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Fujitsulamont, are you around?01:33
HobbseeFujitsu: you're looking to take a merge?01:33
FujitsuHobbsee, I'm looking to have apt-watch rebuilt on ia64.01:33
FujitsuAnd lamont is the only buildd-admin around.01:34
HobbseeFujitsu: ah01:34
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infinityFujitsu: No he's not.01:42
FujitsuI would have asked you, infinity, but you're apparently away...01:42
infinityYes, well.  I spend most of the day at my keyboard wiht my IRC client claiming I'm away.  Lamont spends mods of the day AFK with his IRC client claiming he's around. :)01:43
infinityAnyhow, not sure what you want done about apt-build.  It's built on all arches...01:43
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityErr, apt-watch, not apt-build.  I need to learn to read.01:44
zulwell...the sarcasm is dripping01:44
=== infinity looks at the right package.
Fujitsuinfinity, good.01:44
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infinityFujitsu: built.01:50
FujitsuAnd then there's the fact that hwinfo hasn't ever built on sparc... But that's due to missing kernel headers, and is long-standing.01:51
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RiddellKamion: any ideas on this welcome https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/5340001:59
UbugtuMalone bug 53400 in ubiquity "kubuntu ubiquity crashes on hw-detect" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  01:59
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solid_liqanyone know where I can get a textfile list of ubuntu/kubuntu mirrors?07:18
fabbionetoma: pong07:27
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solid_liqanyone know where I can get a textfile list of ubuntu/kubuntu mirrors?08:13
crimsunsolid_liq: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive08:16
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solid_liqcrimsun: thank you08:44
solid_liqcrimsun: no, I meant a textfile list08:47
solid_liqcrimsun: I'm writing a script to automatically install all desirable software for a well configured desktop system, and I'd like it to use apt-spy to setup the sources.list as well.  I want it to be painless for someone who's never used linux before08:48
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solid_liqanyone know where I can get a textfile list of ubuntu/kubuntu mirrors?08:48
KamionI think the wiki page is the best there is, to be honest. In the installer we just use $COUNTRYCODE.archive.ubuntu.com08:49
pittiGood morning08:49
Kamion(so we haven't had the strong need to have a machine-readable list)08:49
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pittiKamion: good mornign08:50
KamionI believe our sysadmin who handles mirror issues has some kind of machine-readable list but I don't know if he's ever exported it anywhere08:50
pittiKamion: can I remind you of NEWing the vmware-kernel modules for dapper?08:50
solid_liqKamion: do you know if there's any way I could get ahold of it?08:50
Kamionpitti: thank you, I was just about to ask you to remind me of whatever it was I'd asked you to remind me of. :-)08:50
Kamionsolid_liq: ask Znarl when he's around08:50
pittiKamion: heh :)08:51
solid_liqKamion: or that he could be talked into exportin08:51
dholbachgood morning - HAPPY HUGDAY to everybody!08:51
solid_liqpitti: that reminds me, is there any way we could get vmware-tools apt-get installable?08:52
pittisolid_liq: no idea, I have never ever used vmware, what's the problem with that package?08:52
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solid_liqpitti: you need to install vmware-tools in an OS that's running in a virtual machine, or you get severly degraded video performance and network performance isn't so great08:53
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Kamionpitti: hmph, somebody newed stuff incautiously last time08:54
Kamionvmware-player-kernel-modules-2.6.15-25 | | dapper-security/restricted | amd64, i38608:54
Kamion(should be multiverse)08:54
Kamionfixed, I think08:54
solid_liqvmware-tools is located in a .iso in the vmware-server package, so you have to d/l that, extract the gzip'd tarball, then loopback mount the iso, copy the .tar.gz off, extract that, and finally install.  It's a pain08:55
solid_liqd/l it into the vmware client that is08:55
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Kamionpitti: done08:58
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Burgundaviamorning sivang09:20
sivanghey Burgundavia 09:20
=== sivang is glad to see the SATA-PATA bridge bug was fixed in -5-686
infinityYes, booting is nice.09:25
sivanginfinity: my thought exactly :-D09:25
infinityI'd been running a dapper kernel until yesterday.09:25
sivangwas same here :)09:26
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Fujitsusivang, which bug is that?09:29
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infinityThe "BenC hates Thinkpad T43s" bug.09:30
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infinity(And other SATA-PATA bridged machines)09:30
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infinitypitti: Who do I whine at about hal/g-p-m bugs?  You, or dholbach?09:32
dholbachinfinity: not me09:32
pittiinfinity: I have zero knowledge about gpm, hal should be fine09:32
infinitydholbach: So, you then? :)09:32
dholbachinfinity: mjg59, Kinnison, ogra and pitti worked on it, afaik.09:32
pittigrrr@ my ISP, I'm a thin modem wire away from being offline09:32
infinitydholbach: Kinnison's a non-option.09:32
infinitypitti: g-p-m gets battery info from hal, yes?09:33
ograinfinity, whine at me 09:33
pittiinfinity: yes09:33
fabbionehey guys09:33
dholbachinfinity: i'm quite sure it's fixed in the merge/update that ogra has been preparing09:33
fabbionei found something fantastic09:33
fabbioneis there anybody that would like to package it for me?09:34
infinityogra: Oh, if this is a known bug (that g-p-m is COMPLETELY LYING about both my battery's charge level, and the state of my AC plug), then I'll just shut up.  I couldn't find the bug.09:34
ograyes it works on 2.15 ... but thats waiting for new hal which is waitng for the knot lock 09:34
simirafabbione: sure, if you can teach me how ;p09:38
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fabbionesimira: that's the whole point :)09:39
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Kamionfabbione: that web site is distressingly unclear about "so what the hell is it?"09:41
Kamionto somebody who does not know the acronyms09:41
ograheh, i thought the same 09:41
fabbioneKamion: sssshhhh!!!! 09:41
infinityKamion: It's a solution for leveraging open synergy.09:41
fabbioneKamion: don't tell everybody! that's the whole point.. somebody might need it as much as i do!09:41
fabbioneKamion: since conga B-D on it for about 2 headers09:42
fabbioneKamion: conga being another package i want to outsource.. i know exactly what it does, but it has C++, zope, python, dbus, rpm and snmp stsuff all in one...09:42
Kamionfully buzzword-compliant09:43
fabbioneKamion: conga is the new redhat cluster *web* management system09:43
fabbioneyou install ricci on the clients and luci on the server09:43
fabbioneand you can automatically make coffee across all cluster nodes09:43
Kamionand a katie-style naming scheme to boot! bonus09:44
infinityClustered coffee sounds like a bad idea.09:44
infinitys/bad/very bad/, no less.09:45
infinityAlso, not knowing how much battery you have left is very disconcerting...09:46
infinityOh, spiff, the battstat applet works just fine.  I'll just add one of those while I wait for g-p-m to stop sucking.09:46
pittiinfinity: erm, you mean there was no battery inside? :)09:48
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infinitypitti: s/how much battery/how much battery life/ ... Also, ":P"09:49
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seb128infinity: what about fixing g-p-m? :)09:50
fabbioneseb128: iz gtk bugz09:50
infinityseb128: Apparently, ogra's working on a big merge that covers this bug, not about to duplicate the effort.09:50
seb128infinity: not sure if that covers the bug, but new g-p-m is likely to take some time since apparently it requires policekit from hal CVS which is not packaged yet and doesn't make pitti that happy09:51
ograinfinity, seb128 i havent seen new g-p-m with the new hal yet (due to lack of new hal in ubuntu) 09:51
seb128infinity: it would be nice to get the bug fixed with current version if it takes weeks to do that09:51
seb128especially that some GNOME upstream people complain to me several times about it09:52
seb128and we would like to keep those people using Ubuntu :p09:52
infinityseb128: Sure, now you're just trying to sucker me into fixing GNOME bugs.  I see how it is.09:52
=== pitti is swamped with non-hal stuff ATM, I wouldn't count on new hal in the next days
seb128I'm not subtle enough apparently ;) 09:52
=== infinity considers it.
=== seb128 hugs pitti, no problem :)
=== dholbach adds infinity to desktop-bugs :-)
infinityI'll need to dig a bit and figure out where the heck it's getting this info FROM.09:53
ograKamion, Mithrandir, powerpc live is ok so far, but usplash dies half way in the shutdown process and the machine doesnt shut down after pressing enter09:53
infinityCause it doesn't match /proc/acpi... And it doesn't match hal (which matches /proc)09:53
ograapart from that its a go09:53
infinityIt's a complete fabrication.  Woo.09:53
seb128infinity: afaik gnome-power-manager didn't change since dapper ... so something in the stack changed09:53
seb128infinity: I think it get the info from hal09:54
infinityseb128: I thought that too, but lshal has the correct info, and g-p-m is on crack.09:54
infinityseb128: Anyhow, I'll poke later if bored.09:54
dholbachi think the gnome-applets battery applet gets sane info09:54
ograinfinity, let me upload the 2.15 source for you to rookery09:54
infinitydholbach: Yes, the applet is correct.09:54
infinitydholbach: I added one as a stop-gap for now. :)09:54
seb128maybe we could lazily ping the g-p-m upstream about the issue, he might now about it and what to do to get it fixed :)09:55
dholbachhe'll say it's fixed with new hal and new gpm09:55
infinityProbably, yes.  Pinging people about bugs in old releases of their software tends to make them cringe.09:56
ograsure, thats his standard answer :)09:56
Kamionogra: ok, just make sure a bug is filed; I think we can tolerate that for knot-109:56
seb128dholbach: you basically say upstream would not be happy to give some help, sucker09:56
ograyou will have probs pinging him anyway09:56
ogras moving houses09:56
dholbachseb128: no, that's not what I said09:56
pittiinfinity: 'old releases'? they are talking about cvs head of hal, with a not-yet decided policy backend09:56
ograand is on mobile dialup09:56
pittiinfinity: 0.5.7 is still the latest release :(09:57
infinitypitti: If you're not living in HEAD, you're not l33t.  You've been in the free software world long enough to know THAT.09:57
seb128dholbach: it looked like upstream made some effort to include Ubuntu patches and accomodate it to work fine for dapper by example ... no reason he would not reply to that if he knows what is breaking it09:57
seb128pitti: that's not edgy enough :p09:57
pittiinfinity: :) (it's not the HEADness that worries me, but the crackfulness of this PolicyShit^H^H^H^HKit09:58
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ograseb128, you are both right :) hughsie includes what he can but his standard answer is actually "that needs new hal" ;)09:58
infinityHEADness.  Heh.  Not HEADitude?  Or maybe HEADosity.09:58
dholbachseb128: ok ok ok - i  hughsie - better now? ;)09:58
seb128is that going an another "we don't like upstream and are going to make it differently and rewriting half of the world"? :)09:58
pittiseb128: I hope not09:59
seb128dholbach: if he still refuses to reply to a simple question, not really :p09:59
seb128pitti: it looks like your opinion is "policykit is crap", which basically means "I would prefer not use it" ... where everybody else is going for it apparently09:59
pittiseb128: however, the Sun people (Artem Kachitchkin) want to replace this system policy daemon with something less crackful, I hope that they'll come up with something09:59
seb128ah, you are not alone ranting on that one, good :)10:00
pittiseb128: anyway, I'll take a look and play with it, before I cannot really have a definitive yes or no10:00
pittiseb128: I just need some time for this10:00
seb128yeah, I totally understand that10:00
seb128anyway, enough discussions, better to get work done :)10:01
seb128today is bug day :)10:01
Kamionspeaking of ...10:02
=== Kamion dives into #47859
ograinfinity, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/ltsp-tarballs/10:02
ograsorry, wrong paste10:03
ograhas the 2.15 g-p-m10:03
infinityogra: spiffy.10:03
ograit wont suspend or hibernate10:04
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infinityWho needs those features anyway?10:06
simirainfinity: the ones of us that doesn't work 24/710:07
ogratell that to mdz :) i'd have uploaded it already but he wants it *working* ...10:08
infinitysimira: People who don't work 24/7 are stealing from the company.  If they're not employees, then they're mocking the ideal of free software by not giving their all to make the world a better place.10:08
simirainfinity: oh. I'm sorry then. My mistake.10:10
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Kamionurgh. where's mvo when you need him? python-apt's InstallProgress is fundamentally misdesigned ...10:29
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dholbachKamion: he'll be back tomorrow afaik10:30
Kamionah, thanks10:30
Kamionbasically it's trying to throw exceptions in a subprocess10:31
simiraI'd like to have a word with mvo as well, yes...10:31
Kamionwhich is obviously not very useful because (a) they have a nasty tendency to fire exception handlers in a process that wasn't expecting its control flow to suddenly pop out to the exception handler, (b) how do you propagate the exception to the main process?10:31
MithrandirKamion: does this mean we need Yet Another Rebuild or should ubiquity which is hopefully published about now be ok?10:33
Kamionno no, this bug's in dapper too, don't worry about it10:34
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Kamionit's just next on my list, that's all10:35
Mithrandiroh, ok.10:36
ograKamion, btw, have you been serious when you said you'd jump on dexconf to get it fixed in edgy ? or did i misunderstand that ?10:37
Kamionogra: no10:39
Kamion(I don't have time for serious dexconf hacking in edgy)10:39
ogra(it thought so, thats why i'm asking)10:40
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ograi'd really love to add a dummy mode for ltsp that only copies an empty xorg.conf in place ... this screen probing is annoying and useless during chroot creation ...10:41
Mithrandirogra: make ltsp put an xorg.conf there before X is installed?10:42
ograhmm, good idea !10:42
Mithrandiriirc, xorg will then just say "whatever" and go on its merry way.10:43
ograyep, it will10:43
ograeven touching the file should be enough ... Mithrandir you made my day ! :)10:43
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dokoKamion: are promotions to main handled during the freeze?11:10
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Kamiondoko: sometimes11:15
Kamionpreferably only if they don't touch the CD11:16
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dokoKamion: libuninameslist, b-d of fontforge11:17
Kamiondoko: will do after this publisher run11:18
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RiddellKamion: should your upload this morning fix the hw-detect problem I was having?11:39
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KamionRiddell: yes11:39
dholbachhappy hug day, Riddell!11:39
Kamionhw-detect plus the ubiquity upload that includes it11:40
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RiddellKamion: great, are we ready to roll some more candidate knot CDs?11:41
KamionRiddell: Mithrandir's on it11:42
Kamionneeds the publisher run that is currently in progress11:42
Riddelldholbach: hug day already?11:42
pittiinfinity: is the publisher in manual mode? the kernel security updates should have been on the mirrors for 75 minutes now, but still aren't11:43
ograKamion, Mithrandir, did either of you get i386 install running ? i'm left with a black screen after gfxboot11:44
Kamionogra: worked for me but that was in vmware11:44
infinitypitti: It's running right now...11:44
MithrandirI'm rolling new livefs-es with ubiquity 1.1.2 now.11:44
=== ogra tries other graphics options
infinitypitti: Though I don't recall seeing kernel stuff in the output.11:45
Kamionogra: hold down shift to try the failsafe mode11:45
ograhum, it hunng completely ... not even capslock ...11:45
pittiinfinity: I got the security lp_archive mail > 2 hours ago, and it didn't indicate any problem; strange...11:45
ograah, ok, in vga moide i get an apic error ... its the i386 kernel not liking my turion11:46
Kamionoh, you mean gfxboot displays fine?11:47
Kamionbut after it the kernel falls over?11:47
MithrandirKamion: did we need new alternate CDs?11:47
KamionMithrandir: yes, for apt-setup11:47
MithrandirKamion: I'll go make those, then11:47
Kamionsounds good11:47
infinitypitti: Random package name and version?11:47
infinitypitti: 2.6.15-26.45?11:48
pittiinfinity: linux-source-2.6.10_2.6.10-34.22.dsc and linux-source-2.6.12_2.6.12-10.36.dsc11:48
pittiinfinity: no, I released the dapper update yesterday already11:48
infinityOh, hoary and breezy..11:48
pittiinfinity: (since this is an 'OMG, the sky is falling' hole)11:48
Kamiondoko: please file sync and removal requests separately11:51
infinitypitti: Upload failed.  Unsure why.11:52
Kamiondoko: because sync requests can be processed at any time but removal requests can only (AFAIK) be safely processed while the publisher is not running11:52
Kamionso it's not convenient to have both glommed together in one bug11:52
infinitypitti: I'll poke it back through and see...11:52
pittiinfinity: hm; I uploaded them manually since my network connection crashed while running amber11:52
pittiinfinity: thanks11:52
pittiinfinity: (and yes, most often I use screen, but I forgot it this morning...)11:53
pittiinfinity: hm, I'm also missing  openoffice.org2_1.9.129-0.1ubuntu4.1.dsc (and this was ambered normally)11:55
dokoKamion: done11:55
infinitypitti: You forgot to upload the udebs.11:57
=== Mithrandir hopes that's the linux-source udebs and not the ooo udebs.
infinitypitti: As for OOo, it's in this publisher run.11:58
pittiinfinity: oh, I see; thank you11:58
Mithrandirok, new (20060719) alternate images built.  Now test!11:58
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ogra_Kamion, Mithrandir, all fine, i had to boot with nolapic, now it works fine 11:59
MithrandirKamion: is {k,edu}buntu also affected by the apt-setup problem?12:00
RiddellMithrandir: yes12:01
ogra_apt-setup problem ? 12:01
ogra_is that ubiquity ? 12:01
MithrandirRiddell: I'll build you new ISOs unless you already have done that, then.12:01
RiddellMithrandir: please do12:01
Mithrandirogra_: no.12:01
ogra_hmm, what are the symptoms ? all my installs seems to be fine 12:02
Mithrandirogra_: apparently, apt-setup wrote botched (or half) sources.list files.12:02
ogra_oh, ok 12:02
ogra_i didnt check that :)12:02
=== ogra_ will look after the running i386 install is done
ogra_wow, portmap with a borked network config takes more than 10 mins to install ...12:03
ogra_when was that netstat stuff added to the postinst ? seems thats holding it up ...12:03
ogra_ah, now it moved on ...12:05
Kamionogra_: both d-i and ubiquity12:07
Kamionit's not the fault of ubiquity, but it happens in ubiquity12:07
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Mithrandirogra: so, you need a rebuild or not?12:22
ograMithrandir, still installing, but if it affects all installs i assume yes ...12:23
ograeven though i'm not sure we should delay knot 1 for another build for this12:24
ograits something we could note under known issues12:24
ograi mean, heya, its the first *beta* release ... doesnt need to be perfect ...12:24
Mithrandirogra: well, ubuntu and kubuntu are rebuilt, but if you'd want to just put it under known issues for edubuntu, that's your choice.12:25
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ogranah, if you already rebuilt the others i wannt to stay in sync 12:25
Mithrandirok, edubuntu building, then.12:25
ograi'll care for the isos ... 12:25
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Mithrandirogra: too late.12:25
MithrandirI had the command ready already. :-P12:26
ograi dont want to cause more work than needed for you :)12:26
MithrandirRiddell: kubuntu alternate rebuild finished, please test.12:26
Mithrandirogra: rebuilding cds is trivial, it was just s/k/edu/ in my previous command12:26
ograi know, thats why i dont want to bnother you with such trivial tasks ;)12:27
tuck3rI'm building a ubuntu server CD for ipbxs, i can't get the md5sum.txt file to generate right any idea on how to do it right? sorry if i bothered you, just not sure if this falls under "support"12:29
Mithrandirtuck3r: find -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum > md5sum.txt doesn't give you the right output?12:30
tuck3rthats not exactly what i was doing but close, let me try it12:31
RiddellMithrandir: thanks, are live CDs also coming?12:33
MithrandirRiddell: yeah, building ubuntu livefs-es now.  I'll do kubuntu ones when they're finished.12:34
Kamionogra: although I'm generally for not putting too much effort into the first milestone, I think generating a sources.list for everyone that doesn't even have archive.ubuntu.com edgy in it is pretty crap and should be avoided.12:34
ograbah ... the installer didnt take my nolapic over to grup ...12:34
KamionMithrandir: will you do xubuntu too?12:34
Kamionogra: did you put it after -- on the boot line?12:35
MithrandirKamion: yeah, Jani mailed me and asked me to.12:35
ograafter quiet even ...12:35
Kamionogra: after -- too?12:35
ograyes, isnt that before splash quiet ? 12:35
Kamion(-- is after quiet already)12:35
Kamionogra: no!12:35
ograi've put it at the end of the line12:35
ograso i assume it was after --12:35
Kamionany parameters you want to have carried over to grub must come after --12:36
ograi'll check that with the next install12:36
Kamionyou seem unclear, but if you can ensure that you really put nolapic after --, please file a grub-installer bug12:36
KamionAPPEND $KERNEL_PARAMS $DEFAULT_PRESEED boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.gz ramdisk_size=1048576 root=/dev/ram rw quiet splash --12:36
ograyup, if i've verfied it ... 12:36
Kamion^-- default boot line12:36
Kamionhmm, if only I had a brain; we could drop a bunch of *-installer modifications just by putting 'quiet splash' after --, I suspect12:37
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:siretart] : knot
ograi *think* ive put it at the end ... but i'm not sure anymore ... luckily we have to do another install :)12:37
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:siretart] : Ubuntu Development (not support, even with edgy) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Knot-1 freeze in effect - uploads to main frozen, ask Mithrandir for exceptions
tuck3rMithrandir: using your command i still get an error at ./isoboot/boot.cat when i run a check for defects 12:39
Mithrandirogra: edubuntu install cds done12:39
Mithrandirtuck3r: rm boot.cat, it's written by mkisofs.12:39
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tuck3rMithrandir: that fixed it thanks, now it fails on md5sum.txt, do i have to change it by hand with the new md5sum of itself?12:56
Mithrandirtuck3r: or just do find -not -name md5sum.txt -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum > md5sum.txt12:57
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Mithrandirnew ubuntu -desktop up, please test.01:02
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Mithrandirat least once cdimage is done rsync-ing01:02
pittiMithrandir:  20060719?01:08
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Mithrandirpitti: yes, both -desktop and -alternate is 2006071901:10
pittiok, thanks for confirming01:10
Mithrandirogra: do you need new livefs-es?01:13
ograMithrandir, if there are none with the ubiquity fix, then yes01:13
Mithrandirogra: building, then01:14
tuck3rMithrandir: well all the md5 checks are fixed but when i go to install it i get "Warning: file://cdrom/dists/dapper/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz" i'm think this has to do with my apt-ftparchive conf files01:15
Kamionyou need to update /dists/dapper/Release01:16
tuck3roh forget that command :( thanks01:17
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pittihello mdz01:24
ogra_hey mdz 01:25
ogra_not melted yet ?01:25
mdzmjg59: if S05vbesave runs, my system hangs during gdm startup.  if I disable it, all is well.  if I run it after X has started, all is also well01:25
mdzno, it is not as hot here as it was in LA01:25
ogra_well, its hot as hell in germany atm ...01:26
mdzit was 43C when I left LA01:29
ogra_ok, thats warmer than the 35 i have here atm01:30
thom42 is just excessive01:31
ogra_35 is still nice if you have a cool place to sit outside 01:31
tuck3rwell after regenerating /dists/dapper/Release it says "Failed to copy file from CD-ROM. Retry?" at load installer components from cd01:32
mdz35 != hot as hell01:33
ogra_mdz, well, depends on your definition of hell :P01:35
mdzdepends on the relative humidity actually ;-)01:35
ogra_more than 30 in germany is *hot*01:35
ogra_heh, right, you're on the seaside additionally ... :)01:36
mdzit has cooled off some since I left01:37
mdzwill be back up to 39 or so by friday though, according to forecasts01:37
ogra_so you dont stay in europe until wiesbaden ? 01:38
=== ogra_ wonders how much jetlag a human can bear
Mithrandirogra: I think mdz is trying to find out. :-P01:39
rodarvusWiesbaden is one month from now - quite bearable :)01:40
tsengogra_: ask Nat Friedman01:41
ogra_well, he lives in planes, doesnt he ? 01:41
Arbiteruhm... i have a question: what are default CFLAGS used by buildd for x86?01:43
Kamionmdz: the problem with UK summers is not their heat but our complete national lack of preparedness for them (i.e. no widespread aircon)01:43
Arbiter(and LDFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, if possible)01:44
Kamionpretty much corresponds to our total lack of preparedness for UK winters, in fact (more than an inch or two of snow)01:44
tsengKamion: there was a widespread *lack* of aircondition in Spain01:44
KamionArbiter: the buildd doesn't force anything; it's just whatever the package uses, and then gcc's defaults01:44
Kamionwhich you can find in the gcc specs file on your own system01:44
Arbiterso, 486 optimizations?01:44
tuck3rdo you have a 486?01:45
tseng-march=486 -mcpu=pentium4 atm.01:45
mjg59mdz: Have you recently changed hardware?01:45
tsengbut dont get caught up in it.01:45
KamionArbiter: I see you have not checked gcc's default01:45
ArbiterKamion, nope :D01:46
Kamiongcc -dumpspecs01:46
tsengdumpspecs is pretty opaque01:46
Kamionmm, true01:47
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tsengnot that there is any better way of looking at it..01:47
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Arbiterthanks anyway :)01:48
KamionArbiter: anyway, failing the above, apt-get source gcc-4.1 and look at debian/rules201:49
Kamionwhich is pretty much where the default optimisation configure arguments live01:50
=== ogra_ wonders what Mithrandir rebuilt there, this iso rsync is taking noticeable longer than the others before
Kamiondoko: promoted libuninameslist01:55
Mithrandirogra: nothing in particular01:55
Kamionogra_: it probably has the squashfs sorting now01:55
MithrandirKamion: it's a null sortfile, though..01:55
Kamionunless I'm mistaken and that was in earlier01:55
KamionMithrandir: oh, ok01:55
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stubLaunchpad will be going down in 15 minutes for some brief unscheduled maintenance. Downtime will be approx five minutes.02:01
ogra_bah, now i know why its so slow 02:14
ogra_yep, driven with USB 2.0 this disk is a lot faster :)02:16
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MithrandirRiddell: kubuntu -desktop ready to test02:18
pittiargh, cdrecord was merged from Debian, now it doesn't work as user any more02:20
ogra_oh fun02:20
pittidid anyone else notice that? 'Operation not permitted. Cannot send SCSI cmd via ioctl'02:20
ogra_i just burned from a knot 1 test install ... worked fine with n-c-b02:21
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ogra_but i have an ide writer02:21
=== pitti too
pittiogra_: doesn't matter, ATAPI is SCSI protocol over IDE bus02:22
pitticarlos: what's the status of edgy langpacks?02:23
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ogra_pitti, burning is working flawless here with 4:2.01+01a03-5ubuntu102:35
ogra_i'm just running another one 02:35
pittiogra_: which arch?02:35
Viper550Good news for those people watching over the Slab specification...02:35
ogra_pitti, i386 running on y turion laptop02:36
pittiogra_: ok, I'm on amd6402:36
ogra_the test install i talked about before was amd6402:36
maswanpitti: Am I supposed to find a difference between the two mails for USN-319-1? They seem to be talking about the same version for dapper, etc, etc.02:37
Viper550I've got an APT repository now!02:37
=== maswan looks closer
pittimaswan: two mails for USN-319-1?02:38
pittimaswan: sure that you don't mean USN-319-2?02:38
maswanpitti: I just got a USN-319-1 Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 11:13:52 +020002:38
pittiok, that's the dapper update from yesterday02:39
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pittimaswan: and some minutes ago I released USN-319-2 for the breezy/hoary fixes02:39
pittimaswan: I didn't want to wait for dapper since this was somewhat critical02:39
ogra_Viper550, thats better suited for #ubuntu-motu than here :)02:39
pittimaswan: s/for/with/02:39
maswanpitti: Yes, I was just surprised, since I got that yesterday too.,02:39
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maswanOh, well. Now I got -2 too. So never mind, I'll try to look at the mails to see if I find where the duplicate spent a day in hiding. :)02:40
Mithrandirogra: edubuntu -desktop done too02:40
pittiseb128, Mithrandir: on current ppc/live, I get half a thousand error dialogs about 'The panel encountered a problem while loading $someapplet'02:40
Mithrandirpitti: hmm, does dmesg show read errors?02:40
ogra_Mithrandir, ta !02:40
ogra_pitti, hmm, i didnt have that with the last live test here 02:41
pittiMithrandir, seb128: and a single additional one about nautilus not being able to start02:41
pittiMithrandir: yes, some familiar-looking buffer i/o errors on the cd-rom02:42
pittiMithrandir: ok, I'll check CD integrity first (would be a strange coincidence, but let's be sure)02:42
Fujitsumaswan, I've got two USN-319-1s as well. One signed, the other not.02:42
maswanHuh, looks like securityfocus.com resent it, or something.02:42
pittihttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2006-July/thread.html only has one02:43
pittiand I'm quite sure I only approved one mail02:43
Mithrandirpitti: fwiw, I can't see it on amd64 or i386 so I'm tempted to blame dodgy media or such as a first approximation.02:43
pittiyes, may be a bounce from bugtraq or full-disclosure02:43
pittiMithrandir: I'll find out02:43
ogra_i'll do a ppc live test once the currently running install is done02:44
maswanpitti: Yes, bugtraq, just found a Delivered-To: mailing list bugtraq@securityfocus.com02:44
ogra_pitti, did your suspend lamp also turn into a HDD indicator on the ibook ?02:44
pittiogra_: oh, I didn't pay attention to that; probably02:45
pittiogra_: that's what MacOS uses it for (but I prefered the glowing effect while suspending)02:45
ogra_pretty annoying (says my GF who cant sleep with it in the bedroom anymore because its flashing all the time)02:45
ogra_i personally like the idea of having a HDD indicator though ... but i'd prefer it being a panel applet or something like that :)02:46
seb128pitti: weird your applets issue, let's blame the CD for now :)02:46
=== pitti blames the heat
seb128too much heat02:48
seb128I want the winter and some snow :p02:48
pittimeh, CD integrity check succeeded02:49
seb128pitti: the usual issue when applet don't start is gnome-applets not being installed :)02:49
pittiseb128: it was, I checked02:50
=== pitti boots again
ogra_icon issues ?02:50
seb128pitti: try running /usr/lib/gnome-applets/mixer_applet2 from the command line and add it then to the panel02:50
pittiogra_: the desktop issues are most likely a consequence of the read errors02:50
seb128pitti: you mioht get some errors on the command line ...02:50
ogra_pitti, yeah02:50
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ogra_gah, this portmap postinst is evil ...02:51
tfheen_livei386 and amd64 -desktop are good to go.02:51
tfheen_livenow I just need to test the alternate ones.. but that's quicker.02:52
pittiodd, alternate installs take much longer here02:52
ogra_for me as well02:52
ogra_but thats because i install 300 MB ltsp-client :)02:53
pitticopying a live system is just so much faster than copying .debs to the hd and unpacking/installing them...02:53
ogra_i whish i could use the liveCD for edubuntu installs02:53
Zombpitti: not much faster, depends on the harddisk02:54
Mithrandirpitti: depends on your hardware.02:54
Zomband filesystem and ram, of course02:54
Mithrandirand cpu02:54
Kamionthe live CD method's faster on reasonably modern systems with adequate RAM so that it doesn't swap all the time, and not-hideously-slow disks02:55
pittiseb128: ok, if I run mixer_applet2 in a shell, it just sits there and nothing happens (no icon etc.)02:55
Kamionon more constrained systems, traditional installation can certainly be faster02:55
seb128pitti: that's expected, you need to add it to the panel then02:55
seb128pitti: that's sort of the server part waiting for a client :)02:56
pittiargh, what happened to middle/right mouse button emulation?02:56
=== pitti is unable to produce a right click
ogra_whoops, why did i get the http proxy question now ?02:56
Kamionogra_: changes in choose-mirror02:56
=== ogra_ hast had that on the other installs
Kamionignore it for now, may or may not stay there02:56
ogra_ah, k02:56
Kamionalso your other installs were before my apt-setup fix, right?02:57
Kamionthere you go then02:57
Kamionthe apt-setup bug prevented choose-mirror from running02:57
seb128pitti: shift-f10 with focus on the panel?02:57
pittiseb128: ok, that works, but that's not mouse emulation :) (thanks, though)02:57
seb128dunno about the mouse, looks like xorg material to me :)02:58
ogra_pitti, thats broken since 2.6.1702:58
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pittiok, somebody dropped the emulation stuff from /etc/sysctl.conf02:58
pittinot a big deal to fix02:58
=== pitti TODOs
ogra_i was digging at the kernel before and didnt find anything :)02:58
pittiseb128: meh, shift-F10 on the panel gives me the gnome-terminal menu02:59
Kamionhmm, I wonder where my middle/right-click mappings are coming from02:59
seb128pitti: because the focus is on the g-t launcher :)02:59
Kamionoh, perhaps I haven't rebooted since the last procps upgrade03:00
pittiseb128: and if I minimize g-t, s-f10 doesn't do anything03:00
pittiKamion: my /etc/sysctl.conf has no emulation on the live system, how about your's?03:00
seb128pitti: ctrl-alt-tab03:00
Kamionpitti: you assume my system can manage to read CDs03:00
seb128pitti: go on the panel with that and do shift-f10 then03:00
ogra_Kamion, dont you have a usb drive ? 03:01
Kamionogra_: no03:01
pittiseb128: I did, that only selects the 'exit' icon03:01
ogra_sad then ...03:01
=== pitti searches his notebook usb mouse
seb128pitti: try with the bottom panel maybe :)03:01
pittiok, here we are - proper 3-button mouse :)03:02
seb128pitti: ups, ctrl-f10 rather03:02
=== ogra_ ran one of his thin clients for some days from a USB attached liveCD, worked very nice
seb128too late :p03:02
seb128pitti: ctrl-f10 should work (for next time)03:02
pittiseb128: no mixer applet in the 'add to panel' dialog; and surprisingly few apps in total there (well, related to the initial failure, I guess)03:02
seb128pitti: are you sure gnome-applets-data is installed?03:02
pittiseb128: affirmative03:03
Kamionpitti: alt-f1, start terminal, 'sudo sysctl dev/mac_hid/mouse_button_emulation=1', 'sudo sysctl dev/mac_hid/mouse_button2_keycode=87', 'sudo sysctl dev/mac_hid/mouse_button3_keycode=88'03:03
seb128pitti: you have a /usr/lib/bonobo/servers/GNOME_MixerApplet.server ?03:03
Kamioner sysctl -w for all of those03:03
pittiseb128: I do, and it looks sane03:03
seb128pitti: weird then ... nothing to .xsession-errors about bonobo or the panel?03:04
seb128pitti: does bonobo-browser works fine?03:04
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pittiseb128: failed to load applet OAFIID:GNOME_MixerApplet: Moniker has an unknown moniker prefix03:04
pittiah, I knew that Monica was to blame03:05
ogra_mjg59, ping03:05
mjg59ogra_: Hi03:05
ogra_mjg59, would you mind commenting on http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34785503:05
pittiseb128: where is bonobo-browser?03:05
seb128pitti: what version of libbonobo-0 do you have on that CD?03:05
UbugtuGnome bug 347855 in general "Pressing brightness keys on laptops wakes up the screensaver" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  03:05
ogra_i attached your patch to it ...03:05
seb128pitti: libbonobo2-0 rather03:06
pittiseb128: 2.15.0-0ubuntu203:06
seb128libbonoboui2-dev: /usr/bin/bonobo-browser03:06
=== pitti jumps through some hoops to get network on his laptop, minute
pitti(to install the -dev)03:06
pittiseb128: aarrgh, that wants to pull a million packages03:08
pittiseb128: any easier way of debugging this than with libbonoboui2-dev? (if not, I'll install it)03:08
mjg59ogra_: Done03:08
seb128pitti: you just the binary, dpkg-deb -x the .deb if required03:09
ogra_mjg59, thanks a lot 03:09
seb128you just need the binary03:09
mjg59ogra_: At least, it would be if bugzilla were responding03:09
mjg59It seems to have gone very slow03:09
seb128pitti: it's to the -dev to no ship a binary with the lib and not create a -bin03:09
ogra_mjg59, i'm trying to work towards a patch free g-s-s in edgy :)03:09
ogra_mjg59, yeah, i think they are just moving to a new machine ...03:09
pittiseb128: oooh, wait03:10
pittiseb128: 'date' says 1 Jan 190403:10
seb128bonobo hates that03:10
pittiseb128: my laptop ran out of power during the last days03:10
seb128that is a known issue03:10
pittiseb128: sorry for the noise then03:11
pittiseb128: I had no clock applet to notice ;)03:11
seb128np ;)03:11
ogra_heh, we're so addicted to our desktop :)03:11
pittiso, bonobo says 'hey, in 1904 computers weren't invented yet, therefore I fell into the hands of some evil alien time travellers and so I refuse cooperation'03:12
MithrandirKamion: uh, alternate i386 fails here.  base-installer complains about dmsetup not found [: crypt: unknown operand, etc.03:12
MithrandirKamion: (nuke disk + LVM install)03:12
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carlospitti: I just found a way a small problem with tests that delayed me a bit the code that will open edgy will be ready to be reviewed today03:13
seb128pitti: something like that ;)03:14
=== pitti reboots to test the amd64 live CD
KamionMithrandir: will be LVM-specific03:17
MithrandirKamion: ok, retrying with regular now.03:18
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Kamionwonder why dmsetup-udeb isn't installed03:19
pitti_liveMithrandir, seb128: ok, works fine now03:19
seb128pitti_live: good03:20
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pitti_livedoko: OO.o doesn't start on ppc live; 'javadlx: relocation error: /usr/lib/libstlport_gcc.so.4.6: symbol logl, version GLIBCXX_3.4, not defined in file libstdc++.so.6 with link time reference'03:22
pitti_livedoko: any idea?03:22
pitti_liveMithrandir, Kamion: my locale is en_US.UTF-8, although I chose German in gfxboot; know issue or do you want a bug?03:24
Mithrandirpitti_live: not known issue, please file a bug (on casper)03:24
Kamionpitti_live: what's in /proc/cmdline?03:24
Kamionoh, I bet I know03:24
KamionMithrandir: gfxboot-theme-ubuntu changed to use locale= instead of debian-installer/locale=, which is the new preferred syntax for d-i - but I forgot that casper would need to be changed too03:24
Kamionsorry about that03:25
MithrandirKamion: np; just file a bug.03:25
pitti_liveKamion: right, 'locale=de'03:26
dokopitti_live: no build on edgy yet. and it currently FTBFS03:26
pitti_livedoko: ok, that sounds as if it would sort itself out then after it's built03:26
ogra_pitti_live, can you check if your CD shuts down properly ? i had problems with it ...03:30
KamionMithrandir: base-installer fix committed upstream; do you want to rebuild with it?03:30
pitti_liveogra_: ok, after the ubiquity installs finish03:30
Kamionor just errata it?03:30
MithrandirKamion: nah, I'll put it in as a known problem.03:30
MithrandirKamion: I want to get this CD out now.  Bored.03:30
Mithrandirogra_: usplash quits and you're sent to the wrong terminal so casper reads from the wrong tty.03:30
KamionMithrandir: nod03:31
pitti_liveMithrandir: do you want to wait for my ppc ubiquity test or just push it out now?03:31
ogra_Mithrandir, ah, so thats a known one ... great03:31
KamionMithrandir: workaround is to boot with anna/choose_modules=dmsetup-udeb if you want to do an LVM install03:31
pitti_live(I am doing an amd64 ubiquity test ATM, too)03:31
Kamion(I'm guessing, anyway)03:31
Mithrandirpitti_live: I'm doing i386 alternate test and then I'll do amd64 alternate and then we'll release, if nobody complains.03:31
Mithrandirogra_: how's edubuntu looking?03:31
MithrandirRiddell: how's kubuntu looking wrt knot-1?03:32
MithrandirKamion: it's probably not important.  Better to get this out.03:32
Mithrandirpitti_live: so I'll wait for your.03:32
ogra_Mithrandir, last run was all fine ... i'm just statring pc live ... and have all intel/amd64 ones ahead ...03:32
ogra_i dot expect regressions, so it should be fine to go03:32
RiddellMithrandir: i386/powerpc alternate good, i386 desktop good, others progressing03:35
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pitti_liveKamion: ppc/ubiquity complains about not finding a bootstrap partition, although there is one; I'll try to continue03:36
MithrandirRiddell: thanks.  Do you have anybody testing amd64?03:36
MithrandirRiddell: and do you have an ETA on when you'll give me thumbs up or down?03:36
Kamionpitti_live: yeah, known from dapper too03:36
Kamionsee DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues for a discussion of that03:36
KamionI'll try to get it fixed soon03:36
pitti_liveok, thank you03:37
pitti_live(just making sure we have recorded all bugs)03:37
pitti_liveG0SUB: ping03:39
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Mithrandirpitti_live: ooo keeps crashing on i386 here too03:42
pitti_liveMithrandir: hm, works fine on amd64/live here03:42
RiddellMithrandir: I'm doing amd64, but it has my CD burner on it so it gets done last03:43
Mithrandirpitti_live: amd64 rocks, you know. :-)03:43
MithrandirRiddell: ah, ok.03:43
RiddellMithrandir: kubuntu live amd64 and powerpc also good03:43
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MithrandirRiddell: so amd64 alternate is the only one left?03:44
pitti_livemoin Keybuk03:44
RiddellMithrandir: yes, doing now03:44
Keybukpitti_live: afternoon03:44
ograMithrandir, edubuntu ppc all good ... going for amd64 now03:45
ograerr, intresting 03:45
ograthis time shutdown worked fine03:46
ogra(on ppc live)03:46
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pittiMithrandir: amd64/live hangs after ejecting the CD (Enter doesn't reboot), but apart from that and the already discussed locale issue live system and ubiquity worked fine for me03:54
Mithrandirpitti: it reboots if you press alt-f8 and then press enter03:55
Hobbseehi pitti, Mithrandir 03:58
pittihey Hobbsee 03:59
Mithrandirhiya Hobbsee04:00
=== Hobbsee panics.
ograhey Hobbsee 04:00
Hobbseehi ogra 04:01
Hobbseewhat did i do with my kopete and amarok stuff?04:01
=== Hobbsee suspects that she shouldnt have left them sitting on her desktop
Hobbseeoh, they're on revu, that's all right.04:01
ograno idea ... one starts with K the other ends with K :) 04:01
Hobbseeogra: heh, how useful :P04:01
Hobbseeogra: for that, i'll poke you to upload them when the freeze ends04:02
Hobbseeand then we have less buggered armarok and kopete packages :)04:02
ograhehe, good ...04:02
ogra(even i never used either) 04:02
ograbut feel free to bug me for uploadng 04:02
Hobbseeogra: true.  do you trust my upload though?04:02
ograsure 04:02
=== Hobbsee wonders if karamba and superkaramba are the same thing.
=== ogra wonders if one has 98 octane and the other is rather regular :)
pittiogra: ppc CD shut down fine here04:05
ograyes, intrestingly for me too this time 04:05
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gnomefreakHobbsee: good luck ive been wondering that for a while now04:05
Hobbseegnomefreak: seems they're different.04:05
gnomefreakim sure its something like super can do things the other one cant04:06
Hobbseeogra_ibook: 1build1 goes to 1ubuntu1, doesnt it?04:07
pittiMithrandir: ppc live and ubiquity worked fine (apart from discussed issues)04:07
=== Hobbsee can never remember
Mithrandirpitti: thanks.04:10
KamionHobbsee: yes04:20
HobbseeKamion: cool, thanks.04:20
=== Hobbsee wonders why people use build1 anyway.
Hobbseewell, i know why, but it's still annoying.04:20
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KamionHobbsee: why is it annoying?04:24
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HobbseeKamion: because it requires me to remember how it changes?04:24
=== Hobbsee shrugs
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Kamiondamn, installation in languages whose default country's name contains a comma will fail04:27
Kamiondue to a bashism in the localechooser build (echo -n, whee)04:28
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infinityKamion: Countries with commas in the name don't deserve free software, just by virtue of their silly naming scheme.04:36
chrisjrwhat country has a comma in its name?04:36
RiddellMithrandir: all Kubuntu CDs good to go04:36
infinitychrisjr: Several, actually.04:37
chrisjrwhy should this conflict for their getting free software?04:37
infinitychrisjr: It was a joke, you're lacking context. :)04:37
infinity08:27 < Kamion> damn, installation in languages whose default country's name contains a comma will 04:37
chrisjrfigure as much :)04:37
infinity                fail04:37
infinity08:28 < Kamion> due to a bashism in the localechooser build (echo -n, whee)04:37
Kamionchrisjr: "Iran, Islamic Republic of"04:38
Kamionchrisjr: "Moldova, Republic of"04:38
chrisjrjust cant think of where that would come up04:39
Kamionlocalechooser due to a bashism04:39
Kamioncommas need to be \-escaped in debconf choices lists04:39
chrisjrive done a lot of preseeding, etc and never had problems that would break with that04:39
KamionI'm one of the debconf maintainers and I've had lots of problems due to that. :-)04:39
chrisjri see04:39
ograhmm, so $(echo blah|grep blupp) isnt a bashism, but if i add .n it is ?04:39
chrisjri sure do use lots of debconf04:39
Kamionogra: http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/utilities/echo.html04:40
ograyes yes ..04:40
Kamion"If the first operand is -n, or if any of the operands contain a backslash ( '\' ) character, the results are implementation-defined."04:40
chrisjri have been working on an easy to set up server type install, http://suriyan.org04:40
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infinityTechnically, I believe "echo -n" is a "undefined XSIism"...04:40
ograKamion, oh, i didnt expect a quote, thanks :)04:40
Kamioninfinity: actually XSI requires that -n must not be treated as an option04:40
infinityBut yes, its use in most Linux distributions is very bash-centric.04:40
infinityKamion: Oh, really?... I need to re-read my specs.  I'm clearly rusty.04:41
Kamionso echo -n isn't even XSI, it's pure pot luck whether it works or not04:41
MithrandirRiddell: yay. :-)04:41
Kamion"printf '%s' "$foo"' is better04:41
Kamionprintf '%s' "$foo"04:41
infinityKamion: Well, note the "undefined".. That seems to match with your "pot luck".04:41
Kamioninfinity: right, but I mean you can't even appeal to a standard as dodgy as XSI04:41
infinityprintf irritates me, only because printf in every language is subtly different and I always hurt my brain remembering how.  As a result, I tend to reserve it for C only and find other similar mechanisms in other languages.04:42
Kamionanyway, ripping all that code out now; any code that requires eight consecutive backslashes in a sed expression deserves to die anyway04:42
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ogra-n is a pretty new enhancement anyway, no ? i remember being able to use things like \n \t without -n before 04:42
Kamionogra: -n has nothing to do with \n \t04:43
infinityogra: You're thinking of -e04:43
ograyeah, muddled it, sorry04:43
ograjust saw it in the manpage04:43
infinityogra: -n means "no trailing newline"... When it works.04:43
=== Mithrandir runs off to find dinner while the amd64 install finishes up.
Kamion-e is also non-POSIX, of course. On some systems you can use \n or \t in echo and it'll be expanded, and on others you can't. (That's an XSIism.)04:43
MithrandirKamion: any chance you could kick off xubuntu livefs + isos for me?  Jani was fine with them being released untested..04:43
chrisjrdinner happens.04:43
Hobbseewhere the the heck is it dinner time?04:44
KamionThe only portable way to use echo is with plain strings containing no backslashes and not beginning with "-", and with no options.04:44
infinityHobbsee: Anywhere where people are hungry.04:44
ograHobbsee, 1-2h ahead of europe ...04:44
Hobbseeinfinity: hmmm...so i can have dinner at 1am..nice...04:44
ograisrael would be a bet i guess04:44
Hobbseeogra: ah04:44
KamionMithrandir: ok, building04:45
MithrandirHobbsee: CET; I have to make the dinner too, which takes an hour today.04:45
infinityHobbsee: I'm going to guess Thailand, just based on the IP.  Or because I'm psychic.04:45
Mithrandirso dinner'll happen at aroud 180004:45
chrisjrthailand here04:45
ogragah, now i'm hungry04:45
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Hobbseeinfinity: hehe, true04:46
Hobbseeogra: :P04:46
tmccraryHas anyone in here tried building Xorg 7.1?04:46
ograand that with a nonexistent kitchen and the next possibility to buy food 20km away04:46
HobbseeMithrandir: ah...right.  CET means close to nothing to me04:46
=== Hobbsee sends ogra some ice to munch on
=== infinity breaks out a bottle of wine that Daniel left behind when he moved out and eyeballs it cautiously as "dinner".
ograwine !04:46
Hobbseewine != dinner04:47
ograi have at least 3 bottles left ...04:47
ograbut no food at all ... and the kitchen is packed in boxes already04:47
infinityA rather imposing looking bottle, with the only words on the label being "black label"... I'm not sure if I should be frightened.04:47
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mjg59ogra: Empirical evidence suggests that it's broadly possible to live on alcohol alone04:47
mjg59For certain values of "live"04:47
ograinfinity, sure thats wine ? 04:48
infinitymjg59: You're Irish; your opinion doesn't count here.04:48
infinityogra: I just pulled the cork.  It smells vaguely like wine.04:48
ogramjg59, heh, right, but i doubt the police would like it if i drive after only having wine :)04:48
mjg59infinity: Daniel ought to be awake by now, you could ask him04:48
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=== ogra has to transport all these boxes with the kitchenn in them ...
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infinitymjg59: If I know Daniel, he bought it purely due to the label, and would have no advice to offer on its drinkability.  I'll just have to take the plunge myself.04:49
=== Hobbsee pictures a drunken infinity trying to run the archive.
infinityHobbsee: There's a reason I'm not logged into any canonical/ubuntu hosts right now.04:49
alephantI think I know the answer, but is anybody interested in a bug report here before I hit the bugzilla?04:49
=== ogra imagines that will likely work better than sore
Hobbseeinfinity: hehe :)04:50
infinityalephant: We tend to prefer bug reports in Malone, unless you actually want to discuss the solution a bit with someone.04:50
infinityalephant: If it's just a bug report, or a simple patch, file it and we'll get to it.04:51
ogragah, muddled my vocabulary ... s/sore/sober/04:51
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alephantI'm actually rather curious why the installer fubared my grub/menu.lst so badly04:51
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infinityogra: I dunno.  I had to argue at length with both katie AND soyuz earlier today.  I suspect that would not have gone well if I had been drunk.04:51
Kamionalephant: what version?04:51
Kamionand fubared how?04:52
ograinfinity, you could have offered them wine :)04:52
=== sharms [n=mindwarp@cpe-24-208-242-169.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
alephant6.06 / alternate_install04:52
mjg59ogra: Despite the naming, I don't think offering Katie wine gets you very far04:52
infinityOkay, wow.  Daniel MUST have purchased this based on the label.  If he bought it based on experience, the man has no taste buds.  None.04:52
=== Hobbsee is really, really glad that she isnt named katie.
infinitymjg59: If you run into the boy, smack him for me.  This is godawful.04:53
alephantpartitioning /dev/sd{a,b} 1GB swap, remaining raid04:53
infinity(And I'm drinking it anyway... Go me)04:53
alephant/dev/md0 == /dev/sd{a,b}2, ext3, /04:53
Kamionoh, wouldn't surprise me at all if there was raid breakage04:53
sharmscan anyone send me in the direction of where to get started if I want to make sure when using just a usb joystick that the screensaver doesn't go on?04:53
Kamionfile a bug and attach /var/log/installer/syslog please04:53
sharmsis there some activity monitor that needs to be updated?04:53
ograHobbsee, whats wrong with katie, she sends you friendly mails for every upload :)04:54
alephantthen grub/menu.lst has an incorrect root() stanza and totally missing initrd stanza04:54
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alephantI'll file th ebug04:54
alephantif I can ever get the dang thing to pass fsck04:54
Hobbseeogra: because it would send my nick highlighting psycho.  ah, is that katie.  it usually ends up telling me i screwed up.04:54
infinityHobbsee: well, no.  katie is the old archive software (or the software Debian runs)... You get angry mails from soyuz these days.04:55
Hobbseeah right04:55
infinityHobbsee: I will petition to rename soyuz to sarah, just for you.04:55
Hobbseelike "you've tried to upload to main, you stupid moron"04:55
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=== Hobbsee got one of them earlier. oops.
ograHobbsee, heh, ask Spec how it feels in here short before ubuntu conferences04:55
Hobbseeogra: haha, yeah.04:55
Hobbseeinfinity: heh.04:56
=== Hobbsee would never respond to sarah at all, if you did that.
infinity#slug... Sydney?04:56
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Spadsa gigantic nuclear furnace04:57
Hobbseeinfinity: yes04:57
=== Hobbsee worries about jdub's sanity.
=== jdub hugs Spads
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thomHobbsee: too late.04:58
=== infinity is naturally suspicious of Sydneysiders.
Hobbseeinfinity: why so?04:58
jdubinfinity: noofie.04:58
Hobbseethom: yeah, quite possibly.04:58
infinityjdub: Nonsense.  I've been in Melbourne almost 1.5 years now, I claim it as my home.04:59
infinityjdub: I also, uhh... Love footy and such.  Or something.04:59
jdubinfinity: fake mexicans can't diss.04:59
infinityjdub: But most importantly, I have an unbridled and unfounded hatred for Sydney.  Just cause.04:59
chrisjrfake mexicans?04:59
thominfinity: your accent gives the game away, sonny04:59
infinitythom: Shh. :)04:59
KamionKeybuk: well, switching to dash as /bin/sh is certainly uncovering a lot of bashisms05:02
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KamionKeybuk: some of them are pretty worrying though, because they aren't at all visible05:03
KamionKeybuk: I could easily not have noticed that localechooser one for weeks05:04
ograKamion, Mithrandir, edubuntu amd64 all good05:05
Kamionis there anything we can do to search for this automatically? like grepping the archive for 'echo *-' or something05:05
Kamionogra: thanks05:05
KeybukKamion: heh, interesting05:06
KeybukI guess if we knew the bashisms we had to look for, we could grep the archive, yeah05:06
Keybukdoesn't the installer already use dash/busybox anyway?05:06
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ograapparently not05:06
ograelse ltsp would have failed since breezy05:07
KamionKeybuk: not in its build proces05:08
Kamionogra: the installer most certainly does use busybox sh05:08
Kamionogra: however stuff run in /target used bash up to dapper05:08
Kamionthis was a misbuilt templates file in the udeb05:08
ograah, ok05:08
=== ogra_ [n=ogra@p5089F9F9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lucasmaybe it would be possible to write a bash/dash script parser and find bashisms we want to find like this05:09
ogra_thats a mean one: $(echo ${1:2} | tr "-" "_") 05:10
tmccraryAre there any packages for Xorg 7.1 available anywhere yet?05:10
ogra_tmccrary, no05:10
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ogra_Keybuk, is there a way that you could revert the order ohci_hcd and ehci_hcd are loaded in udev ?05:25
ogra_i'm slowly going mad here because i always forget to unload them and reload them in the right order before trying to burn off my usb disk ...05:26
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ogra_and burning a 700MB CD with usb 1.1 takes 30 min or more at full speed05:27
Keybukogra_: no.05:27
ogra_so thats a kernel thing ? 05:28
ogra_BenC, ^^^^05:28
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Keybukthe order of loading shouldn't matter05:31
Keybukdo you have a buggy driver?05:31
ogra_seems like05:31
ogra_if i unload both and load ehci first, all is fine 05:31
ogra_but directly after boot all devices are recognized as 1.105:31
ogra_so it seems to me that ohci grabs all ressources ...05:32
Keybukdefinitely a kernel problem05:32
Keybukas the same bug would exhibit if udev forced the order for that device, but you did have a 1.1 only bus with an earlier PCI id05:32
Keybukehci should be able to take the devices off ohci05:33
ogra_hmm, ok, so its an ehci_hcd bug then ...05:33
KeybukI wouldn't begin to place the area of blame for the bug yet05:33
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coidedWhere can I obtain a copy of the NDA/preamble required for ubuntu-kernel devs?05:51
ogra_NDA ?05:52
coidednon-disclosure agreement05:52
BenCogra: dapper or edgy?05:53
BenCcoided: what NDA would ubuntu-kernel devs have to agree to?05:53
ogra_BenC, edgy05:53
ogra_coided, i now what NDA means05:53
BenCogra: works in dapper I assume?05:54
coidedsorry, I can't be sure all the time05:54
=== BenC hasn't signed an NDA
ogra_BenC, no idea i have that laptop since a week and dapper didnt stay longer than 10 mins on it ...05:54
BenCcoided: technically, an NDA agreement by nature is not publicly available :)05:54
KeybukI thought our kernel was public? :p05:55
coidedwell you have restricted modules by non-os vendors, so05:55
=== zul hasnt signed one either
BenCogra: If you could boot to 2.6.15 and retest, I'd appreciate it05:55
coidednow im just wondering if there is one05:55
BenCif it's different, then dmesg's to compare would be nice05:55
BenCcoided: restricted means we have restrictions on how we distribute them05:56
coidedso there is no NDA?05:56
BenCcoided: we have no special access to source code05:56
BenCit's the same restrictions most other ppl have...mainly just the LICENSE that comes with it05:56
coidedyeah I see now05:56
coidedthanks for clarifying that05:57
ogra_BenC, its a HP pavillon ze2000 (turion) runnign edgy i386 ...05:57
ogra_i'll boot 2.6.15 asap (have to do some work on the machine atm)05:57
ogra_BenC, i also have to boot i386 with nolapic, amd64 seems fine though05:58
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LaserJockiwj: ping?06:04
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seb128LaserJock: he's away (probably for the evening)06:05
LaserJockseb128: ok, thanks06:05
LaserJockit seems he and I have opposite hours06:06
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Petarisajmitch: ping06:34
Petarisajmitch: I hear you have been working on AD integration, had any luck?06:35
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glatzorelmo: ok.06:43
elmoglatzor: as in http://<mirror>/ubuntu dapper-security ?06:44
glatzorelmo: yes.06:44
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elmoglatzor: ugh06:46
glatzorelmo: but it is not such an evil issue to use the dapper-security repo of the mirrors that I should revert them to security.ubuntu.com automatically?06:46
elmoglatzor: oh, heck no06:46
elmoglatzor: but don't go making it easy for people ;-)06:46
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glatzorelmo: onther question: there are mirrors for every iso 3166 country code?06:53
elmoglatzor: there's a wildcard in place06:53
elmo(so: yes ;-)06:53
sladenhttp://pr0n.archive.ubuntu.com/  rocking06:53
glatzorelmo: there is currently no connection speed testing program to detect the best mirror? at the moment I provide a 'fake' option "Server for COUNTRY" extracted from the locale06:57
elmoglatzor: unfortunately not really, no06:58
elmoserver for country based on locale is a pretty good start though06:59
elmothe launchpad guys are working on automated mirror testing, once that's a bit more involved you could hook into that to refine your list of choices for the user06:59
glatzorelmo: ok. Is there a way to identify "official" Debian repos not using the URL of the repo?07:01
elmo... Ubuntu ? :P07:01
glatzorelmo: I want to reuse the code for Debian :)07:02
elmook - so I don't quite understand the question?07:03
glatzorelmo: oh, perhaps I should point you to the user interface mockups. I plan to abstract the source.list:07:04
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glatzorTo abstract the sources I need to know the corresponding repositories of the used distribution07:06
elmoglatzor: (random nitpick, main should come first in any listing of components)07:06
elmo(specifically in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UpdateManagerEdgyRepo?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=better_desc.png)07:06
glatzorelmo: For Ubuntu we base the decision on the hostname of the server and the dist part of the repo07:07
glatzorelmo: Right.07:09
elmoglatzor: ok, well debian, does have a ftp.$cc.debian.org system, but it's not desperately well maintained, and I'm not sure they have the same level of URL facism we do (i.e. requiring debian/ to work)07:09
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elmoglatzor: so I'm not sure you could do that for debian, I'm afraid07:10
glatzorthe mirror list at http://www.us.debian.org/mirror/list is maintained regularly?07:11
glatzorI will add an option to add a custom server, so that you can also use your local mirror07:12
elmoerr, kind of.  the people doing mirror stuff in debian are pretty MIA, so I'm not sure if that list is kept up to date07:12
elmobut it's the best Debian has07:12
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hungerWno new debs all day long:-(07:16
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ogra_Kamion, Mithrandir, edubuntu is good to go ...07:17
tmccraryxorg sucks 07:17
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infinityelmo: IME, debian/ always works for CC mirrors.  Just not for other random mirrors.07:24
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tmccraryanyone here familiar with git07:32
tmccrarydefaulting to local storage area07:32
tmccraryfatal: unexpected EOF07:32
tmccraryclone-pack from 'git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/util-makedepend' failed.07:32
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tmccrarydefaulting to local storage area07:42
tmccraryfatal: unexpected EOF07:42
tmccraryclone-pack from 'git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/util/makedepend' failed.07:42
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dholbachhum, could it be that wesnoth's binary packages on AMD64 still sit in NEW? or something?08:20
Keybuk^ no08:21
Keybukthe i386 ones do though08:21
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bSONis somebody thinking about integration of tracker into ubuntu and development of it, maybe for edgy+1?08:24
sladenKeybuk: are xaralx binaries sitting in NEW too?08:24
Keybuksladen: yes08:27
KeybukbSON: what's tracker?08:27
HiddenWolfKeybuk: beagle and more, but fast and memory-efficient08:28
sladenKeybuk: could you give um a kick pleaes08:29
bSONKeybuk: a freedesktop alternative to beagle written in c, currently in early stage of development: http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/Tracker08:29
Keybuksladen: I'd rather not during knot freeze, in case they break something08:29
KeybukbSON: if it's in an early stage of deveopment, it's almost certainly not ready for "integration into ubuntu"08:30
bSONKeybuk: that's why i said edgy+1 and also upstream development08:30
sladenKeybuk: it's multiverse with nothing depending on it08:30
dholbachbSON: but if you want to get it packaged to be able to showcase it or expose it to users, you might want to ask for followers in #ubuntu-motu08:30
dholbachbSON: or add it to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UniverseCandidates08:30
KeybukbSON: we're not thinking about edgy+1 yet08:31
bSONdholbach: ok, thanks08:31
bSONi just meant, it's just the tool the ubuntu folks were looking for as summer of code project, "A complete beagle-like desktop search app that doesn't use mono, but any of C, Ruby, Python or Perl as a programming language"...08:33
bSONand it's a freedesktop project08:33
Keybukwhat's wrong with Mono?08:34
fabbioneand why should we trust a freedesktop project more than others?08:34
ogradoesnt tracker need some intrusive changes to nautilus and needs to be compiled in ?08:35
bSONfabbione: maybe becaus freedesktop is about desktop standards, and ubuntu is about standards too08:36
RiddellbSON: just being on freedesktop doesn't make it a standard08:36
bSONfabbione: and there's already tracker integration in nautilus upstream08:36
bSONas far as i heard, you can enable it through a configure switch08:37
fabbionebSON: what Riddell said08:37
bSONand gnome is also hosting tracker, so maybe they are thinking about heading that direction too08:37
bSONwhat would make it a deal for ubuntu developers08:38
fabbionebSON: prepare a demo package and find somebody in #ubuntu-motu to upload it for you08:38
bSONthe tracker page has a nautilus 2.14 version with tracker integration enabled, but i couldn't get my hands on it because freesesktop.org is down08:39
bSONi'll do what i can08:39
crimsunbSON: coordinate w/ bluefoxicy, who has looked into it08:39
bSONcrimsun: ok, thanks08:40
bluefoxicyogra:  tracker appears to need nautilus to build-depend and depend on libtracker08:40
ogracrimsun, bluefoxicy has looked into it ? does that mean we'll see a hardened tracker ? 08:40
bluefoxicyapparently libtracker is a thin wrapper around dbus08:40
ograbluefoxicy, yes, thats how i understood it :)08:40
bluefoxicyhowever I would consider that it does take a little time to load an extra lib08:41
bluefoxicy(dynamic linking)08:41
bSONit's way better than beagle with a whole run-time system08:41
bluefoxicyogra:  I thought it would be a plug-in but the ABI for search extensions is volatile so the nautilus maintainer has yet to export it, for fear that suddenly plug-ins would be made for it and then find they were incompatible due to sudden changes.08:41
=== bluefoxicy was hoping for beagle/tracker nautilus extensions and then we could wait to see what happens from there.
ograwell, they will come one day :)08:42
bluefoxicynods.  OH!08:42
bSONbluefoxicy: that means the tracker stuff is in nautilus directly now and not in a plugin08:42
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bluefoxicybSON:  if you build nautilus with tracker installed it will automatically depend on tracker.08:44
bluefoxicyJamie says:08:44
bSONi understand08:44
bluefoxicyI guessed that - I could provide a patch to Nautilus to make it runtime 08:44
bluefoxicyselectable (with Nautilus depending on both libtracker and libBeagle) 08:44
bluefoxicybut this would not make it into the main nautilus source and so it would 08:44
bluefoxicyhave to be maintained externally.08:44
bluefoxicybSON:  as I understand, Nautilus has both beagle and tracker code in mainline nautilus' source tree; but they can't work at the same time and they're not plug-ins, nor are they runtime selectable.  Anyhow the tracker maintainer says if you want he can patch nautilus to be runtime-selectable but you'll probably wind up maintaining that patch down here.08:45
bSONso the problem is that somebody got to do and maintain it08:46
bluefoxicyyeah, or more directly that there's no exported search API yet08:48
fabbioneKeybuk: could you be so kind to NEW libopenais2 & co.?08:53
fabbioneKeybuk: and please promote libvolumeid* to main (it shouldn't need any MIR since udev source it's already in main) thanks.08:55
fabbioneKeybuk: they are both B-D for redhat-cluster-suite already in main08:55
ogragnomefreak, did you read mdz's comments in the "update-manager vs apt-get" thread before you answered ?08:57
sharmsI just addressed it on the mailing list and tried to tell him via irc08:57
gnomefreakogra: no 09:04
gnomefreakill look now09:04
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gnomefreakah ok got it sorry bout that missed it09:08
sharmsthats one cool thing about gmail is that I can see all the messages in a thread09:08
gnomefreaki use thunderbird for gmail it might have showed it but i guess i over looked it09:09
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LaserJockmjg59: ping?09:39
mjg59LaserJock: Hi09:39
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LaserJockmjg59: pm'd you09:41
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Viper550Are any of you good at GTK coding?10:19
TreenaksGTK? what's that10:19
Viper550Gimp Toolkit?10:19
Viper550Aren't you developers?10:19
Viper550Or, is that just a joke?10:20
HiddenWolfViper550: no, really!10:20
tomawe like qt ;-)10:21
Viper550You don't know GTK? You know GTK 2?10:21
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RiddellMithrandir: what happened to the Knot release?11:41
BurgworkRiddell, tomorrow, due to wine (the beverage)11:42
MithrandirRiddell: happening tomorrow morning.  I've drunk more wine than advisable for releasing cd's with.  Such things happens when parents visit.11:42
Riddellthey're a bad infuence on you :)11:42
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RiddellMithrandir: should we be ok to upload stuff now?11:54
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