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Lord_Athurhi all, I've got a doubt, how do i earn karma?01:43
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abhaykarma is a system that is built into launchpad such that doing things that are favored increases your karma. add a suggestion, your karma goes up. if your suggestion is approved, your karma goes up01:56
abhayyou can see your karma log by going to your userpage and adding +karma/ to your url01:58
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kalosaurusrexhow do I have my team join another team?02:04
kalosaurusrexoh nm02:07
kalosaurusrexgot it02:07
kalosaurusrexblah night!02:07
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Lord_Athurabhay, If Imake and edit some wikis, if I work on forums, does karma go up?02:08
abhayLord_Athur: I don't believe the wiki is linked to launchpad that way. i know that things in launchpad will increase karma but some one else may be able to clarify.02:17
Lord_Athurok, thanks02:25
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lifelessspiv: can you please review jamesh/launchpad/dyson-urllib - should be trivial02:34
spivlifeless: ok02:37
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lifelessspiv: also, hack day at jdubs03:03
lifelesswed nes day03:04
=== spiv hmms
jameshmake sure you don't leak any proprietary company secrets to him03:05
radixhe's shifty03:05
lifelessjamesh: oops03:05
lifelessjamesh: too late03:06
jameshspiv: after turning off the select result randomisation for distinct and set op queries, it looks like I'm only getting legitimate test failures03:07
jameshspiv: things don't look too bad, but there are a few in rosetta, archive publisher, calendar and a few others03:08
lifelessthe power of the shiny thing03:09
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jameshsounds like it is nice and warm in London03:27
jameshnot too hot though03:27
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mpt_Gooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!04:30
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carthikI am not getting the (encrypted) email Launchpad is supposed to send me to verify my gpg keys. Is this a known problem?05:51
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jameshspiv: I suspect that some of the test failures with the select result randomisation is that subsequent index operations into a SelectResults can give different answers (as opposed to iterating over the full result set)07:32
spivjamesh: hmm07:33
spivjamesh: how about instead of random, we use something more deterministic.07:35
spivjamesh: like md5 of the row id concatenated with the transaction id?07:35
jameshideally it should be deterministic within a single run07:35
spivjamesh: I wonder how much mileage we'd get out of even a simple "id DESC"?07:38
jameshgood question07:38
spivI guess you need to do "%s.id DESC" % self.sourceClass07:39
jameshor pick one of a number of different deterministic orders based on $PID07:39
spivOr in fact, "%s.%s DESC" % (self.sourceClass._table, self.sourceClass._idName)07:39
jameshtest run completed that time with 8 failures07:40
spivWow, maybe we aren't totally broken after all. ;)07:41
jameshit timed out when running under test_on_merge.py and got killed07:41
jameshthis does slow things down a bit, since postgres has to sort pretty much every result set07:42
jameshwhich means computing each result set fully even if only a fraction is accessed07:42
spivSo probably not an option to have activated for every test run, but still good to have.07:43
jameshmaybe we could activate it if random.random() < 0.25 :)07:45
jameshactually, the problem with that is that it potentially means one person fixing bugs introduced by 3 others07:46
jameshon average07:46
spiv"if os.getlogin() == 'pqm'" ;)07:47
jameshI doubt it is a significant burden if you are only running a subset of the test suite07:48
jameshAre there many developers who regularly do full test suite runs locally?07:49
stubOnly when I'm doing test suite work, which is slow and sucky :-P07:49
spivI don't think so; running the full suite is generally only something you do if you're making a change with a really broad potential impact (or hacking on the test infrastructure).07:50
spivSo I expect most people do it occasionally, but I'd hope that no-one needs to do it regularly.07:51
jameshstub: do you have any comments about this proposed patch, DBA wise?07:53
=== BjornT wouldn't like the test suite to become slower
BjornTi do run the canonical.launchpad test suite time from time, but it's getting harder and harder to find time to do it, since the test suite gets slower and slower...07:55
jameshBjornT: we should definitely measure how much impact the change has -- I might have just been unlucky with the timeouts07:55
BjornTif it gets a lot slower it'd be nice to have an easy way of turning the feature on/off07:56
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jameshit is controlled by a launchpad.conf setting in my branch07:56
BjornTif it was possible to override only a few specific config values in launchpad.conf, that would be an easy way of turning it on/off.07:59
jameshperhaps an environment variable would be better07:59
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spivjamesh: fwiw, randomising with the md5 of the connection id + id column seems to be giving about the same results as you're reporting.08:20
spivThe comment at the top of zzz-soyuz-set-of-uploads.txt is out of date, surely?08:23
=== spiv files a bug
jameshdoc dir tests are run separately, iirc08:27
jameshso yeah, the comment does seem inaccurate08:27
spivjamesh: I got 9 failures in total08:49
jameshspiv: I fixed one or two before that test run08:49
jameshspiv: also, it is possible that not all failures will show in one run08:50
spivjamesh: indeed.08:50
spivjamesh: I used this patch on your sqlobject changes for my randomising: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileX6TVQe.html08:51
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carlosdanilos: hi, around?08:55
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jameshspiv: it's difficult deciding how to fix some of the tests: do you constrain the ordering further, or make the tests less dependent on the sorting?09:01
jameshI've changed the translation import queue failure to order by id, which probably makes sense09:02
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spivYeah, I guess it depends on if it's a bug in the test or in the code, and it can be hard to tell which is which.09:04
spivFor some things the order doesn't matter, so long as it's reliable so things like batching work sensibly.  I guess in those cases order by id is ok, but if there's a date or a name or something that makes more sense, that might be better.09:07
jameshfor the translation import queue it was being ordered by status and dateimported09:07
lucasis there some doc somewhere about bazaar branches owner by teams ?09:07
lucasI only found http://ddaa.net/blog/launchpad/bzr-hosting09:07
jameshlucas: I'm meant to be writing an article about it09:07
spivjamesh: falling back to id after status and dateimported sounds ok to me then.09:08
lucasit would really be great, because I would use an alioth svn repos if you don't :-)09:08
jameshlucas: the short answer is push your branch to sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~team/product/branchname and you have a team owned, hosted branch09:08
lucasI'll try that and come back if I fail09:09
spivlucas: see also https://launchpad.net/bazaar, although it doesn't say much atm.09:09
jameshspiv: I'd expect a fair number of the queue entries to have dateimported=NULL though, so it was giving even less order than you might first think09:09
spivlucas: but it does at least officially document that you can use a team name ;)09:10
jameshactually, I tell a lie.  that column is not-null09:10
spivjamesh: I was about to say...09:10
spivBut I can imagine that if multiple queue entries are made in one transaction, they'd all get the same timestamp.09:11
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jameshhowever, the pagetest creates multiple queue entries in a single transaction, which is probably the problem09:12
spivThat certainly explains it.09:12
=== danilos is back (gone 12:10:13)
daniloscarlos: hi09:16
danilossivang: g'morning09:20
sivanghey danilos :) changing nicks again?09:21
danilossivang: nah, waiting for "danilo" to become free :)09:21
lucashow do bzr pull/push handle conflits ?09:23
lucasconflicts I mean09:23
carloslucas: I think push doesn't handle conflicts, once you diverge, you have two different branches so you cannot push the second copy 09:24
lucasso this makes it difficult to use this for sharing a branch between users, right ,09:25
carloslucas: to do that, you need to do a bzr merge of the other branches09:25
carlosso you have the main branch 'A' and you have your local branch 'B' and Joe User has his local branch 'C'09:26
spivYou can use bzr SVN-style.09:26
lucasso, we need to always bzr merge before bzr push. but it sucks if somebody else bzr push between our bzr merge and the bzr push09:26
spivWhere everyone has a 'checkout' that tracks the main branch.09:26
carloslucas: you would need to do bzr merge 'B' or bzr merge 'C'09:26
spivAnd you use 'bzr update' to update your checkout against the main branch.09:26
carlosfrom the branch 'A'09:26
carloslucas: I guess spiv's suggestion is better for your requirements09:26
spivAnd 'bzr commit' automatically commits to the shared branch.09:27
carlosbut I also guess you lose some of the bzr magic09:27
spiv(But you can still do local-only commits if you're offline)09:27
carlosspiv: oh really?09:27
spiv#bzr can tell you more09:27
lucasok, perfect09:27
lucasI didn't notice bzr checkout09:27
jamesh"bzr commit --local" on a bound branch (what you get from bzr checkout) won't do the auto-push09:29
jameshwhen you do a commit without --local, it will push to sftp provided that the version on the server hasn't diverged09:30
jamesh(in which case you need to do a merge)09:30
lifelessjamesh: 'update' rather than merge :)09:31
lifelessjamesh: with checkouts, use standard CVS workflow09:31
jameshlifeless: so that'll leave you tree with a pending merge for the local changes?09:31
lucasso I'd do bzr commit --local, wait until I'm online, then bzr update, and bzr commit ?09:32
lucasjust tested09:34
lucasit works fine09:34
lifelessjamesh: yes09:34
jameshlifeless: cool.09:34
lifelessjamesh: :)09:34
jameshthat's the bit I hadn't got round to testing with checkouts09:35
fabbionehey guys09:36
fabbionei am looking for somebody with python/zope/C++ experience to do 2 packages for me09:36
fabbionei am pretty sure i can find somebody with the first 2 here09:36
fabbioneand that would be a good start09:37
lifeless'do 2 packages' ?09:37
jameshare you also after packaging experience then?09:37
lucasjamesh: any progress on the "HTTP version of the branches get updated only once a day" issue ?09:38
jameshlucas: not yet.  We should probably look at making the pull logic a bit smarter: make use of the failure count stats we collect plus the date of the head revision to pick a better update interval09:39
jameshlucas: actually, spiv did make a change to always mirror hosted branches when the branch puller gets run, so if it is still updating once a day that would indicate that the puller is only running once a day09:40
jameshare you still only seeing the branches updated once a day?09:41
lucasI dunno, I just created my branch09:41
jameshthere is still a delay09:42
fabbionelifeless: yeah it's about pkging 2 sources09:44
fabbionejamesh: yeps09:44
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lucasok, I see my branch quite up-to-date (rev 3 is missing) on https://launchpad.net/people/dct/+branch/dct/main/09:45
lucasbut it doesn't show up on http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dct/dct/main09:45
lucasrevno 2 was commited timestamp: Wed 2006-07-19 09:28:29 +020009:46
lucasrevno 3 :timestamp: Wed 2006-07-19 09:33:46 +020009:46
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jameshlucas: "bzr log http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dct/dct/main/" shows four revisions here.10:11
jameshlucas: all the bzr metadata is in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dct/dct/main/.bzr/ (which is where bzr looks)10:12
lucasyup, I got a 404 error when I told you it didn't show up10:12
lucasso it was updated in the meantime10:12
lucashowever I still don't see 4 revs on https://launchpad.net/people/dct/+branch/dct/main/10:13
jameshthe stats shown on https://launchpad.net/ are collected by a different batch job10:13
lucaswhat does "subscribing to branches" do ? you receive mails about commits ?10:14
jameshwhich we should be able to run a lot more frequently now -- it only scans branches the puller script says changed10:15
jameshlucas: at the moment I think they just show up at e.g. https://launchpad.net/people/lucas/+subscribedbranches10:17
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ddaajamesh: before increasing the frequency too much, I would like to reduce the level of error spam it sends.11:06
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ddaaBTW, according to the recent spam, the new branch scanner completes quite quickly now.11:07
ddaaThe issue is apparently that it repeatedly tries to scan branches which are _not_ mirrored successfully11:07
ddaacausing a lot of BranchNotFound errors for every run11:08
ddaaI can just remove the "-v" flag, and increase the frequency now.11:09
=== mpathy [n=mm@stgt-d9bea999.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #launchpad
mpathyHi there.. I got a problem without a solution ;) I made this launchpad entry out of it: https://launchpad.net/bounties/compilation-options-checker -> 1. why is it displayed so ugly without line wrap? 2. are there a better place for sth. like that?11:10
ddaait's already -q11:14
jameshddaa: I guess it should do "last_mirrored_id IS NOT NULL AND (last_scanned_id IS NULL OR last_mirrored_id <> last_scanned_id)"11:18
jameshddaa: given that mirrored empty branches have last_mirrored_id = "null:", that should still get successfully mirrored empty branches11:20
ddaajamesh: feel like making a quick patch with a test?11:21
jameshddaa: sure.11:21
ddaaI think the issue here is different than "empty branches"11:21
ddaait's about "things that are not branches"11:22
ddaabut then I'd expect they have last_mirrored_id = NULL11:22
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simiraahoy there11:31
jameshddaa: yeah.  If a branch becomes empty but wasn't previously, we want to rescan.  We can tell the difference between this condition and an unmirrored branch because last_mirrored_id is "null:" in one case and NULL in the other11:33
ddaathen what if a previously valid branch becomes invalid?11:39
jameshthen the puller won't be able to update it11:39
ddaathen the last_mirrored_id does not change, ok11:39
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ddaawhere are permission definitions hidden in launchpad?11:39
jameshthe zcml says what permissions are needed to do various things with an object, but most of the code that says if you have the permission is in canonical/launchpad/security.py11:39
ddaasecurity.py was what I was looking for11:39
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ddaawhere can I learn about permission declarations in zcml?12:17
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ddaaFor some reason that I cannot figure, it looks like "EditSeriesSourceByVCSImports" (in security.py) is never executed...12:39
ddaaThen when a vcs-imports member tries to assign ProductSeries.targetarcharchive, it gets its launchpad.Edit permission denied.12:39
jameshddaa: possibly because the objects implementing IProductSeriesSource also implement IProductSeries12:51
jameshand there is another adapter for (IProductSeries, launchpad.Edit)12:51
=== ddaa grumbles something about wholly inadequate security testing in launchpad
ddaajamesh: I do not understand how this stuff is supposed to work, so I can only believe you12:53
ddaamaybe there's a way to say "don't try being smart, try to adapt that object for IProductSeriesSource now!"12:54
ddaaI think I should try to maintain a document "All the good reason why VcsImports should be a separate table, and a few bad ones as well"12:56
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jameshddaa: okay.  So you've got a ZCML definition for database.ProductSeries that says that if the user has launchpad.Edit permission, they can set attributes covered by the IProductSeriesSource schema01:02
ddaaI read it like that as well01:03
jameshso if you try to set one of those attributes, it asks the question by saying "does the user have launchpad.Edit permission on this object"01:03
jameshit does that by looking for an adapter for some interface the object implements and the permission name01:03
ddaathe stuff in security.py?01:03
jameshit doesn't try to match a particular interface the object provides01:03
jameshthere are adapters for (IProductSeries, launchpad.Edit) and (IProductSeriesSource, launchpad.Edit)01:04
ddaaso, in the face of ambiguity, it picks some random one :( ?01:04
jameshI guess01:04
ddaaI'll try throwing some chicken bones and try disambiguating then.01:05
=== ddaa invents launchpad.EditSource
lifelessjamesh: does it look for an interface *that* attribute is on ?01:05
lifelessjamesh: or an arbitrary interface ?01:06
ddaamh... undefined permission id...01:06
jameshlifeless: it doesn't match based on the schema whose attribute you are trying to set01:06
jameshddaa: the permissions are defined in permissions.zcml01:06
ddaafound it01:07
lifelessbut is the object in question an implementation of IProductSeries ?01:07
jameshlifeless: yeah.  ProductSeries implements IProductSeries, IProductSeriesSource and IProductSeriesSourceAdmin01:08
lifelessjamesh: can we write a linter for permissions,zcml ?01:08
jameshthere are zcml <require> statements granting launchpad.Edit for IProductSeries and IProductSeriesSource on ProductSeries01:09
lifelessby linter, I mean a program which will use the various registries we have, and the permissions adapter ruleset, to tell us when a single permission may get conflicting rules for an object ?01:10
lifelessjamesh: or perhaps a runtime check, to make tests fail when this occurs ?01:10
jameshlifeless: I suppose.  We'd need to look at all the adapters and for each pair of adapters ($interface1, $perm) and ($interface2, $perm), check to see if all implementors of $interface1 also implement $interfac2 and vice versa01:10
lifelessjamesh: well, $any of not $all of ?01:11
jameshlifeless: maybe that would be better.  I only read up on this bit of the security code last week, which is why I could answer ddaa01:12
lifelessBjornT: the 200 is fine. The description in the test wasn't ;)01:12
lifelessgotta run, tchau tchau01:12
stubAnyone seen an exception like "_csv.Error: delimiter must be quoted or escaped" when using the csv writer from the Python standard library?01:14
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stubLaunchpad will be going down in 15 minutes for some brief unscheduled maintenance. Downtime will be approx five minutes.02:01
=== carlos -> lunch
carlossee you later02:16
=== salgado [n=salgado@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
matsubarahmm https://launchpad.net/ is directing me to the blueprint front page02:28
matsubarastub ^^02:28
stubmatsubara: sorted.02:34
matsubarastub: the blueprint.launchpad.net is opening the LP's front page. 02:35
stubmatsubara: It has always done that on production02:35
stubmatsubara: The fault we just had happened because we were turning some infrastructure on to support the vhosting of blueprint.launchpad.ne02:36
matsubarastub: I see. 02:36
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ddaaHello, I need a quick review for a critical bugfix (+souceadmin permissions)02:45
ddaamatsubara: can you help?02:46
matsubaraddaa: review? I think salgado would be better. I had a hard time with those +source and +sourceadmin permissions02:47
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ddaaWhoever modified it last indeed had a hard time02:47
ddaasince the permission setting was non-functional02:47
ddaasalgado: ping!02:47
matsubaraddaa: Indeed, last week I realized that security.py wasn't even being checked for the vcs celebrity02:48
ddaaTBH, there's a tension between unreliable zope stuff, and bad db design (per sabdfl veto).02:48
ddaaI think I have not ranted about lack of permission testing for a good two hours. So add lack of test coverage to the mix.02:50
=== Enverex [i=user@host-84-9-189-109.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #launchpad
EnverexIs it possible to become a "moderator" for a project? I.e. to be able to go around and clean up garbage/malicious/spam entries from a launchpad project?02:53
ddaaEnverex: one way of doing that is to assign ownership of the project to a team and be a member of the team.02:54
Enverexhmm, makes sense. It's just I was reading through some bugs and such seeing if there was anything I could help with and saw quite a few stupid posts (thinks telling people to rm -rf or whatever) and other utterly pointless posts (not spam but no reason to even exist anyway) etc02:55
ddaaMh, I do not think it's possible to delete bug comments yet.02:55
ddaaEnverex: the guy to ask about that is bradb (he's not around now), he's the bug tracking man.02:56
EnverexAh, ok02:56
EnverexI'm not too good with coding and such (don't have the time to dedicate to learning more new things) but at least I could try and help this way02:56
=== bradb [n=bradb@modemcable048.58-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #launchpad
ddaaHere comes the man02:57
ddaabradb: This is Enverex, he wants to help weed off spam/useless bug comments.02:58
ddaaEnverex: This is bradb, the Malone Man.02:58
EnverexAh, hi02:58
bradbEnverex: hi, how can i help you?02:58
Enverexddaa just said, heh02:58
EnverexAlthough the scope of the entire of Launchpad may be a bit much, so I could start with Ubuntu's pad (which is what I'm currently using and making packages for) and possibly others if I have the time or use them02:59
jordicarlos: the kashubian team is ready to be added02:59
bradbEnverex: bug 1734 might interest you03:00
UbugtuMalone bug 1734 in malone "Need ability to mark bug comments as obsolete" [Wishlist,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/173403:00
Enverexlol, "unconfirmed"03:00
EnverexGot to love the wording sometimes03:01
bradbEnverex: There's a fine line to walk between making it harder to add comments and pissing people off which, I guess, is why that bug hasn't yet been confirmed.03:03
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EnverexI can't really see a reason why anyone would want to keep spam/pointless posts like "lol, hi I'm new" (when the person is nothing to do with any of the responses or the bug) or posts trying to get someone to do something stupid03:04
bradbEnverex: It's perhaps hard to argue with /keeping/ them. I was thinking more of prevention.03:05
=== SteveA [n=steve@76.Red-83-35-136.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad
EnverexOh, that I understand, I was just offering to clean up the ones that have been posted. I can see prevention would be a pain as there aren't really any failsafe methods and most techniques, as you said can be really annoying03:06
bradbEnverex: I marked bug 1734 confirmed, in any case. :)03:07
UbugtuMalone bug 1734 in malone "Need ability to mark bug comments as obsolete" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/173403:07
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EnverexAnyway, when the possability comes up I'm offering to help de-cruft. Username on there is Ben Hodgetts (or shortname enverex)03:08
bradbEnverex: cool, thanks. if you subscribe to that bug, you'll be notified when it's fixed.03:09
EnverexAh, good point03:09
carlosjordi: ok03:14
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ddaasalgado: reping!03:22
mdke_does anyone know if there is a plan to make bug history a bit more visible? At the moment, some of the comments lack a lot of context because they are not accompanied by details of the change made to the bug status03:24
salgadohey ddaa03:26
ddaasalgado: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileYxXwS9.html03:26
ddaaplease review ASAP03:26
salgadothat may be tomorrow. is that okay?03:27
Enverexlol, "Certificate belongs to *.canonical.com"03:27
BjornTmdke_: yes, there is a plan for interleaving the bug activity with the comments. i can't give you an eta, though, at the moment we have quite a lot of other things to implement.03:27
EnverexSomeone forgot to fix the cert03:27
ddaaEnverex: it's private anyway03:28
mdke_BjornT: cool, look forward to that03:28
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SteveABjornT: nice handling of the mechanize bug with benji jim and tres03:45
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ddaahi cprov03:49
cprovddaa: hi dude, how is it going ?03:50
ddaacame back from seaside vacation with a nice tan, fixing bugs like crazy03:50
cprovddaa: ehe, good luck ! any news about the importd slave plan ?03:53
ddaaI put my work as a work-in-progress branch03:54
ddaatalked about it with lifeless, who suggested implementing a transition by using the new reporting tables with buildbot, and _then_ replacing the back-end.03:54
cprovddaa: nice, we can discuss more during the implementation time (I suppose it's just the DB patch)03:55
cprovddaa: it makes sense.03:55
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ddaaI plan to focus on it once I got bzr-native out the door03:55
ddaabut I have a hell of a time even making enough room to do progress on that03:55
ddaaLuckily, jamesh and spiv are working hard on implementing all the actual features and improvements on the bazaar stuff03:56
salgadostub, ping03:57
stubsalgado: pong03:57
salgadostub, how did you fix bug 53435 (the one about non-escaped newline characters)?03:58
stubI updated the export script to normalize all whitespace to ' '03:59
stub(fix has landed - feel free to revert it if you have a better approach)03:59
cprovstub: we have another patch to production DB (ETA 5 min), please, don't leave before apply it ;)04:00
salgadostub, has it landed on chinstrap? I ask because I'm writing a test for it04:01
stubyes - r380304:02
stubMight not be in rocketfuel-built yet04:02
salgadoah, I see04:02
bradbBjornT: ping04:07
BjornThi bradb 04:07
bradbBjornT: hi. i moved pagetitles.py to browser, and i'm getting a strange circular import issue.04:07
bradbBjornT: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/file0tSMt7.html04:09
bradbtest failure output04:09
bradbBjornT: the strange thing is that i don't get that circular import when i start the app04:09
bradbit's caused from tests calling scripts, like:04:10
bradb>>> process = subprocess.Popen(04:10
bradb...     [sys.executable, script, '-u', url] , stdin=subprocess.PIPE,04:10
bradb...     stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,04:10
bradb...     )04:10
bradb>>> (output, empty) = process.communicate()04:10
bradb>>> print output04:10
bradbany idea why i see that issue around that type of doctest code, but not when starting the app?04:11
bradb(i see several tests failing in a similar way)04:11
cprovstub: email sent04:13
BjornTbradb: no, no idea as to why it's not happening when you start the app.04:14
stubcprov: done04:16
cprovstub: good, thank you 04:16
bradbBjornT: btw, did you see the discussion about the CreateBugParams object? I'm curious to get your opinion on having a parameter object for that. (The idea being that now instead of maintaining those params in nine different places, they're maintained in one place.)04:17
stubbradb: confirm the app you think the test is running is actually the same as the app you are testing. There should be no difference between invoking the script from the command line and via subprocess apart from environment differences, and that shouldn't cause import weirdness unless you have a screwed PYTHONPATH04:18
=== bradb checks
bradbstub: I hypothesize it's because, somehow, pagetitles gets imported /before/ DurationFormatterAPI when running the app with "make run", but hasn't yet been imported when importing DurationFormatterAPI in the test.04:26
bradbstub: Because I can import pagetitles /first/ interactively, but if I try to import DurationFormatterAPI before pagetitles is imported, i get the circular import issue04:28
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stubmake run runs the Launchpad app server. That test is running a script. 04:28
stubSounds 'icky anyway. 04:30
bradbyeah. that seems to explain it then. pagetitles gets imported first when running the app, but not at all when running scripts (until it's too late and hits the circular import issue)04:30
=== stub wonders why a script would want pagetitles loaded anyway
bradbit makes sense that it wouldn't. the weirdness of the error becomes less weird now that i understand that.04:32
=== stub sods off
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BjornTbradb: yeah, i saw the disussion. i'll reply to the mail.04:43
bradbBjornT: thanks04:43
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lucasis there a way to send mail to all members of a LP team ?04:49
salgadolucas, no, it's not possible04:51
bradblucas: bug 4454504:52
UbugtuMalone bug 44545 in launchpad "FOAF Request: make all Teams into email-aliases/mailing-lists" [Medium,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4454504:52
ddaasalgado: can you review that patch, please?05:53
ddaaI mean that one: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileYxXwS9.html05:53
salgadoddaa, I probably won't be able to review it today, as I said already05:53
ddaaSorry, did not notice your reply.05:54
ddaaBjornT: can you review it?05:54
ddaathat's a fix for the +sourceadmin bug, that's preventing me from doing vcs-imports work. I need it out in production ASAP.05:55
BjornTddaa: sure, i'll review it soon.05:58
flacosteis there something to wrap a dbschema.Enum into a IVocabulary?06:01
BjornTflacoste: look in vocabularies/dbschema.py06:03
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flacosteBjornT: exactly what I was looking for, thanks!06:04
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BjornTddaa: r=me. i can't think of a better way of solving the XXX you added, without rewriting the security system.06:16
ddaaBjornT: should I put up a meeting agenda "rewriting the security system"?06:17
BjornTddaa: that won't be necessary, steve has been planning to do that for quite a while now.... what you could do, is to send a mail to the list about the issue you have here to remind him. maybe he knows of a better workaround even.06:19
ddaam'kay, I'll try to get a round tuit06:19
elmojamesh: ping?06:30
elmoBjornT: or you maybe - do you know what mail aliases demo.lp.net needs?06:30
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BjornTelmo: *@bugs.demo.lp.net should be enough for now. i'll mail the list to see if we need any other aliases, i'm not sure exactly what the plans are.06:36
elmoBjornT: ok, thanks06:38
glatzorhi elmo.06:39
glatzorI am currently working on the software-properties, the sources.list editor. So I have got a question related to the server/mirror layout.06:40
glatzorelmo: is there a difference between security.ubuntu.com and the archive.ubuntu.com repo?06:41
glatzorelmo: I would like to provide a combobox to choose a server for all used ubuntu repos. Should I skip security.ubuntu.com?06:42
elmoglatzor: everyone should point at security.ubuntu.com by default06:42
elmoglatzor: so that they get the security updates as fast as possible06:42
elmoglatzor: so yes, it'd be good to skip that in any kind of option box, IMHO06:42
elmoglatzor: but err, this is offtopic here, we should take it to #ubuntu-devel06:43
glatzorelmo: good. I have seen many custom sources.list appended to bug reports in which the dapper-security repo of the mirrors was used.06:43
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flacostehow should I specify the default value for a Set?08:05
flacosteI have:08:06
flacoste    status = Set(title=_('Status:'), required=False,08:06
flacoste                 value_type=Choice(vocabulary='TicketStatus'),08:06
flacoste                default=set((TicketStatus.OPEN, TicketStatus.ANSWERED)))08:06
flacosteand I get the following error:08:06
flacoste    ConfigurationError: ('Invalid value for', 'class', "([<Item OPEN (10) from <class 'canonical.lp.dbschema.TicketStatus'>>, <Item ANSWERED (20) from <class 'canonical.lp.dbschema.TicketStatus'>>] , <class 'sets.Set'>)")08:06
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flacosteI found the solution: use sets.Set instead of set08:14
bradbflacoste: might be worth filing a bug in the zope collector on that, if there isn't one already08:15
BjornTbradb, flacoste: the Set field in upstream zope accepts set as a valid type already.08:17
flacosteBjornT: thanks for the info, I won't file a bug then08:17
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bradbAnyone know of an equivalent to DistroRelease.releasestatus on the product side?09:56
=== bradb wants to give the user an idea of which series' are supported, in experimental phase, etc.
flacosteam I only one noticing the flicker introduce by the dynamic menu and the set-up of collapsible fieldset?10:04
jordiwhy are specs linking to launchpad.canonical.com when it isn't public10:55
jordishouldn't specs be public?10:55
jordior not launchpad specs?10:56
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teolemonis it possible to do an exception for the clamwin po files that are queued for review in rosetta : the project is a bit dead atm , and I'd like to give the main devs a little motivation by speeding up the translation process.11:20
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dwfcan anyone tell me how to get off the bloody "also notified" list on a bug?11:48
dwfthis is fucking infuriating11:52
dwfokay, I had to look through every bug marked duplicate and find the one I was actually subscribed to11:58
dwfThat's ridiculous11:58
dwfGuess that's one reason to never submit a bug report again.11:59
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bradbdarn, missed him12:01
=== bradb /msg's
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