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troy_swho is working on the installer?01:27
Burgworktroy_s, that would be Kamion 01:29
Burgworktroy_s, what is your issue?01:29
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Burgworkmorning lifeless 01:37
tsenghello lifeless 01:37
bluefoxicyThe morning sun has breathed life into the lifeless01:37
bluefoxicyWelcome back to the land of the living.01:37
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holycowguys ... does anyone know what happened to apt-setup in dapper?02:01
holycowit doesn't seem to exist any more?02:01
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shawarmaI'm trying to install a new system with debootstrap (only ssh access to the box)... I used to do the debootstrap and the base-config and that pretty much took care of everything. Now that base-config is empty in Dapper is there a similar way to do it?02:51
crimsunwhat functionality do you need it to have?02:53
crimsunyou can probably get away with editing /etc/fstab and /etc/host{,s}, executing shadowconfig on, and installing a language pack02:54
crimsunalso tzconfig02:54
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shawarmacrimsun: Yeah, that's pretty much what I have on my checklist as well.03:00
shawarmacrimsun: I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything. 03:00
shawarmacrimsun: How about creating the admin group? Is that done by some package or is it the installer?03:07
crimsunbeyond my familiarity, probably the latter.03:08
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HobbseeKamion: thanks for dar :)04:53
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mantasHi all06:06
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mantienadoko, Hi, could you tell me if you are planing to backport OpenOffice.org 2.0.3 to Ubuntu Breezy ?06:13
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sharmsmantiena: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports06:25
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Burgundaviamantiena: no, just to dapper06:29
mantienasharms, I don't find any info about OpenOffice backports plans at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports06:35
mantienaBurgundavia, I'm asking not about official backports, but about private doko backports, he oftet puts OOo backports to http://people.ubuntu.com/~doko/06:39
sharmsmantiena: you find out how to request it, and that is all the information available.  Any developers are generally working on edgy, not a distribution release 2 back06:39
sharmsmantiena: in that case ask doko06:39
mantienasharms, I'm not requesting, I'm just asking about doko plans, because I need OOo 2.0.3 for Breezy and I'm planing to make backport if doko isn't planing to make backport for breezy ;)06:41
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liablewhat are the build depends for compiz/compiz-gnome??07:17
tsengapt-get build-dep compiz07:17
tsengnext time ask #ubuntu please (see topic)07:17
liableright. thanks07:18
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doko_mantiena: no plans. if you do that, please name the packages openoffice.org2-*10:55
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mantienadoko_, why I need to rename openoffice.org 2.0.3 packages to openoffice.org2 ?11:04
fabbionemantiena: because that's how OOo 2 was called in breezy11:05
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mantienafabbione, this was a beta/unstable version of OOo, I think such package name just confuses users - in all ubuntu and debian versions (except breezt) stable version of openoffice was called openoffice.org, because of this I think better packages name for breezy backport is openoffice.org11:08
fabbionemantiena: doesn't matter. use the same name convention or you will make people very upset11:09
mantienaare there any other important reasons why I need to change name of OOo 2.0.3 to openoffice.org2 ?11:09
fabbionespecially because somebody might land with OOo in version 2 and start filing bugs11:09
fabbioneand that would make doko very upset11:10
doko_mantiena: fabbione already said all ...11:11
mantienafabbione, sorry, I don't understand. If there are bugs in OOo 2.0.3 ubuntu packages, then why don't fill them in launchpad ?11:11
doko_just don't package names in a release11:11
doko_just don't change package names in a release11:11
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fabbionemantiena: because bug filed again OOo in breezy automatically tells us what version to look for11:12
fabbionemantiena: if you change the version in a stable release, and we start getting bugs11:12
fabbionemantiena: it becomes impossible to track what the hell is going on11:12
fabbionemantiena: to the point in which we can't support OOo in breezy anymore. So by definition you don't override package names in a release11:13
fabbionemantiena: you do it with the proper ones11:13
fabbionemantiena: and a backport, will show a whole new world of bugs11:14
fabbionemantiena: that 1) we don't care about 2) nobody is going to fix 3) we don't care about 4) all of the above11:14
mantienafabbione, it's too hard for me to understand you :(11:15
fabbionemantiena: well i can't help your english11:17
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mantienafabbione, ;)11:22
sivangfabbione: is there somehwere archives devel meeting logs with dates ?11:25
fabbionesimira: wiki11:26
=== sivang goes to look
sivangah,okay, only two archived so far, which is probably only the ones I missed :)11:28
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The_8472ok, whoever reads this, i've a little request (being from the azureus support staff):02:10
The_8472you updated your gtk build at some point which broke a little part in azureus' gui and gets us lots of of complaints...02:10
The_8472it's already fixed in the current azureus cvs tree and the current beta builds02:11
The_8472it would be nice if you could update your repository and ship a beta to fix that bug, otherwise azureus is a bit unusable because ontop slideshells aren't hideable and thus steal focus from the interface02:11
slomoThe_8472: you might want to file a bug for that... https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/azureus/+filebug02:11
The_8472do i have to register for that?02:12
The_8472blergh... that would be the case02:12
The_8472i'm not using ubuntu, i'm just forwarding a good load of complaints ^^02:13
slomook, i'll file the bug for you :) but there already should be one02:13
The_8472yeah, but it would be nice if you guys could deploy a beta instead of the latest stable... that should fix it for the time being...02:14
The_8472https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/azureus/+bug/41813 <- that's the bug02:15
UbugtuMalone bug 41813 in azureus "pop-up dialogs doesn't close." [Unknown,Unknown]  02:15
slomoyes, already found it :) and it's fixed in debian already02:16
The_8472as i said it causes lots of complaints and some users even don't have a clue how to locate the .jar file, so an autoupdate would be neat02:17
The_8472thx guys02:18
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\shis there any plan to propose discover to main?04:40
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Hobbseedoko_: i just stole your xgsmlib (universe merge) - hope that's okay with you04:53
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desrtpitti; good morning05:51
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pittihi desrt 05:57
desrtpitti; it rains here.05:59
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Hobbseehi pitti, desrt 06:01
desrtHobbsee; hello.06:01
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=== desrt is in the market for exotic apple power adaptors :/
desrtit's a bad market to be in.06:09
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Arbiterehm... could you nuke this upload? colorscheme [Source]    0.3.91-0ubuntu1  Release  2006-07-20 11:05:07 CEST  [view] 06:25
Arbiter(it's in NEW queue)06:25
Arbiterupstream has changed the application name and i made another package06:26
Arbiter(colorscheme -> agave)06:26
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darius_Is it safe to assume that someone knows that US repositories are down?07:29
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gnomefreakdarius_: normal07:37
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sebest_why do 64 bits kernel are not available on 32bits install?07:58
sharmssebest_: #ubuntu will help you out08:02
sebest_sharms: already tryed08:03
sebest_sharms: do you know the answer?08:04
sharmssebest_: to my knowledge if you installed the 64-bit kernel, nothing on your system would run 08:04
sharmssebest_: unless you had everything in a 32-bit chroot, which would be messy and above most peoples ability08:05
sebest_sharms: you mean, that if i compile a 64 bit kernel it can't work with a 32 bit install?08:06
sharmssebest_: yes08:06
sebest_i thought that only the contrary was true08:06
sharmssebest_: if you are looking for better 32-bit performance just install linux-k7, it is still optimized for your processor.  Otherwise install an amd64 based system, so that the packages are all 64-bit and will run on your kernel08:06
sebest_i have xeon MP08:07
sebest_so i think i should use the amd64 version08:07
sebest_in fact i didn't want to reinstall everything just to have a 64 bits kernel08:08
sharmssebest_: directly from ubuntu.com download page: For computers based on the AMD64 or EM64T architecture (e.g., Athlon64, Opteron, EM64T Xeon). It is not necessary for all (even most) processors made by AMD -- only their 64 bit chips.08:08
sebest_i need a 64 bit kernel to run 64bit guest os in vmware08:09
sharmssebest_: this is really better suited for #ubuntu, this is not a support channel or discussion channel08:10
zuldo you have the amd64 kernel installed?08:10
sebest_sharms: sorry, but #ubuntu seems only usefull for probleme about firefox and gnome in general08:11
sharmssebest_: #vmware can't help you?  odd08:12
sebest_zul: no, for some reason apt-cache search doesn't list this version of the kernel08:12
zuldid you install from the amd64 cd?08:12
sharmszul: no this is all covered in the above test08:12
sebest_sharms: my problem is not related to vmware08:12
zulif you have an amd64 that is08:12
sharmszul: he is running a 32-bit system and wants a 64-bit kernel08:12
sebest_i don't see any reason i couldn't install a 64bit kernel08:13
sebest_they can run both 32 and 64 bit binaries IMO08:13
sharmssebest_: because the 32-bit compatibility leaves much to be desired in integration at this point.08:13
sebest_sharms: ok, thanx for your help , i'll install -amd64 version of ubuntu08:14
sharmsgood luck08:14
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sebest_sharms: just a last question08:15
sebest_dapper contains a package  called kernel-patch-vserver, and the patch in it doesn't apply on package linux-image-2.6.15, is it considered as a bug?08:16
sharmssebest_: you cannot apply a patch to a linux-image file, because it is already compiled08:17
sharmssebest_: a patch infers that you have the source code and will later compile08:17
sebest_sorry for the confusion08:17
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sharmssebest_: it appears it *should* apply to that08:18
sebest_4 rejected appeared08:18
sharmssebest_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs08:19
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sebest_sharms: i know how to report bugs on ubuntu, even if i may look like a noob i'm using launchpad since a long time08:20
sharmssebest_: great! Go for it then :)08:20
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bluefoxicyIs there a point to edgy's bootsplash?08:44
bluefoxicyA bunch of boxes, circles, colors, and black and white stripes seems .. I dunno.  o.o08:44
gnomefreakbluefoxicy: its a test usplash08:45
crimsunbluefoxicy: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-July/019435.html08:46
HiddenWolfGees, that surely created a lot of fuss08:46
bluefoxicyNo I was just curious as to wtf it was for.08:47
HiddenWolfbluefoxicy, seriously, when did test screens on unused tv-channels go out of fashion.08:47
bluefoxicyHiddenWolf:  they were replaced with snow IIRC.  :P08:47
HiddenWolfI feel old now.08:48
HiddenWolfI knew what it was the second I saw it.08:48
HiddenWolfWhich didn't stop me from having an "OMG, UGLY" moment.08:48
bluefoxicyIt's unfortunate that apparently we can only use something like 16 colors08:48
bluefoxicyhas anyone booted a Gentoo 2006.0 install CD?  It comes up with this friggin' awesome boot splash, shows icons as each thing loads and everything, but I think it uses every possible shade of blue and purple with <60 luminoscity08:49
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bluefoxicyapparently keybuk found (new) laptops that break with anything over vga16fb though :<08:50
bluefoxicyor kamion.. .or someone else... one of those two told me something about high color bootsplash breaking things.  :/  How unfortunate.08:50
HiddenWolfbluefoxicy, yeah, hardware developers suck.08:56
HiddenWolfIf they can get away with developing broken crappy stuff, they'll do it to save a dime.08:57
bluefoxicyit'd be nice if it could be tested for at least.08:57
HiddenWolfunfortunately, that will never happen. :)09:00
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bluefoxicyHiddenWolf:  I want to make a desktop background that if you sub-pixel anti-alias it it spells out something :P09:12
bluefoxicyit'd be like Disney.09:12
bluefoxicy"artywulf was fired from the Ubuntu Art Team today when somebody noticed that passing the Ubuntu desktop background image through an antistropic filter produced clear writing that stated, 'Ubuntu works best on AMD processors because Intel can't design shit'"09:13
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HiddenWolfYou're kidding me?09:14
HiddenWolfWhat you just pasted.09:14
bluefoxicyI didn't paste that; try reading everything I say and not just the last line09:14
HiddenWolfYeah, you want a cool background, the inspiration is that someone messed with a background?09:16
bluefoxicyno XD09:16
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bluefoxicyIt's completely hypothetical wtf09:16
bluefoxicyactually the inspiration would most nearly be Disney, since artists frequently get fired for freudian undertones in their art09:17
HiddenWolfthat's why I asked if you were kidding. :)09:17
bluefoxicythe most well known are the castle in the Little Mermaid movie poster, and the writing in the dust that gets brushed up when Simba and Nala are wrestling in the Lion King09:17
HiddenWolfI did not know that.09:18
HiddenWolfI'm a typical consumer, I watch movies for the story.09:18
HiddenWolfAnd don't think about them for a minute when I get out.09:18
bluefoxicyAh.  The little mermaid one I've seen, it's on http://artfiles.art.com/images/-/The-Little-Mermaid-Poster-C10313393.jpeg That one, which is also the box art for the video casset release.09:19
LaserJockjeeze that's dumb, you really have to be looking09:20
HiddenWolfWhat is supposed to be in it?09:20
bluefoxicy(possibly NSFW sry)09:21
bluefoxicyand yeah, it was an "accident"09:21
bluefoxicythe artist who drew it really "didn't know" that it looked like that09:21
HiddenWolfLaserJock, damn, how did you spot that so fast?09:22
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pygihey raphink09:25
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slomoinfinity: ping? please give-back gnucash everywhere... thanks :)10:50
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bluefoxicyspeaking of gnucash I never noted how much I spent on food yesterday in my accounts.11:00
zulreall...how interesting and how offtopic11:09
gnomefreakbddebian: would you happent o know where i can find latest konsole tar?11:22
robertjso once a package is synced, what has to happen for it to find it's way to the packages archive?11:22
bddebianrobertj: Once it builds successfully on the buildds it gets moved in11:22
bddebiangnomefreak: You mean upstream?11:22
robertjahh so It's time to go scrounge the build logs?11:22
gnomefreakbddebian: i want to build it from source but cant find ttar11:23
bddebianIt's part of kdebase11:23
gnomefreakthat means i have to build kdebase?11:24
gnomefreak:( ty11:24
bddebianAnd why would a gnomefreak want konsole? ;-)11:24
gnomefreaki like kde but this type of thing keeps me a gnomefreak :)11:25
sistpotygnomefreak: hm... konsole sometimes just hangs for me... do you have the same problems?11:25
gnomefreaksistpoty: nope11:25
gnomefreaksistpoty: i need to build it for links11:25
sistpotyah... k11:26
gnomefreakkonsole doesnt let you open links11:26
gnomefreakill brb11:26
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robertjbddebian: i'm stumped, I can't find the build logs. Are they somewhere besides http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/11:31
bddebianrobertj: They are on launchpad now.  What's the package?11:31
bddebianHmm, should be there:  https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/edgy/+source/tremulous/1.1.0-211:32
robertjit shows they built successfully but https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/edgy/+search?text=tremulous fails11:34
crimsunthey won't be there because they're in the NEW queue.11:34
robertjcrimsun: so what happens next?11:37
robertjthere needs to be a video documentary, like when Sesame Street visits the crayon factory11:38
crimsunrobertj: an admin will NEW it11:39
robertjis there a very-import-and-very-obvious document that outlines this stuff?11:40
robertjI'm sure it's gotta be there somewhere11:40
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Amaranthrobertj: debian might have something about it11:56
Amaranthlaunchpad works the same way11:56
Amaranthwith the NEW queue and such11:56
robertjok sauerville now works with the new version ;)11:57
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robertjdoh wrong channel ;)11:59

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