
mhzand rulz12:13
LaserJockwell, it's just much easier (for me anyway)12:14
LaserJockI can get things done faster than if I was trying to do Fortran (the other language I know) ;-)12:14
mhzyeah, print 'Hello world'12:21
ograAmaranth, ping12:33
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Amaranthogra: pong12:59
ograAmaranth, the daemon isnt backgrounding itself ...12:59
Amaranthoh whoops01:00
ograwhich makes the initscript hang ... which in turn makes the package uninstallable because the postinst never finishes :)01:00
Amaranthhaving some power cord issues right now01:00
ograalso you need to communicate via the system bus, not the session bus (including a services file in /etc/dbus-1/system.d/)01:01
Amaranthi won't have a computer in about two hours01:02
Amaranthpower cord on my laptop died01:02
ograno replacement ?01:03
ograthats evil01:03
Amaranthi got two batteries instead01:03
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mhzogra: is it me, or we dont have actually a knot1 for edubuntu?01:08
mhzoh, yeah but has it been anounced in ML?01:09
=== mhz slaps himself then
mhzhmm, ogra but not in edubuntu ML, I mean01:12
ograah right ...01:12
=== mhz is not in ubuntu-devel
mhzogra: shall i make a quickie for Edubuntu ML?01:12
=== Rondom [n=Rondom@p54AEEEF8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
ograits devel-announce ... it gets about 5 messages a month01:12
ograsure, do one ... link to the official announce :)01:13
=== PeregrineSky [n=chuck@c-24-11-80-244.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
mhzand one in spanish too01:13
=== mhz hates to do stuff twice
PeregrineSkyhi all, what does it take to upgrade from ubuntu dapper to edubuntu dapper?01:14
=== Amaranth [n=amaranth@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #edubuntu
ograwhat do you want ? a workstation or a server ?01:14
PeregrineSkyi want a workstation01:14
Amaranthstupid gnome-power-manager01:14
ografor the workstation install a sudo apt-get install edubuntu-desktop suffices01:14
Amaranthcharge light on the laptop wasn't on because the battery was 100% and g-p-m always said it was on battery01:15
ograAmaranth, what did it do ? 01:15
ograedgy ?01:15
Amaranthit just stuck saying it was on battery01:15
PeregrineSkysoon as the update is finished i will install the edubuntu-desktop01:15
Amaranthrebooted into windows, saw that it was working fine, rebooted back to dapper01:15
ograi thik i saw a bug about it recently ...01:15
BurgworkAmaranth, it is a HAL bug, apparently01:16
Amaranthi have to unplug and replug the power once a day to make it show the right icon01:16
ograBurgwork, there is a patch for g-p-m upstream ...01:16
ograits a communication issue with hal01:17
Burgworkah, hal, the product described by the kernel devs as "an unmaintained pile of shit"01:17
Amaranthi was _freaking out_01:17
ograits very well maintained ...01:17
AmaranthBurgwork: davidz would disagree01:17
BurgworkAmaranth, he made a joke about it recently01:18
Burgworksee planet.gnome01:18
mhzogra: sent01:21
=== mhz unslaps himself this time
jsgotangcohey all01:23
Burgworkhey jsgotangco 01:23
ograAmaranth, i found five issues i'd like to see adressed in willowng ...01:24
ogra * daemon needs to background itself01:24
ogra * frontend needs to connect to the systembus not the session bus 01:24
ogra   (needs services file in /etc/dbus-1/system.d/)01:24
ogra * the GUI should have a UID 0 check01:24
ogra * gksudo should be added to the .desktop file01:24
ogra * we should ask AliasVegas if she has an idea for an icon01:24
ograapart from that its already a great tool :)01:25
AmaranthUID 0 check?01:25
ograyes, "do i run as root?"01:25
Amaranthif it isn't running as root it can't talk to the daemon (once the service file is in place)01:26
ograsee student control panel ... it has a function for that ... (could be written cleaner though)01:26
Amaranthalthough right now when it can't talk to the daemon it assumes it isn't running...01:26
ograif it communicates with the system bus ?01:26
Amaranthi can restrict access to just the root user01:26
ograyeah, that would suffice01:27
ogradrop that point then :)01:27
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #edubuntu
Amaranthnow i need to look into the standard for putting service files in the right place01:28
Amaranthbut first, food01:28
ograthe packaging is very nice btw 01:29
mhzedubuntu-devel-es y ubuntu-cl MLs ... sent to all01:34
=== mhz is now known as mhz_off
jsgotangcowow mhz_off sent the annoucement!01:36
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jsgotangcoman experiencing how good a tobacco tastes in the morning should be one of the experiences humans should not even miss even once01:48
Burgworkjsgotangco, smoking will kill you01:49
jsgotangcomy grandfather died at 90 and was a chain smoker01:49
Burgworksee, smoking killed him :)01:50
crimsunI hear living will kill you, too.01:50
jsgotangcowell complications from diabetes killed him as well01:50
mhzEULA's can kill you too01:53
mhzesp. if they catch you 01:54
mhzjsgotangco: and shakira's belly button can also give you a heart attack and so, kill you01:55
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ograAmaranth, iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p TCP --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
ograthats the rule you need02:26
Amaranthogra: cool02:26
Amaranthhow do i remove a rule from iptables?02:26
ograAmaranth, replacing -A with -D will switch it off02:26
Amaranthhow do i check to see if it's on?02:26
=== mhz is now known as mhz_food
ograiptables -L -t nat |grep 800802:26
ograthere are surely more elegant ways ;)02:27
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Amaranthheh, that's good enough for me02:30
Amaranthi found some daemon creation code too02:30
ogra192.168.100.203 - - [21/Jul/2006 02:25:15]  "GET /newsticker/meldung/75703 HTTP/1.1" 400 -02:30
ogra192.168.100.203 - - [21/Jul/2006 02:29:36]  code 400, message bad url /newsticker/meldung/7570302:30
ogra192.168.100.203 - - [21/Jul/2006 02:29:36]  "GET /newsticker/meldung/75703 HTTP/1.1" 400 -02:30
ogra192.168.100.203 - - [21/Jul/2006 02:29:40]  code 400, message bad url /02:30
ograwhy does it cut off the domain ? 02:30
Amaranththat's how it works02:30
Amaranthyou have a seperate Host header02:30
ograwell, my browser is not happy02:31
Amaranthwhat url?02:31
ograMessage: bad url /.02:31
ograError code 400.02:32
ograin fact i get that with any url02:32
Amaranthall URLs are failing now?02:32
Amaranthwhat site did you go to before that started?02:34
ogranone ...02:34
Amaranthoh, is this the first time you did the transparent proxy stuff?02:34
ograOperationalError: attempt to write a readonly database02:35
ograi ran it first with sudo02:35
ograwell, the initscript will do the same :)02:35
Amaranthyeah, that's fine02:36
Amaranthbut if you run it without sudo (without installing it) then run it without it can't open training.db02:36
ograbut even if i run it with sudo it doesnt work ...02:38
Amaranthok, transparent proxy no workie02:38
ograwell ...02:38
ograit cant ... indeed02:38
Amaranthi'll have to look into that02:39
ograits my rule 02:39
ograiptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p TCP --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
ograthat means redirect *all*02:39
Amaranthoh, so it goes into a fun loop02:39
ograpackages with destination port 80 to 800802:40
Amaranththat the kernel must detect and break02:40
Amaranthprobably need a second rule to make that not apply to willowng02:41
Amaranthexcept it shows up in ps as 'python'02:41
ograthe initscript has written a id file (if it works)02:41
Amaranthi don't know what all that is for anyway :P02:42
ograhuh ? 02:42
Amaranththe pid file02:42
Amaranthlike where does it go, for example02:42
ograto /var/run 02:43
ograit will be called willowng.pid and contain the pid :) 02:43
ograand iptables has a --pid-owner02:44
ograso we likely can exclude it from the rule02:44
Amaranthwell, my daemonize code doesn't work :P02:56
Amaranthah, it _only_ works if you run it as root02:59
Amaranthmakes sense02:59
Amaranthit also created a training.db in / :P03:00
=== rodarvus returns from the hospital
rodarvusogra: shouldn't you be in bed by now? :)03:01
ograwell ...03:01
ograyou know ...03:01
LaserJockhmm, I think we covered that a few hours ago in -motu ;-)03:01
jsgotangcorodarvus: what happened? check up?03:02
rodarvusjsgotangco: unfortunately, not really - she is feeling a rather heavy pain on the left region of her belly03:04
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Amaranthdaemon code now works good03:04
=== LaserJock is now known as Laser_away
rodarvus(she went through a surgery in this region, last month)03:04
Amaranthchecking to see how deskbar changes it's name in ps03:04
rodarvusbut it seems its only "gas" (does this word makes sense in english?)03:05
Amaranthcrap, it's a bit of C code03:05
Amaranthi've got some linux-specific but pure python code to do it03:11
jsgotangcorodarvus: pretty bad gas inside her i'd say03:12
crimsunshe has C code inside her?03:13
crimsunoh, bad lag03:13
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Amaranthogra: working on the dbus service file, then this should be ready to go03:23
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ograi'll bzr pull if i get up03:26
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Amaranthogra: http://dev.realistanew.com/releases/willowng/0.2/deb-src/03:52
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sbalneavEvening all04:55
bddebianHello sbalneav05:08
sbalneavQuiet in here this evening.05:13
sbalneav.....too quiet. :)05:13
=== sbalneav slaps a fresh battery in his phaser.
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mhzcool, lguerra is in town05:49
mhzChile and Colombia in #edubutnu05:49
Amaranthare those stink lines?05:50
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mhzAmaranth: stink?05:52
mhzthe dots?05:52
mhzarkan0x: rofl!05:52
mhzAmaranth: i hope not05:52
mhzesp. because I pictured they were cheerleaders05:53
bimberi*\o/*  is a cheerleader05:53
mhzbimberi: nice, real nice05:56
mhzbimberi: it is a pity we can't see them cheering with their legs too :D05:56
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Amaranth |07:20
Amaranth   |07:20
Amaranth  |07:20
Amaranth /\07:20
Amaranthclose enough07:20
bimberi / \07:21
bimberinow what did nixternal say - "that is one ooogly face"07:23
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=== HedgeMage peeks in
highvoltagewow, ogra works long hours07:59
=== pygi tickles HedgeMage
HedgeMagepygi: join #drupal  one of the trac devs is there talking about mod_python and other stuff08:01
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@c58-107-168-5.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #edubuntu
mhzhighvoltage: ping08:08
mhzHedgeMage: trac as in 'trac, the Moin based platform'?08:08
HedgeMagetrac as in some web svn thingy pygi likes08:09
=== mhz loves trac too
pygiHedgeMage: its actually more of a bug tracker08:10
HedgeMageahh :)08:10
mhzhighvoltage: a couple of friends on #edubuntu-es had a meeting a couple of hours ago and we want to translate the www.edubuntu.org site.08:10
mhzhighvoltage: so, we would like to have -if possible- the whole current site version installed at one of our devel servers (Chile) for a couple of weeks, so we can edit drupal there and get it back to you or anyone else once is ready08:12
mhzpygi: i once wrote a Trac howto for Ubuntu08:13
mhzhighvoltage: so, is it possible we canhave that?08:13
pygimhz: ah :)08:13
mhzif Trac used bzr, we would get some people crazy aroud here :D08:14
mhzand Moin would kick more too08:14
pygimhz: it can use it (plugin) but the plugin itself i bad :P08:14
=== mhz is a Moin fan
mhzpygi: why is it bad?08:15
pyginot supporting more then 700 revisions, being incomplete, bla, bla08:15
mhzvery bad08:15
mhzhighvoltage: well, i gotta hit the bed08:15
mhzhighvoltage: see ya08:16
mhzgood night you all08:16
pyginn mhz08:16
mhzand hope we see some faces in #ubuntu-meeting in a few hours08:16
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Burgundaviawhen is the edubuntu meeting?08:25
pygiBurgundavia: 12:00 UTC08:27
Burgundaviaugh, 5am08:27
Burgundavianot happening08:27
Burgundaviawho created that graphical rsync script and does anyone have a copy for me>08:30
bimberi_cbx33 and no, sorry08:35
highvoltageBurgundavia: it is cbx3308:35
highvoltageeek, i missed mhz08:35
bimberi_highvoltage: all the best with your new venture! (i scanned planet.ubuntu.com recently)08:36
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highvoltagebimberi_: thank you :)08:42
Burgundaviahighvoltage: sad to see that two schools got broken into, however08:44
highvoltageBurgundavia: it seems that it's much more than two schools :(08:50
highvoltageBurgundavia: although, only two of them were tuxlab schools.08:50
Burgundaviahighvoltage: you serious? are we talking a coordinated effort or just lost of random jerks?08:50
highvoltageone of them doesn't have insuranceeither :/08:50
highvoltageBurgundavia: it seems that it was at leat 20 schools in poor areas, seems like random jerks. this happened over the school holidays08:51
Burgundaviadesperate people do desperate things08:51
highvoltagesome people feel that it must have been an inside job in one of the tuxlab schools to a degree, because they only stole the most valueble stuff that aren't obvously valueble08:52
Burgundaviawhat did they take?08:52
highvoltageserver, switches, and some workstations08:59
highvoltagebut it looks suspicious, because usually when a break in occurs it's just a few workstations that are stolen, no one ever touches a switch09:00
highvoltagethen again, it might have been some random troublemaker who knew a bit about what the stuff is worth.09:00
Burgundaviarandom computer knowledge is more widespread that people might realize09:01
=== RichEd waves to all - mornin !
pygimorning RichEd09:14
Burgundaviamorning RichEd09:14
RichEdgreetz pygi  & Burgundavia :)09:15
RichEd'lo highvoltage - scanning back to see what prompted the school theft discussion09:16
BurgundaviaRichEd: if you have any comments on case studies for edubuntu, I am going to be working on one tomorrow night09:16
BurgundaviaRichEd: I read out it09:16
Burgundaviaread about it, rather09:16
=== pygi thinks he should attend doc team meeting today
Burgundaviapygi: that might be good09:19
RichEdBurgundavia: i'm willing to help with the case study ... can you bang me a 1st draft and I will comment ?09:21
BurgundaviaRichEd: I don't even have enough for that, sadly09:21
RichEdWhat specific topic / project is it for ?09:22
RichEdThat's a broad topic :) Any specifics ... what is the angle / theme / pitch, who is it directed towards, where will it be published/circulated and finally what does it hope to achieve ??09:24
Burgundaviahow and why tuxlabs choose edubuntu09:24
Burgundaviawhat they needed from an os and how edubuntu delivered that09:24
Burgundaviathe backside will be a section on what edubuntu is, in general terms (designed to be generic across all case studies)09:25
RichEdgreat ... digesting ... thinking ... mmmmmm09:25
RichEdokay how about this for an angle ... (was chatting to JaneW about this last night):09:26
RichEdhypothesis: due to the limited resources (time, money, people) available in the education sector, if schools were able to standardise on a stable underlying o/s09:27
RichEdwhich was free09:27
RichEdand well intended in its long term aims 09:28
RichEdand well supported by the following communities:09:28
RichEd- developers09:28
RichEd- kids09:28
RichEd- teachers09:28
RichEd- manufacuturers09:28
RichEdthen (1) it would free up people & resources to concentrate on educational content + applications09:29
Burgundaviayep, that was the angle I was going for09:29
RichEd(2) it would allow for standard training across schools09:29
Burgundaviaharp on the savings time, etc. and you will win09:29
RichEdaccross countries09:29
RichEdand allow for a common base platform (in al metahphorical senses as well as an o/s sense)09:30
BurgundaviaI want this initial case study to be just a discussion of tuxlabs09:30
RichEdfor the building of the educational experience.09:30
RichEdBurgundavia: Fine ... noted09:30
Burgundaviawhat you are painting is a broader stroke, better for the backside (the generic stuff) than the specific story of how edubuntu worked in this case09:30
RichEdBut if we take the above as a theme, while you (with help) write this specific one ...09:31
RichEdWe can build on the message as we move forward. because NB:09:31
Burgundaviawhen I send my case study, I will lay out general aims/etc, in my email09:32
RichEdWe can't be seen to be arrogant, or taking over ... however well intentioned ...09:32
Burgundaviaoh, I am perfectly ok with being arrogant.. ;)09:32
RichEdBut if we (as edubuntu) can lay a platform for OTHER people, our end-installers & end-users, like the tuXlabs people to make thier own statements / quotes along the lines of our theme ... then it will be a more gentle & subtle way of winning over people09:33
RichEdBurgundavia: i appreciate the witty comment (when you re good, you are allowed to be arrogant) ... but we need to win people over without appearing to have an agenda, or making them feel threatened.09:35
RichEdIf we praised the skills of another Linux community, but said, look guys, we really think your skills are prefectly suited to build _xyz_ application, which will be a killer app that will allow linux to really penetrate ...09:36
RichEd(perfectly) not prefectly09:36
Burgundaviahighvoltage: have any thoughts been put into edubuntu grid stuff?09:36
BurgundaviaI think a good short term goal would be to win over the makers of educational apps, either open source or not09:37
RichEdSo we'll share all of the info about our platform ... and we'll work together to build a wrap around educational environment ... bells & whistles ... wadda wadda wadda09:37
RichEd(you get my point)09:38
RichEdor convert other educational linux teams from writing o/s and steer them in the educational app direction ?09:38
RichEdboth approaches would be best ... nop ?09:38
Burgundaviaanything and everything09:39
Burgundaviaideally, it would be nice for the skolelinux people and us to work more together09:39
RichEdexactly: join together into a larger team, work out who is best at what, focus into smaller teams, match teams against the holistc educational requirements, and work & win together :)09:40
RichEdachieve joint success & joint recognition09:41
RichEdnd futher the underlying goals ... a better, cheaper education for all, spitting out more rounded student, better able to cope with the global economy09:42
RichEdand <- nd09:42
RichEd(and who understand that they can start or run a small busines, using IT for standard office & financial req. without having to pay for any licences09:43
RichEdinstead of the curent de facto view that a licence, with annual renewal fees, is a neccesary cost of business.09:44
=== RichEd stops preaching
RichEdBurgundavia: richard.edubuntu@gmail.com <- feel free to send any ideas or comments or drafts here ...09:46
RichEdI presume you will ask highvoltage to do some quotes as a tuXlab admin ?09:47
RichEdI also have access to Will van de Leij (he's here locally with me in Cape Town) for input / revision09:47
RichEdDeadline ? for "Distribution" ??09:48
RichEdahhh the best kind ;)09:48
RichEdSABDFL has asked me to put together a focussed educational message we can end to govt. enquiries ... web site & .pdf09:49
RichEdSo we can work this together ... your case study will be a good component09:50
RichEdsend <- end09:50
Burgundaviaexactly what this is written for09:50
=== jsgotangco brain hurts on the scrollback
RichEdSo you initiate the first email in the conversation, and I'll add comments from there, and draft a framework on how to hang it all together ...09:51
RichEdWe'll need to poke the value buttons of:09:51
RichEd1) end-users & admins (PULL)09:51
RichEd2) decision makers & funders (PUSH)09:52
RichEd3) govt. people tasked with FOSS conversion directives & goals (JOB SECURITY & RE-ELECTION)09:52
RichEdthat sort of thing. Make sense ?09:52
Burgundaviaselling linux is what I do everyday, so this is all I do all day09:53
RichEdBurgundavia: explain more ... in spirit or in livelihood or both ... give me some real life context please ?09:54
jsgotangcoexcellent you make a good salesman for userful then09:54
BurgundaviaI work for userful, selling our product, DiscoverStation09:54
jsgotangcoRichEd: he works for userful09:54
Burgundaviaexcept our stuff is closed source09:54
=== RichEd looks for the echo echo ...
Burgundaviawell, mostly09:55
RichEdurl ?09:55
RichEd:) thanks ... never forget to try the obvious09:56
jsgotangcohe is actually sleeping with the enemy09:56
jsgotangcoor something09:56
Burgundaviajsgotangco: !!09:56
Burgundaviayes, I sell FC based computers09:56
RichEdjsgotangco: so did mata hari ... it can be useful :)09:56
jsgotangcobut then we dont do multiseat09:56
BurgundaviaI wish edubuntu did09:56
jsgotangcowould be a good roadmap09:57
RichEdtranslations please: FC ? and by multi-seat you mean 1 CPU x 4 seats with kbd, mouse & display ?09:57
Burgundaviawould be interesting to mix fat clients, thin clients and multiseat stuff in a grid09:57
Burgundaviafedora core and yes09:57
Burgundavialike HP's 44109:58
RichEdfunny you should mention that ... i pushed 441's when i was with HP ...09:58
=== drbollokovski [n=drbollok@87-194-41-227.bethere.co.uk] has joined #edubuntu
Burgundaviathe multiseat package in ubuntu was written for just that hardware09:58
drbollokovskihi folks09:59
RichEdbut the new CEO culled the Emerging Market Solutions division ...09:59
Burgundaviauserful's multiseat stuff is the most stable and flexible stuff available, and it still isn't that stable09:59
RichEdwhich owned the product ...09:59
Burgundaviathat sucked09:59
RichEdthe official story is now as follows:09:59
RichEdthe 441 is not an HP supported product ... but ...09:59
RichEda VAR can buy the components, and assemble into a 441 like product ...10:00
RichEdand supply to end users ...10:00
RichEdbut it will not be supported by HP.10:00
Burgundaviaour stuff is in Northwest province10:00
RichEdAnd that is a dodgy (in all senses) solution ...10:00
Burgundaviavia omni10:00
RichEdbrb ... let me check my email on my old machine for some info ....10:01
RichEdBurgundavia:  some off the record comments about HP &  linux staff ... pvt window okay ?10:03
drbollokovskicould someone tell me please if it's possible to  set a root password on a box that has edubuntu installed ( my kids will break the install if i cant do it"10:05
RichEddrbollokovski: as a pretty new user can i make comment ... most serious stuff needs a password and SU clearance10:28
RichEdthey won't be able to mess around too much without that password10:28
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drbollokovskiRichEd: my kids are CLEVER, my 6 year old took down her schools entire network10:42
RichEdwow ... that really redefines clever ;)10:49
RichEdlet me hunt around a bit ... for an answer ... will be back10:50
jsgotangcoyes you can set a root password10:52
jsgotangcojust do sudo passwd root10:52
drbollokovskithat simple? 10:53
drbollokovskidamn thank you10:53
=== drbollokovski is dumb sometimes
jsgotangcoits alright there's always a chance to learn something everyday10:53
jsgotangcoso dont say that its a dumb thing not to know it =)10:53
RichEddumb is only if you ask the same thing twice ...10:54
RichEdi found this while you were getting the short answer: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2004-October/007001.html10:55
jsgotangcois there a good reason why to use the root account?10:55
jsgotangcoyeah if you want to lock it up again just do sudo passwd -l root10:56
drbollokovskiaha thanks gents10:56
drbollokovskijsgotangco: yea there is i wanna be able to lock them out good 'n proper10:57
jsgotangco-l is lock, -u is unlock10:57
drbollokovskishe's 6 and she got herself into the scvhools winblows 2k3 server as admin10:57
drbollokovskii think i have created a monster, she has always sat on my lap watching what i do, and apparently drinking it all in10:58
jsgotangcomy 4 year old got to program our dvd player before10:58
jsgotangcoas far as i remember i was playing in the streets at the age :/10:59
drbollokovskiit's great when you realise what they are actually capable of :D10:59
RichEdwell get her to joint the Edubuntu commnity then ... redirect that energy & enthusiasm in a positive direction :)10:59
drbollokovskiyeah i was running around barefoot on the farm at that age, but i suppose our kids have an advantage because they are a LOT mor famniliar with electronics that we were11:00
RichEddrbollokovski: google search tip if you don't know it ... use the following tag: [+site:ubuntu.com etc. etc. ]  with your search ... will return results from all ubuntu sites: wiki.ubuntu com www.ubuntu.com help.ubuntu.com etc.11:00
drbollokovskicool thanks RichEd , i knew about the +site: bit but not that you could specify a tld in it11:01
drbollokovskiand now to idle here and learn tricks :)11:02
=== RichEd demonstrates how to balance a pen on hsi nose
RichEdhsi <- hist11:03
=== drbollokovski demonstrates how to breathe fire
drbollokovskihist eh?11:03
=== RichEd steps back
=== drbollokovski pokes RichEd with a stick
RichEdme jumps back safely into non-agressive email11:03
RichEd(work to do)11:04
=== drbollokovski bombards RichEd with pacifist spam email
=== jsgotangco nukes you all
=== pygi evades
=== isheep [i=isheep@unaffiliated/isheep] has joined #edubuntu
jsgotangcohave a good friday all11:30
pygienjoy jsgotangco11:32
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=== bimberi [n=bimberi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #edubuntu
=== ogra_ [n=ogra@p5089FE3C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
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=== JaneW [n=JaneW@vc-196-207-41-251.3g.vodacom.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
RichEdhello - JaneW is this a better environment than "piers place" :)12:32
JaneWRichEd, definately12:32
pygihey JaneW12:33
JaneWhey pygi12:33
=== JaneW may have made a huge mistake leaving... :(((
highvoltageBurgwork: sorry, been away. edubuntu grid stuff?12:34
pygiJaneW: :-/12:34
ograJaneW, then come back :)12:34
highvoltagehi JaneW, RichEd, and Burgwork  :)12:35
=== pygi agrees with ogra :)
highvoltageJaneW: not enjoying new job?12:35
JaneWogra: seriously I wish I could...12:37
ograyu can, just do it :)12:37
RichEdhi highvoltage 12:37
ograi'm sure silbs would agree :)12:37
JaneWogra: sure, if I didn't need a salary I would!12:38
highvoltageJaneW: we will need someone with your kind of skills real soon, if you're interested I can talk to the others about it12:38
JaneWogra, no she wouldn't.12:38
RichEdogra: there is this policy against hiring family members ... see if you can reverse that12:38
ograargh, right ... i forgot about that ...12:38
JaneWRichEd, or I could dis-own you :P12:38
ogradivorce ?12:38
=== RichEd is not ready to divorce JaneW for work reasons jsut yet ;)
JaneWhighvoltage, sure12:40
JaneWhighvoltage, awesome stickers btw!12:40
highvoltageJaneW: i'll PM you12:40
=== RichEd remembers the silver "powered by Ubuntu" sticker comment from JaneW last night and waits in line for one for his new notebook
=== RichEd hope highvoltage is making JaneW a job offer in that private window (and not any other kind of offer;)
=== rodarvus [n=rodarvus@ubuntu/member/rodarvus] has joined #edubuntu
highvoltageRichEd: ;)12:46
rodarvusgood morning12:46
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RichEd'lo rodarvus 12:47
rodarvushi RichEd!12:49
JaneWRichEd, for me to know and you to find out... :P12:51
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kihaiHi y'all!03:29
=== isheep [i=isheep@unaffiliated/isheep] has joined #edubuntu
isheepis this (6.06) the first edubuntu version?04:13
ogra5.10 was04:17
=== ryan_naruto [n=ryan@] has joined #edubuntu
isheephm oke i would like to collect the (shipit-)cd's do you know who i should contact for a 5.10 version?04:18
ograthere was no shipit version in 5.10 04:19
ografor shipit 6.06 was the first one ... 5.10 was download only and no live CD04:20
isheepah oke thanks :)04:20
isheepwhat app should i use for my ipod?04:24
=== Rondom [n=Rondom@p54AEE06D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
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jsgotangcotry banshee04:42
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@mail.ottens.com] has joined #edubuntu
Yagisanwoo, laggy goodness. running vmware over a ltsp setup04:49
=== Yagisan needs more client side acceleration, esp video
=== mhz [n=mhz@pc-84-84-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
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drbollokovskiyagisan which gfx have you got?04:54
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eltonlimaBoa Tarde Galera !!!!05:03
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=== arkan0x [n=arkan0x@pc-6-76-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
ogra*sigh* why did i ask iwj at all ...05:34
ograin -devel ...05:35
mhzogra: you asked because you did the right thing05:35
ograobviously not ...05:36
Yagisandrbollokovski: on this box, vesa.05:44
Yagisanand it won'tr be changed anytime soon05:45
=== jsgotangco hugs ogra
ograjsgotangco, thanks, that was needed :)05:48
jsgotangcoim in the middle of a job transfer so i couldn't do much at the moment, and currently sorting out things in our loco05:49
ograiwj is my bane ...05:49
jsgotangcoi can see that clearly05:49
ograi cant get a simple answer to a simple question without having a discussion about the underlying principles ... no matter *what* i actully ask05:50
ograi'd so love to understand why it is that way05:50
jsgotangcoi notice that most of the time05:51
jsgotangcostuff like answerable to yes you can do it, no you cant05:51
ograi notice that since i first met iwj, i'm just wondering how to revole it 05:51
mhzogra: give hi love :)05:52
mhz"love is the answer"05:52
ograthats what i'm trying since the first day ...05:52
mhzogra: I could send him a T-Shirt?05:52
mhzor, get him a date05:53
ograi think we both realized that we clash on tech stuff .... even though we like each other as persons ...05:53
ograbut thats no base to work with each other05:53
mhz1st time I see that05:53
ograsince we need to discuss tech stuff ...05:53
jsgotangcothe repeated caps are uncalled for though05:55
ograwell, there it was already to late i think05:55
=== HedgeMage [i=HedgeMag@about/cooking/HedgeMage] has joined #edubuntu
=== Yagisan waves to HedgeMage
HedgeMageHiya, Yagisan :)05:57
=== pygi tickles HedgeMage
=== HedgeMage laughs
=== HedgeMage gets some anti-tickling spray and aims it at pygi
=== pygi prepares for evading
=== mhz laughs!
=== Yagisan grabs pygi, so HedgeMage can aim better >:)
=== pygi kicks Yagisan and runs away :P
=== Yagisan is glad it missed any tender spots
=== HedgeMage watches pygi trip over mhz and fires while she has a chance.
=== pygi is confused?
=== pygi runs
=== arkan0x [n=arkan0x@pc-6-76-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
HedgeMagepygi: soaked you with that anti-tickling spray :P06:03
pygiHedgeMage: nah, I evaded :)06:04
HedgeMagethat's what they all say :P06:04
pygiHedgeMage: lol06:05
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #edubuntu
mhzRPGs in Edubuntu06:06
mhzor shoot'em all?06:06
=== ogra wonders why pygi is so wet
mhzogra: because he also had an episode with iwj :D06:07
mhz(that was mean)06:07
pygimhz: !!!!06:07
mhzsorry, I just could not help my latin sense of humour06:08
=== HedgeMage is afraid to ask what "iwj" stands for
pygihehe, no need to appologise :P06:08
HedgeMagehi Seveas 06:08
pygiHedgeMage: person I take it06:08
jsgotangcoHedgeMage: ian w. jackson06:09
=== HedgeMage continues to be confused, not that that's anything new
ograHedgeMage, http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ubuntu-devel-current.html it starts at 04:5706:11
pygiogra: and shouting :P06:11
jsgotangcoHedgeMage: he's ogra's co-worker, former DPL and dpkg creator (or co-creator)06:11
pygiYou seem to get in a lot of trouble lately ogra :)06:11
ograpygi, only with iwj06:12
jsgotangcohe's a really nice guy, but he can be so passionate about stuff06:12
jsgotangcothe the point that it makes an impression to some people who haven't met him personally06:12
ograit could have gone fine if it had stopped at 04:5906:13
pygihehe :)06:14
HedgeMageogra: ahh :)06:15
=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock
=== mhz is still reading what ogra DOES NOT WANT ;)
pygimhz: :P06:21
highvoltagepygi: people like ogra and I are always in trouble;)06:22
ograhighvoltage, well, i dont get in trouble with any other of my colleagues06:22
mhzhighvoltage: hi there, could you read my request on drupal ?06:23
highvoltagemhz: where?06:23
ograand i'd love to not have that probem with iwj ... that one of the reasons why i still try to overcome it by asking him stuff and confronting us with it ...06:23
ograbut that doesnt work out it seems06:23
mhzhighvoltage: oh, about 9 hours ago, this channel :)06:24
highvoltageogra: I'm not sure what you're refering to (I'll read a bit of backlog)06:24
highvoltagemhz: my away log doesn't seem to work, so i missed it :/06:24
mhzogra: Yagisan is an expert n security issues, BTW06:24
ograhighvoltage, see the url i pasted abouve ... the -devel log06:24
mhzand he's able to answer yes, no06:24
=== highvoltage reads
ogramhz, well, i have my response 06:24
ogramhz, even it wasnt pleasant *how* i got it06:25
mhzno pain, no gain06:25
mhzoh, then, 'no iwj, no gain' :D06:25
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=== mhz is happy we are far from October releasing date, else, ogra might have been killed by over stress or have kicked iwj ;)
ogramhz, no, im calm ... a bit sad probably but not excited or something ...06:28
highvoltageogra: i can't find it on that page :/06:28
ograhighvoltage, my discussion with iwj06:28
highvoltagethere's not an iwj on that entire page.06:30
=== highvoltage tries previous day logs
mhzhighvoltage: hhehe, nop06:31
ograhighvoltage, hmm06:31
ograhighvoltage, youre right, thats the log from -motu suddenly06:32
ograsomehow the first half is -devel and the second one is -motu06:33
=== jsgotangco_ is now known as jsgotangco
pygiit wasnt that way few secs ago?06:33
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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | Read before installing: http://www.edubuntu.org/gettingstarted
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by ogra at Sat Jul 8 12:25:38 2006
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highvoltageogra: yes, it's quite strange :)06:35
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mhzhighvoltage: paste it to pm06:37
mhzand I get * [highvoltage]  is away (closed IRC window because IRC is evil and counter-productive)06:37
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #edubuntu
=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | Read before installing: http://www.edubuntu.org/gettingstarted
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by ogra at Sat Jul 8 12:25:38 2006
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HedgeMageogra: I resigned from staff, not my job any more :P06:42
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=== highvoltage [n=jonathan@edison.tsf.org.za] has joined #edubuntu
=== ogra didnt know
=== LaserJock [n=mantha@] has joined #edubuntu
=== Sergi0 [n=serge@ip227-28-166-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #edubuntu
ograso you have more time for the handbook :) great :D06:43
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highvoltagethat was a nasty netsplit06:45
highvoltagemhz: yes, IRC is evil and counter-productive :)06:45
mhzhighvoltage: you could get my pm?06:46
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mhzbefore netsplit06:47
highvoltagemhz: yes, just before the netsplit06:47
=== mode/#edubuntu [+o highvoltage] by ChanServ
=== mode/#edubuntu [-o highvoltage] by highvoltage
HedgeMageogra: hey, I told you once handbook is squared away I want to start on dev tasks06:48
ograyeah !06:48
mhzhighvoltage: so, is it possible?06:48
pygiHedgeMage: isnt the meeting 19:00 utc today?06:48
highvoltagemhz: yep06:48
mhzthx mon!06:49
mhzwe are only 4 guys06:49
=== #edubuntu [freenode-info] if you're at a conference and other people are having trouble connecting, please mention it to staff: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp
highvoltageogra: I've been wondering about the exporting of / ro we discussed yesterday.06:49
mhzso, 3 will work on drupal info, I will edit it. And I will take care of ESA, Marketing stuff for Edubuntu and try to finally help in E.Handbook06:50
highvoltageis it really more insecure than a normal ltsp network? because anyone who can log in can already see / on the server?06:50
mhzand together, start seriously work on specs for Edubuntu Study Content06:50
highvoltagemhz: ecellent :)06:50
ograhighvoltage, well it relies on nfs being not broken etc06:51
=== mhz is still unsure about exelearning v/s apt for educontents
highvoltageok, you mean in terms of an NFS exploit?06:51
ograimagine a bug that wipes the content of the underlying FS06:52
ograwith /opt/ltsp you wont kill your server06:52
ograalso how would you handle multiple chroots ?06:52
ograi.e. two i386 roots tailored for certain things and one ppc chroot06:53
=== lucasvo [n=lucasvo@wservices.ch] has joined #edubuntu
highvoltageogra: what do you mean? why would I need multiple chroots?06:53
ograhighvoltage, ask in #ltsp ... seems to be a very widespread setup06:53
highvoltagecouldn't I just have different runlevels (or init scripts) for that?06:53
ograppc binaries are still not executable on i38606:54
highvoltageok, I meant for the 386's at least.06:54
highvoltageso for PPC at least you could have a chroot inside the main /06:55
highvoltagei suppose that's unavoidable06:55
highvoltagebut at least you don't have duplication of i386 binaries06:55
ograyou cut down customizability06:55
highvoltagehmm... what if you pass an init=/bin/ltspinit to the terminal and have custom scripts to start that up?06:56
highvoltagethen you could have a real lean client machine, which is even more customisable than our current ones.06:56
highvoltagewhere ltspinit would run our own ltsp init scripts, of course06:57
ograwell, discuss it with jammcq and sbalneav ... as long as we want to take over upstream we wont get around te separate chroot06:57
ograthats a very hackish solution 06:58
ograwe should use debian policy compliant initscripts ... and not hacked up ones that start up others06:59
highvoltagei don't understand what's too hacking about it, for me it sounds less hacky than current methods, but ok, I'll take it up with scott and jim :)06:59
highvoltageah, i see. debian compliancy.06:59
ograalso we need to maintain backwards compatibility and upgradeability06:59
ogra(if we take over upstream that means for all distros as well as for ltsp.org)07:00
=== ogra is afk for a while
highvoltageogra: ok, thanks for explaining. that gives me some more to think about. I will find a way to make it work, and make it Debian compliant. I am determined about this.07:02
highvoltage(not necasarily the / sharing, but avoiding the duplication of binaries, it's anti-unix, afaiac)07:03
=== Yagisan [n=jamie@60-240-1-176-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #edubuntu
=== Starting logfile irclogs/edubuntu.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #edubuntu
=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | Read before installing: http://www.edubuntu.org/gettingstarted
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by ogra at Sat Jul 8 12:25:38 2006
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=== HedgeMage [i=HedgeMag@about/cooking/HedgeMage] has joined #edubuntu
pygiHedgeMage: meeting in a minute?09:29
mhzMarketing meeting is on #ubuntu-meeting09:29
LaserJockHedgeMage and pygi: you watching -doc?09:30
pygiLaserJock: I am09:30
HedgeMageLaserJock: about to, I just got back09:30
pygimhz: I know, cookbook meeting should be there now :P09:30
LaserJockpygi: I thought it was after the doc team meeting/09:31
HedgeMageLaserJock: am now09:31
pygiergh, right LaserJock09:31
pygi21:30 UTC09:31
HedgeMagepygi: no, cookbook is in two hours.09:31
pygisorry :P09:31
mhzHedgeMage: handbook or cookbook ?09:37
HedgeMagemhz: handbook09:37
HedgeMagemy poor brain09:37
=== mhz feels so fool, he knows there was a handbook meeting today but as he did not see it in /topic, he forgot
pygiHedgeMage: jabber pls09:38
HedgeMageone sec getting lip balm my lips are sun burnt09:38
HedgeMagemy poor lips :(09:42
=== mhz had read LISP ;)
=== mhz [n=mhz@pc-84-84-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockHedgeMage: you still lurking in -doc?10:10
HedgeMageLaserJock: yep, though I somewhat lost track of the convo when I got a phone call10:11
HedgeMagewhat did I miss?10:11
LaserJockhehe, stuff10:11
HedgeMageLaserJock: Grr, another phone call.  If anything else comes up that I should notice, please hilight me10:18
Burgworksomebody pinged me?10:21
LaserJocknot sure, but the doc meeting is going on if you haven't seen10:21
=== cbx33 [n=pete@ubuntu/member/cbx33] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33hi all10:27
pygimorning cbx3310:27
cbx33evenin here10:28
LaserJockhi cbx33 10:28
cbx33hey LaserJock 10:28
mhzhim cbx33 10:30
cbx33hi mhz 10:30
LaserJockcbx33: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/edgy/+queue?start=2010:30
cbx33does that mean?10:32
LaserJockthat the NEW queue10:32
LaserJockI put in a good word for it to infinity so maybe it'll get done soon ;-)10:33
cbx33thanks LaserJock 10:33
cbx33who's good on classical music here10:33
mhzyou mean from the 'classic' period? or musica docta?10:34
cbx33I need to know the name of the beethoven peice that is the title track to the film beethoven10:36
ograhttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000008DBZ/104-8518211-3739151?v=glance&n=5174 10:38
cbx33yeh I saw that10:39
cbx33but none of those track titles are a beethoven piece, just bits from the film10:39
ograare you sure you mean that movie ? 10:40
ogranot amadeus ?10:40
cbx33yes that movie10:41
cbx33I'm sure10:41
mhzcbx33: but none of that listing is beethoven10:44
cbx33I know10:44
cbx33that's what I'm saying, I know there is a well known beethoven track used in that film10:45
Amaranthogra: did you get the link to my package?10:46
mhzsorry, wrong tab :)10:47
HedgeMagecbx33: Bethoven's Fifth Symphony... but I wouldn't call it a track, more like a half-dozen notes ;)10:47
=== mhz is using fluxbox now and got used to ion2 keys
ograAmaranth, nope10:48
mhzHedgeMage: hehehe10:48
ograAmaranth, i had a heavy diasussion about transparent proxying today btw10:48
LaserJockmhz: flux? poor guy10:48
ograwith iwj10:48
mhzLaserJock: why? dont like efficiency?10:49
ograseems the whole distro team is not fond of transparent proxying .... so we should just close port 80 and set the global gconf settings for the proxy server10:49
LaserJockmhz: nah, you need a real wm like openbox ;-)10:49
mhzogra: is not 'transparent' 10:50
Amaranthdoes firefox listen to the gconf settings?10:50
Amaranthdoes apt?10:50
ogramhz, GRR10:50
ograAmaranth, afaik yes10:50
mhzogra: you know, my 'transparent' latin sense of humour...just cant help it10:51
ograit was just a *very* unpleasant discussion ...10:52
Amaranthso when the check is ticked we block off port 80 (for all but willowng) and set the debconf and gconf proxy settings?10:52
ograwithout any internal iptables forwarding/redirect10:53
ograit seems thats done better with a special user ... so we should have a willowng user that runs the backend ...10:53
ograinstead of using the process id10:54
Amaranthout of my league, i think :)10:54
=== mhz will miss a great session with baristas, to try some coffee flavors...just to be in Handbook meeting...so please , do not cancel it
ograAmaranth, well, your league is to add a user from your preinst and to make sure willowng is run by it from the initscript :) i'll care for the firewalling10:55
Amaranthjust useradd willowng?10:56
ogralook at other packages that do it 10:56
Amaranthoh man, i don't want to look at apache :P10:56
ogracupy for example10:56
HedgeMagemhz: We won't and we love you for picking us over coffee :)10:57
ograhmm, willown doesnt start ...10:57
Amaranthwith the 0.2 package?10:58
pygimhz: uh :(10:58
Amaranthworks for me10:58
ograah, sorry, my fault10:58
pygimhz: I'll miss sleep :P10:58
pygibut I guess your thing is more important10:58
mhzHedgeMage: thx for the understanding10:58
ograAmaranth, hm10:58
=== Rondom [n=Rondom@p54AEE06D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
=== ogra purges the old stuff
Amaranthoh wow, cups uses cdbs10:59
ograpitti maintains it 11:00
mhzpygi: yeah, i prefer missing sleeping. I am so fan of good coffee... and this is only once a week. Anyways, as long as we dont cancel that meeting, coffee baristas can wait. Edubuntu needs more love than baristas.11:00
ograhe's a big cdbs fan11:00
pygimhz: we wont cancel it, I just dont know how much people will attend11:00
Amaranthi can't find anything in here about adding a user though11:00
mhzHedgeMage: however, if Shakira were in the baristas session, I would have not chosen you guys, sorry11:00
Amaranthi checked all the .preinst files and rules11:00
HedgeMagemhz: hehehe :)11:00
ograpostinst ? 11:00
=== HedgeMage smooches mhz
=== mhz hides behind a wet pygi :D
Amaranthah, found it11:01
=== pygi took a towel before :P
ograAmaranth, ok, works fine with the new package ... i had broken stuff lying around11:01
HedgeMagemhz: smooch == a kiss on the cheek11:01
mhzHedgeMage: thx, I love kisses11:02
ograAmaranth, you should probably have some info about the port in the UI :)11:02
Amaranthogra: why does a user need to change the port? :)11:02
ograi.e. a small explanation which port is used under the "enable proxy" checkbx11:03
ograi didnt say it needs to be changeable :)11:03
Amaranthand instant-apply + port text entry == ouch11:03
Amaranthoh, ok11:03
ograi just had to look up the portnumber myself yesterday in the code ;)11:03
Amaranthi think 8008 is an apache thing11:04
Amaranthi should find a better port11:04
Amaranth53957 should work :)11:04
ogranot so high ...11:04
ogra7990 11:04
Amaranthwhat's the difference?11:04
ograits common to use a four digit number ...11:04
ogramight be there is a policy, not sure ...11:05
mhzHedgeMage: i have read the https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuHandbook/EdgyOutline11:05
mhzHedgeMage: can I give you a Moin tip?11:05
Amaranth8563 for proxy, 8568 for web frontend (coming soon maybe)11:05
ogracheck /etc/services that its not taken by anything ...11:06
HedgeMagemhz: go for it11:06
HedgeMageI don't do much wikispeak so I'm sure I could use tips :)11:06
mhzwhenever you want readers to know you were there, or just sign a comment (like editors note), you can use this syntax @SIG@, and then save the page. This will place a nice timestamp with your name there.11:06
ograAmaranth, why do you use a control.in file ? thats quite ugly11:06
HedgeMageahh cool11:06
Amaranthogra: neither show up in there11:06
Amaranthogra: i dunno11:07
mhzHedgeMage: yw (least I can do after such great kiss :D)11:07
ograplease try to keep away from that unless you want team maintenance :)11:07
ograits helpful if te maintainers list is generated ... but thats the only reason to use a .in file there11:07
=== HedgeMage smooches mhz again
mhzogra: we can't use moin @sig@ ?11:08
ograwhy ?11:08
mhzHedgeMage: hey! I got tons of tips!! :D11:08
HedgeMagehehe :)11:08
pygiHedgeMage: jabber11:08
mhzogra: you did nto mean my comment, sorry11:08
HedgeMagebrb, I need to snag some lunch before the meeting or I'll keep snacking on junk food11:08
ograAmaranth, we also have a new policy that programs that dont need them shouldnt have stop scripts ...11:08
ograso drop the 6 and 0 from postinst 11:09
Amaranthi have no idea how to do that11:09
=== pygi tickles HedgeMage again :P
ograremove 0 and 6 from the update-rc.d line :)11:09
Amaranthah, that bit of magic that you gave me :)11:10
mhzpygi: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuHandbook/EdgyOutline, what else should I be reading before meeting?11:10
=== pygi looks whats there
=== mhz just wanna be prepared for meeting
ograAmaranth, but only if you are sure that wont break ... i.e. if willowng needs to write to the DB or something from the initscript, make sure it can do that11:10
AmaranthI haven't had any problems with killing it randomly.11:11
mhzpygi: oh, i gotta get a chocolate for the coffee I'll make for meeting. I'll be back in 12 minutes11:11
Amaranthsqlite3 does transactions so it should be safe11:11
ograand if we want it in main (which we want at some point) it needs to use the lsb_init functions instead of echo in the initscript11:11
pygimhz: ok11:11
=== pygi tickles HedgeMage
ograok, then just drop 0 and 611:11
pygiHedgeMage: this stuff of Edgy Outline is so outdated11:12
pygithat might be my fault tho11:12
Amaranthdh_make should generate a good initscript then11:12
ogradh_make is not lsb compliant :)11:12
ogra(neither is any other script we have... thats manual work)11:12
ograbut sounds like a good project for a bored one ;)11:13
HedgeMagepygi: what's outdated?11:13
pygiHedgeMage: well, the outline?11:13
pygiit misses many chapters :P11:13
HedgeMagepygi: how so? I thought it was up to date on what we said last meeting and the one before11:13
cbx33HedgeMage, thanx11:13
HedgeMageI could be wrong, of course.11:13
HedgeMagecbx33: np11:14
pygiHedgeMage: we didnt had (and I dont see anything new) update-ssh-keys on that and we wont have it here according to outline?11:14
HedgeMagepygi: IIRC that's not needed any more... at least there was some talk about a patch regarding it on the mailing list.11:14
ograAmaranth, i'll upload it ... just make sure you do the changes above in the next time ...11:14
HedgeMagebrb, really do need food before the meeting or I'll be forced to binge on greasy potato chips or something11:15
pygiHedgeMage: it's needed, (actually it isnt), but perhaps that will have to be dropped11:15
pygiit misses many chaps it seems11:16
HedgeMagewhat else is missing?11:16
pygiI cant say now, I'm sleeping :P11:16
HedgeMagelol ok11:20
HedgeMagegood night :)11:20
HedgeMage*** Eduuntu Handbook meeting in 10 minutes ***11:21
=== HedgeMage thinks she lost a 'b' somehow
pygiHedgeMage: well, I will attend meeting, but I am still sleeping :P11:21
ograAmaranth, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/edgy/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=11:21
ograits in NEW11:21
Amaranthshower time,  back later11:24
pygiHedgeMage: meeting11:31
HedgeMagepygi: trying to start... doesn't seem anyone's awake in there11:33
HedgeMagemhz: meeting?11:33
=== Rondom [n=Rondom@p54AEE06D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
=== cbx33 [n=pete@ubuntu/member/cbx33] has joined #edubuntu
pygiHedgeMage: any chance you know how can I recover my pass? :P12:00
HedgeMagepygi: just ping any staffer12:01
pygiHedgeMage: how could I do that when I cant pm? :P12:01
HedgeMagestaff get pms from unregistered users12:02
mhzpygi: afaik, rob is staff12:03
pygimhz: I wouldnt know who that is :P12:04
mhzrob on #ubuntu12:04
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #edubuntu

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