upgrade - someone should have tested that, etc.  it took a month or so for a screensaver bug to get fixed10:10
Hobbseeall of that could have been done stacks earlier with the right people in place, and the people who are able to fix such bugs/implement such fixes to have the permissions to do it10:11
=== Hobbsee suspects that she's going off on a tangent here - sorry, it's still very early
mjg59And you have plans for doing so?10:11
Hobbseemjg59: yes :)  10:11
Hobbseemjg59: i'll quite likely run out of time though10:11
mjg59Happens to the best of us10:11
Hobbseemjg59: so i'll probably need to work out something around that10:12
mjg59(Argh, argh, I have far too much to do at the moment)10:12
Hobbseecrimsun: as well on the list of uploaders10:12
Hobbseemjg59: i wrote a to-do list yesterday while my car was being serviced - it's shockingly long :P10:12
mjg59Riddell: you think Hobbsee would make a good team member, then?10:12
ograHobbsee, just strike everything that hasnt *buntu in it :)10:12
Keybukmjg59: did you need any more fly spray?10:13
=== Hobbsee did a gnome fix recently, and almost died of shock. :P
mjg59Keybuk: The flies are, thankfully, history10:13
Riddellmjg59: certainly do10:13
mjg59Ok, I think I'm done10:13
=== ogra cheers a bit more
Hobbseehehe :)10:14
Keybukan emphatic +1 from me, Hobbsee has been an asset to the team so far!10:14
mjg59+1, based on solid recommendations10:14
Hobbseeyay :D10:14
ogracongrats Hobbsee 10:14
Toadstoolcongrats Hobbsee 10:14
Gloubiboulga_congrats Hobbsee :)10:14
=== jjesse cheers for Hobbsee
gnomefreakcongrats Hobbsee  ;)10:14
Tonio_congratulations Hobbsee, you really deserve it10:14
Hobbseeguess i'll have to seriously think about core dev now hey?10:14
Hobbseethankyou all :D10:14
mjg59Anyone else?10:14
tomaHobbsee: concrats!10:14
=== ogra puts on more sane clothes again in case elmo lurks
=== imbrandon does a little dance , sings a little song .... oops wrong chan
Toadstoolmjg59: yep, me10:15
KeybukToadstool: you're up next10:15
Toadstoolok thx Keybuk 10:15
ToadstoolI am Jrmie Corbier.10:15
ToadstoolI've been using Ubuntu since Warty and been working on it for about 6 months. I've started with my wide-dhcpv6 package then I've continued with triaging and fixing random bugs. Now i'm packaging a few more apps and libs (mmpython is now in universe and Debian sid). I'm working on slim and freevo too.10:15
ToadstoolLP: https://launchpad.net/people/jcorbier10:15
ToadstoolWiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JeremieCorbier10:15
ToadstoolHobbsee: :p10:15
KeybukToadstool: what kinds of things have you been doing in Ubuntu so far?10:15
Keybukand what kinds of things would you like to do if approved for upload?10:16
ToadstoolI've done a lot of bug triaging and/or fixing in Universe10:16
Toadstooland I'll keep on working as an Ubuntu squad member10:16
Keybukyou also do transaltion work, I believe?10:16
Toadstoolnot as much as I would like though10:17
ograToadstool is quite active in #ubuntu-bugs 10:17
Keybukwho has been sponsoring your uploads to date?10:17
ToadstoolGloubiboulga_, crimsun mainly10:17
crimsunI've sponsored a few. Jrmie has been doing great work with universe packaging.10:17
Toadstooland bddebian10:17
Toadstoolthere are others10:17
=== apokryphos [n=apokryph@host-84-9-32-136.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Toadstooldholbach too but he's not here10:17
LaserJockI sponsored one of his AMD64 fixes for ghemical, he is also helping a bit with MOTU Science which has been a help10:18
Gloubiboulga_yep, his bug fixes are always nice and I never had to tell him to change a thing10:18
=== j_ack [n=rudi@p508D93DD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Gloubiboulga_I've also published some of his comments on REVU, and he is really helpuful on #ubuntu-motu too10:19
ToadstoolI forwarded the AMD64 fix for ghemical to Debian and upstream and it was included10:19
LaserJockyeah, that was nice work10:19
Toadstoolunfortunately, ghemical is heavily broken for the moment :/10:19
Keybukand what kinds of things would you like to do if approved for upload?10:19
LaserJockToadstool: it just needs a sync actually :-)10:20
Toadstoolyeah? nice :)10:20
ToadstoolKeybuk: keep on working on bugs first and package some more apps, and help MOTU wannabe10:21
mjg59Toadstool: You've done quite a lot of work in collaboration with Debian. What other things do you think we could do to improve that?10:21
Toadstoolthere a lot of things moving in the way patches are given back to debian iirc, in the pts for example10:21
Toadstooland a new chan on oftc has been created to improve communication with debian and 'im already on it :)10:22
Toadstoolunfortunately it doesn't have as success as I would have expected first10:22
Toadstoolmaybe a lack of advertisement10:23
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Toadstooli'm trying to report as many debian packaging bugs as possible in the debian bts too10:24
mjg59I approve wholeheartedly10:24
Toadstooland when i package something i try to get it included in sid too10:24
Toadstoolso far, my two packages are in universe and sid10:25
KeybukToadstool: how do you think we can combat reactions like that ^ from Debian people?10:25
Keybukthis particular maintainer's response to Ubuntu e-mailing patches has been to killfile us10:25
Toadstoolwell, that's a pity that some debian maintainer react this way10:26
Toadstoolmaybe show them that our patches are worth the inclusion in debian by posting them in the bts first10:26
Toadstoolwhen they don't want to consider the inclusion using the new pts stuff10:27
Toadstoolotoh that's a huge amount of work10:27
Toadstoolmaybe there should have a collaboration team, the same as utnubu on debian side10:28
=== Fracture [n=Fracture@dsl-202-173-191-84.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Keybukdid you see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DCT ?10:29
Toadstoolno, I'm on it, lucas just told me about it :)10:29
lucasI was just saying to Toadstool that we should talk together about it10:29
Keybukmjg59: any other questions?10:30
mjg59Nope, I'm good10:30
mjg59+1 for seeming competence and a great attitude towards working with Debian10:31
Keybuk+1 from me also10:31
Toadstoolthanks everybody :)10:31
imbrandoncongrats Toadstool ;)10:31
Hobbseeyay Toadstool!10:31
Tonio_congrats Toadstool :)10:31
Gloubiboulga_congrats Toadstool :)10:31
Keybukanyone else for ubuntu-dev who didn't make it to an earlier meeting?10:32
=== Hobbsee looks down the list. dotn see anyone
lucas(just privmsgd to Keybuk:) it would be great if, after processing dev candidates, we could discuss the DCT a bit. I haven't had a lot of feedback from the ubuntu side.10:32
Keybukok, let's move onto core-dev10:33
KeybukTonio_: ?10:33
Tonio_I'm Anthony Mercatante, most of you know me as a kubuntu developper and motu10:33
HobbseeTonio_'s going for core!  cool!10:34
Tonio_Hobbsee: attempting at least 10:34
Tonio_Although I'm not very active as a motu, most of my work is currently done in the main section10:34
Tonio_here is my wikipage10:34
Tonio_and the launchpad packages one10:35
Keybukok, so what kinds of things would you like to be doing in main?10:36
Keybukfurther Kubuntu work?  Who has been sponsoring you so far?10:36
Tonio_Keybuk: mostly Riddell of course10:36
Riddellyep, lots of kubuntu-default-settings uploads from Tonio_ and a good number of others too10:36
Tonio_I'm currently maintaining a bunch of main applications, like wlassistant, kmplayer, knetworkmanager, kaffeine...10:36
Tonio_and yes, I'm very involved in the kde implementation, configuration and simplification10:37
Riddellhe's very competant, I can't remember the last time I had to correct something before uploading10:37
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== Keybuk pipes hold music into the channel
Tonio_sorry, konversation crached...10:40
KeybukTonio_: so what kinds of improvements would you like to make to Kubuntu?10:40
Keybukclearly you'll be fixing that bug? :p10:40
Tonio_Keybuk: hope so :)10:40
Tonio_well currently kubuntu misses a good multimedia infrastructure10:40
Hobbsee(Tonio_: ouch.  daily build, or the one in the repos?)10:41
Tonio_that should be changed in the future focussing on one application only10:41
Tonio_there are also lots of things to be done to get a fully logic and wel implemented kde destktop10:41
Tonio_kde is widely configurable, but requires lots of configuration to be done still10:42
Keybukwould you favour kde using gstreamer, or something else?10:42
Tonio_we need to focus on the wireless part too, since we don't currently have a wpa capable solution installed out of the box10:42
Tonio_Keybuk: I would probably favour gstreamer, yes, because it is certainly the most promissing10:43
Tonio_Keybuk: and afaik, it has great chances to be used with kde410:43
Tonio_so here are the most important things I would like to focus on in the next weeks10:43
Keybuk*nods*, interesting10:44
KeybukRiddell: these are your packages, would you welcome Tonio_ into main?10:44
RiddellKeybuk: very much so10:44
=== RichJ [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
RichJ@schedule chicago10:45
UbugtuSchedule for America/Chicago: Current meeting: Technical Board | 19 Jul 15:00: Edubuntu | 20 Jul 10:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 21 Jul 14:00: Ubuntu Marketing Team | 26 Jul 07:00: Edubuntu | 27 Jul 18:00: Ubuntu Development Team10:45
Keybukmjg59: any questions?10:45
mjg59Tonio_: Do you think you can help get Kubuntu to the same level of polish and integration as Ubuntu?10:47
Tonio_mjg59: I hope so, since it is clearly what I'm claiming for month :)10:47
Hobbseemjg59: only with a lot of work.10:47
Tonio_mjg59: anyway, that will probably require more than just my contribution10:47
mjg59Tonio_: On the bright side, I see you've been doing a lot of work on infrastructure that both Ubuntu and Kubuntu can use10:47
mjg59My heartfelt thanks for that :)10:48
ograTonio_, well, you have Hobbsee now :)10:48
imbrandonbut the kubuntu team is comming along nicely specialy with Tonio_10:48
Tonio_mjg59: well, networkmanager and bluez-utils mostly10:48
mjg59Tonio_: How closely do you work with upstream?10:48
imbrandonand Hobbsee ;P10:48
Tonio_mjg59: depends if there are or not respondive ;)10:48
mjg59But you make an effort?10:49
Tonio_I'm regularly in kontact with lots of them, and they most of the time include my patches10:49
mjg59Ok, I think I'm done10:49
ograin kontact ?10:49
mjg59Keybuk: You?10:49
Tonio_mjg59: I generally always try to get my patches and packages improvements upstream10:49
KeybukI'm done10:49
Tonio_that's the goal10:49
HobbseeTonio_: when you misspell kontact and konversation, you certainly spend too much time working on kde :P10:49
Keybuk+1 from me10:50
mjg59+1 from me for plainly being excellent (asuming what everyone tells me is true :p)10:50
ograthats what i thought too10:50
Hobbseeyay Tonio_!10:50
Toadstoolcongrats Tonio_ :)10:50
ogracongrats Tonio_ 10:50
Hobbseemjg59: it's better not to think about if it's true or not, i'm sure :P10:50
Tonio_thank you very much everybody !10:50
tomanice day for kubuntu!10:50
Hobbseetoma: very!10:50
Tonio_toma: hehe10:50
imbrandonvery nice toma 10:51
=== Hobbsee looks for something for toma to work on :P
=== toma ducks
imbrandontoma HIDE !!10:51
Keybukok, last up is Linda10:51
Keybukerr, I mean Steven10:52
StevenKHrm, Steven doesn't fire my nick hilight.10:52
Hobbseego StevenK!10:52
StevenKI'm Steve Kowalik, Debian Developer since 2001, and an MOTU to boot.10:52
Hobbsee(and the poor bugger who uploads a lot of my packages)10:53
StevenKI hope to look at Edgy specs and help out with a few that interest me, specifically about-ubuntu, spoken-boot and a few others that escape me at the moment.10:53
imbrandonand the poor guy that has given me alot of MOTU training ( along with many others )10:54
StevenKI hope to do the same thing with main, offering to sponsor patches from people and upload them into main.10:54
StevenKIt'd be kinda nice to request a sync for Linda, too.10:54
StevenKUm. I'd also say general merges for main, but the bulk of that will have to wait until Edgy+110:55
mjg59Have you got anything in main at the moment?10:55
StevenKLinda, but it wasn't me who put her there.10:56
mjg59So an obvious question is "What would you do with core-dev that you can't currently do"?10:56
StevenKI have spent some spare time over the last few days looking over main bugs, but nothing really struck me as being easily patched.10:56
mjg59You've suggested sponsoring other people10:57
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mjg59Do you think that it's currently difficult to get stuff sponsored into main?10:57
StevenKYes, sponsoring other people, along with bug fixes, and helping out with work if people ask me.10:58
StevenKI don't think it is, but many hands make light work, and also other people may not be around to build/test/upload.10:58
Hobbsee(personally, i find the stuff in main hard to get uploaded, due to my timezone)10:59
mjg59I guess I feel that it would be good to see more work with main first, but I don't know how Scott feels10:59
StevenKHobbsee: Like you can claim yourself being in the Australia/Sydney timezone.10:59
mjg59Keybuk: ?10:59
KeybukI must admit that I feel the same, despite his track record in Debian11:00
HobbseeStevenK: i mostly can.  except for staying up till 2am each morning. 11:00
Keybukwe do things slightly differently in Ubuntu, and it would be good to see more example of his work in main first11:00
mjg59StevenK: Would you be open to spending more time working with main in the Edgy cycle and then revisiting this when we come to Edgy+1?11:01
mjg59I'm not concerned about you screwing things up, but it's nice to have evidence that you'll use the rights granted :)11:02
=== StevenK nods.
HobbseeKeybuk: pm?11:02
KeybukHobbsee: it's not that pm here yet11:03
mjg59Keybuk: Anything else?11:03
Keybukon StevenK, nothing from me11:03
HobbseeKeybuk: :P  i meant private message.11:03
Keybuklucas wanted to have a few moments11:03
lucasyup, I wanted to discuss DCT11:03
lucassince it was raised earlier11:04
lucasI even have a few intro lines :11:04
mjg59StevenK: Ok - sorry about that, but with luck we'll see you back here soon11:04
lucasThe Debian Collaboration Team (or DCT, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DCT ) is an Ubuntu team aiming at improving collaboration between Ubuntu and Debian by tracking changes in Ubuntu's packages.11:04
lucasIt's not an automatic process like Scott's patches, but instead requires collaboration from *volunteer* Debian developers :11:04
lucas- DCT team members agree to file bugs in the BTS for all relevant issues11:04
lucas- the DD agrees to act promptly on those bugs11:04
lucasThe advantage is that we limit ourselves to DD who actually want to collaborate, and don't lose time sending patches to maintainers who killfile us.11:04
lucas- What do you think ?11:04
lucas- Ideas for improvement ?11:04
lucas- Volunteers ? :)11:04
mjg59lucas: It sounds like a good way of building trust11:04
mjg59Would you need any technical resources that aren't currently available?11:05
lucasI don't think so11:05
lucaswe'll need a tool to keep track of what has been reviewed11:05
lucasbut it will most likely be web-based, and web hosting is not a problem11:06
LaserJockdo you think its a good thing to focus down the people involved rather than try to improve the overall Debian-Ubuntu collaboration11:06
KeybukI'm a little confused ... you talk about DDs there?  What would be Ubuntu's contribution to the DCT?11:06
mjg59lucas: Presumably you meant volunteer Ubuntu developers, rather than volunteer Debian developers?11:07
lucasthere are volunteers on both side :11:07
ograKeybuk, it has two sides ... both of them agree to collaborate ...11:07
lucasvolunteer ubuntu devs agree to work inside DCT (some ubuntu devs don't care about debian)11:07
Keybukhow will patches/issues/etc. be judged to be relevant?11:08
Keybukone of the problems so far has been deciding whether a patch is worth submitting to Debian11:08
lucasvolunteer DDs agree to respond very fast to bug reports, so they are useful for ubuntu too11:08
mjg59From a technical side of things, I don't see any issue11:08
lucasthe litmus test would be "things we changed that should be changed in debian too"11:09
Keybuklucas: a useful feature for you might be ... the patch mailer (that does the ubuntu-patches mailing list, and sends to the PTS) allows custom subscriptions11:09
Keybukso you can subscribe to lists of packages, etc.11:09
Keybuklucas: how about where we differ to Debian?  e.g. udev, or our use of /var/run, or our non-use of /emul, etc.11:09
lucasI think the list-of-packages-management would probably be more complex than this, but there might be code to re-use11:10
lucaswell, it's of course not about pushing such decisions to debian11:10
lucasone of the problem is to review patches and know which changes are relevant to debian, which requires good knowledge of both sides11:11
Keybuka good plan might be to draft up a description of what volunteers would need to do, and use ubuntu-devel to get early ones11:12
Keybukand once the thing is up and running, ubuntu-devel-announce to get more11:12
lucasyup, that's what I started doing on the wiki page11:13
LaserJockI'd be a bit worried though that it might send a message that Ubuntu people don't have to worry about upstream, "somebody'll take care of it"11:13
LaserJockdo you think that could become a problem?11:13
lucasideally, all ubuntu developers would understand that debian matters a lot, and that reducing divergence makes our life easier11:14
lucasbut it's clear that some ubuntu devs have never used debian, and don't really understand the relationship between ubuntu & debian11:14
lucas(that's a different issue, and it was already raised during the debian/ubuntu discussion at debconf, I think)11:15
Keybukdoes anybody have any questions for lucas?11:17
mjg59I think it sounds like a good plan11:18
Keybuklucas: good luck with it, if there's any technical resources you need, they can most likely be arranged11:19
Keybukany other business?11:20
Keybukadjourned then11:20
Keybukthanks everybody11:20
=== StevenK [n=stevenk@] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
ograthanks Keybuk 11:20
Hobbseethanks Keybuk :)11:20
HobbseeKeybuk: i can go break things now :D11:20
=== Keybuk goes back to the cake
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Hobbseehey!  i want some of the cake!  early birthday present!11:21
ograHobbsee, rather a late one, its nearly over :P11:22
Hobbseeogra: birthday's on saturday..11:22
ograHobbsee, i mean Keybuks :), but thanks, noted in the calendar :)11:23
Hobbseeogra: ah right, yes.11:23
Hobbseeohhh...yes...of course11:23
tomadid anyone say Cake ?11:23
Hobbseetoma: hehe11:24
ograyes, but he left after that sentence ...11:24
tomaany leftover?11:24
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ograwell, he hasnr baked it yet :(11:25
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=== toma [n=toma@toma.kovoks.nl] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Ooh,]
Hobbseeogra: whenver i end up making it to a dev conference, you can cook us all a cake :P11:29
ogralol, but only if i'm allowed to bake it ... i doubt cooked cake has a pleasant consistency :P11:30
Hobbseeogra: sure11:30
ograi'm sure you will make it to one of the next confs 11:31
Hobbseeogra: yeah.  maybe.  if i get sponsored.11:31
SeveasHobbsee, hmm, than I can @lart you irl 11:31
=== Seveas should remember to bring a soggy sock
HobbseeSeveas: and i can kick you in real life.11:31
ograyeah, Seveas is long overdue for a conf11:31
=== RichJ [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
simiraHobbsee: you aren't going to Wiesbaden?11:46
ograyeah, that'd be cool !11:47
Hobbseesimira: to *where*?  when?11:47
Hobbseewiesbaden sounds like it's in germany somewhere...11:47
Hobbseeoh yay!  i got it right!11:48
=== Toadstool [n=jcorbier@ubuntu/member/toadstool] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
ograyup it is11:48
ograits a suburb of franfurt 11:48
raphinkcongrats Hobbsee11:48
Hobbseeogra: not sure that i'd be much use there, i'm probably of more use at edgy+1 developer conference, although i expect that's a bit close to exams11:48
=== ogra looks around for wiesbadeners wanting to kill him
Hobbseeum, okay?11:49
simiraare there any here?11:49
ograluckily not ...11:49
=== Seveas can take the ICE and be in frankfurt in a few hours
ograbut they dont like it to be called a franfurt suburb :)11:49
Seveasbut alas, I don't want to kill ogra 11:50
HobbseeSeveas: you'd far prefer to kill me, yes, we know.11:50
ograSeveas, so pop in for an afternoon and a dinner or something :)11:50
Seveasogra, ICE tickets are expensive 11:50
ograpfft 11:50
ogramoney is relative :P11:50
Seveasyes, I have relatively little of it 11:51
Hobbseeraphink: thanks :)11:55

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