
b0nnHI all, Im trying to serve a php5 file from my ubuntu box, but apache wont serve it, instead it asks me to download the file, classic12:00
McNutellais there anything I can change to stop it fading the screen when ubuntu asks for a password, its annoying me.12:00
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JUDGE_pike_:  ahh nice12:01
VilkacisWhat do I do if Ubuntu hangs after booting the kernel? It just freezes there and won't do anything.12:01
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b0nnI want apache2 to serve the file as Ive just installed libapache-mod-php512:01
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shadeofgreywhats the package fior lame called ardchoille?12:01
Shak-b0nn: try restarting apache?12:01
b0nnBut apache 1.3 is getting in the way12:01
Evan_DLi i wont wok after i did what i just said and reboot it loads  grub console again12:01
krismb0nn: did you restart apache?12:01
Grok_vilkacis: try addng acpi=off to the line wen you boot up12:01
b0nnseveral times12:01
amaiaJUDGE_: i have installed the pptpconfig which is great, but the connection doesn't work :(12:02
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pike_Vilkacis: can you dorescue mode12:02
DiKKyHi i need help mounting my miniSD memory card into my laptops card reader, accoring to /var/log/messages it detects the card beeing mounted and it registers the new device as pcmcia0.0, the card may be unformatted as i just bought it, how do i make use of it can anyone help?12:02
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krismb0nn: did you set up php to handle whatever extension the file has?12:02
JUDGE_pike_: still waiting for the comp to stop laggin12:02
dliEvan_, I mean, boot manually12:02
ardchoilleshadeofgrey: it's called  lame12:02
Zooliegsmif i wrote mount point to / it mounted to root fs or what?couse my linux partition is mounted to /12:02
b0nnthe file has .php as the extension12:02
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JUDGE_amaia: what is pptpconfig?12:02
Grok_vilkacis: i had to do that to even get it to install and had to add it to grub as well after it was installed12:02
jribb0nn: did you enable the php mod?12:02
shadeofgreyardchoille:  yes i uunderstand but theres no package with that specific name in synaptic..  the only thing close is glame -- is that the same thing or no?12:02
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse12:02
b0nnbut the problem is... apache 1.3 is serving the file... not apache212:02
krismb0nn: uninstall apache 1.3 if you want 2 to serve it.12:03
Evan_Dli how do you mean?12:03
pike_JUDGE_: also check and see if you can ping the ip and just not name your dns server you be entered in /etc/resolv.conf12:03
ardchoilleshadeofgrey: it's in multiverse repo12:03
amaiaJUDGE_: a program to configure vpn connections that i found on the guide, how you recommended12:03
Vilkacispike_: Rescue mode does the same thing.12:03
Zooliegsmif i wrote mount point to / it mounted to root fs or what?couse my linux partition is mounted to /12:03
VilkacisGrok_: I'll try added that. One sec.12:03
dliEvan_, if you know your kernel name, type in grub commands to boot12:03
alek_inhello! Everytime I'm trying to install something ubuntu asks me for new things, and I don't have an internet connection. I'm writting the programs in a CD, go home, try to install them, aaaand errors! do you know where I can get a huge packet or what should I do12:03
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ardchoilleshadeofgrey: No, you need lame, it's an mp3 encoder.. enable multiverse, do sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get install lame12:04
shadeofgreyardchoille:  can you give me a precise example of the install command?  (apt-get install lame  ???)12:04
amaiaJUDGE_: i configured it but it doesnt connect: "Unkown MS-CHAP authentication failure"12:04
pike_Vilkacis: acpi=off might be a good idea12:04
shadeofgreyah okay12:04
b0nnnow nothing is being served (unable to connect)12:04
VilkacisGrok_: Where do I add it? To the end, after Boot, or on the same line as kernel?12:04
Tommy2k4when i boot up it tries to open sendmail even though ive apt-get remove sendmail, rm /etc/init.d/sendmail, update-rc.d sendmail remove12:04
shadeofgreythank yuou12:04
JUDGE_amaia:  i was reading the guide and remembered something along those lines that might help you.. unfortunatly.. I have never tried it.12:04
krismb0nn: install apache2.12:04
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ardchoilleYou're welcome :)12:04
dliEvan_, root (hd0,0)12:04
b0nnit *is* installed12:04
JUDGE_pike_:  ok, I will try pinging both12:04
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:04
krismb0nn: is it running?12:04
amaiaJUDGE_: tell me... ill try them12:04
=== b0nn is getting slightly frustrated
krismb0nn: "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart"12:04
Grok_vilkacis: at the kernel line...mine looks like this: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-386 root=/dev/hda1 ro acpi=off12:05
Evan_DLI you meen dapper12:05
DiKKyDoes anyone know anything about using memory cards in a card reader on ubuntu?12:05
WarboWhat's a simple command-line way of playing a sound which uses ALSA? "play filename.wav" complains about /dev/dsp12:05
b0nnapache2 is already the newest version12:05
Evan_* DLI you mean dapper12:05
jribWarbo: aplay12:05
krismb0nn: "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart"12:05
dliEvan_, kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-386 root=/dev/hda112:05
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Warbojrib: Perfect thanks12:05
dliEvan_, initrd initrd.img-2.6.15-23-38612:05
b0nnand yes I attempted to start apache from the init scripts (it didnt)12:05
JUDGE_amaia: you want software to connect to linux desktop from a windows maching?12:05
VilkacisGrok_: Where do I put acpi=off? Do I make a new line or do I add it to the end of the kernel statement?12:05
JUDGE_er machine12:05
linux_user400354how can i make a fat16 instead of fat32? i have an option to create a vfat filesystem. i believe that is fat32.12:05
amaiano, the opposite12:05
amaiaim running ubuntu on my laptop12:06
krismb0nn: that's why it's not serving anything. what error did it give when attempting to start it?12:06
JUDGE_oh.. one sec..12:06
ardchoilleVilkacis: end of the kernel line12:06
dliEvan_, sorry, initrd /initrd.img-2.6.15-23-38612:06
amaiaand need to connect to a remote network using a windows server12:06
ImmeIs JRE a restricted repository?12:06
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dliEvan_, boot12:06
Warbolinux_user400354: vfat is FAT32 with a virtual layer of long filenames on top (I think)12:06
b0nnno error12:06
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jribImme: you want to install the java jre?12:06
dliEvan_, in total, four commands in grub12:06
Imme-emosoljrib, yup12:06
b0nnI started it with /usr/sbin/apache212:06
krismb0nn: did you try restarting it after removing apache 1.3?12:06
Grok_vilkcis: to the end of the line. i lso took off the "showgui" or whatever the two extra commnds on the end re so that way i could see the system messges as it booted up12:06
JUDGE_amaia:  did you read this: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_connect_into_remote_Ubuntu_desktop_via_Windows_machine12:06
jrib!java > Imme-emosol12:06
krismb0nn: that is not how you start it.12:06
b0nnand its running... but... trying to get me to download the php file12:07
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jribImme-emosol: the bot send you some info, you need the multiverse repository, but the wiki should explain that12:07
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krismb0nn: i thought you said it wasn't serving anything.12:07
VilkacisGrok_: Still hangs.12:07
b0nnright.. to recap...12:07
alek_inhello! Everytime I'm trying to install something ubuntu asks me for new things, and I don't have an internet connection. I'm writting the programs in a CD, go home, try to install them, aaaand errors! do you know where I can get a huge packet or what should I do?12:07
Evan_DLI brb il try12:07
krismb0nn: did you install libapache2-mod-php5 ?12:07
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cpk1ljl: any idea on what to reconfigure debconf to do?12:07
b0nnseveral times12:07
dliEvan_, if you are not sure about the kernel names, try: find /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-38612:07
Grok_vilkacis: i'm tapped then. that was the fix for my system...yours must have other issues12:08
krismb0nn: is it listed in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled ?12:08
cpk1ljl: i heard another suggestion to comment out the wacom entries in xorg.conf but would rather not play with xorg12:08
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b0nnno Ive just linked it now12:08
LjLcpk1: well the first question is should ask you is "What interface should be used for configuring packages?", and if KDE or Gnome is selected, that'd be the problem -- select "Dialog" instead. if it's already selected, then i don't know what the culprit would be12:08
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dlialek_in, try debian, download 3 DVD (or 9 CDs), then, you have all you need12:08
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krismb0nn: cool. try restarting apache once ("sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart")12:09
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:09
alek_indli I want ubuntu12:09
LjLcpk1: well, if you just keep a backup, you should be fine12:09
ardchoillealek_in: burning the packages to cd won't help if those packages require deps that your machine doesn't have installed. You need to either track down the deps and burn them also or read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PersonalRepositories12:09
snikkerhow make working flash sound under amd64?12:09
amaiaJUDGE_: sorry... this is for vnc not vpn... :(12:10
VilkacisGrok_: Does it help any if I explain that I am running a VIA board/chip?12:10
dlialek_in, you hit a very good example how ubuntu took debian, and make it worse12:10
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:10
ubotuI know nothing about via - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:10
Grok_vilkacis: unfrtunately not. i'm running a compa laptop12:11
JUDGE_amaia: hmm.. not sure how to help you. That is the only reference that I know of.12:11
b0nnno and no12:11
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b0nnthe init script is now broken12:11
cpk1ljl: it looks like i might not get the X errors from using apt but i still do from loading a gui12:11
amaiaok, txs12:11
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krismb0nn: how did that happen? what do you mean "broken"?12:11
ForeClosureif i restart my X12:11
b0nnand killing the apache2 process and starting it again had no effect12:11
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devhensnikker, try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159386&highlight=flash+sound12:11
ForeClosuredo i lost my connection to IRC as well ?12:11
b0nnby broken I mean it doesnt start apache212:11
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krismb0nn: i repeat, you cannot start apache2 in the manner you attempted.12:11
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LjLcpk1: yeah, as i said i get that too. if you really want them to go away, i'd try the wacom suggestion.12:12
b0nnkrism yes you can12:12
matthew_wHey - I have windows on /dev/hda1 and ubuntu + swap on /dev/hda2 and /dev/hda3 respectively - can I format /dev/hda1 without destroying ubuntu if /dev/hda1 is not mounted, even though they are on the same HDD?12:12
ardchoilleForeClosure: That depends on the irc client you are using.12:12
lampshadehow can I find out what drivers my network card(that seems to be working) is actually using?  (pcmcia card)  I'm just curious what Linux/Ubuntu loaded for it12:12
ForeClosureXchat ?12:12
DiKKyHave anyone had any luck connecting a nokia 6280 and/or using a sd memory card in a card reader under ubuntu 6.0612:12
ardchoilleyes, you'll lose your irc connection12:12
erUSULmatthew_w: yes12:12
dlimatthew_w, yes, you can delete /dev/hda1, without touching /dev/hda2 (/dev/hda3)12:12
matthew_werUSUL; so, how would I do it?  use gparted or so?12:13
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dlimatthew_w, but how to add the space of /dev/hda1 to /dev/hda3 is tricky12:13
Imme-emosolIs JDK free software?12:13
snikkerdevhen: i've already installed alsa-oss, but don't work :(12:13
matthew_wdli; here's all I wanted to do;12:13
matthew_wdli; I have windows/ubuntu/swap I want slackware/ubuntu/swap12:13
matthew_wstill ok?12:13
erUSULmatthew_w: yes you can use gparted. what do you want to do? you can format the partition dorectly from comandline12:13
matthew_wor even slackware/swap/ubuntu/swap if necessary12:14
devhensnikker, hmm. i'd recommend searching the ubuntu forums12:14
dlimatthew_w, then, it's quite obivious, try, gparted12:14
matthew_wDo I need to make a second swap?12:14
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devhenmatthew_w: you should be able to set the swap part as swap for both OSs12:14
dlimatthew_w, no, because you don't boot them both12:14
kbrooksyou CAN use 1 swap file/partition12:14
Evan_Dli can you do that in grub kernel12:15
snikkerdevhen: ok, i'll do it...12:15
erUSULmatthew_w: mkfs.ext3 -O dir_index /dev/hda112:15
Imme-emosolkbrooks, no > imme ?12:15
Evan_dli it gives me errors: file not found12:15
erUSULmatthew_w: no second swap is needed12:15
dliEvan_, kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-38612:15
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dliEvan_, kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-386 root=/dev/hda112:15
kbrooksImme-emosol: no12:16
matthew_wCool, i'm gonna get formatting then, thanks.12:16
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dlimatthew_w, there's no need to install two distributions though :( they are the same for users12:17
ardchoilleWhoa! The Ubuntu counter was at Users: 1320 this morning.. now it's at 1728. I registered earlier today and I am #112. Good to see people getting counted :)12:17
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Imme-emosolardchoille, what's the counter about?12:19
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matthew_wdli; well, I just want to see a bunch of distros12:19
ardchoilleImme-emosol:  http://ubuntucounter.geekosophical.net/12:19
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matthew_wdli; plus do some editing/kernel reprogramming la la la12:19
ardchoillegnomefreak: Can we get the counter URL added to the bot?12:19
dlimatthew_w, you can do kernel in ubuntu also12:19
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matthew_wdli; ultimately I want to build a Linux from Scratch system as well12:20
matthew_wWhich is easier with a free partition.12:20
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dlimatthew_w, there's lfs12:20
dlimatthew_w, or gentoo stage1 bootstrap12:20
Spec[x] gentoo stage1 bootstrap is fun! :)12:21
Bonez56what is gentoo like?12:22
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:22
dliBonez56, /j #gentoo12:23
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cpk1ljl xorg didnt like commenting out the wacom entries =\ unfortunatly12:23
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LjLcpk1: how much did you comment out? i think you'd have to comment the entire *section(s)* mentioning wacom12:24
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CappOhellow, i'm trying to install a pcmcia card, can anyone help me out ?12:28
Evan_Dli when i put : kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-386 root=/dev/hdc1 it gives me an error12:28
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cpk1ljl: I commented from start section to end sectoin for all 3 wacom entries and commented out the references to them at the bottom12:29
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cpk1ljl: when i tried to restart x it would say it was running but didnt start12:29
dliEvan_, what's the error ?12:29
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LjLcpk1: hm, i don't have references to them at the bottom12:30
Evan_dli file not found12:30
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dliEvan_, you installed dapper?12:30
dliEvan_, did you select which kernel to install?12:30
Evan_how do you mean?12:31
Frizz0tell me12:31
dliEvan_, anyway, try tab-completion12:31
Evan_how do you mean?12:31
joedouhello, is it possibel to install a wireless pcmcia card with AMD chipset ?12:31
dliEvan_, kernel (hd0,0)/boot/vmlinuz12:31
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Evan_im going to try that12:32
dliEvan_, after vmlinuz, press Tab key, grub will try to complete the filename12:32
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper12:32
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Eduardo- Anyone looking for a full-time development job in the chicagoland area working with a small 11 person development firm?12:32
geanbye all ! may the spirit of Ubuntu be with you !12:32
ardchoilleEduardo-: This is an Ubuntu support channel. It's not the place for adverts.12:33
Eduardo-note taken :)12:33
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=== Khaaaaan [n=nicholas@24-51-92-238.kntnny.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
dliardchoille, maybe, it's a firm doing ubuntu support, on-topic then12:35
=== bagpuss_thecat gets home and starts trying to fix ia32-libs fucked-up-ness
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KhaaaaanHas anyone gotten an ACX 111 Card working in Dapper???12:35
Rikkimaruwhat package should I download to get gnome-network-manager?12:36
Ashex!tell me about partition12:36
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LjLknow of a way to force *all* programs running as my user to never exceed a given amount of memory allocation?12:36
cpk1ljl: looks like i fixed it12:36
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RikkimaruWhat would you all suggest I use to easily configure wireless networks?12:37
LjLcpk1: cool. i might have missed the description of how you did though, if you described it, since i crashed12:37
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cpk1ljl: i commented out the wacom entries and set "SendCoreEvents" to "false"12:38
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KhaaaaanMan I am having all kinds of problems with wireless networking12:38
jbowerwhat whould not let me open up termal or click the power butten on the desktop12:38
LjLcpk1: oh, right. i missed those12:39
KhaaaaanI am surprised at how crappy it can be to setup12:39
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GullstadHow manage groups in therminal?12:39
cpk1ljl: i still get some spam when i open a gui as root though it seems12:39
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matthew_wI just cleared the partition out of /dev/hda1, and created an ext3fs in its ashes.  Now it says 768 MB of the disk are used, but there's nothing there.12:39
cpk1Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server12:40
matthew_wFurthermore, gparted says 40.4 GB should be free, Nautilus says 38.2 GB are free.12:40
mweKhaaaaan: what kind of card? using a linux driver or ndiswrapper?12:40
LjLcpk1: try using kdesu or gsudo (or whatever the gnome thing is called) instead of sudo12:40
dliLjL, /etc/security/limits.conf12:40
Khaaaaanmwe: It is a Linksys wpc54G with ndiswrapper12:40
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matthew_wWhy is that happening?12:41
KhaaaaanSo far I have it detecting the hardware and the drivers loaded12:41
Khaaaaanbut I can get no further12:41
mweKhaaaaan: ok12:41
cpk1hmm my mouse just broke when i opened firefox...12:41
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ETroniknobody here is having trouble mounting USB keys in their Dappers ??12:41
KhaaaaanI have the power light on :)12:41
dlimatthew_w, ext3 reserves inode tables12:41
mweKhaaaaan: so what does dmesg say the interface name ndis gives it is?12:41
dlimatthew_w, jfs uses dynamic inode tables, it should show like 0.0% used12:42
mweKhaaaaan: and are you use wpa or wep?12:42
Khaaaaanmwe: what do you mean?12:42
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KhaaaaanI am using wep12:42
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mweKhaaaaan: if you type dmesg, looking for ndis output what is the interface name?12:42
LjLdli: thanks, interesting directory i didn't know about. the choice of items to set leaves me sort of embarassed however... i suppose setting a limit on "data" might be a good idea?12:42
mweKhaaaaan: it should say12:42
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RawSewageanyone using Edgy yet12:43
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule12:43
dliLjL, http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/security/security-handbook.xml?part=1&chap=512:43
RawSewageI was just there12:44
cpk1ljl: i dont think my fix worked out quite how I wanted it to, everytime i open firefox my mouse stops working12:44
RawSewageno one is talking12:44
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caribou7Anyone have experience with wake-on-lan?12:44
mwewhy does ubuntu have such crappy code names :)12:44
RawSewageI was just casually asking, anyway12:44
dooglusRawSewage: people are using edgy, of course.  what's your real question?12:44
RawSewagewhat does knot mean12:44
mweKhaaaaan: did you figure the name?12:44
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RawSewageeek ?12:44
LjLcpk1: uh, whops12:44
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dooglusRawSewage: 'knot' is when you tie something, like your shoe laces12:44
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Khaaaaanmwe: No... I am not to sure what I am looking for, however, I do see something here about how the "loaded firmware doesnt work well with this driver"12:45
RawSewageEdgy Eft Knot One12:45
mweKhaaaaan: that's not good.12:45
eon_Sound was working great on my notebook until I did some updates and now sound is REALLY QUIET12:45
dooglusRawSewage: Knot is to Edgy like Flight was to Dapper12:45
eon_any ideas?12:45
Khaaaaanmwe: No it isn't...12:45
mweKhaaaaan: did you follow a guide for your card or something?12:45
RawSewagedooglus, I dont get Flight12:45
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RawSewagewhat was the joke with Flight12:46
joedoucan anyone please help me, i have found some information on my wireless card but don't know what to do now :(12:46
dooglusRawSewage: a dapper flight is an alpha of dapper; an edgy knot is an alpha of edgy12:46
Khaaaaanmwe: Yes sir... however I ran into some difficulty when it got towards the end, also the steps I followed were for Breezy12:46
matthew_walso, if a filesystem has a "needs_recovery" flag, what does that mean?12:46
WarboRawSewage: Like Beta, but before Beta (should be called Alpha really...)12:46
Khaaaaanmwe: I can post a link if you want...12:46
RawSewageNo, I mean whats the joke12:46
RawSewageDapper Flight?12:46
dooglusRawSewage: newts live in knots, apparently12:46
mweKhaaaaan: yes, what kind of problems. and yes let me see the url and tell me what problems you got12:46
RawSewagedooglus, oh, ty12:46
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Khaaaaanmwe: okay let me get the link here...12:47
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matthew_wAlso, I get the "device is busy" message when trying to unmount, is there a way to see which processes are using the filesystem?12:47
RawSewageSo what was the joke with Dapper Flight12:47
WarboRawSewage: Dapper Drake=Fancy Looking Duck, which flies12:47
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RawSewagethat one's a bit obscure12:47
Khaaaaanmwe: Here is the link to the directions I followed:12:47
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RikkimaruWhat would you all suggest I use to easily configure wireless networks?12:47
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dooglusRawSewage: everyone knows that drakes fly, don't they?  I'd have said that 'eft == newt == lives in a knot" is much more obscure12:48
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Khaaaaanmwe: As you can see, towards the end it gets kind of whacky... my output for cardctl ident does not match his12:48
RawSewagedooglus, I guess12:48
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RawSewagebut Im enlightened now12:48
Warbodooglus: I thought it might be a reference to Edgy being edgy, and as it develops it gets more confused and knotted :)12:48
matthew_wI don't get this "needs recovery" flag.12:48
Warbomatthew_w: It initiates a scan at the next boot12:49
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micahfhey guys12:49
RawSewageEdgy is edgy.  bleeding edge tech12:49
matthew_wWarbo; is that it?12:49
mweKhaaaaan: is your card pcmcia?12:49
RawSewageXGL, etc12:49
micahfany idea why my keyboard would have just stopped working?12:49
Warbomatthew_w: Basically12:49
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jbowerany one have an idea why ubuntu will not let me shutdown or open termal or do sudo form command line12:49
Khaaaaanmwe: yes sir12:49
micahfmy USB just STOPPED working12:49
matthew_wAlso, is there a huge difference between ext2fs and ext3fs that wouldn't let me make LFS successfully?12:49
mudHey guys, need some gcc help12:49
dooglusWarbo: I just looked it up - apparently it's not where they live, it's how they have group sex (?)12:49
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dooglusA male that has found a partner may be joined by other hopefuls, forming what is known as a newt knot. Newts are not at all shy about the process; mating can take place in broad daylight, in front of God and everybody.12:50
micahfI rebooted my computer, now it's GONE12:50
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Warbomatthew_w: Ext3==Ext2+Journal12:50
dlijbower, pastebin the error messages12:50
nn_wher does the grub stage files go when installing grub pkg? I need to copy them to theappropriate place12:50
Warbomatthew_w: You can mount ext3 as ext2 if you want12:50
mudBy looking at my system, I can see that I have gcc, gcc 3.3, gcc 3,4 and gcc 4.0 installed..12:50
dooglusWarbo: http://www.berkeleydaily.org/rediscover.cfm?archiveDate=01-09-0412:50
RawSewagedooglus, lol12:50
mweKhaaaaan: so cardctl ident gives you what? nothing like that? of course the manfid would propbably be different12:50
nn_or better yet, how do i list all the files that came from an installed package?12:50
mudThe progtram that I am trying to compile needs to use gcc3.3, I dont know why.. but it will only compile with 3.312:51
Khaaaaanmwe: My output was the same as that Zodiac dudes12:51
jbower<dli> this is no error, it just will not run any apps that run higher then user like termanl and sudo12:51
nn_mud that sounds like an issue of poor coding ;)12:51
Warbodooglus: "Ubuntu 6.10 - The Sexy Newt" has a certain ring to it :)12:51
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djm62how can I get my pcmcia wi-fi card to behave when suspending the computer? currently it stops working (tm) and can't be revived short of a reboot.  It's ok when I hibernate. more deeply, how can I make suspending better supported on my card - who do I talk to?12:51
Khaaaaanbut my ndiswrapper -l returned positive results12:52
mweKhaaaaan: but I think the windows driver you use should be what is recommended for your card in the database on ndiswrapper.sf.net12:52
mudwith all of those others installed, I think it uses the latest version by default..   Is there anyway to have only gcc-3.3 on there..  or disable the others?12:52
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dlijbower, sudo -i12:52
Khaaaaanmwe: I am pretty sure it is...12:52
mweKhaaaaan: maybe thats why you have firmware problems12:52
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Khaaaaanmwe: but I can double check..12:52
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mweKhaaaaan: I would12:52
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eckwhat is the command to fetch the source for a package?12:52
Khaaaaanmwe: He did list a bug report in that thread as well... and the final response was this....12:52
jbower<dli> tty1 is just sitting there now no outup12:52
jbower<dli> output12:53
tvishi there, i'm currently installing ubuntu, however the install has stopped at 84% (Configuring apt). I wonder if anyone could provide some assistance please?12:53
jribeck: apt-get source package12:53
Khaaaaanmwe: Added PCI id's to driver, so this will be fixed in next dapper kernel update.12:53
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Khaaaaanmwe: So maybe I just have to wait it out??12:53
der0bhas anyone here compiled truecrypt?  I'm getting errors during make: make[4] : *** [drivers/usb/net/zd1211/zddevlist.h]  Error 1 AND make[3] : *** [drivers/usb/net/zd1211]  Error 212:53
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mweKhaaaaan: what's that?12:53
djm62tvis: how long has it stopped for?12:54
eckjrib: thanks12:54
dlider0b, zd1211 builds with ubuntu12:54
tvisdjm62: about 10 minutes now12:54
tvisat least12:54
mweKhaaaaan: windows drivers shouldn't care about dapper drivers except for the ndiswrapper module12:54
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Khaaaaanmwe: there is a bug report listed in the thread... I can't really tell if it is related12:54
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djm62tvis: is the hard disk grinding away?12:54
Khaaaaanmwe: I see...12:54
der0bdli: I'm a newb, can you tell me what you mean?  I'm just following the instruction on the ubuntu forums and this is what I get12:54
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mweKhaaaaan: so what was the point where you ran in to trouble first?12:55
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dlider0b, do you have linux-headers ?12:55
Khaaaaanmwe: when it began talking about changing firmware12:55
Khaaaaanmwe: I think I have the windows drivers loaded correctly, the hardware is present, and the power lite is on12:55
Khaaaaanmwe: But it isn't working12:55
der0byes, and the full linux src (truecrypt needs the actual src to compile)12:56
tvisdjm62: i'm sorry, i spoke too soon; installation complete :) it just seemed like forever. thanks for your help!12:56
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der0bhave a sym link to the src in /usr/src/linux12:56
mweKhaaaaan: because of firmware problems12:56
djm62tvis: that's one of the disk-intense bits ;)12:56
Khaaaaanmwe: I am thinking of downloading network manager and seeing if that helps...12:56
mweKhaaaaan: dmesg said so12:56
Khaaaaanmwe: I think so yea...12:56
dlider0b, I don't know trucrypt, I just mean zd121112:56
tvisdjm62: ah, well thanks again12:56
mweKhaaaaan: network manager wont fix that12:56
Khaaaaanmwe: right... but I am no expert unfortunetly12:56
dlider0b, however, linux-source is not needed, unless you build your own kernel12:57
mweKhaaaaan: you need to somehow fix the firmware issue12:57
linux_user400354how can i get mcopy?12:57
Khaaaaanmwe: I need more info though... and no one seems to know more, I wish there was an expert that had this same issue :)12:57
linux_user400354what package does mcopy come in?12:57
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Khaaaaanmwe: I am not sure if I am the one that should be forging a path here :)12:57
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mweKhaaaaan: did you put correct info in config.opts?12:58
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linux_user400354can anyone help? is anyone able to figure out how to get mcopy or what package it comes in?12:58
Khaaaaanmwe: No, I wasnt sure what to put12:58
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mweKhaaaaan: well thats probably the problem then12:58
jriblinux_user400354: mtools12:58
mweKhaaaaan: put the info from lspci and cardctl manfid12:58
jriblinux_user400354: packages.ubuntu.com has a search feature for files that you can use too12:58
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Khaaaaanmwe: and, if you see in the thread, HeavyAl tried messing with it, and got messed12:59
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Khaaaaanmwe: ok lemme see...12:59
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Khaaaaanmwe: How do I know what my socket number is when I do the cardctl manfid?01:00
mweKhaaaaan: the AL dude doesn't say anything but that he couldn't get it to work ;)01:00
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Khaaaaanmwe: ha!01:01
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (GNOME), sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (KDE) To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:01
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mweKhaaaaan: just type cardctl manfid and tell me the output01:01
Khaaaaanmwe: It gives me a usage error01:02
mweKhaaaaan: cardctl ident sorry01:02
Khaaaaanha ok01:02
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Khaaaaanmwe: It tells me that both socket 1 and socket 0 have "no product info available"01:03
RikkimaruWhat would you all suggest I use to easily configure wireless networks?01:03
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mweKhaaaaan: oh. that's not good01:03
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Khaaaaanmwe: I know... : /01:03
mweKhaaaaan: ndiswrapper -l ?01:03
RopechoborraI installed my Epson Stylus CX7300 but i can scan.. When i try to open XSANE it says No device aviable01:03
Khaaaaandriver present, hardware present01:04
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djm62Rikkimaru: gnome-network-manager01:04
e-gandalfhi, I'm looking for some solution to my problem. I'm using Ubuntu Dapper, it works fine, I'm happy. The only problem is that for my work I need dbus 0.62, and I don't know how in Ubuntu world I can solve it, since backports are only for security, and edgy (which has 0.62) is probably very unstable.01:04
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Rikkimarudjm62: I downloaded network-manager-gnome, is that the same thing?01:04
Khaaaaanmwe: hardware present, driver present01:04
djm62Rikkimaru: yes - braino :(01:05
LjLe-gandalf: backports are not only for security. actually, backports are *not* for security, that's what dapper-security is for. only, backports haven't yet been activated anyway01:05
Rikkimarudjm62: so, how do I use it then?01:05
mweKhaaaaan: did you rename the .sys files like the guy suggests?01:05
Khaaaaanmwe: Yes sir01:05
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LjLe-gandalf: you could probably try compiling the edgy package, but no guarantees01:05
Khaaaaanmwe: I tell ya... this has me baffled01:05
ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager01:05
djm62Rikkimaru: see that link01:05
e-gandalfLjL, does it mean that I can wait for backports to eventually backport to dapper? or would it be smarter to get edgy package and try to install it and cross fingers?01:05
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LjLe-gandalf: backports only happen if you ask for them, and even then, i'm afraid something like dbus wouldn't get backported, as a lot of things, i believe, depend on it -- backports is mostly for "stand-alone" packages01:06
homefronthello all ? what s invold in making my window workstations file share though my web/file server running ubuntu?01:06
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mweKhaaaaan: hmm. i think you need to load different firmware somehow01:06
micahfhey any idea why my modules just disappeared?!01:07
micahfI lost a bunch of modules01:07
LjLe-gandalf: don't just get the edgy package anyway - get the *source* package and compile it, that ought to be sort of safer. still do cross your fingers though01:07
Khaaaaanmwe: I know... I may have to just post my problems in that thread and see if they can help... or buy a card that works in Linux... you know of any btw :)???01:07
linux_user400354no body here knows much about mcopy or is able to find out how to get it for ubuntu.01:07
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kbrookslinux_user400354: try the pkg mtools01:08
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Khaaaaanmwe: Seriouslly... can you send me a link to a card on NewEgg that will work straight up :) ??01:08
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mweKhaaaaan: or try the linux acx module instead of the ndiswrapper solution01:08
linux_user400354kbrooks, thanks01:08
Khaaaaanmwe: Whats that?01:09
mweKhaaaaan: do you have linux-restricted-modules installed?01:09
lufisCan someone tell me where Rhythmbox's configuration files are?01:09
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Khaaaaanmwe: I believe I do yes01:09
djm62lufis: .gnome2/rhythmbox IIRC01:09
idefix somehow a directory appeared in my home drive with three js-files and two css-files... who made them and what are they for?01:09
mweKhaaaaan: acx is a linux module for your wifi chip01:09
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djm62idefix: did you save a webpage?01:09
sorush20hi guys , my boot of ubuntu fresh install desktop is much slower than my fresh install of xp on the same computer why?01:10
idefixyou mean open a webpage in mozilla and then save it?01:10
Khaaaaanmwe: hmmm... would it have to be installed via synaptic, or automatically with the modules?01:10
djm62idefix: yeah01:10
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sorush20I have tried to change  the services that are running but there really isn't anything that is not needed..01:10
WoostaHow come the latest firefox-dom-inspector package and the latest firefox package are incompatible with each other? FF is and dom-inspector is .. is there an alternate repository with compatible packages?01:10
idefixmaybe.. but I think it's because of me chatting with someone because the name of this person followed with -files is the name of the directory01:10
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Dasnipa`sorush20, what do you mean by slower?01:11
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idefixjs-files are executable linux scripts aren't they?01:11
mweKhaaaaan: linux-restricted-modules is not installed by default01:11
djm62idefix: what is the directory called? anonymise the name if need be...01:11
Khaaaaanmwe: Perhaps that was what the bug report was about... the firmware in the restricted modules is screwed up...01:11
e-gandalfLjL, thnx :)01:11
sorush20the boot up time Dasnipa`01:11
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homefronthello all ? what s involed in making my window workstations file share though my web/file server running ubuntu?01:11
djm62idefix: js are javascript files, typically executed by whatever browser.  CSS are style sheets for web pages01:11
Dasnipa`sorush20, what does boot-up time matter? linux rarely needs rebooting...01:11
barneyRanyone know how to get Ubuntu 6.0 to recognize a USB modem?01:12
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mweKhaaaaan: also if you use a different version like one of the guys is suggesting?01:12
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Dasnipa`sorush20, ways to increase the speed however include disabling hot-plugging01:12
Khaaaaanmwe: I did a search in synaptic... and I definetly have them installed, some aren't, but I think they might be older ones01:12
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Khaaaaanmwe: what do you mean? Have I?01:12
Dasnipa`sorush20, if your hardware is not going to be changing01:12
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mweKhaaaaan: modprobe -l|grep acx01:12
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sorush20Dasnipa`: that is bad01:12
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djm62sorush20: when are you measuring to or from?  There is a difference (I've found) and it also matters whether you count time-to-desktop, time-to-login-screen or time-to-finish-loading01:12
ernstpwhat's the best torrent app for dapper?01:13
ernstpazureus seems really buggy!01:13
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences and the features you require.01:13
matthew_wHere's a funny question - once I've created a linux from scratch system, or for that matter any distribution... how do people make it so it can be distributed on CDs? like.. so you pop it in and it goes?01:13
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mweernstp: bittorrent is decent01:13
Khaaaaanmwe: modprobe -l|grep acx01:13
barneyRsorry but thats not true, some apps are the best of class01:13
djm62ernstp: gnome-btdownload is alright01:13
Khaaaaanmwe: whoops01:13
RawSewageUbuntu is featured on Faux News:  http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,204637,00.html01:13
ernstpthe default?01:13
Khaaaaanmwe: /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/acx/acx.ko01:14
sorush20djm62: compared to xp windows everything is a lot slower..01:14
mweKhaaaaan: good01:14
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ernstpwell, it hasn't downloaded a single file for me. azureus works though..01:14
Dasnipa`sorush20, you still never really answered my question though... booting happens so rarely what does it matter if its slower or faster?01:14
Jack_SparrowGuys I need to vent a little.  This is the second time in a row where tha update has overwritten my grub.lst..  Is it too much to ask that you warn a user or make a bacjup of something so basic as a persons bootloader?01:14
barneyRof course some people have their favorite app, but that doesn't make it best01:14
idefixdjm62 oh there's ano_files anonymous_files and then there's a ano-files in anonymous01:14
djm62sorush20: that points to something pathological then...01:14
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idefixdjm62 and there's a _history_files in anonymous01:14
ernstpJack_Sparrow: the grub/menu.lst is allways edited when you update the kernel01:15
mweKhaaaaan: now sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper && modprobe acx. then iwconfig and ifconfig -a01:15
ernstpJack_Sparrow: it has certain rules however01:15
ardchoilleJack_Sparrow: There are options at the beginning of the menu.lst file that you can set for keeping certain things from being over-written.01:15
sorush20Dasnipa`: when I trun my computer on until I can get into my kdem destop it take much much longer than windows xp on a differnet hdd..01:15
djm62idefix: some chat program is probably saving them... should be perfectly safe to delete them: it's a bit rude saving stuff without your knowledge anyway ;)01:15
mweKhaaaaan: well also sudo modprobe acx01:15
ernstpJack_Sparrow: man update-grub       and look at the commented config options in the file01:15
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mweKhaaaaan: or type sudo -i to get a root prompt so you don't have to type sudo all the time01:16
Dasnipa`sorush20, yes i understand this but i want to know why it is such a big deal to you01:16
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sorush20because I assumed that linux would be faster..01:16
Khaaaaanmwe: I got results for iwconfig....01:16
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sorush20or is that not the case.01:16
RiverAn install script issued '/etc/init.d/inetd restart' but this gives error "/etc/init.d/inetd: No such file or directory" can someone please help me01:16
idefixdjm62 so if I somehow view a webpage with one css-file (I don't know how to activate it) it'll look different that with another css-file?01:16
Jack_SparrowThanks all...01:16
djm62sorush20: 1min either way wouldn't be suspicious, but anything longer than that points to something being tried and failed: seeing as ubuntu is nice and verbose when booting up...what's taking so long01:16
idefixdjm62 are you still there?01:16
mweKhaaaaan: yes what?01:17
djm62idefix: google csszengarden :) very much so01:17
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mweKhaaaaan: interface name?01:17
Khaaaaanmwe: Okay, what would you like to see the output of first?01:18
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mweKhaaaaan: iwconfig. paste.ubuntu-nl.org so you dont get banned for spamming the channel01:18
RiverOr what is the correct way to restart inetd on dapper01:18
JudeI'm somehow succeeded in installing ubuntu... without x11.01:18
djm62sorush20: my gut instinct says that ubuntu is trying to bring up a network interface and giving it plenty of time in case it's just a slow link...hence adding minutes to boot up time01:18
Khaaaaanmwe: no doubr... one sec01:18
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sorush20djm62: I'm gonna remove those bad one..01:19
Dasnipa`sorush20, yes as djm62 said ubuntu is very verbose, you can check to see if something is hanging... yes and especially with network... mine takes awhile because i have a wireless card and a wired card01:19
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djm62Dasnipa`: use network-manager, and don't configure anything at boot :)01:19
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barneyRhow do you get a USB modem recognized? anyone? anyone? Bueler?01:20
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Khaaaaanmwe: okay its up there01:20
mweKhaaaaan: url?01:20
Dasnipa`djm62, meh i would... but its not a huge deal to me... i only boot on power outages and moves back and forth between college dorm and home during summer01:20
Khaaaaanmwe: ha ha doh!01:20
barneyRget a UPS and you won't even have to boot then01:20
mwenm got it01:21
djm62sorush20: as to whether linux is faster than Windows XP... I find the interface of XP a bit snappier, but ubuntu boots faster and behaves more functionally on my machine.  Speed isn't a big deal to me01:21
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Khaaaaanmwe: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1846801:21
mweKhaaaaan: it's looking good!01:21
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djm62Dasnipa`: ah :) I'm more of a nomadic user01:21
Khaaaaanmwe: good!01:21
mweKhaaaaan: now paste ifconfig output01:21
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RiverCan someone please point me to how to restart inetd on dapper01:21
Khaaaaanmwe: okay one sec01:22
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mweRiver: sudo /etc/init.d/inetd restart or xinetd if that's what you use01:22
mweRiver: iirc01:22
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Khaaaaanmwe: Okay... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1847001:23
djm62Speaking of which, can anyone tell me how to automatically disable my pcmcia wifi card before suspending and re-enable it afterwards? at the moment it hangs on restart, which is terribly annoying01:23
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Rivermwe: I get command not found01:23
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mweKhaaaaan: alright do you have your wep key handy?01:24
Rivermwe: "sudo /etc/init.d/inetd restart"01:24
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Khaaaaanmwe: yes sir01:24
mweRiver: xinetd probably01:24
mweKhaaaaan: ok and your essid name?01:25
Khaaaaanmwe: I believe so yes...01:25
mweKhaaaaan: sudo -i to get a root prompt if you haven't01:25
barneyRhow do you get a USB modem recognized? anyone? anyone? Bueler?01:25
ardchoillemwe: I have neither inetd now xinetd. Is that a bad thing?01:25
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Khaaaaanmwe: got it...01:25
mweiwlist wlan0 scan, does it show your ap?01:26
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mweardchoille: you probably don't need it. it's not installed by default I think01:26
Rivermwe: standard dapper install and I have a /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/init.d/01:26
VR_is there any "compact" media player out there that does ogg? other than vlc, bmp and xmms.01:26
ardchoillemwe: Ah, ok01:26
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djm62VR_: software player? ogg123?01:26
djm62VR_: how compact?01:26
VR_djm62: Does that have an EQ?01:26
mweRiver: but did you install an inet daemon like xinetd?01:27
VR_djm62: Just something that's not as crazy as amarok01:27
mweKhaaaaan:  iwlist wlan0 scan, does it show your ap?01:27
djm62VR_: helix-player?01:27
Khaaaaanmwe: no scan results01:27
Rivermwe: not that I am aware of01:27
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djm62VR_: the lo-fat version of realplayer, but it is native gnome01:28
mweKhaaaaan: hmm is it hidden?01:28
mweRiver: well then you cant use it01:28
VR_djm62: i use gnome01:28
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mweRiver: why do you need it?01:28
Khaaaaanmwe: It isn't broadcasting the ESSID if thats what you mean...01:28
Rivermwe: so inetd is not installed by default?01:28
mweKhaaaaan: that's what I meant. no worries then01:28
Khaaaaanmwe: cool01:28
ernstpaaah, azureus works better with Sun's java than gij!01:29
mweKhaaaaan: well iwconfig wlan0 <your ap name> type that with the correct ap name01:29
bronzehowdy, I'm running the new ubuntu live-cd and trying to use the "xhost +" command. It keeps giving an 'unable to open display "" ' error message.  Does anyone know a way around this for Ubuntu?01:29
Khaaaaanmwe: ap?01:29
mweKhaaaaan: access point01:29
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Rivermwe: I'm running install scripts and instructions for Quasar accounting and it is trying to setup a server01:29
djm62VR_: what can I say, it's free, see if it floats your boat... I can't think of anything else notable01:29
mweKhaaaaan: the essid01:30
Khaaaaanmwe: It says it is... unrecoginzed01:30
mweKhaaaaan: what is?01:30
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Khaaaaanmwe: Error : unrecognised wireless request "hizzy"01:30
VR_djm62: thanks01:30
mweKhaaaaan: what did you type?01:30
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Khaaaaanmwe: iwconfig wlan0 hizzy01:31
SandickSo I just installed Ubuntu (linux newb here ..) on a Shuttle SB86i and it seems fine, but doesn't display greater than 1024x768.  I assume this is because I don't have drivers installed.  I can't find linux drivers on shuttle's site - am i just sol'ed ?01:31
mweKhaaaaan: you need to type iwconfig wlan0 essid <essid>. note the essid keyword01:31
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Khaaaaanmwe: ahhhh ok01:31
mweKhaaaaan: iwconfig wlan0 essid hizzy01:31
sorush21hi guys gparted has just crashed.. while it was chaning the structure of a backup hdd.. should I killall gparted?01:31
Khaaaaanmwe: okay... it just did nothing01:32
mweKhaaaaan: that's a good sign. means it worked01:32
Khaaaaanmwe: Which would be a good thing if this was DOS :)01:32
Khaaaaanmwe: cool01:32
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matthew_wHow do I tell which GCC I have?01:32
mweKhaaaaan: now iwconfig wlan0 key yourkey01:32
Rivermwe: Are you suggesting it is pref not to install rand un inetd ?01:32
mwemathieu: gcc --version01:32
ardchoillegcc --version01:32
mwemathieu: or dpkg -l|grep gcc01:32
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Khaaaaanmwe: okay... it did it01:33
djm62Sandick: can you tell me what video card it has?01:34
mweKhaaaaan: good. now dhclient wlan0 and cross your fingers01:34
KhaaaaanDo I need to do anything like disable eth0?01:34
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mweKhaaaaan: no01:34
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mweKhaaaaan: just type dhclient wlan001:34
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Khaaaaanmwe: okay... I did... so far so good01:34
mweKhaaaaan: you got an ip?01:35
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mweKhaaaaan: try ping yahoo.com01:35
Khaaaaanmwe: It is doing a DHCP discover01:35
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Sandickdhm62: integrated intel gma900 according to this product sheet: http://global.shuttle.com/Product/Barebone/SB86i.asp01:35
Rivermwe:  so should I install inetd or xinetd01:35
mweKhaaaaan: oh still :|01:35
Khaaaaanmwe: hmmm... it seemed to fail01:35
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Khaaaaanmwe: I wonder if I mistyped my SSID01:36
mweKhaaaaan: oh :|01:36
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Khaaaaanmwe: let me double check01:36
mweKhaaaaan: or the key01:36
Sandickis there like a Device Manager in Linux where I can see what devices require drivers and which ones aren't working properly ?01:36
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Sandicki was surprised that the network worked immediately, as well as the sound, but i don't know which devices (such as the video card) still need drivers01:36
Khaaaaanmwe: yea it would be the key, not the SSID :)01:36
mweKhaaaaan: you said it's wep, right? not wpa?01:37
Khaaaaanmwe: let me double check it01:37
Khaaaaanmwe: right, 128 wep01:37
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mweok because the post says wpa wont work with the acx driver, Khaaaaan01:37
mweKhaaaaan: I guess the key is pretty long01:38
Khaaaaanmwe: Yea I figured that much :)01:38
Khaaaaanmwe: yea... which is why I think I might have borked it01:38
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mweKhaaaaan: double check it01:38
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:38
Khaaaaanmwe: doh! nah I was correct : /01:38
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djm62Sandick: you probably just need to change some settings for the graphics...try that link from ubotu01:39
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mweKhaaaaan: at least it looks the the driver is working with your hardware01:39
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mweKhaaaaan: you didn't mistype the key?01:39
Khaaaaanmwe: yea... step 1 complete :)01:39
ankanguys.... I want to use Banshee for my new Ipod Nano....but when I try to sync it its givin me a warnin tht my stuff allready there maybe lost or altered.....is tht true?01:39
djm62Sandick: System->Administration->Device Manager has a list of hardware, but it's pretty raw01:39
Khaaaaanmwe: no, I copied and pasted01:39
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mweKhaaaaan: hmm01:40
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Khaaaaanmwe: I wish it gave better error messages...01:40
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Khaaaaanmwe: it says it was trying to connect to
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Khaaaaanmwe: hmmm01:40
mweKhaaaaan: anything interesting like errors near the end of the output from dmesg?01:40
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NikolasI have a slight problem with my ubuntu... I copied all the files from one hdd to another and now gdm says something about mkdtemp and a private directory01:40
vaderhas anyone sync'd a cingular 2125?01:41
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djm62ankan: if it's new, then you're as well trying it out before it gets filled up with tracks and playlists (and giving them feedback if it does make a mess)01:41
Khaaaaanmwe: actually yea... there is this...01:41
Sandickheh yea this device manager definitely isn't as intuitive as windows01:41
Khaaaaanmwe: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready01:41
Wiseguyhey guys if i install openoffice from the rpms off the website rather than through synaptic, how do i  add the newly installed version to my PATH01:41
djm62Sandick: I didn't like to recommend it for that reason ;) it's thorough, but...01:41
Khaaaaanmwe: that appears a few times...01:42
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ankandjm62: so shoud I go ahead and sync it....cus I dont wanna lose the stuff that I allready have in there01:42
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Sandickhow do i update drivers using this device manager ?01:42
Sandickor do i not ..01:42
linux_user400354i am unable to mount my harddrive in ubuntu. can someone please help? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1847301:42
mweKhaaaaan: hmm. can you paste that along with a few lines before and after that?01:42
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pojeHas anyone played with NX?01:42
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Khaaaaanmwe: Sure, give me one sec...01:43
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djm62ankan: if you have stuff you can't lose, then don't use stuff which gives you that warning.  personally, I'd give it a shot, but the warning is meant to obtain your informed consent.01:43
Sandickit doesn't even say there's an error on the graphics card01:43
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Bonez56linux_user400354: it looks like it may already be mounted. can you post a copy of /etc/fstab ?01:43
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emilHello :d01:43
Bonez56emil: hello :P01:44
djm62Sandick: the drivers thing is slightly different under linux.  manufacturers almost never supply them (with some notable exceptions), and mostly you don't have to worry about them01:44
Khaaaaanmwe: shoot what is the link for pastbin again?01:44
linux_user400354Bonez56, no it is not. if you understand my last command, then you will know its not mounted.01:44
helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: are you there?01:44
emilI've got some problems, today i changed from Debian to Ubuntu, but i install some Codecs, my avi files work fine now, but i can't play wmv files, is there a codec for wmv?01:44
mweKhaaaaan: paste.ubuntu-nl.org01:44
djm62Sandick: the chances are, the system hasn't detected that your video card/monitor are capable of a higher resolution, so you have to tell it01:45
Sandickif manufacturers never supply them, why would you not have to worry about them ?  i thought driver support was one of the big problems with linux01:45
linux_user400354!restrictedformats > emil01:45
Sandickhow do i tell it to ?01:45
e-gandalfLjL, ./configure --prefix=/usr will be enough?01:45
Bonez56linux_user400354: what is LinuxLVM? never heard of that... is it an ext3 partition?01:45
Khaaaaanmwe: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1847401:45
emillinux_user400354:  I allready installed that gstreamer stuff and w32codecs01:46
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linux_user400354Bonez56, logical volume management01:46
mudI have  gcc 3.3, 3.4, & 4.0 installed on my system... I think that my pc tries to use the most current version when it compiles..  Is there a command I can put in the makefile to make it use gcc-3.3 ?01:46
Bonez56emil: have you tried automatix?01:46
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LjLe-gandalf: uh, leave configure alone and just use the apt system to compile... "apt-get -b source packagename", after doing "sudo apt-get build-dep packagename". that should give you a binary package01:47
emilBonez56:  What is automatix exactly?01:47
linux_user400354emil, try mplayer. it supports many formats and so does xine01:47
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ardchoille!automatix > emil01:47
Bonez56emil: it's a script that installs a bunch of must have software for you, automatically :)01:47
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Bonez56!automatix > Bonez5601:47
emilBonez56:  I hope not to much programs?01:47
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djm62Sandick: it looks like drivers are supplied by intel (which is good).  and I'm having a look at how best (least painfully)  to increase your resolution01:47
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helpmeeeI have a lagging sound problem in quake3..does someone know how to fix this?01:48
Bonez56emil: you can select what you are after, you are not forced to install everything. /j #automatix if you want more info. it works great though and should solve your codec problem01:48
Sandickdjm62: thanks !  :D01:48
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emili joined01:48
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emilhope they help me further01:48
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chizangi recently upgraded from breezy to dapper, and all of a sudden, bittorrent stopped working correctly. i had port forwarding configured on my router before and nothing has changed. so my question is, did dapper introduce some sort of firewall or somesuch?01:48
mweKhaaaaan: it's complaining about the firmware. time to load a different fw version01:48
linux_user400354Bonez56, it is a ext3 filesystem on a logical volume, not a partition. that is my fedora core 5 install.01:48
Khaaaaanmwe: ahhh poop01:49
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Khaaaaanmwe: Is that difficult?01:49
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, I'm here now, sorry01:49
e-gandalfLjL, ouch, depenencies will kill me here :(01:49
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helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: glad I caught you :)01:49
mweKhaaaaan: nah not if you have the firmware. hold on01:49
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chizangto put it in dumber terms, my bittornado light never turns green. it stays yellow.... :-/01:49
helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: any chance we could work on that lagging sound issue or are you busy?01:49
Khaaaaanmwe: uh oh... :)01:49
chizangwhereas before, it turned green and i had great download speeds01:49
e-gandalfLjL, is it worth trying to compile it on my own if using apt-get -b sources returned tons of required dependencies, but ./configure was happy with what it found?01:49
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, hmmm...  well I can see if I can find a solution  :)01:49
Bonez56linux_user400354: can't really think of much else sorry. obviously you have tried rebooting? is there an entry in your fstab at all for it?01:50
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helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: yeah lol01:50
LjLe-gandalf: not necessarily. perhaps some dependencies are not strictly necessary to compile, but are still needed to enable all the features ubuntu needs. let me have a look01:50
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FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, do you get this error in the console when you start the game: "ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:868:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave" ?01:51
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mweKhaaaaan: nano /etc/modprobe.d/options and paste in options acx firmware_ver= at the end and save the file01:51
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mweKhaaaaan: then modprobe -r acx && modprobe acx and look at dmesg01:51
helpmeeewell i'll try rite now and see what is ais01:51
djm62Sandick: looks slightly painful, but there is a page on the wiki https://help.ubuntu.com/community/i915Driver01:52
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, ok01:52
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thrice`how can I tell which module the liveCD is using for net ?01:52
mweKhaaaaan: put 'options acx firmware_ver=' at the end01:52
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djm62Sandick: remember you have dapper, so you don't need to download anything manually01:53
phaedrus44thrice   lsmod?01:53
Khaaaaanmwe: what is the full line I am pasting in? opitions acx firware=etc?01:53
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Khaaaaanmwe: oh I see01:54
mweKhaaaaan: 'options acx firmware_ver=' without quotes01:54
LjLe-gandalf: hm well, i think to be on the safe side you really should install anything that "apt-get build-dep dbus" wants you to instal.01:54
helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: would it say that under sound or should I just look anywhere in terminal window?01:54
ZambeziI can't extract a tar.gz-file. It's doesn't work with tar xvfz.01:54
thrice`phaedrus44, yes, but how can I tell for sure which of those it's using?  I only recognize forcedeth, and i'm sure it isn't that01:54
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, anywhere in terminal window....  but actually you can forget about that for right now, I think i found a solution01:54
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:54
helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: oh okay <301:54
mweZambezi: tar zxvf file.tar.gz01:54
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, go to that website and paste your /etc/asound.conf file01:55
Khaaaaanmwe: ha how do I save :)?01:55
mweZambezi: I think the f must be the last letter01:55
Sandickdjm62: thanks, i'm looking at it now01:55
phaedrus44oh...thrice   sorry01:55
mweKhaaaaan: ctrl-x and answer yes01:55
Sandickwhy does dapper not have to download drivers ?01:55
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mweSandick: because they are in the kernel and the kernel modules01:56
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helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: it sais it doesnt exist01:56
thrice`no way top find out which module eth0 is using?01:56
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djm62Sandick: you don't have to manually install stuff because it is done by the ubuntu team.  you only have to tell it to install the package name and your computer will find, download, and install it01:56
Khaaaaanmwe: doh! FATAL: Error removing acx (/lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/acx/acx.ko): Operation not permitted01:57
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, umm  ok one sec01:57
Sandickwow, that's easier than windows then01:57
mudAnyone know if there is a way to assing which version of GCC a makefile uses?01:57
mweKhaaaaan: huh. are you root?01:57
cpk1Khaaaaan: try doing it as sudo01:57
djm62Sandick: even though this isn't the way the out of the box experience should be, the sting is taken out of it as far as possible01:57
Khaaaaanoh ok01:57
Zambezimwe, gzip: stdin: not in gzip format // tar: Child returned status 1 // tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors01:57
mweKhaaaaan: sudo -i to get a root prompt01:57
mweZambezi: then its broken01:57
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mweZambezi: stdin ?!01:58
mweZambezi: what did you type?01:58
matthew_wWhat do error 1 and error 2 generally signify when doing Make?01:58
Sandickdjm62: that's fine, i'd rather run into these problems then have it flawless, it'll teach me how to use the system better01:58
Sandicki wouldn't have learned about how linux and drivers work otherwise01:58
Khaaaaanmwe: okay... not sure if this is an improvement ... I will post the output...01:58
kbrooksmatthew_w: Nothing. Read the full error output by the compiler01:58
mweZambezi: well it looks like the file is not a tar.gz file or is broken01:59
kbrooksmatthew_w: All of it. See if you have a header file missing01:59
Zambezimwe, tar zxvf file.tar.gz01:59
Bonez56is there anything for linux similar to QuickPAR for windows? i want a GUI based program01:59
kbrooksZambezi: are you sure?01:59
Khaaaaanmwe: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1847501:59
mweZambezi: the file is broken01:59
Sandick# sudo apt-get install 915resolution01:59
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Sandickthat just gives me an    E: Couldn't find package 915resolution       error02:00
mweZambezi: what does 'file file.tar.gz' tell you?02:00
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mwe!info 915resolution02:00
ubotu915resolution: resolution modify tool for Intel graphic chipset. In repository universe, is extra. Version 0.5-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 13 kB, installed size 124 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386)02:00
mweSandick: enable universe02:00
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, ok, it seems as though the solutions for your issue are fairly complex02:01
djm62mwe: how does one do that from the GUI?02:01
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matthew_wShouldn't be a header file missing, I just untarred binutils and tried to MAKE it?02:01
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, I am going to bet that you have a sound card separate from your motherboard02:01
mwedjm62: I don't know. options somewhere02:01
Bonez56is there anything for linux similar to QuickPAR for windows? i want a GUI based program02:01
helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: I dont believe I do02:01
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, do you know what sound card you are using by any chance?02:01
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mwedjm62: I'm not familiar with synaptics, only apt02:01
helpmeeesorry to say nope :(02:01
Centaur5I would like to know if installed ubuntu on a raid correctly.  Can anybody give me advice on that?02:02
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Zambezimwe, I'll check02:02
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, do you have a file ~/.asoundrc   ?02:02
helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: would that info. be in kinfocenter?02:02
helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: i'll look02:02
Sandickmwe: how do i enable universe, and what is it ?02:02
LjL!universe > sandick02:02
matthew_wHey, kbrooks, check this out?  http://pastebin.ca/9409202:03
helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: if all I do is type that in terminal then no02:03
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e-gandalfLjL: 103 mb update, almost all core packages ;) I think I'll give up02:03
Sandickthanks LjL02:03
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, try typing more ~/.asoundrc02:03
mwe!universe > Sandick02:04
Zambezimwe, It says:  HTML document text02:04
helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: nope02:04
mweSandick: read /msg from ubotu02:04
LjLe-gandalf: well try the binary package from edgy then02:04
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, ok hmm. give me a minute02:04
mweZambezi: yeah it's not a tar.gz file. it's an html file02:04
mweZambezi: with the tar.gz name02:04
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Khaaaaanmwe: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1847502:04
Zambezikbrooks, Yes. I'm sure I wrote it that way. I check twice.02:04
Sandickthanks mwe :)02:04
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Khaaaaanmwe: dunno if you saw it :)02:05
mweZambezi: something probably went wrong when you downloaded it02:05
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javiolois there any BASIC app for linux _02:05
Sandickso universe isn't a linux thing, it's limited to just the ubuntu distribution ?02:05
javioloto program BASIC02:05
Zambezimwe, I have to check.02:05
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mweKhaaaaan: well it says auth failed but doesn't complain about the firmware but there is a warning about the bit rate02:06
LjLjaviolo: "apt-cache search basic language", or "apt-cache search basic | grep BASIC"02:06
djm62Sandick: yeah, a lot of distributions have similar things- ubuntu's version is pretty good02:06
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Khaaaaanmwe: what does that mean?02:06
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, try doing this02:06
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FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, killall esd02:06
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mweKhaaaaan: basically that your card and/or the linux driver sucks02:07
helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: no process killed02:07
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, ok try this one02:07
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, pkill esd02:07
Khaaaaanmwe: haha02:07
Khaaaaanmwe: figures...02:07
djm62Sandick: it's not original, it's a good idea invented elsewhere, and when you hear people talking about "apt" they mean that whole system02:07
javiololjl danke02:07
e-gandalfhow can I install one package, without dependencies etc.?02:07
helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: I did it but it sais nothing02:07
LjLSandick: the way programs are packaged is actually one of the things that typically distinguishes distributions the most.02:07
mweKhaaaaan: I think it will be possible to make it work though it's obviously not easy02:07
Khaaaaanmwe: If I quit now and revisit this issue later, you think I will have problems?02:07
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, ok try running game now and tell me if sound is lagging02:07
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Khaaaaanmwe: cause my battery is nearly dead...02:08
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LjLe-gandalf: if it has dependencies, they need to be satisfied - no easy way around that.02:08
helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: okay i'll check02:08
Sandickso is 'apt' a term for general linux distributions or ubuntu only ?02:08
noway-heya, is there any music software that can connect to iTunes shares?02:08
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)02:08
e-gandalfLjL: but it's update from 0.60 to 0.62, no ABI/API changes, it shouldn't have dependency change :(02:08
micahcowanSandick: it's used by debian-derivatives.02:08
LjLSandick: APT is specific to Debian and Debian derivatives02:08
mweKhaaaaan: I would put acx in /etc/modules and remove ndiswrapper then you could quit for now02:08
micahcowanRedHat, etc. don't use it.02:08
helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: yeah it still lags :(02:09
Khaaaaanmwe: what do you mean?02:09
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djm62Sandick: debian is an old and still good distro, but less focused on desktop stuff than ubuntu02:09
micahcowanhelpmeee: what game, and does it use SDL?02:09
LjLe-gandalf: well, let me see02:09
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, hmmm02:09
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javiolonoway- I think banshee has a plugin that can connect to itunes shares02:09
helpmeeemicahcowan: quake3 and I have no idea02:09
noway-javiolo: interesting, thanks :-)02:09
Zooliegsmhi all.i mounted an ext3 partition in fstab,with default option but i cant write to it just in root filemanager? any help? how can i make possible to write it with single.02:09
mweKhaaaaan: sudo nano /etc/modules and add acx at the end and remove ndiswrapper if it in there02:09
javiolonoway- btw banshee looks very similar to itunes02:09
micahcowanyes, it does then. hang on...02:10
e-gandalfLjL: the only real thing it adds beside of few bug fixes is QT bindings which are needed for me :(02:10
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Khaaaaanmwe: I thought we did that?02:10
mweKhaaaaan: that way it will try to use acx at next boot02:10
noway-javiolo: yeah, I have it now, I just haven't found the plug in02:10
mweKhaaaaan: no edit the /etc/modules file. we didn't do that02:10
helpmeeemicahcowan: okay02:10
helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: wonder if he knows :)02:10
Khaaaaanmwe: so just put acx in there?02:10
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LjLe-gandalf: well apparently it needs libc6 2.4 rather than 2.3. that looks like quite a strong requirement02:11
Sandickah thanks guys02:11
FunnyLookinHatmicahcowan, yes it uses SDL, know a relation?02:11
ciusif I wanted to ssh into my home computer from my computer at work, do I have to run some special ssh daemon in order to monitor for and accept outside connections?02:11
NikolasHey, would anyone happen to know what this means: http://rafb.net/paste/results/ma9sWs31.html02:11
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mweKhaaaaan: and remove ndiswrapper if it's there. we loaded acx but didn't tell ubuntu to load it at next boot yet.02:11
NikolasAnd how one might fix it?02:11
micahcowanhelpmeee: might try export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=dsp02:11
FunnyLookinHatmicahcowan, (I helped him install last night and we had to install that lib along with one or two others)02:11
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ubotussh is the Secure SHell protocol (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto). Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows, which can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/02:11
helpmeeemicahcowan: how would I go about doing that?02:11
NikolasI just copied all of my files from one hdd to another...02:11
Khaaaaanmwe: okay... do you think it will cause any issues later on?02:12
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, type it in console  : )02:12
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mweKhaaaaan: no.02:12
djm62Sandick: it's getting late in the UK, and I have work in the morning... do you think there will be enough help in here to get you sorted?02:12
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, "export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=dsp"02:12
Khaaaaanmwe: okay... its done02:12
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e-gandalfLjL: where did you find it? So why ./configure is happy on my machine (Dapper?)02:12
Khaaaaanmwe: Thanks a lot for your help bro...02:12
micahcowanAnd then be sure to run quake3 from that same shell (not from clicking an icon).02:12
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Khaaaaanmwe: It is much appreciated!02:12
eigenlambdaso guys02:12
mweKhaaaaan: at worst your card is not working so status quo02:12
Sandickdjm62: yea, that's perfect, thanks for the help !02:12
mweKhaaaaan: yw02:12
helpmeeemicahcowan: command not found02:12
Bohi i just updated my linux image and now it won't let me log in02:12
djm62Sandick: set it and forget it man ;)02:12
eigenlambdai lost my /lib/modules/modules.dep or something02:12
LjLe-gandalf: i'm talking about the *binary* package dependencies02:12
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micahcowanhelpmeee: what, export?02:12
Khaaaaanmwe: yea I know... I will keep plugging away at it when I have more free time02:13
Khaaaaanmwe: I'll get it eventually02:13
Boi can put in the password and stuff at hte screen but it just sends me back02:13
eigenlambdaand depmod was crashing every time i tried to manually add it back02:13
mweKhaaaaan: yeah02:13
Khaaaaanmwe: thanks again!02:13
KhaaaaanAdios all!02:13
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e-gandalfLjL: oh, ok.02:13
helpmeeemicahcowan: bash: export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=dsp: command not found02:13
eigenlambdaas well, my computer needs a very specific xorg.conf or the display will screw up02:13
e-gandalfLjL: I'll try with selfcompiling sources *^^*02:13
eigenlambdaso, i put in the ubuntu livecd02:13
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FunnyLookinHathow in the world is export not found...   weird.02:13
eigenlambdaused the safe graphics mode, adding 'single' to the command line02:13
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Boi can't log on after i updated my linux image. it sends me back to the login screen02:13
Bohow can i get back in?02:14
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Centaur5I setup the partitions on the dapper installation on both hard drives as a physical partion for raid then that created the RAID1 device.  I then created my root partition and continued the installation but then it doesn't boot.  Did I do something wrong?02:14
eigenlambdamounted my hard drive to /mnt02:14
mudAny gcc geniuses out there?02:14
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eigenlambdaand dpkg --root=/mnt -P linux-image-blah-blah02:14
micahcowanhelpmeee: that's weird... it should be built into bash. Okay... are you launching Quake3 from a terminal?02:14
eigenlambdaand then dpkg --root02:14
helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: I just tried it without the "  " and it sais nothing now when entered02:14
mwemud just ask your question :)02:15
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, yea that's right02:15
mudWhy will ubuntu not let me only have gcc-3.3 on the system? It makes me have 4.002:15
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, without the quotes   :)02:15
helpmeeemicahcowan: I just tried it without the " " and it sais nothing now when entered02:15
eigenlambda* and then dpkg --root=/mnt -i /var/cache/apt/stuff/linux-image-blah-blah02:15
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, now try running it02:15
mwemud: huh?02:15
eigenlambdai think it would be cool02:15
helpmeeei'll try running it <302:15
Sandicki edited the /etc/apt/sources.list file to enable universe, but sudo apt-get install 915resolution still returns a Couldn't find package 915resolution error02:15
ompaulmud,  I am sure there are, I am not one of them, if you asked the actual question of the channel they might have a clue as to what to do, I take it you have installed build-essential02:15
mudmwe: hard to explain02:15
eigenlambdaif ubuntu had better support for booting the livecd without x02:15
Bocan anyone help me get back into my computer? i updated my imgae and it would send me back to the login screen02:15
micahcowanOh..... helpmeee, FunnyLookinHat didn't mean to use the quotes.02:15
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Sandickwhat else do i have to do ?02:15
FunnyLookinHatmicahcowan, I used them, my bad  : )02:15
eigenlambdaand if, if depmod fails when installing a new kernel package02:15
mwemud: having both wont hurt but I beleive you can remove gcc4 if you want to02:15
eigenlambdait does not suggest you simply ignore the problem02:16
mwemud: you can still use 3.3 when you need it02:16
eigenlambda'k thats all02:16
kbrooksSandick: tell the system that you changed your sources.list02:16
mwemud: sudo ln -fns /usr/bin/gcc-3.3 /usr/bin/gcc to make 3.3 default02:16
helpmeeemicahcowan: I think it works now :D02:16
Sandickkbrooks: how do i do that ?02:16
helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: I think it works now :D02:16
kbrooksSandick: are you using synaptic?02:16
micahcowanIt's not lagging anymore?02:16
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, sweet02:16
FunnyLookinHatmicahcowan, thanks man!!02:16
mudmew: I am compiling a certian program that will only work with 3.3 installed, under the package manager.. 3.3, 3.4 & 4.0 are checked.. When I remove just 4.0 it removes the package that is just named "gcc" which should be left there.. UNLESS there is a way to tell my makefile whith gcc ver to us02:16
helpmeeemicahcowan: thank you <302:16
mudmwe oh.. hehe02:16
helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: thank you to <3 lol02:17
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FunnyLookinHatmicahcowan, I had totally forgotten about setting the audio driver for SDL lib  : )02:17
mwemud: or use sudo update-alternatives --config gcc02:17
micahcowanFor me, it usually has been because of esd, but I guess that process wasn't even running...02:17
Sandickkbrooks: no, i don't know what that is.  just following the cmd lines i'm given to use in the terminal02:17
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helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: so it's all okay now even if I restart the computer?02:17
micahcowanFunnyLookinHat: Yeah: I learned about it while dealing with Quake2, Quake4 and Doom3, all of which I had issues with for sound.02:17
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micahcowanhelpmeee: no, you'll need to run that stupid export thing everytime.02:17
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, err, you may want to add it to your x startup script02:17
helpmeeemicahcowan: eww.. all I play is quake3 :)02:17
kbrooksSandick: well, its a GUI02:17
mudmwe: You are a freakin life saver bro, thanks alot :) that worked02:17
micahcowanhelpmeee: what FunnyLookinHat said.02:17
kbrooksSandick: no need for command line02:18
Sandickkbrooks: it says to # sudo apt-get install 915resolution       but this returns the error i mentioned, it can't find the package02:18
helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: how might I go about doing that?02:18
mwemud: usually export CC=whatever is sufficient though02:18
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, are you on KDE or Gnome?02:18
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, I think kde, right?02:18
micahcowanhelpmeee: or, if you're running it from the shell every time, you could do it in .bashrc (but x startup script is prolly better)02:18
RopechoborraI installed my Epson Stylus CX7400 (multifunction printer) succesfully... but when i run xsane it says "no device detected" =/ someone knows why?? =(02:18
kbrooksSandick: sudo apt-get update. that easy02:18
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helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: no idea02:18
Kiboustock quake3 doesn't use sdl.. only the icculus port does02:18
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, kubuntu or ubuntu ?02:18
helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: I run q3 from a file02:19
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helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: kubuntu02:19
kbrooksFunnyLookinHat: kubuntu is #kubuntu02:19
kbrooksnot here02:19
FunnyLookinHatkbrooks, sorry this is a general support, not related to KDE.02:19
helpmeeeyeah but noone ever answeres me there ;\02:19
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, Ok if you are always running it from the console, do this02:19
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, nano ~/.bashrc02:19
Just__mecompiling mplayer... -.-02:19
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, nano -w ~/.bashrc02:19
Just__mecoffee? :D02:19
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Sandickit's working :)02:19
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, use the second one02:19
kbrooksFunnyLookinHat: #ubuntu is support for Ubuntu only02:20
ballpointcarrotJust__me: coffee?  try lunch break.. :)02:20
RopechoborraI installed my Epson Stylus CX7400 (multifunction printer) succesfully... but when i run xsane it says "no device detected" =/ someone knows why?? =(02:20
micahcowanThe KDE v Gnome thing shouldn't really matter, there should still be an .Xsessions or something that will get run if it's in the home dir. Anyone else know offhand?02:20
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helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: I dont run it from the console though I run it from a file.. or is the console the only way02:20
micahcowan.xinitrc or .Xsession...02:20
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Just__meit's 02:20 here in germany02:20
FunnyLookinHatkbrooks, sorry man, all I am doing is helping someone.  If you are unhappy with that you can bring it up at the CC I suppose02:20
Just__mesorry for disturbing the support channel :)02:20
ballpointcarrotumm....late lunch break?02:20
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, ooh ok02:20
kbrooksFunnyLookinHat: no way :-)02:20
Centaur5How can I check to be certain that a raid 1 is setup correctly?  Is there a way to see that the files are duplicated?02:21
helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: I thought kubuntu is just ubuntu with a gui.. does it really matter? :X just wondering lol02:21
FunnyLookinHathelpmeee, go to #kubuntu, I will meet you there02:21
helpmeeeFunnyLookinHat: okay02:21
javioloanyone tried tremolous its a gpl game like quake 302:21
micahcowankbrooks: I wouldn't think it should make much difference.02:21
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Just__meohhh sudo make (mplayer) is done :D02:21
ballpointcarrotJust__me: nice... did you time it?02:22
LjL"sudo make"? don't do that again please02:22
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LjLJust__me: only use "sudo" when you need root privileges, or you might find yourself in trouble02:22
kbrooksJust__me: sudo make install is fine. even better: sudo checkinstall02:22
Sandickjust curious, what's sudo stand for ?02:22
Just__meit complained about that02:22
LjLsuperuse do02:22
Just__mesuper user do02:22
ballpointcarrotSandick: super user Do.02:22
Zambezimwe, You were right. The file was broke.02:23
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kbrooksyou CAN  configure the command that it executes, read the manual page - i dont remember the option offhand02:23
shivI really love the clock screensaver in KDE how do I get it to work for Gnome?02:23
kbrooksthe default command is "make install"02:23
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mweshiv: I think you need kscreensaver to use it02:25
Just__medoesn't make install need root privileges to copy files to root owned directorys?02:25
shivhmm let me try02:25
mweshiv: it is somehow possible to use kscreensaver instead of xscreensaver02:26
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Zambezimwe, Thanks for your help.02:26
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shivmwe: I think it installed fine but where do I find it?02:27
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dxdemetriouIs there any place to find informations how can I make my pc to work as Movix and Geexbox with mplayer? I want the menus full screen without the usage of mouse in X1102:28
roaeti'm trying to put ftp access to a ntfs partition on my ubuntu install, but by default only root can access it. How do I do such a thing, since I can't sftp in with root?02:28
roaetshould I change my fstab options to allow mount by all users?02:28
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dliroaet, there's no need for that (mostly), enable gnome-volume-manager for automounter02:29
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roaetwell I'm not at the computer currently.02:29
roaetI'm doing all of this through ssh.02:29
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roaetah nevermind, the harddrive isn't even in the computer right now. :(02:32
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cappizis there a new version after dapper?02:33
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jribcappiz: yes edgy, but a stable release is only scheduled for october02:35
ubotueft is a newt in its terrestrial stage of development - the release after Dapper will be called Edgy Eft.  For information and pictures of efts/newts, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newt or try !edgy02:35
Cooner750Is it possible to install the "Services" manager from Ubuntu into a Debian installation? If so, can someone tell me how? I like the functionality of it02:35
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ciusShe turned me into a Newt!02:36
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Riverhow do i find a file anywhere using  a terminal window eg: pg_hba.conf02:36
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Shadowpillarwhat kernel does dapper use?02:37
ciusRiver, type "sudo find / -name "pg_hba.conf"02:37
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Rivercius: thank you02:37
ballpointcarrotShadowpillar: uname -r will tell you current kernel.02:37
ShadowpillarI dont have dapper at the moment02:37
gdbShadowpillar: 2.6.15-26-68602:37
ShadowpillarI wouldnt have asked if I had dapper02:37
jribRiver: or 'locate pg_hba.conf' (might be faster, but you may need to run sudo updatedb if it is a recent file)02:38
ciusRiver, the quotes around th filename should be there, but the first quotation mark should not02:38
Shadowpillarhrmm okay02:38
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ballpointcarrotme personally: 2.6.15-26-68602:38
cappizi get this: Failed to fetch http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/source/Sources.bz2 MD5Sum mismatch02:38
gdbShadowpillar: That's the current rev level.  It installs with abi-2.6.15-23-386.02:38
cappizhow can that be corrected?02:38
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gdber heh you get the idea02:38
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Shadowpillargdb: yeah02:38
ciusah yes, locate, I forgot about that one, I always use find02:38
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jribcappiz: edgy questions should go to #ubuntu+1 please02:38
Shadowpillarhrmm, that screws over getting the better versions of the ivtv drivers02:38
Riverjrib: cius: thank you both02:39
Paddy_EIREHi all, does anyone happen to have a descent install guide for Neverwinter nights, native install not wine02:39
Sandickaccording to the guide, i need to run "update-rc.d 915resolution start 99 defaults" - but when i do this i get an error: expected run level [0-9S]  (did you forget "." ?)02:39
Riverjrib: cius: thank you both02:39
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jribRiver: np02:40
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Sandickwhat does that mean ?02:40
ciusRiver, np02:40
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cjoneswhat is a good ubuntu replacment for windows movie maker ?02:41
jribcjones: kino02:41
brispet1I have a problem with two machines on my network (both with ubuntu) show up in my dhcp list on my router as having identical mac address's this doesn't happen with another two other linux box's on my network (both debian sarge) and many windows boxes what could be causing this?02:41
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cjonesjrib kino doesent seem to work as well ?02:41
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jmspeexIs it an Ubuntu policy to only mark bugs as confirmed when you actually have a fix for it?02:41
dj_baggiohmm...i have little problem. When I installed ati drivers, when I try to run kdetv or tvtime, my X server is close and in console I have communicate like this [171234568.303211] scheduling while atomic: Xorg/0x0000001/490102:42
dj_baggiosomebody could helps me? :)02:42
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jmspeexSure helps reduce the number of unfixed, confirmed bugs in the distro :-D02:42
jribjmspeex: no, I don't believe that's policy... at least it's not what I have read and do :P02:42
Paddy_EIRE does anyone happen to have a descent install guide for Neverwinter nights02:43
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tritiumjmspeex: no, that's not policy02:43
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jmspeexjrib, tritium: Of 10 bugs I submitted, none has yet been marked as confirmed, despite the fact that I gave all info necessary -- and (only) one is being fixed.02:44
Paddy_EIREi like cake02:44
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brispet1anybody know how to fix this mac address issue spoofing mac doesn't work and ifconfig shows the correct hw mac address this problem has me totally baffled02:44
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jribjmspeex: no one might have had a chance to triage them yet.  How long ago did you submit them?02:46
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dj_baggiono ideas about my problem? :)02:46
jmspeexjrib: more than 3 weeks in most cases.02:47
Bonez56bert's family feud channel 902:47
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jmspeexjrib: you can have a look at https://launchpad.net/people/jean-marc-valin/+reportedbugs to see02:48
jribjmspeex: yeah there are a lot of bugs, the people at #ubuntu-bugs might be able to help you out more02:48
jmspeexdidn't know about that chan02:48
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sirdazIve not had a look as yet, but is opera 9 available in ubutnu?02:50
ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" is checked.02:51
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wall0159any pointers on getting an external firewire DVD-RW to work? dmesg yields02:52
wall0159ieee1394: sbp2: scsi_add_device failed (-19)02:52
wall0159as an error message.. I'm pretty sure it used to work..02:52
sirdazlovely, something ill be trying first thing tomorrow :)02:52
Woostawall0159: does it appear in /dev/disk/by-id/ ? If so, try mounting it manually ..02:52
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WoostaActually .. d'oh .. ignore me .. you can't mount it huh?02:53
smhi all02:53
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smcan I not play a single mp3 file with rhythmbox ? eg at command line ?02:53
laneynp: Juno Reactor - Magnetic (Robert Leiner Remix)02:53
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:53
Cooner750anyone? about the services manager?02:53
sirdazI love the new installion for ubuntu02:53
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brispet1nobody has an idea why my two computers with ubuntu show identical bogus mac address's on my router when ifconfig show the correct mac address's on the respective machines?02:53
wall0159Woosta: That's cool! I've never looked at that before! ;-) But unfortunately no - only Ata and usb02:54
smLjL: is that for me ?02:54
sirdazita definately got to be one of the most original ways02:54
wall0159Woosta: ahh ;-) ok02:54
wall0159Woosta: nope. can't mount it..02:54
BlackHandbrispet: crazy router ?02:54
LjLsm: yeah. anyway i don't know about rhythmbox, but i suppose you could use play or alsaplay for that02:54
Woostawall0159: does it have a written disk in it?02:54
brispet1all my other machines show up correctly02:54
smwell thx, but I'm asking about rhythmbox02:54
wall0159Woosta: yup.02:54
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smand if it can't do that, is it not a shocking oversight! :)02:55
WoostaThen I can't really help you any further sorry ..02:55
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wall0159Woosta: no worries - thanks anyway ;-)02:55
smeg I tried selecting it in "open with"02:55
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Bonez56if I have installed a windows program with Wine, how do I uninstall it?02:57
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belathorHi all! I've got a weird problem with my keyboard. Something is causing it not to work at all in the X windows system. All I can do is logon. Thanks for any help you can give me!02:58
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LjLBonez56: uninstaller03:00
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polpakBonez56: all the wine programs are stored in the wine directory .wine in your home folder. I generally make different wine directories for each program. so I can remove them by just deleting the directory03:00
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Bonez56polpak: thanks, ill check it out03:00
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LjLBonez56, polpak: err, however uninstaller is there exactly to avoid such drastic measures...03:01
polpakLjL: I like to keep my windows apps separated anyway03:01
cappizsomeone here suing fluxbox ? :)03:01
Bonez56LjL: how do I run uninstaller?03:02
LjLBonez56: by typing "uninstaller"03:02
Bonez56LjL: lol ok cool03:02
Riverdo you know if there is a postgres IRC channel ? Is someone on this chanel able to help with a postgresql new installation ?03:02
=== riddlebox [n=james@24-171-10-102.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
wheels3572Can someone tell me the place to make shortcuts for programs that's not in the Keyboard Shortcuts I have forgotten it's 2 separate places and I forgot how to get to them lol03:02
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Paddy_EIRE anyone happen to have a descent install guide for Neverwinter nights, native install03:02
riddleboxdoes anyone know of a tool/app to merge mpeg files together?03:02
Bonez56LjL: that was easier than I thought :) cheers03:03
CrazyDoodehmm.. that would be a ->decent<- install guide. Descent is a different game.03:03
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Who_hiya all03:03
polpakPaddy_EIRE: there's one in the forums in the gaming section03:03
polpakPaddy_EIRE: also the instructions on Bioware's site work too03:03
Paddy_EIREfor ubuntu03:03
KeatonWhen I run the Live CD on my G3 Apple, I get a blank screen. Any solutions?03:04
Who_is there anyone who can very quickly give me brief instructions on how to reinstall Grub (housemate has just done a Win Install) and wants Grub back so she can choose03:04
Ol_Guyriddlebox, I have EasyJoiner - a Win app03:04
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:04
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Who_that is a good bot :)03:05
=== Bonez56 pats ubotu... good boy
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wheels3572How do you go about making shortcuts if they are not in the keyboard shortcuts section I forgot how to access the 2 places I need to be to do it03:06
cappizsomeone here using fluxbox from ubuntu, im wondering how can i change the xmd login manager window, as it is now its the OLD debian login manager03:07
javiolocappiz Im on fluxbox03:08
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riddleboxOl_Guy, does it work under wine?03:08
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Ol_Guydon't know03:09
majdi'm installing ubuntu on my friend's old laptop, the live cd takes ages to load and the install doesn't even load03:09
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majdi got the cd from ShipIT03:09
majdis there a way to run a non - gui version of the installation?03:09
cappizjaviolo how can i change it :) ?03:09
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LjLriddlebox: apt-cache show mpgtx03:09
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rsteeledon't know03:09
Who_majd. There is the alternate install cd03:09
javioloyou want to change the apparence of gdm _03:09
javioloI dont understand what you said03:10
Who_majd: I'm just getting you a link :)03:10
cappizi use xdm not gdm03:10
cappizi want to change the visual interface of it03:10
javioloagh I use gdm03:10
riddleboxLjL, thanks03:11
=== devi0s [i=devi0s@c-68-37-111-242.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mvillarongaAnyone know if its possible to move your root partition to a new drive?  I know that it is possible to do it with the home partion.03:11
javiolocappiz google for it03:11
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AndyCooll_majd: the "alternate" version is just like the "traditional" Ubuntu install. It is however only available as a download from the Ubuntu website03:11
Who_majd: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - choose a location from there, then scroll down to the 'alternate install cd'03:11
javiolocappiz Ive seen some tutorials about customizing xdm03:12
KeatonWhen I run the Live CD on my G3 Apple, I get a blank screen. Any solutions?03:12
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Who_majd: and when everything is installed you may want to consider running xubuntu (in fact, you may want to start with xubuntu). It is lighter weight and faster on older machines. What kind of spec is the laptop?03:12
eigenlambdakeaton: try disable framebuffer?03:12
eigenlambdalol check f1 in start screen03:12
javiolocappiz is that what you want __03:12
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KeatonI'll do that, thanks.03:12
Z_Manhttp://zachowe.info/ <--- i'm running ubuntu, and php was configured for me right out of the thing. and it's giving me a weird error that i've never seen before03:13
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javiolohow do I type question mark on the console03:14
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devi0sprobably \?03:15
wheels3572!shortcuts > wheels357203:15
ubotuI know nothing about shortcuts  - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:15
cappizjaviolo yeah03:15
javiolodevi0s ...03:15
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wheels3572!Keyboard Shortcuts > wheels357203:15
javiolodevi0s If try to type thats what i get _03:16
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mvillarongaAny one know if its possible to copy your root directory out to a new partition and still have it functional?03:16
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smanswer from #rhythmbox:03:16
sm(06:12:40 PM) moch: in 0.9.5 or later, you should be able to use rhythmbox-client --play-uri <file>03:16
sm(06:13:45 PM) moch: that doesn't work very well if the file isn't already in your library, though03:16
micahcowanmvillaronga: don't see why not, but you'd probably need to edit fstab?03:17
wheels3572Anyone in here know about adding shortcuts that's not in the keyboard shortcuts section?03:17
=== rayston [n=rayston@h-66-167-135-160.phndaz91.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
mvillarongayeah figuring id need to edit fstab and grub's conf file03:17
raystonhey, is it normal than when compiling something from CVS I have to use sudo to do it?03:17
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smbye all03:17
micahcowanmvillaronga: seems like it'd be fine, why wouldn't it be?03:17
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raystonas in sudo ./autogen.sh03:17
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mvillaronga*shrug* never tried something like it before, have done it with /home03:18
mvillarongathe thoery seemed sound but Im still pretty new to all this03:18
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micahcowanI think grub's conf file isn't actually on the root partition, typically. Or do you not have a separate boot partition?03:19
micahcowanI think /etc/grub.conf is usually a symlink into /boot...03:19
mvillarongaI have a seperate / /boot /home partitions03:19
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mvillarongaI wnat to move /home to my new big drive03:19
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raystonoh, thats wierd, I just asked about that on the ubuntu forums and somebody gave me a big walkthrough on how to do that03:20
mvillarongaand then recoombine the / and /home on the old one and move root back to it03:20
mvillarongaI may have read the post, I did a bit of digging on the formuns and google03:20
raystonI just posted today on it, not more than a few hours ago03:21
mvillarongabut all the talk was about /home and not /root03:21
mvillarongaI'll go peek03:21
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mvillarongaresearch was earlier, the driver just came intoday :)03:21
raystonhis suggestion was to make an image of the whole partition and then "restore" it to the new drifve, then edit fstab and grub03:21
raystonyou need a live cd though03:21
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mvillarongaI have one, have several actually03:22
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micahcowanmvillaronga: I'm not sure I understand why you need to move root back and forth?03:22
cs378has anyone able to run successfully CS 1.6?03:22
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mvillarongaI want to repartition the drive that it is one03:22
nevyncs378: why would you want to?03:22
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mvillarongano more space on its partition03:22
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javiolofirestarter runs when the computers starts _03:23
mvillarongarayston:  which sub forom?  Adminsitration?03:23
cs378nevyn: because i want to play that game03:23
javioloor when I enter in gnome03:23
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raystonhey, is it normal than when compiling something from CVS I have to use sudo to do it?03:23
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micahcowanmvillaronga: yeah, but, why would you need space on its partition if you're moving home /away/ from it, to a different drive?03:23
raystonas in sudo ./autogen.sh03:23
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MaquiaveloGood evening, I'm reading a lot of tutorials about how to enable xgl on a Dapper installation, and they all say to aptitude install xserver-xgl, however it's not there03:24
mvillarongaI have one drive that has 4 partitions /boot, swap. /, and /home03:24
mvillarongaI can move /home out to the new drive03:24
wt8008Maquiavelo: I recall you need to add some sources to the list03:24
mvillarongaI would like expand the / partition03:25
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MaquiaveloI don't seem to find them online, they all say to use Dapper main and restricted03:25
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource03:25
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micahcowanmvillaronga: Ah! After you've removed /home. I see...03:25
mvillarongaor does what I wnat to do not make sense?03:25
wt8008Maquiavelo: well I am not sure, it has been a while03:25
javiolo!tell maquiavelo about repos03:25
raystonmvillaronga : http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21981603:25
cappizjaviolo you got some howtos?03:25
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Maquiavelojaviolo:  I know that.03:26
mvillarongarayston: thanks03:26
javiolocappiz about what...03:26
javiolomaquiavelo ok03:26
micahcowanmvillaronga: I don't suppose / and /home are consecutive partitions, are they?03:26
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cappizxmd loign screen :)03:26
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=== cappicard attempts to load some edgy stuff
mvillarongathe / is the last drive in a logical partition and /home is immediately outside the logical partion03:28
javiolocappiz I googled for xdm customization03:28
javiolocappiz sorry I dont know more03:28
wt8008Maquiavelo: try the soruces here http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148351 it is a pinned thread03:28
damion_i have a avi problem the video has sound but no picture could someone help me03:29
micahcowanmvillaronga: okay. Are you planning to completely redo the partitions on that system, then?03:29
MatthewVdamion_, did you run through !Restricted ?03:29
damion_restricted what do u mean if you dont mind me asking03:30
profoX`Firefox crashes often after viewing, or while viewing, flash content. Did anyone experience the same? I have a sample URL that crashes right at the beginning: http://www.popcap.com/gamepopup.php?theGame=diamondmine choose "simple" and start playing the game, it will crash after the first correct move, or does it work for you? please try :)03:30
MatthewVdamion_, type !Restricted and see what happens ;)03:31
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:31
MatthewVdamion_, ^^^ :)03:31
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:32
damion_what is that supposed to do03:32
riddleboxLjL, do you know of anything to join avi files?03:33
MatthewVdamion_, basically, it is a list of links to pages that might be of help to you03:33
damion_and where am i suppose to type it03:33
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LjLriddlebox: apt-cache search avi join03:33
MatthewVdamion_, sorry, basically the ! tells ubotu to give you info on what follows it, in this case restricted03:33
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage03:33
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ubotuI know nothing about ! - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:34
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MatthewVdamion_, just don't play with the bot here.... you can take a look at the link about browse my brain to see what info ubotu has03:35
raystonhey, is it normal than when compiling something from CVS I have to use sudo to do it? in fact I have to use sudo to do a whole slew of commands03:35
raystonas in sudo ./autogen.sh03:35
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MatthewVrayston, you should only have to use sudo for the make install03:35
p4how are you?03:35
BichDanI'm fine03:36
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profoX`Firefox crashes often after viewing, or while viewing, flash content. Did anyone experience the same? I have a sample URL that crashes right at the beginning: http://www.popcap.com/gamepopup.php?theGame=diamondmine choose "simple" and start playing the game, it will crash after the first correct move, or does it work for you? please try :)03:36
raystonhmm, wierd, I wonder what permission I have all wonky then, I did notice I had noexec on that drive which was keeping me from running ./autogen.sh at all, but even after I remounted it still needs the sudo to work03:36
MatthewVrayston, so the full list of commands would be ./autogen.sh && make && sudo make install03:36
Shadowpillarwho here has a ULi 1573 onboard NIC?03:36
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ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!03:37
raystonyah, i have to use sudo on .autogen and make both, on both drives03:37
tailsfanprofoX': Why don't you use Geweled03:37
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MatthewVthanks nalioth03:37
harisundI have a quick question. I want to try out some new applications direct from CVS and stuff... my question is will it break existing apps? As in I want to try out a new version of Gnome after it is installed or from CVS.. or gnome 2 beta 3.. will it break my existing gnome and gaim?03:37
CrazyDoodeheh.. that was fast.03:37
naliothharisund: use checkinstall03:37
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ubotucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall  -  Please: Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page.03:38
wheels3572Can anyone help me setting up a keyboard shortcut for Gaim please I know it's not in the Keyboard Shortcuts section and I know there is 2 sections I have to edit I just forgot how to get there lol03:38
georgettehello every body03:38
Shadowpillarwho here has a ULi Onboard NIC?03:38
ablysswheels3572: you might consider trying xbindkeys03:38
Shadowpillaror an ASRock Dual 939?03:38
ShadowpillarI have gotten zero help on this03:38
harisundnalioth .. ok that sounds relatively safe, to know that a .deb will be created ... can I do that even for something as huge as Firefox/Gnome/KDE etc?03:38
raystonI even have to use sudo to do mkdir03:38
u01p2109when i change in xubuntu screen resolution, session is down and ask me to login03:39
wheels3572ablyss: Ok where can I get that?03:39
naliothharisund: sure can03:39
ShadowpillarI cant be the only one with a problem with this03:39
=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=kgoetz@easyubuntu/docteam/kgoetz] has joined #ubuntu
raystonwhere would the permissions to fix that be?03:39
georgettehello kaiser03:39
harisundnalioth I want to try and make my system more gentoo style :) I already have my own custom kernel from vanilla sources...03:39
micahcowanrayston, mkdir where? in the current directory? Do ls -ld .03:39
ablysswheels3572: sudo apt-get install xbindkeys03:39
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u01p2109how can  i change that resolution03:39
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prophethi fellas03:39
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georgettehellos oscar03:39
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naliothharisund: perhaps LFS would be more to your liking03:40
georgettehello every body03:40
ubotuI know nothing about Uli - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:40
harisundmy biggest worry with installing packages from source .tar.gz packages is that the final step always throws around files in all corners of the machine and when I want to uninstall it I don't know where to hunt for those files ...03:40
ablysswheels3572: also sudo apt-get install xbindkeys-config03:40
georgettehoe are you today03:40
ubotuI know nothing about realtek - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:40
micahcowanrayston, sounds like mebbe you don't have write permissions to that dir?03:40
naliothharisund: checkinstall will solve that problem03:40
=== will [n=will@c-67-184-154-246.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MatthewVrayston, its normal to use sudo for mkdir if you do not have write permissions for the parent folder03:40
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harisundnalioth .. yes, hopefully now I can use dpkg --listfiles packagename .03:41
georgettewhy are yo crazy?03:41
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wheels3572ablyss: E: Couldn't find package xbindkeys03:41
Asterisk_NewbieHi all from Portugal :)03:41
micahcowanbut not if it's in a subdir of a CVS working copy...03:41
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gnomefreakgeorgette: join #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat03:41
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willHi, I'm looking to use my laptop as a wireless bridge to connect my ethernet equipped desktop pc to my wireless router03:41
RedGhostanyone know the apt-get name for the firefox flash plugin?03:41
willCan anyone provide some assistance?03:41
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:42
ablysswheels3572: hmm sorry.03:42
gnomefreakwill: just tell us your issue please03:42
willi just did03:42
willHi, I'm looking to use my laptop as a wireless bridge to connect my ethernet equipped desktop pc to my wireless router03:42
georgettehello gnome freak03:42
gnomefreaksorry i missed it will03:42
ablysswheels3572: anyway, check it out on google.. as a last resort.. it does take some CLI work, but it works great03:42
gnomefreakgeorgette: this is a support channel not a general chat channel03:42
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prophetis there a verson of flashplayer 9 for ubuntu yet?03:42
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gnomefreakprophet: no03:43
harisundprophet has macromedia released flashplayer 9 for lnux yte?03:43
sqrt7744will: using your laptop as a "bridge" (windows speak) means using it as a router03:43
prophetprobably not03:43
gnomefreakharisund: no03:43
slowz3rwhats a code program to code python in ??03:43
=== VolVE [n=abc@c-71-192-139-98.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lophytecan you use checkinstall to create non-source and metapackages?03:43
gnomefreakthey just got flash 8 out the door03:43
sqrt7744the windows "internet connection bridge" is just a very primitive router app.03:43
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slowz3rwhats a good program to code python in03:43
wheels3572what repo is Checkinstall in?03:43
willbut i dont want it to assign an ip address from it's dhcp server, i jsut want to use it as a "virtual" ethernet cord so to speak03:43
gnomefreakslowz3r: eric or idle are both good03:44
willi was able to do it on windows just dont know how on linus03:44
gnomefreak!info checkinstall03:44
ubotucheckinstall: installation tracker. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.5.3-3ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 34 kB, installed size 132 kB03:44
sqrt7744slowz3r: i like IDLE for programming python03:44
gnomefreakwheels3572: universe03:44
VolVEhey all, so I install Apache 1.3 and PHP4 via APT, and went and added LoadModule to my /etc/apache/modules.conf but now Apache wants to download the .php files instead of running them, nothing in the error.log at all... :(03:44
slowz3rgnomefreak, ok thanks just wonderin cuz im tryin to learn and im new to it03:44
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gnomefreakslowz3r: anjuta may be more user friendly03:44
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wheels3572gnomefreak: thanks where can I find the sources.list so I can edit that to open up the repo! to universe and multiverse?03:45
Shadowpillartechnically it's adobe flash03:45
nevyncs oh.. counterstrike03:45
Shadowpillarnot macromedia03:45
Shadowpillarmacromedia is dead03:45
nevynnot creative suite.03:45
gnomefreakwheels3572: /etc/apt/sources.list03:45
Shadowpillardoes CS have a native linux version?03:45
slowz3rgnomefreak, thanks..u know any tutorias or books i can get that might help me on my way03:45
wheels3572gnomefreak: thanks03:45
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gnomefreakslowz3r: there are a few theres one in /usr/share/docs called dive into python03:46
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slowz3rgnomefreak, in what prgram03:46
Paddy_EIREhey guys any of you able to tell me how to get an ATI Radeon 9250 installed properly so I can play games03:46
gnomefreakslowz3r: that book is installed by default03:46
slowz3rgnomefreak, ok..and one last question wiill doing some of the GvR stuff help03:46
=== IRC [n=IRC@c-68-59-157-163.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sqrt7744Paddy: did you try easyubuntu?  it configures ATI cards for you03:47
IRCwhere is the original ubuntu artwork located on my computer?03:47
Paddy_EIRE<sqrt7744> yeah i tried this it still doesnt use the card properly03:47
Flavever since upgrading my hoary box to php4 (4.3.10-10ubuntu4.5) last night i'm getting sigsegv's from apache in the error.log - is there a simple way to install back to the previous version, or are historic versions not kept around on security.ubuntu.com?03:47
gnomefreakIRC: try locate artwork03:47
profoX`Shadowpillar: no03:48
IRCgnomefreak: thanks man03:48
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sqrt7744Paddy: how many FPS does glxgears give you?03:48
Paddy_EIREhow do i do that03:48
profoX`tailsfan: because thats not the issue, the flash problem is the issue, the bejeweled flash game is just to show the problem, the problem also occurs on alot of other sites03:48
profoX`Firefox crashes often after viewing, or while viewing, flash content. Did anyone experience the same? I have a sample URL that crashes right at the beginning: http://www.popcap.com/gamepopup.php?theGame=diamondmine choose "simple" and start playing the game, it will crash after the first correct move, or does it work for you? please try :)03:48
sqrt7744open a terminal window, type glxgears -printfps03:48
=== gnomefreak off to bed
IRCgnomefreak: i think i uninstalled my ubuntu artwork package accidentally. is there a place where i can get them back?03:49
gnomefreakIRC: synaptic03:49
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IRCgnomefreak: it says its the latest version of ubuntu-artwork.03:49
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Paddy_EIRE<sqrt7744> do i have to wait fro it to stop03:50
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sqrt7744paddy: no, press ctrl-c03:50
wheels3572why cant I overwrite my sources.list with !wq?03:50
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lophyteanyone have any suggestions for an easy way to create .deb metapackages, or packages that aren't built from source?03:50
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sqrt7744paddy: what numbers was it giving you?03:50
Paddy_EIRE660 frames in 5.3 seconds = 124.836 FPS03:50
Paddy_EIRE1026 frames in 5.3 seconds = 193.690 FPS03:51
=== GeorgeW [n=gbush@c220-237-119-69.thorn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
sqrt7744hmmm.  ok, but not great.  what kind of comp do you have?03:51
Paddy_EIRE660 frames in 5.3 seconds = 124.836 FPS03:51
Paddy_EIRE1026 frames in 5.3 seconds = 193.690 FPS03:51
Paddy_EIRE1824 frames in 5.1 seconds = 355.261 FPS03:51
Paddy_EIRE1710 frames in 5.0 seconds = 340.349 FPS03:51
Paddy_EIRE1024 frames in 5.8 seconds = 176.041 FPS03:51
Paddy_EIRE673 frames in 5.6 seconds = 119.271 FPS03:51
Paddy_EIRE570 frames in 5.0 seconds = 113.814 FPS03:51
Paddy_EIRE570 frames in 5.1 seconds = 111.883 FPS03:51
Paddy_EIRE570 frames in 5.1 seconds = 112.456 FPS03:51
Paddy_EIRE912 frames in 5.4 seconds = 169.034 FPS03:51
Paddy_EIRE1254 frames in 5.1 seconds = 245.369 FPS03:51
farousPaddy_EIRE: ?03:51
void^wonderful, spam!03:51
sqrt7744ok, i get it03:51
Paddy_EIRE1254 frames in 5.2 seconds = 239.409 FPS03:51
Paddy_EIRE1254 frames in 5.3 seconds = 234.769 FPS03:51
Flavmmmmm tasty spam03:51
Paddy_EIRE1254 frames in 5.3 seconds = 238.369 FPS03:51
Paddy_EIRE1254 frames in 5.0 seconds = 249.703 FPS03:51
Paddy_EIRE1254 frames in 5.0 seconds = 249.585 FPS03:51
Paddy_EIREoops sry03:51
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farousi was just pressing /ignore Paddy_EIRE03:51
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sqrt7744alright, anyway, doesn't look configured unless your computer is 5yrs old03:52
Paddy_EIREno its 128 video ram 512ddr 1.9 athlon xp03:52
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sqrt7744did easyubuntu give you an error when you asked it to setup your ati card?03:52
Paddy_EIREi think maybe it did03:53
sqrt7744also, what model ATI is it?03:53
Paddy_EIREATI Radeon 925003:53
Amaranthoh, those work out of the box03:53
Amaranthso easyubuntu probably broke it's already working functionality03:53
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GeorgeWcan ubuntu be installed on ntfs?03:53
AmaranthGeorgeW: no03:53
IRCis there a place where i can get the original ubuntu wallpaper?03:53
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AmaranthIRC: original?03:54
=== Miyumi [n=miyumi@c-24-129-89-202.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:54
sqrt7744try it again, run the nightly snapshot from http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/get.html03:54
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.03:54
IRCamaranth: i need like the stock ones that come with ubuntu03:54
Paddy_EIRE<sqrt7744> k Ill try this03:54
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AmaranthIRC: those are in the ubuntu-artwork package, i think03:54
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MiyumiCan someone help me find a way to make sites think Mozilla is Internet Explorer?03:55
farousPaddy_EIRE: are you running the open source or the property flgrx driver03:55
FlavMiyumi: change the user-agent string. http://www.granneman.com/webdev/browsers/mozillafirefoxnetscape/changemozillasuseragent/03:55
IRCamaranth: i uninstalled it b4 and i reinstalled it but im missing the new themes. all i have is the old square human toolbars and old icons. i also dont have any of the stock wallpapers03:56
GeorgeWso ubuntu must be installed on fat32?03:56
AmaranthIRC: hrm03:56
MiyumiFlav, thank you03:56
profoX`Firefox crashes often after viewing, or while viewing, flash content. Did anyone experience the same? I have a sample URL that crashes right at the beginning: http://www.popcap.com/gamepopup.php?theGame=diamondmine choose "simple" and start playing the game, it will crash after the first correct move, or does it work for you? ...now really, is it tht hard to just try and let me know? :(03:56
wheels3572Can someone look at this and tell me if it looks correct please?  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1848003:56
sqrt7744paddy: after running it you'll have to restart X by logging out and typing ctrl-alt-backspace03:56
AmaranthGeorgeW: No, ubuntu uses a filesystem called ext3. It's better than ntfs and fat32.03:57
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GeorgeWAmaranth: thanks mate03:57
micahcowanGeorgeW: other filesystems are also possible, but ext3 is the standard.03:57
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profoX`i wouldn't say ext3 is better than ext303:57
AmaranthprofoX`: Epiphany locked up03:57
profoX`i mean ntfs03:57
Hexidigitalwheels3572:: looks okay to me, but what's that bot thing at the end?03:57
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profoX`Amaranth: strange, epiphany works fine !! but firefox doesnt03:58
AmaranthprofoX`: but since flash is closed source we can't fix it03:58
profoX`with that flash content03:58
AmaranthprofoX`: epiphany doesn't work here03:58
jumbersIs it possible to open a remote file in gedit, via SSH?03:58
AmaranthprofoX`: how is ntfs better than ext3?03:58
Paddy_EIRE<sqrt7744> iget this error when doing the nightlysnapshot python: can't open file 'easyubuntu.in': [Errno 2]  No such file or directory03:58
=== syndicate47 [n=opera@dsl-145-232-63.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
sqrt7744i hate pages that force upgarde to flash8.  GRR03:58
profoX`Amaranth: it works fine in Archlinux though03:58
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sqrt7744paddy: ???  are you in the right directory?  Did you just copy and paste the lines from their webpage?03:58
Flav88: me too - forced upgrades suck03:59
AmaranthprofoX`: I guess you could file a bug then. Maybe someone will be bored enough to debug why a binary blob is failing. :P03:59
Hexidigitaljumbers:: can you use nano to edit?03:59
jumbersHexidigital: I just find it annoying :-P03:59
bimberijumbers: yes, use ssh -X, as long as gedit is on the remote machine03:59
Amaranthjumbers: yeah, but first go to Places->Connect to Server... and setup your ssh info03:59
sqrt7744paddy:  makes no sense.  type: sudo updatedb&&locate easyubuntu.in03:59
profoX`Amaranth: nah, i'll just find out myself :) that'll probably go faster, lol03:59
jumbersSSH is already set up03:59
Hexidigitaljumbers:: ah... i'm not experienced w/ graphical ssh usage...03:59
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Amaranthjumbers: you already did Places->Connect to Server...?04:00
sqrt7744paddy: sorry you need spaces around &&04:00
ttyfsckerdoes anyone know of any way possible to get flash player 8 or better to work in linux without having to use wine for IE/firefox(win32) ??04:00
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Flav88: naw, you don't04:00
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wheels3572Hexidigital: What bot thing?04:00
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iyank4ping me04:01
wheels3572Hexidigital: OHhhh that's the bottom of VIM lol04:01
AmaranthFlav: Who are you talking to? :)04:01
Amaranthiyank4: ping04:01
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FlavAmaranth: sqrt7744 but i'm lazy04:01
AmaranthFlav: hehe04:01
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AmaranthFlav: sq<tab>04:01
profoX`ttyfscker: there is no better way, flash8 doesnt exist on linux yet04:02
slicslakfresh install of ubuntu 6.6, uncommented and updated sources.list, but mythtv is no longer listed.   anyone know what's up with that?04:02
FlavAmaranth: yeah, forgot this client has tab expansion, too much ircii time04:02
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wheels3572I cant get my sources.list file to save I will show you the error I keep getting 1 of 2 different errors04:02
Hexidigitalwheels3572:: ah :)04:02
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Amaranthttyfscker: I just use firefox in wine for my flash needs, we won't see a new linux flash until flash 904:02
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Amaranthand if it doesn't support alsa i'm going to personally hunt down and maim the developer04:03
beernutzHow do i install ubuntu on a raidcore sata raid array?  I cant seem to find much info on tho this is done..04:03
lophytewow man..04:03
lophytexubuntu is pretty awesome04:03
wheels3572E45: 'readonly' option is set (add ! to override)04:03
wheels3572If I do the !wq in VIM it gives me a shell 12704:03
Amaranthlophyte: cool04:03
Amaranthbeernutz: never heard of it, sorry04:03
ttyfsckerprofoX`:: i have to take this course to prepare for LPI linux +, through cbt's skillsoft, and it requires flash 8 or above to take the course.  I have tried it with wine using firefox for windows and at the login page it says it cant detect my desktop settings in order to login.  its crazy to have to boot windows to take a linux course..04:03
=== ICE [n=root@71-10-92-72.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
lufisI compiled Cairo and used checkinstall to generate a deb package from the compiled source. However, the new installed version isn't taking precedence over the older Cairo. In Synaptic, the older one is libcairo, and the newer one is just cairo. Any ideas?04:04
=== redcard [n=redcard@c-68-52-105-133.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
beernutzAmaranth: its ok.  just hoping someone might have is all..04:04
Amaranthlufis: Stop. :P04:04
Amaranthlufis: The new version isn't faster.04:04
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Flavwheels3572: try :w!04:04
lufisAmaranth: Well, alright. :-P but I wanted to give clearlooks-cairo a try04:04
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profoX`ttyfscker: hahahaha that *is* crazy04:04
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Flavwheels3572: the ! first means "do this in a shell" - the ! after means "force this action"04:04
ICEneed help can get my nvidia 6600 gt to work04:05
Amaranthclearlooks-cairo should work with the version in dapper04:05
Amaranthunless that changed recently04:05
ttyfsckerprofoX`:: yes and its all adobe/macromedia's freakin fault!04:05
ICEdoes anyone have that card04:05
lufisAmaranth: It isn't :-(04:05
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto04:05
sqrt7744as if these "requires flash 8" pages actually need it for some technical reason04:05
profoX`ttyfscker: well, and also the guy that made the flash8 course ;)04:05
sqrt7744i mean, they are otherwise the same as they were 2 weeks ago...04:05
Amaranthsqrt7744: They need it because they were created with Flash 8 :P04:05
ttyfsckersqrt7744:: well it will load it without any errors with flash 7, but you cant see all of the flash buttons and applets04:05
lophyteanyone know an easy way to create metapackages?04:05
wheels3572Flav: I am doing this in a Terminal window so are you sayign I need 2 ! to force it?04:05
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ttyfsckerwheels3572:: are you trying to edit a readonly file as a normal user?04:06
Flavno, I'm saying to not use "!wq" and instead use "w!" and then "q" after04:06
Flavwheels3572: no, I'm saying to not use "!wq" and instead use "w!" and then "q" after04:06
sqrt7744ttyfscker: no, many just refuse to do anything with a message about why i should upgrade to flash 8.04:06
MTecknologyIs synaptic a front end for apt-get or are they seperate?04:07
lophyteits a frontend04:07
MTecknologyok, ty04:07
regeyaI should scroll back and see oh04:07
regeyaI see04:07
sqrt7744hopefully gnash does doubletime on the catchup track04:07
regeyavi is so silly04:07
ttyfsckersqrt7744:: well flash 7 is too old for anything really04:07
regeyasilly silly vi04:07
elementdoes someone have some time to help me setup dual monitors? I'm having problems trying to get it working =/04:07
ttyfsckerv4l2 doesnt even work on flash 704:07
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Flavelement: send them to me and i'll play around with them to get it working04:07
wheels3572ttyfscker: Yes I am trying to edit sources.list and forgot to do what is it su -i?04:08
iyank4help me, how to configure debmirror only start at night04:08
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elementflav: mailto not found.  sorry, can't find your address.  maybe you could try helping instead of being sarcrastic.04:08
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ttyfsckerlooks like there would be alpha /beta sources for flash 9 on linux somewhere.. has flash 9 not even began development in linux?04:08
dicesquirrelquestion... has anyone resolved the recent fglrx problems? If so, could you offer some advice to a Radeon 9000 Mobility user? This total lack of 3D acceleration is driving me up the wall.04:08
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joelbitarHey, if I apt-get remove a program, it's configuration files are still residing in /etc.. how do I automatically remove them ?04:08
rowanjlI've got some libs installed that no matter what I do, can't actualy be used by the programs I installed them for...04:09
ttyfsckerwheels3572:: do sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list04:09
wheels3572DUH me that's it ty lol oh god lol04:09
sqrt7744ttyfscker: they may have begun development, but they don't share their devel code as far as i know.04:09
rowanjlthe files are all in place, but when I try to compile the program, it can't find them04:09
Flavaww, but i like being sarcrastic!  almost as much fun as sarcasm!  actually, i don't even run X, so I'm not much help WRT configuration of X04:09
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jumbersJeez, I installed gedit on my server and it installed about 100 gnome libs!04:09
ttyfsckersqrt7744:: do you know of any flash 8 or newer clones for linux?04:09
=== TripleE [n=eric@24-177-231-183.dhcp.gnvl.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
sqrt7744ttyfscker: nope04:10
prophetwhats the equivilant of DC++ on here?04:10
propheti forgot04:10
ttyfsckeri heard of gnash and gameswf.. but i dont really know if they are for use with a browser04:10
elementwill sudo X -configure help me setup my dual monitors?04:10
Flavprophet: what's DC++?04:10
ttyfsckerprophet:: valknut04:10
rowanjlso how can I make these bloody libs known?04:10
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ttyfsckerFlav:: its a p2p network04:10
micahcowanrowanji: did you install the development packages for those libs, and where are the libs located?04:11
sqrt7744well, it was nice y'all.  must must tend to my homework.04:11
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propheti got it all by myself using apt search im proud ofmytself aha04:11
Flavttyfscker: danke04:12
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dicesquirrelDoes anyone know how I can get 3d acceleration working for a Radeon 9000 Mobility with fglrx?04:12
micahcowanttyfscker, german for thank-you, I believe.04:13
jumbersFlash player is already up to 9 :(04:13
rowanjlmicahcowan: yes for the first, no for the second, it was a source package04:13
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Flavttyfscker: yeah, thanks, sorry about that04:13
Rivercan anyone tellme where to find an IRC channel so I can get help on postresql04:13
ttyfsckerjumbers:: not in linux its not04:13
slewhi, where is a good place to get more mouse cursor themes?04:13
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jumbersI know :(04:13
jumbersThey're up to 9 and leave us in the dust04:13
micahcowanrowanji, "no" to where are the libraries located?04:13
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Rivercan anyone help with a postgresql installation questioon04:14
jumbersDoes anybody know if installing it via WINE will work?04:14
propheti feel good to tell pll we dont support flash over the phone haha04:14
rowanjlmicahcowan: ?04:14
elementanyone have some time to help me with dual monitors? I can't figure out how to get them working.04:14
aduRiver: #postgres04:14
=== Paddy_EIRE [n=patrick@host81-154-88-78.range81-154.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
micahcowanrowanji: you said "yes to the first, not to the second", but I only asked one yes/no question.04:14
docta_vis there an easy way to log every command that the root user runs?04:14
micahcowanrowanji: nevermind, I think I understand. two library packages, yes?04:15
Riveradu: thanks04:15
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rowanjlyep :P04:15
micahcowanokay, so where are they located?04:15
docta_vi'd say the history file would work but that doesn't always work when you sudo to root or login multiple times as root04:15
rowanjls/i/l too04:15
ttyfsckerjumbers:: you can install it via wine, and use it with the win32 version of firefox or IE..04:15
ttyfsckerbut that isnt a solution04:15
aduRiver: although #postgresql has more people04:15
ttyfsckerit still doesnt work 100%04:15
=== Roconda_ [n=Roconda@ip5454330e.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
=== micahcowan suddenly notices it's rowanjl, not rowanji.
=== glroig_ [n=gerardo@116-38-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
ttyfsckerthe .dll files for flash 8 / 9 needs to be converted to .so files for it to work on linux04:16
Riveradu: excellent ... tooo simple. Thanks04:16
ttyfsckerif someone knew how to do that04:16
katie_can someone help me with an error message for burning?  i think maybe permissions arent assigned correctly04:16
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=== micahcowan suddenly notices that rowanjl pointed that out before micahcowan suddenly noticed it.
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katie_ Cannot gain SYS_RAWIO capability.Is cdrecord installed SUID root?04:16
katie_: Operation not permitted04:16
katie_/usr/bin/X11/cdrecord: Warning: using inofficial version of libscg (debian-0.8debian2 '@(#)scsitransp.c 1.91 04/06/17 Copyright 1988,1995,2000-2004 J. Schilling').04:16
=== varsendaggr [n=varsenda@168-103-4-64.blng.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
katie_ Cannot gain SYS_RAWIO capability.Is cdrecord installed SUID root?04:17
lophyteanyone know an easy way to create .deb metapackages?04:17
Paddy_EIREATI card still not perfroming properly04:17
rowanjlwell, I've now spent close to four days trying to compile this bloody program :/04:17
Paddy_EIREwho was i talking to about this again04:18
s_spiffany1 knows how to get w32codecs for AMD64 bit?04:18
varsendaggrrowanjl, what is int?04:18
rowanjlmicahcowan: what type of files would make up the dev headers04:18
rowanjlvarsendaggr: ogre3d04:18
katie_any ideas for troubleshooting?04:18
micahcowanyes, headers, typically.04:18
varsendaggrrowanjl, do you have to compile it?04:18
rowanjlvarsendaggr: yep04:19
rowanjlmicahcowan: .h?04:19
rowanjlmicahcowan: what would a .a be?04:19
micahcowanlibrary. prolly in the main binary package.04:20
TripleEs_spiff: I followed this and it works...http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18897404:20
rowanjlmicahcowan: well thats the thing, libdevil-dev didn't install any .h files04:20
Paddy_EIREanyone know how to install the proper drivers for a ATI Radeon 9250 ,12804:20
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A21D3hello ubuntu folks04:20
varsendaggrrowanjl, ^^^^04:20
=== helpmeee [n=helpmeee@adsl-67-116-240-15.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
RedGhosti have an apt-get installation frozen somehow, the flash plugin it says 'dpkg --configure -a' when i try to use apt-get04:20
RedGhosthow can i cancel this installation04:21
A21D3i am trying to get a webcam to run in forefox04:21
=== fit4lfe [n=fit4lfe@71-10-92-72.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
rowanjlvarsendaggr: read that already04:21
fit4lfe"unable to copy users xauthorization file"04:21
rowanjlvarsendaggr: but didn't understand it04:21
fit4lfewhat did I do wrong04:21
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fit4lfeI installed the graphics drivers for nvidia04:22
ttyfsckermicahcowan:: where are you located04:22
TripleERedGhost...I am not sure if you can.  Try a "apt-get -f install" to force it.04:22
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ttyfsckermicahcowan:: i was married to a cowan04:22
fit4lfebut restarted and can't open anything now04:22
helpmeeedoes someone know how to get a program under wine to send a udp packet?04:22
fit4lfecan this be fixed04:22
micahcowanttyfscker: I'm in California.04:22
varsendaggrrowanjl, i would try to follow it and then ask questions about where you are stuck04:22
RedGhostTripleE, any apt-get commands yield  dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.04:22
varsendaggr( i know you are doing that kindof)04:22
varsendaggrdid you allready install all the required packages that they suggest on theat page?04:23
rowanjlvarsendaggr: yes04:23
ttyfsckermicahcowan:: i doubt you'd know anything about my ex then.. im in KY lol04:23
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Rivercan anyone help me verify a postgresql installation ... please04:24
helpmeeemicahcowan: are you busy?04:24
slewhi, where is a good place to get more mouse cursor themes?04:24
micahcowanttyfscker: Most of my family is out here. Was he/she Irish or Scottish descent?04:24
fit4lfedoes anyone know what this error means when I try to open any apps or synaptic04:24
der0brsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at main.c(791)  <-- is there some way to find out what files weren't xferred?04:24
micahcowanhelpmeee: I'm available04:24
katie_can some one tell me how to get mp3s onto an audio cd?  my serpentine copies audio cds but doesnt make cds out of mp3s.04:24
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ
fit4lfe"faild to copy users xauthorization file"04:24
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ttyfsckermicahcowan:: no.. i dont know what they all are.. just white country ppl04:25
=== dadgumit [n=dadgumit@adsl-68-94-121-149.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
helpmeeemicahcowan: im trying to get a program to work called kquery4 under wine.. it runs but it could not send a udp packet it sais.. not sure if this can be fixed04:25
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b shadowline!*@*!#ubuntu-ops] by nalioth
TripleERedGhost...When you try a "sudo dpkg --configure -a" what do you get?04:25
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ
fit4lfeI get /dev/wacom errors too04:25
fit4lfeeverytime I restart x04:25
rowanjlvarsendaggr: the only error I get is about the missing libs...04:25
micahcowanttyfscker: :-)04:25
josesito_ndcan someone help me configure Cups?? (Cups asks me for a username and a password but doesn't accept it)04:25
RedGhostTripleE, it takes me back to installing the mozilla flash plugin, but it just hangs its been doing that for 15 minutes04:25
varsendaggrrowanjl, The ogre3d make process04:25
varsendaggrSidenote: The ogre3d make process is, uh, "tempestuous" to say the least. it will not cooperate. you will have to do it several times over. it will hate you and tell dirty lies about you, but at the end of the day you will have wrestled it into submission.04:25
varsendaggrsounds tough.....04:26
varsendaggrare you building from cvs?\04:26
TripleERedGhost...Have you tried a "sudo apt-get remove <package>"?04:26
micahcowanhelpmeee, hmmm...04:26
=== spazzz [n=spazzz@kgldgaambas08-pool3-a16.kgldgaam.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
micahcowanhelpmeee: what exactly does the message say?04:26
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helpmeeemicahcowan: it sais this directly in the kquery4 program under wine 7:19:07 PM [!]  ERROR [-8]  TgameUDP1.send could not send a UDP packet04:27
dadgumithello all04:27
RedGhostTripleE, like i said any apt-get command gives dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.04:27
spazzzEvening everyone.  I just performed a Virgin install of Brezzy on my laptop.  It works fine as is and I'd like to upgrade to Dapper.  Can I do this from APT and if so can someone help me do so?04:28
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dadgumitspazzz: there is an write up somewhwere, should be easy to google, basically  changing your sources.list file04:28
spazzzdadgumit: I checked there are several but none seem to work exactly.04:29
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=== dadgumit tries to remember what he did
spazzzThey assume I know something about the sources list and what not04:29
rowanjlvarsendaggr: yep, building from cvs04:29
nomasteryoda|whelp would appreciated, it would be04:29
varsendaggrdid you do ./bootstrap?04:29
micahcowanhelpmeee, I dunno: sounds outta my league04:29
nomasteryoda|wxorg-air is running, but compiz will not work04:29
rowanjlvarsendaggr: yep04:29
=== DarkMageZ [n=DarkMage@ppp27-251.lns1.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
micahcowanhelpmeee, a wine-specific help forum might help?04:30
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varsendaggrso you are stuck on ./configure?04:30
helpmeeemicahcowan: now you know how I feel :) im just trying to find a good working quake3 browser and kquery was the one I used in windows04:30
rowanjlvarsendaggr: yep04:30
katie_is there a ubuntu kernel problem that prevents me from burning mp3s into audio cd?04:30
helpmeeemicahcowan: oh yeah duh :X that would have helped maybe haha04:30
katie_tried dragging and dropping in k3b and serpentine and it doesnt work04:30
=== dispatcher [n=Dispatch@adsl-65-66-222-5.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
spazzzSo.... Can somebody help me with this?04:31
rowanjlbefore I was using the cvs it complained about not being able to find libdevil, now using the CVS it complains about the replacement for libdevil, FreeImage04:31
varsendaggrrowanjl, have you ap-tget installed build-essential?04:31
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rowanjlvarsendaggr: they should all be installed yes04:31
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nalioth!upgrade > spazzz04:31
TripleERedGhost...You will need to force the package.  "sudo dpkg --force /var/cache/apt/archives/<package>" or "sudo dpkg --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/<package>"04:31
javiolowhats the app that you can add a watch to your desktop and other things04:32
micahcowanhelpmeee, you might look into qstat. I don't know anything about it, but check it out with synaptic, it might do what you need.04:32
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varsendaggrrowanjl, sorry dude,  you must not need it bad enough04:32
spazzznalioth: I haddent seen that one.  Thank you i'll give it a try.04:32
helpmeeemicahcowan: thanks again :) cyas man :)04:32
=== bitwise [n=dave@c-24-60-249-130.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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naliothspazzz: it's easy04:32
varsendaggrrowanjl, move on04:33
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varsendaggrrowanjl, it probably isn't worthit04:33
=== rowanjl laughs manicaly
fit4lfehas anyone tried out xubuntu or nubuntu or fluxbuntu ?04:33
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naliothfit4lfe: lots of us, do you have a question?04:33
lophytenubuntu? fluxbuntu?04:33
MaquiaveloGood evening, can someone check http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18481 and tell me why my TwinView configuration is only displaying in the right monitor and not the left one?04:33
nomasteryoda|wfluxbuntu?... cool04:34
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rowanjlI've spent the past four days trying, not because its fun, but because my job depends on it.04:34
javiolowhats the app that you can add a watch to your desktop and other things04:34
naliothlophyte: #nubuntu or #fluxbuntu04:34
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fit4lfeis fluxubuntu stable04:34
bitwisehas anyone installed ntfs-3g yet? i am not sure if its by design, but i used it to be able to write to an external usb drive, and now when i open the computer browser, i see '190GB Volume', which I cant access, and sdb1 which I can04:34
lophyteI happen to like xubuntu04:34
nomasteryoda|wMaquiavelo, you need to specifiy east, west or some such ... right or left i would guess..04:34
varsendaggrrowanjl, what do yuou do?04:34
nomasteryoda|wlophyte, it is nice04:34
Maquiavelonomasteryoda|w:  I do, as in "RightOf"04:34
rowanjlwork ;)04:34
Maquiavelonomasteryoda|w: It's not booting up the other monitor.04:34
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fit4lfeand when installing xgl you have to specify xubuntu correct04:34
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rowanjlhmm "aclocal:acinclude.m4:326: warning: macro `AM_PATH_CPPUNIT' not found in library04:35
naliothfit4lfe: go to #fluxbuntu and ask there04:35
bitwisethis is the error i get when i access the 190GB Volume: mount: according to mtab, /dev/fuse is already mounted on /media/sdb1 mount failed04:35
nomasteryoda|wi wish i had my old xorg file from when i had twinview setup04:35
Riveri have setup a fresh install of 8.0 and when i run "sudo -u postgres psql" i get error "cannot connect to server" how do i fix the error ?04:35
Flavis there a place old versions of ubuntu packages are kept?  i want to downgrade my hoary to php4=4:4.3.10-10ubuntu4.4 (the 4.5 one sigsegv's in my php pages) but it's gone from security.ubuntu.com04:35
nomasteryoda|wjust got new monitor from the trash - 17"LCD and need to set that up04:35
=== nomasteryoda|w digs
varsendaggrrowanjl, i have no idea what that means    did yo get over your devillib?04:35
=== Phoenix786 [n=Phoenix7@adsl-69-228-43-125.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Maquiavelonomasteryoda|w:  The only thing remotely close to something in Xorg log is (WW) NVIDIA(0): Unable to get display device CRT-0's EDID; cannot compute DPI04:35
Maquiavelo(WW) NVIDIA(0):     from EDID.04:36
varsendaggryou can install libs it wants and symlink them to /usr/bin04:36
javiolowhats the app that adds widgets and a bar to the desktop04:36
varsendaggrthat is a hack   but it may work04:36
ubotuI know nothing about widgets - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:36
rowanjlvarsendaggr: if you mean did I make ogre find it, then no. I downloaded the cvs hoping it could use freeimage04:36
nomasteryoda|wMaquiavelo, you using 2 crts?04:36
=== godtvisk1n [n=godtvisk@ip-69-10-108-80.cableaz.net] has joined #ubuntu
rowanjlbut then it can't find freeimage04:36
Maquiavelonomasteryoda|w:  Correct04:36
Maquiavelonomasteryoda|w:  And I have the connectedmonitor as crt,crt04:36
nomasteryoda|wthat would be identical to my old setup then04:36
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems04:36
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nomasteryoda|wgive me five min.04:37
Maquiavelonomasteryoda|w:  Thank you, my xorg.conf is in the pastebin, let me know if you need the URL04:37
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nomasteryoda|wi'll paste mine too04:37
godtvisk1nI have two problems with audacity: When I click "About audicty" it just shows squares. Then when I try to record a second track, after the first, the pitch is changed very low, to garbles. I am using vesion 1.2.4b-2ubuntu204:38
ubotuxen is a a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. It can be found at http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/xen/04:38
javiolowhats the app that adds widgets and a bar to the desktop is something gldeks04:38
=== Anti-Tedd [n=na@ool-457b37b6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Riveri have setup a fresh install of postgresql 8.0 and when i run "sudo -u postgres psql" i get error "cannot connect to server" how do i fix the error ?04:38
javiolowhats the app that adds widgets and a bar to the desktop is something like gldeks...04:38
rowanjlvarsendaggr: the only way out of this for me is to get ogre working or write my own 3d engine...04:38
naliothjaviolo: you have gdesklets, adesklets and superkaramba04:39
rowanjlI wonder which will take less time? :P04:39
javiolonalioth ahhh thats it04:39
varsendaggrrowanjl, you could use blender's 3d engine04:39
=== lakin [n=lakin@S01060013101832ce.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
godtvisk1nI have two problems with audacity: When I click "About audicty" it just shows squares. Then when I try to record a second track, after the first, the pitch is changed very low, to garbles. I am using vesion 1.2.4b-2ubuntu204:39
rowanjlvarsendaggr: does it support the .NET platform?04:39
=== Nikyo [n=shinobi@pool-141-154-205-15.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
hoehaverhey how do i mount a hard drive in a term?04:40
hoehaverya know, so it will show up in media and in computer04:40
nomasteryoda|wit should be there already04:40
nomasteryoda|wmkdir /media/drivename04:40
overrideris a last year laptop with celereon m 1.5 ghz cpu very bad? i always thought celeron is not so great, dont know what celeron mobile is04:41
nomasteryoda|wmount /dev/hdx /media/drivename04:41
nomasteryoda|wthat should work fine04:41
nomasteryoda|wthey run linux very sweet04:41
=== phunkalicious [n=phunkali@cpe-66-68-125-239.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nomasteryoda|woverrider, ram is the important factor04:41
javiolonalioth do gdesklets adds a bar _04:41
PuGzHey guys. My fglrx module is no longer loading (after the update I made)04:42
PuGzany help?04:42
naliothjaviolo: i believe that is superkaramba04:42
phunkaliciousis there a way i can change my username?04:42
skavengeoverrider: i run the askedsame processor in a dell laptop with 512 ram, runs ubuntu awesome. I am planning to add rama in the future though, can never have enough heh04:42
PuGzbwoods@slick:~$ sudo modprobe -v fglrx04:42
PuGzinsmod /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-686/volatile/fglrx.ko04:42
PuGzFATAL: Error inserting fglrx (/lib/modules/2.6.15-26-686/volatile/fglrx.ko): Invalid module format04:42
PuGzbwoods@slick:~$ dmesg | tail -n 104:42
PuGz[17181828.120000]  fglrx: disagrees about version of symbol struct_module04:42
javiolonalioth do they work in other wm than gnome or kde _04:42
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naliothjaviolo: you may use anything in the repos in any situation (as long as it's some form of ubuntu)04:43
spazzzWHat version of Ubuntu is 6.06 LTS?04:43
javiolonalioth ok thanks04:43
hoehaveri did that and the command was accepted but in computer i select "ALL MY SHIT" ( my hard drive) and it gives me this04:43
naliothspazzz: um, 6.0604:43
hoehavererror: device /dev/hdb5 is not removable04:43
hoehavererror: could not execute pmount04:43
Rivercan someone spare some time and knowledge for a postgresql issue04:43
=== Ropechoborra [n=rope@201-212-43-87.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
PuGzspazzz: dapper drake04:43
Maquiavelospazzz:  If you mean the code name, It's Dapper Drake.04:44
spazzzOk then thats what I want then.. Thanks04:44
PuGzanyone here use fglrx?04:44
naliothRiver: try #postgresql if you don't get any answers here04:44
PuGzMy module aint loading no more04:44
ubotuI know nothing about op - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:44
Rivernalioth: thanks .. am trying both an no-one can help so far, also can't find fix in the online docs04:45
rowanjlvarsendaggr: thats the only thing I have not tried, thansk :)04:45
=== sshipley [n=sshipley@c-68-60-207-212.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
spazzzALright then the system appears to be Upgrading.  Thanks everyone and thanks for the quick answers :-)04:45
naliothColdFyre: what factoid were you after?04:45
ColdFyrei didnt mean to do that04:46
=== fit4lfe [n=fit4lfe@71-10-92-72.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
bitwiseis vlc the way to go for a media player?04:46
varsendaggrrowanjl, did you find anything else04:47
varsendaggrbitwise, no04:47
nomasteryoda|wvlc is nice04:47
fit4lfedamn dapper with nvidia drivers is so much faster then windows04:47
ubotumplayer is a media player. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile to compile it from source or enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer04:47
nomasteryoda|wtotem with gstreamer works well too on ubunut04:47
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.04:47
rowanjlvarsendaggr: only tutorials on writing a 3d engine ;)04:47
ubotuxen is a a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. It can be found at http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/xen/04:47
=== stormchas3r [n=3@c-68-37-153-203.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto04:47
=== WelfareQueen [n=a@61-106.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
DarkMageZbitwise, vlc plays ALOT of different formats, so does mplayer... but if you want a media library, you need something like rhythmbox or songbird04:47
varsendaggrwhat about axiom   or irrlicht?04:47
=== outlawsbba [n=outlawsb@ip-83-134-73-120.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu
stormchas3rI have a ip addy but cannot get to the net, any help04:47
outlawsbbaronin u here04:48
bitwisecool.. i have been using totem with gstreamer.. is mplayer just more robust, more stable? what is the benefit04:48
RedGhostis there a windows codec pack for dapper? i remember in an older version it was like "wincodecs" from apt04:48
nomasteryoda|wMaquiavelo, did you look at this one ... http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20951904:48
outlawsbbai like totem-xine more04:48
nomasteryoda|wi can't find my config files... =(04:48
outlawsbbai cant make gstreamer work with wmv04:49
varsendaggrbitwise, more robust    can play just about anything.....04:49
WelfareQueenI'm adding a 2nd SCSI disk. Using fdisk I'm asked to create a primary or extended. What is the correct option for a 2nd (or 3rd etc) disk?04:49
godtvisk1nI have two problems with audacity: When I click "About audicty" it just shows squares. Then when I try to record a second track, after the first, the pitch is changed very low, to garbles. I am using vesion 1.2.4b-2ubuntu2 What can I do?04:49
varsendaggri have yet to get gstreamer working04:49
DarkMageZbitwise, mplayer has a longer history of being reliable and good, tho gstreamer is catching up.04:49
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DarkMageZbitwise, also the mplayer-firefox plugin works alot better than the totem one04:49
outlawsbbahey is there anyone here who has there hands free to help me ?04:49
nomasteryoda|wvarsendaggr, working fine here... found the info in the forums and on that evil guide04:49
RedGhostTripleE, it is not available it seems04:49
nomasteryoda|woutlawsbba, just ask04:50
outlawsbbai have been having this problem04:50
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outlawsbbawhen u browse my system04:50
nomasteryoda|wjust a few spare braincells are available04:50
outlawsbbakde sayss04:50
bitwiseDarkMageZ: mm, that might sell me.. firefox integration with totem doesnt seem available? it spawns the app separatly04:50
varsendaggrhmmm    i can watch streaming video  with one line on the cli04:50
outlawsbbaerror loading kio file04:50
TripleEif you search ubuntuforums.org for restricted formats, you will find a howto04:50
Maquiavelonomasteryoda|w:  Looking04:50
TripleEIt is not in the repositories04:50
nomasteryoda|wjust type instead of doing return at each line outlawsbba04:50
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RedGhostit was in the past =(04:50
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WelfareQueenHello. I'm adding a 2nd SCSI disk. Using fdisk I'm asked to create a primary or extended. What is the correct option for a 2nd (or 3rd etc) disk?04:50
outlawsbbai am using SimpleMepis 3.4 aah ok sorry04:51
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TripleERedGhost...From what I understand, it was a legal thing.04:51
DarkMageZbitwise, firefox integration with totem is available... but the version in dapper is crap... and i can't say that the latest has improved enough04:51
nomasteryoda|wWelfareQueen, you can do it anyway you want because it is a second physical disk04:51
outlawsbbathis is my error klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_file'.04:51
Maquiavelonomasteryoda|w:  Ok, I ran nvidia-settings, but it only finds ONE of the CRT monitors, how weird.04:51
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WelfareQueennomasteryoda: do what?04:51
nomasteryoda|wjust no more than 4 primary parts ... is the general rule for single drives04:51
Andy_LeungHi, any clue to customize the bootup processes/services? because I've found that there are many services that are not used at all, at least, for me.04:52
bitwisehow would one enable that DarkMagez?04:52
primalhello all04:52
WelfareQueenoh... a primary?04:52
nomasteryoda|wMaquiavelo, that is kinda weird04:52
nomasteryoda|wsure WelfareQueen04:52
Maquiavelonomasteryoda|w: Indeed04:52
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DarkMageZbitwise, do you have universe enabled?04:52
WelfareQueennomasteryoda: Thank you for your time.04:52
Maquiavelonomasteryoda|w:  Before I activated the TwinView options, it was using the other monitor, once I activated TwinView and added the options, It just stopped using the other monitor and started using this, so the monitor is working04:52
nomasteryoda|wthe pastebin is what Maquiavelo04:53
primali have a question about xorg.conf04:53
nomasteryoda|wask primal.. .don't ask to ask..04:53
DarkMageZbitwise, "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer"04:53
nomasteryoda|wwe aim to please04:53
primali just switched from an old nvidia card to an equally old radeon 720004:54
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FlavI just filed 53581 - anyone know of a channel where i can check to see if some devs are around that want me to try some investigation?04:54
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ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems04:54
primali had to use "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"04:54
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RowanakiCould someone help me configure WPA in Dapper?04:54
nomasteryoda|wprimal, yes04:55
bitwiseDarkMageZ: oops i thought we were talking about totem04:55
primalall worked just fine, except now the display is off04:55
nomasteryoda|wprimal, so you want to use the fglrx drivers instead04:55
primalwell, not lined up with the monitor04:55
DarkMageZbitwise, oh, the totem-firefox plugin is, hmm, gimme a se04:55
Maquiavelonomasteryoda|w:  Excuse me?04:55
outlawsbbathey dont support below ati radeon 850004:55
DarkMageZbitwise, second*04:55
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primalit's shifted to the right04:55
nomasteryoda|wMaquiavelo, sorry... i meant your pastebin for xorg04:56
primalyoda, how do i switch?04:56
VolVEOk, I'm running Dapper server, and I only have the default apt sources setup, and after installing Apache2 it tells me it can't find apache2.conf... how come the packages don't install it? :-/04:56
bitwisei think i found it04:56
primaland will this new driver fix the right shift?04:56
nomasteryoda|woutlawsbba, sadly true... my laptop will not use it04:56
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Maquiavelonomasteryoda|w: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1848104:56
DarkMageZbitwise, thats the one04:56
nomasteryoda|wprimal, should04:56
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JinuxHi anyone knows how to customize the startup services as well as number of terminals? because I have Athlon700 256MB only and I wanna spare some memory for some Java programming.04:57
outlawsbba:) i also had that problem04:57
TripleEprimal, do you have an LCD?04:57
=== nomasteryoda|w looks
primalyes, tripleE, i do04:57
outlawsbbau should use the Ati driver or the Vesa driver04:57
bitwisethanks.. now what is xine and should i be interested in it hehe04:57
nomasteryoda|wyes it is nice too04:57
nomasteryoda|wi have them all actually04:57
Maquiavelonomasteryoda|w:  What do you think?04:57
nomasteryoda|wwith xine you can be "Master of the Universe"04:58
nomasteryoda|wMaquiavelo, still analyzing04:58
TripleEprimal, I had the same issue with my nvidia card.  When the drivers were not installed I had to push the auto-adjust button on my monitor to fix it.04:58
primalnomasteryoda|w, how do i use the fglrx driver?04:58
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto04:58
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nomasteryoda|wlook there primal04:58
Riverhow do i install postgres 8.1.4 from here: http://ftp.port80.se/ubuntu/pool/main/p/postgresql-8.1/04:58
nomasteryoda|wMaquiavelo, so you want composite?04:58
RowanakiCould someone help me configure WPA in Dapper?04:59
nomasteryoda|wor compiz04:59
primalTripleE, that would work except my wife wouldn't like having to push the button every time she switches the KVM back to windows04:59
primalthanks yoda04:59
outlawsbbahi i also have a problem when i try to browse my hard drive kde gives me error messages like  "klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_file'."04:59
TripleEprimal, I only had to do it once.  I have a KVM too.  I guess the monitor has a memory or something04:59
Maquiavelonomasteryoda|w:  I want dual head04:59
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TripleEprimal, I am looking for the ati driver install howto on the ubuntuforums.org05:00
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nomasteryoda|wMaquiavelo, so you have 2 separate screens instead of one large one or one single one05:00
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto05:00
primalTripleE, that auto-adjust did the trick. who knew?05:00
nomasteryoda|wMaquiavelo, you can even have one running one session and one running another05:00
outlawsbbaeverybode is repeating itself05:00
nomasteryoda|wi saw that somewhere05:00
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ubotuI know nothing about asrock - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:00
Rivernalioth: how do I install postgresql 8.1.4 from here: http://ftp.port80.se/ubuntu/pool/main/p/postgresql-8.1/05:00
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Maquiavelonomasteryoda|w:  One desktop, 2 screens.05:01
phunkalicioushow come my menu icons always take so long to load?05:01
nomasteryoda|wso widescreen05:01
nomasteryoda|win effect05:01
nomasteryoda|wsame as my old setup05:01
naliothRiver: the postgresql in the repos isn't sufficient?05:01
TripleEprimal, that pissed me off for the a couple of hours.  Then I stumbled across it.05:01
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TripleEprimal, this may help for installing the ati drivers...http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=191944&highlight=ati+driver+install05:01
Maquiavelonomasteryoda|w:  Pretty much05:01
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nomasteryoda|wi think i found my reference file05:02
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primalnow on to another question: with my older video card, movies were not showing up. i came here and someone had me run a small program that changed some video settings. anyone know what that program might be so i can change it back?05:02
naliothRiver: for those (and they are labelled 'ubuntu') just download the deb you are wanting and watch ubotu05:02
ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)05:02
Rivernalioth: repos does not hold the latest version, when i installed 8.0 from repos and it failed, i was advised to install 8.1.4 fromthe link05:02
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nomasteryoda|wMaquiavelo,  grrr way too old it was... looking elsewhere05:03
MaquiaveloOk going to restart X and try something brb05:03
Rivernalioth: thanks to you and the Bot05:03
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naliothRiver: good luck05:03
primali'm trying to watch some Lost episodes and they seem a bit jumpy05:03
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:03
nomasteryoda|wprimal, with which player?05:03
primalthe files are high def so it's not the quality05:03
naliothprimal: what is your hardware and version of Ubuntu ?05:03
primalmplayer i think05:03
dicesquirrelOkay, who do I have to give mouflove to get hardware acceleration for OpenGL with fglrx and a Radeon 9000 Mobility card? It broke a few updates ago, and I'm pulling my hair out with frustration. It's maddening.05:04
whyameyeI'm on a MacBook and since there is no HD activity light provided on the case itself I'd love to get a utility that shows HD activity on the Gnome panel or something. Anybody know of something available like this?05:04
beyondxevery one05:04
nomasteryoda|wxine might perform better05:04
primalhardware is anything but latest05:04
naliothwhyameye: try conky05:04
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nomasteryoda|wprimal, you have hdparm setup?05:04
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primalan old p3 933mhz05:04
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nomasteryoda|whdparm speeds up drive thruput05:04
naliothprimal: then that is probably it, Hi Def video content takes a bunch of CPU power to decode05:04
nomasteryoda|wnot a problem primal05:04
Maquiavelonomasteryoda|w:  Back, didn't work05:05
primalnomasteryoda|w, probably not since i don't recognize that name05:05
gavagaiwhyameye, gkrellm might do that05:05
JinuxHello, does anyone know the name of the command that can install/remove boot services?05:05
nomasteryoda|wnalioth, i have a 9xx mhz amd laptop with only 256mb ram and it does it fine for me05:05
primalwell, i used to have this radeon 7200 in and all worked fine05:05
nomasteryoda|wjust sec primal05:05
nevynJinux: cp ?05:05
nevynJinux: actually mv05:05
naliothnomasteryoda|w: interesting.  do you have the same pkgs installed on both?05:05
whyameyegavagai: gkrellm will do it but it's just so overkill and it doesn't install in the panel. HD activity takes too much display space and is basically a light show.05:06
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primali switched to nvidia trying to get tv-out to work, couldn't, so i switched back after a few months05:06
nevynJinux: update-rc.d if you can be bothered getting your head around it's syntax05:06
Jinuxnevyn: that's it? then how about /etc/init.d/rc.d? do I need to do anything from there?05:06
nomasteryoda|wnalioth, i think so... that system is at my other place though05:06
FunnyLookinHatAnyone here gotten Akamaru working?05:06
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nomasteryoda|wcan't check it05:06
FunnyLookinHatDBO, You around?05:06
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Jinuxnevyn: o...yeah..that's the one...probably...so update-rc.d has some params that I can install/remove the serices, right?05:06
bigfoot1ekiga is not working for me to make sip calls. does anybody else have any suggestions?05:06
primalthis ati card used to show video just fine with no jumpiness05:06
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DBOFunnyLookinHat, yes05:07
bigfoot1what is an easy to use SIP softphone?05:07
nevynJinux: it's sysvinit.. just mv the symlink from SXXservice to KXXservice in the directory of your current runlevel05:07
DBOFunnyLookinHat, yeah I got akamaru working05:07
nevynbigfoot1: twinkle wfm05:07
nomasteryoda|wprimal, hdparm will help ...05:07
bigfoot1nevyn: wfm?05:07
nomasteryoda|wlet me find it05:07
FunnyLookinHatDBO, what package do I need to install to get akamaru to compile, it's saying I don't have glib.h but i installed libglib-2.0-dev05:07
nevynbigfoot1: works for me05:07
Jinuxnevyn: S means  what? and K means what? sorry, I am total noob...05:07
nevynS means start and K means kill05:07
bigfoot1nevyn: thanks. am installing it now05:07
bigfoot1how it wfm too05:08
nevynso in /etc/rc3.d/* ...05:08
primalgive me a sec guys. daughters crying05:08
Shadow_pillarquestion time!05:08
bigfoot1sorry. i meant to say HOPE it wfm, too05:08
nevynI got that05:08
Shadow_pillarwho here has an asrock mobo or anything that uses the Realtek 8201?05:08
Shadow_pillarfor networking05:08
nevyneww asrock05:08
DBOFunnyLookinHat, put the whole error in pastebin please05:08
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Shadow_pillarnevyn: yeah yeah, it's a temp thing until I can get an asus05:08
Jinuxnevyn: so you mean I just need to remove those S and K corresponding files from /etc/rc3.d/ would remove one service from TTY3 right?05:09
FunnyLookinHatDBO, OOh i just figured it out05:09
nevynnot tty305:09
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nevynfrom runlevel 305:09
Shadow_pillarso insteado f the remarks, can I please get some help on the issue?05:09
nevynJinux: grep default /etc/inittab05:09
FunnyLookinHatDBO, sorry to bother you, i just tried one last random package and it worked...  : )  be back later  :)05:09
Jinuxnevyn: okay...what's this grep default /etc/inittab for?05:09
Shadow_pillarI cant get the onboard lan working05:09
Rivernalioth: do you know which repos i need to add to install postgresql 8.1 ?05:09
Shadow_pillarand yes I have the tulip driver loaded05:09
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wastrelmmm tulip05:10
naliothRiver: does the deb you got not work?05:10
nevynJinux: tell you what the default runlevel is. (which rc?.d is active)05:10
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dicesquirrelSo, should I give up on fglrx, or what?05:10
Flavis there a place old versions of ubuntu packages are kept?  i want to downgrade my hoary to php4=4:4.3.10-10ubuntu4.4 (the 4.5 one sigsegv's in my php pages) but it's gone from security.ubuntu.com05:10
Rivernalioth: it says it needs "libc6"05:10
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Jinuxnevyn: thank you so much...I think I got what you've told me....one more question, would you provide me some tutorials on these startup services thingy?  I appreciate your help.05:10
bimberi!info postgresql-8.105:10
ubotupostgresql-8.1: object-relational SQL database, version 8.1 server. In repository main, is optional. Version 8.1.4-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 2952 kB, installed size 12608 kB05:10
dicesquirrelGive up any hope of ever getting Enemy Territory working again? Maybe build a time travel machine to a few weeks ago when OpenGL actually worked?05:11
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nevynJinux: umm google for sysVinit tutorial?05:11
nomasteryoda|wMaquiavelo, try changing the dimensions to 2560x960 under section "Screen"05:11
wastreldicesquirrel:  did you install the fglrx drivers after the kernel upgrade?05:11
naliothRiver: ah, then you're probably out of luck (upgrading your libc6 will take you to edgy eft prematurely)05:11
prophetcan u connet to a ftp from the terminal05:11
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Jinuxnevyn: I thought sysVinit is for Unix only.....hehehe...thanks05:11
nomasteryoda|wthat would make the dualsetup right from what i used 2 years back05:11
mathieu_what is done to the ubuntu kernel to allow things like sanners to be accessed by users ?05:11
primalnomasteryoda|w: how do i run hdparm?05:11
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dicesquirrelwastrel: everything is up to date, according to apt-get05:12
Jinuxprophet: just use ftp if you have installed it.05:12
nomasteryoda|wprimal, xine also seems to run hd videos better05:12
propheti have gftp05:12
bigfoot1nevyn: u on kubuntu?05:12
nomasteryoda|wprimal, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-16360.html05:12
wastreldicesquirrel:  i had to reinstall the fglrx driver after the kernel upgrade this week05:12
nevynbigfoot1: umm debian sid ;)05:13
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nevynon this machinee05:13
nomasteryoda|wthat should help05:13
VolVEOk, so after I've removed some packages (apache, php) when I go to reinstall them I get "Not replacing deleted config file" - any way to get around that?05:13
dicesquirrelwastrel: how might I do that?05:13
bigfoot1nevyn: gnome?05:13
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nevynbigfoot1: I prefer kde.05:13
Jinuxprophet: yes but gftp is not running in a terminal...05:13
bigfoot1nevyn: ah05:13
wastreldicesquirrel:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI    the install lines05:13
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nevynbigfoot1: I consider gnome unusable05:14
Jinuxnevyn: why do you think KDE is better?05:14
redcardnevyn: And yet, ironically, I use it ;)05:14
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dicesquirrelwastrel: so I should just apt-get remove xorg-driver-fglrx and then install it?05:15
Rivernalioth: that was when i tried the 8.1.4-4 but when i try the 8.1.4 package manager says "same version is available in a software channel"05:15
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redcardGnome, KDE, same difference. It's no different than Windows users running Borland based apps and MFC based apps and .NET apps and not knowing the difference.  I've never understood why people in linux draw the distinction05:15
wastreldicesquirrel:  no need to remove, just install it05:15
nevynpeople use it.. I don't understand why but I end up just fighting the ui all the time.. if I thought that was productive I'd use windows .05:15
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dicesquirrelwastrel: I have. It's completely up to date, and not working, that's what I'm saying, and why I'm so frustrated.05:15
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naliothRiver: i'm afraid you are at a standstill on this.  you may have better luck compiling it from source (use checkinstall if you do)05:16
wastreldicesquirrel:  so you've installed since the recent kernel upgrade?05:16
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dicesquirrelwastrel: "xorg-driver-fglrx is already the newest version." is the line from apt-get05:16
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dicesquirrelwastrel: there's absolutely nothing left to upgrade. So why is it not working?05:17
wastrelok.  dicesquirrel...  did you do the  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  and choose fglrx?05:17
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ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:18
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dicesquirrelwastrel: yes, and the new xorg.conf it generates sends me straight to the commandline, no gdm05:18
bigfoot1nevyn: it's asking for which "nic" network interface i want to use. which should i choose?05:19
Jinuxnevyn: how about the performance, I tried Gnome 2.14, pretty good, how about KDE comparing to that? how fast and is Gnome heavy in terms of memory usage?05:19
dicesquirrelwastrel: I mean, I do fglrxinfo and it gives me some lines about Mesa. How do I fix that? That seems like it could be the root of the problem.05:19
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wastreldicesquirrel:  that's your fglrx driver not working -  check /var/log/Xorg.0.log  for errors05:19
farous__dicesquirrel: how did you install the fglrx driver from repos or ati installer05:19
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dicesquirrelfarous_: repos, farous, obviously, if I followed the instructions from the Ubuntu wiki, which I did05:20
bigfoot1nevyn: and how can i do an echo test?05:20
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farous__dicesquirrel: did you install the linux-restricted-modules package05:21
BallsyHi.  My on-board SiS 760 vid card is causing probs when I try to fire up the Dapper LiveCD.  According to forums here http://forums.pcper.com/showthread.php?s=3ac0ca07316f0020bc030a69bd7d58ae&t=421279&page=2&pp=15  there's a way to get it working if you're INSTALLING Ubuntu....but I wanna just run the LiveCD....05:21
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BallsyAny idea how I can pass appropriate kernel args to fire up the live CD ?05:21
dicesquirrelfarous_: yes, I followed every instruction on the wiki, line for line05:21
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wastrelBallsy:  you can type them at the grub command line05:21
dicesquirrelfarous_: it's not like it's never worked before, either. It was working 2 weeks ago. Kernel update, fglrx update, now it doesn't work.05:21
farous__dicesquirrel: obivios i do nt know which wiki you are talking about so lets take it one step at a time05:21
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Ballsywastrel, the question is, WHAT do I type at hte command line05:22
phunkaliciousis it odd that when i was running xgl and compiz my desktop was speedier? :|05:22
dicesquirrelfarous_: wiki.ubuntu.com05:22
dicesquirrelfarous_: the official ubuntu wiki05:22
wastrelBallsy:  boot <your boot options here>05:22
Ballsywastrel, the forum I found talks about changing file names and such...05:22
farous__dicesquirrel: kernel update you need the linux-restricted-modules package that correspond to your new kernel05:22
Ballsywastrel, right, but I dunno what boot option I'm supposed to use.  The forum talks about changing the names of some files, etc. in order to get it to work.05:22
Rivernalioth: being a noobie i wish there was a better way or a less steep learning curve .. but i will have to jump in and see what happens .. thanks for your help05:23
farous__dicesquirrel: the official is help.ubuntu05:23
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dicesquirrelfarous_: excuse me, I'm mistaken, the URL was https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI05:23
farous__dicesquirrel: anyone can write on the wiki05:23
dicesquirrelfarous_: and yes, that package ALSO is up to date. The restricted modules05:23
farous__dispatcher: \\\05:24
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper05:24
farous__dicesquirrel: hmm how about the xorg.conf file did it say fglrx in the driver section05:24
bigfoot1nevyn: how do we punch in numbers when the call starts?05:24
dicesquirrelfarous_: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-686 is already the newest version.05:24
farous__dicesquirrel: i have it running here no problems by the way05:25
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dicesquirrelfarous_: shall I put it in a pastebin so you can see?05:25
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zoidberghey guys05:25
zoidbergi have a couple of questions05:25
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Ballsywastrel, essentially, I need to send an arg to the kernel, and I think the arg's value has to be 'vesa', but I dunno what the actual arg name is (doh!)05:26
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farous__dicesquirrel: i assume you rebooted after you did hte upgrade try cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf |grep Drive05:26
zoidberganyone ?05:26
zoidbergi have an old G3 powerbook that has only 64 mb ram05:26
dicesquirrelfarous_: yes, I rebooted. I've rebooted half a dozen times in the past hour and a half.05:26
zoidbergi just put xubuntu on it05:26
zoidbergso it can run smoother than GNOME05:26
zoidberganyways is FIREFOX not the smoothest lighest web browser to be running on this machine05:27
DarkMageZzoidberg, how did gnome run with 64mb of ram :s05:27
`zazeemi need help, im on wondows xp right now and i downloaded what was said to be the install cd of new ubuntu, and it ended up beign the live cd.  can someone give me a link that works please.  I want to install it for desktop use i386. thanks05:27
zoidbergkinda chunkily05:27
farous__dicesquirrel: patience my friend. if it worked with the old kernel why did you upgrade :)05:27
zoidbergbut is there a better lighter web browser05:27
dicesquirrelfarous_: two instances of Driver "fglrx" in that command05:27
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dicesquirrelfarous_: good question. I'm regretting it now. I assumed falsely that I would be getting some benefit out of it05:27
catphivehey, is anyone familiar with sound problems?05:27
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catphiveI'm trying to get my sound turned on05:27
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DarkMageZ'zazeem, the current live cd also has the installer, double click the install icon on the desktop05:28
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wastrelzoidberg:  epiphany or galeon maybe05:28
verboseis there a way to start and configure vino from console only?05:28
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farous__dicesquirrel: did you try running under the old kernel again05:28
farous__you can just reinstall it again and it is harmless05:28
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wastrelBallsy:  not sure... can you get a console, or no vga at all?05:28
dicesquirrelfarous_: I tried that as well. The original kernel I had installed. I believe because I installed a new version of fglrx since then.05:28
CaptainMorgansorry guys.. but #fedora is dead... which one do I download if I have an x86 intel machine PD? http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Distribution/Download05:29
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verbosei can get to console05:29
farous__dicesquirrel: give me a min then05:29
DarkMageZCaptainMorgan, please don't ask fedora questions in here. you are welcome to convert to ubuntu tho05:29
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purserjgot a question regarding the breezy livecd, how do you modify the splash screen? I want to have a splash that hides the initialisation stuffs while presenting a percentage complete message, is this possible?05:29
Ballsywastrel, unfortunatley, it's THIS machine I'm trying to do it one, so I can't check without rebooting....so I wanted to get the answer (or close to it) before trying (running XP currently)05:30
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bigfoot1hi guys, what is wrong? regardless of what softphone i use, what i said in the mic is not being heard. The only VOIP software that works is skype05:30
bigfoot1please help05:30
CaptainMorganaye DarkMageZ, but there's no #linux and fedora is dead as I said..05:30
bigfoot1restarting doesn't seem to help05:30
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Ballsywastrel, searching google now...I KNOW I saw it somewhere.  ;)05:30
ttyfsckeranybody here using "edgy"  i have a question asked in #ubuntu+1 but nobody ever answered it.. if someone here is using edgy please join ubuntu+1 so i can ask you a bug related question.. i need to make sure these are bugs with edgy not something else.05:30
catphiveanyone know how to get sound turned on?05:30
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wastrelbigfoot1:  #linuxhelp maybe05:30
CarlFKCaptainMorgan: dead is good reason to dump05:31
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CarlFKCaptainMorgan: none the less, please stay on topic05:31
CaptainMorgando ubuntu have server support?05:31
ttyfsckercatphive:: thats not a question that we can answer easily.. be more specific05:31
phunkaliciousthere is a ##linux though...05:31
CarlFKyes - /join #ubuntu-server ;)05:32
catphivemy driver is loaded, but sound is not on.05:32
CaptainMorganphunkalicious, off by one..05:32
phunkaliciousyeah man there is an ubuntu server05:32
phunkaliciousthat's what i user for my xen hosts :D05:32
farous__dicesquirrel: why you do not have the BusID in the device section05:32
catphiveI tried turning on the sound in alsa mixer05:32
XenguyCaptainMorgan: you can install non-GUI server only, yes05:32
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CaptainMorganXenguy meh..05:32
ic56CaptainMorgan: try ##linux.05:32
XenguyCaptainMorgan: you asked <shrug>05:32
bigfoot1wastrel: thankns, but no one is helping there05:32
CaptainMorganic56, way to keep up :)05:33
dicesquirrelfarous_: frankly, I don't know.05:33
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catphivewhat kind of settings are there related to sound?05:33
farous__dicesquirrel: do you have an old backup of your xorg.conf file05:33
ttyfsckercatphive:: what app are you trying to get to play sound?05:33
farous__the one that was running with fglrx05:33
catphiveall of them05:34
ttyfsckercatphive:: if your in kde then you need the artsd running05:34
catphiveno sound is coming out at all05:34
ic56CaptainMorgan: what do you mean "way to keep up"?05:34
ttyfsckergnome or kde?05:34
dicesquirrelfarous_: heh, I have a dozen or more.05:34
catphiveI'm in gnome05:34
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catphiveplain ubuntu05:34
catphivefresh install05:34
catphiveno sound05:34
dicesquirrelfarous_: this xorg.conf did work, though, once upon a time05:34
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farous__dicesquirrel: use one of the old ones and backup this one seems to me it has some errors in it05:34
ttyfsckeron the volume mixer in the taskbar if you go to preferences.. does it show anything turned off?  and is PCM turned up ?05:34
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farous__dicesquirrel: make sure you are in the video group too05:35
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ironfroggywhat packages do i need to play things like mp3's, wmv videos, etc?05:35
dicesquirrelfarous_: the video group?05:35
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ironfroggyno, i dont care that they are not 'free' or that they are not supported by the ubuntu team.05:35
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ttyfsckerironfroggy:: they are installable..  non-free doesnt mean moneywise.. means the source isnt open05:36
farous__dicesquirrel: for example your monitor is setup to use one device and the screen is using another which is wired to me05:36
ubotumplayer is a media player. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile to compile it from source or enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer05:36
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.05:36
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ironfroggyttyfscker: i know that...05:36
gdbironfroggy: http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/05:36
zoidbergdoes anyone know of a very light browser that works well with laptops with 64 mb ram05:37
Who_I have another grub question for anyone listening :)05:37
farous__dicesquirrel: video group to be able to use 3d accel i think you are already added to it05:37
ttyfsckerironfroggy:: i thought my mp3's worked out of the box.   i could be wrong.05:37
ion_bidonhello, anyone knows how I can allow root to open X applications ?05:37
ironfroggyttyfscker: i was told they dont.05:37
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gdbttyfscker: They do not as the mp3 format is patented and strictly enforced.05:37
Woostattyfscker: you need *something* to play them .. like mpg123 (or mpg321) or xine or xmms or ...05:37
Who_A recent windows install not only overwrote the bootloader (which I have fixed) but it _also_ caused the partitions to bet relabelled. I am very confused as to how this happened (I didn't do the install) but basically, I have had to manually edit the lines in order to boot05:38
ttyfsckerwhen you install xmms it will play your mp3s05:38
ttyfsckerunlike some distros05:38
dicesquirrelfarous_: well, you said there are errors in this xorg.conf, but what are they specifically? Perhaps this otherwise functioning xorg.conf can be fixed, rather than going through a bunch of backups which may or may not work (probably may not)05:38
ttyfsckersome distros have the nonmp3 version of xmms05:38
Who_all I need to do is change root to hd0,1 instead of hd0,2 and the root in the next line to /dev/hda2 instead of /dev/hda305:38
ic56zoidberg: text-only browsers, like lynx and links, work great in such an environment05:38
karlhow do I change the sound device my computer is using? I have an onboard soundcard and a pci soundcard, and would like to use the pci one.05:38
wastrelkarl:  turn off the onboard in bios maybe05:39
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karlwastrel, good idea05:39
farous__dicesquirrel: i said there are some wired stuff in it look at your screen section05:39
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farous__now you have two screens with the same identifier05:39
ttyfsckerkarl:: you can either do that.. or run alsaconf and pick the appropriate one..  but i dont think alsaconf is included in the system anymore.. i think it was deprecated05:39
catphivedoes anyone know how to configure sound?05:39
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Who_I can change it all by hand  _but_ if I run update-grub everything goes back to the old version. That makes mre worry that an update could screw up the booting process (I am about to wave goodbye to the PC so that is a problem!)05:39
catphiveI"m on fresh ubuntu05:39
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ttyfsckercatphive:: what kind of sound card do you have. do you know?05:40
ardchoillezoidberg: I use elinks and I love it. There are times I log in without x and use elinks in a screen session to surf the web.05:40
dicesquirrelfarous_: yes, I know, I was following the directions on the help.ubuntu.com page for the ATI driver.05:40
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Who_any GDM gurus?05:41
dicesquirrelfarous_: should I change it to something?05:41
dxdemetriouhow can I use a tar.gz, diff.gz and dsc to make a .deb?05:41
Who_dxdemetriou: Why do you want to do that - what are you trying to install?05:41
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ttyfsckerdxdemetriou:: thats not going to work the way your expecting..05:42
ttyfsckeryour trying to make a source tar ball into a deb package.. you need to just find a deb package to install, or compile the source.05:42
dxdemetriouThe new mplayer from the pool. I tried before with the kernel, and there was an option to separate the packages05:42
farous__dicesquirrel: is this config file recomended on help.ubuntu.com can you send me the page for i never seen two screens been defined having the same identifier before. my recommendation is to use an old reliable xorg.conf file05:43
gdbttyfscker: He's trying to compile a source package.05:43
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farous__dicesquirrel: it will take lot of time to debug this xorg.conf file05:43
ttyfsckergdb:: he said he wants to make it a deb package..05:43
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dicesquirrelfarous_: okay, clearly I thought this -was- the old reliable xorg.conf file. How do I create a new "old reliable xorg.conf" file05:44
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illovaehello :)05:44
dicesquirrelfarous_: and the page is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI05:44
zoidberghow do you remove applications from the terminal?05:44
Who_illovae: hi05:44
ttyfsckerapplications from the terminal?05:44
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zoidberghow do u remove a program that u installed from the terminal05:44
zoidbergi forget the command05:44
Who_zoidberg: the terminal provides access to all the applications on your computer05:44
zoidbergyou know removing packages from the terminal05:45
ttyfsckerzoidberg:: was it a deb package? or what?05:45
ttyfsckerzoidberg::  do you mean apt-get remove debname?05:45
Who_zoidberg: did you use a deb or compile it05:45
farous__dicesquirrel: i know what went wrong you do not need to execute all the commands each time you update your fglrx driver05:45
zoidbergi installed an application useing sudo apt-get install05:45
illovae:) excuse me but i have a pb with conky... i downloaded the .deb from debian website and a sudo dpkg-deb --control returns me 'error of segmentation'05:45
zoidbergnow i wanna remove it05:45
ic56zoidberg: apt-get delete <package name>05:45
illovaecan you help me ?05:45
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Who_zoidberg: sudo apt-get remove <packagename>05:45
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ic56zoidberg: no, wait. it's "remove" -- not "delete"05:45
farous__dicesquirrel: you run sudo aticonfig --initial only the first time you install the fglrx driver05:45
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ttyfsckercould have saved you all some typing anyway05:46
illovaei went on #conky and thet said to me that's a pb from my system :/05:46
ttyfsckeri asked if he meant apt-get remove debname05:46
elhaxxorzanyone know how to make a logitech cordless rumblepad 2 work in ubuntu?05:46
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Mikkashey there everyone ... i have windows XP installed, i was wondering .. in ubuntu --- i have  set up VMware (installed it) -- can i move the XP partition directly over to a VMware partition?05:46
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dicesquirrelfarous_: so how to I reconcile this now?05:47
dxdemetriouttyfscker, I try to learn from source code. I tried the "DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="--enable-gui" fakeroot debian/rules binary", but in apt there are different packages, and that is the reason I asked if I can use the 3 files from pool05:47
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skavengeanyway to ch ange the main menus font in gnome?05:47
ardchoilleHow do I enable console framebuffer mode?05:47
farous__dicesquirrel: you never backed up your xorg.conf file?05:47
whyameyecatphive: what sort of problem are you having?05:47
WoostaMikkas: no .. you have to install windows onto the VMWare as the hardware setup is different05:47
catphivemy lspci outputis here05:47
catphiveno sound05:47
Mikkashmm.. woosta, so ill lose all my settings?05:47
catphiveI have drivers I believe05:47
ttyfsckerdxdemetriou:: sounds like your use to slack or something05:48
Who_anyone around now with lots of lovely grub know-how?05:48
WoostaYou can mount it as an extra drive05:48
dxdemetriouttyfscker, the Dapper :)05:48
Mikkasis it easy?05:48
whyameyecatphive: I'm tuning in late. Did you already check the volume controls etc.?05:48
catphivefresh install without sound05:48
WoostaOr you might be able to 'repair' it .. though windows DRM might not let you05:48
catphivewell, I've checked the ones I know exist05:48
ttyfsckercatphive:: make sure that your volume levels are right in the mixer applet05:48
WoostaMikkas: add a new drive .. go through the expert setting to add an existing partition05:48
dicesquirrelfarous_: I've got several backups. So, I should take the original backup and...?05:48
catphivewhich mixer?05:48
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farous__dicesquirrel: post the original backup for me to look at it05:49
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ttyfsckercatphive::   do sudo apt-get install gnome-alsamixer05:49
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illovaek nevermind, thanks :)05:49
ivisHello,how to emulate program exe on wine Please help me05:49
regeyawine program.exe05:49
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elementis there a client like WinSCP for linux?05:50
dicesquirrelfarous_: http://pastebin.ca/9429305:50
zoidbergelinks is a web browser?05:50
illovaeyes zoidberg05:50
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ivisregeya could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\mirc616.exe": Module not found05:50
Asterisk_Newbiebye all, from Portugal05:50
wastreldicesquirrel:  just FYI, if there's an xorg.conf in your home directory, it takes precedence over the system xorg.conf in /etc/X1105:50
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dicesquirrelwastrel: there isn't05:51
phunkaliciousyou could try secpanel element, i never used it tho05:51
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regeyaivis oh my well that's just terrible.05:51
jhan100any peoples wants talk in the skype with me .. I really need pratice my english . . :D05:51
phunkaliciousit says its a gui for ssh and scp05:51
catphiveinstalling gnome alsa mixer then unmuting my pcm seemed to fix it05:51
catphiveI have no idea why though05:51
catphivewhat's pcm?05:51
ivisregeya why?05:51
elementphunkalicious, ok, thanks05:51
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ttyfsckerthe pcm being muted was the whole problem05:51
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catphivedidn't even see pcm anywhere else, or maybe I missed it05:52
ttyfsckerits the part of your sound card that processes the sounds that software uses on your pc05:52
farous__dicesquirrel: ok that is the first one good so for this one you can follow the wiki page to the end. for any new release for the ati driver stop the instructions at sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx05:52
ttyfsckerway up in the chat u will see that i told you to check that pcm wasnt turned off ;)05:52
catphivewhat's pcm?05:52
regeyaivis: not to put too fine a point on it, but once you've decided to run linux, I suggest you make an effort to use as much linux software as possible.  using the windows equivalents sounds wonderful in theory but really wine tends to be a bit fussy.05:52
farous__dicesquirrel: so for this one start from sudo aticonfig --initial to the end of the instructions05:52
Dark_Knight_209pm volume05:52
dicesquirrelfarous_: alright, I'll give it a spin. Fingers crossed!05:53
=== wheels3572 [n=wheels@dsl-69-50-49-12.pivot.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dark_Knight_209just not the master ^_^05:53
ivis ohh05:53
regeyaivis: http://insanity.swifthost.co.uk/host/?q=node/1305:53
wheels3572!automount > wheels357205:53
ubotuI know nothing about automount  - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:53
farous__dicesquirrel: before you start do not forget to cp te file as the new etc/X11/xorg.conf05:53
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Jack_Sparrowwheels3572: Do you need an mount script?05:53
=== zoidberg_ [n=zoidberg@ppp-69-208-145-76.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
zoidberg_wow elinks only works on the terminal05:54
linuxcrazyanyone know how to install libdvdcss on ubuntu (dapper)05:54
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zoidberg_any light web browser that doesnt work in the terminal out there?05:54
ivisregeya a how to run counter strike under linux?05:54
Jack_Sparrowwheels3572: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter05:54
Woostazoidberg .. a really old version of the current ones would probably run on X on 64MB05:54
regeyaivis: I've no idea.05:54
farous__zoidberg_: there was something called dillto or dilto can not remember is used by DSL05:55
WoostaPersonally, I'd go get more RAM .. it's damned cheap05:55
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wheels3572Jack_Sparrow: Thanks :)05:55
ivisohh anyway thanks for help05:55
Jack_Sparrowwheels3572: do you need to remove those mounts off the desktop05:55
zoidberg_cant find dillto or dilto on apt-get install05:56
Jack_SparrowI find them handy05:56
Dark_Knight_209counterstrike onlinux cedega &_&05:56
wheels3572Jack_Sparrow: I want to add partition to the desktop :) on autoboot05:56
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catphivewell thanks for your help. the sound problemis solved05:56
ic56zoidberg_: the trouble with "light" web browsers is they, by definition, cannot provide the full functionality.  People who want GUI want java and javascript and flash and xml and ...  A light GUI browser just isn't satisfactory so the GUI browsers keep having features added to them and getting bigger05:56
farous__zoidberg_: google what damen small linux use you will get the right name i do not remember it now05:56
Dark_Knight_209zoidberg, you mean dillo?05:56
Jack_Sparrowthat script will do it if it is ntfs, fat 3205:56
Mikkascan someone help me reconfigure what drives are automatically mounted when i start ubuntu -- pretty please :D05:56
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:57
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wheels3572Jack_Sparrow: It's fat3205:57
zoidberg_thats fine05:57
zoidberg_i gues i will just live with it05:57
Jack_Sparrowrun the script and restart X05:57
zoidberg_its not that bad05:57
zoidberg_thanx for the help anywyas05:57
zoidberg_here i have a more important problem05:57
Jack_Sparrowwheels3572: I know it says you dont, but you do05:57
Dark_Knight_209btw, the version of dillo on damn small linux is a patched version you may have to build from source is you want the tabs :-p05:57
Mikkascan someone help me reconfigure what drives are automatically mounted when i start ubuntu -- pretty please :D05:57
Jack_SparrowMikkas: what type of drives partitions05:58
zoidberg_ogle the DVD player crashes when i try to play a DVD...it goes to the FBI wanring screens and then just crashes05:58
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zoidberg_some guy the other day said that i dont have sveas or sceas distributions or something05:58
zoidberg_for DVD05:58
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zoidberg_can anyone help me?05:58
gleakenI cannot start a vnc server and get it to accept connections, I tried the howto on ubuntuforums I am using 3.3.7, not version 4 I am still getting 104 errors05:58
=== Anti-Tedd| [n=na@ool-457b37b6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mikkasi installed ubuntu, but forgot to plug in one sata disk05:58
ubotuSeveas has a semi-popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages05:58
ubotuI know nothing about hello - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:58
Jack_SparrowMikkas:  http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter05:58
Mikkasso the mp3s and docs etc dont auto mount05:58
Mikkasyeh i just read that05:59
farous__zoidberg_: look at ubotu post05:59
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Mikkaswhat do i do with that?05:59
Jack_SparrowMikkas: please explain once more what you want to do?05:59
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Mikkasi have a sata hdd, with ntfs partitions on it. i want them to be automatically mounted when i boot ubuntu06:00
Jack_SparrowMikkas: go to terminal, and do what that script says06:00
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file lists all drives and partitions that are mounted on the system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !partitions06:00
Jack_SparrowIT configures your fstab for you06:00
kyle_sorry every......im new........but are there any programs that run like MIRC does on windows06:01
Jack_SparrowMikkas: You do not intend to write to the NTFS drives? Correct?06:01
Mikkasxchat kyle06:01
Mikkasi like it06:01
Jack_SparrowKVirc, konversation06:01
wheels3572Jack_Sparrow: /dev/hda1 hda1 being the partition I will want to mount of course I am changing hda1 obviously06:01
roaetis there a way for me to change my ubuntu NTFS modules to the new one that allows writing?06:01
Mikkasim thinking of booting back to XP , to run partition magic to make all my ntfs to FAT3206:01
kyle_no there arent?06:01
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roaetmikkas if you do that you may mess up your partitions if they are greater than 32GB06:02
Jack_Sparrowwheels, did you run that script06:02
Mikkashmm, how come..06:02
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Mikkasi thought fat 32 had a massive max limit06:02
Darkprincequestion-- is it worthwhile to try and run 3D games in linux?06:02
roaetIt does.06:02
Xenguykyle_: xchat probably06:02
Mikkasyep xchat06:02
Mikkasits cool06:02
roaetIf you have NTFS partitions greater than 32 GB, then you can't even partition them to Fat3206:02
n3rdismi like gaim ^^06:03
wheels3572I actually have a different one which I used last time :) just found it06:03
Jack_SparrowMikkas: 4 gig file size06:03
Mikkasmax yeh06:03
Mikkasbut i dont have files that big06:03
Mikkasor vobs etc06:03
Mikkaswell either way06:03
zoidberg_sorry guys but i cant understand how to download these seveas packages for DVD libraries06:03
Mikkas i just want to mount my documents to get in ubuntu06:03
Mikkasill check that thing out now06:03
farous__zoidberg_: would be easier if you say what you want to do06:04
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zoidberg_hold on06:04
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zoidberg_where can i post the erro messages06:04
=== agamotto bows
zoidberg_pastebin? whats the address06:04
farous__!pastebin > zoidberg_06:04
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Mikkasdo i um... copy paste that mount page into the term??06:04
zoidberg_i'll paste the error i get when ogle crashes when i try to play a dvd06:04
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:04
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ubotuI know nothing about topic - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:05
agamottoI have a question regarding installing Dapper on AMD-64 - I keep getting errors with the cd image and the dvd image, claiming that the following has failed the MD5 checksum06:05
Jack_SparrowMikkas: No06:05
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pjfchas anypne installed wine on 64bit dapper 6.0606:05
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Mikkashmm... so theres no easy fix then.06:05
agamotto './dists/dapper/main/binary-amd-64/packages/'06:05
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agamottoThis has happened with three downloads from the Ubuntu servers and a DVD rom I purchased fro OSDisc.com... any clues?06:06
malvanyone here have any recommendations for an irda adaptor that works well under linux?06:06
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wheels3572Jack_Sparrow: What does this mean exactly Append the following line at the end of file  /dev/hda1    /media/windows vfat  iocharset=utf8,umask=000  0    006:06
pjfcDBO: do you know how to install wine on 64bit dapper 6.0606:06
malvI want to control MythTv with my remote06:06
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ic56Mikkas: did you say that drive of yours was SATA?06:06
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DBOpjfc, I dont know much of anything about 64bit actually06:06
DBOmalv, look into LIRC06:07
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DBOmalv, you can configure most every remote that way06:07
Mikkasits sata yes06:07
pjfcDBO: thanks anyway.  You were a big help about a month ago on another problem. thought I would try.06:07
malvI am familiar with LIRC. I need an Irda adaptor though06:07
=== CyDrive [n=owner@ool-18ba06b7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
CyDrivehow do i get the latest version of java06:07
malvI am wondering if anyone can vouch for any particular Irda adaptor06:08
ardchoilleI just installed links2, logged into tty1, ran links2 -g  and it shows all graphics in tty1. This is nice. However, it won't run as user, I had to run it with sudo. Anyone know why it won't run as user?06:08
barneyRanyone know how to setup a USB modem in Ubuntu 6?06:08
ardchoilleIt says: Error. Could not open /dev/tty0  Permission denied.06:08
ic56Mikkas: could you please satisfy my curiosity?  Run "sudo fdisk -l".  This lists all the known partitions.  The question is: does it detect teh SATA partitions or just the IDE ones?06:08
pjfcanybody know about wine on 64bit?06:08
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zoidberg_thats it guys plz help me06:08
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CyDrivepjfc: wine dosent work on 64bit06:08
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jbrimbleHow do I install Macromedia Flash in Ubuntu?06:09
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farous__!restrictedformats > zoidberg_06:09
sphorbisjbrimble: use add/remove06:09
zoidberg_what farous?06:09
Mikkasnothing is coming up06:09
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:09
Mikkasi have 2 x 320gig sata segates in there06:09
Mikkasive only got > coming up06:09
farous__zoidberg_: read ubotu post you need libdvdcss206:09
barneyRdoesn't that automix thing include macromedia flash?06:10
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zoidberg_okay where can i download that library06:10
Dial_tonemy download speeds in amule are just ridiculously slow06:10
sphorbisi can't get my laptop to connect to the internet, it shows that its connected to the network but it doesnt go anywhere06:10
Jack_SparrowSorry guys I had to answer the door..06:10
farous__zoidberg_: follow ubotu link there are important inform you need on the site too06:10
ic56Mikkas: hmmm ok.  thanks06:10
jbrimbleI can't see Flash in add/remove06:11
Jack_Sparrowwheels3572: that means add it to the last line in that file06:11
ardchoille!info flash06:11
ubotuPackage flash does not exist in dapper06:11
wheels3572Jack_Sparrow: Ok ty :)06:11
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pjfcCyDrive: on the wine sight it says there is a way, but having know luck.  http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit?highlight=%28wineon64bit%2906:11
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sphorbisjbrimble: try using automatix06:11
Jack_Sparrowwheels3572: Edit your fstab06:11
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.06:11
ubotuI know nothing about networking - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:12
CyDrivepjfc: chec out crossover for now trust me its much better and so much easier06:12
baboanyone here have lots of curl experience ?06:12
ic56Mikkas: I don't think the diskmounter script will work for you.  It relies on fdisk -l.  The new version being worked on by Seveal should but he hasn't published that one yet.06:12
=== storm [n=storm@c-68-37-153-203.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FunnyLookinHatHow do I do a "complete removal" (like in synaptic) via the console?06:12
pjfcjbrimble: are you using 64bit?06:12
Mikkasok thanks.06:12
stormHow do I open a BIN file?06:12
DBOFunnyLookinHat, sudo apt-get remove --purge package06:12
ubotuI know nothing about squid - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:12
Mikkasi guess its back to XP to listen to music then06:12
FunnyLookinHatDBO, sw33t ty06:12
pjfcCyDrive thanks, do you have a URL06:12
ic56Mikkas: bug him about it...  /msg memoserv send seveas <your text>06:12
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Jack_SparrowMikkas: I run sata drives here and diskmounter worked fine06:12
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ic56Mikkas: he'll get it when he wakes up06:12
Mikkasmeh its all good.06:13
jbrimblepjfc: no06:13
CyDrivepjfc: http://www.codeweavers.com/products/download_trial/06:13
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CyDriveits only a trial though trust me its way better than wine06:13
FunnyLookinHatDBO, ok so why after I run sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server I can "locate mysql" and get a ton of results?  :)06:13
Darkprinceis it possible to get games such as World of Warcraft to run decently in linux?06:13
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ic56Jack_Sparrow: really?  What does "sudo fdisk -l" report on your box?  Do the partitions on the SATA drives show up?06:13
Mikkascant i just use something like gparted and allocate a drive mount>?06:13
agamottoDarkprince:  Yes, using Cedega06:14
stormHow do I open a keygen?06:14
Mikkasim looking for an idiot fix06:14
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DBOFunnyLookinHat, because the locate database hasnt been updated06:14
slavikWhen I try to install Ubuntu on my main system, when the partitioner tries to load, it freezes at 50%. The drive which I want to install ubuntu onto is a sATA drive connectedto a Sil3114 controller. Other drives (main/windows) are connected to aPromise Ultra133X2 card (dual channel ATA133 controller).06:14
tophorCan someone help me with a question?06:14
FunnyLookinHatDBO, yea I did, sudo updatedb06:14
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:14
Darkprinceagamotto, i just got cedega... havn't trouble installing atm though06:14
FunnyLookinHatDBO, strange, huh?06:14
slavikanyone wants to hear something funny?06:15
Jack_Sparrowic it shows all up to sda606:15
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CyDriveslavik: i had this problem re-download the iso and re-burn it on a new cd and try that06:15
tophorI'm sitting on a 5.10 Live , and I need to install it....but I don't see an install button.....and I've updated.....06:15
DBOFunnyLookinHat, perhaps you have other packages and dependancies still installed with mysql related items06:15
Jack_Sparrowic56:  it shows all up to sda606:15
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slavikflash player 7 under wine is better than flash player 6 in native linux06:15
slavikCyDrive: could it be the slightly outdated kernel?06:15
ic56Jack_Sparrow: Interesting.  Thanks!06:15
Jack_SparrowMikkas: I gave you the idiot fix06:15
Jack_Sparrowic56: np works great06:15
stormHow do I execute a linux keygen?06:15
Mikkasheh ok06:15
primalyoda, i hope you're still around...06:15
Mikkashow about reading and writing then?06:16
Genericstorm, wine?06:16
hyperstreamagamotto, how can i access cedega's registery ?06:16
primalmy display is screwed... :(06:16
stormGeneric: its for nix06:16
tophoranyone? How can I hard install the live 5.10 ubuntu i'm working on right now.....possible?06:16
Jack_SparrowMikkas: go to that link with browser, save page to your hard drive06:16
Genericstorm, if it's a script of some sort06:16
primalit's working now in recovery mode, but will not display when i boot normally06:16
CyDriveslavik: no one of the files was corrupted on the disk open the live disk and use the check funtion where you can choose to boot into the live cd or install in that menu theres an option to check cd see if its the cd cause it most liely is06:16
Genericyou can try a chmod +x on it06:16
Genericand then ./06:16
Jack_SparrowMikkas: read the simple instructions06:16
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agamottohyperstream:  I have no idea.  Cedega has been nice enough to just work for me06:16
FunnyLookinHattophor, you can only install from the liveCD with the 6.06 liveCD (Dapper Drake)06:16
stormGeneric: kk, let me try06:16
primalwill anyone else help me with this?06:16
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Genericstorm, what's the extension on it?06:17
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stormGeneric: doesnt have one06:17
cobelloyhi, anyone know why the sound would stop working on my laptop when the network is active?06:17
tophorOh no......are you positive.....No terminal commands?06:17
tophorCan I install espresso manually?06:18
tophorand get this live hard copied06:18
Darkprincewhy is it that when some programs are using my speakers, all other sound is disabled?06:18
=== wheels3572 [n=wheels@dsl-69-50-49-12.pivot.net] has joined #ubuntu
RedGhostwhat is a good linux debugger (prefer an IDE), that supports Intel syntax output (at&t is fugly)???06:18
pjfcCyDrive: if you install a web browser named Flock (based on Firefox) you can install the linux flash ver. 706:18
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cobelloyI have a usb network adapter and onboard sound that doesnt work when the network is active06:18
nnwhat's the release name of the newest release such that i can update my sources.lst? :)06:18
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stormGeneric: no luck there06:19
wheels3572Got a REALLY Stupid question lol.  My trashbin has moved to the left of the work space windows how do I move it back to the far right06:19
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stormwheels3572: drag it?06:19
Genericstorm, then i'm not sure :/06:19
cobelloyalso when sound is working it is not very good quality06:19
bimberinn: if you have hoary you should upgrade to breezy first, then dapper06:19
stormGeneric: ty anyway06:19
Genericno problem06:19
wheels3572storm: it opens it06:19
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tophorcan I install espresso or installer manually to the 5.10 live session?06:19
wheels3572storm:  Doesn't move it lol06:19
nnbimberi: it's a server install with a very minimal of packages06:19
Genericwheels3572, ctrl+click06:19
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sidny4how do I make ubuntu display at 1200x800?06:19
stormwheels3572: is it locked?06:19
Genericor use the selection mark to select it06:20
hyperstreamagamotto, gah wow installer wont work says not enough free space06:20
CyDriveojfc: see but i dont trust anything but firefox it has yet to let me down so why change06:20
bimberinn: yes, i saw your question in another #ubuntu channel :)06:20
primaldoes anyone here know why my display would quit working after i put in a ati vid card, installed the ati driver, and reconfigured xorg?06:20
wheels3572storm:  How can I tell if it's locked06:20
hyperstreamwhen infact there is 16 gigs free on my home partition06:20
nnbimberi rawk :)06:20
wheels3572Storm:  Nope it's NOT locked06:20
stormGeneric: if i give you the link could you try it?06:20
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pjfcjbrimble: try Flock http://www.flock.com06:20
stormwheels3572: no clue then , srry06:20
lufisCan someone be a dear and help me install clearlooks-cairo?06:21
wheels3572Storm:  Got it the workspace was locked lol06:21
zoidberg_hey farous i installed the stuff that it wanted me to and i think it worked only for a while06:21
wheels3572had to unlock workspace :)06:21
zoidberg_now i think i get an error saying i'm missing this06:21
stormwheels3572: there ya go06:21
zoidberg_FATAL[ogle_audio] : failed opening the oss audio driver at /dev/dsp06:21
zoidberg_ctrl: ipc_rmid: Invalid argument06:21
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barneyRanyone know how you can get firefox to autofill User Name/Passwored in Ubuntu Forums?06:21
tophorAnybody? It's 100% not possible to install my live 5.10 session to hard drive.........? Can't I install something to do it?06:21
Ashexstorm, what's the link?06:21
stormlufis: what is that?06:21
AshexI'm generic, i'm just on my laptop06:21
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RedGhostwhat is a good linux debugger (prefer an IDE), that supports Intel syntax output ???06:21
primaldoes anyone here know why my display would quit working after i put in a ati vid card, installed the ati driver, and reconfigured xorg?06:21
zoidberg_did you get that guys06:21
zoidberg_oss audio driver?06:21
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zoidberg_ogle syas i have some probelm or something with that06:22
farous__zoidberg_: stop any device that is using the sound06:22
tophorI'm sitting on updates......160 megs.....06:22
Mikkasok guys thanks, keep it up!06:22
zoidberg_i install libdvdcss2 or whatever it was called06:22
Mikkasviva la bunt06:22
zoidberg_farous i'm pretty sure i have nothing open06:22
zoidberg_i have x-chat....terminal....and firefox06:22
zoidberg_thast it06:22
farous__zoidberg_: seem ogle is using the old oss which mean it will need exclusive right to your sound dev06:22
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primalplease someone... i screwed my display on normal boot and would like to get it working again06:23
zoidberg_by the way i am on a powerpc....g3 powerbook06:23
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farous__zoidberg_: try ls /dev/dsp06:23
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tophorI don't want to download another cd......when I've already downloaded 600 meg for 5.10 live......isn't there some way to hard install it? A technical way? Anybody? Can I install a program? Can I update my session with an installer?06:23
cobelloyso - anyone know why my laptop sound wont work with the usb network adapter active?06:24
sidny4how do you change the resolution? it only shows 640x480-1024x768. I would like it to be 1200x80006:24
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tophorsidny4, are you using a live?06:24
sidny4nope, it's installed06:24
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zoidberg_well i just see /dev/dsp with a black hightlight again06:24
zoidberg_when i type that in terminal06:24
primalsidny4, can't you add resolutions in the xorg.conf?06:24
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farous__zoidberg_: good now def something is using your sound dev type lsof /dev/dsp06:25
sidny4is that where you add it?06:25
slowz3rhey  where can i get plugins to handlge Mp3s  on gnomebaker06:25
hyperstreamwhere is the trash can ?06:25
primali think so, yes06:25
tophoranybody? Install my live 5.10 that I'm working on......I updated it thinking I might find a way to hard install it.......so can I get another impossible....or possible?06:25
sidny4where is xorg.conf, etc/?06:25
primalyes /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:25
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farous__sidny4: you can also try locate xorg.conf06:26
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slowz3rhey  where can i get plugins to handlge Mp3s  on gnomebaker06:26
primalwill someone help me with my display issues?06:26
Ballsywastrel, you still here?06:26
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hyperstreamive deleted items and it didnt free up space. where do i find the trash can ?06:26
farous__hyperstream: the folder is .Trash06:27
tophorPlease, does anyone know about installing from live 5.10. Cryptic methods?06:27
slowz3rhey  where can i get plugins to handlge Mp3s  oin gnomebaker06:27
primaldoes no one in here know about display issues?06:27
testany networking help available?06:27
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Ballsytest, what kind of networking help ?06:27
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primaldoes anyone here know why my display would quit working after i put in a ati vid card, installed the ati driver, and reconfigured xorg?06:28
zoidberg_hey farous...you were right there was some app using my sound device06:28
zoidberg_now it works fine06:28
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testBallsy: I am trying to set things up so my minimal machine can work off of my main mmachine while I am using it. In other words dual logins in seperate xsessions.06:28
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zoidberg_hey can u give me that link again where there was infor for lindvdcss06:28
farous__zoidberg_: cool06:28
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:29
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gr33npho3nixso webmin is gone? anybody know if there was a good reason why06:29
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primalwill someone help me with my display issues?06:29
Ballsytest, beats me, sorry.06:29
testBallsy: Thanks anyways :)06:30
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humanpersonmanprimaly, have you tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:30
mamilo_chagasHi everyone... I'm new to linux and I'm trying to install a second ethernet card on my pc but I can't install the drivers... any hints??06:30
primalyes several times06:30
primaland i leave it on defaults06:31
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BallsyAnyone have good luck with SIS 760 vid chipsets when running Dapper LiveCD?  It freezes a while, then dumps me to a blank screen after 'configuring some drivers...ok' with blinking cursor.06:31
humanpersonmanmamilo, have you tried to just put it in and then go. When I installed a new one it just worked06:31
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primaleven tried vesa. i still get no display on normal boot06:31
mamilo_chagasnot working..06:31
farous__primal: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:31
duffydhello all, I may be stupid (and I'm not discounting this option) but is there a location on the web where I can search the ubuntu repositories (i.e. like for Debian)?06:31
mamilo_chagasthe pc doesn't "see" the card...06:32
primali only get a display when i boot gdm from recovery mode06:32
FunnyLookinHatOk, if I paste a link to my syslog, anyone here think they might know how to fix my mysql-server?06:32
humanpersonmanduffyd, in the firefox that comes with ubuntu, there is a search engine alread built in06:32
XorlevFunnyLookinHat: What's the error?06:32
primalfarous__: been down that road many times06:32
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duffydhumanpersonman, thanks a lot (now I'm blushing) ;-)06:32
humanpersonmanduffyd, else go here http://packages.ubuntu.com/06:32
primaloh, i wish it was so simple!06:33
farous__primal: might be something in your home dir06:33
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farous__if gdm starts06:33
duffydhumanpersonman, thanx a mill. Can't understand why google wouldn't show those up06:33
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FunnyLookinHatXorlev, well, in console i get an elongated version of "Can't connect to lcoal Mysql server through socket. etc. etc. et"06:33
duffydor why there's no info on the support pages/wikis (that I could find)06:33
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mamilo_chagashuman, I've tried to download the drivers, but I can't seen to find the proprer ones for realtek rtl8139...06:33
stormAshex: you there?06:33
primalsuch as? my display was working fine until i switched to an ati driver for my ati vid card06:33
FunnyLookinHatXorlev, tells me to checkout syslog, here it is:  http://ridgehkr.com/syslog06:33
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duffydthanks all. My first experience on this channel has been great06:34
stormCan someone tell me how to open this file? http://www.crackserver.com/pages_cracks/Parallels.Workstation.v2.1.1658.Incl.Keymaker.EMBRACE.zip.htm06:34
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ardchoilleIs this #ubuntu-unregged?06:34
farous__primal: do not set the kernel to use framebuffer when you try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:34
humanpersonmanmamilo_chagas, i can't help you there, hardware is not exactly my forte06:34
XorlevFunnyLookinHat: Looks like you're trying to run mysql as a normal user.06:34
slowz3rwhat is a good burning program that will convewrt mp3 to wav  too06:34
mamilo_chagasAnyone, any ideas??06:35
primalfarous__: i tried that too. i told it no and then yes06:35
primalneither seem to work06:35
farous__slowz3r: i use sox06:35
FunnyLookinHatXorlev, ....  really?  I'm doing sudo ./mysql start06:35
ardchoilleslowz3r: grip will rip to wave and then comvert to mp3 if you install lame06:35
primali installed the fglrx driver06:35
FunnyLookinHatXorlev, and it's a default install with sudo apt-get install mysql-serve06:35
XorlevFunnyLookinHat: Are the data files chowned to the user the actual daemon runs as?06:35
SnookKillHello, newbie to Linux, tried Ubuntu Live CD but could not get wireless, I then trid Kanotix and I have 90%06:35
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primalhow can i change to another driver?06:35
SnookKillof all functions06:35
primalmaybe the default ati driver?06:35
XorlevI'm seeing this over and over:06:35
XorlevJul 20 23:46:51 server mysqld[8758] : 060720 23:46:51  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.06:36
XorlevJul 20 23:46:51 server mysqld[8758] : InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to06:36
XorlevJul 20 23:46:51 server mysqld[8758] : InnoDB: the directory.06:36
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SnookKillI now wonder what is the difference between Ubuntu and Kanotix and I looking for reason to switch06:36
mamilo_chagassupposed i've got the tar.gz file qith the driver, how to compile in ubuntu 6.06?06:36
=== storm [n=storm@c-68-37-153-203.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
FunnyLookinHatXorlev, all I did was sudo apt-get install mysql-server      so I am sure they permissions should be set correct06:36
XorlevThat means it doesn't have the privileges to open the InnoDB data files, and possibly the MyISAM ones too if it can't get at the directory.06:36
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primalfarous__: what's the default ati driver?06:37
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slowz3rfarous__, where can i get sox..06:37
farous__primal: ati06:37
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XorlevThis is precisely the reason I compile mine from source and control every step of the installation...check out the permissions. They might be wrong.06:37
farous__slowz3r: it is in the repos06:37
godzigsun-java5-plugin installed and reinstalled still no applets. firefox still gives me the missing plugin sign. any other ideas? tried deleting pluginreg.dat, no love.06:37
primalyou wouldn't happen to know the command for that would you?06:37
XorlevAlso... Jul 21 00:11:30 server mysqld[9447] : 060721  0:11:30 [Warning]  One can only use the --user switch if running as root06:37
slowz3rfarous__, mkay06:38
XorlevThat makes me think it isn't being run as root.06:38
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primalsudo apt-get install xorg-driver-ati ???06:38
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto06:38
farous__it should be installed by default primal06:38
farous__now  back to my movie take care all06:38
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primalbut when i run the reconfigure, i choose ati and i still get no display. what up with that?06:39
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humanpersonmangodzig, type about:plugins in firefox to see if it is installed06:39
primalit obviously works sometimes b/c i'm in recovery mode and it's working now06:40
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godzighuman, firefox doesn't see it.06:40
primalhumanpersonman: any idea why my display only works when i start gdm in recovery mode?06:41
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humanpersonmangodzig, do ls /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins06:41
humanpersonmanin that there should be a libjavaplugin.so06:41
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zoidberg_hey guys i have ubuntu dapper on my desktop too06:42
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zoidberg_for the longest time i've been trying to get a USB wireless adapter to work on it06:42
godzighuman: true.06:42
zoidberg_i got NDISWRAPPER to install the driver06:42
zoidberg_but it says cant find hardware06:42
zoidberg_any suggestions?06:43
zoidberg_it is a 2Wire Usb Adapter06:43
humanpersonmangodzig, so you have libjavaplugin.so, but it still isn't working?06:43
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primalhumanpersonman: any idea why my display only works when i start gdm in recovery mode?06:44
godziglooks like the about:plugins is only listing the plugins that are in my .mozilla/firefox/ folder06:44
humanpersonmanprimal, no, not good with hardware06:44
primalhumanpersonman: thanks anyway06:44
primalanybody else have any idea why my display only works when i start gdm in recovery mode?06:44
zoidberg_can anyone help me get a 2Wire wireless USB adapter to work on dapper...i've installed the driver but it says that it cant find hardware06:45
girl_inherengel nak SMP bkn?06:45
gr33npho3nixzoidberg_: sounds like installed the wrong file06:45
zoidberg_you think06:45
zoidberg_i tried installing the .ini and .sys file06:45
gr33npho3nixzoidberg_: if you are using the right drivers06:46
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zoidberg_but both times it says cant find hardware06:46
zoidberg_well i go to windows06:46
humanpersonmangodzig, I don't think there is supposed to be plugins in that directory, but if there is and that is where it is reading it from for some reason, just copy over the plugins from that directory I just gave you to the other plugin directory06:46
gr33npho3nixzoidberg_: is there possibley more than one ini or sys06:46
zoidberg_and i check the driver file it is using for the adapter06:46
zoidberg_and i copied that same file and brought it over to ndiswrapper06:46
gr33npho3nixoh ok06:46
zoidberg_and installed it06:46
zoidberg_but says cant find hardware06:46
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primali'm really resorting to begging here... please please please someone help me with my display problems06:47
humanpersonmanprimal, try the forums06:47
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zoidberg_doubt its gonna work06:47
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zoidberg_anyone know if COUNTERSTRIKE works on linux?06:48
Toma-zoidberg: yep06:48
zoidberg_really...how...1,6...source...or both?06:48
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ToHellWithGAi need to kill a process.  i want to kill gaim since i'm not at my PC and run naim.  how can i figure out which process is gaim and kill it?06:48
zoidberg_type top in terminal06:48
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dliToHellWithGA, pkill -9 gaim06:49
zoidberg_you will get a list of all the processes running at the moment06:49
humanpersonmantohellwithga, should be obvious in the system monitor06:49
Toma-zoidberg: http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Steam06:49
zoidberg_and then look for gaim and its process id06:49
purserjToHellWithGA, : killall gaim should do the trick06:49
dliToHellWithGA, you may have to install pkill first06:49
ToHellWithGAhumanpersonman: i'm ssh'd06:49
zoidberg_then you can type kill -KILL processid06:49
ToHellWithGAthanks yall.  i'll try pkill06:49
zoidberg_try top if that doesnt work06:49
ToHellWithGAhow can i search active processes to find the right id in the terminal?06:49
zoidberg_type top06:49
ToHellWithGAthanks zoidberg_06:49
zoidberg_no prob06:49
hawkaloogieToHellWithGA, ps -A | grep "gaim"06:50
zoidberg_i love the fre give and take environnet06:50
zoidberg_i swear ubuntu has the best support06:50
zoidberg_i LOVE YOU ALL!!!06:50
=== iGotNoTime [n=iGotNoTi@cpe-65-189-240-199.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-zoidberg: np!06:50
hawkaloogiei wonder if there's a law against IRC drunkenness06:50
Toma-hawkaloogie: theres a law against irc spamming (results in bans) and drunkenness makes you 10x more likely to be a PITA.06:51
DarkprinceToHellWithGA, you can also do " ps auxcf | grep gaim" and then "kill -9 " and the process ID06:51
iGotNoTimedoes anyone know if Rhythmbox is enought o sync with an MP3 player or do I need amarok?06:51
ToHellWithGAthanks guys, top let me find the process id06:51
ToHellWithGAand kill # did the trick :)06:52
hawkaloogieToHellWithGA, or you could just killall -9 "gaim"06:52
zoidberg_anyone know how to run COUNTERSTRIKE on lonux06:52
phunkaliciouswine or cedega06:52
phunkaliciouscheck the forums theres howtos06:52
Darkprincezoidberg, i would use cedega06:52
Toma-zoidberg: http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Steam06:52
Toma-see that website06:52
phunkaliciousit's going to be a pain in the ass however you do it06:52
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phunkaliciousand teamspeak is just >_< on linux06:53
Darkprincei'm in the process of installing WoW so i don't have to keep booting windows to play06:53
Darkprinceteamspeak does blow in linux06:53
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dauoalagiohello when i try to install ubuntu, it restarts my computer.  any ideas? its like a cycle06:53
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Darkprincewhen i have some programs running, i don't get any sound from other programs. is there a way to fix it?06:54
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godzighuman: copying that malarky into the .mozilla/plugins folder installed just about everything EXCEPT java. So still there is a libjavaplugin.so but no java in about:plugins06:54
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Darkprincegodzig, something that i've found is kind of a fixall for most basic things anyway is easyubuntu06:55
XorlevI just followed that guide today, Toma. Except with Cedega. Works like a dream, though some shading and alpha meshes are messed up.06:55
XorlevLike floor grates for balconies, or barrels in dark areas.06:56
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XorlevHL2 + Linux == <306:56
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Toma-Xorlev: i dont play CS :D im too l33t. ;)06:57
Darkprinceis there a way to fix it so that when i run some programs, they don't mute the sound from all my other programs?06:57
XorlevI play HL2:DM.06:57
Toma-Anyone use ekiga? I cant get the ***tard to connect to other users. 500@ekiga.net works however.06:58
=== ironfroggy [n=calvin@c-68-83-47-56.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ironfroggyi used easyubuntu to install flash, but audio isnt working for it, tho its functioning otherwise.06:58
ironfroggyim running kde, so the sound probably needs to get through artsd?06:58
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Toma-ironfroggy: youre using firefox i presume?06:59
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Toma-ironfroggy: hummm. i thin k you need to make firefox stop using oss and start using artsd... how, im not sure06:59
nin----jaaa...what is a good program to encode  different fileformats..like M-3 to wave???06:59
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Toma-nin----jaaa: m-3?07:00
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dauoalagioeverytime i press enter on the installation screen, it restarts my computer. any ideas07:00
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harisundHello everyone. What do file permissions mean for directories?07:00
nin----jaaaToma-, mp3**07:00
SYSDmgwhos allowed to execute/read/write to files07:00
Toma-nin----jaaa: soundconvertor is in the repos and does a good job07:00
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Toma-SYSDmg: depends on the files permissions?07:01
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nevynharisund: x means list contents w means create and r means access files by name07:01
harisundSYSDmg I mean, what does execute permission for a directory mean?07:01
ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://www.tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html - file permissions are explained at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux07:01
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nin----jaaaToma-, how would i get it im a linux noob..lol..07:01
Toma-!info soundconvertor07:02
ubotuPackage soundconvertor does not exist in dapper07:02
Toma-!info soundconverter07:02
ubotusoundconverter: simple sound converter application for GNOME. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.8.3-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 32 kB, installed size 216 kB07:02
harisundnevyn that means if a folder is r and not x, I can read a file but not overwrite it there?07:02
Toma-nin----jaaa: have you enabled universe in Synaptic?07:02
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nin----jaaaToma-, how would i check07:03
purserjanyone familiar with the usplash source?07:04
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nin----jaaaToma-, ?07:04
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Toma-nin----jaaa: run "sudo apt-get install soundconverter" and if it doesnt install, then you dont have universe enabled07:04
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nevynharisund: if you don't have w you can't write.. hrm... dunno test.07:05
nin----jaaaToma-, got it thanks..i was bein dumb and had synaptic open wihile runnin the command07:05
nevynif you don't have w on the directory you can't create...07:05
harisundnevyn that info page that ubotu pointed me was awesome .. I found out .. thanks :)07:05
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ic56harisund: execute perm on a directory is used as search permision.07:06
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harisundah .. that makes more sense ..07:06
ic56harisund: it means you cannot open files within that directory, though you can see their filenames.07:07
harisundyes.. I am getting the picture now . :)07:07
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lampshadeI've always wondered if they were ever going to add a delete flag.... because I find that a lot of times it would be nice to be able to write, but still not delete....07:08
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lampshadeI think this was discussed once in the industry but nothing came of it07:09
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nin----jaaaToma-, what does it mean when it says no tags in soundconvertor07:09
Toma-nin----jaaa: means you dont have any infomation tags (artist, album name) in the file07:09
nin----jaaaToma-, so it wont convert07:10
Toma-nin----jaaa: it wont? whats it saying?07:10
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nin----jaaaToma-, nothing07:10
Toma-nin----jaaa: so whats the error?07:11
nin----jaaaToma-, it doesnt say anything..when i hit the convert button nothing happens07:11
Toma-nin----jaaa: have you installed the mp3 codec?07:12
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Zupremhey, i need some help, too: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1849507:13
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zoredache_awayZuprem: is this a web server you run?07:14
jeff2I'm trying to setup gpsd to use an MS GPS-360 connected via /dev/ttyUSB0. I can read the device using cat and see the GPS coordinates, but gpsd gives this output: http://rafb.net/paste/results/xPHNcR34.html07:14
Zupremno, it's not mine. but if there are any modifications to the server that need to be done, i can talk to the administrator07:15
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primalhello again...07:15
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ic56lampshade: extra attributes were added that provide the "delete flag" functionality you mention.  man chattr and lsattr07:16
beernutzhow do you configure sound cards in ubuntu?07:16
zoredache_awayyou probably should create a data directory seperate from your program directory, and adjust the ownership so that it is you:www-data the permissions set to 77507:16
primalquestion: i just typed "sudo  aticonfig --initial --overlay-type=Xv" and got this error message:07:16
primalWarning: Option 'VideoOverlay' doesn't affect running session.07:16
primalWarning: Option 'OpenGLOverlay' doesn't affect running session.07:16
primalUsing /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:16
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primalwhat do the warnings mean?07:17
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lampshadeprimal: just that, changes won't take affect during this session, you will have to restart X  (ctrl+alt+bkspce) or if you don't want to do that, restart the whole machine  though restarting just X is much faster07:18
zoredacheI suspect they mean that you need to restart your X session primal, or perhaps run the setup in a console... it is just a guess07:18
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primalah... makes sense then07:18
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jumbersSomebody should do something to get Adobe to release Flash 9 for Linux07:19
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jumbersFlash player*07:19
lampshadeyeah no kidding07:19
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zoredachedo you have a suggestion of what we could do jumbers ?07:19
dibblegosometimes an application somehow holds onto the sound so that no other application can use the sound, even after I close the original application - can I resolve it without a reboot?07:19
cycomzoredache: hostage situation would be right out.07:19
lampshadewhen that came out I lost viewing abilities on a lot of sites.  They switched over and I've been screwed since.  I hope the reverse engineered versions of flash actually beat Adobe to it, that would rule so hard haha07:20
zoredachepersonally I think we should yell at all the web developers that choose to use flash907:20
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jumbersAdobe is the problem though07:20
jumbersThey release Windows/Mac stuff months and months before Linux07:20
jumbersBecause they don't care07:20
VilkacisOdd problem: su does not work. Fresh install. I put in the password for my main account, the only account I made, and I get an Authentication failure.07:21
jumbersYou need to change the root password07:21
cycomVilkacis: did you set up sudoers?07:21
VilkacisIt does at least apologize. That's nice.07:21
cycomVilkacis: ohhhh07:21
VilkacisNo and ??07:21
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jumbershttp://www.ubuntuguide.org tells you how to change the root password07:21
cycomVilkacis: Forgot this is ubuntu.  talk to jumbers.07:21
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:21
Vilkaciscycom: What is sudoers?07:21
cycomVilkacis: the people that can use sudo.  I was thinking of the wrong command.07:22
Vilkaciscycom: Ah. How do I change the root password, then? I was told, I think, that it was the one I entered when I installed.07:22
jumbersVilkacis: Go to Ubuntuguide.org07:22
jumbersIt tells you how07:22
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ic56Vilkacis: in Ubuntu, root does not have a password07:22
ic56Vilkacis: instead, you use the command "sudo" to gain root privileges07:23
jumbersFollow this link http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_set.2Fchange.2Fenable_root_user_password07:23
VilkacisI do, but that only works for 1 command line.07:23
naliothVilkacis: it is not advised that you change the root pass, Ubuntu was designed to use the sudo model07:23
jumbersRoot does have a password if you set one07:23
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ic56Vilkacis: "sudo su" will get you a root shell07:23
naliothic56: please do not advise that07:23
naliothVilkacis: use sudo -i for a super user shell07:24
Vilkacisic56: ...that is confusing and brilliant. XD07:24
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naliothic56: sudo su is redundant and can break things07:24
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VilkacisAnd I think it is what the friend of mine who originally suggested Ubuntu did, when I first had this problem.07:24
ic56nalioth: really?  What can it break?07:24
lampshadewait what's the difference between those two?  between sudo -i and sudo su?07:24
VilkacisBut I got the password set, so thank you.07:24
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naliothic56: lampshade sudo is "superuser do" <action> and 'su' is switch user (to root)07:25
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gavagaiso what can it break?07:25
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:25
naliothread the URL, please07:25
NoNameanyone know if the IPEVO Skype Free -1 USB Phone works in ubuntu? if not has anyone used a usb microphone in ubuntu and skype successfully?07:25
Shadow_pillarNoName: you can give it a whirl07:25
Darkprincewhen i install a game using cedega, where does it actually install the files?07:25
ic56nalioth: I am well familiar with both su and sudo.  But you claim the usage "sudo su" can break things.  This I am not familiar with.  Please englighten me.07:26
Shadow_pillarNoName: most USB stuff has worked for me07:26
Darkprincein the cedega folder?07:26
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hyperstreamim copying 400 meg file off my cd, it started out at 8 mins ETA, then after 5 mins i checked back and it said 9 mins , checked back again after 10 mins of waiting and its not saying 11 mins eta????07:26
Shadow_pillarNoName: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ubuntuforums.org%2Fshowthread.php%3Fp%3D637146&ei=eWXARMeJCs_GYM3P7W8&sig2=Zp-ZpI0KPxzSJsOorD85vg07:26
VilkacisAnyone have any idea what the 'make' command does? Possibly something to do with Subversion? I am knee-deep in tutorials that give instructions but do not actually tell you what you are doing at the time.07:26
lampshadelampshade: well I knew what sudo was, that it was superuser do... but what's the diff between sudo -i something and sudo su...  what differences does that cause?  what's the diff between sudo something and sudo -i something?  well that I could look in the man pages, but what about the diff between being sudo this and sudo su then something. I've noticed I have more access when doing sudo su and then a command07:27
NoNameshadow_pillar : I bought a logitech usb mic and could not get it to work under skype+ubuntu07:27
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Shadow_pillarNoName: because ubuntu sees it as a new sound card07:27
zoredacheMake runs a set of commands defined in the Makefile07:27
lampshadeVilkacis: make is a programming tool, basically it reads the makefile and that makefile has instructions on how to compile stuff.  Basically a shorthand so that a lot of other commands are done automatically.07:27
Shadow_pillarNoName: tbh, you're best off using a normal mic07:27
Shadow_pillara headset, etc07:28
jumbersWhere can I get a tutorial on building Cedega? (I don't want to pay to get the packages)07:28
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=== Shadow_pillar doesn't get the point of usb mics
Vilkacislampshade: OK. I type 'make' and nothing happens. It does not think it's a command.07:28
ic56Vilkacis: the make command is used to run list of compiler executions and handle dependencies between different pieces of the software to be compiled.07:28
ironfroggyis there a way to pipe a file to gzip or bzip2, and just see what the final size would be without writing it anywhere?07:28
NoNameshadowpillar : I sent it back in search for something else, and I did much troubleshooting on it, even skype hijacker, and I can't use normal mic because my sound card is broke07:28
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zoredacheVilkacis is make installed you may need 'apt-get install build-essintial'07:28
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lampshadeoh, then you need to have it installed is all.  run the command sudo apt-get install build-essentials07:28
lampshadeerr essintial07:28
naliothic56: Ubuntu was designed for the sudo model, lots of users have been through here after enabling the root password with broken system (various things don't understand that "root" is active after the pass is reset)07:29
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hyperstreamim copying 400 meg file off my cd, it started out at 8 mins ETA, then after 5 mins i checked back and it said 9 mins , checked back again after 10 mins of waiting and its not saying 11 mins eta????07:29
Shadow_pillarNoName: that link I posted shows where you can set up the usb mic, though, you'd prolly be better off trying to get a usb soundcard instead.07:29
VilkacisExcellent. It is installing.07:29
Shadow_pillarNoName: if that's your cup of tea07:29
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Shadow_pillarNoName: on a laptop?07:29
nn_yay.. almost successful upgrade.. but how do i hold back the lvm2 package to the currently installed version during the dist-upgrade? there's for some reason an error installing the new package, well unpacking it07:29
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NoNameno its a desktop07:30
nn_I dont even use lvm so it's immaterial to me whether i have lvm2 support atm or not07:30
nn_i dont like LVM07:30
tritiumjmspeex: that's normal07:30
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ic56nalioth: what you just said doesn't answer my question.  I conclude that you have evidence that "sudo su" has some unexpected side-effect which "sudo -i" avoids.07:30
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Vilkacis...what is the command to delete files? T_T07:30
tritiumjmspeex: it can take quite a while for bugs to be addressed.  There are thousands, after all...07:30
ic56nalioth: evidence --> no evidence07:30
imMuteif I forgot my root password, how badly am I fucked?07:30
nn_VIlkacis: rm filename [...] 07:31
IseeIseei installed the java_wireless_toolkit, in order to run it there is a file in it "ktoolbar" and its type is "shell script", I wanna run it from the terimal what command should I use ?07:31
Shadow_pillarNoName: prolly better off buying a new soundcard + mic, if no pci slots, get a usb soundcard, but if all else fails, check google for "usb microphone linux"07:31
naliothic56: i guess i'm back to being a parrot, excuse me for trying to look out for folks07:31
Vilkacisnn_: Thanks. Too used to dos still.07:31
lampshadeimMute: you never set one.  unless you mean the password for yourself lol07:31
nn_Vilkacis: see also 'man rm'07:31
Shadow_pillarNoName: best advice I can give to you07:31
nn_Vilkacis: It'll explain the -r (recursive), -f (force) etc07:31
nn_Vilkacis: avoid -rf, it's scary :)07:31
NoNameshadow_pillar, thanks07:31
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imMutelampshade: umm... yeah.. i set one for root, during the installation07:31
Vilkacis...how do I get out of man rm? XD07:32
zoredacheimMute: If you did set a root password simply boot off a livecd, mount / and then edit the shadow file...07:32
nn_Vilkacis: q07:32
jumbersVilkacis: q07:32
imMutezoredache: ooh, okay, ill try that07:32
Vilkacisnn_: What if I want to delete a directory?07:32
jumbersVilkacis: -d07:32
nn_Vilkacis, man pages are your friend heh, i prefer them over info pages.. Personally i think the info command (being emacs-ish) was created because of an envy against vi07:32
lampshadeimMute: are you sure?  By default there is no root password so you would have had to taken extra steps to do it.  I'm not sure if you know about the whole no root password sudo stuff that Ubuntu does.  A lot of people get surprised by that07:32
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nn_Vilkacis: -r07:32
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ic56nalioth: np. "sudo -i" is the normal way.  But for people who learned unix without sudo, "sudo su" is easier to remember.  As far as I know the effect is the same, though I think you end up wasting a process.  I answered Vilkacis's question with "sudo su" because it was clear to me that he knew "su" and therefore would that easier to remember.07:33
imMutelampshade: yes i set one. it asked for a root password in the installation07:33
lampshadeI am the worst latex person ever... seriously... can't format something to save my life lol07:33
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tritiumimMute: it doesn't07:33
lampshadeno it doesn't07:33
lampshadeit has you set your password only07:33
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nn_lampshade: i'm worse, i'm allergic to latex07:33
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Vilkacisrm -d tmp does nothing.07:34
ic56nalioth: would -> would find07:34
naliothic56: what trips a lot of folks up, is that Ubuntu is not 'your grandaddies linux'07:34
imMuteso why cant I su -   and just hit enter when it asks for apassword?07:34
lampshadeimMute: use sudo07:34
IseeIseewhy do I have to write ./ before executing any app in terminal ?07:34
lampshadesudo commandhere07:34
nn_Vilkacis: rm -r dirname07:34
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jmworxtritium: Well, at least acknowledging the bug as "confirmed" would be a goob step. Especially when it's obvious that it affects everyone (i.e. not a hard to reproduce bug that could be caused by something else).07:34
nn_IseeIsee: any app or just ones in the cwd?07:34
Vilkacisnn_: There we go. Thanks.07:35
tritiumjmworx: there are _many_ to triage through07:35
jumbersIseeIsee: To run a shell script, type "sh SCRIPTNAME"07:35
ic56imMute: the password you set during installation isn't for root but for your personal account.  the root account has a null password.07:35
naliothIseeIsee: you should only have to type ./command for local (in the same directory) commands07:35
IseeIseenn_: whats a cwd ?07:35
lampshadeanyone have a list of commands/triggers for ubotu ?  or what you tell it to give you then?07:35
dazvidcurrent working directory07:35
nn_Current working directory07:35
lampshadecurrent workding directory07:35
lampshadedang I'm slow07:35
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nn_Sorry, i'm used to programming channels :P07:36
jmworxtritium: So we should refrain from submitting more and make things worse?07:36
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tritiumjmworx: I didn't say anything remotely close to that07:36
IseeIseenalioth: yeah I guess so but is there a solution to not writing it everytime, I guess I heard once setting some PATH would make it not write everytime07:37
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sysrpli keep losing all sound when watching videos online at sites like youtube ... does anyone know what might be casing this?07:37
noiesmohello all07:37
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ic56IseeIsee: if a program is not in your $PATH, then you must specify where it is.  The current directory is not usually in your path so, if you want to execute a program located in whatever directory you are in, then you must specify its location: ./<program name>  (it's in "." -- the current directory)07:37
naliothIseeIsee: the solution is, to add it to /usr/local/bin/07:37
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jmworxtritium: This one: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/metacity/+bug/51242 is a pretty good example of what I mean.07:39
IseeIseeso ic56: how do I set $PATH ?07:39
grigoradoes anyone know what I need to do in order to see Armenian characters in Emacs? I can type Armenian into Firefox, so I know it works, but not Emacs. Thanks07:39
knapperI get no sound in flash07:39
nn_The cwd is not in the PATH var, due to 'security' issues, it's less of an issue now than it was historically (mostly because you're probably the only user on the machine anyways, but basicly if you were say in another users home directory or some such, mistyped a command or whatever, it might execute something nasty07:39
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noiesmoRunning dapper linux-image 2.6.15-26-386 I want to stop all sound relate modules from loading or tring to load as me laptop's onboard sound is broked07:39
imMuteso what do I do when it asks for root's password?07:40
ic56IseeIsee: you can add "." to your PATH but doing so obviously creates a security hole.  The right way is to put the programs you want to execute in a standard directory.  You should rarely find yourself in need of using ./ and when you do, be thankful that you are explicitly reminded of the dangers of running software that isn't in a standard, authorized place (ie, software that could be a trojan horse).07:40
noiesmoit complains on boot about AC'97 Codec not ready error07:40
sysrpli keep losing all sound when watching videos online at sites like youtube ... does anyone know what might be causing this?07:41
sysrpli'd really like to be able to watch videos from youtubes with sound07:41
tritiumimMute: it _doesn't_07:41
lampshadesysrpl: when you say losing, does it start and then stop or?  never start to being with?07:41
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imMutetritium: no, when running updates i mean07:42
lampshadeimMute: if something prompts you for it, like add remove programs, use your own password07:42
sysrpli mean at some time it was working, then suddenly it it doesn't any longer07:42
tritium!rootsudo > imMute07:42
lampshade!rootsudo > lampshade07:42
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sysrpli have fixed the problem once before, but now it has gone mute again07:42
imMutetritium: i know what sudo is07:43
sysrplit's very annoying07:43
grigoracould someone help me install a ttf font file? thanks07:43
=== imMute is tempted to say FC5 > unbuntu, but i wont start a holy war
ic56IseeIsee: you can see the contents of your $PATH by using: "echo $PATH".  To change it, you need to set it in two places: ~/.bash_profile and ~/.gnomerc The first is read when you login via a console; the latter when you login via the GUI.07:43
=== Shak- [n=timer@c-71-228-35-203.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
noiesmosysrpl, "alsactrl store" will get alsa to save sound settings07:44
tritiumimMute: it doesn't seem that you do07:44
lampshadesysrpl: hmmmm  I dunno.  the only thing that has helped me on the no sound on youtube, and type stuff was to install alsaoss.  that seemed to work but I honestly don't really know why that works or anything like that07:44
imMutetritium: i come from Fedora, i didnt need sudo, i never used it, i know what it *is* though07:44
nalioth!fonts > grigora07:44
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tritiumimMute: you keep insisting that you're being asked for root's password, when that's not the case07:45
imMuteokay, i restate07:45
lampshadeimMute: actually, fedora and many other distros fully support sudo, they just don't do it automatically.  Basically whenever you want to do something as root from now on..  just sudo command instead of logging on as root and then executing the command07:45
imMuteit asked me for *a* password, and coming from fedora, i assumed it meant root's07:45
Shak-are there any tools that enable to monitor/intervene an ssh session?07:45
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Corporal_DirgeHow would I get the exact ssize of a partition?07:45
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tritiumimMute: ubuntu uses sudo to enhance security07:46
imMuteas for during the install, ive installed ubuntu and and 2 fedoras, i might have forgotten that ubuntu hadnt asked for a root password07:46
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zoredacheShak is the person you wanting to monitor voluntairly allowing you to monitor the session?07:46
imMutetritium: how does using sudo enhance security if anyone can execute a command as root?07:46
Shak-zoredache: well im root, I want to view everyone despite them knowing it or not07:46
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tritiumimMute: you're mistaken.  Only sudoers can do that.07:47
Corporal_DirgeHow do I see the size of a HDD partition?07:47
bimberi_Corporal_Dirge: df07:47
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imMutesupose I give a family member an account on that computer, whats to stop them from sudoing something stupid?07:48
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bimberi_Corporal_Dirge: np07:48
tritiumimMute: further, not having that one account that everyone and their brother would guess you'd have (root) makes it harder to guess a valid account name07:48
Shak-zoredache: I recall once I had an active ssh session on a remote computer, the admin was able to tap in and start typing into my terminal07:48
ic56imMute /etc/sudoers lists the users who are permitted to gain root privileges and which commands they are permitted to use.  The first user created during the Ubuntu install is given unlimited sudo privileges.  The others have none.07:48
naliothimMute: you don't give them sudo access07:48
FunnyLookinHatAnyone know how to set the root password for the first time on mysql?07:48
tritiumimMute: what's to stop them?  Don't add them to the "admin" group when you add their user accounts07:48
tritiumimMute: if you don't _explicitly_ add users to the admin group, they don't have sudo priveleges.  I thought you said you knew about sudo...07:49
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imMutetritium: i said I knew what sudo is and what it does, however, i didnt say ive used and/or configured it before07:50
Corporal_Dirgebimberi_, hmm, that's showing a 55GB HDD as 236M07:50
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tritiumimMute: that's why I suggested you read the wiki page.  You'd learn a bit, and some of your questions would have been answered07:51
RedGhostdoes documentation exist on the linux syscalls exist already in ubuntu, if so what is the path?07:51
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bimberi_Corporal_Dirge: it doesn't show HDD capacity, only partition size07:51
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ic56Shak-: ssh was designed to provide secure communications over untrusted lines.  Unless you modify the ssh source code to install a back door, you cannot monitor what is happening inside an ssh session, no matter what privileges you have.  That said, you can monitor other things at the end end points of hte ssh session, but that has nothing to do with ssh07:51
bimberi_Corporal_Dirge: there is a gui tool too:  System -> Administration -> Disks07:51
grigoranalioth: thanks, but how do I make Emacs recognize the font now that I have installed it?07:52
Corporal_Dirgebimberi_, That's the partition size Gparted shows, but I need to get the exact size in bytes.07:52
naliothgrigora: i have no clue, as i've never in my days used emacs07:52
grigoranalioth: oh brother, you are missing out :)07:52
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Shak-ic56: ah ok07:52
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naliothgrigora: you can tell me all about it in #ubuntu-offtopic07:53
bimberi_Corporal_Dirge: size of your disk? or the partitions?07:53
l33tplease dont swear07:53
tritiumnalioth: you'd like it.  It's like buttering your bread with a 4-foot sword with built-in toaster and refrigerator, when all you really needed was a butter knife07:53
Corporal_DirgeI need the exact partition size in bytes before I run it through trucrypt07:54
tritiuml33t: ?07:54
l33tsomeone swore07:54
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tritiuml33t: not since you joined07:54
l33tthat guy did07:54
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RedGhostwhat is the path of the syscall documentation on ubuntu07:55
bimberi_l33t: i think you misread the word disk - rofl07:55
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EdLinRedGhost: if you mean glibc-doc that's info docs, use info or emacs's info system or pinfo to select and view it.07:55
l33tit was d*ck07:56
tritiumRedGhost: see if they're in the manpages-dev package07:56
tritiuml33t: you read it wrong07:56
l33ttritium: ?07:56
RedGhostEdLin, i mean interrupt codes not the glibc-doc07:56
EdLinRedGhost: for manpages-dev you use the "man" command07:56
tritiuml33t: scroll up07:56
EdLinRedGhost: interrupt codes? Wrong OS.07:56
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RedGhostno :\07:56
RedGhostint $8007:56
l33ttritium: ????????????, he swore07:56
tritiuml33t: enough!07:57
l33ttritium: what?07:57
tritiumNot my problem if you can't read07:57
l33tI can read07:57
l33tshut up07:57
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RedGhostEdLin: syscalls like read/write07:57
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RedGhostare done via interrupts07:57
RedGhostint $8007:57
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RedGhostbut i will check via man07:58
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EdLinRedGhost: interesting, I didn't know that.07:58
RedGhostyes clib syscalls are wrappers for interrupts :)07:58
RedGhostthe fun of assembly development :D07:59
bimberi_Corporal_Dirge: 'df -B 1' will show the partition sizes in bytes07:59
EdLinRedGhost: I'm thinking of getting that nostarch book "the art of assembly language"07:59
RedGhostthe art of assembly language is actually very detailed and nice07:59
RedGhostthe version i read a long time ago would be very out of data for today07:59
EdLinRedGhost: the last time I seriously programmed on assembler was on a 6502 on an Apple II.07:59
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RedGhostbut i imagine its since been updated08:00
RedGhostbefore my time :D08:00
kintaro0ehi guys..i'm using ubuntu..how to write a cd?whats cd client for ubuntu?08:00
IseeIseeI just downloaded the tar.gz file of Eclipse, how can I install it on ubuntu ?08:00
tritiumkintaro0e: nautilus itself can do it.  Otherwise, graveman, gnomebaker, and k3b.08:00
RedGhostIseeIsee: extract it with tar zxf or right click->extract08:00
RedGhostthen right the readme08:00
EdLinRedGhost: the 6502 was a nice chip, lots of addressing modes compared to the 8080/Z-8008:01
tritiumIseeIsee: I suggest you install the ubuntu package instead08:01
tritiumEdLin: please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic08:01
EdLintritium: OK08:01
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tritiumthanks, bud08:01
IseeIseetritium: how to install the ubuntu package & where will it be installed ?08:01
kintaro0etritium..does k3b works fine in gnome?08:01
ic56IseeIsee: installing a .tar.gz is a manual process. You should read the documentation on the Eclipse homepage.  If they offer a .deb package instead, that will be easier because you can use dpkg to do all the work for you08:01
Toma-Has anyone got Ekiga? Also, can i try testing a connection?08:01
kintaro0ei thought its for kde..tritium08:02
tritiumkintaro0e: I don't use it, but it does08:02
RedGhostEdLin:  Protected mode before it's time?08:02
kintaro0etritium..what do you use then.. so that i could use it..its been tested because you use it.. :)08:02
EdLinRedGhost: no, and an op told me to take it off-channel BTW08:02
RedGhostdamn ops08:03
tritiumIseeIsee: make sure you have enabled apt-get to use the universe repo, and then it's installable via apt-get, aptitude, synaptic, etc.08:03
RedGhostcontrolling the world08:03
tritiumRedGhost: it's offtopic.  Chill out.08:03
RedGhosti was just kidding dont take it so seriously08:03
bimberi_use emoticons then08:03
RedGhostgood idea08:03
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RedGhostdamn ops, controlling the world :P08:03
DBOI control the world? =)08:04
bimberi_much better ;)08:04
IseeIseetritium: i have the repositories enabled as I've installed the JDK earlier, but tell me where can I know about the apt-get command to install eclipse ?08:04
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EdLin"this message is smilely captioned for the humor impaired"08:04
tritium!info eclipse08:04
ubotueclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In repository universe, is optional. Version 3.1.2-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 100 kB, installed size 368 kB08:04
tritiumIseeIsee: %%08:04
ahzidjust did a text install, went fine08:04
IseeIseetritium: these commands should be available somewhere for us to see and not ask here08:04
IseeIseetritium: what is %%08:05
ahzidbooted up and got something about x server failing to start, because it wasn't configured or something08:05
tritiumIseeIsee: it's just like installing any other package08:05
tritiumIseeIsee: that was a mistake ;)  I meant to type "^^"08:05
IseeIseeI know how to install package only if I know the name of the package08:05
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IseeIseefrom where can I know the name of the package ?08:05
naliothIseeIsee: then you will enjoy synaptic08:05
ahzidcan someone tell me how to configure it or make it work?08:05
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tritiumIseeIsee: apt-cache search <term> can help you find things08:05
nalioth!xcfg > ahzid08:05
tritiume.g., apt-cache search eclipse08:06
tritiumIseeIsee: but, as nalioth suggests, synaptic is a nice GUI from which you can search as well08:06
IseeIseetritium: I don't see the SDK in the search results, I searched in synaptic as well before asking here08:06
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tritiumIseeIsee: it's there...08:07
naliothIseeIsee: do you have universe and multiverse repos enabled?08:07
tritium!info eclipse-sdk08:07
ubotueclipse-sdk: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In repository universe, is optional. Version 3.1.2-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 19 kB, installed size 52 kB08:07
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=== Das is now known as Das|Sleeping
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:08
bimberi_IseeIsee: gui apps (such as eclipse) can also be installed via Applications->Add/Remove...  Make sure you have "Show unsupported applications" checked08:08
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naliothahzid: that was in a private message in your client08:09
ahzidi know, i didn't see xP08:09
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noiesmoif lsmod returns that the device is not used ie Used by 0 does it need to be loaded or can i blacklist it to speed up boot time08:10
IseeIseebimberi: you got it right, but I wanna know the terminal route to installation as well08:10
roughtraderhello, I am running 6.06 LTS on an AMD X2 machine. is the 686-smp or k7-smp kernel appropriate?08:10
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IseeIseealso whats the problem with installing through the tar.gz file I downloaded ?08:11
tritiumnoiesmo: used by 0 only means other modules don't depend on it and use it.  You may still need it, though.08:11
imMutenext question: how do I turn on sshd?08:12
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noiesmotritium, thanks how can i tell if its need08:12
tritiumIseeIsee: it's not under package management.  Using official packages is more efficient, easier, and preferred08:12
naliothIseeIsee: you should use the packages in the repos if at all possible08:12
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barneyRanyone know the command to assign /dev/ttyUSB0 to /dev/modem?08:12
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RedGhostany one know a text editor that supports ASM syntax hightlighting for Ubuntu, they all seem to support C, Perl, Etc but not Assembly08:12
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tritiumnoiesmo: if it's been loaded, you likely need it08:13
bimberi_IseeIsee: no problem per se.  It's just easier if you use the package manager because, for one you will get security updates etc.08:13
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noiesmotritium, ok thanks08:13
tritiumnoiesmo: hardware gets auto-detected, and modules get loaded based on what's found08:13
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roughtraderhello, I am running 6.06 LTS on an AMD X2 machine. is the 686-smp or k7-smp kernel appropriate?08:13
tritiumRedGhost: I believe that emacs does, at least for AT&T syntax08:14
RedGhostalright thanks ill check it out08:14
noiesmotritium, yeah, the harddrive was transfered from another system and then upgrade thru apt-get and new linux-image installed08:14
RedGhostat&t is better then no syntax highlighting08:14
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naliothroughtrader: either will work, i'd think k8 would be most suitable08:14
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roughtraderk8 is only for 64-bit installations, I'm running 32-bit08:15
noiesmotritium, was in p2 with intel chips now in p3 with sis dont know if it matters08:15
roughtraderthere seems to be some debate over which one is more appropriate08:15
naliothroughtrader: how much ram you got?08:15
tritiumnoiesmo: don't worry, as most modules are auto-detected and loaded.08:15
roughtrader2 Gig08:15
naliothroughtrader: use the 686-smp08:16
s_spiffany1 using DD installtions for amd64 and knows wher i can find a dc++ client as a deb package? or a how to on installing it via another way?08:16
IseeIseebimberi: Ok i have the universe repository enabled, now if I install through the terminal it won't get me the latest security update ?08:16
roughtradernalioth: why is that?08:16
tritiumIseeIsee: no, you'll still get security updates08:16
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naliothroughtrader: the 686 addresses large amounts of ram08:16
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roughtraderthe k7 doesn't?08:16
lampshades_spiff: ubuntuguide.org08:17
lampshadeshould explain a dc++ package I think08:17
lampshadeor how to install it08:17
naliothroughtrader: i don't think so08:17
noiesmotritium, cool one other thing is for some reason when i shutdown it doesnt turn it self off and it did under kernel 2.6.9 but now on 2.6.15 i have to turn off the power08:17
roughtradercool, thanks08:17
imMutebetter question, how do I get a root shell?08:17
tritiumnoiesmo: on what machine?08:17
noiesmosudo -i08:17
tritiumimMute: sudo -i08:17
imMutethank you08:18
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noiesmotritium, its p3 800Mhz  system with sis chipset08:18
tritiumnoiesmo: oh yeah, you mentioned that ;)08:18
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tritiumnoiesmo: would you mind filing a bug on that?08:19
noiesmotritium, for some reason when i shutdown it doesnt turn it self off and it did under kernel 2.6.9 but now on 2.6.15 i have to turn off the power08:19
varun0I was trying to compile my kernel and when I did a make clean, I got an error message......is it ok to paste it here (4 lines) or should I go to #flood?08:19
tritiumnoiesmo: right, that's what I'm hoping you'll file a bug on08:20
s_spifflampshage : yeah, had that one long time back, but i think it is for i86 not amd64, not finding anything else, so i'm giving it a try08:20
noiesmotritium, ahh ok yes i can08:20
tritiumvarun0: thanks for asking.  Please use pastebin08:20
noiesmotritium, got a link for that08:20
jenyno smoking08:20
Bergcubejeny~  Hi.  What's on your mind?08:20
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Bergcubenoiesmo~  Link to pastebin; see channel topic.08:21
tritiumnoiesmo: noiesmo launchpad.net/malone08:21
s_spiffwell didnt work!08:21
noiesmotritium, ok ta08:21
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noiesmoBergcube, what i no paste08:22
jenyNO SMOKING08:22
Bergcubenoiesmo~  Right.  I mixed up whom said what.  Mea culpa.08:22
IseeIseeis there any built in java-editor ?08:22
noiesmoBergcube, np :)08:22
tritiumIseeIsee: no, I'd say you're on the right track with eclipse08:22
varun0http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18499 is the error I get after I do a 'make clean'08:23
=== Bergcube suspects jeny might be a troll.......
=== tritium will keep an eye on her
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varun0make clean errors........anyone........:-) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1849908:25
babocan someone look at a regex for me ... ? ... http://pastebin.ca/9436508:25
s_spiffany1 knows a dc++ client for a amd64?08:25
=== Cyball [n=simonf@p54BB6F27.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
BergcubeI must confess:  I do not always read howtos thoroughly.  (Yeah, I know it sounds shocking.  I will better myself.  Some day.)  But because of this -and in spite of using Ubuntu since 4.10 I don't really know HOW to report a bug.  Can anyone please take the time to fill me in quick and dirty?08:25
tritiumjeny: please...08:26
ubotuI know nothing about dc++ - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:26
nalioths_spiff: there are a couple in the repos for all arches08:26
ic56babo: sed cannot be used to remove newlines08:26
jenydont cry08:26
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tritiumBergcube: basically, sign up for an account on launchpad, if you don't have one, and then file bugs on launchpad.net/malone08:26
ic56babo: but there are ways to do what you want.  First let's verify what you need done.08:27
Cyballhi can somebody tell me how to make the icons on the desktop diapear (Ubuntu dapper) ??? thx :-)08:27
baboic56: but it should remove the spaces though at least ...08:27
ic56babo: which spaces?08:27
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baboic56: the spaces in front of the name ...08:27
baboand behind the name08:27
s_spiffAshex: there is dc++ for bb and dd, but for i86 arcitecture.. couldnt find anything with reference to smd6408:28
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ic56babo: to remove those spaces, parse for them like so: ... sed -n 's| *<td>....08:28
s_spiffnalioth: thnx, will search it out.08:28
nalioths_spiff: /msg ubotu info dcgui08:28
Ashexs_spiff, use linux32 if you need to run a 32-bit program08:28
corevetteis anyone familiar with google analytics?08:28
Mikkashey guys, how do i uninstall all these video and mp3 codecs? they arent working, and i cant watch any .avi or anything without crashing any app (vlc included)08:28
baboic56: I want to take out the name first, then remove the spaces ... the second and third sed patterns work fine for removing spaces ...08:29
Ashex!tell Mikkas about codecs08:29
noiesmotritium, on bug report filed. :)08:29
babojust not all together though ...08:29
babooops ... :-(08:29
Bergcubetritium~  I have the account.  I had to register it to get my lovely CDs in the snailmail.  Goody, I see the link there.  Somehow I cannot have managed to navigate from my launchpad page to there on my own.  10^3 thanks.08:29
s_spiffAshex: where can i get linux32?08:29
tritiumnoiesmo: you rock!08:29
ic56babo: I see you tried to remove them with subsequent sed commands.  The trouble with that is by the time those commands are run, you have already output the matched line (you used the 'p' option to the 's' command)08:29
corevetteno one knows about google analytics?08:29
noiesmotritium, yeah but i still have to push the dam button lol08:29
tritiumBergcube: awesome :)08:29
baboic56: aha08:29
Ashexs_spiff, use apt-get to grab it08:29
noiesmotritium, :)08:30
tritiumnoiesmo: sorry, hopefully we'll get it resolved08:30
s_spiffAshex: got it on syaptic...08:30
ic56babo: it's a lot more efficient to do it all in one parse.08:30
=== babo has light bulb switch on in his head
varun0make clean errors......going once......going twice.......http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1849908:30
s_spiffAshex: but how to use it?08:30
noiesmotritium, thats cool08:30
Hexidigital_is there a difference between using apt-get and aptitude?08:30
noiesmotritium, if not i might have to bring my baseball bat over and sort someone out hahhaha08:30
ozzloyapt-get is command line, aptitude is gui (i think)08:31
corevettewhat irc client does everyone use?08:31
Ashexs_spiff, just type linux32 before the program08:31
ozzloyHexidigital_: ^08:31
tritiumozzloy: actually, aptitude is also cli08:31
ozzloycorevette: irssi08:31
Ashexso, if i wanted to run xchat in 32-bit mode, linux32 xchat08:31
Bergcubetritium~  Is it ok to file bugs that are very very (very) hardware specific?  I.e. this works on all machines I've had in my tentacles expect ONE.  But there it REALLY doesn't work?08:31
ic56tado: if the input is more complex than you are displaying, then it's conceivable that you'd need to remove the spaces using a separate command.  If that's the case, remove them *before* printing.08:31
Hexidigital_ozzloy::  what about sudo aptitude install {package} in terminal?08:31
tritiumBergcube: definitely08:31
ozzloytritium: oic.  Hexidigital_ nm then08:31
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corevettehow come you can't join a custom channel in xchat?08:31
corevettesorry a custom server08:31
naliothcorevette: /server server.address.here08:31
Hexidigital_tritium::  does one install dependencies, the other dosent?08:31
dobblegocorevette, /server theserver08:32
Bergcubecorevette~  Sure you can!08:32
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ic56babo: if the input is more complex than you are displaying, then it's conceivable that you'd need to remove the spaces using a separate command.  If that's the case, remove them *before* printing.08:32
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tritiumHexidigital_: they both do, but the nice thing about aptitude is that it also removed those dependencies when you remove the package (if nothing else is also depending on them)08:32
Hexidigital_tritium::  ah, i see.. .tyvm08:32
s_spiffdoes any1 know how to use linux32?08:33
barneyRanyone know how I can check my connection speed on dialup using ppp008:33
ubotuI know nothing about linux32 - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:33
noiesmotritium, so i take it i keep the bug number and i'll be able to see whats happenen with it08:33
nalioth!chroot > s_spiff08:33
ubotuI know nothing about chroot  - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:33
tritiumnoiesmo: you should get email about it08:33
=== corevette [n=corevett@ppp-71-139-20-140.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
baboic56: yes, I tried that - but it doesn't seem to work... it outputs nothing ...08:34
ubotuI know nothing about chroot - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:34
noiesmotritium, nice :)08:34
ic56babo: let's verify exactly what you need done.08:34
Mikkashow do i get gstreamer?08:34
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s_spiffMikkas: synaptic or aptget08:34
nalioths_spiff: linux32 is probably a chroot environment08:34
corevettehow do i make a server autoconnect if it is custom?08:34
baboic56: oh wait ... I think that's it ...08:34
nalioths_spiff: you can find out how to chroot on wiki.ubuntu.com08:34
dobblegocorevette, try #xchat08:35
HuehuehAlguem que fale portugus pode me ajudar com a instalao do dosemu?08:35
ic56babo: is there only one instance of this text in your html file or are you trying to extract one instance out of many? or (3rd possibility) are there many instances and you want to extract all of them?08:35
s_spiffnalioth: umm..noob so dunno what chroot is.. will search it out on wiki08:35
naliothcorevette: in your preferences, you can add/edit/delete server info08:35
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.08:35
s_spiffbrb, have to change this chat client!08:35
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noiesmotritium, hay one last ? - when system prompts for pasword for maintenance and you give it what do you do once your at the prompt08:35
tritiumHuehueh: sudo apt-get install dosemu08:35
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Bergcubecorevette~  On #xchat they'll tell you all you need.  I've gotten vry good and friendly help there every time I've asked.08:35
varun0scripts/Makefile.clean:17: /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.15-26/drivers/infiniband/ulp/srp/Makefile: No such file or directory08:35
tritium!multiverse > Huehueh08:35
varun0any idea anyone?08:35
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Huehuehtritium, fala08:36
IseeIseehow can I open a directory through termimal ? in fact is there a place where I can read about the common terminal commands ?08:36
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Huehuehtritium, nao consegui fazer via apt-get acho que o repositrio precisa ser atualizado...08:36
dobblegoIseeIsee, there is always google08:36
DeshIf I am running 32bit Ubuntu on an AMD64, what kernel should I use?08:36
tritium!pt > Huehueh08:37
baboic56: no, just one instance per page ....08:37
Mikkasive uninstalled gstreamer08:37
=== corevette [n=corevett@ppp-71-139-20-140.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mikkasand then reinstalled it08:37
tritiumHuehueh: you likely need to setup the multiverse repo08:37
Mikkasbut i cant play videos08:37
naliothHuehueh: #ubuntu-br por favor08:37
Mikkasit keeps crashing08:37
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ic56babo: ok. did you get the problem with the leading spaces solved?08:37
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baboic56: yes, thanks :-)08:38
Huehuehnalioth, to lah mas ninguem me responde :/08:38
ic56$u1: so what remains to be done?08:38
Mikkasanyone have any ideas why i cant play video?08:38
ic56babo: so what remains to be done?08:38
naliothHuehueh: ingles aqui por favor08:38
Huehuehtritium, ok thanks!08:38
noiesmook I'm off bye thanks again tritium08:38
baboic56: removing the newlines ...08:38
Mikkasim pretty sure my nvidia drivers are installed , and ive run easy ubuntu and automatix08:38
tritiumMikkas: both?08:38
Mikkasive even tried VLC08:38
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Mikkasyeh both08:38
tritiumon the same install?08:39
DeshIf I am running 32bit Ubuntu on an AMD64, what kernel should I use?08:39
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IseeIseedobblego: its not about there is always Google, an OS should have documentation of what you can do in it08:39
humanpersonmandoes anybody in here use gdesklets?08:39
IseeIseedobblego: so I'm asking for that documentation08:39
Mikkasits totally not working at all08:39
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ic56babo: sed cannot do that.  Perl could but it's too heavy for a simple task like this.  The right tool is bash's own parser.  Put the entire command inside backquotes and assign it to a variable.  If you surround the backquoted command with double quotes, the newline is preserved.  If you don't, it's lost.08:40
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ic56babo: ie: name=`cat file .... sed ...'' `08:40
HuehuehWhay I can't use "make". Check out the error: bash: make: command not found08:40
Seveas!compiling > Huehueh08:40
HuehuehWhy I can't use "make". Check out the error: bash: make: command not found08:40
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:40
Mikkasare logs created when programs crash??08:40
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corevetteis java preinstalled on ubuntu?08:41
Bergcubecorevette~  No.08:41
humanpersonmancorevette, no08:41
corevettewhere do you get it?08:41
baboic56: that's strange, I'm doing that already, but it seems to be preserved .. ??08:41
babo NAME=`cat "$f" | grep -A1 '<td><h2>Name</h2></td>' |  sed -n 's/^[ \t] *//;s/[ \t] *$//;s|<td><p>\(.*\)</p></td>|\1|p'`08:41
humanpersonman!info sun-java5-bin08:41
ubotusun-java5-bin: Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-06-1 (dapper), package size 21625 kB, installed size 65608 kB08:41
=== Krhis [n=Krhis@cblcpe-79-205.suite224.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mikkasanyone? i cant play video at all -- and i have before -- i know it works08:41
Bergcubecorevette~  Take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats08:41
naliothHuehueh: install 'build-essentials' with apt-get or synaptic08:42
humanpersonmancorevette, enable the multiverse repository and then do 'sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin08:42
baboic56: anyway, it's not the end of the world I guess. I can just write the letter a little differently ...08:42
ic56babo: why are you invoking a "cat" process?  Supplying the filename to the grep would be faster.  Or use input redirection:  < filename08:42
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dobblegoIseeIsee, man bash08:42
naliothHuehueh: mi disculpa esta 'build-essential'08:42
ic56babo: show me the exact code, I'll tell you how to fix it08:42
dumbledorehi guys, anyone know where i can go to get help with image magick?08:42
duckdownHey all, I am trying to search for a string in a directory but need a result that shows the filename.  (cat * |grep MYWORD shows the results I need to pinpoint..)08:43
Huehuehnalioth, what is this?08:43
baboic56: that is the exact code ... I just take NAME and slot it into a MESSAGE, and then email it by php cli ...08:43
IseeIseecorevette: you mean the JDK ?08:43
Bergcubedumbledore~  Talk about being in character.  :-)08:43
naliothHuehueh: build-essential tenga 'make'08:43
humanpersonmanHuehueh, it install a lot of the libraries needed for compiling source08:43
Huehuehok thanks08:44
DeshIf I am running 32bit Ubuntu on an AMD64, what kernel should I use, 386, 686, or k7?08:44
HuehuehI'll try it!08:44
humanpersonmanDesh, 38608:44
humanpersonmanor at least that is what i use08:44
ic56babo: how do you "take" the name?08:44
corevetteiseeisee, no just normal java plugin for browsers08:44
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dumbledorecause i was trying out the image magick tool composite08:45
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dumbledoreand it's not working right for me :|08:45
Huehuehnalioth, check out:08:45
HuehuehE: No foi possvel abri arquivo de trava /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permisso negada)08:45
HuehuehE: Impossvel criar lock no diretrio de listas08:45
Mikkashey guys how do i test if my video codecs work --- i cant get anything that is a video to play, under any app at all08:45
tritiumHuehueh: close synaptic08:45
naliothHuehueh: you have more than one apt-get open (synaptic or adept or something else)08:45
dumbledorei tried the simple example they gave on this site: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/composite.php08:45
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RedGhostdoes cp allow cut->paste instead of copy->paste from command line?08:46
dumbledoreand the image came out like the second one instead of the third one 0.o08:46
baboic56: just a sec08:46
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ic56babo: ok08:46
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BergcubeMikkas~  Had I been in your shoes (nd had run both EasyUbuntu and Automatix) I would have tried this:  First booted the latest Knoppix DVD and cheked if video worked there.  (If not fucked up hardware.)  Then booted the live Ubuntu CD and checked if video worked there.  (If not esoteric drivers that Knoppix got but Ubuntu lacks.)08:47
naliothBergcube: langauage please08:47
tritiumBergcube: language08:47
Mikkasvideo has worked with exact same hardware before08:48
babothanks :-)08:48
daevuxg' evening, all - should I have any problems installing over an existing partition w/o reformatting so I can keep /home (and /backup and shit)? this is with dapper08:48
humanpersonmanwe censor language here?08:48
tritiumhumanpersonman: foul language, yes08:48
naliothhumanpersonman: there is no need for vulgarities here08:48
naliothhumanpersonman: if you want that sort of thing, go visit efnet08:48
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=== Bergcube rereads his own post. Ah. I mean something like "munged up hardware". Of course.
IseeIseei'm trying to build a java file through but I'm getting an exception:08:49
IseeIseejava.io.IOException: java.io.IOException: /media/hda7/wtk2.2/bin/preverify: cannot execute08:49
tritiumNot odd, just mature and civilized08:49
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IseeIseeI think it has to do something with access rights08:49
ic56babo: looking08:49
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Newbie-hi alls08:49
Newbie-i have recently installed my ubuntu08:49
dumbledorenoone a imagemagick guru?08:50
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins08:50
humanpersonmanyeah, i know, if you don't like it leave, just seems odd to censor it so long as it is not targeted at somebody, even then I would think it odd but could understand it08:50
tritiumcongrats, Newbie- :)08:50
Newbie-whenever i login my Msn in gaim, the gaim messenger getting crash08:50
tritiumNot odd, just mature and civilized08:50
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BergcubeMikkas~  The fact that hardware HAS worked does not at all in any way mean it has to be working still.08:50
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humanpersonmangood to know you have made that determination and are enforcing it08:50
Mikkasno i can play video in windows08:51
IseeIseedoes this command has something to do with ubuntu access righs: java.io.IOException: java.io.IOException: /media/hda7/wtk2.2/bin/preverify: cannot execute08:51
Mikkasits software related now! cause ubuntu is a bit buggered08:51
Newbie-Will you tell me, whats the problem with the Gaim, why its getting crash when im signing my msn08:51
Mikkasim reinstalling automatix again to see if it will work08:51
BergcubeMikkas~  I bet you it is driver related.08:51
tritiumMikkas: be careful with automatix08:51
Mikkasbad nvidia driver ay08:51
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humanpersonmani think l33t is a bot08:52
l33tI am not a bot08:52
BergcubeMikkas~  And my experience is that Automati = bad; Easybuntu = good.  But that can of course (again) be because of hardware.08:52
tritiuml33t: cut it out, or it'll be more than a kick this time08:52
Newbie-my Gaim is not working correctly, crashing again and again whenever i logged my msn08:52
l33tI am not a bot though08:52
=== Wanderer_ [i=nomad@24-178-96-163.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Mikkasyeh but, easyubuntu doesnt allow to uninstall drivers08:52
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humanpersonmani thought you were because every couple of min you just said WTF08:52
Mikkasits greyed out now08:52
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l33tWTF?, I did it twice08:53
tritiumhumanpersonman: I noticed that too...08:53
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Newbie-somebody here to help me out.08:53
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humanpersonmanyeah, that is all I saw, thought it was a funny premise for a bot, one which might fly under the radar for quite a while08:53
=== l33t [n=l33t@66-188-31-115.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
BergcubeMikkas~  That is why Ubuntu has Synaptic.  EasyUbuntu simply does loads of stuff you could have done yourself in Synaptic.  And you'll be glad you master it anyway.08:53
Newbie-Seveas, will you please let me know why my Gaim is crashing when im logging my msn08:53
=== deep__ [n=deep@c-b42a71d5.017-19-626c671.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
corevettei don't understand where or what java is called in synaptic08:54
SeveasNewbie-, because the solar flares interfire with the arctic winds08:54
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tritiumcorevette: sun-java5-* packages08:54
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l33tSeveas: lol08:54
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Newbie-Seveas, so what i have to do now to solve this problem.08:54
tritiumSeveas: that was fixed in dapper ;)08:54
dumbledoreNewbie-: did you install all the updates after u installed? :P08:54
Bergcubecorevette~  Did you look at (and read) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats   AFAIK it's all xplained there.08:54
RedGhostcp is for copy, what about cute->paste, i used chmod to change the directory permissions and then use gnome to cut/paste but if someone could give me a tip on how to cut/paste from commandline id appreciate08:55
SeveasNewbie-, travel to mars and back08:55
Newbie-you are funny Seveas.08:55
dumbledoreRedGhost: tried mv?08:55
humanpersonmanSeeveas appears to have confused the norhtern lights and gaim crashing, easy mistake08:55
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Newbie-dumbledore, not yet bro. i will download my updates later.08:55
watson540[1:09]  Decoding of 08-t.i.-right_now_(prod_by_scott_starch).mp3 finished.08:55
watson540Title  : Ya Dig                          Artist: Young Jeezy Feat. Red Cafe08:55
watson540Album  : DJ Smallz And Pimp C-Southern   Year  : 200608:55
watson540Comment:                                 Genre : Rap08:55
l33tI need some help08:56
watson540sorry guys08:56
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tritiumwatson540: don't paste please.  Use pastebin.  No problem...08:56
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RedGhostdumbledore: thanks08:56
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dumbledoreRedGhost: np man08:56
ic56babo: sorry it took a while, I bumped into some unexpected behaviour when trying to replicate my original advice.  I think bash has a feature to solve teh most common case of this (yours isn't the most common case)08:57
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:57
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baboic56: no probs, I appreciate the effort ... :-)08:58
corevettewhoever told me about https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java ..... i followed the steps and it says 'couldn't find package sun- java5-bin'08:58
baboyou've helped me out enormously so far ic56 ... :-)08:58
ic56babo: anyway, so, you're saying you get a newline between Hi $NAME and the subsequent comma?  This doesn't make sense.08:58
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baboic56, indeed08:58
tritiumcorevette: make sure you've enabled multiverse repo08:58
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tritium!multiverse > corevette08:58
corevettetritium, i did08:59
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tritiumcorevette: did you update your package list after that?08:59
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corevettetritium, i have to update my package list everytime i load up synaptic...is that normal?08:59
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tritiumcorevette: yes09:00
ic56babo: ah, I see why. the $( is effectively acting as a double quote, preserving the newline.  Let me think...09:00
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fuocoi'm trying to burn ubuntu 6.06 on a cd, but it says i need a cd of 702 MB. what can i do ?09:00
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ic56Add a line like this:  NAME=`echo $NAME`  # get rid of trailing newline.09:02
ic56babo: Add a line like this:  NAME=`echo $NAME`  # get rid of trailing newline.09:02
ic56babo: hmmm, I think I learned something here.  Thanks babo!09:03
baboic56: no, thank you ic56 ...:-)09:03
ic56babo: BTW, you shouldn't use uppercase names for ordinary variables.09:03
daevuxcan I install dapper on an existing filesystem w/o reformatting it, so I can keep /home? (I've moved home and some other dirs to /old, which ubuntu shouldn't touch) - I will manually delete all other dirs (/usr, etc) before installation09:03
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ic56babo: uppercase is, by convention, reserved for *environment* variables -- those which get inherited by child processes09:04
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baboic56: ah, ok ... cool09:04
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ic56babo: the other thing you might want to do is eliminate the cat and grep commands.  The whole thing can be done in sed.  This saves you 2 out of 3 processes.  Starting processes is CPU expensive so your script will run a lot faster if it uses fewer procs09:05
baboic56: ok thanks ... :-)09:06
ic56$u1: to really optimize, use one sed script to extract both NAME *and* EMAIL.09:06
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ic56$u1: and the $(cat  when setting $MESSAGE is unnecessary.  A single double quote would suffice.09:07
ic56babo: to really optimize, use one sed script to extract both NAME *and* EMAIL.09:07
ic56babo: and the $(cat  when setting $MESSAGE is unnecessary.  A single double quote would suffice.09:07
ic56babo: ie: message="Hi $name,<newline>... David<newline>"09:08
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ic56babo: you ok with all that?09:09
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baboic56: yep, I think I got it thanks ic56 :-)09:10
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ic56babo: are you familiar with sed's "n" command? you'll need it to eliminate the grep09:11
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baboic56: yes, the quiet command ...09:11
ic56babo: no the (n)ext command09:12
humblerodentanyone here know anything about Xubuntu?  there doesn't seem to be a ton of activity in #xubuntu09:12
River_Maxwhen using ubuntu dapper drake, after logging onto gaim and connecting with handshake, gaim drops out .. can anyone tell me how to correct the error ?09:12
humblerodentI've installed practically every package related to ALSA, and I've used my sound card flawlessly in the past with ALSA.09:12
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humblerodentbut I don't get any sound output09:12
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River_Maxcan someone help with a Gaim not staying connected problem09:15
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MrWizardI`m having some problems with my Ubuntu09:15
MrWizardis there anyone that could hlp me?09:15
MadpilotMrWizard, some help might be available, but "some problems" is fairly vague...09:15
humblerodentprobably, MrWizard, what's up? :)09:15
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MrWizardi cannot connect to the internet09:15
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humblerodentgood job getting in an IRC channel then09:16
MrWizardi have installed yesterday morning the latest version of ubunut09:16
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MrWizardI am talking from Windows now!09:16
baboic56: hmm ... I'll have a look at it...09:16
River_Maxhumblerodent: I heard the thud as you hit09:16
MrWizardas i was saying09:16
MrWizardi have installed it yesterday09:16
MrWizardmade the updates09:16
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MrWizardand then restrted the system09:17
MrWizardsince then i cannot connect neither by dhcp nor by is static address09:17
MrWizardso... do you have ny ideas?09:17
ic56babo: you'll need to do this: sed '/...<h2>Name.../{ n; s/^[ \t] *...\(.*\)...//p;}09:17
ic56babo: you'll need to do this: sed '/...<h2>Name.../{ n; s/^[ \t] *...\(.*\)...//p;} "$f"09:18
fuocoi'm trying to burn ubuntu 6.06 on a cd, but it says i need a cd of 702 MB. what can i do ?09:18
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humblerodentMrWizard: what kind of a network is it on?09:18
ic56$u1: the initial pattern keys-in on the title line. and the group of commands inside the braces get executed when that pattern matches.09:18
ic56babo: the initial pattern keys-in on the title line. and the group of commands inside the braces get executed when that pattern matches.09:19
MrWizardi am connected to internet by cable09:19
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ic56babo: inside the braces, n gets the next line (and since you're using sed -n, the current line doesn't get output) and the s/.../.../p modifies and prints the line containing the actual name.09:19
baboic56: cool thanks ... :-)09:20
humblerodentMrWizard, but I mean what kind of a LAN are you on.  Any routers, firewalls, other computers09:20
humblerodentor do you just go straight from one computer into the cable modem?09:20
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baboic56: one more question about my script ... the if ( grep $EMAIL $PREVIOUS) ... part ... the script emails even if the email address is already in the previous file ... :-( ..09:21
MrWizardthere is a cable coming to my modem and from my modem one to my computer to the lan port09:21
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MrWizardao yes09:21
MrWizardso yes09:21
Wiseguyhey guys, whats a good app for burning iso's?09:21
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SupaMumafter upgrading from Ubuntu Breezy Badger to Dapper Drake, the kids lost their Gaim connections, they can log on but it drops out withing 2 seconds. Can anyonwe help me out, I can find no docs, fixes and they are driving me nuts !09:21
baboic56: that shouldn't happen right ?09:21
MrWizardstraight from the computer to the modem09:22
humblerodentokay, so you should be able to get DHCP working....09:22
ic56babo: yw!  Next time I see you, if you want to merged the 2 sed commands into one and ifgured that out yet, I'll show you how to use bash's "eval" command to get set multiple variable definitions generated inside the sed script09:22
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MrWizardi know09:22
humblerodentdid you EVER have the Ubuntu system connected at all?09:22
ic56babo: thinking09:22
twa1296Wiseguy, i just right-click the iso file and select "write to cd" otherwise try gnomebaker09:22
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humblerodentdid it work, and then not work?  or did it just never work?09:22
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MrWizardyes i had ecause after installing the system i updated it09:22
MadpilotWiseguy, in Ubuntu? Just right-click on them, choose Burn To Disc, done.09:22
humblerodentoh, okay09:22
baboic56: ok cool thanks09:22
humblerodentwas it using DHCP then?09:23
humblerodenthrm....that's odd....09:23
MrWizardi know09:23
humblerodentmore than one network device installed in the box?09:23
imMutehow do I install sshd?09:23
humblerodent(regardless of whether it's linked to anything)09:23
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MrWizardin the box where i can configure the network there are two possible networks09:24
ic56babo: first of all, the parentheses are incorrect.  It happens to work and not give you a syntax error but they don't do what you think.  The correct syntax for bash is:  if grep $name $previous; then<newline> ...09:24
MrWizardone that has no options09:24
MrWizardand the one i can configure09:24
humblerodentMrWizard, that means you've got two adapters in the machine.  Sometimes I've experienced on bootup they can get detected in different orders and cause them to register backwards.09:24
humblerodentTry disabling the one that's currently enabled, and enable the other one for DHCP.09:24
MrWizardi`ll try09:25
humblerodentsee what happens.09:25
MrWizardi`ll restart the system, boot to Ubuntu09:25
humblerodentokay but09:25
ic56babo: the parentheses start a subshell.  In this case that's innocuous09:25
humblerodentwhen you get rebooted09:25
humblerodentsee if the network works first09:25
MrWizardcheck what happens and come back09:25
humblerodentand if it doesn't09:25
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humblerodentthen switch the adapter in the config09:25
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ic56babo: (but wasteful)09:25
humblerodentdisable the one, enable the other09:25
humblerodentand try it again09:25
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SupaMumhow can I stop Gaim from dropping out in Dapper Drake ?09:26
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humblerodentSupaMum, cast a magic spell on it09:27
SupaMumhumblerodent: fabulous suggestion, but I can't find the right enchantment in my spell book, any suggestions?09:27
humblerodentis it just exiting, or what?09:28
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SupaMumhumblerodent: logs on as pe normal, hanshakes fine, opens up then dumps out after 2 secs09:28
ic56babo: yes.  assuming the echo $NAME were uncommented, the grep should succeed and the continue should get executed, preventing a duplicate mailing.  Note you should either use grep -q or redirect the output of grep -- otherwise you'll see all the duplicates displayed when you run the script (maybe you wanted that, though)09:29
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pdxSESupaMum:  All accounts, or just MSN?09:29
humblerodentSupaMom, hm....what protocols are you using?09:29
SupaMumpdxSE: MSN, but then again, not using Gaim for other accounts09:30
humblerodentany chance it could just be the MSN server being gay?09:30
humblerodentsometimes it does that09:30
humblerodentit usually lasts a good few hours or even days09:30
humblerodentwhen it does happen09:30
SupaMumhumblerodent: yes, chance ... but unusually consistent and on 2 out of 5 machines09:31
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humblerodenthm....yeah, I can get to MSN on mine09:31
humblerodentthat's weird09:31
ic56babo: however, this is a slow way of going about the task.  You are having to linearly search through a growing list of names once for each name.  That's a very slow algorithm.  A better way is to first output all the names and addresses into a file.  Then sort |uniq the file.  sort will use a more efficient algorithm than what you are using and, more importantly, it will be a single process for the whole script rather tha09:31
humblerodentis your GAIM up-to-date?09:31
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SupaMumhumblerodent: we have 5 machines on the network, all have been upgraded, 2 can't stay connected to MSN via Gaim and Gaim seems to be up to date on all machines09:32
humblerodentthey are all on Ubuntu?09:32
SupaMumhumblerodent: yes, dapper drake all over09:32
ic56babo: one grep process for each name.  "uniq" will remove duplicates.  Then you can loop through the file, sending one message for each name/address in the file.09:32
hangfirehave you checked your profile on gaim to make sure that the password and everything is ok?09:33
SupaMumhumblerodent: very, i have tried everything i can think of, that is why I have turned to the Guru's for help09:33
humblerodentironically, I'm only in here because of my own problem09:34
SupaMumhangfire: all seem ok, as it logs on fine, but drops out within 2 seconds, not enough time to get a click happening so I can't check09:34
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twa1296SupaMum: does gaim actually quit or merely drop the connection?09:34
humblerodentSupaMum, are the machines' security settings any different?09:34
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SupaMumhumblerodent: all the same09:35
hangfirewell than its probably not logging in fine, you probably got in on auto-login with something filled out wrong in your profile09:35
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Oni-Draculaanyone know the swiftfox equivelent path for /etc/firefox/firefoxrc09:35
SupaMumtwal1296: not sure, they load up then shut down, i will check to see if they appear online09:35
vookSupaMum, that account isn't logged in anywhere else is it?09:35
humblerodenthangfire, I just deliberately put in a wrong password on mine, and it doesn't even get a connection established, but rather gives an error message saying that your login information is wrong ;)09:35
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pdxSESupaMum: have you tried opening a terminal window and running "gaim -d" ?09:36
leftjustifiedhi, can anyone here recommend a good UML app for ubuntu? DIA, ArgoUML and Umbrello fall far short of my needs and I can't find anything else09:36
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pdxSEto get debug log09:36
SupaMumpdxSE: not yet ...09:36
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SupaMumpdxSE: How do iterpret the output of that ?09:37
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pdxSEleftjustified:  Try Netbeans 5.5 with the enterprise pack.  Still in beta, but pretty good.09:37
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overrideri dont think neither firefox or opera is regarded as lightweight, but which will perform better on a lower end machine?09:37
leftjustifiedpdxSE: thanks!09:37
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pdxSEleftjustfified:  You can also google for "argouml"09:37
MrWizardi tried what you said09:38
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MrWizardthere is a problem09:38
pdxSEI like Netbeans with the IDE integration.09:38
leftjustifiedpdxSE: argo isn't enough -- i use Enterprise Architect on Windoze and need an equiv. for linux (other than running EA under wine, which is slow and buggy)09:38
MrWizardthe other option i was telling you about is already deactivated and reffers to dial-up09:39
humblerodentthe only GUI browser I know of (and there are probably plenty I don't know of) that is truly "lightweight" by the real definition of the word, is dillo.  But dillo blows....I can't seem to get a lot of websites to show up right on it.09:39
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SupaMumvook: no, they don't even appear to be logged on .. my Gaim works fine and all the kids are offline eventhough they have all tried to get on,09:39
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MrWizardi tried what you said09:39
humblerodentMrWizard, so it's offering you only one actual network adapter, then?09:39
MrWizardthere is a problem09:39
MrWizardthe other option i was telling you about is already deactivated and reffers to dial-up09:39
humblerodentI heard you the first time....09:39
humblerodentlol np09:40
humblerodentmy response09:40
pdxSEleftjustified:  I would go with the Netbeans product.  For $$ IBM offers Rational Architect on Linux.09:41
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hangfirewhat about the uml on eclipse? is that good?09:41
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stardrifterdoes anyone know how to turn off console output, is there some command to do this?09:42
leftjustifiedpdxSE: sad to say, but the feature of Enterprise architect I use most at work is PHP5 and actionscript2 code generation... I don't like my chances of making that happen in NetBeans (though there may be a PHP plugin, looking now...)09:42
humblerodentMrWizard, you still with me?  I need to know if there is only one network adapter in the computer, or if there are 2+.09:42
MrWizardstill here09:43
pdxSEhangfire:  I have only used Rational Architect (eclipse-based) which is really good, however, I have not used the eclipse plug-in approach.09:43
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humblerodenthm....I don't know :(09:44
hangfirecontrol d to stop output (I think)09:44
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stardrifterno i mean stop characters being printed to the screen09:44
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humblerodentsorry dude09:44
stardrifteras in characters typed in09:44
humblerodentI guess since I couldn't help him, no one else here can.09:44
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twa1296MrWizard: you might want to post some command outputs in the networking section of the ubuntuforums09:45
hangfireI dont get it, you mean going in some other kind of mode in the shell?09:45
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humblerodenthe already left, twa1296....hence my comment09:46
Bonezwhat else can I do to my ubuntu system to make it bling09:46
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stardrifteri should probably explain the situation, basically writing a c# prog, and a password needs to be input, but i want to hide the characters that are typed09:46
SupaMumhumblerodent: do you have any magic spell to fix Gaim ?09:46
humblerodentBonez, install some really cool GTK themes that consume your memory!  BLING!09:46
twa1296humlerodent yeah09:46
humblerodentlol no, sorry09:46
=== househeadmark is now known as househead
=== bsn_ua [n=bsn_ua@] has joined #ubuntu
Bonezhumblerodent, that's what I was thinking of... rofl. but I can't find any themes that I like :)09:46
SupaMumdoes anyone on chanel know the spell to fix Gaim09:47
bsn_uahello everybody09:47
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=== humblerodent is technically on Xubuntu
BonezSupaMum, what is wrong with gaim?09:47
humblerodentfairly lightweight compared to Gnome/KDE ^_^09:47
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znhSupaMum: try a different client. For instance your IRC client, you may like to try Bitlbee09:47
pdxSEhumblerodent: are you running KDE or Gnome?09:47
Bonezactually speaking of Gaim, does anyone know how to make it so that it shows when your buddies "close the conversation window" when using the MSN protocol?09:48
SupaMumBonez: Gaim will not stay logged in since we upgraded to Dapper09:48
bsn_uai now it's not good but i will install windows xp on my laptopp again09:48
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humblerodentpdxSE: XFCE....that's what Xubuntu is all about :)09:48
twa1296Bonez, mine seems to do so by default09:48
hangfirestardrifter- I know there is a way to do that in C, but I cant remember it now, the only thing I can think of is putting backslashes in front of each letter09:48
=== Blue-Omega [n=Blue@about/cooking/nakedchef/omelette/Blue-Omega] has joined #ubuntu
bsn_uabecause ubuntu cannot do all things without bBUGS09:48
Boneztwa1296, yeah mine used to but it hasnt been doing it lately for some strange reason, and i can't find any options to enable it09:48
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humblerodentBonez, mine already does that09:49
twa1296Bonez, do you have the Buddy State Notification plugin activated?09:49
humblerodentwell I ran a script and I need to restart X.  If I don't come back then my problem got fixed.  later guys :)09:49
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stardrifterhangfire: i don't think that would work since doesn't the input get printed then go to the c# stin?09:49
Boneztwa1296, yes I do09:49
bsn_uadoes anybody have toshiba laptop?09:49
znhbsn_ua: yes09:50
Bonezbsn_ua, yes I do have a toshiba09:50
leftjustifiedplease excuse my linux-newb question, but what do I do with a bin file? make install etc?09:50
bsn_uai have some problems on my toshiba laptop09:50
househeadi do - tecra m509:50
Bonezleftjustified, sh ./filename.bin09:50
leftjustifiedthanks Bonz09:50
SupaMumznh: IRC works on Gaim ... I wonder why MSN doesn't09:50
househeadbsn_ua> why you ask09:51
=== humblerodent [n=caleb@ip24-251-3-1.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
humblerodentcrap, didn't fix it09:51
Bonezbsn_ua, what problems do u have?09:51
househeadMSN works on gaim for me in Linux, but the Windows ver doesn't for some reason09:51
humblerodentdoes anyone else in here know why I might not be getting any sound in Xubuntu?09:51
bsn_uamy fn keys does not work and card reader also doesn'twork09:51
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househeadbsn_ua> apt-get install toshutils09:51
=== labreche [n=labreche@lns-bzn-50f-62-147-188-194.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
humblerodentit detects my sound card fine.  I installed pretty much every package related to alsa.  the mixer looks good.09:51
bsn_uai know that i must to recompile my kernel09:51
Bonezbsn_ua, sorry i've never actually tried to get either of those working... hehe maybe someone else can help09:51
humblerodentbut I don't hear a thing.09:51
Bonezhousehead, thanks for the tip, ill try that on mine :)09:51
SupaMumhumblerodent: turn up your speakers09:52
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bsn_uacan you give me a link to ubuntu-toshiba ao linux-toshiba community?09:52
humblerodentwe're even now SupaMum :-P09:52
labrechedoes anoyone know how os soft that make html pages(just for make a demo, code generation isn't necessary)?09:52
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SupaMumhumblerodent: lmao ...09:52
=== spazzz_ [n=spazzz@kgldgaambas08-pool3-a16.kgldgaam.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotbsn_ua, check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - there are a number of Toshiba laptops there. which model do you have?09:53
=== SiulAss [n=SiulAss@82-38-195-78.cable.ubr04.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
humblerodentlabreche, I don't get how to make html pages without making html code09:53
SupaMumthanks for your help Guru's ... better go do something else to tame the kiddies ...09:53
bsn_uasattelite a10509:53
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BonezSupaMum,  good luck09:53
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spazzz_Coincidence... I walk in and people are talking about TOshiba's...09:54
labreche humblerodent: i just want to make a demo,  something like an image,09:54
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Bonezthis channel has a LOT of idler's :)09:54
spazzz_I'm on a toshiba, Can I help maybe?09:54
SupaMumbones: thanks .. i might try uninstalling and starting Gaim again after I check their MSN accounts in windoze09:54
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BonezSupaMum, no worries. hopefully eventually you'll be able to remove that dreaded windoze partition eventually :)09:54
Madpilotbsn_ua, looks like there's a bunch of Toshiba sattelite models on that page - have a look09:54
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spazzz_I was hoping someone could help me with SAMBA try as I might I can never get it to work properly.  I was hoping they had this fixed for dapper09:55
Bonezspazzz_, i am also having config problems with samba, what issues are you having?09:55
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spazzz_Bonez: Well there is some improve ment.  In Breazy it never would even see the workgroup09:56
bsn_uai can't turn on my cardreader on my tosgiba laptop09:56
spazzz_ Bonez: Now it does but when I try to access it it says it can't access the contents of the folder.  Perhaps they've been recently deleted09:56
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ubotuFor multimedia codecs, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies | For multimedia applications, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultimediaApplications09:57
Bonezspazzz_, i have shared my /home/user folder via samba but whenever anyone else tries to access it (from a windows machine) it prompts for user/pass, even though i have added that user/pass onto my system and given samba permission to use it it still wont work09:57
bsn_uai can't turn on my cardreader on my toshiba laptop09:57
Bonezbsn_ua, did you try toshutils ?09:57
spazzz_Bonez: Ahh I've had that as well and never could fix it.  I'm trying to access files from my main machine from my Toshiba Lappy09:57
bhundvenhello. I've been running ubuntu for a little while, but debian much longer before that. I've gone off and installed xgl & compiz, but the problem I'm having is part of my own bad habbit. I sometimes hit backspace while I'm holding down shift. and it kills the x server. what has set this key binding and where can I remove it? It doesn't happen with just x is running.09:57
humblerodentfixed it....for some reason my speaker WAS in the onboard crap xD....I don't know why :-P09:58
=== phreak97_ [n=phreak97@219-90-180-242.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
humblerodentthanks, l8r :)09:58
spazzz_bsn_ua: Is this an onboard reader?  If so I don't think I can help.  My laptop is actualy pretty old09:58
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Bonezspazzz_, yeah well in my house we have a win2003 server which is a domain controller, plus 2 other windows xp pc's... i'm the only linux nut in the house, and they are all whining about not being able to access my pr0n, so im trying to get samba working. rofl :)09:58
househeadbhundven> search ubuntuforums.org, there is something in the big compiz / xgl threads09:58
bhundvenman. it's anoying...09:58
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spazzz_Bones: Heh... I wish I could help.  Samba support is one of the big reasons I can never switch to Linux fully09:59
househeadBonez> what is the problem?09:59
Bonezspazzz_, i have fully switched, they can wait. i'll figure out samba eventually :)09:59
bsn_uaBonez il just trying to install them09:59
fuocoanyone installed ubuntu on powerpc ? the image is bigger than 700 MB and can't be burned...09:59
santa99someone knows why the first !multimedia links doesn't work09:59
Bonezhousehead, whenever others try to access my samba shares, they get prompted for a user/pass, even when they enter it correctly it just denies access09:59
spazzz_It never fails they claim to have it work seamlessly and flawlessly and I always spend hours tearing my hair up before giving up and going back to Windows in frustratron09:59
bsn_uaBonez: hmmm// they ar installed09:59
Bonezbsn_ua, let me know how you go, im just doing the same on my toshiba m40 now09:59
ubotuFor multimedia codecs, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies | For multimedia applications, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultimediaApplications10:00
househeadBonez> have you done an "smbpasswd -a user" for each user who needs access?10:00
netzmeisterwhen i try to connect (tcp) to my ubuntu server the connection establishment needs very long.10:00
bsn_uaBonez have you any IM to speak p2p10:00
netzmeisterReverse Lookup Problem??10:00
bsn_uaicq or jabber10:00
Bonezhousehead, yes as far as I know, I followed a guide. let me just retry that now and see what my outcome is. brb10:00
househeadBonez>assuming you are using a tdb backend10:00
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bsn_uahow can i use toshutils?10:01
netzmeisterHow can i disable the Reverse Lookup for any ethx??10:01
bhundventhanks househead10:01
Bonezbsn_ua, yes bonez@westnet.com.au MSN10:01
Bonezhousehead, I just tried that but it still does not work10:02
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Bonezhousehead, it shows up on windows as User: BONEZPC\mark10:02
Bonezmark is the username and bonezpc is the name of my PC10:02
Bonezmark's computer is joined to a domain10:02
spazzz_GWAR... There is no reason for this not to work10:02
spazzz_The share is there10:02
Bonezwhenever i put in the password it just does not work10:02
spazzz_It sees the computer because its the only one online besides the laptop.10:02
househeadBonez>hmm. Samba is easy on ubuntu if you leave the default setup on the whole10:02
spazzz_Why can't it open the folder10:03
Bonezhousehead, yes i followed a guide, from ubuntuforums, but i still can't figure it out :(10:03
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househeadBonez>Make sure all machines are in same workgroup etc.10:03
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Bonezhousehead, the problem is, all the windows machines are joined to a Win2003 DOMAIN and my linux machien is not part of that domain10:03
househeadBonez>You need to make it a domain member then10:03
=== bhundven is a bonehead
bsn_uaplease who have toshiba laptops and want to speak enter join #ubuntu-toshiba and let's talk10:03
bhundvenI had my keyboard setup for macintosh :(10:04
=== PORDO [n=BROKEN@67-40-251-7.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #UBUNTU
Bonezhousehead, how hard is it to join an ubuntu machine to a windows domain? :P10:04
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gooI am having some trouble with tomcat5 on dapper. I need to disable the Security Manager. How do I do that?10:04
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bsn_uaplease who have toshiba laptops and want to speak enter join #ubuntu-toshiba and let's talk10:06
=== NiLz [n=nilz@powered.by.debian.ee] has joined #ubuntu
larry123hi, i am using firefox on Ubuntu, VAIO laptop, widescreen, NVIDIA video card, how do i change brightness of the screen ? another problem - step by step instruction how to configure dual monitor in KDE desktop (kubuntu) and/or GNOME thank you10:07
Madpilotbsn_ua, this channel isn't that busy - there's no need to create random Ubuntu channels...10:07
ttyfsckerlarry123:: the dual screen part is a feature of your ur nvidia driver and xorg.conf10:08
=== bhundven [n=bryan@unaffiliated/bhundven] has joined #ubuntu
spazzz_Househead: If your still here could you maybe see if you could tell me why my Samba is being fussy?10:08
spazzz_I click on Network Servers10:09
househeadspazzz_> come to #ubuntu-toshiba, bit quieter!10:09
ttyfsckerspazzz_:: its b/c linux hates windows haha10:09
larry123bhundven: you mean there is no choice, but edit xorg.conf manually ? any example for geoforceGo cards ?10:09
spazzz_househead: ok10:09
larry123sorry, ttyfscker10:09
bhundvenwhen in rome. do as the romans do.10:10
=== AlexC [n=Alex@host217-42-124-131.range217-42.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
larry123ttyfscker: you mean there is no choice, but edit xorg.conf manually ? any example for geoforceGo cards ?10:10
AlexCIs there a GUI MySQL application?10:10
bhundvenwhen in linux. learn to use the console and get your hands dirty10:10
zoredacheAlexC: yes10:10
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AlexCzoredache, do you know it's name?10:10
zoredachegimme a second, I am looking up the url for you10:10
netzmeisterwhen i try to connect (tcp) to my ubuntu server the connection establishment needs very long.10:10
bhundvenlarry123: just because you put someone's name before your text, doesn't mean the rest of us don't see it ;)10:10
ttyfsckerlarry123:: as far as i know the xorg.conf settings for the nvidia driver are for all GeForce series cards..   as far as the editing it by hand. thats the only way i know of.. there might be a gui app out there somewhere.. not sure10:10
=== RedGhost [n=bp2626@S01060013d4a9dec8.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
larry123ttyfscker: any example of working with dual monitor xorg.conf ? i tried to change things and lost X1110:11
bhundvenman.. now I know why I sayed in console environments. My mouse is on the fritz10:11
zoredacheAlexC there are 2 applications the 'mysql administrator', and the 'mysql query browser'  I am not sure if they are available as ubuntu packages... (http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/)10:11
ttyfsckerare you wanting to use twinview or clone?10:12
bhundvenstupid laser mouse anyways10:12
AlexCzoredache, thanks =)10:12
ttyfsckerwell nevermind i didnt mean that10:12
ttyfsckertwinview is clone... do you want twinview or an expanded desktop ?10:12
=== bhundven rolls out the old skewl ball mouse *winks* With chord middle :-D
VR_is it possible to specify in which workspace a program is to be run? through command line.10:12
larry123...and another question - how do i restart X11  in Ubuntu ?10:13
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zoredacheAlexC: Just checked the ubuntu packages are (mysql-admin mysql-query-browser)10:13
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ttyfsckerlarry123::  ctrl alt backspace restarts it10:13
VR_larry123: ctrl+alt+backspace10:13
bhundven/etc/init.d/gdm restart10:13
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AlexCzoredache, thanks - but I needed it for Windows. I use the MySQL Query browser on Ubuntu but forgot what it was called10:13
netzmeisterlarry123:  Power Off ;-)10:13
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=== RedGhost [n=bp2626@S01060013d4a9dec8.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
zoredacheah, okdokey then10:14
ttyfsckerbhundven:: how do you know he's not using kdm?10:14
ironfroggywith a simple sftp command, what happens that gives me "Request for subsystem 'sftp' failed on channel 0"?10:14
larry123any ideas regarding brightness ?10:14
bsn_uaplease who have toshiba laptops and want to speak enter join #ubuntu-toshiba and let's talk10:14
RedGhostanyone here know XML by chance?10:14
ironfroggyall authentication and such has gone smoothly.10:14
bhundvenno one in their right mind uses kde. I would never get anything done... it's too pretty10:14
netzmeisterttyfscker:  #(k)ubuntu10:14
netzmeisterwrong channel ;-)10:14
bhundvenI like gnustep better ;)10:14
zoredacheI know a little RedGhost, why?10:14
ttyfsckerlarry123::  im not familiar with vaios but i have a dell laptop all i have to do with it is hit the Fn + up arrow   and it adjusts brighter.. and Fn + down adjusts it dimmer10:15
RedGhostzoredache: http://pastebin.ca/94433 if you could help me out id appreciate it10:15
=== mlowe_ [n=mlowe@c-67-174-216-72.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
larry123i have these keys too, but they do not work in Ubuntu10:15
netzmeisterCan i disable Reverse Lookup for any TCP connection to my server??10:15
ttyfsckernetzmeister:: thats not true.. this chan is for all flavors of ubuntu as long as its stable ones..10:15
netzmeisterttyfscker:  kk10:16
ttyfsckerty RedGhost10:16
netzmeisterany answers to my question?10:16
RedGhostwhen i see american english i want to rant10:17
RedGhostand i have to hold back10:17
=== cualquiernic [n=cristian@pc-92-166-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
zoredachenetzmeister, I don't know of any single location to disable that... usually you have to do it app by app10:17
bhundvennetzmeister: like for ping it would be: ping -n
netzmeisterRedGhost:  Thats not american english. Thats Google-Translator German->English ;-)10:18
RedGhosthehe :P10:18
=== MistaED [n=mistaed@203-158-54-32.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
bhundvenor tcpdump would also be -n: tcpdump -n10:18
netzmeisterbhundven:  okay i try10:18
=== bhundven <3 tcpdump
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stiv2kis there any way to make ubuntu ignore certain keystrokes?10:19
stiv2kmy print-scrn key sometimes gets stuck on this laptop10:19
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stiv2kand out of nowhere 20x "save screenshot" windows come up10:19
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stiv2kand it causes it to lag and freeze up10:19
NiLzhow come the clock on my breezy box ALWAYS gets offsync?10:19
ttyfsckerstiv2k:: i think xkbset will do that10:19
NiLzi have to sync it manually in gnome daily10:19
NiLzand the offsync is like 3 mins or smth10:19
stiv2kttyfscker: k, can i run it from the console10:19
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stiv2kor does it only run in x10:20
NiLzmaybe a bogus server in some config?10:20
IseeIseehow can I create a link to a file in another drive ?10:20
ttyfsckerstiv2k:: yes thats how it is ran.  i dont know much about its usage though10:20
spadesstiv2k try using xmodmap to make it like a virtual f15 key that does nothing?10:20
stiv2kspades: i could try that10:21
spadeskeycode 111 = F19  or something, ymmv, use xev to grab the keycode incase its not 111 on your map10:21
ttyfsckernevermind spades i thought you was trying to get him to make it where it switched to the next virtual terminal..  too late here10:21
stiv2kspades: can i run that from the console?10:21
stiv2kif i run X, i get bombarded by the goddamn save screenshot windows10:22
spadesstiv2k i personally have that key bound to scrot and irun multiple f keys for my multimedia keys, stick it in .Xmodmap and xmodmap -v .Xmodmap it, verbose so you see if it errors10:22
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IseeIseehow can I create a shortcut link to a file in another drive ?10:22
stiv2ki'll have to boot into ubuntu, spades10:22
stiv2ki wont be able to remember this10:22
=== stiv2k uses the ubuntu livecd
spadeswrite it down, just 2 lines, keycode 111 = F19 and xmodmap .Xmodmap :P10:23
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stiv2ki dont know if its cause of this problem, or some other problem but ubuntu likes to lockup sometimes10:23
spadesim using this under xfce, so i guess with gnome ymmv10:23
stiv2kfor no reason10:23
bhundvenor you can just remember to read 'man xmodmap10:23
=== Cyball [n=simonf@p54BB6F27.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu []
stiv2kand i cant even reboot this laptop without killing the power10:23
stiv2kthe power button stops functioning along w/ the keyboard entirely10:23
=== Lobster [n=Lobster@dslb-088-073-206-077.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
stiv2kany known issues?10:23
ironfroggyis "Request for subsystem 'sftp' failed on channel 0" an indication of a client or server error?10:23
=== Enverex [i=user@host-84-9-189-109.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
EnverexIf I wanted all users to have read/write access on a windows partition, would the mount options "umask=000,dmask=000,fmask=000" be fine?10:24
=== edulix [n=edulix@225.Red-88-8-231.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
fuocoanyone installed ubuntu on powerpc ? the image is bigger than 700 MB and can't be burned...10:24
=== Bergcube [n=Bergcube@] has joined #ubuntu
netzmeisterYes baby... "skip-name-resolve" in my.cnf solve the problem.. I love it.. ;-)10:25
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zoredacheactually I tried installing ubunto ont he powerpc, I got the iso burned but I had other problems10:25
netzmeisterzoredache:  Thx, app by app is the right way..10:25
bhundvenEnverex: check out 'man mount' when you type / in man it will start searching for what you type in. search for: Mount options for fat10:26
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Enverexbhundven, I've read it, it just doesn't explain them well though10:26
larry123when i click Fn-F5/Fn-F6 (change brightness) on my VAIO - the system hangs, mouse, keyboard, everything10:27
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=== Bergcube just reported his first bug in Malone. :-)
larry123Fn-F5/6 does change the brightness after blink, but the system hangs10:27
bhundvento set it to the first user made on ubuntu (on my computer it's bryan)10:28
bhundven1000 is the first user and group10:28
=== Ashex [n=ahmed@c-24-16-108-94.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bhundvenI should change my nick to offByOne10:29
=== Flik [n=Flik@d205-250-156-195.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
Noialarry123:  thats quite bad. Though most of my Fn buttons don't work, audio works fine but brightness is reversed..go figure10:30
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Bergcubelarry123~  There has been some discussion about Vaios on the mailing list.  I haven't paid attention as I haven't got one.  Perhaps there's something useful there.  At least there will be people you can email.10:31
gleesondwhats the command to reconfigure X? is there some sort of script?10:31
larry123Bergcube: link to the mailing list ?10:31
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peippodoes ubuntu support nfsv4?10:31
larry123Bergcube: official Ubuntu10:31
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larry123Bergcube: mailing list10:31
bhundvenEnverex: ok. I should have read the question. yea. so setup a group call 'windows' and do gid=windows,umask=0000,dmask=0000,fmask=0000 ... then just add users you want to have access to the windows group.10:32
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Bergcubelarry123~  https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users10:32
larry123Bergcubet: thank you10:32
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twa1296gleesond: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:32
Bergcubelarry123~  You're welcome.  Took me a few secs as I had to cut'n'paste the link...10:32
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bhundvenEnverex: I would also consider the security risks of the mask, so try to minimize the exposure to anyone outside the windows group ;)10:35
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gleesondis there an easy way to change from KDM to GDM?10:35
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bhundvendpkg-reconfigure xdm10:35
Ashexinstall gdm10:35
bhundvenafter installing it ofcourse ;)10:36
Fuzzy76Has anyone here tested the server cd install on a pentium 1? My install resets when the kernel is loaded. :(10:36
Ashexand then /etc/init.d/kdm stop10:36
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peippois the nfs server in ubuntu dapper version 4?10:40
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drumline_Looking for a program that will take firewall logs of blocked access attempts on ports and then apply firewall rules to deny all ports to a specific IP.  Is there anything like that already made?10:41
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drumline_Besides Portsentry...   Port Sentry sits as a daemon and I'd rather not run another daemon.10:42
croftyboy_31can anyone help, i want to print pdf but scale/stretch it over 4 A4 pages it a large map everytime i try to print it , it just reduce down to A4 size unreadable10:42
croftyboy_31I have adobe pdf reader installed as well as default XPDF as well10:43
Bergcubecroftyboy_31~  In other words, you want to rasterbate?10:43
croftyboy_31what is that?10:43
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WarboPDFs are vectors10:43
croftyboy_31yeah its vectors map like10:43
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Warbocroftyboy_31: I suppose the easiest way would be to import it into OpenOffice10:44
Bergcubecroftyboy_31~  Not sure, but maybe this can help: http://holloway.co.nz/book/18/10:44
Warbocroftyboy_31: But you may have to go through some extra steps, like maybe use Inkscape to keep it as a vector or something,10:45
croftyboy_31I not got the new version of openoffice that can import pdf , i have tried to export too postscript10:45
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Bergcubecroftyboy_31~  Sorry.  Here is a better link: http://homokaasu.org/rasterbator/10:45
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drumline_Anyone?   Knowledgable with portsentry?10:46
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martuxyy_13 server irc.arrakis.es10:46
martuxyy_13server irc.arrakis.es10:46
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emil_I've got a problem with totem10:46
emil_It says: "Cannot contact the soundservers"10:46
emil_I allready reinstalled, but same problem.10:46
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WarboBergcube: Wow, it "rasterises" your images. Surely that is the opposite thing that you should do for making posters?10:47
soletenerete /server irc.arrakis.es10:47
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martuxyy_13server irc.arrakis.es10:47
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BergcubeWarbo~  I guess that depends on size.  On the last Gathering they made one that was more than 1000 sheets of A4 paper.  Looked in fact great.10:48
croftyboy_31is there a way of convert the pdf into vector image format , that openoffice can import10:48
Warboemil_: Does sound work in other stuff?10:48
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Warbocroftyboy_31: I think autotrace converts vectors10:48
emil_Warbo: I don't have programs with sound10:48
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Warbo!info autotrace10:48
ubotuautotrace: bitmap to vector graphics converter. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.31.1-11 (dapper), package size 38 kB, installed size 96 kB10:48
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems10:49
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croftyboy_31why can i not get xpdf to span the vector picture over a number of pages , it seems like it A2/A3 szie10:49
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Warbocroftyboy_31: I don't think XPDF is very feature-full. Maybe Evince is better?10:50
emil_Warbo: My sound even doesn't work on other programs, but yesterday it worked10:50
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Warboemil_: Is this just gstreamer-based (like totem, rhythmbox, etc.) or everything, including XMMS, login sounds, etc.10:51
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croftyboy_31i think i will give up on linux and go and do it on windows 2000 with pdf , i am sure i have done this more simple on windows10:51
Warbocroftyboy_31: Good luck10:51
croftyboy_31thx 4 all  your help warbo n others10:51
emil_Warbo: Yesterday it worked, i installed some codecs, they worked, but now i don't have sound at all10:52
Warboemil_: Did you have to set up the sound before, or was it automatic?10:52
emil_Warbo:  Automatic10:52
Warboemil_: OK, try "alsamixer" in a terminal10:52
emil_Warbo: Surround is off and Center is off, LFE is off, LINE is off10:54
emil_How do i turn them on10:54
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Warboemil_: I think space enebles them. But you're not getting any errors about the hardware not being detected?10:55
samu2Where can you change the locale for the system?10:55
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samu2The thing that changes what regexps consider \w to match10:55
Warbosamu2: Maybe "sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales"10:55
emil_Warbo: he detects the hardware10:55
Warboemil_: Does the Gnome volume control work? Try double clicking on the volume applet in the panel10:56
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emil_Warbo: I changed some settings, and now Totem wokrs again and plays music well10:56
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emil_Warbo: Thank you very much10:56
Warboemil_: (I'm having sound problems myself right now, but that may be because I just pulled apart the cable)10:56
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pawanhow is ubuntu os10:57
Warbopawan: I like it. Easier to set up than Debian10:57
pawani have a fat32 file system10:58
pawancan it be installed10:58
emil_pawan: Ubuntu is fine, first I had debian, that sucks.10:58
WarboYou will have o shrink the filesystem10:58
pawanis it better than xp10:58
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Warbopawan: That can be done on the install CD10:58
IseeIseewhat is a "Symbolic Link" if you right click on any file there is an option "Make Link"10:58
emil_pawan: I think it's better than XP10:58
pawana freeware10:58
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Warbopawan: I think it is, since it doesn't restrict you. It might be harder to do some more advanced stuff, but with enough work ANYTHING is possible10:59
Warbopawan: Ubuntu is not freeware10:59
pawanopen source10:59
Warbopawan: Exactly (well, I would say Free Software)10:59
pawanso can it be installed on fat3210:59
Warbopawan: No, but it can be installed alongside FAT3211:00
Warbopawan: And the installer can shrink FAT32 for you11:00
pawanwithout destroying the data11:00
Warbopawan: Yes11:00
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s_spiffguys whats the best p2p client?11:00
Warbopawan: You should probably defrag it first11:00
s_spiffas in anything like kazaa11:00
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Warbos_spiff: gtk-gnutella is really fast11:01
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Warbos_spiff: mldonkey probably has more stuff available11:01
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Bergcubepawan~  Let me suggest this page:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows11:01
JudeMy mind must be at a blank; what's the command line program for making new users?11:01
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Warbopawan: Just get an install CD, it is pretty self-explanitory11:01
WarboJude: adduser I think (useradd doesn't set them up nicely)11:02
cobelloyhi, anyone know why sound would be out while network is active?11:02
s_spiffWarbo, thanks , will check both out11:02
brutopiaI downloaded kubuntu desktop cd and it booted like livecd to desktop11:02
JudeWarbo: I tried about every permutation of "make", "add", "user", "usr"... I didn't try that one. -.-11:02
brutopiacan't I install kubuntu without loading it first from cd11:02
cobelloythe speakers make a kind of clicking sound while the netwotrk is up11:02
cobelloybut return to normal on reboot if network is disconnected11:03
Warbos_spiff: MLDonkey is run as a background process, and you connect to it with many different interfaces. Sancho is my favourite (I think sanchogui.sf.net)11:03
Warbobrutopia: With the CD you will need the alternate disc to give you a text-based installer. The DVD can apparently do both11:03
s_spiffWarbo, any of this available on apt/synaptic?11:04
Warbo!info mldonkey-server11:04
ubotumldonkey-server: Door to the 'donkey' network. In repository universe, is optional. Version 2.7.1-2ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 2900 kB, installed size 7960 kB11:04
Warbo!info gtk-gnutella11:04
ubotugtk-gnutella: shares files in a peer to peer network. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.96.1-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 1956 kB, installed size 6988 kB11:04
Warbo!info mldonkey-gui11:04
ubotumldonkey-gui: Graphical frontend for mldonkey based on GTK. In repository universe, is optional. Version 2.7.1-2ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 3551 kB, installed size 8752 kB11:04
pawani want to install11:05
pawannot to run the live cd11:05
Bergcubepawan~  Drop by one eveing and I'll help you!  :-D11:05
Warbopawan: Then get the alternate CD11:05
pawanwhich one11:05
pawani got 6.0611:05
Warbopawan: WHich type of computer do you have?11:06
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pawanamd seampron11:06
Warbopawan: Get the Ubuntu 6.06 386 alternate disc then11:06
pawanthe 64bit11:06
pawannot the pc edition11:06
Warbopawan: You may want the amd64 one for 64bit, but crappy non-Free software only works on 32bit, so it is a bitch to set up on 64bit11:07
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pawanso i should run the intel11:07
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pawanx86 based setup11:08
drumline_Run the AMD6411:08
Warbopawan: Yes. You may get a performance boost by switching the kernel to a k7 one after you install11:08
Warbopawan: It is up to you11:08
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drumline_if you have a 64bit processor, don't support older stuff.11:08
pawanbut what about my data11:08
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drumline_make another notch on the 64bit download and one less on the 32bit.11:09
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Warbopawan: The installer lets you shrink FAT32 partitions to make some free space for Ubuntu. If you defrag it then more space will be available11:09
drumline_eww.. nasty...11:09
drumline_backup your FAT32 data...11:09
WarboYes, but everyone always has a backup, right? :)11:09
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DarkMageZno, some of us don't have the money to backup11:10
=== Jude stabs password protected smb to death.
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WarboAdmittedly, I buy extra space to use as a backup, then fill it with junk :)11:10
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DarkMageZthats what i do...11:10
DarkMageZso i can never afford to backup11:11
bigfoot1can anybody help? VOIP softphone can't hear what i say into the mic. Except from Skype, VOIP SIP softphones don't hear what i say into my mic. When I call sip:500 ekiga net, which is the echo test, I can hear the lady's vice, but I cannot hear my own voice being played back (being echoed) back to me.  know that my headset is working fine, because the headset works fine in skype. his problem started only a few weeks ago. Before that, ekiga used t11:11
bigfoot1work fine .  have also tried twinkle.11:11
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drumline_money to backup?   uh..   CD-ROM's can be used as a backup if done periodically.11:11
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drumline_cd's are a dime a piece11:11
drumline_DVD's are better11:11
pawanso i should back up11:12
drumline_absolutely... especially because FAT32 is nasty.11:12
pawani have three os currently installed on my system11:12
twa1296i want to shrink my ntfs and add the free space to ext3, what's the safest way to go about that?11:12
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WarboMost of my stuff is just large downloads (LiveCDs, etc.), the only thing I need to backup is my own stuff like pictures and documents I have made, which I cannot download11:12
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ubotugparted is a GUI partitioning program, "apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php11:13
ikonhi there guys!11:13
ikonanyone knows what is /dev/wacom for?11:13
twa1296Warbo: should i defrag ntfs first?11:13
XtortioNHello. Does any one know how to disable acx? when i blacklist it ubuntu crashes at startup.11:13
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Bollingerikon /dev/wacom is for graphic tablets11:14
pawanwin xp11:14
pawanwin 98 se11:14
pawanand w11:14
ikonBollinger: thanks11:14
pawanwin server 200311:14
Warbobigfoot1: I think Skype mught use OSS, not ALSA, so that is why there is a difference. Try using a simple sound recorder, and if possible try Audacity (I think that uses OSS) and see if the problem can be narrowed down to this11:14
pawannow i want to install11:14
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pawanmy file system in fat3211:14
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pawantell me what to do11:14
Warbotwa1296: I don't think it is needed, but it is always a good idea11:14
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basvgpawan: there is an excellent install howto on the wiki of ubuntu11:15
Warbopawan: You on the LiveCD at the moment?11:15
andy-pawan: download ubuntu, burn it to cd, reboot pc with cd in cdrom.11:15
bigfoot1Warbo:  thanks11:15
pawani have the live cd11:15
pawanwith me11:15
Warbopawan: Does it boot OK?11:15
XtortioNDoes any one know how to disable acx? when i blacklist it ubuntu crashes at startup.11:15
pawan it boots11:15
bigfoot1if that's the case, can't the problem be solved by switching Ekiga from alsa to OSS?11:15
Warbopawan: Then there is a big icon on the desktop to install it :)11:15
andy-pawan: double click 'Install' on desktop11:15
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pawanit clicked it11:16
Warbobigfoot1: Maybe. Personally I cannot get my headset microphone to work, but I can get standalone ones going11:16
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bigfoot1what are standalones?11:16
pawanwill i loose my data11:16
glinux212Well I have problem with my squid, I does'nt block the access control I defined. Any Help?11:16
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Warbobigfoot1: As in, sits by itself in a little stand11:16
Warbopawan: No, but always make a backup just in case11:17
m_0_r_0_nHi, I would like to install the application audacity, which I ve configured and compiled by ./configure && make. Do I get any problems when I will install it /usr/local ?11:17
pawancan broadband be accessed using ubuntu11:17
Warbo!info audacity11:17
ubotuaudacity: A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.2.4b-2ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 1842 kB, installed size 5460 kB11:17
Warbopawan: Do you have a USB modem or an ethernet router?11:17
pawanethernet modem11:17
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Warbopawan: Then you will be fine11:18
m_0_r_0_nWarbo, No I dont want audacity from the repository!!!!!!11:18
pawanwhat is the procedure11:18
Warbom_0_r_0_n: OK, calm down :)11:18
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XtortioN!info Does any one know how to disable acx? when i blacklist it ubuntu crashes at startup.11:18
bigfoot1oh, warbo. i can't change from ALSA to oss in ekiga11:18
ubotuPackage Does does not exist in dapper11:18
cappizjaviolo did you compile from svn, or do you use the following fluxbox from ubuntu respetoriy?11:18
Warbopawan: You go in System>Administration>Networking and set up your ethernet connection. Usually set it to DHCP (so the router gives you an IP address)11:18
XtortioNthat stupid bot can answer my qustion lol11:19
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andy-pawan: is this your first attempt at linux?11:19
Warbom_0_r_0_n: Installing stuff to /usr/local is usually fine. Make sure you use checkinstall though11:19
pawani am afraid11:19
WarboXtortioN: !info <packagename> gives info on an Ubuntu package11:19
andy-pawan:  ubuntu was my first too, if u have at least SOME knowledge in windows, then ubuntu will be a breeze.11:19
glinux212Well I have problem with my squid, I does'nt block the access control I defined. Any Help?11:19
MadpilotXtortioN, asking the actual humans in this channel usually gets better results than randomly quizzing the bot...11:19
XtortioNpawan: it will be hard but you have to be brave :) it will be worth it.11:20
m_0_r_0_n!info checkinstall11:20
ubotucheckinstall: installation tracker. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.5.3-3ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 34 kB, installed size 132 kB11:20
pawani am software progarmmer11:20
andy-pawan: just backup any information just in case.11:20
Warbopawan: Since you have multiple Windows installed you obviously know a little about partitioning and stuff11:20
andy-pawan: then you should be ok, i found ubuntu to be the easiest, install is like 3 minutes, and everything works out of box execpt mp3 support which was just one file i had to install.11:20
ubotucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall  -  Please: Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page.11:20
XtortioNMadpilot, Warbo :p im aware of that i just thought i would give it a try LOL since know one knows my question.11:21
Warbom_0_r_0_n: Make sure you call the package something like "audacity-custom" or something, as "audacity" may get overwritten in an upgrade11:21
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WarboXtortioN: Well I don't know what acx is :)11:21
twa1296Warbo: gparted won't let me modify ntfs11:21
Warbotwa1296: I was thinking it may give trouble with ext3, but NTFS usually works11:22
XtortioNWarbo its a module for wireless driver11:22
m_0_r_0_nWarbo, thanks for you advise11:22
XtortioNI want to disable the module from loading11:23
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WarboXtortioN: Well I know what the blacklist is, I now know what the module is, but I have no idea why the error is happening :(11:23
pawancan we not play mp3 in ubuntu11:24
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:24
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XtortioNyes but its a pain in the butt to get it to work11:24
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Madpilotpawan, sure you can - see the URL that Warbo just beat me to posting :)11:24
Warbopawan: It's perfectly possible, just not enabled by default11:24
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XtortioNpawn yes but its a pain in the butt to get it to work11:24
pawanthere are restrictions11:25
WarboXtortioN: Really? What engine is that for? (Gstreamer, Xine, etc.)11:25
FeestBijtjeI'm opped in /5 channels. I've got the power about 0/887 users.11:25
XtortioNthen you got to find packages and install them11:25
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MadpilotFeestBijtje, and this matters in #ubuntu?11:26
WarboXtortioN: I thought Xine just worked for AVI, MP3, etc. Although that is probably since Xine has to be installed manually, and I always get the codecs at the same time :)11:26
bigfoot1how do i change my audio capture settings? where are the multimedia settings ?11:26
FeestBijtjeMadpilot, whats up?11:26
FeestBijtjewas not mentioned to be in here11:26
pawanhow much time does it take11:26
pawanto install ubuntu11:26
Warbopawan: Maybe half an hour11:26
FeestBijtjeI'm opped in /5 channels. I've got the power about 0/886 users.11:26
NgWarbo: installed manually? it's in the repositories11:26
XtortioNxine gives you the capabilty to use codecs11:26
pawansome say 3minutes11:26
FeestBijtjescript dousnt work properly :(11:26
WarboNg: I mean it is not installed by default11:27
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NgWarbo: ah :)11:27
ubotuFor multimedia codecs, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies | For multimedia applications, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultimediaApplications11:27
andy-hey does Bryce 3d work in linux?11:27
rysiek|plpawan: some say windows is a stable OS :P11:27
pawannot it is not11:27
Warboandy-: Erm, blender? ( I REALLY hate Bryce :) )11:27
andy-blender? hmm sudo apt-get install blender would work?11:27
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MadpilotFeestBijtje, um, you're only in two channels. And again, why does this matter on #ubuntu?11:28
Warboandy-: Yes, but Bender's interface is a little weird11:28
WarboBlender even11:28
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bigfoot1in System/Preferences/multimedia Systems Selector, when I press the "Test" key under Default Audio Plugin (while ALSA is the Plugin which is selected) I get an error message "- Advanced Linux Sound Architecture: Could not open resource for reading."11:28
bigfoot1what's wrong?11:28
andy-ok, downloading it now, gonna check it out.11:28
andy-thx Warbo11:28
FeestBijtjeMadpilot, i am using this on evolution network but it display's here11:28
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FeestBijtjean whole diff network11:28
FeestBijtjewhere i am operator11:28
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CarinArrhey, does anyone know what packages contains import and display?11:29
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andy-Warbo: whats 'yafray' ?11:29
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MadpilotFeestBijtje, so, why are you spamming this channel, anyway?11:29
CarinArryafray is a renderer11:29
FeestBijtjeMadpilot, its not my mention11:29
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:29
andy-aah, k, should probably get that too.11:29
WarboCarinArr: "display" as in the command line for viewing images? ImageMacick11:29
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CarinArrthanks warbo11:29
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lakbumy laptop has a ralink wireless card ... how can i install it ?11:31
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Warbolakbu: Check if it is already detected, my RALink was11:31
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Warbolakbu: System>Administration>Networking11:32
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lakbuhow will i know that it was detected?11:32
Warbolakbu: It will appear as a device11:32
Warbolakbu: In that tool I mentioned11:32
ringardi'm trying to install server edition 6.06 and the installer goes to a blue screen and hangs. any ideas?11:32
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lakbuyes..  it's there .. but when i activate it ... my system hang?11:33
Warbolakbu: Dammit, it screws my system too :) (well, it works fine, just hangs when I reboot)11:33
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Chillsnyone knows a good snmp range scanner?11:33
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lakbuWarbo: hehe. now my X wont start anymore..11:34
lakbubecause of it.11:34
m_0_r_0_nWarbo, Building Debian package... FAILED! by checkinstall. Message was: The package version "audacity" does notc ontain any digits. dpkg might not like that. I started checkinstall by "checkinstall -D --pkgname=MyAudacity"11:34
Chillsnyone knows a good snmp range scanner?11:34
Warbom_0_r_0_n: Give it a version of "1" or something11:34
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Warbom_0_r_0_n: If you are not giving it any dependencies then the version doesn't matter, but it must contain a number11:35
airzer0hi everyone11:35
angeldo any one know the name of channel ubuntu PL?11:35
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl11:35
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airzer0why is ubuntu better than windows11:36
m_0_r_0_nWarbo, Building Debian package...OK, Installing Debian package...OK, Erasing temporary files...OK, Writing backup package...OK, Deleting temp dir...OK :-)11:36
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Warboairzer0: Because it lets you do what you want, not what corporations want11:37
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airzer0is it hard to switch11:37
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LoRezWarning: `airzer0' seems to be spamming, please discontinue or kicks/kills/klines will be issued.11:39
Warboairzer0: I found dumping Windows was easy (I dual booted for a while, but Widnows was hopelessly broken and couldn't play games or anything), but I was not brought up on Windows, so I switched TO Windows and found it easy to break away11:40
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m_0_r_0_nWarbo, installations was succesfull, but I cant find/start the program:  myaudacity: command not found11:40
pawanyahoo booter11:40
Warbom_0_r_0_n: myaudacity is just the name of the package, the program name is still audacity11:40
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=== zcat[1] migrated from dos to linux. I don't think I could stand switching to windows now!!
m_0_r_0_nok :-)11:40
Warbom_0_r_0_n: ls /usr/local/bin11:40
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=== Warbo hates DOS with every ounce of his soul
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user-landHow can i configure a bluetooth password ?11:42
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Warbouser-land: I think it it bluez-passwd or something. Try using "ls /usr/bin/*blue*" to see the bluetooth commands11:42
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jcanalejo.n .b,m.hn,.n.n.hkmhfhhf11:42
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Warbouser-land: I must say that KDE's handling of bluetooth is far better than GNOME's11:43
user-landthanks, Warbo, so Ubuntu has no GUI interface for bluetooth configuration ?11:43
airzer0sry my key stuck11:43
Warbouser-land: Install gnome-bluetooth11:43
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fatlipwhats the best/easiest ftpd for ubuntu?11:43
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Warbobluez-pin I think now I recall...11:44
Ngfatlip: does it have to be an ftpd? ssh includes something called sftp which is much more secure and very easy to set up if  you just want regular user access and not things like anonymous access11:44
Bergcubefatlip~  I am very satisfied with vsftpd.  And it took all of 5 minutes to configure as I wanted it.11:44
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user-landi understand. Warbo, Kubuntu 6.06 once installed did not boot on my system. If i install kubuntu-desktop now, is there a risk that i will have to reinstall Ubuntu ?11:44
fatlipyeah it doesnt matter what kind.. just setting it up for a quick fxp11:45
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thomashi, generating a key using gpg took a much of time, because /dev/random produces very low random data even moving the mouse or typing on the keyboard11:45
Warbouser-land: I wouldn't think so, but kubuntu-desktop installs A LOT of stuff. I make do with Konqueror to do my OBEX file transfers, and I think I set up the PIN with bluez-pin (I think you have to put it in the config file somewhere in /etc)11:46
thomasbut on a pure debian system it produces much more random11:46
Awesome-o2000I am unable to get sound working in quake 3 and enemy territory - I beg for assistance here11:46
Awesome-o2000Ive googled and tried different solutions but nothing seems to be working11:46
Awesome-o2000never mind11:46
Awesome-o2000got it11:46
Awesome-o2000thanks for the distro11:46
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airzer0what about vesta11:48
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fatlipBergcube: wheres the config located for vsftpd?11:48
=== Warbo has vowed never to touch Vista, for fear of becoming DRM infected
airzer0im excited11:48
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airzer0i have aids11:49
airzer0so does my computer11:49
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adam_how can i exicuted terminal commands on ubuntu startup?11:49
Warboairzer0: That's not really funny11:49
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Ngadam_: as your user or as root?11:49
Bergcubefatlip~  Erm.  You got me there.  Not stored in brain.  Let me check and reply in 3-4 minutes.11:49
Warboadam_: Put a script in /etc/init.d11:49
fatlipthanks :)11:49
Warboadam_: System>Preferences>sesscion11:50
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airzer0i have diabeatis11:50
NgWarbo: in dapper we have /etc/rc.local for random root commands at startup, way easier than dumping a script in /etc/init.d and symlinking it to rc2.d11:50
adam_Warbo: thanx11:50
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Ngairzer0: please stay on topic or be quiet11:50
airzer0my bad11:50
burzummy usb mouse stopped working while using ubunto everyt else still works, any idea how to get it back working without rebooting?11:50
s_spifWarbo, this sancho gui, how did you install it? there is not .deb [ sorry noob here ] 11:50
airzer0what is the topic11:50
Ngairzer0: ubuntu support11:51
NgI highly doubt that11:51
airzer0drank to much11:51
WarboNg: I thought I looked for an rc.local a while ago. What way does Fedora use, cos I tried that first11:51
Warbos_spif: I got an RPM and used alien11:51
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).11:51
Konstablehello.  just installed ubuntu.  I'm trying to start GAIM, it pops up for a short while but then disappears without a trace.11:51
osfameronanyone using Smart with ubuntu instead of/as well as  apt-get ?11:51
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).11:51
adam_Warbo: were do i type the command?11:52
NgKonstable: try running "gaim" from a terminal, see if it produces an error11:52
s_spifWarbo, no problems with it na?11:52
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airzer0i just installed windows but know i want ubuntu11:52
Warboosfameron: I thought it was an attempt to unify package managers, but when I found out that it isn't I lost interest11:52
Bergcubefatlip~  It is in /etc/vsftpd.conf  You might get a little more help reading http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-91887.html11:52
fatlipthanks :)11:52
osfameronWarbo: I'm using right now as I'm checking out SLED 10 as an alternative to Dapper :-)11:53
Bergcubefatlip~  ou're welcome.11:53
osfameronand SUSE's package management is teh sux11:53
osfameronso everyone uses smart :D11:53
snoopswhen I boot ubuntu I find that gnome-panel often dies and refuses to load properly - I have to keep killing services and eventually it does.. not fun :(11:53
Warbos_spif: Sancho is not really a system-critical application, so alien should be OK, it works for me (but the files are in /opt, which made me create a little script to launch it11:53
user-landkubuntu-desktop is now installing some 400MB of additional software.11:53
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Awesome-o2000how do I change the order ALSA sets my cards up in?11:53
KonstableNg: It says Gaim segfaulted.  Not much other detail.11:53
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s_spifWarbo, apart from this sacho..i downloaded the browser Flock [ in its beta for linux ] , i got a .tar.gz. Extracted it to the desktop in a files Flock, now how do i install the damn thing?11:54
Warboadam_: The tab on the right, add a new entry11:54
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)11:54
NgKonstable: has it been working before or is this the first time you've started it?11:54
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KonstableNg: this is the first time I've started Ubuntu itself. So yeah, first time for Gaim also.11:55
adam_warbo, do the commands get exicuted in order like 1 after the other?11:55
user-landWarbo, are you getting something in return for your excellent support work here ?11:55
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eugmanhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18509 What do I need to install?11:55
Warboadam_: I'm not sure. I think there used to be an order, but it has somehow disappeared11:55
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NgKonstable: hmm, that's not such a good sign. I guess the first thing to do would be to fire up synaptic, search for the gaim package and tell it to reinstall it. if it still fails, remove the .gaim directory in your home directory, if that still doesn't work you might want to consider running memtest86+ for a few hours11:55
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eugmanWarbo gets a tingly feeling inside.11:56
Warbouser-land: I am getting a warm, happy glow11:56
s_spifuser-land, lol, noone gets anything. Everything is done free of cost.11:56
IseeIseeI have 3 PC A,B,C  PC B has 2 Ethernet cards & has Ubuntu on it, PC B receives internet from A, I want to make C receive internet from B, how can I do that. When I run windows on PC B, I made a "Bridge" between the 2 Ethernet cards and was able to forward internet to C11:56
user-landWarbo, isn't that frustrating ?11:56
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twa1296yes, Warbo, thank you, you've helped me out many times :)11:56
adam_Warbo, coz if they dont its gonna f*** my compuetr11:56
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BergcubeWarbo~  That's good if you're in a woman,but bad if you're in the jungle.  (Stolen from "Good morning VietNam"...)11:56
Warbouser-land: Getting a happy glow? Well, it can attract moths at night...11:56
Ngadam_: you could always put the commands in the right order in a script and call that script from the sessions configuration11:57
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KonstableNg: Thanks I'll try that11:57
adam_Warbo, im new 2 ubuntu so i dont know how 2 do that11:57
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user-landif i disappear for hours now my conversion to KDE did not work out :-)11:57
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WarboIseeIsee: Get firestarter and set up IP masquerading I think11:57
s_spiffhey anyone uses ipmsg for talking to ppl on lan?11:58
ubotuI know nothing about ipmsg - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:58
WarboIseeIsee: If the other machines are Windows use Samba on top11:58
frogzooIseeIsee: you can bridge with bridge utils - or just vanilla route, or nat - world of opporunity11:58
IseeIseefrogzoo: where are the bridge util ?11:58
Warbouser-land: I use GNOME, but I use Konqueror for Bluetooth11:58
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=== frogzoo wishes for a faster dpkg -S ...
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frogzooIseeIsee: bridge-utils11:59
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=== Bergcube wishes for a faster X, for almost every possible value of X.
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s_spiffWarbo, i installed mldonkey, but i didnt select the 'start at startup' option..now how do i get it running and set its options?12:00
adam_i have a wireless pci adapter but i cant install it with out writing heaps of shit in the terminal and it works 4 5min and then my computer freeze12:00
snoopshow do I remove folders in gconf-editor?12:00
IseeIseefrogzoo: and from where will I access this package ?12:00
user-landWhy do you use gnome, Warbo ?12:00
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frogzooIseeIsee: think you can figure that one out on your own ;)12:00
Warbos_spiff: make a folder somewhere and run "mlnet". I use /var/lib/mldonkey and use "sudo mlnet" (don't worry, it is not run as root, it becomes the user "mldonkey")12:01
airzer0hi i found it12:01
Warbouser-land: I like the look of it. Not so much the new shiny themes, so I reverted to a matte XFCE theme and E16 as the window manager12:01
NgBergcube: check you have the best graphics card drivers installed and that DMA is enabled on your hard disk. other than that, more RAM can often help make a machine faster12:01
IseeIseefrogzoo: please man, I'm not very happy with the way Ubuntu places things, you always have to do a google search to find out where are the things :P12:01
Ngeugman: you need to install libgtk2.0-dev12:02
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
user-landI see, Warbo. For me who constantly has to struggle to get functionality from my PC, i am missing KDE.12:02
airzer0do you ubuntu12:02
adam_can sombody help me install my wireless pci adapter12:02
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@rrcs-67-52-37-209.west.biz.rr.com] by gnomefreak
Ngeugman: and libgnomevfs2-dev12:02
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eugmanOh yeah I need devs for compiling.12:02
Warbouser-land: Whatever floats your boat12:02
=== TheCool [n=hhinde@ip60.186.dsl-acs2.seawa0.iinet.com] has joined #ubuntu
user-landsee you :-)12:02
airzer0hi cool12:02
BergcubeNg~  Now THAT was a case of really flopped attempt at humor on my part.  My computer is very fast and works almost perfect.  STILL I wish for faster everything.  More speed more fun.  Just look at what's happened the last 10 years and project that 10 years forward...  Speed good.  :-D12:03
WarboBergcube: How many CELL blades are you getting for christmas? :)12:03
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TheCoolI was wondering if someone could give me a hand with ndiswrapper. I've installed the driver for my wireless card, but when I modprobe ndiswrapper, it attaches to my usbcore. The wireless card is a minipci.12:03
NgBergcube: idle comments to #ubuntu-offtopic then please ;)12:03
BergcubeWarbo~  Knowing my family:  None.  :-|12:03
airzer0hi andy12:03
babohttp://pastebin.ca/94559 ... everytime it finds an $EMAIL in $PREVIOUS, and everytime it adds the email to previous ... ?12:03
babohow is that possible ... ?12:04
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stefg!wireless > adam_12:04
void^TheCool: doesn't matter12:04
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airzer0howdy doody12:04
TheCoolvoid^: Why not, cause I'm not getting a wlan0.12:04
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sspyIs anybody of ubuntu admins here ???12:05
void^TheCool: perhaps you haven't installed the correct windows driver12:05
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Madpilotsspy, admins of which part of the project?12:05
TheCoolvoid^: Yep I have, I've had four distros on this laptop and have used the same driver. So far only Ubuntu has had problems.12:05
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TheCoolndiswrapper -l says that everything is happy.12:06
void^TheCool: perhaps another (broken) driver is active for your card12:06
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sspy<Madpilot>  I ordered Ubuntu free CD's and i have a qustion. Is it absolytely free ?12:06
Ngairzer0: seriously, be sensible or be quiet12:06
gnomefreaksspy: yes12:06
Madpilotsspy, yes, it's absolutely free12:06
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garfaceit takes a few weeks tho:)12:07
user-landthank you, Warbo, KDE is working here too now :-)12:07
eugmanconfig.status: error: cannot find input file: graphics/Makefile.in12:07
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user-landi am just astonished that i still have the same gnome panel ...12:08
TheCoolvoid^: Well, Ubuntu loads like 30 modules (according to lsmod)12:08
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sspyone more question: CD's will be delivered to my house or i must go to the post office ?12:08
garfacethey go to your house12:08
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sspyit's cool. thx12:09
garfaceor what ever adress you set in12:09
Madpilotsspy, that depends on your postal service12:09
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garfacesspy, took a while for me12:10
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snoopshow do I remove folders in gconf-editor? Anyone know?12:10
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garfacemt. but it was worth it :)12:11
gnomefreaksnoops: rm12:11
Sonderbladeis ubuntu etch ready to be used yet?12:11
gnomefreakSonderblade: not really12:11
Sonderbladedoes it compile?12:12
gnomefreakSonderblade: its not ready for public testing12:12
snoopsgnomefreak err gconf-editor has no terminal to enter rm12:12
babohttp://pastebin.ca/94559 ... everytime it finds an $EMAIL in $PREVIOUS, and everytime it adds the email to previous ... ?12:12
tzfardeahey, i have some problem, im using ubuntu 6.06 and sometimes the mouse pointer is just moving to a randomaly point every second so i cant control it12:12
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Bergcubetzfardea~  Is it an optical mouse, or one with a all underneath?12:13
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s_spiffanyone knows any ip messenger for linux? i tried xipmsg, but its nothing like the windows version12:13
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Ngsnoops: I think he means you start a terminal from the ubuntu menus and remove the folder in question from ~/.gconf12:14
tzfardeaBergcube, optical12:15
gnomefreakyep ;)12:15
gnomefreaksorry still sleeping here12:15
DimitrisI installed ubuntu and during installation i chose not to mount the DellUtility partition that comes with my laptop but it still shows in My Computer.  Also there is a double entry for /  partition(one as Filesystem and one as Root Volume).  I think its a known bug.12:15
TheCoolGad, I'll just go back to gentoo, it actually works.12:15
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Bergcubetzfardea~  I have experienced that if the surface the mouse is on is too blank or glary my mouse does the same.  Also if I happen to lift the mouse slightly instead of keeping it down.12:16
Bizzehhey, where can i find out what version of the RT2500 drivers ubuntu (amd64) use?12:16
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airzer0hi how are you today12:17
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munzirHi, http://www.ubuntu.com/news/opera9 says add remove programs should contain opera but it's not! What am I missing?12:17
tzfardeaBergcube, ok thanks12:17
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airzer0ru bout it bout it>?12:18
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource12:18
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gnomefreakmunzir: it doesnt unles syou add the opera repo but itws just as easy as going to opera.com downloading it than running sudo dpkg -i opera<tab>12:18
PupenoIf I build and install linux 2.6.17 I'll need to rebuild fglrx and restricted modules, right ?12:18
stefg!info opera12:18
ubotuPackage opera does not exist in dapper12:18
stefg!info opera912:18
ubotuPackage opera9 does not exist in dapper12:18
cmug!info openvpn12:18
ubotuopenvpn: Virtual Private Network daemon. In repository universe, is optional. Version 2.0.6-1 (dapper), package size 310 kB, installed size 940 kB12:18
gnomefreakstefg: opera isnt in the repos12:18
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munzirgnomefreak: ok I will download form opera site but that page needs to be fixed I guess. thx12:19
stefgohhh.... forgot that i have an easysource generated sources.list12:19
pawanyahoo booter12:19
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airzer0do you drink yeager?12:19
mp3guyhi, my friend needs some help with his ubuntu installation, is there anyway I can do a remote desktop kinda thing and control his ubuntu from mine? Is there a HOWTO anywhere?12:19
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frogzooIseeIsee:  don't use google to search - use synaptic or 'apt-cache search'12:19
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ranDomizedmp3guy, tel him to lauch vino and use vncviewer12:20
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munzirmp3guy: may be you need vnc12:20
pawanis ubuntu a good os12:20
mp3guyranDomized, is it as easy as that?12:20
Pupenomp3guy: yes, there's vnc but I don't know what is the most friendly vnc client/server in gnome, you are running gnome, right ?12:20
ranDomizedmp3guy, well you my encounter some firewall ...12:20
airzer0no pawn12:20
ranDomizedmp3guy, vnc server in gnome is called vino12:21
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Bizzehpawan: how long is a piece of string?12:21
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airzer0windows is better12:21
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pawanso we should not shift to ubuntu12:21
airzer0check this out  www.ubuntu.org12:21
GorlistDoes Ubuntu come with a local host for websites?12:21
Bergcubepawan~  I am an IT consultant with more than 20 years experience.  I would say that Ubuntu is without doubt the best desktop OS I've ever used.12:21
Bizzehi would have to partly agree with Bergcube12:22
=== amf [n=amf@adsl-072-148-069-017.sip.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
BizzehUbuntu is without doubt the best LINUX BASED desktop OS12:22
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ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!12:22
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munzirranDomized: I just tried this vino and it's saying "Users can view your desktop using this command: vncviewer localhost:0"12:22
airzer0i concur12:22
=== rob looks
gnomefreakNg: ?12:22
=== Phlosten [n=Phlosten@CPE-139-168-85-28.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
PupenoGorlist: if you mean a web server that you can run on your computer, there are various. The most popular being apache. Ubuntu doesn't install it by default, but you can install it easily with aptitude or synaptic.12:22
Bizzehso anyway12:22
Bizzehwhere can i find out what version of the RT2500 drivers ubuntu (amd64) use?12:22
munzirranDomized: shouldn't it report the ip? is it really port 0?12:23
Madpilotairzer0, drop it, or leave. Last warning.12:23
Nggnomefreak: /lastlog airzer012:23
Bergcubepawan~  But I guess it must be said that I think all desktop computers suck inherently.  Real computers have their own rooms and personell like me to take care of them.  I never trust a computer I can lift on my own.12:23
Konstablenewbie question: how do I check my ubuntu version?12:23
ranDomizedmunzir, it's listening on
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ranDomizedmunzir, default vnc port is 590012:23
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frogzooKonstable: lsb_release -a12:23
ranDomizedmunzir, you should be able to tell it to listen to remote interface12:23
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Phlostenanyone know if shipit has an email address?12:24
Konstablefrogzoo: thanks12:24
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larry123 how to add a command to the init sequence before GDM comes up ? thanks12:24
lz1gjdhi, how do i convert an mp3 ogg file to wma ?12:25
simira(edgy k1 on laptop) my sd-card didn't autumount when I inserted it; what can I do to mount it? /what kind of device should it appear as?)12:25
FriedCPUanybody know of a repo that has this: libgl1-mesa 6.5.1-Oubuntu5, Compiz is wanting it, but I only have 6.4.1, cant find it anywhere :/12:25
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ubotuBoot options: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootOptions To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a bootfloppy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SmartBootManagerHowto12:25
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amfusually /dev/sda12:25
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simiraamf: it didn't even show up in /dev, then12:26
munzirranDomized: ok I did vino-preferences and enable it and close. now vncviewer localhost:0 says unable to connect to vnc server and netstat shows no port related to vino open12:26
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ranDomizedmunzir, restart vino12:27
frogzoois it known yet what the big pieces are going to be in edgy to convince users to upgrade?12:27
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gnomefreakMadpilot: you got a sec?12:27
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snoopsare they trying to convince users to upgrade at all frogzoo?12:27
Madpilotgnomefreak, sure - PM me if you want12:27
gnomefreakok ty12:27
munzirranDomized: how?12:28
simira(edgy k1 on laptop) my sd-card didn't autumount when I inserted it; what can I do find it? (It's not in /dev)12:28
frogzoosnoops: no, wouldn't encourage anyone to upgrade to a beta - I mean for when it's eventually released12:28
rubikcubeany gimp/gtk+ ubuntu maintainer around here for a probably ubuntu specific gimp bug?12:28
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ranDomizedmunzir,i have just looked, you cant tell it to listen somewhere else but localhost12:28
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airzer0hi how are you12:29
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Bizzehwhere can i find out what version of the RT2500 drivers ubuntu (amd64) use?12:29
munzirranDomized: ok I want it to listen to localhost only how?12:29
snoopsfrogzoo so did I.. I didn't think they were going to try and convince users to upgrade - it's really for the people wanting to try out new stuff.. and I'm hoping xgl/compiz - so more people get to see how amazingly awesome it is12:29
frogzooBizzeh: check /var/log/messages or dpkg -S on the kernel module12:29
ranDomizedmunzir, what's the point ?12:29
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Corporal_DirgeIs there any way to see shared windows folders?12:29
Bizzehfrogzoo: i dont have ubuntu installed ATM12:30
munzirranDomized: I don't have a vino binary only vino-preferences and it didn't start12:30
frogzooBizzeh: it's not a crime...12:30
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simira(edgy k1 on laptop) my sd-card didn't autumount when I inserted it; what can I do find it? (It's not in /dev)12:30
Bizzehfrogzoo: so, how can i find out what it uses, without having it installed12:30
s_spiffWarbo, i installed mldonkey, but with it i also installed the mldonkey-gui12:30
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DimitrisCorporal_Dirge: Samba12:31
heatxsinksimira:  I get the same problem12:31
s_spiffnow i tried removing the ml-donkey gui , which was removed successfully12:31
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Corporal_Dirgenm, I found it. Thanks though.12:31
s_spiff but when i tried removing ml-donkey i got this error : E: mldonkey-server: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 112:31
heatxsinksimira:  fdisk -l12:31
frogzooBizzeh: -> packages.ubuntu.com ???12:31
s_spiffWarbo, what to do?12:31
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simiraheatxsink: is that supposed to produce something?12:31
PanicFoif you are logged in via ssh.. how can you retrieve a file?12:31
simiraheatxsink: any suggestiong?12:31
PanicFofrom the remote machine to your own?12:31
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s_spiffWarbo, now its not letting me install/unintall anything via synaptic.. it gives the same error12:32
frogzooPanicFo: scp12:32
amfsd card.....  Mine is /dev/sdb112:32
ranDomizedmunzir, /usr/lib/vino/vino-server12:32
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simiraamf: mine is not in /dev at all12:32
ranDomizedmunzir, or restart your gnome-session12:32
s_spiffany1 help?12:32
Bizzehfrogzoo: found it, thanks :)12:33
frogzooBizzeh: cool12:33
amfwow ur right.  It isn't listed  but that's what mine mounts to12:33
s_spiffgnomefreak u there?12:34
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freevoi have speed problem with usb2 HD that is connected thru USB2 PCI carD . Can i tweak something to get faster read  speed on it12:34
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munzirranDomized: thx a lot it worked now but it was not obvious that the binary is on the lib directory and not on the path12:34
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s_spiffcan some1 help me with the crazy error!12:35
ukuserhi I am a new user of linux (ubuntu) and am currently running the latest 6.06 but have a slight problem during startup where the screen resolution is not correct. is there a way to force a certain resolution for the startup process12:36
ranDomizedmunzir, i know, dpkg --L vino is your friend12:36
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munzirranDomized: it's very nice. now I tried it and it allow remote access not just from localhost12:36
ranDomizedmunzir, be a bit careful though12:37
freevo!fixres > ukuser12:37
mp3guyranDomized, how on earth do I get vino/vncviewer working?12:37
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IseeIseeI just installed "bridge-utils" from where can I access it now ?12:37
s_spiffranDomized, can u help me with mldonkey?12:37
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Konstablecompletely lost here. in the Synaptic Package Manager it tells me I have one broken pacakge - ubuntu-desktop.  when i mark it for reinstall i get the error:12:37
KonstableE: /var/cache/apt/archives/ttf-arphic-bkai00mp_2.10-6_all.deb: short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/share/fonts/truetype/arphic/bkai00mp.ttf')12:37
ukuserthanks freevo12:37
munzirmp3guy: do /usr/lib/vino/vino-server12:37
ukuserwill look now12:38
ranDomizedmp3guy, install vino on the remote machine and xvncviewer on the client machine12:38
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mp3guymunzir, says its already running12:38
ranDomizedmp3guy, on remoet machine, launch /usr/lib/vino/vino-server12:38
kbrooksQUESTION :p12:38
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ranDomizedon client, run vncviewer ip_of_remote_machine12:38
TheCoolvoid^: I just wanted to let you know, the problem was the ndiswrapper on the base install is messed up. I downloaded a newer version and built and installed it and everything works fine.12:38
ranDomizeds_spiff, nope12:38
frogzooIseeIsee: dpkg -L bridge-utils12:38
ukuserfreevo, my screen resolution is detected correctly and is great in X but during startup my screen switches off cause it can only display a high reolution12:39
kbrookshow do i enable numlock when the login screen pops up12:39
void^TheCool: ah. i never use distro-supplied ndiswrapper :] 12:39
frogzoo!fixres > ukuser12:39
TheCoolvoid^: I'm not used to using a very binary heavy distro. I'm used to gentoo.12:39
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mp3guyranDomized, do I need to forward ports?12:40
freevoukuser, i am not following what you are tyring to say .12:40
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ranDomizedmp3guy, yep, on router on remote machine's side12:40
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TheCoolvoid^: But I have a client that wants to setup 5 workstations and I'm eval'ing easy to use/maintain desktop distros.12:40
ranDomizedmp3guy, tcp 590012:40
ranDomizedmp3guy, or better, use ssh tunnel12:40
s_spiffdoes anyone have experience with mldonkey?12:41
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ranDomizedmp3guy,  it'll be crypted, auth'ed and you wont hav a vnc server listening in the wild12:41
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maatttthey people!12:41
=== maatttt waves
ranDomizedplop maatttt12:41
IseeIseefrogzoo: can I have a pastebin here, I wanna show you something12:41
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Bergcubefreevo~  I have seen something of the same as ukuser, even if t wasn't a problem for me.  I set the resolution in X lower than it defaulted to.  After that the login screen kept on using the high resolution.  So they can have one each.12:42
maattttwhat's a neat way to send an email via a shell script ?12:42
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Led_Zeppelinhow do I do hardware discovery in ubuntu?12:42
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Led_Zeppelinalso, how do I configure X11?12:42
ranDomizedmaatttt, echo plop | mail -s subject toto@plop.fr12:42
maattttthank mate12:42
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Bergcubefreevo~  ah, he's left...12:42
ranDomizedmaatttt, given you get a properly configured mta on your machine12:43
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Led_Zeppelincan someone please help me configure X11 in Ubuntu?12:43
fortran01Led_Zeppelin: you can configure using dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:43
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fortran01if you are using the xorg server12:43
maattttyeah yeah, exim / mailman.  I just want a weekly message to a list.12:43
Led_Zeppelinfortran01: ok, first I need something to redetect my hardward for my laptop.12:43
IseeIseepastebin please ?12:43
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brotakuli'm new in ubuntu/linux and i fave a problem. i can't make all the harware sensors working with gdesklets for exemple and i mean the temperature and fan speed sensors. what am i doing wrong?12:44
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fortran01Led_Zeppelin: that's good for detecting hardware and reconfiguring resolution12:44
Led_Zeppelinfortran01: is there dselect in ubuntu ?12:44
fortran01Led_Zeppelin: no idea12:44
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Led_Zeppelinfortran01: is there a kudzu for it?12:44
Konstablewhat do I do if the ubuntu-desktop package is broken, and when trying to reinstall it i get an error...12:44
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Rambo3Konstable, broken how you could try purge it and install it12:45
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fortran01Led_Zeppelin: i think there's no kudzu12:45
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KonstableRambo3: I'm just completely new to Ubuntu, and pretty much linux in general.. How do I purge it?12:46
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adam_is there a program that i could download that can exicute terminal comands when ubuntu starts up?12:47
snoopsgconf-editor - is it possible to remove folders from within it? eg apps/panel/applets/applet0 ?12:47
ukuserhi i have a screen resolution problem can any one help i have done everything at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:47
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stefgadam_: what exactly are you trying to do?12:47
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Bergcubeukuser~  Is it a flatscreen?12:48
IseeIseewhile installing bridge-utils I get the following, please have a look12:48
ukuserbergcube yes attached to a dell sx270, its fine in X but not after GRUB during boot12:48
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fortran01Led_Zeppelin: but im not really sure about the kudzu12:48
Rambo3Konstable, its apt-get remove with purge flag , that will completly unstall stufff  . --purge  and like this: sudo  apt-get remove --purge ubuntu-desktop && apt-get install ubuntu-desktop12:48
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KonstableRambo3: Thanks, I'll try that12:49
Rambo3your configs will be gone12:49
adam_stefg, to use my wireless network card i need 2 execute a few commands b4 it will work propley but i hate doing it every time i start up ubuntu12:49
Bergcubeukuser~   I have seen something of the same as you, even if t wasn't a problem for me.  I set the resolution in X lower than it defaulted to.  After that the login screen kept on using the high resolution.  So perhaps the login screen is in fact in a resolution too HIGH for your screen.......12:49
IseeIseesomeone see my problem please :)12:49
scheurithere is a tool, that helps me installing stuff like codecs and fonts...what was it called again?12:49
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto12:50
Bergcubescheuri~  EasyUbuntu12:50
ukuserbergcube as soon as X starts all is great its just booting up the screen cannot display the resolution12:50
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scheuriBergcube: is it in the repos? or where do I get it?12:50
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stefgadam_: so you want to run a script. this is the most essential thing in a linux system, so you dont need to download something to make it work.12:50
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Bergcubescheuri~  http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/12:51
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scheuriBergcube: thousand thanks12:51
adam_stefg, i am new 2 ubuntu and i dont know how 2 do that, perhaps u could tell me12:51
larry123i figured out how to change brightness on VGN-S460 and it is tricky, where i can publish the trick ? any wikipedia ?12:51
Bergcubeukuser~  Hang on a minute.....12:51
stefgadam_:  let me look for some literature for you to read, hold on12:51
wildmanIseeIsee, I don't see the problem. You just do as told12:51
ukuserbergcube ok - thanks12:51
Rambo3larry123, use forums and howto section12:51
IseeIseesomeone see my post above, I don't think its a big problem, some of you should know the solution to it12:51
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wildmanIseeIsee, the only strange thing is that java docs are needed for that package?12:52
frogzooIseeIsee: what happens when you do 'sudo apt-get update' ?12:52
IseeIseewildman: if I press Enter the same error appears and if I press "No" the bridge-utils is not correctly installed12:52
wildmanIseeIsee, maybe you left that java doc pkg 'bad' configured somehow from one of your previous installs, that's all12:52
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wildmanNo aborts, as the info says12:52
cataractCan anyone here recommend me a 802.11g (capable of WPA2) PCMCIA card that works with current (K)Ubuntu releases?12:52
frogzooIseeIsee: methinks you need to enable automatic updates to stop this kind of shenanigans12:52
wildmanIseeIsee, the same error appears because you don't do as told?12:53
Ngcataract: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported12:53
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KonstableRambo3: Didn't work. Errors during unpack in second part.12:53
stefgadam_: http://rute.2038bug.com/node10.html.gz12:53
RedGhosthow do you login with root in GNOME, like being root in the gnome DE12:53
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IseeIseewidlman: yes when I was installing JDK the same error appeared at that time12:53
cataractNg. Thanks dude!12:53
Awesome-o2000everything works well.12:53
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wildmanIseeIsee, that is: download those zip files and put them in /tmp owned by root...12:53
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Ng!root > RedGhost12:53
cataractNg: Thanks dude!12:53
wildmanIseeIsee, I could install jdk here w/o pbs at all (dapper x86_64)12:54
RedGhostnot sudo su12:54
wildmanIseeIsee, Sun's JDK 1.512:54
RedGhostbut root in gnome enviroment12:54
Bergcubeukuser~  In /boot/grub/menu.lst my current boot invocation is /vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-686 root=/dev/hda2 ro quiet splash vga=0x323   The "vga=0x323" sets the text-mode terminal resolution.  Perhaps you should read up on that.  And DO NOT mess with this file unless you feel you know what you're doing.12:54
noiesmohey all everytime I reboot my laptop it wants to preform maintenance. I give root password and drops to shell but then if I try and run fsck it warns about damage whats the go or do i run another command??12:54
wildmanIseeIsee, check the advice of the other users above regarding apt-get update and enabling automatic updates plz12:54
frogzoowildman: IseeIsee with 128 updates to run simultaneously, it's not that surprising it's having difficulties12:54
adam_stefg, thanx mate ur a gun12:54
wildmanIseeIsee, good luck12:54
NgRedGhost: to do that you would have to log in as root, and to do that you'd need to enable the root account. to do that you'd need to read the page I just had ubotu message you12:54
RedGhostalright ;D12:55
wildmanfrogzoo, why java doc pkgs are not pulled from the same sources as the jdk then?12:55
munzirgnomefreak: I just found it won't install on my amd64! what a pity that I need to install a chroot system to have it working12:55
stefgadam_: and dont foregt to read the thing about !init to put everything in the proper place12:55
wildmanfrogzoo, why is he being asked to download it from Sun? can't jdk doc be distributed alongside the jdk?12:55
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IseeIseefrogzoo: I did update and I get the following: There is some problem at the end12:55
tristan_Do you know any software that can record as a movie what occurs on the screen?12:55
dsastristan_: istanbulcan do that12:56
Rambo3Konstable, more info about error12:56
dsastristan_: sorry, "istanbul"12:56
adam_stefg, thanx12:56
KonstableRambo3: (Reading database ... 55822 files and directories currently installed.)12:56
KonstableUnpacking ttf-arphic-bkai00mp (from .../ttf-arphic-bkai00mp_2.10-6_all.deb) ...12:56
Konstabledpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)12:56
Konstabledpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/ttf-arphic-bkai00mp_2.10-6_all.deb (--unpack):12:56
Konstable short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/share/fonts/truetype/arphic/bkai00mp.ttf')12:56
KonstableSelecting previously deselected package ubuntu-desktop.12:56
Rambo3Konstable, i forgot "sudo" apt-get install there12:56
KonstableUnpacking ubuntu-desktop (from .../ubuntu-desktop_0.80_amd64.deb) ...12:56
dsas!paste > Konstable12:56
KonstableErrors were encountered while processing:12:56
Konstable /var/cache/apt/archives/ttf-arphic-bkai00mp_2.10-6_all.deb12:57
KonstableE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)12:57
dsasKonstable: STOP12:57
dsas!paste > Konstable12:57
KonstableRambo3: I did use sudo12:58
Konstabledsas: sorry.12:58
frogzooIseeIsee: like it says, you have duplicate definitions of the same repos12:58
dsasKonstable: s'ok. This is how you learn these things :)12:58
IseeIseeyeah I fixed that, now its not saying I have12:58
Bergcubeukuser~  Have you gone MIA?12:58
Rambo3Konstable, sudo apt-get -f install12:58
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IseeIseebut the same error on bridge-utils12:59
IseeIseefrogzoo: but the same error on bridge-utils12:59
KonstableRambo3: same error in the end12:59
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frogzooIseeIsee: well, have you installed the java docs?12:59
RedGhosti already enabled login was root from login screen a while ago12:59
AdsumWhen compiling blender 2.42 where should i put it? By default scons does a few folders in my home folder where it puts all the files and thats not really what i would like12:59
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RedGhostand im logged in with it12:59
RedGhostit still says im not the owner in gnome12:59
IseeIseefrogzoo: I already have them in a separate folder, I don't want to install them12:59
darth_gimpI was asked if Ubuntu could be used to run a Video Store. Any idea of any software for that application, or how to find it?01:00
Rambo3Konstable, weard sudo dpkg --install --force /var/cache/apt/archives/ttf-arphic-bkai00mp_2.10-6_all.deb . and thats the last idea i got you ll have to ask someone else couse i dont know more01:00
frogzooIseeIsee: ok, so remove the package01:00
IseeIseefrogzoo: which package ?01:00
NgKonstable: if what Rambo3 just suggested doesn't work, delete that ttf-arphic .deb file and run the apt-get command again01:00
dsastristan_: or there's byanz. Or if you know the right pipeline you can do it direct from gstreamer01:01
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frogzooIseeIsee: the java docs package - to stop apt complaining01:01
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IseeIseefrogzoo: but I never installed the docs package01:02
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random_hdsas, where do you find byanz ?01:02
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KonstableNg: Still the same01:03
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larry123utility to bind key combinations on laptop , like Fn-F5 ?01:03
dsasrandom_h: it's in universe01:03
random_hdsas, ok thx01:03
darth_gimpI was asked if Ubuntu could be used to run a Video Store. Any idea of any software for that application, or how to find it?01:03
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IseeIseefrogzoo: I just have them as a zip file in a separate drive01:03
KonstableRambo3: Actually I think a problem with your syntax, I got dpkg: unknown force/refuse option `/var/cache/apt/archives/ttf-arphic-bkai00mp_2.10-6_all.deb01:03
kbrooksdarth_gimp: What is a video store?01:04
darth_gimpWhere people come to rent DVD movies or Games01:04
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frogzoodarth_gimp: IseeIsee 'sudo dpkg --purge sun-java5-doc'01:05
frogzoosoz darth_gimp01:05
kbrooksdarth_gimp: and thhey do this... "online"?01:05
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brotakuli'm new in ubuntu/linux and i fave a problem. i can't make all the harware sensors working with gdesklets for exemple and i mean the temperature and fan speed sensors. what am i doing wrong?01:05
darth_gimpin a store setting.. physical place...01:05
darth_gimpLike Blockbuster Video01:05
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frogzoobrotakul: nothing dude - sensors are broken atm - temp is the only sensor that works for me01:06
brotakulok. thanks.01:06
frogzoodarth_gimp: that's fairly specialised s/w - doubt you'll find anything open source01:06
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frogzoodarth_gimp: but with LAMP, anything's possible01:07
darth_gimpThere are windows/dos based ones.. but this owner is interested in Ubuntu01:07
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simiraok, I try again...01:07
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP01:07
simira(edgy k1 on laptop) my sd-card didn't autumount when I inserted it; what can I do find it? (It's not in /dev)01:07
noiesmodarth_gimp, you could use online store with lamp (apache mysql php) and run it local network only thered still be some work in adjusting a free commerce php app01:07
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sidkortusomeone can tell me how can i install monodevelop?01:07
IseeIseefrogzoo: what is the command you mentioned gonna do ?01:07
dsasdarth_gimp: You could maybe run an existing video store application through wine01:07
frogzooIseeIsee: man dpkg01:08
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stefgsimira: edgy is in #ubuntu+101:08
darth_gimpI forgot about wine.. how stable is it?01:08
IseeIseeit says its not installed cannot remove01:08
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dsassidkortu: What do you need to know?01:08
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sidkortuwhat packages shoul i dwnload01:08
dsasdarth_gimp: it varies depending on the application you're trying to run.01:08
dsassidkortu: the "monodevelop" package.01:08
darth_gimpdsas, can wine run Photoshop?01:08
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dsassidkortu: if you need unit testing or additional language support then install the others01:09
darth_gimpif not, there's always dual boot...01:09
sidkortudsas: ok, thnx01:09
dsassidkortu: installing monodoc may be useful too01:09
darth_gimpI'll see what I can find on Synaptic about a video rental program.01:09
darth_gimpand Wine01:09
darth_gimpThanks guys01:09
dsasdarth_gimp: I'm not sure - I've never used wine, I think they list applications that work on their website somewhere01:10
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Pupeno_Is there a recomended way to build/install a new linux (that is, the kernel) on Ubuntu ?01:10
bahadirthello guys01:10
brutopiaPupeno_: you want to update your kernel?01:11
bahadirtI am trying to config spamassassin on postfix01:11
darth_gimpAnyone going to look into the Official Ubuntu Book? Or is it worth it?01:11
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bahadirtbut it never marks messages with ***spam*** subject01:11
Pupeno_brutopia: I *need* to update Linux (kernel).01:11
bahadirtwhat can be wrong ?01:11
gnomefreakdarth_gimp: please talk about that in #ubuntu-offtopic01:11
FriedCPU!info libgl1-mesa01:12
ubotulibgl1-mesa: A free implementation of the OpenGL API -- GLX runtime. In repository main, is extra. Version 6.4.1-0ubuntu8 (dapper), package size 158 kB, installed size 488 kB01:12
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brutopiaPupeno_: you can use apt like apt-get install linux-image-2.6.15-xxx01:13
CappOi'm trying to install ubuntu on my dell laptop p3 500MHz, yesterday i tried one time, and when the install finished, to screen was all messed up, couldn't do anything, what can be the problem causing this ?01:13
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Pupeno_brutopia: my kernel is not packaged for dapper, that's why I talked about building. I need 2.6.1701:13
Bergcubedarth_gimp~  Regarding the video store app....  There was something suited for that in the latest issue of LinuxFormat.  (LFX82)  At least according to the one writing the article.  Unfortunately I don't have time to refind it in my copy now.01:13
alex_Anyone with an ATI card successfully play ut2003?01:13
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FriedCPUanybody know where to grab libgl1-mesa 6.5.1-Oubuntu5, compiz-vanilla wants it, it wont accept 6.4.1-Oubuntu8 :/01:14
brutopiaPupeno_: download building tools with apt-get install kernel-package ncurses-dev fakeroot wget bzip201:14
Corporal_DirgeAnyone know how to use grabKeyboard on tightvnc?01:14
brutopiathen unpack source, configure it and execute make-kpkg kernel_image01:14
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brutopiaconfigure can be done with make menuconfig, make config or make xconfig01:15
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Pupeno_brutopia: should I build vanilla sources with edgy config ? vanilla sources with dapper config and --config oldconfig or edgy packages (modifing the dependencies so I can install them).01:15
brutopiayou end up with .deb package of your new kernel which you can install with dpkg -i kernel.deb01:15
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brutopiaPupeno_: just copy your current kernel's config from /boot and run make oldconfig for it01:16
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user-landnow KDE GDM does not let me login anymore ... i give username and password, the screen goes black and the login screen comes up again and again ...01:16
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brutopiait copies old settings to new and asks settings for new options01:16
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Pupeno_brutopia: vanilla then ?01:17
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brutopiaPupeno_: it's your decision01:17
Corporal_DirgeDamnit, grabKeyboard is an "Xt" option, but googleing that returns too many irrelivant choices.01:17
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Corporal_DirgeAnyone know about Xt options?01:18
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alex_http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-168524.html I'm having the same error as this guy01:20
alex_Notice how he's using fglrx and the backtrace points to the wrong DRI driver?01:20
alex_same thing here...01:20
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brotakulhave somebody managed to emulate cs 1.6 under ubuntu 6.06 dapper with wine? half-life works but i can't switch to counter strike from mods. thanks.01:20
alex_brotakul works like a champ with cedega01:20
alex_Nogimics:S works ok too01:21
alex_ergh counterstrike:source01:21
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s_spiffguys i have a .tar.gz file. how o i install it? it is gIPMSG, something like IP messenger of windows01:21
brotakulnogimics is an emulator? i'm linux rookie :P01:21
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dsascould someone remind me how to get my freenode password if i've forgotten it?01:22
brotakullol, it's not free :D01:22
crogue5$5 a month, it's so worth it01:23
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Corporal_DirgeSo, nobody knows about X resource handling?01:24
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ubotucedega is a project based on wine, aimed at running windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega01:26
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s_spiffcan someone check out gipmsg and tell me how to install it?01:26
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isheepanyone here that World Of Warcraft got running under ubuntu?01:27
bahadirtif I send spamlike mail to myself from same i.p., does spamassassin filter that ?01:27
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bahadirtor it is whitelist01:27
m_0_r_0_nFor compiling a program, I need wxWidgets 2.6.x release. What package does include wxWidget?01:27
s_spiffguys need help in installing gipmsg ..01:27
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jribs_spiff: xipmsg happens to be in universe which may be similar01:28
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jrib!compile > s_spiff01:29
jribs_spiff: I sent you compile instructions too in case you really really want gipmsg01:29
s_spiffko thanks jrib01:30
stefg!info libwxgtk2.6-dev > m_0_r_0_n01:30
ubotulibwxgtk2.6-dev: wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ development). In repository universe, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 34 kB, installed size 144 kB01:30
s_spiffjrib, have u tried it?01:30
jribs_spiff: no01:30
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s_spiffjrib, i tired xipmsg, but sucks, no options, nothing. just plain send and recieve msg.01:31
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jribs_spiff: oh01:31
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[1] Shanehey all01:32
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GTXHow do I monitor the bandwidth on my server of a certain port? I have mrtg installed but have no Idea how to make it monitor a certain port/01:33
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s_spiffjrib, jrib the make command gives this error : make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.01:36
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jribs_spiff: ok let me download the source, can you link me?01:36
s_spiffoops that was the error of make install01:36
s_spiff the make error is make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.01:36
Moofanyone here a RAID geek?01:36
tamhi all, i done an apt-get install apache2 but i needed to remove it and i done an apt-get remove --purge apache2 and now when i reinstall my /etc/apache2 dir is not there anymore...any help?01:36
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s_spiffjrib, yeah http://sourceforge.net/projects/gipmsg/01:36
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stefgtam: --purge say just that...01:37
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jonttu87any idea how to check all md5 files recursively?01:37
tamstefg: yeah, but when i re-install i kinda expect it to be there again tho'01:38
shunyataHi did anyone install Ubuntu on an Acer Aspire 5560 (core duo) ?01:38
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jonttu87find * | grep *md5 gets the files for me but how to check them too? :)01:38
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chamoI have troubles with AMD64bits and ubuntu. after login the mouse freeze.01:38
jribtam: did you do any manual deleting in addition to that purge?  You want to reinstall apache2-common probably01:38
chamoand the computer freeze as well01:38
shunyataI have problem with ACPI and my acer 556001:38
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tamjrib: that'll be it...heh cheers01:39
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GTXHow do I monitor the bandwidth on my server of a certain port? I have mrtg installed but have no Idea how to make it monitor a certain port01:39
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vookchamo, is the computer completely frozen?  Can you ctrl-alt-f1 to the terminal?01:39
stefg!raid > Moof01:39
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Corporal_DirgeIs X resources that rare?01:40
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santa99hi guys01:40
Spyhey if i have php4 and php5 installed how will apache know which version 2 use?01:40
santa99how can i add nautilus a adress line01:40
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Moofstefg: yeah, no use for my problem. specifically, I cant' seem to get ubuntu to see my radi device during bootup01:40
santa99like the adress line in the konquerer01:40
Corporal_DirgeTest test, nobody has said anything to me in a few hours. Can anyone see my typing?01:41
stefgMoof: hardware or software raid?01:41
santa99Corporal_Dirge:  yeah can see you01:41
Moofthis is software raid 501:41
vookCorporal_Dirge, nope01:41
jribSpy: the one you enable, though I'm not sure what it would do if you enable both01:41
Moof/dev/md0 doesnt' exist01:41
Moofand is root for my setup01:41
Corporal_Dirgeok. Just feeling ignored.01:41
santa99Corporal_Dirge:  writing01:41
chamovook: completly frozen01:41
santa99Corporal_Dirge:  do you know how I can add nautilus a adress line like there is in the konquerer01:42
stefgMoof: that's always annoying... get non-raid /boot partition and save yourself trouble01:42
darth_gimpHow might I add Mplayer to my PATH ?01:42
Spyjrib , would that be in the apache config files?01:42
jribsanta99: press ctrl-l, you can make it permanent in preferences01:42
MoofI have a non-raid /boot partition01:42
santa99jrib: thx01:42
Corporal_DirgeI've been trying to use the grabKeyboard resource.01:42
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MoofI've doen this by the book using the ubuntu installer01:42
chamoit's weird cause it's only just after login. If I wait the computer dont freeze on login screen. and in recovery mode it works fine. it must be something with Kernel-Nvidia version.01:42
vookchamo, try ctrl-alt-backspace ???01:42
Corporal_Dirgesanta99, I don't use konquerer.01:42
chamovook: dont work either01:42
jribSpy: yes, but you should use the a2enmod and a2dismod commands instead of manually editing01:43
santa99Corporal_Dirge:  ok01:43
darth_gimpHow might I add Mplayer to my PATH ?01:43
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s_spif_jrib, sorry got disconnected.. did you check it out?01:43
jribdarth_gimp: install it from the repositories, it is in multiverse01:43
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GTXHow do I monitor the bandwidth on my server of a certain port? I have mrtg installed but have no Idea how to make it monitor a certain port01:43
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chamoIm wondering what is causing the freeze....01:43
jribs_spif_: yes, did ./configure complete without errors?01:43
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darth_gimpjrib, I have it installed from Synaptic.01:44
Moofstefg: is it possible that the standard udev doesn't load raid partitions? or that I don't have enough information in my /boot to create it?01:44
jribdarth_gimp: type 'which mplayer', what does it say?01:44
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jribs_spif_: make as well?01:44
vookchamo, hmm, I'm on amd64, nvidia too. hmm.  I'm still using 2.6.15-25 though, 2.6.15-26 caused issues with my nvidia driver.01:44
s_spif_ make gives a error01:44
darth_gimpjrib, in Term?01:44
jribdarth_gimp: yes01:44
jribs_spif_: did you install build-essential and all the dependencies for gipmsg?01:45
s_spif_jrib, configure also giving error01:45
darth_gimpjrib, /usr/bin/mplayer01:45
jribdarth_gimp: mplayer is in your path :)01:45
s_spif_jrib, configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH01:45
chamoI need to check this.01:45
darth_gimpok strange.01:45
chamorebooting in safe mode01:45
stefgMoof: i'd check both scenarios... and make sure all raid partitions are of type 'FD'01:46
Spyhey jrib the thing is that i cant find a mysql extension for php4 in the synaptic packet manager01:46
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darth_gimpjrib, how do I confirm its version?01:46
chamoI got 2.6.15-26 (amd64-generic) and 2.6.15-23 installed only.01:46
jribdarth_gimp: mplayer -version01:46
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jribSpy: yeah, install build-essential01:46
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jribs_spif_: yeah, install build-essential01:46
vookanyone know what my options are at boot for "hdc=blahblah" ??  I'm having "hal failed to load" issues at gnome startup, and some ubuntu forums say I should put "hcd=cdrom" in menu.lst, but I'm wondering if that's my only choice, it's a dvd-writer.01:46
Moofhow does the ubuntu installer deal with RAID? am I looking at just md, or do I need to wrry abotu LVM too?01:46
jribSpy: (that wasn't for you, sorry)01:47
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO01:47
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darth_gimpjrib, thanks01:47
Moofstefg: I take it that I need ot think in terms of LVM, then01:47
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ubotuI know nothing about amd - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:47
s_spif_jrib, ok.. checking that out01:47
Spyjrib: Thanks for your time, I'll sort it out later or i'll re-install ubuntu server distro so that lamp is pre-installed and working01:48
jribSpy: have you been to the lamp wiki page?01:48
jrib!lamp > Spy01:48
Moofstefg: thanks01:48
stefgMoof never bothered to install ubuntu directly to a raid array, so i don't know if raid in ubuntu implies the use of lvm01:48
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chamovook: what should I exactly install ?01:49
jribSpy: php4-mysql seems to be in universe, so be sure you have enabled that repository, the wiki goes into how to do this01:49
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brotakuli succesfuly installed frostwire from a how-to tutorial but it refuses to run. it doesn't say anything, just doesn't start even after reboot. do i need anything else to install to make frostwire work?01:49
bahadirtanyone to help with clamav01:49
jribbrotakul: did you try to run it from the command line?01:50
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brotakulfrom run01:50
DjDarkmanhey can anyone help me to track down performance issues?01:50
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage01:50
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Corporal_DirgeDoes anyone know how to invoke X resources with applications?01:50
s_spif_jrib, i installed build-essential, but on doin the confighure ..i got this error : configure: error: libtool configure failed01:50
mwebahadirt: for scanning the mail on your mail server?01:50
jribbrotakul: try typing 'frostwire' in applications > accessories > terminal and see if you get any useful output01:50
bahadirtmwe : yes. I installed spamassassin and clamav but not sure they both work01:51
bahadirtneither spam mails are filtered nor virusguard seems to be active01:51
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brotakulit says i don't have a valid JRE. but i already installed java01:51
mwebahadirt: are you running a mail server?01:51
bahadirtyes. postfix01:51
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brotakuland i don't have sound on youtube.com. is the same problem?01:52
jribbrotakul: what does 'java -version' say?01:52
[Nige] hi all01:52
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jribbrotakul: different, that's flash, I'll send you a link to the restricted formats wiki for that01:52
[Nige] I am wanting to build a pxe server01:52
jrib!flash > brotakul01:52
[Nige] any suggestions where to start looking?01:52
Warbobrotakul: Try "java -jar /usr/lib/frostwire/frostwire.jar" or whatever the filename is01:52
mwebahadirt: I'm trying to make sure you know it's for scanning at mail servers. however you will probably have to read the documentation as it's not a one liner01:53
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vookchamo, eh.  Hmm, well, I'll just tell you this.  Uncomment all the sources in /etc/apt/sources.list (except src, unless you want to wait a long time on updates).  Then, do a dist-upgrade and see what happens.   Just don't log in to gdm.  go to the terminal and /etc/init.d/gdm stop.  then do a apt-get dist-upgrade.  Who knows, maybe things will work afterwards.  Gotta go, batteries about to die.01:53
s_spif_jrib, still getting errors01:53
Corporal_DirgeIf anyone knows anything about X... nm I give up01:53
s_spif_ :(01:53
brotakulit says java ver 1.4.201:53
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brotakulso it already is installed, right?01:54
Corporal_Dirge1.4.2 is old01:54
GroMeZyesterday, i helped a friend to install Ubuntu, everything was working fine until Synaptic ask him to reboot. He does and now, he can't run his system, it blocks on "/dev/hda5 : clean, 86344/977280 files, 599689/1953897 blocks... ok". Any ideas ?01:54
Warbobrotakul: Looks like it01:54
bahadirtmwe: I know. I sent spamlike emails to myself from same IP and spamassassin did not filter01:54
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bahadirtmaybe due to considering my IP as whitelist automatically01:54
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Warbobrotakul: Try "sudo dpkg -l j2re1.4"01:54
bahadirtand now I am not sure clamav is active or not01:54
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Warbo"sudo dpkg -l | grep j2re1.4"01:55
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mwebahadirt: I don't think it is unless you configured postfix to use it01:55
jribbrotakul: run 'sudo update-alternatives --config java' and make sure sun's is selected01:55
jribs_spif_: yes, one sec01:55
Pupeno_GroMeZ: try selecting an old kernel from grub.01:55
s_spif_jrib, np01:56
MrWizardanybody with experience in the network connections in Ubuntu 6.06 ???? i have a problem01:56
GroMeZPupeno_, i said him to do this, but doesn't work :(01:56
Corporal_Dirgebrotakul, do you want Suns newest java?01:56
brotakuldunno? helps?01:56
Corporal_DirgeIt's 1.5+01:57
brotakulthere are 3 java alternatives. withc?01:57
MrWizardanybody with experience in the network connections in Ubuntu 6.06 ???? i have a problem01:57
Pupeno_I don't know then.01:57
Warbobrotakul: The command I said checks if you have the older java package (1.4)01:57
Corporal_DirgeSun IS java01:57
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Spyhey jrib, php4 is not availabe to install using apt-get install BUT according to the wiki lamp the package is in the Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) main repository. Where can i add this repos?01:57
Corporal_Dirgethe rest are imitators01:57
jrib!repos > Spy01:57
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bimberiMrWizard: it's better just to ask.  If someone can help they'll answer01:58
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Warbobrotakul: Keep gcj installed though, cos I think some apps need it (gcj is the GNU Java, which doesn't work as well as Sun Java)01:58
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bimberi(phew, only a small one)01:58
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MrWizardI have recently installed Ubuntu 6.06 and afterward I have up-dated it. After restart I observed that the network connection was not working any more. At the beginig it worked as I up-dated it and navigatet the web.02:00
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MrWizardNow it still doesn`t work!02:00
brotakulwitch should i keep?       1        /usr/bin/gij-wrapper-4.102:00
brotakul +    2        /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/java02:00
brotakul*     3        /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java02:00
MrWizardI tried to set the dhcp and allow it to take an dynamic ip02:00
MrWizardbut int doesn`t work02:00
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Warbobrotakul: Dunno the top one, probably keep it. Keep the other two02:01
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MrWizardi have also entered them manualy but still no results!02:01
MrWizardAnybody? Any idea?02:01
Warbobrotakul: try installing the galternatives package (GUI for alternatives, lets you pick the default)02:01
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MrWizardI have recently installed Ubuntu 6.06 and afterward I have up-dated it. After restart I observed that the network connection was not working any more. At the beginig it worked as I up-dated it and navigatet the web.02:01
MrWizardI tried to set the dhcp and allow it to take an dynamic ip02:02
Spythanks jrib, that did the trick02:02
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MrWizardi have also entered them manualy but still no results!02:02
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gregg__MrWizard: dns/gateway are set correctly?02:02
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MrWizardas I have noted them down02:02
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MrWizardand in windows they work02:03
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MrWizardyou can see i can chat with you02:03
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Jack_SparrowMorning all02:03
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gregg__ok - the module for your network card is loaded and works?02:03
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bimberiMrWizard: can you ping the gateway (when you set a manual address)02:03
MrWizardit worked in the begining02:03
MrWizardbut after a restart it stopped working02:03
gregg__MrWizard: sounds very strange02:03
MrWizardi know02:04
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Spyhey does any1 know how i can disable auto-run for when i put a cd into the cd rom...02:04
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gregg__maybe you have some kind of iptables firewall set up, which blocks access?02:04
WarboSpy: System>Preferences>Removable Drives and Media02:04
MrWizardi do no know02:04
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MrWizardi have received 2 days ago the LiveCD02:04
Infern0ohi, i'm looking for that cube desktop, the one you can turn, anybody knows how it's called?02:04
MrWizardinstalled the system02:05
MrWizardand updated it02:05
Warbo!xgl > Infern0o02:05
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PwcrLinuxwhat's the current linux version for breezy?, I have 2.6.12-10-38602:05
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ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows02:05
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BergcubeMrWizard~  When you ping, do you only ping towards the FQDN or do you ping IP adresses as well?02:05
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MrWizardi haven`t done any thing else02:05
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Spythanks... man that was really getting annoying02:05
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MrWizardi tried to ping both of the02:05
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MrWizardtwo options02:05
PwcrLinuxjoin floods02:05
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MrWizardbut neither wirks02:05
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Jack_SparrowKiddies are exploiting the routers eh?02:06
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gnomefreakJack_Sparrow: that was a net split i think02:06
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BergcubeMrWizard~  That is "good".  That means that at least the problem isn't in resolving names to addresses.02:06
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david___how do i edit grub?02:07
J4t\_ /boot/grub/menu.lst02:07
Warbodavid___: "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"02:07
Bergcubedavid___~  Very carefully, and only after making a copy of /boot/grub/menu.lst02:08
Jack_Sparrowgnomefreak: I have a stupid problem.  XP nor Ub will actually turn off the computer.  It just goes to a static screen saying it is ok to turn off your machine now.  Power settings show S1 s3 or auto and all seem to do the sme thing02:08
PwcrLinuxgnomefreak: I have linux version 2.6.12-10-386 for breeze is that current one after the security updated.02:08
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BergcubeJack_Sparrow~  My guess: Unstandard APM in BIOS on your mainboard.02:08
vookJack_Sparrow, what happens if you hold down the power button?02:09
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Jack_Sparrowit turns off02:09
gnomefreakPwcrLinux: i dont remember current breezy kernel off hand but i do think that has something to do with kernel02:09
Jack_Sparrow5 sec02:09
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vookwell then02:09
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MrWizardare you sure that your computer allows you to turn of your computer jack_sparow02:09
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PwcrLinuxgnomefreak: okay02:09
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vookJack_Sparrow, update your bios if possible02:09
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Jack_SparrowIt did for awhile.  I cant think a MSI P4 3ghz would not let you shut down correctly and I did not see anything on the msi site02:10
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BergcubeJack_Sparrow~  I agree with vook...  Or try setting it to factory default.02:10
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Jack_SparrowI hate flashing bios but I will see if that is one of the fixes..02:11
snoopsI had an "failed to initalize HAL!" issue, and things like gnome-panel wouldn't load properly etc.. looked on forums they mentioned that error is due to samba shares in fstab..removed them then it all worked02:11
BergcubeJack_Sparrow~  |Is it a Dell?02:11
snoopsso.. my question is02:11
Jack_SparrowNope MSI02:11
snoopsI guess my option is to have a script to run when I login to my session which mounts.. then unmounts when I logout02:11
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Infern0o!tell Infern0o about xgl02:12
mweJack_Sparrow: it sounds odd that a new board like that shouldn't support power off from software02:12
vooksnoops, interesting, I'm having the same issue, but have no samba shares.  I do however have my camera in fstab as an msdos filesystem.  Hmm.  I wonder.02:12
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snoopsthe HAL issue vook?02:12
vooksnoops, exact same issue02:13
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Dasnipa`snoops, i dont know that youd have to make one for when you logout... the OS should detect any mounted drives and unmount them02:13
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MrWizardjack_sparrow try and read what i have written you on private02:13
snoopsoh really Dasnipa`? Great!02:13
Pupenoanyone with a thinkpad t60 ?02:13
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MrWizardEste cineva care sa ma poata ajuta si pe mine????? :((02:13
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vooksnoops, ah, my fstab doesn't say noauto, perhaps that's it???02:13
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adam_does n e 1 no a real easy way(4 beginers) 2 make terminal commands automatically exicute on ubuntu startup??02:14
brotakulmrwizard: parca e canal de ubuntu si pe romania02:14
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MrWizard:D unde???02:14
BergcubeJack_Sparrow~  Off-hand suggestions to things you can tweek:  If "Plug and play OS" is yes in BIOS, set it to no.  And leave it there.  Also look at the APM settings in BIOS, perhaps it doesn't allow the S/W to control it.  Not the least check that ACPI indeed IS loaded during boot.02:14
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mweadam_: do you mean when the sytem starts or when you log into X?02:14
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP02:14
snoopsvook noauto means it doesn't automatically mount them?02:14
Dasnipa`adam_, id invest a bit of time to learn bash scripting02:14
brotakulnush :P spune-mi, desi si eu is incepator02:14
vooksnoops, right, my msdos filesystem says "auto"02:14
adam_Dasnipa, wats that?02:15
snoopshmm worth a shot vook02:15
snoopsI'll try as well02:15
MrWizardmai si eu sunt incepator02:15
mweadam_: do you mean when the sytem starts or when you log into X?02:15
vooki'm off02:15
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MrWizardam venit aici sa caut ajutor02:15
brotakulmrwizard: ce probl ai?02:15
adam_mwe, yeh02:15
brotakulpoate gasesc io sau stiu...02:15
mweadam_: yes what?02:15
MrWizardpai nu mai merge netul02:15
MrWizarda mers la inceput02:15
MrWizardam facut update02:15
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:15
mweadam_: when the system starts or when you log into gnome?02:15
adam_mwe, thats wat i ment02:15
MrWizardsi l-am restartat02:16
brotakulce zice? ce net ai? pppoe?02:16
MrWizardcablu de la Astral02:16
adam_when the system starts02:16
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jribs_spif_: hi, got disconnected, can you pastebin output of ./configure?02:16
brotakulce conexiune e?02:16
mweadam_: put the command in /etc/rc.local02:16
brotakulnu aia. conexiunea. modem?02:16
s_spif_wher can i get a pastebin add?02:16
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:16
adam_mwe, dome02:16
mweadam_: dome?02:17
jribs_spif_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ it's in the topic in case you need it again02:17
MrWizardam incercat sa il las sa isi ia singur setarie02:17
mweadam_: so the command you typed in there will run at next boot02:17
MrWizardnu a mers02:17
MrWizardle-am inrodus eu manual02:17
MrWizardnici asta nu a mers02:17
adam_mwe, will it run every time i boot02:17
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Dasnipa`how about we take the non-english to the proper non-english channel?02:17
mweMrBrizzio: english only here, please02:17
mweMrWizard: ^^02:17
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mweadam_: yes it should02:18
MrWizardis there any channel for my language?02:18
brotakulromanina that is..02:18
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MrWizardi asked here 4 help but no resuilt02:18
ubotuI know nothing about ro - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:18
mweMrWizard: what language is it?02:18
SpyHey every102:18
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adam_mwe, so were abouts do i write the command/s02:18
s_spif_jrib, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1851202:18
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MrWizardis my country02:18
MrWizardso romanian is my language02:19
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Jaak_hi, can anyone tell me how to change the root password of mysql?02:19
mweyes I figured that much by now02:19
vooksnoops, does your device-manager (device-viewer really) work?  Mine crashes.02:19
Corporal_DirgeAnyone know how to make a gui icon for a terminal command?02:19
Spyxgl-ubuntu has only 3 people in it... Can sum1 please help me remove the shortcut key SHIFT+Backspace that stops my gui from running02:19
mweMrWizard: I don't know if there is a romanian chat room02:19
snoopsmine works vook02:19
PwcrLinuxcya later all02:19
vooksnoops, ah, ok.02:20
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snoopshmm.. how can I get a script to execute as root when I login to my session?02:20
s_spif_jrib, i think i copy pasted my 2 attempts in the pastebin02:20
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snoopsbecause umm for a mounting script I need to sudo it, don't I?02:20
sapoteJaak in the database store user and passwd. show databases;02:21
Dasnipa`snoops, bash script run on start02:21
jribs_spif_: don't use sudo for ./configure02:21
adam_mwe, can i have multiple commands that exicute in order02:21
Warbosnoops: You can make root scripts run at boot, before login02:21
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GroMeZPupeno, in fact, he has a new kernel, but if he boots on it, same error :/02:21
mwesnoops: why don't you just edit fstab properly?02:21
mwesnoops: to automount whatever you need?02:21
sapoteJaak_ in the database store user and passwd. show databases;02:22
snoopsmwe I get a "failed to initialize HAL!" error plus others when I have my network drives setup in fstab02:22
s_spif_jrib, then i get this error : ./configure: line 457: ./config.log: Permission denied02:22
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snoopsI checked the forums.. other people have that issue.. something to do with samba shares in fstab02:22
jribs_spif_: delete that extracted directory and start over02:22
snoopsso I removed them and it all worked :/02:22
PanicFohow can you check when files were last modified?02:22
mwesnoops: maybe you're not using the right syntax or there is some other problem02:22
snoopsbut I still need to access my samba shares across network02:22
Warbosnoops: Add stuff to /etc/rc.local apparently (personally I put stuff in /etc/init.d)02:22
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jribs_spif_: also, you need gnome-applets-dev I think02:23
mwesnoops: everything that can be mounted from the cli with the mount command can be mounted from fstab as well02:23
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Spyjrib how do i start those modules again02:23
s_spif_ohh ok..02:23
snoopsmwe, no the syntax is fine.. it mounts fine with no errors if I edit my fstab then sudo mount -a it02:23
jribSpy: a2enmod to enable, a2dismod to disable02:23
mwesnoops: yes but not if you set it to automount?02:24
snoopsbut some weird issue with trying to mount it at boot or whatever02:24
s_spif_jrib, installing it.02:24
snoopssomething like that mwe02:24
s_spif_jrib, this is what i hate abt linux, i have to break my head over small stuff like this02:24
ubotuI know nothing about ! - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:24
mwesnoops: maybe it's trying to mount it too early02:24
vooks_spif_, that's the best thing about linux :)02:25
snoopsmwe it was the last stuff in my fstab02:25
Warbosnoops: I would write a simple little script, put it in /etc/init.d then use update-rc.d (read the manual) to run it at boot, with a large order number (so it gets done last)02:25
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mwesnoops: still02:25
mwesnoops: if it's trying to mount before the needed services are started02:25
s_spif_jrib, still didnt work.. and the configure doesnt work without using sudo02:25
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-224-191-192.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
snoopsmwe yep seems so - hence issues with fstab02:25
mwesnoops: no02:25
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snoopsthanks Warbo sounds like a go :)02:25
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jribs_spif_: how and where are you extracting the source?02:26
s_spif_i just extracted everything to a folder on my desktop :(02:26
mwesnoops: or just run it from rc.local02:26
=== ghostdog [n=daniel@c-66-56-51-233.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
s_spif_i didnt use the cmd line02:26
mwesnoops: make a script and call it from rc.local I would say02:27
Warbomwe: Can you set the order in rc.local (so it runs after Samba)?02:27
Corporal_DirgeAnyone know how to make a gui icon for a terminal command?02:27
mweWarbo: rc.local is run as 9902:27
WarboCorporal_Dirge: Alacarte (in Accessories), then drag it wherever you want02:28
snoopsmwe feel free to suggest a way to get it working with fstab then :)02:28
jribs_spif_: what did you mean by "doesn't work"?02:28
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s_spif_jrib, gives me the following error : ./configure: line 457: ./config.log: Permission denied02:28
Jack_SparrowI installed Kubuntu-Desktop now it takes 5 or 6 clicks just to exit Ubuntu.. Is there a way to fix that.02:28
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jenda-lappyCould anyone help me change the sender ID in enigmail?02:28
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Warbomwe: Oh, well that is OK then :)02:28
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mwesnoops: make a script and call it from rc.local I would say02:28
mwesnoops: unless you want to fix the entire bootup process02:28
Corporal_DirgeWarbo, New Launcher won't work?02:28
WarboCorporal_Dirge: Alacarte is basically the same02:29
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Corporal_DirgeWarbo, doesn't seem to execute the command.02:30
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s_spif_vook what did u mean its the best thing about linux, i've spent my whole day [ since after noon to right now 7 pm ]  only looking for a soln to this thing! which inclued looking for alternative programs!02:30
WarboCorporal_Dirge: Launchers don't seem to like options and files and stuff, so if you want that kind of stuff then make a script02:30
jribs_spif_: ok, join my in #ubuntu-classroom, we'll go step by step02:31
Corporal_DirgeWarbo, I can type in in the terminal and t works, but the gui doesn't work.02:31
s_spif_jrib, i'm there02:31
Jack_SparrowI installed Kubuntu-Desktop now it takes 5 or 6 clicks just to exit Ubuntu.. Is there a way to fix that. It is like I have to exit out of both Kubuntu and Ubuntu..02:31
Jack_SparrowCorporal_Dirge: What is your command line showing02:31
Corporal_DirgeI made an alias, so all it needs to do is run the 'israfel' command02:31
vooks_spif_, sigh...  the more you break your head over little stuff, the more brilliant you'll become.  That's my only point, but whatever.02:32
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Infern0o!xgl > Infern0o02:32
WarboCorporal_Dirge: If you want to do it a more manual way you can make a text file ending in .desktop in /usr/share/applications02:32
Spycan sum1 please help me.. if i press shift+backspace gnome crashes02:32
Corporal_DirgeI could try putting the command w/ options in there. Does it need " or ' or ` ?02:32
WarboSpy: That is a problem with Compiz02:32
Spyhow do i fix it...02:33
WarboSpy: There is something in the join message of #ubuntu-xgl02:33
s_spif_vook ok..brb..attending classes :P02:33
=== Corporal_Dirge does't want to test Shift+backspace
=== Warbo doesn't like Compiz
=== stefg_k1CD has different way to get in trouble tahn using xgl as well :-)
jenda-lappyDoes anyone here work with enigmail? I'd like to make it use a new key for sending email and can't find a way of doing so.02:34
Jack_SparrowCorporal_Dirge:  I have a script on and I run it with launcher sudo sh ./home/blah/blah/blah02:34
ubotuI know nothing about jre - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:35
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository02:35
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whyameye_!java plugin02:35
ubotuI know nothing about java plugin - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:35
ubotuI know nothing about java-plugin - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:35
Jack_SparrowCorporal_Dirge: Did you get that working yet..02:35
mweSpy: compiz is not stable. expect problems or don't use it02:36
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Spywarbo it says i need to edit the compiz startup script. Any idea where it is?02:36
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Corporal_DirgeJack_Sparrow, Nope, nothing is working02:36
Jack_SparrowCorporal_Dirge: what is the command you need to run?02:36
WarboSpy: That would depend how you installed it. There are a few ways (and I went off on some silly way of my own :) )02:36
Spymwe : Besides for this 1 known bug compiz has not given me any trouble.. I understand it is not stable and i do expect hickups and stuff BUT this doesn't mean i wont try and fixwhat i can02:36
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Corporal_Dirgextightvncviewer -noshared -passwd ~/.vnc/passwd -encodings Tight -quality 7 -fullscreen02:37
mweSpy: of course02:37
Corporal_Dirgebut that doesn't work.02:37
Jack_SparrowCorporal_Dirge: but it does entering it directly02:37
Spyhey does any1 know what the console search command is?02:37
Corporal_Dirgeand via the alias02:37
mweSpy: find02:37
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cmugSpy, locate is great too02:38
WarboCorporal_Dirge: Make a script to do that, then make the launcher run the script02:38
Jack_SparrowCorporal_Dirge:  did you try what I put up earlier create launcher and for command line use sudo sh02:38
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mweSpy: locate is way way faster but only searhes certain common paths02:38
Corporal_DirgeI don't know scripts yet.02:38
Jack_SparrowPut that string into a sh script02:38
Spyoh okay.. well thanks guys02:39
Jack_SparrowA script is just a list of commands you would type on the command line02:39
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mwea script can do way more02:39
WarboCorporal_Dirge: Line 1) "#!/bin/bash" line 2) "xtightvncviewer -noshared -passwd ~/.vnc/passwd -encodings Tight -quality 7 -fullscreen" that's it02:39
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=== Guard] [an [n=Guardian@ANantes-252-1-19-227.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Guard] [anhello02:39
Jack_Sparrowmwe for his first lesson my def works02:39
Guard] [ancan ubuntu play .wmv files ?02:39
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Guard] [ani tried to install mozill-mplayer without success :(02:40
Warbo!restricted > Guard] [an02:40
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:40
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mweJack_Sparrow: maybe so02:40
Jack_Sparrowmwe feel free to walk him through it.02:40
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Guard] [analready read this page02:40
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martianul`i have a problem :(02:40
Corporal_Dirgeline 1 s a comment?02:40
marce59hi ! I've recently installed this02:40
Guard] [anare there different versions / types of the wmv format ? which would explain why it fails ?02:40
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:41
WarboCorporal_Dirge: It tells the system what program to run the script with (so you can use Python, java, etc) but it looks like a comment so it doesn't confuse shells which don't understand it02:41
Corporal_DirgeJack_Sparrow, I know what a script is, just not how to make a Linux one.02:41
martianul`i make ubuntu cd, and i tryed live version ... and ubuntu loaded and then appear a black screen and read from the cd non-stop ...02:41
=== ^osh^ [n=osh@81-229-112-185-no21.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
martianul`my computer is dead02:41
WarboGuard] [an: WMV <= 8 probably OK. 9 maybe, 10 no way02:41
Corporal_DirgeWarbo, I'm a java programmer, lets try that.02:41
Guard] [anok02:41
WarboCorporal_Dirge: Erm, bash is the terminal's shell02:42
Guard] [anthx02:42
Corporal_DirgeYeah, borne again shell02:42
Guard] [ansame shit as flash then02:42
WarboGuard] [an: There's a Flash 10? :)02:42
frogzooCorporal_Dirge: linux has many different types of scripts - shell, perl, python, expect, tcl etc ...02:42
Jack_SparrowCorporal_Dirge:  http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter and save it to your desktop02:42
martianul`if i close the pc ... will it be "destroy" ? :D02:42
martianul`it will bott with windows again?02:42
^osh^Anyone here who has built packages with pbuilder and could give me a hand?02:42
marce59I want to know how to make a L.A.M.P. environment (Linux, Apache, MySql, PHP)  Do I need to download the sources for each product from its site ?02:42
MenZamartianul`: unless you installed anything over Windows, it should load.02:42
martianul`like never happend anything?02:42
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frogzoomarce59: windows will boot yes02:42
martianul`i try live version02:42
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MenZamarce59: download xampp?02:42
frogzoomartianul`: windows will boot yes02:42
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP02:42
martianul`thank you02:42
martianul`i`ll go to close the pc and start over02:42
Guard] [anyeah02:42
Guard] [anfor windows02:42
martianul`be right back :D02:42
Guard] [anno flash 9 for windows02:43
Guard] [anafaik02:43
Guard] [anbut linux is stuck to flash 702:43
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WarboGuard] [an: MPlayer and stuff can use Windows codecs, it's just that WMVs are becoming encrypted, so not even other Windows computers can play some of them. Flash 8 has not been implemented, but it works in WINE02:43
marce59many thanks!02:43
^osh^I'm using pbuilder (which executes in a fakeroot iirc) but I still get a "install: cannot create regular file ....."02:43
Jaak_when i try to connect to a shared folder (shared using samba) with a windows comp, i need to fill in passwd? What passwd?02:43
yukselDGuard] [an,I can explain, how to play mwv files02:43
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:44
mwebut the latest flash is in testing even for 64bit linux I hear02:44
Guard] [anok02:44
martianul`windows boots normally02:44
yukselDaptitude install gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg gstreamer0.8-pitfdll02:44
yukselDcd /usr/lib02:44
Warbomwe: There was an announcement from Adobe that said they were not working on 64bit02:44
yukselDwget ftp://ftp1.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/essential-20060611.tar.bz202:44
mweWarbo: really?02:44
yukselDtar xvjf essential-20060611.tar.bz202:44
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MarcNThere is no gnome scanner tool?  I've been using kooka, but would like something with a more gnome feel.  xsane is just a terrible ui02:45
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yukselDmv essential-20060611 win3202:45
Guard] [anthx yukselD02:45
mweWarbo: must have been a false rumour then02:45
Corporal_Dirgeug, too maany search results for linux scripts that don't actally have a howto.02:45
yukselDnow everything ok.02:45
Warbomwe: Yeah, there was loads of comments on the blog page of the Adobe person saying about Gnash :)02:45
yukselDon terminal02:46
WarboMarcN: I use XSANE, but use Kooka whenever my scanner screws up02:46
gyro54who knows anything about an alaarm clock for streaming radio??02:46
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yukselDmplayer xxx.mwv02:46
MarcNWarbo: that GUI is crazy though.  There must be a command line too.02:46
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monteiro_i installed ubuntu with acpi=off, when i do sudo modprobe acpi it says an error, is there any way to activate acpi ?02:47
WarboMarcN: I like the GUI :)02:47
Jack_SparrowCorporal_Dirge: http://linux.dbw.org/shellscript_howto.html02:47
MarcNWarbo: guis are for wimps ;-)02:47
WarboMarcN: Although the default scan is at lowest quality, and I didn't realise for a while02:47
Jack_SparrowTerms are for nerds02:47
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WarboMarcN: Is that a pun?02:48
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Corporal_DirgeJack_Sparrow, thanks.02:48
gyro54What about a timer to switch off the stream??02:48
Jack_Sparrownp hope it helps02:48
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Jaak_when i try to connect to a shared folder (shared using samba) with a windows comp, i need to fill in passwd? What passwd?02:48
Jack_SparrowI have one other good link if you want it02:48
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krismJaak_: see "smbpasswd"02:49
frogzooJack_Sparrow: there might be something in what you say...02:49
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frogzoogyro54:  apt-cache search alarm | grep clock02:49
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MarcN Warbo: WIMP == Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointing Devices02:49
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WarboMarcN: Exactly, just wondering if you knew that acronym02:50
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MarcNWarbo: I'm a greyhair02:50
Jack_Sparrow53 here on Monday02:50
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krism!offtopic > Jack_Sparrow02:51
gyro54frogzoo: thats fantastic thanks02:51
MarcNJack_Sparrow: damn, I've still got a decade to go.   Just last night at our LUG, the presenter said no one under 40 knows about man pages.  It was sad.02:51
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MarcNWarbo: and to answer my question about scanning command line,   scanimage is in sane-utils02:52
Jack_SparrowMarcN: Krism is trying to play op so lets try and keep it on topic... For her sake02:52
WarboMarcN: If Yelp linked to man pages that would be nice, like KHelpCentre02:52
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Jack_SparrowI installed Kubuntu-Desktop now it takes 5 or 6 clicks just to exit Ubuntu.. Is there a way to fix that. It is like I have to exit out of both Kubuntu and Ubuntu..02:53
WarboJack_Sparrow: Erm, are you logged into KDE and GNOME at the same time? Then you'll have to exit both sessions02:54
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mathewferHi, I need WPA in Ubuntu 6.06 but MY PC does not have a wired access to Internet. Is there one .dbe file to install the network manager after installing Ubuntu onto a disk?02:54
Jack_Sparrowwarbo, I dont know, I just did the Kubuntu-desktop install.  Dont think I am in both but dont know how to check02:54
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper02:54
WarboJack_Sparrow: System>Quit>Shut Down should shut it down.02:55
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Corporal_DirgeStill having issues ith the script.02:55
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snoopsWarbo hey umm how can I set the user permissions for those mounts? (I want it so I have write access etc)02:57
yacek19does anyone know where can I tell someone about server error02:57
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frogzooMarcN: any truth to this?02:57
Jack_Sparrowwarbo, no, just to me to the Kubuntu login screen02:57
Spywarbo please i cant find my compiz startup script.. any clues or ideas?02:57
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Spyperhaps you know what its name is?02:57
snoopsSpy you can do a locate02:57
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Spyi did locate compiz and checked every entry.. cant find it02:57
WarboSpy: I don't use Compiz, sorry02:57
snoopsSpy eg locate toggle-compiz02:57
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snoopsspy it really depends what guide you followed and what you named the script02:57
yacek19please someone do apt-get update on ubuntu 6.06 and tell me do you have any errors with gzip?02:57
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WarboJack_Sparrow: GDM can log into KDE02:57
Corporal_Dirgesh ~/.vnc/israfel <- that file has the script to execute the command.02:57
RandomDude15anyone willing to help me with avidemux?02:57
orbinyacek19: all clear here.  pastebin the errors you get02:58
Spyokay.. your locate toggle-compiz works....02:58
orbin!paste > yacek1902:58
krismRandomDude15: what's the question? (for future ref, don't ask to ask. just ask)02:58
yacek19error http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/multiverse Packages  gzip: stdin: not in gzip format02:58
Jack_Sparrowwarbo, I just do one login... any suggestions on where to look02:59
Corporal_DirgeI guess I have to open terminal every single time....02:59
krismCorporal_Dirge: did you try making that file executable? ("chmod +x ~/.vnc/israfel")03:00
Spyhey snoops the one with a ~ on the end is the one that is currently being executed?03:00
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LiteWaitI know there is a command line thing I can run to add 1400x1050 as a mode to X, but I can't remember it.  Can someone help?03:00
WarboJack_Sparrow: You could start a new login (Alacarte, enable it in System Tools) and maybe run GNOME and KDE at the same time (ctrl-alt-f7 and ctrl-alt-f8 to switch)03:00
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yacek19any ideas about server error?03:00
snoopsnot sure spy, maybe *shrug*03:00
orbinyacek19: pastebin your sources.list file03:01
the_Kanei need some help with X Server http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22022203:01
the_Kaneany ideas03:01
RandomDude15krism: take a look here http://www.avidemux.org/pun/viewtopic.php?pid=13814#p1381403:01
Jack_Sparrowwarbo, I dont need two sessions, just want to be able to shut down without 5 or 6 clicks03:01
Corporal_Dirgekrism, woohoo, thanks. after 9 hours it's finally working... I hope.03:01
yacek19done http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1851403:02
orbinyacek19: looking03:02
WarboJack_Sparrow: I have Kubuntu and Ubuntu desktop packages, 3 click shutdown (sys>quit>shut down)03:02
krismRandomDude15: hmm. not sure. you've posted your question in the right place though.03:02
Jaak_is it possible to get rid of that anoying square pointer in using VNC?03:02
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MarcNJack_Sparrow: sudo reboot      ?03:02
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RandomDude15the top 2 look great but the bottom 2 ewq03:02
vincenzHow do I remove tapioca?  I installed it while in breezy and there's no package for it now03:02
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Jack_Sparrowwarbo, that only takes me to the Kubuntu shutdown where I need to click menu then shut down.. again03:03
frogzoothe_Kane: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg          should usually do it, just selecting defaults & proper resolutions, if not, try setting horizsync/vertrefresh03:03
frogzoo!fixres > the_Kane03:03
frogzoovincenz: hot soapy water & a stiff brush03:03
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WarboJack_Sparrow: "Kubuntu shutdown"?03:03
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Jack_SparrowKubuntu Login and shutdown03:03
the_Kanefrogzoo: i tried reconfiguring xserver-xorg, didn't work. how do i set the horizsync/vetrefresh ?03:04
WarboJack_Sparrow: KDM?03:04
frogzoothe_Kane: read ubotu's link03:04
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Jack_SparrowEverything changed when I installed Kubuntu-desktop03:04
Corporal_DirgeJaak_, I dunno. I just figured tightvnc out after 9 hours03:04
Warbo!info kdm03:04
ubotukdm: X display manager for KDE. In repository main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu27 (dapper), package size 600 kB, installed size 1468 kB03:04
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fowlduckis there a way to stop ubuntu from checking a fat32 partition on boot?03:04
vincenzAnyone... old packages from breezy that are no longer listed but whose files are still installed?03:05
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Jack_Sparrowfowlduck: take it out of your fstab03:05
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WarboJack_Sparrow: If you have more than one display manager you can disbale them manually in /etc/rcX.d or with dpkg-reconfigure03:05
frogzoofowlduck: you don't want to do that, & we won't tell you how anyway :)03:05
Kamping_Kaiserfowlduck, check the fstab man page - one of the last two 0's is 'disable fsck'03:05
rezoIs there any way of unhiding desktop icons in Ubuntu 6.06?03:05
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Jack_Sparrowwarbo thanks, will check into it..03:05
frogzoooh noes - Kamping_Kaiser gave the game away... :p03:05
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fowlduckfrogzoo, on the contrary I DOOOOOOOOOOOOO want to do that03:06
Warbovincenz: Go in aptitude and there is a section "Local or obsolete"03:06
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reZoBecause, I acidently hide them, and I can't even right click on the desktop :S03:06
yukselDwhen entering 2.6.17 kernel ubuntu packet list03:06
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frogzoofowlduck: you only think you do, but I doubt doing it is in your best interests....03:06
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vincenzWarbo: not n there03:06
orbinyacek19: dunno to be honest.  try using a mirror maybe03:06
fowlduckfrogzoo, I just didn't know it was in the fstab, I was gonna mess with the init03:06
Warbovincenz: You sure it was a package?03:06
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vincenzWarbo: I did a generic search in aptitude...nada03:06
vincenzWarbo: yes03:06
fowlduckfrogzoo, no, I DO want to do that, thanks03:06
yacek19if I turn off multiverse binary everything is ok03:06
frogzoofowlduck: there's a reason file systems get regularly checked, you know03:06
vincenzWarbo: this is the second time this happened, first time was when ghc6 was installed, leaving the old 6.4 installation when installing 6.4.103:07
fowlduckfrogzoo, yes, and I do that manually03:07
frogzoofowlduck: then clearly you know what you're doing, so cool03:07
Jack_Sparrowfrogzoo: If he is running windows too, which is probably the reason for the fat32 in the first place, Windows can check the fat3203:07
fowlduckfrogzoo, although I'd rather see an "every 30 boots" like ext03:07
orbinyacek19: try changing the multiverse line to: deb http://pl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper multiverse03:07
orbinyacek19: that 'should' use the polish mirror03:08
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Jaak_nobody knows how to get rid of the square 2nd mouse pointer using vnc?03:08
the_Kaneis kdm only 600kb download! ?03:08
krismJaak_: can you post a screenshot somewhere?03:08
fowlduckJack_Sparrow, frogzoo, precisely, and I defrag every now and again, which in effect rewrites huge portions of the filesystem, functioning as a check.  Plus windows detects problems03:08
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yacek19can anyone paste original sources.list file just after installation?03:09
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Corporal_Dirgegrrr, it keeps randomly closing now.03:09
fowlduckand for some reason my whacked-out laptop CDs install windows on fat3203:09
fowlduckI mean, why?03:09
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kikkohey, how do I get my laptop to suspend03:09
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Jack_Sparrowfowlduck: that can be fixed.. XP or other?03:09
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fowlduckJack_Sparrow, XP03:10
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krismJaak_: the xtightvncviewer option "-x11cursor" might suit you, but you might dislike it. (apt-get install xtightvncviewer)03:10
kikkothe acpid log shows that it completed the button/sleep event03:10
Jaak_krism, no can't post screenshot beceause the pointers arn't visible on it... :'(03:10
Jack_Sparrowfowlduck: You should be able to fix that during the install03:10
kikkocalled the script03:10
fowlduckJack_Sparrow, the "recovery" CDs don't allow that03:10
kikkoyet nothing happens :[03:10
fowlduckyeah, weird stuff03:10
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Jack_Sparrowfowlduck:  then something like partition magic might work03:11
monteiro_anyone knows how to activate acpi ?03:11
fowlduckJack_Sparrow, I have that, but it's not worth the effort for how little I work03:11
krismJaak_: make sure to call "xtightvncviewer" instead of "vncviewer" if you want to try that out03:11
Jack_Sparrowfowlduck: Is there an i386 folder on your recovery disks, my Dell has it03:12
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fowlduckJack_Sparrow, indeed there is03:12
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Jack_SparrowYou can run a manual install from there..03:12
fowlduckJack_Sparrow, and it's on my drive03:12
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fowlducknever heard of that, but I'm not too into windows03:12
Jack_Sparrowthere is an exe in that folder, but I cant remember the name... way down the list..03:13
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=== the_Kane is still having x server issues (thanks anyway frogzoo) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto
fowlduckhehe, giving windows advice on #ubuntu03:13
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=== the_Kane meant to paste http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=220222
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sunnzy2Hello everyone.03:14
sunnzy2Does anyone know if Linux supports SATA Hard drives?03:14
fowlducksunnzy2, yes03:15
twa1296sunnzy2, it does03:15
fowlducksunnzy2, of course :)03:15
sunnzy2At what level?03:15
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frogzoosunnzy2: of course03:15
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fowlduckfrogzoo, jinx, you owe me a coke03:15
sunnzy2Does the kernel supports it by default?03:15
fowlducksunnzy2, yes03:15
Jack_Sparrowfowlduck: I want to say it is win32nt or something like that03:15
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sunnzy2As in I don't have to do anything special?03:15
sunnzy2Thanks guys!03:15
Jack_Sparrowsunnzy2: yes03:15
fowlducksunnzy2, sure03:15
Jack_SparrowRunning them here03:15
frogzoofowlduck: columbian or nicaraguan?03:15
fowlducksunnzy2, unless you wanna do raid03:15
fowlduckfrogzoo, lolz :D03:16
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sunnzy2I was just worrying since I saw on a website that none of the Windows support it other than XP03:16
frogzoothe_Kane: you set vertrefresh/horizsync? pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:16
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idefixToten could not play 'fd://0'. what do I install to fix this?03:17
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frogzooidefix: you're playing a _floppy drive__ !!!03:17
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idefixfrogzoo... oh, I thought I played a live stream of the tour03:18
WarboFloppy drives make such a soothing sound, why not play them in Totem?03:18
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Pupenommhh... I am having trouble finding my own access point and my neighbors', that is, in one scan I see one, then I see the other, then I see none for a couple of scans and this is driving me crazy. Maybe it is possible that something is causing a major interference around here ?03:19
frogzooplease tell me fd stands for file descriptor...03:19
idefix frogzoo I click on some live stream on internet03:19
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frogzooPupeno: separate them to different channels, otherwise they will interfere03:19
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twa1296idefix looks like you need the mozilla-mplayer plugin03:20
WarboSurely plugins are not needed to play streams? Just mplayer would work?03:20
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=== Warbo hates plugins
Pupenofrogzoo: everything was working perfectly two days ago.03:20
Pupenofrogzoo: unless the neighbor changed the channel of his AP, then the state of channels haven't changed.03:21
idefixtwal296 thx, let me try it03:21
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frogzooPupeno: or they upped their power?03:21
Pupenofrogzoo: btw, the scan shows my channel is 6 and his 11.03:21
Jack_SparrowPupeno: Sounds like a 2.4 ghz portable phone03:21
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Pupenofrogzoo: upped ?03:21
frogzooPupeno: then there's no way they can interfere (upped = increased)03:22
Jack_SparrowPupeno: Thay can really mess things up03:22
WarboJack_Sparrow: Ah, thought you meant clock speed :)03:22
Pupenofrogzoo: I dubt they've done that. But I don't mean they interfeering each other, I mean something else interfering.03:22
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PupenoJack_Sparrow: maybe... in Germany ?03:22
avisPupeno: i ran into a problem where both us and our neighbors wanted to use channel 603:23
frogzooPupeno: wireless phone or microwave03:23
Pupenoavis: neighbors using 1103:23
avisthats what i'm using at the moment03:23
avisperhaps you are my neighbor :)03:23
frogzooavis: look at the window03:23
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frogzooavis: too late...03:23
Pupenowhat about big engine-powered electricity generator, can they generate interference ?03:23
frogzooPupeno: is this a trick question?03:24
Pupenoit seems they are using one 30 or 40 metters from here.03:24
cappizi did apt-get install fluxbox gdm... an only those two packages got installed... bow i want to use the latest from fluxbox source... when i then want to install gdm (since it gets uninstalled when i remove fluxbox) it need to install a shitload of other packages.... is there a way to ONLY install gdm=03:24
s_spiffguys what the best player for music?03:24
Pupenoavis: doubt it, do you have it totally open (no wep, no wpa) ?03:24
avisPupeno: i kid you not we both wanted to use channel 6 and we originally had 6 until our rangemax died and i had some connectivity problems and got a rangemax 240 but its supposed to change channels adaptively03:24
frogzoos_spiff: amarok, no question03:24
Warbos_spiff: XMMS, Amarok, Listen, Banshee, Rhythmbox, BMP03:25
Jack_SparrowPupeno: at 30 or 40 meters it would need to be a BIG generator03:25
avisPupeno: no but my neighbor does03:25
s_spiffwher can i find Listen, heard about it before also03:25
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ubotuI know nothing about listen - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:25
PupenoJack_Sparrow: it is a construction, I haven't seen it but I can hear it.03:25
s_spiffWarbo, i cant find BMP for a 64 bit processor..not on synaptic..not on their repo's03:25
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WarboI don't like BMP anyway :)03:26
Corporal_DirgeHelp, Movie Player has taken over all my other players.03:26
PupenoJack_Sparrow: there's one of those big things to break the streets... those nasty things... and I hear a steady humming... maybe it is just the engine of the thing.03:26
s_spiff Corporal_Dirge movie player?03:26
Warbos_spiff: Totem probably03:26
Jack_SparrowPupeno: if they shut it down at night or lunch do you see a difference?03:26
frogzooPupeno: I'm guessing it arrived on the street maybe a couple of days ago?03:27
Corporal_DirgeYes, I used to have defaults set up for MPlayer an VLC, but now only Movi player loads, and it never works at that03:27
PupenoJack_Sparrow: I don't know... I'll have to wait till that. I've been having trouble to connect for some days, but I thought it was a problem with the wpa implementation.03:27
Pupenofrogzoo: yes, maybe even just today.03:27
Jack_SparrowPupeno: SOme of those const generators are really really bad about RF control03:27
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=== Pupeno needs a Faraday box.
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Jack_SparrowTime to run, make nice with the wife..  Later people..03:28
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Corporal_Dirgewth? every time I set VLC as default ubuntu adds another VLC radio button that's unclickable.03:28
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PupenoI'll way till they live to continue trying.03:29
Corporal_DirgeNot only that, totem doesn't close, I have t force quit it.03:29
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wahjavahi channel03:30
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wahjavahow do I play Iagno on a network ?03:31
wahjavaon a LAN03:31
Corporal_DirgeAck, VLC & MPlayer no longer work. Totem is taking over.03:31
wahjavaI'm unable to Host Local Game03:31
wahjavawhat do I do ?03:31
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Corporal_DirgeDamnit, after 3 weeks of Ubuntu tinkering ( minimum of 12hrs a day ) nothing works STILL03:32
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de03:33
Corporal_DirgeI stayed up all night and all I have to show fot it is a totem-borg and a vnc that crashes after 30 seconds03:33
avisPupeno: i only keep a wireless network interface card in case of a hurricane.  my neighbor will then open his main network or i will ask him to and i will do the same and for any other of my neighbors out there.03:33
idefixtwal 296 16 programs have been installed... which program is the right one? the README says "See INSTALL on how to build and install" but there's no INSTALL :-(03:34
dj_baggioDESTROY created new reference to dead object ' Qt::VBoxLayout', <> line 1 during global destruction.03:34
dj_baggiowtf? :)03:34
dj_baggioglobal destruction :] 03:34
Pupenoavis: mh ? you don't use wireless, you only have it for hurricans ?03:34
avisthat would be correct :)  i use patch cable otherwise03:34
twa1296idefix: what did you do exactly?03:35
idefixtwal296 only download from the repository03:35
idefixI clicked on apply in synaptic packet manager03:35
idefixafter selecting the program03:35
twa1296idefix did you install "mozilla-mplayer"?03:36
Pupenoavis: and if a hurricane comes you'll switch to wifi ? or is it to give other people internet access ?03:36
cappizi did apt-get install fluxbox gdm... an only those two packages got installed... bow i want to use the latest from fluxbox source... when i then want to install gdm (since it gets uninstalled when i remove fluxbox) it need to install a shitload of other packages.... is there a way to ONLY install gdm=03:36
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idefixwell yes since when I click on properties in synaptic packet manager it has a tab "installed files" but there's no INSTALL file in it03:37
idefixonly a small README03:37
Corporal_DirgeOMG! My "Open With..." has 5 entries for VLC only the top one is selectable.03:37
wahjavahow do I play Iagno on a network ?03:37
wahjavaI'm on Ubuntu 6.06 (AMD64)03:38
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Corporal_DirgeWTH? It won't let me uninstall the bastard Totem!03:38
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twa1296idefix do an apt-get install mozilla-mplayer03:38
wahjavaI'm unable to "host local game", it is disabled03:38
idefixtwal296 but that's what you do when you select the program in synaptic packet manager and click on apply!03:38
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avisPupeno: both03:38
twa1296idefix, yes, so it should be installed now03:39
avisi will just turn off file sharing03:39
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Corporal_DirgeDoes anyone know what to do?03:39
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Pupenoavis: why would you use it ? because of lightnings ?03:39
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avisbecause thats how we stayed connected all the way through hurricane rita03:39
brotakuli finaly managed to install XGL. i want to thank the community for the support and massive work to keep linux distros usable even for rookie users like me :). good job mates.03:40
kihaijust a short question: Sometimes my only installed printer disappears from the list of available printers in OpenOffice. Instead there's a "Generic printer" which doesn't work, of course. Shutting down OO and starting it again helps, but I wonder if I could get rid of this prob completely???03:40
avisplus my router pumps more juice than my neighbors and i can't use MIMO because of a wireless multifunction center i setup yesterday so it wont conflict with his channel 603:40
Corporal_Dirge... guess Ubuntu is done then. I'm formatting. Took almost a month to get this far.03:41
wahjavaCorporal_Dirge, apt-get remove totem03:42
wahjavaCorporal_Dirge, run it with root privileges03:42
Corporal_DirgeE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)03:42
Corporal_DirgeE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?03:42
Corporal_DirgeI did03:42
krismCorporal_Dirge: did you run it with "sudo"? is synaptic or another package manager running?03:43
Corporal_Dirgetotem has taken over ever multimedia function, one by one.03:43
avisthough i had really thought about it.  at the time the router was in the office and i thought we can't we use MIMO ?  We had and used mimo when we first moved here and were on channel 6 as well.  turns out it causes problems which is in part why i bought the new router that and some disconnection problems in my room.  i guess its rude. first come first serve basis.  though in the practical sense why should my neighbor hinder our hardware and hom03:43
avise networking operations ?  i know this rangemax 240 will also operate at 5ghz and is adaptive so who knows maybe no problem but i'03:43
Corporal_Dirgekrism, yes.03:43
aviswired in my room now03:43
Corporal_Dirgeerr no03:43
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Corporal_Dirgekrism, No other running, just xchat03:43
Corporal_Dirgekrism, yes to sudo03:44
krismCorporal_Dirge: can you paste the command line you used?03:44
Corporal_Dirgesudo apt-get remove totem03:44
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krismCorporal_Dirge: can you pastebin the results of "ps ax"03:44
whyameye_I'm on a macbook and I'd like to figure out how to get the function key to be recognized. This is probably a special case of a more general problem of figuring out the keycode and then mapping it. How do I do this?03:44
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bsdirlstrange question, On Ubuntu Breezy (gnome) my printer was fine, then I upgraded to xubuntu dapper and it isn't recognized, know what i need to do?03:45
Lynourebsdirl: which printer?03:45
bsdirlits an hp, and the hplip package was installed on breezy03:45
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bsdirland is installed in dapper now03:45
bsdirlhp deskjet 84003:45
bsdirlso im not missing that package.03:46
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idefix"On a UNIX system, everything is a file; if something is not a file, it is a process."03:46
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Lynourebsdirl: At least my hp lj 1022 started working fine in dapper after the cups upgrade. Have you gotten the upgrades after the installation yet?03:46
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bsdirlim using the most recent cups driver03:47
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:47
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nnSo.. last night i went from hoary to dapper.. I no longer have a tiacx module for my wlan card.. ruh roh03:47
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nnmust i keep using the older kernel for that module or is there a package or such i missed?03:48
bsdirlthat's been my only gripe with dapper so far lol03:48
idefixwho has put stuff in this pastebin?03:48
ic56idefix: except for semaphores, memory maps, network devices and all the other crap added to unix over the years03:48
bsdirlmy printer that i hardly use03:48
kihaijust a short question: Sometimes my only installed printer disappears from the list of available printers in OpenOffice. Instead there's a "Generic printer" which doesn't work, of course. Shutting down OO and starting it again helps, but I wonder if I could get rid of this prob completely???03:48
nnbsdirl: acx or printer? :P03:49
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bsdirlum what's an acx?03:49
Corporal_Dirgekrism, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1851603:49
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nnbsdirl: ti network control chip for 802.11g03:49
bsdirlahh gotcha03:50
nnacx 100/111 dependant on type of card are most commonly used.. apparently hoary shipped w/the driver03:50
bsdirlnah, it's the printer no doubt :D03:50
renegade_of_funkhi! i have a problem with my video playback, the CPU usage always goes to 100%03:50
nnbut now dapper no have it ;\03:50
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nnHmm i suppose i could build it myself..03:50
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mnpgood morning.03:51
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krismCorporal_Dirge: hmm. i don't see anything amiss :-/03:51
bsdirlnn: ive been building my modem driver since i got breezy03:51
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avisi didn't know breezy was still supported03:52
idefixdo you guys have copyleft over certain programs?03:52
nnbsdirl: i'm aware it's by far not difficult, i've wrote drivers :P but im curious if theres just a package i missed that has the driver already built, ya know?03:52
mnpdoes anyone else find evolution to hang up or freeze? i got so fed up i switched to thunderbird, but now thunderbird wont times out when it send mail from OOffice03:52
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Corporal_Dirgekrism, totem has taken over all media types, mp3, mpg, mov, mp4, etc03:52
bsdirlnn: i didnt say you werent aware. but as for me, no broadband out here, so no use for wireless :(03:53
nnbsdirl: Aww03:53
nnmine's barely broadband03:53
krismCorporal_Dirge: i mean i do not see anything amiss in your process list. the results of "ps ax"03:53
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bsdirlim on 28k, ISDN would actually be an upgrade03:53
Corporal_Dirgekrism, Attempting to chang back to VLC only duplicates the option and totem takes over again03:53
sk4jvoker_i have a prob with my video playback , the cpu usage always goes all the way to 100%03:54
bsdirli despise totem, viva la xine03:54
nni still adore mplayer03:55
EdsipeRI'm coimpiling a oroginal source tree kernel, but when I restart the computer kernel says that can't mount devfs, ubuntu uses DEVFS???, running with the distribution kernel I can't see anything about devfs on /proc/filesystems or /etv/fstab, any ideas?03:55
bsdirli tried mplayer on slax once, it was nice.03:55
bsdirli plan on downloading it... when i feel like waiting lol03:55
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kikinovakHi. Anyone here using apt-proxy?03:57
Hoxzer_how do I go back in directories in naitilus ?03:57
Hoxzer_:D or what is the quick button for it03:57
bsdirlwould it've been helpful to have the printer plugged in when i installed xubuntu? *noob mistake*03:57
nnHoxzer_: backspace mebbe?03:58
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s_spiffhey any1 knows how to get headphones+mic working? my speakers are working. but not the headphones which has mic built in03:58
Hoxzer_nn: thx maan love to you <303:58
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nns_spiff: are they plugged in?03:59
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nnNot being a smartass.. but it happens03:59
s_spiffnn, lol yea03:59
nnand the mic just doesnt work or ?03:59
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mnpis there a way for gaim to support the nice features of xchat-gnome? like tabbing to complete a word, and scrolling through previous commands with the up arrow?03:59
nnmnp: If it doesnt, you can write that as a plugin im sure ;)04:00
sk4jvoker_i have a prob with my video playback , the cpu usage always goes all the way to 100% ,04:00
mnpi dont know how to write a plugin :(04:00
ubotucedega is a project based on wine, aimed at running windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega04:00
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bsdirl*cough* ftp server04:00
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bigfoot1how do i restart my sound server?04:01
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bsdirlcedega hasn't been that impressive on my system yet04:01
bsdirlit runs UO well, but so does wine.04:01
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avisi got a geforce 6200 (i know big deal) for more advanced display of screensavers04:02
snoopsshould give xgl/compiz a go too with that card avis :)04:03
Ronzhey hey...im having some problems trying to run wine under ubuntu04:03
Ronzwhenever i try to open something, heres the error i get:04:03
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Ronz"Application tries to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.04:03
RonzMake sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly"04:03
bsdirlRonz: I'm a wine weirdo *watches*04:03
bsdirloh crap04:03
avishehe i already done that.  its too unstable plus it seems unstandard.  though when i did run it -- uber cool.04:03
bsdirldid you build the tarball?04:03
whyameye_how can I find out the keyboard mapping codes to my keyboard?04:03
bsdirlor use the binary?04:03
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Ronzi used the binary...im assuming04:04
Ronzthe one you get from synaptic package manager04:04
avisgood question whyameye_, i have some keys that need mapping myself.04:04
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Ronzi tired to build the old version on my gaming computer, bsdirl and got the same error04:04
avisHappy Birthday Hobbsee !04:05
whyameye_avis: i found showkey, but it says it can't find a file descripter...04:05
avishmm dont know04:05
BirthdayHobbseeavis: :)04:05
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Ronzand i also just realizedthat i cant run winecfg....should i recompile it?04:05
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aviswhyameye_: where is showkey ?04:05
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bigfoot1how do i restart my sound server?04:06
whyameye_avis: it's a command line app.04:06
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whyameye_bigfoot1: /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart04:06
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idefixthe directory /dev contains only special files used for input and output?04:07
bigfoot1whyameye_: thanks04:07
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wildmanidefix, usually yes, and even created dynamically, according to your hardware04:07
bigfoot1whyameye_: i did that command and got this message: " Cannot open /var/lib/alsa/asound.state for writing'...                  [fail] "04:08
avisnone of my extra keys are being shown though its not very obvious on my keyboard04:08
whyameye_bigfoot1: run it as sudo (put sudo in front of the command) and try again...04:08
idefixwildman, so then since I installed mplayer now some files must be added to it04:08
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BSoDirlpower failure :(04:08
anosai'm running out of space on my root parititon, is it ok to remove packages in /var/cache/apt/archive ??04:09
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bigfoot1whyameye_: that worked!!! yippee. thanks!04:09
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J4tanosa: sudo apt-get clean04:09
Hotwired hey, is there an on-line alternate for "deb file:/var/cache/apt-build/repository apt-build main" as this produces an error04:09
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wildmanidefix, euh... no04:09
anosaJ4t ok thnx04:09
wildmanidefix, mplayer is software, not hardware :)04:09
Sherwinhow do i install themes that i download off gnome-look ?04:09
bonsaiSherwin just drag and drop the downloaded archive into the theme manager04:10
avissystem preferences-themes04:10
idefixwildman, ok input and output is CD/DVD'roms, floppy-/harddisks etc. etc.04:10
wildmanidefix, mouse, printers, etc, etc, etc. yes.04:10
idefixwhy are so many dates of files in the /dev dir about one our in the future?04:10
idefixone hour04:10
Sherwinbonsai it says invalid format everytime even when extracted04:11
brotakul1 question about XGL: how can i modify other settings like menu delay, window animation and stuff? the 3D cube is just what i need, i can get rid of other settings..04:11
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bahadirthello guys04:11
nnHah i just filled up my root partition04:12
bahadirtI need help on opening the postfix to relay04:12
idefixwildman why are so many dates of files in the /dev dir about one hour in the future? (21-7-2006 5:14:07 PM04:12
bonsaiSherwin, what's the extension of the file you downloaded?04:12
s_spiffanyone tried bmpx?04:12
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wildmanidefix, dunno, never checked such things04:12
monteiroanyone knows where i change the kernel parameters ?04:12
wildmanidefix, but I might think of a DST thing maybe?04:13
kikinovakmonteiro yeah use make menuconfig :oD04:13
Tommy2k4when i boot up it tries to open sendmail even though ive apt-get remove sendmail, rm /etc/init.d/sendmail, update-rc.d sendmail remove04:14
Sherwinbonsai its this that i download http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=3704904:14
Tommy2k4how can i stop it04:14
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Tommy2k4it adds like a minute to bootup time04:14
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s_spiffguys any1 tried the new bmpx media player?04:14
bonsaiSherwin, this is a gdm theme, a login screen theme04:14
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XVampireXI'm having problems with ALSA Recording, I asked in #alsa but someone said it must be a ubuntu problem04:14
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems04:15
Sherwini put that in login manager yes ?04:15
bonsaiSherwin, to install that you can go to System -> Adminstration -> Login Window04:15
XVampireXThe problem I'm getting is: ALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture: Could not get/set settings from/on resource.04:15
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kikinovakXVampireX open a terminal, sudo -s -H, run 'alsamixer'04:16
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XVampireXsudo: please use single character options04:16
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freezeywhich do you guys think is better to backup information.... cronjob or rsync?04:16
Andreas_justanoohello folks, any ubuntu gamers in here? I've got some problems with Nexuiz and Enemy Territory04:17
isheepis there a "shipit" channel?04:17
kikinovakXVampireX did you type 'sudo -s -H'? (without quotes)04:17
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XVampireXActually, the full error is04:18
XVampireXserge@serge-desktop:~/Games/StepMania-CVS-20060716$ sudo -s -H, run 'alsamixer'04:18
XVampireXsudo: please use single character options04:18
XVampireX/bin/bash: run: No such file or directory04:18
whyameye_avis: xev is our friend. Tells us scan codes, it looks like...04:18
idefixhow often have you formatted your harddrive because you think you messed up your linux installation ?04:18
XVampireXoh wait04:18
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kikinovakXVampireX sorry I'm new to Ubuntu... I'm a sysadmin, using Slackware for years... just giving this thing a try... things seem to run differently here... this sudo/no-root thing is rather braindead IMNSHO04:18
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kikinovakXVampireX anyway try to gain root rights04:19
XVampireXlol, kikinovak yeah, I'm in alsamixer now04:19
vincenzIs it possible that aoss (alsa oss emulation) does not handle mic?04:19
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bahadirtThe message could not be sent because one of the recipients was rejected by the server. The rejected e-mail address was 'ismail@medcargo.com'. Subject '', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '554 <ismail@medcargo.com>: Relay access denied', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 554, Error Number: 0x800CCC7904:19
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XVampireXkikinovak, what now that I'm in alsamixer?04:19
aviswhyameye_: thank you04:19
kikinovakXVampireX I'm sure there's a GUI way to do this, but this is the app I've been using for years.04:20
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XVampireXso what do I do now?04:20
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kikinovakWell, it's pretty much intuitive, isn't it? One line, one channel. Use <right> to change the channel, <left/right> to navigate, Cursor up/down to increase/decrease sound level.04:21
bigfoot1whyameye_: can i tell you why I restarted my sound server?04:21
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bigfoot1can i tell you what problem I was trying to solve? (It's still not solved).04:21
whyameye_bigfoot1: sure, but I am no Linux guru...04:21
kikinovakXVampireX once you've got your settings right, <Esc> for exit, and then as root 'alsactl store' to make these settings default04:21
vincenzAnyone know how to get skype working with ALSA?  I'm using aoss but apparently the mic does not work04:21
aviswhyameye_: in xev outer and inner window dont seem to do anything ??04:21
bigfoot1in System/Preferences/multimedia Systems Selector, when I press the "Test" key under Default Audio Plugin (while ALSA is the Plugin which is selected), I get an error message:  " Advanced Linux Sound Architecture: Could not open resource for reading." What's wrong, whyameye_ ?04:21
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Hotwired"Unable to find source information for libtunepimp2c2a at /usr/bin/apt-build line 477." how do i fix that? i that apt-build should download the source packages04:22
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isheepwhat app do i need for my ipod?04:22
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XVampireXkikinovak, Hmm, I think I need capture in mic controls?04:22
avisisheep: amarok04:22
Hotwiredisheep, amarok04:22
isheepthats the best one?04:22
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s_spiffdoes anyone know how to add key's for repo's?04:22
whyameye_bigfoot1: not sure. try at command line sudo killall esd and then try it again...04:22
BSoDirlstuff like this makes me hate printers04:22
kikinovakXVampireX the rest is just playing around with your settings04:22
BSoDirli probably need all the gnome-print stuff04:23
bigfoot1esd: no process killed04:23
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kikinovakBSoDirl what's your problem?04:23
fuocoi see that synaptics is used in ubuntu (for touchpad), but how do i configure it ?04:23
sydtsaiMy Network card won't work, unless I boot in windows and restart at first..... any clue?04:23
Tommy2k4when i boot up it tries to open sendmail even though ive apt-get remove sendmail, rm /etc/init.d/sendmail, update-rc.d sendmail remove04:23
Tommy2k4how can i stop it04:23
Tommy2k4it adds like a minute to bootup time04:23
whyameye_avis: when you type keys it doesn't show you key codes? Experiment with making the windows active.04:23
BSoDirlbreezy(gnome) loved my printer, and dapper(xfce) doesnt even know wtf it is04:23
XVampireXkikinovak, In H, it says to enable capture I need to press 'Space' but when I do it, nothing happens.04:23
aviswhyameye_: i did that.  no good.  nothing happened even when active.04:24
BSoDirlif it wasnt for dapper supporting direct rendering on my vid card, Id roll back04:24
_nano_Hi, does anyone here use Tapioca ?04:24
whyameye_bigfoot1: is this breezy?04:24
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kikinovakBSoDirl is CUPS installed?04:24
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BSoDirlum yeah04:24
kikinovakBSoDirl 'dpkg -l | grep -i cups'04:24
whyameye_avis: I guess it hates you. :-) Works on this side...04:24
BSoDirlcupsys hplip and all that crap04:24
whyameye_avis: are you in gnome? dapper?04:24
kikinovakBSoDirl 'lpstat -t'04:25
BSoDirlprobably need the gnome printing stuff04:25
bigfoot1whyameye_: nope. i am on dapper04:25
aviswhyameye_: dapper gnome yes.  however this is a really old keyboard i love the way it types04:25
kikinovakXVampireX you still in alsamixer?04:25
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avisi might go get a multimedia keyboard though we have in our office and map things04:26
kikinovakXVampireX these are just the *volume* settings. This is not a recording app04:26
yuval_hi, I'm trying to install 6.06, but my radeon x800gto is being detected wrong by the installer and X tries to start with "ati" instead of "radeon" driver. after that the installation stops.04:26
kikinovakBSoDirl in a command line, type 'lpstat -t'... you must see something like 'scheduler is running'04:26
XVampireXI know04:26
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whyameye_bigfoot1: I was asking becuase I couldn't find the multimedia selection in system on my dapper machine, but I distinctly remember it on the breezy machine. I wonder why I don't have this?04:26
kikinovakXVampireX so the next thing is to choose a recording app and play with it04:26
BSoDirlkikinovak: i saw that, but then it said "no system default destination"04:27
kikinovakXVampireX setting up headphones/mikes can be a major PITA... at least, use the right tool04:27
BSoDirland then spammed "lpstat: no destinations added"04:27
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bigfoot1whyameye_: system/preferences/multimedia systems selector04:27
XVampireXI'm confused04:27
whyameye_bigfoot1: yes...I don't have this under system/preferences...04:28
kikinovakBSoDirl '/etc/init.d/cupsys status'... what does that give?04:28
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burepe_i got a dvd player with jumpy playback even though I have 512 mb of ram, any suggestions?04:28
bigfoot1whyameye_: oh04:28
cwilluI'm not sure how else to ask this, but...  is there any way to make flash audio playback to suck 100% usage under firefox?  (thinking pandora'ish sites)04:28
cwilluoops, to _not_ suck04:28
BSoDirlcupsd is running04:28
BSoDirlthats all it says04:29
bigfoot1guys, how can we configure our gstreamer plugin?04:29
kikinovakBSoDirl you familiar with setting up CUPSA04:29
BSoDirlnah, is that the web thing?04:29
BSoDirlsince RH7 I've never had a problem with CUPS and hp printers, so you can understand my frustration04:29
BSoDirldeskjets and cups just.... works typically.04:30
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kikinovakBSoDirl google for "linux cookbook carla schroder"... chapter 14 is about CUPS... very well explained... it's a sample download from O'Reilly... grab the PDF and read it, and then you'll enjoy setting up your printer04:30
bonsaiburepe_ turn on DMA for the dvd drive04:30
kikinovakBSoDirl I've just setup a printer server on Ubuntu Server:oD04:31
BSoDirlbut... it worked in breezy :| *grrr*04:31
burepe_did it. I wasn't sure how to explain it.04:31
BSoDirl...and rh, and mandrake..04:31
burepe_bonsai, I have it on. That is not the problem.04:31
kikinovakBSoDirl Also check for System > help > Ubuntu Server... there's a page about CUPS that looks well documented04:31
avissometimes dma fails to get turned on ?04:31
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ubotudma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing.  It makes hard disks run faster,  see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA04:31
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kikinovakBSoDirl I've always been a Slackware user before... where things *never* work out of the box... excellent school04:32
BSoDirlthere is no system > help > ubuntu server, I'm on xubuntu04:32
anosawhen i burn the packages in /var/cache/apt/archive to cd, is it possible to make the cd as a repository???04:32
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BSoDirlkikinovak: freebsd/netbsd here, but they were easier than this crap04:32
Tommy2k4yes anosa04:32
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Tommy2k4when i did a fresh install of kubuntu on a diff pc yesterday cd was already in the repos list04:32
Tommy2k4but i dont think it was when i installed it on this one o_o04:33
kikinovakBSoDirl ah you don't have the doc files installed. Well, they're all available on help.ubuntu.com.04:33
avisdo sata drives use dma ?04:33
BSoDirlxubuntu doesnt come with the docs i dont think does it?04:33
kikinovakBSoDirl there's a peculiar default setup with Ubuntu's cupsd.conf. Listen is limited to localhost.04:33
fuocohow do i configure synaptics touchpad in ubuntu ?04:33
anosa<Tommy2k4> i burn it as data cd or what??04:33
bigfoot1guys, how can we edit or set up our ALSA settings? guys, how can we configure our gstreamer plugin?04:33
kikinovakBSoDirl best thing IMHO is start a new cupsd.conf from scratch.04:33
Tommy2k4no clue04:34
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kikinovakBSoDirl go read the Cookbook Chapter... it's 10 pages, no more. And it teaches you everything you have to know about CUPS.04:34
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anosaanyone, how to burn the packages to cd so i can use it as a repository???04:36
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BSoDirlyknowim disappointed with dapper because of this :S04:36
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idefixwhat are network socket semantics?04:36
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BSoDirl*dapper xubuntu rather04:37
kikinovakBSoDirl take several glasses of whisky, indulge a bit in self-pitying... and tomorrow morning, learn about CUPS, and then be a man (or a woman?) and configure this thing by hand04:37
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource04:37
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.04:38
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic04:38
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BSoDirlkikinovak: booze just makes everyone dumber...04:38
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ic56idefix: "network socket semantics" refers to how the kernel implements networking.04:39
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snoopsBSoDirl except fictional cartoon characters (re - bender)04:39
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BSoDirli shouldnt 'have' to configure this by hand, it's a simple printer that has been 100% linux compatible sinxe 200104:40
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BSoDirlthat I've never had to manually configure... ever04:41
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BSoDirlI <3 ubuntu very much, but this is too much.04:42
idefixhas anyone ever heard of www.errorsafe.com? is it recommendable to install ErrorSafe to check your computer for free?04:42
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FunnyLookinHatBSoDirl, that's very weird that it isn't working for you like it used to.  Would you mind submitting a bug report ?04:43
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fuocodoes ubuntu support lvm/evms?04:44
jribBSoDirl: you can probably run gnome-cups-manager from a command line in xubuntu which I think is the same thing you had in gnome before04:44
s_spiffhas anyone tried installing bmpx?04:44
skavengefuoco: yes04:44
FunnyLookinHatBSoDirl, I'm not gonna lie though, getting that printer working in regular ubuntu or kubuntu would probably be much easier, so please dont let this reflect on ubuntu as a whole  : )04:45
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FunnyLookinHatlawl root04:45
fuocoskavenge: how do i do it ? there's some guide ?04:45
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skavengeBSoDirl: yeah picking a more supported version than xubuntu may have been smarter04:45
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO04:45
skavengefuoco: ^^04:45
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wastrelgetting printing working is always a pain in the azz in my experience04:46
fuocobut that's not specific to ubuntu, right ?04:46
skavengeyes it is04:46
fuocotldp ?04:46
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idefixic56 so p files don't use network socket semantics and s files do?04:46
skavengethe wiki.ubuntu.com at least04:46
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BSoDirlskevenge: I only got xubuntu because my kubuntu/ubuntu cds have taken 2 months to get here, and still arent here04:47
skavengeBSoDirl: so download them04:47
Cyberaican someone explain to me the basic difference between Ubuntu and Xubuntu?04:47
BSoDirld       i        a        l      u         p04:47
fuocoskavenge: but that's raid - i don't want raid. i just think maybe it's a good idea to install ubuntu on my laptop with lvm. no ?04:47
BSoDirlas Ive mentioned before.04:47
skavengeCyberai: window manager, xubuntu runs xfce04:47
BSoDirlnot 100% of linux users have cable04:48
jribBSoDirl: did gnome-cups-manager work?04:48
skavengefuoco: *shrug* I DONT USE IT ON MY LAPTOP04:48
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skavengewoops caps my fault04:48
BSoDirli just downloaded gnome-cups-manager04:48
BSoDirlfixing to try it...04:48
BSoDirli think this printer-hating crap is just an xubuntu thing04:48
fuoconot a good idea to use it on a laptop ?04:48
wastrelprinter hating is universal in linux04:48
bonsaiquite right04:49
skavengeBSoDirl: well good luck when you get those cds and need to do a 150 meg upgrade to become current then, heh04:49
grand-schi, markc helped me a few ours ago.04:49
jribI keep current on dialup, I just let the upgrades go while I sleep04:49
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grand-schnow i have another problem with a boot from an alternative cd.iso04:50
grand-schdo someone have the courage to help me forward ,04:50
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skavengefuoco: i really havent looked into it, i suggest checking out ubuntuforums.org or wiki.ubuntu.com for instructions/help on it though04:51
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BSoDirli live with my sister who wastes power constantly04:51
BSoDirland she claims "HIS COMPUTER WASTES POWER"04:51
BSoDirlso i get chewed for leaving it on overnight :|04:51
kikinovakwastrel why? learn to use CUPS, and printers work OK04:51
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kikinovakBSoDirl sorry was away few min04:51
kikinovakanything new?04:51
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kikinovakBSoDirl what printer btw?04:52
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wastreli suppose it depends on the printer04:52
ic56idefix: well, files for which ls -l lists a "p" filetype are named (p)ipes.  These are used for communicating between processes on the same system.  Ie no networking involved.  I'm not sure what an "s" file is but I'd guess it's socket.  Sockets are one of communication mechanisms for processes on different computers.  By definition, a socket has socket semantics.04:52
^osh^BSoDirl: Biggest powerdrain in a house is probably hottub/shower, after heating/cooling (depending on where you live)04:52
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sk4jvoker_i have a prob with my video playback , the cpu usage always goes all the way to 100% ,04:53
kikinovakwastrel one of my jobs is testing printers under Linux for 'Linux Pratique', french magazine... so I know the question:oD04:53
BSoDirlill be an s.o.b.04:53
kikinovakwastrel ever set up a HP multifunction on Slackware?04:53
BSoDirlin the xubuntu docs there's a manual config tutorial thats like 2 commands04:53
BSoDirlwhich they messed up the last one...04:53
BSoDirlbut if you leave off the *.ppd file, it works :|04:54
kikinovakwastrel if not, then you don't know what real humiliation is about :oD04:54
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BSoDirlaint that a bee, manually configured it like 10 seconds before gnome-cups-manager finished dl'ing04:54
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laneynp: Death Cab For Cutie - I Was a Kaleidoscope04:56
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:56
bronzeAnybody tried krugle yet?04:56
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bronzeKrugle aggregates the many and various open source software repositories (Sourceforge being just one of them), indexes them, and makes them easily, productively searchable.04:57
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bronzeSo, if I know I need a utility to convert documents to PDFs, or need a special library to do X, Y, or Z, I can easily find it using Krugle.04:57
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idefixis the standard root partition the same as the file system dir in Nautilus?05:02
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=== tanath needs help
erUSULidefix: yes afaics05:03
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tanathi'm trying to play a game, and it's saying it can't find the disc05:03
tanathi can browse it, but when i run the game it says there's no disc in the drive05:04
mwewhat game?05:04
tanathdiablo 205:04
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:04
tanathjrib: i did05:04
mwetanath: in wine?05:04
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tanaththe install went fine though05:04
NthDegreeok solution:05:04
tanathi just can't play it now05:05
mwetanath: did you read a guide or something? I once read about having to use a no cd patch for a game05:05
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NthDegreeeasy way to solve this is to mount the CD under a single mount point05:05
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NthDegreemanually mount the CD drive05:05
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tanathmwe: no, i just popped the cd in, and followed the directions05:05
mwesometimes it wont recognize it anyway05:05
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tanathNthDegree: well, it's already mounted...05:05
mwetanath: I doubt it will work. very few games actually work with wine05:06
NthDegreetanath, you using WINE or VMWare?05:06
tanatheverytime i changed cds during install, i just browsed there with nautilus, and it detected it05:06
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tanathNthDegree: wine05:06
NthDegreeah I know05:06
tanathmwe: i think i recall reading that d2 does...05:06
mwetanath: maybe so05:06
NthDegreeload up winecfg05:06
tanathbut now, i browse there and it still doesn't detect it :/05:06
NthDegreethen add the CD-ROM drive letter05:06
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NthDegreetanath, load winecfg05:07
mwetanath: frankscorner.org has a list of a handful of working games05:07
jribtanath: yeah, I seem to be lagging05:07
NthDegreemwe, you can get it to work05:07
BSoDirlnm that terminal config didn't work, but the 500k-1mbish download of gnome-cups-manager works great :|05:07
Riyonukhow do I install ubuntu? last time I just deleted the partition in windows and that GRUB mesed my boot.ini05:07
BSoDirlI shoulda tried that first.05:07
mweI'm too lazy spending hours or days just getting a game to run05:07
BSoDirlwhat game?05:08
mwehe said05:08
mwediablo 205:08
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NthDegreetanath, load winecfg, then add a D drive for your CD-ROM drive05:08
BSoDirlhehe diablo05:08
NthDegreethen it should work05:08
BSoDirli got that right beside me, but i forgot my cd key its on my cousins cd case05:08
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BSoDirland my other *creepy* cousin stole his cd05:08
NthDegreeyou have to run from drive D rather than your mountpoint on drive Z05:08
Secsefirotplease get some suggestions witch kernelmodules are useful for USB scanprinters from HP05:09
BSoDirldont you have to umount the cd during the install with diablo?05:09
BoglizkWhats the command for "Network Tools"?05:09
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mweBoglizk: huh?05:09
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BSoDirloh isnt that nmap or something?05:10
DShepherdwhat gstreamer0.8 plugin do I need to install to handle mp4 files?05:10
tanathNthDegree: still not working05:10
DShepherdgnomebaker screaming about it05:10
BSoDirlDShepherd: gstreamer0.8-aac i think05:10
DShepherdBSoDirl: ok thanks05:10
BSoDirlnot sure check synaptic05:10
NthDegreetanath, some games use copy protection that requires exclusive access to the CD drive05:10
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tanathNthDegree: why wouldn't it have it?05:11
BSoDirlyou could always try cedega :)05:11
BoglizkWhere is the gnomes menu-file?05:11
NthDegreeonly software that allows that is VMWare Player, Workstation or ACE (Server doesn have the xclusive access features)05:11
mwecedega can't run any games I play05:11
NthDegreetanath because WINE is a layer on top of linux not linux itself05:11
=== Harkins [n=harkins@c-67-175-49-105.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BSoDirlthe one mmorpg this system can run (Ultima Online) is fine in wine and cedega05:11
NthDegreeVMWare uses modules to control things, WINE doesn05:12
BSoDirlbut in wine my mouse drags just enough to bother me05:12
tanathNthDegree: i tried mounting manually... still no05:12
BSoDirllike a fraction of a millisecond05:12
mwevmware is useless for games05:12
HarkinsIs there any way to get attention to a two-month-old crashing bug?05:12
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NthDegreemwe, not true if you enable the experimental support05:12
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BSoDirlthe new wine is flawless with sound on that game though, 99% as good as cedega overall05:12
tanathNthDegree: so what should i do?05:12
mweNthDegree: experimental yes. have you even tried it?05:12
NthDegreeyes mwe and it works fine for me05:13
mweNthDegree: it doesn't make my games run at least05:13
BSoDirlbut i like the auto-mount/umount in cedega05:13
Tommy2k4when i boot up it tries to open sendmail even though ive apt-get remove sendmail, rm /etc/init.d/sendmail, update-rc.d sendmail remove05:13
Tommy2k4how can i stop it05:13
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RiyonukI asked this earlier, but go no response. How do I uninstall ubuntu? last time I just deleted the partition in windows and that GRUB mesed my boot.ini05:13
mweNthDegree: and doesn't support directX9 which excludes my games05:13
BSoDirlyou said 'install' earlier.05:13
RiyonukI changed it :p05:13
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tanathTommy2k4: make sure it's not in your startup programs in System > Prefs > Sessions05:14
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NthDegreecedega is rubbish IMO any game that cedega runs, runs better on both WineX (Cedega CVS version) and the much better WINE05:14
BSoDirli think you can just delete it and type "fdisk /mbr" in win05:14
Jack_SparrowRiyonuk: Next time delete the partition and fdisk /mbr to fix windows05:14
BSoDirllol i was right for once05:14
Schamanesomeones able to tell me how i can add my wlan0 device in knetworkmanager? it ignores my wlan0 device05:14
BSoDirlthat dont happen much..05:14
ubotuI know nothing about fdisk - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:14
tanathNthDegree: cedega does some things wine doesn't05:14
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DShepherdBSoDirl: gstreamer0.8-faad maybe?05:14
Riyonukum by delete "it" you mean delte the partion? And fdsik /mbr? cmd?05:14
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tanathand wine some cedega doesn't05:14
BSoDirlNthDegree: last time I tried to download the cvs, it was broke so I just "bootlegged" it05:14
BSoDirli didnt say that, you never saw me, I've not been here all day.05:15
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NthDegreeBSoDirl, you need the old versions of gcc to compile it05:15
DShepherdBSoDirl: do I need to register it or something like that?05:15
BSoDirlnot compile it, just get it to download05:15
mweand none of them allows me to play civ4 without breakageness05:15
BSoDirlit froze while downloading a 2kb text file05:15
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BSoDirlDShepherd: i didnt register, but they could be *watching*05:15
=== tatiane [n=tatiane@201009010030.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
Riyonukfdisk in ubuntu or windows?05:15
NthDegreecedega can run some copy-protected games but that is it :)05:16
BSoDirlRiyonuk: C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe05:16
Riyonukyes Im there05:16
Riyonukfdisk in not a command05:16
BSoDirlfdisk /mbr05:16
BSoDirlthen reboot05:16
=== avalost [n=om@68-118-6-090.dhcp.hlrg.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
mweum arent most games copy protected?05:16
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BSoDirlwhich version of windows? it works on win2k and xp i think05:16
Tommy2k4tanath, i use kde and i cant find that05:16
BSoDirlmwe: diablo is :(05:16
Riyonuk'fdisk' is not recognized as an internal or external command,05:16
Riyonukoperable program or batch file.05:16
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tanathi was trying to run the shortcut on the desktop. when i run the exe in nautilus, it comes up fine05:17
BSoDirlomg, that is SO lame05:17
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mweBSoDirl: In fact I don't have any games that are not05:17
NthDegreeyou are in the 19th century05:17
BSoDirlworked last time I used windows *months ago*05:17
NthDegreewindows 2000/XP has no fdisk05:17
NthDegreeit is called diskpart05:17
tanathTommy2k4: oh, that's for gnome. nvm. try the control center or something05:17
TeemuRis there virtual drive software available for linux like alcohol 120% is for windows?05:17
NthDegreeand it is hard to use :p05:17
Tommy2k4im there but i dont see anything about sessions05:17
BSoDirlNthDegree: flaming aside, ty I'll let the next windows user I find know that.05:17
Riyonukso I cant uninstall it then?05:17
tanathstill can't play though. after i click play it says it can't find the disc again05:17
BSoDirltanath: manually mount the drive05:18
=== Ropechoborra [n=rope@201-212-43-87.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
mwetanath: that's the reason most of us still keep windows around05:18
NthDegreeTeemuR I believe that you can mount iso files to a mount point05:18
tanathBSoDirl: i did05:18
NthDegreelike alcohol120%05:18
BSoDirlerm, my fault05:18
tanathmwe: not me05:18
TeemuRoh ok05:18
mwetanath: then ditch your favorite games05:18
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BSoDirlI wish some rich benefactor would put mad $$ behind wine development to bury MS lol05:19
dinamizador# guadalinfo05:19
mwetanath: unless frozen bubbles is your favorite05:19
dinamizadorecho guadalinfo05:19
BSoDirlon the cedega page it says "Star Wars Galaxies runs in Cedega flawless"05:19
mwejust put massive $$ behind native linux ports instead05:19
BSoDirlsomehow I doubt that.05:19
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:19
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tanathmwe: i mostly play ps2 anyway :P but i know you can play many games on linux... and i'd like to know how to fix these problems so i can help others05:19
NthDegreeM$ is going backwards (DOS 1.0 to DOS 4.0 used Diskpart and chkdsk, then diskpart got superseded by fdisk and chkdsk by scandisk, now scandisk and fdisk are no more) :|05:20
BSoDirl:| indeed05:20
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mwetanath: good for you :) frankly only a tiny fraction of all games work in linux, sadly05:20
NthDegreetanath, there are many *LINUX* games05:20
BSoDirlso, wine users have any of you tried 0.9.17 in dapper yet?05:20
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findetonwhat the hell...? adept was installing sth but it has stopped. when i click 'show deatails' it appears a window of a console with the installing program of java sun asking for input to 'accept' the license05:20
NthDegreemost of my games have linux clients :D05:20
tanathNthDegree: yeh, i have a bunch, but most ppl want to play other games that work in windows...05:20
knapper_Hey guys, I have a friend who is a windows user and wants to switch to ubuntu, where should I send him (websites)05:21
tanathNthDegree: so i'd still like to know how to get 'em working05:21
mwetanath: but considering there are millions of games even 1% would be alot ;)05:21
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bad_boys12necesito ayuda05:21
findetonbad_boys12, di05:21
BSoDirlknapper_: help.ubuntu.com, www.unix.com and google should be helpful05:21
bad_boys12k tal05:21
NthDegreemy games are UT GOTY, UT 2003, Q3A, Dune 2000 and others that all work fine in either VMWare or have linux clients05:21
bad_boys12soy de republica dominicana05:21
stefgknapper_: www.ubuntu.com would be too obvious?05:21
BSoDirlunix.com for help with bash :)05:21
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:21
=== Gunnzi [n=gunnzi@] has joined #ubuntu
findetonjaja eso05:22
knapper_I was thinking more along the lines of a wiki05:22
tanathknapper_: what's he use his computer for?05:22
bad_boys12no no05:22
BSoDirlwiki.ubuntu.com :)05:22
knapper_like 'new ubuntu users' wiki05:22
Zdraevery id-software games runs under linux... so the best games :)05:22
knapper_you know...05:22
trappistNthDegree: don't forget about cedega05:22
Tommy2k4tanath, i think i found what i need, it has start-on-demand services and startup services and sendmail isnt in the list05:22
BSoDirlZdra: id owns05:22
bad_boys12tengo ubuntu y quiero instalar samba05:22
findetoni'm on ubuntu dapper05:22
findetonadept was installing sth but it has stopped. when i click 'show deatails' it appears a window of a console with the installing program of java sun asking for input to 'accept' the license05:22
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues05:22
knapper_tanath just desktop use05:22
mwetanath: I got fed up with it. can't play hitman4 can't play civ4 can't play fear, hl2 has quirks and takes a week to get to work etc :)05:22
=== sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
stefg!install > knapper05:22
findetonbut whatever i press (enter, intro, space...) it doesn't change05:22
BSoDirlyo no hable espanol bueno :(05:22
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:22
findetoni'm on ubuntu dapper adept was installing sth but it has stopped. when i click 'show deatails' it appears a window of a console with the installing program of java sun asking for input to 'accept' the license but whatever i press (enter, intro, space...) it doesn't change05:22
findetonplz help05:22
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findetonwhat may i do?05:23
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NthDegreetrappist, every game that I have played in cedega works on WINE and every game that fails to play on cedega usually plays on WINE very badly05:23
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BSoDirlfindeton: scroll down first05:23
tanathdiablo 2 is an old game. i would think it would work fine by now...05:23
NthDegreecedega is not worth the money05:23
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BSoDirlwho paid for cedega? :>05:23
findetonBSoDirl how?05:23
findetoni cannot05:23
NthDegreetanath it uses proprietary copy protection software05:23
trappistNthDegree: you're crazy!  it's some of the best money I've ever spent, and it's cheap05:23
mwetanath: if you work hard at it you may get it to work05:23
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findetonit's an embebbed window05:23
findetonand i think i cannot send any input :p05:24
trappistNthDegree: my game is civ3.  no go in wine.05:24
BSoDirli was thinking it was some gui installer that requires you to 'read' the license05:24
jbowerhello all in need to know how do i get Installed kernel source match running kernel05:24
BSoDirlmy mistake05:24
Lllamaafternoon all. I'm having trouble getting totem to run. Don't know whether it's because I'm running in vmware but it won't start as it 'cannot connect to the sound server'. Anyone have this problem or know what could be the problem?05:24
findetonit's inside the dapper program05:24
tanathmany others have gotten it working, and i recall getting it (mostly) working before...05:24
mwetanath: I'd google for a guide05:24
tanath(on debian though)05:24
NthDegreetrappist, usually i spend 15 minutes hacking my games to get them in WINE05:24
dinamizador# guadalinfo05:24
BSoDirlwhats the cedega current anyway?05:24
tanathi would think someone in here would know :/05:24
BSoDirli got like 5.2.105:24
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NthDegreePirate Bay rocks :p05:24
BSoDirlim glad someone slipped me that URL05:24
BSoDirllol ftp server here05:25
stefgBSoDirl, NthDegree , findeton would you mind taking that to #ubuntu-offtopic05:25
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mwetanath: how long did it take to get it to almost work?05:25
tanathi don't really have much time to mess with it right now. i don't even intend to play at the moment, just see if it'll work05:25
BSoDirlstefg: not to be rude, but I was referring to wine+ubuntu05:25
tanathmwe: uh, like a week i think :P05:25
sorush20guys loading deriver modules is taking a very long time could anyone here tell me about how to change this?05:25
BSoDirlthe .deb package05:25
tanathmwe: off and on05:25
mwetanath: lol05:25
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mwetanath: my life is too short for that05:25
tanathit would get to the intro cinematics, then after that it would always be a blank screen05:26
findetoni've stopped dapper :p  i think i must now do the 'commit' command although i don't know which command is it05:26
phaedrus44has anyone setup a web server with ubuntu?05:26
mwetanath: haha so the actual game didn't even start?05:26
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP05:26
tanathit was apparently at the main screen. it played the sound, but i couldn't see or do anything05:27
BSoDirlIm glad dapper has direct rendering for my old onboard video05:27
mwetanath: work a few months on it and you might get to work :)05:27
BSoDirlthat'll make tinkering with 3d engines bearable til I can get my shiny new geforce05:27
tanathi was hoping to find someone who's gotten it working already05:27
mwetanath: yeah05:27
BSoDirltheres a #cedega around here, but i dunno if anyone is there05:27
BSoDirljust dont mention .torrents lol05:28
sorush20my computer freezes .. how do I check waht is wrong.?05:28
tanaththey wouldn't help... i'm using wine :P05:28
phaedrus44thanks ubotu ...should i log in as root to do it?  or just do it with sudo?05:28
findetoni've stopped dapper :p  i think i must now do the 'commit' command although i don't know which command is it05:28
findetoni'm on ubuntu dapper adept was installing sth but it has stopped. when i click 'show deatails' it appears a window of a console with the installing program of java sun asking for input to 'accept' the license but whatever i press (enter, intro, space...) it doesn't change05:28
stefgsorush20: when does it freeze? at bott time or randomly?05:28
tanathubotu is a bot05:28
BSoDirlgee someone pastes a lot ^05:28
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tanathhe was replying to stefg05:28
mwetanath: did you read this: http://www.frankscorner.org/index.php?p=diablo2 ?05:29
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sorush20randomly just after I;'m about to load a new tab in konqueror or I'm scrolling in a tab in konqueror05:29
mwetanath: seems you should use a crack05:29
BSoDirlsorush20: it just hangs up hardcore?05:29
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stefgsorush20: bad ram? too hot?05:29
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sorush20stefg: how do I check the ram ?05:30
idefixcd the hd of hda1 or hdb2 or hdc doesn't stand for harddisk but for h.. dev or something05:30
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BSoDirlmwe: notice the ver. # is 2003-ish05:30
stefgthere's a memtest option in the boot menu05:30
tanathmwe: i'll try that. thx05:30
mweBSoDirl: yes. maybe it will work with a newer version as well05:30
stefgsorush20: but let that run overnight... asingle pass isn't that reliable05:30
tanathif not, i give up for now05:30
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BSoDirlmwe: I tried to install it with 0.9.17, but i forgot that i lost my cd key05:31
sorush20there seems to be two temp.. one is 37.o degrees and the other is 54 degrees? is it too hot?05:31
=== BSoDirl googles
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_nano_Hi, could anyone suggest a good quality open source app for voice conferencing with multiple parties?05:32
joeljkpis there any way to turn off entrance and exit notices on irc?05:32
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stefgsorush20: no, that should be fine05:32
joeljkpusing xchat-gnome05:32
mwesorush20: what is 54 degrees?05:32
tanathmwe: that guide is for and older patch version. blizzard now offers 1.11b05:32
BSoDirl_nano_ I hear skype is good05:32
tanathi doubt it'll work05:32
mwetanath: hmm05:32
tanathi think i recall it not working05:32
_nano_BSoDirl, i meant open source05:32
ColloidI'm wondering how I would go about hooking up two network cards to my linux (ubuntu-6.06-server) box and run an internet connection seemlessly "through" it05:33
_nano_BSoDirl, and skype (though i haven't used it) linux version has a lot of problems05:33
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mwesorush20: what part is 54 degrees hot?05:33
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BSoDirli thought skype was open-source :S05:33
BSoDirlhence "i hear"05:33
mrbrdohello, i don't seem to have set the root password, now i can't SU05:34
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:34
mrbrdothe installation just didn't ask me for it, as far as i can remember05:34
sorush20loading up hardware drivers.. takes too long what can i do?05:34
kalleiIm trying to install VMware but the installation wont work. I'm running a compiled vanilla kernel, do i need to install vmware in some special way then?05:34
mrbrdowhat about the root password?05:34
_nano_BSoDirl, no skype is not open source05:34
mrbrdosurely i have to know it..05:34
Bazzikallei: you just need to install it normally usually05:34
stefgkallei: prolly you didn't compile the vmware kernel modules05:35
tanathmwe: found the older patch :)05:35
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mrbrdostefg: does that mean i will never know the root password? i have to sudo all the time?05:35
kalleistefg:  the what?  is it something i should have done when compiling the kernel?05:35
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trappistmrbrdo: that's the idea05:35
jbowercould some one tell me how to install kernel source match running kernel, i'm now using linux-image-2.6.15-26-386 2.6.15-26.45. i'm looking for this so i can build rt2x00 drivers a get around a ndis ubuntu bug.05:35
wastrelbye now05:36
trappistmrbrdo: more accurately, there *is* no root password.05:36
mwetanath: good luck. let me know if it works. might install it as well if it does05:36
stefgmrbrdo: there is no spoon ...errr... root-passwd...05:36
mrbrdotrappist: so there is no way to login to root?05:36
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trappistjbower: usually you just need kernel headers to build drivers - apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)05:36
brotakuli have a problem with amule. when i try to add a server list it crashes on downloadind the list. i tried different serverlists, but it still crashes.05:36
BSoDirlsudo passwd root && su05:36
trappistmrbrdo: you could say something like 'sudo su -', but that's discouraged05:36
BSoDirlthat oughta set it05:37
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mrbrdoah ok thanks :)05:37
stefgkallei: yup, vmplayer needs kernel-modules, which hat to fit the kernel running05:37
trappistBSoDirl: and it defeats the whole purpose of eliminating the root login05:37
BSoDirli would die having to type 'sudo' before everything05:37
stefghat == have05:37
BSoDirltrappist: two words, system administration.05:37
jbowertrappist the rt2x00 driver need per README,# Kernel source requirements:05:37
jbower#- Installed kernel source match running kernel05:37
jbower#- GCC version used to compile running kernel was also used05:37
jbower#  to compile modules.05:37
mweBSoDirl: then type sudo -i to get a root prompt instead05:37
trappistBSoDirl: I administer dozens of boxes for which I don't know the root password.05:37
phunkaliciousor you could just increase the time your sudo privileges last :/05:37
jbowerjust the headers do not work05:37
kalleistefg:  how do i compile and install that ?05:37
jaeki'm running edgy and gnome-terminal keeps on resizing itself when i switch between tabs... anyone know a fix?05:37
phunkaliciousi mean once you type sudo it should last for like 3 minutes :|05:37
brotakuli have a problem with amule. when i try to add a server list it crashes on downloadind the list. i tried different serverlists, but it still crashes.05:38
=== deltron_ [i=ryan@24-207-133-89.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
BSoDirlbut 'su' is faster for what I do.05:38
BSoDirltomato, tomahto05:38
idefixso which of the dclsp-files are executable?05:38
stefgkallei: just use the stock-kernel...05:38
mwephunkalicious: sudo -i gives you a root login05:38
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skavenge'sudo -i' is the reccomended way to get a root shell but haven forbid people read documentation05:38
jbowersudo su -05:38
phunkaliciousyes, i'm well aware of this05:38
findetonnow i have already installed sun's jre, how can i replace gij with javac ?05:38
trappistjbower: whatever the docs say, kernel headers are almost always what you need.  but, to get the full source, apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)05:38
cpt_haddockhey how can i permanently edit my path environment05:38
mwejbower: no sudo -i is the recommended way05:38
BSoDirlthat shows you have much I use 'sudo' :S05:38
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jbowerthank you05:39
trappistcpt_haddock: export PATH=$PATH:/new/path/element  <-- in your ~/.bashrc05:39
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cpt_haddockTrappist:hey thnx i'll try05:40
mwetrappist: will that get all the patches as well?05:40
mwegreat i was looking for them05:40
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tanathmwe: still no05:43
tanathfixme:profile:CloseProfileUserMapping (), stub!05:43
tanatherr:sync:CreateEventW Bad security attributes pointer 0x105:43
tanathfixme:tape:BackupSeek ((nil), 256, 4224308, 0x1, (nil), (nil))05:43
tanatherr:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x6ff780c0 "?" wait timed out in thread 000d, blocked by 0000, retrying (60 sec)05:43
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mwetanath: ugh05:43
fuococan i use the bcm43xx driver from the livecd ?05:44
sorush20I'm not sure what temp is which..05:44
mwetanath: don't forget to manually kill the winserver as well. you probably need to05:44
TeemuRhow could i enable 3d accelaration in ubuntu i have an ati radeon 9550 card with 256 mb memory the official ati drivers don't help05:44
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto05:44
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skavengefuoco: you have to install the firmware and fiddle alot05:45
BSoDirldri.freedesktop.org has all that too05:45
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sebesthello anyone using vserver on dapper?05:45
fuocoskavenge: it's easier once installed ?05:45
kalleistefg: do you have a link or something showing how I build the kernel modules?05:45
BSoDirlassuming youre in dapper, they removed the xorg version that breezy uses05:45
skavengefuoco: no heh05:45
sorush20I think the cooler temp is my motherboard and the higher temp is my cpu..05:45
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fuocowhy not ?05:45
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skavengefuoco: broadcom's and linux dont like each other, i think the kernel driver sucks personally i used ndiswrapper on mine bcm43xx chipset nic05:46
mwesorush20: 54 degrees for the cpu is not critical05:46
mwesorush20: somewhat high though05:46
burepeI keep getting weird errors trying to play a dvd, It is Japanese. Some stuff about encryption. I thought I have all the right codecs. Any suggestions?05:46
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages05:46
burepe!restricted formats05:46
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:46
ZambeziSomeone here who use gmail? I got four emails yesterday about "your resume". Someone more who got that spam? This is the first time I got spam on gmail.05:47
mweZambezi: I didn't05:47
BSoDirlZambezi: me neither05:47
tanathi could get quite a few people using ubuntu if i could get stuff like this working05:47
skavengeburepe: may need to set region code if its from japan, its on the restricted formats page under playing encrypted dvds05:47
BSoDirlI just have the u.s. communist party spamming me05:47
tanathwhat kind of sites do you visit? lol. i get viagara spam :P05:48
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Zambezimwe, BSoDirl I get curious what it is. On my mail email I get about 20 spams/day so I always erase English email directly.05:48
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tanathnot that i browse porn :P05:48
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EnverexDoes anyone know how the Karma on Launchpad works? Is it automatically given or is it assigned by people?05:49
mwetanath: even my mom gets viagra spam. I doubt she ever visited any pr0n sites even05:49
BSoDirlZambezi: like two people spam me, cpusa and tracfone05:49
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BSoDirland i delete everything they send me05:49
burepegmail gets all my spam05:49
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Zambezitanath, When I was younger I always downloaded porn on websites. :-P05:49
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tanathyeh, gmail catches 99% of my spam05:50
idefixif cdrom links and initrd, java, media, srv, sys dirs appear  appears in your File System did you do something wrong?05:50
burepeword to gmail. you can download porn and not get spam05:50
Zambezitanath, Proabably is that the reason.05:50
BSoDirloh wait, I forgot about the peace corps05:50
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idefixif cdrom links and initrd, java, media, srv, sys dirs appear in your File System did you do something wrong?05:50
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tanathidefix: they should be somewhere in your file system... :P05:51
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dsdI set some xterm-settings in .Xdefaults, but they do not seem to affect xterm at all.05:51
tanathbut then, everything's a file...05:51
idefixtenath but according to http://www.faqs.org/docs/linux_intro/sect_03_01.html they're not supposed to be there int he first place?!05:51
ZambeziI get spams about eretcil dysfunction, medicine like Viagra, Cialis, pharmacy, HiRoll, Vegas.05:51
kouweis it possible to put thunderbird in the tray?05:52
dsdit worked just after i set them but after rebooting it seemed that .Xdefaults does not exist.05:52
idefixtanath but according to http://www.faqs.org/docs/linux_intro/sect_03_01.html they're not supposed to be there int he first place?! (3/4 of the page)05:52
BSoDirlhere we go, diablo+wine/cedega attempt05:52
BSoDirl*crosses fingers*05:52
mwekouwe: you can use mail-notification05:52
dsd... seemed as if it didn't exist...05:52
tanathidefix: it was a half-joke05:52
tanathnot quite sure what you mean05:52
kouwemwe: and what is that, a program?05:52
mwekouwe: it doesn't put thunderbird there but notifies you of new mail and can launch tb for you when you click it05:52
kouwemwe: ok, apt-getting :) thnx05:53
BSoDirltheres one for gmail too05:53
BSoDirlcalled umm * looks *05:53
Jack_Sparrowwhere is the theme folder?05:53
mweBSoDirl: I use the same one for that05:53
dsdcan someone help me?05:53
BSoDirlmwe: the perl one? it rocks05:53
phaedrus44do i enable root account by doing    sudo passwd root  ?05:53
bonsaiJack_Sparrow, not sure but if you open the theme manager there's a button "go to folder"05:53
BSoDirl'checkgmail' :)05:53
phaedrus44where do i put in roots passwd?05:54
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wildman!root > phaedrus4405:54
mwephaedrus44: you don't05:54
erUSUL!root > phaedrus4405:54
tritiumphaedrus44: try using sudo instead05:54
idefixtanath, ok you install linux and later on install all sorts of programs but aren't the files of these programs supposed to appear in some sub dir somewhere?05:54
phaedrus44i want to enable root account...setting up server05:54
mwephaedrus44: type sudo -i and your user password if you need a root prompt05:54
mwephaedrus44: please read what ubotu /msg'ed you05:55
mwephaedrus44: it will tell you how to do it and why it's not recommended05:55
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phaedrus44i want to enable a root account..i am familiar with sudo05:55
idefixtanath isn't the file system supposed to stay clear, or something?05:55
tritiumphaedrus44: then sudo passwd root, as you said earlier05:55
ardchoillephaedrus44: You can set up a server using sudo, it's better than enabling a root account. When someone breaks in, they know you have a root account and can try brute force attacks. If the root account is disabled, they can't break into it.05:55
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mwephaedrus44: appaerently not or you would know. please read the /msg like I told you05:56
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phaedrus44thanks ardchoille  very helpful  ...i guess ill set the whole ting up with sudo05:56
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phaedrus44thanks mwe also05:56
phaedrus44 and ubotu05:56
brutopiais there something to be done for latency with kde on kubuntu05:56
brutopiaeverything lags a bit05:56
tritiumphaedrus44: that's a good plan05:56
mwephaedrus44: sudo -i will give you a root login05:56
brutopiain windows every menu and such comes out instantly05:57
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phaedrus44ok cool..05:57
Tommy2k4when i boot up it tries to open sendmail even though ive apt-get remove sendmail, rm /etc/init.d/sendmail, update-rc.d sendmail remove05:57
Tommy2k4how can i stop it cos it adds over a minute to bootup time05:57
idefixtanath, so you're here on X-chat just to crack jokes?05:57
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erUSULTommy2k4: update-rc.d -f sendmail remove05:57
EdsipeRwhere can I get a udev ubuntu package?05:57
mwebrutopia: it doesn't lag here but I think kde demands more cpu power to feel as smooth05:58
frogzoobrutopia: how much mem u got?05:58
ardchoilleHedgeMage: :D05:58
erUSULEdsipeR: you should have it instaled05:58
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mwebrutopia: oh yes ram as well >=256 MB I'd say05:58
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Tommy2k4already did that erUSUL05:58
HedgeMagehiya ardchoille :D05:58
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WoodsDogwhere do i set the default editor in ubuntu?05:58
mweWoodsDog: export EDITOR=whatever in ~/.bashrc05:59
EdsipeRerUSUL, I can't use the lastest kernel 2.6.17, my ubuntu is 6.06 and udev version it's so old05:59
frogzooWoodsDog: in .gnomerc - set EDITOR05:59
tritiumEdsipeR: it's installed autmatically, as the system needs it05:59
mweWoodsDog: or /etc/profile for site wise05:59
erUSULSystem> preferences>05:59
WoodsDogthanks mwe05:59
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erUSULEdsipeR: i'm using 2.6.18-rc2 without udev problems06:00
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Tommy2k4erUSUL: <Zerberus> AFAIK ubuntu has a strange setup to call sendmail start somewhere in the network scripts06:00
erUSULTommy2k4: with the -f switch?06:00
Tommy2k4you think that could be it?06:00
EdsipeRerUSUL, when I try to boot my kernel can't find root file system06:00
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bobovskihi all06:00
=== mwe is using without problems with udev
bobovskican anyone help me with a firefox/flash plugin issue?06:01
mwebobovski: what's the issue?06:01
tritiumEdsipeR: did you compile support for your root FS into the kernel (e.g., not a module)?06:01
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erUSULEdsipeR: did you configured filesystems and the mkinitrd correctly?06:01
phaedrus44can the server install have fluxbox installed with it?06:01
bobovskimwe: flash plays fine, except no sound06:01
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.06:01
erUSULEdsipeR: which instruccions did you followed when compiling?06:01
EdsipeRtritium, I'm using ext3 fs buildin , not module06:02
mwebobovski: search the forums the are several threads about. basically use aoss iirc06:02
bobovskimwe: had problems even getting flash to work this morning...just suddenly. it was fine then broken06:02
Q3ManI'm trying to install 6.06 to a 1gb CF card and I'm having partitioning difficulties. Using default installation options and auto-partitioning, I get the error "The attempt to mount a file system with target type swap in IDE2 master parrtition 5 (hdc5) at none failed". Debian installs/partitions fine on the same drive. Anything I can try checking?06:02
EdsipeRerUSUL, I run update-initramfs and it generate the initrd image06:02
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mwebobovski: it's explained. it's the sound system used06:02
tritiumEdsipeR: well, something else is wrong then, but not likely udev06:02
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bonsaibobovski, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=199289&06:02
erUSULEdsipeR: and the grub stanza? have you checked it?06:02
bobovskimwe: is there a reason I'd be not getting sound only in flash player?06:03
mwebobovski: search for 'flash sound' on the forums06:03
dsdMy .Xdefaults settings do not seem to take any effect on my client-applications (xterm in particular).06:03
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mwebobovski: yes06:03
bobovskimwe: all the other programs that use sound work just fine06:03
EdsipeRerUSUL, initrd path it's correctly, root=/dev/hda2 ro06:03
bobovskiok, let me take a look here06:03
dsdBefore I rebootet, it worked perfectly well...06:03
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mwebobovski: it's common06:03
BSoDirlyou folks have fun *waves*06:03
mwebobovski: please search for 'flash sound' on the forums06:03
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EdsipeRerUSUL, I'm getting this error: begin: waiting for root file system06:04
kouweis it possible to set xchat in the tray?06:04
tritiumEdsipeR: why do you need an updated kernel?06:04
ardchoille!info xchat-gnome06:04
ubotuxchat-gnome: a new frontend to the popular X-Chat IRC client. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.11-0ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 499 kB, installed size 4280 kB06:04
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ardchoillekouwe: See the post by ubotu06:04
kouweok  :)06:04
burepeI have twice the memory of my last computer and the dvd playback is choppy as hell. I have drm enabled too.06:05
dsdxchat-gnome sucks, btw.06:05
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beastyuse irssi06:05
tritiumburepe: dma, you mean?  ;)06:05
mweburepe: 64bit?06:05
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mweburepe: it's common06:05
burepereally why06:05
beastybad codecs06:05
mweburepe: because the 64bit version is not mature06:05
burepeit is not 6406:06
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burepeyeah was to dma06:06
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mweburepe: thought you said yes to that06:06
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erUSULEdsipeR: well i do not know what else can it be. i use the "vanilla way" of compiling kernels and never had any problem. make && make modules && make modules_install && make install. then mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd.img-2.6.1x.y 2.6.1x.y and finally update-grub06:06
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EdsipeRtritium, I have years compiling my kernel, but some days ago I buy it a laptop and this it's the first time that I see this error06:06
burepeshould the dvd use 100 of the processor?06:06
mweburepe: but is dma on for the drive then?06:06
tritiumEdsipeR: yes, but it is necessary?06:07
mweI don't know then06:07
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erUSULEdsipeR: maybe you forgot drivers for sata (libata) or something06:07
EdsipeRtritium, yes, my laptop sometimes comes very slowly06:07
bonsaiburepe are you running xgl/compiz?06:07
burepewaht is that?06:07
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bonsai!info xgl06:07
ubotuPackage xgl does not exist in dapper06:07
EdsipeRerUSUL, sata gives support for eide?06:08
bonsaiburepe it could have explained your video performance06:08
tritiumEdsipeR: that could be any number of things.06:08
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snoopsbecause it's not called xgl in repositories.. xserver-xgl I believe06:08
kranganybody for help with my fglrx problem?06:08
snoopscompiz is however in the repositories06:08
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burepeso should I get that package?06:08
erUSULEdsipeR: no but i do not know what hardware do you have ;)06:08
kranggetting lots of errors like06:08
EdsipeRtritium, some forums say that this problems it's a udev problem06:08
krang[fglrx]  API ERROR: could not register entrypoint for GenerateMipmapEXT06:08
tritiumburepe: no06:08
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems06:08
stinkballi'm having some video issues with warcraft 3 in wine, my drivers are all installed correctly and run ut04 around 180fps. wine version is 0.9.1706:08
EdsipeRerUSUL, wester digital hard disk mobile, EIDE06:09
krangafter following the installation guide in the ubuntuforums06:09
billybennettanyone know how to restart my sound?  I lost sound in youtube06:09
bonsaiburepe, no, but if you were running it, it could have explained choppy video playback...06:09
mrbrdoif i change resolution over 1024x768 i get werid graphical problems (seems like parts of the screen are cloning around)06:09
bobovskimwe: ok, fixed it. found in a forum post. ran chown -R <username>:users /home/<username>/.macromedia06:09
tritiumkrang: the wiki guide is the official guide.  Did you use ubuntu packages?06:09
bobovskimwe: so does that mean I have to run this for each of the users on this system if I want it to work for all users?06:09
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stefgstinkball: #wine is prolly a better channel to ask this06:10
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krangi downloaded the driver from the link in the ubuntuforums-guide.06:10
mwebobovski: I never did that06:10
mrbrdodo i need to install nvidia drivers or something to be able to use resolutions over 1024x768?06:10
tritiumkrang: you really should use official ubuntu packages06:10
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bobovskimwe: hmm, worked for me. I'll just do it for each user and wash my hands of it. Thanks for the help06:10
erUSUL!fixres > mrbrdo06:10
krangi got the same problems with them, tritium06:11
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burepethe dvd is ok if it is not full screen (kinda has lines in it though). Is there a way to kill some processes to give more memory to the dvd? maybe using xfce or something?06:11
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bonsaikrang what graphics card do you have?06:12
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krangradeon mobile 920006:12
burepevlc looks smooth!\06:13
mormolocim looking for a way to find out what fonts i have on my linux Os?06:13
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bonsaii see, there is an but in the latest fglrx driver for the radeon 92xx series06:13
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:13
tritiumburepe: what are you using to play dvds currently?06:13
bureperight now vlc06:13
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burepeI was using totem06:13
tritiumburepe: totem-gstreamer, or totem-xine?06:13
burepevlc looks nuce06:13
burepenot sure06:13
krangyay, bonsai: my graphic-card is on the working-list...06:13
tritiumburepe: xine and gxine work well too06:14
bonsaikrang have a look at this thread, if the errors are the same, follow the instructions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185033&06:14
burepevlc is way better right now06:14
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tritiumburepe: try them all, and pick your favorite06:14
krangwell, i used http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=204910 =)06:14
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abhinay!video join06:15
ubotuI know nothing about video join - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:15
ubotuI know nothing about video - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:15
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dobedobedewIf I clone a Ubuntu 6.06 install, the eth0 will not come up.  It used to work with 5.10.  Is it storing the MAC address somewhere?06:15
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tritiumabhinay: please play with ubotu in a private query06:15
bonsaikrang, yes your card is supported of course, but the newest fglrx driver has a bug for 92xx series which can be fixed by replacing a file which you can download in that thread06:15
tritiumdobedobedew: yes, /etc/iftab06:15
krangok, I'll have a try ^^06:16
abhinaytritium, as iam new to IRC chat , hw can i do tat ?06:16
fuococan i use 2.6.17 kernel on ubuntu somehow ? are there ready made images ?06:16
krangah, yes, there it is. my errors :) thanks for this until next error ;)06:16
tritiumabhinay: /query ubotu, and then type away06:16
ardchoilleabhinay: /query ubotu06:16
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tritiumfuoco: no images yet for dapper, but for edgy, yes06:16
dobedobedewThanks tritium! Is that something that is ubuntu specific?06:16
thesporeHow can i  get a command line docked to the panel?  I could do this with Breezy.06:17
tritiumdobedobedew: I'm not sure, as ubuntu is all I use these days06:17
fuocotritium: will dapper ever upgrade the kernel ?06:17
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homerh_linuxhiya where can i find a list of all the offical ubuntu repos (think i screwed mine )06:17
tritiumIt's probably beign used in debian as well06:17
bonsaikrang, download libGL.so.1.2 and replace it06:17
tritiumfuoco: if security vulnerabilities require it06:17
krang..in progress.. :)06:17
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assasukassedoes anyone know about a http irc gateway? at work they filtered out irc06:17
EdsipeRerUSUL, where is located the SATA support in kernel sources???, I just found a deprecated option06:17
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zecarlosjoin #ubuntu-br06:18
wildmanthespore, right lcik on the panel, add, take a look down where it says something like "run an application"06:18
wildmanthespore, lcik -> click06:18
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knapperteelittle: I logged out and did '/etc/xinit.d/kdm start and it said it was already started.06:18
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rambo3!info freevo breezy06:19
ubotuPackage freevo does not exist in breezy06:19
tritiumknapper: there is a restart option too06:19
thesporewildman, yeah i saw that.. not what i wanted. :P06:19
s_spiffhey ppl any1 used bmpx on a 64 amd arch?06:19
erUSULEdsipeR: if you do not have sata drives you do not need it. anyway is under scsi drivers libata06:19
krangyeah, it works06:19
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kranglets see, what glxinfo says06:19
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tritiumrambo3: try mythtv06:19
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wildmanthespore, then, what do you want to do?06:19
thesporewildman, used to have an actual command line docked on the panel06:19
knappertritium I did stop then start and it still sat at the text login06:19
krangdri also works, hm, I'll test it06:19
rambo3Trinisan, why , i need media center not tv center06:19
wildmanthespore, actual command line = script?06:19
tritiumknapper: what's the original problem, anway?06:19
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tritiumanyway, rather06:19
ardchoilleknapper: Are you at tty1 or tty7?06:19
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knappertritium, when I boot up it goes to text login instead of graphical06:20
knapperI guess06:20
tritiumrambo3: mythtv is a media center, essentially, and much further along than freevo06:20
thesporewildman, no it was an option in the "Add to panel" in breezy.  put a commandline so i could just click and type "kill esd" or whatever, was much simpler than opening a terminal.06:20
krangseems like it works, thanks bonsai =)06:20
EdsipeRerUSUL, my running kernel use /dev/hda2 to mount the root partition, the new kernel can't do that, all hard disk support has been build inside kernel image06:20
krangnow I'll have a test with xgl ^^06:20
bonsaigood news, np krang06:20
thesporewildman, but it seems it has disappeared with dapper06:20
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krang*log off*06:21
wildmanfrom the description of "run an app" that's what it does... you type a command, press Enter and it's executed06:21
wildmanthespore, or that's what I've understood at least :)06:21
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thesporewildman.  yes.. but you have to click the button for the command line to come up.  this was an actual command line on the panel.. don't have to click anything for it to come up :P06:21
wildmanthespore, just saw it, right... no more place to type 'directly'06:21
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thesporewildman, yeah :(06:22
thesporewildman, it was handy ;)06:22
erUSULEdsipeR: i do not know whyyour new kernel does not boot... did you use the ubuntu conf as a base for yours? 'cp /boot/config-2.6.15-23-k7 .config && make oldconfig' ??06:22
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FeestBijtjehttp://feestbijtje.homedns.org <==== how can i use less memory? its alway's full06:24
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FeestBijtjehttp://feestbijtje.homedns.org/phpsysinfo <==== how can i use less memory? its alway's full*06:25
mwethespore: isn't it basically what alt-f2 does?06:25
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rambo3tritium ok all try it does it use mplayer ?06:25
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thesporemwe, eh sorta.. that's what i've been using in abscence of me ole favorite docked-command line06:26
erUSUL!memory > FeestBijtje06:26
tritiumrambo3: it can be used with mythtv, but it also has its own player.  Check out mythtv.org for details06:26
_marshallhey guys06:26
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mwethespore: yeah. I bet it's possible to bring it back though I'm not sure how06:26
_marshallwhats the difference between compiz vanilla and compiz quinn?06:26
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B|nTaRai would liek to ask some questions ..06:27
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phunkaliciouscompiz quinn has tons of kewl stuff06:27
B|nTaRaif i wanna install ubuntu in vmware .. which do i need ?06:27
thesporemwe, if ya find out, lemme know! lol06:27
B|nTaRavmware player or vm ware workstation or vmware server ?06:27
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mwethespore: yeah :)06:28
phunkaliciousworkstation or server, not player06:28
stefgB|nTaRa: you can download preintalled images at the vmware site.. sve you effort06:28
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phunkaliciousserver is free now you know, just use that06:28
mweserver is free?06:28
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phunkaliciousthey took their gsx server, called it just vmware server, and made it freezy06:28
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FeestBijtjeerUSUL, linux keeps it ocupied for new processes? and makes it free when needet?06:29
B|nTaRathank you06:29
mweI wonder why that is. couldn't sell it I guess06:29
_marshallphunkalicious: so if i want to switch from vanilla to quinn all i have to do is uninstall the vanilla packages and install quinn?06:29
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ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare06:29
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erUSULFeestBijtje: yes for new processes and for disk cache (faster access)06:29
BallsyHi Gang.  Could someone tell me how to boot into 'text mode' when using the LiveCD ?  I'm having video issues and need to get things going without X first.....06:29
FeestBijtjeerUSUL, i understand06:29
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atyBallsy: same problem. same question06:29
FeestBijtjeerUSUL, thanx :)06:29
erUSULFeestBijtje: no problem06:30
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Ballsyaty, yes, I thought someone might remember me <g>06:30
atyBallsy: "Failed to start x server"?06:30
phunkaliciousumm...i think you ust have to enable quinn's repositories and hten update _marshall, but i'm not exactly sure; ask in #ubuntu-xgl06:30
phunkaliciousthey probably know more :D06:30
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atyno i dont remember you. i have the same problem with an nvidia gf2 card06:30
Ballsyaty, I get as far as    'configuring some drivers...ok' which then dumps me to a blank screen with blinking cursor.06:30
ubotuEdubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org06:30
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atyyeah and after the blinking cursor?06:31
Ballsyaty, ah, understood.  SiS 760 on-board here....06:31
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment. For more info see http://kubuntu.org ; to install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:31
Ballsyaty, after?  Nothing.  Sits there....indefinitely....06:31
stefg!fishing > B|nTaRa06:31
ubotuI know nothing about gubuntu - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:31
atyhmm.. i have got an error message too.. then sits there06:31
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atydo you know how to reach the live-expert ?06:32
atybecause i have found everywhere this solution06:32
kalosaurusrexis there someway I can "lock" my application windows to a specific desktop?  I hate that they don't stay on the desktop that I put them.. :)06:32
Ballsyaty, I tried the amd64.iso as well (AMD Athlon 64 arch here) and it dies too, but with some error16 notes about segfaults.06:32
atybut if i put it in the boot prompt it wont work06:32
atyi have tried the desktop i386 iso06:32
atyi have 32 bit system06:32
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atybut i cannot understand what the hell can be the problem...06:33
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Ballsyaty, have you tried specifying just the number '3' as your boot option ?  That may (or may not?) take you to run level 3, without X.  It'll want you to log in though...not sure what the def user/pass would be....trying that now myself06:33
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erUSULaty: with the alternate cd?06:33
srikanthCan any one tell How to read .chm formats in linux06:34
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-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- This nickname is owned by someone else06:34
-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>06:34
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-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please have a look at the FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonQuestions06:34
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(aty/#ubuntu) erUSUL: this will be the lost.. i havent got bandwith for another cd06:34
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(chrisbudden14/#ubuntu) woah06:34
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(aty/#ubuntu) Ballsy: thx i will try it06:34
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(chrisbudden14/#ubuntu) whats going on?06:34
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(aty/#ubuntu) aah hope the buffer havent deleted the informations06:35
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(aty/#ubuntu) -s06:35
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(aty/#ubuntu) :)06:35
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(martbd/#ubuntu) help06:35
phunkaliciousshizzle :O06:35
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(srikanth/#ubuntu) What happenning06:35
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(srikanth/#ubuntu) hell06:35
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=== phunkalicious surfs the netsplit
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(tritium_away/#ubuntu) srikanth: a Netsplit06:35
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chowellshaha, the most impressive netsplit I've ever seen06:35
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chrisbudden14whats that?06:36
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ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto06:36
=== stefg [n=stefg@dslb-088-072-238-040.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
srikanthtritium_away, means?06:36
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srikanthCan any one tell How to read .chm formats in linux06:36
IcyTa splited network ;)06:36
srikanthCan any one tell How to read .chm formats in linux06:36
tritium_awaysrikanth: a rip in the time-space continuum06:36
Xorlevsrikanth: Install xchm06:36
B|nTaRahow i wanna read .nfo files in ubuntu ?06:36
srikanthXorlev, ok thank u06:36
WifiBrainI'll find out06:36
ciarondo i want xmule or amule?06:37
=== IRCD=dancer CAPAB CHANTYPES=# EXCEPTS INVEX CHANMODES=bdeIq,k,lfJD,cgijLmnPQrRstz CHANLIMIT=#:20 PREFIX=(ov)@+ MAXLIST=bdeI:50 MODES=4 STATUSMSG=@ KNOCK NICKLEN=16 :are supported by this server
-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- This nickname is owned by someone else06:40
-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>06:40
=== Due to a network split, you can not obtain channel operator status in a new channel at this time
=== Due to a network split, you can not obtain channel operator status in a new channel at this time
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu support channel | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | Join #ubuntu-offtopic for general chatter | Get counted: http://ubuntucounter.geekosophical.net
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by Seveas at Thu Jul 20 10:32:35 2006
=== Due to a network split, you can not obtain channel operator status in a new channel at this time
=== Due to a network split, you can not obtain channel operator status in a new channel at this time
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@] has joined #Ubuntu
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please have a look at the FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonQuestions06:40
=== Derevko [n=Derevko@] has joined #ubuntu
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(stabby-/#ubuntu) THIS IS A STICKUP *stab* *stab*06:40
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(FeestBijtje/#ubuntu) once i had this with my botnet lol 1 milion bots06:41
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(l0zzy/#ubuntu) weeeee06:41
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(FeestBijtje/#ubuntu) i hate net splits06:41
(ks1/#ubuntu) hehe06:41
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(FeestBijtje/#ubuntu) floooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo06:41
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(FeestBijtje/#ubuntu) ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovd06:41
=== lepingbeta_ [n=lepingbe@] has joined #ubuntu
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(FeestBijtje/#ubuntu) thank god :S06:41
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torpedo|dogFeestBijtje: it's not a netsplit, people were physically disconnected from the server they were attached to06:42
=== BurgerMann [n=burgerma@port86.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
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FeestBijtjetorpedo|dog, you mean server tought we dissconnected?06:42
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=== Moof [n=moof@oh.you.can.do.such.a.lot.with.a.wompom.com] has joined #ubuntu
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naliothFeestBijtje: do you like it here?06:42
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torpedo|dogFeestBijtje: No, I was disconnected from my server.06:42
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=== miteyMite [n=mite@ip24-255-245-30.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
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B|nTaRahow u can see which ppl r idlers :P06:43
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FeestBijtjenalioth, not at this moment06:43
=== varsendaggr [n=varsenda@168-103-4-64.blng.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
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FeestBijtjetorpedo|dog, ur hosting a server for freenode?06:43
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naliothFeestBijtje: please don't add to the chaos with your cruft06:43
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RedGhostseeing 750 users connect at the same time is funny06:43
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FeestBijtjenalioth, okay sorry06:43
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torpedo|dogFeestBijtje: No, I mean the server I was connected to disconnected me.06:43
=== jmworx [n=jmworx@theorix.CeNTIE.NET.au] has joined #ubuntu
torpedo|dogI had to reconnect to freenode.06:43
=== noob-saibot [i=poisoner@11383.unitednetworx.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== wildman [n=wildman@24-187-231-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
FeestBijtjetorpedo|dog, same here06:43
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RedGhostxchat reconnected me o:06:43
=== matusbraga [n=matusbra@c8fc886c.bsb.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
=== Jeruvy [n=jeruvy@unaffiliated/jeruvy] has joined #ubuntu
wildmanlooks like Freenode servers are up&down today...06:44
FeestBijtjeno malachi06:44
=== zecarlos [n=zecarlos@servidor.mcinfor.com.br] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
B|nTaRaim installing KDE atm06:44
=== skavenge [n=skavenge@12-207-61-84.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
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ks1everyone was totally disconnected.06:44
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torpedo|dogthetorpedodog@~ $06:44
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torpedo|dogdentist <thetorpedodog06:44
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FeestBijtjetorpedo|dog, you are a dentist? :S06:45
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skavengeso i installed mozilla-mplayer hoping to get streaming video, i uninstalled and tried the totem-gstreamer-firefox-plugin and now it doesnt work at all .. any ideas?06:45
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FeestBijtjei am scared of those peeps06:45
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ardchoilleWhat happened to freenode?06:45
naliothardchoille: netsplit06:45
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RedGhostit was attacked by al qaeda06:46
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ardchoillenalioth: Ahh06:46
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B|nTaRaRedGhost : or by CIA or FBI or KGB ?06:46
RedGhostid like to hope the KGB06:46
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skavengehow do i tell firefox to use the gstreamer plugin instead of the mozilla one?06:46
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__doc__hi, any clue how I playback *.mov (quicktime) and how to install the firefox plugin for it?06:47
ciaroni'm getting Xlib: connection to ":1.0" refused by server within my vnc session and ideas why?06:47
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fortran01__doc__, : just install mplayer plugin for firefox06:48
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fortran01__doc__, : i think you also need the mp4 decoder for mplayer06:49
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aqau_inter_flyI was wondering if anyone has gotten Linksys WUSB54GC to work with Ubuntu06:50
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fortran01ciaron, maybe 1:0 is already occupied06:50
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FunnyLookinHataqau_inter_fly, go to ubuntuforums.org and search the model number, i bet you'll find osmeone who has06:51
ciaronfortran01: nah its a headless box06:51
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skavengehow do i tell firefox to use the gstreamer plugin instead of the mozilla one?06:51
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aqau_inter_flyfunnylookinhat: I did go to the forums and I found one, but I'm kind of new to Linux and I didn't understand it06:51
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ciaronfortran01: vnserver is running fine i just can't launch any apps when logged into it06:52
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jwhaymancould someone tell me the default install directory for apache2 please?06:52
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FunnyLookinHataqau_inter_fly, ahh ok.  Well if you have a specific question about it you can post it here and I'm sure someone can help you, I would offer to help more directly but I am at work   : (06:52
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__doc__thx, worked06:53
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skavengefirefox is just retarded06:53
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FunnyLookinHataqau_inter_fly, if you are online later tonight (12 hours from now or so) I can help you as much as you need06:53
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fortran01jwhayman, /etc/apache2/ for config06:53
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fyrestrtrjwhayman: config: /etc/apache2/ files: /var/www/apache2-default/06:53
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aqau_inter_flyFunnyLookinHat: Okay, I'll try to get help now and if i can't then I'll get on tonight06:54
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:54
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fortran01skavenge, delete the mozilla one then install the gstreamer plugin06:54
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_marshallhey guys06:54
aqau_inter_flyok i just installed ubuntu yesterday and i was wondering how to install packages06:54
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fortran01aqau_inter_fly, use Synaptic Manager06:55
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aqau_inter_flyFortran01:  How?06:55
jeremyclarkeyou can choose "add or remove" from one of the main menus06:55
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fyrestrtraqau_inter_fly: system > administration > synaptic package manager06:55
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RedGhostaqua_inter_fly: apt-cache search, apt-get install "name"06:56
RedGhostdo apt-get update first06:56
skavengefortran01: ive done that 20 times no dice, firefox thinks mozilla is still installed and doesnt register the gstreamer OR xine plugins06:56
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fyrestrtrskavenge: read the restrictedformats wiki.06:56
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fortran01skavenge, did you restart?06:57
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aqau_inter_flyOkay, I'm going to go hook up my computer through ehternet so i can get internet on ubuntu, then i'll be back06:57
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skavengefortran01: of course06:57
skavengefyrestrtr: thats not going to do me any good06:57
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Hexidigital_hi guys... i need to edit my /etc/network/interfaces file to allow me to switch between my home LAN and my college LAN.. file is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18521 ... any ideas what i'd need to change to allow college LAN access?06:59
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fyrestrtrskavenge: tells you how to fiddle with firefox if plugins aren't working.06:59
fortran01Hexidigital_, can't you use the network configuration?07:00
skavengefyrestrtr: i dont see it07:00
fyrestrtrHexidigital_: use the profiles in network-manager07:00
fyrestrtrskavenge: read it?07:00
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Hexidigital_fyrestrtr::  ah, i didn't think of that... thanks07:00
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Hexidigital_fortran01::  what do you mean network configuration? network manager?07:01
skavengefyrestrtr: uh yeah07:01
skavengefyrestrtr: a 1000 times07:01
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BallsyAnyone know hwere I can find a comprehensive list of 'boot options' that I can specify when trying the Dapper Live CD ?07:01
skavengei can recite 3/4 of the restricted formats page from memory, sure it says how to install plugins doesnt say anything about fixing them when they're broke07:01
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Ballsywith Suse 10.1, I can specify a simple   '3'  as an option to boot to run-level 3....but apparnetly not with Ubuntu LiveCD07:02
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fortran01Hexidigital_, I'm also trying network-manager now.thanks to fyrestrtr07:02
billybennettAnyone here know why I lost sound in flash?07:03
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fyrestrtrskavenge: this didn't help? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-e25afe1552d3a818f60e64143931b2d8e052226707:03
fortran01billybennett, maybe another program is holding the sound device07:03
fyrestrtrBallsy: hit F1 at the boot: prompt07:04
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skavengefyrestrtr: no, as i said all it tells you is how to install them07:04
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fyrestrtryou want to switch, right? uninstall the first one, re-install this one. If it doesn't work, scroll to the bottom of the page where it lists the location of the firefox plugins, and link the one you want to that location.07:05
fyrestrtryou have to be a bit creative to find the solution.07:05
billybennettfortran01, I dont have anything else open except xchat07:05
zukalkdoes anyone know how to give the mic input a REAL boost? that damn Mic Boost (+20dB) won't help, or barely will07:05
rambo3Trinisan, thanks for recomending mythtv07:05
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stabby-What is the state of Linux NTFS Support?07:06
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fortran01billybennett, is it the flash plugin in your browser07:06
Ballsyfyrestrtr, right, but that just gets me to the boot:  prompt.  The problem is, I dunno what option(s) I need to get to run-level 3 only (ie. no X)07:06
billybennettfortran01, it was working the other day so I dunno07:06
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skavengefyrestrtr: ive switched 20 times and get no option to link to anything else obviously you didnt pay attention to my initial question07:07
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stabby-What is the state of Linux NTFS Support?07:07
billybennettfortran01, random mplayer files work in firefox.. it seems to be flash videos like youtube07:07
mrbrdoi cannot use resolutions over 1024x768 (parts of screen become copied parts from other parts, it looks very weird). i use an ATI mobility card (notebook), and i use the ati driver (not the fglrx one).. any ideas? i tried everything in !fixres to no avail.07:07
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fyrestrtrskavenge: *sigh* you didn't understand what I wrote. Nevermind, maybe someone else can help you :)07:07
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fyrestrtrstabby-: read only works great, write -- not so great.07:08
stabby-they finished the write support couple days ago07:08
skavengefyrestrtr: i completely understood, your not solving the problem at hand with your answer is the point, *sigh*07:08
fortran01maybe mplayer is using the device. try lsof /dev/audio or /dev/dsp in terminal to see who's hold the dev07:08
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stabby-ur telling me bullshit07:08
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse07:08
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fyrestrtrstabby-: read that ^ -- stop calling people idiot, only makes you look like one.07:09
mrbrdoi cannot use resolutions over 1024x768 (parts of screen become copied parts from other parts, it looks very weird). i use an ATI mobility card (notebook), and i use the ati driver (not the fglrx one).. any ideas? i tried everything in !fixres to no avail.07:09
brl4nstupid wireless internet07:09
stabby-hey you read this http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=1519607:09
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stabby-stupid nigger07:09
Gullstad!tell brl4n about ndiswrapper07:10
stabby-hate liars07:10
Lukestabby-: please grow up07:10
Gullstad!tell Gullstad  about ndiswrapper07:10
hawkaloogiefyrestrtr, there's a new one, ntfs-3g, that's apparently stable enough for home use07:10
Gullstad!tell Gullstad about ndiswrapper07:10
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fyrestrtrhawkaloogie: its probably not supported under dapper yet, which is all that matters.07:10
Gullstad!tell brl4n about gentoo07:10
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Gullstad!tell Gullstad about gentoo07:10
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brl4n!tell gullstad to shut the fuck up07:10
ubotuI know nothing about tell gullstad to shut the fuck up - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:10
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ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots07:11
Gullstad!tell brl4n about echo07:11
ubotuI know nothing about echo - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:11
mrbrdocan anyone help me with my resolution problem? if i use any resolution over 1024x768 my screen becomes buggy (copied parts around), i tried !fixres but didn't help i use the "ati" driver07:11
pepinitohow can i see the kernel version i'm using?07:11
Gullstad!tell brl4n about ram07:11
ardchoillebrl4n: Please watch the language07:11
ubotuI know nothing about ram - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:11
=== zazeem [n=zazeem@pool-64-223-236-116.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
brl4ncall someone please stop gullstad?07:11
fyrestrtrmrbrdo: what kind of laptop do you have?07:11
ardchoilleGullstad: Please don't play with the bot07:11
Gullstadbrl4n: Why are you in a helchan if you dont want help?07:12
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brl4nardchoille:ohh he is harrassing me but the language affends you?  lol07:12
skavengeanyone here versed in firefox and plugins that can give me more than the blatantly obvious answers? mplayer plugin installed from repos, removed, gstreamer installed, firefox doesnt recognize it and doesnt show up in firefox plugins, ive redone it 10 times, anyone?07:12
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pepinitohi, how can i see the kernel version I'm using?07:12
Gullstadardchoille: Was just refering to anserws. exept the last. That was just to piss him off07:12
mrbrdofyrestrtr: it's an Acer Aspire 1501LMi, i've used Ubuntu before successfully (i think 5.04) with no problems07:12
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-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-server] Ubuntu Server Discussions (development and support)07:14
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu support channel | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | Join #ubuntu-offtopic for general chatter | Get counted: http://ubuntucounter.geekosophical.net
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by Seveas at Thu Jul 20 10:32:35 2006
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please have a look at the FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonQuestions07:15
(FeestBijtje/#ubuntu) lactation rules!07:15
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(fyrestrtr/#ubuntu) skavenge: if you don't have that directory on your system, try this ls /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins07:15
(mrbrdo/#ubuntu) fortran01: it is supported by both "ati" and "flgrx" - used both before with no problems07:15
(fyrestrtr/#ubuntu) mrbrdo: do you know what is the native resolution on your laptop?07:15
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(mrbrdo/#ubuntu) fyrestrtr: nope07:15
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(mrbrdo/#ubuntu) fyrestrtr: i would guess 1024x768, though07:15
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(zazeem/#ubuntu) help me please, how do i install nvidia drivers?07:16
(mrbrdo/#ubuntu) fyrestrtr: i use 1280x1024 on winxp all the time though07:16
(Seveas/#ubuntu) !nvidia > zazeem07:16
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(zazeem/#ubuntu) ?07:16
(zazeem/#ubuntu) !nvdia07:16
(skavenge/#ubuntu) fyrestrtr: full of mozilla plugins ..07:16
(ubotu/#ubuntu) I know nothing about nvdia - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:16
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(zazeem/#ubuntu) !nnidia07:16
(ubotu/#ubuntu) I know nothing about nnidia - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:16
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto07:16
mrbrdojust check your private chat zazeem ;)07:17
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fyrestrtrskavenge: hrmm, which ones?07:17
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IseeIseeI just installed the bridge-utils package, from where can I use it ?07:18
skavengefyrestrtr: libjavaplugin_oji.so  libtotem_mozilla.la  libtotem_mozilla.xpt07:18
=== Punchidem [n=miguel@143.Red-88-11-245.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
mrbrdofyrestrtr: when i use a higher resolution here in ubuntu, the mouse icon sometimes displays as a square of something from my screen, and i have copied parts of the screen all around07:18
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ubotuI know nothing about ugly - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:18
fyrestrtrmrbrdo: you can try to manually edit the resolutions in X and see what happens then, although I recommend you install the ati drivers if your video card is supported.07:18
ubotuI know nothing about dritry - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:18
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ubotuI know nothing about dirty - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:18
skavengefyrestrtr: libtotem_mozilla.a    libtotem_mozilla.so  libunixprintplugin.so07:18
billybennettfortran01, I figured it out07:18
ubotuFor multimedia codecs, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies | For multimedia applications, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultimediaApplications07:18
kouwehow can i setup my laptop, when i close it it automatically is going to hibernate07:19
zazeemalso how can i always stay logged in as root?  i cant go into my other hard drive with all my files on it, and i can even open my documents :/ and its my computer07:19
mrbrdofyrestrtr: ok i will try them, i already tried changing the resolution with that gedit-config tool or something like that, from the wiki - didn't help07:19
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Seveaszazeem, you'd better fix the mounting of that harddrive instead of throwing security out the window by being root all the time07:19
fyrestrtrzazeem: you cannot stay logged in as root -- for safety reasons. You need to mount your other hard driver properly.07:19
mrbrdozazeem:  use sudo -s07:19
JaredHi, is there going to be a flash player 9 for linux any time soon?07:20
skavengei love how you install a package with apt-get and it install 24 more it supposedly needs then when you apt-get remove the same package it removes that one thing and leaves all the other crap behind, thats just wonderful ;/07:20
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SeveasJared, q1 200707:20
zazeemsudo -s then what?07:20
waerndo default methods have to have type signatures in class declarations?07:20
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Jaredwont be out till 2007?!?07:20
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SeveasJared, undeed07:20
Seveasindeed even07:20
fyrestrtrwaern: ??? #ubuntu-offtopic07:20
Jaredi can't do antying on myspace o.007:20
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mrbrdozazeem: then you can do things as root i guess O_o07:20
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Foobalskavenge: there are tools against that..07:21
fyrestrtrgood thing too. myspace = useless.07:21
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Jaredi keep in touch with friends on it07:21
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skavengeFoobal: which are even more of a pain, deborphan only finds libs, if you use aptitude it installs a more than is needed with some programs than with an apt-get, etc etc07:21
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto07:22
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IseeIseehow can I know the local IP of my machine withing my home network ?07:23
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Foobalskavenge: trying to delete all the installed ones that seem weird, .. takes some time, but works nice :)07:23
teicahhow do i disable eth0 at bootup..im on a sorry dialup connection07:23
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skavengeFoobal: yeah, almost makes me want to do an alternate install so i can do it piece by piece from the get go07:24
phaedrus44can someone explain to me what the /etc/network/interfaces  is all about so i can have a static ip address?07:24
waernfyrestrtr, haha! wrong channel, sorry :)07:24
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abhinayi need a software wich is used to join two video files of any type !07:26
fyrestrtrphaedrus44: recommend you use network-manager07:26
phaedrus44oh..is that an app?07:27
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Foobalabhinay: "cp" ?07:27
thompagrub tells me sda1 19G and unallocated 213G, where did the rest go?07:27
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IseeIseeI need to setup a bridge between my 2 Ethernet, how can I07:27
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fyrestrtrphaedrus44: system > administration > networking07:27
thompa16G unaccounted for, i zeroed the 250G hard drive with seagate07:27
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abhinayit is a package07:28
stefgphaedrus44: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1852407:28
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gizmo_the_great1Hi. I am using sftp to upload files to a server. I used ' put Mounts/ext3/folder1/folder2/* web'. However, it's only copied a fraction of the files from folder2 to folder 'web' on the server.  Most of the files generate the error "skipping non-regular file...filename". Any ideas?07:28
phaedrus44i dont have it07:28
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mjrthompa, reserved blocks (you can modify the amount with tune2fs) and iso vs. binary kilos07:28
fyrestrtrgizmo_the_great1: they are probably directories that its skipping. Use scp instead.07:28
zazeemis there any wikis or information where i can make my nvidia card go faster or run better?07:28
phaedrus44stefg: how do i know what my ip is?07:28
mjrplus, of course, actual FS overhead07:28
thompamjr: should i just ignore this?07:28
phaedrus44or the ip of my router?07:29
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gizmo_the_great1fyrestrtr:  they are directories, yes. What is scp?07:29
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fyrestrtrgizmo_the_great1: scp = secure copy07:29
gizmo_the_great1phaedrus44, ifconfig07:29
mjrthompa, well, the default reserved block count _is_ probably too high on most filesystems...07:29
thompamjr: what is the reserve used for?07:29
zazeemis there any wikis or information where i can make my nvidia card go faster or run better?07:29
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phaedrus44is the inet address the address of the cable modem?07:30
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stefgphaedrus44: _you_  /define/ it... take if you don't know a better one... make sure you're on the same subnet as your router (2nd last number must match)07:30
jpjacobszazeem, have you installed nvidia-glx?07:30
phaedrus44thank you much07:30
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mjrthompa, space reserved for the root account07:30
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zazeemjpjacobs yes07:31
elephanthunterWhen I update ubuntu, a bunch of menu items are added to the grub menu. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?07:31
mjrthompa, generally kept to assure the functioning of basic system services under space constraints07:31
thompamjr: ok so its not a hidden microsoft partition or anything, i just zeroed the entire driiv07:31
Juhazpartitioning tools don't count reserved space anyway07:31
zazeemjpjacobs: i heard there was a way in the config to make it go better07:31
mweelephanthunter: you probably want to be able to boot the new kernels though07:32
GreySimDoes anyone know if there are any options for the Mac Dapper Desktop CD besides 'video=ofonly'? If I use that option, X doesn't boot, and if I don't use that option, X boots but I end up with a blank screen.07:32
stefgphaedrus44: if you have no router, just a cable-modem then you get your IP from your ISP... you can't have a static one then07:32
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kouwewhy am i not seeing "What to do when lid closes" at the Power Management Preferences ?07:32
Juhaz~16-17G is all accounted for in the 2^30 vs 10^9 difference for 250G drive07:32
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Foobalkouwe: because Linux and most of the oss software is some 5-10 years behind the development.07:33
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djm62kouwe: what are you seeing?07:33
kouweno actions at all07:34
kouweonly 1 action under " running on battery "07:34
SogniXhow can I find out what the throughput speed of my hard drives are?07:34
zazeem my nvidia stuff is messed up.  it says in terminal when i put nvidia-glx-config enable it says it cant automatically do it because it was altered, it tells me to edit manually. What do i do?07:34
djm62kouwe: I see three tabs in power management preferences, on AC - on Battery, and general07:34
elephanthuntermwe: good point07:34
kouwedjm62: me to but there should be some actions on the bottom07:34
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fyrestrtrzazeem: open up /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change Driver "nv" to Driver "nvidia"07:35
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mrbrdodjm62:  there's an option at the bottom of on AC for me - "When the laptop lid is closed"07:35
fyrestrtrzazeem: read the nvidia wiki entry.07:35
djm62kouwe: OK, so you don't have "when laptop lid is closed" with a choose box07:35
mrbrdodjm62:  under actions07:35
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kouwedjm62: no not at all....07:35
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zazeemi rread the entry07:35
mweelephanthunter: I think if you remove the old kernel if the new one works the entries for that one will go away as well07:35
stefgSogniX: sudo hdparm -T /dev/hdX07:35
zazeemi did what it said to do07:35
=== angel2 [n=ds9@ASt-Lambert-112-1-2-254.w80-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
djm62kouwe: what sort of laptop do you have?07:36
kouweToshiba Satellite M70-14707:36
djm62kouwe: have you had a google with the model number and "ubuntu"?07:36
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kouweyes but no hits07:36
mweI wonder if if will be able to install a small linux on my mp3 player and boot my laptop from it07:36
SogniXstefg: sweet, thanks07:37
mwebasically use it as a stick07:37
Jaredmwe, might bes omething to write about if you can get it to work07:37
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djm62mwe: I have had success with that and DSL, but it stopped working as an mp3 player07:37
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mwedjm62: yes I know it will probably hose the existing file system07:38
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m_0_r_0_nIs there a way to repair an usb flash disk? Windows XP is not able to recognize my usb flash disk since I am writing to it on Ubuntu. Ubuntu is still able to write/read to the usb disk.07:39
=== bartzila [n=bartzila@Toronto-HSE-ppp3768281.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
fowlduckm_0_r_0_n, does it have a filesystem on it that windows can read?07:39
zazeemi dont get this i dsid everything the wiki said but my sudo nvidia-glx-config enable command errors me07:39
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naliothm_0_r_0_n: more likely you need to enable ext2/ext3 reading/writing capability in XP07:40
m_0_r_0_nfowlduck, fat3207:40
stefgm_0_r_0_n: what filesystem is the stick formatted to?07:40
m_0_r_0_nIt s an 8 GB usb flash disk07:40
fowlduckzazeem, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:40
fowlduckzazeem, then select appropriate options07:40
Foobalm_0_r_0_n: you formatted it in linux?07:40
CokeNCodeok, so ... this guy has put up my whois info for my site on his blog ... is that illegal ?07:41
m_0_r_0_nNo, it was preformatted for Windows, but should be compatible to linux07:41
djm62mwe: use dd to back up the mp3 player, and dd to put the filesystem back on should you want to use it as a player07:41
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ubotuI know nothing about xchat-tray - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:41
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CokeNCodebashing me, and my website, just because i quoted his tutorial, without asking his permission07:41
aqau_inter_flyhello everyone07:41
mwedjm62: yeah07:42
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CokeNCodei apologized and removed it immediately, and he is still refusing to fix the blog07:42
djm62kouwe: I can't find anything on google for that07:42
kouweno me neither.....07:42
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MarcNCokeNCode: anyone can lookup whois information.  Type this at the command line:        whois yourdomain.com07:42
aqau_inter_flyIsn't that a program called "Wine" or something that allows you to run Windows programs in Linux?07:42
stefg!info wine07:43
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 8578 kB, installed size 40460 kB07:43
CokeNCodeMarcN yeh, i know that. I'm using linux after all, but I just didn't think it was necessary to reproduce said info, and then encourage others to call my home number at all hours of the day and night07:43
sjbrownok, so i apt-get installed all the directfb stuff.  anyone know how to check that it's running for sure?07:43
sjbrownis there a test program?07:43
m_0_r_0_nI am quite sure, if I delete all files on my usb flash disk, windows will be able to recognize the disk again. I think the fat32 driver of linux is buggy.07:43
MarcNCokeNCode: asking people to call you is a childish.07:43
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stefgm_0_r_0_n: it's not. period07:44
CokeNCodeMarcN the part that has me so shocked, is that I apologized immediately, and removed the article. And even linked to it like he asked.07:44
m_0_r_0_nstefg, period?07:44
CokeNCodeBut he still found it necessary to put all my info up in his blog and bash my site07:44
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_marshalldoes anybody know aht glitz is?07:45
burzumVideo codec 'MS WMV 9 (win32)' is not handled. You might need to install additional plugins to be able to play some types of movies <-- is it impossible to play this?07:45
_marshall*does anybody know what glitz is?07:45
burzummarshall: google knows07:45
burzumwikipedia too :)07:45
CokeNCode*sigh ... I wish everyone used ubuntu, and lived by its principles07:45
stefgfat32 is everything but an ideal filesystem. so maybe the flash memory is already faulty and windows is having trouble reading the fat... back it up, reformat and throw the stuff back on it... then complain again07:46
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djm62kouwe: I can only suggest posting to the appropriate ubuntu forum to give more people a chance to see your question07:47
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m_0_r_0_nstefg, it s my second usb disk with the same problem07:47
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Foobal_marshall: my guess: opengl interfacing library, makes it possible to seriously hardware accelerate Cairo stuff07:48
kouwedjm62: i think i go and make a post there yeah..... but thnx!07:48
NiunioHello. I need help to configure a parport scanner.07:48
SeveasFoobal, good guess ;)07:48
_marshallFoobal: do i want it if i already have compiz?07:48
Seveas_marshall, yes07:49
IseeIse1i'm trying to delete a bridge, it says bridge is still up can't delete it, how can I make the bridge do down ?07:49
Foobal_marshall: my guess is yeah.. if compiz screws the acceleration part up it'll fall back to mesa and you won't lose anything anyways07:49
_marshallSeveas: how come?07:49
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stefgi'm tempted to say 'works for me' , but to verify it you need to format the stick and write some test data to it in Windows... after that write to it in Linux. then try if windows can read, waht Linux wrote07:50
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Foobal_marshall: it just offers some stuff like drawing curves in a pretty standard and efficient way even if the hardware acceleration for it breaks.. but if the acceleration works with compiz, it'll be extremely fast and nice experience07:50
m_0_r_0_nstefg, I am deleting all files (3 GB)...07:50
aqau_inter_flyOkay, I just installed Wine using Synaptic package manager...now how do i use it07:50
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_marshallFoobal: ohhh cool07:50
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NiunioI'm trying to install an Epson GT-6500 "parport". I've followed all tutorials and FAQs and mans I've found but it doesn't work. Can somebody help me?07:50
_marshallFoobal: all i gotta do is install the packages right?07:50
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mrbrdofyrestrtr: i installed the fglrx driver now, and now i can't even choose higher resolutions than 1024x768 in the Screen Resolution configuration tool07:51
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ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:51
SogniXis there any way to prevent a Mac from writing resource forks to my ubuntu server's hard drive? (and no, getting rid of the Mac is not an option :))07:52
Foobal_marshall: no idea whether the Cairo will notice the installation of it etc.. I haven't checked out how stuff works on Ubuntu, sorry07:52
mrbrdoi alredy tried the guide with the ATI drivers (not fglrx), but ok i will try again now07:52
_marshallFoobal: ok, thanks man07:52
stefgSogniX: give the mac read-only access :-)07:52
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SogniXstefg: lol that's not an option either. heh07:52
stefgSogniX: OS9 or OSX07:53
SogniXstefg: I was thinking of converting the drive to hfs+ - but last time I tried that it (or ubuntu) didn't like losing power and corripted the whole thing :/07:53
fyrestrtrSogniX: I have a bookmark for that (I think -- maybe I lost it) but someone posted about that already. Google would help.07:53
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aqau_inter_flyI just installed wine, how do i use it?07:54
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abbot45totem-xine runs off the w32codecs right?07:54
SogniXand any way to disable the join/part messages in xchat? gets annoying :)07:54
stefgSogniX: conference-mode :-)07:55
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erUSULSogniX: right click in tab channel button07:55
Nod51I want to install the amd64 kernel on a 32bit install so I can run a amd64 vertual server. How can I compile the kernel to be AMD64bit and not just AMD64 optimized?07:55
Foobalabbot45: yes07:55
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abbot45Foobal.  wird i've installed the w32codecs and totem-xine still won't play anything but mpeg video.  not even mp3s.07:56
FoobalNod51: the difference is so small that you can just use the standard x86 32-bit kernel without losing much07:56
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Nod51Foobal: My mythtv encoding gets a 50% performance increase from 64bit07:56
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SogniXstefg, erUSUL: I don't see how to do that07:56
Nod51Foobal: but a lot fo games, browser plugins, and Wine don't like 64 bit07:57
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mrbrdowhen i try "aticonfig --resolution=..." i get "Error: Section # expected" (and aticonfig doesn't display --resolution as a valid option when it lists all the available parameters)07:57
Foobalnod51: ahh, you meant that. then you just want to get the general x86-64 kernel07:57
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Nod51Foobal: well I would like to run int in a virtual server since it is easy to set up and seperates it from my general use system.07:58
stefgSogniX: i don't use xchat, but in chatzilla there's an option of switching the channel in conference-mode (no joins/parts) if a certain user limit is reached..07:58
Foobalnod51: the host and the guest having different ones?07:59
Nod51Foobal: but as you suggested, shoudl I just d/l the x86-64 kernel deb by hand in stall it or is there an apt option to search a different arch?07:59
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zazeemhow do i get new repositories on ubuntu? i have the newest version of ubuntu07:59
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mrbrdooops, actually it does list it, but it still doesn't work07:59
abbot45is quicktime included in the w32codecs?07:59
Nod51Foobal: yes there isa 64bit install with 64libs and encoders and such, while I have a 32bit host with 32bit libs and such08:00
cpk2what repository has the w32codecs?08:00
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mrbrdook nvm fixed, brb08:00
aqau_inter_flycan anyone help me08:00
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abbot45cpk2, penguin liberation front08:00
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage08:00
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abbot45cpk2, penguin liberation front (plf)08:00
aqau_inter_flyI'm trying to get wine to work but i have no clue08:01
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:01
zazeemhow do i get new repositories on ubuntu? i have the newest version of ubuntu08:01
cpk2alright abbot45 thanks08:01
_JPgrub's "menu.lst" is overwritten always when i update kernel. where/how do i set grub defaults?08:01
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Nod51Foobal: I know there are ways to override the libs and hack in a working 32bit in a 64bit install, but virtual servers are easy to set up for me. It also allows me to just cp it to another computer if I upgrade some day.08:01
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Foobalnod51: I doubt that could work.. I've heard of the host running 64-bit and the guests 32-bit kernels.. I doubt it works the other way around but I'm not an expert on that (I don't have yet emt64 capable cpu myself)08:01
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cpk2aqau_inter_fly: you could try cedega, its incredibly simple08:01
Bomburcan I ask a question?08:01
XKnight_JP, /boot/grub in there youl see the grub config file08:01
j_ackcpk2 , http://users.lichtsnel.nl/~seveas/dists/dapper-seveas/08:01
Bomburcan I ask a question?08:02
aqau_inter_flyI have just installed Wine using synampic package installer, now how do i use it?08:02
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soundrayBombur: you already are08:02
cpk2j_ack: cool thanks08:02
Bomburam I?08:02
SeveasBombur, and again 08:02
Nod51Foobal: well the kernel can be 64bit, 64bit NVIDIA (with 32bit libs) and modules, but as far as the rest, 32bit libs should play nice with a 64bit kernel08:02
abhinayaqau_inter_fly, wine <filename>08:02
XKnightaqau_inter_fly, usiusally from the command line: wine <win file to run>08:02
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:02
_JPXKnight: well, there isn't any grub.conf or so, which one do you mean?08:02
Bomburwhat question shall I ask?08:03
stefgaqau_inter_fly: better ask in#wine08:03
abbot45all i know is that i could play h264 video & mp3s in totem before, then i had to re-install ubuntu.  now even though i've got totem-xine & w32codecs installed i can't play either one in totem.  does anyone know whats going on?08:03
XKnight_jp so in the grub dir there isnt a conf file et al?08:03
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FoobalNod51: yeah.08:03
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Bomburwhat question shall I ask?08:03
Nod51Foobal: lets just say I like to do the unusual somtimes if the end result might work better :-). Anyhow thanks for your help I will continue searching google on how to compile a kernel for 64bit on a 32bit system08:03
guitarrawho knows, how i can install in text mode on amd64 machine08:03
soundrayBombur: keep doing that, and you'll get kickbanned08:04
mrbrdothanks guys, resolution is working OK now, after installing the fglrx driver and following the !fixres wiki08:04
gizmo_the_great1can anyone tell me how to upload BOTH files AND folders using either sftp or scp? Using either it seems to only be able to upload the files. I've also tried using Nautilus and gFTP - both seem unable to process the sftp connection for some reason08:04
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erUSULguitarra: with the alternate cd?08:04
Nod51Foobal: was just wondering if anyone knew what compile flags I needed to give it.08:04
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BomburI only asked a question08:04
guitarrano with the desktop cd08:04
srikanthCan any one tell where the screen shots are saved in vlc player(When we take screen shots)08:04
Bomburtell me an answer08:04
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fyrestrtrgizmo_the_great1: scp -R /path/to/somewhere/* user@someserver.com:/path/to/somewhere/08:05
abbot45srikanth, did you look in /home/YOU/.vlc?  just a guess.08:05
guitarrathere is no option in the install menu08:05
soundrayThanks Seveas08:05
jwhaymanI'm having trouble getting PHP5 to work with my Apache2 server, it worked until i reinstalled it, is there a conf file for apache i need to update or something please?08:05
ubuntu_newbieWhen I reboot my linux machine I'm receiving this message "Give root password for maintenance ubuntu" but I DO NOT REMEMBER the ROOT password! Now, how do I do to enter?? Ctrl+D just reboots08:05
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srikanthabbot45, 1m08:05
fyrestrtrubuntu_newbie: your password is the root password08:06
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fyrestrtrjwhayman: define 'trouble'08:06
_JPXKnight: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1852508:06
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jwhaymanfyrestrtr the php scripts on my website try and download themselves instead of just displaying as they normally would08:06
srikanthabbot45, ya;thank u08:06
srikanthabbot45, working08:06
gizmo_the_great1fyrestrtr: Thanks, but I already tried that syntax. I had previously used lower case r and so tried it with 'R' but that just diplsyed the help to me08:07
ubuntu_newbiefyrestrtr: but it's not working08:07
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fyrestrtrjwhayman: they were working previously?08:07
fyrestrtrgizmo_the_great1: its lowercase r, and it should work -- if you have ssh access on the remote machine.08:08
fyrestrtrubuntu_newbie: don't know then, sorry.08:08
XKnight_jp if you do ls -l menu.lst it should point to the grub.conf ... if its red then the file has been removed ...08:08
abbot45so anyone.  is there any reason why .mov, .mp3, .avi shouldn't be working in totem-xine even though i've got w32codecs installed?08:08
jwhaymanfyrestrtr: yes they were working perfectly, then a book i have about mysql said i needed to install mysqli so that i could connect to mysql databases and to do that i would need to download PHP5 again and build from source with the correct config files. this didnt work so i just reinstalled PHP5 from synaptic and now it doenst work08:09
AvdiAny Emacs users?  I need a recent org-mode package and the homepage is down.08:09
soundrayubuntu_newbie: can you reboot in recovery mode? (select second option in grub menu)08:09
fyrestrtrabbot45: got all that gstreamer stuff installed?08:09
XKnightyoul need to create it ... see the grub howto to obtain the information or ... tldp.org08:09
fyrestrtrjwhayman: oh geez, you could have just sudo apt-get install php5-mysqli08:09
srikanthabbot45, w32 codecs are to see live sites only08:09
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abbot45fyrestrtr, yes, but that doesn't matter because totem-xine doesn't use gstreamer.  totem-gstreamer does.08:09
gizmo_the_great1fyrestrtr: I tried again with lower case r and all I get is : Hello, I'm freeFTPd 1.008:09
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ubuntu_newbieDoes anybody else know? I'm receiving this message when rebooting but I think I forgot my root password, what can I do now? "Give root password for maintenance ubuntu"08:09
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fyrestrtrabbot45: oh yeah :) whoops.08:10
srikanthabbot45, to play ur formats try vlc08:10
abbot45srikanth, what do you mean?08:10
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SogniXis there a file manager that provides info when xfering files (such as throughput, how many MBs remaining, etc.)?08:10
jwhaymanfyrestrtr yeah i tried that first (building from source looks hard) and it didnt work, any idea how to get PHP5 running again though please?08:10
abbot45srikanth, they were working fine in totem-xine before i had to reinstall ubuntu.08:10
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XKnightjwhayman, if you want php5 with mysql support build it with --with-mysql=(location to where mysql is located)08:10
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gizmo_the_great1my exact syntax is "scp -r Mounts/ext3/Chaddesden/Chaddesden.org/* tsmith@" - i enter the password then it just sits there doing nothing08:10
abbot45srikanth, h264 video doesn't work right in vlc, but it worked fine in totem08:11
skavengeman my totem plugin for firefox is just fubar'd08:11
fyrestrtrgizmo_the_great1: you need a ftp client then. Use the built-in ftp capabilities of nautilus. Go to Places > Connect to server... and choose FTP from the top menu, enter your details. It will create a folder on the desktop that is mapped to the ftp server. Then click and drag your files to it to copy them.08:11
Foobalubuntu_newbie: I'm afraid it's a bug - you'd need the real root password which you can't know. you will have to boot the kernel parameters so that it goes automatically past that - I can't recall how to do itthough08:11
srikanthabbot45, ok08:11
abbot45srikanth, now i haven't got anything to work in totem besides mpeg video08:12
fyrestrtrjwhayman: hrmm, don't know to be honest. First thing I would do is, remove whatever you installed from source. Then, remove the php5 using sudo apt-get remove --purge php5 -- then re-install it sudo apt-get install php5 php5-mysqli08:12
ubuntu_newbieFoobal: can I do anything with the CD in the drive?08:12
srikanthabbot45, do u know how to install plash player.....to play .swf formats08:12
falap-hi. is it possible to get a serial mouse working in the graphical Xubuntu install CD?08:12
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:12
Foobalubuntu_newbie: yeah most likely you can fix any error on your installation with it, if you know what the error is08:12
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fyrestrtrfalap-: if you plug it in before the system boots, it should work.08:12
jwhaymanxknight, according to my book it says it needs configure --with-mysqli --with-apxs2=(location) however i dont know the location of the apache2, its not in the generic place (/usr/local/apache2) according to this stupid book08:12
abbot45srikanth, haven't tried before.08:13
srikanthabbot45, k08:13
fyrestrtrjwhayman: forget the book.08:13
_JPXKnight: well, it's just a regular file08:13
jwhaymanfyrestrtr ok thanks ill give that a shot08:13
Avdioops, wrong window.08:13
santa99how can i shutdown with a .sh file08:13
gizmo_the_great1fyrestrtr: thanks - but I tried that too (in fact, I did that first!) - it just says "Nautilus cannot display "ssh://tsmith@ - Please select another viewer and try again." I give in!08:13
falap-fyrestrtr: ok. thanks. the mouse has been connected all the time.08:13
XKnightfyrestrtr, if its to be used with Apache also its actually safer to build all 3 parts that way you know the links are all set .. I have seen it that the libphp5.so which is included in the install to the httpd.conf moan about symbal issues08:13
fyrestrtrsanta99: put shutdown -h now in it08:13
jwhaymanfyrestrtr its a good book but i dont think its the right one for working around ubuntu :(08:13
santa99fyrestrtr, but shutdown needs root rights08:13
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fyrestrtrjwhayman: its probably out dated too. Always, always, always check if the package is available.08:14
fyrestrtrsanta99: so? run the script with sudo :)08:14
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santa99fyrestrtr, do i have to enter the password then  ?08:14
ubuntu_newbieFoobal: I think it's something with the disk because it's telling to run fdisk.08:14
ubuntu_newbieor anything like that08:14
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jwhaymanfyrestrtr thanks ill try uninstalling and reinstalling :)08:14
fyrestrtrXKnight: OR -- you can just install the php5 lib from the repos, and use the a2enmod to enable it :)08:15
srikanthsanta99, ya if u enter sudo then u have to enter the admin pass08:15
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fyrestrtrsanta99: yes.08:15
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VilkacisVery simple, very quick:  Installing an FTP server that I can use winscp to log into my linux box and put some files in there.08:15
XKnightfyrestrtr, not with undeclared symbals08:15
stefgubuntu_newbie: do you have a live-CD that you can boot from?08:15
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XKnightApache wont start with it08:15
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ubuntu_newbiestefg: yes I have08:15
fyrestrtrVilkacis: you don't need a ftp server for winscp. Just sudo apt-get install openssh-server08:15
Foobalubuntu_newbie: okay, then fire up the cd, open a terminal and like "sudo fsck.ext3 /dev/hda1" , ext3 being your filesystem and hda1 your hard disc partition device08:15
_fluffeeHello.  I have Ubby installed on a Thinkpad 600 and am attempting to use a Netgear WG511T in 'G' mode.  Try as I might Ubby provides only 'B' options.  How do I tell Ubby that 'G' is what I want?08:15
fyrestrtrVilkacis: then login with your regular username and password.08:15
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santa99fyrestrtr, can i go around this ? i don't want to enter the password08:16
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fyrestrtrXKnight: its been working here fine since 5.1008:16
lufisCan someone tell me an easy way of combining a bunch of html files into one?08:16
srikanthsanta99, why?08:16
fyrestrtrsanta99: why are you writing a script to shutdown in the first place?08:16
Foobalubuntu_newbie: if you can't remember which one is which, try "cat /proc/partitions" to get a list of all of the partitions you have.. also "fdisk /dev/hda" and "p" will show you the types of the partitions (read the help page first though, it suggests it when you start it)08:16
Vilkacisfyrestrtr: Trying that now.08:16
fyrestrtrlufis: cp file1.html+file2.html+file3.html cobined.html08:16
XKnightfyrestrtr, im not doubting it but in my many years of experience with distros they dont seem to do stuff quite right so hand building is normally the safest route.08:16
stefgubuntu_newbie: so don't put your date at risk. boot from the Live CD and check the harddisk from there. if you forgot your root password you can set it from there also08:17
lufisfyrestrtr: Great, thanks so much.08:17
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Vilkacisfyrestrtr: Excellent, it's working. Thank you.08:17
fyrestrtrXKnight: I'm with you, but in #ubuntu -- we don't encourage "hand building" anything.08:17
mwedoes anyone know how you're supposed to update vmware tools, install over the current version or uninstall first?08:17
Foobalno, he did not forget his root password. ubuntu is rootless and that's a bug that the rescue mode asks for a password that is actually for the whole time random generated garble08:17
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woodwizzlesound converter requires gstreamer 0.8. Can I make it work with 0.10 ?08:17
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MarcNAnyone running SELinux on Ubuntu?  It was the topic at our LUG last night (given by Red Hat) and wonder how well it is integrated in Dapper.08:17
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Ballsymwe, I would definitely uninstall the old, and then install the new08:18
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FoobalMarcN: it's not in Dapper. dapper has practically no new security oriented features.08:18
bonsaihow do i enable dma for an external ide via usb?08:18
Foobal(the libraries are prepared for it though)08:18
mweBallsy: yes probably08:18
santa99fyrestrtr, this is because there is no shutdown button shown in my logout menu so i have to logout and shutdown from login manager08:18
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fyrestrtrsanta99: are you using xgl?08:18
santa99srikanth, this is because there is no shutdown button shown in my logout menu so i have to logout and shutdown from login manager08:18
miguelsrhye some one know how to eliminate mozilla?08:19
santa99fyrestrtr, yeah thats the reason for it08:19
MarcNFoobal: hmm, must be picking up selinux packages from universe/multiverse08:19
FoobalMarcN: I'd guess all you had to do was to change the kernel + make the policies + label the fs and it would work, but that's only my guess. I doubt not many are running it08:19
fyrestrtrsanta99: that's a bug in xgl, look in the compiz forums.08:19
IseeIseeearlier in the day I was installing Eclipse & it was downloading packages, I stopped it to resume it later, right now when I opened my Add/Remove programs and when I click Eclipse it says "Eclipse is not available in any software channel" ?08:19
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FoobalMarcN: quite honestly I'd steal the policies and their configuration tools from Fedora, they are some couple years ahead the other distros08:19
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Im-Boredchmod 666 Im-Bored08:20
SogniXhow do I get rid of the forced-password entry (ala-vista) in gnome? it's pissing me off! >:O08:20
srikanthsanta99, then right click on the taskbar &select option add to panel then search for halting button08:20
fyrestrtrSogniX: you can't get rid of it, its a security feature.08:20
FoobalSogniX: gdmsetup08:20
ubuntu_newbiethank you08:20
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MarcNFoobal: right, deciding on a policy is the big PITA.  Red Hat is taking the approach of locking down system processes (bind, apache, most daemons running as root, etc) to prevent them from touching stuff in /home/      User files are unrestricted.08:20
srikanthsanta99, are u trying it??08:20
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santa99srikanth, yeah trying it08:20
MarcNFoobal: lots of work it seems for a distro to add SELinux08:21
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srikanthsanta99, just type logout (or)quit08:21
FoobalMarcN: Fedora's is like nothing is restricted but they make targeted policies for daemons and such - and they are pretty tight. also they use the FLAGS, you can reconfigure some things (like compatiblity features) without having to re-label the fs - and they provide handy GUIs for it too08:21
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santa99srikanth, I'm not missing the logout button I'm missing the shutdown button when i pressed the quit button08:22
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MarcNFoobal: right, that is what there were talking about.  still someone needs to write the policies and decide on a default policy model.08:22
fyrestrtrsanta99: as I have told you before, this is a xgl issue. Take it in #ubuntu-xgl or #xgl or check the compiz forums.08:22
srikanthsanta99, u got the icon?08:22
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FoobalMarcN: well, it's sane when it's by default unlocked.. you can build it piece by piece without interfering with the rest.. Fedora was the first one to go that way afaik08:23
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ubuntu_newbiethank you all, I will try booting the cd08:23
srikanthsanta99, then to shutdown the system u must be a super(0r)admin user08:23
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srikanthsanta99, then simply type halt08:23
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santa99fyrestrtr, yeah i know not talking with you i am talking with srikanth08:23
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santa99srikanth,  type halt were ?08:24
santa99srikanth, in a terminal08:24
IseeIseesorry I was dc, if someone replied to my earlier post, please paste it again08:24
FoobalMarcN: for the having to change a few libraries and having to recompile a few applications the largest obstacle is just general resistance against change.. a lot of developers are quite resistant to change, surprisingly..08:24
srikanthsanta99, ya08:24
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srikanthsanta99, but to use this cmd u must be a super user08:25
IseeIsee"Eclipse is not available in any software channel" ?08:25
_fluffeeHas anyone gotten 'G' wireless to work at all?08:25
bad_chitahis there ne package for latex editor08:25
Foobal_fluffee: it'll be easier if you install the network-manager, after your drivers work.08:25
santa99srikanth, thats the problem i have08:25
IseeIseeplease I need a solution badly08:26
fyrestrtrIseeIsee: use synaptic, or type sudo apt-get install eclipse from the terminal08:26
santa99srikanth,  i want to go around this08:26
Foobalbad_chitah: "kile" is the best I think, but it's kde/qt application.. I haven't seen so far usable gnome latex editor08:26
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fyrestrtr_fluffee: sure, it works here.08:26
lopaWhat exactly is the GECOS field in the ubuntu (or debian) /etc/passwd?08:26
srikanthsanta99, first type sudo su08:26
srikanthsanta99, ok?08:26
santa99srikanth, ok08:27
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srikanthsanta99, then u have to enter u r password08:27
fyrestrtrsrikanth: do not tell people to set the superuser password.08:27
_fluffeeFoobal- I installed with a 'B' card in the machine, which does work.  Therefore I presume I've got network-manager?  If so, how do I tell it to get new or other drivers for 'G' on same card?08:27
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srikanthfyrestrtr, why?08:27
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lopaAny ideas?08:27
santa99srikanth, you don't understand my problem at all08:27
IseeIseefyrestrt: it says "couldn't find package"08:27
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fyrestrtrsrikanth: because its not a supported configuration in ubuntu. There is a reason root login is disabled.08:27
srikanthfyrestrtr, ya i know08:28
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srikanthfyrestrtr, i think it is a bug08:28
fyrestrtrsrikanth: then don't tell people to circumvent it.08:28
_fluffeefyrestrtr - Thanks.  Hoping to get clue &c, please feel free to offer insight.08:28
Foobal_fluffee: what you're mostly lacking is the gui stuff or you haven't noticed it. apt-get install network-manager etc?08:28
fyrestrtrsrikanth: errm, no, its not a bug.08:28
whadardoes anything else beside the homedir and temp stuff is changed during a non-root user session?08:28
fyrestrtr_fluffee: to be honest, b/g support is very dependent on the drivers you use. Luckily, I use ipw2200 drivers, which support g for my laptop.08:29
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_fluffeeFoobal - I have a 'Network settings' applet, checking apt now...08:30
aqau_inter_flyI am trying to get my linksys wireless adapter to work. I am on a site, that says before i do anything, i need to apply the following pacakges:  build-essential, linux-header-2.6.15-23-386, and linux-kernel-headers...how do i do this?08:30
IseeIseeby the way I was using Ubuntu and my electricty went out twice and when I restarted there is no Hard Disk Scan or Error check anything etc like in windows ?08:30
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srikanthfyrestrtr, If any person know the password of a person he can become the root user by typing sudo su;Actually The root account is opened by 'su'But the properties of both are same &sudo su ,login user having same passwd08:30
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Xnixanyone in here used ptunnel?08:31
fyrestrtraqau_inter_fly: sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-header-`uname -r` linux-kernel-headers <-- type all that in a terminal08:31
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srikanthfyrestrtr, i think u  know it08:31
sorush20guys is there a gui for rsync?08:31
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lufisI have a bunch of html files in a directory. I would like to combine them into one file. Any ideas on how to do this?08:31
fyrestrtrsrikanth: no, just because you know the password of someone, doesn't mean you can become the root user. In order to use sudo -- you need to be in a group that has access to sudo. I can create a user account that cannot sudo and give you the password :P08:32
erUSULlufis: 'man cat'08:32
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whadarhow can i monitor fs activity? (read/writes)08:33
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fyrestrtrlufis: 'man cp'08:33
lufiserUSUL: I'm kind of in a hurry, can you just tell me how to do it?08:33
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fyrestrtrwhadar: install the system monitor applet in your panel, then edit its properties to include hard disk activity.08:33
aqau_inter_flyfyrestrtr:  when i type all that in, a line comes up that says Password:08:33
srikanthfyrestrtr, how to restrict an user ??(permitions)08:33
erUSULlufis: hint 'cat file_1.html.....file_n.html' > bigfile.html08:33
aqau_inter_flyHowever, I can't type anything there08:33
fyrestrtraqau_inter_fly: type your password :)08:33
lufisfyrestrtr: I tried the method you told me before, but there's a huge amount of files and it wouldn't work using wildcards08:33
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fyrestrtraqau_inter_fly: when you type, it won't show * or anything, just type your password, and hit enter.08:34
whadarfyrestrtr: i need more specific information... like which files were written08:34
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aqau_inter_flyfyrestrtr: no, it doesn't even do anything when i type08:35
rarjis there any way to play prince of persia 3d in ubuntu ?08:35
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fyrestrtrwhadar: hrmm, for that I need you'd need to install a filesystem-specific monitor.08:35
fyrestrtraqau_inter_fly: its not going to do anything, you just type your password, and hit enter08:35
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fyrestrtraqau_inter_fly: then it should do something.08:35
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aqau_inter_flyoh ok08:36
aqau_inter_flyit worked08:36
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IseeIseewas using Ubuntu and my electricty went out twice and when I restarted there is no Hard Disk Scan or Error check anything etc like in windows ?08:37
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lufiserUSUL: Thank you so much! I tried it, worked!08:37
_fluffeeFoobal - Am d/l something now using the apt-get network-manager &c., it's including something with dhcp in the name.  Already had that, and working.  *confused*08:37
aqau_inter_flyfyrestrtr:  when i hit enter on password it says:08:37
fowlduckIseeIsee, by default ubuntu uses ext3, which recovers gracefully due to journaling08:37
lufiserUSUL: Saved me a hell of a lot of work08:37
aqau_inter_flyE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)08:37
aqau_inter_flyE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:37
RiyonukHow come when I make a partion in windows for my new ubuntu installation, ubuntu wont let me install on it? So I make a partion with ubuntu and when I go to windows, it doesnt recgonize it08:37
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fowlduckaqau_inter_fly, close synaptic08:38
fyrestrtraqau_inter_fly: close synaptic first, then try it again08:38
lopaWhat exactly is the GECOS field in the ubuntu (or debian) /etc/passwd?08:38
aqau_inter_flyahhh got it okay08:38
SheaTara_IseeIsee: ext3 (ubuntu's default file system) uses atomic file manipulations and journalling (AKAIK), meaning that restarting never corrupts files08:38
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rarj is there any way to play prince of persia 3d in ubuntu ?08:38
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fyrestrtrrarj: look up the game at winehq.org to see how compatible it is with linux.08:39
IseeIseefowlduck: so you mean ext3 is something which takes care of errors & stuff without even running a scandisk sort of thing in front ?08:39
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sorush20is there a very good gui backup program around that would allow me to select specific folders in my home directory to be backed up ?08:39
aqau_inter_flyfyrestrtr:  now it says:08:39
aqau_inter_flyReading package lists... Done08:39
aqau_inter_flyBuilding dependency tree... Done08:39
aqau_inter_flyE: Couldn't find package linux-header-2.6.15-23-38608:39
rarjfyrestrtr, thanks :)08:39
fowlduckIseeIsee, yep, it's the filesystem.  It keeps track of changes and rolls back any that aren't completed08:39
IseeIseeSheaTara: i'm not talking about restarting, i'm talking about sudden power failures08:39
fyrestrtrRiyonuk: if you create a partition in Windows and don't *format* it, then ubuntu should recognize it and be able to install on it.08:39
SheaTaraIseeIsee: IseeIsee, no ext3 is like a replacement for NTFS or FAT, it simple immule to power-offs and power failures08:40
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fyrestrtraqau_inter_fly: sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r` linux-kernel-headers <-- type all that in a terminal08:40
SheaTaraIseeIsee: it applys ti every time the computer shuts off, expectedly or not08:40
IseeIseeSheaTara: thats why I'm saying shouldn't Ubuntu run a scandisk on restarting after a power failure ?08:40
SheaTaraIseeIsee: Reiserfs does the same08:40
IseeIseeok I've a small problem08:41
SheaTaraIseeIsee: I does not need to, it keeps track of everything it did, needs to do, and did not do though the journal08:41
fyrestrtralso, after a few restarts, ubuntu will automatically scan the disk for inconsistenties, I believe the default number of restarts is 29 or something. You can change that though.08:41
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Riyonukcan ubuntu resize partions?08:41
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IseeIseeI'm trying to build a java project using java wireless toolkit but I while building i get a Java IO Exception that a sudden exe file execution failed, I guess its due to access rights08:42
fyrestrtrRiyonuk: gparted can :)08:42
SheaTaraIseeIsee: effectively, it "scandisk"s every time you boot, it's just that it takes around 1/2 a second08:42
aqau_inter_flyfyrestrtr: so now do i have to do like a seperate command for build-essential?08:42
Riyonukwhats gparted?08:42
fyrestrtraqau_inter_fly: no, you are done with all that, you can move to the next step.08:42
IseeIseeRiyonuk: gpater is a partitioning software08:42
ubuntu_newbiefyrestrtr: i'm booting from the Live CD now, if I change the root password from it, it will affect the installed system?08:42
aqau_inter_flyfyrestrtr: Okay thanks a lot08:42
SheaTaraIseeIsee: if you are familiar with the CLI, chmod +x will help08:42
fyrestrtrubuntu_newbie: you will need to change the root password of the installed system, not the livecd.08:43
Riyonukis it free?08:43
IseeIseeSheaTara I did the chmod but it still doesn't works08:43
SheaTara!info gparted08:43
ubotugparted: partition editor for GNOME. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.1-0ubuntu9 (dapper), package size 232 kB, installed size 1280 kB08:43
gatekeepergotta love linux filesystems08:43
fyrestrtrRiyonuk: yes08:43
SheaTaraRiyonuk: see what ubotu said08:43
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Riyonukcool and its small08:43
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RiyonukI cant use it though08:43
IseeIseeSheaTara can I do a chmod +x on a whole directory ?08:43
SheaTaraIseeIsee: try chmod a+x then08:43
fyrestrtreh? why not?08:43
RiyonukI need it to make a partiton for ubuntu(Im on windows) and you need to run it in ubuntu08:43
ubuntu_newbiefyrestrtr: but it can check the disk right?08:44
SheaTaraIseeIsee: it's more complex than that08:44
Riyonukhow does that work?08:44
fyrestrtrubuntu_newbie: yeah it can do that.08:44
SheaTaraIseeIsee: +x on a directory means you can enter it08:44
gatekeeperriyonuk you need partition magic08:44
fyrestrtrRiyonuk: use the disk manager in Windows. Right click on My Computer -> Manage -> Storage08:44
Riyonukyeah thats what I was thinking08:44
Riyonukumm disk manager cant resize08:44
fyrestrtrRiyonuk: although that won't resize, it will allow you to create new partitions on disks.08:44
SheaTaraIseeIsee: +x recursively (-R) is dangerous if you are not sure what you are doinbg08:44
IseeIseeSheaTara what does a+x means ?08:45
gatekeeperriyonuk: you need partition magic08:45
fyrestrtrRiyonuk: fwiw, the install process in ubuntu can resize windows partitions. Just make sure you run fdisk on them first.08:45
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IseeIseeSheaTara: no it still doesn't works08:45
SheaTaraIseeIsee: a simply means "all" or "everyone", so you are giving "x" (executable) permissions to "all"08:45
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SheaTaraIseeIsee: then I'd check the java08:45
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IseeIseebut it mentions the exe file name in the exception08:46
SheaTaraIseeIsee: .exe?08:46
IseeIseejava.io.IOException: java.io.IOException: /media/hda7/wtk2.2/bin/preverify: cannot execute08:46
fyrestrtrIseeIsee: did you say 'sudden *exe* file execution failed'?08:46
SheaTaraIseeIsee:  exe does not run on linux, *exe* is a windows executable08:46
Riyonukumm is the 3rd version out yet?08:47
IseeIseeI mean in its properties it says "executable"08:47
SheaTaraRiyonuk: say --> !info gparted  <-- it says the version #08:47
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Riyonukno no08:48
fyrestrtrIseeIsee: what do you get when you type file nameoffile ?08:48
RiyonukI mean of ubuntu08:48
RiyonukI lost my cs08:48
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SheaTaraIseeIsee: that does not mean that it means it's an executable for /linux/ though.08:48
fyrestrtrRiyonuk: no, not yet.08:48
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SheaTaraIseeIsee: is the /*.exe*/ file actually a java file?08:49
Riyonukwhen should I expect it to be out? Im gonna request a free cd08:49
IseeIseefyrestrtr: preverify: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Lin ux 2.2.5, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, not stripp ed08:49
fyrestrtrRiyonuk: best to ask in #ubuntu+108:49
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SheaTaraIseeIsee: sounds like linux to me08:49
IseeIseeSheaTara no its not a java file, its part of the J2ME Wireless Toolkit08:49
ic56IseeIsee: are you running on a powerPC computer or other non-intel CPU?08:50
IseeIseeI just downloaded the j2me wireless toolkit & extracted it08:50
fyrestrtrIseeIsee: what happens when you type ./media/hda7/wtk2.2/bin/preverify08:50
IseeIseeoh 1 point may be important I'm running it in a separate drive which is FAT3208:50
_fluffeeFoobal - I don't seem to have gained anything: I appear to have only WEP option, no WPA, I see nothing new in menus, and wireless assistant now says it needs sudo but does not offer oppt'y to enter password.  'sudo wlass[whatever] ' says it can't find an xserver.  Am I done for, d'ya think?08:50
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SheaTaraIseeIsee: :-| -- Lost on this probalem -- keep asking -- maybe someone else know08:51
ic56fyrestrtr: ./media/...  sounds like an incorrect pathname.  Perhaps you meant /media/...08:51
Riyonuksorry if Im asking too many questions08:51
Riyonukhow come dial-up doesnt work with ubuntu?08:51
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fyrestrtric56: 21:46 < IseeIsee> java.io.IOException: java.io.IOException: /media/hda7/wtk2.2/bin/preverify: cannot execute08:51
bderrly|workRiyonuk, what makes you think it doesn't?08:51
SheaTaraRiyonuk: that's very general08:51
fyrestrtrRiyonuk: because winmodems are crap :)08:51
SheaTaraRiyonuk: it works for some08:51
RiyonukI couldnt get it to woek08:52
IseeIseefyrestrtr: I did08:52
IseeIseetfm@tfm-desktop:/media/hda7/wtk2.2/bin$ media/hda7/wtk2.2/bin/preverify08:52
IseeIseebash: media/hda7/wtk2.2/bin/preverify: No such file or directory08:52
Riyonukof course I had no idea what I was doing08:52
fyrestrtryou forgot the ./08:52
SheaTaraIseeIsee: it has to start with a /08:52
pppoe_dudehow can i use ddns if i'm behind a router and my router doesnt support that specific ddns provider?08:52
ic56IseeIsee: you missed the leading slash in the pathname.  Try the command again08:52
fyrestrtrIseeIsee: it has to start with a ./ the . is important08:52
bderrly|workRiyonuk, built-in modem on the motherboard?08:52
IseeIseebash: ./media/hda7/wtk2.2/bin/preverify: No such file or directory08:53
IseeIseesame answer08:53
Riyonuknah, its PCI08:53
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joeljkpi'm looking for ideas of places to host videos i've converted to ogg08:53
fyrestrtrIseeIsee: that preverify is not there then.08:53
bderrly|workIseeIsee, use tab for file name completion08:53
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PKR_hey i just installed ubuntu and i wonder how i fix so that i can open RAR files.. anybody know?08:53
bderrly|workRiyonuk, have you checked a modem status list for your particular model?08:53
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ic56fyrestrtr: why do you instruct IseeIsee to use a dot?  You are assuming his current directory is the root.  Even if it happens to be so now, why give him instructions that won't work from a different directory?08:54
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bderrly|workPKR_, sudo apt-get install unrar08:54
IseeIseefyrestrti: it is I can see the file08:54
fyrestrtrPKR_: you should be able to double click them.08:54
MystaMaxi need to make sure that mysql is running on the correct port, how do I do that w/ netstat?08:54
fyrestrtric56: dude, the . is to execute the file, not current directory :P08:54
pppoe_dudeMystaMax, netstat -tapn |grep mysql08:54
RiyonukI dont know how08:54
PKR_It says that the archive type is not supported.08:54
ic56fyrestrtr: your understanding of . is incorrect.08:54
fyrestrtrIseeIsee: cd into that directory, and then run it.08:55
PKR_bderrly|work: should i write that in the terminal?08:55
IseeIseefyrestrtr: I did08:55
bderrly|workPKR_, yes08:55
IseeIseeI need a pastebin to show output08:55
fyrestrtric56: oh .... (looks above at what he wrote) ... yeah, you are right.08:55
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ic56fyrestrtr: as pathname component, a . means the current directory08:55
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ic56fyrestrtr: ok08:55
PKR_bderrly|work: It says that package unrar is not available08:55
fyrestrtrIseeIsee: cd /media/hda7/wtk2.2/bin/ && ./preverify08:55
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fyrestrtrPKR_: enable the universe and multiverse repositories08:56
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uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression08:56
IseeIseefyrestrtr: here you go http://pastebin.4programmers.net/36808:56
bderrly|workPKR_, you need to add the multiverse repository08:56
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource08:57
PKR_thanks everybody for the help. i will try and do that08:57
ubuntu_newbieok, it worked, now how do I change the user password?08:57
fyrestrtrIseeIsee: please, don't send me to a pastebin site that has popups.08:57
joeljkpi'm looking for ideas of places to host videos i've converted to ogg08:57
fyrestrtrIseeIsee: well, there is nothing wrong with your permissions then, something is wrong with what you are compiling.08:58
nkryptr_25hi there... can anyone help me... i am trying to share an internet connection between 2 computers ... both running ubuntu 6.06... i have set up dhcp server and my second computer can now connect to the internet but the speed is really slow... anyone have any ideas?08:58
fyrestrtrjoeljkp: youtube?08:58
IseeIseefyrestrti: I don't know whether this site has popups or not, you can check08:58
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joeljkpfyrestrtr: they'll convert to flash, though08:58
SheaTara!pastebin > IseeIsee08:58
fyrestrtrIseeIsee: it does, that's why I'm telling you :P08:58
IseeIseeSheaTara: ?08:58
fyrestrtrjoeljkp: hrmm, might try places like imageshack.us08:59
MystaMaxthanks pppoe_dude, mysql isn't being listed. Would that mean its not running? Even though, i can ssh to the box, and enter the mysql CLI?08:59
IseeIseefyrestrtr: you done J2ME programming ?08:59
SheaTaraIseeIsee: ubotu shoudl have given you a "private message"08:59
Riyonukis bootmagic like grub?08:59
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fyrestrtrIseeIsee: nope.08:59
IseeIsee!pastebin > IseeIsee08:59
fyrestrtrRiyonuk: yes, same idea.08:59
IseeIseeSheaTara, I don't get it ?08:59
gatekeeper_nkryptr_25: I have seen a howto to do that on the ubuntu forums that might be worth having a look at08:59
pppoe_dudeMystaMax, can you login remotely to mysql directly?08:59
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SheaTaraun another tab?08:59
fyrestrtrMystaMax: it might mean its only listening on localhost (as is the default setup) and not your ip address.09:00
ic56fyrestrtr: lynx ignored the popups at IseeIsee's pastebin site.  The directory exists, the file executed and displayed its help message.09:00
SheaTaraIseeIsee: nevermind, I'll just do thyis09:00
Riyonukalright cause Im downloading partiton magic09:00
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:00
SheaTaraIseeIsee: ^^09:00
pppoe_dudeMystaMax,  tcp        0      0*               LISTEN     32690/mysqld09:00
aqau_inter_flyfyrestrtr:  Ok I'm installing an rt73 driver for my wireless device, but I'm on a site that is actually for debian, and it tells me to type this command: cp rt73.ko /lib/modules/2.6.8-2-386/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/...but when I do that it says: cp: target `/lib/modules/2.6.8-2-386/kernel/drivers/net/' is not a directory: No such file or directory.09:00
ic56fyrestrtr: file ./preverify I mean09:00
fyrestrtric56: yes I saw it, thanks :)09:00
pppoe_dudeMystaMax, this is what you shouldve gotten09:00
MystaMaxpppoe_dude, No I'm trying to set up mysql so that I can access it from any server on our domain09:00
aqau_inter_flyI was wondering if this command needs to be different for Ubuntu09:00
MystaMaxpppoe_dude, yea it isnt listed09:00
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fyrestrtraqau_inter_fly: ermm .... have you checked out the wiki for wireless or the ubuntu forums first?09:01
pppoe_dudeMystaMax, then you probably have a configuration error if its running already09:01
fyrestrtrMystaMax: did you disable networking on it?09:01
Riyonukgnome is like ubuntu's shell right?09:01
fyrestrtraqau_inter_fly: someone may already have this problem solved.09:01
MystaMaxfyrestrtr, on the mysql server?09:01
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fyrestrtrMystaMax: yeah.09:02
nkryptr_25gatekeeper_: cheers, i'll have a look there09:02
fyrestrtrRiyonuk: no, gnome is a desktop environment.09:02
aqau_inter_flyfyrestrtr:  well umm i've checked the forum, and then only thing i've found is to go to the site that im at right now...09:02
Riyonuk? same thing right?09:02
MystaMaxfyrestrtr, no I can access other network resources from the box.09:02
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gatekeeper_nkryptr_25: good luck :-)09:02
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fyrestrtraqau_inter_fly: on your machine its probably /lib/modules/linux-`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/09:03
nkryptr_25gatekeeper_: ty :)09:03
aqau_inter_flyoh yeah...09:03
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MystaMaxpppoe_dude, tcp        0      0*               LISTEN09:03
MystaMaxthats what i got09:03
gatekeeper_nkryptr_25: yw :-)09:03
fyrestrtrMystaMax: ah, you misunderstood me. You can disable networking in *mysql* itself, so it never listens on a port.09:03
Riyonukfyrestrtr: so gnome is like the arrow/icons?09:03
fyrestrtrMystaMax: oh, according to that, mysql is running fine and is listening on localhost only.09:03
pppoe_dudeMystaMax, that means its listening on port 330609:03
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fyrestrtrRiyonuk: yes :)09:03
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MystaMaxfyrestrtr, oh really. I did not know that09:04
derekSanyone have a tutorial on setting up an imap server?09:04
pppoe_dudeMystaMax, and on local host...09:04
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IseeIseefyrestrtr: but why was it saying file or directory does not exists initially09:04
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MystaMaxfyrestrtr, pppoe_dude so I can only access it locally?09:04
ballpointcarrotderekS: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5715709:04
pppoe_dudeMystaMax, the would be *:3306 if it was listening on all interfaces09:04
fyrestrtrIseeIsee: I don't know, maybe its not talking about preverify -- something else.09:05
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MystaMaxpppoe_dude, I see09:05
ubuntu_newbieI'm running ubuntu 5.10, can I update it to ubuntu 6 without losing data?09:05
fyrestrtrMystaMax: for now, yes. You can edit its configuration to have it listen on another IP address.09:05
pppoe_dudeMystaMax, or something of that sort.09:05
fyrestrtrubuntu_newbie: yes.09:05
fyrestrtr!upgrade > ubuntu_newbie09:05
pppoe_dudeMystaMax, you need to configure mysql properly09:05
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MystaMaxpppoe_dude, fyrestrtr, thanks guys! very helpful09:05
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ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.09:06
derekSballpointcarrot: thanks09:06
gatekeeper_ubuntu_newbie: yes I would suggest using the update-manager, it was the most successfull for me but probable still worth while backing up09:06
aqau_inter_flyfyrestrtr: how to get permission to lib/modules/2.16.15-23-386/kernel/net/?09:06
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aqau_inter_flycuz when i try to co-py a file to there is wsaid permission denied09:07
fyrestrtraqau_inter_fly: type 'sudo' before the command.09:07
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derekSballpointcarrot: whats offline imap?09:07
fyrestrtrsudo cp blah blah blah09:07
bderrly|workaqau_inter_fly, why are you trying to copy a file to that directory?09:07
fyrestrtrthen enter your password (remember, it won't show anything) and hit enter.09:07
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fyrestrtrwho in there right mind would fry eggs at 10 PM ??? I smell eggs being fried in my apartment.09:08
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mALmENi ill install ubuntu 6.06 now09:08
VonGuardfirefox is ludicrously slow at looking up DNS for me09:08
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VonGuardi'm running dapper09:08
VonGuardthe rest of my network is nice and fast with dns, and using the same servers09:08
VonGuardshould i disable ipv6?09:08
Riyonukwga? Dapper is the next version?09:09
mALmENubuntu install drivers from speed toutch for defaul ? :X09:09
fyrestrtrVonGuard: maybe your primary dns server is down and its waiting on the secondary one?09:09
RiyonukI thought Badger was09:09
VonGuarddoubt it, this has been a problem for a while09:09
fyrestrtrVonGuard: yeap, disable ipv6 -- there is a wiki entry on that.09:09
VonGuardpinging a server by name is fast09:09
VonGuardlooking it up in firefox is slow09:09
VonGuardhappen to have the link to the wiki page?09:09
fyrestrtrermm, let me see if I do.09:09
VonGuardi found one listing and the file they showed being modified was not the same on my machine09:10
joeljkpi'm looking for ideas of places to host videos i've converted to ogg09:10
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ballpointcarrotderekS: it's a way to access the same account from multiple systems09:11
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fyrestrtrVonGuard: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv409:11
ballpointcarrotderekS: http://freshmeat.net/projects/offlineimap/09:11
derekSballpointcarrot: thats not really what i want though09:12
VonGuardthanks fyrestrtr !09:12
derekSballpointcarrot: i just want a plain imap server09:12
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ballpointcarrotderekS: just a simple mail server?09:12
ballpointcarrothttp://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/ <- mail server w/ courier imap base09:13
bderrly|work!info uw-imapd09:13
ubotuuw-imapd: remote mail folder access server. In repository universe, is optional. Version 7:2002edebian1-13 (dapper), package size 68 kB, installed size 240 kB09:13
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derekSthanks guys!09:14
=== Ropechoborra MaTuLL^ Te voa kastrar :)
=== Ropechoborra MaTuLL^ Te voa kastrar :)
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azurealhi, when you install a package w/ apt-get, how do you specify a specific version?09:15
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void^azureal: you need to have multiple repos for a package, i.e. apt-cache policy <package> must be reporting several version. you can use apt-get install <package>=version09:16
linuzoDoes anyone here have a howto or know a forum that has anything about setting up a mp3 server with ubuntu09:16
mth12anyone had trobule with shifting between CRT/LCD, this is on a Dell Inspiropn 1150, with ubunto 6.0609:17
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azurealah, the = sign09:18
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aqau_inter_flyfyrestrtr:  I was told to type in : vi /etc/modprobe.conf, and it creates a new document which i have to type in "alias rausb0 rt73"...now what do i do to save it from terminal?09:19
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VonGuardah, disabling ipv6 works great09:19
VonGuardthanks fyrestrtr09:19
fyrestrtrhit esc then type :wq and hit enter09:20
VonGuardwhy is ipv6 so wonky in dapper?09:20
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ic56aqau_inter_fly: two capital Zs will save and exit09:20
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darichI'm listening to "Maa Bonny lad" by Jason Molina, Will Oldham, Alasdair Roberts09:20
fyrestrtrits not ipv6, its just that it uses ipv6 by default, and not all dns servers are setup for ipv6. If your isp uses ipv6, it would be faster than ipv4 :)09:20
mth12azureal: the = sign?09:21
carocomo te llamas09:21
driggershi.  i have a satellite 2450 w/ Ubuntu DD.  there is a mini firewire plug that doesn't work.  not sure where to start.09:21
VonGuardso my isp hasn't updated its dns servers in a while09:21
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IseeIse1fyrestrtr: I put an empty .java file in the project and build it, it still giving me an io exception09:21
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fyrestrtrthey just aren't using ipv6, only ipv4 :)09:21
VonGuardweren't we all supposed to be on v6 by 2006 already?09:21
fyrestrtrIseeIse1: ask someone that knows more about java :)09:21
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VonGuarddoes that empty file need some sort of headers and stuff?09:22
VonGuardjava's very chatty like that09:22
fyrestrtrdepends on your locale, I think the us govt. is supposed to be on ipv6 by 2008.09:22
VonGuardah, ok.09:22
VonGuardwell thanks again09:22
VonGuardthat slowness was driving me nuts09:22
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ic56fyrestrtr: I wonder if IseeIse1 might be running java under a chroot, causing the pathnames to become invalid.  I have no experience with that so I can't advise how to investigate.09:23
technelI have been trying out several PDF viewers, epdfview, xpdf, and that one that comes with Ubuntu, but all of them seem to do something I hate. When you reach the bottom of the page, they go to the next page. This is really hard for me because I like to scroll down past the bottom of the page, but keep reading the bottom. I like when it just shows page after page so for example you could scroll half way between two pages09:23
technelAny programs that do this?09:23
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fyrestrtrtechnel: tried the official reader from acrobat?09:24
aqau_inter_flyfyrestrtr:  do you think you could take a look at this site http://funcation.blogspot.com/ and help me with what i need to do09:24
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ic56$u3: sure09:24
technelfyrestrtr, Not on linux, no. It is quite a large, slow program :\09:24
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP09:24
aqau_inter_flyfyrestrtr:  if your too busy then thats okay09:24
ic56$u3: sure09:24
ic56aqau_inter_fly: sure09:24
driggersso... firewire...  jus wondering if anyone is thinking about my question :)?09:24
mALmENanyone can tell to me if ubuntu 6.05 support speed toutch for default ?09:25
mALmENor if i need install it  ? :X09:25
fyrestrtrtechnel: its best for sorting out pdfs though. I use it here with no noticable lag.09:25
aqau_inter_flyic56: wait...did you say you were going to help me09:25
technelfyrestrtr, 42mb just for a PDF viewer, heh09:25
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fyrestrtrtechnel: its adobe, what can I tell ya :P09:25
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technelfyrestrtr, Did you have to compile?09:25
mALmENi want keet windows out, but dont know if need the drivers to speed toutchs,if need after install ubuntu cant download it with out internet connection09:25
ic56aqau_inter_fly: I did, but only because I answered your vi question earlier09:25
=== moodog [n=cj@80-235-138-112.cable.ubr10.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
_fluffeeOkay- Re Wireless.  I now have four ways to not connect, and several of them are seemingly so poor that I must quit them and restart to change a setting.  I have browsed the wiki-thingy, and without a useful full-text Usenet like interface, and on a dial-up, well, .  Does anyone have a pointer to a how-to that works for wireless G using Netgear card?  Much appreciated.09:25
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aqau_inter_flyic56: so are you on that site09:26
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emilHi Guys09:26
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ic56aqau_inter_fly: oh, what the hey.  Ok. I'm on that site.  What's your question09:26
bahadirthello guys09:26
emilThe sound of flash files (dunno if it's everywere, but especcialy Youtube) doesn't work09:26
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aqau_inter_flyi'm down to the vi /etc/modprobe.conf09:27
bahadirtto play mp3 files, which decoders I need to install09:27
SickaGood day everyone09:27
aqau_inter_flywhat do i do on that step?09:27
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laneynp: Dream Theater - Sacrificed Sons09:27
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:27
SickaI need to know how I can install Fujitsu Cobol on Ubuntu, if anyone knows09:27
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technelbahadirt, For MP3's: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats09:27
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emilI've got a sound problem on Youtube09:27
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ic56aqau_inter_fly: press "i" to go into insert mode (nothing will happen on the screen)09:28
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LeonPhelpsgreets all09:28
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emilI've got a sound problem at Youtub09:28
gatekeeper_bahadirt: just install libxine-extracodecs and possible w32Codecs09:28
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IseeIse1ic56: what is chroot ?09:28
SickaHow can I install Fujitsu Cobol on Ubuntu?09:29
ic56aqau_inter_fly: then paste in the one liner from the website (you'll see it displayed).  The press the [ESC]  key on your keyboard (nothing will happen on the screen).  Then press ZZ09:29
emilI've got a soud problem on Youtube09:29
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Jowiemil: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libesd.so.0 /usr/lib/libesd.so.109:29
Jowiemil: see if that helps09:29
LeonPhelpsanyone good with video probs? My IBM Thinkpad A30P (ATI Radeon Mobility) is stuck at 640x48009:29
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emilJowi:  Thanks anyway09:29
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ic56IseeIse1: chroot (CHange ROOT) is a mechanims of running a process in a restricted environment.  It causes parts of the filesystem to become invisible to the programs you are running.09:30
aqau_inter_flyic56:  nothing happened when i pressed zz09:30
SickaWould someone please tell me if there's a way to run Fujitsu Cobol on Ubuntu?09:30
ic56aqau_inter_fly: capital Zs. not lowercase09:30
gatekeeper_LeonPhelps: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg might help, not sure09:31
aqau_inter_flyic56:  it says:09:31
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LeonPhelpsthx man09:31
emilJowi: It doesn't work09:31
HymnToLifehi everyone, I have a problem with Apache on Dapper09:31
aqau_inter_fly"/etc/modprobe.conf" E212: Can't open file for writing09:31
aqau_inter_flyHit ENTER or type command to continue09:31
_fluffeeLeonPhelps - FWIW, a similar problem was amongst what drove me from other distribution to this one.  In that case I edited the config file manually and had joy.  Environment is a 600e Thinkpad.09:31
HymnToLifeit just won't read my .htaccess files09:31
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Jowiemil: did you restart x? (not sure if it is enough to restart firefox)09:32
aqau_inter_flyHymnToLife:  make sure you are reading hidden files because .htaccess files are often hidden09:32
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ic56aqau_inter_fly: ah, the instructions assume you are running with root permission.  Abort and re-start the vi.  To abort, type  :q!  (colon, lower case q, exclamation mark)09:32
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SickaSOMEONE PLEASE: Fujitsu Cobol on Ubuntu: Can it be done?09:32
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ic56aqau_inter_fly: then, use: sudo vi /etc/modprobe.conf09:33
t0ddhey, why when I type ' sudo apt-get install build-essential ' (or pretty much any other known package), I get that it can't be found? I just installed ubuntu09:33
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emilJowi: How do i restart X?09:33
aqau_inter_flyi have to get used to that sudo command09:33
geanhi all !09:33
ballpointcarrotemil: Ctrl+Alt+backspace09:33
phaedrus44dude...seems tough to installa  web server...hhmm09:34
Jowiemil: this will log you out, so save any work. "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"09:34
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phaedrus44i installed the lamp server09:34
phaedrus44and i dont have a clue from there...any tutorials?09:34
HymnToLifeaqau_inter_fly, and how do I do that ?09:34
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aqau_inter_flyHymnToLIfe:  good question, I've never used apache09:34
ic56aqau_inter_fly: no you don't.  If you need to issue many commands with root privilege, you can just get yourself a root shell with: sudo -i  When you're done typing commands as root, type "exit" and you'll be back in your own shell.  you can tell because the prompt will change.  When you have root permission, the shell displays # instead of $ on its prompt09:34
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geancan somebody PLEASE help me ?! yesterday i synaptic-installed the new Ununtu upgrade (6.06), now nothing works: no net recognition, no x !09:34
HymnToLifewell, it's supposed to read them as long as they have the right chmod09:35
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geani was just rebooting after the new kernel install09:35
geanthe new kernel is not recognited by the GRUB loader09:35
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ImmeHow do I list my jobs and there id's in console?09:36
aqau_inter_flyic56: okay...cool...for the next step do i just do the same thing09:36
geanimme : ps -ef09:36
geanimme : ps -ef | grep firefox to get only firefox relevant stuff09:37
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ic56aqau_inter_fly: yes.  BTW, you don't *have* to use vi.  You can use any editor you like09:37
ic56aqau_inter_fly: this file probably already exists so inserting the text in the right spot will be harder if you are uncomfortable with the editor09:37
trev__can anyone tell me how to enable text to speech funtions?09:38
bahadirttechnel : thanks mate09:38
aqau_inter_flyic56:  i think i got it but how do i enter insert mode again?09:38
Lobsteruse nano09:38
geanany GURU here ?! please help me restart my system after synaptic upgrade !09:38
Lobsterits easyer ^^09:38
ic56aqau_inter_fly: i to enter (i)nsert mode. [ESC]  to exit it09:38
geanany GURU here ?! No x, no internet connection. (Now i'm on a mashine at the other end of the faculty)09:39
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t0ddhey, why when I type ' sudo apt-get install build-essential ' (or pretty much any other known package), I get that it can't be found? I just installed ubuntu09:39
ic56gean: ask a more specific question09:39
aqau_inter_flyic56: for that step will  i have to change my address netmask gateway and broadcast09:39
aqau_inter_flybecause i know mine is a little different09:39
fyrestrtrt0dd: sudo apt-get update and try it again09:40
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geant0dd : try : sudo bash : get a root window : type : apt-get -i bui<TABULATOR> to see recognized completions09:40
ic56aqau_inter_fly: yes, if yours is different, change the text to match your config.09:40
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aqau_inter_flyic56:  umm problem though, i don't know what broadcast is09:41
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ic56aqau_inter_fly: to delete a character in vi when you are not in insert mode, press x09:41
Tokeiitogood evening09:41
ic56aqau_inter_fly: what is the address? I'll tell you what the broadcast address is09:41
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aqau_inter_flymy adress is 192.168.09:42
ubuntuim trying to install grub from the ubuntu live-cd since i installed Windows, however; it complains about this Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.09:42
lee-qidhi there09:42
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aqau_inter_flyic56: my adess is
Howitzerany idea how to solve it?09:42
lee-qiddoes anybody of you have experience with multiple monitors and xrandr?09:42
ic56aqau_inter_fly: then you broadcast address is most likely
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aqau_inter_flyic56: then i push exit, ZZ09:43
erUSULHowitzer: have you mounted your root partition?? have you runned chroot??09:43
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ic56aqau_inter_fly: what it *really* is depends on what all the other computers on your little network think.  It's a matter of agreement.09:43
ic56aqau_inter_fly: yes.  Press [ESC]  to return to vi's command mode, then ZZ to save and exit09:43
sam_I installed ubuntu then after that added kde, now when my pc starts up it says kubuntu how do i change it back to ubuntu09:44
aqau_inter_flyic56:  well i can always change this later right...if it isn't correct09:44
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fyrestrtrsam_: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:44
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ic56aqau_inter_fly: shouldn't you be writting down the vi commands you are learning?  How will you make corrections later?09:44
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aqau_inter_flyyeah i've learned them im just double checking09:44
ic56aqau_inter_fly: cool09:45
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sam_ubuntu-desktop is already the newest version.09:45
gatekeeper_t0dd: try looking for build-essential09:45
sam_will that fix it?09:45
aqau_inter_flyi=insert, x=erase, ZZ=save esc=return to command mode09:45
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aqau_inter_flyic56: on this command, why are there two "vi"s09:45
aqau_inter_flyvi vi /etc/network/do_wep09:45
ic56aqau_inter_fly: here's another: dd = delete current line09:45
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE09:45
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ardchoilleaqau_inter_fly: there should only be one09:46
ic56aqau_inter_fly: yes, the two "vi"s is a typo -- use only one vi (and sudo if necessary)09:46
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aqau_inter_flyic56: im in root mode09:46
ic56aqau_inter_fly: maybe you can email the page's author to fix the typo09:46
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m0gsiHello all , tried to instal xubuntu at a friends house , and installer hanged half way through and gave a black screen with two grey blocks any ideas? pc is 3.06ghz dell09:46
mALmENanyone can tell to me if ubuntu 6.05 support speed toutch for default ? i want keet windows out, but dont know if need the drivers to speed toutchs,if need after install ubuntu cant download it with out internet connection09:46
aqau_inter_flyactually i have him on my intant messenger because i was asking to help me but he didn't09:46
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webguywhen i do rm it leaves behind directories that have a file that starts with a . any way to prevent this so it deletes everyting?09:47
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skavengewebguy: rm -rf will kill everything09:47
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m0gsiHello all , tried to instal xubuntu at a friends house , and installer hanged half way through and gave a black screen with two grey blocks any ideas? pc is 3.06ghz dell09:47
sam_is there a list you can see all the software you can install using sudo apt-get install?09:47
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ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, apt-cache, the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com  -  Ubuntu has about 18000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!09:47
webguyskavenge: rm -rf - will it delete directorises?09:48
skavengewebguy: the whole directory and everything in it09:48
ardchoillesam_: That type of list in a term would scroll past your scrollback buffer09:48
gnomefreaksam_: synaptic09:48
m0gsiHello all , tried to instal xubuntu at a friends house , and installer hanged half way through and gave a black screen with two grey blocks any ideas? pc is 3.06ghz dell09:48
skavengeyou could do |more09:48
webguyso if i do rm -rf /home/htdocs will it delete the htdocs directory?09:48
ic56aqau_inter_fly: email might be better than IM since it can stay in his do list.  You could also leave a comment on the blog, but he's unlikely to notice that.09:48
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skavengewebguy: yup09:48
gnomefreakwebguy: yep09:48
webguywhat if i want to keep that actual diretory, but get rid of everything in it and all subdirectories09:49
geanany GURU here ?! please help me restart my system after synaptic upgrade ! NO X, NO (INTER)NET CONNECTION09:49
aqau_inter_flyic56: okay, before i do the last command should i plug in my adapter?09:49
skavengewebguy: cd into it and rm -rf *09:49
webguyi am doing it from a script skavenge09:50
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skavengedunno then09:50
webguyhow about rm -rf /home/htdocs/*09:50
m0gsiany ideas any one?09:50
XenonGgean, you don't call them GURU anymore, you call them 1337 pro or Advanced Users.09:50
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gatekeeper_m0gsi: how big is the hdd?09:50
skavengewebguy: that may work yeah09:50
gnomefreakwebguy: man rm09:50
m0gsiWhy gatekeeper_ ?09:50
ic56aqau_inter_fly: yes, plugin the adaptor before issuing the restart09:51
m0gsiI'm using text install because i had a text based cd , from when i installed it to my server09:51
webguygnomefreak: no such luck...  i have spent some time reading it over but it doesnt go into such simple things as this!09:51
m0gsiThe cd is valid09:51
geanXenonG : ok, anybody with phone number 1337 here ?!09:51
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gatekeeper_m0gsi: that should be fine, try badblocks on it09:51
m0gsiHow do you do that :P09:51
m0gsiWe've tried installing twice but it hangs at the same place :(09:52
mALmENanyone can tell to me if ubuntu 6.05 support speed toutch for default ? i want keet windows out, but dont know if need the drivers to speed toutchs,if need after install ubuntu cant download it with out internet connection09:52
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geanan other q : where are the net settings installed on ubuntu ?!09:52
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m0gsigatekeeper_, ??09:53
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ic56XenonG: 1337 ?! What's that?09:53
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gatekeeper_m0gsi: fire up the the live cd then from the terminal: badblock -v /dev/hda (or whatever your hdd is called)09:53
m0gsigatekeeper_, I'm using the text install disk09:54
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bonsaierm.. is there no .trash on xubuntu-desktop?09:54
renegade_of_funki have a amd64 cpu what kernel do i use 686 or K7 , this is for non 64ubuntu09:54
racartergnome is displaying xfce stuff.. like the stop watch thing when something is loading09:54
gatekeeper_m0gsi: well you need the check that your hard disk is ok09:54
azurealhi, my friend is having trouble obtaining the xine media player.. what package does he need, or what repos must he have open?09:55
Jowibonsai: no idea. but shouldn't it be .Trash (with a capital T)?09:55
racarteranyone know how I can stop this?09:55
=== stefg notices that at the current temperature harddisks seem to drop like flies in the last days
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m0gsihmm i'm pretty sure the HDD is ok gatekeeper_ the system is 2 days old09:55
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m0gsiand is running windows fine09:55
bonsaiJowi, hmm, it would be in my home directory no?09:55
Jowibonsai: correct09:55
ic56gean: /etc/network/interfaces09:55
bonsails -a shows nothing09:55
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gatekeeper_m0gsi: have you shrunk the ntfs partition enough to put linux on it?09:56
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gimbalwould anyone have a suggestion, to a person who would want to derive a distribution on Ubuntu (viz. Kubuntu, Edubuntu), a suggestion, as for "where to start"?09:56
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renegade_of_funki have a amd64 cpu what kernel do i use 686 or K7 , this is for non 64ubuntu09:57
ic56gean: if your newly installed kernel isn't recognized, try booting the old one.  grub should display a menu of boot options when it starts09:57
m0gsigatekeeper_ yes , i've got 3.7gb for / and 500mb for swap09:57
gatekeeper_gimbal: nope but you could ask the Mepis boys how they do it09:57
=== Aproxima [n=ineed@c122166.upc-c.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
m0gsirenegade_of_funk, It will run on k7 but isn't there a k8 kernel?09:57
=== sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
gatekeeper_m0gsi: you probable want a bit more, I would give it at least 5Gb to be comfortable09:58
gimbalgatekeeper_: danke09:58
m0gsigatekeeper_, pfft i'm using 3gb at home :P doesn't explain why it hangs09:58
=== J-_ [n=J-_@Toronto-HSE-ppp3724253.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
gatekeeper_m0gsi: my kubuntu install takes up about 4Gb09:58
ubotuI know nothing about mlame - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:58
=== whitynz [n=Whity@60-234-132-74.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuA quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management09:58
XenonGto much extra programs in Kubuntu?09:59
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gatekeeper_m0gsi: that's all I can suggest :-)09:59
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J-_what's a good encoder i can use in the repos?09:59
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m0gsilol gatekeeper_ hmm , well i could download the ubuntu alt cd and see if that works :(09:59
BallsyMy Dapper LiveCD is stalling after 'configuring some drivers...ok' .... is that generally when X starts up09:59
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racarterhow do I change the window manager for gnome?10:00
racarterI think I am using xfwm right now but I don't want to use that10:00
BallsyIf so, does ANYONE know how to run the Live CD such that it dumps me to run-level3 instead of 5 and gets me to a login prompt?10:00
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renegade_of_funki cant find the K8 kernel in synaptic10:01
aqau_inter_flywas anyone paying attension to the conversation me and ic56 were ahving?10:01
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ic56aqau_inter_fly: I'm here10:02
ubotuI know nothing about glx - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:02
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Paladineglx rocks my world10:03
aqau_inter_flyic56: hey ummm when i type in iwconfig it says:10:03
aqau_inter_flyRT73 WLAN  ESSID:""10:03
=== lufis [n=sam@adsl-70-232-70-234.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
aqau_inter_fly          Mode:Auto  Frequency=1 MHz  Bit Rate=54 Mb/s10:03
aqau_inter_fly          RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off10:03
aqau_inter_fly          Encryption key:0000-0000-0010:03
aqau_inter_fly          Link Quality=0/100  Signal level:-121 dBm  Noise level:-115 dBm10:03
aqau_inter_fly          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:010:03
aqau_inter_fly          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:010:04
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mweaqau_inter_fly: don't paste here10:04
lufisWhere can I get the clearlooks-cairo engine?10:04
wimsdon't do that10:04
mweaqau_inter_fly: youll get banned10:04
gnomefreakaqau_inter_fly: dont paste10:04
azurealis there some linux tool to analyze an .avi to see which codec it was encoded with?10:04
Paladine!pastbin > aqau_inter_fly10:04
ubotuI know nothing about pastbin  - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:04
aqau_inter_flymwe: oh whoops didn't know that thanks for the info..10:04
azureallooking for a linux version of the windows GSpot10:04
Paladine!info pastbin > aqau_inter_fly10:04
ubotuPackage pastbin does not exist in dapper10:04
naliothPaladine: spelling counts10:04
gnomefreak!pastebin > aqau_inter_fly10:04
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:05
=== Tedd [n=na@ool-457b37b6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Paladineaqau_inter_fly, read the topic ;)10:05
mwePaladine: it's pastebin not pastbin10:05
lufislol pastbin10:05
ardchoille!pastebin > aqau_inter_fly10:05
Paladinemwe, yeah sue me I am tired hehehe10:05
skavengenow you've flooded the poor kid10:05
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ubotuBoot options: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootOptions To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a bootfloppy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SmartBootManagerHowto10:05
=== jane [n=jane@adsl-69-235-25-172.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
mwercconf is cool as well and light weight10:06
aqau_inter_flyok got it sorry guys10:06
aqau_inter_flyic56: did you get that10:06
ic56aqau_inter_fly: ok. I saw your paste (next time use pastebin)10:06
ic56aqau_inter_fly: so, what's the problem (I should warn you, I have no experience with wireless)10:07
brotakulcan somebody tell me if there is any chipset driver from NVidia for sk754? the normal driver is only for audio and network. thanks10:07
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azurealhow do you obtain the xvid codec?10:07
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-227-2-238.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
aqau_inter_flyic56:  okay...does Frequency = 1Mhz, is that the same and Channel 110:07
aqau_inter_flyBecause i know that I can have channels on wireless and my router is set up to channel 610:08
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Midknighthey guys simple question, if I plug a USB HD in, and format with ext3 how do I make it writeable, it says read only10:08
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mweaqau_inter_fly: asuming your ap is not hidden and you don't use encryption, sudo dhclient wlan0 or whatever the inerface name is to get an ip and associate10:08
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aqau_inter_flymwe:  oh...wait... do i need to disable any security on wireless?10:09
mweaqau_inter_fly: or configure ubuntu to use it10:09
ic56aqau_inter_fly: no idea.  I didn't know there were "channels".  Pastebin the output, and ask your question again, from the channel, mentioning both your question and hte pastebin url -- hopefully someone will have the answer.10:09
=== BockBilbo [n=BockBilb@eu85-84-43-70.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu
mweaqau_inter_fly: is your connection encrypted and if so with wep or wpa?10:10
aqau_inter_flyumm wep10:10
=== darkyoshi372 [n=eli@CPE0004e2d9f884-CM0013718690da.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
brotakulcan somebody tell me if there is any chipset driver from NVidia for sk754? the normal driver is only for audio and network. thanks10:11
aqau_inter_flymwe: wep10:11
BergcubeIs there by any chance a Matthew Garrett in the cannel?  (I got your email and have questions.)10:11
darkyoshi372Hi all, I'm looking for a nice, easy to use, graphical vocoder. Does anybody know of one?10:11
mweaqau_inter_fly: what is the interface name?10:11
=== salah [n=salah@216-30-75.0505.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-227-2-238.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
mweaqau_inter_fly: wlan0 or what?10:12
aqau_inter_flymwe: rausb010:12
mweaqau_inter_fly: all right type sudo -i to get a root login10:12
soundrayI've heard that Intel graphics chipsets are well supported -- can you buy PCI-E cards with one of those though? Whereever I look, I find only nvidia and ati :(10:12
=== djbmister [n=david@88-108-5-169.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
aqau_inter_flymwe: already done10:13
mweaqau_inter_fly: do you have the wep key handy?10:13
djbmisterdoes anyone have experience with the ubuntu kernel 2.6.15 and powerpc?10:13
erUSULsoundray: my ati 9250 is wonderfully supported (Agp only though)10:13
mweaqau_inter_fly: all right. iwconfig rausb0 essid <your ap name> <-- type the correct name of course10:14
djbmisterthis question is mostly related to a chrp system - pegasos 210:14
aqau_inter_flymwe: what is my ap name?10:14
Jack_Sparrowsoundray: stick with nvidia10:14
mweaqau_inter_fly: what ever you called it. did you hide it?10:14
soundrayerUSUL, Jack_Sparrow: I want 3D acceleration *and* a free driver.10:14
mweaqau_inter_fly: If you don't know you didn't10:15
aqau_inter_flymwe:  i don't know10:15
Jack_SparrowI have a pci-e 6600 nv10:15
Jack_SparrowRUns just fine10:15
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@ANancy-157-1-97-47.w86-218.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
mweaqau_inter_fly: ok iwlist rausb0 scan. tell me what that shows. use paste.ubuntu-nl.org if you have to paste a lot10:15
aqau_inter_flymwe: okay10:16
Jack_Sparrowsoundray: Just followed the wiki10:16
Jack_Sparrowsoundray: I personally have had a harder time setting up ati10:17
aqau_inter_flymwe: i posted it on pastebin10:17
Jack_Sparrowgotta run..10:17
mweaqau_inter_fly: sec, phone10:17
=== tanlaan [n=tanlaan@] has joined #ubuntu
=== `sigh [i=proper@81-178-237-148.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
soundraySetup difficulties and such aren't my problem. I want to run a free operating system, ie. no nvidia and no fglrx10:18
`sightype: /server -m irc.A0HeLL.net:6669 -j #Beast-XDCC10:18
azurealhi, the 'make' command is not found... is some package required for this?10:18
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tanlaanare there any p2p clients out there for computers running ubuntu PPC?10:18
void^azureal: build-essential10:18
brotakulcan somebody tell me if there is any chipset driver from NVidia for sk754? the normal driver is only for audio and network. thanks10:19
mweaqau_inter_fly: paste the url to your post on paste.ubuntu-nl.org please10:19
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aqau_inter_flyJust a side question: does anyone know if adobe is coming out with shockwave for linux?10:20
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mweaqau_inter_fly: the name is musselman10:20
aqau_inter_flyoh ok10:20
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mweaqau_inter_fly: iwconfig rausb0 essid musselman10:20
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SpecIs there a package for the svn client without the svn server?10:21
ubotusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/10:21
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aqau_inter_flymwe: okay, now what10:21
aqau_inter_flymwe: nothing happened10:22
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lufisHi. I'm trying to install this Gnome theme: http://art.gnome.org/themes/gtk2/1213 and it isn't working. It says it requires clearlooks-cairo, so I downloaded the latest gtk-engines from gnome's FTP and compiled it and installed it myself. However, this theme is still not working. Is it possible that the new gtk-engines isn't taking precedence over the older one?10:22
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mweaqau_inter_fly: that's a good sign10:23
aqau_inter_flymwe: i know10:23
stefg!build > azureal10:23
mweaqau_inter_fly: iwconfig rausb0 key <your wep key> <-- use your key10:23
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sam_how do you access your windows partition using ubuntu?10:24
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aqau_inter_flymwe: okay, succesful10:25
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse10:25
ubotuI know nothing about sms - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:25
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Psykusissue: parts of my UI are not refreshing correctly...example is right now in xchat, the background is completely black except for the areas behind the text, gaim stops refreshing sometimes too, leaving black areas where my contact list would be, especially when I don't have the window in focus10:26
=== hostify [n=hostify@host-84-9-27-180.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
erUSULsoundray: i use the radeon *free* driver and i have 3d acceleration...10:26
mweaqau_inter_fly: good now dhclient rausb0 and see if you get an ip10:26
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aqau_inter_flybound to -- renewal in 42867 seconds.10:27
aqau_inter_flymwe: is that it10:27
=== stoft [n=stoft@81-208-36-90.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu
mweaqau_inter_fly: did you get an ip?10:27
Psykususing gnome btw10:27
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aqau_inter_flymwe:  look at the message before the one i jsut sent you, i forgot to type your name10:28
stoftI just unrooted myself by mistake. Anyone have any ideas on how i readd myself to sudoers?10:28
mweaqau_inter_fly: try ping yahoo.com10:28
soundrayerUSUL: that's good to know, thanks10:28
aqau_inter_flymwe: but i stil have my ethernet plugged in, should i unplug that?10:29
erUSULsoundray: no problem10:29
mweaqau_inter_fly: yeah maybe so just to be sure it's using the wifi10:29
aqau_inter_flymwe: ok i'll be back in a minute if i get discconnected10:30
tanlaandoes anyone know of a good p2p client for ubuntu ppc?10:30
stofttanlaan, what p2p network?10:31
mrDanielI am learning c/c++, which i find very interesting, but know I git a compiler-error I don't under stand: http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/2348/10:31
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humanpersonmantanlaan, azureus is good for bittorrent10:31
mrDanielwhere is the problem in this code?10:31
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tanlaanstoft: what ever limewire runs :D10:31
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humanpersonmantanlaan, frostwire10:31
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erUSULtanlaan: i use mldonkey do not know if here is a ppc version though. amule is nice too10:31
stofttanlaan, apt-cache search gnutella (iirc)10:32
azurealisnt there some prog like easyubuntu ...can't remember... that'll quickly download codecs for you?10:32
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tanlaanhumanpersonman: im pretty sure i tried that, but ill try again10:32
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Psykusissue: parts of my gnome UI are not refreshing correctly...example is right now in xchat, the background is completely black except for the areas behind the text, gaim stops refreshing sometimes too, leaving black areas where my contact list would be, especially when I don't have the window in focus10:32
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.10:32
unclescary101what is a good music file conversion tool for ubuntu?10:32
SickaIf someone knows a thing or two about network printing I could sure use some help10:32
RopechoborraHow to delete a directory with files in it ?10:32
aqau_inter_flymwe: okay its obviously not working10:33
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mweRopechoborra: rm -rf10:33
ardchoilleI love Linux! I unplugged my PS/2 mouse, plugged in a USB mouse and didn't even have to log out :)10:33
mweRopechoborra: careful though10:33
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azurealmwe: is that what i'm looking for?10:33
mweRopechoborra: there is no way to restore the files10:33
=== Sebo [n=sebastia@p54A31DB2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
liran_im wondering, how are those interactive bootsplashes are created...? im talking about the logo with the progress bar...10:33
humanpersonmantanlaan, you can download the .deb file from here http://www.frostwire.com/ assuming you want it10:33
SickaI can't seem to connect to my network printers10:33
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows10:33
mweaqau_inter_fly: it was. I thought you were here with another computer10:33
unclescary101what is a good music file conversion tool for ubuntu?10:33
=== catnip [n=catnipu@user-0vvdd8f.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
aqau_inter_flyno...im just using ethernet10:34
mweaqau_inter_fly: is the ethernet called eth0?10:34
satemplerand soundkonverter10:34
=== jughead [n=jughead@c-69-180-252-120.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
aqau_inter_flyi don't know10:34
cbx33whos good on classical music here10:34
mweaqau_inter_fly: type ifconfig10:34
_jpierrecbx33: Hit me.. What's the question ;)10:34
mweaqau_inter_fly: what happened, did you reboot?10:34
unclescary101what is a good music file conversion tool for ubuntu?10:34
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tanlaanhumanpersonman: ok ill download it, but could you refresh me on how to run a .deb file ^.^10:34
satemplerunclescary101: did you see my post10:34
cbx33_jpierre, the fil beethoven, what is the beethoven piece that is the main theme?10:35
aqau_inter_flymwe: yes it is called etho010:35
aqau_inter_flymwe: and no i didn't reboot10:35
humanpersonmantanlaan, you should be able to double click it and have it install with gdebi or if you want to just open a terminal and type sudo dpkg -i filename10:35
erUSULunclescary101: sound-converter for a gui10:35
mweaqau_inter_fly: just eth0 I think ?10:35
satemplerunclescary101: mp32ogg and soundkonverter10:35
tanlaanhumanpersonman: ok sweetness thx, hopefully it works10:35
=== Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
satemplerthose are the package name i mentioned10:36
=== adwr [n=Thomb@c-956170d5.012-147-6b736810.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
aqau_inter_flymwe: yoeah your right10:36
mweunclescary101: I like audacity10:36
mweaqau_inter_fly: all right10:36
unclescary101audacity doesnt help me because i need to batch them there are too many for single conversion10:36
=== boingolov [i=nunya@c-68-53-87-210.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
aqau_inter_flyshould i get onto this chat on a different computer and unplug eth0 from my computer10:37
geandoes any1 have good or bad experiences with installing or upgrading to Ubuntu  6.06 ?!10:37
aqau_inter_flymwe: because there is another computer sittig right next to me10:37
unclescary101by the way satempler i tried soundkonverter didnt work for me10:37
erUSULunclescary101: you can always use a bash script10:37
unclescary101yea im not quite there10:37
mweaqau_inter_fly: you need to ifconfig eth0 down. that will bring down this connection. then close irc. then try ping yahoo.com. if it works come back. if not bring up eth0 with ifup eth010:37
satemplerok well mp32ogg converted my 17GB of music10:37
AngryElfwhat would cause my screensaver to be all choppy-like?10:38
mweaqau_inter_fly: wait10:38
tanlaanhumanpersonman: umm do i need to download the ubuntu on, the linux one, or the mac osx one?10:38
boingolovdoes anyone know which package contains the man pages for system functions , fork() for instance, all that jazz?10:38
mweaqau_inter_fly: I mistyped10:38
tritiumboingolov: should be manpages-dev10:38
tanlaanhumanpersonman: cause the ubuntu one is for i58610:38
=== someothernick [i=someothe@pool-72-85-202-78.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
aqau_inter_flyifconfig eth0 up?10:39
mweaqau_inter_fly: ifdown eth0. that will bring down this connection. then close irc. then try ping yahoo.com. if it works come back. if not bring up eth0 with ifup eth010:39
humanpersonmantanlaan, oh didn't realize it was for 586, perhaps download the tarball and compile it10:39
fortran01AngryElf, slow system?10:39
aqau_inter_flymwe: okay, got it10:39
tanlaanhumanpersonman: ok10:39
=== hoehaver [n=john@cyrlokhed01-pool0-a187.cyrlok.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
boingolovthank you tritium10:39
AngryElffortran01, it's worked before on this system10:39
hoehaverhey, does anyone know of a video converter for ubuntu?10:40
hoehaverim trying to convert AVI's to mpeg10:40
tritiumhoehaver: transcode10:40
boingolovcool, looks like manpages-posix would ge a good one to grab too :)10:40
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hoehaveris it in synaptic?10:40
tritiumboingolov: yeah, that would be good too10:40
tritium!info transcode10:40
ubotutranscode: Utility to encode raw video/audio streams. In repository multiverse, is extra. Version 2:1.0.2-0.0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 14123 kB, installed size 42172 kB10:40
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humanpersonmanhoehaver, avidemux10:42
humanpersonman!info avidemux10:42
ubotuavidemux: a small editing software for avi (especially DivX). In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1:2.1.2-0.0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 2607 kB, installed size 6756 kB10:42
mweaqau_inter_fly: so?10:43
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aqau_inter_fly_mwe: everything is working10:46
aqau_inter_fly_mwe: thank you so much for helping i am so happy i have been trying to get this to work for about a month now10:46
mweaqau_inter_fly: great now you need to store the settings10:46
mweaqau_inter_fly: it wont work at next boot yet10:46
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aqau_inter_fly_mwe: okay but i kind of need to hurry because i have to be to work in 15 mins10:47
mweaqau_inter_fly: open gnome-nettol and enter the settings basically. easy now10:47
mweaqau_inter_fly: just do when you have the time10:47
aqau_inter_fly_mwe: where is gnome-nettol?10:48
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mweaqau_inter_fly: just type it in a console. but it is also in settings somewhere10:48
aqau_inter_fly_mwe: System>Administrtaion> Network Tools?10:48
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mweaqau_inter_fly: yeah I think so or type gnome-nettol in a terminal10:49
tritiumaqau_inter_fly_: System->Administration->Networking10:50
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sorush20how do I reconfigure my xserver again please?10:50
vitryit is possible to clean all the system, to compile again, having compiled with ./configure make and make install10:50
tritiumsorush20: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:50
aqau_inter_fly_mwe: No i found it10:50
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mweaqau_inter_fly: yes10:50
tritiumvitry: "all the system"?10:50
sorush20thanks I wish there was a gui way.. last time i typed that in was a few months ago.. tritium10:50
tritiumsorush20: suppose there was a gui way, but you couldn't get into X...10:51
aqau_inter_fly_mwe: if i change it to DHCP, will it automaticcaly configure my setting, cuz that is what it is setup as in windows10:51
hoehaverdoes transcode convert from AVI to MPEG??10:51
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mweaqau_inter_fly: yes10:51
hoehaveri need to double check10:51
hoehaveri mean...do yo uknow forsure it does10:52
aqau_inter_fly_mwe: okay thanks so much10:52
mweaqau_inter_fly: provided the key and essid are correctly typed there10:52
vitryonly the old compilation10:52
mweaqau_inter_fly: yw10:52
aqau_inter_fly_ic56: and you too if your still here10:52
vitryfor example qemu10:52
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ic56aqau_inter_fly_: yw!10:52
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tritiumvitry: please explain your question more clearly10:53
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vitryI want clean the old qemu compilation10:53
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tritiumvitry: you installed the ubuntu qemu package, or not?10:53
haldoris there a gui to tell me how much space is left on my drives?10:53
vitrybecause it is broken10:53
jugheadIs there a way to monitor cpu temps in gnome?10:53
v1peri think there's kdf10:54
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v1perbut you could also try df, haldor10:54
jacksonhey guys. I'm trying to upgrade my nvidia drivers using nvidia's installer and when I go through everything and gdm start it returns the error "API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has the version 1.0-8762 but this X module has the version 1.0-8756" any ideas?10:54
vitryno, I do ./configure make and make install10:54
tritiumvitry: why don't you use the ubuntu package?10:54
vitrybecause i want kqemu accelerator10:54
haldorvlper: thanks :)10:54
v1pernp =)10:54
tritiumhaldor: System->administration->disks10:54
vitrycan I clean it?10:55
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Sandickanyone know how can i view a FAT32 formatted USB Drive ?10:56
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HymnToLifeSandick, just mount it :p10:56
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse10:57
Sandickthanks :)10:57
tritiumSandick: you should be able to see it when you plug it in10:57
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jacksonhey guys. I'm trying to upgrade my nvidia drivers using nvidia's installer and when I go through everything and gdm start it returns the error "API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has the version 1.0-8762 but this X module has the version 1.0-8756" any ideas?10:59
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Sandicktritium: after plugging it in, i can see it in Places > Computer, but when I try to access it, it says "Unable to mount the selected volume.  The volume is probably in a format that cannot be mounted."10:59
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tritiumjackson: that's why we want you to use the ubuntu packages10:59
SandickI assumed it was because it couldn't read the FAT32 file system10:59
chapiumHi guys, I'm trying to run winecfg, and I have this error when setting up my drives:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1854011:00
jugheadIs there a way to monitor cpu temps in gnome?11:00
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trev__ok, i need text to speech and the internet says i need the package speechd but it isn't in synaptic11:01
rohanwhat is the name of gnome tool thats the frontend to gconf  ? had some red icon of a car with a spanner11:01
rohancant find it in the dapper meny11:01
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Juhazrohan, gconf-editor?11:03
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ubotuI know nothing about gconf - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:04
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trev__does anyone here know about festival?11:05
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tritiumtrev__: what about it11:05
darkowlhow can i compile kernel 2.6.2 ?11:06
trev__how do you make it actaully make noice11:06
tritiumdarkowl: why would you do that?  it's old...11:06
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stefgdarkowl: you don't want that11:06
trev__i think i need a frontend for it?11:06
phaedrus44so if i bought a doman name way out on the world wide web..can i put up a name server on my home computer to point the doamin to?11:06
tritiumtrev__: do you want to set it up as a screen reader, or what?11:06
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darkowl<tritium> well acording to my cat /proc/version im using 2.6.15-26-38611:06
rohanc'mon guys11:06
gatekeeperdarkowl: there is a kernel compile howto on the ubuntu forums, probable worth checking out11:06
tritiumtrev__: or would you just like to play around with it?11:06
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rohanit was called gconftool2 or something11:06
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tritiumdarkowl: right, and 15 > 211:07
trev__i need text to speech for a game11:07
zoredachephaedrus44, yes you sould be able to do that, check to make sure you ISP isn't blocking web traffic though11:07
rohanwhich had a list of all apps in the left, and top right the settings and bottom right the description11:07
trev__so i need to link the game file to it which is easy to do11:07
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rohanpeople called it the gnome equivalent of windows registry11:07
phaedrus44how do i check  zoredache?11:07
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tritiumtrev__: check the docs in /usr/share/doc/festival11:08
zoredacheread the TOS, or contact their support.  Most ISPs say that you either can't or shouldn't run 'servers'11:08
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Q3ManI'm having a problem with apache2-mod-perl2.. it seems to just print my perl scripts instead of running them....11:08
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Riyonukare there any more desktop enviroments other than gnome?11:08
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johnny_cany anyone help me with setting up a network?11:08
IseeIseehow do you run an MP3 ?11:08
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johnny_or direct me to a good document11:08
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment. For more info see http://kubuntu.org ; to install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop11:09
ubotuXubuntu is Ubuntu with XFCE, for more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop11:09
IseeIseeit says I do not have the decoder installed the play the file11:09
tritium!mp3 > IseeIsee11:09
fr500johnny_: what you wanna do?11:09
gatekeeperjohnny_: linux or mixed network?11:09
johnny_i'm trying to network two laptops11:09
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trev__ok, so do i have to install anything to set up a reader b/c the web said you need festival and another program to do it,(imusing it for the unreal tournament 2004, the linux version has a area to use a exteranl reader)11:09
johnny_with crossover cable11:09
Riyonukonly 3/11:09
tritiumIseeIsee: mp3s are not "run" (they're not binary executables)11:09
johnny_and i have no idea how11:10
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT11:10
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ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSClientHowTo and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSServerHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.11:10
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tritiumjohnny_: if they're both linux, you don't need or want samba.  Just standard tcp/ip11:10
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johnny_how do i set it up11:10
neraleshi !!11:11
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gatekeeperjohnny_: if you want to network 2 linux machines then use nfs as above11:11
neralesanyone can help me ith wireless11:11
tritiumgatekeeper: um, no11:11
RiyonukXubuntu is for old pc's?11:11
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs with Broadcom Specifics at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper11:11
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B1zznot really Riyonuk11:11
neralesi have a ubuntu 6.06 on a asus laptop11:11
B1zzit can be used on new pcs too11:11
zazeemPLEASE HELP i get this  error after restarting x after installing nvidia drivers, when i restart my computer the last time it stayed in some console mode so i had to reinstall ubuntu, how do i make it not die? when i do  glx gears it says zazeem@zazilla:~$ glxgears11:11
zazeemXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".11:11
zazeemError: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual11:11
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gatekeepertritium: um yes, only samba with windows11:12
neralesand wireless is working bad11:12
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tritiumgatekeeper: nfs is for networked filesystems.  He's asking for networking11:12
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geanQuestion : PLEASE HELP ME! have an iso-cd containing ubuntu-6.06-alternate.iso, cd-volume-name is "21 Jul 2006", how can i explain it to my non-x ubuntu bad upgraded system ?11:12
Riyonukwell it says "which makes it ideal for old or low-end machines"11:12
stefg!nvidia > zazeem11:12
johnny_gatekeeper, if i'm using an ethernet crossover cable and im using my dsl modem on a usb will i be able to get on the internet?11:12
B1zzwell it is11:12
zazeemstefg: i did all that11:13
B1zzbut like i said you can use it on newer machines11:13
tritiumjohnny_: no, nfs will in no way help you get internet access11:13
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B1zzits not as bloated as Kubuntu and Ubuntu11:13
Riyonukis gnome like an installed program? Im free to uninstall it and try something else out?11:13
stefgzazeem: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx11:13
tritiumRiyonuk: you can install other desktop environments, sure11:13
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tritiumzazeem: did you not use ubuntu packages?11:13
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johnny_so while the computers are networked i wont be able to get on the internet tritium ?11:14
gatekeepertritium: I see where you are coming from :-) penny has just dropped11:14
RiyonukI like linux then, theres a lot of programs and there all free11:14
tritiumjohnny_: you will, but nfs has nothing to do with it11:14
ubotuI know nothing about ics - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:14
tritiumgatekeeper: no worries, buddy :)11:14
zazeemubuntu packages?11:14
skavengefirstarter is the best way to setup ICS imo11:14
tritiumjohnny_: there are a few guides, such as one on tldp.org on networking worth a read11:14
johnny_well if the default connection is set to the internet connection and not the network will that f anything up tritium ?11:14
zazeemtritium: what do you mean?11:14
tritiumzazeem: yes, for nvidia11:14
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto11:14
tritiumzazeem: ^^11:14
zazeemtritium: ya i did that11:15
Riyonukwhat was that document on seeing what modems work with ubuntu?11:15
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tritiumzazeem: please use ubuntu packages, and not nvidia.com installers11:15
gatekeeperjohnny_: not using or got access to a router?11:15
zazeemtritium: last time i did that i restarted comp and it stayed in console and said somthing about x cant start cause11:15
johnny_will i have to have one?11:15
zazeemtritium: i am11:15
tritiumzazeem: that doesn't require a reinstall, by the way11:15
rohanwell. i will be more direct. i have mounted cd-roms and hard disk partitions. their icons appear on desktop. how do i prevent those from appearing /11:15
zazeemtritium: well im too nub to know how to get out of it11:15
Imme-emosolHi, can anyone help me out with this:11:15
Imme-emosolimme@wonderland:~$ gaim11:16
Imme-emosol*** glibc detected *** malloc(): memory corruption (fast): 0x0848f648 ***11:16
zazeemhow do i get out of console when that occurs?11:16
tritiumjohnny_: no, you can use crossover cable, and setup packet forwarding on one11:16
stefgzazeem: no use in reinstalling... linux is not windows... you just miss the point11:16
tritiumImme-emosol: use pastebin next time please11:16
Riyonuklol man theres a lot of questions11:16
zazeemtritium: well im too nub to know how to get out of it11:16
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tritiumzazeem: that's no problem.  Just keep it in mind for next time11:16
Allen_hey everybody11:16
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zazeemtritium: how do i get out of it if it happens again/11:16
Imme-emosoltritium: k, I thought 3 lines wouldn't be a prob,11:16
johnny_i just want to move some files from one laptop to the other11:17
tritiumzazeem: you can always revert back to the "nv" driver in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf (rather than "nvidia")11:17
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johnny_is nfs best for that?11:17
tritiumImme-emosol: yeah, not a big deal.  Thanks :)11:17
zazeemtritium: i installed ubuntu nvidia packs i still have no splash either11:17
Allen_I am looking for some help with my x configuratioin also11:17
gatekeeperjohnny_: think you can do it if you read up on what tritium suggested, but having a router and using either ethernet or wireless just makes life easier11:17
zazeemtritium: i need them for games11:17
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tritiumjohnny_: yes, gatekeeper is right.  It makes it a easier.11:18
Allen_how can i tell ubuntu my resolution and monitor specs form the command line?11:18
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tritiumAllen_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and input them at the proper prompt11:18
StyXmanImme-emosol: did you compile your own gaim?11:18
Imme-emosoltritium: nope11:18
charlesJacobshey guys I'm using the repo nvidia-glx drivers and glxinfo returns several lines of "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"." any ideas?11:18
rohani have mounted cd-roms and hard disk partitions. their icons appear on desktop. how do i prevent those from appearing /11:18
Allen_what format should I put the demetiions in?11:18
rohanalso, is there any ubuntu dapper deb for http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=39179 ?11:18
Riyonukis it possible to browse the linux area on windows and vice-versa?11:18
gatekeepertritium: ought to be that is what I am using :-)11:18
kooti got problem with installing some xml module in perl: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18541, it cant find libxml2 but i got it installed what is wrong??11:19
skavengeRiyonuk: yes11:19
tritiumcharlesJacobs, zazeem:  it's starting to sound like a bug has popped up.  Was nvidia-glx recently updated?11:19
johnny_what is ldap?11:19
tritiumgatekeeper: :)11:19
StyXmancharlesJacobs: check you xorg.conf. see if it loads the GLX module11:19
Imme-emosoltritium: But I should say I have some other issues to, so maybe I should have to reinstall ubuntu after all... :(11:19
stefgntfs > Riyonuk11:19
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charlesJacobsStyXman: yeah it's loading the glx module11:19
charlesJacobstritium: yes I just installed it11:19
tritiumImme-emosol: reinstall?  This is not windows, amigo...11:19
zazeemtritium: ihow do  check11:20
StyXmancharlesJacobs: then maybe it is not using the nvidia driver11:20
zazeemtritium: i just updated it and it aid i have newest11:20
Riyonukskavenge: how?11:20
tritiumzazeem: yes, but was it recently updated (do you recall?)11:20
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rohani have mounted cd-roms and hard disk partitions. their icons appear on desktop. how do i prevent those from appearing /11:20
charlesJacobsStyXman: it is. I get the nvidia splash and it supports my resolution unlike nv and vesa11:20
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Imme-emosoltritium: No, I know, but some guy told me so, 'cause I upgraded from 5.10 to 6.06... :S I didn't see the point, but it becomes clear a bit now...11:20
johnny_what name do i give in the /etc/host11:20
StyXmanwhat does /var/log/Xorg.0.log say?11:20
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zazeemtritium: i dont know, i had 130 updates i installed when i installed ubuntu a hour ago11:21
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Riyonukcause if I cant get internet working on ubuntu, I wanna drag linux files to the ubuntu partion11:21
Riyonukis that possible?11:21
tritiumImme-emosol: upgrading is possible too, though.11:21
tritiumzazeem: ah11:21
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skavengeRiyonuk: you can mount ntfs in linux, and windows has drivers now to read ext2/3 (linux) ..11:21
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stefgRiyonuk: waht kind of coonection are you on?11:21
Imme-emosoltritium: Yeah, okay. So what does the error I did not pastebin mean?11:21
Riyonukwhat are they called?11:21
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RiyonukI must have them11:21
charlesJacobsStyXman: (II) LoadModule: "glx"11:21
charlesJacobs(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libglx.so11:21
charlesJacobs(II) Module glx: vendor="NVIDIA Corporation"11:21
charlesJacobscompiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.876211:21
charlesJacobsModule class: X.Org Server Extension11:21
charlesJacobsABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.111:22
charlesJacobs(II) Loading extension GLX11:22
johnny_can someone help me with setting up nfs11:22
enoso I have been scrwing around with things like deborphan and debfoster.  I have removed something bad and now my system is slower than it should be.  does anyone think it would be okay to go out of x and remove gnome and everything and install xubuntu?11:22
tritiumcharlesJacobs: pastebin!!!11:22
skavengethats windows nonsense i have no idea11:22
charlesJacobstritium: ah thanks. I'd forgotten that site11:22
gatekeeperskavenge: if you look on the ubuntu forums there are howto's to also write to ntfs partitions11:22
zazeemtritium: any idea? :(11:22
rohani have mounted cd-roms and hard disk partitions. their icons appear on desktop. how do i prevent those from appearing /11:22
ubotuI know nothing about pmount - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:22
skavengegatekeeper: yeah i know, he wants to drag files from windows onto linux though11:22
zazeemtritium: i dont know what restricted modules are needed, i have 2 installed11:22
tritiumzazeem: not off hand.  You've looked at your /var/log/Xorg.0.log for error messages?11:22
stefgstupid bot!11:22
zazeemtritium: no11:23
tritiumzazeem: they need to match your running kernel in version number11:23
zazeemtritium: how?11:23
tritiumzazeem: open it up with an editor, and read it11:23
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zazeemtritium: k11:23
rohanubotu: ping11:23
pgavinwhat's a good newsreader that doesn't crash every 5 seconds? (like thunderbird, I mean)11:23
Imme-emosolubotu: pong11:23
gatekeeperskavenge: fair enough, can just do that with konqueror11:23
ubotuI know nothing about pong - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:23
skavengepgavin: pan maybe11:23
McNutellathunderbird doesnt crash every 5 seconds :D11:23
enoabridged: can I remove gnome _completely_ and and install XFCE?  I don't run gdm.11:24
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pgavinskavenge: its been a while since I used that one, I'll try it again11:24
skavengegatekeeper: from window to linux, like he wants to be running windows and drag it onto the linux partition11:24
McNutellapgavin, maybe its your setup11:24
Riyonukstefg: was that for me?11:24
pgavinMcNutella: it does over here, every time11:24
sloucherpgavin: pan is a full featured newsreader11:24
CappOcan anyone please help me, i have ubuntu hoary version , want to install ndiswrapper for my wireless card but at the make install i get an error, something of Can't find kernel build files in /lib/.... can anyone please tell me what to do :s11:24
pgavinMcNutella: if my setup is wrong, It should tell me11:24
johnny_can anyone help me setting up nfs?11:24
pgavinMcNutella: a crash doesn't help me fix it :)(11:24
McNutellaIve been using thunderbird for years, non-stop in this system, its stable as a rock!11:24
_marshallok everybody, i want to know what your favourite gnome music players are11:24
tritiumCappO: ndiswrapper is available as as package11:24
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McNutellapgavin, why should it tell you if you have set it up wrong? go figure :)11:25
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stefgrohan: you have to call gconf-editor and set the key apps-natilus-desktop-volumes_visible to no (uncheck)11:25
pgavinMcNutella: umm, good usability?11:25
enoI guess no one knows... I am going to go ahead with the operation then11:25
CappOtritium, what do yoy mean ? like apt-get .. ?11:25
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mALmEN!! speedtoutch11:25
ubotuI know nothing about ! speedtoutch - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:25
McNutellatry a simple reinstallation, that usually has the best results after mistakes, pgavin11:25
CappOsorry but i'm just starting out11:25
gatekeeperskavenge: dual booting no, different machines on the network yes11:25
sloucher_marshall: xmms - old but sounds the best to me11:25
tritiumeno: you can install XFCE with "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop"11:25
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pgavinMcNutella: I'm using it on ubuntu.  I never used it before11:25
pgavinMcNutella: before today, that is11:26
McNutellapgavin, as in using add/remove11:26
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skavengegatekeeper: i already answered his question, and yes you can on a dual boot11:26
_marshallsloucher: cool11:26
johnny_can someone help with nis11:26
Imme-emosolAnyone else in here who has had trouble getting into tty1[-6]  consolemode by Ctrl+Alt+F1[-6] ? (ubuntu 6.06)11:26
johnny_i have no clue what to do11:26
enotritium: I am going to blow away gnome first!11:26
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tritiumCappO: yes!11:26
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skavengegatekeeper: hence the ext2/3 drivers  for windows11:26
zazeemhow do i edit my xorg cfg?11:26
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McNutellapgavin, a fresh ubuntu install has a great version of thunderbird on it, stable.. I reckon youve been pressing buttons ;)11:26
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fr500johnny_: what do you need?11:26
mooeyhi, i'd like to know where files stored in the trash basket are kept?11:26
tritiumeno: as you wish11:26
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FunnyLookinHatImme-emosol, Don't you mean to do Control+Alt+F6?11:26
stefgquestion to answer ratio approaching infinity alert!11:26
skavengemooey: .Trash in your userdir11:26
mohadibapt-cache search kernel-source only finds a 2.4 kernel11:27
_marshalldoes anybody use ekiga here?11:27
gatekeeperskavenge: yes I know you can dual boot, talking at cross purposes I think, don't worry about it11:27
fr500mooey: .Trash11:27
Riyonukstefg: that link didnt really tell me anything11:27
mohadibwhat pkg should i search for for 2.6 kernel sources?11:27
johnny_fr500, how do i know what ip address to use for the server and clients?11:27
CappOtritium, can you please elaborate ? how is this command apt-get install ndiswrapper ?11:27
bahadirtguys I need a little help on postfix. port 25 rejecting connection11:27
tritiummohadib: you want linux-source, not kernel-source packages11:27
mohadibahh , thanks11:27
johnny_to put in the /etc/hosts.allow ?11:27
StyXmanmohadib: linux-source-2.6.x11:27
tritiumCappO: which release are you runnign?11:27
pgavinMcNutella: I fresh installed when 6.06 came out, like a 1.5 months ago.  thunderbird was installed today.11:27
Imme-emosolFunnyLookinHat: That's also one.11:27
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Imme-emosolFunnyLookinHat: that's for tty611:27
slouchermooey - it's .Trash - it's a hidden file in your home directory11:27
FunnyLookinHatImme-emosol, and it isn't working?11:27
fr500johnny_: you said crossover cables, there is no server and client, just peers11:27
FunnyLookinHatImme-emosol, oh and you dont want tty611:27
Imme-emosolFunnyLookinHat: nope11:27
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mwehow do you use dd to backup a usb pen including the partition table and everything?11:27
rohani have mounted cd-roms and hard disk partitions. their icons appear on desktop. how do i prevent those from appearing /11:27
johnny_well how do i set this up fr500 ?11:27
RJporraHey i AM a beginner into linux world .. can sobe body help me  with this problem ? BUFFER I/O ERROR ON DEVICE dm-0 : LOGICAL BLOCK11:27
RJporraHey i AM a beginner into linux world .. can sobe body help me  with this problem ? BUFFER I/O ERROR ON DEVICE dm-0 : LOGICAL BLOCK11:27
Imme-emosolFunnyLookinHat: I do, i want any tty11:28
pgavinMcNutella: ok, as you suggested, I've apt-get remove mozilla-thunderbird && apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird11:28
mALmEN** speed11:28
CappOtritium, i'm running an older version, 5.04 hoary11:28
pgavinMcNutella: lets see if it works11:28
s_spiffany1 tried xbmps here for a amd64?11:28
tritium!info ndiswrapper hoary11:28
ubotuPackage ndiswrapper does not exist in hoary11:28
fr500johnny_: both pcs are ubuntu?11:28
fivreRJporra: where fo you get this error?11:28
phaedrus44anyone know how to setup BIND9 on ubuntu?11:28
mALmENanyone know anything about speedtouch modem ?11:28
mooeysloucher, got it - thanks11:28
StyXmanRJporra: that error appears when you tri to do what?11:28
FunnyLookinHatImme-emosol, and I expect that you've tried F1-F6...   have you tried searching ubuntuforums.org?11:28
mALmEN!! speedtouch11:28
ubotuI know nothing about ! speedtouch - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:28
Imme-emosolFunnyLookinHat: Nope, not yet.11:28
zoredachephaedrus44: 'sudo apt-get install bind9'  after that create your zones and update the named.local11:28
CappOtritium, hoary is the only version i can install on my older p3 laptop, the newer version hangs while installing :(11:28
tritiumCappO: lsb_release -a says you're running hoary?11:29
fr500johnny_: ok, set pc1 with address and mask pc2, same mask, ip 192168.1.2, you can set that in the system-administration-networking applet11:29
zoredache*named.conf.local* rather...11:29
skavengei fell off my dinosaur last time i was running hoary, i'd suggest an update11:29
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phaedrus44hehe...can you walk me through it zoredache?  i know im asking a lot11:29
fr500johnny_: no clue about networking?11:29
johnny_under the dns tab fr50011:30
Imme-emosolFunnyLookinHat: By the way may icons on the desktop also do not show up. :D11:30
CappOtritium, yes11:30
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rohanam i coming loud and clear, here ?!!!!11:30
FunnyLookinHatImme-emosol, try searching there, just about any problem I have heard of is on there...11:30
johnny_i've only had ubuntu for a couple weeks11:30
FunnyLookinHatImme-emosol, well Gnome doesn't use any icons by default when you fresh install11:30
RJporraHey i AM a beginner into linux world .. can sobe body help me  with this problem ? BUFFER I/O ERROR ON DEVICE dm-0 : LOGICAL BLOCK11:30
RJporraHey i AM a beginner into linux world .. can sobe body help me  with this problem ? BUFFER I/O ERROR ON DEVICE dm-0 : LOGICAL BLOCK11:30
tritiumCappO: okay, I guess you don in fact have to compile is, sorry11:30
tritiumRJporra: stop repeating!11:30
StyXmanRJporra: that error appears when you try to do what?11:30
fr500johnny_: not under dns, in the connection tabs, ethernet connection11:30
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RJporrainstall ubuntu11:30
Imme-emosolFunnyLookinHat: Ah, okay.11:30
fr500johnny_: double clic the icon and set the parameters, accept and activate11:30
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stefgRJporra: broken harddisk, i assume11:31
eugmanTritium, I think porra is in a cave or auditorium. The echos in there aqre horrible.11:31
StyXmanRJporra: aha. whic hardware?11:31
Imme-emosolFunnyLookinHat: So how do I turn on using the icons on my desktop?11:31
fr500johnny_: be sure to select the enable chckmark11:31
tritiumeugman: heh11:31
johnny_its enabled11:31
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RJporra80gb sata11:31
fr500and did you set the ip addresses?11:31
mALmENcan help me to set speedtouch on ubuntu ?11:31
CappOtritium, that isn't easy for a beginner, right ?11:31
=== McNutella is away: ZZZZZzzzzzz...
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fr500johnny_: and did you set the ip addresses?11:31
zoredachephaedrus44: actually I was about to leave... you might find (http://langfeldt.net/DNS-HOWTO/BIND-9/) useful though11:31
tritiumCappO: no, you'll need to install build-essential, and linux-headers-$(uname -r)11:31
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FunnyLookinHatImme-emosol, well, you can create one by right cleaning and going New-Whatever....  but you'll find all of you applications in your Apps menu in the top left11:32
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eugmanmALmEN, I can't ;however, have you done a search in the forums?11:32
profoX`do ralink rt2500 wireless network cards work with ubuntu dapper drake? or what was the problem again?11:32
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bernouliwhat should i do so that my firefox can play sound on flash object?11:32
phaedrus44thanks a million zoredache  you good help11:32
=== Riyonuk needs list of modems that work with ubuntu
mALmENwas saying to i install firmware11:32
johnny_yes fr50011:32
mALmENthats be realy needed ?11:32
johnny_do i leave the gateway slot empty?11:32
StyXmanRiyonuk: any external would do11:32
CappOtritium, this sounds really confusing, how do i begin with this ? or is this just too much to explain ?11:32
fr500johnny_: now accet and select the ethernet icon, and clic activate11:32
Imme-emosolFunnyLookinHat: I dump downloaded files there so...11:32
bernouliis it normal in ubuntu that firefox cant play sound?11:32
FunnyLookinHatImme-emosol, and they aren't showing up???11:32
fr500johnny_: yeah, doesnt care for this11:32
tritiumCappO: seen this:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper ?11:33
FunnyLookinHatImme-emosol, oK they should be that's very strange.11:33
FunnyLookinHatImme-emosol, what version of ubuntu11:33
profoX`bernouli: wait a sec11:33
Imme-emosolFunnyLookinHat: 6.0611:33
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skavengebernouli: flash in linux has horrible sound support, theres workaround on ubuntuforums.org ..11:33
RiyonukI dont have an external11:33
Riyonukits internal PCI11:33
profoX`bernouli: open up the file /etc/firefox/firefoxrc with an editor like gedit: sudo gedit /etc/firefox/firefoxrc11:33
MoocassoHi there guys :)  I've got a bit of a hardware issue.  I'm using an MX1000 mouse, which I can get working without too much trouble, the problem is, when it's working, if I disconnect it (since it's a laptop and I don't use the mouse everywhere) then I get a problem that the X server fails to start, and I have to copy the backup11:33
johnny_ok fr50011:33
profoX`bernouli: change the DSP thing to "aoss"11:33
gatekeeperbernouli: this what you are after? http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Flash_Player_.28Macromedia_Flash.29_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox11:33
johnny_do i do that on both laptops?11:33
FlannelRiyonuk: there's a hardware compat list on the wiki11:33
CappOtritium, thank you gonna read it now11:33
johnny_same ip and everything?11:33
tritiumCappO: good luck :)11:33
profoX`Bergcube: and install: sudo apt-get install alsa-oss11:33
FunnyLookinHatImme-emosol, Hmm... that's really very strange.   Try opening a console for me and typing this command11:34
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fr500johnny_: i gave you parameters for both pcs11:34
profoX`bernouli: and install: sudo apt-get install alsa-oss11:34
StyXmanRiyonuk: ah, I thought you meant to buy a new one11:34
FunnyLookinHatImme-emosol, pico Desktop/test.txt11:34
fr500johnny_: same actions dif parameters11:34
profoX`bernouli: it'll work flawless then11:34
johnny_sorry it scrolled to fast11:34
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johnny_what was the 2nd?11:34
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fr500johnny_: ok, set pc1 with address and mask pc2, same mask, ip 192168.1.2, you can set that in the system-administration-networking applet11:34
profoX`gatekeeper: no that's not the right answer11:34
profoX`gatekeeper: that doesn't stop the sound problem11:34
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fr500johnny_: errr i missed a dot11:35
profoX`bernouli: did you follow my advice?11:35
johnny_its ok11:35
johnny_is that it?11:35
bernouliprofoX`, yes, i am doing11:35
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bernouligatekeeper, i have macromedia plugin, only no sound, but i am trying profoX` way11:35
gatekeeperprofoX`: I wasn't sure if all he was after was the plug in hence it was a question to some degree11:35
zOaphow do I prevent nautilus from starting? I tried killing the process but it keeps restarting.. I don't use nautilus for my file browsing..11:35
johnny_fr500, how do i move files across it now?11:36
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gatekeeperbernouli: good plan :-)11:36
profoX`bernouli: okay :) flash uses oss by default, but that is old, and it wants the soundcard for itself when using the oss kernel module emulation, with aoss you can work around that problem11:36
Riyonukis this what Im looking for? http://www.fs-driver.org/index.html11:36
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Imme-emosolFunnyLookinHat: So my terminal-windows crasht... :S :P11:36
Imme-emosolFunnyLookinHat: What did you want me top type again?11:36
bernouliprofoX`,  yes, it plays the sound, thanks a lot11:36
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FunnyLookinHatImme-emosol, pico Desktop/test.txt11:36
Imme-emosolFunnyLookinHat: -p11:36
profoX`bernouli: you're welcome ;)11:36
profoX`flash sucks though..11:36
Moocassoanybody have any ideas for my issue?  :)11:36
profoX`bernouli: can you try something out for me with flash?11:36
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bernouliprofoX`, just want to listen something from youtube :)11:37
fr500johnny_: you can do various ways, easiest would be to install openssh-server on both and install via gnome-vfs11:37
FunnyLookinHatImme-emosol, it will bring up an editor, type some random text and do Control + X, when prompted to save hit y and then hit enter11:37
bernouliprofoX`, sure11:37
profoX`bernouli: a webpage always crashes on me in firefox, a flash website..11:37
bernoulilet me see11:37
profoX`bernouli: can you try if it works for you ? wait.. im going to find it11:37
fr500johnny_: or install samba11:37
profoX`bernouli: (alot of flash sites crash btw, thats the problem)11:37
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johnny_samba is installed11:37
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johnny_how do i move files from pc1 to pc211:37
fr500johnny_: configuring samba is difficult11:38
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Imme-emosolFunnyLookinHat: Sorry, again... :S :(   pico Desktop/???.txt11:38
fr500for noobs11:38
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profoX`bernouli: http://www.popcap.com/gamepopup.php?theGame=diamondmine click "play simple" and then sytart playing the game, the first correct move will freeze firefox... does it freeze or does it work ? thanks for testing!11:38
fr500try openssh-server better, i have a neat way11:38
FunnyLookinHatImme-emosol, pico Desktop/test.txt11:38
Kibouflash is evil..11:38
FunnyLookinHatImme-emosol, we're just creating a test file11:38
profoX`Kibou: i agree..11:38
fr500johnny_: also, can you ping from pc1 to pc2's ip address and viceversa?11:38
Imme-emosolah okay. :P11:38
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Imme-emosolFunnyLookinHat: done that11:38
johnny_how exactly?11:39
Riyonukskavenge: is this what Im looking for? http://www.fs-driver.org/index.html11:39
johnny_ping the 192 address?11:39
skavengeRiyonuk: i dont run window i have no idea11:39
profoX`bernouli: by the way, you are lucky that youtube listened to my mail, otherwise the sound in youtube would be broken when you tried to change volume in the youtube player :) but they fixed it today..11:39
fr500johnny open a console and from pc1 type ping and viceversa11:39
charlesJacobshey guys I'm using the repo nvidia-glx drivers and glxinfo returns several lines of "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"." any ideas? here's my /var/log/Xorg.0.log http://pastebin.com/75439811:39
johnny_yea its pinging11:39
cs99008Anyone using the PPC version of LTS here?11:39
bernouliprofoX`, yes i can play11:39
haldorprofoX: crashed for me too after 3 moves11:39
FunnyLookinHatImme-emosol, ok now is there a file on your desktop?11:39
Imme-emosolFunnyLookinHat: nope11:40
fr500johnny_: ok11:40
profoX`haldor: always crashes on the first move here11:40
gatekeeperprofoX`: me too11:40
fr500then install openssh-server11:40
RJporranobody got this error in installation of ubuntu ? buffer I/O error on device dm-0 : logical block  p.s = hd sata11:40
RJporranobody got this error in installation of ubuntu ? buffer I/O error on device dm-0 : logical block  p.s = hd sata11:40
profoX`seems to be a problem with ubuntu11:40
skavengeRiyonuk: at a quick glance yeah it looks right, i dont know how it works though i was just told about it11:40
profoX`on archlinux it works fine..11:40
profoX`and with epiphany-browser + flash it works too11:40
profoX`maybe it's time for a bug report ..11:40
FunnyLookinHatImme-emosol, crap I have no idea...  Try re-installing completely with the CD, if that doesn't fix I have no idea11:40
skavengeprofoX`: how is epiphany anyway?11:40
Imme-emosolFunnyLookinHat: when I do cd Desktop         ls       The file is there amongst others...11:40
profoX`Skaven: i don't know, i normally don't use epiphany11:41
RiyonukIm gonna look at the ubuntu wiki11:41
profoX`skavenge: * sorry11:41
Riyonukif I can find it11:41
Imme-emosolFunnyLookinHat: That's what I said, a re-install.11:41
Imme-emosolFunnyLookinHat: Just like windows. :D11:41
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skavengeprofoX`: ah okay, i've just heard about it ppl say its pretty lightweight11:41
gatekeeperprofoX`: you do a clean install of dapper?11:41
Riyonukhmm Im being told I should create a fat32 instead of using that?11:41
profoX`gatekeeper: yes11:41
bernouliprofoX`, i can play it without any problem11:41
geanQuestion : PLEASE HELP ME! have an iso-cd containing ubuntu-6.06-alternate.iso, cd-volume-name is "21 Jul 2006", how can i explain it to my non-x ubuntu bad upgraded system ? E.G. mount /cdrom works and recognizes the ubuntu*.iso file... How can i upgrade from it ?!11:41
profoX`skavenge: it seems to be more light than firefox yes11:41
bernoulihave moved up to 10 move11:41
profoX`bernouli: when using firefox ?11:42
johnny_on both fr500 ?11:42
bernouliprofoX`, yes, i only use firefox11:42
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FunnyLookinHatImme-emosol, That's very strange....  sorry yo uhave to do this reinstall  : (11:42
skavengeRiyonuk: if you have space for a win32 partition to share files yeah thats pretty easy, thats what alot of ppl do to share files between the two11:42
fr500johnny_: on the one you want to get files from at least11:42
goatmalecan anyone help me configure wine?11:42
micahcowangean: your cd /contains/ the ISO? The ISO is supposed to be used as theimage for the CD...11:42
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profoX`bernouli: strange.. strange.. can you do "about:plugins" in the address bar and tell me what plugins and what versions of the plugins you are running, but don't flood the channel on my account :P11:42
fr500johnny_: but it all apt-get install openssh-server11:42
cs99008Question: Is it possible to access the Mac OSX filesystem (HFS+) from a LiveCD booted PPC Ubuntu 6.06 LTS ?11:42
fr500you should do both11:42
Riyonukso they all use that drive then?11:42
Imme-emosolFunnyLookinHat: :P11:42
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geanbernoulli : do u have any idea how to compute bernoulli numbers (math) say modulo 157 ?!11:42
charlesJacobshey guys I'm using the repo nvidia-glx drivers and glxinfo returns several lines of "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"." any ideas? here's my /var/log/Xorg.0.log http://pastebin.com/75439811:42
Riyonukor do they just make a fat32 partion for there files?11:42
gatekeeperprofoX`: Clean installed then I just added flash, java & the firefox plugins no problem (at least not yet)11:43
Imme-emosolFunnyLookinHat: thanks anyway.11:43
johnny_well i'm on the internet on this one and i only have one usb slot for internet11:43
Flannelgean: is the iso burned as an image? or did you burn the iso file itself? (when you open the cd, do you see the iso file?11:43
johnny_so i'll have to switch11:43
Imme-emosolFunnyLookinHat: bye11:43
skavengeRiyonuk: they just make a new fat32 partition to share files between both OSes11:43
MoocassoI don't suppose anyone has an idea for my issue?11:43
haldorprofox`: konquerer plays fine with it using flash so seems to be a firefox issue11:43
profoX`gatekeeper: firefox and what plugins are you running in about:plugins ?11:43
goatmalecan some one PM me and help me configure wine?11:43
Riyonukahh you could have just told me to do that11:43
johnny_and when i want to use my ethernet for internet again do i just change it back to dhcp fr500 ?11:43
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profoX`haldor: yes epiphany runs fine too with flash11:43
bernouliprofoX`, how can i copy paste the config?11:43
profoX`seems to be a ubuntu-firefox-flash problem11:43
FlannelRiyonuk: you can use samba to share files, easily enough.11:43
fr500johnny_: yes11:43
Flannel!tell Riyonuk about samba11:43
profoX`bernouli: www.pastebin.ca :)11:43
johnny_ok openssh is installed on this one11:43
johnny_how do i move files11:44
geanFlannel : win* burned it as an iso, i can mount the cd in my /cdrom and see the file ubuntu-etcaetera.iso !11:44
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skavengejohnny_: mv11:44
bernouliprofoX`, i mean, how can i copy all the config, should i do it one by one?11:44
Flannelgean: then you need to burn it correctly then11:44
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goatmaleCan anyone help me configure wine?11:44
skavengegean: it didnt get burned as an iso then11:44
johnny_just mv file ?11:44
geanFlannel : all the troubles after reboot after new kernek + upgrades installed !11:44
profoX`bernouli: what do you mean ? the about:plugins, doesnt that just give you a list with the plugins + versions ?11:44
johnny_is there any way to do it with a gui so i can mv alot a files at once?11:44
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micahcowanMoocasso: do you have your regular laptop "mouse" enabled, in addition to the USB one?11:44
Riyonukok...thats a little too complicated11:44
bernouliprofoX`, ahh, ok, i did about:config, sec11:44
Riyonukill stick with making a fat3211:44
Flannelgean: your iso isn't really a ubuntu CD, you need to reburn it, correctly11:45
skavengejohnny_: drag and drop with nautilus then11:45
charlesJacobshey guys I'm using the repo nvidia-glx drivers and glxinfo returns several lines of "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"." any ideas? here's my /var/log/Xorg.0.log http://pastebin.com/75439811:45
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johnny_how skavenge11:45
Moocassomicahcowan: I tried that, every time I do x server fails to start :P11:45
stefggoatmale: /j #wine11:45
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johnny_dont i need to set up a shared folder or something?11:45
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Flanneljohnny_: with what? ftp? samba? what?11:45
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Riyonukjust by having a linux file on windows doesnt like encode it wrong or anything does it?11:45
micahcowanMoocasso: even if you have the other mouse plugged in?11:45
johnny_to another computer with crossover11:45
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FlannelRiyonuk: no.  Did you read the samba page?11:46
Moocassomicahcowan: the other mouse is a touch pad :P11:46
mwepartimage seems really cool. I think it is succesfully creating a perfect mirror image of my mp3 player :)11:46
ubotuFor multimedia codecs, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies | For multimedia applications, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultimediaApplications11:46
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micahcowanMoocasso: right. but the MX-whatever-it-was.11:46
Ubunagjoin #xubuntu11:46
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:46
micahcowanMoocasso: what I'm asking is, with the regular mouse plugged in, can you configure the touchpad to work?11:46
Moocassomicahcowan:  Oh!  Yes, I was using it during the whole process11:46
bernouliprofoX`,  http://pastebin.ca/9529311:46
johnny_fr500, how do i move files to the other computer now?11:46
karlin ubuntu, where is the asound.state file saved after an "alsactl store" is performed? ie, i'm trying to load backuped defaults, and need to overwrite the file so that I can do it, but don't know where it is saving it to.11:47
Riyonukyes...I had to do all these commands in ubuntu...which requires me to be connected to the internet...which i cant...thats why Im doing this in the first place, so I can download my stuff from windows and drag them over to ubuntu11:47
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geanFlannel : The Win* mashine cannot do that... i cannot unpack it in Win* or burn it as an iso... BUT: the help.ubuntu page tells me something about: sudo moount -t iso9660 ubuntu-6.06-alternate-i386.iso /cdrom -o loop ; # command line does not work...11:47
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Moocassomicahcowan: I don't know if I tried that for sure or not O.o  I'll try it out, thanks!  :)11:47
charlesJacobshey guys I'm using the repo nvidia-glx drivers and glxinfo returns several lines of "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"." any ideas? here's my /var/log/Xorg.0.log http://pastebin.com/75439811:47
bernouliprofoX`, and i am still playing :)11:47
skavengegean: theres a thousand programs to burn it properly in windows, download one11:47
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Flannelgean: it'll be easier to just burn as an image, and yes, windows can do that.  I don't know how though.  But, it'll be a LOT easier to just burn as an image instead of dealing with mounting as an image.11:48
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RJporranobody got this error in installation of ubuntu ? buffer I/O error on device dm-0 : logical block  p.s = hd sata11:48
RJporranobody got this error in installation of ubuntu ? buffer I/O error on device dm-0 : logical block  p.s = hd sata11:48
fr500johnny_: ok11:48
stefgRiyonuk: very inefficient startegy.. get your ubuntu connected. I'll ask again: what kind of connection are you on?11:48
gatekeeper!pastebin > gatekeeper11:48
cs99008Is there an IRC channel for PPC specific discussions?11:48
haldoranyone using kde? can't get sound from flash using konqeurer11:48
fr500johnny_: select the places menu/connect to server on the detination11:48
skavengecs99008: #ubuntu-ppc?11:48
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karlRJporra, bad hard drive/cd drive/cd11:48
karlin ubuntu, where is the asound.state file saved after an "alsactl store" is performed? ie, i'm trying to load backuped defaults, and need to overwrite the file so that I can do it, but don't know where it is saving it to.11:48
Riyonukstefg: im on dial-up11:48
Flannelhaldor: you might have better luck at #kubuntu11:48
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haldorflannel: cheers still now to all the help thats available11:49
gatekeeperprofoX`: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1854411:49
stefgRiyonuk: waht kind of modem do you have?11:49
Riyonukand I new that was a bad strategy...but lets say I want to listen to my music in ubuntu? I dont want to re-download it11:49
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fr500johnny_: service type ftp, server, server pc's ip address, username and password you should know, and folder /home/username11:49
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profoX`bernouli: its a pretty fun game.. lol.. my mom is addicted to the real version bejweled 2 deluxe, i can't run it on linux with cedega/wine and the gnome version is crappy (gweled) ... so my mom doesn't want to have ubuntu.. she doesn't want anything besides windows for herself....11:49
geanskavenge : i'm in the math institute, they have no money and all restrictions... (No installed soft, but no chance to install my own) I was thinking of apt-cdrom from the iso version...11:49
stefgRiyonuk: what kind of modem do you have?11:50
skavengegean: ouch that stinks ..11:50
Riyonukstefg: lucent win modem11:50
stabby-Hello im using ubuntus X with FGLRX drivers with my Ati Radeon X800 PCI-E and whenever i go to console my computer freezes Completely and i have to restart. Can anyone help?11:50
bernouliprofoX`, lol11:50
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto11:50
PacketScanprofoX`, give her ubuntu and point her to flasgames.com  She be extatic..  well my mum was :d11:50
RJporrakarl : but the hard driver works well in windows and i checked the m5sum of ubuntu iso11:50
RJporrakarl : but the hard driver works well in windows and i checked the m5sum of ubuntu iso11:50
johnny_what port fr500 ?11:50
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phaedrus44someone help me with telnet before i pull my hair out? ..please?   i wont look good bald11:50
Riyonukaww man now I gotta write that whole thing down...11:50
bernouliprofoX`, can that information from my plugin help you?11:50
fr500johnny_: leave it as is11:51
profoX`bernouli: you are running an older version of the flash plugin than i am.. but gatekeeper, you are running the same version as me.. yours didn't crash either right?11:51
RJporrakarl : there is a incompatibility with my sata hd and ubuntu ?11:51
RJporrakarl : there is a incompatibility with my sata hd and ubuntu ?11:51
stabby-Hello im using ubuntus X with FGLRX drivers with my Ati Radeon X800 PCI-E and whenever i go to console my computer freezes Completely and i have to restart. Can anyone help?11:51
PacketScanwho turned on echo?11:51
karlquit double posting11:51
stefg!winmodem > Riyonuk11:51
profoX`PacketScan: no, she wants bejeweled 2 deluxe and nothing else -_-', besides, flash support kinda sucks :)11:51
charlesJacobshey guys I'm using the repo nvidia-glx drivers and glxinfo returns several lines of "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"." any ideas? here's my /var/log/Xorg.0.log http://pastebin.com/75439811:51
gatekeeperprofoX`: well so far so good :-)11:51
Blissexstabby-: nothing surprising there unfortunately, recent drivers versions have that fixed in most cases though. Check the /topic of #ATI11:51
micahcowanphaedrus, what problem?11:51
johnny_says it could not display fr50011:51
RJporrakarl : sorry11:52
skavengeRiyonuk: for listening to music on a windows share your better off trying to run samba, unless you want to copy all of it over to a fat32 partition and have doubles of everything11:52
stabby-Blissex thank you11:52
profoX`bernouli: don't think so :( don't know what the problem is.. gatekeeper has no problems and he is running the same flash plugin version11:52
fr500johnny_: san u ssh to the other pc? (ssh 192.168.1.otherpcnumber)11:52
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Riyonuksamba link?11:52
nnanyone got experience with using ubuntu and CAC based logins?11:52
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skavenge!samba > Riyonuk11:52
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Riyonukthank you11:53
RiyonukIm gonna make it work now11:53
johnny_i'm sorry i dont follow fr50011:53
goatmaleis there a program for ubuntu that works as good as wine?11:53
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT11:53
skavengeRiyonuk: fat32 is the easier option, where samba makes more sense, thats kind of up to you11:53
micahcowanphaedrus44, what problem?11:53
fr500johnny_: man you are beyond noob, open a console and type what i told it should ask for some key thing11:53
johnny_sorry i read that wrong fr50011:53
Riyonukthis makes no sense11:53
RJporracan u guys read pvt messages?11:53
sipnayone knows how can i register my nick?11:53
goatmalesamba can run windows apps?11:54
phaedrus44telent   returns with connection refused ...  but    telnet,   telnet>open 80   works11:54
Riyonukif Im trying to configure a way to get to the internet...how do they expect me to download that tool?11:54
Flannelgoatmale: no.11:54
Blissexsip: /msg NickServ help11:54
XVampireXgoatmale, same is just a networking application11:54
phaedrus44why doesnt      telnet  work?11:54
skavengesip: /msg nick register passwd11:54
XVampireXgoatmale, samba^11:54
sipBlissex, tks11:54
goatmalecan any programs run windows apps?11:54
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goatmaleother then wine.11:54
Flannelgoatmale: wine can11:54
johnny_ok fr50011:54
phaedrus44micahcowan:   thanks you for reply btw11:54
XVampireXgoatmale, yeah, crossover office11:54
goatmaleI think I broke wine :(11:54
skavengegoatmale: wine, or if you wanna pay crossover office / cedega11:54
Flannelgoatmale: so, uninstall and reinstall.11:54
XVampireXgoatmale, and cedega11:54
micahcowanphaedrus: telnet means telnet to port 23, whereas telnet ... 80 means telnet to port 80.11:54
goatmaleI did11:55
stefgRiyonuk: you already know that you need the lucent driver11:55
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goatmaleusing syanaptic11:55
Riyonukwell yes11:55
RiyonukI think11:55
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micahcowanphaedrus: port 23 means you have to have a telnet daemon running. This is usually not enabled on any linux/unix distros by default, as it allows unencrypted logins to a system.11:55
phaedrus44micahcowan:  actually  telnet 80       does work...is it bad that i have to add port?11:55
micahcowanport 80 is the web server.11:55
sipi did but nothing happen...11:55
johnny_i type in the password and it says it could not display fr50011:55
micahcowanwhat is it that you want to be able to do with telnet?11:55
Riyonukso does that only tell you what driver you have?11:55
Riyonukand since I already know11:55
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Riyonukis there like a list somewhere?11:56
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malukhow can i get a conexant modem working in 64bit dapper?11:56
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fr500johnny_: did you open the console and did what i said?11:56
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sipBlissex, Skavenge,  i did but nothing happen...11:56
nnno ideas?11:56
fr500johnny_: what did it say?11:57
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skavengesip: /msg nickserv help11:57
nnOh well, time to get drunk11:57
Blissexsip: probably your IRC client opened a new tab/window for that.11:57
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skavengenn: amen to that11:57
sipSkavege, i`ll try again...11:57
johnny_RSA key fingerprint is ca:52:ed:cf:56:2b:3e:bf:fb:67:c0: b9:fe:6a:fb:a8.11:57
johnny_Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? y es11:57
johnny_Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the li st of known hosts.11:57
johnny_johnny@'s password:11:57
phaedrus44micahcowan:  i am trying to setup  BIND911:57
Riyonukhow would making a fat32 partion, putting my music on there, double them?11:57
Blissexsip: or it put the response in the server thingie.11:57
skavengesip: listen to Blissex, do you have another tab open next to the #ubuntu window?11:57
tritiumjohnny_: please don't paste here11:58
nnskavenge: i want my smartcard logins working.. i really wanna stuff my ssh key on my smartcard or some such..11:58
micahcowanphaedrus: okay... I'm not sure what you need telnet for to do that?11:58
sipahhhh i get it11:58
johnny_thast what it says fr500 then it goes back to the command line11:58
fr500johnny_: then type yes11:58
phaedrus44uh...i am reading this...   http://langfeldt.net/DNS-HOWTO/BIND-9/DNS-HOWTO-2.html11:58
charlesJacobshey guys I'm using the repo nvidia-glx drivers and glxinfo returns several lines of "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"." any ideas? here's my /var/log/Xorg.0.log http://pastebin.com/75439811:58
=== Pupeno [n=pupeno@dslb-088-072-217-186.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
fr500and then try the connect to server thingy again11:58
skavengenn: ssh is beyond me lol, i dont even bother im sure i'd pull my hair out11:58
johnny_i did11:58
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nnskavenge: i've got ssh working fine, but i'd like to have a way to use my Army CAC card to login to my ssh hosts11:59
johnny_it just goes back to the prompt11:59
nnthat way i dont have to bring my keys with me or remember a password just my CAC pin #12:00
skavengethat'd be cool12:00
micahcowanphaedrus: that HOWTO seems a little broken. There is no good reason for you to set up a telnet server for your box. Without one, telnetting to it will of course not work. I'll check ahead to see if they actually rely upon it in the document.12:00
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CappOtritium, are you still here ?12:00
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nni had it working on debian12:00

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