
confreyandy-, thanks, I know it, but I need to create a new theme, or to modify an existing theme, for example, changing the color of window's background, and so on12:00
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andy-confrey: in that window, click Theme Details12:01
andy-pretty sure you can change it around in there.12:01
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testOh yeah and what are emblems all about?12:03
zcat[1] _grrr; first time I booted this PC everything works. Installed, vereything still working. Upgraded to 686 kernel and it won't boot. Went back to 386 kernel and sound stopped working. Reinstalled 686 kernel and everything works again. WTF!!12:03
confreyandy-, it's not possible to change anything, I only can choose several themes about windows and icons; I need to change the details of the theme12:03
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PanicFoive installed apache, php and mysql but apache does recognize mysql12:03
PanicFoany ideas?12:03
zcat[1] _starting to think the hardware might not be 100%12:03
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ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP12:03
zcat[1] _</rant>12:04
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zcat[1] _will return it to the owner before anything else breaks :)12:04
andy-confrey:  check http://www.gnomethemes.org/ maybe.12:04
erfHey, is there anyway to stop the VNC server builtin to dapper asking if I want the current user to accept the VNC session?12:04
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zcat[1] _erf: checkbox, set a password instead...12:05
confreyandy-, thanks12:05
erfzcat[1] , I did12:05
zcat[1] _uncheck the 'ask user' checkbox..12:05
andy-confrey: try http://gnometux.blogspot.com/2005/07/quick-theme-changing.html too12:05
testWhat are emblems  and sticky used for?12:06
erfGot it thanks :)12:07
testWhat are emblems  and sticky used for?12:07
zcat[1] _afaik emblems are just to let you make files stand out on the desktop.. sticky makes evexutables run as the owner instead of whoever ran it, directories give new files the same permissions as the directory itself..12:08
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=== zcat[1] _ needs a new laptop, this one has a really crappy keyboard.
tmccrar1Xorg's build system sucks12:09
testzcat[1] _: Thanks12:09
=== zcat[1] _ also needs sleep.
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=== test ill be there soon
=== test means asleep
erfugh, is there anyway to allow the VNC server access the login screen?12:10
zcat[1] _found a nice usb keyboard yesterday, would be perfect for my lappy except the lappy's USB plug is also munted :(12:10
=== Ackeubu_ [n=acke@d64-180-169-169.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
christianpiperHey! Help- I just installed dapper on my new desktop. I have installed Nvidia-glx and it gives me 85 Hz instead of 60 hz, but I am still limited to 1024x768.. Dapper on another comp with this screen worked up to 1600x1200, and windows does on this computer. I have an Evga 7900Gt12:10
zcat[1] _erf: I set mu gdm to log me in.. solves that problem :)12:11
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erfzcat[1] , a bit insecure :)12:11
zcat[1] _christianpiper: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:11
zcat[1] _!resolutions12:11
ubotuI know nothing about resolutions - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:11
zcat[1] _!resolution12:12
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:12
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Ackeubu_my lapy is craching, It crashes emediately when i logg in to gnome, it crashes after some use in fluxbox. a couple of minutes of use... What could that be??12:12
zcat[1] _erf: if someone has access to the box it's already insecure anyhow.. init=/bin/bash, etc...12:12
Ackeubu_I mean it stops responding to keyboard and mouse events..12:13
zcat[1] _Ackeubu_: apt-get remove irda-utils12:13
regresswhen I try to mount one of th epartitions, it says it's already mounted or busy...how cna I tell where it's mounted?12:13
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fooBleh, I just installed ubuntu and I forgot what password I installed with. heh. How can I reset my password? I would just login as root.. but I guess I can't do that.12:14
Netslayerhow do i install the foomatic print drivers?12:14
erfIm the only person with an account on the box, but I dont want say my little brother to walk by and start screwing with it whilst Im not logged in12:14
Ackeubu_zcat[1]  irda-utils was not installed12:14
mamatoshiregress: see your /etc/fstab file12:15
zcat[1] _Ackeubu_: check /var/log/messages and /var/log/xorg.0.log  - one of those should tell you something anyhow.. in my case it was irda support, whick only gets loaded after gdm so it looked like gdm had a problem. took a while to figure out :)12:15
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regressmamatoshi: this is a live DVD, so I don't think it should be lsited there, right?12:16
MTecknologySeveas, what bot is ubotu?12:16
zcat[1] _.. and the i found lots of ppl had the same problem.12:16
MTecknology@lart mtecknology12:16
mamatoshiregress:: you can try to go the /media/ using nautilus to see the partitions12:16
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MTecknology!lart mtecknology12:17
zcat[1] _!bot12:17
ubotuI know nothing about lart mtecknology - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:17
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage12:17
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zcat[1] _!botsnack12:17
ubotuI know nothing about botsnack - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:17
ironfroggyhow can i move one partition's beginning to a smaller offset from the beginning of the drive?12:17
zcat[1] _awwww...12:17
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zcat[1] _better tidy up some of the crap around here.. my wife thinks four computers in the lounge room is excessive...12:19
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MTecknologySeveas, so if I want to use eveything that ubotu has, I need to ask you to make it join my room? then you have full permission in my room?12:19
mamatoshi!info nvida-glx12:19
ubotuPackage nvida-glx does not exist in dapper12:19
mamatoshi!info nvidia-glx12:20
ubotunvidia-glx: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver. In repository restricted, is optional. Version 1.0.8762+ (dapper), package size 3963 kB, installed size 12240 kB12:20
ttyfscker LC_ALL = (unset),    how do i set that?12:20
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bogaI need advice on a Dualhead video card for Dapper. I do not do anything unusual save for coding. Thanx12:20
verbosettyfscker: is that supposed to be an environment variable?12:20
bogaI need a cheap one too. Should I go AGP or PCI?12:21
ttyfsckerverbose:: yes12:21
verbosettyfscker: export LC_ALL=<value>12:21
christianpiperOh- Thanks guys! I am workin on it now12:21
CornelliusI'm looking for a book or a doc that will tell me how Linux works internally. I already have some books, but all they tell are the commands, how to do the same as in Windows, how to configure Grub, Xorg, etc. Anyone have some good suggestions ?12:21
regressmamatoshi: I had assumed that the live dvd would automount the partitions to the desktop12:21
verboseif you want it to stick across reboots echo "export LC_ALL=<value>" ~/.bashrc12:21
regresswhere would /media be?12:21
SeveasMTecknology, please don't do offtopic talk in here12:21
ttyfsckerwhat should it be verbose12:21
verboseunless you're running a different shell than bash12:21
regressthere is dloppydrive;dvddrive;243MB volume; /boot;filesystem12:21
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ttyfsckeren? us_en, utf-8 ??12:22
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mjrboga, I'd just get an ati 9250, supported by free drivers. Failing that, ati <=x800, supported by free drivers also, though only experimental opengl acceleration12:22
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bogamjr: thanx,,,is that PCI or AGP? Which is better anyway?12:23
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mamatoshiregress:: /media is the directory where all the partitions in your hard drive being mounted.12:23
andi5hi.... how can i unload all alsa modules and start over again? (my usb camera claimed to be audio device no. 1, somehow i has lost conn to computer now ;-))12:24
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CornelliusThe kind of book that will let me understand, LFS, Gentoo, ArchLinux, etc12:24
regressmamatoshi: nothing there12:24
regressunder nautilus filesystem->media12:24
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mamatoshiregress:: try to do the mount command12:24
verbosettyfscker: i have no idea, what is telling you it needs it?12:24
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ttyfsckersetting locale failed please make sure that your locale settings are correct.. blah blah12:25
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ttyfsckerproducing a lot of output when installing new packages12:25
livingdaylightCan anyone say why my screensaver doesn't work any more?12:26
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ttyfsckerthen i seen one that said cant set locale, please make sure that $LC_* and $LANG are correct12:26
regressmamatoshi: I used "mount /dev/hdc2 /media/hdd", where I already made the hdd folder. I get "mount: /dev/hdc2 already mounted or hdd busy"12:27
livingdaylightmy screensaver doesn't work any more :|12:27
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Ackeubu_zcat[1] : whats the bluetooth library? how to uninstall?12:27
ttyfsckerlivingdaylight:: are you trying to run screensaver as root?12:27
ttyfsckeror sudo?12:27
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mamatoshiregress:: just used "mount", it will show you all the partition that has been mounted12:27
regressheh, that makes sense12:28
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ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!12:28
livingdaylightttyfscker: huh. what has sudo got to do witih root?12:28
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Hobbseettyfscker: ?12:28
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ttyfsckerlivingdaylight:: lol12:28
regressah man, it's not listed as being mounted...I guess that means hd busy.12:28
regressany help? I'll start googling12:28
ttyfsckerHobbsee and gnomefreak i was seeing who the ops were in here12:28
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livingdaylightttyfscker: its not funny, where is my screensaver?12:29
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gnomefreaki did that too12:29
ttyfsckerdang.. sorry12:29
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livingdaylightgnomefreak: my screensaver doesn't work anymore12:29
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livingdaylightgnomefreak: gnome12:30
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mamatoshiregress:: have you try the "sudo mount /dev/hdc2 /media/hdd"12:30
gnomefreakok hmmmm ubuntu version?12:30
regressmamatoshi: yup12:30
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mamatoshiregress:: have you create the hdd directory in /media ?12:31
livingdaylightgnomefreak: ubuntu version? yes, running ubuntu12:31
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gnomefreaklivingdaylight: what version of ubuntu?12:31
gnomefreaklivingdaylight: what screensaver?12:31
olrraii cannot find mc on synaptic12:31
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gnomefreaklivingdaylight: what about it doesnt work?12:31
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livingdaylightgnomefreak: used to work, and then i configured a graphics card and since then screensaver doesn't run12:31
livingdaylightgnomefreak: Dapper12:31
livingdaylightgnomefreak: most of them12:31
regressso I guess the hd really is busy....not sure how. I can mount hdc1 without problem, but seems something is going on with hdc212:31
gnomefreaklivingdaylight: nvidia?12:31
gnomefreaklivingdaylight: do you have 3d accell enabled?12:32
livingdaylightgnomefreak: yea, but ive disabled it and i'm back to the defau;lt onboard graphics12:32
mamatoshiregress:: have you try another mounting point?12:32
regressI think so, but let me try again12:32
nalioth!patience > livingdaylight12:32
gnomefreaklivingdaylight: the screensavers worked with 3d and dont work now?12:32
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livingdaylightgnomefreak: hmmm...as i recall they didn't work with nvidia either, but n0w that ive reverted i expect them to work as they used to12:33
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gnomefreaklol Seveas12:33
livingdaylightnalioth: what are you on about?12:33
gnomefreaklivingdaylight: is it just the gl ones that dont work?12:33
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livingdaylightgnomefreak: the gl ones?12:34
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Viper550Guess what, I just found out the best use for XGL12:34
gnomefreaklivingdaylight: the screensavers like example glmatrix12:34
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gnomefreakViper550: please join #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-xgl for that12:34
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olrraii cannot find mc on synaptic. what is happend?12:35
nalioth!repos > olrrai12:35
naliotholrrai: enable univers and multiverse repos12:35
_3fgI am trying to boot from a gparted CD too partition my drive for ubuntu12:36
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olrraiohh thanks12:36
_3fgI get this error:12:36
=== gnomefreak gonna go try to eat dinner
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_3fgKernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!12:36
_3fgwhat do I do?12:36
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_3fgare there any other choices for partitioning?12:36
ttyfsckeri said i was sorry for doing the !ops once.. how many times do i have to appologize Seveas12:36
dreamcatcher5172anyone have experience sharing files between windows computers and my ubuntu computer on my home network?\12:36
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dreamcatcher5172I followed the guide and set the password though it still doesnt work12:37
regressmamatoshi: hmm, actually it says the directoy is busy12:37
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regressexample: "sudo mount /dev/hdc2 /myhdd" ->12:37
nalioth_3fg: the ubuntu installer has gparted on it12:37
regressmount: /dev/hdc2 already mounted or /myhdd busy12:38
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_3fgnalioth: I used the ubuntu livecd on another computer and it erased the drive when I manually partitioned12:38
MystaLjL: are you there?12:38
mamatoshiregress:: hmm, it is really weird.. :-) maybe because it is the LiveDVD system..12:39
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LjLMysta: yes12:39
regressyeah, that seems it probably12:39
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dreamcatcher5172anyone have experience sharing folders on ubuntu with windows computers on the home network?12:39
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mamatoshiregress:: sorry, i can't help :D12:40
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stefgdreamcatcher5172: no big deal, what's teh prob12:40
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regresshaha, no problem!12:40
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MystaLjL: woops, figured it out. sorry12:40
_3fgnalioth: any help?12:40
regressI'll keep it up...i just recorded some chinese language tapes to mp3, and I wanted to get those mp3's off before I install ubuntu12:40
CalusoXPI need some help with the partitioning12:40
fooWow, I just installed ubuntu and forgot the password I used. How do I go about resetting it?12:41
CalusoXPis there any guide-12:41
dreamcatcher5172i followed the network guide from the website and the password is set though i still cant access files from windows comps12:41
KyralWhat about partitioning?12:41
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KyralI can give you some advice12:41
CalusoXPyes pls12:41
_3fgI need partitioning help too12:41
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KyralFirst off12:41
_3fgcan we all go into another channel?12:42
Kyralhaving a partition for /home is VERY wise12:42
KyralWell, if more than one person needs it, and for once I'm ontopic....12:42
_3fghow do I set that up?12:42
delightaloa ppl ;)12:42
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stefg!samba > dreamcatcher517212:42
CalusoXPi want to keep home, root, tmp and others dirs in different partitions12:42
Kyral(Keep in mind I haven't used the Desktop INstaller, just the old fashioned one12:42
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KyralCalusoXP: you mean /root or /12:42
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stefgdreamcatcher5172: you did install samba, didn#t you?12:43
CalusoXPevery dir12:43
KyralThe most common splitup is /boot, /, /home, /usr, and /var on their own partitions12:43
KyralThe others just don't matter12:43
Kyraland it becomes a pain to keep track of how much space is on what12:43
_3fgand I want to partition the drive while keeping the stuff that is on there safe12:43
CalusoXPsomebody told me that is good to keep tmp dir on a different partition12:43
Kyral_3fg: Ain't possible12:43
KyralI mean it IS, but you'd have to do the old data suffle12:44
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_3fgI can't have windows on one partition?12:44
KyralYes you can12:44
KyralInstall Windows12:44
bobovskihi all, can someone help me with a problem specific to the totem video player?12:44
Kyralthen install Linux :P12:44
_3fgok I installed windows12:44
Kyralthe installer should take care of resizing12:44
KyralNTFS is happy about resizing12:45
_3fgthe other computer I tried it on erased the whole hard drive12:45
CalusoXPbut he will need to leave space w/o formating12:45
Kyraloh, but never about moving its beginning point12:45
Kyralthis goes for ANY filesystem12:45
Kyralthey HATE that12:45
Kyral(Firsthand experance)12:45
_3fgI just need to keep windows on this hd12:45
KyralYou can shrink and resize12:45
_3fgand also partition it for ubuntu12:45
Kyraljust don't move where it "begins"12:45
_3fgok how12:45
Kyralthe installer should have a facility12:46
mee22is there a step by step guide for installing a 3com wireless card.. i have the file(s) compressed. I an very new to the ubuntu OS12:46
_3fgthe ubuntu installer?12:46
stefgCalusoXP: i'd go for / (root) ~ 5GB, /var 1,5 Gb and /home for the rest. Maybe some extra fat32 partition for sharing files with win, if present. have enough swap and read about tmpfs to get /tmp in virtual memeory12:46
KyralIf not just burn a copy of Knoppix12:46
delighti had a vga=option starting my compter with a fb @ 1600x1200x32 ... i had it from some suse 10.1 installation ;) ... now the new kernel updates killed my menu.lst ? can't find that anywhere on the net ...  anybody  knows about the right vga= option for such an hight resoution .. it was something with 8xx don't remember right thou12:46
bobovskior, even, is there a better dvd player available for ubuntu?12:46
bobovski(better than totem)12:46
Kyraland use QtParted12:46
=== flodine [n=flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
_3fgVLC is my choice12:46
delightif important ... its an ati 9200 basicly ... in reality mobility fire gl 212:46
_3fgKyral: do I use the partitioner on the LiveCD?12:46
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fooIs there a way to reset my user pass with ubuntu??12:47
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bobovski3fg: ok, apt-getting12:47
Kyral_3fg: if its GParted than its simple :P12:47
CalusoXPhey thx thats what i wanted to know :D12:47
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bobbyddoes anyone here have a guide for setting up qmail on dapper?12:47
_3fgKyral: sorry, that doesn't really help12:47
CalusoXPthank you stefg12:47
KyralI mean (damnit I hate GUIs because its hard to give directions for the stupid things)12:47
bobovski_3fg: will I need to reboot or will it run straight from apt-get install?12:47
KyralEver use PartitionMagic?12:47
Sleeping_Slothevening - got a repository question for you:12:47
_3fgbobovski: what?12:48
=== bit0 [n=jose@61.Red-80-24-119.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
_3fgoh VLC?12:48
_3fgI dunno12:48
Sleeping_Slothhow do I prevent ubuntu asking for my ubuntu dvd every time I apt-get something?12:48
dreamcatcher5172samba is installed and so is smb something or other12:48
KyralThe only thing you have to reboot for is a kernel update12:48
KyralSleeping_Sloth: comment out the CD line in /etc/apt/sources.list12:48
_3fgKyral: I haven't used partition magic12:48
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dreamcatcher5172i also set up the config file but i wanna set it up to where there is no password needed to access my shared folders from a windows computer on the network12:49
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Kyral_3fg: just fire it up and it should be somewhat obvious12:49
_3fgI know12:49
_3fgit looked obvious on the other computer12:49
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_3fgI made 2 partitions12:49
_3fgone was ext312:49
_3fgone was swap12:49
_3fgwhen I went to the next step, it said both were 0 kb12:50
KyralWindows cannot play with ext3 :P12:50
stefgdreamcatcher5172: then you need to set up an account on the linux box withe the exact same credentials (username/password) like you win-account12:50
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KyralDidja commit the change12:50
Sleeping_Slothkyral:  lol - idiot. thanks, I thought I already *had* done that.... but I was being a muppet. I'd reinstated an old sources.list which didnt have cd commented..12:50
KyralGParted and QtParted don't make the changes instantly12:50
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_3fgKyral: the only thing I could do was hit next12:50
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_3fgand it made the change12:50
=== Kyral sighs
bobovski_3fg: ok, how do I set up VLC to be the default player for dvds?12:50
KyralI haven't used those two things in a long time12:51
fooIs there a way to reset my user pass with ubuntu??12:51
KyralWhenever I repartition its a complete nuke of the HD12:51
ubotuForgot your password? Boot into recovery mode. What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StrongPasswords12:51
_3fgSorry bobovski, I haven't used it under Linux yet12:51
dreamcatcher5172so if a windows comp has username and password...thats what i have to set up?12:51
bobovski_3fg: no prob, thanks12:51
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_3fgI used it on mac and  pc12:51
dreamcatcher5172instead of my own user account?12:51
Kyral_3fg: I dunno. I haven't used them in a LONG time12:52
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stefgdreamcatcher5172: yes... if your win logon is 'foo' with password 'bar' have the same account 'foo' with password 'bar' on the samba server... man smbpasswd helps a lot :-)12:53
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trev__i am getting very blurry video with totem comapred to WNP in XP, whats wrong12:54
bobovskitotem sucks, I can't get it to work at all12:54
bobovskibut, got VLC to work now :)12:54
trev__what should i use instead12:54
bobovskiVLC is working well for me12:54
stefggstreamer creates the vacuum.... but vlc is best anyway12:55
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trev__if i installed my nvidea drivers they are active right12:55
trev__because that could casue it if they weren't12:55
=== bcron [n=bcron@c-68-50-141-126.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tuxtuxgood night12:56
abowhat is the best irc client for gnome?12:56
=== Guest477 [n=Guest777@adsl-75-2-20-88.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Darkprincexchat is nice12:56
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Kyralor Irssi12:56
KyralGaim's IRC Client is a JOKE12:56
Guest477hiya all12:56
trev__use chatzilla12:57
bobovskiworks well enough for me...coming from mirc on windows12:57
Guest477konversation here12:57
KyralYah Konversation :P12:57
Kyraland stuff the "for GNOME" and "for KDE" terms :P12:57
bobovskichrist, how does autorun work in ubuntu?12:57
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Guest477ok so i wonder is anyone here farmilliar with www.homestead.com, it prohibits access to linux machines12:57
bobovskiI want /dev/dvd to open with VLC now, not Totem12:57
Guest477wondering if there is a way to login12:58
KyralHow does it block access to Linux Machines?12:58
Guest477one moment12:58
Guest477You are using a computer that is not compatible with Homestead. To access the Homestead website, please return to www.homestead.com with a computer running:12:59
Guest477    * Windows 98, 2000, Me, NT, or XP.12:59
Guest477    * Mac OS X running Firefox 1.0 and above12:59
Kyral...How does it CHECK that12:59
Guest477not sure12:59
Guest477at login time though12:59
=== abou [n=tfh@88-111-34-62.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Guest477i can browse their website12:59
Guest477it is a webpage hosting service12:59
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Guest477i cannot login to my account01:00
stefgjust accept they don't want you as a customer. go to a linux friendly webhoster :-)01:00
=== AndyCooll_ [n=AndyCool@spc1-stkp2-0-0-cust137.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Kyralhehe they are bullshitting01:00
Guest477that is EXACTLY what i said :)01:00
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Kyral"Java is different on OSX so you can't use it"01:01
KyralSounds like MS has a hand in this01:01
trev__i figured it out, i forgot to activate my drivers01:01
Guest477i am able to access many other sites, pogo and yahoo games, with no more than annoyance problems01:01
Guest477ty for your input u 201:01
Guest477i agree with you01:01
Guest477they are not interested in service to consumers01:02
Guest477but to microshaft01:02
=== Generic [n=ahmed@c-24-16-108-94.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
KyralIronic considering how the web practically runs on *Nix01:02
=== schmity [n=JollySch@c-68-35-12-244.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
trev__how do i tell which video card driver you have running?01:02
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:03
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bobovskithanks for the input, all01:03
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fooIf I want to set up openvpn on ubuntu, I need to build from source right? I don't see it in apt anyways.01:04
theturtlemovesum, i just installed kubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop from aptitude so that i can try them out and it's asking me to configure postfix01:05
=== ChrisC_ [n=chris@user-1121btj.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
sysdocAnyone have a url for qmail security?01:05
noneeehello, I've downloaded php-gtk2 beta soruces... when I run make it gives me an error because gcc can't find /usr/lib/libXrender.la01:05
abouwhat's the difference between: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) and Kubuntu 6.06?01:05
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theturtlemovesdo i need to pick a configuration? i use evolution right now to get my mail from gmail and a campus exchange server01:05
noneeelibXrender is not present in the libxrender-dev package...01:05
stefgnoneee: all *-dev packs installed?01:05
ChrisC_The software update app is crashing my system ... when I click on the linux-kernel item to see what the changes are, it hangs and then crashes.  Anyone else seeing this?01:06
sysdocabou, kubuntu runs the KDE desktop manager01:06
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noneeestefg not all the *-dev packages01:06
noneeebut I have all I need01:06
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ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:07
=== brl4n [i=brl4n@ip72-192-167-100.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about PXE - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:07
ubotupostfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Postfix or here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PostfixBasicSetupHowto01:07
mlehrer_pxe rocks01:07
skaneDoes a xubuntu live cd for 6.06 exist? I can only find desktop and alternate.01:07
noneeeI just miss the file libXrender.la but I can say that in libxrender-dev_0.9.0.2-4_i386.deb the file is present01:07
noneeethat's the debian package01:08
Guest477hey thanks ubuto01:08
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stefgnoneee: imho you need at least the libx11-dev01:09
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Guest477xubuntu and the variants all have separate download pages01:09
RedGhostinstalling 6.0601:09
Guest477all CD images are live01:09
RedGhosthaving used linux in ages o:01:09
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stefgGuest477: (tongue-in-cheek) ubotu is the channel bot... he doesn't notice thankyous01:10
noneeestefg I have just installed libx11-dev... still have the same problem01:10
Guest477ok thanks lol01:10
skaneGuest677, you are telling me I can burn a Xubuntu 6.06 desktop CD and start a Xubuntu live system from it, cool?01:11
skanei mean Guest477 , not 67701:11
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Guest477yes i have xubuntu desktop cd, skane, and it is live01:11
Guest477would you like a link?01:11
skanei downloaded it already thanks... i will burn it now01:12
Guest477great, good luck with it :)01:12
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=== Erk is now known as Rondom
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byteshackhmmm... why does automatix have gnucash? That's on the main repository?01:15
Fracturemy dapper installation has recently become quite unstable, freezing every 8 or so hours.  Is there any way to force a reinstall of the installed debs ?01:15
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FractureI am thinking that there is a crary somewhere01:15
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto01:16
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shivI can't get rid of the multiple floppy drive icons in the Computer. Plz help :(01:18
stefgFracture: shame on you for windows-think :-O01:18
Fracturestefg: I don't get you ?01:18
=== Ninja [n=andy@c-66-229-142-76.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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bobbydFracture, check the syslog01:18
Fracturebobbyd: for what ?01:19
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stefgOh, i have a problem... hmmm, i'm going to reinstall, that'll fix it (that's a win attitude)01:19
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bobbydFracture, clues as to why it's freezing? sounds like a hardware problem to me, it's probably overheating01:19
olrraihow can I launck any X program as root?01:19
Fracturecould be overheating01:19
olrraihow can I launch any X program as root?01:19
Ninjawhen i create a shared folder and open it on a windows machine a username and password box comes up if i dont have a user name and pass set what shuld the defualt name be01:20
bobbydolrrai, sudo program01:20
tjb891ok, im a newb but how do you edit a file without the xserver, i need to edit /ect/X11/xorg.conf01:20
Darkprinceuse vi01:20
Fracturestefg: well.. since I haven't changed the configuration in the last few weeks, and the only thing that has happend is reboots after freezing, I presumed that a file system corruption caused a library to fail01:20
bobbydNinja, the username and pass for your user?01:20
Darkprincevi /ect/Xll/xorg.conf01:20
n3rdismUbuntu; i love you. :O01:20
=== TomB| [n=ownthebo@ACBDD4D5.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
Ninjabobbyd, ill try01:20
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tjb891ok, thx01:20
tjb891and how do i save it after i edit it01:21
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stefgFracture: that's what fsck is for01:21
Darkprinceand :q! to quit after you save01:21
Fracturestefg: but surely fsck can't fix every issue ?01:21
n3rdismdarkprince: stop making faces at the vim newbs :O01:21
=== philipacamaniac [n=philip@ip68-228-55-137.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
stefgif it's fs related : yes it can.. there's a couple of options... man fsck will tell01:22
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Ninjawhen i create a shared folder and open it on a windows machine a username and password box comes up if i dont have a user name and pass set what shuld the defualt name bewhen i create a shared folder and open it on a windows machine a username and password box comes up if i dont have a user name and pass set what shuld the defualt name be01:22
philipacamaniacis anyone here experienced in making debian packages?01:22
Fracturebobbyd:   before the freeze there is this Jul 19 09:11:48 localhost kernel: [17189402.436000]  kernel BUG at mm/rmap.c:486!01:22
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Fractureinvalid operand: 0000 [#1] 01:23
=== spades [n=spades@gate.lga2.us.voxel.net] has joined #ubuntu
n3rdismphilip: you might wanna try a #debian for that01:23
jribphilipacamaniac: best to just ask your question01:23
not_in_use_420Is it possible to install Ubuntu from an iPod (through USB) with just the ISO, or does it HAVE to be burned to a CD?01:23
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not_in_use_420Like, can you install the ISO onto another partition on the computer?01:23
n3rdismthat would be sweet01:23
philipacamaniacI'm creating a binary debian package (no source), and I can't quite figure out how to get a menu item to show up.01:24
not_in_use_420Cuz...iPod just external hdd..01:24
Ninjawhats the defualt user name and password for a shared folder01:24
Darkprinceyou would have to be able to boot your machine from the ipod01:24
jvaihey every1! here's a senario: i want to change an ooold Red Hat server to an Dapper 1, what do i save? & how? does "tar" or 'bzip" need to be involved?,01:24
stefgnot_in_use_420: depends on wether the ipod is already recognized by the install system01:24
not_in_use_420Windows 98.01:24
philipacamaniacI've put desktop files in ./usr/share/applications, ./usr/share/applnk, and ./usr/share/gnome/apps01:24
not_in_use_420I'm scared of it, lol.01:24
Darkprincetake your redhat server and just nuke it... install ubunu and then snap all your redhat CD's in half01:25
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stefgnot_in_use_420: that's irrelevant for an ubuntu install01:25
Ninjawhats the defualt user name and password for a shared folder01:25
=== dj_baggio [n=finarfin@yk66.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
Darkprincedid you try your current username and password?01:25
not_in_use_420Thing is...that this computer only has like 400mhz.01:25
not_in_use_420So, I am thinking that kubuntu .. will be what I am going to use.01:26
stefgnot_in_use_420: be safe, do a good ol'fashioned install from CD01:26
jribphilipacamaniac: k, try #ubuntu-motu , I'm not familiar with setting up the menu01:26
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not_in_use_420Yea... thats the way I usually do it. But I don't have access to a CD burner right now, and I have the ISO on my iPod. So... I was wondering if I could do anything with it.01:27
not_in_use_420Like, I know Daemon tools can emulate ISOs....or Alcohol 120.01:27
MeGaQuArKIs it just me, or does anyone else think that Firefox for Linux has a memory leak in it?01:27
jvaihey every1! here's a senario: i want to change an ooold Red Hat server to an Dapper 1, what do i save? & how? does "tar" or 'bzip" need to be involved?,01:27
stefgnot_in_use_420: you need at least somthing to boot from01:27
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues01:28
fooI am getting this error from configure: checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables... any ideas? hm01:28
not_in_use_420One last idea : What about VMware server? It installs it to... err ok I will look at those webpages real quick lol.01:28
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage01:28
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=== foo blinks
jvaiubotu, i need u01:29
ubotuI know nothing about i need u - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:29
stefg!build > foo01:29
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ubotuI know nothing about start - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:30
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots01:30
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jvaiwhat settings are tranportible, form 1 distro to anothr?  as in config/networking, what files do i burn from the file manager/01:31
Shak-is it possible to run an existing Windows Install with VMware?01:31
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Shak-ah hmm01:32
stefgdifferent 'hardware'01:32
=== redcard [n=redcard@c-68-52-105-133.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Shak-so if I install windows xp again through vmware, would I have to run firewalls/anti-virus inside that installation?01:32
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Shak-how much space does a fresh windows xp sp2 install take up, approximately?01:33
redcardShak-: A significant amount :)  I think it's up to one or two gig now01:33
Shak-i've only got 9GB free01:33
stefgforget about the firewall in wi , BTW01:33
Jack_SparrowShak-: Why are you bringing Windows along at all?01:34
not_in_use_420I think it's more like 3 or 4GB.01:34
not_in_use_420Can google it.01:34
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Shak-Jack_Sparrow: well to avoid dual booting01:34
jvaiok.. if i'm upgrading from hoary to dapper, & i like my config, what files do i save? & how do i save them? is "tar" needed?01:34
olrraihow can I create a launcher of any X programm as root?01:34
redcardShak-: It's not worth it, to be honest.01:34
Shak-oh, how come?01:34
Shak-too slow?01:34
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redcardThe time it takes you to reboot will be negated by the slowness of vmware01:34
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Jack_SparrowShak-: IT will never run a Windows program as well as in WIndows alone.01:35
redcardLet's come at it another angle.  What program are you wanting to run?01:35
Shak-so lag is the main issue here then?01:35
Darkprincei tried running World of Warcraft with Cedega and it was unplayable01:35
Darkprincei may not have had it set up right though01:35
Shak-lol im not gonna be playing robust 3d games lol01:35
JeruvyShak-: not lag, latency, disk latency, cpu latency, etc..01:35
Jack_SparrowShak-: To run games you have a better option, to run apps you have another..01:35
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Jack_SparrowLEt me rephrase that01:36
stefgShak-: no 3D in vmware01:36
Shak-im only gonna be popping up a couple of applications, some debugging01:36
Shak-if I can move my mouse around and click, have a couple applications running at once then im fine01:36
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redcardShak: But what applications are you going to be running?01:37
Shak-but if the mouse is gonna drag along, ages to open a simple folder, then no it wouldnt work out01:37
Jack_SparrowYou still have not said WHICH apps01:37
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fogoshi, if i have a cable internet connection no-ip could work?01:37
Shak-Im sure I'll be running a bunch of developer apps, Photoshop,  Swish01:37
redcardShak-: I would not advise Photoshop.01:37
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redcardNot through vmware01:38
Jack_Sparrowshak, not worth your time01:38
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hawkaloogieShak-, use Gimp and Inkscape01:38
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olrraigksu krusader --user=roo01:38
x_orAre postgres configuration files installed on every ubuntu system by default?  I deleted everything in /var/lib/postgres and now cannot figure out to reinstall the default configuration files.  Any clues?  "apt-get --reinstall install postgresql-7.4" does not do the trick.01:38
ballpointcarrotx_or: sudo dpkg-reconfigure postgresql-7.4?  try that.01:38
Shak-but I still havent pinpointed what exactly the issue is?01:38
stefgspeed and memory01:39
Jack_SparrowTHey will run like sh!!01:39
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redcardThe issue is that vmware is a virtual machine.01:39
x_orballpointcarrot:  No, that doesn't restore them.  Thanks though.01:39
Darkprincehonestly i think you're just better off to boot into windows01:39
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redcardIt's going to create a computer in memory inside your computer.   Applications like Photoshop are dependant on memory and graphics, both things that virtualized machines lack power on01:40
Jack_SparrowI really like digikam but no one seems to use it..01:40
Darkprince--at least if you're playing games... for programming or debugging i'm not sure01:40
stefgdid anyone get Photoshop to work with wine?01:40
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Jack_SparrowNOt here01:40
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Darkprincei'm assuming you guys are dual-booting?01:40
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Redman276im having a  problem with the  ati fix01:40
Shak-Darkprince: I am at least01:40
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ballpointcarrotRedman276: let's hear it.01:41
Darkprinceyeah redman... i'm working on that as well01:41
lasindi_lcpsHi all, is there a way to get ping to print out something when the request times out? (i.e. instead of just printing out information at the end)01:41
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Redman276did u try the fix i nthe fourm ?01:41
Jack_SparrowDual boot here... XP is for games only on this box01:41
Shak-redcard: so what kind of applications do people run on vmware?01:41
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ballpointcarrotwhat's the problem?01:41
Redman276and still get that annoying  api  problem01:41
lg8not sure01:41
Darkprincei'm looking at my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file01:42
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jayrodlasindi_lcps: ping -v ] 01:42
Darkprince...just not sure what to edit01:42
ballpointcarrotRedman, Darkprince: waht issues are you having?01:42
redcardShak-: Honestly?  I don't use it much for other than testing at work, where I write Windows programs01:42
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jayrodlasindi_lcps: ping -v will do the trick01:42
Shak-redcard: say I wanted to run mIRC as i've got alot of scripts in my remotes, modules that work only on that?01:42
Darkprincei just installed ubuntu fresh, so i'm having a few01:42
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Redman276after  replacing the  lib  file and reruning the  info command i get the same error01:42
Jack_SparrowI just installed RealBasic to see if some of my old tools will port over..01:42
Redman276i have an ati 850001:42
Darkprincefirst: my screen is off-center but if i adjust the monitor then it is off-center when i boot into windows01:43
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Lord_AthurI've got a doubt, how do i earn karma?01:43
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redcardMIRC is Wine Platinum.01:43
Redman276Darkprince thats a non solvable  error01:43
billfurwhats a computer chess program *FOR beginners trying to learn* ( as opposed to gnuchess which is guarenteed to kill you)01:43
Jack_SparrowDarkprince: agreed01:43
redcardYou might be better off runing it through Wine.01:43
Redman276either  one  os is centered   and the other is off01:43
Shak-Wine supports .mrc scripts?01:43
Redman276been that way for me for te  last  10 yrs and    4  diff distros01:43
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Jack_SparrowDarkprince: My monitor is one touch auto center,01:43
Darkprincemy friend somehow managed to center them both the other day when i was running FC4 instead of ubuntu01:43
Darkprince...though he doesn't know how01:44
saikoLord_Athur: fortune01:44
redcardShak-: Seems to be for the most part.01:44
Redman276try   settign ur screen  attributes in   ubuntu01:44
Lord_Athursaiko, nothing else? hahaha01:44
Redman276its  X,Y offsets01:44
jvaihey all help01:44
redcardThough, I would suggest dropping mirc and figuring things out inside ubuntu to replace what MIRC offers you01:44
jvaiok.. if i'm upgrading from hoary to dapper, & i like my config, what files do i save? & how do i save them? is "tar" needed?01:44
saikoLord_Athur: ;)01:44
Redman276i live with a 1/16" black bar  in windows01:44
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Jack_SparrowDosent KVirc use the same scripting language?01:45
kbrooksjvai: no01:45
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kbrooksjvai: you cant hoary -> dapper in one go01:45
Darkprinceso i should just get used to the offset in linux?01:45
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kbrooksjvai: you must hoary -> breezy -> dapper01:45
Darkprincei've had ubuntu installed for all of an hour01:45
Darkprinceand it's 1000% times better than fedora already01:46
jvainoo, i mean my config setting, like networking/ stuff like that01:46
Jack_Sparrowjvai: Fresh install would be the best..01:46
ballpointcarrotglad you think so Darkprince01:46
Redman276but  my  libGL.so.1.2  issue  is not resolving  easily01:46
Shak-redcard: wait, how exactly does Wine work and what can I run through it?01:46
redcardShak-: Lemme point you here: www.winehq.com01:46
Darkprinceok, my next problem involves xine media player01:46
jvaihey every1! here's a senario: i want to change an ooold Red Hat server to an Dapper 1, what do i save? & how? does "tar" or 'bzip" need to be involved?,01:46
jvaithat was the original question01:46
Jack_SparrowDarkprince: CHeck out the scripting in KVirc, I seem to remember they were similar, but I have not used Mirc in years01:46
advantI tried installing glib 2.12.0, but when I run configure for another app it says pkg-config returns 2.12.0, but GLIB is returning 2.10.3, how can I sync it all up to 2.12.0 ?01:47
x_orAnyone know how to restore the postgres configuration files in /var/lib/postgresql?  I accidentally deleted them.01:47
kbrooksx_or: do u have a recent backup01:47
jvaimy company has an oold red hat servr for our website01:47
x_orkbrooks:  No.01:47
RadiantFirex_or: do you know what the postgresql package is01:47
Darkprincesays i'm missing an audio codec for MPEG's ... also, i can't play fraps videos01:47
RadiantFireyou can use sudo dpkg-reconfigure on the package name01:47
jvaii want to help, by introducing dapper01:47
RadiantFireit will restore defauolt config01:47
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Jack_Sparrowjvai: You want to save your redhat configuration for use in Ubuntu?01:47
Shak-redcard: interesting, how well do applications run in Wine?01:47
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redcardShak-: That's varied :) Check out the AppDB under the Support thing on the right01:48
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:48
Redman276anyone  had  problems with replacing  libGL.so.1.2  then getting it to work ?01:48
jvaibut the server is using an older version of gnome01:48
x_orRadiantFire:  dpkg -l | grep postgres shows three packages:  postgresql-7.4,  postgresql-client-7.4, postgresql-common01:48
Shak-well, Diablo II Demo is at the top of the list, so thats a start01:48
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kbrooksjvai: what version?01:48
jvai& it's not under support from rh01:48
ucordesdoes anybody know a good irc client with DCC support?01:48
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redcardShak-: My turn for a question. :)  How long have you been in Linux/Ubuntu?01:48
RadiantFirex_or: you probably want the postgresql-7.401:48
x_orRadiantFire:  I have deinstalled all three of these, deleted the postgres user using userdel -r postgres.01:48
ballpointcarrotRedman: are you using the libGL.so.1.2 provided in the thread?01:48
Redman276and  i still get the same  errors01:48
Shak-haha, 2 days? :)01:48
jvaii dunno, i couldnt find it01:48
Shak-but I have used linux before, via a shell prompt though01:49
Shak-never had GNOME01:49
x_orRadiantFire:  The problem is that no matter what I do, it will not install the configuration files.  I can install the packages without issue.  But, the configuration files are nowhere to be found.01:49
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redcardGonna suggest two books for ya.01:49
jvaioo gnome 2.0  is all it said, what ver. of rh is that?01:49
RadiantFirex_or: use dpkg-reconfigure on the packages01:49
Jack_Sparrowucordes:  did you look at kvirc?01:49
jersymike2hello could someone help me with knoppix live cd?01:49
david__hi, i am trying to play a dvd on my movie player, but i get an error when i try to load it... error is: "No URI handler implemented for "dvd"."01:49
redcardUbuntu Hacks, by O Reiley and Assoc.  And the next one isn't out yet, but it's The Ubuntu Book.01:49
Shak-cool I'll look into that01:49
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ucordesjack_Sparrow: i will check it out01:50
Shak-right now im gonna get Wine, it looks just like what I need, thanks redcard!01:50
redcardShak-: No problem :)01:50
x_orRadiantFire:  I reconfigured all of those packages, still nothing in /var/lib/postgresql01:50
jvaiwe couldnt even make firefox work on it, & it has the old mozilla browser on it01:50
Redman276is ther an earlier   or  diff   libGL.so.1.2 i should be using for an 8500 card   than the  one on the  thread ?01:50
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RadiantFirex_or: trying apt-get --purge remove the packages and then installing agian01:51
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Jack_Sparrow!tell Jack_Sparrow about ati01:51
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x_orRadiantFire:  Yeah, I tried even that.  I am stumped.01:51
jvaii may just need the some config files & network settings saved, but which 1?01:51
erlen1Hi there, is it possible watching videos that are stored on a windows machine on ubuntu linux? Any help is much appriciated :)01:52
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:52
advantAnyone know how to install a new glib version over the dapper installed 2.10.3 ?01:52
jvaii heard that /home, /var/ & /etc can be tranfered from distro to distro, is that true?01:52
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stefgin theory01:53
RadiantFirejvai: home can, I'm not sure about /etc and /var01:53
jvaioo ok01:53
jersymike2hello could someone help me with setting a portable hdd as a normal hdd with the knoppix live cd?01:53
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RadiantFirethe /etc/ and /var are sometimes distro specific01:53
stefgif it's LSB compliant distros01:53
Redman276is ther a diff libGL.so.1.2 that i should use for a radeon 8500  than the one listed in the thread for fix ?01:53
jvaiwould /home have the website config & network settings in the old red hat install01:53
ballpointcarrotjvai: /etc and /var copying might run you into trouble with program versions.01:53
stefgbut i'd rather leave /etc/init.d as setup by the installer :-)01:54
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jvaired hat is a funny beast01:55
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto01:55
erlen1Is it possible watching videos that are stored on a windows machine _over the network_? Any help is much appriciated :)01:55
Indigo423hi everybody01:55
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Indigo423has anybody some experience with ubuntu 6.06 LTS server and VM-Ware Server 1.0 Final?01:55
stefgjvai: things changed a lot... don't expect anything to work in practice. you might find it usefull to have the old files as a reference, but in general it's a fresh install01:56
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Flannelerlen1: like, streaming video?  You could watch it via samba (or any other file sharing sort of thing) just as a regular file01:56
erlen1i didnt get that to work01:56
jvaii was thinking the same... we talked of doing that with a fresh box @ stefg01:56
erlen1didnt open in VLC until i moved the movie over to my PC01:56
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erlen1or Totem for that sake01:57
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AndyCooll_Indigo423: yeah, what do you want to know?01:57
jvaii'm afraid of dependencies/library problems01:57
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linuxgoobercan i add all the sources from http://www.apt-get.org/main/ to my sources list?01:58
Indigo423did you know how many memory can ubuntu have?01:58
kbrooksjvai: there is really no dependency hell in ubuntu, except fr upgrades01:58
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stefgIndigo423: up to 64GB with big-iron kernel01:58
kbrookslinuxgoober: don't01:58
RadiantFireIndigo423: can you clearify what memory you mean01:58
RadiantFireIndigo423: technical a stock kernel should be able toa ddress 4GB01:59
Indigo42364GB of RAM ??01:59
linuxgooberkbrooks why?01:59
jvaiok, fresh install of dapper in new box,  copy the network/website config from the old red hat box, work from there01:59
ballpointcarrotlinuxgoober: theoretically, it's possible, but i would highly recommend against it.  You _will_ end up breaking many things.01:59
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ubotuNo fonts in mplayer? Try " sudo apt-get install mplayer-fonts " ( multiverse must be enabled see !repos ).01:59
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.01:59
kbrookslinuxgoober: they have packages *made for* debian01:59
jvaiit's the only safe/painless solution i see01:59
linuxgooberany full list for *buntu?01:59
Indigo423is the big-iron kernel an 64bit kernel ??02:00
abouhow can i install a plugin in firefox to play movies?02:00
AndyCooll_Indigo423: The amount of memory you select should be based on how much memory your box has. My box has 1024, so I usually select half of that02:00
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kbrookslinuxgoober: doubt thher is a hub02:00
x_orRadiantFire:  If I run:   "apt-get remove postgresql-7.4" it says "Package postgresql-7.4 is not installed, so not removed"  Yet, if I run "dpkg -l | grep postgres" I see "pc  postgresql-7.4                        7.4.8-17ubuntu1.3                  object-relational SQL database, version 7.4"  Does this indicate something is wrong?02:00
kbrookslinuxgoober: hub = link of links02:00
RadiantFirex_or: did you attempt to remove postresql-common?02:01
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x_orYes, I think so.02:01
regressif my hd has "Linux LVM" as the system type, how can I mount it?02:02
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Indigo423i would like install an vm-ware server based on an ubuntu server, one of my first questions was, can ubuntu address more than 4 GB RAM with an 32 bit kernel.02:02
kbrooksregress: use /dev/mapper02:02
regressis there a man page for that?02:02
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juanca7777_hi everyone02:02
Indigo423i have seen some problems with m$ os, and i must first activate PAE support and some other dirty things to address more then 4 GB RAM02:03
kbrooksregress: No.  It is a directory of LVM devices which you can mount02:03
juanca7777_i am looking for the pkginfo and pkgtrans packages, but i don't see them anywhere02:03
stefgIndigo423: yes, but not with the stock-kernel... you'll have to recompile02:03
x_orRadiantFire:  Yes, I think so.02:03
regressso mount /dev/myHDwithLVM /dev/mapper?02:03
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jvaiok ppl thank u for the info, it's bout 2 rain, & this starbucks is too far a walk from home02:03
Redman276when i run fglrxinfo , i get a  list of  [fglrx]  API ERROR: could not register entrypoint for SelectTextureSGIS02:03
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kbrooksregress: No. I said *directory*02:03
ballpointcarrotregress: i think it's mount /dev/mapper/(insert drive here)02:04
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kbrooksregress: no... it doesnt have directories under there02:04
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Jack_SparrowRedman276: is that an onboard video card or plug in card?02:04
Redman276ive  copied the libGL.so.1.2  from the  fourms   for the fix ,  but still get the error   any ideas ?02:04
stefg!info linux-image-server02:04
ubotulinux-image-server: Linux kernel image on Server Equipment.. In repository main, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 52 kB02:04
Redman276plug in02:04
kbrooksregress: also, specify a mount point02:04
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Redman276radeon 8500  128mb02:04
regresskbrooks: could you give me an example command?02:05
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kbrooksmount /dev/... /path/to/place/where/you/want/it/mounted02:05
Redman276agp card02:05
Redman276non onboard02:05
clarity_hey... during ubuntu's install can you specify to install a smp kernel02:05
kbrooksregress: I can't...02:05
regressin this case is hdc202:05
crimsunclarity_: 686 is smp by default.02:05
kbrooksregress: i dont have a LVM device02:05
erlen1Ok, so i wind my way to the file via samba in the windows network, but none of my movie players is able to play the movie via the network, anyone knows what might be wring? the file works when i manually move it to this computer. In the movie players it just says "Playing 0:00"02:05
regressI was using "sudo mount /dev/hdc2 /media/hdd"02:05
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juanca7777_anyone knows where i can find the 'pkginfo' and 'pkgtrans' packages, in order to use alien to convert a solaris .pkg to a .deb file?02:06
sysdocAny qmail guru's in here?02:06
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Indigo423stefg: the stock-kernel is default in the linux images, which i can download with apt ?02:06
david__is it possible to play a dvd on ubuntu? i tried and got an error... i wanted to load it and put it onto my site, its online a small amount of video02:06
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ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages02:06
regressah, I see it's pretty different in the mapper folder02:06
regressI'll google around, thanks02:06
jrinco11hey ya'll, i'm quite new to this mirc, but i'm lookin for help on my ubuntu installation on an older laptop of mine02:07
jrinco11i was wondering if someone could help me out02:07
Jack_SparrowJust ask your question02:07
Redman276any idea  Jack ?02:07
ubotuI know nothing about dvd? - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:07
stefgIndigo423: ubuntu installs with a 386 (non arch-optimized) kernel. But after installation you've got a wealth of different kernels for different scenarios to choose from02:07
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Jack_SparrowRedman276: Did you go to the ATI site, that install looks pretty straight forward02:08
jrinco11so i have an old acer travelmate 340, and it doesn't have an optical drive nor can it boot from cd (so no external cd option) -- so waht I did was put hte laptop hdd in a different laptop, and started the installation to the point where it copies the live cd to hdd and asks to restart to do installation02:08
Redman276yepper  been reading  their forums  for about  45 min02:08
spackleHow does a PXE netboot install know what to use for initial repositories?02:08
Redman276no luck02:08
Redman276they  quote the  ubuntuforum fix about 75 times02:08
jrinco11then i swapped the hdd back into the travel mate, and i'm getting an xorg erro rwhen starting startx, "(ee) no deviced detected"02:08
Redman276ive  done that   but  still same error02:08
Jack_SparrowI have an ati8500 here in one of these, didnt need to do anything special.02:08
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Redman276i tried to get  my  GL  going02:09
jrinco11is there a way i can edit the xorg.conf and get it to detect my display?  any idea what I need to do?02:09
Redman276my rigional problem was   pc freezing  when  either  screen saver  or   any  3d rendered  was   started02:09
jrinco11(or perhaps a different way to install w/no cd/usb support?)02:09
stochastic_fluxjrincoll: this is most likely because the video card in the first laptop differs from that in the second you will need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf to load the right driver02:10
Redman276so i did the  fix for that and had   like  " ok "  tabs with  diagonal  lines through it02:10
Indigo423stefg: ah ok then i can install some kernels like -server or -bigiron kernels.02:10
Redman276i followed the ati howto in the wikki and now  3/4 of  my  apps  died cause of this pai error02:10
jrinco11stochastic_flux:  do you know how i can go about getting the right driver?02:10
ttyfsckergnomefreak:: i thought that the kernel wouldnt boot in edgy?  works fine here02:10
jackfrostgrrr....having a hell of a time with my 4306 broadcomm card02:11
Jack_SparrowRedman276: I used the ATI site and diddnt try the wiki02:11
stochastic_fluxjrincoll:  do you know what kind of video card the laptop has?02:11
=== Darkprince [n=Darkprin@68-184-9-66.dhcp.wrbg.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
regressah man02:11
juanca7777_anyone knows where i can find the 'pkginfo' and 'pkgtrans' packages, in order to use alien to convert a solaris .pkg to a .deb file?02:11
Redman276so i did the  libGL  fix  in the forum for this specific  error and its still happening02:11
Jack_Sparrowjackfrost: Broadcom are not very linux friendly, you'll end up using ndiswrapper02:12
jrinco11stochastic_flux:  mmm, no i don't02:12
regressif I moved a LVM disk to another computer without exporting the /etc/lvmconf, is my data hosed?02:12
Redman276ok ill go back to ATI and try again02:12
jrinco11lemme see if i can google it02:12
stochastic_fluxwhat kind of laptop is it, make & model02:12
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spackleMy PXE install is throwing errors at the point where it picks package source - not sure how to proceed.02:12
jrinco11acer travelmate 34002:12
jackfrostJack: I tried ndiswrapper, no luck. Now I've been trying Fw-cutter, I've gotten the farthest with this method02:12
Indigo423stefg: did you know some good urls, who i can find some technical specifications from the different kernels?02:12
regresswhere can02:12
jackfrostWith FW-cutter I've at least got the light to come on in my laptop02:12
regresswhere can I talk with someone about lvm?02:13
jackfrostthat's as close as I've got02:13
Jack_Sparrowjrinco11: WHat processor and how much memory in that lappy?  THose were pretty slow02:13
advantHow do I need to isntall glib 2.12.0 so it replaces 2.10.302:13
redcardOh.. does anyone know a way to rip a DVD down to MPEG, for vcdimager?02:13
jrinco11jack_sparrow:  i believe it's a p2? 450mhz?02:14
Jack_Sparrowjrinco11:  how much ram..?02:14
jackfrostI kept getting bcmwl5 Failed errors02:14
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jrinco11p3, 450mhz, 198mb ram i think02:14
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jackfrostSo now I've got the light to come on when I open the Network GUI, but I can't actually get it to work.02:15
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Jack_Sparrowjrinco11: You may be disappointed with the performance of that unit and Ubuntu02:15
skavengejackfrost: are you sure you didnt need bcmwl5a? did you check the ndiswrapper for insturctions? .. my bcm43xx based card is running ndiswrapper with the bcmwl5a02:15
stefgIndigo423: that's normally stated in synaptic, or whatever frontend to apt you use02:15
shiftyhola alguien q hable espaol02:15
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.02:15
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profoX`anyone here have experience with istanbul? does it record in high FPS? does it use alot of CPU to process/encode, or does it only process after recording?02:16
jrinco11jack_sparrow:  do you a suggestion of a better linux distro for my system?  (it's an old laptop i found in my closet, just wanna use it for basic web/word processing -- nothing more)02:16
=== Ubuntu-fr581 [n=MaxB@ANancy-157-1-47-249.w86-213.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Indigo423stefg: thx i will try it. you`re great help. nice evening.02:16
Jack_SparrowHAble engles por favor02:16
shiftycomo todos empienzan soy nuevo en esto estoy buscando informacion para poder usar el ubuntu02:16
shiftyalguien me puede dar una mano con eso ?02:16
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.02:16
Jack_SparrowThere are some less demanding distros...02:16
Ubuntu-fr581hi everybody, does someone has xgl/compiz installed with dapper ?02:16
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jackfrostskavenge: bcmwl5a, where can I find that?02:17
Jack_Sparrowshifty:  / join #ubuntu-es02:17
Guest136Can anyone help me out with the 3c59x network module and wake on lan?  I had it working in kernel 2.4 under Debian, but it doesn't work in Ubuntu.02:17
stochastic_fluxjrincoll: i would suspect that you would have to find the line Driver "something" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf under the Device section and replace "something" with "i810"02:17
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abouafter downloading and install all  what I was told to in the restrictedformats files and  w32codecs I have some of the wmv file where I can only hear the sound, no image, any ideas?02:19
skavengejackfrost: on the ndiswrapper homepage .. from what i see thats what you need, for a 4306 chipset you need 5l and 5la in the install dir along with the .sys but only 5la gets installed with ndiswrapper02:19
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Jack_Sparrowabou: any errors when you did the section on w32codecs02:20
jackfrostcool, thanks skavenge!02:20
jrinco11new to linux also....how ould i go about editing that file?02:20
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=== stefg mv stefg /dev/bed && close eyes --nice dreams
shinobi2what do you guy use for file managing? how do i install mc?02:21
awe6Where does rc.local belong so it's executed on boot?02:21
Cheticwhat's the best application for burning data to a DVD-RW?02:21
CheticI want to see if my new dvd burner works..02:21
stochastic_fluxjrincoll: yes, "sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and enter your password when prompted02:21
skavengek3b, i think gnomebaker does it too02:21
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ballpointcarrotgroisofs, k3b if you're not into CLI02:22
erlen1What do i need to do to be able to watch media files from a windows machine directly via network?02:22
Jack_Sparrowk3b rocks02:22
erlen1without having to stream them02:22
Chetick3b is K-ware...02:22
computer13137I am a noob to Ubuntu, and I need a bit of a walkthrough, or someone to login to SSH and do something for me.  I have a WiFi card, with a Windows driver.  In FreeBSD, it was possible to compile it using NDISWrapper.  Is there an NDISWrapper for Ubuntu, and can anyone help me use it to compile a driver?  Thanks!02:22
=== DBO [n=DBO@unaffiliated/dbo] has joined #ubuntu
computer13137If someone can help, PM me please.02:22
skavengeChetic: its still installable under gnome and works fine02:23
Cheticyeah you're right02:23
Cheticdoing so now02:23
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skavengeit just installed the libs it needs, but yeah its going to be a bigger install because of it02:23
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Ubuntu-fr581has someone installed xgl/compiz ?02:23
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Guest136Can anyone help me out with the 3c59x network module and wake on lan?  I had it working in kernel 2.4 under Debian, but it doesn't work in Ubuntu.02:24
abouJack_Sparrow, no02:24
abouJack_Sparrow, no errors when installing the codecs02:24
spackleGuest136 - is it being recognized?02:24
Guest136spackle: yes, it works fine otherwise02:24
spackleGuest136 - if you do dmesg | more do you see it listed?02:24
Redman276well that didnt work02:24
ballpointcarrotUbuntu-fr581: I have02:25
Jack_Sparrowabou:  what program ar eyou using to play what type of video files?02:25
Guest136spackle: yes, but i don't have the output here02:25
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spackleGuest136 - Wake on LAN - that's more of a hardware issue isn't it?02:25
spackleGuest136 - is WOL enabled in the Bios?02:26
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Guest136spackle: it is a 3com 905b network adapter.  well for wake on lan it has to be enabled in the bios as well as in a module option, but for kernel 2.6 it just doesn't work02:26
abouJack_Sparrow, totem, file wmv (some are working, some used to work in previous installs, not now !) I must have missed something...02:26
spackleGuest136 - maybe just not in the kernel you are using?02:26
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Guest136spackle: the hardware is set up correctly.  for Ubuntu i edited the /etc/modprobe.d/ files instead of the /etc/modutils/ files02:27
Guest136so i'm not sure what is the problem :(02:27
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arooniwhat do i need to apt-get install to play back .mov files02:27
spackleGuest136 - can you tell if the module is loaded? (lsmod)02:27
ChrisC_Hello ... The software update app is crashing my system ... when I click on the linux-kernel item to see what the changes are, it hangs and then crashes.  Anyone else seeing this?02:28
Guest136spackle: yes it was loaded02:28
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spackleGuest136 - I wonder if the 3com driver lacks support?02:29
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qkslvrwolfhow does one keep something in init.d from starting at startup?02:29
testhi is there anyway to change the mime icons in gnome?02:29
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jrinco11jacksparrow:  i changed it to i810 and it still shows "no screens found" --- i think it may be that when i started the install on the other laptop, it detected the display at "PCI:1:5:0" and i'm assuming it's idfferent on this laptop02:30
jrinco11anyway to 'find' where the display is on this laptop?02:30
Guest136spackle: unless it dropped support from the kernel 2.4 -> 2.6 change, i dunno02:30
bimberiqkslvrwolf: sudo update-rc.d -f <whatever> remove02:30
testhi is there anyway to change the mime icons in gnome?02:31
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x_orDoes anyone here know how to completely remove and then reinstall postgresql 7.4 where configuration files are reinstalled?  Or, in which package those configuration files are stored?  Mine were deleted and I cannot restore them.02:31
arooniwhat do i need to apt-get install to play back .mov files02:31
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spacklearooni - try videolan or xine?02:31
qkslvrwolfbimberi:  thanks02:31
qkslvrwolflemme try it02:31
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qkslvrwolfis it gonna remove the file?02:32
aroonispackle: whats is lighter weight?02:32
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spacklearooni - videolan02:32
bimberiqkslvrwolf: no, the file will stay but links to it from, for example, /etc/rc2.d will be removed02:32
Jack_Sparrowjrinco11: I am thinking a copy of the CD on an extra partition, boot a grub floppy that can fire off the livecd running off the drive. But I have never heard of anyone doing it.02:32
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spacklearooni - I don't know if it has the right codecs for a Mov though.02:32
FunkyDiscoMancan anybody help me with a litlle gst-launch prob, am inexperienced with gstreamer pipelines02:32
qkslvrwolfperfect.  :-)02:33
=== acebo [n=acebo@24-117-65-139.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
spackleanybody familiar with PXE install process?02:33
Jack_Sparrowjrinco11: Let me look at the livecd for a sec..02:33
jrinco11yah, i dont' have any floppy/cd/usb support upon boot02:33
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qkslvrwolfso whats rc stand for?02:34
jrinco11this travel mate uses some proprietary cd drive02:34
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qkslvrwolfand what is it doing?  Is that the startup scripts, more or less?02:34
jrinco11so i can only use what's on the hdd (which is why i tried to load the install on the hdd)02:34
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testhi is there anyway to change the mime icons in gnome?02:36
Darkprincedoes anybody know about this?02:37
bimberiqkslvrwolf: yes, each runlevel has a directory under /etc with symlinks to the scripts to start (or stop) when that booting to that runlevel02:37
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bimberiqkslvrwolf: nfi what rc stands for though :)02:38
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qkslvrwolfbimberi: sweetness.  :-)  Thanks!  I got my new thing learned for the day. :-)02:38
Darkprinceapparently there is a file /var/log/installer/cdebconf/questions.dat  that contains the root password in plain text (with ubuntu)02:38
Darkprincethough, i can't find it on my system02:39
bimberiDarkprince: yes, that's a bug with the Breezy CD02:39
jribtest: system > preferences > themes, you can grab more themes at gnome-look.org02:39
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bimberiDarkprince: fixed if a Breezy install has been kept up to date.  Not an issue in dapper afaik02:40
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FunkyDiscoMananyone good with gstreamer pipelines?02:40
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redcardDarkprince: It's not in dapper02:41
redcardI just installed ubuntu on friday :)02:41
Darkprincehow do you guys keep responding to me in red?02:41
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Darkprincei'm new to irc as well02:41
redcardDarkprince: You're using conversation.  It's highlighting your name :)02:41
redcardErr. .Konversation02:41
jribDarkprince: put the person's nick in front of your message02:41
Darkprincejrib: like so?02:41
spackleHow does a PXE netboot install know what to use for initial repositories?02:42
jribDarkprince: yes (except mine is yellow :P).  Also you can type the beginning of the name 'jr' and press tab02:42
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Darkprincejrib, cool02:42
=== AOGuy1989 [n=michael@c-67-164-169-174.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
warlocky-does IE work on ubuntu? :D02:42
Darkprincewarlocky-, dunno, i use firefox even in windows02:43
Flannelwarlocky-: in wine, yeah.02:43
Solarionwarlocky-: yes02:43
SolarionUSD30, and you can get MS Office working too02:43
Darkprincewarlocky-, firefox > IE02:43
Solariondespite Microsoft's best efforts to the contrary02:43
warlocky-Aye I know, but we're testing a design02:43
Solarionotherwise, www.vmware.com02:43
Solarionrequires valid Windows license, though.02:43
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SolarionYou can buy Workstation for a few hundred (or about $100 academic) or you can use the free Server02:44
Solarionthere is also Xen, if you have hypervisor capability in your cpu.02:44
Solarion[otherwise, you have to somehow find a Xen-enabled Windows version, which isn't legal] 02:45
Flannelwarlocky-: http://browsers.evolt.org/  People have gotten those browsers to work in wine02:45
SolarionYou also have Bochs (very very slow, but free) and also Win4Lin.02:45
warlocky-ah np guys02:45
warlocky-its sorted out02:45
warlocky-big thanks02:45
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AOGuy1989Package gnome-bluetooth is not available, but is referred to by another package.This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or02:45
AOGuy1989is only available from another source02:45
AOGuy1989E: Package gnome-bluetooth has no installation candidate02:45
AOGuy1989what ius wrong with that02:45
jersymikecan someone pleas help me with the knoppix live cd02:46
Flannelspackle: the ip addy, I believe.  You following this howto? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot02:46
Solarionwarlocky-: the easiest solution for us all is to get people to stop using IE so we can stop having to care about its inadequacies.  ;)02:46
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:46
=== gtrplr [n=gtrplr@c-67-168-70-202.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
bruenigAOGUY1989, that means it wasn't found in the respositories02:46
AOGuy1989ok well why cna;y i gegt it02:46
=== Solarion reboots into new kernel tastiness
spackleflannel: Yeah, looked at this and a few others.02:46
FlannelAOGuy1989: you need to have universe installed02:46
gtrplrcan someone direct me to a FAQ on 6.06 wireless?02:46
FlannelAOGuy1989: er, enabled.02:46
bruenigAOGuy, do you have the extra repositories enabled?02:46
AOGuy1989i have universe installed i thing02:46
AOGuy1989i do02:47
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper02:47
FlannelAOGuy1989: Have you updated your cache?02:47
AOGuy1989have u what02:47
bruenigAOGuy1989, 1.do sudo apt-get update, then try again and 2. are you sure that is the name of the package02:47
=== rebelfallen [n=brad@ip68-5-39-3.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenig!info gnome-bluetooth02:47
ubotugnome-bluetooth: GNOME Bluetooth tools.. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.7.0-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 205 kB, installed size 892 kB02:47
spackleflannel: Ooh, maybe not this one, thanks for the link.02:47
rebelfallenHow can I completely remove KDE? I want to keep gnome instead02:48
LjLrebelfallen: you can't with a single command, unless you installed it with aptitude. however, if you remove "kdelibs4c2a", you'll remove most of it02:48
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Nekow42rebelfallen: Be careful, a lot of packages depend on the KDE libs...02:48
theBishopBeagle has recently stopped working for me...02:48
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Flannelrebelfallen: you can use debfoster or something like it02:49
LjLrebelfallen: removing libqt3-mt will possibly remove even more, but could remove stuff that you wanted to keep as well, since it takes away everythign that uses Qt02:49
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rebelfallenwow okay thanks02:49
Shak-how is file sharing over a network accomplished in ubuntu?02:49
Nekow42rebelfallen: Make sure you look in detail through the list of packages being removed...02:50
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT02:50
Flannelrebelfallen: or, maybe the more modern one is deborphan, one of those two does (well, they both do, one better than the other) exactly what you want02:50
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSClientHowTo and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSServerHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.02:50
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT02:50
Shak-cool thanks, i'll check those out02:50
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theBishopHas a recent Ubuntu update done anything that would break BEAGLE?02:51
kokakhi, gud day. can anybody help me? I like to learn programming. how do i install glade, anjuta and its libraries? any sites i can read?02:51
rebelfallenthank you again folks, you're great as always02:51
kptZbikI have big problems with cd burning under Ubuntu - there are extremely long pauses (2 hrs) between starting the burning and ejecting the CD, with lots of hdc: lost interrupt in kernel log02:51
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LjLkokak: "sudo aptitude anjuta glade"02:52
theBishopkokak, learning programming isn't going to start with Glade02:52
LjLkokak: "sudo aptitude install anjuta glade"02:52
LjLkokak: (ignore the first message)02:52
kptZbikdid anyone encounter something like this?02:52
kokaktheBishop, where?02:52
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theBishopkokak, pick a language (C for example) and learn it.  You won't be starting with GUI applications02:52
kokakLjL, how about the libraries?02:53
LjLkokak: i'm not sure what libraries you're thinking about02:53
jrinco11jack_sparrow:  so i figured the video card it uses is  02:53
jrinco11Trident 9525 - 128 bit, 2.5MB SDRAM, AGP02:53
kokaktheBishop, i know C in windows based. i02:53
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jrinco11and i tried to copy hte settings from http://www.theiling.de/acer.html02:53
kokaki'd like to learn it in linux based.02:53
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Nekow42kokak: C is stadard, it's pretty much the same...02:53
theBishopyou've already written Win32 applications?02:53
jrinco11and i still get "data imcomplete in file /xorg.conf -- undefined device "ATI radeon 340agp" reference bvy screen "default screen".02:54
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kokakLjL, i tried installing glade and anjuta in the reporitories but i could not compile? what do you think i need.02:54
theBishopkokak, GCC02:54
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LjLkokak: build-essential02:54
LjL!b-e > kokak02:54
theBishopthat's it02:55
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kokakLjL, ic.02:55
kokakso, after i install glade and anjuta what do i do? just type build-essentials?02:56
ballpointcarrotkokak: sudo apt-get install build-essential02:56
Darkprincei got xine to play MPEG movies, but now i'm getting an error about Audio codecs and i get no sound. where can i find the codecs i need?02:56
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Nekow42Darkprince: Easy ubuntu?02:56
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kokakic. ok. thanks guys.02:56
kokaki try it.02:56
Nekow42Darkprince: http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/02:57
LjLkokak, when we say you need "x" or "y", we usually mean a package. you can install packages in various ways02:57
LjL!tell kokak about packages02:57
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DarkprinceNekow42, i'll give it a shot =)02:57
kptZbikthe CDs burn fine under windows and Gentoo02:57
theBishopLjL, you using Beagle?02:57
LjL!tell kokak about apt-get02:57
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LjLtheBishop: nope02:57
Bentley333can anyone help me with getting drivers to make a highpoint 1520 raid card work with ubuntu server?02:57
Nekow42Darkprince: This page of easyubuntu should do everything you need: http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/images/screenshot1.png02:58
andy-is there a gaming server browser software of any kind?02:58
theBishopIs ANYONE using Beagle?02:58
andy-like 'The All Seeing Eye'02:58
redcardtheBishop: I have it up there..02:58
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DarkprinceNekow42, thanks02:58
redcardtheBishop: What's up?02:58
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theBishopredcard, Beagle used to work for me, recently it stopped working.02:58
DarkprinceNekow42, i just need to download and install easyubuntu?02:58
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theBishopredcard, i'm wondering if a recent update broke it02:59
corsachrizwer kommt nich klar?02:59
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:59
redcardHum.  That I wouldn't know.  But I just got Ubuntu on friday, so..02:59
redcardI don't think the current version of it is.02:59
theBishopok, i'm going to uninstall it, reboot, and reinstall02:59
Nekow42Darkprince: Yes, then run it, then check/uncheck all the options you want...02:59
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DarkprinceNekow42, alright02:59
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CyDrivecan someone help me with my installation of kopete?03:00
Kyralwhat about it?03:00
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KyralDidn't work?03:00
CyDrivewhen i do ./configure i get this error03:00
CyDriveconfigure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH03:00
ryanakcasweet :) The hello world collection: http://tlgp.sourceforge.net/hello/03:01
Kyralno compile needed!03:01
Kyralinstall kdenetwork!03:01
CyDriveoooh o03:01
CyDrivethank you03:01
Kyralthough that also drags all of KDE03:01
crimsunCyDrive: install build-essential03:01
Kyralbut I figure since you want Kopete03:01
Kyralthat ain't a problem :P03:02
CyDrivelol true03:02
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jersymikeis ne one here taht could help me with a persistiant image on knoppix? it keeps going to 96% and stoping03:02
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Kyralcrimsun: its in kdenetwork...in all distros03:02
meatballhatsorry to ask this, but is there a newbie channel?03:02
Kyralthis is it03:02
Kyralthough sometimes (like all Open Source channels) we get into minor flamewars :P03:03
DarkprinceNekow42, wow, if it works, it should fix a LOT of my problems. thanks03:03
Bentley333Is there a hardware specific channel?03:03
Kyral..why do we need it03:03
crimsun!kopete edgy03:03
Kyralits just more tabs to have open on the IRC Client and we are lazy :P03:03
ubotuI know nothing about kopete edgy - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:03
meatballhatI see...  so is there a good place to go when all of the FAQ docs still don't help with configuring wireless? :-)03:03
Kyral!kdenetwork edgy03:03
ubotuI know nothing about kdenetwork edgy - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:03
Kyral!info kdenetwork03:03
gnomefreak!info kopete edgy03:03
ubotukdenetwork: network-related apps from the official KDE release. In repository universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 23 kB, installed size 68 kB03:03
ubotukopete: instant messenger for KDE. In repository main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.3-1ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 5056 kB, installed size 16948 kB03:03
gnomefreak^^ crimsun03:03
crimsunyeah, I forgot the !info03:04
bruenig!anything like George W. Bush03:04
ubotuI know nothing about anything like George W. Bush - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:04
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gnomefreakbruenig: dont play witht he bot03:04
bruenigi thought that was a package, my fault03:05
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gnomefreakbruenig: try not to lie that bad either03:05
meatballhatKyral: I don't think I noticed what you wrote... sorry...  was your answer kdenetwork?03:06
Kyralyah it should be03:06
Kyralfor Kopete (and just about every other core KDE Network program)03:06
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meatballhatis that one of the "advanced" installable packages?03:06
DBOhey crimsun, I made the mistake a ways back of compiling my own lib and sticking it in /opt/, then copying the .la.  I have since fixed the obviously wrong .la, and fixed any bad references in /usr/lib/pkg-config, as well as fixed my idiocy on the matter, but I cant get libtool to stop looking in /opt/ for that library...03:07
KyralWTF is this "advanced"03:07
meatballhatheck... I dunno03:07
DBOcrimsun, you have any idea what I can do?03:07
KyralA package is a package is a package03:07
redcardmeatballhat: Do you mean a meta-package?03:07
PreZyay even03:07
PreZI got my EVDO card working03:07
bruenigfrom advanced, i draw two possible conclusions, 1. it is in the extra repos 2. It is hard to use 3. Meta03:07
KyralThey are handled so badly in Debian...and as a side affect, ubuntu03:07
DBOcrimsun, btw, the reason I wanted the .la is because the -dev package didnt have one03:07
bruenighahi cant count03:07
meatballhatI go to "Applications" --> Add/Remove and then select the "Advanced" button and I get a slew of fancier packages03:08
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KyralThats because GUIs suck :D03:08
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meatballhatI don't know no Linux... sorry03:08
bruenigmeatballhat, oh never actually used that03:08
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)03:08
Darkprinceanybody know if there is a way to get a Netgear wireless adapter to work in linux?03:08
KyralEven better03:09
Kyrallemme dig up a link for a second...03:09
crimsunDBO: (right, -devs shouldn't be shipping .las anymore)  What -dev hasn't been recompiled against the reworked lib?03:09
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KyralGoddamn even a year after I wrote this thing people still post thanking me03:09
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bruenigmeatballhat, advanced is the synaptic package manager,03:09
carthikCan someone explain the best way to use gpg with more than one email address?03:09
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Nekow42Darkprince: Depends on the model03:09
KyralTerminal For Beginners03:09
meatballhatyes yes!  synaptic! I'm actually learning!03:09
crimsuncarthik: more context?03:09
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KyralRead, understand, and harness the TRUE power of Unix03:09
Nekow42Darkprince: Google for the model number and add the word "Linux"03:10
Darkprincei used to run FC4 and i couldn't even get the CD to install03:10
DBOcrimsun, I needed the .la to try out gimmie, but this was for libXrender03:10
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Bonez_wtf yellowpages.com.au03:10
bruenigmeatballhat, synaptic is a graphical representation of apt-get03:10
Kyralit also sucks...03:10
bruenigkyral, damn righ03:10
KyralI have yet to see a decent GUI package manager03:10
DBOcrimsun, like I said, I have removed the offending .la, but the memory of the self-compiled libXrender remains...03:11
Nekow42Darkprince: What exactly IS the model #?03:11
DarkprinceNekow42, WG111T03:11
PreZKyral: I still get the occasional email about a response to the columbine shootings I posted on my website (goth.net) years ago (its still on the website, though has not been linked from the main page for a good 8 years or so)03:11
crimsunDBO: so what's pulling in the .la reference? (some lib that was built against the libxrender-dev that still contained the .la)03:11
meatballhatI just started learning Linux command shell last week, so... :-(   Thanks all for your help - I'm off to learn AptGet!03:11
Kyralmeatballhat: read the topic I pasted03:11
carthikcrimsun: I have a primary as well as a secondary email address. I want to use gpg with both addresses. Should I use "adduid" "addkey" or "genkey" to use both emails - what is "right" way for one person to manage more than one email address? I want to be able to, revoke/cancel email addresses if I stop using them later (like my university email address)03:11
meatballhatI'm already there :-) thanks much!03:11
KyralPreZ: I'm gonna assume a mischan?03:11
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:12
crimsunDBO: meaning you need to recompile all debs that built against the libxrender-dev that contained the .la03:12
Nekow42Darkprince: look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101653 it might help03:12
DBOcrimsun, oh... my... darnit...03:12
gnomefreakDBO: told you a long night of screwing around :(03:12
PreZKyral: no - you were talking about getting responses to things you'd posted a long time ago03:12
crimsuncarthik: adduid03:12
PreZI was telling you its not THAT uncommon ;)03:12
jersymikeis ne one here that could help me with a persistiant image on knoppix? it keeps going to 96% and stoping03:12
Kyral...and I thought I made leaps of logic....03:12
DBOcrimsun, will sudo apt-get install --reinstall package be enough for most of those?03:12
crimsunKyral: shush you arch user :-P03:12
bruenig!running a country, just like the republicans.03:12
ubotuI know nothing about running a country, just like the republicans. - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:13
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Kyral....wtf is THAT supposed to mean03:13
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Shak-I just set up Samba and shared a folder, but opening the network resource with something like \\ on a windows box prompts a user/pass?03:13
KyralI'm also still an Ubuntu Member and Maintainer03:13
ubotuI know nothing about beer - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:13
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
crimsunKyral: it's obviously a joke03:13
carthikcrimsun, http://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/manual.html#AEN305 says a UID cannot be revoked (and elsewhere that uids cannot be deleted)?03:13
groutim running dapper on a core duo how can i tell if both cores are being utilized?03:13
PreZgrout: cat /proc/cpuinfo03:13
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@ppp-70-242-107-0.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] by gnomefreak
crimsungrout: are you using the -686 flavour?03:13
Kyralcrimsun: Anyone can still you I suck at realizing sarcasm :P03:13
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PreZif you see 2 CPUs, its using them03:13
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groutno im using the default 38603:14
crimsungrout: you'll need to use the -686 flavour03:14
studentsdaw beh03:14
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PreZthe 686-smp one to be specific03:14
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groutjust sudo apt-get instal 68603:14
crimsungrout: sudo apt-get install linux-68603:14
Jack_SparrowI thought 386 also did dual core cpu's03:14
gnomefreakJack_Sparrow: no smp or 68603:15
OmeganonHi! Where does CD/DVD creator store it's files before burn?03:15
Shak-anyone know why? windows is prompting a user/pass for a public samba share03:15
Jack_SparrowId swear I saw it report two cpus03:15
Bonez_grout: if I am using a single AMD64 3200+ would I be better off with i686 also?03:15
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gnomefreak386 will only run up to a certain mhz iirc03:15
OmeganonI've been unable to find or locate them03:15
crimsunBonez_: if you want to use Flash and w32codecs, yes.03:15
crimsunBonez_: or -k703:15
Jack_SparrowOmeganon: isnt that a windows program?03:15
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Bonez_crimsun: awesome, installing now...85mb :)03:15
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Bonez_olrrai: hi03:16
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Bonez_crimsun: what's the diff between k7 and i686?03:16
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crimsuncarthik: you can always delete uids03:16
OmeganonJack Sparrow: Um. no ;) It's standard in Ubuntu ;)03:16
Jack_Sparrowgnomefreak: what is the ghz limit on 396?03:16
jersymikeis ne one here that could help me with a persistiant image on knoppix? it keeps going to 96% and stoping03:16
PreZBonez: athlon optimizations03:16
carthikShak- so have you set up a guest account on your samba server? there are lots of guides on how to do that - the password request is samba asking you to login - you can search for "setup samba without password" though that seems less secure.03:16
PreZ(3dnow and such)03:16
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Bonez_crimsun: uname -a currently shows i686, but when i did apt-get install linux-686 it is downloading 85mb of packages...03:16
Jack_SparrowOmeganon: I use k3b.. sorry I dont know03:17
crimsuncarthik: for example, my primary key has 6 e-mail addresses associated03:17
GUARDiAN|nbi just installed some fonts which are usable in every app except openoffice... they are not even listed there... is this a known problem, or did i do something wrong?03:17
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Shak-carthik: well im creating a public directory which im not worried about keeping secure03:17
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crimsunBonez_: what does ``uname -r'' return?03:17
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carthikcrimsun, the manual says that if I delete them, they won't effectively get deleted with the folks that already have it, since the changes are merged into what they already have (http://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/manual.html#AEN282 5th paragraph)03:18
PreZBonez: uname -a will show something like this:  Linux temple 2.6.15-26-k7 #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jul 7 20:10:15 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux     -- but you'll note my kernel is '-k7', but my arch is 'i686'03:18
Bonez_crimsun: well it used to return this: Linux bonezpc 2.6.15-25-386 #1 PREEMPT Wed Jun 14 11:25:49 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux03:18
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crimsunBonez_: that's why; you're using the -386 flavour not the -686 flavour03:18
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PreZBonez: then you're using the 386 kernel03:18
Bonez_crimsun: but after installing linux-686 it now shows 2.6.15-25-38603:18
olrraiI just installed ubuntu and mount /var on /dev/sda903:18
olrraithen i run df /dev/sda9: /dev/sda9             57005248    362764  53746772   1% /var03:18
IseeIseethis command is valid ?   sudo apt-get install sun-java5-*03:18
olrrai57005248-365172=56640076        not 53744364!!03:19
carthikcrimsun, alright, if adduid works for you, it works for me :) thanks.03:19
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crimsuncarthik: that's correct due to syncing across keyservers. You'd have to ask everyone who imported your key to delete the uid03:19
Shak-carthik: from what I see theres meant to be a "security" parameter in the conf file under global, but I dont see it?03:19
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groutwhat command will show me the kernel im using?03:19
crimsungrout: uname -r03:19
carthikcrimsun, cool - will take that path03:19
Bonez_crimsun: so after installing linux-686 is it safe to reboot (i'm currently not at home, so if something breaks whilst booting i can't fix it remotely)03:19
Shak-carthik: nevermind, I found it :)03:19
wachuneiHELP, i guess i need some intel drivers :S03:19
crimsunBonez_: if you're paranoid, wait til you're physically present.03:19
IseeIseeis this command is valid ?   sudo apt-get install sun-java5-*03:20
Bonez_crimsun: i'm not paranoid, but does apt-get do everything i need? do i need to tell grub about a new kernel or anything?03:20
crimsunIseeIsee: I'd be more specific.03:20
carthikShak-, great03:20
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wachuneihelp please guys+03:20
crimsunBonez_: it handles things for you, but again, paranoia is your call.03:20
Shak-carthik: ok im able to open a connection now, but I dont see my shares?03:20
groutsince i've downloaded the 686 kernel is shows the 285 kernels and 686 kernels in the bootloader, anyway to remove the 386 options?03:20
IseeIseecrimsun: it says to me "E: couldn't find package sun-java5*"03:20
Bonez_crimsun: thanks for your help. i'll take the risk and give her a reboot ;) bbs03:20
crimsunIseeIsee: do you write Java programs?03:21
carthikShak- there are so many variable in the config file etc that I am not sure I can help you03:21
Shak-ok, i'll look through it03:21
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IseeIseecrimsun: trying to do on Ubuntu/linux03:21
crimsunIseeIsee: then you just need ``sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk sun-java5-plugin''03:21
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IseeIseefine but this command should work ?03:21
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olrraii have 3 gigas unusen in /dev/sda9, but cant correct it! can help me?03:21
groutsince i've downloaded the 686 kernel is shows the 285 kernels and 686 kernels in the bootloader, anyway to remove the 386 options?03:21
crimsunIseeIsee: the command I gave you will work if you have multiverse and universe enabled.03:21
crimsungrout: uname -r03:22
groutno no03:22
groutsince i've downloaded the 686 kernel is shows the 285 kernels and 686 kernels in the bootloader, anyway to remove the 386 options?03:22
groutsince i've downloaded the 686 kernel is shows the 386 kernels and 686 kernels in the bootloader, anyway to remove the 386 options?03:22
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IseeIseecrimsun: the following command should enable it    deb-src http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main multiverse universe03:23
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IseeIseecrimsun: or do I need a restricted keyword in it ?03:23
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Bonezcrimsun: woohoo :) Linux bonezpc 2.6.15-26-686 #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Jul 17 20:14:14 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux03:24
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reverGood evening does anyone know of any instructions for getting xawtv4?03:24
crimsunIseeIsee: not deb-src but deb03:24
groutsince i've downloaded the 686 kernel is shows the 386 kernels and 686 kernels in the bootloader, anyway to remove the 386 options?03:24
IseeIseeyeah I get it deb, do I need the restricted keyword ?03:24
BonezWhat does SMP PREEMPT mean?03:25
crimsunIseeIsee: if you don't have it elsewhere, yes.03:25
barneyRanyone happen to know if a USB external modem works with 6.06? it's a real hardware modem03:25
crimsunBonez: it means it's a kernel compiled with the SMP and PREEMPT options enabled03:25
BonezbarneyR: absolutely. hardware modems work with everything :)03:25
Bonezok cool03:25
barneyRBonez, even USB?03:25
IseeIseecrimsun: elsewhere you mean somewhere else in the sources.list or in the same command ?03:26
crimsunIseeIsee: same line03:26
BonezbarneyR: I can't see why not. I use a USB multifunction printer/scanner/coppier, a digital cam, a webcam, other stuff all natively, without having to lift a finger03:26
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barneyRok thanks, I don't have the modem to test yet, someone is bringing it over tomorrow, not sure if it was worth the trouble03:27
IseeIseewhat is the difference between ctrl-z & ctrl-c on terminal ?03:27
BonezbarneyR: google scanmodem and install that, that should detect the modem and tell you what drivers to install03:27
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barneyRthanks bonez03:27
FlannelIseeIsee: one stops, on breaks.  ^C stops it, ^Z just pauses03:27
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Shak-carthik: almost there now, I can see the network resource, but attempting to open it says "the network path was not found" (windows)03:27
DBOcrimsun, can I /msg you?03:27
IseeIseeFlannel, how can I resume it ?03:27
RopechoborraHi.. I got like 3 kernel images installed... which should i uninstall and wich not??03:28
carthikhmm, Shak- after you make changes to the samba conf, restart the samba server??03:28
FlannelIseeIsee: after ^Z?  type "jobs" you'll get a list of jobs and their numbers, then %#, where # is the number ($1 for instance)03:28
Shak-carthik: o_O how do I restart teh service?03:28
BonezI have an irritating permissions problem, i have a fat32 partition mounted and in the console I can read/write to it fine, but under nautilus it shows as read only... anyone got some light they can shed on this?03:29
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KrhisRopechoborra, unlike Windows it is not required to uninstall them.03:29
KrhisRopechoborra, is there a reasion why you want too?03:29
BonezShak-: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart03:29
carthikShak- look in /etc/init.d/ there should be samba or something similar, if yes, then do a /etc/init.d/samba(replace with the right name here) restart03:29
RopechoborraWhen i boot i got like 6 slots just for ubuntu03:29
groutsince i've downloaded the 686 kernel is shows the 386 kernels and 686 kernels in the bootloader, anyway to remove the 386 options?03:29
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RopechoborraKrhis When i boot i got like 6 slots just for ubuntu03:30
KrhisRopechoborra, I'd suggest editing /boot/grub/menu.list03:30
RopechoborraThats why =/03:30
FlannelRopechoborra: You have two per kernel (regular, and rescue mode)03:30
IseeIseeare terminal commands same across all linux distros: ?03:30
FlannelIseeIsee: they're bash commands, so theyre the sameacross any bash terminal, yes.03:30
RopechoborraHow do i know wich kernel fits bets my needs??03:31
FlannelIseeIsee: of course, there are other terminals03:31
IseeIseesudo apt-get is a bash command ?03:31
KrhisFlannel: He/she is asking how to remove them, not why they are there.03:31
FlannelRopechoborra: they're probably all the same kernel, just different versions (upgraded), so, the most recent is the one to keep.03:31
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BonezIseeIsee: no it's a debian/ubuntu app03:31
wachuneiIseeIsee: even in mac os x03:31
skavengeapt-get is03:31
Flannelsudo is as well03:31
skavengealot of commands are universal though03:31
DBOcrimsun, nevermind, thank you for your help, I fixed it03:31
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wachuneiIseeIsee: the commands like mv sudo sp su are all the same in an unix system03:32
KrhisFlannel: no, they are old kernels.03:32
FlannelKrhis: What are you talking about?03:32
RopechoborraFlannel but.. how do i know if im chooseing the most recent in the grub?03:32
KrhisI've been heling Ropechoborra for the past fue minutes.03:33
wachuneiRopechoborra, the top one is the recent03:33
Shak-carthik: still getting that error :(03:33
RopechoborraTy ! =)03:33
Bonezis there an easy way to upgrade my kernel using apt-get ?03:33
FlannelRopechoborra: when ubuntu upgrades, it adds the most recent kernel to the top of the list.  If you remove the older ones with apt (or any frontend) the others will go away03:33
Bonezor do I have to compile my own03:33
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RopechoborraSo.. i just delete them from grub.. theres no need to uninstall them? Dont use much space?03:34
carthikShak- :( sorry dude... can't really help  much03:34
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BonezRopechoborra: i just did the same as you, installed linux-686 and edited the menu.lst file and commented out the i386 kernels... i would like to know the answer to this too03:34
dasdhello...hows the nubuntu project ?03:34
FlannelRopechoborra: uninstall them, and they will be removed from grub03:34
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wachuneiWho has an intel video card here?03:35
BonezFlannel: what is the easiest way to uninstall them?03:35
FlannelBonez: apt03:35
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carthikRopechoborra, you can search for linux-image and uninstall all except the one kernel you are currently using - be careful not to delete the one you are using presently ($uname -r will tell you what you are using now)03:35
FlannelBonez: or, synaptic, if youre using a GUI03:35
RopechoborraFlannel Ok.. in Synaptic are the "linux-images" ??03:35
wachuneiskavenge: which driveers did you use?03:35
FlannelRopechoborra: right03:35
Fjodorwachunei: Have one on my laptop03:35
Bonezcarthik: great thanks for the extra info03:35
Ropechoborra ($uname -r <--- Didnt get that03:36
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skavengewachunei: i81003:36
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RopechoborraLike $username???03:36
groutBonex: i need to do the same thing as you. how do you uninstall the extra kernels?03:36
wachuneiFjodor: i need the drivers, and how to get "openGL" or something like that03:36
wachuneiskavenge: where did you get them?03:36
carthik"uname -r" without the quote is the command to check which kernel you are using currently, Ropechoborra03:36
FlannelRopechoborra: no, type that at a terminal, and you'll get the kernel you're currently using03:36
Bonezgrout: sudo apt-cache search linux-image - then remove the ones you don't need03:36
CyDriveCan someone help me i want to get the denetwor but im not sure wich pacage to use or how to install or anything03:36
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Fjodorwachunei: Should be installed by default03:36
skavengewachunei: autodetected and ubuntu installed it03:36
Bonezhmm i have k7 kernels installed as well, strange03:36
carthikCyDrive, what is denetwor?03:36
olrraiis it an error (df /dev/sda9)?: /dev/sda9             57005248    362764  53746772   1% /var03:36
FlannelBonez: you've got an AMD?03:37
Fjodorwachunei: Trying out xgl or something?03:37
olrrai3G unused?03:37
RopechoborraThank you all so much ! =)03:37
wachuneiFjodor, skavenge: and how do i install opengl?03:37
BonezFlannel: yes03:37
skavengewachunei: worked for me out of the box as well03:37
BonezFlannel: but i am using the i686 kernel03:37
wachuneiFjodor: yup, i have installed XGL, but ive removed it03:37
CyDriveCan someone help me i want to get the kdenetwor but im not sure wich package to use or how to install or anything03:37
groutBonez: i do to03:37
Fjodorwachunei: Ok. Come on over to #ubuntu-xgl03:37
groutBonez: where do you go just to comment them out?03:38
Ropechoborrahow do i know wich kernel is bets for my pc ??03:38
RopechoborraFor ex.03:38
Ropechoborrak7 is for AMD.. an those03:38
Bonezgrout: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst03:38
BonezFlannel: which kernel would you recommend I run on an AMD64 3200+ ?03:38
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groutBonez: my /boot dir is empty03:39
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Bonezgrout: hmmmm.... can't help with that one.. sounds like something is broked03:39
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ploujif I want to download an amd64 live cd, which file/folder should I choose here: ftp://ftp.cs.mun.ca/pub/mirror/ubuntu-releases/6 - I don't see where it says live03:39
Bonezplouj: just grab the first install cd/iso - with dapper the installer cd is also a livecd03:39
FlannelBonez: well, k7 is for AMD, er, unless the 64bits are k8.  The descriptions of the kernels give you a good idea of what they're for03:39
Flannelplouj: desktop CD is the liveCD03:40
BonezFlannel: ok ill do a bit of googling, cheers03:40
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tamalehow can I make a mount point to the root of a windows share?  ie, the other computers name is  "foo"  but I don't want a mount to "foo/desktop", i literally want a mount to "foo"  ?03:40
ploujoh, I have dapper beta 6.06, that's also an installer/live cd CD?03:40
CyDriveCan anyone help me get the KDEnetwork installed on my machine im not eve sure where to start or wich versiond to download03:40
groutanyone know why they /boot/ directory would be empty?03:40
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ploujgrout: because it isn't mounted, possibly03:41
RopechoborraFlannel and for a Celeron 2.0 wich kernel would u recommend ?03:41
KyralCeleron 2.003:41
FlannelRopechoborra: celerons are 68603:41
Kyralwtf is that?03:41
KyralThere is no such thing as a "Celeron 2.0"03:42
skavenge2 ghz im guessing03:42
RopechoborraFlannel and why do i got 386 installed ?03:42
ryanakcaif I've run: dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile2 bs=1024 count=132207, do I run: dd if=/dev/one of=swapfile2 bs=1024 count=132207   to create more swap?03:42
skavengewho knows03:42
Ropechoborraskavenge yeap that03:42
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RopechoborraCeleron 2GHZ03:42
KyralRopechoborra: because there isn't enough space on the install CD to putt every kernel so they put the lowest common denominator (386) on it03:43
FlannelRopechoborra: 386 is generic, 386 works on 686, 686 doesn't on 386.03:43
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KyralIf you want a 686 optimized Distro, go for Arch :P03:43
computer13137What command do I run to refresh the "locate" database?03:43
FunnyLookinHator gentoo03:43
RopechoborraFlannel so wich one should i install?03:43
FunnyLookinHatcomputer13137, sudo updatedb03:43
skavengecomputer13137: updatedb03:43
Kyralor sudo locate -u /03:44
computer13137OK thanks03:44
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FlannelRopechoborra: install linux-image-686, it'll keep you updated on the 686 kernels03:44
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jared_Hey, i'm just getting used to linux and I have a creative instant webcam and need to stream my cam to the net. I've tried using camserv, but can't connect to the cam...any ideas?03:47
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groutdo they have a dapper that will install the 686 kernel instead of the 386?03:48
tamalehow can I make a mount point to the root of a windows share?  ie, the other computers name is  "foo"  but I don't want a mount to "foo/desktop", i literally want a mount to "foo"  ?03:48
Kyraland Edgy won't either03:48
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Kyralso stop asking :P03:48
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sharmsgrout: apt-get install linux-68603:48
=== Kyral is suddenly in a BOFH mood now
CyDrivecan someone help when i try to install kopete and i do ./configure i get this error configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH03:48
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)03:49
ryanakcaif I've run: dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile2 bs=1024 count=132207, do I run: dd if=/dev/one of=swapfile2 bs=1024 count=132207   to create more swap?03:49
ryanakcaKyral: ooooh... bofh!03:49
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skavengethat would be the windows way, 'we refuse to support old machines' .. give linux some credit you can run it on the POS collecting dust in your closet ;)03:49
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james296_how can I prevent my logon screen from being displayed offscreen?03:49
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Ropechoborraskavenge about that.. is there an ubuntu version to run with 64MB of ram??03:49
Kyralthe LFS guys have claimed that they have gotten a webserver, Apache and all, in 8 MB (Thats Apache, AND the Linux system)03:50
jared_has anyone ever used a creative instant in ubuntu? I need to stream the cam onto the web03:50
KyralDamn Small Linux specializes in low power systems03:50
BonezI have an irritating permissions problem, i have a fat32 partition mounted and in the console I can read/write to it fine, but under nautilus it shows as read only... anyone got some light they can shed on this?03:50
KyralVery good03:50
jared_and I have NO idea what to do03:50
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FlannelRopechoborra: get the alternate install CD, install just the server (type "server" at the first screen), then install some other WMs (*box, etc)03:50
Kyralbecause Nautilus is crap on a stick?03:50
ttyfsckerdoes anybody know why the boot up splash looks all funky on edgy?  what do i need to do to get my old spash back?03:50
KyralThunar FTW :P03:50
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BonezKyral: yeah it is, :) is there an alternative I can use?03:50
sharmsjared_: you might want to google it, doesnt look like many people have used that camera here03:50
Flannelttyfscker: #ubuntu+1 for edgy stuff03:51
wachuneittyfscker: install dapper xD03:51
sharmsttyfscker: the edgy screen is made to look like a TV testing screen03:51
sharmsttyfscker: normal users should NOT run it03:51
james296_so can anyone help me with the resolution of the logon screen??03:51
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fivreMy mouse customization stopped working03:51
ttyfsckersharms:: im not a normal user ;)03:51
Kyralor Konq :D03:51
fivreWHY MOUSE WHY?03:51
sharmsttyfscker: if you can't change the bootsplash, then yes, you probably need dapper.03:51
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KyralBecause you touch yourself at night *DUCK!*03:51
ttyfsckersharms:: i know what im doing for the most part03:51
KyralOkay...I should leave before I get worse03:51
ttyfsckersharms:: i can change the bootspash but i thought there might be a deb package i could use to do it03:52
KyralSorry for my behavior03:52
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sharms!tell james296_ about resolution03:52
james296_I need help :-(03:52
sharmsread the pm james03:52
ryanakcaif I've run: dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile2 bs=1024 count=132207, do I run: dd if=/dev/one of=swapfile2 bs=1024 count=132207   to create more swap?03:52
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ttyfsckersharms::  i was just basically wondering if all those funky colors were what it was suppose to look like.. im already using it.. and i knew all the testing stuff beforehand..03:52
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Kyralryanakca: there IS no /dev/one03:53
sharmsyeah it is just to give you that testing look and feel03:53
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ryanakcaKyral: *cough* *cough*... it works... Spec helped me out... blame him :)03:53
Kyral/dev/zero is just an endless stream of zeros03:53
Kyraland why do it that way03:54
CyDrivecan someone help when i try to install kopete and i do ./configure i get this error configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH03:54
Kyraljust make a normal swap partition anyway03:54
ryanakcaKyral: and resize stuff... ick :)03:54
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KyralCyDrive I TOLD you to install kdenetwork03:54
sharmsCyDrive: kyral already answered you03:54
sharmsCyDrive: read your pms from ubotu03:54
Kyralsudo apt-get install kdenetwork03:54
skavengeCyDrive: first of all kopete is in the repositories so you dont need to compile it, and if you still want to you need to install build-essential03:54
CyDriveoooh sorry i didnt see03:55
Kyralor sudo apt-get install kopete03:55
sharms!tell cydrive about compile03:55
Kyralokay Kyral go take shower now03:55
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prophetsup peoples03:56
Bonezis there a good alternative to nautilus in gnome?03:56
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prophetim here for another session of learning :)03:56
Kyralor Rox-Filer03:56
BonezKyral: cheers03:56
=== trev__ [n=chatzill@cpe-72-224-73-47.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Kyralor for a blast from the past03:56
KyralMidnight Commander!03:56
Nekow42Bonez: I always used emelfm03:56
fooI am building openvpn, and I get this during the configure: checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compuler cannot create executables. - Any ideas on what package I need to install for this?03:56
ShigunFor some reason, I cannot get direct rendering working.  Using Nvidia drivers, installed and setup, yet direct rendering always returns no03:56
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trev__ok, i jsut crashed ubuntu about 8 times in a row but nothing was saving whenever it happened, should i reinstall it or will it be fine03:57
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randysuarezi have the same problem with my ati card03:57
KyralKyral.location == Shower :P03:57
KyralCya'll in a bit03:57
ShigunAnybody have a thought on what I could do to actually enable Direct Rendering?03:57
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Nekow42trev__: can you be a bit more specific?03:57
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randysuarezI've come to accept not having 3-d03:58
computer13137OK, I just installed Apache and VSFTPd.  How do I add a web user that has access to all of /var/www?03:58
Nekow42trev__: Is it crashing on boot?03:58
ShigunIt worked fine for me before I reinstalled Ubuntu yesterday03:58
ShigunI have not had it sicne03:58
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Bonezok so I just installed Thunar, is there a way to make that default and then remove nautilus?03:58
trev__i was changing my drivers from vesa to nvidia and acidentally put in nvidia.03:58
trev__the period screwed it up03:58
trev__i then took 1 hour teaching myself the vi command03:58
trev__so i tbrashed a lot03:58
fooI am building openvpn, and I get this during the configure: checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compuler cannot create executables. - Any ideas on what package I need to install for this?03:58
KyralVi is not a command...it is an Editor for the True Programmer!03:59
sharms!tell foo about compiler03:59
ubotuI know nothing about compiler - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:59
sharms!tell foo about compile03:59
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reverHas anyone been able to compile xawtv4?04:00
trev__well i just learned how to use it, but does crashing linux hurt it like windows04:00
Nekow42trev__: Well, ubuntu uses a journaling file system by default, so the ill effects of crashing are minimalized04:00
sharmstrev__: how did you "crash" ubuntu04:00
Bonezis there a way to make Thunar my default file manager and remove nautilus?04:00
Bonezor is it possible to edit the "places" menu so that when I click "Home Folder" it launches it in Thunar instead of nautilus?04:01
trev__hit the hotrubute button because i didn't know :q! quiet04:01
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foosharms: Thanks, but that doesn't help. hm04:02
foosharms: I love the wiki, though. hmm04:02
sharmsfoo: it does help04:02
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)04:02
=== nevyn stabs the cups maintainer with a spoon...
=== Nakkel^ [n=nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #ubuntu
TheAppleGeekis there anything in the wiki on connecting to a secured wireless?04:02
foosharms: Hm, I tried to read the readme for files I may need .. but there was none in there04:03
sharmsfoo: did you install build-essential?04:03
shivI have samsung printer and the cd with linux drivers how do I install it I am a newbie..plz help04:03
trev__it has a gui04:03
Nekow42trev__: You should be fine. Hitting the reset button on windows has the possibility of corrupting the filesystem. On ubuntu, the file system is a lot less easy to corrupt, since it journals all changes before making them (oversimplified explanation)04:03
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trev__ok, thx, and is there a defrag utility for ubuntu04:03
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ubotuI know nothing about temperature - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:03
sharmstrev__: doesn't need to be defragged04:03
Nekow42trev__: No linux filesystem needs defragging04:03
kdittyam i the only one that has problems viewing youtube videos, i cant get any sound out of them if they do happen to play04:04
trev__that is awsome04:04
n3rdismyounube! XD lololol04:04
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foosharms: er, no. Thanks. I apparently skimmed past that part.04:04
sharmsfoo: ;)04:04
trev__i have very blurry videos, much more so than in winows, is it my media player, it isflash and .avi04:05
kdittyn3rdism, did i say something funny?04:05
n3rdismkditty: no im just messing around ^^04:05
trev__and my video driver is fine seeing i spent the last hour enabling it04:05
torpedo|dogshiv: go to System > Administration > Printers04:05
sharmstrev__: is your resolution set correctly?04:05
trev__i think it it04:05
kdittythis is serious business ;x04:05
=== Flyoc [n=flyin_do@APlessis-Bouchard-153-1-76-171.w86-203.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
kdittyi cant get sound out of any flash players really04:05
trev__yes it is04:05
trev__thats in the wiki04:05
n3rdismkditty: did you down load "adobe flash player 8"?04:06
shivI did that it asks for the driver even though it recognises the name and brand of the printer04:06
=== TheAppleGeek so glad i got shockwave when it was by macromedia
Se7hn3rdism 8 ?04:06
n3rdismthere is an 8 :o04:06
TheAppleGeekAdobe Shockwave just looks so weird in the preloader04:06
Se7hn3rdism where?04:07
n3rdismkditty: well im assuming you have an outdated flash player so go here http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash04:07
torpedo|dogshiv: so when you go to Step 2 of the printer dialog, and you find your model in the list, it won't let you go to "next">04:07
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TheAppleGeektime to go back to trying to install whilst not screwing up my entire mac04:07
n3rdismse7h: www.adobe.com04:07
Se7hn3rdism thats version 704:08
kdittyill try it n3rdism  thanks04:08
shivI do not see my model :(04:08
n3rdismshould be 9 ;o04:08
shivits a samsung scx 452104:08
Se7hits the latest for linux04:08
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kdittyi think automatix installed my version, im not sure though, its been a long time... how would i go about checking my version of flash?04:08
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n3rdismadobe is retarded and confused me; my mistake lol04:08
skavengeuh thats version 7 you just posted a  link for04:09
prophetwhy is my clock always screwed up04:09
n3rdism7 is latest flash player04:09
n3rdismfor postix04:09
propheti always set it to the correct time then when i restart its jacked uip04:09
skavengeyou were just talking about 804:09
n3rdismthats why i was confused04:09
n3rdismthey were talking about the new flash player 9 and such04:09
n3rdismbut its only windows and mac os04:09
cycomn3rdism: I bet it's because OSX uses UTC and windows uses local time.04:10
cycomn3rdism: not sure, but just a guess.  That and ubuntu updates with NTP04:10
cycomya follow?04:10
skavengeyour talking to the wrong person04:10
n3rdismi have a belly button04:10
torpedo|dogshiv: http://www.elijahlofgren.com/linux/ubuntu/#scx-4521f04:10
cycomskavenge: you're.04:11
torpedo|dogIt's not easy, it doesn't look like.04:11
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skavengecycom: last i checked this wasn't english class04:11
n3rdismeasy gents04:11
skavengeat least i can address my comments to the correct people04:11
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vexmasterhey guys!04:11
n3rdismhey vex04:12
vexmasteranyone have any problems with "make"04:12
Se7hvexmaster such as?04:12
torpedo|dogcycom: indeed, Windows sets your clock to Windows time.04:12
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torpedo|dog*local time04:12
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vexmasterit wont run whn i try to compile somthing04:13
n3rdismi found out how to get google talk on gaim; most people over looked this. but check this out if you're interested http://www.google.com/support/talk/bin/answer.py?answer=2407304:13
skavengevexmaster: likely you dont have build-essential installed, 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'04:13
cycomn3rdism: sorry, I was talking to the wrong person.04:13
n3rdismits cool cycom04:13
vexmasterkewl, im gonna install now04:14
IseeIseewill gaim inform you if you have a receive a new gmail ?04:14
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n3rdismiseelsee: nope :(04:14
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IseeIseen3rdism: any alternative to that in linux ?04:14
n3rdismiseelsee: to gaim?04:15
IseeIseeno gmail notifier04:15
kdittyn3rdism, still no sound04:15
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ShigunK, so the person who was having the issue similar to me with Direct Rendering; I removed compiz and gnome-compiz, restarted, and it works fine now04:15
n3rdismkditty: are you sure you're sound drivers are configured?04:15
n3rdismiseelsee: thunderbird? lol04:15
kdittyi can hear sound from all of my media players04:15
cycomskavenge: thanks for pointing it out.  I figured I'd return the favor, but if you're determined to use "your" instead of "you're", that's your prerogative.04:15
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kdittyn3rdism, i have sound in amorak and mplayer etc, just not through flash pages04:16
Ninjacan anyone suggest a good CD burning program that converts formats too???04:16
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cycomNinja: like that rips to mp3?04:16
cycomNinja: or the other way around?04:17
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n3rdismkditty: try sudo alsaconf and make sure your alsa has your sound card configured04:17
torpedo|dogNinja: Serpentine is a good CD burner.04:17
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MadpilotNinja, converts which formats to which other formats?04:17
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Ninjatorpedo|dog, that wont convert04:17
kdittyn3rdism, sudo gedit?04:17
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Ninjacycom, like mp3 to wav04:17
torpedo|dogNinja: it's not supposed to, it's a CD burning application.04:18
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Ninjatorpedo|dog, i need one that converts too04:18
MadpilotNinja, serpentine can produce audio CDs from mp3s04:18
=== chiefinnovator_ [n=chiefinn@69-175-18-6.ashbva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
NinjaMadpilot, how i dont see it in the options04:18
cycomNinja: there are a few tuts out there for conversion utils.  It has been a while, but I would just convert all the mp3s to wavs.04:18
NinjaMadpilot, i need it to burn in wav04:18
n3rdismkditty: alsaconf isnt a file its an autoconfigure like netconfig04:18
cycomNinja: seperately.04:18
chiefinnovator_is the the official ubuntu room?04:18
n3rdismyah chief04:18
torpedo|dogNinja: do you need to burn it in WAV or do you need to burn it in CD format?04:19
cycomNinja: you can just convert them all.04:19
bthorntonI'm looking at my xorg.conf file (Dapper) right now and and am noticing that there are many different InputDevices in the ServerLayout--particularly pointing devices.  There's "Configured Mouse", "stylus", "cursor", "eraser", and "Synaptics Touchpad".  Is this normal?04:19
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n3rdismbthornton: yes04:19
chiefinnovator_question, I want to have a way to hold all of my passwords04:19
kdittysudo: alsaconf: command not found, thats what i get n3rdism04:19
Ninjatorpedo|dog, i just need to to get converted so i can play it in a CD player04:19
chiefinnovator_and keep it secure, maybe encrypted04:19
cycombthornton: for some reason, yes, but unless you have a tablet, I think you can disable the stylus, cursor, erasor, and all that.04:19
ploujif I want a bootable ubuntu USB stick, I just have to dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/usb right?04:19
torpedo|dogNinja: just add the songs to your CD04:19
chiefinnovator_Is there an easy to use app for that?04:19
Sola6662can some1 help me i cant get sound thats intergraded into the motherborad04:19
n3rdismkditty: yah im sorry; im not sure if ubuntu has alsaconfig; you might have to ask someone else04:19
Nekow42bthornton: If by normal, you mean do I have it too, then yes04:19
torpedo|dogNinja: and make sure you have the MP3 codecs installed04:19
kdittyok thanks04:19
Ninjatorpedo|dog, `i dont think u understand what i wanna do04:20
bthorntonOk, the reason I ask is because my touchpad is acting really funny--particularly, it "clicks" and holds any time I touch the pad.  This means that I drag everything in random places.  I wonder if it has to do with there being so many InputDevices active?04:20
=== dadgumit [n=dadgumit@adsl-68-94-121-149.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
dadgumitholy crap is this working?04:20
n3rdismyah dad04:20
chiefinnovator_any ideas?04:20
n3rdismbthornton: what kind of laptop are you using?04:20
=== dadgumit waves at n3rdism
chiefinnovator_would truecrypt work?04:20
cycomdadgumit: Nope! It's a figment of your imagination.04:21
MadpilotNinja, if what you want to do is create regular audio CDs from mp3 files, then Serpentine does that nicely.04:21
cycomdadgumit: :)04:21
Sola6662anyone knows how to enable sound if u dony have a sound card?04:21
bthorntonn3rdism: Compaq V200004:21
bthorntonwith a Synaptics touchpad04:21
dadgumiti think my double proc speed bug is fixed04:21
ozzloyhow can you tell what program has a file open?04:21
dadgumithot dog04:21
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torpedo|dogNinja: if you use Serpentine (Applications > Sound & Video > Serpentine Audio CD Creator) that will make an audio CD For you.04:21
ploujSola6662: buy a sound card?04:21
cycomSola6662: you still have a sound card.  What kind of on board sound is it, do you know?04:21
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dadgumitman that was epic googling if it is fixed04:21
Sola6662yes on bound04:21
dadgumitseriously i have never had a os install last weeks04:21
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cycomdadgumit: what was the problem?04:21
Sola6662my other PC sound works04:22
jared_Okay: I got camserv setup, but I type in sudo camserv /etc/..... for the config file, it goes to the next line in the terminal, and nothing happens04:22
Sola6662and the sound is onborad04:22
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cycomSola6662: what type of sound card is it for the on-board?04:22
cycomSola6662: as in what chipset?04:22
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dadgumitcycom: you name it I had it, my latest one (that I think is now fixed) was the double speed bug04:22
Sola6662idk where and how can i get that info now?04:22
cycomdadgumit: oh, 64 bit processor?04:22
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prophetcan someone help me figure out why my clock is always jacked up?04:22
dadgumitbut I have been through dapper installer issues, pnpbios issues, onboard nic issues, getting both cores rolling, you name it04:23
cycomprophet: are you on a mac?04:23
dadgumitcycom: yuppers, 64biy04:23
=== fnordus [n=dnall@s142-179-111-243.bc.hsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
dadgumitand I gotta say, A8rMVP asus is NOT ready for ubuntu, or vice versa04:23
cycomdadgumit: I had that clock problem too when I had a 64 bit. Crazy, isn't it?04:23
dadgumitthis is awesomeness04:23
lotwookIs there a way to have the grub menu display non-selectable titles, and also to add space between lines?04:23
cycomdadgumit: I have a core duo right now.04:23
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dadgumitcycom: yes04:23
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dadgumitcycom: nice, I was thining about going back to intel with those new conroe chips04:24
Sola6662cycom where and how can i get that info now?04:24
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dadgumitcycom: but amd is messing around with a huge price drop, so maybe i stil be amd awhile04:24
cycomdadgumit: they are releasing the core 2 duo now, I think.  They're taking on AMD in specs and performance.04:24
dadgumitAnyone know how to take an image of my install before I start tweaking?04:24
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cycomSola6662: lspci might show you.04:24
n3rdismbthornton: check out http://ereb.us/wiki/index.php/Laptop/LinuxLaptop04:24
dadgumitcycom: yeah, looks like amd is going back to price as thier battleship04:25
Sola6662i type that in the term*?04:25
bthorntonn3rdism: I'm there; thanks04:25
cycomdadgumit: I like my core duo.  And the first gen core 2 duo are supposed to be socket compatable with it, so I might spring for that!04:25
n3rdismif you ever have hardware issues in linux check http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Hardware-HOWTO/ first to make sure its supported04:25
dadgumitnot only is this fixed, but the solution was to try like 10 commands with a reboot each time, and the first one worked (wonder if some of the others might work more efficiantly04:25
cycomdadgumit: this is a laptop though.04:25
=== DaveyJ [n=daveyj@ool-44c24ab5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
cycomSola6662: yup!04:26
dadgumitcycom:  it's a never ending cycle isn't it >:)04:26
cycomdadgumit: that's life baby.04:26
Sola66620000:00:10.0 Modem: PCTel Inc: Unknown device 2189 (rev 04)04:26
IseeIseeany good java IDE for Ubuntu ?04:26
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cycomSola6662: nah, that's your modem.  look for like audio.04:26
Sola6662idk if thats the sound or not04:26
dadgumitcycom: you know how many computers I would hve had that would have been laptops if it wasn't for gaming :)04:26
dadgumitso for now I just rely on corporate patronage on the laptop front04:26
cycomdadgumit: I can play HL2 on this just fine :)04:26
=== cs378 [n=cs378@pool-71-125-251-227.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
cycomdadgumit: I made the mistake of putting Vista beta on it today.   Ick.04:27
cs378hi every one,04:27
sharmsIseeIsee; how about eclipse04:27
n3rdism<-- installing oblivion as we speak04:27
dadgumitcycom: probably outspecs my desktop04:27
IseeIseesharms: never used eclipse04:27
Sola6662cycom thats not showing up04:27
cycomSola6662: I dunno then dude. Sorry.04:27
dadgumitcycom: do you know if any of the double speed bug fixes might be more efficient than others ?04:27
cs378does anyone know why running Stream with wine freezes the computer?04:27
IseeIseesharms: can I separately download eclipse & install it on Ubuntu or would it also be from withing the package management thing ?04:28
ubotuI know nothing about oblivian - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:28
cycomdadgumit: There was a kernel patch.  My vid card is a Mobility Radeon X1300 with 128mb of ram.04:28
n3rdism!wine > cs37804:28
ubotuI know nothing about oblivion - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:28
jiShcouple questions in one: how can i make a desktop shortcut that allows irssi to open up, with a preset window size and location on desktop; and also how do i make it change the window name to irssi04:28
sharmsIseeIsee: search for eclipse04:28
Sola6662cycom would it come on if i were to look up my mobo crap?04:28
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cs378n3rdism: ?04:28
cycomSola6662: perhaps.  Try looking it up in winblows if you can.04:28
dadgumitcycom: I prolly got you by just a hair then, butnot much04:28
dadgumitn3rdism: oblivion?04:28
n3rdismelder scrolls 4: oblivion :D04:29
sharmsn3rdism: does cedega run that ok?04:29
dadgumitI thought for sure the fact that novell just released today was a sign, but this seems to be working04:29
Sola6662poop no dualboot for me >.<04:29
cycomdadgumit: it can steal some system memory too.  I have a 1.66ghz core duo with 512 of ram, and another 512 on the way.04:29
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.04:29
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dadgumitNeed help, how can I take an image of my setup?04:29
n3rdismsharms: yar it runs it great; but you have to install this third party shader beacuse they rushed support for it04:29
n3rdismdadgumit: a screenshot?04:30
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cycomdadgumit: 100gb 5400rpm sata hd too.  Remote.  15.4 inch widescreen.  It's t3h s3xy when I get my monitor at work on top of it.  Huge worksapce.  1280x800 laptop + 1280 x 1024 flatscreen.04:30
Sola6662geting wine to install is a pain in the ass04:30
dadgumitn3rdism: no, i mean a backup image04:30
cycomdadgumit: a fingerprint reader, and a partridge in a pear tree.04:30
n3rdismwine is still in beta so its kind of "unpredictable"04:30
dadgumitcycom: do you have docking or are you having to plug in?04:30
Sola6662that maybe y04:30
cycomdadgumit: I plug in.  It's a toshiba.04:31
cycomdadgumit: the two usb ports, the gigethernet and the video out are all in the same place, so it's cake.04:31
cs378n3rdism: I know, but many people say Stream/Counter Strike work great in Ubuntu.04:31
n3rdismive ran counterstrike on slack before ^^04:31
dadgumitcycom: teh HP docks, but it's all bidness, no sechsy do get to have matched high end panels though04:31
Sola6662it does04:31
n3rdismif i can get it to run on slack you can get it to run on ubuntu lol04:31
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cs378n3rdism: I can't find any support on it04:31
dadgumitany help on takinga back up image of my ubuntu install?04:32
cs378prophet: or is it that i spelled it wrong :P04:32
cycomdadgumit: and at work I have my own gige jack on our backbone.  I downloaded office 2007 beta at 1.27 Mbytes/sec.04:32
dadgumitI suppose I could take an image of my entire hard drive from windows, but that's gimp04:32
n3rdismcs378: try cedega; i would highly recommend it. you have to pay but its not that bad04:32
cycomdadgumit: you want to back it up? to what?04:32
alnoktahello fellows04:32
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dadgumitcycom: I had gig-e at my last shop, new floor has no gige :(04:32
cycomdadgumit: do the whole hard drive thing, but with linux, and bzip2 it.04:32
Sola6662i got wine to install and run BeatmaniaDX04:32
n3rdismcs378: its 5 dollars a month; and you ahve to pay the first 3 up front04:32
cs378n3rdism: Yeah, I know, I poor :(04:32
alnoktaor buntu folks04:32
cycomdadgumit: aww, that sucks.  I work at university.04:33
Nekow42You only have to pay for binaries of cedega04:33
dadgumitcycom:  is there a linux ut that sucks04:33
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n3rdismcs378: well im fairly certain you can get it on bittorrent lol04:33
cycomdadgumit: hrm?04:33
dadgumitcycom:  is there a linux ut that does backup images?04:33
cycomdadgumit: dd :)04:33
dadgumitcycom: mixed thoughts04:33
cs378n3rdism: Really? he he he he, time to search for it04:33
propheti use to play CS alot but its boring now04:33
IseeIseecan I install Eclipse from Synaptic or should I download the separate tar.gz file from the website ?04:33
alnoktathe channel is crowded ...04:33
cs378n3rdism: Thanks for the tip04:33
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dadgumitcycom: working at a uni is teh bandwidth for real04:33
abonillaI'm trying to rip an CD into mp3, and the lame package is not there. What is used now?04:33
cycomdadgumit: I'd apt-get install pv as well.  lets you see how much data flows through a pipe.04:33
n3rdismcs378: you might have to look into point2play as well04:34
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cs378n3rdism: ohk, ill see :)04:34
dadgumitcycom: dd = backup app or typo?04:34
n3rdismcs378 but there are howtos and tuts on "hacking" cedega online; just google it >.<04:34
cycomdadgumit: tell me about it.  I work on the switches too.  I get some serious privs at this place.04:34
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cycomdadgumit: backup app.04:34
cs378n3rdism: haha, i did, i cant find anything04:34
prophetso anyone know why my clock might be messed up04:34
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prophetanyone had the same issue?04:34
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abonillaI'm trying to rip an CD into mp3, and the lame package is not there. What is used now?04:34
cycomdd if=/dev/<harddrive> of=/place/to/store/image bs=51204:34
dadgumitcycom: thnx04:34
n3rdismcs378: let me see if i can find the one i once used04:34
cycomdadgumit: ^04:34
cs378n3rdism: i think i speed it wrong as phophet told me >.<04:35
Sola6662is  cedega better then wine?04:35
skavengeabonilla: wiki.ubuntu.com/CDRipping , gives you the list of libs you need to install to get sound juicer to rip to mp304:35
n3rdismcedega has a lot more support then wine04:35
cycomdadgumit: do some serious googling first.  dd + pv = watch the progress.  you can even use pipes to compress it as you do that backup.04:35
n3rdismthey are constantly updating it and adding to it04:35
Sola6662shit then i should get getting that other then wine04:35
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dadgumitcycom: google and me go way back04:35
cycomdadgumit: it totally kicks ass.04:35
Sola6662can u link me04:35
cycomdadgumit: dd has saved my sorry ass many a time.04:36
=== ajt [n=ajt@adsl-71-155-201-185.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
dadgumitcycom: that is why I want to back up, this is my first fully functional stable  and I don't want to jump through all these hoops again to get back here04:36
n3rdism#cs378: i think if you find an older version of cedega on bittorrent is the way you should go, i mean youre only playing cs (what 1.6?) and support for that was built a long ass time ago04:36
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cycomdadgumit: dd will give you a nice hd image.  do you have a samba share that you can back to? or another external hd?04:37
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cs378n3rdism: yeah, i only play cs1.604:37
cycomdadgumit: first off, do you have enough space to backup the whole hd? or just the linux partitions?04:37
dadgumitcycom: yeah, I do04:37
dadgumitcycom: both04:37
cycomdadgumit: if you can back up the whole hd, do it.04:37
cs378n3rdism: okay, i guess ill dl it off BT :) thx04:37
ajtI've got a ubuntu file server that has 2 nfs exports. When I try to mount them on the client I get the error "mount server reported tcp not available, falling back to udp         mount: RPC: Program not registered" Anyone know what's wrong. Both clients & server have nfs ports in rpcinfo -p and the ips in /etc/export & /etc/fstab are correct. Server & clietns are running.04:37
n3rdismnp cs04:37
cycomdadgumit: just one shot.  if you only want a partition out of it later on, you can mount them within the image, because linux rocks like that.04:37
dadgumitcycom: does that make reinstall less painfull?04:37
alnoktaas always i have an issue(not myself .. my *buntu) .... i hope you bear with me .....04:38
cycomdadgumit: reinstall? you just image it back.  no reinstall required.  takes forever though. just keep that in mind.04:38
dadgumitcycom: lol, there is a really good winbackup util that can do that (expensive though)04:38
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cycomdadgumit: norton ghost?04:38
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cycomdadgumit: that's what we use at work.  we have a bart disk.04:38
dadgumitcycom: no can't recall the name04:38
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dadgumitcycom: this is old knowledge but at the time it was > ghost04:39
dadgumitcycom: played with suse yet?04:39
dadgumitcycom: the new release?04:39
dadgumitthe_hammer: hola!04:39
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ajtI saw 10.1 for a minute04:39
cycomdadgumit: that doesn't suprise me.  ghost is kind of a pain.  dd has saved many a dead hd too.  Nah, I played with suse a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away.04:39
prophetwhy is there only Boise as a time zonew?04:39
the_hammeranyone here know eggdrops?04:39
cycomdadgumit: I like gentoo and ubuntu best.04:39
prophetI live in Oregon there is no PST?04:39
ajtI heard suse enterprise is pretty nice04:39
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n3rdismi was about to install opensuse -current but i decided with ubuntu because they have black people on their ads04:40
cycomdadgumit: gentoo is only for the masochistic.04:40
abonillaskavenge: gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse: Depends: liblame0 (>= 3.96.1-1) but it is not installable04:40
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n3rdismyay for black people04:40
cycomn3rdism: as good a reason as any.04:40
dadgumitcycom: I am just comming back to linux last time I installed for any length of time red hat was on like 504:40
cycomn3rdism: you hear about the CDs shipped to the uninhabited island?04:40
dadgumitmandrake was still mandrake04:40
joeyk232is there a /etc/rc.d/boot.local file in ubuntu?04:41
cycomdadgumit: EWW! Deadrat.04:41
n3rdismcycom: whats that?04:41
the_hammercan anyone help me with setting up an eggdrop its very close to being compleate04:41
n3rdismdadgumit: technically isnt mandrake the "enterprise" and mandrive the "open"?04:41
cycomn3rdism: apparently Canonical accidentally shipped some Ubuntu CDs to an uninhabited island.04:41
the_hammerif ya can msg me pls04:41
dadgumitI am so loving not having thirty letters appear when I hit a key04:41
Madpilotcycom, which one? ;)04:41
abonillaskavenge: gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse: Depends: liblame0 (>= 3.96.1-1) but it is not installable04:42
cycomMadpilot: dunno.  Don't remember.04:42
n3rdismcycom: where on earth? lol04:42
dadgumitn3rdism: I think the enterprize dropped out but I could be mistaken, maybe confusing it with correll04:42
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cycomn3rdism: I found it in the forums or something I think.04:42
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cycomn3rdism: it could be bull, but I think distrowatch quoted it too.04:42
dadgumitdistrowatch is the win for that type info04:42
n3rdismcycom: ill have to find that lol04:42
cycomn3rdism: totally.04:42
alnoktai have choosen while installing buntu "Start in Graphics SAFE MODE" .. is it possible that this is the reason i have problems with the video card now... for example when i try to change the display ..it just closes and asks for login again......04:42
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_3fgdadgumit: can you help me out?04:42
n3rdismmandrake cant make up their mind lol04:42
the_hammerme 2?04:42
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the_hammersomeone pls help me with my eggdrop?04:43
dadgumit_3fg: hey man, how's going?04:43
_3fgnot bad04:43
_3fggot the partitions working right04:43
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_3fggot xchat working04:43
Bonezcd /mnt04:43
dadgumit_3fg: didn't steer you so bad that you had to restart last time did I?04:43
ubotuI know nothing about xchat - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:43
_3fgdadgumit: heh, nope04:43
_3fgI'm on xchat right now04:44
the_hammerguess not well il outie gonna travel to another net :)04:44
_3fgsudo nano -w sources.list and all that04:44
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cycom_3fg: what do you need a hand with?04:44
_3fgwell, I installed Opera 904:44
=== Ropechoborra Volver
_3fgthen I deleted it from /usr/bin/04:44
cycom_3fg: Oh, I'm out.  don't know opera :)04:44
n3rdismcycom: http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20060220 just f3 for uninhabited lol04:44
cycom_3fg: j/k04:44
_3fgbut I can't reinstall it04:44
_3fgsince the OS thinks it is installed04:45
_3fgsooooo, how do I uninstall it properly04:45
Bonezmy fat32 partition is showing up as read only in nautilis/thunar however in a terminal i can quite happy edit/rm files. how can I fix this?04:45
dadgumit_3fg: oh, this sounds like a question for a ubuntu person, but have you tried installing it from the package manager?04:45
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n3rdism_3fg: synaptic it?04:45
_3fgwould it be in synaptic?04:45
Nekow42_3fg: force an uninstall?04:45
_3fgNekow42: how?04:45
Nekow42_3fg: If you installed a deb, it'll be in synaptic04:46
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tedhhiAnybody in here going to OSCON?04:46
dadgumit_3fg: System ->Administration -> synaptic package manager04:46
cycomBonez: do you have to sudo to edit?04:46
DAMNJACKcan someone help me 2 min...   i want sound....04:46
_3fgha, it is in synaptic04:46
dadgumit_3fg: search for opera04:46
alnoktathats why i don't like chat rooms .. if it has a few users it becomes boring .. if it has a lot of users .. you got ignored04:46
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_3fgdadgumit: search didn't turn anything up04:46
Bonezcycom: no04:46
_3fgI found a file by hand later on04:46
n3rdismbonez: you have to sudo nano /etc/fstab04:47
Bonezcycom: yes i do actually, my bad04:47
dadgumitalnokta: you just need a littlepatience, I have been feeling your pain lately, what's up?04:47
n3rdismbonez: and change permissions for the drive04:47
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ubotuThe /etc/fstab file lists all drives and partitions that are mounted on the system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !partitions04:47
cycomBonez: if the permissions are correct in fstab, make sure they are in /media/ as well.04:47
cs378is the slow speed of moving or sizing a window normal?04:47
alnokta>i have choosen while installing buntu "Start in Graphics SAFE MODE" .. is it possible that this is the reason i have problems with the video card now... for example when i try to change the display ..it just closes and asks for login again......04:48
abonillaHow can I force the install of a package with apt-get?04:48
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Bonezcycom: /dev/hda6      /media/d    vfat iocharset=utf8,umask=000 0 004:48
n3rdismcs378: teh video drivers?04:48
Bonezcycom: what permissions do I need to set in /media04:48
cs378n3rdism: i installed fglx, Ati Mobility Radeon 970004:48
ardchoilleabonilla: Why do you feel the need to force an install?04:48
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n3rdismcs378: OH NOES NOT ATI! ;.;04:48
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jameswangHow can I let my "my.sh" auto run at startup?04:49
cycomBonez: I'd set user in the line with umak=000, but I may be wrong.04:49
jersymikehello can someone help me out with knoppix04:49
__mikem@lart #ubuntu-offtopic RadiantFire04:49
cycomBonez: not sure :/04:49
dadgumitalnokta: Sorry I am not gonna be much help on that one, but I would imagine, yes that would be true04:49
cycomBonez: I'm afraid I'm only quazi useful.04:49
abonillaardchoille: why answer a question with a question?04:49
n3rdismati is the devil's spawn04:49
Bonezcycom: cheers for trying :)04:49
ardchoilleabonilla: Why question every answer?04:49
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Bonezn3rdism: do you have any ideas about the permissions i need to set?04:49
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dadgumitardchoille: lol04:49
cycomBonez: np.  I just made my folder in /media/ 777, but that's bad.04:49
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DAMNJACKHey huston we have a problem       We got no sound here.... Can you help me04:50
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file lists all drives and partitions that are mounted on the system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !partitions04:50
abonillaardchoille: exacly. I haven't even received one! ;-)04:50
n3rdismthat has a tut on permissions04:50
ldrhcpcan anybody help with my graphics card? intel gma 90004:50
dadgumitaway for a bit04:50
ardchoilleabonilla: I was trying to ascertain if I could help you install without forcing it. I have used Linux for 5+ years and have never needed to force an install.04:50
n3rdismbonez: tells you how to understand fstab04:50
cycomjersymike: I'd try ##linux.  more likely to find someone who knows knoppix.04:50
abonillaardchoille: Here's your Linux trofee04:51
richiefrichjersymike whats the problem ?04:51
richiefrichjersymike  i just woke-up so i can scroll back..04:51
cs378n3rdism: what is wrong with Ati **!04:51
cycomjersymike: spoke too soon! :)04:51
ardchoilleabonilla: ok, I was available and willing to help, if you don't want help, that's ok.04:51
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alnoktaIf that is the case .. then the question would be "How to start xserver in normal state?"04:51
abonillaardchoille: :) Thanks I don't need help, just an answer.04:51
joeyk232anyone know where the boot.local file is?04:51
=== MachineH3d [n=devin@S010600016ce3a0a7.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
cycomabonilla: give a man a fish...04:52
n3rdismalnokta: i think ctrl+alt+backspace restartss xserver try that?04:52
jersymikekk ty04:52
jersymike.join #linux04:52
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skavengeheres your answer then- man dpkg04:52
jersymikeumm im trying to save the image to my portable hdd04:52
MachineH3dhow can i install flashplugin-free04:52
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MachineH3di mean flashplugin-nonfree04:52
cycomjersymike: as in image your whole hd?04:52
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:52
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ldrhcpMachineH3D: try EasyUbuntu04:53
richiefrichjersymike so err.. u want so save  what ?04:53
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richiefrichjersymike  do u want to install knoppix ?04:53
jersymikei want to save the knoppix cd image to my hdd04:53
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cycomjersymike: oooohh.  dunno how to do that.  :/04:53
AOGuy1989anyone know why i can't get a m270 logitech bluetooth mouse to connect to ubuntu even tough it has the gnome-bluetooththing04:53
richiefrichthen  i'll get u the guide04:53
cobelloyHi can anyone help me share internet from a windows pc to an ubuntu laptop04:53
richiefrichjersymike  then  i'll get u the guide04:54
cobelloythere is an active network between them04:54
ubotuI know nothing about somba - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:54
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT04:54
abonillacobelloy: it wouldn't be here, but you need 2 nic cards and with XP, do internet connection sharing ICS04:54
n3rdismardchoille: lol04:54
=== justheatingup [n=abe@185-236.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jersymikerichiefrich: umm i was using the configure persistant image tool but it would always get to 96% adn frezz up04:54
AOGuy1989anyone know why i can't get a m270 logitech bluetooth mouse to connect to ubuntu even tough it has the gnome-bluetooththing??04:54
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richiefrichjersymike  are u in console?04:55
justheatingupi need some help04:55
richiefrichjersymike CTRL-ALT-F1  --> knx-hdinstall04:55
justheatingupwith my laptop04:55
n3rdismi wonder if we can get tax write offs for free tech support04:55
jersymikerichiefrich: ok04:55
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alnoktathat was funny .... i just got disconnected and still i haven't logged in the normal mode04:55
ubotuI know nothing about taxwriteoff - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:56
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cobelloyabonilla: I have two cards and sharing is on, I can share files between the two, just not internet04:56
richiefrichjersymike why knoppix?   there are better ones suited for HDD04:56
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AOGuy1989anyone know why i can't get a m270 logitech bluetooth mouse to connect to ubuntu even tough it has the gnome-bluetooththing04:57
justheatingupmy laptop goes to a login screen04:57
justheatingupafter 5 minutes04:57
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IseeIseei'm doing apt-get install sun-java5-* , where is it gonna install the JDK, do I need to set any environmental variables & stuff ?04:58
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kreg_workholy fark04:58
kreg_work730 people04:58
DrunkenPirateWhen I try to boot windows I get an "Unknown Partition Type" error from grub. Anyone know about this error.04:58
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richiefrichjersymike  kanotix  <-- is newer then knoppix and runs KDE by default04:58
kreg_workwhat makes ubuntu so tastey all of a sudden?04:58
n3rdismdrunkenpirate: youre going to have to run a grub boot disc and recover it04:58
RadiantFireIseeIsee: yep sudo update-alterantives --config java04:58
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:58
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richiefrichkreg_work tastey  <-- explain?04:58
kazukisanis there a program that plays the m4p files from itunes ?04:58
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n3rdismdrunkenpirate: look into super grub disk (or SGD)04:58
richiefrichkazukisan yes04:58
AOGuy1989what called04:58
richiefrichkazukisan  audacious04:59
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AOGuy1989where can i get it i was been looking for that to04:59
IseeIseeRadianFire: what would this command do ?04:59
jersymike2im stuck in command prompt now04:59
DrunkenPiraten3rdism: Thanks alot man ill try those things04:59
richiefrichjersymike2  kanotix  <-- is newer then knoppix and runs KDE by default04:59
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AOGuy1989but this >>>> anyone know why i can't get a m270 logitech bluetooth mouse to connect to ubuntu even tough it has the gnome-bluetooththing <<< is my main problem04:59
richiefrichjersymike2 thats more suited fot HDD04:59
n3rdismaoguy1989: im looking into it05:00
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ardchoille!repeat > AOGuy198905:00
richiefrichjersymike2 same as knoppix05:00
sharms!tell AOGuy1989 about bluetooth05:00
richiefrichjersymike2 just an FYI :P05:00
jersymike2ill check it out is it an live cd to start?05:00
richiefrichyes yes05:00
alnoktacomon ... i want some bored guru to help me instead of reinstalling the whole thing again ... i have just finished installing ....05:00
richiefrichlivedCD then installer05:00
jersymike2kk cool05:00
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justheatingupanyone with a laptop?05:00
Sola6662anyone knows how to open RAR zip formats?05:00
sharmsalnokta: whats your question?05:00
n3rdism!ask > alnokta05:01
jersymike2cuz right now i have no internal hdd05:01
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richiefrichjersymike2  what u have?05:01
jersymike2so i need to load the stuf on my portable05:01
ardchoille!rar > Sola666205:01
richiefrichso thats ok05:01
richiefrichthats acts like a scsi05:01
richiefrichit's what  /dev/sd??05:01
jersymike2yeah i kno it jus wont load automaticaly without live cd05:01
richiefrichright ?05:01
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Sola6662thx archoille05:02
alnoktawhile installing : i have choosen "START GRAPHICS SAFE MODE" and now i am having problems05:02
richiefrichjersymike2 then u need to change your BIOS05:02
ardchoilleSola6662: You're welcome :)05:02
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jersymike2yeah im going to05:02
richiefrichjersymike2 mine boots fine05:02
=== Ropechoborra Adio ! =)
richiefrichall depends on the mobo05:02
jersymike2brb 1 min let me dl the other one05:03
n3rdismalnokta: while installing you mean after putting in the live cd?05:03
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richiefrichSola6662 u get your rar answer?05:03
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n3rdismalnokta: so you already installed the system?05:03
fivreIs this NTFS-3G thing on digg safe?05:03
IseeIseeRadianFire: what would the command you mentioned above do ?05:04
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alnoktai am running on it .. it is great ... but i cannot change the display ... i cannot run video properly05:04
richiefrichfivre link?05:04
Shak-has anyone installed ultraedit with wine?05:04
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n3rdismalnokta: try rebooting, and as grub is launching- hit escape and chose the generic kernel05:05
richiefrichShak- u can look on the wine site if theres been a report05:05
`Evil`Can anyone recommend a TV Tuner app for Gnome, also when I plugin in my tuner, does it have default drivers? Cos the manufacturer doesnt support linux drivers05:05
richiefrich`Evil` tvtime05:05
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abonillastupid restricted formats and it's patents05:05
alnoktaall right but just stay put until i come back05:06
richiefrichfivre let me read it..05:06
AOGuy1989thanks for ur help05:06
`Evil`richiefrich, thanks, any idea about the driver part?05:06
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Shak-richiefrich: there has been a report, but I get a "cant extract unpack.dll"05:06
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Shak-when I run the setup with wine05:06
jersymike2wow slow ass conection tonight05:06
kazukisanis there a linux mp4 converter ?05:06
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kazukisanm4p *05:06
Sola6662Reading package lists... Done05:06
Sola6662Building dependency tree... Done05:06
Sola6662Package unrar-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:06
Sola6662This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or05:06
Sola6662is only available from another source05:06
Sola6662E: Package unrar-nonfree has no installation candidate05:06
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richiefrich`Evil` no not one bit..   i'm poor I dont have one.. what card.. i can check05:06
abonillaSola6662: apt-cache search unrar05:06
fivreforums seem to think it's ok05:06
richiefrichShak- why are u trying to ?05:07
abonillaSola6662: you might need to have a multiverse repo?05:07
fivreI'm not seeing any "NTFS-3G TRASHED MY SYSTEM OMG05:07
Shak-richiefrich: err, I want ultraedit? :/05:07
Sola6662how i do that05:07
`Evil`richiefrich, Ah thanks for the help, its PixelView PlayTV Pro Bt878p+05:07
richiefrichShak-  but u need  to extract a .dll?05:07
Shak-richiefrich: thats the setup doing that05:07
`Evil`richiefrich, it doesnt have linux drivers, but are there some defaul drivers for it or something?05:07
vinboyhow do I register all my gstreamer plugin?05:07
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abonillaSola6662: system, admin, software properties, add select all the checks, okok try again05:09
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Sola6662adonilla multiverse repo?05:09
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richiefrichShak-  o.O   maybe it's lookin for that  .dll  do u have all the .dll files  from a windows CD or u can get them from http://www.dll-files.com/05:09
n3rdismdont forget: july 28th is Sysadmin appreciation day!05:09
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Shak-richiefrich: my bad, I was doing it without sudo05:10
nevynhrm.. it's also st augustines day05:10
abonillaSola6662: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingRepositoriesHowto05:10
n3rdismim no catholic! im a geekolic!05:10
richiefrich`Evil` let me check.. and ill tell u what u neeed in the kernel .. u might not have that05:10
n3rdismerr- that wasretarded05:10
richiefrichShak- do'h05:10
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kreg_workso really, what is the difference between "load bios defaults" and "load setup defaults"05:11
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`Evil`richiefrich, Cool, np I'll wait. and i checked tvtime site and they say they do support BT878 and BT848 chipset :)  and btw even i'm low on cash, my tuner is about 3-4yrs old :)05:12
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richiefrich`Evil`  can u do me a  --  sudo lspci05:13
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`Evil`richiefrich, k05:13
richiefrich`Evil`   i gust need the TV card line05:13
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`Evil`richiefrich, oh, i havent plugged it in yet, the reason being xp doesnt support that old card and crashes, so didnt want ubuntu to do that as well, should i install it if there wont be any issues?05:14
nemikhow would i install mysql on a seperate partition or folder?05:15
richiefrich`Evil` well if it's not even plugged in.. we will never know :(05:15
alnoktai didn't find any generic kernels ..05:16
richiefrichnemik ecxplain05:16
`Evil`richiefrich, yep, stupid thing for me to do, brb05:16
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richiefrich`Evil` ok05:16
Sola6662abonilla whats the repo i need to add?05:16
richiefrichnemik  where do u want it ?05:16
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abonillaSola6662: Multiverse? check all of them05:16
pojeIs there a common reason x11vnc won't showing window changes/taking keyboard input?05:16
nemikrichifriech: well i mounted a new harddrive in /opt and want a mysql instance running there just on a different port (3307 or something)05:16
Shak-richiefrich: hmm all installed now, but it crashes as soon as I run it05:16
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elementwhat's the easiest way to install VMware and get some VMs going?05:17
Shak-richiefrich: no wait, it'll run as root but not as a regular user05:17
richiefrichnemik so u want to mysql's on one box?05:17
justheatingupelement get the vmreader from the site05:17
elementjustheatingup, hmm ok, thanks.05:17
richiefrichShak- it shouldnt matter05:17
fooWhat is a good frontend program for populating a ldap database?05:17
justheatingupthen look for a vm generator05:18
justheatingupyou can find it online05:18
nemikrichifriech: yes, i already have one (via apt-get) but not sure how to set up the other05:18
Shak-richiefrich: its odd, it opens fine as root, but then crashes as soon as I open it without sudo05:18
CarlFKwhat is the cvs command to update and get any new files ?  cvs up didn't get the new files (I think)05:18
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richiefrichnemik explain why u need two.. thats the part i dont understand?05:18
richiefrichShak- so it works with   root ?05:19
tenebrouscvs update -d05:19
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Shak-richiefrich: yep05:19
richiefrichnemik  what are u running two apaches ?05:19
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richiefrichnemik   why do u need  two databases ?05:20
nemikrichifriech: it doesn't matter, but i have one locally for testing on on HD (hda) and want the 2nd one on the 2nd physical drive (hdb mounted in /opt) to have its own SQL instance for something else. and no need for any other apaches or php's or anything else05:20
richiefrichShak- how strange..05:20
Shak-richiefrich: roger that05:20
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richiefrichnemik just make more databases inside mysql05:21
sri_I typed /j #python But it is saying that u have to select u r nick(to join in python)plz help me05:21
naohi, I'm trying to compile a program from the source and while it's going through the long lines of stuff during ./configure, it keeps giving me an error saying that the sdl-config script installed by SDL could not be found, does anyone know how to fix that?05:21
richiefrichd/l mysql and install it where u want05:21
richiefrichbut hopefully they dont conflict05:21
fooWhat is a good frontend program for populating a ldap database?05:21
alnoktahere is my pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1832905:21
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nemikrichifriech: but that will not create it on the 2nd physcal drive. i want it on the 2nd HD as a whole other mysql instance, completely seperate. so i should just use the binaries from mysql.com?05:22
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sri_can any one tell how to join in python?05:22
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sri_i typed /j #python05:22
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sri_but it is saying that u have to select u r nick05:23
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alnoktait continues to load but missing alot of things05:24
Madpilotsri_, I just tried "/join #python" and it worked fine - which IRC app are you using?05:24
tcvHey guys: I managed to get BitchX installed. And it works. But I don't understand how it launches. I type "BitchX" and it launches, but ... where is it? I can't find the executable or anything else...05:24
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sri_Madpilot, ubuntu x-chat05:24
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tagdpkg: ../../src/packages.c:191: process_queue: Assertion `dependtry <= 4' failed.05:24
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Madpilotsri_, I'm using the same app - /join #python doesn't work for you?05:25
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sri_Madpilot, what is the process u r following05:25
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sri_Madpilot, where to type /join #python05:25
Madpilotsri_, in the same box you type in to post to this channel05:26
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h3h_timohow do you make deb packages??05:26
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helfrezanyone ever seem problems with network-manager where it cant seem to pass the key05:26
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helfrezsetting transmit key 0. setting transmit key 1....etc05:26
sri_Madpilot, here i type like this'/join #python' But then in ubuntuservers it is saying that u have to select u r nick05:26
sri_Madpilot, i type all these messages in dilog box05:27
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ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)05:27
=== cheatersrealm [n=mdfedder@c-71-206-40-196.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotsri_, leave the quotes off it - *only* type the stuff inside the quote05:27
alnoktasri_; may be you need to register your nick by nickserv05:27
cheatersrealmanyone know anything about the tkpgp package?  it shows up in apt-file for me, but I cannot apt-get install it?05:27
h3h_timoguys, how do i make a deb file from a source package?05:27
sri_alnokta, how to register can u plz tell me the processs05:28
richiefrichnemik no man05:28
richiefrichnemik  d/l the tar05:28
tcvHey guys: I managed to get BitchX installed. And it works. But I don't understand how it launches. I type "BitchX" and it launches, but ... where is it? I can't find the executable or anything else...05:28
sri_Madpilot, i thped the stuff only(with out quotes)05:28
cheatersrealmtcv: '05:28
GhettoPuNKkiDtcv: whereis bitchx05:28
sri_Madpilot, how to register?05:28
cheatersrealmtcv: which bitchx05:28
Madpilotsri_, then it should have worked05:28
Madpilotubotu, tell sri_ about register05:28
alnoktai think NickServ REGISTER <username>05:28
richiefrichnemik  read the  INSTALL  and after u do ..  ./configure && make05:28
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cheatersrealmsri_:  /msg nickserv help05:28
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cheatersrealmsri_: that help is fairly easy to follow, and you can get the correct sytnax by using that05:29
richiefrichnemik   it's something like   --.  make install --pre-fix /DIR-WHERE_U WANT05:29
nemikrichifriech: ok, cool. i'll do that. thanks05:29
sri_cheatersrealm, thank u can u plz tell me the process?05:29
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richiefrichnemik try it.. but read the INSTALL it's close to - make insatll --pre-fix=/05:30
cheatersrealmsri_: yeah it's /msg nickserv register <PASSWORD>05:30
richiefrichnot to sure that might be it ..    --pre-fix05:30
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.05:30
Madpilotcheatersrealm, use the /msg nickserv help command suggested, it really will take you thru it...05:30
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Madpilotsorry, above was for sri_ ^^^05:30
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cheatersrealmMadpilot: :)05:30
sri_Madpilot, thank u05:31
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planetcallgoodmorning all05:31
=== Guest477 [n=Guest777@adsl-75-2-20-88.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
cheatersrealmplanetcall: good .. night05:31
BioGeekHey everybody. I have a problem with GNU make and/or Java. See: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1833005:31
planetcallsleeptight !05:31
Guest477good day every105:32
Guest477and goodnight too05:32
richiefrichnight so whomever05:32
naoafter installing my program, I don't know where I can run it from, any ideas?05:32
richiefrichnao what app ?05:32
alnoktanao, just  type its name in the terminal05:32
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naoFCE Ultra, an NES emulator, and actually, after just running it from terminal, I had a new problem05:32
Guest477wow thanks, that helps me too :)05:32
richiefrichnemik   -- >    ./configure --prefix=/path/05:32
naosorry for the interupt05:32
sri_cheatersrealm, ya i have registered then how to join in it?05:32
planetcalla small problem here ! I am unable to make a link to rssowl (http://www.rssowl.org/) on my desktop. The link/launcher are not working and throwing a java exception. Though I can fire the app from the installation directory. Its a small file. Please guide me with it05:33
BioGeekI tried to compile the example xml from http://xmlresume.sourceforge.net/, but Java is having troubles with it, I presume.05:33
richiefrichnemik i just checked u  must do it  in the  ./configure   part05:33
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planetcallsomeone on my question ?05:34
Shak-richiefrich: ok I managed to get it to work, im trying to work on the file associations now, I set one extension (.php) to open with wine /path/to/uedit32.exe, but the loading fails in the actual program05:34
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nemikrichifriech: awesome that helps a lot. thank you again05:34
richiefrichnemik np05:35
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cheatersrealmsri_: /join #channelname05:35
LuisMendesI want to remove the "bittorrent" package in order to install the official bittorrent client.. but to do that, "ubuntu-desktop" must be removed as well. now what? help!05:35
richiefrichnemik u should n be able to do that with any..   app.. if u install from source05:35
planetcallcheatersrealm, help me buddy . I am confused with this java app.05:35
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MadpilotLuisMendes, ubuntu-desktop is only important when it's time to upgrade to the next version of Ubuntu05:36
IseeIseeI'm updating the jdk using apt-get install sun-java-*    where is this jdk being installed ?05:36
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Guest477i just need to know if there are any webmasters here who can recommend a good and inexpesive webhost for a friend of mine :) please05:36
planetcallln -s  run.sh ~/Desktop/rssowl  creates a link but it doesnt launches it05:36
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richiefrichShak- hmm u mean in the    windows app it fails?05:37
LuisMendesMadpilot, so may I remove it with no worries?05:37
alnoktaShak, would i have to reinstall my ubuntu to get back to normal graphic system?05:37
knapperDoes anyone here use a mx310 logitech mouse?05:37
MadpilotLuisMendes, yes - but the 'official' BT package should be able to co-exist w/ gnome-torrent05:37
planetcallI dont really want to say.........but I had no problem using this java app on window :( sad to say so05:37
richiefrichplanetcall  what are u doing?05:37
IseeIseeI'm updating the jdk using apt-get install sun-java-*    where is this jdk being installed ?05:37
LuisMendesMadpilot, actually it says that there's a conflict... between the official and the ubuntu one05:38
cheatersrealmIseeIsee: can you do 'java' after it installs?  if so, 'which java'05:38
planetcallrichiefrich, creating a link/launcher to rssowl application (http://www.rssowl.org/)05:38
planetcallon desktop05:38
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MadpilotLuisMendes, ah, nevermind - I just use gnome-torrent myself, never bothered with the other BT apps05:38
richiefrichplanetcall then why not add it to your PATH ?05:38
IseeIseecheatersrealm: installing whichever is the latest java05:38
Shak-richiefrich: yep, its weird, the path it sees is H:\ome\shak\file.php (its the typo thats causing it to fail)05:38
LuisMendesMadpilot, I need it in order to download separate files inside a torrent05:39
IseeIseecheatersrealm: also i wanna know where is it installing java-docs ? isn't this insane that the OS does not even let you decide where is it installing what unlike windows05:39
planetcallrichiefrich, making a simple link never required so many hassles. :( dont you think its a little too much for a simple application to be added to path ?05:39
planetcallrichiefrich, if this is the last option, i will do it anyway05:40
cheatersrealmIseeIsee: not really, thinks mostly have a correct place and it puts them there05:40
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richiefrichplanetcall  where is the  app u are lanuching ?  /usr/bin ?  /usr/local/bin ?05:40
cheatersrealmIseeIsee: I mean, if you can run 'java' from a command line, then run 'which java' to figure out where it installed the jre05:40
richiefrichplanetcall  thats why05:40
=== lepine [n=leprecha@modemcable157.23-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
knapperDoes anyone here use a mx310 logitech mouse?05:41
lepineHey, is anyone having trouble with mysql admin on dapper?05:41
planetcallbut thats my local application installation path05:41
lepinemine crashes whenever i try to view the users05:41
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richiefrichplanetcall  try thisd05:41
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richiefrichplanetcall  ln -s  /opt/rssowl122rc1/run.sh  ~/Desktop/rssowl05:41
richiefrichand click on it05:42
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`Evil`richiefrich, sorry for the delay, comp started acting up, here it is -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18331  but i cant make out my tuner model or anything there05:42
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Mixxwhen I run Xawtv, perhaps because of a kernel upgrade, all i get is a black screen and the system becomes completely unresponsive (nned to power off and on) any suggestions?05:42
IseeIseecheatersrealm right now I'm getting this:05:42
richiefrich`Evil` lookin05:43
IseeIseeSetting up sun-java5-doc (1.5.0-06-1) ...05:43
IseeIseeThis package is an installer package, it does not actually contain the05:43
IseeIseeJ2SDK documentation.  You will need to go download one of the05:43
IseeIseearchives:  jdk-1_5_0-doc.zip jdk-1_5_0-doc-ja.zip05:43
Mixxi've tried reinstalling xawtv05:43
chiefinnovator_It's weird when somethign crashes it asks me to report it05:43
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planetcallrichiefrich, i already typed above that is not working. i gives some exception. you want to see ?05:43
chiefinnovator_but then I have to choose the program and describe steps to reproduce it05:43
IseeIseeI must say that linux distro are far away from being a consumer OS, installing, figuring out things is pretty complicated05:43
chiefinnovator_I have no idea05:43
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chiefinnovator_am I right?05:43
chiefinnovator_am I right?05:43
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Guest477it also does not cost 150$ us05:43
richiefrichplanetcall then try this -- >  /opt/rssowl122rc1/run.sh05:43
richiefrichin a term05:43
richiefrich what happenes?05:44
chiefinnovator_thanks, I'll be here all week folks05:44
=== Jude [n=johnny@dsl-208-98-137-236.fmtc.com] has joined #ubuntu
Judeis it possible to make playlists with totem?05:44
Judeor from the command line?05:44
planetcallsee PM its a few lines of exception05:44
Guest477linux's GUI is in refinment but the OS itself is fairly reliable :)05:44
Judedoes anyone know?05:45
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Guest477hey knapper05:46
some_dudeI'm trying to setup a software raid on my ubuntu box. I've got one drive to boot from, and two more I want to raid05:46
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fooHm, in httpd.conf I see "This is here for backwards compatibility reasons and to support installing 3rd party modules directly via apxs2, rather than through the /etc/apache2/mods-{available,enabled} mechanism." I am following http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_dav.html and it says to put "Dav On" in httpd.conf ... hmm, do I still put in there? Or do I do something special?05:47
knapperGuest477: Hi05:47
=== Buddhiya [n=austin@] has joined #ubuntu
IseeIseewhat the hell is this: I downloaded the full jdk using apt-get install sun-java5-*             and now when I'm doing java -version its still the old java 4.105:47
Guest477hi knapper , what troubles are you having... and lemme look up the mouse to see what you have also05:47
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Buddhiyahello every one05:48
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BuddhiyaI have a question05:48
h3h_timocoudl someone explain to me why i get this message whenever i try to sudo anything??? : sudo: unable to lookup Brad's Computer via gethostbyname()05:48
IseeIseeIseeIsee: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)05:48
alnoktahello budd05:48
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Buddhiyahi alnokta05:48
danieleboyohi im having installation trouble05:49
alnoktajust ask05:49
kwtmWhere can I find what is different about packages that are now upgradable?  For example, I'm using Ubuntu kernel 2.6.15-26.44, but now can upgrade to 2.6.15-26.45.  How do I find out what security fixes, etc., are in the newest upgrade and whether it would be worthwhile upgrading?05:49
danieleboyowith ubuntu05:49
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Buddhiyamy question is yesterday I edited my fstab file , the fstab contains /dev/hda3 as the / partition , Now I changed the / partition to /dev/hda6 my editing it manually , and hashed the original / partition ie hda3 and rebooted . I assumed that the machine will not boot due to change in root partition in  fstab , But to my suprise it booted and a mount command now revels the / partition as /dev/hda6 , I didnt changed the grub05:49
danieleboyocan anyone help me?05:49
Guest477 Logitech MX310 Optical Mouse , i see it knap05:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:50
Madpilotdanieleboyo, more specifics that just "installation trouble" would get you better help...05:50
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richiefrich`Evil` i dont see it..,.. i bet it 's not in the kernel05:50
Buddhiyaalnokta: any idea05:50
IseeIsee downloaded the full jdk using apt-get install sun-java5-*             and now when I'm doing java -version its still the old java 4.105:50
`Evil`richiefrich, k, ubuntu also didnt say anything like new hardware, so any idea how to go about it? or should i just try tvtime w/o anything?05:51
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danieleboyowhen i get to the splash screen after the computer has booted from the cd, i clicked on install.  the graphical box that says loading kernel appeared for two seconds, and then my computer just rebooted05:51
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andy-what do people do in linux when bored =\05:51
Guest477sorry i had to run, good evening all05:51
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richiefrich`Evil` no man that wont work.. the kernel is not seeing it05:52
alnoktaevening guest47705:52
IseeIseedownloaded the full jdk using apt-get install sun-java5-*             and now when I'm doing java -version its still the old java 4.105:52
IseeIseedownloaded the full jdk using apt-get install sun-java5-*             and now when I'm doing java -version its still the old java 4.105:52
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alnoktabudd what were you trying to do?05:52
IseeIseewould someone reply to me please05:52
Toma-andy-: i write bash scripts to automate everything i do when bored05:52
Toma-IseeIsee: remove the old version?05:53
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Buddhiyaalnokta: I was trying out some  problems yesterday and I tried to do the menioned thing05:53
carthikIseeIsee, not if you're not patient enough to see if someone who knows about what you are asking comes around05:53
richiefrich`Evil` i can suggest on thing.. d/l your own kernel from  hhtp://kernel.org and make your own.. i dont know how to change the ubuntu one.. i know u need the kernel-headers.. and iirc t he kerenl-sourrce05:53
fooHm, I accidently moved all of /etc/apache2/sites-available to /etc/apache2/mods-available ... hm, how can I undo this or restore my apache set up ?05:53
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auMarkCan anyone help me with SSH. I can get in through LAN but would like to get into from Internet. iptables has it as ALLOW05:54
Madpilotdanieleboyo, in the first menu you see when the Cd runs, one option is "Check This CD" or something similar - run that, make sure you got a good burn05:54
danieleboyoit is05:54
danieleboyoi have checked it05:54
Vexmasterandy_ play MAME05:54
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DAMNJACKwhick is the greatest tool to get some mp305:54
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danieleboyoi have even done a live boot on another computer05:54
`Evil`richiefrich, ah, now that stuff will whoosh past my head, plus i dont know how to05:54
danieleboyowith the same cd05:54
cskhi all i am running dapper 6.06 and am finding that it all of a sudden freezes and the only way out is to switch off the computer and restart. anyone know what the problem might be?05:55
aroonifrom the terminal what program do i call to open a jpeg file05:55
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richiefrich`Evil` most dont.. :(05:55
Madpilotdanieleboyo, then the issue is this specific computer05:55
`Evil`csk, Do you have AMD?05:55
cskno intel centrino05:55
Toma-auMark: iirc, you need to change some ssh server ranges, by default it only allows via LAN, for security...05:55
BonezI just installed xubuntu-desktop, is there any way I can set XFCE to the default (via ssh-term) and enable VNC so I can VNC in (i'm not physically near the PC)05:55
danieleboyoi have tried a previous version of ubuntu (hoary) and it works05:55
`Evil`csk, then dunno, my amd overheats and as it is has some issues with the board05:55
aroonifolks what command should i use to open a jpeg file (from the terminal)?05:56
arooniso i can view the photo05:56
fivreis there any way to get apt-get to obey Synaptic's "Lock Version" thing, or similar?05:56
knapperGuest477: Sorry was watching a video clip and didn't see your responce.05:56
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alnoktabuddhiya, are you sure you booted to ubuntu ... if you really did so it will tell you that unable to mount root file system... and hangs ... of course GRUB will boot you didn't hurt it in anyway05:56
csk`Evil` do u suppose it might have something to do with the xserver?05:56
Peloevening folks  is it possible to install and run a kde app on ubuntu(gnome) ?05:56
runeshas anyone upgraded the kernel yet?05:57
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`Evil`csk, no idea man, gotta ask the regulars here, i know why mine does, overheating, but thats an amd issue05:57
carthikarooni, are you a gnome user?05:57
fivrearooni: gksu gthumb <jpgpath>05:57
IseeIseesudo: update-alterantives: command not found05:57
alnoktaPelo, yup05:57
Buddhiyaalnokta: yes you are right , Thanks05:57
csk`Evil` sure thanks05:57
aroonicarthik: whatever comes with ubuntu dapper (i'm a newbie)05:57
carthikIseeIsee, check spelling of alternatives05:57
alnoktaprovided that you satisfy dependencies05:57
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Peloalnokta  I've tried but I keep getting this message that I am missing kdelibs4 ? any thoughts ?05:57
carthikarooni, in general $gnome-open filename.jpg will open with the default image viewer05:58
richiefrich`Evil` i can spin u one.. but then angain.. idk what the card is.. i have your info.. lspci is all uy really need to make a kernel05:58
carthikarooni, you can use gnome-open to open files with the default app for that file type, in general05:58
BonezI just installed xubuntu-desktop, what do i need to edit/run to make it the default enviroment instead of gnome?05:58
alnoktaPelo , what are you using to install?05:58
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Peloalnokta  deb package05:58
aroonicarthik: ahh ok.. what is this 'gnome' thing.. a gui?05:58
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alnoktaBuddhiya, no problem05:59
AOGuy1989anyone know of a program tjhat lets me play itunes store stuff on linux05:59
danieleboyomadpilot, any suggestions?05:59
Peloalnokta I've looked for everything kdelib and libkde in synaptic and still no go05:59
alnoktapelo, try using Synaptic ... if you have it05:59
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Flannel!tell AOGuy1989 about itunes05:59
carthikGNOME is the desktop environment - a framework of sorts around which all the gui elements you see are built - sort of05:59
auMarkThanks Tomma-05:59
Madpilotdanieleboyo, not really - sorry. Usually it's a bad CD when it won't boot - in your case I'm not sure05:59
acadi'm trying to make it so that i can copy a file using the file manager into /var/www and not get the 'permission denied error'. i have attempted to change umask in /etc/profile but it doesn't work except for from the terminal05:59
acadwhere is the right place?05:59
danieleboyomadpilot, any idea where i could look?05:59
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs06:00
knapperDoes anyone have a mx310?06:00
Flannelalnokta: What repositories do you have?06:00
carthikBonez, next time you login chose the option to use XFCE always06:00
alnoktaPelo, what about your sources.list file?06:00
Flannelknapper: that's a mouse? You looking for extra buttons?06:00
Peloacad  you probably need to be root,  do your changes from the terminal with sudo at the start fo your command06:00
carthikBonez, change the "Session" to XFCE and choose it to be the default, that is.06:00
Madpilotdanieleboyo, you might try the forums - ubuntuforums.org - but aside from that, I'm out of ideas for you. Sorry.06:00
alnoktaFlannel: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/sources.php06:00
danieleboyomadpilot, alright, well thanks alot!06:01
acadPelo i did sudo /etc/profile and made the changes06:01
knapperFlannel: I have tried a dozen mx310 guides and I cannot get my buttons working correctly. (ie right now I have no forward-backward buttons)06:01
acadPelo correction sudo vi /etc/profile06:01
Peloalnokta I'll try to enable the rest of the repository06:01
Peloacad  what are you trying to do again ?06:01
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Flannelalnokta: have you updated your source cache06:01
Flannelknapper: tried this one? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto06:02
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cskanyone know why dapper 6.06 suddenly freezes and how to overcome it?06:02
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alnoktaFlannel, thanks for asking but this isn't my problem....06:02
runescsk is this recent or has it always froze06:02
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Pelocsk it's happend to me a couple of times using the 686 kernel, so I went back to the 386 one06:03
cskrunes it has been happening for about a week06:03
runesany changes in hardware or updates?06:03
cskPelo how do i revert back to 386?06:03
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Nekow42today I ran memtest86+ and got 1 error... Ubuntu runs fine, however. Can I continue to ignore it or will this come back to haunt me?06:04
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knapperFlannel: Can you give me that link again. I accidentally hit Shift and Backspace and XGL pooped.06:04
runesNekow42, try the test several mre times06:04
Flannelknapper: tried this one? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto06:04
runesNekow42, how many physical memory module sdo you ahve06:04
Pelocsk  use synaptic to search and install the "kernel image" for i386 intall them , reboot and select the right kernel when you boot,  you can uninstall the 686 images afterward06:04
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knapperFlannel: Thanks I'll give it a shot.06:04
harryhow do you uncomment something on the /etc/X11/xorg.conf?   I'm trying to install Flash MX with wine06:04
acadPelo i want to set umask so that when i am logged in with the X server that i can drag and drop files into /var/www with the file manager06:04
Nekow42runes: 2 156 MB sticks06:04
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Peloacad  here is a tutorial on linux shell , that will probably help you a lot  http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php06:05
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runesNekow42, remvoe one retest if it passes  then do the same for the second06:05
acadPelo - hehe you so don't get it...  thanks for trying though.06:05
Peloacad  I don'T think you can do what you want06:05
acadPelo, yea you can.06:05
alnoktawhat does that mean "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166"?06:05
runesNekow42, when you figure which module is failing replace it06:05
acadPelo I'm just not sure how.06:05
runesNekow42, the risk of not doing so is corruping your files06:06
Nekow42runes: That serious, eh?06:06
acadPelo you have to set umask but profile is only executed when you login to a shell06:06
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Nekow42runes: okay, well, when I get time...06:06
acadi think you can set umask in a startup script before x loads, but i'm not sure where it is set to begin with06:06
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IseeIseeI'm installing an application which is asking for JDK path, how would I know where did the stupid OS installed the JDK ?06:06
danieleboyoanyone have any suggestions as to correct this situation:  when i get to the splash screen after the computer has booted from the cd, i clicked on install.  the graphical box that says loading kernel appeared for two seconds, and then my computer just rebooted06:06
runesNekow42, try to do it asap unless you already have a backup of your data prior to the failing memory module06:07
alnoktaany ideas?06:07
Nekow42runes: That serious, eh?06:07
cjohnsonI'm having a problem with ndiswrapper and the automatic dhcp option in /etc/network/interfaces, the essid needs to be NETGEAR, but if i have 'wireless-essid NETGEAR' it is still no go, my guess is /etc/network/interfaces gets proccessed before ndiswrapper sets it up06:07
harryhow do you uncomment something on the /etc/X11/xorg.conf?   I'm trying to install Flash MX with wine06:07
Nekow42runes: It's late now, and my finances might not allow me to get a new stick. I'll have to run at half-mem for a while, eh?06:08
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runesNekow42, I would better to be a bit sluggish than to lose info06:09
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Nekow42runes: True, true....06:09
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Nekow42runes: I'll find time to run two of those freaking ling scans....06:09
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ldrhcphi. can anybody help to get dri working?06:10
runesNekow42, check with the store you purchased the memory at cahnces are it may have a lifetime warranty..in that case all you need is the invoice and you ship it to the manufacturer06:11
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Nekow42runes: that's where it gets tricky... Newegg purchase...06:12
_3fgHello, I need a flash player for Opera06:12
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:12
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runesNekow42, the mem manufacturer will still honour it06:13
knapperFlannel: Argh, mouse 4 + 5 = left click. This is rediculous06:13
IseeIsee I'm installing an application which is asking for JDK path, how would I know where did the OS installed the JDK ?06:13
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knapperFlannel: Stratch that, I think I figured what it is06:14
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_3fgn3rdism: that doesn't have Opera support06:14
n3rdism3fg: opera 9?06:15
Bonezhey I think I broke my desktop somehow, there are no icons on it at all anymore and I can't even right-click to change desktop background. using gnome/dapper and i have tried restarting the Xsession06:15
JoNTYDoGHi anyone use MythTV?06:15
n3rdismbonez: you were changing your fstab right?06:15
Bonezn3rdism: ages ago yes, but that is a different partition06:16
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!lilo:*! Tor upgrades in a few minutes....110 or so users affected06:16
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n3rdismbonez: have you done any changes to xorg.conf?06:17
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Bonezn3rdism: not that I know of, but I did install xubuntu-desktop06:17
n3rdismis it true there is no flash player for x86_64? o.O06:17
Bonezn3rdism: i have not booted into xfce yet though, still using gnome06:17
IseeIseeI'm installing an application which is asking for JDK path, how would I know where did the OS installed the JDK ?06:17
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n3rdismbonez: try that then ^^06:18
FlannelIseeIsee: "which java"06:18
Bonezn3rdism: i don't want to use it now, so i removed all the packages :D06:18
Bonezn3rdism: i just decided i'd rather fix gnome first06:18
IseeIseeFlannel: java 2 SDK/JDK whatever you want to call it06:18
knapperFlannel: I either get: 1. The mouse wheel = forward/back. 2. Mouse 4 and 5 both act as mouse 1.06:18
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n3rdismbonez: teh gnome is teh broken o.o;; lol just reinstall the packages with synaptic; i think that should do it06:19
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FlannelIseeIsee: no, type "which java"06:19
BallsyHi there.  Complete Ubuntu newb here (former RHL user).  AMD Athlon 64, 512MB RAM, trying LiveCD of Dapper to try it out.  Tried amd64.iso and i386.iso, both fail after 'configuring some drivers.....ok'.  Checksums were right, burned disks at 4x....not finding much online help thus far.....ideas ?06:19
Bonezn3rdism: yeah ok ill give that a go :)06:19
harryhow do you uncomment something on the /etc/X11/xorg.conf?   I'm trying to install Flash MX with wine06:19
n3rdismharry: #06:20
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Bonezwhats the easiest way to reinstall gnome06:20
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Bonezfrom a command line pref06:20
n3rdismnot sure on that one bonez06:20
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IseeIseeFlannel it returns: /usr/bin/java but I'm talking about the JDK folder ?06:21
Bonezisn't there some apt-get reinstall command or something06:21
aroonihey folks: how can i 1) make my default swap partition be another physical drive 2) delete all old swap on my existing drive? (please provide answers for a noob)06:21
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FlannelIseeIsee: what?  What about the JDK do you want?06:21
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n3rdismbonez: im sure there is but i dont know it hehe ^^;06:21
IseeIseeFlannel: this is what I want:06:22
IseeIseeThis application requires Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition (1.4 or later). Enter a path to a Java 2 SDK (For example: /user/jdk1.4/bin). You can type "exit" to cancel installation.06:22
FlannelIseeIsee: right, that path.06:22
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IseeIseeFlannel that is an old path, I just updated my jdk to 1.506:22
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FlannelIseeIsee: then, it depends on how you upgraded06:22
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IseeIseeFlannel: I upgraded using apt-get update sun-java5-*06:23
abhinayhow can i change the name of the drive wich appears on my desktop ??06:23
harryn3rdism: isnt that commenting?? or uncommenting??06:23
Flannelharry: remove the # to uncomment06:23
n3rdismharry: # is how you comment in almost all scripting languages06:23
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cskhi all i dont seem to have bootloader in  system tools. can someone please tell me how to active it? thanks06:24
n3rdismharry: # in short is saying anything after this on this line is ignored06:24
Ballsyblinking cursor on blank screen when trying to fire up the Live CD after 'configuring some drivers...ok' ..... anyone ?06:24
harryFlannel: but why does Flash MX in Wine hq tells me to uncomment where i dont have something to uncomment06:24
n3rdismi dont have boot loader either o.o;;06:24
lio1685hi all06:24
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n3rdismballsy: when you first boot the cd run the cd test to make sure there arent any errors on it?06:25
Flannelharry: because the tutorial isn't designed for ubuntu maybe.06:25
n3rdismcsk: are you looking to alter your bootloader?06:25
_3fgn3rdism: I got the flash thing06:26
Ballsyn3rdism, did that with the 1st CD I made (I'm at #3 now) ... and it DID find 4 checksum errors.  I redownloaded the .iso from another mirror, checksum was right, and it had the same problem....06:26
n3rdism3fg: are you using 64bit dood?06:26
cskn3rdism - i just want to load bootloader and change something in my boot up screen06:26
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_3fgn3rdism: nope06:26
n3rdismcsk: what do you want to change?06:26
harryFlannel: it exactly said Ubuntu 6.0606:27
n3rdism3fg: damn i think im right then; i cant get flash player for 64bit o.o;;06:27
cskn3rdism i want my 386 kernel to load before my 686 kernel06:27
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n3rdismcsk: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst06:28
lasindi[lappy] Hi all, how do you play MIDI files in Ubuntu?06:28
RedGhosti just installed ubuntu on vmware and the bridged network does not work, in the past i had no problems, would installing vmware tools help this or06:28
_3fgis there any utilities for configuring touchpads on a laptop?06:28
knapperDoes anyone here have a mx310?06:28
n3rdismBallsy: its probably your burner in that case06:28
Ballsyn3rdism, to clarify, the checksum of the .iso file was right...but when running the cd test it found 4 checksum errors.  Redownloaded the .iso from another mirror, the .iso's checksum was right, but same problems occurred.06:28
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solid_liqanyone know where I can get a list of mirrors for ubuntu/kubuntu?06:28
_3fgsolid_liq: ubuntu.com06:29
solid_liq_3fg: yeah, but where?  I've been looking06:29
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acadwhat command would open the file manager from the terminal window?06:29
_3fgin the downloads page06:29
Nekow42acad: nautilus06:29
solid_liqspecifically, I want a list I can feed to apt-spy06:29
Ballsysolid_liq, ubuntu.com/download06:29
Corporal_Dirgelasindi[lappy] , Doesn't VLC or MPlayer work?06:29
knapperIf anyone here has a Logitech MX310 I would greatly appreciate it if they could give me some tips on getting all of the buttons to work.06:29
v3rmapHow can I configure mouse setup under Ubuntu. I want to tell Ubuntu that the "mouse" is a Synaptics TouchPad.06:30
solid_liq_3fg, Ballsy: thanks06:30
n3rdism3fg: its not a usb touchpad is it?06:30
Ballsysolid_liq, isn't really a list in the format you want, but you can probably 'view source' and cut/paste em or summut.06:30
lasindi[lappy] Corporal_Dirge: it doesn't appear to06:30
_3fgn3rdism: nope, it's the mouse06:30
n3rdismv3rmap: try http://www.janerob.com/rob/ts5100/cPad/JanS/cpad.html06:30
_3fgnot like  a drawing pad06:30
cskn3rdism thanks06:30
lasindi[lappy] Corporal_Dirge: I mean, neither of them do06:30
solid_liqa text file would be best06:31
n3rdismim googling calibrate touchpad linux06:31
_3fgok thanks06:31
Corporal_Dirgelasindi[lappy] , I haven't tried, I'll try now. Just for fun, try opening it in firefox =) Ghetto-rigged06:31
n3rdismbut my eyes are starting to burn06:31
n3rdismmaybe you can take it from there06:31
v3rmapn3rdism: thanks, I'm reading that.06:31
RedGhostugh: why wouldnt my bridged network work for ubuntu? ifconfig eth006:31
n3rdismv3rmap: dont be mad if its useless; im kinda out of it06:31
RedGhosttells me invalid device06:31
solid_liqI want a text file that can be downloaded at will to update the list.  I'm writing a script to install all the software you want on a nice desktop system to help make setting up an ubuntu/kubuntu desktop much faster and easier06:32
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v3rmapn3rdism: no problem. I'll try anything :-(06:32
n3rdismi hope its useful06:32
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aroonihey folks: how can i 1) make my default swap partition be another physical drive 2) delete all old swap on my existing drive? (please provide answers for a noob)06:32
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RedGhostare you telling me about of 727 people no one has experience with this problem?06:32
Dark_Knight_209anyone help me. I've found the config for dual monitors using a FX 5200 card. and now can not find it after a reinstall. and didn't backup my .xorg file06:33
n3rdismredghost: nope sorry06:33
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Ballsysolid_liq, it ain't exactly 'text', but this might be closer....https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive06:33
n3rdismdark_knight_209: you hsould always back up xorg.conf!06:33
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Dark_Knight_209i know... don't yell at me to much...06:34
Dark_Knight_209I feel so stupid.06:34
n3rdismive done it too dont worry06:34
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Dark_Knight_209i e-mailed my self a copy.06:35
Dark_Knight_209but g-mail is down!06:35
solid_liqhmm, thanks Ballsy06:35
harrywhat are the wacom devices in /etc/X11/xorg.conf   ????06:35
n3rdismomg >.<06:35
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_3fgn3rdism: find anything about the mouse?06:35
Dark_Knight_209the odds g-mail would be down.... NOW!06:35
BallsyDark_Knight_209, Gmail is fine for me.....*blink*06:36
Ballsyin fact, it's strange you said that, cuz I was logging in at that very second....06:36
n3rdism_3fg: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=calibrate+touchpad+linux&spell=106:36
harrywhat are the wacom devices in /etc/X11/xorg.conf   ????06:37
n3rdismall im doing; maybe 2 looking is faster06:37
n3rdismwhich reminds me: whats todays woot????06:37
solid_liqBallsy: hmmm -  https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/apt-spy/+bug/178006:37
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_3fgthanks n3rdism06:38
n3rdism3fg: all im getting is random posts on forums for really specific laptops and i think you saying you had a compaq v2000 right?06:38
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_3fgno, a toshiba sattelite06:39
ubotuI know nothing about ! - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:39
_3fgS100 or something06:39
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n3rdismholy crap06:39
n3rdismmight be what you need06:39
_3fgnot the same model, but I will try it06:39
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n3rdismi dont think they will rebuild a touchpad driver anyways06:40
n3rdismim guessing they use the same thing lol06:40
n3rdismcheap production06:40
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n3rdismholy crap- oblivion is STILL going06:41
Ballsyn3rdism, I'm not convinced my CD/DVD Burner is the problem (since I burn so many other things), but I could have SWORN I saw a page somewhere talking about a SmartBootManager CD that you boot from, then just before hitting 'Install' (or whatever) you swap in the Ubuntu CD ... do you recall such a page's whereabouts by chance ?06:41
_3fgthanks n3rdism06:41
n3rdismlater 3fg06:41
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n3rdismballsy: just burn the iso with nero or alcohol or something similar06:42
Ballsyn3rdism, thnx for the help, by the way.06:42
n3rdismnp np06:42
Ballsyn3rdism, used DVD Decryptor.  Could try Nero I guess.....06:42
=== TiG4 [n=tigfour@cpe-24-162-120-107.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
n3rdismif you have it, its still one of the best06:42
n3rdismjust do the burn an image option06:42
TiG4*-- If I have a .bin archive, is there a way that I can extract the contents without burning it? --*06:42
n3rdismand make sure you're looking for .iso files not w/e it defaults to06:43
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n3rdismtig4: archive manager?06:44
FlannelBallsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation  thats all the multitudes of instlalation methods (and there is a SBM one, I believe)06:44
TiG4n3rdism, Nope.06:44
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n3rdismi tried >.< dont know much about .bin06:44
ubotuI know nothing about .bin - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:44
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Corporal_Dirgelasindi[lappy] ,  http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~djm/ubuntu/#timidity06:45
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CyDrivedoes anyone know of any other good debian based os they would reccomend based on Debian?06:45
carthikTiG4, if that is like an iso then mount it as a loopback device06:45
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n3rdismTiG4: http://www.magiciso.com/tutorials/miso-whatsimage.htm06:46
jjohnHello all How do I ask the bot a Q? I want to ask... bcm43xx06:46
n3rdismCyDrive: UBUNTUooooooooo06:46
TiG4n3rdism, Linux or Windows?06:47
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jjohnUBUNTU bcm43xx06:47
CyDrivei mean an os besides UBUNTU i like debian but honestly UBUNTU is not for me06:47
ubotuI know nothing about bcnm43xx - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:47
solid_liqjjohn: I just read what you need06:47
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solid_liqjjohn: when trying to find a sources list06:47
NgtmagicksGreets all06:47
n3rdismcydrive: why do you say that?06:47
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solid_liq/msg jjohn06:47
solid_liq# Cafuegos Dapper Stuff - broadcom kernel firmwares (GPG key: 969F3F57)06:47
solid_liqdeb http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/ dapper-cafuego bcm43xx06:48
solid_liqdeb-src http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/ dapper-cafuego bcm43xx06:48
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solid_liqjjohn: get that?06:48
CyDriven3rdism if you are using a broadcom bcm43xx wireless card then believe me this os is not what you want i have one and it becomes a pain to startup your machine cause you have to use sudo modprobe every time and alot of other people with this card agree with me06:48
=== WillieDaPimp slaps richiefrich
TiG4carthik, How would I mount an bin, I have a .cue file06:48
n3rdismcydrive: im not lol i was just trying to help that gent06:49
jjohnsolid_liq  Thanks I will look06:49
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carthikTiG4, google is your friend - never had that problem myself06:49
solid_liqCyDrive: then why don't you put that in your /etc/rc.d?06:49
n3rdismsolid_liq: ;)06:49
solid_liqCyDrive: that's what init scripts are for, after all :D06:49
=== richiefrich looks at WillieDaPimp .. this is way to much fun in here... read the ?'s
forevertheuni:/ guys I'm trying to watch avi's but I get"xvid codec not found in everyplayer?" what's the package I need to install?I have universe and multiverse06:49
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n3rdismtig4: sry just caught that; its for both but depends on what You want lolol06:50
CyDrivecauyse after that i have to go into networing in administration choose my wireless router and tae 10 minutes to "activvate"06:50
jjohnsolid_liq   I am a noob just got the word "here" not clickable06:50
solid_liqn3rdism: that's a lot of laughing :P06:50
Corporal_Dirgeforevertheuni, Even VLC?06:50
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solid_liqjjohn: the stuff after that, sorry06:50
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forevertheuniCorporal_Dirge, vlc is not installed..I think06:50
n3rdismsolid_liq: im all hopped up on php06:50
Ngtmagicksany one have a good script or how to on resetting the auto mount and detection for cdroms?06:50
solid_liqjjohn: these next lines are for your /etc/apt/sources.list file06:51
solid_liq# Cafuegos Dapper Stuff - broadcom kernel firmwares (GPG key: 969F3F57)06:51
solid_liqdeb http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/ dapper-cafuego bcm43xx06:51
solid_liqdeb-src http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/ dapper-cafuego bcm43xx06:51
CyDriveHow does SuSE compare to UBUNTU?06:51
WillieDaPimprichiefrich, if only the questions were even understandable06:51
forevertheunisolid_liq, that's for a wireless card right?06:51
solid_liqn3rdism: I prefer python myself :D06:51
linuxgooberrpm based versus deb based and kde is the default desktop instead of gnome06:51
Corporal_Dirgeforevertheuni, Mplayer?06:51
solid_liqforevertheuni: yep06:51
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jjohnsolid_liq  Thanks06:51
n3rdismsolid_liq: i've dabbled06:51
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forevertheuniCorporal_Dirge, I can't find mplayer in my list..vlc I'll install now..xine doesn't play it..06:51
forevertheuniCorporal_Dirge, but my other distro runs fine06:51
richiefrichWillieDaPimp but willie thats what makes it so much fun06:52
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forevertheunisolid_liq, hmm..I have one of those..are that ones the 11Mbps?06:52
solid_liqjjohn: like I said, I *just* saw it on a website when you asked, so lucky timing :D06:52
jshriverI just installed XGL..06:52
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n3rdismjshriver: worth it? lol06:52
jshriverso what are all the bells and whistles I hear about and how to I run,test, use them?06:52
solid_liqforevertheuni: they can be g cards too06:52
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Corporal_Dirgeforevertheuni, Well, VLC plays everything but MP4 and wmv for me. I use MPlayer for those 2.06:52
forevertheunisolid_liq, hmm I have a mini-pci in my mom's computer(that was from my laptop)06:52
n3rdismjshriver: from what i hear its a lot of work for not that much lol06:53
forevertheuniCorporal_Dirge, I can play in mplayer vlc xine noatun totem etc etc in my sourcemage install06:53
solid_liqforevertheuni: minipci is nicer than pccard :D06:53
forevertheuniso...it's a codec thing06:53
jshrivershrug well so far I dont notice any difference.06:53
forevertheunisolid_liq, except...you can't remove it with pc running :D06:53
jshriverbut wanted to try out the eye candy.. just not sure where it is06:53
n3rdismjshriver: http://digitallifetv.com/blogs/digitallifetv/archive/2006/06/22/14230.aspx06:53
solid_liqforevertheuni: hehe :D06:53
n3rdismforevertheuni: its always a codec thing lol06:54
forevertheuniCorporal_Dirge, :/ dunno..vlc is finishing installing06:54
solid_liqyou want eyecandy for KDE, try Baghira!!06:54
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jshriverusing gnome06:54
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jshriverthe one reason I wanted to use XGL is because of the cubic window changing...06:54
jshriverhwo do I do that?06:54
WillieDaPimprichiefrich, yea, but i mean...." What is a terminal " is insane06:54
forevertheunivlc is working06:54
knapperFlannel: Can you help me do this guide? (mouse guide)06:54
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n3rdismjshriver: turn on your distort screensaver; take a few hits of acid; enjoy.06:54
forevertheuniwhat's the package for mplayer?06:54
Corporal_DirgeWhat's eye candy? I keep hearing that.06:55
richiefrichWillieDaPimp then i think M$ will be a better solutionm06:55
jshriverthings pleasing to the eye06:55
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jshriverlike graphic effects etc..06:55
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Corporal_Dirgeforevertheuni, umm, I used the synaptic gui and searched.06:55
n3rdismits the tightness in your pants when you first view a 64bit irc chat06:55
forevertheuniCorporal_Dirge, what?06:55
jshriverkinda confused.. is that all xgl is?06:55
forevertheuniCorporal_Dirge, I search with adept..but I only have kmplayer06:56
jshriverI could do OpenGL before.. even on my old debian system.. confused06:56
jshriverthought it was supposed to change how things worked in the UI06:56
Corporal_Dirgeforevertheuni, I used the gui and search so I don't know the package name.06:56
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torpedo|dogjshriver: xgl is using OpenGL for your windowing06:56
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jjohnsolid_liq   Did I PM you?06:56
forevertheuniCorporal_Dirge, ok..but I wanted xine to run it too06:56
torpedo|dogIt's more than that, but that's the Cliffs Notes06:56
Flannelknapper: sorry, I don't even have a mouse.  heh.  I just know of that page06:56
forevertheuniit runs it in my other pc :/06:57
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forevertheunibahh going to bed now06:57
Corporal_Dirgeforevertheuni, Tried installing the w32codecs package?06:57
richiefricherr who doesnt know what 'eye candy' is ?06:57
n3rdismjshriver: it puts screen on a 3d platform; makes windows have ceizures and generally bloats your epenis some side effects are unlisted. ask your doctor before recreational use06:57
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Corporal_DirgeI don't know if that would help06:57
forevertheuniCorporal_Dirge, hmmm good idea...that's in what?multiverse?06:57
Phoenix786anybody know about the xorg.conf file?06:57
forevertheuniok tnx06:57
forevertheunigoing to bed06:57
NgtmagicksPhoenix786, like what?06:58
jshriverhow do you do the cube thing?06:58
Phoenix786multi monitor06:58
Phoenix786im trying to do dual monitor on one card06:58
knapperFlannel: We'll I got it all working, except... middle mouse is acting like right-mouse button (right click) and right click is doing nothing (acting like middle mouse- mouse 3)06:58
NgtmagicksPhoenix786, sorry can't help you there.06:58
knapperFlannel: Any ideas on how to switch them?06:59
Corporal_Dirgeforevertheuni, http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~djm/ubuntu/#multimedia06:59
Phoenix786thanks anyways06:59
n3rdismcorporal_dirge: he logged06:59
acadi hate ubuntu06:59
knapperFlannel: Also, do you know how I can make it so that xmodmap is executed on boot instead of having to do it manually?06:59
acadit is so damm buggy06:59
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WillieDaPimpacad, then why use it ?>07:00
jshriverhrm transparency doesnt seem to work in the Terminal07:00
acadi don't07:00
jshriverstill jerky, and displays the background rather than the underlying window07:00
WillieDaPimpacad, then why are you here?07:00
acadbecause i'm checking it out07:00
WillieDaPimpacad, what do you use?07:00
n3rdismacad, go to bed ^^07:00
Ngtmagicksacad so instead of insulting off the bat...07:00
acadno, i'm just frustrated because i discovered a bug * that has been confirmed *07:00
jshriveror is the terminal transparency only in a specific term app?07:00
acadsorry, not meaning to troll07:00
Corporal_Dirgeacad, I found a couple too... in Windows.07:01
acadeverybody has issues no matter what os they use07:01
acadyea,  they all do07:01
Ngtmagicksacad only in certain apps07:01
Flannelacad: so, it's been confirmed.  It'll get fixed.07:01
acadas i said, i'm frustrated,  i don't really hate ubuntu07:01
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n3rdismyou hurt its feelings man; appologize or youll have a tribe of angry nigerians after you07:01
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Corporal_Dirgeacad, help us find more ;)07:02
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WillieDaPimpacad, i use gentoo and i have hardly any bugs, and if there is any that pop out i squash them immediatly07:02
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ivisplease help me i remove gnome panel when i minimize windows i don't see he07:02
acadit has to do with umask in profile, apprently this is a bug as it only works with tt2,3 or something07:02
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acadWillianDaPimp my issue is that i'm trying to help someone else ubunut up and running and it is being a pain07:02
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ivisHelp plz07:03
ivisplease help me i remove gnome panel when i minimize windows i don't see he.07:03
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n3rdismivis: i would suggest a reboot07:04
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ivisi try07:04
Flannelivis: go to the bottom of your screen, right click "add panel" then on that panel right click "add to panel"07:04
dasGewitterCan anyone help me with wireless PPPoE setup?07:05
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n3rdismwireless *cries*07:05
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dasGewitterhaha, well, it shouldn't be too hard. I'm just not understanding why I'm not getting internet access07:06
Ngtmagickswireless pppoe?07:06
dasGewitterAlright, so I worded that wrong.07:06
n3rdismok youll need 2 dixie cups and a really long piece of string07:06
dasGewitterThe adsl router does the pppoe auth, I have a wireless router hooked to one of the ports.07:07
dasGewitterThe wireless ip is set to, and the adsl router to
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dasGewitterI connect to it fine, just no internet access07:07
linopildasGewitter: so wireless is the problem ?07:08
n3rdismso its probably in between then07:08
Ngtmagicksand your using what auth and is the router setup to allow internet access to that ip and mac address?07:08
n3rdismtry resetting the modem07:08
Corporal_DirgeHow do I set up SCIM to use multiple languages?07:08
linopilany security defined07:08
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dibblegoI have an old Compaq, and when I boot the Dapper CD I have no mouse or keyboard - simple problem?07:08
n3rdismdibblego: usb or ps2?07:09
dasGewitterngtmagicks: Well, I was trying to add a second DHCP client, so that the wireless could use DHCP07:09
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dibblegon3rdism, why?07:10
NgtmagicksdasGewitter, so your using dhcp from the dsl to the router?  or so that the wireless could assign dhcp?07:10
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Corporal_DirgeWho asked the mouse question about the MX-whatever?07:10
n3rdismdibblego: i dont have much experience with ps2 i/o >.<07:10
Corporal_DirgeProbably a xorg issue.07:11
FlannelCorporal_Dirge: knapper did, mx1300 or something like that.07:11
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dasGewitterShould the wireless router A) list Internet Connection Type be set to PPPoE B) Should the adsl router allow PPPoE pass-through07:11
Bonezi have a fat32 partition mounted but i can not read/write to it from within nautilus, but i can read/write from a terminal. anyone know how to fix?07:11
Corporal_Dirgeknapper, I found something: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~djm/ubuntu/#enable-5button-mouse07:11
dasGewitterAs of now the wireless obtains an IP automatically.07:12
Ngtmagicksyes. to both,  the router should be both pppoe auth and dhcp.  the adsl terminal should allow pppoe pass through without any auth or connection07:12
n3rdismbonez: did you try /etc/fstab permissions?07:12
Bonezn3rdism: sorry, mistake in my initial text. i can read it but not write it from within nautilus.07:12
dasGewitterShould the wireless router be allowed to run DHCP?07:12
Bonezn3rdism: yes i have checked them, this is my fstab line07:12
Bonez/dev/hda6      /media/d    vfat  codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0 0 007:12
NgtmagicksdasGewitter, no07:12
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wfAnyone alive in here?07:13
Bonezn3rdism: have also tried this: /dev/hda6       /media/d    vfat  rw,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=0000 0 007:13
NgtmagicksdasGewitter, sorry the router yes use that to assign dhcp07:13
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n3rdismsee the "rw"07:13
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Bonezn3rdism: yes07:13
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Corporal_Dirgewf = wannabe fansubs? =P07:14
n3rdismbonez: add an x to that, but im not 100%07:14
Bonezn3rdism: it can't be a fstab problem because i can read/write through the terminal07:14
n3rdismbonez: lets check the links the bot provides to make sure lol its been a while07:14
Bonezn3rdism: i just can't write using nautilus or thunar07:14
Bonezok cool :)07:14
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ubotuThe /etc/fstab file lists all drives and partitions that are mounted on the system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !partitions07:14
ic56Bonez: if you can do something in terminal but not in the GUI, then the problem cannot be with the mounting.  Unless, of course, you are mistaken about being able to do it in terminal :-)07:14
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=== wf wonders what fansubs is... :S I noticed I was being impatient it just took some time to connect... :S
buzzedany good white box laptops?07:15
n3rdismfansubs lol07:15
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n3rdismgoogle it07:15
Corporal_Dirgewf is also a subbing group for anime.07:15
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NgtmagicksCorporal_Dirge, ?07:15
Bonezic56: yes that is what i was trying to explain to n3rdism :)07:15
wfah o.k.07:15
wfwell that's not me. :)07:16
Bonezic56: the partition is mounted ok, but i just can't write to it from within a gui07:16
Shak-how does one change the default /var/www document root path to something else in apache?07:16
Corporal_Dirgejust thought you might be a fan of fansubs...07:16
Bonezic56: and it's weird, because i have another fat32 partition which works fine! (read&write in GUI)07:16
ic56Bonez: are you sure you're accessing the same thing in Nautilus as you are in terminal?  Perhaps one is a symlink to something while the other isn't. or perhaps they're completely different things?  GUIs can be confusing.07:16
Bonezic56: 100% sure... it's mounted in /media/d07:16
Bonezi can rm files or nano files in /media/d07:16
ic56Bonez: another thing to keep in mind is how nautilus decides to display things07:17
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wf@shak > change your documentroot in your httpd.conf file07:17
Bonezbut if I try to do it through nautilus or thuner i get no write access07:17
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Shak-wf: my httpd.conf file is completely empty07:17
Bonezic56: when I open /media/d in nautilus i get a screen full of padlocks :(07:17
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Darth_Xare the new apple macbook laptops worth buying?07:17
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n3rdismdarth_x: get a pro07:17
Shak-wf: im using apache207:18
dibblegon3rdism, are there any logs or something I could look at?07:18
n3rdismdibblego: im sorry i forgot what was going on lol07:18
cpk2Shak-: pretty simple to just apt-get apache07:18
ic56Bonez: gnome-conf contains some settings (which I don't fully understand yet) which tell it when to display an icon for a mounted filesystem and when not.  These are *magic* icons that appear not because the corresponding objects are in the directory being viewed but because the config says Nautilus should display them.  Perhaps the malfunction is with the config of those things?07:18
dibblegon3rdism, my PS2 mouse on my old compaq machine won't work when I boot with the Dapper CD07:18
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Darth_Xwhat is the difference between regular and pro? Apart from the pro version being way too expensive, like twice the price of other laptops with same guts inside07:19
ubotuI know nothing about ps2 - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:19
Ngtmagicksic56 sounds like what I'm seeing almost.07:19
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Shak-cpk2: if I do that will my apache2 uninstall and apache 1.3 install?07:19
Bonezic56: not too sure, however even when I run nautlius or thunar as sudo, I still can not write to the partition, and it tells me in the permissions that I am the owner of the files... go figure? :P07:19
n3rdismdibblego: sorry bout that im pretty out of it; ill look into it07:19
cpk2Shak-: no, i have apache2 and apache07:19
dibblegon3rdism, no problem thanks07:19
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mbosoi'm trying to install compiz, but apt is having trouble finding the version of libsvg-cairo it needs. i'm using deb http://xgl.compiz.info/ dapper main as my repository07:20
ic56Bonez: another possibility is that Nautilus is somehow not up to date with teh state of your filesystems.  Try shuttting down X and restarting it.07:20
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roostishawanyone, what command do i use to recursivly give read/write/excute permissions to me, the current user?07:20
Bonezic56: been there, done that :( the only other thing i have had suggested to me is to boot into windows and run a chkdsk07:20
Shak-cpk2: well, how can I modify the document root on apache2?07:20
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Shak-cpk2: I tried changing the DocumentRoot option in sites-available/default, but that gave me an error page in my browser apge07:20
wfCould anyone tell me how could I figure out if ubuntu can see my hd using the live cd?07:21
n3rdismdibblego: found an interesting article http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/203707:21
n3rdismdibblego: googles yer friend :)07:21
dibblegon3rdism, cheers07:21
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roostishawanyone, what command do i use to recursivly give read/write/excute permissions to me, the current user?07:21
Ngtmagickswf is the live cd not automounting your hdd?07:21
ic56Bonez: chkdsk is a good housekeeping plan.  But it wouldn't explain this behaviour.  Nautilus shouldn't really know anything about filesystem corruption.07:21
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roostishawon a specific folder07:21
wfeuhm I don't see it showing up anywhere. :S07:21
cpk2Shak-: i think apache.conf07:21
cpk2err i mean apache2.conf07:21
Bonezic56: yes this is a good point. I am thinking of moving all data over to another drive and reformatting it as ext3 anyway, so maybe i'll just take the easy way out and do that? :)07:22
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n3rdismalright folks; im off to pass out lol. i cant believe oblivion still isnt done >.>07:22
Ngtmagickswf: oh..nothing in admin>drives?07:22
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RawSewageI have an Audacity question:  how do I install more NYquist plug ins?  I put them in the plug-ins folder, restarted Audacity, but they didnt appear in Audacity.  Does anyone know how to add more PLUGINS07:22
Shak-cpk2: I cant find any parameter in that conf file07:22
roostishawanyone, what command do i use to recursivly give read/write/excute permissions to a specific folder to me, the current user?07:22
ic56Bonez: spend some time in gconf-editor looking at settings that affect Nautilus.  See if you can make some sense of them.  The GNOME documentation might help, though I haven't read much of it and cannot affirm it will07:23
wfhm grmbl...     /me noob big-time. :(07:23
Bonezic56: thanks for your help!07:23
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ic56Bonez: yw and good luck!07:24
wfBut it says it's inaccesible...07:24
cpk2Shak-: the readme seems to suggest to just add it in conf.d07:24
RawSewageIs anyone typing an answer to my question, or am I wasting my time as usual07:25
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Corporal_DirgeRawSewage, I just sat down, but I suggest patience.07:25
linux_user400354i cant get my ftp server to work. its frustrating because ive tried many things. it works fine for lan use, but on the internet it doesnt. i think it could be because of my isp blocking certain things even though they told me in an email they dont. ive tried changing the port number, but theres no option that i can find for changing the ftp-data port. does anyone know a solution to this?07:26
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linux_user400354ive tried both vsftpd and proftpd07:26
cpk2linux_user400354: you might need to configure your router as well if you have one07:26
RawSewageCorporal_Dirge, I dont think anyone knows the answer. its an obscure question07:26
linux_user400354cpk2, its configured with port forwarding07:26
Corporal_DirgeRawSewage, Rebooted the comp yet?07:26
linux_user400354RawSewage, what else would someone need to know?07:27
RawSewageCorporal_Dirge, I restarted X07:27
RawSewageI'll reboot07:27
Corporal_Dirgejust to be sure, I would too.07:27
wfIt's a real seagate of about 595 MB. :D       Had to install an old one, since my s-ata drive freaked out. :(       But now I want to check if there's anything left on that hd that's worthy of not formatting for ubuntu.       It says it's inaccessible and is vfat filesystem. Can I see files somehow or not?07:28
cpk2linux_user400354: you check in services to make sure the port was in there?07:28
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mborohovskihey guys07:28
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mborohovskiwhats the best way to get my ipod working under ubuntu? i mean, it shows up...but is there a way to sync it in rhythmbox? or an easy to to sync it otherwise?07:29
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Ballsylinux_user, do you have logging enabled for your FTP server?  If so, anything being written to it ?  How about a 'netstat -na' on the server when you're trying to connect to it with a client...are you making it to the server at least ?07:30
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ic56: ftp-data is normally outbound.  Ie the problem is with the remote clients being behind firewalls.  Are the remote clients using passive or active ftp?07:30
ic56linux_user400354: ftp-data is normally outbound.  Ie the problem is with the remote clients being behind firewalls.  Are the remote clients using passive or active ftp?07:30
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Shak-cpk2: conf.d is a folder.07:30
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ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPodHowto07:31
cpk2i know add your own file to it07:31
RawSewageCorporal_Dirge, I rebooted.  no luck07:31
cpk2thats what the readme seems to be saying07:31
mborohovskii mean, gtkpod seems to be a pain in the ass, is all.07:31
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BallsyI'm trying the Live CD of Dapper on AMD Athlon 64 machine with horrible luck.  Tried the adm64.iso and i386.iso...checksums for both ISOs were good, but when I ran the 'disk check' during the initial Ubuntu startup, it found checksum mismatches.  When trying to fire up the Live CD it dies after 'configuring some drivers...ok'.  Have burned 4 CDs now, using DVD Decryptor and Nero...no luck with either.07:32
Corporal_DirgeAre you trying to add in files you programmed or the package?07:32
RawSewageCorporal_Dirge, hmm...  could be a permissions thing07:32
_smd_Is there anyone here from the peg?07:32
RawSewageCorporal_Dirge, I'll try that07:32
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RawSewageI have a folder of ny files I downloaded07:33
CarlFKBallsy: do you know how to mount -o loop the .iso?07:33
Corporal_Dirge2.29-6 is a package already. just sudo apt-get nyquit if you're trying to get the package07:33
Shak-cpk2: add a file in that folder called what, containing what?07:33
BallsyCarlFK, native OS is currently XP Pro :/07:33
cpk2or you could just try adding DocumentRoot rootlocationhere to your httpd.conf07:33
Corporal_Dirgeerr nyquist07:33
RawSewageCorporal_Dirge, I dont think thats the same07:33
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RawSewageCorporal_Dirge, Audacity has a built-in thing07:33
BallsyCarlFK, but to answer your question, no.07:34
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ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins07:34
wfNgtmagicks: It is in admin>drives but I can't see any files, could you guide me a bit?07:34
CarlFKBallsy: there is a util for XP ... um...07:34
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shinobi2how do i configure wifi?07:34
Corporal_DirgeNyquist is a sound synthesis and composition language based on a Lisp syntax. Nyquist is an elegant and powerful system based on functional programming.07:34
linux_user400354ic56, does internet explorer and mozilla firefox use passive ftp or active ftp?07:34
kakaltois there a command (not shortcut) to restart X?07:34
CarlFKBallsy: my thought was to mount the iso, cd into it and md5sum -check the fiels before burning to disk07:35
kakaltoI know CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE restarts X, but is there a command for the same thing?07:35
RawSewageCorporal_Dirge, Audacity has a built in  Nyquist thing.  It already comes with 607:35
RawSewageCorporal_Dirge, but I'll install that nyquist anyway, and try it07:35
shinobi2does ubuntu have more apps? i checked the add/remove menu, there's no C, Java compiler07:35
tritiumshinobi2: sure there is07:35
=== greggory [n=root@ppp-69-152-163-7.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
greggorycan someone help me07:35
CarlFKkakalto: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart07:35
RawSewageI know this wont work though07:35
linux_user400354Ballsy, I can make it to the ftp server. Anyone in the lan can make it to the ftp server without problems.07:35
ic56linux_user400354: I don't know.  These days, passive is the default in most clients, because it allows the client to live behind simpler firewall rules.07:36
greggoryi dont know if any has used lkl or not but im having problems locating and using the keymap file07:36
shinobi2tritium: why it isn't on the list?07:36
kakaltoCarlFK: of course. *hits self* thanks.07:36
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)07:36
tritiumshinobi2: ^^07:36
ic56linux_user400354: active ftp is the original standard.07:36
_smd_is anyone here that live in winnipeg?07:36
BallsyCarlFK, oh....umm....are you thinking of DaemonTools or something?  The idea sounds famil....07:36
ic56linux_user400354: what's between your LAN and your ISP?  Is there no firewall at all?07:36
wfI live in Hte Netherlands. :p :D07:36
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wfThe that is07:37
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_smd_wf: that doesnt help me07:37
wfI know, I'm just saying it to maybe get some response off of people living in The Netherlands as well... :p sorry07:37
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greggorycan someone help me with a keymap file and how to use it with lkl?07:38
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dasGewitteryeahhh....so about that pppoe mess07:38
Darth_Xdoes anyone live in winterpeg?07:38
_smd_wf: thats completely fine.  Do not say sorry07:38
shinobi2can someone show me how to config my wifi?  the interface is sit007:38
wfokay.   sorry.   :D07:38
BallsyDarth_X, if I recall correctly, several hundred thousand people live in Winterpeg, so I'd say yes.07:38
Ballsy(well, tens of thousands anyhow)07:38
linux_user400354Ballsy, burn at a slower speed and if possible use another drive to burn the cds07:39
_smd_wf: now that deserves a07:39
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RawSewageCorporal_Dirge, oh well, thanks for trying.  I'll have to do some more Google research I guess07:39
mborohovskianyone use anything other than gtkpod for linux + ipod? id love using rhythmbox...anyone?07:39
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Darth_Xmy brother wants to move to winnipeg, but I'm not sure what is out there. I'd prefer to stay here ;)07:39
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Ballsylinux_user, tried at 4x in DVD Decryptor, and 10x in Nero to no avail.07:39
=== Bone [i=user@pool-72-82-51-138.rcmdva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
MadpilotDarth_X, ask on #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-ca07:39
x_orDoes anyone here know how I can reinstall postgresql and restore the configuration files and data directories?  I deleted them and am unable to restore now.07:40
wfanyways,       no-one in here who can guide me through the process of finding files on a vfat inaccesible hd?07:40
Bonehey some assitance please07:40
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BallsyDarth_X, I drove through it on my move to Calgary.  The downtown looked pretty modern..........but that's about it.07:40
wfx_or: If you deleted them you deleted them, right?07:40
_smd_It is cold here.  But I messed up my computer some how.   And what I did to fix my res problem worked.  And now it doesn't and I am IRATE07:40
Bonei could have sworn there were different uBunu flavors, i wanna get ubuntu, the breeezy flavor( powered by apt-get) but i can't find it on the site07:40
linux_user400354kakalto, "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart07:40
_smd_what fixed my rex probel mlast time i mean07:40
ubotuI know nothing about lkl - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:41
Boneanyone? please help07:41
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wfBone: version 5.10 is the breezy version I believe07:41
wfBreezy Badger07:41
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nightvisionGood evening07:41
MadpilotBone, the names - Breezy Badger, Dapper Drake, etc - are for versions, not flavours. The lastest version is Dapper Drake07:41
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nightvisionI have an odd problem happening with Firefox07:42
MadpilotBone, and all versions & flavours are powered by apt-get...07:42
Bonethere only 6.0607:42
MadpilotBone, yes, get 6.06, it's the latest07:42
Bonebuti need breezy version, the one with aptget07:42
Darth_Xare there enough animal names for all required revisions of ubuntu?07:42
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Se7hBone o.0 apt-get comes with every version07:43
FlannelDarth_X: I'm sure there will be.07:43
Bonewell, so 6.06, is taht breezy, or what wahts the dela, i thoght there were differnt flavors of ubuntu07:43
MadpilotBone, all versions use apt-get, and Breezy (5.10) is now outdated - Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake) is current07:43
greggorydapper drake07:43
wfSo Windows Virtual Fat  cannot be accessed by ubuntu?       anyone a reply? any reply?07:43
linux_user400354ic56, there's a configured firewall on my computer. ive disabled the firewall and still no luck. there is a router and modem. the modem may be blocking ports, but i havent figured out a way to get into it after trying many things to do that also. the router shouldnt be blocking any ports with port fowarding enabled.07:43
Boneohh, alright, so there is no more falvors 6.06 has everything07:43
Flannelwf: yes, fat can be.07:43
FlannelBone: er, there are flavors, there's ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, edubuntu.  they all have apt-get07:44
Boneam i right?07:44
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MadpilotBone, there's still several flavours - Ubuntu uses the Gnome desktop; Kubuntu uses KDE, etc07:44
Boneok then07:44
wfBut I would then have to install extra programs, right?07:44
Bonethanks im going to download uBuntu07:44
Flannelwf: nope07:44
Bonei love linux07:44
linux_user400354mborohovski, "apt-cache search ipod"07:44
Bonewindow sjust sucks shit really bad07:44
ic56linux_user400354: port forwarding enabled?  That screams trouble!07:44
delgaudiosomeone had problems wiv mysqld.sock in installation of mysql?07:44
nightvisionis anyone familiar with the firefox error, "The program 'Gecko' received an X Window System error.07:44
wfFlannel: So how would I go about it then?07:44
axa-axaCan someone please tell me what is the difference between ubuntu versions for i386 and amd64, is it only kernel, kernel and sys. libraries or something third?07:45
ic56linux_user400354: your LAN is using a private IP space then?07:45
axa-axaI'm asking this because, I have amd64 and have ubuntu for i386 and kubuntu for amd64, but kubuntu doesnt have that many packages as ubnuntu (gcc, g++...)07:45
=== FallenHitokiri [n=blitz@p54ACF415.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
axa-axaso Im intereset wheter I can install packages from ubuntu-i386 disc or do I have to download ubuntu-amd64.07:45
greggorycan someone help me configure a keymap file for lkl? (keylogger)07:45
Madpilotaxa-axa, Kubuntu & Ubuntu have identical packages available...07:45
Boneok, im downloading uBuntu07:45
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Bonei did have debian gnu/linux07:45
Bonebut it was kinda hard07:45
linux_user400354wf, why is the hdd with vfat inaccessible?07:45
dibblegocan you install ubuntu-server from the ubuntu-desktop CD?07:45
Boneu have to configure everything ur self07:45
nightvisionit crashes when I load a site with flash07:45
Flannelwf: with 'mount', man mount for more information07:46
=== farous [n=farous@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
greggorycan someone help me configure a keymap file for lkl? (keylogger)07:46
Flanneldibblego: no.  The alternate CD though07:46
dibblegoFlannel, ok cheers07:46
wfFlannel: thnx, I'll look at it.07:46
axa-axaMadpilot, I've assumed that myself, but still I cannot find packages  (like gcc) on Kubuntu CD while they are  on Ubuntu CD07:46
linux_user400354Bone, google it. theres many mirrors that also have ubuntu iso files.07:46
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Madpilotaxa-axa, ah, the different CDs might have different contents; the repositories are the same, though07:46
Flannelaxa-axa: just enable the online repositories07:47
MarsRouteri want to create a network bridge on ubuntu07:47
nightvisionis anyone familiar with the firefox error, "The program 'Gecko' received an X Window System error.07:47
axa-axaI cannot enable online repositories bevause I need to compile driver for my modem, and to compile it I need gcc, make, kernel headers...07:47
nightvisionit crashes when I load a site with flash07:47
linux_user400354wf, yes it can. why not?07:48
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_smd_what i did last time was go : sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf     and added in the resolutions i wanted. than saved and it never worked this time.  So i am on low res and feel like i should be blind right now07:48
nightvisionI thought this was an uncommon error...07:48
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x_orHow do I force a  apt-get remove --purge?07:49
linux_user400354ic56, whats better than port forwarding?07:49
Flannel_smd_: use gksudo next time, did you restart X?07:49
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Flannel_smd_: (gksudo vs sudo won't cause it to not change though)07:49
axa-axaBut ok, I guess I can cope with that, my main question is what is the difference between say i386 and amd64 version, is it only kernel or something else in addition?07:49
farousnightvision: i have problems with firefox and flash too am using opera know no fuss07:49
_smd_I did restart X07:49
nightvisionis there an apt-get command to install opera?07:49
ic56linux_user400354: are remote clients able to get to the ftp server's password prompt?  If not, then your problem occurs before the issues surrounding data transfer (where active and passive ftp diverge).  If remote clients are able to login but are unable to get a list of files or download a file, then the problem is with the data transfer mechanisms.07:50
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Madpilotnightvision, look for it in Application->Add/Remove Apps07:50
_smd_I did EXACTLY what I did last time to make the res higher and it never worked07:50
farousnightvision: go to opera website and add the extra repos for opera07:50
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linux_user400354ic56, im not sure what private ip space is. computers on my lan have ips not visible to the internet like all lans do. if thats what you are talking about, then yes.07:50
_smd_I messed it up some how when i wad trying to get my new ISP to work I dont know what I fd up07:50
axa-axaCan someone please tell me what is the difference between ubuntu versions for i386 and amd64, is it only kernel, kernel and sys. libraries or something third?07:50
Madpilotfarous, there is now an Ubuntu-specific repo for Opera07:50
=== taigeR [n=rabinovd@206-248-131-115.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu
farousMadpilot: great did not not that thanx for the info07:51
Flannelaxa-axa: yeah, just the kernel.07:51
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ic56linux_user400354: there is no alternative to port forwarding, short of getting more IP addresses.  However, port forwarding complicates the running of servers that use multiple ports -- like ftp.07:51
Flannelaxa-axa: well, 64bit has some other differences,07:51
Bonezwhat is a good backup program for gnome?07:51
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taigeRhow does main,restricted, universe, and multiverse differe?07:52
Flannel!tell taigeR about repositories07:52
FlanneltaigeR: read the components bit07:52
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ubotuI know nothing about backup - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:52
ubotuI know nothing about backups - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:52
=== bruenig_ [n=bruenig@adsl-69-155-209-25.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
axa-axaFlannel, like... ? I want to know whether I can install i386 version and then just install (from repositiory) kernel for amd64.07:52
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Bonezaxa-axa: install linux-k707:53
BallsyHow can I send an kernel param when firing up LIveCD (ie. acpi=off) ?  IS there a break sequence that will let me do so ?07:53
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johnsandmanI need a little help i can in my server, but server cannot connect the internet07:53
=== lmosher [n=lmosher@c-68-55-14-80.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bonezjohnsandman: what does ifconfig tell you? do you have an IP?07:53
lmosherHow do I install java to work with Firefox? I just installed java via 'apt-get sun-java5-bin'?07:53
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johnsandmanyes i have a IP because i can remote07:54
taigeRwhat's a recommended sources.list?07:54
farouslmosher: you need sun-java-plugin07:54
lmosherfarous: I don't see that in adept?07:54
=== CarNagE__ [n=CarNi@dslb-084-056-218-224.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
ic56linux_user400354: by private IP addresses I mean the reserved ranges: 10.x , 172.16-31.x , and 192.168.x  If you want to run an ftp server while using such addresses, you need to learn a lot more about how these protocols work.07:54
Bonezjohnsandman: do you have a default-gateway set? what sort of internet connection do you have?07:54
johnsandmanbonez>using ssh
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DShepherdI am trying to run tomboy, but I get this error -->http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18339  does anyone know what the cause might be. Thanks for the assistance07:55
johnsandmanbonez yes even that i have07:55
linux_user400354ic56, people are able to get to the password prompt if they use ftp in bash, but using other ways does not work. thats weird.07:55
farouslmosher: i donot have my ubuntu box on now so can not check it for you now sorry07:55
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johnsandmanbonez iface is set in the right order gateway is
ic56linux_user400354: by other ways you mean mozilla?07:56
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linux_user400354ic56, i can temporarily use dmz instead of port forwarding. then once i have that working, i can i know the only other thing i will have to worry about is port forwarding and that shouldnt be too difficult.07:57
taigeRwhat's a recommended sources.list?07:57
=== wspinelli [n=wspinell@201009051172.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
faroustaigeR: check easysource07:57
johnsandmanbonez yesterday i installed mutt but server asked for resolveconf and postfix after reboot today I am unable to connect the net07:57
linux_user400354Bonez "apt-cache search backup"07:57
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic07:57
taigeRfarous: what's easysource?07:58
faroustaigeR: check ubotu post07:58
wfHow would I create a mountpoint using livecd ?07:58
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linux_user400354lmosher "apt-cache search java | grep plugin"07:58
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johnsandman<bonez> yesterday i installed mutt but server asked for resolveconf and postfix after reboot today I am unable to connect the net07:59
lmosherahh ty I found it :)07:59
=== sysdoc [n=sysdoc@pool-71-119-81-191.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
linux_user400354ic56, i tell most people to use a web browser, either mozilla or IE in most cases because they do not have ftp clients.08:00
johnsandman>bonez> but can stil work from other local machine08:00
ic56linux_user400354: running an ftp *server* behind port forwarding is *complicated*.  Google for: ftp-data proxy firewall.  Then spend a few days studying.  You'll need to learn a bit about how IP works08:00
abbot45trying to mount a a hard drive to /media/HD250.  do i just type "sudo mount /dev/hdb /media/HD250"08:00
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic08:00
CarNagE__abbot45: Depends on your /etc/fstab configuration08:00
abbot45CarNagE__, what do I need to put in there?08:00
CarNagE__If correct information regarding the partition is provided there, you can do it that way08:00
linux_user400354wf mkdir08:00
CarNagE__Else, you have to specify it with mount08:01
wfHm I tried md... New to unix_sys... :S08:01
wfAnd I tried makedir. :p08:01
wfBut not mkdir...08:01
abbot45ok.  what information to i need to put there if i want to mount that drive?  also have it auto mount on boot.08:02
CarNagE__That depends on the type of the partition :)08:02
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CarNagE__mount -t ext3 /dev/hdb{1,2,...} /media/HD25008:03
wflinux_user400354: Is your message to me in red only because you start w/ my name or is it something else?08:03
CarNagE__You can only mount partitions, not hard disks08:03
linux_user400354wf, because i start with your name08:03
CarNagE__/dev/hdb is the second attached E-IDE devide08:03
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wfokay. thanks.08:04
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bahadirtgoodmorning guys08:04
linux_user400354ic56, id rather ask a lug mailing list and linuxquestions.org. i dont have a few extra days to spend aimlessly searching for answers08:04
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bahadirtI got problems running xserver on ubuntu08:05
ic56linux_user400354: ok. have fun!08:05
Ballsylinux_user, what kind of router do you have?08:05
bahadirta downloaded iso installation coming with X or not ?08:05
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linux_user400354Ballsy, 2 routers, dlink and linksys08:05
Flannelhangfire: which iso did you download?08:05
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hangfireregular ubuntu08:05
humanpersonmanbahadirt, what was the name of the iso08:05
Flannelhangfire: er, sorry.  wrong person.08:05
Ballsylinux_user, the dlink may/should have a config section called 'Virtual Servers'....have you played with it?08:06
=== laza [n=laza@dslb-088-064-181-107.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
bahadirtubuntu 6.06 server08:06
Flannelhangfire: sorry, no idea how I got you. from bahadirt ;)08:06
linux_user400354Ballsy, yes, its the same as port forwarding08:06
bahadirtI tried "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg08:06
humanpersonmanyes, when it boot, it gives you a command prompt right?08:06
Flannelbahadirt: nope, no graphical system in that.08:06
wfSo, "mount: /dev/hda already mounted or /mnt/huh busy08:06
wf"       If I just type mount my mounted device is not there so I guess /mnt/huh is busy, how can this be?08:06
bahadirtpackage ot found08:06
DShepherdI am trying to run tomboy, but I get this error -->http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18339  does anyone know what the cause might be. Thanks for the assistance08:06
bahadirtwhat shld I do now ?08:06
Flannelbahadirt: did you enable web repositories?08:06
humanpersonmanbahadirt, do sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop08:06
bahadirtah ok let me try08:06
bahadirtcldnt fidn package ubuntu-desktop08:07
bahadirtthis is server version08:07
Flannelbahadirt: did you enable web repositories?08:07
humanpersonmanbahadirt, you musn't be connected to the web08:07
bahadirtso that maybe no visual packages inside08:07
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bahadirtshld I donwload and install xubuntu or kubuntu08:08
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bahadirtto make it easier08:08
linux_user400354wf, you cant mount a whole a device. you must mount a partition on a device. an example of a partition is /dev/hda1. /dev/hda refers to your entire harddrive.08:08
Flannelbahadirt: you don't need to.  You can install them from the internet.08:08
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bahadirtflannel : how ?08:08
Flannelbahadirt: do you have your repositories enabled, other than the CD?08:08
bahadirtI am not connected08:08
bahadirtwell. I got no clue :(08:08
Flannelbahadirt: ah.  I see.  You'll need to download the *alternate* iso.08:08
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humanpersonmanbahadirt, if you can get connected to the internet, you can just do that command or do 'sudo aptitude install (X)(K)(U)buntu-desktop' depending on which you want08:09
CarNagE__abbot45: ...?08:09
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Flannelbahadirt: the desktop iso doesn't always act nicely as a repository.  download the alternate, of whichever flavor you finally decide08:09
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wflinux_user400354 You're great muchos gracias. :D08:09
linux_user400354wf, de nada08:09
axl000is a program like bsplayer for linux? i need to load subtitles (srt)08:10
bahadirtI connected the network cable but still I am not connected to the internet08:10
bahadirtI gotta do something else I guess08:10
humanpersonmanbahadirt, do this 'ping google.com' to see if you are actually connected08:10
linux_user400354bahadirt "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"08:10
=== Chousuke [i=choubaka@ihme.org] has joined #ubuntu
axl000yes man08:11
ubotuI know nothing about bsplayer - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:11
axl000lilke bsplayer08:11
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andy-Anyone use FrostWire?08:11
axl000is a program like bsplayer for linux? i need to load subtitles (srt)08:11
garryF!info bsplayer08:11
ubotuPackage bsplayer does not exist in dapper08:11
linux_user400354axl000, mplayer08:12
andy-axl000: try VLC player.08:12
DShepherdandy-: i do08:12
bahadirt:( failed08:12
bahadirtnetwork unreachabne08:12
axl000vlc player dont load subtitles08:12
axl000not load subs08:12
andy-DShepherd: does it use up 100% cpu for you? heh08:12
gencelecihi all, do you think it is safe to use universe repositories?08:12
wfSo can I install ubuntu while in ubuntu from livecd, installcd in my other cdrom drive?08:12
=== humanpersonman [n=bruenig@adsl-69-155-209-25.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
linux_user400354bahadirt "lspci" and see if ubuntu finds your network adapter08:13
DShepherdandy-: .. hmm not sure.. havent checked really08:13
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garryFthere is also ifconfig08:13
andy-DShepherd: its weired, I installed the java it requires, ran it, and its eating up all the resources.08:13
=== MrBrizzio [n=brizz@c-71-199-41-2.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
wspinellii have a network  three pcs08:13
bahadirtlinux_user: ethernet controller - realtek - unknown device08:13
bahadirtseems something wrong :)08:14
DShepherdandy-: ok08:14
=== darekdmp [n=darekdmp@xdsl-3651.lubin.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu
abbot45ok.  i got my fstab entry correct and have the HD mounted, but it's not showing up in "Places" and the icon isn't on the desktop.08:14
linux_user400354bahadirt, i would search www.linuxquestions.org to see if anyone else has the same network adapter with the same problem and how he or she fixed it. you probably need a driver.08:15
axl000i need a video player to load subtitles (srt) and play divx08:15
axl000mplayer crash08:15
bahadirtoki mate08:15
=== darekdmp [n=darekdmp@xdsl-3651.lubin.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu
humanpersonmanax, go with vlc08:15
=== Tomcat_ [n=tomcat@p54A1A916.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
wspinelli windows x ubuntu dont work in network08:15
humanpersonmanax, although I don't know if it loads subtitles08:15
wspinelliwindows asks a login08:15
axl000vlc not load subs08:16
darekdmpa jakies polaki tu som?08:16
garryFHmmm, this is worrisome. I got an alert that there is a new kernel but there is no updated nvidia driver. Has anyone tried the updates and do they work with the current nvidia driver? Card is an nvidia 6800 Ultra agp.08:16
linux_user400354bahadirt, you could always switch network adapters from another computer that uses xp08:16
wfSo 1057 Cylinders, 16 Heads, 63 Sectors - 545.5 MB       Any specific filesytem perfect for this type of device?08:16
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linux_user400354bahadirt, unless the network adapter is part of the motherboard, not a pci card08:17
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bahadirtlinux_user : ethernet on board08:17
ubotuI know nothing about yes - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:17
bahadirtbut I have another one, pci08:17
bahadirtshld I plug in that one ?08:17
linux_user400354bahadirt, yes08:18
linux_user400354bahadirt, it may show up as eth1 instead of eth008:18
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bahadirtah ok but ubuntu will make plugandplay ?08:19
bahadirtwhen I restart the system08:19
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garryFI'd use the default partitioning it uses, if you want to install grub elsewhere than the MBR of the first drive the OS sees than you'll need to get the iso for the alternate install cd.08:19
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs08:19
wfJust4facts, Anyone else in here working from a about 545 MB(or less) HD?08:19
garryFInfo totem08:19
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:19
linux_user400354bahadirt, ubuntu uses hotplug. i can install ubuntu on one computer, take the hardrive out and put it in another computer, and then use ubuntu on that computer.08:19
noiesmoverbose, hey got that system sorted08:19
garryF!Info totem08:19
ubotutotem: A simple media player for the Gnome desktop (dummy package). In repository main, is optional. Version 1.4.1-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 13 kB, installed size 40 kB08:19
richiefrichomg why totem?   vlc  or mplayer08:19
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bahadirtwoaww thats pretty cool mate. now will try08:20
watson540just trying to get totem to work it bothers me08:20
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watson540it always seems to be the default player and ive never tried it cause i dont like to bother with it08:20
cpk2watson540: for sound files?08:20
watson540nah, video08:20
ernzHi everyone, is there any way of recovering data from a drive where the partition allocations have been wiped?08:20
richiefrichwatson540 u are fighting a losing battle08:20
cpk2watson540: you could try xmms, its a winamp clone08:20
darekdmpa jakies polaki tu som?08:20
noiesmoverbose, as i said yesterday aptitude broke it it had removed firestarter when i reinstalled it everything worked again. but I was able to smb to another box to get firestarter deb to affected system08:20
cpk2watson540: mplayer?08:20
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gencelecibahadirt turkce biliyor musun?08:20
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Cooner750ubuntuguide.org recommends to use this sources.list for extra repositories: http://pastebin.ca/92106 , which one of those contains the sun-java5-bin package?08:21
cpk2watson540: mplayer is really good for video08:21
watson540i didnt say i need a vdeo player i just said i want totem to not complain about missing codecs08:21
richiefrichwatson540   i really suggest   vlc, mplayer, xine08:21
linux_user400354watson540, install totem-xine08:21
vinboyhow do I search for a package using command line?08:21
richiefrichapt-get search08:21
CarNagE__apt-cache search08:21
gencelecibahadirt do you know turkish?08:22
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:22
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cpk2Cooner750: I think universe has the sun java08:22
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linux_user400354!restrictedformats > watson54008:22
watson540richiefrich: i have all of those, its not a mater of my preference,m i just want to see the dang thing work08:22
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watson540at least read your backlog before having the bot send me a msg.08:22
richiefrichwatson540 i guess u arnt understanding... it wont.. but good luck.. helix is the same way08:22
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lmosherI"m having trouble getting the firefox flash plugin to work. I installed libflash-mozplugin. i'm using homestarrunner.com as an example and it crashes every time I click 'skip intro'08:23
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watson540well why would the default player in ubuntu not be able to work?08:23
wfeuhm, there's no commando unmount?08:23
cpk2watson540: use apt-get to install the sun java08:23
linux_user400354watson540, you may need w32codec, you definitely need totem-xine08:23
watson540cpk2: huh who said anything about java? i have that08:23
Flannelwf: umount08:23
linux_user400354wf umount08:23
cpk2oops wrong person08:23
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richiefrich  crap hmm cause they have that  restricted formats08:23
ernzWhats the issue Watson540?08:24
cpk2that was @ cooner08:24
wfpure logic... :D08:24
farous!cli > wf08:24
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richiefrichwatson540  hmm cause they have that  restricted formats crap08:24
watson540nothing i came in and did my thing i only asked a question when i was asked something its alright..really08:24
ernzOh, OK.08:24
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ernzAnyone able to assist a semi-noob with a couple of issues?08:25
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:25
wffarous: !cli > wf       :S       me muchos unix-noob08:25
richiefrichwhats the issue ??>?08:25
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ernzRighto, here it goes.08:25
bahadirtgenceleci : of course, I am Turkish :)08:26
farouswf you should get a message from ubotu on command line interface cli08:26
richiefrichu need to ask to get answers08:26
wfah okay, LOL, that's correct...08:26
bahadirtlinux_user : I plugged in the pci eth card08:26
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wfbig-time irc-noob to.08:26
linux_user400354bahadirt, did you reboot?08:26
linux_user400354bahadirt, do you have x installed?08:26
bahadirtthat's the problem mate! I am not sure08:27
bahadirtI wonder if it comes with the downloaded iso08:27
bahadirt6.06 server08:27
wfLong time ago I used to be on IRC, with mIRC,tribe7 or something like that. But 've bene off for a long time...08:27
linux_user400354bahadirt, no, it does not08:27
bahadirtwhat shld I do now?08:27
bahadirtto run x08:27
ernzMy dad currently runs Windows. He has 2 physical HD's, an 80GB and a 120GB. Windows is on hda, hdb has backed up files on it. I booted using a genuine Ubuntu Dapper Drake 6.06 LTS disk, and tried to install as Dual Boot.08:27
richiefrichernz ok go on08:28
=== fuffalo- [n=yaright@nci053-136.theedge.ca] has joined #ubuntu
farousbahadirt: try ifconfig will tell you what is the symbolic name of your card08:28
noiesmoernz, yes go on08:28
linux_user400354bahadirt, if you have it, it will come up with the command "startx"08:28
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fuffalo-what is the default password for root on an ubuntu install08:28
linux_user400354bahadirt or "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start"08:28
torpedo|dogfuffalo-: Root is locked.08:28
DShepherdfuffalo-: there is noe08:28
richiefrichernz it wont bootl windows ? right08:28
Flannelfuffalo-: ubuntu doesn't have a root account by default08:28
wffuffalo: use "sudo su -"08:28
Flannelwf: no.  He has no need to be root.08:28
torpedo|dogfuffalo-: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo08:28
bahadirtok trying mate08:28
wfHm okay. :P08:29
linux_user400354to use root "sudo -i"08:29
richiefrichsude -Hs08:29
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ernzhdb has 80+GB free, so I just partitioned manually, and used the remaining free space to create a swap (700MB) and a ext "/" partition of the remaining space. All seemed OK, we his apply and it came to an error message part way through and said creation failed.08:29
Flannelor, just use sudo for each command, which is probably what you want anyway08:29
richiefrichnaw i have a root term open all the time08:29
=== rayston [n=rayston@h-66-167-135-160.phndaz91.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
andy-Frostwire crashed, @#!$08:29
raystonhello all08:30
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ernzNow the drive has 3 paritions on it, all apparently "Unformatted" and I can't mount any of them using the Live disk to retreive the info.08:30
=== ShaunES [n=Shaun@ppp117-233.lns1.bne3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
raystonis there a way to have synaptic start installing stuff to a different hard drive?08:30
wfSo 1057 Cylinders, 16 Heads, 63 Sectors - 545.5 MB       Any specific filesytem perfect for this type of device?       Ext2, Ext3 or Reiser... ?08:30
=== Beawolfe [n=dale@ip68-100-129-38.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
linux_user400354bahadirt, are you asking me how to install x?08:30
ernzWas that question to me WF?08:31
ernzrichiefrich: sorry, yes it does still boot windows from the C:\ (hda) drive08:31
wfanyone thinking (s)he has something to add.08:31
=== Generic [n=ahmed@c-24-16-108-94.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
richiefrichernz so u mean  that the liveCD/installer failed?08:32
BeawolfeNeed some help mounting win xp and spare HD in Ubuntu .....can antone help?08:32
wfernz: Oh, srry no, it's not about your hd, but about mine.08:32
bahadirtlinux_user : no, I just ask whether I shld install xubuntu or kubuntu ?08:32
linux_user400354bahadirt, try disabling the network adapter on your mobo in the bios settings, and use software called ethtool to figure out which device the pci card is.08:32
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bahadirtyeah That wld be a good idea sir.08:33
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ernzrichiefrich: The partitioning section of the install failed in the LiveCD mode, and aborted the partition prematurely.08:33
=== garryF [n=garry@adsl-69-228-117-25.dsl.chi2ca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Genericcan anyone recommend a music player that's not Amarok, Banshee, or Xmms?08:33
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Flannel!tell Generic about players08:33
linux_user400354bahadirt, i would install neither. i would get ubuntu with gnome, but if i had to choose from one of those 2, i would get kubuntu08:33
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ernzwf: No problem. (I was wondering where you got the Cylinders and Heads there!!) :)08:34
=== harris [n=harris@CPE001310f0aab6-CM014290015348.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
GenericAmarok isn't functional and nobody knows why and xmms crashes/freezes on me08:34
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harrisdoes anyone know how to edit the grub menu when you boot your computer?08:34
harrisI know it's the boot.ini file in windows08:34
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harrisbut i don't know what the file is in linux08:34
Imme-emosolernz: I don't think you should make 3 partitions on a 545 MB hd... ;)08:34
linux_user400354bahadirt xubuntu runs on slower computers and uses less resources, but its software is crappy compared to kde software08:35
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garryFsudo gedit /etc/boot/grub/grub.lst in a terminal08:35
farousharris: /boot/grub/menu.list08:35
noiesmoharris, /boot/grub/menu.1st08:35
harristhank you all08:35
FlannelgarryF: gksudo gedit08:35
deFrysklinux_user400354, excuse me ?08:35
ernzImme-emosol: Especially when on of the partitions should be 2GB! :D08:35
garryFFlannel Either works, but for curiosity I'm going to try gksudo ....08:35
ic56ernz: when you boot from the Ubuntu liveCD, what does fdisk report about your partitions?  More importantly, did you undertake resizing?  If so, what type of filesystem was the original hdb?  NTFS or FAT?08:36
FlannelgarryF: gksudo is for graphical apps, NO difference experience wise, just won't corrupt stuff.08:36
linux_user400354deFrysk, i would rather have kde then xfce any day unless i really have an old junker or am running a server with a big load, but in that case i would use ubuntu without x installed08:36
Imme-emosolAny advice on filesystem? Stability would be nice. Not like my crappy s-ata who died out on me.08:36
ernzic56: I did resize, yes, and the original FS on hdb was NTFS08:37
=== Shak- [n=timer@c-71-228-35-203.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
deFrysklinux_user400354, not everyone would agree08:37
kintaroOehi guys.. I have a question..do i need to install X Windows System and Gnome Desktop Environment or just the X Windows System to run vmware guest OS are windows xp and 2003?08:37
jerinxHi,blh knlan ga?08:37
linux_user400354rather than*08:37
ernz...I feel a plumbers estimate noise coming on here....08:37
ic56ernz: did the resizing complete successfully?08:37
deFrysklinux_user400354, so dont tell people whats crappy and whats not08:37
garryFFlannel Oh nice. thanks!08:37
linux_user400354deFrysk, right. cant get everyone to agree on lots of things. everyone has his or her own opinions on whats better.08:38
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ernzNot a clue ic56, the process ended with a useless error message and then went back 2 steps in the process without asking me08:38
Shak-the files/folders on one of my mounted partitions are user root and group plugdev, im trying to change the owner but I get a "operation not permitted" error, even as root?08:38
garryFWhatever works, is what I say.08:38
deFrysklinux_user400354, pread your opinions in #ubuntu-ot08:38
bahadirtlinux_user : then where can I download xserver ? only from the system connecting the internet ?08:38
linux_user400354deFrysk freedom is speech is everywhere i go, not just #ubuntu-ot08:39
linux_user400354freedom of speech*08:39
garryF!info xserver08:39
ubotuPackage xserver does not exist in dapper08:39
ic56ernz: the resizing process ended with an error message or the partitioning?  Or did the app you were using have you supply both simultaneously, leaving you unsure as to which parts got completed and which didn't?08:39
Imme-emosolIf my firefox would not hang up every time I would search for filesystem, but since it does I'm asking all of you.08:39
Flannel!info xserver-xorg08:39
garryFHmm, can never remember if it's /mesg, or /mesg ubotu.08:39
ubotuxserver-xorg: the X.Org X server. In repository main, is optional. Version 7.0.0-0ubuntu45 (dapper), package size 98 kB, installed size 344 kB08:39
farousgarryF: you mean xserver-xorg ?08:39
garryFfarous Yep.08:40
linux_user400354bahadirt are you there anymore?08:40
ernzI would have to opt for the "Unsure" option there buddy. Yep, door #308:40
Shak-anyone got any idea why I cant change ownership of this mounted partition even as root?08:40
harrishow do I  edit /boot/grub/menu.lst ?08:40
garryFLinux and Smirnoff don't like eachother.08:40
linux_user400354harris vim08:40
Bonezharris: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst ?08:40
Imme-emosolShak- could it be 'cause it's mounted?08:41
bahadirtI am here08:41
Imme-emosolShak- or am I babling then?08:41
bahadirtI disabled the on board lan08:41
garryFWhile its mounted, you cannot change ownership.08:41
deFryskharris use gedit if you are not familiar with vim08:41
bahadirtpci lan seems okay but fails to ping08:41
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linux_user400354bahadirt, okay how? fails to ping what?08:42
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ubotuI know nothing about networking - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:42
garryFhuh? Silly all knowing bot.08:42
ic56ernz: ok. I've never done resizing, but I'll hazard a guess that the resizing was successful but the partition conked out.  Boot from the liveCD, get yourself a command line, then use "sudo fdisk /dev/hdb" to see the partition table on that disk.  the NTFS partition should have code 7.  If it doesn't, change it to 7, and see if the filesystem is clean08:42
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garryFIs it wireless?08:43
orbinare there security.ubuntu.com mirrors?08:43
bahadirt!help xserver08:43
ubotuI know nothing about help xserver - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:43
Imme-emosollinux_user400354 what would you rather have(:D) as a filesystem, ext2, ext3 or reiser ?08:43
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:43
bahadirt!info xserver08:43
ubotuPackage xserver does not exist in dapper08:43
linux_user400354does ubuntu have documentation on lvm or more specifically how to resize logical volumes?08:43
Flannelxserver-xorg is the package name08:43
bahadirtlinux_user : I try "ping google.com" but fails08:44
harrisdeFrysk it want let me delete partions from the menu list using gedit do you have any suggestion?08:44
bahadirtpci card seems working now but..08:44
ic56ernz: if the filesystem isn't corrupt, then you're good to go -- just change the codes of the other two partitions and restart teh install.  If teh NTFS partition is corrupt, then resizing failed and you're SOL.  If you need that data, you're looking at going sector by sector, in a scrambled disk, trying to re-assemble your files08:44
deFryskharris, delete partitions ?08:44
deFryskharris, what are you doing ?08:44
harrispartition names off of the grub menu08:44
harrisedit the grub menu./08:45
ic56ernz: there is one last possibility.08:45
harristrying to remove entrys from the boot up menu.08:45
deFryskharris use sudo gedit /path/to/texfile08:45
harrisby editing the grub/menu.list file08:45
farousharris you need root priv08:45
linux_user400354lmme-emosol, i would rather have ext3 than ext2 because ext3 is ext2 + journaling. ive tried reiserfs. i know an engineer who believes reiserfs is the best thing that ever happened. i would personally rather use zfs.08:45
=== GhettoPuNKkiD [n=erik@70-56-211-165.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
ernzI'm listening ic56...08:45
deFryskharris, got that ?08:45
harrisfarous how do I get root priv?08:45
FlanneldeFrysk: gksudo gedit08:45
harriswhat's the command?08:46
deFryskFlannel, also fine but not needed08:46
farousharris: as Flannel said08:46
garryFYou can remove kernel entries by uninstalling the kernel images and just leaving the ones you want to keep. as for other os's, just put a # before the lines.08:46
deFryskharris, use sudo or gksudo08:46
ic56ernz: like I said, I don't know how these repartitioning tools work but, assuming it saved teh new partition table before resizing (which would make no sense but perhaps you encountered a bug) then it's possible that08:46
harrisk trying now.08:46
Flannelharris: use gksudo for graphical apps, sudo can mess things up08:46
garryFLike for me, I uninstalled the 386 kernel images because I have a 68608:46
Imme-emosollinux_user400354 what is that journaling about then? :S Srry to bother with such stupid questions, but FF won't work nice...08:47
linux_user400354bahadirt does ifconfig tell you you have an ip address?08:47
linux_user400354what is FF?08:47
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Beawolfecan anyone tell me the command process to permantly mount all partitions at startup?08:47
FlannelImme-emosol: journaling means it does everything atomically, not that it keeps a log of what it's written or anything.  atomically - if you lose power halfway through a write, on the next bootup your files get reverted, instead of left halfway08:48
garryFJourneling is a way of keeping track of changes in the filesystem so that if there is a crash, recovery is easier.08:48
linux_user400354lmme-emosol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journaling_file_system08:48
ic56ernz: the partition has *not* been resized.  In that case, to recover, you'd change the partition table to reflect a reality of a single NTFS partition (type 7 -- but you can display all the codes from the fdisk menu) spanning the whole disk.  Try that before going in with that sector editor, maybe you'll get luck and all will be miraculously restored!08:48
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jerinxhi,blh knlan ga?08:48
orbinBeawolfe: you need to create fstab entries for each one08:49
ic56ernz: and before you change anything, remember to record the existing partition table so you can go back to it if you screw up!08:49
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orbinBeawolfe: what filesystem are they formmated in?08:49
Imme-emosolThat sounds nice.   Yeah, firefox won't open more then one page or not at all... so.   I'm taking your word for it though some may not agree. ;)08:49
bahadirtchecking ifconfig08:49
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ic56ernz: questions?08:49
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linux_user400354lmme-emosol, i dont think the problem has to do with your file system08:50
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BeawolfeI have Win XP dive with 3 partitions of NTFS and a Data drive that is Fat3208:50
bahadirtlinux_user : ip
harrisFlannel thanks a lot, i was able to edit it08:50
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ernzic56 - Excellent help. I will try it all later today when I go to fix it. You reckon Fdisk will to the lot, or should I need additional tools?08:50
harrisnow all i gotta do is reboot and make sure i didn't fuck anything up lol08:50
linux_user400354bahadirt, not the loop back ip08:50
bahadirtwe got an isa server and a netwiork here08:50
orbinare there security.ubuntu.com mirrors? i tried <countrycode>.security.ubuntu.com but it's invalid08:50
linux_user400354bahadirt, the ip for eth008:50
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orbinBeawolfe: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions08:50
garryFThe one page problem is common to a number of browers. The tech of web pages, started out assuming one page output.08:51
BeawolfeI really only need to mount the Data drive permantly so I can transfer between Ubuntu and Win XP08:51
ShaunESQuestion: I'm booting a livecd and managed to get to another console.08:51
orbinBeawolfe: see that page08:51
bahadirtlinux_user : when I type ifconfig08:51
ShaunESalt-f1 doesn't get me to the main one anymore.08:51
Imme-emosollinux_user > no, there's no real problem anymore... I think it's something about the livecd or so. But that doesn't matter.08:51
bahadirtinet addr :  mask :
bahadirtno any other ips08:51
garryFIf that data drive is ntfs, it won't be safe to write to it. You will need to use fat3208:52
cpk2ShaunES: try alt f708:52
KenSentMeShaunES: and ctrl+alt+f7?08:52
linux_user400354bahadirt, can you paste all of the output in pastebin?08:52
ic56ernz: fdisk (lower case) is used to manipulate partition tables.  At this stage, that's all you want to do.  cfdisk is a variant of fdisk that is useful for saving/restoring partition information in bulk (rather than with pen and paper :-) ).  Read the manpages for both tools if you've never used them08:52
ShaunESNot responding.08:52
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:52
garryFI transfer data via usb memory sticks08:52
ShaunESIt's sitting here spitting out what I can assume is errors.08:52
bahadirtpastebin ?08:52
linux_user400354!pastebin > bahadirt08:52
ShaunES"ide-pmac lost interrupt, dma status: 8080"08:52
Imme-emosolShaunES > System - Preferences - Keyboard Shortcuts08:52
ernzI used fdisk under winOS08:52
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ShaunESImme-emosol, it's still booting, as far as I know. It never got to a gui.08:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:53
ic56What is winOS?  Is that a Linux distro?08:53
ic56ernz: What is winOS?  Is that a Linux distro?08:53
Imme-emosolShaunEs ah okay. lol08:53
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Imme-emosolanyone familliar with ReactOS by the way?08:53
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ShaunES"mpic_enable_irc timeout" what's broken?08:54
bahadirtlinux_user : I am pasting it to your private if you dont mind.. only a few lines08:54
garryFIn a pinch, I bet pastebin can be used to xfer text data accross os's., just have to write the url down carefully08:54
ernzlol - No ec56 - Windows Operating System WinOS AKA Winblows AKA Thorn in my bleeding side!!!!!08:54
linux_user400354bahadirt, okay thats fine08:54
garryFI wonder if its ok to use pastebin that way though.08:54
rixthWhere can I get more visualizations for Totem? The ONLY included one "What a GOOM" sucks.08:54
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Imme-emosolShaunES Ctrl + Alt + F1 neither?08:55
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Beawolfeorbin ...........THANX a Million!!!!!! that worked08:55
orbinBeawolfe: yw08:55
ShaunESI'm in what I can only assume is the log console.08:55
ShaunESSince every now and then I get08:55
ShaunES"ide-pmac lost interrupt, dma status: 8080"08:55
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ShaunES"mpic_enable_irc timeout" what's broken?08:55
ic56ernz: ah, I've never before seen it called that.  I've seen it abbreviated MS-Win or MS-Windows but never with the words "Operating System".08:56
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bahadirtlinux_user : pasted to prvmsg08:56
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ernzLMAO - That's for a very good reason ic5608:56
Shak-Imme-emosol: what do you mean, its mounted because its just a partition on the drive08:56
rixthernz, lose the aolbonics please08:57
Shak-and for some reason I cant change ownership even while root08:57
garryFI called it Migraine soft windows08:57
Shak-is there any reason for that?08:57
cpk2ShaunES: ctrl C might stop it from spitting out errors and give you a terminal to do something08:57
linux_user400354bajadort, i didnt get anything08:57
ernzrixth: In English?08:58
ic56ernz: fdisk under linux is somewhat different from windows.  For one thing, it's command line driven rather than menu driven.  when you start it, it will say "m for help".  Press m to see a list of commands08:58
Imme-emosolShak- is the pratition mounted?08:58
bahadirtwhen I do "lspci" : vga comp controller : ATI Tech.: unknown device08:58
Shak-Imme-emosol: yep08:58
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rixthernz, 'lol', 'lmao' et. al08:58
raystonis there a way to have synaptic start installing stuff to a different hard drive?08:58
solid_liqbahadirt: you don't have the ati driver for your video card08:58
linux_user400354bahadirt, that would be your video card08:58
orbinbahadirt: run update-pciids08:58
solid_liqbahadirt: try fglrx08:58
Imme-emosolShak- can you u(n)mount?08:58
garryFcfdisk is a bit easier to use, but tends to round sizes to the nearest cylinder boundry.08:58
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Shak-Imme-emosol: uh, havent tried that08:58
user-landHello, how can i change a partition label with fdisk ?08:59
bahadirtpermission denied / download failed08:59
ic56ernz: l = list known partition types will display a table of partition codes you can use.  Use t (change partition's system id) to change a partition's code.08:59
linux_user400354user-land "man fdisk"08:59
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user-landpartition labels are not mentioned in man fdisk ...08:59
solid_liquser-land: just use fdisk08:59
bahadirtlinux_user : I paste to your prvmsgbox but seems you cannot read09:00
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solid_liquser-land: oops, I didn't read fully :D09:00
Imme-emosolIf I do "man fdisk", to quit man is Ctrl + Z ?09:00
ic56ernz: use p to see the list of partitions.  "q" will quit without saving your changes09:00
ic56 "w" will write the modified partition table and exit. Read up for more.  Good luck!09:00
linux_user400354bahadirt, have you logged into freenode with a password?09:00
orbinbahadirt: sudo update-pciids09:00
ic56ernz: "w" will write the modified partition table and exit. Read up for more.  Good luck!09:00
solid_liqImme-emosol: no, ctrl-z puts it in the background, use q to quit09:01
linux_user400354lmme-emosol , no just type q09:01
ernzic56 - I see it now, that seems straight forward enough :S - Thanks for your help on that one.09:01
Imme-emosolah, JUST q. :P09:01
ic56ernz: yw!09:01
ernzRixth: What's a'do with LMAO, I mean FFS it's not like tonnes of peeps don't use it - LOL!09:01
solid_liqImme-emosol: if you've done ctrl-z, type fg to bring it back into the foreground, then quit it with q09:01
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Imme-emosolsolid_liq gracias09:02
solid_liqImme-emosol: np09:02
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linux_user400354solid_liq or he can do a "killall less"09:02
solid_liqlinux_user400354: yeah, but that's somewhat less elegant09:03
bahadirtlinux_user : maybe I cannot reach internet bcos of being behind a gateway/isa server/firewall etc.09:03
linux_user400354bahadirt, try pinging another computer on your lan09:03
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solid_liqlinux_user400354: plus it teaches him how to bring a background process back into the foreground and how to use that with ctrl-z09:03
ShaunESWhy is 6.06 freezing when it loads the GUI?09:03
linux_user400354bahadirt try pinging your router if you have one or a modem09:03
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bahadirtlinux_user : I can ping
bahadirtanother client of our network09:04
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ernzrixth: What's the uber leet penguin friendly mega free alternatives I should be using now? :\09:04
user-landsolid_liq, can i change the label of a partition without reformatting it ?09:04
Imme-emosolsolid_liq > yeah, but I think that if I will use unix-system more often I will just switch to another tty to work with...09:04
linux_user400354bahadirt, reset your router by putting a needle in the small hole and hold it there for 15 seconds09:05
solid_liqImme-emosol: which reminds me, most programs can be put into the background so you can do something with the shell by pressing ctrl-z, then brought back up by typing fg09:05
solid_liquser-land: yeah, but you don't use fdisk for that09:05
user-landhow could i do that, solid_liq ?09:05
solid_liquser-land: are you using ext3?09:05
garryFI believe that gparted allows renaming of partion labels.09:06
solid_liqImme-emosol: you never know when it'll come in handy09:06
garryF!info gparted09:06
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ubotugparted: partition editor for GNOME. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.1-0ubuntu9 (dapper), package size 232 kB, installed size 1280 kB09:06
Imme-emosolwhy is my "free space not available"?09:06
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solid_liqImme-emosol: like when you just want to do something in the directory you ran the program in, and it's a deeply nested directory09:06
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romulohi, is edgy still broken?09:06
linux_user400354lmme-emosol, you are out of disk space?09:06
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solid_liquser-land: are you using ext3 or what filesystem?09:06
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user-landext3, yes, solid_liq.09:07
ShaunESOh this is getting retarded. How on earth am I meant to do this when it's freezing when the gui launches.09:07
solid_liqImme-emosol: did you use df to check it?09:07
solid_liquser-land: then use e2label09:07
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Imme-emosolsolid_liq: true, I'm eager to learn more about the unix-sys, since I'm most probably gone do my utmost best to give up on windows. :D With all their genuine advantage tools... :p09:07
hd420where does the twiki dpkg install the LocalLib.cfg?09:07
Imme-emosolsolid_liq: df ?09:07
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solid_liqImme-emosol: :D  I gave up windows over 4 years ago09:08
bahadirtlinux_user : can I download xserver seperately and install from cd instead of downloading ?09:08
garryFEdit the /etc/inittab change the default runlevel from 5 to 3 and it will default to a console login, then you can use some text editor to change things.09:08
solid_liqImme-emosol: df stands for disk free, use df -h to show disk space in human readable format09:08
Imme-emosollinux_user: I'm not out of disk-space, still on livecd, just formatted the hd.09:08
user-landsolid_liq: e2label: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/hdd09:08
user-landCouldn't find valid filesystem superblock.09:08
Bergcuberomulo~  AFAIK edgy is in early stages f development.  As such is is subject to change without notice, and it's in it's nature not to work as a complete or finished system.  Saying "not finished" is the same as "broken" sounds as lack of insight to me.09:08
garryFwill need to do sudo before editing09:08
solid_liquser-land: you need to specify the partition, like /dev/hdd409:09
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linux_user400354bahadirt, yes, you would have to download the alternate cd for the ubuntu desktop install(not server install) and then use it as a repository by adding it to your /etc/apt/sources.list and running the command "sudo apt-get update"09:09
solid_liquser-land: type mount by itself to see where your partitions are mounted09:09
Imme-emosolsolid_liq doesn't show up, probably 'cause I unmounted the HD, since I formatted it...09:09
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Imme-emosolI now have Partition 1 and Free Space.09:09
solid_liqImme-emosol: do you know what partition you formatted?  and why are you doing it manually?  I'm curious09:10
Imme-emosolAnd I would be happy if I can habe all the free-space 'cause I can use all I have... :S09:10
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Imme-emosolsolid_liq I formatted Ext309:11
Imme-emosolDid it with disk manager... Not completely manual... :p09:11
solid_liqImme-emosol: have you used fdisk to check?09:11
garryFImme-emosol: the default partitioning, does that with  a little set aside for swap.09:11
solid_liqImme-emosol: try fdisk or cfdisk09:11
bahadirtilnux_user : but I have the server install. I dont have the desktop install09:11
solid_liqImme-emosol: cfdisk is a little more friendly09:11
user-landthanks a lot, solid_liq :-)09:11
bahadirtdo I have to install alternate cd on top of this server install ?09:11
solid_liquser-land: np09:11
bahadirtlinux for human beings indeed :):)09:12
solid_liqbahadirt: huh?09:12
solid_liqbahadirt: what are you trying to do?09:12
garryFServer install is for those use to the command line interface and the commands.09:12
bahadirtsolid : I just want to run the xserver09:12
solid_liqbahadirt: kde or gnome?09:12
bahadirtbut we found out that it is not included to the 6.06 package09:12
linux_user400354bahadirt, no, you dont install the alternate cd on top of the server install. the server install does not come with x, so you will have to get the alternate install and just use a few packages in it to install x, not the entire cd.09:12
bahadirtdoesnt matter09:12
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Chousukebahadirt: it is included.09:13
bahadirtany gui will do fine09:13
propheti just took a nap from 7pm to 12AM09:13
Imme-emosolsolid_liq cfdisk just gives me partition 109:13
garryFYOu will need to install a gui if you haven't already. try startx09:13
solid_liqbahadirt: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop09:13
bahadirtchousuke : some 5 guys here told me not included09:13
solid_liqbahadirt: that's all you have to do09:13
Chousukebahadirt: why did you even install the server install in the first place then?09:13
bahadirtand another 5 told me included09:13
garryFwaht solid_liq said ^09:13
linux_user400354bahadirt, x comes with the ubuntu desktop install, not the server install09:13
solid_liqbahadirt: and you apparently d/l'd the server iso instead of the desktop one09:13
bahadirtyes that's true09:13
bahadirtslhd I download and install desktop install ? or alternate install =09:14
Chousukebut don't they contain the same packages?09:14
solid_liqImme-emosol: that's what I was guessing it would do from what you said.  Add another partition09:14
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linux_user400354bahadirt, those commands he gave you wont work if your internet is not working. therefore you have to do what i said to get those commands to work09:14
garryFwould do apt-get unbuntu-desktop09:14
Chousukebahadirt: no, you just need to do sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop09:14
solid_liqbahadirt: I have one of my machines running from a 6.06 install cd, and it installed the desktop09:14
Chousukeand wait for a while.09:14
garryFer apt-get install ubuntu-desktop if youw ant gnome.09:14
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Imme-emosolsolid_liq I'm doing it sort of manual 'cause I want to install ubuntu under ubuntu liveCD... :p09:14
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solid_liqbahadirt: just     apt-get install kubuntu09:15
bahadirtcould not fnd the paclage ubuntu-desktop :(09:15
PORDOdoes anyone know how i can put uris in proper order on my system, so i can ping com.google.www instead of www.google.com (which is backward)09:15
solid_liqbahadirt: it'll give you the same.    use kubuntu-desktop09:15
garryF then try what solid_liq said to do.09:15
bahadirtE: Couldnt find package kubuntu09:15
bahadirtthat's his reply :)09:15
linux_user400354bahadirt, you are not going to find those packages untill you add the ubuntu desktop alterante cd as a repository in /etc/atp/sources.list or get your internet working09:15
solid_liqImme-emosol: ah, ok09:15
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garryF!info ubuntu-desktop09:15
ubotuubuntu-desktop: The Ubuntu desktop system. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.119 (dapper), package size 13 kB, installed size 40 kB09:15
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solid_liqImme-emosol: have you ever done a manual linux install before?09:16
ShaunESQuestion: How do I get a verbose or step by step setup for a livecd?09:16
lmosherSome directions I'm following told me to install "dpkg-dev" so that my "archive program" can open .deb files09:16
solid_liqlinux_user400354: ah, good point! :D09:16
lmosherWhich "archive program" should I use?09:16
bahadirtlinux_user : just for the sake of good order, I will format the hdd and install desktop edition09:16
bahadirtis that okay ?09:16
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garryFI reccomend using the alternate cd for installing. Its more flexible09:16
bahadirtdesktop or alternate09:17
linux_user400354bahadirt, sure why not09:17
bahadirtwhichevet better09:17
solid_liqbahadirt: use Kubuntu :D09:17
ShaunESgarryF, is there any way at all?09:17
linux_user400354bahadirt alternate has been tested more so its less likely to have bugs09:17
Imme-emosolsolid_liq I don't think so... If we think the same about manual... You don't mean that default step by step thin right? I always make the menu believe I'm an expert... :p09:17
ShaunESIt looks like I need to move "esd".09:17
bahadirtI will download alternate cd and burn iso09:17
bahadirtthen re-install09:17
bahadirtfrom the beginning09:17
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bahadirtit takes second only, running on Pentium Dual 2.6609:17
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solid_liqImme-emosol: oh, ok, I meant creating the partitions, copying files over, chrooting in, etc. :D09:18
solid_liqbahadirt: nice09:18
garryFShaunES The alternate allows for install of grub bootloader on other than the mbr of the first drive, and some other flexibility during install09:18
Imme-emosolsolid_liq nope, not done that. :p09:18
bahadirtwait for me guys. My return will be fabulous ;)09:18
ShaunESgarryF, I don't want to install, I want it as a livecd.09:18
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Imme-emosolCan I use the whole disk or rather not? Leave a little space?09:18
garryFOh. I see. Nm.09:18
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ShaunESAs it is it's freezing on the brown screen.09:18
solid_liqbahadirt: I got an amd64 X2 (dualcore) about 8 mo. ago and I already want one with the new intel core 2 duo :D09:19
swimis there any application that is able to play wmv's that have drm?09:19
romulotheres any channel for edgy?09:19
solid_liqImme-emosol: k, I was wondering why you wanted to do that under ubuntu :D09:19
linux_user400354!info edgy09:19
ubotuPackage edgy does not exist in dapper09:19
jk2Is Ubuntu install supposed to figure out the display's dpi?09:19
bahadirtsolid : trust me it means nothing at all unless you see the x :)09:19
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages09:19
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule09:19
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:19
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule09:20
solid_liqjk2: yep09:20
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solid_liqbahadirt: x-windows you mean?09:20
solid_liqlinux_user400354: could you /msg ubotu instead please?09:20
solid_liqbahadirt: I'd notice the diff when compiling software too :D09:21
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linux_user400354bahadirt, linux without x is always a good learning experience09:21
Imme-emosolSo now I see there's more to live then ext2, ext3 and reiser... :S09:21
solid_liqlinux_user400354, bahadirt: and the only way to run a server :D09:22
Imme-emosolGNU HURD :S:S:S?09:22
ShaunESIs there any way to shave 50mb off the alternative .ISO?09:22
solid_liqImme-emosol: I wouldn't recommend reiser, it always gets corrupted after awhile.  It took over two years for me, but when it did, it SUCKED09:22
swimis there any application that is able to play wmv's that have drm?09:23
solid_liqswim: nope09:23
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swimhrmm kinda lame09:23
solid_liqswim: you have to use the original win32 codecs to play them period, and they check for drm restrictions09:23
Imme-emosolI want the most stable one, one hd-dead is enough... :p   ext3? Or something else?09:23
garryFgoogle for linux livecd scripts and you will find you can install a linux system, run the script, and it creates a livecd version of the system. Useful if you are short on drive space.09:23
solid_liqImme-emosol: ext3 is always a good choice09:23
hd420sod this shite09:24
solid_liqgarryF: also very usefull for deploying desktops in a small company09:24
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Imme-emosollinux_user400354 you mentioned something beside ext3. ? What was that again? Does that fs also use journalling?09:24
garryFYep, and I too like ext3 best.09:24
linux_user400354zfs, hopefully it will get ported to linux09:24
swimsolid_liq: I have the proper username/pass for these... I can play them using the cxoffice mediaplayer plugins... but I dont like them09:24
solid_liqlinux_user400354: yeah, I can't WAIT for that!  :)))09:25
bahadirtone last q!09:25
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bahadirtnow I will either download ubuntu alternate -or- kubuntu09:25
bahadirtwhich one is the right?09:25
solid_liqswim: oh, dunno then.  I avoid wmv like the plague09:25
bahadirtI will use the computer as mail server09:25
Imme-emosolSo zfs is not supported a.t.m. ?09:25
solid_liqbahadirt: just as a mail server, not a desktop?09:25
swimsolid_liq: thats sort of impossible09:26
solid_liqImme-emosol: no, it's a new fs from sun09:26
linux_user400354lmme-emosol, not in linux09:26
solid_liqswim: not completely09:26
garryFWell, You can actually download ubuntu alternate, install and then install kubuntu-desktop and have the choice to switch between gnome and kde.09:26
Imme-emosolah okay, to compete with ntfs ?09:26
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hd420this is shite09:26
linux_user400354lmme-emosol, i dont understand. what is your question?09:27
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bahadirtbut I want to use as desktop as well09:27
bahadirtfor fun09:27
Imme-emosolis zfs Sun's reaction to the ntfs ?09:28
linux_user400354bahadirt, you have to decide whether you like kde or gnome better09:28
garryFuse either, you have your choice.09:28
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Imme-emosollinux_user: I'm going to format my drive, so that's why I asked. :)09:28
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bahadirtwhich is more stable ?09:28
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bahadirtiac this will act as a server :)09:28
bahadirtI dont want crashes and stuff09:29
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garryFthere is a quite a lot of controversy about that.09:29
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linux_user400354lmme-emosol, trying something different is good. you should try reiserfs.09:29
Imme-emosolFrom what I've read I concluded kde is more stable...09:29
Imme-emosolext2 or ext3 IS something different. :p09:29
garryFsimply changing your /etc/inittab default runlevel to 3 and it will start in command line like a server, if you want to start the gui, then do startx09:29
linux_user400354bahadirt, gnome uses less resources than kde. i prefer it.09:29
bahadirtok. I download alternate and install09:30
bahadirtthat's the final decision09:30
Imme-emosolBut since it isn't build upon gpl completely like gnome, I prefer gnome.09:30
bahadirtsome 700 mb :) see you a week later guys09:30
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garryFhehe, bahadirt09:30
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linux_user400354bahadirt, why so long. are you downloading on dial up?09:30
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bahadirtno but limited bandwidth.. 20-25kbits09:31
bahadirtof 2mbits adsl09:31
garryFholy cow. .... ouch.09:31
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bahadirt6 hrs left..09:31
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Bonezwhat speed connections to others here have?09:31
Bonezi'm just curious09:31
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master5o1holy shit...slow09:32
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solid_lisorry, my connection dropped out :(09:32
solid_libahadirt: are you going to use it as a desktop too, or just a mail server?09:32
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Bonezsolid_li: what speed is your connection09:32
solid_liImme-emosol: no, ntfs isn't that great09:32
solid_liImme-emosol: zfs is the most badass filesystem on the planet, beats EVERYTHING else hands down09:32
Imme-emosolWait a sec...   ext2 or 3 or reiser are not compatible with windows or macos?09:32
garryFHe did want both destop and server modes09:32
Imme-emosolsolid_li why's that then?09:33
solid_liBonez: wireless connection09:33
linux_user400354lmme-emosol, ntfs doesnt come close to zfs09:33
Bonezsolid_li: what speed?09:33
solid_liImme-emosol: there's a wikipedia article if you want to see the filesystem comparison chart09:33
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master5o1im in NZ...2mbps (max here is 3.5mbps) down...and 128kbps (max here is 512kbps) up...09:33
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solid_liBonez: dude, it's just 802.1109:33
Bonezsolid_li: k09:34
master5o1maybe 35?09:34
Imme-emosolsolid_li: firefox isn't coorporating, so can't look at that right now... :p09:34
master5o1opera :P09:34
garryFThere is a utility for reading ext2 and more recently ext3 for most distros from windows, but last I tried, it wasn't all that stable.09:34
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Imme-emosolcoorporating = co-operating :S09:34
garryFand I forgot the name.09:34
mneptokImme-emosol: there is an XP driver for ext2/309:34
GhettoPuNKkiDcan someone help with videolan? my capture device is showing the image then part of it below it?09:34
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mneptokImme-emosol: MacOSX only supports HFS, HFS+, UFS, and FAT3209:34
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Imme-emosolmneptok, macOsX no Fat16?09:35
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mneptokImme-emosol: not AFAIK. but maybe.09:35
mneptokImme-emosol: GIYF09:35
linux_user400354does anyone know when google is supposed to come out with a web browser?09:35
mneptoklinux_user400354: "not anytime soon"09:36
master5o1Google is being mean...I liked Google better when i was on windows :D09:36
Imme-emosolmneptok gimf, but firefox isn't a.t.m. so...09:36
Imme-emosolmaster5ol, why's that?09:36
linux_user400354master5o1, why? some google software runs in linux.09:36
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bahadirtsolid : mail server for 2 clients09:37
Imme-emosolmaster5ol there's a special unix google...09:37
linux_user400354mneptok, why do you say that?09:37
bahadirtbut some 10.000 mails out / 20000 in09:37
bahadirt2000 sorry09:37
garryFI am google of borg. ....09:37
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bahadirtsame time I will experience ubuntu so I need xserver09:37
RedGhostwhat is the default path for GCC on ubuntu09:37
linux_user400354bahadirt, are the clients paying you?09:37
Bonezwhat speed connections do ppl here have?09:37
mneptokImme-emosol: "About the Mac OS X 10.3.9 Update (Delta) .... Addresses a rare issue in which a file could become damaged when copying to a FAT16- or FAT32-formatted volume."09:37
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crimsunRedGhost: /usr/bin/gcc09:38
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mneptokImme-emosol: so apparently, yes09:38
crimsunRedGhost: if you don't have it, install build-essential09:38
jxtOne question: default GNOME media player is Rhythmbox so keyboard shortcuts refer to it. I use QuodLibet and would like to set it as a default player -- anybody know how? Now I've got QuodLibet, but when I push "Media" on my keyboard -- Rhythmbox is starting. Google found nothing but junk. :/09:38
garryFbahadirt: The system should know that your gui choice depends on having xserver, and install it.09:38
spadesBonez 60/20 mbps but im at work, 10/2 at home09:38
Bonezspades: fark, nice09:38
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jxtI just bound my "Media" key to "Start media player" in GNOME shortcuts.09:38
jxtBut I'd like to have media player == QuodLibet09:39
linux_user400354bahadirt, put your default run level at 3 and then you can startx when you want to use it09:39
mneptoklinux_user400354: Google has sunk a lot of money and effort into Firefox and Opera. i doubt they'd do so if they were developing a competing product.09:39
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bahadirtnow downloading alternate cd of ubuntu09:39
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bahadirt3 hrs left09:39
bahadirtonce its here will give a try09:39
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garryFHey, not bad progress.09:40
bahadirthope this time startx will work :)09:40
master5o1Bonez: In New Zealand, the max speed is 3.5mbps down + 512kbps up...my speed is 2mbps/128kbps ...meh..will change now coz of unbundling09:40
Imme-emosolneptok thnx 4 being my alternative browser ;)09:40
jxtI thought of using "Preferred apps" but there's nothing about Media player.09:40
mneptokBonez: i'm sitting alone on a T1. :)09:40
linux_user400354bahadirt, are your clients paying you?09:40
RedGhost.. /usr/bin/gcc does not exist and the only gcc packages i can find are gcc-4.0-base which seems to be the documentation09:40
Gasolin_[problem]  Enter GUI login sceen but USB keyboard&mouse can not work. I'm using Dell 2.7G09:40
=== mneptok thanks sabdfl
jxtRedGhost, whaaat?09:40
Imme-emosolYou should all browse using amaya :P09:40
godtvisk1nI have version 2.0.0beta3 of Gaim, but gaim-otr won't work with it. How can I downgrade Gaim or fix it so that gaim-otr works?09:41
garryFIn Gome there is an add/remove menu items choice under /applications at the very bottom.09:41
Seveas!compiling > RedGhost09:41
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jxtRedGhost, apt-get install gcc works here.09:41
jxtSo, anyone knows how to change default GNOME media player to QuodLibet ?09:41
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Seveasmneptok, ?09:42
garryFSystem/Preferences/preferred applications I think09:42
jxtgarryF, well... no.09:42
bahadirtlinux_user : no. we have an ms exchange server in our company09:42
Hexidigital_ i need help with my CUPS server... anyone know how i can make it listen on my hostname, not IP address? (also, having a problem accessing the printer, but i'm not sure if that is related)09:42
mneptokSeveas: just saying cheerio :)09:42
garryFjxt K09:42
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jxtgarryF, there's e-mail client, web browser and terminal emulator. Tried this.09:42
Seveasmneptok, weird way to do so 09:42
bahadirtmost of the clients using that but we had a fight with management and decided to put our linux server09:42
bahadirtjust for 2 clients :)09:42
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mneptokjxt: right-click a media file. choose "Properties"09:43
bahadirtthey are a bit pissed off due to our traffic09:43
mneptokSeveas: most everything about me is weird :)09:43
bahadirtwe sacrificed a 20k$ ibm e-server and built a p-duo here09:43
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RedGhosti know how to compile the problem is make is giving me an invalid command GCC isnt located in usr/bin and the only repository package is the gcc-4.0-base09:43
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polpakRedGhost: installed build-essential ?09:44
linux_user400354linux is known to be a better server than microsoft 2003 server09:44
pseHi. This isn't ubuntu specific, but I noticed in my router leasing table, all my windows boxes have their hostnames listed, but my ubuntu box only shows up as an IP09:44
jxtmneptok, yes, there's QuodLibet, but "Media" on the keyboard still starts Rhythmbox.09:44
brynkanyone here know how long it'll be before the vmware player fix is done?09:44
pseAny ideas why that might be?09:44
garryF!info build-essential > RedGhost09:44
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In repository main, is optional. Version 11.1 (dapper), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB09:44
nicholaspaulAnyone know how to forcibly empty the trash? Mines being stubborn.09:44
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Imme-emosolSo what flag do I give tot the o command for cfdisk ? Or should I use something else:S?09:45
polpaknicholaspaul: cd ~ && rm -rf .Trash && mkdir .Trash09:45
nicholaspaulThx polpak !09:46
garryFSounds like you Might have to put sudo before that if its like mine, the trash had suff owned by root.09:46
jxtmneptok, I want GNOME to use QuodLibet as default media player -- also with keyboard shortcuts.09:46
garryFDoh, never mind, it just worked.09:46
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Imme-emosolGuess I'm going then... Installing from the install-CD... :S :P09:47
Imme-emosolThanks for the help all who did.09:47
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mneptokjxt: give this a read - http://www.freebsd.org/gnome/docs/faq2.html#q2209:48
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ardchoilleW00T! www.tldp.org ROCKS!09:48
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pseNo thoughts on why my router can't detect my box's hostname?09:48
garryFwireless router?09:48
BioGeekHey, I have a pdf-related question, but I don't know if this is the appropriate channel...09:49
jxtmneptok, yeah great. All media are played by QuodLibet by default, but it's still not the gnome default media player.09:49
pseNah, regular type.09:49
RedGhosti cant install build-essential because the internet connection isnt working, and i need GCC to install a package to fix the networking09:49
pseOr, yes, it's a wireless router, but the conneciton is wired.09:49
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jxtmneptok, so what the Nautilus and all the apps open MP3's in QuodLibet when pushing "Media" button on the keyboard still starts Rhythmbox.09:49
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mneptokjxt: that article describes how to alter GNOME's MIME db to change default apps and behavior09:49
livingdaylightBioGeek: do you use ubuntu?09:49
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psegarryF: It's not.. crucial or anything. It is just weird.09:49
garryF!wireless > pse09:49
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RichEdmorning ... has anyone got experience with docking a live notebook while running ubuntu / edubuntu ... should it pick up external mouse & keyboard by itself ? (screen seemed to be instant) mouse & keyboard seemed to hang this morning09:50
BioGeekyes, but I don't think it's ubuntu specific09:50
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pseI think you misunderstood. It's all wired. Everything works fine, and it's all dandy. Except the hostname just doesn't show up in the list.09:50
BioGeeklivingdaylight: namely: can you link to a particular page in a pdf document?09:51
BioGeeklivingdaylight: or do you know a channel where they can help me better with that?09:51
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ic56pse: look into the linux box's dhcp config.  /etc/dhclient.conf  Probably setting option host-name will cause it tell your router by what name the linux box wishes to be known09:52
linux_user400354BioGeek, "man pdfinfo"09:52
bahadirtdoes postfix come along with ubuntu alternate cd ?09:52
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bahadirtor shld I download it seperately09:52
pseAhhhh. I see.09:52
ubotupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/KPDF/gpdf, adobe reader (free download, but closed source)09:52
timfrost!info postfix09:53
ubotupostfix: A high-performance mail transport agent. In repository main, is optional. Version 2.2.10-1ubuntu0.1 (dapper), package size 901 kB, installed size 2172 kB09:53
section31how can i install the latest apache with apt-get..the package that i have from the latest source is using apache 2.0 and not apache 2.209:53
cyphaseHOWTO to install Slab (the SLED 10 menu) in Ubuntu: http://ubuntuos.com/2006/07/howto-install-the-sled-menu09:53
BioGeeklivingdaylight: OK, thanks for the tip!09:53
cyphasecan we get it into edgy?09:53
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mneptokbahadirt: do you have much experience with Postfix?09:53
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nicholaspaulpolpak: i'm stil having trouble emptying trash. Can i change ownership of all thats in it to 'me'?09:53
garryF!info apache > section3109:53
ubotuapache: versatile, high-performance HTTP server. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.3.34-2 (dapper), package size 375 kB, installed size 808 kB09:53
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bahadirtno any exp. at all :) but I need to install a mail server09:53
linux_user400354bahadirt, if it comes seperately, you can download the deb and putting it on a floppy disk, or you can easily add ubuntu server as a repository using synaptic and get it from there.09:54
pseAha. That did it.09:54
pseWell, that's... exciting.09:54
mneptokbahadirt: you might find Exim to be easier to start with *shrug*09:54
section31ubotu,am i going to have to compile it myself09:54
ubotuI know nothing about ubotu,am i going to have to compile it myself - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:54
livingdaylightBioGeek: sorry, i'm short on tips09:54
garryFprobably not officially available for ubuntu yet --- apache2.209:54
pseMystery solved.09:54
pseic56: do you know of any reason why the name isn't transmitted by default?09:54
pseI didn't realize dhcp could assign names as well.09:55
pseI guess there's my answer.09:55
polpaknicholaspaul: sudo chown -R username:username ~/.Trash09:55
section31how can i find a list of installed packages via apt-get09:55
nicholaspaulpolpak: Thx again!09:56
garryF!other users but garryF knows less than he appears. he is more a parasite trying to learn while pretending to help!09:56
ic56pse: yes.  By default, the system administrator doesn't care what the box or the box's user wants.  The admin assigns the correct hostnames via DNS.09:56
garryFHmm, can't have fun with Ubotu any more.09:56
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pseWell. Neat. You learn something new everyday. Thanks a bunch.09:56
pseCiao, all.09:56
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ic56pse: I mean, of course, the site administrator -- not the individual box's admin09:57
Hexidigital_ i need help with my CUPS server... i was able to get the KDE print manager to access the CUPS server, but i cannot view the available printers. any ideas?09:57
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mneptokSeveas: he calls it "fun." we call it "reasons to stab garryF in the face"09:57
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garryFBah Sevaas. Need to lighten up, but I won't make that mitake again.09:58
hyperstreamhow do you change your msn nickname in gaim. ive noticed you can set your own alias but it doesnt actually change it to other users who are receieving you IM's09:58
mpathyHi there.. How could I output the compilation options used for a ubuntu package?09:58
mneptokhyperstream: you get a new account.09:58
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mpathyOr is there a website wherer I can look for that?09:58
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mneptokmpathy: LP?09:58
hyperstreamwhy would you get a new account?09:58
garryFTo much gratituous kicking of regulars.09:58
mpathymneptok: Whats LP?09:59
hyperstreami can just jump into windows xp and change it in MSN09:59
Hexidigital_mpathy::  afaik, the Alias is for you to change the names of others, not vice versa09:59
hyperstreammneptok, so why would i get a new account for everytime i wanna change my msn DISPLAY nickname ?09:59
jxtmneptok, still doesn't work.09:59
linux_user400354Hexidigital_ http://localhost:63109:59
testis there a way to change the mime icons in gnome?09:59
jxtmneptok, and still -- Media button runs Rhythmbox.09:59
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Hexidigital_linux_user400354::  it's on a remote server09:59
mpathymneptok: what alias? dont understand.09:59
mneptokhyperstream: so you're surprised that a service that is offered by Microsoft has different behavior on Microsoft OSes than it does in apps that are forced to reverse-engineer MS' closed protocols?09:59
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mpathymneptok: I want to know for example, if package scponly is compiled with --enable-svn-compat10:00
Hexidigital_linux_user400354::  although, i tried that address w/ the server name, and i got a FORBIDDEN page10:00
testwithout recompiling the code i mean.....10:01
linux_user400354Hexidigital_ then replace localhost with the servers ip. you will have to have it configured for you to be able to administer the cups server.10:01
hyperstreammneptok, how did you get the impression i was suprised?10:01
mneptokmpathy: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/i386/scponly/4.6-110:01
Hexidigital_linux_user400354::  ok, thanks... i'll take a look10:01
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testthis is going to sound stupid but what is microsoft?10:01
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hyperstreamwhy would one have to get a new hotmail/msn account in order to change a nickname ? is my question.10:01
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Hexidigital_test::  are you serious?10:02
hyperstreamHexidigital_,  ROTF10:02
linux_user400354test, where have you been all your life?10:02
testHexidigital_: Yeah I'm serious. I stay in alot.10:02
hyperstreammneptok, i mean other MULTI chat clients such as trillian and others can do it.10:02
Hexidigital_test::  Microsoft is the reason  WE are HERE now!10:02
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x3n0ni.e. microcrap10:02
testThe name sounds stupid.10:03
robheh, zealots10:03
testI was just curious10:03
linux_user400354test, its a company that copies ideas from other companies and makes money from them10:03
Hexidigital_test::  btw, Microsoft talk should be taken to #ubuntu-offtopic10:03
mneptokhyperstream: t6hey can change how the display name appears to you. but any user can change how you appear to them.10:03
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testlinux_user400354: Okay. Thanks.10:03
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hyperstreammneptok, trillian changes the name so it appears to everyone. gaim doesnt as far as i know and my question once again is can gaim do this ?10:04
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testback to the on topic question? Is there a way to change the gnome mime icons without recompiling?10:04
mneptokhyperstream: http://gaim.sf.net10:04
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wikingplease help me to install plugins for Totem movie player10:05
mpathymneptok: okay.. in http://librarian.launchpad.net/1928543/buildlog_ubuntu-dapper-i386.scponly_4.6-1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz in found: ./configure CFLAGS='-Wall -g -O2' --host=i486-linux-gnu --build=i486-linux-gnu --prefix=/usr --mandir=\${prefix}/share/man --infodir=\${prefix}/share/info --sysconfdir=\${prefix}/../etc --enable-scp-compat --enable-winscp-compat --enable-rsync-compat --enable-unison-compat --enable-chrooted-binary --enable-passwd-comp10:05
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garryFDoes that work for tells mneptok? Some user names are virtually obstuficated with similar looking characters and are therefore almost impossible to send tells to.10:05
mneptokgarryF: i have no idea. i don;t use any MS products or services.10:05
nicholaspaulWhen i open the trash, there are 3 folders i cant delete...when I use terminal, ls -a shows nothing. What the?10:06
mneptok(well, except input devices. they have some nice mice.)10:06
mpathyBut is there no easier way? Would be really helpful to have a fast way to check if I can using a ubuntu package instead of compiling it myself10:06
garryFmneptok Oops, sorry, I ddin't notice.10:06
linux_user400354section31, i dont see a way its possible with apt-get. you could try "sudo dpkg -l"10:06
testback to the on topic question? Is there a way to change the gnome mime icons without recompiling?10:07
wikingplease help me to install plugins for Totem movie player! anybody!10:07
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hyperstreammneptok, ahh so i dont have to register a new email account yes?10:07
nicholaspaulanyone know how to kill the trash totally?10:07
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mneptokhyperstream: 01:03 < mneptok> garryF: i have no idea. i don;t use any MS products or services.10:07
linux_user400354test, replace them with other icons. have you tried that?10:07
godtvisk1nHas anyone been able to get Gaim 2.0.0beta3 to work with gaim-otr 3.0.0 ?10:08
hyperstreamlawl so why did you not state that earlyer? instead of telling me to get a new email account.10:08
testlinux_user400354: You mean every single icon individually?10:09
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garkoilhello all10:09
wikingplease help me to install plugins for Totem movie player! anybody!10:09
testgarkoil: Hiya10:09
garkoilcan anyone explain me the meaning of mount -o loop10:09
garryF!totem plugins10:09
ubotuI know nothing about totem plugins - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:09
garkoilhola test10:09
garryF!plugins > wiking10:09
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ubotuI know nothing about plugins  - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:09
garryFack, sorry10:10
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:10
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brynktest, you can change them individually or use a different icon theme10:10
drunken-wallabyhi everyone.10:10
Seveasgarkoil, mount -o loop is what's use for mounting an .iso file10:10
garkoiloh ok10:10
garkoilI didn't get that from the man10:10
linux_user400354dont you need fuse to mount an iso?10:11
Seveaslinux_user400354, no10:11
garryFNow that's worth saving in my faq Seveas. :)10:11
linux_user400354has anyone got gmailfs to work in ubuntu?10:11
ozzloycan anyone see what i'm typing?10:11
testbrynk: i am not sure i want a theme someone else made. Oh have you ever heard of an icon change disabling a mounted drive by chance?10:11
Seveasozzloy, no10:11
testozzloy: Hiya. Can I help you?10:11
ozzloySeveas: thanks10:11
garkoilozzloy, we can what you type10:11
ozzloysorry test10:11
testozzloy: no problems :)10:12
brynktest:no i haven't since that's impossible10:12
linux_user400354test, you can make your own theme10:12
brynktest: anyway, you can make your own icon theme10:12
garryFSeveas:  Does that work without special fstab entries?10:12
testbrynk: Any idea how difficult it would be?10:12
ozzloythanks all10:12
SeveasgarryF, sure, see mount's manpage10:12
drunken-wallabyi've got a question. i created a small partition (ext3) for which i want that every user on my system can write or read files (just to transfer files quick and easy from one to another account) to this partition. the problem is, that when user A copies a file to the partition, other users can't read this file since it belongs to user A. question: do i need to play with samba to solve this or is there a quick way as well?10:12
garryFSeveas Thanks!10:13
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testbrynk: I could swear changing my cd icon disabled it. hmmm interesting.10:13
linux_user400354drunken-wallaby "man chmod"10:13
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wikinggarryF, what You mean?10:14
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linux_user400354has anyone got gmailFS to work in ubuntu?10:14
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hyperstreamdrunken-wallaby,  you could set it to like security = share10:14
hyperstreamlike a windows network10:14
testI was wondering about setting up local mail too, but wouldn't know where to start. :)10:14
Alex0rWhoa, I've been in here all day and I haven't spoken in .. hours10:15
garryFwiking Was supposed to send you info on installing plugins for totem.10:15
OK8Is it possible to mount NTFS drives with write support using the liveCD.10:15
linux_user400354its the software thats supposed to let you mount your gmail space10:15
master5o1Microsoft = Microshit or Microcock; Windows = Windoesn't or Winfroze;10:15
garryFI don't think so and ntfs linux write support is risky still.10:15
drunken-wallabylinux_user400354 i've chmoded the folder 777 already. but newly copied files belong to the user who copies them, though. could this be a thing in /etc/fstab as well?10:15
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testbrynk: Can you point me to a place with theme construction info please?10:15
drunken-wallabyhyperstream where could i set this parameter (security = share)?10:15
linux_user400354drunken-wallaby chgrp and chown10:16
ubotupostfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Postfix or here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PostfixBasicSetupHowto10:16
Hexidigital_test::  there, go work on  your mail for a while10:16
testHexidigital_: Thanks, Ask to many questions huh?10:16
Hexidigital_test::  no, just helping you set up your mail10:17
hyperstreamin your smb.conf10:17
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hyperstreamnear the top10:17
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testHexidigital_: Thank you for the link.10:17
hyperstreamif you are using the default example etc. when you scroll down you'll see security section10:17
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Hexidigital_test::  np10:17
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grodius_Hi my USB drives are not being detected as the right size10:18
testHexidigital_: I'll let you know how it turns out. :)10:18
Hexidigital_test::  i look forward to it10:18
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OK8well is it possible to resize the NTFS partition using gnome partition manager. Yesterday I just got a very informative error just plainly stating "unable to"10:19
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Hexidigital_is there a problem with the Wiki 's? i cannot get some of the pages to load10:20
garryFProbably resizing of ntfs partions via any linux stuff is like writing, still experimental and buggy. Tha'ts my guess that its' disabled by default.10:20
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OK8it seems that resizing ntfs just fails... hmm can't help it then10:21
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garryFHexidigital_: Do you have a url for a particular wiki that don't work for you that I can try? The ones I tried seem to work?10:24
Hexidigital_garryF::  nevermind... i got it to work in firefox, but konquerer didn't load it properly10:24
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Hexidigital_garryF::  ty anyway10:24
garryFHexidigital_ Grats10:24
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testHexidigital_: Problem.... I can't find the sas files. :(10:31
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Hexidigital_test::  sorry, i don't know much about postfix... i dont have a mailserver10:33
testHexidigital_: It's okay. I guess its google time. :)10:34
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sophie_marshallwhenever I run gnome-window-decorator GDM seems to restart10:34
sophie_marshallany of u fellas got an idea why?10:35
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whadarhey... anyone got gmailfs to work? it fails with "mount: unknown filesystem type 'gmailfs'"10:37
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aroonihow can i install flash 910:37
aroonior the equivalent10:37
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bjorn-hi! .. wow, this channel was larger than the ef-net one :-)10:38
amadeo1988I have downloaded Cedega per advice from a friend off bittorrent network, and would now like to install it, it was a .tar file that came with /usr/ /etc /opt folders i was told to cp this to / but only when i do i get an error messege about omitting directories, im new to ubuntu dapper drake and new to linux pretty much, anyhelp would be most appreadiated10:39
bjorn-is it possible to make ubuntu copy on select the way I'm used to from redhat? :)10:39
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mneptokbjorn-: i believe you can do that gconf-editor10:40
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ubotuI know nothing about radio - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:40
tristan_Anyone has a USB tuner TV key that work under linux?10:40
bjorn-mneptok: thanks, I'll look into that10:40
ubotuI know nothing about gmailfs - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:40
ajayccan anyone suggest a radio app for ubuntu?10:40
amadeo1988I have downloaded Cedega per advice from a friend off bittorrent network, and would now like to install it, it was a .tar file that came with /usr/ /etc /opt folders i was told to cp this to / but only when i do i get an error messege about omitting directories, im new to ubuntu dapper drake and new to linux pretty much, anyhelp would be most appreaciated10:40
amadeo1988sorry didnt mean to do that again10:41
whadarajayc - xmms10:41
ajaycwhadar, a app with which i can browse stations and then listen10:41
whadaramarok is good but dont play good with ubuntu...10:41
ajaycany other?10:42
mneptokamadeo1988: you're asking for help with software that you are using unlicensed. not cool.10:42
amadeo1988I dont understand?10:42
mneptokamadeo1988: Cedega is not a free product10:42
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whadarajayc: amarok has a playlist called "cool streams" which lists radio stations10:42
amadeo1988im new to ubuntu, oh? i was told it was.. and was given a link to it10:42
amadeo1988to download it10:42
mneptokamadeo1988: and "downloading it off BitTorrent" is not the way to acquire a subscription10:42
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ajaycwhadar, get streamtuner10:43
amadeo1988is bittorrent bad?10:43
ajaycwith xmms10:43
amadeo1988ive used it before and its worked10:43
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bjorn-amadeo1988: for downloading software it's bad, for screwing over RIAA/MPAA it's good :-P10:43
mneptokamadeo1988: there's nothing wrong with BitTorrent10:43
nyriadorhi - i'm completely new at using ubuntu, and i need help. i am trying to run easyubuntu, and the application fails to work. i get a long error message in terminal, among which are "errors were encountered while processing - clvm, redhat-cluster-suite & system-config-cluster". Anyone can help? I tried to google the damn thing, to no avail....10:43
amadeo1988Well can you help me install it?10:43
mneptokamadeo1988: sorry, i like my karma as-is10:44
whadarajayc: you can use as a plugin for xmms?10:44
finalbetaamadeo1988, their is a bitorrent client installed on ubuntu10:44
amadeo1988is there a free alternative to cedega?10:44
ajaycwhadar, dunno just do sudo apt-get install streamtuner xmms10:44
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mneptokamadeo1988: you could try the free version of VMWare and run Windows that way10:45
garryFnyriador: Easyubuntu seems to be broken lately. There is also Automatix if I recall, its more complicated, but no guarantee of sucess either.10:45
amadeo1988how about this wine i keep hearing about10:45
bjorn-yes, Wine or VMWare Player which is free ..10:46
bjorn-Windows is not free though10:46
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finalbetafor wine you need to add new repo's, the wine inside the ubuntu repos is way to old again10:46
ajaycbjorn-, what actuallly is wine plater10:46
mneptokyeah, you pay with your sanity10:46
amadeo1988i know windows isnt free, im running that in dual boot10:46
scott_hey, ive finally got rid of my ati radeon 9600pro (total crap under linux) and got myself a shiny new nvidia 6800gs, what packages should i uninstall/configs to things to do before i remove my ati and put in my nice shiny new nvidia?10:46
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amadeo1988scott_: Gs is bad brand my friend10:46
bjorn-ajayc: VMWare Player for running Windows inside ubuntu, like any other application. It's a virtual machine 'player'10:47
Toma-amadeo1988: qemu is better than vmware imho..10:47
scott_i have agop10:47
ajaycbjorn-, its free?10:47
scott_so its good10:47
amadeo1988toma-_ isit free?10:47
amadeo1988scott_: oh i understand10:47
Toma-amadeo1988: yep.10:47
mneptokToma-: Qemu is an emulator. VMare is not.10:47
nyriadorgarryF: thanks. I was told to stay clear of automatix, but i'll give it a try. however, i'm concerned that something is broken somewhere in ubuntu - i remember an error message while trying to add/remove applications. i wonder if it all could be related.10:47
kristianit there a new ati driver howto coming?10:47
bjorn-ajayc: yes, vmware.com ..i'm not sure if you need the vmware server to create hte image though .. but htere are lots of free images there10:47
amadeo1988Qemu is it easy for a ubuntu n00b?10:47
Toma-amadeo1988: its also, "free as in speech" apart from the kernel module you can use with it10:47
mneptoknyriador: i would recommend you stay away from any automated scripts10:47
ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo10:48
Toma-amadeo1988: have a look ^^^10:48
amadeo1988i will10:48
nyriadormneptok: yeah. i'm starting to think i'd better....10:48
amadeo1988i want to run world of warcraft and fps's on linux thats all10:48
mneptoknyriador: those things are the fscking *bane* of my existence. i loathe them.10:48
finalbetaxen has announced collaboration with microsoft, perhaps we will be able to run Xp as a guest10:48
Toma-amadeo1988: WoW works perfectly under Wine. i wouldnt run any games thu vmware or qemu10:48
mneptoknyriador: often time the authors make some *really* bad decisions10:49
paloymewhat is the extension used in firefox so i can browse websites that require ie?10:49
amadeo1988can someone link me to wine, i just looked at sourceforge and the fiels are no longer hosted10:49
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.10:49
garryFnyriador I totally agree, yes, it could be related too.10:49
ajaycwhadar, COOOL its ultimate it allows to record too10:49
mneptoknyriador: this is one of my favorite examples of just how stupid those automated scripts can be: "sudo sed -ie '/^%admin/s/ALL$/NOPASSWD: ALL/' /etc/sudoers"10:50
garryF!info wine10:50
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 8578 kB, installed size 40460 kB10:50
mneptoknyriador: that turns off the need for sudo to require a password, but they don't set -e, so if the script fails, sudo will never require a password again. unbelievably horrid.10:50
scott_plus amadeo1988 its a 'golden sample' edition with a core clock speed of an extra 100mhz10:50
cobelloyhello, does anyone know how to get ubuntu to see my tv tuner card?10:50
nyriadormneptok: that's rather dumb... wonder why they'd do that in the first place.10:51
garryFWow That is an issue.10:51
=== dli [n=dli@adsl-68-252-224-202.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-amadeo1988: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12061510:51
mneptoknyriador: because often the authors of these scripts are adherents to the Microsoft "features over security and correctness" coding ideals10:52
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nyriadorgarryF: if it is related... how do i fix ubuntu? i mean, if error were encountered with processing packages with dpkg.... how do i undo the errors?10:52
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nyriadormneptok  - kinda defeats the point of being on linux,..10:52
CaptainMorganyay... I love seeing new packages waiting to be updated..10:52
garryFHmmm, I dunno, sorry. I think the scripts are broken rather than your Linux.10:53
mneptoknyriador: which is why those scripts are the bane of my existence, and why we do not recommend them ;)10:53
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garryFThe script easyubuntu used to be so handy, tis a shame they fell into such a state.10:53
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nyriadorgarryF: so how do you go about fixing a script? (i mean, if you have a good link or something, that'd do too - i'm just not very good at this - yet)10:53
dcnstrctdamnit the ubuntu disk image is < 700megs and won't fit on to any of my cds :(10:54
mneptoknyriador: why use a script? just use Synaptic and be happy.10:54
dcnstrcterr >10:54
garryFnyriador Would have to know enough about ecriptingo to understand it.10:54
Madpilotdcnstrct, yeah, it got bumped up over 650Mb with the latest release10:54
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garryFwell, it did it all in one step and took alot of guesswork out of installing codecs and drivers one at a time via synaptek.10:55
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dcnstrctMadpilot, which release is < 700megs ? I'd like to use it then just upgrade my software with apt-get10:55
garryFMoot point now. Synaptek is easier than trying to mess with scripts.10:55
webharvey2002hi all10:55
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mneptokdcnstrct: any of the server images will work10:56
Madpilotdcnstrct, hm, the basic Ubuntu ISO is 697Mb10:56
dcnstrctMadpilot, not according to windows10:56
nyriadorgarryF: guess i'll try synaptic and do it the long way - anyways, better to learn how things work right now...10:56
Madpilotdcnstrct, it is according to Ubuntu - either Windows is smoking crack, or there's something wrong with your download10:56
mneptoknyriador: what goals do you want to accomplish first?10:56
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webharvey2002could anyone tell me, how to deinstall grub? i have an win and ubuntu partition and wants to delete the unbunt for a new installation, thx10:56
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dcnstrctwindows says its (731,744,256 bytes)10:56
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dcnstrctno doubt the M$ people have been hitting the rock10:57
garryFsay nyriador Good luck, it will at least be an opportunity to learn more about Ubuntu.10:57
mneptokwebharvey2002: boot to Windows, open a command prompt and type "fdisk mbr"10:57
dcnstrctnever the less it won't fit on a 700meg cd10:57
nyriadormneptok: well. i want to be able to install the multimedia codecs - music, mainly10:57
garryFgrr, oops.10:57
Madpilotdcnstrct, no, remember that 1Mb is NOT 1000bytes, but 102410:57
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nyriadorgarryF: exactly. and thanks :)10:57
OK8hey is there any way I could download some software/packet with apt-get to get video codecs up and running10:57
mneptoknyriador: install gstreamer-plugins-ugly from the Universe repo10:57
webharvey2002mneptok: i tried but didn't found the fdisk (dir fdisk*.* /s)10:57
garryFnyriador welcome.10:58
SGLIs installing programs in Ubuntu and Xubuntu the same???10:58
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dcnstrctMadpilot, then maybe these 700meg cds are not really 700 megs10:58
dcnstrctI'll try the server image10:58
rpedroSGL: yes10:58
dcnstrctif I use the server image what do I have to do to get it to be a desktop ?10:58
mneptokwebharvey2002: then boot off the Windows install CD and do it10:58
Madpilotdcnstrct, well, they should be... the ones I've got are, and the Ubuntu ISO fits nicely10:58
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SGLIs installing programs in Ubuntu and Xubuntu the same???10:58
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Madpilotdcnstrct, you'd just do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, that should get you everything10:58
dcnstrctMadpilot, these are compUSA brand, they probably can't count.10:58
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bla|patrickmay someone help me modifying LD_LIBRARY_PATH10:59
dcnstrctexcellent, thanks for the help guys10:59
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bla|patricki dont get it10:59
Madpilotdcnstrct, mine are Maxwell, guess they can count... ;)10:59
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bla|patricki cant even find a tutorial how to apply those new libraries10:59
webharvey2002mneptoK. a thx, i try it, bye10:59
bla|patrickit still demands old ones :|10:59
mneptokomg. bla|patrick!10:59
Madpilotbla|patrick, what're you trying to do, exactly?10:59
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bla|patrickits all about swt gtk libraires10:59
bla|patricki installed azureus and it asks eacht stat installing version 323211:00
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nyriadormneptok - will do. now, i took a screenshot of the error message the terminal gave me while i was trying to get easyubuntu to run. it says at some point "dependency problem prevent config of redhat-cluster-suite"and something about "clvm not configured yet" - is that a problem? i'm just concerned this issue will re-appear at some point, with something more significant than easyubuntu.11:00
bla|patrickbut java still only finds 313911:00
bla|patrickand azurues updater fails to update that library path11:00
bla|patricki have 3232 manually placed to where the old files are11:01
bla|patricksame folder11:01
garryFStrange, that redhat should even be there. Redhat <> Debian distro far as I know.11:01
bla|patrick /usr/share/jni11:01
nyriadoralso something about "clvm could not connect to cluster manager"11:01
nyriadorgarryF: I know. that's what i thought. i'm really confused.11:01
nyriadorgarryF: kinda screwed me up.11:01
garryFas I would be confused as well.11:01
mneptoknyriador: just ignore what those horrendous scripts tell you. don't worry about problems you don't have. ;)11:02
linux_user400354why cant i resize my logical volumes using gparted?11:02
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tristan_Is the USB TV tuner key made by Toshiba is compatible with Linux?11:02
garryFPossibly becaue logical volumes are not the same as the actual partitions?11:02
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ubotuI know nothing about lvm - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:03
nyriadormneptok: well, then i'm off to see if i can install those codecs manually. i'll be back later - probably... anyways, thanks for the help guys.11:03
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mneptoknyriador: gstreamer-plugins-ugly is what you want11:03
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linux_user400354ubotu is stupid11:03
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garryFMaybe it had a lot of obsolete info removed.11:04
linux_user400354maybe i have to use qtparted and use knoppix instead of ubuntu live cd11:05
bla|patrickmneptok: u dont have an idea what to do, do you? :(11:05
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bla|patricknone of that documentations describe how to modify that library11:05
bla|patrickall they say is that i have to do it11:05
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bla|patrickto solve this issue :|11:05
garryFMight work. >ots of folks have been able to fix stuff via knoppix stuff.11:05
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mpathymade a bounty out of my problem ;) https://launchpad.net/bounties/compilation-options-checker 1. why is it get outputted without any line wrap? thats ugly 2. would have been "specifications" the better place for that?11:08
sanna_: I11:08
mneptokbla|patrick: how did you install the lib?11:08
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roger21i tried to install lilo over grub but all i got at boot is "Loading Linux................................................................."11:09
mneptokbla|patrick: did you pull the current version out of Synaptic?11:09
roger21and nothing11:09
nyriadormneptok - i just tried installing the gstreamer libraries, and here is the message i got : E: clvm: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 311:09
nyriadorE: redhat-cluster-suite: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured11:09
nyriadorE: system-config-cluster: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured11:09
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roger21someone has an idea ?11:09
ScissorHallo all11:09
nyriadorwhat gives?11:09
mneptoknyriador: sounds like that script hosed your repos11:09
nyriadordammit. reinstall?11:09
bla|patrickya that version is outdated11:10
ubotulilo is an alternative [Li] nux Boot[Lo] ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.11:10
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bla|patrickand i still have not found a repo that may solve this problem11:10
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mneptoknyriador: look in /etc/apt and see what you have relating to sources.list11:10
bla|patrickmneptok: first i tried to let azurues do it11:10
mneptokbla|patrick: that version works fine on all the machines i have11:10
bla|patrickthen i searched via find for the old libs11:10
bla|patrickmneptok: its just that azureus menus dont work11:10
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ScissorI have a problem! I installed a postfix, and now I have problem with inet_interface!11:11
bla|patrickthey actually work, but not all of em11:11
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bla|patrickbuttons dont show function an this stupid complaining each start is annoying too11:11
phlexyhey, does anyone know why I can't connect to the network/internet on this laptop (I just installed dapper on it). It has a card that's detatchable, but I plug it in - ubuntu detects it in device manager but clearly it doesn't know what to do with it.11:11
mneptokbla|patrick: i use the GTK/SWT libs provided by apt, and i seem to have no issues with Azureus11:11
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phlexyI tried turning off dhcp and filling in ip's manually, but that didn't fix it either o_O11:11
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mneptokphlexy: not every 802.11x chipset is supported by Linux. which do you have?11:12
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phlexyit'll tell me on the back of the card mneptok?11:12
mneptokbla|patrick: dunno, i don;t have Azureus installed here at the office. i can check when i get home in 3 hours or so.11:12
phlexyhow do I find out :P11:12
ShaunESQuestion: How do I get a verbose or step by step setup for a livecd?11:12
ShaunESI've got Alternative 6.06.11:12
mneptokphlexy: probably not. you'd have to check the manufacturer's site.11:12
bla|patrickwell i had problems with the buttons of that sliding notifiy on the down right11:13
bla|patricki had to install the latest beta11:13
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bla|patrickand then it started to complain about outdated libs11:13
bla|patricklibs that are needed for working properly11:13
bla|patrickhi sanna_ :)11:13
=== BurgerMann [n=burgerma@port86.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
SGLWhere can I get access to more packages?11:14
SGLIf I try apt-get install mysql-server my computer says he can't find it :(11:14
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SGLI uncommented everything in sources.list11:14
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SGLCan anyone help with that?11:14
gharzguys, been getting error fetching file during system update... here's the result if i typed sudo apt-get update => http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1834111:14
gharzplease help11:15
nyriadormneptok: things look ok in etc\apt11:15
mneptokSGL: AFAIK, mysql-server is in Main, and should not require additional repos11:15
SubhumanSGL, its in main, try a "sudo apt-get update"11:15
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GreySimHello. Question time! Anyone know the "proper" way to change the hostname? I always thought it was editing /etc/hosts, but apparently I was incredibly wrong, and I don't wanna just blindly tinker around with stuff and break sudo again. >.<11:16
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phlexymneptok: here's the site with the details, I don't think it tells me what I want to know though :P http://www.intel.com/support/network/xc/adapter/cce10100/sb/cs-008616.htm11:16
SGLupdating now11:16
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SubhumanGreySim, system-admin-networking11:16
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CiRu5anyone have any experience with promise raid controllers?11:16
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f4rbr0r^kAll3sun-j2se5.0-jre-binary_1.5.0.05+debian-1.unofficial.sarge.1_i386.deb <-- is that file available anywhere on internet? ;P11:16
GreySimSubhuman: Thanks!11:16
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SubhumanGreySim, then go to the general tab.11:17
spydris there an equivalent method via the CLI to change the hostname?11:17
mneptokphlexy: which of those 4 models do you have?11:18
Flannel!tell spydr about hostname11:18
SGLafter the update I still get: "couldn't find package mysql-server"11:18
mneptokspydr: edit /etc/hosts11:18
GreySimThank you kindly, and apparently I have to re-login.11:18
GreySimmneptok: Nope!11:18
SGLThanks :P11:19
ubotuI know nothing about mysql-server - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:19
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GreySimmneptok: That ends up breaking 'sudo' among other things. You start getting errors about gethostbyname() or some such.11:19
KenSentMe!info mysql-server11:19
ubotumysql-server: mysql database server (current version). In repository main, is optional. Version 5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06 (dapper), package size 35 kB, installed size 64 kB11:19
phlexymneptok: oh11:19
phlexymneptok: Xircom RealPort Ethernet 10/100 Adapter11:19
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nyriadoranyway. i'm going to bed. thanks for the help - prob will be back later.11:20
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ardchoilleI changed window managers from Metacity to openbox in gnome and am configuring my obmenu. What is the actual command that is used when I click on System -> Quit -> Logout? I need to add this command to my new menu11:20
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mixandgohello, where can I find a list with all the apps in the amd64 repo ?11:21
mneptokphlexy: i would start looking through Google for "re-100 linux xircom"11:21
Flannelmixandgo: packages.ubuntu.com11:21
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shinobi2how do i install midnight commander (mc)?11:25
ShaunESQuestion: I have ubuntu-6.06-alternate-powerpc. How do I set up ANY sort of server to get data off the hard drive without destroying it.11:25
ardchoille!info mc11:25
ubotumc: midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-1ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 2073 kB, installed size 5952 kB11:25
mixandgoFlannel, thanks, but I would like to know if a package is available for amd6411:25
Flannelmixandgo: right, packages.ubuntu.com11:25
mixandgoFlannel, that search is not arch specific11:25
ardchoilleshinobi2: enable universe, then sudo apt-get install mc11:26
mixandgoyou can only search for files in packages based on arch11:26
mneptokmixandgo: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/amd6411:26
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Flannelmixandgo: once youre AT the package, at the bottom, it lists archs11:26
Flannelmixandgo: search for the package, on the packages page, it'll tell you the arches11:26
shinobi2ardchoille: thx11:26
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ardchoilleshinobi2: You're welcome :)11:27
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shinobi2if 'iwconfig' did not show a wlan0 interface, does that mean my card wireless card is not detected?11:27
ShaunESQuestion: I have ubuntu-6.06-alternate-powerpc. How do I set up ANY sort of server to get data off the hard drive without destroying it. I also have ubuntu-6.06-desktop-powerpc...11:28
mixandgoFlannel, is dapper an older release or something ? cause some of the packages I am searching are a bit old11:28
mneptokShaunES: that's not very clear? what OS is installed *now*?11:28
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ShaunESmneptok, a broken ass OS X.11:28
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mneptokShaunES: and you want to read HFS+ from a LiveCD? good luck.11:29
ShaunESmneptok, I can read it with both these.11:29
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Flannelmixandgo: dapper is the current stable release.  versions are frozen a month or so before the release itself.  So they won't be cutting edge, but shouldn't be too old either.  which package?  version numbers are sometimes odd to read anyway.11:29
mneptokShaunES: have you run Disk Utility from the OSX install CD/DVD?11:29
mixandgoFlannel, eclipse-sdk ! I got 3.2 on gentoo11:30
mixandgoFlannel, on ubuntu I see there is 3.111:30
ShaunESmneptok, it keeps saying it has lost connection with the daemon.11:30
=== mneptok didn't realize we had HFS+ read in Dapper
bla|patrickdoes someone know smth about a repo that host libswt3.2?11:30
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ubotuI know nothing about libswt3.2 - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:31
Flannelmixandgo: when did 3.2 get released?11:31
mneptokShaunES: what do you have to copy the files onto? a CD? a remote machine? USB stick?11:31
ubotuI know nothing about swt - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:31
ubotuI know nothing about libswt - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:31
mixandgoFlannel, have no ideea11:31
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ShaunESmneptok, uhm, a remote machine is best.11:31
ubotuI know nothing about sway - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:32
Sakunixhey all a friend of mine just bought me his pc and asked me to please get his webcam working.. well first thing I did was format it and install Ubuntu.. now onto his problem.. anyone know how to get a webcam working with ubuntu?11:32
mixandgoFlannel, also gentoo lists an eclipse-emf-bin package that I would need on amd64 and I can't see it on that ubuntu list11:32
sn00pHow do I uninstall gnome in ubuntu?11:32
mneptokShaunES: so install an OpenSSH server on that remote machine and scp the files over11:32
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT11:32
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scheurihi all11:32
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bla|patrickmixandgo: dont know... the latest version 3232 is demanded by the latest azureus cvs11:32
bla|patrickand i dont get it how to install it :|11:32
Skorm!swat > skorm11:32
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cpk2Sakunix: i was browsing the lower end of the alphabet in adept and remember seeing something for web cams11:32
scheuriwas anyone able to get a network printer working (I have a HP Laserjet 2100 TN over networt) or is cups just...you know...f**** up?11:32
mneptokbla|patrick: use the stable Azureus and install SWT via Synaptic11:32
ShaunESmneptok, there's an ssh server on the machine?11:33
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bla|patrickmneptok: i cant use that version11:33
mp3guyhey, theres a problem with youtube videos, the flash applet they use must have been updated, but the volume bar doesn't show properly and the font has changed, and clicking the volume bar mutes the volume and you can't pull it up, anyone any insight into this?11:33
bla|patrickbecause all interfaces are broken11:33
bla|patrickno button works11:33
cpk2mneptok: stable azureus doesnt work for ubuntu11:33
bla|patricke.g. that notifier that appears if smth is wrong11:33
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bla|patrickon the down right11:33
mneptokbla|patrick: "Works For Me"(tm)11:33
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bla|patrickwell... i am not onl yperson that suffers from that bug11:39
bla|patrick*the *only11:39
mneptokcpk2: like i said, i have the stable version running just fine under 6.06AMD64 at home11:39
Skorm  bla|patrick  *person11:39
Flannelmixandgo: 3.2 was released june8, after Dapper.11:39
bla|patrickwell... however... the latest beta made the menus clickable again11:39
Skormbla|patrick: my english would be worse than yours11:39
GreySimShaunES, if you don't want to install anything, you could go into System -> Administration -> Shared Folders and set up a Samba share...11:39
bla|patrickand that notifyslider was hiding on hidebutton again11:39
mixandgoFlannel, meaning ? why is it not in the packages list ?11:39
bla|patrickSkorm: english isnt my native language either11:39
OK8hm. What do I have to do to get xvids to work?11:39
clispydr: yes /etc/hosts file holds your host name11:39
ShaunESGreySim, I can't get into the gui. If I use the normal install, it freezes on a brown screen.11:39
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Skormbla|patrick: my isn't your you'll still beat me11:39
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bla|patrickdont know... dont think so :)11:39
sn00pHow do I uninstall gnome in ubuntu?11:39
Flannel!tell mixandgo about release11:39
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KiraWhat CD size do I need to burn Ubuntu 6.06 desktop?11:39
Kira700 MB?11:39
mixandgoFlannel, so you have to wait 6 months for a package to install a package ? can't you just update your package list ?11:39
Flannelmixandgo: meaning, since it wasn't released before March, it wouldn't have been in Dapper.  You'll have to wait for edgy to get it from the repositories.11:39
KiraI only have 650 MB ones.11:39
mwesn00p: sudo apt-get --purge remove libgnome32 libgnome2-common11:39
KenSentMeIs it possible to run firefox with the userrights of root but with the profile of the main user?11:39
nvezKira, umm, you could try netboot install images?11:39
Flannelmixandgo: versions of all packages are frozen per each release. (except bugfixes/security updates)11:39
mneptokFlannel: not necessarily. the new version may well be added to dapper's repos.11:39
bla|patrickKenSentMe: go to terminal11:39
bla|patricksudo firefox :)11:39
sn00pmwe, is it safe?11:39
mwesn00p: then remove the rest from synaptic if anything is left11:39
KenSentMebla|patrick: but then it runs with the root profile11:39
bla|patrickthe profile.. should read to the end before posting11:39
sn00pmwe, synaptic is part of gnome?11:39
roniezHas anybody here played around with JAIL in kbuntu/ubuntu?11:39
roniezfrom http://www.jmcresearch.com/projects/jail/11:39
bla|patrickcant u choose in about config the path to the profile?11:39
FlannelKira: you can also download the server ISO, then get the desktop that way11:39
mwesn00p: not sure. use aptitude if so11:39
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mwesn00p: I have synaptic but not gnome11:39
Flannelmixandgo: it's not a "wait six months" thing, it's a deadline thing.  things that aren't released before X date most likely don't get put in this release (there are exceptions)11:39
Flannelsn00p: no, synaptic is just a program11:39
sn00pmwe, how do I remove it w hen i'm still in gnome?11:39
mwesn00p: you shouldn't do that11:39
sn00pmwe, well how do I remove it outside of gnome?11:39
mwesn00p: do you intend not to use X windows anymore?11:39
mwesn00p: I told you11:39
mwesn00p: sudo apt-get --purge remove libgnome32 libgnome2-common11:39
sn00pmwe, no I will use X and KDE11:39
mixandgoFlannel, I think I am gonna go ahead and give ubuntu a try :D tho I have a happy gentoo !11:39
sn00pmwe, thats what i'm doing11:39
sn00pmwe, but i'm inside gnome11:39
mwesn00p: then remove the rest from aptitude if anything is left11:39
mwesn00p: bad idea11:40
mixandgoFlannel, I miss some packages on gentoo amd6411:40
bla|patrickbut doesnt synaptic still needs gnome libraries?11:40
mixandgoFlannel, hope I can find them on ubuntu !11:40
Flannelmixandgo: you can always compile them.11:40
mwesn00p: are you not going to use something else instead of gnome?11:40
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mixandgoFlannel, by the way, does flash plugin work on ubuntu ?11:40
mixandgoFlannel, amd64 I mean11:40
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sn00pmwe, yes kde11:40
mwesn00p: then do it from kde instead11:40
Flannelmixandgo: no idea.  I don't even have a GUI.11:40
shinobi2i have my wireless card turn off during installation,  how can run an installation for the wireless card?11:40
sn00pwell I may have to reinstall ubuntu11:41
mixandgoFlannel, so why are you using ubuntu then :D11:41
mwesn00p: why would that be?11:41
bla|patrickbtw that swt 3.2 stable can be found here: http://www.eclipse.org/swt/11:41
bla|patrickbut i have no idea what i shall do with those files :|11:41
shinobi2i didn't know my card was turned off11:41
sn00pkde3 is huge11:42
sn00phalf a gig11:42
mwesn00p: you don't need all the krap11:42
mwesn00p: just get kdebase for starters11:42
sn00pwell it dont matter i'm on cable11:43
=== mneptok supresses the urge to pimp GNOME
mwesn00p: kubuntu-desktop install _alot_ of krap11:43
mneptokmust ... be ... desktop ... agnostic ...11:43
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javiolois there any wifi intrusion detector11:48
KenSentMebla|patrick: no, in about:config you can't choose a profile. With firefox -ProfileManager you can select a profile, but that's only the profile of the user you are running, so with sudo it's root11:48
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someothernickanyone use waste? or know where there is a how to on installing it for Ubuntu11:49
ubotuI know nothing about waste - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:49
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bla|patrickKenSentMe: sorry then i have no idea...11:49
bla|patricknot using FF that much11:49
Xorlevhttp://bash.org/?665807 <-- THIS COULD BE YOU!11:50
XorlevSub7'd? That's so 2000.11:50
XorlevAnd for Windows no less.11:50
Subhumansub7 is still about11:50
Alex0rI'm on windows, because i broke my ubuntu11:50
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Alex0rI don't even know how I got it, but damn, my pc is messed up now11:51
XorlevI used sub7 when I was thirteen. I'm in college now.11:51
mneptokonly a Windows user would refer to stuff as "My _____"11:51
XorlevSub7 is a trojan, and only someone connecting to it would do the damage.11:51
KenSentMebla|patrick: well i only want to remove some search engines, but the default ones can't be deleted and i think that's because they're not installed by a user but by default11:51
KenSentMebla|patrick: the searchenginehack doesn't work here11:51
XorlevAlex0r FAILS!11:51
Alex0rI got it through some myg0t people on cs: source11:51
XorlevYou FAIL!11:52
Alex0rI fails!11:52
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Gasolin_[ HELP]  $depmod -a  command shows Could not open directory /lib/module/2.6.15-23-386.11:52
XorlevGet out a rope or razor, and remember, down the road not across.11:52
Gasolin_(I've only 2.6.15-25-386 directory).11:52
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mneptok"I just gave you Sub7. Want fries with that?"11:52
randomizedhi all11:52
amadeo1988hey.. question, when i click on places and them my computer i want my hdd's to pop up.. only they don't and they used too, how do i re-add them11:53
someothernickhello randomized11:53
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mweGasolin_: huh? even sudo depmod -a?11:53
bla|patrickKenSentMe: well... i am a opera user... i have no idea about that11:53
mweGasolin_: it sounds like you deleted something you shouldn't have11:54
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Gasolin_mmm..... where can I point lib.25 instead .23 ?11:55
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mweGasolin_: you can't. your kernel needs modules that match it's version. what does uname -r say?11:55
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Gasolin_actually I'm in #chroot mode through desktop cd11:57
b14ckwhat was the package that unpacked *.rar?11:57
mweGasolin_: that wont work I think. where are you chrooted to?11:57
hyperstreamAlex0r, lawl. i ride with japsclan, we 'pwn' myg0at :)11:57
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Gasolin_I've 2 kernel version installed on hard drive(23, 25)11:57
mweGasolin_: what are you trying to do?11:57
Alex0rdont kill my pc11:58
Alex0rits already borked11:58
mweGasolin_: you boot a live cd and try to depmod -a your installed linux system?11:58
Gasolin_sudo chroot mnt/sda111:58
mweGasolin_: that wont work11:58
void^use depmod 2.6.15-25-38611:58
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mweGasolin_: you cannot depmod from a different kernel11:58
void^you can, just have to specify the version11:58
b14ckhow can i unpack *.rar?11:58
Gasolin_I boot a live cd , mount sda1 , and chroot sda111:59
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void^b14ck: with unrar11:59
noiesmob14ck, install rar then do rar -e file.rar think its in restricted ie universe or multiverse repo11:59
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b14ckvoid^: ty12:00
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b14cknoiesmo: thanx12:00
mweGasolin_: I guess you can depmod a different kernel afterall then, if you specify the version12:00
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Gasolin_I do the depmod version and it work, now my recovery mode is passed........but in prompt I can't usemy usb mouse/kbd(that's why I need live CD now)12:02
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mweGasolin_: well maybe the modules are not loaded12:03
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mweGasolin_: you need the usb modules to load12:04
gypsymauroI'm trying to install vserver on dapper but I've a lot of problems, I tried to install the patch shiped with dapper but the apply fails, then I downloaded the sources of kernel of ubuntu and try to apply vserver patch but fails again, last try I downloaded the already done vserver kernel @ http://ubuntu.uni-klu.ac.at/ubuntu.uniklu but it freezes after gdm login (normal kernel works)12:04
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gypsymauroany hint?12:04
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redbladesWhere does Ubuntu keep it's logs?12:04
redbladesfor Apache specifically12:04
florianhi, i want to create a directory for every line in a file. How can I do that?12:05
Gasolin_yes, I've edit /etc/modules to load12:05
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mweGasolin_: you need to do it in the broken system12:05
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mweGasolin_: this just list's what's loaded on the live cd12:05
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ardchoilleflorian: I think you'd be better off using sed in a bash script for that12:06
pojeflorian: writing a shell script is probably the easiest way12:06
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Gasolin_its done after12:06
Gasolin_ #sudo chroot /mnt/sda1, so I think this file is in the broken system12:06
[Jonne] Hi, i'm running Dapper, and when I last did apt-get upgrade, apt returned to me that 4 packages will be kept back. they're basicly the kernel packages (for 387, and K7)12:07
[Jonne] is that normal?12:07
mweflorian: for i in <filename>; do mkdir $i; done12:07
[Jonne] *386, obviously12:07
mweflorian: that might work12:07
noiesmo[Jonne] , yes12:07
mweGasolin_: it's not12:07
ardchoille[Jonne] : Yes, that is normal. You can install those held back packages with: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:07
mweGasolin_: you need to boot the broken system12:07
[Jonne] ah, ok12:08
noiesmo[Jonne] , you can do a apt-get dist-upgrade and it will upgrade kernel etc but if alls good just do apt-get upgrade12:08
[Jonne] thanks12:08
florianthx all, I'll try that12:08
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[Jonne] it just didn't seem obvious to me12:08
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Gasolin_mwe: if I boot the broken system directly, usb kbd/mouse will not be available. So I'm not sure what you mean?12:10
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mweGasolin_: I was thinking of using a different keyboard. if you don't have one make sure those module names are mentioned in /etc/modules12:10
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ShaunESjesus christ this is goddamn useless.12:11
ShaunESI just want to fucking get data off this hard drive, and it can't even do that.12:11
cpk2ShaunES: is it dying?12:12
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:12
ShaunESThank you for your help Flannel! Oh wait.12:12
SGLwhat is the "ipconfig" for linux?12:12
Gasolin_mwe: I'm using Dell 2.7G, it doesn't have PS/2 port but USB only, I'm using a USB-to-PS/2(2 port) adapter to link my kbd/mouse12:12
FlannelShaunES: now now, no need to lose all sense of maturity.  Just because I can't help you.12:13
ShaunEScpk2, using ubuntu-6.06-desktop-powerpc it freezes when starting the sound daemon. Can't stop that.12:13
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wahjavahi channel12:14
Gasolin_mwe: I can use kbd in GRUB or Bios, but not not work in Ubuntu GUI12:14
ShaunESI have ubuntu-6.06-alternate-powerpc, but I can't do anything with it.12:15
wahjavaUSB disk doesn't appear in Konqueror after attaching12:15
wahjavaI'm on Kubuntu 6.06 (AMD64)12:15
wahjavawhile I'm able to mount it from command line12:15
ShaunESI just want to get access to my file system, and put it on a usb key.12:16
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mneptokShaunES: you want the desktop cd, not the alternate12:18
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alyn3dhello there.... I have a problem with Adept....12:18
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ShaunESmneptok, I've got that here too, and was told I needed alternate yesterday.12:18
ShaunESIt keeps freezing on the brown screen, apparently I need to move "esd" before it tries to use it.12:19
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jonttu87is there some 4 gb file size limit in NFS?12:19
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jonttu87i can't transfer big files over nfs12:20
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bla|patrickbye ... its gonna be hot here... about 34C12:20
jonttu87what should i use then?12:20
bla|patrickbe back this evening12:20
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alyn3di try to remove or add any package with Adept, and it gives me the "There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages. " error. Any ideas? when I try to use apt-get from the command line, it says that "package metamonitor is in a state of damage"... or something like this..... what can I do ?12:21
Lynourejonttu87: I don't know whether there is a limit.. .I try to avoid nfs when I can. What  to use depends on what kind of use you are thinking about.12:22
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ShaunESmneptok, so using desktop, how do I stop it from trying to access esd?12:22
void^nfs version 3 can handle files larger than 4gb12:22
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rvjoin #winehq12:23
neenaofflinealyn3d: try #ubuntu-motu12:23
mneptokShaunES: why is a sound subsystem a problem?12:24
alyn3dneenaoffline, and if I use Kubuntu ?12:24
alyn3dwhat channel should I try ?12:24
ShaunESmneptok, no idea, but that's apprently the problem.12:24
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ShaunESIt freezes at a consistent spot every time, and it's consistent with what I've read about it.12:25
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alyn3doki, I think I found it, its #kubuntu12:26
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jonttu87Lynoure I'm using nfs now for accessing my server.. might sshfs be a better idea?12:27
mneptokShaunES: what kind of Mac?12:27
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ShaunESmneptok, iMac G5 first gen (no iSight)12:27
roger21i succed in booting with lilo but vga=792 make no readable display somebody knows why ?12:28
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mneptokShaunES: weird, i know people using 6.06 with the iMac G5r112:28
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Lynourejonttu87: this is a tad old (two years) but could be relevant for you: http://www.faqs.org/faqs/arch-storage/part2/section-121.html12:28
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roger21(vga=792 is th right setting for my display btw)12:28
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Lynourejonttu87: I meant whether you routinely download and upload large files or whether it's just an occasionaly need.12:29
jonttu87it's a routine12:29
ardchoilleroger21: Are you sure vga=792 is correct? I use vga=791 and it looks nice at that res12:29
roger21actually vga=791 don't work either12:30
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roger21with lilo12:30
ardchoilleroger21: Ok, I am guessing lilo settings are different than grub12:30
ShaunESmneptok, well... I dunno. I can boot into rescue mode, and it bitches when I select any of the options, but I can execute commands in that built in mini-shell thing12:30
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Enverexhmm, I just plugged in one of my SATA drives but it's not being assigned a /dev/sdx ...12:31
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roger21ardchoille, well it is not the case for vga12:31
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mneptokShaunES: so then use that to scp files to a remote machine running an ssh server12:32
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ShaunESmneptok, I don't know how, it's the shell off the install thing. It doesn't even have ping.12:33
Lynourejonttu87: but, yeah, sshfs could do it for you, worth trying, will not be worse than nfs at least (IMO)12:33
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Enverexhmm, I just plugged in one of my SATA drives but it's not being assigned a /dev/sdx ... any ideas why not? It shows up in dmesg as [17186719.264000]  nv_sata: Secondary device added but doesn't do anything about it12:35
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mweEnverex: you probably need to load a kernel module then. I wouldn't know the name though12:36
Enverexhmmm, the weird thing is it worked the other day12:36
ardchoilleI am using openbox as my window manager because it has a much nicer and configurable desktop menu. Here's a screenshot: http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/6126/openboxso2.png . I wrote a little tutorial on how to set this up if anyone is interested: http://natsci.eckerd.edu/~bordelsr/gnomehelp/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Gnome212.WindowManager12:36
mweEnverex: I see12:36
mweEnverex: what changed?12:37
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Enverexmwe, erm, there was a newer kernel brought out (.25, the ubuntu one I mean)12:38
mweardchoille: put it on wiki.ubuntu.com maybe?12:38
mweEnverex: hmm12:38
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ardchoillemwe: That is an excellent idea, I'll do that. Thank you :)12:38
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mweEnverex: I'd make sure the right modules are loaded12:39
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mweEnverex: I don't know what would cause to autoload in the old kernel and not the new though, unless it's missing in the new kernel for some reason12:39
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darkowlI have a problem with playing wmv files in totem12:40
darkowlCan anyone help ?12:40
patrick_kingdoes any one know to up samba to be a domain controller and allow xp to use roming profiles12:40
mwedarkowl: have you installed w32codes?12:40
ardchoilledarkowl: What is the problem?12:40
darkowlmwe: yes...12:40
mwedarkowl: I don't know then12:40
darkowlardchoille: i installed all codecs and i can play all files except wmv12:41
Matthaihi, is there any list of default ports for apllications like rdesktop, xmule, etc... I want to know which ports to open12:41
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darkowlit plays for two seconds and exit12:41
mwedarkowl: I think the codecs don't work with some wmv 9 files12:42
ardchoilledarkowl: I have found that with some wmv files, some of them play fine, some play and quit before they are supposed to, and others won't play at all. Blame Microsoft.12:42
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darkowlmwe, ardchoille : is there any fix for that ? Other program maybe ?12:42
jonttu87Lynoure: tried to mount sshfs now, im getting "fuse: failed to exec fusermount: Permission denied"12:42
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mweit's a known issue12:42
jonttu87what actually IS fusermount? :D12:42
mwedarkowl: no not that I know of12:42
ardchoilledarkowl: Not that I know of :(12:42
mwedarkowl: maybe if you run windows media player in wine12:43
mwedarkowl: I think it uses it's own codecs12:43
darkowlmwe, ardchoille : OK...tnx...Ill find some converter...12:43
patrick_kingcan anyone give me an  ip of    a dns server12:44
mwedarkowl: it will probably degrade the quality though12:44
Lynourejonttu87: If oyu are happy with nfs, and if you just occasionally need to get a 4G things from there, no sense moving away from it just for that... That's why I asked.12:44
Lynourejonttu87: Haven't ran into that myself, google wasn't useful?12:44
amarokkerDoes anyone know why opera is so slow on dapper?12:44
Jesus<ShaunES> Don't use the lords name in vain.12:44
mweamarokker: it's plenty fast here12:44
ShaunESI'm already going to hell, whatcha gonna do buddy?12:45
amarokkeri thought first, it could've been a problem with 9.02beta- so i switched back to static version - and its still slow12:45
mweamarokker: do you mean the start up time or in general?12:45
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Lynourejonttu87: do you have fuse in your kernel?12:46
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amarokkermwe: not really- the rendering of pages mostly...if I click open a link in a new tab- it might take ages to load- yeah, i have a bad habit of opening bout 20 tabs at a time- but the performance on breezy/windows have been far much better even when i'd opened more than 20 tabs.12:46
gnomefreakShaunES: Jesus dont argue. if you want to continue an  offtopic talk move it to #ubuntu-offtopic12:46
amarokkermwe: - yeah, start up is slow too12:46
magical_trevskyhi, could anyone tell me what bash command I would need to delete all files in a folder that were created today and contain a certain word in their filename?12:47
ardchoillemwe: Can I pm you for a second?12:47
mweamarokker: I don't know. the start up time could be because if you run gnome it has to load the qt libs first. Like I said it works fast enough here though12:47
mweardchoille: ok12:48
jonttu87Lynoure i added "fuse" in /etc/modules now.. i should reboot now ?12:48
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amarokkermwe: - ah, i use gnome. is it the same with fluxbox? come to think of it, i remember the performance being slightly better on kde12:50
patrick_kinghas anyone used samba as a domain controller12:51
K-J158someone can help me with amsn ? i would like to a font which can shows the arabic characters12:51
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K-J158i try "lucida" but it doesn't work12:51
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K-J158i've to eat.. cya12:52
mweamarokker: well once the libs are loaded after the initial start up performance should be the same in gnome and kde unless you are really low on ram or sth12:52
amarokker1gb- i'd say not much, but still decent.12:53
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zoidberghey there guys12:53
redbladesHey there you!12:53
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zoidberghey redblades12:54
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zoidbergi have a question for u12:54
amarokkermwe: no matter- still beats firefox- when it comes to functionality- the feature i like most is the search shortcuts- i think they have it in kde too..but its not as convenient.12:54
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zoidbergguys i have a question12:54
zoidbergcan anyone help me out12:54
amarokkerzoidberg: haha...then give it to us straight.12:54
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zoidbergi just installed ubuntu badger on this g3 powerbook12:54
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:54
zoidbergit has a wireless card12:54
redbladesWhy not dapper?12:55
zoidbergand well opened firefox and it didnt work12:55
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redbladesDapper has much better wireless support!12:55
zoidbergi'm now here though12:55
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Lynourejonttu87: modprobe should be enough12:55
redbladesWell, update.12:55
zoidbergdoesnt that mean that my cireless connection is working12:55
mwezoidberg: why di you install the old version of ubuntu?12:55
zoidbergin a sense12:55
redbladesgoogle, breezy to dapper upgrade12:55
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zoidbergi installed it coz i had it12:55
Lynourejonttu87: Sorry, I'm at work, only looking at irc occasionally12:55
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zoidbergspecs on this latop are a lil old12:56
redbladeszoidberg, if you now have internet access, upgrade to dapper.12:56
redbladesIt'll be fine12:56
zoidbergu sure12:56
zoidbergbut right now12:56
zoidbergme talking to u guys12:56
redbladesUnless it's like something from last century.12:56
zoidbergmeans that i have internet access right12:56
Subhumanzoidberg, yes.12:56
kbrooksLets see...I have a question12:57
zoidbergi thought so12:57
redbladesUnless you're on another box...12:57
Subhumanzoidberg, wat was the problem?12:57
forevertheunihi....guys where can I find xvid package(I can't find in any repository) or w32codecs?Other thing how do I know that p.e. multiverse repository is correctly installed?I don't see any apps of it(can you give me an example for me to look?12:57
dgoldis it decent internet access though?12:57
zoidbergwell firefox wont open12:57
Subhumanzoidberg, was firefoxing 404'ing12:57
redbladesforevertheuni, restricted formats12:57
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv412:57
Subhumanzoidberg, try disabling ipv612:57
Subhumanmy mate on breezy couldnt use firefox12:57
Subhumanread that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv412:57
Subhumanoh wait...12:58
zoidbergi see12:58
Subhumanill tell you.12:58
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:58
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forevertheuniredblades, ah...what?sorry..new to ubuntu and apt-get12:58
zoidbergi'm going to upgrade to dapper this afternoon12:58
zoidbergthat should fix it?12:58
Subhumanzoidberg, i get that firefox dont work, ill show you how to do it.12:58
redbladesforevertheuni, http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html12:58
zoidbergok subhuman12:58
zoidbergi'm lissening12:58
redbladesoops wrong one12:58
Subhuman sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/bad_list   .Add this line:  alias net-pf-10 off  Save the file and restart your computer12:58
redbladesThat one12:58
forevertheuniredblades, ok12:58
redbladesGo there and read12:59
Subhumanzoidberg,  ^12:59
Subhumantry that12:59
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Subhumanand in firefox, type "about:config" , type ipv6 to filter, there should be one option, double click it, and close firefox.12:59
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Subhumanzoidberg, you got thaT? try both of them, restart the pc then try ff.01:00
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forevertheunifor example gstreamer0.10-pitfdll I don't have that package :/01:01
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forevertheuniredblades, yeps..I don't have them01:02
forevertheuniredblades, just like w32codec01:02
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redbladesforevertheuni, I'm sorry, what don't you have?01:03
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zoidbergsubhuman i'm doing it right now01:03
zoidbergsoryr this laptop is a lil slow01:03
forevertheuniw32codecs package for example and xvid too01:03
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forevertheuniredblades, ok w32codecs I've read how to install01:04
EnverexI just plugged in one of my SATA drives but it's not being assigned a /dev/sdx ... any ideas why not? It shows up in dmesg as [17186719.264000]  nv_sata: Secondary device added but doesn't do anything about it01:04
redbladesAnd have you?01:04
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kbrooksI need a full URL for a package.... Any hints?01:05
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zoidberghey subhuman01:05
forevertheunioh other thing I installed multiverse and I don't have any package from it.universe is working fine01:05
zoidbergi'm going to restart my computer soon01:06
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zoidbergi have one more question for u guys01:06
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RShadowwhats the file I need to change to stop the motd from displaying?01:06
kbrooksask it zoidberg01:06
zoidbergsince this machine is a lil old...only has 64 mb ram....is it better to run KDE (kubuntu) than Gnome01:06
zoidbergi heard KDE is lighter01:06
brutopia_zoidberg: xfce might work best for you01:07
zoidbergbtw is 64 mb ram on a G3 powerbook01:07
Ngzoidberg: you probably don't want either with that little ram, try xfce01:07
RShadowzoidberg, I actualy think Gnome is lighter.. your best best for that amount of ram however would be xfce or fluxbox01:07
zoidbergxfce or fluxbox01:07
zoidbergare they still decent though ...ubuntu like interface?01:07
RAOFzoidberg, try xubuntu-desktop01:07
RShadowzoidberg, personaly I prefer fluxbox as I think xfce looks doopey.. but thats just my preference01:08
ardchoilleI am writing up a wiki page. Which website is the best one for explaining how to add univrse/multiverse repos?01:08
zoidbergalright guys01:08
zoidbergthanx a lot01:08
zoidbergi'll be back in a sec01:08
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource01:08
gnomefreakardchoille: ^^^01:08
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ardchoillegnomefreak: Thank you :)01:08
RShadownobody knows how to turn off the motd from displaying? I knew there is a config file.. but I can't remember were ubuntu keeps it01:08
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic01:09
forevertheuniubotu, I've read that already01:09
ubotuI know nothing about I've read that already - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:09
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forevertheunioh ...a bot :d01:09
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netventurershadown: it;s in /etc/motd01:10
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netventurejust move it to /etc/motd.orig or sumtin01:10
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EnverexWhere is the page to request packages to be made or synced with debian?01:11
RShadownetventure, ya.. I can do that.. but I thought there was an rc config file that had a setting to show it or not.. I'll just move it tho01:12
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someothernickcan anyone help me install waste?01:12
netventureI never thought of that01:13
netventurethink I'll look it up01:13
patrick_kinghas anyone used samba as a domain controller01:14
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someothernickis there any apps like waste that might be in repos?01:14
RShadownetventure, let me know if you find something :) I can't locate it.. perhaps it doesn't exist on ubuntu01:14
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forevertheunibah my multiverse doesn't work :/ I don't have anypackages from it01:14
forevertheuniI've uncommented that 2 lines..01:15
forevertheuniand apt-get update01:15
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IdleOneforevertheuni, enable it01:15
forevertheunii've done it01:15
forevertheuniin adept too01:15
forevertheuniand checked the file with vim01:15
patrick_kingtoday is going very slow01:15
Enverexforevertheuni, Just go into System > Admin > Software Properties and add it there01:15
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K-J158i retry.. :D01:17
forevertheuniit's backports?01:17
forevertheuniEnverex, it's backports?01:17
K-J158i would like a font which can shows the arabic characters for amsn on ubuntu01:17
EnverexI just removed all of them then added each of the four back via the add option and ticked all the boxes for each01:18
erlen1how do i login to root?01:18
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:18
tristan_Is the USB TV tuner key made by Toshiba is compatible with Linux?01:18
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ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport01:19
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forevertheuniEnverex, hmm ok I think it worked01:19
futlibhi, I have a funky problem with all gtk programs:01:19
futlibThe program 'xchat' received an X Window System error.01:19
futlibThis probably reflects a bug in the program.01:19
futlibThe error was 'BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)'.01:19
futliband so on01:19
=== zoidberg [n=zoidberg@ppp-69-208-144-92.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
zoidbergyou guys are brilliant01:19
zoidbergi love you guys01:19
zoidbergworked like a charm01:19
zoidbergsubhuman u still here?01:19
forevertheuniit's workin gtnx01:20
zoidbergthanx a lot01:20
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frogzooerlen1: you don't01:20
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.01:20
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:20
forevertheuniEnverex, I have xvidcore now :D01:20
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OK8how did you get xvids to work01:20
frogzoofutlib: how much mem & swap u got? & what's your cpu?01:21
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zoidbergSubhuman are u there?01:21
iGotNoTimeHey guys I switched to Ubuntu a few days ago and now I am stuck... How do I edit my flash files for my websites in Linux?01:21
ubotuI know nothing about kdetv - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:21
frogzoofutlib: also, vid card? & how much vid mem?01:21
ubotuI know nothing about video4linux - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:22
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:22
=== tcv___ [n=tcv@c-24-61-248-72.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
IdleOneiGotNoTime, try Nvu not certain it's what you need01:22
iGotNoTimenot what I needed :(01:22
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erlen1$sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=xxxx,password=zzzzz //\ /mnt/laptop01:23
erlen1Is this the corect command if i wanna mount a disc from a windows machine on this computer?01:23
iGotNoTimeno it is limited to html and php01:23
futlibfrogzoo: I don't think that it is really a memory issue, I have 400 MB of free ram01:23
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IdleOneiGotNoTime, search ion packages.ubuntu.com01:23
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iGotNoTimedid that too :(01:23
iGotNoTimethanks anyway :)01:24
dj_baggiohmm...my kdetv lagging when I use it. What I should do? I have athlon 2000xp+ and in windows my tv card working great :) No laggs etc. :)01:24
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IdleOneiGotNoTime, in term info flash01:25
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frogzoofutlib: can you reliably recreate the crash?01:25
IdleOneiGotNoTime,  in terminal type : info flash01:25
erlen1could anyone please help me with how to mount over network? Im a new Linux/ubuntu user. Any help would be very much appriciated, please PM me :)01:26
futlibfrogzoo: yes, it happens whenever I start a gtk program01:26
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:26
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futlibfrogzoo: I used kde today, and found out that I couldn't use gtk applications from there. I thought it was a kde problem and switched back to gnome, but now the error is there too01:26
iGotNoTimeno most of that is video settings01:26
futlibfrogzoo: I'm using prelink btw, this could be the cause, couldn't it?01:26
iGotNoTimeit's no big deal I still have XP on my laptop01:27
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frogzoofutlib: oh definately - is this breezy or dapper?01:27
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gregg__futlib: you should definitely be able to use GTK applications in KDE01:27
IdleOneiGotNoTime, Im sure there is an app to do what you want . just hamg around and ask again later01:27
iGotNoTimeI might try Edu channel :)01:27
Subhumanzoidberg, im still here01:27
iGotNoTimemaybe K knows01:28
Subhumanwas jus making lunch :P01:28
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futlibfrogzoo: it's dapper01:28
futlibfrogzoo: but as I said, this happened during kde usage. btw, gaim still works01:29
futlibbut everything else doesn't01:29
K-J158how show the arabic characters in amsn ?01:29
frogzoofutlib: power pc?01:29
futlibfrogzoo: i68601:29
IdleOneK-J158, try #amsn01:30
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johan_I want to format this drive as fat32, can I just download gparted from apt-get?01:30
johan_/dev/hdb5            6382       14589    65930728+   7  HPFS/NTFS01:30
futlibfrogzoo: how can I undo prelinking?01:31
IdleOnejohan_,  you can install gparted from apt-get01:31
GastenWhen I try to connect to quakenet, it sais that I cot a trojan and should clen my PC. Is this some kind of Ubuntu-specific problem , or do I actually got a trojan (I do not know if I got one, but I'm pretty sure that I aint infected).?01:31
EnverexIs anyone else having issues with hot swapping SATA drives?01:31
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frogzoofutlib: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/prelink/+bug/31135 - might want to confirm that bug if you can01:32
johan_What's the name of that package where I can save my debian package state, install a program with lots of dependecies and then go back to the previous state?01:32
xanI installed 6.06 and I installed xubuntu-desktop, then usplash turns me xubuntu-splash when I turn-off system01:32
frogzoofutlib: prelink just uninstalls through usual 'dpkg --purge' - the issue is you may need to reinstall /lib/ld-2.3.6.so01:33
xanHow can I turn me ubuntu-usplash at shutdown?01:33
burzum_when i try to access one of my sata drives i get the message "cant run pmount"01:33
futlibfrogzoo: oh, this will hurt, a LOT of stuff will depend on it01:33
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frogzoofutlib: yuppers01:33
burzum_and i get the message that /dev/sdb1 is no switchable device01:33
futlibfrogzoo: so I can basically install dapper from scratch as well01:34
sladenburzum_: pmount is for removal drivers.  For a fixe drive, put it in /etc/fstab01:34
anosaxan, try sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so01:34
gregg__futlib: prelink -u01:34
xanok, trying...01:35
gregg__Revert binaries and libraries to their original content before they were prelinked.01:35
johan_I tried to format one of my partitions with gparted, but it tells me that at least one partition on the drive is mounted, but I have / and /home on the same drive, so I can't really unmount them. What do I do?01:35
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futlibgregg__: how to use it? with what files?01:35
sladenEnverex: !just ask01:35
frogzoofutlib: try removing prelink & then reinstalling kernel-image-686 and initramfs-tools - & u should be right, fingers x'd01:35
gregg__futlib: all libaries and binaries you've prelinked01:36
Enverexsladen, I did and no-one seemed to notice, heh01:36
xanThanks, it seems to work:01:36
xanThere are 2 alternatives which provide `usplash-artwork.so'.01:36
xan  Selection    Alternative01:36
xan      1        /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-default.so01:36
xan*+    2        /usr/lib/usplash/xubuntu-splash.so01:36
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futlibgregg__: wtf01:36
xanPress enter to keep the default[*] , or type selection number: 101:36
xanUsing `/usr/lib/usplash/usplash-default.so' to provide `usplash-artwork.so'.01:36
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.01:36
frogzooxan please don't spam01:36
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anosaxan, u got it01:37
xanthank you very much01:37
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gregg__futlib: check the manpage... actually usage is quite easy01:37
xanAnother question anosa01:37
gregg__futlib: prelink -au01:37
xanThe resolution of my tty1, tty2, etc is very low01:38
sladenEnverex: you didn't actually say anything about the problem that *you* are having.  that is what you need to ask about.  Not the problems that anyone else /might/ be having...01:38
xanI tried vga=771 in kernel01:38
futlibfrogzoo: then reboot?01:38
frogzoogregg__: dpkg --purge takes care of the unprelink01:38
xanbut then no usplash displayed01:38
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frogzoofutlib: sure01:38
sladenEnverex: "is anyone eating icecream" doesn't help me find my icecream in the freezer01:38
gregg__frogzoo: oh, ok :)01:38
xanIs any way for achieve that?01:38
Enverexsladen, I have, twice, I just wanted to know if anyone else was having an issue with it01:38
EnverexI just plugged in one of my SATA drives but it's not being assigned a /dev/sdx ... any ideas why not? It shows up in dmesg as [17186719.264000]  nv_sata: Secondary device added but doesn't do anything about it01:38
futliband what about the binaries I have allready prelinked? won't I have to unprelink them?01:38
frogzoofutlib: when you uninstall prelink, the pkg runs prelink -au01:39
futlibgregg__: saw it now, didn't scroll with the flow, so...01:39
futlibfrogzoo: very cool01:39
anosaxan, u better ask ev'rybody in the channe, coz i have no idea 'bout that, sorry01:39
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sladenEnverex: what happens if you do  sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc   (or whatever the next one would be).  Do you see the partition table on that drive01:39
xanWell, okay01:40
whadarhello again01:40
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xansoorry I have to go01:40
whadari cant cd into a davfs mounted directory....01:40
anosaxan, don't be so sad01:40
Enverexsladen, Nothing happens, it's not in /dev/ so it can't anyway01:40
whadaranyone's got a clue on that?01:40
anosaask more n more and you'll get the answer01:40
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zoidberghey Subhuman are u there i have a question?01:41
sladenEnverex: so, for some reasons udev isn't seeing it01:41
bintutanyone here familiar with Wincor Nixdorf ND210 printer and on what driver to use in setting with CUPS connected as /dev/lp0?01:41
whadarbash: cd: dav: Operation not permitted01:41
=== [zero] [n=zero@82-37-198-2.cable.ubr05.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
frogzoowhadar: ls -ld dav01:41
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futlibfrogzoo: how am I supposed to reinstall initramfs tools? a bunch of packages depend on it01:42
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[zero] what program should I use to copy a cd which has both music and a video on?01:42
whadarfrogzoo... ls ls is working good01:42
whadarbut cd doesnt01:42
frogzoofutlib: apt-get --reinstall01:42
zoidberghey guys01:42
futlibokay, thanks01:42
zoidbergwhat is a good DVD player for ubuntu01:42
zoidbergi cant get ogle to install01:42
IdleOne[zero] , you can try gnomebaker or K3B01:43
jribzoidberg: xine is good too but what happens with ogle?01:43
sladenEnverex: what does   grep . /sys/bus/scsi/devices/*/block/removable   show you?01:43
sladenEnverex: how many entries?01:43
frogzoozoidberg: I like gxine01:43
whadarls -ld : drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 512 0000-12-31 02:20 dav01:43
[zero] thankx idleone01:43
Enverexsladen, 001:43
Paladineok ubuntu clearly has its silly head on today01:44
zoidbergit says that the following packages01:44
zoidbergare disabled01:44
frogzoowhadar: mount |grep dav01:44
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sladenEnverex: zero entries?01:44
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Paladinewhy is autoupdate telling me to install the -26 kernel image and headers01:44
zoidbergit says the following packages have unment dependencies01:44
futlibrebooting now, I hope it works01:44
Paladinethey are already installed01:44
Enverexsladen, It just echos the number 001:44
whadarhttp://www.box.net/dav on /media/dav type coda (rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid,device=/dev/davfs0,user=root)01:44
Paladineuname[Linux main 2.6.15-26-amd64-generic #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jul 7 19:25:13 UTC 2006 x86_64 GNU/Linux] 01:44
jribzoidberg: can you put the full error on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ ?01:44
zoidbergliba 52.0 a is not installable01:44
sladenEnverex: okay, so it's seeing one, non-removal device01:44
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anosaPaladine, yes it happened to me01:45
bintutanyone here familiar with Wincor Nixdorf ND210 printer <http://tinyurl.com/pn7jr> and on what driver to use in setting with CUPS connected as /dev/lp0?01:45
sladenEnverex: what is your main disk, is that sata, or ide?01:45
Paladineanosa, you find out why?01:45
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EnverexSATA (sda1/2/3)01:45
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Enverexsladen,  SATA (sda1/2/3)01:45
anosai'm trying to find out01:45
Paladinebintut where did you aquire a Wincor printer from?01:45
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Paladinelast I knew they were not on the general consumer market01:46
whadarfrogzoo: anything bad with that?01:46
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zoidbergone more question guys01:46
sladenEnverex: have you tried rebooting with the external sata drive connected?01:46
frogzoowhadar: dunno - if there was, mount shouldn't have mounted it...01:46
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zoidbergi was preivously talking to you guys about me just recently installing ubuntu badger on a G3 powerbook with only 64 mb ram01:47
Enverexsladen, No doubt that would work but I need it now without rebooting, heh01:47
whadarfrogzoo: well thanks anyway01:47
zoidbergevery one suggested that i use either xfce01:47
zoidbergor another one01:47
zoidbergi forget the other one01:47
PaladineI just found out yesterday that metacity sucks01:47
IdleOnefluxbox or icewm01:47
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zoidbergare both of those small and easy to install01:48
Paladineit doesn't follow the WM standards01:48
WarboOr E16, or WindowMaker01:48
GastenPaladine: ???01:48
jribzoidberg: are you familiar with apt-get?01:48
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IdleOnezoidberg, all are installable from apt-get IIRC01:48
PaladineGasten, it doesn't allow you to add a bunch of _NET_WM_STATE settings01:48
sladenEnverex: well, you can try restarting udev   sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart01:48
Warbozoidberg: You just install the package, like for example "sudo apt-get install fluxbox" then choose your session as fluxbox on the login screen01:48
Paladinelike "hidden" for example01:48
sladenEnverex: well, you can try restarting hal   sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart01:49
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sladenzoidberg: try xubuntu on the powerbook01:49
zoidbergi know how to use apt-get01:49
bintutPaladine: from a local reseller.01:49
zoidbergwhat about xfce01:49
jribzoidberg: for xubuntu there are iso's you can use01:49
PaladineGasten -  wmctrl -i -r 0x2000003 -b add,hidden  <- that should hide my xchat window, and doesn't01:49
jrib!xubuntu > zoidberg01:49
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zoidbergi guess fluxbox is just an emulator then?01:49
Warbozoidberg: xubuntu will give you XFCE automatically, no need to install it afterwards like with the others01:50
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GastenBy the way, you who have been here a while: what is going to be updated in the nex release (whe Ubuntu is not Dapper)? Always changing? What can I expect?01:50
Paladinebintut, I doubt you will be able to find a generic driver you will have to contact wincor themselves01:50
Warbozoidberg: They are window managers01:50
Skormzoidberg: basically, open a terminal then go "apt-get install yourprogramnamehere"01:50
GastenPaladine: Ah.01:50
IdleOnezoidberg, apt-get install xubuntu-desktop will install XFCE with eye candy :)01:50
GastenSkorm: SUDO apt-get.01:50
SkormI login as root usually so I always forget01:51
zoidbergso xubuntu is not another linux distribution like KUBUNTU?01:51
Enverexsladen, neither hal or hald exist01:51
Paladinebintut, I have a lot of experience with Wincor and they do things in some very strange ways01:51
Warbozoidberg: Yes it is, sort of a sub-distro01:51
Skormzoidberg: there all the same distro, just differnt window mangers01:51
bintutPaladine: i already sent an e-mail but they don't know.. they just push on selling their own POS system which i don't need01:51
IdleOnezoidberg, it's ubuntu with XFCE01:51
Skormlike Warbo said01:51
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Skormdiffernt look, thats all01:51
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bintutPaladine: oh my.01:51
=== Skorm beds
zoidbergbut i dont have to wipe my hard drive and reboot with a XUBUNTU iso cd then if i use apt-get install?01:52
Paladinebintut, I just finished consulting on a HUGE (one of the biggest in the world) POS/BOS rollouts this spring01:52
Skormzoidberg: no01:52
IdleOnezoidberg, thats correct01:52
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Paladineit used a lot of Wincor kit01:52
Warbozoidberg: If you already have Ubuntu/Kubuntu then you can just install the xubuntu-desktop package01:52
zoidbergthats awesome01:52
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Skormzoidberg: Thats the power of linux01:52
zoidbergi was also thinking of perhaps getting rid of ubuntu totally on this laptop01:52
bintutPaladine: oh, cool!  what about?01:52
zoidbergthe reason is01:52
futlibfrogzoo: the uninstall script didn't execute prelink -au, I am doing it manually now01:52
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bintutPaladine: care to pmsg?01:53
zoidbergubuntu is like taking up 3 gigs just for startes01:53
futlibbut I get a bunch of "Could not find one of the dependencies" errors01:53
zoidbergand i only i have like 6.5 gigs on this hard drive01:53
frogzoofutlib: oops, my bad, soz01:53
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Paladinebintut, it was for an oil company.  They just finished rolling out a new enterprise system in the UK and france01:53
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Warbozoidberg: Well, "just for starters" also includes office suites and stuff you know01:53
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IdleOnezoidberg, thats plenty unless you plan on storring alot of mp3's or sumthing01:53
Skormzoidberg: If you want, you can install ubuntu in a way in which you only choose certain things, tohugh its fairly hard01:53
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dungodungI installed php5 via synaptic but it won't support CLI.. how do I fix that?01:53
CokeNCodeok, i'm having this problem with lynx, and also opera, i'm starting a download, directly from hak5.org (their podcast), and it gets like halfway, and then stops... can anyone help me with that. It works fine with firefox.01:53
bintutPaladine: wow! i pressume that's a big project, right?  :)01:54
CokeNCodedoes lynx support resuming ... ?01:54
zoidbergi understnad that certain stuff such as open office and other apps are included01:54
SkormCokeNCode: treid wget?01:54
Paladinebintut, about 100M USD worth of project yeah01:54
zoidbergbut do u think there might be another linux os out there that requires less space for the BASE OS system01:54
=== Skorm beds, this time for real.
zoidbergor is it not worth it?01:54
WarboCokeNCode: Use "copy link location" or something, then paste it into "wget -c URL"01:54
jribdungodung: php5-cli01:54
Skormzoidberg: there are, but they don't included any features01:54
CokeNCodeSkorm hmmmm good suggestion ... but does 'wget' support resuming ?01:55
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dungodungjrib: right01:55
Warbozoidberg: You can easily remove the packages which are taking up space01:55
Paladinebintut, were they trying to sell you their NAMOS system?01:55
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frogzoofutlib: which deps are missing? sounds ugly01:55
IdleOnezoidberg, stick with ubuntu. best community support by far01:55
zoidbergthats true01:55
sladenEnverex: see the following line:   sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart01:55
LordElphI've got a windows shared directory mounted onto a linux server with samba. If I modify a file in the shared dir on windows, I often get an immediate notification that the file has changed and should be reloaded. This occurs in all text editors which support such a feature, leaving me to believe it's either samba, or another process on the server doing this. Anyone got any clues as to what is going01:55
LordElph on?01:55
zoidbergi have ubuntu on my dektop01:55
zoidbergand use it all the time01:55
dungodungjrib: thanks.01:55
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futlibfrogzoo: xpcshell, firefox-bin mozilla-bin and so on01:55
zoidbergi just got this laptoop01:55
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WarboCokeNCode: The "-c" is for "continue" (I always use it, since when the connection dies I often just press up to get the same command back, but without -c it just starts again)01:55
zoidbergthe community is great though01:55
futlib/usr/sbin/prelink.bin: /usr/lib/klibc/bin/nfsmount: Using /lib/klibc-t2jM36h7OcxUNTDzncfER2p7kd4.so, not /lib/ld-linux.so.2 as dynamic linker01:55
futlib/usr/sbin/prelink.bin: /usr/lib/klibc/bin/nfsmount: Using /lib/klibc-t2jM36h7OcxUNTDzncfER2p7kd4.so, not /lib/ld-linux.so.2 as dynamic linker01:55
futlibsorry, lot of messages01:55
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zoidbergthe best support community i've seen01:56
futlibI'll pastebin them01:56
bintutPaladine: sort of.01:56
sladenLordElph: in Unix you can request to be notified of changes to a directory.  this is what is happening01:56
Paladinebintut, hehe I have soooo many manuals here for NAMOS :)01:56
lophytesladen: you can? how do you do that? o_o01:56
Enverexsladen, It ran but I still only have sda in /dev01:56
LordElphsladen: can I turn it off for particular mount points?01:56
Paladinebintut join #paladine01:56
bintutPaladine: i'm trying to make this ND210 work on a customed linux based POS01:56
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LordElphsladen: I don't think it's that - Windows hasn't mounted a samba share, I should be getting notifications from the server - it's like the server is actually touching file right after I save it locally on my Windows shared dir01:58
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LordElphs/should/should not/01:58
kbrooksDoes dos have mkdir? and cd?01:58
zoidbergwhat are the terminal commands for removing an application?01:58
kbrookszoidberg: apt-get remove app01:58
Warbokbrooks: cd yes, I don't know about mkdir01:58
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Subhumanzoidberg, im back no01:59
frogzoofutlib: try reinstalling libc601:59
sladenLordElph: so, on the windows machine, you modify a file, and then the text-editor on the Linux machine tells you that the file has changed?01:59
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IdleOneapt-get --purge appname01:59
jribzoidberg: add --purge to remove config files as well01:59
Subhumanand its sudo apt-get remove applicationname01:59
Warbokbrooks: You can't cd to a drive though, just use it's letter as the command01:59
kbrooksyeah it has mkdir01:59
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kbrooksWarbo: i wasnt talking about that.01:59
frogzoofutlib: did the unprelink finish?01:59
sladenkbrooks: you can 'cd' to where a drive has been _put_ (Mounted), but not to a drive itself...02:00
futlibfrogzoo: yeah, with errors02:00
kbrookssladen: DOS, not UNIX02:00
kbrooks*smacks sladen*02:00
frogzoofutlib: k, now reinstall libc602:00
Warbosladen: Drive letters? In Linux?02:00
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frogzoofutlib: or won't dpkg cooperate?02:01
kbrookssladen: there are no drive letters in Linux02:01
futlibfrogzoo: I reinstalled libc, but same issue02:01
futlibafter that02:01
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sladenkbrooks: s/can/can't/02:01
futlibfrogzoo: well, one of the two strange behaviours02:01
futlibone is the badalloc error02:01
futlibthe other is that the windows goes up, but seems to hang up and never get's redrawn02:02
zoidbergguys so i tried to apt-get install xubuntu-dektop02:02
zoidbergand i get a whole bunch of package dependency errors02:02
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jribzoidberg: desktop has an s02:02
ardchoillegnomefreak: You awake?02:03
zoidbergi typed it in right in the terminal02:03
Warbozoidberg: Try doing it in aptitude, that makes it easier to fix broken packages02:03
zoidberghow do i do that from the term?02:03
zoidbergor can i do that from the terminal?02:03
Warbozoidberg: "sudo aptitude" then use / to search, + to mark for installation and b to find broken stuff02:03
ardchoilleNew wiki page for anyone who is interested: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Replace_Metacity_with_Openbox_in_gnome02:03
frogzoofutlib: dunno, reinstall's looking promising02:04
Subhumanzoidberg, if you havea  gui use Synaptic02:04
jribzoidberg: you can pastebin your errors too on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/02:04
Warboardchoille: I BET that gets put on help.ubuntu.com/community :)02:04
Subhumanzoidberg, itz in system/admin.synaptic02:04
futlibfrogzoo: I'm just trying to pastebin the prelink errors02:04
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LordElphsladen: no, I modify the file on windows, and if I switch focus to another app and come back, the editor will tell me the file has been modified, do I want to reload etc02:04
ardchoilleWarbo: Really?02:04
frogzoofutlib: the reinstall kernel, tools & libc6 worked for me on breezy, no probs: waiting on pastebin02:05
sladenLordElph: the editor on which operating system?02:05
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futlibgnome-terminal is not listed there, the application I'm using for tests all the wy02:05
Warboardchoille: I have had loads of pages moved. I think the community help site is focused completely on tweaks and hints, whilst the Wiki is getting full of MarketingTem and ArtworkTeam stuff and things02:05
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LordElphsladen: Windows02:06
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LordElphsladen: the directory I'm writing to happens to be mounted on the server with smbfs02:06
ardchoilleWarbo: Oh, I don't care if it gets moved.. so long as it benefits the community i some way02:06
whadarcan i mount as a user?02:06
whadarand not as root?02:06
futlibin this order, I did: uninstall prelink; remove the cronjob and apt.conf; reinstall my initramfs-tools; reinstall my kernel; reboot; install prelink; run prelink -au; reinstall libc6; run prelink -au02:06
Warbowhadar: In the "Computer" place yes, for anything else probably not02:07
sladenwhadar: yes, removalble drives are done like that with 'pmount'.  non-removable user-mounted drives must be set with the 'user' flag in /etc/fstab02:07
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whadarhttp://www.box.net/dav /media/dav   davfs user,auto   0   002:07
whadarshould this entry in fstab be enough?02:08
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Enverexsladen, It ran but I still only have sda in /dev < So any other ideas? heh02:09
J_Phi all02:10
zaidathere'isn't ubuntu.it?02:10
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!02:10
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Warbooops, website not IRC :)02:10
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems02:10
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frogzoowhadar: not according to man mount - doesn't understand davfs, only coda02:11
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futlibfrogzoo: so what would you recommend? reinstalling is an option, and I think that it would be faster than trying to fix the bug02:12
snorreAnyone know what directory modprobe looks in for modules?02:13
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bjorn-hmm, when I do a 'Connect to server' in the Places menu, where does it mount (if I want to access it from the shell)02:14
zoidbergso i tried synaptic and basically the same problem...it says that certain packages have unresolvable dependencies and it says to make sure all required repositories are added and enabled in prefences?02:14
frogzoofutlib: that's probably the best way02:15
jribzoidberg: pastebin the errors as well as the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list and give us the URL02:15
futlibfrogzoo: okay, thanks and bye02:15
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic02:15
zoidbergthe URL from where?02:15
zoidbergand i cant past for some reason02:15
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cpk2might want to try that zoidberg for repositories02:15
jribzoidberg: after you pastebin, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/02:15
cpk2the source-o-matic that is02:15
whadarfrogzoo: i tried sudo mount -t davfs http://www.box.net/dav /media/dav02:16
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sladenEnverex: I don't know whether hotswap sata is actually in yet. Can you file a bug and we'll get somebody who knows the details to look at it02:16
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void1Hello folks.02:16
frogzoowhadar: and?02:16
whadarand also only root can access02:16
sladenEnverex: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/udev/+filebug02:16
frogzoowhadar: man mount - davfs doesn't exist as an option02:16
whadaryes it... after you install davfs02:17
void1I'd like to configure my 17" Monitor, but I dont have any idea what the HoriSync and VerticalSync -values are. Is there something that can autodetect it?02:17
Enverexsladen, It worked yesterday, lol02:17
Enverexsladen, The only change I'm aware of since then was the automated kernel update02:17
whadarthis explains....02:17
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sladenwhadar: try  -o umask=000002:18
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whadarsladen: where?02:18
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sladenEnverex: oh *right*.  So this is a regression.  In which case, can you file it *quickly* and put regression in the subject line, so that the person who made the change can know about it quickly02:18
sladenEnverex: is this 6.06 LTS?02:19
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Enverexsladen, I'm not POSITIVE it's that though, that's the only thing that I'm aware changed though02:19
Enverexsladen, Yes02:19
sladenwhadar: mount -o umask=000 -t davfs ... ...02:19
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line), firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) or shorewall (web interface)02:19
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lassegshi. how do i install .ttf fonts?02:20
sladenEnverex: okay, file it and they'll probably ask you to reproduce it;  you should include aall the details that you've told me02:20
jrib!fonts > lassegs02:20
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volkani want to learn any one use bandwith controller with GUI02:20
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radoneI have installed ubuntu on my new box but sounds does not work. Please could anyone point me?02:21
whadarUnknown suboption umask=00002:21
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems02:21
volkani want to learn any one use bandwith controller with GUI02:21
radoneubotu: thanks02:21
ubotuI know nothing about thanks - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:21
anosaradone, lol02:21
cpk2any reason why whenever I apt-get something i get X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device XXX02:22
snorreAnyone know what default directory modprobe looks in for modules?02:22
ubotuI know nothing about me - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:22
volkani want to learn any one use bandwith controller with GUI02:22
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volkani want to learn any one use bandwith controller with GUI02:23
volkani want to learn any one use bandwith controller with GUI02:23
volkani want to learn any one use bandwith controller with GUI02:23
volkani want to learn any one use bandwith controller with GUI02:23
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:23
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:23
stefgvolkan, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:23
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zoidbergalright guys i pasted the errors on pastbin titled Xubuntu Install Errors02:25
zoidbergwhat now?02:25
cpk2zoidberg: you need to give us the link02:25
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volkani want to learn any one use bandwith controller with GUI02:26
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zoidbergdid u guys get the link?02:27
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jribzoidberg: did you put /etc/apt/sources.list up too?02:27
zoidbergno how do i get to that?02:28
zoidbergsorry for being such a dumbass by the way02:28
jribzoidberg: are you in gnome now?02:28
cpk2zoidberg: type "cat /etc/apt/sources.list02:28
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cpk2and copy paste the output02:28
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zoidbergu want me to type that in GNOME02:31
zoidbergi get no such file or directory02:31
zoidbergwhen i type that in terminal02:31
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jribzoidberg: are you sure there are no typos?02:31
Paladineso anyone know why autoupdate wants me to reinstall -26 kernel image and headers?02:32
zoidbergthere was a typo i wrote source instead of sources02:32
zoidbergokay what do u want now02:32
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jribzoidberg: the url for the pastebin02:33
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zoidbergwait do u want the /etc/apt/sources.list on pastebin02:33
Hoxzer_is there anyway to tell xine in ubuntu to use external ffmpeg02:33
jribzoidberg: yep02:33
zoidbergone sec...sorry once again for being such a noob02:34
scorpion007I'm trying to get thunderbird to display messages as unicode. I've changed the settings there but some characters are displayed as question marks. Is there anything I need to install to support all of the unicode symbols?02:34
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bjorn-I'm having that same problem with irssi ... so I changed the terminal from UTF-8 to ISO and it works fine02:36
bjorn-except it's not unicode ;-)02:36
EnverexI have to admit I prefer launchpad to bugzilla, bugzilla looks... like ass, heh02:36
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khermansWhy isn't ReiserFS the default option for Ubuntu file system?02:37
jattkhermans: Probably future versions of ReiserFS will never be included in the Linux Kernel, so using it as default filesystem in Ubuntu would be a bad idea.02:39
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khermansjatt, why --what happened?02:39
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jattkhermans: http://wiki.kernelnewbies.org/WhyReiser4IsNotIn02:40
bintutanyone's familiar with this problem:  "parport0: FIFO is stuck"02:40
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zoidbergokay here it is02:42
zoidbergby the way02:42
zoidbergi uncommented the two lines indicated to allow universal dpenedncies02:42
zoidbergbut that didnt work02:42
zoidbergso this is what it looked like when i changed it back to what it was02:42
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jribzoidberg: delete the last line you have there (40) and uncomment all the lines that begin with 'deb'.  You don't need backports, but if you want them you can keep them.  Then save and run 'sudo apt-get update'02:44
cpk2zoidberg: you are using breezy?02:44
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Rarjhi there.02:44
cpk2zoidberg: jrib is right, you dont have any of the repos enabled02:45
kristianCan someone help me troubleshot my ati graphic card, and the ati driver? My xorg.conf file is correct, but still it's Mesa working.02:45
Rarjim having a little trouble installing themes on my home computer02:45
Rarji have ubuntu dapper installed02:45
jribRarj: what problem are you having?02:45
Rarjjrib, gives me "invalid file format"02:45
Rarjalthough it asks for a tar file02:46
zoidbergso should i still delete the last line if i'm using Breezy02:46
jribRarj: that's a problem with the file structure inside02:46
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jribzoidberg: yes, it's repeated above in your file02:46
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Hoxzer_if I build dep from source does ./configure options still apply?02:46
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Rarjjrib, ok. that comes up on all the themes that i try02:47
jribRarj: you can extract it yourself and see what it looks like inside.  Where are you getting the themes?02:47
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cpk2zoidberg: yes, you already have that repo further up02:47
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EnverexSomeone want to delete this and 'can' the moron? https://launchpad.net/bounties/002:48
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Rarjjrib, gnome website02:48
Rarjjrib, im sorry,02:48
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Rarjjrib, gnome-look.org02:49
EnverexWhy do people post random crap on the launchpad, makes no sense02:49
zoidbergok update is done02:49
zoidbergnow u think i should be able to install xubunut-dektop02:49
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SonicChaozoidberg: Yes.02:49
jribRarj: yeah some of the themes up there aren't structured right, you can still use them, you just have to extract it yourself and then copy the right folder to ~/.themes/ .  I'll help you out with one so you can get the idea if you want, just link me02:49
=== WooD [n=rdltech@Toronto-HSE-ppp3751566.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
zoidbergsudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop  ...right?02:50
Rarjumm.. are you saying.. that i need to extract them to the usr/share/themes folder ?02:50
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jribzoidberg: yes02:50
Rarjjrib, my home computer doesnt have internet connection. im in office now..02:51
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zoidbergit says couldnt find package02:51
zoidbergand no typo02:51
Rarjjrib, are you saying.. that i need to extract them to the usr/share/themes folder ?02:51
jribzoidberg: xubuntu-desktop is in breezy universe, can you check that those two lines were uncommented?02:51
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jribRarj: no, you should use ~/.themes/ == /home/username/.themes for your user02:52
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Rarjjrib, oh ok02:52
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zoidbergok sorry forgot to uncomment two lines...now they are good...i'm updating again too02:53
Rarjjrib, can u tell me which window manager is loaded with ubuntu by default ?02:53
radoneI have analyzed my server using 'nmap' - if non-necessary ports are not opened does it mean that my firewall is configured well? Or is it even more complicated02:53
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xxyyzzIs there a tutorial somewhere that has instructions on how to make Ubuntu connect to the internet through a USB modem, as opposed to an ethernet one?02:53
jribRarj: but, you should extract the file to your desktop and see what the structure looks like.  Usually the problem is they are save as something like /usr/share/themes/COOLTHEME/... but you only want COOLTHEME in your ~/.themes/02:53
jribRarj: metacity02:53
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Rarjjrib, i extracted them, they have a folder inside with the theme name and a file called (themename).theme02:54
Rarjis that right ?02:54
stefgxxyyzz: that would be vendor specific, so imho there's no general tutorial02:54
BergcubeMy wife has completely forgotten her password on her laptop. And I didn't create any user for myself there. (Stoopid, yes I know.) I have halted the boot in grub. How sould I alter the "kernel /vmlinuz bla bla" line to start the machine in single user terminal? (And will that help me? Or will I still need her PWD?)02:54
Sannexxyyzz: here are some entries: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=modem&titlesearch=Titles02:54
xxyyzzstefg: what do you mean by 'vendor specific'? Where would I go to find more information on this?02:54
mwedoes someone know if there is any way to extract a stored password from firefox?02:54
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xxyyzzThanks Sanne02:55
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Sannexxyyzz: you're welcome02:55
jribRarj: I believe the .theme should be inside the folder with the theme name, but let me go check02:55
xxyyzzWith my mac, it automatically recognises the internet, be it ethernet or USB. But Ubuntu doesn't seem to pick it up automatically, and I'm not sure why =/02:55
ra7eeelpeace upon you all02:55
netventurebergcude: edit the grub line (use 'e') and add this to the line:02:55
Rarjjrib, ok02:55
netventurebergcube: init=/bin/bash rw02:55
ra7eeelkinldy i have problem with gaim02:55
stefgxxyyzz: Every ISP tends to deliver their own brand of modem...02:55
ra7eeelcan anyone help ?02:56
=== MrFeetio [n=dhhewitj@c-71-230-5-152.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
zoidbergits installing02:56
netventurebergcube: if there's a 'ro' in the line, replace it with 'rw02:56
zoidbergafter its done i will restart in xubuntu02:56
xxyyzzstefg, I didn't buy mine from an ISP =/02:56
ra7eeelit gives me unable to conect02:56
MrFeetiois there anyway to lock workstations?02:56
Bergcubenetventure~  ADD it.  Not remove aything of it?02:56
zoidbergso u think it will let my computer run faster then it running on gnome02:56
MrFeetiolike set a password for one02:56
netventureboot with 'b' and you will be dropped to a shell02:56
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stefgBergcube: boot in single mode, and enter a new password by passwd [username] 02:56
netventurebergcube: yes you need to add that, just make sure that there is no 'ro' in the line02:57
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zoidbergjrib are u there?02:57
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Bergcubenetventure~  Thanks a lot!  I will tinker.  I'll let you know how it turns out.02:57
jribzoidberg: yes, it should run smoother, just choose xubuntu from options > sessions options at the login screen02:57
stefgxxyyzz: so google for '[my_dsl_modem]  linux usb driver' and see what turns up02:58
zoidbergguys do u know if u can ssh a windows machine from a linux machine02:58
ra7eeelany one can help in this problem ?02:58
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ra7eeeli am new user to ubuntu02:58
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ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:58
shriphanizoidberg, cygwin would work02:58
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ra7eeeloka thanks02:58
zoidberghow does that work02:58
MrFeetiora7eeel try reasking your question02:59
shriphanidownload it and run the setup ?02:59
jribRarj: yes, the .theme should be in the directory.  Try moving it there, and then copying the directory to ~/.themes/ then go to system > preferences > themes and see if it works02:59
zoidbergno i want to get into my windows machine FROM ubuntu02:59
shriphanii guess cygwin might work02:59
jribzoidberg: is your windows box already running as an ssh server?02:59
Tommy2k4X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168,  Major opcode:  145,  Minor opcode:  3,  Resource id:  0x0, Failed to open device02:59
stefgzoidberg: you want putty03:00
Tommy2k4anyone got any idea why i get that error several times whenever i run anything from konsole03:00
zoidbergi dunno how can i tell?03:00
shriphanijrib, can we use cygwin to run a ssh server ?03:00
jribzoidberg: it probably isn't unless you set it up03:00
jribshriphani: I don't know03:00
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shriphanihey wait i think ssh and sshd work on cygwin03:01
Rarjjrib, ok great03:01
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zoidbergcool ok guys thanx a lot all of you have been a great help i will probably be back later03:01
Hoxzer_where is ffmpeg libary located in ubuntu?03:02
ubotuI know nothing about cygwin - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:02
stefg!info ffmpeg03:02
ubotuffmpeg: multimedia player, server and encoder. In repository universe, is optional. Version 3:0.cvs20050918-5ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 3833 kB, installed size 9808 kB03:02
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shriphanii got gstreamer ffmpeg plugins for totem but my parents still buggered me till i got vlc for them lol03:03
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profoX`how do I change the background of the menubars and gnome-panel ? gconf ?03:04
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jribprofoX`: use a different theme03:04
jrib!themes > profoX`03:04
dillingerhey guys im having a little problem here: no more sound in a flash animation under firefox !!03:04
dillingerwhat can i do please ?03:04
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jribdillinger: see the restricted formats wiki page03:05
jrib!flash > dillinger03:05
MrFeetioprofox right click on the panel>properties> background tab03:05
profoX`jrib: no, i want to change ONLY the menubars, not a whole different theme, is this possible?03:05
profoX`thx MrFeetio03:05
jribdoes that work for menu bars as well?03:06
shriphani!flash > shriphani03:06
Hoxzer_Location of ffmpeg libary please ;)03:06
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jribHoxzer_: ffmpeg is in the universe repository03:07
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profoX`jrib: no03:07
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jribprofoX`: yeah you may need to just edit your current theme03:08
Hoxzer_jrib: actually I'm talking about the actual location in the hard drive03:08
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JoaoJoaoanyone here knows if Breezy's postgresql-8.1 packages are broken? I get this error when I'm trying to start the service: Insecure directory in $ENV{PATH} while running with -T switch at /usr/bin/pg_ctlcluster line 34203:08
jribHoxzer_: dpkg -L ffmpeg03:08
profoX`jrib: k, thanks03:08
alephantI've got a 6.06 CD and I can't tell whether it's SERVER or ALTERNATE... is there a file on the CD that will tell me which I've got?03:08
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Hoxzer_jrib: thx03:08
Bergcubenetventure~  That was a perfect solution.  I now have her logged into Gnome with a new password.  You're a mate.03:09
alephant(and for some reason the md5sum on the disc doesn't correspond to any on the website)03:09
someothernick./waste: error while loading shared libraries: libwx_gtk2u_xrc-2.5.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory <-- help03:09
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alephantwell... let me ask the question in another way:03:10
alephantdoes the alternate install disc also include "server install"?03:10
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jribalephant: you could check the md5sum03:10
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alephantjrib, I already said that the md5sum doesn't match the list on the website.03:11
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jribalephant: oh didn't see that, but that does mean there is a problem with the download03:12
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trev__whats better, xine or gstreamer03:13
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jribtrev__: xine imo03:13
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trev__and how do you make kaffeine play .wmv03:13
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trev__so then kaffeine is better than totem them also because it is desinged around xine03:14
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xxyyzzIs there an application you can open to change your selected modem driver(s)?03:14
gregg__xine or gstreamer? clearly mplayer is better! :-)03:14
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=== jrib agrees with gregg__
someothernick./waste: error while loading shared libraries: libwx_gtk2u_xrc-2.5.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory <-- anyone :/03:15
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dillingerhey guys im having a little problem here: no more sound in a flash animation under firefox !! i already read the restricted formats wiki page !!03:15
dillingerdidnt work03:15
jribdillinger: did you tell firefox to use aoss?03:15
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Warbodillinger: Try closing FF, closing any programs using sound then restart FF03:15
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dillingeralready did03:16
dillingerof course03:16
dillingerbut not working03:16
jribdillinger: alsa-oss is installed?03:16
dillingerof course03:16
nixrHello all, I have what will probably turn out to be a simple issue with apt. When I run apt-get update, I get the following error - W: GPG error: ftp://cipherfunk.org dapper Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 4CF19C3233BAC1B3 Would anyone know how to resolve this?03:16
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dillingeri followed the tutorial03:16
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Warbonixr: You need to get the key from that site (if there is one). It is not an error, just a warning03:16
stefgdillinger: set an  env-variable FIREFOX_DSP=esd03:16
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nixronce I get the key what would I do with it?03:17
ubotugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto03:17
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Warbonixr: Scratch that.03:17
dillingerfrom aoss to esd03:17
nixrWarbo : ok03:17
Warbonixr: There is a way to add keys in the Software Properties dialog I think03:17
MrFeetiohow do i make accounts without passwords?03:17
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CzarAlex``I want to kill this process but kill 7378 or sudo kill 7378 doesnt seem to work. Suggestions? czar      7378  0.0  0.7   7268  3072 pts/0    T    09:07   0:00 mutt -a index.html -s MOO czaralex@gmail.com03:18
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WarboCzarAlex``: kill -s KILL maybe?03:18
nixryou're right Warbo03:18
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Warbonixr: Yay03:18
xopherIf I 'apt-get source -b pkgname' am I the only one who can use that .deb?03:19
nixrok I ma new to this but how would I import the key?03:19
CzarAlex``Warbo: Just type kill -s KILL ? where do I specify the process number (7378)03:19
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WarboCzarAlex``: "sudo kill -s KILL pid" (pid is process number)03:20
JoaoJoaoI'm having some issues trying to start postgresql in breezy. It doesn't even remove the packages, looks like Ubuntu's pgsql packages are badly broken03:20
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bahadirthello guys03:20
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Warbonixr: Hang on, I'll need to reenable Software Properties in Alacarte :)03:20
CzarAlex``Warbo: Gah. Thank you :)03:20
nixrlol ok03:20
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RAOFxopher, no.  Anyone (with the same architecture, obviously) can use debs you build with "apt-get source -b pkgname"03:22
dillingercan someone please help me i dont have any sound in a flash animation under firefox03:22
Warbonixr: On the "Authentication" tab you need to give it the key file. You can probably get it from the repository's website03:22
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WooDHi ! what does replace microsoft Frontpage 2003 in Ubuntu that can make the same work ?03:23
Paladineso have ubuntu released a new version of -26 kernel or something?03:23
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existancewhat proggie can i use to burn a CD image?03:23
WarboWooD: Probably Nvu is best03:23
zoidberghey guys thanx a lot03:23
NthDegreeWooD nvu is a good replacement03:23
NthDegreeexistance try k3b03:23
zoidbergxubuntu is working great03:23
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Warboexistance: Nautilus (the file manager), GnomeBaker, K3B, XCDRoast03:23
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zoidbergnow does anyone know of a DVD player03:24
WooDNthDegree: Warbo: thanks to both of you ! :)03:24
funkjaIs there a good program for GNOME that is similar to Mac OSX's widgets?03:24
RAOFzoidberg, totem-xine?03:24
EnverexWooD, NVu and Quanta Plus03:24
nixrwhoops I accidentally disco'd03:24
Warbozoidberg: ogle-gui is specifically designed for DVDs03:24
WooDEnverex: thanks03:24
Paladinefunkja, gdesklets03:24
EnverexWooD, and maybe even SCREEM03:24
NthDegreeWooD or how about WINE + Frontpage 2003 :p03:24
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.03:24
JoaoJoaooh well I'll just compile pgsql from source03:24
bahadirtI downloaded alternate cd03:25
bahadirtand installed03:25
bahadirtnow works perfect03:25
PaladineW00D I find echo is good for writing webpages03:25
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bahadirtI got one on board lan adapter03:25
WarboPaladine: lol03:25
bahadirtwhich system could not recognize03:25
bahadirtI plugged in another pci card03:25
Paladine'echo "<html>\n<body>" > index.html03:25
bahadirtit seems okay03:25
bahadirtbut when I plug the cable03:25
bahadirtnothing happens03:25
bahadirtno packets moving03:25
bahadirtwhat shld I do ?03:25
bahadirtto activate connection03:26
Warbobahadirt: You tried using the System>Administration>Networking tool?03:26
EnverexOh, he asked for something to replace Frontpage! I know something that does the syntax just as well! "cat /dev/random > /index.html" !03:26
bahadirtyes I tried but I am not directly connected03:26
PaladineEnverex, hehehe03:26
bahadirtwe have isa server here03:26
bahadirtand firewall etc.03:26
WarboEnverex: Do you have AbiWord installed?03:26
WooDPaladine: thanks03:26
bahadirtI need to habe automatic ip03:26
bahadirthow can I do that03:26
WooDI will try nvu first03:26
EnverexWarbo, Nope, why'd you ask?03:26
Paladinebahadirt, enable DHCP03:27
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bahadirtpaladine : okay I will.03:27
WarboEnverex: I was going to suggest you save a document as HTML in it. AbiWord's idea of HTML formatting is seriously flawed :)03:27
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EnverexWarbo, Ah, heh, I use bluefish personally03:28
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PaladineEnverex, I <heart> bluefish03:28
trev__so if I use mplayer instead of totem with gstreamer my videos will look better?03:28
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PaladineI currently have 8 scripts open in bluefish hehehe03:28
EnverexIt's "I <3 Bluefish"03:29
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nixrWarbo: Thank you. I found the key at the site and was able to import it. I no longer get the warning.03:29
EnverexWant to see my latest "work of art"?03:29
Paladineeach to their own, I love it somuch it deserved the extra characters and effort required :p03:29
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Warbotrev__: That is a heavily debated issue03:29
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trev__i jsut tried it and mplayer looked alot better03:29
Gullstadhow use *.bin *.cue files in linux?03:29
trev__looking at a low res avi or red vs. blue03:30
Warbonixr: Cool, I may do the same since I use that repo. I usually just put up with the warnings though :)03:30
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ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:30
trev__but can mplayer play streams03:30
WarboGullstad: See the bin/cue bit of Ubotu's message03:30
EnverexGullstad, Use cue2iso or bin2iso or that03:30
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nixrWarbo: I'm a neat freak. I can't deal with it. lol03:30
EnverexI just submitted ccd2iso for review into repo, heh03:31
PaladineI still wanna know why autoupdate is telling me I need to install -26 kernel image andheaders03:31
existanceWarbo, how do i burn an image with nautilus?03:32
mineraleHi, i have a debian computer and allow friends of mine to use it via an ssh tunnel to access websites blocked in china. I just found out that even tho the tcp session is fowarded via the ssh tunnel, the dns server querried is the one local in china, and the dns server there refuses to resolve blocked ip's. Would VPN fix this? how can I setup vpn on debian so that it can be used from a windows pc? Anyone know of any program to setup vpn e03:32
Warboexistance: right click the image>copy image to CD (or something like that)03:32
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Paladineexistance, there is anextension for nautilus to do cdburning03:32
PaladineWarbo, I think he needs to get the extension first03:32
WarboOh, I though it came with Ubuntu03:32
existancePaladine, i cna burn to cds03:33
Paladinewasn't installed on mine by default03:33
existancePaladine, i just couldnt figure out how to do an image03:33
lz1gjdhow do i find why my sound is not working ?03:33
Paladineexistance, like I said, you need the nautilus extension03:33
Paladineit is in synaptic03:33
Paladineit allows you to burn iso's (and otherimages)03:33
bahadirtpaladine : is postfix available with ubuntu03:33
trev__from windows there is the idiot proof hamachi but that is freeware03:33
bahadirtor need to download that03:33
Paladinebahadirt, yes of course03:33
whitehorseNtiger@minerale:  maybe post that in the ubuntu forums somewhere, maybe in "networking" section.  Might take some time to get an answer.03:34
bahadirtyes what :)03:34
bahadirtthere or not03:34
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Paladineyes it is available03:34
bahadirthow to activate?03:34
bahadirtI need a mail server03:34
Warboexistance: There are two ways of writing CDs in Nautilus. One is by dragging files to the "burn:///" folder, but that will not write an image. The second is the right-click way03:34
PaladineI don't think it is installed by default though, you would need to installit using apt-get or synaptic03:34
bahadirt2 clients will use03:34
Warbo!enter > bahadirt03:34
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CzarAlex``I have an executable shell script called moobackup.sh . How can I get ./moobackup.sh to run weekly? (do i need to place the file somewhere? /etc/cron.weekly) or is it more than that?03:34
whitehorseNtigerIs setting up a mail server easy?03:34
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whitehorseNtigerHow would I access my mail?  joe?03:35
PaladinewhitehorseNtiger, too easy, hense theproliferation of spam03:35
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PaladineI access my mail with evolution03:36
bahadirthow I can run postfix ?03:36
whitehorseNtigerah ok.  I use that too.03:36
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Paladinebahadirt, you need to install it via synaptic03:36
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Paladinethat will install any dependencies03:36
whitehorseNtigerI like evolution well enough.  It has 'contacts' and calender junk I never use.03:37
b0rnDeephas anyone here had any problems running vmware player after updating the latest kernel?03:37
Paladinethen you just need to confgure it03:37
=== deltron [i=ryan@24-207-133-89.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Paladineb0rnDeep, you have to reinstall it03:37
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trev__if i install mplayer as default can i uninstall xine and gstreamer and kaffeine and totem03:37
Paladineb0rnDeep, it is built around your previous kernel-headers03:37
Warbotrev__: Yes, but it may also uninstall any ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop mete-packages (which is fine)03:37
trev__whats a mete-package03:38
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Warbotrev__: Sorry, meta-package. It is an empty package which depends on other packages. It is OK to get rid of since it is empty, but you may want to reinstall it before upgrading to the next version of Ubuntu03:38
lz1gjdhow do i find why my sound is not working ?03:38
whitehorseNtigerIs there a way to ignore all these announcements of people coming and going?03:39
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems03:39
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trev__if i leave them there and set mplayer as the default that dose that  leave any running processes around03:39
trev__*does that03:39
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Warbotrev__: No, but they will still take up space03:39
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bla|patrick!sound in flash in opera03:40
ubotuI know nothing about sound in flash in opera - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:40
trev__i have 200 gigs so ill leave them, thx03:40
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PaladineI wish gdeskcal would have a different colour for days with events03:40
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trev__wate when i synaptic to remove totem it says it must remove ubuntu-destop as a dependency03:41
Subhumantrev__, itz a meta-package, itz safe to remove03:42
lz1gjdWarbo: thx, seems like my usb cam's mic  for some reason sometimes is used as default audio device03:42
Subhumanitz just a "container" if you will.03:42
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bla|patrickcrap its about 40C here... not even in the swimming baths u can bear it...03:42
bla|patrickthe sun is burning ur flesh :|03:42
MenZabla|patrick: UK?03:42
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MenZaI have another friend saying it's 39C in the UK ;)03:43
MenZaI'm in Denmark03:43
MenZaHella hot here too.03:43
EnverexSubhuman, So there aren't any side effects from removing "ubuntu-desktop"?03:43
MenZa35 or smth03:43
trev__its going to be around 100F in New York today03:43
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madpickleabout 90 deg F here in sunny south wales =)03:43
MenZatrev__: 40C is still more.03:43
bla|patrickthat high pressure area namend "bruno" xD03:43
SubhumanEnverex, nope, not one.03:43
PaladineMenZa, approching 36C here in the north west of UK03:43
trev__i know03:43
MenZaOh wait, how'd we get so offtopic?03:43
SubhumanMenZa, im uk03:43
EnverexMenZa, Yeah, it's 35'c outside now and about 39'c in my room03:43
bla|patrickin may we had to heat with gas03:43
Subhumanitz 34C atm03:43
ardchoilleEnverex: Not uless you plan to upgrade to the next Ubuntu version. I removed that meta package a while ago and everything is fine03:43
bla|patrickand now we cant get the house cool engough xD03:43
MenZabla|patrick: haha :)03:43
Enverexardchoille, why would I not be able to upgrade?03:44
ardchoilleEnverex: You just need to re-install ubuntu-desktop , then upgrade03:44
ardchoilleyou can remove it again after that03:44
cpk2could someone tell me why when i try to do sudo echo 'pwcheck_method: saslauthd' >> /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf i get permission denied?03:44
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Enverexardchoille, Ah, what happens if it isn't installed when I upgrade or will it just not let me?03:45
dmsantamcpk2, because sudo doesn't apply to the after redirect >>03:45
ardchoilleEnverex: Not sure, never tried03:45
dmsantamthe sudo is working on the echo, but not after the >>03:45
dmsantamyou need to use something like tee03:45
xopherWhat was the simplest way of making a folder to a repository again? One cmd IIRC03:45
ardchoillexopher: I have a link, hold on03:45
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ardchoillexopher: ^^03:46
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xopherI meant, thanks ;)03:46
ardchoilleYou're welcome :)03:46
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cpk2dmsantam: i see, would it work if i did sudo after the >> as well then?03:46
dmsantamcpk2, no :(03:46
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ShinzetsuHey guys, I got Ubuntu working on a VM and it's really good :-)03:46
livingdaylighthas anyone ever been over to #tldp? that one very sad chanel03:47
BHSPitMonkeywhat command/program can I use to check a drive's integrity? (not a filesystem, e.g. fsck)03:47
dmsantamcpk2, do: sudo su -03:47
dmsantamcpk2, then run the command without sudo03:47
bahadirtpaladine : okay, installed postfix03:47
bahadirtnow how may I run ?03:47
cpk2i dont have su-03:47
bahadirtit has a gui ? or text only03:47
cpk2oh theres a space03:47
bur[n] eranyone know how to get vmplayer working with the latest kernel?03:47
dmsantamcpk2, yes a space :)03:47
ShinzetsuHow can I install KDE?03:48
Paladinebahadirt, you need to read the instructions for configuring it03:48
cpk2alright thanks that worked03:48
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bur[n] erShinzetsu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop03:48
dmsantamcpk2, cool :)03:48
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cpk2havent seen root login in a long time!03:48
livingdaylightShinzetsu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop03:48
ardchoilleShinzetsu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop03:48
dmsantamcpk2, hehe root is handy sometimes :)03:48
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ShinzetsuThanks both03:48
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livingdaylightShinzetsu: or use Synaptic03:48
bahadirthow can I run the postfix guys?03:48
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livingdaylightShinzetsu: the 'search' function is synaptic is fantastic03:49
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bur[n] erdisregard my vmware problem... dpkg-reconfigure does good work03:49
ardchoillelivingdaylight: indeed, couldn't live without it03:49
ShinzetsuWhat is Synaptic?03:49
ardchoillegui for apt03:49
=== nol13 [n=nol13@fe-0-0-0.core1.cvg1.one.net] has joined #ubuntu
livingdaylightardchoille: you know what i'm saying!? :D03:50
ShinzetsuSounds cool :-) Ill check it out03:50
bahadirthow can I run the postfix guys?03:50
nol13hi, what do i need to install to get serpentine to burn mp3's?03:50
ardchoillelivingdaylight: That's usually one of the first things I do in Synaptic03:50
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livingdaylightShinzetsu: System/Administration/System Package Manager03:50
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livingdaylightardchoille: what? search for stuff? hehe03:51
BokiCis ubuntu still shiping x64 version?03:51
livingdaylightardchoille: yea, me too :)03:51
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twa1296hi, i need some terminal output which i can't see because the fullscreen app that i'm launching freezes. is this logged anywhere?03:51
ardchoilleBokiC: as of two days ago, yes03:51
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tabmani'm looking for a good java editor ?03:52
livingdaylighttabman: try searching in Synaptic and see what comes back?03:52
BokiCcouse today I reived 5 copies of ubuntu 6,06 for 368 :)03:52
deltrontabman: eclipse03:52
tabmandeltron: a simple editor not IDE like eclipse03:52
Enverexerm "cannot create /dev/shm/jack-1000 directory (Permission denied)" any ideas how I get rights to write there?03:52
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BokiCI dont know why 5, but I will give the remaining 4 to my friends03:53
ardchoilleBokiC: Oh, I thought you meant Ship It.. I don't think they do that anymore for 64bit03:53
bahadirthow can I run the postfix guys?03:53
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cpk2bahadirt: sudo postfix start03:54
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ardchoillesudo /etc/init.d/postfix start ?03:56
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bintuthow will i know why my /dev/lp0 is busy? i mean, what shall i do in order to know what makes my /dev/lp0 busy?03:56
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squillahi all03:58
EnverexDoes anyone know what "**** alsa_pcm: xrun of at least 1.209 msecs" means?03:59
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nol13i cant burn mp3's with serpentine, but in k3b its fine, anyone know what up with this?03:59
squillaplease tell me which chatroom is for ubuntu ppc? I have a problem with gnoem not starting correctly ona G3 iMac03:59
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garkoilhi all03:59
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garkoilI am about to install dapper on a large number of laptops ~20 or so and I want to save the long downloading of all the updates04:00
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garkoilSo, I would like to know how can I burn all the deb's on a cd, and make it a repository04:01
garkoilhelp would be apreciated04:01
ardchoillegarkoil: I use Partimage to install Ubuntu onto a large number of machines.. it works really well.04:01
_nano_garkoil, http://www.tuxlab.org.za/   <-- may be this will help04:01
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ardchoillegarkoil: Install on one, make a partimage image, use partimage to unpack the image onto the other machines04:02
BoglizkHow much space does Ubuntu use when installed?04:02
rpedrogarkoil: one word: apt-move04:02
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ardchoilleWhen I press ALT+F, a run dialogue pops up. What is the app that that runs? I'd like to add it to my menu04:03
ShinzetsuI installed KDE, How do I switch from GNOME to KDE?04:03
BoglizkShinzetsu: Log out and press "session"04:04
ardchoilleShinzetsu: log out, choose gnome, log in04:04
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rpedrogarkoil: what do you want to do04:05
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HasserfuelltHallo zusammen!04:06
HasserfuelltKann mir jemand hier vieleicht bei einen kleinen problem helfen?04:07
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de04:07
gatekeeperBoglizk: about 4Gb04:07
HasserfuelltDanke schn!04:07
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ubotuI know nothing about da - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:08
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ubotuUbuntu diskussion paa dansk kan foeres i #ubuntu-dk04:09
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squillaanyone getting CORBA errors when logging in to gnome?04:10
bla|patrickhat mal wer eine seit emit flash04:10
frarocohello everybody04:10
bla|patrickoh.. damnit... wrong chan04:10
frarocoI wnna know how can I install wine04:10
bla|patricklooking for a page that contains a flash04:10
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.04:10
frarocosomeone can tell me where can I read something about it."?04:10
mwefraroco: sudo apt-get install wine04:10
garkoilrpedro, I want to install and update a few laptops04:11
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garkoilthe laptops are not conectted to the internet04:11
frarocomwe: E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?04:11
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mwefraroco: close synaptic04:11
rpedrogarkoil: you maybe able to create a daily snapshop iso with jigdo from the debs you already have04:11
frarocomwe: ok It is working04:11
radoneis it possible to check physical size of ram available?04:12
rhicanradone, cat /proc/meminfo04:12
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=== bintut waves.. brb.. restart x.org
rpedrogarkoil: that is, it would be useful if you havent' yet installed and you don't mind installing with the alternate disc installer04:13
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rhicanor with ksysguard or something04:13
radonerhican: thanks04:13
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ardchoilleradone: use the free command04:14
garkoilrpedro, can you explain a bit more ?04:14
rpedrogarkoil: or you can use apt-move to create a custom repository on a cd/dvd , but I've never tried this myself04:14
mwebut it will be physical size - kernel memory I think. there is also the free command04:14
rpedrogarkoil: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JigdoDownloadHowto  << instruction are on this page04:14
alephantI'm having a terrible time getting 6.06 installed with RAID-1 on two SATA drives...04:14
bla|patrickhttp://www.thatvideogamesite.com/play.php?id=426 do you have sound in that flash?04:15
alephant...the install has ended, I've ejected the CD04:15
=== bla|patrick using opera has not
rpedrogarkoil: you need the .jigdo , and .template files from the cdimage.ubuntu.com site for the latest daily snapshot04:15
alephantand all I see on the screen is04:15
alephantmd: md0 switched to read-only mode.04:15
alephantIt's been about 10 minutes.04:15
=== markit86 [n=markit86@80-43-44-86.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
alephantI have no VCs available, it looks like the system has halted04:15
cpk2trying to set up postfix, the wiki says to test i should do telnet localhost 25 and should see 250-starttls and 250 auth, all i see is 220 mydomain esmtp postfix any suggestions?04:16
alephantis it safe to powercycle?04:16
cpk2oops nevermind04:16
cpk2missed something04:16
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wycatsHey guys: I'm having a problem...I pasted the details at http://pastie.caboo.se/519104:17
alephantis this "flash" question about missing sound?04:17
alephantI always lose sound if I start mplayer/xmms or anything else that uses /dev/dsp; the fix is to restart firefox04:17
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bla|patrickcould someone help me with sound and flash?04:18
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:18
bla|patricki al ready installed a sound demon and started opera with esddsp opera04:18
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bla|patrickbut still no sound04:19
mwealephant: bla|patrick search the forums. the are some threads about it04:19
rpedrogarkoil: after you run the script , you need to supply to it the location of where you mounted the cdrom image (if you already have the alternate install disc), or/and you can point it to '/var/cache/apt/archives/' << this is where synaptic/apt-get cache the downloaded packages04:19
bla|patricki am doing04:19
bla|patrickbut non of those solutions works04:19
Tommy2k4X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168,  Major opcode:  145,  Minor opcode:  3,  Resource id:  0x0, Failed to open device04:19
Tommy2k4anyone got any idea why i get that error several times whenever i run anything from konsole04:19
bla|patrickaoss opera didnt04:19
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garkoilrpedtro, I already have the alternate cdrom,  but is it up2date ?04:20
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mweTommy2k4: can you type dmesg and paste the additional info? use paste.ubuntu-nl.org04:21
bjorn-anyone installed ATI drivers for a radeon card?.. I'm having some problems04:21
bjorn-with their installer04:21
garkoilrepdro, I have the updated packages burned to a cd.04:21
rpedrogarkoil: doesn't matter, some of the needed packages are updated infrequently, and besides it will only fetch the package versions that match the .jigdo file04:21
whadarwhat is the default pdf viewer in ubuntu?04:21
gr33npho3nixwhadar: evince04:21
rhicanbjorn, proprietory or opensource?04:21
squillaubotu ppc04:21
ubotuppc is PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers, and now a fully supported Ubuntu architecture.04:21
mwebjorn-: why don't you use the ubuntu module?04:21
dmsantamwhadar, document viewer04:21
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Cirvin_FoxI have installed a soundblaster live card into my computer, and disabled the onboard sound device, but now it seems i cannot unmute the device. It worked before i disabled the other sound device, is there a way to upmute it?04:21
garkoilI didn't understand everything04:22
=== theturtlemoves [n=nfernand@cpe-24-59-252-112.twcny.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["The]
dmsantamgr33npho3nix, evince?04:22
gr33npho3nixis the default pdf viewer04:22
rpedrogarkoil: what didn't you understand ?04:22
garkoilrpedro, can you please list the things I need to do ?04:22
dmsantamgr33npho3nix, i never knew it was called that04:22
wycatsI get stuff like "sleep: command not found"04:22
mwebjorn-: sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx and update xorg.conf04:22
rpedrogarkoil: ok04:22
alephantI can't boot my new 6.06 Alternate instllation04:22
alephantGRUB can't mount the root partition:04:22
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gr33npho3nixdmsantam: yeah it is, adobe is there somewhere but it isn't the default and might have to be manually installed04:23
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rpedrogarkoil: 1) run 'sudo apt-get install jigit jigdo jigdo-file'04:23
alephantmd0 is a raid1 device04:23
alephantformatted ext304:23
whadari cant install evince... it depends on gs-esp and gs-esp give me:04:23
whadarPackage gs-esp has no available version, but exists in the database.04:23
alephantcan anybody help?04:23
XenonGErrr, what Firewall I can use for Ubuntu? Whats good? Any recommendations?04:24
Cirvin_FoxI have installed a soundblaster live card into my computer, and disabled the onboard sound device, but now it seems i cannot unmute the device. It worked before i disabled the other sound device, is there a way to unmute it?04:24
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line), firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) or shorewall (web interface)04:24
ubotupostfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Postfix or here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PostfixBasicSetupHowto04:24
mwealephant: it looks like it's trying to mount the swap partition. that wont work04:24
garkoilrpedro, I need to this straight after installing ?04:24
studprogHi ... anybody here know how to make a GRUB entry so that the computer boots over PXE04:24
XenonGAny good firewall besides the one in Ubuntu?04:24
alephant0x82 == swap...04:24
gr33npho3nixstudprog: isn't pxe handled by the bios04:24
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mweXenonG: iptables is your only option. it has various front ends though04:25
Cirvin_Foxok, i got it to unmute, alls wel04:25
ardchoilleXenonG: I like Firestarter04:25
whadarstudprog: pxegrub?04:25
XenonGHow to use it?04:25
alephantmwe, is this something I can potentially do from the GRUB commandline, or am I reinstalling [again] ?04:25
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mweXenonG: iptables is one of the best firewalls on the planet though04:25
mwealephant: dont reinstall04:25
gr33npho3nixi prefer webmin-iptables04:25
gr33npho3nixor is it webmin-firewall04:25
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it.04:26
rpedrogarkoil: 2) go to cdimage,ubuntu.com and fetch the .jigdo file and the .template file from the latest snapshot , for the architecture you have (amd64, i386 or what you want) , and place these two files in a separate directory from other files , say 'dapper-snapshot-iso'04:26
mwealephant: figure the correct partition number and tell grub to use it04:26
alephantXenonG, I like shorewall a lot04:26
gr33npho3nixreally i didn't know that, anyone know why they stopped supporting it04:26
studproggr33npho3nix: yes .. and it's possible to make the computer boot "everytime" via PXE - but i would like it to boot once using PXE and then just boot locally afterwards (the PXE boot installs a brand new Ubuntu system on the target machine)04:26
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XenonGI'm not good with command line firewalls04:26
Cardoecan someone with gcc installed give me "gcc -dumpmachine"04:26
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Cardoeon an amd64 box04:27
dmsantamXenonG, its in System->Administration->Firestarter once you've installed it04:27
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Brinuhow muc hspace does Ubuntu take?04:27
skavengeXenonG: firestarter is a nice gui frontend04:27
ardchoilleXenonG: Firestarter is a gui front-end to iptables, it's got a nice and easy-to-understand gui04:27
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mweXenonG: firestarter is a great gui front end to iptables04:27
BrinuHow much space does Ubuntu take?04:27
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bla|patrickcrap :|04:27
ardchoilleFirestarter impressed me04:27
XenonGSo I have to install it manually? k.04:27
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bla|patrickstill no sound04:27
gr33npho3nixstudprog: well i guess you could boot some small os which does all the pxe stuff,  if your at many systems you hit a key to select what to boot from one time04:27
rpedrogarkoil: 3) mount the alternate install disc you have like this , under the same directory : 1. mkdir dapper-iso-old , 2. mount -o loop </path/to/your/dapper/iso> dapper-iso-old04:28
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XenonGIs it on the list in Synaptic Package Manager?04:28
ardchoilleXenonG: Firestarter is in universe04:28
gatekeeperBrinu, about 4Gb04:28
wycatsWhere do shell scripts get their path?04:28
rpedrogarkoil: make that "2. sudo mount -o loop </path/to/your/dapper/iso> dapper-iso-old04:28
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alephantwycats, the script uses the $PATH of the user that started it04:28
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mwe!info firestarter04:29
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ubotufirestarter: gtk program for managing and observing your firewall. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-1.1ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 381 kB, installed size 1900 kB04:29
alephantwycats, or an explicitly-set local $PATH from the shell invocation04:29
XenonGwow, small size04:29
gr33npho3nixi have found firestarter to be very finicky04:29
bla|patrickregarding flash: non of that solutions in ubuntu's wiki is working04:29
rhicanwycats, using $PWD or $0 i would guess04:29
alephantwycats, or a script can modify its own $PATH04:29
whadari uninstalled cups (cause i have no printer) but now the pdf viewer is not working... and i cant install evince... any sugguestions?04:29
mweXenonG: firestarter is available from synaptic if you have enabled the universe repository04:29
bla|patrickthe same goes for videostreaming04:29
bla|patricki am gonna be frustrated :|04:29
XenonGwhich is where?04:29
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whitehorseNtigera goalkeeper is the boyfriend of the girl you want to date in Korea :)04:30
snoopsbla|patrick video streaming?04:30
bla|patrickno quicktime04:30
alephantwycats, ``man bash'' should have something useful to say on the subject, esp. the diff. btw. a login/non-login shell.04:30
bla|patrickno real04:30
mwe!universe > XenonG04:30
bla|patrickno sound in flash04:30
XenonGWhat the hell is Universe repository?04:30
bla|patrickquicktime... neither totem-mozilla.so nor mplayer-mozilla.so04:30
mweXenonG: read the /msg from ubotu04:30
mweXenonG: he told you04:30
XenonGok, thanks04:30
Foobalbla|patrick: mkdir /tmp/.esd and then touch /tmp/.esd/socket ,restart the browser -> sound04:30
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rpedrogarkoil: 4) in the same directory as you .jigdo and .template files, run this : 'jigdo-lite <yourfile.jigdo>'04:30
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource04:30
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic04:31
rpedrogarkoil: you there ?04:31
bla|patrickFoobal: first schekc if u can hear sound there:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyurb6rXz1Q04:31
garkoilrpedro, yes04:31
garkoil I am copying the stuff04:31
rpedrogarkoil: what step are you at _04:31
rpedrogarkoil: *?04:31
garkoilrpedro, I am not doing it now04:31
ardchoilleis ubuntuforums.org down?04:32
garkoilrpedro, I am trying to prepare my self to next week04:32
ardchoilleoh, nvr mind04:32
xopherI got some bmpx amd64 packages, would anyone like to try them out? see if they work and so on04:32
rpedrogarkoil: hmm04:32
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XenonGHmmm, server seems busy now, download speed down from max 80KB/s to 4Kb/s, what wrong? Peak hour?04:32
garkoilthe thing is I don't want to go over updating again and again04:32
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alephantignore ubotu*04:33
rpedrogarkoil: ok,04:33
bla|patrickFoobal: does ur olution work?04:33
bjorn-XenonG: ubuntuforums.org slow as hell from here as well04:33
XenonGThey must be updating something......04:33
garkoilrpedro, is that all ? after that I have an updated install cd ?04:33
ardchoillebjorn-: YEah, slow today04:34
XenonGOr cracker up to no good.04:34
garkoilrpedro, the cd won't be livecd, right ?04:34
sri_can any one tell how to trace the folders which are sean by others...not go to /var/....04:34
frogzoosri_: /proc04:35
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rpedrogarkoil: after running the 'jigdo-lite' script , all you have to do is supply the locations where are the packages you already downloaded, one at a time. So in this case you would point it to the path to where you mounted your alternate cd iso, and to /var/cache/apt/archives04:35
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sri_frogzoo, 1min04:35
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garkoilso, I can't use this script on the LiveCD installer ?04:36
rpedrogarkoil: no, it would be a alternate install cd , this means textbased install , and just remembered , if you want to bring over extra packages to the pc that don't have a internet connection, you will have to use apt-move, jigdo only creates an iso with the packages from a default dapper install04:36
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garkoilrpedro, 10x04:37
rpedrogarkoil: np04:37
garkoilrpedro, u just help creating 20 more happy students using ubuntu ! cheers04:37
sri_frogzoo, thank u can u tell how to join in python irc......i typed /join #python then it is saying that u have to register I have already registered But i dont understand why it is saying like that04:37
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rpedrogarkoil: great ;)04:38
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration04:38
MarcNsri_: have you registered your nick with nickserv?04:38
sri_MarcN, ya04:39
bla|patrickFoobal: could u give me the 2nd command a 2nd time04:39
MarcNsri_: and authenticated with it since you connected to irc?04:39
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bla|patrickcopy and past didnt worked and by that time i already closed opera04:39
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bla|patricktouch /tmp/.est/04:39
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alephantthe grub stanza ``root (hd0,0)'' points grub at the *boot sector* of the 0,0th hdd,partition, correct?04:40
sri_MarcN, i just go to xchat & joining in ubuntuservers .......04:40
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wycatsIs there any reason this syntax is no good in a shell script: if [ 0 -eq $PID ] ; then -- I get too many arguments04:40
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Warboalephant: hd0,0 is the first partition of the fisrt drive. The MBR would probably be just hd004:40
MarcNsri_: sure. but when you are connected, you have to do something like   /msg nickserv identify YOURPASSWORD04:40
sri_MarcN, it is not asking for password...?04:40
alephantwycats, that syntax is correct04:41
Tommy2k4mwe: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1835104:41
MarcNsri_: once connected, you need to tell nickserv that you are the owner of the nick 'sri_', you do that by msg nickserv04:41
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sri_MarcN, this is the process......??/msg nikserv sri_ password??04:42
alephantwycats, to debug syntax errors in the if construct, use the test alone, like:04:42
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alephant[ 0 -eq 1 ]  || echo "FOO"04:42
frogzoo if [ 0 -eq 0 ] ; then echo yes ; fi04:42
alephant[ 0 -eq  1 ]  && echo "FOO04:42
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Warbo /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password04:42
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alephantfrogzoo, line breaks can unnecessarily muddy the issue, though04:43
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ShinzetsuI did sudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop, I have the Kubuntu bootscreen, login screen and all the KDE apps but it's still GNOME04:43
Warbosri_: It already knows that you are sri_, the only variable is the password04:43
sri_MarcN, if i am typing this it is saying that unknown cmd..04:43
MarcNsri_: type this:     /msg nickserv help     and it will msg you with all kinds of info.  You need to register your nick and then everytime you connect to irc, identify yourself04:43
frogzoowycats: too many args is probly cos $PID isn't set04:43
WarboShinzetsu: Choose your session at the login screen04:44
ShinzetsuI did that04:44
bla|patrickFoobal: i cant find any reference for taht commands in the forums04:44
ShinzetsuIt's set to KDE04:44
WarboShinzetsu: You chose KDE, right?04:44
Tommy2k4maybe "sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm" would help04:44
MarcNsri_:  no spaces before /msg ...04:44
WarboShinzetsu: What happens if you run "startkde"?04:44
Tommy2k4i did that before but havent logged out to test it yet04:44
sri_MarcN, ya thank u04:44
ShinzetsuIn a terminal?04:44
daxxarIs it possible to use the 'biometric sensor' (fingerprint scanner) built into my HP laptop to authenticate in Ubuntu?04:44
WarboShinzetsu: Yeah, I'm just wondering if you somehow overwrote KDE binaries with GNOM ones.....04:45
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Warbodaxxar: Aa! I hate them :)04:45
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ShinzetsuThanks, startkde did the job04:46
bur[n] erhttp://burner.ath.cx/screenshot-vmware-player.jpg   :)04:46
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WarboShinzetsu: That should be run when you choose KDE in the session thingie. I wonder why it didn't work automatically?04:46
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alephantok, mwe, I'm now seeing that the kernel can't open md004:46
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ShinzetsuMaybe its because im running Ubuntu in a VM04:46
alephantlemme try an initrd04:46
Gullstadroot@gullet:/media# mount -t iso9660 -o loop /home/gullstad/Desktop/TBOC1.iso /media/temp04:46
Gullstadmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop2,04:46
Gullstad       missing codepage or other error04:46
Gullstad       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try04:46
Gullstad       dmesg | tail  or so04:46
Gullstad Got this problem when I try to mount.04:46
alephantmwe, but I'm irked that the installer wrote an incorrect grub/menu.lst04:47
ShinzetsuI get a mixture of GNOME and KDE and when I close my terminal it goes back to GNOME04:47
bur[n] erShinzetsu: when you login... via gdm, use pick the kde session!04:47
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frogzooGullstad: u sure that's TBOC1 is an iso?04:47
ShinzetsuAll kinds of errors too04:47
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ShinzetsuX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16604:48
WarboShinzetsu: Try getting rid of GNOME, or at least GDM04:48
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callocHave to say Im liking this new Dapper...04:48
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Gullstadfrogzoo: You mean that TBIC1.iso aint an *.iso? It is :P04:48
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Tommy2k4Shinzetsu, i get that error all the time, cept device 16804:48
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WarboGullstad: You realise what you said there doesn't really make any sense. *.iso is not a file type, it is a file name04:49
Tommy2k4i get it many times whenever i run something from konsole04:49
callocjust out of curiosity has anyone installed a Wiki from the Repos using PHP 5??04:49
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frogzooGullstad: mount it on /mnt/tmp04:49
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mwealephant: I don't know why it did that04:49
bur[n] erWarbo: he shouldn't have to get rid of gdm... i use gdm and pick kde, gnome, xfce, or fluxbox04:49
callocCurreent version i tried installing requests PHP4,04:49
frogzooGullstad: hotplug doesn't appreciate trespassers in /media04:49
Warbobur[n] er: GDM works for me too, but if there is a problem then it is probably GDM's fault04:49
Gullstadfrogzoo: File does not exsist04:50
frogzooGullstad: sudo mkdir -p /mnt/tmp :p04:50
bur[n] erok, possibly04:50
alephantmwe It got root() wrong and forgot the initrd stanza04:50
=== alephant glowers.
bur[n] erShinzetsu: you should totally just install ubuntu full on and use windows via vmware :)04:50
phaedrus44ello...i have major probs..i keep installing on my hda  which is 5 gigs....but every time install is finished, on reboot  i get "Grub Loading Stage 1.5" and a minute later i get "Read Error"    cannot boot04:50
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phaedrus44any hints or advice?04:51
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bur[n] erphaedrus44: bad disk?04:51
ShinzetsuThing is it locks up at installation04:51
creedeHello all, I have a fonts question. How do I turn those little diamonds with question marks inside them into useful characters?04:51
Gullstadfrogzoo: same error :s04:51
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Warbophaedrus44: Do you get the menu? If so you can mess around with the boot entries with "e"04:51
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phaedrus44i get no menu at all..04:51
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phaedrus44just Grub Loading Stage 1.5"04:52
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phaedrus44and then Read Error04:52
Tommy2k4how can i disable bluetooth? seems pointless having it running when i will never use it04:52
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Warbophaedrus44: I assume you don't have hidden menu? (in which case pressing Esc will show it)04:52
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phaedrus44i dont think so Warbo..04:53
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto04:53
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compengiwhen i lock the screen can i remove the screen that moves, so that i will see the ubuntu's welcome screen?04:54
wrathHello all, could some one point me in the right direction of how to get my speakers working?04:54
Warbophaedrus44: Well, you can reinstall GRUB with "sudo grub-install /dev/hda" in a liveCD. Otherwise there is not much you can do without the menu04:54
phaedrus44cool..ill try that04:54
haydenhow can i changet he resolution etc of the gdm login04:54
stefgphaedrus44: I'd really check the harddisk for defects first... Or do have an odd disk configuration? What hardware is it?04:54
Warbocompengi: You can go "New Login" which will lock your screen and open a new login screen for someone else04:54
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IanThePetRockstupid question: where can i access the trash? i have no icons for it.04:55
bur[n] erIanThePetRock: "places"04:55
WarboIanThePetRock: ~/.Trash and .Trash-username on any removable device04:55
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cmoneyhey all, does anyone know if there is a bug for ubunto along these same lines? .... http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org/msg210643.html04:55
creedeIanThePetRock, do you not have a trash icon at the bottom right hand corner of your screen (in the bar that shows your apps)?04:55
compengiWarbo, my ame of this is to keep the things working while i locked the screen, like in windows when you logout the things in the windows keep working04:56
ubotulaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/04:56
IanThePetRockcreede i do not04:56
stefgcmoney: check for yourself04:56
TLEwhats the easiest way to convert a avi file to a vcd ?04:56
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compengiWarbo, but when i logout in ubuntu all the things stop04:56
frogzooGullstad: strace mount -t iso9660 -o loop /home/gullstad/Desktop/TBOC1.iso /mnt/tmp04:56
wrathAny know how I can get my speakers to work?04:56
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Warbocompengi: Look in Applications>System Tools and see if "New Login" is there. If not go into Applications>Accessories>Alacarte Menu Editor and enable it. Sounds just what you are after04:56
cmoneyok ... I do know the problem exists in ubuntu as well04:57
cmoneyI'll file the same thing04:57
creedeIanThePetRock, Can you add one by right clicking that panel and then choosing "Add to panel" and going to "Wastebasket" under "Desktop and Windows"?04:57
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ShinzetsuKDE works now, thanks04:57
IanThePetRockcreede i just did :)04:57
ShinzetsuIs it possible to read NTFS in Linux?04:57
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse04:57
creedeoh (sheepish grin)04:57
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IanThePetRockI must have deleted it sometime04:57
creedeI dragged mine out onto the desktop so I could actually see the darn thing04:58
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ShinzetsuAh no04:58
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creedeDragged your wastebasket into the trash? :)04:58
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ShinzetsuIm running in a VM so I guess I cant access my ' real'  filse04:58
aquafinaI just installed Ubuntu 6.06. And installed Xchat.. I cant figure out the new xchat...04:58
gatekeeperShinzetsu, there are also howto's in ubuntu forums04:58
aquafinawhere is the nick list? o.O04:58
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Warbocompengi: If you make a new session then you can get back to your old one with ctrl-alt-f7 (it will be locked) and the new one will usually be on ctrl-alt-f8, and any others on ctrl-alt-f10, ctrl-alt-f11, etc.04:59
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scott_how can i access the nvidia configuration pannel? as the package ddint install a kde menu shortcut?04:59
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Tommy2k4how can i make kdm defalt04:59
WarboTommy2k4: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm I think04:59
aquafinaman update-alternatives04:59
creedeIanThePetRock, I've seen worse, I did Win95 tech support for a while and one time I had a guy who dragged his entire file structure into the recycle bin04:59
Tommy2k4i did that before and no luck04:59
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IanThePetRockcreede: ouch05:00
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creedeyeah, you ain't kiddin, ouch :)05:00
Warbocreede: You have to ask, what were they trying to do?05:00
wrathThis is what Im getting "No volume control GStreamer and/or devices found"05:00
Tommy2k4kdm is already defalt according to dpkg-reconfigure kdm05:00
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creedeWarbo, You know, I can't remember anymore what their original question was :)05:00
aquafinaDoes anyone know howto change the default xchat config? it looks differetnt from the previous versions05:01
user-landHello, i changed my graphics card from a cheap ATI to a better Nvidia, do i need to reinstall Ubuntu ?05:01
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creedeThey managed to do this while I was on the phone with them05:01
aquafinaTommy2k4: apt-get remove xdm/gdm05:01
IanThePetRockTheres alot of stuff like that on http://www.rinkworks.com/stupid/05:01
Warbouser-land: No way. Just reconfigure X05:01
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Warbouser-land: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (It may be done automatically anyway, but with the Free driver)05:01
=== creede opens rinkworks (I'm a sucker for funny support stories)
user-landwarbo, great. i was using the ATI driver from easyubuntu, how can i reconfigure X _05:01
Tommy2k4k trying that now aquafina05:01
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto05:02
scott_how can i access the nvidia configuration pannel? as the package ddint install a kde menu shortcut?05:02
aquafinaI am removing this right now :(05:02
=== aquafina is very very VERY disappointed.
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Warbouser-land: That page tells you how to install 3D nvidia driver05:02
dr_willis_scott_,  run it from a terminal05:02
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto05:02
ubotuNo fonts in flash? Install msttcorefonts, gsfonts, and gsfonts-x11 , No fonts in mplayer? see !mplayer05:02
scott_i want to know how05:02
eva_I'm trying to install samsung printer drvers on Ubuntu and I get the following error:05:02
eva_uninstall: dynamic-link.h:57: elf_get_dynamic_info: Assertion `! "bad dynamic tag"' failed.05:02
eva_setupdb-bin.uRqW54: dynamic-link.h:57: elf_get_dynamic_info: Assertion `! "bad dynamic tag"' failed.05:02
eva_Keeping existing configuration file.05:02
eva_CUPS_BackEnd: get-printers failed: client-error-not-found05:02
scott_i dont know command :(05:02
eva_Can someone please help me?05:02
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scott_only just switched today from ati to nvidia05:02
Jeruvyaquafina: what can't you understand about xchat :)05:03
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Tommy2k4time to test05:03
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Sonderbladei dont get any sound when watching shockwave files in firefox, anyone know how to fix it?05:03
aquafinaJeruvy: well. it used to have a nick list on teh right.. and the channel list at the bottom. not ther is something on tne left, and it says 806 users, but i cnt see a single bloody username!!05:03
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aquafinaJeruvy: and i dont like the channel/nick list on the left. i like them on the bottom like earlier...05:03
creedeOK, let me try my question again: What do I need to do to make extended characters that are now showing up as a diamond with a question mark inside, show up properly?05:04
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user-landthanks, warbo, going to reboot and try.05:04
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scott_dr_willis_: i only got nvidia today so dont know how to from command line05:04
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Warbocreede: Probably your font doesn't support that character05:04
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aquafinacreede: install more fonts, install Unicode fonts05:04
Warbouser-land: Why reboot?05:04
aquafinaJeruvy: can you help with that?05:04
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user-landi am on the live cd now, warbo.05:04
Warbouser-land: Ah, OK :)05:04
creedeWell I thought these fonts did support Unicode . . . grrrrr05:05
dr_willis_scott_,  use the package manager to see what files it installed, or check the nvidia wiki/forums/docs - ive never ran that control panel.. or upen a shell and try nv<tab> and see what shows up.05:05
aquafinaJeruvy: sorry, this is xchat-gnome.. what is teh package name for the normal xchat?05:05
Jeruvyaquafina: ok, I can understand you may not like it.  I don't use xchat myself.05:05
scott_dr_willis_: thanks05:05
aquafinaJeruvy: ok05:05
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creedeI'm prolly wrong, I was just hoping it was a configuration issue because I like this font I have now05:05
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Warbo!info fontforge05:05
ubotufontforge: Font Editor for PS, TrueType and OpenType fonts. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.0.20051205-0.1ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 3044 kB, installed size 8760 kB05:06
aquafinaJeruvy: i'll see if i can work this out.05:06
Warbocreede: You can always add your own glyphs :)05:06
phaedrus44ok...how do i reinstall grub with the live cd>05:06
Jeruvyaquafina: you could use the irc in the help doc to ask some questions.05:06
Warbosudo grub-install /dev/hda05:06
creedeheh heh, maybe I can add the characters from Dr Seuss' book "On Beyond Zebra" :)05:06
=== bla|patrick [n=opera@dyndsl-080-228-221-197.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu
phaedrus44cool cool thanks05:06
bla|patrickah crap...05:07
bla|patrickno solution for flash works :(05:07
bla|patricki reall yneed help05:07
bla|patricki beg u :|05:07
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creedebla|patrick, what are you trying to do??05:07
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Tommy2k4ok so apt-get remove gdm turns out to be a bad idea05:07
creedeI suspect so if you want to log into the GUI :)05:08
Tommy2k4noflex, i want kdm back to default05:08
Tommy2k4stupid xchat autocomplete05:08
frogzoobla|patrick: i think flash 8(?) isn't yet supported05:08
bla|patrickcreede: i try to get sound from flash05:08
bla|patrickflash 705:08
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:08
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creedeoy, I've had the opposite problem before. I got sound but no picture05:09
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bla|patrickfrogzoo: i have tried two dozend different attempts05:09
Warbobla|patrick: compile MAD support into Gnash and sound works (only events, not streaming). It's actually quite competant even though it is really young05:09
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creedeIt was driving my granddaughter crazy, she could go to her kid websites and hear them but not see them05:09
=== Xnix [n=xnix@n157s046.ntc.blacksburg.shentel.net] has joined #ubuntu
daxxarI have a machine without a CD-rom; what options do I have when it comes to installing Ubuntu Dapper on it?05:09
mikkelmHey... How do I allow apache to show a folder in my home ... /home/mikkelm/Websites that is???05:09
bla|patrickWarbo: i am am noob... please in english :D05:09
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daxxarIt has support for booting from USB and LAN05:09
frogzoobla|patrick: flash uses oss - you have to close all your other sound sources, & restart ff for it to work05:09
Warbobla|patrick: Look at the link I posted above05:09
bla|patrickfrogzoo: thats why i tried it with sounddeamons05:10
=== v5^Wicks is now known as ^Wicks`off
Tommy2k4how can i make it load kdm on bootup instead of taking me to a terminal05:10
Warbodaxxar: Probably easiest to install on a different machine then just copy all of the files across05:10
Tommy2k4when i enter startx it loads xfce05:10
daxxarWhat files? Across what?05:10
pulsar|xubuntuhey guy's i have a problem with burning of i have a nec burner supports formats cd dvd dl dvd-ram but i can't burn anythink it says initialising burning but it do nothing more over hours ... can somebody help me?05:10
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Warbodaxxar: The files Ubuntu makes, you can copy them to a USB drive and then transfer them to the HD05:11
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Jeruvydaxxar: Do you have PXE on your network?05:11
daxxarJeruvy, yep05:11
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Jeruvydaxxar: review the instructions for booting from CD over PXE :)05:11
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daxxarOh, that's possible? :D05:12
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bla|patrickWarbo: is there a binary for it.... i wont bother u to explain me how to compile05:12
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Warbobla|patrick: Probably not. It doesn't have sound support unless you specifically enable it before compiling (MP3 is not Free)05:12
Jeruvydaxxar: you may have to create a image source, but ya.05:12
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bla|patrickand since it uses opengl... i use xgl... may be a problem i guess05:13
Warbobla|patrick: It has no where near as much support for Flash files as the official Flash player, but it does use ALSA05:13
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Warbobla|patrick: Apparently it can use Cairo as well05:13
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line), firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) or shorewall (web interface)05:13
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rhicanbla|patrick, you can't use dri under xgl, (xgl uses it so your apps can't anymore)05:13
bla|patrickWarbo: the problem is... minimum on youtube e.g. is flash705:13
bla|patrickrhican: ???05:14
Warbobla|patrick: Well it can't play FLV files (the video codec is patented)05:14
aquafinaJeruvy: finally installed the correct xchat.. it was in universe or multiverse :D Feels much better05:14
johan_is there a boot option for the livecd that stops it from using the swap space? since that is activated by default, I cant format the partition I wanted to because the swap is in use.05:14
=== aquafina is updating and installing. 6.06.
bla|patrickWarbo: i want sound in falsh streams... e.g. youtube05:14
bla|patrickthats all i need...05:14
BHSPitMonkeyis there a tool to check for hard drive errors?05:14
Jeruvyaquafina: distro's make installations fun! :)05:14
Warbobla|patrick: There are greasemonkey scripts available which let you save YouTube videos, which you can then play in MPlayer05:14
radoneI am afraid that my system has not been hacked. Could anyone point me to some tutorial what should I do to repair system ?05:14
radone....has been hacked ...05:15
aquafinaJeruvy: well. i thought xchat would be installed by default since the first page after starting Firefox talks about #ubuntu05:15
frogzoojohan_: change the file system type from 82 to something else using fdisk ?05:15
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rhicanjohan_, the livecd shouldn't use the HD at all are you sure you are looking at the right /dev/[] 05:15
bla|patrickWarbo: thats a waste of time... i simpy want use youtube as i did in windows05:15
bla|patrickgo to that site05:15
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bla|patrickwathc the moive and get away05:15
Warbobla|patrick: Then send your complaints to Adobe05:15
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bla|patricki dont try out a solution that needs: go to taht site extract the movies from antoher site... open those files manual in totem wathc the moives, delte the files...05:16
linuxfanI need to upgrade my kernel from 386 to k-7. I have an amd64. When I install linux-image-k7 it messes up my xorg.conf. what am I doing wrong?05:16
johan_rhican yes I am, Im using gparted. The swap space has got a lock icon next to it. I will try to run the install thogh, format it and then just turn off05:16
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frogzoo!info smartutils05:16
ubotuPackage smartutils does not exist in dapper05:16
bla|patrickWarbo: well that gnash would make it even worse... because videos work05:16
bla|patrickits simply sound that fails05:16
Warbobla|patrick: Totem doesn't play the sound properly for me. Anyway, Greasemonkey means you don't need to go to a different site to download them05:16
frogzoo!info smartmontools05:16
ubotusmartmontools: control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In repository main, is optional. Version 5.33+5.34cvs20050802-3ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 242 kB, installed size 608 kB05:16
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XenonGOk, I ask again, where can I get FireStarter?05:16
johan_nevermind rhican and frogzoo, I could format it during the install05:16
bla|patrickWarbo: i use opera05:16
XenonGheh, sorry05:17
WarboXenonG: universe05:17
XenonGOK, what is Universe?05:17
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bla|patrickthose skripts wont work for me either05:17
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto05:17
ubotuNo fonts in flash? Install msttcorefonts, gsfonts, and gsfonts-x11 , No fonts in mplayer? see !mplayer05:17
Warbobla|patrick: I use Epiphany, but I open up Firefox when I want to save a youTube video05:17
frogzooBHSPitMonkey: see smart ^^^05:17
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource05:17
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bla|patrickWarbo: ur solution is not what i expect from my system :|05:17
bla|patrickbut thankyou for helping me :)05:18
johan_formatting done, bye05:18
=== Powerbook` [n=macwebde@adsl-065-006-176-175.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Warbobla|patrick: Really? It is exactly the kind of stupid solution I would expect from non-Free software like Flash and Opera05:18
bla|patrickWarbo: sound doesnt work in firefox either ant firefox is free05:18
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dswillia74437is there a quick way to lock the screen on dapper?  In windows xp i can hit windowskey + L or ctrl+alt+del and enter to do a quick lock05:19
Rarjhi. how do i download the KDE interface without downloading Kubuntu ?05:19
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bla|patrickWarbo: well i dont understand what u want say to me...05:19
bla|patrickin the last sentence05:19
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WarboRarj: install the kdebase and kdelibs packages and stuff like that.05:19
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frogzoodswillia74437: in preferences -> keyboard shortcuts -> screensaver05:19
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ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts (Gnome) or "input actions" in Kcontrol (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net05:20
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phaedrus44ello again!05:20
RarjWarbo, thanks. how would i switch between environments ?05:20
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bla|patrickWarbo: do u mean... because its non free its not worth using? or what does it mean... that u offer me a solution thats even worse than the non free software offers...05:20
adamz_I've got a bit of a glitch here - installer is crashing on me. Not particularly good - looked in the log file it pointed to, no real evidence there of anything interesting, crashing near the end of the install (~98% or so) - first time it happened, I got an error about grub. Anyone got any ideas?05:20
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WarboRarj: Selecting your session at login is the usual way. You may be able to run two sessions with "New Login" (in System Tools) and have one GNOME and one KDE05:21
frogzoobla|patrick: kind of OT dude05:21
bla|patrickmy english isnt that good... sorry05:21
daxxarJeruvy, hm, can't find anything good on that.05:21
RarjWarbo. thanks.05:21
bla|patrickbut that sentence makes no sence for me05:21
frogzoobla|patrick: OT = off topic05:21
bla|patrickah ok05:21
Warbobla|patrick: Just saying that with non-Free software you can rarely do what you want, since the makers don't let programmers in your situation fix their software for them05:21
sharms!tell bla|patrick about flash05:21
=== Bone [i=user@pool-72-82-51-138.rcmdva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
compengiwhat is the short cut keys to lock the screen05:22
Bonecan someone help me, this ubuntu disc isn't working05:22
bahadirtwindows + L05:22
Boneor is it m cd drives05:22
ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts (Gnome) or "input actions" in Kcontrol (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net05:22
frogzoocompengi: whatever you set it to - don't think there is one by default05:22
Bonein my computer the ubuntu icon shows05:22
Warbocompengi: Anything you want it to be05:22
bla|patrickWarbo: well... i tried all those flash hacks, rebuilt by opensource... all o fthem failed here to display videos in youtube05:22
Bonebut the disc won't boot during starup05:22
daxxarAh, nevermind05:22
compengiand where do i set it?05:22
Bonecan i runuBuntu while windows is up05:22
Warbobla|patrick: That's because the codec is patented. It is illegal to make FLOSS which can play it05:22
frogzooBone: vmware05:23
WarboBone: In VMWare05:23
sharmsbla|patrick: youtube videos work fine here.05:23
bla|patricksharms: here too.. but i dont have sound xD05:23
frogzooBone: -> google 'vmware'05:23
Bonei burned the uBuntu server 6.06 and im trign to install05:23
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bla|patrickon google video i ahve sound... thats weired05:23
compengifrogzoo, how to set it?05:23
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ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts (Gnome) or "input actions" in Kcontrol (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net05:23
WarboBone: You cannot run two fully installed systems at the same time, but you can install one OS inside another using VMWare05:24
=== Powerbook` [n=macwebde@adsl-065-006-176-175.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Tommy2k4can anyone help me fix the 3 errors at the bottom of http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18352 when trying to install kdm05:24
frogzooBone: or do you want a dual boot setup ?05:24
Powerbook`Can I install ubuntu on a 2 gb old computer?05:24
jersymike2use knoppix or knotix05:24
frogzooPowerbook`: 2gig's gonna be pretty squeaky ...05:24
WarboPowerbook`: Use the server install method then install what you need (the default installs loads of bloat for such a small system)05:24
stefgPowerbook`: if there's 196MB minimum... better take xubuntu for old boxes05:24
Gorlistive downloaded a game thats in a .package file05:25
sharmsbla|patrick, keep checking this thread also http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=218816&highlight=youtube05:25
=== squilla_ [n=dave@dsl-146-189-232.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
Powerbook`or would a 100 gb computer be better? :P05:25
aquafinais there a post install guide for Ubuntu 6.06 users?05:25
bla|patrickshachaf: well in that wiki are only solutions for firefox...05:25
Gorlistif I try and run it gedit comes up with an error05:25
WarboPowerbook`: Bigger is always better05:25
bla|patrickthat aoss didnt work in opera either05:25
Tommy2k4can anyone help me fix the 3 errors at the bottom of http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18352 when trying to install kdm, someone says i have a broken debconf05:25
stefgPowerbook`: hd-space is an issue, but RAm as well05:25
Gorlistcould not dedect character coding05:25
bla|patricki started opera with aoss opera as command05:25
Bonewel why won't it boot during startup, i have it in a cd-rw/dvd rom drive05:25
compengiWarbo, how to set the shortcut keys for screen lock05:25
bla|patrickno sound...05:25
sharms!tell compengi about keyboard05:26
Warbocompengi: I don't know05:26
frogzooPowerbook`: if you give / 500meg, /var 5gig, /usr 15gig - /home whatever, you've a pretty decent setup05:26
Bonecan someoen help me please05:26
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ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:26
Bonei did ask05:26
Bonete Ubuntu cd won't boot during start up05:26
sharmsBone: turn on boot from cd rom in your bios05:26
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Bonei put it ina  cd-rw drive, and it doens't work, hte comp jsut boots windows xp instead05:26
bla|patricksharms: now that u mention that link... ur right05:27
bla|patricki noticed that something was different, but couldnt say what05:27
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sharmsyeah if that one guy posts back his solution it will be nice05:27
stefgBone: Have you set the BIOS to boot from CD?05:27
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Bonei have hard disc as first boot priorty, cd-rom as second boot priorty and removable storage as third priorty in bios05:27
Jeruvybone:  make sure you CDROM is selected in BIOS as your first boot device.05:28
Boneoh, as first?05:28
Bonei don't have a cd rom drive05:28
WarboBone: Always have Floppy first, then CDROM then HD05:28
frogzooBone: cd as first05:28
Boneonly two cd-rw drives, will that work?05:28
WarboBone: CDRW=CDROM then05:28
stefgyes :-) how should the computer know afterwards?05:28
JeruvyBone: don't be silly :)05:28
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frogzooWarbo: what's a floppy drive ? (:p)05:28
Bonealright, so cdrom first, then harddrive, then flopppy05:28
sharmsBone: a cd-rw is a cdrom drive.05:29
Warbofrogzoo: Those things in the front of my computer which make lots of noise then spit out error messages :(05:29
bla|patricksharms: what i dont understand... why is everbody recommanding always that videodownload solution :|05:29
bla|patrickin opera forums too...05:29
Boneok, brb05:29
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sharmsbla|patrick: because we cant view the files, but we can download them and rip the video out of flash to play on mplayer05:29
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Dagatakahow do I change the fonts for gtk2 apps like xmms and audacity?05:29
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WarboDagataka: Erm.... They are GTK105:30
Dagatakaok so gtk1 then05:30
bla|patricksharms: i guess... if i want video in broser there is no other alternative to the non free player05:30
Powerbook`What environment is the standard ubuntu?05:30
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user-landWarbo, reconfiguring x worked well, but after the first minute watching a video the signal from the card went dead ...05:30
bla|patrickall of those reverse engeneering players cant do that, right?05:30
WarboDagataka: Not sure. I know you can change the playlist fonts and stuff in XMMS through the preferences, but I don't know about changing GTK105:31
Powerbook`What environment is the standard ubuntu?05:31
frogzooPowerbook`: gnome05:31
Warbouser-land: Are you on the free drivers or the non-free ones?05:31
frogzooPowerbook`: kubuntu for kde05:31
Powerbook`is gnome the best for a begginer? :P05:31
frogzooPowerbook`: I think so, yes05:31
WarboPowerbook`: That's debatable. I would say yes05:31
Powerbook`good because i already downloaded ubuntu and almost done burning :P05:31
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user-landwell, i did sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg as you recommended, choosing nv. i guess that is the free driver ?05:32
SubhumanPowerbook`, actually, if your coming from a windows background i think KDE is more windows like, but i'd still go with GNOME because it is a better desktop than KDE05:32
Subhumanuser-land, yes it is05:32
Powerbook`so i downloaded the right one?05:32
Dagatakaok thanks anyway05:32
Subhumanuser-land, choose nvidia, if it isnt in the list "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx"05:32
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bla|patrickbtw. fasterdapper.sh http://www.dylanknightrogers.com/2006/07/17/faster-dappersh/05:32
SubhumanPowerbook`, yes you did :D05:32
bla|patrickhas someone tried this already?05:32
user-landthank you, subhuman.05:33
Warbouser-land: I usually find that I have more problems with the non-free driver (called "nvidia") then the free one. Either way, try the ohter05:33
Warbo!nvidia > user-land05:33
Subhumanuser-land, only the nvidia drive has 3d accel.05:33
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user-landthank you, Warbo.05:35
IceToxHow do I check which distro is installed on a box?05:35
deltronuname -a05:35
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jribIceTox: try lsb_release -a05:35
IceToxthanks guys05:35
squilla_hi chasps05:36
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squilla_anyone solve gnome-panel/bonobo/nautilus errors when starting gnome?05:37
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squilla_anyone using ubunu-ppc?05:38
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squilla_....erm ubuntu-ppc05:38
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johan_For my ntfs drive, the options are "defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0", what should they be for a vfat drive?05:38
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bla|patrickhow do i run sh-skripts?05:39
nlindbladsh script05:40
morphixthis is really begining to annoy me.. i am trying to get my Buffalo CLI-CB-G54S to work in ubuntu 6.06 with NO luck at all.. it uses a bcm43xx chipset.. the included drivers with ubuntu show the card, i can configure.. but it wont connect to ANYTHING its pretty much useless, and using ndiswrapper with win drivers didnt work either :(05:40
frogzoobla|patrick: chmod +x blah.sh ; ./blah.sh05:40
nlindblador ./script (if mod is set to +x05:40
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saikojohan_: for me it is like this - iocharset=utf8,umask=00005:40
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johan_saiko: I'll try that then. thanks05:41
bla|patricksudo chmod -x /home/patrick/Desktop/faster-dapper.sh <-- didnt happened anything05:41
gr33npho3nixmorphix: i have some linksys drivers that might work for you w\ ndiswrapper05:41
johan_bla|patrick: where did you get it?05:41
gr33npho3nixand did you get the firmware for card w\ the bcm43xx driver05:41
saikojohan_: at least for me it works as a storage drive05:41
morphixfirmware for the card?05:41
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gr33npho3nixyeah the bcm4xx driver needs firmware cut from the windows drivers of the card05:42
sztanpethow can i ripp my audio cd to ogg vorbis with cddb database support? :D05:42
morphixfor ndiswrapper?05:42
johan_saiko: yeah, that did it. It doesn't appear on desktop though, will it do after reboot or do I need to add something?05:42
=== Bone [i=user@pool-72-82-51-138.rcmdva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Boneumm i have a prob with uBuntu05:42
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hans67521why should someone move from linux 2.4 to 2.6 networking performance wise05:43
Bonei booted from the cd and installed, everything went great05:43
Bonebut when i took the cd out and rebooted05:43
Bonewindows xp bnooted pu05:43
Bonei thought windows xp was supposed to be gone05:43
frogzoosztanpet: sound juicer05:43
hans67521why should someone move from linux 2.4 to 2.6 networking performance wise05:43
bugaloit is a little more difficult05:43
saikojohan_: try to reboot, i don't remember at the moment if i did something specific to it05:43
Boneand i don't think i downloaded the livecd, cause i downloaded from uBuntu site05:43
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bugaloyou must change boot manager options05:43
frogzoohans67521: 2.4 is pretty old05:44
Bonei did05:44
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Bonei boot from cd first, then HD, then removable05:44
Bonebut i installed LINUX05:44
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bugalono no05:44
Boneso windows xp should be gone05:44
bugaloboot sector05:44
bugaloin ubuntu05:44
bugaloit is difficult05:44
bugaloI don't know how to do it05:44
Bone? i thoguth uBunto was for humans05:44
bugalobut xp isn't05:44
Boneok, so i can do it in xp?05:45
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bla|patrickfrogzoo: that command didnt worked05:45
bugaloas root in ubuntu05:45
bugaloyou must run several commands and edit several configs05:45
frogzoobla|patrick: which command?05:45
gr33npho3nixmorphix: no for bcm43xx05:45
bugaloto edit the boot sector05:45
Boneso now i can't get uBuntu05:45
bugaloman I am lame and can't tell you which commands05:46
gr33npho3nixmorphix: i am at work right now but if you want to pm me i can find a guide for you later05:46
morphixgr33npho3nix: i mean do i need the firmware for ndiswrapper?05:46
Bonenow i have to stay with windows ;'(05:46
gr33npho3nixor you can good one yourself05:46
frogzoobla|patrick: you need to make the script executable with 'chmod +x' & then './script' - assuming the script is called 'script'05:46
Bonedoes anyone in here know how to do it?05:46
gr33npho3nixmorphix: ndiswrapper needs windows drivers05:46
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Boneanyone in here know how to do this boot sector thing05:46
gr33npho3nixmorphix: bcm4xx needs firmware cut from windows drivers05:46
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morphixgr33npho3nix: i found a guide.. and am downloading the firmware now.. but under the capture.. is says they were unsuccessful05:46
bugaloit is about 15-30 mins of work05:46
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gr33npho3nixmorphix: someone packaged it somewhere , but its not in any of the repos05:47
bugalodepended if you will have problems or not05:47
mike1lo all05:47
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gr33npho3nixmorphix: packet capture? i wouldn't be surprised the bcm43xx driver isn't really poslished yet05:47
bla|patrickfrogzoo: it still opens gedit but running the script in terminal05:47
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BallsyTrying to run the Live CD on an AMD Athlon 64 w/512MB or RAM...I get as far as 'configuring some drivers.....ok' and it dumps me to a blank screen with a blinking cursor.  Tried the amd64.iso and i386.iso images (checksums on the .iso files passed).  I try that same CD in an old Compaq deskpro 650Mhz w/128MB at work, and it runs (albeit slowly).  Ideas ?05:47
FramedI'm a total newb with linux in general and I am in need of some help - anyone have time?05:47
Bonebugalo what are you talking about? i was on uBuntu, like on the desktop and everything, i was adding stuff to the panel05:48
morphixgr33npho3nix: well i cant get any network activity with those default bcm43xx drivers.. hell annoying05:48
frogzoo!docs > Framed05:48
mike1I made and mounted a new home partition and moved all my files (including hidden) not when I try to log in it will not let me (gnome)  from the terminal it looks like my user mike1 doesn't have permission for the folder.  I made mike1 a admin user in a root-gnome session but no change... help05:48
ubotuI know nothing about docs? - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:48
bugalobone but you can't start ubuntu from hd right?05:48
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Boneumm, what?05:48
frogzooFramed: read the pm from the bot05:48
Framedah thank you05:48
Bonewell, i poped in uBuntu cd, then isntalled05:48
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Bonethen uBuntu started up05:48
bugalobone well.. nothing05:48
Boneafte rmessing around wih the desktop i..05:49
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KenSentMeFramed: or just ask your question05:49
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Boneit froze, i think its my motherboard and i restarted the computer05:49
Bonethe disc was out, and windows xp booted up05:49
mike1I made and mounted a new home partition and moved all my files (including hidden) not when I try to log in it will not let me (gnome)  from the terminal it looks like my user mike1 doesn't have permission for the folder.  I made mike1 a admin user in a root-gnome session but no change... help  pleaseeee05:49
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bugalobone and did you install ubuntu?05:49
gr33npho3nixmorphix: i had some issues w\ them too05:49
bla|patricksorry have to leave :|05:49
Bonebugalo yes i installed it05:49
bugalobone because if you run from live cd it doesn't install ubuntu05:50
Bonebut i thougt it was supposed to reformat HD to install uBuntu, to get rid of waindow sxp05:50
gr33npho3nixmorphix: pm me and in 5 hours when i get home from work i'll get you the linksys drivers i use for my chipset that work spectacular w\ ndiswrapper05:50
Boneok, i'll show u where i downlaoded05:50
gr33npho3nixmorphix: same chipset, just in a dell card05:50
Bonei downloaded the PC (Intel x86) server install CD05:50
frogzoomike1: sudo chown -r mike1:mike1 /home/mike1        should do it....05:51
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bugalobone and did you reformat drive and install it?05:51
frogzoomike1: sudo chown -R mike1:mike1 /home/mike1        should do it....oops05:51
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BoneOH FUCK05:51
Bonei ownloaded hte live cd by accident05:51
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:51
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Ballsyack...I had to look away...did anyone see my qn above ?  (sorry, haven't figured out logging in BX yet)05:51
=== Bone [i=user@pool-72-82-51-138.rcmdva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bonei downloaded livecd by accident05:52
Bonesorry fo rlang05:52
gr33npho3nixBone: the live cd does an install05:52
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mike1frogzoo: still get the -bash: cd: mike1: Permission Denied" error05:52
bugalolamer helps lamer isn't it cute05:52
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Seveasgr33npho3nix, but not a server install 05:52
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ngaylinnI'm looking to duplicate one install of Ubuntu on a completely different (hardware wise) computer. Essentially, I want all the same packages and configurations. Is there a nice tool to do this, or must I do it by hand? Is there any way to backup/restore the list of installed packages? I'd hate to install each package again by hand.05:52
Boneyes i know, but i accidently downloaded the livecd isntead of the server cd05:52
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gr33npho3nixSeveas: i dunno, never tried it, poke around, you may be able to pass it a boot option05:52
Bonemeh, at least this one is only 400MB's05:52
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Seveasgr33npho3nix, it can't 05:53
Bonedoes uBuntu have g++05:53
jribngaylinn: man dpkg, scroll down to examples (see dpkg --get-selctions example)05:53
frogzoomike1: does 'whoami' return 'mike1' ?05:53
gr33npho3nixSeveas: are you telling me or asking05:53
Seveas!tell Bone about compiling05:53
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Seveasgr33npho3nix, I'm telling05:53
ngaylinnjrib: Cool. I'll explore that. Thanks!05:53
mike1frogzoo: 'whoami = mike1'05:53
Bone!tell Bone compiling05:53
Seveasthe only way alivecd can do a server install is a manual debootstrap, which is cheating05:53
ubotuI know nothing about tell Bone compiling - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:53
gr33npho3nixSeveas: oh sorry05:54
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Rambo3can anyone check if mplayer-386 is in breezy repos05:54
Seveas!info mplayer-386 breezy05:54
frogzoomike1: & 'sudo chown -R mike1:mike1 /home/mike1' returned ok?05:54
ubotumplayer-386: The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. In repository multiverse, is extra. Version 1:1.0-pre7cvs20050716-0.1ubuntu9.1 (breezy), package size 3568 kB, installed size 8132 kB05:54
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mike1frogzoo: yes it just went to the next propmt05:55
frogzoomike1: & you logged out & logged back in as mike1 ?05:55
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HelloFromCanadaDoes Ubuntu support Sparc64?  Want to try to install it on a Sun Netra T1 105 server.05:56
Rambo3that was fast  thx05:56
frogzooHelloFromCanada: yups, afaik05:57
mike1frogzoo: same problem after log in, when I do log in it says "No directory loggin in with HOME=/"05:57
Tommy2k4can anyone help me with http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1836005:57
metajI have a AMD 64 Proccessor and hav installed Skype 1.3 Beta. The only way to start it is via the terminal and puting in     ////export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/<your_user>/.32bitLibs/";skype05:58
mike1this move to a home partition sucks....05:58
frogzoomike1: & you changed your homedir in /etc/passwd ?.....o.O05:58
metajis there any other way to start it05:58
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daxxarI don't get this. Trying to resize an NTFS-partition using the netboot installer.05:58
daxxarI pick a size, and click OK. A bit later, it shows the partition listing; no change05:58
frogzoodaxxar: using qparted ?05:58
Rambo3try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xdm05:58
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daxxarfrogzoo, not, the console-tool05:58
daxxarIn syslog, I find that ntfsresize has been checking consistency, got to 89.79 percent complete, then nothing more about it.05:59
Tommy2k4Rambo3, me?05:59
frogzoodaxxar: cool - just don't use gparted, it's broken for ntfs05:59
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Rambo3and choose your preferd login manager05:59
honk1968i can't sync my ipaq (opie) with evolution via multisync.05:59
zabaYou shows problem with (from) at switching on mums me error siema apache2 and error is in (to) rewrite because shows catalog is pass away in which (who) file catalog not .htaccess as I enter on server05:59
morphixgr33npho3nix: does those drivers allow u to use airodump, etc ??05:59
Tommy2k4Package `xdm' is not installed and no info is available.06:00
s34nHas anybody heard of Ubuntu ejecting CDs for no apparent reason?06:00
Tommy2k4DESTROY created new reference to dead object ' Qt::VBoxLayout' during global destruction.06:00
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Rambo3Tommy2k4, why are you trying to use dpkg.reconfigure on kdm06:00
Rambo3and are you using kubuntu06:00
metajI have a AMD 64 Proccessor and hav installed Skype 1.3 Beta. The only way to start it is via the terminal and puting in     ////export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/<your_user>/.32bitLibs/";skype........... Is there any other way to start it06:00
Tommy2k4sort of06:00
Tommy2k4xubuntu is default but i want kubuntu06:00
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zabahello need help for apache206:01
Tommy2k4i can change the session and get into kde but its broke06:01
mike1frogzoo: passwd looks fine in my mike1 line the folder is /home/mike106:01
gr33npho3nixmorphix: i don't know06:01
Tommy2k4errors about theme file, and all applets on kicker wont work06:01
gr33npho3nixmorphix: ndiswrapper definately wouldn't06:01
Tommy2k4i cant see time, tray icons, open apps etc06:01
HelloFromCanadaThanks Frogzoo!06:01
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Rambo3ok then try with gdm instead if kdm , dpkg-reconfigure gdm (not sure if that will work only did it  on xdm)06:01
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honk1968hamburg germany is calling06:01
mweTommy2k4: I'd rename ~/.kde and see if a new profile fixes it06:01
frogzoomike1: finger mike1 |grep Directory06:01
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mike1frogzoo: mike1:x:1000:112:mike1,,,/home/mike1:bin:bash06:01
honk1968good day sunshine06:02
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morphixgr33npho3nix: damn.. well that was the whole point of getting this wireless card.. i was told this buffalo card.. and buffalo cards in general had heaps good linux support and worked in airodump, etc06:02
Tommy2k4how to rename from console?06:02
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Rambo3Tommy2k4 install kubuntu-desktop then or search  kde desktop06:02
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mweTommy2k4: mv .kde .kde_backup06:02
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metajAny that can help with Skype????????06:02
mike1frogzoo:  finger... "Directory: /home/mike1  Shell: /bin/bash06:02
s34nzaba: what is the question?06:03
frogzoomike1: you need ':/home' ....06:03
Tommy2k4i try apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:03
mike1frogzoo:  sorry what do you mean?06:03
frogzoomike1: also that should be :/bin/bash06:03
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mweTommy2k4: yes06:03
phunkaliciousyo yo, anyone know of a tray icon for evolution?06:03
mike1frogzoo:  how do I do it?06:03
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frogzoomike1: mike1:x:1000:112:mike1,,,:/home/mike1:/bin/bash06:04
mwephunkalicious: afaik it doesn't support it yet06:04
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frogzoomike1: sudo gedit /etc/passwd    (just be careful poking around in there)06:04
Gullstadwhats lagg?06:04
mwephunkalicious: maybe in a few years06:05
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ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems06:05
phunkaliciousmwe: but some of these devl emails show it was being built back in 2004 :(06:05
phunkaliciousi will googlez0r06:05
frogzoomike1: also, why group 112? don't understand, maybe you just need                   mike1: mike1:x:1000:1000:mike1,,,:/home/mike1:/bin/bash06:05
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mike1frogzoo:  thats what passwd says?  what do I need to do>06:06
Tommy2k4ty everyone its working now06:06
BallsyThe i386.iso Live CD works on an old Compaq Deskpro 650Mhz/128MB RAM desktop at work, but dumps me to a blank screen with blinking cursor (after sitting at 'configuring some drivers....ok') when I try it on my AMD Athlon 64 at home.06:06
BallsyAdvice ?06:07
Ballsy(sorry if someone's already answered....I have scrollback buffer access now  <g>)06:07
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soldierneed help06:07
mike1frogzoo:  I made the change and I'm rebooting.... I have no clue why 112 was there (maybe when I assigned the profile admin rights)06:07
stefgBallsy: the CD needs at least 256 MB RAM... HW-req's not met... X won't start06:07
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Dial_toneFor evolution & ISP pop3 mail do you want spamassassin or spamc?06:08
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Ballsystefg, the thing is, it DID work on the OLD pc, but won't work on the NEW PC (Athlong 64 w/512MB ram)06:08
zabahello You shows problem with (from) at switching on mums me error siema apache2 and error is in (to) rewrite because shows catalog is pass away in which (who) file catalog not .htaccess as I enter on server06:08
soldieri want to know if i can install and play call of duty in ubuntu dapper?06:08
stefgBallsy: ah ok, now i understand06:08
deltronsoldier: yeah, with cedega06:08
soldierdo i jhave to buy that?06:08
Gullstad!tell soldier about wine06:08
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Ballsystefg, at least one of us does.  I'm baffled.  :)   Even tried the amd64.iso on the home box, to no avail.06:09
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.06:09
saikoas far as i know the root account is disabled by default in ubuntu, but there should be a way to switch in it from console? i try to type su and then the password i think is correct, but no luck - invalid password, what do i do wrong ?06:09
deltroncedega cvs should work06:09
stefgBallsy: ATI vga?... :-)06:09
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deltronI got wow working in cedega cvs06:09
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Ngsaiko: sudo -i06:09
Ng!root > saiko06:09
tomaszhi - just wondering - why I cannot find the Opera 9 in my Add/Remove ... tool while it is being announced on the Ubuntu main web page as installable "With just a few clicks of the mouse" ... ?06:10
mwesaiko: the root account is not disabled. nothing will work if it is. the password is not set by default though06:10
saikothx Ng06:10
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Ngtomasz: is the commercial applications bit ticked? and do you have all the latest updates?06:10
soldieris wine cedega cvs free?06:10
mike1frogzoo:  still didn't work, when I try to log into gnome I get the session to start the erroe say it can't create the .gnome and .gome2 dirctories06:10
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saikothx mwe06:10
frogzoomike1: ls -ld /home/mike106:11
FramedAnyone had any luck getting dual monitors set up on an nvidia pci-e card?06:11
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Ballsystefg, not on the new computer...SiS 760 display adapter06:12
soldieris wine cedega cvs free?06:12
ajaycsoldier, no06:12
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soldierhow much is it?06:12
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tomaszNg: I see. Thanks.06:13
mwethe cvs version is free of charge I believe06:13
soldierso will i be able to p[lay cod in it?'06:13
jackfrostdoes anyone know how I can find the MAC address of my wireless card with network-manager-gnome or through the terminal?06:13
frogzoomike1: ?06:13
mwesoldier: don't count on it06:13
lz1gjdthough its not complete, there are some libraries missing as far as i know06:13
mwesoldier: they have a list of supported games06:13
soldiersend me a link please06:13
frogzoojackfrost: ifconfig eth1 up (or whatever); ifconfig |grep eth106:14
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jackfrostw00t thanks frogzoo!06:14
stefgBallsy: so the Live-CD hardware detection doesn't recognize it, it seems. you could try to switch to the console [alt-ctrl-f1]  and do a manual 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' there to get X running. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart afterwards to restart X with the new conf06:14
mikechmlit might not be eth106:14
mikechmlmine's ra006:14
KenSentMesoldier: check http://transgaming.com06:15
PreZLaptopbtw - on windows, what is the 'alternative' to select (ie. to bypass the 1024 limit)?06:15
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mwesoldier: http://www.google.com/search?&q=cedega06:15
Ballsystefg, at what point would I issue the ctrl-alt-f1 ?06:15
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jackfrostcool, need that to connect to my wifi network here06:16
PreZLaptopoops, wrong channel06:16
stefgwhen you looking at the blinking cursor instaed of a desktop06:16
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lz1gjdsoldier: u could use some torrent site like demonoid, but i don't think thats legal06:16
mikechmlthere's scripts available that'll get the latest cvs version and set it up06:17
Ballsystefg, cuz I tried that last night but got no results.  Will have to retry tonight I guess.  Will sift through wiki etc. as well, as I'm SURE I saw someone else report this problem....just can't FIND the damned post... <g>06:17
pderi recently purchased a microcomputer system.  i was curious if linux supported keyboards because i wanted to input some text into my computer system.06:17
stefgBallsy: i guess there must be even a special boot parameter to use only vesa-VGA06:17
gr33npho3nixpder: if linux supports keyboards?06:17
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^glue^Hey guys, there are 3 files available to download (iso, list, and manifest). Do I download the 3 and burn them or do I just need the iso file?06:18
gr33npho3nixpder: i owuld say yes unless i missed a detail in that question06:18
jackfrostum...yes pder.06:18
Ballsystefg, if there is, how would I interrupt the Live CD startup process to pass an arg to the kernel?06:18
Gorlistcan anyone recommend a easy program to unpack .rar files?06:18
ubotussh is the Secure SHell protocol (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto). Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows, which can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/06:18
mwegodtvisken: unrar06:18
stefgBallsy: correct06:19
mweGorlist: unrar06:19
jackfrostI'm playing mp3's right now, I'd say linux supports keyboards06:19
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pderwhat i would like to do is input text into my computer system using a keyboard and have the text displayed on a monitor.  i would then like to save this data to a fixed disk, and be able to send this data to a line printer.  is this possible using linux?06:19
stefgBallsy: right at the beginning, in the boot menu press ESC06:19
phunkaliciousmwe: mail-notification06:19
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Ballsystefg, ahhh....thanks.  I'll see if I can find a proper parm.  I see alot of   acpi=off  recommendations, but I"m not sure that'd cure what ails me....06:20
mwephunkalicious: what about it? some setting or what?06:20
phunkaliciousno, thats the evolution tray icon, in case you wanted to know06:20
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mwephunkalicious: a seperate package?06:21
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frogzoopder: linux will support pretty much any pc's keyboard perfectly06:22
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mwephunkalicious: I think it's not evolution specific but a generic mail notifier though06:22
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kennythow do you manually boot the ppc install cd from open firmware?06:24
harisundHow do I find out all the environment variables? I type "sudo visudo" to modify the sudoers file, and for some reason it opens it in nano. I want it to open it in vi?06:24
arachnionhi everyone, just booted ubuntu, x kind of failed06:24
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mwearachnion: kind of?06:24
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arachnionit failed completely06:25
mwearachnion: how so?06:25
arachnionsome setting must be wrong06:25
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gregg__harisund: $EDITOR06:25
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harisundgregg ah thanks.06:25
mwearachnion: check the log file. grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:25
harisundgregg got it :)06:25
arachnioni have 2 monitors attached to my grafics card06:25
gregg__harisund: and install nvi for god's sake :)06:25
arachnionill check06:25
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gregg__nvi: teh vi06:26
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gregg__vim: bloatware06:26
frogzooharisund: man visudo - both VISUAL & EDITOR env variables06:26
soldier914do i have to pay a extra 15.50 for renewing the account?06:26
soldier914do i HAVE to or not?06:26
mike1_frogzoo: you still here?06:26
harisundDone frogzoo. Got it ..06:26
harisundDidn't realize I could man page it.06:26
hugifrb* Kritischer Systemfehler entdeckt. Bitte booten Sie Windows neu um diesen zu beheben.06:26
hugifrb<-- roooooot hat (Ping timeout) beendet06:26
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frogzoomike1_: not really, I have to shoot06:26
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arachnionno devices detected06:26
mike1_frogzoo: any last ideas?06:27
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frogzoomike1_: scroll up06:27
abhinayi have a problem, iam not able to play VCDs. How to play VCDs ?06:27
mweharisund: export EDITOR to your favorite editor and visudo, vipw etc will use that06:27
harisunddone mwe..06:27
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abhinayDAT format06:27
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gregg__geez, problem was solved a long time ago :)06:27
frogzoomike1_: ls -ld /home/mike106:27
gregg__abhinay: mplayer f.e.06:28
arachnionmwe... no devices where detected... big problem?06:28
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mwearachnion: it doesn't sound so good06:28
mwearachnion: you probably need to sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:28
soldier914do i HAVE to pay for renewing my account or is it optional?06:28
gregg__abhinay: vlc can do it too, and it has a GUI06:28
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mwearachnion: or edit xorg.conf by hand06:29
arachnionill try that06:29
gregg__soldier914: what kind of account?06:29
soldier914for wine cedega06:29
abhinaygregg__, i have mplayer , even tho not playing06:29
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mike1_frogzoo:   drw-r--r-- 43 mike1 mike1 4096 2006-07-18 17:18 /home/mike106:29
frogzoosoldier914: not if you use wine06:29
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gregg__abhinay: what exactly is the problem? what does mplayer spit out?06:29
Imme-emosolHello anyone here who van help me correct my monitor problem?06:29
scaredwhat is the utility to unextract .rar archives ?06:29
soldier914but i want to play call of duty on ubuntu06:29
soldier914and wine cedega is how much?06:29
mwesoldier914: doesn't it say?06:29
soldier914every month06:30
wildmanImme-emosol, don't be so polite, ask directly :)06:30
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gregg__scared: unrar06:30
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Ngscared: if you install rar or unrar from multiverse/universe you can use the regular archive manager06:30
mwesoldier914: google.com/search?q=cedega and read the terms06:30
frogzoomike1_: sudo chmod 755 /home/mike106:30
mike1_frogzoo:  ls -ld /home/mike1   drw-r--r-- 43 mike1 mike1 4096 2006-07-18 17:18 /home/mike106:30
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dswillia74437does evolution have to use OWA for exchange sync?06:30
abhinaygregg__, i open the disc in mplayer by  clicking VCD > Open Disc...  , it is saying  Failed to open vcd://506:30
scaredok thank you.06:30
arachnionmwe... dual monitor is something i can worry about later, right?06:31
abhinaywhen i tried to copy the DAT file (video file) from the disk to my system , i got  :  Error "I/O error" while copying "/media/cdr...SEQ01.DAT".06:31
gregg__abhinay: vcd://5?06:31
stefgBallsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions could be intresting06:31
gregg__abhinay: try "mplayer vcd://" on commandline06:31
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Imme-emosolwildman Why not be polite, I like it that way. :P But I guess that's not how things go @ irc-channel... :)06:32
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mwearachnion: yeah I'd get to work with a single monitor first06:32
abhinaygregg__, i got Audio: no sound06:32
abhinayStarting playback...06:32
abhinayV:   0.0   0/  0 ??% ??% ??,?% 0 006:32
abhinayExiting... (End of file)06:32
wildmanImme-emosol, of course, being polite is preferred, just try not to be "so" polite, when asking questions: just ask the question, you can skip the "can I ask something?" part ;)06:32
mike1_frogzoo:  thanks, now on to wireless issues :)06:32
gregg__abhinay: strange, maybe your vcd is not ok? give vlc a try06:33
soldier914winex is cedega?06:33
deltronyes soldier91406:33
deltronpretty much cedega06:33
deltronbut free06:33
deltronthough cedega seems to work a lot easier06:33
soldier914but it takes me to a ft site06:33
Imme-emosolwildman: Ah okay. :) Maybe you can help me out, I'm on a laptop but I've got black borders around my display. In text-mode it's the same.06:33
sharmswildman, Imme-emosol: Being terse can be quite polite depending on the forum06:33
abhinaygregg__, not playing in vlc also06:33
kalosaurusrexanyone good with ssh?  I'm trying to figure out how to make ssh use port 80 instead of 22.  I've changed the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file to port 80 but I can't connect to it. when I change it back it works.  router is setup correctly with port forwarding port 80 to my system, I've verified with firestarter that port 80 is open for anyone..what am I missing?06:33
soldier914i dont know what to do from there06:33
sharms!tell Imme-emosol about resolution06:33
Jeruvykalosaurusrex: do you havbe anything else on port 80?06:34
deltronsoldier914: what link? msg me it06:34
wildmanImme-emosol, you are not using the laptop's optimal resolution06:34
Ngkalosaurusrex: when you've switched it over, does "telnet localhost 80" show an SSH connection string?06:34
kalosaurusrexno.  apache and no other web service is configure for port 80, that I can tell..06:34
gregg__abhinay: in this I'd say the vcd or your drive is to be blamed... you might want to check permissions to your cd/dvd device thoough06:34
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gregg__abhinay: check whether it works as root (sudo=06:34
Imme-emosolsharms tell me about opening a !tell me about resolution in irssi. :D06:34
Imme-emosolI can see Act: 106:34
mwesoldier914: http://transgaming.org/subscription/subscribe.html06:34
abhinaygregg__, Yes iam able to play in xine06:34
frogzoomike1_: cool, enjoy06:35
kalosaurusrexNg: yes that works06:35
wildmanImme-emosol, laptop's LCD in particular have that small nicety: if not being used at full resolution, the screen is not 'stretched' to take the whole viewable area06:35
sharmsImme-emosol: alt-106:35
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gregg__abhinay: no clue what's wrong then06:35
Ngkalosaurusrex: then the next step would be to disable firestarter and try again from outside06:35
mwesoldier914: you asked about the price right? there it is06:35
Imme-emosolwildman how can i figure out the resolution?06:35
kalosaurusrexNg: okay thanks!06:35
blekoshello ppl06:35
Imme-emosolIn my xorg.conf it says it's way bigger then irl...06:35
blekosits been awhile :)06:35
mwesoldier914: I'd check the list of supported games first though06:35
abhinaygregg__, why it is not copying to my disk , when i tried to copy it , it is saying Error "I/O error" while copying "/media/cdr...SEQ01.DAT".06:36
soldier914where is it?06:36
blekosdoes anybody had keyboard problems with the new release?06:36
Rambo3!info elisa breezy06:36
ubotuPackage elisa does not exist in breezy06:36
mwesoldier914: there are a few handfulls that are working 100%06:36
mwesoldier914: where is what06:36
soldier914the list06:36
soldier914should i google it?06:36
blekosi am trying to use greek keyboard but cannot get the accent(?) over the letters06:36
wildmanImme-emosol, way bigger than what? url?06:36
wildmanImme-emosol, way bigger than what? *irl ?06:36
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mwesoldier914: please spend a minute clicking about on the site06:36
gregg__abhinay: vcd broken... they use a less safe scheme for error correction than data cd-roms06:36
kalosaurusrexNg: am I correct that the command is ssh -p 80 <ip> ?06:36
Imme-emosolwildman > *in real life06:37
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mwesoldier914: or should I do it for, then paste the direct link?06:37
billybennettHow would I run 2 commands togeather.. with a pipe?06:37
kalosaurusrexNg: to make ssh use port 80 on THIS computer to connect to my other computer. hehe06:37
wildmanImme-emosol, oups :) thx06:37
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wildmanImme-emosol, right now, I think you have it way smaller anyway06:37
abhinaygregg__, is there any way to copy it ...06:37
Ngkalosaurusrex: at this stage it'll be easier to just do "telnet ip 80", if you get the ssh connect string then all should be well06:37
kalosaurusrexNg: ahh okay06:37
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mwesoldier914: just a sec. going to transgaming.org ...06:37
wildmanImme-emosol, cannot find an easy way here to check the resolution, other than pressing my LCD's (not laptop) Info button :)06:38
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wildmanImme-emosol, do you know which is your laptop's max resolution?06:38
kalosaurusrexNg: well that works..06:38
theBenoAnyone know where I can get some help with duel monitors?06:38
mwesoldier914: hold on, clicking on games database06:38
kalosaurusrexNg: I can telnet to it.06:38
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Ngkalosaurusrex: then try with ssh -p 8006:38
Ngkalosaurusrex: if that still works, the problem is firestarter06:38
mwesoldier914: here it is http://transgaming.org/gamesdb/06:38
mwesoldier914: why didn't you just go there?06:38
Imme_emosolwildman sorry I closed my terminal window somehow. Stupid laptop keyboards... :P06:38
arachnionmwe, my settings seem better now, but i still cant startx... still EE no devices found06:38
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kalosaurusrexNg: it just sits there so far..06:39
gregg__abhinay: dd with conv=noerror,sync06:39
wildmanImme-emosol, do you know which is your laptop's max resolution?06:39
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mwearachnion: did you enter correct info to sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?06:39
Ngkalosaurusrex: that might be a DNS thing, leave it for 30 seconds or so06:39
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soldier914yeah it has it06:39
Imme_emosolwildman > no, how can I figure this out?06:39
wildmanImme-emosol, by reading the specs06:39
mwesoldier914: as fully supported?06:39
wildmanImme-emosol, which laptop do you have?06:39
kalosaurusrexNg: klk06:39
kalosaurusrexNg: thanks for your help06:39
soldier914i don't know i just see it in the list06:40
soldier914in c06:40
Imme_emosolwildman > A Toshiba Sattelite Pro 4200 Series06:40
alakdananyone using xen here? just wondering if you know of xen enabled ubuntu kernel image06:40
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mwesoldier914: look at the page06:40
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Imme_emosolwildman > State of the art. :P   I'll try to look it up on internet then.06:40
kalosaurusrexNg: error: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host06:40
wildmanImme-emosol, looking for it now too :)06:40
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mwesoldier914: it says 4 of 5 starts which means mostly working06:41
Ngkalosaurusrex: hmm, I'm not sure offhand, check /var/log/auth.log and /var/log/syslog06:41
mwesoldier914: further it's not officially supported by transgaming. it will probably be ok06:41
arachnionmwe, should i disconnect my secondary monitor, perhaps>06:41
arachnionand reboot06:41
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arachnionor startx then or something... dunno06:42
soldier914go there please06:42
Imme_emosolCan I lock a terminal window ? Or move what is open in my terminal window to a tty?06:42
Guest477>just a request for a linux friendly, inexpensive webhost service from a personal recommendation06:43
callocive tried to setup htaccess on one of my apache dirs, just doesnt seem to be working, anyone any ideas??06:43
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mwesoldier914: I thought you meant united offensive. still 4 of 5 starts though06:43
gregg__Imme_emosol: sounds like a job for screen06:43
soldier914yeah that too06:43
soldier914i play that mostly06:43
gregg__maybe this stupid bot knows about screen?06:43
ubotuscreen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen06:43
mwearachnion: maybe you already answered but are you sure you answered all questions correctly?06:43
kalosaurusrex Ng: nothing of much interest in either of those. rawr06:44
arachnionno, ofcourse im not sure06:44
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arachnionbtw, most of the auto-detection fails i think06:44
Imme_emosol!screen > wf06:44
user-landthank you, subhuman, the nvidia driver is working well.06:44
Imme_emosol!screen < wf06:44
ubotuI know nothing about screen < wf - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:44
mwesoldier914: personally I play games in windows because they generally run better06:44
Subhumanuser-land, oh good :D06:45
=== bikini [n=bikini@pool-72-77-105-102.pitbpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
arachniontheres just a detection problem or something06:45
mwesoldier914: and most games I play don't run in linux at all06:45
ubotuI know nothing about webhost - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:45
Imme_emosolwf < !screen06:45
arachnionalso note, im still on the livecd version06:45
bikinii just recieved my widescreen lcd monitor.. how do i change the available settings to 1440 x 900?06:45
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Imme_emosolImme-emosol < !screen06:45
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bikinilike what file do i have to edit?06:45
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wildmanImme-emosol, http://www.arcetri.astro.it/~lfini/LinuxLaptops/Toshiba.Sat.Pro.4200/ might help you06:45
Imme_emosolgrmbl how do I do !screen to just me?06:45
stefg!fixres > bikini06:45
user-landthis time i enabled kernel interference though in dpkg-reconfigure, Subhuman, is that good, it was on 'No' by default.06:45
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kalosaurusrexNg: hmm I changed to debug.  it says binding to port 80 on't that be 127?06:46
gregg__!screen > Imme_emosol06:46
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wildmanImme-emosol, it looks like 800x600 is the max res supported by your "state of the art" laptop06:46
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mwesoldier914: I'm also to lazy to spend hours or days just getting the games to run06:46
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Subhumanuser-land, im not sure, i left it off, but if you get any issues with it just switch it off ya know?06:47
user-landok :-)06:47
arachniongah... ill have to ask my linux-expert friend, this is just me messing06:47
DavidJhow would I set up my laptop's native resolution of 1440x900?06:47
studproghi all --- i've got this problem ... i'm trying to use debian installer to make a hands off installation of Ubuntu across a network ...  currently i'm using preseed/late_command to 1) fetch a postinstall script 2) chmod it to be executable 3) run it ...  - the first command in the postinstall script is to chroot into /target - but it seems that the commands thereafter isn't run (amongst others to update sources.list and install additional packages06:47
Imme_emosolwildman: 2 bad. thnx for the help06:47
studprog) .... my question is : where should i chroot? and when/where -- in the preseed command or in the script (which does not seem to work)06:47
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soldier914what do i do with this here?06:47
wildmanImme-emosol, welcomed, good luck06:47
Imme_emosolwildman: thnx anyway.06:47
soldier914can someone tell me what to do in that link?06:48
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soldier914so save it and install it06:48
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mwesoldier914: I believe there are instructions on the site somewhere06:48
Imme_emosolwildman what was the url again I had to type it and probably typed something wrong since my browser does not agree with me...06:49
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Viper550I know what the hot addon for an Ubuntu desktop is right now...06:49
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kennytis there a smaller graphical livecd/installer?06:49
mwesoldier914: you need to compile it yourself. install all the nececary ubuntu development packages first or you cant06:49
wildmanImme-emosol, http://www.arcetri.astro.it/~lfini/LinuxLaptops/Toshiba.Sat.Pro.4200/ might help you06:49
polpakkennyt, smaller in what respect?06:49
XenonGAlternative CD or something is the only way06:50
wildmanImme-emosol, welcomed06:50
user-landis there an easy way to move home to its own partition ?06:50
kennytpolpak: to fit on a 650 MB CD06:50
stefguser-land: /quite/ easy06:50
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mweuser-land: yes06:50
feydinhi there, during startup at the point where "checking all filesystems" my screen becomes black, no error message, but he tells me something about reiserfs and that 0 actions are replayed.... is that normal?06:50
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mweuser-land: just mount the partition on /home06:50
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user-landthank you, mwe.06:50
mweuser-land: move the data there first though06:50
Paladineanyone know how to change from metacity to fluxbox in ubuntu?06:50
XenonGFeydin, Wait a few minutes and see.06:50
pdc303Hi, I just installed alternate-6.0.6. Why would xorg mouse driver 'void' not be present?06:51
mweuser-land: mounting it else where while moving06:51
PaladineI can't find anywhere to set window manager up06:51
XenonGMine last time was like this.06:51
sztanphetwhat whoulsd i set to access my desktop from the net on ubuntu06:51
=== xota saluda!
kennytpolpak: i have 650MB CD-RWs and I can remove some unnecessary mess from the /usr tree so that the image is < 650 MB, but can't make it bootable06:51
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feydinXenonG, he continues booting06:51
mweuser-land: I mean if /home already contains user data06:51
feydinXenonG, just wanted to now why this happens06:51
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wildmanxota, hola, but this is an English-only speaking channel06:51
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XenonGHeh, mine way like this when I use Microsoft Vitual PC 2004 dude.06:52
wildmanxota, "/join #ubuntu-es" para espaol06:52
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XenonGHad to wait an extra 1 minute06:52
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roostishawwhat else besides #!/usr/bin/perl can i put at the very beginning of a perl script, to have it interpreted correctly?06:53
Guest477!Microsoft Vitual PC > Guest47706:53
ubotuI know nothing about Microsoft Vitual PC  - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:53
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bikinihow do i change the resolution of my monitor?06:53
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CarlFKbikini: system, prefs, screen res06:53
kennytIs there a way to write the LiveCD to a disk partition and boot from that?06:53
stefgbikini: did you get the pm from ubotu?06:53
bikinistefg: yeah send it again, i accidently closed xchat06:54
CarlFKkennyt: why not just install?06:54
user-landmwe, would that be correct when i am on the new partition ?:  sudo cp -R /home/username .06:54
polpakkennyt, I believe there is a wiki tutorial for customizing the install cd06:54
bikinicarlfk: my new monitor needs a higher resolution than whats offered.06:54
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stefg!fixres > bikini06:54
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kennytCarlFK: the livecd image is too big to fit on the cd-rws i have06:54
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XenonGKennyt, no you will need to format that drive with a file format like ext306:54
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CarlFKuser-land: guessing you want cp -a06:54
soldier914so uhmm can someone help me06:54
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gr33npho3nix!fixres > gr33npho3nix06:54
XenonGto be able to add any data into it06:54
delightdoes anybody know what that .wapi folder is good for in the home folder ?06:54
Mooxhi there. How assign a program to an extension  in gnome?06:55
user-landlike this mwe ?: sudo cp -a /home/usernam .06:55
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delightMoox: easily over properties of a file with whished extension06:55
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ubotuTorrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt) Bittorent faq: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html06:55
bogawhich is better for a dual-head video card, AGP or PCI?06:55
CarlFKkennyt: ah - i misunderstood.  no normal blanks?06:55
ubotuI know nothing about wapi - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:55
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sharmsboga: neither is better specificially for dualhead, although generally agp cards have better 3d performance06:55
kennytCarlFK: nope--and i need to make a ppc livecd :\06:55
Mooxgreat...so easy... thanks delight06:55
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bogasharms: thanx, but I heard that AGP is slowly being phased out!06:56
delightMoox: yes gnome is supposed to work the easy way ;)06:56
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kalosaurusrexNg: so it DOES connect.06:56
CarlFKkennyt: are you trying to install, or just do LIveCD things ?06:56
soldier914yeah i need to know what i have to do ijn that repository06:56
neighborleejust out of curiosity..why in linux do we users have to leave 'x' to install nvidia drivers ?? ;))06:56
sharmsboga: there is a large difference between PCI and PCI-e06:56
kennytCarlFK: i'd like to install06:56
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kalosaurusrexNg: it stops here: debug1: identity file /home/aaron/.ssh/id_dsa type -106:56
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bogasharms: do you know which card is best for Dapper?06:57
polpakkennyt, http://wiki.oss-watch.ac.uk/UbuntuDapper/Remaster06:57
bogaand cheap too!06:57
stefgneighborlee: you dont have to06:57
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CarlFKkennyt: look at the alternate-CD - it is smaller (300?) - but you don't get a full install.  you need to do apt-get install ubuntu-desktop06:57
sharmsboga: any nvidia agp card should be cheap and great, I have a 6600gt agp and it works good and is only $99 or so on ebay06:57
facerapeok ive just installed ubuntu and despite being plugged into my router im not getting any internet on it06:57
facerapeanyone got any ideas?06:57
zabahello help me for apache2 mods_rewrite ples pw..06:58
zaba*pleas pw06:58
user-landmwe, how can i copy my home directory to /dev/sda2 ?06:58
sharmszaba: try #apache06:58
neighborleestefg,true ubuntu is one of the de cent ones where thats not necessary..06:58
CarlFKsharms: I hear nvidia is 'top' - I also hear that the ones that have both vga and ... that other port... will drive 2 displays06:58
neighborleestefg, frankly nm,,I meant toask somewhere else...sorry <<<06:58
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alephant!video < alephant06:58
sharmsCarlFK: dvi, and yes it will :)06:58
ubotuI know nothing about video < alephant - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:58
gr33npho3nixfacerape: does eth0 show up if you type ifconfig06:58
facerapeno idea mate06:58
polpakCarlFK, you can certainly do a full install from the alternate install cd.06:58
facerape<-- linux noob06:58
Imme_emosolwildman that sit is about redhat, it's talkikng about framebuffer graphic driver, but doesn't ubuntu have this by default?06:59
polpakCarlFK, but there are other options as well06:59
Imme_emosolsit =site06:59
sharmsfacerape: I suggest you change your name to something more professional.06:59
=== facerape is now known as chucky
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:59
stefgalephant: try /msg ubotu fishing06:59
sharmschucky: thanks :)06:59
gr33npho3nixchucky: well take a look06:59
wildmanImme-emosol, gotcha. Yep, you might (will) have to 'adapt' to Ubuntu...06:59
chuckywere am i typing this?06:59
gr33npho3nixand if it doesn't the card isnt' up06:59
mweuser-land: first mount /dev/sda2 somewhere06:59
gr33npho3nixin a shell on your machine06:59
user-landchucky, you are in the channel #ubuntu06:59
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mweuser-land: sudo mkdir /mnt/sda2 && sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/sda207:00
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CarlFKkennyt: look at the alternate-CD - it is smaller - not it isn't.  700mb...07:00
sharmschucky: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetAndNetworking07:00
eugmanI'm curious, is there a cli bittorrent client?07:00
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neighborleestefg, ok what I actually meant was the 'offical ' nvidia drivers..those do make you leave X ;))07:00
daphlexhi, how do i check which filesystem i'm using? i can't remember if it's ext3 or ext207:00
mweuser-land: then sudo cp -a /home/<yourusername> /mnt/sda207:00
stefg!info ctorrent07:00
ubotuPackage ctorrent does not exist in dapper07:00
wildmanImme-emosol, even more (confusing), IIRC, 800x600 is the default screen resolution too...07:01
chuckygreenphoenix: where do i put in ifconfig07:01
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wildmanImme-emosol, but if you get a 'small' screen, it may be 640x480 instead07:01
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gr33npho3nixchucky: in a terminal on your ubuntu machine07:01
gr33npho3nixtype ifconfig07:02
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stefg!info rtorrent > eugman07:02
uboturtorrent: ncurses BitTorrent client based on LibTorrent. In repository universe, is extra. Version 0.4.2-1 (dapper), package size 152 kB, installed size 448 kB07:02
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Imme_emosolwildman: iirc?07:02
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chuckyi get eth0 followed by a whole bunch of stuff then lo with more stuff07:02
soldier914so how do i install winex07:02
daphlexanyone?, please07:02
wildmanImme-emosol, make sure the Modes line on your xorg.conf's "Screen" section reads: Modes "800x600" "640x480"07:02
wildmanImme-emosol, IIRC = If I Remember Correctly07:02
gr33npho3nixchucky: try sudo dhclient eth007:02
yanchenghow can i use wget to download a file point by php?07:02
gr33npho3nixchucky: in the terminal07:02
wildmanImme-emosol, make sure the Modes line on your xorg.conf's "Screen" section reads: Modes "800x600" "640x480"07:02
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polpaksoldier914, there is no winex  there is cedega (which used to be called winex) and there's wine07:02
wildmanImme-emosol, and restart X, and cross fingers :)07:02
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oezguerhi, i have logitec notebook  webcam,, what should i do to my friends to see me? at Amsn?? help plssss07:03
chuckyasks for pw07:03
wildmanImme-emosol, make a backup of /etc/X11/xorg.conf before playing with it, needless to say.07:03
yanchengif i access a php web site through firefox, it will prompt me to download. how i can get that file through wget or WebDownloadX?07:03
polpaksoldier914, what games are you wanting to play?07:03
Imme_emosolwildman: ah okay, so it could be 'cause I now have higher resolutions there too... ?07:03
__doc__hi, can anybody recommend a freely avaiable RTS game for ubuntu (preferably multiplayer)07:03
polpakyancheng, the website did the wrong thing setting up the site07:03
Imme_emosolwildman: I've got 4 back-ups now. :p07:03
soldier914polpak,call of duty and call of duty united offensive07:03
wildmanImme-emosol, dunno07:03
chuckyk i get a bunch more stuff07:03
mwesoldier914: to install cedega-cvs you need all the necesary ubuntu devel packages to be installed before you can compile it07:04
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sharms__doc__: not free, but I play warcraft III07:04
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soldier914and how do i do that?07:04
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wildmanImme-emosol, what I do know is that my current resolution is listed first on that line, no matter how many others I have07:04
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Imme_emosolyancheng: you should type the url for that file in the program you want to use.07:04
user-landthank you, mwe, going to reboot to try that.07:04
oezguerhi, i have logitec notebook  webcam,, what should i do to my friends to see me? at Amsn?? help plssss07:04
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Imme_emosolwildman: I'll have a look.07:04
polpak__doc__,  check out the ubuntu gaming forum, there's a list of native and free games that run on linux there07:04
chuckygreenphoenix: i get a bunch of stuff aobut listening and sending07:04
sharmsoezguer: search the forums for "webcam"07:04
feydinhi there, kde does not care about my choice what OS to boot next if i log off07:05
chuckybut the ips are all either or my local ip assigned by my router07:05
feydinim using grub, any suggestions?07:05
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polpaksoldier914, you don't need cedega to run CoD07:05
gr33npho3nixchucky: 255.255 etc is a subnet mask07:05
soldier914you sure?07:05
polpaksoldier914, standard (free) wine will work fine07:05
soldier914you tried it before07:06
Redrosehow do i specify which device I would like nmap to use?07:06
polpaksoldier914, ^^07:06
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chuckyand thats the same subnet i use on my windows b0x07:06
polpaksoldier914, read the link07:06
gr33npho3nixchucky: it it says its recives and address you should be fine07:06
chuckysurely that means i should have some form of communication with the net07:06
gr33npho3nixif you see the same line repeated over and over07:06
polpaksoldier914, you can get wine from www.winehq.org by following the instructions, or you can install the version from the standard repositories07:06
gr33npho3nixthen it means you have other problems07:06
soldier914what avbout united offensive?07:07
chuckyit looks like it makes sence07:07
pdc303Hi, I just installed alternate-6.0.6. Why would xorg mouse driver 'void' not be present?07:07
chuckybut still cant get http pages07:07
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polpaksoldier914, is that a mod? or a sequal?07:07
The_bosshi to everyone, i'm using this OS from about 2 weeks, and i have a little problem: to select some files in a list i've to press down the ctrl button + the windows button. why????07:07
soldier914its a expansion pack07:07
polpaksoldier914, it'll probably work fine07:07
soldier914berings with the call of duty deluxe edition07:08
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polpaksoldier914, unless there's major reworking of the engine (which is unlikely for an expansion)07:08
The_bossany idea?07:08
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soldier914can i play online with wine07:08
wildmanThe_boss, to select non-consecutive files in a list you just have to Ctrl+click07:09
polpakThe_boss, the ctrl button alone works fine for me07:09
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polpaksoldier914, I don't know. why not try and see07:09
The_bosstes, i know that i've to click07:09
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The_bossbut it doesn't work07:09
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The_bosswithout the windows button07:09
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ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.07:09
Imme_emosolTo go to tty1 or 2 or 3 or whatever is Ctrl+ Alt+ F1,2,3,whatever or am i wrong?07:10
wildmanImme-emosol, you are right07:10
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The_bossno idea about to correct this? :-D07:10
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wildmanThe_boss, really strange... Ctrl alone works here w/o any pb at all (and I don't have a US keyboard...)07:11
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Imme_emosolSo why isn't it working :S :(07:11
Ratzilla!tell Ratzilla w32codecs07:11
ubotuI know nothing about tell Ratzilla w32codecs - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:11
wildmanImme-emosol, can't you just open another terminal window?07:11
sharmsImme-emosol: still having an x problem?07:11
user-landhow do i see if it worked, mwe ? how can i delete the home dir files on the old location (/dev/sda1) ?07:11
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The_bossthanks to all :D07:12
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wildmanThe_boss, Ctrl alone works now? :)07:12
Imme_emosolI want to see if I can move this window to a tty window first...07:12
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sharms!tell Ratzilla about win32codecs07:12
ubotuI know nothing about win32codecs - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:12
sharms!tell Ratzilla about w32codecs07:12
Ratzillathanks :)07:12
=== wildman hasn't the slightest idea about what Imme-emosol is trying to accomplish
sharmshehe took long enough07:12
sharmsto switch virtual windows in IRSSI I use alt-1, alt-2, alt-307:13
soldier914omg now i cant reload cause of this cvs shit07:13
tailsfanI'm having trouble install alsa-utils07:13
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sharms!tell tailsfan about sound07:13
soldier914how do i remove it07:13
wildmanImme-emosol, you are on a console already? using a text-based IRC client?07:13
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gregg__Imme_emosol: you can'07:13
Imme_emosolwildman I'm in a termihnal window07:13
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wildmanImme-emosol, and you cannot open another one?07:14
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ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems07:14
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Imme-emosolwildman: I can but want to be in another tty, you know with the black and white07:14
wildmanImme-emosol, Ctrl+Alt+F1 ?07:15
wildmanImme-emosol, pressed in that order ;)07:15
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wildmanImme-emosol, w/o releasing the previously pressed ones07:15
soldier914i cant reload the list of installaed packages07:15
The_bossone things more about my "ctrl button" problem: when i push ctrl and left click appears a "+" as pointer... :-|07:15
soldier914this is the error07:15
soldier914The repository might be no longer available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and the correct writing of the repository address in the preferences.07:15
Imme-emosolwildman: Nope, won't do.07:15
Hoxzer_what is the location of prefix of ffsmpeg libary in ubuntu?07:16
Imme-emosolwildman: wrong keyboard config maybe... :(07:16
wildmanImme-emosol, well... just open another terminal window then :)07:16
saikowhat do you guys use for rar archive extracting ?07:16
sharmswhat is a popular, free to use dynamicdns client for ubuntu?07:16
user-landis there a tutorial for setting up a dual head (two monitors) ?07:16
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saikoi tried xarchiver but i crashed on me :(07:16
wildmansaiko, rar/unrar from universe or multiverse (cannot remember now)07:16
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soldier914so what should i do?07:17
soldier914with thi error07:17
soldier914The repository might be no longer available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and the correct writing of the repository address in the preferences.07:17
saikowildman: you mean the shareware one ?07:17
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gnomefreaksoldier914: what repo?07:17
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soldier914winex cvs i cant remove me07:17
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wildmanI have two Ghostscript interpreters (gs-gpl from Dapper repositories and AFPL compiled from source), and I want to be able to use or or the other in a similar way to Java alternatives, what should I do?07:17
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soldier914E: Type 'cvs' is not known on line 37 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list07:18
soldier914E: The list of sources could not be read.07:18
soldier914Go to the repository dialog to correct the problem.07:18
soldier914E: Type 'cvs' is not known on line 37 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list07:18
soldier914E: Unable to lock the list directory07:18
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soldier914but thats the error07:18
Imme_emosolHow would I go aout figuring out my monitor chipset from cl?07:18
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wildmansaiko: unrar-free - Unarchiver for .rar files OR unrar - Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)07:18
wildmanImme-emosol, lspci07:18
gnomefreaksoldier914: ok open /etc/apt/sources.list using gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the word cvs from line 37 and than save and exit it07:19
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saikowildman: ok, thx i'll look into it07:19
gnomefreakImme_emosol: montior chipset?07:19
soldier914where do i type all that?07:19
wildmanlspci | grep -i vga to be more precise Imme-emosol07:19
wildmansaiko, welcomed. good luck.07:19
gnomefreaksoldier914: open a terminal and type gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list07:19
stefgvga == VGA !07:19
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tmccraryxorg sucks07:20
stefgtmccrary: feel free to use a console only system :-)07:20
gnomefreaktmccrary: than dont use it07:20
Imme_emosolgnomefreak: chipset for monitor. :)07:20
soldier914okay now what07:20
gnomefreaksoldier914: ldid you save07:20
wildmantmccrary, everything one cannot solve sucks actually07:21
wildmantmccrary, doesn't it?07:21
gnomefreaksoldier914: than exit and type sudo apt-get update in terminal07:21
wildmanstefg, for grep vga != VGA07:21
mwegnomefreak: I think he's trying to install cedega-cvs I don't think that will work with apt07:21
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gnomefreakno you cant install it with apt (wish he would have said that :(07:22
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gnomefreaksoldier914: what are you doing when you get that error?07:22
soldier914E: Type 'cvs' is not known on line 37 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list07:23
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stefgwildman: that's what i tried ta say lspci | grep vga returns nothing lspci | grep VGA does07:23
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gnomefreaksoldier914: what are you doing to get that error?07:23
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wildmanstefg, yep07:23
=== wildman asking about Ghostscript again
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wildmanI have two Ghostscript interpreters (gs-gpl from Dapper repositories and AFPL compiled from source), and I want to be able to use or or the other in a similar way to Java alternatives, what should I do?07:23
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gnomefreaksoldier914: what are you trying to do?07:24
wildmanor or -> _one_ or07:24
soldier914i am trying to take off cvs07:24
soldier914from repositories07:24
soldier914cause i cant get wine07:24
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gnomefreaksoldier914: ok you are trying to install wine?07:24
gnomefreaksoldier914: sudo apt-get install wine gives you that error?07:24
soldier914let me07:25
yggdrasilhey tomatix are you around ?07:25
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tmccrarywildman: You bet it does07:25
soldier914E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)07:25
soldier914E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?07:25
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soldier914what do i do?07:25
soldier914i get those eroor when i type sudo apt-get install win07:25
gnomefreaksoldier914: ok first stop pasteing07:26
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yggdrasilsoldier type sudo and then do it.07:26
gnomefreaksoldier914: second close synaptic07:26
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Imme_emosolIs there a way of checking which drivers you've got installed and wich you are using?07:26
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nfefnksoldier914: close synaptic07:26
wildmanImme-emosol, read xorg.conf07:26
gnomefreakyggdrasil: another process using it means he has 2 or more apt sessions running07:27
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yggdrasilgnome freak yes ;(07:27
gnomefreaksoldier914: close the gui package manager07:27
soldier914i have nothing open now07:27
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nfefnksoldier914: you cant have synaptic running and use apt-get at the same time07:27
soldier914i closed everything07:27
gnomefreakok now type sudo apt-get install wine07:27
soldier914something with cvs man07:27
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soldier914the same error with cvs07:28
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gr33npho3nixchucky: is your router setup right07:28
gnomefreaksoldier914: type gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list for me again07:28
soldier914it says Type 'cvs' is not known on line 37 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list........07:28
yggdrasili just got dreamweaver running with wine !!! its awesome07:28
gnomefreaksoldier914: let me know when it opens07:28
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soldier914okay it opened07:28
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Alex0rDreamweaver on wine is easy to do.07:29
gnomefreaksoldier914: on line 37 can you tell me word for word or just paste line 37 here07:29
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eva_Please help!! I installed cups, I'm trying to add a new printer, but it asks me for login and password, then I give my login & Pass and it doesn't let me in.07:29
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Alex0rWrong password?07:29
Alex0rTry root as user, and then your root password07:29
soldier914line 37?07:29
soldier914i dont see the number 3707:30
soldier914sorry im kind of new at tghis07:30
yggdrasileva_ its probobly talking about the password on the computer your trying to connect to, is it a windows computer connected to the rinter07:30
eva_Alex0r: I have Ubuntu, no root password and I did type the password right07:30
gnomefreaklook on the bottom right of gedit you will see line numbers07:30
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eva_Nooo, please, cups server is the same computer07:30
soldier914cvs -d:pserver:cvs@cvs.transgaming.org:/cvsroot login07:31
jribeva_: can you use system > administration > printing instead or do you really want the web interface?07:31
gnomefreakeva_: does sudo apt-get update work?07:31
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eva_Is running Ubuntu07:31
ubotuI know nothing about qtdir - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:31
soldier914gnomefreak you got that?07:31
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Alex0rYeah, I'm sure you typed the wrong password07:31
Alex0rOr username07:31
gnomefreaksoldier914: no07:31
soldier914cvs -d:pserver:cvs@cvs.transgaming.org:/cvsroot login07:31
Alex0rTry again, and then try re-installing.07:31
eva_jrib: That's the thing, that I want the server tu run even if I'm not in graphical desktop07:31
wildmanbye *07:31
gnomefreaksoldier914: get rid of that line07:31
johan_I am installing mozplayerxp (mplayer plugin for firefox), and I'm supposed to put them in mozilla/plugins. I have no such folder in .mozilla, so where should I put them?07:31
gnomefreakall of it07:31
tmccraryanyone here familiar with git?07:31
tmccrarydefaulting to local storage area07:31
tmccraryfatal: unexpected EOF07:31
tmccraryclone-pack from 'git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/util-makedepend' failed.07:31
tmccraryI get that07:31
soldier914now what?07:31
soldier914save it and exit?07:31
gnomefreaksoldier914: hold on07:31
gnomefreaksoldier914: line 36 adn 38 anything on them?07:32
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Alex0rJohan_: make that folder07:32
dngldoofhey, anyone familiar with installing Ardour?07:32
Alex0rNever heard of it, sorry.07:32
soldier914in line 36"universe"07:32
johan_Alex0r: okay.07:32
mlehrer_i installed it once a couple of years ago07:32
jribeva_: well you can just add the printer using the gui interface right?  But if you still want to use the web interface, then the bottom of /usr/share/doc/cupsys/README.Debian.gz is for you07:32
mlehrer_it required jackd iirc07:32
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soldier914line 38 "deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt dapper main"07:32
johan_dngldoof: I am. It was a year ago though, didn't get it to wokr07:32
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gnomefreaksoldier914: can you give me line 3607:33
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jaeki'm running edgy and gnome terminal keeps on resizing itself when i change tabs... anyone know how to fix this?07:33
soldier914deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security universe07:33
gnomefreaksoldier914: save and close it07:33
dngldoofjohan_: hmm.. too bad, since I'd like to make it work07:33
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule07:33
user-landhello, i would like to correct https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XineramaHowTo, the file is called xorg.conf here, not Xorg.conf, is that on Ubuntu 6.06 only ?07:33
soldier914no what?07:33
gnomefreaksoldier914: now type sudo apt-get update07:33
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eva_jrib: Please can't you just tell me?07:33
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule07:33
soldier914okay its done07:34
=== kitche [n=dragon@pool-129-44-140-246.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreaksoldier914: now try sudo apt-get install wine07:34
soldier914gnomefreak,it's done07:34
nathan_who r u people07:34
jribeva_: I've never done it myself, so I don't know without reading that again myself, just read it and go to the end, then read that page.  If you can't find it, I'll help you07:34
dngldoofwell, does anyone know what is QTDIR?07:34
Alex0rLearn proper grammar, nathan_.07:34
Pandora82I have terrible problems with playing DVDs... well, I can't watch DVDs on my ubuntu (got all codecs)07:34
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sharms!tell eva_ about printing07:34
Alex0rWhat are you using to play them?07:34
gnomefreaknathan_: go to #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat please07:34
Pandora82I can't evenmount them07:35
nathan_i talk im slang07:35
Alex0rWhat type of file are they?07:35
sharmsnathan_: if you have a ubuntu question ask it, if you want to just type random characters visit #ubuntu-offtopic07:35
soldier914Okay it's done07:35
Pandora82original DVDs from the shop, it's .vob or something? movies07:35
gnomefreaksoldier914: there you go ;)07:35
nathan_how do you use it07:35
soldier914thank you sir07:35
soldier914= )07:35
jribnathan_: use what?07:36
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sharms!tell nathan_ about ubuntu07:36
soldier914now ima go check if it can insall wine07:36
soldier914i mean call of duty07:36
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friend32e321 what's a good linux comand to execute a system pause until the user presses some key?07:36
eva_jrib: How do i read this .gz?07:36
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Alex0rPandora82: err, I don't think those files are supported07:36
soldier914it doesnt wanna run the cd07:36
jribeva_: zless /path/to/file.gz07:36
sharmsfriend32e321: sleep07:36
soldier914just open a new wind07:36
gnomefreaksoldier914: it wont07:36
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Alex0rPandora: are you trying to rip the DVDs, then burn them?07:37
Pandora82Alex but it must be possible to watch ordinary DVDs (rent or bought) on ubuntu...07:37
soldier914it opens the new window showing the files in it07:37
soldier914= \07:37
gnomefreaksoldier914: you have to have the .exe file saved to your pc07:37
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Pandora82alex no way. I bought them and only want to watch em07:37
gnomefreaksoldier914: yes i would think that would be the one (im not a wine person)07:37
miloszzhi, could you inform me, how to make my quadrophonic speakers work properly? i use sb live card07:38
sharms!tell Pandora82 about dvd07:38
Alex0rPandora: sorry I misunderstood you. try Videolan media player07:38
soldier914Couldn't display "/home/soldier/Desktop/Setup.exe".07:38
amortvigildoes anyone know how to install the php5 librarys in mysql?07:38
Alex0rMaybe it's too complex?07:38
gnomefreaksoldier914: is setup.exe on your desktop?07:38
soldier914i copied it from the cd07:38
Alex0ryou need all the files from the cd07:39
Pandora82Alex the prob is: since I can't mount the DVD, it seems to be impossible to open them with any player07:39
gnomefreaksoldier914: cd Desktop07:39
gnomefreaksoldier914: type that07:39
sharms!tell amortvigil about mysql07:39
soldier914on terminal?07:39
gnomefreaksoldier914: now type wine setup.exe07:39
gnomefreaksoldier914: yes07:39
kitchePandora82 you don't mount video dvds07:39
=== xlumin [n=xlumin@dyn-62-56-83-134.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
xluminhi all07:40
=== gnomefreak brb
tmccrarygit = worst code revisioning system ever made07:40
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Pandora82ok... nice that somebody tells me... ;-) so how do I open them with e.g. VLC07:40
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kitchetmccrary: git is good you just need to read the docs07:40
tmccrarywhoever wrote it should be stabbed in the eyes with a spoon until death07:40
tmccraryNo, git sucks07:40
Alex0rput the disk in your dvd drive, then go open directory with VLC07:40
soldier914now it couldnt load some codll.dll file07:40
tmccraryfatal: unexpected EOF07:40
xlumini'm currently struggling to install dapper on my (currently gentoo'd) PowerBook Pismo07:40
soldier914something like that07:40
trappisttmccrary: do you have a technical criticism or are you a troll?07:40
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Alex0rand then find your dvd directory, click it, and voila07:41
soldier914do i have tio make a folder with all the files from the cd in it?07:41
sponixPandora82:  do you have libdvdcss2 and libdvdread ?07:41
xluminan i'm getting weird errors from gnome on login (to the livecd)07:41
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tmccraryI'm pretty pissed, but a quick google search shows I'm not alone07:41
Pandora82sponix yes07:41
tmccrarygit is unreliable07:41
soldier914gnomefreak,do i have to make a folder with all the files from the cd?07:41
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sponixPandora82:  ok, what exactly was your issue, again /07:41
xlumingnome-settings-daemon and bonobo don't seem to be starting, so i got no nautilus07:41
Alex0rHe couldn't mount a DVD07:41
soldier914copy and paste all the files from the cd to the new folder on the desktop?07:41
Alex0rBut you don't mount a DVD.. He wanted to watch it07:42
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xluminand ubiquity won't start, so i can't actually install, i'm confused..07:42
sponixPandora82:  oh, well a DVD should mount, no matter what, even if you can't play the movie files off of it07:42
ulaashiya. anyone had luck with XGL on dapper?07:42
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user-landNow i have a problem with the screen resolution, the system preferences only allow up to 1024 pixels, but my monitor has 1280 ...07:42
xluminanybody ever have any issues like that?07:42
Alex0rXGL + Dapper = Alex cant do07:42
tmccrarydefaulting to local storage area07:42
tmccraryfatal: unexpected EOF07:42
tmccraryclone-pack from 'git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/util/makedepend' failed.07:42
tmccrarygit = AWESOME07:43
sponixPandora82:  to watch with mplayer, its normally mplayer dvd://1 or for vlc you can go to open disc and tell it dvd://1 (if title1 is the movie)07:43
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ulaasAlex0r: nvidia?07:43
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Pandora82sponix that doesn't work07:43
sponixPandora82:  some players (kaffeine) are smart enough to just play the movie by finding the main title though07:43
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sponixPandora82:  any errors ?07:44
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soldier914anyone here can help me with my call of duty installation?07:44
ulaasAlex0r: whats your problem? maybe we share...07:44
Axe_Hello.. how do I enable more screen resolutions to be chosen07:44
Axe_editing some X config file Im' sure07:44
Pandora82not with VLC, Mplayer brought some errors07:44
Alex0rMine just flat out wont install07:44
Alex0rBut I never tried again07:44
kitcheAxe_: edit xorg.conf07:44
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Alex0rImma go on Ubuntu07:44
Alex0rBeeeee right back07:44
sponixPandora82:  mplayer -v -d /dev/dvd might show the layout of the dvd, and you can play guess and test on what title you need to play etc07:44
Axe_kitche: where is that located07:44
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jrib!fixres > soldier91407:44
rhicanis it easy/safe to replace gdm with kdm on an ubuntu?07:44
amortvigilsharms i have lamp but in order to get php5 woring together with mysql you have to add --with-mysql in a configuration file07:44
kitcheAxe_: /etc/X1107:45
jrib!fixres > Axe_07:45
xluminAxe /etc/X11/Xorg.conf07:45
jribsoldier914: sorry, that wasn't for you07:45
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soldier914oh okaay07:45
ForeClosurewhats the different if i install unbuntu in VMware and normal pc ?07:45
gnomefreakok sorry phone im back07:45
sponixrhican:  yeah, its not hard, there is only one file to edit.. want me to look it up for ya ?07:45
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rhicandon't bother i'll google it later today07:46
gnomefreaksoldier914: look for the .exe files and tell me what their names are07:46
kitcheamirtvigil to get php5 to work with mysql you would add --with-mysql during the configure stage07:46
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Pandora82failed to open dvd... that's what mplayer says07:47
xavihi, i've a problem with dapper, i can't boot with acpi enabled. I've a Toshiba Satellite M70-165. Can anyone help me?07:47
soldier914gnomefreak,the setup and launch.exe are the only .exe files in the cd07:48
xluminok guys, seriously tho, has anyone had any issues with the livecd not starting CORBA/bonobo/GSD properly, an therefore not bein able to get ubiquity to start?07:48
soldier914well in the main folder07:48
gnomefreaksoldier914: launch.exe save that to desktop07:48
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chuckyive got google to load but i cant get other pages to work07:48
sponixrhican:  /etc/X11/default-display-manager   just change from gdm to kdm in that file... I have ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu all installed, but as long as you have a working kdm that should pick right up07:48
chuckyi can do a search on google but cant follow any of the links it provides07:48
gnomefreaksoldier914: once that is saved try wine launch.exe07:49
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sponixPandora82:  have you tried just mount /dev/dvd /mnt to see if you can browse the files on it ?07:49
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soldier914but i made a new folder07:49
rhicansponix, many tnx ;)07:49
soldier914with all the files in it07:49
soldier914on my desktop07:49
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gnomefreaksoldier914: whats the folders name?07:49
soldier914i named it Call Of Duty07:50
xavihi, i've a problem with dapper, i can't boot with acpi enabled. I've a Toshiba Satellite M70-165. Can anyone help me?07:50
soldier914this is what i did07:50
Pandora82sponix it says: mount: you must specify the filesystem type07:50
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soldier914i made a new folder in the desktop naming it Call Of Duty07:50
ajaycrichiefrich, Oo07:50
gnomefreakok soldier914 try to run it as i said if not cd Call Of Duty07:50
soldier914then i copied all the fuiles from the cd to the new folders07:50
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ajaycxavi, whats the prob?07:50
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gnomefreaksoldier914: wine wont run everything so im not real sure if it will run this game.07:51
soldier914it will07:51
soldier914i sawe it07:51
gnomefreaksoldier914: if my way doesnt work i would try in #winehq07:51
xavii can't boot my computer with acpi07:51
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s34nhas anybody else seen ubuntu eject cds for no reason?07:51
ajaycxavi, append acpi=force07:51
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xaviajayc, i try it07:52
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ubotuI know nothing about JACK - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:52
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Pandora82so any ideas how it get to watch my DVDs on my ubuntu?07:52
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jrib!dvd > Pandora8207:52
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gumpishIs there a way I can look for devices? (ie I'd like to be able to figure out what's Ubuntu says "/dev/hdb" is, etc.)07:54
soldier914okay gnome07:54
soldier914i copied and pasted setup.exe from the cd to the desktop but when i run it with wine........ii get get an error saying "Could not load the dll library Z:\home\soldier\desktop\setup\rsrc\coddll.dll Module Not found.07:54
soldier914what do i do?07:54
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gnomefreaksoldier914: try the launch.exe file07:55
gnomefreaksoldier914: wine launch.exe07:55
Pandora82jrib I did everything on this page (the libs, the codecs) but it still doesn't work07:55
arrakn0which packets do i have to install to change my kernel version to 686 ????07:55
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jribPandora82: you installed dvdcss?07:55
Alex0rAlrighty, back07:55
ubotuI know nothing about hyperthreading - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:55
soldier914access denied07:56
soldier914gnomefreak,it said acces denied07:56
Pandora82libdvdcss2 yes07:56
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adamlinuxhow to install audacious media player ubuntu dapper?07:56
gnomefreaksoldier914: ok try sudo wine launch.exe07:56
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jribPandora82: what player are you using?07:56
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ChadWicki need some help with permissions07:56
soldier914gnomefreak,access denied07:57
Pandora82tried it with xine, vlc, ... but I think the problem is not the player but the computer doesn't detect the DVD07:57
=== xavi [n=xavi@186.Red-81-47-175.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
ForeClosurewhich is better ? mplayer ? or xine ?07:57
ChadWicki need help setting the permissions for the /usr folder.07:57
jribForeClosure: mplayer imo, but both are good07:57
kitchesoldier914: and gnomefreak soudns like a permission problem07:57
Pandora82it often says no medium found, no filetype spedified and stuff like that07:58
gumpishI ran: mkfs.ext3 /dev/hdb and Ubuntu says "/dev/hdb is apparently in use by the system..." but running mount shows that it's not being used at all... wtf?07:58
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kitchegumpish /dev/hdb is the drive but its probably being used as /dev/hdb107:58
xaviit doesn't boot  with acpi=off. I only can boot with acpi=off07:59
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jribPandora82: can you pastebin the errors from 'mplayer dvd://' and does the drive work with normal cd's ok?07:59
gumpishbut mount doesn't show ANY partition on "hdb" at all... no hdb1, hdb2... nothing with hdb07:59
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Alex0rdoes dapper already have xgl installed?07:59
xavisorry, it doesn't boot  with acpi=force. I only can boot with acpi=off07:59
xopheranyone interested in trying out bmpx amd64 debs?07:59
Pandora82jrib yes, and it works well with cds07:59
ForeClosurewhats the package if i wanna read .nfo files ?07:59
Alex0rcoz it seems like i have it installed07:59
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gnomefreaksoldier914: is there a lock icon on that folder on your desktop?07:59
=== edan [n=edan@ppp105-25.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
edanhi all08:00
soldier914i deleted the folder08:00
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GaiaX11Is there any program for Linux which emulates AutoCad for Windows?08:00
edanI have a slight wifi prob. I have a rt2500 based card in my machine and I want to use WPA08:00
Pandora82jrib where can I post the shell message?08:00
jribPandora82: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/08:00
gnomefreaksoldier914: oh ok08:00
edanso I config the card in /etc/network/interfaces and when my machine boots, it works fine, connects with WPA fine08:00
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GaiaX11There is an engineer here asking me about this. Any hints?08:01
gnomefreaksoldier914: im not really sure what to say other than please try in #winehq if noone in here knows08:01
gumpishapropos seems to be broken - it only says "nothing appropriate" no matter what I search for.08:01
Pandora82done jrib08:01
jribPandora82: url?08:01
=== schmity [n=JollySch@c-68-35-12-244.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ForeClosurehow i wanna read .nfo files ?08:01
soldier914i did08:01
kitcheGaiaX11 I think autocad runs under wine fine08:01
edanthen after a few seconds, it stops working but if I disable/enable the card it works fine and doesn't fail08:01
soldier914no one will answer08:01
edanany idea08:01
sri_drop sri_ kodali08:01
gnomefreakGaiaX11: iirc there are a few autocad programs in apt08:01
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edanactually, if I jsut open network-admin and delete th eDNS so the card resets, it start working08:02
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GaiaX11gnomefreak: Could you tell me which ones?08:02
immeHow come my other workspaces suddenly dissappeared:S ?08:02
gnomefreakGaiaX11: hold that thought let me look08:02
immeNo Ctrl+Alt+2 either...08:03
gnomefreakGaiaX11: are you on dapper?08:03
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gnomefreakGaiaX11: here is one qcad08:03
gnomefreakthat looks like best one08:03
mcphailwhat 32-bit kernel are the AMD athlon users using? k7 or i686?08:04
xavidoes anyone know how to boot my Toshiba satellite with acpi enabled? I only can boot it with acpi=off. I've dapper08:04
gnomefreakGaiaX11: antlr another one08:04
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=== soldier914 sighs
=== blakkino [n=BLaCk@host94-218.pool8254.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
ChadWickcan someone maybe personaly help me with a permissions problem im having08:05
=== Pandora82 drinks some wine
Alex0rI'm drinking cider >_>08:05
=== Firebird8 [n=wilson@pool-141-156-43-42.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
mcphailI have just apt-got the k7 kernel (having been using 686) but X will not start, claiming it cannot load the nvidia driver. Any ideas?08:05
jribPandora82: can you browse the contents of the dvd?08:05
Pandora82is cider available for linux too?08:05
Pandora82jrib no - or at least I don't know how08:06
PanicFoi have an sql dump file containing several databases.. how can i import it to my mysql server in ubuntu?08:06
kitchemcphail: when you switch kernels the modules have to be recompiled08:06
kitcheor reinstalled08:06
immePanicFo, what do you mean bij sql dump file?08:07
mcphailkitche: apt-get install claims it is at the latest version. Should I be using a different command?08:07
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xavidoes anyone know how to boot a Toshiba satellite m70 with acpi enabled? I only can boot it with acpi=off. I've dapper08:07
sri_register srikanth manmadha08:07
Alex0rwoot, <3 SLED menu08:07
PanicFoive recently switched from winxp to ubuntu and i need to get my databases into ubuntu08:07
jribPandora82: what does 'mount' say?  (pastebin)08:07
Pandora82jrib when I try to doubleclick the device it says: mount: no medium found (so I can't open it to browse)08:07
kitchemcphail: I think you might have to uninstall it and reinstall I tend to grab nvidia drivers right from their site so I know that it will work08:08
PanicFoby dump file i mean that i made a dump of all the contents on the old server08:08
immePanicFo, do you have phpmyadmin or something similar installed?08:08
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PanicFoaye but it fails08:08
immePanicFo,  how come?08:08
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mcphailkitche: ok, thanks.08:08
PanicFoi think its a syntax error08:08
Pandora82jrib http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1837008:09
kkmani am trying to get persistent vnc on Ubuntu08:09
kkman(using http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122402&page=12&highlight=vnc)08:09
jstewI have a printign problem. I just upgraded to dapper and I'm connected to a printer through SMB and now I have to put in my username, password, SMB share and printer settings for the printer whenever I log off.08:09
PanicFoi used "mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases to make the dump08:09
jstewHow can I make the settings permanent like they were in breezy?08:09
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jribPandora82: nah, just 'mount' by itself, and throw in 'dmesg | tail' too after trying to view the dvd08:10
immePanicFo, what does phpmyadmin say then?08:10
kkmanwhen i try to connect to the server i it gets disconnected immediately!! syslog on the server says "xinetd[4858] : earning: can't get client address: Transport endpoint is not connected"08:10
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Alex0rCalm down08:11
Pandora82jrib only type in "mount"? it says nothing and dmesg | tail says http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1837108:11
Alex0rconnect to what server..?08:11
ltibor65Hi guys! Help! How can I remove a program which was installed from source with make install?08:11
Alex0rDelete the crap?08:12
kkmanto the ubuntu server i want vnc to run on08:12
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Alex0rHmm. weird08:12
GaiaX11gnomefreak: Thanks very much!08:12
Alex0rI've never seen that error08:12
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jribPandora82: hrmm mount should output /etc/mtab, what does 'cat /etc/mtab' say?08:13
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Specltibor65: the correct answer is: "<Alex0r> Delete the crap?"08:13
Pandora82jrib nothing as well...08:13
user-landHow can i see how full partitions are ?08:13
Specuser-land: df -h08:13
Specuser-land: if they're mounted08:13
user-landthanks, Spec.08:14
user-landIs there also an application showing the space folders use, recursively ?08:14
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Specuser-land: you can also sit in the mount point and do crazy stuff like: du -chs *08:14
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Specuser-land: yes, du -chs .08:14
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ltibor65Spec, what?08:14
Specuser-land: or you can do crazier stuff like: find . |du -hc08:15
Specltibor65: to uninstall a program installed by 'make install'08:15
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jribPandora82: that's strange.  I'm not an expert on this stuff, but what does /etc/fstab contain?  Have you rebooted recently?08:15
dribbleharumph -- myspace went flash9?08:15
Specltibor65: look in the makefile, maybe there's a remove or uninstall -- but i doubt it08:15
Specltibor65: the best way is to look in the makefile, see where it installed crap, and delete said crap08:15
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wspinellij/ #ubuntu-br08:15
Alex0rSigh - Just find the stuff and hit the delete key on it's folder08:15
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Alex0rEasier than pie08:16
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user-landSpec, i just moved my home dir to its own partition on /dev/sda2. How can i delete the old data on /dev/sda1 (/) ?08:16
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Pandora82fstab contains: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1837208:16
Specuser-land: why would you want to delete your root directory? are you reinstalling?08:16
ubotuI know nothing about backup - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:17
Alex0ruser-land: use the delete command under sudo08:17
Specdamn that's bad08:17
user-landSpec, i only want to delete /home which was on the root partition.08:17
Specno backup for ubotu08:17
Alex0rwhat about delete /home08:17
Alex0rsudo delete /home08:17
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Specrm = delete08:18
jribPandora82: did you modify that?08:18
Alex0rSorry, I didn't know that command08:18
Jack_Sparrowuser-land: Read this first to make sure you get everything you need backed up  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem08:18
Alex0rImma nub08:18
Specuser-land: are you running off /dev/sda1?08:18
user-landwell /home is now on its own partition, i want to delete the home data on the root partition where it was earlier today.08:18
jstewAnyone else ever run into the problem of cups losing it's settings after logout?08:18
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Specuser-land: or on a live cd?08:18
Pandora82jrib yes because I try to solve this problem for days now08:18
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user-landoff /dev/sda108:18
Alex0rjstew: I think that problem is common, live with it08:18
Specuser-land: you should rm -rf /home/* and then mount /dev/sda2 /home08:19
Alex0rThere could be an option to remember all the info though08:19
Specuser-land: then adjust your fstab to always mount /dev/sda2 to /home08:19
Alex0rLook around cups, I'd find it but I do not have or use it08:19
jonah1980hi would anyone please be kind enough to help me set up mythtv, i think everything is installed, i've tried reading howtos and googling but when you type stuff and different things happen to what your told should you get lost! now i don't know where to go and how to get it up working. could anyone please give me a hand?08:19
jribPandora82: I should have asked this earlier, but have you tried different dvd's?08:19
immeHow does the bot work?08:19
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage08:19
Specimme: read UbotuUsage08:19
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user-landi did change fstab as you suggested, but i think you mentioned the solution: i should delete the old data while booting from a livecd.08:20
Alex0rI thought spec was a bot.. lol08:20
kalilagmail is slowing down my browser considerably lately08:20
Pandora82jrib yes. I also tried DVDs that worked in my device (under ... windows... *duck and cover*)08:20
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adamJdribble, i am glad that i never got into myspace...when did they go to 9? I was just there the other day t the request of my little brother08:20
dribbleadamJ, just signed in today, got the notice -- all vids flash 908:21
user-landjonah1980, maybe try a dedicated mythtv forum or so if you don't get replies here.08:21
Alex0ri don't even have macromedia flash on ubuntu - it wont install in my firefox08:21
_Roconda_wheee I got ubuntu stickers :')08:21
dribbleAlex0r, install it through apt08:21
Alex0rah, okay08:21
tmccrary_Roconda_: I just got my ubuntu discs today too :)08:21
jonah1980user-land, thanks i'll try them again but last time they gave me a speech about how newbs shouldn't even try stuff like myth which didn't really help me much08:21
jstewAlex0r: live with it? thanks, bnut no thanks.08:21
jribPandora82: ok, right now, /mnt/dvd is empty right?08:21
_Roconda_tmccrary: I got my cds today too :)08:22
Alex0rlook around for a remember option08:22
_Roconda_with the stickers08:22
adamJi went to the flash website and i searched the internet yesterday (the Transformers Movie website uses Flash 9) and they are saying that 9.5 will be the next linux release08:22
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Pandora82jrib yes sir08:22
jribPandora82: 'sudo mount -a', does 'mount' then return something?08:22
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immeMozilla is acting up here... :S08:22
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Pandora82jrib mount: /dev/hda6 already mounted or /home busy08:23
immeanyone else same problem?08:23
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user-landi am sorry, jonah1980; i was wondering about mythtv today. is it well integrated in ubuntu now ? a year ago it was easier to use a mythtv distro for it.08:23
Rocondahow can I apt-get opera?, how is that package called ?08:23
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Alex0rsudo apt-get install flash to install flash..?08:23
jribPandora82: alright, well I don't know, sorry.  I think you should look into why /etc/mtab is empty, that might have something to do with it08:23
jstewEverything looks good in /etc/cups/printers.conf. Must be a problem with gnome-cups-manager overwriting the settings on each start08:24
jribAlex0r: flashplugin-nonfree (after enabling multiverse)08:24
crimsunRoconda: use Applications> Add/Remove App...   and choose the commercial section08:24
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Pandora82jrib but before I "worked" on this it was not empty and DVDs didn't work as well08:24
jonah1980user-land, well it's suppsed to be easy but i'm stuck. i added a repository and that seemed to install everything you need, plugins etc etc and the interface comes up etc i'm just stuck with the mysql and login/password and localhost bits etc08:24
Alex0rjrib: how to I enable multiverse?08:24
jrib!multiverse > Alex0r08:24
snedarhi! can I use chroot from the livecd to restore grub? and if so, how? now it cannot find /dev/sda.08:24
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource08:25
Rocondaahh crimsun I didnt know where that option was, it was first in System -> admin08:25
saikoi don't understand the unrar (non-free) command, i'm trying to extract some rar archive, but so far no luck, any help ?08:25
user-landi see, jonah1980. hopefully someone will give you a hand here at another time. try often :-)08:25
jribsaiko: have you tried double clicking on it?08:25
saikoi doesn't work08:25
jonah1980user-land, thanks i'll keep trying08:25
Kajasaiko, man unrar08:26
saikoit opens archive manager instead and it fails08:26
Jack_Sparrowsaiko: unrar does work.  What are you trying to install that is not from the repositories08:26
jribsaiko: well the cli syntax is 'unrar x file.rar' iirc08:26
Jack_SparrowHi jrib08:26
jrib(but archive manager should open rar if you have it installed)08:26
Alex0rwoot, dling like 400 files now08:27
jribJack_Sparrow: hello08:27
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saikook, i'll try it and read the manual first as well, thx everyone :)08:27
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gumpishWhy does mkfs reserve 5% of the blocks on a partition for "super user"?08:27
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jdierjust installed xmms skins package via synaptic...  how can I determine which directory the skins were put in?08:27
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jribjdier: dpkg -L package_name08:28
user-landjonah1980, are you going to edit the wiki entry for mythtv too ?08:28
Cooner750Does anyone know of a Jabber instant messenger server (besides Wildfire) that does not need Java to run?08:28
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HedgeMageCooner750: ejabberd08:28
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JDahlgumpish: so that mailservers, logs, etc. have some space left even if a user fills up the disk08:28
jonah1980user-land, sorry what do you mean?08:28
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jribPandora82: your best bet is to try the mailing list and/or forums08:28
Cooner750Can it be installed via apt-get?08:28
Alex0rflashplugin-nonfree is flash version 708:29
Pandora82jrib already done (two german forums... we're working on it)08:29
HedgeMageCooner750: but it's in erlang.08:29
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gumpishI see - I assume that not all filesystems support the concept of reserving blocks for admin users...08:29
SpecAlex0r: you thought i was a bot? :-/08:29
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Alex0rlol, yeah08:29
Alex0rcoz of your name08:30
JDahlgumpish: actually that's what it does...08:30
Alex0rflash still wont install08:30
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gumpishright - but that's unique to ext2/3?08:30
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Jack_Sparrowjrib: how busy are you?  I have a program I want to test.  RealBasic 2006 3 meg file.  Nothing more than a list box and a pic box to test portability of code..08:31
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Jack_SparrowAlexblame flash.. not ubuntu08:31
jribJack_Sparrow: I'm actually about to step out, but /msg me and I'll take a look later08:31
ChadWickhow do change the permission for the /usr folder? it wont let me?08:31
JDahlgumpish: I don't know, but I would guess that it's not that special a feature08:31
Jack_Sparrowwhere can I send it..?08:31
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Jack_SparrowYo Ho08:32
Alex0rYarrrrrr matey08:32
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jdierjrib, thank you.  When going back to synaptic to verify the exact name of the package I also saw that under properties I could see everywhere synaptic had put files.08:32
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ChadWickCAN someone please help me?08:32
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imme990 kb/s is that about T1 ?08:33
rio_howw do I view my cpu temperature08:33
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saikosorry, what's the command to remove directory which isn't empty - rmdir .. ?08:33
jdierjrib - thanks for the command line instructions though!  I am a newbie, but trying hard to learn more and more about command line.  Very much appreciate the help.08:33
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Alex0rflashplugin-nonfree wont setup08:33
JDahlsaiko: rm -rf dir08:33
rio_it's scorching over here in the uk, had a bios cpu overheat warning, put a new chassis fan in and want to keep an eye on how its doing08:33
Alex0rand now its stuck in terminal08:33
narfmasterChadWick, why on Earth?08:33
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Alex0rand i cant install anything else08:33
Pandora82why do I always have the hard-to-solve problems08:34
saikoJDahl: thank you08:34
immeChadWick, what error does it give you? Or does it say nothing?08:34
narfmasterChadWick, do not change your permissions on the /usr folder08:34
ChadWicki want to change the permission of the /usr folder so i can place files in there08:34
narfmasterChadWick, no - bad idea08:34
ChadWickhow gdo you install program into there then?08:34
ChadWicklike firefox i want to upgrade it08:34
Alex0rI'm about to format my PC again08:35
narfmasterChadWick, you use something like Synaptic08:35
Alex0rEverything is borked08:35
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Alex0rSetting up flashplugin-nonfree....08:35
Pandora82ha and I'm about to wish to have windows back.. kind of08:35
Alex0rI use windows alot08:35
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zoidberghey there guys08:35
ballpointcarrotwhat's the trouble Pandora?08:35
Alex0rnice name ^_^08:36
zoidbergi have a somewhat simple terminal question08:36
ballpointcarrotzoidberg: go ahead08:36
Pandora82ballpointcarrot I can't watch DVDs08:36
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zoidbergcan two people, both who are ssh enabled send text messages to each other using just the terminal08:36
gumpishJDahl: how do "reserved block" prevent file fragmentation?08:36
zoidbergwithout any other application08:36
Alex0rzoidberg: no. don't think so.08:36
jonah1980tried to reset my database but i get this error: http://pastebin.ca/9261408:36
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gr33npho3nixzoidberg: yes08:36
Alex0ryar, how08:37
gr33npho3nixgr33npho3nix: try talk or write08:37
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gr33npho3nixwith the persons user name08:37
zoidbergi know the guys IP address08:37
gr33npho3nixits very basic08:37
Q-IKhello i need install TV tuner avermedia aver 007 - somebody have good link to how do this?08:37
zoidbergcan i use that instead of username08:37
ballpointcarrotPandora82: any reason why DVD won't play?08:37
gr33npho3nixzoidberg: it has to be onthe same system08:37
zoidbergwhat do u mena?08:37
JDahlgumpish: I don't know... Does the man page claim that?08:37
gr33npho3nixzoidberg: otherwise it requires a somewhat complex network and system setup08:37
zoidbergwe are on the same network08:38
gr33npho3nixzoidberg: you both have to  be logged into the same machine08:38
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zoidbergoh we cant be on different machines but the same wLAN?08:38
Jack_SparrowPandora82: what program are you using to open / play the DVD?08:38
gumpishjust curious. I've lowered the percentage to 1%, which I'm happy with.08:38
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gr33npho3nixzoidberg: you can try i know it works at my college on the solaris machines08:38
gr33npho3nixbut they may have some more stuff setup08:38
gr33npho3nixzoidberg: i know it works w\o any setup on the same machine08:39
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gr33npho3nixits not very pretty though08:39
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gr33npho3nixi suggest pork08:39
gr33npho3nixor irc08:39
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Alex0ruh, my flASH is really buggy08:39
Alex0rsound cuts out08:39
Alex0rand parts of the thing cut off08:39
KaiserSuseHello... how can I remove the icons in dialog buttons? Is that possible for any theme  have installed?08:40
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narfmasterKaiserSuse, from toolbars it is easy, not so easy for dialogs08:42
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KaiserSusenarfmaster: yes, you are right... I already removed them from toolbars... now for dialogs08:43
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ivisHi where i can get cool deklets?08:44
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ivisnop =\08:44
ivissomthing like gDeklsets08:45
shigutsowhat Download Manager do you guys recommend? I want a very good... like Free Download Manager (for windows :/ )... I didn't like Wget and Freeloader08:45
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sharmsPandora82: what is your issue08:45
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narfmasterivis, http://www.gnomefiles.org/subcategory.php?sub_cat_id=5408:45
Pandora82sharms the damn DVDs... ;-)08:46
srikanthHow to run start up programs in linux08:46
ivisI want this desklets08:46
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sharmsPandora82: explain the issue to me in a clear, concise manner08:46
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Jack_SparrowPandora82: what program are you using to open / play the DVD? (Second Request)08:46
srikanthcan any one can tell about how to perform the sheduled tasks in linux08:47
Pandora82sharms sorry. I can't open/ watch DVDs. I can't mount them, when I doubleclick the devide it says "no medium found" even there is a proper working DVD inside.08:47
narfmasterivis, sorry but i don't recognize anything from that pic08:47
srikanthplz help me08:47
sharmsPandora82: it was already explained to you that you don't mount them08:47
ivisnarfmaster a somthing like on the picture?08:47
srikanthPacketScan, why don t u try mount -a08:48
Pandora82sharms but how do I get to watch the movie on the dvd?08:48
narfmasterivis, like i said, i have no idea what you're referring to08:48
ChadWickSo i have firefox in a tar.gz file, how do i install it in to the /usr/lib section?08:48
sharmsPandora82: and the link I sent you, https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html, explained that.08:48
shigutsowhat Download Manager do you guys recommend? I want a very good... like Free Download Manager (for windows :/ )... I didn't like Wget and Freeloader08:48
FunnyLookinHativis, a lot of what you see on there is actually from XGL or AIGLX (such as the neat gui sidebar)08:48
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Jack_Sparrowivis gdesklets what I said... is the same as the png you are asking about08:48
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srikanthFunnyLookinHat, hi!can u tell about how to run shaduled taskes in linux08:48
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Enverexhehe, I just noticed Ubuntu is being translated into UK English, couldn't that be easily done with a regex "replace color with colour" lol08:49
srikanthFunnyLookinHat, like windows08:49
ivisjack_Sparrow when i using gDesklets all desklets ir dark black08:49
Jack_Sparrowivis gdesklets is available using synaptic or apt-get..08:49
Jack_Sparrowdid you get the gdesklet data pack as well?08:50
narfmastersrikanth, http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Crontab08:50
ivisjack  yes08:50
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Pandora82Xine gives me an error: no input-plugin to handle /dev/dvd08:50
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sharmsPandora82: did you install libdvdread3 and activate it08:50
Pandora82maybe MRL is wrong or file/ data stream doesn't exist08:50
nekromaanhello, does somebody know if under (k)ubuntu amd64 runs cedega or ut/ut03?08:51
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FunnyLookinHatsrikanth, see the above link from narfmaster    http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Crontab08:51
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Alex0rwhoops, I killed X instead of firefox08:51
cytrakI'm trying to mount a usb stick which is fat16 but mount complains about Unable to load NLS charset iso8859-108:51
srikanthFunnyLookinHat, thank u08:51
cytrakis that a module I missed during my kernel config ?08:51
srikanthnarfmaster, thank u08:51
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Pandora82sharms I think so - with sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh08:52
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cr3I just installed slapd from dpkg and I can't seem to get the right credentials when calling ldapsearch, anyone tried it before?08:52
srikanthFunnyLookinHat, i want to learn the shell programming ;what is the basic to learn it?08:52
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Secsefirotany solves for this problem: "hp no_device_found" ?08:52
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sharmsPandora82: run this: sudo aptitude install libxine-main1 libxine-extracodecs08:53
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bsilverstrimanyone ever try running Metadot on ubuntu?08:53
srikanthFunnyLookinHat, u know about it??08:53
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sybecscreen(1) doesn't source ~/.bash_profile. How do I change that?08:54
bsilverstrimI'm at the point where I'm trying to configure the databse...08:54
Secsefirothmm ...08:54
bsilverstrimit says I have SQLdb 5 and at most it wants version 4  :-(08:54
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Pandora82done and tried to open with VLC but nothing happens08:55
bsilverstrimsorry, mysql 5.0 and it wants 4.x08:55
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ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs08:55
sharmsPandora82: open with gxine and see what happens08:55
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jonah1980has anyone here got mythtv or could help me out with it. i can't even get past the database bit and the myth irc channel aren't helping me08:55
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srikanthFunnyLookinHat, i want to learn the shell programming ;what is the basic to learn it?08:55
DraconicusHeya... could I get the names of some of the programs and drivers associated with Ubuntu's ability to automatically detect and connect to a digital camera that's PictBridge capable?08:56
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Pandora82many error messages08:56
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wogiRowrg! Greeting, ubuntuians.08:56
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SeveasDraconicus, gphoto perhaps?08:56
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DraconicusSeveas: Ah. I think that's it. Thanks. :)08:57
wogiI have a little problem. I like to stare at my clock at work...Unfortunately, I somehow broke it: The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_ClockApplet".08:57
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wogiI thin it had something to do with installing evolution.08:57
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matthiaswo bin ich?08:57
Jack_SparrowDraconicus: try digikam see if it will not find your camera08:57
wogiDoes anyone have any ideas on how I might be able to fix this?08:57
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Seveasmatthias, in #ubuntu 08:57
bsilverstrimIs there an easy way to roll mysql down to version 4?08:57
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EnverexWhere in OpenOffice can you set the dictionary used?08:58
sybecwogi: Gimme a second.08:59
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gr33npho3nixPandora82: mplayer?08:59
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wogisybec: but of course :)08:59
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johan_./configure: line 22645: AM_OPTIONS_WXCONFIG: command not found08:59
johan_./configure: line 22646: syntax error near unexpected token `2.6.0,'08:59
johan_./configure: line 22646: `AM_PATH_WXCONFIG(2.6.0, wxWin=1)'08:59
johan_I have libwxgtk08:59
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MegaManXwow, Xubuntu is great. I can't believe how much faster my system is :D08:59
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prodigyproblem's with my kernel upgrade ubuntu recently installed09:00
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prodigyhow do i rollback09:00
skavengeso theres no way to do a barebones install with the desktop cd right, you have to have the server iso or alternate?09:00
Pandora82sharms maybe take a look at this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1837509:00
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Pandora82gr33n it doesn't work with any player - the players don't seem to be the problem I guess09:01
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iqonis there a way to mount a directory to a second location and treat all file names as lower case only?09:01
gumpishhow come set doesn't have a man page >:o09:01
narfmastergumpish, help set09:02
Pandora82that's what VLC says http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1837609:02
gumpishoh, it's a builtin?09:02
MegaManXCan anybody recommend me another utility for webcam besides camstream?09:02
sharmsPandora82: it looks like it doesn't have permissions, run it using sudo and see what happens09:02
sybecwogi: Well .. yup .. it does seem to be because of evolution, no ideas though. http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6501409:02
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GaiaX11Enverex: tools - options - language settings - languages is the place where to config dictionary09:03
EnverexIts ok, I found it, thanks anyway GaiaX1109:03
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Pandora82sharms same error with no permissions, missing input-plugin09:03
sybecSo like .. why was Gnome picked as the default DE for Ubuntu rather than Gnome ?09:03
eXistenZHow can I revert a program to its previous version?09:04
eXistenZI installed the package of vim7, and things are ***** ** now =/09:04
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Pandora82both players tell me: the file doesn't exsist... but the DVDs are not empty09:04
sharmsPandora82: in paste bin put the output of 'dmesg | grep hd' and 'ls -la /dev/dvd'09:04
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nosotrosmay anyone help me?, i installed ati drivers but when i do glxinfo i get "direct rendering: no"09:05
gumpishcould someone please tell me the output of: echo $MANPATH09:05
Pandora82dmesg | grep hd - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1837709:05
EnverexIs anyone here on the UK translation list?09:05
wogisybec: yeah, I saw a few posts like that but with no solution. I removed evolution, but I remember getting it instaleld was kind of a pain and I might have added some other libraries or something.09:05
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kaursimple questio: when i tell synaptic to only download not install, where does it download?09:05
sybecgumpish: $NULL09:05
Jack_Sparrownosotros: what ati card do you have?09:05
NinjaWhats a realy good program to burn and Convert  music ???09:06
sybecwogi: Synaptic keeps a "history"09:06
Enverexneuro_, Riddell, mez, yama: Any of you alive?09:06
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Jack_SparrowNinja: K3B09:06
fyrestrtrkaur: /var/apt/cache/archives/09:06
Pandora82ls -la /dev/dvd: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1837909:06
sybecIf you're using Synaptic that is.09:06
kaurok thanks09:06
Orbit45244Can someone please help me figure this out: After having my previous problem, I tried booting up 6.06 on other computers. On other computers I don't get the "PCI:" error, but after I get several boot up messages that come back "ok", a black screen comes up that says "Extracting Linux.... Ok, booting up kernel" and then boot up just stops there. I think this is a problem with 6.06. Can someone help me?09:06
Orbit45244Edit/Delete Message09:06
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Orbit45244wrong thing09:06
NinjaJack_Sparrow, isnt that only for KDE desktops09:07
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neuro_Enverex: ack09:07
neuro_Enverex: wossup09:07
Jack_Sparroworbit, go to cmos/bios and set the usb to 1.1 and not 2.0 and test it again..09:07
Enverexneuro_, Hey, sorry to wake you, can I get an auth on the UK translation on Launchpad?09:07
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Jack_SparrowNinja:  No, many/most will work on either09:07
fliphey guys -- quick newbie question... installed 5.04 (only cd that i had) and im upgrading immediately post install to dapper09:07
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sharmsPandora82: it looks to me like your dvd rom driver is broken or has a problem with it09:07
NinjaJack_Sparrow, oki thanks09:07
flipand its hanging on laptop-mode-tools09:07
Orbit45244so set the usb to 1.1 through bios?09:08
avaleanscrew windows!09:08
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bsilverstrimIs mySQL <= 4 available for 6.06?09:08
flipi get a dpkg: error processing error everytime09:08
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nosotrosJacl_Sparrow:  ATI Technologies Inc Radeon R200 QL [Radeon 8500 LE] 09:08
Jack_SparrowOrbit45244:  yes...09:08
Pandora82sharms driver sounds interesting! but since I'm a newbie: how do I get the right driver for my DVD-player?09:08
Orbit45244k thanks09:08
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narfmasterbsilverstrim, 4.109:08
sybecGnome or KDE ?09:09
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bsilverstrimIt says I currently have 5.0 on it.  How do I downgrade to 4.1?09:09
sharmsPandora82: well if the dvd drive is 100% working it may just be you need to turn DMA on or off, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA09:09
johan_what do I do in a shell script if I 1. want to stop the script if a command fails and 2. want silent output?09:09
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neuro_Enverex: tis done; enjoy :)09:09
Pandora82sharms I think DMA is on - at least automatixx said that09:10
Jack_Sparrowjohan_: ctrl-c09:10
sybec1. exit ; 2. ./script.sh 1>/dev/null 2>&109:10
AOGuy1989question why can;t i not msake a dvd play in ubuntu i ahve a dvd player drive09:10
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fyrestrtrjohan_: command1 && command2 (command2 only runs if command1 executes successfully) command1 && command2 &1>&2 > /dev/null09:10
sharmsPandora82: you might want to turn it off then, maybe your drive doesn't support it09:10
ttyfsckerdoes anybody in here know of a tool for ubuntu that will take a v4l2 video device and create a loop device that is v4l1 compatabile?09:10
sharms!tell AOGuy1989 about dvd09:10
Enverexneuro_, thanks09:10
nosotrosJack_Sparrow:  ATI Technologies Inc Radeon R200 QL [Radeon 8500 LE] 09:10
narfmasterbsilverstrim, just try to apt-get or install whatever way you do09:10
Mintyanyone know what I have to install to be able to accssmy bluetooth on my lap top, am running gnome09:10
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sybecjohan_: ALso, look up Advanced Bash Scripting Guide. [google it] 09:10
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Pandora82sharms I'll try09:10
Jack_SparrowPandora82: Scripts like automatix make some things easy and really mess up others.  It is best to learn how to do it yourself09:10
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gnomefreakits int he repos sybec09:10
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AOGuy1989thanks and the other question is a little harder09:11
fyrestrtrMinty: sudo apt-get install gnome-bluetooth09:11
bsilverstrimnarfmaster: I already have 5.0...need the older version.09:11
gnomefreaks/int he/in the09:11
sharms!tell minty about bluetooth09:11
AOGuy1989how to i make ubuntu run a line in the terminal when the computer boots09:11
narfmasterbsilverstrim, right - now try to install 4.109:11
sharmsAOGuy1989, /etc/rc.local09:11
AOGuy1989tried that09:11
sybecrun a line in the terminal ? what the heck does that mean09:11
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Mintyfyrestrtr: thanks09:11
Jack_SparrowRun a command09:11
johan_fyrestrtr and sybec: thanks. Jack_Sparrow: that's not what I meant. thanks anyway09:11
sybecWell why not just say so09:11
AOGuy1989i am new maybe09:12
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:12
nosotrosmay anyone help me?, i installed ati drivers but when i do glxinfo i get "direct rendering: no"09:12
gnomefreakAOGuy1989: you mean like when you boot have it run sudo apt-get update?09:12
ttyfsckergnomefreak:: i thought you said edgy wouldnt boot the kernel?09:12
NinjaJack_Sparrow, well K3B wont start..ill click on it and it wont even initiize09:12
bsilverstrimsudo apt-get install mysqld4.109:12
gnomefreakttyfscker: ythe patch was released09:12
bsilverstrim sudo apt-get install mysql_server4.109:12
fyrestrtrnosotros: make sure your driver is fglrx not ati09:12
flipshould i just wait a couple days until the package is maybe repaired and do a update and then another -f install ?09:12
Jack_SparrowNinja:  how did you install it and what linux are you using09:12
tmccrarycompiling xorg from source... its an all day affair09:12
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Jack_SparrowI ma running 6.06 here and K3b09:12
AOGuy1989no no something like sudo hidd --connect 00:07:61:49:1b:f8  i need it ot run that09:12
NinjaJack_Sparrow, i used Synaptec package manageer..and im using Ubuntu ofcourse..and 6.0609:13
ttyfsckergnomefreak:: is the next release going to be named "edgy" or is "edgy" the name for sid in ubuntu?09:13
AOGuy1989i need it to run that at start up09:13
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Jack_SparrowI know you say Ubuntu of course, but you would be amazed at how many people come here for help with other distros09:13
flipttyfscker: sid = dapper09:13
ballpointcarrotNinja: run it through a terminal, see if any errors pop up.09:13
fyrestrtrttyfscker: #ubuntu+109:13
bsilverstrimsudo apt-get install mysql_server-4.1 is doing something.09:13
gnomefreakttyfscker: edgy is the code name it will be called 6.1009:13
zukalkguys, i'm trying to install gaim-2.0.0beta3, but its ./configure scripts requires XML::Parser, and sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install XML::Parser' returns an error. any suggestions?09:14
gnomefreakttyfscker: and please join us #ubuntu+1 for this09:14
sybecWait .. so this ISN'T the place for Slackware issues ?09:14
eternalswdI'm trying to compile php5 from source and I want mysqli, but I can't find mysql_config even though I have mysql5 installed from the repositories.  How do I remedy this?09:14
ttyfsckerok i will09:14
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Ninjaballpointcarrot, i dont even wanna bother with that..09:14
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Enverexneuro_, One question though, on one of them it's got "_: NAME OF TRANSLATORS" so I assume that isn't translated but you actually put your name in there instead... right?09:14
sybecEh .. compiling from source on a binary distribution .. that just sounds wrong to me09:14
Jack_SparrowNinja: go to term and try gksudo k3b           for me...09:14
gr33npho3nixflip: not quite09:14
gr33npho3nixthe name sid stays w\ debians current expiriremental09:15
ttyfsckerdapper isnt sid.. dapper has been released..09:15
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gr33npho3nixwhere as dapper follows 6.06 sid doesn't follow a version number09:15
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Pandora82how can I switch DMA off?09:15
ttyfsckergr33npho3nix:: i was just wondering what the sid equivalent was in ubuntu09:15
gr33npho3nixit moves from latest versiosion to latest version09:15
gr33npho3nixttyfscker: i don't think they have one09:15
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fyrestrtreternalswd: sudo apt-get install php5-mysqli09:16
ttyfsckerso edgy is expected for release in october?09:16
eXistenZCan anyone help me please?09:16
zukalkPandora82: : http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA tells you all you need to know09:16
Jack_SparrowI dont want to drop anyone in the middle of help but I will need to run when my contractor comes to the door..09:16
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Jack_SparrowNinja: what did you get with that command09:17
user-landis there a way to query the temperature of the CPU ? sensors-applet is displaying it but it always stays at 40C which i don't believe.09:17
ttyfsckergr33npho3nix:: debian testing follows 3.209:17
narfmastereXistenZ, sup?09:17
ttyfsckergr33npho3nix:: but testing and sid are two different things...09:17
eXistenZnarfmaster, hey, I'm great :)09:17
eXistenZnarfmaster, How about you?09:17
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gr33npho3nixttyfscker: right, it goes experimental, testing, stable09:17
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narfmastereXistenZ, so so09:17
gr33npho3nix(testing is also know as unstable)09:17
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ttyfsckergr33npho3nix:: i should have restated that..  3.2 follows testing for now09:17
Pandora82sorry I'm not a native speaker and on this page I only see how to switch on dma... or am I blind?09:18
eXistenZnarfmaster, Do you know how can I revert some package to its previous version?09:18
ttyfsckerin debian testing is known as testing and unstable is known as sid..09:18
narfmastereXistenZ, you need to find the deb file for the version you want to downgrade to09:18
eXistenZnarfmaster, I think it is still there09:18
eXistenZnarfmaster, I mean, I installed a new version of vim7, and now things are bad =/09:18
ballpointcarrotttyfscker: technically, testing is known as etch, and unstable is known as sid.09:19
ttyfsckercurrently testing = etch, and unstable = sid (unstable is always sid)09:19
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narfmastereXistenZ, dpkg -i packagename09:19
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zukalkPandora82: you're not blind. why exactly do you want to turn DMA off? and are you sure it is on?09:20
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bagpuss_thecatis it possible to get Ubiquity to install onto a software raid /dev/md0 device?09:20
narfmastereXistenZ, i'm using vim 6.4.609:20
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bagpuss_thecatit just seems merrily oblivious to any software raid09:20
=== Marsmensch [n=daniel@dslb-084-056-073-110.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
eXistenZnarfmaster, I'm trying to downgrade to vim6.4.609:21
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kdingoi resized my root partition and now it doesn't seem to recognize the extra space09:21
EnverexHas anyone here done any of the translation work before on Launchpad?09:21
liveHespeak spanish ?09:21
Pandora82zulak it is on (sure) and I have terrible problems with my DVD-player (I can't watch DVDs)09:21
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.09:21
narfmastereXistenZ, you should have no trouble finding that version in the Ubuntu repos09:21
mwekdingo: maybe you didn't resize the file system as well09:21
eternalswdfyrestrtr: that didn't install any mysql_config09:21
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eXistenZnarfmaster, yes, but how can I force its installation09:21
kdingomwe, i don't understand09:22
zukalkPandora82: have you tried with different DVD players?09:22
narfmastereXistenZ, try doing this: sudo apt-get install vim09:22
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mwekdingo: you need to tell the file system about the extra space09:22
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Pandora82zulakl yes, the problem is not the player - the device cannot read any DVD09:22
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Pandora82sorry zukalk09:22
AOGuy1989ok i asked why cna;t o make a dvd play i ahve the thing that t he bot told me to get but that didn't help at all09:22
kdingomwe: how would i do that?09:22
=== schteen [n=schteen@171.80-203-119.nextgentel.com] has joined #Ubuntu
narfmastereXistenZ, sudo apt-get remove vim <-- do this first :p09:22
bagpuss_thecatUbiquity is very sadly inadequate for a so-called production release09:23
lz1gjdcould anyone tell me what option i should pass to dpkg to install a package without satisfying its dependencies ?09:23
zukalkPandora82: what is the name of the device itself? your dvd drive, i mean. /dev/hdc?09:23
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NickVoltanyone in here running postfix on dapper drake?09:23
Pandora82zukalk so I now think it's more like a problem with the driver. yes /dev/hdc09:23
mwekdingo: sudo tune2f -j /dev/whatever I think09:23
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mwekdingo: tune2fs that is09:24
AOGuy1989ok i asked why cna;t o make a dvd play i ahve the thing that t he bot told me to get but that didn't help at all??09:24
narfmasterlz1gjd, --force-depends09:24
lz1gjdnarfmaster: thx09:24
Morrowynnicenice, that xgl and compix absolutely looks gorgeous09:24
Pandora82seems like this A0Guy has the same problem...09:24
AOGuy1989what di u mean09:25
zukalkPandora82: you can turn DMA off for /dev/hdc by entering in a console the following command: sudo hdparm -d0 /dev/hdc09:25
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Pandora82ok thx09:25
mwekdingo: um it is resize2fs. sorry09:25
skavengeso theres no way to do a barebones install with the desktop cd right, you have to have the server iso or alternate?09:25
AOGuy1989does anyone know whyit won't play?09:26
Mintyfyrestrtr: bluetooth worked, many thanks :)09:26
kdingomwe: ah ok i was just about to say it said there was already a journal09:26
zukalkPandora82: if this does solve the problem, maybe you'd like to permanently turn DMA off. but make sure it solves it first09:26
=== MasterC [n=chans@dslb-084-060-195-043.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
ajayctell me a small video player that can play wmv files09:26
Pandora82zukalk the problem is still there it seems09:26
mwekdingo: you need sth like sudo resize2fs /dev/whatever <size>09:26
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jonah1980i read in the howto that dapper permission probs can be solved with this, but i just get errors: http://extraball.sunsite.dk/notepad.php?ID=1919709:27
MenZa`laptopIs XFCE much smaller than Gnome?09:27
Strat72hrlp plz: installtion issue: text mode: right after you enter hostname, screens stays blue with grey bar at bottom.. able to type, but with no results.. ctrl-c takes me to partion disk screen ( confiure LVM or Raid ) seem to skip disk space to parition screen...09:27
=== mbass [n=mbass@mbassett.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
zukalkPandora82: so apparently this isn't a DMA problem. you can turn it back on, if you wish, by doing " -d1 " instead of " -d0 "09:27
ajayctell me a small video player that can play wmv files09:27
kdingomwe: ok thanks, i will try that now09:27
mwekdingo: is it the root partition?09:27
=== DeSm0N [n=live@122.Red-83-35-104.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
AOGuy1989ok i asked why cna;t o make a dvd play i ahve the thing that t he bot told me to get but that didn't help at all?? anoyne know why?09:28
DeSm0NSpeak spanis?09:28
bsilverstrim(Reading database ... 19724 files and directories currently installed.)09:28
bsilverstrimUnpacking mysql-server-4.1 (from .../mysql-server-4.1_4.1.15-1ubuntu5_i386.deb) ...09:28
bsilverstrimAborting downgrade from (at least) 5.0 to 4.1.09:28
bsilverstrimdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-server-4.1_4.1.15-1ubuntu5_i386.deb (--unpack):09:28
bsilverstrim subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 109:28
bsilverstrimErrors were encountered while processing:09:28
bsilverstrim /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-server-4.1_4.1.15-1ubuntu5_i386.deb09:28
mwekdingo: careful with the size09:28
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bsilverstrimE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)09:28
Pandora82ok, dma is on again and the problem is there as well... how do I get these DVDs to run?09:28
mwebsilverstrim: stop it09:28
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mwebsilverstrim: don't paste here09:28
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kdingomwe: yes it is. will i have to boot from a cd to resize the root filesysteM?09:28
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.09:28
mwekdingo: yes!09:28
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bsilverstrimI was trying to show the result of the sudo apt-get install mysql_server-4.109:29
narfmasterajayc, the only video player i can think of that can play most wmv files is mplayer09:29
mwekdingo: and careful with the size as well09:29
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=== orge i have a linux root and ebay, and i need USA cc/cvv2. msg me.
kdingomwe: thanks09:29
=== Ironhand [i=arjen@meek.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ajaycnarfmaster, vlc?09:29
mwekdingo: it might break if you make it larger than the actual partition09:29
zukalkPandora82: have you read the paragraph about DVD Playback in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats ?09:29
bsilverstrimAny help with getting 4.1 to install?09:29
narfmasterajayc, i don't know if VLC can handle wmv1009:29
kdingomwe: i rtm :)09:29
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ajaycnarfmaster, i wanna see pr0*09:30
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Orbit45244well, I know I have usb 2.0, but all I found in my BIOS was something about USB Legacy Mode, so I changed that, but it didn't help09:30
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Pandora82zukalk yes, I added the codecs, the libs and so on09:30
narfmasterajayc, if that's the case you will almost certainly need mplayer09:30
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-Strat72:#ubuntu- help plz: installtion issue: text mode: right after you enter hostname, screens stays blue with grey bar at bottom.. able to type, but with no results.. ctrl-c takes me to partion disk screen ( confiure LVM or Raid ) seem to skip disk space to parition screen...09:30
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fragueHi all09:30
noname_hi all...I've installed ubuntu 6.06,didn't modified anything and firefox crashes can you tell me why ?09:30
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mwebsilverstrim: sudo apt-get install mysql-server should do it I think09:30
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twopeakwhat's a good app to make mp3s from a CD (with GUI)?09:31
korean_girlwhere is the source code for ubuntu's kernel?09:31
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bsilverstrimmwe: that installs 5.09:31
bsilverstrimI'm trying to get 4.x installed.09:31
zukalkPandora82: and have you tried playing a dvd with Ogle ?09:31
fraguetwopeak : sound-juicer make good oggs09:31
narfmasterbsilverstrim, sudo apt-get install mysql-server-4.109:31
bsilverstrimtrying to get metadot working, actually :-/09:31
Pandora82couldn't it be a problem with the hardware? driver?09:31
Pandora82zukalk yes09:31
korean_girlwhere is the source code for ubuntu's kernel?09:31
Orbit45244well, I know I have usb 2.0, but all I found in my BIOS was something about USB Legacy Mode, so I changed that, but it didn't help09:32
zukalkPandora82: yes, it could09:32
bsilverstrimnarf: the cut-and-paste was the result of that.09:32
twopeakfrague, my ipod can't read that09:32
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ballpointcarrotPandora82: it sounds like a hardware problem, from your dmesg|grep hd pastebin.09:32
mwebsilverstrim: 5?09:32
narfmasterkorean_girl, it's in "linux-source-2.6.15"09:32
Pandora82so how can I get the right driver... - for newbies ;-)09:32
mwebsilverstrim: oh yes. sorry09:32
=== orge i have a linux root and ebay, and i need USA cc/cvv2. msg me.
zukalkPandora82: can you use the dvd drive for other things? CD-ROMs, Audio CDs, Data DVDs?09:32
=== MrFeetio [n=dhhewitj@c-71-230-5-152.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bsilverstrimIt tried to do the 4.1, but then it errored when unpacking the .deb.09:33
Pandora82zukalk yes, CDs (data, audio) works fine - I have no data DVDs to try this09:33
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mwebsilverstrim: but can you try again then paste the error on paste.ubuntu-nl.org ?09:33
narfmasterbsilverstrim, try removing mysql-server first09:33
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zukalkPandora82: then it doesn't appear to be a driver problem09:33
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korean_girlnarfmaster, but what is the url?09:33
mirakwhat is the difference between shadow and shadow- ?09:33
ForeClosure.j #hackers09:33
skiffyhi guys, anyone here us httrack ?09:34
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narfmasterkorean_girl, http://packages.ubuntu.com/09:34
admin_Can anyone guide me on installing Flash in Firefox?09:34
MrFeetiohow do i compile from source09:34
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:34
Rikkimaru_If I have a SuSe mail account, how can I set it up in Evolution?09:34
_binks_hi peeps i have a prob with monodevelop in that i tried to update and now its broken how can i delete all the monodev files to reinstall the ubunutu version09:34
Pandora82zukalk but I have no idea what I could be... I only see the result: no movie09:34
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mweMrFeetio: the packages usually comes with a file called README and INSTALL. read those09:35
chuckywhats a decent package for playing dvd avi and mpeg files?09:35
chuckyvideo lan?09:35
zukalkPandora82: it's weird, i know09:35
gr33npho3nixchucky: network working?09:35
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mweMrFeetio: usually unpack, ./configure && make && sudo checkinstall09:35
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chuckyit was a router dns issue09:35
Strat72installtion issue, anyone will to help ?09:35
Pandora82zukalk I alway have weird problems...(because the easy ones I try to solve on my own)09:35
sharmsPandora82: I believe it is a hardware issue that your dvd drive is broken.09:35
ballpointcarrotPandora82: I'm surprised that you're even getting cd's to play09:35
Pandora82but it worked under windows...09:35
mweMrFeetio: get build-essential if you don't have it though or you can't compile anything09:35
admin_Can anyone guide me on installing flash in Firefox? The terminal cant find the file09:36
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MrFeetiomve: thx09:36
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mwe!flash > admin_09:36
obiselhi all09:36
zukalkPandora82: if it works under windows, there should be a way out. what kind of dvd drive is it? can it burn DVD-R and RW? DVD-RAM?09:36
mweadmin_: read /msg from ubotu09:36
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Rikkimaru_How can I figure out what integrated graphics card I have?09:37
Pandora82zukalk it's a DVD-R/RW-device09:37
mweRikkimaru_: lspci09:37
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korean_girlRikkimaru_ lspci09:37
admin_I forgot my root password09:37
mweRikkimaru_: or lspci -v09:37
gr33npho3nixPandora82: worked or works? how long ago was it that you tested it09:37
mweadmin_: there is none by default09:37
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=== admin_ is now known as Shinzetsu
Rikkimaru_alright, I found it.  How do I figure out what drivers to use for Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GM L Express Graphics Controller?09:38
ShinzetsuIt still asks for one when I try to su09:38
Pandora82gr33n well a few months but I don't think that hardware breaks from nothing - and it works well with CDs09:38
sharmszukalk: Pandor has several read errors in dmesg also, I think the drive is bad09:38
mweShinzetsu: yes09:38
_binks_how can i log in as root to delete some iles owned by root09:38
mweShinzetsu: but there is none. use sudo instead09:38
narfmasterShinzetsu, your installation user password is what you need (and use sudo)09:38
gr33npho3nixPandora82: oh ok09:38
bsilverstrimI still get an error unpacking that deb file.09:38
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korean_girlis ubuntu's kernel just vanilla-sources with ubuntu patches?09:38
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mweShinzetsu: sudo -i and your user password to get a root prompt09:38
WooDwhat is the best software to burn iso ?09:38
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richard_which is better Koffice or openoffice?09:38
zukalksharms: dmesg? i see. then Pandora82 should definitely try to play a DVD or two under windows09:39
korean_girlrichard_ openoffice09:39
Rikkimaru_Where can i figure out what drivers to get for Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GM L Express Graphics Controller?09:39
Pandora82and what makes me thinking: I never tried to watch DVDs under Ubuntu...09:39
mwerichard_: openoffice is more mature imho09:39
twopeakrichard_ it's a matter of personal choice, though openoffice seems to be adopted more and more09:39
Pandora82zukalk but how09:39
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korean_girlis ubuntu's kernel just vanilla-sources with ubuntu patches?09:39
zukalkPandora82: can't you boot into windows now?09:40
Pandora82zukalk no windows on the machine09:40
narfmasterkorean_girl, there's Debian stuff there too :)09:40
_binks_korean-girl its heavily modded09:40
mwekorean_girl: yeah. quite a few patches though09:40
zukalkPandora82: oh, ok. that makes things more complicated09:40
=== Flyoc_ is now known as Flyoc
richard_does koffice have web queries - more like excel?09:40
skiffyhi guys, anyone here use httrack ?09:40
Pandora82yeah, that makes things more... ubuntu-like ;-)09:41
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chuckyany idea on getting codec packages09:41
korean_girlmwe, okay, do you know of a repository where I can find the ubuntu and debian patches along with the vanilla source code?09:41
Rikkimaru_What driver should I get for Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GM L Express Graphics Controller?09:41
=== AOGuy1989 [n=michael@c-67-164-169-174.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
krismRikkimaru_: i81009:41
chuckyi can play an avi in video lan but even tho it says its playing i get no video or sound09:41
Rikkimaru_krism: gracias09:42
gr33npho3nixchucky: try this, http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/09:42
narfmasterkorean_girl, the patches should be in the source repos along with the kernel itself09:42
chuckyyet i get both when i play ogg files in the default movie play09:42
zukalkPandora82: hm... isn't there any way to test your drive on another OS which can play dvds?09:42
=== BiGcaT [n=superman@84-12-65-221.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
gr33npho3nixor ubuntuguide.org gives nice descriptions of how to get everything up with all the codecs09:42
MenZa`laptopis openbox in the repos?09:42
korean_girlnarfmaster, yeah...the repos is a little tricky to use o.o09:42
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Rikkimaru_krism: apparently, I already have that, how do I configure it for the correct resolutions/colors?09:42
korean_girlnarfmaster it has really weird links and such09:42
gr33npho3nixRikkimaru_: i810 is the intel xorg driver09:43
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mwekorean_girl: I think the linux-source packages has them inside09:43
narfmasterkorean_girl, it probably works better with apt-get09:43
krismRikkimaru_: on a laptop?09:43
MenZa`laptopchucky: easyubuntu, at least the latest stable, has a bug in it. It probably won't get you all the packages (I got a 404 error)09:43
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:43
Rikkimaru_krism: yes09:43
Pandora82zukalk I don't see one. It's a laptop - so I think the drive is not so easily removeable09:43
gr33npho3nixPandora82: if you have another windows box you can build UBCD 4 windows09:43
ShinzetsuHow do I open *.PL files?09:43
korean_girlnarfmaster, I dont use ubuntu, I use Gentoo, but I need ubuntu's kernel source09:43
albackerhow can i get .avi to work with totem?09:43
gr33npho3nixand its windows live cd you can boot to test it09:43
ubotuI know nothing about 915resolution - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:43
zukalkPandora82: ah, hell. how old is your laptop?09:43
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albackerit seems i dont have w32codecs in my repos.09:43
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albackeri added multiverse and universe too.09:44
krismRikkimaru_: see the package "915resolution", and check out http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ about it.09:44
MenZa`laptophi sskroeder09:44
Pandora82about 1,5 to 2 years zukalk09:44
narfmasterkorean_girl, wow i've never heard of anyone doing that09:44
mwekorean_girl: then get the linux-image-whatever package09:44
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MenZa`laptopgreat, openbox IS in the repos :D!09:44
IrITAnyone here using 915resolution?09:44
sskroederHi MenZa`laptop09:44
skiffyanyone know if its possible to use an offline browser like httrack, then convert to copied website into .txt or something similar to import it into a database ?09:44
velcroSHOOZEalbacker: its not in the repos, theres a wget command on wiki.ubuntu.com/restrictedformats for it09:44
krismIrIT: have used it in the past.09:44
mwekorean_girl: use ar to unpack it I think09:44
albackervelcroSHOOZE, hnx09:45
MenZa`laptopgdm is my window manager, right?09:45
Shinzetsugdm is GNOME Desktop Enviorment09:45
IrITJust installed Ubuntu on my lap yesterday. I've a intel graphic card, and I could only get 1024x80009:45
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korean_girlmwe, nah, I'll just use portage XD09:45
mwevelcroSHOOZE: I believe w32codecs is in multiverse, no?09:45
ShinzetsuDesktop Manager* excuse me09:45
zukalkPandora82: have you ever noticed any playback issues while using your laptop? if you listen to an album, does it ever get 'scratchy' or does it skip a few bits?09:45
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krismMenZa`laptop: and Shinzetsu gdm is gnomes login manager. your default window manager is 'metacity'09:45
MenZa`laptopShinzetsu: right. What is the Window Managerr called?? I'm trying to run Openbox instead of the default.09:45
korean_girlmwe, thanks though09:45
IrITThen I used 915resoltion, and I got 1280x1024. Allthough after a reboot, i cant get it to work no more09:45
Pandora82zukalk I don't think so09:45
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MenZa`laptopkrism: right, thaniks.09:46
korean_girlmwe, I basically just found the url I needed09:46
velcroSHOOZEmwe: not last i heard, according to the wiki its on an alternate repo and uses a wget command to grab the deb, thats how i got it09:46
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mwekorean_girl: good then09:46
bsilverstrimWhat does it mean when apt-get ends with E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)09:46
krismIrIT: did you config /etc/defaults/915resolution?09:46
theBishopcan Rhythmbox connect to iTunes shares?09:46
mwevelcroSHOOZE: hmm09:46
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MenZa`laptopkrism: so... killall metacity and then openbox & ?09:46
velcroSHOOZE!info w32codecs09:46
ubotuPackage w32codecs does not exist in dapper09:46
krismIrIT: then run /etc/init.d/915resolution and restart gdm09:46
gr33npho3nixkrism: openbox --replace &09:46
mlehrer_google for: w32codecs ubuntu09:46
narfmasterbsilverstrim, it means you have a script giving you an error somewhere09:46
ballpointcarrotbsilverstream: it means apt didn't finish what it was doing because something went wrong09:46
mlehrer_you should find something useful09:46
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gr33npho3nixit will kill metacity for you09:46
mwevelcroSHOOZE: I'm sure I used apt-get install w32codecs. it's probably not an official mirror. let me check09:46
IrITkrism, tried so many times09:47
MenZa`laptopgr33npho3nix: thanks.09:47
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bsilverstrimballpoint: how can I find out what it thinks went wrong?09:47
krismgr33npho3nix: to MenZa`laptop, not me.09:47
IrITbesides, it's runned at startuyp09:47
gr33npho3nixoh sorry09:47
gr33npho3nixno problem09:47
daxxarI'm having some problems installing Ubuntu. I'm booting the netboot install using PXE, and it boots just fine. It detects all kinds of network settings, I set up information about users, partitions, language, etc. Then it starts downloading and preparing / unpacking packages, and at some point during this, my monitor goes black with three white 'squares' on it. The computer seems to continue working, but the monitor stays that way. Picture of the screen: ...09:47
ballpointcarrotbsilverstream: what are you trying to install?09:47
krismIrIT: how did you try? can you pastebin your /etc/default/915resolution?09:47
daxxar... http://daxxar.slask.no/monitor-problem.jpg09:47
daxxarAnyone familiar with the problem, or have suggestions?09:47
velcroSHOOZEmwe: its not an official mirror, last time i remember getting it out of repos was in breezy days09:47
WooDI want to burn an Ubuntu CD Iso file to a CD with K3B but it does not burn. It always give's me an error and have to flush the cd in the Garbage .. any know a little smart software to burn ISO File  ?09:47
IrITkrism, 2 sec09:47
bsilverstrimballpoint: sudo apt-get install mysql-server-4.109:47
ShinzetsuI cant access my Desktop as root09:47
mwevelcroSHOOZE: maybe so09:47
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krismShinzetsu: did you enable the root account?09:47
zukalkPandora82: i don't really know how else i can help you. are you really-really sure you have every codec and gstreamer packages installed and so on? where did you find those dmesg errors that sharms was talking about?09:47
ballpointcarrotbsilverstream: did you have mysql 5 already on there?09:48
bla|patrickWooD: first use a rewritable disc09:48
mwevelcroSHOOZE: it's cipherfunk.org09:48
narfmasterWooD, you could try Nautilus CD burner09:48
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adamlinuxobjectihow do i mount a usb device?09:48
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bsilverstrimballpoint: I did, I finally got the client and common uninstalled as well as server.09:48
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bsilverstrimshould all be cleaned out.09:48
krismPandora82: did you install the gstreamer-0.10 packages or the gstreamer-0.08 packages? you need .10 version for dapper default install09:48
IrITkrism, http://pastebin.ca/9261909:48
bsilverstrimballpoint: it apparently has some of 4.1 on instead now.  Just not getting server.09:48
ballpointcarrotbsilverstream: all right, lemme take a look at some things.09:49
theBishopcan Rhythmbox connect to iTunes shares?09:49
Pandora82krism 0.1009:49
mwebsilverstrim: could you paste the error you get on paste.ubuntu-nl.org?09:49
_binks_how can i remove a folder that has root priviledge09:49
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krismIrIT: what does /etc/init.d/915resolution say when you run it? (as root)09:49
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Pandora82zukalk in the shell09:49
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WooDnarfmaster: thanks09:49
theBishop_binks_, sudo rm -R foldername09:50
mwe_binks_: which one?09:50
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_binks_its mono in /opt09:50
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ballpointcarrotbsilverstream: are you installing thru synaptic or thru CLI?09:50
mwe_binks_: sudo rm -rf /opt/mono09:50
AOGuy1989can u make ubuntu play m4a files09:50
IrITkrism, http://pastebin.ca/92621 The weird thing is that it has worked before reboot09:50
_binks_cheers ill give it ago09:50
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skiffyanyone know if its possible to use an offline browser like httrack, then convert to copied website into .txt or something similar to import it into a database ?09:50
angelikahi at all09:50
zukalkPandora82: if there were indeed read errors, then maybe there is a problem with the drive. but i don't know how you can do a better diagnosis09:50
krismIrIT: looks good. now run "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"09:51
krismIrIT: and i'm assuming you're configured X for 1280x102409:51
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IrITkrism, yeah.09:51
Rarjwhat window managers are installed by default in Ubuntu Dapper ?09:51
bsilverstrimballpoint: CLI09:51
mwe_binks_: careful though. sudo rm -rf / opt/mono will hose the system09:51
IrITAs I said, it has worked before09:51
IrITBe right back then09:51
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Pandora82*sighs* sometimes I think it would be better to go back to windows09:51
bsilverstrimballpoint: there is a line in there about aborting a downgrade from "at least" 5 to 4.1...nuts.09:51
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_binks_why what will it do09:51
AOGuy1989and can u amke the res larger than 1024x78609:51
bsilverstrimHow can I nuke all of 5.0??09:51
zukalkPandora82: oh, don't think that way ;)09:51
ompaulRarj, default Ubuntu is gnome, Kubuntu is KDE, Xubuntu is xfce, server is no wm09:51
AOGuy1989YAY DUALboot09:51
mwebsilverstrim: could you paste the error you get on paste.ubuntu-nl.org?09:52
troozersanyone know how to set a windows transparency using xgl under dapper?09:52
Rarjompaul, ok maybe i said it wrong :)09:52
knapper_Hi: I am getting the following error when trying to copy a dvd using k9copy: "An error occurred while running DVDAuthor: STAT: VOBU 0 at 0MB, 1 PGCS"09:52
Pandora82zukalk is the a way to somehow reset the laptop without loosing my personal files like pictures and stuff?09:52
MenZa`laptopompaul: and edu :)?09:52
knapper_Anyone familiar with this problem?09:52
Rarjompaul, what I meant was like Metacity etc09:52
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Pandora82more or less reset the OS09:52
mwePandora82: reset? you mean reinstall?09:52
velcroSHOOZEis there a cli command to set your default font in X?09:53
bilss_where can i get pgp (not gunpg) for dapper09:53
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MenZa`laptopvelcroSHOOZE: did you set dingbats :D?09:53
theBishopcan Rhythmbox connect to iTunes shares?09:53
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bsilverstrimmwe: re-running apt-get install mysql-server-4.1 and then I'll paste that.09:53
ompaulMenZa`laptop, that gnome +edu stuff09:53
ivisHow to i install skype ? please help me09:53
mwebsilverstrim: yeah09:53
Dark_Knight_209without sounding like a pervert...09:53
ompaulRarj, ubuntu is metacity09:53
Pandora82mwe not really - a reset or something to get back to standard without loosing personal data09:53
mwe!skype > ivis09:53
velcroSHOOZEMenZa`laptop: no heh just using a barebones windowmanager on another system here09:53
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EnverexWell, this is retarded09:53
Enverex"Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2"09:53
krismivis: download it. "dpkg -i skypeXX.deb" and "sudo apt-get install libqt3-mt"09:54
jonah1980can anyone here help me setting up mythtv, i've made a right old mess of it so far!! http://extraball.sunsite.dk/notepad.php?ID=1919909:54
EnverexBut it only gives you one line09:54
Dark_Knight_209anyone know where to get some of the  nude female ubuntu wallpaper i've seen everywhere09:54
mwePandora82: you can't just "reset" the system09:54
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mwePandora82: what is the problem?09:54
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narfmasterDark_Knight_209, that's one of those old Calendars09:54
Pandora82playing DVDs - the drive doesn't seem to read them09:54
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zukalkPandora82: i don't think so. the only way would be by reinstalling the OS (after formatting the HDD?). make sure to backup09:54
skiffyanyone know if its possible to use an offline browser like httrack, then convert the copied website into .txt or something similar to import it into a database ?09:54
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IrITNope, still no 1280x1024 resolution krism09:54
iviskrism dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege09:54
angelikait's quite boring, isn't it?09:54
mwePandora82: what makes you think a "reset" which is not really possible would fix that?09:54
Rarjompaul, so whats the difference between gnome, metacity and GTK ??09:54
krism!sudo > ivis09:55
jryerDoes anyone know why my USB flash devices are no longer recognized by ubuntu? They worked fine yesterday but after upgrading, I plug them in and nothing happens.09:55
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages09:55
Pandora82zukalk funny thing: I can't do backups :-D - I can't burn CDs09:55
bsilverstrimmwe: it's there...09:55
krismIrIT: i'm out then, sorry. never seen that before.09:55
Rarjompaul, im all confused :(09:55
zukalkPandora82: oh, right :P09:55
gr33npho3nixjryer: do you have vmplayer isntall09:55
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Pandora82mwe 3 or more people could fix it09:55
angelikadoes someone know ekiga?09:55
gr33npho3nixjryer: it stole my usbdevice w\o me realizing it while it was running09:55
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mwePandora82: huh?09:55
LjL!info ekiga09:55
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ubotuekiga: Free Your Speech. In repository main, is optional. Version 2.0.1-0ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 3572 kB, installed size 12188 kB09:55
IrITkrism, I'll just paste my xorg.conf Maybe there is an error there09:55
Pandora82couldn't mwe ;-)09:55
Pandora82it's a little late09:56
abocan anyone tell me how to unblock someone using Gaim (msn contact)09:56
krismIrIT: cool, let me know url09:56
MenZa`lappyArgh, my synaptic trackpad isn't working anymore D:... can anyone tell me what might be causing this?09:56
xarqwhat is the terminal command to launch the file associations app that GAIM uses to launch URL's in web browsers?09:56
angelikamy boyfreind helped to develope ekiga;) jahaaa..09:56
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AOGuy1989can i play m4a in ubuntu!??/!!?!?!??!09:56
MenZa`lappyangelika: lol09:56
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IrITkrism, will take a sec. I'm upgrading via apt-get, so my net is f*** slow09:56
mwePandora82: I don't think a resinstall or "reset" would fix it though09:56
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krism!punctuation > AOGuy198909:56
mwe!dvd > Pandora8209:56
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Pandora82mwe I already know this...09:56
mwePandora82: read /msg from ubotu if you didn't09:56
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angelikawhats so funny about that? @menza'lappy09:56
jryergr33npho3nix: looking to see if when it is was installed09:57
mwePandora82: ok09:57
mwebsilverstrim: well09:57
krismIrIT: PM please when you get it up. will be afk a bit.09:57
skiffynoone ever done it then it seems :~(09:57
mwebsilverstrim: can you paste the output of dpkg -l|grep mysql as well?09:57
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IrITkrism, got it now -> http://pastebin.ca/9263409:57
jryergr33npho3nix: Nope, not installed09:57
AOGuy1989ok fine but does anyone know it u can?09:57
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krismIrIT: oh. replace all occurences of "1280x800" with "1280x1024" and restart X09:57
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ompaulRarj, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gtk http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metacity09:58
narfmasterAOGuy1989, i don't know for sure, but i'm pretty sure you can't09:58
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MenZa`lappyArgh, my synaptic trackpad isn't working anymore D:... can anyone tell me what might be causing this?09:58
ompaulRarj, they are all linked09:58
xarqwhat is the name of the file helper program?09:58
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boudiccasis ndis-wrapper and ndis-gui part of the ubuntu install disc please?09:58
mwePandora82: I don't know what's wrong but I doubt a reinstall fixes it unless you really messed something up that broke it.09:58
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M4A19Im trying to install phpmyadmin so I type 'sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin' but it says package cant be found. Is it under another name?09:58
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lmosherfirefox freezes every time I type in a dialog box. Any ideas?09:58
MenZa`lappyMy cursor simply disappeared.09:58
theBishopanyone with an Ubuntu-running laptop notice the Battery Estimations are always WAY off?09:58
scenestaracpid is fucked09:58
MenZa`lappyM4A19: try searching sudo apt-cache search phpmyadmin09:58
scenestartry compiling a custom kernel09:59
theBishopscenestar, ?09:59
theBishopah ok09:59
Marsmenschhi, i have a multiuser dir in /var/www and now i want to have, every file createt in this directory becomes the mod 775. is this posibel for only one directory?09:59
narfmaster!info phpmyadmin09:59
Pandora82mwe I don't know if I messed up something. possible09:59
ubotuphpmyadmin: set of PHP-scripts to administrate MySQL over the WWW. In repository universe, is extra. Version 4: (dapper), package size 3516 kB, installed size 13724 kB09:59
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mwePandora82: then didn't09:59
mwePandora82: you know if you mess around usually09:59
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theBishopcan Rhythmbox connect to iTunes shares?09:59
bsilverstrimMWE: it's there.09:59
scenestardont use itunes10:00
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mwebsilverstrim: could you paste the direct url next time :)10:00
scenestarit is evil drmmed fagware10:00
theBishopscenestar, others on my network use it10:00
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krism!punctuation > scenestar10:00
LjL!language > scenestar10:00
bsilverstrimmwe: sorry ... new to the pasteboard :-)10:00
scenestar!care > wall10:00
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LjLscenestar: excuse me=?10:00
M4A19MenZa`lappy: brings up nothing10:00
Pandora82mwe it ist possible that I messed around. I once was able to burn CDs and later I was not anymore... I tried to fix it... maybe I messed up something then10:01
krismhah ;)10:01
_binks_can anyone help me with a monodevelop crash (sigsegv) error10:01
LjLscenestar: don't excuse me10:01
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narfmasterM4A19, you need to enable the universe repo10:01
scenestarilu Seveas10:01
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mwePandora82: go ahead though I'm not a fan of the "reinstall fix"10:01
M4A19i copied the list off of the ubuntu guide site10:01
skiffyanyone know if its possible to use an offline browser like httrack, then convert the copied website into .txt or something similar to import it into a database ?10:01
Pandora82mwe I can't reinstall... I can't backup my data10:01
M4A19wait nm i dont think i did a update10:02
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mwebsilverstrim: well you have some half installed things there. could you sudo dpkg -P all of those to make sure it's clean and try again10:02
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DarkJesusOK, does anyone know of any gaim beta 3 packages with the tango icons by default?10:02
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M4A19yeah i forgot to do apt-get update, sorry about that10:03
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mortal_Hey all. I changed the contents of /etc/hostname, after reboot I can't sudo and gksu doesn't show the dialog. When logging in using Ctrl+alt+functionkey screens I get authentication failure, and sudo says it can't lookup my hostname via gethostbyname(). What do I do - I can't revert /etc/hostname since I can't get root priviledges :(10:03
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mwemortal_: boot to recovery mode and fix the file10:04
Pandora82I'm really fed up with ubuntu at the moment... waisting my whole freetime on this sh*t instead of relaxing and stuff like that10:04
mortal_mwe, will recovery mode let me log in as root?10:04
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Pandora82and wasting other peoples free time as well10:04
mwemortal_: yes it is root10:04
mortal_okay, I'll try that.10:04
mwemortal_: and root only10:04
SeveasPandora82, whining can go elsewhere. This channel is for support10:04
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narfmasterPandora82, you learned a lesson in patience, which is valuable in itself10:05
angelikais auch jem deutsches hier dabei?10:05
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:05
Pandora82ha maybe a need some menthal support too. patience... yes, but it could be so easy10:05
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mwePandora82: just rename /home then boot a live cd and remove the rest then reinstall without formatting10:06
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ompaulmwe, useful as always :)10:06
mwePandora82: actually rename /home from the live cd as well10:06
MenZa`laptopargh, my synaptic trackpad keeps dying on me10:06
MenZa`laptopas in, isn't working.10:06
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tom__Wondering if "Ekiga" has the ability to cam with other browser IM services?10:07
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MenZa`laptopI can still see my mouse cursor, but nothing happens when I try to move it around.10:07
mweompaul: heh10:07
mweMenZa`laptop: I believe that's normal if the mouse is not working10:07
daxxarShould one use -smp on a DualCore laptop?10:07
MenZa`laptopmwe: very funny.10:08
Pandora82somehow I'm not willing to give up that easy10:08
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mweMenZa`laptop: no really I thought you were wondering why you could see the cursor and yet was unable to move it10:08
daxxarAnd, during netboot install, should I pick "linux-686", "linux-686-smp" or "linux-image-686"?10:08
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bzeroalguien en espaol??10:08
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daxxarLaptop with Intel dualcore CPU.10:08
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.10:08
MenZa`laptopmwe: no, I'm wondering why my mouse isn't working :\10:08
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mweMenZa`laptop: yeah I figured by now :)10:09
LuisMendesbesides amarok and XMMS, is there a good player with equalizer?10:09
mweMenZa`laptop: well is it usb?10:09
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MenZa`laptopmwe: no, it's integrated in my laptop10:09
Pandora82would it help if some expert would get access to my computer and could take a look at all this (mess)?10:09
mweMenZa`laptop: oh a touch pad or something?10:09
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MenZa`laptopPandora82: be careful with who you let into your computer!10:09
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MenZa`laptopmwe: touchpad, right.10:09
MenZa`laptopPandora82: people can really mess up your system...10:10
mweMenZa`laptop: do you know what brand? synaptic?10:10
spangley234what's a good cd burning software on ubuntu10:10
MenZa`laptopmwe: yeah, synaptic10:10
MenZa`laptopspangley234: k3b10:10
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Pandora82I'm not talking about some strange jerk10:10
znhspangley234: bashburn if you prefer a terminal based one (forked on cdrecord)10:10
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mweMenZa`laptop: well can you log in at a console (ctrl-alt-f1) ?10:10
MenZa`laptopPandora82: just thought I'd tell you.10:10
spangley234prefer graphical burning thanks10:10
tom__Looking for advise for using "LS-120 Superdisk with Dapper.10:10
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LuisMendesspangley234, gnomebaker is excellent to burn both data and audio CDs/DVDs10:11
MenZa`laptopmwe: er... it's just my mousepad--why would I want to login to a shell?10:11
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Pandora82but I'm a newbie and have way not enough knowledge to fix this on my own... and I also don't know any linux-expert in person10:11
mweMenZa`laptop: well if you can get an xterm up that's fine. could be hard without a mouse10:11
MenZa`laptopmwe: oh, right.10:12
MenZa`laptoplet me go there.10:12
B1zzhmmm speaking of wich.......10:12
bsilverstrimThanks, MWE. It looks like it's installed...I have to test it some more.  Right now I need to pack up and go pick up the baby from daycare!10:12
B1zzim a sucker for shortcuts10:12
bsilverstrimThanks again!10:12
mweMenZa`laptop: well is xfree86-driver-synaptics installed?10:12
B1zzanyone got a good site that has Xubuntu shortcuts?10:12
mwebsilverstrim: it worked after you cleaned it?10:12
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LuisMendesspangley234, there is also K3B, but that's mainly for KDE10:12
MenZa`laptop2mwe: right, I'm ready. So, what do I do then?10:12
mweMenZa`laptop: well is xfree86-driver-synaptics installed?10:13
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bsilverstrimIt looks like the install worked after purging 4x and 5x components.10:13
mweMenZa`laptop: do you know?10:13
bsilverstrimthen re-running apt-get install server 4.110:13
spangley234thanks for the suggestions10:13
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MenZa`laptop2mwe: unless it installs it by itself, it isn't (brand new install on a lappy)10:13
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mweMenZa`laptop: dpkg -l|grep synaptics10:13
mweMenZa`laptop: does that return anything?10:14
BallsyAnyone have experience in passing kernel args when using the Dapper LiveCD, specifically to fix apparent problems with SiS 760  on-board vid cards ?10:14
MenZa`laptop2mwe: hold on10:14
bsilverstrimmwe: it's running mysql as a process now, and mysql -V reports a 4.x version.10:14
user-landlm-sensors gives me: 'no sensors found!'10:14
=== COmmander-Crowe [n=thomas@h-66-166-75-234.snvacaid.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
mwebsilverstrim: great then10:14
MenZa`laptop20.14.3seriouslythistime-0ubuntu3, mwe10:14
MenZa`laptop2aswell as xserver-xorg-input-synaptics10:14
COmmander-CroweI'm in UBuntu 6.0610:14
COmmander-Croweand my internet is super slow10:14
mweuser-land: they don't work with all computers. it's even reported to break ibm laptops10:15
COmmander-Croweits going too slow for dsl10:15
COmmander-CroweI'm downloading stuff in synaptics10:15
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mweMenZa`laptop: huh. that's what dpkg -l|grep synaptics returned?10:15
COmmander-Croweand its downloading stuff at like 6 KB/s10:15
MenZa`laptop2mwe: yes.10:15
user-landmwe, is there a way to see the CPU temperature ?10:15
mweMenZa`laptop: well sudo apt-get install xfree86-driver-synaptics10:15
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MenZa`laptop2"Synaptics touchpad driver x.org server"!10:15
COmmander-Croweever 2 mins it speeds up to 250 KB/s though for about 5 secs10:15
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COmmander-Croweno one?10:16
mweuser-land: yeah. gkrellm is one option10:16
mortal_Hey, I'm back. I can't use sudo or gksu because /etc/hostname is invalid, and I changed /boot/grub/menu.lst to require a password for non-default entries. This password is set to be md5-encoded, but I used a 16 * hexadecimal byte format which was not the one in the example, and after entering password it also says it's invalid. How can I start in recovery mode, or revert / edit my /boot/grub/menu.lst without needing root-access?10:16
MenZa`laptop2mwe: great. I'm running an upgrade10:16
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alephantWhat's the name of the Ubuntu printer config tool?  I wanna start it by hand...10:16
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spangley234is there a good graphical wireless network scan and config tool for ubuntu for when you are roaming?10:17
MenZa`laptop2mwe: how can I go back into x without restarting it?10:17
COmmander-Crowehow do I change my screen res>10:17
ubotuI know nothing about resolutionhowto - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:17
mweMenZa`laptop2: did you type sudo apt-get install xfree86-driver-synaptics ?10:17
MenZa`laptop2mwe: dpkg is running, so I can't right now.10:17
mweMenZa`laptop2: and did it install?10:17
MenZa`laptop2I'm running an upgrade.10:17
MenZa`laptop2I want to go back into x and cancel it10:17
COmmander-CroweI tried that thing in preperances10:17
tiffanymortal_ live cd10:17
MenZa`laptop2unless I can do that from the shell anyway.10:17
COmmander-Crowebut it doesn't give me an option10:18
MenZa`laptop2COmmander-Crowe: change your xorg.conf.10:18
mweMenZa`laptop: oh. ctrl-alt-f710:18
mortal_alright, I'll do that10:18
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COmmander-Crowewhere is it?10:18
Rikkimaru_How would I go about configuring a SuSe email server into my Evolution inbox?10:18
mweMenZa`laptop2: ^^10:18
MenZa`laptop!resolutionhowto > COmmander-Crowe10:18
ubotuI know nothing about resolutionhowto  - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:18
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MenZa`laptopmwe: I'll get back to you in a few minutes :)10:18
alephantWhat's the name of the Ubuntu printer config tool?10:18
alephantwhat's the binary, rather10:18
tiffanyalephant cups10:19
mirakdoes anyone know how to setup pam_auth in squid ?10:19
alephantcups is the backend10:19
MenZa`laptop!fixresolutionhowto > COmmander-Crowe10:19
ubotuI know nothing about fixresolutionhowto  - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:19
COmmander-Crowewhere is xorg.conf?10:19
BallsyRikkimaru, you mean, just configuring Evolution to retrieve mail from it ?10:19
MenZa`laptopCOmmander-Crowe: /etc/x11/xorg.conf10:19
mwealephant: gnome-cups-manager is the gui I think10:19
alephantisn't there a GTK printer applet?10:19
MenZa`laptopCOmmander-Crowe: scroll down to the resolutions bit and add them there.10:19
MenZa`laptopYou can't miss it.10:19
alephantthat's the one10:19
alephantthanks, mwe10:19
mwealephant: yw10:20
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eric_i need help10:20
MenZa`laptoperic_: with what?10:20
user-landmwe, i don't see CPU temperature in gkrellm ...10:20
eric_i need to learn how to fix my video card10:21
COmmander-Croweit is there10:21
skiffywould an html parser allow me to convert a whole list of donwloaded web pages to .txt and strip out the html code, leaving just the pages content ?10:21
MenZa`laptoperic_: what is wrong with it?10:21
mweuser-land: hmm. are you sure you can enable it in options?10:21
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eric_i am trying to play a game and it is going slow10:21
MenZa`laptopCOmmander-Crowe: it should say it, there's a line that goes something like "800x600"     "1024x768" etc.10:21
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MenZa`laptoperic_: have you installed the proper drivers for it?10:21
eric_my dad says i need to fix my video card10:21
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MenZa`laptoperic_: you probably need to install drivers.10:22
kalosaurusrexwhat's the command to fix a broken package...rwar10:22
COmmander-Croweyeah there is one there10:22
fredmorcosi need help with a wireless driver10:22
eric_that is what i nee d help with10:22
MenZa`laptopCOmmander-Crowe: simply add the resolutions you need.10:22
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COmmander-Crowetheres like three of them10:22
MenZa`laptoperic_: what video card it?10:22
mwekalosaurusrex: that depends10:22
COmmander-Crowebut i still can't change it10:22
fredmorcosbroadcom that come with the hp nx6310 notebook10:22
MenZa`laptopCOmmander-Crowe: yeps. add it to all of them.10:22
fredmorcoslspci gives: broadcom corp. unknow device 4311 (rev 01)10:22
MenZa`laptopThen restart your xserver.10:22
x-Dieuhowdy world (;10:22
eric_i do not know tha is the problem10:22
COmmander-Croweits all here10:22
kalosaurusrexmwe: yeah. but isn't it apt-get -f or something? or dpkg-reconfigure -f?  something like that. I can't remember.10:22
eric_im a novice10:22
COmmander-Crowewhat should I add10:22
kalosaurusrexneither of which work.10:22
COmmander-Crowe800 x 600?10:23
MenZa`laptoperic_: what video card are you running?10:23
kalosaurusrexI need the apt one.10:23
wildmaneric_, run lspci | grep -i vga on a terminal window to know which video card you have10:23
mwekalosaurusrex: sudo apt-get -f install will install missing deps10:23
skiffyanyone know much about html parsers ?10:23
eric_let me check10:23
COmmander-CroweI switched monitors thats why this happend10:23
MenZa`laptopCOmmander-Crowe: standard resolutions for a 4:3 monitor include 1024x768, 1280x1024 and 1600x1200.10:23
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mwekalosaurusrex: sudo dpkg-reconfigure package will reconfigure it10:23
MenZa`laptoperic_: right.10:23
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COmmander-Crowethe most i can do it 1024X76910:23
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MenZa`laptopCOmmander-Crowe: I like 1600x1200 myself, but most people like 1280x102410:24
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mwekalosaurusrex: or sudo apt-get --purge remove package && sudo apt-get install package will reinstall it with default config10:24
eric_ill be back in a minute10:24
mwekalosaurusrex: careful with the last one though10:24
MenZa`laptopmwe: configuring the packages, shouldn't take more than a second.10:24
user-landit isn't listed under Sensors:Temperatures, mwe ...10:24
COmmander-Crowedang it10:24
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COmmander-CroweI can't write to the file10:24
COmmander-Crowewhats the command again10:24
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MenZa`laptopmwe: could you guide that eric guy through installing a graphics driver? I'm not 100%% myself.10:25
MenZa`laptopCOmmander-Crowe: open it by using "sudo gedit /etc/x11/xorg.conf"10:25
COmmander-Crowesudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:25
richard_does ubuntu have apache installed?10:25
MenZa`laptopChange what10:25
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mweuser-land: well it depends on the hardware. I use gkrellm with ibm-acpi10:25
wildmanrichard_, not by default, at least on Dapper10:25
jaekOMG, i have a serial ATA hdd running edgy and suddenly it stopped booting... cus it change the drive labels from hdaX to sdaX during the last kernel upgrade10:25
MenZa`laptopwildman: I recommend LAMP or XAMPP10:25
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP10:25
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mweuser-land: maybe you need to load a kernel module but I don't know your hardware10:26
shigutsois there a command to Reset the PPPOECONF configuration?10:26
richard_basically im trying to get svn access to koffice10:26
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richard_so i guess i need apache and svn10:26
COmmander-CroweI do that and the file is blank10:26
Guest477hiya all and good day10:26
znhWouldent it not be an idea to make a dummy package for LAMP?10:26
mweshigutso: sudo apt-get --purge remove it then sudo apt-get install it10:26
user-landi use asus motherboard with amd 64, mwe10:26
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MenZa`laptoprichard_: I could be wrong, but I only think you need svn to access it.10:26
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MenZa`laptopAfter all, Apache is just server software.10:27
wildmanznh, indeed it would10:27
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shigutsomwe, how, if i am not going to be connected with internet? ...10:27
mweshigutso: then make a backup of the default config before you start messing with it again :)10:27
Guest477i have a usb ext hdd and it is locked, sresumably i need to sudo mount or something to be able to read and write, can you help>10:27
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johan__I can't write to anyone on msn in gaim, I'm just getting an error with the switchboard. Has someone else gotten this problem?10:27
znhwildman: Though, I never would put Ubuntu on a production server10:27
mweshigutso: good point. do you have the package file in /var/cache/apt/archives ?10:28
Guest477the drive is readable :)10:28
wildmanjohan_, today MSN on gaim worked fine here10:28
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MenZa`laptopGuest477: you need to download a utility to ntfs write.10:28
wildmanznh, that's a whole different (off-topic ;)) discussion ;)10:28
znhwildman: not really :)10:28
COmmander-Croweits opens but its blank10:28
Guest477super menza, have you any recommends?10:28
shigutsomwe, hmm I don't know...10:28
MenZa`laptopGuest477: of course, assuming it's NTFS10:28
mweshigutso: look10:28
znhjohan_: You may like to try Bitlbee, it's a IRC gateway to most IM's10:28
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Guest477it is :)10:28
MenZa`laptopGuest477: slashdot it, I read there was something that should revolutionise ntfs write on linux10:29
user-landhow can i make the gkrellm window bigger ?10:29
johan_znh: will do that. thanks10:29
=== tailsfan [n=tailsfan@64-48-208-12.phi-02.cvx.algx.net] has joined #ubuntu
WarboHelp, Rhythmbox won't die! (I tried KILL signal)10:29
MenZa`laptopCOmmander-Crowe: /etc/x11/xorg.conf?10:29
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tailsfanWarbo, try system monitor10:29
Warbouser-land: You can specify it's width in the preferences (right click the titlebar)10:30
Guest477menza> boy that sure sounds exciting :) thank you vm :) and all of you have a fantastic and God blessed day :)10:30
MenZa`laptopGuest477: thanks, you too :)10:30
user-landwarbo, it needs to be higher, some info is hidden.10:30
Warbotailsfan: It says "uninterruptable"10:30
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MenZa`laptopKeep me updated, I have an external harddrive I'd like to hook ups oime too10:30
MenZa`laptopsometime too*10:30
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Guest477:) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>whiz10:30
tailsfanI'm getting a curses error10:30
COmmander-Croweyeah it comes up blank everytime10:30
mwetailsfan: curses error :=)10:31
MenZa`laptopCOmmander-Crowe: are you sure you're typing it in correctly?10:31
COmmander-Crowesudo gedit /etc/x11/xorg.conf10:31
MenZa`laptopsudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:31
tailsfanI'm trying to ./configure something and it's giving me a -lcurses error10:31
MenZa`laptopcapital z, my bad10:31
WarboQuake3 has no sound, I am assuming that rhythmbox needs to close first?10:31
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MenZa`laptopWarbo: yes.10:31
mwetailsfan: maybe you need the libncurses5-dev package10:31
WarboMenZa`laptopDamn it :(10:32
COmmander-Crowegot it10:32
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MenZa`laptopWarbo: there is a orkaround.10:32
wildmanWarbo, killall -TERM rhythmbox ?10:32
MenZa`laptopit's all in the soundmode.10:32
wildmanWarbo, or even with 'sudo' in front? :)10:32
mweMenZa`laptop: you need to upgrade your keyboard driver along with the mouse driver :)10:32
MenZa`laptopmwe: oh?10:32
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MenZa`laptopWhat would that be?10:32
MenZa`laptop(I'm on a DELL C600)10:32
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!lilo:*! Access from OLS was restored.... there's a small, unofficial channel here for folks who are there.... ##ols .... thanks10:32
mweMenZa`laptop: I was trying to be funny10:32
leagrishello all10:33
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MenZa`laptopOh :(10:33
WarboStill there10:33
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mweMenZa`laptop: beacause of your typos :)10:33
devhenjohan__, msn works for me in gaim. if you want to try to msg me go ahead: devhen@msn.com10:33
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MenZa`laptopI'm tired, mwe. If I weren't, it'd probably be funny ;)10:33
MenZa`laptopmwe: ah, it freezes for a few seconds now and then.10:33
mweMenZa`laptop: nevermind10:33
MenZa`laptopheh :)10:33
elias_how to make beagle start on F12?10:33
MenZa`laptopSo whatever keys I type in, it's not registering10:33
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COmmander-Crowenow what10:33
MenZa`laptopCOmmander-Crowe: in the file?10:33
COmmander-CroweI edited the xorg.conf10:33
_BASO_hello I have some problems with PCMCIA Devices on my laptop, who can help ? the ubuntu can not recognize none of them10:34
MenZa`laptopRight, scroll down until you get a "section MONITOR" or something.10:34
leagrisIs there an config file to set parameters in /sysfs simmilar to /etc/sysconfig/sysint for /proc?10:34
COmmander-Crowechanged it to 800X60010:34
MenZa`laptopCOmmander-Crowe: Right.10:34
_BASO_I have tried 2 network cards and 1 modem ...10:34
COmmander-Crowefrom 600X8010:34
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COmmander-Crowenow what?10:34
mweelias_: in kde there is a shorcut configuration thing in kcontrol I think there is something like it gnome as well10:34
MenZa`laptopCTRL + ALT + Backspace to restart X10:34
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MenZa`laptop600x80? What kind of resolution is that :|10:35
mweleagris: sysctl10:35
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leagrismwe, sysctl only set inside /proc tree not inside /sysfs or I don't know how to let it set variables in /sysfs mwe10:35
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elias_beagle is supposed to start on F12 why is it not doing it?10:36
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mweleagris: I thought you just did echo whatever > /proc/foo to set /proc parameters10:36
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COmmander-Croweit didn't work10:37
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COmmander-Crowestill 600X48010:37
Warboelias_: I have problems with Beagle. I would suggest 1) make sure it is running at login (System>Preferences>Session) and 2) Try setting it in the System>Preferences>Keyboard thingie for keyboard shortcuts10:37
COmmander-Crowetried to change it but didn't have option10:37
leagrismwe, that's what i do for now in rc.local but I thout there may be some much ubuntu friendly config file to deal with10:37
ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts (Gnome) or "input actions" in Kcontrol (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net10:37
Tommy2k4im trying to run kubuntu livecd on another pc and its giving loads of these errors:10:38
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Stormx2How do I fake a user-agent in firefox? what app should I use?10:38
mweleagris: what are you trying to do, specifically?10:38
Tommy2k4buffer i/o error on device dm-110:38
leagrismwe, it is to set default video input and standard for my pvrusb210:38
COmmander-Crowesow hat next?10:38
mweStormx2: I think there is a plugin10:38
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elias_Warbo: the gnome key shortcut thing does not allow to define custom shortcuts. I can only redefine the ones in the list but not add anything!10:39
mweleagris: I think echo in /etc/rc.local is the way to go10:40
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leagrismwe, the controls belong to root so it has to be set up at boot time so, i put the echo in /etc/init.d/rc.local10:40
Warboelias_: Surely F12 can be mapped to whatever command is used to launch the Beagle window?10:40
elias_Warbo: no!10:40
Warboelias_: Hang on, I will try it myself10:41
leagrismwe, as there exist some very simmilar config file sysctl for /proc I thought there was one for /sysfs as well10:41
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mweleagris: I might be mistaken but I don't think so10:41
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:41
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Tommy2k4does anyone know whether device dm-1 is likely to be the cd drive or the hdd when using livecd10:42
leagrismwe, /sysfs is meant to replace /proc sooner or later so...10:42
james_Has anyone got DB2 C Express v8.2 install instructions? The IBM installer crashes out on Ubuntu 6.06. I have SUN's JRE5 installed via apt.10:42
eric_im back10:42
root__ya un truc qui craint l?10:42
MenZa`laptoperic_: so... which card was it?10:42
Orbit45244Can someone help me with this issue: when I boot Ubuntu from a live cd, it gets stuck on the "setting up keyboard" step and the the screen turns black and the message on the screen is "Extracting Linux... Ok, launching kernel" and it just hangs there.10:42
root__oops sorry10:42
eric_i couldnt see it my dad even couldnt see it10:42
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eric_even on the boot10:42
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COmmander-CroweMenZa `laptop: what should i try now? I googled10:43
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chuckygod damn internets fallen over10:43
mweleagris: yeah it's been on the way several years already though10:43
MenZa`laptopCOmmander-Crowe: go and set your resolun in that dialogue.10:43
MenZa`laptopSystem -> Preferences -> Resolution10:43
COmmander-CroweI did that first10:43
COmmander-Croweand I did that again10:44
COmmander-Croweand i just did it now10:44
MenZa`laptopthat is pretty weird10:44
Orbit45244help please.10:44
eric_so what do u recommend i do to find out10:44
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COmmander-Croweit only shows 600X46010:44
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MenZa`laptopCOmmander-Crowe: pastebin your xorg.conf10:44
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eric_what do you reccommend10:45
COmmander-Crowewait paste the whole xorg.conf in the chan?10:45
leagrismwe, time to hack a sysps init script and propose a spec for it or someone already working on that ?10:45
MenZa`laptoperic_: I don't know.10:45
MenZa`laptopCOmmander-Crowe: Pastebin!10:45
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:45
eric_thanks anyway10:45
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MenZa`laptoperic_: ask the channel.10:45
MenZa`laptopSomeone is bouund toknw.10:45
MenZa`laptopbound to know*10:45
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mweleagris: I don't know. you could report a bug. it would be rejected if it's already on the way10:46
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MenZa`laptophi gnomefreak10:46
COmmander-Crowedid it10:46
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Warboelias_: OK, I admit defeat.10:47
MenZa`laptopCOmmander-Crowe: link me to it.10:47
elias_Warbo: Unfortunately!10:47
MenZa`laptopmwe: right, gonna try that now.10:47
Warboelias_: But at least you made me realise I had removed Beagle :)10:47
user-landmwe, do i need to load a kernel module to see the CPU temperature of an AMD Athlon 64 3000+, using ubuntu 64 ?10:47
MenZa`laptopCOmmander-Crowe: have someone follow up, I need to fix one of my own, critical problems ;)10:47
MenZa`laptopPeople'll know10:47
MenZa`laptopProbably better than I.10:47
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avalean"checking cd for defects" is that a hash/md5 check of the files?10:48
elias_Warbo: Something seems wrong with the beagle package.10:48
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xxzsnobody is talking?10:48
MenZa`laptop2mwe: package is downloading :)10:48
elias_Warbo: It does not find my emails either!10:48
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MenZa`laptop2COmmander-Crowe: I would keep up support, but I can't open that link in my browser ;)10:48
Warboelias_: I can't get it to give me results. I added indexing extensions to my filesystems and exercised the dog, but all I get for results is the occasional system file10:48
MenZa`laptop2mwe: just a reboot then?10:48
MenZa`laptop2COmmander-Crowe: brb10:49
MenZa`laptop2I can continue then.10:49
MenZa`laptop2mwe: after I install the synaptics driver, do I just reboot?10:49
MenZa`laptop2Or just restart x?10:49
linuxgooberwhat password do i use for cervasia?10:49
eric_does anybody know how i can find the kind of video card i have besides opening the computer and looking at the card?10:49
mweMenZa: well I think the package updates xorg.conf but I'd check10:49
elias_Warbo: It used to work. It worked with kerry.10:49
elias_in flight 7 or so10:49
Warboelias_: It's never worked for me10:49
xxzshow to talk with someday privately??10:49
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mweMenZa`laptop: ^^10:49
MenZa`laptop2mwe: ieven if I did check, I wouldn't know what was changed :)10:49
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MenZa`laptop2xxzs: ask the channel your question.10:49
mweMenZa`laptop: you'd look for synaptics10:50
MenZa`laptop2mwe: well, there was a driver already :)10:50
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mweMenZa`laptop: grep -i synaptics /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:50
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mweMenZa`laptop: make sure that device is the default further down10:50
MenZa`laptop2Synaptics Touchpad :)10:50
eric_thanks a lot :(10:50
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MenZa`laptop2Rebooting, mwe10:50
MenZa`laptop2b rb10:51
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COmmander-CroweI'm downloading a newer version of X10:51
COmmander-Crowethat'll fix it 10 to 110:51
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WarboOK, I am loath to do it, but I will reboot to kill rhythmbox. I only opened it up to get a screenshot of it :(10:52
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mweWarbo: huh10:53
mweWarbo: can't you xkill it or killall -9 it?10:53
mweWarbo: or at the extreme log out and back in without rebooting10:54
Warbomwe: Well the window is long gone. I "kill -s KILL"ed it, but no luck10:54
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mweWarbo: how does it show in ps aux?10:54
Warbochris     6734  0.0  3.5  58360 13580 ?        D    21:15   0:01 rhythmbox10:54
snes_rockshello! i was wondering if there way a way to play a .vox file in linux10:54
snes_rocksmplayer crashes and sox says its an invalid format10:55
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mwesnes_rocks: what kind of file is that?10:55
snes_rocksi've heard references to voxware10:55
yesidHello, everyone10:55
Warbosnes_rocks: Sounds like a sample of some sort, dunno what it is though10:55
mweWarbo: is that ps aux?10:56
Warbomwe: Yeah10:56
snes_rocksapparantly its a type of sound format that specializes in voice data10:56
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mweWarbo: it looks like thre are some missing fields10:56
yesidI would like to know, what is the difference between de DVD and the CD installation10:56
ForeClosureif i created root .. can i delete it back later ?10:56
COmmander-Croweinternet is working better10:56
mortal_Hey. I'm on the live CD right now, but on boot I entered rescue and it said it couldn't find disk image 'rescue', and I don't see any options to rescue an old installation from the live cd run, not in the install either.10:56
eXistenZHow can I fix "vim: Depends: vim-common (= 1:6.4-006+2ubuntu6) but 1:7.0-017+3 is to be installed10:56
eXistenZE: Broken packages"10:56
daxxarWhat package should I look at for support for Intel 3945ABG Wireless card?10:56
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mweWarbo: and what happens if you sudo kill -9 6734?10:56
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:56
WhatTheDeuceHello.  Is there any tool I could use inside Ubuntu to shrink another partition on the hard drive (my Windows partition) without loosing data?10:56
COmmander-Crowe!image old HDD10:57
ubotuI know nothing about image old HDD - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:57
Stormx2how do I re-read /etc/fstab without rebooting?10:57
to_sdoes anyone have the problem with remote desktop not working with ATI cards?10:57
Warbochris     6734  0.0  3.5  58360 13580 ?        D    21:15   0:01 rhythmbox No difference10:57
mweeXistenZ: fix your /etc/apt/sources.list and sudo apt-get update10:57
yesidI would like to know, what is the difference between de DVD and the CD installation10:57
WarboWhatTheDeuce: GParted, as long as you don't touch any partition which is mounted10:57
to_svncserver works fine and there are no fw issues10:57
ubotugparted is a GUI partitioning program, "apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php10:58
mweWarbo: yeah it's stubbon. I wonder why it doesn't show as defunct though10:58
Stormx2how do I get ubuntu to re-read /etc/fstab without rebooting?10:58
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:58
eXistenZmwe, it is fixed.10:58
Warboyesid: DVD doesn't rely on an Internet connection to get packages10:58
mweWarbo: if it's lost in kernel space rebooting is indeed the only option though or just ignore it10:58
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mortal_Can't I rescue my Ubuntu installation from the live cd? Is it only available from the alternate install cd? In the F1 help in live cd boot menu it said I could enter the command 'rescue' and so I did, but it said there wasn't a disc image 'rescue'.10:59
Warbomwe: It only really bothered me when Quake 3 got no sound. I "killall esd"ed and it still had no sound, so I assumed it was rhythmbox10:59
mweWarbo: if kill -9 doesn't kill it nothing short of a reboot will10:59
eXistenZmwe, still the same problem =/11:00
Stormx2how do I get ubuntu to re-read /etc/fstab without rebooting?11:00
mweWarbo: it's a bug of course though11:00
Warbomwe: By bye then........11:00
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eXistenZmwe, how can I downgrade a package's version using apt-get?11:00
mweeXistenZ: please remove all vim packages and retry. if it doesn't help paste your sources.list to paste.ubuntu-nl.org so I can see it11:00
yesidhow can I get my ubuntu running again after a dist-upgrade operation?, the X is not working and I did a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org11:00
Stormx2yesid: I had the same problem :(11:01
Stormx2yesid: What errors do you get when you startx?11:01
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eXistenZmwe, what are the names of the vim packages?11:01
WhatTheDeuceWarbo: Thanks.  I'll try that11:01
Stormx2how do I get ubuntu to re-read /etc/fstab without rebooting?11:01
mweeXistenZ: dpkg -l|grep vim and look at the output11:01
yesidthat a have a bad configuration in the xserver.org, I look it but I think nothing wrong11:02
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mweeXistenZ: then sudo apt-get --purge remove them11:02
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rexxkwandomy network connection on my desktop keeps dropping off.  My laptop works fine on the same network.  Any suggestions?11:02
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EnverexIs there a list anywhere of the latest packages added to Synaptic?11:03
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linuxgooberwehre do you find out what the cvs password is?11:03
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eXistenZmwe, great. Now everything works :)11:03
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eXistenZmwe, Thanks a million11:03
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Mastrohi all11:03
mwerexxkwando: a bad driver used with ndiswrapper caused the network to die randomly for me once11:03
WhatTheDeuceWarbo: gparted isn't letting me do anything to the Windows partition except delete it.  What could cause this?11:03
COmmander-Crowehi there!11:03
mweeXistenZ: yw11:04
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Mastroneed help with ubuntu 64 bit (amd) version11:04
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eXistenZmwe, Do you recommend any way to upgrade to vim7?11:04
rexxkwandowell, I guess I'll reinstall the driver then11:04
Mastroi put on the 6.06 Ubuntu...11:04
mweWhatTheDeuce: does it even support ntfs?11:04
Mastrolet it start11:04
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mweeXistenZ: I don't know11:05
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Mastroand after a while the kernel goes panic11:05
mweeXistenZ: Id install it from source with checkinstall11:05
MenZa_mwe: didn't work :(11:05
richard_mwe i got a windows NTFS partition working fine on a slave drive11:05
Tommy2k4is there a livecd paramater (f6) to make it install instead of booting to livecd11:05
richard_with dapper 6.0611:05
Mastrothis is the message..11:05
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futlibhi. I have an intel 915 mobile graphics card, and xserver-xorg-driver-i810 installed and selected for xorg, as well as i810 and i915 loaded with modprobe11:05
Commander-CroweMastro: what CPU do you have?11:05
mwerichard_: I mean does gparted support resizing ntfs11:05
AlienXmwe, yes11:05
futlibmy question: are this the official drivers from intel? if not: are the intel drivers better for 3d acceleration?11:05
MastroKernel panic - not syncing PCI-DMA: high address but IOMMU11:06
mweMenZa_: oh. paste your xorg.conf to paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:06
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Mastroi run a laptop, Asus A4K..11:06
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Commander-CroweMastro: but what kind of processor do you use?11:06
Mastroi allready seeked on the forum.. and i found other guys with my laptop and the same problem11:06
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mweAlienX: well from knoppix it said parted doesn't support ntfs. I gues it's another version then11:06
MastroAMD 64 bit (Athlon)11:07
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Commander-CroweIso its an athlon 64?11:07
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ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild11:07
AlienXmwe, i've used gparted to resize lots of ntfs partitions11:08
JimmeyI'm having some Grub troubles - The kernel image update screwed up menu.lst, the Window's entry was wiped, and now, with what I'm sure is an identical entry, Windows won't boot.11:08
Commander-Croweit might be an interference with your PCI card slot11:08
mweAlienX: I see11:08
Lamingtonwow 804 nicks...11:08
Commander-Croweif you have one11:08
Mastroi think the i386 version will work fine (becouse of i read the same problem on the forum, and this guy, with my laptop, say the i386 version worked perfectly)11:08
=== bcron [n=bcron@c-68-50-141-126.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
AlienXmwe, i typically use kanotix and gparted inside of it before I dual boot any computers with windows11:08
Commander-Croweyeah 64-bit Ubuntu is "unstable"11:08
mweAlienX: yes11:09
Commander-CroweI'm on it right now and i get a slew of problems11:09
=== WoooD [n=wood@Toronto-HSE-ppp3751566.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
EnverexMastro, It should work fine, I'm using it on my Athlon64 Desktop now, but it's a 32bit kernel, so if you're running 64bit Ubuntu it won't work11:09
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hmrochai have two two tft monitors side by side, how can i put a wallpaper in just one of them?11:09
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recon0Is there any kind of poker game for Ubuntu?11:09
EnverexI'm running i386 because of too many programs not in the 64bit version11:09
mweCommander-Crowe: yeah 64bit linux is not quite mature yet I think11:09
WoooDHi ! any know how to make updates with Ubuntu in console mode ?11:09
Commander-CroweI agree11:09
Mastroi have an amd 64... and the version amd 64 should work11:09
Commander-Croweyes it should but it is possible that it just might not11:10
mweCommander-Crowe: the kernel should be stable but not the programs11:10
Mastroin this machine im running Debian kernel 2.6.15 with Athlon Amd 64 (K8)11:10
Commander-CroweI'd stick with I386 version11:10
chuckyok i can talk to my router by sticking its gateway ip into firefox yet it wont let me get http pages11:10
Commander-Croweits more mature and stable11:10
chuckyim thinking it may be a dns server issue11:10
EnverexMastro, Are you running the normal Ubuntu or the 64bit version though?11:10
Mastrocan you simply explain me the meaning of that error?11:10
chuckybut anyone got any ideas11:10
MastroEnverex: 64 bit gave me the kernel panic11:11
mwechucky: try sudo dhclient your interface to see if you get an ip11:11
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Commander-CroweMastro: it could mean many things11:11
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Mastrocommander: ok.. what do you need to know?11:11
Commander-CroweI'm guessing it has to do with your north/south bridge11:11
Commander-Crowebut I guessed11:12
Mastrocommander: i really wanna do it work11:12
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chuckyok it gave me the correct subnet and gateway11:12
chuckyand it says i have an ip11:12
Commander-Crowebut through google thats what I'm thinking11:12
chuckyyet i still dont have http pages11:12
mwechucky: now ping yahoo.com11:12
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mwechucky: and restart ff11:12
=== Rikkimaru_ [n=etszone@66-100-35-23-static.dsl.oplink.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mastrocommander: i allready searched on google.. useless11:12
chuckywhat to type to ping?11:12
Commander-Crowe./ping yahoo.com11:13
mwechucky: ping yahoo.com11:13
EnverexMastro, try with the options "noacpi acpi=off"11:13
mwechucky: not ./11:13
=== Nekow42 [n=chatzill@adsl-69-221-97-109.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mastrocommander: im not very expert on linux..11:13
Rikkimaru_if my xorg.conf has a resolution in it's "Default Monitor" section, why can't I use that resolution in System->Preferences->Screen Resolution ?11:13
EnverexMastro, try with the options "noapic acpi=off"11:13
chuckyok its pinging11:13
Mastroenverex: what this option is supposed to do?11:13
mwechucky: good restart firefox and retry11:13
chuckyim getting between 185 and 20011:13
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EnverexMastro, Possibly make it work11:13
chuckystill not woking11:14
Mastrocommander: but i can understand many thing if you explain me..11:14
mwechucky: odd.11:14
=== Exposure [n=Exposure@a196215.upc-a.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Mastroenverex: i will try.. but what does it mean?11:14
Commander-CroweMastro: 64-bit Ubuntu isn't a stable linux yet, it didn't work with my Pentium D 64-bit proc11:14
chuckyi had it working earlier but it just fell over on me11:14
Commander-Croweit isn't fully developed11:14
mwechucky: you tried several pages of course?11:14
chuckywhen it was 70% through getting the video and audio codecs11:15
Mastrodo you suggest to use the i386 version?11:15
chuckygoogle, yahoo, hotmail11:15
Rikkimaru_if my xorg.conf has a resolution in it's "Default Monitor" section, why can't I use that resolution in System->Preferences->Screen Resolution ?11:15
Commander-CroweMastro: Absalutly11:15
z0r1Is there a short guide to getting mp3/divx/xvid/h.264 working?11:15
mweMastro: I second that11:15
chuckyz0r1 - easyubuntu does it all for you11:15
uXpmonrning all11:15
jryerscrew you guys, im outta here.11:15
Nekow42z0r1: You want EasyUbuntu or similair11:15
Mastromwe: what?11:15
=== JustWilliam [n=jw@cpc2-mfld7-0-0-cust627.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
CntryboyAnyone know why kaffeine has a slash through the speaker and it's not on mute? I can't get any sound11:15
z0r1Alright thanks11:15
chuckyz0r1 - http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/get.html11:15
uXpanyone here?11:16
=== BockBilbo [n=Bock@eu85-84-43-70.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu
mwechucky: firefox is not by chance misconfigured in the settings?11:16
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Cntryboyuxp yah11:16
mweeXistenZ: huh :)11:16
Commander-CroweuXp: yes11:16
Nekow42uXp: Indeed11:16
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@ppp-69-233-82-148.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
chuckyi dont think its misconfiged11:16
mweuXp: We see you  :)11:16
uXpok, wasn't sure if i existed, thought inetert was laggin or osmething11:16
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chuckyits on direct connection to the internet in connection settings11:17
Cntryboyanyone have a clue to my probs?11:17
Commander-Crowecorrect grammer please11:17
uXpyou know where it takes minutes to disconnect till then no1 see you typing or what not11:17
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mwechucky: and you have a plain setup?11:17
chuckyfresh install11:17
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mwechucky: I mean your internet connection. it's not behind a weird proxy or sth?11:18
chuckyall i want is for it to play divx and avi11:18
Nekow42Commander-Crowe: Please use spelling good!!!11:18
AesopOk, X refyses to star, says 'cannot open device /dev/input/mice"? Any suggestions on where else my mouse might have gone?11:18
chuckynope just a simple wireless router11:18
Jack_SparrowI am pissed at a programmer that created a gdesklet called workspace switcher.  I did not intend to install it and I cant get it off my desktop,  I even tried looking the app up by name and by author in gdesklets and his name and the prgoram names were not found11:18
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Commander-CroweNekow42: lol I will\11:18
chuckybut im connecting to it using ethernet11:18
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mwechucky: I'm afraid I'm out of ideas11:18
Mastrocommander: can you tell me a link where find a complete guide to the initial parameters for linux? (like "vga=771" or "noacpi" etc.. where it explain the meaning and when to use it?)11:18
chuckythats about where i am11:18
chuckyi think it maybe either a dns issue with the router11:18
CntryboyAnyone know why kaffeine has a slash through the speaker and it's not on mute? I can't get any sound11:19
ubotuI know nothing about acpi - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:19
mwechucky: you can ping so not dns11:19
chuckyor a problem with the other computers on my network screwing up my connection11:19
Aesopubotu tell aesop about xorg11:19
Commander-CroweMastro: Google knows as much as I do11:19
Cntryboyla la la la la11:19
Cntryboyguess ill sing11:19
mwechucky: the odd thing is you can ping ok11:19
chuckyi do have about 15 b0x's on the network11:19
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:19
AesopNope, that was useless. >.>11:19
MastroAesop: i was having the same problem with debian some times a go.. fixed reconfiguring the kernel and recompiling it11:19
chuckyyeah but pings that high are unusual11:19
=== ucordes [n=kvirc@dslb-084-062-054-119.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
AesopMastro: HOw does one recompile the kernal?11:20
chuckyi am on 8mb adsl11:20
dliMastro, install kernel source ( apt-get install linux-source), unpack the kernel tree, read Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt11:20
Cntryboyrah rah rah rah rahhhhhhhhhh rah rah rah11:20
Commander-CroweAesop: with another OS11:20
Cntryboydang ppl, no one knows why I can't get sound in kaffeine video player?11:20
ubotugoogle is a very popular search engine, http://www.google.com11:20
=== pianoboy3333 [n=alex@ool-43567d61.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cntryboy800 ppls and im sure someone has had that prob11:20
mwechucky: i get response times of about 100ms on 2mbit11:20
dliAesop, to build your own kernel, ask dpkg about kernel-package in #debian11:20
Mastrodli: tnx.. lol :) it was simple!11:20
Commander-CroweCntryboy: missing codecs11:20
Cntryboywhich codecs?11:21
Cntryboyvlc and xmm plays fine11:21
ucordeshow do i make an image of my ubuntu so i can have it restored when my system crashes?11:21
Aesopdli: I have no desire to actually do that =P I just want to figure out where my mouse went11:21
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CntryboyI have w32 codecs11:21
z0r1Is pastebin down?11:21
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Aesopdli: Recompiling the kernal was suggested as a fix11:21
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RawSewage I cant get sound back on YouTube.  I touched a volume control on it, and now, no sound.  Anyone know how to fix this11:21
chucky118ms to google11:21
CntryboyI don't have libxine-extracodecs11:21
Cntryboywould I need those?11:21
GullstadWhats the FTP port?11:21
zthhello. how can i control my USB? i've plugged my camera in to it but can't get it to be detected11:21
z0r1Well Pastebin.ca works fine so...11:21
Commander-CroweCntryboy: yes11:21
z0r1I tried installing EasyUbuntu and got this: http://pastebin.ca/9273311:21
mweucordes: partimage is an option11:21
Aesopzth: If it uses the PTP protocol, I don't think it will work11:22
dliAesop, the current 2.6.15 release (dapper) sucks, upgrade to 2.6.1711:22
Mastrook guys.. tnx anyway.. i will try the "noacpi etc.." option and then if it doesn't work i will try to figure out myself :D11:22
z0r1It looks like something to do w/ it not being able to lock some files doewn or something11:22
zthAesop, it doesn't, i've used this camera before but that was before dapper11:22
chuckyand what do i do to stop it pinging11:22
Commander-Crowedli: Ubuntu does it already though11:22
Cntryboycommander-crowe: I tried to get them through apt-get but it's not in my repos I guess11:22
chuckyit just keeps going and going and going11:22
z0r1Nm I got it fixed... it was because I had synaptic open11:22
Commander-Crowetry synpatic11:22
Cntryboyi did11:22
Cntryboyits edept for me11:22
Mastrodli: can i really upgrade the kernel?11:22
mwechucky: I get 123 to google I think it's fine11:22
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=== Bartsk8 [n=Bart@d83-179-193-181.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu
chuckythis is so odd11:23
chuckyit makes no sence11:23
zthIt's a Canon G3, anyone know how for me to get it to work?11:23
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Commander-Crowedid you go into repertories and add universe and multiverse?11:23
Mastrodli: becouse of debian last kernel supported was the 2.6.1511:23
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dliMastro, no need to use debian kernel, build your own11:23
z0r1EasyUbuntu rocks11:23
Aesopdli: Right... You make that sound easy. I don't suppose I can use apt-get for that?11:23
chuckyhow do i stop it pinging?11:23
Bartsk8Does anybody know how can i reduce the space between the icons ?11:24
Nekow42z0r1: Did it help you out?11:24
Mastrodli: ok tnx.. :D11:24
chuckyi can start but how to stop without closing the terminal11:24
mwechucky: ctrl-c11:24
Nekow42chucky: ctrl:c, perhaps?11:24
gr33npho3nixchucky: or specify the number of pings before you start11:24
Mastrobye everyone...11:24
Commander-CroweMastro: bye11:24
Cntryboycommander-crowe: I thought I had multi enabled11:24
Commander-Croweyou need both11:24
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Cntryboycommander-crowe: how can I do that just for the libxine-extracodecs?11:25
z0r1Nekow almost ...11:25
eXistenZHow can I untar bz2 files?11:25
Commander-Croweyou can't really11:25
mweisn't this odd, I can only ping with sudo.11:25
gr33npho3nixeXistenZ: tar -xjf11:25
=== bcron_ [n=chatzill@c-68-50-141-126.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Wiseguyhey guys i burnt a dvd and now im trying to make it into an iso again, is there anyway to do this with dd?11:25
Cntryboycommander-crowe: care to help me get my repo working then?11:25
mweas normal user it says "ping: icmp open socket: Operation not permitted"11:25
mwereally odd11:25
chuckyim going to go round the house and turn off all the other machines and see if thats the problem11:26
mweI don't know when this happened11:26
Commander-CroweCntryboy : I'll try11:26
Jack_Sparrowzth: try digikam11:26
m_0_r_0_nHi, for compiling an old opengl application I do need the X11 library (-lX11 -lXi -lXmu) . Any idea what dev-package I have to install?11:26
Commander-CroweI'm still new to this11:26
gr33npho3nixmwe: does it work as sudo?11:26
=== livingdaylight [n=conrad-l@82-45-204-76.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
z0r1I just checked everything (because I want everything) and now i get this error when trying to run everything .... "Could not download all repository indexes" and then there are two files .. Which are http://packages.freecontrib.org/plf/dists/dapper/free/binary-i386/Packages.gz: 404 Not Found and the "non-free" one also11:26
mwegr33npho3nix: yes11:26
Bartsk8Does anybody know how can i reduce the space between the icons ?11:26
z0r1Anyone know how I can hack this up and fix it?11:26
mwegr33npho3nix: it's weird11:26
gr33npho3nixmwe: ping has lost setuid11:26
Commander-CroweBartsk8: try desktop background11:26
gr33npho3nixmwe: installing bastille can do that11:26
mwegr33npho3nix: I used to be able to ping as user11:26
chuckyz0r1: just do each one individually11:27
mwegr33npho3nix: should it be suid root?11:27
gr33npho3nixmwe: sudo chmor u+s `which ping`11:27
chuckyi know its a pain but it failed on me in the same way about 4 hours ago11:27
=== kazukisan [n=kazuki@cpe-65-27-157-254.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Bartsk8Commander-Crowe : Hum ?11:27
mwegr33npho3nix: is yours suid root?11:27
gr33npho3nixi guess so, i just no that happened to my machine when basitle removed setuid11:27
gr33npho3nixmwe: or when iptables blocked absolutely everything11:27
Bartsk8Commander-Crowe : The isn't any options about icons the desktop background manager11:27
z0r1chucky I still get the error11:27
Commander-CroweI see that11:28
gr33npho3nixbut then root couldn't do it11:28
kazukisanWhy when i did a apt get all the compiz xgl stuff did my Direct Rendering Turn off ???????11:28
gr33npho3nixthanks trappist11:28
mwegr33npho3nix: I wonder how that happened though11:28
chuckyi have no idea mate11:28
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Tommy2k4how can i find out what device dm-1 is when trying to boot to livecd11:28
z0r1well if I click ok or w/e it continues to download stuff and it looks like it's installing11:28
gr33npho3nixmwe: mine is setuid root11:28
mwegr33npho3nix: can you ls -l $(which ping) to confirm it's suid root?11:28
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mwegr33npho3nix: ok11:28
gr33npho3nixi just did11:28
z0r1Does anyone know why EasyUbuntu isn't working right now?  I'm getting a 404 on that file I pasted up there ^^11:28
=== Exposure [n=Exposure@a196215.upc-a.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.11:29
z0r1Thank you jack11:29
mwegr33npho3nix: I'm not fond of making things setuid root. but I guess ping should be then. I still wonder how it happened11:29
livingdaylightmsg nickserv register diamond9911:29
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gr33npho3nixmwe: no clue, but you don't have to11:29
gr33npho3nixall you have to do is append sudo to yoru ping command11:30
gr33npho3nixits needs access as root so you have a choice howto do it11:30
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trappistgr33npho3nix: prepend :)11:30
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AngryElfdmesg -> seg fault.....errr? :(11:31
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livingdaylightUbuntu Rocks!11:31
trappistAngryElf: sounds bad11:31
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Tommy2k4if i dl the kubuntu alternative cd will it still install the same stuff as the livecd11:31
uXpanyone here use TeamSpeak?!11:31
AngryElfdoesn't dmesg just 'cat someFile'?11:31
livingdaylightis Ubuntu an African word?11:31
gr33npho3nixtrappist: prepend?11:31
trappistAngryElf: no11:31
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Nekow42livingdaylight: yes11:31
AngryElfbut it's a log file...kind of11:32
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trappistgr33npho3nix: append means add to the end.  prepend means add to the beginning.11:32
livingdaylightNekow42: what does it mean?11:32
trappistAngryElf: no, it's in memory.11:32
=== Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kazukisanWhy when i did a apt get all the compiz xgl stuff did my Direct Rendering Turn off ???????11:32
echeeseAnyone familiar with VMWare server?11:32
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Nekow42livingdaylight: http://www.ubuntu.com/ it's on the homepage11:32
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gr33npho3nixtrappist: ah i get it11:32
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gr33npho3nixtrappist: i was just figuring the context11:33
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ciusanyone have problems lately with firefox sending your cpu usage through the roof at fairly random times?11:33
trev__is running ut2004 in linux worth it?11:34
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trappisttrev__: worth what?11:34
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metajcan someone tell me how to create a wrapper script please ??????11:34
trev__the time to install it when you have it on xp already11:34
trappisttrev__: it's no big deal to install it11:34
=== tom1502 [n=thomas@p54AD95B0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
trev__does it run any faster11:34
ciustrev__, no point, if you've already got it installed, don't worry about it11:34
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trappisttrev__: it's probably about the same.  maybe a little faster or slower depending on hardware, configuration, etc.11:35
ucordesmwe: thanks for your tipp to use partimage for creating an image of my ubuntu :-)11:35
erUSULmetaj:  what do you mean by wrapper script ???11:35
trev__ok thx11:35
tom1502Hey guys, since a while, my system needs Minutes to boot, especially point "Loading Hardware driver/modules ?" does anyone know how i can find out why? because a fresh installed system does not do this at all11:35
ciustrev__, unles you're like me and move all linux native games to your linux partition so as to free up more space for games on your windows partition11:35
ucordesmwe: i will check this out11:35
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CntryboyAnyone know how I can add libxine-extracodecs to my repos where I can download thissss. Ive been here 2 hours zzzz11:35
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jribCntryboy: are you using dapper?11:36
dwfanyone know how to unsubscribe from a bug on launchpad?11:36
dwfIt's ridiculously hard to figure out, if the option exists11:36
=== Exposure` [n=exposure@a196215.upc-a.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
jrib!multiverse > Cntryboy11:36
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tom1502Cntryboy, well they are in multiverse11:36
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velcroSHOOZEdoes gnome have the option to start screensaver with the mouse pushed in the corner or is it another app i need to install?11:36
ubotuI know nothing about samab - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:36
Cntryboymy multiverse is enabled though11:36
=== AaSFi [n=AaSFi@eu83-213-214-42.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu
dronhi, how could i open attachments directly from evolution? for example with openoffice? evolution only geaves me option to save attachment but not to open directly11:37
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT11:37
trappistdwf: there's an unsubscribe link on the left when you view the bug, if you're subscribed11:37
jribCntryboy: pastebin sources.list please11:37
=== LjL is now known as YwY
metajer USUL : I followed the instruction under this link that toled me how to intall Skype under AMD 64 bit aweythink works but  I dont undestand the last one on the instruction ?   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype11:37
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metajJust look under de AMD64 Title11:38
=== kampret77 [n=kampret7@e176120036.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
kampret77[need help]  my lesser and greater keys do not work11:38
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Jack_Sparrowjrib: were you able to dl that file?11:39
mamatoshikampret77:: maybe your keyboard configuration is wrong11:39
=== johan_ [n=johan@c-e984e055.441-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
erUSULmetaj: just open an editor and type #!/bin/sh <newline> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/<your_user>/.32bitLibs/";skype Save the file and give it exec erm to your user. Put it somewhere in your path11:39
ucordescan anybody suggest a good mirc client that supports DCC except off kvirc?11:39
kampret77I have problems with my keyboard layout. I am using "de" layout with 105 keys keyboard setting.11:39
kampret77But i can use [greater] , [lesser] , [pipe]  keys which left side [y]  characters.11:39
kampret77I have tried to change it in regional setting, keyboard layout, apply Smiley but it does not work.11:39
johan_I love Foobar2000s masstagger...but since it is Windows only I need a replacement. Which one is the best?11:39
jribJack_Sparrow: I got your email, but I am on dial up right now so i am waiting to download it later11:39
trappistheh.  mirc client.11:40
=== hivemind [n=hivemind@S01060040ca64ca43.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
trappistucordes: xchat, irssi, BitchX11:40
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ucordeslolz i meant irc client11:40
=== Commander-Crowe [n=Commande@h-66-166-75-234.snvacaid.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
mamatoshikampret77 :: you can try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"11:40
Cntryboyjrib: js im on 2.1KB slow arse dialup11:40
trappistjohan_: if that app does what I think it does, try easytag11:41
zthi cant get the camera to work, im plugging it into my usb11:41
=== primal [n=ray@ip72-195-176-13.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
metajtHANX erUSUL11:41
metajI'll try it11:41
Jack_Sparrowzth did you try digikam?11:41
zthwhere do i control the usb in linux+11:41
mamatoshikampret77 :: choose the pc105 and de layout11:41
zthJack_Sparrow, yes11:41
zthlsusb gives me nothing either11:41
ucordestrappist: which of these has most simple interface?11:41
kampret77this is my xorg.conf11:41
=== scotty_ [n=scotty@82-47-176-35.cable.ubr02.donc.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
kampret77Section "InputDevice"11:41
kampret77  Identifier "Keyboard0"11:41
kampret77  Driver "kbd"11:41
kampret77 # i have tried both driver but none of 3 keys are working11:41
kampret77 # Driver "keyboard"11:41
zthcouldn't detect11:41
kampret77  Option "CoreKeyboard"11:41
dwftrappist: doesn't seem that there is11:41
kampret77  Option "XkbModel" "pc105"11:41
kampret77  Option "XkbLayout" "de"11:41
primalhello all11:41
trappistucordes: probably xchat11:41
AesopOK! I guess I get to play the 'Back it all up and reinstall the OS game!"11:41
kampret77  Option "XKbOptions" ""11:41
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jrib!paste > kampret7711:41
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AesopThis is the first ti'me I've had to do this under Linux11:41
johan_trappist: basicly allows you to masstagg and mass-rename files11:41
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Nekow42kampret77: Pastebin, Please!11:42
primali have a question concerning switching graphics cards11:42
trappistdwf: if you're logged in and you're viewing the bug in question and you're subscribed to it, there is11:42
=== Derevko is now known as Derevko\away
=== she is now known as sherwin
sherwinany1 know a good site to dl themes ?11:42
trappistjohan_: I'm pretty sure that's what easytag is for - but I use amaroK for that (it's also a great player)11:42
dwfI'm in the "also notified" list11:42
=== xored [n=gasdasdf@i3ED6C2CF.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
Nekow42sherwin: gnomelook11:42
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Cntryboyjrib: http://pastebin.com/75255011:43
trappistjohan_: amaroK also has a musicbrainz interface to auto-tag songs based on an audio-fingerprint11:43
johan_trappist: I did like Amarok, but it's a little to "bloated" for me. Not bloated really but too much features and to messy interface11:43
=== leks [n=alessand@80-218-97-219.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
sherwinnekow cheers i was on this ages ago but could never remember what it was11:43
lekshey guys im gettin errors when cp files with umlauts11:43
soundrayjohan_: that sounds like the definition of "bloated" to me11:43
primali've currently got a geforce mx4000 graphics card and i've got a slightly newer (still old though) ati card that i'd like to replace it with11:44
lekson a vfat drive11:44
lekswhat could be wrong?11:44
Nekow42sherwin: The exact addy is http://www.gnome-look.org/11:44
sherwinyea i googled it11:44
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:44
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primali'd like to know what i need to do to switch cards11:44
=== Flyoc_ [n=flyin_do@APlessis-Bouchard-153-1-32-37.w83-200.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
primali think i need to change a setting somewhere to vesa11:44
johan_soundray: maybe. but it isn't as bloated as windows for example.11:44
AesopI've heard that Automatix 'breaks' Ubuntu- what's the deal?11:44
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ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.11:44
=== Pazzo [n=thomas@host130-250-static.72-81-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
mweprimal: well open the case and take the old one out and put in the new one11:44
mweprimal: then install the ati driver instead11:45
soundrayAesop: try easyubuntu, it's better11:45
Dial_tonebreaks in what way11:45
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.11:45
primalbut what about the config file somewhere?11:45
dwftrapp: How do I get off the "also notified" list11:45
Jack_SparrowAesop: the warning USE AT YOUR OWN RISK says it all.11:45
ucordeswhat is the difference between xchat and xchat-gnome?11:45
UFUKiyi akamlar11:45
ubotuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.11:45
AesopJack_Sparrow: Everything OSS has that11:45
erUSULprimal: change cards and the boot in recovery mode and run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'11:45
mweprimal: you need to install the ati driver then change the driver to fglrx in xorg.conf11:45
adamlazdiddnt spybot say 'use at your own risk?11:45
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Dial_toneucordes, some visual changes11:46
Jack_SparrowAesop: You can believe in this one11:46
adamlazthat program was too easy to use11:46
ucordesDial_tome: like improvemenst or rather useless addons?11:46
Cntryboyjrib: u here man?11:46
dwfI _hate_ launchpad. Argh.11:46
ucordesDial_tone: *11:46
jribCntryboy: yeah, the page is loading (I'm downloading some stuff too)11:46
Cntryboyyah pastebin is super sucky lately, even pastebin.ca11:47
Jack_SparrowAn improvement for one person is a useless addon to another.11:47
Dial_tonethats in the eye of the beholder, I guess11:47
ucordesok :-)11:47
jribCntryboy: want to use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ ?11:47
Cntryboyk js11:47
primali had to write all that down really quick11:47
dwfDoes ANYONE know how to get off the "Also notified" list on the bug tracker?11:47
primalthat's all i need to do?11:47
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dronhi, how could i open attachments directly from evolution? for example with openoffice? evolution only geaves me option to save attachment but not to open directly11:47
dwfChrist, it's more difficult than getting a passport11:47
primalone more question before i actually restart...11:47
primalhow do i boot in safe mode?11:48
primaler, recovery mode11:48
Aesopprimal: It'll ask what you want to boot into when the computer turns on11:48
soundrayprimal: it's usually the second option in the grub menu11:48
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primaloh, okay. easy enough then11:48
primalthanks guys11:48
=== Rikkimaru_ [n=etszone@66-100-35-23-static.dsl.oplink.net] has joined #ubuntu
AesopRecovery mode is very useful, for example when you break xorg really bad but have no idea how11:49
Rikkimaru_How can I run a command before the Xserver starts?11:49
primali'll come back on the other side to let you know how it went11:49
primalthanks all. i'll keep that in minde aesop11:49
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Cntryboyjrib: there ya go ^11:50
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=== erf [n=simon@loki.stintranet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
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erfHey, is there anyway to set the amount of users allowed on a vnc server?11:50
Rikkimaru_How can I run a command before X starts on boot?11:50
jribCntryboy: heh pastebin.com loaded at exactly the same time you pasted that.  Are you using dapper now?11:50
=== carthik is now known as carthik_chipotle
Mystahello, i just installed ubuntu 606 server install, and I need to downgrade to php4 from php5. Can I just apt-get remove php5 packages, and then apt-get install php4 packages?11:50
jribCntryboy: ok you have a warty line on line 35, get rid of it11:51
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Cntryboyi know I have that11:51
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soundrayRikkimaru_: add it to /etc/rc.local11:51
Cntryboybut its not hurting nothing so i left it11:51
jribCntryboy: k, add "multiverse" to the end of lines 16 and 1711:52
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Rikkimaru_soundray: much thanks.11:52
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jribCntryboy: erm 17 and 18, not 16 and 1711:52
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Cntryboywell the one im looking at11:52
=== skavenge_ [n=skavenge@12-207-61-84.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
Cntryboystarts it 18-1911:52
Cntryboythe deb one?11:52
Cntryboydeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe11:53
Cntryboy deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe11:53
jribCntryboy: yes11:53
anosacan anyone tell me weather update url??11:53
Cntryboygive me example of how it should look11:53
Cntryboywith multi added11:53
AesopOk, how do I totally reinstall X?11:53
AesopVia command line11:53
=== AaSFi [n=AaSFi@eu83-213-214-42.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu
jribCntryboy: deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe multiverse11:53
Cntryboykk didn't know about quotes js11:53
kbrooksAesop: uh11:53
Cntryboylet me add it11:53
=== skorm [n=skorm@d58-105-100-88.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
devhenAesop, you can use synaptic, mark all of the X packages for reinstallation11:54
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AesopI assume Aptitude will work the same way, DeeJay[2] 11:54
ubotugDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. Homepage is http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/11:54
=== LoRez [i=lorez@freenode/staff/lorez] has joined #ubuntu
sexcopter8000mhi, is it possible to get the ubuntu weekly newsletter as an rss or similar feed?11:54
z0r1does ubuntu not support WPA wireless encryption?11:54
Cntryboyjrib: do I need to update source list?11:55
Cntryboyafter its done?11:55
johan_Will I gain much speed if I compile my own kernel with the ck-patches?11:55
jribCntryboy: yep, sudo apt-get update11:55
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soundrayjohan_: probably not11:56
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devhenAesop, never used aptitude but id assume it would work all the same11:56
johan_soundray: so they are basicly made because it always sounds nice to have a megaoptimized super duper fast custom kernel?11:56
Aesopdevhen; My problem is that I can't -start- X, so using synaptic is a bit tricky11:56
=== ScatterBrain [n=kcollins@] has joined #ubuntu
ScatterBrainCan someone tell  me how to control the order that modules load in initrd?11:57
johan_Aesop: I think aptitude is like synaptic but commandline11:57
Cntryboyjrib: thx man11:57
jribCntryboy: np11:57
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soundrayjohan_: generally, if you have a performance problem, the kernel is not the first thing to think about11:57
=== Commander-Crowe [n=Commande@h-66-166-75-234.snvacaid.covad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
Cntryboyso my multiverse wasn't enabled? how was I able to download so much stuff lately?11:58
Rikkimaru_Is there a fairly comprehensive list of debain repos somewhere?11:58
soundrayjohan_: find out where the bottleneck is first.11:58
johan_soundray: not the kernel but what? window manager? I don't really know if I have less performance than I should, it just feels slower than when I installed it 3 weeks ago (I reinstalled it today but it feels slow)11:59
soundrayRikkimaru_: www.apt-get.org perhaps11:59
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=== Flyoc_ is now known as Flyoc
erfis there anyway to set the amount of users allowed on a vnc server?12:00
zthanyone....? usb on ubuntu? how to detect/administer?12:00
soundrayjohan_: perceptions can be misleading. What kind of system are you running on?12:00
jribCntryboy: you had main, restricted, and universe12:00
zorglubhello, I'm looking for the location of the ubuntu customizations to the default Qt4 plastique theme12:00
=== epimer [n=yermaw@i-83-67-89-91.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
epimerguys, help a poor idiot12:00
Cntryboyso whats the difference in universe and multiverse?12:00
Cntryboykinda misleading lol12:00
crimsun!components > Cntryboy12:00

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