
Tonio_RichJ: just reading at the log, you are of course already forgiven :)12:09
Tonio_raphink: at least the uploads have been accepted ;)12:09
raphinkyes Tonio_12:10
RiddellTonio_: you'll have no job for six months?12:11
Tonio_Riddell: I don't want to no12:11
Riddellabattoir: sure12:12
Tonio_it is very complicated, but I'm going in a city where I will never find anything...12:12
Tonio_so let's make a baby for my girlfriend to get enough points to be able to leave to another place12:12
Tonio_that's the plan :)12:12
abattoirRiddell: thanks, that'll give me time to figure out rsync and bzr.12:12
Tonio_we need that she gets points12:12
Tonio_whe's a teacher, and that's quite complicated in france12:12
RiddellTonio_: no wedding plans?12:12
Tonio_Riddell: probably in a few years, but not still no :)12:13
Riddellabattoir: search for ddaa's blog on bzr, it explains how to put it all in the supermirror and/or get it listed on launchpad12:13
Hobbseeimbrandon: looking at kdeaddons now12:13
Riddellabattoir: although I don't know if oem-installer is listed on launchpad12:13
abattoirRiddell: ok, will do.12:13
RiddellTonio_: hmm, baby before marrage seems the wrong way around12:14
Hobbseedoes to me too, but12:14
Tonio_Riddell: I can understand this, but that's commonhere in france now12:14
Hobbseei guess some people like doing it the other way around12:14
Tonio_I have a friend of mine who is african12:14
Tonio_is parents got married when they were 70 years old12:14
Riddellubuntu's gone all blue12:15
HobbseeRiddell: its' just your eyes, going crazy.12:15
Tonio_simply a problem of culture12:15
Tonio_baby before marriage is very common in france12:15
Tonio_Riddell: is that very different in scotland ?12:16
Riddellit would be frowned upon in polite society12:16
abattoirRiddell: i cant seem to find it on LP, should i ask Kamion about it tomorrow?12:16
Tonio_well in my view marriage is only a signed paper12:17
Riddellit's important especailly if the woman takes a long career break for the baby, then marrage means she gets a share of the guy's pension12:17
Tonio_especially when you know 50% of the people are splitting up after this12:17
Riddellabattoir: I think he just puts it on a webserver, in which case you can do the same, do you have a suitable webserver?12:17
Tonio_Riddell: no need to be married for this in france12:17
Tonio_we have another thing that is equivalent to marriage, called "pacs"12:18
abattoirRiddell: i have the one you gave me, muse.19inch.net :)12:18
Riddellabattoir: perfect12:18
abattoirRiddell: I hope i can use it till the end of SoC, i'll find a host after that...12:18
Tonio_Riddell: it gives the equivalent rights than getting married12:18
Riddellabattoir: yeah, that's fine12:18
abattoirRiddell: ok, thanks12:18
RiddellTonio_: do you that?12:19
Tonio_in fact marriage in now just a matter of culture in france, but the technical thing is more "pacs" than marriage12:19
Hobbseeoh no, who's broken down now....12:19
Tonio_it is especially usefull for gays, since pacs is allowed for them too12:19
Tonio_and as marriage is **very** expensive, I prefer to wait and make a great party with all of my friends in a few years12:20
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseepoor dad.12:23
Hobbseehe broke down on a major freeway, in peak hour traffic.12:23
RichJheh, tell um to call my daughter's god mother...she'll come pick um up12:25
RichJthey are greek..and talk really weird..it is a combo greek+aussie accent12:25
RichJmy daughter speaks greek fluently and has a hard time understanding12:26
kwwiinight all12:31
kwwiisleep well12:31
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@likes.smoking.more.than.watching.spacenight.dk] has left #kubuntu-devel []
Hobbseeis there any point in updating knetworkmanager?12:33
HobbseeRiddell: why would i be having trouble building it from svn?  or is it really building, but not obviously updating12:39
=== Hobbsee grabs a build log
RiddellI don't follow12:42
HobbseeRiddell: i'm using the script found http://en.opensuse.org/Projects/KNetworkManager to get the source from svn.12:43
HobbseeRiddell: http://rafb.net/paste/results/XesMjm87.html is the build log12:44
Riddellit seems to think nothing needs compiled12:45
HobbseeRiddell: yeah, and i'm not sure why12:45
Riddell"Checked out revision 563954." that would have files above it if anything had changed12:45
Hobbseeit didnt even do a compile in the first svn revision i grabbed12:46
Hobbseeimbrandon: uploading12:52
imbrandonall of them ?12:53
Hobbseeimbrandon: no, just kdeaddons12:53
Hobbseehavent tested the others yet12:53
imbrandonheh ok12:53
Hobbseewhee...slow upload.12:55
Tonio_Hobbsee: are there lots of changes in knetworkmanager ?12:56
Hobbseeimbrandon: Successfully uploaded packages.12:56
HobbseeTonio_: i'm not sure, probably not that many...12:57
Tonio_because I was waiting for 0.1 to be released to update the package12:57
Hobbseebased on the commit messages12:57
Tonio_Hobbsee: that's the reason I didn't at the moment12:57
HobbseeTonio_: ah right, okay.  i was only playing with it cos my wifi card wasn tworking :P12:57
RiddellTonio_: what's the status of kio-locate?12:57
=== Hobbsee will have to go back to an old ndiswrapper
Tonio_Riddell: still searching for a solution12:57
RiddellTonio_: what's the problem?12:57
Tonio_I was about to contact upstream12:57
Tonio_Riddell: a very strange and weird build issue with scons12:58
Tonio_Riddell: afaik, it has to be fixed upstream, but I don't know scons enought to patch it myself12:58
Riddellshame tvo seems to have left us12:58
uniqimbrandon: did you do libqtpod and ipodslave? 12:59
Tonio_Riddell: this is a very rare issue (5 or 6 results in google)12:59
imbrandonuniq, was working on it now12:59
imbrandonuniq, unless you have it done12:59
uniqimbrandon: i have libqtpod done.. (not tested). if you want it.. 01:00
Tonio_but there are people that have found the solution for other apps, so I'l send a few mails and wait for a response, especially from upstream01:00
Hobbseeif anyone's thinking of stealing my ktrack, dont bother.  kpowersave and powersave are on REVU, if someone wants to fixed my broken versions.01:00
Hobbseebreakfast time.01:00
imbrandonuniq imbrandon@kubuntu.org please01:00
imbrandonor a link hehe ( i'm on the lappy atm )01:00
uniqimbrandon: i'll put it on the web.. hang on.01:00
RichJbrown.freenode.net/#kubuntu-devel    <-- in irssi, really quick, how can i shrink that?01:01
Tonio_Riddell: I'll let ou know, but I hope to have a working package in 2 or 3 days01:01
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Tonio_Hobbsee: concerning the wifi, I'll come soon with a kwlan package, which you should have a look at01:05
Tonio_seems to work pretty nicelly01:05
=== Tonio_ really hates scons.....
Tonio_Riddell: only thing I can confirm is that build fails with both mini-scons and the standalone scons, in any version01:08
Tonio_the point is I'm sure it works for upstream since I don't see a developper releasing something that fails to compile out of the box...01:09
Tonio_that's why it is probably better to contact him01:09
Tonio_Riddell: can \sh have a look maybe ? I think he is pretty good with python and scons01:09
Tonio_\sh_away: if you read this when you're back... :)01:10
=== Tonio_ beds
Tonio_I have to wake up at 4 am to finish the doc.....01:11
RiddellI'm sure \sh_away would love to look at kio-locate01:11
imbrandonRichJ, that desktop logo looks like something my daughter would teeth on01:12
RichJhaha ya01:12
RichJubuntu cristal01:12
uniqimbrandon: libqtpod is at http://ubuntu.lnix.net/misc/libqtpod/ - not tested, not uploaded, just made. :)01:19
uniqnow, i'm going to bed. nite.01:19
imbrandonuniq, gnight , thanks01:20
HobbseeTonio_: ooh, nice, does it do WPA?01:26
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=== Hobbsee pokes Seveas with the long pointy stick
=== Seveas shoves said stick up Hobbsees noseew
=== Hobbsee kicks Seveas
Riddellno voilence around here please01:34
HobbseeRiddell: even for Seveas?  but he deserves it!01:34
uniqimbrandon: noticed a little problem with libqtpod.. on line 39 in debian/rules, change "usr/include/qtpod/" to "usr/include/libqtpod/"01:34
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HobbseeRiddell: you're reminding me of your "children, children" line from a few weeks ago :P01:37
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeimbrandon_: you either didnt set up your apt mirror, or it's not working01:52
=== Hobbsee updates imbrandon_'s machine for him.
imbrandon_i dident set it up yet for edgy, its still syncing ( 22+gigs of downloads  )01:53
imbrandon_updating what ? heh01:53
Hobbseeimbrandon_: voyager01:54
Hobbseeah, fair enough01:54
=== Hobbsee updates the base tarball first
Hobbseeimbrandon_: did you see if the first two had hit yet?01:56
freeflyingmorning all01:56
imbrandon_moins freeflying01:56
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Hobbseehi freeflying, jsgotangco 01:56
jsgotangcogood morning01:57
imbrandon_Hobbsee, looks like bibletime is all that came accross -changes01:58
Hobbseeimbrandon_: cool, and kdeaddons?01:58
imbrandon_dunno still looking01:58
imbrandon_dont see it though01:58
Hobbseeimbrandon_: search for imbrandon?02:00
Hobbseeimbrandon_: yeah, right.  damn.02:01
HobbseeSigner is not permitted to upload to the component 'main' of file 'kdeaddons_3.5.3-0ubuntu4.dsc'02:01
Hobbseeimbrandon_: you'll have to poke Ridd*ell, rap*hink or Ton*io_ for that.02:02
crimsunor me.02:02
Hobbseeor crimsun 02:02
crimsundo you have free rein to upload kde despite main being frozen for K-1?02:03
crimsunyou -> kubuntu devs02:03
Hobbseecrimsun: no02:03
Hobbseecrimsun: not for main02:03
crimsunso main's frozen for kde, too? ok.02:03
Hobbseecrimsun: i was told "main is frozen, dont touch"02:03
Hobbseei believe so02:03
crimsunright, that's my understanding, but edubuntu and xubuntu have exceptions02:03
crimsun(as long as nothing touches ubuntu)02:04
crimsunwe wait, then02:04
Hobbseecrimsun: ah...okay then...i'd have to ask on that one02:04
robotgeekhmm, we are frozen for edgy already?02:06
Hobbseerobotgeek: no, just for flight 1 cd02:06
=== robotgeek has been away from the scene
Hobbseerobotgeek: so i saw.  i got motu, this morning :)02:06
robotgeekHobbsee: congrats!02:06
Hobbseerobotgeek: :)02:07
crimsunrobotgeek: yeah dude, we're frozen, we're releasing edgy this weekend and swapping codebase to use Vista next week.02:07
=== Hobbsee goes off to have breakfast.
robotgeekcrimsun: i wouldn't expect anything less :)02:07
imbrandon_vista ? i thought it was vista+102:12
crimsunwell let's not push into duke nukem forever territory02:12
imbrandon_sabdfl should name edgy+1 <something> vista , just to see ms crawl02:12
RadiantFireoh, but whats his name pledged to neve rhave a delay as long as vista...02:12
=== Hobbsee turns into an icicle again.
RadiantFirewhy turning into icicle?02:19
HobbseeRadiantFire: very cold02:19
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Hobbseeimbrandon_: ouch, w.r.t. boson-base - did you ever run lintian on it?02:57
Lathiati seem to recall boson-base was quite terrible comign from debian02:58
Lathiattho ic ould be wrong02:58
imbrandoni did nothing but rebuild them as riddell said ;P feel free to do whatever 02:58
HobbseeLathiat: yeah, it is.  cvs dirs all over the place.02:58
HobbseeLathiat: do i care about removing all the cvs stuff, or what?02:58
imbrandonHobbsee, poke upstream to clean it up also then ;)02:59
Hobbseeimbrandon: go for it  :P02:59
=== Hobbsee is just a mere uploader.
imbrandonheh 03:00
imbrandonok Hobbsee ping my other self in a pm about the package comments please and i'll get to them when i get back upstairs ( can see now that i'm gonna have to start a todo list )03:01
Hobbseeimbrandon_: okay.  your dekorator patch is fubar'd03:01
Hobbseeimbrandon_: for some reason, you've modified config.guess and config.sub03:02
imbrandonno thats something else03:02
crimsunare you guys aware of filterdiff(1)? :-)03:02
imbrandonthe tar gz isnt what .... welll i said skip that one anyhow \03:02
imbrandonfilterdiff? no03:03
Hobbseecrimsun: nope?03:04
Hobbseeimbrandon_: you did?  right.03:04
Hobbseei must have missed that03:04
imbrandonyea , well i thought i told you, might have been someone else but yea03:04
imbrandonskip that one03:04
crimsunconfig.{guess,sub} can be filtered out of a diff.gz03:05
imbrandoncrimsun, do tell ;P03:05
crimsunif debian/rules has references to them, it's assumed that you build-dep on autotools-dev anyhow03:05
crimsunin which case any diff for config.{guess,sub} is pretty redundant03:06
imbrandonhrm ok brb afkish03:08
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=== Hobbsee starts on kbiff, and wokrs her way down
Hobbseeer, imbrandon_ you twit...03:12
imbrandon_Hobbsee,  ??03:15
Hobbseeimbrandon_: libgamin0's a dep, not a build dep.03:15
Hobbseewell, it's no longer either, i guess, but it never was a build dep :P03:15
imbrandon_i said so it dosent build dep on not as a build dep03:16
imbrandon_.............. /me gos back to what he was doing03:17
imbrandon_also from Riddell's wiki ( where i got it from ) : After Knot 1, assuming we decide to keep not using Gamin we need to rebuild these packages so they don't build-dep on libgamin003:18
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imbrandon_anyhow really afk now03:19
Hobbseehi nixternal_ 03:19
Hobbseeimbrandon_: ah, interesting.  that really should say that they depend on libgamin0.03:20
Hobbseedoesnt matter that much03:20
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Hobbseehi jjesse 03:51
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jjessehello Hobbsee, congrats on earlier today :)03:53
jjesseafk 03:54
Hobbseejjesse: thanks :)03:54
Hobbseejjesse: repeat after me.  we are developing for edgy, not dapper.03:57
=== Hobbsee slaps self.
=== Hobbsee repeats herself a couple of times, and tries to remember.
Hobbseei blame being cold.04:03
jjessewe are developing for edgy :)04:10
jjessewhy is someone wanting dapper stuff?04:10
Hobbseejjesse: no, i'm just being an idiot.  twice.04:10
jjesseyou were up early that's why :)04:11
Hobbseejjesse: actually, x3.04:11
Hobbseejjesse: ah...is that the problem...yes...04:11
Hobbseejjesse: although the first time i didnt realise the package was in main, so it came back REJECTED.04:11
Hobbseethe other two i tried uploading to dapper.04:11
jjesseso what new rights do you have now?  the ability to upload to main or ?04:12
Hobbseejjesse: just to universe04:12
Hobbseejjesse: the meeting log's quite amusing :P04:12
jjessegrin i saw most of it, i'll have to read what i missed later04:12
jjessedoes that mean you are an motu or ?  a little confused on how that works04:12
Hobbseejjesse: yeah, i'm a MOTU04:12
Hobbseecore dev people are the ones who can upload to main, MOTU to universe04:12
=== Hobbsee is a Master.
jjessedo i have to refer to you as mistress Hobbsee now?04:13
Hobbseejjesse: no.  you may refer to me as Queen Hobbsee.04:13
=== jjesse bends one knee to his new queen
=== Hobbsee isnt interested in being a mistress.
=== abattoir_ [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseehiya abattoir_ 04:15
abattoir_hello Hobbsee :)04:15
Hobbseejjesse: how's doco going?  seeing as you werent at the meeting yesterday?04:15
jjessedoc is going slow, not much to update agains yet :)04:16
abattoirHobbsee: congratulations, btw :)04:16
Hobbseeabattoir: thanks :)04:16
jjessebut now that there is a daily cd out there we can start documenting against the changes, and we also have built up quite the group to go after a switching from windows to ubuntu (and making schanges for kuubntu04:19
Hobbseejjesse: nice :)04:19
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jjesseHobbsee: isn't it like 12pm there or something?04:24
Hobbseejjesse: yeah, midday04:25
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Hobbseeimbrandon_: whatever's creating those extra pbuilder dirs on your system is very annoying.04:51
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nixternaladept is broken in edgy?05:10
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abattoirnixternal: for me, in amd64, i had to remove it in order to continue, so yes.05:29
abattoircontinue the upgrade that is05:30
nixternalya, it says that db is broke05:30
nixternalOOo 2.0.3 getting packaged for edgy?05:42
nixternalOK Dev's, this is what i would like to see for Knot 1 Documentation 'Release Information'05:43
nixternalI want to know what is in Knot 1 that is huge!!!  Like, what does it have that will make a person go 'Oh Wow Edgy Is Gonna Rock', now don't project the future knots, but what is in knot 105:44
nixternali have .... 2.6.17 kernel...kde 3.5.3 (nothing else yet ;))...Amarok 1.4.1...what else is in front of me that everyone should know about that makes the Kubuntu Edgy Knot 1 release kick @$$05:45
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DaSkreechWell Xen sold out08:11
mornfallwhat? :)08:13
mornfallDomain-0                           0     1750     2 r----- 145514.708:13
crimsunthat's not selling out08:14
crimsunremember they're a technology company that specialises in virtualisation. It makes sense to offer interoperability with MS.08:14
mornfallthat's just that MS will be potentially shelling out $$$ for hypervisor know-how08:14
vinboyi'm worry that Microsoft will but linux and kde one day08:16
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mornfallit's not like they could08:16
mornfallsilly boy08:16
mornfallas for MS08:17
mornfallthey want linux to run as guest on windows08:17
mornfallso they can keep domain 008:17
mornfalleh eh08:17
mornfallbetas in second half of 2007 ah ah08:17
vinboythey could if they want to08:18
DaSkreechvinboy: No they couldn't08:18
vinboythey can hire army to kill all the linux & kde programmers and take over08:18
DaSkreechvinboy: No they couldn't08:19
vinboybut they risk going to jail08:19
DaSkreechmornfall: What would  they gain by having Linux supported by Microsoft?08:20
mornfallfor MS? or for linux?08:21
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crimsunDaSkreech: it's all about integration for management08:22
DaSkreechFor MS08:22
DaSkreechcrimsun: Yeah but if Microsoft already have a Virtualization program what do they want Xen for?08:22
crimsunin any case, this is step /forward/, not a regression08:22
mornfallbeing able to run the better os while keeping the control, that's points for MS :-)08:23
DaSkreechA step forward would be having MS stuff virtualized on top of a dom0 linux08:23
mornfallDaSkreech: that already works -- you just need a new intel cpu08:23
crimsunDaSkreech: MS isn't dumb. They have a number of reasons for licensing the tech, the least of which is recognising their core strengths.08:23
crimsunRay Ozzie is not an idiot.08:24
DaSkreechI know why they would want to have Linux on MS :) thats obvious08:24
DaSkreechI don't know why they are supporting it08:24
crimsunagain, Ray Ozzie is not an idiot.08:24
DaSkreechAnd then with Virtualized Linux servers on top of A Microsoft server08:25
mornfallwell, dom0 is in charge08:25
mornfalland MS loves to be in charge08:25
mornfallthat's about it i guess :))08:25
mornfallof course, from the actualy sober perspective08:26
mornfallit's the actual workhorse systems that matter08:26
mornfallwhich would be linux in that scenario08:26
DaSkreechAs I said I know why MS wants linux to run on top of a Microsoft server08:26
mornfallif anyone of you ever worked with LPAR08:26
DaSkreechA license is a license 08:26
mornfallthe management console thing is just a very limited unixy system08:27
DaSkreechThe interest in virtualized linux and then supporting it I don't get08:27
DaSkreechAnyway when Xen gets around to supporting the virtualized AMD's I'll look again08:27
mornfallvirtualized amd's? amd got around to catch up? :P08:28
crimsunmornfall: there's extensive work in that work (upcoming) from big blue and the hat08:28
mornfallit already works with intel.....08:28
mornfallwhich hat08:28
crimsunred hat08:28
mornfalli haven't noticed that08:29
crimsun(speaking of both the bolts and the management consoles)08:29
mornfallbut, well08:29
mornfallanyhow, --> offic08:31
vinboyanyone using 64bit distro here?08:32
abattoirvinboy: I am08:35
vinboyabattoir: do u find any specific problem?08:37
abattoirvinboy: apart from the usual... nothing ;)08:37
abattoirthe usual being lack of proper support for stuff like flash, java08:38
abattoirhowever if you are prepared to invest time, there are workaraounds08:38
vinboyah... ok08:38
vinboywat advantage does 64bit OS has over the 32bit?08:39
vinboyis it worth the effort?08:39
abattoirvinboy: for example you can setup a 32-bit chroot to make certain things which dont work in 64-bit08:39
abattoirvinboy: people say its hard to notice for setup w/ less than 2gigs of ram08:39
abattoirvinboy: but tbh, i do find it a bit faster than 32-bit08:39
abattoirvinboy: whether it is worth the effort, is dependent on you... i guess. :)08:40
DaSkreechabattoir: Are nearly all the repos also mirrored with 64 bit packages?08:41
abattoirDaSkreech: i think almost all the packages, which can be packaged are available...08:42
abattoircertain stuff like wine dont work natively, afaik, hence package doesnt exist08:42
vinboyoh ok08:44
vinboyfew weeks ago ppl have been talking about 64bit ubuntu is trash08:44
abattoirvinboy: well, i definitely would disagree with that?08:45
abattoirand i'd also like to know what they mean by 'trash' ? :P08:45
abattoirone of the advantages w/ Ubuntu is that almost all the packages in i386 are also available(like DaSkreech was asking). I have used Mandriva 64-bit and the lack of packages was a major gripe there.08:46
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abattoirDaSkreech: i think i didnt understand you properly there.. were you asking if all the mirrors which have 32-bit packages have also 64-bit ones?08:50
abattoiroh ok.08:51
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mornfall64bit os => gentoo effect09:08
mornfallit was enough work that you really want to believe it was worth something :)09:09
nixternalRiddell: Kamion applied the fixes to the sources.list issue with the daily build and has uploaded the changes09:12
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vinboywhere can I get nice wallpaper for kubuntu?09:16
DaSkreechOr use GHNS09:17
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DaSkreechGet hot new stuff09:26
DaSkreechWhen you are setting your wallpapaer under the little monitor there is a button that says get new wallpaper09:26
DaSkreechClick it09:26
vinboyic.. thanks09:33
vinboytat is so handy09:34
=== kameron [n=kameron@S0106000129f5b884.cc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
vinboymy Xorg keep increasing it mem usage, now it is at 121mb09:40
vinboyis that normal?09:40
mornfallcould be kicker leaking pixmap mem09:41
mornfalldcop kicker '' restart09:41
mornfallif that is the case09:41
mornfallwallpapers eat into x memory as well :))09:41
mornfalltransparent konsole too09:42
mornfallabout anything that deals with biggish pixmaps is mem-expensive09:42
=== mornfall doesn't have wallpaper, transparency in konsole or anything like that... got better uses for my ram
vinboyhow do I check?09:43
vinboyi did the dcop kicker but the mem doesn't reduce09:43
vinboymust be something wrong09:44
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omeowvinboy, you could launch ksysguard and filter on memory.11:11
vinboythank you11:14
vinboydoes anyone what fonts this screenshot is using? they look good http://kmymoney2.sourceforge.net/images/accounts1.png11:14
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vinboyis there a channel for genbuntu?11:39
Riddellwhat's that?11:39
vinboyubuntu's package management with gentoo's compile-from-source11:39
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freeflying|awayRiddell: 18's iso can be installed well11:44
Riddellfreeflying|away: desktop or alternate?11:44
Riddellfreeflying|away: powerpc?11:44
freeflying|awayalternate for i38611:45
Riddellcool, thanks11:45
Riddellyay for nixternal doing https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Kubuntu/Edgy/Knot111:46
Riddellnixternal: Printers in the k-menu is actually a bug :)11:47
Riddellnixternal: you might want to mention the launchpad integration (Help menu items)11:47
freeflying|awayRiddell: how about the kprinter, I still can't make it work11:47
Riddellfreeflying|away: not at all?11:48
Riddellfreeflying|away: local printer?11:48
freeflying|awayRiddell: samba print11:48
Riddellah, more tricky11:49
Riddellfreeflying|away: so you're trying to print to a printer on a windows machine?11:49
freeflying|awayRiddell: ya, but can't make it work11:50
Riddelldoes it work from gnome?11:56
freeflying|awayRiddell: never used gnome  :)11:58
omeowvinboy, looks like dejavu sans or nimbus sans perhaps.11:59
vinboythanks omeow 12:04
Riddellimbrandon_: who uploaded ipodslave?12:04
Riddelloh, it's not in main, silly me12:10
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freeflying|awayRiddell: when will main un-freeze?12:24
Riddellfreeflying|away: looks like Knot will be out today, so in a few hours12:34
freeflying|awayRiddell: edgy enable use bitmap fonts defaut now?12:35
Riddellfreeflying|away: I don't know, antialiasing seems to be broken in KDE for some reason however12:35
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MrFaberhi all12:48
MrFaberI think I have found a problem with the installer at least with the alternate.12:48
MrFaberSomebody have choosen shadow as username but he couln't login after installation. It seems that ubuntu or maybe linux has a group shadow per default so this might be the problem. I think that the installer should check which usernames/groups are already in use.12:50
vinboyhow do I set background color for gtk applications?12:51
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omeowWhy does superkaramba depend on xmms?01:02
alleeomeow: check changelog. It should be mentioned there.  A look in upstream README is also a good idea01:11
allee^^ changelog.Debian is you have it installed01:11
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imbrandonRiddell, ping03:10
Riddellhi imbrandon 03:10
imbrandonquick question, if there a way in kds to make the ipod icon ( the one made on the desktop when a ipod is connected ) open ipod:/ in konq and not /media/<mount> ?03:11
=== imbrandon was just looking at the way knoppix and suse does it and thought it was a good idea
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Riddellthey have a patch03:13
Riddellon the whole I'd expect people to use amarok rather than ipod:/ but amarok needs you to manually mount and unmount which is totally unintuitive03:13
imbrandonyea exactly03:14
imbrandonwould it be worth looking at including the patch in edgy ? i think it would add a bit of polish03:14
imbrandonsince it does add the icon to the desktop i would think it would be only logical to be able to transfers songs etc03:15
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Riddellit would need ipodslave in main03:15
imbrandonleaste thats what i expected when i opened it hehe03:15
Riddelland it would need to not get in the way of amarok03:16
imbrandonyea thats what i thought, thats why i was asking, since it would have to be installed03:16
imbrandonhrm ok i'll test it a bit over the next day or so and see how it go's wont be hard as i use my ipod and amarok alot03:16
imbrandonif it does work out is it possible to get ipodslave promoted ?03:17
imbrandon( IE before sept 7 )03:17
Riddellsure, you just need to write a main inclusion report03:18
Riddellbut if there's a new version of ipodslave being packages best wait until that's in03:18
imbrandonyea  i'm packin it hehe03:18
imbrandonTonio_, said i could dso it he dident have the time, then he was gonna revu it03:19
imbrandonanyhow okies, /me goes back to workin on stuff , thanks Riddell03:19
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imbrandonRiddell, btw did you see ipod linux booting with the kubuntu logo on my ipod ;P http://www.buntudot.org/people/~imbrandon/misc/kubuntu_on_ipod_nano.jpg03:24
Riddellyes, very cool03:25
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Hobbseehi all03:49
imbrandonheya Hobbsee ;)03:49
Hobbseehi imbrandon!03:51
Hobbseedoes someone know what the latest version of kat is, and whether it's any more stable than 0.6.3?  Riddell?04:14
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RiddellHobbsee: kat is sleeping, strigi is the current promise04:36
HobbseeRiddell: right, okay.04:36
HobbseeRiddell: i swear i'm such a moron today :(04:37
freeflying|awayHobbsee: have you test kchmviewer on ppc, can it work?04:37
Hobbseefreeflying|away: i have no access to any ppc04:37
Riddellfreeflying|away: have you tried kmail on powerpc in edgy?04:38
freeflying|awayRiddell: it work one week ago, but now , I don't know, for my ibook was sent to apple for repair the HDD  :)04:39
idrivelfreeflying|away, i hava some quewtions.04:39
idrivelfreeflying|away, plz enter #ubuntu-cn04:39
Hobbseeyay.  second try at kconfigure works.04:41
=== Hobbsee is such a moron.
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Hobbseehiya imbrandon 04:42
Hobbseewhee.  kdar gets an upload.04:43
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Hobbseehi jjesse 05:04
jjessehello Hobbsee05:04
jjessei hate my work computer05:04
imbrandonheya jjesse05:04
imbrandoni'm hating my home computer atm ;P05:04
jjessehello imbrandon05:04
Hobbseeimbrandon: which one, and what's it doing?05:04
imbrandoncant get dam dual monitors working even though the kde display setting say that it is05:04
imbrandonHobbsee, see look http://imbrandon.sytes.net/display.png05:06
imbrandonkde says they are both there, but the second monitor is "off"05:06
imbrandonwell not displaying anything05:06
=== imbrandon heads to #kubuntu to see if anyone knows the problem
Hobbseeimbrandon: fun?05:08
=== Hobbsee keeps going thru all the packages that need upgrading, and the broken ones.
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jjessecan someone look at bug #14945 the last comment i made was if this person was having a problem with the issue in dapper, but i don't know if it is part of a bigger issue05:14
UbugtuMalone bug 14945 in kdeutils "klaptopdaemon triggers hibernate in incorrect manner" [Medium,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/1494505:14
Hobbsee!info libdar-dev edgy05:17
ubotulibdar-dev: Disk ARchive: Development files for shared library. In repository universe, is optional. Version 2.3.0-4 (edgy), package size 835 kB, installed size 2928 kB05:17
Hobbseeoh yeah, i tested out hibernate/suspend today :)05:17
jjessedoes it work good?05:17
jjesseHobbsee: can you help me on the bug i just posted?  what status should i put it as ?05:17
=== Hobbsee is looking
Hobbseejjesse: kld's getting replaced in edgy anyway.05:18
Riddelljjesse: it can probably be closed05:18
freeflyingjjesse: recommend using kpowersave  :)05:18
Hobbseeheh, yeah.05:18
HobbseeRiddell: you got a minute?05:18
jjesseso flag it as closed, fixed in edgy ? or fixed in dapper?05:18
RiddellHobbsee: always for you05:18
=== Hobbsee smiles.
Riddelljjesse: fixed in dapper05:18
jjessethanks Riddell05:18
hungerWSuspend to RAM worked on my thinkpad for about 8h since somewhere halfway through the dapper release cycle.05:19
HobbseeRiddell: two things.  is it worth requesting a sync to fix http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=37843105:19
UbugtuDebian bug 378431 in libdar-dev "Subject: libdar-dev is not installable" [Important,Closed]  05:19
Hobbseeor just patch it here?05:19
freeflyingRiddell: will we use powersave defaultly in edgy?05:19
Hobbseefreeflying: powersave, with a new frontend, according to the specs.05:19
RiddellHobbsee: if it's not a new upstream version then requesting a sync should be the best way05:20
=== Hobbsee is very interested in tesint that front end.
HobbseeRiddell: okay, cool.  and i can do that myself now, yay!05:20
hungerWRiddell: Oh nice, especially since kpowersave can be tricked easily into using pmi;-)05:20
HobbseeRiddell: second question, how should i version kopete, so that the source kopete deb overwrites the kopete deb from kdenetwork?05:20
RiddellHobbsee: I'd go for  3.5.4kopete0.12.1-0ubuntu105:21
jjesseanyone having any problems w/ me marking bug #15451 as fix released (working for me in dapper)05:21
UbugtuMalone bug 15451 in kubuntu-meta "Kubuntu / KDE SMB network error using openoffice word docs" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/1545105:22
HobbseeRiddell: right, okay then.  what happens with the 3.5.4 packages then? automatically rewritten?05:22
Hobbseecmvo: you around today?05:22
RiddellHobbsee: I'll just make sure not to make kopete packages with kde 3.5.405:22
Hobbseedoesnt look like it.05:22
HobbseeRiddell: okay, cool.05:22
cmvoHobbsee:  Hi!05:22
freeflyingjjesse: this seemed fixed already05:22
=== Hobbsee adds it to her todo list
hungerWjjesse: I wouldn't close the bug without feedback.05:22
Hobbseecmvo: i redirected your screensaver bug.05:22
omeowpuhleeeeeez sneak these patches in; http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/xinerama05:22
=== omeow giggles.
jjessefreeflying: that's what i thought as i'm not having any problems as i reported a lot of the problems :)05:23
hungerWjjesse: Dapper has huge problems with suspend/resume in my experience...05:23
HobbseeRiddell: did you want to write the UVF exception report for that, too?  i found the changelog...05:23
=== Hobbsee would say "test all hibernate/suspend stuff on edgy"
cmvoHobbsee: I've read it, didn't have any time to reply. So, in edgy to different screensavers don't work...05:23
Hobbseecmvo: yeah, i tested them all out quite thoroughly :P05:24
hungerWHobbsee: I doubt that it will help to write yet another bugreport about my problem:-(05:24
HobbseehungerW: no, i expect not, but kernels seem to make a difference with suspend/hibernate stuff.05:24
Hobbseewhich is kinda nice - my suspend finally works, as long as i modprobe -r ndiswarpper first05:25
hungerWHobbsee: Yeap... but since the current edgy kernels do not even manage to boot without going Ooops that is somewhat hard to test:-)05:25
HobbseehungerW: when did that occur?05:25
Riddellomeow: do you know anyone who could test them?05:25
=== Hobbsee is in edgy now.
RiddellHobbsee: for what?05:26
jjessehungerW: i have a version of edgy running from the last daily cd i downloaded05:26
HobbseeRiddell: for kopete, sorry.05:26
cmvoHobbsee: I downloaded the 0718 iso, but haven't gotten arount to try it.05:26
omeowRiddell, me if I could install it on Kubuntu.05:26
hungerWHobbsee: And my problem is the button module not getting unloaded anymore... that works fine, but waking up the laptop triggers a shutdown right after resume...05:26
Hobbseecmvo: ah cool.  i just dist-upgraded05:26
HobbseehungerW: ahhh...05:26
HobbseehungerW: oh, that darned bug.05:26
omeowRiddell, Sho_ might be able to try it out too.05:26
omeowHaven't asked though.05:27
hungerWHobbsee: kernel oops? Had that with all 2.6.17 kernels from ubuntu so far.05:27
HobbseehungerW: ouch, okay then.05:27
=== Hobbsee has been lucky, clearly.
Riddellomeow: OK, I'll try and get them in if you promise to test and let me know how they work05:28
RiddellHobbsee: I did e-mail mdz with an UVF exception request, no response yet05:28
HobbseeRiddell: ah right, okay.05:28
HobbseeRiddell: whee.  how long does it take for p.d.o to be updated with the latest debian packages?05:29
omeowRiddell, you have my word. But I will be needing instructions on how to get the test packages installed on my machine.05:29
omeowWill it be test packages or edgy source that I need to compile?05:29
Riddellomeow: I'll just put it into edgy05:31
omeowJust tell me when.05:31
Riddellnot today I'm afraid05:31
Hobbseejjesse: you're going thru buglists?05:31
omeowRiddell, I wasn't expecting it today. I meant in general. 05:32
jjesseHobbsee: when i have a second @ work while i'mwaiting for things to load05:32
jjesseit is a hug day after all :)05:32
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Hobbseejjesse: cool.  amarok buglist needs some love :)05:32
=== Hobbsee noticed it, as she fixed some of the bugs
omeowhmmmm amarok bugs.05:32
RiddellHobbsee: see also http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-core-devel&m=115144677527998&w=205:32
=== omeow goes read the list.
jjesseHobbsee: going to start at the bugs that i'm subscribed to first and see what are waiting for responses or stil need more info etc05:32
Hobbseejjesse: leave the ones that i've marked as "fix committed" as is - i havent got that package uploaded yet.05:33
Hobbseejjesse: cool, okay.05:33
Hobbseeomeow: thanks :)05:33
jjesseHobbsee: will do :)05:33
omeowFor what?05:33
Hobbseeomeow: amarok buglist05:33
omeowThanks for reading? :)05:33
omeowdear christ... 639 bugs.05:33
HobbseeRiddell: very cool05:34
Hobbseeomeow: what?  not in amarok, surely...05:34
omeowUh yes.05:35
Hobbseeomeow: no, not them.  i meant the ones on launchpad05:37
Hobbseealthough a lot of them should be fixed in the newer releases too05:37
omeowOh ok.05:38
omeowI always look at the bko05:38
Hobbseeomeow: yeah, true.  that's a good place to look as well.  i was actually meaning our launchpad version, and triage, and file the upstream bugs upstream.05:39
=== Hobbsee wonders if it's worth bothering to update kde-systemsettings.
hungerWdamn is aptitude SLOW! I am using it for the first time now since debfoster is deprecated:-(05:40
HobbseehungerW: what happened to apt?05:41
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hungerWHobbsee: I need something like debfoster that kicks out unnecessary cruft when deinstalling. The last debfoster deb had a notice that you should use aptitude if you wanted that feature.05:54
HobbseehungerW: ah, right, yes.05:55
Hobbseeright, that's got some more of the libgamin fixes done.05:55
Hobbseeand now i've noticed that they're not separated into universe and main.05:55
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Hobbseeokay, bedtime.  i've only been up for around 20 hours.05:57
Hobbseenight Riddell, everyone else05:57
jjessenight queen Hobbsee05:58
=== jjesse drops to one knee as the queen leaves
=== Hobbsee looks for a pretty crown or something :)
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Hobbseenight imbrandon 06:00
imbrandongnight gurl06:00
imbrandonerr yea06:00
nixternalhaha Riddell, the menu thing will be noted as a bug, however i kind of like it there ;)06:07
nixternali will check out launchpad integration here in a little bit..thanks for the info !!!06:07
Riddellnixternal: I've added a screenshot to the Knot1 page06:07
Riddellnixternal: you could also add a section on KDE 3.5.306:07
nixternalcool beans06:07
nixternali am working on it as we speak06:08
nixternali forgot to add a header on it last night06:08
jjessenixternal: have you checked w/ mgalvin to make sure you are using the template that he used for the dapper flights?06:08
jjesseafk lunch itme :)06:09
nixternalim following his template from the list of pages he has done in the past...i will contact him and see if he as an exact template or what not right now ;)06:09
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RiddellLathiat: what's the best order for hosts: in /etc/nsswitch.conf?06:44
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Riddellhmm, we have an old version of libnss-mdns06:51
jjessebug #17735 appears it can be marked fixed released for dapper as there is information in /usr/lib/mime/packages can someone correct me if i'm wrong on this?06:52
UbugtuMalone bug 17735 in meta-kde "kde packages install nothing in /usr/lib/mime/packages" [Medium,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/1773506:52
Riddelljjesse: you seem to be right06:54
jjessewahoo three bugs down today :)06:55
Riddellgo jjesse!06:57
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jjessei love it when no one responds to questions when you ask for follow-up: bug #1931106:57
UbugtuMalone bug 19311 in kubuntu-default-settings "dpkg errors on install" [Medium,Rejected]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/1931106:57
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Tonio_hi all07:55
_SimeTonio_: Hi,07:55
Tonio_let's find this kio-locate build error...07:55
Riddellooh, _Sime's back07:57
_Simei've been away on vacation, and I'll be going again for a few days starting tomorrow.07:58
_SimeRiddell: how have you been though?07:58
RiddellI know07:58
RiddellI've been nice and hot07:58
Riddellnice holiday?07:59
_SimeTonio_: BTW, I was in normandy last week and I had a tartar-uncooked-beef-thingy.... tasted raw.07:59
_SimeRiddell: yeah, it was nice. Deb hurt her ankle though which made things difficult.07:59
Tonio_did you appreciate ?*08:00
=== Tonio_ love uncooked food :)
_SimeRiddell: it has been bloody hot here. It is now ~35C outside.08:00
_SimeTonio_: It came out and I thought "oh that's what tartar blah actually means. ok I'll try it". culture etc etc. ;-)08:01
_SimeRiddell: the big 4 day walking/march thing which they have in Nijmegen was cancelled after one day...08:01
_SimeRiddell: due to the heat.08:02
_SimeRiddell: it is a big deal around here.08:02
Riddellcan anyone on dapper tell me what's in /etc/X11/config/cf ?08:02
_SimeRiddell: I'll have some time to hack on stuff next week. Hopefully the computer room will be below 30C.08:03
_SimeRiddell: I see a bunch of *.cf files in /cf. Compile info for different platforms for some buildsystem which I can't recognise...08:05
abattoirRiddell: a bunch of *.cf files08:05
abattoirRiddell: want me to pastebin the list?08:05
Riddellabattoir: no that's fine thanks08:05
Riddellbig question is where did they go in edgy08:05
abattoirRiddell: they seem to be present in my edgy install08:06
Riddellabattoir: could you do a dpkg -S /etc/X11/config/cf/Imake.tmpl08:07
_SimeRiddell: /cf belongs to the imake package08:07
abattoirRiddell: i'm currently in dapper, do you want me to switch to edgy?08:07
abattoiri mean, boot up edgy?08:07
abattoirok, brb08:08
Riddelledgy doesn't seem to have imake any more08:09
_SimeRiddell: the new build system for xorg?08:10
aliasfrednixternal: isnt there a bounty to remove all 'linux for human being' from ubuntu communication ? :)08:11
nixternali think i seen either a bounty or a spec on it08:11
nixternalwe don't want to discriminate against the aliens i guess ;)08:11
Riddellah hah, they've moved to /usr/lib/X11/config/08:12
aliasfredhttps://launchpad.net/bounties/all-linux-for-humans <- this one :)08:12
aliasfredyep all aliens and animals want to use ubuntu too :)08:12
aliasfredjust telling that, sticker have to be spread :)08:13
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abattoirRiddell: sorry, what was the file again?08:19
Tonio_this kio-locate build issue drives me nuts...........08:20
Riddellabattoir: /etc/X11/config/cf/Imake.tmpl08:20
RiddellTonio_: tried asking ita?08:21
abattoirRiddell: that file is not there08:21
Tonio_Riddell: I don't know him08:21
Tonio_Riddell: who is he ?08:21
RiddellTonio_: he's KDE's scons fan, usually on #kde-devel08:21
Riddellabattoir: how about in /usr/lib/X11/config/?08:21
Tonio_Riddell: it looks like a code issue, not a scons one finally08:21
Tonio_here is the kde-apps page, and other personns sedems to have the same issue with it...08:22
abattoirRiddell: i'll, look, one sec, here's whats there in /etc/X11/config/cl http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1837308:22
Tonio_Riddell: the problem with scons is that the error output is completly crappy08:22
abattoirRiddell: there is no config file/folder in /usr/lib/X11 or /usr/lib64/X1108:24
Riddellabattoir: install imake08:24
abattoirRiddell: already installed08:25
Riddellabattoir: and nothing in /usr/lib/X11/config/ ?08:28
abattoirRiddell: as i said, there is no config folder08:29
abattoirRiddell: only 'locale rgb.txt x11perfcomp xkb and xsm'08:32
Tonio_Riddell: I just tested and it looks like the dapper kio-locate source package fails to build in an edgy chroot.......08:37
Riddellabattoir: well I have them in there, so it's good for me :)08:37
Tonio_messy scons..........;08:37
abattoirRiddell: anything else you want to check?08:37
abattoirmy user a/c has been messed up.. have to check that out...08:38
RiddellTonio_: nasty08:39
Riddellabattoir: that's all thanks08:39
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lnxKDEubuntu-edgy ready for testing?10:12
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-240-213.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RiddelllnxKDE: works for me10:14
lnxKDEKDE 3.5.3?10:14
lnxKDEor KDE svn?10:14
pygiabattoir: poke?10:16
abattoirpygi: hello :)10:16
pygiI am back ... kinda at least :)10:17
abattoirpygi: oh, ok cool :)10:17
lnxKDERiddell : ?10:18
pygiabattoir: sorry, #banyan*10:18
abattoirpygi: ok, sure10:18
abattoirlnxKDE: edgy has KDE 3.5.310:23
imbrandon[14:58]  <focker2> what would you call one with Rat Poison wm?10:23
imbrandon[14:59]  <jhutchins_wk> Ratbuntu10:23
imbrandonwrong windows sorry10:24
pygiimbrandon: :)10:24
imbrandonthat is kinda funny though ;P10:24
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Tonio_aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghhhhh !10:45
Tonio_I'm getting crazy10:45
RiddellTonio_: kio-locate?10:46
Tonio_yes :'-(10:46
Tonio_even with a simple scons configure && scons && sudo scons install, it fails10:46
Tonio_I don't understand the point10:46
Tonio_I assume it is supposed to work for some people since they report it works....10:46
Tonio_I'm playing with all sconstruct file parameters, but nothing changes...10:47
Tonio_and the error is totally ununderstandable10:47
Tonio_4 hours turning arround this issue....10:47
=== Tonio_ definitly hads scons to his "shit list"
imbrandonhehe 10:48
Tonio_imbrandon: can you imagin the error output is this :10:48
Riddelldon't worry, you could be battling with KConfigXT like me :)10:48
Tonio_scons: *** Dependency cycle: doc/en/index.cache.bz2 -> doc/en/index.cache.bz2 -> /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kio-locate/index.cache.bz2 -> install10:48
Tonio_File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SCons/Taskmaster.py", line 292, in _find_next_ready_node10:48
Tonio_is that supposed to be human understandable ?10:49
Tonio_imbrandon: but the most funny, I'm deleting doc/index/cache/bz2, and then :10:50
Tonio_cd doc/en && meinproc --check --cache index.cache.bz2 index.docbook10:50
Tonio_Install file: "doc/en/index.cache.bz2" as "/usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kio-locate/index.cache.bz2"10:50
Tonio_it takes it from the build cache and that works..........10:51
imbrandonheh not kool10:51
Tonio_so I have a workarround, but that really nasty10:51
Tonio_I can delete the file during the build via a rules entry, and that should work10:51
Tonio_but that would be the nastier workarround of all the ubuntu history :)10:51
imbrandongrrr why cant apple make iTunes foss, i mean it already runs on bsd+microkernel shouldent be that hard to port 10:52
imbrandonlol @ Tonio_10:52
imbrandonheh dunno i've seen some crazy stuff but yea10:52
imbrandonhrm i think i got this all backed up10:53
Tonio_scons is like java10:53
imbrandonalmost time to reload10:53
=== imbrandon is scared of java
Tonio_it makes things easier for developpers, but sucks for all other people10:53
Tonio_especially packagers and sysadmins :)10:53
imbrandonbrb phone10:54
Tonio_I'm sending an email upstream, since I don't think I'll find...10:54
Tonio_raphink: ping ma poule ?10:59
raphinkheu 10:59
raphinktu fais ce que tu veux avec ta poule10:59
raphinkmme la pinguer si tu veux10:59
Tonio_raphink: j'ai besoin d'tre sur que c pas un probleme local10:59
raphinkde quoi, ta poule?10:59
Tonio_tu peux prendre le tarball de kio-tlocate et tenter de le compiler ?10:59
Tonio_ca prend 10 secondes11:00
raphinktu as essay sur tiber?11:00
Tonio_y a rien11:00
raphinkrien quoi?11:00
Tonio_kio-locate n'est pas dans debian11:00
raphinkmoi je builde sur tiber11:00
Tonio_oups tiber pardon11:00
raphinky'a un pbuilder-edgy dessus11:00
Tonio_bah ecoute, j'ai pas envie de puluer tiber11:00
Tonio_et je sais mme pas si j'ai acces au shell :)11:00
raphinkben je vais le faire  ta place alors11:00
raphinkj'ai plus de pbuilder l11:00
Tonio_non mais c pas l'histoire de pbuilder la11:00
raphinkmon disque /var est plant11:00
Tonio_ca foire mme en compile locale11:01
raphinksi tu as accs au shell sur tiber11:01
Tonio_et c'est exactement le mme probleme11:01
Tonio_donc soit ma machine bug severe11:01
Tonio_soit y a une violente cougnette dans la soupe11:01
Tonio_Riddell: the workarround works.......... but I would be ashamed uploading a package with this....11:01
Tonio_would you be okay ?11:02
=== raphink va sur tiber pour regarder
Tonio_the workarround consists in deleting the index.cache.bz2 and let scons taking back from its cache11:02
RiddellTonio_: what's the workaround?11:02
Tonio_then it gets installed without any issue11:02
Tonio_but this is really dirty11:02
Tonio_but it works...11:03
Tonio_and the package is nice11:03
RiddellTonio_: well you need an UVF exception anyway, you could request that and if you don't get a better answer for fixing it in the mean time upload with the workaround11:03
Tonio_Riddell: are we already in uvf now ??????11:04
Tonio_or is it just for knot 111:04
raphink0.4.4 Tonio_?11:04
Tonio_raphink: 0.4.511:04
Tonio_le packet n'y est pas11:05
raphinkah j'ai pas a11:05
RiddellTonio_: for main we are yes11:05
Tonio_c pour ca que j'aurai voulu que tu testes la compil localement11:05
Tonio_Riddell: okay... very soon...11:05
Tonio_I'l contact upstream to try to get a better answer, and if nothing comes arround, I'll do an uvfe11:05
Tonio_let's go onto kwlan, we need this :)11:06
=== poningru [n=poningru@wsip-70-168-186-68.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
raphinktu as le paquet puor la 0.4.5 qqpart Tonio_?11:07
Tonio_raphink: je te dcc le tarball11:08
Tonio_tu peux juste stp tenter une compil locale ?11:08
Tonio_pas besoin de packet, le bug n'est pas la11:09
raphinkj'attend :)11:09
raphinkj'aime pas compiler en local11:09
Tonio_avec scons tu peux desinstaller11:09
Tonio_c le seul avantage de cette chiotte :)11:09
Tonio_et pis te bile pas, normalement ca ne va pas s'installer lol11:09
raphinkmais bon11:10
raphinkpff faut que j'installe scons sur ma machine11:11
raphinka pue11:11
imbrandonRiddell, will you be arround in a while when hobbsee logs in you think ? ( and could maybe pass a simple message to check her email or she wont be able to login to voyager )11:11
Tonio_raphink: boarf.... stp :'(11:11
Tonio_j'en chie depuis 2 semaines sur ce packet :)11:11
raphinkk scons mar11:11
Tonio_ca c nul :)11:12
raphinkbon et puis?11:13
raphinka marche11:13
raphink $ ls -l /usr/lib/kde3/kio_locate.so11:13
raphink-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 193693 2006-07-19 23:12 /usr/lib/kde3/kio_locate.so11:13
raphinkil m'a bien install et tout11:14
Tonio_koi ? scons configure && scons && scons install11:14
Tonio_pas de bug ?11:14
raphinkj'ai un message d'erreur11:14
raphinkscons: *** Dependency cycle: doc/en/index.cache.bz2 -> doc/en/index.cache.bz2 -> /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kio-locate/index.cache.bz2 -> install11:14
raphinkFile "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SCons/Taskmaster.py", line 389, in _find_next_ready_node11:14
raphinkmais il est aprs la fin de l'isntall11:14
Tonio_waip, mais le bleme c que le message d'erreur fait planter le build :)11:14
raphinket locate:/ marche bien11:14
raphinkah non 11:14
raphinkmoi j'ai pas d'erreur pendant le build11:14
Tonio_le workarround degueu, c'est de shooter le fichier index.cache.bz2 et refaire scons install11:14
raphinkscons: done building targets.11:14
Tonio_t'as pbuild ?11:15
raphinkj'ai fait en local comme tu m'as dit11:15
Tonio_bah t'as bien une erreur11:15
raphinkscons configure && scons && sudo scons install11:15
Tonio_et cette erreur fait planter le build11:15
Tonio_c bien ca le probleme :)11:15
raphinkje te file ma trace11:16
Tonio_pas lapeine j'ai la mme11:16
Tonio_ca installe tout et t'as ce warning apres11:16
Tonio_le bleme c que si tu pbuild ca fait planter le build11:16
Tonio_j'ai un workarround, mais c degueu11:16
raphinkje vais me faire un pastebin sur ma machine moi11:16
raphinkpastebin.com est flood depuis quelques temps11:16
Tonio_waip je sais, mais j'ai pas besoin de ta trace, j'ai la confirmation, t'as le mme probleme que moi11:17
Tonio_donc c pas ma machine11:17
raphinkvala 11:17
raphinkquand meme11:17
raphinkje voulais te la filer quand meme11:18
=== Dinofly [n=dinofly@vbo91-1-82-238-217-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_je check11:21
Tonio_raphink: tout pile comme moi11:21
Tonio_Riddell: I have a question11:26
Tonio_Riddell: does a port from debian that isn't actually in ubuntu needs to be reviewed as a new package on revu ?11:26
Tonio_kwlan is in debian unstable but not ubuntu actually11:26
crimsunno, it doesn't11:27
Tonio_crimsun: so I can upload it directly to universe, great11:27
crimsundon't do that, wait for it to sync from Debian11:27
Tonio_crimsun: hum, okay, but if the package requires a few changes (rosetta patches etc...), what to do then ?11:28
Tonio_wait and then only provide the changes ?11:28
crimsunTonio_: oh, you can merge directly into universe, sure11:29
crimsunsorry, didn't have the merge context11:29
Tonio_crimsun: okay, thanks :)11:29
RiddellTonio_: a port?11:29
RiddellTonio_: you would want a sync in that case, unless something really needs to be changed11:29
crimsunalthough, to be honest, it will be easier to wait til it syncs from Debian and /then/ merge11:29
Tonio_Riddell: yes, with a bit of ubuntu specifics, of course :)11:29
RiddellTonio_: no I don't think it needs a revu11:30
crimsun(it doesn't need revu at all)11:30
Tonio_Riddell: well if kwlan is potentially a replacement for wlassistant, rosetta patch is greatly required I think11:30
RiddellTonio_: sure11:30
Riddellcrimsun: waiting isn't going to make it any easier11:30
crimsunRiddell: the end result is the same; I'm just thinking of autosync. 11:31
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=== Tonio_ coming back after kwlan tests
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tomaRiddell: digikam, digikam-doc, digikamimageplugins-doc & digikamimageplugins are all being updated in debian now, when they are uploaded, should i file 4 separate sync requests?12:02
crimsuntoma: yes.12:06
Riddelltoma: you'll need UVF exception first12:07
tomaRiddell: arggh. are we in that stage already12:07
Riddelloh wait, it's not in main12:08
Riddelltoma: no problem then, file your sync requests :)12:08
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