
stoftyes: mine is set to arts engine12:08
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AppleSuxThanks guys I am gonna try Amarok 1.412:09
gatekeeperAppleSux: stoft got mine set to xine engine12:09
stoftAppleSux: I had problems getting it to run with the xine engine, with the arts engine it works fine.12:09
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AppleSuxgatekeepr- yeah i do to but its not working12:09
stoftcheck out the faq though, they mention the xine engine there.12:09
stofthmm... just tried switching, xine works fine, oh well. :D12:11
user-landblissex, who should i contact for this ?12:12
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Blissexuser-land: ah that's a difficult question.12:12
haldorjust figured the flash sound and konquerer problem out. goto settings -> configure konquerer -> plugins -> tick the box "Use artsdsp to pipe lugin through aRts12:13
Blissexhaldor: ah yes, that works around it.12:14
user-landblissex, why ? do they hide ?12:15
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Blissexuser-land: no more because it is a very specific and particular combination.12:16
stofthaldor: good work12:17
haldorstoft: slowly getting used to the way linux works. always seems to be a way to do it, just have to be patient12:18
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Blissexhaldor: the big issue is that there are user-level and admin-level tasks. Too many users try to do admin-level tasks that would not dare to do in MS Windows.12:21
haldorblissex: I dare anything in windows. that was the joy. break and fix. thats how I learn. and also how I am learning in linux. everything can be undone as long as you remember what it is you did so you can undo it. not worried about breakages, thats the fun of it all12:23
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Blissexhaldor: read manuals and books :-)12:23
Smoophhaldor: get a live12:24
ironfroggywhat do i need for easy use of a scanner?12:24
user-landblissex, who could i start with ?12:25
Smoopha scanner and a driver would be good for a start12:25
ironfroggyhave both12:25
Blissexuser-land: Google? :-)12:25
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Smoophor wiki12:25
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stoftanyone here a konqueror user, that knows how to "tab through" the links of a page?12:31
ironfroggyumm... hit tab?12:32
MidMarkh3sp4wn: ping12:32
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MidMarksomeone that has encountered k9copy bug?12:34
MidMarkthat produce >4,4 GB dvd?12:34
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HawkwindNot here.  I use it all day everyday and it works perfectly fine here12:34
stoftdoh. is there a way to make it more controlled, so I don't have to go through all the links to get to the one I want?12:34
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MidMarkHawkwind: k9copy 1.0.2?12:35
HawkwindMidMark: Yep12:36
user-landblissex, you talked as if you knew people, now it sounds like a game ?12:37
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user-landhi Hawkwind :-)12:37
MidMarkHawkwind: this strange I've produces ONE dvd and it's bigger than 4,4 GB, also in the changelog it say it was fixed a size problem in 1.0.312:37
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SimAtWorkmy kubuntu box died12:38
SimAtWorkso i moved the hd over to an diff box12:38
SimAtWorkeverything works except the network12:38
SimAtWorkhow can i get it to redect the network and set it up again?12:38
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HawkwindSimAtWork: kcontrol -> Network Settings12:38
LinuxN00bHey guys, I need some help12:38
SimAtWorkit doesn't see any network cards12:38
SimAtWorki tried using modprobe12:39
SimAtWorkbut to no avail12:39
LinuxN00bokay well, I've got this crappy computer that used to have Kubuntu on it, but then I took it off...Then yesterday I decided to reinstall it. So I manualy set up partitions and I hit "finish and write to disk" and It goes up to a random percent and locks up12:40
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LinuxN00bI've used the Desktop and Alternitive ISO, same thing happened12:41
LinuxN00band I burned 'em at 1X12:41
SimAtWorkLinuxN00b: can you go to konsole and use dmesg12:42
SimAtWorksee if ther is anything there12:42
LinuxN00bKubuntu isnt even installed12:42
LinuxN00bIt locks up when writing the partitions on install12:43
LinuxN00bOh, and Kubuntu live doesnt work12:43
LinuxN00bI'm starting to think its the computer12:43
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LinuxN00bargh, I g2g12:44
h3sp4wn_LinuxN00b: try running memtest86 over night12:44
LinuxN00bsend anything to help to Sk8kidK@hotmail.com12:44
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HawkwindCome in, aks a question then have to leave12:45
HawkwindNot a great way to get help :P12:45
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diego_clis flash 7 the newest plugin for linux ?!?!12:48
h3sp4wn_diego_cl: Yes12:49
diego_clis there a better way to run it than the default way?   i cant change the volume from youtube videos12:50
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intelikeyit's not in kde.   it's in xorg.    KRAPP!12:52
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diego_clintelikey: are you talking about flash ?12:53
aegeanlinuxdiego_cl: Flash 9 is comming at the end of the year.12:53
diego_clahh  good12:53
aegeanlinux(well, a beta anyways ;) )12:54
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intelikeydiego_cl no  the /root bug in X12:55
aegeanlinux /root bug?12:55
intelikeyyes X uses /root as a swap dir12:56
intelikeyor tmp dir12:56
intelikeythis is the first release that has done that.12:56
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intelikeyit changes the permissions of /root to world readable and writes it's tmp file in /root12:57
aegeanlinuxdang. That is stupid.12:57
intelikeyi thought it was just in kde but it's not.  it's in xorg.12:57
intelikeytell me.12:57
aegeanlinuxIs the new KDE out yet? I am starting to get restless lol12:58
intelikeyalso if you rm /root it makes a new one.  'with world readable perms.    and if you rm /root and ln -s /dev/null /root then kde/twm/*window manager*/  fails and aborts.12:59
aegeanlinuxis this Xorg 7.1 ?01:00
intelikeyso all the sockets and authority files have to be in /root/ and /root has to be world readabe.01:00
diego_clwhich is the lightest distribution from linux?01:00
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h3sp4wn_diego_cl: openwrt01:00
intelikeyaegeanlinux what ever the latest dapper package is.01:00
aegeanlinuxdiego_cl:  dang small linux ;)01:00
diego_cli find kubuntu as heavy as windows xp01:01
h3sp4wn_diego_cl: I am using edgy with enlightenment DR17 and it run's really fast01:01
diego_clis edgy a distro?01:01
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aegeanlinuxintelikey:  7.0,01:02
h3sp4wn_diego_cl: Its the development branch of ubuntu01:02
aegeanlinuxdiego_cl: No, it's a codename01:02
aegeanlinuxdiego_cl: like "Longhorn"01:02
=== aegeanlinux coughs loudly
=== aegeanlinux is guessing diego_cl understands now ?
intelikeyaegeanlinux yes.01:04
intelikeyX Window System Version 7.0.001:04
intelikeyRelease Date: 21 December 200501:04
intelikeyX Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 7.001:04
aegeanlinuxintelikey: I am working on compiling Xorg 7.1, but I have 7.0 now, and I don't have that issue01:04
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intelikeyaegeanlinux do you have 7.1 ?01:04
aegeanlinuxNot yet, I have 7.001:04
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intelikeywhen you get 7.1 setup please test and see if it's using /root/ also,    we consider that a bug.01:05
aegeanlinux[tim:~] $ cd /root/01:05
aegeanlinuxbash: cd: /root/: Permission denied01:05
aegeanlinux[tim:/] $ ls -la | grep 39\ root01:06
aegeanlinuxdrwxr-x---   32 root root  4096 2006-07-19 18:39 root01:06
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intelikeyshould be   d--------- 32 root root 4096 `date`  root01:08
brk3hi, this is a pretty stupid question but i just installed kubuntu and was wondering if someone could tell me what package I need to install to let amarok play mp3s?01:08
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:08
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LinuxN00bokay im back01:09
LinuxN00bI ran the Memtest for like 5 minutes, already like 500,000 errors01:09
brk3im stuck on dialup so cant really download the full codec package.. usually theres just a package such as libmad to install no?01:09
LinuxN00bthats not a good sign01:10
brk3wait i see: libxine-extracodecs01:10
joshpiwrong text box01:11
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ironfroggyinstalled on a laptop, how can i enter sleep and hibernation modes?01:13
LinuxN00bokay well, I've got this crappy computer that used to have Kubuntu on it, but then I took it off...Then yesterday I decided to reinstall it. So I manualy set up partitions and I hit "finish and write to disk" and It goes up to a random percent and locks up01:13
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LinuxN00bI've used the Desktop and Alternitive ISO, same thing happened and burned em at 1X01:14
intelikeybrk3 you can dl the full codec package.   it's not that big.   and   dl one time then cp to disk.  save for future use.01:14
HawkwindLinuxN00b: memtest needs to run for hours and hours.  12 - 16 hours if possible01:14
intelikeyoh i missed the exit....01:14
LinuxN00bokay, but whats up with the 500,00 errors?!01:14
LinuxN00b*500,000 errors01:15
ironfroggyHawkwind: seriously? i let it run for half an hour and it said it was around 10% done01:15
HawkwindLinuxN00b: No idea.  Put them into http://pastebin.ca for us to see01:15
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Hawkwindironfroggy: That won't tell you much.  The longer you can let it run, the better01:15
intelikeyif it's already finding errors.  there is no need in running it any longer...01:15
ironfroggyHawkwind: then whats the percentage for?01:15
ironfroggyi mean, what does it keep doing after hitting 100%?01:15
Tm_Tnext step01:16
LinuxN00bokay so there are a crap load of errors....no what?01:16
LinuxN00b*now what?01:17
ironfroggyanyway, has anyone here setting scanning in KDE?01:17
ironfroggyive installed the drivers i need, but i cant figure out how to actually scan anything. ive got kooka open, but it doesnt seem to be aware of my scanner.01:17
Tm_TLinuxN00b: give the url to us please ;)01:17
LinuxN00buhh for what?01:17
ironfroggyLinuxN00b: for the pastebin of the errors01:17
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Tm_Toh my01:17
LinuxN00byeah its not on this computer that im doing it01:18
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ironfroggytype them01:18
intelikeysware.   and k3b can't find any suitable writer....   what kind of crap is this ?01:18
LinuxN00bHey, im really sorry for being a n00b, and i know when i am.....how do i type the errors?01:18
ironfroggywith the keyboard...01:19
LinuxN00bit just has "errors" and under them it says like "5000000"01:19
intelikeyLinuxN00b i would assume 5000000  to be an address.01:20
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LinuxN00bwell it goes up01:20
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LinuxN00bi stopped running it01:20
LinuxN00bbut when i run it the number goes up01:20
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intelikeyit tests  0000001 0000002 0000003...  ?01:21
ironfroggyuh huh... well obviously you arent going to pastebin all 500,000 errors anyway.01:21
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intelikeymemory addressing01:21
LinuxN00bthe number under "Errors" are the how many errors there are01:22
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LinuxN00boh, and when I go to the "configure01:23
intelikeyso your memory puked out over half a million errors on the first pass....    and will that box boot at all ?01:23
LinuxN00bit boots fine01:23
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LinuxN00bbut when it go to "configure" and then "advanced options" it says "Chipset Not supported!"01:24
DeshHi, I would like to recompile my kernel to take out mtrr. how wouldI do this?01:24
||Trayer|| I got UT2004 running, though I needed to run it in Sudo.  Now though, For some reason, It refuses to launch in sudo. Are there any other commands I could use?01:24
intelikeyanyone on the team here ?01:25
OOD||Trayer||:There's no reason for you to be running it as root01:25
LinuxN00bany answers to my question?01:26
||Trayer|| OOD: Yes, there is actually.  Unless I run it in Sudo it gets a acess error and can't find the game engine.01:26
||Trayer|| And, the reason why I'm getting the error is because "trayer is not in the sudoers file.", and I'm required to run visudo, though, it says permission denied.01:27
intelikey any clue why k3b would fail to find an scsi cd writer ?01:28
intelikeyisn't sudo fun !!!01:28
||Trayer|| So my question, How can I allow visudo to run?01:28
OOD||Trayer||: i had it running in normal user privelages without any sort of problem at all, did you install it to your home directory?01:29
intelikeytrayer run it as root.    that means if you can't login as aggount that can run sudo then reboot to single user mode and fix it.01:29
||Trayer|| OOD: Nah, Installed to /usr/local/games/ut200401:29
OOD||Trayer||that could be why01:30
||Trayer|| Intelikey: How would I log into my root account to change my sudo to allow "trayer" to use it?01:30
intelikeyeven to fix permissions on /usr/local/games/* you need to be root01:30
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:31
LinuxN00b1,300,000 errors so far...01:31
LinuxN00b0 passed01:32
intelikey||Trayer|| like i said.    if you don't have a root passowrd or you don't have an adminestrator account that you can login to then reboot.  start in single user mode and fix it.01:32
||Trayer|| Intelikey: How would one do that?01:32
Deshwhat kernel version would be best for an AMD64 running 32bit UBuntu.01:32
intelikeyit would depend on the "one" i guess.01:33
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jhak88hi there, how do I add more packages to the adept installer? My friend on ubuntu has like 11000 packages!!01:34
||Trayer||Re-Installing kubuntu and not effing it up it is!01:34
jhak88i just did an install01:34
jhak88there were no package options....?01:34
aztunjhak88: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic01:35
intelikeygenerally the three fingered salute will reboot.  and the boot menu most likely contains an option to boot to 1  if not just add   1  to the kernel line that the boot loader does have.        when you get root access  do the visudo and fix your sudoers file....01:35
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jhak88ill look thanks aztun01:35
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LinuxN00bwill anyone here help me?! 1,600,000 errors!01:36
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ironfroggyok i got my scanner stuff configured (i thought) properly, and i opened kooka, which asked me if i wanted to use the scanner it found, and i selected it. only when it actually opened, its complaining there is no SANE installation. so how would it have found the scanner?01:38
HawkwindLinuxN00b: It's obvious you have bad ram.  Replace it and move on01:39
LinuxN00bI dunno....I had kubuntu installed a month ago01:40
LinuxN00bi havnt done ANYTHING since01:40
HawkwindLinuxN00b: Again, replace your RAM01:40
HawkwindIf memtest errors then that tells you what you need to do.  You could be way past this by now01:40
HawkwindWhen it errors it means your RAM is bad.  If you had replaced it already you could be installing an OS01:41
LinuxN00bHow much does new RAM cost for a really cheap kind?01:42
satafterhhow much ram you ahve01:42
KyralDepends on capacity01:42
HawkwindDepends on the type your system requires01:42
HawkwindDoesn't matter how much you have01:42
HawkwindYou buy what your system requires01:42
KyralI can get a stick of 512 MB PC3200 Corsair ValueSelect for 44 US01:43
LinuxN00bIts a crap computer, Ill take anything over 51201:43
satafterhit matter how many stick he has, he could take one out and try it, and i wasnt talking to you01:43
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HawkwindLinuxN00b: You have to know what KIND OF RAM IT TAKES01:43
I_Died_Oncewhere can i find a copy of my boot log?01:43
LinuxN00bwhat takes? Sorry for being a n00b...01:43
HawkwindLinuxN00b: There are hundreds of types of RAM.  You have to know what kind your PC takes01:43
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HawkwindYou don't just buy RAM and it work all the same01:44
LinuxN00bso what types are there?01:44
HawkwindLinuxN00b: Hundreds of types01:44
HawkwindLinuxN00b: You need to pull the RAM from YOUR pc and see what kind it is01:44
Tommy2k4look on corsair.com it has a wizard to help u find out what ram u need01:44
I_Died_OnceLinuxN00b: whats the make and model of your computer?01:44
satafterhif you have two moduals take one out. also might try to set the defaults in the bios and try that. all so reseat the ram, you can also try cleaning the contacts with an eraser01:45
BKajyou can DL a small utility that Ids your hardware without physically having to pull the memory out01:45
I_Died_OnceWhere is the bootup log on Kubuntu?01:45
LinuxN00bModel: SE440BX2-ATX-PIII60001:46
BKajjust google hardware identifiers01:46
diego_clquien habla espaol??01:47
diego_clhola, sabes configurar el samba para compartir carpetas ?01:48
ubotuI know nothing about espanol - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:48
LinuxN00bno, perdona me01:48
diego_clbuuu   bueno01:48
diego_clhow can i share folders with samba without asking for password?01:49
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.01:51
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abattoirdiego_cl: :)01:53
diego_clwhats the command to change the channel?01:53
abattoir /join #kubuntu-es01:53
abattoiror just click on it01:53
diego_clabattoir: thanks!01:53
abattoirdel nada :P01:53
Tommy2k4how can i make it save session on logout and use it again when i login01:53
diego_clabattoir: by the way... do you know how to share folders ?01:53
Tommy2k4i disabled it but want it back now01:53
abattoirdiego_cl: right click on the folder -> Properties -> Sharing options(or something) ?01:54
LinuxN00boh and I have one mor question: How did the RAM get so screwed?01:54
diego_clabattoir: im shating a folder, but i cant see it trough windows, because my linux pc ask for autentication01:54
abattoirTommy2k4: Kcontrol -> KDE Components -> Session Manager01:54
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:55
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abattoirdiego_cl: ^^^ maybe that would help?01:55
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Tommy2k4ty abattoir01:55
abattoiror rather Session management...01:55
abattoirTommy2k4: np01:55
LinuxN00bSo how did my ram get messed up?!01:56
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tomabecause you where statical charged when inserting them. Or you touched the copper, or parts of the sun or it was bad memory to start with, or something else...01:58
=== z00m [n=z00m@host81-155-79-155.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
I_Died_Onceanyone know where I can find a copy of my boot-up log?01:59
z00manyone got metasploit installed ?01:59
z00mtrying to run it and keep getting this message01:59
tomaI_Died_Once: try "dmesg"01:59
z00m.../usr/bin/env: ruby: No such file or directory01:59
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abattoirz00m: install ruby01:59
abattoir!info ruby02:00
uboturuby: An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.8.2-1 (dapper), package size 18 kB, installed size 96 kB02:00
z00mabattoir i just tryed to install 1.902:00
z00mit installed but still not workin02:00
abattoirz00m: well, even if you did, the path to the executable wasnt set02:00
abattoirany special reason you need 1.9 ?02:01
z00mhow do i do that ?02:01
abattoirelse i'll suggest installing from the repos02:01
z00mno i just chose that because it was the lastest02:01
z00minstalling ruby1.8 now02:02
abattoirz00m: you installed a deb? or installed from a source package?02:02
abattoirok, good :)02:02
z00mfrom adept manager02:02
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abattoirremove the old one, if you can02:02
z00mz00m@64BitBox:~/framework-3.0-alpha-r3$ ./msfweb02:02
z00m/usr/bin/env: ruby: No such file or directory02:02
abattoirz00m: you installed ruby from adept ?02:03
tomaz00m: do a `which ruby`02:03
abattoirz00m: apt-cache policy ruby says it is installed ?02:03
abattoir'apt-cahce policy ruby'02:03
abattoirtoma, the ruby package ?02:04
abattoir!info ruby02:04
uboturuby: An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.8.2-1 (dapper), package size 18 kB, installed size 96 kB02:04
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abattoirtoma: that's not the right package?02:04
z00m  Installed: (none)02:04
z00m  Candidate: 1.8.2-102:04
z00m  Version table:02:04
z00m     1.8.2-1 002:04
z00m        500 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main Packages02:04
tomaabattoir: never mind02:04
z00mis that correct ?02:05
z00mInstalled: (none)02:05
abattoir!info ruby1.802:05
uboturuby1.8: Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby 1.8. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.8.4-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 183 kB, installed size 268 kB02:05
abattoirz00m: you have that installed? ^^^^02:05
tomawhat happens with a apt-cache info ruby1.802:06
tomawhat happens with a apt-cache policy ruby1.802:06
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z00mi have ruby1.802:07
z00minstalled in adept02:07
z00malso euby1.8dev02:07
tomapaste the output of:  apt-cache policy ruby1.802:07
abattoirz00m: try executing 'ruby' in the cli02:07
z00mz00m@64BitBox:~/framework-3.0-alpha-r3$ ruby02:08
z00mbash: ruby: command not found02:08
z00m  Installed: 1.8.4-1ubuntu102:08
z00m  Candidate: 1.8.4-1ubuntu102:08
z00m  Version table:02:08
z00m *** 1.8.4-1ubuntu1 002:08
z00m        500 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main Packages02:08
z00m        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status02:08
z00mstrange hey02:09
tomaz00m: install the ruby package02:09
tomawithout addition02:09
abattoirz00m: try executing 'ruby1.8'02:09
tomaabattoir: that will work...02:10
tomajust the symlink missing02:10
abattoirtoma: well, then he can make that :)02:10
z00mz00m@64BitBox:~/framework-3.0-alpha-r3$ ruby1.802:10
abattoirpress ctrl+c02:10
abattoiryou get ruby interrupted?02:10
tomaabattoir: installing ruby package is cleaner02:11
z00mruby1.8: Interrupt02:11
abattoirtoma: you mean reinstalling?02:11
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abattoirruby depends on ruby1.802:11
abattoirhe  has both installed02:11
tomaabattoir: oki02:11
abattoirz00m: 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall ruby'02:12
z00mok its working now02:12
z00mi just did that apt-get install ruby02:12
abattoirz00m: so it wasnt installed?02:12
z00myeah i did it in adept manager02:12
tomadid you remove 1.9 after installing 1.8?02:12
z00mbut did not work still but after doing apt-get it did02:13
z00m(Reading database ... 85887 files and directories currently installed.)02:13
z00mUnpacking ruby (from .../archives/ruby_1.8.2-1_all.deb) ...02:13
z00mSetting up ruby (1.8.2-1) ...02:13
z00mthis may give you more info02:14
z00m0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.02:14
z00mNeed to get 19.0kB of archives.02:14
z00mAfter unpacking 98.3kB of additional disk space will be used.02:14
z00mGet: 1 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main ruby 1.8.2-1 [19.0kB] 02:14
z00mFetched 19.0kB in 0s (44.6kB/s)02:14
z00mSelecting previously deselected package ruby.02:14
z00m(Reading database ... 85887 files and directories currently installed.)02:14
z00mUnpacking ruby (from .../archives/ruby_1.8.2-1_all.deb) ...02:14
z00mSetting up ruby (1.8.2-1) ...02:14
abattoirz00m: did you remove 1.9 while or installing from adept02:14
abattoirz00m: please dont flood the channel :)02:14
z00myes i did02:14
abattoirok, toma was right, you probably removed 1.9 after 1.8 had created the symlink02:15
abattoirso, it removed the link02:15
z00mstill got probles though02:15
z00m./lib/rex/proto/smb/crypt.rb:1:in `require': no such file to load -- openssl (LoadError)02:15
z00m        from ./lib/rex/proto/smb/crypt.rb:102:15
z00m        from ./lib/rex/proto/smb.rb:402:15
z00m        from ./lib/rex/proto.rb:202:15
z00m        from ./lib/rex.rb:4402:15
z00m        from ./msfweb:902:15
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z00mwhat could that be, sorry about all the pasting02:16
z00mneed openssl >02:16
abattoirz00m: i think that is a problem on the program's side02:17
abattoirwhich one is it btw02:17
abattoiraah, yes, my mistake02:17
abattoirinstall all the dependencies for the package...02:17
abattoirwhich program is this/02:17
z00mis it not avalible from apt-get02:17
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abattoirz00m: that doesnt matter, the project page would clearly list the dependencies02:18
abattoirmake sure you install them from adept02:18
z00mnothing comes up for metasploit02:18
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abattoirnot in adept....02:18
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abattoirwhere did you get the file from?02:19
z00mthere site02:19
abattoirgive me the site url02:19
abattoirz00m: hmm, only ruby1.8 is supported btw..02:21
abattoirdoes the archive have a readme file?02:22
abattoirmaybe dependencies are stated there02:23
abattoiror an INSTALL file maybe?02:23
z00mill take a look02:23
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z00mno nothing there02:24
z00mthere is a readme but no dependencies02:24
abattoirwhat does it say? briefly/02:25
abattoirtry installing libopenssl-ruby1.802:26
abattoir!info libopenssl-ruby1.802:26
ubotulibopenssl-ruby1.8: OpenSSL interface for Ruby 1.8. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.8.4-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 251 kB, installed size 552 kB02:26
abattoirand even openssl02:26
abattoirthat's all i can think of02:26
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=== will is now known as LinuxFTW
=== jaaroo [n=jaro@x53.mykey.cz] has joined #kubuntu
LinuxFTWHello! I was wondering how I can add amaroK support for MP3s.  I am aware I require libxine extra codecs, though, They are not appearing in adept!  I have multiverse and universe enabled.  Does anyone have an alternative download link, Or method I can obtain these?02:29
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:29
z00mlibopenssl-ruby1.8 did the trick thanks alot02:29
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abattoircool :)02:29
abattoirLinuxFTW: which architecture?02:30
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abattoirLinuxFTW: i'd still recommend making sure you have universe and multiverse 'properly enabled' though...02:30
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LinuxFTW abattoir: I have enabled them in the "Adept" > "View"  management menu.02:31
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abattoirLinuxFTW: you must understand that it is difficult to install it w/o the help of a pkg mgmt. software because of dependencies02:32
abattoirLinuxFTW: make sure you have enabled it in the 'dapper' line rather than 'dapper/backports'02:32
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LinuxFTW abattoir: I'll double check that now02:32
abattoirLinuxFTW: or could you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file/02:33
abattoir*dapper-backports rather02:33
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:35
=== Muz_ [n=meese@jimas.demon.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
LinuxFTW abattoir: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18553 is the pastebin of my sources.list, I left all the comments in just so I don't get confused = \.02:36
Muz_Hey guys, this may sound strange, but I can't get the actual Install item on the desktop to run without it spitting out errors02:36
Muz_(There's no internet connection on the machine atm, hence why I can't send a bug report from it)02:37
abattoirLinuxFTW: you have universe enabled, but not multiverse02:37
abattoirLinuxFTW: you can add it in the first line itself if you want02:38
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LinuxFTW abattoir: Now I feel like a moron = \.  I coulda sworn I double checked.  Thanks mate, I just gotta wait to my video drivers are done installing then I'll test it02:38
abattoirLinuxFTW: np, its a common mistake to enable multiverse in dapper-backports :)02:38
abattoirMuz_: you mean the Installer in the live cd ?02:39
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Muz_abattoir, yes02:39
abattoirMuz_: at what stage does the error occur?02:40
Muz_I click on it to get it to run, and immediately after a window forms, it gives me an error02:40
abattoirMuz_: is there no way to post the file /var/log/syslog/installer from that computer on pastebin?02:41
Muz_There's no internet connection on the machine02:41
abattoiror rather /var/log/installer/syslog02:41
abattoirMuz_: you cant copy it w/ a floppy/ flash drive?02:41
Muz_My laptop lacks a floppy drive02:41
abattoirMuz_: a USB flash drive ?02:42
Muz_I've got none02:42
abattoirhmmm, so there is no way at all?02:42
Muz_Not that I can think of02:42
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abattoirok.. so you just click it, and it says "Installer Crashed" ?02:43
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abattoirhello pierreth :)02:43
pierrethi made it!02:43
abattoirpierreth: awesome :)02:43
abattoirpierreth: how do you like kubuntu.... on a mac? :P02:43
Muz_It appears to be a number of problems with /user/lib/python2.4/site-packages/debconf.py02:43
abattoirMuz_: i'm sorry, i cant say much w/o looking at the error02:43
Muz_Amongst other things02:43
LinuxFTWAlright, to makesure I don't make another stupid mistake.  The multiverse is "deb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper multiverse" (I am in canada, hence the ca)02:43
pierrethi feel more free!02:44
abattoirMuz_: well, that's just the traceback02:44
Muz_Is there a way to install it on the terminal?02:44
abattoirLinuxFTW: you can just add multiverse next to main restricted02:44
abattoirin the same line02:44
abattoirno need to add a new one02:44
pierrethabattoir: i have a lot to do before it feels like i want but i am going to make it my wat02:44
pierrethabattioir:my way02:45
ryanakcaummm... why is half of konversation french and the other half english? like in the settings... and the output of /whois... and things under Windows (toolbar)... like I understand french and all.. but its just weird to have both in the same window/program02:45
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ryanakcaand I haven't installed french translations of anything...02:45
abattoirLinuxFTW: more like http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1855502:45
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pierrethabattoir: may be you can help make it the way i want?02:45
ubuntu_&NICK AMARU02:45
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ubuntu_was yur h;lle02:46
abattoirMuz_: you'd have to download the alternate cd02:46
abattoirpierreth: if i can, sure02:46
LinuxFTW abattoir: I'll just use that exact entry then?02:46
Muz_abattoir, got a link handy?02:46
abattoirLinuxFTW: what do you mean?02:46
abattoirMuz_: one sec02:46
pierrethabattoir: you would my mouse to scrool, where should i go?02:46
LinuxFTW abattoir: I'll just copy that and put it over my current sources.list02:47
abattoirpierreth: what mouse? the mac soapbar mouse? or whatever it is called... :P ?02:47
abattoirLinuxFTW: you can do that :)02:47
abattoirMuz_: any mirror is ok? where are you?02:48
pierrethabattoir: i have trackball from logitech02:48
centyxmy dvd playback has become choppy all of a sudden02:48
centyxwonder why...02:48
patrick_How can i tell what kernel version my fglrx drivers are compiled for?02:48
abattoirMuz_: so a eu mirror is ok?02:48
Muz_It's fine with me :)02:48
abattoiri think i got a uk... wait02:48
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abattoirMuz_: and its an i386 right?02:49
abattoirpierreth: one sec02:49
abattoirMuz_: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/6.06/kubuntu-6.06-alternate-i386.iso02:49
Muz_Ace, thanks a lot02:50
=== piwi [n=piwi@80-41-47-80.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu
LinuxFTW abattoir: I have it set on my dapper back ports to "main restricted universe multiverse", In Adept there still is no find on the xine extra codecs/libs (I did a search for xine) and my "add remove programs" refuses to start.   I believe a reboot is in order.  Be back in 202:50
abattoir!dma > centyx02:50
abattoirpierreth: so it doesnt work out of the box huh?02:50
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abattoirpierreth: only the scrolling? have you tried booting w/ the mouse connected?02:51
pierrethabattoir: almost... :-)02:51
abattoirhmmm... where did he go...02:51
pierrethabattoir: it is all time connected02:51
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abattoirpierreth: huh?02:51
abattoiroh ok... got it02:51
pierrethabattoir: i don't have a wheel02:51
ryanakcaummm... why is half of konversation french and the other half english? like in the settings... and the output of /whois... and things under Windows (toolbar)... like I understand french and all.. but its just weird to have both in the same window/program. and no, I have not installed any french translations of anything...02:52
abattoirpierreth: then what doesnt work... i though you said scrolling doesn work02:52
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pierrethabattoir: i just have buttons instead that i was used to use to scrool02:52
abattoirryanakca: do you have french localisations installed ?02:52
ryanakcaabattoir: how do I check...02:52
patrick_How can i tell what kernel version my fglrx drivers are compiled for?02:52
pierrethabattoir: i did? i forgot the negate02:52
abattoirpierreth: then you might need to map those buttons in xorg.conf... wait a sec02:53
abattoirpierreth: have a model no.?02:53
=== aegeanlinux softly SCREEMS toodles
abattoirryanakca: in adept?02:53
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nnn0if you don't understand french, and haven't installed french - how do you know it's french ? :D02:53
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pierrethabattoir: marble mouse usb02:53
=== will is now known as LinuxFTW
ryanakcannn0: I said I understood french... /whois me.. I'm in the ubuntu french channel :P02:54
nnn0ah :)02:54
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nnn0bad joke02:54
ryanakcaeh hunh...02:55
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=== ryanakca gives nnn0 a cookie... keep his mouth full :)
abattoirpierreth: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-77005.html look at Buffalo Soldier's post02:55
LinuxFTW abattoir: Alright, I am finding under "Add Remove programs" Xine extra plugins, though, it is appearing in gray and un-selectable.  Should I find another mirror on the web for this file?02:55
pierrethabattoir: ok02:55
ryanakcaabattoir: hmmm... I guess I have installed fr... language-pack-kde-fr = installed02:55
abattoirLinuxFTW: did you copy paste from what i posted?02:55
abattoirryanakca: well, that's what is messing around... is my guess02:56
ryanakcaabattoir: but why are both showing up...02:56
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LinuxFTW: Nope, I just added the multiverse to backports.  I will try again now with that exact sources list02:56
ryanakcaabattoir: it should be one... or the other... I'll look in kcontrol for settings02:56
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:56
abattoirryanakca: i have no clue... have never used any other language in a computer other than english :)02:56
=== jhak88 [n=jhak88@S01060004e21bddd9.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
abattoirryanakca: could be a but too02:56
jhak88Hello, um... I'm trying to get as many video codecs as possible for my VLC02:56
abattoirLinuxFTW:  i said that is a mistake...02:57
jhak88.mkv, .vod, (all avi and mpeg)02:57
abattoirLinuxFTW: you can add it to backports, but the point is to add it to dapper not dapper-backports02:57
LinuxFTW abattoir: *Sorry main02:57
jhak88Like VLC on windows, I want that thing to play every thing02:57
gemidjyhow can I install debs from /var/cache/apt/archive that are on my computer on other computer (using apt-get) ? Any way to tell apt-get that the files are downloaded?02:57
abattoirLinuxFTW: read properly :P02:57
abattoirjhak88: what about vlc... for linux :P02:57
patrick_How can i tell what kernel version my fglrx drivers are compiled for?02:57
LinuxFTW abattoir: Read properly, just didn't spell properlly = \.  Already tired02:57
pierrethabattoir: /etc/X11/xorg.conf?02:58
jhak88abattoir: VLC for Kubuntu02:58
abattoirLinuxFTW: you tried?02:58
abattoirpierreth: yes02:58
abattoirjhak88: yes02:58
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jhak88abattoir: I want VLC to play every single media formats02:58
pierrethabattoir: i prefer to make change only for my user account, is it possible?02:58
abattoirjhak88: vlc for linux you can download from their site02:58
abattoirpierreth: i dont think so02:58
abattoirjhak88: i'm not sure if it is in the repos02:59
pierrethabattoir: ok02:59
abattoir!info vlc02:59
ubotuvlc: multimedia player for all audio and video formats. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.8.4.debian-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 7620 kB, installed size 18808 kB02:59
=== sotired [n=ed@c-68-32-144-150.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
abattoirjhak88: ^^^^02:59
ryanakcaabattoir: I think it's a bug... look in kcontrol -> Regional & Accessibility -> Country/Region & Language.... the languages box says: "KDE programs will be displayed in the first available language in this list. If none of the languages are available, US English will be used."  1) British English, 2) French, 3) US English... so it should be showing up in British english... but it only is partially...02:59
sotiredhello all02:59
jhak88abattoir: yeah it was in adept02:59
abattoirenable universe and you are good to go02:59
sotiredhow can i watch .asx strems?02:59
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource02:59
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=== macd [n=bashscri@adsl-157-34-121.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
sotiredive tried a bunch fo stuff and i cant get it to work. im trying to watch adult swim fix03:00
abattoirryanakca: as i said, i have not experience w/ multilingual desktop computing, ask in -fr, since you are already there, if you think its a bug, file one :)03:00
sotiredoooh...kofi annan is on larry king03:00
sotiredhe is as reggae superstar03:01
=== Katmando [n=Tjones@c-71-205-176-219.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
jhak88abattoir: Is there place to download more codecs for VLC?03:01
ryanakcaabattoir: I'll file a bug :)03:01
jhak88abattoir: like .mkv, .vob, (all avi and mpeg) .ogg03:02
abattoirjhak88: doesnt it come with everything built-in?03:02
centyxsilly me, i hadn't installed the matching linux-restricted-modules for my updated kernel03:02
abattoirjhak88: i dont know, check their site03:02
centyxso i was missing fglrx03:02
jhak88abattoir: I'll be right back03:02
pierrethabattoir: vi does not want to write the file03:02
abattoirpierreth: try 'sudo kate'03:02
abattoirpierreth: then open the file manually03:03
LinuxFTW abattoir: I just did a search on the add remove programs, It is installing and downloading now.  Thanks for your patience ^^; I'm not the most linux savvy person there is.03:03
patrick_How can i tell what kernel version my fglrx drivers are compiled for?03:04
abattoirLinuxFTW: everyone has a learning curve... you only have to be patient during the period. :)03:04
abattoirLinuxFTW: ... then its fun all the way ;)03:05
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sotiredis anyone here able to watch .asx streams in firefox?03:07
abattoirwhich codec? wmv ?03:07
sotiredi believe so03:07
sotiredi can play wmv files03:07
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TsedI think asx streams are generally wmv.03:07
sotiredim trying to watch stuff at adultswimfix.com03:07
sotiredits no emergency...just something iwould like to have the ability to do :)03:08
patrick_How can i tell what kernel version my fglrx drivers are compiled for?03:08
abattoirsotired: heh03:08
pierrethabattoir: why vi was unable to open the file?03:08
jhak88hi again, I got some codecs, but the video isn't showing up, is there any known fix for this?03:08
Tsedsotired: I'm checking if my install plays them...03:08
sotiredthanks Tsed03:08
abattoirpierreth: you need 'root' permission to open the file, so try 'sudo vi'03:08
abattoirjhak88: i'd suggest looking at the documentation in the vlc site03:09
pierrethabattoir: this is what i did03:09
abattoirpierreth: and what did it say?03:09
pierrethabattoir: vi was able to open a file, a empty file. but was unable to write03:10
Tsedsotired: mplayer-plugin appears to be playing it fine here.03:10
LinuxFTW Well, I'm logging off.  Thanks for all the help abattoir, I'm listening to music right now : ).  Later fellow kubuntu users03:10
abattoirpierreth: you did 'sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf?03:10
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sotiredTsed: i have mplayer...is mplayer-plugin part of a different ackage?03:10
sotiredpackage even03:10
abattoirpierreth: 'sudo vi' opens a blank file by default03:11
Tsedmozilla-mplayer < There you go. :)03:11
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abattoir!info mozilla-mplayer03:11
ubotumozilla-mplayer: MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 3.17-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 421 kB, installed size 1500 kB03:11
pierrethabattoir: i guess i misstyped :-)03:12
abattoirpierreth: :)03:12
sotiredill try it now thanks you ubotu and Tsed03:12
TsedNo prob.03:12
pierrethabattoir: now i have to logout to make the change effective?03:12
eva_I have a problem with the sond card and my TV card. Sometimes the TV card is configured as first soundcard and then I can't adjust the sound properly.03:12
abattoirpierreth: you saved the file right?03:12
abattoirpierreth: yes, log out and log back in03:12
pierrethabattoir: of course!03:12
abattoirpierreth: or rather restart x03:13
eva_Can someone please explain me how to fix which is soundcard 0 and which is soundcard 1?03:13
pierrethabattoir: can i avoid typing your name all the time?03:13
abattoirpierreth: make sure you close all open applications, press 'ctrl +'alt'+F103:13
sotiredit worked thanks everyone03:13
abattoirpierreth: just press tab, my name might come up03:13
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pierrethabattoir: ok!03:13
abattoirpierreth: otherwise, its difficult to find who is talking with who :)03:14
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pierrethabattoir: ok, i try it now!03:14
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pierrethabattoir: what do you did to me?03:22
abattoirpierreth: huh?03:23
pierrethabattoir: i was stuck after ctrl-alt-f103:23
pierrethabattoir: these keys are dangerous03:23
abattoirpierreth: i said F1..? oops sorry, meant Backspave03:23
abattoirthat's what happens when you help 5 ppl at a time :(03:23
pierrethabattoir: what i did?03:23
abattoiri'm really sorry03:24
abattoirpierreth: you switched to a virtual terminal03:24
abattoirpierreth: try it again ;)03:24
abattoiryou can use ctrl+alt+F7 to get back :)03:24
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pierrethabattoir: i did not know!03:24
pierrethwhat is alt-opt-backspace?03:25
abattoirpierreth: again, sorry, i meant backspace... was distracted03:25
abattoirpierreth: you mean ctrl+alt+bs ?03:25
pierrethabattoir: it is ok :-)03:25
abattoirpierreth: it restarts your X server03:25
pierrethabattoir: i am confuse whit the keys of the mac03:25
abattoirpierreth: i was thinking of the same03:25
abattoiryou dont have alt right?03:25
pierrethabattoir: it is dangerous too03:26
pierrethabattoir: we have opt intead03:26
abattoirpierreth: dangerous ?03:26
abattoirpierreth: what's dangerous?03:26
pierrethabattoir: i mean it kills everything03:26
Dasnipa`lol some packages are so strange... like "mencal"03:26
ben__if i ctrl+alt+F1 i just get a blank screen, not a terminal03:26
abattoirpierreth: i warned you, close all open apps...03:26
abattoirben__: it gives me virtual terminal into which you should login.....03:27
pierrethabattoir: i tought that the shortcut was going to do that03:27
abattoir <abattoir> pierreth: make sure you close all open applications, press 'ctrl +'alt'+F103:27
ben__abattoir: yeah i know but i don't get a log in terminal i just get a blank screen03:27
pierrethabattoir: it is not working03:28
abattoirben__: hmmm... i dont know... maybe they werent initiated...03:28
abattoirpierreth: the mouse?03:28
pierrethabattoir: hep03:28
abattoirpierreth: what is not working?03:28
pierrethabattoir: it does not scrool03:28
abattoirpierreth: i have no other idea... the guy there says it works...03:28
CheeseBurgerManWhat's not working?03:29
pierrethabattoir: is it because i use a usb hub?03:29
abattoirpierreth: another guy says that too03:29
abattoirpierreth: i dont think so03:29
pierrethCheeseBurgerMan: hello03:29
abattoirpierreth: you did the same exact thing that guy said?03:29
pierrethCheeseBurgerMan: i mouse does not scrool03:30
pierrethabattoir: no, i added the line that were not already in my file03:30
abattoirpierreth: or you could use xev and see if the nos. he states match yours03:30
CheeseBurgerManHmm, I think I'll have to pass on that one. :(03:30
abattoirpierreth: paste it on pastebin03:30
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pierrethabattoir: xev is a tool?03:31
abattoirpierreth: yes, its a command line utility w/ a graphical interface...03:31
abattoiryour movements in the graphical interface are printed in the cli03:31
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abattoirpierreth: could you pastebin your xorg.conf?03:32
pierrethabattoir: it does nothing when i press the buttons to scrool03:32
abattoirpierreth: could you please paste your xorg.conf?03:33
pierrethabattoir: yes03:33
abattoirpierreth: what does nothing? xev ?03:33
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pierrethabattoir: xev03:34
abattoirpierreth: hmm, that sounds weird, you sure the buttons work?03:34
abattoirbecause if they emit a signal, xev should pick it up03:34
pierrethabattoir: i am sorry but because i was on the cd, i was not able to bookmark, can you again give me the url for pasting03:35
pierrethabattoir: the buttons works for the mac03:35
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:35
abattoirpierreth: then xev should show some info for the buttons03:35
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Tsedben__: re: the blank terminal.  I had the same issue for awhile.  IIRC, disabling the splash gets them back... I think I may have played with framebuffer resolutions afterwards as well.03:36
Tsedben__: Other than that, though, I don't know *what* causes that.  I've seen it a few times. :/03:36
abattoirpierreth: xev gives no output at all ?03:37
abattoirpierreth: you are running the command from konsole right?03:37
pierrethabattoir: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1855703:38
pierrethabattoir: xev gives output for my mouse moves but not for the buttons that i press03:39
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ironfroggyare there any tools available to help me sync and share configuration settings between kubuntu boxes?03:40
ironfroggyfor example, id like to share my kopete account settings.03:40
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abattoirpierreth: you havent copied stuff from that guy's post?03:42
abattoirthis should work... try it out03:43
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pierrethabattoir: may be it is because the ctrl-alt-F1 stuff :-)03:43
abattoirpierreth: bleh...03:43
abattoirpierreth: blame me... ;)03:44
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pierrethabattoir: could you give the url again? :-)03:44
noiesmoI got a laptop everytime I reboot it it wants root password for maintenance or Control-D but control-D does not work how can i stop it wanting to do this when ever I reboot03:44
abattoirok... anyways, if X gets borked and doesnt startup....<- this shouldnt happen, but still if it does, run 'sudo dexconf'03:44
abattoirpierreth: which one?03:44
pierrethabattoir: the one for the mouse03:45
abattoirto that guy's post?03:45
pierrethabattoir: yes03:45
abattoirpierreth: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-77005.html Buffalo Soldier03:45
pierrethabattoir: the site is now down03:46
abattoir"The forums will be back shortly. We are giving the database some love.."03:47
CheeseBurgerManThat's a rather disturbing thought, but I think we should leave it at that. ;)03:48
pierrethabattoir: how can i add a keyboard?03:48
abattoirCheeseBurgerMan: all these geek developers :P03:48
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CheeseBurgerManlol :D03:48
abattoirpierreth: its already added...03:48
abattoirpierreth: what do you exactly mean?03:48
pierrethabattoir: i want a canadian csa layout03:49
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abattoirpierreth: aah, ok, Kcontrol -> Regional and Accessibility -> Keyboard Layout03:50
pierrethabattoir: it is not there03:50
abattoirmac keyboards come w/ canadian layouts? :S03:50
pierrethabattoir: whit the csa layout in canada03:51
pierrethabattoir: appple takes care :-)03:51
abattoirpierreth: i have no idea what csa is... but there is an entry w/ a Canadian flag in mine03:51
pierrethabattoir: yes this a canadian layout, this is not the csa canadian layout03:52
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abattoirpierreth: oh, then i have no clue03:52
Tommy2k4running 'make' completely froze my pc :S03:52
pierrethabattoir: what? you don't know everything? ;-)03:52
abattoirpierreth: hehe, lol03:52
abattoirthat's what's called 'pinching one's ego'03:53
abattoirmy friends do it all the time to take adv. of me :P03:53
abattoirlook at it when it comes back up03:54
BKajcsa = canadian standards association sorta like your UL03:54
abattoiror i'll get a cached version, wait03:54
abattoirBKaj: *my* UL ?03:54
abattoirBKaj: well, what if i was not *from* the US? :P03:55
BKajthen it's something else :)03:55
abattoirBKaj: hehe03:55
BKajwhy there's a canadian KB layout beats me ..unless it's the french one meant for french speakers03:56
abattoirpierreth: ca(fr) is what you are looking at, i guess03:56
abattoirBKaj: French keyboard is in azerty03:57
abattoirCanadian french is qwerty03:57
BKajyup that's the quebec and french-canadian layout03:57
abattoirheh, that's what that page^^^^^^ thought me :P03:57
abattoir<quote>I don't understand why most people want to stick with the old horrible legacy French Canadian keyboard. It's less efficient! </quote>03:58
BKajwhere are you abattoir?03:59
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abattoirBKaj: in the Bat-Cave :P03:59
abattoirdont ask me where that is :P03:59
abattoirno-one knows04:00
BKajcome now04:00
ErtainDoes anyone know about Direct Connect, that file-sharing thing?04:00
BKajyeah it sucks04:00
BKajclunky as hell04:00
BKajIn my experience04:01
abattoirBKaj: you are asking me because of the <quote></quote> ?04:01
abattoirthat was lifted right from the forum page that i posted04:01
abattoirnot my opinion in any way...04:01
pierrethabattoir: no it is not, i know! :-) i am using it now04:02
abattoiras i told someone before, i have never used any other language other than english on the desktop, and any other keyboard other than us04:02
abattoirpierreth: that was for the 'inefficient' comment?04:02
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abattoirpierreth: i was just playing w/ you guys ;)04:02
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BKajno just nosey abattoir04:03
ErtainI've typed in Japanese.  Hard to get it to work in Linux.  Even when I get it to work in Kubuntu, whenever I started a program, it would start the input method program (in my case, Skim).04:03
abattoirBKaj: oh, hehe, than Bat-cave will do :)04:03
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abattoirErtain: that reminds me, i should get skim Japanese support04:03
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abattoirErtain: how is kanji support in scim/skim?04:04
Ertainabattoir: Eh, it's pretty good.  You can switch between it and kana with simple button combinations.  Just start typing and kana will  pop up, along with a list of kanji.  If you type enough, it'll just type in the first kanji on the list.04:05
abattoirErtain: nice, i have seen only screenies, badly wanted to try it....04:06
abattoirErtain: thanks for the info :)04:06
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BKajI did a traceroute on your IP abattoir, but I won't reveal yer whereabouts unless you give permission :)04:06
Ertainabattoir: I've typed out pages of comic translations in Kword with Skim.04:06
abattoirpierreth: not trying ?04:07
pierrethabattoir: i am lookingin04:07
abattoirBKaj: how do you know that i am not using a proxy?04:07
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abattoirBKaj: do you think i'll reveal the location of the bat-cave that easily?04:07
BKajwell , some how I doubt that04:07
abattoirBKaj: well, see my IP address the next time, will be from an entirely different continent...04:08
abattoirif you have access to logs, see my IP from previous sessions04:08
abattoirsee if they all matchup :)04:08
BKajI don't care if ppl know where I live ...I'm proud to be a Canadian ! :)04:08
abattoirBKaj: you mean to say Bruce Wayne was not proud being an American? ;)04:09
BKajwho gives  sh..t ? :)04:09
abattoirBKaj: what did your trace reveal?04:09
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abattoirBKaj: i'm getting a bat-cloak :-\04:10
abattoir>> <BKaj> who gives  sh..t ? :)<< : About Bruce Wayne or Americans and their patriotism? :P04:10
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abattoiror is it Americans in general ? ;)04:11
crimsunok, we're wandering way off-topic04:11
abattoirBKaj: ????04:11
abattoircrimsun: ok, ok, sorry04:12
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abattoiri got carried away04:12
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kuHi guys, I just installed kubuntu but I'm having trouble updating my video drivers. I've tried following all the guides online, but I can't seem to get the "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" line04:14
ubuntu_i was wondering if i can get some help installing ubunto i am having trouble04:14
kuCan anybody help me? ^^04:14
ubuntu_everytime it goes to reformatt it gets to about 15% of reformatting then does a quick switch to system install and says failed creating filesystem04:15
ubuntu_anyone have any clue why04:15
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abattoirubuntu_:  the installer crashes?04:16
PokerFacePenguinubuntu_: Do you think your HD is corrupted or not partitioned/formatted correctly?04:16
ubuntu_don't think hd is corrupted had fedora on right before i tried this04:16
ubuntu_it fails while ubuntu tries to formatt the hadd04:16
ubuntu_hd i mean04:16
abattoirubuntu_: which filesystem type? XFS ?04:16
ubuntu_and swap04:17
abattoirubuntu_: have you tried repeating the process?04:17
ubuntu_i think i am newb04:17
PokerFacePenguinubuntu_: did you wipe out the partitions and start over?04:17
ubuntu_different ways and sizes of partitions too04:17
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ubuntu_if some one wants to vnc into my machine and try it they can04:17
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PokerFacePenguinmdsum on cd ok?04:17
ubuntu_i have that setup right now04:17
abattoirpierreth: it worked?04:18
ubuntu_how do i do that04:18
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pierrethabattoir: no, i have a hard time :-(04:18
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abattoirpierreth: i have to go to bed... catch you later... :)04:18
abattoirpierreth: why is that?04:18
nikkianagrrr... why can't i remember how to do anything....04:18
ubuntu_poker face how do i do that04:18
nikkianasomeone take pity on a poor girl and remind her how to change her default web browser using the console?04:18
PokerFacePenguinubuntu_: i am wondering if your cd  that you burned is ok04:19
abattoirpierreth: you replaced xorg.conf with the one i gave?04:19
BKajabattoir: i was away for a few, i'm not anti US , and my trace showed india04:19
ubuntu_how do i check it from the kde enviroment04:19
pierrethabattoir: you gave what?04:19
abattoirBKaj: well, believe what you want :)04:20
BKajgood cover04:20
abattoirpierreth: i gave you a modified xorg.conf04:20
abattoirBKaj: waht cover?04:20
PokerFacePenguinubuntu_: this might help http://maconlinux.net/linux-man-pages/en/md5sum.1.html04:20
abattoirpierreth: i gave you a pastebin link04:20
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abattoirpierreth: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18559 here it is again04:21
BKajyer going to bed that prolly means uk04:21
abattoirBKaj: well... as i said, you can guess all you want :)04:21
ubuntu_yeah poker but where do i get the number for md5sum i don't see it on ubuntu website04:21
abattoirpierreth: try that and restart, mouse should work...04:21
abattoirpierreth, BKaj : catch you guys tomorrow... or later today :P04:22
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pierrethabattoir: thank you!!04:22
abattoirpierreth: np :)04:22
BKajc ya abattoir04:22
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PokerFacePenguinubuntu_: they are usually in the same directory as the file you downloaded...let me run over there real quick and see04:22
abattoiryou too BKaj :)04:23
ubuntu_yeah i got that now how do i do it on the image of the cd04:23
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PokerFacePenguinubuntu_: check this out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM04:24
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ubuntu_how long does md5sum normally take04:28
PokerFacePenguinusually quick04:29
ubuntu_well i started before i wrote that last msg and it is still running04:29
ubuntu_in the terminal04:29
ubuntu_still going too04:29
PokerFacePenguinis the cd spinning ?04:29
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ubuntu_this is what i typed "/usr/bin/md5sum -c md5sum.txt | grep -v 'OK$'"04:30
helpmeeeim trying to run shareaza in wine but it never seems to connect to any of the urls i's querying :( any idea how to fix this?04:30
PokerFacePenguinubuntu_: i'd let it run for a bit, best not to be too hasty04:31
ubuntu_if this comes back ok then what do i do04:31
ubuntu_and it did just finish with no errors04:31
PokerFacePenguinthen you are golden on your disc, otherwise, burn a new disc04:31
PokerFacePenguinok, so that narrows it down04:31
ubuntu_so how do i get this to install04:32
PokerFacePenguinyou wiped out all the partitions and started from scratch?04:32
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ubuntu_yes with the installer that comes with unbuntu04:32
ubuntu_did it automatically and manually04:32
PokerFacePenguinand how far u get?04:33
yoshudoes anyone know why amarok and kaffine will not play my mp3's?04:33
ubuntu_made it to step 6 of 6 install04:33
ubuntu_but in that step it tries to creat ext3 and it gets to 15% then says failed creating file system04:33
yoshuit just cycles through them - I'm using the xine engine, and dapper04:34
PokerFacePenguini would try it with ext2 just for grins, because ext3 is just ext2 with journaling04:34
PokerFacePenguinyou can convert it after install04:34
ubuntu_ok i might need you to help me walk threw the manual setup of the partitons then04:34
PokerFacePenguintune2fs does that if i am not mistaken04:34
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PokerFacePenguinis this the only os on the puter?04:35
PokerFacePenguinyou have a seperate /home partition?04:35
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ubuntu_don't know what you mean by that04:35
yoshuanyone else have mp3 problems with amarok/kaffine?  ?04:35
PokerFacePenguinthat means if you want to reinstall, you can keep all your data and settings ;)04:36
ubuntu_no i odn't think so04:36
yoshui have amarok 1.404:36
testwill the /home partition automount?04:36
PokerFacePenguini would set up a /boot, /, /home, and swap partitions04:36
ubuntu_wheat i did is put the cd in chose the first option to start or install ubuntu got the the kde desktop then chose install icon04:36
yoshui usually use debian sid, I've never had this problem04:36
PokerFacePenguininstall it to /04:36
yoshuthis is supposed to be a stable OS and I can't even play mp3's? wtf04:37
ubuntu_poker can you vnc into this computer and install it for me or atleast setup the partitions04:37
testand how much space should one put aside for /home?04:37
PokerFacePenguinfor /home, the most04:38
PokerFacePenguini use like 10g for / and that is overkill04:38
testso how much does one need for /?04:38
BKajtest are you planning on doing any video editing or burning, like large file work04:38
testbkaj: Possibly,04:39
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testwill my network settings save in /home too?04:40
BKajmy hdd is 160G , 120 for NTFS-windows and 40 for kubuntu / and swap04:40
BKajswap is 500Mb04:40
ubuntu_poker are you willing to remote desktop into this machine04:40
BKajI do some video stuff and I find that what i'm using is plenty04:41
testbkaj: how much do you have for / and /home?04:41
PokerFacePenguinubuntu_: I just upgraded to breezy and haven't tweeked it out to allow all that kinda stuff yet04:42
PokerFacePenguinubuntu_: dapper04:42
ubuntu_you don't have vnc on the comp you are at04:42
yoshuyou've all been really helpful04:43
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PokerFacePenguinubuntu_: whats yer ip04:44
BKajvnc .. no04:44
yoshuI'm about to abandon Kubuntu; does a dist-upgrade move up to testing?04:44
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jimmy__hey does anybody know how to install macroflash 9?04:47
jimmy__i am new to kubuntu04:47
ubuntu_poker it is
ubuntu_password 12345604:47
BKajgeez, if the guy just wants to play mp3s ...why not just use windoze ? :)04:48
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jimmy__test: hey do you remember me?04:49
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jimmy__everytime i try to install macroflash 9 it wont let me04:50
ubuntu_poker you going to log in04:50
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PokerFacePenguinubuntu_: having to reconfig stuff04:55
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jimmy__if it is not too trouble, i have a question.04:56
satafterhadept freezes up al lthe time, is there a fix for this04:57
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Hawkwindjimmy__: Just ask04:59
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ZarelWell, I've decided to try Kubuntu.05:07
ZarelRight now, it's still in live CD mode; haven't installed it yet.05:08
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ZarelBut I was wondering, how do I increase my resolution?05:08
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ZarelIt's currently stuck at 600x480, which is nowhere near enough.05:08
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BKajyou can't unrtil it's installed, Zarel...but you can make the panel "tiny"  so you can access the "next" buttons by right clicking in the panel05:10
ubotuI know nothing about !!!!! - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:10
ZarelWhat's the point of a Live CD if the largest resolution is 600x480?!05:11
BKajconfigure panel to "tiny '05:11
ZarelHmm. Helps a bit, but doesn't answer my question.05:11
osirisBKaj, you can adjust it in live mode, you just cant comit the changes05:11
Tommy2k4zarel, do you see system settings on k-menu?05:11
BKajyou won't be able to change the rez till kubuntu is installed05:12
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osiristhen how come i did it on the box, not 15 feet from me05:13
BKajhe still won't see the "next" buttons tho05:13
ZarelTommy2k4: Yes, but the only option is 600x480.05:13
BKajdepends on the monitor I guess05:13
ZarelI can see the next buttons now, I set the panel to "tiny"05:14
Tommy2k4dunno if youd be able to edit xorg.conf and restart X from livecd05:14
BKajgood , now just install the OS05:14
ZarelFirst, I have a question.05:14
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ZarelWhat's the point of having a LiveCD if the only resolution it's possible to set it at makes the operating system virtually unusable?05:15
Zarel(Just out of curiosity)05:15
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Tommy2k4i used livecd yesterday on another pc and im sure the default was 1024x768 or bigger05:15
Frederickfolks doesn't kubuntu features monopod?05:15
Tommy2k4it would depend on hardware im guessing05:15
BKajdunno Zarel, i asked the same question ...it has to do with the cheaper video cards default , was the answer I got05:16
ZarelI don't have room to install Ubuntu.05:16
ZarelWithout getting rid of one of these partitions.05:16
wolfmanzanyone have any idea how i get my login resolution to match my desktop resolution?05:16
ZarelOh, whatever. Vista can go.05:16
ZarelAlso, the multiple desktop thing should default to off, and the panel should default to tiny, when the resolution is 600x480.05:18
BKajhow much room do you have for ubintu Zarel?05:18
pierrethhello, i would like to set the resolution of my screen05:18
ZarelI mean, it's pretty much unusable otherwise.05:18
ZarelBKaj: 40 GB if I trash my Vista partition.05:18
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BKajyou can still run vista on 20 and ubuntu on the other 2005:19
ZarelNah. Vista sucks.05:19
BKajdo you have a partioner utility ?05:19
ZarelWell, time to click that "Install" button. If I get connection reset by peer or something, you know why.05:19
ZarelNot that anyone cares.05:19
BKajYou can make room with a partitioner, Zarel05:20
ZarelBKaj: Again, no need to make room.05:21
ZarelI seriously doubt I'll ever boot to Vista again.05:21
pierrethhow can i add new screen resolution?05:21
ZarelIts support for my computer's drivers is terrible.05:21
BKajok , it's yer pc :)05:21
Tommy2k4pierreth,  kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:21
ZarelNot to mention it's impossible to turn off mouseover animations.05:21
pierrethTommy2k4: ok!05:21
ZarelI mean, when I mouseover something, I want it to light up immediately. It increases usability that way.05:22
ZarelI can understand that fading makes it look prettier, but at least LET ME TURN IT OFF05:22
BKajyeah Zarel, I tried it as well, no sound and my dhcp was all screwed up , took forever to get on the net05:22
TsedHmm.  Can someone recommend a KDE-based newsreader?  Knode doesn't seem to want to work (related to the fact that it's been dead for 2 years, maybe? :/ )05:22
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ZarelTsed: Do you consider Thunderbird to be KDE-based?05:23
TsedZarel: Nope. :)05:23
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ZarelWorth a try.05:24
wolfmanzanyone have any idea how i get my login resolution to match my desktop resolution?05:24
ZarelSo. Anyway.05:24
HawkwindTsed: akregator05:24
TsedHawkwind: Er, isn't akregator just a feed reader?  I'm looking for a newsgroup reader.05:25
HawkwindTsed: pan05:25
HawkwindTsed: Sorry, I misread newsreader as RSS reader05:25
TsedHawkwind: Yeah, I'm aware of pan, was just wondering if there was a decent KDE/Qt client.05:26
TsedIn any case, not a huge deal.  Just something I'm kinda surprised isn't integrated into Kontact yet.05:27
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satafterhanyone else have issue with adept freesing up sometimes05:30
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satafterhwhats a good software firewall?05:32
Healotsatafterh, you meant firewall rules builder GUI?05:33
Healoti'd say firestarter05:33
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Tommy2k4time for bed now, cya05:36
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BKajsome installed programs won't lauch with "run" and aren't listed in the kicker ...what gives ?05:38
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TsedBKaj: Can you give an example?  And did you just install these programs?05:41
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pierrethhello, i am still unable to change my screen resolution05:41
BKajvnc for one05:41
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TsedBKaj: The server, a client?  Which package/what command are you trying to run?05:42
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BKajpierreth: i installed a FTP program that is nowhere tob e found too05:43
BKajoh sorry pierreth, you need tobe admin to change the resolution05:44
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pierrethBKaj: yes, but the resolution that i want is no there05:44
TsedBKaj: Which FTP program?  A client, server?  I usually get the menus to refresh after installing packages by running "kbuildsycoca"... that may help if it's *supposed* to have a menu entry.05:45
BKajmove the slider05:45
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pierrethBKaj: i cannot move the slider farther to the right, my resolution is not there05:47
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BKajhow hi?05:47
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sdrac8pierreth: what resolution are you trying to get?05:47
Tsedpierreth: The resolution you want *is* listed in your xorg.conf, though?05:47
intelikeyanyone know what mounts these and why ?05:47
intelikeyvarrun on /var/run type tmpfs (rw)05:47
intelikeyvarlock on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw)05:47
pierrethTsed: i added it05:48
pierrethTsed: first for the 24 bit depth only05:48
Tommy2k4my kubuntu is in zoom mode or something05:48
pierrethTsed: now, i added it for all the depth05:48
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Tsedpierreth: When you run "xrandr", does that resolution get listed?05:49
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intelikeyoh hehhe never mind.  it looks like thats a bogus mount.05:49
pierrethTsed: no, it is not05:49
archangel_sup folks05:49
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Tommy2k4kubuntu crashed again so when i rebooted and turned monitor off before it booted up cos i was gonna go to bed05:50
pierrethTsed: do i have to restart X?05:50
Tommy2k4and now i turn monitor on and its in zoom mode or something05:50
Tommy2k4zoomed in very far and if i move mouse to the edge of the screen it scrolls around05:50
archangel_linux just freaked me out05:50
Healotdoesn't suprise me...05:51
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Tsedpierreth: You won't access the updated xorg.conf until you restart X, but it sounds like you might need a bit more fiddling anyway. :)05:51
=== nikkiana peers around.
archangel_but it draws me to question05:51
archangel_my asus bit the dust05:51
nikkianawhat do i need to do to set my default browser using console? I can't remember....05:51
=== nikkiana looks sheepish.
pierrethTsed: well, i made a restart when i made the change for one depth05:51
intelikeyTommy2k4 [ctrl] +[alt] +[+] 05:51
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archangel_just got a gigabyte and put the machine back to gether05:52
pierrethTsed: do all the depth must have the same resolutions?05:52
intelikeyTommy2k4 [ctrl] +[alt] +[-]    those are the zoom keys.05:52
archangel_linux booted right up05:52
Tsedpierreth: Specifically, you might want to check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log for any output regarding that resolution.05:52
Tsedpierreth: Nope.05:52
archangel_with windows I would have to reinstall05:52
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archangel_show I just in case?05:52
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archangel_should I just in case?05:53
ZarelOkay, I'm back now.05:53
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Tsedpierreth: I suspect that your horizsync or vertrefresh may not be entirely correct, which could make X chuck out that resolution as invalid.05:53
archangel_anybody here for an wasy one?05:54
Zarelsu is giving "authentication failed"05:54
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intelikeyZarel how are yo using 'su'  ?05:54
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Tsedpierreth: I suggest you check the specs on your monitor and compare them to your xorg.conf.  Just be careful with those settings... setting them improperly can cause problems (as in hardware damage)... or so I'm told.05:55
Zarelintelikey: Typing "su" and pressing Enter.05:55
Zarelintelikey: Then typing my password.05:55
intelikeyZarel and you have set a root password ?05:55
Zarelintelikey: No.05:56
ZarelLeaving it blank doesn't work either.05:56
pierrethTsed: i am sure of the resolution i am setting 1280x102405:56
intelikeythen you can't inter a passwd for 'su'   try   sudo su -05:56
Tsedpierreth: *nod*, but the horizsync and vertrefresh settings for your monitor may be off.05:56
intelikeyZarel no leaving it blank wont work either.   hehhe no.05:57
Zarelintelikey: It still asks me for a password.05:57
intelikeyyes and use yours.05:57
archangel_I need help05:57
pierrethTsed: i have this in the log: (II) RADEON(0): Not using default mode "1280x1024" (hsync out of range)05:57
intelikeyit is sudo asking,  not su.  sudo uses your passwd.  su uses the target's passwd.05:57
Tsedarchangel_: I don't see why you would need to reinstall. :p05:57
Tsedpierreth: There you go!  Look up the horizsync of your display, then you can add that to your xorg.conf.05:58
archangel_Tsed: cool thanx, that was my first question05:58
ZarelQuestion: How do I change my resolution?05:59
pierrethTsed: ok05:59
archangel_Tsed: how to I get my video card to use 3d exceleration05:59
Tsedarchangel_: What video card?05:59
intelikeypierreth and Tsed  you do know that   /etc/init.d/displayconfig-hwprobe.py  may rewrite your /etc/X11/xorg.conf at boot time.   if you customize xorg  disable  displayconfig-hwprobe.py06:00
archangel_nvidia  ............. crap I just for got06:00
TsedI had no idea... but then I never had that happen.06:00
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archangel_Tsed: 5700xt or 5900 ?06:00
intelikeyTsed yeah it's a new agravation that *buntu sprang on us.06:01
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Tsedarchangel_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia06:01
pierrethintelikey: no, i made a restart and i kept my file06:01
intelikeymore automatic crap to mess up.06:01
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intelikeypierreth i said 'may'   not  'will'   read up on it.06:02
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pierrethTsed: i made a download with Konqueror, where the file can be?06:02
pierrethintelikey: yes but the file is not written in my case06:02
andrew__Hey does anyone know why my package manager is not showing me noninstalled ones.06:03
Tommy2k4check the tickboxes at the top? (in adept)06:03
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intelikeythe sole purpose of  "displayconfig-hwprobe.py"  is to rewrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf {as needed}   and in the case of "<Tommy2k4> and now i turn monitor on and its in zoom mode or something" ^^^ scroll up for info.   it's a hose job.06:04
Tsedpierreth: Uhh... anywhere you told it to go? :)  (whenever I use it, I get a "save as" box asking for where I want to put it...)06:04
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pepsilol is that why i have to fix xorg.conf all the time?06:04
pepsithat was pissing me off06:05
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pepsii thought i did something06:05
intelikeyTommy2k4 and welcome back    btw.06:05
caoshi all06:05
Tommy2k4ctrl alt backspace got it out of zoom06:05
Tommy2k4dunno why it went like that in the first place06:05
pepsibecause it was set to a resolution thats higher than the monitor could display06:06
pierrethTsed: i don't understand the concept of frequency06:06
intelikeycause it booted with the monitor off.  and "displayconfig-hwprobe.py"  an init script, adjusted for the change in hardware.06:06
Tommy2k4ah ok06:06
pierrethTsed: my monitor is connected in dvi06:06
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TsedErr... should DVI make a difference? (anyone?  I'm not terribly familiar with that)06:07
BKajdvi is just a connection type06:08
pierrethTsed: ok i have it Fh: 30~82kHz, Fv: 50~85Hz06:08
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pierrethTsed: what should i do with that?06:08
intelikeyi don't see how it would affect the monitor settings no.06:08
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TsedKay.  I didn't really think so, but when dealing with other people's hardware... ;p06:09
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pierrethTsed: can i get the driver for my monitor instead?06:09
BKajthere should be a way to find the native resolution of the monitor ?06:09
coachJfriendlysoviet are you russia?06:10
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Tommy2k4type the monitor model in google and find the manual06:10
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FriendlySovietNo, I'm a male.06:10
Tsedpierreth: In your xorg.conf, look for the HorizSync and VertRefresh lines in the "Monitor" section.06:10
intelikeyhttp://monitorworld.com  has a search engine for that.06:10
coachJin russia06:10
FriendlySovietCan some one help me with this wireless problem? The network settings displays the wireless card, but when I click enable, it only stays enabled for less than a second and than goes back to being disabled.06:11
BKajwhat the designers then he should set his monitor for that res and frame rate for best results06:11
Tsedpierreth: You can then just enter those values you mentioned above (units not needed), then restart X.06:11
FriendlySovietCoachj : That was a joke. And no, I'm not a Russian :P06:11
coachJsorry its late06:11
Tsedpierreth: Then, with any luck, you'll be in your native res.06:11
FriendlySovietHEh, no problem.06:11
Tsedpierreth: Without any luck, well... make note of the settings you had before you modified xorg.conf. :)06:12
intelikeyyes but inflection is so hard to hear in text mode....06:12
pierrethTsed: ok06:12
BKajhis nick implies that soviets aren't friendly, if he has to prefix it with "friendly" :)06:13
coachJ"the evil empire"06:13
BKaja reaganite06:13
intelikeyjust like the logo for ubuntu implies that linux is not for humans  if you have to specify that this distro is...06:14
BKajfor lil birdbrains in tuxes :)06:14
TsedZoobuntu: Linux for Animals?06:14
coachJits not for humans06:14
intelikeyBKaj who's in texas ?06:15
BKajbirdbrains... Ill bite :)06:15
pierrethTsed: i will quit and try it06:15
FriendlySovietBkaj, I'm hurt. You don't think I'm friendly?06:15
pierrethTsed: thank you!06:15
Tsedpierreth: No problem, hope it works. :)06:15
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BKajof course I do , it's the other soviets that your nick implies that aren't06:16
intelikeyjust an artical 'a' would change the whole implication on that.06:16
intelikeyas would also 'the' but in the oppisite way.06:17
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BKajanyway its getting late ...past bedtime for old guys06:17
h3sp4wnBKaj: 5:21 is a bit late for me also06:17
BKaj12:17 AM here06:17
coachJnew folks should check out http://www.LinuxReality.com06:18
BKajnight all , take care06:18
intelikey10:18  do you know where your rug rats are ?06:18
h3sp4wn(ie 5:21am)06:18
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coachJin bed?06:18
intelikeynot rug rats?   yard apes then.06:19
coachJthis X-rug rat is going to bed, good night all06:20
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pierrethTsed: i made it!06:20
archangel_I'm using Kubuntu and cant get my video card to run in 3d exceleration mode06:20
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nirmalBKaj: Hi how r u today06:22
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h3sp4wn<archangel_: Which model of card ?06:22
Tsedpierreth: Awesome.06:22
Tsedarchangel_: Did you follow the instructions on the wiki page I linked you to?06:23
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto06:23
archangel_fx5900xt Invidia06:23
archangel_Tsed: yes, but the package handler was different than what I am using, so the menus didnt mach06:24
archangel_I guess they were using gnome06:24
archangel_cause that program wasnt in my menu06:24
intelikeysynaptic will run in kde too06:25
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto06:25
archangel_k, thanks06:25
archangel_thats the same page06:26
Tsedarchangel_: You can use whatever package manager you want, so long as you install those packages.  Adept will do fine, if you don't want to install synaptic.06:27
archangel_Hey I dont care, I thought I couldnt install it cause I'm running 'Kubuntu' and not 'Ubuntu'06:28
archangel_I have about 2 weeks experience with linux, so I'm a litle green06:29
intelikeynot compared to a lot that come through here.   you are an expert already.06:29
Tsedarchangel_: For most purposes, Ubuntu and Kubuntu are the same distro.  They just have a different default package set.06:29
archangel_ahh, ok06:29
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archangel_well, I have learned that gnome sucks06:30
Tsedarchangel_: Any time you see 'synaptic' in ubuntu docs, you can pretty much feel free to substitute your preferred method of searching for/installing packages (adept by default in adept).06:30
Tsed*adept by default in kde :p06:31
TsedEr, in Kubuntu.  Bah, you get the point!06:31
goop2Kubuntu uses KDE O_o06:31
archangel_I might install the program, being that I'm not sure what I'm doing so I can follow the menus they give06:32
intelikeyapt-cache search blah   &   sudo apt-get install blah's-full-name06:32
Tsedintelikey: Out of curiosity, is there any reason to use apt-get over aptitude?06:32
OODTsed: aptitude remembers all dependencies06:32
intelikeyshorter code06:32
TsedI'm under the impression that aptitude generally tracks reverse deps better, so I stick to that...06:32
OODso if you decide to instal gnome, you can easily remove it later06:33
intelikeyless key strokes06:33
OODif you install say gnome-desktop with apt-get, you'll have to remove every single package seperately if you want to remove it06:33
TsedHmm.  Works out about the same with tab-completion. :)06:33
intelikeyactually i type 'urpmq blah'  for searches  and  'urpmi blah ' for installs.06:33
OODif you use aptitude, it'll remove everything06:34
TsedOOD: Yeah, that's pretty much what I thought, but I see 'apt-get' in a lot of howtos/docs, so I was just wondering if there was a reason for a general preference for apt-get.06:34
pierrethTsed: could you help me selecting my printer?06:34
intelikeyremoving things is my specialty    dpkg works wonders on that.06:35
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OODTsed: im actually not sure about that, but aptitude will remember all dependencies installed with the selected program06:35
Tsedpierreth: USB printer, or?06:36
intelikeyman deborphan06:36
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pierrethTsed: i have a usb, the problem is that i have too much choose for my printer model06:38
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Tsedpierreth: Driver-wise, you mean?06:39
goop2anyone know how to install GRUB from a Drake Live CD?06:39
pierrethTsed: i don't know, I am in French06:39
OODgoop2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows06:39
goop2haha - howd you know? :P06:40
pierrethTsed: i have an HP Deskjey 1220C and there is a lot of driver for this printer06:40
Tsedpierreth: Well, could you explain a bit where you're having trouble?06:40
moito nun canal inter06:40
OODgoop2: go with the second option06:40
intelikeygoop2 mount the installations root partition someplace like /mnt     and do  chroot /mnt grub-install /dev/hda       assuming you want it installed in the mbr and that you have hda06:40
OODgoop2: how'd i know? i had the same problem and had to fix it myself :P06:41
pierrethTsed: i have a list of driver that i can choose from, should i care to select the best one?06:41
Tsedpierreth: http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=HP-DeskJet_1220C < According to that page you should look for a hpijs driver.06:41
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archangel_how do I find out what version kernel I have?06:42
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robotgeekarchangel_: uname -a06:42
intelikeyuname -r06:42
pierrethTsed: this is what i was going to do06:42
intelikeyls /lib/modules/06:43
OODgroop2: btw this is only if grub was installed at a certain point and it was removed from the mbr, like by a windows installation for example06:43
archangel_which one?06:43
archangel_-a or -r?06:43
intelikeyuname -r06:43
robotgeek the -r gives you version, -a gives you all details :)06:43
Tsedpierreth: That should get you going, methinks.06:44
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ironfroggyany idea why i would get "request for subsystem 'sftp' failed on channel 0" when i try to use sftp on a known to be good server, which i can ssh to without trouble?06:44
Tsedironfroggy: I assume you mean from konqueror when trying to use the sftp:// kioslave?06:45
Tsed(because if so... I'm interested too :p  I've gotten something similar a couple times...)06:45
goop2ood: I had it installed, installed windows, TRIED reinstalling it, but when I went to fix BIOS it kept saying "file not found"06:45
ironfroggyTsed: no, im on the command line.06:46
ironfroggyim actually trying to use darcs, but it uses sftp which isnt working by itself either.06:46
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Tsedironfroggy: Again, somewhat out of curiosity, are you able to sftp to other servers?  (I'm *not* implying that you're trying to connect to a non-good server, just trying to see if our issues may be related)06:48
pierrethTsed: i am unable to install it06:48
ironfroggyTsed: let me try...06:48
Tsedpierreth: You're in administrator mode?06:49
pierrethTsed: no, how can i be?06:49
Tsedpierreth: On the Printers main window, there should be an "administrator mode" button at the bottom.  I'm assuming you need to be admin to add the new printer.06:50
ironfroggyTsed: yes i can get to other servers ok06:50
intelikeyrun things as root via the sudo command06:50
pierrethTsed: where is the printer window?06:50
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mark_any way to get a full server list?06:51
Tsedironfroggy: Huh.  That sounds very similar to the issue I was having.  Nearly word for word the same error, same issues...  just with Konq instead of sftp directly.06:51
Tsedpierreth: System Settings -> Printers06:51
ironfroggycould you use sftp directly?06:51
Tsedironfroggy: I didn't try, unfortunately.  I think I eventually just used the "fish" kioslave.06:52
Tsedironfroggy: However, the sftp issue isn't constant -- it tends to work itself out, refusing to work once in awhile...06:53
pierrethTsed: ok, you hope i don't look like too stupid :-)06:53
ironfroggyTsed: well its constant for me, even between boxes. although, and this is an interesting point, i have successfully used the same server from a non-kubuntu box.06:54
Tsedpierreth: Everyone can use some guidance when getting introduced to something new, it's no biggie. ;p06:54
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pierrethTsed: it is not working, i have the same error as before06:55
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Tsedpierreth: What's the error, exactly?06:55
pierrethTsed: it says that i don't have the right do that or the pilote does not exist06:55
intelikeyis kde set to automaticly logout users after # minutes ?06:56
intelikeyi mean by default.   i know it can be set.06:56
ironfroggylogout or lock?06:56
Tsedintelikey: Nope.06:56
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intelikeyironfroggy logout.   but  i think i see what is happening.06:57
intelikeyuser is unable to login.   prolly no .sessionrc06:58
ironfroggyor you are out of harddrive space.06:59
intelikeyhehhe /dev/null may be out of space  :)07:00
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Tsedpierreth: Just to clarify, you're going into Admin Mode -> "Add" -> "Add Printer/Class" -> "Local Printer", then the driver database gets built, then you select your printer/driver?07:01
h3sp4wn /dev/null cannot run out of space07:01
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timihow do i install firefox07:02
intelikeyh3sp4wn mmm or it's always out of space,,, depends on the perspective i huess07:02
timii downloaded the tarball and extracted, im really new to this07:02
timiwht do i do after i create a directory07:02
pierrethTsed: yes, it is exatly what i did07:02
timianybody here07:03
intelikeytimi you delete all that crap  and use the package manager07:03
intelikey!info mozilla-firefox07:03
ubotumozilla-firefox: Transition package for firefox rename. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.5.dfsg+ (dapper), package size 48 kB, installed size 104 kB07:03
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timiok thanks07:04
robinor you could use automatix to install firefox07:04
pierrethTsed: the driver is missing, it works when i try to select another one07:04
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Tsedpierreth: Odd.  You can use the package manager to make sure hpijs is installed, but I don't see why it wouldn't be...07:06
timithe package mangager says its already installed but i dont see it07:06
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Tsedpierreth: Or really, if another driver works, just go for it :p07:07
pierrethTsed: the package manager finds nothing for hpijs07:08
Tsed(before I suggest this again, is there a better way to refresh the menus other than kbuildsycoca?)07:09
mark_so..whats up07:09
timiook im retarded so i open adept07:09
timithen i type in firefox and it says already installed07:09
timibut its not anywhere for me to open07:09
OODtimi: restart kicker07:10
timiwhats kicker07:10
OODthe taskbar07:10
OODgo into konsole, type: killall kicker07:10
OODthen type kicker07:11
timiah ok07:11
OODand then it should be in the internet category07:11
timiin adept it just says mozilla-firefox-locale-en-gb installed07:12
timii have dled anything just from the cd07:12
OODthat's not firefox ;)07:12
HawkwindOpen kmenuedit and click save07:12
TsedOOD: for the record, you can do that in a bit more gentle way.  'dcop kicker kicker restart'07:12
HawkwindThen it should appear in the menus under Internet07:12
timialright OO07:12
intelikeythat's only locales. you need the browser07:12
timiok so how do i do that07:13
intelikeytimi is there a reason you dont want to use konqueror ?07:13
timiyes. its not as good07:13
OODtimi: the firefox package is just called firefox07:13
timiso how do i get the actually firefox07:13
HawkwindOr mozilla-firefox.  Either will work07:13
OODTsed: gentle? :P alright ill keep that in mind07:13
pierrethTsed: it has printed!07:13
Hawkwindsudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox07:14
HawkwindType that in a terminal :P07:14
intelikeysudo it.07:14
timiok i tried that but it said could not get lock //var/lib/dpkg/lock07:15
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Hawkwindsudo apt-get install mozille-firefox07:15
HawkwindJust like that07:15
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OODtimi: you have to close adept07:15
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HawkwindOOD: Good catch.  Forgot he had that open :P07:15
timihmm i guess apt-get jst doesnt work07:16
HawkwindYes it does07:16
intelikeyyes it does.  close adept and prepend sudo.07:16
timiif adpet is open willthat conflict07:16
OODyes, close it07:16
Tsedpierreth: Great.  I'm still looking around as to why those drivers aren't popping up, but if it works... :)07:16
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pierrethTsed: ok, but i only printed something very simple07:17
intelikeywell i have something out of joint here.  i can't login graphically anymore.   i get a black screen with a cursor and back to kdm...07:17
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timiahh so i closed adept and tried no i get "package mozilla-frefox is not available, but is refred to by another pacakge07:17
thoreauputic_sudo apt-get install firefox07:18
intelikeysudo apt-get install firefox       if it errors your /etc/apt/sources.list needs fixed.07:18
intelikeyyeah that ^07:19
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Leiramy kdm can start when booting, but i cannnot start it by hand (sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart), /var/log/kdm.log has 2 lines: "Fatal server error:07:19
Leiracould not open default font 'fixed'"07:19
timisame message bout firefox not availabe but refreed to by another package07:19
Leirabut startx just works find07:20
timiit says its replaced by libnss307:20
thoreauputic_timi: your source.list is broken then07:20
timithen it says E: package firefox has no installation candidate07:20
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource07:20
timialright any idea how i can fix that07:20
Leirai have     'FontPath     "/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc"' in my xorg.conf07:20
thoreauputic_timi: see ubotu above07:21
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource07:21
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thoreauputic_heh - it's the same now apparently07:21
Tsed!info hpijs07:21
ubotuhpijs: HP Linux Printing and Imaging - gs IJS driver (hpijs). In repository main, is optional. Version 2.1.7+0.9.7-4ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 273 kB, installed size 852 kB07:22
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intelikeythoreauputic_ yeah someone castrated the bot.07:22
thoreauputic_intelikey: yeah, I know who :)07:22
Tsedpierreth: Huh... you say that package doesn't show up?07:22
Tsedpierreth: I mean, it pops up in my searches (try just 'sudo aptitude install hpijs'?)07:23
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intelikeyis it possable to stop linux from reading an scsi drive every 3 seconds ?07:24
ironfroggyfor example, why doesnt it list eclipse?07:25
ironfroggywhat are the criteria by which adept_install filters packages that adept would list?07:25
intelikeyironfroggy if it's in the repos, adapt should list it.    /etc/apt/sources.list  is the "criteria"by which adept filters packages07:27
ironfroggyi know that. thats why i was asking what criteria adept_installer uses, which is obviously different.07:27
ironfroggyi mean, i never even use it because it doesnt have anything i actually want to install.07:28
pepsiadept just kinda sucks i think :P i tried to use it, but there doesnt appear to be a way to organize the packages other than by listing them all, and be assured that all the packages are listed07:28
timialright i updated the repositories or w/e07:29
intelikey man adept_installer07:29
intelikeyNo manual entry for adept_installer07:29
intelikeySee 'man 7 undocumented' for help when manual pages are not available.07:29
timiso now do i use adept to install firefox or apt-get it again07:29
TsedYeah... I adept_installer seems more confusing than helpful at this point. :/07:30
ironfroggypepsi: what do you mean? how could you list them any other way than listing them all, and still be sure "that all the packages are listed"? that seems contradictory.07:30
pepsiironfroggy: i mean categorically07:30
intelikeytimi   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox07:30
ironfroggypepsi: type something. there's your catagory.07:30
intelikeyput that line in a terminal ^07:30
pepsithe filters or whatever dont seem to be include all the packages07:30
pepsii dont want to search for something, iw ant t to pick a category and see whats all available07:30
ironfroggypepsi: by what means do you deduce this? any examples? seems to work fine for me.07:31
pepsiif i dont know what the package is, searching wont help07:31
intelikeypepsi sure it will07:31
ironfroggypepsi: less true than you might think. try typing "game" for example.07:31
pepsishow me what category linux-headers-*07:31
pepsiis in07:31
intelikeypepsi    try   apt-cache search rtf viewer07:31
timihmm. i guess im stuck with konquere. it says the package isnt the following package "libness3" rpelaces it...07:32
ironfroggycatagories are overrated.07:32
intelikeysearching for things you want doesn't just search the package names....07:32
pepsiit searches a description that might not have the word you're looking for in it07:32
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ironfroggypepsi: in the same way, catagories are even more limiting. there are lots of words in a description to go by, but only one in a catagory name.07:32
pepsii dunno, synaptic does exactly what i want07:33
pepsiso i use that, thats all07:33
intelikeypepsi then use synaptic and stop bitchin'07:33
pepsiabsolutely not07:33
timiwhat does it mean when it says "package mozilla-firefox has no installation candidate07:34
ironfroggygrr stupid eclipse wants me to install freaking gnome to use it.07:34
intelikeytimi it means you still havent updated your sources.list of the package database07:34
ironfroggytimi: thats a fake package i believe. a transitional thing. just install package firefox.07:35
intelikey!info mozilla-firefox07:35
ubotumozilla-firefox: Transition package for firefox rename. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.5.dfsg+ (dapper), package size 48 kB, installed size 104 kB07:35
intelikeyit's in the main  repo  even07:35
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timiive updated everything07:35
intelikey!info firefox07:36
ubotufirefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.5.dfsg+ (dapper), package size 7725 kB, installed size 22888 kB07:36
timiadded multiverse repositiories and al that07:36
TsedI think adept has a lot of potential.  Adept_installers interface is nice... I'd kinda like to see that interface applied to adept as a whole.  Think it'd be much more sane to use that way.  *shrug*07:36
timiok do i type that Infot thing in command07:36
intelikeythat's in main also  ^07:36
intelikey sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox07:36
intelikeytimi  paste that in your terminal ^07:37
timiok i did07:37
intelikeyand ?07:38
timiit shows a bunch of repositries07:38
timiuniversere and multiverse07:38
timithen it syas fetch 1B in 0s07:38
Tsed!info eclipse-platform-common07:38
ubotueclipse-platform-common: Eclipse platform without plug-ins to develop any language (common files). In repository universe, is optional. Version 3.1.2-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 35244 kB, installed size 40804 kB07:38
intelikeymain   by any chance ?07:38
TsedMaybe that'll do it, ironfroggy?07:38
timiit donst say taht anywehre07:38
timiit jsut says package firefox isnt avaible but is rferred to by anothe rpackage07:39
intelikey<timi> universere and multiverse <---  those are good  but what about  " MAIN "  ?07:39
timiit doesnt say man07:39
intelikeyyou have the 'main' repo commented out in your /etc/apt/sources.list07:39
intelikeytry again.07:40
intelikeysudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list07:40
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timialright intelikey abunch of stuf comes up07:41
intelikeyand delete the # in front of the line that says  "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted "07:41
ironfroggyTsed: that is the actual tools not just libraries, right?07:41
timiok just delted the #07:42
timinow wht07:42
intelikeysave and exit07:42
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timii dont c save and exit just exit07:42
timiis that wht i do07:42
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Tsedironfroggy: I don't have the slightest clue.  I figured if you were on broadband, it would be useful to give a shot at, as it doesn't pull in gnome deps.  Sounds promising, at least.07:43
timi# Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:07:43
timiok so ctrl o then ijust close it07:43
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timialright done07:43
timiso now wht07:43
intelikey sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox07:43
intelikeythat again ^07:43
intelikeythis time you get firefox.07:44
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timiHit http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/multiverse Sources07:44
timiFetched 1B in 0s (3B/s)07:44
timiReading package lists... Done07:44
timiE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)07:44
timiE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?07:44
intelikeyclose adept07:45
timiits not open07:45
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intelikeythen close the other terminal window07:45
timii only one open but ill try again07:46
intelikeyautomatic updater is the only other thing....07:46
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intelikeyclick the little update icon in the taskbar07:47
timii c07:47
timii checked with that nano thing07:47
timiand the #07:47
timiis still there07:47
timii cc you offred a file07:51
timihow do i accept07:51
timiit doesnt show it anywher07:52
intelikey /dcc get blah07:52
intelikeyblah means you should be able to guess from there.07:52
timisources.list i prsume07:53
intelikeynick and file name  iirc07:53
timiand i type this whre07:53
timiin konsole?07:53
intelikeyno right here07:53
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timiit saysing unrecognized commaned /dcc07:54
intelikeywhat chat client doesnt' recognize dcc ?????07:55
timisudo /dcc get sources.list07:55
timidamn it, i suck at this stuff07:55
flaccid__is there any doco/pages on apache2 on ubuntu? i notice it includes differently to normal07:56
intelikey /dcc get intelikey sources.list07:56
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timidamnt why is it saying /dcc is an unrecongized command07:56
intelikeyi don't know.   you never even told me what client it was.07:57
Tsedsudo /dcc get sources.list < Are you typing that in konsole, or your irc client?07:57
timiim using Konversaton07:57
timisudo /dcc get sources.list07:57
intelikeyno sudo.07:58
Tsedsudo shouldn't be involved07:58
timiso right here in consol i type wht u guys typed minus the sudo07:58
timierr Konversation07:58
=== intelikey notices the missing nickname
intelikey /dcc get intelikey sources.list07:58
intelikeyi can't make it any easier for you than that.07:59
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource07:59
intelikeythat's the next best bet ^07:59
timialright, thanks but i give up, i dunno whts wrong w/ wht i have but nothing seems to work.07:59
timiget intelikey sources.list08:00
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intelikeyyeah try it with out the dcc   just  /get08:00
intelikey /get intelikey sources.list08:01
timii dont get why when i type exactly wht you type it says error get; unknown command, but when u type it shows up08:02
intelikeyor /d    and hit the tab key to see what pops up08:02
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timihey somethingpop upp08:03
timia new tab says ddc status08:03
=== intelikey <shrugs/>
timithe sources .list is there too08:04
intelikeyso click it.08:04
timii tried to08:04
timiclicked accepte08:04
timiconnection failure: connection actively refused08:05
intelikeythere you go08:06
intelikeyYEAYYY !!!   you did it.08:06
=== intelikey <claps/>
timiim almost there...08:06
timistatus is still 0 but its recievening08:06
intelikeywell maybe not.   file size is 679 bites08:07
timiit says 0 byts a second08:07
timiwht does urs say08:08
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intelikey#3   SEND   timi        -=*=-.  100.0%     00:000.004573 sources.list08:08
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timialright well maybe i recieved it08:09
intelikeysays you got it.08:09
intelikeysays it went somewhere  lol08:09
timiit showed 0 kb total but now  i got it may be i just apt get again08:09
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intelikeyyes 679 is less than 1k08:10
timisorry 0b08:10
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timibut just apt get08:10
flaccidi followed the server guide to create a virtual host, but get [Sat Jul 22 05:28:48 2006]  [warn]  NameVirtualHost *:0 has no VirtualHosts on reload of apache08:10
intelikeyno cat that file and see what it is...  0 bites is not right.08:11
timihow do i cat it08:11
intelikeytype cat sources.list08:11
intelikeywhere ever it put it.08:11
timiit says no such file08:11
intelikeywhere ever it put it.08:12
flaccidthey forgot to say take out # NameVirtualHost * when copying the default vhost config in the doco08:12
intelikeytry one more time.08:12
timiits still recievin08:13
timii bet it says 100 perecnt on yours right08:13
timi0 percent here08:13
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intelikeywell we played with that....08:13
timii didnt donwload any firewalls or anything so is there a functon that could be blocking it08:14
intelikeydeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted universe multiverse08:14
intelikeydeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-updates main restricted universe multiverse08:14
intelikeydeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse08:14
intelikeydeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main universe08:14
intelikeythere it is.  put that in your sources.list08:15
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timiok i put them in the store list by doing...08:16
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intelikeyopen an editor  blank page  and paste that in.  save it as sources.list08:16
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timifor all 4 of the links08:17
intelikeyedit as needed to make it clean and only four lines each beginning with  deb08:17
intelikeyyes all four08:17
timinow wht do i past in08:17
timiit shows an index parent directory and such08:18
noiesmohow can i restart my mouse it seems to have disappeared after the screensavers been running08:18
timido i just past in the url08:18
noiesmoits ps/2 not usb08:18
intelikey"save as"  > sources.list    in "kate"   open kate and paste there.08:19
=== intelikey hopes kate is not overwelming
intelikeynano   or just any editor08:20
intelikeyi'd say vim  but i don't even want to start that discussion.08:20
timii opent he index that you showed me08:21
admiral_proFTWintelikey, nah man, Emacs08:21
timithen i just save as sources.list08:21
timii go to the second one and try the same thing, and it says overwrite08:21
timiwhich is expected08:21
intelikeyprolly cant cause you didn't run it as root via sudo....08:21
intelikeyso save it in your home as sources.list08:22
timiso i sudo konqueror or smethng08:22
timicuz the links open in konqueror08:22
intelikeydon't open the links.....08:22
intelikeyjust copy and paste them in the editor08:22
=== thoreauputic_ larts intelikey for editor spam
intelikeyanything is welcome now08:24
intelikeyuse the big fish on me...08:24
intelikeyjust anything08:24
timinow the links are all 4 the same08:24
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intelikeynot exactly.08:24
=== thoreauputic_ whacks intelikey with a 3 metre shark
intelikeylook closely.08:24
timido i copy everything even before and after the link08:25
=== intelikey wipes the shark slime off and blinks... 0.0
intelikeytimi yes  everything but my nickname08:26
intelikeynow tatoo that on the inside of your eyelids so you don't loose it.08:27
timihaha ok i just did that08:27
timisaved as sources.list08:27
timiand it sitting on my desktop08:27
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timierr nvm its not on my desktop08:27
timibut its saved08:28
timiso now im a good with teh apt-get update && apt-get install firefox08:28
intelikeysudo cp sources.list /etc/08:28
intelikeythen you are.08:28
thoreauputic_umm sudo cp sources.list /etc/apt/08:28
intelikeysudo cp sources.list /etc/apt/08:29
intelikeythoreauputic_ yeah.08:29
intelikeytimi   you see that ^08:29
thoreauputic_from the dir you saved it to08:29
timii just styped save as sources.list08:30
timiso im guess it just went to the home directory08:30
thoreauputic_from your home dir issue the command we gave you08:30
intelikeytimi lets confirm       in the terminal   do    ls08:30
timiyeah its in home08:30
intelikeythat's lower case  LS08:31
intelikeyin the terminal08:31
thoreauputic_intelikey:  ls sources.list would be better ( otherwise he spams his terminal)08:31
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intelikeythoreauputic_ shouldn't be much in $HOME that standard ls will see08:32
thoreauputic_intelikey: heh - you haven't seen my $HOME ;-)08:32
intelikeytimi you see the file 'sources.list' ?08:32
intelikeyok do this    diff sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list08:32
intelikey diff sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list08:33
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intelikeydoes it show lots of output ?08:33
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intelikeyoh typing08:34
intelikeyi was like   'thy ping' ???08:34
thoreauputic_intelikey: that's typing with your leg ( inefficient but interesting)08:34
ironfroggyso someone told me that installing kmplayer will give me a kpart to play videos embedded in konq. i dont see any such thing tho.08:34
timiallotta of stuf08:34
intelikeythen you aint ready08:34
thoreauputic_ironfroggy: there's a kmplayer plugin08:35
intelikeyback to step 208:35
intelikeysudo cp sources.list /etc/apt/08:35
intelikeythen the diff command again.08:35
timinothing happens08:35
thoreauputic_ironfroggy: kmplayer-konq-plugins - KMPlayer plugin for KHTML/Konqueror08:35
thoreauputic_ironfroggy: install that08:36
intelikeytimi diff sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list08:36
ironfroggythought it wasnt actually a plugin.08:36
intelikeylots of stuff    or nothing ?08:36
intelikeygood now you are ready08:36
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thoreauputic_ironfroggy: trust me - it works fine with mplayer/ kmplayer08:36
thoreauputic_ironfroggy: I have it here08:36
ironfroggyalready have it installed.08:36
timiso now i do08:36
TsedFailing that, the mplayer-mozilla plugin should work as well.08:37
intelikeysudo apt-get update08:37
timisudo apt-get update08:37
thoreauputic_ironfroggy: then check in konq configuration plugins08:37
ironfroggyand the mplayer-mozilla plugin isnt working. konq wont recognize it.08:37
timiyeah its actually connecting this time08:37
timiand a whol ebunch of stuff is going on08:37
ironfroggythoreauputic_: ive looked. but i see nothing out of the ordinary, and no mention of either.08:37
timiok its done08:37
thoreauputic_ironfroggy: check in konq configuration - you might need to rescan for plugins08:37
intelikeysudo apt-get install firefox08:37
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ironfroggythoreauputic_: i have. nothing.08:38
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intelikeytimi you are welcome.08:38
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timihaha it working08:38
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timithanks alot08:38
=== intelikey anticipates.
thoreauputic_ironfroggy: also some sites require that konq masquerade as firefox or IE08:38
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thoreauputic_ironfroggy: don't ask why08:38
timiand after an hour and a half08:38
timithanks for sticking it throught with me08:39
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timii wonder if i will actuallly ever be able to undestand wht i am doing08:39
intelikeytimi  i hope the lessons learned last a lot longer than the time spent.08:39
timihaha hopefull08:39
intelikeyyes. you will.08:39
ironfroggythoreauputic_: well that isnt the problem because its trying to play the video, so its getting embedded, but konq doesnt have anything to play it with.08:39
Tsedironfroggy: Hrmph.  Konq doesn't list either video plugins here, either... yet they're definitely working. =/08:40
thoreauputic_ironfroggy: do you have mplayer installed ?08:40
timiok so everything is totally done08:40
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timido i ahve to restart the menu bar or w/e now08:40
intelikeytimi people that are used to M$ windows  are at a dis-advantage here.  they think they know howto... but in fact they have to first be deprogramed, before they can start learning.  it's like loosing your sight in a sense.08:41
timiahah i c08:41
intelikeytimi   in the terminal type  firefox08:41
thoreauputic_intelikey: very true - the worst Linux beginners are people who think they are windows "power users" ;)08:41
timithere she is08:42
timithanks a ton08:42
intelikeyand on the next reset of x it should be in the menus08:42
ironfroggythoreauputic_: yes its installed and functioning08:42
intelikeytimi you bet.08:42
intelikeyand i expect to collect that ton some day.08:43
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timihaha thanks08:43
ironfroggyis there some known reason while local file listsing at the shell are taking so long i mistake them for the ls command locking up entirely?08:43
intelikeyironfroggy slow ls ?08:44
ironfroggyintelikey: rediculusly slow08:44
intelikeyonly place i've seen that is over ssh and a 'rediculusly slow' connection08:45
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=== ku_ is now known as ku
intelikeyor on 5.25 floppy disks08:45
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timihow do i log this convo so i can remember wht i did08:45
intelikeyyou are not using 5.25's are you ?08:45
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ironfroggyonly seems to be a problem when i have my samba share mounted for a while.08:46
intelikeytimi i'm not familear with konversation, sorry.08:46
ironfroggyalso what is odd, is that the mount point for that share isnt showing up in file open dialogs.08:46
intelikeyi generally don't even use X08:46
intelikeyironfroggy ;/08:46
intelikeyidk   but it's all poinging to a network issue.08:47
intelikeysamba as a key player in that.08:47
ironfroggyyeah but it seems odd that directly listings even outside of the share would be affected.08:47
intelikeysquid logs ?08:48
intelikeynot using squid ?08:48
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timii figured it out, thanks again intelikey. cya08:48
intelikeysquid - Internet Object Cache (WWW proxy cache)08:49
ironfroggywhat affect will that have on samba shares exactly?08:49
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intelikeyironfroggy ya kinda out of my viable relmn there...   wish i could answer that.   but i can't.08:51
ironfroggyif its a continual problem, ill just set something to remount the share periodically.08:52
intelikeycron job08:52
MyDellSysthere is an apps that query bios setup or arch ?08:55
Healot!info dmidecode08:55
wolfmanzis there a way to set the resolution of the login display to be the same as my desktop resolution?08:55
ubotudmidecode: Dump Desktop Management Interface data. In repository main, is standard. Version 2.7-3 (dapper), package size 50 kB, installed size 156 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 knetbsd-i386)08:55
ironfroggyare there any licensing issues that would stop someone from packaging things like easyubuntu in an install CD and setting that kind of stuff up by default?08:55
MyDellSyshmm dunno I didnt build this livecd08:56
intelikeyironfroggy i think i saw a wiki or link on the main page about that  http://ubuntu.com08:57
MyDellSysIts been a while I dont have control of this laptop08:57
intelikeyhas the details, i din't bookmark it.08:57
ironfroggyjust surprised that something like that hasnt gotten more attention. so many people are annoyed at, for example, not being able to play mp3's.08:58
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cpk2anyway to remove almost all the packages i have except for just the basic kde ones?08:59
intelikeycpk2 hehhe  remove almost all    and  except kde   don't fit in the same world.09:00
cpk2intelikey: true but i still want to have a windows manager, i suppose i could just use fluxbox or somthing09:01
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cpk2so any thoughts on removing almost all my packages?09:03
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worderr...does kubuntu or any linux os support ncq?09:07
ubotuI know nothing about ncq - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:07
wolfmanzis there a way to set the resolution of the login display to be the same as my desktop resolution?09:07
cpk2what is ncq?09:08
intelikeyvga=791 maybe close     add to /boot/grub/menu.lst   or /etc/lilo.conf09:09
intelikeyuse man blah for more details.09:09
intelikey@ wolfmanz  ^09:09
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wordncq err...something that makes hds go fast09:10
cpk2get reiserfs09:10
wordwhats the % speed diff from ext?09:11
cpk2i dunno go look at the reiserfs site09:11
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wordnot planning on reinstalling any time soon .. so anyone know about NCQ support in kubuntu?09:13
cpk2there are some optimization things you can try, go look it up, why do you need your hard drive to be faster than it currently is?09:14
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intelikeyah just found the kill button on kdm   hehhe  thought there ought to be one....     [console login]  option in the kdm menu   :)09:17
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cpk2intelikey: you mean sudo invoke-rc.1 kdm stop?09:17
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wordcpk2: it's a feature on newer hard drives that makes it go faster..not sure what it is but the OS has to support it09:18
intelikeycpk2 no if i was going to do that i'd just issue  killall kdm09:19
intelikeycpk2 but basicly the same.  only users can kill kdm with the console login  feature09:20
intelikeyhandy on this system,  no sudo here.09:20
intelikeyoh!  what do i need to install for twm to have the debian-menu or any menu list of the X-apps  ?09:22
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intelikeyis it deskmenu maybe ?09:25
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aegeanlinuxHello Y'all09:27
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Healothello aegeanlinux09:29
aegeanlinuxHi Healot, how are you?09:29
MilhousePunkRockGood morning everyone!09:30
MilhousePunkRockHow can I find out, if I use lvm?09:30
=== edulix [n=edulix@225.Red-88-8-231.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
MilhousePunkRockI am following this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89491 and there isnt much of a description09:31
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intelikeyMilhousePunkRock ps -A x | grep lvm    maybe...09:31
MilhousePunkRockI googled that it's "Logical Volume Management", but how likely do I use that without knowing about it?09:31
MilhousePunkRockOh, hey intelikey!09:31
MilhousePunkRockIt's loaded at boot, but I don't know if I need it09:32
MilhousePunkRockI don't think I have a partition setup that needs lvm09:32
MilhousePunkRockThat's the output of ps -A ... : 5294 pts/2    R+     0:00 grep lvm09:33
intelikeyhehhe recursive.  you found your self.  :)09:35
intelikeyantirecursion measures.....   ps -A x | grep lvm | grep -v grep09:36
intelikeybut no if it's not running i'd say you don't use it.09:36
MilhousePunkRockThat didn't give no feedback at all09:37
intelikeydaz rite09:37
HealotMilhousePunkRock: in KDE, open up the Disk Management control panel09:37
Healotor with fdisk -l :)09:37
intelikeyHealot just a thought but wouldn't tune2fs  also tell ?09:38
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Healotwell, anyway you like it09:39
MilhousePunkRockis that an I (India), an l (Lima]  or a | (pipe) ?09:39
MilhousePunkRockprobably not a pipe09:39
intelikeywell might be reiser  i guess,   or you may even be able to lmv M$  idk...09:39
Healoti just pop up the disk management, bam, i see the lvm partition09:39
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intelikeyL as in LIST09:40
intelikeygota get this boy thinking *nix  ....09:40
HealotPipe > |09:41
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MilhousePunkRockI really feel like a noob... Maybe I should have gotten a distribution the _forces_ you to do everthing the hard way ( via shell)09:41
MilhousePunkRockOK, so lvm would be listed under system if I had it?09:42
HealotMilhousePunkRock: it's cool to feel like a newbie when you are09:42
MilhousePunkRockAt least I am honest enough to admit it to myself...09:42
Healotyeah from the fdisk or tune2fs or mdadm output09:42
intelikeyL-ong     L-ist     F-orce    I-nteractive    O-ver_write09:42
intelikeythink  *nix   :)09:43
MilhousePunkRockThree partitions: (Why is it 3 anyway, I dont have a seperate home partition) Linux + Extended + Linux Swap09:43
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MilhousePunkRockMaybe I have to bite the bullet and buy a book about Linux...09:44
intelikeythe extended holds the swap09:44
MilhousePunkRockOh yeah, I just see that the latter two are on the same physical blocks...09:45
MilhousePunkRockIs that where lvm comes into play?09:45
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intelikeyno that's old school partitioning     primary  extended{swap...possably.others}09:45
MilhousePunkRockLet me put the partition table to a pastebin, so you can see it as well...09:46
intelikeyin DOS is was primary  extended{logical-drive,logical-drive2...}09:46
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intelikeyMilhousePunkRock it prolly look a lot like mine.09:46
=== intelikey actually has a partition now...
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intelikeyand journalizing fs     wooowhoo  up town now.09:48
MilhousePunkRockBy the way,  did anyone use that guide to speed up boot I quoted above?09:48
intelikeyand as for the pastebin  yep same critters.09:49
MilhousePunkRockSo what about the lvm now?09:49
intelikeynot likely on that.  no.09:50
MilhousePunkRockWas it you that told me about the runlevel things yesterday to get rid of wifi-radar yesterday, intelikey?09:50
MilhousePunkRockI found that guide which has a graphical frontend for editing the rc* things09:51
intelikeybut don't ask me to repete what i said yestergo    i've slept sense then09:52
MilhousePunkRockFinally I can get rid of HP printing and imaging, cups and all that bluetooth crap09:52
MilhousePunkRockBut there are a few other things in the runlevel not mentioned in the guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8949109:53
intelikeyheh "yestergo" any time before now.   coined by my daughter at age 14months.09:53
intelikeyyeah they are always adding crap.09:54
intelikeyshe's on her own now...   doesn't see like it's been that long.09:55
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MilhousePunkRockOK, done with step II it seems...09:56
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MilhousePunkRockNext step, commenting out tty4 5 and 609:57
MilhousePunkRocktty sounds like is has something to do with the shell?09:57
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intelikeyin /etc/inittab i suppose ?09:58
intelikeyyes console login's09:58
intelikeyyou cutting back to only three consoles.... i activate 8  generally09:59
MilhousePunkRockI wouldn't need more than 3 as a normal end user, right?10:00
intelikeyand kill X   :)10:00
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intelikeywould not need more than one as an X user10:01
MilhousePunkRockIt seems "vi" is using an american keyboard map... If I press the key that is supposed to be the # it acts like pg-up10:01
cpk2MilhousePunkRock: I'm a normal end user and i use 8 consoles =p10:01
MilhousePunkRockbut I use the consoles for sudo kate whatever, sometimes I have 2 or 3 open...10:01
Healotvi is created by American :)10:02
MilhousePunkRockBut if you say console login, I am always only logged in once, in fact there is only one user set up here, ME!10:02
intelikeyi'm not a normal anything  but i have 4 with getty running and 4 with automatic init controlled opening   i.e. waiting on me to use when it boots.10:02
cpk2vi oops not ocnsoles, desktops10:02
MilhousePunkRockI have yet to make use of the Linux multiple desktops...10:03
intelikeyand openvt -fc #10:03
intelikeyin the GUI MilhousePunkRock ?10:03
MilhousePunkRockHuh? What? Who? Me?10:04
ironfroggywhy do i sometimes get messages from apt-get like "depends on Foo, but it is not going to be installed" i mean, why does it decide not to install it?10:05
intelikey<MilhousePunkRock> I have yet to make use of the Linux multiple desktops...<intelikey> in the GUI MilhousePunkRock ?10:05
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intelikeyironfroggy can't find it.10:05
MilhousePunkRockOh yeah.. I know there is that 1 | 2 _3 | 4 grid on the "taskar"10:05
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MilhousePunkRockBut I always do everything on 1 anyway...10:06
intelikeyor conflicts with blah    should say why10:06
wordwhat's upgrades to new mobos+cpus/hds like in kubuntu?10:06
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MilhousePunkRockBack to the tty's10:06
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ironfroggyintelikey: o10:06
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MilhousePunkRockIs it "safe" to comment out 4 5 and 6?10:06
intelikeyMilhousePunkRock as i said, it's "safe" to comment out all but '1'10:07
intelikeyand it can be any one. as long as it respawns in 1-510:08
Healotsince ubuntu/debian only uses 0,1,2,610:08
MilhousePunkRockNever used vi before, do I have to do something so I can edit stuff, or is it a changed keymap that makes my # not work10:08
Healotwait don't comment out runlevel 610:08
intelikey4:12345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty4    <-- example10:08
Healot0,1,2,6 :)10:08
MilhousePunkRockIf the latter, where is the # on a US keyboard?10:09
intelikeyHealot tty's not runlevels10:09
intelikeyand yes i know you can comment out runlevels also in that file10:09
Healoti mean the run levels10:10
intelikeyor add them.    i've done both.10:10
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MilhousePunkRockRunlevels I did with the graphical tool, I felt safer with it... It was "sysv-rc-conf"10:10
intelikeyi've setup inittab to have only 2 runlevels 0,1  which was multiuser 0 and reboot 1     and as many as 13 runlevels...10:11
intelikeyMilhousePunkRock no you remove the entire runlevel or add new ones in the inittab file... it the upper section10:12
intelikeyl1:1:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 110:12
intelikeyl2:2:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 210:12
intelikeyrunlevel ^10:12
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MilhousePunkRockI only want to quote out the tty's in the inittab, I am sticking to that guide very closely...10:13
intelikey1:12345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty110:13
intelikey^ tty's10:13
MilhousePunkRockvi wont let me edit anything... Is it only a viewer?10:14
intelikeynope   hit [insert] 10:14
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MilhousePunkRockSo the "slimmest" set-up would be to only leave one tty?10:16
HealotMilhousePunkRock: you're not having RAM size less then 128MB right?10:17
MilhousePunkRockand I can still open several consoles at a time than?10:17
intelikeybut like i said.   1:12345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1 < that,  not this > 1:2:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty110:17
MilhousePunkRockI have 256 MB on this machine, sadly enough10:17
intelikeyman openvt10:17
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intelikeyMilhousePunkRock you are going to be in the GUI, right ?    gui is not affected by that at all.10:18
intelikeywith 250m  i would never use swap10:18
MilhousePunkRockHow do I quit vi _with_ saving?10:19
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thoreauputicMilhousePunkRock: :!wq10:20
intelikeyMilhousePunkRock escape key first.10:20
intelikeyelse you just type that in the file.10:21
intelikeythoreauputic i put him in ins mode10:21
MilhousePunkRockHey, stop talking geek with me... ;-)10:21
intelikey[esc]  ;wq10:22
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thoreauputiced! ed is the editor! man ed! ed, man!10:22
MilhousePunkRockWhy read man pages if nice ppl here on the IRC help me... :-P10:22
intelikeythat's why the *buntu team put nano as the default cli editor      at least they did one thing right.10:23
thoreauputicheh - that was a reference to a famous joke :) Only masochists use "ed"10:23
=== intelikey points out that thoreauputic broke the sielence....
intelikeyi was waiting for the begging....10:23
MilhousePunkRockI still did not manage to quit vi with saving...10:24
intelikeyprolly not running as root10:24
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MilhousePunkRocksudo vi /etc/inittab10:25
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=== intelikey uses sed and echo to edit files....
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MilhousePunkRockI already figures that I need to be su whenever I want to edit something with messes with the system10:26
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intelikeyso did you hit the escape key in vi ?10:26
intelikeythen the :10:27
MilhousePunkRocklol that was what the :wq was about... sorry... it's still early and I was playing till 2 am10:27
intelikeyescape  then  :   puts you back in 'command' mode in vi   where you can execute commands10:28
intelikeylike [esc]  : help [enter] 10:28
intelikeyor  [esc]  :!wq10:29
intelikeyexec force write quit10:29
MilhousePunkRockThat's done...10:29
MilhousePunkRockI am going to reboot now and see if there is a difference...10:30
intelikeyand that's about the extent of my vi knowledge ,   i use it when i absolutely have too.10:30
intelikeyMilhousePunkRock wait10:30
intelikeylearn this command first.10:30
MilhousePunkRocksudo reboot now?10:31
intelikeyat the grub prompt   you can hit [esc]   and then select the kernel line you would boot and hit  E   that lets you edit the startup command.      init=/bin/bash   is the emergency access incase you hosed the system.10:32
intelikeyyou should never need it.  but with playing around in init  you might.10:32
=== MilhousePunkRock has to search for the notebook on his really messy desk...
MilhousePunkRockThe one made from paper that is, not the beautiful black IBM baby...10:33
intelikeyit    [esc]   E  then add init=/bin/bash   then [enter]  and boot.    only use that if it kernel panics10:34
intelikeyhot it ?10:35
MilhousePunkRockgot that written down, thanks..10:35
intelikeygot it that is.10:35
=== intelikey didn't mention that / would be ro hehhe
intelikeyit was more of an insurance policy than a cure i guess...10:36
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intelikeyjan youre back!10:42
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MilhousePunkRockBooting did not really feel faster though10:42
MilhousePunkRockBut it was to fast for the wireless the first time, so I upped the preup sleep to 210:43
intelikeyit's the loading of kde that eates the time.10:43
MilhousePunkRockNext step, renaming the rc* files I don't need anymore10:43
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MilhousePunkRockthe time before KDE is longer than the time in KDE though10:43
intelikeybut it's loading xorg and kde long before you are seeing the splash screens10:44
MilhousePunkRockKDE probably wasn't the smartest choice for a 256 MB system...10:44
intelikeyMilhousePunkRock i have ran kde on 64m10:44
intelikeywith no swap10:45
MilhousePunkRockDoes anyone watch "Alias" by the way?10:45
intelikeyalias edit='mc -e'10:45
MilhousePunkRockI only ended up with Kubuntu 'cause it was the only Distro where the WLAN worked on the LiveCD10:46
MilhousePunkRockI am talking about the TV series... I just figured they use Linux there to make the computer look really geeky...10:46
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LynoureIs there anything like glabels but for kde? kbarcode seems quite buggy10:47
HobbseeLynoure: ahhhh....10:47
HobbseeLynoure: new version of that seems to work better.10:47
Hobbsee*that's* what i was going to do.10:48
intelikeybarcode - Creates barcodes in .ps format10:48
intelikeykbarcode - A KDE Barcode Creation And Printing Application10:48
intelikeylibpostscriptbarcode - A barcode generator written entirely in PostScript10:48
LynoureHobbsee: I'm using (or tryint to as changing font size does not seem to work) kbarcode 1.8.010:48
HobbseeLynoure: that the one?  https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kbarcode/+bugs10:49
Lynoureintelikey: only one of those is glabels -like, and that's the one I said seems buggy (I do apt-cache search before asking...)10:49
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LynoureHobbsee: no, different bug... maybe I should file it.10:50
HobbseeLynoure: can you wait about 40 mins?10:50
LynoureHobbsee: sure :)10:50
HobbseeLynoure: well, actually, grab the edgy source, build it for dapper, and see if it's buildable and installable.  if it is, i'll request a backport.10:51
intelikeyLynoure i've never used any of them.  only did a quick scan of the repos.10:51
=== Hobbsee looks at the deps
Hobbsee!info debhelper dapper10:51
ubotudebhelper: helper programs for debian/rules. In repository main, is optional. Version 5.0.7ubuntu13 (dapper), package size 493 kB, installed size 1236 kB10:51
intelikeyanyone can guess why i don't have any applications menus in twm or bb ?10:51
Hobbseeyeah lovely.  Lynoure, that should build just fine.10:51
flaccid__anybody know how to make files open in current session for kdevelop?10:52
intelikeyin fact the menu consists of xterm restart and exit10:52
MilhousePunkRockTalking about deps reminds me that I have a slight problem with them too...10:52
MilhousePunkRockNot deps, repos...10:53
MilhousePunkRockI added on there so I could grab the newest version of KDE10:53
intelikeyhmmmm  tty23 [root#~]  update-menus10:53
intelikeyupdate-menus[6708] : Script /etc/menu-methods/menu-xdg returned error status 1.10:53
intelikeyloads of errors just like that ^10:54
MilhousePunkRockBut it seems I didnt add the certificate or something alike for that10:54
LynoureHobbsee: I'm not in the state of mind for experimenting much right now, but maybe at some point during the weekend. Thanks for the hint.10:54
HobbseeLynoure: backports are screwed, atm, i think.    but that package should definetly build.10:54
HobbseeLynoure: i'll have a package in a while - but i'm going out first, so...10:54
LynoureHobbsee: Take your time :)10:54
HobbseeLynoure: and being the one that did the merge - you shouldnt have a problem with the edgy version, if you use dpkg-source -x foo.dsc && debuild10:55
intelikeynobody ?10:55
Hobbseewow, lots of updates for dapper.10:56
intelikeyyeah  lots10:57
HobbseeLynoure: it's configuring now.10:58
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MilhousePunkRockWas that me not adding the key or is it a problem with the repo?10:58
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HobbseeMilhousePunkRock: likely not adding the key, or it not reading, or something10:59
MilhousePunkRockHow can I add the key then?10:59
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intelikeylooks like the repo is not automaticly sending/updating the gpg key, to me.  but i'm not german11:01
HobbseeMilhousePunkRock: sudo apt-key add key.gpg11:01
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intelikeyyes dl and manually add the key.11:02
HobbseeLynoure: want me to email the debs to you?  what's your email?11:02
HobbseeLynoure: or send me an email from your email address, so i dont los eit :P11:02
=== Hobbsee is really gone.
HobbseeLynoure: oh yay, it's done.11:03
MilhousePunkRockIf I only knew where to find the key...11:04
HobbseeLynoure: send me your email and your architecture - to hobbsee@kubuntu.org11:04
=== Hobbsee is going to sign out.
intelikeygooday hobbsee11:04
intelikeyeeek  kde is a blank screen with a cursor.   no menu no kicker.... no nothing.11:06
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MilhousePunkRockLooks like you are the one who needs help now, intelikey, huh?11:07
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intelikeyi haven't killed the thing yet....  but i'm still clubing it.....11:08
MilhousePunkRockDoes anyone agree that ark sucks?11:08
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Healotnay from me...11:09
=== MilhousePunkRock is gonna replace it with 7zip now
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intelikeyMilhousePunkRock it'll take time... but you'll see the thinking in tar/gzip/bzip211:10
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MilhousePunkRock7zip can do those as well11:12
MilhousePunkRockOne thing I really miss from Windows...11:13
intelikeywhat's that ?11:13
Healotit's not in the popularity-contest top list11:14
MilhousePunkRockIs that most times Linux does not add icons to the K-Menu when I install something...11:14
MilhousePunkRockI grew up with GUI point and click, that's hard to overcome...11:14
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MilhousePunkRockOh dear, I have the suspicion the 7zip I just installed is for the command line only...11:16
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MilhousePunkRock7-Zip works in Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP. There is port of command line version for Linux/Unix.11:18
Healotyou just read that?11:18
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MilhousePunkRocknext step: sudo apt-get uninstall 7zip11:19
MilhousePunkRockif that is the proper command11:19
MilhousePunkRockIt's remove, isnt it11:20
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MilhousePunkRockLooks like I can use rar with ark as well... Just got unrar11:26
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FrEdAtTaCkhello I have a install problem with kubuntu, the live cd doesn't find my hard drive11:28
MilhousePunkRockIt needs to be mounted, FrEdAtTaCk11:28
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FrEdAtTaCkit a new hard disk11:29
FrEdAtTaCkfor a new installation11:29
FrEdAtTaCkI want only kubuntu on these computer11:29
noiesmoFrEdAtTaCk, is it formated or brand new11:29
FrEdAtTaCkso I have try brand new, I have try with formating on ext3 in partitions with partition magic , always not found11:30
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MilhousePunkRockAFAIK it's not mounted by default on the LiveCD, but the Installation will recognise it11:30
FrEdAtTaCkwhen I start with the live cd , and start qtparted doesn't recognize the hard drive11:30
FrEdAtTaCkwhen I try to install kubuntu , on the partition screen it fails11:31
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FrEdAtTaCkI have also try the alternate cd but the same problem11:31
FrEdAtTaCkI think the serial ata controller is doesn't recognize, but how can I load an other serial ata driver ?11:32
FrEdAtTaCkMilhousePunkRock,  thats my problem, the installation fails on partitioning screen11:33
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Skaman_hi everybody11:34
MilhousePunkRockI'm a noob, FrEdAtTaCk, I'm afraid I can't help you...11:34
FrEdAtTaCkokay np11:34
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FrEdAtTaCkanyone else ?11:34
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theresawhats your problem fredattack?11:35
FrEdAtTaCkwel I can't install kubuntu because my hard drive is not recognize11:35
FrEdAtTaCkthe installer freeze on the partitioning screen11:36
theresaahhhh! common problem!11:36
intelikeyha MilhousePunkRock i have menus again....  :)11:36
theresayou need to try the text-based installation!11:36
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theresado you have these shipit cds?11:36
FrEdAtTaCkI have tried11:36
FrEdAtTaCkalso the same11:36
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intelikeydon't force it...  just use a bigger hammer to presuide it to move.11:37
FrEdAtTaCkyes , I have tried with : chipit cd's off : 64 bit amd, 32 bit, and then the downloaded alternate version11:37
theresadownload the latest iso from the kubuntu website!11:37
FrEdAtTaCkthe alternate cd was the latest11:37
FrEdAtTaCki think11:37
theresayou can use these shipit cds for frisbee if you want....or just chuck them into your bin!11:38
theresayou need indeed the alternate cd!!! get this version11:38
FrEdAtTaCkI am a hardware reseller, and I give my clients (k)ubuntu cd's11:38
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FrEdAtTaCkbut the alternate cd has the same problem11:38
Skaman_FrEdAtTaCk: what happens?11:39
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Skaman_i had a problem with partitioning11:39
Skaman_maybe is the same11:39
theresai had EXACTLY the same problem with the shipit cds, but then i downloaded the above version and it worked fine....and i installed it on 2 hdd's...so it worked twice for me :D11:40
MistaEDfredattack: do you know what chipset the SATA controller is? or what chipset the board is, like via/nvidia/ati/sis/etc.?11:40
FrEdAtTaCkyes via vt8237a south bridge11:40
MistaEDi'm guessing it would use the sata_via module11:40
FrEdAtTaCkSkaman_,  the alternate amd 64  cd also freez on partitioning, it doesn't recognize my hard drive11:41
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FrEdAtTaCktheresa,  i have downloaded the amd64 version alternate cd , It would be the same11:42
MistaEDhmm, i guess you could try a "modprobe sata_via" in another terminal with the alternative cd before getting to the partitioner (ctrl+alt+F2 to get to a busybox terminal)11:42
MilhousePunkRockHello slow-motion11:42
FrEdAtTaCkah OK MistaED  I go try it11:42
slow-motionhi MilhousePunkRock11:42
MistaEDfredattack: i'll see if that module needs anything after it for that chipset11:43
theresaok, i'm sorry, fredattack i haven't tried the amd64 version, as i'm not on a amd64 pc11:43
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FrEdAtTaCkbut that should be also the latest version11:44
theresaanyone here using kontact/kmail as there email client?11:45
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MistaEDfredattack: looked on a mandrake forum, apparently someone tried the noapic flag when you boot the cd and they had a flawless install after that, they had the exact same problem with the vt823711:48
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evilmegamanHi I am trying to get Maple Story to work through wine, does anyone have any solutions to that?11:49
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omeowHow can I see a list of stuff I recently installed?11:55
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intelikeyrecent.... idk.   but  dpkg -l | grep '^ii' | less   will give you the whole list.11:56
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intelikeyomeow it kinda depends on the frontend you used to install it, as to whether or not it's even possable to see the 'recently' installed packages.11:57
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omeowI think I used adept.11:59
omeowBut it's a test version, so not everything works there.12:00
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LynoureWhy is there so much python stuff as dependancies for kubuntu-desktop? Are most of those actually required for some basic kde functions?12:06
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intelikeyLynoure cause python is the language of the month and kubuntu is the distro of the month,  so it stands to reason....12:07
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intelikeyLynoure better question might be 'why does python depend on perl' ?12:07
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abattoirLynoure: stuff like guidance the 'System Settings' thing depend on python12:08
abattoirLynoure: and the (k)ubuntu teams have a soft corner for the language :)12:08
Lynoureabattoir: there is no separate package for that? Hmm, I hope I didn't break it. (But oh well, I'd know how to fix it)12:09
abattoirso, lots of (k)ubuntu specific things, like the Live CD installer for eg. are written in python12:09
abattoirLynoure: even if you broke guidance, you could always use 'kcontrol'12:09
intelikeya quick   cd /usr/bin ;file * | grep python      would tell that story very well12:09
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Healotand the bugs show that it does use Python :)12:11
Lynoureabattoir: Actually, I don't even know which one (if either) System Settings uses...12:12
theresaanyone here using kontact/kmail as there email client?12:13
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intelikeyi was looking at an init script eariler and the comment looked like a 3 year old typed it.  spelling and grammar were both worse than mine.....12:14
abattoirLynoure: what do you mean? you mean which python packages?12:14
arsoamarok aint loading up12:14
arsoi get the loading screen12:15
arsothen nothing12:15
arsoa few other apps to12:15
arsoi restarted,but sitll12:15
abattoirarso: played around w/ the settings?12:15
intelikeywhat's causing this ?  "error opening security policy file /etc/X11/xserver/SecurityPolicy12:15
arsoabattoir:  no12:15
arsoabattoir:  even a game, frozen bubble aint loading12:15
Lynoureabattoir: No, I'm not sure if Guidance is something I use... Never seen anything directly with that name. But oh well.12:16
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arsoabattoir:  could it be coz i installed a lot of new apps lately12:16
arsomedia players12:16
abattoirLynoure: as i said its called 'System Settings'.... is right there in the Kmenu12:17
yogii need help12:17
abattoirarso:  could be...12:17
yogii cant use my amarok12:17
arsou too12:17
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arsome too, i cant use amarok12:17
intelikeycould be12:17
abattoiryogi: join the club :)12:17
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arsoshould i reinstal?12:17
LVADERabattoir: can u guide me on how to use amarok?12:17
Lynoureabattoir: ok, on surface level those seem to work fine still, despite >100M of removed pythonage.12:17
LVADERi cant play mp3 from my thumbdrive12:18
abattoirLynoure: as i said, even if that fails, you have KControl, the original kde things12:18
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abattoirLVADER: you copied from the filebrowser?12:18
abattoirLynoure: so, shouldnt be a problem :)12:18
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abattoirarso: might help...12:19
Lynoureabattoir: hmm, sorry to ask stupid questions, but where are those, if Guidance stuff is under System Settings?12:19
abattoirarso: you can also try removing the amarok settings file, if you dont mind losing some settings12:19
abattoirLynoure: you mean where in the system they are installed?12:20
abattoirLynoure: afaik, guidance *is* 'System Settings'12:20
arsoabattoir:  how do iremove them12:20
Lynoureabattoir: found them12:20
abattoirarso: ~/.kde/share/config/amarokrc12:20
Lynoureabattoir: ok, I'm so cli-happy that I still get all confused about those graphical tools12:21
abattoirLVADER: what is in the path? media:/sda1 or something ?12:21
abattoirLynoure: heh, that's good then :)12:21
arsowtf, when i click any mouse button it comes right click12:21
LVADERits /media/sdb112:21
arsoabattoir:  do i delete that file?12:21
abattoirarso: back it up first and then delete it12:22
abattoiramarok would recreate it at startup12:22
arsooh ok12:22
arsosure thing12:22
arsoaccess denied when i paste12:23
Netcadi have edit with the command crontab -e. how do i save it and exit=?12:23
LVADERumm...i have copied it onto my desktop12:23
arsoumm wats the command for any user? "chown cd amarok/  or something12:23
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arsook got it12:24
arsosudo chown -R <user>12:25
arsook i backed it up and deleted it12:25
arsoand amarok is now loading12:25
abattoirarso: cool :)12:26
arsook still doesnt work :S :(12:26
abattoirLVADER: now it works ?12:26
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abattoirarso: ugh.... any error?12:26
arsojust keeps loading12:26
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arsoand then load screen goes, and amarok dont load up12:26
tadashi guys12:26
abattoirarso: run it from the command line... look for errors12:26
tadasis there any way to count ls results?12:26
arsosame thing12:27
arsoi tried command line too12:27
harii have almost the same problem with "totem"12:27
abattoirarso:  any errors that you noticed?12:27
arsoit doesnt give any12:27
arsoshould i try from konsole?12:27
abattoirugh... i thought you did that...12:27
arsook i got errors12:27
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:27
arsoi';l give u al ink12:27
ubotuI know nothing about ! - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:28
harii am a newbie just testing12:29
arsolol ok12:29
arsoabattoir:  u there?12:29
arsohari:  :)12:29
abattoirarso: ok, ping me, will get my attention :)12:29
arsoheh k12:29
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abattoirarso: that's just normal stuff12:30
abattoirarso: anything after that?12:30
arsoerror while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: can                                                                                 not open shared object file: No such file or directory12:31
arsothis is normal too?12:31
abattoirarso: weird... hmmm havent seen that one...12:31
abattoiryou have all those fancy visualizers installed?12:31
arsolol last line12:31
arsonot really12:31
arsobut that libGL.so.1 sounds familiar12:31
harino ithink that line's not normal12:32
arsoyesterday some ppl were helping me fix my ati drivers12:32
arsoand replaces some files and stuff12:32
harithat doesnt come up when i run amarok12:32
arsoya mine's messedup, it aint running :P12:32
hariok :)12:32
arsoand i remeber they were replacing libGL,so.1 or something, could it be they messed it up ?12:32
abattoirarso: so nothing else? o/p i mean12:32
arsoo/p? :P , newbit12:33
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abattoirarso: latest version of amarok?12:34
arsoumm, the one that came with kubuntu, i installed it about 25days ago12:35
abattoirarso: there is a newer version 1.4.1 try installing that12:35
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abattoirgo to kubuntu.org12:36
abattoiryou'll find instructions there12:36
arsocan i use synaptic or adept12:36
abattoirarso: whichever you like/are comfortable w/12:36
arsobtw , i have 2 games, foobilliard and frozen bubble same thing happens to them too12:36
arsoloading, then nothing12:36
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abattoirarso: well, if it is a graphics problem, then i understand the games not working... but amarok?12:37
abattoirbut otoh, you also have the openGL error dont you12:37
Ace2005Hi all12:37
abattoirwhat exactly did you do w/ your video card? did you achieve what you wanted to do?12:38
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arsoafter 30 misn of trying12:40
arsothey guy said "g2g, bye"12:41
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abattoirarso: then it could be a misconfigured graphics card causing the issues?12:41
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arsoyes i think sop12:41
abattoirbecause the only use i can think of is for the visualisers which amarok uses12:41
arsoi asked them to help becoz videos were gay quality compared to windows12:42
arsoso they set out to fix my drivers and stuff12:42
abattoirso maybe they need OpenGL... with which...12:42
arsoand apparently did more damage12:42
abattoirarso: easy on the words.... :P12:42
arsohehe :p12:42
Ace2005Is it ok to install to reiser4?12:42
abattoirAce2005: yes, perfectly ok12:43
Ace2005hi abattoir its me, from yesterday, i was trying to install on xfs12:43
arsoso abattoir u know how to get openGL  , if thats wat i need12:44
arsolibGL is opengl?12:44
abattoirAce2005: oh, hehe, if you'd have introduced yourself earlier, i'd have been more polite :P12:44
abattoirAce2005: actually which guy, i remember helping around 3~4 guys w/ the same issue... :P12:44
abattoirarso: sorry, i have no clue12:44
Ace2005abattoir: well i was called ubuntu and before that i was ubuntu__12:44
abattoirAce2005: you the one w/ ext3 /boot partition12:44
abattoirAce2005: heh, that's being even more vague12:45
abattoiroh, ok12:45
abattoirso what happened?12:45
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arsoso i am pretty much screwed :P12:45
abattoirarso:  who was the person who helped you?12:45
Ace2005abattoir: and you said to format it as reiser but now the installer is trying to format it as ext3 even though the reformat option is not ticked12:45
abattoircome back later... your usual time ( ;) )12:45
arsoabattoir:  umm darkwizzard and djdarkman12:45
abattoiri'm sure they'll be a lot more ppl who canhelp you :)12:46
arsoabattoir:  i am always on :P12:46
abattoirAce2005: really? that shouldnt happen12:46
abattoirAce2005: are you sure ?12:46
Ace2005yea i'm sure12:46
abattoirhari: are you a bot? ;)12:46
harino :)12:46
arsoprove it?12:47
arsokaffeine works fine12:47
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ubotuI know nothing about opengl - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:47
harilets try turing test ;)12:47
ubotuI know nothing about libGL - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:47
ubotuI know nothing about gl - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:47
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abattoirAce2005: what gives you the idea that it is formatting as ext3?12:47
abattoirhari: nah, you passed already :P12:48
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abattoirhari: you are a bot :), that's how bots answer to such questions :)12:48
Ace2005abattoir: at the last screen before you confirm it shows that /home and / are being formatted but only /home needs to be formatted12:48
hariarso, maybe you can try installing that new version of amarok12:49
harimaybe it will fix the problem12:49
Ace2005abattoir: i ran sudo mkreiser4 /dev/hda512:49
harimaybe i am the first bot to pass turing test 100% :)12:50
abattoirAce2005: both are formatted as reiserfs?12:50
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Ace2005abattoir: /home is ext3 and / is reiser12:51
abattoirAce2005: and what does the installer say? in the last step ?12:52
Ace2005abattoir: let me restart it12:52
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abattoirAce2005: make sure both are unticked(for formatting)12:52
abattoirAce2005: and make sure the mt. points are right12:53
arsohari:  umm prove ur botness tarudoe12:53
Ace2005abattoir: the partitioning bit shows it as unknown12:54
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abattoirAce2005: if you already partitioned in the cmd line, ignore the partitioning bit12:54
abattoirgo to the confirmation screen12:55
arsoi removed12:55
abattoirwhere it lists which partitions are being formatted...12:55
arsoit removed12:55
arsoALL my media players12:55
abattoirarso: work?12:55
arsoincluding amarok12:55
abattoirarso: hehe, maybe when you boot up next time... there might be nothing to boot into...12:56
arso.. dont scare me12:56
abattoirarso: i asked you to be patient till those guys came12:56
harihe he he12:56
arsooh god i n eed to instal all again12:56
hariyes he did say that12:57
abattoirarso: anyway, the fun w/ linux is screwing around with it12:57
arsohari:  st fu bot12:57
arsoi just wanted to play a song :( 1 hour ago12:57
arsohari:  silence12:57
arsook i reinstalled openGL12:57
Ace2005abattoir: The following partitions are going to be formatted: partition #5 of /dev/hda as ext3, partition #5 of /dev/hdb as ext312:57
abattoirarso: ok, now try installing the latest ver. of amarok12:58
arsoand now installing amarok12:58
arsolets see12:58
arsoi am12:58
arsoadept only has latest versions right?12:58
abattoirAce2005: when did you do the partitioning?12:58
abattoirarso: no.12:58
arsowell i dont know wat version its instlling12:58
abattoirAce2005: did you reboot after that ?12:59
arsois that a version?> its in the filename12:59
abattoirarso: latest is 1.4.112:59
abattoirarso:  check out kubuntu.org12:59
arsoguessss not12:59
arsoits 1.3.912:59
Ace2005abattoir: yesterday, i did it in qtparted, then i rebooted and installed windows in hda1 and now i'm installing kubuntu12:59
arsoi'll just upadate thru the kubuntu.org12:59
Ace2005abattoir: no reboot after formatting the partition as reiser412:59
abattoirAce2005: oh ok... but then when did you do the reiser thing?01:00
abattoirAce2005: then you'd need to reboot01:00
hariarso, if you are doing it from adept manager then you can get the details by clicking on the small arrow on the left side01:00
Ace2005abattoir: while i was talking to you01:00
abattoirAce2005: but run cfdisk first01:00
arsohari:  thank u, useless01:00
Ace2005abattoir: ok i'll reboot01:00
abattoirAce2005: ok, rucn 'sudo cfdisk' first01:00
abattoirAce2005: do that before you reboot01:00
Ace2005abattoir: FATAL ERROR: Cannot open disk drive Press any key to exit cfdisk01:00
abattoirAce2005: ok exit it01:01
abattoirAce2005: quit the installer01:01
abattoirAce2005: unmount all your harddisk partitions01:01
Ace2005still the same error01:01
hariok everyone i am leaving, bye :)01:02
arsowhen the instal finishes i'll reboot and see if it will01:02
Ace2005bye hari01:02
abattoirAce2005: unmounted the disk fully ? sure?01:02
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Ace2005well according to kde in system:/ they aren't even fstab and it couldn't mount then01:02
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abattoirAce2005: the installer mounts them...01:03
Ace2005abattoir: where?01:03
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abattoirAce2005: ok, i say this because the partition table needs to be written to disk01:03
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Ace2005abattoir: the partition table hasn't changed, just the file system in hda501:04
arsojihi:  hi01:04
abattoirAce2005: afaik, you need to update it....01:04
jihihas anybody a working xorg.conf for gforce 440go  ?01:04
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abattoirAce2005: you can try continuing installation if you want... but if the installer crashes... dont ask me01:05
Ace2005abattoir: so i restart and then it'll show its reiserfs?01:05
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abattoirAce2005: restart the computer? please do that if you can... but it'd be good if you can run cfdisk before that01:05
Ace2005abattoir: still gives the same error01:06
abattoirAce2005: hmmm i still think the drive is mounted... ok, anyways restart01:06
rascal999I am trying to edit a file in the /etc/ folder but I don't have permission?01:06
Ace2005abattoir: whats the alternative install disk? does that have the old type installer?01:07
abattoirAce2005: yes it does01:07
Ace2005abattoir: is that the only difference?01:08
abattoirAce2005: it also is less bug-infested01:08
abattoirAce2005: supports reiserfs too01:08
Ace2005abattoir: thanks, i'll download that and try it01:08
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Ace2005abattoir: thanks for all the help, bye01:08
abattoirAce2005: if you can get that, and are ok w/ the text-based installation, i'll recommend that01:08
abattoirAce2005: bye :)01:08
Ace2005bye all01:08
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abattoirarso: got the latest version yet?01:11
arsodamn still 31% :S01:11
abattoirarso: anyway i am not very confident that it'd work01:11
abattoirarso: i'm pretty much sure graphics is the problem01:11
abattoirarso: wait for those guys to come up... and finish the process01:11
arsoif i find them01:11
arsoanyways there are a few pros usually around later01:12
abattoirarso: exactly :)01:12
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arsogatekeepe and stuf01:12
abattoirarso:  your best chums :)01:12
FrEdAtTaCkhello kubuntu users01:12
arsohell fre.blabla01:13
FrEdAtTaCkI can't install kubuntu because my hard drive is nog recognize01:13
tinyHI I need some help about wine : is somebody able to help me ?01:13
arsou sure its plugged in right?01:13
Healothello FrEdAtTaCk the kubuntuans01:13
arsotiny:  did u try the wine channel?      abattoir IS THERE a wine channel?01:13
abattoiryes, of course01:13
FrEdAtTaCkI have a VT8237A sata controller in these pc01:13
abattoiror #winehq01:14
tinythanks I don't know there is a wine channel. I go now.01:14
arsook good01:14
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arsoFrEdAtTaCk: are u dual booting with windows or mac?01:14
Philip5arso: how is it going?01:14
FrEdAtTaCkI have tried with kubuntu 6.06  64-bit, 32-bit and the alternate version , always freeze it on partitioning01:14
arsophili is here!01:15
Philip5arso: hehe01:15
FrEdAtTaCkarso, no only kubuntu01:15
arsoits going bad  :(01:15
FrEdAtTaCkI have also tried with manualy load the sata_via module , always some problem01:15
arsoFrEdAtTaCk:  oh so u didnt try this harddisk out yet, so it could be not plugged in01:15
Philip5arso: oh? how come?01:16
arsoPhilip5:  i am having problems with the graphics,were u there yesterday? when darkwizzard was helping me?01:16
FrEdAtTaCkyes arso , I also partitioning the hard drive with partition magic01:16
Philip5arso: i wasn't01:16
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arsoPhilip5:  oh , i complained to someone that my video quality was gay, comapred to windows.01:17
arsoPhilip5:  so they started doing some weird stuff , trying to fix my driver, or see if it exists (ati radeon series200)01:17
FrEdAtTaCkarso have you installed the video driver ?01:17
arsoand now , i noticed all programs that use graphics (games, amarok not loading (visualisations)01:17
arsoi think so01:17
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arsoFrEdAtTaCk: sorry, i aint no expert, cant help u with the partitioning,u tried qtparted tho?01:18
nancy1hi everyone,,01:18
Philip5arso: oh, well i use nvidia so i'm not exactly sure of ati parameters01:18
arsonancy1:  welcome01:18
arsodamn, everyones on nvidia :(01:18
FrEdAtTaCkyes, qtparted doesn't also recognize the hdd01:18
nancy1I have a X problem this morning,, can anyone help me,,01:18
nancy1X start only for few second an send mem to command line01:18
Philip5arso: have you read the howto?01:18
arsowhich howto? :P kubuntu,org?01:19
arsothing is, it was fine, untill those guys were helping me01:19
nancy1when I put in startx it tells me that it is already in fonction,, how can I resolve this problem,, x starts normally when I boot in recovery,,01:19
arsowtf, system settings aint loading up01:20
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arsoService '/usr/share/applications/kde/KControl.desktop' is malformatted"         oh god01:20
nancy1Thx for the welcome arso01:20
arsolol, sorry i am of no help, a newb myself01:20
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Philip5nancy1: any other problem while at the kdm login?01:21
arsoPhilip5:  Service '/usr/share/applications/kde/KControl.desktop' is malformatted     .. sounds serious01:21
Philip5arso: yes, very,,, now you have to reformat everything and do a reinstall... ;)01:21
arso............O M G01:22
Philip5arso: na01:22
arsolol? u were joking? i hope01:22
Philip5arso: of course01:22
arsophew! dont scare me like that :P01:22
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nancy1in recovery no,, but in my user,, I see pointer a few second and Im sent to prompt login,, and when I try to startx then, ,it tells mem that its already in fonction on monitor 0,, and im on a laptop,, so no muti screen01:23
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=== arso WAS SCARED
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ninHerhi all01:23
arsohow are u chatting? different computer?01:23
arsoninHer:  hello01:23
arsohasta lavista01:24
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nancy1Philip5, I did try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg,, with no positive result,,01:24
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arsonancy1:  was it working fine earlier?01:25
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nancy1arso, was working fine for a week,, and no change as been made since install last week01:25
nancy1was sent to prompt login this morning01:25
Philip5nancy1: let us see you /var/log/Xorg.0.log but we only need lines from your last try01:25
Philip5put it at pastebin01:26
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:26
nancy1heuu i do that from prompt?01:26
nancy1and how do I post that here,, its on the orher laptop,,01:26
Philip5nancy1: are you at a different computer now?01:26
nancy1hold on ,01:27
Philip5arso: need that kcontrol-file?01:27
arsoPhilip5:  i have no idea, wat to do01:27
nancy1Philip5, yes,, still on prompt on the one I cant log on x01:27
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Philip5nancy1: can you get the log to the other computer somehow?01:29
arsoPhilip5:  so wat should i do ? :P01:29
Philip5arso: with the kcontrol file? make a new one01:29
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arsoPhilip5:  well with everything, Service '/usr/share/applications/kde/KControl.desktop' is malformatted" wat was that":01:30
arsoi am considering a fresh installation01:30
Philip5arso: do you get my dcc?01:30
ninHerhello arso01:30
arsoninHer:  hello?01:30
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nancy1Philip5, if I look at Xorg.0.log  the last 10 lines have a WARNING  font renderer for..... already registered at prioroty 001:31
=== arso is lost,,
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Philip5arso: make sure you kcontol.desktop file look like this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1858801:32
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Philip5arso: otherwise make it... :)01:33
arsoumm how do open it? wheres its location01:33
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Philip5arso: you said it yourself01:33
Philip5arso: /usr/share/applications/kde/KControl.desktop01:33
Philip5nancy1: that only mean that you have tried to start it once and that it's still running but not working01:34
Philip5nancy1: look for the first error and why01:34
arsoPhilip5:  u do this for charity :P ?01:34
Philip5arso: no while eating lunch :)01:34
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arsoService '/usr/share/applications/kde/kfmclient_dir.desktop' is malformatted01:35
nancy1im gonna try login recovery,, and get it from there01:35
arsooh god01:35
arsoi cant even get that01:35
nancy1since it work fine in thet mode01:35
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arsoand if i got to storage devices i get same msg01:35
arsoor home folder01:35
IGGY_POPhi guys, how to create a super administrator account in graphic mode, and how to create bootable floppy when a cdrom doesn't boot ?01:35
arso....my whole root is owned or wat Philip501:36
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IGGY_POPanybody there to answer my questions ?01:37
arsoIGGY_POP:  hmm didnt u already create one when u installed kubntu?01:37
arsoIGGY_POP:  u still use floppies :P?01:37
IGGY_POPi can't use other things01:38
josiany ideas what could cause a jerky video stream?01:38
IGGY_POPmy cd rom doesn't boot01:38
arsobad connection01:38
arsoIGGY_POP:  is it mounted/01:38
IGGY_POPno i mean in the start of the computer01:38
IGGY_POPif you want to use a live cd01:38
IGGY_POPyour cd rom has to be bootable01:39
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arsoi dont know :S01:39
IGGY_POPsomeone know that ?01:39
arsoPhilip5:  where are u01:39
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Philip5arso: i'm here01:39
Philip5and there01:39
arsoPhilip5:  any thoughts01:39
arsoi cant access anything01:39
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arsoaltho interestingly, i am downloading stuff to the root partition01:40
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arsoand its downloading normaly01:40
arsootherwisei  get malformatted01:40
SoLo18cine ma poate ajuta si pe mine in legatura cu cum sa instalez porgrame pe Kubutu /dar in ROMANA?01:40
Philip5arso: same as usuall with you... permissions01:40
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arsoso "sudo chown -R arso /"01:40
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feethi. i need to install nvidia-glx. however it keeps asking me to download the 386 kernel packages and related. but i am using the 686 kernel packages. am i doing something wrong??01:40
Healotnuma numa iei numa numa iei01:41
Philip5arso: ehem, depends on what you are doing it on01:41
arsoHealot:  u romanian?01:41
arsoPhilip5:  access anything01:41
arsofirst time i see that "malformatted thing"01:41
ubotuazureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AzureusHowTo01:41
arsoService '/usr/share/applications/kde/kfmclient_dir.desktop' is malformatted01:41
josishould i use xine or gstreamer framework as back-end?01:41
Philip5arso: then with the other problems maybe you don't have access to the file01:42
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arsoso how do we deal with it01:43
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nancy1Philip5, I posted Xorg.0.log on paste.ubuntu-nl01:43
Philip5nancy1: i'll have a look01:43
Philip5nancy1: but please give me the url to your post01:44
arsoso my turn :P01:44
arsobrb, reboot01:45
hardw1rewhich repos do i need for the sun-java5-jre ?01:45
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kbrooksHow do I install Flaash under Kubuntu? What packages?01:46
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nancy1http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18589   and 1859001:47
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Tommy2k4kaffeine has such high cpu usage :s01:47
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arsoit took away konque01:48
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joaquimhardw1re: sun-java5-jre is availlable in multiverse repos01:48
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Philip5nancy1: to clue really from that... what about your syslog? any errors in there?01:51
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arsooh god01:51
arsoi 've fuked everything up01:51
nancy1Philip5, I just noticed something,, Philip5 syslog or syslog.001:51
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arsoPhilip5:  i rebooted01:52
arsoand its into some kind of safe mode01:52
arsothe wallpaper is plain01:52
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arsoit doesnt open any program including run command01:53
kbrooksarso: theres no safe mode01:53
arsothen wat is this01:53
kbrooksarso: reinstall kubuntu01:53
arsoeasy to say01:53
arsoi need stuff from the root partition01:53
arsoPhilip5:  help..01:54
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=== hardw1re dances
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=== aegeanlinux sings
=== arso commits suicide
=== aegeanlinux dosn't care
=== arso 's linux got owned
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nancy1Philip5, to come back to what I noticed,, I think that in my user profile,, rfresh rate is at 63Mhz for the screen and I dont have any higher setting,, but inrecovery, I have a refresh of 85,, can it be it,, ??01:56
aegeanlinux:P Jokes01:56
=== aegeanlinux 's really did !
Philip5nancy1: try01:56
nancy1how can I change to higher setting in user if they dont show?01:57
nancy1by redoing reconfigure xserver and putting manually setting?01:58
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arsoPhilip5:  y aren u helping me :(02:03
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pepsikbrooks: did you figure out the flash thing yet? curious about that myself02:04
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hardw1rehmm my Azureus seems to have not show the windows, i just have the grey box with the toolbar02:05
aegeanlinuxhardw1re: dang02:06
hardw1redunno then again i might just be use to the windows version of Azureus02:06
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arsoi am using azureus02:07
arsoon windows AND linux02:07
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ThirdEyeSkweekywhat version of java r u  using?02:08
arsono idea02:08
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kbrooksjava -version02:09
ThirdEyeSkweekyjava - version02:09
kbrooksThirdEyeSkweeky: Without the space02:10
hardw1regij (GNU libgcj) version 4.1.0 (Ubuntu 4.1.0-1ubuntu8)02:10
ThirdEyeSkweekyyup sorry --02:10
hardw1rejava version "1.4.2"02:10
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arsomy linux is fuked i cant even get to konsole02:10
edisonhi everyone02:11
Healotarso, hehehe02:12
aethhi all, I just installed kubuntu and setup the nvidia drivers. My system crashes when I end my current X session, I get garbled lines on screen and no response. System used to work well running nvidia driver with SuSE... any ideas?02:12
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hardw1redid u install the nvidia driver from the repos02:13
hardw1reor from the nvidia site?02:13
aethI did a sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx02:13
arsoHealot:  how good with linux are u?02:13
ThirdEyeSkweekywhat happens when u just start X?02:13
edisoni have a problem with linux, my kernel version is 2.6.15-26-386 and i try to update to the 686 version but i had a problem with he graphic interface02:13
aethyou mean without kdm? as in startx from console?02:14
edisonaeth i almost have the the same problem as u02:15
arsou guys are lucky, i got an ATI , pain in the ass withl inux02:15
ThirdEyeSkweekyyes or try failsafe from kdm/gdm02:15
=== pepsi tips hardw1re
aethI'll give that a go02:16
arsoumm anyone, i rebooted and its loaded up in a weird mode02:16
aethI've read that framebuffer support can cause this problem as well...02:16
arsobackground is plain, no icons, non-clickable, run command doesnt load up02:16
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hardw1rei cant seem to find the sun java re on the repos' i must be missing one02:16
aethperhaps forcing it off during boot would help :S02:16
edisoni also have a nvidia card and is also giving me a problem when i start the kernel version for 68602:17
gnomefreakhardw1re: enable the multiverse repos02:17
arsook i am gonna reinstall kubuntu02:17
arsohow do i do that atl east. i installed it thru a live cd02:18
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pepsiedison: like what kind of problem?02:19
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hardw1reright thats that sorted lol02:19
edisonwell i start ubuntu with kernel version for 386 but i download the 686 and when i start my system the graphic interface get mess up02:20
eddiecan someone assist me in a wierd problem? In amaroK some songs play through one sound device and other songs play on another,02:20
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pepsiedison: try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, backing it up if you made any changes to it02:21
pepsibackup /etc/X11/xorg.conf i mean02:21
pepsii had a similar problem, so i let it regenerate xorg.conf, then i made my modifications to xorg.conf again02:22
edisonand some message appear saying that my x..... something is not configure as it should, so i guess is that what u r saying02:23
edisonthe thing is im not expert using the commands and stuff but ill try that02:23
pepsiyeah, reconfiguring xserver-xorg will at least get you back to something useable, even if its not completely what you want02:23
pepsiwhat display driver were you using before do you know?02:24
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edisonwell i read somewhere that i can do his: apt-get install xserver-xorg to install it02:25
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pepsiedison: its already installed02:25
pepsisudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:26
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=== aegeanlinux screemed in a high pitched 5 year olds voice just for amusement.
steveirehow can I make the commands in my .sh file appear when I run the file? It used to be @echo on or something for .bat files under windows02:27
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ThirdEyeSkweekyset -xv in the first line of script <#!/bin/sh -xv02:28
ThirdEyeSkweekyleave out <>02:28
steveireah, thanks02:28
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=== arso wonders if people can see his messages
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arsou caaa see"!?02:30
arsoi wanna reinstall kubuntu02:31
arsoi installed it thru a live cd02:31
arsoi just insert the cd and isntal over this patition? or do i have to partition this first or wat02:31
skydivebirdI don't know exaclty... I'vfe just begun to use LINUX OS...02:32
skydivebirdI'm kind of new at this so i'm trying this distribution..02:33
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steveirearso: you should be just able to install over the other installation. You'll be asked where you want to install it, so just select to format the existing partition02:34
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kbrooksyup, its me02:34
kbrooksim back! :P02:34
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arsoi see02:35
arsooh great , i lost the cd,  and i think deleted the image02:35
kbrooksarso: uh oh02:35
arsooh thank god, i found the image02:36
arsoi;ll just burn it now02:36
arsodamn i am gonna have a long day02:36
arsoinstaling stuff and codecs02:36
arsoand drivers02:36
arso :(02:36
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kbrookstime for me to get "install"ing02:37
aegeanlinuxhi kbrooks02:37
arsofresh isntallation too or wat/02:37
aegeanlinuxarn't you in the #kde channel?02:37
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kbrooksaegeanlinux: i was :-) lol02:37
arsooh btw, how do i burn an iso?02:37
ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:38
arsoumm k3b ?02:39
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arsothis channel sux today :(02:41
hardw1rewhats a good program for accessing news groups on linux?02:42
Lynourearso: it's Saturday, people are prolly busy partying or sleeping late02:42
arsohehe yea02:43
arsothe weekend where i am is thursday friday02:43
Lynourek3b is good for burning things, yep.02:43
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centyxanyone here know how to get xfishtank to work in kde?02:43
centyxi run 'xfishtank -d' and it does nothing02:43
uliwitnessHi guys, anybody want to help a Linux n00b (long-time Unix/Mac programmer, tho') getting LILO installed?02:44
centyxi run 'xfishtank' and the screen flashes blue for a second02:44
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uliwitnessI'm following the instructions on http://bin-false.org/?p=1702:44
centyxuliwitness: why lilo and not grub?02:44
Lynourearso: and from k3b, Burn cd image, or burn dvd iso image, depending on which .iso you have02:44
arsoi c, i am installing k3b now02:44
uliwitnessThe standard installation ends with "failed to install GRUB".02:44
arsobtw wats on the kubuntu dvd iso ,?02:45
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uliwitnessAnd this article was the only doc that told me how to continue once that happens.02:45
centyxuliwitness: what are your partitions like?02:45
uliwitnessNB - I'm installing onto an Intel Mac Mini.02:45
uliwitnessMy partitions? They're on an external USB drive. I have two Mac partitions (one bootable, one just data) and an ext3 and swap for Kubuntu.02:46
hardw1rehey whats a good program for linux to download stuff from news groups?02:47
nancy1is there a config somewhere that says boot in command line rather than X,, because I can boo t X in any other profile than mine,, and I dont see how that could happen,,02:47
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uliwitnesscentyx: And there's probably an EFI partition somewhere on there too (the live CD mounts it) but I'm kinda confused how to use that with the Kubuntu installer.02:47
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centyxuliwitness: which partitions are on the usb drive?02:48
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uliwitnesscentyx: All of them?02:48
centyxuliwitness: ah ok02:48
uliwitness(I got the external one especially so I could install other OSs without screwing up the internal HD)02:49
centyxuliwitness: are you booting your system from this drive, or another02:49
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centyxuliwitness: ah02:49
uliwitnesscentyx: Not sure I understand...? Right now I'm booted from the live CD, but I want to boot Kubuntu from the external one. Ideally without scrapping the other partitions.02:50
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centyxuliwitness: yea i know02:50
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aethI fixed it...02:51
uliwitnesscentyx: I also have an internal drive that I *could* boot into OS X from if that helped.02:51
centyxuliwitness: do you want the boot loader installed to the mbr of your internal drive... or do you want to just choose 'boot from usb' from your bios and then get the boot loader02:51
uliwitnessThe latter would be sufficient.02:51
hardw1recan someone remind me what the command is to get a list of currently running processes?02:52
aethps -A02:52
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aethor indeed... top02:52
ninHertop -u (username)02:52
uliwitnesscentyx: I'm just trying out Kubuntu right now, and if it works I might mess around with it more, but I still need the Mac to just work without the external USB drive.02:53
centyxuliwitness: brb02:53
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uliwitnesscentyx: I'm just trying to get LILO installed as that web site says, but I'm not sure what Kernel image I want to update in liloconfig.02:54
centyxuliwitness: ah02:54
ThirdEyeSkweekynancyl: you mean if you login as root - X works?02:54
uliwitnesscentyx: it offers sarge, sid, coffee and debianlilo.02:54
uliwitnessWhich one is right for the current live CD?02:55
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centyxuliwitness: not sure...02:55
=== NaN is now known as fernando
centyxuliwitness: i would label the ext3 partition, and update fstab and grub's menu.lst to use the label instead of the device name02:55
centyxuliwitness: and use grub02:55
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centyxuliwitness: sorry, i have to go02:55
uliwitnessHow do I get GRUB working?02:56
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steveireuliwitness: What's not working about it?02:56
uliwitnessI just get to the end of the install process and then it says it can't install GRUB and the installer crashes.02:56
centyxuliwitness: use e2label to label the partition02:57
centyxuliwitness: remake your swap partition with a label also if it doesn't have one already02:57
uliwitnessI specified a label in the installer's GUI -- is that the same?02:57
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centyxuliwitness: yea that's good enough02:57
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centyxuliwitness: update /etc/fstab in the root of the target partition to mount the label not the device02:58
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centyxuliwitness: and do the same in grub's menu.lst... lemme see if i can find an example, i don't remembe the exact syntax02:58
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uliwitnessWell, if I can get the installer not to crash, I could try that...02:59
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hardw1rehmmm something is running that is causing Adept to run in read-only mode :((02:59
centyxuliwitness: oh it crashes b/c grub won't install02:59
centyxuliwitness: yuck.03:00
uliwitnesscentyx: *nods*03:00
centyxuliwitness: there's other stuff it does after it installs the boot loader so that's not good03:00
centyxuliwitness: sorry i really gotta go. :( good luck03:01
aethjust a thought... if it can't install the boot loader... does that suggest the MBR is write protected?03:01
centyxaeth: no03:01
uliwitnessHmm... I'll try the labels again, I guess, and if it works, then  good, and if not, I'll check out what other settings I can fiddle with.03:02
aethhey AL03:02
uliwitnessMaybe I'll need to try another kind of partition table or set up some other checkbox that makes it use the right format...03:03
hardw1rehow do i search apt-get from console again?03:03
BigAli was wondering if I could get a little help/advice here... I'm having problems with Ark03:03
ThirdEyeSkweekyCU 'round, all - I'm going now....03:03
aethwhat's the problem BigAl?03:04
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uliwitnessHmmm... LILO fails on installing MBR as well, probably something related to that.03:05
aethyou sure you don't have some funky bios setting to protect your MBR?03:05
BigAlwhen i start the app, it appears in the panel (Loading application....) but it never starts. After a few seconds it just seems to stop loading. I've tried typing 'ark' in the shell and i get the message "ERROR: Communication problem with ark, it probably crashed.". Up until now, ark has worked perfectly03:06
aethuli: like AV protection on the mainboard or something...03:06
uliwitnessaeth: It's a Mac. How would I know what funky protection stuff it comes with by default?03:06
BigAli've removed and installed ark again via Adept but it doesn't seem to make a difference03:06
aethupgraded/installed anything recently BigAl?03:07
uliwitnessaeth: :-)03:07
DeBertIs it me, or is JavaScript support in Konqueror really buggy?03:07
aethuli: good question...03:07
BKajgood morning all03:07
BigAlyeah, a few things actually.... gftpd... wine....03:07
BigAlthe last thing before that was apache, mysql, php  but it was working fine after that03:08
uliwitnessIt just told me I was installing a boot sector in a dangerous place and it assumed I knew what I'm doing...03:08
uliwitnessGuess I'll be reformatting that disk sooner rather than later ;-)03:08
aethcan you still gzip and tar from the CLI?03:08
uliwitnessRight now everything seems to be still working.03:09
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BigAli don't know to be honest....03:09
aethuli: can you get into BIOS on reboot (I have never owned a mac I don't know the key combo for this)03:09
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ThirdEyeSkweeky /msg nickserv set unfiltered on03:09
BigAlhang on, i'll download a gzip03:09
uliwitnessNot sure... Strictly spoken it uses EFI.03:09
aethAl: try to compress a file by typeing "tar- czvf yourfile.tar.gz yourfile.name" in the console03:10
BKajGot a shut down prob ...monitor turns off but the ps doesn't ...just sits there , still turned on ...have to turn the power off manually03:10
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BKajerr ps=pc03:10
uliwitnessaeth: I know how to boot from other partitions, does that suffice? I'll look up how to get into EFI prompt.03:10
BigAlok aeth, will do03:10
hardw1rewhat command do i use to search the repos' when using a shell command line?03:11
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aethuli: nah... I'm thinking pre-boot... on the machine post screen (where it counts your ram) you should have an option to enter the system setup (before OS loads)03:11
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ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)03:12
aethuli: try hammering F2 or ALT+F2 or DEL or F1 to get into system setup03:12
ubotuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptitudeSurvivalGuide03:12
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BigAl"tar- czvf yourfile.tar.gz yourfile.nam"    hmmm....03:13
uliwitnessaeth: I don't get the count RAM screen. It's turned off by default.03:13
BigAlwrong paste03:13
BigAl"bash: tar-: command not found03:13
uliwitnessBut usually at startup I can press alt to get a startup volume selector.03:13
aethsorry mate... I've never worked with Macs... I'm guessing here03:13
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uliwitnessYeah, I know there's another key combo to get into EFI... Just can't find what it was right now.03:14
aethBigAl: what's the output of which gzip03:14
aethBigAl: what's the output of "which gzip"03:14
ubotuI know nothing about logout - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:14
BigAlso I do have the package....03:14
aethand when you type ark in a console... paste the message03:15
BigAlERROR: Communication problem with ark, it probably crashed.03:15
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BigAlis it possible that ark could have crashed and broken a config file?03:16
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BigAlsomething that wouldn't get removed when i uninstalled the package?03:17
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aethBigAl: beats me mate... I just googled for your error message, and got one hit... no answers though03:18
aethyou say you tried reinstalling ark?03:18
BigAlwith Adept03:18
BigAli've looked all the usual places.... google, ubuntuforums.org03:18
aethtry "sudo apt-get install ark" on the command line03:18
BigAlsearched for ark support etc03:18
aeththen give it another go03:18
BigAlark is already the newest version.03:19
BigAl0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 6 not upgraded.03:19
aethtry "sudo apt-get remove ark" on the command line03:20
BigAlhaha - just did that03:20
aeththen "sudo apt-get install ark"03:20
BigAland installed again03:20
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BigAlsame message when i called 'ark'03:20
hardw1rethen maybe its a dependency that ark uses thats broken03:20
aethcould be...03:20
BigAlsounds nasty...03:20
uliwitnessaeth: Hmmm... looks like this'll be a tad more complicated than I thought.03:20
qbitzlib not installed?03:21
hardw1reprobably a library archive needs fixing or installing or something03:21
uliwitnessI need to install an EFI shell first, before I can go into that to do BIOSy things...03:21
BigAlok.... should i go to the ark site and check the listed dependancies?03:21
aethuli: I googled... found you don't have a user accessible BIOS equivalent apparently??!!03:21
BigAlapt-get install them all?03:21
uliwitnessYes, I'd need to install rEFIt to get a shell into my EFI.03:22
uliwitnessaeth: At least I now know why that web site suggested to install rEFIt. Their web site doesn't say what it actually is...03:22
BigAlwow.... 14 dependant packages.......03:23
BigAlbbiab :)03:23
aethBigAl... you may try upgrading your packages to bring all the dependencies in line03:23
BigAlah.... ok03:23
uliwitnessaeth: Bah, it's too hot to be messing with stuff like that. I think I'll call it a day and try again some other time. Thanks for all the clues.03:24
BigAlapt-get upgrade?03:24
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uliwitnessaeth: One small step at a time, I guess.03:24
aethBigAl; you could do that... it may take a while though03:24
aethgood luck uli03:24
BigAli'm prepared to give it a shot03:24
BigAlcan't live without ark03:24
aethman tar al... I never use ark :P03:25
BigAlit's for all the stuff I get.... you know... stuff :)03:25
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BigAlstuff tends to come in rar ;)03:25
hardw1recan tar extract .rar archives?03:25
hardw1relol ok my question was answered by someone else' question lol03:26
uliwitnessaeth: Thanks.03:26
BigAlas a n00b, it might be better if i try to fix what i've broken rather than just use something else03:26
uliwitnessNow to reboot...03:26
hardw1re<3 klibido03:26
uliwitness*waves* bye, folks.03:26
hardw1rebye bye uliwitness03:26
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hardw1relol anyone watching star trek tng on bbc2?03:27
aethnope... history channel atm03:28
hardw1rewow tng really is showing its age03:28
kbrookshardw1re: eh?03:28
hardw1reit looks almost like the original ST03:28
aethand my seven month old son (who's trashing the lounge around me)03:28
hardw1rekids eh03:28
hardw1rewho'd 'ave em03:29
hardw1reapart from you :P03:29
hardw1reand my parents03:29
aethyu huh03:29
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hardw1reis it me, or does kLibido give the wrong details, i have over 600mb in the download queue and its showing it as 600kb03:30
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aethapt-get rules...03:31
aethI just installed kubuntu this morning... (came from SuSE 10.1) and I'm really impressed03:32
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BigAlok. i did apt-get install for all the dependancies with no joy :(03:32
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BigAlalun@desktop:~$ ark03:32
BigAlERROR: Communication problem with ark, it probably crashed.03:32
aethtry running it as root03:33
aethi.e. sudo ark03:33
BigAlah ok, hadn't thought of that03:33
LjLit works as user here03:33
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BigAlnah, same03:33
LjLBigAl: what if you run it from alt+space?03:33
BigAlman i love katapult03:34
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BigAlbut no, just the same :)03:34
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LjLi've just joined - is this just a problem with ark, or happens with other programs? what if ark is run by opening an archive file?03:35
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BigAlhang on, ill paste the prob03:35
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fabiettosomeone can help me to reconfigure kernel?03:35
LjLfabietto: reconfigure as in what, recompile?03:35
fabiettoi must active the toshiba support03:35
BigAlwhen i start the app, it appears in the panel (Loading application....) but it never starts. After a few seconds it just seems to stop loading. I've tried typing 'ark' in the shell and i get the message "ERROR: Communication problem with ark, it probably crashed.". Up until now, ark has worked perfectly03:36
fabiettoyes..:) sorry but i don't speak english very well03:36
LjLfabietto: well i don't know about toshiba support, but to recompile the kernel you need build-essential, libreadline5-dev, and obviously the kernel source, which you extract and then run "make menuconfig"... and then something like "make" followed by "make modules". but read the docs03:37
Joelwhat's the kubuntu alternative to "make"03:37
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fabiettoi have get down kernel source (apt-get install liux-kernel-source...)03:37
LjLJoel: hm, there is none. make is just a standard GNU (and not only) program, it's there in both ubuntu and kubuntu03:37
fabiettoi have run make oldconfig03:37
LjLBigAl: try "sudo apt-get --reinstall install ark"03:38
BigAlwhen i try extract a file form the CLI i get03:38
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BigAl"bash: tar-: command not found03:38
BigAl<BigAl> "03:38
Joelmake doesn't work in Konsole.03:38
RogueJediXAnyone here have experience with proftpd?03:38
Joelat least not for me.03:38
LjLBigAl: "tar-"? you need a space between the command "tar" and the first option (starting possibly with "-")03:38
fabiettoand make menuconfig, setting up the toshiba support03:38
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LjLJoel: install build-essential03:38
fabiettoso exit and save the conf03:38
LjL!tell joel about b-e03:38
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edisonhi can anyone help me with x server03:39
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:39
BigAli've removed and installed ark using apt-get and using Adept03:39
BigAldoesn't make a difference03:39
RogueJediXOr rather with ftp accounts?03:39
fabiettoand lunch  make-kpkg clean03:39
fabietto fakeroot make-kpkg --revision=toshiba.1.0 kernel_image03:39
BigAlalso, i've apt-get install'd all the dependancies incase they were brokedn03:39
edisony try to use kernel 686 but my graphical interface dont work, so what can i do?03:40
fabiettobut after a lot of time, an error occour03:40
Joelljl, I'm trying to compile wpa_supplicant so I can even get online.03:40
LjLfabietto: yes, that's probably a much better option than manually using the make commands. however i haven't been compiling a kernel for a long time, perhaps you could try "kernel compiling howto" on google03:40
LjLfabietto: what error?03:40
aethwhat error edison?03:40
fabiettoan error on the driver-usb03:41
LjLJoel: well, (k)ubuntu by default comes with no C compiler or whatever build tools, so you definitely need build-essential (which gives you gcc, make and more) to compile anything03:41
LeeJunFanBigAl: rm -f ~/.kde/share/config/arkrc03:41
edisonwell i try to use kernel for I686 but once it starts my graphical interface get mess up03:41
fabiettobut i have used make oldconfig for use the current conf03:41
nizoralscasate l'intromissione sto cercando il canale kubuntu.it da file/entra nel canale e poi digito #kubuntu.it ma nella scheda risulto solo io; sono alle prime armi, cosa sto sbagliando? grazie so che qui vige l'inglese ma q. volta chiudete un occhio ciao03:41
Joelhow on earth can I get that without net access?03:41
LjLfabietto: use the pastebin to post the actual error03:41
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:41
LeeJunFanBigAl: may be something in ark's config that's screwed up - that should clear it back to defaults.03:41
edisony try to configure xserver but didnt work03:41
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:41
BigAlty LeeJunFan03:42
BigAli'll try it now03:42
fabiettodio grazias :D esiste il canale in italiano03:42
LjLnizoral: you need the /join command -- as in "/join #kubuntu-it"03:42
aethas you know I had a similar problem earlier on. I fixed mine by changing the kernel parameters to include "vga=normal" in /boot/grub/menu.lst03:42
LjLfabietto: heh yep :P03:42
LjLdunno how many people are there right now though03:42
aethwhile I was there I took out quiet and splash...03:42
BigAlLeeJunFan: no joy with that one03:43
BigAlthis is strane03:43
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LeeJunFanBigAl: got a .45?03:45
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BigAlno guns in scotland i'm afraid03:45
BigAlit's really got  me stumped03:45
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LeeJunFanBigAl: no guns? how do you fix computers w/o guns? haha03:46
BigAlwe just throw them out the window03:46
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edisonwell i try configuring xserver but didnt work so.....03:47
BigAlok, thanks for your help guys.03:47
aethdid you get my post ealier on edison03:47
BigAli'll move on for now03:47
aeth<repost> as you know I had a similar problem earlier on. I fixed mine by changing the kernel parameters to include "vga=normal" in /boot/grub/menu.lst03:47
aethcya Al03:47
LeeJunFanBigAl: have you been running any kde apps with sudo? rather than kdesu? running kde apps with sudo can fsck up permissions in /var/tmp and /tmp for kde stuff.03:47
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BigAli don't normally run apps with root permissions03:48
BigAli was running gproftpd yesterday with sudo03:48
BigAlother than that.... and maybe wine..03:48
LeeJunFanBigAl: that shouldn't matter. Only kde applications cause that.03:48
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BigAli ran that with sudo the other day03:49
BigAlthat's a kde app :)03:49
aeththat could be it Al03:50
LjLkonqueror as root... BRR!03:50
BigAloh, very interesting03:50
BigAlvery briefly03:50
LeeJunFanBigAl: that could cause it, but if ark worked since then it's probably not it. What you can do is 'sudo chown -R [username]  /var/tmp/kdecache-[username] 03:50
LjLit's a bit like, dunno... internet explorer under wine as root with all permissions set :D03:50
LeeJunFanBigAl: and also 'sudo chown -R [username]  /tmp/kde-[username]  && sudo chown -R [username]  /tmp/ksocket-[username] '03:51
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Guest477hiya all, looking to insall java on kubuntu, had no probs in ubuntu... what's different?03:52
LeeJunFanGuest477: nothing03:52
Guest477not fresh in my mind... worked on it yesterday... why can't i execute a .bin?03:53
LeeJunFanGuest477: the only diff between ubuntu and kubuntu is the default desktop environment. you could have simply installed kubuntu-desktop from within ubuntu to have kubuntu.03:53
LjLGuest477: possibly because it's not set as executable. "chmod +x filename"03:53
BigAlLeeJunFan: still no joy :-/03:53
LeeJunFanBigAl: hrm. beats me.03:53
Guest477ok done that03:53
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BigAlwell if it beats you guys, it sure beats me :)03:54
Guest477then sudo alien -1 blah blah03:54
LjLGuest477: alien? for a .bin?03:54
Guest477it gave me a script message03:54
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Guest477no for the rpm03:54
LjLwhat rpm though?03:54
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Guest477need i add the script option to get it to go?03:54
BigAl"sudo throw-pc-out-window"03:54
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).03:54
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LjLGuest477: what rpm is that?03:55
Guest477java :)03:55
LjLGuest477: you don't need an rpm for java03:55
BigAlyou can convert rpm's to debs......03:55
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository03:55
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Guest477did that03:55
LjL!info sun-java5-jre03:55
ubotusun-java5-jre: Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-06-1 (dapper), package size 7169 kB, installed size 15768 kB03:55
Guest477as a matter of fast alien -d03:55
Guest477fast-fact :)03:55
LjLGuest477: except you don't *need* or *want* to use alien and convert an RPM03:56
LjLit comes as a .deb03:56
Guest477wgere is the repo?03:56
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource03:56
LjLGuest477: you need to enable it03:56
Guest477oh gotcha03:56
BigAli need to leave this now before i give up on linux :)     thanks guys03:56
Guest477chicken :)03:56
Guest477i like it03:56
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Guest477just gotta get the finer points03:56
LjLGuest477: i usually use this method https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine03:56
LeeJunFanBigAl: later.03:57
BigAli love kubuntu but this is driving me nutes03:57
LjLGuest477: however i suppose you can do it from Adept if you prefer03:57
Guest477bya al gl to you :)03:57
LjLGuest477: just remember to NEVER install an rpm or a non-Ubuntu package if you don't *absolutely* need to, and you're positively sure the package is not in the repos03:57
BigAllater LeeJunFan03:57
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, apt-cache, the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com  -  Ubuntu has about 18000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!03:57
Guest477thanks ljl, give me a little bit and ill haver going :)03:57
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Guest47718832 and counting :)03:58
Guest477i really appreciate it :)03:58
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confusedcan someone help me?04:00
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aethgo ahead and ask your question confused04:01
confusedyou can run shareaza in wine but to get the g1+g2 networks to connect it requires a file with I placed in the folder but it still wont work? im wondering if any of you did something different if you use shareaza anyways04:02
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Guest477i just install gift from repos, not tried yet :)04:03
Guest477gtkgnutella is functional and decent04:04
confusedwell it seems simple but im wondering if im suppost to install it a certain way04:04
confuseddo you get g1 and g2?04:04
confusedI like multinetwork p2ps :)04:04
aethare their any alternative native linux apps for p2p that you could use confused?04:04
confusedpossibly but a few google searches proved that they dont have the networks I want in the program04:05
Guest477which networks?04:05
confusedshareaza is already proved working under wine in ubuntu even04:05
confusedgnutella 1 and gnutella 2 networks (g1+g2) <304:06
Guest477super, if you want to mess... let me try gift   it has gnutella support via a plugin04:06
Guest477and edonkey and all that too04:06
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Guest477gift would be long winded04:07
confusedwere you just talking to yourself? im confused ;0 lol04:07
aeththey have five clients listed their04:07
Guest477gtk gnutella works, please bear in mind i don't use them really04:07
Guest477i downloaded 1 song with gtk-gnutella04:07
Guest477no probs with it :)04:08
coachJwhen clicking on a link and you are asked the question, what do you want Firefox to do with this file...To what Dir do I browse to find the program I want to use?04:08
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aethwhich program you after?04:09
coachJmedia player04:09
confusedwell if shareaza doesnt work I guess I have to do just g1 networked programs04:09
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coachJa media player04:09
aethany particular one?04:09
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coachJarnt all apps in the same dir?04:10
aethmost stuff is in /usr/bin04:10
aeth(of the sort you want)04:10
coachJthks i'll try04:10
aethif you type "which myapp" (where myapp is the program you're looking for) at the console then you will see where it is04:11
aethe.g. "which noatun" returns /usr/bin/noatun on my machine04:12
coachJwow it worked, got wmv's playing in KMplayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!04:13
Guest477>ty aeth i will use that also :)04:13
Guest477g1 coach!04:13
coachJget the Win32 codecs04:14
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Guest477i better get outta here or ill stay all day :)04:14
Guest477ty 4 ur help :)04:15
coachJwives Hate that04:15
Guest477thank God Almighty im single :)04:15
aethfortunately I live with a she-geek :)04:15
Guest477have a great day! bya ~:>04:15
aethwe have side by side computers :P04:15
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aegeanlinuxaeth: poor thing ;)04:18
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aegeanlinuxis she smarter than you ?04:18
aethabout the same actually :)04:18
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aethand please don't pitty me... I wouldn't have it any other way :)04:18
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coachJOk, one step closer to saying bye-bye to windoze!!!04:21
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coachJthe community really needs to find a way to make getting info for things like easier!04:22
aethI must confess... I still have windows, but I treat it like a playstation or something, nothing valuable on it, two partitions, one for the OS and on for the games I like04:23
coachJmaybe expand the EasyUbuntu ubuntu04:23
kbrookscoachJ: ?04:23
coachJI have a windoze machine but using it less and less04:23
coachJI cant type04:24
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kbrookscoachJ: expand EasyUbuntu how? btw, you can talk about it in #easyubuntu04:25
coachJso that it gets a Linux machine to the functionality of a windows machine04:26
Tommy2k4how do i get xmms to auto go onto a certain desktop when i open it if it has no window border so i cant get into advanced app settings04:26
coachJi don't know04:26
kbrookscoachJ: What minimum functionality should EasyUbuntu install when requested?04:26
coachJwell maybe add the win32 codecs for startes04:27
kbrookscoachJ: huh? EasyUbuntu has that04:27
coachJit does?04:27
kbrookscoachJ: what makes you think it doesnt?04:27
coachJim an idiot04:27
h3sp4wnIs plf still down ?04:27
h3sp4wnIt gets w32codecs from there right ?04:27
raphael_join /ubuntu-fr04:28
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kbrooksh3sp4wn: no. but there are 404 errors still in 3.02.204:28
coachJfor some reason it did work for me I just installed them maually04:28
kbrookscoachJ: how? package?04:28
coachJwent to the restricted formats page and follow directions04:29
coachJcopy paste04:29
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coachJill have to look at easyubuntu again04:30
aethright... I'm off... cya all04:31
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coachJkbrooks:If I already have some of the stuff that Easyubuntu installs installed, will it hurt to run Easy?04:32
kbrookscoachJ: lol no04:33
coachJthks, glad I could give you a laugh04:33
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Tommy2k4how do i get xmms to auto go onto a certain desktop when i open it if it has no window border so i cant get into advanced app settings04:35
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kbrookscoachJ: however, EU doesnt detect manual installs (if you didnt use a package)04:36
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freddirksehi all.  hoping someone can give me some quick advice regarding a gcc rollback.04:39
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freddirkseI'm using a stock kernel.  I have gcc 3.4.6 installed now and I need gcc 3.4.5.  I use VMWare and it insists that you use the same gcc that your kernel was compiled with.  Not sure how to roll gcc back to 3.4.5....04:40
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h3sp4wnfreddirkse: Are you using breezy ?04:41
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freddirkseno h3sp4wn, Dapper04:43
h3sp4wnfreddirkse: Your kernel wass compiled with 4.0 then04:44
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h3sp4wnfreddirkse: Unless you compiled your own in which case just recompile it04:44
freddirkse...it's an smp kernel: 2.6.12-10-amd64-k8-smp04:45
h3sp4wnfreddirkse: Well thats is a kernel for breezy04:45
freddirkse...I don't see any updates to the SMP for amd64....04:45
h3sp4wnThe normal k8 kernel supports smp04:46
freddirksereally!?  So if I upgrade to the most recent k8, I'll get both processors?  Do I need to do anything special, or will they just show up?04:46
hardw1rehmm i just installed unrar-free from the repos but still the unrar command doesnt work...04:48
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fabietto^someone have a toshiba satellite A60 ? i have some problem with the toshiba acpi and toshiba modules04:50
h3sp4wnfreddirkse: Nothing04:51
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freddirksegreat...downloading now. Thanks for the advice h3sp4wn!04:53
mendredhi does neone use d-link 502T router? have a problem..apt-get times out...04:53
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Tommy2k4`well that took a turn for the worse04:55
hardw1rewhat do i need to install so then i can play .avi's ?04:56
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LjL!tell hardw1re about restricted04:57
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hardw1re<3 mplayer04:59
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Spidermanwhere can i get the font "Comic Sans MS" for my openoffice05:03
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:06
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coachJwhy is this doing this---05:06
coachJErr http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main libdc1394-13 1.1.0-305:06
coachJ  Could not connect to us.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out05:06
aegeanlinuxdoes that to me too!05:07
aegeanlinux(in Firefox_05:07
aegeanlinux* )05:07
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elbartohello...someone knows how to fix the accent problem with spanish keyboards in KTouch??05:10
BKajhowdy, trying to figure out why kubuntu shuts down with a pile of disk errors ..it has to fsck , when booting backup05:11
coachJwhat are PLF repos?05:12
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kbrookshow do I install 7zip05:12
kbrookscoachJ:they provide05:13
LjLkbrooks: aptitude install p7zip05:13
coachJi think easy ubuntu will install 7zip05:13
coachJwhat do they provide?05:13
kbrookscoachJ: i dont want to use  it05:13
ubotuplf is the Penguin Liberation Front, see http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf - mainly for i386 users with some packages for ppc05:13
kbrookscoachJ: plf repos provide w32codecs05:13
kbrooksand so on05:13
kbrooksLjL: Package p7zip is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:14
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LjLkbrooks: hm, i have it installed. do you have universe enabled?05:15
LjL!info p7zip05:15
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (gnome) or ark (kde)05:15
ubotup7zip: 7-Zip is a file archiver with high compression ratio. In repository universe, is optional. Version 4.30.dfsg-1 (dapper), package size 1413 kB, installed size 3784 kB05:15
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kbrooksah, LjL05:15
kbrooksI'llll add that. But how?05:15
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource05:15
LjLthe second link has instructions05:15
aegeanlinuxkbrooks: You understanding that?05:16
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kbrooksaegeanlinux: Yes :-)05:18
aegeanlinuxgood ;)05:18
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reubenanyone know what's up with the US package repos?05:19
reubenapt is timing out all over the place05:19
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aegeanlinuxreuben: maybe try changing to another mirror05:19
aegeanlinuxor source or what ever **you's** call them05:19
=== aegeanlinux points at the *buntu's
LjLaegeanlinux, kbrooks: here Ark cannot open 7zip files unless p7zip itself is installed05:19
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aegeanlinuxLjL: Really? Mine doesn't need p7zip, unless I want to make a 7z file05:20
aegeanlinuxLjL: Do you think 7z is better than gz and bz2?05:21
=== aegeanlinux thinks you get the point ;)
Tm_Taegeanlinux: never do that again05:21
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Tm_Tplease behave05:22
=== aegeanlinux was a bad boy
reubencool, found: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic05:22
aegeanlinuxno one do what time does,05:22
=== aegeanlinux jumps off a cliff
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Jack12who is into synchronisation with kontact ans sony ericsson mobiles?05:26
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Jack12i just found the palm treo as working in the web05:26
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kbrooksLjL: I addddded them, doesnt work05:27
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DA_i currently have an amd64 system with dapper packages, is there a branch that has earlier version packages than dapper but will still work with amd64?05:28
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LouKalli am a complete newb and i was wondering how i got things to print on my Dell 810 printer05:32
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LjLaegeanlinux: it certainly compresses better than gzip, wouldn't know with respect to bzip2. kbrooks: have you done a sudo apt-get update?05:36
aegeanlinuxLjL: My Mum would compress better then gz05:36
Gun_Smokelooking to add weather to my desktop..05:36
h3sp4wnGun_Smoke: Use a laptop and sit outside ?05:37
coachJgun_smoke: Superkrumbe_liquid weather05:37
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LjLGun_Smoke: sudo aptitude install kweather05:37
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Healotapt-get for god sake05:38
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coachJGun_Smoke:SuperKrumba_liquid weather05:38
LjLHealot: why?05:38
knapperHelp: I'm following a how to and in it it has 'exec gnome-session', what is the KDE equivalent to this?05:38
kbrooksljl: i have fetched updates, but it didnt work05:39
aegeanlinuxummm kdeinit05:39
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LjLkbrooks: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list05:39
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kbrooksLjL: let me do in terminmal05:40
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knapperWhat is the KDE equivalent to 'exec gnome-session'05:40
aegeanlinuxknapper: kdeinit05:41
kbrooksknapper: kdeinit05:41
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coachJsmoke did you get it?05:41
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aegeanlinuxknapper: is anything wrong?05:41
aegeanlinuxwb Tommy2k405:42
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kbrooks99% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (] 05:42
kbrooksLjL: ^05:42
LjLkbrooks: ?05:42
knapperaegeanlinux: nop05:42
PokerFacePenguinkbrooks: yeah, i am having probs with the repositories as well05:42
coachJkbrooks: Now I see why you were so intrested in my view of Easy: I am reading your blog, it is a great app05:43
aegeanlinuxknapper: OK, just making sure ;)05:43
Tommy2k4ty aegeanlinux05:43
Tommy2k4kubuntu just crashed again05:43
LjLkbrooks: your /etc/apt/sources.list file i what i wanted you to pastebin. but if you mean updating stops there, then perhaps you could just try different mirrors. someone was just saying that the US mirrors are misbehaving, again05:43
kbrooksare they down, PokerFacePenguin05:43
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CaBlGuYmornin peeps..05:43
PokerFacePenguinkbrooks: not all of em, but they seem to be flakin05:43
coachJyeah EasyUbuntu timed out because of the US mirrors05:44
CaBlGuYI was just gonna sak about the servers..    I tried an update and it timed out.05:44
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CaBlGuY!flash 805:44
ubotuI know nothing about flash 8 - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:44
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:45
Tommy2k4after all this time ive only just realised theres no sound coming out of left speaker lol05:45
coachJme too05:46
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CaBlGuYso, whats goin on with the servers then?05:47
bgrimmI'm having a strange system time issue with Kubuntu on VM ware Workstation, the clock is slow, very slow, it drifts behind even after 6 or 7 minutes. Anybody had any similar problems?05:47
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Tommy2k4where can i set speaker balance to make it play out of only 1 speaker05:48
aegeanlinuxTommy2k4: Kmix?05:48
CaBlGuYyea, that..05:49
CaBlGuYjust open the mixer..05:49
Tommy2k4found it05:49
Tommy2k4was wondering what the bar at the bottom was lol05:49
Tommy2k4my left speaker is b0rked05:49
aegeanlinuxIf that wan't an example of RTM05:49
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slayerhi all05:50
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CaBlGuYso, anyone any idea whats goin on with the servers??05:50
aegeanlinuxslayer: welcome to #kubuntu - it's like #ubuntu in love with #kde that had a child that was 100x smarter05:50
slayerus.archive.ubuntu.com is not working, is there other servers I can use?05:51
aegeanlinuxtry eu.05:51
CaBlGuYor,. just wait till it's back up..05:51
aegeanlinuxnl.archive.ubuntu.com works05:51
aegeanlinuxno joke05:52
CaBlGuYif it's anywhere in the midwest, it may be a couple days cause of the storms..05:52
kbrookswhat storms?05:52
aegeanlinuxyeah ? what storms ?05:52
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CaBlGuYkbrooks: you know, the storms that has left St. Louis with no power now for goin on 3 days.05:52
CaBlGuYthe whole midwest area..05:52
kbrooksCaBlGuY: i demand you give us a reliably proven source05:52
slayerreally.. I guess I'm outta touch with the rest of the world :(05:53
aegeanlinuxI live in Australia mate, I don't hear what goes on some where else05:53
CaBlGuYok ok..  hang on.  sheesh!05:53
aegeanlinuxbut, seriuosly slayer nl.archive.ubuntu.com works05:53
slayeryeah, made the change it looks to be working so far..05:53
aegeanlinuxand so does au.archive.ubuntu.com05:54
slayerThanks a bunch05:54
CaBlGuYherew ya go.05:54
CaBlGuYanything else ya need??05:54
slayera box of 100 dollar bills?05:54
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CaBlGuYI'll take that as a no then...05:55
CaBlGuYok, im off..  bbl05:55
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aegeanlinuxtoodles CaBlGuY05:56
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slayernl is kinda slow, but that's 100% over the us server :)05:56
slayerFetched 2535kB in 3m45s (11.2kB/s)05:59
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aegeanlinuxShite thats slow!06:00
slayerreminds me of the 2400bps days06:01
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LjLerr, if your 2400bps could do 11kB/s, then you definitely had quite a modem :)06:01
slayerhehe good point!06:02
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coachJdoes EasyUbuntu add to your sources or replace them?06:08
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coachJkbrooks: does EasyUbuntu add to your sources or replace them?06:09
h3sp4wncoachJ: Uses its own only specifically changes yours if asked to06:10
Tommy2k4ubuntu crashed twice in 5mins06:10
coachJI see06:11
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aliasfredTommy2k4: you kept moving the mouse i bet ? :)06:14
aliasfredwell you should not :)06:14
aliasfredmore seriously something is wrong somewhere, ubuntu is very stable here06:15
LjLhere too, except when X decides to go rogue and start taking up all the RAM i have06:15
LjLor when some other program does06:15
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Tommy2k4it flashes multicoloured lines then monitor gives the error freuqency out of range, 31khz/0hz06:15
olrraikubuntu has hibernate option?06:16
aliasfredTommy2k4: this smell like graphic related issue, x driver - kernel stuff06:16
Tommy2k4any ideas06:16
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aliasfredremove all the stuff one by one to replace them by 'safe choise'06:17
aliasfredonce you got a stable system, reenable them06:17
aliasfredlike run X in framebuffer06:17
aliasfredseems a good step in case of low level graphic issue06:17
Tommy2k4but it happens randomly after being booted up for hours usually06:18
Tommy2k4so even if i try a new solution ill never know if it worked until it crashes (or hopefully not)06:18
aliasfredif it doesnt freeze in framebuffer, it is another06:18
aliasfredtry removing noapic nolapic acpi=off this kind of things06:18
Tommy2k4already tried them06:18
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aliasfredremove the screen saver06:18
Tommy2k4power saving off06:19
aliasfredirqpoll ?06:19
Tommy2k4dunno that06:19
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olrraikubuntu has hibernate option?06:19
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aliasfredok paste "cat /proc/cmdline"06:19
aliasfredolrrai: yes somewhere :)06:20
Tommy2k4root=/dev/hda2 ro quiet splash06:20
olrraiwhen I shutdown the kubuntu kde ?06:21
aliasfredwell i dont see all the 'safe cmdline option' there :)06:21
olrraior install other packt?06:21
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aliasfredi dont see the fb stuff either :)06:21
rayblasdelWow, didn't expect so many people in the room. Any one else having problems connecting with the regular ubuntu repositories?06:22
Tommy2k4huh aliasfred06:22
PokerFacePenguinrayblasdel: yes on the repos06:23
kbrooksrayblasdel: everyone is06:23
rayblasdel^.^ Well thats good to know.06:23
Tommy2k4hm my grub was overwrote sometime06:23
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aliasfredTommy2k4: time to reenable then :)06:24
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Tommy2k4kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-386 root=/dev/hda2 ro quiet splash noapic nolapic acpi=off06:25
Tommy2k4is hat right06:25
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zarelHow do I install a .package file?06:25
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aliasfredTommy2k4: add 'irqpoll' at the end too06:25
aliasfredTommy2k4: and be sure to run this one :) /proc/cmdline give you the boot option used for 'this boot'06:26
aliasfredTommy2k4: then you may try to disable apm, to run in framebuffer etc... until you get a stable system06:26
aliasfredTommy2k4: some old version of acpi, aka stuff to put part of your computer to sleep to save energy06:27
Tommy2k4how would i disable it06:27
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aliasfreddunno, maybe noapm, else google or ask other people :)06:29
aliasfredbut you get the principle ?06:29
aliasfreddisable until you get stable, then reenable one by one to findout what is unstable, then fix the unstable stuff :)_06:30
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pierrethhello, how can i know the version of linux i am using?06:32
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aliasfreduname -a06:32
Tommy2k4to whoever was helping me: kubuntu crashed again :( gives me a chance to try my new boot options though06:32
aliasfredor uname -r06:32
aliasfredpierreth: this is the kernel version06:33
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pierrethaliasfred: is there many kinds of version?06:33
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aliasfredpierreth: yes, all programs got version too06:34
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aliasfredpierreth: version, version everywhere :)06:34
pierrethaliasfred: yes, but about the systeme itself?06:34
aliasfredsystem version doesnt mean much :)06:35
aliasfredmuch = nothing :)06:35
Tommy2k4who was helping me i forget :(06:35
aliasfredwhat do you wanna know exactly06:35
pierrethaliasfred: do i have the 2.4 of 2.606:35
aliasfredpierreth: ok this is the kernel version, and uname -r will give the one you are running06:35
aliasfredTommy2k4: i was i think06:35
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Tommy2k4whats that command to see what options im running06:36
aliasfredTommy2k4: "cat  /proc/cmdline"06:36
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Tommy2k4root=/dev/hda2 ro quiet splash noapic nolapic acpi=off irqpoll06:36
pierrethaliasfred: i have 2.606:36
Healotthat the kernel entry06:36
Tommy2k4maybe coincidental but the past couple times its crashed i was using find-file in konqueror06:37
pablo_hello all06:37
knappercan anyone here help me with xgl/compiz?06:37
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems06:37
pablo_i am having trouble with djview06:37
pablo_having trouble with djview, can anyone help me06:37
aliasfredTommy2k4: good thing, try to do many in a row to see what happen06:37
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pablo_hello all, can anyone help me troubleshoot djview?06:38
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pablo_hello all, can anyone help me troubleshoot djview?06:39
Jack12has someone experience with sony mobiles and ubuntu?06:39
KaiHanaripablo_, please dont repeat yourself so often06:39
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pablo_kaihanari, ok thanks06:40
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Healothey geeks... what's up, nah I am just damn bored06:40
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pablo_i could use your help if you are bored06:40
lingenfrIs the ubuntu us repository down today?06:41
dr_willis_lingenfr,  the whole internet is lagged.. must be a new EverQuest2 update. :)06:42
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pablo_anyone can help me with djview trouble?06:42
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Hawkwindpablo_: Why not state your problems/errors then someone might be able to06:43
lingenfrOtay, us.archive.unbuntu.com is a no-go everything is pretty good06:43
Hawkwindpablo_: Just asking for help isn't going to get you any help06:43
Tommy2k4crashed again06:43
pablo_ok thanks i am new to this06:43
Hawkwindlingenfr: Just remove the us.  and it will work06:43
pablo_djview just crashes when i start it, but also restarts the whole x session, taking me to the login screen06:44
pablo_i have a console error log06:44
pablo_QT Warning: X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device .... bla bla06:45
aliasfredTommy2k4: do try "find /" in a terminal06:46
pablo_and after that?06:46
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pablo_because that's just going to give me the whole listing of my hd06:47
Tommy2k4aliasfred, i had it crash 4 times in a row when finding file from konqueror06:47
Tommy2k4then i closed all my apps and it didnt happen06:47
aliasfredTommy2k4: try the command06:48
Tommy2k4i did06:48
Tommy2k4its owrking fine06:48
pablo_djview crashes and restarts x session06:48
pierrethhow can i mount the volumes that i am not seeing?06:48
aliasfredTommy2k4: ok do 'locate slota'06:48
aliasfredTommy2k4: btw this is good. now you know how to reproduce the issue06:49
Tommy2k4but its not happening anymore06:49
pablo_djview crashes at starts06:49
Tommy2k4which kind of means 1 of the apps i use everyday is causing it06:49
Healot!info djview06:49
ubotudjview: Viewer for the DjVu image format. In repository universe, is optional. Version 3.5.16-1ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 417 kB, installed size 1208 kB06:49
Tommy2k4locate slota does nothing06:49
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aliasfredTommy2k4: ok try 'man -k slota' then06:49
Tommy2k4slota: nothing appropriate.06:50
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource06:50
aliasfredTommy2k4: ok retry many search thru konqueror06:50
naosv!info quickcam06:51
ubotuPackage quickcam does not exist in dapper06:51
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ubotuI know nothing about quicke - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:52
pablo_thanks for your help pals06:52
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ubotuI know nothing about quickie - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:52
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lingenfrjoin #ubuntu07:00
lingenfr#join ubuntu07:00
lingenfrduh sorry07:00
Tommy2k4/join #ubuntu07:00
Tm_Tlingenfr: well, you can't learn if you don't try ;)07:01
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Healotdamn #ubuntu bans torrers07:08
Tommy2k4whered aliasfred go :(07:09
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ironfroggyis there some way to tell if my laptop's hibernation facilities are failing? i have configured to hibernate when i close the lid, but often when i come back it seems to have either shutdown or not come out of hibernation properly.07:10
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z00mgreetings all =)07:12
Healotgreeting, earthlings07:12
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hardw1rehe must be talking to you07:12
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=== Ace2005 [n=07946416@80-41-88-187.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #Kubuntu
Ace2005hey all07:14
Ace2005abattoir: hi i'm back again07:14
Ace2005abattoir:  Does the problem with XFS exsist with the alternative install CD?07:15
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z00manyone know how i can stop the smtp mail server on my box, i dont want anything open07:15
abattoirAce2005: As i told you before, the problem is not w/ the installer, the problem is that GRUB and XFS dont like to live together07:16
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abattoirAce2005: in the alternate CD, you can avoid the problem by choosing lilo instead of GRUB07:16
Ace2005abattoir: oh yea i forgot that07:16
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gatekeeperbeen saving this one for you z00m :-) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava07:17
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h3sp4wnAce2005: You could try building a later version of grub07:17
Ace2005abattoir: does lilo have to have /boot in the first 1024 cylinders or something?07:17
Ace2005h3sp4wn: how do i do that?07:17
Healotnot for the most recent LiLO07:17
z00mgatekeeper: thanks allot, really thankfull for remembering my problems ;)07:18
abattoirAce2005: nope, lilo works in a different way07:18
h3sp4wnAce2005: Read the documentation on the grub site - install build essential07:18
abattoirh3sp4wn: technically speaking, XFS should work with the grub version in dapper07:18
gatekeeperz00m: that's ok :-)07:18
abattoirh3sp4wn: but it doesnt07:18
abattoir!info grub07:18
ubotugrub: GRand Unified Bootloader. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.97-1ubuntu9 (dapper), package size 353 kB, installed size 748 kB07:18
h3sp4wnabattoir: Thats is what I thought but maybe it actually is fixed in the later version07:18
h3sp4wn!info grub edgy07:18
ubotugrub: GRand Unified Bootloader. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.97-11ubuntu6 (edgy), package size 358 kB, installed size 760 kB07:19
jhak88h3sp4wn: How do I put my dhclient into booting so I don't have to type that command every time?07:19
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h3sp4wnjhak88: I don't know what you are talking about07:19
abattoirh3sp4wn: i asked the devs, and they said it is better to stay clear of Grub and XFS because, even if it works, it is not reliable...07:19
Ace2005abattoir and h3sp4wn: so it should be ok if i just pick lilo right?07:19
abattoirAce2005: yes, that should work07:20
jhak88h3sp4wn: Every time I want to set my wireless, I have to use this command: (sudo dhclient eth1)07:20
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jhak88h3sp4wn: but I don't want to manually type them every time after I boot in order to use my internet07:20
Ace2005abattoir : so can i use custom images and stuff with lilo like on grub?07:20
h3sp4wnJhak88: There is a bug with dhclient307:20
jhak88h3sp4wn: so I can't put dhclient on the boot?07:21
abattoirAce2005: sure... if you mean splash screens.... yes07:21
Ace2005abattoir: yea thats what i mean,07:21
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Ace2005Thanks all, i'll try installing now, bye07:21
abattoirAce2005: you can even have animated splash screens if you want :)07:21
h3sp4wnJhak88: You set it up from /etc/network/interfaces - just adding pre-up sleep 5 or some such fixes it (or use a newer version of dhclient307:21
Ace2005abattoir: wait a sec, so whats teh catch? if its so good ubuntu should be using it as default but it isn't07:22
jhak88h3sp4wn: (I'm using linux for first time) so how do I exactly do that??? O_O07:22
abattoirAce2005: well, there are adv. and disadv. w/ both.. for eg., lilo doesnt work at all in my laptop, if i pass acpi cheatcodes, it works most of the time, but fails once in a bluemoon07:23
abattoirAce2005: on the other hand GRUB just works fine07:23
h3sp4wnAce2005: I would avoid xfs unless you have a really good reason for needing to use it07:23
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abattoirAce2005: so its difficult to say one is better than the other, but individual users of course have their own preferences07:23
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ubuntu_hola a todos07:24
h3sp4wnabattoir: The only filesystem with a worse track record than xfs for crashes recently is reiser407:24
Ace2005h3sp4wn: i was trying to install to reiser4 before xfs :(07:24
abattoirh3sp4wn: indeed, but they are fast too arent they?07:24
ubuntu_tengo un problema con la instalacion de kubuntu 6.0607:25
ubuntu_en la etapa 5 no me muestra la particiones de mi disco07:25
h3sp4wnabattoir: I use / - as reiser307:25
h3sp4wnabattoir: I think that is a reasonably safe compromise07:25
abattoirh3sp4wn: maybe in day to day tasks you may not notice... but when using heavy apps that do constant read/write, i've noticed them to be faster07:25
Ace2005h3sp4wn: the last time i used reiser3 it took ages to mount so i changed to ext3, why did you choose it?07:26
h3sp4wnabattoir: reiser3 is faster then xfs for small files07:26
poncehola mundo07:26
ubuntu_hola ponce07:26
ubuntu_podrias ayudarme?07:26
poncebuen dia07:26
abattoirh3sp4wn: the reason i dont use reiser 3 is when i shutdown the system improperly, the filesystem gets screwed... partition is trashed for me07:26
ubuntu_tengo un problema con la instalacion de kubuntu 6.0607:26
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:26
ubuntu_en la etapa 5 de la instalacion no se muestran la particiones de mi disco07:27
h3sp4wnabattoir: I heard that that happened but I do similar things and it hasn't happened to me yet (however /home is on another disk and ext3 so it is less important)07:27
abattoirh3sp4wn: hence i stick w/ XFS and reiser4. but then each of us have our preferences, dont we? :)07:27
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jhak88h3sp4wn: (I'm using linux for first time) so how do I exactly do that??? O_O07:28
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ubotuI know nothing about migrating - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:28
ubotuI know nothing about xfs - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:29
ubotuI know nothing about reiser4 - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:29
Ace2005well thats just great07:29
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h3sp4wnjhak88: I don't agree with people asking me things specifically by name when I have had no contact with them previously sorry (think its annoying)(07:29
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.07:30
Healotvous probleme, couquinoux?07:31
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couquinouxoui moi probleme07:31
couquinouxje suis nouveau sur linux07:32
couquinouxet j'essaie dsesprment d'installer xchat07:32
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Tommy2k4i think i discovered the source of my crash07:41
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Ace2005Hey look what i found: reiser4 does full data journaling. full data journaling. Not even little writeback cheats like ext3 does. FULL data journaling!07:48
Rahabthey need ZFS for ubuntu.07:49
h3sp4wnAce2005: I know someone who has lost everything 4 times within 6 months using reiser407:49
Ace2005h3sp4wn: where is the fun if you don't risk it?07:50
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Ace2005mount /dev/hdxN /mnt/new -o noatime: what does the -o adn noatime mean?07:50
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h3sp4wnAce2005: I do risk alot of stuff - the kernel supports it - so you could install via debootstrap07:51
Ace2005whats debootstrap? google define shows nothing07:52
Tommy2k4i think the crash i keep getting where monitor says "frequency out of range 31khz/0hz" is something to do with media players / xine / alsa / whatever07:52
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h3sp4wn!info debootstrap07:53
ubotudebootstrap: Bootstrap a basic Debian system. In repository main, is extra. Version (dapper), package size 47 kB, installed size 240 kB07:53
Ace2005doesn't help, what does it do?07:53
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Guest477hello, are there any repos down right now?07:55
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Tommy2k4us archives07:55
Guest477i am having trouble reinstalling java re07:55
Tommy2k4are down07:55
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Tommy2k4or were07:55
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Ace2005It would be cool to have !server-stats to see how the repos are, or a link on the homepage07:56
Guest477in you opinion will reinstalling java runtime install the plugin in firefox.. just installed firefor and of course jave is preinstalled in konquer07:56
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Guest477which will not play java games at yahoo or pogo07:56
Guest477firefox :) not firefor07:56
Guest477tommy2k4 :)07:57
poncei new in ubunto Ihave instaljava?07:57
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository07:58
Guest477yses thankl you :) i am farmilliar lol07:58
Guest477guess ill figure it out thank you :)07:58
Ace2005Ok thanks for the help, i'm off to just give it a go, for like the 5th time in two days, thanks for the help08:00
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Guest477gl ace :)08:00
Guest477is there any way to play yahoo games in konqueror, as i can in firefox on this machine with ubuntu ?08:01
MilhousePunkRockWhen I suspend my laptop to RAM either with Fn-F4 or from the KPowersave menu, the "mouse" doesn't work any more when I wake it up again...08:02
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Guest477usb mouse?08:04
Guest477or ps208:04
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MilhousePunkRockThe TrackPoint of my IBM Laptop that is...08:05
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Guest477uh oh, not sure of any very specifics, but i had problems on my dell latitude08:05
Guest477google mouse drift latitude and see what u think08:06
KubuntuNoobCan anyone help me out? I want to 100% Remove wine and wine installed programs from my computer.08:06
Guest477i recommend a diff pointi ng device if u can08:06
KubuntuNoobAnd I'm not sure how08:06
MilhousePunkRockI've been told it's an X Problem, Guest47708:06
MilhousePunkRockThe "Protocol" used in the xorg.conf is ImPS208:06
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MilhousePunkRockIf I restart X it's fine again08:07
KubuntuNoob As I said, Can anyone help me? I want to 100% Remove Wine and programs installed with it.  What is the command to do this?08:07
MilhousePunkRockI someone _can_ help you, someone will... No need to ask twice.08:07
Guest477KubuntuNoob > how did you setup wine in the beginning?08:08
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto08:08
gnomefreakKubuntuNoob: sudo apt-get remove --purge wine   than you have to uninstall everything else one by one (if you mean the windows apps)08:08
Guest477kewl thanks gnomefreak :)08:08
gnomefreakKubuntuNoob: just have to remove the .exe files08:08
KubuntuNoob Alright, Purging wine thanks ^^08:09
Hotwired"/j #debian08:09
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KubuntuNoob It claims wine is not installed, I built from source; Is there a different way to remove it?08:09
KubuntuNoob I downloaded the source off of source forge, did a apt-get for the build deps, did a ./configure, a make, and a make install.08:11
gnomefreakKubuntuNoob: sudo dpkg -r08:12
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TsedKubuntuNoob: make uninstall should clear what was installed with make install.08:12
KubuntuNoob Tsed: So I go into my wine source folder and make uninstall?08:13
TsedKubuntuNoob: Yep.08:13
sykeI am interested in funding some development for KUbuntu 6.1008:13
sykeI sent an email to canonical, but never heard back08:13
sykecan anyone suggest other ways I could do this?08:13
TsedKubuntuNoob: Will probably need sudo, depending on where oyu installed to.08:13
sykeI would like a paid support contract08:14
KubuntuNoob Tsed: I'll put sudo in08:14
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CaBlGuY-awayservers fixed yet?08:14
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Dasnipa`syke, http://www.ubuntu.com/support/paid08:15
Tsedsyke: Who did you email?  support@canonical.com?08:15
sykeDasnipa`: yes, that is how I contacted them before08:15
syketsed: yes08:16
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sykeI got an RT tracking #, but it didn't do a lot of good :/08:16
gnomefreakits the weekend they are most likely at home08:16
sykeI contacted them about 2 months ago now08:16
gnomefreakoh and can we move this to #kubuntu-offtopic08:16
sykeit's pretty on-topic, isn't it? I'd like to pay to get some bugs fixed :)08:17
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gnomefreaksyke: no08:18
Dasnipa`imo its ontopic08:18
sykewhat does 'kubuntu support channel' mean, then?08:18
sykeI'm very confused08:18
Dasnipa`i think gnomefreak's suggestion can be safely ignored... your discussion is on-topic08:19
gnomefreaksyke: no offerng to contribute money to ubuntu has nothing to do with kubuntu tech support08:19
sykeDasnipa`: ok :)08:19
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Dasnipa`gnomefreak, paid tech support is what hes asking about08:19
sykefor kubuntu, specifically08:19
sykeas that is what I am running :)08:19
gnomefreakDasnipa`: this channel has no paid tech support08:19
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gnomefreakDasnipa`: IRC has no paid tech support08:20
sykeplease let this not be like #debian :(08:20
gnomefreaksyke: i asked you to move it to -offtopic please do so08:20
sykewait a minute08:20
sykeyour nick has 'gnome' in it08:21
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sykeisn't that off-topic for kubuntu, which is KDE-base? ;>08:21
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gnomefreaksyke: this channel is for sixing kubuntu issues08:21
LynoureThere is some elves around, too08:21
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sykeI have issues that need fixing!08:21
sykelike my wireless doesn't work on book08:21
sykeor after resume08:21
sykeI have to manually do the iwconfig and dhcp08:22
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gnomefreaksyke: thats ontopic but what you do with your money is not08:22
sykeI really do not understand08:22
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sykeI like kubuntu and want it to succeed, I file meaningful bug reports and go through some lengths to make sure problems can be fixed08:22
sykein addition to wanting to fund the development of those fixes08:23
KubuntuNoob All:  I need an opinion, I'm thinking of subscribing to transgaming to get Cedega, but is it worth it? As, I cannot manage to get WoW To run via wine.08:23
sykeI have some bugs08:23
sykeI'd like to see them fixed08:23
TsedIn any case, trying to get him in contact with the people he needs seems a bit more on topic than arguing over the details of something slightly off-topic. ;p08:23
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gnomefreaksyke: filing bugs fixing bugs is fine sponsering money is not <ends here>08:23
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sykeKubuntu: my husband never had luck wine Cedega -- crashed quite a bit. CrossOver is more stable, but not game-oriented yet :/08:23
Dasnipa`KubuntuNoob, pretty worth it... i use cedega and it works very nice plus you can drop the subscription ater 3 months and the product is yours08:24
TsedKubuntuNoob: Check the Cedega site to see how well WoW works... and go from there.08:24
sykegnome: ok, thanks for reminding me that some thing never change in the debian community.08:24
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems08:24
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sykeit's almost like someone got people together and thought08:25
syke"hey, let's figure out how to alienate users and be overly pedantic on things -- that will slow down the adoption of linux!"08:25
Dasnipa`KubuntuNoob, i also think there there is something on the ubuntu site about a wine package specifically for WoW08:25
KubuntuNoob All: How often does Cedega get updated? Is it worth keeping a subscription after the 3 months?     Dasnipa: I tried it, it doesn't work for me08:26
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Dasnipa`KubuntuNoob, cedega is updated rather often but if you arent playing the newest of the new games it shouldnt matter a ton. the transgaming acct allows you to vote on what features and game support they add08:27
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KubuntuNoob Dasnipa', I think I might get an account, Though, The idea of paying multiple monthly fees for WoW And Cedega is quite a pain08:30
Dasnipa`KubuntuNoob, cedega works thru worldpay which automatically renews your account until you specifically cancel it08:31
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KubuntuNoob I'll register an account later today likely than, I want to get back to WoW As I have a raid tonight = \08:32
gnomefreakwow runs on wine ;)08:32
ubotuI know nothing about beerkoid - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:33
TsedAnyone know if compiz-kde is anywhere near usable yet? (or even if it's still being developed?)08:33
gnomefreakTsed: its useable but pretty much unstable08:34
KubuntuNoob Gnomefreak: If you're willing to help me get it to work that'd be great, but I tried earlier today based on a guide and it didn't work, the installer froze when I would click the install button08:34
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource08:34
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sykeanyone else having trouble connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.cIT'LL om08:34
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gnomefreaksyke: they are down08:35
gnomefreak!wow > KubuntuNoob08:35
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gnomefreakKubuntuNoob: ive only done it once adn that was to test something for someone08:35
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KubuntuNoob gnomefreak: I tried that guide, though, I guess I'll give it one more chance08:37
gnomefreakKubuntuNoob: build wine is your best bet btw08:37
Tsedgnomefreak: Why bother?  Shouldn't the latest debs from winehq do the same thing?08:38
KubuntuNoob gnomefreak: I DID build it last time, I'm trying downloading their prepatched WoW One now08:38
Tsedhttp://www.winehq.com/site/download-deb < Like so?08:38
gnomefreakTsed: i always buily it but they say it runs better if you build it08:38
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TsedHmm.  I dunno, that seems kinda superstitious to me, but whatever floats your boat. :)08:40
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Tommy2k4i think the crash i keep getting where monitor says "frequency out of range 31khz/0hz" is something to do with media players / xine / alsa / whatever08:40
Ace2005h3sp4wn and abattoir: hi again, the install went perfectly and everything is working ok08:41
Ace2005i used xfs in the end08:41
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Ace2005Oh man i forgot how long it takes to get a fresh install up and running :(08:47
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KubuntuNoob All: World of warcraft is now installing, I had to let it stay at the vrozen screen for 6 mins.  The EULA Is appearing in symbols, I'll read it later ; )08:48
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Sarnuialthere's a Linux ver of Wow?08:49
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php08:49
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Sarnuialoh wait08:50
Sarnuialthere's nothing there?08:50
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larson9999google earth is kinda cool08:51
Sarnuialjust had 2 wait for it to load...08:51
Sarnuialwow lots there08:51
ubotuI know nothing about ! - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:51
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|KOF|PanikDoes anyone know if the screensaver autostart for KDE has been fixed?08:55
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems08:56
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Sarnuialcan i have some help getting my live cd to boot?08:58
Sarnuiali stick it into the machine i have prepaired08:58
Sarnuialand it gets as far as mounting root file system then stops08:58
Sarnuiali used f6 to get boot options08:59
Sarnuialand nuked "quiet" and "splash"08:59
coachJis set to boot from the CD bios08:59
Sarnuialit boots up to mounting root file system08:59
Sarnuialand it seemes to be getting stopped at loading the usb08:59
|KOF|PanikDoes anyone know if the screensaver autostart for KDE has been fixed?08:59
Sarnuiali tried debian-installer/probe/usb=false08:59
Sarnuialbut it doesnt do anything :(08:59
coachJdid check to if the Cd was good (MD5 checksum)09:00
Sarnuialno i havnt09:00
Sarnuialbut it works in another computer fine09:00
coachJgot to be the bios09:00
coachJlook there again09:00
Sarnuialso i should flash it to a newer version?09:00
Sarnuialbecause it boots the cd09:00
coachJdid say that,09:00
Sarnuiali get the casper boot menu09:01
coachJanyone else help him?09:01
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=== srittner hi
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Sarnuialim off to flash my bios...09:06
coachJgood luck09:06
Sarnuialwho do i blame if something goes wrong? ;)09:06
coachJnot I09:07
Sarnuialfortunatily the machine's an old pII09:07
Sarnuialso its not worth much if i kill it...09:07
Tm_Tyou can always blame me09:07
Sarnuialok then :D09:07
coachJlook 4 u here ltr09:07
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Sarnuialill still be on09:08
Sarnuialall the time09:08
Sarnuialits not this machine im flashing...09:08
Tm_TI mean, err, good to hear09:08
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Sarnuialbad floppy...09:09
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Sarnuiali hate windoze...09:11
BluesKajactually old machines are perfect for linux .09:11
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Sarnuiali know09:11
Sarnuialwhich is why im using this one09:11
Sarnuiali just meant09:11
Sarnuialthat it wouldnt be my main machine09:11
Sarnuiali lost09:11
Sarnuialif the flash went badly09:11
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Sarnuialthe only thing im worried about09:12
Sarnuialis KDE + 400MHz + 128Mb RAM09:12
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osirisSarnuial, im running kubuntu on exactly those specs09:12
aztunSarnuial: xubuntu is great for that machine09:12
Sarnuialglad to hear that09:12
KubuntuNOOB I have installed world of warcraft, and it runs.  Though, there is no sound.  And when I go to the audio tab in winecfg it crashes.  Does anyone know how I can fix this?09:13
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BluesKajthe speed is fine, the memory may slow things doen some09:15
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xtacocorexanyone using konversation have problems with dcc?09:17
coachJwhat is dcc?09:17
xtacocorexdirect connect through irc09:18
xtacocorexcoachJ: you have to be registered on freenode for it to work09:18
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coachJi see09:18
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andrew__Hey does anyone know how to get rid of a quake4demo in linux?09:18
BluesKajis it in the k-menu ?09:19
andrew__No I can't find it in there.09:20
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Sarnuialflash in progress...09:21
BluesKajandrew,you can use the kde menu editor / highlight the item/ edit/ delete/ save09:21
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markc_wow, I just did a debootstrap edgy from a gentoo partition (of all things) and now I have what seems like quite a stable system... more stable (for me) than upgrading from dapper09:23
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Sarnuialdangit, how many dud disks do i have?09:24
Sarnuialit cant read the sectors with the new bios on it...09:24
andrew__i tried it's not on the menu.09:25
andrew__it's not a really big deal but would like to know to unistall things09:26
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markc_andrew__: deb packages ?09:26
cpk2andrew__: how did you install it?09:27
JonTecIs it possible to bridge network connections in Dapper?09:27
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andrew__it was the quake4 demo09:27
bgrimmIs everyone else still having trouble with the package servers? I just noticed I still hang in synaptic.09:28
markc_JonTec: bridge-utils ?09:28
cpk2andrew__: how did you install the demo?09:28
crimsunbgrimm: work fine here.09:28
andrew__it was a file that I sh in konsole09:29
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cpk2andrew__: self installer?09:29
bgrimmhmm, are you accessing all servers? (one from universe I think was a problem for me)09:29
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crimsunbgrimm: yes09:29
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andrew__I think09:30
cpk2bgrimm: i just did apt-get update and universe was fine, looks like i am hanging on multiverse though09:30
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cpk2andrew__: then see if there is an uninstall script09:30
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cpk2if you installed it try doing make uninstall from the dir09:31
cpk2if you installed using make*09:31
bgrimmex: I'm trying to install libterm-readline-gnu-perl (universe/perl) and I freeze waiting for headers.09:31
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bgrimmAlso fetching hangs at 99% likley from same prob.09:31
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cpk2bgrimm: do "sudo apt-get update" that way you can see what its hanging on09:32
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bgrimmok, hangs on us.archive.ubuntu.com09:33
markc_bgrimm: try a "ping us.archive.ubuntu.com"09:34
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Tommy2k4if i run konsole as a lower priority will it not freeze my pc when running make09:35
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bgrimmping goes thru, and resolves to correct IP from shell (
Tommy2k4is it even possible09:36
bgrimmor at least same IP that apt-get update resolves to.09:36
cpk2Tommy2k4: does it freeze or are you just impatient with make?09:37
Tommy2k4it froze yesterday09:37
Tommy2k4had to press reset09:37
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cpk2Tommy2k4: how much time did you give it?09:37
Tommy2k4it completely froze, ctrl alt f6 wouldnt put it in terminal09:38
Tommy2k4that means its froze right09:38
cpk2Tommy2k4: sometimes it can take a long time to switch terminals if it has a large load09:39
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cpk2i dont see how make would make linux lock up09:39
Tommy2k4me either it was onyl kbfx which is a small app09:39
Tommy2k4just a kicker aplet09:39
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cpk2Tommy2k4: you have everything needed for it?09:41
Tommy2k4its compiling now09:41
bgrimmapt-get still hangs @ 99% [connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (] , only thing I had done was enable all the repositories, which was working fine this morning.09:42
markc_ah cool, edgy has courier-mta v0.53.2... man I lost a lot of time trying to compile that on dapper, and a new kernel with make-kpkg09:42
h3sp4wnmarkc_: 2.6.17 on dapper is it a bit of a pain to get working properly09:43
Tommy2k4someone really should put in the topic that us.archive repo is down09:43
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Sarnuialsorry about that09:44
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Sarnuialmy computer crashed when i tried a bad floppy...09:44
Sarnuialhad to reboot09:44
Sarnuialthe flash complete09:44
Sarnuialno change.09:44
Sarnuialits still freezing09:44
markc_h3sp4wn: yeah, it's probably okay if you roll a dedicated kernel but I could not get make-kpgk to give me w working initrd09:44
Sarnuialon the bright side, the kernel uncompresses much faster!09:44
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bgrimmTommy2k4, is there a mirror/alternate that can be used instead of us.archive? (thanks for the update, yes should be in topic)09:45
Sarnuialso what now?09:45
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Tommy2k4i heard nl works09:45
h3sp4wnmarkc_: Its not because of some changes with udev (I have had it working before though) using edgy now though however anyway09:45
Tommy2k4dunno what other mirrors there are but all apart from us should be working09:45
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Sarnuialbe back later09:46
Tommy2k4gb/uk maybe09:46
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assasukassehi all09:47
assasukasseif i install deb packages on kubuntu would i break it? since the package in ubuntu repo is outdated09:47
markc_h3sp4wn: heh, I've installed gentoo and archlinux trying to get a decent and current system... this debootstrap edgy has been the smoothest ride so far, even better than installing from a dapper livecd and upgrading09:48
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h3sp4wnmarkc_: Thats is how I installed it also (and I have had very few problems) but people dist-upgrading from dapper seem to have more issues09:49
markc_archlinux is the only system with apache 2.2.209:49
h3sp4wnmarkc_: freebsd 6.1 has it ?09:50
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staswhats going on09:50
h3sp4wnmarkc_: I would always build apache from source anyway09:50
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LouKalli was wondering how to install VLC09:51
markc_h3sp4wn: yes... that's why I was so spurprised I had such a smooth ride doing a debootstrap edgy... totally sweet, nothing hiccup'd09:52
LouKallanybody got any help?09:52
stasGuys, are there any good alternatives to cedega to run games on linux09:52
aethcedega is about the best... for running windows games09:53
stasanything that is second best?09:53
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z00mhow do i change the size of my folders in KDE kubuntu09:54
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z00mthey are MASSIVE to the eye !!! lol09:54
GlassCasketI just tried installing Kubuntu, but it didn't ask me anything questions regarding Grub. :\09:54
apokryphos-z00m: same place as most kde configurations, go to system settings09:55
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markc_z00m: the icons ? ... control center -> Appearance & Themes -> Icons -> Advanced09:55
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JonTecoh, sorry. I forgot completely that I was on IRC.09:56
JonTecso bridge-utils? where?09:56
z00mmarkc_ whats the terminal name for control center09:56
z00mits not in my programs list09:56
markc_z00m: kcontrol09:56
GlassCasketI just tried installing Kubuntu, but it didn't ask me anything questions regarding Grub. How come?09:56
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markc_GlassCasket: perhaps it just dropped in your mba at the root of your drive09:57
h3sp4wnmarkc_: I wasn't that surprised not much has changed from debian unstable which my laptop has (because dapper was so slow on it)09:58
GlassCasketmarkc_: It should have asked first. Because when I isntalled Kubuntu 5.10, it said it found XP and asked me if I wanted to install Grub.09:58
markc_GlassCasket: maybe it found XP and just added it anyway ?09:59
ace_GlassCasket: Did you install from the desktop install CD or the alternative install CD, the alternative install CD has the old installer which asked me if the only other os was XP09:59
z00mmarkc_: just done that but they are still the same size09:59
markc_GlassCasket: oic, you mean you wanted the option to keep the XP boot system09:59
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GlassCasketmarkc_: I booted from my three drives and got Grub Error 17 on my Kubuntu drive. :\10:00
ace_GlassCasket: Nope i mean that it uses the old installer which i like, you can't boot linux from the windows boot system10:00
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markc_z00m: I just changed mine from 32 to 64 and it definitely worked here10:00
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ace_GlassCasket: The text based one said it detected windows xp but the Desktop CD did not10:01
z00mmarkc_: yes sorry, my bad i just noticed that it has changed the size on the desktop :P10:01
z00mi need to select the others10:01
ace_My desktop install cd crased right when it got to partitioning, and the only time it made it past it the installer crashed10:02
GlassCasketace_: I thought the desktop instalation was supposed to be better, lol. ;)10:02
ace_ok i mean the only time i got past it the installer crashed when installing grub10:02
ace_GlassCasket: not better10:03
ace_GlassCasket: just easier10:03
GlassCasketace_: Oh ok, I'm not a linux beginner so I'm downloading the alternate CD right now.10:03
z00mmarkc_: its changed them on the desktop but not in my home folder10:03
ace_GlassCasket: why didn't the other install go well?10:04
GlassCasketace_: I"m guessing the only difference between the dekstop and alternate isntaller is that there isnt a GUI?10:04
GlassCasketace_: Because when I boot my Kubuntu hardrive, I get grub error 1710:04
markc_z00m: that's odd, if I open up a folder icon on the desktop the icons are the same size as the larger desktop ones10:04
ace_sorry everyone i've got to go, my mum wants me to clean my room, GlassCasket you might want to ask abattoir he helped me with partitioning and grub for the past two days10:06
z00mthey changed the size on the desktop folders but not in the home directory10:06
ace_bye :)10:06
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GlassCasketIn the desktop installer, if Kubuntu found another OS, it would have asked me if I wanted to install Grub to the mbr, right?10:07
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marbuenas noches10:09
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z00mis it possible to write files to a USB fat32 harddrive in linux ?10:12
simian__it's so frustrating when you get to a page like this http://tv.arsenal.com/default.aspx?p=channels/C3_S3&a=8141      and it says you os is not supported10:13
MuJisn't it?10:14
simian__i'm not that bothered is i can't use all the features that the page offers, what bothers me is that the developers made it os specific10:14
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tmdx120is yahoo down for anyone else?10:15
markc_hmm, how do I get my soundcard modules into /etc/modutils.d so an update-modules build a modules.conf, or whatever it is these dyas ?10:15
simian__tmdx120: yes it appears to be10:16
MuJsimian__: you can always make your browser identify itself on other os10:16
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MuJat least you can make konqueror do so10:16
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simian__MuJ: yeah i will try that10:16
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markc_doh, there in /etc/modprobe.d10:17
MuJthough then it will whine about active x :/10:17
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tmdx120simian: thanks10:17
tmdx120naive newbie question. What is vim used for?10:17
MuJtext editor10:18
GlassCasketIn the desktop installer, if Kubuntu found another OS, it would have asked me if I wanted to install Grub to the mbr, right?10:18
simian__tmdx120: command line text editor10:18
tmdx120MuJ: what kind of text?10:18
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MuJplain text10:18
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tmdx120can I use it as a wordprocessor? script editor?10:18
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josh___whats up10:18
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simian__tmdx120: yes10:19
Chillaxedi need to know how to install firefox10:19
Chillaxedi can't find the page10:19
tmdx120can I get latex functionality from Vim?10:19
simian__GlassCasket: i've never used the desktop installer10:19
Chillaxedoh ok10:19
Chillaxedanyone know how to use firefox?10:20
Chillaxedi mean install10:20
markc_Chillaxed: just install firefox... from a shell "apt-get install firefox"10:20
simian__Chillaxed: type this at the command line     sudo apt-get install firefox10:20
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markc_ah yes, with a prepended sudo10:20
GlassCasketsimian_: You used the alternate CD?10:21
tmdx120sorry guess it was a stupid question10:21
simian__GlassCasket: no i upgraded from breezy but i would be surprised if ubutu's latest installers didn't detect other os's10:22
Chillaxedis it possible to play musicfrom my window's partition?10:22
GlassCasketsimian_: It didn't detect my XP10:22
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markc_Chillaxed: sure, but you have to mount it first..10:23
h3sp4wntmdx120: vim-latexsuite10:23
Chillaxedwell a fixmbr usually fixes that anyways10:23
simian__GlassCasket: i'm suprised10:23
h3sp4wntmdx120: (almost certainly you can but I have no idea at all how to do it)10:23
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Chillaxedok how do i mount it?10:24
Chillaxedi'd lke to play music from my windows partition10:24
tmdx120h3sp4wn: howdy.10:24
GlassCasketChillaxed: Make a new directory, then do mount /new/directory/name /dev/hd*10:24
GlassCasketChillaxed: sudo mkdir /mnt/music /dev/hd*10:25
h3sp4wntmdx120: hi10:25
GlassCasketsudo mkdir /mnt/music10:25
Tommy2k4anyone use kbfx?/10:25
Chillaxedok so type in sudo mkdir /mnt/music?10:25
GlassCasketmount /dev/hd* /mnt/music10:25
GlassCasketChillaed: Yes.10:26
Chillaxedk which one lol make sure u type it in right10:26
Chillaxedthe one i typed in?10:26
tmdx120h3sp4wn: just apt-get that package?10:26
Chillaxedand then that should let me play music from other partition?10:26
GlassCasketYeah, mkdir /mnt/music10:26
h3sp4wntmdx120: yep but as I say I have no idea how to use it10:26
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GlassCasketWell, what drive is your music in?10:26
Chillaxedok i typed it in10:27
Chillaxedand it asked for a password10:27
Chillaxedi typed it in10:27
tmdx120h3sp4wn: thats MY problem!  LOL!10:27
Chillaxedis it done now?10:27
GlassCasketType in your password10:27
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h3sp4wntmdx120: have you run vimtutor (probably best to learn the basics of vim from that before you start trying to introduce more things to the mix)10:28
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Chillaxedoh shit10:28
Chillaxednow i need to run it as a root10:29
Chillaxedthere we go10:29
GlassCasketDo, sudo mkdir /mnt/music10:29
GlassCasketYou can replace music what what you want though.10:29
tmdx120h3sp4wn: yup, im gettingup to speed now.10:29
Chillaxedok how do i do that10:29
Chillaxedrun as root10:29
GlassCasketChillaed: You don't needn to run as root, just use sudo10:29
Chillaxedoh ok10:30
GlassCasketIs the directory created now?10:30
Chillaxedwell i'm downloading a shit load of updates right now10:30
Chillaxedwith adept user10:30
Chillaxedadept updater*10:30
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Chillaxedshould i update?10:30
GlassCasketBut is the new directory created?10:30
GlassCasketYeah, you should. But mounting shouldnt have any effects10:30
Chillaxedk how do i use sudo then10:31
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Chillaxedin order to run as root10:31
gnomefreakChillaxed: sudo -i10:31
GlassCasketType in 'sudo mkdir /mnt/music' (without the braquets)10:31
Chillaxednono not for music10:31
Chillaxedto install nvidia drivers as root10:31
Chillaxedi just wanna create a root account10:32
Chillaxedthats what i did on suse10:32
GlassCasketOne thing at a time, lol.10:32
Chillaxedi know10:32
Chillaxedi rush too much10:32
markc_Chillaxed: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx10:32
GlassCasketKubuntu won't let you I believe as it's not necessary and safe10:32
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cpk2Chillaxed: if you want to actually log in as root in a terminal do su -10:34
Chillaxedoh ok10:34
markc_is a 2nd alsa device called "hw:1" ?10:35
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markc_or, how do I refer to my 2nd sound card ?10:35
gnomefreakcpk2: sudo -i10:35
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto10:35
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ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems10:36
Chillaxedok wow wtf.10:36
cpk2gnomefreak: doesnt su - work too?10:36
Chillaxedi got an error saying i don'thave a directory installed10:36
gnomefreakcpk2: not by default10:36
gnomefreakcpk2: you have to set it to work and is not recommended in ubuntu10:36
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GlassCasketI think that doing sudo passwd will let you change the root password. ;)10:37
gnomefreakGlassCasket: that will let you change the sudo password10:37
GlassCasketAh, so it's not the root password10:37
cpk2so is us.archive.ubuntu.com going to be up anytime soon?10:38
Chillaxedi do not have the package "binutils" installed10:38
Chillaxedwhat now10:38
gnomefreakcpk2: i doubt it10:38
gnomefreakcpk2: take the "us." out of repos if you want a simple command i can give you it10:38
cpk2i guess i can jsut use australia, is it au or aus?10:39
gnomefreakcpk2: to remove the "us." type sudo sed -e `s/us\.//` -i /etc/apt/sources.list10:39
cpk2gnomefreak: but i would still like to run apt-get10:40
gnomefreakcpk2: why go around the world10:40
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gnomefreakcpk2: you run update after wards10:40
cpk2and the us security one works10:40
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT10:40
gnomefreakcpk2: without a country code the us defaults to uk10:40
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gnomefreakcpk2: uk is main server iirc10:40
ubotugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto10:41
grizzlynow the above guide caters to creating gpg keys, I want to know howto fix my gpg keys10:41
gnomefreakanyone happen to have a tar. for konsole laying around?10:42
gnomefreakgrizzly: cant fix what we dont know10:42
grizzlyas I am getting errors with apt-get update10:42
gnomefreakgrizzly: thats not you10:42
gnomefreakgrizzly: what repo is erroring?10:42
grizzlysry, 403 Forbidden10:42
grizzlyFailed to fetch http://dagobah.ucc.asn.au/ubuntu-suspend2/dapper/Packages.gz  403 Forbidden10:42
cpk2gnomefreak: that line doesnt work i will just delete it all by hand10:42
gnomefreakgrizzly: theres a good reason10:42
gnomefreakcpk2: the line doesnt output nothing10:43
cpk2gnomefreak: if you are interested it says sed: no input files10:43
grizzlygnomefreak: which reason?10:43
grizzlyI guess the 403 forbidden == screwed gpg keys. right?10:43
gnomefreakgrizzly: that is an un-official repo and not recommended to be used in ubuntu as it can break things (and you have to go to wher eyou got it for the gpg key of the maintainer10:43
grizzlyExactly , I want a howto for handling these gpg keys of the maintainer10:44
gnomefreakgrizzly: it should tell you wher eyou got the repo10:44
gnomefreakhow to get it10:44
gnomefreakgrizzly: i dont have a clue who maintains that one10:45
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gnomefreakrraphink: got a sec?10:49
LouKallwhat do i use to open .cue and .bin files10:50
LouKallits a dvd.10:50
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gnomefreakLouKall: bin = sh file.bin   cue= never heard of10:51
LouKallhopefully that works.10:51
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glatzeeHi, after upgrading to kde 3.5.3, I cant login anymore. KDM kicks me back to the login screen whenever I try to login. Anyone know why?11:07
cpk2glatzee: can you log in at terminal?11:09
Philip5glatzee: if you stay in the kdm for a minute does the keyboard freeze?11:09
glatzeecpk2: Yes, I'm using the terminal right now.11:10
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glatzeePhilip5: I haven't tried that, should it matter?11:10
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zeushelp connetc11:11
zeushelp connect11:11
Philip5glatzee: well i had that trouble too... but in my case i found a error in kdmrc11:11
glatzeePhilip5: Okey, I don't know anything about that, all I did was upgrade kde with jriddells official rep and there goes11:11
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Philip5glatzee: i think kdm and maybe kdmrc is the crook in your case11:12
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Philip5but i'm about to go out so i hope someone else can help you11:12
glatzeePhilip5: Alright Thanks anyway :-)11:13
glatzeeAnyone can help me with KDM and kdmrc?11:13
Philip5you got a hint anyway :)11:13
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ironfroggy is there something i can have to monitor the status of my wireless connection?11:16
Philip5glatzee: read here for starters and see if there is any help in it: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/DapperReleaseNotes/Kubuntu/UpgradeProblems?highlight=%28kdm%29%7C%28problem%29  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems?highlight=%28kdm%29%7C%28problem%29  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHoaryReleaseKnownProblems?highlight=%28kdm%29%7C%28problem%2911:17
aldoHi to all! I am installing on Ubuntu a copy of VMware Server. It ask to me where the C header files are. Where can I find them?11:18
Bazziinstall them.11:18
Bazzi"sudo aptitude install linux-kernel-headers linux-source build-essential" for vmware11:19
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aldoBazzi: thx :)11:20
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Bazziyou're welcome11:20
jontecI'm having a problem with apt-get11:20
jontecus.archive.ubuntu.com gets to 99% and stops.11:20
totoro_homesame here11:21
jontecin both Adept and Konsole11:21
Bazzitry ca.archive.ubuntu.com or anything else near you :)11:21
gatekeeperI think us mirrors are having problems11:21
gnomefreakjontec: take the "us." out of the repos11:21
jontechow do I stop Konsole from updating?11:22
gatekeeperis there a repo status page anywhere folks?11:22
Bazzijontec: ctrl+c11:22
cpk2gatekeeper: just delete the us from all the repos11:24
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jontecdelete us or change to another state?11:25
jonteclike from us. to ca.?11:25
gatekeepercpk2: I don't use the us ones, but just woundered if there was a status page anywhere like you get with your ISP, if there isn't may there should be11:26
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gatekeeperjontec: yes11:26
cpk2gatekeeper: oh ok, thought you might be using the US ones since they arent up apparently11:26
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gatekeepercpk2: that's ok :-) poor users seem have to find out the hard way which doesn't seem to be very clever11:28
jontechow can I find out which mirrors are close to me (or does it not matter?) is there a mirror in every state?11:28
z00mis echo 0 /proc/sys/kernel/randomi a bad command to run whats it do ?11:29
z00msomeone just told me to run it11:29
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ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php11:31
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||Trayer||Does anyone here have WoW working under Wine?  Mine will launch, but, when the character normally appears on screen my game freezes.  (Ex I can move for about 3 seconds than it freezes)11:32
Bazzi||Trayer|| what wine version?11:32
||Trayer|| Bazzi: The "wowpatched" version available on the official ubuntu site11:33
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||Trayer|| Bazzi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft11:33
BazziI'd have just pointed you there ;)11:33
Bazziif you wouldn't have used that11:34
Bazzibut since you do, i cannot help you further11:34
||Trayer|| Bazzi: I here sound, I log in fine, It's in OpenGL mode, Vision is all great, it's when it tries to load the character model the game freezes.  I was thinking Mabey a WINE setting in grapchis if theres a shader or something on the character freezing it?11:34
||Trayer|| Bazzi: Nevermind, The section loaded this time.  Last time the other half of the page didn't load.  I think there might be a solution here11:35
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bgrimmI've got a dual boot XP and Slackware machine with lilo bootloader, is it "safe" to overwrite the slackware part with the LiveCD install and let it write grub for bootloader?11:37
||Trayer|| Bazzi: Alright, time to test.  If I leave the channel it's a crash.  It will not crash in D3D Mode, So, I'm going to disable all shaders first then launch in opengl in safe graphics.  Brb11:38
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markc_bgrimm: I did a laptop recently that had XP on it, the livecd succesfully resized XP, installed kubuntu, and gave me a dual boot machine11:45
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bgrimmthat's my plan as well, except I have an existing slack install. I'm trying to let it format and use that existing ext3 partition and the existing swap part that I have setup. and let grub overwrite the existing lilo loader I use.11:46
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markc_bgrimm: yep, fine... should be no problem... well, the installer is ornery in some situations, but generally works11:48
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markc_bgrimm: when you get to the qparted screen, just go to the next one and diddle the dropdown menus the way you want... obviously select manual partitioning before the qparted screen11:49
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bgrimmyeah, that is what I was working on, but its being a bit stubborn on resizing an existing ext3 partition.11:50
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rlji've had some issues on my somewhat new laptop with bad blocks on my reiserfs partition, reiserfsck would segfault on an attempt to fix the partition, so i decided to backup all data and do a reinstall, this time with ext311:50
rljnow, i just created the ext3 partition and ran mke2fs with -c -c so it did a destructive test with 4 write patterns across the entire disk11:51
LouKallhow do i get around this hinderance?11:52
LouKallLouKall@loukall-laptop:~/Desktop$ sh Donnie Darko (The Directors Cut) DVDRip KVCD by Dev (A TUS RELEASE).bin11:52
LouKallbash: syntax error near unexpected token `('11:52
rljin my /var/log/messages from the livecd, i did not see any drive errors during this process (as i saw during all previous badblocks runs), so i am wondering if the drive suddenly decided (on write, not read) to relocate the blocks11:52
markc_rlj: you can use "badblocks" to check and fix low level block errors11:52
bLaZeDlol LouKall wth is that?11:52
markc_oops, right11:52
crimsunLouKall: '(', ')', and ' ' are significant to the shell11:52
rljso if so, i wonder if i can read out the list of bad blocks from the newly created ext3 fs to see if it is empty, thus indicating that the bad blocks have in fact been relocated11:52
crimsunLouKall: so you need to quote the entire filename11:53
LouKallhow do you mean?11:53
rljand if so, i will (after a e2fsck -c -c) be pretty confident with the status of the disk for now, and will continue with installation of kubuntu again11:53
crimsunLouKall: e.g., 'Donnie Darko (The Directors Cut) DVDRip KVCD by Dev (A TUS RELEASE).bin'11:53
LouKallthank you very much.11:53
bLaZeDLouKall, is there a second file ending in cue?11:53
rljso what i'm asking is really if there's a way to get the list of bad blocks currently stored in the fs, as debugreiserfs -B does11:53
LouKallhow do i use that one?11:53
bLaZeDLouKall, u most defiantly dont use sh on it11:54
bLaZeDLouKall, vcdgear....11:54
rljor will no ext2/3 utilities give me some sort of indication on the current list of bad blocks...?11:54
cpk2rlj: normally if you start getting bad blocks it means impending death for the HD11:54
bLaZeDLouKall, vcdgear will take thoese 2 files and turn them into a watchable video file11:55
cpk2rlj: you look into SMART?11:55
rljwell, the drive is not very old so i surely hope that is not the case11:55
rljhave not looked at S.M.A.R.T. status on the disk, no11:55
LouKallwheres it at.11:55
rljfrom what i've read11:55
LouKallcause its not in adept11:55
markc_rlj: doesn't badblocks -o file store a list of bad blocks... kinda the same thing except you need to run it over the disk first11:55
rljmodern disks do relocation automatically on writes11:55
bLaZeDLouKall, no its not... u have to google it and dl it11:55
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cpk2rlj: SMART is pretty reliable11:56
rljwell, i guess so. i just think it would be nice (since my mke2fs ran for a few hours and after all performed a badblocks -w for me) to see if it did find any bad blocks during that run11:56
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rljcause if it didn't11:56
rljthat means the drive has finally decided to relocate the bad blocks and i'm good to go11:56
jontecokay, so does anyone know how to use bridge-utils. I finally got it installed11:56
rlji'm pretty sure they appeared by11:56
jhak88anyone: anyone have idea for installing flash 8 player?11:57
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rlj*by the way due to a sudden fall approx  metre to the floor.. :/ (laptop)11:57
LouKalljhak: hint, make sure you have your dirs right.11:57
rljalso, (haven't confirmed this yet), according to some site i viewed, the maxtor disks in hp laptops are generally "grade b" drives, i.e. not very high quality11:57
rlji'm just trying to avoid buying a completely new laptop drive right now if this will manage to survive a bit longer11:58
markc_jontec: no idea but dpkg -L bridge-utils and start poking around might help11:58
jontecjhak88: sudo apt-get install flash-plugin-nonfree11:58
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rljand if it does indeed decide on dying very soon, so be it. i will do a few e2fsck -c from now on to be safe once in a while11:58
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rljor even -c -c11:58
jhak88jontec: thankies!11:58
jontecjhak88: sudo update-flashplugin11:58
jontecmakes sure you do the second command as well11:59
cpk2rlj: dropped it? =\ ouch, you know if you do tune2fs -C 99 it will do a fsck on the next reboot?11:59
jontecmarkc_: okay, I'll see ^_^11:59
jhak88jontec: the package cannot be found11:59
LouKallwhere do i install VCD? in my libraries?11:59
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rljcpk2: well, i see no big need to mess with tune2fs right now as i will monitor the drive's condition manually for a while to see if it indeed degrades (i.e. new bad blocks appear)12:00
cpk2rlj: also i think SMART _might_ tell you how much the HD has moved12:00
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LouKallwhere do i extract the VCD file to?12:01
senseihttp://pastebin.ca/96400  Am I missing something really embarassing, or is that really weird?12:01
jontecdid you do it in Konsole? and are you using the us mirrors?12:01
jontecjhak88:did you do it in Konsole? and are you using the us mirrors?12:01
LouKalli just downloaded it to my home folder12:02
rljanyway, since i've already backed up all content and made a fresh new ext3 using -c -c, meaning it did a destructive read/write test 4 times with different patterns  (and i saw no drive errors in syslog this time), i'm just starting to wonder whether the writes caused by my previous manual badblocks -c -c, caused the disk to relocate the bad blocks, as opposed to just reads causing it to give errors. according to net sources, drives norm12:02
rljad so that would explain the behavious12:02
senseiIt only fails with echo.. I can create and edit files with any editor12:02
DaSkreechWhere can I find out about Xen and Vanderpool?12:02
cpk2sensei: you dont get sudo after the > is why12:02
jontecjhak88:don't use the us mirrors, I get it in Adept12:02
jhak88jontec: I'm doing this via Adept manager12:02
rljanyway, it would be nice to know whether it is possible at all to read out the currently stored list of bad blocks from a ext2/3 fs :)12:02
cpk2sensei: try this "sudo -i"12:02
cpk2and then do the same command12:02
jontecjhak88: go to Manage Repositories12:03
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jhak88jontec: and yes I found the package and installing via Adept Manager12:03
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senseicpk2: Same thing12:03
LjLsensei: redirections (i.e. "<" and ">") are performed by the shell itself, not by the command. so your redirection is performed run as root, because it's not sudo that's doing it, but the shell.12:03
DaSkreechsensei: Can you sudo echo?12:03
LjLsensei: you can do things like  sudo -c sh "echo blah >somewhere"12:03
senseiHu.. had no idea about this12:04
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LjLsensei: and, as cpk2 said, you can use "sudo -i" or "sudo -s", but you need to press Enter after doing that, and *then* type commands12:04
jontecjhak88: so do you still have errors/problems?12:04
senseiThen again, never used sudo to any greater extent :)12:04
cpk2sensei: sudo -i should log you in as root12:05
rljand if i can't get that info from the fs, i will do an e2fsck -c -c on the fs (or badblocks -c -c with correct blocksize to be sure the results are actually echoed in the terminal! don't know how e2fsck behaves on this subject) and keep a close eye on the syslog to see if the drive pukes..12:05
rljdoes this seem like a sensible idea?12:05
senseicpk2: Ah yeah, I just did sudo -i <command> :P12:05
cpk2after you do sudo -i your terminal should be roo@localhost12:05
rljand maybe have a look at some s.m.a.r.t. prog. any suggestions? read about smartmon-something on sourceforge today. would that do the job?12:05
jhak88jontec: is setting flash-plugin takes this long?12:05
senseiAh learned something new today then, cheers12:05
LouKallhow do i install this VCDGear12:05
jontecjhak88:what do you mean? lol12:06
cpk2sensei: just make sure you log out of root in that terminal when you are done with echo12:06
LjLrlj: smartmontools.12:06
rljLjL: thanks, yeah that was it12:06
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LouKallwhat file is it that i need to install with exactly?12:06
senseicpk2: Yeah, because root is soo evil12:06
jhak88jontec: Setting up flashplugin-nonfree ( ... <-- the installation is "paused" at there12:06
LouKallnone of them are bins12:06
rljwill apt-get that here in the livecd kubuntu session then and see if it can get me some info12:06
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rljthanks for the help anyway12:06
cpk2sensei: no, just nice to know when you are doing things as root12:07
jontecjhak88: how long have you given it?12:07
LjLrlj: do install that, and then run "smartctl -H /dev/hdwhatever" for a general "yes"/"no" answer on your drive's state, or use "smartctl -A /dev/whatever" to have detailed info, or read the man page. with that package also comes "smartd", which is a daemon that can automatically keep an eye on SMART attribute changes.12:07
jhak88jontec: Um.... I'm not sure, but that message is there for like... 10min12:07
rljwill check with smartmontools first, then do a badblocks -b 4096 -c -c and keep an eye on syslog. that should be the best thing for now12:07
LouKallcan anyone give me a hint?12:07
cpk2sensei: back when i had a root login i had the roots desktop background be "you are f***ing root" =P12:07
senseicpk2: Actually, I'm celebrating my tenth anniversary with linux, so I'm quite aware of that :)12:07

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