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A-Kaserpoy poy09:53
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screebhi !04:42
screebI'l looking at UbuntuServerTasks wiki: don't you think slapd should be linked to a "Directory" task instead of "Authentication server"04:45
=== [Grendel] [n=Grendel@xdsl-195-14-205-48.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu-server
[Grendel] Hi, i would like to know why there is alsa support in the server version?04:48
[Grendel] who needs alsa on a server?04:49
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lionelp[Grendel] : yes there is alsa support in server05:00
lionelpsome people needs alsa on the server, not me, but some05:01
lionelpthat was a choice05:01
lionelpscreeb: Most of people who have a LDAP directory, it is for network authentication, not for Directory purposes05:02
lionelpMaybe a Directory can be added05:02
lionelpbut I think it's fine to keep a "Authentication Server" item05:02
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maswanWe only have ldap for directory (/etc/passwd), authentication is done via kerberos05:19
A-Kaserkerberos or radius05:19
A-Kaserrarely direct to LDAP05:19
A-Kasermay be in proftpd, or libapache auth ldap05:20
screeblionelp: thanks05:23
screeb(but I don't agree :p )05:24
=== NineTeen67Comet [n=justin@040M16.oasis.mediatti.net] has joined #ubuntu-server
NineTeen67Cometsamba and cups where created by the most evil people in the world I believe ..05:45
NineTeen67CometI'm fighting with getting samba/cups to work (first cups then samba if possible) .. https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/cups.html . is where I'm reading and it's missing stuff I think ..05:46
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