
=== Rondom [n=Rondom@p54AEEB71.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
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=== RichEd [n=RichardW@dsl-146-132-138.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
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=== Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-10-33-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
Lord_Athurhi all01:42
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #edubuntu
Burgworkhey jsgotangco, Lord_Athur 02:03
jsgotangcohey Burgwork02:03
LaserJockhi guys02:04
jsgotangcohow's it going02:08
LaserJockI've been fighting with emacs all day :-)02:10
LaserJockrather, emacs+OS X02:10
LaserJockcause it worked just fine in Ubuntu02:10
BurgworkLaserJock, you are mad02:18
LaserJockyes I am. I wish I had an Ubuntu box at work02:18
jsgotangcoi thought emacs is shipped in OSX by default02:19
LaserJockbut I wanted to add some stuff to it02:19
jsgotangcoso what's the issue? its the same keybindings though02:19
LaserJockgetting it to work right is another matter02:19
jsgotangcoits just a bunch of lua files to be added right?02:19
jsgotangcoargghhh yeah lisp my bad02:20
LaserJockanyway, I wanted to be able to do more stuff from CLI02:21
LaserJockand emacs seemed to be able to do what I wanted02:21
LaserJockPIM, wiki, etc.02:21
jsgotangcodo you know planner mode02:21
LaserJockthat's what I'm trying to get to work02:21
jsgotangcolol you should ask sacha the current maintainer she's very very helpful and currently use OSX02:22
LaserJockin Ubuntu I just install planner-el and off I go02:22
jsgotangcoshe's a dear friend of mine02:22
LaserJockno such luck in OS X02:22
jsgotangcojust send her an email she'll give you tips on how to do that02:22
LaserJockreally? I feel like I know her well, I've been on her site all day02:22
jsgotangcoheh she's really nice when you get to meet her personally02:23
LaserJockI saw the site was .ph02:23
jsgotangcoyes she's a local here02:23
jsgotangcobut she's currntly in toronto02:23
jsgotangcodoing her masters02:23
jsgotangcoall of that website is done in emacs+emacswiki+plannermode02:24
Burgworkjust before I leave, I thought I would celebrate by showing a picture of beer: http://mfrost.typepad.com/cute_overload/2006/07/do_i_sense_a_fr.html02:25
jsgotangcoheh that's a good one02:26
LaserJockjsgotangco: yeah, it's really sweet how it's wikified, that's exactly what I was looking for02:28
LaserJocka CLI Tomboy ;-)02:28
jsgotangcowell yeah02:28
=== jsgotangco should use planner mode again
LaserJockthe learning curve is pretty steap though02:29
LaserJockI'm using a newer version that uses muse instead of emacs-wiki02:29
jsgotangcowell with just a few key bindings in your .emacs file you could create your own stuff02:29
LaserJockI'm working on it02:30
jsgotangcoyou can sync that if you want, im sure she'll appreciate it, she's been meaning to do that for the longest time but school got in her way02:33
jsgotangcoalthough its a really *tiny* package02:33
LaserJockwahoo, I got it to publish it to html in my ~/public_html :-)02:40
LaserJockhow cool02:40
jsgotangcoumm yeah that's emacswiki02:40
jsgotangcoyou can publish everyday until you have a month long journal/diary02:40
LaserJockit's this new muse thing instead of emacswiki02:41
LaserJocksupposedly it's better02:41
LaserJockI can publish to latex, xhtml, html, etc.02:41
LaserJockanway, this is pretty cool02:41
LaserJockhah, it can do RSS 2.0 too02:42
jsgotangcohrmm how come dapper still comes with emacswiki02:42
LaserJockbecause the muse support is pretty new02:42
LaserJockfink has it I think02:43
LaserJocknot sure about debian02:43
LaserJockI know there is a debian repo for it02:43
=== Rondom_ [n=Rondom@p54AEEBA0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
=== Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-10-33-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
Lord_Athurhi all03:54
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=== LaserJock is now known as Laser_away
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cbx33ping RichEd 07:19
cbx33brb - breakfast07:33
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highvoltageaah, so that explains why my suspend doesn't work. i thouhgt it was this new laptop :)08:42
=== Yagisan waves hello
=== rodarvus [n=rodarvus@ubuntu/member/rodarvus] has joined #edubuntu
=== highvoltage waves Yagisan
highvoltageogra: please wake up. i have an idea that i'm excited about that i want to talk to you about.09:12
Yagisanhighvoltage: how are you today ?09:12
highvoltageYagisan: thirsty, but otherwise very good09:13
highvoltagealso hit the snooze butten more than 5 times this morning09:13
highvoltage(logt count after that)09:13
Yagisanhighvoltage: wish I could say the same :( I've got problems with my eyes09:14
YagisanI see red spots that don't exist09:14
highvoltagewhat's wrong?09:14
highvoltagethat's strange.09:14
highvoltagewhat causes that?09:14
Yagisanand the optometrist can't see anything wrong09:14
Yagisanso I'm off to the specialist on wednesday, and will be relived of $14709:15
Yagisanand I'm laying odds, that that won't know what's wrong either09:15
YagisanI also discovered I have 20/15 vision, and am slightly long sighted.09:16
Yagisanare the joys of being a guinea pig09:16
highvoltagehmmm. couldn't find anythin on google about it09:17
Yagisanme either09:18
Yagisanbut I assure you, I see those bright red spots09:18
highvoltagedo they stay at the same place? or move around?09:18
Yagisanthey move09:19
highvoltagehow big are they?09:19
Yagisancan be very annoying09:19
Yagisansmall. usually in clusters of 309:19
Yagisanever looked close at a tv09:19
Yagisanat the coloured dots on the screen ?09:20
Yagisanlooks somewhat like that09:20
=== highvoltage finds it tough to imagine
highvoltagewell, my advice for any medical problem is always: drink lots of water09:20
highvoltageit seems to help for everything09:21
YagisanI've had them for years, but it's increased recently. I mentioned it in passing to the optometrist and she was very concerned09:21
Yagisan1.5hrs if testing, and couldn't find a reason.09:21
highvoltageand there's no records of similar conditions?09:23
Yagisannot that they know of09:23
=== Yagisan is special
=== cbx33 [n=c2df514b@84-45-197-14.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33mornin all09:26
YagisanG'day cbx33. you missed the most fascinating discussion about how my eyes are stuffed09:27
cbx33I thought your eyes were extremely good?09:27
RichEdmorning all :)09:27
cbx33hey RichEd did you get the spreadshet09:28
RichEdhey highvoltage ... saw this comment ... can't find background [aah, so that explains why my suspend doesn't work. i thouhgt it was this new laptop]  explain if you have a moment09:29
highvoltagehey cbx33 09:29
highvoltagehi RichEd 09:30
highvoltageRichEd: i broke my suspend by using a fork of usplash that does high resolutions and other fancy stuff (like plaing video, etc)09:31
cbx33yikes Yagisan 09:31
cbx33hi highvoltage 09:31
highvoltageit breaks suspend because new bioses and display cards are basically junk.09:31
cbx33my eyes are screwed but for a totally different reason09:31
highvoltageand don't work like their supposed to.09:31
Yagisancbx33: nice isn't it o_O09:31
highvoltagewhen you use lower resolutions and colour depths, then the bios works like it should, and resets your display when you unsuspend.09:31
cbx33Yagisan: not really :p09:32
RichEdhighvoltage: okay :) was wondering where hibernate files are kept and wanted to read more ... any advice ?09:32
RichEdcbx33: yessir i sure did ... was up till past pumpkin time getting my notebook booting in Ed / Ub / Kub ... all sorted :) ... ready to dive into openoffice dos today09:32
crimsunwe suspend-to-disk in the primary swap.09:32
highvoltageRichEd: when you hibernate, your memory is stored in your swap partition09:33
highvoltageRichEd: when you suspend, it stays in RAM09:33
RichEdthanks highvoltage & crimsun ... so all 3 boots will share the same hibernate disk space, will clear & tidy on shutdown & reboot ... most excellent09:34
RichEdcbx33: openoffice docs not dos (doos :P)09:35
cbx33does that mean you can't hibernate all three at the same time?09:35
cbx33RichEd: ;p09:35
highvoltageRichEd: watch your language!09:35
cbx33highvoltage: he keeps doing that :p09:36
RichEdquick opinion ?? aim vs xchat <- pros / cons < need to make a decision for my standard IRC09:37
cbx33would be my choice09:37
highvoltageirssi would be my choise09:37
highvoltagexchat would be my second choice. I don't know about an aim IRC clien.09:38
RichEdat a first glance, aim does more than xchat no ? (aim is default install on my edubuntu, xchat is an option to fetch)09:38
RichEdaim looks like it has ICQ and other instant messenger stuff09:38
ograyeah its an instant messenger ... 09:39
YagisanI like gaim, but it needs more work for IRC09:39
ogranot really suited for irc imho09:39
crimsunif you mean Gaim, yes, it handles multiple protocols. It's quite ... unintuitive for IRC, though.09:39
Yagisan /kick doesn't seem to work09:39
cbx33crimsun: totally09:39
RichEdhighvoltage: pray extoll on the virtues of irssi ? (in a short concise sentence)09:39
ograhighvoltage, pong09:39
crimsunthe UI is /horrible/09:39
cbx33morning ogra 09:39
RichEdi'm using xchat for win right now ... and i quite like it's style09:40
cbx33RichEd: xchat is probably the most intutive09:40
Yagisanbut gaim does work on all protocols I need09:40
highvoltageRichEd: the nicest thing about irssi is you can run it in screen09:41
cbx33highvoltage: true09:41
RichEdmorning ogra ...09:41
highvoltageRichEd: so you don't have to exit your client when switching between kubuntu/xubuntu/ubuntu09:41
highvoltageyou can also run it remotely, which is handy when irc ports are firewalled, or if you disconnect from the network a lot09:42
cbx33edubuntu....you missed it off the list :p09:42
highvoltagemorning ogra09:42
highvoltagei actually meant kde/xfce/gnome :)09:42
crimsunI think the nicest thing about irssi running in screen is its proxy module so you can continue to use X-Chat to connect to your irssi proxy over an ssh tunnel without losing a step.09:42
RichEdhighvoltage: do you mean switching "interface" as opposed to rebooting into alternate os09:42
highvoltageogra: i have a bit of a radical idea for ltsp09:42
highvoltageogra: but it's so crazy it just might work (apologies for flintism)09:42
highvoltageRichEd: switching interface09:43
RichEdokay ... may chat to you about the later ... i've gone the 3 boot option09:43
RichEdanyway will install xchat in edubuntu for now .. and get going quickly & easily in an interface i am familiar with ... and check out the irssi later09:43
highvoltageogra: last night i was thinking about ways to make a diskless fat client better, and I thought that it might be completely redundant to have a seperate chroot for the clients09:43
highvoltageogra: so i thought, it might be better to export / to the nfs clients, and then use a free runlevel (such as runlevel 7) to boot the clients from09:44
ograindeed it is09:44
highvoltagethen, you solve a lot of problems09:44
highvoltagesuch as maintenance, and how to install software... even things like getting the session information and lagnuage packs are easier.09:45
ograjust add something to ltsp-client that makes it die if FAT_CLIENT is set ... so the booting goes on up to gdm09:45
highvoltageogra: ah, even better!09:45
highvoltageogra: but then I thought, is there then even a reason to have a think client chroot, because you could do the same for thin clients, but just run ldm instead of gdm?09:46
ograwell, ldm isnt really written for local logins09:46
highvoltageso the /opt/ltsp directory could then be entirely dropped, and ltsp would then just become a few scripts.09:46
highvoltageogra: i didn't mean for local logins, i menat for thin clients09:47
ograoh, you want to export / instead of /opt/ltsp09:47
highvoltage(sorry for my typos, extremely lagged here)09:47
highvoltageogra: yes. i understand that that could have its own problems too09:47
ograsome majore ones, like security :)09:48
=== rodarvus [n=rodarvus@ubuntu/member/rodarvus] has joined #edubuntu
highvoltagethat's what I thought too :(09:48
highvoltagebut there must be a way to get around it.09:48
ograhmm, no usplash on ppc live 09:48
ograhighvoltage, well i like the idea of having a distinct system thats tailored for the task 09:49
ograthe speedups i did wouldnt work in a real system for example09:49
ograboot speedup i mean09:49
highvoltagefor example?09:50
ograthe initscripts we dropped09:50
highvoltageyou could do that with a new runlevel.09:50
ograthats no option in a debian based system09:50
ograyou dont touch the defaults here09:50
highvoltagei think i'll read some more debian policy tonight09:51
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #edubuntu
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RichEd-> shower - 15 mins10:46
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RichEdquestion posed by xchat channel: why make xchat-gnome default over xchat (via Synaptic search & install) ?11:41
ograwho does that ?11:44
RichEdogra: not sure what you mean ?11:45
ograwho makes xchat-gnome default over xchat ? 11:49
RichEdi was using Xchat on XP ... after our chat this morning, i wanted to install on Edubuntu, so opened Synaptics, searched for xchat & installed what was listed11:50
ograoh, you probably dont have universe enabled 11:50
RichEdhow do i do that ?11:50
=== ogra_ [n=ogra@p5089F9F9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
ogra_go into the add/remove applications tool from your menu 12:00
ogra_on the top right (at least in edgy) it has a selector12:00
ogra_select "all apps"12:00
ogra_then search for xchat12:00
ogra_RichEd, ^^^^^^^^^12:01
RichEddoing that now ...12:04
RichEdokay ... i need to select : show unsported applications and then i see: XChat IRC12:06
ogra_above xchat-gnome i think :)12:06
RichEdif i don't do that: i see"  XChat - GNOME IRC12:07
RichEdnope below !12:07
ogra_-gnome was moved to main, xchat was moved to universe, dont ask mwe why ...12:07
ogra_well, for me its above :)12:08
RichEdso if the average user is told : search for and install xchat ... they end up with Gnome version12:08
ogra_well, they end up with the version we support 12:08
RichEd(and then ask some misdirected interface questions in #xchat "why is this different to what I saw in XP yesterday") :)12:09
ogra_again, dont ask me why i'm a big opponent to xchat-gnome as well as i dont like the idea of abusing an IM client to do IRC12:09
ogra_but seb128 and the desktop team decided both of these ...12:09
RichEdbut i know we can't support all, and GNMOE looks a bit simpler for the new user12:09
ogra_it lacks a lot of features12:10
ogra_and i (as many other people ) find the UI unusable 12:10
RichEdyep ... that is the sort of question i was asking in #xchat = no right click whois display12:10
RichEdwas also goping to ask about alternate nicks in settings ...12:11
ograand you cant move the userlist to the other side for example 12:11
ograi find that very disturbing12:11
RichEdyou can't even show it ! unless you click on the button (transient window)12:11
ograthe topic ui is horrible 12:11
ograeither you cant read the topic or it eats all of your windowsize 12:12
RichEd... okay will install XChat ... and make notes for later suggestions ... 12:12
ograi'd have goine for xchat in edubuntu ...12:12
ograbut not for xchat-gnome 12:12
ogra(we have some freedom what apps we select ;) )12:13
ogragoing for xchat wiould have meant that we'd have to support the same app with different UI twice ... so that wasnt an option 12:13
RichEdi'll boot to Ubuntu just now & see if the install behavior is the same (and Kubuntu) ...12:16
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #edubuntu
ograubuntu is surely the same 12:18
ograkubuntu will likely be different i'm not sure they even have a install/remove equivalent 12:18
highvoltageRichEd: do you reboot when you want another display environment?12:19
=== ogra ponders dropping kig and getting drgeo to main and into edubuntu ...
RichEdyes highvoltage : reasons as follows:12:20
RichEd(1) want to test all installs as they are released12:20
highvoltageogra: are you on the k12osn mailing list? some misguided soul posted edubuntu feedback there :)12:20
RichEd(2) want to learn the exact differences12:20
ograheh, no, i'm not :)12:20
=== jsgotangco just had a wonderful lunch with the head of one of the most powerful and influential non-profit foundation in the country regarding edubuntu
RichEd(3) want to learn the similarities of the underlying installs12:20
highvoltageRichEd: if you don't mind running non-free software, you could also use vmware to install it, which is very time consuming12:20
highvoltagei mean, time saving :)12:21
RichEdand want to be able to demo to others as they would experience it12:21
ograRichEd, apart from the desktop they are all identical12:21
jsgotangcoRichEd: i think we're in business here12:21
ograjsgotangco, YAY !12:21
jsgotangcoogra: i think you'll be coming here soon =)12:21
jsgotangco*by force*12:22
RichEdhundreds jsgotangco :)12:22
ograand i think our knot 1 is ready to go ! (after three days and several nightshifts *sigh*)12:22
jsgotangcoogra: i actually had a successful install an hour ago for amd6412:22
ograjsgotangco, hehe, cool, i'll come with pleasure :)12:22
RichEdhighvoltage: i already noted your comments earlier, and JaneW explained some of this12:22
RichEdbut i am a 1st principles sort of a person ... learn from the gound up without any shortcuts before i undertstand them fully12:23
ograjsgotangco, me too ... i386 did make probs ... but i found out it simply doesn like the APIC of my turon CPU12:23
jsgotangcoi think the baseline is successful installation after all its just a bunch of syncs12:23
RichEdso i will be ready for simplification & tips in a while ... and have planned my partitions so that i can change without losing any data12:23
jsgotangcothere isn't much edgy features in knot-1 except a bunch of new apps12:25
RichEd[ i always used to get moaned at in school for deriving theoroms in an exam instaed of learning them as given in class ]  :)12:25
RichEdjsgotangco: send me an email update if you have a chance ... is this related to yesterdays chat ?12:26
ograjsgotangco, yep, but there are things like only half written sources.list files etc ...12:27
jsgotangcoRichEd: nope this is bigger, i just had this a few weeks ago, but only had the chance to had lunch with the head today12:27
jsgotangcoRichEd: this is more tangible in a sense12:27
jsgotangcoRichEd: because its led by the foundation of the biggest media network here12:28
jsgotangcoim drafting an email later about it12:28
ograthats the countrywide thing ? 12:28
RichEdwell even better then :) results & a voice to sing about it !12:28
jsgotangcoogra: yeah12:28
jsgotangcoi will most likely work there12:28
ogracool !12:28
jsgotangcoogra: http://www.abs-cbnfoundation.com/12:29
jsgotangcowhy is their site in IIS12:29
ogra"in the service of the filipino child" ... nice slogan :)12:30
ograi wonder if the installer is clever enough to carry over the nolapic option to grub ...12:31
jsgotangcoso if things push through, i'll be working on ubuntu/edubuntu but not hired directly by canonical heh12:32
jsgotangcofull time12:32
ograi never tried that12:32
jsgotangcoi tink that's a nice thought12:32
jsgotangcodoing something like what guadalinex did12:32
ograso if i every should get fired i know where to ask for a job as your helper :)12:32
jsgotangcothis is a very influential foundation12:33
jsgotangcoogra: http://www.newsflash.org/2004/02/sb/sb003803.htm12:34
jsgotangcoi knew from starters they need something happening when i saw her office PC running windows9812:36
=== ogra wonderswhy all these wimen in education are called lopez ... :)
jsgotangcoogra: she's into meditation and she saying that ubuntu is spiritually clean12:38
ograthe boss of linex is also a woman and her lkast name is lopez :)12:38
jsgotangcothat was unexpected (ubuntu being spiritually clean)12:38
=== jsgotangco in his mind he was telling himself he just likes using linux
jsgotangcobecause her yoga teacher introduced her to ubuntu and sayign that this is "clean" because the people behind it have good intentions compared to what you are using "windows"12:39
cbx33ogra: did you say your script is updated now?12:40
ogracbx33, no, and i wont ... simply because adding such an option is useless :) 12:40
ograwe dont have dapper daily CDs :)12:40
ograthere are always only the devel distro ones ... 12:40
jsgotangcoif i use the script on an edgy iso, it'll rsycn to dapper?12:40
ograit defaults to edgy12:41
cbx33what were you saying the other day then about the new script?12:41
cbx33I'm confused?12:41
ograin this regard its updated ... 12:41
jsgotangcoi thought it just refers to the file name12:41
cbx33oh, did you mean to sync back to dapper?12:41
ograbut i didnt add an --distro option 12:41
cbx33no i didn't want that12:41
ograbecause that'd be uesless :)12:41
jsgotangcobecuase i used it and i was able to rsynch12:41
cbx33but as long as it' updated I'll fix up my gui for it12:42
jsgotangcoso it doesn't need an update :P12:42
jsgotangcobecause it works as is12:42
ograit was updated :)12:42
ograa week ago or so 12:42
jsgotangcoim safe then12:42
jsgotangcowell going back12:43
jsgotangcotalking about ubuntu being spiritually clean was a bit weird though12:43
ograanyway, since its really dumb it only rsyncs what it finds under http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily/current/12:43
jsgotangcoyeah that's what i thought12:43
ograand there is no distro name in that url :)12:43
ograbut it assembles the iso names from the distro name ... so i had to adjust that12:44
cbx33I know :p12:44
jsgotangcobut if you already have an existing iso, it doesn't need an adjustment12:44
ograwell, it does12:44
jsgotangcobut you cannot use it to update a dapper iso to edgy12:45
jsgotangcocan you?12:45
ograthere is edgy in it :)12:45
jsgotangcobecause what i did was download edgy first, then rsync it using the script from the dailies12:45
ograit rsyncs $distro-$flavor-$arch.iso12:45
ograi copied the dapper isos and rsynced on top of that ...12:47
ogradidnt really give any advantage :)12:47
jsgotangcowhat's the chance that this build is knot-112:50
jsgotangcobecause it iinstalls fine12:50
ogralook into your source.list :)12:50
ograwe'll have another (last) build12:51
RichEdjsgotangco: re the spiritual thing ... lovely comment ... that is the sort of thing we can use as a "real user quote" ...12:51
RichEdfits with the whole ubuntu meaning ...12:52
jsgotangcoi didnt think of it at all when she said that12:52
jsgotangcoso it was kind of interesting12:52
jsgotangcoRichEd: im writing an introductory email later12:52
jsgotangcoas we have discussed12:52
RichEdi'll make a note of it ... we can sure use that in the press ... once we have "cleansed her" and are ready to talk about success 12:53
RichEdjsgotangco: tx12:53
jsgotangco"proprietary os cleansing" lol12:54
jsgotangcoRichEd: have you seen the link i gave to ogra?12:54
jsgotangcoRichEd: : http://www.newsflash.org/2004/02/sb/sb003803.htm12:55
RichEdpurge baby purge ... we'll also offer exorcisms for particulary difficult embedded systems  :)12:57
cbx33is the convention desktop and alternative now?12:57
cbx33instead of live and install?12:57
jsgotangcosince dapper12:57
RichEdjsgotangco: opening link while i load up a coffee ...12:58
cbx33I don;t actually think I need to do anything12:58
cbx33anyone in the mood to try out grasynco?12:58
cbx33the gui to rsyncer.sh ?12:58
=== markit86 [n=markit86@80-43-44-86.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33branch at http://www.progbox.co.uk/grasynco01:01
cbx33shuold be uptodate01:01
cbx33but it is still beta01:01
cbx33I will not be held responsible if it breaks your isos01:01
cbx33I want to make one more revision01:02
cbx33then it'll be almost perfect :p01:02
jsgotangcoit shall be known as the great grasynco01:11
jsgotangcosound like an italian job01:11
cbx33it works fine it you already have isos there01:11
cbx33just need to do the create bit01:11
cbx33which is easy01:11
cbx33is themeeting this lunch or is it tonight?01:11
cbx33I'll be there01:12
cbx33so will AliasVegas :p01:12
cbx33we were discussing artwork yesterday01:12
ograthats good01:13
ograwe need to get something going ...01:13
ogratime gets shorter01:13
jsgotangcosorry i wont be able to attend (4am) but RichEd knows what i have been doing lately01:13
jsgotangco(not doc-wise though)01:13
cbx33i know 01:14
RichEdis that the meeting for the morning tomorrow i.e. in 15.5 hours ?01:14
ograthe edubuntu meeting01:14
ograsee fridge.ubuntu.com/event01:15
jsgotangcodinner brb01:16
=== ogra_ [n=ogra@p5089F9F9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
=== rodarvus just had breakfast
=== cbx33 just had some shortbread
cbx33apple next01:21
=== ogra_ just had 3 successfull installs
=== jsgotangco can only boast 1
ogra_Knot 1 --> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily/20060719/01:22
rodarvusogra_: so Edubuntu Knot 1 is officially a completed milestone?01:24
ogra_not yet ...01:24
ogra_but that iso will be it01:24
ogra_we will make an official milestone release later today01:24
=== JoergD [n=joerg@AC9E5786.ipt.aol.com] has joined #edubuntu
ogra_the current rebuild of the isos needs testig before we can release it ...01:25
ogra_but since its only a fix in the sources.list we rebuilt it for i dont expect any regressions 01:26
rodarvusdo you know how ubuntu and kubuntu are progressing?01:26
ogra_same speed 01:27
rodarvusubiquity is sorted, then?01:27
ogra_i started off earlier with testing to get the ltsp pieces sorted ... but they have taken up01:27
ogra_well, roughly ...01:27
ogra_its the first *alpha* release ... i wouldnt expect it to work really flawless 01:28
highvoltageogra: anything noteworthy in knot1?01:29
=== RichEd_GAIM [n=richard@dsl-146-132-138.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
jsgotangcoit installs fine!01:29
ogra_highvoltage, apart from new software versions ? 01:29
ogra_not really01:29
jsgotangcowhen you install knot-1 is like installing debian sid heh01:30
ogra_development just starts ... so the breakage and new features are still ahead of us01:30
jsgotangcojust lots of sync01:30
=== RichEd_GAIM thinks this GAIM looks quite clunky ! closes and goes back to configuring XChat
=== RichEd_GAIM [n=richard@dsl-146-132-138.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #edubuntu []
jsgotangcoits the most unnatural IRC client for sure01:31
=== cbx33 [n=c2df514b@84-45-197-14.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #edubuntu
ogra_highvoltage, WOW, that mail to the k12 list is impressing !01:34
=== ogra_ wouldnt have expected praise :)
=== jsgotangco doensn't subscribe to k12 though
ogra_usually they dont have so much friendly words about us ... seems that changes :)01:40
=== markit86 [n=markit86@80-43-44-86.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #edubuntu
highvoltageogra_: yeah, everyone loves Edubuntu :)01:47
ogra_highvoltage, well, flint said different things after he met the k12 guys01:47
ogra_and i tend to admin that dapper isnt ready to compete with them in terms of dhcp config stuff and local devices ... 01:48
ogra_but edgy will get us there 01:48
=== RichEd [n=richard@dsl-146-132-138.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
ogra_i'm really looking forward to edgy+1 already ... where al the standards are finally done and we can start playing with the instresting extra features nobody else has :)01:49
ogra_and where we have full 6 months again ...01:49
jsgotangcoyeah we're suppose to have fun on this cycle01:50
ogra_well, we were supposed to have fun in edgy already ...01:50
ogra_but shortening the development to 4 moths somehow avoids that ...01:51
jsgotangcoi had fun a few kernels ago01:51
ogra_*months too01:51
ogra_at least we have some time until feature freeze now ...01:52
=== sankarshan [n=sankarsh@] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33ogra does rsyncer support xubuntu ?01:59
jsgotangcoyou have to edit that02:00
cbx33ogra it seems as if your script integrates fine with grasynco with no modifications02:00
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=== RichEd_gnome [n=richard@dsl-146-132-138.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #edubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
cbx33is anyone else concerned about the amount of spam coming through on edubutnu-devel02:09
jsgotangcothat's nothing compared to ubuntu-doc or ubuntu-users ;)02:11
jsgotangcoi delete like a hundred a day02:12
cbx33from the list or moderation?02:12
jsgotangcoif it goes to the list something is wrong02:26
jsgotangcowith the filtering02:26
ogra_the gay (or bot or whatever) is subscribed properly ...02:26
ogra_so he can send his spam and the filter wnt care02:26
jsgotangcowell yeah with that exception02:27
=== jsgotangco needs to update his breezy server later
ogra_well, its actually *one* spam thats gone thrugh ....02:28
ogra_could be worse :)02:28
ogra_hmm, its not even gotten through it seems ...02:30
ogra_cbx33, you are admin of the ML, thats why you see it as it would have been posted to the ML02:32
ogra_its not actually gone through ...02:32
jsgotangcooh yeah02:55
jsgotangcothere's a private admin list02:55
highvoltageogra_: sometimes you have to take what flint says with a pinch of salt, it seems :)03:02
ogra_sure, i know that03:03
ogra_but he was so extremely disappointed03:03
highvoltagethe one guy I work with, Hilton, is also like that. when he's extremely happy or extremely unhappy or extremely anything, I have trouble taking him seriously, because he has these moods where he jumps from one mood to the other. I think flint is very much the same. They're both great guys, they just have their own weird personality issues.03:06
highvoltageI've used K12LTSP for two years in many schools before Ubuntu, and even before Edubuntu was around, K12LTSP pales in comparison, imho.03:06
=== ogra_ still has a problem not thinking about a blonde girl if highvoltage talks about hilton :)
ogra_even i met him in person :)03:07
highvoltageI'd only accept the contrary from someone who has actually used both systems in production environments.03:07
highvoltageogra_: lol!03:07
RichEdogra_: ping regarding K12LTSP03:10
ogra_RichEd, pongedipong03:11
=== markit86 [n=markit86@80-43-44-86.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #edubuntu
highvoltageiPong, that's apple, right?03:15
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ogra_RichEd, argh ... damned ... 03:38
ogra_you didnt see my PM i guess 03:38
=== ogra_ registers ...
jsgotangcoRichEd: do you mind adding Mark on CC or should I not?03:42
RichEdlets keep it simple for now, and i will escalate or CC if needed ...03:44
RichEdif I send anthing to mark, I will be sure to CC you (you are the owner)03:44
=== jsgotangco sends email
RichEdand would prefer to free up mark's bandwidth for when we need actually need it03:45
jsgotangcoyou da man!03:46
highvoltageegh. sorry wrong channel.03:47
=== ogra_ibook [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #edubuntu
jsgotangcoMr. Burger will be raped?03:49
highvoltageburger is afrikaans for 'citizen'03:52
jsgotangcoahh citizen Corey03:53
highvoltageheh, yes.03:53
jsgotangcohighvoltage: how are you doing03:53
highvoltagei'm being productive this week, so I'm happy.03:54
highvoltagei get frustrated when i have lots of work and don't get a chance to do it, as it's been the few weeks before03:54
highvoltagewe had lots of meetings and planning, which is important and I enjoy in small amounts, but when work gets behind my stress levels tend to inrease.03:55
highvoltagejsgotangco: how are things your side?03:55
jsgotangcopretty good, there's a good chance i'll work in a foundation and do edubuntu/ubuntu full time03:58
highvoltagevery nice.04:00
highvoltagei think everybody should work for a foundation or a non-profit at least once in their lives.04:00
jsgotangcowell this isn't a technology foundation for starters but leading a project can be interesting04:04
jsgotangcoi've been working with richard on some possible projects04:04
=== markit86 [n=markit86@80-43-44-86.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33jsgotangco: good on you04:19
cbx33that would be cool04:19
cbx33you'd be one of the lucky ones04:19
jsgotangcoits a project that could make or break a country04:20
cbx33well if you need any other full timers :p04:22
cbx33who could stay in their own country :p04:22
cbx33and work from home04:22
cbx33right I'm over and out guys04:22
cbx33i'll see you all later on04:23
=== markit86 [n=markit86@80-43-44-86.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #edubuntu
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mhzneurogeek: hi there!05:36
mhzneurogeek: how's biz05:36
=== mhz will go offline for about 15 minutes
=== mhz is now known as mhz_offline15min
=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock
RichEd|busysee you guys later in the meeting05:52
=== RichEd|busy [n=richard@dsl-146-132-138.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #edubuntu ["~]
=== arkan0x [n=arkan0x@pc-6-76-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
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LaserJockhi jsgotangco 06:25
LaserJockbye jsgotangco 06:25
mhznn, jsgotangco 06:25
mhzAnyone here with 'teaching' experience?06:26
LaserJockthat's kind of a vague question :-)06:27
mhzLaserJock: yeah..06:27
mhzHas anyone here worked as a 'teacher' in School or University or any other institution?06:27
LaserJockI've been a TA for university chemistry classes, but that's it06:28
mhzHas anyone here ever had to prepare class material, design study programs/syllabus, etc?06:28
mhzLaserJock: hm what does TA stand for?06:28
LaserJockTeaching Assistant06:29
mhzooh, i see06:29
LaserJocknot a lot of designing, etc.06:29
LaserJockI did have to do a fair amount of grading and had my own syllabus06:29
LaserJockbut you are probably better off finding a "real" teacher06:30
mhzhm, interesting, hehehe06:30
dan_youngmhz: I've got a BA in education and did student teaching before turning geek...06:30
mhzLaserJock: well, I have worked as teacher for about 3 years.06:30
mhzLaserJock: dan_young, the thing is this would my 3rd attempt to start working in Edubuntu-Study-Content idea06:31
mhzand I was analizing exelearning or Edubuntu-Study-Content idea.06:31
dan_youngmhz: I did enough lesson planning in college to know how labor-intensive it is06:32
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mhzso, if more people with teaching experience could take a look at exelearning, maybe I could be told... ESC is not a as good as exelearning06:33
mhzdan_young: indeed06:33
mhzdan_young: that is why I have so much interest in ESC and exelearning06:33
mhzteachers do need lot of help06:35
mhzesp,in material creation and lesson planning06:35
=== Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-10-33-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
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=== ogra_ [n=ogra@p5089F9F9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
PetarisHi LaserJock 07:21
ogra_LaserJock, ?07:21
ogra_tell us about the reason for the party :)07:22
LaserJockogra_> Kamion, Mithrandir, edubuntu is good to go ...07:22
ogra_ah, yeah :)07:22
ogra_indeed 07:22
ogra_did you ever doubt that ? ;)07:22
ogra_i did07:22
LaserJockI can't doubt the magnificent ogra07:22
ogra_but finally we have something t play with :)07:23
LaserJockyou guys read eweek stuff?07:23
LaserJockhmm, they mentioned the packaging guide I did in their review of Dapper. jerome was really excited about it07:24
ogra_cool !!07:25
ogra_indeed thats something to be excited about 07:25
LaserJock"We were impressed to find included among the very good documentation that ships with Ubuntu a software packaging guide."07:25
highvoltageLaserJock: ooh!07:25
highvoltageLaserJock: well done07:25
ogra_yeah !07:25
=== ogra_ cheers for LaserJock
=== highvoltage cheers for LaserJock too \O/
LaserJockwell, it wasn't all me that's for sure07:26
ogra_well, you made it happen ... 07:26
highvoltageI don't think it would've happened without you07:26
LaserJockbut it is cool to see that people outside MOTU see it as valuable07:26
ogra_no matter if you wrote every word07:26
ogra_brb reboot07:26
LaserJockI'm hoping it sort of becomes a mark of how excited Ubuntu is for the community to participate in their distro07:27
mhzLaserJock: \o/ \o/ \o/07:27
highvoltageLaserJock: what do you mean?07:28
LaserJockwell, I believe that one of Ubuntu's primary strengths is it's ability to turn users into contributors07:28
LaserJockwe build a true community around the distro07:28
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockand I think that having an easy to use guide that is designed specifically for getting people from knowing nothing about packaging07:29
LaserJockto becoming MOTUs and contributors is somewhat of a distinguishing thing for us07:30
LaserJockit's got a long ways to go yet07:30
LaserJockbut I've been please so far with the feedback I've gotten from people07:30
LaserJockI got this guy the other day who hadn't even installed Ubuntu yet, didn't know what ./configure was but has a love for Linux and wants to help out07:31
LaserJockand now he is on his way to making Ubuntu *his* distro07:31
LaserJockabsolutely exiting07:31
LaserJock</day dream>07:32
=== mhz is now known as mhz_food
LaserJockhttp://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,1990777,00.asp is the URL for the article, btw. the PG is on page 3 ;-)07:34
Petarishttps://wiki.edubuntu.org/ActiveDirectoryIntegration?highlight=%28directory%29%7C%28active%29  <--- Is this what ajmitch is working on?07:38
Petarishrm, this looks interesting too: http://sadms.sourceforge.net/07:42
ograPetaris, nope thats older ... ajmich is working on NetworkAuthentication07:46
=== Petaris looks that up
PetarisIn the wiki right?07:47
ograno idea07:47
ograin the spec tracker in any case07:47
cbx33hiya all08:02
cbx33hi LaserJock 08:02
LaserJockhi cbx33 08:06
PetarisHi cbx33 08:06
cbx33hi Petaris 08:06
crimsunogra: RE: ehci/ohci: yes, it's possible the drive is buggy/went bad (I've had those symptoms, too, until I switched optical drives)08:13
=== HedgeMage [i=HedgeMag@freenode/staff/HedgeMage] has joined #edubuntu
ogracrimsun, well *went bad08:25
ogra* would imply it worked before08:25
ograbut it doesnt work with 2.6.15 either08:25
crimsunhmm, long shot, but with breezy's 2.6.12?08:26
ograhmm, i dont have a 2.6.12 around atm ...08:26
ograi'll try if i'm in the other house 08:27
ogra(i'm moving and have only my two lappies here)08:27
crimsunok, because those symptoms sound eerily similar to my experience with a junk OEM optical drive08:27
ograits a HD and i've already heard that there are probs with the HP pavillon ze2000 usb stack ...08:28
ograso i doubtits buggy hw08:28
crimsun(err, so not buggy external HD)08:29
ograoh, and that HD works everywhere else in full speed 08:29
ograits only this laptop08:29
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=== mhz_food is now known as mhz
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cbx33ogra, grasynco is uploaded to REVU08:56
ograhey, great !08:57
=== ogra goes looking
cbx33still some work to do08:58
ogra"icons created by Jeff Waugh" 09:00
cbx33blame sistpoty09:00
=== ogra nearly spilled beer in his new laptop keyboard
cbx33sistpoty told me that saying they were created by canonical wasn't enough09:01
mhzogra: got another KB because you spilled on the older one?09:01
cbx33mhz, "nearly"09:01
ogramhz, got another laptop because the crappy acre gave up09:01
mhzhehehe, nice09:01
=== selmys [n=selmys@] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33ogra, how dead is it?09:01
mhzogra: ibook and anothter?09:01
ograno idea yet09:01
ograi'll have to investigate if i'm done with moving09:02
cbx33ah yes how's that going09:02
mhzogra moving??09:02
ograeither the power supply is broken (all my measuring tools are packaged in boxes) or the power management electronics are dead ...09:02
ograit doesnt get any power ...09:03
=== mhz got lost for 2 weeks and everything is new again
ograbut the power supply LED is on ...09:03
ogra(on the power supply)09:03
cbx33ah 09:04
mhzhmmm, I got a similar problem witha powerbook. Bu ti was told that it was either a MotherBoard issue or a Processor one  :(09:04
ogramhz, i'm moving since more than a month already :)09:04
selmyssorry to butt in but I just installed edubuntu 6.06 onto a 4-way P2 xeon and the kernel only sees one CPU. Is there an SMP kernel available yet?09:04
mhzcaracoal moving09:04
ograselmys, sure09:04
mhzsorry, that was latin09:04
ograselmys, look in synaptic09:04
ograthe kernels all start with "linux-image"09:04
selmysThanks I'll try it now.09:05
selmysok I found it ... thanks again.09:12
ograyoure welcome :)09:13
cbx33meeting in 45 mins yeh?09:16
=== mhz is working on https://wiki.edubuntu.org/IrcCommands
cbx33ogra, remember the discussion we had about gconf priority files09:22
cbx33well if you have already chosen a theme that isn't the default theme, then installing edubuntu artwork won't change that will it?09:23
ograif your user settings differ from the default they wont be touched09:24
ograuser overrides system is the principle09:24
=== Burgwork [n=corey@d66-183-174-128.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #edubuntu
ogracbx33, is the rsyncer.sh script supposed to get installed anywhere from the grasyco package ? 09:35
cbx33yes 09:35
cbx33is it not09:35
ograogra@edubuntu:~/packages$ dpkg -c /var/cache/pbuilder/result/grasynco_1.0.1-0ubuntu1_all.deb|grep rsync09:35
=== cbx33 fixes pacakge......
cbx33its in the source09:36
cbx33ok uploaded latest version to REVU09:37
cbx33sorry ogra was being rushed out the door as I finished that package09:37
cbx33I should have spotted that one09:37
ograthat happens ... even to me often enough :)09:38
cbx33I know it's not that impressive, grasynco i mean, but it works09:38
cbx33well here at least09:38
cbx33thanks for beta testing09:38
ograwell, now is the best time to do that :)09:39
cbx33swat i thought09:40
cbx33please copy your isos first09:40
cbx33I don;t want you to have to redownload the mall again09:40
cbx33download the mall, what am I on about :p09:40
cbx33it's pre meeting excitement09:40
mhzmeeting in 18 minutes?09:43
=== Cornellius [n=Alain@142-217-38-112.telebecinternet.net] has joined #edubuntu
=== mhz will finally be presetn in one !
mhzcbx33: on #ubuntu-meeting, not here, right?09:44
LaserJockack, I better grab some food then09:44
=== mhz stayed here last time and missed about 80% of it
ogra************ REMINDER Edubuntu Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in ~13 minutes **********09:47
ogra************ REMINDER Edubuntu Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in ~9 minutes **********09:51
cbx33why do you have to be difficult :p09:51
cbx339, 1309:52
cbx33what happened to 1509:52
cbx33and 1009:52
LaserJockhe missed09:52
HedgeMageWow, this means I'll be on time for once... 09:53
HedgeMagethanks, ogra, you ruined my perfect record ;)09:53
ogracbx33, odd numbers are more funny :)09:53
cbx33do th fibonnaci09:54
ogranot really ... the ogra sit down and look at the screen sequence while doing pre meeting stuff ;)09:54
ograhow about09:54
ogra************ REMINDER Edubuntu Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in ~6 minutes **********09:54
neurogeekmhz, hello how are you? how is everything?09:55
mhzneurogeek: tired, exhausted, frustrated...but with energy to re-invent myself once more09:56
ogra************ REMINDER Edubuntu Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in ~3 minutes **********09:57
neurogeekmhz, men.. is everything that hard? what about your plans?09:58
neurogeekcan i help you with anything?09:58
mhzneurogeek: puaj! long story, sad story, I lost many things, even my Edubuntu Lab :(09:58
=== AliasVegas [n=lisa@84-45-238-195.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33mhz, what happened?09:59
ogra************ REMINDER Edubuntu Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in ~1 minute **********09:59
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LaserJockoh for goodness sakes09:59
jryerDoes anyone know why my USB flash devices are no longer recognized by ubuntu? They worked fine yesterday but after upgrading, I plug them in and nothing happens.09:59
ogra************ REMINDER Edubuntu Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting starts NOW **********10:00
mhzcbx33: neurogeek: thx for the interest on knowing but I'd prefer to tell you after the meeting :)10:00
neurogeekmhz ok10:01
LaserJockargh, it appears 27 tabs is just too much for firefox to take10:18
HedgeMageLaserJock: I've done more than that without problems10:18
LaserJockwell, the other factor is that it's on OS X10:20
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highvoltagegoodnight everyone!11:15
LaserJockthat was a bit active11:15
LaserJockhighvoltage: good night highvoltage, say goodnight to the laptop too11:15
highvoltageit was quite.11:16
highvoltageLaserJock: will do :)11:16
highvoltagei was a bit loud mouth in that meeting, but edubuntu is quite exciting.11:16
LaserJockhighvoltage: dream of Subway11:16
highvoltageLaserJock: I'll dream of a subway with cheese!11:16
LaserJockooooh yeah11:16
=== mhz gets to buy some bread anc comes back
cbx33LaserJock, stop dreaming11:17
cbx33start melting things with those scary lasers11:17
LaserJockI'm working on it, have a meeting in ~ 1 hr11:18
LaserJockbut while the laser is humming I'm trying to figure out how easy it would be to put Ubuntu on this iMac11:18
LaserJockthere seems to be lots of interesting hackish things, but nothing that makes me feel comfortable11:20
cbx33right I'm off for a while, winding down for the night11:20
cbx33ogra, once you've testing grasynco would you be able to advocate it?11:21
RichEdmhz: ping11:21
AliasVegasnight guys! :)11:21
LaserJockpoor girl, she has to put up with Pete 24x7 ;-)11:23
ograthat was mean :)11:24
LaserJockit was11:24
LaserJockin the most loving sort of way :-)11:24
LaserJockdoh, he's still around :-)11:25
crimsundon't worry, LaserJock's wife has to put up with him.11:25
cbx33didn't think I'd miss one like that did ya :p11:25
cbx33thanks crimsun 11:26
LaserJockcrimsun: but I'm smart enough to not let her get on these channels ;-)11:26
crimsunLaserJock: oppression only lasts for a while.11:26
cbx33your hiding place eh LaserJock ?11:26
crimsunwhen she wisens up, you're done for!11:26
cbx33I've made an ally of my wife.....you wait till she see s what she's been missing out on11:27
ogracrimsun, is that the reason why you are in so many channels ?11:27
cbx33right guys I'm off to get a cool drink11:28
cbx33no comments LaserJock 11:28
cbx33I will be watching 11:28
crimsunogra: not quite ;-)11:28
mhzRichEd: pong11:28
=== mhz had went out to buy some bread
RichEdmhz: <mhz> sure, RichEd. In fact, I sent about 5 emails to Mark telling what is going on, and that we needed help ... no response <- forward these on to me please11:29
RichEddon't worry to tidy or anything just bang them of a is ... to give me a heads up ...11:30
RichEdoff as is <-11:30
RichEdthen send me you current thoughts / status of where to go from here11:30
BurgworkRichEd, are you working for the foundation or canonical?11:30
RichEdyour <- you11:31
=== RichEd is getting 2 tired 2 type properly
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-240-213.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
pygiHedgeMage: !!!11:31
RichEdBurgwork: Canonical11:31
HedgeMagehey pygi 11:31
mhzRichEd: okis, thx for making my life easier11:31
HedgeMagepygi: meeting friday at 21:30 UTC11:31
RichEdsidebar for those who don't know it yet ... I am also "Mr JaneW" :)11:32
LaserJockRichEd: I thought she was Mrs. RichEd ;-)11:32
RichEdso have been with you all in spirit for a while ... now formally part of the team11:32
BurgworkRichEd, excellent. What are you doing for canonical?11:33
mhzRichEd: so you got a tattoo too?11:33
HedgeMageRichEd: in that case you must be cool :P11:33
ograBurgwork, if you would attend the meetings, you'd know :P11:33
RichEdsure mhz : i had to hold Mrs RichEd's hand while she got done11:33
RichEdBurgwork:  "Education Programme Manager" to be client & relationship facing11:34
Burgworkogra, some of us actually work11:34
mhzRichEd: however, my main concern is to encourage LAm people to start contributing actively instead of staying like end-users only. And the difficult part so far has been motivating teachers to jump in11:34
BurgworkRichEd, ah, cool11:34
Burgworkogra, ;)11:34
pygiHedgeMage: hey, yes I saw that11:34
pygiI am not sure I'd be able to attend once again11:35
ograBurgwork, ;)11:35
crimsunmhz: what sort of [free]  workshops have you guys/gals held for said teachers?11:35
HedgeMagepygi: How've you been? I never see you any more?11:35
RichEdmhz: i do understand the where the teachers are coming from though ...11:35
mhzRichEd: but with all due respect, the one on JaneW looks sexy11:35
RichEdunderpaid, overworked, have to teach kids who know more about tech gadgets that they do11:35
RichEdhave to take more training themselves, look after school sports ...11:36
RichEdand fetch their own kids from school11:36
pygiHedgeMage: I've been on a trip lately, haunting my hosting provider people, and stuff instead of contributing11:36
RichEdwhich is why we need to create compelling human factors11:36
HedgeMagepygi: ahh fun fun :)11:37
mhzRichEd: hmm, simply put, Edubuntu needs teachers (lab people). Teachers can help us build a community with edu contents.11:37
crimsunteaching is a 24/7 job. We literally get NO break.11:37
RichEdgive me a sec to type something neatly, and i will paste a good analagy11:37
pygiHedgeMage: I so hate hosting providers, why cant I just use my own servers for my needs? :P11:37
RichEd(from the business world)11:37
RichEdbrb ... 2 mins11:37
mhzcbx33: can you rephrase., please. I did not quite understand11:37
mhzcrimsun: you are a techer too?11:38
crimsunmhz: yes.11:38
ograpygi, use server housing with a machine you own ... not a vserver :)11:38
pygiogra: eh :)11:39
mhzcrimsun: have you seen my idea of Edubuntu-Study-Content? I have trouble in my head picturing if such idea is good enough to work on. Or I should just start promoting a similar idea via Exelarning11:39
crimsunlet's put it this way. Teachers don't have free weekends or nights, unlike some mobile calling plans ;-)11:39
crimsunmhz: I'm not familiar; would you link me, please?11:40
mhzabout the 2 things?11:40
crimsunE-S-C and Exelarning11:40
pygiHedgeMage: poke? :P11:41
HedgeMagepygi: because then you'd need lots of expensive bandwidth11:41
HedgeMagethat's why I don't do it anyhow11:41
mhzcrimsun: https://launchpad.net/people/edubuntu-study-content  |  https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuStudyContent11:42
pygiHedgeMage: right, but this way I cant host what I want :P11:43
pygiAnyway, what are we upto with this meeting?11:43
crimsunmhz: thanks11:43
RichEdmhz: see pvt window for paste flood ...11:43
mhzyeah, reading it11:44
HedgeMagepygi: true :)11:49
HedgeMagepygi: things are just going slow so since the last meeting fell apart when I got stuck on the army base I thought we'd try another round to make sure we're all on the same page... should be fairly quick.11:49
HedgeMagepygi: scheduled it for after the docteam meeting so if they have anything that effects us it can get mentioned11:50
HedgeMagethat's about it11:50
cbx33mhz, what did you not understand?11:50
Petarismy scroll wheel is not working as expected in edubuntu11:50
pygiHedgeMage: oki, thanks11:51
Petarisa look at the xorg.conf file shows what seems to be the correct settings though11:51
mhzcbx33: your question11:51
LaserJockHedgeMage and pygi: it would be cool if you came to the doc team meeting11:51
cbx33which question?11:52
HedgeMageLaserJock: planning to.11:52
HedgeMageLaserJock: that's why I waited to schedule the EH one11:52
pygiLaserJock: when would that be if I may ask?11:52
mhzcrimsun: http://www.exelearning.org/?q=about  |  http://www.exelearning.org/?q=screenshots11:52
LaserJockpygi: Friday 19:00 UTC, I believe. I'm thinking it will be in #ubuntu-doc since there is another meeting scheduled in #ubuntu-meeting at that time11:54
=== HedgeMage nods
HedgeMageLaserJock: yes, it conflicts with the marketing meeting11:55
mhzcrimsun: exelearning will give you Moodle and SCORM content11:55
crimsunmm, moodle.11:55
crimsunI remember that bugfix-from-hell11:56
pygiLaserJock: hm,oki11:56
pygiLaserJock: I am afraid that all I can promise atm is that I will try to attend 11:56
LaserJockthat's all I can ever do ;-)11:57
LaserJockbut this will be the doc team's Edgy planning meeting so it would be good to have somebody from the handbook team there11:57
pygiLaserJock: as I said, I'll try11:58
pygiand Susan will be there also probably11:58
HedgeMageLaserJock: Unless the Army steals me again, I'll be there.12:03
pygiHedgeMage: #banyantree just for a sec pls :)12:10

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