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RichJmarket the hottness there01:11
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adamant1988hello all05:06
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adamant1988hello Burgundavia05:31
Burgundaviahey adamant198806:11
nixternalwell hello there06:27
jbrouhardheya nixternal06:27
nixternalok, i have an issue, well not an issue, but i thought about something i think is good..and since burg is around, i would enjoy his info as well06:27
nixternalwiki pages for marketing, press team, and magazine06:27
nixternalUbuntu Marketing project i propose to be located at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Marketing     and everything Marketing falls underneath it including https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Marketing06:28
nixternalUbuntu Magazine project I propose https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Magazine and everything related subpages under that i.e., Magazine/SubPage06:29
nixternalthe same goes for press06:29
nixternalMarketing is a project, and MarketingTeam is a team..do we want people going to the MarketingTeam wiki page, or a Marketing wiki page...team page for team stuff, and marketing page, for marketing stuff for the world06:29
=== nixternal shuts up now and waits for responses
nixternalhiya jbrouhard06:30
adamant1988sounds good to me.06:30
=== adamant1988 is thinking about running XGL.. is scared...
nixternalarg, joing #i_love_novell already ;)06:31
nixternaljoin too06:31
adamant1988I don't mind novell06:31
nixternalwell, i have worked in novell environments since the very early 90's, and i can honestly say, 'i hate novell'06:31
adamant1988haha ok :)06:32
nixternalnovell had to pick up linux, because they were tired of being an oxymoron 'secure windows'06:32
nixternalthey thought for the longest time that their communications were far more securer...heh, that is to funny06:32
nixternalya, secure in the fact that if you didn't have a client you was sklewed..ok this is off topic...im done and i apologize..06:33
adamant1988lol.. all that from a mention of XGL06:34
nixternalya, novell makes my skin crawl06:37
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adamant1988well I just broke my computer07:45
adamant1988this will be fun to fix =\07:45
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adamant1988hey all08:16
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digitalmousegreetings programs!12:02
darkmatter_err... that's 'Mr' program... don't forget it :P12:03
digitalmousecapitol letters are overrated :-p12:04
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adamant1988hello all05:42
adamant1988how's everyone today?05:48
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KenSentMei'm fine. Just watch the Tour de France and saw an amazing match05:49
adamant1988oh yeah?05:50
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Kamping_Kaiserhttp://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1759,1990777,00.asp havent read it, just got linked to it.07:47
Kamping_KaiserThis latest Ubuntu release, which became available in June, has won our ardor with a tight focus on desktop usability; an extremely active, helpful and organized user community; and a software installation and management framework that's unsurpassed on any OS platform.07:48
Kamping_Kaiseranyway, gnight07:48
MenZahttp://common.ziffdavisinternet.com/util_get_image/13/0,1425,sz=1&i=133737,00.jpg <- hehehehe08:20
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poningru_workwhere's all the presentations and stuff?09:25
poningru_workI looked on wiki09:26
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nixternalsure is quiet around here10:40
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