
BenCit uses some changes I made in kernel-package12:36
BenCalso will need newer kexec-tools, and a mod to grub to ignore -kdump files and add a "crashdump mode" altoption when a kdump kernel is installed12:37
BenCcool, grub already ignores vmlinux files12:39
zuli might make some changes to kernel-package eventually if we decide xen for edgy+1 and thats a big if12:59
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BenCthis sucks, I can't seem to make the amd64 kernel jump into the kdump kernel07:04
krieblythanks for patching By the way, CVE-2006-2935 also happened to get fixed in linux-source-2.6.15_2.6.15-26.4407:31
krieblysorry. I meant  linux-source-2.6.15_2.6.15-26.45 07:33
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fabbioneBenC: still around?07:37
fabbionedid you already pull from me?07:38
fabbioneif not, don't worry, i have another few bits for you that i am build right now07:38
BenCI did07:39
fabbioneok no biggie :)07:39
BenCpulled and pushed, so repull before pushing back to me07:39
fabbionei will prepare the new stuff for when you wake up07:39
fabbionealready doing07:39
BenCkdump is so not working07:39
BenCat least not on amd6407:39
BenCneed to test i38607:39
fabbionehopefully within the next few days i will get a fix for the dlm stuff07:43
fabbionei should show you an OOPS07:43
fabbioneperhaps it's something in our kernel07:43
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BenCcool, kdump works on i386 at least09:05
fabbioneBenC: you can pull from me if you want09:11
fabbionethe change is proc support for gfs09:11
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fabbioneBenC: ping?04:33
fabbioneBenC: could you please pull from me again? I have a few small changes on the cluster stuff. Nothing too fancy04:33
=== fabbione should also test OCFS2 but will do tomorrow
BenCfabbione: ok04:44
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zulBenC: scarey...http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1836105:59
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BenCzul: nice06:05
zulnow i just have to get the xen usersace stuff built properly06:07
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ogra_BenC, [4294741.935000]  usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 207:17
ogra_[4294742.063000]  usb 2-1: not running at top speed; connect to a high speed hub07:17
ogra_[4294742.339000]  Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...07:17
ogra_with 2.6.15-23 07:17
BenCso it's a problem on dapper too?07:19
ogra_(it doesnt matter where i plug it in, even though it suggests to use a different port)07:19
ogra_as i said before, if i unload ohci_hcd and ehci_hcd and then load ehci_hcd first, devices are recognized correctly (HD -> ehci, headset -> ohci)07:21
ogra_so i was suspecting its the load order somehow ...07:21
BenCusually the load order doesn't affect it though07:23
BenCehci can be loaded/unloaded at any time07:23
ogra_then the direve itself might be buggy ... could it be realted to the fact that i have to use nolapic ?07:24
=== ogra_ reboots back to sanity
zulgreat...the person in the cubicle across from me is talking about poison ivy in places where i dont want to know07:49
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fabbioneBenC: when do you plan to do the next kernel upload?08:42
fabbioneBenC: i just realized that the redhat-cluster-suite is FTBFS without headers :)08:42
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BenCfabbione: Very soon10:28
BenCwell, after knot-1 actually10:28
=== _kylem snores from OLS.
airlied_kylem: you in the HAL talk?10:34
_kylemthe basement left room (B?)10:35
airliedah the open driver talk?10:35
airliedthe hal talk in C is also very sleepy..10:35
_kylemhch is being entertaining as always...10:35
_kylemBenC, did we discover that non-modular scsi would boot on your a500?10:36
_kylemairlied, amazingly my wireless seems to be more or less working10:37
airlied_kylem: is the talk of any interest? I thought about going to that instead as it was along the lines of my talk..10:37
_kylemairlied, it's basically ibm talking about how they helped adaptec deal with some problems.10:38
fabbioneBenC: ok great! just please make sure to have my last changes and we will all be very happy :)10:38
_kylemit's not 'interesting' but it would be informative if you were an IHV.10:38
airliedah cool.. not so interesting then..10:38
_kylemyeah. he's made a few references to your talk re: uncooperative vendors.10:39
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BenC_kylem: with defconfig, yes10:42
_kylemBenC, ok.10:43
_kylemif wireless keeps working, i'll try to bang on that in the next hour.10:43
BenC_kylem: I went through and tried fiddling with some options that were s/y/n|m/ between the configs to see if I could nail it down10:43
_kylemno luck?10:44
BenConly got through half the options (about 20 total) that were different10:44
BenCthen had to mess with getting a working kernel in for knot-1 over the weekend10:44
BenCI should turn the a500 back on and let it suffer in the heat till I figure it out...maybe that'll persuade it :)10:45
BenC"work or burn"10:45
_kylemaha. i was right.10:49
=== _kylem does a little dance.
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jwest-anyone awake12:03
jwest-I'm using Ubuntu on vmware and when I tried to upgrade the kernel, gnome stopped working12:03
jwest-does that mean i need to make a fresh install?12:03
crimsunmore than likely that means you need updated vmware modules12:04
crimsunwhere does Ubuntu break in the boot process?12:04
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jwest-thought as much would need to update vmware12:06
jwest-I'm not sure... I checked update for the new kernel, it downloaded, updated, and when I rebooted X was gone12:07
jwest-Ubuntu even removed some of my old programs12:07

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