
=== Kamion [n=cjwatson@83-216-156-196.colinw664.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
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zulBenC, awake?05:23
ajmitchhi zul 05:23
zulhey ajmitch 05:23
BenCzul: yeah05:25
zulBenC: in my debian/build directory everytime i run make-kpkg build kernel-package wants to run minimal target, and i dont know why that is05:27
zuli have the changelog control copyright and offical but it seems to be ignoring them05:28
zulBenC: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1856505:29
BenCminimal target?05:38
zulis there a way to override it?05:40
BenCno idea05:45
BenCdid you copy linux-source-2.6.17 build?05:46
BenCfrom what I can tell you should be able to copy that and ditch d-i stuff, and just have debian/config/{amd64,i386}/config{,.xen{u,0}}05:47
zuli have like config.686 the like05:48
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zuli think i might have got it06:05
zulxen is a subarch of x86 now06:06
zulso the archmap is incorrect..so im just going to fiddle around with this a bit more06:06
BenCupdate to latest debian/* stuff from linux-source06:12
BenCI redid a lot of shit to accomodate the new kernel-package06:12
zullike what?06:14
BenClike the debian/config/archmap stuff06:16
BenCand how it's used in the debian/rules file and in post-install06:16
zulwell ill have at it first thing in the morning im going to bed...thanks for the help06:18
BenCnp, good night06:20
zulgood luck in the tournament if i dont talk to you06:20
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Tonio_hi everyone03:12
Tonio_I'm having a weird issue building kdebase today 03:12
Tonio_here it is : /usr/include/linux/joystick.h:131: error: '__s64' does not name a type03:13
Tonio_the same package did fail 2 days ago since riddell did his last upload on 07/20...03:13
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Tonio_ajmitch: okay let's report a launchpad bug since nobody will read this :)03:14
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BenCbah, stupid kdebase bug is not a bug in linux-kernel-headers04:36
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jwest-ok hi again after a few hrs11:15

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