=== abattoir [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Tonio_ [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [12:21] toma: wait. Please upload the -doc tarballs first. sf.net still does not like me ^%$$^&*% [12:21] cool, it works except it is really in conflict with network-manager :) [12:21] toma: I'll send my you announcement [12:21] hey allee, toma [12:21] allee: ever played with kwlan ? [12:21] allee: i wont file them before they are accepted [12:22] Tonio_: hi [12:22] Tonio_: no. only seen the checkin in kde-extras. [12:22] allee: are they uploaded to incoming on sf.net? === Tonio_ disconnecting for a few tests [12:22] + in alioth [12:22] toma: ah, not yet ... [12:27] it really works nicelly [12:27] the only issue is that you have to define the wpa_supplicant driver to use [12:27] how is network-manager dealing with this ? [12:27] toma: sent annoucnement, dip-doc uploaded [12:28] if we can automate the driver selection, it would be perfect [12:31] toma: now digikam-doc uploaded to sf.net too [12:34] allee: both activated === goldenear [n=goldenea@vol75-4-82-225-33-186.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [12:40] toma: great. Thx. I'll send ann. later or tomorrow to give the mirrors time to sync === neoncode [n=neoncode@unaffiliated/neoncode] has joined #kubuntu-devel [12:46] allee: mirrors are a bit slow lately [12:47] toma: okay. then I send it when I'm back at work [12:47] k [12:47] whats the conversion from bytes to GB ? (/1024)/1024 ? [12:49] one more /1024 [12:49] imbrandon: divided by another 1024, iirc [12:49] kk thanks [12:49] or /1000 depending on the mood [12:49] hehe yea [12:49] imbrandon: /1000/1000/1000. The /1024/1024/1024 has a other standardicied appreviation. Check linux kernel there it get's used ;) [12:50] ahh [12:50] imbrandon: see we all agree ;) === imbrandon always get confused about 1000 vs 1024 thing [12:50] heh [12:51] people who want to rob you use 1000, like memory manufacturers :P [12:51] but to be fair k=1000 [12:51] true :P [12:51] K=1000, k=kelvin [12:51] hehehe [12:51] heh, fair enough :) === poningru [n=poningru@wsip-70-168-186-68.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === imbrandon was just trying to figure out how much room his apt-mirror was takin up ( read: 30148327123 bytes will be downloaded into archive. ) === apokryp3 [n=apokryph@host-84-9-33-134.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel [12:53] imbrandon: -h in ls or du or df will make it readable for Humans [12:54] yea thats the output from apt-mirror , just making a human readable option for it ( heh will have a new version ready before it gets out of the NEW que ) [12:54] i cant think of any other exception, other than Kelvin, all the other units named after scientists are capitalised. [12:54] it only outputs bytes atm ;P [12:55] toma, and also -H afaik -h == 1000 conversion -H does the 1024 way [12:55] in ls du and df [12:55] ah, oki [12:56] imbrandon: ah, -H exists too [12:56] ;P [12:57] Riddell: k=1000 K= Kelvin :P [12:58] imbrandon: not -H, --si [12:58] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelvin [12:58] imbrandon: only df -H == --si [12:58] allee, [12:59] brandon@shuttlepod:~> df -H [12:59] Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on [12:59] /dev/hda4 22G 7.5G 15G 35% / [12:59] ahh yea [12:59] df has -H and -h [12:59] the others dont [12:59] abattoir: bah :) [12:59] hrm actualy allee du has -H too [01:00] just not ls [01:02] anyhow got my problem fixed , heh apt-mirror now reads 28.07 GB not 30148327123 bytes for the edgy mirror ;P [01:05] there are 28.07 GiB not GB :) [01:05] s/there/these/ === Tonio_ [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [01:05] hrm ok [01:11] nite [01:12] gnight allee === Tonio__ [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [01:18] Riddell, ping [01:18] Sho_ just pointed me to this http://konversation.kde.org/wiki/Release_Schedule , note the last date and comment [01:20] Party? [01:20] ;) [01:21] more about the kubuntu release [01:21] i seen that [01:21] so, is .20 gonna do anything like i want to see? [01:21] treeview/double rows [01:21] imbrandon: I've discussed it with him, so cool when people arrange their release schedules around us [01:21] yup yup thats what i was thinking ;P [01:22] nixternal, yea and treeview option is going in svr in the next days [01:22] svn* === nixternal faints [01:22] wont be default but an option [01:22] dude..that means i don't go to irssi and i stick with konversation!!! [01:24] [18:20] channell tree option be in by the 15th ? [01:24] [18:20] * imbrandon hides [01:24] [18:20] <-- strm has left this server ("uni"). [01:24] [18:20] imbrandon: yup [01:24] tell Sho_ he is my new hero btw [01:24] will never be double rows he said unless someone makes a kde widget for it ( kde4 ) [01:25] i can wait, as long as i can see the channel names [01:26] double row tabs are evil [01:26] i haven't seen them personally [01:28] nalioth tried to get me to use kvirc, and i just couldn't enjoy it..i like konvo because it is so clean...and it does what i need to do easily...irssi gives me far more options, a lot that i like, but there is a learning curve for me there [01:29] irssi == emacs of irc, i dont want to LEARN to use a client / editor , i just want to use it ;P [01:29] hehe [01:29] thus nano / kwrite work just fine [01:30] ;P [01:30] and konvo [01:31] you know what else would be cool with konversation...where you could have a couple windows (channels) opened up at a time...so i could split #kubuntu / #ubuntu in a 'support' window. and so on [01:31] kind of like a gui 'screen' [01:32] that just gave me an idea === nixternal gets busy with gimp [01:32] I like the way xchat does the nick list [01:33] i like the way mIRC does it... ops are @, and voiced is + [01:33] i could probably create a them easily for konversation to make it do that === nixternal fires up gimp [01:34] i have only used xchat a hand full of times [01:34] fo0d === Pyro_MX [n=pyromx@Toronto-HSE-ppp3867791.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu-devel === coachJ [n=jeff@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === bddebian [n=bdefrees@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === coachJ [n=jeff@] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation] [01:52] Heya [01:52] Oh eh hey [01:54] um someone pointed me here, I had a little something to show to the kubuntu art team. nothing much, just a little concept === nixternal_ [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #kubuntu-devel [01:54] Pyro_MX, umm #ubuntu-artwork or catch up with kwwii might be better [01:55] Thx. [01:55] heya bddebian === Pyro_MX [n=pyromx@Toronto-HSE-ppp3867791.sympatico.ca] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation] [01:55] Pyro_MX, kwwii is the AiC for kubuntu edgy [01:55] err ok [01:55] Heya imbrandon [01:56] I need some text for Kubuntu to go in the Akademy booklet [01:58] Riddell, what kinda text , nixternal is good at professional type writeups [01:58] not sure what kind of text, I guess most of the sponsors will have corporate blub [01:58] so we need corporate blurb, but cool blurb [01:59] lol [01:59] yea ;P [01:59] oh lord the sound i have for notifications in konvo has bass...just made my system bump me out of my chair... [02:00] i was jammin' element 80 earlier and forgot to turn it down i take it...thanks for goose bumps!!! [02:00] nixternal, a hip kubuntu pro writeup for akademy booklet ;) [02:00] aye aye cappin [02:00] element 80 rocks i know those guys personaly they all grew up less than a block from my house ;P [02:01] that is how i know them ;) [02:01] how much is needed for this write up? [02:01] what format? [02:04] nixternal: text [02:05] to fill a page of A5 I think [02:05] ok, so no formatting, just flat out Kubuntu lingo that will cause jaws to drop, eyes to roll, and... [02:05] i can do that [02:05] yep [02:05] you are the man [02:05] no you are [02:05] ;) [02:08] unless it mentions ponies, it won't sell. [02:09] heh [02:10] nixternal: deadline is pretty soon though [02:12] workin' on it right now ;) [02:14] great, send me an e-mail when you have something, I'm off to bed [02:14] no probl [02:15] em [02:15] g'nite [02:19] gnight nixternal [02:19] im not goin' to sleep..to early yet ;) [02:19] that g'nite was for the kubuntu mastah [02:23] Oh, heh === jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Pyro_MX [n=pyromx@Toronto-HSE-ppp3867791.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Pyro_MX [n=pyromx@Toronto-HSE-ppp3867791.sympatico.ca] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation] [02:43] morning all === abattoir [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === abattoir_ [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu-devel [02:54] Hobbsee: check your email so you know how to login to imbandon's new setup ;) [02:54] hiya Hobbsee btw ;) [02:54] nixternal: yeah, i found out it buggered when i tried to login :P [02:54] heya [02:54] hehe === claydoh [n=clay@bb-66-63-100-239.gwi.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [03:52] lovely. more bugs. === Hobbsee closes one. [03:57] and another one. === Hobbsee opens a third :P [03:57] haha [04:03] nixternal: it's a sync request, it would be closing another one if someone else had found the problem yet [04:03] hehe [04:04] yay === neoncode [n=neoncode@unaffiliated/neoncode] has joined #kubuntu-devel [04:07] hi neoncode [04:08] nixternal: feel like doing some of those gamin rebuilds at some point? [04:09] sorry Hobbsee, yes i can [04:09] im working on a blurb for the aKademy book [04:09] nixternal: cool :D === Hobbsee thinks imbrandon killed it. [04:22] uh oh...i killed this... [04:23] ajmitch: you still aorund? === jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #kubuntu-devel [04:36] abattoir_: === abattoir_ [n=abattoir@] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Kopete] [04:36] hi abattoir [04:37] Hobbsee: good morning :) [04:37] or is it afternoon there? [04:37] @time sydney [04:37] abattoir: :) [04:37] Current time in Australia/Sydney: July 20 2006, 12:37:33 [04:37] abattoir: beta2? [04:37] ok, the latter then [04:38] Hobbsee: no i'm using 0.12.0, i think they forgot to change the default message :) [04:38] abattoir: do we know when 0.12.2 is supposed to be released? [04:38] abattoir: ahhh...want to test kubuntu packages for it theN? [04:39] Hobbsee: i have no connections w/ Kopete devs, can find out if you want :) [04:39] Hobbsee: sure... it has jingle support? [04:39] abattoir: that'd be cool. no [04:39] abattoir: if you get it to work, i'm happy to accept patches or whatever (or just patch it - just tell me what you're doing :P) [04:39] Hobbsee: ok, i'll be a guineau pig anyways... where is it? ;) [04:40] abattoir: oh yeah. [04:40] um. [04:40] Hobbsee: heh, i'm not familiar w/ the intricacies of deb packaging.... yet ;) [04:40] abattoir: :) [04:40] abattoir: find the build-deps, and i can put them in easily enough [04:41] Hobbsee: for jingle? [04:41] abattoir: in fact, i thikn they're listed on the kopete website - just not sure if they're all in ubuntu now [04:41] abattoir: yeah [04:41] Hobbsee: iirc, speex, libortp... um nvm i'll check it out [04:42] abattoir: :) [04:42] Hobbsee: ok, oRTP(only 0.7.1 nothing else would work), expat, glib-2.0 and speex >=1.1.6 [04:43] these are the mandatory deps [04:43] iLBC is optional === Hobbsee nods [04:43] are those in ubuntu [04:43] ? === Hobbsee is being lazy. and fighting with kopete [04:44] Hobbsee! [04:44] as far as i can remember, almost all are, except ortp [04:44] neoncode: heya [04:44] which of course depends on a specific version [04:44] abattoir: ah, was that the problem === neoncode clings onto Hobbsee's leg. [04:44] yep [04:44] Where have you been? [04:44] down boy! [04:45] neoncode: i've been here, uploading things :) [04:45] Ohhh... === Hobbsee was at a friends place yesterday afternoon === neoncode gets off === Hobbsee pets neoncode's head. [04:45] :P [04:45] =D [04:45] Ok enough of that in the devel chanel [04:45] hehe [04:46] neoncode: want a job to do? [04:46] seeing as i'm being lazy here? [04:46] Hobbsee: Ok [04:46] Hobbsee: http://www.buntudot.org/people/~nixternal/docs/aKademy_blurb.pdf <- be brutally honest, as this is the first draft for the aKademy book [04:46] neoncode: check if [12:42] Hobbsee: ok, oRTP(only 0.7.1 nothing else would work), expat, glib-2.0 and speex >=1.1.6 <-- those versions of those apps, are on packages.ubuntu.com in edgy [04:47] Hobbsee: i think there'd be a newer version of libortp [04:47] I'll try... [04:47] Hobbsee: everything else should be present [04:47] nixternal: looks nice [04:47] neoncode: :) [04:47] abattoir: yeah, may well be [04:48] Hobbsee: i'm not familiar w/ packaging policies... but is it ok to include an older version of a package because another has a dependency on that? [04:48] abattoir: like what happens in automake? i dont think i'ts recommended, but it's possible [04:49] abattoir: they usually get renamed automake1.9 or whatever [04:49] libortp4 (1.3.5-1) [universe] Is that one? [04:49] hmmm, yes, but autoconf is more *important* so to speak :P [04:49] abattoir: well, yeah [04:49] neoncode: what's the source package for that? [04:50] the latest on ortp's site is ortp-0.9.1 [04:50] stable, that is [04:50] a part of linphone. odd. === Hobbsee looks for ortp's site [04:50] http://www.linphone.org/ortp/sources/ [04:51] Hobbsee: I don't even know what a source package is? Is that the -dev one? [04:51] Hobbsee: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=41143 [04:51] take a look at that :) [04:51] neoncode: it's the one listed at the bottom of the page - search for source [04:51] icky. [04:51] http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin//search_packages.pl?version=edgy&subword=1&exact=&arch=any&releases=all&case=insensitive&keywords=ortp&searchon=names [04:51] neoncode: the source is linphone, see if you can find it on the page [04:52] neoncode: yeah, click on the top one? [04:52] That's what I searched for there... I dunno if that's the right place... [04:52] neoncode: yeah, you got it right :) [04:52] neoncode: usually foo and foo-dev are binaries of the same source package. [04:52] Rid*del actually wanted to see if he could 'channel this guy's energies into doing something for kubuntu [04:52] How do I know what the source package is then? === nixternal_ [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #kubuntu-devel [04:52] he also has a fix for the screensaver bug :P [04:53] abattoir: bleh. dont discuss that screensaver bug. [04:53] abattoir: do you know the guy? i want the source. [04:53] abattoir: ubuntu doesnt accept binary uploads [04:54] Hobbsee: no idea, Rid*del in fact was the one who showed the page about the bug... [04:54] Hobbsee: the source for? [04:54] and i cant see the source to see what's been done, then i dont trust it [04:54] So what is a source package? [04:54] Hobbsee: ortp? [04:54] abattoir: their kopete packages [04:55] Hobbsee: ugh, isnt it the normal kopete source? compiled with a flag? [04:55] neoncode: a source package is something that you run debuild, or pbuilder, or whatever on, or ./configure, make, make install on, and it gets turned into .debs for your architecture [04:55] or am i getting something wrong? [04:56] abattoir: no, you are right. sort of. there's also likely to be modifications to the control file, which is the one i'm interested in (that tells me what the build-deps are) [04:56] Hobbsee: he has just packaged libortp from source and packaged kopete w/ the flag so that it depends on it. [04:56] abattoir: if you set --enable-jingle, but dont have the build-deps, it bails during configure [04:56] abattoir: ah okay. source for libortp would be cool then :) [04:56] http://www.linphone.org/ortp/sources/ [04:57] 0.7.1 is the magic version [04:57] abattoir: right, ok, so it's there [04:58] How do you make the .deb's anyway? === abattoir wonders if neoncode is going to become Hobbsee's next apprentice. [04:58] :P [04:58] neoncode: debuild, or pbuilder build foo.dsc [04:58] abattoir: hehe [04:58] !packagingguide [04:58] The packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources [04:58] abattoir: Next one? [04:58] neoncode: take a look at ^, and dont worry if you dont understand it all - just get the idea of it [04:58] hehe [04:59] neoncode: iirc, im*brandon, nix*ternal.... [04:59] and as long as she doesn't start saying anything about the dark side then were good. [04:59] heh === Hobbsee pokes neoncode with a long pointy stick instead. === neoncode falls over and convuses [05:00] "DRAFT" in big bold letters... === Hobbsee wonders what the actual version of libortp4 is. [05:00] neoncode: yeah, it's also in help:/ somewhere, but i never remember where [05:01] What's "help:/"? :/ [05:01] neoncode: type it into konq, iirc === neoncode manges to misspell "help" [05:02] neoncode: hehe [05:02] All I get is "There is no documentation available for /index.html." === Hobbsee almost mis-spelt her own name on the exam paper for uni. [05:02] try help:/packagingguide or something [05:03] i dont remember what it is, laserjock would know === Hobbsee just uses the version marked "draft" - but i think it's the same [05:03] hmm, the io-slave seems to be broken [05:03] >> There is no documentation available for /index.html.<< [05:03] What's an io-slave? [05:03] abattoir: more likely i just told you wrong - i guessed [05:04] neoncode: all the fish:/ ftp:/ ssh:/ etc that you can stick in konqueror [05:04] neoncode: konqueror's funky input output slaves... try kde:/radio for eg. :P [05:04] abattoir: which kopete packages were you using, sorry? [05:04] applications:/ settings:/ bluetooth:/ are other useful kioslaves [05:04] Refrence guides and API's huh... [05:05] That reminds me... What is an API... [05:05] ah yes, that's right [05:05] Hobbsee: me? I compiled it myself. === Hobbsee doesnt use them that much [05:05] abattoir: ahh...right... === Hobbsee thinks. [05:05] neoncode: Application Programming Interface, last i heard [05:05] neoncode: wikipedia for that one, most likely :) [05:05] And what do they do? [05:06] well, they act as an interface between a program, and a programmer who builds more programs based on that program... [05:06] :P [05:06] Hobbsee: I don't need a 3-page history sprinkled with swear-words.. [05:06] hehe [05:06] neoncode: heh [05:06] abattoir: Thank you. === neoncode gives abattoir a cookie [05:07] neoncode: thanks :). I 'm glad you understood [05:07] hehe [05:08] No cookie for wikipedia though... [05:08] neoncode: why? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/API [05:09] wheee!!!!!!!!! what the *heck* has happened here? [05:09] you mean the cookie crumbs? [05:09] :P [05:10] no, just a source package seems to be missing in ubuntu, but the binaries are there [05:10] abattoir: It has a 9 paragraph "description" [05:10] neoncode: hehe, never leave documentation to developers [05:11] abattoir: Why? [05:11] neoncode: i meant that as a joke, well the typical impression is that devs cant explain things simply... [05:12] and doc writers dont understand the complexities of development... [05:12] again, i am not the one saying this... :) [05:12] Ohhh... I get it... kinna.. === abattoir doesnt want to get into trouble w/ Kubuntu Documentation team. [05:13] ok guys, brb === neoncode wants to get involved with kubuntu development or something. So is reading the link that Hobbsee gave. =D [05:13] neoncode: :) [05:15] Right, i'll set all these packages to download that apparently I need while I go get a sandwitch === Hobbsee sets two more bugs to need info. [05:18] Hobbsee: is it ok to package 'experimental' features? [05:18] hmm, but then the moodbar was included ;) [05:19] abattoir: for what? where did we switch to amarok? [05:19] well, Jingle is an experimental feature [05:19] abattoir: experimental, yeah, as long as it's before sept 7 [05:19] ah yeah, right [05:19] i was just thinking aloud :) [05:20] eek...for amarok.... [05:20] s/amarok/kopete... [05:20] abattoir: kopete's in main. but hosting packages for testing outside of the repositories is cool, and if it's stable enough, to include it. [05:20] abattoir: feature freeze is the time everythings' gotta be in by [05:21] oh, ok, i get it. [05:22] Mmmm cheese and mayanase [05:23] is "debianization" a technical term then? [05:23] =) [05:23] neoncode: yep [05:23] neoncode: so's "it's screwed" and other similar terms [05:24] along with "sharp pointy stick" and "jumps on" === Hobbsee pokes crimsun with the sharpt pointy stick [05:24] hehe [05:24] ow. [05:25] :P === neoncode hands crimsun a band-aid [05:25] I've been burned, chewed, and poked with a sharp pointy stick. I don't think a bandaid will suffice. ;-) [05:26] Ok then. === neoncode hands crimsun a gaint band-aid === freeflying [n=freeflyi@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #kubuntu-devel [05:27] crimsun: hehe. chewed? === Hobbsee looks to fix more of amarok, and triages more of the bugs as she goes. [05:29] Hobbsee: What's wrong with amaroK? [05:29] yeah, I think I can claim Hobbsee-abuse or something [05:29] neoncode: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-date_last_updated&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=Unconfirmed&field.status%3Alist=Confirmed&field.status%3Alist=In+Progress&field.status%3Alist=Needs+Info&field.status%3Alist=Fix+Committed&field.assignee=&field.owner=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package= [05:29] crimsun: heh === Hobbsee hugs crimsun :) [05:29] And how much disk space does it take to make a chroot enviroment? === neoncode joins in the huggins [05:30] *hugging [05:31] hehe :) [05:31] ~150 MB iirc [05:31] dunno. i dont make chroots. [05:31] Hobbsee: do you actually *fix* these bugs, or are you marking duplicates, confirming etc.? [05:32] abattoir: bits of both [05:32] abattoir: the few that are marked fix commited i've fixed, and are sittign on revu waiting [05:32] abattoir: a lot were fixed upstream too [05:32] Hobbsee: so most of these bugs are packaging erros? [05:33] *errors [05:33] abattoir: hmmm...some of them are, but not really [05:33] and how do you keep track w/ which are upstream ones and which are not? [05:33] ok ok, i wont bug you w/ questions, go back to whatever you were doing. :) [05:34] abattoir: not a problem [05:34] abattoir: i keep track of them by subscribing to most of the kde buglist on LP [05:34] there's a section there marked "upstream tracker" or "file upstream" or whatever, which links it [05:34] abattoir: so when upstream changes it, i still get the email notification [05:34] oh, ok, that way... [05:34] Hobbsee: RE: bug 37248, you probably want to mark that "Fix Committed" since it hasn't been uploaded yet [05:35] Malone bug 37248 in xine-lib "AmaroK tries to play MP3 without support - Should give an error" [Medium,Fix released] http://launchpad.net/bugs/37248 [05:35] Hey I have a question about all this apt-get stuff... What exacly is apt and what is dpkg. And what do they both do? [05:35] crimsun: oh bleh. yeah. [05:35] neoncode: ok, let me try this, i've been doing some research on this [05:35] crimsun: i did the other ones that way - that was the first one i did of the three, and i didnt realise that main freeze would last for over a week. [05:36] apt is a package management program, it invokes dpkg to install packages, finds dependencies, manages sources etc. [05:36] Hobbsee: np, I only comment on the ones over which I get spam ;-) === Hobbsee unjoins kubuntu-users, and joins the ubuntu-devel mailing list again [05:36] crimsun: :P [05:37] neoncode: let's see if i was right... one sec [05:37] What does the kubuntu devel team do with most of their time anyway? [05:37] anyone who's reporting bugs on -users, please file on malone [05:37] neoncode: update packages, and fix them. [05:37] abattoir: Ok... [05:37] neoncode: develop kubuntu ? :P [05:37] abattoir: lol [05:38] neoncode: i guess i was loosely right http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Packaging_Tool [05:39] sigh. [05:39] If it works, are you going to backport it to Dapper? A broken Amarok in [05:39] Dapper is not good. [05:39] abattoir: Sweet... Ok what's this Smart packageing thing that i rember hearing about? Or should I ask "Uncle Google"? [05:39] neoncode: labix.org/smart [05:40] neoncode: it is similar to apt, but can handle debs, rpms and .tgz [05:40] it is supposed to have an advanced algorithm which handles dependencies better than current solutions [05:40] and reportedly it is being sponsored by Canonical [05:41] so expect it to be default in edgy+1 [05:41] w/ better interfaces though :P [05:41] abattoir: there was a spec on it this time, it was quite interesting... [05:41] one of the Outstanding issues in the wiki is interesting too :P [05:41] oh no, i found another bug. [05:42] [05:42] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SmartPackageManager see outstanding issues [05:42] crimsun: fix it. kthnksbye! [05:43] :P [05:43] Hobbsee: pony? [05:43] crimsun: no pony. [05:43] Hobbsee: nofixthx. [05:43] Ohh fancy... Oh what's the current state of Xgl support in edgy? [05:43] crimsun: haha. [05:44] I imagine it's similar to Dapper. [05:44] neoncode: hmmm, I dont know, I never had one of those fancy cards... :'( === abattoir would love to help write a Qt frontend for smart... [05:45] but i guess it would be a huuuuge task === DaSkreech [n=Me@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === neoncode shoud learn programing and join some KDE based project... [05:50] !info flock [05:50] Package flock does not exist in dapper [05:51] When is someone going to packaged flock for dapper, Or do we have to wait fot the 1.0 version? === DaSkreech [n=Me@] has joined #kubuntu-devel [05:51] neoncode: how's it licenced, and is it on revu already? [05:52] revu? and what do you mean licenced? I thought It was GPL? [05:52] neoncode: i'm not sure if it's GPL'd [05:53] It's based on firefox. I'm pretty sure it has to be... [05:53] I need this on dial-up :( Fetched 4770kB in 2s (2089kB/s) [05:54] crimsun: haha yeah [05:54] is that a 2 megabit connection? [05:55] Hobbsee: Flock is a mix of GPL and MPL... http://wiki.flock.com/index.php?title=Licensing_FAQ [05:57] neoncode: ask crimsun about that, i'm not sure [05:57] Hobbsee: About what? Flock or the connection speed? [05:58] neoncode: flock and the licencing [05:59] hmmm seems to be open source [06:00] Well firefox is MPL isn't it? and that's in the repos. Why would'nt flock be ok with it's GPL-MPL fusion? [06:01] it's tri-licensed, according to wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flock_(web_browser) [06:02] stupid konversation [06:02] heh [06:02] It didn't inculde the brackets in the clickable link so i got redirected, ironicly, to the HURD Page. =D [06:03] as in with the animals [06:03] hehe [06:04] and their's a picture of a hurd of wilderbeasts! =D [06:04] HURD [06:04] Ridiculous [06:04] Anyway according to wikipedia it is Tri-Licence... GPL/MPL/LGPL - All open source licences I think? === ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === pounk [n=pounkf@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === yuriy [n=yuriy@207-172-219-193.c3-0.frm-ubr3.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel === allee [n=ach@allee.exgal.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel === kameron [n=kameron@S0106000129f5b884.cc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === omeow [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Riddell [i=jr@muse.19inch.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === freeflying [n=freeflyi@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #kubuntu-devel === _Sime [n=konversa@ip54579d1b.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel === andre^off [i=bnc@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel === \sh_away [n=nsherman@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === superstoned [n=supersto@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu-devel === ubijtsa [n=ubijtsa@karlsson.force9.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu-devel === abattoir [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Lathiat [n=lathiat@ubuntu/member/pdpc.basic.lathiat] has joined #kubuntu-devel === zakame [n=zakame@ubuntu/member/zakame] has joined #kubuntu-devel === ajmitch [n=ajmitch@ubuntu/member/ajmitch] has joined #kubuntu-devel === kozz [i=kozz@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === haggai [n=halls@i-83-67-59-194.freedom2surf.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === mornfall [n=mornfall@kde/developer/mornfall] has joined #kubuntu-devel === uniq [n=frode@ubuntu/member/frode] has joined #kubuntu-devel === ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:irc.freenode.net] : https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEdgyPackageUpdates | Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings === jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #kubuntu-devel === toma [n=toma@toma.kovoks.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel === nixternal [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #kubuntu-devel === je4d [n=jeff@kde/developer/je4d] has joined #kubuntu-devel === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu-devel === sebas [n=sebas@leviathan.deadlysins.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel === crimsun [n=crimsun@dargo.trilug.org] has joined #kubuntu-devel === robotgeek [i=venkat@ubuntu/member/robotgeek] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu-devel === andre^off [i=bnc@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === mornfall [n=mornfall@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === kozz [i=kozz@h18n2fls31o834.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel === haggai [n=halls@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === superstoned [n=supersto@168-234.surfsnel.dsl.internl.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === freeflying [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === _Sime [n=konversa@ip54579d1b.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-118-234.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu-devel === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Dinofly [n=dinofly@vbo91-1-82-238-217-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === seaLne [n=seaLne@ubuntu/member/sealne] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu-devel === \sh_away [n=nnsherma@server3.servereyes.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel === abattoir [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu-devel === DaSkreech [n=Me@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu-devel === ubijtsa [n=ubijtsa@karlsson.force9.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu-devel === fabo [i=Arme-X@dra38-2-82-233-106-22.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === uniq [n=frode@edge.lnix.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu-devel === cmvo [n=cmvo@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === zakame [n=zakame@ubuntu/member/zakame] has joined #kubuntu-devel === freeflying|away [n=freeflyi@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #kubuntu-devel === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu-devel === kameron [n=kameron@S0106000129f5b884.cc.shawcable.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["IRC] === viviersf [n=cain@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === superstoned [n=supersto@168-234.surfsnel.dsl.internl.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === _Sime is now known as _Sime|AFK === pygi [n=pygi@83-131-239-157.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel [09:03] abattoir: poke === freeflying|away [n=freeflyi@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #kubuntu-devel [09:04] hello pygi === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Lathiat [n=lathiat@ubuntu/member/pdpc.basic.lathiat] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Ubugtu [n=bugbot@ubuntu/bot/ubugtu] has joined #kubuntu-devel === ubotu [n=ubotu@ubuntu/bot/ubotu] has joined #kubuntu-devel === hungerW [n=tobias@pd95b0676.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu-devel [10:36] :) === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu-devel === omeow [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel === \sh_away is now known as \sh [10:55] Riddell: You might consider changing the path to the STATUS_SCRIPT to something other than /home/jr/src/avahi_status in your avahi-daemon debs. [10:56] huhu [10:56] indeed [10:56] avahi-daemon is not RIddell's package hungerW [10:58] raphink: He did upload the last one and it is his homedir hardcoded into the new scripts:-) [10:58] ah ok [10:58] hehe [10:58] raphink: They do work fine apart from the homedir stuff;-) [10:58] hehe [10:58] ok [10:58] let's see [10:59] seems easy to fix [10:59] raphink: It is. [11:00] it's just a s@/home/jr/src/avahi_status@/usr/share/avahi/avahi_status@ in enable_avahi [11:00] right? [11:00] :) [11:01] raphink: There is one more reference to his homedir: Creating a file FOO there. [11:01] ah ok [11:01] let's see [11:01] raphink: I think that line can just as well get removed. [11:02] So is avahi support in now or not? === hungerW gave up following the zeroconf discussion on the ML. [11:02] hmm [11:02] yes I guess the ">> /home/jr/FOO" can be removed [11:03] raphink: The whole echo can go IMHO. [11:03] yes [11:03] indeed === hungerW wonders whether it makes sense to zeroconfiscate the ssh init scripts... [11:04] hop [11:08] I send in some config files to add fish/sftp support to kde in time for dapper inclusion, but they still are not accepted AFAIK. === abattoir [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === pounk [n=pounkf@142-217-81-161.telebecinternet.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [11:12] hungerW: I'm rebuilding avahi to test [11:12] then I'll upload with these fixes [11:13] raphink: If you are fixing my bugs anyway: How about looking into #33034? [11:14] malone #33034 [11:14] Malone bug 33034 in kdebase "Please add zeroconf support for FISH and sFTP protocols" [Wishlist,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/33034 [11:14] oh that's easy :) [11:14] I did that on my own machine === aliasfred [n=fred@73.43.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === aliasfred [n=fred@73.43.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has left #kubuntu-devel [] [11:14] raphink: It contains two config files that need to get dropped into some dir to enable Fish and sftp zeroconf in kde. [11:14] raphink: So did I;-) [11:14] hehe [11:14] actually I created only one file for the port 22 [11:14] to describe ssh, fish and sftp [11:14] all at once [11:15] raphink: OK, then use your file:-) [11:15] raphink: I found the documentation to be somewhat lacking, so I tried to stick with the most simple thing I could come up with. [11:16] hungerW: http://ubuntu.pastebin.ca/93238 [11:16] this is my file [11:16] then I have [11:16] raphink: We should really try to cover as much as possible of http://www.dns-sd.org/ServiceTypes.html :-) [11:16] yes [11:16] it's easy to do [11:17] the hard part in a way [11:17] is the other side [11:17] $ more /usr/share/apps/zeroconf/_ftp._tcp [11:17] Name=FTP servers [11:17] Type=_ftp._tcp [11:17] PathEntry=path [11:17] UserEntry=u [11:17] PasswordEntry=p [11:17] this is easy for ex [11:17] I've got the same for sftp & fish [11:17] but what I'd really like is an _ipp._tcp one [11:18] raphink: Well, basically we'd need to add the avahi-publish-* calls to the daemon start stop scripts. [11:18] I can't find how to use kdeprint to use the avahi-daemon to add printers from konqueror [11:18] yes, too [11:18] raphink: cups should handle the _ipp._tcp stuff IMHO. [11:19] raphink: I have browsing enabled in my cups, so I do not miss that feature too much though. [11:19] hmm [11:19] I don't think it does [11:19] yes that's right [11:19] but I mean [11:19] when you use zeroconf:/ in konqueror [11:19] raphink: That is why I said it should;-) [11:19] and see an _ipp._tcp announcement [11:19] you should be able to click on it [11:19] and it should open kdeprint [11:19] imo [11:20] to add the printer [11:22] hungerW: arg! [11:22] Riddell: I do that all the time;-) [11:23] Riddell: I do not want to know how often I delivered stuff like that to a customer:-) [11:23] hop === raphink uploads new avahi [11:24] done :) [11:24] thanks raphink === chavo [n=chavo@68-235-253-154.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === pygi [n=pygi@83-131-230-18.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel [11:35] Riddell: did you end up speaking to neuro? === freeflying|away [n=freeflyi@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #kubuntu-devel [11:36] seaLne: train strike is off so I'll go down tomorrow evening === freeflying|away [n=freeflyi@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #kubuntu-devel [11:38] ok [11:40] assuming i can get replacements for these train tickets, I put a hot pan on them and now they're charred all over, hot pans and carbon paper don't mix [11:46] totally unreadable? === kwwii [n=kwwii@likes.smoking.more.than.watching.spacenight.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel [11:47] readable if you squint but I don't want to risk it on the day, I'll go to the station today and beg for replacements [11:59] Riddell: there is a guy asking if we can put more than just the one kubuntu theme in edgy (ie. include one or two other nifty themes as well)...what do you think about this idea? === goldenear [n=goldenea@vol75-4-82-225-33-186.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [12:02] kwwii: any good reason to do so? I'd rather have one decent theme than several just because we can't make up our minds [12:02] and well, disk space [12:04] Riddell: true...I mean anything we shipped would have to be really nice. I guess this comes from the fact that ubuntu does it already. Mainly, I wanted to get your opinion on it before I answered his email :-) [12:04] kwwii: I'd be reluctant to [12:05] Riddell: cool, I will pass that on [12:05] hungerW: the best would be to get these files in KDE svn though [12:05] not in kubuntu [12:05] if I could add them to the svn it would be cool :) [12:06] raphink: feel free to take ownership of kdeartwork, it needs it bad enough, but nothing can be changed until KDE 4 [12:06] Riddell: I'm talking about kdenetwork [12:06] for zeroconf ioslaves [12:06] I'd like to add some [12:07] ah, right [12:07] but then it's better to add them to KDE svn [12:07] rather then the kubuntu package [12:07] do you think I could have access for that? [12:07] raphink: we should be able to do that after kde 3.5.4 is out [12:07] ah [12:07] what's possible in the meanwhile? [12:07] we'd need to talk to jakubS [12:07] having them in kubuntu [12:07] it's just a few files to drop in kdnssd/ioslaves/ [12:07] hmm [12:08] new strings, KDE is in string freeze [12:08] so i'll add a zeroconf/ dir in debian/ and install them manually [12:08] please do [12:08] oki :) [12:08] we'll have to remember to move them upstream later on [12:11] kwwii: :) [12:11] it would be great if we could support the iTunes zeroconf share, too [12:11] with amarok [12:12] that's not for today I guess though [12:14] anyone can translate the following two sentences in other languages ? [12:15] Name=FISH servers (Graphical SSH) [12:15] and [12:15] Name=sFTP servers (FTP over SSH) [12:15] in as many languages as possible, but french :) [12:17] hmm ok fine :) [12:17] it'll be in english and french only for now [12:17] Name=FISH Server (Graphische SSH) [12:17] Name=sFTP Server (FTP ueber SSH) [12:18] thanks kwwii :) [12:18] raphink: no problem [12:19] oops, I forgot something [12:19] isn't it Serveren in plural? [12:19] what? [12:19] it should be "Servers" in both [12:19] ok [12:19] put an s on the ends :-) [12:19] hehe [12:19] this proves I suck at german === My8os [n=My8os@ppp138-148.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #Kubuntu-devel [12:19] it would also be Grafische [12:19] sorry [12:20] so, again [12:20] you forget Name[de] too but that's fine [12:20] NAME=FISH Servers (Grafische SSH) [12:20] Name[de] =FISH Servers (Grafische SSH) [12:20] ;) [12:20] NAME=sFTP Servers (FTP ueber SSH) [12:20] yep [12:20] sorry for the mistake [12:20] I guess ber might be better though [12:20] yeah, if you can put umlauts in it [12:21] if not, use ue instead [12:22] ok well that'll be en+fr+de then [12:22] :) [12:22] let's go === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu-devel === OculusAquilae [n=oculus@pD950B54B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel === poningru [n=poningru@n128-227-67-240.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #kubuntu-devel [02:06] nixternal: where did you get the pronounciation symbols from for Kubuntu? they seem wrong to me [02:10] wikipaedia agrees with you, so I guess it's correct === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu-devel [02:14] Riddell: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/about-ubuntu/C/about-ubuntu.html ? if you were looking for something official...? [02:17] it's a phonetic symbols I was referring too [02:18] oh ok, sorry === jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #kubuntu-devel [02:31] http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/akademy-blurb.text === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel [02:40] hi all === jjesse [n=jjesse@] has joined #kubuntu-devel [02:44] Riddell: around? [02:44] or maybe crimsun [02:44] ih Hobbsee [02:44] Riddell: want to upload amarok now? (and kopete, if the exception thing was approved) [02:45] also kde-addons, which i tried to upload :P [02:49] Hobbsee: sure [02:50] Riddell: thanks :) [02:52] Hobbsee: got a debdiff for amarok? [02:52] Riddell: not unless i download it off REVU and make one. === Hobbsee ran rm -rf ~/Desktop/* [02:52] I'll get it off revu if that's the place to get it [02:53] Riddell: indeed, that it is. === Hobbsee wonders if imbrandon's net connection has gone down again [02:57] Hobbsee: why did you change adept_batch to apt-get? [02:58] Riddell: because adept_batch doesnt exist, mainly. also, because you cant assume that someone will have adept on their system, if they have amarok [02:58] what doesn't work about it? [02:58] Riddell: amarok's a popular enough player that people from gnome use it. are you really willing to kill off their mp3 support? [02:58] we just add a depend on adept === Hobbsee splutters. [02:59] or we could modify the script to use synaptic as an alternative [02:59] Riddell: what's wrong with using apt-get? but you're right, we could add those couple of extra deps. [02:59] sounds best if it checks for and uses adept, synaptic then apt-get [02:59] apt-get isn't nice and graphical [02:59] it happens without you seeing it [02:59] Riddell: it doesnt need to be, you never see it anyway. [03:00] you should do [03:00] Riddell: all you see is "do you want to install mp3 support" "type in your password" "mp3 support is installed" [03:01] Riddell: anyway, mornfall says that he'd forgotten about adept_batch, and so it likely doesnt exist anymore [03:02] Riddell: also the fact that i hate the idea of installing unneeded deps, if the function can be easily done another way. [03:04] if someone refuses to have adept installed on their kde system, because it's borked due to upgrade, or they dont like it, or whatever, that means that they have to install all the synaptic & deps. [03:04] + adept often doesnt start first go, so that's just *asking* for trouble. [03:05] and it's slower === imbrandon [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #kubuntu-devel [03:07] moins all [03:07] hi imbrandon [03:09] Riddell: pwease tell me you wont make amarok __depend__ on a package manager , i think it would be ok to use one IF installed but fall back to apt-get gracefully, becouse honestly adept is one of the first things i uninstall === verwilst [n=verwilst@] has joined #kubuntu-devel [03:11] imbrandon: that's what I'm doing [03:12] cool beans ;) [03:17] hungerW: kdenetwork with _fish._tcp and _sftp._tcp is building === Hobbsee waits for the bug reports saying "amarok install_mp3 doesnt work, it sits there and does nothing" [03:19] nah kdialog can tell you when its done afaik , its a shell script right ? [03:20] imbrandon: when you open up adept from the kmenu, it fails gracefully - it just dosent open. [03:20] Hobbsee: you are forgetting that it's a kdesu bug not adept bug, right? [03:20] Hobbsee: and you need to sudo anyway [03:20] mornfall: ah, is it? i mostly see it with adept === Hobbsee thought you werent supposed to use sudo with gui apps. [03:21] kdesu uses sudo [03:21] ahh it dosent report anything back? ( kdesu ) [03:21] well, der. [03:22] well, if there is another "not starting" bug in adept than the one fixed months ago... [03:22] noone told me [03:22] and since it doesn't happen for me [03:22] mornfall: oh, why in hell, when adept reports an error, you hit show details, it magically fixes itself, and then closes a few seconds later? [03:22] i can hardly fix that [03:23] i think i had it happen here a couple of days ago [03:23] (when i was at a friend's place, and had no internet connection) [03:23] because libapt-pkg blows [03:23] loading. please wait. [03:24] mornfall: when do we see the new version? when does it sync from debian? [03:24] which new version [03:24] if you mean 2.1.1, ask Riddell, not me [03:24] if you mean 2.2, that depends [03:24] I just need to file a request [03:24] and backport it to dapper ;P [03:25] what? [03:25] mornfall: 2.1.1 [03:25] no major improvements in that [03:25] just a couple of fixes [03:27] mornfall: any chance of a return for adept_batch? === pounk [n=pounkf@142-217-81-161.telebecinternet.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [03:28] it's probably there, just unpackaged [03:29] "configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check" hmm, not good for amarok [03:29] \o/ [03:30] what a fucked up day today === pounk [n=pounkf@142-217-81-161.telebecinternet.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [03:30] Riddell: how the heck did you get that? [03:30] it built here [03:30] Hobbsee: tried to compile on powerpc [03:30] I'll try on the amd64 [03:31] Riddell: ah, no wonder i didnt get it then === Hobbsee used i386 [03:31] the ***** that posted adept to kde-apps still didn't respond... [03:31] due to the fact that i only *have* i386, and access to more i386. [03:31] anyone with an idea where to reach site admins? [03:32] none at all, sorry [03:32] ubuntu.com site admins ? mornfall [03:32] no, kde-apps.org [03:32] ahh ok , nope not i [03:32] mornfall: Beineri has admin access, otherwise e-mail Frank [03:33] mornfall: you don't want it on there? [03:33] no, not like it is now [03:34] I'd agree just on the daft theme used in the screenshots [03:34] yeah, and the download link leads to a different version than it is said to title [03:34] and the text is stupid [03:37] to make things worse, it's just too hot and i have to attend a daft presentation in 20 minutes [03:38] ouch === Hobbsee will swap the weather. [03:38] and people keep whining about adept === Hobbsee still hasnt been able to figure out how to set tags yet. [03:40] may it be that i don't care anymore? wait for next release === Hobbsee wonders what this easy tags thing is. looks useful. doesnt do much at the moment though [03:44] what again? [03:45] mornfall: hmm? i select any one of the categories, it filters, and then shows no results. unless they're all set to "any" [03:45] i would write a manual, but i am afraid that i only have so much free time [03:45] is that what you're meaning? [03:46] true, we all do, unfortunately [03:46] the easy tag filter works here [03:46] you select browsing in use and it shows browsers [03:47] it's not like it was *hard* === superstoned [n=supersto@168-234.surfsnel.dsl.internl.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [03:47] or maybe your system is broken [03:47] kdesu's decided to work again. odd. [03:47] well, it's edgy. [03:47] do you have debtags installed? [03:47] 2.1.1 has the dependencies right [03:47] 2.1 is screwed [03:48] mornfall: adept says it is [03:48] in that case it should work [03:48] it definitely works here === Hobbsee wonders why [03:49] sudo debtags update? [03:49] what happens then? [03:49] anyhow [03:49] my meeting starts in a bit [03:49] mornfall: okay, see you later [03:50] laters [03:52] mornfall: still dead. looks like the only config file i've got is the one about adept_notifier not starting on boot. === jjesse_ [n=jjesse@] has joined #kubuntu-devel [04:10] adept has no configuration [04:10] that's what i thought - but usually deleting the configuration files will get it back to being in pristine state. mostly. === bddebian [n=bdefrees@mail.ottens.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel [04:13] Howdy [04:14] hi bddebian [04:14] lemme repeat, there is no adept configuration in ~/.kde, that could have any effect on debtags (non)working [04:14] Hello Riddell [04:14] mornfall: yeah, exactly. i was meaning kde generally [04:14] Riddell: did the developer meeting already start? === Hobbsee must be tired. [04:15] kwwii: probably another hour? where are your pre-statments for thT/ [04:15] whew [04:15] developer meeting starts in under an hour [04:15] the mail I received from colin said that we only need to add our stuff to the wiki page if our name is on it [04:15] tht? [04:16] mornfall: s/thT/that?/ === Hobbsee cant spell tonight - probably need some sleep. === kwwii has had a hectic week [04:19] hah. think i'll try to use some of these for uni. http://blogs.smh.com.au/thedailytruth/archives/2006/07/the_dog_ate_my.html [04:22] lol [04:28] Hobbsee: when will be next KC? [04:28] freeflying|away: no idea yet [04:28] freeflying|away: we're having trouble with meeting times. [04:28] Hobbsee: a girl from ubuntu-cn wanna apply for kubuntu members :) [04:31] I've not had replies from anyone about when the next meeting is except toma [04:31] about when good meeting times are rather === Hobbsee feels bad about those meeting times. [04:32] I hope it will not be in middle night, besides this, anywhen will be ok for me :) [04:32] imbrandon: ping? [04:32] freeflying|away: yeah, that's the problem. [04:34] Riddell: is edgy's main un-freeze now? [04:34] freeflying|away: yep [04:34] freeflying|away: still UVF but fixes are good [04:35] freeflying|away: the painful thing is, is that pretty much any time that's good for the europeans is in our middle of the night. i know it's even worse where you are compared to here. [04:35] Riddell: too few guys using CJK test for rdgy now [04:35] freeflying|away: known problems? [04:35] Hobbsee: heh [04:35] Riddell: guys using ubuntu will not input in skype [04:36] Riddell: and also some other kde applications [04:36] Riddell: sorry for being late there, but i added the kde 3.5.3 info to the testing page [04:37] nixternal: rocking === Hobbsee wonders what the testing page is. [04:37] freeflying|away: should be more testers with Knot 1 out [04:37] it is more or less a release page for knot releases Hobbsee [04:37] nixternal: ah [04:37] Riddell: these were know issues in dapper :) === nixternal boots up knot1 [04:39] Riddell: the improvement in scim-pinyin will not break anything [04:41] freeflying|away: did you have another patch to send me for that? [04:41] raphink: Hey, cool, you fixed the sftp/fish zeroconf issue. [04:41] raphink: Thanks! [04:42] Riddell: http://www.ubuntu-zh.org/~freeflying/debdiff/scim-pinyin.debdiff [04:47] freeflying|away: uploading [04:47] Riddell: thx [04:48] Riddell: what was the final debdiff on amarok? [04:49] Hobbsee: it was amarokapp not amarok that needed moved to /usr/bin [04:50] Hobbsee: and I changed the install-mp3 script to check for adept then synaptic then apt-get [04:50] Riddell: right, yep. === Hobbsee was more wanting the code, but okay. [04:54] adept_2.1.1ubuntu1 uploaded with adept-batch package added [05:01] kwwii: i liked a lot of the artwork on the wiki page, so good job :) [05:01] ;-) [05:01] thanks [05:01] x2 [05:02] hungerW: yep :) === hungerW applauds raphink. [05:02] aaaaaaaaaaah [05:02] stupid me [05:02] I put them in the wrong place [05:02] raphink: and the stuff even is in the archives already:-) [05:02] bad me [05:03] :( === raphink slaps himself [05:05] raphink: what's that? [05:06] Riddell: I installed the zeroconf additional files for sftp and fish in /usr/share/services instead of /usr/share/apps/zeroconf [05:06] :( [05:06] I'll fix it right now [05:07] Hey raphink, weren't you also the guy that broke the screensaver? [05:07] >:) [05:07] the screensaver ? [05:07] no [05:07] omeow: what did you break? [05:07] raphink: worse mistakes have happened, fix it quick and nobody will notice [05:08] sure :) [05:08] I broke my mind trying to come up with a reason as to why ark is still as crappy as 2 years ago. And why nobody is fixing it. ;) [05:08] it's already fixed :) [05:08] raphink: incidently that's the sort of fix that could go on the newsletter and/or the Knot 2 page [05:08] omeow: why don't you fix it ? [05:08] Riddell: how so? [05:08] Because I cannot code. I can only use the software and write bugreports. [05:09] alright [05:09] you haven't learned to code [05:09] "I cannot code" is not a fatality [05:09] Not yet. Working on it though. [05:09] it is only a matter of a fact, talking of a present situation [05:09] s/present/current/ [05:09] (Learning C++ made me want to kill myself.) [05:09] hehe [05:10] beware though omeow, the more you do, the more you are likely to break ;) [05:11] heh [05:11] yeah [05:11] heh [05:11] here comes THE MOTU girl [05:11] raphink: hmmm? [05:12] that must be me, i presume. [05:12] well you're the only MOTU girl, aren't you? === Hobbsee wonders if there are any other female MOTU's at all. [05:12] raphink: i think so, probably. [05:12] there arent many of us at all. [05:12] makes you special [05:12] raphink: but is that good or bad? [05:13] I don't know :) [05:13] you tell me :) [05:13] I don't have anything about anyone being a MOTU [05:13] any age, any sex [05:13] doesn't matter [05:13] raphink: heh. i fail on both counts :P [05:13] indeed [05:13] you're not as young as some other MOTUs, though === Hobbsee wonders if there's an age limit. [05:14] ask jpatrick [05:15] jpatrick's a MOTU? [05:18] he is [05:18] well there you go, i learned something new today. [05:19] back [05:27] haha [05:27] Hobbsee: I think jpatrick is actually the youngest MOTU [05:28] by far [05:28] raphink: yeah. 3 years :P [05:28] hehe [05:28] i'm finally *not* the youngest for something. yay! [05:28] hehe === bddebian wonders if he is the oldest :'-( [05:31] bddebian: how old are you? [05:31] 36 [05:31] well then no [05:31] you're not the older, at all [05:31] -est, even [05:32] :-) [05:33] !classroom [05:33] The Ubuntu Classroom is a project which aims to tutor users about Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu through biweekly sessions in #ubuntu-classroom - For more information visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom [05:36] !vacations [05:36] I know nothing about vacations - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu [05:36] too bad for you ubotu [05:36] heh === raphink goes back hom [05:37] weekend [05:37] enjoy [05:38] isn't he a day early? [05:38] Riddell: yeah. it's only friday morning here too. [05:39] maybe a holiday in france [05:39] Riddell: probably. === Hobbsee thinks she might take a couple of days break from kubuntu. === pygi [n=pygi@83-131-232-85.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel [05:40] come to lugradio live [05:40] there's a prise for the person who came the furthest [05:40] hah [05:40] now that would hardly be taking a break from kubuntu, now would it? [05:41] Riddell: besides, i have no passport. [05:42] and no sponsorship :P === bddebian [n=bdefrees@mail.ottens.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel [05:48] Hmm, why isn't dh_iconcache not in kde.mk? Or is it already in edgy? [05:50] allee: in which kde.mk? the one from cdbs? [05:51] Hobbsee: hi [05:51] Hobbsee: yes from cdbs [05:51] hiya allee [05:51] allee: know who merged that? === allee saw tomas sync request for digikam [05:52] Hobbsee: No. I've no edgy yet === allee checks web [05:52] allee: should be on c.u.c :P [05:52] ncie :) === allee kicks Riddell to kick webmaster to fix the $%^@ certificate ;) [05:55] allee: we should go on strike over that...or something. === Hobbsee contemplates attacking Riddell with bluey, the feather duster from work. [05:55] Hobbsee: yeess [05:55] until it gets fixed :P === allee throws a dabber at Riddell and cries take that! [05:57] a dabber? [05:57] leo:dabber #in case you speak german ;) [05:58] i do, a little, but that isnt helping [05:58] piece of cotton wool == dabber # according to leo [05:58] allee: ahh.. [05:58] Hobbsee: btw the dapper is pink of course [05:59] s/dapper/dabber/ [05:59] allee: of course. [05:59] yeah, i know what you mean now [06:00] Hobbsee: how do you name it? [06:00] allee: something. i dont remember, at this time of morning === Hobbsee is incredibly tired. [06:00] cotton bud [06:00] yeah, that's the one. [06:01] sheesh, it's 2am again... [06:01] there's a third sysadmin just started, maybe we can convince him to register us an SSL certificate [06:01] Riddell: whatever happened to the first two? did you scare them off? :P [06:01] well they've not responded to my rt request [06:02] rt? === Hobbsee hands Riddell the long pointy stick to go attack them with [06:02] rt is the request tracker used by the sysadmins [06:03] ah [06:03] edubuntu have started getting annoyed about the SSL certificate too I note === Hobbsee considers the relative evils. stay here, till i pass out from lack of sleep, or go to bed, and fix everything in the kitchen first? [06:03] 'im not surprised. [06:05] or i could stay here playing minesweeper and get my hand all buggered up, which would be fun for work tomorrow. [06:06] Riddell: orig question was: is/will dh_iconcache be in kde.mk of cdbs? [06:07] allee: it is in ubuntu [06:07] don't know about Debian [06:08] 'k. so just 'added dh_iconcache' ubuntu changes can be forgotten. Good. [06:08] thx === \sh is now known as \sh_away [06:12] allee: yes [06:14] Hobbsee: can you send me you /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/edgy ? [06:15] allee: building a pbuilder? [06:16] no dbootstrap. I feel stupid if I can check edgy stuff quickly myself [06:16] eh, s/can/can't/ [06:16] allee: you'd use the debootstrap from edgy [06:17] allee: http://rafb.net/paste/results/1OTlH659.html [06:17] freeflying|away: you mean I can't debootstrap an edgy chrot from dapper? [06:18] allee: no, you'd use the debootstrap package in edgy, but not the one in dapper === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu-devel [06:20] freeflying|away: 'k. right. I just wanted to not change too much. Well see chroot is being build ... [06:21] Hobbsee: thx for the file [06:21] allee: :) === aliasfred [n=fred@73.43.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === linuxmonkey [n=linuxmon@unaffiliated/LinuxMonkey] has joined #kubuntu-devel === abattoir [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu-devel [06:34] whats up [06:35] linuxmonkey: the sky. it's very dark. [06:35] lol [06:35] yeah no [06:35] Hobbsee: remember what I had told ya [06:36] linuxmonkey: nope. i dont remember anything at this time of night [06:36] well my grandma passed away on the 16th @3:15pm AST [06:36] ah :( [06:36] at least she is no longer suffering [06:36] true [06:37] just wanted to say that im back and ill be on later tonnight [06:38] :) [06:38] anyone ever built java with ant here? [06:39] night === poningru [n=poningru@adsl-068-017-106-084.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === apokryphos [n=apokryph@host-84-9-33-134.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Tonio_ [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [07:22] hey === DaSkreech [n=skreech@] has joined #kubuntu-devel [07:34] hey back :) === DaSkreech tries to spin around to look at his back === ZuZuu [n=ZuZubunt@AVelizy-154-1-37-58.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel [07:48] mornfall: i've moved a couple of bugs from launchpad up to bugs.kde.org for you [07:55] sure, although the report is not too useful [07:55] well i'm trying to clean up launchpad for you when i have time :) [07:56] that's nice, but that's the kind of bug report that could be closed with a link to wiki.kubuntu.org/AdeptUsability [07:56] ok, then i can close it for you on launchpad and you can regject on bugs.kde.org [07:59] i'm glad you are trying to help, but the idea is that obviously unuseful reports are closed right away in launchpad :-) [07:59] well if you don't mind some one trying to learn i'll help as much as i can, if i'm doing more harm then good, feel free to tell me [08:00] you are being useful already, thanks for that :) [08:01] just sorting out what's dupes will help, it's just that it would be less work for you to close things in launchpad if all i'm going to do is to close the report you make === poningru_ [n=poningru@adsl-068-017-106-084.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Dinofly_ [n=dinofly@vbo91-1-82-238-217-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === aliasfred [n=fred@73.43.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has left #kubuntu-devel [] === Dinofly_ [n=dinofly@vbo91-1-82-238-217-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === keyne [n=fred@blacklight.homeip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === linuxmonkey [n=linuxmon@unaffiliated/LinuxMonkey] has joined #kubuntu-devel === RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === abattoir [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === imbrandon_ [n=brandon@CPE-72-135-8-5.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel === pygi [n=pygi@83-131-245-110.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel === pygi [n=pygi@83-131-245-110.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel === ubijtsa [n=ubijtsa@karlsson.force9.co.uk] has left #kubuntu-devel ["leaving"] === jjesse [n=jjesse@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === omeow_ [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel === jjesse [n=jjesse@] has left #kubuntu-devel [] === imbrandon_ [n=brandon@CPE-72-135-8-5.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel === abattoir [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === keyne [n=fred@blacklight.homeip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [10:04] kwlan has just been uploaded for those who would like to test a bit [10:05] Tonio_: :) [10:05] Last time I used edgy it didnt went so good, no X :P [10:14] pygi: what exactly was the problem w/ X [10:14] ? [10:14] abattoir: not starting? :P [10:14] yes, error msg :) [10:14] i had a problem with xfs [10:14] X font server [10:14] install that, and you are ready to go :) === bddebian2 [n=bdefrees@mail.ottens.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel [10:22] pygi: I must say I don't use edgy at the moment [10:22] I'm doing a backport to test any of my packages... [10:23] I can't take the risk to crash my system due to intensive professionnal activity ;) [10:24] Tonio_: hehe :) === pygi just looking and wonders how would he ever fill 60GB of disk space =P [10:25] (on a web hosting acc) [10:25] and you want a/c s 200 GB... :P [10:26] *with [10:26] abattoir: hm, who told that? :P [10:26] pygi: you? [10:26] hm, no? who even provides 200GB? [10:27] we dont count dedicated hosting accounts ofcourse [10:27] heh, i was just exaggerating... :P [10:27] ! :P === abattoir 's hard disk itself is only 60 GB :'( [10:27] I know nothing about :P - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu [10:27] hehe === pygi decides to take dreamhost account :P === aliasfred [n=fred@73.43.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Tonio_ doesn't understand why is everyone using wordpress.... dotclear looks much better to me [10:46] Tonio_: I guess because it is easy to set up? [10:48] kwwii: dotclear is even easier.... [10:49] kwwii: the main reason is that nobody gives a shit to dotclear because it is a french application probably :) [10:49] Tonio_: I never heard of dotclear [10:49] and wordpress is american one [10:49] how long has it been around? [10:49] 3 years [10:49] I asked some friends a long time ago [10:49] and they told me to install wordpress [10:49] which I did [10:49] and it's been used by about 90% of blogs in france and belgium [10:50] so maybe wordpress simply has a better name, and it more well known [10:50] it is often like that [10:50] the software is spread close the geographical position of the author [10:50] gnome in the us [10:50] this isn't a debate, just that I'm surprised to see dotclear isn't better known since it is a pure killer app [10:50] dotclear sounds like it is a program to erase either all files in my home dir or all web files perhaps [10:50] kde in germany [10:50] dotclear in french speaking country [10:50] aliasfred: yes that's true somehow [10:51] so word of mouth is more important than anything else :-) [10:51] yep :) [10:51] kwwii: good name can be a reason :) === Tonio_ would love to be "name guesser" for microsoft [10:52] internet explorer, word, exchange, windows.... [10:52] can you imagin people are paid for this ? [10:52] as long as the hardware doesn't headbutt me when I call it a piece of shit again and again, I don't care where it is from :p [10:53] I think about doing a blog (my first one), but I'm wondering if planet.ubuntu.com is compatible with dotclear.... [10:54] I thought it only needed rss feeds [10:54] a ms guy is paid 100k/year to blog [10:54] kwwii: I heard about a few uncompatibilities with some blogapps [10:54] well he quitted now === aliasfred [n=fred@73.43.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has left #kubuntu-devel [] [11:16] raphink: tu es la ? === ajmitch [n=ajmitch@ubuntu/member/ajmitch] has joined #kubuntu-devel === aliasfred [n=fred@73.43.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [11:27] yep Tonio_ [11:27] je viens de rentrer [11:29] ca va ? [11:29] je me fais un blog :) [11:29] raphink: tu as lu ca ???????? moi me faire un blog : [11:29] bien :) [11:29] trs bien [11:30] raphink: planet est compatible dotclear, et en ce qui concerne kblogger ? [11:31] il me semble que dotclear est un type de blog standard [11:31] donc kblogger doit pouvoir l'utiliser [11:31] oki [11:31] wordpress est plus simple mettre en place je pense [11:31] par contre bon j'ai la glemme de le config [11:31] 2 minutes montre en main [11:32] raphink: j'ai mis 1 minutes pour dotclear [11:32] ah oki [11:32] et pis bon je suis francais, je fais la promotion des produits locaux :) [11:32] download included ? :) [11:32] Tonio_: certes... wengophone, toussa [11:32] voila [11:32] le camembert aussi ;) [11:33] je vais voir \sh demain [11:33] ah kool :) [11:33] tu lui passeras le bonjour [11:33] sur [11:34] aliasfred: okay 5 minutes with download, upload to my server, creation of a no-ip A alias, configuration of apache2 and installation of dotclear ;) [11:34] I admit 1 minutes was a bit pretentious :) [11:34] busted! :) [11:34] hehe === omeow [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel === aliasfred [n=fred@73.43.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has left #kubuntu-devel [] [12:08] imbrandon_: poke [12:08] sup pygi [12:08] pygi: should I keep working on the ui for bzr? [12:09] ohhh a UI for bzr ? nice ;) [12:09] kwwii: sure, if you want :) [12:09] you did a great job already [12:09] we should probably talk about what I did so far