
=== adamant1988 [n=adam@doc-24-206-202-2.el.wv.cebridge.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
adamant1988hello all12:41
jendahello adamant198812:45
jendahow are you?12:45
adamant1988I'm cooled down a bit12:45
adamant1988I see you have an OP inside Ubuntuforums?12:45
jendayes, I do12:46
jendaI'm forum staff now12:46
adamant1988I haven't checked the mailing list, anything interesting?12:46
jendaumm... there was a meeting :)12:48
adamant1988I'm still a little cheesed about Mr.Kenyon using ideas that we created without consulting us, but I realize that canonical's resources are greater than mine.12:48
adamant1988what happened in the meeting?12:49
jendaYou should realise you do not need to consult authors of ideas to be able to use them. Did you ask Linus or RMS to use their work?12:49
jendaadamant1988: see ML12:49
adamant1988yes, but the only honorable thing to do is give credit where it's due... everyone knows that linus made the kernel, everyone knows that ubuntu is made on debian and so forth.12:50
adamant1988I'm done talking about it anyway12:50
jendaGood, thanks.12:50
jendaTHe next time this happens (if there is one), please start by talking to the person in private - the worst you can do is start flaming the person in a public channel etc.12:51
adamant1988I actually sent mr Kenyon a letter privately.  But I got myself all worked up and decided to comment on the mailing list =\12:52
jenda... and #ubuntuforums12:52
jendaThat's OK, adamant1988, but please be more considerate next time.12:53
adamant1988Oh, I went there yes, but they were pretty clueless as to what was actually happening12:53
adamant1988I didn't give any names and so forth12:53
adamant1988Jenda, perhaps you would be the best one to talk to about the marketing approaches we're undertaking12:53
adamant1988I don't think that flashy web ads, and other 'online' methods of advertising are going to be as effective as one on one advertising12:54
adamant1988I've been conducting an experiment locally to try to prove my theory, so far it seems accurate.12:54
adamant1988Tell a person about Ubuntu, and they forget.  SHOW them however, and they'll get interested12:56
adamant1988I think that working closer with and supporting the loco teams would be a very very very good idea.12:57
adamant1988In all seriousness, I live amongst technophobes and I've been able to distribute a hefty amount of Ubuntu burned CDs by going to the local library and plugging in my laptop01:01
jendathat's very cool01:02
=== Madpilot [n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
jendahello Madpilot01:17
adamant1988hey Madpilot01:17
=== jbrouhard is debating on trying drupal out for my website
jbrouhardand I'm wondering how hard it would be fore me to come up with my own design01:19
jendathat reminds me, jbrouhard... any luck with SU?01:20
=== jenda remembers he already has a few designs from you :-D
jenda@lart jenda's memory01:21
adamant1988do do do01:27
=== nixternal_ [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
jbrouhardjenda I'm not sure.. I have two designs, but have not had time to do a third one.01:48
jbrouhardSchool, work, etc have been taking up my time01:48
jendaNo problem. Might want to check the mailing list.01:48
=== jbrouhard isn't on any of the mailing lists right now
jendawell, archives :)01:51
jendai just sent it.01:51
jbrouhard*realizes he doesn't have thunderbird installed.01:52
jbrouhardjenda, Can you gimme a link to the mailing list ?01:58
jendasure, jsec01:58
=== jbrouhard will be spending the next hour or so sorting through all my documents and filing them a bit more
jendajbrouhard: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-marketing/02:05
jendasorry for delay :(02:05
nixternaljenda: do you have access to or anyone for that matter, to the default Ubuntu theme that is used at ubuntu.com?  i thought it was a Plone theme, however it looks very similar to a MoinMoin theme called Balanced202:12
jendanixternal: I do not, but mdke probably does02:14
nixternalhe is next on my list..and jsgotangco...because he just did the Philippines ubuntu site...02:15
nixternalno need for me to make Ubuntu Chicago any different I don't think02:15
=== MenZa [n=chatzill@0x535e9f39.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== gaz00 [n=darren@S01060015e96c00db.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== Menzano [n=chatzill@0x535e9f39.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== SDPlissken [n=Snake@cpe-68-173-216-98.nyc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu-marketing ["Leaving"]
=== adamant1988 [n=adam@doc-24-206-202-2.el.wv.cebridge.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
adamant1988hello everyone05:05
nixternalhidey ho neighbor05:07
adamant1988hey nixternal05:07
nixternalim about to explode05:07
adamant1988hey are you much good with wifi?05:07
nixternalmy blood is boiling right now05:08
=== nixternal is a wifi hax0r
nixternalmy 14 yo neighbor got me into haxorin' wifi05:08
nixternalgo figure05:08
adamant1988I'm having the worst time getting my wifi to work on my laptop05:08
nixternalthe kid is an evil genius05:08
nixternallet me guess....ndiswrapper?05:09
adamant1988no, haven't tried that yet =\05:09
adamant1988not sure what to do with it05:09
nixternali am only good with cards that can rfmon05:09
nixternalwhat is the make and model?05:09
adamant1988Belkin uhm, let me find the box for it...05:09
nixternalnot in here05:09
=== adamant1988 [n=adam@doc-24-206-202-2.el.wv.cebridge.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== {alejandro} [n={alejand@c-69-255-34-121.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
adamant1988hello all06:31
adamant1988I got it working nixternal06:36
adamant1988I'm now wireless :)06:36
nixternalwhat was the trick?06:36
adamant1988firmware problem06:36
nixternali forget you are on ubuntu06:36
=== nixternal is listening to "Geek In The Pink" by Jason Mraz on Mr A-Z [Amarok]
adamant1988that forum link worked perfectly06:36
nixternalthis is my theme song06:36
nixternalya, it has worked for me in the past even for kubuntu setups06:37
adamant1988yeah, it was cool, that firmware was installed and the lights on my card lit up and started working06:37
=== darkmatter_ [n=darkmatt@206-163-250-70.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
adamant1988anywho Burgundavia, Ubuntu is about people, community, no?06:55
Burgundaviawithout people, code is nothing06:56
adamant1988that's my theory06:56
adamant1988Ubuntu will not be spread best from flashy websites, online reviews, or any such thing.  Ubuntu will be spread by people.06:56
adamant1988that's the theory. I'm trying to prove it.  I'm going to do two seperate 'ad campaigns' locally and see which has a better attention:conversion ratio06:57
Burgundaviahmm, interesting06:58
nixternalquit talking and start doing!!!!!!!!!!!!06:58
adamant1988I am doing nixternal06:58
adamant1988I have squared away 60 square feet of floor space for 'ubuntu space' in a local store.06:58
nixternalmust be nice...60 sq. ft. in chicago would be as much as 2 months rent06:59
adamant1988This is WV, space is plentiful06:59
adamant1988basically, I'm going to set up demo computers and a wifi hotspot07:00
=== gaz00 [n=darren@S01060015e96c00db.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== cosmolax [n=Cosmolax@219-68-130-176.adsl.dynamic.giga.net.tw] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
jendaadamant1988: ping08:50
adamant1988yes Jenda?08:51
jendathanks for the mailing list reply.08:51
adamant1988I'm sorry for it.  I'm bipolar w/ psychotic features (paranoia, hallucinations, etc.)... I hadn't had my meds in almost 48 hours... I'm still reeling from it it.08:53
jendaIt's no problem. I respect that you could publically apologize and set things right. Not everyone can do that.08:53
jendaBTW, if you manage to set up what you described above in a local store, be sure to document every single step you make, take pictures and if possible, even films, interview the owner etc. It will all be priceless for SU08:54
adamant1988I'll do my best08:55
adamant1988I need to sleep08:55
jendagood night.08:57
nixternalthat is the "im about to pass out" sound09:04
=== cosmolax [n=Cosmolax@219-68-130-176.adsl.dynamic.giga.net.tw] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== n3storm [n=n3storm@] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
n3stormhi everyone12:26
n3stormI just finnished registering at forums and mailing list12:27
n3stormjenda: are you around?12:29
jendan3storm: great that you came around :)12:35
n3stormI am registering everywhere :D12:35
jendaWe had a meeting yesterday, and we basically agreed that we love your idea...12:35
n3stormI was reading now about the magazine and I find the wikipage a bit odd12:36
jendawe would like you to refine it a bit more, if you could.12:36
jendaYes, the magazine wiki will have to be remade, too12:36
jendaIt's specced, and asigned to Rich Johnson12:37
n3stormis Rich in the channel now?12:37
jendayes - nixternal12:38
n3stormhi nixternal12:38
jendan3storm: I'm very busy now :(12:38
n3stormsee you later12:38
jendaDo you think you could have a look at the mailing list at the post about SU?12:38
n3stormonce I pop up in the mailing-list we will keep on working12:38
n3stormI am on it right now! :)12:39
n3stormnixternal: if you need any help in reestructuring the page tell me12:40
n3stormthe magazine page12:40
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@ubuntu/member/ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
jendan3storm: you've got mail12:41
=== MenZa [n=chatzill@0x50a160a4.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
jendaMenZa: aloha12:42
=== MenZa yawns
jendaI would like to know the price of printing 1000 stickers at your printer...12:44
MenZajenda: I'll need your address btw, e-mail it?12:44
MenZaYeah, my boss hasn't been around12:45
MenZa2x3cm right?12:45
n3stormhaven't received the mail yet, jenda, waiting....12:45
MenZajenda: those are big, but what do I know :>12:45
jendan3storm: I sent it.. strange.12:46
jendaI gotta run now, be back in a bit12:46
n3stormok, see you12:46
MenZajenda: cheers.01:00
MenZaI thought it was spam first, due to your pgp and that shit.01:00
jendahehe :)01:19
jendaMenZa: you should use enigmail, you don't see the pgp blocks then, you only see 'good untrusted signature from Jenda Vanura <jenda@ubuntu.com>'01:20
MenZa<3 Windows Mail01:22
jendan3storm: got my email yet?01:29
jendaIf not, there seems to be a mistake in your reciever... but I gotta go no, this time for real.01:30
jenda(as in, for longer than a few mins)01:30
=== zard1989 [n=zard1989@61-225-196-203.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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=== MenZa [n=chatzill@0x50a160a4.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
MenZajenda: ugh, lack of utf-8 support02:41
MenZawhat letter can I substitute that thing for?02:42
MenZa(e.g. I'm just gonna write 'Vancura')02:42
=== Rinchen [n=Rinchen@unaffiliated/rescue] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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jendaMenZa: sorry, it's Krkonosska09:38
=== shorty114 [n=shorty11@unaffiliated/shorty114] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
jendahello shorty11410:00
=== Klaidas [n=klaidas@unaffiliated/klaidas] has joined #Ubuntu-marketing
jendaNighty night, Marketeers. I won't be around for three whole weeks.10:57
=== adamant1988 [n=adam@doc-24-206-202-2.el.wv.cebridge.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
adamant1988hello all.11:14
=== SDPlissken [n=Snake@cpe-68-173-216-98.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
nixternalno jenda for 3 weeks == PARTY TIME!!!11:24
=== adamant1988 breaks out the Kahlua
=== darkmatter_ [n=darkmatt@206-163-250-70.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
adamant1988hey darkmatter_11:36
=== SDPlissken [n=Snake@cpe-68-173-216-98.nyc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu-marketing ["Leaving"]
adamant1988how's life?11:37
=== SDPlissken [n=Snake@cpe-68-173-216-98.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
darkmatter_heh... ok I guess.. I just woke up (3:37pm)11:37
adamant1988I had to work at 711:38
adamant1988I got off at about 311:38
darkmatter_weekends+work= totally sucks11:38
darkmatter_I used to do that.. plus overtime (most nights) last time I had an actual job11:39
darkmatter_how are you doing today?11:39
Bilangeworking overnights on weekends sucks... cant party like the rest of the world :(11:40
darkmatter_but now I have the privilage of spending most of my time sitting in front of a 'puter...11:41
adamant1988I don't mind the lack of partying11:41
adamant1988my need for actual human contact is pretty much limited to my fiance...11:41
adamant1988but yeah11:42
adamant1988weekend working sucks11:42
=== darkmatter_ [n=darkmatt@206-163-250-70.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu-marketing

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